mv («r « «: < .. c ^ iL_ ^rc '\'^^i' \^'^<<^^'^ V'c'^ <^^ ' y the afH.Kes r^ and ?tt are usully above common colloquial siseech. With respect to these affixes tot and qiTTT, Fj and m, it may be here mentioned that usually only one is given, but the student must understand that the other may always be used with ccjual propriety. It may be thought by some that this Dictionary is overstocked with high Sanskrit, and deficient in com- mon Manithi words ; but it is hoped that a close examination of the work will show this to be a misapprehen- Siion. It is only with respect to words from which a reference is made to a leading word, that such a thouglit can suggest itself ; but the intelligent student will observe that in their case are §~c. supplies the place of ntx or eujlit renderings. Look, for an example, at the participle Accomplished in its first meaning ; there nre only three common Mardthi words given, viz ^T'^?5t?T, 5rT?5OT, and 3rT^c=yF5T, but the v. V. 1. refers the Stu- dent to the verb. To Accomplish, and the &c. which follows the three common Marathi renderings given, stands for ^IHKp^^r, ^ra^FTT, ^r^^?5T, q?53?JT, ^?5n3^^r, 3T^T^OT, f?ITnrr5?5r, *T¥tH%^pyr, &c. .&C. &c. which the student is left to form for himself from the common Marathi verbs given un.der To Accomplish. These are all farmed by a rule of Marilthi grammar, and may therefore be omitted to save space; but the Sanskrit participles which follow ( HTrH', ^TTfqrT, ?fTf^-T'=f, f^^, ^TTf^T, &e. &c. ) are not formed by a rule with which the student can be assumed to be acquainted, and they, therefore, must be given at length. In the same way, under a noun referred to an adjective, the j&c. which follows a noun formed by affixing "Toir, indicates that the student may affix 'mr and T'T to all the pure Marathi adjectives which he finds under the leading word to which he is re- ferred. The same rule holds in the case af verbal nouns ; an &c. following a noun, intimates to the student that he can form others from the words under the leading verb to which he is referred. Very many adjectives will bo found, in this Dictionary, formed by affixiug the possessive sign =qT to nouns, ns 'HMNI , 3W^Rr, 7trft=^, i=rH^=^, arra'^t^, &c. i. e. mrful, afcdionato, diligent, ifc. S)'c. They apply both to persons and to things, but especially to the latter; ^trft^ or HH^% ^\^^ well renders affectionate spccrji, but siWr=^ or HH?r^ TTW^ is not so good as HHrtr^ TTT'jrH as a rendering for an affectionate man. "With respect to ilic phrases that are given in such abundance, the inexi^erienced student is cautioned against supposing that he may use them without a previous knowledge of their implication, or that they supersede the usual formations. Phrases are given, because they are very useful to him whose knowledge of the language enables him to use them correctly, and because if not inserted they might not otherwise be known. If the student should look for some English wox'd and cannot find it, let him tarn to one of its syuonymcs. If it should be one of the numerous verbs iu English that are formed with an adverb, as To give forth, to give out, ^-c. lot him turn to its simple synonymous verb, as for instance, to the verb To publish for the above- mentioned adverbial verbs. Some verbs that begin with en, but which are not common under it, will be found under their more common form without the en, as To Shield for Enshield, To Kindle for Enkindle, To Link for Enlink, &c. If a word be looked for in vain under some privative prefix, let it bo sought under aflotber; under un, for instance, if not found under t?!^ and vice versa. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. U Tlie participle ending in "ing," is given in this work in its adjectival, not in its verbal sense. Shiginy, for instance, is rendered as equivalent to singer, i. e. a singing person, not in its verbal sense, as "lie is sin- ging." The participle is tbereforc marked p. a. or participial adjective. The general style in which this work has been printed is excellent, but, owing to causes which it is not necessary to detail, there are several errata, for which indulgence is craved.* This Preface is now brought to a conclusion with a repetition of the Writer's great regret that the Public has lost the benefit which it would have had, if his able friend who planned and couimeuced the Dictionarv had been able to carry it on to completion. He has done his best to supply his friend's place, and to produce a work that may be worthy of the approbation of the Public. He gratefully acknowledges the goodness of God, who has enabled him to persevere in his toil, notwithstanding many hinderances and much bodily weak- ness, and has permitted him to fiuish_the work. He supplicates His blessing on it, that it may be instrumental ill the diffusion of Truth, scientific, historical, moral, and religious, through the countries in which the Mura- thi language is spoken. THOMAS CANDY, ]\Iajor, Superintendent Poona College. Foona ; Soptomljcr, 1847., * It has not been thought necessary to give a sheet of errata, which is seldom attended to, but the writer would here mention that the phrase "Death unprepared for or unexpected, =fiTc5 3TT3T ^IrTT ^V^ %oI 3TT?ft H^^dt," which is given in page 176 under Death is wrong. It should be "Narrow escape from death." For the correction of this error he is indebted to the late Bal Guno-adhur Shastree, who pointed it out in a note eulogistic of the work. The author is not aware of there being another such an error in the whole book. AN ESSAY ON THE POINTS OF SIMILARITY AND DISSIMILARITY BETWEEN THE EIHGLISH AND MARAlHt LANGUAGES. 1. To consult •with advantage a dictionary, rendering the -words of one languag'e into another, it is requisite tliat the genius of the two languages should have been studied, and that their points of agreement and disagreement be present to the mind. Every language has words for which no exactly corresponding terms will bo found in any other, and the idiom of a language must be understood, as well as its vocabulary learned. The English and Mar;1thi lan- guages have some remai'kable points of coincidence, and other as remarkable points of difference. On the former we need not dwell, as they will readily suggest themselves to the student as he advances in the knowledge of the language; of the latter we shall treat somewhat more diffusely. 2. In reference to points of similarity we may remark generally, that neither the English nor Mariithi has any claim to the character of an original language. The former can be traced back to the Anglo-Saxon and Norman French as its two fundamental elements, though it has also in modern times received copious additions from the Latin and Greek, as well as from other sources. The latter, in like manner, is a language formed from Ihe ancient Mj'gadhi, the spoken tongue of the ruling powers in India for many centuries, with a copious admixture of an old Aboriginal tongue of the Tamil, or Indian Peninsular family. In modern times many additions from the Sanscrit and Hindustani have also been made to it, so as to give the language a character for force and copiousness purchased at the expense of simplicity, exactly that which the Euglish bears among the languages of modern Europe. The introduction through the Magadhi of most of the Sanscrit vocables, that exist in a more or less modified form in the IMariithi, requires a passing remark, as it is a subject which has scarcely been noticed either by natives or Europeans. The word Pracrit,isa term employed by Brahmans in Maharashtra to designate, sometimes any Indian language which is uot Sanscrit, some- times any of the old formations from the Sanscrit, which are now only to be found in Books, but which were probably once the spoken languages of the country. One of these ancient languages is called Miigadhi from the rcgiou of Magadh or Behdr.* The sovereign of Magadh was considered a Samn'U, a Universal Monarch or Emperor, and hence the Magadhi was the dialect spoken at the Imperial Court. The only compositions now to be found in this dialect of Pracrit, are portions of some plays in the Hindu Drama, but the Kalpa Sutra, u Jain work, composed probably about the fifth century of our era, is written in a modified Magadhi, which nevertheless contains most of the essential attributes of the dialect, as laid down by the Grammarian Vararuchi. It is from this language then, that the modern Marathi through various changes has been derived. One of the peculiarities of the Ancient Miigadhi, which can still be traced in the I\Iarathi, is the change of |T into ^ in deriving words from the Sanscrit; thus, the IMagadhi for TTfTI, is ?iqr. This very word is still retained in Marathi, although in a modified and degraded sense, the dignified form being TTT; it is also changed into ^T?, in the compound word fn^?;r^, the name of a copper coin struck by the great Sivaji. On the same principle the word ?l^, mustard, is corrupted from TTf^^f. Not- withstanding it is more common in modern Marathi to follow the common Pracrit law, and change q- to ^ ; as in ^ a yohri from ^^, also ^sfT^l from jft^, &c. — Other peculiarities of the Magadhi are the use of ?i for ^, of uf for ^, and * I have changed "Berar" of the first edition into Behar, the modem name of Magadh, and have cancelled a clause which the correction rendered unsuitable. T. C. U AX ESSAT OX THE ENGLISH AND MAEATIII LANOrAGES. goncrally of the cerebral letters for the dental. Now these arc all peculiarities also of the Jlarathi. Before the Pala- tine vowels X and ^, the ^ is almost always changed to V; thus, the Marathas fay ^l^ff for ^isfr-, aud though in this word the subntitution is re. toned viilfiar.yet ii^, ««//«<■«, is the proper sub^litule for the Sanscril^^s^; also ?fmr« loi,vda>y becomes ftl^, aud the lliiuluslini ^q?ft from the l^anscrit ^l^ifft, the name of the China rose, becomes iu Maritlii ^'W^'T. Again ITtJft i.-«/f«-, is the corruption of the Sanscrit qpft^ ; 113 a hwt, of qm; ^\^\\ a voice, of '^^'^^ < 5?r a lite of ?^j j^ hyjocriiif, of ^K. Tlmt rather puzzliug form of the verb used in old l^Iarathi books as a present aud future tense, and iu the nioderu dialect as a past habitual, is derived from the Magadhi; thus ^.f[ comes from W^f^ the Blagadhi for jp^rfH he makes, and is thus prc^perly a present tense. The use of the present for the future needs no explanation ; but it may be asked, how can a present tense express a past habitual act ? In order to understand this We must bear ia mind that' such au act or rather series of acts, is partly present a» well as pasrt, and may even in' English be expressed by the present tense. Thus, " he writes in the Collector's office, " expresses past as well as present agency; the laeauing is not only that the person referred to , writes at tlie present time, but that he has done so for days or weeks, or even years; and there is no essential difl'ercuce in the sense of this phrase from what would have been conveyed bv the words, " He has been for some time a writer iu the Collector's office. " In the latte-r instance the verb, though iu the past tense, implies also present time; aud in the former, tlioufrh in the present, it implies also past time. The tense iu question is a great acquisition to the Marathi language, enabling us to express by the addition of a single dvllable to the root, all that is done in English by the periphrasis, " lie was iu the habit of, " " he used, " or " he was wont. " Iu the thirteenth century of our era, the lang-uag-e of JTaharashtra was no longer Magadhi, but a dialect between that aud the present spokeu tong^ue, of wh/ch we have a good specimen iu Dnanoba's Commentary on the Bhagavat Gita, aud other works. Iu the works of Ti«ka Bam, who flourished about two hundred years ago, the language is still ferthcr modified, approadiing considerably nearer to the spokeu Marathi. At last we get, in the various Bakhars ( Chronicles ) of the trausactious of the Marathi kings aud leaders, a langnag'e which differs from the modern dialect only by the introduction of a profusion of Arabic, Persixau, aud other foreign words, which the Mussulman rule and connection then rendered current in the Deccaa. 3. There is a remarkable similarity also iu the general structure of the Eng'lish and IMarathl languages, the nouns being in both chiefly inflected by Particles of the nature of Prepositions, and the Verbs by means of Auxiliaries, though iu the English these are generally pkeed before, and iu the Marathi after the principal word. In the principle of their inflections, they exhibit a striking contrast to the Latin aud Sanscrit, the learned tongues to which respec- tively they arc mainly indebted for their scientific terms. 4. In noticing the points of dift'erence between the English and ^Marathi, wo must presuppose as known what lias been pointed out in the Grammars of the language already published, and iu the Prefocc to the IManUhi aud Euglish Dictionary, supplementing former publications rather than going again over the same ground. Neither can we descend into those miautc difficulties, which relate to the use of some particular word, or peculiar unconnected idiom. A work on this subject, containiuga collection aud resolution of idiomatic phrases, is still a desideratum in Marathi, though much of very great value on this topic will be found, under different articles, in this aud the former Dictionary. See especially FIPT^, "T5ersons or object.s in the eye of the speaker, uo word is required to express it in Maruthi; tlius, sTrTlr^T ^, 2^T?5T S^ H^, give it to the father, dont give it to the son. "When, however, in a sentence of two clauses with a relative pronoun, there is a reference made by means of the Article from the one to the other, the eo-relative must be used in Marathi for the Article; thus, to translate the phrase, " the shepherd is here of whem I spoke yesterday, " we must say ^^\ ITHTTT ^H'-Tf ^ =PTf5 ^\^- ??r ^FrTr ?Tf ^T'Jft^ 3Tf^ ; just as if it had been in English, " that shephered, &c. " only that the word that would give an emphasis to the sentence, which would require frr"^ instead of f?r. To express fully the sense of the Article when pre- fixed to honorific titles as " Alexander the Great," will require circumlocution; thus f%^^^ '^K ^fil or J^^^^L Before a large collection of similar objects, as the stars,, the planets, &c. the force of the Article will souictimes be J by a separate word, and sometimes not, as rTF^r T'T, ^. These and other uice;r distinctions, however, must be left to the student's own discernment and taste. 7. Nouns being the names of objects and ideas, it might ba thought that there would bj an exact correspondence between those of any two given language.?; the study of a foreign language however soon dispels this illusion., whenever it exists. The term ^3T in Mariithi suggests, as nearly as is necessary for any useful purpose, the same idea as the English vvord horse; but the noun nTi,though it may, and indeed generally must,be translated by the word cow,suggest3 to the Indian mind a difierent species, or at any rate sub-species of tlie genus hos, from that brought before the mind of an E^iglishman by the word cow. In an Indian description of the bull, the hump must occupy a prominent place, both from its own intripsic importance, and from the favour it ha^ obtained among the poets. In translating such a description into English, the want of correspondence between the two languages would force itself upon the notice of the translator, and induce him by the introduction of an epithet into the .text, or by a note appended, to provide a remedy. In the jMarathi translation of E^5op's fables, the English student will find his old friend the fox metamorphos- ed into a jackal ( #rfT ); whether this be a just retribution on Esop and other European fabulists for changing the jfickal in1;o a fox, while pilfering the best of their Apologues from the Indian Panchatantra, we need not at present determipe; but if in order to remedy this mishap we subtitute ^FF5 for ^Fr^r, the naturalist will inform us that the animal so named by the Marathas is not the English fox, hut merely that species in the genus that comes the nearest to it. Turning from the material to the immaterial world, such difficuliies multiply fast upon us. Neither 5(^, nor 'K^'q'?, nor f=^, nor^ir, suggests the same ideas to the mind thiit the English word God, and ©eo? in Greek do. The first is a mere philosophical abstraction, and it is quite incorrect to say that " si^ made the world." He makes nothing, and does nothing but enjoy his own beatitude, till he is seized wilh a fit of HTTT, au(J then he is no longer il^, but sT^T. The second of the above words, however, would answer very well in the sentence " God created the world, " b.ut try by this word to translate the first Commandment, and you rui^ into the absurdity or inaptitude of saying that there ia uo Supreme Lord but one, which no body ever denied, and which is not the meaning intended. The sense is, " Thou shalt have no other ohject of ivorship besides me. " In this case ^ auswejs admirahly; yet generally when a IVIara-tha uses that word, he thinks of some village god, some local idol, or red painted stone, and rarely of the Supreme Being; Eor has the language as yet capitals, like our own, or an article Jike the Greek, to mark the distinction. After aJl, as capitals are now being introduced into jManlthi ^ thus written will be the l)3st term, by which to render the word God. As to W'^X and TI^TTrT, they express, like T^fT'T?:, the idea of the Supreme Actiyelotelligence, apd can only an- swer when that idea will bring out the meaning of the writer withput any allusion to, or comparison with, other objects of worship. Into such niceties of language, however, ( absolutely requisite as they are to be uudcrstood ), the lexicographer can but partially enter, and the student must acquire them from intercourse with the natives, and the study of their literature. It is only when l^y these means he has rendered himself capable of entering into their minds and seeing with their eyes, that familiarized to their modes of thinking, he will be able to use such words with correct- ness and propriety, ^y■ith an abundance of metaphysical terms for which we have no equivalents, because our systems of mental philosophy difi'er widely from theirs, the J^indiis have no names for many valuable words in our language, ex- pressive of metaphysical ideas. Thus, for example, for the important word conscience, ^ov perception as a menial faculty, neither the Mariitli^ nor its parent Sanscrit furnishes any tolerable equivalents. In such cases, the Icxicogr.apher has given some words which convey something near the idea, and which, till the natives agree in inventing suitable terms as they become better acquainted with our literature, may convey the general scnsC; or he has formed from existing IG AX ESSAY ON THE ENGLISH AND MAPATHl LANGUAGES. elcmcnls ;i now word suited to convey tbo meaning iutended. 8. There ia a hirgo class of nouus iu JlanUlu derived from Imitative Adverbs, which requires a few remarks. We have indeed »uch nouns in Enplish, a^, banging derived from ban;,', u-ltizzing from whiz, dasliing from dash, cawing from caw, cooing from coo, &c. Besides these, there arc many words of this clasH, whicli, though used by the vul{?ar, hardly Bnd admismon into polite discourse; as thumpinji-, bumping, &c. Now tlie Marathas, beiii',' more the children of nature than the English, above all things delight in the use of this class of words, which are even by the Brahmana dignified with the name of SR'P^r.s?. Many of the adverbs arc reduplicated syllables, as ^^5, q^q?:, ^Tl^r?, nsnf , vr^ ; or to express greater itrcc, the first syllabic is lengthened, as q^>Tir, =q5PqH: ; or the last syllabic, as ^rs^fSf, '4- fiTTt. The latter svllable, instead of being a reduplication of the former, is often ep^, ^.l^ or q^ ;as If^^P^r, =Ej5q:T, =^ZV.. Now most of these imitative adverbs may have nouns formed from them, and generally ako verbs ; thus we have 9V^\ a smart blmr, from ^ZW.^ -, we have ^Z^f\, H'C smohng instrument, called by the English soldier a IniWe hilUe from »r5«TT, both names being iutended to'mark the rumbling or bubbling noise the smoke makes in passing through the wateri Such words then being much more abundant, and of much more common use in the Marathi than in the English language, the student must not look on them with contemjit, but familiarize himself with their peculiar mean- ings and shades of distinction, as with other words. Cases innumerable occur where important ideas cannot be ex- pressed without them, as for example, the word 'AV'^XV. excessive ^rcwWiwy, which requires two words to render it, and is by no means synonymous with Jpfqff, a shakiiig or quiiering. The ^ame remarks may be applied to the verba derived from these Imitative Adverbs, though the Marathas prefer joining the Adverb to a verb derived from another root, when the language permits; thus to render the phrase, "His whole body shook with terror," a Maratha would say, ?wnR VTTVrf ^iq-H'. How much more expressive is the word^?^ to indicate the jangling and squabbling of a street brawl, than the word TiSW, which may be any sober quarrel, carried on for years in courts of justice through every grade, from the village Amius to the Sadar Adalat. On this and the allied subject of reduplicated nouns, the remarks made in the Preface to the former Dictionary, Paragraphs 4, 5, 12, 13, render any farther observations in this place unnecessary. 9. The formation of abstract nouns is an easier matter in Marathi than it is in English. We have lead, hood, thip, dom,ness, tJi, all of Saxon origin, affixed to nouns and adjectives to form abstract nouns, and it is difi&cult to lay down the rule that points out when one of these terminations is to be used and when the other. The terminations />/ and tilde, imply that the words to which they are affixed are derived from the Latin, but when the one and when the other should be used, can be understood only by those who are skilled in that learned language, or have acquired by practice the power of using them with propriety. We have also many abstracts of this class, the primitixes of which have no place in the language, as verity, equity, gratitude, &c. In Marathi again quTT mas. and qui 7Wut. may at pleasure be affixed to all Manithi nouns ; and f^ neiii. or mfem. to nouns derived from the iSanscrit. The rule is so fcimple and easy of application that I think the compilers of the Marathi and English Dictionary judged rightly in leaying the formation of such words to the judgment of the student. A few exceptions may indeed be pointed out, as -n^Hwii egotism, derived from 3T^, which is a pure Sanscrit word ; ar^frr is used, but rarely compared with 3T^qaiT. The Hindustani words «l?T^, '^ni, &c. may be considered as introduced, already formed into the language, rather than as Marathi abstracts, formed after a different model, by the addition of the termination arif. All words of this class; and those which form exceptions to the general rule, will be found in their proper places in the Dictionary, and what 13 said on the subject of Abstract Nouns in the preface to the former work, should also be carefully studied. 10. In reference to the Inflection of Nouns, this iu Marathi as in English is a pretty simple aftair ; yet it may be interesting to dwell for a little on those Postpositive Particles, which serve the purpose of Prepositions among our- Belves, and the terminations of eases in Sanscrit, and many other languages. The ObjectiTC case in modern Man'thf, as in our own language, is not distinguished by any particular termination from the Nominative, although the Dative is often used where we would prefer the Accusative. For tke Dative case, the terminations ?ir and ^ are used in- •liscriminatcly, the former generally by the natives of the Deccan, and the latter by persons educated in the Concan. The t ermina tion ^ is an abrcviation of Brf'r, frequently used to mark the Dative ease in the old Marathi ; thus, we have jTfp^f, for ^^ or ^^r, meaning literally, " so as to come in contact with thee, " from the verb SPTot to affect, or come iu contact with. We can easily Rce how this termination will also readily convey the idea of objectivcncsf; thus, ^J^ -^^ mfirar, t/iis man struck that wnn ; the meaning being that the one struck so as to affect the other. The Dative termination H is a contraction ofqrar,the Jlarathi for the Sanscrit qr^. Even the word ^^^may occasionally be used in a Dative sense; thus, Hn-i^^c ?,?qm^T %, f^W %,and;qr?JT^^, have all the meaning of -siye it to him;" the idea embodied is ^, then, is not quite so strong as that embraced in 3r, the former expressing that the object is brought id the iide of him to whom it is given, and the latter that it is brought into actual contact with him. The second ox AN ESSAT ON THE ENGLISH AND ]MAli-\TIIl LANGUAGES. 17 Proper Ablative in the form of qrgff, iw evidently the snmo word as qr^r, with the proper ablative teritiiiiation g;H, generally changed into f^r, affixed. This ag-aiu may perhaps be derived from the word gj?f, meaning " deficient, " or it may bo a mere corruption of the IMagadhi Ablative, whose sign is ^. The Locative or third Ablative, whicli tcrmiuatcH in f, is evidently from that language, in which this case is freqneutly marked with the afllx ff^. The vocal and nasal elements of this compound termination are retained, and the sibilant rejected to form the sign of the case in Marathi. The Pali ST and Sanscrit f far as the sense is concerned, they may either be esteemed Adjectives or the Genitive of the noun ; thus ?5T^5T=^T may be rendered wooden or of wood ^ rtissTT"^, brazen or oflrass, &e. These words all take the long vowel before the termin- ation, for which reason I am inclined to consider them still as Genitives, not as Adjectives. When any of these have another Adjective formed from the same root associated with them, the other form sometimes has a laser meaning attributed to it. Thus, wliile ^t^<^ i -^ i , can mean or\\j golden, ^t%ft, may mean either golden ov gilt. The words ^THf^r useful, and >dH'MI'IMI, advantageous, are undoubted instances showing the need of the qualifying clause in our rule. Souio words are doubtful, as ^TrtRT or ^M-^r, «wi«'«^, and similar Adjectives formed from most parts of the body. But the vast majority of Adjectives make the penultimate vowel short ; as, arfl'^r, fTT5=^, J^'^r, "T^T^, ^4°^^, 5?T=^T, if^^, ^vRoi'^l, Krq^fEjr, 3'?T?:^r, ^fs^or^I, &c. A number of Adjectives formed from adverbs by adding ^r, also follow the same law ; as, ^Frs^^TT, aTRT^^, iR^T, ^ra^^fT, &e. Not only do the Marathas form an Instrumental case from the noun, prepared according fo rules for inflection, by adding ^, ( most probably a substitute for the Sanscrit ?rt, ) but they add q^ to the Genitive, and thus- form a com- pound Instrumental, which they employ chiefly in the Potential Mode. Thus from fq'pEqT, we have ?qr=^qr^ ; as in Buch a phrase as, ^tr ^[ST f^TT^^T^ ST^T^fFT ^T^r, literally '• That horse is not to be controlled through the instrumentality of tliat man, " that is " he cannot manage that horse. " The other Instrumental or first Ablative, terminating in ^, is probably the Sanscrit i^?r, and the plural form in |'r, is the M:tgadhi for the Sanscrit fir:. The other particles affixed to nouns to connect them with other words in the sentence, such as ^C^ maMng, :p% to the side of, ^^:^^fl•om tie side of, TTq'rTf so as to reach, &c. will admit of easy resolution, when the student has made some considerable progress in the language. 11. In the use of Adjectives in Marathi, it is important to consider whether the Adjective belongs to the subject or predicate of a sentence, as its position is usually materially affected by this consideration, in the former case preced- ing, and in the latter coming after the noun. This rule is frequently transgressed by learners, and they render Ike phrase, " He is a good man, " by the Manlthi words, rfr =Efrn?5T HroTH Sff^; whereas the proper rendering is, f?t JTTOTH ^m?5r 3Tr^. But if the sentence be such as the following. The black horse has run off, then the Marathi will he JfTfOT qrsr q^RTT. Such a phrase as qrr?I=5fT f^TTT^ft ^Tr"^, means "the soldier who was liere yesterday, is present. " In the first instance, the subject is m HroTJT, and the predicate is ^ETtnsr. In the second instance, the subject is ^FToST ^rsr, and the predicate is ^^WA ; and in the third, the subject is s??T3^ f^TTraT' , and the predicate arff , the word here being understood; but in such a sentence 3TTf may also mean "exists," that iB,he is still alive; thus, aH=sjT ^n ^]\? mny mean, '■ Is your father still alive .'"'or more briefly, " have you a father ?"Yctthe rule here laid down does not hold when you are answering a question that has been put to you, for in such a case the proper aufwcr would be, m ^ilf^ HTm^ 31t|, 18 AN ESSAY ON THE ENGLISH AND MATIATHI LANGUAGES. and not ffr m^JH ^"Prr ^\ To explain the reason of thiB, observe tliat the sentence, "He is a good man," is in English rquivalent to the words, '• That man is a good man, " where the subject is that man, and the predicate is ffood man, vs being the copula, or connective link between the two. This sentence rendered literally into Marathi, would be t?r TTWH qfHT nr^ W^.where nr RTBJH is the subject, ^n^ HTHW tlieprcdi<;ite,and CRT^ the copula. When then the Marath;;a •ay, as they umuiiIIv do in beginning to speak on a subjectT^r mw?T ^i^^J 3TTf ,they omit the second Tn'n?T,and considor ih»t implied in 'innsjT. On the contrary, in Eiii-Hish we omit the first wan, and substitute for that the subslantivo pronoun hf. If then a :Maruthu be aHked,?rr JTIUTH ^KT Cfll^! The answer, if favourable.wiU usually be, rff =^\^^ 31t|; but ho may a^o pn.babiy say, H> =^\^?:^ HTW^r 31l\rThe full answer would have been, m ^vn^ =JlfT?IT iTTOTH 31Tf , but it is the custom of the Mariithiis in sut-h a case to adopt the last words of the previous speaker as their own, and therefore tho first nmn is dropped as a matter of course, which being once removed out of the way, he feels no reluctance in nsio" the word iu tho second clause. Every one feels the awkwardness of using the word man or tttojjt twice in so iihort a sentence. "SVe in Engli«h easily '^et over the diflBcuKy by the substantive pronoun he, substituted for that man. Tho Maratliiis do not feel themselves at liberty to drop the name of the subject of discourse HTOTFiin the first instance. but having used it once, they do not need to repeat it after =iTm?5r. I trust then the student will see that, though in .•TT; thus, '■ There are more fools than wise men in the world, " will in Marathi be, ^TfrT ^IT^i'TTti^t J?^!'^! W.]fz 'iff'-J^ 3Tf^; but in such a sentence as, " She is more industrious than he," the Marathi is, rff c'TTM?^! 3?Tr'it 3TI^. There must be no 3Tf^4^ before the adjective; the comparative degree is fully expressed by aiEsing |5T or q?^f to the subject uf comparison. In like manner, ^sfre^ or ?[^R?Tr, appended iu the same way, expresses the superlative. In this, the Marithi deserts entirely the Sanscrit, and all that great class of languages called Indo-Gcrmanic, and harmonizes with the Hebrew, Arabic, and other allied tongues, furnishing one among the many proofs of its drawing from Aborig- inal Indian sources, wholly unconnected with the Sanscrit. In this too, the Marathi agrees not only with the Cana- rcae and other languages of the south, but also with the Hindustani and other northern tongues, shewing that they all still retain some common ancient element not derived from the language of the Bi;1hmans. As to the idea of such an iigreement being produced in modern times by Mahomedan influence, it could only be suggested by one entirely unacquainted with these languages, with their history, and the changes actually effected by the Mussulmans. 1.3. The Pronouns of the first and second persons correspond iu their use very much with the same pronouns in English ; perhaps the first person plural is somewhat more freely used by a single person, and the second person lingular more commonly employed in speaking to young persons and inferiors than iu our language. In speaking to .superiors and equals, the plural is used for tho singular as with us. In addressing the Deity or any olher object of worship, there seems to be a variety of practice among the natives; yet there is no aversion to the adoption of the English custom of using always the singular. The want of a substantive pronoun of the third person is supplied by iho adjective pronouns, ^, ^, 'i, this and t?T, fff, rf that ; most frequently by the latter however, when only one person 13 mentioned in a sentence. When two persons are mentioned, the nearer is pointed out by ^r, and the farther distant by ^j. Thus the English sentence, "Let him go, and let this man remain, " would be, rendered, r /'Oit' ma«^ or 7(ow «!«c7«, and r^t^r and f?mw, so many or sOTOMc/t. Thus they would ask, ffr ^tHrT f^rl^I^r 5r5nr 3TT^ ? What is the mtmler of the place thai boy holds in the class? %5Isn=5T from %^^ is used in the same sense. The other corresponding words may also be employed ; thus, Jr be used, the genitive of the object must be joined with it. Nor can you take the verb sn?;at, or any other than those here mentioned ; thus, you say fq'ltlT sftfcT ^rft or S5f?5t,and r4|^ sftf^ ^T5;^?ft or •tT?:?ft_^SometimeB an adverb may supply the place of a noun and be joined to a verb to change or define its meaning; thus ^K^ means "to kill" or "beat;" to remove the ambiguity the adverb *t I , though even this is frequently dropped, and the terminations denoting the persons are affixed immediately to the root, as f%3TT. Again iu all the languages of the Peninsula, the simple ?r, or that letter changed into 5, marks the past tense, no traces of the ?5 appearing. But iu the Bengali, as in the modern Mariithi the ?I alone remains to mark the Preterit. The root S5E in Mariithi implies " a moving off, " or " passing into oblivion, " the allied root 75t means " to pass by as time; " 5c5 is a Bengali root also meaning " movement."Iu Tamil too, the root rl^ means " to dispatch with diligence; " and I think there is a strong probability that this is an old Indian vocable, which by various corruptions has formed the Preterit teuse in all the modern Dialects of Hindustan. Let these Fperulations at least teach the learner to analyze not only sentences, but the words themselves of which they are composed, tracing them to their primitive elements, and he will fiud his labour more than repaid when ho experi- ences how much such analyses tend to fix words in the memory.— The reduplicated form of the past tense ending in ?A is rather a participle than a verb, at least it is always in modern Marathi to be considered. Thus itTt[%?ft ^T'PT S7(0!(Z(f and 2co?(Za^ do not present great difGculties. "When conditional futurity is the idea they express, the simple future is used in Marathi; when sJioiild means propriety, qy^^ with the past tense of the veib will suffice, and umiJd. when it means icillngness, may be translated by the Genitive Gerund and TTf^'^, f^UT, or v,^^ all of which points are fully explained in the Grammar. 22. The passive voice in the old Marathi is a modification of the Sanscrit, in which especially ^ supplies the place of q", as its characteristic work; thus the Sanscrit f^JT?t is changed in the old dialect into ^ft^Ff " tV /s leing done." In the modern Marathi, particularly in translations from the Sanscrit and Persian, a passive somewhat similar to our own, has been formed of the past Participle, and the verb ^TJf to go, for this has been adopted as the Auxiliary in the place of our verb to he. In the Southern Peninsular languages the root ^% to fall, prevails instead of ^; the principle however is the same, and the Hindustani conforms in every respect in idioms to the Marathi. The Passive, although il can scarcely yet be said to belong to the colloquial language of the Marathas will likely ,from the facilities it furnishes, in translation, keep its place in books, and there are in truth instances when an exact translation from English cannot be made without it. Thus, "He was saved from the sea," would require, fully to express it in Mari'thi, hF 53 j?irT?r tTlf''- BF'TST. No Maratha indeed would in all probability so express himself; he would proVably say, f?t ?TH^i^?r rtTrTI, but then this conveys only the idea of the safety of the person spoken of, and leaves out altogether .the notion of thi.-. safety being the point of foreign influence. It means no more in fact, than that he escaped from being swallowed nj> in the sea. The Marathas, if the avoiding of this ambiguity were considered important, would probably express the agent to whom the deliverance was due, thus HT^H r^55T qT'i^tH^T «Trft?5, His Irother saved liim from the wafer ; but then the writer may not wish to reveal the agent, and therefore if this were an object, a Mardtha might say ^spT^ &c. a certain one, ^'c, but the writer may wish the causes of the deliverance to remain wrapt up in the clouds of his own obscurity ,not even deigning to draw aside the curtain so far as to let us know whether it were a man,or angel,or other fcuperior being, who was the agent of good on the present occasion, and in such an instance we should have to recur to the first mentioned rendering with the Past Participle of ?TR^ and the vcib vTIvt. The inbtances are however few *a AN ESSAY OX THE ENGLISH AND MARATHl LANGUAGEg. indeed where a >rariilKi would find liiinsclf iu this predicament, and tbey have a multitude of ingenious ways of avoid- in- the UBO of such Tasslvo verbs. These the student should study and imitate, if he wishes to speak the language idromatically and ologautly. The most common of these, as we have already indicated, is by the use of an Intransitive >erb. -Wherever this can be done, it should be the plan adopted. And indeed the Passives in English, which belong properly to what the Latins call the Deponent class of verbs, must be thus rendered, for example, To be finished, to he i.rai-ied, to lrfattgueA..\c. These arc expressed iu Marilthi correctly by ?if such a modification of the verb, in fell from fall, lay fi-om lie, seat from sit, ^'c. 2t. The great peculiarity of Adverbs iu Marathi is, that the lijrgc proportion of them that end in (^^ raay agree occuaionally with the agent, and occasionally with the object of the verbs they qualify, evactly as if they were Adjectives. Indeed, most of these words are both Adjectives and Adverbs, and nothing but the sense indicates when they arc the one, and when the other. This mode of construction is not uncommon in Greek, though by no means nearly so prevalent as in SLirathi, and is called by the Grammarians Attraction, implying that a word swerves from its own philosophical construction to agree with some word near it, to which it is drawn by proximity rather than by any natural relation. In sentences coutaiuiug a Transitive verb, as often as the object is expressed, the rule is, that the itivcrb should agree with it; thus fTT^ 5[la?t=^T 7^TT =^rT?5T %?5T, lie pronounced the ivords ivell. In this sentence it ia evident that -^i'l^^l, is not an attribute of 3^h:, but of %?5T, yet no one would use =5Tf'T?5, the proper adverbial form, in jiuch an instance. So in like manner, we should say in !RIarathi r^^\^ nre 3T?ft^ ^fti^rrat, he told the story exactly in this Kay., the 3T^=5T agrees with jfrs, instead of keeping the true adverbial form of 3T^^ ; though the meaning be most distinctly, that he told the story in that particular manner, and not that particular story, as it would be, were 3T?ft^ 6n adjective. Again in Intransitive verbs, when the agent is expressed, the adverb generally agrees with it ; thus we fay fft fTJfhr n^, thereupon she uent away ; ^jz\ ^\%^\ T5?JT, the learn lies crosswise. In Transitive verbs, where the object is not expressed, and generally in all cases where the termination of the verb is unaffected by the gender of the nomiuative, or object, it is best to keep the adverb in its natural state, that is the same as the Nominative singular rcuter of the Adjective ; thu", f^TH ^t ^iftrT??; though if eTlTTr or ifp? were supplied, the adverb and verb would both change, and become ^ff ^t^^t. Again we should say m 31% q?^n; HTff, hardly if at all cfr 3T^T ^T^R qrf r. The best practical rule, then, is that which is given above, though it may not be universally binding. 25. Adverbs have frequently their place supplied in Marathi, by a noun iu the third or Instrumental case ; thus ffr ^Hi.i-i ^^r, he u-ent Joyfully away; ^-^^'A ^ITIT^ ^TT =FftHT, he labours devotedly at the dictionary. In such cases, wo could generally also in English use with before the noun instead of the adverb ; thus, mihjoy, with devotedness. Sometimes also we may use the pluperfect participle ; thus, m fH^T^I ^T, he comes fearingly, or with fear, the same as if 'fWtH had been used. The words qqV and 3TIFH^ and qft, are of great use in the formatian of adverbs, in what may be considered the higher or Brahminical dialect of Marathi; thus, for certainly we may say ^«iqR^, or f^J*?irT?H^. Almost any Sanscrit Ecun can in this way have given to it an adverbial form.— There ia however one class of English AX ESSAY ON TlIE ENGLISH AND MAEaTHI LANGUAGES. £3 adverbs, whicli caunot be rendered by any one corresponding word in Mar;Hlii, and wbicli require a modification iu the construction of the sentence to express their general idea. They are such as lamentably, deplorably, charmingly, beautifully, &c. especi.illy when they qualify an adjective. Sometimes the adverb, may be put into an adjective form, and the adjective made a noun ; as, " He is lamentably deficient in knowlcdj^e, " which may be rendered PTpEff f^Tff^- T'fr 5:^ 37T5r ^TITT^r'tt ^?TrTTaTr\; and " He is deplorably wicked, " fqT^t %?fT^ 3T^ armTTT^Fft J^rfr 3Tr|. Or both may be made adjective ; thus, " Her singing is charmingly sweet, " which may be rendered, fff% TTot 3TfiT Hqr h- TI^ 3TT^. The student will not forget what under the head of nouns was said of the imitative Marathi adverbs, fifrH 26. The use of the conjunction (Wirf, is much less frequent in Marathi than in Englisli. Instead of coupling a number of verbs together as we do, the Marathas put those that come first into the participial form, and reserve the Terbal form for the last; thus, for the sentence, " He rose from dinner, put on his turban, and went out;" they would say, m %3[rr, -J5^, 'IFTR ^T^, «IT^ Jtr^T. As regards the respective places of cf and aTrf'JT, I believe it to be mainly a matter of taste. Pandits from the Deccan generally avoid q", as vulgar, while Concaui Brahmans use it freely. In all serious compositions cJtrfw alone should be used. The proper place of Jf is to string a number of articles together; as, HTrT g' HT ^T ^S ^T^K. In translating hui, when the meaning is, that the eicepted point is directly opposed to the foregoing, ^t^ or ^v\ should not be used; rR should be employed or no word at all used, the opposition being marked simply by the tone of the voice. To express the idea contained in the sentence, " If a man take such a medicine, he will not reeoYer, but die," the IMarathds say, 31% ^^^ ?IT# 3T^?ff HP^T^T ^i=5T.n ^ and anawere to " it vs-aa done by him, " in English. The substantive verb was, requires indeed to be expressed in K,Hi8b but in the other two lanfTu'agCB it is uaually understood. If tho verb in Marathi be expressed, it answers to our" English Perfect Tcneo, which is properly a Past-present, for past and present time are both united in it., thus, ^I^ ?I %?! W"k will UFuallv be rendered " he has done that, " but it may also be tanslated in the very form and idiom . f the Maritt.i " that is done by him." " The letter is finished," in Maralhi will stand exactly as m English, q^ mPS vii thou-h if there bo no emphasis on the substantive verb it will be omitted in Marathi. It does indeed seem strange that any language should tie itself down to such an inverse mode of construction, but the limitation is a fact, in what- ever way it may be eiplained. In Sanscrit, they can say ^ 31^'th, as well as ?R ?JfT, as we in Euglish can say ''He did ( it ), ■• as well as ( " It ) was done by him, " but in Marathi they have only the latter alternative. That the ?r in Marathi really expresses the sense of the third rase in Sanscrit is evident from this, that it is not only used for agency, !iul with equal propriety also for instrumentality. Thus to translate the following sentence, "He slew the enemy \s ith & sword, " it is necessary to employ the ^ for the instrument as well as for the agent, no other affix suiting so well tho idiom of the language: tho translation then runs thus, mVH ^^ fTT^fTfT^ TTfC^. The explanation of the HI% ?Tq>T given by the natives is, that the ^TT^ or substance of the verb is the Nominative; thus f^T^ HTftS is f^■[^ JIRPT Hrftf^, A striking xcag struck bi/ him. As however the Marathi delights in forming verbs from nouns with Jp^^, I .^boulJ be inclined to think that the true resolution was PTT^T HTt^ ^, a was efecied by him, and that this n tiie true tlieorv of the TT^ JPTTT. The other form of construction called the ^M^ ^^[^ need not now detain us long; there the object is expressed, and the verb agre<,'s with it, as would any other declinable participle. Thus, JBR TT'tft snf^Tfft arfs means " a book has been brought by the boy," or more exactly in Latin, " pitero liber latns est. ' Again Wifjf <^t ^ ^F\U is " matre isti Jlores dati." 30. This peculiarity of the Marathi language is not only puzzling to a European, it puzzles also the natives as soon a^ they begin to translate from other languages into their own. The Sanscrit, as we have seen, resembles the English, The Brahmans then, when translating into Mar;1thl from that language, finding that though PTr% %S will translate exactly rR ^ it was done hj him., it wOl not do the same for H 3T^^ " he did," have invented the new form ^j ^fei JTIHT, aqd this they term the ^P^t\ Sfftn, in which the agent as in Sanscrit and English, is the Nominative to the verb. =f;PrTT here is probably the same word originally as qv?TT, and the literal meaning is " he bpcame the doer." ^^ ■??H is accordingly rendered «rVH 5rtF^^\^-^\ indicates that any word signifying ship or boat, may be used in the possessive case with Hm^qr TFTTH. Again, the &c. after JT^^c^T under Abandoned, intimates that the reader may take the participle of any of the verbs given under the verb To Abandon, In the phrases which are given under leading words, only the initial letter of the leading word is repeated. The following abbreviations need no explanation : a. for adjective. n. for noun. adv. for adverb. prep, for preposition. V. for verb, p. for participle. s. for singular. pi. for plural. »). for masculine. J', for feminine. fi. for neuter. V. a. for verb active. V. n. for verb neuter. V. for vide. in. or inv. for inverse. lit. for literal. fig. for figurative. pop. for popularly. con. for construction. ncg. for negative. p. a. for participial adjective, interis. for intensicive cnhane. for enhanced. gener. for generally. comprch. for compreheDsive. deel. for declinable. impers. for impersonal. demon, for demonstrative. interr. for inteiTogation. There may be a few others but they will be easily understood. T. C. DICTIONAET ENGLISH AND MA RATH I. ABA A. _/\_, This letter is rcpvcicuted by jK aud 'jn, but by these cau be conveyed ouly three of its uumerous souuds,viz. by 3? the obscure souud which it bears iu collar, jociilai', Christmas, Amcrica,{-K\i\c'h. is the sound of u iu svM,run, iun); aud the still obscurer sound which may bo dis- tinguished as medial between this aud the souud of .1 in sand, ran, band: — aud, by 3Tr the sound, of A open, as iu fallicr, cliancc, las(. Its long or slender sound, Hi ill place, face, is represented by the letter ^, The broad sound of yl, as in all,wall, — the shortened sound of A open, as iu hand, /;«;,— aud the sound ( of 13 short ) as occurriug in numberless English words, — have uo existence in the MarcdJil language. A or an the article is rendered by ^^ one, or by ^W^T any one; or it is conveyed by the uouu simply. Thus ^ ^- ^rf^, ^J^T^ T^' 'T'frr^ a hooJc. There is however a delicacy iu the use and omission of (^^ iu its capacity of representative of the article a, of which, as it would, with difficulty, be conveyed by statements or examples, this brief notice must suffice. A, as a uoun, is still rendered by 'S\ & 'iTT or by Cff^R & ^TT- JpTT, bearing the masculine geuder. All the letters are, in like manner, masculine nouns; aud whether simplii as, ?, t, 3", 3r, ^, sfTT, (.) aud as appearing before participles, is rendered by 3i|4|iti or 3TrqTr!T as attached to the i'oot,as,«-begg- ing, ^-swimming, HmT^W, "fr^W. A.parlicularli/ or prc-cminentlij, is expressed by (rq^; ^s a hero, a liai-, &c. ( i. e. a hero, &c. unrkvilleJ, standing single or sole,) ^_W. jflT, ^^ FTqTT, ^^^ q^iT'TTfl". ;\, iu the sense oieach one, each or eceri/ one severally, &ii a year, a tree, a man,is rendered by ^r'^^,^ ^^j^f^i ^i^rf^i aud, iu the objective case,by ^ as,/o each man, tree, Sje. Aj as iu the adverb,^ aniyh.f. alroad. abaci:, aland, alar, aivay, rjhol, asleep, &e.,as it is corrupted from £>»,aud is used ill the sense of on, in, at, Sfc, so it is expressed in IlanUltl by various prepositions or by suitable iuflec- tions of the words. Adverbs of this class do, for tho most part, appear iu the Dictionary. A, is often redundant, as in arise, arouse,aicaJcci aud so isiis JIardihl representative 3TT as in C3Tl">Tra','3TT?^,TTrWT. Aback, adc. — in navig ;j?r?:-5TT5r'", Z^^ fr^A^i. To be taken a. ^^.Z^TRX ^oi', ^r^KT TT^W. To be taken a.-fig. 'tf^f^-'-qrw^'^ ^-r;^ '^V^^'^'j^T.^i^t^M^ if^ /-OTig^ /. ^T^f rw ffofs. ABiFT, adv. at the stern. cfTPfff, ^ITTra', ^ITrRT^TT JT^T, nV %=^Tr-^%"-Tr-rrRTrxsrT-iT^^?rn;5TT-cte. w^r^r httt^, Jfi%=EqT-&c. trf-i^HTPli, 2 towards the stem. ^fJ^J^'t.^J^=.^]-&.c. HT^^qTHTni^. Anxi'T, prep. 5RmT^?^T ^TT^f *rPTT^-&c. vMhg.ofo. To Abj.xdo:n-, v. a. renounce, resign; v. To Give rp. il-+,ui, ^15^, ^r53t,?^FT m.<'fo. cTvfCTf, fq-JT^or, ?rt3^. 2 desert, forsake, ^■^^^^^■^W.^-m^;^-S.i'^^^^\^^ F^rrn'jf, f^th )».-f?t^^ «.-qf$?TrT m.-tIt?-^^^ «.-&c. qF:T6f y.ofo. ?5T7Tat, -^^l n. srijf, •m'',^. o (one's self) to. ?rnr );(.-^ m. 'if^-'AVn y.-aijlk, a. v. T. 1. fT^FFTT-^irmT-JT^ra'T-Ac. ^PTHT- ^TiTT-&c. ET^FJT, K\^,^^^., c?n^, ??T^5pft^, ^^, ^^5ftq-, 2 ^r5TqT-<.tc. ^rTFrr-^RT-<£c. }^'^.z^^^^T-,^^l■^.^.f^^y^. A-RXTOoy-iLi), p.Sfa. v.Y.l. ?r^%?rr-ic. f?f^, rJTTfnrT, fTlf^Tn . 2 ^r^^-'tc. f^rfnrf, rTrf^rfr, ht^p, "rfe??^. I. reproliate,(^-c.y. Suajielkss. ^SIT, ff^twf^f ZV^^U f^^q'^cTT, '44^JT^, PT^'^nr, f^Tfjf^snl, fiTOTT, f^rx^. II. — a town, village, honse, v. Dicsolaxe. vis^iis, W^j To be or become a. ^frrft/ pM'W (^T^'iRT-nisTre'-^nF- Do>ML.M, ;i. V. V. l.—(icf. zrjM It. ?fra6r «. ic. ??R .7??pi «i. ■j?'y??TT/. f^jj^nr/. f«r?r'i »». •_' -act. nrstjf /(. ^"iS^r ^nif >'■ ^^c. fTTT w. Tfc^TFTM*. r^- CJR (I. irfT?'T':7pT ii.—s/afi\ ^\V=Cmj M. S.C. F'TFT >«. "Tf?!- To AiiAsr. r.n. (hyrale, (Jv. v.To Hrstui.E. STT?^, ^^TtTT^of , T-i^of, jfijof, n\Hf- ?Tr=ii" "^Mg-ofo. 3Tf*riTFr t^'i^?'. ^- •2 (one's solO. ^jOioTi w -^^TTJT'JIT ;».-Xi-. =>ijf, JT^FPF «• ZTOT TTor, ^Hof, -flfiTTFr »'• ^TO'r-B"i^"f, ^^r^ j?.-?5^^ f.-f[^^ ;i.-rin-T?H.-'>r^^n:??TFT»»--'iTfHKR?qTn»». ^W, J^^H^ H.--;)T?Tr?: >/!.-.te. ?TTtif-^"l?or_ AiiASF.n, y». \. v.]. ^M^^.^r&c. r^^TT^^FTT, FIRJf^fff, -JT^Tm^rKt^, ^nfT^-TR, fq-T?rr- AnvsKMr.xT, h. v. V. 1- — cct. ^f^iin. ?hFTI^>Jt/'. Ac. ■'Sffir- ' qf?'^ Hi. Ft^'i^n »i. I Trt Abash, r.^.v. To Shame. T^vm^.^^j'^^ii.^^T^^qfj^m Abashed. jj). v. Y. nnd Asiiam]:d. ^^XTmk^A ^c. ?rr^S."^, qr^ifPT. r7l^?T, sjTf3T7;rmT. | To be or become ;i. =^i:?fTROT, ')?'?i'r'-T- ! Abasiijiest, .'i.v.T. «/<'/c o/fo;j/5w(o«.?JMcrsrq-aTi»«.?Jr^^q-- 1 at/. -ifl?TT5t!p/. ia Abate, r.K. make Iowa; Jess, KeaJccr, v. To Lesse-v. ^^- T^i, ^infT-JTr-^^^^-yq-^- &c. W-T.^. '2 (loi-cc or of) w'^V/rt/c. ^rl^c^ocSFT^, g-?nT »'!.-TT?TH Hi.-OTsm^ «.-7?3Ttf?r/.-&c.^Tcf. ff.of 0. ^^^^^. Jb Abate, «. «. i/rov: lon-cr, less. v:eaJccr, v. To Lessex. 7\'\- 2 — aa to force or iutcuscncss; decrease. ^?r^?TBr, ^'^■\^■ ?Ttf?r/.-3fWPT «!.-ic. ihaT fj ofs. AlATEllE.N T, II. Y. V. A. 1.— f(ty. T«. 5TRT?q?qT/i'?. ' 2 V. EuuijiENTS. afl^TRn' m. Eogiunlng cue's a.b. c. sfRTTT ^7^^^ «■ 'i\'«. W.l^ g.of o. i To a. the tlirouc. HT^^^r «.-Ti7^«.-?;p3Tq?«.-Tr3Trf'--T- I %\x j^.-TnTRTT ^'.-ij^^^^mi: 11.- ko.. ^fraof-^'rsq- %iTf-?fre^ ' ^rof, m^RT^ ?^RT «!.-?:r;rRrH?qRT w.-TRqtR?Rr)«.-Tr3T II .-■=s^■=^\^\\'■■■^-^^ 1I.-&C. jpTof. To a. uji oIUl-c or trusl.-jTftT^R?mT«i.-'-iTftT^RfH?r^^'!.- -j7n:T^':i^?Rr m.-•^^J^p]m.-^im■H^^n.-^^^^ n.-SicW^^^' ,, Abdicated, ^7. v. Y. X. 7:??^q-pT c!;: e. ^>s^^r, ^^r%^q"=T, ?q"- j ^T^tT^, Fq^5T?Tq^,?q-TF;ri7q^^ ?^^?TJTT1'VtR,^^^RR- Trust or oKcc-a. C'.in:T=?;R-q7-&c. 5ffr5?l;?5T, F'lT'fP'PFR, F^^q^, ^rrrffeT'TRcqFT &c. I A UDiCATU.y, ».v."V.A.— «(/.^^q- ABil Deed of a. irJWPT^^ //.^t^i^^pr n tTrfiKFnT^sf^ T=5r ?i. AiiOicATOR. ii. Abdica>t, rt.v.Y. ]Sr. •dl^uiKr ite. '^r^r^Tpft, V. Y. A. rfii'Jli<:"r &c. 3:?FPi-3?te. ?TPfT,fd^ltHr4|'r-. ^r^^ m. A. of miuJ. iuieUeet, &e. VCH m. yiwir :i. Aeeeba^t, a. (leviou?., T. EHnc'G.'R'^R^-RnK-ilc.^rfrf.^T- Xo Abet, v. a. lach, v. To Help. Jj^r nt. 5W, "y^/ ^''f, f- *ilrtl '«. T^^y.q/'o. TRTTTsrr «J.-Jlrr=r^ m.'^T^f -G.;j.v T. 11'^ "c^TTT. TRP^ 'T'';rt;rT^r. Akeysssce ,That is iu a. ftf^, FPR SP^JTFS, FTcFVT. To ABnOK.i'.a. Jia/e iii/eiiseh/;ahoininnfe,f7r/esf.y(^^7j^rfW[. frj^'T'Jr ;;. ^FW y. r/o. ^\^ «.-^fpfRiry;-Ae.^ y O^ o. /;(. eon. •JW^J^ (,f7?T!^) "^Tfjf, or. ir.vcrseltj, f^of, ^i^rFT wi-iJ?. "ifis^-H^^i^few'/s^-^y. ofo. AunonuED, J). t.V. -rffl^-Ae. iTPT^?;r, 'flidg^mrf, 'iTIKT^'il. ri laroKiiEXC E, «. extreme Iw.treJ. 'iTPTf^'S-T'TTl^w- 'il^q"^- |;7 «(. =finc^ ra. fq?^ «. AcaoKuryr. ^. Abkobeei;, .v.t. Y. -;iT>p5r itc Hr^TJIT^. |^-f- ABI I. irreconcildlle ii-il/i.x. Ixcoxsistext. fsTT'^fT. '^J, f^^t. ^mm[. SRFFT. tf?^^?. To AeedE; v.i}. stay for o short I'one. v. To SoJorEX.'jrHTCTf. 2 (?'f. t.To E^^)UEE. f^vfof, f^vn-- ^, ft?P^. [ ^or-T^«.^- f^^VC^ 11. 3T?i^r m. Abject, a. mean, Inso.y. Low, !Mea>". ?fhr. qi^fr. ^-i^f.f. ^- AbJECTLT, «(?!•. T. A. 7pfn'JrT%, ^rl+M"lPr W. -:?['-( H-^'JIm. Ab JECIXES3 /!. T. A. qi4lM"n »n. ^,-l-+.M<7rr K». i^r. 'iJ'A^^ r. Abjeeatiox ii.\. Y. f^v?TT ^T^r #PT n. ij'o. JTT^Tf^^Fir^rTn w. To Aejlbe, t". a.renounce, ij-c. oh 0«7/(.f^|^qT ^^^ tttl'if-cT- ■p.rm'l j;i.5tv^,5rT4T?-T^f^Tm'V!..g-JrT--T. ?!TCpF, ^^FT^Vm, HIT. •1 — iu coiiip. aJmiltiiig of,suscej)tihJe of, having the imircr. The form of the English verb thus constituted is reuder- cd iuto MtinUhihy attaching:, to the gcrundial form of tlic Jlari'-'Jiixorb. the pavtielc ^,(ex. Eatable t^ Drinkable cqTqT^rT./'.-also the adjective HR^T Ulce, equ'd, adequalr. (c\. !-tNi-HH\^)".— also the adjective ifp^ or, popularly, :^'T?TT ov ^^im i>roprr, fit, icorthy, (ex. ^^T orM^TRror?rFIT7r'fF^-^iTlrrr^''IT,):also theadjective, i\^z( 2'ossihle after adding »T or ?rr (ex. v.Nfm*! or rv^M\5 tliis sen so: ex. 'Xh . . \in numerous iuslaut■c^^, well rcn- ,1,, . or imrtioipk'S ( c. g. eatah/c WQ, . .•.-. , :./T5^,.'rH?=!T, H^Toft^, T^fT^STorH- t'ffV^'^ )an.l by sucli I'ornis it will hero bo abuudanllj rendrreil; but for tho rules of they arc not •luito nimplc, and as they belong not to Man'illi,', the Icarucr is ivfcrrcd to the grammar of tho Sanshril. Hero it \i neccs.nry to stale, Ist. That by the terminations ••nblo"^ »poken of, are to bo understood as well tlic torminatious -iblo, cble, ublc," ( o. g. miscible, dclelle, w/«A/c,)whellier occurring cnphonnusly in the eoustitii- lion niEuijIish verbal ai1jccti\-os,or appearing in aJjec- tivM, jnlrodneed from the Latin; and whether viewed ns derived from Abal OoM, or Ablcz 3V«i., or from llabilirt Zffl/. 2ndIy.That, a3 this termination "able," though iljviewed as Fnylis/i ,nn mean and therefore can be interpreted only as above ( viz. /invhiff the power); nnd though, accordingly,its incomparably most common implication is that of smceptibiliti/ ov praelicnlleness,h yet craployed(perhaps from a power derived from Ilabl- li»),to express the sense /iV or siiilallQ, (e.g. olservcille, fJille,) and the seuso siiljeci or lialle, (c. g. fnialle, jtunUhnhle,) so, in like manner, are employed the parti- ciple^rand the adjectives tTR^F and?m^,ctc 3dly That the .S'q-,a3 well as the Saiisl-rU formations, bear, additionally to the senses given above as common both to them and to the formations with "able", tho senses ih-sif/ned or inlended/thonl or on Ihe point ,and demanding, rfquiring, or cJaimiiiff. Lastly. That the de- tailed evplunation here presented is designed to stand ill substitution of detail and of unexplained repetition throughout the class of the ahles; and that, therefore, it is to be borne in mind and applied by the student according to his occasicjns. T; Jc Able. v. Aui.e. ?t^, rff^J^m^^i'^nn^&o ^rJf,=qfff, ^Jr ( these twu require inverse ivnstruclion, as, I can write, »T=!r fe| Jf or fe^?rf or fe^r?n-?r ^^.Can you do it 7 ? 5=7f fr^ qfr ! or ^ 7^^ ^^, 4\ I) Here it may be ob-servcd that the verb ^rot, additionally to its requiring inc. eon. admits of the use of tlie agent in the objeclivo ciie,— a-s per example: al.-io, that the idiomatic and far preferable modoof renderingthoEuglishvcrb toleuUe i.H this mode of in-crse eonslnidion.Thevethk further rendered by the use, with a construction inverse ov in ><-M.-h IJ,!' agent i,p„t ohJeefir,Jg,o{thc tliird person of AlJL lud flirovf/Iioiit Iht he causal verb, and llirovylwut the rerh.i; as, lean oat tIii.-< niango,^ wm JT?n'o;-TTT5^T?f ^T5nrfT'r,aud1 p(^iy.,- '^^T'Jrn; (tc: though of this last form-q'aTf^''- it must be added, that it is restricted to the negative eonstruction ortothei'M/<'J';'oy«/'i'c«'o««^''»rf'o;nvitlmegativeimplica- tion; as, S IT?!T or HT^qr^ ^'TSfC'IR-trmoTTT-c'^c. qrfr, or \ WA or ITT^^R W.^^K W.J^l g'T'q'Jf, ^'s'^f, ( these two with the construction noted under ^ffi )^r?rTH '^I- iff y qfo. TtoTi|?:tfr or HtTTI"!?!" ^R ni. 'i^^vi ;/. ofs. ^M Av,t\JKST,a.waiiJiiiigeIec(n.W^^^^'^U^^-P^^V?'^WT^-'iiW.m. ABLtTTIOX w.v.WASniXG. gW «• '^T?R' «. ^^\7^ «. ':^\^ n. T^r^W.'^m^ n. 3— iu relig. sense. f?{T-r »■ A. of the body. -iTT^^T^. A. of tho feet. ^\^ n. ^^Z^^f^;^, A. of the head. ■Rk-.^TT^. A. of the waist to the feet. ;?j^?5rT^. A. from the throat to tho feet. ^S^tTT^. A. of the mouth, 'm'^'^^ pop. '^=^^^ or 'i^\^^^ ii. A. iu one's garments ?r%?^?5fT^ ii. A. in ihe morning. STlrr:^^. A. at a sacred place. rft'^^TH', 'I'li^PT. A. iu the sea. Tr'T:^??^^'. A. after inunction. ■'JT^^T^TR', 37VinpTcr%55rT^. A. and inunction: used esp.of women and childreu. A. performed mentally. JTR^T^PT. [^TPT. A. performed by rubbing earth on the body. t^^. A. performed by rubbing cowdung on the body. ilT- A. performed with ccrlaiu iueantnlions. ifT'^^STFT^ A. performed by rubbing ashes. ■'T?Tr?IPr. A. performed iu compauy with others. nir^PT, Assistant or attendant at a. ^^TT^ ^T^MPl m. ?^N^. Cloth worn at a. T^^oft/. Cursory or hurried a. — with the power or iinpliealiou oi going Ihrovgli llic funn, doing cnovgl to sirrar hi/, - I-aws and rulcM of a. jfr^F^ffq- m. pi. STpSTpqrr vi. 3Iatcrials ( waior, ashes, powder, itc. ) for a. JJTT^l^ ii. <5rPT n. That performs a. ^TH^^, ^T^t, JSTTFTT, ?ffT^?ft^. That has performed a. ^STR V^^r,^r?r,=pFT^rH,^r?r'5rr^. Uupurified by tho daily a. grt iniira.,iicd,—o( persons, vessels, &c. ^]iiHh and by rcdiiplic. 'JTrrFTTTT'TTn-. 'H- AJJO Yet wet ( unwipccl ) after fi. 3%?ysr or -ot!JIal, a. v.Iur,ECsrLAE.Rfq-H3T^,f^^f%?5;,3^'T'4T^TT^. .AnoAEn, «(/('. .'inJ;)rf^7. iTT, ^TT^F, ^l^^ ^S^l^-s^f^^wsQUi after any word signif^'iiig sliip or boat. AiiODE, Abidi>-g, «.■-«<"/. T.Stat. ^\^^ n.^i^rof «• ^\^}jJW'f- 2— f lace. v. IiEsiDEXCE, fsq^mt m. f^fXT ». xf^trqr^ ^r^T / [^^ m. ^5:q-. I Til malg;^, -j^^TrfT^r.^T. Abolisiiee, Ji. V. A'. HrSt^TT Ac ^Tlfrai ^-^'cc-JJ^srcn-j-r, i .\bolitiox, n. V.V.— «pf.jfRor n. jftf^ ?T^"Tf «. ^ j ^^^ n. kc. ^Z'^ n.—slalfi. fflsOTnTT m.SiQ. Hf^t/ Tf ?ni/.7=^2f )» ^T »». OTT in. 3T7JTT w! f?rg:f%T/ fqi^ ! / gft^^ffT/ -^f^z-^SW^ n ^^^r^\■■:i m. 'Jr^TlT'TKrHT m. :j -Vbo^iixable, a. Jcfestalle, e.rccrallc, v. IIatefue. STRTFJ, :' \. |irr .-111. 5(7^15 oj' ^55R «.=Ei3R^m/ =5f¥T^ «'.5,'^'N- I; , .' / ! v]--: ,.i. ^^-,:■^{^^^ ,«_ I'^ay^ ^i. g-^?;^^ «. \ An.oiix .,::i I \i:ss, );.v.A. 'i^^rr^m w. •JTJtq^J-'T'JTT )". &c. f^^- '\ To Aboiiixate, v. a. hate iittcrlg,x. To Abiiou. CfTfq'fr g^iif , I AnoMIXATiON-, n. ohjecl of a. ^^ f. KT ".'jfrft^^ «. 37Frr%^ 1 TT^ n. ^\■>rr^\^^^ m f^^^T^^^ m.ft(^<\Tr,^^ n^^^^^p^n. { ABouioixAr., a. \. OiinnxAT,. Ko5^, q-f^??!, sf'^iTf^yFT. jl Aboeiotxe.s, ;i 2^yimiticr inhal.'ilant.i. ^55% ^TfOTT^ «!■ ^>?. ' "fA^X^^A-W' m- J)}, v■^'^\ m. pi- "tTH m. pi. r^Tf^f^^^ "'• " j,l. !T'4iTff'4fT^i7: «'. pi- ^V^\^^AT. m. pi- ^pft^'TT:'^ /;;. pi. ?-^T% w?. pi. 'iT^rrsRTi; l«. ;^/. " Ij Aboetiox, n.—:(et. miscarriage. ^^^'\^ m. ^^rT n. iTTTrT^r ». j! AJ30 n. TTH^^^^T n. ftsT^HT «. ^gR' »«• m^ m. Pnociircr of a. fq^^TrT^, gyr^T?:?, fe^TFT &e. ^Krff. To procure a. qiJ ?». qreq'-5rT5^-'?ril'Jr f^T^^fif-HK^, To suffer a, q'r^: n. qi'ir-fJTT'JT y-"/-?- 2 — produce, castling, ij^ ?«. JIH^TTm. ^?FiH '"■ 'It^T m. 3T^RJi% w. 9TqoTn^)'(. T'rqrfr m. i^Vr w^. Aeoetive, «. Irought forth ^lntimelg.^^f;^^^\^^<^^^] ^■^- ^^T, 37^FJ, 3TqaT%T?r^''Tr,'¥rq?5r^-Hr/3TqiJT^R;^,'frFr- 2 that fails, prove.'; vain, v. Vaix. 5T4. Ft^^, f^':^^, 3 — iu mcA'icMC, causing alor! ion. ^'^^^[^^T^,Sic.^^^'^':^^\, Aboetivelt adc. v. A. 2. 'B^^, ^Wt, sq-tf, s['qrq «.-&c. 5T^ijf or Itijf yo/"*. cTi?:^ srr^ijf. About, 2'>''''P- oi'er the outside of, around, m^^^ 5ffNlN¥.H, or ?T, ^^ffq^'^'H-JTiVFrf, qf':?r:. 2 in the vicinitg of. ^^r^qfTf, ^^7.^^. 'JTffrqT^, 'iTraht- :i concerning. f^TT^ft, Tt^T'^T, ^^'oft, rT o/' Pjr (f/s Ht WA^T 4 — in qiiautitj^ quality, &c. near to. g'TTRP^TT, TtTTqi, ^Hq:?^, giTTrr?r, f jtrrt, gnR. [^rarr, g^R. 5— in lime; near to, -J^^^ ?r-7Fr, aTrl^qJi-TT?, gTTRRr,g5TT- G appcndaiitlg to the person. 'flf^TtR, viTtqm, ^T, ^^rs, qr^T. [^"M oi" ^'f ^tr^=^rtt. 7 /// conqiass or circwnference of %?T?r, qfltft^T, =fi%T, S o;( the point of, in the act of. ;j?iTH (ex. a. to dic.iTT- dt"]?^. a.i o go TTiTHRg^,an(l 5T^=rR5~?T.,^R5?T,'Tf5"'Tr- '5;q, q^^'^?T A c.)-JTfiTgiq (ex FtTUTTfirTT^ ctc.r. .'^(yjrft ) 'J'o be a. ?:^>7f, ?^T5Iot, rJRTTtT-g^'TRr'T %^Rr-ttT?r-'.*CC. 9 «/, //;, /» cngagedncss upon. ^TTrT, T"^'"^. About, ads. circtilarlg. =5T(gT-fflT^ilT-&e-i=rTrr.?r.=7=.f5frr, 5R3^- SfrT, TTTTT or Tf, fnTfiR: or Tf, IT3^ ^FJff. 2 /« circuit, in compass. q-=?TTtr,'^''TT^, '^Tr^=qiW, Tiff- ^, qfT^:, qft'-fr^r, qfR-firsqr'fT-'^'r^-trfqsf^-ete. .3 nearlg. cfrciler. 37r5?rT^, grre^ft?: or So;- -ffre^r?, gmi- 7j^ gTfTT^, g^TTFTT, t^^ (ex. about a mile ^r^ Fq;,aud 'i^r rrq^, ^^ t^qr, ^?:v^r ^q?, ^Tf T ^qT,?rff ^T ^q?, ^^f ^T> &e. about .'^iv, about -seven, &c. ^TTfi ^W., m^ ^q^, ^TT'; '^q;, ^^R f^^, &c.'). ■I here and there, circa. 'iTT^f^F, 3'IT^^t^- '^TmqRT, 'iR^q'"^', 'iT'-frf q^^rt, s^s f?rq^%, f?i^3 ki^s, ^4 ff'4. r> cireuitousig. qr^qiH, ^Jfts-sTRt, V':r 7Tr^^'^3;?r^'^('- n7q;r iTT^^%?;?r ctc.fn':^;^^3Rr or,intrrsri.,, ^z^ q^qr. To briug a. To Iring to pass. '?r5=T'^, ^sf=T 'HfTftTr, To come a. To come to pass, q^qp %"^- T3^. ^B^R To go n. To enler upon, be rnga-jeJ in. snm'. over. ^, ^r^-^Trft-ft, ^iff, TTfr- I'roiu a. «nrT, TfT. , 2 V. I'roN. JTT, ^'rft. _ ^ I 3— in qiiaulity, number, .^<\ sfr, q^^:!. TIT, f^l^, ^f*J "S-A I'. «*<■/'./i-. ni)f*chnih-slin(li/.\.OvESL\-. ^•T=^Mq', ij AB"VE-ciTKn. AuovE-AtENTioxEn, Above-xamed, &c. «. : jTsrp, ^np, ^^fR[nr, "j^^'rf^, ^tttt, H^irrf^^ oi- ^, (only iu writiug;".) frpTT, (only in Avritiiigs. ) srtfff-f^T :[ To AnRADE, i\ II nil or wear ofp 'q^joESTT'if, ^T^'^, "^wM^ \ Afln.vDED,;? v.V. -^loi^^x^Tr . ■ AnnE AST, fl(/r. vilh the Ircasts in a line. ■STPFff 37^ 'JT^,^fftW j ^rpft,'JTmwiTiT,^fqTO'^?T t7TfH',^r'T7T«f?r:,Tr'^f^?r:. j| Tu AnniDGE. r a. ppilomize,Ji'iest,ahstract. '". ?rHrf rr w. fn?m'EK.qci-g5-q-rj;r^H--?T??T,te. 3 iinconncclcJ. rJZT.^ ^/.T.L Abetji'tly, (iclt\ v.A.2.^ ?Ttn?rt. ^ #r^?rr, fj^^rr %=^5rr-TN^, •■^^ tf^^, ^i^TS^, 5i=5r''^, p^rt^f f , 'i^w.^.w!H. AnrxPTyKss, h. a'.A. 1. W.JJ ^%"^Ti3TT «!■ fevT^?;?? «. Abscess,!!, imposlume.^'^m. ^^'^K^JV{Hn.^^'V^'■:={^n.T^^{r]lm. To Abscoxii, r. ii.icillulrnw or ahsentonc'ssclfclanilcstiiicli/. qf q- ffsiir, r?T^ sq'Jf, ^f ^ ?jq^ 'fl^'jf, arir ^T^Jf, ^1-./. TROT, ST^t 3TT*rr ^TH^, ^ TKct, ^^ ^wif, ??q^ ^^Ijf, Abscosdeb, ;;. ABSCoxDiyt; p. a. v. Y. fH^^ JKOTTT. T5^ ^Rrurrrr, &e. ABsco^-al^-eLT, rrJ;'. v. A. JT'T^ !jq^, 7^?r ^jq?f, ^fr JTIT^T, Absence, )!. v. A. l.^r|:i:^rf^ft/'-"'^^?^'^T warfirsTTPT?!!/. 3T^HfT?rr/- 'JT-7TTfTHffT/. qn?T?TT /. 'JTWHT^qirr '«. -^TTrsr m!^^-M m. f5R^'??rT /. 3THfvrfq-/. ^fr or 3TlTvrf?r/. Ill tlic a.. of.q<"r^, %f^5> ^fl'^t, ^nTFTi^r, 37^jt?t, 'jT^rr- €r ( also ill comp. bk p;Ffr^Rr, FT^'Trsff, iW|T?n"^Trf"r ) HT'T, q-pfiHPt. 2 .•3THR':Tqt7TT w. cjT^T-JFn «. ':."r?n --TPnTr / -i^^w-xx^-,^ n. .3T5)T5fT?r?TiTr/. Absent, « jio/ present. 'iV^pft?,''!?:?^, 'iTTTiT?^, 7^f^- 2~mentallij, a-.Txattextia-e. aTHsr'^TT', 'iWRq','iT^'7rs'^, -37Trrf?r;^5:oT, arir^^^, anr^grr^??, KTR^ir. Terms, p]irases,sayiugs, Acdcsignalive or Jcseriptivo of (7» a. person, and coiTespoutling with icool-rjaflierer, wanderer, cloud dweller, (fv. are vjfifj^ i^if^ grsrs, 'f /";■• con. vfim^. To bo a. \^\^x ^r^rtJr, ^^tr '1 ore/' the region, firr and i ^srrq-r ■^JTtrr, JiTTTrr-TJ^, TV Absexti'/«. (ono'ri selO.^''?'^"'^'/''^ '"7'/"'f"-."*V^nfl': 'i-f?r'-n- Absentee, n. person alsent from his place, post, tic. "iirgT- ^lT''^T^^^-&e. JTmjr n.-kv. q'rfq-^ 3T^ q" ,7. Absolute, a. ."overeiffii, de.tpofie, arlilrari/. TT-PTfTl'', ^n^. AliS 2 it.icoudl/ional, uiu^uahyied. aTRm^T'^, 'mf^^^T.., 3T?ff- ABSOLrTKr,v,«A-.v.A.l. W^% g=5ljSFn'Jf,^T''4Tn?m"qV, J^iTft- I. pcrcmpfm-ili/, v. Posititkly. qfTl%=>r, f-f^'Jr, ^5^,=T, ^^^, ?tm^T, ^^T^?r. II. H^to-7y, v.WnoiLX. arn^r, T^^T.. j4jiS0I,UTEXESS, «. V. A. 1. 5<^?5Trfr /. h^=3,7\\f. ?^Tr|'?q- «. 2 'i■{^f?:^^-,^ n. ^Wi■'^^■^^^ m. 'i^^i\.fHwr^^ n. ^WM m. ^%?fPTl^ m. ^%rni^f^ n. [«. ABSOLrxio>", M.v.V.l. — act. ^\Z'^ii. f?[rqTr'--T-f^^lV&c.5TqT?r 2 —act. ^n^Xn. JTHF^T q^T'jf». '^V^^:^.f.^\^^^f.— state. ^rs^T'JTTc!. g^^qiiT»i. iinFxqnTpft. nl^^t^/. v^rsq-'inF/. To Absolte, t. a. exonerate, excuse, exculpate, acg^uit (of crinunulilij. ) fiTR:qTTq--f?l^Vf?PSTTtT- /ross.Al-mT.-i^^-f^^i{-u'^'i'.'-4^r^c. j. tpTCTf «»(', »iV. coil, ^r"^, sqfqtff^ %io'Tf. i, 'd sicalloa- up, consume, devour, lake. ^\\i\., •iP'M., 'fr^'HTOl', j /;!!■. co;;. ptrf, '^A mil. T-^M' fj- of o. \ ABsoEBEDj;.\-.Y.i.sfKa"?7r,5fif^ M'^sfF^r AiJ. 5iiH'=r,!nf^TiT. ii FTPT'^, JTsft'T, ^,W'^\^ (ill cuuii). a^i JrPT^r^,=ri^. 3T--ir''q??rpT, H^"?f^nl^, ), ^'m (esp. in c-uiiii). a,— T.r->T, k^T^rt^, f^rar^'T^, ), T': ( iu coiup. a,- n = T^, "-'^RT'', '^T'-'TTHTT,) , STTf^'S, ( ill coiup. as rf^5TTf^7, T^"r|if-:f?, 'i^^q^q^rf'T?, J, To bo a. f?r»T^, 'I'-oi, n's^r, ^|^ -^m, f^^of, f?T-'q-i^'ii. To be a. ^^j:"?!, f >7^iJi , f "jT'^'^rr q'i'-'r, ;:^Ji'3r. I. (^iulo the Deil\) flfT^:^ TT^f^T^r, g^, ^Trngf^, STTHHi^T, | 5fm%-T?ST, STTfT^T^^T, STTfT^Sff^ff pTf o/- iTTfTsr^, ^\'r{\^^h. |1 f ABS ABSoal3E^-cl-, «. v. A. afrq- w. ^fTqrriiiTfTp/. ^frT=j^ /(. AesobbeaTjV!.— medieiuc. ?iRq^-^fr7'T;^->.^c. ■^Av^■'^n.-■^'.■^H. 2— vessel. T^TR^l't/ Absoebeh, n. Absoebe>-t, a. r, Y. 1. 9fi-tT.Ve. 2— state. jji'T'JTr ?». &c. f?r^Tr?rr/ ?r=T?;??T /v. ?rfi>rFrT /. "J'^f- fC/-?^^""'- ^??r^r/- 3=fW5T««. (esp. iu coinp. as '■i— state. f^l^,^q^ or f3T^%qDTT'». &C. FT^ h!H. I. ( into tlie Deity. ) gf^/ HTST m. ifwm^^ n. SfST- Eapturc or bliss of a. ST^ffg'vT n. ^^vk^m. HT^T^ n. To Absiai-V, v.n. refrain, forbear, ^^'^^-m^]^ &c. r^^ used with Ijic verb expressing the object (e.\. 'i{^ ^R n. ?r '-iDi' ^. ofo. ^^ ^(.-■'•fRsr^^ w.-'TFie^rm m.- 'i^^\^ m. q^or, f=TW, ^s^f, ?R?f q^^of , Hrnsqlrrft^- AEsTEJXiors, Abstikei-t, «. ( iu diet, ) v. Tempebaxe. ^- ?IT^ arr^ ^7q:Rr,3T?qT^,3^rTT^^,'iT?qHi^,'JT?Tr5ft, 3TrTH^, ^^^qi^rfr, T^^-^rr^K. 2 ( ill eiijoymeuts, geuci-. ) temprralc _ H^V'i ft^r?; %T- DTRr, 3Tr7H>rt, SfrqfsTf Rt, 'JTT^R^TffRJTcfrg, ^qjft, ?TiTqi% f^qrfr, f^T^T^t'Tt^r, f^T^Hf^q-, fT?T?tq"rTf, f^Tq'fTf- f-fT, f^JfT^, T%f^?i5fr, f^l^i^, S'Tf^, f^^m". 3— diet, rcgiiiieu, life,. spariiKj, cj-f. 'iT-TTI^r^^^Tr, ?^^r- AssTEMiorsLY, o(/('. V. A. 1. 2. aTrq^tTT^, ^T-qHrnq-sfV, 3T- -qr^m^, aT'^Jqic, 3T'4"qi^, ^f^'rf^q'^ q;c=T, f^fsrj^r- sr^rif-i?, rf^sreTHqcfq^. ABSTEiiiousxESfi, ;;. v. A. 1. 3T=qi^R?^ «• 3T-qT^if''f-T«-»S;c. 2 f^r^rnHr^?-? "• f?r?T?[??r ^(. i7--qf^^Tf5:?5r n. f^?T?T|ffT /. f%f^^f^r7 n- &c. Absxis-E-NCE, ;(. \.\.--act. HfT^^=T '/. ^il'lf^TT ).'!• Hmft- V. A. 1. 3T=qT|R »/(. 'iTrq^?lt7T ". 'iT^qT^T^r ''• 'JT-q-vfr- ?;^^R »J- &e. 2 STrTTrT m. ■S^^^'[^^m. ?t5TH )«. ^^H?r im^\-^ m.T^- ^■^ m. lTT5T?ra-Tfq- n. f^^^f^f ^^7^^^^ n. g'Trf|fET/. I. V. Fasti>-g ?qT?r ?». PwfR ;/)-ce, 11. great iilcnli/. qTi^'ZqTiiT '«. «S:c. f%T^?^tTT/ sr- — iulctisclj: siipcrahindance, ^'e.^^y. 'J'^Plm. ^Hfj/ 'i^m m. =^d;=W,-[Z m. ^f^f. ^/. Abusdam, a. Xvovsmyc, 2}. a. v. Y. 1. qr^OTRr &C. aTR'-cr ( csp.iii comp. as, SiT^TrTlT, M'T^q'TS-sr, J'JIT^-q', f^rs'-'T, ?iiii'fv, ^Tnn?''?T, 'PTT^^, ) !T^T ( ill comp. as, q^sf^T, 'jr^Y, T"irsr^T, ^?1IT=3'", ) H^ ( iu comp. af^^JT^WT, qj^ ic.) — intensely; saperalinulaiil, occrjlowiiii/, ijv.v. ExuBEli- ANT. ^T^sj", TR^t, HlTHriJ, arfrlfr^, ^H5, 'JTf^SFT, HI55 i?r5r7r, grlnrtT ^a'mm. AdCXDAXTI.Y, AbOVNDIXGLV, «!?!•. V. A. 'TgrT, "I"!'^c5, TTTT, 7'o Ani-sr, v. n. vilnpernlc, revile, f^t^f. or fi^^^ f. pl^_'ij^ nr^TRl «.-^f /-f%/.-Ac. ^^ f,.„fo. ^f^ ■^of,- iiitcn.vcly, vclicmcnlly, &e.v. To ScoM). ^^iS or Ij %^-gri^, ^K^FTt/. r-rm-i^^i &c. || -coarsely or lillhily. Expressive of tliis sense there arc Bome scores of filtliy formalions; but \\0 omit them. To begin to a. r?rf%^r^T ^PJf. 2 ill use, misuse. ^F.t^l-TA^"^ ?IRi^, W^^^, f^TSW, &c. ^laty. o/o. 3 trick, V. To Deceive, s^sf^, HT5J^Ruf, Hi^TTcT'jf, ^^' m. 7;':"Jr. xVuvsi;, AjJCSi.NCi, n. v.V. 1. — ajc/. "^T^rsitrr w. Ac. '^^l^trft/. — iulcnsely, vcliemently, e. f^\or f?r^ w. A'JACiA, 11. ffum-arahic-tree. ^\'>^^ or iTTTo?/. Some species or varieties !^.v&\^^J■^7. f.or \^sW,l /., "ToSR'r/.o/- ^R^f?:!/. 2 — the gum. ^J'^^'^] fkw. or 'il^m.-'^T^m. AcADEMiAL, Academic, Academical, a. helomjinri fo nn acaJemy. fsr^ra«T?T'5lVlr, TT5^Tr?5T?rW^4T, T^^i^'^r, V]^- AoiDEM:iAN, Academician, n. member of an a. fsrqrtff w. Academy, ti. associaiion of learned men. ^f^i=T?T^S'»i. M'tTfT- 2 ^)?«ee oj education. ^^J?A f. Tre?TT^[/. f5rqr^!TT^'n. aTP^TT'T m. Acute a. 3'7lTr m. Circumflex a. J^ftiT ot. Grave a. ^^^.f^ «>■ "^^^T »««• AtteDtion to a. j^Jc^qf^r^^lT m. 3 ma/'/i; directing the voice. ^frfJT'^ «• ^'"flTT^ f=5f'^ n. 4 ov accents; tone, speech. ^T. m. f^f^T m. qroit /• Pleasing a. g^T w. Soft, gentle, &c. a. W-^^-^f^ m. :p^^^ w. ^^J^r m. Tremulous or broken a. ■JTfrKC': m. 5 peculiar tone. ^T pop. ?pT »t. ToET m. To Accent, To Accentuate, v.a. — in speaking or reading. ?crr m. ^^ ^r^^-^^K^-^^^^-^v^^-&c. ^^^ ^r^ijif- 2 mai-h with an accent or with accents^ ^TT=5fT V^^f- '^r^TI^Tirr/. pl.-'^.f^^^^ n.-f^rf^^^n, 2>l.-&c'%^{-wM. To Accentuate, v. n. observe the accent; — in speaking or [ reading. ^^TT'"- \3^ %?y'jf-3'WK"^-^=5r^-&c. ^^T. ^T!^■S\- 3"^tT'jf-S;c. I. arrsrsfTT'JiT m. jpFqcrr/. Acceptably, «f/i\ v. A. 1. ^^iT ft? 3T#, ^^rT CTwJTTOKrqr, H^W 3"FRNi^K?^r, H^mnJ^-^R?qr-^PTT a. dec. ^^. Acceptance, Acceptation, Accepting, ». v. Y.l.—^'e/.'^Tf «. ^f OT ?i. y-llriM ?». ^^i^T n. ^XZJ^ n.—u. or s. XJpn. Kft- 2— act. X\^F[X^": TFT^TtJif «. 3Tr^?:ar ».— «. or s. ^^R w. aTTTT»». W^T'TXii. X\^XTSf. Charge for a. Xl^^ff Acceptation, ;?. ( as of a word. ) v. Meaning, rrf^^? m. 3T'W^ Hi. The common or popular a. ^;f^/ ^^fr^f. sf^TTFT n. Accepted,^. V. Y. 1.5T?r%?7T, ^fir%^OT, ^t^TT^c. %^. 2— ?r=piT^?jr, ^rr^^^^r, ^z^\., arr^^r. To be a. q^rof, ^T^Rof. I. received by grace, favored. Si-i^'i^'lrt. Accepter, «. v. Y. 1. %urRr, T^oT ^'T'JTRr, ?Tr|l?, ^cfhfTR- srf?r?Tr^. 2 ^^PRiJTRr, &c.?nFR-H^^R-3TT^-&C.-q;TT- 1! //ii'/iy fl. or Inlpful. T^%X m. \.rE«lB!E. a. V. N. 1. q-RT or qWPTT=qT4F^-^R?fT-^mT, 1— of persons. ^^T^ V-"IKI, ^^H, S'lH^^T. \, rE?siiii.E>-E>s, n. V. A. 1. TT^r of MNNl^t 'TF^iTT/-- 5T^jmT/.-3?i;-^/-&c. ^STFTT^ft ^V /. aW^fTT/. TR^'f- TrTT/. ^' I HcIl /. arrai H^^I'^d l/. 3TPTPIT|iTT/. STrirf^r- A'CE-iSlOX, «. iiierement, v. lNCBEi?E. =fT^/- ^f^/ 2 ( to the tlirone. ) TT^^R ^^ n. nTc^t=5rr 3Tfti:pn: m. Vaf-STTJf frof n.-&c. inf. con. M^H^T^rRr/ TF^m^qiffT/. TT^fvT^mTNf^/. ^ i ^q g .Hi fy- TT^T^sntH/- rR=T''j5rf?^. ^-A-^wlW^^f^'A f. I a— to an oflicc, gciicr. arf^T^TTFm w. atf^q^FTTWf^/. ! •1 or AccEDiNQ TO, V. V.I.— .Tf/. JTFq' ^prf ?i. ^F^ ^\^n. 5 (of a fever, &c. ) See Access. \cCE3soRY, See Accessaex. AfClDEXCE, n. rudiments of grammar. oi||4><'JIH<-lrtr^ ?'. /iZ. =«J(+^, 'iTf^rfR^if T'JT, Trqt, arrTf^^ ACQ Accidentally, arfy. v. A. 1. aTrnj^^Hf^, STT^s^rff^^TT, ACCIDENTALNESS, «.v.A.l. m^^^ n. 3TT^-HVTT/. STRtRrf- ;:r n. aTWTTrf^^? «. 2"^€r#PT »». ?T^OT/.>-T'?f^^^ ''• Acclaim, Acclamation, «. v. Shout, -^ii^^^pn: m. ^W^ in. ^JftrT »». ^mi^ m. v:^X or ^^^Im-. Sf^WlsTH: m. To Acclimate, Acclimatize, v. a. habituate or inure to a climate not natiee. ^T\^=-^T ^'-^ ^^^\'^\-W\:^^WP;t-&c Acclimated, Acclimatized, ^j. & a. v. \. m\r\~-^J l"^:?! To bo a. TT?n=s^ \^^ W^^ \m-, \^^^ ^fTT m.-T\^ w.qTijf. I^T/. &c. ?KrJiTTr-=^rFH'nTTr, ?r^1rr-?f ^i i=r?T-&o. 2 ^Ti-&e. Jff^nJrTTT-TTpTTTr, Hnf?r-^-H H\'\H -TT^ff-Ac. ^F^iIKT, ^^Tf^r^, tn\ ( esp. in comp. as ^f^ffT, ^'f^^T, Accompaniment, Accompanying, n. v. V. 1. — act. ^n-&c. ^TTf ?i.-q-af n. ^r^Tffr/. W^TH^ ». &c. 2— state. git-&c. ciTflffr-5:r|^«. Blfd/. ^'tw. ^T^'^i^frf/. 3TH^T »». ^r'TEr?"«. q^r'Af m.-^n 71.-&C. To AccoMPANr,v.a. go or come with. ^'jt-H^FHt or ff-^HI'I^- ?r%r-5Tn^?-&c. ;3TPT-qTff-mrtui' &c. H^f?r/-ti^Jin=T«.- w^\n n.--^m m.-m^4 n.-nf^T^ n. ^?:uf. 2 ic «'tCA, associate,^e. H^-fFTfft o?- cf ^HRH-&c. -'iT^, TTf^T, ^nf?r /. ^m, ^1 OT.-^Mi'iH OT.-?r^r^ /M.-^'tsffr/. :F?:iif, ^^"jf, ?r^f€'-tc. JRot, J- 4 attain, obtain, v. To Get. ^TT^, ?rra'<^, fiTStiT^r, STTH" Accomplishable, a. v. V. 1. and Attainable. ^r-TT^r-^sTT- 5fFT?TT-^"RT- &c. ?TT'^"T, ( used abundantly in comp. as easih/ a. 3T?qiTTRT, 3HHNI^OT«T, hardly a. s;fPraTfq-, ^p- "STTn-RT, and !:T?r^T'-'T, fTR^T«T, 5T?:^rKr, 3T>fHT«T, qTT- ^iT^rwT, "q-jf^rrKT, a^^FHT^r, srf^T^T, ^^wt^t, &c. ) ;j qnrpqT-=qT-&c. qof ;f;?n;^-=qT-&c. 4 ^tTT^T '^-Ac. ^qr^^ft^, ?rT«T, sm^T, srms^, BUTcq-. Accomplished, 7'. v.V.l. 7ntT%?7T, ^;^^, T'^^^, rT^flHT- Rj^TT, &c. ?rJTTH", ^r^r, wfq-?r,f*r5, ^'TrfT^r, '!>=??•, ^^TTf^fr, ^r^TN^, 3TTTTftT^, fJTWrf^, f=T^q=5r, ?ifT'^ ^"JTRT, rrltw rrr=niiTTT-H'JrKT &c. ^t'«t^, ^'tt^^f, ^Hiq^. 2 TmiTT, 'T^" ^FT'JTRT. 3 'jyf-^rq'-qrr- &c. q;.», y. To Ageee. firzijf. ^W, q^'if, ^i^, VI ACC To AccoED, V. a. See To Settle, To Give. AccoED, n. just correspondence, v. Agbeement. pts m. ^- JT «!. ^5TR m. oFTR «». 2 «(nwrt of heart, v. AgeeemeNt. (T;};f%f^». fjTrJTTf m. ^- AVitli one a. i^4> R -d m' , iJ+HdM' or (t^T f^rfR- ^^r 3 own a. ; spontaneous agreement ivith. ^?irfr"T ni. 3Tr- Of one's own a. 3TTq?5 STTqW, aTR, 'iTFT'JTf^r, arm'flTq", 3TrT3TTq, •'HNnf^q' or 3TN^?^, ^?r: pop. W?rf, f^TTHm- Accordance, ?i.v. V.N.ow(? Ageeement. — state. HoTw. vIJT >«. ^TR m. 5PTW»(. In a. with. 37'^^, SF'T^T^, ^^TRf, ^TTf^?. ACCOEDANT, a. ACCOEDING, p. (Z.V. Y.N. fH-iUITCT &e. ftr- ?5?1>T^, STrTT^TT, ST^^?^, TTTip^. 2 ««rf Accordantly, Accordingly, conformable, conform' ably. N. B. The word, being never a, preposition, is not here treated as such. ^^\^ ( in comp. as ^rfJTTwf, rillMMIui, ifT?^!TSTJTr^, 3Tg57T(itl comp. as 3TTW3^, JfnHTHi::q,%^TT5^5?T,^?:^^,FT55^rq, &c. ), aig^HK ( iu comp. as ^PTrg^R, ^TT'i'IT^R, J- DTl^WR &c. ), q-I '«. ^^ ^T5T «. Eough entry into an a. (r^p^T^/. Eunuing a 3T?5T?J f^^^ m. :S{^W,^VR\ »'■ Belonging or relating toacccuuta. "^iKTri^^f, ^HT'i^i^sff- A CO ACC ^, fi[Jnft or fijjfNft, f^?T«lT^ or ^^IRT^, Kfiimiiiiug over oliiu a. T^IK. Tlint liait an a. with T^T^rt^. To balance an a. fvV^ FT5T m. JrT?TJf-7?TTwf, ^IH^T^ <•'• v\^/- 'Fi^, ^j^rnq^ "•■ 'P^r- To .-all to a. .Ay. fg'fl)^"!.- 5rrST wf.-JcTSrft f.-W^W^\f-- To L-Ifar accounts. ^rrST m.- 5r5rff/.-r. To make up and settle accouuts or au a. ^^^mJ^f--'^- f nr m.-&c. JPT'rf. To put to tlie a. of. ^W^T-^i^ &c. f^^-^im (j.ofs. m^ fJ^'if-srti^-'^l'Tff g-ofs. To turn to a. + 1 K uff-^FPTrV- &c.?5T^, "?)^Rr-^'TT?r-&c. •STm^f, au J r. n. ^JHTTRT qpJT, +IHi'H ^'^f, TvST^T-STHT^T- Ae. ^of. 1' reyarJ, rstimntton, v. Valfe. f|?T5f »n. ^'"^T «»• T^rfty. l%JrT/ H^^I^ "'• f^Vn^^f- (n<-g- con.) %«rr m. ( wr-y. 3 narrntice, stalemen{,r(lation, s/ori/. slPl^l'Hw. JT^^to. 'FT*?'?^/ 'ini/- 'F'TT/. 3T^^rT^ »». sfFFr m. ^f%^rT/. spTT- DIT or JTTwi. ^r?^/. ^TTf?r»>. STfT^'^^'J- ^^f^C^iT". ^Wi- STrfT^IrfH II. Accounts, tidings, v.News. suHrfl/. ^«IT/. ^tTTH'w.^tT?!. Accouuts of emissaries, v. Inielugekce. 3T^«IT? or Circumstantial a. rPnite »). Detailed a. ^ri^FT/. [ tot n. True and exact a. ^^,'4jf\ f. 5f4'Trr'F'ry. %^^ ^-^^jp^ y_.j^_^y-_ Account-book, n. ^j^^^f. ,=t/. %j^/. ^^t^rr^t ^/t/. To Account, v. a. reckon, regard, v. To Valve, ^^i ^- To AccooKr, V. n. for; assiyn causes. spiroTn. ^rfntif, ST^r^T- "•-sfPTRTJT »i.-&c. sfnTTt-. 2 for; a««««^->'--f^'^^w.-^3TT^»».-H~r^RT«».-5rTlT»i.-.S;c.%5f |l Accountable, a. v. V. IN'. 1. cfr^:^, f^sTT^T, fH». f^^jaf^R ot. ^^TJI^I m. To AccorxEE, r.ft. equip u-itli arms, arm. l^qRij? or ^?\T^z,- fijmV^or q'Rr-fsTr^TTTTrqrr^^fTffTS; or ^^;?T-31Tf •q'?17^- W.T^n.-Sic. ^Ruf y. o/ 0. 2 (with dress, trappings, gener. ) nqui^). ?f^^ijf, ^T^nCT, ^^?^7rw.-^^^^T/.-&c. ^^oty. o/o. ^'^or. ACCOUTEED,^;. V. V. 1. |FqRil'^ or ^rfTq^, ?i^^, ^f^:^^, or q-RT, 3-q?fr5T^, ^vTI. 2 ^^^^, &c. ?io=:?r, ^f^:?nT, ^^?:3ft^^, ^^?q-, sp^sfr^. ACCOUTEEDKESS, W.V.P.l. ^F^rTTSJ^ Or |fR5l'^/.^TW^^^r)T/. ^^TWTT/. ^^?TT /. 2 B^?jqoTT m. ^^fTT/. ^f^fTf^T «. AccouTEEMENTS, w. trappings of u-ar.F.^]l=^\ Ht^ITm. mJT- ir M. #1^^^TnT n. ^1tt^^3^-:t;tot «. Ill AccEEBiT, V. a. give authoritg or credit to. fir^rquTT m. -^^TOTT «i.-&c. 3Tmor-^7af-5».-^(;. q?^ijf y. o/o. 2^0 .'VccuMrLATE, V. n. collect, form in mass or quantity. ^t=5f^, mm., 'TT^T iW. 2 — as waters, &c. «wpZZ, rise. ^^, ^Jof, 'FT'^T, "Pir '«. 3— business, malters, &c. increase upon, thicken arovnd. Accumulated, ;j. v. V. A. ?ri^^?rr, ^f^^^T, nr^^T %%^T, •S:c. ?tfq?f, ?;?T|t?r. V. V. N. 1. ?lt=5f^?TT, ^i5%^7 m'f[^. ACC VccuMULATiON, n. v.V. A. 1. — act. ^t'^^^ n. ^t5^af«'.&c. ^5^tT n. ^=;pT m. =tf^ «». ^=^^^ n. ^^jft^rur n.^'q-^OT «■ ^stafe. t^i^^p;':il\J m. ^^^ in. ?i^q m. =Efq' m. ?rN"- rf?q- n. V. V.N. 1. — «. or s. ^i'^^ n. ^fsiif «. ll^T w. I. matter accumulated, collection,^. IIevp. ?fi5w. ?ft5Tw. AccuMULATOE, n. AccuMULATiTE, a. T. V. A. ?ff=q'3ronTr, Accumulative, «. v. A''. N. ?/*«;; /s accumulated. ^^^'\ gr^- rTT, TT^ft^cT, TT^ft?ffT, j^'T^T. Accuracy, to. v. A. 1. §%'T'JTr m. gri>roTT m. g^f^rftc? m. 2 ^Wy. rr^rfTT^TOTTw!. ?;!?f^TaTTm. ^■^\^^v^n.&c.z\^^^f. Accurate, a. careful in execution; e.ract, precise, nice. 2 carefuUi/ executed-^ exact, correct. rr5rrrT^,T^%^,T^?7T, Tf». -1-act. 'i\W^ \^\ n. ^WjZ ^ii n. &c. a^PT^TFT ni. 'iTfTSfT^ m. ACCUSATITE CASE. «. ^^^, M. JpHftJTfg;fft^r /. ^FK 7». To Accuse, v. a. charge, impeach, arrairjii. ^PW, ^ »i. 3TMW-?5T^3t, ^aT».-gTTn'^KrT»i .-3TTU'.-crm?TT «».-3TKtT »».-3Tf5TqT- n m. %T^., ^^^^, 2 — falsely, v. To Aspee^e. 3TT3r/?«.-d>t>H w.-ifT?^?: oj- ^^Azn. Vti^^rrsB. ^"Jf-Vf ^f-'fi!/* qr of o. fiT«^ffT»!.- Accused, p. v. Y. 1. ^r^Tr^R^BT, &e. arfir^^, ^TfRTf^fT, 2 3Traq-?f%?rr, &c. arf^^Tfr, ^rfSr^T^. Accuser, n. v. V. 1. ^ r^i^fuiKi, &e. fWr^ «». =rT^ »»• m. ^rrrfH^pfV «). 2 V. Slanderer. 3Tr5?-&c. ^nriTT, %«rT5 ^"SftiTRT, 3T?5IT^- To Accustom, v. a. habituate, inure, use. ^^i f.-^{TT^ m.-S^- vz(ji^m.-(\Mr\\m.-i^ »».-^T^ m. 'TT?'Jf-?5r5r'jf-qT?5FrT /. To Ache, v .n. he in pain, ^^^tof, f 'i^T 'T^t.-tlie liead, g^of. There are numerous verbs bearing, together with the general sense of To Ache, particular aspects or im- plications. These it is advantageous to set down se- parately. To a. and feel hrohen, luxated, relaxed, Sfe. — as before fever. ^?f^?fijf, ^?fSr, ^oj-^ Tfr^q- q'ot-'frS^-aitn n. ^pJT- spiildf, ^^M n. qscq^ur, aTtTTRT ^^^TT^ «». STT^-fnjf. To a. with soreness and shootings, — as from rheuma- tism, &c. f?r?^^, f^TOT^oT, f^t\^ f.-f^m^ f.-W'^ f. To feel sore, tender, stiff, — as from bruises, a beating, &c. afsnJf, 5^ ft'if. To a. with a dull, diffused, and contiimitig 2}c"^-^^W'^^- To a. ivith a sense of stiffness and tenseness, — as from cold. ffSrTIof, rT^re'Jf. 2 ( the heart) he distressed. ^:?T n. JTR'Jf in con. ^^TT'Jf, f ?m M8.-HHi^'Jr, WT^ :e^, ;?f^ ^rnf, ci^or,qiTr, ^"t-|ra--f"-ff-&c.i^oiDr^ ixn q^rT»i.-;^^iTHi -^m^Bi. ^J'DT, T^fr ^i?, arPTRT-fiKT- :< ( a favor, beuetit, &c. ) own, admit. vFTTTT"^, ■TTT^TW, ^, Wpm, T^^nr m.-?^ /.-^r^fH /.HT^ot, ^OT/. ^fliuiui, TT^TfTT/. 'JvT't ^. oj 0. 4 ( virtue, mcrit.Ac .) recognize, allow and honor, ^jtm/. ^I"!"!, 'iTTTTTJt, Ndiuiui, q'^ «. SF^Trf, ^, f^^/- ^'^- 5 ( a letter, <£c. )>^R?ft/-«. ^TR »i. Acquaintauces and conuections. ^r?t»i':ft m.^j/. A mere a. ^TpTafTot^t c. 3^?rt^ »». Of one's friends or acquaiutances. affoE^H^^^T", 'i)To5- ^ft^^t^, 3fi^?itqT^^, afT55^qf^^?^, aita^j^T^Ta^qT. Acquainted,^, ns. v. V. informed, having knowledge. iTTf^- ?FTK, in%f^R, «ll+tJdmMri:^5^ 11. Acquirements, v. Attainments. ^TftTcTTT m. pi. g^- fSrrPTDT m. 2d. To Acquit, v. a. ( of criminality ), v. To Absolve. rin.- ^ ^rf.r\T HT^ or 2 (from obligation or claim),v. To Peee. ■ H' I jq "i",qFpgT- 5^-&c. jRut, riiqjofl^/.- ^I'k^m^/.-'Hiicjun/.-^irsgoT/. q^rff «/. ofo. 3 ( one's self ),aef ones part. a7PT?5TFF|7T ^FTFlf^ !R<^\ ACT Acquittal, n. v. V. h~act. f^TTTryr ST'TJf n.&c. aTTTT'^T- nT>^ «. Cr^RT^FT «• f^f'fi^':^ n. 'f{irf(^X^n.— slate. Acquittance, «. dkcharge from a dehl; discharge, release. J.Z^ n. ^^W'^^ n. ^"JnT^T^ n. ?Rijrflr^^ M. 2 (/('«<; of a. WTK^^ n. ^KH^f. Bkf^T^/. srJRrT^". or Ac }UlTTED,i^.V.V.l. 3^5EHTs;^T^, T^T^FiTST^T, f^'W^&C. Ague, «. As the land-measures of the Marathas difTei' from those of the English they have of course no word answering to acre. For their various measures see under Measure. AcEiD, a. hoi and biting, v. Pungent. P^t^z inlens. frra^- #51, ^fSTTF remiss, ^qr?:, #f^?5r, 5^=?^, rft^"aT, f?r^, rftcT, Acrimonious, a. acrid_ ^SRT, ^Rl^Sl, ^T^TT, ^^T?5 o;- giH, 2 fig. litter, malignant, ijc. ^W^Z.^ ^^Z or ?^^?:, ^Z pop. qps, . •FTT »». Acrospired, a. having sprouted. ^J% 3TT%^, JTTS ^rji^, .A.CR0.3S, prep, from side to side; — noting state. JRTT. 2 —from side to side; — noting passage. TIT, 3TTVTR, 3 — intersecting. 3iis=ii. Across, adv. STTS^. Acrostic, «. 3TKTr?TT»T^ "». ^'.-3Tf'T'T^»». ^pt^. 2 ( one's part ). 3TrT?qT^|?r ^ir?Tq-f% ^T^, STTT^TFFf^ ^q- M.-Tq'R W.-&C. ^FTot. 3 See To Actuate. To Act, «. «. 5e in action. =?rr^iTf, =5fT?^rrT-=qT^- &c. 3T^fOT- ^«. 5 ( of a legislature, &c. ) v. Law. T^ n. ^Tr«^ n. 3TTJ- ^ m. ZT^X m. EPFT^r m. ^Trfp M. ( from the English. ) Acting, Action, n. v. V. A. 1. — act. ^TT^'ft /• ^^^- V. V. N. 1. — act.^^r^ii n. ^.pjnJr «. &c. %o!f j». •^rW'lf^^ n. %'?r /. !T;r?f?T «. [ iffi /. 2— «c/. =qTR;q- n. q-^dif ». '». pL Eepresented by a. 3TfPl=P. II. series of events represented, v. Plot. ^IT^ "• III. in law. sq-Ef ^ m. ^q^^jj^^^^ m. 3T'4 m. 5^^^ '»• x^zft; m. ^r »i. IV. in grammar. ^R-)uil w. Fft^^unq'rrT /. 3 fHTRZVn\m. f^^^rf/. fft^arfTT/.'rf^"^?T«. ^?5^/. ?ftjT- Adage, ». sayiny. v. Proveub. J^^dt/. ^^TT^ m. 3Tr|0TT »>. Adagio, «. slow time. flr?5f«r'T «•. Adamant, n. t. Diamond. f|Tr w. ^.^. m. sr^r »)«. 2 V. Loadstone. ^r^J^f^j; j/i. 3 hard metal, stone, ^c. ^T^ mn. Adamantean, Adamantine, a. ^r^jTm', ^^T?nT?1T, =ri^^3T, A. frame. =r^^f »». ^T J^'TflT «• Adam's APPLE, ?(. the prominent part of the throat, ^xtl f. ^zt,n. ^Ir-Tr/. ^^Tf^Jr??*. ^ m. st^/. iTi%^r ^r^r?;r?«. Adam's beidge, n. ttt"^ m. %HqcT m. To xA.dapt, v. a. malce suitable. fR'oT^T'if, ?=5T5r3ir, ^T^'T-'T^^T^'- iTrp^-fr|7^T'ft-frf7^-&c. ^pm, ^thciuj, sf^5r"Jf, ^»t;,'i.- 0. rfCi^. Adaptation, n. v. V. — act. frr^trijf »». f^SRi^f «. &c. ^p^r Adapted, _p. ^ «. t. V. f^q-%^, 5T>q'%%OT, &c. SuiTABiE. ^T?IT-^iftnT (in comp. ), ^Fr^'eiP-. To Add, v. a. put to, office, annex, attach, suljoin. fPTS^, ^rsiif, qTi=5of, ^of, JTTf'Jf, ^^FRiif, ^fq'dT, ^juf, ITr^TT^T «H«r, ^rq'FT »h.-^t^^ «.-&c. ^p^q- y, o/ o. 2 up; «?«». fH^T^Tot, ^rsuf, fiT^iiraft/.-irfr^/.-^^;^;^ ''■ ^r^ y. of 0. nm ^^^. Added,;;, v. V. 1. ^re%^, fHcAcj'"^^, &c. ?f^?T, tfj^P, 2 fiT5!;?r^r,%ft^%^?jr,^'^f?yrr, f^Fr, fHfsiTFr, 'T^'i?r='-, Addendum, m. — in arithmetic. ^^ n. (as opposed to w.^n. Subtrahend. ) fSr^cfoft /. ?TT m. 2 See Appendix. Addee, n. See Snake. Addice, n. V. Adz. ^j^^ mn. ^^^f. To Addict, v. a. ( one'a self to ). To be or become addicted. ADD 17^ ^m-^^m or 5Tr?f?T-^r rSTTof-T^ ff. of o. H. v. V. ^r ^J^'k^^ HfV 'Tr%?rr, &e. JfT^^tr, ?rf'^^ or m^^^ T5#??!rr, =q;rN^^T, ^i?:, fr^sfr, ^z^ ^TT^, ^frTT ( iu comp. as. f^TT'TTT^'T or f^^z(^ ), ^fT?r, STJ'T'ft, rSPPTo?, STRTtp. Addictedness, «.. V. P. =sizf. ^^.f. ?5q^0TT »?>. ?r^S/. sq-^FT ». ^Tl/. rr;^/. ^ »j. ?1TT«. 3TT€f?f)/. ^Tt^P or iwp m. Addiction, n. v. V. — state. See Addictedness. Additament, n. thing added, yifrs »>• ^rS%?JT-fH2;srSr?T T^T- if wj.-f^TT »i.-*rPT m.-■s(^ n. -jncTPT^sq- «,. q-^rqr^sq- n. Addition, k.v.V. 1. — act. ^rsof «. fiTcEcr^ «-. &c. ^rs^/. ^R m. ^i^T^PT «. rlNI^.R f. —state, ^^m »!. ^Tn »>. 2— ffrf. %-r|vT ^^tjf ». fHoJ^ofr/. fJT^cq-ijf- 71.&C. fH'm n. Cross proof in a. 3TT5 'JTtHrTToSr m. i^uccessive substractiou-proof in a. ?rT^T^ wi.f. ^^,3'riT. I. thing added, v. AdditameNT. ^5 m. ^r5%?!T HFT »».- 3TT n. &c. [ ^T, &c. Additional, a. flTsnf, ?^rfh?r, ^rrfhTT, arftpF, STftnF q-irf- Additionally, «(/y. ar^JT^, 'a'ofil?, ^t. Addle, Addled, a. — of eggs. 3"H5!;%;7r, TT^*^?^, •^•^otrirll. 2— of the brains. 'fpH^, qJS^PfT^Jfq', J???"TTr5f|?r, ^PrT- Addle-headed, Addle-patep, a. v. Stupid. ff^^Jf^, V^- sorqrs!:, HreiiT, ttto!:, nqr^ft. To Addbess, v. a. direct to, apply, ( esp. a speech ). FJRof, ^Pfjf, ifMH M.-q'PT^/.-^PTOT^/.- ^m m. ^pftff y. oj o. 2 (a charm, a spell, &e. ) set against. '^T^'it, sf^TTwJ.- ?fPT?r «.-'fM5Tr/-'?r3T'Tjp/.-'TTT ««. ^^ g. oj 0. 3 ( one's self/or or unto.') ■^^\J.■^^€^^.^ ^?:% ^TfrT- g^^rP ^7IJf ^ i-l|'|U(. 4 accost, speak to. ^ZW'^., %^, ^^trot, ^T'^=T ^Ff^, qT3TaT^/-&c. ^F^'jf, 'JTrTTTOT ".-STn^N wi.^raf. To a. a superior. f^?f ?fr /.-fq^^ n.-s^^ m. &c. W.l^., arfipfrj OT.-3Tf»T5IT7H n. ^pxaf. To a. respectfully. 3Tf r ^snl'r c^tJuJf-TjV.iJi^ 5 ( a letter ) sTtsTr^T-^isT-^rtsn^ fe^-TT^iJt, qxTT w. 6 consign to the care o/"— ship. f^^TrftH TH^'it. Addeess, Addkessing, «.y.V. l.—act. %^Dt». r^j|tjuj». &c. 2— no/!. q~r^ n. &c. q-qrn »»• qirnw*. ^]-n^\ f. qt^m^ 3— (jc/!. ^^iff n. ^5fr^ar «. ?j%tTH «. arfH^i^ «. 3n. IV. eomplimentary introduction of letters. ^^^J^=^;\^m.^^^^^^\ or HHTm.iT^T^ /.f^?/.? 3T?r/.3TT^^?^:Fm»».HiT?ypiFm. There arc particular J^^orms of address — particular designations and titles or appropriate and allusive terms or phrases. The a. to a father is rft'^C^. —to a mother HTH^ft^op. Klrn-».ft or JTTgJifl", rff-fer. — to a son, younger brother, young protegee, &e. f^t- — to a daughter, &c. f^iviffcff. [ Fft'4^^. — to an elderly person ( male or female) rft'4^C7 pop. — to a superior or an elder, f^TTW^fl^T^TT- — to an unwidowed womau, ^■?T=5rl^f%fT. —to a widow. nnr»TTfffT'4t, ^■nrn^ififiT^^, ar^i^, ^. — to Brahmans, esp. as learned, devout, &c. %^^%, — to a SJiudra, Jr, 3^'qTF »>. q^ y. ofo. [ OT'T?^. Adduced, j3. v. V. j? %5;r5T, ^T^^r:??!, ?rffn?f^^, &c. Abducible, «. V. V. ni q5nqT-=qT-^FTrrr-#nT-&e. "T^-JT^- Adduction, a. v. V. — «c/. qs qjT'Jf ". 7T?I=f"^«. ?rrnoT «.&o. Adept, r. «('f ?/ skilled or versed, v. Ct.evee. JTT, "Tigr, 'T'JT, JTT iTT^H, f=T5'Jr, m^, TRITt, siqtir, fH^^TTfT, 31if»Tf , 2 — iu alchemy, magic, &c. f%5. AD J 18 ADM 8— in villainy or knavery, v. ARUANT.qigT, St^ or tTT^, mp{ in comp. as K^ITT, KJFJ^, ^T^T^rmt), ?^I^. To be or become n. ^fWT'fr ( viz. iu ^"r*t, f^t'T^'Fl', AiEiT, H. oiw/iilli/ tkilleJ ill, v.Cleveh. TTTtrT orTTTffTOT. Abf.iJL'aTe, n. proportiontile lo, equal to. WK^., ^fl^TT, TT" "T, JTRR, THT, ^=^, ^T, ^^fTT, '■•«/>■ '« cowi/;. as ^Pmr^frTT, iFT^T'TTHT, Jto. oT^TrJrpTr-flnTTTT, &e. OT^, Wm, ?tjt, That is barely a. j-l ' -jdd l, ^^J'^T, ^^, ^'^J^, f'3Tl*<'Ess, Adequacv, «. v. A. sjfNil/ JTcpT'TT m. Tu AUIIEUK, V. II. stick to, v.To SxiCK-fspRDT, rSn^'Jf, f^'Jf, 2 stick lo, fig. if attached, faithful, Sfc. fen^, fq--i;?:iif, -Ac. ^fr. ji 5FT^ y. o/ 0. %?#, q^PTTT./. qr^DT^^/.-Ac. :pTar y. o/ o. 2 ( in one's own person). %sri^, %q-?r «.-&c. ^i^ g. of o. Adhibited, p. v. V. 1. qi^^^, qrf^, ^W^. 2 ??5r7^, %f5r?r. Adhibitek, ». v. V. 1. qr-iuiKI &c. sr^rn^prTT. 2 ?nmm, ?i;ft, ^^^. [ ^c^uj^/ ADiiiniTioN, n. v. V. T.— «(■(■. ^T^tif n. ijqtn w. 'TRRT/. 2— flc/. H^ n. %cr;T «. %^/. TTO^^ ». Adieu, n. 3ird"c)aH| 3TTJfr^'f? »». --KHM'R n. nivr^FrfesFifq- *rmr n. Some of the common modes of expression are p'rm 'fl^>, irf^?r ^tot, t^ttr^ sfr ^fr,^ arm J^rftcr AiJirosE, Ai irocs, a. See Tat. Adjacency, n v. A. vT^ToRutt m. T7:mf rT^PTr «'. ^^rTT/ Adjacent, a. contig uous, v. Xear. ^ir^r^r^, ^m^, ^«- n.■\^^^m.-^ m.-SiQ. 3T^iT/n. 2 — in grammar, ar^^tr m. ^FI^ n. Adjueation, n. v. V. — act. ^^'C( f.-&Q.. ^TrFM n. ?T"T=T «. I. oa<7t ^w/f or taken. ^H'4 /• a^JTir/. To Adjuee, v. a. impose an oath on, charge on oath. ^Tif y- of o. ABM 19 ADO 2 ( a govornmeut, a business, an estate, &c. ) v. To Conduct, -^irltjuf, clf^^jldin, f^qT^% f^^ITf »»--srf|5n^ /. spTot-Miriqui y. of 0. 3 (justice ). '^^m. qif^-cTreor-^p?^, 7^\^^l•[^n. sp^ijf. 4 ( an oath ). ^(^"Jf, \^. 5 ( physic, &c. ) ^^, "STfT^. 6 ( alms, &c. ) q'TrJ^ ^of, Jfte^, ^n^. To Administee, v. n. contrihiUe,y. To Help. ^^q'-^^^^Jlft- &c. 3T?ror. Administration, n. v. V. 1. — act. '^oT «. aT'T'^t «. &c. 2— act. crf^STR'jf »■ -mrliJ^ «.&c. ^^^xz f. ^^\\m.■^^- Letters of a. to an estate. trf^^fTT^TRf^'^'Tr^ft ^H7/. I. executive part of a Government. ■(.M + KHT^^t/- Change of a. ^wlHI^ft/. ^r^f^^r «. II. rejy«, nde, 3TJT?5 «J. TT^T «. ^T^\f. Eigorous or severe a. ^FTST 3TiT^ «. Administeatoe, m. ( of a goveruaieut ). R^jnft- 'ic. irrsT ^TRraT-^r-^FTT-^TT^T- &c. 3^^ffT, ^THf, T???'?, ^rff. Admirably, ff(7(j. v_ A. ^-^ AV.\>\\ ^PTT-FTT^T->-tc. a. decl. Admiral, «. 3Hffqn.-&c. ^RW and, in. con. ^^ m g. of a. SFtg^ «.-m^ /.-^Tf?q;R OT.- &c. EfRijf /«. con.g.ofo. 3Tr=r'5^ in. con. Admirer, n. See Lover. pT^T^TT^. Admissible, a. v. V. 1. sf^ qT^i--:^-^^! J 1 a I -vi?FTT-&c. sjsr- 2 Eq-T^r-=^T-#^?IT-'#Tr- &c. iTRrqT &c.- =^-^T- &c. Admission, Admittance, ii. v. V. 1 — act. \^ ^iir n. srfrf ^gj ^ M. sit^TTPT n. 2 — rtc/. q'of «. KRor «. Trl^iJt n. &c. ■3TT^"JT «. ^TT^T^ n.— state. iTT^Frr/.— «• or s. iTT-&c. ifof, 2 ( a measure, custom, &.C. ) 3TT^?TJif, ir'if, ^^% "TT^^, %^, aTT'-PTOT, ^^PTW, ai'il+.K'Jt, ^t^PK «j.-3TM^=PR »«.-%=r=T «.-^0T «.-&C. 5p?T3f. Adopted, p. Adoptive, «. t. V. 1. ^-^rpp-Ac. q'fr^JTT, qrnnr or spr, TTH^^r, qF^TT, qt^qr, Hftt^iT %ci?i?rr, 3Ti€t?r An a. child. KTRB'^rfrr/. q^i^R ?;. 2 3TT^?WT, &c. %f^fT, 3TT^?r, ^^. Adoptee, «. Adopting, 2'. «■ AiOPTi\E, a. t.Y.I. ?rT-7^=PP- «rrfftjrr-&c. Quiki, Httt^c MuiKt, 3Tf€t?T ^ittt, ^tt^p-^- ic. in^, TT^. :: ^tK(U |ICT, A«.'. %^\ &c. %^rp( esp. in comp. ) Addition, n.\.y.l. net. ^ii^^^ ^^ n. aiMcT %olr ». ^tT or JtTS q^ 1. '^Tlt.'.j^u i H. ^^^fNnr m.— stale. ^ q'rl^- JJoy given into a. Sfrf wi. ^^'f »»• ^^ '»• 'Trpr^"T=;fra. — revilingly. ^tFJT or ^rpr— I'amili.arly. 5Tfnt?r,<^-T^=ff?, H^nrr^, ar^^q', sr^, ■jpim^, "Tvirfrrq-, t^^t^^, &c. Adouablexess, «. T. A. 35TT^T?^-'*TjTnrNt-&c. ?frJTrn"/.- 3TfflT/.- &C.>TJpft^TfTT/q^m-/.'JfRlfi=rT/.&C.aTT:^'rn-/. AioBATiox, «. V. V. — act. q;^af «. ir^iif «. &c. t^^t «. /■ anrr*^ w. -jHrnnr/. Jo Aeoke, v. a. V. To "W'OESHIP. JvTdT, T^, 3=r#af, aTTTT- ArOBED,,?). V. V. 3^%^, >T<^%«l, &C. "jf^rT, 3^f%cr, 3TTTT- AroBEE, «. Ajobing,;?. «. t. 'V. JtrTanrr, &c. "T^^^j, 3TTTrq'- Abobinolv. orftf. V. V. "Jv^T^^q-, JT fa ' jj'K . To AiOEN, V. a. decorate, emheUish, ornamnit. 3T?il^TTuf >fnK^_, Hq^, m^iTsrSr, mirar ^r^, ^rfH?T-f ?itF>T?f-&c! "F^, ?fpiT /.-tn m.-kc. sot-arnJi'jf, ^tpt^ m.-'jt'tijt «.- 2 icicf >«, ^racp, T. To Become, m^, m^fff, ^f^'rf. Aloened. p. Y. V. I. ar^ihlWOT, &c. strS^PP^, ?ir>W^, &c_3t?iwnf:^^ &c. ^7^^., mf'TrT, ^?r,^ Jif^, f^^-. Aeobseb, «. AxoE>-isG,;).«. v.V. 1. 3t^:ktt ^FTcrnr, &c. AEOENMESr, Adoujiiko, n. V. V. 1.— arf. 3Tk-TTT0I «. &c! f^H^ n.—state. sj^K m. ^T^JRWD". ?tW/. 3Tf7?;f?r/. >ffT/- ^TTfiT?Tf5r«. &c. A DOWN, prep, along, donmcards. aipiTif^, i?frjj;?r :r^ur^ 314T-., -fltfrcr, ST:?^. •" ^ =- ' Kl>yiUT, adv. foaling at random. ^?ft, JHT^^f rRrff AOT To be a. -lit-fig. rTtw, ^^\^^. To cast a.-lit. ^V^U^t--^^\^j^x CT^ST.-fig.STT^JTRT JT^^t. To get a.-Iit. 3Tmf^-sr5n^ffT-&c. 'rS'it,-fig.5rT='!TT^ ?R^. Adkoit, a. dexterous, v. Expekt. J?T?r, giR, g^, Tllf^, Adroitly, adv. v. A. §T<4U|M, &c. ^TTTf^, ^^T?^^'^, ^^T- Adeoitness, 71. V. A, J^icSq-DTT »«• g'FTTiTT »«• &e. 5^- '^fT/. gnnf /. g'T:T3rr ««. ^^rn /. ^^ «. ^^?5«. ^aWf ■». Adex. (j. See Thiestt. Adscitixious, a. taken tip, called in, v. Assumed. TRSTFTT, ^■TH, ail^N, 3TniM?5T, 3TT|rr. [tee, &c. Adulation, To Adulate, &c. See Flatteeing. To Flat- Adult, a. arrived at mature age. eprfrT 3Tlrtrtl, T'JlfrT 3n%r7r, ?H?r?r 3n%p^, TPrfpr 3Tfr5?rT, nrer, vm^frfTT, ^V, tfp, rtrN=5r, jt^'Jl,'--T^3T'Jir,M'j1H"Jf, To a. against, upon, ^r^^ ^'^-%'jf, ■^iJI^/.-'^ m.-^- Z\^ on. ^iif ioj^/t STT. 2 yrow Je«er, ^'c.v. To Impeove. '^\^T^\ |m ^m^, ^'t'jf, 3 mo»e apace, ^f ado. =5]T?5af. 4! progress, proceed, v. To Eise. ^Kaf , ^^rraot, =5r5>jf, ^T^- ?T-=^cr-&c. =5jra'ir, ff^T^T trot. Advance, Advancement, n. v. V. A. 1. — act. ^ ^^ n. 3T?TTft^ ^Vm n. &c. I^act. ^^ififf «. En^cT^ «. &c. i^U'-hK 5«. T^S^T n. —state. 5JT3^?ri:iUTT »». &C. •HJ^^I-rll/. "I^fft/- Z—act. ^i^ n.— state, ^fg/. ^\\^m n. ■i—act. ■^\rm^ n. &c. I. moneg adcanced. STTTS f^^i=Jr WT ?«. — esp. to culti- vators, Frml/. v. Y. N. 1.— a. 0?- s. ^i q-ijf/t. Ac. 5piTCT«. ^=pJTw. ^frf/. 2— state. ^5^ «. &e. =^r??ft/. ^fsT^^ w. JT^"^ n. ^f|;/. 3 — state. ^TS'Jfw. =^T?5af ?8. &c. q"!^/. =5r^/. ^5 '«. In a. in front, jt, H"!^^. 2 before-hand. aTTT^, 3TfiFT. Advance-ctoead, Advanced-gtjaed, n. f^fft/. Advanced, p. v. V. A. 1. qt %^F^^■-^^i'Jlriri^, &c. 2 =q^clrJ?rr, ^TJqr'^^, &c. TfTtjrrr^, '^^. 4 ^lri=W?5T, &c. V. V. N. 1. 5? 3TM?5r, 5?RS5^, y<+)HV.r, &C. jrfTrT, ^'^l-mn, 3T^Tn?T, 3T!T^m, ^Ft?r. 2 7^m-^JTTTH-?nTra'- &c. "q^^jr. 4 «(iciirtr, "Hs^jr^i, &c. |5[ ( esp. in comp, as ^"tf 5[, ?rH|5, f^^5, ^^5, T^TTf ^, ?rTTf ^ ). ADV Advancee, rt. Adyancino,^. «. V. V. A. 1. crt <}iXT7nTT- aTTomRT, &c. ^[?f ^'f-K'-t> '. 2 -HIiJclUIKI, -cjiiol'JIUl, &C. JT^^rrf, MJ^+,|3ft, "T^^l^, ^- 4 =q"iric(ijiHi, ^rRST^mrr, &o. 5 +l'iU|KI, 3Y ^PTtrrr^T, &c. [^TFfPft. V. V. N. 1. qs "q-unrr &c. qft^n^ft, arfirH^rmT, ^Pr^- 2 =jr??n', tnw-€^TH- &c. xj^uim, &c. |f^ ?«. =^^, ^^ ^M, 2 benefit, profit, good, avail, use. 't>\Mi\ m. Nd'JK, l^qniKt, Advantaoeouslt, adv. v.N.2 ^t^nT^^TtHR, WT^, a. decl. 3 r4>*iMH^K, H WT, ^^^nr. Advantaqeousness n. v. A. 1. ^M-MMflMTT m. :jq^rf^IrIT /. ^rp?^ n. '^^^kf^V,^ n. OT»T-&c. dN'-f.^ n. 3tT'+.|RcII /. Advenient, Adventitious, a. v. Accidental, sti'-i^*, Advent, ». v. Coming, q^ot «, 3TFIT^ n. arm^ m. Adventuee, «. accident, chance. \'^T'} mf^^^mA^ f. ^^Flrf 2 hazardous deed, v. Enteepbise. ^ntiT «/. ^IiqiTT^ qjm «. tfr^TTT^ q^TR' «. qrsn^ «. 5>iqnf w. ["Sfftfr «. Adventures, remarkable events in the life of. '^fK'^ pop. To Adventuee, v. n. try the chance, dare, v. To Ventuee. ^isfm «.-&c. arrim aTM'Jir-^'^-^t^FTTot-'T^ sfttlW, ^5?t?^tH n. ;[qiTjf, cr^nFjy ?i/. q?^. To Adventuee, v. a. put into the power of chance, v. To Ventuee. ^^Ht?T gcrnf-qr??^, a=r^tfr?r-^^tft?r ^^- ADV 22 ADV Al>VE>ri'BtB.n.v.V. one irlio seeks oaasions of chance, ^r- iR f^RT qi^ 35rm qi ^u i K i, ^"r?ft^ «"• ^^rmn "Tr^onTT, vJTfitK 'ITtTT^r ^ITT, &c. AuvKMi i:«H s, a in Uuid to adeenlures. +^rit or ^JTsn^-iTT, rppjmT. [5^^^. •J V. HazaREOCS. q" | < M> ft , ^?IiTT=5rT, ?t^^^t^, HTiT^?rT- AiiVESTi-EorsLT, aJc. v. A. 1. ^iflRr ^T^^ q^^, ^Rft^ ADVENTi-RocfSEss, n. V. A. ^^fTH ^^qr^rr kt^ht^^- ^fq/. AuTT-BB, «.— geiKT. -H^q^ n. 'fls^T^ »• 2— to a verb, f^^qifEf fX'TOT ^i{s^^ n. flrfvffcRTqtFT 3T5q-q- w. r+<4 1 r«< ?rm n. f^irf^'^rro «. h.\)SV.mM.Ki.,a.peiiaininj to an a. STo'T^J^^, ^Tsqq'T^, 3T5q^^, -iT.q-i(|rH-^-, ars^m'Tfr, aTS^qif'^r^, &C. ^5q-- ADVEBBlALLr, adc. V. A. >|oijTT5r m. f^ir?5r n. f^nrm/. R h ■■'I d ^rr /. '^Iifjt'w. q-q-- ^ n. TFq^T^ «;. f^n^^r?! »«. f^rg- ^^W^j m. ^^.W' m. g-FRfftir^/. ^'rRHT^T^ 7«. Suffericg, overwlielmed by, &c. a. ari^f^T'tT, 37n5r, fjR^, 3TT^5!Tm, ailM'^lT'EHT, SfW^^, fsn^iT^, f^^^, To Adveht, I'.?!. ('»)•« to. attend to, animadve7-t.'^'!\n.-'^.i^^n. 3T?I^ y. o/ «. Adveetekce, Adteeting, «. v. Y.—act. tt^^ OT^iif n. T^ ^q- »j. Ac. sT^^trT^r n. ^^^■[^ «. txn^ «. Witli a. to 3T5?5f^. To Adveetise, v. a- v. To Inpoeji. v^|UHiif, ^Fo^tpif, <^- q'5roT,5Trf|rrnR-mftiT-^M?n'-HR'^-^lftFr-^fjr?r-&c.spTDT. 2 give notice oj pullichj. v^l^lT-^^^-!Tf^5- &c. ^RW, vTlf^JHIMI 5». f'P^q'of-FST^OTy.o/o. stft/.-StsnT ?».-&e. fTJJtfOT y. 0/ 0. STT^^'I'Jr «.- &e. ^?Tjf. Aeteetised, j5. V. V. 1. ^^m5r%?5T, ^s^cRBT, &c. H I f^dTT- ^-&c. %?5?^, qtf^?f, !T5nfq-?T, fcrfTTf7?f. Abteetisement, n. v. V. 1. — act. ^ror^of «. «&c. Mlf^rl'lK. -&c. SRor m. fiTfTK^ n. ^tT^T «• sf^^"^ «. I. notice piMished. Wlf^HIHlm. ^if^-ijrl/. ^?TTf|T?T5fT /. Adteetisee, if. AiivERTisixa, j). ff. V. Y. 1. ^tiiq"tJTiTr^ &.c. ^l%HIK -&c. +.(U||J|, ^KHF, ST^-'^T^, i^fTN^. [^Prrf. 2 ^m^- &c. ^pTOTRr, ^JTit fT^^'inTr, Acir^p^iFTif, ^f^^- To Abtespebate, v. n. draw towards evening, ^ri^^"^, ?ff^- oEtlf or ^i^ToJof, ^IrlN^r, Aetice, n. counsel. 3^^ ot. iTOrJrr/. «fr'4 '«. 3Tf^^T ?«. ?T5?T m. f. ^f^^T^ '«• ;■•• wtn. Bad a. ^%r m. ^^^P^ m. [g'T^ «!. Good a. or instruction. f|' ^T.- Commereial a. "^5 /. Adtisable, a. proper to be adcised or practised, v. PEorEE. ^TTt^TT^, ^^aftfq-fT, 3^3T^FTTJftq', 3^?TT^i^. ' Adtisaeility, Adtisableness, n. v. A. qF^rlT/. STtNtt [ To Adtise, v. a. give counsel to. JnTf^/.-^STw. /.-3^^3Tw?. ' -&.C. jijf, 3^?T>jf, =^rn: 'fn?t/- iJ^-3T-^?5/.-&c. frtnDT-%oT, 5f^^ '»• ^^M-^^, ^tpT ».-SfifttT=T«.-'T5r'JI».-3Tf*riT=sniT W.-&C. ^rof. : 2 recommend ly counsel. 3'T'^^ «J.-Htlrt'ess, 7J. deliberateness. ^tf^r^Rfrr /. ^f^^'^rfl/. Advisee, ?!. Advisikg, 7). a. v. V. 1. 2. 3^'^:!TaTTrr, &c. 'iMt-ST^FS- &c. ^fqariTT. Evil a. ^iT==f|-. 3 See iNroBMANT. ADVisiNCi, re. V. V. 1. — act. W^'^n. &c. ^f^^ m. v. ^TT, ^q- VI. qrq'R' n. wq' »". Sf%'=Rr n. 3T1^?T m. 5frf>Tit^>Jr«. JT^JTOT n. ^^T^. n. 2— act. ^s^V^m^ n. ^q^of «. &c. fir^TTT^T n. ^\^^ n. ST^T^^ «. -^H n. Advooacy, Advocation, ?^. v.V.l. — act. sf P+r^ /. STFTHrf/. To Advocate, 8). a.pZfat^/on T?T w. ^^^7^ q'rrf'jf-^m^/. ^C^, =r1%t^ /• -^'+. I rt <1 /. ^fJT^ y. 0/ 0. TtT^fJf^^ «- 'TTT- Advocate, Advocatee, n. v. V. "T?T q?i;==f ^i?5"JTrTr Ac. I. pleader in a Court. ^^^ m. ADYTVM,!ier division of a temple. TT'TIT or rr»».THT^re. Apz, Addice, ». (TRToft/. sfrfi^ or ^=Ji^m. ^^?^\m. ^^^f. To cut with an a. ( to pare, chip, plane, &e.) fn'^. Cut with an a. rTTflR. Work done with an a. ?rr^i. n. Aerial, a. lidoiiginf/ to the air. ^\^^^\:!f\.^ ^^'^^^\., iJMH- W'f\^ ^\^^^^w.^ ^rprt^'T^^, stpt^Ti&c. arFPT^ftq-, ^TFFT^ft, ETTTsq-. 2 consisting of air. ^rr^r^^ ^TT^^, =rp=T^, ^nrTTTq', qj^- 'Tqr, ^ITfTTTfT^, qT^RT^. 3 inhaUting the air. ■•3TTW^Ti?T- &c. <1^U|KI, 3TFPT3T5IT?ft, 3TFFT^R', combine icith air. ^TT'T »«. 3TfrRT^-'>TTiit. Aeeograpiit, Aeeoloqy. n. description of the air. ^TT^TT^ n. ^V^^^\f. ^TT^qTirV w. [ ?!T 515 ?«. Aeeolite, re. stone fallen from the air. 3TFFT5Tm?r-&c. TSS- Aeeometee, n. HTFJ^^ re. ^TfTTq^^ST m. Aeeometey, n, ^t^ff^f^f. <|T^Mn^r=('qi/, APF Aeeonaut, re. f^PTT^im HfTjq- 3Tr^^t?r ftRWRT, aTFTTT^r^rr- t( m. arramnrfTr m. ^^t m. Aeeostation, re. aerial navigation. aTTW^TTT^ re. 'iTHfiTyf^- ^ re. ■•^tr^^TH^snr »«. a^Fpr^xnCT^ ». 2 science of weighing air. ^T^fi^f^ f. ^PTHN^f^/. Aeeostatics, «. setewt'c 0/ weighing air. ^J^^^T^fi{^\ f. JiSTHETICS, M. the science of the beautiful, &e.^7^q^?tf;fR3TT- vEthiops MINERAL, re. sulphnret of mercitrg. W.'^^^ f . AfAE, arZtf. fJ-^ ;=r^ ?rf^^^^ ij^q-r^ ^r?f:. From a. J^CT, ?=5f^iT. That is a. oil'. l^T'SfT, f^'*T. Affability, Affableness, re. v. A. rflT^ftTTrft/.-iT^Tt/. &e. ^i=5JTFT?Tlt/. g^^HT/. ^;^^^ n. ii}■^^^ re. ^.^^- ?PTOTT m. ^^^.^^X m. q^q^^^TOTr m. Affable, a. courteous, S^'c. ^ppr '^fT?5r-'H'=rr-il"r5, !^r5=^'»T^, ^rTSt, ^5:5^5:7, f 5SiT5lt?T, ^T^q^J^^r, ms^T?^. Affably, adv. v. A. T^tHluiWli^, ^'Z5i?Jti=f"T'JTTH", q^q^TH- Affaie, 71 matter to be done, or done.^^P^ n. ^^:\^ n. ^prfsT re. ^FT^ re. g^^JTr "i. ^rqi^q- re. 2 matter, business, conce7-n, — freelg. ^TTre. ^fTT^ n. ^W.f. «. f^^^ m. ttft/. 5im?r/. ^ir /. A confused and perplexed a. HFFTS/. qiTT^rr m. A delicate a. ^M'4) ^PTT. »}. A pressing, urgent, &c. a. fSr^F^^sflr jfr?/. [ ^w. A private, obscure, &e. a.^ff r?T?ft 'lY'? /. ^ff r?raT 5^^- A vexatious or troublesome a. g+lrf^fi^r m. Settlement of an a. ^FRffHif^ m. A. of honor. (See Duel. 3 affairs: public concerns. •H<+I<4t ^FWre. pl.-^^^ To Affect, v. a. a-t upon. ^4 m.-^hV M.-???ft/.-'prwj.-&e. ^TT^, rrFyrr, c7T'T^|r>lf-=5TT35'if-==nH or '^FSrfT ^of !(.'/if/t Bf^ 0/ 0. art^T or STiiTTfl' q'^t. — injuriously, qr'O'ot, f^^R ot.- f^-7f?f/- frff !(v7/i qT?J5T. 2 ( the passions ) touch, move. JftTCTf^ ipst ?«. or ^ on. 'T^^r arroT'ir-^^ arroT'if y. of o. flsi^-^^Tf^Fr :j;R:uf, 'T^J^ST^ '^,^^^., qwr^rof, TraC m.-^F^sf^ f.-W.^^^ m.- nF^qT/re.-i&c. 3TT"JTot, r^TTOT. 3 asm a^, a'pire after. r=;gr qC-T ?lcfT sre, ^q'of, f-.'^Jiqif^ ^^?T m. ^5r-c5f?T'?f, 3=lfT??m^-^f^/. ffcTof. 4! assume and display, v. lo 1'eetend. ST ot.-^pT w.- arrt^rr «.-qRr m.-^pt «■ ^w-TT^sr^-^n^sriJif y. of 0. t>- ?r OT. ;pj:ot-^^5rot-Hrs5t j. of 0. irtff, ^^rrr a. ( used with a noun ) 3Tr>^at-^?l^af. Affectation, n. v. Aies. 3T^3/. ST+i'm -hI /. ^ m. hrt TO. ^r^^/. ^r^Tirr m. ^^^ «. — esp. of females. ^^^ on. iTO^wi. _?;?. Z^^m. ZHwMn. 2 v. Peetence. srJT or 5*r to. RRT re. sfe or ^^T lb=5 m. i'\^ m. ^Pf re. Zj:{-\^^Vhf. V. ^^^. .\ffected,2J. v. V. 1. JJT a^ra^-OTIHTc^, JTm^or, sn-q^^r. AFP 24 AFF •2 moved, touched, q^ H^Tf aTTcTHT, loET TS^T 3Tl"55r5r, To bo a. rTTT? alliit ( TPrfrf ) v. n«j?. ^ w.-iRT »«. 4 T. PBtTEM>ED. 31|Ulrirjr, ^Sf^T, ^T'lNI, STTnTr, ffer- ]. Aarjny aff'eclation. SI'+i'JM, 3T^?aiT, ^^^, ^^^^TT^, — esp. of I'umiiles. q'W'-lM, ^TO^H", TJT^W, J^'^. II. labored, strained, v. FoKCED. ^tf^ a<|UW-!i|', %^. A-PFECTEPLY, oTR ( regular, fixed, essential, ^'e. aud irregular, advenicnt, Sfc. passions or conditions. ) The first arc cight-^, ^, ,tl^^ ^^t^^ ;j;^^ :^^ ^ifpm, f^^^jthe second are thirty-two— f^^, i^nivr' =^, T^TI^, TTTur, to which are sometimes added two others-^mr, f^H*. There is, further, a middle class named HTfr^^^TT^. They consist of eight-^» ^^ ^aj-ectednessfron, external action. flnFR,«.f^^/.as of the eyes ^.lf%^_of the ear .poff^^ &c. and-of in,lkJ>^ood, water, air, Ac^rvrf,^, ^f^^ _^^. Affectionate, a. v. N. and Loving. iTiTr[=^r, ^HT=^, &c. MHdl^' or a', iJni'A^, Hlid*, ^H=rr?, ^^rf, ^TT?5 or 5C, ^^, MliJNT^, UNNFT, JTRTT^ft^, HJTrIT?ft?5, ^T???^. Affectionatelt, cfZf. v. A. jth?J#, mq'^, ^^Tpf, sftTft^, jT»TrrT-sftf?r-&c. q#^, 'JTi^rfr^. Affectionateness, «. v. A. ijHctHurr ot. H^r^\i^:^^ m.&c. HJTrnTJ^iT ». STRHFT n. ^??T?5?TT /. JTH^rtl/. 'sftfrmfJT ». HTSTTifftjSfTT/. Affectioned, a. disposed, inclined, Tr=IT^T,^5t^, (as kindly a. ^'4NMI ). Affiance, n. marriage-eontraci. ^^if^,''^^ or qrftr'i'T'Tw- 2 faith reposed, v. Teust. HT^OT ot. f^'^TH >«• ^'r^'^ m. To Affiance, See To Beteotii. Affidavit, n. v. Oath. ^T^'iT/, v- ^f, ^J^TtIt n. Upon one's a. ^qrar, ^q'trK. Written a. ^T^if^n; ^^IT^/. f^5TrT=5I «. ^^TT*;^^ ot, ^W*T"J5^T5r n. To Affilia-te, i\ a. See To Aiopt. 2 receive into a society &c. ^n?q-?fsitn^ ^rs^r, TT5csm ^"Jf, ^^rsjtft ^trm. Affiliated, ;?.v.V.2 ;ff^ii)yaiKrTH ^"T5^Hr,^5i'4\ %3^,&c. Affinity, n. relation bg marriage.'^v^ft^ f- ^N^'IH/. ?rrH«. ?5im/. STTfTHT^ w. 3TTJTT0TT m.^^ m.^^^m. ^55^ »». ar^q-q- m, ^T^TFTij'^ '»• ^Tf^^i^iq' ?»■ ^VlB'siq' m. 2 relation, resemblance, ^-c. t. Likeness. ^jqV m. ^T^- \^ n. 3Tr»TTF m. STTJ^'^'T «• 3T^-^q^rr »». 3 — in chemistry. sftfJT /. ^'H m. To Affiem, v. n. assert, aver, asseverate, protest; allege. To Affiem, v. a. declare posit ively. SffFrfi^r-iTf^fTT'T^^-f'T'i'T- •mrM+-Pt'-flr)Hul-^anJ'i-l^*4q'Tq-%-&c. ^Fl^-'^tfT'jf, &c. 2 confirm, t. To Eatify. 5?[?T-'^^-^?J-^rC^- &c. ^% Affiemation, «. V. V. X,—act, ^'^r^^-kc. ^\v,^ n. f^liRTfJT^ ^i^T n, M5>T?r^'4?r »• ^^'- ^rre-siT m. To Afflict, v. a. pain, distress. ^•.mn.-^-^f.-p^%-\m.-&,c.\it^ jffcTiif or |?^TFri?r, fq-^ot, f^s^/, sorrow, cfc. 5:^ m. %^ m. 5!TPP »>. |:- ^ftT'HT m. ^nftT^rr «»• &c. «m m. jfTs «j. ^^T »>. f^^?5r/t. Partner in a. ?riT^:?ft m. ^•.IXI'^J ^V^ m. I. cause of a. v. Calamitt, Trouble. |:^ «. ^rf^TO ?f. 3TT^ffT >«. SFT'-^ m. Azm n. it3t?TT ?(. [^ «. Affluence, n.floivinj into. qT|=T irof «. stt^T^^ «. ^f^^- 2 abundance of riches, T. Eiches. ^TfTT /. ?r"T^/- Affluent, a. t. N. arTT^rr^, ^TfTT^T- 2 V. Eicn. ;^?TJrR/q%^l?, »f\f^, «ftHfT, ?rTvr, '4^?f- Afflux, n. flowing vnlo. arf^fq"^^ ?J. 3TT?^^ ?!. 2 matter flowing unto. ^J^^^f. ^V^^ or cf^crft/. To Affoud, v. a. yield uiito, v. To Peoduce. g'q^'ir, f^"T^- af, mioT n. ^m., srrfTr/.-q^T^ f■-^^'^ «j.-^q^ «.-&c. |t"^ s. governed by qi^fT, ^^rt ^Ti^f or ^r?lT?r ^FT^ or SIW fror s. «'-v7A TTPT^r, "TT^T'Jir or ^tf ^"if s. i«i77; TTg,^. 2 grant, confer, v. To Give. ^6t, ^R" 7t. ^^^ y. of 0. OT^FT M.-JTFT'T M. ^'i'Jf y. of 0. 3 (some expense, cost, loss, &c.) In every construction in this sense To Apfokd is resolvable into To be able to jive. This verb therefore is ever to be so resolved. Thus, I can a. to bear, to yield, to lose, to pay for, to seU for, to part toith for the jettinj of, (which appli- cations comprehend the whole power of the verb ) signifying simply I am able to jive — away or up, — in purchase of, — in sale for, — in exchange with, — is to be rendered, ( See Able, and To be Able )H^ \^^'^-\^\ '0 APT ^^ etc. or through some verb expressing a variation of the sense Giving, as, JT?5T ^n5r?(-5rtq;q--f-^rq;rr(-fq^- Affbat, «.See Fight, Quaeeel. Affeeight, &c. See Feeight, &c. Affeiqht, See Feiqht. &e. ToAffeont, v.a. insult openly. miT^ TTTOT,-^!!!^^ 3Tirfvrgr /.-3TTHr^ wi.-ctc. ^,m y. of o. ^jt\m arr^/^r, i(xivi'^ or SrS^TFsfT Hts/.-HT^TfT/. J^Raff. 2 make slightly angry, v. To Offend, f^^cfof^ Ns^of, =^5-/. arr'JToT, ?:K^(if, ^'H;-?TTr-&c. ^p^q-. [ sTsrf'T^r/. Affeoxt, n. an insult to the face. cT^tlR^ aTTTTR' m. tTTTRT 2 — gener. See Insult. To lake a. 1%^, f^Z^^ ^^^of, ^^^] m. eftuf, ?r3^^ ( in comp. as g^^;TTTCT"jft), HPTf^T^, fPCT, 3TaT{«. ^Tt^/- f.^/- AFTER-c-oiiER, «. mw <>r qr^mpi ^nmrr, ?^, -j^Pfn^, Aftee-cost, «. JTr-FTT ^ '"• 'T^'TT^^ "»■ A FTFR-CROP, n. subsequent or later crop.'m^^ /• or Pw^TF- «. ( csp. ol- the pulses ) pT^ m. pRiTT% ^^ »■ Tf^W fcTT^ n. T'^TTIJ^^ »• Afteb-oame,«. ^■'^^'uf. ar^ft^r^FT^sirmT «• AFTEU-UOURg, «. 3#'Z/. ^rf'^^t^^H^ '"■ After-life, n. Utter part of life. ^T^TT^TtI/. ^rtT^PT n. ?- Aftermath, n. secon^i crop of grass. TSrm^ p^ 'f?: /• l" HTT '^^;^ m. ^ Aftkrmost, a. ^XM TT^WFT^, ^^M^^^, ^^:^H, ^^I^ ..,_ _-JTFT^ ?r^9nqiT, H€rf>I^, T^tTH. ArrEu-sooK, n. ir^^^?TT^Tr^FT^ ot. ^i^T^PT^fT^W^ / A. and tveniur;, the decUninj ha^f. ^'JTTHY^ /■ 3"cTrT- After-pains, n. ^K^'TT^/. After-part, n. TS»TT^JT ?«. T^-^S^FT w. T^iqif^Tm m. 3"^r- t| n. JrTPm m. Tr^VV. m. After-stiho, n. TftTrTI'.TT »»• mRuiF^^IT m. AiTKR-Tiioi-onT, n. tTf>/-TH^/ther hand. a^^q^V, q^:, ^, ^^, ^^'T? or Against, prfp. ?« opposition to. f^R^S, ^, ^^, ^i ^'^■ Note. The genius of the Mardthi language does not permit exact rendering of this word. Sentences there- fore constructed with it should he broken down, and rendered with single eye to the sense. Tor this mode will be wanted prepositions and particles and nouns and adjectives of varying meanings and powers and bearin-s; and, of such v^ords there will be found abundance. Thus-to render I am or I act ajamst Mm, may be employed-f%^5, f^^=^, ^W'^ ^^5' ^' fim,3TfH^, 3T5^,?3^, (opposed, opposite,) as, ^\ ^- ^ f^?5-f^(t?t-cfcc. 3TTf -.-f^'^, f^^^^. t^^'^'T, ^rm- ??q g^,?q'=2T, firn-4im, 3Ti%qwT, ^sqarr, (opposi- tion ) as, KWr fTTOT m^m'^^-^-'^^:^- &c. ^, or n\ fqTfftf^dKT^f^^^'TT^^'f I^ nrair^ r "i ^A«>^« "'• ''^«''' ^/;^ ^' ^^ cfrem^mr: _tT (-wJ^A O as, ?m# ^^-^^5-'Tfl^-&c. q^ftriT:— and such phrases as m^ q?^,'%^ ^fTS'T^, ^^': '^^f^, ^ ^^, mzm ^^^, HT^ ^^Tl?, &c. &c. The &».^ri^ prepositions sff^ and f^ well express the sense of ajainst; but they are inseparable prepositions ; ex, ^^^^^ or ^-.^^^ going ajainst, ^^^^ gone against, ^fe{^m or ^M^f^ acting ajainst, and fifq^T, i^H>J|rif?t. age (i. e. declining years and senility, ) ^'j^qT^rtTT /. ^^^n. 5}T'^^FT». Another account makes four ages. The two ages. 3T=R'tn^». "{"I'^^il'm /. These are ad- vance to maturity, =q^rft TTTj/- "Ttf^T". "pf^«. and de- cline into age, grRrft TTT^ /. SrT'TTTTf /. ^rTTinTw. ^JtRT^'J. 5 ^/me o/ life. ^^n. 3TTT /• ?fl"'T mf. A. of twenty, ^^ or f^^tT /. — of twenty -five, T^f^- ?ft or ?ft— of thirty, f?r?ft or ^ft — of forty, -^\'t^ or ;ft — of fifty, TsJtT^ or ^ft — of sixty, ?TT#r. Disparity of a. ?rTf^«ft'4n:=ft /• rf^l-fl'-otft/. 6 old age. *-^MKHUir m. J-^MKMurm. ^(J^HUIlw. f 5^«. Imbecility of old a. '•^MK-^cAotm. Eeverence, &c. for a. ^^^r/. f.^^^FTT «J. Bent, &c. under the infirmities of a. ^rinvRuM. 7 ripe age, maturity, v. Pobeett. cpT n. rlI'(:.uiJN<;'.-'f'raT^^/.- f^5TFf% /-&c. ^FTW g. of 0. or fpn g. of s. To Aggltjtinate D. a. unite as by glue. ^1:^ m.-&c. ^f^if.^ To Aggeakdize, v. a. v. To Exalt. M\i\i /.- t^t^tt'ITTw - W.-&C. ejis«(ui y. of 0. To Agoeavate, I', a. make more grievous, a^fq^ ^3T5-3TffenJ >TTft-3Tfq^ ^fz^pop. ;F^Wr-&c. qRof, aTfq^ ^fRot, |:?r- ^?R 5f?W. [^rof. To be or become aggravated. ^5T3T^,^^^?T^, ftr^OTRT 2 make more enormous or heinous. 3TftT^ ^]%Z- 3^f^^ 5^-f"5rrT-&c. W■T^^ ^m. ^TT^cT'jf, ^pirrfqcFq-». ^FT'jf. 3 V. To Peovoke. ??1T /•- ^riit/.-fTTTfT/. qRW-^rrJW y. of o. f^CT ^. 4 See To Exaggeeate. Agqeavation, n, v. V. l.—acf. ^fij^ ^^ ^fj^n. &c. 2— act. 3Tf«r^ cnf? ^>^«. &c. S—act. ^"tt ^I^«. &c. ^ij^T^/. I. aggravating cause. ff^^^TJTw. ^5 ftinTRr ^^TVnn- Aggeegate, a. collected into a sum or mass, ^^.^ %Sc^T,&c. OTFt^rrf^, ^JTcTRft, ^TTHTTfsf^, ?rpT[f^^, nmrflr^, Aggeegate, n. collected sum or quaniily ^{WiT^m. ^^^'^\^m. W»lM»i. ^TPT^'"- '^fT^Hr /. ^^ftrffrft^/. ^^RfT/. •M^^'H i«. T^rOT. ( as 3T^V, ^Rfim, ^4^^., nnir &c. ), ^m^n. To Aggeegate, v. a. collect, v. To Gather. <^^ of/r.- (J+'^i (jrfy.-i^^ adv. ijjwf, ti^cTSTDT, ifjoET ^JRW, rnocqui, ^TTT^m.-WHT^</. 3"'TT-3"HTT^'jf. Agile, a. v. Active. ^^ToIT, STfTS,?', §7^^, ^^TTSJ O'' 55, 3t- 1^n?T, 3Ti'lNI ^RaT, ^ncTTT. AOILESESS, AOILITT, «. V. A. ^q^TcElf /• 3Tfn=ErT^/ 'JTfT- ?i"PTt/. -«)ivr«f «. =5rT?rpi?rT/. To Agist, t". a. lake in cattle to feed^ ■^\\^\\^ or ^VO^^T. To Agitate, v. a. v. To Shake, ^iritful", iflciui, ^jiciiii, ^t^ 2 discuss, V. To Akgue. ^rs'if, ^rreoT, ^i^-uf, ^iisf-ir:/.- vl-iiMi-l/.-ijIrtCili M1.-&C. ^Jj^w y- o/ 0. •i ( tlic mind or passions ) disturb, disorder, flurrij. TTCTT, *S|*0|, 'iioiui, VNV-J'JI, H5ilToJtIW, ^SiTjeSt, ^TPT- ?TPTff>.-&c. ^my. o/o. Agitated,;?, v. Y.l.^T^=f%^T,^r2:^?^T,^'T^c7r,&c.qT«f- - ^%=7T, '■■Tiiivi^---ll4l'--JI5-&e. gT3?5T, 3TT?^?f. :! Tf^^^jr, ?TT'T5r%r^, &c. nfcT, ne?;:, 1%5|=y 0/- oT, 3mf5j, 'jTPTt i 'JTTJ^ ( in comp. as JT'TT^, ^'^TTHT, EFnTPTf, ==rPn^, 'T^n^, 5fr^rp|T, f%?TTHT^TFnWT, &c.^tTTf =5,&c.) Agitation, n. v. V. \.~act. ^irequj «. ^fr^nf «. ^iT^ijf 7i. >i''>isi n.—ifate. ^.^^,■f,^\l\\ m. ^TT'RkT^T »«■ ?J5:'-:r. m. an-^isi n.— state. sftsjlJlTnTT/. EfRrqT?: 5nHS"T^ ot. 3— oc/. n^'JT «. ?r^ol5t n&c.— state. HotHo; /. ?f5;?Tor/. =^nT?rT/. "^TTtifr /. i^nirnrr /. —a. or». Hiuimir/. ■i^'nrim f. Agnail, n. v. AVuitlow. ^^^ n ;t^ ?r. ^TJTfT m. A gsate, «. n/.-/« by the father's side. Jir^r^T, rr^T^eft, ftpT- AoNATio.v, «. relation by the father's side only.'^]=>(^^^m Ago, adv.^one. y. Past. ^Tc5T, n^, ncT, 11m, a^fft^r. A mouth a. ^^F Tf^^lT ^TTSf. Three years a. rff^r ^T ^\^f. A wliiJo a. 3Tmt, Knt, ifritsf^ 5Tr^, w^^^t ^ret?^ Long a. 9rR f%?rH 5rR, f^T^T^ 5n=rT, ^'£[W, ^^T^, "%^ JFT^T^^TT, %5^f=^, %5|f:qj. A GOO, adv. in a state of excitement. 3^^fs?f S^TrT, ;^;^T^?^x To be all a. g-=qT?rof, H-'TT g'-^T n(?f. ^RT^, l''^^, ^T55uf, HT?rr/.-&c.%ijf. Agonizek, «. Agonizing, ;'• «• t. V. N. 1. ^^tuttt c<^e. 2 :p?iEr5EnrTTr, rToEHa^sT, ci5t?r5!;?!;?iT, &c. ^Frenft^, ?i?fH-, V. V. A. tpTT 5:?T SiTRT, &c. Agonizing, w. v. V. N. 1. — act. ^'4^ n.&c. ar^lMU »i. /. 37^'Pra or ^rprs m.f. 3TPTm^?5TiT «. 'JTlTfTH ?«• 2— act. ^,^^m^ n. &c. ^7.^7.f. ^^^\^^J m. 3T^#,ftr5:% m. pi. V. ^, — intens. rlcidcil?: ?«. ^rST^T^/. AeoNT, n. mfensepain. arf^TSTm/. sfFTtfTo^SiTT /. ifmfrT- ?TT?F^T/--5:?T«.-&c. Jnrr5TT/. 5q". THTTT- The mortal a. v. Pains of Death. inmmsq-ifr/-q-fq. ^T/.-5:?r w. &c. Ageaeian, a. relatinj to fields and Zawt/s.JfvT^n^^sqt, fsTrnr- lb Agree, v. n. he in concord. fJTcliJf, fi{^^ Hf^. vJTiT^. ^1% 5"3W, f*r?!rp w. 37^-^'jf g- of s. recipr. ^RTJf. T5"Jf y. o/«. jw?;^/-. ^jpT m.-^^rr 'm.-^^^^3^ m.-&c. 5i^oty_ o/s. rccipr. jfr^T «. fiTo^'ify. o/s. recipr. (t^PTT ?;i.-5(?^ 2 to',with, in, on; accede, assent, consent, comply, acquiesce. 3T^TT?f-F'^fT-&e. Iprf, STgrTrT M.-^J^Hcf «.-gi[^"t5?r «•- 3T5'Tf?r/.- ^inf^f. ^, JTT^5!T a.or TTT'^Tcn-/. ^T^, ^^R m.-|m^R M. ■^nf, 3TFq--TT^-&c. |TiJi-, ^^ a. ^-^PTjf. ■i settle terms, stipulate. ?l'3'it, ^1 ^FTOf-'^^OTiTf, ^T?ft/.- ?«. ^Ruf, 71^/. TTRTJf. 4 be consistent, accord.^ concur, coincide: also unite or suit well with. fiTa'jf, ^^mw, ^TO'^fj^oT, ^;55iJt, ^rfW, ?5PPt. AGR 29 AGU q^"^, W^ri^r m. qH% ^iT/--^^ wi.-^TT m.-^JTT m.-^i=5 /.-flfqr )H.-&c. STTlffry.o/^. rm;^;-. ^vf^tff, fJT5Snn?f T, t^=T, ^^^1 TTHTT^^. AUEEEABLENESS, ?!. V.A. 1. Ho5»». flT^^I'FW. ?5TnM. ^f'T^M. 2. arr^fR'JiTwi. 'Ml/. =q^/. ^sr^ff/. ^f^w^rrm. ?;xq- rTT/. ?f%?7 «. 5PT«T^T/. ^iT?frT?(F /• ^^TJ?^ «. HTg^ «• mn^fq' «. t'r^'jtt on. ^>r«T ?«• AOKEEABLT, «IHl', ^RTT^, sfJTT^, q"«TRrRq', arg^R ( in comi5. ), aT^^.q ( in comp.). 2 pleasantly. g^l#, g^^, ^5Hrg^, ?f|?5, ^^R3T?fq=r%. Agreed, _p. v. V.l. &« AanEEiyo. 2. T. Agbeeino. g^^rf, ?r'^H7f. 3. v\ %?S^T- J^^'^flT, qf'JT^, Sff?l?1M, ?I%f^, f^Pi^TH, ?Tt%f^^, ^f^f^, fTRTf^^. ■i— G. See Ageeeikg. Ageeeing,!'. a. v.V. 1. fir^OTRT &c. fTTi=rTqft, fH?=^qiNl, K- tTT^T, '^^f^TcT, '^ITFT, "^^^5, 'JJpg^, ^^Tf^=:TT^T=5rr, 2. HT'^T, 5:r^, 5f^^, g^TT^TFT^r, 3^5^?r, ?r»TTFf, arfirJTrr, fp:rPR-^'^T?;»i. SOTRT-'RaTRT, fk-^lt '^^oi'^TRT, 3T^"l^, ■jfi^q^qrpT- :3. 7^3"Jrr^r, ^# ^f^rt-'^^'jt'itrt, ■f^'iqsr^fn. ■i. fSfaiTRT, &c. 31 ^^rt. 5. TTRTOTRT, &C. qsa??, q^q-^T, q'^^^T^. 6. f*T55tJrRT, &c. I. — in gram. ?rn M I fq'^T'JT- AoEEEMENT, n. Y. V. 1. — State, fir^ot n. &c. fJr^n? m. Ho!; m. qq-I^ m. ^H »!. ^HN »«. 5"^^/. 3Tc!T w. iT^ w. ^>sj- fT or ^rf?^?T/. =q^ m. i'R^q «. f7T5JPTiifr «. 2— state. STHTT?r «. ^J^TFT «. 'i\^T^f. ^^f?tf. ^m^fFJ n. JTR'TfTT/.'TFJftq^T tu.^f^qoTT w.f^?Tg^fr/.g^T53^cft /. sT^qiH TO. Z—aei: ^l^^f. ^t ^TOt «. &C. trffl"/. ^^^^/. q^/. r. HR, ^, qij, 5f1wr/. qm^ «. ^%?f m. f^^q- w. ?r- ^^■^K »». 4>— state. fJTojtjf «. &c. a^^HrT n.a^nf^/.^'Tlfrr/. ?t^?t /. ^5:uit/. ?fnT m. ^w.^ m. ^'^^^or w. grfT?T 7«. qJT? M. qs m. V. ^^^ ^H, ?5m m. ^Tfr/. ^'Tsr ?«. ?tHT5r^T/. 5— state. iTR'if ?;. &c. qxqqnTT »?. fSfr^'P «. 6 — state. F-75I^ «. ctc-^JTiT M.?5FT JW.^JTjq ?;. FTT^ »t.?no5TOT. I. contract, compact, covenant, larr/ain. ^50T=F/. ^5 ot. fi^/ q^r?fr/. ^^/. Tr3f/. q?m w. sifrrfTr/V?f%rT w. ^- f\^ VI. ^\^Z^i m. f^q-JT m. ^ff^g'/. Agreements and engagements, — comprch, «RRH^ m. pi. %\^ ^TR on. pi. A. for a year ^wA\^J. Breaking an a. ^TH^H^ m. ^fPrq^f^RR m. Written a.^pmHRTT >».6^rR=TmT on. ^TFJ^TTTT m. TFfft- ?rPTT on. ^5?^T?r or :K^i=n"q?r/ ^^ on. ^q^f «, II. ( of opinion, views, &c. ) ^^Hf?T «■. 3TPT>Trq' «. ^FT- JTifrT/, aTHJTfrr/. 3^K?r «. tTJ^fr «. ^^q' «. III. — in grammar. 3T«rq »>. ^RTRTlffeT^^q n. IV. ( of diiFerent feooks, statements, &c. ) (^+tj|+'Mdl f. FiToST »>. 3rfRT »>■ ^^TSq" «. f. SRT. AgBESTIC, a. T. EUBAI, EtJRTIC. ntTO^t, ?TrrqTrr=qT, ?ra^- AGEICrLTrEAL, a. T. W. itrr^, ^Tri + IHI'-li, ^Trft^T, ?t?fTf%- ^TFTTm^sTT, %?f1:^T, ^oT^i^qHT, ^f n. ^T?tHm «. {icttHRit/. ^'trrqTRT «. ^i^m^qs:/. ^t- ?ft^/. iTr^f. 5TT^?I or 5n|??/. ^Srsf^t ^qi^lt/, ^^iqrf'f- rTsqrqr^ »»• Hire of a beast upon a.-employment. ^V^J. ^'i\f. ^i^ m. ^f^q^T m. Implements of a. — compreli. ar^Jx-i+lifl/- Tlie com- mon ones are HtlT, qiHT, ^^T, ^T^q, nSTor n^, ?T?Rft, f'iqj'jr, H WT, flqjarT. Eeciprocal service in a. ^Tf^fP or f^R^'^/. ^f^ »». qi^fjq'/. Man or beast rendering it i^i-^MJ or 1^T5=qT,ft- ^^ or ^f^^, q3%i7, q555c5. Ageicultueist, «. cultivator. ^TcT^ft >'». ^Tct^FRTT W. ^- ^c^T w. ^t?r^^ M». ?;f^nfRoip:r on. ?;f5r^H^frf »«. ?5Pr^, ?5'ftq'?5, ^P^, ^^sFffT^, ?T^Tq^-:ft, ^^Tf^rf^, ?T=>it, ??- Ageostis, n. lentc/rass. ^I jjop. ^^qi/. ^^./. Ageoend, at/y. FT^JT^T ?5RRr ^RTT, fTarqT, Hf?r, ^RR- To be a. FJFTnr, ^^ 3^^^. Ague, «. intermittent Jevcr. v. Fetee. f|=nTrT »». 3TfI=*TTrtTq' 2. cpW/i. ^ or ^fq' «. 4ift/. V. T^, ^, fSf^/. f^- AIM 30 AIR AocE-cAKE.n.'ri??/ [^j^mmrr. AOVE-PEOOF, O. l3!rT7ftH7^, f;m;ftT7?.;^, fifft TTHW. Agvish.sess n. t. A. f3^/. J^fST »"■ ^^T n. Au, AllA, iii/erj. — Doting ccusure. ^T, ^i^t, 3t^, iff. 2 — noting complaint, ccmpnppion, &c. ^, ^]^ ^TT, ^- 3 — noting exultation, ^, 31^T^. Ah! ohi— 03 under great pain. ^ |^, fPTT I'TT, ^^. AdE-id, a Jr. on in /rent. c%, g^R, m^T, atSI^li;^ 2,^, 'iFff- To get or go a. j^T^uf, Jil^<.ul. To Aid, v. a. v. To llirr. ?n^ «• ^J^ g-ofo. tii^i*-^ «.-?r- ^?< one'« tiVw or aWrttion at. fI^?T «.- W,^ m.-^- tTR n.-tfi^ n.-&c. tn;'Jli-?rR'7f-5iHTf. Aim, n. direction jiven. f^^/. t;. KfT, ariq',"^JT w. ^efiH n. 2 «Jcw directed, %tt wi. ^^t^ «. a^^q^;^ „ jy^ „_ j,_ ?=^ n. ^fvr m. u. %^, 37f*mfq- m. aRtTH' n. frm w. ^^sttt "I. ». tiT. Unerring a. 3T^^qr^!;rpf „. Of unerring a. 3fg^tipft. ^^x^ «. 3 point aimed at. v. Butt. f^JiTTr «. ?r^q' «. ?i^ n. fj- 4 ot/Vr^ o/ a desijn, v. Design, fvrfq^ n. mf??? «. 3TT- ?Tq m. arfHirriT m. JTH?^ m. gfiirT «. f^q^ m. ^^^ m. Of eiuglc a. (or purpose ). aiv^n^g-fxT. Aimed, _p. v. V. A. ql^?^^, %ii;?^, &c.'^:to-. AijiEB, n.T.Y.A. qi^DiRT,%»^onTT, ^quii^, &c. qi^cjj, Aiming, «. v. V. A— act. ^mnf «. qi^df «. ST^^ftn^ n. qt- ^^/ Am, n. V. "Wind. stT^ m. stRT m. ^Jir/. srHT w. snw w. 3TTTTTT w. vsmHSTm m. ^srr/. ^^^r^r »». ?q?f m. ^qiirV w. N.B.But little diflerence is perceived by the Hindu* between air and «/«rf. In the open a. ex2msed to the air. ^T-Tf?r, ^^^-qfrT, ar^3'5RrT-qmcr5rm-qtcr,3'^i '??rr«Tf?r,e^5i]tfT, JiHvn^- qr, jfT-'!?Tcn5fqT5Tirr. In the a. in mid-space, a^qf?!^, 3TrTfT?T, 31Fn;ic5. To enuff up the a. — coKh, &c. TfTTw.^'jf-fqot. To take the a. ^stt/.-^TTTT m. ^Tof, ^TFT qml «. ^T^, To beat the a. v^c^rTTST it. ^'^. 2 ( Tvith respect to temperature-&c.) ^^/. 3 — as a humour of the body. cUrT m. cfT^ m a^f^FJ w. 4 f/foZ air. ^^^ m. ^([^ m. JTFrT m. Kve are enumerat- ed — XfltJr, ar^TT, 'Tl^, 3'^'T, ^TTl^T, and five inferior or Becondary (gqifTur)— JfTT, f jf, ?.q;?y, ^^5^, ttq^JT.LTn. 6 en a. a gentle wind, v. Beeeze. ^oJ^?/. ■^z^^ m. ^\- 6 »»/e«, look. 5^T/. =Eiqt/. %fTT m. ;H~^q n. 5«f/. ari^- T m. ^i n. 7 affected or particular manner. g'FP m. tfST/. 5?/. %- 8 general aspect, v. Appearance. IIh ot. Effpj- m. jif y. ^^r/. %qw/. ^e: m. tn »«. 3tfftt w. 9 airs; laucjlitij pretensions, notions, manners. g^^R /. 3i^55n^/. f^ OT. mrr m. q^sn^/. f^r^^TPT /. arrsiTFiT /. ^^/. «). :pT, ?T?Ht/. i). rH^,>mR m. f. q?t, JTI^ft/ ^- To give one's self airs. a?i|?r Sff?I^/. 3TR<'f, afrifiT 10 See Tune, Sono. 11 puhliciti/. jq?/. ^^^^f/. fZ f. To Am, V. a. e.rpose to the a. dry in the a. g^F7, -^i^h**."!! or ^rrspRwt'^- 6 frivolous, trifling, cfc. v. Light. ^?5^, f^SK or f^- ^, SfR^P?? or cTPT^FST, :pjmr?5, 3T?5iiFrr. -4 IT, Etght, n. island in a river. ^ «. ^sfT »». ^if n. f^^ «. Akin, a.v.RELATED.aniT, 3Tmf^'7'T,3Tfl?m,HMr5'l,^rfcrrl^. 2 partaking of the same properties. Pq^lTf^qr, ^JJTS^if^, Alack, Aiackadat, inter/, v. Alas. ^PT, ^\m^\m. Alaceitt, n. cheerful readiness. gcHT^ »»• ^'psw »>. ^ ni. ^,wm m. artfg^q- «. grg^frr /. «:TH't; /. ^>Brf m. ^^^ Alamode, ai/y. Htw-qr-'^nc^ft-TftTTSr-J^HT-M 'M M I -^trft-&C. ST- ITT^, "TRniil^tlR &c. Tft^rerg^ &c. qfTMidl^iJIsft &c. Alaem, «. f?'y or call to aicait some danger. ^J^ f. sflTS' f «mT/.- firr^r/. &c. aTRT^^^fHt^rfrrsfR «. ^i^rnr^- 2 /jm5J!/5, t. Tumult. f7^/. |;3/. fT^Pf??/. frl^^rT^/. Irr^lFr /. T?55fT m. n5»I? /• intens. m^^%^Z m. ^IITTT w. 3 V. Feight. \^^^f■ ^f^TcT/. tTRfTt/. H^^ «». f^^rre' OT. To take a. at. \r^f. ^tpif-q'jf, \['^J- %^, ^TT^^, To Alaem, v. a. v. N. 1. ■^^v^ ^^l: f-^[r\-^ f.-&c. %^.,^- t^^R'lKI m.-&c. cTT^FTiT'Jf, TJTrfjrTqf :frr=rq'-;|'?TTT-&c. ^- T.^., 3TTK=5T^5r^Q[f^?T-5TtfqFr-fITf'T?T-&c. ^FTof. 3 V. To FraonTEN. ftrsrf^'Jr, %?Frot, H5?rRot, if^- sr^, T'TiftfT ;)o;j. vf'TT'Tt^r-f^H'&c. ^Rof . Alaem-bell, «. ;^?:ft^rR'TTTT m. [frff^ ^S' n. Effsf^/. Alaem-clock, Alaem-watch, 7i.f;icrf|T?T sf^F 'TT'^jrT^rNq Alaeued, ;). V. V. 1. -JT^Tf^Bfifr ^^,^^ %^3;t &c. arRf^TTq- ^fEfff- %f^-|TTftrr- &c. 2 V. FiiiGHTENED. -JT^vrf^T ^"'i'- 'H^T^tH, f^?5f^, f^^^. Alaemino,^.^. terrifying. H^^^^, TTR^, H'^^^^, T^s?^, Alaemist, n. one given to raise alarm. ^^^ TT+uil^l, TTTT- Alas, interj. ^, ^T^^, wi^, ?TfT, ST^f, 3TfPT AlUATEOSS, «. ^^ flf^ "Tt^^ 3^'. Albeit, adv. v. Although, ^ff, qqf^. Albino, n. ^HalTR'UPS'TT STll^TfTreiH ?rT%'& "it^ 1J?J «. Albugo, 7i. white speck in the eye. "PjT n. ^,^'!^ n. '^I'Tcp n. V^ n. ['jsTJj; «. Album, n. f%^-fJT5rf% ^^^^ ^rTlf^ A'JN'Mr-^' ^pft qjR^ Albumen, «. white of an egg. qfsTT sTTrr-s??!^ m. Alchemical, a. v. N. pFH^^T, ^ra^P^T, wf%f^;^tft- Alchemist, n. f^nqr ^TOTTTT, f^FHTFlTT, ':¥R^t, TB^^FT, Alchemy, 7l.\w.^^^[ f. T^R^ «.T?Tl%f5/.'"^5^f^^^ f^?TT/. Alcohol, ^^. iT?n^r ^/.-&c. Tf, Alunatkh,;). V. V. 1. |^^^^ ^^ ^%?rr-&c. f^W, 2 f^ipn, f^fT^^, 1t?J?T, ^g^, f^?^, f^'T'ST, TTB^RT, Alien-atiox, h. v.V. \.—act. ^^=^1% |T^^of n. Trf?^ 2— flc/. iT?r 75^'if ".IT^ f^T^'Jr w.fft^ «. —state. f^^pffT ir>; Alight, v. n.\\ To DisiiouxT.7?RDr, 3T^^^ ?«.-3T^^r^- 2/^+i)riV^|, ^PTSTuf, ^PTTI^, tT%jTT5;% JToft, ^THM- Alike, a,/i.. iTF^fnT^T, i^+.-JW+R, H'^^Odl^ , ^^P^HFIR, Alice-mixbf.d, a. iJ+Rft, 'njTf^^ ^^pjf^^ '(^PTTm%, ^^. Alisiext, m. nutriment, v. Food, ^pjf m. STTfR «i. 3T5T n. ^■^ m. »T^ M. qk'T «, STTOR «. Alimextal, Alimentakt, a. belonging to a.w^zfr^] "H^n- 2 nourishing, v. Nutbitious. 5%R-^PR^-!f5, qrf^^', ALiiioxr, ». a//o!m«^c <(j a separated icife. f^ir^ ^fi-^^q-j- Aliquast, o. ^^pnmrF, ^rnrTriT^. Aliquot, a. fH^V^nr?;, fHT^HRPF. [ ^rsTFT Ai,ivE,a. V. LiTiKG. f3TnT,^^rT pop. fSTifff, f^^r, W^. 2 -^H^9n"-^T^'^r-&c. ?TH^Rr m.-WJ^ w.-^^q OT.-TTfn/.-H55ft/.-&c. ?PT??'?f n. A. along. '5ec ((Wf/e;- Begixnixo. ^^^ 3T^, 3TKTfT, A. at ouce, v.Suddexlt. (T=pn(^r. A. alone. ^,Z\ i^^fTT, (^^OT ^W.Z^ W^^^ ^W.^J. A. tlirougli. TT ( as f^^TTf, TT^Hr, HT'^f^^ &c. ) At a. ^fr^, STT^t, f^^^, fH'2^, ^^^1?,, f^r^rrr^, STT^TT- 'T, ^U+r^Hi ^T'JTTT^, f^Tfr. All tliese words demand, like the English word, the negative construction. Suu therefore Not, None. One's a. ^^^n. All, ado. completely, quite, T. WllOlLT. "JR^. A. one. ^'I^'''" All, a. the ivhole ( mass or multitude ), total. ?Tn^, W^^, Rt?7, ?r:p^r^, 3Tf^T, WiT^, ^■'jaf, 'Tf5^, ?;?^, H'q-. A. without exception, a. whatsoever or whosoever. All, in comp. is rendered by ^cf, ^^i=r, ?riT^, fqf^, ^"jof, vJfTH, 3Tf%?5, as the following examples will shew. A.— accomplished, ^^F5 niiTttq^, H^5, ^T^rgTH-, 3T- A.-adorable. ft'^^q', ?r5Isf?T, ^=^^^, ^J|^<4, ^jt^FTj^it, 3Tf:^?5"T^T, &c. A.— conquering. A.— subduing. ?r^f^^, ^^?r-3lf?^??— &c. f^5, f^r^rf^g. A.-creating. ?f5f-?r^?y-3Tn-q?^- &c. fTRrfTT, f^T^^^g-, ftf- A.-destroying. ^^Tr^ft, ^q^SW^^ft, 3Tf%??«f€t, &c. A.-eating, A.-devouring. ?r^^?T, ^^f JT?T^, ^5fH?fr,. W.l'^, ^T^RT ?». :prjof-qat.— fig. ?ril/.-€r5/.-^T3?tfl /.-^t^^ire/. ^^nf- ^^• 6 for; give in consideration 0/13^^ »i.^if,^^qT w.^Tf^T^- Allowable, a. v. V. 1. JTHTqT-^"'TnT- vfT^r-&c. jtI'T ^n- q'T^ '^FT, stItT'tt?!, 3'Tr^q". [=rr^n. ^r- Jf"^, 3Tf^'SfJT»T-^^q? q;^. Alloy, jj. &«sf r metal mixed with. |tw «. ^c?^ »t. 2 fig. ^^T/. ^^^mf g-oit^/. I^T^r ^/. fiTWS:/. Alloyed, p. v. Y. 1. f^'n^R^ %^?5T, &c. I^or^s:, f^^c, f|- tii^CT, ^T^r, ^RHToT, fl'JTrsn', n^^T», f^?rat=Efr. 2 3Ti^'2f'T^-T, ^^rT^, iWt^. ALM 31 ALO AhtsticK, n. mi/rtits J>imeii(a. ifft?r5rf^rfr/. ^rjTf^qt /• ^- ?T55 w. fl. 7'o Allude, r. n. refer to indireclly, hint at. TJ^T ^^TT ^;T-?rr^5 ^tsyof ,r/V;» JR ofo. ^l^'TT^ ^i^ n.-^K^ n.- 5fnC m.-&c. 3TOdr «■»■//( sr^ or ^ /«. fO«. ALLi-UEn, II. Allvdixo, p. a, v. V. ^^ qj^^ ^skiiTRr, Ac. ^^, ^RT^TT^, g^^TT^^. T^\•^^J., ^^flTxTr, ^^^I?H^, ?if|T^. Allvsitely, adt'. T. A. g;;q'^TT^ or ^[^, ^%?rT^, ^^1^^\- Alluvial, a. iram, pp35|=5TT, HStr^T ^ifrpft^. A. soil ^^^r^f. n^f. Allcviox, ALLuviuir, «. HoSt /• ^oEJToE m. flT/- ^TTq'/. To Ally, r. a. connect hy marriage. ^T?tt^/--'9I^TTrry.- ?TftTH^^ »«.-'fTl%^^':T m.-^^^]^^^ m,-&c. w.i^^ zfx n. 2 ( by treaty or league. ) ^^q^%?f^tT m.- ^??q-^'q'q' OT.-fJT^f^?raJtT m.-(T:pjTn- w.-&c. ^FT'if. 'S form relation letwecn, v. To Coi<->-ect. ^€f4'». sp^irf. Ally, «. confederate, ^'c. q^ w. ■«-+.dM' ^TT^^^TJim, T^- m. ^m VI. Wl^r^t^p^ m. Almaxac, n. trqfn n. qirfl M. Almaxacmakeh, n. q^q-fnTT ?». 'HtI^tTT m. j]Uiw. »j. ALiiionTiN-ESS, n. V. A. ^t?Tf?p/. 3T?f?r5Tf¥/. ^#?Tf^T/. fT^JTf^Pr^I n. Almighty, a. ^?if%, ^sif^T^, ^T^rT^flp, ^Ismq-W, B^f- '+l4'HH'-er, n. o^c!«? diitriluicr of alms. ?T^tq?T»). 57^- Almonry, Almky, 71. place for distrihution of alms. ?j^- ?TRr/. ^RT^f n. ^H-Hf??; «. •4H'TT5/. aT^?r^ n. ^^T?TT- Almost, «(/i;. nearly, well nigh, for the most part, sj^ ^- ^FT, stpt:, ^^ct-t;, aTTflrar, 3^^5, t'^''f^^7 ^nr^fT, arr^HT- FJfcffSf. This adverb,lio\vever, is best rendered by otlier coustructions, as iu the foDowiug examjiles, 3fg ivork is almost done, iTT?i ^tX ?iq?T 3Tr^ 3fr|', -?< w almost ten o'clock, TTf r ^rr^TTqiH 3TI% or ■^X%^^\^ ^ ^iTJTrfl^, He had almost reached the village, rfr ^\'U'S^^ ST^rTT ^T^r. &c. &c. Alm,s, »!. fH?Tri'o^. ^^ /• fH'^'jf «. 5?IT m- tTHr^m or '<^- A. asked by worshippers of Bein, '^\^^]m.— oi Khan- dohd, 5TRt/. Daily a. f^^r^PT w. Liver upon a. fHJ^rq^sfl'. Victuals given as a. Tn^Vf,f\ f. one wlio lives on thera Trg^ft m. To live on a. -ff\W' ^f 'TPTff 3TWar, if[^, iTinq" qis^ k. To live on unsolicited a. 3T^Tf^?T|f% /. ^^ijf. It is easier to take poison than a. i^^ ^W^^ qoT Ht- ^ q^r^r^ ^TTf r. Alms-basket, Alms-box, Alms-bag, &e. «. ^TotY/. "^"tq?- ft/. 3T^qyrf/. ^m^g/. fir^^rTT^ n. A.-vessel of worshijipers of Khandohil.^ ^?l^]m. — of Deioi, 'Ki^f. Alms-begging n. f^^f^f. fH^TTJ^ n. Luck iu a. f'TeTr'Trfq' n. Alms-deed, n. ^^^ n. ^^^^ n. trnkPT m. q-m?T5f m. Alms-giving, n. q-H »». ^TT'^K »». Alms-hotjse, n. ^^\^^;^y pop. q-J^rar/. viTcrm^f n. Alms-man, n. >ft^ ^mnr m. fH^^t^'Y m. fH^^ »». PT- Aloe, ?i. -plant, aloe perfoUata.'^K'Wlf.n. ^W¥.fkn. ^^K%\- 5 «. ^^TTtpr^ «. '^r{w^v(\ pop. fTTft/. rf^rurT/. 2 — inspissated juice. +|ciNr5S »»• ». 'PTT^f^ '». #T'F5 «. f^TR^it n ^qr^rj «. AlOE-wOOD, aqiiilaria agalocha. 3TiT^ »i». SPTS; vi. Aloet, adi: on high, v. Above. 3-=q', T=qf, ^T, ^rT. Alone, a. v. Single. ^W-ZT, ^^F?^, ^^<^^FSr, (i^(T^5yT, '^- ^FFtft. To leave or let a. ^ai^df, ?ft|rr ^"5f, ::m^-?T|--3T^-'^5ir. 2 ivithotit company. (^^ST, q':^!-'?!^^^- &C. ^FryJlt Along, adv. and prep, at length, hngthuise. JTl-^^riT-qT- ^tTT a(?y. d'ecZ. [ g^T^. 2 in the direction of the length. '?^'^^^^ ^K'^]n~ 3 onicard, on, v. Fouwakd. qs^. Get a. Go a. ^c=5^r, vTpttt, ^^TfjfW, ?fira ^FTS ^^ ALT 4 throu/h the Irngth of, all alone/, \. TdeOUOHOUX. ?T- ! -fiT5^|5-^tq5|5-&c. 3T5r^ STITM^, Tff?«TPTT^^, 3TrtTT"Tr- 5 aloDg with. v. With. qfr^T, ?f1^Fr, ^^sr^'HR, ^■^r{. Alooi', aJc. ai a distance, cUslinctfrom. ^, 3TrJT,%n^rf/fr/. Alopect, n. falling off of the Ju?. sfoi^FRw;. aT?TTT5^TT m. ^^^r^Jf. s^^xf^'^m m. ar^r^iTTf TT;». sfRTfa^ or qrfr^r snTT^j-qr /. ph % ^ m. Traq-% ?«. p/. Acquaintance with the a. 3^^^ 5flToS^/. Class of letters iu the a. TSS^TrSr or "poErsr ?». f^?f /• Letter of the a. with its several combinations with tlie vowels and anuswdra and tvisarr/a. ^\JM^f[ or ^^ /. or smr^ifr/. Series of the vowels and anuswdra and ivisarja. sm^T- ^fr or ^fff or qrrra^/. i^T^^ m. Alphabetaeian, 11. T. Abecedabia>". airsTT'^'Tr '». «?> ^ Alphabetical, a. ar^TTrn^JTr^r, ^^^^^\^^.^ a^^^TTg^PTrj- Alphabetically, «(?i'.3T^?:i5^HR,flr?|^R, SI^TTr^^iTT^- Aleeadt, adv. in time past or present. anCt, arrsTi Tf^^% ^^].| TR. The sense of the word is often best rendered by ^spwr, as ifr ^fJI^ 5^^Y-^C^ ^^Bi-33;?r ^q?BT-I have told-done-given already. Also, adv. ^l, qoy, %?ftR; or %?i'T?r, rf5Pfr=Er f/eci. Altar, n. ^f^_ or 'kt[ m. F4f^^ n. ^fi^^ >». To Altee, v. a. V. To Change. q^^iJt, qT?^?:'ir, f'F?"5T#. To Altee, v. n. v. To Change. sr^^Jof, fr5qoTr w. qTFTng^fiTfcr »;. qT?qTT^fTTF-7 n. -s{^^]■f^\^^f^l^ n. I^JT^^WpTFTr/. &C. Alteenatiok, «. reciprocal succession, qr^q^ qTrI?^/m. q?;- ^qTa^^^R^sy/. q^^TTJiRT^ n. qr?q-i m«|tih m. a^f-qf-q-. ?^5iiT^ «. aT'5ft''TT^nJT^ «. aT??fR5?m^ri"JT «. ALiBTH^ATiyE, n. a choice of two things, f^^^^ m. ^~q »;i. nm^?q- m. arg^^q ?«. q^r ot. f^TT^r/. Alteenative, «.^^f?q:F,f^^rqr5fr. Alteenatiteness, m. v. A."%^?tq- n. Although, (idi\ ^fr, ^fffT, 'T?7fq', q?lfq%?. Altiloquence, n. pompous speech. ^is^iTrs'T^ ^Trriir «. ^15:i^5im;?vqT% HT'T'^r «. ^is^qrst/ ?T»^srTn?>=?T n. Altiloquext, a. V. N. aTf% ^V'TT'ft, 3lf?r sfT^'TST^r. Altisietet, n. artofmeasnring heights. ^^k^ ^\^^^^lf. g-^t q?T^'nTr^-HT^iTqTrm, ^T^H^To?- ^ir, f^'?, f^ff^n:, f^ifq^r, ;j5?rf ^Rfrrf, ^5?qT ^i^fF^ir. Amain, fl(7i\ vehemently ^tiolentlu. ifiS-ilT 5J2T^, Jl'l^iTT ^ICT- "^, J^I?^ cTSR^TT^, ?r^lTJr,aT?r'*iT=HrT decl. ?T^=5rT rfec/. Amalgam, «. w/rtfre o/5C'/«e rifi'n? KiVA q^uicksiher. qr-:- AMB 86 AME 2 mixture, gener. See Mixture. To Amalgamate, r. a. mix- quicksilver with another metal. tr u^ru fgnrnTH m. wrin. 2 Seo To Mix. 'To Amalgamate, v. n. blend, tjv. t. To :Mix. f*T5;of, fn^ Amaloamatio-, ». V. V. A. 1—act. . ^c^^qspsfiTrJ wi. AVritten by au a. r^T/t. Amahaxth, fl.-vcllow,thc iilaut.'JTraT^/.^r^y.— flower. 3TRr?y or'r^ H.— globe, the plant or flower.n^ T^T?^ m. To Amass, v. a. \. To Heap, nr^ :f.T"Jf, 'TlW'ToT, ^^, OliTot, :;T'. v. Y. 1. ^5;T5r%?^, &c. ^'^, FTTT^RR^r, ff^- To be a. ttrSffT ^r?: n. ^^^ot, =^^ot. Amazement, Amazedness, n. v. A. 1. «»(/ TjiiGnT. qr^tT^- TOIT m. ni^IS/. '^^\ f. f?RTt^ /. 2 atid "W'oXDEE. r»t^HM m. ^cpTr^y. Amazer, «. Amazi.n-g, /). o. V. Y. 1. and Frightful, ^v^- 2 «/if; Wo.VDEEFUL. =?i:f;^urnT &c. fsr^sT^R^-vT^cp, Amazinglt, ado. v. AVoxdeiu-ully. fspTTq- qT?T^Tjfnr- ?rTT^T-Jr, =ft5-|??:'5T-5T^- =sff- 'T?!T-&c. ^«. &c. |^^ / ^T- f? / f^gf^ /. V. V. N. 2. act or state, ^j^^ m. T^TFT m. . Vme>*ds, «. recompense. srf?r'F?5». |:TT-3Ti%'S'-&c. qf^JTM^w. To mako a. f^Toj^ fSf^^ijf, f^c^^f^T/.- STf?ff^q-T/-Jr- f?P?;r? W.-&C. q;^(jf y. o/ 0. [ ^rr^T ?i. Amexitt, n. V. Ageeeiblexess. TJ^q-^rr/. ^J^^?? «. t^^Ff^Tw. io Amekce, AiiEECEME.N'T. See To, &c. Amktiiyst, 11. qr^rT »». Amiable, «. icortJii/ of love. T. Ageeeable. firT^C, ^f?fTT- =5r, ^rffST^, TF^r, 37i?5fTT ^'^rrqr, f^rT'T'^, f^i^jai^, ^- Amiableness, Amiabilitt. n. v. A. T^TiJIT m. 'TrJlf /. T- ^J?^f. fimWXr^ n. fsT'T'TOTfsr «. f^^^J^Wr^^ n. ^ftf^JTT^- AitiABLT, acJu. \. A. vrKf^q-OTR-, JT^^^, T'^Ti^pr. Amicable, a. v. Fetesdly. fJT^fsrr^T, f'S?5j-pq-T^ ?T??qT^, AiiicABLY, rt(?y. T. A. ^^vrrqr^, rn^ij;^^^ TTt^^rr-^rH'- Amidst, prep. v. Amojtgst. JT'^q-. irsfr, Tr^ff, TTHTtr. Amiss, a(?y. improperly, v. "Weoxg. 3T'q'sr, 'iT5l%?r. [ TW »J. Amitt, n. V. Friendship. ^Jtzf n. fi^W^^ii. ^f ^T^T >n. f |5- Ammoxiac, m. sal. ^cT^TFTT m. Ammdnition, n. ^IWST m. ^r^qToft/. f^^T^ft^TTTPT !>. ^nt- Amnesty, >i. (jeneral pardon. HTTT'Pt/. ^^S^iTHfrfj/. ^'P- 2 «c< or, edict of pardon. ^7:^V^^^\ ^r^?:^!^!, ^TT'^^TT'TT «». ^HTT^ n. Among, Amongst, p?'c/;. 'T'^'q',Kq'f, Tpff, TWrf f, 3?frr-f?r, used ivith the noun inflected. From a. T^T^, '"^#. Amorist, Amoroso, See Lovee. .Amorous, «. dis])osed to love, lovinr/.^f^.^ ^"^i ^=PTK, 2 belonging or relating to love, v. Amatory. ^fmTT'^TT 1T- TTfl", ^TTTt^, ITTTTWr^T. Amorously, adv.y. A.l. ^rR^qaTM, ^rrTHT^fFf, ?f^rfT, ^TT- "Jf^, ^PTFTTT^'^^, ^m^^rr^^, f^^H^Sf^. Amorousness, n. v. A. 1. ^rifTT'^, '«• ^FnR^TWT m. I''s^«tT- ^/ ^f^TTTTsr w. q^T^sFFTT/ ?T^mm/."jpm!T^aTrfT/. |t- Amoephous, «. having no determinate shape. ^%\^.^ %S5I. To Amount, v. n. q-ot, ^"?f <»• "^^P^T fpjf, fH^^ ft'if, HTiJf. 2 result in. ^^.^t\ f.-^^^n n.-mM 'i.-^Kt^T m. -JT^Iof. AMU 5UM. 3TJTT/. '(f'^^Hr/. ^ITR m. ^fT^r Amount, n. ^T^ n. Gross a. ifr^HTt^/. ^^^X 3TT^R »». 2 (^c<, substance, Sfc. ^^ftsj «. rTTFTq^ K. ^TTTf^T »». Amoue, n. affair of love. sri^qT^sft^ -^z^ n. rispqT^>qT %^ m. ^R^FiT^Tf^T'T'T »>. fr^it/. :ppT^f?:=5T n. a. living in two elements. ^fi\^\^\ 'JTlf&T TT- Amphi Amphibological, AiirHiEOLOCous, a. y. jN'. ambiguous. I^jcfr, f*??'?, i;-5T'4^. A'MFai'BOLOaY,n.languageof a doublcor uncertain meaning. Amphisbena, 11. (kiud of SDake) |rfft ;?, JT^f|a5 «. HT^^ ». Amphitueatee, «. ^W^?^nFR-3T^4^^T^rT tl^TT^r /. ^f- Ample, a. of large dimensions, \. Spacious. ?^fq?:^, ^T'TW, fq^rffcrf, fcf^T^, fq^'TTFT o;- 55. 2 diffusive, not contracted or brief, Sfc. sf^T^, ?rf%^r, 3THf?TH-, f%'3TTT=q"T, 'TT?^r=srr. 3 lavish, copious, profuse, v. Exuberant. ^\\T., "T^^ 7- ?:PTT=5fr-^mT-&e.q5n^,5r^T?Ff,=^55=q55T?f,5T^^st?f,3T^'^^T^. 4 magnificent, munificent, v. LlBERAL.J^R^Sf^T^rT, trTrfT^. Amplification, «. v. V. 1. — act. f^^rnrw «. ^K'i^ n. &c. — state. f^^T7 m. fq'^TftrTf? «. 2— «('/. v^^^^ n. 'J'l^ &c. ^WoT n.— state, ftf^^ «■ tf- jTo Amplify, »>. a. enlarge, expand. fsfWR^, =n^=r^, si^TT- f%^uf-&c. ^F^, fq-^-rTTT »?». ^l^ g.ofo. 2 enlarge in discussionorrepresentation.^^^f^A^-^r 5f5T-?5i5iffr-&c. ?rfiT5r, qr^f rs: >». :p7q--;^=rot, q-T?^T55 w.- yo Amplify i). n. qiFf r55 m. JFT^-^Tq''Jr, ffts^r n.-Sic. ^X^^ f5(R?m: w. ^Ruf. Amplitude, Ampleness, n. \. A. 1. STT^Rfq' n. sf^T^rTrTT/. irn^TiTT m. f5R?ftof?rr/. fq'^Tiorqurr >».'5r?T?i «. 2 qr^T^T «. fq'^R »». JT^TOTTWr m. ^fq^^T /. STC"- 3 =5r5r=5f5EtFr7arT >». arq'oSqq'oE'TtTT m. stT^R?^ «. 'JtlTT^ «, I. (of the sun ). 3i?T «. Amply, adv. t. A. 1. 3T3RHq-off, JT?RFT"TiTT?r. 3 srn^Ffq^, qotq-^ftTT, =qoE=q5fl'?T, 7?RqoiT#, ^?5%^%. 4 ST^T^HT^, T^T'JTRr, ^?Rf"T5^,frS'?Z"TDTT#, ^^rTTFi'l^. To Ajiputate, v. a. cut off. ai^OT, ^TS^Tiif, ^^ ^l^'jf, 7- rRijf, ^J?5JT ^Tot. Amputation, m. v. V. — act. ?Tr?w ». 'PRot ?;.. ^Tl^^ »• <-te. Amulet, ?j. a charm as ivorn. Hlt"• f^^IW »•• I. oi/Vf/ or cause of a. V. 1'lay. »PTrT /. f^ftj^T W(. 'F- Amuseu, n. Ami'sixo,^). u. v. V. 1. ?JTir"JITTT &c. JTi^^rr, An.— the article, Sec A. A.ViCAHDiuM, n. markinj nut. f^^^ m. f^^J M.fH^STT m. — coverllj, T^TrT m. To Anathematize, f. a. nf^t.^AuT^am m. ^FTof-^of. Anatomical, a. \. y. hehngivn to anatomy, ^ifr^^. Anatomist, w. nfr^^^fx^TJi^TTt. sfTTrT^^Tq-^t^ifTTT. To Anatomize, v. a. dissect, ^t'r-=^^%^^ n. ■zt[li^^^ 2 rt;-< o/ dissection. ^^^^^^^%'i^[^J:(\ f x\nc'E3tob, w. cf^t^ c. fqrfT «!. "J^T^T e. ^^q^'T m. HPlrJifr- ^^^ m. TTR^fqst^ K^^ n. st?/. Ancestors, v. ANCESxra'. tTN^f^ «. ;;/. irrT^r? nx. pi. 3TT^ir% »«. pi. ^i\^J tn. pi. ^n^i^^ m. pi. . ST^ »i. Flook of an a or grapnel, mi) 31 w. Small a. Sec GEArNEL. To cast a. v. To Anchoe. ?rfiT^ m. sr«P?f. To lie at a. ^rmift^ri 3T?I^, TflT w. ^JZ^-Z]^^ 3?^!jf, To Anchos, «. 71. ^tlT or c^l^ w. ZTW.^.1 ^tlT'^f, ^^t^T'^rT/.- TpfRir/. JRW or ^dt y. 0/ 0. [ Ep^of 2 ( for some short occasion ). ^ix^; m. J?rTH. Ancient, «. lelonging to old times, ^rt, ^^T^, JTT^sfr^, JTT- Ancient, n. ^]■^■^■^^^■^ n. q^jTf^TJ'^T m. Ancients. crre=Tfl^ »». /^Z. STT^T^-siT^T^^S^ ''^^^ «. /)Z. "7^5; m. pi. qTTrI=T^f?T^=ff-!TTtj5T?I=Ct-&e. H^iq- J^})/. Practice of the a. f gT^^TF"'- Track or path of the a. ^fSFTf^ 'PV^Z f. Anciently, adv. ^^qr q?r^r, ^^f^T, sfr^ft^^FTar, JTr^Rr, Ancientness, «. V. A. ^?rqTTfT m. ^HTcqiTT »t. qT^^rnr^ "• JTTrRfq n. ^mgrfe^q- ?!. &c. And, conj. a^rfir, arTW, a^orfnt, •jrar7<\q-, arofr^, ^, ^. A. so forth. ??qrfe, 5?qrf5^, ^T, ST^f?-. Andbogyne, ANBEoeYNAL, See Hzemaphsoiite. AN& 39 AyEi-DOTE, n. famili/ or ])ersonal sfori/. ^J^.Z f. ^i^^'P?5 «. =5f t^^T^ffft /. ^rTT^T'ff ^5 A. of dealli. ^f^^. Kecording a. fq^^JT- [ ^^'T^g. Angelic, Angelicai,, a. \^^^V^^.|\^^^^'^■f\.|'^^^^^^^.| Anger, n. ire, tcrath, indignation, resentm<'nf. n^w. ^^q^w. Assumed a. A. iu sport. ^iT^rT m. To be excited into a. See under ANaRT.^TIT^T "^^-T^- (jf . ^;rijt-=q5ijr, %?roEaf or %?TTo!;tif. To calm, cool, remove, &c. the a. of. TmnrTnjft n.- ^\XVW^ n. W'l^ g. of o. To draw down ( npou self) tlie a. of. Jp5 m.'^A^^ %^, TFT Ti^T sr^. To vent a. upon. To be angry with. TSh ^\^ «v7A ^ or ?^T, ^'^'TfjrRT^T/. i^/. ?:T^ot. To Anoer, v. a. provoke, enrage, e.vcite, irritate, Sjc. rfN^T- #, ^?mq'^, ^frHsroT, ^Frr^tjf, q^r^^rr, nn «j.-#t w.-&c. arrui^, niT^ arm^, ^Trrrsrcrr, f^FrrsfJf, %?f^in', %?r^sraT, fcf^sfiif , ^T^si'ir, ^WTA^., Pm H.?TrTqrq--Ksi'2;5ri^-3'^5:qr'if -&e. g. of 0. cTNH n.-^7[V^^ «.-^H^ w.%(at^rT^».- #r%fTKr W.-&C. ^in\ g. of 0. ?f?T!T-f5-ff^rl--&C. Jp^oi-. 2 inflame, cause to smart. ^T^ m. JR^ y. o/o. ^rT?r ^T'Jf. 'Angered,;), v. Y. 1. and A>'gbt_ ^cprm ^rm^^T, &c. ctfT, To Angle, v. with a rod and Jiool: ^^ m. ^Tli'^, T^T- Angle, n. ^m or ^r^ m. ^rTTF »«. 3T^ n. Acute a. ?;5«PTiT, ?'J<4'+|U1. A. of elevation. 75Tcrt?T m. A. of depression, 37^4: ^H^T »». Obtuse a. 3Tfq^#TiT, f^m^^roT. Eight a. ^iT^nJT, ^re^R. A>'QLED, a. ^pjrr^r, ^T'FT'JT. Right a. ^TH^JJTdt. Angler, n. TSE^ft »»• Anglican, a. t-TJ5^ ^?T=^T, ^?5^ ^i|TH4'4t, &<^- Anglicisji, English idiom. ^fr^^T HT^^T H^^TT m. j- To Anglicize, 4'. a, make conformalle to English. i;%^ AN0EiLT,(T(7y. wvi^ &c. TFT H€=T-%^^, ipT^TRH, ^q^- Angry, a. ^I'lr^T^F^r, TFT TT^^JT, TFTTTT 3Tf^?5T, JPTq-q-JTFT, #TT^iTT^, f f^?r, ^3;, ^':TT^, #':Trr?^^, ^PT'-T^^, ^- 5^, ^3TFT JpT^', THPTM', ?TW, TmST, T:"?. — iu high degree; as expressed by such words as in- censed, inflamed, infuriated, enraged, exaggerated. ipt'^TT- A. feelings. jpT'cTHHT m. A. words, s/wr/; speeches, v. Altercation. q^fq^TI O)' "To°be a.^TT'T'TTat, TFT^ot or TTIT^aT. To become a. TFIT^T'^, ^PToT, '^?:Jr, %rT5T, ipt^TSTOT, ipt- ST^t, rTTW, TTfTTW, ^ITiif, R^'^r, 7FTTH q"at-=Er?^-iT?TJt- ^?rw, %rT^aT or %?rTo!;0T, aTfTpsft ?=!T^/. ^Tot, ■7'TT ^5;ct. 2— as used of speech, &c. ^^raT^T, TFTT^T, &c. sp5^,^T- ':TJTq-, ^?:T5^. Anguish, «. vTpain. TtlT/. 'TTHHT/. A. of mind. JPT^TWrT m. TTrrTT ?». To Anguish, &c. See To Pain, &c. Angular, a. having angles or corner. ^'JTT'^T, TT^yJT, ^icr- Angularity, Angularness, n. v. A. Tf^PT^tr/. ^'jf^f^^q' n. ^FFTf^TWT/- Anhelation, See Panting. Anight, ade. Tr=^, TT=^T, TT=5ft?T. Anil, indigo plant. ^X^ pop. ^\^f. Anilitt. See Dotage. Animadversion, n. v. Blame, sffs m, ^jmxv^m.^nmm^ n. CrsrTfTT^F^rsr'JT «• To Animadvert, v. n. See To Advert. 2 remarh upon censuringly, v. To Blame. ^r?I m. J^T^St, Animal, n. living creature, cffsr m. ^V^ m. qfj m. ^r^T^T «7;z. ^q-crr=T or "l^rr^ nm. q-g tn. TT?^ «'»• The four classes ( ^K W^ ) into which all Animals are collected, are 3T3^, ^TT^^, #^^, 3ix\^. Animal, a. of or belonging to animals. STT-nTT^r, Rrf&TfSr'irq^, STTfuT^^'^T-, ^f^TTf^i'M^, TT^'t^siqt, TT^^^T^T, 'rgTIH^. A. food, V. fleshmeat. JTreT% T^^'T «• A. functions, q-rffTf^^TT. A. kingdom. STrfoT^fH^/ ^TfoT^lf^f /• A. substance, snf^v^. srT>Jg>-'m q^'4'".-^'F3 «. 2 not intellectual; relating to the a, functions, ^^f^n^- %=qT, 5TTf&Tf^P^)Wsi«ft-1WT^- Animalcular, a. ps^ f^sfff^W^T, fJ^^JIHTlsitft-f^'^^^, 3T?. "TT- OTT «. t^ «>. AxiMOjiTY, H. V. ITatkkd. "^^HTSf'w. I^'^HT^ >». aia^ir^ »'. AsiSE, «. ^H<'//i«H»2"'»»;>i«f?/(i— plant. itJ/.^^TT o»' ?frT/. 3Tf7r^=arT/.— seeci.iN/.3im/5rfr?T^o^-#T/.3ifFf^tr=5ri/'. AxiSE-scE>-T£D, AxiSE-sjiELi.iKG,(r. — of niaugoes aud oth- er fruits, 'mi or ?rc?fr, vm or ??rcqT dim. ^Tqj or mT?:. Ankle, «. ttofi?: n. 'Ti'PT m. ^^'^f. 3r"P m. ffs^r/. Eegion of the a. f ^'^TS n. Askle-eoxe, «.^?:r «». HNl-^1 tfoTT m-^^ w. Ankle-joixt, «. JT'Jl1?:r5ft ?Ht^/. Anklet, «. ornament Jar the anJcIe.^\mT m. Silver a. for a child. ^I^lorr w. ^Ffil^ n. [|TTr?r «?. Aknals, fl. T. Histoht. ?(R^it qiq?: /. ?T5r"Tl%-q'f?Rn'<5^ ANKATS, «. V. FlEST PEUITS. ^^^V^ /. ^sft^^l^/. ?{qT^ «. Ttf Anneal, t-.o. HFTf^ ^HTT ^T^jf. ^0 Anne-X,!". a. svhjoin, v. To Add. ^t^, JJIETW, gHr^TI^ JTT^-^n^'if, '?FI»i.-^'srm m. ^^ijf y. o/ 0. 2 (province, country.) ^^Jinm qiff-r^^iJf,?Tr??^T ^"jf. Annexation, «. v. Y. l.~act. vftiof ?z. rJRijf «.. &c. Annexed,;;, v^ V. 1. ^^, ?!n^%?5T, &c. 2 ?TT;t^ %%?5T &c. [.&e. ^mf[. Anmhilable, a. v. V. HT^T ^^Rr-^T-^ri?rr-^mT-^R^T i'o Anniuilate, v. a. v. To Destkov. JfT^RTT ^iir ?TRT nil.'. W^., q7?r (Tf/y. JRuf, 3^^, f?fTT?Ii^, 5^ f^^mrw." ^rfrw ^riify. of a. ^ rq -i i ^w; . -f^T^T«j. -?t5:^5t« . -r\?.n^f.- &c--'^;^Bm.MYvng.ojo. " [f^nrrhTfT. Annihilated,;), t. V.^r^raT %^R:T-5rr^?yT, g-f^^s^r, f^^'Z, Annihilater, n. V. V. qr|Wr ^^OTRT, &c. fjf^T^T^, fcRT?ft' ^-S^^, f^r^ &c. SKrrf. ' ANNiniLATioN, 11. V. v.-ffc^. Hrfkr q^».-=JTT^ »;.-j^/.-|:^ «.-rr^5ft/.-&c. %6f-:fR\jf,3tTtr- n «!. ?5r^, ^sfRi'Jf, 5(RTf5r^. Annoyance, Annoyiso, n. v. V. — ac^. g^ot «. &c. iJ^'JT^/. S^DT^/. ^JlRojcp/. ;?{5/. ^TSRT «i. g?7 o;- oE >«. OT^V w. =5fRr m. OTHif w. SFS^TT /. r^r/. ?f^jf, ^T^WT- ^^-T%-&c. ^^, ?5>T5rnt, 1^ «. ^nc^of VfvV/; er o/ o. Annulae, Annulaet, a. nvM\^ aTT^fTRT^r, ^?r^T^FR, M^^.J' ^FR, f^JPR, ^^OTT^FR. Annuljiest, n. v. V. — act. JTTS^ «■ T^5^T, 3Tr>Tq''^PFrri", 3TfH%^T. Anointikg, Anoi5tme>'t, 7i.v. V. 1. — act. JTT^'if ». &c. ^T- ?7rq'-0MAL0USXESS, ??. V. A. sqf^-^fT- m, f^f^:^^^■^^,r^ n. "^T?^^- AyoMiLT, «. irref/idarittf. sq-fiixfn; w». ii fi?J «. 1^f^T't^JT^'fr?[/.-f=rT'T WJ.-&C. Argument of a. H^^ n. Anok, ado. V. Soox. cT^T^PT. Ever and a. iiow and tJieii. :?;''5T^'4^i', K^qK^^, «!?:%=??■. A.voSYMOUs, a. fJiq-fsqi, f^f^T^qr, f^T^PTfqTqT, 'iT^TriT^, 3T- ^nfHSF, Phhih^p, ipRm^, HTH^?r-rf|rr-&e. Ayo.NTMousLT, adc. v. A. ?rraT=rt^, fTHR, f^THMlH. ANOiiExr, ». ?caH< of appetite. 31^1%/. VlfqmCT «• gMTHT^'wi. Another, a. one more. pTTF, 'flOT?fl^^, |^T, f^?ftT. 2 «o(! the same, pTT, 3^'^", ?flT, f^lTToET, %n5Er, 37'??, 3T- j a?: ( in comp. as TTTtflT, %ft?rT, ^' satisfy, supply. JT^, "jof ^^, M*lT m.-f^JTTrT? m ^Rwr, ^^ ( in comp.) 5iii-J??^. [^■'R'lf. To Answer, v. n. mal-e answer, reply. TTTTw.-STfJrTt'i.-sfi^^rt. To a. to a call. STt/.-m^w.-^/-^"^, ^^\^^^. To a. back saucily, &c. g^^ ^1 or 9>T nt"? /. ^FTwf, ^IMKUl or vfr"T^OT. 2 succeed, serve, do. ^"^rTot, i^Raf, =5IT?5'if, iT^off, ^itt'I', n.-f^^V^m.-^\^^^m.-^^r[\n.-&ic^i\- 4 he correspondent ivith, suit witJi, V. To SciT. fj^^iir, ^oEijf, ^Tw, ^3^, ^'Toir, nf5 /. Tjwr y. o/ o. Answer, n. reply, Sfc. v. A". 1. T^ «. sfr^rR «. ^^r^TTir &?• vTT^ OT. ^rfHq^^ n. ^fH^\^_ m. ^fr\^]^^ n. ^f^^M^ /. gB'4T ??!. Decided a. HHTtTT «• Devious or irrelevant answers. ^^\^ m. pi. qrq^TTf /. pi. HT^fw »>• P^- Disrespectful a. fftsftTt/. ''k^-Hm in. Evasive, inapplicable, &c a.3T^TTTT «. Eeady a. ^T^^?HR m. [p^^r^n^ or rT. Keady of or at a. ^1 jfK^H'NNl or ^|vf|• (/'W. JTafT/. Bed a. ^f=^i7r or ^\^'^ n. t^A or 3TNtew. ^lojsirm. "White a. termes. ^\^^ f. EJTJifT'i. ^t o?' S"*^/. Certain other kinds of Ant are ^FTPJ'ft, itS^I^ g^, Hillock cast up by white ants. sTT^^w. »fr»T?i. enlianc. Swarm of ants. ^ri. A>rEiEDE>CE, »i. o<< o)- *^<»/f ojgotng before in time. "Tsff^- f^/ ^-^t, a. preccdinj in time. »Tm^r, arit^T^T, aT'TT- 2— iu gram. 'ariTT5rT^T^--TEiiETic,fl. checking vomiting. 7^ 5iq^uTTTT, Jftf^ilTH^- ^TTn^&c. cfff^. A^■TEM^^•DA^•E, a. if/bre the icorld. ^K#eqT"J5T%, ^S!;^?^! Astenitj: H. — of insects, &c. f^rrft/. f 'J^'Nt. Antektptial, a. ie/w^ ie/orc mon-wye. fg^T'T^^r, FSfTPSTT AyxEPAST. «. T. Fobetaste. ^hHw. 3TT^HtnM. "T^fg- Antepenult, Antepencltimate, a. 7^tf?T!^, f^?^«T. Antic, n. v. Buffoon, jt^^-^t »«. ^Wn. ^^-m'l m. 2 ^rJci-. ^aflt/. ITT^%'?T/. f%^?^r sitb^FTT/. /?. STT- «P5=^Ta m. pi. Anticheist, n. -(•flwHi'T^ w. sft^rrf^rft'^^ w>. Anticheistian, a. ^ft^rf^j;. 2b Anticipate, v. a. take before the time, 'flirj; ^^. s^^- f^'TfHrI^r?5^5T^ SR^in y. of 0. 2 take before another, forestall. 3T^=fr/.-3TT^Tft / Vl^- ot-jnr^y. o/o. armqit/. ^T^-m^^g. ofo. Z foretaste. STJim^FTHHPT in. -"J^HFT w. -^PTJ^R^P^Hm m. ^IT'jf y. o/ 0. 4 Aatc «« impression of as probable, v. To Expect. ^T- ~■^\^ - ifROTt'^T - ^'^Hm - K^'^ftrr - f^trr - ^zw.^m -kc. %wr - 3TH^ in. con. ■qx^ f.-WW fm. q^-3T?Rr. Anticipated,^, t. V. 1. stt^'T 5fI^r51-%^r5T, 3=mT'3: ^^=1^- Anticipation, n. v.V.l. — «c^. •5iq^'Tot«. ^^s^%^ ^RW". a^T- 2— «Ci!. 3T^?St ^tT'^n. &c. armTTl/. 3T^;^/: 4 3T»TTw./. ^m. ^fn/. Anticlimax, n. yuis+l'liT??:r M. ^TfT/. '^r^/. ^\i^J. I^^t >«. fm w. ?|n tn. ^pr- crrft/. ^^'m in. ^T^ /.— intens. fTJTT?: m. ^uii^ToE^ft/. 2— ill medicine. ar^TRR «. ar^^T?*;'? «. 3T^^iTJ§'ft, "^'H.'fl. —intens. fWHT, f%?trif)ifr, T^fTr^T^, f^fTl^rT, feri^. To be a. f^rTT^iif, T-V£t^ n.-■^^^ n.-m^f. T^T'if-'JJ- AH Anxiously, adv. v. A. JPTotsft^-, f%rir fcT^?r, ^pra^ tT^7T,f^- Any, o. EFiT'ft or Jpti^, ^Pf^t, 'fl-^T^H. A. how, A. wise. >Ts^rl?rr, ^?i'^T, ^^'Tiirj^fT^, 3T%cT^, A. like. >T^?T?{r. A. one. H??rTr ^^W, Rf^^RT, f^I^iJIfft. Apish, a. inclined to ape, imitative. JTT^%*J^, s^^rTr, ^T- jpj^HT^Trjr, aij^^^ffe, af5=F?TJT;ft?5. Apitpat, adv. u-ith palpitation, ^TI^I. APP 4J. A?oco?E, n. omitsion of the laH /f/r r. fl^F^r 3T?TOr^<^r- Apocbypual. a. of iiiiccr/ain aiithori/'/. 3^f=rfHqfT 3TT*TT7T«rT. Apogee, Atogeim, ». T^ n. Apologetic, Apoi.ooeticai,. a. v. X. fM^^nr^, 3rTn*T-vtc. Apologist, n. ■fl't'ilHdl ^^^-q;'/T^-&c. ^JTT^n^^. To Apologize, c. n.mnkeapologij. ^^-^s^:'P:\v(-&cs(^^%^ JTTVf/. Tm, 'fl^^TT^Wrr!7r4^«.-?THT^T^RT/.-AL-. cp^Tjf^ 3T^qii|fcflP,M«T?Tf%5-rtt^^^ vft- A^andneceBsaries-compreh. or goner. ^tr^smt^TTTTm. ni^^ilUM n. tiivfi'Mi^'i «i. 3TnT?f gq^n. ^'ifp- ?«. Appabkl. «.y. Clothes, ^ -fr^UF or ^«.'.xv, h. v. a. 1. STT^Tk m. 'flrf^n'R m. STF^'fTR tn. Appaeent, a. manifest, evident, v. Plai>'. S^TS, 3^1T, VJ'Z^ sq^, ^^.Z pop. ^^Z., STTf^JjrT, f^JT^. 2 seeming; — in distinction from true or f?Tiq"p5TT, f^HOTRT, HI*)«IKI, aTTTRtr^, f^^'^fr(JTr^^?T, 5n^T q', ^3-R'TT^^Tf'T, ««-+;'. iff, ST^:^f, ^T^T^^IS^l, srTf?THrf*T^, ^'^Z. [ JJTT=5R. d not secret, not hidden, v. Visible. 3^IT, ^a^T, 5^, ^- Appaeently, «(/('. V. A. 1. 3^5, ^^S^off, ???, ^"T'?"TH 'TOT, |3q--jf'5r'W-|nfT^-&c. 'iTH^Jf. 2 become visible, f^iit, ^^raT m.-|^fr «. TT^y. o/s. ■^/. HT't.y.o/^. To Applaud, w. a. praise hg clappinj the hands, Sfc. TToff/. tT'q'-TFr iT%-&c. i^anir, ?fT(J?Tr^ w». ^^t. 2 commend, v. To Praise. etT^Mot, 3Tgm^c>T, 3TfH^^^, HT^rjTif, srnHT/.-argjTT^^ n.-^s^Mz^ n. ^m. Applauded, p. v. V. sfrf^ %?J?IT-5rr?5?IT, &c. ^RMBrTT, Applauder, n. v. V. sr^f^oiTTT, ^^TT 'Ht'TTTT, &c. 3igm^_:};, Applause, n. v. Praise. sTT^TTTqft/. ^^/. ^^PT/. 'TT^TT- Apple, m. iT;pTTr5ET% ^^T 'flf^. 2 ( of the eye ) v. Pupil. "Trtsft /. qi^^ /. Mr-Mlp5|i(l-&e. =qT-^FT?TT' &e. qt^, cTTT^F, ST^HPS^, s^m^. 2 <7i«i ?;iay hace relation to. v. V. 1. rtMim-'^-^mfTT- Applicant, «. petitioner. 3^^^R c. T m. sq^ ^~act. V. Study. JT^-i=r?r''T-&c. qMOT ?t.-?5T^^ «. o'TRin »j. 3TfHf^%n m.— state. ?JFT ?«. 3TTf%l5'?^«, arfiT^^TFrr/. 4 — act. «TFT »«. ^^VXm. Of particular a. 'TFT^. V. V. N. I.— state. SPT^'JIT m. tw\ ni. ^^f^f. ^H^ f. 1~act. gr^^m n. &e. 5[T^ro/.3T^ wJ.f^H?ft/. I. /A/«y applied. ^\^^A\ •TTTq' WJ.-^JT^TR »».- &c. A. of hot leaves. ^T m. T5 »»• Applied, /i. v. V. A. 1. ?jnr?5r5r, *=)Mrtrtl, 'frJTPSrrT, &e. Applier, n. v. V. A. 1. J^T^titTTT, MW«1RT, ^t^OTTTr, &c. To Apply, v. a. put or lay to. «|j?isu'i, ^T?I^, qt^of, ^jT^, "^js^, ^TTof, anfn'Jlf. 2"( to its end or purpose. ) emj^hi/, v. To Use. ^W APP 46 AP? r=>r^'J l ' l m. wm 9- of 0. ?Tr'4# c^T^. y ( the mind. &c. ) ^^ n.^^f^-^ &c. r^fff-^rn^oi, c^m >«. 4— iu grain, 'ftn »i,-ipfrn »«• ^FT'it. Tj Applt, f. «. /'fli'e «owe connection, agreement, or analopy, suit. v. To Aobee. ?TmoT, f^T^ f Jtif, fir5Ti^^«!.?i%?r m.f^^^ pop.^■^ m. ^,—act. ^xim n. qfr^T^ n. &c. ?Tr3TH n. q^M^fr/. fJ^riT^- r. fsrf^r^TJR n.—a. or s. ^WJ^. f. ff^xn m. f^fi\^^ m. i~a:t. ^nr^'T n. ^jj1+<.u( «. I. an article of equipment, v. Accouteemfnt. ?RvTWr^r n. public post or employment. 3T^nff /. ?r7^rtt 3tfit/. Ilcreditarr a. Z^m. ^?R «. To get an a. ?^ 71. ^tof jni-. con. irr. engagement, assignation. ?i%rT ?«. ??»T?T»!. 5qr^?«. jTo Apportion, v. a. divide and assign in just pyroportion. 3r^^ ^-5f7^/.-^TiT n.-kc. :fn?it, q-^-4f^JTr??r «. ^^ g. of 0. mr^HTn ^^^ '^. A prosiTE. a. suilalle to tivie or circumstances. ^\nj ^f^ ?ri=T, JTVT'Tn^T, iTMr^^, TMrrxn=r, H^nrfq^, sr^'^r^n:', Appositelt, adc. v. A. sfiirqTfq, TiTrf^rT, an*, WW'II^^flT, ^TT^qjq-orR, Sf^rnrnFT, ?TH^?fT=r, q*TTST^T, t^f^^t" Appositeness, ?i.v.a. ^iT^'T'mrm.^iiJT?n'/.?im>n.'tiir'fm »?. '?*Tm"Trn'/. ^nT^rf^fT n. Apposition, «. — in grammar. 3T>TT^5Jtj- m. To Appraise, v. a. appreciate, estimate, rate, nr^ n.-^.^f^'^ f.-\l m.-z;K^^ wi.-3T^ W.-&C. ^TToi-S'l^ g. ofo. Apphaisement, n. y.V. — act. ^\B-^_^-&c. W.'K^n.-Zlf^^n.&c. Appbaiseh, «.T.V.JTt?5-^-&c. ^?:0TrTr-3'G. fTT^ >K 1%/. 3K^ m. ^TT^ «!./. PffcTF/. Of quick or ready a. ^T??I^?TT^. Slowness of a. f^f?/. Appeeheksite, a. dreading evil, v. V. 3. ?t%?T, 3TF#F=r, ^^Ff^?f, ?FFF2^, ?r5TJTg?f;. ^t^t'tf?^, ^sir^. Appeentice, «. w^F'^?T^rf^F?Tr4f »«.-^rfn^ w.-f?F«5rT «.- %HF »«.-^Sf TO. ^i'^^r^ »«. ?f'%rr5F5f^*fF m.-m^ m.- fV^ m.-kc. [?I%^aT, To Appeestice, v. a. tr^F tn.-^.^^ n.-ko. f^T^F'nTT ^Flrm ^F^- AppEENTicEsniP, n. V. N. ^TFf*F^/. f^FW^OFF m. '^^,^W ir. To Appbise, Appeisino, See To Intoem, Ac. APP ^ To AprBizE,&c. See To Appkaise, Ac. To Appkoach, v. n. come ncar^ approximate, appropinquate, advance, ^qf^ q'OT-^'if, %^, TT^T'^, 3TT^*T m.-^\>\HA n.- -Mf^^^ >«.-3TF»T'T»T?r ».-&e. q^tif. Appkoach, Appeoachixg, n. v. V. — act. ^^ n. TR'Tr ?!.3TPT- »T^ )8. -HmiT m. 3TFfffT/ ;rTPT'T m. ariiTR- n. ^jftTTTH I. way oj coming to, access. ^JZ f. HPT »i. 31|'1HHKPT ?». Appeoachable,«!. v. V. c«(^ Accessible. vT^oT ^!TT-=^r-^m- ?TT &C. CJTPT^q-, arf^^n'^'T, 3Tf*RJT?ft^, 'fff^TnrTST, Tq^T^T. Approached,/), v. V. ^rfHT^T, ar^^Tn^T, ^rift'TFTff, OTf*'Tnmt, 3T>=5>mT»fl', [r-&c. f^- To Appropriate, v. a. assign to particuhrly.-!\\^'^--^\m^- «fr5T'rr/.-M^'fFT««.-WH'Tr3PT;i.-iS:c. :FT>ir y. of 0. 3 take fraudulently , v. To Embezzle. ^TW, 3e5Tw. »TTT- pt'^ g. oj 0. ?rRTt;ss. See Proper, Lq. Appropriated,;?, v. V. 1. 5Tt^%-5Tt^T^T-&c. %^^t5T, &c.^- 2 ^m^^ s^^^r, arnawT %^r, &c. w^'T^TTT^rf, w- 3 ^-ll^rfT &c. ir^, qfan. AppROPRiATiOK,n.v.V.l. — ac^Ht^T^-S:c. AaAl'LE, a.fitjor ploiijhin'j, or that is tilleJ. ^RSJlt^^r, c5T- n^^t^TT TT^mrqi, prrsTfrr^, f^3KT??ft, +rii.'HK, ^jfN^'i'T, A. land, -Sp^ «»!(/<•/• La>-d. f^?T?^H. ^PToft/. kv.i.'SKOl's, a. rescmblinj a coliceh. g%=qT^r ^loi'-^I^K^-IT, AsAi'ORT, a. contributing to tillage, ^f^^^\^^\^\ ^ ^ffe^, Arbiter, Akbiteatob, n. umpire, ^^^r{i]i m. aT'fPT tn. "T^ m. ^^JZm. frT-^isd f . JT«-"!TrTrTT/. AsBiTEABY.a.v. Absolute. ^tTt?r,^?T^, !f;. JTSr wi. Taper of agreemeut given iu by the parties before an assembly of a. ;p^=p:TJTT m. ^>rH r. Paper of acquiescence in the award of an assembly of a. FTT^rr^^T »I. [f^^^JHt^ ■ Abbiteatoey, a. of or belonging to an arbitrator. fn=?TT?ft AaaOBAUY, Abboeeocis, a. belonging to tree.'!. ?^Tr?fr f^fl-- Abbohist, u. one versed in trees. ^^TfT, f?^^Tir f ff m ABB0U3, n. bower. ^■7\ mn. f^3T mn. r^f. t^^ mn.?^\n. ' Abc, n. segment of circle. ^^^^ n. vj^ m. ^^ m. ' Chord of an a. T^/.'^^Tr/.^/.^rr^oi „. ,totm. Complemeut of an a. to 90" . Jprfs:/. Measureaieat of auji. ir?:'?^ n. ^qr^p-T; n. 48 AUD A''crsod sine of an a. 7TlT?qT /. Arcade, «. valk arched above. ^^jf^I^r t^il »i.-?Tf /. ^[J- AncH, n. Jpirm or H/. H^rPl/. To AitcH, v. rt. :?;Km^-T'TriT^r^-H^'T5f5rT-&o. ^TiJf, spTrTT Arch, a. v. Ciuf.f. ^Jsq, ar^, ^^, 7^^, ^ in comp. -fl?q-, —as used of l-naces and rogues, and with the power of. atrocious, monstrous, thoroughsped, thoroughbred . SfC. T, Aheant. it^, f5i=^^, f^^, f^r?r, 3Tj?y. 2 waggish, shreivd, sly. trTT, ^TT, "T?, 5fT^^ f^izj^xf^ PT?^- ='TT, ^it^TT, ?%mT, 5f^^. AEcniEOLOOiCAL, rt. V. N. STf^H^rfe^ fn'^^ftfr-fsr"?^^. Akch^Ologist, n. STr^JT^rf^^fTTT-f^r- Sf'M I R.+^Ti r. AECHiEOLO&Y, «. learning pertaining to antiquity. ifr^TR^- cT I^T^jpfTT^ «.-f;r?Tr/- Akch-asoel. n. ■^Iz^^^^r^] ^^f^- [ "^T^t. Arch-bishop, n. wp^ ^nf^ '^TTf'T??, f^\^^ ^t^'TT ^si^T Arch-deacon, w. fsrnTrsTT ^T^^T aifs^Jjnft. Arched, /?. v. V. :piTT'Jt^ %%~ir, &c. ^FTnT^n", ^»TT^=5rr, ir- Archer, n. bowman. frn^r^T, PrKisd, rfp^fir^-JTr m. rfp.+m- Aecheey, ?i. ?«f of the bote and arrow. f^t%]^ f. yp^'if^l'T/. Skilled in a. f^m^. 2 arrow shooting. WTT^^ n. srrtirf^^cjrV n. V^T^r^ m. Fence for the arm in a. practice. 'ityrT/. Glove for the fingers iu a. practice. 3TjTfr^^?R ». ^':-Trft ^^r^ ot.;j/. Archly, ai/c. v. A. 2. s'j^, f^^rrr^, f^r?^#^. Archness, n. v. A. 2. t-mTnTr w. JriH^mr m. "est. ^i^iJI, ^?rT^r, 3^^rfr, ^nrmf, f^H^rc or fRf^,g^f ^, ;j?-:j;- Ardestlt, ««/«;. V. A. 2. qr^^FT^, +,i+,M?r, ^^T?ft^, rTS?fr%, Aeduous. a. attended ivith great labor, v. Diiticult. ^f[- Arduously, «(/i>. v. A. «rH5n3r^, ^"J^^^, 3TFTm'J=l%, STTf^T- Aedcouskess, n. v. Y. 1. 5p^arq-Rft n?5»I?r «. ^IK'fv^ n. f\^f'\f[f. Aeguable, Aequhektable, a. v. V. A. 1. STTOTS-iT, 3Tn?r 5^, 311rfli^rf, aTT^^T^H'fr^, 3TTffr^^T^q,T5q?i'^?T, qr- 'To Aegve, v. n. dispute, delate. ^^iJf, ^TP^S] n. ^of, ^- ^ ?».-f^^ wi.-sn^fsTSTT^ «J.-^?^r=5fr=ft/.-f(^PTTT/.-&c. ^^, *i^frr ?fH5rfrr/. ^jn^jf. To a. deviously, wildly. arrSTRffT f^lTof. To a. idlj, fruitlessly, vainly. ^^J Mj.-rTFT m.-W''^^ n. ^?6t,5pr'S:c. 3TP^Tft^,Hfim. Aegueh, n. V. V. N. 5rT7-finfr^-&c. ^rtttrt, ^pft, ^r^r, ^r^- Aeguixg n. V. V. A. 1.— «rf. qR:ot m. ^rsTJf w. &c. m^nj-H /. qT?I^ «j. qtoS m. qrST^?:/. STT^TRT?: or ^/. ^^Z^Z f. ^Z^t[J. 5^If?:/. ?pTf^/. q^q^ /^'f'JT «. 3TT?^^ «. JT-?). ^T^ m. f^I^ Empty or idle a. ^''XlW.zf. W:<^^.^zf. rTTIf ?:/. lucouclusive a. ar^T^frT/. Line of a, rTT^T^/ v. FTR, ?!:ft. Noisy, &c. a. ^TT^qT^ m. mif. cTRTtS «. To warm or get animated in a. ir^g;^^ q-^. AEGUiiENT, n. reason alleged. q>rRUT n. ^?T ?». ^5{»f f STHroT «.. H^r m. TT^F «. ^rr^-^F n. m'-^f^ n. 3frf Ti=T »!. g^fR w( To adduce an a. 3T'iffrT^5^W»i. =F7^. To make the most of a bad a. 3TrTf2'^'f''ft/- ^'^"i". 2 ( of a reasoning or discourse ) v. Subject, f^^z^ m. tT^;«.. ^v;^ 11. ^J^^ m. '^ m. ^TTRq-^ n. [ Kfw^T/. 3 contents, heads. "JcffTfe^r/- ^"Tr^=^ m. q'^Jfr^ R q ^ l H ^- 4 argumentation.^ See Aeguing. — mi q/" V. N. A-rgvuj.:staTj, a. lelonging or relating ioa. ^Tl^f^^r^qr, ^- AEGUiiENTATiojf, 11. See Aeguikg, — oci ofY. N. AEGUMENTiTiVE, «!. consisting of a. ^ic^Ml, R^TT^fqi, ETrrf^f- qr^fsTTq^, fw^T, ^m^RTT^F, g^TffNr, ^T^t^^qg-, 2fo}id of a. V. Disputatious. ^r^,f^^, sn^^, sTT^TrT, AmT>, a. adust, parched and dry: — of a country, &c. ?;^?:- J^tFT, ?^r, ^?T, g^FT, ^FS^Ifq, ^STf|rr. 2 (/ry nnf/ meagre:~oi soil, g-^, q-TTI, f^T^^J, f^W^;, f^^^^z., ^?5!Ifq", ^?rT%f. Aeiditt, «, Y. A. 1. ^^<-.ilr|Mair m. l^li^TZ in. ?%q-tnT m. ?r^q n. ^^rrr/. 2 g-^T^irr ?«. f^^^^tiTr m. &c. ^?5tt%t »j. Aries, n. — the sign, ht m. Aright, ot/u. v. Eightly. ;ft^, sffrsTT. [f r^ y. of s. To Abise, t). n. V. To Eise. g^ijf, qrir, g-^q- ot. ^TRToTig^ w. 2 proceed, issue, spring, floiv, emanate. g?T=5r fTirf , ^^, g- ^ijf, 1%^"^, ?nn>^, gjijsr"^. Aeistaechy, «. government ly excellent men. f^T^Tf^Tcq ». 2 lody of excellent men. f\^^■^^^■^^ m. f^TJ^T^STqw. Aristocracy, n. government ly nolles. ^^j^;i^ ^i^j^ n. &.c. KfTf ^^irrftTTfq 11. Hf Tf fff^ST^fsr «. 'TfT^PISTH?^ n. 2 body of nolles. 5i|^pF m. pi. 3TJffigHTT=r m. pi. ^^^■• Aristocratic, Aeistoceatical, a. v. N. 5?3i^TJFf=^r, StJff- ':T»T^Rf^, K^^?ft^rfqq?q?i'q-41'-fq«Tq^. Arithmetic, «. iTfbT?T«. ST^nf^rf n. ^jj^qrfsfqr/. ST^f^qr/, T'Jr^fsKTr/. ff ?iq or f^m^. Jirf^F HPTT^'^. ?T f-r^n, Eoot of the a. 'spflZlm. spft^n. sirarf^n. Snatching or seizing by force of tlie a. H Wiji f. Strength of a. 5TTT^FJ«. H jI^j^ h. Of outstretched a. 4H^-^\^.^ 3^T^^. Upper and outer part of the a. near the shoulder. sjTss- To know the weight of the a. of. ^J^f. 3TtcE?r%. ofo. To slap the arms (iu token of readiness to fight). siT- ^/. ;)/.-yiTw. pi. fq^of--*n^ijj_ To whip up under the a. qn^ JTTTiJf, ^^^"if. 2 ( of a tree ) v. Beaxch. ^f^Hj. ^i^m. i^m. Arm of an a. of the sea; a branch oj. 3Tt^ m. ^Hff /. Navigable a. ?R?ft Wt/. 4 ( of a garment ). qr^/. |T7m»t. 5 ( of a mathem.itical figure ). ^nr/. Abm-chaib, «. ^TrTT^ ^^ft or ^^4/. Abmfcl, n. (oJ:,rass,stUks,Sfc.) ^^n.^^C^i^m. dim. ^^f. ARM-noLE, Abm-pit, «. ^^/. qiTSi/. :f;?r»?. Tumor in the a. ^^f^/ m^/. ^^?5im. ?3r„j. Arm-stall, n. ( of a ttt &c. ) ^\^^nt. Arms-reach, n. ^PTJcqr or |Pfr5fT ^'cqiwi. ^'' '^"^'.!,' "■ '"^"^ "'''"*• ^^' ^TR^ or ^>T5T^ /. :piTjf, ) ARM jTo Arm, t'. a. v. To Accoi-tre. ^r^jr^^^ or ^'[J^^-^v'^-^^ts^ ARMAirE5T, M. V. Torce. ^?ITHT':«i. ^."HKm. ^f^qrHT^w. ^. Light a. ^ft"Pr^/. Abmed,;?. v. Y. a. ^%T^ or f;^R^,?TT<|-,5T^'7Tfor, ^TT^q', Ahmejtian bole, n. H^TrfR'l' or 5^?tT?T ^pft/. ^>. Quaker of arms. ^FTTT ^^'JTRT, ^TWH", ^T^'FR- q;, ar^^iT^P, ^T^muT-T^f, W'X^^. 2furlislicr of arms. f^T^^^^T or TRtn. ^Pr^^ or Jp^qf;?; Armorial, «. of or bcloiiging to annour. ^:^'^^^\.^ ^,^^^i;-4\ 2 belonging to the arms of a family. ^^JTFT ?fm^ H-r|lf^ Armort, n. -place for Tceeping arms. f^lSS^T^TOT. ^T^rnR«. 3T- ^FTK«. arrjq-FTRM. Aemoue, n. fq^^^n. ^j:^^mn. if^ii. W^m. f\W.Vn. qff/, A. of iron netting or little rings. 5f:p?n; or ^W{n. A. for a war-horse. TT?^^/. A. for ttie',&c.cuirass.'i'\i->\mn.^lW^n.TKf'^m, A. for the head. f^3;fpT?rt. A. for thigh, cuish. vt^T^tTrw. Piece of a. f^c^w?. Clad &c. in a. ^fjcf^, ?r^5. Aemour-eeaeer. n. sr^ ^Jr STT^OTTTT-^OTirr. Arms, n. v. "Weapons, ^f^ or ^^ \^-^ f^i^HT^?;», pi. Sr?5rf?5^1T/. Lustration of a. ?ffTM^«. ?rT^Tf*f?rR?«. Practice or exercise with a. ^IW'^TRfw- ^T'^'^^fTrw. ?TWTiT^ft^T«. Under a. f\^^m HT?^ f^#, f^TF^TTTTF^T^^f . To take up a. against. ^T^k. f^T^ivith ^T, ^ST^ot, ^r- ^^f.-^JZmm. qRW. 2 coat of arms, escutcheon, ^-c. ^^\^ qt^^ M-Hlf^ f^- f%PT f^^ n. pi. Ahmt, «. ?5^T;R^r, ?5^:jRf, if^, %?mRS^. Akmt, «. r5^T^ or F5"T^T«. . ^S5i^n:»>. ^?:^». 5rnTT/.=5fY/- 3T?ft^'«.?!. «i=5«. — compreh. 'gemekt, 11. V. V. 1. — act. o^cj^ij^ ^HfTf n. &c. ?^ n. jfnjm n. &c. r^pTT/. '^rr^/. armr^ «. f^r^w 5«. sf^^r- or sreipr «. ^r^T'^^/. t^dt^/. sr^^qiFr «• srMirtrR «. 2 qfr^rer m. ^q^/. sq-^^f-trr/. [ srg'^ifeTR". 1. preparatory mectsiire. fT^JT^^/. rRTT^/. cffj/. 5^/- Aeeakt, a. — as used of rogues and villains, and as agreeing •with arch, thoroughlred, thorough sped, tlioroiicjlipaced, qenuine, prime proper, rank, rejitlar, yallotcs ( vulg. ya?- lous ), &c. 3TI?5 or 3T^^ ( as 37^;^ ^T^, arf?! FilsTTS, 3T- l'?^ =qR-f^l?I55-^TTTft-&c. or 31^;^ ^"t^ &c. ), 3T^^ ( as 3T?5^ ^ff^ &o. ), f^^^, ^5pfH^, gss^T^ftn, f^RH^^, f%^?', JT^r ( as iTfT^^, iTfr^ift, TT^lMNHIH'Tl ), f^I^ft^, PT- g^r, fq^t^T 0)- 5q-t=^T, To/ <7;e ^rHC JrffrfJ aTtfr, q-fgT, qffJT or qirPT, WAW or ^^FS, ^?f ( as ^^€t^, \^ ^^VS., ^5^ ), TT^T^, ^T??T5r, '(^ ( as ^^?^ifT5, 'l^^, ^^ ^- ^ft^ ) , ^WTc5. (See numerous others vnder Blacl-guard. Aehat, «. display, y. Show. v:\Z m. '^TZ'f^Z m. ^R in. ^.z\- ^ m. ^^J^ m. m^T^ or ?f /. 2 ( of troops ) %?^TrEftTq;TT/.-s^^'ifT/. Eff f 0^5. f^| or fsTH w. %^lT^?rr/. — in a circle. ^■^;^^^ m. -^-^-^^^pop. ^^^^ or ^'^^^^m. ^^%*r^ m. n.—iu. square, ^^- _51 ARE >T^w. ^15: «».— in line, ^S^q^ m. ^K^i^ /.—in column, JTTiT o^^ »». ^FS ?»• — in mixed order. 3T^rT 6^^ in. — in dense order, gencr. ^Km m. Jp^T^ in. "». =PT^ g- oj 0. ^fsrr ^ptdt. 2 «me % a !w?-j< or wan-ant. ?I=F K^^M I "i -TT^T^^-&c. sp^. [aTFTT^r «. Akeival, Aeeiting, n.Y. V. — oc^. %'Jf n- ^\^y^^ n. STTqTw. l,perso)i or thiny arrived, or to arrive. ^I^Vj^I^M ^"^^ j!.-^^ n. ^^Ti^^MR ^^^ «.-Ef^ ?>. To Aeeive, v. n. come to, reach, t. To ConE. q.RCTr, frft^oT, To be arrived and pausing, sf^^ %TW. Aeeogance, n. T. Peide. ij^ w. . ^Ji-bO/. f^?r m. f^T?^/. ^rt »i. rTKc^l'O/. 3"=T1T^M. Aeeogakt, a. V. Peoud. n^'', qf^?, nf^?T, ar^^Fifl', arf^r'^Mt, JTI^, a^rffr ^Sf^^l^ STT'JT'JTRT, f^m^, f^^RTf, ^K^. 2 (of things.) 1^=^, f^rar^T, arfTiTFrr^r, 3TT^-q-?r=5rr,&c. Aeeogantlt, rtfZy. v. A. ir^TR^ 'R'ncft"^, f^'^fH' &c. T^'J^- sp, 3T^%RWF, arfHTPTT^^, &c. To AEEoaATE,^. a. lay claim to, malce pretension to. arfiTTr- ^ m. tT^CTr-5iT5!:n'Jr g. oj 0. ^tt n. ^^^^^-fvJ,^^-^\^'^ y. oj 0. i^^ n. w.i^ 'J- oj 0. sTT^^f^ /• arr^ot-sjt^ntjf- f^T^iJ.ojo. Aeeogatiox, n. v. Y.—act. a^f»mR ^of n. ariTiTFrT sTT^itot n. &c. ^TK M. ^TH 11. AeKOW, «. ritT »». ^W >». ^TT WJ. "T^aft ««• f^f^T^ ?«. ^frq'^ »". Blunt a. Ht^T »». g^tJir rftr ?«. Bow and arrows. rfli+H^ ?«. rftT^JTTtT or q'/. Feather of an a.frfnTT "(."ft^ ". T?7 «'. 3^ ?«• ?T?3^r/. Flight or shower of arrows, ^t^^tib n, ^K^i m. ?TT^f? ATIT 52 /. 'TT't'Tn'S ». Sliootiug arrows. ^TTTH'T «. ^JM^F^ «. ^TTP-"'Tm m. Struck by an a. ^TT^'T. Strung,— au a. ^^JTT. ['TW »». Anitow-uEAD, AiuiOw-D-ABD, n. fHTT^ "Ji^ ". X^'^^ n. TI^/. VBnow-BOOT, n. ^ ^JT<:Hrfl'--<T=^ m. ?ttH=5?TR w. r^Tr^r wf. Sulphuret of a. |frHT^ «. jiop. ^^oE ?«./. Red sulphuret of a. JT?r:f^T?^T i'Oi^ K^^ft^: or ^^f. V\'^\^^H'^ m. While oxyde of a. iT^J^TOm^ m. h> •'-+<< r^PT^ wj. Arsenical, Arsexiocs, o. BTT^, ^TTK^r^, ^ftT?5^tft. Aksox, h. vwlii-ious hurninj oj a house, iJT. STPT ?II^ «. ^^rr^ wi. 3hi'ik4I^ m. Am, «. — as disliu;;;. from Xature; Jtutnan sJiUl. JT^^T^v^jr/. 2 giiltlfl;/, craft. V. Cck>-ing. =PRT w. +NI'iNI jk. ^%^ 7(. trarrr/. [m. /)Z. Arts, V. AETiriCEs. iJi^'M '»• y. iW^ in. pi. qr^sr^ 3 — as disting. from Science; system oJ rules and steps and acts, a craft. ^^ or ni>o. ^^^T, :ft%^, ^^qr^r, 5^, ^T^T^Trft, JFTT^VTPft. 2 proceeding from craft. ^FT^qi^, ^rs^T^Ts^TT^, ^Tipm- 5^TT^, •T-.N'i.wrNI, +.I''-NT. ARTFCLLT,OC?r. V. A. ifTTS^, q^ o^KJo^^R ^ fT5[Tf^ JfT^^^ 5jigq% &e. ;f^:^. I. skilfully. 5^lft^,^^JT^,^;^t^,qf^^?TT, J^mT. Artfulness, n. V. A. onrf Cu>-kiko. ^ntsift/. ^IWJft/. AUT I Arthritic, Aetubitis, See Gouty, Gout. { ArthropuOsis, n. swelling at the Joints. i. ^\f^^T or ^T m. 3 clause, item, point. ^FITT n. ^^F^/. W^f. iTT«JH/. IT'PT'T ?Z. Article by a. +rfH'^TT. 4 condition, term. ^FFET m. ^%fT w. ^TTT/.J^rw. 5 — in botany, ^pf^ «. q"r n. ?tf*T »«• T=f «. To be in the article of death. »f;§T JT^T w. 5f%-JT^,fT;?i Articles of war. rl'i^pft JPT^^ w. ^Z. To Article, v. a. draiv tip in articles. W■^^^f. ^.X^. 2 hindly articles. -t./. TSTT^ M. 1T^ ». TTgTrft/. i'op. HFITO^ft /• 'flWTTrr n. =^Z^ n. Aetificee, n. artisan, artist. JFtR^ »»• ^T^ W. f^Tr'ft m. Aetificial, a. made ly art, not natural. ?;f%f»T, ?jf%nft, %?r^, ^^T, ^Rwt^T, ?;frr^?^, ?jf?Tf%s;, f^rfH|%, 2 fictitious, V. False, ^^tct, +q?,MI, ?rf^, Sf^^^, ASC 63 3 not of spontaneous gron-th. ^TRoft^T. [^f5#. Aetificially, adv. v. A. 1. ^P'TJft^, ^ifff^, 5^^^, H^"^- Aetilleet, n. ordnance. ?TTHT »>■ JTrPT/i'^. 2 weapons — gener. ^T^ n. pL ^rTTT n. pi. 3 bodi/ of artiUei-y men. ^"F^T'^T^^^ ^"t^ m. pi. m^- AEIILLERT-jrAN, «. ^rJT'ffl' m. ifl^^'^ «• Aetisj>-, See Aetii'icee. Aetist, n. skilful workman. :KTf':'TT m. W.V^ I'l- T.J^ m. 2 professor of the fine arts. f^T^ff m. fil^T^TT^ m. f^TrT- Aetistic, Aetistioal. a. ^FTTTflft'^ir, f^^T^fT^THr, IJift- Aetistic ALLY, ado. t. A. +KinHl%, f^T?. HT^q-OTT ?». ^'r^'TR'r'4 m. ?r^>TR »». 2 ^£r». HI^TtnT ?«• &C. As, conj. :3TOT (correl. with fWr), T'-^IT ( correl. ■withrT'Tr), ^^5ff (correl. witlirTq'T). ^-^-^ (correl. •withjfr-cft-'^). As if. 3TW. As ifc were. ^^ As, all one as. ?T^?=5. 2 ni i/ic instant that. ^T (^T, ^, ^ »«/«•), ^^T (fTHT, 3 liJcc as. yK^^l, sf^ (iu comp. as f ?1^h;^, ^TTOT^ij;, "^rTg;- 4 lohde, during, ^f (correl. witli ?r^),5qrT^^ (correl. with rqT%%H). The sense is best rendered by the use of the present participle as. He trembled as he spoke fit ^T?^?rf?fT or ^^ 3T^?Tf W.VWA, As for, as to. f^'^r'Tt. As jet. 3T^?r, 3T?TTT. As well, ft^f ^f, ^^X ASAF(ETIDA, See ASSAF(ETIBA. yo Ascend, v. n. v. To Eise. ^Sot, S'S^, J^T w.-T?^iT?r«.- arrf^ m.-3TTTt^"iI w- ^R^ oHf/ u-ii7i in. eon. ^r^. 2— a heavenly body, v. To Eise. gTl^r'Tf, ^^q- »«. qr^irf, 3^ m. ^ y. 0/ 0. 3fff?T-'3'?T?r-&c. ^ii. [^.l^. To Ascend, v. a. climh. ^^^ with m.^ 3TRt^ w.-3TTrr^'Jr n. 2VSCENDABLE, a. V. V. A. ^^r^TT-^sTT-^jfrnr- ^Tn?rT-&c. grift^- oftT, 3TRt^1I'Tt"T. Ascendant, n. — in astrology. ^^ n. 2 ascendaneg, v. Supekioeity. OTT^ST m. TJTZ^"^ m. ^^ n. 5#Er n. mx m. Ascendant, a. — in astrology, ^f^, T^TfT, ASH 2 predominant, v. Supeeioe. ^^^'T, etT^?', ^3^51^^, Ascendancy, n. predominanee. v. Supeeiqeity. jq^ ?«. ii^- ^ ?«. V. =ETJ, 'Tr=arT/. =qs wj. \\^ m. ^■\^^^ n. ^V'^T^ «. Ascension, Ascending, Ascf.nt, n. v. V. N. l.~aef. =q?3T 2— act. ^J^^^ n. &c, :=r^ m. Ascensional diflcreuce =q"^ h. ^^5m. wy^^n- 'efF'^". The sine of a. d. =a,r^f^\f. Ascent, n. See Ascension. 2 aedivitg, rise of ground. "^Zm. ^?tT f, A. and descent. =5f?'3'rIR m. =5fSiT3'fT^'JI /. [t/. 3 an a. «« acclivifg, =^50l/. ^^/. ==[^7^ ?«. ^soff/. 51- Steep a. g'^fr'S^ot m. To AscEETAiN, V. a. make sure or certain. STT^fT /.-sm'J'T^ /. ^RW g. of 0. f^^q' m.-fq-'jf^OT.-fH'JI'T^ «.-f%'=fR »?!.-'pT- (ifk'Jr w.-aT'T'-ifRir w.-f^CfJT «.-1%^?i'n"l, &c. ) A marrying a. ^#ift vi. ^^J^f\ m. [HHTfq mf. Self-immolation of an a. by drowning or burning. Smoke-fire of fin a. gixft or grff /. f^ft/- Ascetic, a. fJR?P, ritftf^^, ^TRTRlfp. Asceticism, n. t. Austeeity. HT^^T /. n^^^T //qfTT'Tw. Ascites, n. v. Deopsy.. e^ n. ^^\^ n. m. AsciTiTious, a. not inherent. TT^^ ^5%?5T, ^f^ft^^r, arpt- A. name. ^i^T^ n. [a^RT'^'ir. AscEIBABLE, a. V. V. ^^RTTT-'^T-^^TRfTT-^FTT-ifcc. STRtwtq, To AsCEiBE, V. a. attrilute, impute, assign. 5^, ?IRW, m- BDT, STRTT'Jf, 3TtTT=R ^TTrl'ii', 3TRt? >«.-3TRFroT «.• &c. ^- JTjf g. of 0. Note. The sense of this word ( to refer as to a cause) is best rendered thus.— I ascribe his po- verty to his laziness: fqp^r nfTift^ =FR^ f^TT^r aTToE^ 3Tf^ 3# ift iTRmt-'^irf?t-&c. [ ^rpTH. AscEiBED,^. T. V. %=r^?rr, strVth?!!, 3tr^t %%ot &c. stt- AscEiFTiON, «. V. V. — act. aTRTT'^ «. BRoT n. &c, 3TRN w. Ash ?j. ^'P ^^rs^TTf . ASK U ASP 2 'inn irrsr^ ^rff »>. To bo u. ?irJTjf, OTjT/. ^i^^ ?«. co??. A>niMKUI.Y,(i'/i'. bns/ifiilli/. cTTf^T^mifr 0'- ^, ifflT^ ?^ fn^H, JTTS fTpfr ^'iTT, S'fN ^FP ':TC=T, ^T# "Tr|^, JTH- AiHLs.n. ^h'/ mr/. K^rf. trtt^/. >t?h k. jrfr/^TRwj. A. as lic-apcd or strewed. ^PfrfT/TTTJSTwi. ^^^rjT?«. A. of a body burut on a pyre. f^nrH^T n. A. for smearing the body. f^»jf?T jw^». f^jHrf /. Hot a. 5»rr or grfi^ 7m. 5^ of ^tftt »«. Of the color of a. M*:Hi'\ j'^p- T^t^T, T^^T^, ^T^. Place bestrewed with a. ^^mm'^* w. TT^TTSHS^ ». Kcducing to a. H^M1+|U1 n. Eubbing a. by way of ablution. ■jt^K^STR ». Eeduced to a. T^J^t^^T, TWtH^T. To a. (rediiccd, burned,) ^r^,V?»nTr?I^ (^^ STO- ffT &c. ), 51T ( ^T^rn" &C. ), q^, ^. To become a. T^TTirf. AsnottE, adv. f^nn^'TTH, f^PTT-^RT, rrft^, ?T^5f7, ^^k^, Asnr, o. «iai/e 0/ a. rr^'STT, 'TT'i'T, H^KT^r, HRJT^. 2 JiA-e o. jJa^e. MtHi'ft, T^^f, T^H^ot^P. 3 dry and loose like a. — soil, &c. TT#5T or rmjjj. A3IA5, Asiatic, a. 3TTf^NK--Jil'-il, aTTf^1Trajf?T^r, &c. Aside, adv. apart. ({*|+1 or sf^, ^%5rr3T^, ^pl^isre, "R- !F, 3HIJHK I, 'JTTiqT^, 3TTI^?fr?r, aiFsV To move a. fi^ot. To set a. ^^>^, ^m^'-^ijf. To turn a. deviate, f^=^^m.| i%'Ji^_ 5 4irji4f?5f^T &c. 'iTmF=ifH, ^^^■:^^t . ASEEE, n. T. y. 1. J^DTTTT, &c. JJ^IT, T^U^, ^'V. Askew, Askaixt, Aseaxce, Aslant, adv. ohliquely. ^\^. TlTT, ^liJ^ dr, JFTT^T, *MT^T^, Sf'T^rr^. AsPEEsioN, n. V. V. — act. g'FH ^of «. ^TFft ^T^ «. STR qR^ n. &c. ^?:Toiqfft /. f^TT^ /. ^^^\^m. arfT^f^^ «. fspfjiTTT n. qf?5sr?^T «J. [ItTtT «. I. an a. t. Slanbee. fffeTr?r/. gWT". ^^Az n. 3TT5J/. fT- Aspieant, w. o?z(? w/^o desires eagerly. T^ ( in comp. as y\7[- =^f , ^ffHr^f ,) ^T'qf (in comp. feT^T'4"f, f^?TT'4f &C.) ^^^^TK. 2b AspiEATE, ». a. JT^sinJTR 3'^R'jf, ^^^^1^=5^ -T^Kwi. ^- AspiSATE, a. Aspieated, /). V. V. iT^sfT'Jr, 'TfTJITWr^T, T^- AsriEATio>', n. v. A^.(To Aspieate,)— «e;. T^JTTirRT^WK ^.l^ n. -^^WV^wn n. H^|ij|un^TT ♦«. [^^T/. V. V. (To AspiEE,)rtHif. 2 ai'wsi so9iicihing elevated. ^^^hf.-^TiUlf9.f. q^'Jf,^- ASS t AsPiEER, n. Aspiring,/!. «. v. V. 1. ««(/ Desirous, f'^^q'- 2 and Ambitious, ^t-q^^fj, f ^?rjR or ^l-HiK,^f?5rm?Ht, AsQUAT, rt(/t'. /'« a squall iii'j posture. 3"=J>f , ^'^FS'TT. Asquint, aJo. lo the corner of the eye. ^rSr,f?R%, frr^S,frfT^, qjFTT steTR, ^f^i-qr fiwTT^. Ass, ». — neuter. Tj-Jtr,— male. nT^?^, T^TT, n^>T pop. >T?|tr, ^, ^^^pfJijf,— female, irra'sr, ny^, nT^^'JT, n^Hl, ?T?T*fr. — in contempt, TM'?! w«. Wild a. ifk^trr m. 2 (/oZi, ^c. V. Fool, rrr^^ ?«. itjt we. J1K--INI PJ^ «?. TT^- AssAF(ETiDA, n. — plant, f^TT^ ^TTS w. f^J '"• — g^im or ooze, fin in. fl'T m. rlnPHqffr «i. — in contempt, f|Tr5r ?«.— in cant, covert, &e. phraseology, ^^ ot. A. water. f|Tf■^ m. ?f^t^ on. HTHTf^^ in. Person present in an a. ^I^Hl^H^r?^^. Assembly-room, n. ^KmT^X n. ^ht/. armiST m. ?THTn^«. ?rTT?'*TT^ n. ^TmST n. Assent, Assenting, n. v. V. — act. HT'T ^l^ n. &c. fv^^- T m. ^FPK m. ?^iT «>. arg'TrTw. argnfcT / ^rJ^Hrr «. ^f^- To Assent, «;. n. acquiesce in, \. To Agree. TT'T ^':^, ^- fff ^^-ftot, 3TgiT?r-?f'^iTrr-&c. ^t^, ^^^ m.-frwf^ in.- ^VpfrT «.-^J^frr/.-&c. ^of. To Assert, v. a. v. To Affirm. ^N^cTTtift-^sftTqTjff-fvrfj)^^- 'T^^pT'i^'T5^-srfHfTRcf%-&c. ^T?J^-i:f'Jnif-&e. 2 maintain, vindicate. iTm^af, TOi^f, ^*rr3I^, TT^^, ^- ?70T ?z. ^^^y. o/o. ^ifPT'Jr, FTR »». ^^ y- of 0. 3 ( a system of doctrines, &c. ) TTTT^=T«.-3^rri%/.-iT- Hrrr^q- «.-r«TN^ m.-&c. Ef;?:of y. o/ o.\.mi m.-^^ m. ^- ^-^PT'Jr-^'jf y. o/ 0. Assertion, «. piositive declaration. ^'^^ n. srfrTfTr/. sff^ffir- 2 position advanced. STfrffTT/. "T^ '«• ^T?r «• To Assess, «;. a. set a ta.v, v. To Tax. qft/.-^«!.-^^^^- wr ».-5raT«j.-&c. 4i'n-&c. 9n^CTf\/.- q-- 2 set a value in order to tax. -^iwA^ f ■-&(:. ^^-ZT^^- 3^.v, settle ( damages ) 5';f%3T, 5^^ m.-^^xH f.-f^H m.- &c. spTot y. of 0. Assess, Assessment, n. v. V. l.—act. qft ^^^^ n. 2 v^HNJf,^'l^HT/.- :i aUeje, show, T. To ADDUCE. ^\^^., ^nFt, TT^sf'Jf, ^T- ff^'^ n. sPT^ y. o/o. ^^-'MI'H on. JR% y. "/o. ^ 4 mal-e over, v. To TbaXsfeu. J^fefR ^of , ^"tw,gT^ sijf . AssiONABLE, a. v.Y. 1. ?t?^Tm-fTHTnT?f-&c. qT^-^-^Tf- %TR?TT^-^-^mr-^TT^T-'Sc. IH 4 (f'T^'TTO) ^r^ :?7Tr!TT-:;frnT-&c. BiHI'MM'l'Tr-&C. AssiOXATiOX, H. appointment leticeen lovers, ^^m. Z^^m. Female making a. -flfHyiP+l. Place of a. ^%^y'<^R ". ^%^ m. [f^rft^T- Assigned, ;>.v.Y.l. Jft^rm f^.?f^, HH^T ^?|^, &c. ^^nffT, o ^tr'H-^.-'J, ^l^i-^-il, 1^un+< T5^, 'I'spft TS't. [^TT^?!?. Assimilated, p. t. V. 1. ^irw-^V-argnoi- &c. %3?IT or 2 KTiifr J^m^TT or t^FT^riT, &C. Assimilation, a. v. V. A. 1—act. ^TWT-&e. ^^ «. 2 3iMt ?7T^ «. &c. V. v. N. 1.— mY. ^m^-&c. ^ J!. 2 3T^?r rtl'iuj n. &c. fVMI". Assistant, n. J/cljjcr. aii.ciliarij. JT^ntt r. H^^^'Tfl' c. K5- f^ wi. ^^ m. ^^^rfr- 2 V. Mate, spr^qr »". ^W^F^ >». ^^^ m. Assize, n. court of Justice. ^^T^^^Jf. •■M\M\-A\ ^.^f. 3T- 2 measure of price, iceiglit, tj'c. f^T^ ?k. TT^T »«. ?^ ?«. jTo Assize, «;. a.Ji.r price, rate, ^'c. f^T'ff w.-'TT^T m.-ZX in.- vrm[f.-&c. S?T^tif-%H'Jf. To Associate, v. a. v. To Unite, To Join, ^qtl »» -H^^ OT.-&C. :p^CTf g..o/o. ^rf/.-^/.-^PT5/.-i=Jf^'^ orrlf^ar To Associate, v. n. keep company. ^^ m.-^\>\r\ f.-^^\^'^m^• ^t^rff/.-^r^siTO w.-^l^^4 w.-&e. JfTTiif, ^'^^. Associate, a. Associated, p. v. V. A. ^itftrj %Sr^-&c. ?Tf- IT1-&C. WFI%?n-, fli'I5t=^l, ^l^'ll, ?f5f5;, ?T%T, q^Tp, ^. Associate, n. companion, mate, t. Fellow. ^T'4t »». ^f- qrft »«. ?fiTrft »i. ^'^Wi. {^otc. female a. ^I'^rfjui, ^iTrff- OT, &c. ) " [ "ft m. 2 — in business, «. ?f^qr m. V. Y. !>!.— state. ?fiT w. ^TiT «(. ST^T '». aT^'TT »». ^5RT- qrn »!. ^riTRT m. ^T^ «. ^if^q- n. ^^^,^ n. I. ore a. V. Company, Combination. Hl^ft/. f^IM «. ^7 Member of an a. TpjryvqrR" m. To Assort, v. a. sort, separate info classes, v. To Classify. ^r^f.-^rf\f.2>l.-&c. ^TR^, UT?^, ^JIZ, OT. sR^y. o/o. ^tPT ^l^^^ ^f^rij qq-tq- w;.. pi. JpTut y. o/ o. To Assort, v. n. agree, suit. frToTtif, '^TKof, ^oEijf, si?r"Jr. Assoeted, p. V. Y. A. ijTJ%?=5T, 3R%;=ri=rr. Assoetment, «. Y. Y. A. ^^ f. rJR^ n. ^nz^ n. UH n. 1. a numlcr of tilings assorted, (np ^TTrft^qr f^=>r^HT- ^<^\ ^^mxt^^ m.-t=sr^ m. srm^TT f^^smt^-T^^ff^r- &C. ^q^ «;,- ^^q- m. To Assuage, v. a. allay,' alleviate, \. To Ease. ^^^FT ^RW, 2 appease, pacify, calm, y. To CoMPC^E. ^»TW, ?lf?f^^, or Pr^FR^^, &c. 2 If JTT0TT^ff5 %?rS5?n, 3TT^T'T, ^f?T?r, STTFlft^TTS^ffiT- AssuMTNG,rt. arrogant, T. Peoud. iin€^, 3TpTfTT^t, 3Tr^-q%- =50", f^^THjfr5fT. Assumption, ». v. V. A. 1. — act. STFTrqTOS %iJf «. arnt^Jvir- ijf «. &c. ^ft^ROT «. ST'ft^?^ n.~a. or s. atift^fHT m. ^f^W^ m. 2— act. sfJTTOTi^T^jnr ^of «. &e. STrfPTltTT «». qJTT'Tfsr'sn'?;- f^'-tK^iiffrR^i^^^ui «• ■Rr==rT«:TTW^ii »■ I. po/?!f asstitned, v. Suppositiox. spTTWTcrt^pr TR^?ft- ifre/. ^rT^T/. ^^ m. ^^OT?r «;. etc. HM|U|f^^Ko^frK- ASSUEANCE, ASSUEING, «. V. V. 1. — act. ^HT^ ^^ «. HT" ^m \^ 11. &c. 3T^>Tq^^ n. Hand as stretclied fortli in a. aTT^^^ m. Proclamation of a. 3T»T^^ m. 3T*nTflfl^ ?«. Writ of a. 3T'T?T'ce. gj^r/- 3"^^/. 3Hc^^lO /. KfiT OT. ^ OT. III. firm persuasion, t. Confidence. %T5T «J. f^T'^ir ot. ^MI^Hl/. ^r?TT or ^f. ar^siT m. 3TT=i^ «. Astraddle, Asteide, adv. ivith the legs across. ^^?Tofr, AsTEAD, a. V. Staeex. rfRt=5TT, cTRrasj^lt. AsTEAT, adv. ^rr^^^, ^TTS'J^, 'Ti^rT, n>^, CT5if?r,'3HisOp. ^JTT^ft »«. Jf*^ «'• ^=# m. tpsiqwrr ^^ft »». ?T^=5T^5P, ?f?15R35T, T?^- ASTEOLOGTCAL, a. X. N. ST^^rqifHWr^, glrfj^rfpTTT^, vj-^ i fdq , ^rqr^TSRjsitft, H?7=Rv?y'TiT^f%^TRf«i^-'l%5ncpp. ASTEOLOGICALLT, adv. ^'Sr^^\fi\H\^<^\^\r^\^.| &C. »^T\sTM\\ri- ASTEOLOGT, n. ^fSi■~!■^\lr\^ 11. ilSTl^rtTl frl'H «, fri-J-^Tl PlT 11. gTT^frr/. ?f^T5fH|-=(| , v?*?! frloi'ti'Hfcff-R'HH^, 'J^tfrPT, JlfuidT^'in, ASTEONOMICALLY, (rJi). v^fff.^Tr^nUTT^. AsTEONOMT, "j^tf^rT «. 5'TTf?T?t?jT/. 3%frf:^TT^ «, ^Tc7 ?;/. 58 ATT Tlie astronomical piriocis called Xaraiia are, 51^, ^^T^, 'Trf^fr+HdlHiJl'Jl. Atheistical, a. JTrfWRrrpqi, -Hirw+Mrll j-Mlift, 5TTf%^PT- Athibst, o. v. Thiestt. cTT^^. Athlete, n. agonist, prize-contender, tcrestler.^ Sfc. ff^ri'Hr- ^ ?«. TTI5 WJ. 3f^ w8. ctlP.mi^, He5%5T m. JTs^^S^p. «?. Business Or skill of the paliilwau. "Tf^q'Fr^/. Contests or feats of athletic. Tis^^ n. 5rs55ptST/. s^- ?TTT m. Training of athlctaj. d I c-tiM /. Athletic, a. v. GriiXASTic. q |^rit)H|-m -, TTgE- ^Tt - j i f^ gpTW?, 2 roii«<, lusty, v. Steo^o. ^T^T, ^JTR^F, =PIT, ^F^T, ATHWAKT,/J)-f]>. T. ACBOss. 31X5, aTTS^TT «. (/ecZ. A-iilt, adv. inclining forward, js ^3?fT-5ff^rTT (J. ,H, MH «.-&c. ;r^, Aioxemekt, w. v. v.— erf. sTr^rfji^TT ^^.?r mrl'r'Jf n. friiHoj- Ji. &c. STFTf^^TT M. qn!%', Ateabilaeious, a. v. Melascholt. ^^^^ Ateame>-tal, Ateame>-tol's, «. T. Black. fTTT^rOTT^rs::, Ateocious, o. heinous, horrible, enormous, v. Wicked. 3T- TFT^, iT^HIHkHq;,?T?T?rf, 3TrgT, rimfr, 'fTfT^TTt, qr Ateociol'slt, adv. v. A. g^qoTR, q'RT'nr^, T^FTN^^^, 3T- Ateociousuess, Ateocitt, k. v. a. qiTTOTr m. T^^T / 3T- f?r^wr /. gu^FTT /. [Tr?f^«. I. «r« atrocity, an enormity, &c. rr^!^< /o, ««ne.r, ^c. v. To Add. ^r^tif, c5Rof, ?I%7 ?«.- 4/y. i^-*^, «i'ijZy.?^Rw,3TTftqTJf,3TrmOT.-3TRrq"'JT.'^^'TT^^ Attached,;?, v. V. 1. ^H %%?^, ^^ KR^^^T-F^Tsf^ST, ^fT. 2 /oK(? o/, V. LoriXG, ^^, 3T^T?t, f^?7T, 37^1^, 'iTgrpfT, ?^, ?7T, SIT, 3T5n?f, M^ O'" "«tS'i - 5^ T5^ y. ©/ 0. ITTW, ^HT'jf with^X of o. i)# TSot, 3^ iOiY/t ETT, S'T^, ^f or fft^RT JJm'f. To a. in front. ST^rrfT/. HK"Ji. To a. insidionsly, darkly, &c. 'JH'--flrir w.-'JHHH! or JpTTTT m.-H+HKI m.-&c. ^PTW. To make an a. upon. ^rfT/. ^FT^. To a. suddenly. S'^T ot. SFTT m. qR;'Jf , fTTRTrw. HK'Jf. 2 fig. a2)ply one's self to vehementh/. In this sense, and in the variations of it as conveyed by To set to or v^on, ■ ATT _J To fall to, upon, on, To rush or dash at, to, upon; some imitative or expressive formations are ;gt. JfT^, g'rs /.-KT7M. T?at «'(7/! ST?: 0/ 0. S,- g. of s. wM^ ?5n^ inf. jp^^, T5T^^, s^^^ft/. ^?:'n, ^rs^rrnr. Attack, Attacking, n. v. V.l. — orf. =ErF=5 ^T'^t «-^TMT ^- rTijf n. &c. =q-5 m. ^^rf /• ^^T^T^ « ^^TR/- ^TT^ «• ^f5T »«. ^rj/. qr^/. ^nr m. w^^f. arr^nr ?«. arr^TcrT n. arfq-- ^nr ?«. arfSr^pKiT «. ^^m /. A. of a band of robbers. ^T^TT m. Sudden a. a coup de main. ^v;t m.^VT m. IfTTT »»• To Attain, v. a. ollain, gain, acquire, v. To Get. ^fTT^if, 2 arrive at, come to, v. To Eeach. qr^of , Ml{l^yi,!TTH" \\^. 3 achieve, v. To AccOiiPLisn. ^TT^^t, "m^^. Attaisaele, a. t. V. 1. fTTKrf^-^T-^>TT-HRW-&c. ifTcq', 2 o«Jt. An attested copy. ^ f^^ft=^ ^W.r^f-^^f Attestation, n. v. V. 1. and 'E^idevq-e,— act. m^&c!^^n. ^^/■m^f Attic, Atticstort, m. stt^ ^TT^T H^OT »». ^HT^ R^?5T »». Attiee, w. t. Deess, Clothes, q? ?«. "ff^THj or q m. f^^HW »«. 2b Attiee, v. a. t. To Dress, q^ «.-q# m^/jZ. ^rF^rirf, qr- ^TT^ in. qirJof, ?r:?T^"jf , q^TTf^snT-^W^ ^F^, ?IOT, H^?^-?r- f^?T-&c. i^rrnr, ^^^^jf ^T^ y. 0/0. Attitude, n. v. Posture. 3TRH h. ^ft'T'irTTT m. [ g. AcDACious, a. daring, v. Bold, f^vjj, f^Kp^T, M1^, qrft^qT- 2 V. Impudent, sfl?, S'^rf/'op. 75^, q^. 3 proceeding from ejjrontery. fcfil^^l, g-^^ornrr. AvDACiocsNESs, AuDACiTT, n. V. V. 1. fKRTj/. qrlTJ «• 2 f^/. qrw «. W?«T M. 3-5^"?^ n. Audible, a. pereeivalle hy the ear.'r^ 'n^-^T^-^-^ITTfn'- 2 Zou^f^^f. 3 tcife of paternal uncle, ^.^f. ^T^/. ^Pff /. fSm5?rT??ftA 4 ivife of maternal uncle. JTTJfr/. Wl^^.^f'. HP^nft/. Husband of mat. a. TT^^ «». AUT 61^ AuEEOLA, n. circle of rays. rT^nts^ «• Auricle, n. external ear. «n^^=5fr ^r^^t »i. ^\\f[^ W-J^ in. "P- AUEICDLAR, a. relating, <|-c. to the ear. SFT^^T, ^offl'stsql', ^- 2 told in the car. WA^\ frtfnrf&?5T, ^of^H", ^pnfl'Vf^'?. 3 V. TiiAiiiTioKAL. qjpfr^r^r ^tt^ot, ^TtT^pm, ^poff- AUEICULATE, AuRiFOEM, a. ear-shaped. ^FPTr^qrr 3TI'+,KMi, AtTElFEROus, a. ijolcl producing. ^^^^■^^ (f, ^j )_ At'EiST, n. ^ufqtT »»• ^P^iRn^ "*• AuEORA, «. V. jVIoening. ar^^r m. Auspice, m. presage, augury, t. Omen, ^t^^ ?« n. Of evil a. 3TT:^. 2 auspices; ^^ro^erf/oM, ^'c V. Fatoe. ^TT^f%/. H'P ^^- ?/• f^TTfrr/. ^mz. m. aTT«nTsr?5 «• Auspicious, a. of prospering influence, propitious, henign, favorable, ^H, HTr?5, 5^^7, »>q-?^T, ^qT^Tf , S'TKf , T- ^, *T?^, ^T^T^, ?r>TP^, ^T^^^, TTI^^ra'T, JTtqfe^, A. season or period. ^^^T^V^\^Z m. To be a. ( for ). OT^ar, FSr^rot. 2 having omens of success. ^^T^^TT^, ^^^T^flT^T, g^?T- Auspiciously, adv. v. A. 2. g'^lf ^'JJ'T, ff'^^'i^^, f ?5?T- AUSPICIOUSNESS, M. V. A. 1. ^THT/. HT^rfT/. ^^ li. ^- 2 ^jJT ». f ?5^'jrf^RT'?FTr/. Austeee, a. harsh, ^c. of taste, t. Soue. '^^ po^. ^^TT, ?f?r or ?ff-crr, T^iT. 2 ?-(/w?, rigorous, severe, stern. ^TT^, ^TTT^TT, q?^5r, ^FS^rr, ^"T, spJiT, ^TJ^rf, fJT^, ^%5T, "T^^. ArsTEEiTx, ». T. A. 1. ?;mirT m. ^t^tt n. ?;^nT/. ^^^ «. qr^iq' n. 2 ^i^OTT »!. ^^^"T7"TT »i. m-^.i'-f ?!. I. — in Eeligion. (TT «. fTT^TT/. FTT^T /• 'T^^'T':'^ 2'o;j- fTTPIT^ n. j Austerities and penances, — compreh. 3'iTRT?Tm?1' m. rrq-sffq- or cfqifpT «. Some of the numerous austerities of tlie Hindus are ^^tfffrT or f^TPSr^g^ffrT, ^s^sfsfT^, 'T^KT'Sr ( & '^^'■TFT, ^- Emaciated by a. ?TT:^^T. Power acquired tlirougli a. FTTi^TPT?;?? n. rrTi»r?5 n. Practice of a. ^friP-'Tr^T m. r\<-\i-MH\\'^ m. AUSTEAL, AUSTEINE, a. V. SOUTHEES. ^fj^aT^^n", ^ffT^^5=5Tr. AUXHENTIC, AUTHEJTTICAL, a. rjenuine, true. ?nT, ^TfT, f^rft- AUT AUTHENTICALSESS, AuTlIE.N'T IC IT V,». V. A. ^'VqtJTrH;. ^fq-rfr /. ■3T?T?iiT0TT w.fq^HqroTT?«. ?iHHroT?rTy:-jTm?Tr/.-jTrFif;r «. To Authenticate, v. a. render authentic. ?r^-^f^-rT£qff^- Author, m. j^rsi mover, heginner, ^c. Jprir »«. Jirr^fT'r »)(. vT^q; Mi. ^f^rTT m. g-?q-T^^ »>. ^ijr ?«. 2 composer of a hook, Sfe. ?t'». AuTOCEAT, m. an alsolute ruler, ^rqrnf'^qfrr ?«. 5?^?-7R Vc^ m. ar^'qitft^Tlf'^^t »«. AUIOCBAIIC, AUIOCKAIICAL, a. ^rT^f^TrTF^, &C. ^^\^ ATE AriOOR.vrn, n. a perton's oicn hand uritmj. M(^«-ri< ^/. AVTl-MSAL, a. ?Tl'^T. ?TT^T?rr, ^TT^, ?T!^, ^K<(1'M, ^- The a. harvest ^R^P or ?rtW '». AviiLiAB,AnxiLiAHT, fl. T. Helping. JH%^r, ?T^, ?fT^- A. verb— in grammar. ■h^i-h^TT^ ??«. Ar:xixuBT, n. t. IIelpeb. JrrJnK c. ?r^qrrff m. ^^ ^- "TKT. Auxiliaries. ^H^W 3TT^ "^/. To Avail, i'. n. anstrer the purpose, be of use. +IMI^-^PFfT- ^T^TmnT-TT^Vft ^"Jf-^ot, q^n. ^ j?iy. co?i. 'poE'Jf, ^T- To a. nothlug. q^FoftW^ or ^tw.o^ ^^. 2 le of use or advantage vnto, v. To Advantage. ?5T*r- k\n.h,n. profit .^y. Advantage. ^, •F2|^. [^■^T. Ataeiciouslt, adv. v. N. ^:RRr»TT^, *|5T;:5t^^, tROTH^- Atabiciousness, «. V. A. tRPTT^ffqurr m. ^TTWff »j. At AST, interj. q>, 'I>^tt, fff t. AVAUKT, interj. ^r^, ^^^^.^ fTJl ^^, |tT. 2b Avenge, r. a. v. To Revenge. ?5[1 m.- "^ m.-"^ M.-7- ^ «.- &c. -i'H'Jf, H;3 w. q'lif , 'A P'^*-! M. '^, AVXNOEMENT, AvENQlNO, n. V. V.— ac<, ^jv^j ljf n. &c. 3T- ^2 AYO AvENGEE, M. v. V. ^ q-OTTTr-Tn^iJrTTT-&C. %^ft. A. of his people. H^+H^STT^. Avenue, w. vag of apjiroach, v. Enthance. s?t^N'«T m. sj^^t- Tr^ »>. gK/w;). ?TT «. <\<«orlion. 5TTT m. ^'^'!^ or '^^^'['^ n. ^• fq^nrrw «. ■hjf y. o/ 0. Averted,^, v. V. 1. ^^F^r^, &c. f^^lf^, Eri^rf, 3Tr^TT, Aveetee, w. v. v. 1. ^^^OTRT, ^TRTRT, &c. f^?R^, f^T^' Avertible, aj. v. V. 1. ^^=rRTT-=^-^3fmT-^rRW-&c.f?iiTRuft- AviART, n. ^\W^'^ f^HRiHUT ot. ^t^^^PTT »». Tf?7^TTBT /. ^rtlRl^T/. Avidity, w v. Greediness. STtTT^HUII «». ^?JI^/^?^/, PidirlriHUII ?«. ^^f. ^"rt »«. 2 V. Eagerness, ^s^rt »«. ^H<4>J|I »". Atocation, n. calling, employment, v. Business. vj^T »?. To Avoid, i;. a. escJieic, slnin. q^jf^, ^^F^, ^Tj^njfo^Tiaaf , 2T^, f%«r|5 ST^'Jf, fTRiif "''V/' TTOPT of o. 3TFJT ^^'fif?: {iJHi-^rR^T-&c. Avoidance, Avoiding, v. V. 1. act. el'lotui' n. ^^^pJI «. «nf JFTwf m. c^f^ M. ^^r{ n. ar^rq^W n. 3T^ft^R m. 2 — ac^ diotuj n. ■<^«hm?| n. &c. 2b Atouch, t). <{. (wseri, o^er, t. To ArriBM. ^T^ftrn^-f%- ^^ AWE 63 To Avow, V. a. own, declare openh/, v. To Acknowledge. Avowal, Avowing, n. v. V. — act. :p5[?7 ^PT^ n. &c. 3T»ft- ^i m. ^^rrr m. Avowed,^, v. V. ^^ %^c5T, &c. 3T'ft?i?r, ^'^?T. Avowedly, adv. with frank acknowledtjaneut. ^if'pT ^r^T^.T, Avowee, m. v. V. 3T^t-1PR^lTT, ^T^FP:"nm, SiC. arift^R^TTT, ??fl+K+-dl. To Await, v. a. wait for, look for, abide, expect. ^]zf. TT^'Jf ,^ "«. "Written a. f^qr^^T n. f^ofjpT^f n. "^.W^^^jm m. ^^^^- ^J^T m. +i^Mi< ?«. AWAEDED^. V. V. f^JfTST ^PC=T ^=ff^^?n', &C. Awaee, a. vigilant, attentive. ?rT=r^, ^TT^iRItI, gf^rT, ^?TTT. 2 apprized, made acquainted. H I f^d ' 1 1 <-;^^TR-5ITO«r^R-&c ■ ^r?5^r, ^tfKfn, smr^Kf, ^iTT?rat^, ^r^^, sf^tftm, fsffrrf^Tfr. AwAT, a(/y. i» absence from, "^kf^^, TH^, 3T!7f5T^, 3T-q'- 2 from, on its icag from. The sense of this word as used with a verb is best expressed in Marathi by the use of another verb, as 1%^ vfrnf To go a. ^^ ZwA To give a. ii<^H ^of To throw a. q^ CFrrof To run a. To make a. with, ^]zf. r^'if-^'Tot g. of o. m^ sp^^ Away I Away with I interj. ^^, =q'?!f^^, fTft. Awe, ti. dread, reverence, v. Peae. ^^^ m. ^m m. e^T^TT m. ^RT «J. tTRcf or^f. ^J]^ m. ^V^ m. et^TF w. r. ^T, ^fTotT, srr^ ?», ^^ ?»."|^/. ^?R^/. i?. q:^, ^ 7«. AZI To lose one's a. of. >ft3/. ^T'Jf-HT'Jf y-fj/o. ^TJif. fror. To stand in a. of, v. To I-'eau. fTIwif, Sf"^^^, ^^^Z- ^TiJf, ^JTR ni.n. ^\ui., ^HRof. To Awe, t;. «. ^r^f ot.-^^j^ «».-^7RT ■m.-&c. sm^ri^r, '-^tt: m. ^T^^ot, T^'ST^^k n. qRijf, ^^/. ^af-^^f5rot. AwE-STEucK, a. tTT^ &c. 5f?T^f7T, ^?R3^T. Awful, a. that strikes tvith a. tTT'7Jr=5TT, ^T^TT^^TT, ^''^-TRr, ^^:%^, ^^^pr^T, sr^T^^r^T, j^iFft^T, ^^ ^^^.J^v^]., -^r^- 5Rf^RiT^rnr-?fR^T, ^^, 'jt'^r. AwFULNESS, n. V. A. ^sj^r m. ^^TR »»• ^ »«. JilrT ov T'-^T^ Avi'HILE, «(/y. JFf|t ^^T'TfT, ;Ft|t ^TSTqcf, Jpt^R?!:, 3TH5!;, Awkwaed, a. climisg, unskilful, unliaiuly. ST^Fft, 3T?irfT, 3m^5, 37R5?:-qT, 3Tre^?(5fr, JTPP^sft, q-?r;f€n-, ^Ri?;-zrT, The a. and rude, — comprch. 3T5T"Jft ^'^^ Tsf'T- •TtTT^ m. pi. 2 — of things, v. Clumsy, ^r^?, 'fiWl^AV^J or ^V^^\^^ s, ^fte, %55i, %ff?ft,'~'T^;5iRT^r, 57515!;, 'iT^rgFfr. 3 impleasant, disagreeable, nntoward, ^'c. sr^TW^, ^sT'Jr, 3T5=5ruft=5Tr, Hft'^T,"JtWi^T. AwKWAEDLY, «(7y. v. A. 1. aT^fT^^T^^, arsi'J'Mm^, '#r^T- AwKWAEDNESS, H. V. A. 1. aTST^rffT^T o;* ariMTWr wi. 3T^r- rTT/. 2 s?R?7'JTT Mi. SRr?;7orT ««. sffraqiJTT )». %ft?ft/. 3 ^Hcc-jSHuu m. W'Zl^iH^w m. Awl, «. arft/ 3TR/. ^TTwr «. '^v^^ n. To bore with an a. ( ?:riT'Jr ) ^nT"Jr, ^^"Jf. AwLESS, «. V. Feaeiess. fvfHT, f^yrW. Awn, n. ^?r35 n. ^?r n. ^?t^«. Awning, n. g-rr ?i.^y. sTf*^, =Eff^/ 3TRHRlfn^/. =£rf^5rT ?« ^irT^RT n. ^Tfir^ 0?- ?Tf*RT ««• mTTiTT or ?IT ?«. fq'Jn'H «•. To cover with an a. ^rtT^i^r. AwET, a. V. Oblique. st^IT, f^R1??r, frf^^r, fft^^r. Axe, n. f^fH/. ^5R ?h. ^VO^pop. q^^j ot. rt^i^j jk. Axilla, n. arm pit. ^FRT/. qnjj/ ^F^ ?«. Axillae, «. q;r#qT, ^^RTsjtft. Axiom, «. sdf-emlent truth. ^}:^f^^^^^X^^ «.-f^?f ?2.-&c, Axiomatic, Axiomatical, a. v. N. srfq'?lf%i;, ^^. Axis, Axle, Asle-teee, n. srw m. arf^jf ?«, ar^ m. ^m m nuiT «!. Axle-box of a cart. ^\^^l m. Grease for a, ^'PFT «. Transverse beam of a. ^^TPPTT^f /. At, Aye, tK^y. t. Tes. ^, ^t^", ?Tf , SR. Aye, adv. continually .^ v. EvEE.^rtcT, f^(rf?. For a. vi^.V^. AziMuiH, K. ( of a heavenly body. ) ^irf^T m. BAC The co-azimuth. ft^1\ in. I^V-^J "i- AzL'BE, a. atKHI'ft, •flTTT^Noff. Gi ■BAG B. I [} This letter is represented by si, and, when aspirated, by H. To Baa, v. «.— as a sheep, q^of , ^ n. ^T^, ifteui. To Babble, t». «.— as a child, v. To Phattle. ^rq^^rc^or. 2 fall- UUy, v. To PRATE.^pFofr, sppppof , ^Z^7^.^ '^i.Ai.^. Ij 3 till secrrfg, v. To Blab. 4.1 iuj, 515jf .?. ofs. ij 4— as a 8tream,&c. <--lot-+,H-i^oi-ALS, n. drinJcinj feasts, revels. qfHTr^«r ni. qy^^irr- tH m. MH+ka^r »». Eacheloe, »!. unmarried man. 3ff^^rf|rr-3T^-&c. q^T ?». For the exact expression of the sense of this word there is perhaps no word in MardiM;ioT the Maraihas and the Hindus generally hold celibacy, excepting in the instance of saints and ascetics, as unnatural and abominable. From the same reason however, there are very numerous and very significant terms and phrases of reproach and contumely. To the man studying the mind and spirit of the MaraiU people the study of these terms ( which arc here collected ) in their particular aspects and allusions, will afl'ord instruction. JTOom?:, J ^m^^'w^z, TjJTTTr, B>^, bM^, ^sfjTn, i^m., ?r^- 9rftn, ?f5f^^ or ^%^cqT, ^TST'iT?!', ^J^H^T^IPFR^CT, 'ft'T OTfar 9;^ f^^T, 3TFT?5sf^=^gn^. Bachelor's Button, n. — the flower. ^p:z\^ n. BACHELoEsniP, «. arqfOTirr m. 3Tl%=rT%f?^ m. 3T?r5?? », 3Tf5nrTl^rTT^'4T/. 3^^ «■ Bac^, «. ^\zf. ?g «. ^^JTm w. ^n contempt, &c. ^\Z\% or '^XZV^ or ^TZ^ n. ^ZKf. Behind the b. of. TT^THt, ^H', ^•. iiop. ^'\^., ^^.Z & 3^CT (esp. in comp. as 3777 TfTT, 3H7q^, 3'?r?:JTT'T, &c. ), %T (esp. in comp. as qR^JTFT, %- ^^, &c. ), sff^r ( in comp. as i)fd<^H, sffHtsff^ ). 4 icith the I), forward. qTiHKI or qT5¥mTTT. To Back, «. «. moinit on the h. of. ^\Z\^X ^^3t, qi^t?^ ^RT'T, ^T^TR It'll, ?^^^tT n. Jp^iJf y. of o. 2 ff/f?, support, V. To Help. qre/. s^, qi^/. ^^"ty. o/o. TT^i^n: gr^tjif y. o/o. qrf^qr arn'jf, qre^fss m. '^-^prw, 5TT^?Tft/. ^R^ y. ofo. WKTw^m %'if, 3^^^ »i. ^^dT, 3;);/< larlcu-ard, cause 1oreccde.Vii¥\^^-^^TT^-^.l^-'^\^^^ BAG 4 — in wrestling; throw on the b. =Efr?r- jTAI H '^ ^-^rS'iTT- &c. ^^Tjf, 3'crT'JTT TTf^f-WT^OT. 5 ( a boat, with an oar ). q'?^ ^Z m. tT^ or ^^^ ( ?IT- %?T, frft?T, TFTSfmH, &C. ). To Back, v. n. go hacl-wai-Js. 5TR o»' TTStHTrl ^iif-?f^af-^r'jf , nts^T-Tre^nr-cfcc. =En^ijf. [&c. qaf. 2 out; T. To Deaw Back. JTraTT/. %at, :pT5^ «.-f%fT?f- ToBack-btte. t). a. dander one absent, v. To Asperse. qr?ft- Tm =5r^/.-5n^ /.-&e.^?;>?f-?Tm-?fFTor y. o/o. "rfr^r- pt^t/. g'T «.-7^?^T5rT^ »». ^^iit y. of 0. ^zf. ^^ g. of 0. Back-biter, n. Back-bitinq,jj. a. \. V. TT^FiFi -^^i^ m- iT'JTRT, &c. =Ef^, =Er^^=qr^r, =5ff t^^r, =Ef^Ti^^, ^\v<^- Back-bitin&, «. V. Y.—aci. =q"^Tft ^f'M ». =;r^Tit/. ^TFft /. fjr/. qfr^f%/. tr^r^TTTsn^ m. ^T\^^-^ n. =^f. Back-bone, n. spun m. ^,\z\ m. qt?T m. ^tSTTT m. ^?fr m. Fore end of the b. of beasts. HT^^f^ m. Back-door, n. ^^M^ or mVi_H n. JTPftrT^ n. miy^- Back-pax, n. TPT^q'FliToirqT T^R iH.-^rnr «.-. 3"qTro!;T m. V. V. N. 1. — act. TFT ^?:>jf «. inn ^^iJf m. 2 TTT^nr ^6f M. ^T^^ ^"ft «• &c. [ ^t. Backward, ac?tf. towards ones back. qr^ftTRT, ^TRT, ^^TrnT- 2 (f(V/t l5r, W^?:!, ?r5RT, ^f??r?r, ^^'5:, ?i^Rr. —freely oc compreh. ^^?n?^, ^TTf^f^ff^, ^Tfs^^isrt^Sr, ^TT^^^TT^^, ^^?r^, #^^R:r, rrm^Tf^rq;!, afmflm, gsrr qr^?:r, Badish. Efrr?=rr'JrT or crft. To make b. worse. q^R-^HTT ^W?T »«• q;^"^, TcF.^ffT'T'r- tift/. 3TT>il0T, fraf5 gHT 5f5:q;;r q;?:i3f. 2 vicious, sinful, v. "Wicked, g"?, qpft, qifq^, 3T^H, ^- ?ft?5, f3?ft?y, II, (ill comp. as |^^Rt, %^'^i &c. ),f ( iu comp. as J'ST^T, JJ^, TT"T^ n. Badly, ado. v. A. 1. ^?:, ^TT^, =rTf^ Ttfft^, 5TTq?r>f. Badness, n. t. A. 1. ^Tf^m »». ^^T^rmT »«. ?ITq?Rq'Jrr m. &c. Jprrf^rfq- «. 2 gi^quiT »i. ^r^ «• qif^^HT / 3 1^/. ^TT^^qorr m. arrtTq??fr/. To Baffle, v. a. foil, v. To Defeat. ^^^1%ijf, HITOT, ^r:- if(jf, sq-4-g'5-^isfcc. w>x^. Bafeled, p. V. V. ?5jqd%^?5r, =^w=TRrT%?5'OT, 5q"4-%^=5r,ctf. Bag, n. sack, Sfc. ^?5rw. dim. ^^f. 5?5P'>. dim.Z^f- qpr «. B. to hold paper and traps. i^rS n. ^n^RT or ^;;t- 5^ n. B. with pockets or divisions. W^\f. m^T m. dim. ^- Cift/. STRirr WJ. q^sT^T m. Bag and baggage. STT^sjrFf or fsf^TRT /. q^q^^^ ". iT=rrS 'PTT^ «. 'Nioi'T5TT^ ". srrjf^r^rr »«. Four raoutlied b. ^ffssirr ">• ^RfT /. String to draw the mouth of a b. CJ^T^r^F m. 3fi3^:~r m. VJ\^JX\ m. qi^fT m. Two-mouthed b. ^\^z\f. ^Sqt/. 1I\f[ f 2 (for holding money), v. Fcrse. fq^T^ /. ^fH?rr vi. W.m m. ^fKCTft /. ^^r m. Mouey,&c.b. of shroft's and goldsmiths. q;7o5cf«. ^Tc^r B AT Cfl m. 'ft'Tlft /. .- gpz^r w«. ^, 'TRToEOT. 2 about; Jiaiiy or sit looscli/. tjomoiot, q^^^T^ or ^f a(/y. Clothes, oruamouts,&c.tliafc liaug bagging, (^citlol | n. f^T^^ «. Tongue of a b. ^.v.] ?«." 2 ( of an account ). SJT^/. %?5^/. f^T^^ ^TT^t/. ^Fift- ?rTq?t/. 3-^R/. ^TfTT^ w. B. brought forward. afT^tJr/. a?l-ess, m. v. a. 1. ^jgF5 M. ?tr"^ «. ^^^\Z n. WAl^^ n. %?T?Tf|fq' n. 2 ^%TOTT «'. igHT^nr in. ^qwri OT. &c. 3 HT^STOTT m. &c. ^.^r^Tf. X^f[^r[\f. Baldpate, n. Z^titff. 5:jg?JiTT'«. fsriT m. dim. fif^^ or f%^^/. Strap of a b. ^T^ift/. Wrapper of a b. sfR^PT n. qTH^ n. To Bale, d. a. lade out ivater, Sfc. 3"HTot or 3'TH'jf, ^TS'jf, ». G entertainment of dancing. ?n^ «;. HJqif^cf j;j. ?{;q^jTT- tT m. -^ n. Ball-fieing, Ball-peactige, n. itroft^^jB. Ball-eoom, «. ^rfq-^TTFrr/. 'Jf^'tf^ ». ^T^qi^T^ 3TfT m. Ballad, n. trifling son(j ,^ .^osa . t^rsT^t/. 3^/. qT ^-M'flcl w. Ballad- siN&EE, «. cTRTJft^rr^ c. rnsT'^siTrrr ?»• ?TT^T m. Ballast, n. ( for a ship, &c. ). f^^ftT or f^^ n. m. 2 fig. f^'4«dl + K+ nir OT. To Ballast, v. a. f^^]V( or T^f\H n. m. >TTq-, Ballet, n. ^vu^^n^ ^fT n. ^IR^ ji. BAM arr^r Balloon, ». vehicle ■which proceeds llrctigh the \^.^T^ n. arr^r^i^r^ n. B^^■^T^ «. T^^■[^ n. Ballot, n. hall or ticket, ( in Aotiug ). JHT^HfrRjjsj^nf^- WAf.-%^ m.-f^^ n. 2 voting Ig lallot. \. V. 'jfe^PTgT^r or FM^JVi ^H ^rj^frT lb Ballot, v. ii. vole Itj lallot or ticl-et. n^^TgTTT or ?I?jfST- Balm, n. grerqr f nf^-rf -m m.-=^, m.-t{% m. 2 fragrant ointment. ^lifferrT 3^^ ». 3 any thing that heals or soothes. 3^^1Pr^ n. Z^XfX^W- ^^'A n.-Sic. \ymW'. Balmt, n.— of slumbers, nr?, ^^P^, g^^'^, ^R'^'^T^vR^- 2 \. Peageant. ^JTlfy*.' Balneaet, n. V. BAin-EooM. H^ITTHTT «• ^fTTTR n. BalneatOet, Balneal, a. ^f^TUIMi^l, ^RfFTR^^--f|". Balsam, n. — common b. fR^r »»• 2 See Ointment. Balsamic, a. soothing, softening. g'WT^R^, ^^R^'^'^n^^- ^PRq;, ^^^TR^. Balustee, n. f^T^Ht/. ^FSS^^^T T^ m. iRT^ ««. ^PS^^irfT iRl^/. TTT^/. BALrSTEEADE, «. rOir o/ hcdtistcrs. ^5?T'«. ^5T3T '»• ^5RT or ST «J. ^5^^ «. Bamboo, a. lelonjing to or made of lamhoo. ^\^'^.^ ^^fr^J or ^^■^v^^., ta:^, sj-s,^, t^ft, srf^T, q-irq-. Bamboo, n. — the plant, ^\^m■. sf^T m. «ffH^ m. Some of the kinds or Tarieties are, qjoisp o?- ^5i^, q;m- *rra^Rf, TFPTT or ttiuiTRT, TThtt or "t^tt, JT^T. B. shoot or sprout. ^'^TT^ m. Clump or cluster of bamboos. %?: n. W.^W^ f. The efflorescence of the b. rr^ m. Manna of the b. ^W^T\f.pop. fT^f^ or ^ or er:t=I or ^B n- ^^^■K n. ^T^T^ffft /. sf^T?I>Rr n. cT^TF^r^RTT /. t^RH^/- Seeding of a b. ^^JZ m. pi-. IT55 m. 2 — a stick; single cane, ^ri^ '/». ^ »!• =P^=F ?«• ^^T ^w.^fftT m. or tfRT «z. «fvT^^ n. ^^^ m. ^"^^t m. B. basket or vessel, ^^^\'=s^ n. [f^t/- B.-basket or sieve (for washing rice, vegetables, &c.). Bi-crook. sin/, stn ^JZtf. B.-flute or pipe. %dt m. Prame work of light slips of b. TT^rt/. Outer strip from a b. 1]ZWA^ f TTS^ftS «. Piece or bit of a b. ^5S^ or ^WZ n. qol^?: or ^ ?;. Pin or spike of b. — to tack leaves, &c. together. ^- f or ^f. ^?fr or =EfTl€t/. f^TrT^/. fmi ». f^T5:^=F/." Shaving or thin slice of a b. ( for basket-work &c. ) iftoS or %5!; n. Strip or slip of a b. WA^ f ^,\^Z n. ^tif ?TR>Jr/. f^T- 5f «. f%5j2; «. To Bamboozle, v. a. co£cn,gi(U, v. To Deceive. "^srSt, s^- ^tjf, qii-MNi SRT^rot, flitt TFT «• J^"^, ^HTT m. ^^J^i^^ 'JT III. ^nr. HiS, n. proclavialiott or edict of proscription, interdiction, "2 V. CCRSE. nr^ 111. 3 bans; no^Ve o/warmye.?irvn^-^'5n^r^-&c. ^f|?TH/. To Bax. Seo TO CiusE. UiXAKA, fl.— the tree, viitsa sapientum, v. Plantain, ^jpif 'J— the fruit. ^T^?1%5J H. ?1>t\55 n. ^r%af «. ?fp^c5 n. BiND, n. bimlinj, landage. ^«R n. T^/. sf^m. »iq^ m. ^mn^ arrar )«. 5i^ or sffqrfr/. [I «. ^r: m. 2 encompassing Under, a hoop, ^'c. aTTTT m. 3TT55T m. Tf n. ». 7 ( of music ). HJ|K4>K^ W- Baptist, «. mHl^rMi ^^uiki-^WRT. 2 5?5f=En snfaTTTT ^^t, srq'frr 3TT^?Tt=qr m^r ^^r^ art ^TT^ TTrT arff nt. BaPtisteet, n. siTRr^»TT =HT'"THt ^^mT/. To Baptize, v. a. v. N. q 1 Ri <;n 1 «?. ^T^T-^ot^ %TiTf^^rai=FTT- f%r{ wf, ^s^'v+H^iTT ^rnf^rf^ sp^tjf, TT«Rrg;RT mw. TTrft ^PTW. Bah, «. ^/ece of wood SfC. laid across, n^ »». Tsft/. 971^^ «f. sn^oT M.'IM^' O'-'iwi^/. 3?f^m. 3T5:/. ^VCf. TS^TW oruft/. Pinning with a b. one's arms and legs. eftfJ^IT m. 2 ( of a door ). ^im m. ^A^^ f. pop. 37^55 or 371^/. tn. ^\i>\^f. 3TT^f^a5t/. 37S1TT m. QTScrft/. arsut »«. ^osf. 3{1jn. arrflsn' m. 3 obstacle, let, v. HiNberaNCE. sie/. arSrft/. arrs/. 3T- 4 ( of a harbour ). c^t^T >«. TH «• frftftr ot. 5 preventative, exception, v. Objection. «fTtT M.3T5/. il- 6 ( of metal ). ^T?/. ^sj/. [^^/. B. of iron set round with rings. 'Tl^M^lilT m. nR^^f- B. of iron, — to punch rocks, &c. qR^ or q-/ "?Sr/. 7 (of a window, railing, &c.). n^ ot. t^TntT/. in^/. nTT^?«. 8 ( of a capstan ). 3Ti «. 9 rrtiVci/ off place Jor tlie prisoner in a court ofjuslice.^- 10 railed off place for barristers in a court of justice. $r- rTTrT ?r^ =rf^?ii^ 5r^>J5THt ^pss-^tt^ ^jiftt/. 11 tlic U'liole body of barristers. ^?r^ ^rf^^Tt^ H^/. To Bar, v. a. close and secure with a bar. 3T?H^ m.-^mf.- ^S^mf. ?«.-'JfTSiT55/.-5fin'35IT W.-&C. ^?;CTf-?;T5r'Jr-?rR^ or ^TTr^-ifcc. ^ ^T"^. 2 oppose.^ obstruct, v. To Hinder. 3T?:^T^^, 3T5f^^, ST^T- fr^'iif , 3T^^pR m. 5?T?J'jf-q^of , 'jT^/.-arrj/. qT?50T, arr? srw. BaeT5, ?«. ( of an .arrow, &c. ). ^f^y m. or SH^t^ w. 7?5?T- 2 ( of grain, grasses, &c. ). ^t/. ^o?- ^ ???. 3 armour for a horse or elephant. . 'TH m. H^R «j. TTTT »J. ^TfN; M. Barbarian, Baebaeous, a. belonging to barbarians, unciviliz- ed, savage. ^RTrft, TRTsr:, ^T?^, J^xU^tft, ^R^^TW^^ft, 2 inhuman, ^c. v. Cruel, srt, f'T^^, ^T^^, ^PT|^. 3— of speech, ^nrsr or |ireT, ^fRist, 3Tq-?i5^^, ar^'ff- irar, aT7?[I5^^, aTTST'TFTi^Rw, rTR^, ^?RIIT, 3T5T^5TT- Tf^T"S, ^T^:, l'^^ o- in?:, T^, ansiuft'. 4— of the speaker. ^TTIT or "^5T, ^FRTiT, aTTm'ft, ?rR|?, Barbarism, «. uncivilizedness. See Barbarity. 2 ah. a solecism, S;c. ar^^TS^ m. 3HHm41'I ot. ar^^snTFT w, 3T«f5!1^fFT ««. ^FT?rt «. Barbarity, BarbaRousness, n. v. A. 1. T «. f?i^frr/. f^^^Torr »». ^ifRrfffq' «. 3 ^JII^^tJlT w. ^RT^^lTiTT m. aT7^T»^T/ aTq'SiqFt^'?^ «. ar^^sT^fpf^f^-^T n. Barbarously, ado. t. A. 2 ^b^ft^, i^T^M, sp^f^^. Barbed, a. jagged witli hooks or points. a^i+^^^K, aTi^^^rr^rr, 2 — an arrow. ^otNt, ^"ff, ?f^'^, TriHi. Q furnished icith armour. — horse. TRR^. Baebee, n. ?^T^ or ^^ «>• =7Tf^ m. ^^ftrT m. fflft^ >». f^tJI+lpTT pop. [\'4\4\ri m. — in contempt, &c. stf^T m. Hi^M'U ««J. fT?fT^ »»• Business of a b. ^-jIIHH/. ^TTfTFT n. Eazor case of a b. qi^P^ or HH.'Clf. Shop of a b. ^q;5JT5T m. ^rrfw^TTOT/. BAK 70 BAE Strop of a b. irrT^ '•• Tcrui» of courtesy prefixed to tlio name of a b. H^T^ or W^PTTTT or H^rTT or n^\ri\ or Vfjl^, Vessel of a b. ( holding shaving-water ). r\\^\Z\ f. lixniK ". ;'<"■' «'"' sillier. V(JZ m. ^ m. sjf^^^ m. JTriq' »«. 2 yee I'oET. Bark, (I. uiicoirnil, v. Xaked. ^Tm^rr, J|?^, ^^T or spT, 3"- 2— a tree or plant. fisi'Tl, ^tf^TSTH, f^'^'Hui, f%"J7^, ^f- :> ^j/(i(rt, unadorneil, laid, jjr or J^, ^^, 4li+l, ^f^FT, ^fT^i ^Ir'T pop- ^^I", gi=M, J^^F^^rT, ?5tg, a^iftet^, t^- ipT or iis+l, 53T, 3THf^, ^'TWTf^-^?r-&c. 4 Hierd, V. Siiii'LE. ^^^ or g^tTT, f^^, \^^ or 55, g^. 5 See BABEiiEArED. 5b Baee, f. a. malce hare or naJccd. •qtS^FR'^, ^TFT^T-^Tl^- 3^T3T-f^-f TT-Ac. qr?T7f_ Babeback, ado. icitliout gaddle. - j ^j rf i uf r, Hr^TO^TT TT^t^. To ride ( upon a horse, Ac. ) b. ^'q^off ^Wiif. BaBEBO.NEP, «. T. LeaX. ^li'lci, ^rSoS, ^l^+^T. B.aeebo'es, n. lean person. ^TT^^re; c ^■\\h\'\ m. ^j^^rpft ?». •H'-Mi^llHrl^ m. ^fToET W2. To become or bo a mere b. WPT^ w. q^of-^uf y. ofs. EabefaCED, a. wilh the face hare. JWS■ZfJ^r^^^T.,f^^^H^^z■t(J- 2 V. .SuAMELEss. f%^«T, f^W^STTT, f^l^t^, ^^n-ClTJTTi."^- BinEFACEDLY, adL\ T. A. 2. amlOTYSLY. vj M^mI'^m' , f%?ir- BiEErooT, Baeefooied, a.3TTr5rriift,3TiJi??TN7q-f=qT,'n^mor. . JR'^f, Baek, Babque, «. v. Vessel. sfR^^f n. Bakktng, n. V. V. N. — act. ^f^iTt n. j^pirf «. HT^ift/. Baelet, n. ■^^ pop. ^^ m. ?n^ w. ?rj^ »»• Baelet-coen, n. ^^r^\-^^^ ^•hip\'\ m. Golden b. ( as used in bracelets, &c. ) ^^] m. 2 — the measure ?T=r^^o/). ^^ m. Measure of eight barley-corns laid side by side, ar^sf .pop. 3T^o5 n. Exceeding by a b. ^^TT aTTT^r. Baeley-watee, n. ^^T^ or ^ ^f:\z mn. ^fT^^T^ or ^ qjTc mil. sr^i^ n. Baem, n. V. Yeast. ^IH-^-41 ^TS^^ITft ^V^f. f Tms m. ^PRT- TfJT w^. =hKlr|< w. q^¥ in. Baen, n. house for storing grain, ^c. Jprer^ «.'T¥f^=Pr7R «. ^TPm^ ^r^m^f. 2 fig. 7o»y, ZoiP, SjC. house. — contemptuously, ^requ/. Baenaclb, n. — the fish. ^^\ m. dim. ^5ft/. fpfft/. 2 — of farriers. JpT^nt/- ^F^ir »». Barometeb, «. ^% =r^?r Ki^CT^rr^ q'^sr jj. srmr'iTR n. ^r?- BAEOliETElCAL,ff. cfr^PTTT^ 4=^^, ^T^TR^ q'=5(^'=ft-f5rTq'- ^, 5rr5HTT^q'=5rT^ %s?rr. Babox, «. RriNd^r qti??T^hff ^ "T^t 'jttI. Baeonet, n. ITsp q^cft 3TT^. Baeeack, n. ^Mf. f^T^Tf ^^ pop. ^ri^f. A b. woman, ^rtt/. ar^miq?^/ arif^jnr/. —in contempt. cTf^r^/. ^\^^;t\f. ^\^^f. ^\m^i\f■ grrsT ««. ^sr^ft/- N. B. Pandits designate three classes of women as barren, viz. ^'^ she who has no ofFspring,:pr^«TT she who bears only one child, Hrf^KH- she whose ofispriug die. 2 — of cow or female animal. erf^T, ^^ or afflT a. ind. 3 — of trees. qi^T. Bather or somewhat b. ^\^Z, 4 — of soil or country, itnp-odtcctive, lad. rn^qj, ?n"fq^, BAS 71_ ^T^^R, ?f^r?^, TH^;, ^iT?, ^==[7?:, st-p^, arTr^srr^. 5 scaiifi/, not copious, v. Eiiptt. ^rt^r, HT^5, g^T, g^T'ST. 6 dull, iininventive, — the mind. ^?q^^Tf^?T^, 3T^?q'sF, Baeeenness, «. T. A. 1. q'f^rT'^T m. ^'^^^^K^ n. 3T"P?Jf^ n. 3T- 4 ^TPft^i^UTT m. ^^STWr «»■ &c. Bareicade, Baericado,?j. hast y fortification of trees, earth, To Baehicade, v. a. ^^^^^ #5°!, H^^^ f. ^"jf. Baeriee, «. See Baeeicade. 2 Sor, s^o;^, olstr action, v. Hinderakce. 3HI^+|;fl/. 3T? 3 loundary, v. Bound. |^/. ?rT|^/. 4 town,fort, Sfc. on the confines. ^^t^=5rT-^^ ^ I -5p3^- ^FS'Sfr Tf^T «J.-f%55T m.-&c. Baeeistee, m. q?llfnT?5T ^?5 m. «J|f<«< t;«(Zyo. qiR>,^:i^ m. Baeeow, n. — Land b. it^qr m. 2— wheel b. '^^ ^T^tfWrft /• ^TrPTT^/- 3 mound coverinj corpses, q^ J^^r ^"^^ S^FRM.-f^TnT'w. To Barter, v. a. HR^T ^OT, sj^J^rq^/.-ar^j^m^/. ^^ g-of 0. %^ n. ^^ g. of a, W^'^^T^ ^oT-^of. To B^utTER, V. n. ^\^^^r[T^Jm.■\^l^^^'^'m.-^^\^^^m.-&c. ^irf-^iif, faTvTfrf^ f^^?r m. iriff, ^■^M'NI'^^^T on. :pc#, Barter, n. ^Zi^fz n. ?fT?:^R/. %-?:JTmT^^T m. j?rT^^ hj. Basalt, «. (^^T ^T^=qT ^3^ 3Tf^. Base, a. mean, vile; — of things, v. Worthless. ^?^^, rft=5T, 3TJTT, <(T, %T,'''tft, 3T?7, i^TW, 3"iiIT?T, f^^RF. 2 disreputable, dishonorable, — of persons, v. Vile. Sr5^T, ^^, TFfft, 'rmr, ^?r, ;^r, 5^, f%"T?:iTT, fivrr^sr. 3 of low station or rank, of little account, v. Low. SFS^T, ^^, :ft^, ?5fT^, 3T^^, ^^% "Tmr, ft?rf ?5, 3Tf F^, 4 See Base-born. 5— of metals. f|cTr=^^ ff "JT^tj, ■f^anJ- ^, f^'IR^, •(,?l'itil':4,\!;?n'5E. 6 (feep, grave; — of sounds, ift^, ?rr^f?f?5T, l'^. Base, «. /oo;', pedestal, statid, v. Bottom, q-jift or ^^^\ f. q^ OT-'q^/. ?r?J «./io;j. rr^i ?)». ^i n. 2 — the chord or sound, ^x m. 'JH m. Wi^ m. 3— in music or singing, jft^gcfq-/. «. ^=q n. ^5[^^ m. ^Ty{ m. 4 — in reading. ^H^^^^^^ n. f. 5 ( of a tabor, &c. ) bass end. v^^ m. 'JJK\ »». ' jHN I??T mi. 5HT5T m. 6— in geom. '^^ f- "^^f- Base-born, «. horn out of wedlock, v. Bast.uid. ^z^=^t t!- 2 io;-« o/ low parentage. sFTT^rcT, ft^^H, 3T^^, ^;T- Baseless, a. unfounded, fig. -^f^irqK, i%^, arr^^nfJ?. Baselt, ado. v. A. 2. dishonornUi/. RT^N'JIT^, ^^/jiM"IM Basement,?*, ground floor. ^?5=qTiT^?^T m. q1^?iT T^sr^Tf ,«. 2 s/o?-y ieZojo ^/ic ZeteZ of the ground. rfoS^TT «. Base-minded, c. v. Mean. ^c^+i|HHNT, THRT ^^^r, h\oC\ ^\i\f. tr^^TT 1; Bat-fowliko, n. TJ'^j ^tvH'^W^^r^J ^. ^r^TT arr^. m. dim. m^f. f?FHT »■ fXT^^ «• ^Mt/. ^Tfn^ft or ^rt'nft/. ^ or ^m n. ^n 0^- ^ m. Little covered b. ^hr^ff/. EouuJ Icatheru b. kj'fK m. fnptr m. dim. ZTWftf- fciluiig b. liislrt of a slwuUcr-slimj. 3T?fr/- ■\Vii-kcr\vork b. lor a cart. +<+.^,r »»• o/- ^ n, fT^?5 m. dim. JT^-^/. Basket-hut, n. ( of a ttt ), ^ra^ >«. Basket-makeb, n. 5^:5 »«. Baskei-womax, »i. Miil«JI?n/. ^-i+/l. a. ^s^v^ ^jzY^ 3Tm^-aTf| af^ ZT^. Bastahdt, «. V. A. ^TT^?TT /• vii^;n", ^^.iv^. Bath, m. iamdf=ft f^T MIS"<4T% 4^ «• Baixeex, «. ^f«e of cannon. *\\<:^\ m. The raised site for a b. Z^^^\ or fcTRtTTTT m. tnrmT wf. Disposition or range of biiUerics, ^TR^^Tf/. Erecting of batteries. ^R%^^/. 2— in law. sstTT^ n. Battle, n. fight. ?5?rf /. J^ «• X^ inn. ^fqirr w. '^nrf w. Brave in b. ^TJTf jr, ^liJItftT, ?TiFt>ff^, ';'Jr1%^, t^^lTT. Close and fui-ioiis b. ^^fff/- Cowardice in b. T't'fffrr/- Cowardly in b. ^iOT'ftrr, ^P'T'ft?. Field of b. ^ttT^Jk/. vn\^^n.^■^\^^n. ^^K\^^n.^^■^J. Mixed or turaultuary b. ^H^ «• 55<=5 mn. Mortal or furious b. Vn^^ n.'Vl^^n. ^^=^^ n. V^- Pillar erected on the field of b. ^ar^JT'w. V^'^xmn. ^'^m. To give b. JT^rf /• ^-^"jf. Battle-aeeax, 11. ^orr^nTT/. ':Ji- frrfr/ ^ift^»T «. " " [%^ «. 2 V. Obscenity. ifT'T^H'Tm'JT n. ar^^P^f^^^ or fir^sf^- Bawdy, «. T. 0BscE>-E.5ftT?H, 3T^+'iR--<'7;?:,fq"=5r^^, ST^ri^. Bawdy-house, «. v. Brothel. f%?iT?5x^T^r »». n^^ni w. ^- X^X^■^ n. To Bawl, v. n. ( from pain, &c. ) bellow, roar.^Ki'^\ crsfft- ^— large. 3TT^T?T «. TT- ?rRT »«. Bat, a. — the color. ^H/i. TT^ or TT'T^ w. (His office, qiT^T /.) Beads-man, n. ^cqr w. vrrrrqT s^r^or w. ^«tt^p»: m. Beagle, it. ^^ =^lrO"^r f^Fjnrt f ^ m. Beak, «. Jt7Z. '^q'/. i\^f. inf^^f ^%f. "^^^ «• Beam, n. piece of timber, ^f /. noi^i «. M^lrf". ^fit/. ^"»- ^fr/.5?R n. B, over two posts. /i/ecc-i. ^IJ^f/. ^t^ '"• BEA 7£ LongituJiual division of a b. f^?lt«r m. Small and squared b. ^/. 2 (of a balance ). ^frt/. 3 ( of a car, &c.).Z\i\/. 4 ( of the weaver ). 5^/ 5 ( of the sun &c. ). ftrm m. ?:f5»T m. ^ m. Shorn of his beams. ^TRrTSTT, ^dci-n <:-+>. 'G ( of a draw-well ) — transverse, with stone. STT^rft/. To Beam, f. n. emit beams, V. To Shine, f^j^ m. TTS^, r[- 2— tlie countenance, &c. fflow with healtli, deliglit, Sfc. Z- ^?^, Z^ZT.^^ 3^5^7 fe\». 5?:^ ( Hi5W< &c. ). Beamee, n. Beamixq,^. o. v. V. 1. rTTUIRT, &c. R)Ji,^TRf^i KTof,Tr?fiJt_ 5 with; (/e«Z considerately ivith. ^Y^^^ or ^^^^^ ifijT^ ^fJTT^ijf or HTTf^ q^^, =^T?5^^i=fl'^? ^^., ^T^5^^/.^T^. Beae, «. aro'FJ m. f. n. ^^ ^jo^. fX^ ri\. »T^ /)o;?. *rT?J or sTT^ wj. ^rsq M. «». ?r5^ »». ( ^/. ^ «. T [^ «. 2 Ursa major, -^^.-f^pop. ^ff^tjfq ot;;;. ^jfT?;^ w. ^pj^ sfj^- 3 Lesser bear. g^J^^ «. [^ »j. Beae-gaeden, of uproar, tumult. 5Tj'^;Tn;?/». qj^R^r- To become a b. g. or Babel. qj^i^Ml^rflT f^^ot. Beae's geease, « 3T?sr?5r^ =5fT^ /. Beae-skin, n. ar^OTfr ^TcTft/. Beaed, 11. ^jf\.f. — in contempt. &c. ?Tr5 «. B., whiskers, and mustaches. a,iT«[ w. That has bushy b. w. and ui. ^^5y. Tonsure of the b. and head. afTstST?/! v. ^X. Woman having a b. fR^TToff/- TT^r/. j^Ti^^OTr /. To shave the b. ^T^/.-^r5 «■ ^^"JT. 2 ( of corn ). ^?r55 n. ^^ or ^ n. %^ n. ?r?^n^ n. 3 See Baeb. To Beaed, v. a. oppose to the face. 71^ /.-fn^/. pi. g^svj- g. of 0. M|+H< TTT »». '^"if, JTFP «. %^ot^ HNIN^ "TTT w, ^of , ?rT^pRT fHT ??J. OT^T^, cfr5T?r?ft5 K. \^. BeaEBED, a. having a I. ^|ii"l*JmT, ^^OTTTT, &c. ^'t?fT^, ?f^ ( m comp. ) \^K% ) 6 ^T^r^un^, &c. ^ and srg ( in comp. as #rer, f%9^, 9 wearer, holder. mo6'|U|nT, &c. tT'? ( in comp. ) fcTK^ & ^iff ( in comp. ). I. (of a palanquin, &c. ) ^JTT5J or ^f{\p;m. *frtn». ^TTw. II. ( of a bier or corpse ) ^ii^*0. Beaeing, n. leaning, v. Tekbencx. fr^ m. ^^ ??;. ^f^ w, 2 See Behavioue. Bearing, a. on tvhich postage is due. ^?ffe ^ 1%%^, ^?fT^ Beabish, «. T. EvDE. ^J, nWT^, 3Tf^. BEA 75_ Beast, n. qg »J."^;rFT mfn. ^innmr^ mf/i. B. of burden, qist"^ O^IrT, ^f^T, &c. ), 3?r5r^ oi- #%5ft (^T, qtST &c. ), 414104 or qT5?^ w. ^^^TT^ m. ^^^. B. of draught. ^T^ m. B. broken in to carry a rider. T>Jf, ^^^ or §^'jf, ^5i?iuf^ 'Jns^^, %'^"^, %'^^ or ^of, tTH^or or 5^^^% 5i^3ffr^ ^^^ijf, m^Wof, qte^TR- "jf, =Ei~,'iJ'Jf, =#?% W^RTjf or ^>TRTjf or ^"rFTTSof, cfl'qfipTf^ Jpfim ^PTS^ y. o/o. ft^^i^, ?IRT J^TTHT ^5^, «f3^5 adv. JTRnf , ^ OT. ST^^, 3TFTT% g?% »«. i^Z. ^^of g. of 0. ^^/. 'MCu'i-qr^T^ot g. of 0. noT wj.^'^. ^FT^y. o/o. Sf% »J. /'Z. sTh JpTof g. ofo. EpTF^T^q" «. ^"jf y. of o. i}^- S^ «. qpreSr, ^q-T ?K. ^TTS-oT, 'J^T/. :jJ5:i7f-^T^'^ g. ofo. ^^ M. *|«ui or rfFS^nT ?«. ^T^-^Tr^CTT y. of o. V[^r\ ifg- ^j. H^, 5^^/.i)Z.-OT=TT/. i^?. ?r5^ or ^3^-+,^+5-sFEf- ^T^-T^I^-tH I dH-Ac. ^6t, ^RJiTT^ n. qiriaf, TreTf ^ftrT »«. SRuf or iTR?rt 'fm VR'^, 31^ ««. ;;Z. qf S> ^Riif g. of o. '^Wi\f. 3R^ g. ofo. ^SW or ^ar «.-f IT >«.-^^f?j «, ^rsoty. o/o. HRf^/^JTR^rS/.-JTm'?^ /.-HRT^?n-/. ^Tot, TRHT^ll ^T «i.-q^^?rt^ TR OT.-risn-JTR »(!' ^i^, TT^T 3T^ ^ 5^, HIM ^ n. TRof , iTPi;^ "ft^ ".-fqSR n. spT^, fll m^oTf ^Rof g. of o. ^txi'^ /. ^■^ ^Tof-f^fsfdr y. o/ O. ^P^Dpfft^TR^r f^5pJt_ A sound or good beating. TRJTnftTTR >». ^q^mR m. 3 — soundingly; ?(!/iaf^, 8fc. ^^FFf^, JTS^PliT'jf, 'F^'P^^rW, SOicpTtrnr, ^UTIR^, tn^^of or qsj^T^df^ '^isretor 5^37*15 co'f.-P^r^/SRTf ^ or gr^Pt/. ar^F^/. arq^s^Trsft /. Beau monde, 11. tJRT15T%?5T^ m. pL Beauteous, Beautiful, a. g^T, ^q^fr, S^q^PT, ««::4iJM^, g^TT, ^p^, ^^f ^?Ti ^^5T?r, i^s^jft^, ^^f^ffrr, f ^1%?^, ?fTfH^, ^"^'q, f TRWT, ^^DTT, ^^Tf, 'tt^rt, 'frf^^rr'JiT, q^frT, ^f?RTTH, ^HCfr, ^H^fK, H^, JT^, =5fRr, HJfr^, ITHT^T, T^RK, g^^. Beauteouslt, Beautifully, adv. ^^, g^fff^, H^rfT, H- Beauteousness, Beautifulness, n. v.A. (???(? Beautt. ^T- ^^ «. ^?;Tq'^T »>. gsfgrrft/. gi7T?rT/«5;MrlT/. ^t^T». 2'o Beautify, ii. a. m^rfqw, f ^Trf>T?T-f\^-t^^-?fr>TTf^fn- "S-Ac. jj;t^, m-mf. arM'Jf-^, m^^ «. ^T^y. of 0. Beauty, n. ^1^ n. g'^Trrr / ^^TqiTr w. FJFPiq' «. ilft'TT /. =Ftf?r/. s^r/ 3^t/ CT^qfrT /. ^q^rr^q- n. Adventitious or artificial b. '3TT^mHT / 2 particular excellence, grace, Sfc. ^sft/ ^IN'/ 'f'r^/. V^ m. fl^ «. ^/. 3 a b. leaufiful woman, g'^ff, ^"^TT, Cq^, ^CTSfrft, qf^ni'T i'OiJ. q^>T, jiRt^, ?rRvt"OT, f^iTp^fr, fq-^r^ »" . Beauty-spot, ?s. ^Isfcf g^fq^ f^ijqT ^Ffelf %?J3T fH3^ m. BED BEE To Becalm, &i;. See To Calm, etc. BkcaVSE, eonj. qri^r, ^irffTT, ^FTT^, ^T^nr, :?!TT3T4T. B. that. Tqr^^f, ^5^, 5m3T'4T, J^mm. To Becuasce. See To IIappex. Bechicks, n. cough medicine. ■J)l*fH-+ltt^i'.'-t) 'fll^ti ». Bechoda, «. /<"!/ tcilhoui a pole, ir^l^ «'• f5I=^^ »»• Beck, n. signifuanl nod, v. Sigs. ^%?T «. ?)flT/. ^'f^m m. ^- 7TTTT m. ^-^tT/. f^:?i%rT m. f^TT-.g^PT «. f^R-.^JTRT /. To bo at the b. of. ^^ tfRfof, f?T5tt aTO^T, ST^TTT^- To Beckon, To Beck, v, c. make a sign to. r^ f. ^F^tji', ^^- 2 ( with the hand ). ^TcRjpr /.-^WHW<(\ /.-^^^%?l »»•- a ( with the eve or head ). stsET w. ;pT<^-q7rr?r, Slf^"! Beckon, n. v. Siox. flq;?T w. ^fTT/. r^TTT?T/. ^^TRTWJ. I^'^/- To Becloud, See To Cloud. To Become, v. n. ^, i^dr, 7501, ^df. 2 of; - ^ oc TTT'tTT or ^r m. TT- JTVT »t. or i^ «. Mln. To Bedaub, v. a. v. To Smear. ?f'?^f^- Beetle-headed, «. v. Stupid. ^^Z'^\. [ ^i'R ». Beeves, n. Hack cattle. iJT ». ^'^^ 'K 5K «• pi- i\K'\fk or ^- To Befall, v. n. happen to, letide, v. To Happen, ^irf, fn- S^, %5r, 'T^'^, Hl^ot, JT'^^.ui oj- 3^^, ^^"^i •PT'^i TIK- ff%, JTTfF /. fpjf g-of s. [ft^/.-fH?Tl /. JTPT'rf y. o/o. JTFTcrft/.-^^prT/.- ^\'4^^ f.-^y^f.-&c. 3 assume without proof ,ia'ke for granted, ^v;\^•^\^-^s,- To Ti^B^TyV. a. procreate, gemi-afe. '^^f^uj.^ vJT^JT ?«. ^, vT?R n.-q'^3T;T=T«. ^^T y. o/o. 3?T^ ^RW, ^r^TRf STPTOt, 2 V. To Produce. To Cause, stt^ ^^,^J ^^ot, :j- Beggar, «. TPTfr^ft, Hl'iuf+'O, fH^prft, f^T^^pft, ^fN^TPTr, f^rgq;, fH'^TTiff, ■MM+,'>T'JnT»i. TTFm». 3T'nr^ ^r^ ^rrf^ fM». To turn b. =ftq^/. q^, 5^'^ ^'t-R nt^rqT^ ^^ %W, ^ ^TR^HY 3TT?"/. q^ :/. o/s. ^ *ftq3TM. qof, Jft^/. ?5Rm iw. co». ^Trff ?Tq?ff /.-'rtr^/.-f^a'Y/.- 5^r?ft/.- 2 craving person. HPTTT, HFTT. To Beggar, v. a. reduce to beggary. fH%^ rtiM^i, f^Tft-^- It beggars description, ^of^ =?;fT. V. V. fH%W rSl^^^l, ?f, JfltT'^, 3'"7?piT- of, !T|Tf ^of, Jf^mirf, anf ^T m.-iTTtT ot.-?t?^;ptt «!.-g|-TT»».- \c. JpTof, roT m. ^tJr or qim, 'TT^Jrjy «. qj ^cjnr^ TR f». To b. in good earnesit. mi^T ^l/. fl^T^, ^S'tTH^/. 2 /nA-e existence, leing, form^ y. To EiSE. aTR^roj-, Sfrt- rlPHxf y. o/ «. ^l-^m FTTI'Jf. To BeG]>-, t;. a. 3TRvr'jf, iTTtH'jf, gTR>T«.-iTRT W.-&e. ^of y. o/o. fimf, ;jq=;pJTTfrNa, n. v. V. N. 1. & Y. A. srrt^ w. !TR*r »». ^TSfT- ?r oj- g^^R/. OT^!PT «». 5|tT «». Til?rT=5RaT n. iTJNfrTq^- Gradual and gentle b. 3T?TRH >«. Very b. the outtel. ^'^^^\t^ m. smir^Tuf ,,?_ 2 T. V. N. 2. a«(i EibE. ^VXH m. ^^m »,. h=! m. At the Tery b. :f<^J?RHt, H^tRift, H5ErR|^ or rtoEP?- |TTm,53rr. " "^^^ ^ ^ B. and end. rise and close of a matter, gener. arFHT- Mr ot. arrf^-iicT or 3n?TfT w. ot^jh^t >». q^^ «. ?f- From the b. qf^=qTqT^, q^TTClH, H^tTf^, Hotm i g ^, In the b. q^, qf^, qf^^qiH, 3TTfr, 3TT%, Urofr. Very b. ^//e outset. ST'. gTT?TR*r »». ^VIH^RUf w. I. incipient portion or perioct. ^^^\■^ m. ^^^^^\■s n. ^i- s «. 3TTf^ m. sr5r?j/. 5w M. =5R0T or ^xnrsRor w. q;sd5rfKrm, B. and end. aTKfrr m. Prom b. to end, v. TuRouonouT. aTT^Ff, ^r?T?f, aT'4- MK^IsPlM-Hfl, 3T'T^ijf, ^^'4Tq'/. ^, Hi^ui, ifhFT »».-ST?JT m.-^jFA m. "zpt, 2 ( time ). ^ rf =1 u'l , ^ToE'Jf , St^ot, tJlrf=)'Ji,+%- ? «i.-^ij^ w.-iT^^Fg^ «. qRTJf y. 0/0. — in covert or cant phraseology. pt^^Ti-h-I «.*<«! y. 0/ Beheaded, ^. T. Y. 3R%3^=R?M', &c. ftf^T^^, ftj=jTf?R^. Beheading, n. v.V. 5R% 'j^'I'JI n. &c. f^R^^ »>. ifff^^^ m. ^^^ #^ «. Beheld, _p. v. Y. MlI^rfFTT, ^f?^, ?5f|w, aHcjclif+d, f^fq?- rf, aiWlRri, aTRtf^Frr, f1^, 5ftr?W, ^. Behest, m. v. Oedee. arrfrr/. aTR^T w. 'B^msT}, adv. in the /5j«(/er^7rtfe. ttrT, qicftilRt, fqr^gr^W, Tret, ^^TPft, T'siTrrr, "T^lRT^TPfr, Tfi^lTrilRff, ?¥?T-., "RfT:, ^tRtT:. 2 See Behind -HAND. Behind, jw-ep. «< the lack of. JTRT, TT^t^T, TT^TPf, TT^Tj "TT- jTr^rf, qT5#, qw^, qfe^ or>r?5^. Close b. Ml'lTni'l, "HIdlMIrl, rJ^IrS^. To look b. mdHKl qr^ffr or ejo^^f, flr^NrM+H n. ;?R^ 2 «7('d. FSFIOT, arrTTft, ^h+iO, 3"- Beholdee, «. V. V. m^yiKI, ^, ^?T^, sft?^^, f^?7^, S- Beholding, ». v. V. — act. qj^ »• SRrTl'+ui' n. 3T^^^?T «. f^c^l+'T n. ^^M » ^?^0T ». ?f^^k », Behoof. See Advantage. To Behoove. See To Become. Being, p. v. V. ^iRTt, 3T?rrrt, ^frf 3T^rrt ( contracted into ^- Being, m. existence. aTf^TOT «• 3T1^"JTT w. arf^^ n. *TT^ »». ?r^ n. ^^^^ m. ^?r «. To bring into b. vFHRT '7Mui-3Hl"i>^, ^^FT tnn. ^q-^ 3-- 2 « b. art existing thing. >TrT ?J. ^^^ «. s^f^/. ^ w. ^- f^ or ^fr^ mn. The Supreme Being, v. God. "TTH»q-^ m. To Belabouh, Belabocking, &c. See To Beat, &c. To Belat, v. a. block up, v. To Obstkuct. ^q-ii. ^rq^ m. «r5;r/. 3iir*H+«?^f^/. 79_ BE L _^ 2 religious belief, v. Faith. Hf^ m. f^^ff ?«. «f5T/ 3 a belief, a faith, v. Eeligion. ^^ n. VTH )». TtTH «(. 4: persuasion, opinion. ^TT^ ?«. ^^T^TT/- H?T n. ^fj/. 5 object of belief. siTSrRrTT ?«. f^'^RTf^T'Tq- m. «r?T-&o. 6 creed. ^\^f^V^r!rH\^A f- 7 ( of a God )— opp. to Infidelity. 3TTf«T^?fr/. 3TTf«sf=? n. arf^^q' w. 2b Believe, «. a. credit, trust. ^T^^, W^ 'TFTof, fer^qi^fir, ^T^^r\Tf. ^i^ g. of 0. f^^qr^ «».-'»TT^ra'T m.-^m m.-fr^j- ^ OT.-&C. s^OT-'^ot, ^7T-^?^-&c. qr^ot in. con. A make believe. ;|-?^^^FRcnt/. r. TRT^f, |-3y: v. sm^J". Believed,;), v. V. iTT^frS^T, &c. f^^rf^, f^^f^, =!Tf4;fT, 7- Believeh, m. Believing, p. a. v. V. f^Nl^i^luiKI, f^^^TH- OTTTT &c. f^s^rre^T, «r^^r, m^rwirr, '-T^rar?, ^jt^, ssr^riHn, «r?TO»Tf^^, ^^r^^, "^^p^-, f^'^ret, nr^ft^, I. — in theology ( of a God ). 3Trf^. II. ( of a divine revelation ). ^TT^Tpft, r^lW^m. Believinglt, adv. v. A. f^^^TH %f ^, &c. irm^f^. Belike, adv. v. Perhaps. ^Tlfsr?, ^^«, ^^nfr. Bell, n. ^■K\f. pop. ^jzf. Sf dim. ^\t[f. ^PT n. Clanking or tinkling b. qorqtrrqTT/. ^\nf\ f. Neck b. ^■^^T^f. String of litttle bells (as around a bullock's neck). ^\- To bear the b. be a leader. qjut-&c. ar^ffW. 2 _p?a;e 0/ bell-metal ( used to strike on) . ^'\Z or %nz n, WSqicE n. q^r/. ^TT n. 3 ( of a flower, c%c. ) v. Cup. ^\t\f. Bell-clappee, n. ^v^^-W-"^ ^T^ f rfrar >«• Bell-foundee, «. mz^r'mn m. q^T^Tt ?». Bell-man, n. ^\z^\■^9l^\\i\ in. q?i3T5E=Efr or ^ m. q^PTTl ?«. 2 public crier, ^cjil^iwr »»• Bell-metal, m. ^PFT /JOj?. ^t^ «. Bell-shaped, a. qt%^=^T aTT^TTnrr, "-V-HAK. Belle, n. smart young icoman. ^\zpf[ or "^Z^^^zv^ f. Ijm- %^ or !JFP/. ^Tl^^J^T or ^fn?/. ^t?^^ «. Belles-lettees, «. 3T?^qnT^Tr^ w. Bblliqeeent, «. icaging war. ^^ ^sfTc^TTTT, ^^^TPT. lb Bellow, v, ■)!.— the bull. t^DT,!^/. TJt^of-^, TT^'Jr, SOT-JTTT'^. 2 mZZ loudly, vociferate, v. To Bawl. iTm>?f, ^RlSr or afiTS'jf, afTT|<7 ^tf7r^^-5^nT9T-#ir5or-&c. vft^ ^^^ ^" 3 ( from pain, &e. ) v. To Bawl. 3HU4ui or 5flIT5wf, fTI- 5 n. ^, arr^FTtiT, 3TPFf?r 7«.-3Tr5p1'in' m.-arripfrT m.-an^- ^ M.-aRRt^ mn.-kc. JROj, noET ^FTfH ^f^-'flTTI^, ^^ ^T- ffT rfjf-aftr^. To b. suddenly — a child. H~nF «■ 'FTS'^. To b. and beat the mouth, ^rq^'^r, sfNl/ p^. TTT^- BEL 80 BEL CT^, ^^f-"^ m./.-Tt^^^ H.-R^7T3^ m.-&e. JfHTir. 4— the sen, wiud, &c. v. To Koar. TT^, TTrf^'ir, qH'Jr, ^r^n^'jf , ^nTT^'t, ^t^t^e m.-w,ss^ «i.-n^qrr/.-n^jp=r«.- Billow, Bei.i.owlso, «. v. V. 1. fT^ ». ^wn «. >^c. 3T^H 71. Sec the uouus under tlic verb. y afUjul" «. arniif^ "• "S^i-'- STT^tfT m. arr^^T m. . To blow with the b. To work the b. -HTrTr m. jq?ot, Belly, ^\z n. JT^ ?!. jf?^ m. ^;t^ ot. «. HT n. L^/- B.— allusively. ?TT w. mif- ^T^/^tN/- ^T^T m.7^- B. — in contempt, endearment, &c. RTT^^ »«• Hii'+rfl B. — expenses. Ml-K^-H "•• Di.=tcudedb. '^"T/. Empty b. 3T?n?t or ar^smi^ «. ft^re »• R4-14.< n. — with or upon an empty b. g'TT^f, 3^^ 'TRT, Pi-ilo4 "Tiff, sHflMnVi or 3TSTMrft or ar^Ts qj^f , OT^r€r. — with or upon a full b. HT?^ qj^f, ^rTT TI^. Shooting in thcb. %t7T/ v. ?, ^. Stinting or pinching of the b. q'T^HRT m. ^Z^KKf. Swelling or swoUenness of the b. ^ "g'ft/ 3TTSHT?I Certain combinations and phrases expressing this sense are, ^\Z St'TR^ or if TT^ or 4N »r». j)Z. WTr^, TTTRT qTCT w. s^yf^, H]i-^ i i\ m. ^^, Ti pinch the b. to clothe the back, ^fitr^j ^;jr^f*T?it^ 1 To touch one's b. i. Belwethee, 11. ifl^<+'4IH'JI «i. 2b Bemoan, ». a. bewail, v. To Lament, srfni w.-'^^ m.-f^- JTTT M. ^^'if y. o/ 0. Bench, w. ?o«y sea^ of plank. «ft=P »». 'T'q' «i. [ ?PT «. 2 «ea^ of a judge. ?iiT?mft^TT=Tr TT^./: tTRT^T^ n. ?^TFTT- 8 the presiding Judges; the Court. 5ra"?5?5 ^^TT^Ttft^T. w.^^/. ^M ■«. To Bend, tv «. f«^e(?<,M(ryf.5Tf^F^^, ilf^?i?r'^,5frT^'if, ?5Jr^*■ ^W^t- 3 down; ( a bough, &c. ) ^[cjij'jf, ^'4'?"'t. 4 See To Subdue. To Bend, v. n. srfjpijf, ^TRi^, ^^i^, ?5^St, ?IH^, ^ft^of, ^f- :p OT.-HTt^p wj.-srm m.-grs/.-ffrs/.-^raE'^ «.-cfr5/.-&c. ^r- 'jf-^TTJf atid ivith in. con. ^ot. Bend, n. flexure, incur cation, ciircalure. ^^^vr[n. ^\^^ n. sfT- jp or ^FP OT. 5TS/. Ht?/. KTt^/. ?ft5:/.?i. ^fcr/. 2 (of a stick, &e. of a road, river, the ocean, &c.). q'f^ m.f. n. Eff^FW n. ^^\% n. ^oJtJT «• =13;^ '». 5^5/. Bended, Bent,2;.v.V.A.1. and Ceooked. 5ri'+=)rJr5l,&c- ^t^- B. about, hent in various directions. ^H4+1+l, ^f'JTfT- 2 Kf^^, qRR^R^^^, ^n- Benighted, a. overtaTcen by the night. ?T=5ft^ ER^f-a^syq- ?rar-'TT5^?5T-&c. fn^TmrT. 2 involved in ignorance. 3TfTRn%-&c. liSSJOT, STfTR'^T^, STfTRPTTK, aTfTRf^HW. Benign, Benignant, a. gracious, beneficent, v. Kind, qfrq- ^rft, T^tW:'??, JT^FR^fte, eT+KH<, "T^rq^R^. 2 bland, mild, salutary, v. Wholesome, ^rfr^^, ^"^T, 3 — of planets, aspects, &c. v. Auspicious. 5}H, iTTr^, g in comp. ^nj in comp. ^t'R^T. Benignly, adv. v. N. ?;q^, ^%^, ?qrgg^, ^^qr^ft^, ^qr- Benignness, Benignity, n. v.A. l.^qr/. ^TT/. ^jq^fT^HT /. OT^R^ft^ifTT/. jqqjrftf^ ». arq^FR^FTr/. ^^^^^]f. 2 ^Tf^q-^FTT/. f^Fi^nr^Ffrr/. 3 ^^ «. ^H^ ». jm?^^ 11. ^\^^^ n. Benison. See Benediction. Benjamin. See Benzoin. Bent, n. bended state, flcvurc, curiity. tff^ or ^^ mn. 5ITT /. 3iT^ m. ^ri^KsqTrr w. ^^^f. ^^^]^ m. 2 disposition towards, v. Inclination, ^]'%f. HTs^fT/. iF^ m. ^fpF m. fr?T m. ltf*r|<^H «. ^r?rT=5fT- PJrfTFT «• To Bereate, y. a. sfn'p of, drprhe of. ?rFT=raT, ^i5^, 'TT'RT- r/"o. f^Trar ^n^-^^^-f^'^rT-^K-ctc. ^ir$\ (as N>ift^^,%?6T, ifquT, qrr m.- %^ ,«.- JRT^ ^.'-^-c. qrH^rJ f^n^^ra/- fTrr-ifi5/.-??tTfint^ or Bu^ffn /.-aftsTrrm /.-Ac. ^BTm'y. o/o. Beset, ;j. v. V. ijTT^, ^^%^, ^TnTm^^T,?Tjnpfr,%- B. one's self. f3Jfn^RT-HRRT-g^T-^^T5n:-|Tft^- fl*Trft^-&c. ?TTf r. 8 over and ahoie, distinct from, g'qr, «rT5tr, f^FRT, «TF5T'T <»• sfT^, ^ ( as H^^cn: ), ^xR, fn^m, %<^, s^fn- Besides, prep. See Beside 3. Beside, Besides, adv. additionallg, moreover-. 3T0T^^1■, 'S{^ qp, f^, f^RT, 3Tftr^. To Besiege, t>. a. lag siege to. ^T*^, ^TS^, ^^ or ^^TT-^'^^ -%^5T ^, ^ «i.-%^T »i.- TTUT m.^rz^ n.-^ n.-&c. EfTrJ- . a. Jrfile with slaver. PT^^-JT^T^fT^ »T3- To Beslubeer.To Besiobbee, v. a. soil loith spittle, Sfc.Pi^- To Besmeae, t'. a. hedauh, v. To Smeae. jtT^, &'Jr-»rtq^, "m «.- STfrlfTf/. ^^, ^/. qrtTW-^TT^. 3b Betake, v. a. (one's self.) v. To Resoet. aTT^PT w. ^Rwf- trrnf «M77i y. o/o. 3TrsiT^% aTT^T^TUT n. ^^, %^, %^^ «.-%^/. m^Sf.ofo. Betel-nut, n. areca catechu or faifeJ, — the tree. ^vlO/- — the fruit or nut. ^Tlft/. mI** «. "T^ «. "TTiprJ «. r5 w. B. nut, which has ripened and hardened on the tree. B. nut gathered after it has fully ripened. %fT (M. ^- B. nut decaying without ripening. ^pTT^ ^mfl/. B. nut — as on the tree or before shelling, &c. "TTFoS «. Branch of a b. nut tree. ^TRaft/. Base portion of a branch of a b. nut tree, "ft^ m. ^^- c^/. ^f\f. (a piece of do. f^«--i5 n. ). B. nut bos. I^TT^ ». Core or heart of a b. nut. ^\AK «• Dunging around the roots of a b. nut tree. ^TT W3»55/. Fine cuttings of a b. nut. ^^ n. [f^K^/. Fruit stalk of a b. nut. fi^^E n. f%«• dim. TJ^f. Scissors for cutting a b. nut. ■Hi\r\\ m. 3T5f%rn' tn. Spathe of a b. nut. fitT^/. MI'Tlil m. 1^/. Young b. nut plant. +.Hrn/. Young b. nut plantation. -H<'I5 n. Young and tender b. nut. #FT^ or fhpt^t or "ffsfT^/. For Betcl-imt prepared in particular ways, some of the terms are ^:v^,f\ g^lft/. or ?tNq^/. f^+iff ^TTft o>' f^T^. Bewildered, ;). v V. 1. and Eeeing. ITT^??!, To5'?>E%?ir &c. ^spiT, gtfT. f^^^, 'JS'^HT, '■Ml+'i or s^rT^TjTTrTT. To be b. ^n=?^, Tf^r^'Jf, ^^lotof, 'tt'^% nt'^'f iJf , 'ff- 'T5;^f. ^f. n^^/. ifr-4ol M. qt^ w. 5ff^. To Bewitctt, v. a. afect hy vitchcrojt, v. To Chaem. HT^ m^ or mff^n. 2— rtf<. -^Vm n. HTTofT f. stale. f^rfgiT «!. ^:;TT5?ft /. JTS/. JT^ n. ^^^:^^f. ^TH/. SI^TJT/. BEWiTCHiNa, a. enc/aginc/, captivatinj, v. CnAEMiNO. flT^^, To Beweat. See To Beteat. BErosD, prep, farther onward than. ^^5, TTt^'f, ^3f, J^t, 2 ore ^7(e farther side of. Tfe:p% or'^f?!^, Tr^TTI, sfT^T, From b. qfesfTlfr. That is b. 5T?ftrr. 3 ( in excellence, degree, &c. ) alove. ^, ^frr, m:y. MG 85^ To b. higll. Hra ?J.-f%Hrf/.-(S:C. ^1^-=^?^. To b. up. vie at auctions. '=fr5-MH<4l5l m. ^TH^, Ht^- l• JpirnT/. (")' W/orn). To Bilge, d. n. ^T^^ n. ^fv^Jf, TR^ «• "^S^ ?«. co«. Bilge-water, n. nH/.-^+,;^I //)Z. %3r^ ?^FfT?T%^-^- BlLLET-DOUX, «. love letter, q^TT^ w. JT^^^T^??}. sftfrR^w. Billiaed, a. 'll-i-ili^-yi ■WoiHi, Billiards, «. "TRSit^ ^ w. BiLLios, n. iT^?I m. «. Ten billions. ijTf m. ^fJ7 w. ( This term is taken both for 10 and for 100 billions). Hundred billions, vfr^ftr m. ?i^ m. Thousand billions. 3Tr^ «. Ten thousand billions. W^ m. Hundred thousand billions. TTTtl n. Billow, n. v. "Wave, ^iit/ ^T^ m. ir^ »«. [asj^rew. Swelling and dashii.g of billows, ^q^q^ft/. iiifens. ^- Bi>-, «. (for corn ). ^apTT 5». ipum or zffij]!] f dim. ffiW]- Fft/. &. +U|'WM. fS^pt/. "^m. ^"'ftf^lT «». (fm. EFr*I«t/. qir?^ n. TTH «. BiSART, a. composed of two. ^^, %^. To Bi>"D, V. a. confine with lends, gener. t. To Tie. ^\v(ii 86 ^Bio ivi y. of 0. 2 confine, coliilit, T. To Eesthain. 3TP?^of, ^i^^j^ n.- 3Tl*r5-1 «. 5p^, TR^, 3TT3ET »«.- 3TToEWtqT w.-cic. nT?»Or. 3 enwrap, v. To "Wbap. ^ot, ?5^^, 3TT^T^, 'jSToE'jf. 4 ollige 1)1/ oath, promise, duty, law, Sfc. sittrdr sji^^ ^, Jitsr^, jTit^ qtif, 5?rjr3t, toit m. ^\^^-^\^^.^ ^^^ sj^EIot-3TITirat, iTFT m. pi. ^\y^^ ^^.^J\^ii\.^ cfptjirf ^'rsT ,w. 5 ( by kindness or favors ), ollige, make leholJen. «lttTOT or srfqTT ^iJf , fEf^FFT ^iif , ^rt^T ^, •dM + K^J-^T^^-fJT- tfT-3ft?TToET-&e. :f;^:H 3^, jp^rrfT :pc^ W. 6 wiaA'e costive, constipate. 'Viz n. ^^ -+jf m. nt^ qur «. &c. 5 — act. qt^Ti^ «. f^+d qwf Ji. &c. 6— Ofi. qj^PTf ^"Jf «. HrfN<7q »». H^7m»T m. 7 — act, ^ijf n. t'^TS^ «. ii'dlotuff/. 8— ac<. Sftqw «. sft^T'jft/. Cost of b. sif'«)ui|cj3E/. 9 — «C<. SffvT^M. %'S'jf «. MlltAui «. &c. 10— act. sftq^r «. 11 — act. "Tret/. H'l<^ ?5T^ «. 12 — «ci. ^?r"it n. +<+^'if «. &c. 13— «c^ v^^Siif «. v^^^ «. &c. I. band, Sfc. v. Bandage, qft/ IL tie, fastening, v. Tie. sj^ t«. 4!^ «». sj^H M. 3Tr3tr «5. IIL for edge of cloth, im^ft/. nis: m. »TT7T w. Binnacle, «. T^sirn^^ ft^PFT^rHt^Tt/ BiNOCULAE, a. that has two eyes, ^5t2^^^, f^%^, ^^. 2 ( telescope, &c. ) ^|t ^toEqt^qr spWRT, ^^^■'ilMifWt. Binomial, «. that has two members. f^R^, Pg^^'+W^. BiooEAPHEE, n. =Etf^5t5T''f^, =^r<'5|=J'JM^TTf, ^ErfT^ppfsr m. Biographical, a. v. N. ^f^^qt^^r^T, 'qfT'SROT'l^^tft, ^- R •>! «i y'l :p-f%^3r^-&c. I BiocEArHy, n. history of a j^articular ^enon, =cif^=5i^ai'^ «. BIS 87 BIT BiPAKOUS, a. thai brings forth two at a birth. ^T^^iiW^f^^: Bipartite, a. that is divided into two parts. 5TFT, |^5, f|;- Bii-ED, 71. ITFTt'qT STFTft- ^ »»• [%^^W. BiPEr, Bipedal, a. that has two feet. |^nft, jHHi-Hi, fl^T^, BiPENNATE, a. ;fr?TM^f=^, fl;^?^. BlPETAXOUS, a. fgj^. BlECH, «. ■'Jxjf W. BiKD, ». qf^^ ». "7?7t »>• ^5^ »». %=^ »»• "TFiT »i. ^ff^ «• — in contempt, &c. Tf^Tf «. Certain of the common birds are ^FTST, ^"fel, ^PfTT, A b. in the hand is worth two in the bush. TTsNr ^^ That has been pecked by birds. TRiTT^T^, Tf^l-^i-MRj- Birds of a feather. ^%^n^l^Ht "TT^r, '^■^ini'i'/i-^j TT- BiSD-CAGE, 71. f^^Tir »>. Tf^?nT »«. BlBD-CATCHEE,n.MK<«4U5frw. ^mt\l!l. 'mC^K'^ffm. ?nf I^^C. Bird-lime, «. f^fcpjT »«. f^^n" »». f^^KT^t/. Stick covered with b. f^WA€\f. Bibd's ete, a. — view. ^^H M1^"^N1, '^qj^ft^ TT^'^qpsfT, ^T- BiEDS-HEST, ?^. y. Nest, tpyg m. tTRTTmr ^R5T «z. y<+Sl «?. Birth, n. coming into life. ^^ mn. ^FffrT/. 3^^ »». 3'?;«r m. ^s[H^ »."%reT/. ^f?T /. H5I »». TrsT ot. -^J^/. ^^^ m. 3r«ir/. A former b. q5rbpTT««. PrR?!T ^JpH »». HIM^H'T »t«. A genius from b. srnWT^pnft. Another ( past or future ) b. Ml'HlrT^ n. gr^q^sprr mn. B. life, and death. ^?TfTT-f%%Tl^-?5q', ^n-TTFJ^-^n. B. Being ( or Life ), Decline, and Destruction. ( the four stages of a creature ). ^^?r, 3T^?r, 3TiT/. [M'm f BiKTH-DAT, n. ^;T^TT^;r?rM. ^3T^f^5T«?. ^T^I^H *»• •HIS'Att?'*. B. ceremonies. T^Hh «- ST'inre/. ^T5qft?f »». BniTH-PLA-CE, n. ^s^m^f ^^^r^'<^T^ w. ^^tt^^PT/. Birth-eight, «. ^:TTK?I^yRFK tw. ^^"^^qJlf^^FTT m. BiscuiT,«. f^RJ^ M. ( corruption of the Euglish word. ) To Bisect, v. a.'^cut into two parts. SHFTot, |^5 ^PTot, |%- Bisected, ;j. v. V. ^Tm^?^, J^m, |^5, f5>^T^5H,"5tfl^^. Bisection, n. v. V.— oc<. |»TPTot «. |"^r5/. ^''TT^':'^ «•"!;- tft^R"? n. Bishop, n. i^\^^ m. ft[3!rT w. Bishopric, «. f^^THft ^TFTT/--f^ »•• 2 diocese ^^((^T^^JJ 3rftrai\\Hm. B. with four rings. ^FST^fT or ^i\mM\t^'\\Hm. Rough b. B. with spikes aud points. m'H^'wum. Under chain or strap of a b. '^i^i\f. To Bit, r.a. f)'«'M /.-"PHT'^itcT/.-'F^t^^j/.-'FC^T/. :Rfe litten out, (esp. of flesh). ?ig^OT. ?5=5f^r«». S^- JFTm. ;?RTm. ?5T'irr»». i'. %, Ht?, ^FT?, ^Wm. v. it, ?nFr»». 4 cheat, take in. St55T»». ^m«». 5 cheater. See Cheat. Biting, n. v. V. 1.— nc^. =En^M. 5^n. &c. =5fRrw. i'. ^, ^?T»>. /)o;). 5f^ or ff^ m. ^3fPT«. a ^^K. &c. ^q^:r/. f^rrf^ift/. f^^rj. ^^J;^f. ^5?^^/. 4 "FHsrtfTw. &c. Tf^qui-Jh/. "P^sfufr/. 5 5ff5i6f«. jpqTjrra. srqotn. &c. 6 =Emr7tn. 5?fiif «. &c. 5^ ^o;p. t?T/«. 5^m. r^n^«. Biter , «. Bit ing, ;j. a. v. V. 1. =ErHOTRr, 5?roTITr, &c. 2 ^Timrn-, &c. ^trs^, *i+i(i=qT,^jr5T7?^^T, frejf. 3 atrocious, wicked. qiT, 31+ilRl^?:, 3^f?r5?. 7o Black. See To Blacken. Black-aet, n. V. Magic, ^fq"^/. 3T?(f^?Tr/. Black-ball, «. 3Ta'=fTf?T^^ ^FTSot'Trsff /. 219 Black-ball, v. a. JFrS'TPffeTT ^^^ ^^ ^^of. Black-beeey, «. iT^ tps!;?!!^^ '^^ '»• Black-bird, «. ^i^qTr'Tr^r ^ nmnj T?ft 3TT'^. Black board, n. ?Trfecff?s ^r^ JriTr,nT- 3?r^ ^^^, ^TI^UMMI ^^^, 5IPTTT TTtTTT, Sfi^Tlft, 5^- — and in the sense of « dishonest person, as expressed by such words as rogue, rascal, scoundrel, scamp, sharper, blackleg, black sheep, caitiff, &c. are ^5J, J^, T^JT, frHTjft, Wli^JIHt, ^ITT^STPFT^, nK^, n^llH -HI-ess, n. v. A. f^^WM n. f^^f^^rr w. &c. 3T^- rPTt/. gtfJT?Tr^ n. |TTUT TTf^rq' n. Blajieu, h. v. V. ^WTTT, ^ %iJrm-^^UTTTT, &c. sj q.^Ml, ^- Blamlsgly, rt(fy. censoriously. ^!^^^y^ '{f ' 4'^ gm. fTo Blanch. Seo To Whiten. 2 See To Peel. Blaxd, a. V. Mild. ^5, jfJtm, ^nff^^, ^J^, ^TTrT. Bla>-DISHI>-Q, a. soft, loheedling. F^rfHrft^r, 'Tt^'T?^T^=5fr, Blasdishino, BLA>-DisnMENT, 71. soft airs, wtMiing words, ^■c. 3T7T m. ^ m. pi. rf^jfTT m. ^fSjFT m. r t l Fr-tr^ 5!. f^?5T- ?T m. pjift'lilt/. Wf5nn^ m. ^ri^r^^f. ^^\^v{^\^f. y-iMi'Ul/. noPraiTT^/. ntiritsWt/. "jraTT^jTr^/. ;i. j qr<'Hd«J|urt/. TT^TTTTWI n. ^?THraf qr^OT «" Blaxdly, adv. V. A. qTlHciCqirm, ^ [ jIjTi^^' . [ 1[ltf^/. I BLA^-D^-Ess, n. v. A. ^JT^qoTT w. ^JT^HT /. ^f^ m. ^T?^ n. Bla>-k, a. See Pale. 2 ■unm-itten. #rT, ^TT^, ftrTT, arfef^TFT. B. at the back. Hli+Kl. A paper b. at tlie back, qr- Z^ n. 3 without rhyme. ^m^-T^-&c. H ^ n m , ^HT^^. 4 JM^/jou/ M/ or JwZ/f ^-cartridge. cnWTpqT,fwfT5ft=Err. B. firing. Kr-Cl'lli m. ^T^T^TT «!. 5 foiW, empty. ^iT^^ f^^ ^j?q-^ ,pp^p ^^ ^,^_ Bla>'k, n. +rJ|'+,i'i'^ in. 2 (■ of a lottery ).qjtfti^/. 3 ro/c? tiwt. mim m. ^ira- m. ^f^R «. 1%3 /. BlaNK-CARTBIDGE, n. tliq^K l ^m STpr^ «!. Blanket, n. The woollen textures resembling this article 90 BLA aro iTi'I^/. ( It iB coarse, loosely woven, and iiauallj black ). ^«r^ m. ( It is composed of two ^fNCt joined breadihwiso ). ^ffn% n. (The same as qrn^ but a less particular and less definite word ). sfiR^ n. (An indefi- nite and a disparaging form of tpfqcET; it is applied also to a woollen cloak-like texture gener. ) VTT»lo5 or v(\^^ /. ( A finer texture, usually white ). ^^\^ «. ( A very coarse ^fPT^). A worn and torn, old and worthless b. ( i. e. ^fsfai or qt^ft ). "P^^ft/. Hsd+i or 'R^ n. X^ or J^^ n. Aggregate of four blankets ( i. e. ^ftf^T ). ^V^f- Blankness, 01. V. A. ;??t^urr m. R^T'JTT in. Blaenet. See Flattekt. To Blaspheme, v. n. speak irreverently of Ood. \^>^J\^^]\ ^^.'^fh^f.-^l^. \_9-ofo. To Blaspheme, v. a. fSf^ f..x{-^^^ /.-arq^n^ m.-&c. w.X^ Blasphemeb, 11. V. V. N. f »5Rf%^^--H^H%-nf ^-qf^TTsnP- Blasphemous, a. t. N. fs^^ft"^Ml,'^l^^=qr, f »^Tf%^, \- sifTTq^P^, t=';rT^^T?H^. Blasphemously, adv. v. A. ^s^iM^^, t'^f^T^FF^T, &c. Blasphemy, «. f «IT1%^t/. f »^nq^ m. l'^X[^^ m. f »sr^- Blast, m. ( of wind ) gust, puff, ^fii^ m. y-i+Kf w. =q%JT ot, ^qT?T ?». W^T^ m. ^ «. Hot b. 5^/ 5f5CT/. ^sr/. ^itFF/. T^r^ M. (/»«. Tq- 2 ( of a planet, &c. ). WJpkt^ n. [ ^f^^Ts^n/. 3 ( of an evil eye ). ^RlMlH m. ^f^/. ^^f- ^f^f%^TT«. 4 ( of a devil ). 5^/. ^TT^ m. ^T^^PTTT »n. ^TTTZT w. 5r5- Blights, diseases, and di.seased, damaged, or corrupt state ( of trees, fruits, cattle, men, &c. ), are lavishly ascribed to devils, goblins, evil eyes, and malign planets; and they receive indicative or allusive names. Not aiming at closeness and particularity in this matter, we throw together below the nouns and verbs expressing generally the sense of To Blast or To be Hasted. riN^- CW or ^\^^X^ or FSf^Rin, ^Z^ or ^fSSof, rST'TR'jf, f^- sf^/. rim'n in. con. ^f^f. T5at-3PT^-^ in. con.^^'^J^- ^, ^TSoE^ or ^"?T^^, ^Tipfrft'^ «RTWf in. con. qt^^fcft^ or ?f3^% «. ^roT rfl'iu'l. 5 (of lightning), ift^/. f^jqiKw. C ( of the wind or weather). Snz f. JTRT m. f ( with the mouth on a wind instrument ). ^'^p m.f. 5^ m. ^^ OT. jqJKT OT. *+lO /. 5=FK in. ^^7\ ^r^ ?;;. To Blast, v. a. — an evil eye. ^f^/. «lT^"^-q3'if-c7r^-^t^ in. con. ^RjqM »».-^f ^ '"--^WWR m.-^ft^IT^T/. ^m iw. c&re. 2— a devil, v. N.4. 5nq^, SIT^TOT, SfTMT/. fpJf-?5mof , ?5jm^, "TS'^f, 5r5qiJT/.-&c. qTr5^, W^Z\ m.-&c. FSFUTT '«. fo;;. 3 — wind, weather, heat, cold, ^fj^qf^, ^Prf^, ^.\^^ _^ BLE 91 To be blasted. ^Rq'of, +<4H ^*f ^of, 3io5of. 4/oi7, r2/t», (j-c. V. To Defeat. JTK'if, TRT^, I^tt*"!, ?nT OT.-HT^/.-f^qT?T m. JpTJf y. "/ 0. ^^-&c. w^:^. 5 ( rocks, &c. hy an explosion of gunpowder ). ^^'ii'l Blaze, n. (/lowing flame. ^^ or q^f. m. *r5^i or ^JTJT^ m. *rers OT. 3H|T5*r5Rot. 2 mark upon a liorse. H^q^T m. ^IH w. Tliat has the b. ?rT»^. 3 jlowiny light. JTinToftfT 3^ w.-ST^FT^T m. To Blaze, v. a. noise abroad, v. To Publish. TTJT^'jf, ^M. ^^, iTf=r*n: ^^'Jr, 'h^ni^t w.-^th^t m.-^tt^t ot.-c?I r++' srn^, jHrt w.-^^/.-&c. fq^oT y. o/ o. t?ft^ srfwir. To Blaze, v. n. flame glowingly, v. To Glow. ^^+ui, tpiq'- 2 vi^; flash up suddenly. T^^, T^TTi^ intens. TIT^, Blazing, ;). o. v. V. N. 1. qTT':rt1rT, 5<^STift?r, W>ui*unc1, Blazing noon. TUTTtrftK |TR/. To Blazon, v. a. See To Blaze. [sof. 2 ( a coat of arms ) ^HH ?frcRJ fM^ f^^^ «. 2)'. ^- 3 See To Deck. Blea, n. inner lark. 3TrT<^l?l/. ^?^?5 n. iTo Bleach, t;. n. grow white. 3?n«i. Clotli exposed to b. ^fTrf «. To put out to b. 3TRrr ^t^^. To Bleach, w. a. whiten. ^ffPTfcI^, arr? /. ^. afW^Tift/. ^^ y. o/ 0. Bleached, p. v. V. A. a^sr^ST, #)'( «. ^fXC V. V. N. ^ ^"nn. T^siTR or \^.-^-^m. To Blemish, v. a. deform, impair, v. To Ikjuhe. ^/. ^,x- 2 tarnish, soil, v. To Stain. cfyTw. c^^oT, ^}K=5^w.-c^f^j5- ^n.-^\^ n.-^\^^^ f.-&c. J^Rin-aTMat. 'Bh'EMisn, n. mark of deformity ; lit; or, soil, sully, fig. v. Flaw, Stain. #5/. ^ m. ^>T». '^si«. ^ffT m. ^\Zm. v. Blemished, ^. ^ a. v. V. 1. '^ ?rR^c5T, 5^n-&c. qF3;c7T. I. faulty. ^Pft, ^^, ^^t^, OT^TT. To Blend, v. a. mingle and confound, v. To Mix, To CoN- EouND. {trsjsr'rfr, f^re^'Jf, '^^^?:5t, if^^r ^?;^, ^jf;?'?^.-^- :praRM.-^T%m.-^T5^HT«.-iT;R^FrT/. ^nf y. of o. recipr. To Blend, v. n. fH^^ ^T^ , 'TTfT«. 1tT^%. of s. recipr. ^^^\^^. Blended,;). v.V. 1^5E«r?5?5T,&c. fH«r,f*rfsnT, '^^T^FTT, ?t^"jf- To Bless, v. a. make prosperous or happy. ^^JTMn.-^^Sn.- To b. greatly. W^i?TniT ^J^ y. o/ o. 2 pronounce a blessing upon. a^T^ft^f^m.-'frTTfl^-Ml «.-«r- H^# -5T^-&c. ^n m. 5^. Bless (thee)! ?qf^. S glorify for benefits, v. To Beaise. jq^T?: aTTCf^-TT^^- ^^T"^, ^^, ^r^'n, ^gfrT/.-^q^«.-&o. w-x^ g- of o. 4 tni'0/i.-e a blessing on. |^m. '^-iTrn'jf, sft". JTrndTy.o/o. aT*fW%?THn.-^?^MT%?r5T".-?l^'%?r^«.-&c. ^FTiif y.o/ o. Blessed,^. ^ «. t. V. 1. g#r %r5c^, spfTTOT %?Ii=lT, g^W- 2 arr^ft^ f^r^sT, &c. snrrr^^, srrfrnft:, Fi^m^ft:, w- I. happy, prosperous, Sfc. ^^, tj^, g^«q=5r, g^^TSTTFT, sfnrg^, f ^T?ft, sfmr4, irm^, !?rHq-^T, sfm^^mtT, Rra^T, Blessedness, n. v. A. and Bliss, ti?!^/. tT=^?Tr/. f«f?/. Blessek, «. Blessing, p. a. v. V. 1. ^PP^M ^T^JTRT, &c. W.- 2 arr^ft^rf^ %^rt, &c. arr^, arr^fWr^ ^Trf-^mr, ^n^. Blessing, «. v. V. l.—act. ^^^V!\ ^FW". &c. g?at sF^ij;;!. &c. STK^l'^T^ra. 2 a"(? Benediction. a^TJlHf^^ S'^n. a^r^it^f^"'. 3inft^- BLT 1 |5rT"'. |«n ^''tn. 1^ KPIDTTM. [^»». 1. divine facour. f »iIT?m/. f J^O^m /• *nWf?^/. arg- il, ah. a heiujit, a good. g^». «r^». sr?TT^»>- irfHTm/. 111. a b.— as in the gift of a saiut, god, &c. sfT m. 1\%. Cirnuting of a b. 4ii,\A »• Grantor of a b. ^KZ^, BiiouT, »i. fni7(/eiP, ^-c. lit. ^\Z m. f^^FTT »». JpFTS «• Hq?T- JT »'!■ ^PfH' ni. fniH' »» cTTW w. JTHfT <"• J^^T »». li. a;< attackiug fields of wheat, &c. m^RT or fTT'TTTTwi. B. attacking the grain dzondhala, 3TimT m. +Mo?1/. B. attacking rice crops. T m.-iTHT w.-fi^ m.-&c. m^uf. To be blighted. ril+|oHJf, rTT^r M.-TR »».-&c. Tfiif in. con. 2 fig. See To Blast. Blisb, a. ^Vfpop. STVToST, %5r^-?f^-f^T%r-&c. ^1t^^, — in covert phras. KPHT'?. B. by night. ^mttToSTT, TmftToEr, ^js^^, ^m^. B. by day. ^T^Dt-5^'jf y. of «. fi^ i|ic| =4t :ri% «. /)?. ?imnt, ti«iri=5ft fiTJT/.'^, trwsrHt w^ n. pi. ^t^, ( through riches, honors, &c. ) sta-^Ti^ tJX- 2 ( of one eye ). (^^ftcSCTT, ^nTT, ^.V^., ^"h^ pop. (rip. — in covert phras. g+,Ml4. 3 — boils, tumors, &c. '•J^. 4 vndiscerning, nndiscriminating, — of persons. 3TfcT con. .5 in<-on«(/era. a. deprive oj night. 3TqofT ^T^, tfas m. pi. J~i. 3 fig. darJceri the undentandijig. ttS: »!./)?. ^jt^wj-, ^f%/.- &c. ^IHW, tToi-5lt. n. wink, ft^ »». /i?. fH-^+l^^ or f^^f^ROr^ f^. ■srfTsnJf, ft!rfiT?:oT, fKd+i=i. f^T^ »». ^T «• QlMil m. 5f#r7«». 2 apjdication to raise a blister. Sf^ipT^^ }». ST^<^t?Wft ^•^'4 w. gr^flT «• from the English is common. To Blister, v. n. rise in a blister. I>J|^. To Blistee, v. a. rawe a blister. "PTI m.-^'ess, n. v. P. WT^ft/. WT^ft/. jr^Rt/. ^T^T^ft/. Blobbek-lip, n. (hick lip. qR^ arre or ^ m. qfT? afrs or Blobber-lipped, a. «rHT ^T^'^IT or ^TsiTT, ^TT5 sfk^ or Block, «. was* oj wood, eJmtnp, chunk, dump. jptfT or ^Rt- OFTT »». ^trrq- ?j. spiTfT «. STTSS m. f%^/. '?>['? ». afrST in. 2 ( of stone, &c. ). JST «»• 1^ »». S 2"'^^fy iZocX-. ^cqr w!. <;/?». jpccfl- or ^"ft/. Eope confin- icg it, =qT5ft/- 4 chopping lloclc, (of carpenters, ^'c). ^^vi[f. =IT^/. ^ri^TT in. ^%\Z^ or ^ «. ^f^?f or ot «. %^ m. Chips of the same b. ^%JTTV=5f JT'Jff »i. ^i. ^ 3TT^^ ■^jp^ «. pZ. tT% grirfr "pS «. ^z. 5 ( of buildings ) =qT5J/. 6 frame on ivhich to make any thing. ^^,^r\ or ^ m. 7 f^K^iT^^pq-^ 5f^5ST 7«.-^f;f^ »?>.-&c. 8 See Obstacle. To Block, v. a. stop up. SfC. v. To Obsteuct. ^ST'Jf,^'^, #iw, H^tjjf or H'-T'Tf, TT^T^, ^vT m.-ar^rrrq' «f.-&c. !Riif y-o/o. [tft^, s'. Block-head, n. v. Fool. ^, «TTTr in. ffpJNT, sf^fT or jfaTT, Block-headed, a. v. Stupid. sts«TT. Blockade, w. qffSJTTTT »». #PnT w. ^\i[f. ^fs'jft/. ?TC- 2b Blockade, v. a. v. N. JfTflHm ?».-=Pf^/.-^R#^/.-^- %if^/.-&c. ^FT'Jfy. o/o. Blocked, p. v. V. #S%?5T, 5^r5?yr, &c. q^, ?5, '37=r^5, ^^" To be b. 5^iJf,#^3T,^^DT,5^or35tnJf,^!:jaiT,^t4ai-. Blocking, n. v. 'N.—act. #5af «. &c. 5f?f^/. Jpr^/. ^q- Blockish, Blocklike. See Stupid. Blood, n. v^ n. ^^^ n. ^frf&TfT «. rtlrl'^l'jft «• B. Tomited upon the bite of certain serpents. %¥ m. Stoppage or congestion of b. ^Tt>N'Cl'=T »». Extravasated b. H^^RIT^ n. In cold b. 'T^3TF^ «. ^roT^r^FTT/. ^^TcIT/. 3 See Kindbed. 4 hlade, swell, v. Buck. RTJ^st m. nPT ot. Bloodthiestiness, w. v. a. ^^^rTT/. f^^fHT/. Bbood-thirstt, a. V. Ceuel. f^?I^, ff^TT^, f|^, f^^f , Blood-vessel, «. iTh'^il^^/. Blooded, a. S5 m. qstr «• — of the m.ango and some other trees. JTT^ w. %?R «.»". Barren b.blind b. ^TT^ n. To Blossom, v. n. ^^^"Jf, 5?5Rf %ot, ^?5 %ot ih. co«. qtspj^fj ^iTJr. — the mango and some other trees. HT^TW, Blossomt, a. Z^Z^^., J^?:^?JHt, H^cft^, ^MH^^I^T, =7^- To Blot, v. a. (as with ink). T^, HfT^I'Ji, fdH+ioiDi^ q-p^j f». qT5>Tf-qT^aT, 5m m. ^oj, 5FftF5 qR<^, H^Rlin, ^[St^fot. 2 SKZ/y, soJ, llur, v. To Stain. 5FT- ^[^T «i. STOTT or. tmi Mf. jfw^ m. 5- — iu the sense and with the power of such worda as, irhack, icJtap, laTig, swinijing Mow, Sfc. RTTprr in. H^\i] or 'O'TPIT m. ^^ or rf m. ^%5T or fTT m. ^^PFT ??;.qS51?7/.iT»^ /.n. imilrfl m. ^TTT^ ?». ?;^ or ^^^■ ?»• ffST^T w». sp3T^ VI. STJI^FT m. Siw OT. 3— gcner. lox, hujfet, cuf, hit, JcnocTe, polt, punch, dig, S(c. ^t?5T m. strppT or ^T^W vi. vj^ J. tpTTTT »«. 3TRIrT >». qm »«. €^FT VI. SN; «i. ^ST'i+lun/. B. with the bottom of the fist. 5^/. «lrr^ or^-^,\or ■'^r';^ m. 1^^ m. &c. g^^T m. g^i^ or si^TIT »i. (Zm. Dfiid or flat b. S^JpT »». Heavy b. f^qfrf m. To come to blows, ^iftr ^RqWT %W, ^M l 'frofl ^-^mm- ?H-fR qT?5n:-^MrC|/lH-^?rT5qTTTKFR-&c. iroT. 4 ( of calamity ), v. Steoke. tr=?fT or tTEgT ot. T^fSFT »?». 1- ^^ m. =5TIT ?«. ^HT m. ^RRJ «. r> ( iu trade, &c.), v. Loss, gr^r w. p. srt, nRTT m. v. ^, G ( of a fly ). 3T?r5t or 3TW^/. 3TTO5T w. ?fft/. Tt- Blow. v. «.— the ivind. ;rr^, =qT^'if. 2— softly, in gentle puffs, &c. v. To Beeathe. ^oS^piTr, ^=J^o; adv. iUfof, '^rs-J^ ;nf or. •^ /"#. V- To Past, trrrer, q^TFIW, qi^/. ;)?. ^T^pur-^ijf, 4 sound on Icing lloicn. STMiir, HT^ m. ^-iT'if 5 Woo;n, blossom, open, cr/aHf/.^iir, ft^^tjt^f^^TTH'if ?- ^TiJt, 3Tp3rft/. «Rr?rr/. Blowing, «. t. V. N. 1. — ad. qr^^ «. ^r?;or n. 3 tlTTToT n. JilTTT \^ n. &c. qpf w. JTT ot. ^^rr^/. ^•. STT. 4 STT^'iir n. &c. 5 ^?5^ n. &c. flr^RT m. f^+I^Jf n. ^^^R J». ^'PTJ m. Wl- E^ n. Tft^rs m. ^^^ n. sf^rST WJ. T. V. A. 1.— ac^ ^^JfoT n. &c. 2 JT^iJi- M. &c. 3 ^"'''^ "• 5^ cIM^I^ n. ^sp-&c. MRU| w.-^nr!^ w. 4 ^spijf w. *'+;. T^T/. Blue, a. — dark b. ^^ pop.^^.^ 5ftc7=rof,3^RT, a.qRT?;, aqr- infof, ?;ott, ^:p.— light b. sky b. 3TRTTRft, a^RHRlt t- True b. ^\^ TV^, The Blues, loio spirits, v. Melancholy. fsTTT^ «». To look b. le confused or terrified. ^To5^^. Blue-eted, a. ?ft?R?Rr, ^^r?T. Blueness, «. V. A. f^^quTT m. jftf^JRT w. ^^■^ n. ^fm^ n. Bluff, Bluffness. See Bold. &c. Bluish, a. f^:^^, ^f^RTT f%2r. To Blundee, v. n. v. To Eee. ^ot, sf^spuf or ^T^, ^Tijf, ^RRof, JS'jf, =^/. ^IR^, ?^^T?^ «. "TT«for, SfiTT^ m. ^TOT. Blundee, tj. y. Ekeoe. ^^ ?(. ^:pt /. JJr^ /. ^RRtT/. !TJTT^ »). 2 — in writing or speaking. 3T^^ n. 3T?J^ n. 3T«T5 "■ That isfull of blunders. 3T^|T5:, ^TT^?;, HIHlHi^,^^!^?. Blundee-bus, n. if, TTS^, ^^"^ O'' ^Tra>Jt,qT^- "jf , ^^, 51^'if, ^miif. 2 dull cj-c— wit, intellect, rr??, ^^, €tiT7, 3T?ft^Tn-, 3T?rttT. 3 rotiffhli/ plain and open Jree-spoJcen. f5ri^, q's^Ts^, qft- %^, VTT^?T, ^TTF, W^^^. BmXTNESs, ft. T.A.I. ^4"T>JrT m. etc. K^/. if^ rt.JT^qtiTT m. ^HTf /. 3T^e--nT?TT/. STrfr^T^/. 2 Ki^qTiTT m. ^JTS^TWT w- iT^^ «• •■3T?ft^"aTFf T /. 3H?fti1cli/. FTTtTT «s. ?riT?r"'ftcTqwr wj. ^^CWl^fh^ «. &c. q'mdHHIm. Blue, To Blue. See Stain, To Stain. To Bluet, v. a. utter suddenly and inadcertently. ^^i^fST'if, tT?q;R'Jf, ?T5^rRr9T, tr^^Fl^ or ■siW^^^ ^DT, Ts^rei?- Blfktee, n. Blurting, p. a. \. V. Wii'h\A^\\i\^ ^^^T^^ ^- 5b Blush, «. n. letray shame or confusion ly the face. ?5T- q^, M(mii)f /.-■gw=ift/.-'3T TO.-&C. f^r^-ii^;^, ?ff?rsf qroft »• T^^, ^^^^'T n. ^ot y. o/s Note. The sense of shame is evinced in the couuteuances of Marathas by a dark, not by a red color. 2 See To Bloom. Blush, n. color in the cheeTcs raised ly shame, confusion, Sfc. ^^^ n. [ ^5f^_ At the first the first appearance. ^^di!T=ff, Sf'^T- 5b Bluster, t). n. — the wind, v. To Eoae. qt^j^iif , ^y^S\, 2 puff, swagger, rant, vapor, gasconade, lellowat.^roarat. ^U|<||Jlff^ ^tJT^'JT'jf, ^^Er"Jf, f^5^^, HMriMiji, FW^, rtTTOT. nriir, FfT^ «z. ?Tr5w,^r=f;q?-m/ pi. ft ^i m u'l'-'^q? jf-' ^'i 't>- i «t - 1^, ?n^w. ?rTTot,ftrrr /.;??• fttdtot, HRF-qT "MO'-V-- fftiTFRT ^W^f-pl. ?rfl^, 5T1TT «ff^m/.2>^. Fira^r, i]T^[5I- 95 BOA Blustee, n. Blustering, n. v. V. 1. — qw^'il n. &c. ^Ytt- S m. ^r^R: w. ^^n or ^^\Z m. ^?{TTT or g^^j rii. 2 WTrspfff/. aror^ft/. "TT^Jfrf^UTt/. ■A'i\{-'-M\ n^/.;/?. tr^T^ or q^^ 7». njTTIT w. ^'T5iT|%'^/. ^\^n.f. ^%^/. 'T^5}^orH4l4'M<"J. ?rrr5T W. ^F^^r/. ^r^^\l^f:\^- ift/. ^T^/- 'TWif /• i=m m. riMHHT^TT ««• rlTT==fNFT m. Blusteeek, n. Blusteei>'q,/i. a. Bi.ustedous, «. v. V. 1. q'lMNuiKI, <&c. qTxqT,g'f^T,^mTI^mor ^Jzm^^^TZ-q\. 2 and Bully. Hector. ^aTTiTtriRT, &c. -o, ;j. « v. V. g^^rrr, ^JiV^lTT, &c. jj^n;, Ill-b. ■3Tf^'?-vrvr?--flKr=!;-.*i(-. h^^-^w-it^^t^.&c; I!!-b. sign or mark. ^rV ^^Ttt «. T^^roi n. ^^^j^uf w BoDEMEM. Boiii>-o, «. V. v.— ac/. g=J^et n. z,t^^ n. &c. ^6 BOD ?355=T «. ^j^^ptt/. ^i^ n. ^^fi^ «. "Tjfjj^^ n. "jifBxf^r/. B. of ill. aTf?re-3THn?J-3=rq;?^'^-3TH^-&e. bV^ «.-sfe- ^"t^ JJ.-&C. B. of good. ^-JTnRI-'»T^-&c. ?3(5?f n.-JT^^i?r n.-&iQ. Bodice, ». =^"t5ft/. JFf=qr^/. ^p^^/. Bodied, «. %^, ?I^, q^r,^\^■i:^ n. B. labor. 3Tfn^f=TrT/. ^TftT^'? m. ■nsfi^^^i^ m. B. strength, artl^ m, ^\^W3^ n. 'i^\^^^f. ^^^\' B. Buffering. ^^tr'. ^rfk «. ^TT m. n. pop. tpTTr /. fS/. f^/. ?rg/. rf?T/. m. ^.m n. fqiw. ^rq w.ijM/. Some descriptive, allusive, or significant terms for the body are, ^rTIfTT m. qriT «. ?^^ n. ^^^ or f^^T. m. f^^ m. ^TTJ ». iTl'INrl^ n. Tm^/- TTOTWr «. if^TPTfTH i^rr?T^ n. ^STT^^dfqi; w. ^rrrq^oft ^T^/- — and with im- plication ot loggishness, lumpishness, inert heaviness or huddledness, Sfc. 5^^/. "Vt^ or JTtm'il*! »». 'TT^/. T- According to the Hindu philosophy there are three bodies, viz. ( 1 ) the gross or material external body, ?ar?!^ m. ^^j^^Tftr «. ar^prq'^in'^ or ^ m. ( 2 ) the tenuous or etherial b. the inner envelopment, fp5il^|, fen^Tftr, W^i ^^'T^TflT. ( 3 ) the inner rudiment and causative frame or principle of the above two, *l'uri^,^^'Jr^lftT, arpT^T^rPT or ^T. See these words, and also 'T^^'7 or ^T in Molesworth's Marathi and English Dictionary. B. and soul. rp^JT^ n. Celestial or glorified b. f^=^^ »>■ [»»• Contortions or writhing of the b.3ltqq^r«!.3TmfqoEr- Daily operations or business of the b. — compreh. ar- ^if^R m. Dcstiniea or lot of the b. ^sjRsq- n. Every b. tout le monde. sr(Hr5l+ »>. ^cfj^l^ m. pi Hair or down of the b. STPT n. ?JtK n. rtg^^ or ^^^. la the b. without dying or dropping the h, ?r^^, ^f . ^__ BOO 97^ Lightness and nimblencss of b. 37t'MMoll^/. 3TFT- Lower extremities of tlie b. ^^'.^f;v^ m. STtfrlf w. Mortal spot of tlie b. nsTF^T^M. arrS^ftT/. 'TJf?'». 6 ( of a garment). ^r5T or =^\^ m. [?°^ n. 7 o substance, a material thing. T^^r »>. m^ «. ^f=T «. ^ strength, good quality, V. Goodness. ^;i3T »». ^ST «j. ?Tr?». ^ n. W.^ m. Q firm texture ( of cloth, &c. ). ^]m^^ m. STfT n. m. ^(rTTtrr n. m. ^^mf\ )• 10 ( as of fire, &c. ) volume, mass, ifra m. TT^ft m. (as 11 code. WJ^m. ?rf|fTT/. 12 See Matter. To Body. See To Embodt. Body-cloth, n. (of horses, elephants, &c.).?F![/. 5^^?:ui». Body-guard, n. ^^TT^/. ^"jf^^TT m. Body-servant, n. ^^ TT m. Boa, w. ?;?rur/. ^iquT/. ^ot/. ^^^^/. STFR «. n^T^/. . «. ( liquor, &c. ). 3^f?o5cf, fTPT^fOT, qfr^^Tofr^ ^rt^- 2 tircM, ^c. ?» boiling ivater, secth. f^T^pTof, ^yfot, 3^5- of, iFsq-;^ n. ^p^ g. of a. Boil, n. Ti ??. %h?I5 or %?t^t^ m. ;rTaT». That is easily cooked by b. f^T^oT. Boisterous, a. — of wind. ^"r^T^-SfT^ or g^R^TPsfT, ^\^\z^' =iTT, -HHii-MI'-ll, 5r7Rin^TT, ^TTT^-qT^, FrST^^r^TT. 2 noisy, turbulent.^ S{c. — of persons. ^V^fif^J., '•TR'- ^pirr, ^HTs;-^, ■jfr^npTT; t^^si?^, is^^rr, nroTH:-^, ^r- 3— of proceedings, &c. trfiTSm^^fT^T, •fRTsft^, g^f OT^r. BoisTEROUSNESs, n. v. A. 1. gm^iTJirwrf^TRft/ rTirW''- ^^m or *"t?rw«. ^r^TRT/n. ?r?nT/.OT. BOM 98 •2 iTrnvj^TTTTm. iT3,--)^.M"II>n. &c. ^^l^To£\/. tpnWt/ Tf- |j B Tffvmif/. 5nTr»T'?it/. flxnT/n. Boi.l), a. Irave, courajtous, Jearless, intrepid, dauntlesg, daring, ^c.—o^ persons, ^jr, yirfliK, tJ|rftM'(, f'i.'^.iU, r^<.<)jM , r^mHiK, rs'-Hrft, trrj^t, tiMV^i, q'ls+iMr, f^- "Trf^TT, tTH%^, ??bm^, Ao. fntrj, f=itr5T, f^^, H^r- ^, tftr, ITT, BTpit, 31^, »13t, ^^. 3T^RIT^, Sffl^ •"■ ''FITi '"''f^' ^I'^'i yTr<'^Tn^% it^'iHt. 3 ttandinj out to view, prominent., hhiff. KJiK, 3CTT, g"- HR, T>T7, 5^^. 4/r(?p, spirited, lileral. JTTT, ^JT, ST^ireH, ST^W^UINI. 5 See IjirurEKT. To make b. to tal-e lilerty. tftT m. ^FT"^. BoLTiLY, arfp. V. A. 1. dlrO^', tJTift^}?^^, tTT^^ :p:!r7T, 'TCTT- ^, 5M#, ^T'f^, &C. fSr^f'iTHWIM', &e. -p^tTS, 5H:T3^, BOLPNESS, n. v. A. 1. ?JTqTiTTrt!. f^nVruiTOT. qiT^n. ^\£\-An. =^/ "^rTT/. tfTf m^/. ^th/. Sl'fm. Wl^^^r?/. ?TSIt4^»>. 3 TTTTT^T"!- T^HTT'in'm. JTrrTiTTOT. &c. 5 See iMruDESCE. Bole, n. »TTrfr=^ ^ ^irm 3Tf^. BoLSTEii, re. ( of a bed, &c. ). ^^f. ff^^w. 2 (as for back of people sittinn'). rSrSn.wj. 3 (of a sadle). ITTS^/. -m^t/. [^RW. To Bor.sTEB UP, v.a. V. To Suppokt. ■HH I t^uR /.-HTT??!^ /. Bolt, n. (of a door, &c.) metal pin, v. Bae. ^a;/. %55t/. 2 See AnEOw. 3. t. Thundeebolt sft^/. ?^ ». BOLT-UPEIGHT, a. ?TTrffti=T^'TT, «S*5*n-, ?Ra5T*rT, ^cAHo!f)d - TTT, TTTWfT. [tjirful. To Bor,T, t). a. fasten with a h. v. To Bar. ^ft^t/.-Ac. rfHuf - 2 Spf! To Blurt. ^ swallow at onre, gulp. iffcrrm.-nT^w. innif,nTnT^OT-iRmT»i--'T^r2;T»j.-n^raTm.-iTTnJrT «i. ^p- 4 »)//— grain, &e. ^^ot, arrgi'Jr, «MOJ^ ^lotiif. ■To Bolt, e.n. sprm;/ o!/< or o/T" suddenlrj. fJt^, f^'^5 ^JTT^, f^ra^,gr^at, ^^=T;'ir, ^i^+Oi, v-+>Jt, ^j^fttWt/. ^t^. Bolus, n. ^rfepT/. /jo;;. I^T^/. "TT^fT/. Bomb, n. «AWi, ^-c. ^^^fT'TT^n!. ^-til-^l qRTm.ipTURrtt^w. To Bombard, ». a. ^''TifR^i^ MiMKw. JfTW-JTRiJt. Bombardment, n. ^-t'j"|»TTo^'TT=^ TTTTT ot. BoMRA'tT, n. high-xoiindinj tcords, fustian. ^af^rfHi-^ift^ Bombast, Bomrastic, a. ^^^tiit, sq^'^^^ fj^^ ffOTqT, BOO Bombax, «. «i7A ro^/on . BoEDEB, «. brink, margin, v. Edge, ^fs m. f+HKI ot. ^FS/. Circular b. ^ n. 2 ( csp. of a field ). HT/. K5 m. ^^f ?l=r »»• 3 ( of a country, a village, &c. ) confine. ^ftHT pop. 5|Tr^ /. or ?fftlT/. or ^iq- m. ^/. ^^ /w;;. ?i^^/. Passage of the b. ^ftHT^^R n. Unto the borders, arret^rfrl. 4 (of a garment or cloth), ^fs in. ^^T or ^^ w. spTTTsft or ^n^^/. tr^/. ^fsr «. ar^nc/. »«. B. esp. as narrow or fine, qrft /. f+'llJfl /. ^PT^/". =T#t/. 'Ts'^/. ^mr «. [ Xf. ^K M. B. as woven separately or as appended. #?7Tg^/. ^- Hemmed or raised b. i\\Z m. FTTS n.m. Ornamental b. #3TTO or ^^5n«??». "T^ ?«. "Tf5T ot. ^Z m. 5 ( as of wells and tanks ) raised edge. n^wi. TT^f /. tTi To BoEDEE, V. n. confine vpon. ?I1^-c7PTH-fH?5T-f?rF=r^ ^'^ y. o/ s. To Boeder, v. a. ^. m.-&c. HiNuj. BoEDEEED, a. V. N.4 Qi'iji, ^57^7, Hd^MI, 'T^. B. with working of gold or silver, tc.^?:^ g of o. ''fnFn.-ic. qr?^. 2 V. To "Weary. ;J7;n^Hj_-=5rnT m. 3Hlu|ui-%'Jf. BoBE, n. perforation, v. Hole. Hpprt. ftjf«. Er'^'»>.i^'^«.tiT». jfrwrn. ^rmm. qr^TJi. q^jw. 2 ( of the car ). ^Fl^w. BOS 100 3 ( of a gem, beail,&o. ). ^». To bo culargcd in its b. W^ TfTT'Jf. 1 sicelUng tide^ ^T^m. 5 a pest, trouble, v. rLAOUE. T^'cT /. 5^^/. .v.V. %il^, &c. ^cT?T, 5rf^,^'4-(S:c. qrS^JTT. BoBEB, «.v.V.^q'jrTTr,'>Ti^r3^i ^f^fT, ^^, ^m, srajT, ^, ^'Ttt, 3^, JT^r ( iu couip. as ^T^r, TpflH^T, ^5^*nr), f (iu First b. 3:^^, ^TTT^T, 5ltt^. Kext b. TTT^, 'naT'TFT^^ Middle b. TT^TtTT, Hfipr=5T, H':T5r=rr. Last b. q^fH^, ^T^R^, Ill-b. Low-b. ^:;^r?f, ^J^^STTrf, qT^^Tm, 3T^^^. Tliat is to be b. tirf^s^TiTTir. That is being b. mINHM. Untimely b. ai^PTrl^, 3T^Fra^?TTT. Well-b. High b. ^!^^ ^?5^, f^ff^STT^, f^^t^T^, ^- To be b. with face downwards. TTt^stn^iJf. To be b. W^^^ TT^, f^q^'if, sm^,^^;^,^^^. fr^ ff of «.-Ji'niti q"jf, ^;pTTM. %'jf. To be b. again, be regenerated. ^ej|^7)^n»j. ^^wf y. 0/ s. BoiioL-on, ». 3^ nt^TH '7R^^ ?r*m irfHMq' mdR u ^M i J'o BoEEOw, v.a. — opposed to lend. 3^5TT Sn^-3TM^,^3TPTtor 2( money, at interest). %'^n.-'W^n. ^FT^-^'jf-'fiT't-aTT- BORKOWED,;?. T. V. 1. g-^RT %rl"^?IT, &C. 3^?rT, g^ ^ 'l Uf t '^ l, B. for an occasion, — trinkets, furniture, utensils,&c. fl7 /. ^t^pJIT »». q't'TT^TToS m. ?TT- ^TTrftr/. irttToi m. 5?n:3Ti5/. +d|HHcTr/. 3tH?PTT^7TT/. Bounteous, Bountiful, «. v. Genehous. g^, ;tptt, Ji^ft, Bounteously, Bountifullt, adv. v. A. arl^prf^ ari^q;- ^, ;?^ ^WR, m^os^r ^mpf, ^^^ ^r^. Bounteousness, Bountifulness, w. v. a. ^ - tiKM iTTf m. ^S- Bounty, n. liberality. See Bounteou-vness. 2 aliheral donation. H^T^R Ji. q rfdH «• ^'TT^JTT/. Bouquet, m. nosegay. '5?jt=qT %?rT w(. ^^qfJf w. 2 V. Feageasce. 3Trffi^ »>. BouBN. See Bound. r ^ To Bouse, v. n. drink hard, tope. ^'\^V\ or ^r?^0T, ^ft^of, ^- BousT, o.v. Dbunk. f^imFir, Bout, «. as much of an action as is performed at once. %^f, ^ m. . JTPr'Jf-q''5f-^#PT- j:"!!, flTWT or f^Tfr ^rrf^. 4 ( through age and infirmity ). -Tift?^ J|jt..m'c;< |rrT M. ^jL im or ^, nsij- OT ;?;. s^pof, n^ m. pi. i{i\ qrof^ ;p^ /. ^rf ^ y. o/ «. #p «.-qfn «. %tfr, ^^rs «. f%^. Bow, «. reverence, v. Obeisance, f^f^^iTH ». fflfr^r^frf/ Bow, «.— the weapon. JfJTm or ^f ^f;^7:\ or ST ot. ^T^ it. tT5 «. iTT ». ^^TTT «. OT. ntft^ n. m. #^ «. jpyK^ n. ?KRR «, Armed with a b. yHiVif^ifdr. B. and arrow. ?ftr+M|ui or ^f HTi^m^r m. B. and arrow maker. if.Hlui'W; or TR m. B. of Ulysses. Tf^ m. «, Bad of a b, »ftm m. ^\ftf. BOW 102 Twnug of a b. 3^q"i^ m. 2 Ihinj boic-form, geuer. +H|ur or ^/. q^wr n. o ( of ft alipknot, &e. ). 3TJt/. "PRf ")• l^Sf. 4 (ofaeadJle). ^re«. 5 ( tor cleaning cotton ) M j+rfl /. *:T^ m. U ( of a sliip ) 'iii.^m^^J. lio»-LEO, n. "FTS 'TT'T m. Uow-LEOCED, 0. VrST, TTT^^TT MNMr. How-MA>-, n. V. Akcueb. rd<<;^M m. ''^4k m. tT^srfft M. Uow-sllOT, fi. frHNM|Ull'-jl ^ctfT Trt.-JTRT m.-HK+r «. ^^TTFT m. ?KHMrt'«. To Bowel, v. a. ti^n. pl.-&c. ^pr^^ g. of 0. BowEE, n. arlour. n-Pr/. ^nt.n. JJrTTJ^n. 5T?Tm. FSfTptS^OT. A natural & close b. "^V^f. Bowl, n. «/;?, &c. :p^ m. <^m. ^Fnft/. x\lj^ m. cqicTT or 2( as of a ladle, spoon, &c. ). ^rsr or f^^m. z^n. JTT- 3 ( as of a Wrna, &c. ). Irrm. jtRoTTot. 4 ( of wood ). q^:\i^if. ^^i^n. TjnT or ^jm. rii]n. Bowls & basins coinpreh. q^ qf^ «. cfj^j q-jrf «_ 5 ( of earth ). i^pop. ^n^ n. 6 ( of a gourd ). ^^jm. ^f. 7 lall to bold, iffewt. »TV^»n. ^TT^nt?;-^*;. To Bowl, t>. a. roll as a lowl. BT^ut, FA7^ ^of, ?5r^, ^ToRT ^nt^T:?:^, MWcjijf. ^ V. o To BowL,u. n. mote smootldy ^ strijtly. ^^rfr^ TOfTJOTfr. EowLDEH, Bowldee-sio-e, n. nvc\m. dim. ^ifT/. nsn^- Bl?A BowyEB,7^. maimer of lows. ^M|U|'^-,fuieiirir MHi'-fif . 2 V. Aeciieb. faT^M'-. '?3'4t, yr^'^ft. Bos, «. c//esi!, /;-«nA-. q^/. dim. qrsin. ^^/.— large ^^qr »». ^\^f 2— as a snufl'bos, &c. Utile box. ■^^m.dim. S«ft/.q?^«. 3 cvf^ V. Blow.— with the fist. jqft/. J^i^w. *to. 5- 'Ff^/. #frT»».— with the open hand, =^l^^zf. '^mt^ /. 5 ( iu a theatre ) Hld+JJ|RT '^WM\-^ %^?ft ^>?iY/. 6 coach box. nrt[ ^^PTT-JfT^ ^i j^ip^ ji xfl ;?TTTr/. To Box, ^^ n./y/^i! h-/i.-&c <^«. ctT5 «■ 3 — as remainiug in fine flour. FTTSf /. Brax-skw, Bbaxi)-sew,pf5/. "Pf^ m. dim. 9>f^/. & irfClff/. & intens. iz■^;\ f. pl.-'jt'izm. pi. 5^, fiioiuj'. 2 out; ramify, spread diversely, lit. fie;. J?:iJr, "Pi^, "pf- spT^, 'ptJTTl »>. ;)?. Jir^f y. of s.\^^\^^. " [jp^. 3 amplify, speak or write diffusely. qT5^ToE Jn.-^^TTT m. To Branch, v. a. make subordinate divisions. fsTTTT ?«./'/. -TT- cf^TTIT >n. /iZ. W.T.^ g. of o. 2 adorn iiith figured work, "^f--^ :FR^,*'^i4>i- ?Tr^ Jp^ft^ JpT^. Bsanch candlestick, »!.f^s?TT^ ^Ti n. ffTS n. ^Tf ?7 m. Bbanchino, Bhancht, a. furnished with branches, having many branches, qc^^pg: '^\^\^-''P\^^r^^-^'f;W]Xm\^\-&C. B. and bushy. 5rNT55, 5rtmcirf?5T, ^ri^P^T^ir. 2 striking or spreading o«<— horns, &c. "pi^p^, pf^o!%^OTT m. ^\K^MIg y^ m. ^- 2 "pf^CTTTT w. "Pf^/. Branchless, a. X>m\=^^, ^^f^. Branchlet, n. ;^^ . a. defy, challenge, v. To Dare. grirfT m. ^- ?r^, fmrTRf "Mii-iNiif, ?rppT^^ ^\^- ^w^- 2 encounter with fortitude. '^Vr-&c. nfe&T, f^tnWT q'- Brave, n. man of daring courage, v. Heeo. SJK-^P^I m. 2 See Hectoe. [ &c. ^iMqtf^p. Beavely, adv. V. A. 1. f^J^J^TTtH, IT^, f^VdlH , ^T^IHrfl^, Bravery, «. v. A. 1. m^^ «• vTTft^ m. ^im «■ ^fn^«-f^^- t\f. ^JT^rRTff/ ?fT?ft/ J#/. itI^T^/. X^mnf. f^' rT/. f^i^TT OT. ^T w. ?T5r'=m m. 2 ^TRT/. ^IHJ.- iTi=55f?5T m.- 5ps;^o5/. ERur-^H^TT ^\^A^ ^3^f^ 5n?rn. 3 — as a brook or a stream. ^oS^s*"!. 13k vwLEE, 71. Bu 1WI.IS0, ;>. a. v. V. 1. +•'-+'■, ^FTtirTTr, ^??n- 2 ^2:JR&qT, 'ftnT^'iTT, TrfM^-MI, 3^Tt3-in",<,HSjii «'. &o. JTm?v- BuAWNT, o. fuuscnlous, v. Flesiit. ttRIc^ /Jfyj. HWl^, Ti^vS or iriJTS, q^, ifl^H, iTtr5^. [ "f o. To Beat, v. a. v. To Podnd. fra^ n.or HT^T^ «.*nmTo5/. f%T/. r%5n: «. f%5K «. ^?tf^ "»■ /• /'"p. ^tr/. 3 violat on, itifradion, infringement. n'| ^ui «. ffrsuj «. ^.j. 5H^ n. Jtl ««. ( much used iu comp.) if^ ot. ( ia comp. ) ^m^ n. 4 rupture among friends, t. Qpaeeel. "^i^/. H^/. H-lrll- To heal a b. si'N^/. ^?J^i fH^^ n. ^pr^. To BitEACii, t>. a. maJce a breach. fh\t^ n.-&c. wiS'Jl. Beead, n. TT^/. ( This word means a cake, and of the flour of bddzri, dzondhald, and other inferior grains. It is not commonly applied to a tvheaten cake,) Micfiy. ( This means a cake, and of tvkeaien flour : also of the flour of rice, dzondhald, &c. boiled. ) Ttz m. dim. <|d'ir m. tnff/. These words mean cake, roll, or /oq/", and usually wheaten, but they belong, though they are current enough, to the Hindustani.) qf^T n. (This is fermented bread or a loaf of it. It is from the Tortvguese. ) See also Cake. — in covert or jocose, «&c. phrascol. TTITt/. TR^ft/. B. — generally, daily bread, v. Food. 3T^ n. ar^TTT- BKK -compreli. J. and cake, b. or cake. ^ftolt^'TiST m. JTHRg^IT w». g^F^T m. B. made of flour of various grains parched nud ground together, q-qi^ n. ■HT3T'JiiJTTm. f^STRw. s^Fw. To increase in b. i<^Hui'. 2 (of cloth ).q^OT. A single b. TR?n. qp?i. qr^ or qrs^if. 'iVC^^n. Of a single b. ^'h-^(\. To Beeak, f. a. part, sever, sunder, ijv. ?Tr50T, Hr5"Jf, 'M^, ?^^, Uui. Stnake bankrupt. H | iui , f%^rR;«. spT^at.y.o/o.sRrf^I'Jr: I'H- 'JTf^'Jf, ^TT?^ ^PT^, d-iNJ if^lf^, =1NH/. ^m y. q/ o. 4 violate, infringe, infract. HTS'Jf, cfrstJir, HTJt, ^SiJi, Hnw. ^prn y. o/o. 5 interrupt, 4'c. V. To Stop. jTi^, FrT^/.-JltjTwi. ^?Iot, ^■^m.-^^.m. WC^ y. ofo. 6 in; fame, trainer. To Discipline, q^^of, 'Fr^,':i5PTJr, To be broken in. q^. 7 up; dissolve, ^c. v. To Disr.AKn. rftsdir, hI^uI. 8 tip; burst or force open. T^=p^ orgr^^ff'Jif.'^tf^, f^^- BTIE 106 BRE '.I up; /aAf /o/)i>iv,s- Tif, ^^, «m^, '•'T^'if, f^^m, f^^n. f'T^^ y- "/«■ ■I ( in lioiillli, stren.uth, spirits, &g. ). ^^, iTf^, ^T^, o— the voice, become hoarse or cracked. iToET»».^'f-'T3W- U fall out, V. To QlTAKBEL. ^^, J^, f«f^"if, f^T^IT^OT.- 7 ilowii; i/uhl^ifail, tj-f. jfrs^, HTSRof, Hii+oiui, TPTi^r. s loosr; g^, Tir^srr ^. 9 out, fortli; appear in eruptions. 3^=^, TT^T^T, ■d'+uiuj^ f^^, g^^, 3li'I"5^>jft/- ^, ^TW, ?^^f or X\ ^ qof. 10 out; become dissolute, Sfc. v. To EuN wild, g^, fvf- ^i^iiif, f?m?i frot, ^q^tHfr ^m, ^ik-mu-mt^^ ^ft. 1 lup; dissolve, — as firms, as30ciations,compauies. HT^, 5^, g^^, ^^, 'pi'iiJi, "Jit^, ^^sS ^^m.-H^ng^ or '5iT^/--*nT»--'t^?PT«.-f^nr5'»--f'Tfej5 ?i.-&c. ^t^ y. of s. — with implication of completeness and ruinousness. 12 up; fO»irF, I. xcave Ir/aking against a rock. ^^'h\n\ STTS'TTft FTRT To Breakfast, v. n. '■Ml^|r5Rn. ^rs^n. ^fp!7Tn. ^V^.m. ?'#R7Tn. Bbeak-wateb, n. Troft v""nf'<^'m-t-RHi- ^i^n<^w. %z^n. ^?r5 n,— in contempt^ anger, &c. TU^n. ■ii\r\\in. JIollow of the b. JiNlfjlT/. Pigeon h. projecting b. 3Tre «. To beat or clap the b. 3rr m.-&c. ^TS^iJf , v j^i -^ M m.^.Tij, To clasp to the b. gTrat-7RT^-&c. KRTJf, Hm^^. 2 (of woman, &c.) ^^ «. vrm n. ^^ 7». gifft/. VJTTT m. ^JTrsR ». f^Tft/. Tfr^T m. cj-?TT^ m. tpff'TT «. — in covert, &c. phraseol. STTsit or ^^^^'\'\ n. pi. A hard b. ^Tlt/. Mothers b. 3THr c 31TOT ot TTiT n. 'flH »». To suck (he b. W^MH «.- ^^^^T^ n. sfTTW. 3 heart, conscience, mind, ^c. ^^q'n .f^^i) M fi J «. (answer- ing to temple of the breast. ) '^Z^.'HT^j n. 3TrT:^cri a. TTT n. JT5T n. Weight upon one's b. 3TT=rr^r 'fr^-tTTS-S^T'Jr «.-&c. To get a weight upon one's b. ^TT m. ^^^ g. of s. To make a clean b. ->H~IM H iRldi ^fTof , T^T m^S- Beeast-bone, «. gT^rS or ^(.N^ll «. gTrft'". ^. 3 — the air, bloiv softly, ^^ot^ctof, s^cd^ot a«mfti'oi'-'craT»Tr?ft,5iTwiTq',!TnJT'^rft, wsrm. Beeathing, n. v.V. N. 1. — act. »?Tfl"T^^ /)o^. ^qifl'T'Tra' 5 g^H + IW n. &c. gg^FR or gH^THTT or ^■H'+-KI ?«. u. I. ( through the nostrils, as practised by followers of the Wedas or Tantras ) "T^ m. :p*rp m. "^^ m. STPJIT- TTTw. (These words express differences in the manner). Beeathing-place, «. sp'Vac^e, vent, air-hole. ^■^■AW pop. ^■>^^ m. 5rotrft, TT^. Breeding, n. manners, Sfc. HTW^^/. f^^RrTT/. ^'^{^^ n. ?T>T^, w.rvr[. 2 devise, ^c. v. To Scheme, sffqvt^ ap^Tcfijf, ^^iJf. To Brew, f. ?j. fig. be hatching, — mischief or evil, fq^r^ Beibe, n. FJi^ /. 3TFrf-«.f n. \WjVmT^^ «. TTTfTTfr /. TT'^-TOT «. ?^fT3r «». Pm^i^/. ri"iiTRo|. Beibed, p. T. V. ?jf=^=i^i=5r, Fif^sr ^r^F^, ^^'':( ^n^.^jh To be b. be won over by bribery. ^t^Ttfof. Briber, n. v. V. FfH^iIKI, FSf^WJTRT, ^T3;-fH5rt-&c. km- ^, H^rarT-^T*qT, fTJl^STT, "^flT. [ sjfpTF" «'. Bbibeet, n. ?jt=q^ M.-irof «. ?5f=ET^Tft /. ?5t%^ n. ?5f%=E?T- B. — compreh; b. and corruption, venal practices. ^- Beick, n. f?: or f[zf. ffs^f /. Kilu-burned b. Baked b. ^^V'.f. 'JW'^.W.J /■ Eow of bricks (in a building ) laid upright or on edge. i'\i-^\ m. Sun-dried b. ^^'Z f. iT\^ n. JTR ». HST m. (Hii.s is a large and squared mass of kneaded earth ). Vitrified b. ^TT m. ^'q^^r/. Vitrified excrescence upon a b. ^^tri n, Beick-bat, «. ^^ or fZ'fr;/. n. ^"t?5T »«. TTST »i. ^TT »». Beick-built, a. r^mr, r?:fHf ^q'^F^T. Beick-clay, n, jHI' ^nfft/. Beick-dust, «. q^/. sr:^?"/. «. Beick-dust, rt. of the colour of b, T^Z^t[ or S^^^. Beick-kiln, n. jt\=^\i={f[ f. Brick-xayer, n. v. Mason, qsr^t or n^s-^TT o;- "ili^ ?;>. Beick-makee, re. ^^|+'^--ll, TROT, TR^, *rfT?T5;t or Tf^raoS, ITJToE^, ITT- VM^'JI, H 1^-11^, JTTOTftTJr, iT ^TJH Oft, Wr^ or ^-^^, H- Briuk-gkoom, n. H^njw. ^w. H<^<^y ?y». An adult b. ^ItJlTTT H^TT »n. -.riiUMl ^ »». Alighting of the b. at the Tillage of Lis intended. -iiui--itiim. V. \ !R.— House appointed for it. vf iun^ . ^ n. Jiiuwtll OT. B. iufcrior ( in age or size ) to his bride. f^TJRT. Departure of the b. for the marriage. eITsr?m?r». Tatlier of the b. SRirrTm. c)^|^H I»t. Flowers, &c. bound around the brow of the b. »r5t- 5fT or JTS^/. i^iH'l or tjjHoft y. ^ Full grown or big boy standing as a b. ^ts^rrarfw. Man .sent to bring the b. ^Kn=rT«i. Mother of the b. ^ry^v^f. ■iKH I d l/. Ofifcriugs and honors paid to a b. w-^^m. tfj -HHV- '"^"- ^ [ ^?ft4'. Party or company of the b. 5Tq-^»t.— Member of it. J'rcsents to the b. ^. ^T^PpTRw. '^TTPpTRis, 2 — gener. v. Thoen. ^R5rT5». Brio, n. ^^\i\ 'irfttd «. Brigade, n. %vtnTPT«. fl^T^n. Brigadier, n. 'i^'-m^^A^^lmn. Brigand, n. q^^Jft, sTs^ini, J3. Brigandage, m. t'ST^ / jut »• ^^/ sitT^ «• Bright, a. ihining, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, refuljent, ^-c. 3^51, ^T^^r5 or 3, ^epF^^^^^, d^jp^ft, ?r;;T=rr^, d^-^id, d^^rwr, d^^jRr, d%>iiHM,ttd-'i, rTFrr- =^, d^'R^, &C. dild<^R, SI^- liTTFf, sriTT^TT?, ^^^t-l, 'flfHHIl, 'PlfirHTg, a^l^^t'il, ^^.1 — micna. flaming, hlaziny, ^e. v. Glaring. v^^=P«!T^, ^c'T'TR, sjn^rq^R, ^JTT^rT, gsTT. See also Beil- LIANT. ■BRI 109 BRI 2— not dull, V. SuAKP. -^UHurid, rft^OT, sf^^, ^^^, S — a colour, cZ^ar and full, ^f^ or"j'i|TT. [ ^?T. 4— the moou-beaina. fq^, pT-il^lU--)!, f^TTRTTT^T, . To BniOHTEN, V. a. make Irii/ht. T^\'S-'^\T?(^M-Ak'i\ -rrasf- ri- &c. ^Tot, R^rafam, ;ir^T5!;'Jf, 3-doi'-iu^ig- arrom, w- 2up; OTiT^e rfetrr, sharp, Sfc. a^^K"^, ^TT^r^ftrr-cft^-rft- Jb BriioiiTEtf, V. w. become bright. 3"JTcStJf, ?7lT?r "^i^, ^?I- 2 up ; become clever, ^'c. >3^H|>ot+^ 3^7^ SIT^, 'd\HciHMc6. See also Beight. 2 — a gem, v.Lusteofs. q^rrsTRT, Miufl'^l'', ^T^TTT. 3 splendid, Sfc. v. Fine. gpTTT^, 'ciHiJ^^T. 4 — an exploit.&c. W^Nt, SfmH^Nl, qHI'MNI. Beilliai?t, «. diamond cut loith facets. cTTrRTw;. BeILLIANTLT, 0«. fTT^Tft'i. Prepared with b. ^^|=|fu|-+,. 2 See Ocean. 3 See Tears. To Beine, v.a. steep in b. f^7;^^^ir^ Wt^^. 2 mix sail with. v(\z>i. ^rF5>J|'. To Being, v. a. 3TPiTof, q^^ k^i, aTRPRT «. Jf;^;'iTy. o/t?. 2 produce unto ^'Jf, TTtTf^ot, srrfH'/.-fHcZq«T/.-&c. araOr- ^Tjf "I. con. ^ g.of o. qvRTTw. ^^ in con. Sf g. ofo. 3 (to a certain condition ) 3Tmof, ^\^\, ^^^^-z}■\^• &c. 3TT"Jr"^. 4 about; V. To Effect. q^f^-3H^-^H^-&c.3Tm'Jt, 5 down. See To IIumele. 6 forth; V. To Beae. ^r^i^irof, if^rl^'jf. 7 forth-orto light; v. To Publtsh. irf%^^-1-Tf|%H- ;rq^?'ra-3^3TH-3-HT5-5TTH-&c. armor, sil^^^R^. 8 forward ; v. To Adduce, q^ ^of, im W.^, TRTT^T in. ^^g. of 0. {icilh ^]^■^. 9 in ; produce as income. g^T^r n.-^^f.- li\T^m.-&c.^it\ 10 on ; occasion unto. 3TTWT, =?Raf. 11 on one's self; (a trouble or evil). ■srrTFqr TTTT^T ^\l^ aftffT ^^ or qT|5 ^ot or m^n ^rof, ?^TT^^;r ?jr^^/- ^- 12 on one's way. %oEf^'jf. 13 0Ter;T. To Peesuade. irt ». T^^of, f*f5t^ ij-ijf, &c. v^;^, g. of. 0. [crrbr. 14 to; restore to consciousness. ^§l^-^^HHTJTT-». Beint, Beinish, a. salt. ^RT, ^jTR?:, ^TRJ^. Beisk, a. sprightly, gag, \. Lively. 3TT^^, 3??Rft, 3TH?- 2 active, quid; ^'c. v. Smaet. ^EPTrT, =^"T3:t, W^IF. ^^T?. g^TRIcrT, =5r?5T^ or ^FJI^T. 3 itwy, T'JTr wi. &c. STH^frT /. 3-f?T- •2 ^OTUTT m. ;^ifmT/. ==^^7/. ^^'H; / 5R^ /. BPT/. ^J^TFt or ^^FTHTT / "^T^^^TT/. ^T^TrT «. 13. and dulness ( of trade, sale, &c. ). a^fffri'^/. Bkistle, n. ^f m. %\z\ m. \J^ m. n. Bristles. ^^X^ m. j.l. To Bkistle, r. n. — the hair. J-jt'TT'if, '^^fT'^Tor or '^^'iTTvf, '^TITDf , ^'TRot, ^'^TRTilt /. fnJf y. of. s. 2 set up its feathers— A bird. fTOTTof. To Bristle, v. a. -arC/Trf^S^ or 'tTT'tnTR'Tf, ^'TRoT. J^iilSTLX, a. set ic/M li uZ/cs. ^H^NTT, ^J.^'^^, ^J^.f^Tf?!"?. MuiTisn, a. f^^^ixn^j^ ft^jfVsTH^J'^t, 5?1^, ■H l '^^l , firfrT^T. BlilTOX, n. fjiriqV^T^iT H^ c. ^^. iiBiTTLE, a. o/«o/< /ire. fe3[o!;,ft?r5r,f?73ar, ^T(%r—thai Lreaks easily. ^FvF, f^R^, H^^^i'^^. '2— csp. of thread or cord. J^rTT, ^^^t?, "J^T-TT, /frce jn order to draw, m^ n.-HTS "■ "TTSi^. :{ ( a store ). ^T5^, "ifrs^, ^^Ruf ■1- yii-e out, disclose, v. To Tell. tFnw,^^?nT^, !Tf%5-!rT2;- ic. iRUT, ^m?T 3TPTiif, ^TrHlrF n. ^"jf J. of o. BROicn. See Srii. 2 See Bnoocii. JSboad, a. wide. ^, %^, ^5ft=qT, f? H | . ! NI , f^'^oT, f^^. —of cloth, ^vamvp^ix^. B. as long. Jiy. V+'SV^=^, "^f^ ?7--|*"l^|JJ^, '^^pRT^, Broadish. ^r^^ ^?^_ Very b. ^^ra, %5T? or J;^. 2 yross, coarse, ruddy plain, blunt, S(c. qH^^TT^T, ^JJT^- 3 -day liglit. -HUTHuflrT, . a. TPJm or ^pT^, HrfT'jft/.-iTr?r'JT'i.-'TnTied. g^^.H?^, ^^^TT,^t?R. II. — a discourse, utterance, &c. 5^^, 5^T. III. «o< e«\'ii'\'\n. ^TT'HHI'Wr^ «. Bjjonze, «. rriSTT^ 3TTf&r ^TT^T^»!.(used only of an elder sister's husband). 3 huiband's brother, z^ pop. cftTm- HT^m. »TRr?ft'». BEOTHEEHOon, n. JTT^5[^ or Hlf^^^/. HT^TTtrrT or ^[jq- 2 f rati rnity, association, V. ConTAVY. 'if^ pop. "TTrT/. Beoihee-like, Buoiheblt, a. illJ,HU|Ml, TT?r5R^=qT, ^vj- f^T^TT, Hr^=qT-'TT^, sjusTT^TT^, >Tr?r??r, ar^ftq-, iigjpT, BEOxnEELJNEss, ». V. A. Tn^^^ or Hj^^^ f. HT^TS?^/. ^V^rmj or mim\ m. ^]J^f. Hrs^TT^/. «^./'. To knit the b.s HST^TK lf^/. /'Z.-ar^t/ qirS^j^t^nTT /. /)Z. =Ef^5f_ 2 Z/(f «rcA 0/ hair over the brow. 'Ht^f or H=IT or f^T^'/. «[/. gf ^/- 'T5f(% %^T »». /.'Z. 3 V. FOREUEAD. ^qjoS «. f^ScE Or 1^^T^ w. JTra «. By the sweat of the b. f^^7.'=:^^ ^TPTT'i. 4 ( of a hill, &c. ). iTR-qr-sft ^5/. 1557 ?n. nol?RT »!. To Beowbeat, v. a. ■H»TJTT-5f^=q^f=15fR;or, sV^ 7n. pi. xf^^r- OTR'jf-'TT^^fijf-iRTToi-tpm-N^^, 31^ m. pi. iJirreTT- Bboweeating, «. V. V. — act. 5t* ^^fSffT ^tc^fif «. &c. tj+)^/. 3<|<<.-t, n. heat or violence of. ^TTr^T m. W€\WA or dJK Hl ot. 2 ( of a blow ). V. Shock. q^^»». \^-:^\ m. BEosn, «. *+'Tif, 5rraw. 't.^-ifi^ i. ^^. 2 awav oft'; whislc.flap, S,-c. 5rra^, jjd'+.Ji , g -i-t-iqof, g-- 3 up ; retouch, polish, 4'c. v. To 1''i>-ish. afhr^, ^Y^- 4 up ; ( learniug, &c. ). m'm., T^JRW, T^^TSiJf, TTi^wr/. Tj Brush, v. w. ( by, along, against ). 'jfrarFn" ^STTn-T- ?w-^RW, ^T^, ^TT^of, ^ijf, 5r5^, ?^rnpijf or gw^, ^qTr-^TT^-5T?r-&c. i^risHiOf. Biiusuwoop. n. fnfr/. 5^ or ^"tt »■ ^TTT^ ^Tlft/. 2 branches lopped. ^,^7J n. %\7:^,^7j n. To Brcstle, f. n. v. To Crackle. ^i^i^[ intens. ^{ \ i^ \ WPTri\ intens. ■HTTnTf, ^rwrir[ intens. fl^rw, ^PT^of. 2 v. To Bustle, -^riws^, f^VWS ^nrnf, q?3^at. Bbustlisqlt, aiy. =srr^ or ij intens. xHKt or ^^TT^, HT- ^ or Tt intens. WTKl or ^re^. [5,-^_ Brutal, a. belonjing^ Sfc. to a brute. ?^I5T, ^HN«. (/. Brutish, n. resmblinj, cfc. a least. R^J^T, T^^'tft, "T^JHTT- 2 rutfe, uncivilized. q-^JOTWT, T^5, T^?mT^, 3Tf^f?T- BnuTisni.T, adv. v. A. q^JjnWT a. ded. T^isrpjft,?^^^, vj-, «. V. A. 1. qualities ofa brute. tf^^T/. TJjF^n, 2 3T^»-"qrTT/. 3Tf^Tf?TFTT^ ». f?T?Tm%^ n. Bubble, n. — of water. ■Ai'Ai] m. JTT ?«. JIHT w. sff^I^ m. 2 person fulled, v. G ULL. ^P^^ Miui^ «. tp^TT, TFTRn- 3 cheat, false show, v. Deceit. itfTT/. HT=r/. To Bubble, t'.«. rise in lubbles. ijs^ju)^ ij^-M^ w. ^Z. Jrof. 2 'ip; be under ebullition. jl or ^<^y-iul', ^TgrTof, n^T^of or 3^3^^, 5?^t3t, ^foEHclof (intens. ^r2rOTr)^ j- liiottTj g"Jl. To Bubble, v. a. gull, befool, v. To Deceive. 'p^H'ijf, ^r- ^r »«.-ST?5T m. ^, ^+Nu"i', ^^TT^^. Bubbling, n. v. V. N. 1. — act. ^l^^r n. 2— act. <,^timui M. &c. ?=PR^ <"■ ^^^S^ff '». ^^^ m. Bubblixglt, adi,: i^^W^ or ?rf W^^. or CT, n^ns or 5t, n^l^ or ^f, 5^5 or 5t, H^HoE or sf, BuBBT, n. Y. Beeast. ^^R ot. ^TTTT wi. fTTft/. ^?irfT >n. Bubo, «.• — venereal, spj ?». ^55 w. 2 — sjmpathelic. ST^T'^WT »»• ST^T'^TR' n. Buck, n. beau, blade, blood, spark, swell. tTRJJ^ or g"r./. ^n:Di-. To BucELETO, V. n. apjthj idth vvjor. v. To Set to. 5RnJf, BrcKLEE. See Shiei,d. Buckram, n. «FrTOT?j ^pj^F^ %^^ qcTq? n. Buckram, a. v. Stiff. fire-sTTSTT, 3Tr^% ■•3TT^-q?r=^r. Buckskin, n. ^Ru||--|' ^fft^ n. y^f^^ «. Buckthorn, «. i^ a?r7feft arfl'. Buckwheat, n. ^ iH^4f?r 3Tr^. Bud, w. ^FSft /^o;;. ^ssft/. ^^/. 3"?=FfH'Tr /. TT^^'iTfr ?;t. H^ »!. 7i. ^^T w. Large b. q?oET »!. Nipper in the b.^y. JTT=THT^ w. To Bud, ti. n. v. N. 5^^, =Fw^T/. ^^^ ^?:aT-%ijf in. con. To Bud, r. a. inoculate, fqjf^/. ^FTof. Budded, v. V. N. J?H^, +co4|l 3TT?5??T, 5«^ft?f. Buddha, ?i. g^ m. ^5 ot. Buddhism, «. ^5«:TH m. Buddhist, n. ^5 m. ^^q^rfg^TTTt. 21) Budge, v. n. move, stir. ^V^., ^Rot, f?5of, ^^, f^- frr^r'jf ncy. con. f^T/- =F^f-^iTM «fy. fo?^. 2 for; ( i. e. by iinplic. care for. mind, heed ). ^HI^ »». ^M, ^Hr^ m. ^nJf-HHui, ^TH'jf, ffW (CiV/i «fy. fO«. ««<; ?ror?5r 0/0. BuDGEEOW, 71. a particular loat. ^'^t\ m. Budget, n. v. Bag. ft^wt/. V??t/- 2 i/ore, T. Stock. f^\\t[f- n^l 7^. nreri n. ^\^ n. 5^/ TT'TT »»• ( esp. iu comp. as Jp'tTTT^T b. of stories or tales, im ^ITiJrT b. of tunes. iftrT vpTTT b. of songs, &c. ), 3 ( of business papers, of accounts, &c. ). ^M^HI?5 m. ■C'MIrt m. Buff, n. skin of tJie hufalo. J^i" n. ^f^^^^ n. 2 shin of the deer. ^ ^f^T, — in endearment or contempt. TJ^^Z n. ^o!7l7 n. J^^TT «i. ^^^T^ n. \w^Z n. — female. J:"!^ or IT^^, ^^X., sl^fl or ^r^TS, Hf^, — in endearment, disparagement, or contempt. f^?T^ or ^^- B. carrying eleven months. ar^JT^T^ft'^f^, Young female b. xi\f. ^'izf. Buffalo-calf. See Calf. Buffet, n. t. Blow. i\m\ m. z\^ m. JilN^ ^R/. gf%^"r- ^ m. 5%rf IT »». I'd Buffet, v. a. v. To Box. 'l^i^J'iI, tT^TF^, J^TT/. HR^. 2 contend against. ^r«Tof , ^Tre'jf. 'B^'^TOO'S, n. jack pudding, zany, merry Andrew, Tomfool, clown, liarlequin, macaroni. ^;K^^ m. ^K m. TfS m. ^- ^^ m. ^]^f[ m. 2 jMiJer, droll, tcay.fool, ^'c. ^^H^^^^i-^J m. JT?^=qT in. if, 5FP-| K^RST "i-i^?. ^^iJf, JTnF 2 up ( doorway, &c. ) fq''Jror, f^oj^ ?:T^ot. To Build, v. n. depend on, rest on. 'R'TW w.-f^'^fi'^ m.- arqtT «..&c. SETCTT, qn''^ rvith ^r. Builder, n. v. Mason. it^Tst, TRT «■ qT»fi'=I'TRT. Master b. fT^FRt. Building, ?j. v. V. — act. sritTffT n. 5;^ «. &o. iri''^"^t/- PTr- Cost of b. qf^oiItTs;/. I. (J b. edifice, structure, fabric, ^ftjf^ f. ^^V.'Hf. m^A m- A long b. ^[^\m. A long narrow b. ^is^r/. ^tWP^/. B. composed of four slips. '^I'^fRt/. B. having a roof of two slopes. ^TT^it/. HHIoft/. — of four slopes. =^T''TT?ft/. '^\^\^\ f. B. of two rooms lengthwise. |^/. |=r^/. — of three ^Mf- f^TTft/.— of four %tI/. ^T^rft/. Buildings of some other forms or constructions arc designated by the epithets ?tR?lTt, ^TTRt, f ^Rt, &c. Division of a b. W'l m. iRFT «. H^ ?(• Public or large b. — gener. grsr »«. The wood work of a b. +.M|U| n. Built, n. build, ^'c. make, structure, form, construction. ^^JW\^7.f. 5TiqTEr'Z/.5if?pn/. sjf^?^/. offqT m. ^\^^f. srftTT «. spTTsr^/. Built,;;, v. V. A. sntj^Fsr, 7=^^rSr, &e. sif^J^. B. up. 5Tf3[?^. Bulb, ». roM«t? roo/;. w.i^ m. ij^r ot. ^^ m. To BuiB OUT, See To Belly. BUL 111. BUK BcLDous, O.V.N. jpiqr^T, *?^r^, t.^y^, J^3f^,^f^^, ^^. ])ULBUL, ». Indian niylitint/ale. ^^^ or sj^Tsr^r^Tr «>• Bulge, n. protulerant part. ^ "■ ^TT «. ^ITTr »>. To Bulge, v. n.jul out, swell out. ^m m.-T m. ^itTT ?». 3Trfti=!^ m. ^?j^ «. ^- Bulls and b. — calves, — compreh. l?5Tr?T m. B.'s eye. JTiTl^T n. Castrated b. See Bullock. Dedicating of a b. to the manea, &e. and setting him at large. \^\^^^ pop. ^^wA m. B. 80 dedicated and enlarged. cftoS m. ^^ m. «f? pop. Gross, overfed b. n^^g^ m. Learned b. ?f^1%5 m. ^\^\ or ^t^TT^ m. qt^ Or q'f- The class of mendicants who go about with it are called "Tt'T^ m. 2 See Bluni>ee. 3 t(lMI+,5^ q-=5r «. Bdll-baitino, w. ''VvN1'}>t1< aftg/. Bull-beggar. See Bugbeab. Bull-dog, n. j?T=mtY=^ m. BULLOCK-DlilVEK, BuLLOCK-ORAZIEE, n. 5?!^ OT ^^T^qT"!. Bullock's heaeTjM. Annona reticulala. — the tree. ^ i m{-.ot / 3T^^t? or gr^Tr?!? /. — the fruit. T^^'^ n. 3TH^ or Bullock- PASS, h. ^ ^u?: ?». BULLOCK-HOAD, M. ^tTI^/- ^r^.iH I »!. ^rt H | l [ '/rt. Bully, «. v. Hector. qfT^^nrR: m. STTm^tsnT ot. ^^-'PT-&c.^ or *R[-^^-^- &c. ToI re. TH^ «. ^^ w. g"i'T5E M. ^■feRr OT. ^'xt or ^T5l"oft orni^^ft/. ;?qT^«. sTWot. irf^TofT »». g^n ot.JITot. ^nnr m. B. as from a blow or pinch, in^t/- ^:r?ft/- ^^ ^. To have a b. d'jotui, cW «.-&c. %TJl-3^5f. 2 V. Thump, ^crs^/. irstfn- m. vamj. trS^FT ot. To Bump, v. a. v. To Thump. siTS^/.-irf^r OT.-s^5^/.-tT5^ OT. iTlTof. To Bump, v.n. thump against, v. To Thump. *m-^PT-^-&c. -f)T5-^R'-:R-&c.-t7if-q;?T-^-&c. FJPlot, «TI^/.-tTI^ ot.- 4T5^/--*;5^ OT. rJFT'Jr-sm^f in. con. trs^of. Bumping, «. v. V. A.— ad. 4f5^/. *T3^ 7?i. -41^/. tr5^»». v. V. N.—act. trST/ 45^ ot. Vl^f. ^irSTA m. B. ( of a calf, kid, &c. ) whilst sucking, ^oft/. ^?T^ /. ^nfif. T'"r^ OT. ^^^ OT. ;f^ OT. ■$^f. ^v^y. f - TToft/. ^H^/. V. iTTr. Bumper, w. brimmer. ■>TTH?n^c^ ot. TTTT^rTT ot. Bumpkin, n. cloivn, v. Countryman. s^HPTJT c. ^J'llmi- Hi"HH OT. %i^ w. m'^S'TT OT. Bun. See Cake. BUN" Bunch, n. hunch, protuberance, y. Hump. H^ToS or STcC n. ^- T n. ^X n. TplT m. B. of a caniel's back. ^^/. 2 V. Cluster, q^ ?n, ^^^^ m. ^W^ m. ^r^ m. ^ m. qx- ?T m. -^^^ m k^Wi m. 3 numler tied together, v. Bundle ^^f- ^h^'II »n. ^^rsit »• -jii+l M. ^% n. ^^ m. dim. "^f. H^/ 4 /)///, knot, clump, ^sppr ??j. ^^ m. ^^pfjf ?«. ntsr w. 5 ( esp. of flowers ). ^JM" m. To Bunch, v. n. ^nsEOf or^no!;nfr, ntSOTf, '^oE n.-&c. iroT, 2b Bunch, «. a. ^m m.-^sppr w.-&c. srlqw y. ofo. BuNCniNESs, n. V. A. ^aT%^rfl'/- •fiilot'^uil m. Buncet, o. growing ^'c. in bunches. ^5f%^, ^M+'^K, iTST- Bundle, n. ( as of clothes, &c. ). li^ra «. dim. ^\ivC(/. 1- 31 «. ntsr^ «. «tw?f n. Disorderly or loose b. ^t^FPT m. 4i"H* »• 'TRc^ »»• a^i«». JTRPfr or oi^/. itt;^ n. 2 R^/. ^^prnTjft/. Jb Bundle, J), a. ^(> or iiW m a i. ni^rS'J.-IStw.'ltsrSn. To b. neck and crop. HR/. ^'muj g. of o. To b. off, send off angrily. fq'?rfWf^ai_ Bung, n. ^m. tjiot. f^jn. ^r^^/. 2 ( esp. oi dubbers.^ <4,c ). '^t[f. To Bung, «. a. ^m.-&c. q^rMr. Buno-hole, n. 5JT-&C. sj^rf^^n^ jfl^n. Bungalow, w. Aomsc. ti'irflm. jTo Bungle, p. n. perform clumsily. 3TTnJpFr'=rn.-3TT«r3'?r«r5 To Bungle, v. a. cobble.^ botch. 3TT^'4t^ flrr?fr, T^rTT, ^niqnTT, qjifTtt, ^Rrsqr, st^MY, 115 BUR Bunglers and cobblers, — compreh. ^ '%\^ [ \ -:^ .i\\£\ Bungling, a. clumsily or confusedly done, v.Ci.r.vsY. ^THF- 2 immethodiccil, blundering. srq'gTT or il«4/. rfN^r. 3 keep from despondency, v. To Suppobt. ^H'/i.-'^tT »''•- a^HT^w.- &c. ^of. BuoxANCT, «. V. A. FR-fiqTjrr m. rRUrnl^fTT/. ?rW5Tf^/.?F- B. of spirits ^^S^frT/. [ qri-T. Buoyant, a. that ivill not sink. H<|i|l«K<--j|, ?rnT^fn^, fP"ir- Of b. spirits. ^I^^rff, ^HiMd.^r^. Bueden, n. V. Load. ^l^n. ^[Tin. '^T^m.f. ojM-iR;;. Beast of b. Tra^f^l or hi 41*;!. ^ycii^;«. Ship of b. HfnTFff". f^T^ral' r 3 (of a favor received). 3TPTIT m. 3ira». dl^uiH. 'bjT^n. z^T:n. 4 ( of a business, as imposed; or as reposed or rested). ^rCfra. TROT, artpnrre. nia; ?». 5 (of a song), a^'-^ui ^R^ or 3H+,i'+-i^«. ^IT^'". TTrlilT^ or qTH^rt. -J^^ «. [ ^?nT»;i. 6 thai which is often repeated, v. To Dwell upon. Tpjf". To BuiiDEN, V. a. T. To Load rlKuf, ^l^f". Efr^iff-ST^r 2 fig. oppress, encumber, S(c. aTran.-JTTTm. iS.c. ^TrJof-r^T- BUEDENED,/?. V. V. 1. mZ^.T^, W^ MM?lrfT-&e, 2 TKq^, TRT^fFT, Hrnft,5?r. BUEDENSOME, a. grievous, Sfc. v. Afelictite. ^5, *rrtt, ^- 2 V. Cumbersome. |5I|, ^^ifer, ^H^TTJ, 'i^^^I. Bureau, «. ^fuTi=:ft'T^ /• 2 department. ^T^ n. BuBG. See Borough. Burglar, n. qt^-^TT c. finms-JfT, ^ftTHfn, ?rfq^T. \_^n. Bukglaey, «. house-breaking. m'^]%^ n.fT^'^X^ n. ^fq^T- Bubial. See Burying. Bueied, p. V. V. JT^f^r, nT5?^?JT or iT3=I3T. To be b. (in ) lit. fig. jTijf, iJS'jf. BUELESQUE, a. tending to raise laughter. ^R'TT^pqr, ^K^H- BFR IIG BUR To BURLESQVE, f. a. ^vi if^M\^ ^T'^f- up; consume by fire. vdlW, 7 ( ground before sowing seed). HT^oft /.-HT^R^r/- HTJT^ fl.-itc. ^K^f, ^/. Tr^M. S See To Cauterize. To Burn, r. n. he on fire. ^T^iw, ^^'T n. sttif y. of o. —fiercely, &c. v. To G low. qTiq-TiTf, 4,um>u|ai_ To b. with a crackling noise- — dry grass, &c. HTTT^ B. it I V. Curso it! ^T5f n. t a lamp or light. sHdUl, cR''it. :! ( with anger or lust ). sjlciuj, rTTT^, ^f^TPT'Jr, ^^Tot'ir^'jf, ^-TS^, 9'"14>i'l'^ inlens. <|nJTm"'f,^'W^,?r^w. ^y.o/«. 4 ( with emulation, eagerness, desire ). ^sRjf^, ^ (in being cooked); — food. ^p^Tof, ^TliJf, 3Tf^/. rf | J | u i ' ■in. con. SFTiif, iMIotU|,5riab'|iJi. »5— corn fields, country, &c. le hurnt up, parched. JpTT- tjf, ^?PZ^, ^^T^, TPTtJf, ;FT^?r ^J? ^M, :f ?^T5jnt or ^K- 7 — the mouth, &c. under acrid tastes. 'ncS'Jf, frT^TRof, riiif, j^j^ df ( as ^3|riri-&c. jpspi or i,-r\i-A'^ ). D— the body in fever, &c. rTNirf, rTTof, T^TTOS'i, ^TmHI' ^rr^-TTt'lNH,!^ m. ^iJT, tnT-'TTJf, 'P'JT'P'JTof, ^Jt^E?f-r7mDf ('». co». T. V. N". 5. ^PT^^, ^Krfrfl, &c. ^mz. Victuals b. in the dressing. !pT7/. ^f^:^q^^T m. To Burnish, v. a.pjoUsh. f%^???5 ^FTOT, 3^3;tjf, T^^T^oft/. ^- flMfr/.- &c. ^-3TnJTDr. [ &e. ^m. Buenishee, n. v. V. fH^f^TT or ^^f^HR, yvrii+O, 3TT"T- I. dofs tooth, stone, ^'c. used to burnish. iTT^r m. ';jtrT-. oft/. sm^Ri/. ^RT OT. BuRNTOFFEEING, «. ^PT W. I^TT «. BuEEOW, n.hole of an animal. f»f^ pop. tf\dS n. 'fr^f? «. qr^T- To Burrow, d. ?;. sft^: «.-'?!7^ w.-qT?TPT m.-f^^ «. ^priJi'-^. BuESAE, n. fk|4||r>,^H| ^^'H'^K, q^lf^RiTff ?«. Buesaet, «. f^lijlrl'm-^l ^^iftTT OT. 2 f^?TT'■ To Burst, v. n. ^htjt, "ppriir, j-i-iui, g-FfKof. To b. in pieces, *itioi"i, STOcfJt, To b. into tears. T^ n. ^FrHoIot. in. con. To b. with laughter. ^W\t f m?Tf 3Tf?rff «. /)?. Iw^T- 2 forth, out, away, &c. ?'4^7K7T ir^, >IKH ^^. 3 ( seed, &e. ) JTTffN-ctc. qT^oj. 4 overwJielm and cover. iT'ST '+<"!, To be buried. ^T^ ^^. 5 ( in oblivion ) HTcft/. ^TRot ?j]7:at w'iVA ^ o/o, fSf^- frf/.-itc. "TTS^Jf ivith (J. of 0. Bl'etikg, Burial. «. v. V. — (JCif. 'TTiJrw. jn^uj «. iTTrft^crf «. B. and burning ( of the dead ). ^^TT Z^ n. Self b. (of a Sanyasi). ^mrfq'/. m. pop. ^Hr^T/. v. ^, BUETING-GEOUND, BUETING-PLACE, n.T. CeMETEEY. ITTSWr =5fl' ^fTPTT/. ^'^w^f. ■PWTn. ^?r^^ /. m d =( ^ ». qrr^', rTTT ^mr 5^ ^ftt, ^mr^r j^^^ft 'irrfi^ t^'jit^ To be sent about one's b. ^WC^. To do one's b. v. Natuee. Hiti l cb^.H ^"Jf. To do one's b. (i. e.the b. of) v. To Kuix. ^mn. if.j. ®Sr y. of 0. ^V^-^jf. pi. "Tr5^or=q^iTft-/.-1%^/. ^my.ofo. 3 ah. ajoh,a matter to he done.^mt. ^FT'T". ^^«. ^- oq-«, 5f?frj:q;j_ Light or easy b. ^^'^n. Losiug b. q'jF«. W^tln. To manage the secular b. of. ^jR^r«»- ^R'OT y. of 0. 4 a matter gencr. v. Affaie. jfre/. 5^fi^^»', ?^e7T»«. 0/' 5 province.^ office. spnTw. J^^prn. ^^^■!X^m. ^:^.vnn. ^m. CCTTm. TTPr»i. 3T?^/. 3^?;:/. 6 traffic, V. Teabe. ^'^^w. q^^^i^w. q'JjfrS or q^rKTS/. Extensive or vast b. ^^\7^ ^r^T^m. Vt^J^FfT-PJ^-iTSif- 5-&C. JpR^PTTMJ. 'PTT^^TTOTTTwi. "FFRq^ ^FTTT^qT T^- Departments of an extensive b. ^^srr ^TT^%w^)?. Jfan of b. sqq^rft /'o/). qs^OT. m^>T?«. Skilled in b.^qq^p^^, sqq^q^. To thrive in b. |^Pr». qr^ijf y. 0/ s. 7 ii^s^Ze a«(f «/jV 0/ huyers and sellers. 'pT^fTsr^/. ^profession, art, vocation, occupation, v. Livelihood. ?:?rr«j. or ^^^«. BusKix, «. ^TT^t^ :?;r3:f?ft?7 ^^r^ftqri^. Buss, M. ^/w. H^M. ^5Fr«. jTo Burs, d. a. v. To Kiss. =5rqoT. Bust, n. *H^+=)un «• tjts^^ «. ^- • compreh. or loosely, i. e. 6., curdled milk, whey,^-e. dl+4iun n. B. mixed with rice-gruel, q^i^ n. [ or ^f B. warmed with spices, &c. dl+d^ or "dl*dH/. frHf?^ That sells b. rTTspTr. To scald b. rTPP n. ^, gKT, 'fl^^F^TT, T?:^ or T^^^vT. 5 uoting passage along. ^CT, ^«|ctH, TT^, WT^. Er, at?D. a< hand, in presence, v. Neae. vT^oS, WHtT, rH'+.-i. By, in composition, implying indirectness, injtrioriti/, irregular'dg, subordinacy, &c. is expressed by '¥IT5,"'tT, ^f^T, ^R, as anr^nr, arrsfr^t, anr^^r, aTrs^iTT, stt?^- ST, 3Hu-d By, in a short time. ^Plfr^ ^^SPf, :pT|i%«T^, *TT, Br THE By, ^^:?r arrs^ur 5rT?qT^57T, ^^ ^^^TiT ^\^. By-affaie, By-business, By-job, By-woek, n. 3HI4+IM n. n. arr^'R'^ ^fHTT n. ^^^ n. "TM^T^ «. Br-coENEE, n. =^R qr/r^ra" ?«. By-day, n. arrji^^r »»• By-design, By-end,By-object,«. nVJT^?? m. nv^^^X^m. a^lHiiRl^+li) «. [ m. &c. By-expenses, n. ^XW^ m. arr^K^ ot. "^Im^ w. f?T^F^?7=^ Br-OAIN, n. pickin/s, &c. aTT5 fJT^I^fT/. %rt^ fn^^^ f. f?T5rrtr f*ToE^?T/. arT^frrr^ h^^?t/. f^r^Rs sjifa"/. arrs- ?!T>T w. qT^??T or ^T^'?/. f^^mnFTTn. i^iTl^T^ «»• rtui+i-H n. By-naiie, n. sTqiTTft ^\^ or ^TTTrft HT^ ?;. 5fTH?IT^-.S;c. ^t^ n. T5%^ ?n'q' n. ^5%^ ?rfsr M. By-paxi£, By-eoad, By-way, n. amsTR/. am^A m. am- 2 fig. hy-manner, hy-method, S;c. \xf\^ f. aiTT^PTT/. s^P^ft^ |-.f?'«T- Caciiixxatiov, n. 3T?^W '«• Cack, fl. i\?( f. l"^. Ti> Cackle, v. «.— a goose. +ri+-i w.-^^?rrJ ni.-^>ft^f^OT. 2 a hen. ++'Jr or ^\^. 3 T. To GUJGLE. f^ff /■ ^'f. 4 V. To Tbate. ^^^■m, ^?Tif. [ i^V^ m. Cackle, CACKU>-o,n. T.Y.I.— cry madc^f^^FTm.^^m. 2 ^TT^ or ^wM n. '3-aJ, .JT. f^^ f-^f- i—act, I'c. 513^5/. ^rT^r/. CACOcnTMiCAL, n. \. X. Rii'-lR+I^r^TT, f^f^, SimR+kI, Cacoc^ivmy, )!. vicious stale of the humors. f^TJt^ '». fW' CaCOPHOXI-, «. ^^RTTT «». ^?T 3^R m. Cajj, n. Tf^^ »>. TT?^ w. CArATEitous, o, relating, l]-c. to a corpse. ^^^^^^., ?T^^- 2 fjliasthj, pale, v. "Wax. sf??^i;=EfT, srrT^i=5T^, 3"P5 or 3^pF5, nsiiHU^r, srri?fH, ^-Hra-?, HrnsTFr, ^^^• CADAYEnousSESs, «. Y. A. 1. qTT^T^-J.q- 71. q:?T^^3T?rT/! JT^T- . ^rTTT ???. 2 tone in reading, S(c. ^rnift/. ^T ot. Cadet, «. K^T^ftfnFTWfe f ^TFIT TTlttTK^^IT. Cadi, ». ^PFJft m. Cadjan, n. branch of the cocoanut tree, ij'c. ^\^ m. ^Ncfl/. A matted c. g'iT )«. Caffke, n. ^.wfX. Cage, n. Y\^K\ m. Tf^nr «i. fq^sn: n. qbrt «. iTo Cage, v. a. PM^H -Mid-Ac qF5». f^oET^M. Caitiif, j!. knai-e, y. Blackguaed. ^R^T^ m. ^MTK^T^ ni. ^rmt, 5^, ^Ot^ or S. 20 Cajole, f. a wheedle, ^c. 'P^F^RiJT, 'T^^T^'jf or qr^r^, •^i^-Mui, '4Fi=j^ '4T'?^?r ^r^T ^ft^, 'tr^, 'lot^ci-tuT^/- ^- \^g. of 0. ■i--*Mr\ n. ;fr?^, ^^% ». ^I^'Ji-m^, TPfRm- W or yift^ ^% n././. qf-^jf g. of o. ^FfT^ =q^ ot. 'jT|OT- Cajoij:d,^. t. V. "^•r^JT^fSt^rr &c. Cajoler, n. Cajoli>o, p. a. y. V. q^cTRUllTT &c. "R^JTr- Cajoleby, Cajoling, n. v. \.~act. ^^^!:\^v\ n. &c. =^^- Cake, «. ( of bread, gener. ) y. BEElDTfrft/ ^^TTTcft/. ^- CAL €\ or =:tT^/ =5T^^5fr/. =qt^q?t / ^mrf/. =qT|^F?fT/. -fr- 2 ( of wlicateu or rice flour ). ^VJ?\f. f\f\f. 3 ( of flour of HTT^ft, ^itToTr, &c. ). TT^/. Some of the common Calces. Puff's, Puddings, ^-c. are "T^opn'sfl', W TT^T^ft, n^m'ift^ q't^, h£\'A\ TTsft, ^FTJft, ^Tft ^^, 5FR^r?^r, ip^TTTfr, ^F?f, ^ll-TS, imr, ^^^ or ^, nrVt, ^Ftif^, TRfr, TR^rfr, iT^itTT, Jtt, ^JTT, 3T^T or "rrif ^rST, yN-l«Jil, f^^TT, TTifT, ^f^«. Hrf'ra', f?l^5^5T, H?5^, ?T:5- A c. flattened with tlie hand without a roller. ^TT- Eighth of a c. f^^ m.f. Fourth of a c. =q"?T#?; or xf^^^ »»•/ =^/. ^Xf. Pileof cakes. =ET:n/ Small c. or flat loaf. =5^"^ f. ^\\^^ f. Stool, &.C. for rolling cakes 'fl^qR 7;!. Thick or large c. ^ m. XV^ m. JJ m. X^ or X7^ilfm. ^'Z n. T^ 71. ^^ n. [ =;m^/.=5f^rft/. 4 ^a< and circular mass, gener. =^]^f. ^IrfT f ^TT^t o;' 5. V. Pat. ^f. ^^f :rft^/. WfT/. 6 concreted matter. f\^ m. %^ /. f^^jT?? or ft^oS tj. f|- 7 ( as of dried mud, &c. &c. ). <^Hrfl 7». TN^ or ^rfr^- ^r 7«. 'Trfrar 07- tttptt ««. 'ft"?^ »». w^'itf ^f^/. 2b Cake, t>. n. gather into a cake, concrete. viHW, 'ITS^, fS- ^^ n.-&c. |nJf g. ofs. [ ^'^/. Calabash, n. gourd-vessel, jq^ / 55ft/. giu 7». HI'T^;! »)(. Calamike, n. impiure carlonate of zinc. +,rfTF^ ^T'TRT, 'H+M-T-tT?, ^iTHJFT». TTqr/. ^- <'i^., ^^TT or TR, ^FRl ^V.- "JTRT. Calends, n. first day of tie month. ^^V^ f TrS^TT «;. Ad Grtecas Calendas,, at latter Lammas. W^=^\ the seams ( of a ship, &c. ). 'i/^'^». sff^TFT n. spmrn m. &e. w^TRif*rfmr/. '- ^^n^iIT ni. fHr^MTHCTTT m. ^^r^t^iIT w. &c. I. o callous part, callus. q?T or ^^T m. ?^ n. f^s n. %- «ff M. f^J'in' »». f^pir «. Callous, n. Aarif, insensiUe. ^^rffTT, srftr^, g^ir, J«[^?f, f^^V ^f^^^i ^''^'^i SW^i ^Fi^r, ^"T^TT^H^T, ar^rcr^T^i To become c. lit. fig. 5ifi<|,)0T, irW. - fi^. hardened in mind.^ r. Shameless, ^jni, f^prf^ ^TWTor^TRnE^R, ^RT^^, f^rei^ or fjnjrj^ f^^, ^''^'^1 ^^. Some terms or phrases for A callous, in- corrigible person., answering to hardened dog, shameless Intte, SiC are ?r?TnT^, ?Id + li'lI, ;^^, i=rT?T5^^, '^- CAL Ca llocsly, g^.. V. A. 2. ^^FT^W^, &e. irR^-Ac. et^, Callow, a. «n/?e;/y^^. r^; v:^ ^^^^ ^'^^j^ ^^ ^^ ^. ^STRPT?^, aRTTHrR??. "" rr.y„ CALM,a.;.o/«',Wy.fSnik, ^mn, W^, ^fT or r«T, ^T^ 2 «o< ro«y/«, rj/^erf, ^c. fl^Ff or ^VT, ?rf(T, aTfJStT, ^J, fT?T5;, ft'«. Calomel, «. qT-^qRfT m^/. ^T^ «. ? TR^iRH n. ? Caloric, w. Fn?r7?(?5r n. ? S^ar^rT/. TWJT^TRt^ ». Caloric, a. ^iirrRrT. CalOhific, (J. rTTTSRT^, ^ WM M^^-^PR^, ^f ^T^P. Calteops, «.— the plant, nm^'n. WC^ ^TT^jj.— the fruit. Calumba, w. — the drug. ^JJrTR ^"^Z To Calumniate, v. a. v. To Aspeese. Mi ?i.-3Tr- a/. m.-&c. im-^nrjof w'i<^ 5R 0/0. aif^^W^.-a^fir^TT^ m. ^X^ g. of o. Calumniation, n. v. Y. — act. H^TRT ^ ». &c- 3Tf^^t?F{ w. Calumniatoe, w. v. V. and Aspeesee. r|>tiM ^iTRT, Ac. «IT- ?57WT, ilR5€t, 5nr5^r, f Tf?t, J'TfS^R, f ^fff, "H*M?r». ^'fy^FS^Jo^. ;?rT^?5n. Camphor-oil, n. ^fmi^j'i. ^A(^^n. Camphoe-ibee, n. ^^^TJ^ ^j^n. CAN Camphor-water, n. +m<=)oft n. Camphorate, Camphorated, o. qri^^rsfT, spifTR), :piJrqFf) To Can, v. n. v. Able. ^^Rof or ^T^'jf, HH^-iic. 'jT^ot_ Can, n. mw^i^ ■HNrr^^rw. Canaille, n. dreys of the people, v. People. F^r^f^ TT^ m. -nqs M. ;ji «. ?M'7?f'oi?. 5ft- 2/a(r ^c. — applied to things. fSj-ir^cpj, sff^jfj, sfpJTcCT- Candidate, n. TH^^qTr c. T^^TJ^rff, T^^^^, T^^Frnqp. Candidlt, adv. v. A. f^H-H4, q[;T?:Hr|=T, HPFSI^HJTH', H^ 311^^ ^?j?r, f^^r^, m^^T^^, ?R?55i[r^, ?n:?5^r^r^. Candidness, n. See Caneour. Candied, p. v. V. Tf:?j%?5T, "Tf^frf^^?^. Candle,^.— tallow. =Ef?^r?fr/— wax. JTOT^Tfft/. HORm/. C. of whitest was. qFjClHUNrft/. Candle-stick, n. v. Lamp-siand. stftT^^w. Branch c. f^^TT^ 5rr5«. ^t^?T»!. f^T?^P55r'ker, 71. V. WoBii. «Ptf /. f%5T »i. 'Ft^ »». 2 Sec Canceb. To Canker. Sec To ConnorE. C'asxidal, fl.HHsqi^^ JTm .VON-BAI.L, Canxos-shot, n. »ft3T ws. nToft /. l^auge of a c. jftw-qT^r Z^ m. nra;-qT^ TH^fft /. (or iftafhTT ?^-soseeI!, n. 'iRil^ w. ^pp^ ^tt ^crrTTT m. Caxoe, n. tm\f. SFTT m. ^^^ m. qm ?». frft /. (?m. ^15+1 /. & ^% or n «. g^ ?». Outrigger of a c. 3Hs^ /. — Arm of it. ^u^l n. CaSOX, n. statute, institute, v. Law. q;r=J /. ^\^^ m. ^fTRrTT m. m m. ^ n. M^m. ft'cTR n. Sacred e. genuine books of the Holy Scriptures, "im- ^rrff-f^reft^nw^T 3t?t^ 5^% n. pi. - — tlie dignitary. %^ JT^c^M^vl ^ 'cnrrfM+l^l 3TT^. 3 catalogue of saints. yrlNoff/. Canok-law, m. iorfy 0/ ecclesiastical law. ^ni^Hf^fTT/. CaKOKical, a. according to the canon. «M«W, ft- Canoxist, n. mmW\ m. TT^^ m. qH^TT^fT, fsff^fT. Canopus, w.— the star, amf^ m. Uanopt, «. — of a bedstead, couch, &c. ^i'^j m. |J?r «. «. 2 of a carriage, nativepalaiiquiu,&c.fT3Tft/-^rn^?«.'^- C. of light frame work over an idol. WS^\f. -=i=K4Tal/. .To Cakopt, v. a. grcT «. JTRot-iftKrar, =^iT^ »i. sTftftrf, Uast, n. particular phraseology. %i u fl H I "^IT /. t^ilT'TT'sn' /. ^f %^ Tim/. W=5ft'TPTT/. The caut language of tradesmen. H^HPTt/. [^tcft/. 2 — religious. e(|i^Jf, ^Rof, ^W^ m. ^^ijf. j To Canvas, v. 71. solicit votes. ^*~Hr\ n. TTFidr-f^r^fiT^. CaNX, a. ^r)M|, Elrr^m^, qfrWST^T, Canzonet. See Song. Cap, 71. covering for the head. Z^ f. TvJj^^ «. f^TWT n. C. worn by women and children. Z^^ n. JtTt or ff- qr n. j^ «. C. that covers the ears. ^PTstft/. Military e. fpff/. " The cap of fools ". JT^TilMfoi. [ q-ur n. 2 hiot oflrass, Sfc. %^f or r^ f. ^^^ or TT^Fft /■ Z\- To Cap, v. a. cover ivith a c. or top. ^'aff/.-ff^/. FsrET^-m- f7W-3TH=rw. To c. verses. The exercises amongst scholars corres- ponding with Capping of verses are 3TT?TT^tO/. Sfr^?^- f\f. HfrlHIrtl/. To win at capping verses, "^^f. ^.^^^-^^^^, Cap A PIE, adv. from head to foot. ^V^X^W^., 3TnT?Tf^T?T, Capability, «. v. A. 1. *1l<^HM'J'MI--j'l ^fi^TrTT/. aT^nFT^TWr- 2 5Tf%/. qp-^TcTT/. ^=^ «. ?TJT?n-/. ^?^THT/. 3 ^JTrfr/. ^rf?^T 71. ^^ n. *ifS(^t/. ^rftr>,4uir «j. Capable, a. st{fficientlg 'capacious. JTTf ^ ^T^T-^PTT-jtl'Mr- &c. ^rfss^T^TT, 3TcnFr?TWm, ar^w^TT^Tff^fsT'H, f^RRrr- 2 of adequate alility, v. Competent, qt^, ?5I^^, ^FT^- ?TR-, ?TH, ?TTfj, [sftFT, :ig. 3 — mentally; alle, talented, &c. v. Clevee. ^tTT, ^, ^- 4 See Susceptible. Capacious, a. loide, spacious, v. Eoomt. ^yi^'HNI, '^^B', ST^^, tiltl + I^T, "TRKT, f^^TTr5, ^Tf^. 2 ( of mind ) v. Compkedensive. 'JHlijMl^, JTre^TT ?ff- a<-*'G, n. \.Y.—act. fe^TS^ ». &c. f^q^r ?«. ^- =5T OT. 3-sqr/. i'^. Wild capering, ^r^^ or ^t^^ol h. Capillaiient, n. %fR w. /jo;?, w.^^ n. ftt^ ?«. H^ m. Capillaet, a small Vilce a hair. ^^TT^TTT^T qifT^, %^15?q', C. attraction. %^TFF^iJr «. Capital, «. relating to the head or top. ^TT^, f^mTPW^i- «ft, JT^FRF^tft, ^?^, ^r?5r, ^ftT5, ^ftq'Tq-, ^'^^. 2 principal, v. Chief. H^^T, «T^, 3^^jft, ar^TTrq-^ q-- 3— punishment. !TT', *1{,uii\r<, TT^- Capitally, adv. v.A. 5 ^?;'!ifMt^, g'TTWM+KH'. Capitation, n. numeration hy the head. fitTUJ^rft f. f?Tfr- 'M^tt/. i C— tax. 5Tl"Tft/. TT^^H Tft/. To Capitulate, v. n. draw up in articles. ^^H^ft/. Jp^'Jf, ?^IT?R fe^^-^RW. 2 surrender upon terms. ^\(^fA-%\^ HPRT-€t?5 ^^-&e. To wave a flag or cloth iu indication of capitulating. ^irr^?)«. fTR^"Jt-3^5rir. Capou, n. ^^ %?5?!r ^pNsT «!. jTo Capon, Caponize. v. a. ^^ qRwf. Capeice, ». V. "Whim. ?j^/. fRH ?«. tf^w, 3T^5^^ m. i CAP CiPEicious, a. V. Changeable. ^'^qPT^iq^ prrff rj?:. 2— temper, &c. ^^^jquTT^T, ^^y^-^^].^ ^rp^^^ Capeiciously, «(?f. V. A. i^^ff't or S^fft^, ?I^ qij. Capeiciol-sness, n. v. A. 1. 3^Er?y^nr5^'TT(«. rf^«. ^^nFTt-^^w?. 3 (of a band, gang, &c. ). ^'m^^ pop. 5T1X^'». ^TT^FSTw. 4 ( of a body;— as of spearmen, couriers, peons, public laborers &c. ). ^TRT^, ^^I^^R, ^JTHT^^, fTttiFT; f^X'^^ H- ^JT (his office &c. g^5^/-). 5 For the commander of a company in a Eegiment tho English word is familiarly known as ^THRr. 6 one skilled in u-ar.x. AVaehioe. g^3T^_ Captaincy, Captainship, 11. office, ^'c. of a captain. ^{r^jf[ f. ^R^R^/arrf^Tf^ ". ^Tf*T^ n. 2 ( in a Eegt. ). i+:mMl^t '^V^f.-'^^f.-k.Q. Captious, a. given to cavil. Fi^RRf, H^fRTJ:^, fc^T^ft. ^^R- ^R, ^J^Tf?, 3Tm^-:rr, arrsT^f^-JTr, f^f^FRnq~R, -^^^wx, '§^ri\, WA^, WA'i^^K, 3T% q-% q^RT, 3ni "Fr^DTRT, "Ff?: 'PiS'JrRT/. [^^rr^TT. 2 fitted to catch, insidious. M+/l^r, s^TT^^^, T^TTT- 3 proceeding from a cavilling disposition. f^jgJT^Rt^r, Captiously, adv. v. A. f^-^rT^tft^.&e. FT^RrfPT, ST^ifS %'3r- ^, 3nTPR "PrffT: &c. Captiousness, ;;. v. A. 1. fj?g?r^Rt / ^^rT#ft/. rn?RR. ^CrT/.&c. To Captivate, v. a. take prisoner. g^^Rf (R"^, '^Roi', ^JU i ci - W'T^ or ^^?r ^wr. 2 fascinate, enchant, v. To Chaem. HTf ^ gn ^?:'Jt, HT- Captivatino, a. V. Chaeming. TTTI^ ^id^DTRT: 'TTf^!={ ^- . I. l/iing taken, v. Prize. qirmf^^Rfw. f^^T^^T n. 37/ To Captube, v. a. JT^ffT ^T"Jf , qTlT^J' ^':'it, q'^^, ^'rmrT sp^JTT ^. Captubed,/). v. V. 55f.=f tn^^, TrsT^, trrsi^rT. «'aput mortccm, n. KOr/hlens remains. =5ff<^r »»• TT^ w. I'ab, n. chariot of war or splendor. r<^ m. ?^^ m. C— warrior, n. ^ift, Tf4^. Celestial c. f^KR «. Festival of cars. r. ^'ArHT^ «. Uncarrcd warrior. ftRiTiftT. 2 See Cabriaoe. f;ABABiNE, n. +<|in^/- *<,«irt1'^\-+>/ ^T "»• (UbaBINEEB, «. ?R^Jr7 W. Oahat, n. ^>nTr^ '^^ =RR 3Tr|. Caeatan, w. ^PTF^rr m. 7fiT^?f?rf?r/. w4 M- C. of dealers, ^k^m m. Caeavansaet, n. wjtj. tTK^T^/. ^fA^A^\^ J- Oabawat, n. arr^T »»• <>T^m^ »«. ar^^^ m. [y^vn^J. Carbuncle, «. r!/?;y. ?5T?5 m. HlfOT^^ 7'"/'. »TMt^ w. f//?«. 2 red pimple^ anthrax. iRpfKT "fl^ »'»• TT^fNt J^/. ;i ( on the back ). ^FToSq^/. ^FTo'-'Fre wt.^J^/. Caecanet, m. ^?rJTT?!T/. Carcass, n. rfcarf body. jtI w. w^^T m. ^W ». ^ ?i. ?ft'tT or ^^f. ?it^r »». — of a beast, q? w. 2 6o(/y, — in contempt, ^i^f- ^/- 'il^=n: «. FltqT m.^\- ''-T/. 5^^/. [ 5T m. '.^ skeleton, v. Frame, Skeleton. ^HTST ot. ^^TTT ot. ?rf- Cabd, n. ploying c. nf^^irlc? TPT «• 'PiVj'/. TT^T »• Back of a c. "T^/. Face of a c. ^ n. Picture c. f^^ n. Pack of cards. 'i^^'PT m. Tifs^^fpl. Tliere are three packs of cards,vi/..=qn WA'^^ 'if^"PT,5^1l<^diO nP^ + l^nd •TRTTT^ftnfJT'jn'. The has 8 suits, the second has 10 fuits, and the third has 12 suits. Suit at cards fl tn. win. STP^J or ifTsft/. The suits of the first pack are =^, ^^?f, ^m^, gJTT^T or ^, HT^, nJTR-, Cq', ^?TT. The suits of the second correspond with the 10 incarna- tions of Vishnu; and the suits of the third with the 12 nigns of the zodiac. A few of the numerous terms used by Card-players are thrown together here. ^FR, ^fJRtjfV, tii^-un ^fn^rf , ^FTft, ¥?R1^, i?nft, ^nf^s^t or =??nf5f ?5?r, ^I^, 'HH^^, 55ft, ^^, ^I^N or T^5TT^, ^1?f7, StT^^- To liave a run of ill luck at cards. T5/. FSPl^. 2 no/f, . «. have solicitude, anxiety, concern. t%rtT/. ^- Oty. ©/"o. ^FTot^'^-/ ^TT^'Jt-^JRiif-'TTot y. of 0. [*+!TT%^ »i. 'llS'ilrti »». nTJIT^^ m. Caeminatite, a. that expels wind. qTrf^T, ^mjT, 'TFT^^T^, Carnage, «. /iaroe, slaughter. W.r^jf- v. T?, ^Pl-il+li/. ^PT- There was great c. ^tf HUrf. Carnal, CiRNAL-MiNDEi). a. not spiritual, f!esJili/,Y. Sen- sual. fiTTqi^, f^pnft, frr^TO^, ^TTTf^m^, Rih-m'^w, C. kuowledgo, sexual intercourse. MM\n m. 'im^m m. Caenal-iiindeeness, Caenalitv, n. v. A. f^^^^^f. f^f?- Carnation, m.— flower. n?I^R or ^J'S{^V^ m. Carnelian, n. 3T^q? m. Carneous, Carnous, a. fleshy. Hf^T^r, Tt^TRq'. Carnivorous, a. mn^imTTT, m«T^^, JTWr^^fT, Ht^r^'TifT, Carol. See Sosg. Hymn. [ HRRH m. Carousal, n. drinking feast. TT^rfH^T m. TR^Ra^T «. ^\^- To Carouse, v. n. qTRTr^T^T m. ^ot, ?ni:/.-&c. s'rH'Ji-^i'^oT- tnv^ui or ^l^'Jr. Carp, «. Ci/prinus dcnticulatus. rf^ m. ^f|?T ni. To Carp, t). «.. cavil. 'fl[5%> »». ji. qiJf, -HW^mm.-'iPfjW^^m. pl.-»^\hn. pi. q'if-'FTTot-^PsaT, %:gFr/. :pxot-qTDi , 3irs"4 «. aT%£r%w. pi. "^?J/ ^^?r/ t'- nre. Carpus, n. the ivrist. J\^^Z n. Carriage, Carrying, n. v.V. l.—act. ^J^^in. ^r^Hn. \ Price of c. qr^iTK^/- ^?5 »». Hi^n^r^/. armoTTq^ / Of c. of burden. a^T^, "mW^. I. vehicle. TTft/. TRr«. ^TpT «. Certain sorts of carriages are ^jft/. U^fTSTw- ^TFil.'i Pleasure-c. ^1sk'i\m. CAR 128 CAS III. deportment, v. Cosduct. ^^m/. nfrf/. Cakbiaoe-iior^e, II. >1I^HI ^(^r »». Cabuiaoe-makeu, 71. iT^'+i^uiKf, r-H^PIT. Cabeied, v. V. 1. ^I^^c^, H^PSJ, &c. Cabbieb, n. v.V. 1. ^IT^RT, ^"nTT, 5T^, 3?"li:-4Ml-3Tr5rl?I- I. one that comeys goods fur hire in a cart. Tit ^TKT ^- »TR irff?T %ornT. CaRRIOX, n. KT^rS 0/' H^TTT/i. J^MjjHmd. ^^ or ^VAf- Cabbiox, a. y^'ijiHrar^. Caebot, n. TT^ H. Core of a c. JTt^^TT'f. Cabboty, a. t\\A\\-A\ V\V^. To Caubt, v. a. coniei/, transport, hear. eTI^'if, ^^, ^^^• ^^r^f, ^^n. ^P?ot. 2 Sec To Imply. 3 remove the erop. ^pr^oi, ^.W^ /. i — iu arithm. ^M-=|l ^'if-'^i^. The number that comes to hand to Ic carried is called ^M^m. 5 c^frf, accomplish. ^q'T^'Jf,?nym, flT^^^TT ^, ^<+.jf, ^^rRrT ^^^-^€^ sfijf^ 7 across, convey over. 3rr^>jf, TTT +<'Jl-Mli'Ji. 8 oSor away. v. To EoB. ^i\ or f^^, %% ^^ n. T.- ^ y. o/ o. 9 oil"; A;///. %CTr, qftirnr m.-\^^7: n. w^x^ y- of o. 10 into efleet, execute. of^FTTW, 3THr5frr 'iTnTOT. 11 on, (business, &c.) v. To Conduct. =q-TrjfqTjf, fPFof, sff^^n^'fr, f^q-f^(jf, f?nrrf wj. ^m y. o/ o. \'2 out; Iriny to a successful end, v. To Accomplish. 13 through, T. To Accomplisii. f?R?Rai or fSf^TTof, FT^'ttK ^^, [?T^»^. ^PTW y. ofo. fHTT^TJft/. ' ^^^n. Cabt-load, n. »TT5T»i. irSPTT (with the noun). Cabt-boad, Cabt-way, n. iitI^r/. 11%T^r w. Cabt-bope, n. ^T^m. HnisOTw. sftSn. TT^^J^w.k*. Cabt-bct, n. ^^FTft/. " [ST^f^T^ m. Cabte-BLa^nche, n. -jOT-frfq^FTT g^sff^nTRT JfTTTWH^M. f?5- Caetel, n. ?r^fr=r ^m^ ^k^^^ f^TTT^f=5ft 3t^t sj;^ "^- ^^^r^\ +^-^rTW. Caeted,/).v.V.1. #r%?5r, ^Ti^%OT, &c. ^Pfff^j^t^STj^I^^ft- Caeveb, «. V. V. 1. ^1?:uiKl, #^nTTJT,&c. ^-+,iti'-MHl orR?T, J^^^TTTT, #^^THt or J^, [ ^ /• Caeyino, n. V. Y-l.—act. q^iif «. ^^iTfrt. &c. ^PRoft/. ^r- Price or cost of c. ^^t^cnr^oS/. ^ I. carved icork. ^JU^^pm w. ?l^T?I^rfr «. ?I^?Tr »«• ?f^?ft/. CAEYKa-TOOL, n. qTnTJft/- ^iT"jf «• Cascade, n. v. "Watee-fall. q^vrifT m. •crq'^ /. tfi'i=T >«. Case, n. covering, sheath. 3TT^'T «. ^'J^ «. SPTOT ?i. ^ ?(. J^T^ ?i. HUT n. JpTn ?». ^>55-/. Needle-c. =q=Eft' /. Pen-c. sfJr^jM-i.H «. ^-r^H^Pft/. Eazor-c. qt^ o'' ':fm^/. 2 ( as of a pillow, couch, &c. ) cover. T^tp m. ^^^ f. "sot m. Pr^/. STi^r wi. 3 (as of a mattress, quilt, &c.) case to he stuffed. ^J^fm. 4 state, condition, circumstances. ^^TT /. 3T^r4r /• fl*-Tf?r /. ^pop. Irf/. JTre/. ^^J^f m. In that c. ?T^Tf?T, ?T?f'JT«?rRT, ^n. 5 rase adduced or occurring, instance. 3TSo5 »i. sfrft^ >i. 6 — iu medicine; state of the body, y. Health. ^ft'4f% To be in good c. ^\\^A f^^T^T J"? 'H^'^t. 7 history of a disease. J^u^lMi H^^ »?». frT^'». ^- 10 — in, variation of nouns. f^T'Tl^ /. ^PR^ n. The six Gjsm are ^fTfT?, ^, ^of, ?f5i^=T, 3TTr^=T, ^T- f^-T^RXTf, or sriTHT, fg/fl^, ^Trft^, =^'4f, T^, "TOt, ^Jf ift. 11 ( of instruments ). f\^ m. 12 See Box. Case-woem, n. ^^\^\ m. ^r^lf^ilT m. _.' CAS Casement. See Window. Cash, n. WF^ /■ T^ «• ^mrt /. 'Tm m. ^\^ ffM n. rt^ or To Cash, 4>. rt. ( note, bill, &c.) ^RTf^^f, JTr5>if, ?:?g ot.-&c. Cash-keepee, Cashiee, n. ^•4\A'\\< c. -^Wi^R c. 'Jt^^^tn. i^sCt^ c. Private e. ^rT^n>rrc^T m. Cashew, ti. — tree, or apple, or nut. ^PV^ J. m. 2 apple, pulpous portion. ^rf^«». ^V% n. ^% n. ^^fjirt^rw. To Cashier, v. a. v. To Dismiss. srtTW ^ijf, ^'^TR"?"?- Cask, n. cftT n. m «• t-iyi'i »• Casket, ». s^iTT »"■ c?""- f»5ft/. ^^ »«• ^tfT »». sprt ?i. Casque, n. v. Helmet. f^TT^m «. Cassia, ».— fistula. sfTf ^ ««• ^T'^^TT^ m. gsfof or g^rof^ »i. 2 — woody c. ft^t/. f^T^T^ «• H+WK «(. To Cast, v. a. throw, htirh toss.Jlinr/. gt^of, Z\W.^, %jpiff^ ^tfijj^ !T?1^, ST?l^TtT »J.-sr?TT m.-&c. ifJ^Tif y. 0/ 0. 2 — as a fruit-tree, a bii'd, &c. T. To Shed. TT^ot, dn>u| , 3 sendfortJi, give out, Sfc. v. To Emit. ^TrS'^, 'TFP'jf. 4 in law, non-suit. ^rrT?T-;TOT^-'fe^7^-ft=TT^-^^^- &c. qp?:^. 5 ihroio in icrestlin/j. "^flTr ^'Jf, TT^iif, ^^ft^^PSr ^p^. 6 found. affrT'if, iflciuf. 7 plot, strike out, v. To Conteive. %^|JI, ^r^r/.^"^ y. q/o. +l«'Jl. 8 away; y/ye io <7ie tvinds, ^c. v. To Theow awat. q- 9 away, oft"; v. To Abandon. ^>5ijf, #r|^ \^., 5Tf ^ ^'jf, 10 ofi"; ( clothes, &c. ). 2T^q-, ?:?FT^ ^tjf, ^rTTTot.' 11 out; V. To Eject, qr^^iif, ^r^in, ^PT^ ^PRof. 12 up; V. To Add. f^^ m. sp^, irft^/. ^of. 13 upon. TTT', ;!«»•«, manner. ^^/. 5TO w- ^^/. 5T^ »»• Having an affected c. — turban, &c. ^|'+,<^k. 5 smack, smatch, savour, v. Taste, ^^n^ »». v. ITTT, WJ f. ^?f:R or g^ /. ?5%ft /. VJ^l f. JTRf »». [ OT^TT /. G iiw/, touch, shade, tincture, ^c. ?5^t/ ?5%tt/. ^J^/ 7 See Squint. Cast, Caste, n. division of the Hindu lady. ^TK/. qiH/. JTPft/. ^Tf^/.fir?r/.=r'^ w. The four original Castes are =n^iT, ^f^q'i^sq', ^J?; and to this are added arfH^J^^, 3Tr?T^, ^snTlfJl^, &c. all terms expressing collectively the low and impure classes, severally designated by T^, HFT, ^f^,, =ErmR, ^=r, |C3, &c. &c. Certain of the Castes, Classes, or Tribes are ^^^, +^=)i or ^|., ^^3TTft, ^re% jpRTiO, ^Pm^^ or ^m\i\ or w^^t[ &c. ^fpttt, 1 29 _^CA S JFTTT^, ^T^r, ^nr^'tT, ^r^rp", ^rsor, f^fRr, 'i.uN' i,"%wfr, JpflT, #R"^, ^1"^!, ^^rft, ^R-T;, TTRq'f. f?Trf^, il^':iff, m- ^r^r, fnTT^fr or ^t, JTrsr, ifm^fr, nrq, Tfr^s^p ( distinguish- ed into ^5nr?5^ and t?nr?r^ ), j'ust, ^^fr or ^Tt, f^r- 5t, =^n^ or K-^n, =q-f JTR or =5rT'=^, =qT!:oT, ^oS\^J, ^^m, i'+'Kl', ?T^^ orFTT, ?t^, ii^lO, ?rfTT, ^R, ?lf5f^, Ftftr^T, f?n;T?^, -^nr, ^^rs or trr^s, tft^r?;, q^, ?r?:, f^^r^, com- monly jprat, >TT^, qft^, q^nr, "^rrrn, tf''^?^^, t^'^'^^, iTf^I^ffTT, (jjo/j. HaTT or itcti*,^ ), JicrqiT, IT^R, ( or ^^), mi, fH5FTfr, TT^'Z, ?:iT^?:, T'T^FRT, TTRr^ft or ?fT, ?i%fr, c^ui or ?JJTT"IT, ?^iTrft, ^FfK or ^r^^R^ ^TOT^TRT or ft, STT^^t, STR^rr, STT'jft, f^Tft or r^':|t, ^ft^, ^iJITT, g^TR, ^JH, ^>TR. C. and lineage,— comprch. ^m^t/. ^TRTf^ «. ^rFT- The C. collectively, — as assembled in investigation of ofl'enees, &c. 5Fr?fHt?r n. nTFTTfT n. JiYrT «. nRTOr/. irtcTTRr n.f. viTMmd/. qnr^^r or ifRfioiT ?«. 'frrfra'^s/. A mixed c. or race. cfOT^^ m. ?iqR ^rfn/ ^^ r,i. A low c. person. ■>\\\iS\ or ?JT, qKMI^m, f^^TT^TfrT pop. f^=)|+1ff OT. Brother or fellow by c. ^Rf^r^w. Ceremonies of receiving back into c. J?Mii/. nTrT/. q?T/. 3TTrf Tm/. =JTirf/. Circular notifying an ejection from c. ^^^[m^n. ^' Confusion of c's. cjTi|^+'<)». Distinction of c. ^qif^TH?)". Ejected from c. ^TRS, ^TI^fRT, ST r^ i ^^H , ?;?r^T3^r?'. Ejection from c. cTI^/. i: ^]^^ j^T?«. Fallen from c. ^TrferH, ^TZ^U Feud in a c. rR!». Of or as to c. ■-.HlrrHl. Of mixed c. or blood, ^^dj, fTT»;r. Pride of e. ^fTfTTRT m. The peculiar duty, virtues, &c. of a c. ^frrfrT'^^JTw. Cast,/,, t. V. 1. ^T^%?5T, ^T^^?5T &c. f|T!T, srffnT, ^f^f{. 2 TToS^r, Htl%^, tTfTFT, f^TTfeFT. I. down; V. DiM'ii:iTED. S'^rw, T2Rfl", iRTTfJar^. Castanet, «. W-X^^n.m. 5R5rfr/. H^/. Castawat, a. v. Eepeobate. ^rtrrfr^ ?T^%?5T, %qKr^,"^5- Castellan, «. 'Pp^TRHf. |nrftT^Rtw. jnrwT^w. Castee, 71. V. V. 1. ifr^oTRT, JI*uil:JrFrff qT«. ^tm, T^ Tflw. 3 (at chess ). ^rft m. Castling, n. v. Abortion. 'PTTTHot. »TH?rT5r»«. Castob-oil, 11. — plant. V^m. — the oil i(TKIT. [ SJ^^^ «. Castration-, ». v. V. 1. — act. 3Hi+l' f^riTcT^M. — male, he-c. %^, TMT. — female, she-c. KTITT, TT^, f^TWty^ — in endearment; corresponding to puss, pus- »J/- 'T^/- ^'ftt «. nv^t «.— in endearment, dispara- gement, or contempt, nv^ n.—'m cant phraseol. srr- «fr^ 'TFTtfl'/. Tom c. f^^ifrpT m. Wild c. ?i. ^'JqfTWTH m. ?:^- vRuim TO. To Catch, v. a. Jag hold, apprehend, v. To Seize. qroT, ^r- 2 receice in its passage. fFJi^, ^fi^ifof, f%^^, 3 ye< AoW of get into ones poiucr. tfTiif , 3T«rraT?5f-fRf - rT-&c. arm^, ^Nsqui, amirnirr %^ ««. co«. Mi^Ji^NifT ?rtq5^ in. con, 4 ( contagion or disease ). ^wf, vf^irf j«_ cow. SFM !». con. %ut 2«. co». 5 ( a song or tune ), ialce up andfolloto. ^TSsSt. 6 ( as in speech or conduct ), lay hold of. ifTsTi^, ^PTnf ET^of or trrS^, T^F^, T^^FRiJf, 'lUTl'jf, ^PJ^TWm tfT'Jf . 7 T. To Overtake. 3T^r^ q"^, frrs;^ ^ijf. 8 V. To Snatch. I^^JFWJf, ff^^m ^. 9 up; V. To Snatch up. 4-i+l=lot, ^l-i+Nu^i, ^ w. JTR^. 2b Catch, v. n. le contagious. ^^^. 2 hitch, fasten on, Sfc. HPT^, ^HiJf, 5hs'+.u7. To c. and tear, to le scrieced. 3Tt?3?^ or 3Tf?^f^. 3 talcefre, ignite, v. To Kindle. %rTiJr or ^^^^, %?:ur, ril'iui, f^TrJTof. 4 sustain some morhid affection, q^^. [Ac.^TTrS^, 5 at ; endeavor to seize, v. To Snatch. ^Tf^fr^T m.-^f.- Catch, «. seizure, <5'c. See Catching, 1. To lie upon the e. qn^mT-f^fHrTra' 5^^, q^ Hl^«i. 2 fZrts/), 7(00^, hold, chape. 3=r?^0T w- 3n^^?r f^T^^TTRT, sf=vfrTTrj5^- Catechu, n. terra Japonica. "^v^K m. ^t^ m. ( Tlie tree is called %T »». ^^ m. )— iu cant or covert phraseol. '^- g'<| Ml. W'\m. [ ^'TRT. CATEcnuiiEN, n. «llfH4:HI ^tnTT^qr "J^f f^^'^^l ^ f?T- Categokical, «. absolute, express, v. Positive. ?in), ^^, Categoeicallt, adv. v. A. ««(? Positively. f^?jyT, ^TV, Cateooet, m. • — iu logic, predicament. ^^^ m. 2 v. Class. ^A m. f^r^r m. f^^f. To Cater, v. n. provide food. ^^T^P^T OTT^fHt ^r^=Tr/. ^"if, aHi^KiJl^HT /.-arr^Rf^^ m.-&c. SRW, ^^f%- ?ft/. JRW. Cateeee, n. V. "V. ^prq-f^ ^fpT^T ^F^'JITTT, ITT^} Hi. ^TPFft- Cateepill.\e, «. ^^re:f «8. ^mW m. ^ n. ^JT.^Z m. ^J=fJ- 5pl^^ m. ^TZ or ^^Z 111. To Cateewaul, v. n. ^^i^ n. ^Tof, TM?THR^T 3fTT5"Jf, Cateewaulixo, It. V. V. ijT'^itr «• ^1%^'^/. Cates, n. V. Daiktt. qiprai n. pi. fwz\^ n. HT^^ n. Cathaeist, n. pretender to great purifi/. 3Tf?T^T«fo5T, <^l+^ Cathartic, a. v. Purgative. sT5I^, ^'^^. Cathartic, n. v. Purge, srs m. ^ «!. g?r|if w. Cathedral, «. fsT^iTTsft TT^ ^?^ S^T^m 3Tr^ ?t %3r5E. Catheter, n. Jrt^ost/. H^^rrfsPT^ «. HSf^i^T^r/. Catholic, a. v. Universal. ^sfr^T, ^^^5^. 2 «o< narrow minded. ^^'^f^mJ, -cj^km^^, sT^T^, 3 See EoMAN Catholic. Catholicism, ». v. A. 1. ^^T^tf^rrr/. 2 JT^rrsTT sr^T^THTT m. &c. 1T?TT^ STT^T^fq' «.-^r^ n. Catholicon, n. ^f^rw^TT^^fTTfoT m. Catopteical, a. V. N. MUlolui». sRTTot. cTT^/. TTS?". di3?51Tw. ^TOJfT 7». A cattle-pasture, ^t^ot/. Cost of the use of it. *\^'M>\if. C.-lice. C.-ticks. f^J^f. p/. C. track. JT^ ?«. Hire for the use of draught c. %W. n. Picketing line of c. ^^tjt/. Eope by which c. are tied to it. ^lif n. dim. ^^^f. Loop of this rope, ( it consists of two ). ^ipft/. "^5% n. Spot on which the c. are assemhled daily, to be CAU driven out to pa.slurc. »ft5 m. Tending or keeping of c. ^^t^:/. l\^W^.f. rrgj! /. V. qT?7, T^T^TtT n. q^qr^H n. Hire of tending c. n^- OTTsr^s/. ?T#t?5/. V^^f. Wealth, or property in c. W-Ji^ n. ^H'-TT n. [ Kq. Caudal, a_ pertaininj, Sfc. to a tail. q^jj+i^feft-Riq^^, "T^- Caudle, 71. sfT^i^T^FT^ m. gS^TST »«. f^ft n. ^'TH=mt «. Caught, ;?. v. V. 1. '^^?rr, ^ftfT, 'f?r. 2 5r^^r&e. 3 ^rtT^^rTT, ?Rmr*t 3Tm%?iT, &c. To be c. ?rn3^ or ^rn^oT. Caul, n. v. Omentum. m>.mi TSTTm. 3^=5fq''5^M. 2 ifT^m^^STT TT^^Frar qir^TTT^ ^I^«. CaULIFLOWEE, W. f c^^/. [fTTTTTS'T. Causable, a. V. V. STTT^t'T, ^FWR^RI, f^fSr-rlk^Kj, f^- Causal, Causative, a. relating to or implging cause. ^ROT- 2— in grammar. srqt^T, efi?r w ^^ (i. e. ^ or ^ & 3T?T, having ^r or fif added at the end of the root ). C. verb. spfr^MT^'". Causalitt, Causativeness, n. v.A.l. =fnT'Tf?«- f^fiTTTf^rrt. Causation, n. V. — ac^. 3T7T^at«. &c. ^7?TT^«. 3'3^r^^«. Cause, «. efficient, producer, author. «PR>JI«. ^Frtf?;!. ^FR^j;?;:. Efficient c. ^fvR'T^'«. Generative or originating c. ^'^^m. Instrumental c. f^lM-rl+'Kuirt. f^frTrT^. Primary or remote e. 'fl\[K'JIHi-j!H, f^'^+K"!, S^fr^, ^^. 3 — in law; suit, action. ^^^JXf'T^m. ^ZB\m. ^Zpjn. H- To lose one's c. ^T^. 4 side, party, ^^m. ^^f. 5fT^/. ?RTf/. Espousing a c.^^TR m. v. ^, tT7, W-l- Espouser of a c."Wlft. To Cause, v. a. produce, occasion, efl'ect. +i- 'fl^^^F^'f.&c. Causeb, n. V. V. !FfUIKI, -Sc. JFtTT, ^=1^, ^Pl. m^T'^TfJlft/. ^TFT^-rTiTT in. "^XW^f. HmMH- fTT^IHr^'-IK m. 3TT'NIMf'l=5n' f^HK m. 1 monition, v. "Waeniko. nl'+ni./ ?IPft/. ^rTT^TJf «. 3 provision against. «F!^ ^.'(rt'-sl ^'TFT »».-«fJt«T^ m. "T^f- '?T^ »». 4 See Secubitt. To Caution,v. a. admonisli.Sfc.v. To Waen. crr^fft^/.^FT'Jf-^- Cautionabt, a. given in pledge or securify. rTHTJlWr, ^^^^- ?>H, ^'=ppt^?r, HM.ui in comp. 2 conveying teaming. ?nf¥5(NT, -^rd^CJll-Ml, arsf^-TR^^. Cautious, a. prudent, provident, careful, wary. ?rr=r'<, fT- ?TK, qT^, q^T^, f^5T, ?rFf '. ql'- ^ n.^ m. dim. ^ /. Cavernous, a. abounding with caverns. n ^ i q-jJ ', 'T^tK'T, T- To Cavil, Cavilling. See To Caep, &c. Cavity, n. v. Hollow. ^{rt^W m. dim. ^ojift/ ?q5ff/. ?Tt^ /. ^3t?5TT »«■ ^^^TT m. To Caw, «. ■?}. *N+R/. ^FT^, ^T^T^, qn^^TS? ot. ^FTot. Cawing, «. v. Y.—act. W^fm n. W.J^WA^f. ^Rq^/. /n)'e«J. W^]Z m. To Cease, v. n. stop, desist, leave of, give over. TTf "^, "ft fl!(/i).-5Rr adv. q^, f^'^'MNI- ?f-'»Tf5T^Tm-&e. ?fr?Jt ), ifre?rt ^qti!ft/. To Celebrate, v. a. laud, e.xtol, v. To Peaise. WsriJf, ^Ftrf- Of, iTT% ^=nT M.-qftrf^ «.-??+1t(h W. qJTijf g. oj 0. 2 perform solemnly, sole7nnixe. ^TTTHFt Jp^-3H|x«i;i- qraof, ^rmTT wi.-grHTf m.-&c. q;^y. o/o. fir^iTTTDT ^- To c. humbly ^Ji+iqiU'^M ^?i?T diqiUJ', ^>-iHI+c4|^' ^- To c. with pomp and style. TT^JT^m. Celebrated, p. ^ a. v. V. 1. ^ST^rTT, &c. qftf^?T, ^fqTllTld. 2 ^nnt'TPif %?5?^, Ac. I. V. Famous. ^Ptf^JTT^, ^q-pT, f^'^qTcT, Mi^ilM, f STf%5, srirr%i=f, ^TFft, •llHir*?T. Celebration, n. v. V. 1.— ac<. ??T^'JI ». qTH"^ w. &c. ^M- 2 •HMliHH' =FT^ w. &c. ^nrrtT w. Celeebiit, «. V. Fame, ^T^ pop. ?rf^ «. ?n«irfif^+ ;/i. ^. CEN 133 CEP I. a c. person of distinction ^'^'^^^^ n. Q'j n. Celeeitv, 11, V. Swiftness, f^n/. ^^ m. ^ft^firf^ /. VPTf^/ Celeet, m. tr^HTifr 3Tff . Celestial, a. v. Heatenlt. ^sTpTl'TJMr, ^^^I^fR'fl. 2 Idonrjing to the visible heavens or ski/, v. Heaveklt. C. Globe. w\\ri »i. Celestial, n. inhabitant of heaven. ^^TcTT^PTRft, ^F5t^'rT^^i fe^^nf, 1%^F^q% fl5- [ 2 impli/ing or expressing censure, ^^i?]^, 'CnTg^=qT. Censoeiouslt, o(fi;. V. A. ^'T^'^^, fe^^"^^, ^^W^st^'. Censoeiousness, «. V. A. srPT^ /. ^'I'T^/. f^^f^/. flj^F^ur ». tiTPt^TOT n. d|q=)l'i^ «. ^f?T^?TTo5/. In re- ll I prehension of Censoriomness there are some phrases I and proverbs. These sufficiently agree with ''Physician heal thyself, First pluck the beam out of thine own eye, j then the mole out of thy neighbour's eye; Look first at home; Keep your own house; Dress your own garden, Sf-c" 5^-qi% 3t5^t?T^ ^?r3: 'JTr7% ifw^'m^ iTH?I,'flN?=qT TTm^i^T ^5jFf 3Trf«T 3tn^% '{^^^\^\■^,■\ ^^^\^, 'irnr^?: Censoeship, «. qTrfffcT^PTT »i. trJTPf'^'^PTTJT «. Censueable. See Blamable. To Censuee, Censuee. See To Blame, Blame. Census, n. ennmeration of inhabitants. c^np^'JTrft /. ^%g- HRt/. iI^3TFT>n?r «. Cent, n. ff^FST m. ^Tff-^ n. Per e. ?f-T7?f, ^^t^p^T, ^^\. Centage, n. ^T^s^rr^r ht??' ?». Centaue, «. JRT'q- »». ^^^ m. l^fn »!. ^T^JTf^T m. Centenaeian, n. person a hundred years vld. ^TrlT'J, ?T^q- Centenaex, n. ?rq;5T »?. ?T?f^ w. Centennial, a. consisting of 100 ^ea^'s. ^TTT^qf^, ^rfqifS'- " 2p> to 100 y^ars. ^fTT^TrNfT, ^TT ?«. /. f%^ o*' Hfqr'iji »»• T^T ( in comp. as fTnT«T, &c). [ ^jT'T. To Centee, v. a. collect to a ])oint. t^^^^q^'4i=r-^'ij to ceremony, consisting in cere- mony, ritual, ^-c. ^V^J, f^^^TT, S^'tKNT, fsp^TT^^tft- ^?^, ^HS'Ti^ft-f^'FT^, ^Tl'fil^, ferrfiT^, ^priV^jf^- ^TFTT, 3Tr^TT>JT^^M^-f^r7^^- See also Eituai,. C'EEEiiosiAL, «. out icard form or rite, f^f^f. wMn. ftfrf/'. Cebemoniai-ist. See Ceeemokious, 1. fEBEVONiOis, a. ols' riant of forms and riiis. ^F^'f^^, f^- ^TTfn^, m^RfH?, wM^r, f^^rmfTT, 3TT=snT?i?qT, qprfs, 2 observant of ceremony., formal. 3Tr^^=^Tft, aTT^TT'T^TT- 3 consisting of ceremonies and rites. See Cekemokial. Ceeemoniouslt, adv. v. A. 2. aTr^FT^TTTr^, STT^Wf^RTT, 3TT?TPr5TTT5^. C'EEEMo.NiousxEss, «. V. A. 2. aTT^^^qiTf^^ /. arr^fl?- =cm:Tf^/. 3TT^^^TTTgf5/. Ceeeiio>-y, n. V. Eite. f^r/. ^«. ^^Km. ftf^T/. — gener. or loosely. WHyMST^f/j. Closing c. — geuer. ^jt|N^ n. Conductor of a c. qTf?l^»i. 2 forms of civility, r. Civiliiies. 3TT^nT^qTT»». 3TT^T^- FT^m. TZ^^f. l^^f. '3 forms of state. ^t\%\^.m.-f^[i:^Xm.-f\rf f..&e. Master of the ceremonies, v. Coxduciok. ^TTT^TR'- Certaix, a. sure, confident., vndoiilting. f n^tl^ I 'M , fHT?i%S', fWRT, f^njfFT, f^5'/75ft, ^^f^=»7=!T, ^rmf^JiiTJr, ^FrfH'M^, ST^f^'^T^, f?Tf>/7?TlTH^^, fH>?t?fK^^, f^>jt?rN=fT, ^TfT- f^'^'", f^'iV"^., ^^i!FT, fPTO%f , ?i?T5r-&c. ^^-^?r- " I am certain." JTT^ ^TTrT^ 3Tf|. 2 indiibi/ahle, undeniable. f^^T^T^T, f^^sq^ffiT^, 3TOf^- •'4, f^^Ttfe^O-, l^-.^JTT, fn'^rVrqT, ^^^, f^^R^T, fHf^- ^, l^+l*, fH>m, hlPi'^rltqT, f^?T^RTft=srr, ^i;^, fT- 3 of sure occurrence or action, unfailing, ^ • ■efi ' d , fr'sq'TT- ^, f^ttifsiq, f*T^%^, fn^^SfT^, 3TT^,q^, 3T^,q*iT^, ^^^^■, TT^, WB^. i settled, slated, fxed. %Kr^^ f^f;^^^ fH^Tf^rT ;)0p. %- 5 V. Some. TJ-Jft ^, f^T^Kttn:, A e. person, arw^, 3m^, «F7mT or ^. CEBTAINLY. grfy. V. A . 1. f^af^,f;:T>.;n?T, f^vjt^cpjft, ^^nTT^Tt- f>/7Fra5YiT, f5lf*4?T^ 3 ui//wutf,iil. ^=5fr?T, 3FT^, 3T^?^, 3FT?^q4q?, 3Fl?q'- CT, arqfq-qT^^^T, 3T5rJq-,-fl;r3q^ 'fl:T3.'Tit5r,fvTJ>Tq, f^>'m- f^, fH>-qqi?H^, f^^f^^tT, f^^C% fJT^^5T?T, aTT^iq, 3T^5Wor rTt, ?fTH?HT, 5^^,^, ^^m, ^tl^T or ft e>-'(, 3TT^ Certainxess, Ceetai>"ty, n. v. A. 1. fH'3t?T/. fT^;if'=rqaTrM. f^trk »«. f^'sq'T «'. f^-:^ m. ^rR/. ^RR^JTT/. f^w- ^m^ n. f^^f^t^ n. ^^-«&c. ^^ M. ?T^f TTT=r ?«. ^^T- TfTT^r m. 2 f^gfrT/. f^^TPTBT^T m. ^^]P;^T\\f. ^T^Tcrr OT. ^. 3 fr^^T OT. ^f^F^ «. CflFTJ.T^TJm/. ■i\^m'H\f^m f. fH- I. a e. fl! real and fixed thing. ^???/. -feTSnr »».-&e. f?lf5vtIrfT'4 ?». Ceetiiicate, w. fq^/. S^ to. ^?5T w. ^zf. ^\^'^ n. ^^\^^^'m. 3TT^Tot. q^ri. (in comp. -with the indica- ting noun, as ^f^T^ g. of purification; aifjiriq^r c. of pre-eminence; arrsTT^ c. of good character, &e.) The word ?lrfif>f>+,rt irom the English is common. To Cebtify, v. n. testify to a thing in icriting. ^T^t^ wJ.-Sf- ^\^■^ in.■^^V^k^ ra.-^idO^ W^ m.-f?r%=qT ^FFI^ m.-&,t. To Ceetify, v. a. assure of, apprize, v. To Ineoem. Jnf|rr- iTTT-fTTFf-f1Tfqif, ?;'S^^^, 'JT^^'TJf. Chain, 71. ^\^^ dim. m^^f. V^^^Af. Fine c. ( as of a watch, &c. ). ^f^FTft/- ^^ffk/. Large iron c. ^HX m. Large and thick c. ^t^Tol^ m. Little c. C. of two or three links, ^f. 2 fitter, bond, sJiaclle, lit. fig. 5J5 m. cjq^ n. q^f m. f^ftt or ki\f. ?T^i=5rqq' »«. sT^pirsTtr^r «. To rivet one's chains. ^y. Tco-Mi'i "TTuft/. 3TT0T'Jif. 8 «». ^*mf?T m. ^m- 2 See Beaeee. Chaise. See Caeeiage. Chalcedont, n. f^W^TH m. Chaldron, n. ^^ ^T^ g^ff . Chalice, n. RnHT or ^r m. aTXiff /. Chalk, n. ^fz^f.f^^T^m. arpF/. |tT>TT?ft/. The English word under tlie form of "^VfMi. is commonly used. Bed e. XW/'^ m. ^^TH m. To Chalk, v. a. ^TT^ ^^H;'it-3T'T'^'&o. 2 out. V. To Desceibe. m^., ^n^, q?Tor. ifo Challenge, v.a. call to contest. ^^Jlf/. TmoT w;<7t ot^ToJ srfyr^ with ^f 0/ 0. ^^^oj. 2 See To Claim. 3— as a sentry. ^^^, ?5?^^rm. 4 ( in a trial ) aTRrTr W:^^\'^X "^"t^^ft j|irH?r, al^'juiitHT. Chamade. n. ■^^^jf^m^n. Chambeb, n. apartment., v. Eoom. ^TTft/. ^[^/. 2 ( of a gun ). ^pft^TTm. %\^in. ^\z\f. ^Z^n. 3 See AssEMELT, Boaed. Chambeelain, n. ^j^i\\-hiMJ ^RTlft. Chameleon, n. ^r^Jm. ^^m. W,Z or ^Zm. CIIA ChAMFEE, ClIAMlEET, w. v.Oboove. ^t^ifT/. Chamois. See Goat. Chamomile, »«. antliemis 7iohilis, ^j^^im. To CHAMr, V. a. ^^r^'^., =qq5E>jf. Champaign, JIat, open countri/, v. Plain, q^'itrr or ^?:i^^n. Cah.uvios,7i. one ivho comlatsinthe place or cause of an- other. ^TR^T qT5T»»."%5rTftw. 2 icarrior, cj-o. v. IIeeo. €ftT»». ^^f'Fft':"'. '^TfmTtn. 'fr^rwi. [srrf^f/. Chance, m. — as the caune of events, v. Fortune, k^n. \- By c."^I#,"~^5rqW^,"^q-'T?f,%'T?TT5, "l^ig, STRS'-TT- 2 fortune, fate, turn up, lucJc, v. Fortune, Destiny. "^- f^f^^v\m. ^v^;^%^m. ^i\^'?^\nm.'^n. sir»'=t«. 3 causal or fortuitous occurrence, v. ACCIDENT. '^_'=l'^r«(«. 4i possibility of occurrence. ^H'Tw. ?i"HWJTTyi or ^K^T'CT- Chance, «. casual, v. AcciDENTAL."t^FT^, "l^rrf^, ^5^TT, To Chance, v. n. v. To Happen. ^^, qi^ Srof. Chancel, n. '^^sirf ^FS^-cfp^r q?=ft^Fftr5 HTH. Chancelloe, «. — one of the ministers. qf^fT^cTm. ChancerTjW. ^^ ar^rarf/. Suit in c./y. ^TfT iTf|?JTf=fr ^ITf /, ^"re ^T^^ ^^\- ^T^Rw*. ?3^^H'». Chancre, «. ^^m. Chandeliee,?j. ^grw. 5riTM. »/• [^=-4 n' gr5«. ^^Kn.^(^^m, Chandlee, n. Ricj-Mi. See Coen-chandlee, Ac. To Cn\y.oi:,v. a. put or quit for, shift, q^^^of, m'^^'Ju), »l^- rfl/. ^R^. 2 interchange. \. To Exchange. ^Z^A'^jzf. -^ •i ri | i) ^sj/: -&C. qR^y.o/o. 3 a?^??', rary. sf^?^, TR^^t, fTR^T'it, Hidu'l, H'^l^^TT ^^, %TOT.-%??15K/».-%^m.-^rR/i.-CT>T^»».-&c. ^^ y. 0/ 0. 4 (money ). jfrS^JT, 5RTf^^. To c. a rupee. Tjjf wi. -T^irf. 5 HfoAe aea?. See To Tuen. To Change, v. n. suffer change, sj^oj-, f^Rur, TTfTof, TTpR^, SRm.-'T^?n.-3tTiT3t ^^. Change, Changing, n. v. Y. A. 1. — act. qTrJ^TT-&c. f'TVriuiH'ft^. 1. iliaiii/i/iil, miitahh: variable, inconslant.firJcJc, vcrsalile, fT^nrjr, sr^'-^rrat, '4Tf5F-.qT, 3t1t'Tr=>r ?j. HRT ot. ^ 2 ( for water, for irrigation, &c. ). . a. w^k[ /.-&c. /. 2 V. Jaw. ij^psfr/. or ^ ?». ^ f. Chaps. tJfirjT or ^FTTiTTT m. =5fT5r^ m. ^fHT^ «. ZTiJ n pi. ^H^/ H^% a. [„,. ^^. ,^^ef.' To lick the c. f^^TccOT/. ;>?. =^7^, ^2 /. ^irf. ^m 3 ( of a channel, river, &c. ). nrs n. Chap, «. v. Fellow, it^ m. ^^pfr ,», q^KTR wi. Chap-fallen, a. jj-f^ T?TT^, ^T^ffre^r, f^HHHlt^r, ff- 2^, f^^ or f^TTT. To be c. ^\^ n. '^-I^-^j^ ^. of s. zjm m. pi. tr5Troiu<T?ft'T ». Chaplain, m. qr^'Y m. Chaplet, n. garland for the head, v. Garland. ^ruqjTTrJT /. ir^fT »«. ^RTT OT. C. used at marriages. jiNci/. J5R5it/. ^T^lol or f^i- q^?«./. cnf^TTw. Reticulated c. ^tTo^/. ^JTrf^jf^T 5«. [?5T/: 2 s/r/«y ofheads,\. Eo.sary. ^JPTTrrlT/. ^KToft/. 3T?TfTr- Chaptee, «. division of a book. a^KTR- «». jpfj n. m. '^.^ m. ^^ m. 'j^ n. STRUT n. qf^^^ m. T^m m. ^q^ »». arq; ?«. 5^1 »». n. 2 HT5iTT %5To!Trft?7 ':THh"5?3T!Fi=Eft K^, To Char, t). a. $r;^ ot. ^FT'if y. o/ o. To Char, «;. 7<.. arrS^Fm M.- i M'hH «.-&c. qRiJf. Char, Char- work, n. odd or day work. TT^^?iTiT «• Hi ^+. I if Char-woaian, «. 3Tf5^TTfr/. ^rfT^^ir/. ?;Fff^iiT/. ^p^^r- Character, w. t. Mark. f%F^ ?j. snp ««. 'T^r/. 2 ZeWe;' Mse^ «'« loriling or printing. 3?^ «. eftTf m. 3 manner oficriting, t. Hand. frypT/io/). rff?/. tToUT «, Arabic or Persian c. ^T^^rfcTfr/. T^TH I "fl /. Common business-c. of the Mariithas. HT?/. f{TX^ frrfr/. fr^TT^T fef?/. ^HiSH>n/. The book c. «fT3q^ or STFJ^rq «• ^^rnft/- 4 ( of a, jterson) distinguishing qualifies. tTK w. ^'^^'H «i. ^Tr^ »J. Wl^CTT m. pi. f^m^TH m. 'Tur?5?Tor n. t^- ^T^rKt S^Tiir ^^?T '». ?ft^ '(. 5 ( of a thing, place, &c. ). H^T/. ^q'H »J. JprTFJirr m. pi. TTUiK'inT ?«. 2?/. inr^^ »». ^/. 6 V. Person, Personage, sq-jipy". fsiq^^ «j. 7 ( in a play ) part. #PT ra. ^ «. ^ )». Costume of a c. ifiT^Ty! Of an assumed c. ^"T^5?ft. To act in c. act like one's self. aTFfrfWt' ("Iv- WJM. "We must act in c. "kH^ "^Vl ^?r^ ?r^ ^VM '^^^ 8 certificate of the c. of. aTTsPT^ n. '|U|M'|uil|^ n. ^^^- iirVT^ n. 5rTR?=5r n. 9 credit, reputation. aTT^T/. aTR wi. ^rf'T ». "TfTy. To lose one's c. cTTS m. iB'iaf y. o/"*. Characteristic, n. 3?T0T ». ^rr«r m. g^TTf^ '». ^»ft/. Characteristic, Chahacteristical, a. r^erfiirqj, aTOT'^r- To Characterize, j;. a. designate by some stamp or mark. 3tfq??r-5f^?r-&c. ^Rtff. 2 describe the c. of ^^^ n. W.l^-^P^ ^FTory. c/o. cn.A. 137 CHA CHAEACTERIZECp. V. V. 1. Stf^rT, Jlf^T^T, ^f^tJT^?^, c7?T- Chabcoal, n. qJIoT^T t?i. Eed hot c. f^?t^r5I^r or f^FTT^roE^r. CUAECOAL-BUBUEB, ». c5|U|K1, ^FIoE^^pft. To CniEGE, V. a. See To Fill. To Load. 2 ( with some business, matter or thing, ) commission, cnlriisf, v. To CoMMiTT?'TT?ft^-"%^Frl^-?r?T?7KTW^H-qmfr-5iiT?^rrff-fqr- ?'^-&e. ^]^^-^W.^-Z^,, Tr'jf or ^TRfr-5r^i^fr-^5g[^fr-&c. ^piof. 5 ri/s7t W2"'^! "ssail, v. To Attack. ^5?Twi.-'^nr5/.-^S'/;!. ^JWi'^ft^ ^jTM if«VA «rT o/ 0. HT^ 3Tf TFT^ ^"Jf-^?rM-T5nf. 6 lay against or set to as a debt. ?ltCr-^f=rR^ fe^-HI?- dt, g.of s. ^F^TO Hi^of- ?JT5r ^f^»». ^oi^T^w. 5[. cnA 138 CHE Toacqiiire command overcliariiis, .Sc.H^?tT'»■ pi- To CiiAKM, V. a. sulditc or affect ly charms, heu-itch, Sfc. *TT- m, JT^ cr JTrTTor, ^\^ i HTT^/. ^T^'^-'H^'jf, HR m. 'TT=5W-5r'T'jf, 3TfH5T^, ^Tf w.-Ht^/. 'jroS/.-HT^ w.- HS5/.-*r?npJT/.-<^c. qT^iiif-:?^^, %J^ «.-^^l n.-^5J «.- 2 iis;. enchant , captivate, fascinate. Hl^, ifl^ w.-Ht^T'/ -H?5/. &e. qwf, iTTOT, ^^^Tof , i?^=5=r^, ^^'Rf «.-K=^lt3T- h'h.-&c. qjw y. "/o. JTtf^Ff-tf3T?f-.^.c. TT^. ;J oil"; ( scorpion-stiug, &c. ). R^TT^-K^ sr-T^T-H^ ^TT^ -&C. Trl^. [ ^1 JTlflff. CnAHMED, /). V. Y. 1. ■>TR^, 'iril>.'^T, &c. Jff^ 'flfimf^r- 2 m^^, 'TRrTOT, 5?5?5?5T, ^?T, Tf^, JOT^?^, ^\^. CnA.RMEii, n. CnAKMiKG,^. a. V. V. 1. »mwra",»i?I?TJTRr,&c. 'J c«7 AoKEfABLE. HTff, THT,, t%TT|Tfl", f^mrrfPt, ^- ^?^?TT^, ^, ^R'^, f^s^, ^RT^, =PRr^, g^R. *3 JT^f ST T?RinRT, Trtrft. Charming,'?!, v. V. 1. -^Tm n. KTfJf «• &e. iTr^?T «■ HT^ >«• M\{\ '\\ pop. Jftf^/. 'T=5T'JI ?J. 3Tf»Rt=5t'7r n. ^I^ftlRai «. ^T- HHI^e or let hj charter ( a ship ). ^?nT "TT- HT ^T^TT ^li-^M ^"Jf^ot. Charter-party, «. TSj^TTii^'nfr^ ^PTR^TRTT m. Chary, a. frugal, sparing, v. Ecoxcmioal. ^ TRJ^T ^ 5'o Chase, Chase. See To IIunt,IIunt. Chasm, n. cleft, fissure, Ireach.^^f. irn/. ^F^/. f^'JT/. Chaste, o. — of females. ?i?ft, "Tf^T^RTr, ^«ft, TTJ^^TfSfH^ft, 3To'TfH^ITfwt, ^^, JKRfR-qrsft si55^?:-?r»R^, ^^t- ^. N. B. These words apply chiefly to married women; for words applicable to iinmaiTied, See Continent, and VrEoiN. For words for chaste — of men, See also CoIJTINEST. 2 not obscene; decent, picre. 3T5?t'T??T, iftHf^ ^rf^ 7f^- ^jfq--&e. ?r?rjfr, q-f%^, fM^i, f^"s^^, ^htts, tt-t. 3— language or style. OT^, ^5, f^f^f. 2:0 Chasxen, To Chastise. See To rcyiiH. Chastely, adv. v. A. 'rf^^tq-arr^, :3^'Jr,sfRrT/. 2^/. jeof-^prT^ot-sJTe^-TR^ ^fuiui- ?rRT"jr, "pthjt /. i?;. ^Rot-HRTJf-qrSof. Chatter, Chattering, n. v. V. 1. f^ET^ft^/. spPJ^FF^ «». %- ?:;iJi, "rrf^-^-^of , &e. To Cheapen, v. «. ^W froT^^WT^-Wo4||, «+=qi, '^'J-TT, ^pTTTF, 5^ c. S'^piIM f . CT e. ^^^, SfiTR^. Cheated, 2?. v. V. 5'T^'?5?5r, "PHsff^^T, &C-. sff^rT, ST^f^. Cheating, «. v. Y.—act. ZW.^ n. "RTcfijf ?;. s^r^cnT:/. 5^^- 2b Check, t'. a. repress, curl, v. To Eesteain. 5sq^, ^T^T'jf , ^ ?H. qof, 3Hici». 15? ''»• — in abusive of angry- style. '4rT3 «. '4l^TT^/. ^mft or 5i|t^/. The cheeks, — revilingly. nj^S w. pi. Dimple on the c. 'Ilrf+^T m. Flush or color iu the c. ^ipyTTT m. Plushed cheeks. f^:?j^% TFi% ♦». pi. To get one's cheeks flushed. ^ or Slap over the c. 'llrf^jSF m. To pinch and pull the cheeks of. TTH^ or qr^rff/. f^gs^, nT?53^ m.-'llrfifttTT w.-TMRr w. ^ y, 0/0. To smaok or alap the cheeks, v. Face, ifw^of, '^^• CuEEK-uoNE, n. nr?5r# ^ «. nrHT^re'RT »». nifrftvr «. jt- CuEEK, w. provisions for a feast or mad, v. Food, -vt^ ;i. /^z. jqifcrr^p pop. ^^]^ m. ■^\■^^■^^]l: m. pi. if 2 state of gladness, v. Jor. 315rH ??>. 3TR^ «i.'iTm^F<:jr Be of good cheer! ^qri, tftT^TTT. 3 acclamation, v. Shout. T^t^ j». 'frr^^^PT m. ^^^^m. To Cheek, v. a. gladden, v. To Eejoice. ^^t^ m. WX^ 7- of 0. B^rrfirot, ?fg?-|"?-^'^-j|?T-&c. ^6t. 2 comfort, v. To Con.sole. ^ftrtsTof, qx|T'r55 an^. Cheiibymeriiv, n. present. ^(\h(\ f. itm n. mm^mi^/. (.'HESS. fl. ^ft^^pOJ). 2^55 H. or 5^5loEt^S III. ^{r^ Or WKK^ *"• To i)l!i_v at c. ^3«|o2 or ^^«T% %o!^. Some of tlie terms used at Chiss iiro ■J^-'^TT^, ^T^^T^T, >?lS'll-, n. 5^=T5E «. hT^ ». The pieces are Kiug ^MT, Queen 5P^"or t;, Chicaneet, n. v. Abtifices. qn^i^m. pi. tj^"?- Chick, Chicken, n. +1'>• ?ft^ oj- ^^jm. ij^T w.- — to a female c. «pn /. ^Rft / — in anger or contempt, as brat, imp, ^c, "fiT^"'- (€\f. "in. ) 5PR2T TRTT or sjJR^Tw. ( t\f. Zn. ). C. of one's old age. fi5T?s«. ^It»5!:». ^nr^T Hlrf^ll-H C.'s play, •mr^^vlil/. 5lT?5?ft?rT/. «ITc7=5lfT'r«- 'Ml'ri-HRfin. C.'s speech. stTPJ^TPTT/ Dotingly fond of children. qltf^HT. Extravagant fondness for children, qt^f^w. Tonsure of the head of a c.(to form ?fft). ■^4l+'H«t Spoiled c. ^trgoET, *THo5|. Better no c. than a bad c. ^,y'HMlH?Tt Piy'dH «R. To be with c. v. Peeqnant. qt?Rft-1'T"n:-&c. ^oj-^- ^- .. . ... .. _..^ ^. Children, '^^[^ MRiilolM.^'^- yrfrt+<».;j^ rt^S! ^^ n. f^Tc^ ft??r ^% «I% OT.^Z. =q5o5 H^oE». "rft ^ M.;)Z. . qrCTOI n. MKMuil m. c^^M^ui ". qrf^oT n. ^r^ n. ^\^zc[^^'t:c[ f. ^^t^K «.1t- Second c. SfT^ n. [m?5l*^'MW. Practised or versed in from c. ifloJ^R, 5rT?Ip-''TT^'1', Childish, n. ^K^^ "fk^FH:, 'rt^oi, "fir^T?:, 3f ^ ^f^^, iTT^fg, ^r^jf^, ?ifT^, ffT^Trqrqr. To be c. m-i.^oT, qr^'jf. [r^iTT^r. 2— ofthiugs. qrr^^t^, 'fTTaH^?ft'=^r, "TTT^^NI^T, ped or sliced off. +s-=(l '». dim. -^^J. ^.^=^J■ ^^r\.m. dim. ^ft/. ^f^T or si'qjT »». dim. JT^ or sj^fft/. 5TR?^ or ^qfTT »«. f/"". «?'T?^ or ^?fr/. or tr?5^T & ^FSTT »i. rfiw. VR'ft & ^J^'ft/. & tT?!^- S or ^?5qz ?^. f^TSfT/. ^^T Ji. fm^ or Z^vS\f. JPT^T^T Chips, Chippings. +14-^.1/. +|i?». f^7 »j. Chitchat, See Chat. CniTTEKLiNGs. See Bowels. Chivalbic, Chitalkous, a. pertaining, ^r. to chivalry^ Wi- 2 gallant, &c. v. Bkave. f^TTT, f7;7^T-=qT, m?nrft, CuivALEOusLr, adv. v.A. ?R^ q^ii^i^qr fr?fr^, ■feT^^. CniVALHT, n. g^^ ^^li^O'/. 2 gallantry, &c. v. Bkateey. f^J^rrrffy. y r^^ l ifrlrl I /■ STTN^TTfefrr/. #!?■ «. Chives, n. — in^botauy. %^TT?i. Choice, n. See Choosixg. 2 ^iou'er oj choosing, option, f^- =*d"^i-^ 5^?mft/.-?mT/.-3TftTqrn:«2.-&c. TfTrft/.g^ft/. I^^^^ft/- ?rrfrr/. ^TT^t/. ( ex. ^m.^ ^izps ^ ^t^ | <^rrfT^ qcT TTfr ). a object of choice, f^^f. fH^^W-^ f. To make c. of, v. To Choose, f^r^fq' ^^ qH?T ^iif. 4 best part, f^^^f. Trmf^ m. ^jrm^rm ?«'. 5 *MZ in diacrimiiiatinff. rTTrfH w.dKd'^'T «. <-HHH Tra'w. Choice, a. select, excellent, precious, <^'c. f^sf?, f%T5e under suffocation, ^^m or i] ^> h < u)\ g- rTfl^^, fl^ajtjf, ^TH^ or ^755E^' 3TP!W,^«. 112 CHO That is choking. 3T5^?ft, 3TfHHr. 2— csp. through violent emotion. ^JTT m. ?T^TTrr?^T. Cholagogl'es, «. medicine to evacuate bile. fiTifi-f^r^^j\]Sf;. f^Tr^TJf;-&c. sfrrq- «. Cholee, ». V. Bile. frrT «. 2 irascibility. fqrT «. ?mrnGES. "^^ m. Cholee A, n. Tm^tf. m7,f. rF7.^\%x^f. FR5t^/. ^T^' Inveterate or long standing e. ^offHTS^/. Spasmodic or epidemic c. ^Jffl^t/. H\\H \ (\ f. ^Z^f. To be afl'ected with rrrSE or c. rp^ot. Choleeic, a. irascible, v. Passionate. rfH^, rfTTJ, ftrT^^, ft'^ToiT, rrm^, Ffm^it, rrirt'Ttrft, frrTsr^f^, =;??. 2 indicating or proceeding from anger. TPIHT, ^STT^, To Choose, v. a. elect, prefer. f^^'S^, ^•Tf'T ^-^FT^^, ^- 2 select, piek, cull. fnq^iJT, ^^ui, ^^W , TftT^TDf , TfT'TJr- T M.-TfTT'T^/. q^ y. of 0. To Choose, v. n. please. ^i:\^^^r^-f^r^V^-^^^^-&.c. ir- Dt !«. con. [&c. f^nrs/. Choosing, Choice, n. v. V. A. 1. — act. fi^^^^^n. ^T^n. The e. of a husband by a woman. r^^^Xm. The woman that chooses a husband, ^^^^^r'if. 2 1^r?r5"jf«. 'k^'^n. &c. tfR'iui=T". ^ftn^^r/. To Chop, v. a. cut off. ar^ot, ^Sirf, ^H^iTw. ^RTjf, %^iJf, 2 up; c. into pieces, dl^uj, ?ff^Ci, ;%5Tot. W>K.''X g. of o. Price of chopping up. . mitf Chopping-kmfe, n. ^m. Choeal, a. belonging to a choir. TT'TT^IHSoft^l, TT^'PI'T' CHTT 143 CHT Chord, w. string of a musical instrument. Ff^w. pojp. fRT or 2— in geometry, ^^\f. ^^^^■\ f, ^y^%\si n. Chorister, «. ofieo/rt rAo/;\ qpsm^mmRr, TTT^trrtrTcTT Celestial c. f^rsjiT »«• Chorus, «. J««rf of singers., v. Choir. TTT^FltTtw. 2 ( in the drama ) TT'^V*? m. >TTftmf%^ wi. 3 reciirrhig sttmza of a song. '^T^w. y=r»». aTf^OT'Trs^T ». aTftiS*S^'«. ^'mff. 3Tt^?«. M^N- S n. Christmas-bos, n. ^\r\\'£m f^%^ n^^ n. Chromatic, a. relating to color. ^OTflT^tft, ST'^rf^T^T^. 2 ( in music ) iTTf^T^, ^JfWT. Chronic, Chronical, a. of long standing. ^TR, sT^^Plfe^, Chronicle, m. v. History. ^|.?l-^iH+-|Tff?T?«. sPTSrH^'f^rTT- ?5^TRr «. "R: »«. Chronologicai, a. v. N. ^T?I'm^fJf^=5Tr, W^THf^^^, CHRONOLOtaCALLT, C|<« + l<+-, 3T=»IWt?n^- CaViiE, M. T, ff . former, late. JTpft, JTFT^, TR^^. C. minister, officer, &c. iferTR^ n. CiELiSG. See Ceiling. CiGAB, «. ^JT m. fqft/. [T^TT^'eft. CiLiAEY, a. belonging to the eye lids. TPT^jfr^, TTT^'^H^'INt, CiLicious, a. made of hair, ril+0^1, %^Ti=Efr, %^lf?nHfT, c^- Cinctuee. See Gibdle. ClKDEB, n. :FtcSq^?rr%^^%^ #j;FrT «. [ |R m. Hot ciuders. ^Hl-il ?«. W^ »». 'HTftT or WRX nr.i. '571- Ci>'EBATiON, n. V. Ashes. i)<:H'i'+,'ABAE, n. vermilion. X^mw^ m. ^?4ipf n. ractitious c. t^?5 ;)o;>. f^^ & ff^^ ?«. Wf%^ mn. cntNAiiox, «. jthN^/. ^F^ift^f^^fr/;'^ Ciox, n. graft. :p;=r^ w. 2 «7iOo<, V. Speout. <^I7T m. 3T^ «?. ClPHEB, n. arithmetical chararter, ST^FST »J. 3T^ ?«. 3Tt?T ?/J. 2 mark for nothing, T^Jf «. ^J^ m. 3 occult «T(if/«y.n^'^/.5JTfe'ft/. m.fd4-.r^. f?/. Some imrtieular ciphers are 3T^fefq or ca^TTTT /. f^W- fr/ o'- r^ + lO^Fft o>- 3TPTT/. <^"1+,|<1 or ^rr:\x\ f. or ^- rt'+'lO 'iMt or HPTT, *rJSKl-&c. U^^-T ?)J. f^^'. To ClECLE, V. n. move circularly. ^m.-^f.-x\i7^m.-fi\- i:^/.-&C. ^"Jr-MTlf-HRTJr, fl^ or fq^/. qT?56t, f*I^- f*IT or J^^^J^K or jj ( and intent. ^Tjn\ & Jjrrrf ) ftrroj- To CiECLE, f. (J. fHcZose. See To Sueboukd. 2 woZre J""""^'- %rr»».-%ff /.-nr^fTDn.-ifv. JTnTif-%ut-&c. n-iM jfif- fTTt^ ofo. ClECUlT, n. passage around or ahoiif, compass. %rTOT. SP^/. 'fi=?T5T??J. fnT^frfST'". dim. f^R^st/. J). %, HTT, ^, I^R^ cr 5<<'ll/. V. WTrJ, iR^"J. IJ. %, TR, iRT, JT^BTw'. To fetch a c. 9)TT»f.-SFfr/. ^M-^tiif, TWTw.TRTif-Jm, pRTt or fq^ /. qiT^nif . 2 circular, cirile, region. T^P:n.=q^,n. Hl?I'jfiT/.fTT^>jfiT/. CiECUiTOUs, a. woif «?/rerf. tp^qT"^, ^-^T^, iRf^lT^r, Pl^- ^iS-iTRT, HHTS-^rr^, &c. CiECUiTOtJSi.r, adv. in a circuit. %-qT^, %Tr^^?r-&c. ClECULAE, a. Y. EOUSD. =5nPl^mT, -"J+.^dH, M^'^J + K, =5^?^, CiECULAE, M. Ze//er or «o<«ce ^o a circle, vnf^^n/. irfflf?;- C. order. cTTF'f T're. CiECULABiTT, w, Y. A. HH^m. Tl\7z'juy[m. qrHf^'i. 'vr^TRTRw. nt?rr??frr/. ^^pfrm. ^ttpprot. [ frT^g. CiECULAHLT, ado. V. A. ?w « circular form. =sr^.=r^, KS^^^, I. «■///« a circular motion. ^snPlrfRf, c^rfriTflt-^'. To Cieculate, v. a. cause to pass alout. f"PT^, ^Trl^r'if, =^rP7 ^Rijf, ^m^-^^TfTHT-f I HI 4 M-^f3TTT^Tf?Tff fp- ^5rM-=qirl':Jui, 'Tf5:^;fHniM.-qf^7R-tJT». :p?lflJf y. o/o. To Circulate, v. n. fqrnjf, »3JTijf, ^fT^aj, ^|rfl^id-&e. ftp- CiECUiATiON, n. v.V. A.— act. fR^». =?nrr=f'^«. &c. Y. V. N. fpT^M. i^nr'jfw. HlJTm. ^JiTCTw. I. ( of coins ) currency. =5fM/. =^^=T«. ClECCMAMEIENT, a. Y. SUEEOLNDING. ^ig^, 'JT^T^. To CiECUMAin!U).ATE, «>. «. ^THV^fTl f^of, nr^w.-cTSSBTw.- %TT'«.-&c. ^nrS^T-iTR'Jt. To c. an object keeping it on the right. ^zf^v\jf. or JTl^f^^TRj-ra. ^Fl'Jf-'Pr'iI', 4 R+H w--H U-^^^n. ^ot. To CiRcuiicisE, V. a. f^7^/.-^frr/.-^T'Pr?r^H^«.^w. -TTor, ,7- qf 0. [ qf^p^M. CiEcuMCisiON, Y. v.— a^<. ^^nf. f^r/. fT"PT5rq4^^«». CiEcuMFEEENCE, M.. ^Tjni. ^Xm. %^>». "P^m. ^5ff». "Tfrf^w. HSrJra. ff^/. sTT^m. ?5^^/. CiECUMELEx, w.— the accent. JqfT^w. [ r^^'^>jf, CiECUiiECEiBED,/). ^ a. Y. V. ^T^Tf^-^fl^ftHP %^?!n", <&e. CIT 145 I. confined, v. Nakeow. arsf^T^. CiECusrsPECT, CiKCUMsPECTiTE, a.y. Cautious. T^?^, T^- ClKCUMSPECTON, ClRCUMSPECTNESS, «. V. A. ami CaUTIOX. C'iRCUMSPECTLV, CiRCUMSPEOTIVELX, ado. y. A. ^\^ ^- ClUCUMSTAKCE, ti appendage, adjunct, accident. 3TRH^'^tT 2 incident, matter, point, mi J. spF^ n. tf^fHT »>• TT^ «• By the force of circumstances. iT?fT=r^TriT, sr^HFT^T, Under sucli circumstances, rf^irt. 3 circumstances; s/o/e ofajfairs. ifps/. ^^1?5 w/- 3T=r- ^iTT/. 5;?TT/. sTt^KR n. Easiness of c. or Easy c. v. Competekce. 4°'MIH'-^V<4! n. rlMlil^ /. f^rfFT /. Srraitness of c. tqTTrf qiTW ". ^4or*+U'MI^ ^^TT/.-nfrT - Of easy c.v. Competence. <^iah fqrar^ ^SfTra or g^t, ^l*H ^q' g?TT?5-&. ^jrTrTTft'?!!, ^TrTM^r?!!, qT^TT g^"^. ClBCUMSTAKCED, a. ^^Tff?5T, 3TEr?'^]H^SJ^^i^-^T^^- ^-^Tt5TT%-ctc. JTPTiJt,7r-TrOT.^7Df-¥PTW,?rTTT/. ^^ with ^Jor^ofo. ^^eft^RCTf, si'll+H"}, •d-<1lM4+ ^V^^Jf. ^- ^, H\'M. [&c. sjmaf. 2 assert, profess, v. To Peetexd. fiiili «. 5n"o5n"CE, M. STTrTSTf^R^.^I^W. Claietotaxt, n. ariR'TfT f^^^"?! ?n. ^\^iT^\m. To Clambee, v. n. climb with difficulty. s^H qVT-^^ ^- Clamminess, n. v. A. f^^imf. f^Pf^/. f^^/. f^^=^^ /. intens. fsjiTjf^+li're. f+-M*1'^ /. in/ens. f+^Ri^Kw?. Clammy, o. v. Sticky, f^+p-^+lff, fn^pNT^ oj- fn^f^T- ^5fR, R'if-^sH, fer^, fr^T or f^^iJi. C. ooze or adhering matter, r^+'di"!. f^4j€l/. To be e. f^^f^tjf, RiP^^ui. Clamoeous, a. v. N. 'i^^'lr^r, Ti^r^, 'li'll-i^, ^TIZ^, &c. +<«IK1. Clamokouslt, adv. v. N. iT3«??ft^, JW«lri-'WIri-&c. ^^. Clamoue w. vociferation, noise, outcry, v. TJpeoae. T^hTot. ^ra^w. ip5^^/. n^^M'^i «j. Tr^?5/. T^n^/. iRnqr^w. — iutens. JWil^li ?». Tf^'lc^.l'i »«. 'li'll-i ?». ^j|+i^' m. To Clamoue, y. m. ^;^fp:t M.-nrnR w.-^Rq^ ^^.-T^jiBr ?k-&c. ^BT^JTiSW, 4,o!,|+.otT c^^v. "FT"^, ^5E^5tnf . 2 against; exclaim against, ^i^ ^iV^f.-\Vf:\ f. pl.t{\T^ g. of 0. JTT% ?t^ OT.-^HriHif /.-^^Ht «.-^T^?r w.-^T^FT- ^/- ^^^ 5'. of 0. Clamp, «. qft/. ^m^f 3T? »«. To Clamp, o. a. ^f--'-A\mf[f. ^gt-n |< J| \ IJLAlf, «. T. Family. ^ n. q'^r m. qiM w. JTr^ w. T^'H m. Clanculae. See Clandestine. Clandestine, a. secret, sly, Sfc. =^tft^, =#IT^, fHW^ftft^, C. (loiugs. riHiH w. rm'il^/. D. ^, %o5. Clandestinely, aiw. v. A. =Eft5?T, f?!:f5 =q"t^, fer^t^, To give c. aifio-Hi ^irfl^^or^ Clandestineness, w. v. a. ^R^STJrr m. j i m-cIh^uh m. Clang, Clank, Clangoue, «. sharp, shrill sound. ^^^;\m. ^''raT m. SuirtiK m. 5fcrnFR: or TT w. yuir-FR »». gj^ m. Ste «. /. — intens. wn^^jK m. ^^srm m. ^ai^oTC m. ^"JTiwr »i. soTsoTT!: ?». simr »». iiuiyuni m. gurm m. z- To Clang, To Clank, v. n. ^^^u\^^ Stjk'M, fT'irgiT^', 5- ui^l^u|^^u|ui, — iuteus. ?=pJTriT'if,^iTrw^, 51- Clangee, n. Clankee, n. Clanging, p. a. v. V. ^OT^nTOTT- ^, 5^5>JiaTITT, &e. ^'JT^'JT-gTJT5nJT-&c. <^MU|K1. Clangingly, Clankingly, adv. ^^-^^-^-&.c. ^;- &c. HR^-^r5fW-5!TT^aT, iTFRof , g-STSRiif. 2 to, on, at, in, &c. a2)ply smartly. HR^, 'P2r^H-5R'^H- 3 Cthe bands). Z\^f. fT??iif-ErF?rf5m-'TP''if. 4 (the sides, exultingly). ^ sTN2^-irf?^,^5TOT/, /iZ. ^Pf^, fz<\ 5rr3T^"Jf-i) 55i ui-^Tt^JW. Clap, «. /o«(^ noise,Sfc. qiJpFTw. FfiT^rw.w. ^IT^ot. *r?T^w. 2 (of the hands). z\^f. 3 (of thunder). qj^Tlw. TSTTR ?«. Clappee, n. (of a bell, <&e.) ?itoET w. Jm ^v£\ f. Claket, n. ^ f^ 3TTf , ?JT?5^^5fOT. Claeification, M. V. V. A. — ait. in^iin. jtoE ^T^«. Ac. ^fr^TM. ?ft«Rn.— stoi!e. ^5/. wrf^T^T^w. PtJlfridH n. Claeified, p. V. V. A. ?ft%T^??T,H3 tfTC^cTT, &c. ^flftTrf, 5Vf- Claeifiee, w. v. v. A. ^TftTTirnT, &c. nrtr^. To Claeify, v. a. defecate, fine, clear^ ^ftq^'if, ^SE^n.-HSff/. ^1^-^jRW ^.0/ 0. Pt =t os=( "Jf ,?rrp-^5;-?g^g-fJnT;5-&c. ^iJt. To Claeify, w. n. become clear from feculence. f^^oSOT, h- 55 !)».-IT5fT / ST^DT y. of s. Claeion, n. V. Trumpet. grTpft/. ^FTf/. ^orf^FlM. Claeionet, n. ^^ ;iT?T 3n^. To Clash, v. n. strike oi- drive against with force. ^^^^- ^TTTTTOT.-rl 3 1 * 1 m . -•cr5TW«.-&c. q^. 2 fig. ?«(?f< opposingly, interfere.^ collide, Sfc. ^?r^, ^- ?fiift/.-&e. ^roTy. of s. ?^^, k(*H*iH 3=rre^-Jfran-&c. Tm «i.-RHMf'H»«. "T^-^rof ^. 0/ s. Clash, Clashing, n. t. V. 1. — act. <3[^^^?ff FA'Wn. «?ifT- &c. SJ^ M. 2 ^Hoft/. ^T^mmr or «ft^/. ^m or ^f^^/. ?[rqra==ft/. rJCTTJ/. ^+M'tv/'. ^ToS^ToS/, ^sKm, ^tq^^Tw. I^n.— ifltens. CLl 147 CLE I. clashing sound. ?r5T^r o?' ^JTm. tr5T^r»»- +il+l or ?^T«J. — intcns. q3T5>«. ^T^^rarrm. [+iKMr?«. II. (as of musical iiistrumeuts). W^m. ^TS/- *S*I »«• III. (of swords;. ri m. ^^. To Class, To Classify, jj. a. ^?r /.-^Tfrl /.-if?r /.-^?^ Classed, Clas.?ified,^. v. V. ^m5m:-&c. aiPfSST, T'ft'T- fT, arffPTforqj, g^ffq-, sfifrVr. Classic, Classical, a. belonging, Sfc. to ancient orsvperior . authors. :s^m^^.^\M \ ., aTTf^qfJEf't^, a^fH^^Wr^T, 3TT- 2 pure, chaste, — style, &c. sf^T^, ?55, ?t^rf. Classically, fl!(?t;. iy classes or sets. STrt^nr, f^r''f=nT,^T'G, «, V. V. 1.— flC/. ^S^T^Jt «. ^S^'^f — intcns. ^5^5T^ »n. ^qjTl »<. MiVi'R or ^WV^~- "i. ^- ;?r5R: m. ^TSrS '»• ^r^n >»• ^3^5^!^ m. W^W^ m. '^ir^-K m. "PSrS m. 2 oiiMi^Ji w. &c. Z^^f- ^^f. W^T.f. Z^^Z^.J. I. hubbub, V. TJpuoAE. q^qpCT/. fciiTfcTst /. imre m. T^- CLATTEEiNGLy, «rfy. V. Eattlinolt. qi^S or 5t, 13^5 O'- ^, ^fS^Bt.— intens. ^5T??S, ^ITlf, 9iir^5, T^^TSt. Clause, w. (of a sentence). ^\^^\^ n. ^\w^\^^^ m.^V^^• ^ n. ^lcl-3+S^T m. Annexing of a c. 3T'4r?lfnT^'TPEr m. [ ^'T «. 2 ite7n of a stipulation, article. ^^M n. '^vA ^?5H n. ST- Claticle, n. cullar-bone. ^t\f. 3?^ «. Clavicular, o. ?{ft=^r, ^f^si'fl, ^ff^TspF, Claw, «. ?rt «. »». ?njft/. =T?3;5 w- "l^T m. 2 ( of a lobster, crawfish, &c. ). ?jtTT w. ^^ft/- =^1131 or TPTTIT or ^tifr^T m. 3TFF5r «!• 3 waj7 — in contempt. T^f^^ ''■ To Claw, v. «. ?f^PT mS^Jt-q^of, fq-=€f^Tur, f^^oT or g^ J- ?Tjf or ^V^^^'Si or ^H+<>Jf, f^^^l^^ m.-sTr'^^r or ^N^- ST VI. ^^ g. of 0. ^X^m.^ or qr^^S^r or ^^vi\. Clawed, i?. Sf a. v. V. ^^pf nre^^, f5l^fT^rJT-&c. I. having clatva. m^, ?T^op-^f^- 5 uncontaminate, ^'c. T. Puee. qf^T^, f^RT!:i'<:T, Fi"^N, 3Tf?55T. 6— shirt, &c. touched ^- ready for 7ise. ^Z., ^^^trfT^r. Clean, adv. quite, utterly, v. "VVuolly. ^tpp, ?i^, ^z., =q- 2 2W fl! cZeor, dextrous, happy c^-c.mamur. 3T=qFI^, 3TFIT, 2b Clean, To Cleansk, v. a. WF-5J5-3g^eg:-f^Ji>-&c. :p- ^iif, f{S. m.-M^f. WA^^ g- of 0. WtToi, =Ermr5IDf, ^friT m. w.-&c.:Rut y. of 0. 2 ( with perfumes or unguents ). J^tff, ^^^TT m.-itm- ^r/. JR"^,^. 0/0. 3 out; ( a well, pond, ditch, kc. ). iraw, TT^ m. ^AZ- ^ y. 0/0. 3'^'T'r, T^m er 7T^T ot. ^P'iT'f y. p/*'. CLE 148 CLE Cleaned, Cleansed, p. \. V. 1. ami Clean. ?rrp-&c.%^- Clkanedness, Cleansedness, n. v. P. ^f^/. f^gf^/. ^TNt Cleaneb, Cleansee, «. Cleansing, p. a. v. V. 1. ^T^- Cleaning, Cleansing, w. t.V. I.— act. ?fTT?-&c. jpTTJt «. ^il"- ■4^ «. ?fT':T m. 5!tHt n. Hr^.N+.-^UT n. 5TT^?f «. ^f^T^^T n. 2 ^CTT 7J. 3^/. j^^ n. Cleanliness, n. v. A. Hm^rrorr m. =^\W^^^ m. -m^t.^H-y . Cleanlt, a. careful to he clean. -cll+Hl'-P, =;r^?Jq^, =5f+4+lrt, Cleanness, m. v. A. 1. ?TT^/ ?rr» yMj7<. fH^J%-f?n^n'-^-f^'s^^-5)TTJT^.;j^. otJTT^-'^r^rr JR^, 3^55rrTKmT7K. ^^ y. 0/0. S gain witliout deduction. TT'TtrT-qft qj^, H?5^f^/.-'i*l'i, 4 qJl^OT, STR^r, &c. =RT^, ^^^ or W^%, "Mft^ or^.^ To be c. fTT^ot. Clearly, adv. v. A. 3, and Plainly. 3^r5, JffT^, ST???^:, w^, ^T?, f^5j, m^rrg, ti^'H'in, q?, trstift^. 4 3^T5, ?rr'P, ?TO, 'R'Tst^r. Clearness, m. v. A. 1. Pt=(*H"iiOT. f%rr3JrT«!. &c. ^^wt/. 55?%/. 5q"?p?rT/. !tt^-€t «. '^• ?KT«. 3TTPTr'4w. 6 m^TWrwJ. 'j«iyTOT. q-^T^HrU/ qrsiRPTW. Cleat, n. rll+si^fl^fl'/. ^"khjI/. Cleavable, a. T. V. W)isi<T. N. B. This is tlie name of a particular tribo which usually follows the trade of writing. 2 See Clergtman. 3 man of letters, See Scuolar, Clerkship, n. +K+'fi/. +K-+.'n^^TT»«. Clever, a. capable, nlle, adroit, S;c. ^^T?5, ^TT^T, ^f^, "^1^- ^1 ^^f^: f ?T?5|i^, =Ef=5T, =qf=q5TFT or ^ or =5i^m'l, ^^HT, ^■^, 3T^^, #?T?^?TT?ft, ^'%■ Of this word the sense, viewed as combined, and as expressible by the com- bination talented and expert, and as usually expressed accordingly by combinations or consecutive utterance of two or more of such words as, able, capable, acute, apt, sharp, slcilful, shrewd, smart, quick, prompt, long- headed, quick-witted, clear-sijhted, Sfc. ^'c. is conveyed iu Maruthi by numerous expressions of a particular construction, and of strong significance. They are mostly imitatives and onomatopoias and compounds and phrases', they are in the commonest use and most ex- tensive currency; and they would, as the most cursory inspection of them will evince, have been imperfectly and very injuriously exhibited, had they been scatter- ed abroad in the Dictionary, or had they been gather- ed together without a notice of their power: + o/ai country with reference to salulritg. ^f. ^qTTTofr «.^^Tq^fFf/. 2 8ee Country. Climax, w. — in rhetoric. ^TT »•. 3TpnrrftrK"T m. To reach its c.^ — a pain or trouble. ^r}j^\^^Pi ^xl\_ To Climb, v. a. =qsot ivith m of o. ijqur or q'q^, ^^=q?ijf, StRT^ «.-3TfTO^'JT n. ^tir. Climber, n. y. V. =^^'1(777, q-tTTJTKT, a^lft^crr ^PtTF. An expert c.-^Tr, I. climbing plant, "k^f. pSrTT/. Climbing, w. v. V. — act. ir^^r n. ^^ ^^sdt w. &c. Clime. See Climate. To Clinch, v. a. ( the hand ) double in the fingers, n^f. VT- 2 ( a nail ) ^^or^ ^55ur, ^JHosnf, srarfiT'^. To c. the nail for one's self. afl^^T ^loI'T? ^RW. 3 v. To Clasp. H^r^T *TTof. 4 ( an argument, &c. ) ^o^^Z-^-^^-&c. ^RW. Clinch, n. pun. s^ »«. To Cling, v. «.— as for protection. qpTW rTR'if-qjRr/. qr- iJr g. of o. ^JTRT »«■ 'OX^-qriiTf 3TOaT-<&c. g. of o. ^rzf. %Df, 315)ri»|ui, 3TT«nT^, 3TT«R m. MT^ y. 0/ 0. 3T5T^5l ?/(.- 3H=|(-iJr"Jf intcns. ^pJIMW, f^'t%'T^, ^"T^OT-f^'Tf^- ijr-^5i7Tg;ar-?«M«*H -&c. affo. e(MU|_ Clink, CLiNKiNa,M.v.V.15'JTi50Taf «. ?Iir^iT'Jr n. &c.— intens. To Clip, ». a. cut with shears. ^m^oT, ^ENor, ?5H^, Hl^T^, f^^irPJf, +-^H w.-fS[^irPT « -f^Tip^ «. ^^Cir y. o/ 0. 2 curtail, cut short. spift-=^-?Jr5T-55T-'c?e of persons, v. Party. ^ j/Lq^TRt JT^Iiraf n. CLO 150 CLO pi. ■4\^\3> n. Cloak. See Cloke. Clock, n. ^s ^-qra n. What's o'clock ? f^rft srr^^ ? f^H %?ft 3TTHT? ClOCK-MAKKR, ?J. 5r5»Tr2=5fr or vift w». Clock-work, «. viarhinery oj a clock. mM\<£^^ ^jft^^R w. Clod, k. S^ h. S^ or %tR w. ^^ps or J^^S n. fl'PoS «. %WT Implement for breaking clods. *TNT »«. fi^oil »»• Spade for turning up clods, ^oh^ «. To smooth or break the clods of a field. SjoT'Jt, ST55- oft/. jpTof. ClOD-UOPPEH, «. V. C0U5TETMAN. ^^CqT, Htl^TT, v^rFTT. Clod-pate. CLOD-rOLL, n. block-head, v. Fool. qfST ?«. st- OTTT »». 5f»qT »». Cloddy, a. s^t^^, rti^H. jrot y. 0/ 0. Cloo, «. — for cattle, &c. rtisui or rffduj ». ?ri"5U|| ot. ?Jt5"Jf «. ^rsT m. q-T^rrp- «. tir^g^r/. th^^ n. JTRwrsT »«. ar- 2 — fig. or geuer. i=5Kat or Fff^ijf n. J|oo-4ir| WTf «• T^^T- ^3T3Tra; 7)1. p^ «!. or ?r n. arS^JJOT Ji. 3T5^or «. %^ n. ^- 3 wooden shoe. ^5^/. (;;/. ?f5^ or ?jrjRT ) "TTf^pr/ Clogs, clums!/ shoes. ^^t[ ^rsr m. ^F^r^ft ^\^ n. Cloqqiness, n. v. A. f^^f.^u) /. Cloqqt, o. — mud, &c. N^f^+ld, f^sf^ilrf. Cloisteb, n. ^S m. To Cloisteb, v. a. w^ %?of-^FT^. [f. Cloke, n. ?fmft/. Wit n. qrwfr/. OT w?;. ^"Jfoft/. 3T75'jft Cloth thrown over the head and body as a c. WA f. ^''ft/. ^t*T/. ^'TDt (as srapsrT'Jf , 5Tr'Tf=5r?irr, mTNw,&c.). 2 co7icludc, shut up.^ T. To End. s)^ ^"jf, ^'Tf^T'Tr, B^TTH" S «?i;ip, make whole, v. To Join. ^"Jir, ^w.^^.^ f^^^^ 4 ( a quarrel, &c. ) v. To Settle. fpt^iJf, %ot, jftiof, S>^?5/.-'%?{?ETff!. =PTvr y.0/0. To Close, v. n.fall together or to, v. To Shut. <^v\^, frf^- or, ^tiui, 3^?:'if, ^a^rW, 315^- df, ( All impersonal ) . To feel it to be c. vj^'iuj, ITSTijf. 8 wilhout ventilation. ^S^Z, d^Jdrfrfl, ^rS HP'TT^, ^ HTO5c5T, 75rTsr%?5T. C. and hot place. 3^1^ n. 9 private, concealed., v. Hid. 'TH'. 5rf^^^r, ?T»i%?5T. 10 penurious, v. Miseelt. f^^por, fspF?, f^^Z, if^Hf^. 11 strictly adhering to the original. iT^oJrHTTWTi ^'i^- 12 ( of translation, &c. ). ^^^Ta^HHRt, V'^MdH^TfT, 13 ( friendship, acquaintance, &c.) intimate, ^^"fr^, q'fl'DfNT, aT?rqffft. Close, adv. See Closely. Close-compacted, Close sxt, «. v. Compact. ^s%fiT. Close-fisted, Close-handed, a. v. Miseelt. ^STTfrj, ^r^- 51%, f^^trr, f^^j, f^, ^r^. Close-textueed, a. ^^^7:, ^^^X, '^^^^^. Closely, adv. cmnpressedly, crowdedly. T^, ^^, TST^, 5TT, fjicT, (^i-iufiorr^uffJT, i\i\A\i\^. 3 immediately after. Tr€nre, TRTTFT, ?rT^rTP5. 4 T. AXIENTIVIXY. ^^f^TTT^, H^rlKHj rJ^"^?^^. Closeness, w. v. A. 2. qjT^ /.^^^ctt »». q'^frr /. ^4 «. ^fSTTT »). 3 ?T?t/. qoT^lzqwr '«. q^?^ «• 4 ^^^^u\\ m. ^5f5fT^ /• ^FTHt^^f; /. 5 q^^?;quTT 5«. ^ar^tjftrrTTIT m. mjf^ f. 1 3^rCT M. :s'Am n. e^nsr »». ^^ftst m. tm^r »". 8 5. fs^^Tsfl'/. 2 V. Clod. ntoET w. %^ n. g^ar «. 3 clotted mass. ?5T^'rT »»■ ^0 Clot, v. n. form into clots, concrete. 'TTS'f, ^r^'jf, ^STJ- tn-, ?Tt?^5:w, Wf^^ot, :?ITTW, 3T?:ot. Clotted and matted hair. '^\^ pop. ^^f. CLOrn. n. mvJS n. ^■^ n. fSfTn? «. =5ftT ?i. ^^ «. 3t^^ «. ^I^H n. ^?R w. ^RT «•»». T? '»• Some kinds of Cloth arc 3THT^, 3TfR;?fT, f^FTFT, ^I^ or ^oi^, ^^, ^T^F, m- Tt3r or ST, g?rnfr or H\ or ^?r^, ^'^T, ^?r, iFTRT'T^, T- ^3T^, THf fft^PTTJ, 'pr^t, "t^JT, HH<^', =^^F?5T, =Ef?^55T, ^TH^r^, ^ or S, g'r-'TT, JRSfT, ^TT^T, T^q^l^T or S,H?T^, A c. with figures painted on it. Ph-^m-!. '». O. worn threadbare. iTTni=sr ^3TTS' ii. =^W..^ f. Coarse and stout c. tff»reT in. sJrarTT »«. End of a c. T^tt. To Clothe, v. a. sr^ n. iro^iif, TT^f^, "Tf^=!OT ??. m^, ^f %f^-«rw^jrf^-&c. ^?;of. To feed and c. 3T5T^^ n. ^-qx^oif. [ f^of . To c. ( thoughts ) with words. ^^CTT?r sT^^ROT-^^f- Clothed,;?. v. V. M*MHJH3S"il-%?t^s?!T, ^^, ?irf%?r, 5r^iTT- f^, yiRi^i^, ^^^fV7^^ ar^r ( in comp. as ^^fsp;, -;Tqi'^n. H^HS^?;*. Dense array or mass of clouds, ^q^/. Hq^PTT /. «T^/. '^^toE or ^JPTSM. q'T'P^wf. Empty c. ETf^f^^ ?i. Gathering of clouds. q^5 ?z. q^JT^JfRji. ir:T3TT=^«. Light, fleecy clouds. ^BT/. ^Tt/- 'JTT/. Reddish streak of c. — as indicative of rain. ^T^|«. Threatening or lowering of the clouds. ^ms«)<. or The clouds have gathered, are lowering, -G, a. K'--| jf^rl , J I 'Hjf^H . Cloudless, a. f^JTcE, fHTVT, fvprs, HM«. f^^- 3 See Patch. 4 See Blow. To Clout, u. a. See To Patch. 2 See To Beat. Clove, n. — tbe plant or flower. 5f=Pl/. ^cp^gJT n. Oil of c. ^Am n. 2 (of garlic, ginger, turmeric, Ac). ^Ftft/. ^ n. TPP- 5^/. ^/. ^/. ClOVEIT, p. T. y. "PTI^, &C. ^%\^. Cloves-iooted, a. f^r\^, Clovee, n. 'Ndl'H ^(^ ^JiTrr 3Tr|:. To live in c. ^EfnoffrT 3T?fot, ^5l/.-%^/.-sf^y;.&c. ^^fTcTof y. of 0. Clown, n. rustic, peasant, t. Cgunthi'max. ^th^c^tt, ^ifT^r- Clowns and boors,— compreh. aTrm^ ^f^^ITsI' m. pi. 2 sanj', ^c. v. Buffoon. jtiS ?». ^jRfFT m. JT^^^^ w. Clowkish, a. Y. EusTic & Countbtman. ifcnT, nt^rSoS ^f- ^T^, ^l^fT, %^^, ;^^aj, ^% ntET^, f-uNiJ., 'frT5q55=€rr, Clownisuness, m. v. a. ifcjT'TTnr n. nt^^TDT ?i. TTORTur n. &c. itsrrfr/. n^TTT^/. Tf^r^^^/. To Cl.OX,v. a. satiate, sate, (/hit. fif?:^, jft? 5«.-'aiFj;ixt/. Cloyed, /j. v. V. first ^^^pst. To be c. rliilr.ll fpRt /. q^oT, OT?rt?^mf ?fr5 «. PPT^ 5'- "/«. ^prf ^mt ^fPT «i. qm, ^t'tV^ ^m. CLOriNG,;?. o. V. V. fRZ^ q^THTOTITT, fJTSH?RraT=q-T or 5l?rr- Club, m. v. Cudgel, ^prr or ^tttt m. ?fRrf w. OTfTTTO. n?T/. 2 Mot, gang, v. Band. =qT^ or ^^"r^ w. ST^^niT ^.T- 1" m. TIT ?». qjf/. ^.m.f.^ n. To Club, ti, n. contribute together, cfifi^ff/.. q|^y. ^^ CLT 2 ^om together to one end. frranTf, vj^ijf, ^of, W^Vf^ fJT- ^-^^^-^5-&c. ^PTfT n. Jj^. To Club, u. a. unite fur a common end. fJT^^TiJf. 2 STnofr/.-TFt/. qEW. Club-foot, n. ^tz qfT or ^jTTNrT m. Club-footed, a. ^tz ^FTF^r, ^Tzm HNM I. Club-law, w. cfsft rtt, ^tj^t^^; Clumsiness, «. v. A. 1. ^H^iufl^ui n.-'^^m. 3T=Tr?fT Cluster, v. n, — blossoms, fruits, Sfc. ^fraTir, ^RTT^ Wl'iui, 2 produce fruit in clusters. MilT)». firaot, JT'4^M. fira'jr-^jm">Jr y. 0/ *• ^^R'-^tt- ^^ 5T^of-3T^, iT^jTrfifTH.-'^^ g5".-t^'7^^=T".-&c.^m y. ofs. Coalescence, Coalition, 7t.T.Y.—act. fH7.ui>i. 'SJ^it n. &c. — slate. ■^Ml'lHm. ?f^f^/. ^^flTTWi. Coalition of letters, ^fft^jw. I. confeJeraey. See Combination. Coaptation, n. adaptation, ^-c. rTFTHFT". dlrlim^T »». ^IT»?!. Coarse, o. — of cloth, paper, &c. ^STTf^rff, HldyHt, ^m, ^- 5T, ^m^^, tpR??: 07- ITT, ^oiiR, q'^FR:, tr^rrsT, ^^t /'o/?. MTTS, ^^^TT, ^fW, ^^rftrf. — indef. or carelessly. ^3^^ '^'FTTT, JTW^RT or qi?.|HI^ or JTTTTqTST, 3fr5T>TTir. 2 — of things, gener. rude, rough, v. Clumsy. ktN?, ST- qs or ST, T?rT3TiTrOT.~&c. Coast, n. shore. ^,\z 711. w.m 7n. pfR n. ^WSWAZ or spiST m. ^K^f^^W in. ij^T^tS or ^t^T m. ^^f^^fTTT w«. Down the c. ST. The coast is clear. H'T^rf^gT^, T^rin^F^3TTf . To Coast, v. n. w,\Z m.-^^K\ 7n.-&c. trC^ ^TW, ^t5T^-f%- ^r-qT^-?T3t?r-&c. ^TW. Coat, n. s^ n. 5n?TT »«. f ^/. ^^ «. ^^f^ "'• C. of mail, v. Armour, st^jr ?«. f%r?5^rT w. Great c. or cloak. ^r^IT or ^sfT w*. [tTT M'H'iN. Cut your c. according to your cloth. a^fir^TiT TTJT 2 or coating; tegument or coviring, gener. '+,c(-^ 7j. 3TP5r- T^T n. 3TT5T^ n. ^r^, m. 3 (of the eye). 9-3^ »». q5?5 iJ. [ qi^T w. 4 layer, fold, crust. 4K J». q^.^ w. TS^ m. TFT^T or qj- 5 (of paint, mud, cowdung-wash, &c. ). 3q »i. ^«rr »t. fkvn n. ?jqTT »». ^ m. 6 c. of arms. See Arms. To Coax, «;. a. persuade ly soothing Sfc^cords. 3^T^er^,iT5T- ?:af, vTTTTTiJf or 'tfTqrijf, ^?TT5rof, arr^'^T"^, ^R'^n^of, ^sr- ETOT or qw^^, 'tr^TRof, S'ffqTCT qrfr, 3TT^> ?J.-?rTSlTttft /-555H M.-&C. ^?:oty. 0/0. To c. a female. Sflt ^TTT ^X^- To c. a male. ^T^ ^V^ qRof, sfT^IT JcTT W.X^, Coaxed, p. v. V. aTT^^TrScTT, &c. cTT%?r. CoAXEB, 7J. Coaxing, p. a. v. V. 3TT5E=r'mTr, &c. ?5f|qT55, ?TT- Coaxing, m. v. V. — act. STTZST'^ «. &c. ?5T^tnt^ /. Firfjpq- OTT m. Tat/. ^gMrJ M. STT^fiT «. ^V3S^--imf[ f. ?5Tc=y^ ?'• COAXINGLT, adu. rTT^Tst^, HTTq^UTT^f, SlWlt, <^ I ^NN I- 3TTi5rri-&c. ^p^tt. Cob, «. T. Pont, rr? ?». 2 cob-wall. ^m. To Cobble, v. a. mend (shoes). (^^T 7)i. &c. ) cTFTS'Jf-^- ?TT?r?rT ?rf^. 2 mo^-e or do clumsily, lunjle. afNTS ^t^S +,«■ [ >pOT »». «. Expanded hood of c. 'W^m. diin. ff\f. qroft/. l>W[.f. Figure often fancied in the form of the hood of a c. q^Tiqrr=ER^ q^ n. Gem found iu head of a c. m^ m. coc 15i COD To expand its hood — the c. «P^/. f%?n?ijf. COBWF.B, n. vfrraJ n. +i. ^Trt^ »». iT^?l m. ^^^m m. f^Rft wf- Tz^\A\ m. C. of one's own walk. 3TT^?qT ^TT^ 'T?f5«. ^T^lt/. (or ^^^^$&c.) Kernel of a c. nut. ^tsft". Oil from the kernel of the c. nut. ?^r«R3«. HKc4;^«. Oil obtained from c. nut shells by burning them. ^- ^Z^ n. [3TI%?7«. Oil obtained from heated scrapings of young c. nuts. Oil obtained from the kernel of the c. nut by squeez- ing with the hand. 5%^ n. [shell. i^n. Co-equal, a. v. Equal. ^H^MH, ^TcTFrT, dlrtl-HT, cTTS^'fr, CO-EQUALITT, n. V. A. ^HWHMfTT /. ^TK^rTT /. ^^"^ CO-EQUALLT, adv. V. A. SfO^O^. To CoEECE, V. a. T. To CojirEL. iI?5T?^FR??J.-»r*Jl"lO /.-&C. 2 See To Eesteain. CoEECioN, «. See Compulsion, Eestbaint. CoEECivE. See Compulsoet. Co-ESSENTIAL, a. partalcing oj the same essence. ^THTR, ^- Co-ESSENTiALiTr, n. ^TT^TT^rm" /. TTT^T^TrtT/. TTSTHHUdl/. Co-ETANEOUS, flf. o/ZAe 5n!W!i? (7ye. ^H=|'MV+, ?rn^, ^fKT^^T- C0-ETEI!NAL, a. ^f^^ JTFft, frTf?I??T^'4FTt. Co-EYAL, a. of the same ajc. ^HR^Tc^, (^^i^rfe^, ^M+F- Co-existence, n. ^^-^{^mn. w^nm. tr^^FTf^^pfSfra. Co-ExiSTENT, a. ^^ +l«Nr, '^q^T ^H^TSfr, '^ JpTfe^, ^- Co-ExTENSi\ E, a. ?R=^N^, ^T^^PTPF, ?TiTNfq^, ?rmftiT, Coffee, n. — the berry, ^m. 2 — the infusion. JfJcTT;". ^T'pt/. is common. Coffee-house, «. ^etr^tRT ?«. Coffee-pot, ?j. +'Mi^l?fr/. Coffer, n. v. Box. ^f^/. ^TTw. HTf;^/. 2 V. Teeasuee. HtSP:". Coffin, n. sr?TT=5ft ^s^F/.-q^/. ^mfePT/. 2 grocer's paper-case. '^m. dim. jCt/. ^raTT??*. f?»». iTo Cog, t;. a. ( a wheel &c. ). sriFTT^'Jr, sm^Eq-. 2 tvheedle, v. To Coax. jt^rSt. Cog, m. tooth of a ivheel. fffrlT)". ^ffTm. Interstice between cogs. 'JT'^iyr/- Cogency, «. v. A. sTo^^/. ^FfT/. ^^^.■^\ f. ^\^~^ n. ^ Cogent, rt./om'JZe. iioS^p?:, ^3-, sfSR, ^RT^fT, ^^TT^TT, ^T^- Jb Cogitate, Cogitation. See To Think, Tnoucm. Cognate, a. lorn together. ^^■^M, ?f|^, tT'l^^rfTrf. 2 v. Eelated. WsffiFflq-, ^tfiif, "^^F^TTrftq-. Cognation, n. v. Eelaiion. 'JTRTft^^fcT?^. ^t?T^5i«^«.- ^^- COI Cognition, n. certain knowledge. ar^vRf^^ fTT^n. fq'sTr^n. COGNiZAliLE, R. that falls under judicial notice. =^nt;5fT ^JC- iJTr3frir-?rR^-&e. 2 ///a^ WW// ie known. 3T|U|Ui(M"liii-&c. ^^MT 3Tf'<:T'7;R»J.-3T'T?J?«. 3 See Pekception. 4 JacZye. f^^TPJft/. Cognizant, n. having knowledge of. Hrf^TR, cn' -4-,i)'iK . Cognominal, a. having the same name. ^,'^^i^]=^T, ^Rnvt, To Cohabit, v. n. dwell tcifh. ^5JT?rwJ.-iT;?R'e together as husband and wife. ^-^T 5Tm#?!TT=Tr- -^Tnjf, TPT^, ^^TTT/.- Coinage, Coiking, n. v. V. 1. — act. TTS^i «». f'TJ^PTR'jf n. 5?t^^ «• 2— «c/. ;[^ur «. &e. T^^/. 'ft^^T/. I. matter coined. See Coix. To CoixciDE, V. 71. fall together, meet in the same point. ^- TITT m ^pir g. of s. 2 V. To Agkee. r^otui, ^35^, 5''T''f, ^ ot.-^JTT m.- ^3T^»«. iRfiJf y. o/s. Coincidence, n. t. V. 1. w^ m. 2 and Ageeement. ifcS m. ^iT »». ^?r=rr m. fTi7:nTp m. Coincident, a. t. V. 2. ow(Z Ageeeing. ^oiuiKi, &c. fHFTT- CoiNEE, w. V. V. 1. ffTW "mtriKT, Jf^P^nro'TT. CoiE, n. 5pT'i . 8 /":«/«JT5-^. Coldness, n. v. A. 1. 4fr/. 4^T0TT ?». f^irToJrf /. ^ft^ ». 2 45t/. ff^r^o;?. f|^ or fr^ «. ^ft?f w 5?!T n. ^RJrr>». '45Tf /. 3t^ »». '^^». f%^%f^/. f^'TiT?;r n. ^^iTT^Jrt. 7 ^tf^TWT m. ^rT^rRRT TT^?? »t. ?ft?T!T?5f^ /. Cold shoulder. To give the c. to. %fT=5fr 5toJT ^ ST^f^ijf, 5T qrfl?^ WT^ «. decl. SRCTT. Colic, M. "TRi^jfS or qfe^ss ?». ^j^ pop. ^. m. qf^^jfi »?. mRuiih^j;^ ot. arm^jfj «?. ^m^j^^ m. That has c. 'TT^to'JT, ^Jfft. To Collapse, «;. n.fall together. q^>jf or qg^ ^m, =%^^, ^^ or ^^^TTiit, m*-l ^TTTot. [ =^ /. Collapse, Collapsion, «. v. V. — state, q^rof «. &c. %TfT/. Collapsed, ^. t. V. snj^^c^T, ^^T^?5T, &c. Collar, «. ( for the neck ). T^if^w. T^ft/. «P5^^ m. %- Z^^ n. C. of silver worn by the worshippers of Khandob.i. nfST or irts-qr w. Ornamental c. of gold or silver. ^^^ f. 2 ( as of dogs, &c. ). '^% or #r^ or A'l^, m. 3 ( of horses, &c. ). 155^5 n. ^rt/. ^^?ft/. To slip the e. aTFT «. ^PK^ W. To CoLLAE, V. a. seize, ly the throat. Tccf^'ft/-nT'Tt€t/.-^- 7^/.-&c. tr^ g.of 0. Collae-eoxe, n. ^rft/- ^^ «■ To Collate, v. a. v. To Compare, v^tsi^ or %pT Trf '^, q'5rr5^'n or q^Frr^s^, t5Ht^ TT^'if, Ttrfrr »i. Tif't, ^g- ^'T/.-^H+M^r m-'^^ =n?^HT/. q'of-^^T^W■'\f\ m. To Collect, v. a. v. To Gather. fiTo!;^. -^MNui, ^JTFR- ot, ntST ^^, ?nT^ WJ.-^^^PT m. ^X^ fj.oj o. 2 ( monies ). ^■^ ^m^ ^^SCfff, ^^'T^, S'T'T^'t /.-T^F'ift' /.-THRr ???.-&c. ^^"Jf y.o/o. 3 infer. ST^Tm »!.-?r% «j.-&e. q;^, %af, %^ ^FTW. 4 ( one's self ) ^?Jt^-'HMN<-&c. ir^, f^rl «. '• sTT^ m. f%^IRTf^- Collet, n. See Collar. 2 tliepart of a ring in which the stone is set. ^ n. ^.\^ n. To Collide, v. n. strike ayainst each other. ij+H+mI 'T^^f. -iT'^T m.-&c. ?rFT^-^?f^, (^q^^^jn^ ?imw, ^jqiiif, 5RDT, 2 fig. interfere ivith, S;c. v. To Clash. etTHot, ^Wt/. fm, S^OT, ^q^q?/. 5f50T ^r. of s. Collier, n. ^ti ^A^W^ ^TofTH q^TT q;?:oTRT. 2 ^St JpTS^Tt^ s'TNTft. 3 ^nft ^5!;^Tf% 5(TT^H. [««. Colliery, m. ^mr^5 ^t\ ^f^ ^^^^ +I4"'-Ii^l q^J^^qpfT 2 ^fr ^^if^r STTOT in- To Colliquate, &e. See To Melt, &c. CoLLii?ioN, V. V.l. — act. ?fqT^ n. 5mTfff n. &c. <^Hq;Hr q'jgr OT.-'^TT OT.-&C. ^qi?T M. qTFTT 3TRm ?«. 2— arf. qr^f^ ». ^Twn\f. ■^**i'+- /. To Collocate. See To Place. CoLLOcoTioN. See Conversation. CoLLOP, n. ?mTrft=^ T=rT m.-^qrST w. KRHHS M. Colloquial, a. relating, ^-c. to common convenation. 5^r?CT- Colloquialism, n. ^m^TFft ^'^^'f^T k^m ^mi HTTon^qT Sf^PR m. Colloquy, n. v. Conyeksation. HTrar^^ff/. ^T=^r^/. ^- To Collude, v. n. conspire in a fraud. «. Hm^^ w. Close c. sR ?«. 3 (of a page ). aTRTST n. ^RT »(. ift^/. q^THK m. from the English is in use. COLUJINAE, a. ^tsjT^^ CHI'TPRl, 'fiTT^TR. COLUEES, «. — in geography. TR^frR^fT n. Coma, n. v. Lethaeot. 5rtT/. ^tTS/. CoiiATOSE, CoM.\TOus, «.v. Lethaegic. 5rfT ?«. ^iTRT «• ^'4R^T^ n. ^k^^ n.— state, aud Union. ^■^\- ^ m. ^^?P?Tr/. ^4 '». ?i^f^/- ^TT ?». ^RTRTH m. I. combined body; band, confederacy, cabal.^ ^'c. W.^i m. vf- S: »i. ^TSt/. ^ »«./. ^n M. ^^t/. ^Z or ilf »». II. confederation., league, conspiracy, ^'c. ^^.^^J m. ^ m. ^f^f. ^Z m. W.Zm. ^P^RT on. ^.-^ m. nf[f. f^^^ f. <("- SFHTT or ^ ot. ^ M. ^n n. TFRr^TrT 7!. ^n^RT n. ^FT/. vf- '=ftTT?ft/. ?f'iNa, Tumult. To Come, v. n. arrice, approach, advance, tj-c. ^ot, ^q'ot-H- jftq-&c. q^, ^m fr^, aTRT W.-3TRH5T w.-aTT^PT W.-&C. Come! Come along! ^^, -^r^il, ^^ fH^'T q' ?nr^T. To c. and go. q-ot^pjf n.-^^V^J^\ m.-^'^^^^^ «.-&c. 2 f^r3!o Jf"/"^, T. To EisE, To Proceed. ^M, S'T^^r^f, ^- 3 a^^am to, reach. TRof, T^T^, STTH' ft^T, q'lJf, fTTSSot^ 4 about; to pass, t. To Happen. tr5^-5pj^-|r3riT-f /i. Jail of a e. ?f.|t/. CoMETAET, Cometic, a. ^ff(^^^^- U 1 M •■? :. [ ^/. Comfit, Comfituee, «. rf>-y sweetmeat. 4v l JrT?Fr w.-5Tt^?n^=T «.- &c. ^pr^y. ofo. sflr «.- qq «. Slit. 2 c/ifcr ;«K7er trouhle. v. To Console. ^TFR-'^, 'iTT':^-frS>r, a. ded. Comforted, p. v. V. 2. ?Tt?r5ROT, &c. 3TT'Trf?r?T, STTrnr^T- Comforter, n. Comforting, p. a. v. V. 2. ^f?t«?"crnTr, ?mT- qr^^TniKT, &c. W^H^, 3TT»qT^^qT^, ^TiF^r^T^Frrf-JFR- ^F-^PTft, ^^^rnfT, ^TpFfF^. I. — woolen c. Tco^rra" 'T^F^^rqT^fr^r ^^r+O'-ft Tft/- Comforting, m. v. V. 2.— ncf'. ^mijf ?!. arr^'^nTRT ". ^JF^^ M. 5:5^IM^<'J| «. ^^TrT^TiiT n. ^l^^TfTW ?». sH^^'ttt n. Comfortless, a. v. N. ] . 2. 3. arg^, 3T?IHr-:TT=ft, 'JT^^^^ir, I. n<«i|-)i, JiTF^spfkr, g^Fmr'^T^rrf^. Comic, Comical, a. relating to comedy. ^q"T^ T^T^ ^R^ 2 - ^3^7- CoiiMANDANT, «. Commander, n. Commanding, p. a. v. V. 1. STTfTT-f ^-&c. ^RTTTTTT-^WTTT, an^m^p. arfcTTlH, HN*, ^JdW. TIT%^, ^HHMdN, or ^STTfT^. C. in chief. %^TT?iv. Commensality, CommeNsation, n. eating together. ^sprTT- #t%q-air n. ^'[^,z■^^^m. ar^sqsr^ m. qi%Hr3T5T«. ^^nr- ^^". v+'-irfh^MMrt. qf^^n<». Commensueaeiliit, Commensueableness, n. t.A. ^^^^- Rhiuhi/. •H*iMRni>Jrm^OT. ^hmhht/. Commensueable,Commensueate, a.having equal extent,&;c. To Comment, f. «. wm^-e ;!0/(?5, annotations, ^-c. fpf>\ f.-'>T{- tq- ji.-fsn'JTJTw.-sqT^^T f.-z^W^T^n.-f?:'-^r!\n.-^S'^f.-&c. 2 remark censoriously. ^^/.-E^n^qr/.-TfTTr'snT «.-&c. Comment, w. ^^/. HTis^ra. an^^fw. fJf^TOT?^. sqT^qj/. ^^- rrrnrra. aT«rFtqraTT, ^•'TT- Commeece, n. X. Teade. "k^ ^^n. \ %/. 3^^ m. s^RRwi. 2 V. Inteecouese. ^^orsjot?*. ^^Zjm. Eff^^rpr/. C. of the sexes. ^^f^^'Tw. Commekcial. a. Y. N. 1. ^H^MNl, 5'7=r^Kl-HT,5'i|mHRr, &c. g^^tft, 5q-q^TW5itft, SqleJ^lR^ pop. i^^^^,^ ^}. The c. interest. ^=r«N'+KI»». Commination, Comminatoet. See Thee at, Theeatening. To Commingle, v. a. v. To Mix. fTT^ra'^, <^^rf5:OT.-^»Tft?j- ^ n. w^m g. of 0. To Commingle, v. n. t. To Mix. frnr^or, 'q^^d^ni. ^. To Comminute, v. a.v. To Pulveeize. =^of«.-q^/.-&c. ^^ g. of 0. ^M^FT'Jin. 'P^ y- of a. To COMMISEEATE, COMMISEEATION. See To PiTY, PiTY. COMMISSAEIAT, W. JTt^^TFTTWi. C.-supplies. ^^/. CoMMissAEY, n. ( of an army ). ^^'i\^\m. ^\^m. 2 See CoMMissioNEE. Commission, n. t. V. ( To Commission. )—act. ar^T^mT \- 2~act. !>:c. JRCTf. 2 — iu commerce; order. oTr^ft or ^'r, ^r^k, ^m^rs. Commissioner, n. person commissioned. ^S{^\^m. ar^r'TTft, To Commit, v. a. consign, intrust, deliver to. ^"TT'f, ^=)lrt'Ji, iT3T^, r-H< ' i " i , afpT'if, ^^iT3f-^rar-fPfr-^T'^?r-ctc. ^tot- %f ot-^ijr, q^ qwr, ar^^ijf, ?ijm, f^tT^roit/.-f^v'injr^/.- To c. with confidence, f^^nrrnt, TT?^=Pt. To c. to memory. qre-cfTsqi^-^^'Tre- ^S-H^TfrfT-^ITCT- ?T-&c. ^T^. 2 ( a work or business,unto ). ^J^^"^, ^F^, ^fFSW, h:T- ^, 3TT?nm, ?isf;f?q"?r, ^^\^j^, ^tifir, f^Krfi-fT-~?T^T?ft?r- jf. Committee, M. q^?r/. "T^ «. ;)Z. f^J^HHT/. ^rpK^/. from the English word is common. Committing, Commitment, n. t. V. 1. — act. ^"pTof n. f?R- ^ n. \^W.^ n. &e. f^T^uft/. fRT^^/ STqaT «. ?fH'|aT w. f^v^^ n. 2— act. 131^ jt. 3^Kiq5i n. &c. 3TRH1T «. aTTTTT »». 4 ^KqfrT TTS^T^ n. &c, ^nT^srT"JT w. qSTTRTOT n. To Commix. See To Mix. Commode, n. JTFSfsTH^HKAil #|^ q^/. Commodious, o. convenient, accommodate.^ comfortable. ?ftf- =50", f^r^rr, ^If^R, ^"tf^TR, swi?, ^q%^T, ^f ^, T'-qr- COMMODIOUSLT, at^u. V. A. +ilscJH, ^If ?TTT, 3TR^?q-qt^_ Commodiousness, n. v. A. ^Tr^/. ^TT^rKq^ m. ?ltiT(TTqiTT «. ^■q^'^dl/. 3^^rn m. 'AT^^T «. 'iTg^^^rtT/. ?5Tn m. q-'OT^rT «. T'Tfq^^ «• CoMMODiTT, w. ifew o/ ttw/'es or goods. fJT=JT?f m. qvirr «• ^T- ^ OT. TTT55 m. Commodities, — compreh. wares, goods, merchandise. fxjra'^ m. pi. r^vHqM^ »». /;?. fTf3T5T?f OT- pi- JTra OT. rif^T »«. CoMMODOEE, «. arriRRp;^ g^^ arfqq^T^. Common, a. lelonging to more than one. ^rHr^5rr,W'41T'n', ffT- HTitpp 7)0/;. ^fTTTi^, ar'^^^rmR^, 'i^H^HT'-TRTT, 5T;pfTtTT- nir, ^rpnm^^, ^+«-JN"Jr. 2 belonging to the pnllic.^ hating no separate owner. ^- A c. wouuui, prostitute, ^'c. ?frRT''TT/. ^'•TRW^/. 3 belonging to all, universal, general. fl^'^T, ?1=IT~TT ?T- sifeTTSTT, &c. ?I#€riTRor, fl^^^^, ^iff^Tq^, ^TNm'^r':?!- 4 public, popular, general. rTr^t^T, jTmflrlT, ?^rat=^T- ?5rafff5, f^'pFC^mFST, Bt^€'^=5TT, v^^qtTqr€T?T^r, &c. 5 not rare or scarce, v. Abundant. «i;^, .'^''-^'^i f^"^, 6 ordinary, customary, usual, f7-eqvent. qftqT3T=^r, qf?:qr- ^n^T, sq^^RRtrir, siifirq?, aif^?^, tt^^f, f'^BTf?t?^r, 7— of persons, not noble. ^TRTR^, WHWM sfrfhfT, ^rmR^ Tc^t^, ^mROT Sfrft^T, WtTRTT q^sfhfT, HT^fT, ^>If?^, 8 — of tilings, ordinary, not ctcellent, for daily vse, m. '^^■h*^■<^H.r^n. 3TMqrfcntTT5pf5r«. 2 ^rq'firtTR^flT/. Btfflr'^TR'J^n. ^rF'^RTT^^fH^FTcT's. ?tTHT- 3 ^fsffj^ftpTT/. 5flTqmT^r':TRTiT?rr/.3TrTPTRTrqR'T?f?j. Ac. ^?[i^p^Rq«. ?rr^ 2 the pullk, V. CoMMUXlxr. ??t^ wj/jZ. ^HTf ^ JTSSft/. Commotion, «. perlurlation, v. Agitation. ^fHw. stT- HT^'«. #?rNM. sq^TnT/. 2 comhuslion^ ^-c. v. Tumult. T5^/. ^^'TS or ft/- ^- ?^5 or |ri?l/. |-?5/. sfSroE or at/. ^5;rt. To CoMMOVE. See To Agitate. To Commune, To Commukicate, v. n. hold intercourse. ^- ^T^i «(t^'jf?l.-^|f'jU|-Mlrtui)i -soiU|«.-^rZ'Jrqa;u|7J.-c(!4U|^oiU| •«.-;f3tir«.-=(i^di»i.-^qT^?i.-?rqpTr /-?wn»».-&c. s^ctt-^jj- 'Trf-^?^DT rtnrf «t(^/< in. con. 3T?T>^. 2 confer together or tviih,y. To Converse. ^fTpspTr^J.-^f- :} partake of the Lord's supper. ^'H'^T^mi. q-irf. Communicable, a. v. Y. A. 1. 3TrqT^TnT-&c. ???, 3T=^"5^. < 'ommunicant, m. spT ^l l ^ri-i q-tiilTT. jTo Communicate, j;. a. impart, v. To Give, siir, ^itt«.-OT •cTPT».-&c. ^aty. o/o. ^^^|iT«;.-^iTi7T>'i. ^prf^^.o/o 2 reveal.^ disclose, v. To Tell. ^SJ^pJf, ^trrfsjaf^ q^^f^, f^^?^, f^?r?^ ^;X^j.ofo. ^mftT-iTTft?r-f5TfTH-&c.^RiTr, To Communicate, v. n. have a passage from one to the other. ^TTrqrsi'JMNl T?nT»z.-'TP'T«J.-!fr5T4T»!. 3Wif ««. co«. CoMMUNiCATio.N, ?j. V. Y. A. 1.— ac^. %nt«. ^«. ST^r^w. 2— act. ^F^E^oTm. ^rf^OTTO. fTrq^^Tw. I. communion, v. Intercourse, ^ith. goiu|c|oiOT«. 5nCJT- ?^si3TM. S3. ^JFft or ?rnrrft, ?tt«r'>, ^Tf^n", ^^;^ifT, ^^TFft, ^T^pprt, #^fFft, ?r^, T^rsfT, TTf^^, W\^. Companions and associates, — conipreh. or gener. ^- ^■^ ^T^ or %^^ ^n^ft m. pi. 2 assoc:ate, comrade, partner, v. Fellow. ?rT*ff, ?lTSpit, W\f^ pop. ^rirft or ^'llrfl, TSt, TST, ?T^, ^T^Tf or ift. 3 intimate associate, v. Friend. ^^T, ^HoftHotT^, ^^^- Female c. or friend. ^T^-Tf/. ^\^f. ^T^f. WMuft/. qfl'-iiR+i/. Companionship, «. v. IST. 1. ?fiT «?. ?mrr/ W«Pf/.?r^H?r«. ^T^lf^/. ^JTFTT m. HT^^ M. ^f =5nTiT n- 2 #1 w. ?i->i?ft/'o/'. m^f m''jf. ww^f ?rr4ftT>jnm. n- ^/. ?rT^ «. ?nf|f^ «• wi^i-^M «. ?nf^ «. C. or fellowship, — coiupreb. or iudef. WipreirT/. y'W^'Hrf/. Closenesss of c. ^.^ci\^/. In constant or close c. ^FlH't. 8 W?^ n. +)^=|H «J. ?r%55r n. ■HK^'M >i. "jfrp^o/;. "TnfT/. 3^5'^ m. ^\^\i■^ n. Company, n. body, troop, multitude, v. Ba>'d. Jr5?ft or at/. JTi?5 w. ir^f. ^3nTFr/. ^'?H|H4 «. Bold or confident in c. WHTKft?:, ^TTT^IT. Boldness or confidence in c. ^>TT^'f n. [^fTRFf ^^ The grace or ornament of a c. ^*ii^h m- ^'H\<^H'i> W. Self-possession in c. ^TPPPfrf/. COM 163 COM Suitable to good c. ^Htf^^lfT, ?1«T. S\veetmc.ats served to c. at breaking up. f^TSH/. Timid or diffident in c. ^TT'ft^. Timidity or diffidence in c. ^^sFT m. y companionship^ society, consociation, consort inri. ^irf^T pop. ^TH /. m m. ^^^ m. ^^]7W m. €\^J. ifr/. ^- fq; pop. 'TTH /. 3TH«PT m. ^^^pTT n. ?I^4 n. ^74 /. ^T- . f^ n. «r^ «. ^^-Sf^ n. [f^TffT. Bad c. I'TST, l^ran, ar^iFHT, ?^?^^, ^:«T, f^T, Good c. ?i??rT, ?rr^?i-iT, g^ii, ?if?i'nfrr, g^if?^, ^^^- In the c. of ( or in connection with ). ^I'lfft or H, ^- ifr o;' n .17. 0/ 0. Tlic keeping bad c. ^^'JT n. fi^■^^\^^ m. ^S^H- n m. ar^ff^^fi m. The keeping good c. ^r^nm. ?fc^>tn m. ?twf^tTPTn. Virtue of c. ■n'KiylT m. Bad c. leads to ruin. aTBirat ^(1 srmT«T nt5. Man is according to his c. ^tTl'iy^ ? TO^TTT^. There is also a Hindustani proverb of the same import. To bear c. To keep c. with. v. To Accompany, ^jj m.- rrpTH m.- ^mmn m.-^\^ f.-&c. W'^^y- ofo. 4 boJi/ corjmrate. association, society, corporation. ^X n. i>T m. 3T^rfT '«. 3T^ m. Hj^t/. ^*ir w. qffp/jo^. ^^r^J. r> (of a regiment). The English word under the form of =fi'T^/. is commonly used. To CoMPASv, V. n. associate with, v. To Accompany. ^1 m.- ^T^^rm ot.-^T^PT/.-&c. t:TT^. CoMPAEABLE, a. v. V. 1. qiyKNI-^%rT--G, «. V. V. I.— act. q^d l ctui «. qr- iTT^T^ Ml^ui ra. &c. q^rilcAi J«. TfRTT w». W^|t|,^r m. ?^^- W-J^r^ m. 'S^qTrf/. Hr-iHi y. ^qrfFT n. standard or measure of c. Sf'Tf^T ni. To stand a c. with. q^t^TT^ ^rn^trr. 2 ^HT/. 3^TKR n. I. In grammar the degrees ofo. are expressed, 1st simply by the power of the particles f?T,q?Tf,qtW (answering: to than) attached to the words" as stTT^-FTT ^"tl-qfqj^f- H^qftW-^T ^ilST &c. — there being no variation what- ever of the adjective expressing the quality: 2dly, though less idiomatically, by the use, for the expression of the comparative degree, of 3Tfq^ (more) before tho adjective, as a^fq^p ^fl?5T more yood, and, for the expression of the superlative degree of arffT, qTH, "PR, (extremely, utterly, &c.) before tho adjective, as ^fn =5rm?IT extremely yood, or of ^fSfff^T, ^^T^i^^ &c. as ?!- «rff^ xffijpsr: 3dly, by the attachment, to Sanskrit adjec- tives, of the particles fR & rTiT for the comparative K superlative degrees respectively; as 3'^fl^,r5fR;-3'^?t^, l^cTJT, Mgher, dearer, hiyhest, dearest. II. iUusiration, v. Simtle. ^^^\ f. ^"ZtFT m. Subject of c. ^■q^ «• III. possibility of leing compared, proportion Sfc. ^t^lfr /. 5?r^r/. ^rq^TTT m. ^n^3q- n. 3^TT=rr/. w^ «. Compartment, m. cell.imrtition, v. Division, er ?>• ^m.n. qf «». «. %HT m. To Compass, v. a. encircle, environ, v. To Slhround. M'*."!, %S"jf, %'?^, %TT OT.-irST m.-&c. q^irf. 2 o/». ^t^'FT in. q^T^H/- on. VIST/. Z^^m. 5 ( of the voice ). %T «. ^ «. C ( of mariners ). ^7 »«. ^T'T^ ?J. 'H'^Wi'^ "• Point of the c. f^^lT /• f^fj^TFT m. The eight points are ."Jrjf^m /. pi- and with inclusion of the zenith and nadir S^lf^^Tf /. pi- The minor or remaining points aro 3^TfVw /■ pi. W^^TT /• pi. The points collectively are. f^^ n. Building open to all the points of the c. ?f^rH^ "• Determining the points of the c. f^^RTTtTS^ «. Elephant of one of the eight points. fr^l^I m. To bos the e. f?ig'-a^ n. ^^, 7 compasses. . V. A. ^%H, ?^rac^, SMiq^*. COMPATIBILITT, «. V. A. ^HnpTT/. AHf^/. ^IHIT Jll. ^TT- COMPATIBLK. a. V. CON-SISTEST. ^5ET^r-=5TT-^FTr-^'m?rT-&C. (•OMPATIDLY, aJv. V. A. ^^rq-prriT a. dcd. ^THST'Tsf^, 1^?T- CoMPATBior, M. h"^^, tj'j^yftq', ».-^^)«.-vilitT OT.-4Kiml/.-&e. ^ot-=nr55roT wi/h cT^r of o. ^^-^7r^{t{^-&o. ^?^ofr-+4(l<^*. f^STTqT f^T?^ »». Peevish c. f^FT^/. fwftr/. ^TTT/ Piteous c. TS/. «• ^fl, TT, ^^STPJiTn. A string of piteous complaints. T1^'^.,^ff^^^^., Component, n. constituent part, 3T5T'^-3Tsm«IHrT-3^'TrTq- crr4 w.-f^r^nr m.-&c. To CoMPOET. See To Ageep.. 2 (one's self) See To Behave. COMPOET, COMPOETMENT. ScC BeHAVIODR. Compos mentis, a. sane. g^t^-fF'^-m^^^^ 3TO0T in. con. ^R^Jf, mcjiii, or qMNui, 2 lay, calm, still, tranq^uilize, quiet, j-c. 5[im^ or «i.-7'I?TK^ «.-&c. <|vTW y. 0/ o. Brim^jui «. JfrTTJT y. 0/ 0. y ( a discourse, &c. ). JfjTDT, r^rtif, «ff^, ^3"il, ^P^'T. •1 adjust. V. To Settle. arS'it, ^^'T, WHH: »i.-^r5/.-&c. ^m y. 0/0. r> /j/arf iH proper slate. S(c. See To Dispose. CoMi'osEP,;). 4-n. V. V. 1. %^OT, SHTSf^^, =ErT used with tlic uouu ( as JTr?fNT, ^'p^rmT kc.),^^ {^- cJu'iH^ &p. ), "HTfTrF ( in coinp. as g^^H^, ^HF^ Si^T or g?;, y — in grammar. ^nTRT m. Explication of a c. f^^ m. 4 yard around house. ^X^ or qT?j or TC?T n. i «. jprft^RW n.— state. ^- To Comprise. See To Cgmpbehexb. Compromise, «. compact upon concessions. ^V^ f. v. 'TTJ, ffra ^3Tr?/. fffS^T5 or HI id 14 /. 2^n law. «J|'1-&c'. CouPCROATioif, «. T^qiyr/. Compurgator, «. T5W?ft. To Compute. Computation. See To Calculate, Calcula- tion, [m. ^'^ m. Comrade, n. v. Fellow. ?r??'ft, ^1«jrf), ^1^, ^^PT^, *Trs Con. To this inseparable prepositiou correspoud ^JT and ^ or as substituted for them, ^. To Con, v. a.Jlx in the mind. ^\W'^.^ ^1 ^iTW, 'juiui, ?T'«tt/. To Concatenate. See To Link. Concatenation, n. v. Series. Trf^sft/- ^f^^T /!fn?7RTE5T?/2. Concave, a. hollow and arched. 3t5+'il^lihrd, +'11^1 + 1 ;(TT^- Concavity, n. v. A. 3??'^^-^!^/ '^S^?TfT^R w. =R^^- SPT^T ?». n. ^Z\^W:t^\'^.n^ m. n. ifp.HI+off/. I. a e. qn; ?». Concavo-concave, a. concave on both sides. J^^'\<-a:T.^^^^' Concavo-convex, a. 3TfT!rr?T ^F?!:T^T^f?r. To Conceal, v. a.v. To Hide. 5fr^, ST^oi',^'75r^,^JraTjf ; ^- ^UWy. o/o. CoNCEiLABLE, «. V. V. 5Trai^-=^-^RT-^PTrrr-&c. JiPFft^T, Concealed, ;?. v. V. ?rr^%^, &e. nH", nrf^fT, 'HK'tilf^.d, sf- "^tfrf^, M'-ti"?!, f^rVrf^. Concealer, «. Concealing, ;j. a. v. V. 5Tf^'JTlTr, J^'^iTTtT, Concealment, ^^. v. Y.—act. ^rt^ ^J- ^FTW ?;. =^ivh n. &c. tjq^TJT^/. S^^rwt/. •il'MKN'r/. iTn^ ;". 5T=^^^=T «. f?TTr- tnTf ,'i;_4/ffl/,.. 5rf^^^ T'^T m. &c. ipmT/.'JTr^3Tf^f?r «. STipFTiiT m. 'JTSffHf^/. I. hiding place, fr^^or/- ^^^t/. «• To CoifCF.DE,v. a. allow, grant, yield, \. To Admit. ?{r5'Jf, ^, iTT^-^^-&c.' ^RW , ^^Uuf. [ *rRHT /. Conceit, «. iwfirye or idea formed, v. Conception. ^r"T^/. 2 /iiy/j estimate of self or own. f^^^ m. 3Tf*nTT5T ?». 3T- ^Wm.-Z^m. ylrT^«^. feHT^ w. "TrHTW /■ Tn /. % or OT. il^iT^/. ^^TTTT'tft/. fif^iTFT/. ITT^OT. 'jTT^ST?TT/. r. ^snfJTHT^ m. SfFT^m «i. C. oi, pluming one's self on. sfT^r »». To lose one's c. KM m. HT^of-fJTT^ y. o/' «. To be out of p. with. STfTiTH ?«. ^^of y. of o. v:.^ m.^JTHit, JT=T ??. 3^ v-'ith ^W^^_ To take the c. out of. ^rs/.-^r^T w.-', 2. ^7T^, ':'~(^, , T'^TT, Tpfni, ttJ'^ i?/* CON" 168 CON" JTT^rtt, *n?r, n*n<)irti, i^^HW, r, vt^rf], arfn- ^^, ^HTPT, 'il^*-HI«l'l, W^^FR, 3TFHTfH*Tpft, ^ifH- JTPT. [ 5TT. C. of or reopcptiiig. «JTOIT?fr, »fT"<<|-=(i, «irift^r, «fTuft- Co>-CEiTEDLT, adc. V. N. 2. arf^HHTH, f?m^r^, 3TfHHm- ^. CONCEITEDNKSS. Sce COXCEIT 2. Conceivable, o. v. V. A. 2. ^?TT-'jTt^Irfr&e. 5f^'T'^,^iri'^,JTq>T»^. COSCEIVALLENESS, 7!. V. A. 1. ^PrHN M I'^T'JTT »«.-&c. ^^- 2 ^JT^dNlvHt^Nm?". Ac. s^f^n'^T^TT/. "fTM'T'-iJfil/. «fcc. To Conceive, r. a. form in the womb, tr^, tJTSf?r q^, T- 2 imagine, v. To Fancy, ^pfj^qof, sn^Tf, sfji^Dt. 3 apprehend, v. To Ukdeestakd. tTTOf, ^nf, aTT^F^'Ji', ?r- JT^r^r, ^Krj».-^H^»».-3Tr?fw--&c. ^M g.oj o. ivHh in con. To Conceive, v. n. leccme pregnant, qlzfrf tRW, IHtTTT'JT «• ^■^, q>Rft-nHn:-qH5r^-&c. ^t'^-TT^'jf, in w. i\^^^ 2— of boasts. J|Hi^ ^JfM, 'TTTWt ^M, TTZOX, — esp. of mares. ^TT or ^^ ^\i\. 3 have opinion or idea oj, v.To Think. iT^tfT-t4|MifT-f%- TTtfT-^^H-&e. 't'lr in. con. Conceived, p. v. V. A. 1. 'Tt?.f?r tTT^HT. 3 viT^OT, &c. STTqjfefT, fn^i:f , 55-5rT^, ^5;, |j^^• Concent. See Concord. To CoNCENTEATE, To CoNCENTRE, V. a. Iriny to a common centre, briny to one point. ?TT(%J-^^$^-^jq^,m-^4,r|R-lT- ^Tq^-'^^^'<:T-&c. q^, ?^Pir^- CoNCENTEicAL, o. ^H%^, i^^qF;^. Conception, n. v. V. A. 1. & V. N. I.— act. TRifrT tTT^n. Indication or sign of c. T^ffTTT/. 2— arf. ^?jf". Tq-fH J^re. &c. ^^T^t/- TT^RT/ Z—act. ^^^ii[n. &c. HH^wj. 3TT^»»- ^T^IHot. »tT^^^?J. Clear c. of. WZ srf?nT%/. I. image formed.^ idea. ^F-^RT/. HK^T/. 5f^[f%'!RTn». ?T- ^M. 3RPFRW. To Concebn, v. a. relate to.^ h-Jong to. ^^■^m.-f7^rm\m.-&c. 3T«^ jn. con. ^qT-f5rsRfr-&e. ?5FTnT, ^rsfo!: aTOof, 3T^- df y. of 0. =P?sfT-?5irqT-flq-r'/». ;j|ti»j. fJT5^ToJT»n. 3Til?^n. fl^ft^/. IT^/ f^ipiIT/. ^^{J^m. ^- ?/. OT. ft>T:tr/. TTiiT/. ?fr?r/ ?Tfri/. To ceaso to take any care or e. about. ^F'^T /.-«F'J<1H<^H, TRFlt^, 3TT- r*Trj^, &c. Concerning.^. ( or vulgo, prep. ). f^q^fr, ^tff, Rl-M* j« com/), ^sjeft in comp. To Concert, v. a. contrive together. t^^rc^TT^-^^^n^TR-f^sr- 5^/. ^FT^-d-ritTlit/. ^F^, Ac. ^TiTof, ?fqWT«. ^^. Concert, Concerting, n. v. V. — ac/!. (^^prcqr^ ^"Mtjf w.&c. I.— of music, &c. fST^T qT^»». ^ffq-STT^^r^HRHm. ^^- C. of singing, playing, and dancing. ^rff(=t». ?frcij«. C -room. iTT^'Trsn" ^T^irm.-tF^m. ?i>rtrr^Tr^r/. II. V. Agbeement. ^^Am or^\ln.^^^\m. "^fX^ f. \^^n. Concession, n. v. V. — act. ^^T". ^Ff^ ^T'Jf «. ■Hliuin. ite, I. ^oJ«< conceded. ^r5%?5t 'TPH/.-'f^T!T»*.-&c. g^/. CoNCH, n. ^i^TO. jp^wj. jit;^t». C. — menstruum. ^T^^r^Tw. CONCHOLOOT, W. ?t^2fTT^«. iS^'^^f. CoNCILlAE, a. pertaining to a council. ^TH^TT, ^iH^sj^, ?T- To Conciliate, v. a. trin. gain over. HHIilui, !Hote|iji, frroT- f^ qirf, srz^rJr, aTT^^rin, aiTrrtT'if, anTT^jmr-argf^j-sr^^- &(-■■ ^"li-^F^Tr ^"^T H^qTtift/-3nTT<^HT/.-&c. ^q^ y.o/o. Conciliated, p. v. V. iT^Rk?^, 5p2;R?7T, &o. 3TTnf?T?f. Conciliation, m. v. V. — act. ^^J^ujn. cfot-Muin. anTTtTDTw. &c. TT^rtTT^/ iR'TJTT^'jfl'/. 'RT^Tifl'/. anrrtml^'. n^^^■ oft/ anrrfeT^/. mnn. Conciliator, «. Conciliating,^. jf. 3 determine, v. To Decide. 5?T^'Jt, ffT^i^nq'OT.-r'T'^l^wJ.-f^- 3 foZ/ec< logically, v. To Tnfee. rrq^R-gTHJTRFT qpr^-q- 4 include. See To Compeehend. To Conclude, v. n. finish, close, v. To End. ^tctT, st^TT^, ar-e-rr-^TTra'-frm'T-ctc. ^, T^iif. 2 — iu logic. 3Tg^FT».-rT^»». ^FT^, 3l^HMui, fTT^. Concluded, ;;. v. V. A. 1. ^iTTF %^r5T, &c. ^mrfW, ^TTm, Concluding,;?, a. v. V. N. 1. and Last. ^lET^rST or =^, ^- ^c7, ^TSTtHtT, 3f^=^, ^HTTfrsTT, 3T?^[ft^i ^^^• Concluding, Conclusion, n. v.V. A. 1.— ac/. ^TTIK ^"if«. T. V. N. 1. awrf End. 3TPift/- ^Wrfrr/. 3=nTw. '*|cJ^M». I. c. drawn, consequence, deduction. f^'s[\r{m. f7Tf5iq?n"»«. Jraw. 4 compact. See Ageeement. [K^T^TT. CONCOEDANT, a. V. ACIEEEINO. fJlriUKl, FMr^J"??!'^, ^JTT^T, Concoedat, n. ^n'ir;^T\^\f^r^ ^T^Tf +|U||'J^H' '^- CONCOUESE, n. confuence to one place. ^JTT^ni. firaiTf n. (t. 2 V. Ceowd. vtIMNw. HoTT?/!. ^^w. rr^ n. 3 See Junction. CONCKEMATION, «.-of a widow. ?T^H<«F n. ^TT^T ». To Conceete, t). «. V. To Clot. ni5'it, ar^iif, s^TTtrf. To CoNCEtTE, V. a. ^iT^rJf, nt^^T'jf, ar^'jf. Conceete, a. v. Thick, q^, sftJi, zy- 2— in logic. arf'^m^f^Tq^ J 3TfN-+.<>J|'H»i'4t ! ^fiWrq^. 3 — iu grammar. ■Rl^. CoNCEETiON, w. V. V. N. — act. 'vrS'^w. ar^w. v>1Hui?t. I. wiflM concreted. ntoITOT. ^55?f/. f^55 or f^^goTn. dim. Concubinage, n. '^i^t^^^^m. HTf^T^f^Nc^TRw. Concubine, n. inferior wife, Sfc. OT^f^t/- ■dMfeO/- HR'^^T/. 'TFTTf^/. Hrfn^/. TRT'Efr-Jffjrf^ /?o/J. jfr^t?RT^-&c. «) I "4 +1 /. (among Shudras); — one of many sITTFRT/. ^- V^f. STTTsr^r/. STR^^Ht/. 2 kept woman. T. Misteess. TT^/. X^ J. ^'t/. CoNCUPisCEKCE, w. V. LusT. ^TTT^TRf ?TT /. Iwt^TT^RT/. ?- Concupiscent, «. v. Lustful. ^FT'O', ^^FRT, ^JTRT^f^. To Concue, v. n. t. To Agree. frTotof, HI<-M-^H^-^'-J1d-^^- &c. ^M, ^'TT?T«.-^'TTf?f /.- 3TgTT?fre.-3H H H fd /.-arg^TTTn . \^ and /«. CO 7i. ^r^f ^- oj s. 2 ?/w(7e or he conjoined, ^wf, ^^, ^oiun/.-&e. ^fOT, ^. 0/ «. r«;2>. Concueeence, n. v. V. 1. and Agreement, aTHTrfw. ^^K- ?rre. aH^HHH/. ^'^TTfrT/.'^^q' n. ^^m. Concueeent, a. v. V. 1. and Ageeeing. fira'ilTrr, &c. ^.- fej, >^+hri, arg^ff, ^'ttcT. Concussion, 7t. v. Shock. iT-^T'«. T^^ot. ^^r«t. To Condemn, v. a. find yuilly and doom. 3T^^TrT-&c. ff ?5rf^ f^T?^?rt. iltif «. S'S^TRT HTyf «• &c. ^sfH^r^SRf «. *in<|i:T?5Tf^T^RT n.— state. f?r4Tf^?t^^^ «. f^^rf^m^T^^tTn" /. r4Tf^- I. ground or reason of c. ^f^^]^^\^ m. ^ff^^PRn^TR m. ^sfH'frjr^l^RW «. Condensable, «. v. V. 1. 5T^-qnr-&c. ^TRRTr3fRlT-?IR^r-&c. Condensation, Condensing, n. v. V. A. 1. — act. q?" ^FTof «. &c. q^ff^POT »t. 2 — act. ?r^F?5?r n. ^'^Faft^ ^^ n. To Condense, To Condensate, v.a.s. To Thicken. ^^ pop. ^'a\■■^-^■^'^\'^M^-&c. ;?rw. [&c. ^prirr. 2 V. To COMPEESS. ^%(r,^ n, ^^ g. 0/0. B^f^rT-^'^fft^- To Condense, v. n. v. To Thicken, ^^pop. quT-«T^-ctc. ^ot_ Condense, a. See Dbhse. CON 170 CON To CosnESCtXD, V. n. deiyn, stoop. Sfc. Stf^TKH ^r|^ ^Trrw, f*1MHM<,'j; It. ;FT>if,'jT^T^^/.-Xc-. ;pjTTr_ CON-DESCESDIXG./J. (I. V. V. S^^, fir^r^, Ff^^TT, f^'=T^^ft^, CoSDEsCE.VDiyuLY, a. «PT"Jt-^T^. Coxdolement, Coxeolence, «. T.V. pr=qT% %:W^ ^^«. CondOLER, n. COXBOLING, p. a. T. V. ^4^-^|--J-<| ^-.^PTT ^f - 'JTRT, ^mf :^, qT5:?T 5:^. To CoNBOXK. See To Taedox, To Pass by. To CosnucE, V. n. contribute, help, tend towards. ^^^P^W 'T'Jf-'TT^, ^q^TPft-?r^-^?T^rO-OT'<:T^-If%?FF-&c. ^, CoxDUCEXT, Conducive, a. \. V. OT'ftnT^, ^[q-^, OT^Trft, ^srnr^ ?'» comp. CoxDUCiTESESs, M. V. A. T?wftTiTT m. 3Wf*T?TT/. TT^T- fr^r n. ?T --f.Knhr|| /. COXDUCT, C0XDUCTING,W. T.V.I.— a^^ qTT ST^JT^ Pfljf «.^. s^ ^of n, &c. ^f^q-^ w. ^^ !^i '^'J ^ «. 2— nri'. f^^n^f ?i. qr^c)|.iijj ?!. &c. f^^rf^ «». frf^^r?/- 3 behaviour, deportment, carriage. SHT^^/ ^tT^ ». 3TT- ^RtJT «. 3ii--n.-&e. :r^ y. 0/0. CoxDucTOE, n. V. V. 1. nTZ ^njf^ -nuiKi, &c. ^fpnr^t^pTTf, ' 2 and 4!. person presiding and managing. Ks ihia \s the Bense of the terms and phrases Manager.^ Foreman, Headman, Leader, Leadingman, Captain, Coryphaeus, Charge d' Affaires, that holds the reins, that sits at the helm, that mounts the box, that plays the firist fiddle, Sfc. ^c. and as many of the Mardihi terms which are em- ployed to convey this sense, bear also a latent sense agreeing well with the latent sense borne by one or other of these terms, here we have collected the terms of both tongiics. STf^qKuiKi, '^rl=jU|KI, etc. f^- •A 1''.+, HN*, ^T?^, %^, ^r^, 5^'"'^, ^TWr, 5^f)TJr, ^- ^5mfr, f%:fr^r, ?lKf*T or HK'tft, Hf^nroft, ST^Tf , tR'-if, JJiKufl, iffft, 5TTT%^, TFF, ST5^ ( m comp. ), 5?^^?; ( in comp. ). I. ( of ceremonies, esp. religious), a^rq'pf, ^1%^. C. of heat. -dwJMI ^TTf ^. COXDUIT, n. aqueduct. ^7. m. R^ m. ^TU^f. Coxe, n. ^ZS^ m. dim. gsq^/. bI^/. ift5=5|JT^/. ?TJ m. 2 ( iu "botany ) '^q^T^, ^^K 5rrjT% T^ot n. Coxfabulatiox, &c. See Coxveesatiox, &c. CoxFECTiox, n. v. Sweetmeat. fSrert/. ^te^tt or ^^t^ m. CoxFEcnoxEE, n. ^;^ or ^nf , fH-il§«(lrfl. CoxFEDEBACi; w. federal compact, league, v. CombixatioX. • CON 171 CON 2 confetlera hoji/, v. Co.meixation. ^Jf^ ^^ /. fiHciui/. ^ n. ?FH- ;KT5 Tj Cosfedeuate, i'. «. V. To CoiimxE. ^tjctt, ^"Jf, fH5;tjf. Confederate, «. fpiHTTft, ftotufr^sfT, ^T^TFft or ;qr. CoNFEDEBATE, ». ally, associate, accomplice. fTr?fr^, firaift- =5n-, f s:f?r?5T, ?TT'4t, ^fwfT, ^t'PTTrft, ?rn^Hf^. C05rEDEEATio:<. See CoKlEDEKACr. To CosFEE, V. 11. speak wU,i, v. To Conveese. ^\l^^ n.-^TTSf- OT ?j.-^HN«i?5 OT.-^?yt^i^/.-^iaNT?fr/.-^'Tr7tT».-?f5rr- 5 W.-&C. :pT^ ((■;■rr. [^FRwi. Confession, w. t. V. A.l. — act. jtt^ «. &c. ar^R ««. ^- Confessoe, ?j. v. V. A.l. ^+KuiTrr, ^f?7 ^T^iTTTr, ^'7;r- I. one tolio hears confessions. ^5?Tr HI^|^r|c|oi qirf ^5f?5 ^^RT- II. one who suffers for Jus faith. '^^^V^.'^^^\^, Confidant, n. hosom friend. ^njTT in. ^^ffRT^tT «». ^^ti=rfH- ^ m. T^^fK=5f »». T^F^rr^^ «. T^^^T^T^ n. Confidante, n. m^f. ^^pjft/. ?Rft3T?r n. ^^eptrt^^ffor/. To Confide, v. a. intrust, v. To Coiruix. ^TT"'!, arrTof, TT- To CoNFiiE, V. n. rely on, trust in. ^»srreq-^, srr'TftrT. V. V. A. 3fl^?5T, f^r^^TRi^c^r, &c. Confidence, CoNFiriNo, n. v. V. N. f^s^RT m. *RRIT or T^q-OT m. *IT^ ?». HT^^/. vrST m. fJTKTfT m. fSngr/. r?T- 5nT?«. SfFTq- M. cfT^^c or TTr^TR »«. 'fli-TW «. ^TTo'?^ or | C. ( or assurance ) given. ^i5n"?TT '»• In c. ^rswR ^ir^f-^dTR ^-&c. 3T?Tr k=^rer#, f^'^TRTT^. Violation or abuse of c. f^^^^WRT "». f^'^RTHT m. Violator or abuser of c. f^'^H^TTrT^ or HH-^^t, f^«r- Inspired with c. sfTfTiTfTq", ^mf^'qRT. I. firm coniiiction or lelief. ^RR^iTT/. njr^xf. ^r?rfT/. triT m. fH^V! m. f^T'-Jm/. f^^TT/. f^'-i^ m. fjjtTR m. 5- ?rT m. f%='qT?f ?«. *R«r?Tr or JRRTr >«. ''TTsr ?«. Ti^'-tT «. Tiq-m-/. Perfect c. ^^j^^^^^t\ f. srT?5t^T?I^Irlft/. II. ^ri/«< j« self, assurance, ^^^f. 3r»r/. 3TT«f m. ^M^ f. ^■Fr^^Fft/ ^ wi. 3Tcr;fTPf n. "^T^ f ^^TR^-"^ m. qr^^^^q" u. f^f fTTrriT >»./. f|5?TT OT.^f isf/. I'l'^JRr/ III. c«i^jie or ground of c. ^irTftOT-Ac. STT^'R wi.-aTT'T- q wj.-qrRor «. Confident, a. Confiding,/), a. v. V. N. f^'qRnTRT, '^J^- ^"TRT, T^'^m S^roTRT, etc, JTT^reT, TT^^, TT^^, f^»^RT- I. convinced, assured, sure, v. Certain. ffT>jf?r, I^Ji-^si'T, f^a.^t^, f%??i^f, ^f?l^q-, ??rlf?r'>'7T, 5i5fH«f?T. To be or feel e. ^TrfTor ^f^r^i^f.-Sic. aTJ^of m. fo«. II. secure, Si'c. assured and lold. a^^yiR't, 'flST^IRIRIT,^- ^, ^JTRfT, f^a^T^, flH'T, f^=7qrf;^, 7H?5R, f?]-'^, f^q^T, fH«:T3^TT^, ^?ft^R, f|lTrf5R, ff':%^R, "^r^.^ SfiT?JT. Confidential, a. trusty, trustworthy. f^^^RfT, f^a^pg', fij- »^rre^, TTSfnRTT, f^'^RTRn', ^T?rft=TT, ^T?1T3TH^, f?f>qr- ?F-&c. %?IRTT^FTT-&c. Jfl^fRt, f^^TRT^^T, f^=^R^, f^'^]^ ?PTT^, fjf'q'RrRV?, «r^5T, >-" v^, iir^T^t, arm. 2 that is to le kept in co.^..Hce; private. ^"iptSRT^r, ijhVtptRTT. [ST^TTf^'^RrRir. CONFIDENTIALIT, adv. V. A. 2 ?m or fvfgf?r. II. f^^?, 1^3?t^, f^3^T^, -5J'cTR(Tr».-&C. ^T^-qiC=T ^. 2 V. To Impeison. :Ef?^,%^ ^p^irf, qfTTft/.-^fsffn-/. q;?^ y. o/o. "%??[- q^m mrl'if-?wir, 31?%rr qv.of. 3 V. To Eestbain. 3Tr^5!Dt, ^^^.^J^n.-f^i^m..f^^v^^n.- f^T^in.-f^T^^n.-f^^m.-p[k\^'^n.-'::\^i{^m.-&c. W.X^. Confined, p. & a. v. V. A.l. 3T1^2S?JT, arT^ioitqT qRiS;?!;T, &c. 3TFf:fe?r, CON 172 CON 2 *isciaT, si^frf '^inP-rti, &e.'%^,%^. 3 "Hl+olrfrtl, &c. fH^fq^, f%^5;, f^S, f^PT^. I. not roomy, v. Nauuow. aT^HT?, W^FS, ^?, ^^'-juft^l, II. ddivered. ^\ir\ g'l^TTt, ST^HtH^lf^l. To be c. »llo6r|-iJti[H-&c. ^tw. III.— tlie bowels. 5i§. See Costive. To be c. Ml'HI+i ^flTP ^ ?T7ff. C0SFINEi)NESS,n. A'.A. 1. want of room. aTT^fl / ^f^jTr^w- To sufltT or feel e. aTT^'JI'^, 'i\!ft^T^M. ^RCTf_ - ■ralify, 8;c. 5f^-HFr^-5?RT-it^-&c. EF^Jr,^/ ^^. Zstrengthen.fix, — a disea8e,&c.qH:-5Ioj:R:-il5TT?7-&c.5fT^. To be confirmed.^STTT^'Jf, ^i+NiJi, ifsrr^rat, ^spn^iji. CONTIEMATION, n. V. V. 1.— flf^ ^ITT^r'Jf". ^?.W.Z ^FTTJfn. &c. ?TBm^n. Wrij'+Kwi.^lfq^RnT n. ^«l+Ki^^ q^w.^rsm^ «• ?I- Total e. ?TTO^ m. ;R#^^t7r n. ^5J^ m. Conflagration, n. general or great fire. c5rpft=qT tm ?«. 3TFT'-^T^/. ?f5(T^ m. i\n!^ f. RH^TTftr m. C. of a forest. ^ m. ^H »«. Bm OT. ^f'TT'q^T/. H^rfH/. ^»T=r m. 3 aT^?:"^' w. 3T5^'4 «. 3HHcjTtH « 3Tg|f^/. Confobmably, a(?w. Y. A. 1. ^RW. 2 ani AccoEDiNGLY, ^RW, 3^=^, aHH^^i, arj^TR ( ia comp. ), q'-iTT ( in comp. ), ^R^'PT, q'^r^frf. 3 argft^, arg?;;^. CONFOEMATION. See FOEM. CONFOEMEE, COMFOEMIST, ■». Y. V. N. aT^T^fRUTRT, aiH=Itl- UTRT, 3HHH(ijnt, qj^n^'if, HH'Ii'Jt, T^of, JTRTS^, is^isf^, 'rt^'- oE^pir, f^ra^FHiSi, ^■^qRwr.i ^^^^2^, \%\ ^f;\tXH ^^ot, ^tfs- «TT?re/'.-??!'lf, WffT-T2"P^^rirT-'iTTJR^lrtHrl /. 'Tr«T5E m. qToE m. q'cqT^pj ot. ^it^w; »». ^ai|U|| ?». T^ 55 7n. 'INK m. «. TS^T^ or ^f »'• T9r=r?r /. TS^TS /■ TFT- «ir^/. ni=5"R;r m. ^ffrr^r >». 'hm-ii or tp?T ■'«. 'iN'i.'iT\i'4i'\j\ m. ^Tur/. ^MI^I /. Every thing there is iu c. aud disorder. r['4 sT^qT^ (rtl WJ. *«^«(m/. TtTJIRT/. To Confuse, &c. See To Confound, &e. Confutable, a. v. V. ?T^r^-^-^3TPTrTT-^;ft^-&c.itt5FTT-5ft- Confutation, n. v. V. — act. ^"50? 7i. ifrs^ «. &c. ^{^ n. wrs m. f^rWlT/. To Confute, v. a. prove to letorong — person or statement. CON -^3=T n.-'^W/. ^FW y-. 0/0. JTTt^ ^FR^, #ZT ^5?T ^- Confuted, ^. v. V. ^'5^r, &c. ?3f|?T, sff^rf, ^fer, ^rt^. CoNQE. See Obeisance. To Congeal, v. a. change to a solid stale. -Ji*i«)ui, firrR^, To Congeal, f. h. ^JT^m, fir^Taf, Tfj^tif, ^^of, ^t^^iJf, ^"T -&c. ^'rof. Congealed />. v. V. A. ^^Ht(^.?rT, &c. ^^fr^rf, 2 V. V. N. ^iT%?rT, &e. q^H?r. Concealment, Congelation, n. v. V. A. — act. ^Hsr't ». fir^JRnj- ?k &c. fiT^JT^OT^/. f^'^ciufl/. ^i.^v{\J.—stale. ^Tq'^F^T'TT m. &c. M.f|'J|l ««• ^sHIrlHuil m. ^^■^\^*'n*i »»•- Efj^ »}. ^tif y. of 0. fqft :p^ M. ^ot ^r. o/ 0. Conglobate, a. Conglobated, p.Y. V. ntS^^OT, HT'^T %^?5T, Conglobation, m. v. V. — act. nts^^ n. &c. f^Tst^T'JT «• I. round mass. "ftW »». To Conglomeeate, v. a. ^f\^ w.-nST m.-nST^ "• 'P'^ y-o/"- "J4io-y-iK^i 311+KMi ^RTit, n^mr ^^ot. Conglomeeate, a. Conglomeeated, p.Y.Y. "Tt^ %^c5T-5rT- %^, 'T5Twm^^ STT^TTT^. To CONGBATULATE, V. a. ^^ H '('l f^ /.-H^^^'- Conjoint, a. Conjunct, a. v. V. =%5^?Jr, tiiHrtinl. Conjointly, Conjunctly, adv.joinfhj, toffeihcr. f^f ^, ?t- Conjugal, a. helonging to marriage. [A4\ iA--\ \.i f^T^f^^TT^, 2 belonging to the relation Jjetween Ivsland and wife. ^- To Conjuoate, v. a. infect verhs. ^'^ n. pJ. qTrl^nJf, ^,"7F?qT- ^^ n.-^\~.'J(^\ f.--M\>--'A\A n. ^jrnjf. Conjugation, n. v. Y. — act. ?;^ ^^^ n. ^.TT'rTTT^ n. qj- =^'Trn'/. aHK^-MH n. \. a c. a class of roots, n^ m. [^ n. Conjunction, n. v. Y.—acf. ^JZ^ n. &c. ^q^ n. ^qr^- — slate, T. rNi05. ^'fR ?n. ^TRRFI ?;i. ^^tr «j. differ m. /. WJi; m. I. — in astronomy ^ of stars ). jfm «. ^'«f^T m. ^i'lT m. Auspicious c. ^■^\^ m. ^T^^rifs/. 3T|[?rf^f^ ^1. Tliia term is especially applied to seven coiijuuclions, viz. to the occurrence upon Sunday and tbence in order througli the week, of the nahshatra ^M nnd thence in order respectively of jq^TT, ^f^Jj^ft, -ST^TT'^T, 5'^,^5r?ft, ^"Jft. Inauspicious c. ^■mIm m. S^FT m. q^f^ m. C. of sun and moon. ^Jildtl'lT in. ■a^+j^'iTr tn. ^^T/. Day of c. of suu and moon. a^MNK^IT /o/;. CfltfH/. 3TTTT/. ^^T »i. II. — in grammar; connecting word. JH^I^fq' STS'PT ?^;. Conjunctive, a. ^fr^urrTT, ^^PT ^Tt^RT. Conjunctuee, n. juncture, trisis. Sf^T w. qpT »". ^T^ m.f. tpJT OT. [ Jfliif «. &c. Cgnjueation, Conjueino, n. x. V. A. 1. — act. ^TT*T MI'^-l 2— ari. HRW w. etc. THTift/. V. y. K. ?r^ m. 3TT^>rT OT. STT'jftn't or infT/ 1%^T- 1 conjuring tricks. 'Pr1>«. 3f?^». ?f5". rfrfT^fFf^. tpT^- itrn:?j. Jfts^pTTHw. »ttc:5«. tt^/- ^Iw/. ^^^ft/. To Conjube, «.'. a. charge Sj'e. ly oath. 5TTiT-?l??T-5iTPTr-&e. q-5!T/.-3TnJr/.-^fq-K.-&c. qr^ifr, ^-:)T7''. ^c7=r^ !iv7/i ST^ 0/0. To CONJUEE, D. m.^rarf/«1<.«i<(l /-?1%5(£jn).-^;7JT»i.-&c. CoNJUEEE, n. V. V. A. 2 ftrirf V. N. it^T HI'^uiKI-mmTTT- ^T^ or JTR, •HnHI^'^, v^NTj^^iqi, JTT^pff, *ll'HI'+K,Hl*/M another. ^^, ^^"iTf%^, ^^m, ^r?T^,?r- CoNNATUEAL, a. hom with. See Connate. 2 having the same nature with, ^H'jIIH, <^^^5TT?ft^, fT^TTrftq', ^FHT^Tlrftq', CONNATUEALITY, Co>"NATUEALNESS, «. V. A . 2. (Tcfisr) MqUI |??;. ^HTT^m. ^tHTNrrr/. '3Tr^?rp^«. ^^nfcRr^fiT/ t^^^fTFi't- ^TtTT/. &c. To Connect, t'.ff. v. To Join. ^^tTS^, ^4«:T»».-^?«.-?i'TFT«!.- &c. Ep^ y. 0/ 0. ?f«r5-^'T^-H£5Tr- &c. jjrrof . 2yom coherently, ^^t^\^n,-'^^-Am.-^^\^l ^^feT«?.-^T- Connected, ^. v. V. 1. ^T3^, &c. ^i^i^, ?fq;^, ^IqrfTcr, CON 175 CON ^t^ftPsm, ^^, ^Hf^?f, ^^'s, KEfTT, ?T'?r^. I. V. Eelateij. ^W'it^ 'ftm, 3TTfff^'7T, ^rfFTT. II. — gener. or freely, as by blood, marriage, business, &c. arfic^, 3R, JJpn^Tr^^, ^n^. Connectedly, aJu. cohererdlj. '^'H^XT^ KPlS JS% ^TT'T %- CONKECTION, CONXEXIOX, «. V. Y. 1. — rtfl!- ^r5^«. &C. ?f=t- tT^n. ^PTl^ST^w.— «Jf-fJT5E5riif. [ TTPT^^. Conqueeable, a. v. V. A. 1. ^JfrTST, ^q', tn^^T, TTTH^^T, Conquered, p. v. V. A. 1. f^^P^T, &c. T?:rf^?f, r^t^, f?r- 2 f^5 irn^^r, &c. f3T?r. Conquering, Conquest, «. v. V. A. 1. — act. f%^iJfrt. >S.c. Universal e. ■f^ficT^rq-oi. 2— act. fJTf ?r ^'Jf'f. f^^ijf«. I. thing conquered. ^^^s^'cT^r^H/J. f5T?f^^»». f3Trf=r^«. Conqueror, n. v. V. A. 1. fii^cTTTr, &e. (iTM?T-"TTT'T^-&e. 2 f^T^OTRT, f^f;^ WT. V. V. N. ^Jft, f=I^^, ^^^3vfl"f, ^^^, ^^TTH. A mighty c. f^f'Sf^'flr. Consanguineous, «. v. Eelated. ^^IWINI, ^^FTT^m^TRT, CONSANGUINITV, «. v. A. ^^?P^»f'4;». ^^J^f'^'^''l>n■ <^^^T- Conscience, n. There seems to be no word in Ilardih), exactly answering to this word. The following words convey, under suitable connections, the sense of it. iT?f«. ff?/ !fl!=R^q-w. 3TFf:5F^». 3T?Tqfm»». 3T- fHJTrIT«». fHnT«. ^fr/. Clearness of c. f^Tfrjf^/. 3t?f.^pTJT ?lf5/- No witness is so strong as one's c. H^T ^=I5T ^T^ To resist or fight against c. ^^^1^^?:«. ^PTW. To make a c. of. JMMHI 'TT'S/. •^?T'^ in.con. Conscientious, a. injlucnced hi/ conscience — person, v. Just. %#^, %rfHT, %'TTWTTTT, ^qPTf^^, T^f%^, W^A- 2 regulated ly conscience. Jt'Tt^T, %?ft^, pTRT^T. Conscientiously, adv. giTFITJt, 5HT^?:r^^, ^Fq^gT^. Conscientiousness, n. v. A. rrrpftTOTT »». ^^wf^/. ?Tf^- CoNscioNABLE, &e. See Just &.c.. Conscious, a. possessing one's senses, v. Sensible. ^X^^■ ^- 2 knowinrj internally. Kf^ilffeTfT, ^Hf^rf, WfTT?r, ^TT^iT^g-, 3TTJH^t1%?r, H?TRTf'--T?t, iT?T:Wffr. To be c. of. vH|UHJi,vTroT?r-WH^5aT?f^, T^^^ 3T?tSt. 3 knowing., perceiving.^ aware, sinf;?!^, Mlf^r|JlK,<3J'5rT'^q- ^-iTTf^fT'Tn:-&c. 5rr?!?5r, mH^IM, ^^TFTfTH, FJSq'fTFr, ^T- Consciously, adv. t. A. 1. ^^vrnr^f, ^HRPT^ ^^i >lt^- Consciousness, ?i. v. A. 1. ^jfj/. %f#5/. HT^T «. 5|^^«. Bereft of c. v. Insensible. %^i;, sf^, f?r%f%?f, f^- To return to c. ^|m-^^'TFTI^-5J^?R-U'(4>Nl^lH I 'i ^sp, ar^^fTfTRr, 3Tg- ^pjT?r-., 3Tg^;T?r:, ?tt^, jjiirf, ar^q^^T:, rnrirm-, |rt^. Consent, n. assent, concurrence.^ ^-c. v. Aqbeement. ?;w?»n. Tacit or implied c. JTPRT «. ^ With free c. ( or choice ). g^J^JW^, ^l^j,|tTT?rT- To express c. ( or concurrence ). ^i^PR^, ?5pK m.- 2 accord of minds, v. Ageeement. iT^frf^TT n. fr^^ n. AVith one c. (npf^TrTH, it^ ^hr' . ' ^. " " ^ ' o Consentan-tous, a. agreeable. See Consistent. Co.vsENTEB, fl. Consentient, a. Consenting, ;.. a. v. V. ^. ^^ITTRT, Ac. STgHrT, ^rrrn, ,^, ;a^-t, g?TW^, ix^ Consequence, n^esult, issue, end, product, effect, fruit. iT?'. f^^?nT3ft?=5rTr / fr^fR^/. f^^TR^'Ti^r '«• r=J-ilf. f^^T m. fH^wn n. 3TT0T n. ^^^u\ n. I. ^oofZs consigned. 3T5?^TT^? TT^%?5T ITR ««. To Consist, v. n. suisist, v. To Be. ar^ar, ^or. 2 ie constituted or composed. 3RT^ it^^/i y. o/ s. qft?f- 'TT-^7T-3TrfT^-&c.3T^ ( in comp.). 3 with ; accord tcith, v To Ageee. ?f*r^, -^M"!, ^ctuj, ^iTKot, ftoiur, »rTOT, q^T=r m. «i^, ^;;m »i.-^?nrT to.-&c. ^^^g.ofs.recip. [Being. Consistence, Consistency, Consisting, n. \. V. 1. See 3. and Aoeeement. nHrfm>' m. ira m. vTJT m. ^^'[^ m. ?rH^ m. ^>tt^rt/. ^^/. gmr m. ?7Tn ««. I. agreement ivith self; coherence. rfT^M. r|lcAr|'rT WJ. rTn=5T- HT?5T w. SR^IT wi. qr^''^ or ^ w. qRii^ m. qR^ wf. qT- '^^/. tR ?»• fi'+-|U| «. fS^TiTT m. arg^^H jj. tffruT «. or HmjJ^ qRUT n. giTR m. ?f^'f >». ^t^^f^/. mz /. ■J^mrf^dq' »«• '4R m. II. (/eyree of denseness. ^Z''^^m. qTJTTtirr »». ^T'^»». ^- Consistent, a Consisting, p. a. v. V. 1. ar^T'TRT, &c. 2 JT^ ( in comp. as gq^'^nTT Ac. ), ^ (in comp. as g^OT^, &c. ), 3TTriT^ ( in comp. as g^rilffT^ &e. ), *T^ ( lit. leen or heing ; much and elegant use is made of this word in comp. as aTT^nTT^T, a^T^'R'J'T, gr^TT^TH- jFT, being, standing, &c. in the capacity, quality, nature. £3 &c. of ), ^fef ( in comp. ). 3 congruous, consonant, accordant, with, &c. fJr^rfcc. ^T^T'^T, ?ltf7^- Consolation, Consoling, jj.y.V. — act. f^.^'^n. ^i?T^iJf/?. srnt/ 5:^rT|T"n«. ^5TrT^"iT'f. ^j^TT^om. |;^qftHT^«. ^•.^"Tft^ m.— state. wrrr^RT n. 'NrRTiTTqRr n. f^JrR^T- ^^m n. f%r?R^*T?n-/. f.^^lfffr / SiRT3Ttf?T /. I. cause of c. comfort. ^^TT^RT^g m. ^HT^RTTF ^PRi^ «. ^TiTTtTRr^5!^?5 n. ¥HTqRr?frq^ «• I'.^R^lR^KNtnr? /.- firrq' W.-&C. To Console, f. a. solace, comfort. 37Rf^ or arfg^ «■ pl.-fv^ m. pi. J^of <7. o/o. ?im^^, ^F'TT^, 3fT»TRT^, %:^T^'\ ^thfW'^,^., %'-'i^ n. ^T^,^^ g. (fo. ^ttt^T^ M.-f^r^TBTT- "^IX^ ".-^if^RT «.-?rif!RIT/.-aTT»qT?RT JJ.-|:^jm|^'JT «.-'H?rT- T^TW W.-&C. ^?^ y. o/o. ^T^ w.-f^Tf «. 54s ^F^y. ofo. Consoled, p. v. V. ^rfrr-T^?^, &c. W^rriw, ^T^RTR^T^, ^r- cRTTTqRT, STHRTif^T^, ^sq^THT^RT, ^iffT^:^, ^Tm».RT, ?rf- Consoles, «. Consoling,^, a. Consolatoht, a. v. V. ^H- qTJTRT, &c. ^-^-^ ;pTTf-^R^-^;RT^-&c. STT'^rRnF, 3TT»^- ?T^ ^FtTT-^FR^, f.^^-fR^-&c. ^fr^^^-|TTt-|R^-fTft, -^-&c. g-.^^T^RT^P. To Consolidate, v. a. malce solid, dense, &c. ^S-^f^^T pop. ^,l§[^-'^^■^^ pop. qar-&c. ^t^, w^^^f^^T, ar^rPr'Jf, JTritf^. 2 See To Join. To Consolidate, v. n. lecomc solid, ij'o. JTRoi", q?:^, ar^iJif, Consolidate, a. Con.-tolidated, p. v. V. A. 1. ^^-^^-t'cc. 2 See Joined. V. V. N. q^?5T &c. ^f^, ■jr^,^H?r,:^^iTrr, ^t'RT. Consolidation, n. t. V. A. 1. — act. ^^^ n. -mj^'ui «. &c. ^Rft^TW «. ^^W «. wt^JRW «. V. V. N- ^z^ n. ^z^ n. &c. CO^T 178 COl^ C'O.NVOSANCT, Co.^•so^•Ol■s^Ess, n. v. A. 1. eitid Co^•coEIl. 2 fJTsrT «i. ^;TK 5«. ^^ '»■ ^^mr^T m. Hot ?;i. CoN>o.vA>-T, C'ox^o.NOus, a. ojirciiiy in soinid.^f^^i:, ^^f:^- '2 congruous, V. COXSISTEST. f'T^JPFT'^'T, fj^^TS^t, ^m^, sj^TT^r, &c. 3^^. COSsO.NlXT, «. t^vPT ». ^'^n'T »». Coujuuct or double o. ^'fPT »». To CoxsORT, V. n. associate ivitJi, \. To Accompa>-t. ?in m.- rfiTf?r/.-?r»TFT»T m.-^STW wi.-?TT^^ «.-cte. %m 'J. of o. Co.s-sOKT. n. Jiiislniul or trifc, q. v. FTfTpsTT ^TT^cTT ^fWfl"-^- '*ft-^iT?fr-^r3"ft (ami fern. ^I^fJT &c.; 7T?^T«;'.5T^^I/: Coxspicrous, (7. casi/ to le seen, qr^trqirr ^^^ ^iqi^i'iT-Ac. 2— of marks, &c. See Cj.eae. 3. t. Ewikext. sri%^, if- To become e. fr^of , f^^^"^. CoNSPicrousLV, ach.y.A.. 1. qT^'nTrrr?r|:;T5TRT^"FTT«- (led. COXSPICCOUSXESS, W. Y. A. 1. f ^s^flT /. ^rf^^s^^TT /. g- 5^f^/. gsT^Prrr/. CONSPIKACT, W. Y. CoilEIXATIOX. ^fq^Ttrf «. ^fv^ W. \^^Zm. CoKspiEATOE n. ?irnTK?ft, ^T^Hf^, 5^t?f?ir- :ro CONSPIBE, t'. «. Y. To COMEIITE. fiTS'Jf, ^f^ m.-^^?! m./.- &c. JiiquT-Jfrrur, f?: n.-<^^rTT m.-^^^^^ «.-&c. JpTof. 2 concur. See To Ageee. CoNSPTssATiox. See Thickeking. Constable, «. qT?ft^ 7TTf?Ti?r ^^. srf^^Tft ^f%. CONSTANCT, n. Y. A. 1. ^FrrTqOTT >». f^F^cTT /. ^TrTFT «."'^T. y. \ _ sf^T^i^. Constipation, «. y. Co.-tiveness. ?TT^5^t '"• ^tj^re n. IT- t^Fffrq' »«. ITrTT^H m. Constituency, «. ioc/y f)/ conslilucnts. ^HiJlR ?»• 2^?. 'fr^'Jift tn. pi. f^qr^sRrn^ w. Constituent, a. elemental, essential. ^PRCriHrf, aTftr^aiiTrr, H?5JTrr, sft^HrT, ^?^?T, ??ICe s/a/e o?- cliaracter, v. Natubs. Sf- 2 ( of mind or body ). partiadar temperament or temper. sr^f?r/. ^HT^ m. ?r^rr/. stikihr »». ^^ivrTEr »«. To lose its tone, soiniduess &c. — the coustiliition.ET^i- To recoYer bealtliy tone — the constilution. Sf?if=f ?Tr- 3 form of ffovernmejit. X]^z{zz(^'ij-r^^}^ n. ^^npfff?TKf?r. Constitutional, a. y. N. 1. and Kaxueal. v?ii?ft^T, J^nrr- ^^TR^, JT?;?'?^^, sr?;f^3^TT, m^?r, 2 !T^?ft=qr, rtf^rarft=qr, aii^^iTTSTT^r. [hih^it. 3 legal TTT^, ^3R- Consteaint, n. y. V. 1. — state. ^V3;?A°SS^f. ^\^Tr,\^^^■^ f. •■Jlinolrtlr+Krir/. 2— si-a/e. f?r^ m. 1%iftT «(. f^m »«• ^TT^T '»• 3TR'JiT'/. arrsiT m. 3TT5Emf«:Tr «;. I. constraining power, y. Compulsion, ^k »«. stot^'ift/. By c. ^sfft^, ^5ift^cf, ^SRtnS, ^l^TPFTTT^, etc. To Consteict, To Constbinge, &c. See To Conteact, &c. To Consteuct. See To Build, To Compose. Consteuction, n.~in grammar, y. Syntax. ST^T m. ^^■ ^^ m. msf^^-^f^f. qT^q^?fr/ t^^^fit/. 3j^^^=^j f aHH^4l^51T /. si^ »J. [^TT «!. 2 V. Intebpeetation, Meaning. 3T'4 w. STfiT^IT m. 3TT- CoNSTEUCTivE, a. inferred, implied. S^^TiTHftri;, aTPTHrf'T^,. To CoNSTEUE, V. a. arrange in natural order. ^r^Z(m.F^J^- "^.uj-w-m g. of 0. ?iR'^, 3f'snTq"t^^/-3T^'T?rR^M.- 2 y. To Inieepket. 3T'4'». ?IR''f-^^'Jf. CON 179 cox CONSTEUING, n. V. V. l.—aet. ^V'^m^^SV^iin.&c. 3T^?T^t^- To CoNSTEUPATE. See To Eavish. CoNsuBSisTEXCE, n. V. A. ^r^'Jf ivith ^Ik or^Xofo. 8 (books &e.) qifJif, 3Tf^sTTq';».-3TgTT?f «.-&c.qaf g. of o. To Consult, y. «. iidZ-e counsel together. iTH^^/.-f^^Rw.- iTH^5Il?«.-&c. ^F^. Consultation, 71. v. V. N. tt^?I?t/. f^^Rw. rf^^mm. Secret c. :!!T?J5T?r». ^^r^m. ^=^m. f|?Tn^«. Ti? Consume, v. a. devour, stcalloic v^i, litrn, cjv. ?jfHif, ?IT37- ^ ?n^, ^FF Jfrm, ^t^^t spf^, ^Tf r «. ^of-g-^^y. ofo. arssTor. 3 annihilate, ruin, ^c. v. To Desteot. ?5^w.-?rT^T«.-^Hr- ^nMn.-^^m.-&c. tp^ y. 0/ 0. ?(T^ ^Ror, yo Consume, w. n. waste, le exhausted. W^m.-'r^m.-k'i. ^^ g. of s. ^^m. qiirtjt, f^T#. Consumed, jp. v. V. A.l. ^FS^ ?;r^^;^, ?jtff %^?7T, &c. 2 ^^%?rr, ^ot. 3 See Destkcction. [ xv^m. I.v. Phthisis. ?t^ttpt»j. qj^i^rqw. q-^Trroj- ir?-iT?Rw Tm- ' II.— gener. ivasfing disea.9e, tabies. ^ or ^f\ f. ^f[ f. ,^^VV\m. ir^n. ^u^n. f^/. r^iT'jff/. flfCWt/. ^i^ft i Consumptive, a. affected u-ilh c. ^rim, ?T^, ?7'Rt'ft,?mfl'- 2 inclined to e. f^TK^^, 'flTO=JT^'ft, ^r==^?H-. Contabulation, 11. rT^qr^ft. Contact, n. touch, close union. ^?f m. ?fFTsf »»• i=5^Fr/. ;tit- fir m. ^^\n m. ^^\^H n. ^iy\^ n. 31Mh4 «. ^T^ >/i. Ascertainment by c. k^J'^^^^^ m. lu c. f^TcT. Mediate c. or connection. 'JTrTTT^^f m. Tt^TR^^f «?. To come into c. ^q'7'Jf, ^^?T ?J. ^t'Tf in. con. or y. f/ Contagion, n. communication hg contact. ^T^f?r=^R m. ?Tif- ^fspKOT ?». ^q-^irgq-rffT/. 2 ^y. I'S^^n ««. Contagious, a. infectious, S,-c. ?T^Tf?f-^frnf?f FTTT'JrRT-^mT- qT3fFTT-&e. ?q#=?Trft, ^T^H^Jft, ??R, ^raH^?, ^f^lfH- Contagiousness, «. v. A. ^^f^^qifrrq' ?i. ^T^W^pfJfTTT/. Ac To Contain, i). «. hold, comprehend, comprise. tTT'^f, %«iSt, m^^'Jt, ^Sf fT-Hrf fT W, ^Rrflr^T «.-&c. fFf-ar^TOT y. 0/. 0. itv'^/i in. con. The word is most idiomatically renderd reversely To he contained (q. v.) as, This vessel will contain two seers, ^ "TT^?r ^ ?R TTFT^ft^. 2 See To Eesteain. lb Contain, v. n. live in continence, if^q'f^q'^ m.-^^^x'^^- ^ m.-^THW^ m.-&c. ^^. Containable, a. t. V. that mag le contained. HT^rTTT-^fiTRr- ^-^fr^-&c. s%iTT-^3TT'Trrr-&c. Contained,;). v.V.A. 1. qt%^, ?Rrr?^ 5fT%^, &c. ^mfq''?, ar^T'TfT, nfH?r, ^, •■STrf.qr^ft ( in comp. ). To^ be c. ^\^'^, ^Tl^iJt, TT'Jf, ^TTSOT, ^f^, ^I'^r. Contain-eu, «. Containing, p. a. v. V. A.l. *r':'JTRT, mf5 qtTTRT, &c. err^q?, KTRt. To Contaminate, Contamination, &c. See To Defile, ^t".-. To Contemn, v. a. despise, scorn, disdain, disesteem, cj'f. ^^- DT, fH'i--M< of, f?T?:^qnT'Jf, |?7?rreaT, ■SffqoTtff, 3iMHHjf , 'Ti^n q;?7Jr, 'prnrw. ^■^■^g.ofo.■^- TTT^ 0)- ^iTR-w;.. ^T^Ti^r with Tf or ?^r of 0. {with nrg. con J ^JTRfJif f^''if-- ^;/i /.-nr^oT /.-Ts^rr??^ /-3i^ofT/.- qTli c. ^^"Jf y. 0/0. And some phrases and idio- co^ matic expressioiiB nro qpR'Tr STT'itT Hlfr ( f^TrJT, 5i=jr, &c.) *TT 5j:^r?ir mr. anoTOTK ? nt^ ^it^ ^]E^m ^rfr (^T^ ic. t. e. I liolu thee iiiiwortliy of uoticc even as a beggar ). wft &c. TT^ ^^'ita ^fty. 0/ 0. or ^FT^ TWT- h:^TT-A e. y. rf «. qT' "JlPnyuHl TIHT ( ^, H & e. ) ? Co.vTEji^Eii,;».v.A'. 'A^'^k^^^3^^^J^kF^^ ^?fi3k?n,g^?j- wm?.^^ 3{^m?T, -TESi PLATE. J'. (7. retjord or consider Jixcdly. sff^of 2 ( abstractedly ). tqpf «.-RTm '".-f^rPT «.-fif?r;Tr/.- &c. ;p^ ff. ofo. t-qr^, 3 /iffi'f »i viciv icifh reference to a/uiure evenly t^jpffcf- ?r^"^m-iT^iFr-'5R'iffrT-^T-qi?r-&c. -n^^ in. con. To CoMEiiPLATE, V. 11. wiise, meditate. txfjTf n.-\^^^ n.- ^^^ «.-&c. jrtjt, t-qmm-r%'^rr-&c. sroof. COSIEilPLATED,^. T. V. A. 1. «fpf ^If^ Tlf^rlFlr, &C. 5- 2 t-^T 4;%^T, f-TEMrLAiioN, «. T. V. A. \—act. ^zf-^^A^r^ qifif n. &c. 2 itrR :jmjf 11. f^5T »j. f^rre' w. f^^^'^Jj^ pop. ^^t-qj^ — esp. of the deity, or one's own soul. «TFf n. giTT^TH Absorbed in e. of the deity. E^TRrTElilOBAltT, a. livinrj or being at the same time. ^?FT^frra^, <^%Er?.=:fT, ^iT^rft, ^Ul^FTfe^, ^nTR^FTFft, I^T'TTr?^, 5Fr^=ErT, ^lTH^lf%:p, CoSTEMPOIiABY, n. (1% ^rXt 3Ttl'^RT-^'JI[TT. Co.MEMPT, Co^•TEM^■I^•o, «. T. A^-«c<. frf'T^^er n. -^A n. 3T^HR^ «. 2i;TTio,6t„. &c. I^T^tJfr/. |3«i5/. |5E^f- 3T^TTT^^ n. 'fl^mr^PT «. 'fl^tii;^ „. '^^^v\^\ f. P^^ «. 5=^^R^ »i. f?TTT?;f?r/. fTTTT^p^aT ». f^TT^^ur «. fqf^TT »«. fiT-^gTur «. ^^TUT n. ^^.ji m. 'jT^rfsp^T/.-as better agreeing with Bcovting, f outing, &c. iratJi/. ^spift/. J^^TTT^sr/. Tra^tlSt/. '. ^7,or ^3?lnT, I^JTtj TTT- TT^PTT, &c. ^^HRT^^iTl^T, &c. fFT^^F^ppf-^ ^T^onftT, COKTEilPTIELEKESS, «. V. A. H=^Uq"JIT m. ^^PfCTTT 7n. p^X.- ^^?rT/. ^T^nrr^^nr/. &c. cfr?irRTT^rn-/. arsRUTJff. p\jf. &c. Co>-TEwrTLOus, (T. scornful, disdaiiful.—i^crson. f?KH-l f t, cTRirrEfT, 3^5RRft, 3^5Rrn-, r-iU+K^frf, iTRit, ^tsf^f^, 2 expressing scorw.— language, Ac. Sf'PTRrr^, frfT^^T- ^^, f^T-^RTSTT, f5TTmT=5(r, &e. 3^:tt^^, ^t^JFTT^^P, CO'TEWPTrOUSLT, adv. V. A. 3T?tT^TT#, 3T7^HT^, frt?^^- TT%, &c. ^^ ^'iTT-HT^, aT^TT^-31^iTRT-'frnj^R-&c. ^?5 ^^TT, ^^EirTS^f./. ^;5?T, |o!^fi ^^^, &c. To Contend, To Contest, v. n. dispute, strive, fight, v. To QcAEEEL. S^ot, ^^z^ or ^TTS'jf, ^TMt/. ^of, ^^ OJ' ^^ot, Tf^^, ^ITO^, fTl'Jf, B^Tf /.-^ »».-:pwTr wi.-Hfsq' «.-5rq:5T OT.-fcjfrq' m.-?T^ ?i.-&c. ^iJf. CONTENDEE, «. CONTENIIOrs, «. CoNTESTEE, «. V. Y. fl« £? QUAEEELSOME. JR^FTtfT, ^^5HR, HfS^R, CtHHTI , ^^^ ^5[TT 0?- f^^f^?Tr, ^5l5fT^, rl^RTfr, H^Rlf- iTTf5re-3Tfnirr-aT;=R''TESI)I>'a, COXTESTING, CONTEST, M.T.V. — act. -JTraiT n. ^vmz\ or ^T^^^?/. ^«mi« or ?ft?r/. ^^- q^ or fq^nftH/. ^Rmt/- ^r^ft/. ^^ o;- ^^ ?!. FIH:'??:/. fT^R,/. ^qqcTT n. ^T^ m. q'TOT «'. t^pcp- 5^ »• ^f^ >"• pop. ^3/. ^F?^^ m. ^frT'l m. p5Jq w(. 5?m c»- J^TTPft /■ Conterminous, a. lordcring. jri^^, r^Tqq5-irT=qT, <^%r^T%- To Contest, v. a. controvert. See To Dispute. To Contest, v. n. See To Contend. Contestable, a. controvertihlc, ^'c. EJT^Rf^fFq, =II<^+. 3T^f%3=>rqT/. Continuous, a. — iu time, y. Continual, fqtq^, arqqr, ?iqq, arqq^, arfqrq. 2— of space, fqtqr, gr^qqqrq, 3T?f?, smfeq, 3=r5q-qf|^, 3lfqf^5r, ?5qq in comp. ( as rt'i». /iZ. qifq% m./)/. 3T^% fq^t^ m. ^Z. 3T5;-qrfqa:-q-T/. 2>?.i'. % qr. ar^i^fqsi'f'i. Contour, «. outlines of the figure, ?i;q\qT /. STIT^r/. 3Trq?j^/. ?«. artqq^r m. cox 182 CO?T CosTBABASD, a. ^ I fui -ri) Pi W^, ^TTTf ^F, «ri^?T. frf^r^. 2b COSTUACT, V. a. draw up, in, together. 3T^^ or 3T7J- 5^, 3Tr^^, 3TT^'Tot. 3TM^, ar^TCTf, 3T7T?TT ^OT- ^TT^, To c. the brow. +Mlotr?T 3T^/.-3T3-crT/. />Z. qTO'n. 2 W.]- JT n. To give by c. ^|?T %5t, ^?r %Sr. To take by c. ^-^ ^,rfi'|^ kf^. 2 paper of agreement. ^PTT^rTr »». Co.N-TEACTED, p. V. V. A. 1. QT^^OT, 3Tm%?jr,&c. ?f'T- 4 See Bethotiied. V. V. N. 2. ^^?5r, ^i%^, ?ffir^. I. a. V. Naeeow. arsT^W. Contractile, a. having the power of contracting itself. ^^- Contractility, n. t. A. ?r^^^ft?5?rT/. t^^qir >». | Contracting, Contraction, n. v. V. A. l.~a,t. aT?jTS'?f «. an^RTtif «. anwr «. &c. 3TT^qTjT «. arrf ^^ «. ?f#ir?r «. ^^^reroT n~oct or state. ^^Z^ f.'^:s^^^^ f ^^ ^^^"^ /. aTT^nrnr^/. ^Vr^ „,. a^T^crr n.'s^]m wTarm »J. 2 ?m n. &c. V. V. N. 1. 3T^5iJf „. &c. «#^ w. 3TR^3ft/. aTR^T- Contractor, n. v. V. N. 2. ^nd Monopolist. jt%^, it%- ^, JT^R^TRT, #?r, ^^iJ-'Y, ^S^r^T, n%^, Tr^i^r^ Tc COSTEAMCT, t,. «. oppose verlalJ,!^ ^dcmj. ^^.^i, ^>. ^,;TTfT Terror arm^, ^f^M m..^^^v^ w.-^'tt^^ -f^a^IT «(.-&c. JPT'^f I 2 See To Oppose. [ q-;^^ I Contradicted,;?, v. V. \.~act. srfTrPrsT, :T?^^r?f, f^q-f=T- I Contradiction, m. ?. Y. 1.— «rf. 37:1;^ sftr^oT w. ^rf^qq- w. sn^TRv^PT «. n.iiH,<^nn n. sf?fhq^R «. q^prWrq w». 1. a c. a contrarictij, an inconsistency, Sjc. %7 m. fJlT^q OT. fqTqro m. fqsrf^Rfrr/. aTT^rsq- «. To make a statement with contradictions or inconsis- tencies. ^TT?PTf^ jRtif, -^-^w "Trfr/. i^^. ?rfToi-_ Contradictious. See Captious. 2 See Inconsistent. Contradictory, a. opposite, v. Contrary. am^T, 7^?r 2 inconsistent with itself, v. Inconsistent. ar^TT^, f^T^t- Contradistinction, n. fq^^JTUi-^-MH^ w. ^0 CoNTRADisTiNGUiSF, V. «. distinguish ly opposite (lual- ities. firp^'n'i^r-fq^jnorfErs;^ ^r^ m. qj^'jf-JRTjf. Contrariety, Contrariness, n. \. A. 1. 3^?:q'CTrr »«• 5^?^'- 2 arrsq-qi^TT m. fq^rq w- fq-T?^'=fT/. STTf^Tf r^ 11. irf^T^^T 3 :^?r^^fnrT m. aT^RrTT^T'Jrr >». am^T^T'JTT m. ^T^^^ /. ftTftrT^prftFTT m. 4 S'c^^T'JTr w. &e. CoNTEARiLY, Contrariwise, adv. t. A. 1. 3"^^5, 3"=r^, g^iRT, S^rrr, T^TT^, 3^^-?Tr^, ^^5^- 2 aTT^Tirr^, fq^^^'TRR, ^^5;,^fkf?5^rqRf, fqq^?t:, Contearious, Contrary, a. opposite, opposed to, adverse, V. Eevehse. g-?jJT, STrS^T, f^'?^, f^?:?;, fqi'f^, f^T^f- 2 cross, repugnant, hostile, S)-c. T. Adverse. arra^T, ^- f?ff?^, ^5;, f^Tft^r, ^T?T, TTT^jH^, f5r3ii, 3=nTr. 3 contrary willed, cross, v. Perverse. ^T^T^t, ar^^^T, spT^^-qr or qj^^Tsp^T, aT'Tl?rr5!T, 371^1^, ftT^^I^rft, 4— wind, tide, &c. g7:!?T, ^'t^-^T, ^^tT^T, mfTSTT^'T. Conteaey, n. an opposite. fqq'^T m. ^fr^'^^ m. sTf^^ m. Sff^'ft m. On tlip c. See Contrariwise. Contrast, n. opposition of fhinys or qualities. JTornTOT^ITiff- ^■^ n. ^^fvrsqr^ 5». To Contrast, v. a. "TTFTTi% ^q^^T'"? Jz.-fsrnq »!.-&c. ^T^fqaT, TT^^J'^TPT'T^^tH «J.-"T???qT2iTPTirsr=Pr^ »«• ^^^, ^h- f^^qr^R m. ^FTW y. 0/ 0. To Contravene, ?;. a. t. To Oppose, am^r tin-^. Contravention. See Opposition. To Contribute, v.a. give to a common purpose, v. To Give. q^''frqT-'TftqT-f5:7=qT-&c. ■^of, ir^/. qn^or, q^oft/ ^ct, To CoNxKiBuxE, V. 71. T. To Help. ^q-^ff^^pift |tar, H^^ ^ CON 153 CONIEIBUTIVE, a. COXTEIBDTOR, «. COXTEIBCTORY, a. V. Y. A. ^ifuft ^ni, H^C^n^oTTTr, at^T^ornT, &c. H^t^, T.V.N. n»(? Conducive. ^^iiT,?r^;Fift, "^^m q^^f-'TRt. CONTKIBUTION, «. T. V. A. thing contributed. cT'Toft/. ^i- Milit.aiy c. ^5«. ^oft/. CoNi-EiTE, «. ^/e)n/c«/, T. Eepentant. "T^/TMIMT, arg'TTfY, CoNTiiiTELY, adv. v.A. q-siqrarqi^, 7^-^ 1 tH I M ^^^,"T«J I -d 1 '■) q^^. COXTEITIOX, COXTEITENESS, 11. V. A. OJU? EePESTASCE. ^- CoxinivABLE, a. V. A. q'r^;TTTr-==fT-^PTrrT-&c. Jpr'T'fl'^, ^- COSIEIVAXCE, CONTKITTXG, M. T. T.A.I. — act. qT^T^f M. ^^ «. &c. Jim^r/. ^015?/. T^SFrT/.^^^/.T^OTJ^/.f^^T^^i. I. inreniivcncss.1 v. Ingenuity. ^f^P/. 51^/- f^^Hrf/. ^^rm.f.■^^^m. II. scheme, device, plan. ^^ f. HTS/. ^?"T^t/. ^f^/. III. engine, piece oftnechanism.^'^fn. +3'lS»- + CoNTEiTE, r. «. 5f?15/.-fT:^^^/.-OTT^!n.-&c.;pTjr. CoNTEiYED, p. T. V. A. qT^^?5r, ^=q^, &c. JTif^rT, ?;f^rr, CONTEIVEE, «. CONTEIVING, p. a. X. V. A. jTM"^!!!, ^T^^TT- TT, 'c=5i'JiTTr, &e. ^fi^^, ^^F, qr^^ ^^, r^?ira^. I. inventive^ v. Ingekious. ^p^qsp^ ^Y^FpF, ^^PTT, 3''-ll*ft, COXIEOL, COKTEOLMENT, n. V. V. — act. ^\H((l\)l. 3TT^'jf«. &c. fH^^^n. f^^^^n.^^x^ n.~a. or s. ^J^lm.f^Vf^m. q^/. 3TRTT"»- 3TT^r »»• STToIT'lf'^TrOT. anz'jft/. At the c. or command of. ^MtT, STPTr, f^PrfFT, Frr- I. power or authority to control. ^JTKT»»- '5'=f>'T'«.^BTTT/. '^- To CONTEOL, V. a. V. To Eesteain, To Eule. 3TT=ri'jf, aT^- .-3TT^^^?i.-3TRrTM.-&c. ^- Tof ^r- p/o. rfTPFfr qr^-, ?rT5:qt?r-5F?rfcT-^^jTtrf-&c. s^irr, Conteollaele, rt. T. Y. 3TRTPTT-=5rT-^n?rr-?rn:^T-&e. sittt- jfr ':n:ra'rqTnT- &c. f^rq^^q', aHi'+rf-fl-M, ^Ti-HHlq'. Conxeollee, «. CoXTEOLLiNG, jj. a. V. Y. aT M, fH^qrfT, ^TrSTr. CONTEOvEEsiAL, jj. fifqi^^, f^T^TT? ?r^'4^-f^?T^,firirf?RTft- ^T, fjnrfHTfTmqtfr-fif'inrF, ^^;^ i^-^^ f^rr^^-^f^'^, ^- CoVteoveesialist, n. fsr^i^t, 1%srT^^Trf, stT^tT?. CoxisOteest, n. dispute, discussion of contrary opnions. CON To CONTEOVEET, «. « contcsf, V. To Dispute, stt^ m.-f^^ OT.-f^sTf?nfTr/.-fq-sTf?f'Tr^?i.-!R?qn?'Tm«.-3Twt^«i.-f^':- ?r=T«.-f^, insolent, ^'c. — of persons, v. Con- temptuous, f^^^, arq^rr^, f^^f?^^. 2— Language, &c. fW^^r, f^^f^i^^, l%^JT^, f^T^TH^^. CONTUMELIOUSLY, adl). T. A. f^T^^^T, M"^^, f^^fH=ir- CONTUMEI.IOUSNESS, CONTUMELT, 11. T. A. ««(? CONTEMPT. fk^f. 3Tcr^F?;;TT/. f^^ffH^TT/. ^^^^/. To Contuse. Contusion. See Beuise, &c. CoNUNBEUM, n. sr^jpr/. STSffs^r/- Convalescence, n. v. A. ^f^r^rft^tiTT/ '^ra^ft/. i^ftf^T^q'- Convalescent, a. recovering. d-lMU-Mf^'T 3rn:%3T-3^?rT, - 3T?5t¥ n. T^ «. ifH/. ^TRI^/. ^F^TCT/ ?Tn/. ct| ii u j^ >/. ?t^?T «• "Tir^^ >n. ^^^ m. COXVKRSANT, a. versed, tcell acquainted. ^T^TRft, ^TT^TT, OT, T^pr^r"^, qTTT^BT, itc. srftiT, f^^iT, ST'-"^?^, f^Tf?T?T, f^TOITrT, ^RflMI, +« Convexity, n. v. A. JTFT 5ir^3TT^fn/. artrr^^ ll'-'^n^f^/. ^1^1%/. f%5IT?5frf/. Convexo-concave, a. cn^frr|^vqT:?nT- To Convey, v. a. carry, transport, qirs^ ^M,%>7f, cfT^of, TT- ^rijf , "ft^r^rRr^ or ift^^iirut. 2 transmit, impart, Sfc. v. To Send, To Give. ^W^ n, 3 See To TEANsrsE. Conveyance, Conveying, n. t. V. l.—act. ^^ n. W3^ v?Tm n. &c. ^^^ n. 2— act. W!^i:^vi n. &c. JmoT n. I. ineans of c. v. Careiage. m^ n. c(|dr| «, Human c, STTTFT n. ^sn^^T ?>. "Water c. ^FITR «. jTo Convict, r. a. prove guilty. SfTTTtT ?re.-&c. 5T^iJf-?rn' ^- '[in-^nftrr ^RiJf itvYA JR of 0. 3T5^rjft-3T^rtft-?rmm'-&c, 5T^5t, arfnt ^^^., TSfr ^T^oj, T^ft tiFT n. qT?5>Jf, JTUTT- s «». tRTif, 3TT0'«^ FTFTJF, Rt=i^<^+K+, ?r%^'T. To CoNvor, V. «, escort. ^]>^ TT^iT ^^^ ^Wf^T'jf, 5Rt^ Convoy, «. v. Escoet. 5r?5T=IT ««• "TT^ift/. To Convulse, v. a. njet t hy qmsms. frsiot, fq'ss^r^^r, (HctHciT 2 V. To Agitate. ?TrT w.-sq-Tstr'T ot.-&c. !pT%. o/o. Convulsed,^, v. A. 1. fq^?^?^, fr^sr^r^OT. [ ^^^"Jf. To be c. aftst/i^?- 5r"jf , ^^% »»• i^Z. ^, ^T^S'jf , ^5;5r5J'?r, 2 ^sq, ^fH?T. Convulsion, «. v. V.l. — ad. f^^.^in. &c. — state. f^ST^o!;Tm. 2 ?ftn «». sqi^TtT OT. Political c. TT^?'Tp5ft-&C. ^^TSPTT^^/. CONT, ?i. mT\ ^R# T^ ^^rsf^ 3Tt|. To Coo, «;. «. — as doves. ^"^, ^^'P^- Coo, Cooing, n.\. V. ^^"^ «. 5\"- 5^3T «?. Cook, ». ^^^^^ j^^P- ^TF^ft »>■ ( and ^srqTT^Pt'n" pop. ^TT- sjJtW female c. ), aTr^TRt, Tf^rfr «. ( rfq'ft'JT/. ), "TT^^'t. ( q?^^/. ), 5'=r^?ft M. TI+'+.tiI m. — in contempt. ^TFR C.'s mate. ?jI7q-^-qT. Skilful c. ( female ). ^nv^ f. ^'rSiJT^T TTiT ^R^nrft. Sli Cook, v. a.—gencv. ^^qT^ pop. ^qT^ w.-qj^ »>.-qFF%- 2— by boiling. f^T^srijf, 3^^^, XV-^^. 3 — by roasting, broiling, &c. 'TRT"^- Swept and smeared square to c. in. =^hFT »». Cooked, p. r. V. — gener. ^^J^> %?J??T, qtfi T'Ci'. qigT, qTf^?T ( in comp. as H^ qif^rf, ^ qif^^T, or sIT^tT qrf%?r, ^tqrf^),^^, f%5. Under c. f|^r, f^^. CooKEKT, Cooking, n. v. V. — gener. ^^TV^ pop. ^qj^ »». . qrqj^iRST/. qra^''aR«. rftfct qr «• qr^f «• Cool, a. coldish. '45, 3T1T5!; '4^, '45^, H^^?r, :TTl>r^ftFT. 2 fig. not zealous, not ardent, Sfc. slTJ, 4^, 45Tf ^^TT, ^- ^, 3'^r^fM, argf^nft, ^r^f^^, 3T?rr?*T, arnrpfer, ar^- ?Ttp, ?ft?r. 3 not affectionate, v. Cold. 4?, 45Tf ^T, f^^f . 4 no^ onyy, »!0< perturled, v. Calm. ^frT, 4? , ST^q^T, ?Tr>TT%r-&c. 3?^'^. [ im^T^. 5 «oi retaining hrat, — dress. 4^, ^m -T '=(l'i'JMI^K?Tr, Cool, n. 45Rr »». 4iTOT m. 4fr/. C. of the day, lioiirs of morninj and eecnin^^ f^cST^a; m.f. f^T^m »». fiT^ToS J». /". To Cool, v. a. make coldish. 4l-&c. ^of, ^jiuMi /. hi^Oi- qTFJ^of g. ofo. f^^^^. 2 fig. ( one's ardor, aflcction, &e. ). 45-^-&c. ^^oj, 8 ( auger ). 45-?T>f^-&e.-^riJt, f^^^. 4ft/ 451^/ f^\m,T^f. H^- 2 45qTnTw. &c. 45Tg/. aTHf^T^m. gT3?i^?rT/. ^rR^r^ft/. 3 ?%^t-&c. ^^f.-^ym^J. *t5T57. ^fiT^i^». ^- fJr^HTsr m. I. (after heat). 45Krw. 45t?irOT. COOLY, w. 1?i^^«. ( fem. \wf;^ ) qrft?n?STw. (fern, ^\z\^ JTlBt ). Business of a e. '^^\t[f. CoOM, n. f%5iT«. ^^n. JT5!»». CoOP,w.— for fowls. gTT5«. g^Tl». 2 See Pen. 3 See Baeeel. To Coop, v. a. shut up, ^c. 5pf53T, q^ff^ ^^I^jf, ^Ht ^TT^>jf, qM/^T'^y. o/o. COOPEE, ». fqTTT"iTTTT. COOPEEAGE, n. fqq +. q^ TT^w. f^»TPft, ^Ft'TFT, ^TH'TT- COP 186 COS C'oiAiiCE.Ny, n. equal uliair. ^]Tm\^\ or JHT^r^ ^TT?fT ^Tf- tOPARTXER, n. V. rA]Vr>-ER. ?f<*rif^- Jo Cope, i-. 71. contend or tie tvith, emi/la/e, v. To Eival. p:^. ^^ot. ^t\^f[ f.-mv^f\f.-&c. sRijf, irzfm "ftTft/. m^ij i. TTTW Tra'w. \^, g^JrH ^/. %'jf o?- ^^ir^ 3T?nff, s- 1^/. HK^-^. ^i^m. qftTot-^FTWr «('///( ^f 0/0. ^eW. Copied, ;>. v. V. 1. 7H ^idcicil, ^^^, T^- Copier, Copyist, «. \. V. 1. 3d. [f^rf^Pf. CopPEH, Coppery, a. FftaqFTT, ftt^, riirHl+, HT^JTT, rTT'^r- COPFER-COLORED, «!. ^Vi>A\~-^\ ^'IMI, dlM^OT, rilHl»4. a. transcrile. 3'd<"i, dd^d qof, ri^^/-:T?T/.- qripTT «.-vddKI m.-&c. ^FT^y. 0/0. 2 V. To Imitate. ■Jd^u'l, PfrfT »».- ^5in.-^R »». ^Z.-^ HT^ ?». pl.-T w. ^tr^F w. 2 V. Eope. jttiT w. B5^/- ?r5T »». ^ir ?«. ^R^wJ. #^OT. A fastening c. ^^tTPT m. 2b Cord, v. a. ^f. sntm, ^ift% sifq^. Cordage, «. ^TTHS n. pi. 3iTCt «. ^j/. Cordial, a. hearty.^ v. Sincere. iTdmiy^-qT, st^ft^TT J^RT- a^^, "TRPfNT. 2 strengtheni7ig. jf^^JR^, qi%p, cTm^g^S. Cordial, m. strengthening medicine, d ^N ^'h -? fil^^ K 'fc ■<& c. Cordiality, «. v. A. 1. f^». »j-°(-i'Ji ». 512^«. lb Cork, r, o. ^ot.-?jtot.- &c, HR^jf- i)^«(uj. con 187 COR CoRK-sCEEw, 71. ^m.-^vi.-&c. *K1MH ^fT*^". COEMOEAKT, 11. ^li'j^m. 2 V. Glutton. artrraT, ^r^, ^^nft. COBN, «. -ciT^ra.po;). tTPr». ^TniTws. ns5T/«. ^OTm. 3T5r«.K?^«. Beard of c. -J^oTm. :g^«. ^^ft/. [^T3T m. C. ( esp. Bddzri or Bzondhala ) husked and boiled. C. as trodden out. c. and straws mixed, ^^n. C. ( rice, wheat, Dzondliald, &e. ) soaked and puffed by parching. ^^\f.2}l- ^^'Jr'MI'/. i?^. or '>^.'rrt^\n. pi. C. which ripens before the close of the i-ains. TFT- Grown c. Sprouted c. ^^»». X{^1n. Head or full ear of c. r\^V^ or ZK[t\ f. ^V^ or ^\z- T^m. itPTW/. {and To come to a head qt^^q'ra' iftff). New c. ( of the year ). sr^tTPTra. i-m-H"- Undressed c. (as given iu charity). +i. ?5nT»'»- Bare or blank iu c. ^^m. ^^"^n. arraT"'. Breaking off the ears of ( reaped ) c. jftl'fl'/. Bundles of unthreshed c. T5 or Zii. Carrying off(to threshing floor) of sheaves of c.5Tr^oj\/". C. blasted whilst young and tender. Himn. C. (or a stalk) blasted before coming to head, (or of which the heads have been eaten off), ^izm.n. C. just sprung up. ^mf. ^W(^ or ^^'^n. Ears lying on a reaped field of c. W.^\m. fSf^p^rw. Erection ( as of sheaves) over a heap of c. 3T^/. Erection amidst c. for the watcher. H\t£\-^\m. incET?». Grass and weeds amidst c. fn^OTM. Heads of c. tied together, ^^retw. Heap of c. the produce of the first treading of the ears. T:\f\^ pop. TV^f. — worship of it. TTHJ^T/. Patch of green c. amidst withered c. fjidii/. Eich or fine patch amidst c. stTTw. STTT S^^TWJ. Shooting of ( reaped ) c. — through rain. ^RTw?. "Weeding instrument of c. ^KTcEqf ( the blade or iron- member of it is 315^, a cheek of it is ^J^r^^n. ), To tread out c. HoEW. To tread out c. with stalks undetached. Hn^TToT/.^j;^. To weed and clear e. f^^ot, ^pltA^ui, Hfli^'jf. 4' ( on the foot ). ^-qp^ m\ m.-f^T m. To Corn, i>. a. salt. fSr?f?T-fn?TH iT^'Jr,!^? n. qr^,^TT^of. COBN-BIN, n. V. Bin. ^tJf^m.dim.'^'^r^f. 'TT?=f?:n.'TT^n.feF^. COHN-CHANDLEE, «. ^^^TRt, T^Pft, ^T^, STPJft. Corn-chandlers, — gener. or collect. T^nT «• COEN-COUNTET, n. V(T^ \^-\ m. CoEN-riELD, n. ^TFT n. ^v( 'p^ «. tp:^ ^trf n. COBN-PLOOE, «. ^ n. COEN-LAND, n. fjRTfcT/. ^Ff 01»fl^/. COBN-MAEKET, «. ^^TH^/. COENEA, n. «Jl^ri1^' STTor n.-^t^ m. HTT^rf^tTTH n. Cornelian, n. ar^lft^ m. Corneous, a. horwj. f^TTRT, ^n^, ^jqiT'T, ^jirifir^, ^TTf^T, Corner, n. sfj^r in. ^oi m. qJtW m. ^^\ m. ^r^TST m. ^• q'qr in. 3r5r «• Changing the c.(as of a cat with kittens) .spfiTTT^^w. Holes and corners, noolcs and recesses: '^]^^iJ^t ?rf«ft ^Fif^f-pl. In every hole and c. ^M^roft, ^V'Xl spr^r. To drive up into a e. stop one's mouth, pose, S^c. %\- ^^, #5KRT M.-q?r?TTR m. ^FCif g. of 0. 2 secret or remote place. ^FFfTST m. ^^^\ or ((^rHT m. In a c. ^-^r^TRT, '(^Tiffr. Thing done in a c. ^t^Mr^ nP?. To do great things ( mighty feats, &c. ) in a c. g^TT- qft srm n. %iTf. CoENEE-STONE, M. #T^«TRT-#''Tr^-&c. ffn? »?!. ^FF^T^T^wi. Cornee-wise, adv. diagonally. fH<=H'W, f?R^. Cornered, a. ^MP^rr, ^r^ ( in comp. as =tWf^ &c. ), ^.\^, (in comp. as f-M'+M ). COENET, M. — instrument. ^ pop. f^TT m. 2 5^:^^Kt^ V^. STK?;^ 3n^. Coeneter, «. TnT=JMR)U||'(l, f^l'I'+.O. CoENiCE, n. 4)'n<| »*. ^j^crfr /. C. under a cieling. nR »i. ^rfTj^y. Coenicle, 11. rT^nm M. CoROLLAEY, 11. V. Conclusion. f?r^«!.3Trg'7fn^ ffrg nr?/. Coronal, a. belonging to the top of the head, diot-^r, ^T^^^ Coronal, «. See Ceown. CoEONATiON. See Ceowning. COEONEE, n. 3TTVMI--JI =^?pfrH. C.'s. inquest. *)Tr*r, lOT, ^^rg^, ^rf^, ??t^r, ^h, ar^ftf^Fft, CoursE, w. tleatl hody. f^ n.'kn n. ^TST or 5^^ »«. JTT. <^/. HRw^^ »». COKPVLEST, a.JIcshy, hulki/, v. Fat. . 2 (by cpi-stlcs, &e. ). ^PPT^ TSfP^ sff^JTR/.-Ac. %5riT,Tit «. ^'CE, «. COREESl'O.VDING, 11. y. V. 1. fTToST »». U. 2 ^Fm^ q-Vrfr 5ff|^r?:/.-iR/.-^5i'4 m.-&c. I. ( as of an event with a prediction ). rTTc^T m. ^\zf. Event corresponding -with a prediction. Z\^ m. II. — in commerce. atlrT/. III. mass of letters, spl'l^sj- n. pi. ^N^Rf W^^ w. i^?. COEEESPOXDENT, a. COEEESPONDEE, W. COEBESPO>'DIlsC, ^.«, COEBESPONSIVE, a. V. V. 1. fKoI'JIT^, rn«|H>MI, v^FfFfT, ^^P?IR^T, «(<1|-=(l, ^Hf^^tTrf, 3HH^,,M, ^Ttf^, ^^t^^'T. CoEaESPONBEXT, n. V. V. 2. ^fvTn^srr^ ^f%^- S^'TTTTT. I. — in commerce. arSfTT m. jiTTWT m. cj i m + 5)i. [^R/. CoEitixOE, M. gallery or passage in a Jionsc. ^t?ft^ sjissp^ COEEIGIBLE, a. T. V. 1. f^T^ofrq, f^T^^Tf , t^^t^, ^■^. 2 §'< K I -M I -jf-RT-%n?rT-^, f^^. CORKUPTIBLE, a. V. Y. N . 1. ^TT^T^, f^TTift, H»^, ^rf'T^'J. COEBUPTIBILITY, 11. V. A. f^^rRlf^T «■ ^^^^fTT /. CoREUPTiNa. Corruption, n. v. V. A. l.—act. ^^sf^, fif- q^spjf «. ^?T=roT n- &c. f^^tn-^^ /. ^;5^ n.— stale. f?R^ or f^l^irs »»• 2— act. qTF^ «• 7TTR ^T^ n. ^7. wf ". itc. f^V3"j+'/- ijq^qTJT «. ^UT ?i. — stale, v. AVicked>-ess. ^"5r=r «■ aTf- I. purulent matter, v. Pus. q ?«. II. — in grammar. 3Til^T m. 3TT?T55 m. III. See Bribery. Corruptness, w.v.A.l. ^^%qq-T m. &q. ^iVt^TT/. ^fttrrTT^w. 2 V. Wickedness. ^.q-OTT m. I'StI/. stT^TR'^'CT/. Corsair, n. pirate. =q'f=qT ?». 2 =q'Mri% TH^PT ?i. Corse. See Corpse. Coeseuet, n. V. Armour. 3T^it n. Zl'i^ m. Corset. See Bodice. Cortege, n. y. Train, ^rrff/ f^rft^r/. Cortical, a. lelonrjing, cj'e. to Ja;',l-, ^c. ?TT^^, F^rnT, ^^p^- Coruscation. See Flash. Cos, Coss, n. — tlie measure of distance. spRT tn. sFT^T m. CosEY, a, snug, eomfortahh, — persons. §^, §^?J7T. 2 — places. ^■UMl, artmnx. Cosmetic, n. u-ash^ Sfc.for the shin. 3^of n. atTrpT m. Cosmic, Cosmical, a. 's^^ni^-f^^ '^^^^T^^^%.| ^f^^^^i^^. Cosmogony, n. w\'^'[^J- ^IF'jf?/. Cosmography, n. '^f^ilfsrtjT/. ^f^ =r"'TH «. ^Tg;^ n. Cosmopolite, n. '^^resr^f^, ^'ll^^ft, ^JFTf'T=5T. Cost, w.v. Peice. jtit^ «. %iT?r/. ^HT w. Prime c. ar^F^f^HTf/. ^?T%^?T/. 3T^?^f^KFr/. 2 expense, charge. ?r4 »«• 5?T^ >»• ^"^ »"■ ["li^f'^. Free of c. ^^5^TT?, J+d-^l, •j+.'il or ^r^rr, *+.iil^^T, 5- The costs exceed the profits, qfl Wf Tit. To live at one's own c. T^?: m. ^=4'Jf-?rT"^-»Tisui. 8 costs: — in law. ^=t »8. ffo Cost, v. a. ifFS ?i.-f^^ f--'^'^ »».-T^ «. /jZ.^q'^ ?». pl.- &c. T5^-»RT"^-c7PinT-iT0T-^r'JT w. co?i. ?!;ft5t-T3^ in. con. Costal, a. pertaining to the sides or the rihs. sp^ft^^ ^t^T- Coster-mongee, n. H^T f^+uiKl 'FTt^nTTT. Costive, a. eonstijiafed. ^Ti^ra-CfT^, 5[^, »I5^^, +.<+iy, To become c. ^f?a^'?r. CosTiVENESS, w. V. A. ^^TST «. ^^3^ OT. V. ^, ST5%T^m. C. with flatulence. 3H|H«IM to. [ ?q-rrT/. Costliness, n. y. A. g'^/. HldMI« n. oj^Hr^dl/, ^^- I Costly, o. sumptuous, high-priced, v. Dear. jtr-JTI ^FTT^T, Costume, n. v. Dress, ^t ^joy*. jtT or H^T or H^ m. '^T^^ o>'"^TT^ m. ^^^rr or^q-rr=Tr m. sfT'Tr »i. fpjHRT m. Co-SUFFEREE, 11. ^'H^.^, Cot, 11. v. Hut. ^^"2: ». #T^/. f ft or ^/. T>Jr^/. 2 V. Bedstead, wrr n. dim. ^\tA n. JTT^ in. q^ ;h. A swinging c. ^RT^T ?». Cot-quean, M. OTffM w/(0 busies himtelj imcomcn's ajfairs, c\e. ^\^^m., 5iTT?qT, q^TT, ^?;f -^, Tis-qr ^j^r^fT, .=^=r- COTEMPOEAEY. See Contempoeaey. Coterie, n. cluh. +^|5?^. =qmS or =5rratS«. Cottage, w. v. Hut. ^'rT5t/ ^'nrt ?«. #7/. ??rT€t/. in'iMil / #T^ «. fft or ^f\f. 2 « «?/(»/? i»< iastejul dwelling, ^q^trq^?^ wi. COTTAGEE, CotTEE, W. SmilT, ^^VR^, fftf^^TRft, ^ft?'. 5?^ra'T/. .Some species of the cotton-plant are '^^r^PT^ff, ^Tr^, ». Cotton-gik, m Cotton-press, Cotyledon, n To Coucn, v. ■? To Coucn, V. < seed-lohe. STlSsft/. . lower, cower. ^^T, ^^ ^3t-3T¥3t, '^ )/«. ar q^?r-HT€H ^Wm'-aTO^. !. lai/ down as on a couch. f^TJTq'iTr, ^W^TW, %- 2 involve, include, v. To Imply. «n7?r«. ^T'if y. q/o. Ri- 3 ( spear, &c. ) Pfprr^^-ite. q^-S^T't-^'l^"^. i ( a cataract. ) g^ ^^. COTJ CODCii, «. Y. Bkdstead. q?5iT m. ^r[f. pop. ^VCf. and dim. ^^=5 n. n^ or Jhnp pop. flU^fr or JTHTT »'. ?TrJINMl'li-&c. 'ifuMoi), ^^^., ir'JT'ft'T. Counted, ;?. v.V. A. 1. Toi^fir, &c. ifoTfT, Tftlfcm, ^><^- 2 jfr^FIT, &c. Countenance, ?;. visage, features, v. Face. J^??. fTfs^^EiJrn. Change of c.fthrough shame, alarm, &c.) jt^"|iiW«. Freshness and liveliness of c. JTcRsfT/. 5^?:sfvt/-'=f^rl? m. ^^^/. 5?T«ft/. 5?RTn wt 5^q^rqt/. Of a fine or handsome c. ^^n, h^hI'/ ^ft^. Counter. See ConteaeTjConteaetwise. Counter, «. ^ we used in counting, ^r^f. ^^j^f. ^^n. 2 board or table of a sJiop. -^I + I /. "^tt^ m. To CouNTEEACT, V. a. ^'t^^TPT m .-^^7^:':sqY^\T. m.-Scc. ^R^if- =^\^^^ or :fC^-&c. JTreoT-^^^-ifcc. srfrf^FlT M.-id%fSf5qT f.-^f^^m m.-!f?w^ »«.->fcc. ^ or ^5;^ JTm-^r"? ^F^ot -Ac 37^^"if , g"?!^, ^rs^, ^^, TTS'Jif. COUNTEEACTEE, M. COUNTEEACTINO, ^. a. Y. V. JrT? ^TTTT JFT^RT-^^FiTT 'i'u'Jii-'j,&c.iif?i+K+, sr-f?r^n:-. STfrfSTWI ,«, CouxTEB-EviDEscE, «. 3";7^r?T/ R'f?! ^?:rR-7; w^^ ». To COUNTEEFEIT, I', a. ropi/J'rauilidentl;/. v. To FORQE. ^CT"- ?T^ JT^c^/.-Hfn n -flT^ ;;oy). jftW «.-%^ W.-&C. tjTtJf-ifiJr g. of 0. sf)T^M+-TEEMAXD, n. ^^z f fKw. TT^r :^f5"»- Tqrl^T ;p^OT. CotiNTERMAEcn, n.marcli hack, vjrid+^n.m. %T-TEE-PAET, n. 3rnTT»l. 3^^W. SffrrqWTw. %5TM. ^F^- To Co UNTEE- POISE. See To Cocntee-balance, CODNTEE-SCAEP, W. \^^[\ f. To COONTEE-SIGN, V. a. JT^?5T?ft/. ^^, ?;^/. ^TTSBT-^^CTf. CO0NTEE-SIGNATUEE. SK^^V^ f. ^/. 2*0 CoujfTEE-TAiL. See To Coustek-balakce. CouNrEE-wEiGHT, «. weight to counter-balance a vessel. 3T- ^Zor aTTfs or arrHf ». n%]in. To COUNTEK-WOEK, V. a.\. To CotJNTEEACT. Sffrt^FROT.-^rfrt- Counting, n. y. V. A. l.—acf.. itot^«. &c. imrsTw. trf^TOT- ^n. ^JpjJ^n.^VJl^f. ifJHT/. tRtoht/. HT^Tc^/. ^V^- CouNTi>-G-HousE. «. sqrqr-iiK'm ^FirmrT^ qr m. COUSTLESS, a. 3T^T^!S^, STTorft^, STTtfT, ar^T^^'Tm, amf^TrT, CouNTEiFiED. See Etistic, Eueal. CouNTEY, n. region, land, territory. \^m. ^:^^ or f^^m. SI^Tw^. Xmi. "W^n. ■>jfTT /. At, in, to, &c. every c. ^^Tf^^. Centre or heart of a e. tt«?^^Tw. Customs and manners of a c. ^^^TP;/.'^ ^ l H l < ?;i. '^^- Foreign c. qT?n»». f^>3Tw?. %^TfFrr«. ^r^■^m.^l:^^f^f. Inhabited or peopled c. ^fHFT or ^^^[^7\ f. ^^^^m. Native e. ^\^ m. ^»TfiT/. ^^^fir/. T^qfrT^ifPT ». tn. f^t^FTcT/. Of a far c. ITT^TSfT,, ^^^T^.. Eesiding in a foreign c. "TT>^ft, iRT^ft, ^Rft, TTT- The low c. ^?^mw. Inhabitant of low c. fe-i'^0. To return to one's native c. \f\ -jttvt. cotr 2 rural parts. %t ^|n. qi^ TRw. ■i' l -TKy, o. V. EusTic. ^"5 nt^rqi, %7^^■ ?r 3- ^Nr, ^-qr tt- 2 jn-oduced /«///« c. THRpft, W=!r^, it^rft, nt^, it- CouNTUYMAjr, M. OWB o/ llic same c. ^?IHTSot. ^^sT'^OT-'ItcP^- 2 rustic, peasant, su-ainjiind. ^% qf^^ m^JTH, ^T?r^c?n-, fTT, ^-5(1^^1^, ^^. — as used couteinpluously, and as corresponding with Clown, clodhojjpcr, hoor, lout, arrsq- 55^, arrsg^ifT, ^f^fw^, '^fts-^tt, ^j^^, tr^^, ^r^TTm- County, n. ^\7[m. \ri^-^v\m. The common words expressing certain Bicisions of a country, and thus, somewhat answering to County, Shire, Circuit, District, Province, Hundred, ^c. are ^- :F?5T, ^^, f^TcIT, ^"^TT or cTCTT, rRT>, dl-^'-PT, ^HTmT, SIPT, County -TOWN, n. ^FH^rr »«• somewhat answers. Coop de main, n. !JRT n. ^cqj w. t>. qi^. Coup DE sOLEiL, «. 3"i-^MI ^^f^^ h«. 5155/. ^tj^/. ?;q;i/; ^■'^rEff ^RJ/. frRJfl-/. Couple, «. Jrace, <«'0, /xr/r. ^r^/ ^J\'£\ or ^^/. ^H^ ?i. g;g; M. ^ n. ( in comp. as 2;'^JF5=!T, f^f^^ rT/ 3 frame of transverse rafters, (J-c."%Jf, {and To set upon &c. — ?5TW,) HF1W ?IFT^, cTf^^ ^. C train, tenor, line or order of proceeding. ^\^f. ^tcET'». JT^^ »!. ^^5:5I^T m. f^ pop. X\r{J. TTPT in. ^\zf. «:TRT w. yM.nstotr m. vn^^rS ?t. tRtr »«. "rre «. arnr »». ^^- 2T «(. affexTT «./. ^rrf^ or ?r^/. ^iiT/. r^tt^ »«. =r«t/. C. tbrougli ages without beginning. &Hlf^Tt^r/. C. of events or Nature. ^ifrT/. Of c. As a matter of c. as a natural consequence. ^^'^- Of c. as a matter of rule. ^^^^\^ or %iTT^, ^Pit, Of due c. ?isr^ ?J^, ftrft==tT, T^. Of c. to he sure, certainly. aHrfilH, ^'^ftH. That is of c. of natural consequence. ^^^?TT^T, ^^T- That is of c. of rule. f^HpSTT or ^JTT'^. To chalk or mark out a c. for. Tq' or V^ f. sft^ ^'Jf or ■+\S'a(7a»* Addlut. H^/. ?f^3TTTr5rr/. 5 ( of public business ), hall, S{c. ^Mf[f. ?I<+R=(I5T w. ?T^g;TT «. [/ ^TTT/. 6 meeting for the administration of pnllic husiness. Jp%ft 7 lody of judges. '^\^\^\^ m. pL ^■^\^■^■^■\ f. FqTTTTtft^T- ^^ »». 8 V. Taed. 3tn^ o;- 3T^CTT n. ^55 or ^S «. [^fqi:r n. C. before the mansions of the Great. TT'jfNi'^t'FH!. ^- Square or oblong c. ^'% m. =q(f^--lli^/. 9 See Flatteet. To CouET, V. a. seek in marriage, icoo. ^\>\^i\f. ^T'^-qTrI''f, fiprif f H^^f m. Jfrm g. of 0. 55tTmreT H^^ SI'lui y. o/ 2 jcoo iy praising , f aiming upon, ^e. T. To Fiatter. 3TT^^ijf, anTT'4''f, *r^^t or T^JT^^f ?rPT"jf, ^ o/- :jft^- ^t^ interj. ^pT'if-'^^^. CouET-DAT, «. ^pm 'RTr^rr^ f^^rn »». COUET-DEESS, «. ^I 'I I -0 tI H I *OT. CouET-nousE, n. +Ml'-il ^^TFTT/. COUET-MAETIAL, «. FT^T^a^^l^fT/. ^If^^F'^T^^I'TT/. #ff- TTnfe ». is in common use from the English. CouET-TAED, n. aTTJT or artTtT «. Coueted,^. t. V. 2. 3TTTTq'%?5r, &c. 3TRTfq'?r, 3^Tf^?T. CouETEOXJS, a. polite, — persons, v. Civil. ^?57f^y?pf =q'PT?n'i 2 — manners, kc. ht^?!^^, 'T^'iff'Hl'Hl, F^rTUTPqT. COUETEOUSLT, «(?f. V. A. HI^fRft^, 'T^' Courtesan, n. v. Harlot. +^tj'rfroT/. ^H^fW/. «R^^/- ^- COUETEST, M. ^^ HH^ W.-tfcPT ». To COUETEST, V. n. JPT^ M.-tj?^ ». ^fX^. COUETIEE, «. ■^imO'ldii'M m. ^TJTJf^isr m. ^T^ff^ w. Courtiers— coUectiTely, 'T-KEEPINO, a. ^JTUft, ^l^STfrTfT, ^^^^^^FT, VrAI'M+r?, To Covee, v. a. overspread and hide, ail'-^l^fff, STT^^ijf, ^ •^'JiM^X., s^TW, 5fnpot, 31l--?il^, n.-3TT=fC"Jr w.-s^TFT «. &c. JpTot^. ofo. 2 conceal, v. To Hide. 5rf^^,Sf^^,^'T^,^TifT^-qTwf, TtW^oT w.-i(|^^R5;nr«. ^'!;^xmn.\^r\n. COVEELET, n. T^JTfr^TOT. CovEET, a. sheltered, not exposed. ^N-fl-^l, ^T^^t, aTT^T^F- 2 hidden, v. Secret. =qteT, IK. 3 disguised., sarcastic, ^c. ^rd'^RT, ^'Tfr'^t, 3^><4^^, C. speech. stj^RfifFp/. [^sf^T. 4 — a married woman. ?r5r=qT% ^HT'-Yt^-ctc. T^'-ftR', ^- Coveut, n. sheila; hiding place. ?;"m/ ^5"^/. W^/. 3Tr- Under c. aTlSMI^O'. CovEETLT. See Seceetlt. ['T^/- CovEETUEE, n. state of a married tcoman. ^r^'4\Hrnf. ^A^- To Covet, v. n. le affected with strong desire. ?fNot, P^iJ^, f5"tTw.-^t5r/.-&e. ^Z^in.con. 5*q--^TH5^-?5rF»r2-&c.^>Jf. To Covet, v. a. desire earnestly, \. To Desiee. JstTw.-JIR- ^^/.-i^R'fl/. t^my.o/o. arfHOTW, arf^rTwj. ^t^ y. o/o. t5Tfr»t. ^y. ofo. Coveting, n. v. V. A. — act. ffrT ^ijfn. 3Tf%OTT^«. &c. Covetous, o. cnpidinous., avaricious., greedy. r^Mt, FHH^, "5, ^iT, ^T^T, r^t'Ttnt, 7T3TW— in high degree. c^HT'^- ^, ;=?r>T?T'^, ^1»TH^, =ft^fT^, 3>nf^, 3>rr3pt?f, ^->^- J^, '~ii*iM<, ?t=rr'4r. Some terms for a covetous person aro arf^tJirrr, arifH^ft. "[ r^v^. 2 (of wealtli or riches). tRf^Pft, ^HPtfP, ^s^^jfti^T- Covetouslt, (J(/y.v.A. 5Jrm#, ^»N;?vT,=?rH^5/'. ^5/. Cow, »j. imr/. tTj/. ifV/. "fr/. (iu comp. as »ftg^, ifr^FT, 'ft'TT^), +r^rll /.—in contempt. ^vjTZn. IFT^n. — in eiidearmeut. TT^^/J. 'IHrft/- HH?ft (or iTT^3rft & TFJrft), C. conceiving whilst suckling. dH'll'ft/. C. produce, (milk, butter. Ac). "TtT^"'- Ts^rt. C. that bears annually. fTiii}^ «. Milch c. jqrft or ^iTdt'liq/fHrftqg/. q?Tf^pft/. Eeach of a c.'s lowing. ^^\xf m. [ v. TR. Tie of legs of a c. during milking. HTc^ m.or aji^rfi m. Twitching and quivering of a c.'s. hide. jT|?*]>\^\ or iTTTTn?T, l^oft", 'T"T=r5tT, 'i|A|+iii, "ft^, ntrra, nlT?^, ^fi^, ar^, 3T»ftT, jflr. Female c. Ttjortw/. 'fHl^ui/. nrr^ft'T/. 3Tf|Tt or 3T- f^Tuft/.&c. ntfwr/. "fl^/. Quarter or station of cow-herds. r^^snTTw.l^or^m. ^ ?». g^ OT. Cow-hide, «. irpft^ +.H4 «. 2 leather lohip. «m«. 'ntli'Tl-il m. ^J^/. ^^ «. 'Tt?|TT?5T/. Litter of c. qf^T?/. "tr^ft/ Cow-leech, «. TT^^ TTT^, TT^TIT^, 'il^ti. Cow-pen, n. nw' «»• nt^ »• »»• Cow-pox, m. if|«H ^ftrrsTT/. Note. The Marat has do not distinguish between the cow-pox and the small pox, but use the word|^ for both. Cowg-Lip, n. iT^ "^ 3TT|'. Cowaed, Cowaedly, a. timid^ icanting in courage. f^THTr, f%^, f*Tf^, '-■TTS, ^rm^, ^FPTT, 1%^, 3T-4K, 3T^, ^^- 5Tq^, T^Eq^ or ^l'^, ^q^, ^^^"M, ^HM<|+H or mk- ^t=T, ^4^1^, &c.?Tir'ft^.Some phrases, proverbs, sayings, and various formations conveying the sense of a coic- ardly person, and answering to Z)fl«/ar(7, Poltroon, JS^'id- get, Craven, Pusillanimous icreich, Faint-Jieart, LacTc- plucfc. White-liver, Cream-face, Pij eon-heart, Chicken, Woman, are Tf^/. Ttf^TMH c. ?5^ c. "P^^st c. ^iWUm m. iTR^T^ m. Hl'l.'JIi/. TT^T, f^TT, TT^T TTI^r, ;^'^5F^, 2— actions, &c. f^rFr^q^JTr^fT, Jfm'ff'SiT, &e .'TTF?T'a^-^5f^, CowAEDicE, Cowaedlixess, n. V. V. f^rfVquii m. &c. vrm- ^fmrspH m. ?T7T>ftf?r/. ^'ft?:?!!/. Cowaedly, adiw.A. f^^-M I ■H I Hm -?ITJft-Tff-& c. fTHTT'JTpf, Cowed, _p. v. V. T5rr^r%^, T^jjft^^, &c. To be c. <^ij+,ui, ^^. To CowEE, V. n. sink in at the knees, ^'c. give icay. ^^^ <^«|-4>'J|, JTJ n. pi. 5f^-His«i y. o/ «. 5Tiijf_ COWL-STAFF, «. Hc|-^U|/. J!. CowEiE, w. particular shell. ^F^^T w. c^»'(. +=i il /. ^TTT^ m. <=1<|P-+|/. ^q^ »«. sFlf^'^/ Some kinds are. qrqft, H'IMl+.'lil, ^T^ft^R^, ?^^«r- Coxcomb, «. v. Fop. 3=[+4x||j1, ^rwO'll^, ^tsiPT. 2 — the flower tree & flower. ifrTf^l?^ m. [ ^m. COXCOMBKY, n. Y. FOPPI.^HNESS. ^'Vi^\^ /■ ^^?«fpft/ I CEA 19c CoxcoMicAL, a. V. Foppish. apFPTRfl^, ?T??lT^rifr^. To Cot, v. n. affect reserve, ^r. gT^FiJt, ^TS n. HT^tff, 5^%^. pi. ^n^, sTiaiHiui^iii/. ]}i. qT^-?5Ror-^?:^. Cot, a.— a female. gT%^R, 5!% TR^Tft, ^5 ^T^, ^?5«f, COTLT, ade. T. A. rfiiH^^R, 5^% Hl<>s1. CoTKEss, «. Y. A. gr^r «!. ^r^?:! »». cTm/. ^?5j3Trrr/. :ro Cozen, >S:o. See To Deceive, &c. CE3.B, «. W^RT ■?«. or 5 n. %^Z n. f^if «. il^^ ?z. ^TH «. ^?ft/. f=5T^rtt/. =^m^ m. 5?5TT OT. ^'4 m. ^^ ?«. ^- Claw of a c. 3T^^ i«. 2 — the sign oancer. Jpp m. 3 (T^ ^jH"?r55 3TTf . Ceabeed, a. morose, S{c. t. Ceoss. ^[f^cn^, f|T5rT, f^T^T!:, g^^, w^ or ^^, frR^T?:, f?r5q^, ^^ TfT^^^rr, ^. 2 perplcxiitf/, hard, v. Difficult. ?^3rfT, ^^f^^ j^^ CeaBEEDLT, rtifo. T. h.. 1. ^I'^riM^IPf, frrW^^^TWl'^, &C. CBABiiED>T;ss, M. V. A. 1. ^rratTiTT m. ^TiIT ?». &e. ^F?:^ 2 <)i|--tv4i or s^'-l*! "«. ( dim. ■^ i l --t -;Jt or sw, ^^'pSt, WVf-' Ceackleb,, n. Ceackling,^. a. v. V. 1. didilH, Jf^fffT, 2 :R^?r, ^F?:^?r, =F^^ftfT, ft??Tit^, ^iTRT^jft^r. 3 ^^fTTt^r, ^35T^^. 4 fS^^, ^F5^P¥t?f, ^'FftfT, fT^F^, 5^5^^^, Ceackling, n. V. V. 1. — the sound emitted. *<5, ^'c. See Vessel. CEAriiLT. See Aetfullt. CRA 196 Cbaft1>t:98. n. v. A. and Cunsinq. qiHT m. ^;^Z n. jprf^- 5f n. 3[Trasr ». Cbaftsmas, «. V. Abtificeb. +iRjk <>»■ ■JiRPfK. »». Rtf^w. CBAFxr, o. Y. CcK>i.NQ. 4;|l(»)M, *H<^I<, ^F^, Kn#, ^, Cbag, n. protuherance of a rock. ^'c. i4m"lSI w.-«S;c. JRuf ff. ofo. qiTJf. [tpu ^. 2 /y. V. To Eesteict. 9T?ft^ M.-srf?Rrtr»i.-&c. EF^, oiT- Ceamped,;?. 4' a. \.Y.1.— affected with cramp. 5RT^5?- C. state (of the limbs, &c. ). #5T m. ». tTTTS m. qFIFfrfT/. AV^ith a c. V. Ceasitinglt. ^^rS-^R-^- &c. [tTfT^?;». 2 ( as of many musical instruments ).^?r'Tr»n. ^'IT^Jm. Ceashikgly, adv. :f^31, +il+i, Jp^T?!, ?jr?T?TS, ^^TSTSf, ^- Ceassamestum, »i. ?rrT n. ^nrf^ «». q^f^T ot. [/. Ceatcii, n. frame in ivhich hay is put. ^i^y^ or ^f. 'Ildl^ Ceate, n. texture of sticks, S(c. 5ETiweT m. ^TJT m. ?lt*K'T/. ?rT5: W. rTpft/. 2 See Basket. CeaTEE, «. vrcJrfrM4J4d =€fT- i^^-^ijf, ^TTT^ or gimM^^rt a<^y. =Eiraaf-^m, ?7TrT ^- 2 — a child. ^frST or qt^Tm. ^^, ^wt &e. 3 fig. move slowly , feebly , heavily, Sfc. S;c. =ETolm.- 2 ^^J|T»». &c. ^ufrTT/. To Ckeak, r. n. make a sharp noise, »• ^RT^Tot. 2o Ceeam, v. a. ^f.-r^Af.-kc. ^n^oj-. Cbeam-faced, a. fpjgr, f^%^, fT>'^-^imfinrr. Ceeamt, a. ^f^, ■H14'HI«Hr. Ceease, ?!. mark made ly doulliny. 'HT^f. ^\f- ^^/.^folM. To Ceease, v. a. v. N. -^ f.-^^.m.-kc. TTS"^. Ceeased,^. v. V. jfrs HI^^^jI, &c. To Ceeate, v. a. hring inlo hcinj, mahe, ^'c. fHH|U|--dcH"H -""^^r-Ae. ^or, fnf^, 3?Tt^^, 3".'?^Tsr'if, ^TT^f, v3rMi^H«.- ?T^?rra.-P)l'*^ld/&C. ERW y. ofo. ^Rtif. 2 prothcce, occassion, v. To Cause. STT^-Ac. ^^i^, 3T7- f^/--^S\^'«.-&c. JfT^TJf y. o/o. armoT. 3 make, ly investing with a new character. ^FT^T. Ceeated,|j>. v. V. 1. %"i=I?rT, &c. ^m^., Pinfui, 'f%fKrT, ^?TT- Ceeation,;;. v. Y.l. — act. 37T5f^^«. &c.3?n^==r«.??T%/. friMfn/. W^. — state, ^fjf^/. ^TrfrT/ T^m. I. V. Umvebse. ^/. ^"Jrnjf^/. ir??T?T^/ ^nfin. Ceeatoe, m. Ceeative, a. V. Y. 1. ^FTXitttt, ^^^vT ^WRT,^- ?t51'-PihT>ji-&c. ^ttt, ^iHdi, w^^, ^drm<^+. C. of the world. ^TF^Tfrf, ^Tf^W, ^"^T, ^T|?n^^. Ceeatt, n. gentiana cherayta. f+il^'d c pM^Rrft- Ceediblt, adv. V. A. g-sT'Tr"JTr?r5?T, f^=^re%rar j^irnnT^^Tr, f7».rtl,&c. ft=^^, ^}^f^^. Ceeditoe, »i. person to ichom a delt is owed. ^RUI^pfT, ^'JITI'- cf, ^opffr, E[OT^R, ^^^, 3"vf^, 3"r(H'jff.— in bonds CKE 198 cm and notes or iu free phrnscol. tT^T^ it «R*H1H (from- tPT ilouoy, &c. and (J« ojipoted to Dubtoi- fti3T«pt Aft'T^ TIITT from iR^JT Debt ). C ol". t11<<<»)K. Ckehi-i.itx, CnEDULors.vzss, n. v. A. ^\^'m\ m. ST^r/. CnEiiiioi'S, a. that believes reatlily or without grounds. WA- JT'TT^, >r^'t, fc?-«rrffr, «t5t^, ar^^cfff, srfq^mM^, rrrH^THm^, ?fraf^>TRft, q-^rr^dMi^"!. Crepui ousLT, Oi/i'. T. A. 'ff^TTJTT^, +M|^-m ^%-, ji. lurninj of a corpse. sr<=T ^Tolijf n. ^ri?^^ n. 2b Ceepitate, t". «. See To Cbackle. 2 i;-eoi- 2«W(^. "TT^, TT^ m. ^rSW, q?^ w. JRijf. Ceepitatiox, n. See Ceackli>'g. — v. V. 2. — act. TT^ «. qr^ w. q^ n. Soft c. ^?npt /. f ^f?ft/. Ceepuscle, n. glimmerings of dawn, t. Daws. ^r^^Tl ^t^- 75 n. f^jf^m M. 3"^ «. Ceepuscclous, Ceepusculae, a. f^m f^qjT^, =q1=5rT5 ^t- Ceescext, n. JTTSm ^f^ »«. ff^? »". ^?^f^^ ^5 M. 3T'=T- =^ m. 3iq^^T^rf?r/. Ceescent, Ceescite, o. ^TTStTT, ^kitiki, g'JJTPT, ^t"^. Ceess, n. lepidium sativum^ ar^Rnr o?- 3=rT|€r5f or ^T^ w. Cresset, n. beacon light. a^FIvT^Tf^cIT m. 3TT^r^^ tn. Ceest, «. ( of a cock ). \\t(f. T\mj f ^?: =f?T/. 2 plume, tuft, gri w.^PMt/f^mT/ftT^TM.^T^ wi.=^/. Jewel worn iu a c. ^ilMfui m. f^^mfT m. f^KIHfui »». f^HHiHrCll 711. 3 ( of a mountain, &c. ). HT''d. =qt^w.Jj^^|ui«. 3 (of a ship). ((^Tn^^ilHH'Tlrf ?n?lft OTPW HS^T/. Trar^ffH; m. /jZ. ^if^=p«iur m. Ceib, n, manger for corn. H n. ^f%^/. qnrqj «• qN «. n^ »«. d+wfi. To Ciump. Sec To Ceimpi-e. To Cbimple, v. a. ( puffs, frills, &c. ). ^fTTrT'Jt, 5^^ or ^- "t, '5^/.-=fyT/-f5T^/. ^T^Tiif. 2 See To Cvrl. Ceimpled, p. T. V. 1. 5Fm^?JT, 5^r5^^,&c. ^tH^. CuiilPLEE, n. crinq^liny instrument. ^\r\^ n. ( and the cut- tings mivde by it. +MU| «. ). f^iuft/. f^^ n. 2 instrument of tailors to crimple cloth. ^ur^TT/. Ceimplisg, n. v. V. 1. — act. ^r^^n.'Hfr^^n. =^qT?^Dt«. &c. Ckimson, n. f^iHH^ ^T w. n^T?^ tl ?«. ^siT^ t^ w. 3T- . s^^nt Of 3T5^?fr 57T ?». Cl!rM£0>-, a. f+-Gisa, n. y. V. ?55f OT 't^JR n. &c. arr^ «». Ceinqee, n. Ceinqen'o, p. a. v. V. and Obsequious, b^ut To CEtSKi.E. See To AVixd. To Ceipple, t'. a. rf ' I ^ I -5ror^^-&c. ^PT'Jf. Ceipple, o. Ceippled, p. a. v. V. 1. MST, "Tfisr, Tfnr, Ttn- 5r, qn, pop. q^, ^Idl'-H'-d-?! 3T'f , 5^, ^^, sqTf, ami. 2 irn^ ^q^ft^ ^%^ ^TT^^TT. Ceipple, «. ^JTSmf or ;7'T5^tt<^ «. ?i;n?^ c. See also the words under the adjective. To be or become a c. MinanJ). Ceisis, m. — of a disease. mRuhh ^t^f^oTRT tIt- urr^^l^P or ^5^%^ OT.-STTJ^ »».-31^'*Tt?t^ n.-f^-<:(^^n_- TTSftrR «. 2 critical time or juncture, gener. sf-TRT^^T^T-fTTf^^T- =^%?TRt?^Tr5rT-&e. ?TO^ OT.-t55/.-^ftr/. m.-&c. f^tftrr n. T^r/. qiTift/. 3TTtfr/ aTT^ft'^luflVl %^/. SWOT ». sraTTns. Ceisp, a. — an article of food, &c. ^T, ^^, +4+'ild or J- <+1HI, TT- 2 judicious, discerning, r?T?T, rf%^, T"^?^, ijOTT'^JTf^- 3 »«fl.-»erf to find fault. Jt^f?, ^?lf, fe^^^Tf, f^T- 4 — in nicdiciuo. ^";iTT=^q|'-in'uir'T4^*'H'ilR«l<5i^l, TfCWT- C. discharge. fTT^'^fr "■ 5 relating to a crisin. ^-^J^^Z^^m ^rrrqT^TT, ^I7f^^r% k^fr^., ■Miafiqiuftif q^^. To Ceiticise, v. a. notice beauties and faults. TUKI'-I ?«. ///. ^)T^, ^mrr^lW^^T n.-'TOTftqY?T^=T n.-&.c. ^m. 2 animadvert on as faulty. ^W »». %^3t, 5W ?;». +l'J'Ji y. o/o. ^tsfof, o^Tr'?^/.-;ftw/.-&c. ^^ y. o/ 0. Ceiticising, CniTicisM, n. v. V. 1. — act. »jui^i| :ri^ «. &c. 'juii'juiI^^-^?T 7!. 'TirfpTl^i'iH w. nnr^t^nf^^ «. ^- 2~act. ^ li^ot ?«. ^^ ji. etc. sqxTC^fT/ ZV^f. Ceitique, n. norfl^=qf^^/. ^PTrinw+lPn^/. To Ceoak, v. n. — the frog. ST^cff or "^^^.^ ^^?-G,;?.a.v.V. 3. gTT^ ^tc^iinTT, &c. STT- ^Hl+ifl, aTT^TTtft. Terms or phrases for n person ever croaking ( i. e. foreboding ill ) and answering to Croak- er, Screech-owl, Baven, Damper., are ;TTf% HTcfTT, 'J=f^- Ceoceocs, a. of or like saffron. ^^TRT^, %^^^,%?H.MM,%- Ceock, «. earthen vessel. JTTrft% Tt^ «. H'HilMM «. 2 soot on pots, kettles S;c. H^m./. H^ft or H'fl'/. ^T- t/. w:^f ^^^f. Ceockebt, n, earthen icare. irS'fl' ^%^\ n. pi. JTpft^ Hf- ff «. JjZ. f Tift ^HR «. gTTfr TffT n. pi. ^mrspTT^ «.;>;. Ceocodile, ^^^lf■ H7TT OT. ?T^ ?«. C.'s tears, ^r^x TJ.^ n. 3Tm%?it5 n. ^^'trl «. Ceocus. See Saffeon. Ce(esus, w. v. Eicn. ^^tr »«• ^^FT^^f^r ?». J^^Tft^TTR''^ w. Ceoft, m. rfo»e. ^rrft/ <^'''». ^rjn «. ^nr^^ «. C^o^•E, M. o7(i woman. ilTt\ "^^Mi't/. St^?^ or Si-T-j't'iT/. Cbost, «. V. Intimatu. ^{T^'fr, f^rtr^ fsr^, ^at^rojqr, q-jr, Ceostship, m. nft/. nftqwr?«. nft/. ?^^;i. ^^ftw. t^- Ceook, «. curved end. arf'PSTw ptJT"!. %^". CEO By hook or by c. «f^{|+M, ^r^'n^'ip^Tr, ^^mrWT, C. used to pull down pods, flowers, &c. ^l+l-H/. 3 ( of a shepherd.) Ai=f<. TfT«. ^Rw- qt?lTr% 'IcoMldrff f^^T^/. 8 (of a field, &c.). '^W^n. f^^;». WM\i or ^^Un. Pf^^n. ft^ n. Share in a c. of the land-holder. qvft^^OT. ^[r^lz^m. Ulrl+tjieiM. — of the bullock-owner. "itrT^RTOT. — of culti- Tator. srf'T^ra'w. Share of the lessor or lessee of a c. ^c(^n. Half share. 3?-^'^ or 'fl-'k^f. f^JT*T?5«. f^K^rl/. f^m^/. Third share. I^TT'-T^ or fcTT^r^/. That bears but one annual c. ^^qft, ^^PTlft.— two. |Pt^i l^qirt.— three. Mwt, fcTsiTft.— four. ^Fl^, The Autumnal c. ( or harvest ) ^fK or

. The Vernal c. ( or harvest). ^ or T^f. To cut the c. fl^m', ^Fmf, ^I^FTTift/. ^T^. 4 ( esp. of fruits or flowers ). ?Jin m. STM m. qiT m. g'- >?!T or g^FTT »». Of fruit-trees, &c. which yield two crops, the first c. 13 called [HdMK, the second, WcVW. 200 CEO To estimate aud purchase the coming c. ^ or ^z n. To sell the coming c. "t;; n. '^. To Ckop, v. a. pluck or nip oj' the c. ^raS'Tf or sjt^rs'jf, g- ^, ^% ^tgiJf, »?li+Hot. Ceop-eae, Cbop-eaeeu, a. ^'^+MNi, rfii - t)|^,MM l, f^^K- Ceop-fv :.l, o. *r7%5?rr "frrnqr, '^iV. Ceop-tailed, o. rJfST, SrjJ^iJ, flj^?^'^. Ceoppei),^'. v. V. #!?r5%7r, &c. ^<3T. I.— the tail. &c. g^T, ^f^T, vfi^. Cbop-sick, a. arid^H^'MMI 3T'.Jiiri. 4 crooA-ed,f>-oward, awkward, cross-grained, v.Peeveese, arr^T?^, an^^R^T, 3TT3^T?r, aiftsTTS, frrsfcTSr, %^?, 5 — marriage, &c. ?rnriTT??RSTr^, SHii-ii'M^'-il'Hl, «r^r^. 6— breed, &c. ^^RT'^n', ^^?>?rT?T. To Ceoss, y. a. lay athwart. 3Hli=J| ^^fuf-^RCTf. 2 ^JOM oj;er. 3?Tc^5"if or 3Tr?5t5^,4i'(.'jl, FRTjf, g"?! W,3^^, 3 thwart, counterwork., v. To IIindee, To Obstetjct. 3T- ^^, ^^^^m.-^f!m■'^m.-&c, w.x^ g. of 0. 4 cancel, strike out. ?i+ui' or 34) u), ^3l5^, &^«J.- "FT^Tw. 5 make the sign of the cross. ^^r=fl'^"'T/.-f^F^-&c.^^ijf with, ^t: of 0. Ceoss-bieth. To have a c. arrs^ ^ in- con. ( Ex. ^ qrf- OT3Tr5^3TT?5 ). Ceoss-bite, n. 3H7T>?fWT/. To Cboss-bite, ». a. 3^^T)fR0T/. ^^. Ceoss-BOw, w. . fSfCn^ or ^^/. i??: or 5tTiz m. Z^f. %^/. %qTTr ««. ^/. %5rj /. ^TIT or vnm m. ^ or 5 m. ^^rfnr w(. CeowN, «. diadem.^ v. Ceest. g-^ />o/j. W\z m. f^t^Z m. n. ^MH+d «». Assuming the c. f^ft^tji Jtit n. Gem or jewel of a c. H^JTfoim. 2 ( of the head, of a mountain, &c. ). ^]^\ m. Z\^f. CRT! 202 CRU C. of the human ht-aj. ^t? n. ^rTTJ n. Lock of hair on the p. Htfe nr HT?fr m. 3 comphliun, ffc. M?/. bM?/ w4?^poi^. w4i; «. 4 ( of a hat, &e. ) JTT'<>^K 1=^^ «. Crumb, «. — as opposed to crust. »R wj.rftr m. njl m. nn^ w». 2 ( of bread, &c. ) Ji7. 7^^ m. f^mK «. f^H#r m. CTumhB,bils. fragments. ^¥'*^i\ or^ff^T w.=^7«.=5rnH». To Crumrle, v. a. Ircak into small pieces. ^ . ^■^,i \j\ or tj- ^T-JT^, ^TW, •^^i^\^ "^ m.-^TT wJ.-^^jjf m.-H^RT m.-&c. ^>^ g. of 0. To c. by squeezing in the hand. ^^(^^lit. To Ceumule, v. n. ^r^, ^rST m.-&c. ^ g. of s. f^m, 2 down; fall to pieces — a wall of sand. &c. ^"jf, ^7'it. Ceumblisg, Ceumbly, a. soft, friable, S{c. ^j^npffH, ^H- fq^T or SJTt", f^;55I. CEuiir-BACKED. See Crook-backed. Crumpet, w. HT^tNT TiJr y. f/ 0. 3 overichelm, S[c. v. To Subdue, -^i h1 M ? I J^-^^-'-l I -i I +f?T ^^7T-7te «. "TTW y.o/o. f^/. ^TTwr y.o/o. g^?T fj^s^'^r. Crushed,;;, v. V. l.%^?5r,':MWrlT, %^?raT, &c. 2 f5r^5%^, =^?;ot, &c. ?jiiit, f^^^. 3 ^lft^tr5T%?^?n", r?l'^.'^"l?5T, &C. [^^TJft/. Ceusdiso, ra. V. A". 1. — act. %^iJr n. %'f'if n.&c. S^oft/. ^- 2 — act. [MAii\n.-^i\)M «.-^i|du| w. &c. CTH^ to. tTH^ n. Crust, n. external coat, case, incrustation, ^'c. +,=('H «. "t.-j'^l /. ^ n. rRT »». C. of dirt. f%^nr «. ^ft? n. 2 ( over a sore, &c. ). ^^S or S n. ^FH' • TRTIT or ^ m. M M IJl or TRT^IT »». TI^:?! »». =?n;^ «•. "^W.^ '"• ^F3^ «»• 4 outer hard j)art,—oi br(-a(l.?T5I^ni.5)f^ M. V. A. 2. ?^-gT3qaiT m. ^rePW'Jir «». Ckusty. rt, ^ii^|--^l, +=i^^r. 2 crabbed, v. Ce03». ^^T^F^, ^JTrt, ^PH. Ceutch, n. ^r:^f[f. TPra^FT^ /• "rf'TpfrST m. "TtnsrfSni «• To Ckt, !'. «. speak loudly, rehrmmtli/, t\c; v. To Bawl. JTF^ifT^ ^Tc^, afTTSof, 3?K^ ^nt^qq^ot^'TqjRTm.^FW. 2 unto, to; call vpon inprai/er, ij'c. qi^JT ?re.-tTROT «• "P- 8 icff/). ?:5W, ?:^ or Tt n. ir^t m. con. T /.-T^ n.-^^?ft/.- ^TcPft^ n.-?^ or ij^ «.-ctc. ^F^:^, 5^3^ /• ^^^i 5^" HtM, 515; m. pi. J^ST. — out, aloud ; v. To Bawl. 3TT3^ or ^TCSot, 3Tq;tfM, 3TT^rrf w.-3TT#^T m.-3TT^TH M.-&C. epTjf — witli plcutiful tears. S^So!r-S2:Solf-S^^5;-3o!;T5!t- ungovernably, unceasingly, &c. ^JW'i.wMt^fj «f/c.TsST, "^f^ VI. f. im, ^q^of, %c(^, %^a^, ^'T^TT^ ^/ FIRoii, 75- tr^rr^rr ?T|y»i.-?fTfr''i- ^i'^ 3nTtfTm.-3T^'4w.-^»».-&c. JpT'if, t5/.-?in- ^-HT3^-?5lir3f. — aobbingly, &c. ^H^ui, ^?if, ^5% «?3C?T or ^TfH-3rKT?r %^^ or ^TTf ^T-^rrfs ins^- 4 — esp. of children; agreeing with ichine, ichimper, tcaui.pipe, snivel, Sfc. ^qvat,%^?Tjf, ^^Sfiir, ^r^, ^- ^rpnJt, i^^^, T^, ^T^ or ?^»i. r. 2 up; Zr?!/!^/, v. To Pkaise. qrs-^c. ^^-^tfrnrr. Cet, Cbyi^g, n. T. Y. ^'. I.— act. 3lR10(n--&c. 31^5 or 203 CTTD *fi^/ ?,^PTTm. 5^rrrw(. arJrsfr/. 2 trtciTwi. '^r^'Jrn. ^^/. 3 TTotw. ?:/. ^/. X^n. ^r^/. ^rt^ftijn. r^ or r[z^n. —aloud, &e. 3iTT5^«. STT^ or 31R5/. 3}r^w». 3T?:5T- :^1TS/. 3TT^f?TOT. 3Tr?>^?n. 3TT^55?i. Given to crying. 75^, ?:^-:tt. A long or continued c. TZj. To seem ready to cry. ^^F^H ^, rS*Tt ^rof. 5 3fR5«l'». 3TtT50fr/. ^in/. ^is^»».— of a bird. •■3TH^- oft/. P.*i-=(i, Wp-f-H^', ^'PTT?^, To Cbystalize, v.n. JFTS^TT/. i'^.-T^S w./iZ. sRot-^'my. o/.?. To Cexstalize, I'.rt. WA'mxf- pl.-W^m. pi. ^R^f y. of o. Cub, M. fq^JM. cnT»i. ^^^^^"»-— of a tiger or lion, q?T'«. Cube, n. — in geometry, q^w. Cubical contents. iiH4>V>«. 2 — in arithmetic, sprwj. Square of c. ^^^^m. jpfq^ws. Ccbe-eoot, «. q^^^«. ^^T7n. H^H. q^». Cbeebs, n. :F5fT5ifq?fr/ giiq-iffmH. Cubic, Cubical, a. ^Ff. Cubit, «. measure from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. ^I7T?». ^W?n. ^FT^ift/ 2— to the tip of the little linger. STTp^w. 3 — to the hand clenched. ^^J^m. ^m. Cuckold, n. husband of an adulteress. fsHra• T^'4 «• "». TN"tT »». To chew the c. ^'4"^ or ^4^ or rR4"Jf, fr4 m.-rtT- 4 w. JRTJ)'. 2 ( of tobacco, Sea. ) m^?!f. To Cuddle, v. n. lie close. rTq^-f^T^-^JM-ctc. fr^Tiir, f ^ f?R^. ~ " [ OT. To Cuddle, v. a. WT?il4^7I-^5I5iq;c^-TCr?T^5-ii m. P.i\f.\ t/i. i'Hui ;i. «rnn"<. C'outtict with cuilfifla. STgPI^/ Cudgel-coaxing. «ijMI'^«. 3?^n^pjj- n. CULIX.^BT, a. relating to cooking, Sfc. ^^W-V^l., ^\-h^'i'^ '4\ To Cull, v. a. v. To Choose. fT«r?OT, sR^f, li Ma f. CuLLT. See GcLL. Culm, n. v. Stalk, hi? w. To CCLMIXATE, V. n. he vertical. W^f^^- i \ *M \ m -&c. irof. To attain its acme or culminating point. ^Z^ m. ^ g. o/s. CcLMiSATioN, n. ' i \ ^M ] m Jfof. n. 2 culminating point; highest point. !J?K^ m. TU^TOT/. CcLPABLE, Culpability. See Blamable, &c. COLPBIT, n. afTTTTtfr, ^T^^IT^, 'pl^l'', ^fm^ n. i \ n \ *-m,^ n. Cultivable, a. v.Y.l. rrqpTPtmT /. l 'Nj' I 'H ^.TTWrqT^fPTT.&c. To Cultivate, v. a. till. Tvm>i Hi'Hu'l |nruT, ^ /.-riaftift /-T^rn^/.-^rf^/.-^P^ „.-i •. ij^dt y. ofo. ft^ftf-TT«f^- j 2 rawe ^y tillage. #K m. JpTlff 7. ofo. ej^t^ /.-rt^pJpF /. jRur^r. ofo. *\-A^\'(\'\-&c. fr^fnrJi-^??^ ^Rur. :}_( the faculties, a taste, &c. ). ST-:-mrf/.-!pHTt/.-&c. ^- | Cultivated, ;;. v. V. 1. VN^.^^i, &c. ^^, f^-^TT, TT^TJT- CuLTivATioy, CcLTUKE, «. V. V. 1. and Aoeicflture. t\- sm n. &c. ?pft /. id+IH n. ^f^ /. ^^^^^ n. X^n^ /. TR^/. ?5TirJft /. ;^Fj^/. f^f.m^ n.^ypj; or t?r'^, ^f=sf?5?5T. Cuneiform, a. ]^J. CuNNiNO, a knowing, v Skilful. ^TT^ott, ^JT, ^i!T^, f^^fK- ?ft, r^+HWl, ■jIIUMI. 2 wrought with skill. ^H^ii^l, ^^Tprq^TT, r^t^H^fy^, Ac. 3 i?7y, svhtlc, craft;/, wili/.^ ar/fiil.-- i>vth(iji_ ^SfTIT, ^%- +*1rf1, f|^»rPT, 'i'5, "TIT, HH-l-^liM,, ^P^TTrft or ^, -+=)ISd- 4— acts, &c. ^r='4l^|o'MNI, ^H'iNI, ^liMI, JT^'^^T^, Cunning, n. art., v. Skill. ?[T^iumui n. ==rgnf / J^^/^?- 2 artfulness, craftiness, craft, subtleness.^ tviliness, ^c. ^^7:n. '•wm^Um. :FrN'=5T «. ^^TT^iT". '^^■n. ^TTSSTn. ^TSrTT / (Jt^n. 'JrfrTT/. Cunningly, Wu. t. A. 3 and Aeteully. +io4||^", qpTo'TRT- CuKNiNG-MAN, 7?.o?ie icho tells fortunes,discove s lost goods, S)C. vm"ur?rr, "tt^wt, s^h»jm, r^. Cunning-woman, >j. ^^^^ or ^^raflTJT/. Cup, m. 'iiida!; or iftiHicA or ffSrTTT w. |i7Fr/. ^rsrff/. ^^^M. -M~KHI€jr ^ITOjfT, OTFT?rT«T, wt^, P?t1%?htM^, f?i1%??n^n, W%t?f:ft^, f^ri^f^'T, CcEATE, n. ^r^^ ^??r^w?. CuEATivE, a. V. Y. 1. 2. '^ ^TTT ^FTWRT, d. ^^. or W\^ n. m. Eff^iif n. ^^ n CUBTE, «.-in geometry ic. ijSR^/. ij^irqi^f^/. q^^f^ w. 'pT m. To fuBvE. See To Be5d. CcBVE, Curved, o. V. Cbooked. ^jrt, rr?T, ^Tip, qt^PT^TT, To CunvET, V. n. — a horse. fe^oT, "FTJ^, ?rr^, ^F^, Z'S^. CCRVET, n. V. V. feFUT n. 3fr/. Fiq^ «. 3"|R «.^ CunviLiNEAR, a. consistiny of curved lines, ^i^^x^ «n?^- Cushion, «. */)//■(■»• ■^'4'T m. General c. ^Tlff^K^r m. qtSTf^^T m. ^H^M^^lif ?». National or local c. ff^TT^TT m. \^\{\[r\ f. Popular c. t^Firr'^TT »»• Eight or good c. ^fTpsTR m. f?[rf?f!T^ ot. [fr?T /. 2 a c. a practice, an usage. B'?^^ ?«• "^IS /. ftf?f /"'/). A fised and firm c. i'liisj-n'l ^ /^ According to the c. =sfT?!ft=PTT. 3 /ifliJiV, ixont. =JrrH/ ^TTFT ot. '3T^"q're m. ?^pft/. f|1?T ;)o/:. 4 practice of dealing mih. f']-^'^f. To have increasing c. §^H «■ trrs"^ y. ofs. 5 perquisite npon purchases. ST^Tft /. G fuo; OM goods. ^q;m/. ^r-lP n. Farmer of customs. ^+M!^R. [«-?rFTT n. CuSTOM-BOX, C.-BOOTn, C.-STAND, &c. 11. rqf^f^/. . rRTO'ift/. Cutting and dealing. JpRuft srRr'iff/. G intersect. %^^. 7 off; away from. +,|4H +l'Jui-^% ^lldul, 3T^^^ ot.- ■3^%^ ot.-TtFtT^ «.-f=T^^ «.-f%?rf?T /. ^R^r, arqiJq'^ 7J. 8 off; render ertinct. 3^%^ or ^^^ ot. ^of ( esp. in comp. as f^r^-^^fp^-!^J?r^--Tf5^55r^R^),ffrrTlT Jiop. fH•.^\^m.■fp^^^ m.-\f{-^^ n.-fni^ n.-^^^^ «.-&c. 'P^g. ofo. 9 out; shape, form. IpT^, ^^^ ^FTW-^I^'Jr, 'Sfi^^ ^PTTor, 10 sliort; JreaA off, ( a matter ). H^fTgT ™.-?T^^ m.-^Z- ?Fr m. frrsq- or ^^r ?:f^, ^^^i^t, ^fj^ ?«. tt^, iT!-"t^ 11 up; to pieces; v. To Kill. +|dui ( an*^ ^j?Tjf To be cut up ), ^TrTff /.-^^ m.-^lil+iel /.-fSrip7^ n.- ^b Je cut up ), ^\%Z^, [^C^. 12 ( an acquaintance ) JT^^ot, 3Tg^^r"jf, JT^^S^ 13 interfere as a horse. ^^T. in. n. FSFT'Jf g. of s. To Cot, v. n. — teeth or a tooth, ^iduj. Cut, p. V. V. A. 1. ;kns?!;t, &c. ^ff^r, %^, ftf^, 37;r%^, ^1^, =^Tfe=r, ^^^. 1. out; suited, V. Fit. fTT^^. Cut, «. ^w m.^m m^Km. =#r:/. [item. 2 shape, make, cast, v. FoKii. ^ m. c?T5/. Krs/. ^IT^ m. Of tiie c. of ifm^T, nrfr^. 3 i^ri^je, V. Lash, ^i-i+l »». ijncture. tJPftef^=JT w. ?jnV-H<:-MlT/. 5 «7iori roai/. \r)=|ci-=n ^TR/.-TW m.-Ac. Cut-pukse, Cut-1'Ockfx, n. :fJFf=^ =^R, 3'^^I^^qr, J^r^T, CuT-TiinOAT, «. V. Brute, ttft-t^ ^Hitpt. Cutaneous, o. relating to the skin. ^TTrTsT'^T, f=r%=^r, "17=^, C. disorder, ^irm m. =€FrVfq^/. [ F^^/. Cuticle, «. scarf-skin, v. Skin. qr^ff^qT?fcS ^FFlft/. 'IISI- 2 ( of plants ) qr^ft^ qpra ^r:/. Q pellicle, T. Film. rTCn ot. ?T^T ot. CuTicuLAE, a. V. N. srfffR; ^^rft^^rT-BT^^^r. Cutis, «. SfrTsfe/. 3Tt?t^W^/. CuTLAS, n. Y. Sword. ^TT »»■ Cutler, n. ^im+j, ?^R, irf^FT'TH'T. CuTLEET, n. frrsnft g'^Tr sTific wtft «. Cutter, n. t. V. 1. ^Fn'JTRT. I. itft^r'(^%^3Ti^. Cm-n-SQ,p. a. V. V. A. 4. artrr^, T^f, W'-:?^, f?r^^, T^^- af BFMRr, '^s'^rs. Cutting, n. y. V. A. 1. — act. +,i4iJ| «. &c. U^ m. ^^ «, jp^TH n. ^^HT n, 3T^3f^ «. ^t^^ n. C. and clipping, lit. & fig. tJliljJId/. «f Cost of c. ^FFnJTFToS/. I. cuttings; c7;;p5, shreds, clippings. ^B^?;/.gn w. jTT^- ^ m.f. yidi'cj «. *M<| «!. Cuttle-fish, k. *-^i-+.rt ««. n. Cuttle-fish-bone, n. ^^^^^\n\'(\ f. ^^^tp m. ^^%^ OT. ^^%^ m.f%^

qrf^q-, ^ sq-q-^ ^ ^ ?Tqf3T5, ? ^ ^qitr, '. ^ firft'^T, s^nqg, ■»-o qTT*rq, ••■'3 jr^i, •«■'- ^ffr?^^, ^-^ ^^., ^^ v\- CxcLOPS, 11. iTT???frq^, TR^f . Cyclopcebia, ?!. circle of the sciences. f^^]^W^ f. N?n7- 2 ?rq ^Ntt ^q^r^ q;'?!^ n. Cygnet, n. ^?tt^ ot. qPS^T ?«. DAO ^203 Ctlixdeb, n. t^«l«l^-l fl. "te '"• CVLIXllKlC, CVLISDUK'AL, (7. r^;'M«|-H^|+,K, ^T^^^HPFR, CVMBAL, n. ^fRI or 9/. (/(/». 5rf^/. rTl^pop. rTToS or JToE m. spt^ira / F?9ft/. ^TTT m. f. [•'-I*N1n. qpiTT ?n. FrT?T m. Daffodil, n. pj. (p;:r 3^^^ Daft, v. Mad. 4i>H .^ WS^,. Daooer, n. Some of the common kinds are W.^ f ^T^IT or To be at dagger's drawing. ^fP^t^rr-^FTW^R-HRmT- To plunge a. d.fy. to reproach. ^^TT^/fit^. To Dag OLE, v. n. fesf^liwf, ?ll«inJi. I To Daggle, v. a. trail in mud. <{v. fe5f%lf«r5t, ^A'AilA^l. Daily, a. h'A^]. f^q^T^T, f^5Tf?rfT5IOT^T, qf?ff5q-flT=qT, f^- fq', fHr-MNI, f^f'?f?I^,"?^f?^, -JTTf=^^, ^rnirf^, fjq-[?I?T. D. allowance. TT^ft/. D. bread. Ptr'-I !•>(». D. duties, business, or work. 'pTf^^H?!. f^fq^qH. D. ex])enses (as of a family). ^T^TW'^w. ^^Z Daily, a. ado. ^, <|j1-^|' n. pi. ^M, o»'^, with in.con. ^- ^FTrfiT^of. 2 fastidiously. ^l^HictnuiM', ite. ^^TRT ^sTRt^f or ^Tr^TIT, Daintiness, «. v. A. 1. Jitftjf. +.pi|+H>JII»». ?f%/. frr'g?n/. 2 =qT^q'*HU||»». ^raraT'JTTtn. tTl'loiHiTrw. &c. ffT^M/. Dainty, «. nis'^ltfm. g^RTw. f^W>{n. •WI^-»|m. TIFT^ra. HT- Dainty, a. 7iice, of exquisite taste, T. Delicious. jTr^, ?^- 2 dainty-mouthed, squeamish, fastidious, nice, delicate. •TlrS^^TT, 'irS^^', "trs^^TKlT, 'it^f^'^, ^^PR:, =^R^5I, =^t?nft, =qT^R5;T, =5fr^iw, ^"rrm, ^"Rr^t, ^p^rss^r?", pT^nr^R, ^?f^TT, feir^, fSr^TT^ft, ^ti^, fqfe^^- To be d. 3Tti=5#^ 'TT^'if, "^^f. JFKiif, ^lo?e, Zi«)i^, emlankment. qftr m. . a. moisten. a^l^cTDf or 3TT^r5I"Jf, 3fT3r-5rtrff^?;- 2 (/egress, c7(j7/, ddlen, ^'c. f|^T5 ?». /.-3tm^HT m.- w^m f. iTT^'Jf y. r/o. fifr^ur ^i.-TTifi «. qr-siit «•;Jt. Damped,;?, v. V. 1. 3Tr?5'^?=!^r, 3?!^ %%^T, &c. 2 f^T5^ %?5?yr, &c. ffT^?f, ft'rj^fr, f^t(?5?^T, niirf^rf , To be 'd. f^T^H"^, Damper, n. Damping, ^J- a. v. V. 1. t^q- jj. WT^TTH^JH n. Jf^TTfHTm. arr^Tmi «J. Dampish, a. a^rasW???. Dampness, «. v. A. 1. sfM^iirT in. 3?r?5^^TOTr m. jir^CTr ?«. 3Tt5ig%q-oTT wj. &c. aira/. «. wB^^/.^ranrrw. w^ftt/. 2 ?n^/. ^TRi^iT^r OT. &c. To be affected by d. ^Z^. [/. H-'^T/; Damsel, n. youny woman. FR'JfT^'T/. rtf:tJit/. siTrrr/. g^nt Bevy of damsels. rR^trftTJr '«. Damson, «. <^^ "P^ '^\. [ q:?:6t. To Dance, v. n. ^^^^.^ ^t^ «i.-^fq n.-^^ n.-^.^ n.-kc. To d. and skip about, v. To Feisk. ^r^3'f ^WM. To d. attendance on. 5TT#-'»T^'lt-'T^?rRf-^=^gHt-&c. fll-qot g. of 0. ^FT^RT m. q-^(if y. o/ o. To d. for joy. ^J^^] ?TT^, tfr?R €Tf^-5Pf:5%|^-&c. j^T^fff, '^q'^T ^TT^'jf. 2'o Dance, v. a. ^V^^^. [ HptCf «. Dajs'Ce, Dancing, w. v. V. N. ^^r^ m, ^^ n. H^ n. ^^Hn. D. in a ring. M^riHrq n. X\^^^ n. D. with gesticulation. FrrSSf n. Lively and merry d. VT'-aT '4'4'-'!TT ?Tm>Jf w. FfTFI^'trs^r ?». fTT'^^qr w. ■^fvT'^ m. ^^^K m. ^^^^vi m. ^■^^^]z To lead a d. make to tramp alout. ?fF^ tn. ^p^nnif, HT- Dancee, n. Dancing, p. a. v. V. A'. ^T^oiRT, ^q'-^->fce. E^, ^V^.| ^z:^., =TT^T, ^?:=TtT%. I. disposed to dancing. HM^i. Dancing-giel, w. q5?5T#?fftT or :K3cf?ftoT/. ^=q?fr/. ?r;rt/. Attendant ou a d. H5^ »". [ w. "^W.f Bell on the toes of a d. qr^^/. ^q^ m. or c «• ^T^ Gallant kept by a d. ^vm\ m. Girl bought and bred up as a d. ( or actress ). ?rR- W,^-\^ or ^WA.HW.f. Male dressed and dancing as a female. ^V^y ^\-'^\ m. ^^^^ m. ?rRr m. ^\--^^ m. ^vfJ^ m. Tx^jf. ^rtor/. i(CT'Mi'Hi«(«i- DaNlisu-iioom, «. HT^u^rr^r arjr m. jRq'^ITT^/. ^?nti^«. ^HTP^ OT. n. DaM)ELIOX, m. ^ f'^ 3TT^. UaNDI-I'Rat, n. uir/iin. ftRf%n w. pq*i<.MSi w. f^'ll/)/. Ju Da>ui.e, p. rt. mfT«iT-^TrfFn: JTr^i^, ?5t?^^ «. ^^y. ofo. 2 See To Fondle. Daxurl'ff, n. oli>o, «. T. V.i.— arf. ^r^i^n. &c. CMlct'+,jf,^Irft/. 'Rot. Dareful, Daro-g,;?. a. V. V. X. A^rf Bold, tftr, ^ri^TPft- ^T'Tw ^ ^pnr 3w>JiT7T, 3rTO^m '\. h a\-\\, ^v^^J Daring, n. dariugncss, darrfalness, v. Boldness. ffcj^T^J. trrfr^n. inwf''. ?rr^«. 2 ioW act. ■HI^'H+.Hm. W^^Di. DAKiNGLr, arfy. V. A. fq^rrH, yl-iHUIlH, .HI ^ JH -j ^H. Dahk, a. ST'^KTSTT, 3T'4^FTTITT, st'cpRT^^, '^m?, ^Tm^T, ?TH- A d. night ( i. e. without the moon ).:Fm^ T1=S(J. Pitch d. nsT? or sj. 2 7io< of vivid or shotri/ color. ^, '=TS^- irr, ?T5^ /. rIFTjf^ 4 down; — rain, fruits, &c.faU violently. aTr^TS^, sr^ToS- Dash, Dashing, n. v. V. A.— n-rf. ar^iif w. ^VM n. D. and banging about. SRsarTE/. Smart d. ( of water, &c. ) with the hand. STrT^F m. v. V. V. N. \—act. ar^i^ n. arT^ot «. ^TS^ /. '45^r «?. 3 an«; EusH. ^^^ n. g^rsTT/. ^^tst/. ^T^pffT/. I. display, flash, v. Show. dIHdH o;- ^h^»T/. ft^T^tJT/. To cut a d. ' languidly. IHoir, %'55trf, ^FT^of, f51T'T^^,T^0T,'"fq5!:DT, l^nr- siif, JT^^, nTTsot, ^TnoEDj-, qftfcsiir, ^jzt^^., k^f. ^r^oj, !ffojJT?^EiT/. «. ^'^-Hrs'ft, f^HTjoST w.-^mcnT/.-^FT^nifT /-=q^?T# /.-|ns/.-j^fTr/-^3^ n.f.-imn^f.-&c. q^^w, To Dawdle aw ax, v. a. ( time, etc. ). ST^qTjf, %5n^n7fr ^- Dawdle, n. Dawdlee, n^ v. V. iS^. THorpn', ^ipJITTT, &c. ^- TTT, T^qr, TT^^T Or ^?I5T or ^Wrr, fT^iT?:5fofr, ^T^, fJTilf^'^^, To5iT*t^,=CPTT,T^?T^, 5rt^'5r^— and as agree- ing with Snaii, Slow coacJi, Foke, c^'c. some terms aro ^>7^, ^-STT, 3Tn?: Nt?:. Dawdling, n. v. V. A'. TJT'jf m. %5;ijf «. &c. vftn^TJT/. ^f- iRoft /. ^;ifR^'JT^ /. 'Mc/MirlH f n. 3ToOT?rrs or €\f. 3TToERr5ft/. ^n^ M. ^W / im^JT/. It?/. 7^?ir/. ani'^i+i'Tt/. [^rsri. Dawdling LT, o(/y. '^H, im?T'TT?T, ^^HTSFf or ?:5rlJf.— brightly, glowingly, &e. f^?TT/. i^Z. *riTHTJTDt-'»T5^-J?5i^-"?rtqpaT- ij^rr^of, ypi^ixf or ^^tif. 2 fig. ieyi« to open ^'o. 3^ »«. fm g. of s. J^m. ^J^Sr. Dawn, Dawning, ». v. V. I.T^R/. 3T?<7l w. ar^I^ m, iia/c. i\k^A or iT^T,?H, '1?T^T orJl;^, iTTT^rT- f?f:sfTDT, or f^^v.-f^:^]^-&c. ^k^A^ f^cfroT, 3T?fT?r, K^^ Some covert or softening terms used in mentioning a dead person arel^SqTRit ( if lie been a worsliip- per of M'isliuu),\7^A^^\^ (if a worshijipcr of S/iiira), D. body, V. CoitPSE. ^Z^ m. 2 inanimate, pj^^, 3TTft=r, aTSTTOT, 3T%?TH, 3^%^. 3 without feeling, insensible, v. Callous, irf^^i'^i'- ^" 4— a limb or member. ?5J^, 3T'f , ar^H. 5 tasteless, vapid, v. Flat. ■R;^ o;- ?gr, f^^^, Pl<:*ii<, fH??T^, TfT^nr, T^nrfT, n?r?ff^, ?tTt^. 6 — of sound, J!af. rTT5r. 7— of sleep, &c. v. Deep, q'n:, nT^, f T^f. 8 without spirit, Sfc. See Dull. 9 ( a language ) sf^EfKt'JH-s^nr^Rt'J^ n%^. Dead, n. midst, v. Height. ^ in. comp. as a prefix, as ^=TO^ in the d. of night. ^^f^sTTco^f^T in the d. of winter, &e. *fT as a prefix, as TW^ in the d. of night. Dead, adv. See Wholly. To Deaden, v. a. ^^T-H^-:Y^-&e. sF^ijf, 51?^=^^ f».-fMT- -^ m.-&c. ^,m g. of 0. 2 See To Blu>'t. Dead letter, n. Jj^r^tpfl- gr^T ^ltt?r?T^ ^tqs^ ?rTft ^ 2 ^FTcE STTT ^srT?5 5f^?^ 5^ vi<|^ ^^r-=T^=T ^"J ^TTS 3TT| 3THT ^PFT^ ^^. Deablixkss, «. v. A. Vld'^vT'TT »w. >Mirt+n4'TT >». ^Tg^JT?^ >«. Deadly, n. mortal, iilling, deleterious. vJftsT^T'^, siM^'^T, srm^, ^m^, ^p^j, !TTor^-^-fTT^-^, irmffH^, srruiiM^iO, !TTwr^RT^, irM^T^rqf?, jtr^, H?j!T5-?r5T^-&c. D. hatred, ^^ir «. Deadly, «rfy. See Mortally. Dead>-ess, n. V. A. 1. k^Tm w. ^M^?^ «.-'jfr=nTf|fT n. iTrT!TM?fT/. &c. 3 H^SITOTT m. qf^^^mr W2. 5lf?F?5T Jf. 5 fT??^"TiTT m. f^rraqtnr ?!J. &c. »T?f?IT7HT/. Dead-stock, ii. :?^r ^m^ fH7.^?T J^rfr 3T% ?fmTH, f^T^^- Deaf, a. nT^r[ remiss. ^rf^T^, ^of^JfiT, '^^"Tfi^^TTfl??, ^- ?:, JT^'-T^'iT, JT?r^if . — as used of the ear. J?^. A d. person. ^!^, %TraT or v^^TRT ^^Nl^ or '^<^\M\ To become d. iri^WJf. To Deafen, v. n. Hii^TT^ijf, ^JT^^f cr ^«. ;)?. or ^^^f. pi. or ^^T or ^.npl. smof, ^TT?". /)Z. ^m-^OTy. n/s. Jo Deafen, ^. a. Jlf^-iffqT-&c. q;?:ot, =pm m. pi. '^xmr-^- ^%- "/ 0. ^PRS^r M. /i^. or JIc«t n. pi. 5T?1^iJi jr. q/'o. Deafness, n. v.A. ^if^^T'TTm. «lf':rCf5r«. ^\f^An. siqurTTT^Twi. Deal, «. See Quantity. 2fir-uvod. "ki^.j^m.n. pop. "k^zpm. Of or belonging to d. 5^RTft. 3 — in card playing. ^V^f■ To Deal, v. a. dislrihite, dole., v. To Divide. :ff^CTT,1%Hm^, cfT^'jf, 5ri^ \^., ^^Dft/.-&c. ^^of g. of 0. 2 ( cards') Erfe'f, ^l^^f- ^^ !/■ "f o. 3 out:— blows. JTPTJr, %'^- To DE.4.L, j>. n. traffic in, v. To Teade. s-:fTTK»»--'3^Twi.- 5'T^T»!.-&c. ^^ y. of 0. 2 with; !!?w/e with, have liisiiiess leith. sii^Rof,^^^^/. w.-^qiTf«.- ^crT^ETT»».-&c. ^.^^ with # o/s. ETf^cTf^ /.- ^5Eai^5EiJT« .-^=RT»».-&c. a^raf-TT^Dt Jt'i^/t ^t of s. To have to d. with. mzf.-^W\m. 3T?f3r w. core. 3 with, by; v. To Behave. JiFTJf, ^^^.^W^V^ f.-^'^n. Dealee, n. V. V. N. 1. o^TTTR ^U^tJIRT, &c. 5^, s^mrfT, 2 ^%cr ^^OTTTT, &c. ^?rnf . Dealing, m. v. V. N. 1. 3^"«. ^PFPft/. 5WT?«. 2 oMrf Intehcouese. q'Jr ^«. '^4^%^/- '«• ^sff^^w-"^-^^- '^/. ^sn^STTw.^T^ ^n. ^T^nl. ^f^^V^f. ^'W. it?;/. 3 a«te. 377???, 5T'?Tim, '-J'?- Debasement, Debasing, «. v. V. 1. — act. "TT^rft ^'HOT «. |- '?5^T ^T^ «. &c. 3TT^ m.— state. JTFT|lf%/. c(^TfTl%/. JTH^5?fT/. 2— sc/. ^^f^■7.^^ n. f|tiT^?T qr):ijf ?!. &c. To Debate, v. a. discuss, t. To Aegue. ^RW, ^r^ot, JT^rfrT- ^ *R-f?r /.-sTT^rar?: f.-^xz^. /.-+ 1 -i i ^-Tr /.-&e. ^rw y. 0/ o. To Debate, v. n. dispute, v. To Aegue. qTJ M.-fwi^ w.-qTr ^ 1%jrr^ m.-ctc. ^Rur. 2 V. To Delibeeate. f^=5rn: M. JRof, .f?rETPlri aTHOT Debate, Debating, «. t. V. A.— «"'^V^^^^ n. Eeleased from d. ?Rirj?FJ, ^urirrf^rr. That is in d. 5ROT=fr5. The d. of nature, itttt n. [W m. Written, ackno-ivledgement of a d. <+,^ri^^H n. ^Un- written release from d. 4>Hm n. ^\iMrftf. To settle or adjust a d. ^^^^ or 5^r?fr/.-^^?ft/. 2 monies due to, outstandinj d. ^i\ n. ^T^'z n. Debtor, «. ^^?Jr^^, ^ct'^, ^tJTli^T, 'R'Jl^Tr^, %?r^ft, ^^^IT, \ ^^TIT, +-'Jl+<1,'?r'':TH'jf,^fJT^,^^. — in bonds and notes. Rur+I or f^qfrJTTW ( from 5R0T debt : and, as oppo- sed to creditor ^H^ or ^^T^RHT, from tT=T money ). Allowance made to a d. in durance. HtTT m. or JTH». Bad (bankrupt, &e.) d. ^s^^m n. 'TT »n.-5ftw»'.-ffr/.-^^ »«.-5TT=5r ?«.-&c. 5uf, nqRT »«. TROT, itrsf ^ %^ or iW^, fir5T^€=T ^M ftiWof, tfmi? n. JJT^ y. 0/ 0. ^Hi« 5fr/ ^ or '^r3^ qotot. Deceived, />. v. Y. 5^?r^3T, «. mmft'W 3tI- Dece>xy, n. V. A. l.'hT^oiT m. Twm^J- T^^f. jfr'^clT /. ^mf^f?^ n. PJT^qft/. To keep up d. cpg^ w. ^o'^ot. DzCEXXiAL, a. consisting of ten years. ^i^\ ^ 'A\ ■^ \, ^^Tff^^. 2 continuing for ten years. ^ ^^ ^srirTWRT, ^^TSTTRf^'. '•i happening every ten years. ^^T^ sfTT^Tr f mm-qoTRT- Decest, a. becoming, beseeming, befittiny, v. Fit. f|T^ f^T- ^^ ^q', ;?%T, fjT^n?. 2 no< ofccfne; mor/w^, ?jc. ?r^=qT, JT^T^, ^r^T^FT, g?!W, Decently, adv. v. A. 1. f:)T'^qTJrR, ftTTSTiTR, q-iTT#rq-, q-^r- Deceptible. See Deceivable. Deceptious, See Deceitful. Decidable, a. T.V. A. 5^I^rm%nr-&c.f%TjfqwT5rqT^>rT,&c. 2b Decide, v. a. determine, .wt/le. ?pjm, Zrj^m.-f^^mm.- ^'-^ ">.-&c. ^f^y. ofo. f^crrar m.%?r?5 »». /.%?T?5r W..&C. ^RTJT y. 0/0. W:^-^i#T-^^-&c. W.^. To Decide, v. n. come to a conchisiou. f^^mm..ZK\^ m.-&c. «S:c. tHTTfrT, f^fiij!?, ^^of , g^^/. 3-?Ri?f g. oj s. 5 — the day; pass noon. ^F^of, g'^Ruf, epHTor_ Declinek, «. Declining,/;, a. t. Y. N. 1. ^^otrt, ^,'^7^- ?T, &e. g-rRfTl, ST^TOT. 2 g-rRTJTTn, &c. g^HT, s^T^qr TPrmr, 7fR^ ^^rrrnftTr, g'- r\-^ qi^^, ^Tqqrift, ^f^or, arq^frnr. 3 ;3"?TR, 3^FR-7?Rq^, T^q-^TPqi, TfTRq-qpSfT, 3^T=!T fnn, ^- f^rtH rrfsr «. i>i- f^^of y. o/s. DECOiirosiTION, ?». V. V. N. Fr??f ?f rR^ f*T'*'J<^rHt 37^'''H'Rr/.-&c. w^ g- of o.-m^iM ^u^ or ^^vm-'Tim^ wf, ^fr^"^, ht^ m. ^x^J- ^ TT^Tm "TTI'Jt, &c. Decox. See Luee. To Decrease, v. a. \. To Lessen. qrjfr-TaTT-?f5-&c. w^x^. To Decrease, v. n. v. To Lessen, ^ot, '^is'-tiiqui, 5^, ^J^Tl- 3Trn--?Y5-&c- C'^i ^^ w».--^ OT.-&C. ^rot g. of s. 2 as to force or iuteuseuess; remit, slacJicn, abate. ^^- ^, 3"'m^^, ^^qJFT'?!, ^KHRof, |S5!frr--R;j-&c. T^-^^t, ^^'jf, ^FSrcToi, sira^JRof, ^RTITif, sf^FfJt, ^^HTof, ^RT^t, TS^, ^H^, ^RH'Tf, f^Jfor, f^RTof, ^^Km.-f\^J.-^^f- g^JTT wi.-OT^TTR ?!.-3fT?IRT TO.-&C. fiiif y. 0/ s. Decrease, Decreasing, n. \. V. N. 1. ^^K m. W.f. ^PRft /. 'T5?ft/. H?:/. ?7?T m. 3TT?^ w». arq^JT w. -^^«i.f?Tf?r/. 2 3-?rR WJ. J^^r/. K?^/. Tq^TTm. ^"T^W^M- TT^ltf?f/. ^\mKor^W\r\in. Decreased, p. y. V. 1. ^Tlt %%^-5rM?^, &c. 3Tqf5RT, ^TTfT- Decree, n. judicial decision.^^Fj^W^m. ■§^■^^^^\^^m. f^TW- ^TTSr n. sq-q-f-^r/. 2 cf^/d, V. Law. 'JTUTT/ f^ "»• ^5 n. 3!TT?Fr «. f^^-'^ w. g^sn^q- re. 3 ( of God ) f s^ ^^TrT. To Decree, v. «■ determine judicially. "%^^ «i.-f>i^isi "'. -&c. ^RW. [ ^^• 2 appoint, order, S{c. ;^^JTm.-3TTfTT/.-5nRR w.-ic^Rnf, Deceepit, a. old and infirm, y. Old. g^ER^ST or ^^RpT, ^-il^, ^sr^FT, ^T5, ^^RT^r, %^5, ^'75T, ^FPS or #:?R, ^TR, TTt'TS', ^eTS, ^^5. To Decrepitate, v. n. v. To Ceackle, cra^TS'if. DEE 218 Pkcbkpitvdk, n. V. A. J^ft/. ^TU f. STT^^n- ?^i<+>shuii m. 'fu DlciiT, r. a. cry duiai, clamour ajainst. ihinu\ ^.r+.K.i w.- 1^0. HTTW-^TPTm. ^fJ^g. of o. ^\^ n.-^m.-&<:. g^cfr. PrciVDENCE, i^i'. J^fo Keclmbexce, &.C. To Dehkate, r. a. devote, consecrate. ^"Jif, ail'i^t, ff^fs^, ^!THor, vfnyi'r, i)P)yr/.-^?Kn m. ^RiJt g- of o. rri^r'jf -%^ iriV/i if I ofo. 2 ( one's self), ^n. HSI«|ui or ^ HiHH qT^or-ST^ic. To d. one's soul, body, and substance. ??^ f^ v(^ ^- :{ ( a book, &c. ). 5T!5n^-?nJrr^ W^. ^J^-mot. Tei irATiON, n. T. V. 1.— Of^ clT^". ^HfiJiiiw. &c. ^FTTR'Jrn. To Deivce, r. a. V. To 3T;5TrRTH-&o. 3Tg^. To Deduct, r. a. subtract. tTR ^f^-^n^oT, «r^ ^Fnit-TTSW- MP/UJ, frT, ^H, T^riT, ^. G— of color. >iSTT or qf^JT. [^Ft^^. 7 deep-sunken, — the eye. WA^ or sppTT remiss. WA^ cr 8— of sleep. q'R, ns^, TT^, ftfqi. 9 , HRRt^ ^ot, tt^, tg^jry^ ?n^^T, ^TJor^T or ^^^JT^ ?Tf5TT. Bounding of a d. ^"NviT/. Deee-catcheh, n. qr^ft- DEEit-ETKD, o. Kn^q^ (/■ =^T ), Hqsfr^^ (/• ^ ), Hrn=>ft. Deer-skin, n. ^Tn?R)i.-'flf5TnR»i.-f^- ^f5:c. ^HT JfvnjfiTT-fT- •PR?f qr^'TTTTT, ^mFft^ n-PR?^ or fPFT^Tift', rST^T^R. D. in .accounts. f^^frsRR, rrqr=?;-'Tr. 2 one who fails to apj'ear ivhen called in court. ^J''^" To Defeat, v. a. beat, overthrow, discomfit, f^^iji, hkui, vPTm.-'fl;;T^OT.-3T'T'T?T«.-'tnjn.-'>t^3PT?!. ^^5'. "/ o. qTTT- 'Tof, ^ot or ^TT^or, TT^i^tt 'H^'if, TTT^/ ^'^ 9- o/o. 2 hajjle^foil, frustrate, disconcert, cj'e. ^TRfOT, ^TTS^, 'TT 5PTT^^ «.-JTlFfr /.--ftS n.-f;3t1-nALLy, adc. v. A. f*r1^, fT^^TTJTR, Ht^THSfT, DeFEBRED, p. V. V. -+,|"lirt<|«i< '^ll'^rll, J^^rfj-.l't FTldrfcil, 1^- Mt1*ll"l«lT rlltrt"^!, &C. ftriRn. DEFiji>-CE, Deftisg, n. V. V. 1. ^^IgM n. 3H^rl l' j'=i'-+. I ^M 't. In d. of. i^,+,^ , C'^'^. To bid d. See To Defy. Deficienxt, n. want. ijTir^/. ■i^W'^rk J. giift^/. ju || -^ | m. Sliglit d. or exces.?. ^FHTqr'fr «. epH-r q i ^ /. ^^m. Deficien-t, a. T. Wantixo. 3""JrT, ^PTfr, JJTITffl', ^FHrTT, ^TJ^T, arjTnr, ar'jof, ^ptt, ^q;-?, tj^^r, f\^. Deficit. See Deficiesct. Defile, n. long narroio passage or way. q -^ :^ orV^yz m.f. dim. q?^ or T'^Toft /. f^WR/. ^TR^^TT^ /• nrs/. To Defile, i'. a. make foul or unclean, v. To Diett. PRcTJr, n*-+.i-H^aT-&c. 5pT'?f. 2— corrupt., vitiate, contaminate, faint. 3T7ftr^-IT5ff0T-^- 3— cercmouially ; pollute, make impure. fsTST^or, «n^^ To Defile, v. n. go file by file. ^^fptT'KF^ 3TTrT aflofr^ Defiled, p. v. V. A.l. aM<^ Diniv. HoJET^^, it?J^;^?:>t, it- To be d. 5i7^df^ fcnra'it. Defilemest, n.v.Y.A l.-ac^. JT^=rir «. j^t^ ^ii ». &c.- -;^a/e. TT^^^^TDTT m. nzC\WI^\ m. MIH^rldl /. [»3"!??rT/. 2— act. aTTfsT^ ^rr^ «. f^TS^iit «. &c.-ttu(i: a^Tf^^rrr/. 3 — fl<<. f^r^TcItJf «. 'TR^'T «. lie. — stale. f^ZJoO m. c^Z m. sjR'i'mT m. =iT3^r m. D.-geucr. \^,W^tT^ m. General d. ^Z[^^zf. yyi+H m. [*T?r!T?. Defilek, 11. Deiilinq,;?. a. V. V.A.I. HoltjuiKl, &c. T?5T^^, 2 finrjfJTOTTTT, 3T"Tf5r^->3'J-ic. ^^-mT-JPTT^. 3 fer^ToJ'mTT, ^F-^rtJnTT, TT-&c. f?ichrTft^, ^e-^r, 2b Define, r. a. See To CincuiiscRiBE. 2 — in logic. ^.'ITT'THT^ m. ^^^\^^ n. <^..-iJi\^u\ n. 2 grTFrf^T^T^ W. To Deflour, v. a. dr'prii-e of virginity. fTO' ni. H^ui-'pri'it y. o/o. ^PT^^^ /• 'fv^'Jr y. ofo. aroftfof, -TTiTFT'T'T ??i.- ^IMW^r?T ni. ^?J^ y. o/ o. ^Fr-?T?f?r ^iJt. 2 /o^'fi ait'fly iJie prime. ^tTT grifr w;.-rffiTHT^ m.-&c.%Dt. Defluxion, »t. ^TR?r qr^ «. 3T''a'^ ?«. To DEF0Eii,v.a!. mar theform, render ugly,\. To Disfigure. f%CT-^^7T-&e. sp^, CT n. HT5Wy. ofo. 3:?T=FTT»Tn »».-5;- q-JTT m.-kc. JR^ y. o/ o. Deformed, a. distorted.^ S{c. v. Uglt. ^cET remiss. ^*M'1, sqn, Pl+c^, ft'^cTFT, f^^KTfiT, %»r^, 3^7^, f^TCT, ^t^- ^T3TTtT. D. in all his limbs. aTC^Tip iJO/). 3Ty|cj+_ DEFORiiiTT, Defoemedness, 11. V. A. ^^^ n. 5-M'Mi /.Ir^- I. a deformity, s^tt ?«. ^^ «. 2b Defraud. See To Cheat, To Deceive. To Defeat, v. a. bear the expense of. f^'^T^.^ fK'jf, %3% jRirr, ^, iTT'4i%DT, 3T^ Jpm , f^^r^ »». ^Pm y. 0/ 0. Deft, a. dexterous, v. Expeet. ;j?t. [stth. Defukct, a. V. Dead. JTHFTr, ^, TTrT, ?sl + iH^J|?T, R;T^t?n: To Deft, «. a. call to combat, v. To Challenge. 3T|?rr'T^^- ^ «. ^FTW, 55Tf FT m. ^CTf, 'fl^jrrfq-^T/. i^n^'Jf ^T^. 2 hrave, v. To'Daee. g=:^ JTRiii-JPTdT, ^spj 'TrJT'Jr, ^- ^HMuf, ^F'.T^'^ m. ^FTST'Jir. Degeneeact, m. v. A. HrfJ|iili-=||=^Hf «■ H?ynw?fluHl/- ^- ?5r^oi=^TH m. HR;Hf5f=fT?f »«■ Mt-l'JU|l4+"t m. HFT^TTT?^- To Deqeneeatp, v. n. decline in goodness. ^?r^*»T ot.-H?W- ^ 1)EJ 221_ «r n.-&c. ^"rsof, 50T=^Rr j«.-?!f^-fm ?».-^F5i^ar?rr/.-&c. Degenerate, a. Degenerated,/). Degenehous, a. v.Y. ij- "T^ftTJT, HrtMui^T?, n'jrrr^'?, a^tr^i^nw, ^Hwid, f^j'T, v- Declutitiox, n. swaUowiiij. firaot w. fJlFTT «. f^FtT'T «. Degradation, «. v. Y.~acf. qsq^ ^^ ^RiJt n. &c.— state. To Degiiade, v. a. lower in rank, dignify, ^'c. ^^^f.-^y'^- ffT/.-f^Hl^/.-TT^ m.-&Q. \Tr^ W.^ g. oj 0. ^Bq^T-ctc. %- ^, 1?;;% T^^-^?;% 'TTT^fr-&e. arm^, ^TRnn ?«.->tt^- -^?r m.-^^ m.-^if^^A m.-Lc. ^'JTy. 0/0. T3^^-m n. ?TTT^fHTr?rRT%»iRcn^ »i.-p[?T ». Deist, ».%5R?i;?:^^%;f%?ifXH?lR?rnO', ?ir5^?T^rf?t%'^ DEibTic, Deistical, a. \^>J'^^^^^yf[-f!i^^w,., m ^^Pti i- Deitt, n. divinity, v. Godhead. ^cn^iirT m. '^:^ n. ^^?rT/. 2 the I). V. God. ^cJ- m. ->m^rr^iop. wm^ m. TTK*^ m. ,S«R m. 3 o d. T. God. '^ w. ^sjrTT/.'^^Tr n. Jb Deject, y. a. v. To Disiueit. g-f?ir^HT m.- H^t*nT ot.- cS;c. ^^. DEL Dejected, p. v. V. f^vr-&c. q;^ffT-5nl5?;r, ii3=>r, T?m, 'fl^- Dejectedly, adv. vdiliiMuiiH, a?t^p^?^q4^, n.^;nf^ qR«i. Delibeeative, (7. Aauwy o r/y/i^, ^c. to dihleratc. fq^^R DEL 222 DEL Delicacy, Demcatesess, n. v. A. 1. f*1WM/ ^^f. #- 5/. ^^R^Tm m. Xc. - tt^ttt/. ^rn^TTw wi. ^ai'icmuii m. ^q^^JTTM. &c. fll^4n. gfHTT^ n. +tH'% f. n. T^, ;0Tffr, f?r^,ft^ or t\^J.-'m^m.- 3TR?/. sraoT <7. oj 0. ri^n.--im^m..^^m. ^\^^, DELlCHTtl),;). v.V.A. ^4^%rIT, &e. ^f^, STRfer, ^^Tf|- <^, 3€?f^rr, qfT^"?. To bu d. feel glad. ■3mzm.-^m.-&c. ^]zii in. con. To be d. ciM z,y^ g^ ^_ Delichtful, Delightsome, a. v. A^ A. anJ Agbeeable. an^^cumrr, &c. ^%, g^.3TTH^-f'T-&c. ?rq^.:p^-spK^. DEiionTFULLT, DEiJGirnoiiKLy. m/i-. jn a manner to re- ceive pleasure, g^jf^ g^ ;n% 3T#. •J m a jnanjifr to give pleasure. aiH^^uqj^p^ f^ff)^ rELICnTITLKESS.DEUGImOMEKESS, «. V. A. t-,^fJr«. S- 2 ?te Pleas LBE. 5-0 lEn>FATE, r. a. trace tie llncancnis. slcelch. S^c. 3^,^- »'.-3'ir"»j?r«.-Ac, fTut (/. 0/0. 2 V. To Descbibe. fn^rvw, f^^TOTn. ^^^ y. of o. Delineated, p. v. V. 1. 3i^?iT, ^^SSFJT, &c. fefffrT, 2 Pi+cT^^.rfi, &c. 1%?;.f^?r, ^1 wfT. [urrrr, Ac. Delineatkb, n. Delineating,/?, a. v. V. 1. at^onrr, \W-- 2 fH+JwtiTKr, f^T7^, fH*>WUi+Ti|-qrR^. Delineation, n. v. V. I.— ad. ■S{:Tm n. %R?T/. ^«T /. DelIxNquknt, n. offender. STTTT^Tt, I'ItR, •smTypHrif, frft, To Deliquate. See To Melt. To Det.iquesce, To Deliquiate, v. n. ^^FTrTT afiHT^ ^t'pT Deliquescence, «. ^^F^smT^^^ f^R^TZ^n.-T^m.^w. Deliquescei^t, a. ^^r\irM\ ^r^jT^m^ f^V^'^m- r^f^oTTTT. Delieious, a. racing . sTTcCTTTTr, «R2rT-^TT=J'^rT'&c. TS^?rr, JT?yrft, qgs, 5Rn^'<:T, %fr^T. DELiHiLur, n. Wm.f. f^^rrsTPJJT;;;. fq^fTf^^;?Km, ^fjfEl>?JTOT. D. tremens. ?TrrJrrrr, 3"5T!JnTT, Ac. mr^, g"5;r<:'P, 3"5Tfr, s'fTT-fTRaT Dell, n. hollow amonj hills, ij'c. ^^"fsr m. #5$ «. ^m Jm. zf\f. n^n n. Delta, n. fqTT^m=^-f^PT^fli^T !r^?T m. To Delude, t'. a. y. To Deceive. tpH^ri^, ^=^, g^F^\^ij. ^'Ni^ft/. ^- To Deluge, v. a. inundate, flood, ^if^fot, T^ ^^, ^-^MiJ- ^'^.^jR^T-Ac. ^^. ['T'uil'i, &c. Delugeu, «. Deluging, p. o.v. V. ^■sf^nmrr, Ac. tm ^itt^S Delusion, n. v. Y.—aH. <5>?t^Qi «. ?rF^'Ji «. &o. 'P^^dT'^f/. ET^^ n.— slate. ^W\^J. 'F^TTT^/. "ir^^ui /. JTTf J«. >^H I. illusion. H I •M I /• ^Tr^ fn. Delusive, Delu.-^ory, o. t. V. "FH^JlKr, Ac. i+IJ., Ty^W.^ 5^17, ^TSt, ^T^Tf, 'FH^OT^^EfT, JTr^T^, m'T^, HT^^, 'Tr^^rff-q?R:fJ-&c. i^JT-mf^-Ac. ^^-^IT^-Ac. To Delve See To Dia. [m. M-jIM I '^ ^. DEMAGOauE, n. Zeai/cr o/ZAc »io&. ^TTT m. qTiTaft m. iTf^iT^ Demain, Demesne, n. RiT'4t=T'TfiT /. ^HrTr^ffT %Tr m. To Demand, v. a. rejuirc of right, v. To Claim. ^v[=qT-H%- Jf-^-;F^-Ac. iTTnat, ?TtTT/. ^W ^("'^^ FM' or ^ of 0. 3T- 2 See To Ask. Demand, Demanding, n. t. V. 1.— a'^ ^tT^JTRoj n. ^jgi- ^ JTl^M n. ^T^ Jrt. [/. 3Tq?^T/. I. call for, requisition. JTTW ?^ HTT^'^/Hf^?!/. 3T?Ff^r General or great d. for. ^r:t m. I^rRT m. ilR m. II. price ashed. ?1'if^FR^-JTTffl?IrJ:ii jttt^ n. Exorbitant d. high terms. ^PF/. Demandant. See Plaintiff. Demaecation, n. marking off. "rft^ m. 2 limit, V. Bojnd. ?flriTTi?q/j. ^rk or #r/. f^/. To Demean, ( one's self), v. a. v. To Beiiave. 3 HHriTT w.-f ^%^aTT w. qof. Demeanour, n. v. Conduct. 3HMFST^«^''<:ft, ??r^?n-':TiT'JnftTS:o. f^tV^T, 2 HI+MNI ^HFTT-&c. Demal. Desyjxo, n. y. A'. 1. — ad. ?t-+|Jui n. f^^'-TW n. Ac. «i. Vr"-^ I '.«'-! M «. ■pT'lfFTH. fJTTH^n. f-i <1 +'"'': «. f^TTJ^fcT /. 3Tf^ w». 2— fli-r JT^PTT'Tr n. fSfq-rTnt n. Ac. ^^R or sn^? »». fH%g 3— oV. fl^FTJJi « .r7|, f^t^sjT, &c. f?r%f?m, fHfr^, srf7f75T, lff*-OMn.-ATio>-AL, a. V. N. 2. ^TRqT^qT-f^TTT^ Dexoiiixatoe, n. (of a fraction ). ^ w. #5qp m. Common d. ^HHSim. \_W^ "• Desotatiox, n. V. \~ad. ZJ^M n. &c. iT^^f^T n. ^^^ n. To Desote, r. a. lelol-en. TT^^^rir, ^^J^fcrr, ^T'T^J'dT, SR^f^ «.- 351-^ OT.-^;xi7r M.-fiTxpTw_-&c. ^^^ g.oj 0. f%n^ n.-3?TaT» 3WBf «M. con. on(? y.o/ 0. Desouemext, n. ?Hn^ j». g^F75 «,. To Denounce, To Desuxciate, j-. «. (?fc?«re ,« a threaten- ing way. KTH^ %T?r-TTfif^ ?rfntif, tTiTT/r% 5fR% ^t'T'Jr, ff^'f.- ^m^/TTT^ 5=fiji y. 0/ 0. qTT^/.-&f. ^ y 0/ 2 See To Accuse. Desovo. See Anew. Dense, a.-of liquid., v. TnicK. ^, tr, ^t^^ q^f. 2— of solids, V. Compact, qr, i^RiT^ 5? 3-of a forest, &c. v. TnifK^fRf^' qJ^TPT, ;frt? Density, Denseness, n. y. A. 1. qr^uTTm. ?rwT/» qirt/; 2 ^q-OTfOT. ^TDTTm. ^S^F/ 3 f^f^'jm in. I^qr^/. Dent. See Dint. j^^f^f Dental, a. belonging Sfc_ to the teeth, stnr^r, 5Vq-, J?rH^4t, Denticulated, o. set with teeth, t^'T:^ff'Tf^T,t"d"rT,5^f=ff?T'7. Dentifbice, «. ?ti=ni(JT H. ?t?riT n. ^?:f(WTr or ?t?if^^r wj. Dentist, n. ^cfqq-. Dentition, w. teething. z\r{ j^ n. ff^i^m. 3%3rer»». To Denude. See To Strip. [f^'i'^wn n. Denunciation n. v. V. qrt+ri^.AH ^fjiuf n. &c. ^^^?[J. 3T- To Dent, «;. a_ disaUon'^ contradict.^ — oj)posed to admit, R-^Rijf or Hi+Kui, aTTRq- ^?:jr, f^%iprr, qf?t^'=m,^n?^ ^FriJt, ;7^R or JTHFR'". ^^'iT y. 0/ 0. aT^r^fT^FRm.- ar^'T'TJR '".-■f^THHM. - fH. ST^Tf^r/. ^fTRTTOT n. f.=R^ai 71. f^T;;pR-u: n. f^^m n. 2 See Death. To Depastuee, v. n. graze. =qTW. To Depend, v. n. /(a?(y/ro7n. y. To IIanq. ?^f^TO',3T=RiT'%o/;, 2 if subject to, injluenced by, Sfc. connected icith as a cause. ztM-'^"^^ with ^ ofo. ?rTnr-^Hr-^mTH-&c. ar^y.o/o. 3 /r!is/! to.rely on, v. To Coneide. 3T5fr5ir% aflSTOTj^^^oT -HRTiji-^of-^DT with cR of 0. JRETi.'Tra'^ 3T^'Jf "''77i g. of 0. 37^7^ wi.-3T5r^^5Rr n. EFT'Jr. 4 Je yp/ tindetermi/ied. ?fR^, f^tT^^, pT^Ff Tgiif, 'S^P[- Dff?f-&c. ar^ijf. Dependence, Dependency, Depending, n. \. V. — state, ^j- si>jf n. &c. ^i^^m m. 3T=r?^;^Rr «• 5fr.T^ m. aTRT^RT 71. 2 (7ju/ Connection. fl^JKr ?». ar'^T^TrTT/. [55 1'h^\ \f. 3 awf/ Confidence, cstq^ m. ST^rFJiRr ». ^qi^?^/. ^PTT- BEP 225 DEP I. state ofheinr/ at the disposal of another. dN'i.u'T/. T^- II. depeudenoy. rTTaq-fpft^ ^\^ m.\%\ m.-^Z «.-&c. Depexbent, 11. retainer, v. Tor-LOwEK. aTT'-T'fT, 3Trf«nT, 3Tr- Depekder, n. Depesdest, a. Depekxhnci, jj. o, t. Y. 1. 3T- S 3T15T'JTTTT,%^'JnTT, &C. 3T=f^f%T, aTcfJS'sft. 4 arfJrofi^, ^^r?f1" or ?f^?r, 3''TT, f^T^^T^r ^ik^. I. a;; ///e disposal of another. ?rr%^R, TOf^^T, ^(fl'H, mj- tfr^, ars^Mt^, q^spT, Trrf^m, ^TT'^^rrg. 2o Depict. See To Paint, To Desceibe. Depilous, a. without hair. %?T^t?r, f%%n, f^f^fiT. Depletion, n. act of emptying. ftrrT ^l^ n. fc^'T'^'^ «• i^J,- ?q- q^oT n. Deplorable, a. \. Lamentable, Wretched. 7? ^PTT ^- Deplorablt, fl(/t). T5 qTqT^rrT-&c. decl. %^^^\ ^VWJccl. To Deplore, v. a. t. To Lament, ^af, ^\^^-W^n m.-^\^ »H.-f^TT m.-Stc. ^?:at y. o/ o. To Deploy, v. n. See To Extend. To Deplume, v. a. v. To Pluck, f^ n. pi. 3^T^ y. o/o. To Depone. See To Depose. [z\K. Deponent, n. \. Eyibence. ^TT'irqT ?fr?fr, ^r^^'^uTFTT, ^T^- To Depopulate, v. a. v. To Desolate. 3'^r5-3TW-T ^^r- %of, ^'J"5-r«. S^'TT m. 2— act. ^K^ n. &c. TiTR'TfT m. SffSr^FRHiT wi. V. Y. N. Wr?T/. ^T?fl'/. ?fT^^ n. Written d. ^srrsft /. [ f^'^TRT «. V. Y. (To Deposit.)— ac^. Z^^ n. ^^\^ m. 1^^ ;«. Depository, Depot, n. place ichcrc things are deposited. fH^TPT n. ^Fran ?i. ^rsT ««. ^rst /. Tra-^R ». ?rqjTr.\:c. ^F^, f^rq^, »j's:-3Tr=^fR'^-&c. qRTn»?». 3— ac/. HT TT^ "• iiv.—state. H^/. I. fl. il. a hollow, a sinkiny, v. Hole. ^ctTTw. r?fr/- ?T"??ir/. Jb Dei'IUVe, v. a. hereave. sfPT^T^t, ^TTSW, %'T5n"-f^?:r5rT-rf|rf- fH< l -Z Jp=5 that thief deprived me of my turban ), ^n- 5r-T^rjT-'t5^r-%3^-ctc. :j^ xcith 'fl'^\-f^'^\-■M'^\ ofo. ( as v^]^ sr^ ^J5f\f^^^■\ sTFiif %p5 ), H^f^r^, 3Tf==T5ff^oT, ^V-'Hi7. ^^^{ iu comp. as ^TH^f^ ^<^ to deprive of rea- iiou, lie. ). 2 ( of ofEce or j'relerment. ) arftpPTT W2— TSf^-F^TPT- Depbived,/). v. V. ril'N^r^l, ?Tn%^, Tf|?T %H^T, &c. H^ ( in comp. as T^^f^, =T^^^, &e- ) DEPin, «. V. Deepsess. ?Htf=ft/- &c- D. up to the breast. liidldN ot. D. up to the waist. ^fJ^TZ\'^ m. D. above the ueck. ^^ Z^ m. [ er, &c. ). I. V. Height. ^?r ( in comp. as ^5Tf|;fj^ the d. of wint- Deputatiox, n. V. V. —act. ^^^ Hld--|ijl n. ^^^ ^F^ "TTS- ^ n. &c. P|<^Tt)M. Debbtsuibe-neck, n. "n^irrefif m. Debelictios, &e. See Abandonment, &c. To Dekide, v. a. mock, jeer, v. To Ridicule. S^t^^ f^t- «RT/.-TT^w.-'«I?r/.-^?^'r/.-??: or h:f.-&c. ^^y.ofo. Debisio", n. V, Y.—act. TT^m. Ui^ ^] / . ZK or '^/. ■<:ff\f. I. laugh inff stock. g'T^^TTr^I «. ^oS^roTT »«. Deeisive, DEEifeOiiT, a. Derivation, «. — in grammar. 5^?^%/. s^tftt^ n. Deeivative, a. received from another. JH^TTTT^ ^^F.^J.| Derivative, w. word, S^c. derived. ^^rT m. ?rrftrrf?T*^ ?n. n- To Derive, v. a. draw or receive as from a source. JpT^of q-^ijf, ifof, Ti'T'Jf, %^ «c!iA in con. 2 — iu grammar, trace. ^PKOf^ s'JFTf^/. ^Ti^t J. of a. Derived, a. — iu grammar. s^jPT^f, To be d. f^^. Dermal, a. belonging to the skin. f5r%=^T, r^^^Tsifeff, rW[=^. Deenier, a. final, ultimate, v. Last. ^^T^^r, ^ItRFTT, f^^PT- To Debogate, t). «. detract from. ^S5%qnrT »». aTPJT^, TM- =^ ?n.-MM^lPl /.-^^=^ »».-d-d'l^lfH/.-&c. ^E^df j. ofo. "W^^ m. 5p7(?r. Derogative, Deeooatort, a. v. V. a^m^uqr, f^m^T^, Deevise, 71. ^^%^fr. To Descant, v. n. discourse, expatiate, ^^fcf n.-cTr^Ttflrq «.-5rn^?7 OT.-ai'+.Hii'^ w.-^TT^iT^ m.-&c qo^iot, TT^ «.- ifrarsT m -&c.^rar- iTFr-?jT=r3T- Descakt, «. singing loith modulations. ^f'^^'N^ TT'jf n. To Descend, v. n. move, come or go down. 3^=R"'if, ^cff^Tijf- 2 proceed from as a source Sfc. ^r^i^f, %^, "TT=f"jf, ^T^^ 3 proceed from an ancestor. 5r^r^r-«r^ft-^?T^- &c. ^rijf, Sfnm T?T=JT ^. [%^. 4 ( from generals to particulars ) OTTTT'^T^^TT f^T^TTT^?: Descendant, n. ^^V^, ^^ft, #3q', ^^T^, nr^rr^T n. Descendants, v. Offspring. ^f?r/. ^'i=rT^ n.— esp. male. D. of the female branch, sfq;^!^/. Descended,^, v. V. 1. S'^T^rTT, aT^TTTrf, 'JHcjHlRd, gr^iftof ^ri\^, ^m^^ 3T5rT5r. 2 ^?TfH ^JT^ 5fT^F^T, &e. 'K^T^T^, 4^'f?T5r. Descending, a. declivous. ^^n\ remiss, ^^^{^^t:. Descent, n. v. V. 1. — act. ^j^x^ n. ^^K m. arq-fr^ m. gr^r- ^t^ n. artnn^/. ar^Tf^r/. -s^^nvJi n. ar^^r ?/». -j^- TFt^f «. ar^TTrT »». artr-.TTFr m. 2 =5TT?^ijr M. q'Drr ?i. &c. D. from time immemorial. 3T?nf^Hr, ^T^f^g?, Hg"5T. I. a d. a declivity. 3^^ot/. 3"rf^/ T^TTSt/ TfTTT ?«. 3^- ^^OT /. 5RT5E /. %qT3T /. I^tif n. [ IT, &c. Desceibable, a. y. J. 3fTT^-=qT ^PTT-&c. '^RFTT-=5rT-vfT' " DES 227 DES To Desceibe, v. a. mark out^ sl-clch out. ^\Z^^ \W-^ or ^^T^nt, ar^Ffff, ^^m m. JjJT^'Jf g. of o. 2 represent, dejxict^ porlray. cpir^, Pl^^T'Jf, f^T^^fW, f^EJ-^Efof , ^'^^ w.-f^^TOT «.--don. ^"tS^, ST- ^^, f^TFTW , •il^^-ifcc. ^T^. To Deseet, v. n. run away form one s regiment, ^'c. ■^H.(\ f. ?T^5T-W|^-&C. uIT^, q^;T ^"11, ^tw ^?'n^f'^=T ^FFft /. wr^. Desert, Desehtixg. See Meeit. Desebtee, n. Y. \. N. ^^ snTiiRT, "TS^, T^^ n%?5T, f%ft- Desertion, n. v. V. A. — act. ^frsorn. 2;ppntM. &e. fqiTm. T- Spiritual d. ^TT^ir^H'-fl f^RT^Tr/. Y. V. N. — act. T^jT ^STTifre. '^FFTt Jl+R ^JnTjfw. To Deseeye, t>. c. merit, he worthy of. qT3-q--?5yq-^-3T|-qT^- &c. ^tw-3TO3r, in. con. Deseeyedlt, adv. q'trrar^T, T'-OT^, TVl-qiV, T'-iTTf . Deseryee, «. Deseevino,^:?. a. u-ortliy, meritorious. FJTT'P, ^^TPT^T, 'T^r, m^^, q'P^'srr, 3Tf ( iu comp. ), TT^ ( in comp. ). Deshabille. See Dishabille. To Desiccate, &c. See To Dux, &c. To Desiderate. See To Desire, To "Want. Desideratum, w. something desired, ^w. 'ffift'??*. ffc^Trf n. To Design, v. a-imrpose, intend.^ mean. ^'^^T'jf, ^'^?H"^, 'P- -kc. ^pt'Jf, iT^fFf '■-ROT, H?rf?T 3T?T^ '». t-OH. ^^«.-^^^Hi.- arf'TsrT'T"!. 3T^trfy. o/o. 2plan, sclicme, project, r^wf, qr^tfr, tpfrTot, %rT)».-qr- Design, 7t. purpose, intention, mind. ^r{m. JTH". ^^/. ^'f- ^^r m. i^\^m. -PRl^^T w. JI^'T Wi. H^T1?T ;;. ^T^'f^^ m. aT'T^?r «. |?q- «• ^T^ {pop. ^^^^ or ^? or ^4 ) «. ?i^?^ w. Ep-q^T/ fsi^r^ /• fq^^f /. 2 scheme, plan, project. ^^^^\f. 3TH^qT^«. JTHFIrr/. cT- ;3T5Jt3T/. i[cT «». itPRT/. ^f^y^ ^'^T, ^^-^fr- F?r^^q, p-srf^'snT, J^Hf^rrq, ?^?mT «J.-SV,c)WMi3- f^'^/.-TOTfrT/. |m in. con. To DEsinE.ti.a. ivish for. ^f^tjOi , crrf%J7tjt^r3TT^T7^^f%?t^, f%. Ac.vrm-^R^-in high degree;T?IPTijf, ^^^i 5^^ "<'"■ HTfrnit or H^TTi^. rfnprt. ^yj.iUI, T|TTI''iit, qr^^UT. ^%CTf, JTT^df, ;j5HiiTr, ^mtfr, ^t srM'». '^'if, jtiut;". sfrnpq; 2 request, entreat, v. To Beg. 5Tr4w, f^^cTtff. 3 bid, V To COMMA>D. mn^, ■STTfIT/. ^"rf. Desihed. 2>- V. Y. 1. r^^, &c. srf%5?Tj sj-T^ftn, 3TT^f%- Desireb, n, Desirixo, p. «. De.'ibous, a. v. V. 1. gf^^unn Ac. i-.«it(M, HT^f?T, f^ (esp. in comp. as tpf^, f%tf- ^, mJ^ .^e. ), '*rT^f?ft (in comp. ), prr^,"' r^^r- f^. ^Mfy^,, ^■■j-m lii-li degree; craving.^ Tnr^, ?rT^, ^HTW^T, c^PTTHT, To Desis t, r. «. sto;;, /^ayg o/T, y. To Cease.'' TTfof, '^jz^ mfr. %t ?7m?f ^r (f^ 5?Tf?f- Ttq-fFT-^tc), qTTT hr^ IfTrTT (^TTT^-mgr^),??'^ ^i^ 3TTf. Despaie, DEsrEEATiox, n. hopelessness^ v. DESP0XI)E^•CY. fHTTTTT/ '%TT3T». 3TTi!TPtnOT, 3TT?TTft^d^»«. 3TRf^5/. 2b Despaik, d. «. T. To Desposd. 3TT?tt/ W'l'n-^ra^- yirisjuf, v>ft^»i. ^r^or, inTT»». ■ ^nw, sTTrPTFTw.-sTr^Tmr- ^?r» ->.te. spTW, fHTT^T-&c. ^T^. Despatrer, M. Despairing, /J. «. V. V. and Despokbext. 3TT?TT Wn%^, 3TT^rr Ht5^RT,<-tc.fT^r^, ^m^T, iTrfT^, HJTT- To Despatch, v. «. send off smarthj^ qi^i?!, ^^St, qr^^ftrr, ^IH-lu'l, ?T^"^, fT=!^, fT'^TT^'^t, ?=IR^, T5^ c5T^<+'i"n, "P5q>5^5f, Ts^S:c. -^iMi-JTrPT^a'^y. ^"Jf i.e.f^^^- sfrq-crr - Sheriff - flTq^ - &c. Ffm% cj=r^, 37^'Jf, 7'=y'. Despeeate, a. despairing, v. Despondent. f?nT5T, 3TT^TT^^, f ?TT?T, ?T"3T?T, ^r^, F^rfrr^T. 2 ras/;, reckless, hot trained, T. MabCAP. f^T^T^^ jilJ 3 hopelrsn, remediless. f^qiT, S'qfTT'friT, jH I 'M^ M-^J^- &c- f^?r=5rT, %f?5rJT, ^qr^rr^wT, ?5T=q"iT, 3Rrr!;q', ^"n. 4 See Excessive. ^DES 229 Desperately, adv. t. A. 2. ?Tr^K, ^TT^^iJ^qF, f^^im 3^r- •4 See Excessively. Despeeateness, n. v. A. 1. f^TT^TT/. ^^R'T ;;■ 3TT^U<'1%'T«. 2 W^?T «. ?TT^y'-|uiT m. Despeiutiox, See Despaih. Despicable, a. v. V. «;)(/ Coxtemptible. fSfigR ^RRT-^r- ^5t=srT, f^?^'?, ^T'qTT, 'TFJfT. Despicablexess, «. V. A. ^^^T'nr «»• f?nT^?TT/. arsHTR- To Despise, v. a. v. To Coxteiin. f?T?:raR'jf, gr^TT'JI'jf, ST^JMHUl', 'JT^JTFfJr, 3T?TT^TTlt, l^^^r-g'^ JTT=T"ir, ^•.- q-^r.T^, -H^TiT, f^TT'^R, -pRT^sf, a^^FqvT, 2 icaniiny, in tcant of, v. Wanting. f%TT5;T-sr'KT-^J;^- -fTT rffrr-ite. all in comp. Destitution, n. v. A. 1. f?fnf«r?iq'nr m. ^^%^mJ m. fHTJ''^- qrTT/. aRfr«TT w.1^^.TR?n'/.'fl[^T^!RTfffq- n. 'jT^<^TS|f*Tr /. argqqirr /. ai^M'i?T /. 2 ft^Ffr/. tT%?T «. aTTf^T wt. To Destroy, v. a. raze, demolish, ^r. Hliot, H[?5 rfrpi ?T- jp^, Htf5-qTf5-H'Rr-&c. z\wM, qr^^, 'f^ft^ fSr^Enif , ^- ^, qRT ^TT^ ?T »». ^Tof-fp^sror, «J-T=:'?J^^, ffiSf'ZCTT, Tq^Ty:-^^f^ /. ^PTof, ilT- 2 — freely; ru.n, spoil, derastate, lay ifastc,e.vcessively in- jure, cj'c. HRiot, ^m^ cFSof, ?ITi!T ?;(.-f^n "i.-^R^RTTn /;o;j. ?ff^TRTT^T »«.-^RTTf /.-^TT^rST »".- s^retfT /--^^^ »- "frq^^^^T «.-^RtqRT «i.-?ir^':j5j/.-vjoi /-'<.zfcTFit /•-'j^^- /,-cr^\^R ?«.-JTT?ft /.-T^r («.-qT^ M.-fqsn »i. w.-ftsir DET 230 DET <"/(•. Jj:^:^ !IT^oT, t^MiRT %^ ( ucut. ^rof ), *PI wj.-H^PT ".-f rf^/. 'FT'^ y. o/o. y kill, txlirpale, annihilale, S{c. ^ifRTT |5 fff5^ ;iT^?IT, &c. «^5ff^, '■■5TW, ^-tfflrT, Tf^S^r, f^^ferT, ^|Fr. <^r!?: 5fR^, ^"Z ( also, ill corap. and with much eleg- aiii'i' and fxpressivcuess, as H'S^fW, ^'5'^, ^"SifHl^T, =r?^f5, :tottt^.k, ^T'frTr'T, &c. ); f^H"?, f=T^fe?T, >Ttr, 3 qT|hrT %%^, 3^\55%?5T, &e. ^P.'^-H , fH?f=r?f, #|H. Desiuoyer, m. De-struotive, a. v. V. 1. JH^IT^TnT, &e. fir- '•"^r^^, f^'-t^, ntyM+, f^'Tmt, ^^r^, ?r^Wr-=FR^- 2 ^rr^pf j^^nrRT, &c. ^\\^w.^ ^r^ft, ^TRnr, f^r^r^, f^- ^r?fT, H^^, ^pit;, ^rm^t, j^??^, ^wn^^ ^trr^. a ?frfwT +^:uiKi, qirnp^ ?TT?r^, ^^T-s^'^-ctc. ^prff-q^- fr-&o. ^iiR^FTff, a ( iii comp. as friH, ^J^HIT, fT?m ). Destructiisle, a. v. V. 1.— irr5raT-=5TT-^mT-^mcrT-&c f^- jfriT, ■fr'^-^^RK, fHi^?rt?T, ^%^lqr. 2 HrenTT-^-^RT-^mFrT-&c. ht^t^pt, erfir^, 3T?r=rrT. Destiuctio.v, n. V. V. l.-crci. MXl^ n. jfrf^ jpfiif «.-&c>"q'- rfH n. ■^tq->TH m. 3^^ n. ^^^ ti.slaie. fcj^ ?«. ft(. ^^rf m. W'Mr\ ni. 3^#5 m. ^^ m. ^J'Fiq- m. To sweep with the besom of d. ^^^T m. fsRiTCTf. •2— act. JTMot «. JTT^ ^!:r^\n.~siate. ^n^ m. ft^^wi. N. B. For more nouns refer to those given under the meanings of the Verb. Hour of d. ^^TST^FM m. The universal d. K^si^ m. s^m^^^W^ m. zj^- f^^.^ or ^r^W.Zf^."^ m. T.^j^ m. or ^r^i^^l?^ m.^- Desuetude, n. v. Disuse. T,75r7,tJr n. 'i^>^:^m. ri^j^f^-^f. Desvltorixess, 7j. v.A. imr=^OTT m. '^.^T]^^ll. :^z(^^'^\f. Desultory, a. passing from one suhject lo another without order. 3i|U|^,i.4^| , iT^T.^^fhTT, HfRg^rfr^, 3Tc.?T;Ri}=5n-, To DETiCii,!-. a. disunile, disengage, y. To Separate. ^\. 2 ( troops, &e. ). ?^f5fT/.-5^^/. Detect, Detection, &c. See To Discover. Discov- ert, &c. Detention, Detaining, n. v. V. \.—act. '^^r n. ^^oj- w. JTrTT m. l^]Z\f. ^lotifr >». ^i-i'+ltj m. ^Z^.\m m. 3 3T?:%fT Z^^ n. &c. To Dster, v. a. stop lyfear. ^TT ^TT^-Tq' Z\W{A-^^%^- =frcof-&c. [iNG, &c. To Deterge, Deteegent, &c. See To Cleanse, Cleans- To Deteeioeate, v. n. groio worse, v. To Degenerate. 3'i=r- yr-|TH m.-'mv^-'-\rT^T^, hRR{">J. 3 conclusive, T. Decisive, f^q' ^ROTTn, fH'OTrV^. DETEEMINATELY.See CERTAINLY. Determinatenss, n. v. A. 1. f^WrS^T^ m. fvr?7T?5?f?fT/. ^af^nTiTT m. f?r«q-rftn?^ «. &c. 2 wm n. fipft/. TftfHf?r/. MHiui «. H^f^r/. m^/. ?!?;- tTT/. W^fq^f^r n, &c. Deteejuinaiion, «. V. V. A. 1. — act. STT^T^m. f^T ?». f?f- «TT OT. STPT »«. f5tqR». 3~act. ^ftj^r ^TiJr w. ifrij^ m. TT. Y. N.— art. :?i'^^ ^at ?j. fJr>;?q- ^ar «. ^^pf^'^f n. 231 DEV I. decision, decideiJimss, rcsohilion, v. Firmkess. 3T^/. ^m\ in. f^^ III. ;^?i:iT/ ^m. q-q «. fH^Tm. !TTn?»-"^?». II. a d. a resolve, f^''^^^ m. fSf^ m. ?i%r"T >«. ^fTK tn. Fixed d. ^'JRl^r^ m. III. matter determined, ( settled, fixed, &c. ). qf^ ». ^r- Jo Detekmixe. v. a. ascertain, settle. 5TT=I'if, ar^T'OTTij'T, f^T- oyq- »».-f5f!:TR »i.-fH''lW n. =PTot y- 0/ 0. i^tfi'rn-i%trTfe- &e. qJT^. 2 settle, appoint, y. To Fix. i^NuJ, H^m, STl^f w.-fSf- «iq-m-f5rqTT/)0/;. %IT «>.-ic'. ^fTJ^n y. 0/ 0. ^=qin-i%f=iqfT- 3 settle judicially, T. To Decide. "%?P^T w.-f^^TT'ST ?».- * dejine, conjine. limit. T. To Bound. ^f^Z m. ^FT'jf y. ofo. TftftJvT ^FT^n. 5 resolve. ^^?T Hi.-'Pr*'^ »».-^T5=Tf?T 5^T5fw.-%H m.-&c. spr'Jt g. of 0. 6 yu'c a direction or impulse to. ^?5 »>-^^, ^t^ »«. t^T^^. To Deteemise, v. n. resolve. '^'^^^.|^^^.^ m.-f^5i'!/., v. Hurt. ^H^fT /• =T^^r^ «•/. '^^Jin. ^/- ^ffT/- arq^Rwr. Deteimental, a. v. N. 2 nreJ TIurtfuf,. arq^Rr^, 'ir^T'Ttfr- ^fnff, ■'jrT^R-&c. ^iTRT, arq^RT^, 'jt^^rT, ^rf^R^, To Detecbe, v. a. thrust down. ^'\^A «-+.-; of -^^Tf-^f^-ttc. Deteusion, n. v. V. ^jTnff ?^F?J^ «. &e. ^^-.^w. Deuce. See Die. Deuteroqamist, n. one who marries the second time, ftft^^^ _ Deuteogamy, n. pf^C rJlTn. l^AlM^W'l m. fjrftq'liRT^ m. To Devastate, i'. a. tcaste, ravage, Sfc ?TWJ?r/.-?TRT«I^^/. -KroE^^TT/.-';To5q-m't/-qRnTeft/.-&c. ^tR^i-.o/o. ■'J^m.-'^- ^^ n.-ifPT^^ w.3T^CTt-^ijr y. of 0. ^^Rot^lfnTJT-Ac.^CTi, Devastated, ;j. y. V.^^rnT %^7;t, ■.tc.'q'^TaT^ S'^^iTs. Devastation, «. v. V. — act. HRCjTW ^'"of ?;. &c. ^^TTTot ". 3T^fTT^ "1. 'fl^H'^H'". ^^^^^Zm.~ state. TT^RTcfTor TRRTRTt/. strtsjh/. HRTarar/. grrgcf m.'^r'Jff/. 3Tqm»>. 'jr^rrsT^/. ntq^^^r n. ^^ ■». ^5^ MJ. 1 To Develope, v. a. unfold, make known, c^c. FT'?-!RR-TTE- &c. ^Ror, ^^rft^Z-sffSf?- etc. ^prtjf g. ofo. TW^m-^- f%^t^-&C. 3itTn. ;j?^iTw. ^^^fTTTiT n. a^ipRTH n. f^q'*RT- TR- «. f%=5R^». f^f?r/. Device, «. scheme, plan, v. Contrivance, ^f^/. T?q^T/. gfg/. ^TRTJre. ^5^/. ^T^ppj/. IRf"i. fTTS/. Devices. Hl^, 3TF^- PET 232 fTra, %1T, nt^'ipT, »;^rr^, ^pxitf^flr^, im^r, ^mr, ^- 9'TH, fin, ^ToET, Vr;^, 'irfn^, ?Tt»Tift, ^nr or rSt^rH^, : PTT^, f^?ft, ^Km, 3Tf^f^ /'O/). S^ftW, ^555 or a{t,|5?ft, | iT^nkt, 'iT2!H. Sff further iiiuler Gdost. Devils luul ilemou^, fiends and goblins,— conipreh. HH ^ f T «. *p%H o»' ^ «• A very d. a maliijnant person. pjRrTf^W^, f^PTT?TH':T, Art or business of raising, injecting, or exorcising ilo\ ils. Mri l ^.'4>1 /.— The practiser of it. ^rTlZ^^r. Ceremony of summoning a d. to occupy and actuate. Ceremonies, geuor. to lay a d. ^TtfrT /. 3ITtf?np w. D.-dealer. ^-"T^^T, ??r^t, ^^^ft, H^f^T, *m?T, 'J- D.-doaling, raising, exorcising, ^'e. of devils. ^=1*)!^ r. -incited ( to assail ). ^-ET^foftq^JTrr. D.-world. D.-creation. illusions of devils, 'HH^Rl/. IJiscase. alfliotion, or mischief, gener. ascribed toa d. cJ^T^n'-TT or qi'^i^'MI'IT/. f^'IN'MI^T/. ffRT'^/. an^- pfrftST /. ^n'^^TT »!. ?^FftT or ;^pTlT /. 3TT^0T m. 3Tr5- TiT%^T /. .Stated or established offering to a d. ?iT'iT»i.y.^, ?lf5. String or company of devils. '^H\^7, f. Subject of possession ( man, &e. ) by a d. ^^I^rS n. ^n n. 5n^TT.— to quit it. JTR m. ^"t^ijf, rrfjf /. qq-_ To be d.-blasted, or d.-affccted. PJiTflT'jf or rtpfr^uf. To bind a d. under engagement (not to molest, &c.). •<^-'ess, n. v. A. I. WtM m. aT?''TnivE. qt^"^'f- ^^Tf^/. f^r/. rTFTTrTT/ fTfftn^T/. &c. ?rT?TT m. ?f?d%/. Devotee, «. V. Ascetic. qpTt/'Oi'' ^PTt, iRFff, ^"^ pop. Female a. qtft^'t pop. ^"t'ft'T, &c. Devotiox, n. V. \.—act. ^^(^i\ n. ^\^ n. &c. anV «. ?T- Tl>|aT n.— state. ^jf^FA^\ m. .'flfHFTHTJJ. ^JTISFTf^T ». I. See Devotedness I. II. v. DEvouT^■Ess. Hl%*rT^ m. Hollow and interested d. fq^Tf^/. Spiritual and abstract d. qFT »».— the practice of it. qi'ii*-Mlti m. III. or devotions, worsliip. 'T^^ n. "T^T/ aT'ff/. ^^TP^'T n. %5rg^/. 5fT^cq M. Morning devotions. srm'.T'T^'JT n. Devotional, a. relating tj-c. to worsJ/ip. JT^;Trf^rT^=5n, *nT- DIA 233 De\ oi'ioyiST:,n.pfi-son supenliliously f/ivcn to d. \'^?\mH\^^ m. ^^r^TT^, T^'^T, ^Tol^-qT, sffs^- «iTS?T sfHOTT'T. To Devol-h, v. a. y. To Eat. ^rJT^ THFof, ^^^ =:r: ^rcf, ^ra:?T 'fR «. ^5Tjf g. of o. ^r^r^r ^^=^5 »«• ^^ y- 0/ 0. To bo ready to d. 3Tr ^\^ 3T^^. 2 fig. su-allow up, V. To Consume, ^^rnif, fn5E% T^ aJu. Detout, a. decolcd to religious exercises, cj^c. H^^T^, »r3T?T- ?fte, Tf^ITTH pop. »Tf^lT?r, Tf^TTra-OT, ^if^qT, HfWsf^Ttn-, Tf^f^^, Tf%q--^r^, qiTKlfif'T, ^EfTH^OT, S^TH^, T^JT- Detoutlt, flc/y. V. A. Tf^H-mnr, ^t^^, nf^q^^, &e. Devoutness, «. V. V. vrffRvrr^wi,. nf^/ ^^^f/. nf^f^^r/ t'^Tf^^r/. T^fPT^ft^Frr/. q^r'^fTj/. Dew, «. ^i^^ o/-"'^q-r«. ^'qr»J. HTUwi.M. To be bedewed J^IT^. Dew-deop, n. gjqr^ sasTM. ^-JfRfsi^'w. gTR^iTwi. I^M+uiw. Dew-lap, »i. the pendant flesh from the throat of an ox. W.\^- oft/. qioft/. T?5^?Jw. ^TTSrr/. Dewt, a. reLi/ing, i^'c. to dew. ^r^\, ^^l=!^\, ^'-IKH'M, De.xtebitv, ;}. V. A. ^i^ or ^TrR^ /. ^riTfoET or ^^^m. Dexteeous, a. adroit.^ v. Expert. ^Mh-|l J^loJT, |TfIEr^i^'7n", Dexteuouslt, atiu. v. A. ^m^T^^, ^m?^!^, ??T^^, ^?^?n"- Dexteal, a. not left.^ v. Eight. ^?Tar, 3TT^5^. Diabetes, »j. «r^Hsrri|OT. q^^ire. s'-ii'+M^ ?«. H^lPd'HKOT. D. mellituti. Sl^JJT^w. n^it^m. Diabolical. See Devilish. Diadem, «. t. Ceown. H^/jo/j. ^7'«. Gem or jewel of a d. H+dJHr"l«!. Diagnosis, »i. ffn^n^^n-/. ^IW/. [f^^n. Diagnostic, n. sign or symptom of disease. ^Rc^^fJrn. vm Diagonal, a. ^porfefrr, ^>jf?^r?ifcr, ^r"ir?'"|-^fft/. 5155 / 5^15! /. JT^ft TO. Afl'eeted with d. 5'WJT^ or ^\\ m. Violent or general d. \'A^{\ f.i'i'm'£\ J. JT^^^T^)«. To liaTe a d. "TIT to. ^TTT'T-g^ot y. of s. tfs^'jf c ^ST- oJiif O)- SJOTT, iV'IcAui, JT^J'jf, SfoS^, ^, ^^TC^H, 5<.'Jr<tvi.e. TT^uII^T ijft/.-^TWt/"-" Good d. gmfiTrT n. n^^qfi?/- DlCTIOSART, n. ^n or ;ftT m. ^1£^^T m. ^T^T^q^ m. Dictum, ». snrr «■ ^JW^J n. T^P=TR^ «. ^^15°^ «. DiDAC no, Didactical, a. preceptive. ot"^^P^, TT^SfTRT- Die, n. jamiuj cube. j1, n'W, TrTFTot, f^^of, f^^nf, n^^of^ ^U^-^^-f'-l l'iui-&c. The following words and phrases are cant,covert, allusive, &c. but they are too common to be omitted. WjTol'Jf, 'H'iMiJ|,:i<-+.ui, WM., ^T'lt, T^vtctj^ oIW, ^Fff7 m. ^pfr g. ofs. JTEfT^ n. 3^^^, iTTOT m. n'fr2:tif, ^-i ?«. pL 5ff^af, f^^^ «. aT?N"r, '>Wi m.^ixm^mr^f. ^''T-rra', ^J'Tunrof ^t% y. of «. UTT intcrj. ^'^uj T^l^ m. \vh in. con. ?:cqf^ 5[^ 7«. ^/Z. ^Rnt, SR'^K m. 3 See Assembly. To Diet, «. a. />;/< on a diet, ^^s^\^x %=raT-^TP7^, T^rtTn.^TFM. 2 V. To Feed. ^^TTTT^ '?T^, ^ MIV^u)', hI^uJ, DiET-DHiNK, »t. T^qpii inTjft «. Rs-'^r^ «. Some of the com- mon diet-drinks.^ answering to gruel.^ caudle.^ posset, slterlet, Sfc. are q^iR- m. n. ^pt^ n. TV^J. ^t[f. ^zm^ m. f^ n. |]c4=)ufr «. f^r^"^ n. aiil-iciuf] n. ^T^'^'t «. DiETAET, «. allowance of food, \. Allowa>;ce. hPTI^/. ^- DiETABT, Dietetic, a. pertaining to diet. qfS-i|Ml, TSH?^^, DiFFAKEEATiON, n. The ceremony auswering to this is ^PT- ^ HT5R'%^ or ^yf\ HIS"! ( the breaking and mutual giving of a stick or «/raw ). To DiFFEE, V. n. ie distinct, dissimilar or other; nary, dit- agree. H^ w.-tpR^^ m.-^ OT.-H*'HFr/.-3trTT«--fnT^'^«-- ?n:?Tir>TT? ot.-&c. arow y. of s. redp. fT^-'^TTar-q-'TcET'- &c. gr^. 2 Je a^: variance, v. To Disaqeee. sffqfil n.-^H^V-i ?(.- r^Mli OT.-&C. 3T?r"Jf-'T3'^ y. ofs. 3 ( in opinion, &c. ) v. To Disageee. KrT'^^ w.-^rf n.- &c. 3Tfrot y. 0/ s. 3T?f'=TTrr-f^H'TT?T-f%TW-&c. 3TO^. DiFFEEENCE, DiFFEEING, 71. v. V. 1. %r m. iqf^/.1-iT^?T n. 1?T «. l;'^ n. 1. — in arithmetic. 3T?tT «. 3t1T "• II. — in astronomy; ascensional d. ^Rijvfs n. Sine of ascensional d. -^ I i^M \ f. Diffeeent, a. other, distinct. WtoET, Plil^l, ?qKT, ^^i^, rr- ?:, 3T^, f5T5T, arqr, qr, siT'Trir, fSr^jrn:^^, f^rr, ^tt, qr^PT or ^ qF^, ?T^?n-. BIF 235 DIG 2 dissimilar v. Unlike. 3T?f^?T, ^^5T, aTJrT, f^^JTRft- DiFFEBENTIAL CALCULUS, «. ^J^Z(7^'^ f. DlFFEEEXTLY, adv. T. A. ill a dijrercnt manner. fH<|i,^^, Difficult, a. hard, not taxi/. W-fz^ 2>oj>. +,^'|u|, ar^HTS, ^^, 5i^?i l^'T^i ^>:^T^2T, 5T (ill cwiip. asj^JJT, J^^'T, &c. ) — in high degree. STS'^, "?r?r?:^r5, iTT^TS, 'MIS*! 3, ^- 2 (of uiulerstandiug ) V. Absteuse. ^2(^,37^^,2' 3 AarJ :^n. With d. v^am^, ^sjirraT, ^F^iTrrg^t, ^riniy^^iTT^, ?r5iq?^rr, ?np^, =iTTT^', arS^rt, v?f€7. I. o d. o hnotly or hard matter, point, ^'c. ^ 7i.^5 n. T- ^T'«f m. :pT% w. H^T^fft^/. 5tn^ m. Tl/. [m. con. To feel in a d. M-=(lSrt/.- fir^TT »».-H?T?5rT /.-&e. •Tiaf II. a d. scrape, hobble, ^c. t. Teouble. ^«pj «. ^:^ «. ^^^TT?: n. 'flTSTOT/. ?nP2 «. ^it n. qJTrR/. f?irn5 ». ^^Cn. aft^ «. 3Tf^ni/ To get into a d. STSf^f^Ttrr ^fWT. \^ ^^. To draw off from or out of a d. S^TrsT^TW^T fFT m. ^FT- III. — as made,started, &c. t. Objection, ^f^/. f^fgfT/'. 3TT?¥t w. f%5 wi.*ui'isi »>■ "^153 M. >1>'II« »». 3TT5/. r. 5^^. Without d. f^prf^^ or %f^;^rf. Diffidence, n. want of covjldence, distrust, v. Doubt. 3T- 2 distrust of self , leant of confidence in one's own abili- ty: ^-c. a^NHirfsT'^NTT 3Tf%^Rf m.-3TH-^cf^ m.-^rm m.- &e. "r5Nlw."^rfN»s. STHTTm. I. Diffuseuess ( of style, &c. ). 4'. qfTT/.-&c. STPiToi-'^, ^-•«ik-&c. DlOSlTABV, «. ^reSTT m,'/1^l-«ry'-l^«n^ JTgis'Tm. DiGSlTV, n. honor, yrealness, 4i-. A\^mm. •.^e. I. a d. passage deviating. p?iTi^ijf^ 2 speak copiously on. f^T^TT; »i.-?t'-cy. n^m. ^T^hi. JTTS/. IV. I'oinlof the compass. f^5[TT/. Ill L-vcry (I.— lleeiug, &c. f^mf^^f,7T^tf?^t, 5^^f, DinECTLT, adc. v. A. 1. ^, 3^, m5J,&c. 5 fljlrf IsiMEMATEI.Y. vSTTrftfT^U, W?TFT. « (i«,^,u i'^ .r? I'lBTY, V. a. n.a f-H'j'i, JT^toT-Jra^-ic. zRiJt, HoEnRiTf Or i-cftNI'Jiif, TT^^ or TF^iJr. 1; cover irith/m., I'^/oul. f^i^, ff5ft^-f^m-&c. ^^- DlBTY-I.OOKINQ, a. JT^t?f, H^nWY^. Dis. This inseimrable i)arlielo is expressed by zr^ tt, f^T?^, Hr,f«nT, iiT, %, 5rj,^, f^, ^, as, i^tpt^, 3T^r?r, 'fl^iT?T, f^"- 5:^?T, ?TN^^ &c., iu its senses of ncja/ion, delerioration, or depreciation; and by f^, 3", in its sense of undoing, nullifying ,oT dejmving.'^oia. Some words may besought for iu vain under Dis which will be found under In. Disability, n. See \Veakne,ss. 2 want of qualification. spPTf^^^frT/. aT^TTrTT/. arW^T^rr To Di.sABLE, t>. o. ^Tf^/.-5ioE 7J.-&C. jfrrof y. o/ 0. ^^.^\^m. -V.f^M^ m.-kc. ^X^ g. of o. f^'i^!l^'^-^^'^-^^\V^-^^' ?Tfe-f^?^-&C. ;p^, 3WT'4-37?TfT-&C. W^T^. Disabled,;?, v. V. 3T^T^%^;^t, etc. ^"J^lffp, ^f";^^, ^•^^ To Disabuse, r. «. undeceive. ijtfFr/.-giT 7n.-&c. ^TS^r-TSST- nt-^OTof-JTT^ y. of 0. W.\^ m. pl.-ii^ m. /;Z.-^T=TT% ST «». /;/. ;7g5Dt g. of 0. ^\o^Jq\^^^y arj m. ^55m y. 0/ 0. ^r^ m. pi. 5rrS^ y. of 0. Disadvantage, n. v. Loss. 3Tf|?r «. 3T5Tf|^ «• frf^/. ^^ft To sell to a d. %T qJ^^-^T^^-Ac. f^ijf, ^trR ^qrl- DlSADYANTAGEOUS, o. ^Trqr,"^l'7T- DlSADVANTAGKOUSLY, ndv. V. A. ^^T ^C^T^, 'W ^fPR, A\- Disadtaktagegusness, n. v. A. iffrT^^ffT/- Wlfrl+Pq' n. Disaffected, o. ill-inclined to. tt^T f"R?7?^, TH ^i.M'FA, f^^^■(.^;^ 1tfrt, f^Hfr, j^r^^^, ^i^fg^, ^^r^;, f=n:^, T^-fJfTT^-&c. 3T^^. 2 Je a/ variance, differ. ^}^^ M.-ijiprr^ w.-f^I^J »»i.-^cfTT?r- ^ ?!.-1?T w.-grfHr^ 77J.-&C. ar^qr y. 0/ «. recj/;. fiTrSofffT 3 ( in opinion, &c, ). ^T^fS IM-^Tof, f^^frf/.-^T- ^TTT^ OT.-HrPT^ OT.-^ w.-f^^fTTfT 7!-- 3T?r'^JT?r 7i.-&C. 3T- ?f^ y- ofs. recip. 1^?r'^?f-aT^'^TTrT-&c. 3T^DJ-_ 4 he umvholesoone, ^'c. to. m'A^, '^Ri'if, TS^t, ft^of, ^- Disaobeeable, ff. unpleasant. JfRS^r, ^Tf^ffT, ^^rr^rT, 3TT?frr, a^f=T^, ^r^rft^, ar^ftrfr^ETT, ^NWrfi^T, arfjisT, arf^f^, ar^- =s^, 3T?:f%pc, ^firq-,aT^T, ar^i^, arqr^, g-^T, q;|. Disageeeableness, «. v. A. ?fr=lirmaT7 m. rfRfTWr 7/;. &c. arfJT^T?^ n. ar^n^nr/. &c. Disageeeably, adv. y. A. ^aTT^IftT t^fc^ ^CT^T%"T^^rTr DIS 239 DIS DiSAQBEEMEST, «. diversiti/, dissitnilHude, v. DiFFEBENCE. 3T?n; n. %T m. if^ m. f*r=5r. f>T=>rHIqr ">. fsrirfHTfrf/. f^e- 4 ( ill a statement, &c. ). v. Disceepakcy. cI^'HcT/. Ff- i'o Disallow, Disallo\va>cE; &c. See To Di3appeove, To Eeject, <&c. To Disannul, &c. See To Annfl, &c. To DisAPPEAE, V. n. ?TTfreT-3T^3q--f%?r^reT-&c. frof, ^T^, ^T^'jf, TS^r, at^f^'R «. qr^'jf, aTfrtf'bT «.-frRt':TTH «.-&c. ^ y. r/s. spT^ ^ g. of s. W.W' n. ^FTof. DiSAPPEAEANCE, H. V. V. ^T^mT ^\^ »■ &C. 3T^S(br ». 3T?^- Disappeared, p. v. V. ^rfTTT ^TTPJ^T, f^^RTT gr^?^r, &c. q[3'TT?ftH, ^^i^T^, 3t?fi|?r, f?ifrf|?r. Jo Disappoint, v. a. f^TTm /.-^Tr^TTHT »».-3Tr?[ira'5^ n.-&e. JF^of y. o/ o. arr^Tr/. jfreat-qrc^or y. 0/ 0. ar'si^: ^f^, ^- ?Tr^-^'5T^T-^»1TTT^T-&c. Hprot. Disappointeh,^. v. V. STT^ir iiT5%^, &c. fTTTSfT, TTTTn, 'T- "2T^, f%^^, H^?f, 5ff?r^, ^;re?fJFFq-, ^ft^frw- Disappointment, n. \. V. — af<. stTifTT HTS'ifn. STniKM^K «. "P?r^I^ «•-=•«!. or s. f|w5 »n. /. arr^TT^iT m. ^m^'An m. M^-m m.—state. 3inT=qt f^U^/- fH^^TT/. a^^TR"?- DiSAPPEOBATION, DiSAPPEOVAL, «. V. V. ^TTTO^ft/. 3TT?frft/. fsPTf^/.lHf^ n. To DisaPPEOVE, v. a. ?ri'-IWH-3TTOrT-?rrJT^r-3T5TT'q'-^^^^ -&c. ^FTot, Hl + Kui, 3THift^rr™.-'ira'"T7:TTm.-&c.^my.q/o. DisAPPPovED, j;. T. V. ?rm?r %^s5t,&c. ?rm^ or ^, ar?^- fT, ^TTfTRT, 3THF^, TTH"^, 1l+il'+'^;-l, ^N^^rl, aTTF^r, f^^'-Hd, aTO'TTfT, DiSAPPEOTINGLT, adv. ^TT^'JiTT, STT^^iTT, 3T?PTTf?P7^,&c. 3b DiSAEM, v. o. ^^qi^n. /)Z.-^ret n. pl.-&c. qof-^FT^^dif y. 0/0. 3Ti!T^-^^^-f^^'^-&e. q^, ?r^^ur«. :p\af. To DisAEEiNGE, &c. See To Deeanoe, &c. DiSABRAT. See Disoebek. Djsastee, n. Hast of a planet. ^^f?ft^ iWJf«. 2 mishap, v. Calamity. 3T=T'4'n. ^W^. n. arf^ij w. arf^f- VIMIdJn. 3T5T'T^?TT/. arft^HT/. To Disavow, Disatowal. See To Deny, Denial. To Disband, v. a. dismiss from military service. lTrS^,'fr3'^, 'iit^ FIRDT, "FT^ in. '^or. DisiiANiiED, 7;. V. V. HT5^^, (frs^^TT, &c. g;r^. Disbelief, n. ^^^^^m. ^•S^f^''^^]^ m. aTHT^fTT/. ^^\^^ n. ^^x^w^T^m. :s{^v^^^m. To Disbelieve, v. a. ^r^--S{W^n--^^^\^-&c.. JTFTiif, 3T^HV- »^^i^m.-^S\^r:^^■^m. ^"riJr-aT?pir «'tV/i f^rT^rf ofo. and ini\ con. ^V^-^^}^-&c. cTI^q- inv. con. 3rf;r'^H»».->tc. S^of. , Disbeliever, n. Disbelieving,/?. a. v.Y. ^Hl^ KMuiKr,&c. To Disburden, v. a. 3fra'n.-&c.^ri. ^^ »». ^ff^rT^^ «. D. of pus. "."%7/. g':TrTaTT/. ^STTToft/. gtfR'jr^/. To keep under tight d. UR^t trm, ?r??R% m'm jfn5r't-')l~'.=)'J|-'4T'Jr ( or qrt^r^ c)|JHuf-&e.), 3T^ff <:T^, ^- W good order, regularity, subjection to rules, ijc. ^^^- 4 cliast sement, v. Punishmekt. f?T?^/. ?Tre?r «• To Di-ciPLiSE, v. o. See To Euccate. To Ixsteuct. 2 train, regulate, break in, bring into order. qs=f^, tKT^of, q^JTT^, ^■■:TR^, ^JTTHfJH m.-^^\V^f.-&c. SR^n g. ofo. ^\ %tr^, Er?'ift?r-^5roft?T-&e. arnTiit, ^^'^A or z^wi- OT. STCTT n. PTTifijf , TT^nT ^T^, ?TT?f^ n.-'iTg^Tr^^ n-f^^. ITT n.-^c. ip^TJt J. oj 0. 3 See To l\->isn. To Disclaim, v. a. disou-n, disaiou-, v. To Dexx. 3TFTT«IT|t- armr H?^n*'^-3Ttiir f^Trzr-srmr ^ptzt-Ac. ?tw-=rw, 3t- ^•f^FTT ;«.-373^1;pTT m.-&c. q^ y.o/ o. TT^FRot, fJn^Rr?».- f^Wf:rt^ n.-kc. q^ijfy. o/o. To Disclose, v. a. vncovcr, lay open to the view. g-f^pJT n.- &.C. ^soj- tcilk qTHVf ofo. J^-3'^T^-5nR &c. jp^ifr, g^r- «t?T-3^r5^?TH-Ac. aTfUlfir. 2m-efl;, v. To Tell, ipfiw, T'^ctt, T| m. JRiir, Jf^of, =KT^, 3^/-3-^^/.- sr^^T m.-&c. ^^(ff y. o/o. DISCLOSUBE, n. \. Y. 1.— ac/-. ^tf^ ^fiyj „. jf^rtqj^oT «.— 2— ac^ iprsor n. -r^ui „ &e. t<^\Z^ 71. U '!^M \'-i^ n.~ ftate. 3-3TFlfr/. >^/. T^ftqp/. ;j^/. To DiscoLon, ^. a. r. To Stain, tl m. ?^tT^ qRiri^ «..EpjT^TT »>.-&c. ^FTijf. Di>coLOBATiox, n. V. Stain. "^qTi^ «. Jrarf^TFR ?«. ETotf^- f^/. ^ n. ^ «. ^;fcf?rj ^. Circular d. jftqRt/. =q4^5J n. Eed d. in the skin. ^^ n. DiscOLOEED, ;,. V. V. mat%%,-:rr,f=f^^, ITTfl'^ilT^, ^- ^^- [&c. ri3C0MriT, To Discomfit, etc. See Dkfeat, To Defeat. Dl.H^^FORT.n. -sr^n. 3T^iTT-JrT^/."|-JT- m. mfn'TT W. cr?5?^?ft/. rT3rf3/. rT5ETTo5/. amifoE/. To DiscoNCEKT. See To Defeat, To Cokfuse, To Dis- compose. To Disco>'NECT, V. a. t.To Sepaeate. 'k^^X-^^^^-f^^-&c. q5^, H^*^ tn. ?, STRT, Disconsolately, aJy. v. A. 5'.?TR, f^^^fl^, ^jil^'-iuiKj&C 3T?r»TTKrPT"#P. Disconsolateness .«. V. A. g^H^mr wi. 3^Rff /. 3T?TiTT«TT- Discontent, Discontestedness, Discontentment, n. 3TF' Discontented a. 3T?rm<:TRt, aT^m'ff, ^th^'J, arg^, aT^ra', Discontentedly, adv. v. A. aT^rTrTM, aTHrfrTfrft^, 3T?t- Discontinuance, To Discontinue, v. n. &c. See Cessa- tion, To Cease, &c. To Discontinue, v. a. leave off. ^fts'^f, Z\W-^. 2 s/o/. ^^JRtif, ^^^ ^'^. Discontinuity, «. 3T^tJf in. con. ^V^Xn.-\^r^^n.■^\^^Yin. ^]^M.^^\^7n. J^gof. [To DiscouEAOE, V. a. v. To Distieit. f^jfrjj'i.-M I ^ H\ S /.- 'T5Tr'Tn)«.-3-wr|'Tn»t.-.t»?j. I. discotn-affiny thing or circumstance. ^J^^fkn. ^\X^n. Xo Discouese, v. n. v. To Conveese. ?f*rrT'JI?J.-?i^r^»j.-ic. 2 speak, lecture, liold forth, -q^^n. ^^. Discouese, n. V. Conveusation. ^HTTiTft. ^t^T^w. 2 treatise, ifijin. ^p^^n. p^qm. ^if^m. Discoueteous, &c. See Eude, Uncitil, &c. To DiscovEE, V. a. uncover, latj open to view. gT^'JTM.-TS^rw-- -&c. ^T^OT loith 'TRJ^ ofo. 3"?T^-'^^rTT-&c. ^^"jf, 3'^5^^T?r -&e. STM'Jf. 2 spy., descry, ken, v. To See. Flf^inr, TT^'if, tfolwj. ^Z. ^T^ in. con. 3 ^/!(^ ont.^ detect. gTT^ or S'HI^, ^iTSOt, ?TT^, ^TTtDn.- fcFT'JTM.-f3^R0TT«.-5r^»?.-&c. P5T=T5r-^T^'ji' y. o/ o. ^TTtlOT.- fe^MM.- »TPT?«.-&c. ?JFl5r /«. eo«. ^TTpif in. con. 4 (new things or places). 3TJ5rof-^'T?'^-f*ToEiJI in. con. "Tf^r'STT^ 'TT^^T, ^"^ Tf|r^TT^ TS'jf in. con. Discovert, Discoyeeing, n. v. V. l.-act. ^^% ^^n. &c. 2— act. ?7%ct«. ^0T?i. S—act. zn^i^n. JJvT^iJt«. &c. 4 3T55;Df«. &c. 3^oi:m. Discredit, ?j. T. Disgrace. ar^rfHTgr/. 3TT^^T(!. 2 «•««< 0/ lelief ^^\^Mr\] f5!T,fH'5?fMt. UiSESOAGEMEST, n. V. Y.— nr^ ^Z'^M n. "^V^^ii n. &c. ?frT:m/. ?fl4«l'1T»». Pl^qilm. To Disentangle, v. a. disengage^ extricate, ^j+rful, 3^1^, a-i ' i a Or, wi^iui, imrm. -iThTT»t.-j|rf 1 4 1 m.-jj^H 1 *u\ /.-&c. jft- DlSEMAyCLEP, />. V. V. 3^>3^^, Wl^r%^, &C. •d'+irti'^. DiSESTANGLEMEST, n. V. Y .—act. g^p?5^». ^pi'l^uiM.&e.^j- •nipK/. d'Nui/. y'HuQ/. — state. 3r5T5T «• 3'^Fp5 or SIH'- ^ m. f^r^in^ m. To DisEXTUEAL. See To Feee. DiSESiEEM, «. V. Contempt. 3T4hi^ m. ch^hh »i. ^pt^TPTT- To DiSESTEEM, f. a. V. To CONTEiTN-. 3H4HHiJi, 3HHHMi^, STTTTT'T, 31HHM «t.-&e. ^^f g. of o. Disfavor, «. discoxmtenancc. ar^igiTr/. +^ilH^ry. +<'^+- 2 «/aTnm.-HmfTf^/.-3TqJTR«.-3^!7fH^/-qT^T?rT- r[ OT.-&C. ^of y. o/o. jfram JprRlKT m. F5T^ot,rriiltII ^T- ci'\i-^f.-&C. arrJIot, Wl'fld ».-^FF n. W^l 'fT^ g. of 0. ^T- pft q^mrw ^R^, mTT /. ^FWy. 0/ 0. f?iig;?/. z^-m g. of 0. nHHIr'^tr ^^TT 'rFF^, K?^TT^iTT/ i^A ^, ft3T 7?J. ^diujy. 0/ 0. ^J^f[f. sfTTuf y. 0/ 0. IT^ J». ^"fTTaf, ?rra ?«. pi. =pwy. 0/ 0. n=)NM 5iTT^, "fm^ w- ^;^7r ?t^, jr^ft /.- ;;^T??t/.-&c. s'S^iit y- of 0. Disoeaced, /). V. V.l. JIwThH 'llolri?5T''WlrfOT-&c. TTot^^, 2 3T1TJTTH %?J?IT, ?rr3T5r?I?JT, ^T^i 'T^FTnT ?^5j5JT, Ac. Disgeagbful, a. shameful, dishonoralle. PJTf^TWT'JIT, ST'nT^- ^?', ■■3TTq-^TFWr, aTT^rnwrft, arr^stfra^pF, q'mjT, 'TtiTr- arq^^inrr, grTJTHrETT, jiJ^ffrTfr^, &c. f-^^^rs, f^?r?nTtJiT, i^HVJ-A, 3T!|y(lTT, 3T^'1MI<^. DiSQEACEFULLT, adv. V.A. 3T^HMm' &C. 3TT^5[T^5^. To Disguise, v. a. conceal ly a strange dress, SfC. "w^ pop. iw m. ai^^-i?T?R:'Jr, ail+K'Mm M.-3TT^Rnfw/. ^"if y. 0/ 0. ?5^of ^ Ti^T^^T n. ^WM. Disguise, Disguisement, Disguising, n. v. V. — act. ^\^ ^ n. ifH 5t^>^ «. &c. 3TFFRnT'?^ n. aTT^FTTjft'/. I. a d. a dress, form, ^'c. covering reality. #rq «. '^ m. iT?r m. 5!!TT^ »». M. 3T^^ m. In d. ^^Hlrt'i^-ir^i=5?r. Disguised, ;?. v. V ^'Fr-%? f^?1?IT-^?T%siT, q;^^, +.M-.^in , Disgust, n. loathing, nausea. «fpr m. +'i|otl »j. f%5j?T/. »j. nn?^/. f^^FT/. RT^T^lfr/. RWTft or f\^mt[f. f^^r^ m. f^oT^T m. -^ur^Fm m. 3^ifT^ m. ^=eti^ j». f^l^Fl/. ^- 2 See Distaste. DIS 243 DIS To Disgust, v. a. ^ojq-ot, f^rr^^T, ^ OT.-^FIT^r w.-f^a:^ DisorsTED, ;;. T.V.^'ilcAci^XT, f^^^T^^Jr, &e. f^-^-&e. %%^r. To be d. with, t. To Loathe. •+.'i|oiuj, ftrSTot, n/jo f^- fff 5'. 0/ 0. & # o/«. 3^li'J'i,"%?TTT% idlcAl «J. q-q- g. oj 0. tcifh in. con. DisousTFUL, a. Disgusting,^, o. y.Y. and'N.^ZT^^V'U or ^T^, f^^^TTjrr or srnrft, l^^w^rmr or srroft, ^rmrr, ;r^TWT, 3T=5f^7, arqrft, a^Tt^, afFT^sJrmr, ^hjf, arHTS. Disn, ?(.— for lioldiiig food, etc. rTTH: «.?f»I^ w.TTlTT/. qr^ n. irraTT w. iTT^r m. dim. 'o;v£\ f. TI^^T «• Tfs n. ^TR^/. Dishes and i^latters — compreh. '*fT^^^% «• Earthen d. H^T^q^^ «. riat, earthen d. ^rqr ?;. Wooden d. with a handle, ^t^^/- ^Q'-lli«.^f5?TS«. To lick the dishes clean. =^11^^ ^H-T ^M. 2 prepariion of food. inPR or ST^JTrEfT sf^FTT m. 37^ «. qft /. T^f. MfM-x «. "T^'4 w. Some of the common dishes are arrs^m, 3TNT, g'^^ft, ^'sr, ^'Sf^, 3^35, 3TT?%'t m.-^ m.-^i^^^m. DTS 241. DIS ifrm J. of 0. Hii,^ m. rfrs^t g. of o. if'ToET-f^J^-i'i''- ^^. PisjoiXED, Di^jrxcT,j>. V. X.aiul SEPiBATED. grrstT ^- DisJOiNF.ii. «. DisjoiNiso,/). n. V. V. fir^FT ^J;iTTTT, &c. f^- PisjoiN-iNii, Di^JrscTioN, «. T.V.— flci!. H7 q^ «. c<^C. 1%- irriR H. f^T^^ n. ir^ «. —state ^m m. fjf?^'? «!. 5o Disjoint, r. n. put out of joint ^^]c. m^:^ m.-^f'^ m.- n »i.-?Tfir»^ OT.-Hf'^'%T m.-&c. Jp^OT y. o/o. DlSJOIXTED, p. V. Y. ?TftTT 3Tr5Jff?M', &p. f^fq^T, ^f^rM^c?- ?, ?jfvp:^, ^'prof^, r^R^^, F"coiiEiiE>r. DisJCKCTivE,. qrTot y. o/ o.'Sr'iT w.-f^j^Ji^/.-ctc. ^r^qf^of y. o/ o. ^^ /. %iir-5Tra'ir, H^ ». qT^of , ^i^fs^-fT"?^- DisMAT, M. T. Fbight. s;^3(t?t /. h^ w. «rPF »«. =T':TT/. f^- 2V> Dismembeh, v.a. :ls^^^^ m. pi. tT^df-^ijf-^j^of-rTn'lf-^n^ 5R^-&c arspT^nr^ m.-Ofm^ »i.-in=5tg?m.-&c. ERofy. o/o. To Dismiss, v.a. send away, give leave of departure. 3TTfTT/.- f^?T^ n.-kc. ^F^ot y. o/o. fifTT ^^of. To d. ail aesembly. ^TT^^Rf ^';'ff. 2 rf/tT*/ (f office or employment, discharge, discard, turn off. wm]^^-H-kc.. ^IT^, ^FT^of, qiriq-iTf, :pTf=T ^-^ra'jf, ?rfiTft/-f^ «;.-f^T w.-Hfn5ft% JT^ M--T?-iTT or jqr/. ;;/.- ST5t»!. STJT, ^fi 5p"^y. r/o. ^^f niToS m. or >/T- — proniptlj- or summarily. JT^/. f ^.-K^tR-ar/. /)?. 3^^- Dismissal, Dismission, n. \.\.l.—act. arrnr^ «. &c. 3Tr- fTT/. ^^IT m. T^r/. f^T\q m. ^^^r]f f^J. f^^ f m^^W^f. ^^TR'ft/ f^^^ n. D. with sweetmeats, &c. of a company. f^TJ'^rjf Presents on d. f^j^/. f^^ f. ^^^fff/. ^srm^l/. 2 — «(?/■. ^T^^?i. q-RH J^T^nTra. +l'cH ^^«. ^ ^^X^n. &c. -MiHi^fl/. ?:^/ ?;?q-fl?f/. Frfnfr or ?t^^/. ^^ZW-7ff.3ZW-^f. Dismissed,;), v. V. 1. ffjfrT 1^r^?7T, &c. f^rTT, f^r^fl^ri, sfT^w. 2 q-R^ ?5T5IH?rr, ^FTSH i^?'^?7T, &c. 5IT?rTq>, FrJltT or H ^ ' f l f , ^J'^, 3TftTspR>?'?. To be d. ^{^n. pi. ^S\ in. con. To Dismount, t: a. ^rKii)', Jfn^ot, TTS^, ^^pft' snTTrdf-^iif, To DisMouKT, V. 11. alight. ^cTtSt, ^\fA ir^, JETrSi", aT^RTf Disobedience, m. 3TrfTT'TT«i. 3Tr^j5^'«- arr^^q^ «. 3Tm- Disobedient, a. ;^^'fliulKI,;^+.HHii-qT, ^^fT rfrS'TT, ^^- Jf^, 'JKHI^'M, 3WTH3T^, SiT^TI?'^^, aTTfTTf^TFft, 3TT^r- To Disobet, v. a. 3TriTT/-;f f^'»-&c- 'TlS'Jr-rfrS^f, aTTfTTHn OT.-3TTfrTE5'^'».-3TT#Ts5?T=T«.-&c. SR^r. 2^0 DisOBLiaE, V. a. of end by unkindness. 3TH'T^piTTq'-3T?iq^ -3TJT+,K^KI-&c. 3T^Hq-VTT^^T-&c. ^uf, HT^/. KTSOI' -^^^oty. o/o. Disobliging, p. a. t. Y. ar^T^FPl", f^^^lft, ^TH^sff^^, "H^T- ^R5ft?5, g-q-JFK^T^, 3^^R^i5, >d4+i' nqTcoTT, TI^s; or Hfif- D. family or circle. dHiMs, ^f^T^j^^trTifT'S, ifi- •ft, ^, s'TT, qr^mr. X)isOr,iiERr.T, adv. v. A. 1. immetliodically. 3T5qtR'*T^, 3T- 2 contrarily to good order. "Vfrr'?,"'H<^^l^,"^7'TriTR. ff'o Disorganize, «. a. v. To Disorder. 5fi^qqT'fcc. ^- Ttjf g. of 0. 3T5qqf^4Trr-&c. ^^, r^FTT/. Hreat, y. o/ o. Q:o Disown, v. a v. To DE^•Y. qi+xj.^ ^JTrw-^trf, Hl+Kui', ^r J^ijf, 3T^t^TT w.-3T?i'fr^T^ )».-'&e. W-X^ g. of o. Disowned, p. v. V. STT^PTT???^, &c. ar^^ft^n, ^^'fW^. Disowning, n. v. V. — act. ^l+'Kur ?;. 3T?ft^R//i.'iT?tifT^?;?«. iTo Disparage, «. «. depreciate, undervalue, ^'c. ^W-3Tq^- g. of 0. ^^^Torr ?«.-3"'JtT'TT m. 3TT'JT3r, frR^^Rur, f^urcfdr or f^unq'Jf, "m'Mni/.-&e. ^?5^ ^^TT ^^q'Jf y. o/'o. Disparagement. See Disgeace. Disparity, n. t. Diffeeence. ?r"FT?rr/. %T?«. 5^^rfg^^ «. iTo Dispart. See To Separate. DisPASSiON, n. Y. Quietism. ?tjt »«. ^ffn/. Dispassionate, a. calm, impartial, — of persons. ?Tf^, '45, f^HT, f^T^, 3^RffH', f^i^mr^r. 2— of proceedings, &c. ^flHT^T, ?T'TH=qT,f^isq?74Ml'.^T. Dispassionately, adv. \.A. ^Tf^TT'TJ^, '^I^IRT, f^T'ST^^TIrtTH. Dispatch. See. Despatch. To Dispel, v. a. disperse, Sfc. ^35r^, '^p.ejui, esflCTr, qo^sinf, 'Piq^f^T'if, f^^^^trr, fsr^l^r?:/. ^"^ g. tfo. itrnqr^f^T ?5Rf5ir. Dispelled, p. \. V. 35^r!rJT, ^=r3%?;T, &c. Dispensation, n. r. V. l.-act. ^iz^n. qROi'Y/. ^iK'^n. I. dealing of God ivith his creatures. JTsjctrRT ^'^RT^ %^- Eq5rF'r. DisPEESEDLY, adv. S"rr^?t:,rr:^T^^T, rft^r^TT. DisPFESiON, «. Y.V. X.l.^act. ^z^n. qjf^^atK. kc— slate. T. V. N. qjf^ijf ?i. qfijiif n. &c. q-ficrff/. General d. TfiTRfT or ift/. To Dispirit, n. a. dishearten, depress, deject. 'H^n.-f^'-Hrif- crrq-m. 2)1. ^TS^ g. of o. 3^HT^Hq»i.-"trqHiTm.-K^JTnw.- ^qHqm.-;37^Tf51T?T m..&c. ^fR^y. ofo. l^^uli /. wi.-TR- Hrs M./. ^^ y. n/o. ?f% ?«.yZ. 5te q;^ y. of o. 3^m- %5T-%f^-H^rr-ctc. ^P^ijf, H'M, 'ftl'jf. Dispirited,^. Y. V. JT^ iTrj^rTT, &c. g^^RT, ^rat, ipTR, n^T??iT^, fqq^rcHTf , HTrrrRT^, f?T'=:?Br^, Jf-STf^rr^, jt^, srfe;^, JT?fr^?r, IV'^tot, 3?^^^, ft^rq^nr, a^;ni^g<^. DisPiEiTEE, n. Dispieiting.^. a. Y. V. ^^ mS'TTTT, itc. JT?f H^-T, 3^^T^?lTi!T^-^R^-&c. Dispiriting, n. y.Y. — «e^ 3^^ ^^ n. jt^T Jitf^«.ic. f^''- K\tm.f. qrqTTTi w./. ^^ht?"*./. irq'rHqw. ^f?fTfHq w. To Displace, v. a. remove from its place. rJ'S-rtc. ^^ y. ofo. 2 frame the mind or will^ incline. JT?r sroSferof-SSff^-rTT- ^fjrot--+.rir<4ui-&c. g. ofo. JT^fTHT 5n:p?«.-q^»!.-3fre'/.-&c. ^'JTy. ofo. sT^^R^ijr, f5?TT«. ?rRafy. q/'o.snfTffjrjf, ^^^- ij of; npjjli/ to a particular purpose. \. To Applt, To T-'.-E. ^rr^or^ -+.inm-cn>?T-&c. 7^j^^^izf^ry\f-^f^-^j7:f.- ^['\M\'\m.-&c. ^FT^ g. ofo. "TR/ SFTot-^RiJr y. of 0. 4 of; 2;fl(< with, S{c. v. To Sell, tj^^ ?rr^ or ?T5!;tif, ^- 5 of; settle, finish, clear off. \^%\^m. ^^ g of 0. 3T^, ?T^wi. ST^'ir, 5rR/.-5if;R'4jr/. ^^-^ra-ot^. ofo. Disposed,/). t.V. 1. JTri%;^T, r5)i=;=^,&c. tI^ft, f^^f^Ff , ^fj-. f^TH, S'nrFTi5^, ^- ^5TT «J.-->TfSUl W.-&C. ^F^raf. To Dispute, «;. o. controvert, contest, call in question. stT^ot. -h+.?f,375rT'JT^,g^?T-, of, ^J^pm, OT?^r/--3T5|T wj.-ar^iTTq- m.-&c. ^ijf y. o/o. DiSEEOAEDED, p. T.y. 3T=)MR%BT, &C. 3T'-JHlPlr|, 3T^mfT?r, ar^TpjpT, g^qf?7?i, 3T^'^f?7iT, arcffrm, 3T=7iyT,3i5m?f. DiSEEGAEDER, M. DiSEEGAEDFUL, «. V. V. aTtTHR'TlTT, &e. DisEELisH, »i. V. Dislike. ar^RS/. 3Tfi%/. f^^^t/. To DisEELjsn, V. a. V. To Dislike. ;Tr5r5?n'-&c. 3T^'jf-^rH:of in. con. ^qT/.-^ifrf^r/.-'S.c. 3T^ y. o/o. ^ in. con. Diseeputable, a. mean, dirty, Sfc. v. Low, BlaCkguaedit. f^^, ;^WT, STq-rdfyH, 3Tsrf?I%=5^, ar^T'lTf^, 3T?f>-q-^ jfTHTT, 2 causing disrepute, T. Disgraceful. ^^JTrf^H?;, I^frqg:^ ^- ^aW, 3Tf5(JTr. Disrepute, »^. ^«s or icant of reputation, disestecm,discredit. M7 DTS ^nTr?T/. m. ^u^^^mf.^^_^\^ n.^z^^\^\ f.■i^^1^^^ m.-!i{^^\- f^f. 3=PT^^T 7>. 3T!Tf?i'?T/. f^^r TRW. ^^]tf. ^rmr/. Disbespect, M. disestccm, v. Co.vtkmi't. 'iTTRPTm. '*r^T5^«J. aiH-wf^Jl/. 3T?frFR m. 3T^;ttPT wi. 'fl'iHi'1 >n. 'fl^^JTR^l/. ar^fTT/. %'iTTift /. Disrespectful, a. v. N. ar^HMHi, 'flRTRT^lT, ';iT^'7'r^:, &e. 3T5nTpfr, 3TTJTPr-3T;TTTr-&c. ^TT^-^rft. Disrespectfully, ai/y.v.N. aTH^TT^ ^F^TT, anrm^^, 37^5^: -&c. ^P^TT, 3THT^-&c. "T^^. To Disrobe. See To Steip. Disruption. See Beeakino, Breach. Dissatisfaction, n. discontent. aTHfff/. 3THiTT'tTT5T «• 'rt7?T- Dissatisfactory, See Unsatisfactory. Dissatisfied, a. v. Discontented, srft'?, 3T^rfpft, '^3'?i To Dissect, v. a. anatomize. (qFTw- ) "FrS^i-^T^,^^!;^^^ m.-&c. +T^ t?». To foment or feed d. arpfpT ^^ n. addui. To sow d. am/. "TRT?5f, ^T'ft/. ^T^'jf or rTFTCTr^ if. To Dissent, v. n. disagree in opinion, ri' f^^?r ^^. Dissipated, a. v. Loose. — of persons. sq^T^, sj^s, 5=^- 2— of life, conduct, &c. q^^^it^, ^-|ci| OT. Dissociable, Dissocial, a. v. MiSAJfTnuopic. t^?;^, <^- t.-i-+lsi, '^^firs, HmjF 'Miuqi, ^fHT^^nriT. 2o Dissociate. Sec To Sep abate. Dissoluble, a ft to. ^spflf Hift w. 2— conduct, &c. 5r#7hTT, |=4*f-HNI, ^ ^K l ^ l, &c. Dissoluteness, n. \. A. 5r%^ /. jsqr^r^ w. it^n "STTT M. I^T^TT «J. flf?T/. W^^Tlf / W^fnft/. Dl -SOLUTION, M. T. V. A. 1.— OC^. fq-goTfcrJi W. f%^^^ M. 2— act. iTt5iJr n. fTT^dif «. &c. HI m. *r^ w. — State. f«t- ^ m. ^^T m. ^^sJH?^ n. r. -nc<. irrs^ n. f^^ n. \. V. X. 1. f^R^iaf «. fvrqrijf n. XM^ n. 2 JTTd^/. 3prT=Tj/. -gr/..^ ,„. cpT^tp^/ Jt^ m.^RSW. I. See Death. Dissolvable. See Dissoluble. Xo Dissolve, v. a. Uiuejy, t. To IVIelt. f^^^M, f^^, HTCT- 25r wi.-TH ?«. ^PTof y. o/ 0. 2 disunite, separate, take to pieces, ^'c. V. To Break. *fr5"JT, HTS'jf, 't^rq' w.-JTi WJ.-&C «. ?R^^?fTnTrn». i-to. D. of belly from flatus. n^TRT o»' J'TRr m. v. ^X with DisTicUjM. couijlet. ^J^Tjm.'^J. To Distil, v.a. (spirits, &c.). ■^^^^]^ ^FF^OT, ^q-PTw.-f^HT- ?TJTrt.-i^'i+.l'HH»i.-&c. -^,1^ t/.ojo. 3T^wj. WA^. 2 See To Dkop. To Distil, v. n./all in drops, v. To Drop. Z^t^, fz'^WM. Distillation, Distilling, «. v. V. A. 1. 'H^^^fA'TA^'^n. DisTiLLEH, «. V. V. A. 1. JTcf ^FTS'^rRr, ^^R, ^5:trr, w'-cr^- ^Frrf, -sra^re, T?T^PR, ^Tffl^. [ ^ n. Distillery, n. ^^^^\^ 'Tfr/. "^^ m. V^Wn. -f^W^^V^VW- DiSTiNCT, a. other, v. DirrEEENT. fH^T^r, %n^, ^7T, pT^, 2 disjuiu t, not conjunct, v. Sepakate. Ptt^T, tl^r, ^- 3 plain, conspicuous, v. Clear. ^TT"?), ^T2, sifTp, ^s^T^. Distinction, DiSTiNauisniNG,«.v. V. 1. — act. H^ TT^iJlw. ^S^^'R «. 2— acif. ir^iff «. &e. ^T^ wz. ^T^^T n. 3?^=:%^ w. Tf^^i-s^ w». 5^^3f^ OT. f'jf, f5it^?r «.- 2 separate from, make distinct or particular. H^OT if. ^ »«.-H^?r ?i.-3^q-=;#? w.-TiT^5^ OT.-o^nr^^^ ^"n y. o/o. 3 (one's self). iiT^fq" «.-qrft^^ n.-^n ».-^f5T ?J.-!ff^OT/.- &c. fiToScrdf-^qT^ijf. Distinguishable, a. v. Y. 1. f^lr^fT, f^TiU'^q', f^HI^^. 2 iixr, '^^^., MTq-nfrq", f^'^riq-. DiSTINGVISUED,;?. V. V. 1. ?^;^?Tjf, 5rf^r-=ra-f5J'?J?T-&c. ^lif , frS; m. pi. \^_ [ qof. 2 ( a passage, meaning. ) v. To Weest. sjoE^of, <^T?H Distorted, p. v.V.l. KTSSOT &c. ^oET remiss. g^J^?', f^f?^^, To be or become d. frT^TOT or f?wr[^^, 2 iTojq'^OT, 3frf^ ^n^rST. Distortion, n. v. V. 1. —act. 57?"^ «. ^J^^T VR^ n. &c. — state. V. Contortions. ^^rT n. HTTT^ m. f^oJT »«. To Distract, v. a. perple.v, Icioilder, v. To Confound, ^r- 5T7f5T>jf, if^Ri^, ns5f^^^T wt.- Nnf^ ^ m.- 5f5v;t^T wi.-&c. JRW y. 0/0. 3 divert from a point, draiufrom an olject. ftJl^T"^, "Pf^- Distracted,^, v. V. 1. ^V^.^^^A., ^TRTT, f^H^, f^H H ^^ . 3 ftI??:qS53r, &c. To be d. f^ m. n. 'pf^P^-'pf'EH^ g. of s. DiSTEACiER, n. Distracting, ^J- »• v- V. 1. ^Mif^tJTTTT, 1- Distraction, v. V. 1. — act. ^V^^^ n. &e. HluiMiui/. 'cfl'r- ^mr'JT/. ^^R'iTT^/. f?r^?rr5/.— s/«fc. fr^fizf. mt^^f. iTT^/. rrrpftr/. iiMiios/. «. %^-tt/. f?r!^m=p /.>it^- ^ n. f=q^^^;^^ m.lf^rq- «. 2 and Madness. f^TlRv;jJT v>. f^ffTf^ij^T m. f^lrTf^^T";. "^-^m m. To DisTEAiN, V. a. seize for dclt, W.^^fT^J^ ^^A^, ^Pte tn. DIS 250 DIV n.-ip«nT n. tTTT. Distress, n. affliction, v. Trodble 5:^ n. |^ ?«• pi ^ m. f^fl'T/ JpPnprtTT/. :F??!T(r/."|Tm^^?TT/. cte. To bo Iq great il. artTT^ «». ^^, ^€f STM ot. q-irf. 2 iniierulle state, v. Wretcuedkess. ^^^]^ ^3:THW/- 5<^TT /. ^^TSJliTT /■ i^;. ^%=5ft/.'TT^'^ :i slraitness of circtimslances, v. PovERxr. 3TS^rT/. ^- 5^/. x)UMU |/. rfTfifg:/ fJTTf^/. 3T5^DTj;/. sfrs/. 3fr- To relieve cue's d. 'flS'^jF /• HrSW ^. 0/0. 4 fl.-/ of distraining. ^JJ^PT »»• 5 proper tij seized. ^»I^ «. Jt> Distress, v. a. v. To Afflict. To TnouiiLE. f^l'jf, f?- 5^, %-^ n-^V ">. 2^^-^ J». 2)1. sof, ^5T^,'^(rn' Z.-'^- ^"ri^/.- &c. ^^iJTy. o/o-"|TT'iT-&e. «PT%. 2 rediuc to Kant or vretchedness. ^M m. /i7.-^T3^ra ill. y.-5^TT/.-^=5T^/.-rik'M*/.-373'5ruT/.-&c. ^Tijf y.0/0. -j1ST)ofrrT-^T^TftrT-^^Fr-&c.Hl^ui-q'I^6f-3TT'JT"jf,^T5^'iT5Tijf. Distressed, ^). v. A". 1. ^-.Jft. ^••f'^^, ^-Tifr, ^'Tt, ^^Pt, %■?, 2 'J^T^??T, 'fllT^trd, fnft^I^?:, ^?f, ^F^JIrT, STTTSiT, f^^- To be il. arr^'il'iT. Distressing,;), a. Distressfcl, o. t. V. 1. Imjuiki, &c. %-W^, ^"jr^T ^'TT^, ^P?^i!rqT,1Jl"Tlrrm, 5:^?, |:?jf- 2 rTTi^Gil^i, ar^^uft^, gfr^^^t^, f^T?ft^, ^Bt^r, DiSTREssiso, n. X. V. 1.— oc;'. Pr^iJi n. fTf?Jf. To Disuse, v. a ^rffSTR /.-7I^^ OT.-sr5:oT re.-3T>=qRr m.-&c. ^rS^t-JTrsq- y. 0/0. 3T?r»-"qTO"w!.-3T5?T^^wJ.-&e.;F!Tiry.f/o. Disused, p. v. V. an;? Obsolete, xm^ ^r5%(=M", &c. 'STs^JT^^ ^rftrT, 3TgTf?'^^r7. Diurnal, a. quotidian, v. Daily. f?^^r^, ^RT^r. 2 belonging to the day. ■^^fTSTT,'^^, "I^T, 1%^T?T^. D. motion ( of the earth )^^?i^H'irri/. Divan, n. council-chamber, f^cjiui m. f^^OT^qr^T »«. To Divaricate, v. n. fork, part into two. ^.^, |"Ff?T '"•-f- HH OT.-&C. ^TOt y. 0/ s. To Djvaeicate, v. a. divide into tivo. ^Hin^, ^TfT «.-|;<^ /•-|'pr5/.-&c. q;^ g-of 0. Divarication, n. v.V.N.^^iJf «.i|i^, "?>f^i5'Jf. DlVEEOE>-CE, ». Y. V. TJf^lJr ". TTf^ /. Divergent, a. v. V. "pt^pniTT, JJWRT, "Pt^^, %?"TO^5^. DivEBs, a. V. Vabioos. HRT, ^f^'^', SR^F, 3T^JFSfq;n75TT. Divers, Diverse. See Different. Diversely, adv. in various u'oi/s, v. Vaeiouslt. ^TTTNTt', To DivERSiFT, V. a.\. To Vary, hii-j^ui, TT?^? «i.-%^ w.-%^- •PR j».-ir^ m.-sT^iricR «.-"Tqf^f?n; «.-^'^»i.-?J3tf?R?».- &c. Jp^Tjf y. ofo. Diversion, Diverting, n. v. Y. 1.— aci. f^^'jf «. ST'^spifrt. "tR^ti^ n. 2 — act. ^TT^'if «. ^fsfiif «. t^=T ". I. object or cause of d.y. Plat. TTrr/. +\ in. spT^of. 2 entertain^ v. To Amcse. ?;TTfir^, t^Tflf'^, f^TJoSr m.- +TT^>jf n. or TT^'i^r- D. by figures, &c. THr5 ». Divine, a. pertaining Sfc. to God. \^f[, f »qft^, f 'T^^r, \' f^sq, ift^ruT, ifrsrrDft, t=^ ( in conip. ) D. favor. JTTSF^TT/. I'^Xm^ f D. power. iTHSTr^rTT/. t'^^ffrfr/. D. will. ^^'J^{^-.'^\ f. i-^=ejjT/. Divine, w.— Christian. %??n- qTTN%5T:F, TT^t. — HLudu. gTTT^qr, 3TT^Ff, T?:. 2 theologian. ?;rfTT^fcT-T^iTT'4 f1T^m-&c. q-qftoT. — Hindu. ^^, Sf^TflT^, ^^TT^^'TvT. To Divine, v. a. predict, prognosticate. ^^m.-'nw,^)n.-'Z\^\ ?«.-'Trf%T^ OT. 1t^ m. qfr^S^ m. 2 %^ ^^ n. ir^ m. ir^ «. ?5iT=gtTJr «. 4 TR^ n. 5TF5T^ «. 'T^JT^ «• ^^ »• I. See Disagreement, Disunion. II. — in arithmetic; — tho rule. ^TfTT^R w. Some of the modes are SJT^TT TFTT^H:, \z\ ^Tr^^IT. III. a d. place divided off, aj)arlition. ^UT m. ^HT m. f^fmni. ^Xn- "T5»«. n. q^ m. n. ^TT or sptTT m. 3T^ift or aTqpaft/. lY. dividing lody.,\. Partition. qfTTm. T?^/ %?- 5FfTq^«. [ ^fPT/- V. portion, parl.^ v. Share. f^TPlJ^. TPT ?". ar^Tm. cT^- VI. on/cr, c/i7«s. ^ m. ^Ftf^r/. ^T^ ?«. VII. ( as iu a bag, &c. ) "J5 «. ^"•^tt?;!. f^^r m. no A'lU. ( of a book ) section, lool-^ chapter, arn «. ^TW/ «? n. SlTTTn. ^^a "1. ^'*IT»TFT wi. ^^^^ m. IX. ( ofau army ) ^TfTirnT m. %^r^TRTT/. DivisoB, n. — in arithmetic. JTr^TF, ^, ^, ^TT^, 3^- Divorce, Divorcemkxt, n. ^^^TT^fTW^ f ^T^/. f^^- AVriti::!,', \>'\\l-^^'- of d! ^Tisf^^/. ?ri5?T?f ». g^^ «. To DrvoncK, v. a. U^ \ ^H ^^ «i.-?q-f?T^^-T m.-^'i. fTISOT, ^r- 2 See To Skpab.vte. To Divulge, &c. See To Publish, To Blab, &e. To DizEX. See To Deck. To DizzEN, To Dizzr, v, a. make giddy. ^t[f■-'>^\^^f•-^Ht^- 5E/.-&C. 3<1U|U1. DizziXESs, «. V. A.l. qft /. Ht^rs/. ^Tre/. 'HV^'^f. ^TFTrra Dizzy, <». ^i^. 2 causing giddiness. ir(\ 3TT'JT'TnT, ^Ri 3H|U1UIKT, &c. 3 giddg. See TnoucniLEss. Jo Do, V. a. pei-form, act. ^RW. To be done._fif, ^'c. to he done. ^FTWtT, ^tT^q', ^Fpf. To do carefully, cautiously, miudfully. srqrf-^in^s^- &c. ^^, [%^t ^fof. To do carelessly, indifferently, &c. %3 %3 ^ %;% ^T- To do dashingly, grandly, gloriously. »lMc|ui, "fV,+ Kur. To do easily, readily, simply. aT?TRr%-^^-=Efn5fTt ■=ji-iHi-^;n?rt ^inrTt-«ft^?rt #^?Tf-&c. srut. To do over again, virliui, 3TTff%r/. 'PT'^ 7. ofo. To do roughly, rudely, coarsely. 5ff3"jf , ^ftSMW, TT^oi". To do smartly, energetically, overpoweriugly. 4)d--M< - ^, «,Hiui, imiui, ^rqiz^, ^5"^, ?r"TR:^, ^vf^^. To do with effort or toil. CJTRRT^n; 3"^^, ^ tft^f 5R13T, f^HTT^n: ^Ff^, ^=FrH-^:5^^,-Ac. Efrm. 2 transact, e.retide, T. To Manage, ^p^, ^ra^f^t aTpq'- ^, Ih^ ?'i. =RW g. ofo. To have to do with. mzf.-W^ m. ar^or in. con. 3 achieve, Sjc. v. To Accomplish. ^TTtTcfr, ^fPTT^, qs- 4 execute S( Iring to a conclusion, x. To Accomplish. ^ot, 7?7pilf, 377F or 577FT »». 3T^'jf g. of 0. ^^T^TO- &c. im. 5 away ; t. To Eemove. f?ri??f?T./. ^^of y. of o. 6 with ; ttse, v. To Employ. q;mm-3^mm c^T^PJf. Do in the imperative as an emphatic word is represented by ^,as qr? W^ do make haste. To Do. f. n. act commonly, v. To Behave. 3Tr5f^, ^^n^'Jf, 2 Ae ,/-,7// rrs;,f.< /<, health, Sfc.fare. ST^iTf ( as H>^ ^- ?T 'flT^t llow do you do r ). c^itTH JJ.-ST^FT/.^&c. 3T- ^01 ( as ^Jl^ qrlHR ^ qryq g^f^ p ^^ y 3 succeed, serve, v. To A^■swEI!. =ErR^, ^TT^Tm TSiif ^- 252 DOE AV(!-ctc. can do without it-&c. r'TT^f'^^ ^\^^J ^Tsf We-itc. cant do without it-ic. FqT«ff=^ nfH5TTsf-==lT- DociBLE, Docile, a. teachaUe, tractalle, ductile, v. Obedi- ent. g%s--^, gf?T?Tnft^, ^?TT^, g^Tm^'-nr, f?Tf?T<:^-f(T- f^T^, g^ntr, nfr^, wt^f, ^?r^ ^T^irFT-TTfrarftmi. Docility, n. v. A. gf^^?TT/. fm^^?lT/. siST^fsT ?j.&c. •Rt- Dock, «. ( for ships ). nk/. 'ir^/ 2 tail-stump. ?lf|^T'TJ m. ?i55=St5 n. ?5Sq=^^ «. 3 /)Zaf(? where a criminal stands in court. ^trffrf%^ 3''Tf Dock, n. rumex vesicarius. StPj+I f To Dock, v. a. cut off the tail. ?jf5T-^-&c. Jp^of, ^pTT^f, %^-. 2 ( an account ) sfiiqiir, +,ifl+. «. shift place ly a sudden start. ff^pP^THTSr, 2 plagfast S,- loose, epctrs/ Jp^. 2^0 Dodge, z;. a. evade hy a sudden shift of place. ^.^ ^reTT-" 3Ttn =5Hli7r-. ( Jfft /. and pop. ^;R;^^. «.)=Tr»8- ^TrTl%^»i. Some sounds ut- tered iu calling a d. are ^^, % Every d. Las his day. ^R f^^ ^T^ ^TT f^?T g%% Give a d. a bad name and hang it. (r^^f =}iH4>vrt ^TTR" (or 5}^ qTK or si^^rfl") ^5%, '^|'Jr% qrl?^. Like d. and cat, — agreeing, &c. ^ 3Trf6T H^Totr. To go to the dogs. ^?jfrr ^ot, ir^Fffrf ^Jfyw. 2b Dog, t>. a.folloio closely., inclcfa/igahli/, ij-e. Jirm. ^F^n^OTrw. J^T^sfTT^m. Doggerel, «. ^ri+'l+r=ldr/ artTH^Fl^rt. Doggish, a. snappish,chui-lisJi, v. Cross. ^^, fcr5^,R^':j75r, DoGGisHNEss, n. V. A. rT^lTorr w. rHS+H"ll Wi. &c. Dogma, n. principle, tenet. JTrfift^/s. JT^rTr^Tw. T^en^????. Dogmatic, Dogmatical, a. positive ami overhearing in opi- nion. JT?fTfHiTpft, TFT^I^, ^5^17^, immft. Dogmatism, «. JTrtrfHTR in. ^r^^\^m. MrWA^m. ^^stI^ot. Dogmatist, n. See Dogmatic. To Dogmatize, v. n. 3TfinTRH-&c. JT?T «. m'm-'^'if. Doing, n. v. V.A. I.— act. erctt «. ^uft/. ?;f?r/. ^frm «.(iu comp. as making separate. g"tfig^, and f^fH^+iul, qi%- =5r>R0r, ^j(t"-f>"<'JT, =i|-HvU.<"T, ^Tfft^TOT ), ^^Br». ^Frfsq-w. At one d. at one handling, in one act. <(Wft or JT, 'i'^. Doiugsj «c^s, transactions, t. Deeds. ?i?q' «./;Z. =STfT^?J. The doings of the LORD, fs^fr ^JR^Jft/ ^pn^T ^ofT/. Dole, To Dole. See Shaee, To Disteibute. 11 Doleful, Dolesome, a. sorrowful, v. Sad. — persons, ^^r, '' D. countenance. ■Orfl+J^rr/ ^% rfrs n. ^^4- ^gT/. 2— tidings, &e. v. Dolobific. ijTl+-|-m, ^it^FR^, ^ft^psR. 3 dismal. See DEEAnr. DOLEI'ULNEsS, DOLESOMENESS, H. V. A. 1. tc- ^^n^fiT m.'=^w^- 'JI'TJq" M. JJ^l^^ m. Domestic, a. lelonging to the house. V<^I, ^Tt!=I?^, J^, n^- ?f5i^, ijl iu comp. D. duties. "T^^K «. 'T^Fq' w. '|^'+|4 «. D. squabbling. nf^i=rf ?». nf H^ m. TT^/. 2 «oi tt'iZf?. ^R^^TT, ^F^T, ^ in comp. ?nH in comp. ^- 3 produced or made at home, m.^], ^frl?5T, ^TTyft, ^TTTSr. 4 helonging to one's own country, not foreign. JJ^^ or ^^ ^^ft,'^^frT, 3Tfil%^, 3Tf5r\?T^. 5 fond of home. n^fiPT, ^ ^Tf^ 'IT^ ^ -j1|u||^I, ^ 'l- To Domesticate, v. n. tame, accustom to the hotise. ^ ?T=r|- Domesticated, /). v. V. HIufflsi^Sr^T, &c. MlcTi^j, ^ ^- Domicile. See Eesidence. Dominant. See Peedominant. To Dominate. See To Eule. Domination. See Dominion. To DoMiNEEE, V. n. lord it haughtihj. ^Fltp -jtr^ ?«.-:?lr5M QTJ?^ ?M.-^7fr STT^ m. ^JR^-'STM^^, ^FT^ ^THT/. =e(T?I- ^^., ^^Hrft/. ^^1 TTTjfl" "• ^^TT^CT, =qRr% ?TIT w. ^/. ^- ?j«riT, ^^/- ^T^t, n^j'rH ^irrr/. ^iJf. DOMINEF.EING, «. disposed 10 hully, S;C. V. OVEBBEAEINO. 7- Dominical, a. sff^ f^=m-*-^ui'^ 3TTf%H^R-?RTf^iIRT. DOMINION; n. T. KuLE. ^T^q n. arrf^fq^ w. "^'^q n. a^Tf? ?«. roo 254 DOIT 2 V. Ki5iiD0M, CouNTKV. ^TI^^ 11. ^ w. ^^ m. arftr^- To Dos, r. rt. jJiii on. ^^, OTTFIT ^. DoSATiON, n. act of giving. ^ «. ^ «. [ ?ft?r «. 2 thing given, grant, v. Gift. ^ n. ^ wi. ^cpft/. ^- UoSATivE, See Gift. Dosi:, p. V. V. 1. %3t^, ?^. To have done with, cease to have concern icith, with- lirawfrom. ^^^ n. WiZ^, =Tt=r =T ^, Ht^I^ TT'ift «. #1- djr y. o/ 0. with all. DosKEV. See Ass. DONOB, n. V. GiVEB. ^UIRI, ^THT, ■SI'I+tII. dos't. ^(H^/*;. ) ^. Doodle, w. simpleton. *fi'.4Mrv2 «! running. ^\Wi^ n. srsiTr «. To Double, v. a. inaTce twice as much, gtrrijf, ^?:-&c. %V^ , 2 /o/(? oyer, v. To Fold. ^^M, |^3''Jf or I^TSW, ^i^, 3 ( a cape, a point ) ^7.^\ m. ^TrJOT, ^TcJ^T^^H ^^TM. To Double, «. n. |q?:-fgTTf^?r-&c. ^nt, |in;m, |"^rRDt. 2 turn back or wind, ^i^f:ul n. ^^., ^\W<^1^ ^TW. 3 over, under, back, &c. ^Tl'jf or ^^■'S^. 4 up;— as through age. 15ft/-g^ft/. fm y- »/«• DOU S DOUBLE-BAKEELLED, a. f^Toft, J^rff, ^SToft^^T. Double-dealer, «. Double-healino, a. x. Deceitful. 5- ?T ^^. [ DT^/.-&c. DOUBLE-DEALIXO, «. ^C^ ^T^TT W.-billMK M.-^^TT?! /•-^- Double-kntendbe, n. a word or expression xoitli a double meaning. |f|<>ft or |?:<;qt ^"^if m.-TPTOT «.-=IWT «.-&c. Double-extry, «. |f^ ^f\^v-f. D. book. |i^'t ^rff JTR sr^ / Double-faced, a. v. Deceitful. |ft^, ^rffe-^TT, ^^TS, 3;- DouBLE-iiiNDED, a. tirisef/Jed, wavering. ^^ Kv^f^ifT, "P^TTT T^T^, r^m*r+, fgTT^. Double-natured, a. fg;^*rR, f^!^^, ^T^ff^yr. DOUBLE-TOXQUED, a. f§1^f , 3T^^f . 2— a padlock. ^t\. 3 See Deceitful. Doubled,;). v.V. A. 1. ICtt $;^^T, &p. ^ftf^^^T, f|^trft?;?f. 2 5^, |umT, fHFTT, |im or ?ft, IfTT or ^, jf^tt, |Tr, D-oublet. n. inner garment of a man. «tTt or grt^tF^t ^^Z- DouBLENEss. See Duplicity. Doubling, n. duplicatvre, v. Fold. ^^f. ^f- ^3/- 2 ( in a rope or string ) ct/rl, loop. fHZ] m. friST ?«• ?ft5 /. %^ 7«. 3 edge doubled over, ^7i^ or 'T'"! /. 4 arfful turn. ^=cf m. ?T^ »». Doubloon, n. ^n anftiT "TTHitt?? ^ '^JTt^^ ^^ ^Tm arf^. Doubly, adv. v. A. ^cq?:^ f^ljur, tt'!!^'^! ^^. Doubt, ji. uncertainty of mind. ^W^ m. ^5^ w. ?t^T /. STT- ?m/. f%^w. i^'OT/. ';fiT_po;). HTfT m. ^Jtf?i /. srsrrrr »». ^^'RT/. ^Rsrr/- m- ^\^ /. ;F?q-/io;;. ^^T m. ^FrinJ »i. Of solved or removed d. flJ^^^T^. Solution of d. ^t^yq'fSTf f% /. 2 a d. a questioned point. ^t^TT m. f%H" m. 'iTT^f^T/. "ff- ?TT/. rr+IW'^ ». +r^lH)' M.^'l+cil or ^--<*ot,T ?«. To Doubt, «. a. ivithhold assent or confidence ques- tion, distrust, ^-c. ?f^q- to.-^5^ m.-\i^ /.-'45^^TT «i.-&e. tTT^-'Miot'iui-^'if-iTm'ir y. ofo. t^m w^.-5tq^T/.-»?ffH/.-&c. 3T^at-q. V. V. ii. ?t1%?T, 3TT^tf%?T, ?rf^":T_ Doubtful, a. that doulis. ^\ij^, ^T^i^, ^ffira, aTT?Tf%?T, ?f- ST^^, ^^HiMM, ^f^T^^?^, sT^frnr'^, wt^ift^, »?m, ^i^t, ?TffET?I, ^'^rfSfH, ^^TM^f^TT, ^mn^, STTRlTSTq. 2 disposed to doubt, ever doubling. ?f^T=ift, ^|^, '^JTTT^, u DOW 3 questionable, uncertain, ambiguous, ?f^^^^mr m. &c. ^^^f. ^TrT m. aT=5r «. 3T^q ;?. aT55TT^55Tr n./. ar^iTTToJ or 5ft/. ^T^f^iTTWr m. Doubtless, adv. v. Certainly. fSf^^, f^^f^q", fn^K- Douceur, n. v. Gift, q^t^ «. qifr^rfq^^. Dough, n. ^o^p;^ ^[7; n. fk^^,T^ ^mV^f- Ball of d. thrown into the fire to be baked. ^n^T in. D. rolled in a leaf and baked. "TRTT m. dim. qiJT'ff /. Lump of kneaded d. 3^ m. dim. ti\f- ^^i\ f. Puffed mass of d. b:iked on embers. ?ffe m. ifK^ m. Doughtily, adv. v. A. ^R, SiiN'Tf^. Doughtiness, n. t. A. H^f/. ^ifTTH/. STfTTT^fenr/. Doughty, a. brave, illustrious, i^'c. v. Bold. nKT, K^t, qfT- ^, JTrfN^TR^. [FT. Doughy, a. -pPCTo;, fq-35i, fw, fq7;iTT,fnqiWf^ or fri^jrfil^T- To be d. — bread. fq^T^Cot or fq^5S0T. To Douse, v. a.plungeinio. |3pK?f-^-f^^ft-&c. ^ifqiif-^nriof. Dove, n. ^rn; or :j>^d< n. jpiT^f >«. DovE-coLOBED, «. ^^^T]^^\ tnrqr. Dove-cot, Dove-house. «. ^q?!T^T^ m. y?rT m. :p;^g^ «. Dowlas, n. ^VS ^Fm^^ ^^ %^ 3Tff . Down, «. soft feat Iters. ?^ or ri^/ ^t^W ??. Bed of d.fig. ^m^^ f ^%V-^y f g^TrfM «. 2 ( of plants ). ^FFJ^T w. 3 «o/< wool, hair, c^'c. rjf^-^ or rti'*3ri<TTiiVq'jr, TTWuqiJr, ^jfTfTrr^rrs'Jf , qF^fT-^||7-^H^^- &c. ». Dkao-set, «. JT^^rS n.H\Tm.^T^ m. Dbaq-kope, n. atr^/. aftsoT/. TTST m. 2b Deaogle, v. a. dirty by drawing on the ground, ^ 3=r^, c5l>H*iqu|, ?fr5E?nqot, c^foE^rT-ctc. Ho6r=j'jr. 2b Deauqle, V. n. trail on the ground, in the mud, ^'c. pTr Deaqole-tail. v. Slatteks, Slut. r-i. q^ j». ^?r ?«. ^?7^^ >«. Deam, m. draught of spirituous liquor. ST^^^T qf^ OT.-^^r»«. Deam-deinkee, «. T. Sot. ^mm c. [^^t/- Beam-shop, «• ^^ |;5pivf «. f^f ,». MMJlify+l/ I'^r/. n- Beama, M.-n-i* n.^:^ n. Style of dramatic representation or composition. ffrT/. There are four, viz. ^ptf^T^, m- ^, ?nr^cft, 3TRHTT?T^TT^ n. Beamatic, a. T. N. ^1.',+:mi, ?nz^, ?rR^q, ^R^ifqt,, ?i. :?rT^^^pfq, ^^-WM'^TAX. [^qr. Beapek, w. sc/Zffr of cloth. ^FN?^, =qTcft o;- ^qTiSTT, ^FTTlfq- Beapeey, m. cloth-work. ^PTT? ^rT ?«. 2 cZo^A, Sfc. ^tnrftTTFy »». *N^1 fST^Hw. 3 dress of a picture. '^^■(,\^ or qr »». ( f^^^^T ) Beastic, a.powerfal.^ violent, — a medicine. ^rrp=5, ^PS^, ^^J?, Beaught, «. See Beiskln-g. 2 quantity d/r.unh at once. qpT ?)«. q^^T »>• 3 V. Deawisg. 3TT3''Jt n. DTIA^ 257 Beast of d. ^l^H ^tqT^T (If'T .tc. ) 4 sk.'tch, Y. Deliseatiox. %?t »>. ?T^^TT m. Eough d. 3T^n^?T w». «I?T^fTfT m. T^TT m. 5 (of a ship ).f?/. arrs/. G i/// of exchanje, v. Bili,. ;^^/. ^tf^/. 7 drawing force or powir. ^\^f. STrSfT/. lu a d. «rr>5Tnr, Jrr=!TT% ':Tf^^-^^nfr, &c. srr^^TNr. 9 drauglits. ^^^i-qi/ ;)/. ^Vr:/- =^mTT OT.=qftflK%55 »«. Materials at d. ( pieces, board, dice, &c.). ^K'NP-ot. Player at d. ^^^T'iTT^. Piece or mau at d. ?ff^^/. ?ft^>«.?TR/. ^Jt[ f. 10 ( of fishes. ) ^^ %q?T ^3Tr^^f?T qT?5?5 JTTK w. _pZ. DEAUGnT-ANiMAi,, «. ^t?TraT %^ M.-^TTTT )?i-&c. =rr^T «. Deacght-board, ?(. tf^ m.f. =5TN^/. Deauuhtsman, ?(. ?r^r^Tr '+.I'J'Jiki «;• Deaughty, «. sfT^r^T tin^fT. To Deaav, v. a. dray, pull alonrj. arr^, ^ff^-^'^-'&c. ^^■ ^, STT^'T'Jf, ^'fot, aTHi'fiT n.-^iT n. ^^of y. o/ o. That draws well — a bullock, &c. 3?r^sF. 2 cause to flow from. ^FT^ot, ^Hoj, cfr?f«r^, ^ra'wJ.^'Jfy. ofo. trrc/. 'TT^'if-^T^^y. q/o. [f^rrw'Jf, 3 ( from a scabbard or sheath ). ^T^of, 3tt?T^ or 3"?fW, 4 ( as with a rope from a well ). ^V^^ ^T=TDt,^K^. Bucket or pail for drawing, ^ijf n. — the rope of it. W^^^f. 5 ( lines, figures, pictures ). SfNiof , ^PT^ijf, ^r^iif, f^^^t, 6 — as a blister, &c. ^T^. [f^T'T, ^Ti=5, Application ( of leaves or drugs ) to d. ca'rsr m. v. 7 out, oft', from, &c. — freely. v.To Extkact, To Extei- CATE, &c. JpT^^, «f>rf^ ^if^H*!"!, ^■^^TiT «.-3'g[TT ))2.-&C. ^Rirf y. o/ 0. S out, up, ( a slatemcut, bill, &c. ). 3TnPP?if, fe^'^T, ^T- 9 up. in, together, &c. v. To Coxtbact. aTTJS'Jf or 3T^- I^, aTT^'Tot, 3TT«n:'it, 3T^qTJi, aTTTrrr ^-5q-?;3f, ar^r^, arr^^ wi.-3TT^w «.-&c. ^pTof y. o/o. 10 See To Atteact. To Deaw, v. n, shrink, ^'c. v. To. Co.vteact. aiTj^'if or 3T- ^q^ijf, 3Tr5"Jr, 3T^55ijf. 2 &e strained and sfijfened, — the eyes. rlT^^^r'jf, rTT^Tot, rTOilf, ?f^^ or H;f^^6t. 3 back; oft'; out of. ^TT^JTiq' oc iTf^ ?r''at-f^af-q'6T-|Tof, nr^K ?H/.-!fT^/.-^PT?Rr J».-JTTq^?:/.-'TRTft/. qot, qrT?rat, ^FT^ff Ji.-f^q'rf «.-^ri?r n.-^raf?T n.-&c. qcrr, 3TfT». JpT^ot or •FTf^r"^, fif^^ »"./. ^TJif or f%^ira^, 'E'f /■ ^3TW. That draws back or oft", arfl ^FTS'-^TF, ^rtT ^f. 4 in:yJi,=?''5f-7iDt, 'J^I'Jf, ^TT »».2'^.-fSr3TT/i>Z. TTS'if-^rJt ^TOT. 5 oft"; go down, subside. ^TT?^, 7?f?:ot. 6 on; uear, appro ich, he close at hand. ^^j-&c, ^T^, f*T- DEE 7 uji; — the skin, &c. v. To Tihute.v. ai^^, ar^Tiit or ar^HTir, 3TEf^^, arsrs^, arr-TSHin. S up or in; contract ones self. artTra. HRin »'• ^Rof. Dbaw-back, m. allowance, g^r/. ^rs^^""^^??". 2 — fig. deduction from benefit, srm/. J'ft^/ S'TT'f. Deaw-bridge, n. ^,^;^'^v^\ ^W^^\'^\ 'V^/in. Deaw- WELL, n. JTR=Eftf^^^/. Apparatus, — collect, over a d. ^m f. ^^^ f. Basin or receiver of a d. iTRTx or '4R^»*. '^K\^m. ^V^\m. Bucket of a d. hft/. Cistern of a d. 4TRfsM. Ground watered from a d. TTl^'-nouoiit, n.a ilespermlo, c^'c. V. MArcAr. f^mw, 3T- Drkadfli., n. /frWW*-, v. FEAHFrr„ 3T^;rrF^^^, ar^tJTTSi- 2 See SiKFcr,. DBEADFCLtT. See 3?EAKFULI.T. Dkeadfclness, n. v. A. 1. if?5TTTrT»». t^r^^m. oi-huirqn. Dueadless, a, intrepid, v. Teaeless. f?TH=!r, »TqTf^^-ft^, Dream, DREAMnro, n. ^^m. n. ^5?T^'T'TM &'• H n. T^^JfTW^ OT. f^^ n. Dredge, n. See Drag-set. 2 ^Vr^ jttoI ^T^^raft'Tr %%^ 2b Dredge, v. a. 3<|-+MU| ^^rr^ itToS w. ^pt^ot or ^PTf^ #c5 Dreggisd, Dreggy, a. v. N. '"^mT, nKJT^qT, &c. T^, T- Dreu.s, n. Zees, grounds, sediment. TTotw. ' I lot^ i ci; ??j. jy^ «. ■JfTTOT. ¥^^ n. V^ or J^^ n. lTr5 m.n. KaS »t. ^^ ot.^- tjTT'n. ^mm OT. %?•«. [fsFrnrr'rt. D. of society, v. People. ?fT^r==TT TTo!, ?^r% 1^55, To DRE>-cn, V. a. soaJc, wet fhorovghly. f%^ or f^K-f^sf- f=pfm or =7^5ft-^ 0/- =TT^T^-''a5I-xn-HOR>-, n. ^ n. jft^ «. :TT^^^. ^tTJT >«. Dbexched,;?. V. V. 1. T%q-f%i?f=Ei5ft?t-'T^T^- ^0 Dbess, r. a. clothe, attire, ^'^n.^^^^ ^tT^'Ji-TN^- Mn'?-^%=^-'irTrN^-&e. -^^TOT.— linely "ft^Tr^ m. ^rat. 2 «(■/ /o rights, trim. '^J^f^it^ f'-TIT'Jf, Pl-'.I'JOT,^?: ^ctt, ^««iwn/. ^{mn y. f/ 0. 3 prepare hy lalor. ^H|--)ij'i, T^TFT^/.-^TTirR/.-^JTlf /.- 2PTT%^ft/.-^FHT^t?r /.-H^^FRJ'J.-'ri^n: «J.-&c. qRof y. of 4 ( a wound, limb, &e. ) q^T^ ?rTTf ^^TT T^IKTft/.^RW. 5 prepare victuals, v. To Cook. Kpt'TT^/'Oi'. ?^^TRi »». "F- ?TTr y. o/ 0. f%5 qrc^. G ( ground ) manure, ^'c. ^^R^, +,MNof, fTTR ^T^. 7 — iu the military art. ?fR?^RiJT, ^|'M\ f. C— drf. qjR^^ii. ^FTT^T^M. &e. JRRm/. [^tjt w. T. V. N. l.—act. H^OT ». q^J^qft'^R n. ^fx--^7\ n. ^W^- I. manure spread. q^RSjij ^^pf «. Dressing-room, n. qf^^TT q'^'TRft #=ft/.=r^ ^^FTNt #- Dressy, a. fond of dress. qt^Tr^r^T ^l'i!TT-3TT^?rT-&c. f55»Tr?ft. To Dridrle, v. n.fiill in drops. f^qiviJr or 1%5T^ijf, ^if^'if,^- q7tf.'ipiipq-&C. q^ot-rroEOT. 2 See To Dhivel. [^sdt. To Dhirble, v. a. throw down in drops, v[^v(^-&,c. qTSiif-TT- Driblet, n. ?5fRR^JT/. To pay in driblets. STq-^^T cffT^n-^^Tft 3Tq'rqTt-3T^- ?'Tfqm^-q^TR:jg-qRf-&c. %SOT-^oi"-&e. Dried, p. v. V. A. 1. qT5r5r%?7T, f^^q^rTT, &c. 5>np.&c.%#t5T 2 ^qp5?5T, W^%?^, ?ftf*f^. T. V. N. ;rp5t%=rT, f '^^^T, Ac, MI 259 Utterly d. up— tank, well, river, &c. ^Kildf^F, «. sfsrr^ »». afrq' w. ^^ »«. g~i^ m. ^^ m. ^fz\^ m. ^w^m. To Drift, «;. n. font along, m^^.^ aTiMl"H^l'H<. =ITS'^ ^rrnr, 2 ic (/»-/i'fre ?'«/o heaps. ETT^^TTS^r ^jflTT^ ErT|^ ^rS^T €\n n.-Tmf.-&c. ^. To Drift, v. a. ^\^ k^^ €\n m.-xm f.-&,Q. ^n. ^ «. qpftq' ?i. Acidulated or cooling d. q^ ?». ^rf w.^R^ ». Some are f^^^/. f%^5nift n. &c. Drink-money, n. qrei «. Drinkable, o.v.V.A. i-m ■!< 1 -=qT->^ f i rl I -&c.q^, 'Tpftq', sfT^T^ft^, Drinkable, n. v. Drink. F hO 'MN I q^'4 ot. Drinker, «. v. V. A. fmRT, sfHH+Tll, !TT^T^, "TT^ ( in eomp. as nqni'fl, H^hiWI, ^fk^TJft ), "ft ( iu comp. as- Hi\^ ), q- ( iu comp. as JTg7, T^TTT, fg^q ). Deinkino, 71. T. Y. A. fqiif ?!. ?T?T^ «. TM «. (esp. in comp. as 3THrRpr, JTyqR, i+iMM, grrrPT, ^j4m, ^zfr[^ ). 1. practice of drinking to e.rcess. ^T^ fqu<4|-c(l ^ejfy". To Drip, t). ?^.y<^/Z !« drops. jq^,fa;q^or, fer^, iT»r'. I. matter dripping, n'^f. iTBEjfl/. Drippings (from a tree, &c. ) after a shower. 'Z'Ckhor afT*T^ m. pi. Deip-stone, n. filter. iTot?ft/. ^FI^Trq^-^ ^=s^ n. Dkipping, p. a. V. V. sq^urnr, &c. ^rRt & ^W¥- ( in comp. as ^Fl^rral', <*'Hlfl, |"TOTft, T'^^TRt ). D.-wet. -flTsjrfq^, 4;iiififf?f, =EnrqftfI or =5r5T=5r5f|rf o>' I^^R^lfT, =Eftq or =Efr5i. [ ur-^^?f. To bo d. ?Tq=5TqaT, =^^■=^^^.^ ■^5rf%r^5r, ^ifr^ «(/i,\fH^- Drippingly, adv. '>|^^']-iJt, #HOT, TWJf, ^NroT, #- '^TToi', 'TF?;^ or 'rm^'Jf, f^n^r^ or ftK^Rot, ^q^ or ^ force in hy hammering or heating. JTRof, 2TTW, ^Z^.^ 4/orce awayjrom, o/T, tJY. ^^(Jf or ^f^or, ^TTr^^ot, ^^. 5T-^T^5^, ^.^'^1 ^T? ?=U5roT, ^ITROT, |i^^^, 3^ or ^t| in/e^y. sRot or J^i^., :f 5PCW, qn^iJi,^?;^^ ^of, gr- ?^, fq^^roE'^, fq^T^ift/. cp^rijf y_ o/o. Particular words or interjections are used in driving away or off. Those used — to a beast, gener. ^, ;^f rf. —to a cat. ^^, ^ or ^-^ & ^, f^R. — to birds, '^i^or ;^W.— to crows, &c. p^TT.— to a dog, ^, ^|5, ^ft. 5 ( a flock, a beast, &c. ). ^oj- or ^\w.^y^^ ^1% ^- ^=ror,qp5^. Particular words or interjections are used iu driving en. Those used — to a horse or bullock are, ^f, sfq'f^^t. —to an elephant, tT^q^, tTT'^n, ^^'^ or ^rt5?r, ^r. — to cattle, 4^^,"|^, ^. — to fowls, ^5. — to sheep or goats, frTT or fiTT. — pigs, 1. 6 ( a vehicle ). ^Fpoi or ^Pj^uir, ^^TRSTot. 7 ( a trade, a bargain, &c. ). ^i+uj or ^tqjoT, STT^'rf. 8 «/rye or «H/)eZ vehemently. ^5^, ^q?:^, ^m?:crr, ^^^ot, fq^Toi'jf, iH-iui, ^+irfui, fq^^ii'Y/. ^!:'if, qH^r. 9 /nfe 2« « carriage. J114M-&C. if^SH H"^. To Drive, v. 71. ie impelled along. iflRsnif. [7. 0/ s. 2 am «Z or fc»fi? to. 'flrs/.-3?T^T »«.-'>-irT^«.-^tc. CiTOiJf «•!<« 3 go in a carriage. 'ii5M-. «. rni« /« smnZ/ drops. f^tTHT^ or ffl^n^, JTfTTDT, qTT^f m.-vjf '». »T^«4^+M< ot. 2 For this word in the sense of oji unproductive and lurdensome consumer there are numerous words and I phrases. These difter from one another in aspect and reference and exact implication ; but they sufficiently convey the general sense just given. qt+iWI*, fT+5Hr- oTTJ^^, 's+''jMrj,, "^^f^r, tIttt^tt, aTTPrrsft, arrfffr- sfT, 'iTmHTif , HrsTT^rra:, *fi-^'iii, Jr^qR', ar^im^ or ' w;PR|TfT^, m^^^\ ftSTsn: \^ ari ^u i KI . There are I also some smart proverbs or sayings descriptive of and j rcprcliensivc of this character. ^^?TT W.'*^ Trfe < jl r-t l ■♦•'». ^ g. ofs. i^u^.c^ypr- -Tf^^-&c. 5"TCTi, i;7;rfir/.-«:;^TfiT/.-&c. irot /«. com. 2 liang the hcnj. JTT^/. ^T^, KT^/. ifrSCTr-qsor (j. ofs. Tkop, ?i. -^ m. f%^ «t. ^ m. '4'5T^T »«. iisiTT w«. 'A^^ m. e'TFT or sq^ m. f^^pr «;. [ ^^ ^^ 5,f_ By drops ; drop! drop! ^tpT^ 0)- qt Or 51^57 oj- cff, ifal- 2 (of a sprinkling, spnrtling, splashing, of spray, &c.). it\Zf. ftRT m. ftlHTST m. SRT m. 3 ( of an ornament ) pendant. ^^IK^/. =qTT^/. ?5tp;7fj «,, 4 ( of a gallows, &c.) TlrftT^t/. qr5?Tt^ -fr^ft %s?ft- 2'o Dnor, v. a. pour in drops, ifq «!.-^7 ?».-f3q% «(. ;;/ "TTfof-JT^'Jr-TT^^, J'T^-'Jr, "TTSiJf, "TTS^T'jf, ^ftj^, ^^., "Tt^. A thing drojipcil and lost, ^fs «. 3 T. To Lose. ipTT5r>Jr, n^<, Hr^r- ?T, jftft^, ^"f^, ^^^, ^53%^, ftrftc^, ^#^, f5I- Deoss, «. recrement of metals. M^m. n. pop. JTtTw. ^.^ pop. :^ «. fsfv^^ «. -n-ess, n. v. A. 1. afre;^^ ;TflT or fn^/. fll'ft/. ^^- ^-Ac^tp »1.-3TIT?5 »«.-FfR/. JT^ »t. [ fSf^?. Dry, a. «o< moist. +K41, g^T or ^^, ^[ctF, 'fl-TT^^, ^f^v), Stifly d. — a washed cloth. ^5^, m n. &e. ^IquT n. ■i^ m. Deyxess, n. V. A. 1. +Hi4"irr m. ^^.•hhuii w. ^^f^ «. aT^T?- 2 ^^"TOTT Kf. ?]ii+H I /. iWnf^H n. i'WIMN m. 3 f;n|'^gTr 7". f^T'Jn m. ^W^J. 'h^ n. jftT^FTT/. DnVsnOD. adv. xcilhout u-etlinr/ the feet. ^fiKS^ 4Ni4t, g- DCAL, a. crpressinj the numler tiro. f§;V<'-^., ^■H<'^M\'h, Dl'AL, n. — in grammar. fg^tT^^T n. Dualism, n. — as opposed to Pantheism. ^=IT? m. v[^<4^m m. HT^f^/. HT^f^/. 1;^ n. |rnn^ TO. gTTHrT n. Dualist, n. — as opposed to Pantheist. H^^TT^, ""^=17^, Duality, n. two-ness, ffrSf «. g^'^T «. 3'o Dub, j;. o. confer a dignity, S(c. 1Jir«JU|, ^RW. Dcbbeb, n. skin-vessel for oil, ghee, Sfc. ^^T^ wt. or gtr?5 m. Ji%???. pi. iS'f"!, ^'f^'-iul »i. 2)/. :ji^y. o/"o. I 4 V. Dip. fst/. ff^/. To Duck. Sec To dIp. Duck-legged, a. arng^ "TPTf^, -^'^TTr^. 1 Duckling, n. q^^FT^fr^?;. Duct, n. tube, tjv. ?r5i?». Hf?5^/. =nf^^/. Ductile, a. capable of expansion. q^FTToffT, inTTT'T'fF'r, 2 capable of being drawn out. ?nT^>r^Jn1''4H|/. STFT^T'TcrT/. 2 S^T^FTT/. ^rm^TK^r/. DUDGEOX, ?j. ill-ivill, displeasure. ^^vf[W^] f. *>ts^\ vt. l^rfvjl. To be in high d. f^fm, f^TF ^^^. Due, a. oioed. i)NMi, qr^T^r, TI4NMI, ^, ^sg^r^lrf, ^;"g' ^rflctNI. 2 appropriate, jit, v. Eight, qptf, jt'^TT^T^, T'TT^^, 'T" 3 ( mail, &c. ). %iiqr5n",qT=i?Tr^, il|oi', &c. Dulciiieb, «. srr^H ^FT5!% ^ ^Ttr arf^. Dull, a. y. Stupid. ^5, h^, 5^t^ ^^, H'^nfn or JTf^TH^, JT^;5f^, aTr^^f^, 3T?Tl=rfn, ^^^TS^ff, TTTi^ or MIf, T^q-^ltH, gTRfr^, 5R1, f^TT^. 7— trade, business, &c. ^^,'^(3, V^, ^;5^,f^?rf^,Hq-, q-'^T^^, ^'TT^ m. H'TJlZ-qr- DTTR ^6f oc ^tJTTRft^ 5i?rot-^maT-q'6t, ''Tirft/. ^r=J?T if^TOT, JtVui /. ^i=T 5IJTtJt, ffT^tTT/. ^"dT-qniT, FffOT ?«. /(^ %;n, TrTTflf ^?r-&e.-5TfT0T, T^ T^'jf. Dunce, n. dullard, doll, thiclcshull, v. Fool, ^i^ 'flRT'^r, DuNO, n. — geiier. ^ «?/. ^m. ^^^] f. 7fK »». «. T^ »«. «. ^T^rg' ». 3T^K?T n. JfT «!. ». iu comp. Oiotli,&e. befouled with d. ^^ n. Hn^%r5 \i\f. ^^^f. ?rn;tl/. q5Eq^i7.o/o.f^Tr?;-3T^T?R-;rT^mTT7-^feFf-5rf'^5-qr^??T£'^- Bvi^G-EOia, n. dark close prison. T, f ?■, ^ffm}. Dun, «. — the color. ^Ki}^ Hco^T, ^t^TT. Dun, Dun-ner, n.x.Y. fTTT^ ^^TTRT-pyR'nnT, ?{' 1 1 <\i^K , ^^\^- *fk, +<-H+ft.— in allusive, covert, cant,&c. phraseology. 'TT'JI^ff or q-^TT, Hf^r, T^. To Dupe, v. a. v. To Cheat. Tr^rsfof, ZT.'l^. Duplicate, n. copy. g^rfT sh/- sR^^TC h. ^-7^/. T^n ;;?. To Duplicate, Duplicate, See To Double, Double. DuPLiCATUEE, «J. « doubling, y.I'OLD. ^Hl/. ^/. jfrs/. Duplicity, n. double mindedness, v. Deceit. I^PTR m. j7:cifrqiiir m. 5Tn=ft'7"Tr »«. ^vfiHirr m. f^Piyni/. Durability, Durableness, )i, v. A. r^'+,iAHUir'». f^ovrpTn Durable, a. v. Endukisg. P.-+,ia, P'i+Nl-d'lNI-^ETI-'JTRfTr- ^FTT-cte. ?-Duni>CK. f^^FR ^H.ft'PRr m. fr-o.;)i-<7). #, ^'^T, TF^H, T^, 3Tm, Tk^, m (ia comp. ns f^^T^TT, ^HT, 3TI^"i-Ess, n. V. A. tj9i'+^,HUir ot. ^^t^^TTirr »«. *ffp!PT^?rr/. Vj^^'2*5 «. DusTT, o. covered, ^-c. tcith dust. '^^.Z., W^T^, '^oT^^^rST, Duteous, Dutiful, a. v. Or,EDiF,>-T. ;f ^ift, ;f ^R^T^^TT, ;^- «r?T!:, 3p^'^HrM<, KT'^rfT^, T^vriT'=r?Tr. 2e.njoiued or required h,j duti/. 'cPtNt, ^5IT-4Hr^, Kftr- DuTEOusNESs, DuTiFULXEss, n. T. A. -^^prft^cTT m. fnrrq'H wi- 5iTr^!m<'t,r=( n. ^'.)Mr4. %'TT'ITT 7?I. etc. 2b Dwell, v. n. v. To Eeside. ^^, Wf^, ?rr w.-cT^/.- qTH »«. 3T?f^ y. 0/ «. 2 upon; «!a^-e unceasing mention of. qi^of, ^l^poft/. %- OT. Kn:ijf-iRl, ^qiTT5! /. qijf, TM, vTT^, WPT or ^fj^ m. To d. upon, peevishly, &e. ^\^^ m. n. rficiui-irtS'Jif- &c. cn^T^-HtS"^. [com. Dwellee, «. V. V. CT^OTKT, ^t^TTT, ^^ ^^r^^IKT, ?r?ft in. Dwelling, n. v. V. 1. T^i\ n. ^^oj ?». ^\^^^f. ^v^f. 2 qn^ ». ^npoft/. qK m. qr^ ?». 3'|T"T «s. HRT «J. =^- cR^/. [m-+,|u| or ?r »!. I. place of d. v. Eesidexce. m, n. fi+|ui n. fs-TvnJTT «;. DwELLISG-UOUSE, DwELLING-PLACE, «. V. EeSIDENCE. q'^ ». ft^nT n. H'+iui or q^ «. To Dwindle, v. n. become less. rt^MN"^, ^^-Hlctuj', STTRdT, flroT'Jt, SrRTJi, qT^^t, =|RT M.-^q' '/W.-&C. ^5f y. o/s. qjjft Dwns'DLED, 2'- v. V. B^HNrii^l, &c. spftgr^^, &c. ^tT, Di"E, n. f\ m. tn^Tift «• 2b Dye, 1;. «. t^ur, ^ijf, tn ?«. ^iJf. To d. over again, to give a dip. S^f m. JiJf. 2 ( by sprinkling). Pj^+uj. Dyed,;?, v. V. 1. xm^^A^ &c. tift, t^rta". DvEK, «. T. v. 1. tnsf'JTTTT, 57T ^uTRT, tniKt, ^n<^, 7rnt. Dxiica, 7I.T.V. To Dye.— aci!. tl^of M.tT '^'n n.&ua. k.'k^f. Cost or price of d. t^OTR^s/. tnT#/. T. V. To Die, and Deatu. srT"JIrsrR m. ^V^^^'^ >n. Dying, a. pertaining to death, given, uttered, ^c.just hcfore death. 3Hri'+,|rf^T, HTui'+lrtl'd, T^^^;^. Dyke. See Dike. Dynamics, n. =€f?jFfT?T'-ess, m. v. A. 1. ^i^f. ^^^ or |>^/. ^e^ / ^?TT- ^ m. -JiYf^q- «. 7?g^?fr/. !TT?^Tf on. Aflushof e. fT^ft/. To cool,&c. one's e-'^T^f[ f.-SiC.-^YS^-f^^T^^ J^of 0. Eagle, n. iF^ m. 2 (lesser Indian e. ) aquila fulveseens. ^]X^^f. 3 (Sea-eagle) See Osprat. Eagle-eyed, a. t. Shaep-sighted. frT^S stojiff^T, frHH^ ite'TT, ^^r'T^^Tf, ^?:"K^f^, ?ft?:uitRi. Eae, n. J??R m. W.^ m. ^.T^riT m. n. »jf^/. siTT=^ «. Curved edge of the e. ^75^/. ^iTTTI^/. +.^14 1 f^i^l /. Discharge from the e. sprff^fiiT 7??. Drum of the e. +Hh-|Ni^T m. Dull of hearing — an e. Jd+I. Hollow of the e. ssnrofT^ «• ^P'iii%^ w. Hollow or line along the e. ^R'p?; or 5 ?8. ^R?ft?5«. Inflammation of the e, ^''TTPfi fii. 2i Lobe of tlio 0. =En^/. ^df, ^^. Eae-ache, n. 5fvHi|:^I ?:cqT ni. ^ui"T'f.MH2; m. #^Fur «. ^»T^ wi. ^orn^w. EaR-wio, II. !FH^m/. ^"(X^f- ^DT^^JTH'/. Eab-witSESS, «. !pHMIHI?ft, ^=^m?fr, siT^'JT?rT?Tt, EaBED, o. ^«finj7 ean. ^FPIT^, +UNM, ^^, ^off. 2 — of corn. *( ■+."!. Eaeiso, n. Y. V. fro^T'Jft/. f^Rnr/. f^^ 0'' fH'^kFjf. Earl, n. ^f?fR 5Il^r^f=qt '^T T^ 3TT|. Eaklt, a. of good or right time. ?r^5=rTifNT, ^T^PSCqr^^, 2 o/ ancient time. "Jjfr^r, "T^T^Trl^, 4^*lfrf*+, SlH^T, Earlier. V«l+i"^l or ?JT, ^r| m. ^ \ i'h\ - T\^ m. ^dl4HI4H m. ^J^rHV.^ m. ^^l^HTO^m. EaI!>'est, a. ardent, icarm, zealous.^ solicitous. 3TR'«. ^f^^T^ >«. In e. <-H-*(M. To take up in c. JRT<1T %^-'^':'^. 2 monei/, Sfc. given in toTcen. ^?fK m. f^TKT m. ^^ m. ?r- 'TKK w. spn'TT or ^T »J. To pay down in e. ^rff ^'i\^^. 3— as in plays; «o///f» or sport. fSr^pon TPfT/. i%?iaiT Hpft/. f^oj^;/. <:^/. f^rn^^/. oi(<^^K in. In e. ^=T^. Earnestly, adv. v. A. 3Tr?'^, ^*%^, 3TR'. ^^TFi/. ^T^/. f^fTF/. armf^/. ar^TTFT «». Eabsiso, n. V. Y.~ac(. fi^^if n. m\^^ n. &c. ?nT^^ n. TTT^ n. 3^^/. I. earnings, v. Gettisgs. fira^^T/. ^irtf /."^^^rer/. Eaeth, n. /Ac terraqueous glolc. ^v^ft or ^ftT^ft/. HfK;)02J. 5f?/. H^ n. H/. ^=^ «. qft^ff ;,o;j. m^ and^^J. I EAR ^/. ff>T^/. ^?^/. «RT/. ?nTT/. f^fH/. ^tTT/. ^mt/. 3T«rfH or 'fl^jft/. Some descriptive or allusive term;, for the earth, corresponding with the habitation ofmor- tah, the theatre of action, the field of labor, the nurse oj beings., ^-c. cj'f. arc, Hi-'Wl* m. ?R^%^ m. *4Ti|rinp h;. ipiTffcr or ^th^Htppt /. H^'-^r^ /. 'j^rn m. H?r?f- ftt/. ^^/. ^rgq-n or ^T^?^^crg'.:TTT/. T^ftrir^^sT/. ^HWH^cTriiliP+d^a^/. |:^WTTwi. Nine divisions (^- 5 ??). ^n m. ) are made of the earth. These are J^T^, *r^'T, ^ft^'T, f%q^, +HHirf, ^i^^, TCft^, ff^'m^T, Belt of mountains encircling the e. =Er^Jrr?5 m. ^raT- Burden or load upon the e. 'THTT m. Conquering the e. f^sHTT »». Conqueror of the e. f^psTTfqt. Corners of the e. ^"r^^ m. pi. Face of the e. i^^j pop H?r^ n. :JT^?it?R; n. ->^JZ n. Eegions below the e. ar^trit^ m. ari^rg^pr n. TPTT. ?J n. ^TT'irtl'^i «!. Serpent upholding the e. TfT «». Shade cast by the e. ^TT/ The umbra of the earth's shadow. H^ll^-^ n. To the uttermost borders of the e. f^itft, 1^nT^T »«. ^r^TrftWOT, EaETH-\YOEK, n. H|rl'+,|*H ?J. Eaeth-worm, «. ntf^ or qfjte or nis^^:; m.n. z^m\ m. z^^^ n. ^^rr m. ^m% «. ^Tf w. Earthen, a. TTT?ft=5fT, ^'TPT^, H^rq-, ^^^TC^, JTlfrT^, E. ware. Tm\^\ ^f^f w.i^Z. Earthliness, n. v. A. 1. f^r^?i^yr m. 'T^T^Jf ft«V/t w. con. ^r?^ ^jff-&c. ^fJT'jf , ^TH^of, ^TifRW, ?fff5fiT n.pop. ^TJf^PT m.-^TTT^TR w.-^^^TT wi.-q-^TTT ?«.-3^^-w^ W.-&C. ?F?T3f y. o/o. To e. nature. See under Nature. Easel, n. — of a painter, fif^ff^qrat/. f^^ "P^^ ». Easily, adv. x. A. rra(Wy, ^-c. ?(|^, ^r^^rfFT, V^^M?PT «. ^^T?J n. ^\^^f. ^^T?5fIT/. §- 3 ( of performance or attainment ). ?fNqTJTT m. "^^n. g*rr«Tm/. g^^Rfr^'^iFrT /. arF^r^rK^r /• &c. ^V^vq- «. 4 T^. Eastwaed, adv. "J^S, "T^f^^Tqss, S^q'rr, :n^. Easy, a. enjoying quiet, rest, trangitillity, ^'c. §^, g^^T, EAT g^TTrT, gf^TT, J^rvT, gp-/^. To feel e. g^r^f 'Jl^-^^-^XK^( v. impcrs. That is in easy circumstances, that has a comfortable maintenance. ^V^^ g^t, ^mi^^r^rr, ^prTft?TT, fH^fl or 2 free from pain. ^^5?T, aTRTHt, g^. 3 not difficult. ^TrTT, ^rTRT, ^^, ?ir^f3T^, g^H, ar^TR, ^^^., ?f?i11T, 3T?q^r^"^, g^Tsq-, SRTMrfl^ltq-, g- ^TOTE^, ^^^"P^, ^^ ffJ, "f^^mR^r, g (in comp. furmiiii,' valuable word.s endlessly; as e. of access or passage ^^fj-^ c. of apprehension g^ff'-T; e. of cure g^'-'q'; &c. kc. ). To become c. to from practice. SIoSRjTTr^-cIottJrraT^f- qft'TTTt?rT#r-&c. T3^. 4 ( of apprehension ) not abstruse. ^TrTT, g^T'4, giK, 5 unconstrained, unlabored, ^'e. ^^T^ pop. ?n^, W,'^ pop. 6 gentle, moderate, mild, ^c. — in numerous shades. ^- 8 complying, ^'c, x. Soet. n-i|-!.-3T^T?I M.-&C. JPT^,— in significant, jocose, or free phraseol. H^"^'4T^t yPjUJ, «T5frT 2TOW-WraTjf-3rR'jf, srTDTT?^-cto. q;^, jt^t^P flnT?(t ( in comp. as ar^HHT, KWH^ft, &c. ), HT^ft ( in coinp. as 3T^»Tt^, mflHTJft, &c. ), aTT^ft ( in comp. as 3?^?ft, 3iwrn?ft, f^nr^ft, qs--^^ft, sr^^rt, frmr^ft), ifFf in comp. as !rr55=p^, sTrgj^, 3T5r'f5,)5'jn^ (Tu couip. and with contemptuous iniplication,as. STPtT ^TTT^, Htn m^, &c. ). Eati.vo, n. V. V. A. l.—act. ^^ n. &c. H?TOT n. ^^ n. (S(Z^ n. W^ "■ 2 W^ n. Vf^vi n. eop, v. 11. 3Tr|-a, n. reflux of the tide, ^ff m. #^/. ^^t^ Extreme e. ebb at the springs. f^^TR or f?r?rTT 3^1^? The e. and ilow. g^fft »lT?ft/. 2 icane, ^'c. v. Decline. g?nT »»■ 3rfTrft/. T^TTrfmiMI m. To Ebb, «. n. v. N. 1. #^OTf, W^ m.-'flT^/. -mrfiJi-c^l- To e. dry. f^, Eeb-tide. See Ebb. Eeoxt, n. jilutinosa.Z^rv:f\ f. 3TT^PTH »i. ?f^ or^iT EBEiExr. See Dbunkensess. Eeriosity, m.t.a. ^J. ^n^ m. 3"»Tr5T m. 3^TT?r m. ^^x^ m. ^Micii »«. ^ttt^/. g;?T m. ECCEXTEIC, a. divergent. ^JTTrfpTT^, JT^T^T^mff. 2— in geometry. 3TOP[%^, f^TTT^. 3 fig. anomalous, devious, v. Ieeegulae. '^iMl'iHi^'i^^- EccESTEiciTT, n. V. a. 1. %^Trf 5PPtr/. TT ^q r^MlPl H T/. 2 'ir^%3?rr/. 3wr%2»tr jm/^bW't w. 3T^«TT^T#T n."%^^i^ «. f^I^on^T/. ?JT=f;JT^^>,q7f n. Ecclesiastic. >i. ;7cr«on holding art appointment in the church. V[M%^^^^^ ngwT »n. qjiq^fq^^ ^^^^ ^_ VT^h?^^ w. EcpLESiAiiiCAi,, o. Itlonginj, c}c^io the church or religion. Ecno, ?(. !7f?r'--^f^)». sTf?i^rj wi. irfrTJisTwi. tT?^i£7»». q-sm^wi. /. aT^tiffTfHj. nfprxujTT «. 2 fig; mere repealer of the opinions of another, ftctpw^, ^Tt^^S \fh ^TFT ?«. Inclination ( of a planet's orbit ) to the e. H4i'-|H»i.MT?7oft^. Edict, n. decree, S{c. v. Iiaw. ?T^fTT/. ^^^TRT^T n. ^TRT^ n. 3TrfrnT=5T «. f^q «?. General e. or enactment. ^TRTF^^TRRT. Edification, n. v. V. ^T^\■^ ^sNt |f|;/. ^'HTn f-i^i t f- EFF Edificatokt. See Edii-tino. Edifice, n. v. Building. ?itrh/. s[^=^ )». iZb Edify, v. a- instruct, improve. ^r^Y^^f^f_ ^^-^TPf^liif, ?r^T^fSigT/. r'it, 5,?T^?:% ^raw, ^i|^ dl+uj, ^Ys^T >«. fTTf^'Jf, 3^Rr»?». ^-*HKU(-«fIr5"Jr, "J^«. qTcI'Jr-^, ^T^^, ^JJTf^ 2T^, ^rf^-Rfi-l-ctc. cjTT^ot^ fr- %^OT ^"H-. [%%?^, etc. Effaced, p. v. V. J^J^T ?T^^^r, #|^^ -il-Pv-^.T, i%?RTW Effacement, Effacing, n. \. V. — act. jwp ^T^"^«- &c. Effect, n. \. Consequence. W[^n. ipr m. w^^ pop. RiJf, aTTft. Effectualuess, n. t.A.1. ?Trodtteiivc of effect, ])otcerf id of effect, n- ■jfT, I'^r^JT, liT^FR^v- q;rfr-ifce. JtTT^, 'TarrqTinfj, 101- Efficaciousxess, Efficacy, «. v. A. ?T?q- «. ^r^r «. noT »t. noTtn m. ^JTur ««. jw^rfr^ /. ntJiT^riaT /. srsR^ /. ^^ w. 5FFT%rr??TT/- 'T'lrnf^/. ^mHT'-:T^?TT/. Efficiexcy. n. t. A. qjTTf^r «. ^P^dtt ot. qn^m^T?^ «. ErricrEXT, a. that effects or causes, v. Causative, ^fr^, Effiot, n. image, representation. ^r§^ m. or T^f. or ?•; n. •jj^ VI. siPrMtr m. sTf?wT /. sr^^ «. sr^iTTT?f /. :f- fn^F? OT. yrd^frl/. Euncral rites performed on an e. (of leaves of Butea frondosa ) when the corpse is missing. TTrJTnf'Tf^ m. Effloeessexce, «.— in medicine ; eruption of himoura. it. H^l-HH m. TT^rfHTf «». 3T?TfrH ?». ^'it^PlT m. pi. With 0. qF?I?r:, irq??r?f., 3tS q^i. Without e. ar^f^m: iJo/). a^^f^TT^ o»' 3T^, With many eflbrts. ^[rTRTT^T^t^f. Of this word the sense- is further distinguishable into two shades; and there are in Maraihi very many and very lively formations involving the sense yet respecting, some, the one shade, and some, the other. Here accordingly, we have collected the formations ; and we have tlistiuguished the sense that they might bo duly allotted. In the shade of a vehement ami concentrated exertion of strength — as expressed by such words as a strain, a heave, a pull, arc q?=r m. ^^m in. T^W^PT in. rim in. n. 3Tm5/. %?: m. rT5^/. 3TsrmH)J. iTjpqq^ ,„. jf /. ipx ,„. ^sTT^T m. tTI>TT m. 3T^'».-&c. ^ji^of, Tft^?;- ELE Elaborate, n. Elaeoeated, p. v. V. JTreqr'TTTn %^r, ?r- Eladoeately, ar/y. v. \. JTRtrr^^rHPf, HRirmprft^, ^i^r- To Elapse, y. «. pass. ^T^, ^rST^ ^JTM, ^R^f, 31>jf, T jn?it or n^T'iif, TrT ^ijf , TFTiit. Elapsed, /). y. V. n^sjr or ij;^, &e. ipT, ^tft, i^Jn or T^^ Elastic, a. that has the property of returning to the form from which it is lent. cj'c. fl'. ?f. ^qr ?«. E.-joint. #T^T^^^^/. 2 flexure or angle. — gcucr. tpTTTT ?». ^\T.^ n. Elbows and ears, — compreh. corners and piroject ions. EPHqfmt m. pi. \m-^\^^, To Elbow, v. a. #TT^5ft/.-q?rTr?T?ftJft/. TTRof, ^TqTT^ HT- Eleow-eoom, M.'+nq<4'(Hn. Elector, 71. x. V. fHci^.^^Muir^, lH=rf5%?TinTT, &c. Electric, Electrical, a. pertaining^ ^-c. to electricity, f^- 2 containing electricity. f^^^^fT^, HfsfsjT^, f^ra^fHT, Electricity, n. electric fluid. ^\^f. f^ra^/. fif^fFKi^T ;;. To Electrify, v. a. give an e. shoclc to. fr^^ '.q'q&T «. ^'T. 2 charge with electricity, ^^f. H^-^R'^T, 3 fig. shocJf. Sec To Shock. ELE 272 lIlECTIlIJVISC-MACniNE. «. fcTST or igr M. Electcauy, fi. — in incdiciTie. ?^ m. 3Ttr%^ "i. EtEEMOSYXARr, o. living on alms. fH%«Tr ll^ H<.uiK[, fT^TT- 3fp^, fH^TT-rK^sft, f^Hrnt, ^tttt^?^ st^tt^, :; y/.r/i /« alms. fvT^^T, fH?T% %Tm^, tTTTT^, ^^, o nlai.ii'j to char Halle donations. ^^fK^^^mv^., ^r^7m\- Ei.K.iANCK. n. V. A. 1. f flTfMrrqoir m. f^^qon M. ?flHr/. I-' ?r^/ ^. Tip of the trunk of an e. ji^T'i. Tower of an e. (canopied). aTSTTft/. ■=i«Jn. Troop or body of elephants. TSTHRw. ^^HITm. H^- Young male e. WlWXft. Elephaxt-eaeed, a. 'M+uff. ELErHA>-TiAsis, n. Wl^^yn. =5fT^^/. sf^^^ft^n. [^. Elephaxtine, a. ^rf^5n",rp3Tr5fT,^fH^'--ft, ^l^f^Tq^, fffe- To Elevate, v. a. t. To Eaise. t^ ^R^, S^etot, =^^^, 2 raise to a higher station, v. To Exalt. HT5r-&e. JR^, ^]^^^.| ^Z^f. ^S^ g. of 0. Eletate, a. Elevated, p. v. V. 1. 3^ %%?rT, T^q%^, >.tc, 2 ifrer %^i=?T, ^T^^TT Hi^Dl =5?^^^. Elevation. «. v. V. — arf. 3"^ W-X^ n. kc. ^icjufl/. 2 JTT3T ^^ M. STTS^T'if «. L See Height. Diguttt. Eleve, n. one Irouglit tip hy another. ^^, ^TTf^-TfT. Eleven, a. ar^RT, "^^T^^T. Eleventh, a. ai+.iHl. Elf. See Demon, Devil. To Elicit, d. o. f^roio or strilcc oul.^ S;c. 5FT5% f^n=>T ^T^. Eligibility, Eligibleness, ?i. v. A. Ml^ril/. tl^uft-Mdl/. ■Miufl^dl/. &c. ^q-?TT/ ?ir5T¥t/. Eligible, cj*?/, ^'c. to he chosen. r:^]^^-'=s(\--^jr\-?^-&c. qr^, ^-J^ufl-M, OTT^, 5n>jffT, =PT, MR'luiJftT, fSpTFTif^T, ^^- To Eliminate, t). «. expel.^ thrust out. ^FT^j^Frffr •il+ui-^'t. 2 ( in Algebra ) gf^jjor, ^pi^ir ?T^iJf. Elimination, ?». v.V.l. ari!.-5pT^'if n. — ^FfT ^T^'n «• &c. 2 ( in Algebra ) ^of n. &c. Elision, «. — in grammar. c^R »«. ar^^TT «. Lost by e. 15^, Elite, n. flower^ choice portion. T'i'iif. ELU 273 EMB Er.ixiK viT-E, n. T^\^^ n. Elk n. ^tNt »»• n. Ell, n. :pFT5 H'FiTT^r^ ^J. ^^ H^^ 3Tr\. Ellipse. See Ellipsis, 2. Ellipsis, m.— iu rhetoric, q^?^^^/- ^^^?TT/ "??nFt?TT/. Supplying of au e. art^qr^K in. wr^f^pjyir «. ( AVorJ, clause, &c.) required to supply au e. ( "T^, ( Word, clause, &c. ) brouglit to supply au c. ( 7^, 2 — iu geometry. 3TST^R m. 3T5T?>frr/ S^^^f^ n. Elliptical, a. t. X 1. 'T^Yx^^'^^ T^^T^r, T^r=pf?T^r, 2. 3t§T^R, 3TIT5Jf^. Ellipticallt, adv. Y. A. 1. ^f^f ^Tg ^"if^, q^'Y.:Trrm'i;. 2 3T5r?Kft^. Elm, n.'^^ grs 3Tr^. Eloci'tio-v, «.y7!«'«/, ij'c. speech, \. Eloquence. cRh^ «. Elogv. See Panegyeic, Praise. fTo Elongate, &c. See To Lengthen, &c. To Elope, v. n. v. To EuN away. T^^^ ^r'Jf, TS /.^i^of-W. 2— of a female. ^ m. q-^TT ^m, q^ «. JT^'Tr-f^r'?'^, ?Jr- Elopement, n. v. V. 1. Tot'if «. "T^H ^?rM w. Tr^RT^r «. 2 MiR'^urf/. qrf^qtrft- /. ■qrfr^-^ m. Eloquence, i>. q^q- n. ^T^^Tf^/. ^ff¥pTT?fr/f3T*T=Eft ^mr- Goddess of e. ( or speech). ^RHfrft/. cfF^TT/. =rP^- Eloquent, a. ^r^JT =^fn?7T, ^f^JW, ^^T, ^Y^^T ^^TTT, frir^^r Some terms for an e. person ( ww^e ) are, ^^ ?f ^T- frT or ^^tnlfT wz. sjT^frT/. «rr^?qfrT )«. ^f^r wi. H^Rtc. See iJie terms above for goddess of eloquence. — for an e. oration or composition. q"sqfft/. ^^iqi-T? m. To speak with animated aud overpowering e. jR m. pi. ^%U^\. Else, pron. one lesideg, \. Othek. g^, 5?T7T, ^^. Else, aiZc. otherwise. ?rr|fFR, 3T?q■'■<^^, r^RifT, Tn »».-q?fq^rn«;.-!T:;RRr^T^*r. T M.-&e. ^^ ff. ofo. ^^^T'-^<^^-■nm'^^-&c.^Tr(vf(. Emasculate, a. Emasculated,/;, v. Y. ^^t %^T, Ac. ?r- To Embalm, v. a. ( a corpse ). f^Km^j ^\^''^m\€l HWB\m. To Emb.\NK, v. a. 5nKrRr»«.-srt'4'«.-&c. ^dt-^ihot. Embankment, n. t. Mound. «ifcTRTw!. ^i-Jm. EMB.iEGO, n. restraint on shij>s. T^T^rfr^'Y ^^]lf-wf\f.-Sic. A'i.<\<\ ^Kt/. iT?jJriTr?r ^niqi^'^^n^r v\^i:w^ m. To Embark, v. a put on ship board. ^r*M'i\^K-&<:. ^^TS^ijf 2 enyaje in an affair. iTfrT-jg^ q^ijf. [^FfTW. To Embark, v. on ship board. iT?I5rrfRT--AMEXT. 'JT^T^PTTw. ^uin. Embebs, n. /(0< asAfi. "PTRTor ' iTiTT'«-«-^^ or WHT.m.n. m\^n. 3TT^»?. Cake baked on e. 3ir^Ki-it/. ^f^ (??• 7^n;rr»K. Mass of e. ^^"tn. To Embezzle, v. a. fraudulently appropriate. ^TiTT , ^M., Eormations aud phrases iuvolving the sense of this verb are numerous and exceedingly expressive. ^^^,1%T=Tt'T, 5^^, 'P.+l-^Ji, q^^ijf. =?TTTHat, ^q;'Tf,iT^-'?T-n5'N-'TS- ?in7-iT^-'F-T-?rTT-7'TK?r-ai^i'. ^RiJf, 7ITOT. ?iJt-HlTiJt, ^>=\^^- rtfrtr qT^aT-7:T^-j?n:dT, n^-qr^i^r T^fr^f ^at,JTt^T5rft^ f.-t.\rt.\'\\r\m. q^ y.o/o. ?^ra^ =5i^,5!:;i. ^iJi y. o/ 0. ^r- ^T'T "ft^t. ^PTDfy. o/o. ^^V^n.-z^^m. ^K^ g. of o. frioi- 5^ to(7A ^x ofo. {■^i-^^X^-^^yp^V^A'^'Ay^X-kd:}. %-^m. ^ 1 y- 'fo. qf pj ?^w-qT^^-7^'"i^, ^TR /. FTTil^ y. o/ o. 3ll«HH'1)t.->THn^/. ^!Jf y. o/o. To 0. daringly, bravingly, &c. ^W^ i^w. ^Sr, fpIot. Embezzled,;). v.V. ^?rT^%=5T, ^Rf%^, &c. qsr, qf?i7T. Embe zzlemes t, ». <;(i;iy pw6«.-Zf(i. ^j^r^/. ^iTTT'ft/. \TX^w:t[ f. '\A\^\(\f. EUBEZZLEB, n. T.Y. mWK\, fn^IWlTT, &c. ^T, T^Tft^ T^' Rico-m. Tt) Ejibittee, v. « »n(?i-e i(7to' or grievous. ^.'^V^J-^'^V^' To E.MBLAZON', V. a. adorn with armorial ensigns, ^.'^^ f^- 2 publish pompously, v. To Blazok. tr^J^ 5f'n%n. ^"Jf, Ehr^TP«.-'rMI'(Ml»!.-..'!:c. :p^ y.o/ 0. Emblem, m. sign, symbol, SjC. f^^^ n. f^UV^ or ?ft/. ^^T/. Emblematic, Emblematical, a. v. N. ^--fcdNI, ^fftr, ?T%- FR1%T, ^t^^^, ^?Tf&T'HP;, 5^^3T^, :j§Tq^, fTTT^, 58^^. Embodied, p. v. V. 1. ■^, ^^'4rtt, ^^I^, ^T^, ?rRtk^, d^mn, 'T'T'silTH, 'JTHKTT, To Embody, v. a. invest icith a body. ?it-1[Tftft-^^-&C. ^- uif, \\ m.-X.t^ m.-&c. ■^^. 2 form into a body or system. ^'^^ m.-WJ^ ».-^ra^- ^P^cTT n.-^K^f ^^g. ofo. (T^fs^roft tijwi^. 3 for7!i into a military body. ^RT«i^/. ^l^ g. ofo. X'J^' ^^^fW^'T^g. ofo. To Embolden, v. a. v. To Escoueage. \ftl ?».l^^l«l m.-f^- ^^^f.-&c. ^>jf. Embolism, Embolismal. See Tnteboalaey. To Emboss, «. a, »t^ ot. pZ.-'Ti% »». pl.-&c. ?rT=f%, 't^^-HT- Embossed, _^j. v. V. ntr?^, 'f^TlT. To Embowel, v. a. deprive of entrails. 3Tt?Tlf ^TO^- jpT^^y. o/(?. To Embrace, v. a. clasp in the arms. 3TTf^^, ^^^ot, -T#- jriosijf, q-n^t, ^n^ or ^'iK-uf, "^zvz^., "^TTrzof, a^^rs^ot^ ^a^^TP^ffVr'Jt, ^ff Tfff m^.iW.^f.-^f.-fH€\f.-y{^ /.-Roti-HI OT.-&e. qraSr, f T /.-fJr^ /. ^TRijf, %^/. ^, g-ofo. To join in e. ^Rof, Hvn%^ /. ^tiif y. q/" s. — eagerly, &C. ^5^5f HSIOT, grsrsoT, ^^H-wM^'J^ tTT'Jf. 2 comprise, v. To Comprehend, ^jq'oiot, +ci'i|cA'TJ,-3TT^oE^. 3 a<7?Kf^, accp/i!, take, Sfc. q'tjf, "T?np^%^ m. s^T OT. #^'^crT n.— state. fJrJt / ^»T/. ?^;i /. ^5J^r WJ. Close and fast e. Cornish hug. J1I*sfHcft/. ^'KlHil/ Friendly e. ^^Hrfen^ «. ^ n. Mutual e. ( on meeting ). ^zf^^.f. ^zf. 2— act. ^.^^ n. 3TT^F5:iTf n. &c. 3TPf;^?r n. 3— act. iroT n. "TFT^of n. "TrT^ O)' q^f^R m. 'm\^J:^ n. STift^R OT. ^^C^ «. ^"^PT? OT. ?7^ n. 'JTTS'-r'TW «. I. comprehension of the arms. mf. W-^ f ^^^ «. ^f- EME Emeeaced, p. V. Y. 1. arnSq;^, ;f^5:?s=!T, &.c.^h^-&.c. ^^ ?^3T, 3TTi%fn?r, fRRff qT?r^, arrf*^"?. 3 qas:^, >Tct^^"^5?rT, &c. aTrf'-T^T, 3i;5i?5f5T?T, ar^it?^, ^- EiiBEASUEE, «. opcnixj in a icaUfor cannon^ cJy. ^ift/. vf- To Embkocate, v. a. rub ivith a lotion, ^^qm =%5liJf, WT- EiiBEOCATio>.', n. lotion for rulhii^g a diseased part, '^t^- ijqT^ t^pq-q- ji.-CTTaft m.-&c. H<^Vfjqtr «. 2b EiiBEOiDEE, V. a. ornament idth figured ivorTc.^ ij'e. ^F^ft- EilBEOIDEliED, /J. V. V. g^t^, ^^^j^J^^^t^F, ^^ft^F^T, E. with gold. JT^. FuU-e. TT^^^ft. Embroidery, n. flowered leorlc. W.'€\^ m. g^t /. ^^^TT m. ^^^/. 5T^FRf^K w. To Embroil, v. a. set a quarrelling, v. Quaerel. "P^/-fJ^ Embeoiler, «. T. V. and Ikce>-diaet. J^^;^T?r, ^oJ?5T°^, EiiBETO, Embbyon, n. first rudiments of an animal in the u-omh. g^r^T^SJT TH m.-TTT »«. ^JOT m. f^^ m. «TTT5^'4 iT>f?«. Murder of e. (orfa?tu3). aui^e'HT /. 2 ( of a plaut. ) JJ^ffT ««• stfTifrJT n. HfT ?n. Emendation, «. ac< of correcting — a wnting,&c. ^^l+;i5^ \ 11. xi]^ m. tjrryPT n. 2 an alteration for fJie better. ^]^ m. Emerald, n. qrq-/. I^.SHM/ KT^Prt »n. ?;PTrft?5 ?«. q=?FT pop. Emerald, a, of an e. color. HK+fT, ^'g'^f. 2l> Emerge, f. n. rise out of. src %^, 3^^ «;. qr^T^f, 3^ m. -jsTT^^ »!.-:j?rJTH H- ^"Jt g. ofs. g-^H^spT «.-3?;rT?r M.^rriJf. 2 ( from poverty, obscurity, &c. ). g^?T wj. ^tqr g. ofs. -^ qjT^, g-^oE ?i. "TtsT frof y. of s. Emeegenxe, Emersion, n. v. V. 1,—act. qr q'oi n. ;3^ ?». 3VTr5T?r ?«. 3?r»TH ?i. 2 3^ »K. 3T*-"H ^'-< "J- I. ( of a planet ). 3^ m. Eastern e. "T=if^ m. "Western e. ^ff^^fi^ m. II. occasion, call arisen: exigence, vrgcncy. 3i^rT=Fr^ n. nf^frT^ sf'fr^JT w.-^Fpf ?).-&c. ar^rm^ n. sfr-Tf^T^ sran «!. 3TT^ftH^Tq-fT-^?r ^^\^^ n. ir^ /. f?np^ /. ^^ f Emeegencx, See Emergence, II. Emergent, a. suddenly arising, 7trgent. f?r^5==IT, ^^Tf^fHr, EitEEODs. See IlEiiowinoiDS. ^75 EMP Emery, n. j.^'^Nl =^ ?», Emetic, «. 3rl^/. q^T^ «. 3^5THt-«rr?ft%' ^Srs^T ». Emetic, Emetical, «. 3^=5^r, 5Tn=ft^r, ^TT^, ^rrfFTPRq;. Emigrant, Emigrate, a. v. V. arrr^r 5in W^^ np;^!, ^"^- To Emigeate, v. n. leace ones counlnj to reside in aiiotlur. Emigration, ?i. v. X.—act. arr^r^ ^n ?itf^ ^rw n. \\tt^- J] m. 5xr^^l?qTn'J5% T^i!T5rRT m. Eminence, n. rising ground, v. Hill. Z^^^J m. j'spT^T ?». 3TTT3T »». 3^r5 n. 2 cxaltedncss, celebrity, Sfe. \. Fame, Greatness. »Tr%- tfiTT VI. TTT^^/. irf?ri3r/.sff%f5;/. ^^rrr/'Sr^^ «. Sr- 3 excellence, v. Superiority, st^'^ ot. 3f??WT/. ^'^^/. By e. f^^W :F€^, Eminent, a. dignified, elevated, e.taltcd, v. Famous, Great. 'Jf n. z\^ n. To Emit, v. a. send forth, give vent to. tilsui, Tr5>jf, ?T^, \^. EMMENAGoarE, n. %^'^^^-^^V^■-SiC. aTPTtrw. ^^^ or ^- ^^STFRJ ^TT4 n. Emmet. See Ant. Emollient, a. softening, suppling. ^^\^ Tf^ ^'o;). STHT^t^, ^T^Ttfl^S;, q^I'lRf^- To Employ, v. a. busy, r.rrrcise, keep at work. ^^t'T^, rR- To c. one"'8 self ( in, at, ivitli, amidst ). dN^ui. 2 entei-lain for service, enjaye. J^, •^I'T-O+I S^^T, ^TT «.-tT?Twi.-=5fT^/.-^'M'll ""•-'*>:''. ?rT^'JT-%iif. 3 appli/. use. cfPTT^, s^tNTT^, sqET^'Jr, ^r^MI-i^, ?^Ri^, JFT^\^ w. «. f?fr4^;-T n. 3 f^^lirTiTrT w. ^HTiIT w. &c. ^Jf'TrTT/. 4 o/^. '^g^, aT?^^^, 3=r?qKlTr. Emptying, n. v. V. 1. — act. fr^cpif w. fT=Er5r"jf n. &c. fr^^'Jj /. fT^^iift/. fr^T^T^/. ft^:t^>Jr «. [^TH'jft/. 2 ^'HT^ n. ^'FTT or grtRfT m. ^m^ or 3tt^ot/. J^Tofr or Empuepled, a. 3Tf5Ta;'TR'Tp5TT %%??T. Empyeeal, Empyeean, a. v. N. ?f?^rF^5i!Tt-fin-q^. Empyeean, n. highest heaven. ^Tf'T^rsP m. Wt^'^^^ n. To Emulate, v. a. cope or vie with, v. To Eital. spjirff/. -f5R0T, 5T?ft/ srfiT'Jr J'-iVA # 0/0. ZHpTf JTTTtjf-;!^ itvVA pfT or ^ of 0. 5TO/. TT^of, ^jzf\^ TTlft/. ^?m, %^?T ^ m. q-of, ?rT/-?Tft'/-%'Jr y. o/«. p^\ of 0. ^tm, ^^^r. Emulation, n. v. Y. ^#^wt/. ■4i]4'ACT.MEST, «. T. Y.—aei. ^'trmaj «. ?'4Pt^ «. F^TrT^r /• s^- ^■. ^■r^>Jr-?iT5r'Jt-=q'^5pif. Enamellep, p. V. Y. fiT^T r;r%^T, fn-MMT, fiT^TJlT. ExAMELLEii, «. T. Y. f^T^TT rtN^lKl, &c. fTT^PTR or fiT^TTT, E-VAMELLlNO, n. fHHl+rO o'- fiT^^lft/ fT^THT ^CTfT ". E>'AMOURED, o. charmrd, captivated tritJi. H^^;:!;^^ etc. I'^T^T- F^ToI, f^i^, %^, mf|?r, 3Tr?TTfv, ?Tf ( ill coiiip. as ^^Ff, To be e. ^J^iif, t^^i, tn^, fer"Tf, iTT5J>n, q^-iJStT-ctc. 7b EsCAiiP, V. n. pitch tents. |^ m. ;>Z.-%TT^5t/-rfS »«. ^ and in. con. TSiit. E>"CAMPMEST, n. V. Camp, jtt^ ?». [q'jtiT «. 2 /i«ce or ground oj encamping. r{^ m. JT^PT m. T?T=r ??». Searching of an e. upon leaving it. r\7.^\^\ m. cToJ^- E>'CEISTE, a.v. Pkecnant. TTTJT. To Ekchaix, y. ff. ?ft^5ftqr ^ifq-ot, ir^FTR^ q^ijf. [fq-^r. 2 ( the attention, &c. ) ni^fiir, n?Tf^crr, ^n^^ ^i^r, 3T:j^- To ExcHANT, V. fl. lit. fig. V. To Chaem. >TRot, JTofCTJ- or JT- fTTiir, HTWt/. EJ^y. ofo. JTRoft/. mrSot-^raiJf. EsCHAKTEE. See Magician, Soeceeee. Excha>-ti5Ct, a. See Chaemixg. [jTr^TT/. ESCHASTMEXT, «. V. CkAEM. ITT^^/ITT^/. %^^ »?. 'flT^ft- E>'cniSTEESS. See Soeceeess. [tt y. ofo. To E>-CHASE, V. a. V. To Inlat. ^5W, ^S^Z-^^tst^T m. ^- ;ro E>-ciBCLE, «. a. V. To Sueeound. ircw, %TT ?».-n^7Fr m.- &c. qT^-'TTTi^,3TT:r^,%'?'Jt,Jr^q-if%?r-3TIfTT-STIf ?T TTot. 2 ( in the arms ) v. To Embeace. spq'cr^S'Jf, Jp^ssiif, t.^- Esciecled,;;. v. V.l. ^^?rT, q'"?^^, &c. 3TTf^, ^J^.,^^- To EscLOSE, V. a.sliut vp hy a fence, S,'c. ^^, ^^"JT ?(.'^^^0T «.-3TT=nT «!• w.-3Hic|<. 3 enclosing wall, hedge, ^'c. A'. Fexce. 3TT=rR in. n. Tft^ m. t?^ n. STFFR m. ^-q- n. [&c. LletierySfc. enclosed. cST^R-^Tm^TTcT^c^ ^pm^ m.-j.tif- END Encomiast, «. panegj/risl. ^af^^^rr, 'HT^^, '^^^rf. Encomiastic, a. laudatory. ?H?f\^, ^fI^^T,FjfniVq^r^, f^- Encomium, n. t. Phaise. ^^frf/. ST^T^tr/. f^^r^ »;. ^'o Encompass, v. a. v. To Suueound. 5R^, Sf^OT, %'2'iT, q^y OT.-'KlSI m.-&c. ^TF^OT^ Enxore, rtrfy. again. f"P^^, Kki+AIM, 3T'T^. To Encounteu, v. a. v. To JIekt. JtIs^, Tts/. T^'Jf '«. CoH. with g. of 0. fifocur in. con.^z^ in. con. 3TT3=rT^^ in.coii. '^Kif^ m. ;;?. ^pir in. con. ^^TT'Jf. [ pi ». Encounter, n. meeting, nte/. %?:/. ^"TT^'?/. *RTH?:/. ^^- 2 See Combat, Battle. To Encourage, v.a. emlolden. tftl m.-^'H m.-q^ n.-'fl^T^]^''. ?rot, arr^Tmnr, ainniiOj, grf^^^, ^''J^^f.-'in'^i^^n.- srtf^rrpr m.-&c. ^pT'jf y. of o. Encouraged, p. t. V. iftT f^?f^, &c. aTT'^lfH^, RT7Brf|i^, ar^JTrfs^, arfT^Tf^, !TTK'4^t, sj-m'^^, R;5:tT''^q-. Encoueagement, n. v. X.—act. tftT "^"JJ "• &c. 3^n^ift/. 3TT=^rRFr n. ar^RT^ «. arfiT^^^ «. ^rft^^ «. ^rrfH^T- ^FR ?». — state, encouraged ness, assuredness, f^^^^ m. En'coueager, «. EycoDRACiNo,^. «. V. V. 'flr ^"JTRfi'Mi ^RT, ^ ^^, ^'T ^"^^1 *'^- ^^T^Wt +..-TRmf5 H.-OT5T m.- T^,K^n.-kc. ^^ot or qr^^r ^T^q-UT, TTT^TFTT m.-&c. :f;?:. =SR^HTn m. 3T?RR m. S'^rRT^fq" »». T^TT^/. f^Rj?': m. «. TT^ n. RT^?: n. ^RT ?K. st^TST «». Extreme or very e. ?I^%^ m. ^Rrn'?!^ ;«. At the extreme e. W^^rit^, ^"^T^rff, ^FT^tT^. At the e. of. 3T^. From e. to e. 3TR?R, 3T^^?r^. Standing on c. grtfirrT. To the e. ^Fiq-?:. 2 cessation, (J'c. y. Conclvsion. \^^Z m. sm m. a^raft/. END 27S EXE To como to some c. ( settlemeut, stop, &c. ). '». Until the e. S^IWHlfH. r. o?yVc/, fl/m. arfHTTq' m. STT^TT »«. 5rfH^^ «• ?rT'4^ M. 3|n m. 7^3'D, v.n. conclude, close, finish, terminate, ^fqfff, '^l-iNUI, ?=^ot, :j?5ir5^, ^i^, 3f^OT.-^T5rr»!.-3T%fr/.-TfTcrrm»».- &e. ^,?mnT-3%t-ciTTrT-&c. ^riJf, g^rw. tp^tjrsof or q-M"jf. iTo EsDAiiAQE. See To Huet. a'o ESDASOEK, f. a. hazard. *PTH-B'^f^-!qW^r?T-&c. qiHW- ijiiu'i, +,iaii^ f?tfr^ or qr^'Jr. ji^uii-.-mi ^'[f^ ^'^^^., ^K^- rlTHT STTSof, {and To be cmlniigcred, ;jn^r%^'Tff ^^^- 2b EnBEAK, f.fl. fsTq-3TFr5rn--'T'r5-&C. JR^. Ekdeaemext, m. /f«(/(?;- affection, lovingness. csfTT/. FITlm. ?^nfr^/. rTT^'+,MU||«i. rISJTOT. Some of tlic terms of en- dearment in use are here collected. For a husband or lover, finr, STM^fr-T, SJM^T^T, JTmf^q', srm^7, STTirf^T- cfrf^RrsJ^^T. For a wife or lover, f^^^^., ^^\^f^^]^ srmsTs?- ^^rf^mfHT, &c. Em'Eavoh, n. T. Effoet. it^Tw. ^^^m. ?!PTm. ^^xj | < ot. To ESDEAVOE, v.n. make effort or essay, y. To Tet, To Sieive. ^^m.■^^?!^m.-l;^^\^m.-kc. sR'Jf, ^TTctj-, ar^TTRW. E>-DED,p. Y. V. A. ^5r%^, &c. ^TJTTfsrFr. T. Y. N. ^%?IT, 'CE, n. x.y. A..!.— act. ^^0In. ■»Tm'^«. &c. ^"JT^/. 2 ^r?rST«. ^i^ ^^^n. &c. ^^^n. ^rn^f ?^\f?{f. f^ffHHi/. T. V. N. f?:^ot/;. 5^k. f^Hcrrn. &c. f?:^Rm. ftqpRTw. 1%^^'». f^^TFPJft/. fHTFTJT^/. ctTR m. fzW.W\W-f.^\^- 1. fortitude, patience. ?r^3[Tf^/. trrm. tiftrw. To ExDUEE, V. «. (pain) tindcrgo,-^. To Suffee. ^fr?f>Jr, ^5^, ■»TmoT, ^FT^'jf, aT^H^TOT, ?Tf=T«.-&c. ^of y. o/ o. 2 Jeff)' with fortitude or patience, v. To Beae. ^'t^T'Jr i'n. CO??. ^Tr^JfT ^, ?TT^, ^TrT »». 'R^. To Endtee, r. 7l last throvgh or out, alide, stand, remain. p,'+,ui, St>Jf , TT^'n',f=TT'Jf , f^HR'Jti '^. i Endwise, adv. erectly. 3^'q7^, S'TT (?ffcZ. 2 ^ ^nrrr ^p^?t. [ Enema, n. an injection. R^-+,iO^ ^f 'cT«. ^rf^/. ««. E>-EMT, «. pullicfoe. l^ftT, ?!T^. Irruption or the depredations of the e. if^KTT /. 2/oe, adversary, antagonist, opponent. ^^,"%ft, ^^TK^, ftj, 3Tft, ^ftT or "p, ^rqt3T, ^T%^, ^-l^ft, ^R^^TH^, Captured or overcome by one's e. ^T^^nfT. Concealed and deadly e. aT^rPfffTrft 3TPT/. The sis enemies of the soul, viz. lust, anger, desire, affection, pride, envy, ^f^^, An e. I must expect, but let him be a wise one. g^- E^EKCiEiic, E^'EEUEiiCAi-, «. Spirited, powerful, vigoroui. EXG 270 EX.1 ^^, 'pt2;r, r^r, 5^?i, ^H^^, ^H^Tr, ?^?:irtt-ERYATI0S, M. V. V. 1. 5F5fTf^/. ^Tf^aTq-;«. To En'feebie. See To Weaken. To Enforce. See To Compel, To Force. 2 put into execution hi/ force. «roET%-5I55 ^C-T-^c. =?nB7'Jf Enforced, p. x. V. 2. sf^r^ '^WA^J^'Z V &c. Enforcement, n. v. V. 2. if5tT% "^TrS^in «. &e. To Enfranchise, v. a. See To Free. 2 ( a town, etc. ) ^- ^/- ¥t. 2b Enoaoe, «. o. enlist.^ Iring into a party or affair. S^Ti^, 2 «•/» «?i(; fl(!/«f/;, gain. Hnr?>Jr, ^arq-iJr, 3TrT?!Rrr-5r^T-3TT- ?T^-&c. EpTtJt', Ml^ui. 3 5/«f? Sy agreement. ^=^^\^-^^^]^-^=^^\r&Q. qt^^-'j- risrut-^rrtm-'TT^ ip^-^fyR qair&c. srf^firm^-sifrrfTT^- 4 liold tinder occupation, use, ^c., employ. 'Ttsfof, iTd=|ui, 5?;mr?T-&c. itrot, jfiff - &c. ^t^Jt. 5 See To Pledge. U e«;er ^i^o lattle with. c5?Tf /. ^, ?^/.-55 W.-&C. f^ JRof loii/* fr of 0. [5« ^?T7ir. To Engage, v. n. confict with, v. To Fight, F^^lf /. ^oj, ^- 2 embark in any business. Tl'if , f^T^^n, ST^"^, sf|TT-7^- tP ^, |T?rM. ^TM'^, Sli/. ^of, ^q^«. qT?5'Tt. 3 promise, agrec.^ pledge ones self. ^'^^n.-'^V^ f.-^^^m.- &c. ^iJt, 5lf?r5TT/.-^T^/--^mw. ^"Jf, ^177/. ^i'^ot. Engaged, j3. y. V. A. 1. %^?^, ?^^, '3^^. 2 ^^\^^^., ^^^cj^^r, ^^t %?5^r, &e. 3 cI^hm' 3?l-5l^?5T-3==T%?^T, &c. EI^^nTS;, Jrf?T|TR5, &e. 4 a"c? Busy, ^^mm 'T?r5r^?5T-n?T3?5T- &c.^^. To be 6. q?rof, ^'^"ir. V. V. N. 2. "sT^iT^TR, Sff^, ?Tf%Tf^'?, T^^, 5^. Engagement, n. promise, ^'c. made, y. Agreement. T vi. pi. ^^^rft'T >n. pi, \^V FA^ m. pi. Eule or sway of the E. r%3fr/. 2 — the language. |q^ /. To Engeaye, v. a. carve, ^'c. ^PrSt, #?fiir, 1%T«T^, ^TTTtl^. 2 imprint, \. To Impress. S^I^T'if, f^mf^ot. Enorayed, ;?. Y. V. 1. ;pR?%?5T, &c. ^ff?T, ^q'rf k, ^^^nT. Engrayer, m. y. V. 1. ^T^uTTO', &c. ^^^P^, ^ifr^ TIH ^T'JTTTT. [ ^^ f. Engkaying, n. y. y. l.—act. ^R^ n. ?tr^'^ «• ^iwt/. ^F- I. <7jj«y engraved. ^W'Wn.^r^^flf^Wi'^ -^rm/i.^^ ^TH ?;. To Engross, v. a. talce the whole oj. ^^^7m^\ ?nrar-?rr^T- =STT ^RT-Wli^M' ?rpi- M.-ctc. %^. 2 engage wholly, y. To Absorb. qiH'^, %S'Jr,%'7^, J;^- 3 «trii!e iw /arye letters. JTra^TT 3^?T?:f^r f^f|'?f-sm /.^Ti^t. Ehgrossed, ;>. Y. V. 2. ?rm%?5T, &c. i^^, f^nTiT, ^?TT, ^a'T- ?r, FT'Jrq', ^r^sj, ^rrft'?, ^ft, ^ST=^, arrf^'H ( in comp. as ^nrrffs, w'TrfiT's, f^'^^nf^q ). To be e. f^iT'Jt, TS'Jr, 1|5 ^JT^f, ^lii^i^. To Engulf, &c. See To Ingulf. To Enhance, v. a. advance, raise, ^'c. y. To Increase, ^v^- ?"if, 3TftT^ :p^,f%^fT/.-^>5 n.-kc. ^\^^^-^^^g.ofo. To Enhance, v.n. rise,adcance, \. To Increase. cJT?iTf,=^?oi-_ Enhancement, n. y. Increase. ^TT^/. =q^ ?». ^fg^ /. Enigma, n. riddle, S;c. JWMT m. ^^ n. ^^ n- ^"E^ «• "K^'i. Enigmatical, a. y. N. ^^^TT, ^5-?T?5fT, ^^'4^, n?T'4T, E. speech. '^^fi\Wf■ s^'frf^/. ^'TT^I^/. To Enjoin, «. «. charge, S;c. y. To Command, ^^t^ot, ^^^. 3TT1TTW. Enjoined, ;j. v. T. ^rrsT^^, ^^R^ ?rtf?I?r^=rT, &c. -^ffi, 3TrfTTlT?T, 3TTf^'?, ^>f^. Enjoining, n. \. V. ««TmrqT-^r-^RT-&c. nm ^ptt-^t- r.NjovKr. ;). V. V. 1, HR^cTT, c^c. ]-:.NjoyF.n, «. T. V. 1. HRirrTr, ni'ft, ^f'^iifr, nr^r. 2 Htn imRT-^FT^TTT, c^io. g^ifrfft, Hrnt, nr^r, 3W^, Hqj ( iu coinp. as ^J^H^p, f ^Hf , f1%3f , '-ffj^ )• ENJoiiiENT, M. V. V. 1.— rtc/. Hrrfr «. »fm »». ^'rm »», 2— ac/. Hmof n. 3^Hm »»• HR^T^F m. HF^ «. ^jf^/- 3T- giT^ w). -^r^=lld/. I. ajreealle feeling, v. PleasuEE, IlAmXESS. g?r«.3TT- 5i^ m. \i m. II. sfa-KflZ e. ^Htn OT. atig^ ^. g^HTT w. III. sensual e. fJTT^^nn »«• fcr'nTg^ «. Hinf^^Tf^ m. Tu Emkisdle, See To Kindle. To ENLARGE, t'. a. T. To IXCEEASE. ^Tf^'Jf , KT^T-ST^T^-ifcc.^- 2 See To Eelease. 3 diUile, e.rpand — as \\itli joy, &e. ^^^fof, ^^^^, To be eularged, ^JFTW, ^?5'^. To Enlauce, v. n. v. To I>-ckease. cIT^W, 3Tf4^ |t'jf, ff?; /.-fsrenr >«. it"^ g. ofs. 2 expatiate. fir'HR wi.-HTR^qfTOn: w.-qiTf^T'^n'T w!.%?rR ExLAEOED,;?. V. V. A. 1. sn^^TJisr, &c. fsr^TTfcr, sifi;, ESLAEOEMENT. See I^'CRF.ASE. To E>-LIGUTEN, V. a. lit. 3%5 OT.-^pfTT^T m. ^FTof-tmof, JT^ifT- "t, snn%rr q;^, si^FT^T^r n.-■^\<[^ n.-&c. w-i^. 2 fig. instruct. spFT^ wi. q^, rWT^TTir «.-rmT>Tn m.-rTHt- ^^ m.-'^itiT'Tn «f.-'iTf«1^^PTJT ?J.-fTR^H «.-&c. ^F^'Jf. EsLiciiTENEi), ;>.v. Y. 1. !T^r^T^^,q^rf3Trr,sr^^Tq;?F,?7rfFT?T. 2 giT, ITT^, ^STFTfTR, SflTlsTr^r, ^Hf^frTT, ^^is;^^|?rt-i>-o, ExLiGHTEXMENT, n. V. Y. 1.— arf. ^T^^inr «. snFTJTH '^• S15PT?T m. q-f^FT w. 2— «.y. !7^^ m. srq^^T^T n. rrRY|TiJr «. ?rRt>TT m. rrH>rT^T 7o ExLisT, t). «. cwyaye in pMic sen- ire ly entering tl,c name in a register. ^^^\^f in^ y. „/ q. ^rt^^FT qof , T- 2 lig. engage in a cause. STcTrff^Sr, sr^-T^J^TJ-ctc. ^."m. To EsusT, v.n. ^■^^l-&.c. arm ^tq" fe?^-fe^^-^5^^-ic. 2 engage in a cause. ^r^rfiTf, Tf Tf-T^^-ite. ^lor. EsLiSTiXG, «. V. V. A. l.—act. qyr^^ iTTS'^ «. «S;c. ^PTRft To E.vLivKX, r. «. malccalire. ^^^-fM^-f^^Vkc. q^raf, ^q^Fi «..!TnJT^FT ». q^W. 2 wia/rc vigorous, vivacious^ licehj, Sfc. v. To Animate. ^3^ m.-^ m.-Tr^^ on.-^-^ ?i.-^ift/.-tn w.-&c. 'iTIUTt'T-, adv. in a lodg. W^^i: To tumble e. qn'?r5;. a. arifk q;?:rfHft/-'JTfR^T TJfT/. \- "if, iTtm%w =5rsqTit, q% ^n?;t% qjFTC ?rfq' ». q-R^r g. ofo. 2 See To Exalt. Ennui, n. lassitude, ircariness. ^^i-i «i. T^^TT? w. f^TTJ 7n. Enoemitt, ». w-rongness, v. Vickehness. 3Tf?f^?TT/. aTf?r- 2 an e. an atrocity. J?ltj TN n. TTfNm^ «. 3T^"tT ^]l, To Enquiee. See To In^uiee. To Eneage, v. a. \. To AxoEn. TFir^ arrilijf, rrFT=Ti^, ^[7- 1%DT,^'?fH' ^Tof, i^^q''^ or %^Frai-, Eneaged, ;j. V. Y. aniANGEY. ?rnR%?5T, ^frTH", ^I'frrpTFTj To Eneaptuee, To Eneavish, v. a. v. To Eejoice. 3Tr?f^ Hli^mr ( or Hlt^^T ) ^^, "PR^sr ?t#Psrf%dT, aTT^J^R^P- 4 m. :pT>ir, 3TT?fI^'if, STTr^ffOT, jf- ExKOLMEST, «. V. A', ^\^i^\i\f. w.^^^^f- w^'^H^\(\f. I. See Kegistke. Ens, w. t. Estitt. st^h «. Ensaiipi.e. See Example. E!fSASUui>-EP, a. stained with llooJ. T^pf H^^T, <^af|^|-5. To Enscoxce, «j. a. shelter, cover, secure. r^q^af-cTTf^ ^ !o/<^ a^rs o/ ?«. 2 hadge, sijn, v. Mabk. f^f^ ». r^^T^JI «. 3 "^hlrfr?; ^^ f ^5;tt gn^. Ension-beaiiee, 11. fH^TPirTR, fH^TPJM-ij'j , '-HH-i^l, s--^^q-lft. To Enslave, v. a. ^?T-n?!;riT-&o. -TT^, "T^^TH^Tr-ST^Tnrr- -&c. qj^of, ^«t^??T^ )!. ^^ g. of 0. Enslated, ;;. t. V. ^ra'#?=rT, &c. ^TWr^l'-l'^l, ^TFTN^. E. by his passions. jfi^T^Hr rf^^T^T^T, ff^'Tf^^T. To Enskaee, &c. See To Insnaee. >te. To Ensue, v. a. v. To Follow. ttsI^ ?5PTot y. o/ o. qrs^m w . :j;^ g. oj 0. To Enspe, v. 11. succeed in a train of erentsor course of time. 'Tr^-;tfn:-&c. ^wr, HTn=^-milMiJi=^ k^. '2 follow as a consequence. ^M, ^:^^., ^'S^^ "^ m.-tR- nrw »».-&e. itw. Ensuing, a. next following. kwT\., ^<^r, 5^?5T. jTo Ensure. See To Insuee. To Entail, v. a. ( an estate. &(\ ). ;T^Tq:(qTT HF^T ^, sf^m- 2fx unalienabli/. ^ f^'^m ^^'n-Z^^. To Entangle, v. a. twist, interweave. 'tl^TOT, 't'^^^, 'l-i^i'i'jf or iToE"PP^, ^T^'Jf, 'TW':ot or 'Tt^rf^'ir, 'T?n''Trf/-'T?n'- nrf /.-Jioiifidl m.-JIT^T m.-'TJTrST m.-&c. ^JTJf y. o/o. 2 invoice in difficulties. qt^PT, j'^f'T^, ll^^-cte. q-^f, t^- Entangled, />. v. Y. 1. nt^'TT, &c. To be c. 'TFT'ir, nt'^^ot, nr-o^^t, rm'Jr. 2 'fra'^^, qr-PR-qi^r qr^r^^T, &.•. To be e. qjH'Jf, nt'pr^^n^f ^i3"n-T5'n, q^rSr^ ntq^'Jif. Entanglement, n. \. Y. 1.— s/«fc. q^r/. 5?rrq?f/. 3?Trj=l/. JTTST »». n'?;r o/- iT5E"PRT m. ijTT- 2 — stute. qr^r »i. "TTT'TI^r m. TTTJ^fT w. TTT^^/. qrT'j- or "JfTT or 9p[Z\ m. To Entek, v. a. ( upon a roll, list, bill, &c. ). aiTT ifrut f^- ^, ^^ ^FT^, Hf?iJr, qpiDt, ^r^?! ^rtif , =qs^, sittot, To Enter, «. a. comr or go in. arfrf ^?rTTJf-im, f^i^tff , f^R^iJf, 2 i?ny«yp )'«, cmhark upon. ir^T^, ^?T m.-'TPT m. ^VV^- f^TTSTot-SST'^, TT^^ «. 55f^, ^^fr\ ^. ^ take jios!T^"'Jr. f>TH'"'ii or fH?rPTJf , H^^ or %^ ^of, ^^. To Enter into, v. n. Hee the cerh active. Entered, p. v. Y. A. ^K %%s^, &c. ^ , 5TR, ^TRTf^'j. V. Y. N. 1. arfffir^sr, ^y^^.^w.-^, sr^, f^fir'?. Enterprise, n. lold or hazardous undertaking. ST'sfR^FTK n. ^PK w. in^jf n. Enterprising, a. v. Adyentueous. =ir^rRt or ^^n, 3^tTP^r, To Enteetain, I', a. engage, hire. '^JT, =;frF'^?r-=TH7f)^n:-T m. ^vm^i^ ^^^V>T^ n. spTwr g. of 0. *fr^ OT. 5TF=rtrf , csisH'^ »■ ^^■ Enticemext. Sec Allvhejient. EsTinE, a. unlroken, tindivideil, Sfc. v. "Whole, j^r, "jof, ^- •jy, ^"J^f, ars'T'T, 3T^, WKJH, 'HT'^r. ^fuU^^comj,l,le,^T\^ JT^TT, ^xJT, ^'fT, ?TT?TfT, ?T^c7, ?r- ESTIBELY, adv. COmpletih/, V. "WHOLLY. ST^tqcT:, f^3.%T, n- JTTK, ^Tf^, f^c7ff5, ifW^r^, ?rjf»Tif, 4ff5r^33^FR%^ ExTiEFyEss, E-VTiitETT, n. V. A. 1. "^W m. 'Jof?n'/. ^fqof- HT/. HTTr'T n. ^nTTVq' «. 2 q>^urr »». "joT?rT/. ^t'jnffq' «. 'Ti%/. &c. gw?^' M. ?rr- ■H^ n. 3T^fTT/. SV Entitle, v. a. give title or right to. arf^T^TT m.-'^rUf.- 2 See To Name. ENTITLED, p. T. V. 1. arf^-PET!: fz^^ , ^^w.\f[ %^5it, &c. EsTiTT, «. T. Beiso. arf^ifsT W- ^F^T ?i. =fWTT/. 2 a« e. o leing. cjrg n. ?fBr «i. «. 3T'T^ii^-7;f5T?Tr/. fsTT^f'T'lf^^^fJsr^ «. ESTRAIL, n. (7« intestine. 3T?r?t/. 3TfT5 '». STPT «. 3T5r «. E>-TEA>-CE, EifTEEING, «. V. Y.K.—act. 5fTT ^>if». 'MKR ^t/. Double e. or entry. |^T^t f^irsf »J. V. V. A. 1. 3Ti?r irnr j!,..&c. r^-^t m. ^^'^^ n. fvt%^ w. TTJTRr^ »!. ft^/. m. f^qreT or f^]^\ m. fmW.XH m. T. acenue, passage.^ v. Dooe. glT/'O^. ZK n. cTR/.KPf ?». <1TI «. sit^mrg^ n. Front or main e. ftT^^K «• Enteaxced. (7. put into a trance or ccstacy. rTVTrq' %3?JT- 2b Esteap, I'. (7. V. To Deceive. T^Tt?r '^roi-aTrDTCTf-qrrsof- ^iwS'Jui, "F# bit-TT^, 'P?mH/.-<}f^T'T^.-&c. ^5'ig.ofo. To be entrapped. - TREATT,n . y. V. 1. f^FPftift/. fcf^Fft/ fK^^y. f^^-^y. E.STET. See ESTEANCE. 2b Encmerate, t,. a. y. To Coo'i. 'Pm, 'm^/.-JMrft/.- (S:c. ^RT5«lt, 3T^"t^TT or vrat- Ic^Tfj^ f^J, f^^'iTTW, t'l'Tr'^t^, finf[c)7;^, f^qW^, 'iT- ?TiT, 3T?TfrT. — in high degree. mR?T, riqrf'?]'?f,JTf fTTrfq''?. Enviously, at^y. t. A. |5?TT^, JTf^TTTH, &c. t^rr^^o;- "TT^^R. 2b Envieon, v. a. V. To Sueeound. qrijf^ =rs5t, W'^ot, "qf^Tw.- %?n"«». qrrSijf, 1^^»». ^TTtof, EntieONS, n. neighhouring places. 34IWH|^-=j|4?rOT. aH|^ H r|| H - Envoy, n. amlassador. ^T/t^, ^. Envoyship, n. srfe^/. ^"r^q"?*. Envy, n. %^\ or J^\ pop. %tJ. \^\m. Jm^m. ^^w.m. HUi^ A n. gr^pnf /. TRpft/ ^rq^^f^/ ar^riTr/. 'JT?TfrFT/. 3T^^?r?». 2b Envy, v. a. ^^\ or rrf pop. h: f.-^]m.-m^Tjn.-&:C. ^^, EpaCT, m. excess of the solar year ahove the lunar, ^ff^^f^T- Ephemeeal, a. lasting one day. ^^^f^TRr, ^^rff^, f^TTg, 2 s7jO)-i; Z/fe(?. ^FT^fft^, aT^^^ftTTf^ or ^^'^.| g^T^rfqf^T- Epic-poem, n. fr'ft, -^^r^ft, f^fTft. Epicycle, n. iTT^^^re. Tlrf-^m. ^fr^^-^rt. Epidemic, n. disease tohick seizes many people, ^^f. ^(]h(\ /■ HTift/. Iff mift /. erm-/. t^ /. shj/. ?im or fft/. Epidemic, Epidemical, a. v. N. ?rt?ft^, T^^, ^^TPft^r, ETT^qr^T, &c. STf JTTT^, ^J^TT^, ^^s^R^, -iTrfrqT. E. fever.3TT?5TH:/. ^rft/. Epidermic, a. 5n"frt?=5 ^^. [f.f. Epidermis, n. outer skin. ^\t;^^^\ f irf|f^5r^/. sfT^J^- Epigastric, a. v. N. ^%qt?T^, TrfoT'Tr^tft. Epigasieium, n. upper pcirt of the abdomen. mm\Kn. JTf^T- EQU 2 qr n. qqfsrf^/. Epiueum. Sec Pehigee. Epiglottis, n. s^mTmHr T^ m. sps^qT?! »», Epigdam, n, jjoinlcil, livily jiiece oj jwclnj. HT^ g'f^'^'pPr- Epilepsy, h. a^^mr »«. T>'7T «. ^T «• T^/. fHT^/. ^T «. Fit of e. fq^% )!. %T^ «. Epileptic, a. aJTfctid u-ilh epilcpsij. \^K'^.(\-, ^^-TT, aTTfTT- 2 lelongiiig to e. aTSPTRT^TT, ^^^TT^T, STR^HK'Hqqt, 3T- Epilogue, n. poem, S{c. at the end oJ a play. 3Tf^iK'l?I n. ?rT- 2 1-ecapitulalion. ■dM^^KOT. Epixicion, «. so«y of triumph. \HiiJiH «. ^^'ft'T^-^JT^nTi^w. Episcopacy, n. f5T^Ti+*)l. t. A. ^R^T, r^THR^r, ^R^, srfRfpT. Equanimity, n. evenness of mind. ?fHRffrr/. ?RT|fTT/. ^- Equakimous, n. y. N. ^TTHff^, ^iT^f^, ?RTf^^, ?T^^?r, Equation, m. making equal. ^ift^T'T «. 2 — in algebra. ^Rft'fRW M.^Rl'tf^'TT/. EeJuced to an e. ^nff^v^. The side of an e. T^ ?«. To put a problem in equations. ^TH^fROT n. qirTW — To solve it. yji'l+iui OT?^. Equator, n. — ttrrestrial. fcjH'-j^-ri n. f^r^^PP n. f^'^^KWf. f^r^^WlrS n. HITRRTT /. 'T^^ «■ f^^^^ «. 'jqftfiT "?. f?R?T m. Country along the e. fJTT^^ m. Eadius of e. H^fRiJI m. 2— celestial. f\ I i\ Hi^ n. ^\f[^:^;^ n. Hlil-^-rl n. Equatorial, a. t. K". 1. fsT^^rf^TT^, f^^-H+MI, &c. '^'T- Equeery, n. TR, ^RRTTrT, nt?^^F5. Equine, a. relating, cj-c. to a horse. qtl^nf^PnfNr, aT'q'^q- Equinoctial, a. v. X. U ;^^ ^^"■-ft, f^TTtr'hTRtsifcfr. E. circle or line, v. Equator. f^I^I^T/. r^M--ldTT ?i. f^^'l'i^ n. E. point. f^TW n. E. points. ipfPrlMM ?K. Entrance of the sun into an e. point. ^JTRT ni. Equinox, n. f^r^ n. fq^T n. f^M^ri^;!. Autumnal E. fq^^TT^ n. ^?,fT^ n. ^"TfT'pffdHM ;n. EQTT 284 ERE Day of the e. f^r^^rf^pT «• I' Interval between the C(|uinoxca. 3T<41*I'^ «• Prcpession of the equiuoxes. 3i4ci-=(rti«. ^itHnwipT /. 3T^^3Tm. 1 1 Shii.lo i-rt.xt at noon bv a gnomon nt the c. q;^*rr/ f«J'Je|-.5{|W, W^^f.-^'O. «Ji7^ g. of 0. E«}riPAOE, «. attendants, train, \. EETlSUE.^^rTTt or ^Tft/. iHHIH m. sr=fxf^JTT m. 31KI-MI ?«. E. of a chieftain. ^ra^f^TTft/. 2 See CAnRiAGE. :i furniture, l^c. of an army. ^]i^-&..c. ^Tf|rq- n.- «mM 71. -&e. 5|N+Tf n. ^^uft/ ^T^^oft/. ^. I. necessaries, v. Apparatl's. ffT^Twi. ^Tt^JTmm. ^MJdi^T- EE£S, H. T. A. 1. ^fKlfoT^qtllT OT. ?qR w. q-iff. 2 sriTTru|*4UlTw.^Tfq'?TT/.'qraf?l^r/.5imT'J^« 4 IH I fui+rcj/). Equitauly, adv. v. A. ^T'T^^tt, q-iTTJ^rR-, ?tfrefq#^, ^zn- Equitation. See Einixa. Equity, n. v. Justice. 7^J^ m. J^t^]^ m. nt'^/. Court of e. ^^PT^rpf^^R-^^sfEf^^i-ctc. qp^TJ ^ttt^ Equivai.ej.-ce, n. v. A. 1. Hr^TT^t-f^^Tft^Eft ^f^/. HH^'i^ Equivalent, o. f^iwZ /n value or u-ortJi. lit. fig. (^^ HRn^, ^^sRT'srr, 5f?i^^T, 5RRfr=qT, wmrrq-, ^t.^^. 2 0/ 7afe it'/^ere o jcorc? has leen erased. ^T^^ ^*fot «• Eee. See Befoee. Eee long. See Soon. To Erect, v. a. raise upright. THT qJT^, 3''TK^, T^W^t. EER 285_ 2 V. To Bl-ild. STftrdf, T^ijf. 3 institute, y. To Estaumsh. 7TIT^, F«Tr^oT. Erkct, a. upriglit, not leatunj. JHF, =l'RT*Tr, ^?^THT, ^^, Kigiaiy e. FRH^ ^■^r. [ST'^TPT^ w. Er.ECTiON, n. v. V. 1.— nci'. 3-»Tr ^Cm n. T^RiJif «. 3"'TITift/ E. of the hairs of the body, frrrt^ "(. f?Rf=5f m. 2— act. Hifq-of n. r^f^Tr/ r^^/- 3— (?c(!. 3-T.TJTT '»• HJ^IT^T »«.&e. Eremite. See Hermit. EuQO, aJv. '^^5, "T^TPI, ar^'^^, 'jTH:. Ermine, ?i. ^^ ?5^M ^=TRT 3Tt|, ^T fqTEft ^r?!'^. Erotic, n.T. Amatory. sjqifT, ^J^rf^q^ i'Oj(,>. ^iqift^, ?tnT- To Err, i'. n. Jeriale, strai/, v. To Wander, ^^i^, ^^+.^ or H^of , ^^ ^riit. 2 mis.'ake, hhinder. ^5^^, «r^"^ or ^T^'ii', ^RRot, ^^f5Iot, ErRASI), ?i. message, something to he told or done ly a messen- ger. ^TX^ m. ^\^ pop. ■^\m m. ^^ m. ^fq- «. ^^- M n. ^f??.^iT n. Empty 8. or trip. ^?Tqr^ or |;^T^ m. fTl^T m. ^ft^- f"^/- 'Tt?rr »». %'^ m. pi. Eunniug on an empty e. "ki-AM or ^TR/. ^T'^TR'/. Eunning about on empty errands. fn^^T^/. ^OT^- To send upon an empty e. ^Piq^, TI^FR'^. Errand-box, n. f^frcqr m. Errant, Erratic, Erring, a, \. "W^andeeing. »?ift, ^TH^- qrrrr, 'ST'JT^PTft, &c. sjrar^, ttptjt, ^^fen. 2 deviating, straying. ^T.X^ ^'^TT: ^5^, gift, gf^T?, vrfrT, fwf?f. Ereantrt, n. T. A. 1. pK"! «. ^T'JTm. T'T^-^ w. Erratum, ?;. ar^^ n. f^/. Correction of errata. ?fTq ot. Sheet of errata. ^ft'4H^ «. gf^T^ «. [T^". Ehrhint:, w. medicine administered through the nose. ^'^ f. Erroneous, a. erring, mistaking. =^^orrnT, =^+rfri|, vrfrT, 2 /n?.^r, OTi's/afcn, V. Wrong. -^'+,?'jr^,|, =^^=qT, ^JfrTt^T, Erroneously, adv. ^^, >Jt?ft^, »?riiT-gTr-JTf?f>?K^5%, ^qj- cT^^prT, 5Ep?^HT^?r or ^sprf, ^^^THT^ or «nf fT, Erroneousness, n. t. A. 2. ^rtotTot. ^Vri/. Error, m. wandering from truth. Hmm. »;itf?r/; rffH'J'Tw.iTlTr Tlie two grand sources of error are 'flT^IT'JI and fsf^- T or iAe covering or concealing ( iy //ie object contemp- lated) of its 7raJ nature or qualify ; and the casting forth of an tippearance or seeming different from realili/. 2 mistake, llundcr, inaccuraeg. =f^/. '^'^ f. 3Tg^ n. Esc EiTors and omissions, — eomjireh. "^^jn^r^f. •^dL'i 'hf. '• Errors excepted." f^'J^J CfT^ cqT=fr, i^T TT^ CL-TCUEOS, n. f ^HM't|"]H ^'?^?rf^ f^r^^ f^'T «• EsornACUs, «. gullet. 3T^rrq'^ ^T/ 'fl^rmn m. EsOTEniC, o. private, m, n^t^, '^^tffrrf^q, 5:^-.^f'TH. E. doctrine. tfiiRill/- Especial. Sec Special. Especially, adv. f^x^ qJ^TT, ^5i^:, f^T^TTTT^, ^F^c^ qp- EsPioSAC.E, 71. emploi/ment of spifs. ^TT^TVPT^^.JT-^ n. '^]- ESPLAXADE, n. f^Fc^-irHf JS"^ H^ W. EsrousAL, EsrOL'siXG, n. v. V.I. — acl_ ^P^ n. Wl^'^J^n. L' ;]Tijt 'I. ^HTJr 7!. tRit^ "'• ^f^'JT'T^ «• "Trf^n^^ «. o Kit^FTT^ n. &n. ?#FR ot. arit^R w.%^TT m. 4 "^cTR »». JpTW ^T^ «• '-^c- 3b E-POusE, f. ff. V. To Beteoth. cd'iM «.-5ITfifiri o. ^THTf'T'TH Hi. E. de pays. ^sTTfTKTT w. To EsPT. See To Spx. EsQflEE, n. jnp p+.riM 'flT|'. [ ^Tpjf. To EsQfiEE, V. a. attend.! cJiaperon. ^f^lolU'MI+Rdi sj^rsR EsSAX, n. attempt, v. Trial, qr^ w. sp^r^r ?». >j•af^ f^^'cT »i. ^^-MHij'^ J?!. 3b Essat, t!. n. attempt, v. To Tey. ?t?T «i.-!I^Tr?lw--??fFT »>. &c. ipT^, •F^TT 'fT^-^^. 2 See To Assat. Essayist, «. wr/to- o/ essays. f^'^T ^onrr. Essence, n. constituent sulstance, \. Natuee. FIT^r n. ^fsf 78. Oncneps or identity of e. r^V^ n. r\iyf \-f: ^] f. 2 main sulstance or virtue of. w.^ in. ^^ m. n. HTTT^T m. f^ 71. ?n^i^ m. [ it^m. 3— iu medicine, v. E.^teact. ^FlTTTn. spTr'T7». ^4>il'Id/. ti^WiNTn. Large e. rt-mni'lT m. "FT^FIT^RT m. sT^U+|«^HI »», si^tlWR 7». ii^'^^|i+K<'HMI 7«. Encumbered with a large e. v^mi^ ETC 2 87 To have a large o. or family. ^MRu)' or ^r^T^OT. Estate, «. land, possessions, cj'o. sfrR «. ^(^^7^r\f. ^%/. E. iu laud. ^FmT^T/. f^T^^ f. E.aud establishment, — comiireh. lands am! caf/lrj'ami- ly and follown-s. 4)44)il'M/. "?r55r^ m. W^ »»• W!^n. Exteusivo or great c. ^rftHTT^ ^^f^ '^• Eise or falling to of an c. '-fi\^'H m. 2 See Effects. 3 Sec State. To EsTEEir, V. a. t. To Value. T'T'^, JTI^"^, Jf^, ^M^. 2 value highly, prize. =q-pT?yT->&e. ^m^^oi-m^'n-iT'JT'ir-HH- "jf, "pn: JTr?>Tijf-ctc. EsTKEM, n. high rrgard or value for. qp^rfT^f^/. inT^Trrra- /. TT^FTT/. 'lUIrO/. 2 Judgment. See Estimation. Esteemed, a. v. Estimable. JTFT, ^t^. Estimable, a. worthy of regard or good opinion. JTI'T, TR- ?f^T, aTT^Ttrft^, iTRTf , TFTTT?, ^T^, ^tl?^, TFT. Estimableness, n. v. A. JTT'Trn"/. %T?n/. iTRT|?fr/. To Estimate, «. a. adjust the icorth of, rate, v^r^^, / 'iTi^nTTRfrfH/. Eoyal 0. Tr3TPm?: m. Etui, n. case of instruments. rtM+i or ^ot «. Etymological, a. v. N. o^r'-irO^I, ^l«^OTTTPJXrr|Ml-, «. fwft, Jrft^THT, Jr'ft^, ?rT^. [iJl ». Euthanasia, n. eauj/ death, ^^r^ ITT'JT «. giH*ite. «FT'^ y. 0/ 0. ^'jf. To be evacuated. T5^. 3 See To Esjpty, To Pueoe. Evacuation, n. v. Y.—act. ZJW^^ n. &c. ^'^A m. 3T?r^ n. n^ m. ^^w^^ n. fq^m »». pf?pt ». •2-n./. H^f^Hn m. JT^^r?!^^ ». TT^FfH'T m. IT^^RH^- =T n. Ht^gf^/- ^T"t^ n. 4lliiyi+| «i. The evacuations. Hr ^^^ ^Itrf «. 5lT':tpTJR n. Evasion, n. v. V. 1.— ac<. ^^^qfiif n. ^otI «. Ac. 2 ^q-^ n. gr^OT «. kc. ^sTufr/. TS^off/. \. means pj evading.^ shift, suiUrJuge. ^W^f.^^^f. X^V^f. ^ «. 11. evasive speech or arts. .'JTZiTTalK «./. 3T^3f=r^5 «. Evasive. Sec Evaikh. Eve, Even, n. See Evening. 2 evening before a holiday. T^HtTTTy. 3 period just preceding. aT^^rf^^TH »!. Even, a. level, equal, plain. ^TT^, ?1R^r, ^i+WK<-1T, «!5!:/. ^ttqr/. f?fR^t3TT/ ;^z. f^^m-^ ?rsr?rf3T/. ^t^tt^ >«. ^n^ m. f^sTT^rwH «■ f^f?r »«. f^.^T- q?^/. sT^ TO. st^^r; m. ^¥^%^_\^^ «. m^^^ 5|ff m. ^K^-W^^ m. '^\r\i'k'-J-f. TT^?i^?S or ^J f. About the time of e. twilight. ^%wt^^ ad. decl. In the e. ?ff%, ?rf^tit, ^^^'TFFT^', W%. In the dusk of e. 5tS; 3"^ ft. [or wf^raoT. To become or to draw towards e. TTrJT^ot or ^i^^w; Evening, a. ^t^=qT, ^'•'q'T+Kxji, ^fe^r, ^I^P7. Evening-song, Evensong, n. ^'^'m^v^^ ^%T5f 7i. EVENING-STAE, n. ^^ Hi. Evenly, stZy. v. A. 1. WTT^ (/et-Z. spT^TT. Evenness, n. v. A. 1. ?rK<"iT1T »«. Wtjt\f. W^f. ^^^f. 2 sRFTfr/. OTC^iTtJirw. ^F^ «. W^\f. 3 ^J^w. ^FTrTT/. [ %T^n. Event, n- incident, y. Occurrence. q^^3Tr%^ "TT?/. 'i'r'?/. Novel or strange e. aTMpirlS'i^T/. aT^^jfr?/. 3TS?r- 2 result, issue, vpshot, v. Con.sequence. T>?5 jjo/j. rn?r 3TWJf. To be waiting to do c. unto. ?H ^3r=T JHT ST^iif. To put off an e. 3TPfif HTiT J^^TT ^T?ot. Provide your remedy before the e. 3Trff=I?JT STT'^r f%- ^- "PTST^fl', TTtnTT 3TT'4f ST^trr sTt^K. 4 mischief, v. In.tury. arqtq- «!. a^q-spK ?». Evil, fl(fy. For this adverb and some of its compounds. Evil-affected, Evil-favoked, &c. See III. EviL-DisrosED, a. ^^^^ ?r^FST-#CT-J5r-^ft?!-5f^-f^m, ^WMf, ^-^l, f ^^. Evxi.-DOiNO, n. 3TT^/. |K^«. j'i-fTi/. EXA 290 EXA 2 an e. a sin. Vp^n. ar^PT'i. a'nFra'J. 5"i^PT«. ^^^^n. STT- EviL-ETE, fi. blast or stroke from. ^f%/. C"^, ^T^Kiif. To sufVer the blast of an c. ^/. ?f J:?!^- ft^i^TRE- To remove ( b_v charms &c. ) the blast of au e. ^/. A mark made with soot or lamp-black to avert the iutlucncc of an c. rf[zf. m. EviL-EVEP, a. (J_lft^r tM or ?^, HiM^Ri, ?nrPT?ft. EviL-oEXius, n. — considereJ as pursuing, &e. HT^fn-^>«. EviL-MiNDi-.n, a. V. "Wicked. ^5^ ^Tt^, M-iiif 'h'H'Tt, ^- |TTrKf, ?^HM^, ^%?rT, 5qTff?r, ^H-iMni, ^'TfH, +Mfd, Evil-iiixdedness, ?i. V. A. ^^fj/. ^prf^r/. ^Tl^m. ^HR W!. |^^5/. IfTj/. I^i'. g'THTST'". ^n. ^PR%r«. ^T- irir^/i. ^n. +,ilHW'». ^TT^". iHlr'-M". ^^T^T". EVIL-SPEAKIXO, »i. V. SLAXBEE. OT ^15"^?!^ ^"jf «. ^ft/. EviL-srir.iT, »!. v. Devil. 3iMi«JHl/. Jo EviscE. See To Maxtfest, To Pkove. 2b Evi^'CEEAte, v. a. take out the entrails. 3Trrff «. pi +14"! So Evoke, ». a. caU forth, \. To Call. ^t^T^iJf, 3TF:^Fr^, 3TT- s^n. T^ g. of 0. Evolution, «.- -in arithmetic. Ho5^JT«. 3b Evolve, &c. See To Eise>-tasgle, To Open, &c. Ewe, fl. JTft/. Htft/. Eweh, n. (irojt/sm. ^XHn. "mm. ^^f^ f. ^jj^^jm. E. and remission. ■^•i4r\\im. Exact, a. nice, correct; — of matters done, v. Accurate. SRT- 5R,ift/. ^t'jt, qp^ror. 2 investigate, scnitinize, explore, inquire into. ^lY'-^, ^T- q/'o. ar^'^iaT, =^N^/-fRT?r »».-?m^off/.-f^ ^ I ^H"7f. 4 — closely, narrowly, &e. inspect, survey, explore, f^r^- ot, f^^of, ^^, ^5c5r, ^!Tfr/.-^|c5t3rft/.-&c. ^^at, f^f\. ?wf, ife^r or ^TT TT^of, iterm ^?5 qT^5 TT^, f\r 5 ( schools, scholars, &c. ) Tft^/. Wy. ofo. Examined,^, v. V. 1. J^^ft^T qT?f3OT,5^fnTT^'^^;3OT-5{R?rT, &e. ^FT^tJ. 2 t!Ttq^?fT, H'-ll'H'^rfl, &C. f^^lRfT, qffi^, 3T'%ft?r, TH- 3 .-ii, f^\^^, &c. fffft%n. Examiner, n. v. V. 1. J^^ff^ "MiriuiKI, &c. ^7^^. ? ^fr-'TiIKT, ^1^^'JIRT, &C. ?ttq^, "T^f. To follow tlie e. of. 5r5!OTmt-fspvqi=n: ^r'JT. To set ail c. fspTfT w. ^T^ ^. 2 instance, j»-cmlenf. ^t^^; n. 3T?o5 m. ?m?::r »«• 3'^TfTor II. ^llfrT »n. fH^^f^ n. 3 — ill grammar. J'^l^f)JT »».-H4)i<\lfd5IiTTaT M.-JT^T^tcS^Ff M.-&C. SFT^r. Exceedee, n. Exceeding, p. a. v. V. A. 1. Tfeq^S ^luiKI- &c. arfir^P, ( and, ill comp. as ^^q^?m, ^^fq^W^^, 5?rrg^s?f, q^^TTfy^FRf?:, ^^^rftr-T it^if^f, .tc ), t^ ( iu comp. as q^qpfR^Trf, ipt^TTrK %^?R, 3T'T<^..Mr^, t'PFTO', '>i->VS-&c. 3T^i. f^ff^^I^Y^ w. fsrr^ c. 3T>Tcn^ »«. II. See Objection. [q-, ^, Exceptionable, a. y. Objectionable, ^t^vt, sjt'-'^, ^WT- ExcEPTiONAL, a. constituting an exception. ^^^J7\'^\., Trr. ExcEMious. See Captious. Excess, n. greatcrness or morenes.t, — gener. f^\^^ m. sjr- rlT^r m. STlf'^^^ n. JfT^T^ n. ^VS^ n. [ Fraqrf . By great e. it, out- rageous, intemperate, wild, mad, ^'c. here are collected the MaraUil words which the most closely render them. Tl',i'i;i^--if, ilfriCM n.-HR-GE. ExcnASGixa, n. v. V. 1. ^7^\u\ n. &c. Tfer- ^ 'I. !fPl4li n. fgfvTTq' OT. f^W^ «!. Si^frl^K »». 2 c(r;-,|a(.i,.i/. 3T<:^>|'M';^/. ^^^ or K^^^TT w. %?:»fT^- ^ »i. or Hl-Hllril OT. 9JT5f^=fT/ ^^TST^l/. I. traffic irit/t monies. flTT »»• 'lil-M^r or ^TVBJT m. II. balance of currencies. ^Z]^ or ^J^TSf w. ^5T m. ^'Tri/. Surplusage or gain on e. tfiilil ot. trrfroTT w, III. person changing with. pTTTHll-&c. ^^'TT^ft^, T^c^f, 3-. - ^'T^r^-^-5tmT-&e. &c. H HlHrfl^ , ^FTTcq, J. soon excited. ^ftg>^^, yt J l rt-,^ . Excitation, Excitement, «. v. V. l.—aH. 4-w,^ n. ^z^- dt n. ^rm n. &c. ?^/. ^SRuft / 3^t^ ,j. ;j^^ ,,_ «frtT m. |f^W*T^ n.— state, k{^^ m. ;j%f3T?Tc^ n, ^Tft^- 2— art. fi^^si'Jr n. ^^T^TcTof H. &c. f<;r?f^>lfr / ^f.]^^-[ f. f^^T'Jfr /. ??5f5T^ /• ^'^PT^ «. HmoT n.— stale, ^r ^T^- ^^TM^T /. Wi'^W.'^ f. ?l>rN Wi. ^Ih «J. 'iTR^T WI. sqr^r- 3— "c/. T^^rgifijf n. rTotHSltfiJf «. &c.^-slate. HcAH^ /. 3T?^T ?«. ^%T »». See also Iiipatiexce. 2b Excite, v. a. arouse, stir up. ^rtsriit, %'?=r'?, 3?;^Dr, "J^R- %^=T w.-^tT^ JJ.-Tft'^H n.-:r#T'cT^ ».-3s)-4 m.-q-^r'^T M. -&c. ^lif g.ofo. ^TnT-^Fl?TT-^r'T?f-&c. W.X^. 2 provoke, enrage, r.ra.iperate, v. To AsoER. f^^efor or f%:?TT=r^, ^rsT^i^, %rr^, fsfrrFriif, %'H^at, ^rrotcpif, ^;^- ?^^T^, ^^ or ^^ ?iJi, ^HfTNSTat, ^TrH^irf, ^ 'j^^oiui , ?fra/. ^T^te. JFT^,^^ m.-«rr^ii-+,R wi.-arf^s^tri W.-&C. ^FT^ y. 0/ 0. Excluded, />. v. V. ^'^ %^i=rr, &c. q^ , STf^TfT, ^fT^f, 5jf|- Excludee, ?;. Exclusive, a. v. V. =r^+iiJlM.[, &c- ^^W..^ ^- ExcLUDiBLE, a. v.Y. q-^ cFTRT^^-Ac. ^r^Tt^, ^^n.s^\^}^. Exclusion, n. v.Y. — act. 3Tt?f %^ T 5ot n. etc. ^fir^fijftiq- m. Exclusive, a. possessed to the exclusion of others. 3T^qT^TT^, jnTRT^, 3Tvq-5q7^TT, f^tTsqifrT, aT;T=^?TT^. Exclusively, crfw. v. A. p-^ra-ffRf^-3T5rfrrct^-&c. cf^^r ?T^^ ^F€H. To ExcOGiiAiE, v. a. striTce out hj ildnUnj. ^7[^ :p^ q^r EXC 293 Excogitation, n. v. V. — act. w.^^^Jf. w^^'T^"^ qr^^/. To ExcOMMUNICATK, V. a. c.rpti from i-ommiinioii. f^RPHT^r- &.C. w.^ y- of o. cfr5:/.-crT7/ti=r«. m^oi-cfrs>^, trHstf^^rr- Excommunicated, ;;. v. V. ^^^ ^T^^^^T, &c. ^Pt'lfl'^P^r, Exc-OMMUNlCATloy. n. \. V. — net. ^FKq' ^I^iJr«. &e. qJT- ExcOHlATlON, «. abraded skin. ^T^ n. ^W.'^z n. ^\^f. n. Wr[\Cin. =5fTT m. i\^K\m. v. ^t ExCEEMENT, n. V. DuNG. f^^/. 1%T". ^r^»l. 11. j)cp. "C^^m. E. of birds. ^1^/. Human e. n ?». Smell of e. ^^^t^^ttct/. EXCREMENTAL, «. Moilffint/, cfc. fo e. 37^IT?=5r'^, T'lvcT'TT, ExCEEMENTiTJOUs, a. containing p. Sfn. f+,^*,4, r+^kM+, ExcBESCESCE, 7;'. ( upon the body ) v. Wen. ff^/. ^Tf^- 2 ( upon a tree,&c. ). 1^^ or T or '75:jt m. 7»T ?j. ^'R n. 7:T\Bi:n. 7"ToE «. CToEre. i^n. Aj^ f. n. ExcEETiON, n. evacuation. c^TFT'i. 3T?nT'«. f^HT ^'i. 2 See Excrement. EXCBETIVE, EXCKETOET, a. IT3RH#P, lTrfr4|M + , f%fr??lvl- To Excruciate, See To Torment. Excruciating, a. CTtremdi/ painful or distressing. 3Tf?i^^- =^, aifd^HI ^fJTW, fJTtTR^T, fsT^JIHWl, ^rfl^lMU-MI, ^W\- To Exculpate, v. a. v. To Absolve. f^nTrntT-f^sW ;5Ti%ijf- -&c. W^, Exculpated, p. v. V. i^RTTT'^ z^^d^^., &e. ^HTW?!;, Exculpation, n. v. V.— «rf. JrqTTr^^ n. ^rTfHr?f?r m. cTpt- ExculpatOet, «.t.V. ^FTTS^'TRT, &e. ^}5f HT^^, l^^fpT^FTfl". Excursion, n. ramUe,jaunt.^ trip, tour. ^^^f. WP^ f %T- 2 See Digeession. Excursive. See Eambling. Excusable, a. v. V. 3. JTTP ^fTTPTr^mT, ^mTrffPTr, ^TJTT ^- To Excuse, v.a. e.r:tenuate, palliate. 1%fiTTT)?.-5Frq^/.-iS:c. ^f- 'TH 7s^'^-^;^>jf-^prt wr, ;^^?T/.-f%fKTr«.-5T^TWT m.- 2 disengage from oUigation. ?it5ot, g;;^/.-JTt^^t^/.- fof, JTT«. Executed,/). V. A\ l.^rw^?^, ^TTTT^^, &c. ^Tf?PT, -^rg- 3 3TTMt?f 3TMi=5=^, &c. Execution, n. v.\.l.—act. ^^'^\ n. w^'Jr n. &c. ^T'^T^ ». Place of e. sf-T^/. Jr'4^-nr^. To Exempt, v. a. give immunitg to. ^rS"^, ^^^T/-- fll^Fc;^- :F/.-iTPPt/.-&c. %ot, HT^ :p?Tir. Exempt, a. ExEiiriED, p. v. V. §^, ?ltl^?:T, iTTP, JTT#=rT, EXH 294 EXH E^ from tax or dutr. "1T^, "i^T^, S'tft^TK, TTST, ExEiiiTiON, n. immunity, ^^^f■ ^:%^^J- §^-TT/. wf^/ To ExEMEiuTE, f. a. take out the loiveh of. ^^i\ n. il ^■i:^^\^. ^ ^ [^ ExE^riAL, Jr, ^IW or ^njT5rT ?«.-^- tTT «!.-&c. 5Rvf-^^ ^. o/o. "FSVTflfnF/.-fHScfTSTw.-f^:- tTR w!.-5niT OT.-f^?Ti^ OT.-&C. ^f^g.cfo. ^TT>^, #raT- 2 ^/)Y ok/, consume the sirrvglh of, \. To Tiee. HFI'M, vIT TO.-aiTOfr/. fr'it ^. of s. ^v^, 2 ^m^RPTT, &c. il^3TF, qriT, f?^^ or ?=T, ^q'PHTYT or ^- To be e. ^ot, ftltJT^, TTnof, spT^ w Jrn>il, 'JT^ot or s. fT^TRT TDT, f^^ "'/(■. ^m, ^qf '". H^ y. r// s. ^mf qiJT-qf ^ y. r/«. ens «. '-^^of 5". o/ s. "^T^of, ITot, R^ot, ^F^iraijf impers. or u-ilh ^q, 5t%, ij-c «s «. Slf/. %^0T, ExHAisfKE, 7i. ExnACSTiNG, ;?. a. V. V. 1. f^TS^lT TT^sfonrr, ». SOT^OTTT^; ?«. ^T^raTTR: ?». ^^^ ^^ /• 3T^ »«. "P^ or 5JT ?«. ^*>^*--<^ 2 ^T^^^ m. H^^^'^f. \f\^ m. f?TiJFRT m. ?rM ?n.M. jfrS- jp^ET m. g^/. aTR/. aTRT3TR/. 3TRnn?:/: 3TR?ft^/. ^^^Ft or ^/. fq^rS »n. «. pT^IT »». "ftS «.3TTTTft2T «• or €t/ 'A W.V-W' - . 111. f. ^ M.. I'. ^FT^, fvT^, qs, ffRqt^/. %/. if^TTt/- g^^TT w». '^^^IT'^ or =5?^^ m. '!^'^. or Z^Wm. ^^^PTH m. -qTrr m. H^Tir or ^^TriT «'• H^ ?!• WT »'. =F?J- K3/. 3TFTm m.j>Cv. ft, ^-^Z. TfT^TtHr/. W/. ExHAUSTLESs, See In-exhadstible. To Exhibit, v. a. v. To Shew, To Manifest. t^iy^lOi, ^^ffir- DT, !T^^f^5t, sf^^q- w.-&e. qpTur 5-. of 0. 2 (medicine ) administer. '^OT, =5JTT'Jt, 5T%*T m. ^iJT g- ofo. ExHiuiT, n. V. YocCHEE. ^^?5r m. k^ m. Exhibition, n. \. V. l.—act. ^r?T^. >i. spread out. q'^RTJf, !T'T''OT,^T^'if,%^;r'Jf. 2 dilate, open out. ^<^, "J^'Jt, TK^iii, f^-7;Hot, 3^^at_ 3 fig. — with delight, &c. J^ot, ^-^IJ^ot, g^"ir, T|p;r€r- 'jf, ^oft/. v^Hi-iul g. of s. Expanded,;;, v. V. A. & V. N. 1. q-HT^^rr, fsfffTR^FTT, &c. 3 JriJr^SFSr, «. :i?rR ;«. 1~act. TJ^iir «. 5^0T n. &c. ft-^?r ■/«. 3^^?f n. -^l^H- ExPANSIVE, (I. M ^?^. Expectancy, Expectation, n. v. V. I.— act. ^\Z ^^ n. a-f??TT/. 3Tinr/. FfT^Kq- n. 2 amr/. ^fl/. TRT w. ^T^T »i. ^t^fl/. To hold iu anxious e. i=rT'JI'^. To wait or stop iu e. FR^, fH^or. ExPECT.iNT, a. EXPECTER, n. V. V. 1. ^V. "TT^iTRT, Ml'l'ij'il- ?Tr-'-tc. W-^FRt-Ac. rp:r i< -- «. trrtRTm^. &i;''^- 2 TXE, EiPEEI£KCISO, n. V. V.-8C^ 3T^^at «. HT- 296 EXP q^r ;i. &c ^H?r »«. ^fm w. t^hft »«. Tfr?=rr/. I. crperimrntul knoivledfje. :7^f7r ;^o/). ^^^ or sr^Tfn or :ff^iT?'t«^, ^ri^Ir??^.— objectraT^vrcT^F^r^ &,c. cflgn^fT^f, !T?fT?fT^T, &f. 3TR^^, 'Tfrf?^, sr^ftff. I. exercised, practised, Inoieing.^ ^c. ^f^'^R^^f: 5T14<-1- 2)0/). TigT, ^T^^^r, 5Tf^'?, sq-T^KfT, fTRff 5, sqq^^j, ?jfi^, TiTfTTfTT, nrn^T^ Trf^^sT, ^T^r ?t?9;r irrasr. ExPEEiENCER, «. ExPEEiEXCixo, p. a. V. V. aT^H^onTT, &c. ar^HST %'JTrTT, <.te. HFfr, 3'7'ff^T, HRpr. ExPEEiMENT, ?!. trial. ^K^f. TVt^TT/. aT^HTqT ?«• sfqtT m. To ExPEEiiiESr, V. n. qft?^/.-iTqFI tn.-&.c. sp'^-^^TT TT- ExPEKiMEXTAL, a. pertaining to e. Tft^T, T^^^q'^, TfT- 2 hnowahle hj or on e. aT^T^rgpsfT, qfT^qT, aT^T^'^- &c. ^spTRT, ar^irqi'^, ar^HSfq^r, argH^i^. 3 known ly or on e. 3Tg»TqT=qT, qflH^T, aTTgnf^^ pop. 3T^H;fr^, 3T5Tq^5-^''^m-f^f^FT, ar^Tq^ftr, qtt?^- I EXPEEIMENTALIST, ExPElililENTEK, n. ^f[^ ^OTRT, ^t\^ EXPEEIMENTALLY, ado. V. A. "TH^^^, aT^H^T'^, 3TgHirF?i:?r,- ExPEET, a. dexterous.^ adroit, sJcilfiiL ^?T^, ^MHI ^^ra, EXPEBTLY, adv. f ^T?5^#, ^Ht^, 5pRT?q"#P, ^ywlK, &c. ExPEETNEss, n. V. A. ^rfcfgir or ^{r\ict\ m. |T?r5rrr or ^THT ■ ?TT/. ^h^^j n. €n\^ n. ^^^T^T?^ n. ^^?JT^ «. ^^^- q^ n. ^]S:f.;fRW//.o/'o. Expiation, n.—aet. ^T^f'/T^^ ^Rqiif «. f^R^of «. etc. qT- «rNr^ «. 'TflHlJi'l ?i, JI?TR^ 7», f^'T^rfTT /. f?R^^ n. Iff. 297 EX? General e. expiation at once of all. ^^^\^VvJ;x[, I. means of expiation, ^y^f^v^ n. ExriATOur, a. ^\^T^v^m.| srmf5iiTTTtT»T^, srPTf^TTr'4^, TN- ExriEATiox, «. V. Y. A. 1. f5r=?RT ;'0i'- f^RTT^ «. ST^^RT ot. I. See End. To Exi'iEF., V. a. Ircathe out. »JITO m.-fH'^J^ pop. f^HRT m. 2 See To ExuALE. To ExpiKE, V. n. V. To Die. it^, mor «. ?ft^-?n^'if, 5Tr?iaf, 3HT- W'Y^j or -ZT-^j w.-T^Tir w.-"?!! m.-^r^^T m.-&e. ^FT^ y. o/ o. q-^^Tq-, ?fpTq-3T, 3"?^:^ M.-!TTT^T^ «.-?Tt?Fr «.-cte. ^RTJf y. o/ 0. Explainable, a. v. Y. 1. fir'TT'JTWr 3friTT-?rn:^T-&c. f^q-^ Explain-i:d, jf7. v.Y. 1. f^?:^3r,&c. f^Tf^f, o^lK'-MM, 3^T^^. 2 ^-+,-lrfr^.T, ?TS %3ST, &c. ?^, ^R:rT, ST'TTfflff, 3"^- EXPLAINEE, n. Y. Y. 1. r=|--IJ'J| + «. "PTS ?«• if^r^T^ ?>. Sr^T^T m. sfrTTH «. — s<«i!e. 3^5157 m. 3^^ o/- 3^f>M m. Minute and tiresome e. a Jong ami dull slori/ in e. Popular or familiar e. ^FI^TS WT^Jflf^^ft/. JoE^rS ?r- I. explanation given. 5^\^^^■\ f z\^^ f. 'w4 '«. II. removal of diff'ercnces: good understanding effected. BiT^?r/ ^-H-^f. ^^■7[\f^^f. ^Tfin^^/. Explanatory, n. v. Y. 1. ?rt%^, ^^FT^T, fV^^areN, f^T^R- (JTTfFn?;, sqiJ^^TT????, sqTJyjfFJT^, STvlf^J^^-Ac. Expletive, n. loord iiseJ to Jill a vacancg, or for ornament. ^TT^RI^K m. q-l^Trni n. SJT^^'^T^-'TT^'TJ^ ^T£^ m. ^vr,^- q^ o;- TT^T? n. The expletives in general use are TT- Exi'hcadle. See Explainable. To Explicate, v. a. tenfold, lit. fig. v. To Opex, To Explain. s^irsiTf, •d'+riui, 3"n5nJf, Tt^nsr «i.-TVXm. q^K Explo-ive, a. causing e.Tplosion. sfTTT^, sfp; ^'JTITT-TS^- 'TTTT, 5ITT ^^qr^, SfTT ^['r^T^r. Exponent, n. — in algebra. ^TTrTsr^r^r^wj. To Export, v. a. carry out of a country in traffic. ■H^^fT^r^ Extort, «. commodity sent to a foreign market. Jp'T^W ^^\- TT^-^^iTT tr:?". ^rrffTTTq' ?foqi--j"T nw^f X^U^^f. A pass for exports. T^FPft f^/. [ ^. Exportable, a. t. Y. R+NklT^ %^Tf?rri^ '^^^\^\-'T^7^\^\- To Expose, v. a. lay open or out. 3^T^ dl+ui'-miui'^Trf^-Tf- s^-%5rw-qR^, ^sn^ snpor, irtsot, f^^rr %^3t. 2 ( to ridicule, &c. ). v. To Discrace. T^I TTIoir, EfT- ^lt/-^5r^/.-'pf^5Tfft/.-cte. JRiJfy. ofo. Tk^f.-^k^J\m. -&c. qjT^^-'Ticis'if y. of 0. s'^a irfr^r/. ^pi^ y. o/o. 3 ( follies, foibles, fault.s, ) v. Fault. 3^TST TT¥'jf-^?v^, 3^ft%?T-3mftH-.ic. 3TT0T^, 3-=^.^>if, f^T^T^'Jf, f^^V^m.- f%'iKun/.-f^^TTWn.-r=(iKuir/.-T3;R:^M.-&o. ^njf y. q/o. 4 ^^'f'' '» «« c.rposed j)lace or state. 3^3^^1^'»>T'-(i«IM- =5Tffr-&e. gifof-TFK'jf. [ fH/. E.XP0SITI0N, «. T. Explanation, 1. sz(j7pi[f. 1^q7TJ7«. -f^^. l.loo/c containing cvpositions c^'c. sz(j7zqy^ ^^fm. 7^\^f. Expositor, n. v. Explainee. o4|Ko4||4,k, f^f^oT^FTT, °^T- I. look containing e.rposiiions t^'c, s^TRtqrc^T ^'rjKr»i. H5P5ft/. 5T?st/. s^rs^. vrrnrsr w. f^z^- :{— a,-<. f^r^-TiJr/i. &c. ft-^r^oft/. ^^^^^/. •'i- "T n. f=)iUU|T/. r^liKufl/. 5?rp^^/ — iVa/c. f^?^FT«^• Ttf Expound, r.a.v. To Explai-x. f!mv^ii.-f^^f^f.-^W^\f. -&c. ;rw ^. o/ 0. To ExPKEvs, «i. a. utter, declare, T. To Tell. T^TT'Jf, HfT^Jr, '1 can not express." ^ffJFTf ^^ '^^ '^'^'^^ '^^ 2 indicate, x. To SHOn-. ;rr^^, ^^f^T'^t, g^^^T^t. 3 represent in paintinr/. S'c 'FT^, ■g^Tf T^- 2 very excellent. "JTR xftq^, g^^??, 3T^«T. Exquisite, n. See Fop. Exquisitely, adv. v. A. qrr^^^, &c. 2 "JfTT^FTFqT i\^. E.xtant, a. not extinct, forgotten, S,-c. ^T^?ir, f^T^, ^1?TT, Extantness, !8. v. A. -"^Wd'^qi m. ^JTR^'TT ni. &.(i. ^S^'<^ Extemporaneous, Exte.mporary, a. made, S{c. at the time, unpremeditated, ^^jft g^^^, ^T^rTft'^rT, ^T^^^qn, ExTEilrORiNEOUSLY, ExTESUOUARILY, ExTEMPORE, adv. V. A. f^ffjpnTTff ^, WT4rTfT'4?ft^, ^TTHT^'^j^f^. To Extemporize, v. n. "jflw f^^KR\^-^H ■M *>f jTr^-Ac. ^qt^dT-VfnTiT n. ^^TTf-sqi^c^qr^ n. ^f^-&c. To Extend, v. a. stretch out. ?5R ^of, Fljirfirot, JS =FT^. 2 spread abroad, qw^, f5rOT^,"%?JT^ot,"%?JT«r''ft/--%^- =r »J.-&c. ^y, miscellaneous, non-dcscript.^ S)C. " by 3m ( as grre^H^, 'iTT^^H, •3TTT^t5T),'V, Y'^. To Extract, v.a. draw from or out, — gener. spj^, ^;pT^?r^, f^T^OT, frU+I^Jf «.-3T5rwr «.-fH^ OT..&C. ^^g. ofo. 2— in chemistry. f^=r^'t «i.-f^?f7Ri^ n.-kc. ^"jf y. ofo. 8 a root — in arithm. or algebra, ira n. <+,|iui^ 4 ( from a book, &c ). ^^T m.-T^fRT ?«. q^. Extract, n. suhtance extracted, cuscnce. ^HTT m.^:^\^ m. STF w. fsT"!^ m. f^^h m. -^ n. A'egetable e. fn^T m. [ -j^^rmm. 2 passage extracted. ^=^ m. Jm^or m. />/. cr<.fr5^t?T m.- Book of extracts. ^^T m. sf^ or afis »j. Ji^n^^ j;;. Extraction, «. v. V. l.—act. :pK>Jt n. &c. f^^PT^^ n. f^- ^X m. f^l^ 11. ar^pfrfuf m. cflvzpT^>:njf n. 2 f^is^ w. f^'s^FRR n. I. descent, hirth, v. FAJrir.Y. ^p^/. TT^r w. tf^T m. E.XTEA-nUMAN, a. 3TJTPTT, 3T?t?^. Extraneous, a. See Eobeiqn. 2 T. Irrelevant. 5lf|r5?r or ^r, '^^T^, 3Ttr?^, 7>t^- ?i^^, aTMI+iroT^. E. di.scourse or matter. 3Trj^'. ^?1^ «. 2 ( of an arithm. or geom. progression )— the first. 3TTft_!:T^ n. arrf^T^ «. arif^q^^ «.— the last, csjfirq^ n. 3t^T^ «. 3 vtmost point, highest degree. M. A".V. ^TT^^^r^, FnT?!??!, &C. rflflTT, ^5^"^- ExTEiCATlON, n. y.\.— ait. mm^'\ii. &c. ^spil^/. rtTOT". 3"5K»». ^^mn. 'Fg^TTM. ^m^T^iJ. EXTBI>-31C, EXTBLSSICAL, O. V. OUTEE. slf^'SfT, ^>n^T?5T, itl^- EXTBISSICALLT, adv. from leithout. ^[^^. To ExTBUiiE, &c. See To Expel, ic. ExuBEBA^■CE, n. v. A. 1. ^V^m. w^m. ^IT^hTT ^TT'". S^raiTT- =EfT ifTs/. 3Tf?fff5/. ffs^rrf^TM. srpT^'i.'TT^?^;!. r=r^??HT/. "q'JS^re. ^'^TsVi f- W^n. T^^ in. ^^f^/. ^rf.^m. ^PP'T'"- Conveying this sense there are words and phrases absolutely endless. They are las and licentious through all the gradations, and they may, by some, be termed low, gross, vulvar, ^'c, but they are iu the general, strougly and strikingly expressive, and they are strictly constitueuts of a popular tongue. They are to be held as rendering the English ^ords lots, piles, leaps, hushtls.^ oceans, power, /:5^ /. vrf^lTTT ot. JTRFnT/. S^? or E^/.|j^ h i, 7- "PR-qr^rr, ^•'jrrsirr^^ qrft^r, cn^Viiji h^t^. 2 orer-ahoitmlin'j. eopi„HS. pnfusc qc^To!;, si;^, STfr, 5j^- ?5, iff^, W^P;-^; or ?^, T^, 'JTf^^T^, 'fl^:(Tfq^, -iTf?Tf7?P, WHrHRrf), ifiT^??, t'^TZ, S'f^Ti!, ^5, 'flff^iTPI. There are numerous vulgar words expressing this sense; and these as vulgar, should, ordinarily be omitted. The omission however of vulgar words from a Dictionary of the lang- uage of a people of which the higher classes stand but obscurely distinguished from the lower, and which in- dulge themselves, not infrequently, in the use of them, is a measure of somewhat questionable propriety. "We insert them thou w^ilh this introduction. ?^^ or ^, JT^^T, 'TFT, 3THT or 3TJTTV, dMiM or ^S'HV^, ^, -sil^.ct, ^TT^, vm- TT^'', T3T^, iTfq^5! or ^, -i^^^Tf or 3Tifr^=^JfrR-, TT^, or sT?fvT, TvgiT , q^^^fr, q^^^T, aTqsJT^oE, =q^3Hjl-HI, ^^c^^'TT, ^rr, ^SMfl-^l, &c. Exudation, n. v. Y.— state, m^tn. sfr^w. 13 /. f^f^^PTw. I. matter exuding, v. OozE, Sweat. f^|T^ ?«. %^»i. f^- 5^ VI. fH'-Jf?p5 *M3 ?i.-^cr^ w. >«.-ie. Eve, n. 37557 >«. %^ n. =5r?j «.. ^FFT «.?5t^?r. n. S^ n. ^f? /. ^\^^ n. ^f / ( iu comp. as ^igJT, ^hY^, ^=nrT, W-- f\^i,% ^P^^ )■ Apple of one's e. f^cTT^ ?TT^ m. 'loi'MMi cnfrf j)j. To keep like the ajjple of one's e. Hc4^Ml% "PfTT^TTW ^PT^ or ^VX^\^, Before one's, eyes. fte^f^^Trf or ^\. Black of the e. pupil and iris. ^^ or ^f^ ^^ n. Coat or humor of the e. STcc^Tr^^TT "T55T m. cJTf^;r?5 n. Cooling application to inflamed eyes.f^npJlM. f^^^^n. Darkness coming over the e. aT'cTTft/. Drawuness, strainedness or stifi'uess of the e. rll-i*-' oft/ fTRT m. Dull of vision — an eye. *d«hl. Dusky suffusion over the e. HT/ 'J^/ Evil e. TN^fs/ r=l^<.P>i/ Blast from an evil c. ^f^- "TFT w. i^f%f^-TTT w. Having an evil e. ^"^ iTpft, TT- 'I^'^t^, (i'yicir, ?. H'STT qr^'jf, ^f%*n: qr^'if. To get heavy ( from want of sleep, &c. ) — the eyes. To Lave one's eyes about one. ^f^ qj TTf ^, ^TFTT fq- To have a twitching in the eyes, jt^ m. pi. FJ^pif. To have atoms ( or muscss volitanUs ) float before the eyes. gteTTJ^ ?5^R5^ «fi^ v. imp. stgiTfj^ +M^ ?». jil. To keep an e. upon, ^■si m. 7:^^ g. oj 0. To obtain the desire of one's eyes. 3*1% m. pi. f^^dior ST5 ^. [j7l. jqiOT. To open the eyes ( to one's folly ). ff^^]^ ot. To see with the corner of tlie e. ^\i■~■■^\■^i^^ 7r^"jf. To set the eyes and glare, — a dying person. 51% m. pi. qiTi^. To shut one's eyes ( to, against ). f[% m. pi. 5ri^, To sink into their sockets, — the eyes. IF^ m. pi. qj- FTTctti^ ^^rm, 5t% m. pi. q"i%otiif. ^rAB To strain one's eyes, gteqtsft ^n^/. W^.iw.^f. ^^. [ oft n. ?Toiaf. To stream,— the eyes. St% »i. pi. ST^irt, SloTTt^PT TT- To throb— the eyes. ?qT?TTOT. To turn up the white of the eyes, stci m. pi. ^c?n% ^of, -JTSS ?». ;i. Hr5of-^*<|4ui-Tqrn5^. To wander idly — the eyes, qrt^or, FTToS^. To wipe or dry the eyes of. i\k ^^^ g. oj 0. We can see the mote in our biother's c. but cannot see the beam in our own. (^JH-^IM STSC'TfrT?^ ^^T5I (f%?R) 3TN?^r itoRTf?rS H^ToE ( f^?m ^rrfr ). 2 ( as of a peacock's tail, of a potatoe, a cocoa-nut, a grain of corn, &c. ). fiw m. ^Vr, n. 3 ( of a needle, j/ pop. ijcrt <"' 5^/. Sf^/- ^^^ ''■ Intimation by twitch of the e. Y^%7T m. To knit thee. ^^:^\^^\^■S{^f. ^TR^of, ^T^^ /. pi. =Erjfcrot. Eye-deop, n. V. Tkae. 3T^ ?i. 3T*T «?. n. ExE-LAsn, n. qiqirft^ %^T ?«. pi. q^iT ». EiE-LiD, «. qrquft/. qm/. «. qm «. q^: m. «. Eruption on the inside of the upper e. ^5 »«• ?5Tft/. Hair shooting from the e. internally — a disease.qsqr- quqr/. pi. T5%n [^ =qT^. Eye-seevant, n. ste^q^^-^tqs^-^q^^ =5rnR, ^ff- 'i Ei-E-sEETiCE, n. ^-qrjS^-^TjS^ =^7^/. EvE-siGHT, n. V. Sight, ^f^/. Eye-soee, steqr^ :pf?T ?«. JT^?T?^ «. %=5nFH^ m. To be an e. unto. slot-qfrT gqiit or ^;=5'Jt, ^q'Jf, »R^. ErE-TOOin, «. dens caninus. g^r w*. §oEW m. EyE-wi5K, n. %^%rT ;k. Eye-witsess, n. m^, 3Tfq-?T^^rf, fTT^K^^I, W!^ m. EvED, o. having eijcs. 5tc5H, 5r2;^|f=^, "^T^J'^^. Fine e. §?5r^^, ^+I'11>. Large e. HH^T^ stoi'TT, =T?=r^ ite^fT, =|ic)di7T. Little e. f^J^OT St^-iTT, fe'?^ fvm\'^. Eyelet, n. 5t3:r w. %S or ^^ n.'k:^ n. HI^ n. st^w. irj^i/j. EvEiE, Eyby, n. f|^ qsi-qNl ^ ^fq^P^ft ^PTT/. F. jr^ This letter has no corresponding symbol iu Marathf. The sound of q> approximates the nearest to its sound, Table, tale.^ &c. v. Sioey. ^pj^ w<^f. ^'i- !Tr?nTT «i. rt^frnoi/. Fr^^«. f. ^, ?Ttn, «m^tf ("• z n. w,=^\z «. #q^ n. qr^s «. |, 2/a/4-f report. V^ f.^^^[^f.c. ^Z, 3T, f*?=tJ, :fte m w./. [ Fabricator, n. v. V. 2 (of lies, &c. to injury ). ^Tfjt or j fiTT, '-FHr^rT. ^PT^fr or ^-CTT, ^PRToft, f^^ «"' 5■^^T, ^- ! FABL•LI^T, i\. q;'4R^H;, ^[^=Tr. I Fabulous, a. fictitious. founded ov Julie. M'^|i|M.oA||.fl,cj-,ftHr(, Face, n. surface of the jore part of the head, mt n.WI^ W.3TT- jl ;PT n. JT5H n. cpP^ n. a^ «. — in contempt. H^-T^T or 5«. j ^w-+.s ". 5^^Fr5 w. 5^jp >i. H+i+l ^ n. q^ n. 3TTH=T n. Bold f. g^T^ JTT-'^T m. Confusion of f. A]i\» +.|oily. "^.^ ^TT^^rft ^^f. ' Fact, n. thing done or occurred. q^^T or W^ 3TT^5ff 'TT- Txa 303 FAI Fouuded on f. fz^W^J^'^. 2 — in law, the mrii/er off. HH n. Facts of a ease. ^l^fT f.%f^^^f Eecital of facts. ^Mm\ or ^\»i. ^^^,^m. 3 aclual'ity, reality. ??s;q-FrT/ V^KI f ^Trwf^^f^UTT »«• In f. ^^:, SRJTF^r, ?f*;T, Hf5f?T:. Faction, n. jiai-ty. ^^m. 7^m. ^^f. q?T»». [ tj^Jm. 2 dissension, public discord. r^Zm.'^ n. AiVr/^ f. ^^.^Jm. Factious, a. given to faction. Z^^K.^ 'TT^R, fT)?n??fR, 2 proceeding, ^'c. from faction. "P^TTHTT^, siira^F, "P- Factiolsly, a(/j?. V. A. sj^raTt tp^fTJ^Hj.-Ac. ^pt^^^ ^^%. Factiousness, n. v. A. ^^lft/.-5r5^1rr/.-^IR£t/.-&c. ^i- Factitious, a. v. Artificial. %^?5r, *dV-)T, ?;f^, ^I'f^^. Factok, ?j. t. Agent. 3T3r?TT, 'JMlWi, ^KRHlft. 2— iu arith. or algebra, ntnrq^ o;- nq^T^//. T^n. Factorage, m. v. N. 3T5?f/. Factorship, n. v. N. itjtt#I"TWT m. JmiwRut/. Factory, ;i. aT5?^f^ 3T|T m. T^Rt f^\^^f. 2 T. Manufactory. ^HT^FTr m. Factotum, n. ^r^Rrft or i^, J^rprr^ TrjT »». Faculty. See Ability, Power. Facund, Facundity. See Eloquent, Eloquence. To Faddle. See To Fiddlefadble. To Fade, v. n. wither, ^ptrrof, ^r^T^'if, #H^^^, ^JJTJTT^^, #Tnr'Jf, ^5fof or g'T'Jf, sfT^'jr, ^ira'tTr^ t^ m. ^tif y. o/s. 2— of colors, &c. f^or, ^^ijf, STK^I, tl m. ^:^^-Z7\t^ g- ofs. 5r5TRr »i. TT^ /. nlq^ wi. Fagot-seller, «.. rjiocf^qr, JTI^z^ttt, JTtoffq-pn'. 2b Fail, t'. n.fall short, become dcjhicnt. Tgrof, ^T^of, ^rf^ -;tott-^;t-&c. if, aTgqqfTT/.-^T^f^TTf^/. fRlf y. f/«. 7 //c deficient in duty.^-^.^ pjott, S^iif, f^=q^, ?TR (7i;, s?(y7/^, little in degree, ^lldot, ^?I^, FJ'T, 3TF7, FAI CoWAltBLT. f^Cr4, ^H^, 3T^«ft- FAi>r-iiE.vnTEn, rilNTED, y". V. V. 1. ^TTjjf 3TT^, &C. »JWff?T, ^T^^TH, H- Paistiso, «. V. V. 1. n^f / H-.^iwr/. =FIH m. g^/. I'aintly, m/i-. V. A. 3. ITT, JTTIT^. 4 »i^, gj?nf^, HS'^.i^'X, y^HuiM, Pm^'ir. Taistx^ss, «. Y. A. 1. ;j;;^H^/. '?^f=T/. »^^TfH/. Pair, a. ( of complcxioTi ) or— tlic complexion. rRT rcmws. nVrrr and Jfrf';?^ and nf^ fairish, ?n^r^ o;- wt^IoST, jftTPH', "TtTT r>rW, T^^, niT, T^T^, ?rT^ or FfT'^'n ( and afrilii/icili/ dl«5lHjf, 3T^rn^, ar^qfit/- H^-^fot, 55Tjf or ?5^, t^oEot, ^TS^t, 5^, ^HT"^, ^tS^f"!!. 7 ill; *;hA.' »!, Se depressed. <» ^OT^ »». sfraRT ?«. F. and rise. g"rll<-^'o m. 3 — oc^. ^^^ «. &c.— slate, t. Degradation. -^yfJi/.g^ 4 5r^ «. &c. ^raoft/. ^rscjjP/. Great & rapid f. q^^ t/i. TTOT^,3TT^I«lfH+', >?rrT^, Vtirq^^, Vftf?T^?l^, f%5tcfTHre^, ftr^frtsrirtTT- 2 «oi well founded, mocTcing expectation. Hlfcft^, ?fT^- =qT, TJ^rftu^MI, >;iffdMf?+. Fallacy, n. sophism, cf-c. arPTRT m. f%5trTT'»TRr ot. Fallen, /). T. V. 1. T5c??jr, &c. Mfrid, =sg?T ( esp. in comp. asFMM=-5rr, q^'^rf, 3Tf=T^FR^5?r, )~"iifefT or fcmfe?T (esp. in comp. as tooth-fallea l^lfefis^r, hair-fallen f^T- ferf^^T, and f^T^Jf??, fsiiTfa^if^^T, f^mfefrftq, &c. ), Fallibility, «. v. A. ^^qWrnquiT m. &c. viH-iJlMrl l/- &c. >3T'^TcIT/. v;rtf?tqH«». Fallible, a. liable to err. ^?PT^ ^^'nT?rT-^5fT^-&c. ^TOTTTT Man is f. i-:if^:q^saTfet. Falling sickness, n. v. Epilepsy, jtt^ or fifT^/. Fallow, «.— ground. qftfr,qtt'15, 'TT=jrTt,f^5IFiqtt^T,'TFP:. F. for years. ^JH^lrf qj'^iT. [f?f %^.?5T. 2 iI'/< unsolved after ploughing. ^flTr^n^ ^1 ^TrTRt- Fallow, ». ground at real. ^%f. q^lrl ^rtY^T/. To Fallow, v. «. STfTT^qr^IT sfr qTrTFrt=^ '^oT. Fallowbeeh, W. (J^ ^Irft^T ^T »». 3TI^. False, a. not true, — morally, ffw, ST^Tf^, ?5^^, rJ-O*, ^^,"?I^jrer, f^'*T, HTT, 3T?^T^,— freely, indef. &c. W,7:^ rsisT, ?5^^T q5H:^, s-mirf^ii, ?5qr?^r?rT5, p^^rrs^mr^. 2 «oi ^riiP, — physically. ?3Prr, FI5:^T, ri'il'+.,fiT2-"/. Falsely, a^y. v. A. 1. #?T, a. decl. t'^^irffiT, #cq^T%, &c. 2 l^aqr. 3 ?55iut^CT, ?i5nft'^, si^m^, q;q^. To Falsify, v. a. render false Ig interpolation, ^'c. ^RT ^- 2 prove false. ^\Z\-'S\^-^^-&,c. ^f^-^^^Z^-W.^s^ ^m^m, ^Sq'JiT m.-'lq^t?^ n.-&c. arrwjf. 2 violate, break by falsehood. ^VC\ ^P^-qTS'Jf, ^V^f.-&c. armot, JTT^. ["TTJTqf^f »«. Falstaff, n.fat and happy fellow, v. Fat. noCT^qT I^^T or To Falteb, v. n. hesitate in utterance, v. To Hesitate, ar^- ^^^ or 2j^wM or arf q)55'jf, :?;t^qr5i;'jt, ^^iToSiif, Jjq-iui, pTPToT, n'^^.vj^\f. pi. ^of, ^T^lftZ-WCt/. sr^^ g. of s. 2 fail, yield, sink under, ^=^'^, ^^f^t, «i, +^'(,«i, i9 TAM 306 .. . T, T^^TT^, w^i ^^"^, TJwr, n^n^jf, ^f^f- ^m. Tame, n. nputation, nnotcii, ahhrili/. qftm/. ^^f^^ '«. ?T wi. ' i MNMi w- arnr^TT M. t^ »». 5^T^ w.y. 3^, 3^, vHilNI '». To acquire f. HWI'H' '^f^^, =Tt^ n.-^?T ».-&c. iMctqul, ernrsft 5?T/. J'TTT'jf, ^FTr/.-^f^rt--«rfOT m.-&c. TT^T^r^, q[r^ m. JIM')"!, 5r5T wi.-Hn M.-«r^ »«.-&C. riNui, &I<:+<.'J| To lose one's f. f^^?r/ TRT^^. 2 rumour, talk, Iruit, v. Eeport. 3T^ or aT^[^ /. ar?>=rT /. qte^/. ««• 3TT^T/. ^r^/. ^ITrrt/ Famed, o. v. Famous, stj^jtt^, STfff^, ^?fTH»TPT. Familiae, a. of or helonging to a family, q^^fr, J^^MI', ^- 2 unceremonious, free, easy, ^^^i^^s^^f^r^.^ tjoiMailH, ^^ctnoTl- To become f. Hts/- =^''f g. of s. ;? !C(W versed in, accustomed to, ^c. V. Conversant. ^- ?rTT%^, qm^^, x^^k^., 5rNT?53T, &e. ir^, *t?it, hj^tt, mr^d'irr, ^Ti+^'iK, ^tff^ttr. 4 leell known. ^V^€m., q-^^-TlH^.I, Tfrn^fFT?^, HT%ff- 5 intimate. ?T?=!'ft^, ^fFIlt, ^?T'jfRT, »Tft^, 'IdHil^qr, ^- <£\Hr£\-.\ } or qoCTH^t^, ^^'rn^t^, ^'tr, ?t^^. Familiab, ji. intimate. ^T^, ^ofTRsfT^ fjT=?. FAiiiLiAitiTT, ji. Y. A. 2. ^^^cfpTTWr >«. ^oC^'Tft^qcm ?n. &c. 3. 4 ?Tt? »>• W^ »«■ ^H^^fnfr/. JTTf^TTTT/. lTTfr?T/. ^- omi^/. gw5T^/. ;iT«mT »«. ^r^rf /. Tra?TT >». q'flSR or ^w-f. ^^rmt^/. F. breeds contempt. riUMUt ^^t W(^, ff?ff 3TT^- To Familiaeize, «. a. lalituate, t. To Accustom, q^pjft- •TTT »J.-?TTT^ m.-&c. TRW, TT^l^. To become familiarized, ^f^fur, vTM^IOTt, ^^/ c?FT- of in. con. xcith g. of o. Familiaelt, ade. T. A. 2. . W.W-' F.-cares and aaxieties. ■A.VJA}, or sfPX^TT m. F. of little ones. sjToJ^ or stT^S^T m. FAM F.-circle. t^/. ST'fsrrS w. ;)Z. [ ^. That has a family. ^JT^sn or 55T, 'flt^TRn', +^'-l-^=ir- 3 house, lineage, race, tribe. ^^ pop. Wi^ n. ST^T m. jfr5f«. ?rt^/. ?jrT^^?T m. 3T;r?5r^/. 3?-^?? »». An emigrated or extinct f. iT?n?>5!; n. Extinction or ruin of a f. ^p5?5T7 m. q^^TTT m. W.'!^.^K^ n^r%^ OT. ^f^/. n. rTciq^ ?^. 'r^'Am. F.-priest or spiritual director. Jc5n^ m. ^PTTt-qjq- m. 'M\^\'^ m. F.-tale. ^-^Zf. W^^'^f. Head or chief of a f. ^JFA^ m. +rfH15£f m. History of a f. cf^T^ft^ «• Line, order or succession of a f. +rf4 < M < I f'iV^V^f That is of a good or ancient f. v. Gentle, ^r^-l, vTrFff^, ^snfJT^m, frs't^Frr^ or :3n^, 3t^?5, ar^ffte, ^rt^rsr, ^OT, ^f^=^t^, ■(.■Hiufl^i, STFT. That is of a low f. v. Base. ^t^^. Of the f. of. Ef^it, q^ftq-, 5f3,T. Eeligion or a religious obserTance of a f ^FI^H «j. Tutelar divinity of af. ^<~l^=)dr/.+rf^=|r|n.+r.i'HI'il»n. To be reduced — a f. m n. sf^Toff. Such designations as ornament of the family, glory of the house, lustre of the irile, light, honor, grace, S(c. of the race or line, are answered by ^7^^^, ^'T'W, +oli-Mr fs^JIT or floir, ^FjfrT?!^, ^^f=T, +'^.1=1 dW. And as applied to females by ^rSfir^TT, ^=f'^, JcT^. Such designations as /iro/i, pillar, stay, defence, Sfc. of the family, house, race, Sfc. are answered by t(i4>iiJi«. 2 winnowing lasJcet. ^T «. f?m. ^'T^ft/- ^Jjl «. — de- precative or diminutive. ^^% n. To Pan, v. a. iw m. STTTin, "T^?^ ^TTT m. qiT^ijf, Hd^UNKl m. ^TT?50T, ^i+Ji, ffST"^, 5f^ot, 5R^FI=r'if, ^?7°t, 5rr5"if. 2 See To Winnow. Fanatic, Fanatical, a. v.N. — of persons. q^f^^TT, «TH%ST, vTTTg2;T, ^'jriiotr, %5rfwr. 2 — of Opinions, &c. qri^^i'^i, &c. Fanaticalness, Fanaticism, ». relipous pJirenzg. tTHf^ n. tp^tl w. qT^^cE n. S^prr^ «. ^fw n. Fancied, p. v. V. ^^Trf, K^:^fr^rT, ^iRr). Fanciful, a. ivhimsical, Jnimoia-some, — of persons. HHH^^JqT, zm., ^^^. 2— of matters. ■W^'^^MI, PFR^ft, HHRi+, KH'.^P^ri, '^- Fancifulness, n. v. A. 1. ^{^mi|| m. SJf^Tirr ot. &c. [h^\- Fanci, «. imagination. ^r^TTT^Tf^/. +^mi«mi'"q' «. ^F?"?^- Creation of the f. JTRB^jf^/. MHl<'JN1* /. ilfft^". 'j- of pigs. T^Vi^ \r^H. Fabt, w. trr^m. aTTH^rjm. 3T'^i,T5 TO. qf>i-ate, t!. a. V. To CnASir, lit. fig. JTRiJr, JTTf »». ^- PT^^, HT^, ^q/. 5i^ JRut ^. o/o. ^^J;^}. JR^ y. of 0. JTr^?T- &c. 5FT^. FA3CEfATED,2>. T. V. HR^, &c. K%T, ^f%rT, ^, ==1^^- c5, sr^, ^r^ft^^. To bo f. =qjFiif, =?njrft-/. -^ii or nn ftiif y. of s. Fascination, n. v. Y.—aU. JTRot «. &c. HRuft/- »ft^«. FASniox, n. make, cast, &c. v. Form. 3TT^R m. fh? m. ^- vnf. ^iift/. sT^cfor/. 5TR wv. nfft/. 2 CM^ of clothes, Sfc. 5f?T OT. itFTifr/. qjRTtoff/. 3 general practice, v. Custom:. ^^TT^/. frfrf^op. ^/. SHTR »». cfr^FST^m wt. WX\ f To go out of f. SoliJr, "ift TS'if. 4 See Mannee. To Fashion. See To Foem. Fashionable, a. popular, current, established ly custom, v, CusTOMAET. ?;T^qT?^=5TT, vfRni;?^^, c5T^f^5, ^tfi^, 2 ohservant, ^-e. of the mode. ^P-'T^Sf^TTT^rT, fl^Tftrft- =srT, i^T^^^T^==TT, &c. ?r>-"q^rsT^i1%^, ^yq-g-q ^NiH< ji ^"t , To Fast, v. n. go tcithout food. •St^m^-3T=5n^'T5IT-3T?TT- Pl<|olT-&c. 3TWot-n^, OTRTMi.-'-fH'^1=Tw.-3T^TT^«».- &c. qRiif owJ 3T^tff-^3^ Mi. con. 3^^^^^n. cpT^. To sink and form hollows — the flanks and belly from fasting. W!Vt n. ^Z.-^TT^-CTT/- pl.-W^n. pl-&c. iRrijf,'ft- Zn. JT^PT^^T or ^q;r^^ ^FT, qkTc^ H'TT^.'^'Jf, ^sWt *nPT^/ fr>jf. 2— religiously. 3^TRrOT.-3"'T^rRr»».--c! H1 1| u|w. -&c.:p^. 3 — dietetically. ^^n. ^FT"^. Fast, Fasting, n. v. V. 1.— art. a^^jTT^f'^ ^"Jtw. STH^RTw. SRTTfRwi. f5R?T=T«. 3T^^^n. 2 g'TT^T'W- OT^RTOT. ^qTTorn. PrI^Km. pRI^K£jd».3RT3T- rTtRrM. fHr^THiRf «. tr^TT «. ( among Muhammadans ). 3 H^TTw. Breaking of a f. qRiifw. qROTT/. TRWw. «. %¥, ^fR. Fastings and austerities, compreh. OTRT aTRTT^Tw. g'- MI'HrllHIHJK. [^TRWw. F. and eating on alternate days. trRtiT qRiir or qR- F.-day. a Bangan or hungry day. "pf'PT or rJTr^-&c. f^ m.^rfhinf^w.w. Fast-handed, a. v. Miserly, ^mmi ^3T?, ^S^f^. To Fastex, v. a. mnkefaH,—>;cncr. 5ityrat,iT3:^F^-^-^5-^- 2 make fast fo, tie up, S^'c. r. To Tie. 5ff^?r ^HJot, jfr^T- of , ^^01 or vT^^ stf^^, ^fR^of or ^^f^^ «tf sfi^, ?ff T^- 3 up ; secure hij closing, loclciiig, lollinj, ^'c. rtN'Jf, rTT^- 4 together ; v. To Link. ^rfl^'Jf, ifS'Jf, ^'V'^^. To Fasten, v. n.Jix one's self. f^^.Z^-'(^^^-^V^^-&c. tR- j Fastened,/!, t. V. A. 1. srt^^^^TT, ^ %^sr, &c. f^q-ask. 2 3T^r5^?rr, ^<3'f^^ ^rttrS^TT, &c. Fastening, n. v. V. 1. — act. ^\^^ n. &c. ■R^OT/. siv^ri- ». I. that hinds or fastens. ^^^ n. Faster, n. Fasting, ^.a.v.V.l. ^s^\^]^^ jiki, &c. OTr- ^, 3""T^T^, ^'Trf^, 3T'TT|Tft', 3i ^. 2 ^wm-+< or ^ft, S'Trf^, ^Hi"S)U|.&c. ^Frrf, 1%TT^^, 3T- Fastidious, a. squcnmish, nice, v. Dainty. ^ptToS^^tT, ?jT^ w, Tf^^^ M. '^\ m. 2b Fat. See To Fatten. Fat-witted, a. v. Stupid, ^^f?, ^^^ff^, -^Hgf^. Fata Morgana, n. ^v^i^^T. n. q'^sj^jf?; /. Fatal, a. of or lelonging tofatc^m'^j.^ hf^,\^'^^''i]., 3T- 2 mortal, killing, v. Deadly. ^1"-:/Qu||, irFT^iTT, ^FI^, Fatalism, n. the doctrine of uievtfuhh nrces.sily. '\^^\^. m. Fatalist, n. ^=nJT^, STR^'-^niT^, 31i'iT, HFT^. ?'ir^'».-5Tt^»».-'mJr2T»«.-&c. arm'jf-^'jf, Fatic;vep, /). T. V. «m7i%r5T, Ac. oj- ai *H^,r^i -■RloT^^-iHrfrf I .&e. iSPift, ^fTSt, iTt^, SiTf?r, . a. v. V. A. J^ +J.u||'j, ^^- DTTTT, &c. MlPi*, jni+l<+-^'l+-&c. ffT, ir^^tf^. Fatuity, Fatuousness, w. v. A. ^^ m. ?g^ «. fq# m. f^- vj^ m. 1^5/ i^f?/. jirm/. Fatuous, a. y. FooLisn. Tjf^, =q'§:?;, T^f^]. Fauces, n. v. Theoat. ToIT ws- ^5 w. Dryness of f. q^/. ^PS^TPT ?«. Fault, n. defect, absence, dejauU.y. "Want. 3T»TR)«. ^?TT/. 2 defect^ imperfection, flaw. ^TT m. ^ m. fjf] w' Hn 7J. Ef, TiT n. To find f. T. To Br.AirE. ^ m. ^-^5Sr-?ir5r"^-S^- aTM^, ^T?ot, ?fr5/. %«rJf, ^^iif, fsm o>- n «. qis'Tf-^RTif, ;5 omission of duty, failure, neglect, ^-c. arqTT'O'W!. 3T^Tr5r m. ^ »^. ?T^/. "pn^'m/. ^RIT/. ^PTrTT/.aTcR «. ?I"PR- 4 ill quality, evil, vice. |^ur»!.|?i^T'JIn.^TO. W^f-^m. 5 mistake, blunder, v. Erkob. =^ Am. ^^/. 3T^5 m. G failing, foible, weakness. 3^ «. ^fT «. fe^ «. tiT «. tPT n. inr n. ^j^ n. Fault, foibles, &c.— as ripped up or draKCedtoligbt. ^c^ 'm\rtM\f pi. :m^^^^f. pi.v. ^^^^i^ or w^- ^ n. pi. V. q^, ^r^TT^ ^^ g;^^ „. ^i j,_ ^,5^ .p,^^ /. ;)/. ». ^KT^I^f^'^ n. pi. V. ^fTO, ifffiT, ;p^-.j „. ^X :p^. ^0 FAV or aft/. V. ^i^, ^FVRfft/. /)/. V. ;?^, %. That is foiul of spyins^ out faults, v. Censobious. ^fr^, 5>rji!rf, fe?5?tf, fe^pt^, fe^rjinff, tuf^. To briug up ( agaiust ) one's faults, foibles, &c. ^- ^Z n. 2)1. 5:^in-JTf5^, :TTfe^t/ pi. ^fn^T, f^^/.-f - ^n^/.-f^«TT/ /jZ.-f =5n^^/.-&c. ^FT^ (J. of 0. To expose or diseloso one's secret faults. iTl's^ m.- sprir^ OT.-MHfrfi-i^ n.-^qirfid^ w.-cJtmfr"T jw.-Ti'frsj^^ JHTJT qTTTt/ ^Tiif,"^^^^ «. ^I^, +f|-, f^"?, H^r ^ HT^ ( purus, castas, &c. ad unguem ). 3 and Innocent. ffrOTTrtT, aTJ^RTT^, 3R^RT«ft, f%?f3T^- Faultlessness, «. V. A. 1. JT^TOTT rn. "pffTT/ f^smr/. 2 fsnT^frfTtfrr w. &c. firH#5t/. f^f'^Pn'/. ?Wrrf^ ??. 3 f^TTTTrqTT'JrT m. &c. r')fr'il, gi|5 or 5. Favoeixe, o. v. Daelikq. 'jTT^S?TT, aTT^rft^ETT, ftt^^, f^,^- FayOeite,w.v. Daelino. ?JTRT^». Jftirnrr^re. JTr-^NRT^ m. Discarded f. PiHifHW. n. Favoeitsim, n. partiality. rfW^flft/. T^TTTfT?/*. v^^m. ;^^- f-vmft.f. Fawn, «.|t'J|N'Tl< n. qr^TT «. Fawn-eyed, o. ^T^fla;^, H'H-^^, f^n^^m,^fn%=if , H^F^T^FT. To Fawn, v. n. cringe, make servile court, bow arid scrape, y. To Flattee. ^ or ^t^ interj.-'^X^ intrrj. ^R'Jf-'^'Jr, rn^B. ^RTof , q^^^^ ?TT^5t, *r3T4f or H^HI'H FTTTiT, -STT- ^^, ^W»«. or WT/. 5r^'Jf, f?rj?l. ^liU'i, aTM^T/j.-^iq-OT H^'lJi.-lMMHT adv. Wi^. FawNee, n. Fawning, p. a. v. V. vr^jft +<<Tq'?n. sr?T=rFr»». mrm. qmm. tn^nr or qknT»». 5^5[Trt/. 5t^w."|5P=T/. ^WFTof, H^n.-^l^r/.-&c. 3T?m (/. o/ 0. tcilh in.con. ^T^'Jf, 'flT^f^^, qf^IcT^T m. ^JTM 2». con. ^r^PF or ^^^m. ^i^-^W^^ — and, icith in. con. ^ar_ 2 stand in awe or dread of, care for, regard as reverend, formidable, Sfc. fHot,->Tq'w.-m^wi.-tmFr/---^qorr m. 2 «nc^ Feae. JT^ n. jfTf^/. T^'frTT'JTT ?«. *nTT^ THT-^rnr-.fcc\ jRiJitq-, q^^T^, ?rr«T, ^r^i^, Feast, «. treaty enterlainment. ^Tcjurr^s/. H^Hl-fl W" H^- 2 (/(T^ 0/ rejoicing^ v. Festival. «il »n. ^OT^TR m. wu- ^ f^« m. ^^ n. \m-=^. To Feast, v. a. entertain^ treat. ^-jIHI-ft or M^tJIH^/. ^JJ- 2 delight.^ gratify. ^\mn. %^,^mt/.-^y: J^ismy.o/o. Jb Feast, p. n. fa/ sumjiluously. rT5^». Fecal, o. n*i-m, tttT'T'T, .TftTT^. Fecclesce, n. foulness, muddiness. TSoET'JTT m. I'iJoiHUll m. 2 /cfs, dross, recrement, v. Dbegs, DiflT. H^ ?». M.^JOjJ. T^ m. Ti^ n. itr; m. tTT m. f^ n. ^^TS ?». Feculen-t, a. V. N. q^, »Tf5S, T^, <^, TToSI^, ^^^IRT, &c. Mtrti, ?W5, -T'-'^fMH, f^FpTT. Fecchd, &c. See Fbuitful, &c. FED,i>. 7. V. 1. M}^rf(SI, 1T255r5T, &C. "Ttf^m, 3^. Federal, o. pertaining, ^'c. /o o league or compact. ^TTPCT^, ?i+|I^K, 'g, m. sewse of feeling, v. Touch. ^^T wj. ^:.u||q^^, ^?m^_ 2b Feign, ij. a. v. To Inve>;t. ^f-T'Jf, ^^iJT, 'fr^oT. 2 make show of, pretend, sham. iFT^ w.-^Tt n.-^fT ».- -ift?r ».-WT».-&c. ^T'^-^y. o/o. i^/.-Mtt/.- -?te ff>.-&e. ^T^jf^TOT. Feigned, _^. v. V. 1. T^r;?5T, &c. ^f?TfT, iT?T:^i^Fr, STTfFf. 2 iT?r^ %?r?^, &c. Trnsr^, ^ir^r, frr^rrsfr, f ^ir^r, ^^- Feiqnedlt, adv.x.A. 2. ^TPTH-, fJT?rR,&c. ^ffiTrqT (?ecZ. Ac. Feiqnee, n. V. V. 1. ^f^TOTKr, 'C^PTT^T, &c. ^K^q^, T^^, 'fi'^^. ['H+i||, iTFFFT^TT. 2 im^ WRT, &C. Srfl-, flT?mR, fjTH^TT, ^rft, ^RTT, Feigning, 7i. v.V. 1. — act. :?drW n. X"^^ n.&c.^^^jx\m?i. 2 a«(? Feint. im^F qiJr «. ?fFT if^ n. &e. Feint, «. pretence, sham. JTT «• ^"7 pop. irllT m. ^FPT or ^^ n. f|^sfT OT. TrT^ n. |?y/. ;^?5^qaft/. »• ^Hjfq", ^S^m. 2 OTOc^ stroke, ^c. =^^f. T^T m. |7^ /. ^^^fWft/ «. Feints, im^ m. pi. To Felicitate, v. a. make happg. g^-&c. ^pTJt. 2 See To Congbatulate. Felicitous, Felicity, fc'ee Happt, IlAPPiNEsa. 313 FEL Feline, a. belonging, Sfc. to cats. JTr^JHI^, >frt^, 1^5M- ^pftT. [ ^_ Fell, a. savage, S^c. v. Cruel. =^, 1^^, 3TT, ^OT, JTfTg- Fell, n. See Hide. lb Fell, v. a. came to fall, qr^iff, TTT^ irnFOT, fTl^ot, ^rf^ Fellness, w. v. a. f.r?rr/. ^H )i. 3"?T^ /. &c. Felloe, See Felly. Fellow, n. associate, companion, consort, comrade, partner, Sfc. #xfrft, ^^fH pop. ?PT?ft or w\\^, ^T'tft, Tra; ?». sj- 2 ejMrtZ, ;?e«-, V. Match. q». /iZ. ntTr^ #iTRft m. pi. m^^\-^ JTHS^^Rft m. pi. ^T'Z% iT>3!^ m. pi. \^f^^ 3T?5% T^ff Ton f. 3f<:. 5 rascal, vagabond, dog ; — revilingly. ^^T m. g^% «. 6 wight, ivretch, Sfc. — compassionately. tfTTSr, f^T^TRT. 7 (of a college, &c.) %?5T from the English. HTr^^. [Ac. Fellow is exjiressed in composition by ?r, ?T^, ?nT, ^, FellOvv-student, Fellow-scholak, ?». J^'J w- ^^TTST w. ^TfFqw)', ?Trfts;q-, ^?ft'4. Fellow-suffeeeu, ». iT^|:<3t, ^TTf '.ift. Fellowship, n. companionship, i^'c. ^ftspT/.w'TrT /•W. Cord connecting over a gap two fellies, sri^^locr m. Felon, n. one guilty of felony. aT^nTT^ft, 3"?riTOT^TO''fl', 3"- 2 See Whitlow. [=qT. Felonious, a. v. Wicked, trnr^^y^^ MH^jmH^^I, TTW^r^- Felony, n. capital or heavy crime. aTRTrfFf^TJTT ?'»• •di^W »». 31i FES Felt, h. ^ or sfn "• ^"'IH "'• 3^"^ '"• TT^ »«. A piece of f. ott/. Made of, belonging to, &i\ f. '^^. To form ( roll out ) f. ^ n.-^TOTSFT tn. P^. Female, n. x. ■\Voman-. ^/ smr^PWTW^r/. 5TTr=5HT^/ Tt- 2 ( of auimals or plauts ). HTTT/. -MI'M*!/. Wt/^rf^/- Fejialk, o. flo/ »io/f,— uotiiiy scs. ^^i", «. marth, ^'c. ^\^^C(Z n. RriTT^ n. TTWiR «. f^tST'T n. Fe>xe, fl. guard against, — gener. aTT^H^ n. 3TRR tn. f^elK- 2 Aff'yf, paling, ^-c. ^^ n. ^ior ^^ or'^ f. J^tJT «. ^ m. amr »». aiNJui H. 3TRR »«• 3TT5^ or 3TT3^ «. q'^ fl. qit^ m. DiviJiiig f. 3T7TT ^^/. Gap in a f. «tte^ 7n. 2'o Fexce, f. a. secure ly a fence, ^ui jj.-^iw w.-^/.- &c. qwf-gr^ TT^, ^55f_ 2 See To Gtakd. To Fence, r. «.;?% icitJi foils, cj-c. «(! a//acA fl«fZ defence. ^Ts^fT m. %5EUT, ?nwr«TRr m.- V^l^t\f-&c. W.l^. Fesceb, n. V. Y. N. ^tiq^T %5!:otrt, ^ts'TprraT, ^ JTf ft. Practising stick of a f. ^ ot. ipjjjff /. [ &c. Fexciso, n. T. V. A. — act. ^dj m. ^uj «. ;pTOi tjiaJf m. Price or cost of f. ^->-el, «.— sweet, qfrm/. F. — seed. ?jTOpfR^ n. Having the smell of f.— mangoes, &e, p Hi i r ^ e r. Fes5T, a. marsJij/, Sfc. qTOIiTotrqT, Mlum^^^M T, 'sT^T. FE.SL-OEEEK, ». JT^fT/. F.-water. nvRoft n. tjweet-meat of seed of f. Jr-tfr^T m. FiBi5E. See Savage, Wild. To Feemest, v.n. tcork, effervesce, ^lif, fq^rN^m, jiToEdT, Fekmest. Seo Heat, Agitation'. Fekmentatio.n', n. v. V. ^^ n. 'ess, n. v. A. 1. JjcoTriT/. fT?j^T| /. ^^ZTiJ. Ff?5^?5t/. m^HTT/. ifr^TJTiTT/. 2 ^^»i. Fr^;pi?5t/. fT?T/. 5fHT^m. 3rK'ST/. ^fg^^«. Feevent, Feevid, a. hot, vehement, y. Aedent. 3^ror, rr?^<=T, 2 eager, warm, impassionafc, v. Earnest. T^ir^t, 3^^^, 3f^l^1, fr. n. ranMe,grow virulent,— v^ scratch, &c. V^,1^, FEV 315^ 2 fig. — inenfally. ^IT^of, 7jqof_ Tesiiv Ah. n.f cast, fes/ive occasion, v. IIolttiat. ^tJTm. Wl- ^TXm. worr^r fcj-JTm. f?Tfir^H. IT^^ n. ^FRtri n. m^7A or M. 3r«i^|-m f^?rm. — of MuhanimaJaus, f^/. F. ■witli illumiuations. ^"trH'T"'. Flowers, sweetmeats, &c. distributed at the close of a religious f. rr^T^^n^w. Great f. or great rejoicings. JT^tfH^ft. T^TrflT^w. !BloueT, &e. given to dependents at a f. ^\Wfm.7^. Presents (to Brahmans) at a f. ^^PR??*. Solar f. fj|i|'i)cl». Festivity, «. See Festival. 2 social rejoicing. ^?rr^??!. ^JrH^Tra. 3TPt^^?rr^»t. Fest005, n. — in architecture. %?J5j^y. iR^jr or ijyrwJ. To Fetch, v. a. v. To Beisg. ^^^ STM'^, 'iTM'Jt. 2 Iring as iis price. f%5Trr/. JT^ in. con. 3 See To Eeach. Fetch, n. trick, v. Aktifice. 4H4x|ot. Fete champetee, n. ». Fetid, a. v. Stinkisg. qr^, ^n^l^rr, ^, f^'^ft. Fetidness, Fetoe, n. v. Stink, mw/. TOTITt/. ^T'JT'Jr/. STkciui/. 5nf'-"'T»- jA'q'M. '^^^Jm. Fetlock, n. %qTr% %^?«. p^- 1%^ ^ 3THrTm Fft^niTT/. Fetteb, «. chain for tie feet. ^tlf. J| n. ^f^ 37T"^ n. F. ascribed to vitiation of the hile. fHrl-j-tK ; — of the humour ;j7(Ztfym, ^piF^^;— of the humour wind,M\r\^i; — of the three humours, f^f^WTrT^ ^^, ^ff^MM'j-sK — of the bile and air, fw^TTrr ^^R; — of the bile and plilegm, fqrT ^PP ^^T. F. — petechial or putrid. ^^JTyrr m. F. — quartan. 5?TTf|^Iw^T, fw^X n. F. — quintan. ^ifPTftf^ :?^. F.— quotidian. V+'lT^*''^- F.— tertian, g^rfl^p^, l^JfR ». FIC F. seated in the bones, ^rs^^ n». ^|i+J+dl/. F. with ague. rl^sqT m. f^cirllH »«. ;p3^3r3T?: ?n. |r- F. — patient. F.— subject. cTPTqift, ^^n^ft, ^^TfT, ^^ftr=r- Fictitious, a. feipieil. imnjivari/. «Ff=:qrT, Jf>frR%?5r, r^?5?!T, spr'H'^, !FT?«. #s:r/. Fiddle, n. ^it^/ ^^ «• T^IT^ «. F. of one striug. fqT^T^/.— player on it, f+H-i|| m. Te FlEDLE, V. n. j)lay vj)07i aJithUe. ^Vf??[f.-&c. ^V^^^, 2 See To FiUDLE-rAEDLE. Fiddle-stick, n. rj^ m. +hm/. FiDDLE-STBINO, 71. ^TTTlfHt FTTT/. Fiddle-faddle, v. Of this word the sense or acceptation seems, notwithstanding the Dictionaries, tohe liffhl and reiterate and unmeaning action; and to be sufficiently expressed by the words trifling, idling, playing, fiddling, piddling, ^'c. Under this view of it the corresponding words in Mardthl are numerous and expressive. They liave of course differing particular aspects and bearings. viiY cttc^tt. Fidelity. n.\. rAiTiiFiLNKss. rnFT «• ^KT^TR^ »>.^^trrr m. nHifui+wuii »!. snTnfiJTT^ n. [f%m/ F. to a master,or lord. J^ITfiTTf^ /. JIJ^^ / :?qTfT- F. to a husband, q ifdtjrii «. 5b Fidget, t-.n. le restless, more alout irrcgularh/. -.^ot^o i Pr =^3^561, ^J^^ffl, Er2Jf55aT, ^oig^cfr, ^o5=^oc <7'(/b. iTiraTOT! in. con ^%it/. ^?;ijf. Fidget, Fidoetino, n. t. Y. and Fidoetiitess. =^^^ n &c. 3^T^^ /. ^J. ;j^"5r?r /. iZKZ m ■ pi. v. ^i^ Fidgetiness, «. v. A. ^5^^/. ^^/. ^^^f^' /•. ^^.^^^ y ^T'/- ^^5:^/ ^T^fT/. r. ?^, ^^itToi./: 35^/. ?r;r. FiDCETT, a. restless, ^c. ^^ or W^^^.^^or^^^ Fie, inttrj. ?j, g;rr, ^r, f^-.^ ftrst, ?J:, ftT% Fie! Fie! fti?ff^TEf. To cry f. «ps »^Diijf, '•g-'». F.-busiuess; agricul/urcd operations. ?Tft^ /. ^cfT /. ^m^m ?!. Fields— collect. ^TPfmr »i. Fields, enclosures, Ac. — compreb. or gener. \^rrstTf^/. Fields, plantations, arable grounds — compreh. or gener. ^iFW^r m. ?Trpfm n. ^T^f^rm h. ^TFTBlft /. Living in the fields ( as during harvest ). ^Trfereft/. Owner of a f. flFPF^, ?T?ft. Person employed to work ia the fields. ?T?nFft, ^- Setting of a f. or plantation, rilcjuff/. Small f. EFS?rft /. Stand in a f. for the watcher. JTT^ m. i^^f^ m. To carry a f. carry or haul. ^51e|iuj_ Unsown f. m^Xn-f. Victuals taken by laborers in the f. f^T^"Tff /. fcj^- cf n. cTTS'if n. ^T^'JJ n. eTT?^ n. "Water-pipe fixed in the bank of a f. 'TRat /. 3 ivide expanse, open tract. JH^PT n. 'RtnT n. HfJT fi.. F. of battle. TtrrfiioT «. T^^/. Taking the f. ^^^fmt /. 4 space for action or operation. ^TTT/. Wi.-&c. 2 v.To Contend, To Quabeel. ^^jtoj or ^^iot or ^'^^_ Fight, Fighiino. n. y. Y. 1. F^^ n. c^/. 5^ «. ^ ot. 317 FIG n. i:iM\nm. ^^^m. ^mm. f^vf^m. f^Tirurr/. ^jqSTT m. r- Ardor for tlic f. 55^/. Close f. sir^^jM. q?r^^n. Fair f. qiT^^ «. TumuKuous and furious f. ^''l^ pop. ?T5T^«. 2 ^^q- or 3j^0|'». JTlTTfTTT or JTUmiTf/. ^JTK M. ^"JIT- infr/. ^ or ^^ «. f^^t/. g,g:^5«. F. for sport, ^lii'-fi'?;^ m. F.(settiug to fight)of animals for a wager. Ml f'^ l 't j^n. Height or heat of the f. ^^FTSTJ/. ^^f HKiH lff/. Sharp or brisk f. :Fft?5sr|-J1Kmift-&c. ^;z^zf. ^^• To itch to f. sn^/. pi. fTITof g. of s. Fightee, n. Fighting, 2>. a. v. V. ^^-^^-&c. 'hi^[ \ i \, l.ft for tear. fIJTS, SSlf^^ ^f^rTP^rT, 3^ or sflf, ^^- Figment, «. invention, fcfion. ^^'T^f. V^Hjf. ^fT^rTrft- FlGUEABLE, c. iJiat mag be brought into a shape. aTFPR ^^^ qTOqF?T-&c. 3TPFR ^RW^T^q-, SfT^TT^rfq-. FiGUEATE, a. Jia.iii/ .shape or form. STT^rrr^r, 'JTT+Ht, aTT- FiGUEATlVE, a. tgpical. ??T^fiiT% '~i^'^^^?\^'^, 3T^qf?r. 2 «oi ZiVeroZ. ?5T?TfoT^, ^[T^Tft^, ^T^TTTf^^. 3— ofstyle;/««o//yms. 3T=5^FTfr, 3TT^-TTft^, ?fT?5- F. language or speech. ST^Rw. F. style. 5q-^?RT/. 5q-'^?rr|ffT/. FiGUEATIVELT, at?4). V. A. 2. B^TOI^^TT. [w. C^«. FiGUEE, n. shape, v. FOEsr. 3TT^R »«. aTT^rfrry: qoiur n. %?T 2 o f . a form., a definite thing. ^^/. ^,7 n. air?5fcr/. StnpR OT. f%al «. Composition ( of talc, gum, &c. ) for raising figures on cloth, ^it/. ^FR m. Figures, figured work (of vines, flowers, &c.) drawn, embossed, &c. 5?ft or wf\f %oJ^ or ftf. %PJ^ or ^^- 5^ »n. g^ or Y~ Jr^l/ //X ^W.\?[f. ^^m ot. ?r^- ?PfiW M. fsiT^'JT /. Figures drawn ( upon occasions ) over the floor and walls. ?:i'TTcSqr/. pi. 'TrSrST m. Ornamented with figured work. •T^^fl'^K, To make figured work. ?r^?j^W. To adorn with figured work. f5iflil or f^sill*! «i.— Place of fig- ures. aR'PraW n. [5?nif^?^ «. 8 emllem, symbol, type. Slf^^TT w. Hplo,HjffH, ^%.^, sr- «T^5fJT, 7?ilHT, 3TfJT1^r^, ft'^fe, f^^rfTp, ?T^rf^, g- ir<=fH,^^'TT. Figures & (ropes generally— as distinguished from T^^lt^'+K Verbal oruaments.aTVTfeFTT »«■ 10 distinguished appearance, ^'c. i^l «i. ^itHT/- T^^TT »«• To cut a f. cut a dash. tJT'T/. HR^, tp5 »i. iTR^-^r- ^, ^TH^mR »H. SFm, -^M+Hu'l, 3TFT «. ^T^^T'^f, ?T^, To FiocEK, V. a. 3Trw?: fn.-&e. sRof. 2 icorh figures tj'c. ^rl^i1/.-&c. T^/.-H^».-&c. ^iJt g.of o. vrfT?f-&c. ;pTW. To f. full. 55^-H^-'>TqT-&c. *rT^. 2 See To Satisfy, To Glut. [in. con. 3 ( an office, &e. ) ^i^, amiJif «t(V7i =qT or :p% o/ s. and 4 up ; occupy. ^Z^^, ft':T=r'Jf, ^^SfOT. To be filled by. H^, 3T^^, yrof, 3Tmw. 5 up ; supply cavities, ^c. T^, ^^foT, a?r^^, ^TT^^. - 6 up or in ; — tables, columns, &c. 'lT>'f. To Fill, v. n. grow full. *rT^, TCT ^TIW, 2 out; become ficshy or puljious. 3Tf'ff J^^-TTot, 3Tf-. »T n. TTrft/. *R»T?r/. «. 'irnT?/. Fillet, n. land. ^f\ f. X^^ m. Front f. ^PTTo^'Tft'/. To Fillet, v. a. qft/. 5if*T^. Filling, a. — as an article of food. J^JT^OTT, ^T^^-srr^TT. 2 becoming pulpous, ripening, — fruit. TFT^i?;, n^Tc5. Filling, n. v. V. A. 1. — act. T^tJt n. *Rifr/. TTW »J. 'R- rft/. "JJOT %. "TfrM n. F. and emptying. TTS'HT/. To Fillip, v. a.— with the finger. fl;=EnP^, f^^, R^/.-&c. Fillip, Fillipping, «. t. V. fk^ or t^f. fz^^f. Z=^^m. "With a f. f?:^-w.H-l^-&c. FiLLT, n. Tlmt/ qifr/. 2 boisterous girl, v. EosiP. ^ft^/. ftPTS W. dgiuff/. Film, ■«. pellicle, rjcfii >». ?rRT ?«. ^\m] m. ^^Z\ m. dim. W(\^f. ^^1^ m. ^^ n. ?Rn m. rR^f. 2 (over the eye ). ^^^ nmZr^ pop. ^^ n. r^^^ nl. r^iy\ m. ?TraTT m. BKT «>• "T^ »«. 3 fig. JZmi, covering.^ cfc. aTrr':rfRr «. To Filter, v. a. purify by a filter, irarit^ m^ii-^Z^-&c. To Filteh, v. n. percolate. TRrT"Jr, Toiof, ^X^, Filtee, n. strainer for water. q5lrft/ Irifd+l/. To FiLTHATE. See To Filter. Filth, w. /okZ matter, nastiness. ^TM /. Tr5 pop. JT5; wz. ^- ^ n. ?^JT^ TO. ff^^ITT «. ^/- ». f^3 M. sFrJT^ n. f^friTT M. [3TTi(Tr5T «. FiLTniNEss, n. v. A. 1. JTo!;%qT7rT m. TToffiT'T'^r ?». Krfe^ n. 2 arr^^^iJTT »». 3TFIoPTOTT m. &c. PIN Filthy, a. foul, &;c. v. Diuxt. 5T2^ remiss. JT55'ifj7, irfc?^ 2 nauseatinij, loathsome, i^'c. v. DlsausTlxa. afl^RT, PiLTEAXlON, «. Jl-lrfl^ TpZ^ «. ITotoft/. Fin, n. nT^Tr^TT T^ ot. JT?FT'??T w. Finable, n. v. V. tr^T?^', q-^ft^-q-. Final, a. ultimate, v. Last. irspT^ or OT, ^f?ft^, 3T^, 3Tf- FiNALK, «. em?, closing srene, 4'c. 3"?TPTH' «. f^^/. 3^cr »«. FlNALlTX, w./«a2 s/a/e. ^1^?^ 3T;rr4r/. ^THf^ «. Finally, adv. v. A. ?t?r?t, 3i#, ar^TWHr, ^%X. I. utterli/, V. Wholly. aTT^, I^^^J. Finance, Finances, n. v. Eevenue. ;r5[f5' »«. ^?ftc5 m. ^tjtt Financial, a. v. jNT. ^TgPIT^, ^f^T^^r^T, Erg?ir%'T#qT, ^B^ Financier, «. vTKT ^ff ^% ^Fmt?r ^?T^-^?^. ^'o Find, v. a. obtain, attain. Tr=r^, fir^, rJFT'if, JI^'cT ^r"?f, ^TTcT CT'^, '^^ "J'l w"''^ 'w. cow. 2 ( sometliiug lost ). ^rtT^oi, f^TSE'if, I^^I'ir, nR'ir, nZ? iiith in. con. [with in. con. S mfiet until, fall iipon. fiToSiif, ^fTS'if, *r^at, 3T3qI^ aZZ 4 /enow ly experience. ^r^?rr m.-aTH'H^ »i.-sf?q-T »t.-&c. SfiJf-^'nJf 5'. o/o. with in. con. 3^*f=JT#-&c. ^ir^-^^nTJToi" -&c. 3T^'T=rT^-&c. *4|r^M • ^5ilt/. ?3 m. ^^^^f. ^wnf. ■'^^- ^S m. ^r^J. ^^T^/. ^rri^OT/. ^m^ m. Fines and forfeits, — compreh. ^3^ »». ^ii^'^Tlft/. F. to bo paid to the king. KV^^ m. F. to be paid to a brdlmian. af^T?^ m. Vexatious or unjust f. '■JT^ m. To Fine, v. a. mulct, ij m.-^^^ m. q^, t^ m.'^>^^^t^z m.- &c. qin, ^5of. 2 See To Puhify, To Eefine. To Fine-dbaw, v. a. ^JTT^H <"^ ^l^. Fine-eyed, a. f^^g, f^^f?. Fine-looking, a. v. Handsome. ^T^irr, ^^T^^, ^^r^^TW. Finely, o£^». v. A. 5. splendidly .^ showily, gorgeously,c^-c. ^Z^- ^T??, ^5, ifpft^, ftert, ^rft^. Fineness, n. v.A. 1. 2. sfR^I/. ■MlR+q'JTTw!. rT?^JTTt/. 3 qrc^TK/- 5nfl^"T'^r»». qrwRTw. ^m-^/. ht^^p^wtot. ^>a;^». ^e-"HfTT/. " [&c. 4 ^?T/. ^iH/. gr^r^/. sq/. ^w^/- ^T^f%?rqoTrw. 5 gPT/. ^TR/. SR^/. ^5/. 5^7RV- ^STST^w. JT5^/. G g-'iJ,quii»s. ^^'[^M. ^?rqwT)». T'T^q'JTTOT. ^^rq^nrw*. &c. 7 STTfr^'TaTTm. ^TTT^/. ?5?.^imT/. ir^T^w. iWJ f- FlNEEY, n. show, splendor. W^f. ^TTH/. ^MiUt/ ^f /• ^- 2/Me clothes. t^iMKlqlni^w*. PSirRT-tRTfft^-f^TSTTr^r- Finesse, ».v. Aetifices. q^qr^ or qr^TT^ mpl. SRh^"^ m.^^J. FiNOEE, n. sffew. ar'gfH i'oj). •sf^sfr or ^nv^f. ^^imr/- F. in, ^ar< or concern in. ^\^n. Five fingers.- — collect. Ch'i friq"??^". Fore f. rl^?ft/. sitf^lMt/— little f. --mz^ f ^RH^ or !F^5'Zt/. q;f?ri%?pr/.— middle tw-wy^zn. ^'^-^■^]f.w>m^^f. — ring-f. third-f. ^^fHW.'\f. Space between the fingers. 'i-H'+,«. ^'^W^7^n. Talking with the fingers. JFTq£55ftHr"TT/. ^V^^t[ f. Tliat is at one's fingers ends, di^qii, g^qfi, ^irl<--|4l. To burn one's fingers, fig. 3Tf^y.'T?r^ in. con. To crack the f.-joints. ^ftn. pi. ifrS'Jf, ST^fe 'TT?;;.- To get a f. in. ^». fni^of, =Ef5STq-?Tw. W.m. To point out with thef.^Rw. ^Rof-^l^f^^t, ar^fef^- FIR 320 rm To twist round one's f. sf^rRT TT^^. 2 fingers breadth, ^.n. 3np7;'op. ^^n. To tho extent of a f. CRTT. To FiNOEB, r. a. get into one's hand or possession. <^«i«(^, ^m. n.!FT0f, f^T^T ^m, ^WPff m^^. 2 m«« ly fingering and passing. ^?.3at or ^t^Rof. 3— I'liriivfly or pecuhiliiigly, V. To Embezzle. ■=)iH'«ui', FiNGEK-Hiso, n. ^rnotil^n. sfl^^tTf k. FlXGEnEl), a haling fingers. ^"l^T^T, ^fjfrJ^, sfte-iTT (incomp. as ^^R^IT, ^R^, ii'. ). fciix f. ?irna.qr, a^ftr^tja. TixoEKLEss, «. f5=i^R^, a^'jfe^. FiXlCAL, a. fastidiously or afi'eLttd!y nice.Z\^Z^'^\., ?:r'Tf^<^qT, risiCALSEss, «. V. A. ^T.ft^Tmwj. 5T^fJTT- n. 't^{t\ or 'i\^^vP[ f. tr^et or ^- T^/: ^W^^ or v^J\i n. v;r?f n. qTtTT m. [rSTT. 3 hurning oj a house, Sfc. v. Conflagkation. aTFf/. f. 4 ( from guns, &e.) v. Fieinq. q|oflnK ot.KKT m.^^^m, Eange or reach of f. tttTT ">• To come within reach of f. iTT=^Tr% art^f q"'^, 5 See A EDGE, Passion. [ffT/ SfT^. 2b FiBE, V. a. V. To Kindle. q-^'Jf, arPT/ fti^ot, ^Z-- 2 V. To Cauteeize. v^^ or ^qiJT, ^T?I0T, ^rf ^ «. ^^p^. 3 discharge a gun or firepiece. ITRW, ^"l^'jf , Sm"^ or 5r- 'FT, g^sTi^, 5rr5"it, ^tr «. ffreCTr-s^jfor-^rrscfr g. ofo. To Fiee, v. n. ta/cef. v. To Kindle, qr ?;;. ?fiJt, ^5"^, %rrw. 2 fig. yei angry., v. Angey. q^iif, %rfOT, rfNiif, ■^'<1IH«(, ^TW, ». ^^f?T m. sr^rnpt^: m. r\^(^^ m. Fiee- LOCK, n. =^V^^f- =5nTT=^ ^^f- [or'^ n. F. with a flint, as disting. from match lock. iTTT Hl5 Fiee-new, a. V. New. q'CTI^RT, ^iTmiH'^, T^TSTf. FiEE-PAN, w. ^Tirft/ ann^/. arm'^ «. Fiee-place, ». ==r?5/. ^w>. ;jl?5iui «. «?!(? intens. ^grTT «». ^- ^Ff or or «. -^rtiui «• F. of a ship or boat. ;M~14H n. Hob of a f. 3T^^ «■ ^F??5 or "^^ m. n. Large & rude f. ^^'IT m. Eaised bark of a f. ■>TTOTT?rT or -HV^xm m. Pange of fire-places. ^^FT or ur n. ^^^fiM n. FiEE-PEOOF, o. T. Incombustible, ^z^:^\^]'^ sTTff ^fT^, Fibe-stone, «. arftfir^ »». FIR 321 riHE-wooD, 11. V. Fuel, v^^or n. ^s^uf «. r. mercluuit. f^^FISTF??!. [ C/ Fjbe-woee, «. composil.on of gunpowder, S)C. ^^JTKTT n. ?T- CeriaXn JtVi'-works are q%qpjft, ^"f^T, =75^, =5r^^rH, ?fRT, =qTTT, f^^^, ^t?froT, ^?.t, 5^5r^, 5^5fr5, J^^it^T", A'^arious fireworks put together aud fired. HrfTvs n. 2 diversion leith fireworks. 3?m^5n^/. arfsT^tf r/. 3^5?/. FlEE-wOESKiP, ?i. 3T?it^3^TmHT/.-*ff^/.-&c. FiEiNa, n. V. V. A. 2. See Cauteey. 3 iMhr hj. HRT m. HTT ot. JTRf^rfT/. Brisk or furiuos f. (of orduauce, musketry, stones, and, ^y. of abuse, &c. ). ^^ffiRTT m. T5^TK or Tf^HK or Double f. |iTKT m. ^JTR «. Line of f. HITT »». Mutual f rna^Ffr?:^/. I. V. Fuel. ^cJtrr «. ^r^s^ur w. ^t'T'T n. FiBKIN, n. ^^%?fr HFT 3TTf . FlEM, o. closdij compressed, hard, compact. ^^ pop. q'OT, ^, F. ( from ramming or beating ) /lard. 5r?r, ZTH. To grow f. aud compact, ^of. 2 steady, determined, decided, resolute. ftRT^, ^iiiNi, ^, 3Tii'=qr, t^T^T, f^^, f^-i5?:-€rT, ^iT^ir, ^?rr, f^s^i^, :f?t, 5r^«'T;?fl,3Tf- FiBMAN, m. royaZ mandate, &;c_ qnrf^ o;- fTHRT »«• FiEULX, «?«. V. A. 2. ^^, f^^^mr^, ^^75?^, ^S^«PT- q.^-^;, f^^^i^'T;, &c. FiBMNESs, «. V. A. 1. mil/. qj^flT m. ^.tV^^m m. &c. Z- oiqJTt/. ^WXf- Trf5==^ «. ^:^?IT/. ^flXT TO. ^4 «. FlEST, a,. Tf^, qf^^^, si*TH, 3TKT, arrf^, 3TTf^, "Tsf, 37^-- 4.t or for the f. time. Tf^r^Tpf or "Tf^rTTH, FIS From the f. ( part, &c. ) to the last. STRJcT. I am the F. aud the Last. 3Tf 3Tr?j?i:. 2 See CuiEF. FlEST, adc. TJ^r^T^, lYqT, 3TT^, 3TT^, !T'<^JT, tT'^RTrT:, JT: (in com]), as ^T??TT, qfilPft ). At f. qfpr, '?f|r^r^, "?€?, --m^. As at f. 'J^^'J. F. and foremost. JS^^^ jt. [ f«ri?r. F. of all. ^'^^m Y°, 3TT2f%f^ft or 3TTf if^^f or ajT*?!- From f. to last. 3TTW«- — as exposed for sale or lying in quantities. JTm^T/. ^X^\n. pi. Some kinds of/«/i are 5lNte,^oi:^, ftlTTST, %?, fW^, TT^, WT^, f%5fof , Stf^, f^HRT, ^1^, Basket-work let down to catch f. sfr^^ft/. Odd f. a queer fellow. ;^?5^r, cTJTTnT^T HTWfT. Shoal of f. JTTBTfi^rFr'"- To Fisn, V. 11. m'^m. pi. TnTDT-q^, n\m=^ fJT^FR/. ^^, 2 fig. 5?f^^ fFraf^fTq-rsfT q^ ^ot. To Fish, w. a. up. a^^i^^T ^PKof. FiSH-BOSE, «. ^t?T»>. Jp^Wi. HJ^'^PT^?)?. FisH-nooK, n. nmm. Hff|^T«. nft/. TR^%r5 n. "TTS^ m. ( as there were five Pundaicas). F.-armed,— warrior, &c. aho,—oi wild beasts.c['-=|^rif, ?TiTJr"jf, ?',4uil f», 'NMUIT »». &c. 3T5oiqtirT «>. ^^'T «. ftm^/. ^T^/. 3 im^uii »i. ^RfTorr m. ^r^rtnuil »«. &c. f^^TcT^ffT/. fSpT^f^ m. f^rf^f^T «. &c. 4 ft.qRT^^T'JTT m. &c. ^fHrTT^ n. ^sstht/. Fixes, m. v.V.A. 1. >i^-&c. q^smTTT, f^i£'TItr,&c. rf|=)uiru, &c. ^STNiF, ar^TFSifPT^F, sT^iirT^, 3TTqFT-f^r<^H-3T^'4FPr- &c. ^Frrf, -jrrqFT^. 3 ^MUII'I, -KI^CJIKI, &c. H+« ^WTKT, &c. 4 ftii^K'Jnrr, &c. ^t^ff^t?. TLA 323 FlXTUEE, n. fixed furiiHure. r4T^r JTI^ m. r'i4)Tiff /. — inteus. "ptJiTf.Jii^ m. FiABBixEss, n. V. A. "Prnwirr w. &''• '•^^f'^ o?- vfT'if. Flannel, «. ;4m or ^ or qrflT »«. but the word commonly used is tpPSI^^/. from the Eaglish. Flap, n. thing tofi.ap loith -.^fan.^ Sfc. 5T5^'JT n. 5T5Tof n. 5r- 2 ( of trowsers, &c. ). f^J^nF h./. 3 V. Flapping. W^ »»• H^^RT w. 5rui'+-i< or n »«. 4 (of a coat, &e. ). skirt. 5rR=5 »». ^?; m. To Flap, d. a. leat with afiap. ^V^^ "P^l^or, ^TT^, IT^- or, ir^^r^, ^r^^-^jr or ^r^^ru m. '^'if. To f. out, ( a light ). Tr^=!^iif, TlrJ^ ?«. ^W-TraiJf, ^firr'TT-^^ f^g-q-ijf-lTr^'7'^-&c. 2 )«oi'e !t77/f afiapping noise. 'P^'PS'T'^ or TT^^'^lf^'Jf. 2b Flap, v. n. phj the wings noisily. "FSTTgnf, ^rs^^of, xf, "PJ^of, 'P5^5-g5'P5 Flap-eaeed, ffl. n^^'jf. Flappee, «./«?«, ^c. T. Flap, ^t^tw «• "P^^^ ». Flapping, n. v. V. A. 1. ^m^ n. &c. ^TS^^rff/. W-^ m. yi'-bKi »«. ir"jr^?n: or tt w. A general f. ^T^i^TTTt/. V. V. N. 1. qv5T)5of n. etc. "PSTfS/. fJ^^J^ufl/. 2 *i*^>Ji M. &c. I. noise off. "PIf'TTT »?. intens. 'PI'PTR »>• "PIT3 »«. FLArPiSGLT, adv. "P^^^ or ?:f, "P^tps or sf, =5R^ or x\- intens. "P^"P7, 'P^TT^f, "P^PP?, "Pir^f, "^TTT^T, WJX'i. To Flaee, v. n. hurnficrcchj or blazing! y.^~s. light, Ac. ^- 2 yZtV/er !(•///« painful splendor, v. To Glaee. ^^R^tt, ^CTT^oT'if, ^T^^i^, TS^/. TTTijf. Flaeino, p. a. V. V_ Jtrr^trfl^, ^'Zc^/li. 2 ^^^wt?r, ';oTT^t^. I. /a67/y, s/iOicy, cj'c. ^TS^, T^^;, |f5r^,H5ET^^. Flaeinglt, ai^i-'. V. A. S^T^iiT, ^oreoE or sf intens. 55rTJ5E am? 55!rf^, ^CTKOT or tJlt. Flash, Flasuing, ?e. v. V. =Jr-^ w. ?I-^ «. ^n n. "^HW.J- 5r- T^m/. 5r^^o5/. — i;i/e;is. vivid f. dazzling f. &c. ^^^- FLA F. and no figlil. arsTT^^ n. ^'jld+rf^ »". K^^ ». "Witli a f. =qq|-qf^-q;T-cti;. 5r'P-^'r-^f&c.?E;g'JT,=5sgT,&c. 2 ^/.iriiij? and trantieiU display. •f^rrftiT/. fe^t?/ JTT^ A brilliant f. nuil then a prison,— the Prodigal's course, m^ 5^r fft^TKm ^'^'^r^ . n. glitter icilh a transient flame. =JnFPr^at, '^- *T^, ^^PT^tT^ intens. -M+l+of, ?5^3-7 a(?tf. ^T^f, ?5^K?5^- of mlent. B'PFPot, ncE^of, ^fnnoi^gqj^^at inlcns. ^W^- To f. in the pan. V^^,f. ^^-T^. Flashisess, n. v. A. 1. sfT^r^ ^^J. ^if^^^ 'iW<'mT m. Flashy, a. show// but empty. ^IT'Trs, I^JfTl^i f^^fHT=riTr, 3T- ^m, 3T^, ^^^, f^'i^nTRT, i>?^, sfi^T^^ri'tera", ^it- 2 showy, yauJy, v. FiSE. a^'Z^jftrf, ?r-;g, f^qft'^Eg, ^T^^, Flask. See Bottle, Vessel. 2 See Powdee-flask. Flat, a. level, eien. ^TH, ^JTTH, ^^?tr, ^K, TM^TS. 2 not rising hijli, exltiulcd. ^TRT, ^TT^, «t^'FT, «W^7, ^prms, ^MHi5i, '^ri^i, =5n?f2T. 3 ?ei-eZ leith the ground, lying, fallen. =qTR, ^^^f, ^"TT7, To lay f" Tq^ JT^OT, f^SrsfOT, ^trT affo.-JJfrft^^ flrfi'. JR^, Rrm aJi'. dcd. or ?5% ffi/i). ^ijf. 4 (/wrf, ffT^Ju/, sjjirillcsg. f^%\ or ff;"^ remiss. pRJ^, qr- sfTfTT, ffR5r, %^^, 3T5itnt, fTOTf^r, fvi?^R, ^^gfTfro)- f^^^'q', 1^C#, ^t^?r, ?;?T, ^TT^ o;- j^oTT, T^?5 or 55. 5— of SoimJ.S. fRoT, ^"PJ, 5i:^^?r, S^T^^trf. To sound f.— relaxed drum, &e. S^TS^^ intcns. ji| '| i| tTf^ 6 downright.^ outright, v. rosiiiVE. ^1"^, 3^rS, ^^Trl^. F. refusal. f^l^rrST ot- v. \. Flat, n. ZcicZ tract, t. Plaej. q?:iuT or q^tqur or ^ \ ii \ v [ «. TRT w. »iloS m. 2 ( on hilly ground ). TT^S w. JTr^t/. 3 shallow. >Tr^/. n. <7iHi. TRt/. Flat-nosed, a. ^^Wr, ^ff'TTf^^. Flat-boofed, o. vnsqr^fT. Flat-wise, ado. '■Cf^, Flatly, aJc. downright, peremptorily, v. A. 6. f^^^, ^FP Tfrfe^, f^5rr|^. To reply or state f. rP:^ m. at^-aV|H 7T^. 2 ^^OTT CT. sre^tTTjn m. &c. [/. ir^RTHfTT/ 4 f*%^on m. mu|,j^.Mou ?«. n^j^ Urm^ \ m. &c. n?Tw?rr 2b Flaites, v. a. ^fTH^, %^, %T^, ^cf^-&c. ^pTjf , 324 FLA Flattened, p. v. V. ^fTT^^FIT, &c. =qrT7, =qT^, =q7?r, %^. 2b Flatter, ».a. court ly praise, llandishmenis, olsiquiout- ness, cj-c. 5^?5frf/.-3TT^'-7 n.-^^TTlT^ or^^TnTrf / ^oT, 5its>Jr,%t-^T^-^t^ ado. ^5:ijf-'^iJt, To f. cue's self, pride one's self on. 3T^PS/.-3TfHKr- ^ m. qT55q'ir-Hriiot.-cT?:of g. of 0. 2 gratify.^ Sjc. v. To Please. ^Tfqrijt, ^7;-&c. JRof. FlATTEUEH, ?i. FLATTERTXU,;7.rt.V. V. 1. T|nm^-&C. JfTITT. ^, g?TTK?ft or g^TPT^t, ^^im^qT, ^^TTHSWT, cfts "TT|H' ^rSOTRT, ffreT?fT^ &c. ^wrrr-'^f oTOTTTT, fflsi^ir^t^^. Flatteky, n. ^x'T^gf^/. g'^TTJT^ or g'^tm^f /. 3Tr^ n. ?g- rrf5«<=T'^ ^l'i?5af «. rffsrj?^ ^"rfsaln.— AVith the power of such words as, lutter, soap, palaver, Harney, flumme- ry. JTajgriK «. "raqr^Ct/. '13'ra'Jr, ^T?fTr5 «. 5??T^6t, i«ri4+l=|aT, ^tfot, qra?;>jf, HfJf, ^ ». ^iJt, qT «. ^^r. Fleect. See Woolly. To Fleee, &c. See To Mock, &c. Fleet, a. swift-going, t. Swift. s^R^, "ToEqJT, =^1?^^, =5TT^, ^?5^,^qT?5 pop. ^qrs:, TTq''j^, arfff^ift, ^^ft, %qqT^. Fleet, m. ( of ships of war ). 3T^rn; or cST^nTT^ ?i. ?JST^ 17?^- Fleeting, a. transient, y. Tempokaey. ar^'^pft, ^f^^, ^?f, Fleetly, adu. v. A. a;!rf Swiftly. ^?;^, ^?^^, aTf?f5f''T^- Fleeiness, n. y. A. encr>raTT m. ^c^/. ^^T^'mr w. tnw. Flesh, w. Hf ?r ;;o/). irr^ «• anfJr? n. W-^ «.— contemptu- ously. iTr?!^5 n. JTTtr^iT w.^TRfq^ ?»• TT^rST m. HTg^ m. Dead or proud f. ^SiJlT^H n. ^fH^^^ n. Marks burued into the f. cTFT'T^t/. Way of all f. tt|TT'4 nt. To lose f. aitn n. sr^tff-g-re^raT-trs'^. To turn into f. — food. 3^1% or arfnTrT f=rTT^. 2/es/j meat, animal food. ^\^ 2^op. iTm «• ^nnrft or ^r- 3 far/mZ uppdilcs. iWMf^/. f^Tsprmf^/. f^T'T^rm^r/. 4 car«oZ stefc. gf^qr'ct^Fir/. ff4q^5f^Trrr/. 5 T. Body, ^iftr n. %^ w. 6 mankind. 'PRTnT^rifff /. HHiilHl-s) n. Flesh-diet, ?j. TrfHTfTT m. Flesh-meat. See Flesh. Fleshiness, n. y.A.1. iTT^lcAquTl ot. iFFT^rTTirr m. &c. Kt^- INESS, n. V. A. 1. f^rT^^fs/.frT^Hf^/.rsrT^qTTTT/ Y, a. carnal, v. Sensual. fcTTTr^, fsfT^ft, f^TT^^^, 2 human, not divine. H^isqr^t, TF-^'f)', T^'^^'^fff'^Tr. Fleshy, a. v. Plump, Fat. iTf?r?S I'op. JTRTI^, TT^THC, HTO- 2 pulpous. iRT^, IPTfT, T?^. 3 belonginj to flesh. JTWT^T, Kf^«f^. [ ^^\ m. Flexibility, Flexibleness, n. v. A. 1. ^tf^\^,qtj\\ 7«.ffq%- 2 H^rqiTT ?«. K^r/ ^^r^^fr^fsr «. Flexibi,k, FLEXir.ii, a. pUalle, pliant, suppjle.^ limber, lithe. Flexous. See Winding. Flexure. See Bend, Bent. Flicker, Flickering, n. \.Y.\.~act. Tkw.^?^ n. pA.^.-i \f. 5^5^'T/- T^'T^f- 'i'l'3!T/- To Flicker, v. n. quiver, — as a liglit, life, &c. fe^Fiz^dr, ?5:p7^'jf, fe^f?5^, FJ^^^ot, ^^?ft-^ ado.-T^.7^ adi>.- H^f?:^ «<7i'.-iT?^JT^ ai/y.-fe!?;^^ adv. JpT'Jr, ^RT qfJ^, q^lToEiJr or Kciof. 2 See To Flutter. Flickerer, n. Flickering, p. a. v. V. 1. f^i?:^aTRT, f^- E\^ ^jrOTRT, &c. f3^fe^?r, ^-TJ^-T^t^T, 1%ft:fJTS. Flickehingly, «(?y. fsf^ft^ ,f!:^?fr^, f^f^fJT^. Flight, «. v.V. — volation. ^3J^ n. ^^vn n. [^r^.NH w. I. or Fleeing. "T^^ w. qcpr ^r"jf «. "TcEot «'• ToToft/. General f. T^ «'./. 'T^OT «. T^'^t/. T^T?:/. J, 75MTCq\, F!^,ri^{l<^K, Flimsiness, n. v. A. ?n^Pfr /. ^TT^^^ /. ^^^TPft or Flimsy, a. ifW/t, of dight texture, xvorthless, Sfc. 5?R?r, ^H^r, n^frpT, ^^?i^r, !f^^T ^f^t^, ^^r-, ^qF?n^ or Jtl' or ^^OT^ or ^^^f^, ^HTmjF, ^FrrirrT, f^^i'V, ^- jT?ft, ^^. «. (Zz-nic J«ci-, shrink, v. To Draw-back, q;- ^m, JTTqTT/-Ac. qw, Ht^«.-^T?^n.-&c. qn.-5PJ^;n.-5r^^|7ITTw. ^iJr. [Sxif. 4 open. 5rMI'l-Ml«^W-yl+l«'*{l-5n^TTH-irTFr»TT#-&c. 3^- To Fling, v. n. f,icA\ J,-i: v. To Flounce. 3Tr555 3?N^/. qj- 2 out 5 lash out. |npi^T/. /'/."I^Tr^fr/ l>l--%''^^^^/- pi.- Fliso, Flinging, u. v. V.A. 1.— aci .g^^n. qp^iifw.&c.?T- ;^\ m.-^^ 2 See To Sneer. Flietation, n.v.V. N.I.— orf. ^t^^^tt^/. ?rmr»». ^ To Flit, v. «./y away. Tf -T ^P^, T|nir«.-5Tfr^H. ^TiTif. 2 migrate. mn.--sm\ J.-&C. TR^iJr, '. a. ^Tff ^ ^. 2 See To Inundate. Float, n. raft. rW^rn. mf. ?^vnn. F. composed of gourds, q^w. q^Tw. F. composed of two canoes or boats. ?rFT3 m.f. — that works it. ^T5-qT. 2 timbers, ^c. set to f oat down. flTFT m, J'loaiinOjJ). a. Y. Y. N. 1. fRrTT. Flock, n. ( of sheep or goats ). JJ^TT m. Rjls^n; n. ^s/. ^ ji. cr^iT n. ^TTr m. ^r? «. ipTT m. 2 ( of birds ). qi?T ?«. ?TTt^/. ^l/. 5rt^/. 3 Jo^'<(| /. qR'Tf. — of earth. JJTHt^T/.-HF/. 2 knock down. TTf^ 2T^^, Rl^JHiJI, ?5te^, qUTI^, 5ftrT aTR- &c. 4-,rl'P<^, ^S5f5l6ir, 5^nTo!:6t, j^rr^'jf, ^!T?i'<^or, ^^pr^'Jf. 2 over, f^^r^'n. Floppee, n. Flopping, p. a. v. V. 1. S'HM^uiKI, &c. 5^5- FLO 327 TLO Ploeal, a. pertaining to flowers, ^^f^, J'^'^r, ^ftw, J"^- Flokid, a. Irightly red. JTR^J, ?^n^>T?^, H?^, ?JT^. 2 — of style, &c. hrilUant. 3T?5TTft, 'JT3+-1 R^, 3Tc5+K^^, Floeiditt, Floeidxess, n. \. A. 1. FJIc^lTPTOTT m. &e. ?5Tc?ft/. Tf^JTT OT. ^ [TSfTKTT^ «. Floeifebous, a. producing flowers. J'^TFT^, 2'^^^. Floetn, m. 5t^ ^M 3TTf . Floeikin, n. Otis aurita. ^tST rRKTT «• Floeist, n. cultivator of flowers, f ?5JTI5ft «!. ^rftm.Jn^OT. Floss, n. dotcny substance. ^"J^ /». Floss-silk, n. . a. v. V. N. 1. Z^T':^., 1^5R, ^■^-^IT, fR^- 2 and Peospeeous. ^Hlf^dr, T^I^, '-ftH'^, '^t^TT, ^- JTT5, ^ra^TH, TTHfr^^iT, &.C. «^5, ^q^, srf^, ^rwr^. F. or happy state. ^^^J. Prosperous or f. state. ^K^mf. -intens. HTTTR: w. F. or failing, thriving or sinking, — of trades, affairs, &c. cRrTT 5??rr. F. or ascendant period. aTK^pft /. 3 3TT^, 31NI<^M, aHNl'^l'ft^, aTRTfT^. Flout. See Saecasm. To Flout, v. a. v. To Contemn. flf^^T^'jf , fy ^'+. I m ,flR^r- W, f^r^rm, fdiV+iKui, f^^^'Jf or f|5^R0T or \m^^., Pi^+Kui, ^IMK"I, SPT^. Flouting, «. v.V. ftr:5^PRnT «. &c. f%^^lT m. f^rs^jnrtjft /. To Flow, v. n. ^\\^., Sf^of, ^qTHOT, 3^T^o5 m.■^^\^ m.-&c. ^^-'^'^^ g.ofs. To f. gushingly & noisily. ^^^d^H., vrz^o^-&c. ^TT^oif, intens. Tcilotui. [^-|1"ot. 2— opposed to ebb. TW, TTfft/.-^ m.-^^f. ^mS\-^- 3 ^««s smoolhlg, swimmingly, S,'c. ?R3-^T^?T-3R^f^?T- sr^nf w-':TTTrCT-&c. ^qi^ot, ^, sr^ »j. ^raiJf y. o/^o. 4 aJoKM(Z. ETT^iif, sm/- TS'^y. o/s. SRW, T^TT =5rTt53T, 5 from; proceed, issue, run. qr^of , T^W, TT^Rof, ^THi^r. 6 off; run down,— a river, &c. 3lt?rTot, 3TR^, 'JTRrRT wi. ^g.ofs. ^ Jf^g.ofs. 1 over. g-^JRaSOT, 3^Rr5of, ^R^fS^, ^^fS frof, 3T%q; w.. To f. over from boiling. 3Tf^, ^^ to. ■^^. Flow, Flowing, n. v. V. l.—act. ^^M n. &c. afr? w«. F. of speech, m^mf^ /■ sTP^TRT/. 2 ^RTft/ Tm w. sft5l/. 51R ?«. 3 JT^TT^ OT. ^H^w. 4 iRFfr/. TT^ «■ 51^ '»• TT w. IR OT. Flowee, n. .?5r, &c. j'S'-nt, jf^TH, f gf*r?f. I. — a cloth, &c. V. Figured. TFT^t^, ^f^Z\K^'k^-Af\-^\. F. work. 5^/- %T 3TBot. 3 rise and Jail, he unsettled. ^T^T?TTT m. aH^tlj y. q/ s. it. ^ <'M<=n-(^% it'-cy, n. Y. A. 1. ^^?F.'m\ m. pffiHT --^MotMUIl m. c| | -j;^ |- qr^T «. :rR^5iT7T /■ ?rr»-.nTT/. 2 fR^^uir TO. grfxFiT'jrT m. Flue>-t, a. free, t'oZuWe— speaker, sfe^, f^T^^ =qi^, =;rT- 2— speech. ':TTn^^'^, iJK15rif|^, ^T^, f T^lT-fT, r. afr^mTOT/. arr^T m. sqif^jcfr/. I. sudden gust of toind. Sfr-Tpqi 5r^^^ m.-^f^'^f »». Jo Flurry, v. a. agitate, commone. '^'i^Ai^^., VN^^iif, TPTS ^?5-5qJT &c. ^pj^. To Flush, v. n.flow copiously. >T5;'T5!;-vr3!;JT5Jf-*r5'T5-'>T5*r5t cjl^iir f^^^-&c. 2— the face, &c. ^TTt^/. Jpjf, rrfoffRT^ ^riir, m^m. To Flush, «;. o. redden, cj'c. Bf^/. armoT, ftfsjirara ^Rof. To be flushed. cTf^q-, Frf^^ijf. Flush, n. sudden and copious ajjlux. ?jt^ m. fsf^r m. S'^TH". 2 ( of eagerness, desire, &c. ) ardor, glow. ET^ft/ v. tf?, §^, q', ==r^, ;f ?j3r to./, ^ift/ jj'iTTf / nTirr to. 4>ui+i to. JP^ TO. a'^ist/ %n in. 3 ^r5T^-&c. aT^F^TrT aiT^Pft ?JT?ft/. Flush, a. fresh looldng, v. Fresh. ?:cr?jft?r, "d+d+n^T. 2 ( in cash ) ilTTT, ?i't=>T, dciKIH^lR. Fluster, To Fluster. See Flurry, To Fluret. Flute, n. Sftmt/ HTf^/ JTiffr/ "ffsTr or "Tt^TT m. 2 ( of a pillar, &c. ). ^i^t/ 51^5^:^/ Fluting, n. ( of a pillar, &c. ). ?fff^ait/ sf^Jsft/. 2b Flutter, w. n. — as a bird, a flag, &e. Hi^H^i^, "PSqioT, ^- V^'m intens. =^X[Z^., 5T5'FS'if, "T^ m. pi. gnof. 2 — the heart, v. To Palpitate, g^^^t, tll^iif, (^TS^TSTit. 2b Flutter, v. a. See To Flurry. Flutter, Fluttering, n. v. V. N. 1. 'P5. (J. Foamy, a. v. V. ""P^roi^?!!, &c. «jj?rroJ, %H?:, ^-i^*, %^r=5, %f^. Fob, w. pocket, ^'c. m4^I* S^^T"^ %^T ?»--^F^ or ^cqT >». To Fob. See To Cheat. Focal, a. %^=^, %5?rqtft. FOCDS, «.— in geometry. %^ «. ^rif^T w. 2— in optics. f^^Trr tr^^Sf ^^jtu^t^ FtTH' ». ?nTFfr^'7%?T)«. 3 ( of a ray of light ) focal point. 'iK^W- ni. 'S{^\^ m. Foddee, n.'kmj. ^sfRr m. n^Tfrmt/- ^\^m^ m. Litter of f. "^^^ m. n. "^m^m^^y m. n. ^\^i n. To Fodder, v. a.'^iu\ f.-^qj^j m.-&c. qT^"J7. Foe. See EsEMY. [it. iT'4t/. FcENUGBEEK, ?».— the grass. ir'^ft/.—the grain or seed of FcETAL, a. Y, N. nVr^, T'TO^'-fr, Tin. FcETtJs, n. ^A pop. iTTT m. vu\ m. Dead f. 'T^T'f m. ^^A m. Dead f. remaining in the womb. i(i^ pop. ?p^ n. Instrument for extracting a dead f. Tt^pi^ m. Motion of f. in utero. n^^fTTf n. Murder of a f. ^^\^t^\f. Murderer of a f. gur^r^Kt. Pain suffered by a f. whilst in the womb. TH'TTrr^/. Fog. «. ^-^ n. ^if. 5% n. ^ n. ^t^t n. FoGOiKESS, n. V. A. gr^FJn. 5JTT«. Foggy, a. ^+i|Mr, g^^F^mr, '■^V!Tq\. Fori, ?V/e>y. rjqt, ^, Jan. Foible, «. y. Fault. ^7i.f^^n. f^^n. ?p§^n. ^m. ?j^cp«. To Foil, y. a. frustrate, ^-c. y. To Deieat. jfn^, ^^T,/. Tliree cornered f. ^JiTRt'^ft'. G (as of cakes, crusts, onions, &c.) layer .^ coat. T^m. ^S^m. 'W^m. qr^rsTw. 7— of a rope, &c. t. Tcen. f^^T»f. To Fold, ». a. shut up in a fold. ^r5=irfrr[-=?T5^ft?T-iS:e. ^rs- 2 /!r/y ;/;; infolds. ^f\ f. qT?5of». or ^TM^ 55T'?f, HTgur,^- 3 doulle. Z^Z^ or |JT?^, JiT'if, 5?I0T, ^^/. ^^. v.V. 2. wn^tTT, &c. 3 g^fTT 0)- fl?ft ^Tlt=r, ^ (in comp. as 1^"^, fd^-lil, =qr- ^), T?5Tt(in comp. as t^^FT^ft, |?^0, f^T^^, ^""fT^ft). F. state, /oWr(i'«e4-s. q^/. (esp. in comp. as, once fuldedness ^^^jjt/. and ^^J^t, f?f^, #1^, &c.) qn: /. Folding, l. aTT?5Hn. arnTHT^r/. ntHMt fllH|v»n m. pi. To Follow, v. a. go after, pursue, ^'c. f{V\-mS\H\>\-H\'\^- qT^rnrr-&c.3TM-q-9T-=?n?59T-&c.qrJtw?rTn6T/. ofo qis/. 2 (j//<-nrf as a drpenJaiit. TTT =5frf^ y. o/o. 3T3'I*11W.-3T- g5rfN«.-3^H?/rT/-3T=J^^«.-'.tc. ^RTJT. 3 olsei'ce, cop;i. v. To Imitate. cfoiUTFTt ^TttJ' y.o/o. JfoJ- Dln.-irrs/ tTT^-qcfr g.ofo. aTHiTTOT, 37H7?fur, gr^ciTT^w.- '"l^c,4 |'M', f^5; ^, G fOCTC fl/Zer, succeed in order of time. Jrr^?r-&c. ^Ivf- Follg^vxd, /). T. V. 1, Hli-ll'l %?5?5T, AcST^^Ff, aT^TcT. 3 3T5^R^^, &e.gT^^. 4 3irq^S=rT, &c.3^Nlh<1, ^f^TT. FoLLOWEK, «. Following, p. a. V. 1. tt?T->S:c. ^gTRT -jl i m i- 2 qreWn-HT^ ==rRaTrTT, f^^AW., 'fl^niHt, ar^^rr^, 3T^^, 'ff5=5nft, ^1*4^, 'JTTf^T?r, ar^Tpftsfr, '^f^. Followers, retainers, domestics. =^W,r^'^ =ErpR- ^m m. 3TRT^ »«. pssrrPJTRT w. ^^^A m. ^^^f^^^ m. ^m m. pi. ^jftSTTT m. pi. ^^IT «. Tfor^ wi. 3 arg^iirRT, &c. ar^jrifr, an h •mi iff, ar^^TTift, ar^rff. 4 arr^rninTT, &o. %=r^,J(qt,WHT^. " Ij^. I. that comes after, that is next, v. Next. T^^, "TSFTT FOLLOwiKO, n. T. V. 1.— oc/. HTH-Ac. ;^-qiJr"«. aH Hj jt^Hw. argim w. argqr^ «. ar^'-i^oi «. st^^^k m. arg^or n. 2 ar^TK^ n. aTH=?nTT ?!. argw/. argq-Tf^r «." 3 arg^tjf «. &c. arg^fRor w. aTg^^,"^;. arwf^/. 4 arr^iJi n. Ac. arrqrw n. %;r «. ^i^r/. arj^Ror w.arr- «PT OT. arr'.^!?^ n. qT?=i^ «. ar^-^f^/. Folly, n. foolishness, Sfc, ^■^ n. '^v^ n. JT^qxT n.^f^f. 3TsTR n. JT^V/. Hprr/. ^\^ n. iTTJ-q- «. iTr^ m. ~^ 2 a La wild scheme, Sfc. 5IWH n. ^ m. ^rPP w. f^?T^ m. Follies. Ws'^fH or Ws^Hr m. pi. To Foment, r. a. embrocate, cfv. ?i^at, %!p m. ^ot-^, ^^- oft/. ^FC^, ?rF?PTfr/ ^f^, ^f. %ijf. 2 ( disseusiou ). f^ or ^^ iij^ ^ d tjOi, qTipJf, >n7 «. ^nF.dr-'^RTDT, 'TT^Z-q^/. ^TRiJr-rJT^fiJr-SnrFot, ^^^ 7>i. Fomentation, n. v. V. 1.— ac^. ^t^ «. &c. ^iq^/. ^t^m, 2 ^T.^ n. %Ff=rif n. &p. ^n^lfq^f^/. [,„. I. heated leaves, Sfc. apjdied to foment. OT^»».^? m.^m^ PoKD, 0. ajfcctiomie, tenderli/ kind, &c. y. Loving, rnr?!!- g or ^, ITJT%% ^r^, %f^^,!fTrrlHlH, cf?ffff, '^H?5 or 65. — as the lansuago of a child. FA%%^. 2 Zor/«y, ///.-/ny, delighting in. ?^Tf ft, a^HTPTT ( as ?TT^r- ^-JiiunHr-&c. aTR5?n- ), ^rr^t or ^irqfr, ?i?r^ or Fr^t)ft, arm^, ^"T7, aTT^ft^, ^. To be f. of. =5n^'^. 3 See Foolish. To Fondle, v. a. caress, smooth, stroke, j'c. Ftr?^'^, Ql-i l d trr, ^RI^, ^\^^A., ^V^X^-i ar^Kui, ^T^n^ot, ?:!T5 »«.- prftcTR M.-?5TfW w.-RHT m./.-q^^tH^ m.-?ir?rfr w.-^TR^- ?q- w.-&e. ^FT^ y. ofo. vjl-M-jiq+K ot. jjZ. q;5;af y. o/o. ;^r- Fondleb, «. Fondling,;?, a. y. V. ?n^-&c. ^onrr, ?5f%^- Fondling, n. v. V. rTTS^CTf n. &c. ?m w. ?5i%5rr^ m. ?rrf^- ^75 «• ar^JI^qffr/ 3T?:?r;=ft^ n. 1. person fondled. rlU+i, Kmi, -+riilM'l, iJlPlMI^. Fondly, atZo. v. A. 1. ?5r^, ?JT|^^ctt^, StI ^iS, ?jr5-&c, 3 See FooLLsHLY. Fondness, n. v. A. 1. Jftf?t/. JTTT?n"/. MMdl^-l'JTr w. ?^2T w. v. ?5R, STT^T, ^, ^'^\f- 2 aTT^r^/. =qT5/. Ti^/. iftf?r/. rfH/. arRrf^/. g^ «. =ErT5ET «J. Te^RT m. Acquired liking or f. =^/. "W^ f. Font, «. qrffTFm^ TMt S^tr^T^T "TT^w. Fontanel, n. m;t. Dressed f. given in alms to Bruhmans. JTrg^ff/. Pressing of f. ^^^^T^ pop. hTlTim. Extra or odd articles of f. ^T^^\iin. ^\nJi. To turn f. ^^T^, "^pz^. 2— of actions. ij^^quTT^, ^i'-|UiHi, if|iff=ErT, ai^THNr, arf^TTT'^, ^TT^f^^ or 'TT^^, «(H-+.ct. Foolishly, «l|Ui «. TT^^TT/. Fallen at the feet of. -^Kyi'in, ^<'JiHrnri, ^T^IT. Fidgeting with the feet. Hl-miotl m. [TT^n^qT. Having foul ( mud-clogged, dusty, &c. ) feet. H^r'TT Heavy of f. HNNI ^^TS. Hollow of the f ?f?!;|^ «. Light of f. "mBZ. On f. V. Afoot. qr?ft, MNdHHt, qi'i^l"fl^, TTT^fMr. Going on f. qii-^H/. =q?:"JT'qTi=5/. On the f of TT^f ff- of. s. Touching the f. or feet ( in reverence ). M|<^M^OTE, n. ^yM ??n?ft f^r^''.rtl ^Z- Foot-pace, n. ^T^ W^^f- "Tra^ ^T^/ Mi«=ll'i/. "TPTTRrr »». ^jm^^ m. rooT-sOLDiEn, «. RTT7T «». . FoOT-STALK, «. J^I "I. f^ «• roOT-STEP, n. "TTS^ »■ Misi-ll '»• TTtlT »«. T^ «. 2 sound of afoot, ^[^ry^ m. HP^Tc^ or ^xfr^/ wi. ^t=^- ^ "I. ^TS^ m- 3 trs//^f. See Trace. roOT->TOOL, n. "fts n. qT^5 «. "T7T?T?r «. Footed, a. having f». TT'tST «. 'ritTlT m. "?^- 5T »i. aZi loith V. T5, !T^^T w.'q^^rT/. TT^rf^K^PT^ ni. Firm f. arsojq^ n. To gel f. ( iu an olGce, &c. ). ;^ijf, ^fjft/. (=!rRW y. o/"*. -JTifir TTSf TO. J^r^ 5^. o/s. jf. FOEAGE-PAETT, «. ^^ f To FoEBEAE, V. n. refrain, jf, IT'Tt^ 6 ( a passage ). ^q^;T-^5fft^-&e. -RTTtrf, fTq""&T, er^T'jf, q-- ^^F'jf, ^^'^, 5^^i Rtw'?, ft^rr^r o?' ^r m.-t^^ m-f.w.x^. 7(iVuit, &c. ) cause to rij)en soon. qS-HT^^T ^T^^^ Forced,^. v.V. 4 sfrf^ ?rmfr 3TM%?^r, Jf-5PC^ %'73T,'T€f qcfifm ™.-^r^?rT/.-qfR^ m.-&c. ^m-^^^ %q-iJT, 'J5'TT^?FrT/.-'T^H'^TH «.-&c. ^"JT. Fore-CASTle, n. fur ward part of a ship. J|rf«|dT=5IT-&c. q^c^r- JTTiT»». FOEE-CHOSEN, C. 3TITT^ f%;rj?I?5T. Fore-cited, a. ic/ore mentioned. tt^TrI^?^, T^STfT. Fore END, n. fore-part. "T=fHPT «J. Fore-father, «. v. Ancestor. q~#ti=j, q^^^f. Forefathers. STR^i^S m.pd. qiT^.I^ »«. /)?. aTT^qirrirOT. pi- pTrt?; OT. ^Z. To Foee-fend. Sec To Atert. Fore-finoee, n. ^53 tl?: n. ?f^^/. q^jfrr^t/. Foke-foot, ?i. "fSFiT TPT m. Forefront, n. v. Front. qs^sTPTH m. To Fore-go, v. a. t. To Give up. ^'T^,?5TFTat,f^|fTT/.'Tl- uf y. ofo. 333 FOE FoRE-uoiNB. See Antecedent. Fore-gone, a. "pffe^a^r, q^V-i;f^q7r. Fore-ground, «. qcf»TFT m. arcTTn »«. Fore-dead, ». ^pqra /^o;?. q^qpz «. it^t'4T m. hh; «.«j. f^5: Sectarial mark on the f. R+rll ?re. i'h^h «. To FoEE-STALL, t). (J. anticipate. a^FSt /.-aTRTtt /. ^iqw- jTRTjf y. ofo. aTFTqrr/. ^frqin-^iR^ y. o/o. FoEE-TASTE, «. qtf'iRT «2. arrf^PT m. ^fgnir w. jpiBrq^- . nn w- JTRfft/- To FoRE-TELL, V. a. predict, propTiesy. TT^ftcT m.-hR^-M n.- jTf^iKrT-4 Mi.-Tf^m^ «. ^RiJr-^€^ %5rn-?rf'm-&c. jrraot, ^'4^ s^iir, 3TnT':R=5{-&c. ^'^ sqq, >Tl%Tis[^'-EE, n. T. FOKEIQN. qfs^ft, f^lj^ft, TtK??^ ^'^?5 FoREiGJiSEss, n. V. A. 2. anm^'Rl^^m. arwi+^n^l+dl/. &c. fir^'TR m. ■^{^■^^]^ m. FoEENsic, a. helonging to a court of judicature, .-mii^vpsfy^ FoEEST, M. -fp-trq- «. EpT ?i. ^T?F n. i\^■^ n. tptHTT »». n. m^T^ n. ^ m. 3T^/. %^in^ n. Conflagration of a f. ipJRT »». ^TTR?^ m. ^FTTfiTOT. ^T=r»». Dweller in a f. snT^rrat, 5r^?-G, a. q'^f^T, 5m=5TT. Forester, «. sr^^TRft, 7F^, TFPFft. FOEFEIT, n. that which is lost ly a fault, ^'c. ^ m. I^TT- 2 — as attached to engagements or bonds. 3T?/. 3TS«}> To FOEFElT, V. a. lose ly a fault, Sfc. ^5RT %Tf^ ^ot. ^. To be forfeited. ^^ ^p^. Forfeitable, a. t^[^ -dlu-MMi'il. Forfeiture, ?;. t. V. Jrr^ ^«. tj[^ ;Ff7Tjf_ 2 See Forfeit. FoEQE, n. rii^KNl ?n3;/.-*rft/. BT^Rmr ^RT^ffFrrm. 21? Forge, v. o. tuorTc,form hy the hammer, Sfc. q^, ' ^jjuf) /->-fr5T Tf^ To f. one's self. H^>jf, Tt'I^'n or Hi^lW^f. FoEOETFuL, a. f^?nT3J,fjrfl'-qT,?iT?;'Jrr=^T-'jn?r?'jfT^r-Ao.q^r^r. 2 nerjUgcnt, neglectful, heedless, ij'c. f^THT^, qoS^T, T- Foegetfulness, n. v. A. 1. f^^nT^TnTrw*- 1^?IT?«. t^<:H». atl-^pH/. ^T^W/- /. ^ «• 3^/ %rr OT. cToJOT n. f^T'^ ?». ( in eomp. as fg]f^- «}■),— as involving the power of the freely used words cnf, make, mould, stamp, cast, build, bent^ turn. ipT m. ^\^f. Kre/. Z^f 5^m/. q'^T^T m. w€\f- ^TZ^f. mzm. ftew. snqr m. Hff'^ift/ ^v(\^^f. H^/irm^ w. ^ ?«. ^^^n. Form, in eomp. is neatly rendered by aTPJiTt, as moon- form =EfjJ| + l<, egg-form, oval ^^ i I +| •( ^circle-form, circular =Er-+|-+.n:, JTSBI + K, I^^F, ^^-MI + K, sphere-form iKfTT- ^^-fleoffrom, pitcher-form, tj-c. ad libitum. cfUTnjnT, :}«7- Human f. vih.M. Of one f. IT% srfnJT^. [f%r «. iJi^/. 2 a f . o shape, definite thing. 3HI-+H 5n. 3TT^irT/. C^ n. 32'a»'/JcwZarOTorfi^ca/«ow.fcreR»».'^r^f?'/'TfT<'rWm.^trn;n. 4 prescribed method. Tg^fH ^oy. ^^fT /. %rT ot. ^JT ?n. Tft"TT^/. M^T OT. In due f. ?T'n-/. ^qrm/. ^iTftTRt h^/. ^(tn^ 10 ( as of a verb or noun ). ^ «. 11 hencTi. STFP m. 12 sori, A:»ii?, V. M A>TfEE. M + K »«. 13 ( of a hare ) ^^ «I«N1-41 fSfsHIMNl ^TRT/. To FOEM, V. a. make, model, shape, fashion. ^at,^^=r'^, 3H- 2 comhine and dispose.^ v. To Aeeaiige. r^, 5?!^^, ':^- ^/.-r^'JI^/.-Sf^rirST m.-&c. spT"^ y. o/o. 3 — mentally, v. To Conceive, tr^, qivTof. 4 constitute, make, t. To Compose. SfiT^?T-3T5nT^H?T-&c. 3T^ in. con. ir?JI=rjf. 2b FOBM, V. n. assume the due form. cTSS^. 2 rwe, appear, take leing, come tip, out, cj'c. tnTJf, iRof, 3 — the hand, in writing, drawing, &c. tJoI'Jf. Foemal, a. V. Ceeemoxious. 5[T^m=5nfT, a^K.^IM^KNI, 2 done according to form. a)riM|, ij^f^, ^PrsT^^flr, q'Si:!:?- 5f?r, T'-amrn, q'4Tftf'q-, arrsiRgj, ^isr^^ij, €"7^. 3 having the form hut not the essence, v. Exteenal. sff^- rqr, ^"^r^r t^i^, ^rst^rt, jf. FOENICATION, 7^. commerce of a man ivith an unmarried icoman. -Jrf^nrrff^fWt'^ir'TT^T n. 'iTH^HIMH ?!. qjJ^qmJTH «. 2 incontinence of an unmarried icoman. 3HH'i|oijfirq7T »j. 3 unlauful intercourse of the sexes — gener. ffl?o5q7t/.ft5- ^TTrft/. feHFST m. \\%^^^f. ^TI^ 7i. sqfH^^nT m. sjcf- 3TJTt5 »i. si^if n. — in cant or covert phraseology. qf|- KJ f. ^f^-^fT^- ^, f^PTT VTJ qJTiit. FOET, 78. #J or ^Z m. %E5r 7?!. 1^ m. Country on outside of a f. irf|^T^R m. Crest or highest works of a f qi^fqiE^T m. [ (ift/. Earth heaped up against the >vall of a f. \^^ f. \^- 336 FOK r. oil the plain.— as distiug. from a hillTf. jrFlT m. Y. surrouudeil by the sea. ^ST^ftTT »'». GoTirnor or keeper of a f. ^^^ m. |nff^Tff m. Hill-f. m m. Accountant of a liill-f ^^^ m. ( liis office or business. nif^f^T^ft orf^T^/. ). Soldier or Peon serving in a liiU-f. 'is-+,0 m. Impregnable or strong f. «fi^ 1%e5T »»• Investing or besieging a f. ^^rn^T m. Outer-f. 511^ ^^ m. f>mall f. r^f. flfi^/. The upper f. «ncif+c*l m. To kindle the jungle round a f. F^s^ m. ^^^^. Town belonging to a £ ^Zf. AVall of a f. %K m. ^\Z m. ^% in. fr? m. TTr^FR m. — Second or outer wall of a f ^Z'%\Z or '^V^V- in. 1 or forte: that in wJiieh one excels. fsRt^ n. f*R>^ n. Jomn, adv. onward, forward. J^. And so forth. ?r^TTf^, ^'R. 2 abroad. «lf|T. I'OETH, p-ep. out of. 3TPpT. [^5T?iT, ^JTT^rfr. roETH-cOMtSG, a. ready to appear. ^m1<, Frq'R,f%5, fsfT^r^r, PoETHwlTn, adv. immediafcli/. rim^jj^.^ rf^^t^, rR^ofj-^ ?f^T- =Ef, STTcff^, StHT^T, '^1=^, ?TT5T5?fr5l. TOKTIETH. a. =sfTfi'Him. POETIFICATIOS, «. V. A^— Of;. FT^^/. SRRatrt/. I. place fortified, v. Foet. #^ m. ■pt;!^ w. [ ^\ f II. ««enee o/ military architecture. |il5TT'ipKlf^<^^- Fortiiieations, worA:« of a fort. rUC^^f. To FOETIFT, «. a. ?r?^ft/.-:FR:ir?ft/.-ctc. ^^, rf^ii^'^IT- -^T|rr JfRTJT, S'lMI + KlfS^ ^^. 2 See To Confiex:, To Steesgtheji. FOETITUDE, n. strength or firmness of mind. 'cftT m. ^ n. FOETNIGHT, n. q-<5Tj-fT m. fg^^RTT^ n. 375^H ot. JTRTT'-I w. Lunar f. (T?T m. FoETEEss, n. V. Foet. ^ jn. TS^/. ^qrgr^/. FoETUiTOus, a. T. Accidental. 3Tm5^,%^fe=f,"lT3Tm,'l- i! FOETUITOUSSESS, FOETrSTT, W. y. A. "^^m ?«. ^^~-^'[ f\ A'A[tr\^ n. 3HI'M'-C;tr «. &C. FOETCITOUSI.T, fffZt'. V. A. and AceiDEMALLT."'^qpt ^^ FoETUNATE, a. lurhj, happy, si^cmii/iiZ,— of persons. ^TF^T- =511,^^1^, HR'TT"^^, gicJT^T, &c. ^%, TF^T^PT /)o;>. 5^, ^^Tt=T, ar^;^!? ^^o^'- ^r^"?^^, ^TT^nn, q?f?i?nT, riT%- 2 coming hy yood luck, Irinrjiny some une.rpected good.^- HF^xfT, ^h^T^.^ itn^ , SJH^^ :iT^^?;, tTHN^. 3 See Auspicious. [^«nTrnT^, FOETUSATELY, adv. f^TP^Tt, g^^TT^f, HI'«JSlr!T^, HI'^Tk.-Mh", FoETUXATE.SEss, n. T. A. 1. ^^ItT^ «. ^\\n. sf^cicfTft/. FTT- FoETUNE, M. — as the power allotting, v. Destint."^ n. STKsq- n. ^^\^ n. WM n. ^PTT?! «."5f^-i; w.^^r^-snTa'^TT- %-Hf%qT%-». ?«rT^ Hf- i Wheel of F. 1^^ n. ^FT^^q^ n. ^OTT^^ «. 5;|T7iir- j AVorship of F. ?5^Tfr "^RT «. Through labor and the aid of F. ^SIT ^^X^. F. favors the bold. q'lfrSRr "^ ^TF?(a|. Tou may outrun all, but F. will outrun you. ^fsfl- 2 allotment, lot, v. DESTlXT."|5RqT/%^?TT/. ^^^ fTr- ^ m. 2^.15 «. ^TT^ ». TRq' «. sr^a''^ «. jfrn »». ■nf^F^f/i JTf^rTo^ w. ^^7^-q n. |Tq'^ w. ^"sq- n. fv^m^ n. 3 i«fi-, success., ( good or bad ). cir^rR^TT ?«. q'^T 'iT'RT- \^ K. f?r|:^^«. sR^nkw. Good f. ^"^^r n. Ill f. |IV ». 5TT? «. 4 property, possessions, tvrallh. 'RT n. ^tItT/. CTrlrT /. ?I^Tft / HtTT/. f^ff «. fsRTfsT'^^ m. Of blasted fortunes. ^fTssft, ^^^. That has made his f. JTm^ft. 337 POU To make or be making cue's f.''^5l'«. ^r^,"%TW '^^^■ ^m, ?t?^TTOT, f^^ (J. of s. ^XHX.^ g.qf s. HJST^'Jr g. of s. iiif. ^fe^roT, JVTT „,. ^TT^JTcIiJf. To FoBTUNE, V. n. V. To Happex. q^,"^srr^ q^ui-q-|q- q^oj-. rOETUTSE-BOOE, W. ^T^^sffft/. To FOBTOKE-TELL, V. a."~^ ?i.-'^"t"TT/.-Hf5r?r5^ n.-■^\7{s^ n.- &e. ^FTOT-JTT#T^. '/o. FOBTUXE-TELLEB, '«. V. V.% ^rfTUTRT, f^sq- ^TtTtTTRT, &e. ^t^ft or ST^^T^ft, HS^f^ft, ITW^TT or il + MM^Rft, ^^51 or ^^5^Rfr, ?r#^ or ?RT^ ^Uft, fTI^T v3?T^lt, ff^^ir FOETUJTE-TELLISO, «. V. Y.\^ VJ^^ n."^ ^\^^ n. &c. ^- t^^f. 3'T»jfrl/. There are various systems o^ fortune- telling, interpreting omens, ^-e. of which some are '^t^- rT or ir^nKFT n. ^^]^^^ n. ^^^im n. iflT^^nT?r «. Forty, a. xfy^^.— oue, t^Ffj^^, <^%^n^^ ^W.'^T^^^ '(%FiT- oT, ^'+niQil?r.— two, ^dlcfl^r, 5HT5ft^, 5RT3;. — tliree, %- fTT5ft^, %^rT^?r.— four, =sr#€rr5!:, =qoEr?}T5fi^, =^s%?Tr2:, =??■- £§RTT^?r.— five, H^riK, "l^fTT^^r, "T^^sfTSf, q%^qT5ft?r, T- ^T^.— six, ^TTrr^, ^iFTT^tW, ?T^?n^, %=5TT^t^. — seven, ^%- HToS, BtIDIoTI^T, ^^I^, ^%^TT5lt?f.— eight, Sfgrtrs, 3T- grTT95t?T, 3=ri^5J, 3Tg:^5lt?r.— uiue, ^(f OTT^RT. Aggregate of f. ^\^m\ f- =^Tf^¥T ?». Age of f. ^qioE^ /. Dimness of vision about the age of f. =efToE^/. FORWAED, FOKWAKDS, adv. 'DOwMESr. qTl^I^T m. ^H\'Q, 7i. deserted child found. q^^lHHW. Pnn-'MI, 3T- rouXT, TouNTAiN, n. ( of water ) v. Speinq. ^ht or ffHTw. A corrupt f. cannot send forth fresh streams. 3mf- fr^ ?r fit^ ?Tf)- qrq- sFi ^^s^ g%?5. 2 playing f. ^nt^«. tpqiTTOT. 3 V. SouECE. -H^M. 3Trf^w. [?4rRn. POUNTAIK-HEAD, «. V. SoUECE. f^loITm. ^nxTaiTTw. Wf^- rouE, o. =qK, =q> ( in comp. as =^>fr?:, =^>f^, ^T^J?ft), ^T^T, xJJ ( in^comp. as =ETf ^, ^■§=^), ^ (=t"hft or E^T /. pi. =^% 0?- ^ n. pi. This -nord is used only of human beings ). Aggregate of f. =^^/ =ErH^«. =^^^n. Aggregate of f. ( cowries or pice ). iJlTwi. Of f. kinds, sorts, ways. =5pTl^tT, rouB-roLD, a. ^T?rt/. Feailness, Feailtt, w. t.A. 1. ^JTFIT/ 'TT^ft?5rn/ T'^fTrTT /."5fs^;i. ar^if^/ ar^T^FTT/. |^^?rr/. ^It^q"/*. , . I. a f. a foible, v. Fault. =g^/. =^^ q^^ft ilt?/. 2b Feame, i>. a. (an account, &c. ) 3TmT^, ^X^, ^of. 2 See To Fokii. 3 adjust, adop, ^c. ;JnTwJ.-^5JT»».-«S;c. Fbame, 11. (as of a picture, Ac). =#hp?/. ^«. ^TF^ot. 2 (as of a drum, tabor, saddle, &c.). ^Tf ». TTSTw. T^n. 3 (of the mind). Rl-d'^iri/. ffrT/. T-ilR+Kw. H%^%/. sT?rf7r/. TRW. 4 (of the body), v. Form. ^TP^ft ^FT^/. 3TtiT ^TOt/. artT^rfqTjra. 3iTr^=Tr/. 3TT^f^/. ^rsiFtw. Of high f.— used of beasts. ^^TTfit^T. 5 empty fraine, skeleton. ^VW^ or m^^^K^m. ^Tjrjm. STT- n^PT^/. JTt^ofr/. f^'wnj'f. Mi^uiN^/. HiiHci/. 6 — to support boxes, casks, &o. ^^m, dim. ^Ti\f. ^- ^^\f HT^T^t/. A f. (of wood or iron) in which pitchers are carried on beasts. FSTf /. 7 cradle, bed, &c.— gener. ^ri\ f. 8 — as matted or wattled, and as for a window-shutter, gate of an enclosure, &c. cTT^/. ?t^ or rT3%». rlZ^f. 5rrTTff». 5rsTr»j. F. or erection in a field, or on a tree,&e. for watching the crops. HT^ot. HNI55 n. F. work of bamboos, sticks, &c. for roofs, decks, &c. m^m. w^f. F. for stacks of hay. nv^m. dim. ^^^]^f. m^f. Feame-woek, n. See Peame, 1. 5. Franchise, n. ■«<'+km f?[%?rr arftr^^fnTw. 2 exemption, ^f. HTTTt/ n'l+of|+/. 3 asylum, V. Sanctuaet. 3TT«nT^'?T5|?qKT, »?r^MIHl, ^FT^. Fraud, w. v. Deceit, z^^v^f. JTJrrlt/. ;?7q^ m. W^VIZ^ n. ?j?r >». ^f^ n. JT^ n. qtt%^/. 'ft^q' «."%rt^ n. sqi^T w. Feaudful, Fraudulent, a. v. N. ancZ Deceitful. ^7^, inJ'ft, ?n^?:, ?^^, 3^, ?T5, q^T?:ff%T. 2— of things, &c. ^q^TSfT, S^m-dt^, vi+mr, &c. F. dealing or doing. ZW.^ m. i+^-mHR m. 5^^V^ ot, F. arts. 3^%IT/. Fraudfulness, Feaudulenoe, n. v. A. S^^JoiFJft/. WZ- THTT »f. ^FR^-q' w. ^^ f. ^TSf^T «• ?TT^ w. Fraudfullt, Feaudulentlt, adv. v. A. «F"T5T^, +,MdM^'-S, =PTC 'P^iTT, S^^rsft^, &c. That trades or deals f. qr^^ or qiFTr, qTc^TTS. Feaught. See Freight. Feaught, a. T. Filled. »TT^yp5T, "T^, 'TfT'J^. Feat. See Fight, Beawl. To Feay. See To Feighten. 2 See To Eub. [ ^ «. Feeak, n. u'him, fancy. ?5^/. Fftn ?». ^t3T/. j5?[ ?«. "^^f. 2 frolic., trick, v. Peank. -mi*i ot. Freaks, frolics, pranks. ^p^J^ m. pl.=^K =^t^ m. To indulge or play freaks, ^^f.jjl. UKuj, rf^^^ Freakish, Feeakful, a fanciful, ^-c. ?y^, S^'l^?", ?r^- Freakishnbss, Feeakfulness, n. v. A. iJ^nft/ iJf^'JTtJrT Freckle, n. spot on the skin. fa% «. ;ft^ «. {^'^TfT m. dim. Freckled, Feecklt, a. v.N. ri+'MNi, 1^^, fdrf^H , f3%- &c. 3TT^7?5T, ?rf?R7,JTf^^. Free, a. enjoying liberty. hT^?^, Tq^^, ^d"^--^, ^^jj, ^- FEE 310 PEE To set f. V. To FuEE. n]^^-^^^^^l^-&c. W.X^. '2 unr,)lraineil, tinconslraincJ. JTF^^, g^F, HJHfqTT,i^f^- 3 open, not JorbuUen, .^c. jfr^F^CT, ^-^TIT, fn^'-^, ^srf^«r, F. and open, exposed fret! >/ to the puKic. JTnp^r 5t-T)- oET, J^l+il ^r^^. 4 injenuoug, candid, v. FraSK. 3T?TT^ KF^F^T, 'rnpOT^'T- TPTrqT, Pi^--h ' -ie . [ ^T3iT^?r. 5 intimate, v. Familiar. ?f5r5T5ft?r, q^qstfT, ^^:^^^^ 6 clear from, exempt. ^W5!T, 5^, f ?:r, %Ta5T or f^CT5T(as ^ q iPlO':t l, &c. ), ^-^H-&c. in comp. [^TT^. 7 fO»Y/«y nothing, v. GhatuitOUs. ^-^FCT, 5^K?:^TtI, f^t^"^- S— of style, not cramped or stiff. ^^^T, f^?r^55, ?fn?, 9 unengaged.^ unemployed, Sfc. g^, fx^PTT, HT^SST. 10 liberal. See Ge>'erous. iTi; Free, v. a. set free, lilerate. iTt^550T or -^VWj^i ^TSot, ^PJ^ /-g^^/.-^l4'». — Maiiitainer ;EED, /). V. V. •HI4'~1^1, ^Vh'i.\ %%^, &c. g^, jf[N?f, ^- Feeed ^r=ir?r, ^sjk^r, frf^??;. Feeed-max, «. 2^^rR'f'7fi"^-7rP?ta''T-&c. g^^SrlT JT^Tis^ »». Freedness, m. t. p. 5%/ 5?fJ?rr/. f^-^f^/. f^^ m. Feeedoii, Feeexess, n. \. A. 1. ifnp^tTcrrT m. ^y^=s^ n .^^- FeEEHOLD, n. ETrHil. ^Jpf^Tft/. ^W%^-&C. ^^».-Errr^«. -&c. Fhii'^i/. Feeeholdee, n. 'F5!;af «.&c. ^Trs^ur/. ^- i^yi*/- HI -Ml ". iTt^it «. 5f^/. ft^T^R ». Feeelt, adc. unohstructedhj, ^'c. v. FlOwixglx. 3T?5n, ST- '2. tciihout constraint, v. Spoxtaxeouslt. ^- Hdl qi ^ , 3Tr- 8 readilg, securely, ^'c. Tfm??, f ^^-"T, ^V-f^ST, ^^]^^. 4 T. Gratcitouslt. wr:z, ^'^F^rff. 5 frankly. H^ ift^S; ^F^H, H>F^-qT JT^. C copiously. See Abcsdantlt. Jeeemax, n. J^^^r-J^^^T-ie. JRtst >». Feeeb, n. v.V. yfiiuilJl, iT[^F^-ctc. ^uiRT, &c. JT>fq; (esp. in. comp. as JT?m^^, ^'JTHT=q^, TT'THR^, &c.), ifN^- &e. ^Trrf. FKEE-scnooL, n. ijm'4 ^HH?^ HR:/. FheETHISKEE, «. V. LVFIDEL. ^T^i^, ^TT^^^. Fbeewill, «. poivei' of directing one's oivn actions. K^jFTTO/ Doctrine of f. ^\^. of it. qft^n^qfr^, sfq-f^^, 2 spontaneity. ^^^]^ m. 3TPT^^ft/. To Freeze, v. n. he congealed ivith cold. vft% rfrein-^Tot- f*T^ot, nrT?:ot or ^wz^. To Freeze, v. a. congeal with cold. iTK^^of or nKS?0T, fi?- To Feeioht, v. a. load.^ lade. ?IT^, *n:?ft /.-HT^S/.-^m- rr/.-&c.'F?:of g, of 0. Feeight, n. cargo.^ lading. iTUT^ f. TftcT n. TT^T/. HTrTTS/. iTT^OT M. /. *Rrf^ n. qKc^M ". 2 co«^ affreight. ^\i m. Til ?2. Feeighted, ^. V. V. rTT^^?^. Feexcu, a. iptH %^T=5rr fw ?^frft^ ?!;T^t=qT. Feexck, n. iFf?r \^^ nrrr/. FEExcniiAX, M. iptH ^^T=^ '^'^ »•. '^^r^ft'^ »J. Feexzt, n. T. Madxess. ;j?rt^ m. 'i'H\\A\M m. ^r^^TT- Feequexcv, n. t. A. tTRsnT in^F^T^T m. ^^•.^j^ n. STT'Tt- ^Tjq- w. 3T^5Jr^ M. jn-.J^^fri^ n. F. of coming and going. XV^ m. TV^s^^ in. Feeqpent, a. often done, S^c. =ili^5T or ^sr, argf^u-j. [ ^^. 2 «o< «aZif. l"Y3, ii'rer, ars^sT'JT, 3Tc5^roft, a^^'Tft, fJT^TR, 3T- 3 clear, lively, healthy-looking; — of countenance, plants, &c. i^sjzsfr^, Z%7.^^^ ^T'Trr?r, T-^ir^^f , H+n+nd, ^JFT^- To look f. ^^Z^^, 4 Sr«Z:, «oi tired, Sfc. FTMT, ^^'iR, f^^^T, 3?^^. F. and brisk. rTFfTTdtJMI, rTMld^JH. 5 new, unpractised. H^, ^^T^T, :T^^i^r, ^^^,T"in, f^I- G recent. See Xew, Late. 7 — of wind. ^Rr=fT,=J'im. Feesh, «. ( to a river ). "IT ot. ^/. qTcfuft /. ^^ >«. Sticks and rubbish brought down by a f. 'TTTl or 5- 'p: n. T^rft /. 5r?roT ». i FEI 341 FHI To Freshen, r. a. maJcefresh_ rrSR"^, qraT-&c. Jp^, ^TK- ^^J m. ^T^. [ '^^. To Feesiien, u. n. grow fresh or rigorous. 5T5Er=I'it, ^RT^T'^, Fbeshman, n. f^ra^TfTf vT5?T'srr%?7r f^qT'4f »». Feesh^ess, n. T. A. 1. ifrft /. rTr?rift /. rrmT>Jrr m. m'^^^r^- "TOTT TO. rTT'TT'JTT m. &c. ~ mff /• 'it'tT'JrT m. 3 ?irisfr/. ?:^^/. ^^#./: 5;?riT^t/. 5^?ft/ -t^tt/. qrnff n. Fffrrft /• 4 FfrSTT'JTr WJ. if 5TTft/. a^'ft/. 3TSiT^ m. I. i-)Jeasiny coolness, — of tlie air. n?^T^ 'A'i[ f- ^F^Toff To Fket, «. o. rul au-ay, t. To Abkade, To Eub. =qT2;^?;iJf, 2 irritate, vex, T. To Anger. ^rT^^'^f, f%^^of or %- ^nT'jf , f^'tTrsr'if, i^^f'T'Jf. 3 agitate, malce to ripple. ?%'T^'iif, ?J«Kr-&c. ^l^. To Feet, r.«. r«i away, v. To Eub. ^?r^?:iJr, ^l^H-iui^qTHW. 2 he in vexation, chafe, boil, v. To Fume, "^rzoj, f^T^f^- 5 after; yr/ere ^/er. =^qj'jf , ;frf T"^, ^rT/. ^"rfy. o/. o. sT^F^r or J^fioir ?'». '^'if-^^'if g. of 0. sitKi or Jt?RT "j. tr^nf y. o/o. ■^J.mWi, fTorr »». ifot y. of 0. or inversely ^- iTJfy. o/s. 3TTq?qT f^T^IT^r miif, f^t /-fl?^ /-Ac- ^5:01 y. ofo. or inversely F^i^Jf, iTH^ ?». TTrTil^fat, ^nm m. &q. T^^- Fretting, «. See Friction, v. V. N. 2. T^^w^f. rT^E^T^/. ^re'Ps/. f^^^^T/. '-j^'^h/. g^JT^/. ^'j^/- 3 =ET?qH: or =f^'T^/. w-^f. ^^^^/. W?rg;H/. g^frr/. ^W5/- ^'^'3;'^ / ;f '^F /■ W^^ /■ ^J^^^ToE/.— intens. Friability, ». v. A. fq"%TOTr m. fq-j^jq-^r to. &c. =foTq"^ »». Friable, «. ^o//", cnmlling. f^RT or^fq^-qr, fq^^i, g^rg^rT, Friction, n. riMinj. =^wM n. =Eff55oft/. ^^"jf jj. qr^Toft/. =5Tf« /. ^^(ir «. ^[^"7 m. ?f?T?r «. ^^ TO. Friday, n. ?j;p;nT to. 'T'T^rr to. Fried,/!, a-. V. Fr2;;7:r7;T, ?r5?i^, ?T5!;^, ?f5!;^. Friend, «. fiT=q', #fr, r'!, ^^T, ^T'fr, ^'H^R, f^^r^, qR, f ?^^^ c 11^1 ^rq-VT, g^T|-.^prr ^"h^fT, ^^|:^g#t or ^^•<^W^i ^^ i" comp. Acquired f. q^f^TirfiT^r. Contest of friends. fJT^J n. fTT^sn^? ot. False f. 5rH=?, ^q^fir^sT, 3TTrf?JT^, l%?r^. Female f. W^ /. '^=5fr':T or fK=5ft^ /. ^:^;rn, 'jt^f'^, f^Rr, qn ;)o;>. ^- n-, JTPISTT, FTTT, f'^^, f^rr'^R, fiR^T^, f^ITFJ^, anffT^, qfH^FT, arw^T'T, 'iTFrrf FT, f^^Rjr, f^^JFT. Friend of the f. 3TFn"|^ ;;. Breach off frT^if^ to. Close f. ^T5ft/. ^Tft/ wm/. nft/. ^TRT/. 3T|7T M. 3T|Frin^ TO. ^TTt/. ^^JTTBt/. ^l^^Tq^^ «. n^^q^^ w. ^fSTT^TO. Formation off ffepsT^RT m. fiT^Sf^^ifs-^/. Interested f ^rRFff?lFT ^^ to. To form a close f JTFT^ n. fJTOTr y. 0/ s. Frier, n. v. V. ft^otrt, 'T^'ft. Frieze, «. PsTq^fT ^tTTSr^ ^,W. ^Rf STTf . Frigate, h. ?r?T^ q^^sT^mr '^qs iqq^R arrf. Fright, n. sudden fear, terror. ^=^^ or ^=^W^m. sfT^ or «fr- =Er TO. qR?T or '^r'rft/ arq^TT^ TO. SRRT w."|5pr/. *r^5T»». art^/. ^5^/. tJ^nPT WJ. ^^SPFT m. ^^^f. 5TRr TO. f^^- ^ m. — in high degree ; as expressed by alarm, amaze- ment., horror, conaternation.^ dismay, ^'c. ^V3i^^m. 3TI^r- ?T TO. ^i-.TT/. f^Tqt^/ fFT^^S/. HT'TT «». ^"kH^ M. ^5f»T- q m. Prm M."'qrf^Rq' «. To take or conceive f. W^:^ or W^W-^ to.-sjt^ or ^fT^w. ?jrr^ and ««. fon, ^crf-^gof, qro or tTr^/.-"^5f=i/. qrcff, mi ffT^, ?Tfln m. tlTot, ^ITH m. qr^, 3Tt^/ «m^ in- con. ^^TT! /.-^^TFT m.-vrs^/.- tTtpfTT m. sm'Jf-HT'it '«. f-on. 5- =5n^ or ^^Tf dr, ^qi^tii, «iiTj^,ur, sr^^n^, ar^^npoi, ^ttht- ^Ji, 'TTTKDT, r^^'+.tiuj, cj-^q-^sfot, &c. 'H^ ?i.-ir^ ?iit, *nT*ftrr-^'mr«('4l<^g?TT?ft/. Frolics, V. Peanks. ^qr^w. j)^ ^TTTw. 2?Z. =qT^OT. ^Z. To Feolic, v. n. sport, gambol, play pranks. T^^f-pl.-^- tt/. pi.-^\^f. pi. iTK'if, €lg;^'». ^^. Frolicsome, a. v. N. ^t^nw, ^R^T, g^Ti^Nqr, €1"5^, :^- '^T^, TS-^, 3^>rT^^, ?5ffl", t'FS, t'T^TT, t^f^, "^J^^. Feolicsomeness, n. v. A. f%?5T^twrw. %55^TOTr»t. ^^qj- FK0M,2)re^. TT^, ^^H^-l, =F|^, |[^ in comp. 3^^ in comp. i FRO 343 F. aud unto. 3T^?r|^. Feont, n. face, fore part. ^Wi. '^n. M\^i\m. '^J^xf- 5^»». ^fRTTor qsq-HFwJ. ST^nft/. ^HTT^r-JJ^ *rm»».-3TPT». f^?r^ 3Ttn». 3T!T». S^TPTw. ^TPTFTOT. Brazen f. frr^«. Exactly in f. of. qj^^qrjS. F. and rear. 3TPTrfqi5T»/». aT^TT^f^jJT^/- F. to f. ^TiTTTRmk. From in f. of. jft^CT, ^HTr^TT. From the f. tRH. In f. 3%, fiTTR. In f. of. ^nflT, HT^. In f. aud in rear. ^M\£\ ^%i\i\. To set out in f. h1^TT^ f*T^f^mift ^it/. f^TTw. jftfRw. ^4 1 1^ Wot. 2 See Hoae-feost. Feost-bitten, a. tIhtt^ '^i;^^ m.W^ f. f^iTp^ m. »?fr7 m. ^^ ot. FEU ^ I. Zoo^ ofdisplcas7ire. qf^^ m. #*TK^T/. Feu ABLE, a. to he enjoyed. H~P^, JJT'TF^, ^fiipsT. Fetjctifeeous, a.that bears fruit. ctMI, "PrftJIH, "l>?ff, 9>H^. Feuctification, «. V. V. A. ^"F?? qn;«. z^^. To Feuctifx, v. a. make fruitful, or productive. fr^^-Wf- ?5-gtft^-^f'?^-&c. ^rm, ^"^f;^ «.-3^r m.-^c. amJM, jsfTTfjrsrnTOT w.-wFr^prrrw «.-&c. w-t^. [&c.^t^. To Fbuctift, v. n. become fruitful. gft^-^'?>?J-?5. Topmost f. ^T3"FoE ». Unripe ( hard, green, &c. ) f. ^T^T m. 4,|+i| m. ^ITT w. To be plump and blooming, — f. grTOTT. To yield f. lit. fig. H»otui. 2 fig. ■v. Consequence. qj^J or j)ctyi4 n. Fecitage, n. fruit collectively. H^^^ciN^ or 9r5ERo5/.'pi:».^?. Feuiteeee, n. t})cir«)'+'MI,"P?5fq^c^, 3T^r^, 'P^y. 2 prolific, not barren. ^^^^., ^^^^^., n^^Tm^ft^, aWt-q-, [ ^^«- *e. FsUITFULNESa, W. T.A. 1. ?rFF?^n. ?I4)rlr|l/. "M^4>c^.?rT/. "PrS- 2 iTHJr^ftSrfT/. STpRT^Rirn. 5r|-q-^?I??r«. aTST'^^srw. Feuition, n. T. Enjoxment. 3T»fFT"i. JTrHm. Hm^RT?'?. FEUITLES3, ffi. rfl/?!, vnpiroductive. Rr^rS, "Pc^^^T-Tf^-^Jf^ -&c. R+iHi, ft+iH'+,i, ft^fT, 5T*f , Pt?:*!^, "ft^oE, jpfnr, fH'i+K'JI, ■5f"P?5, f^rP?5. Feuitlessly, «(/«;. v. a, 5q-5tf,^^fT, 5^; f^'4^, ^"^1^, 314 PUL FRCITLE33NT.33, n. T.A. "ft^K^TTT'n. ifcO. r'1"i*f^cn/-"%4'1'«'M'l. l-'BrXlESTT, H. IT5^Nt ^/ f?T!rr/. Fnusn, «. — in a horse's foot. «r5^/ qn^^/. FnusTKATE. Sco Vai5, Useless. 2l> FncsTB-VTE, r. a. v. To Defeat. f5rJ'P^-5'T*?^-f^'4^-&c. ^rir^ msot, Him. ;p^ y. 0/ 0. \^w^^^ rliM-i^IuT, f=l4>rt> 2 (a deed, &c.) annul. ^^^F^, f%T*l^-&c. ^of. rRtSTKATED, ^. V.V. 1. P\'^^ %?r?!T, HI^^T, ^f5. v. V. 1. 2. ^T^ %%?5T-5rra?jr, t^, ^x^, ^. H^. "TtT, =5rf^4f, ^ktt'4, ?kt^»tt'4. " "^ To be f. -T^. To be f. *R^. Fulfillee, n. \. V. 1. jn-Ac. ^TiimT, "Tui^. Fulfilling, Fulfilment, n. v. V. 1. — act. ^K ^^ n. &c. tItTTUT n. g-^f^^ m.— slate, f^fi^/. ^'4^«. W'^^ «. =STfT^T?^),3T^niq;m,'Tfr?I,>Tft?T(in c^omp.). 2 ahounding in. inr ( in comp. as tTT'^^^T, ^^H^, %- ^ffrTT, 3T-fTTiT^, "T^?rrT?Ti), IT^ ( in comp. as J'^TR'^r, ^- ?T!T^, &c. ), TS't^, q^TWm, 3^. 3 ia/ff?, satisfied. gr^Tt 5rT%^, ^^T, ^, Jt, Full-blown, fr/. IT- ?l'JT#r5ITqT m. [ ^TTTJ^T. Pungous, o. like a fungus. 3T5req'roK^, ^T^?qr KT^T- Fungus, n. V. MusHEOOii. arctij n. 2 — in surgery. Vi\^F^ ^\^ n. g^TTS KTO n. To Funk, u. «.— from fear. f^^'jf,'^5qT/.i?Z. TTolwr, irfl/. "PT?^ g. of s. 'iSKuj, ^cT?: «. qirloT. PUNKEE, «. V. V. ^TT. Funnel, «. inverted hollow cone uiih a pipe, irsitjfl" /. ?R- ?n^ «. ?rTof% n. T^^^ f. [ ffr^r^r ?«• 2 vent for smoke, air, S{c. ^TTS w. ^TT «. T^T^T ?». «. ^- PuN"NT, a. droll, comical. ITM^T, #Tg^^, ^WT^IFTT, ^Hf+r- TTSfT, =qHFFTlT^. [%^T m. PUE, M. s^/« 2t'2i!A hair, ^f^pff^ ^FTfTft /. ^^rR^K n. ^PTT- 2 so/i! 7(aw-. BW^lf. ^f- ?^W «. [:?n:H/.^i;rT5l/.H. 3 ( as upon the tongue, &c. ). ^^ /. ^^T m. ^ m. To be covered with f. — teeth, tongue, &c. g?;?tat, WT- ?r^, ^T^TR'^f, fT^'^t, ^T^n^OT. To PuEBiSH, V. a^x'.To Polish, g^otof, f^OTf, f^^^/, 3fTTq''rft/. ^?TJf y. o/ 0. FuEBTsnEE, «. V. V. ^^ctuirci, &c. f^^F^TR or mr or f^t^- FSTT &c. ^T^ITT^, 37f?T«^TTq^, 3Tf^*^ra'. PnECATiON, n. Y. PoEK. %oft/. 3^^^/- %^% or %55% n. %?5 ». Funious, o. u-ildhj raying, outrageous, v. Eaging. cT^nrq', ^T^TT STRTT, ?TTWT SfR^F, 3^RT ^IPKT, 3TTcRTr5flr, ^rrf|ft, 2 violent, rehrinenf, t.Excessive, Impetuous, 'q?, sr^, ^qr, ^spT, 3T?r'<;trqT, 3Tq"43-Jrr5n", ^rt^, ^rTir-m^, ?t- 3— of battle or fighting, v. Hot. JRut, ^H^ pop. H^oT, FuEiousLY, fliffc. V. A. 1. q^T^ft^rm t'tpt, >tc. FUEIOUSNESS, «. Y. A. 1. rlM^'-IH"3TT >«. &C. ?f^^/. «. ?rT^?f«. 2 g^TTST'JIT ni. r^m m. tTSFFT m. =^;^^ n. ST^f^' «. ^- ?riT /. «. 3T^'4 m. 3Tq"45T »«. ^fT ««• To Fuel, r. ff. ro?/ up ( « sn'V ). sfm /. qoloT y. o/ 0. JfT^^ Jft^ot, f^t/. ^^.'/. r/o. Fublong, n. ^f5T=qT 3TT55rr f|^^ OT. Fuelocgii, n. v. Leave. T^tt/. FuENACE, n. ■>Tft/. 5^r «• 5?=iqTW M. ^?5m ». To come tip out of the f, ( of alilictioD, &c. ). ^^f- PUS 34G fr^ or f^oqiti -ir«'U|. ii' ( of golJsmitlis ). 3TPTd /. or Z n. STT^^Ttt /• To FuRXisn, tJ. a. ««/)/)(> Willi. 3?^, H^'ff, ^r^T^in, ^- To f. a house. ^ n. TfS'if. 2 tupph/. give. ^OT, ^T?m, J^HT OT.-Jt^rift/.-HT'^w.-T- ^ /-^llf^rM ». ^^ g. oj o. rcK>-i3HEp, p. V. Y. 1. ^^sfrirfr, &c. ?r5T, ?rf^i?rff, ti«il'*- Fl'exisiiixo, «. V. V. 1. — act. JT?^ n.&c. J^I^ »». ^TJiPT «• 2 ^ n. J^OT ?;, q^T^TT w. JT^Tjff/. rL-BxiTURE, «. ^rmPT 7z. ^rf^ «. ^R^m m. ^rnr^ft /. runiJED, a. coicred icith jur. g^neiS^T, gT^lcTT, &c. ^ FuEEiEK, w. dresser of leather. €\Ji m. ^Ii-^K »». FuBEOw, n. ( for seed ). rn^T «. ^T^E ot. 2 trench, channel, groove, ^'c. ^t^spjft /. ^pi^TJft/. . aTFTf?r/. In f. q^, 2 a. future event. ^^^ n. ^?T5q- n. JTr^rTo^ M. *rf^ n. Fy, interi. i^, f^, f|f:. a. (j[-^ This letter is represented as to its hard sound br n, and as to its soft sound by ^. Gab, Gabble, «. y. Peate. «Ra5/. nrSTrS/. n^l?/ n^m^r «rF3T?q^/. Gift of the g. ^^Ht ^"l^/. To Gabble, v. n. t. To Peate. 115^% «n^^3ir, 'W^\fph Gabion, n. fsRg^pqt ^?ft/. Gable, m.— of a house. =qt^ or "^^if. Gaby, n. silly, iveah person, v. Weak. ^K5t?Tr»». KT?T^ «. Gad. See Goad, Point. To Gad, v. n. idly rote. f^^oT, ^TH^'it, T^R^, f|^'JI=fft««. pi. -T'p^^W.-S'^TrS^/ ^^^, H^^^'qT/. pi. JTR'jf-HTftrT fW^, Gad about, Gaddek, n. These words, as restricted to fe- males, are rendered by ^rq^H^TRft, T?^ ^JrT?rf,rfT>T^T^t, GAI 347 GAL {^■^M \ TrarW firTft airrrft or HrsTT T?^i=?T arf^.— aud as used of mnZc*. f^f^^qT, H^-15>^^ <»-">TfrqT, TT^m Gadfly, m. lipTTnt/. ^^V^f. sfHm. ^^Tw». GAFrER,n. — the compellation. ^\^\in. ^Jin. A little g. ^i'^NU/J. To Gag, «. a. s/o;; /7;e womi^/;.. ff]fef?r ^rM.-=^T»TT»»- ^TT?55r To g. with a clout. "^V^f. ^. Gag, n. something put into the mouth to hinder speech. cTTJ Gage, n. ^ifo/jrc. "¥5T=sft ^"JT/."^^ feT'«. iffd^lR^n. To Gage. See To Pledge. Gaggle, &c. See Cackle, &c. Gain, n. projit, emolument, gettings, earnings. fMcA4)d/. sjlfH /. :piTT^/. ""^^TW/. f^'PFT?f/. m^ or ^fv^m. ^<^m. ?5TT m. fi^rU^m. ^T^SJ'rt. ^TTT'". "JTTTm?/!. 'JT?T»». ^TSf. 'ft^/. g^T^m. PhM^bi. qrTTTi%at/. ^T^^n. T\m7\n. TiTTTt/. aTPT- ^Pft/. STTfT'^TJ?!. ^m^\^nt. ?!>irtnm. ?Jvq-«. — gener. or loosely. OTTTntTTwJ. By way of g. ^^srrff, ■«(<4)=)lft. Dishonest g. ^=5fq"fT/. v. ^. G. and loss. ??r>Tr^PT'«. Prospect of g. FJTT^f?/. Unexpected or rare g. ar^J^FTTTwJ. ^T^in. ^^M. 2 adt-antage, lcne/lt,v. Advantage, f^n. qnq^m. ^'J>\m. ?RT>T OJ- ?rfTW'n. TJ^'i. "P^^jfH orr'4%5rRfr# <^'7?t ^^K^ Tit an^. Gallon, «. t^%?rt wm 3n^. Te Gallop, v. «. =^ot, =t^gj aJw. ?5at-^^3t-T3^ =^R=y^- GAM 34S GAE To Gai.loi', I', a. ?«r5^f, Jm^'Jt, f^T^of, ^^, Pw^'^f, |^TT- To g. up and down. ^>jf, %?: m.-%W^JpT ?«• ^"^f. To g. violently. rTHT »«• ^. Gallop, Galloi'I-nci, n. v. V. A. J^r^n «. f^^ «• &c. To put out into ag. %5T->TT'4t5r-^"tTr^r-=?t%T-&c.SFT- S^, qVfTm. ■^^-^^PTT^-€nPT^3TniT'Jr.^ [g?^-&c. Tosetofl'at a g.— a Lorse. ^"[', j;. scnantfor the kitchen. ^'UVJm, To Gallow. See To Feiqhtes. Gallowat, n. small sized horse. aTTS'^tST 'in. Gallows, n. ro %5!;- a n. &c. ^R m. «. ^ m. ^%5iT^t/ ?Jf n. qxJTFqT- GAMBLrSG-HOCSE, n. '^rW^riTrq-^^ 3T|T «i..'PS m. ^^TRT- ijt'IKNT- 5''TT='TrJTT-&c. 3T|r m. ?T?T^TT?5T/. Gamboge, «. K^rfWl^T f^RT m. ^^^TT w. iTo Gambol, v. «. v. To Tbise, To Plat. f%55^, %^tif or %?T2:«. ^f4 w./. Large g. ^TT^ or 55 or ^^^ n. ■JTitTI «. T^RT «. ■%- jp^TT 07- ■'TRf^T m. 'Hm^^ or ^ n. ^tsR •». pq^R or T n. G. in the teeth, ^fs/. sff^RRf?/. ^iRiat «• 2 fig. intermitted dai/ or time, y. Beeak. ^niT «». TRTT «J. 3/fljy, c^f/ec^. ftf^-w. Gap-toothed, a. ?t?T T5^ or qr, ^rjf, t^t /.- 'TT/, "T^ /«. co?J. 3 open the mouth from loonder, Sfc.^m. »./. (?"». sfift^ ?». SJT^/. Errf^^FT/.TT^^r^. ^f^M?^ n. aTRTT ««. 3XrRf «. Flower g. ^T^^\^ on. f. ^^^fi^f. [ % m. ;jZ. Gardens — compreh. gardens, plantations, ^'c. ^]^^^- G.— fruits. STRlTcft "pS n. pi. Kitchen g. JTsy »• ^TTTTlfT n. Of or belonging to a g. snqTJfft. [ ^==r/. Gabden-geounds, Gaeden-land, n. ^\'\^^ n. qiqi^fft ^- GAS Gaedex-plot, 11. rT^T m. Sf^TTt / rTFTqTr m. m'^\ m. Gabden-stuff, n. 5IPTli?T n. m^vi^\f. f^?^ n. Portion of g. exacted as market-toll. ^TSf /. Gaedenee, n. TTT^ff, ^m^TT^T, ^TTJt, f ^RT «• j^SF ?». Flower-g. ^Ml^. Gardeners ward, quarter, &c. HT55=IT5rm. TFsff 3TT5ft/. Kitcben-g. itS^. [Jft/. Gaedenixo, n. 5il»l+H «. KTaftTiTr ?». ^rnKFTT^ ?». ^ri^- Gaegaeism, Gaeqle, n. icash for the throat. JToEaTf m. ^- aoft / T^-\ m. f5?t /. noEDqrif-&c. ^rrq' ?j. n|5 «». aTT^H'fl^ n. To Gaegaeize, To Gaegle, v. a. iTotot m. pl.-Wi^'q^ f. pl.- Gaeland, n. ^R »j. irr'^T ;?oj9. ^JoS f. JTRT /. ( in comp. as irr?^ n. ^ or ^\f. G. of wild flowers. ^^K[7^J f. 2 collection of printed pieces. q^'^JTI^ST /. Gaelic, n. 3^ «». /. c^^^T «. Clove of g. ayiuml/. Tt=F^ /. #rT »». r5^ n. ^f. Gaement, n. T. Clothikg, Clothes. qt^T^or «. ht^ n. A tattered mantle or g. ;qr iTt5rf?ft?5-&e. -RTTTf »i. To Gabbisox, v. a. furnish toith soldiers for defence. \^^[- c^^ f^lTlf m. pl.-&c. %^ot. Gaeeulitt, n. t. A. STF^TT^JTCTr »>. ^5?7'iTr ««. &e. Gaeeulous, «. V. Talkative. Jir^, ^[=^T35ir3i=T- Gaetee, ?!. TrnHMr ^'■^^^v^ ^f- 'tpt^ «. Gas, n. =11^57? ^ M^l^l TTT'^ STI^, 'qw »«. Gasconade, w. v. V. Boast. v€\f V^^^ ^J^ n. To Gascoj^ade, v. n. To Boast, kl^ f.ffR^^ ., JT^iprr/. ^- Gaseous, a. v. N. ^TT^^, TT^^. Gash, w. deep and loide cut. 'THF^n or ^\^^ m. TT^n. iTT- ^ ^smn/. STTT OT. q-;5j- m. To Gash, «;. a. qr^T m.-^fR m.-&c. sp;^. Jo Gasp, v. n. v. To Pant. qrqr/. />?. %ot-^^, '^TT?5"jf, qi- 349 GAT Gasp, Gasping, n. t. V. qr-T/. OT^-^t/. ■S{\=^^f. ^ir hi. The last g. f?«. ^ [y. 0/,. To be at the last g. JTm'-^^-^^ ^V^ m. ^of.jjTiTar- Gasteic, a. hdonging to the hell)/ or stomach. v^STHIT, ^- G. julco. ^5TTf^ M. ^5?T^?5 m. i^J^lT^ m. ( TlicsQ words mean literally ^re of the Iclhj ). [ ^^T^ n. Gate, n. ( of a city, palace, &c. ). '^pop. ^K n. ZT^'^X^m. Building orer the g. ^\^X m. n. Front or grand g. f%fg;R; n. iT^TfR «. [^^T^ m. 2 ( of a village or ward, &e. ). %?r/. d'+*ui, sr^J^FT 'R'i, THR^t^ jTTErr »».-3'TRFrr ot.-&c. q^y. of 0. Monies gathered in. ^^^^ f. 3^=T'jft/. ^^^] m. ^^\- gr m. g-nsft?^/ ^TRoft/. 6 coZZeo!; lofjicalhj. grgKRT «.-?r^ »». ^prirf, ^r^ft^ M. ^i^, rt OT.-&e. ^Kat. ^0 Gathee, v. n. come together, collect, asscmlle. (^^q^of^ fK55^, iftoST ^, '^^^., ^w.^-^^^ ^"tw, ^^iJr, 5^. 2 V. To Puckee. ^<'+-d'^, HTTj^r or 5'^"'f', 3H^Sui, 3 generate pus. J^TSSor, q%'jf , ^^^^OT, J^R^T, 5,oS^?r ^- ^, 2ffr^ ^^. Gathee, n. v. Puckee. y^+^T/. f^TJft/ W~^f- Gatheeed,;?. v. V. A. 1. "ifr5;T %i=!'^, ^J.^i^.^J^ &c. q^rr, wf=qt^, ^?ft?T, ?if^?r, ?riTir^, ^JTiff^, ?i^^, fSrfeFr, 2 f?r5%^, &c. g-FTfi^r. 3 ^5R%=5T, 3T7^%?^r, &c. 4 5T5^?5T, &e. ^Xfk. [ 'T^. GATnEBEE, n. V. V. A. 1. ni^T ^FTOTRT, &e. ^^q--?r'?Tf-&c. Gatheeing, n. v. V. A. 1.— aff. jit^ET ^FT^«. &c. ^^]^m. t- ^^ n. ^^^ m. ^-T5:'Jr n. '^^■^ n. =^^ m. ^JTlfT'iT n. ^^- irrf R ni. ^^ m. G. from all quarters. ^JT^H'^SPT^ /. 2 fTt^'jf «. &c. cTTSoft/. ^T »!. ':^r^r «J. 3?rf-7^'jfM. &c. ^psT^ijft/. ST^rT'jft/. 3T?rT; aT^7 OT. GEL 350 GEN" 4 HTJ'if n. 5 3^T?T'fr n. ^TWJif. Tn^Tift/ ^'^^f- «• ^^^^ w ^TRT I. a g. a puckei-ing. Nwt/. g<$o|i. ^tijt?;/. To take up the g. Toim. g^^q^, f^t\m. g^sp;oT, To throw the g. ^^m. iTf5^-FH^-fl-+,|+r-M'iM'i adv. TT^, '^.j.-'U^f. ?JTW-OTf5

^:q:^, g^, ^^ ^. M£E1I0BI0D3KE89, n. T. A. 1. n^p^/, ?JTq^/. ^rfdR^y; 11 2 (jni JIeeit. qiq-^rq^THT/. qqq^q^/ q'^^n1?5FIT/. Meemaid, 71. ^SirniTH m. n. v^r^Wf.'^'i f. 1 ; Mferily, ado. v. A. J^qT^^^lT^fT^, ??qT?5tg?TT?frar^i, ^r- MEiiRisiAKic, M. meeting for mirth. ??qT^'J3nT?ft=Eft-Tf?lI?ft=Eft -&c. ^5^/.-&c. iffyfoE »». W,Bn m. T^^T^ m. ^rm\ m. 3- Meeeiment, JIeebimaking, n.mirth, festivity, merry pranhs, frolic, laughing, S{c. '?qT?^t^?TFft/. ^^\^f. Z^mv^ f.'^\^ n.^W\^s(V^f.TTnJ.n m. ^WAIaAT^ m. ^k-^i'I m. ^^^1f. T^^ n. mTTT/. pi. ^jT. n. tn m. rITTTm m. TR^WT^Tr m. STH^r m. S^HT^ »«. 3^«T=f >». Tumultuous or boisterous m. I'qirlt/. f?R^/. fSR'^ /. qrr^TR w. gKT5St/. ^Hig^/. -fTf^ m. ^TTf^ ?«./. qiTl/. grr^TT m. ^^^ n. i^^i^^ or ^^^\ m. ^'4^^: or WMxz m. Meekiness, n. v. A. 1. ^\kHi\^m f. fr^1%/. 3"f5r?T^f¥r/ :Jl?TfH?TT/. ^T^^f. [Ac. 2 g^iirmqcrrr ?n. |^>q-irT m. ^P■^^■^ m. &c. ^r^f^m/. MerEY, a. c.fhilarafcd to laughter, gay, happy, Joyful, '^ym- 5^, ^TTTR^T- or JTJqr, fPRTif^-, ^TWfHRRT, W^^J^, ?5t, f^T^, g^f^, I'Sf^^T, ?rH5, ^TT^t^fp, 3TT^?^^j To get m. T^^t?f %>jf. To make m. »^?nr5tgmpft'/.-&e. ^p^'Jf. 2 — of disposition; /on((^ of fun and frolic, given to laughter and merriment, g^ijfi^^, Jilvriiioti, J?!^ or ^TrjlTT, f fl'- jfTH^, nTfTT, ^^-qr, =^^^^\, f R^fg, f^Rt^^. 3 causing laughter or mirth. fsT^Tl^r, ftiHl'il'^T, ^R^Pl- Hi^rqr, ^q^^^, fTPfrfqr^^, ^k^+k+, f^Ri^^?!^. jM. stories & jests. "qf^qT/. pi. 4 lively, animated, — a festivity, &c. <^«i<*mI'^I, r «. I\[. prepared for a number of persons iu common. 2 number of persons eatinf/ together and sharing the expense. ^^ or fH^fT/. »Tsf /. ^^'fT^^T'TTf^/. ^i^^"tf^ 3 ^zfA-^e, ;?Zi^/i<, n. T?jf5r/. q-^ToEOT/. 6 squeezed, picked, S(e. mass. fEfeTf f »i. f«PT^ nt. ^^^^f. To Mess, v. a. mash, sqt'.eezc, i\c. make into a mess. mM^^ or JJT^rT'if, ^'"^^^^^ f^k^or fqqi'jf, r+-=) =( iul , f^^^oT, r+^N^oT, f^sRot, JT^ot, iTOf^'Jt, H^r^f^CTT^f^fcTSr m.-kc. ^^K^ g.ofo. To Mess, v. n. eat together sharing the e.rpense. f^Bl'^or fJi- ^t^-^re't?r-&c. %6t, ^^M^ 7J.-(T^q^f^ ^T^^ «.-&c. 3'Iess-mate, w. one who messes at the same talle. ^^fTl^, i^- ^mi^f cT?fT ^I^, f*f€HT ^Rrfr, ^^q^:t^, ^m¥t=^, "T- IIessage, ?!. errand, no/ice sent. ff\XV^ m. ^5^T »n. ^5hT »«. ^ttl^ n. 5nT 5?J. ^ «. M.-bearing, errand business. S^/. ti.^T, ^K.j^^f. To give a m. f^RTT «!. ^rPT^T. Messenger, m. person loho carries a message. f%TI^r, ^TO^, Business or office of am. ^[■y+Oi ^ 2 ( of a paper kite ). ^\*ii m. Messiah, n. rr^ft^, ^'tTt^. JIessing, n. V. V. A. — act. f^^^n. ^^sjopiTn. f^^q^^UTM.&c. V. V. iV. fHI^'^% or fiT?it% ^«TCTI n. ^q^TvT ^^fdt «. q- on^rr^ %gii «. ^^t^ ». ^nr^^ n. a^^p^^iiK ?«. "tf^- ISIessuage, a. /iowsc awf^ adjoining land. mA\'§\f 'l^^nft^Tf. Mktacarpal, a. t. N. ^r^r -q^lS^NT, sH^ra^l'Cf, ^RT- JlETACAErcS; n. the hand from the urisl to the fingers. ^\- ^r ^sr or 'qtsT wi. ^H »i. Tumour on the m. ^^T%^ or c|n^xj^5f »». Metachbosism, 71. chronological error of placing an event after its real time. 'qr^T^PTHf^TCTiT «. ^^^fHCTf"!^ ^\^ BIetal, n. (iTTKm./. Chisel to divide ingots or bars of m. ^tt^-^unm. Factitious m. JRiJft^r (or =Eft) qrgw./. ?;f^iTqT5»». Puscd m. T^m. Fusing- of metals together. 3TT«rff=T". Inferior or secondary m. OT'^TTHw. M. beaten into a plate or leaf. r\%Zn. f[-i;?; «. ^q^t/. Mass of m. ingot or wedge. ^Zf. Old m. vessels. ^Jonf. ^rott^"- That is made of a mixture of metals. W^<+lT', H^T. — A vessel made of mixed metals. T'lrOt. The metals,— collect.KiT^^JTTrf^. Eight are enumerated. ( ^STJ'^TT^ )• They arc f ^fff, ^cq-, ?fP?, fTrI?J, ^f^, ^, ?ft^^, ?5f^; or, ^0^. ^m, C^, frfsT, fqcToE, ^W, ^F'^TST, Waste of metals in fusing. ^oS/, 2 (for a road) ?M/. ^-TT^/. ^IT/- Metallic, Metahical, a. lelonginy, ^c. to metals. tTT^J^T, 2 >««ffc of metal. ^11^57, '^ITH^q-, trig^, tTT^fHlH?!, Metallifeeous, a. producing metals. qT?rcqr^, (iTT^':?^^^. Metalline, o. impregnated tcith metal. qpTtfH^, '^RJT'JI^. 2 consisting, Sfc. of metal. tTTH^T, 'TTgH'T, (^r^f^Ma. Metallist, n. one skilled in metals. HIH4l«'ft o*" ^T, ^ITg- 2 worker in metals. qTH% ^W *?;?T, f>T5R;«. &c. H^f%/. '-T?- if?/ |^Hr=T »». fH^HT? m. Mew, n. place of confinement. ^i'i\ f. ^r5=lT?t/- To JIew, «. a. shut tip. Jpfi'jf , ^FTf^ ^^i^T, ^fsffT ^JTcT'^f, To JIew, r. n. — the cat. ^\^ or J^qf n. ^fj^fff. Mew, Mewikg, n. v. V. N. ^^t^ n. "^"r n. The purring m. of a cat. ^T'^i^r n. To JIewl, r. «. erg as a little child, "iz »i.-%$ «.-5qT^t ff(7y. Miasm, Miasma, n. noxious effluvia, ^^m/- ?T5^T'^/. i ''^^3^5^ "jfH^^ m. ^Tq^^^ "jf^^l^ '»• "jf^'H'^ in. J JIiCA, ?j, ^ST'if^ m, n. MID 533^ Dark colored m. WA^I 3^flJ^. Microcosm, n. little world. ^?-"H^iT^». Man is a in. ft-fr ?r Jf^llf. MicEOMETER, H. iusiruvienl to measure small spaces. 3T??f- rKHN^q'^r n. MicKoscopE, n. qjT'-trm ^v^ f^H^mK f»TT «. ^?^H?n^ MlCK0scoi'ic,i\IicKOscopi0Ai., a. hehnviimj ij'c. lo a micross- 2 -iGHT, n. rftiTHTm or T}^f. 3R7^T tT^/ T'^'^TTT^/. MiD-STEEASI, «. lar^r^ T«T 5«. Sf^fT^Tp-"^ m. 11. MiD-susiMEit, 11. 3^^TcF.qT^r T«T »«. ^3^r2;r »«. ttt^- MiD-TwiLiGHT, n. ?if$f^r H'^'T »i. n. w.rvi^^f. Mid-wax, n. 3Tqr ^TT^ /• f^^TWT m. JTrnTfcf m. n. JTWrvJ «. ]\IlD-WAT, adv. 3T[tfqR5n:, f^H?:??!TTSR, 5R'4=?. MiD-wixTEE, n. T^^'swa^] ^>--^ m. v^r f^^rr^rm. ^TTfl^nw^n. Mid-wood, n. =fiT";'T«T »«. «. Middle, n. central part. tt«T in. n. JT^TrlT ^I^^T ?«. JTPf ?«. From the m. T'^T^. In the m. JTt-^, H'-fr, K«m:. In the yeiy m. JT'^TTtr, JTs^^:^ tt^^. [v-T^H«r^_ Of the places or parts about tliom. 'fl"4^^ HtlM, 3T- JflDDLE, cr. r/or lelonyhg, S{c. to the middle. Hq"=^T, W-^^!^, JTSTt?5, IT«T, 5T«PT, H'-TTHiT, KRpT^f, ilf^'4, Hf^rftiTK, The m. one — used of brothers and sisters. Hq^, liliDDLE-AGED, o. JT«T5nTr^T, ^Pi^^^^u^^\ ., pr^m^rft', H«?5r- ]MlDDLE-E4ETn, 11. \. WORLD. JTs:^;?!^ m. IT«T^JT5T ?l. Middle-man, n. v. Mediator. K«ir. V. A. 1. ^m^-, »t%^^7r, q?i^5itrrr, qn^T^q- ^^. 3 greatly, in a great degree. "PTT^, 3Tf?r3[ra", qTi*l«-Hl dccl. sTz^?, sTfTRTrr or aTrTRrer, ar^'tr, ar^rsiT ^f^=T. Mightiness, m.v.A.1. q^T^T m. ^RT ot. ^nit^cTT/. srq^fny. 2 •■cfR^ft/. STfTFT »». STrnqsTrf^??!/. MiGHTT, a. strong, v. Powerful. q^T^TPT/'o/). cjcicjR c?- q- a^TH, 3?5Eq;^, ^R^, sffeg, sji^JR'-'l, ttt^h'T. 2 ^cco^, august, ^c. HRT, 'tTR, '^R^'T^T, H-IIhI, HcTTq^^T, 3 t'lTs/", //(/yp, enormous, excessive. prodigious^^'c. — freely. vJT^R, ^^RT, ^5R5.^, siol^?:, >TRt, S^'lfTZ, 'J^^■4\'^\, ^.^- TRT, ^s?j?5, ^ift?:, ^nrr?^, irs, =qi, 3?^!:. 4 important, momentous. jflST, TRt, . rfT^ or ?TW »». fHT5 w- ilT5 »«. — To be aft'ected by it. f*lT30T or %TI"'t. 2 — as on cloth or paper, f^^ff/. To be mildewed. ^T^, ^^^T^oj. MiLDLT, adv. V. A. 1. 2. +mcii|ori#, TCt^H, i'F'ffR, ^|- ?5rf?r, ^PTRrJ^r^, &c. ^^fTaftTSfraftt, iMn^^^Fft^. 2 JT^, ^^^cF^FT, ^. Mildness, «. v. A. 1. ^FiMomun »«. n^qorr w. &c. irff^ft/. ^rFTTf/. +IHrldl/. H^/. ^VqcfT/. &c. ^KPT^^sTot. JTT^JTW. JTTg^w. ^ti?t/. '4^sr?^f?T/. TJinf/. »Tr^^/. 2 JT^^niT m. ^rHTJTT m.&c H|rn-/^r'^rrT/3T^?fT/.&c. Mile, n. ^'Rf or ^^ m. ( varying from 1| to 3 English miles ). HrS in. from the English ia becoming familiar. A weary long m. ^vm\^-^] TT^qT^fT ^PT^I m. Milestone, ?i. Hc^=qr ^^5 m. V^Tr>jf n. q?r?T^^ 'TT'STT'T »». MiLiAEY, a. accompanied with an eruption like millet seedy — fever. H^^r ? frft^FTgrf;. MiLiTAKCY. See AV^aefake. Militant, a. engaged in v:arjarc. ^TrfT, ?IJtrtiTT,^5Sf^, ^. qiUM^Tf, 551^, 5^r?T?r, ^tqirfl^, ^qiHT^. MiLITAET, o. belonging to soldiers or to the profession of arms. f^TTRt=5fT, fflHI^HlO, f^lMlSplO'll, fifTTTl^qT ^^TT- =5fr, f^TTli in comp. B^I^pfT, rl'JiJ-'MI sffHi^j, '^^\~-H\ ^r- M. conduct. ^=5r(:m wJ. ^fT^t^m OT. The m. profession. f^iqT^'firtt=qr ^?TT m. T m \ {Tn(\f . fTTTrt^^TT »». f^Mll^luii m. 2 folloioing the profession cf arms. f\ mi^.H \ qqfirTr, %- A m. man. ftlTT^. JIiLiTAET, n. soldiery, the army. f^• «lv3E^5E^aft «. M. conglobated or inspissated by boiling. ?q?r ffJ, 51. half eo.ngulated. 3T7g'^ »!. ifjor n. M. coagulated iirmly and uniformly. =^^] m, M. spiced and given to infants, ^rfty. M. warm from the udder. tlRprar ». IM.-diet. 5^tirfR pop. ^'<^Kin. — That is on milk diet, |TKrT^Rt pop. jqrf ifr, i^^f\. Pure ( i. e. unmixed and unheated ) m. f^R^'^T «, f^^ft or mrt ^ST 11. Smell of burned m. ^rroCn^Tor/. Sop steeped in m. for an infant. f^R^fofr/. Sudden spurting forth of m. (from the breast Ot udder) ^t^f. v. ^Z. Thickety m. sfT^^/. That yields m. plentifully. ^tfT^, |qT3, sf^^. That yields m. scantily. 3T?«. |^<^^tR;«?. Milk-liveeed. See Cowakb. Milk-maid, n. s^m^"!/ r^^uif ]\riLK-MAN, «. seZZfr, ^c. of milk, ^q^i^^r, T^af^, >ffT, Milk-pail, n. ^X^f- ^ViM Ht^ «. Jt^^TTTSf «. Milk-pan, n. z^n^ Tfl ». ^IIL ^535 Milk-pottage, «. ^^\ m ^^^-m^rf. MiLK-sor, n. feeble minded person, \. Weak. ?^t/. 1'=^- c5T m. ^^ m. ^S^rrjRT, m■^J, ^\m^ n. ^p^qiTTf^T. Milk-tooth. I^T-^ s^f^T m. MiLK-wniTE, a. V. White. 'Jj^TJ ?I%^, TT^T ffS, 'Ttni?:r-7fi^ ThR »;. ^Z. JtRoty. o/o. Rrrfj'/.i'Z.-'PTt «. 2'^.-f%^/. iRCTfy. o/o. g^/.^Z. q-fSW. 2 diminish in speaking, extenuate in representation. 5^- /• ^R^. 3 ( words, &c. ). clip. ■(=||*H ^^oir, gTt?l%R »». ^IRW. To JflXCE, «. «. WflZZ; affectedly or with nicely. STppof, ^7of 2 s/^^rt^- affectedly or tvith nicety. =Erm?rHr^fr sjr^oT, fiT- MiSCE, w. ^/(My chopped or minced. T%^/. «. J??rtTRTiT m. Application of the m. H^riTrn m. Arising into the m. 3'qftv.lf^T/. ^pfT pop. V^f. Come to a right m. ^■^[^ 'JK[^\ V.^^^'^ Ease of m. fsjrRRTTtlRT «. E.xercise or working of the m. H^fsqjw; m, TacuJty or power of the m. H;fp=m m. MIX 53G MIN In the recesses of the m. TT^T^nriTT^r. Of collected auJ tixcd in. (r=?;f^5rfr, ^q^f^i^H. Out of one's m. 3T5?I5rf?tmfq?T, aT5q'CE. 3TT57CT/. *:Mn, tt^tt^ m^., w^ f. 3 take care of, y. To Look after. qT^iif,^'Tra^,^Rr^cf. 4 See To Kemi.vd. To l^IlND, V. n. incline, he disposed. JT?T ?i.-JT?T''^T^tnt /.-Ac. cJTOot g. ofs. TR^q-rir/.- ^^TITISEr W8.-&C. fiqoT-EI'Zot-cTr- 2 /(r,l-e /(fci. ?f*ncEot, ^^rqm, HT^q- 3T??'jf. Mind! ?"iSTEn, V. n. attend on, ica'i on, v. To Seuve. ^fT^^/". ^^-;?^5t y. o/ 0. %5rr/.-i!q;'rT/.-&c. ^r^ y. o/ o. 2 supily tltinris needfid, give relief to, (^'c. =^JTr^^ ivith g. ofo. Trfl^ ^ 5^^°t, ^^?».-f^5r'r^»!.-&c. =qTc5^ijf-5T^^ g. ofo. •WMNTT»".-'JT«n:/.-&c. %0Ty. o/o. 3 perform sacerdotal ^-e. functions. ^'^'^W■n.-^\«^^^ ?«.-'>T?7TUTT«i.-qrffr^K.-qTf|T^/.-&c. Ep';q-. 4 See To Adxii>-istek. [•JT^T^Tcff. ?IiKlSTEEiAi;, a. attendant, stilservirnf. OT^FK^, TM+|{1, 2 pertaining, ^'c. to an agent, eccecutive. ^fT +,<'JlF^[^, ?PRTr=^T^r, &c. HflT^5i?:ft. 4 pertaining, Sfc. to a minister of religion. TTTKit^t, HTT- =:?T, TT^^PT^T, TT^T, &c. g-'TTK^T'^TT^, &c. ?ITffT^. ?»IiKisTnA>'T. See Sehvixo. Mi>-iSTEATioK, MiKisTET, «. V. V. k.—act. ^n. ^pjf^n. T. V. N. 1. and Seevice. =^\^ ^X.^n. &c. =^V^f.^^\ I. ofpce or functions of a minister of state. T^m^f. Prime m. v. j\riKiSTZB. f^qTOrlrnft /. "T^ffeT^O^. II. ^ /. 3T^T^HSoit/3Tr'T7?=rOT.This sense is often best rendered by varying the construction ; as, f^ ?liT'=f f|^ '41% ^TH or f^r ^I^fl flt^r ^HR '^rrr frFrr. The Hindus wero iu a minority iu that meeting. The m. must be ruled by the majority. M-STRSli, n. a singer and planer. yifiHI'll-'-l^, KT'T''T. 2 See Musician. MiXT, n. mentlia sativa 2 place ivliere money ; Fresh from the m. To MiKT. See To Coin. iMiNT-iiASTEK, n. ?:f^?TrcoTT, ^^^TRT«T^, s^^irRTTftr^FrO. Mixus, w. — iu alg'cbra. ^^ m. WM n. To be m. coma short of, lose. ^]~in or ^Tt?r ^, ^- Mii^UTE, o. T. Little, Sjjall. rf^H, 3T?t, i)k1+, ^'?-"^i 2 attending to small things, particular, — of persous. «n- ^^ «. A m. afterwards. ^I'lTr^R n, 3 ( of a degree ). ^FSr/. rnrar ?«. ?ri€- >^TTfe^ m. sjlR.^'ll^*, ' coined. tW.W^ pop. ^^p^fra 0*- q^'TRr, q'JiT^r?5=qT. jns 538 MIS 4 note or tnemorandum of. fl^oi «. {v^ n. TT^/. 5 vritten expression of opinion. ^ »«. ^Hd^.^.'f m. ^- 3*0 MiSUTE, V. a. vole, vialc viemorandum of. Sfxuff, fj'idt, JIiNUTELY, adv. T. A. 2. 3. sjR-^FTPT, STTft^P^t^, ^^^T^- ^, %^r'%^, qraqra, ^FTfm^FTTt, fJTotHffts, ^SSfR^- ^, <.>)iM<'lil. I. V. ClECUMSTANTIALLT. cTT^I'^JJTT. Minutely, adv. v. I^'. at every viintite. ^tjfi^tTr, ^"nr?^off, lIi-suTE>tss, 11. V. A. 1. qrrft^qTJTr m. ^wf^ff. sfR^r^ m. «[^-H?fT/. ^>^^^ n. ar^T^rr/. MiXCTl-E, «. the smaller particulars. ^Vi^^n\^ f. pi. ^{^- q^q-^m: «». I'Z. ^j^"*Ti^W m. pi. a^frf^Bt n. pi. ^^^.■ Mr.vx, M. pert,forivard girl. HHft "fk/. ^T^«IPT 5?=J»ft/. MiCACLE, 11. Konder, ad or effect hei/ond human power, xf- ^^ n. fsTOnTrrid'+.H «. ST^^fft'TT'T «. Miraculous, a. supcrnaturaUy performed. 3T?TiqoHWT, ^- ?THrfr^, i5?;;i(Ht, e^^FfrsfT, gr-^H, 3TJTm'T5jf?f5wftTrr. 2 competent to u-orh miracles. 3T:?Vf^f?f;^, STHT^sf^lf^- jjj, ar^ri^rfr, arHMN+H+ifl. [^%. MiBACULOusLT, adv. V. A. 1. ^Jr?:?ft^, ^^i^rTM, arm^T^T- MiKAGE, «. — the optical illusion. ^13^?=? n. Hi\r\<^v\\f. ^^. HTH ">• f^^ n. Mire, w. v. Mud. f^=5 m. % w. ^'^r m. »tToI ot. ^/. MiRlSESS, n. T. A. f5R=qt5/. f^q^q/. f^n^^^f fro?!/. MiEEOE, n. looJcing glass. CHTTHT m. dim. 3nT?ft/. ^V «». n. 2 pattern, exemplar. sri^?f »». f^fTF ?«. 5=I2?n' or ?IHRT»«. rTt^ m. MlEin, 71. r. I^rEKEIMENT. ^R^ «. ^^l^llvft/. ^TF^T^t^T/. ^?q'f5RT^ »!. ?:gTH?!f;fr/. "TfT|T?r m. Mirthful, a. v. Mkhrt. ^^?(^?jn^ ^T?^fK?T, f ?Tr, ^^^pRr, IMlRTllLESS, o. vAlhoiit mirth, Sfc. ift^, ^TT 3^TH. MiET, a. T. MuDi-T. f^ref^fm, Nsf^sr, f^ < H rtN I, << < Nr , M. aud sticky. "qi^^FTT; f^pr^fTT. Mis. This prefix is rendered by "tf , ^, |?;^, &c. as iu the examples that follow. JBIis-ACCEPiATiox, n. understanding urongly. ^?:?TH:^i=r /. Mis-ADVEMURE, 11. mishap, V. Calamitv. ^^'^ n. srf^'jr- qirT m. 3T?rirfw ot. aTTTrf^/. Mis-advised, a. fHf5T?T, f tTs?. Mis-affected, o. ill-disposed, v. ADVEBiE. arrs^r, 1%Tft?f, Ic Mis-ALLEDGE, V. a. State erroneously. ^imWA m.- '?j<^f^ - =ffT/.-HeWr?T-Tr m.-iic. ?ltluf-B»1^Hvf, 3T^'tii^'«pi «.■ Jlis-ALI.ECATIOS, ?». trroneous statement. »lf«n^r wi- 'i?^- Mis-ali,ian"CE, n. improper association. J'.fl'qq »». Jp^ijti?;;. J MiSASTluiOl'E, MlSA>'TnEOPlST,«. later of mankind. :s^x\'^^ ^MisAKTiTHOric, MisAXTiiHOricAL, a. T. N. irror^T'T'-'^, *TT- MlSAXTiiEOPY, 11. hatred to mankind. JTyuTFr'^T ^I"!/. *?r<'I- JIlSAlTLICATIOX, «. V. V. STO^^'TFT M, ^^-ipt^^FI in. ar^TppT m. ar^iTT^^^ w. To Misapply, v. a. apply to tcrong purposes. ^^\^ w.-^^ OT.-&C. af^'n.- &c. \]^g.ofs. ^^7M or "ft^^ TiT^%. ofs. tft^^ TSory .o/i-. MIS 530 i^ris 3— as used of cattle. TTHRiJf, TPTSOT, ITH^TS^, IIH m. | ?ltS'Jt-;iT^;fuftqrTT/. fHSETTrfm/ fH5';nJT4nT?rT/. MiSCIBLE, a. ft, possible. ;fCErT10N, Ji. T.V. aKT)- iNo. »i^it^?t/. ar^H^d/. ftrr/t^??^ m. f^q^^^nr^ «. aRTT^f J». '^W^vk^]"^ m. 3T=^iTT^rfeT m. vm nt. Vlff?T/. To MiscONXEiVE, V. a. have afdse notion of, v. To MiSTINDEB- STAND. ^5:^H^?T/.-3^=ret«'T^/-a^^^T OT.-&C. 3T- ;f{^ in con. icith g. of s. and hsMr or g. of 0. ^'rTCT ded. To MiscOKDUCT, V. a. v. To Mismanage, ^]bc f[^-&e. 'i[\A\ ■'M -'^V^^-'^\7A^.i '^^ r^=l I T-+,|J4U|TM, fH'FlT ffiftH. MiSEltLlSESS, «. V. A. ^niTi^Tr m. fq^TTUTT ?«• R^lTTcrrT »». ■Tl'+.l^^/. S'T^l^w. f^^TreiT »J- Miserly, o. covetous, niggard! y, parsimonious. ^TTW, Rfi^TT, ?ir>fr, =irf>T?, f^^CE, MiSGOVEBSilEST, «. T.V. =I^3^JT?J W. ^*'R- Jrf|siTC/. ^^TRT^ «. 3T^'3t?ft- ^"^ 5fT?fjft /.-#!% q^THRr n.-&c.^tnfff-^,^T^^^r5r'^,n- T^TPFr »«.-"Jr^JT^f^^ m. ?fRTit, »?^ w!.-^:itf?f/. qr^crr. To Mi.siSTEiiPnF.T, V. a. translate eironeouslt/. ^]Z] ri^HT 2 understand in a wrong sense, v. To ^Iiscoxsteue. 3T'4 5«.-h:5T W.-&C. ^-^HT ^H^ot-%^ g. ofo. -iIisi>'iEKrfi£iAiio:;j, n. y. Y. 1. ^^ rT^RTT !n. arT'^T'*!^- sris 511 MIS To Misjudge, v. a. form a false opinion of. "it?:H'T'j=frf/-3T- ^-KW.r^^\ f.-■s{^7J,^^] f■'S{^^^\^^\^^^ f.-^s{^'m m.-&.c. MiSJUDGMEXT, «. T. Y.^WT^/. 3T^f^?H^/. 3T?IfI^ «i. Mislaid, p.y.X. irnr^^sr, ^is'^OT, ^^OT, 5T^^^ HTSST, &c. SR'fjP, ST^=f5, TfTS. To bo ui. "5^^5rV|^ rim^-q-sw, 'it'^^iof, n3^5>jf, i?^?!- Jb Mis LAX, v. a. In;/ in n j'^ice iwf recolhded, to lose, qirr- JioT. ^^^■^L^ or irar^iif , n%\^^. q'p^ffot, ^T^f ■?>• ^R'T'Jf, 2b MisLE, s;. «. rain in fine drops, drizzle. ^PltTI^^Tm. tjsof, 5^T?:w.-^».-5rf5/.-&c. Hriof. JTo Mislead, v. a. lead astray, (luidc inlo error, deceive.^ S;c. lit. fig. "5i^Hrnf^-'H^c^rrHmR-&c. ?iof,'''l^HTnRr-»T?^Fq-T STRW-Ac. SR"^, st^r^I'^ or ■JT'TT^'Jr, ^\■^-f.-l^^■{m.-kc. =^w.'[^^-'^\^.'i'm g.ofo. ^^^^^\^■f^Tc^^vf(\-&Q. ^f^ttt, MlSLEADI>-0, n. Y. V. Sr^^FT^?!. ^^cTJIW.&C. if^q^T^nift/'. f - Misled, ;;. t. V. "^t^cinim n^f5r,'?i^mf^3r5r%sr, &c. J%- JIisLiKE, 2b MisLiKE. See Dislike, To Dislike. JIlSLCCK, n. T. Misfoetu>'e. |itW«. I^V". 3THT^M. MisLT, a. tliat comes in thin drops, — rain. ^i^qi'TT, ^t^Z]- To JIisMAXAGE, V. a. manar/e ill. nTjr».-&c. ^.x^ g.oj 0. a-T^^-ifr ?^ot, ^\^f.-f^■^\% m.-&c. mi^ g. ofo. IMlSMANAGED, ^J. T.V. iiTft?ff^->5:c. ^^rR"^^T-=5rrr;5rrir7T-&c. MISMA^-AGEilE^•T, 11. Y. Y. ^]T.^f^^]Zj. 3T^f=jf5rffw. ST^q-^T- =EfTOTn. §4^w!. |HT^». 3T?f5^^f=T«. 3T?1^=T^«. ^^^- To MisMATCn, V. a. f^T^rS ^r5"Jr, aT^H^FTOT.-fjrTKqTTw.- To JIlsNAME, V. a. miscall. ;j^-^T/t'^->Sf?lT^-^^'^^r>S:e. -fil5i'^RTJT».-&C. S^OT-^iir. MisxoMEn, n. u-rong name jicen. =^"^1% ^\^n. >sfRt^ f?rS^ ^\^n. C3T?JT'T?I^2ff-3T'TT«. argSTWTT'Jrn. 3RI5^TTOT». 3T^?=RI^K0T«. aT^^tfr^RW". MisPrvOroiiTlO>"ED, a. f^rt^HlTJIP^T, f^THSITM^, aT^HST- MisEELATioN, MisnEPOUT, 11. crroneoits narration. 3T55[- -5^fhlT-&c. ^^'fl m. "T, I', a. give a false representation of. TR- fTR w.w^-f^x^-&c. Htiof, ^fRPT^T^^ »>.^Ji?^rrar m.%- 3T^'tir=J''ji^ M.-3T?I?^'o, «. v. V. A. 1. ^ /. A m. is as good as a mile. 3in^n^<^-, ». sending. Hlicjuj «. wrS^ «■ "TTS^jP/. Mii'jurt/. ^^ ». st^uT «. 2 state oj being sent.^ commission. <^h^\\ m. ^J^^ «• ^r- nr n."^^ M. sTfT'^f^ n. M'TrR^ «• ^23!T^t^ «. 'S body of persons sent. ^^-clT+rlW ^TSoff/. ^fe^- Missio.VAKr, n. one sent to propagate religion. tTKf^l+f^UMT- 1T^ is becoming common for a Christian Missionary. Missive, a. sent. "nz^^OT, sfftrr, 2 See 3Iis3iLB. jTo Mis-speak, v. n. err in speaking. ^T rf"^! ^ ^WT^f-"^/- !F^-&c. tnR?I-f^^f^P?T-&c. ^uf. To Mis-speak, ». «. See To Mispeonoitnce. To Mis-spell, v. a. arw f^fff fe^-^FSOT, 3755 ^^- Mis-spelling, n. ai^rw "• STW^'MrMq w. ar^T^sq^qr^ m. 3T^^T^rrqra' ?». Jb Mis-spexd, c. a. spend to no purpose or to a bad purpose.^ waste. 31Hlil-o, «. T. v.~act. ar^rrarfr qr?!^ »j. 3^^ «.&c. -iTI^q m. 'MiV^^q m. Mi3-sPEST,p. V. V. aT^Trer^fr 'TR^c^, ^pttSc^t, &c. aro- ?«qf*R, ^f^H, 3T^-<^qftpf. [ &c. To Mis-state, Mis-statement. See To Mis-eephesent, MiST.n. haze, fog, Sfc. vTIf/. m% n. ^ «. 5^ «. qTTjt/. MIS fig. tJT m. ( n^^IT-?l?5fft^T-& 'J5 ) g€t /. at^TT^ / JT^: To Mistake, v. a. misapprehend. See To Misundeustanb. 2 take one thing or person for another. -M+H-^^^t^-ijf- ?ft^-&e. »1Mui-iT'jf, ^JK w.-HmPTT^r m.-&c. ^T^oi j?j. coh. and g. of 0. To Mistake, v. n. err, blunder. ^^, Jry^f, q^R^, "I^^- 01 or H^, "^Z- ^"f- Mistake, n. misconception, v. Ebhoe. "g^/. ^JIT /?op. H^- 3 blunder, inaccuracy, "^^f. ^^Z- 3T^5[ «. ^F^/. 'A- cR n. rl<{>N-rl/. J3TTqt^/. Mistaken, /). v. V. N. /A«< i« in error. »^jt T^OT, Hif^, <;Ttf?T5^, ^sTmvTJT, irm»?^. To'bo m. J^ OT. TSOT-^'riTf ?». fo«. ^af_ [»?iT^-7;. MisTAKiNOLT, rK^y. erroneously. ^^T, wtfft^, ^tf?Rq^. JIisteb, ?i. tll'^'H. To Mistime, «. o. (/o, ^e. «< o wrony time. ar^Tr^f-arq^i* &c. ^>if-qT^5t, 3T5pra'fr^?nTr/.-&c. ^fM. Mistiness, m. v. A. HlK^rhrTT/. ^f^^wr/. 2'fR?TT^ ;«, MisTiON. See Mixtcee. Mistletoe, Misletoe, See Paeasite. [ 1. &c, To Mistranslate, Misteanslation. See MisinteepbeTj MiSTEESs, n. — correl. with servant, tpfftur /. ^iIh-TI pop. ■n i hIu i/. q'^jpwt'Jr/. ^f^ or ^sft^/.^s^r/. 2 ( of a family or house ). V<+,^u|/. ^TT'^'ftw/. ^sj n jpfer ?». n^^Tf*T?ft pop. EfT^nrftiiT/. qr^/. itt?t or tf. 3 proprietri.v. tpftir/. fTT?!^iT/. ^ifM^ /q/). RfpfK/". 4 chief, ruler, ^c. ^iIh^/. H^^/. TT^^fiJO/). ^ 5 (of a school), f^^rm^/. f^?i^/. qm^FfN/. -3T 6 icoman skilled in. ^'K"! or ^^i\^ f. -^luirf)/- ^'tTT^/. 7 siceelhearf, ^c. v. Beloved, fw/. ^f^HTT/. ^ffTT/, jpTfiR'^/. 5i»T^/. ai^rn n. An offended m. Hlf^^/. TR^pff/. 8 concubine, kept looman. TT^/ ?^/. W^ft/. ^T^Tt/. 'Tf^JrtTT/. arq^^T/.— in cant phrase, g'?^^ n. arn^irai/J. aTFTKHIrt'Hl/. 9 (?ame, (f-f. — the cpinpellation of courtesy to Shitdra women. 3TT^/ ar^TT^/. ar^T/. MiSTEUST, «. «t'(i!«< 0/ co)y?(7e«c??fT. MiSTEUSTFUL, a. T. SUSPICIOUS. aTf^>^?ft, ^^, ^'^'ft. Mistrustfully, ci?y. v. A. aTf%*^^T#, &c. '^^^ siT^TT, 'T' MiBXEusTruLNESs, See Mistbu§t. MIX MiSTT, a. overspread, S(e. u-ith mist. g^^T, sj^^^^T, ^«?T^- ^r or ^\^^=^\^ h\h\<£\=^\ or sfrnaf-qr, 3'^5^, ^S^nr, 51. aud nnv weather, sjfinot or ^\^z f. ^\^\^ or qr- To Misu>'DEHSTAXB, V. a. take in a urong sense, misapprc- hrnd, misconceive, mistaJce, SfC. n=W1^/.-3'?5!it^T^jTH/'. -f^Tft^ni^ OT.-^T^irr^ m.-&c. ^of g. of o. tvitk in. con. csr-4 «(.-*n5r m.-&c.:^^^,\ ^n^^-^^., ^^\ decl.-U<^(\r\- JIlsrNTiEESTASDINO, «. V. V. H^H^/. ??I^'^^IT^(T /. SfHH^^/. r^MflriqliTHi. i%-qft?R^»i. 3^^»TT%tTw. f^"Tft?r- I. ill tervis.^ variance, t. Disageeement. ^t^% «• ^PK%- qurr >». ;rf^ or qiqp mj. «. qspTR >;i. f?rjT «i. rfts /. fcTW- ^?:/. f^J «. [&e. MISU^DEBSTOOD, JJ. V. T. 3-S5T ^m^^rTT, f^H'Od ?TH3T^?5T, MiscsAGEiMisusE. See Mal-teeatment,Misemplotmekt. yo Misuse. See To Mal-theat. To Misemplot. Mite, n. small insect. ^ n. f^p^ m. 2 small qiianiifi/, v. Paeticle. ^cI^fhTr ffT^T '«• ^"Hft^ ^rS n. §f^?TT ^'s-JTr^rr^ft TIKt/. S proverbial e.rpression foi- a small coin, ^ft/.'^'^- A widow's m. g^m qj^ w. ^Z. To ^iye one's m. ^ ^jf T <5?JTJf «. &c. ?5^^^0T n. ?^;fT^ar «._ i.^/e^ |?f^. JIitee, «. crown of a bis/iop^ cj'c. KrHi'^5r?Tr«TT-&e. Wf:zm. MiiTEy, n. fSi^siRt^ flrl^rsTr m. Mittimus, «. toarrant of commitment to prison. ^ \\i;-i \ 'r^ or »ToE/. %S/ HoiSTiR:/. arrn^ »«. lTT!iT*rT^ ?«. fR>.rf*IK m. m% m. ?i>TJf m. ^jfri »«. 3Tg^q »«. 2— act. 'Tmaot ■«. &c. TiifeT55iir5/. ?f;?^H n.— state. ^\- trs ?«. nrtT55Tnt'^ ?«. /• lT^5irf*T^5i /. jpTHqwrri^ /. ^'^R «?. M. of castes. ^fl^R on. ^-T nnat n. ^^.■^\?.m. V. V. N. fna^ «. fn^oi/. fH^ci/. f*r?!^ n. I. mixed mass, medliy, miscellany. ffT^fcS y] fJlHotT "'. =qHci/. nprfsfr?! n. qrft?T «. l7jf=?st/. ^n:^/. i^^?- A m. of rice & split pulse. %=5T3t/. A m. of langungTs. WTS^^rft/. %=JTft/. [ ^T^iTn. II. ingredient added and mixed. >Tc7 or Hot /. fH^T^T /. MiziiAZE. See Maze. MizzEN, n. — the sail. ^is,^f. 2 — the mast. hvmT, strJ m. imT?ft3r?I^?ft/. IMizzLE, n. small rain, drizzle. qir?"TT^^ m. ^iS'STNIWIi'T m. ^TT\z 11. Wiji n. gr^/. [^Tot, ^<^.(ui To IMizzLE, V. w. drizzle. :s'ft"TT3r^ m.-kc. q^af, JTq^" n.&c. Mnemohic, a. assisting the mejnory. ^^frW^T^, ^KfJTJT^rl^. Mnemonics, n. art of memory. a^is^TOT ?;«jot|i^ ^?TT/. ?w- To Moan, v. n. groan, ^'^tfr, fsf^^or or fsTF^ra'if, f^T^aof, ^^onjf, qT=m, ;^oiMoHTf, ^*rui, f^;r>jt, ^^^/.-^tit/.- &c. ^of-TfS^. To m. and whine, fqtltrr. To sit moaning and fretting. ■'V.^m ^^^ .'^p'Rkm. pi . 3l0AN, JIOANiNo, n. v.V. ^fJ^OT «. .le. qT^rilt /. ^^^ n. f^- ?^ or Olr^os m. fjposfqjoft/ RuNuff/. ^^ctoft/. fraj- MOD Ui MOD q/. 3?RT'jimT/. n. 5^?/- MoAXEB, n. Uro.iMNO, ;). n.v. V. ^'^"iki, &e. :?;?^r, fH9^- MOANTULLV, HIOAMSOLY, adv. V. K ^^^^, ^«JJct. :Moat, «. rfiVcA round ajort. W<^- "'• ^ ''»• ^'t/- ^^f^/ Mod, h. raJWif, iumultuovs assemllaje, v. Ceowd, People. TJ- w. ^=r "I. ^^ n. sJSTofN^ iTIaJ^/ arsT^f^'iTJTOHT/. To Mod, r. n. harass tumuUuously. iff/. ^FTot jc/V/i m of o. 3I0DILE, ]*IOBiLiTV, n. canaille, (lie moh, v. Pi:ori,H. W^- qk m. n. ■' HV^H^m n. ^ n. 'M\iAMf. arsm^TFT/. T- IVIODILITV, n. susceptihilifi/ oj motion. HT^'fT^'^'TT/. ifrTqt- To j\r0CK, J', a. jmi/ate in Jn-ision, deride li/mi!nicri/^:z\^^., % SHU |, SR^Sf, irfT^aTn,-"^?^Er7;TT/7.7.-cTi^??. fJri«i^ «• 2— oc/. OTfrewf«. f reof «. &c. g-T^r^ ws. it^t or z^f. W^^f. Ixf. 7Xf. q%Tt/. 3— ac<. ^iolciui «. =EfT^^OT/. =qT5i;rw^/. &c. I. &K« or subject of mockery. ^^^\mk'\-\ n. ^^^r'T\^ n. OT^T^rf^l^T^ fft. II. counterfeit appearance, false shorv. ^"fn n. fnf pop. f^ n. i\nn. qTm n. sqj^iT »«. «. ^q^ li. MOCKISO-STOCK, Jl. V. LATJGniXQ-SlOCK. ^^^TFTc^ «. OT" ^re^VTH n. Modal, a. relating to form or mode. ?OTfV^T^T, ^Tf^T^- Mode, «.— in mctapliysics. ^"^i-r^J^iiTTH. f^?iTBfFHq^FK«f. f^^qi»=>tjj.,4 n. f^hT^sqsTFR m. 2 wa«ner of existing orhingjorm. ^n. S^m^m.^^f^Km. 3 method, na//, fashion, v. Masnek. ^frf 2^0/;. ^'t^/. HI'I 4: fash ionalle custom or icni/. ?l>--q^:fTT^ m. f^iJ^^TTI m. ?Jr^sr=jnT ?«. FipFSTrm »«. 5 — iu music. See Ml'sic. C — in grammar. See IMooD. Model, n. representation of. ^H^ or ^r^r^TT m. J^qc^ wi. ?{- «FT5!tT m. ?rt=qT »»- sffT «!. Jlf?IKT/. J^ffT^T «. OTHT/. 2 pattern, e.vemplar. ^\^\ or ^FfT »». t%TTf ?«. ^t^ ?)i. "JTRt m. JTTH?^ «!■ f?;^3 «. ^\1 n. To Airnish witli a m. Pf^IT ot. ^T^ '^'jf, 8 vwuld. ^^r «;• ^W./". 5^ '». 2b Model, i'. a. mould, shape, \. To Toem. q'sof, ^r-^srof, T- n y. 0/ 0. [^FT^ot JTJT^, 3^7ot. To MoDEEATE, «'.«. lecomc less violent, ij^cv. To Abate, ^p:- MODEEATED, ;j. Y. V. A. 1. gHITT^sfT %?^?rT, KT^F^ %"^?;r, lie. 2 ^^^T %H?5T, ar^iT^fT iTT?=5^i=!;T, ^TR^T^FTT &c. ?t1%?T. Modeeatelt, (7(?y. V. A. 1. ^JTFfr, gJTKT^, ^KRHfr decl. "k- 2 gKKT^T f'ff?. g^R^?:, MI41+, ^r^?7T^WT decl. ^mm MODEEATEXESS, ]M"ODEEATIO>', W. V. A. 1. %H*rmU|T«». "?fT- fjT?TT^UT n. TftfT^T^R »i. 1^T?T^^^ «. f^^^ffrT/. 3T- 2 3T?7T^f^T/. 3T?5rH ?«. ^m^f^/. ^PrfffT/. m?f|f^ 3 ^JT^rHTUTT m. viy^W.^m m. l^^^f. ^f^^^^f. ?rTqf?T' ^FrTT/. firfn/. [^r^TT^^H. MoDEEATOE, w. ( at tlisputatious ). Err^'-'^^'r, 3Tf*T'TRRf|fT-3Jf^-&C. 3T^TcHS>^^. MOI To be very m. JTPT/. ^ H ^PT^. 2 not forward, hold, j^er/, tj'c. CT^Tsr^, ?rn^, ?=rMrTRT=T, 5iqT^, ^^lf^?r, 3T55?T. 3 «<4>U %3?5T, &c. ^o Modify, «j. a. change the form or shape of. CT«.-^^T«. -&c. fp^tfui-TTc^^ g. ofo. ^Hid< w.-W<\HirR; «.-^5'T^ «8. -f^^FR j?».-fcr?rfff/.-&c. JFT^ ^. o/o. 2 aZ^e»-, iiary, v. To Change. Ih><<?/. ^T5 or ^?/. T?Tf-AcnisM. JIoxDAT, n. ^m^R m. =5f^5rK m, j|^lT m. r|^?TT in. Mo^-E^Al^Y, 0. consisliiig, ^-c. 0/ wi07!?y. Tf^jiT^r,''^^Tli+4f|^, :Mo.VEY,7i. T. EiCHEs.''^':f;r »i."WT ?n. sm m. q^ n. ^sr w. f^ n. z^ m. ( in comp. as, SR^r, ?5K^^T, &c. ),^- I'T/. ( Pr. ^T^T ^h'Tf^qir ?f^),^»».— freely or loosely, ^ariT^PT wi."~^R^T ?«. TOR^r m. W^^^'M «.— as joco- fcely personified, =?Rft^'TH m. A purise of m. ( commonly of lOOO pieces ) ^I^ot. Dearth of m. •ijH^-^cA m. Examination of m. qR^/.— Price paid for it, TRW" 5/ TR^!Jrr^55/.— bkill at it, qR^/. For, with, upon, &c. ready m.— dealing. ?RIRRft, v?fRr, ^'I'^H'i-^, H'K.M'ITT. Hard m. Eeady ni. fl^/. ^'T^'^HT w. fr^^^T^ »». T- *n; n. 5Tn, STTUH^ or ^{\_ Money bag of m. «f^/. ]\roNEY-cnANoixo, n. ^TJ'^f. ^fJT m. ^|TiI?T m. ^]i\^z'l o)' 'if[f. — loosely or compreh. sqi^^lfr m. BIosey-dealek, n. ^R^R or ^^■^w^K, qH^TPTlft. MosEY-DEALiXG, w. ^IT'f'TR'^/. '^^m^^1^ 11. \^'^^ n.\^f. Money-lender, n. \. Creditor. ^^'pfT, 'T^^; — in notes and bonds, ^CfHW.^ & s^^RnH. Premium or bonus to a m. JisTf /■ ^TSTSTitM. JTHTfff/. Eelative standing or bearing of money lender and money borrower. q^f^ftoiJ^r «• iMoNEY-LEss, a. V. PooR. f^^^., q^^T'^, ^^\^^^^., *Rr- f?RTo!T, 3TST^, 3T^f^T. Money-matter, n. ^5r qnqr^ (or ^iqT ^tnTpEft) 'T're/-'?- 5IR0TM.-&C. ^T?^iqif^r% ^^^^n- \^^-^m. Money's worth, n. something thai vill bring moneij. Hlc^w. Moneyed, Monied, a. v. Eicii. q%^fj:, q%^,^^%=fig,'^%- gpj, q%5rT?5T,"^5n?!;r,"^%^5, TOfT, ^r^th, qfSf^ The m. body or interest. ^fK^Hw- Mono-corn, n. y. IMeslin. %5/. %5^fR«^Rq'«. Monger, n. dealer in, seller of. f^^^\ ( as JTraf^^-m fish- monger, &c. ), STTSr (in conip.),5ir3T (in comp.), sjfrqRT, MoNGBEL, a. of mixed breed. ^^fRT^, ^+<-H 1^0=^1, ^f^^^tf?, ?f^=II, ^^^Trft^, fJTssr^JTRft^sfT, f*T=iT^?ft^. Monition, n. v. Admonition, Warning. cfT^t^/. 3'q'^?Tw. MoNiTivE. See Monitory. Monitor, n. ivarner.^ instruotor, ^'c. f^T?^^, 3^^^^, f^TT- ^^T^, Jl'^t, srfiRTrTT. 2 (at schools). m?J=5TT^ or =EfR-srT, 3^f^T?T^, OTJI?!. Monitorial, a. belonging to, ^'e. monitors. Hrs^R-sff ^f^ ^q- 2 See MoMiTORY. Monitory, a. giving or containing admo^iition. OT^^ir^T, 3^.^^,?q^^TTfK^, g^.^T^, ^q'^^Tqr, 3^m^. Monk, «. o religious recluse, inhabitant of a moiiastery.^'c. v. Mendicant, Ascetic. ^^^^^\^\^,W. ^Hlrft?y ^t^ft- &c.— Hindu m. XT^^TRft, ^jft, a^?:"^, ^T?T!T?'?i. Depi-edations of monkeys. ^]^X^\^_f. Female m. ^\'^ and f^\ f. nw.i\f. ^^^^ pop. sTi^'Ct'^/. &c. iroN 547 MON" Female m. with her suckliug. STT^Strr/- Male m. leader of the troop. ^^, W^-, ^fl"^. M. of a male troop. ?T5'^'??:, ^%;^cqT_ M.-faces. cTR^f^r^^?^ or "^^^?qT/. ;'?. M.-faced. m^F^nrj^iT, ^R?:i^'ra€rT, sth^tt. M.-tricks. tlPR^'?!/. TT^fTS^^T/. ^\^V<^1n.n. i^^- ?T/. %^/. ^ _^ {^^r To gnash, spit .A cliaf tor at, — a monkey. ^'Ji'if,^^R'Jf, 2 leater ofnpavior, cjv. JTriTr m. ^H «i. Mo>-Kisn, a. w^^\'^^ ^^z^nw^J ^ &c. Hs«rrftT^^':ft, Hs^rf^r- MoxocnoEP. «. instrument loiih one slrinrj. ^^.mf[ q'KT "• Some kinds are, HiTH"^ «. ( player ou it, JOTJi^Tr ), %- ?Ioyoc0LAE, IMoNOCULOus, o. having one erje. ^^rSiTT, 'T- Pauci monoculi sunt houesti. ^f^R' ^FMr T^TH ^TF'-T:. JIOXODT, 7J. sojjy, SjC. sung hj one. t^qf^H IPTpf fft"^ «• JION"oaAMlST, «. one ivlio disulloics second marriages, t^^^- jMonogamx, «. marriage toitli one wife only. (^^"?c5=ft£Trf n. JIosoGrvAM, n. ^t^\ ;TTm=^ aTT^T^^'t «. I'l. JIoxOLiTH, «. ^r ^ISmr m^ m. ^ ^yt^ksit^^ m. MOXOLOGBE, n. soliloqug. 3TPT?qTfJTqrT?Tr-3^ «». ^^- IMoN-oiiAsiAc, a. V. N. tr^f^i^nrfiffiTTT, '[^fjrT'rafFr. MosoPETALOus, a. having only one petal, (^^pn^aff^, ^fp- ^Sl', '^^^^. JIOXOFOLIST, MOSOPOLIZEE, W. V. V. 1. ?TR^^ BR %'JITTT, I. ( esp. of the revenue, customs, <5:c. ). r^TTT^TT, ^T^. To I^^0^•orOLIZE, v. a. engross a commodity. ?fT?qT^ ^fk n. 2 oJtai« ^^T^, ^%'<)^*TFraafifl'. Monotonous, «. continued in the savie tone. p'^jiB^^r, ^^- 2 unvaried, always the same. ^*'HK^r, 'J^J^TST'FIT^, t;^.- iT^FRt, >(f>^'fl, '^-IRt^T', <^^^. Monotonously, adv. v. A. 2. ^J^^TR^tr (^fcZ. Monotony, «. v. A. 1. uniformity of tone, leant of inflection, S,-c. ^W.^^^f. n. 17^7^^ m. ?T^^H^>TT^ m. 2 sameness, want of variety. ^^^RtTR^, ITrarg- MONSTEOUSLT, adv. T. A. 1. 3. S^W'i^f^W-^. I. See Excessively. ["THT/. Monsteotjsness, n. v. A. 1. \r;^w^ n. ^?.^^^\^ m. f?is-- 2 ^[^TOTT »». OH+ilrAR+iKHUiT m. &c. 3 arm^'JiT »«. ar^^rf^^TOTT m. &c. Month, «. nwm. ^f^^\ m. w(^ m. (in comp. as a prefix to the names of the months; as, HI^ ^^, TT^ kI^TK, &c.). The twelve months are, ^^r,""^^!!^, ^^^, aTTTI^, ^INW, HT^q?, 3TTf=^?r, qJTra^F, Km^fr^, ^it, ^m, , M. pay or wages. J^TTT^ot. Kf|^Tw. JTI^^Km./- KT- MoXTHLr, aJi'. once a month, ecery month. 2TKf^«fRT, ^- JT^ 0)- JTT^, Hf^'Ml^'Ml Tf^^J^TRT, if fftrrf^'-MI tl , ilf?r>TTtfr, Monument, m. v. Memoeial. iji^i'iul or ukRiO/. 3TS^^/. 2 /om6, cenotaph, memorial column. 3^/. 'tT5 «• *Ttn «. ^t^ n. pM. sff^^^ «?. Propitiousness of the m. =q^5p^ or oE m. Eegion or sphere of the m. ^^WV^ n. Spots upon the disk of the m. ?lt=^3^ n. ^^F m. That blow on the rise of the m. — flowers. ^^Pcl+I^. Wane of tho m. 3'?n7ft^orr/. AVaxing of the m. ^if^T^FS^/. To be about to rise — the m. ifr^ijf. [T3^. The moon shines brightly. -^i^iOj cftj tStT, '^\^ ftTT Moon-beam, m. =sf?f%^ «»• ^^s^T «. MOON-LIOUT, MooN-sniNE, n. -^iiuj ». ^^JPPT^ »». ^^^ /. =t^rrT/. ^^'^rfFf/. =5r?5f^/. €i^/. Bright m. ^t^OT'TtS «. "^f^^ ^TT, =5(?:^ =^t^ «. A bag of m. VJJTrsTT or *RKr=fT HR^tr »». Moon-plant, n. asclepias acida or aphylla. ^tt m. (the juice of it ^"t^ m. ) ^i'lKHrlT/. ^msTE^t/. MOON-EISE, W. =^^1^.^ »«. MoONsniNT, jNIoonshine, a. ^qT^r^fT, ^^sf^^^. A m. night. =qf^'jftTnT/. MoON-STONE, n. ^^f?T »i. 5Hm^f?T »«. =st?'Tf&I m. MooN-sTEucK, See Lunatic. MooNT, a. having a crescent for a standard. ^^'^'^'^^'^\^^ MooB, w. V. Heath. X[H n. [f^^lj?/ 2 marshy ground. "JPTiToS TPT «. ^f^TS TPT«. fsT^TS^^ff^/- To MooE, u. M. confine ( a ship, &c. ) hy ropes, calles, ^v. Moorage, m. ilacefor mooring, ydf^u-m-^ ^STFTT/- Mooe-land. See Mooe. MooitisH. See Maesht. Moose, n. elk. i\^ pop. iHM< «. 2b JIooT, p. a. bring forward, touch upon, v. To Mention. +l SFTOJ-. To JfopE, t). M. le dull ^- spiritless. g?Rf-3^^-TT^-iif^?5- f^'!nTOr-&c. 3T?ffr^TT f^^sfTTT^r, 5^I^^Rr=l'4"4+-^- fyrfs[%tTrf?5f^, f^rftif^'T^r^^ft. 2 capahlc oj moral actions, tinder moral laws. f^ffelf^f m. ^^ n. ^^ m. g^/. W^f. ^TT^/. f^nfefTT'4 w. «r^q"4 «>. Moralist, «. teacher of moralitg. Jft^TNT 3^"^^ ^"imT, Ht- 2 mere moral person. ^^'qRHPlf, jftfrtTTlkjJift, ^sfS- Morality, «. sgntem of moral duties, etJiics. ^fn/. jftfrf- ^TTm w. jfrmf^r^rr/. s^r^fK^irm »■ 3T'4?tt^ k. ?iq- ?;». ■^^- 2 practice of moral duties. •'^]'^^^ n. t(Hf-• fflfJi+mJIl m. &c. Jp^^TT^T «». MOERI3, MORBIS-DANCE, «. f^tf^ ( or f^ ) %2W.ftWTTt/. JIORKis-BANCEH, n. fniTT ( or ft^TT ) %^T, ftf^'TT, IMOBEOW, n. dag after iheprescnt day. 3?ji^ f^^ m. pRT To morrow, ^qr, 3^"^-^, "JwTT. To m. morning. ^^PT^I, *<*lol, ^I^^T^f , «p:^. 2 See Morning. Morsel, n. mouthful, piece of something to be eaten. ^Wpop. qRf m. ^.^7^ m. A dainty in. grrw m. 2 Y. Bit. J^r m. 5^^/. rf^fPlT ( -jt^, &c, ). MOB '^l0BSl'KE, n. act of biting, x^m »i. V. ^, ZV, fop. %XV m. & 3fHT wi. ^VT »■ .Mortal, a. suhje,-t to deatJi. JRiJurtf, ^^f, ^T^vjrff, ^- ^, ipr;^;!!, 3T7t^, HTSiTsrH, a^pTfT. The in. state. ?THTT ">■ 2 A-i7/in'7, (les/nictiLC of life, x. De.vdlt. ^TmqtiTT, '^^- 3— crime, &c. v. Capital. sfmf?T<^iNI, ^lr;M». ^^rrfq- m. In m. «. vftfilFg^TTn m. ^if^^\\^ m. »Tt+1lPlHl+ »'«. 8 ^>T «i. v. %, riq «. Ffq^qf/.^'T'q «. MOETIFIED, p. T. V. A. 1. ^Z^^J'^ &C. 8 — lust or appetite. ?fSH, 5f'TrT,^'?fiTi=f,^^ft^irr— person. f^f^^, f^«. Sweeper of a m. H^RT. Mosquito. See Musquito. Moss, n. ^To5 «. ^^Tr=f w. These words arswer also for the green mosslike substance which grows on tha surface of stagnant water. To be coTcred with m. ^T^Ro^ I MOT - 551^ ,MossOKO\N>', I\ro3SED, ]Mo3ST, a. ovefffrown, ^'c. with moss. Most, (t. consisting of the greatest «;(mJe;-. iJJri+M ?f^, «f- For the m. part. "PF^^?*:^, ^^d+^j,^, smT:, STI^n:. JrosT, CT(fw. n;, <^^ greatest degree. sf;|?f, "Jtr, STfir, S^fn^iq', Most, m. greatest mmler or part. «T^^ atwV/t a noun, l. 3Tct:Vot^?5 ?i. Moth, n. — the insect. TofT m. r{^l vi. f^M ». 2 ( of books and cloth ). ^.mf. IMOTH-EATEN, a. qp^ r5m???!T, q5W^T^?5T, ^RR^T^. MoiHEB, ;j. stT^/. jtrt/. m/. Hmr/. 3t^t/. ^JR^/. ^rrf ( in comp. as ni's. family, H1H+^, HT^'ftTT, &c. ) — in respect, irr^ssft /'"i'- HmT'sft o'- HTHSift/. m^?^ or nrj- Born of a different m. fH^sfl^T, 31 -MK/, vr^^^, Foster m. OTTTrfr/. Ilalf-m., step-m. WRf?f3TT? /• ^TR^-JTrt/. ["t n. pi. M. and father. arrJ^PT m. /;?. 3TT?^''T n. pi. iTT?nfiFrf- Mother's house ( of a married girl ). ^\^ n. ITT^- mn. HPT^ »i.— Married girl living in it. iTT\T^ffil/. TTfnn^fm/.— Living in it of do. Hl^RT m. O mother earth receive me into thy bosom. ^ jttT i ^T.^ Zm. [ rEfSTfTT/. I 2 a Koman having children. B^^^TSft/. 3^T4><^"T/. 3TT- 8 ( in vinegar, &c. ). c(r ot. fq^^ ?«. [ ^fJT-^. JfoiHEB, a. native. 3Tfn^, ^Trft=qT, ^^T^^TT, J^T^^^, W- MoiHEE-i:,'-iAw, «. ^T'g;/. =^=iT/.HrifT/. (e.i. wife's mother.) i Father of m. aTT^tBTHTT ni. \ Mother of m. 3Tr5r«l?5[/- Ji M. of one's son or daughter. f§r^<7T /. i MOTEEE OP PEAEL, M. PfT^r f^TT/. WTf^>15TH; m. H^IITTW. j MOTDEE-aOSOVE, M. 3Tfn=f- 2 animal life and action. ^^^^?J^ pop. '^g!^J\^^^ n. rr- 3 gesture, S,-c. v. AcTioy. Cflrnf^^T w. 'JTiPl^%'?r/. 4 agitation, intestine action. TS^j^/. TSji)?!/. ^'S^j^/. ^- 5 feeling or thought arising, impulne. vfm m. ^'^^^\ f. if- f^/. ^^'^^tt/. T^r^^ »/(. ^^\\^f. ''^^ m. 6 proposal made. JprS^^Jjr '^fHSTFT ?«• g^^^^r 'iTf'TSTF'Twi. JpRfW^M^^^T/. ^p!fg5^'TT«roT «. ^5^N^^^ m. 1 — in medicine ; stool. ^\^ m. ^^f m. To Motion, v. n. make a gesture. ^^ /--^^TR^/.-^^lRT «i. -&c. ^JRiir. Motionless, a. fH''y\^ or 3, ft'^T, ^^-.t, 3T^?5, f^^-?, ar- Motive, o. causing motion, t. JfovEJi. 'JTI^r^, sf^frT^, ^^\- \ Motive, n. that which incites to action. ^.VK^ n. ^ m. f^- fjT^ n. ^lfr^M^xJ n. ^^^f. ^^i\^ n. ^^v^T. «. ^^■^- I ^ n. sj-?iT^q- ;;. Eelation between the ni. ( or efficient ) and the ■work ( or eifeet proposed ). spft^^ sf^r^I^TT^ »;. Motley, a. composed of different colors. STH^IR^, "T^'i'fT, TRTTRft, ^^'^^i f^^f^N^^- 2 composed of different Jcinds.^ tj'ff. v. iMEBLY. qijf^^^fT- MoTOH MoTOET. See Mover. Motto, n. sentence or phrase — as on a signet, prefixed to an essay, &c. fprTRlrl/. H^Tf^^JfRfte ^\^^ «.-ff^ »i. 5?TS^ m. Mould, n. concretion from damp. ^^ or ?ft/ sj^]- j/j. sf;^ A sliooting or thread of m. '^^^Z n. "White m. mf. ^f. 2 fflr^/i, v. Soil. JTRft/. Black m. ^T5ft/. EfT^t/- STR^TT^ft/ 3 jwa/z-u-. ^T^r m. v(^f. 3?moff /• 4 casl^ figure, v. For.m. ^ToS m. qr^ 7/;. sls w. 'T^t/. Of the same m. ^^^. [^fMJ^^. To Mould, v. a. make mouldy. ^^ft/.-&c. aTr'Jl^-^^^^T'Ji', 2 fashion, make, v. To Form. ^5"!,^^^, ^T5W, TrRdf, To m. to ones wishes or will. hi. v. V. A. 2. qf ?rar, ^FlS^rSr, 3TT^JR %|^r, Ac. 3 Jra%?^T, Hf^, [-TT50TRT, Ac. Mouldee,m. Mouldino,;j. a. V. V. A. 2. ?51TRT, TH^OTRr, To Mouldke, v. n. turn to dust, crumUe may. g?^, f^'JT, MOTT 552 UOTJ 2 duindle auai/, tvuste auay. ^"if, ?JT^^?!at, ^T^, ^^ m.-i&e. ^ y- 0/ «. MouLBiSESs, n. V. A. 1. "«raoft/. T^'^ «. I. — iu arcliitecturc. qplift/ ^nl^ »". Mouldy, a. overjroun uith mould. gmT or 5^^, JTHScTT, ^H ^ ^>r=?r, ^X\?[ ^^TSH?^, &c. g^?"!?!, ^^^WT. To become m. v. To INIould. %?rflT^0T, ^T^. 2 — of smells. ^«J7, ^cft^ or ^il, ^N^, 75{?. To smell m. ^5or, To Moult, v. n. sited or cast the feathers, hair, ^'c. fro n. fl.-'JX «i;'/.-4^ 55^ y. of s. T, V. n. rise on high.^ ascend. ■Zi^\., ^ ^T?^, JJ^ 2 yfi o« horsflack, ^c. =El5ijf , -■Sfn>;^ijf, ^qiT »?• ?^rR ^, aTRt^«.-3?5Rr^ir?!.-&c. ^i^"^, 3 See To Amount. To Mount, v. a. lift on high, v. To Eaise. ^sgof, 3^ ^^, 2 (a horse, hill, &c.) climb, ascend. =q5ST-^5vr 5W% ivith sfT 0/0. 3rrfr^»i.-3TKrft7rn.-&c. jrot with ^k ofo. arre:- 3 jplace on horselack, furnish with a steed, ^^of, ^eTIT Of ^R JFT^r, ira^af, qrjT«!.-&c. ^, 3Tre;5 Jp^iff. 4 (guard) TT^m. ^?;at, qj^-iTT^ ^TW. 5 (a map, &e.) ^7^ ^f\f. •M«cjui_ 6 (a gem) T't^oifrT sra^oj Mountain, «. /uW. im^m. q5f?rm. ^^m. ^fim. T^m. %^m. Crest or brow of a ni.HT'tnm. ftT^TM.qT?JTmr»i.?PT^5;f»?!. Country at the foot of a va. fTci^RM. race of a m. STTSgiJiM. Foot of a ra. HotMI-im. Pass over a m. m^m. [«j. ^-.aNa w. Eange of mountains. ^T^wz. TtTfTm. ^T. 5Tfn=Tr»». End piece of the m. of a sword scabbard. fT^T<^». To MouBN, V. n. soirotv, grieve. T5% |;^w.-%5>».-^^/. -T/.-&C. ^p^Tjf, |;?jf-5(To5l. rj/. T/. ?^ M. ^r^?t. ;| I. the dress of mourners. ^rT^^Hi^^,"! «. ^rf«pt%^ »». ITT- j fftn;^ m. aT^M+lrft'l^T ?«. ^11^^37^%^ *"■ The Hindus I express mourning by leaving off the turban, sandals, I robes, &c. Mouse, n. v. Bat. 3^ in. f4d+p;M'<(tr ot. Hn^F m. There j is no word in common use for a mouse as distinguished from a rat. " Still as a m. f^ f^T^ ^ ^ Moir 653 i\rov JMousE-TKAP, n. 3f5?T^r or g^TT^T HT^oH' m. 3^f\ f.-&c. JrfT'jf y. of s. ^V^^^m^K^-l^^i^^^-^mT'^ ffrs «. W.^r^ or ^raf «i'/^A g.ofs. To be in every body's m. TrsTof. To become sore, — the m. - nrq-rft/. TTriifr/. fr^oft/. qq'^ o?- q"f^ ». 2 ^ri^^^rr-^Fft^-ctc. ^T^orr^. Mouthed, p. and a. v. V. A . 1. J?reqT 3TT^^ ^^Trir, &e. I. furnished with a mouth. ^ilT^, ^ilt ( iu comp. ), ^'f- Sr ( in comp. ). MovAHi.K, a. T. V. not stationary. =qr?ITT ot.- sqr^H- m.-&c. q;^^. 7 provoke, ^-e. v. To AsGEn. %^r^iJr, ^'5^^. To Move, v. n. be in ^notion. ^^ or ^?5at or f^^oT, ^~Jofj fTn;in, ?355^, ^-s^, =^rarT[-^T^-nf?if^fHT^-'S.c. ar^fjf. MFC 551 ?rrD To m. aside, wflX-e uay, leave room. 9PC^'?f, 'R'^ ^m, ' 12 i/ielil on impiihf, '0, p. a. T. V. A. 1. ^T^«juil,U, ^P?«I"I K I, Secret m. strtTgrft. 3 3^ ^T?wTTr, &c. sjTffcq'rT^ifrtf^^ .") n«(? Pathetic. :^ STmoUTT, &c. ^tv^'JIT^^^, ^F^T- T. V. X. 1. ^WTT, =5?T^'TrT, &e. ^^?TT, ^^rJT, f^FTT, 2 ^^tJim, &c. ^T=5m, ^^TfTHr'T. 3 ^sTT^iITTT, &c. =5IT?=r^, T^T^^tTT, &c. ^fTTt ( in comp. as, 3TT^?r?frtt, M':^^K1, &C. ). i^roviXGLT, ado. V. A. 5. +J-.iJll-, V. n. heat and ferment in the mow. ^ /.- &C. vjI(U|. Much, o. ^reai m quantiti/, amount, ^■c.\. EsuBEBAST.giTrr, "PIT, ^^TT.p; or or, Hirr, 7??, T^.^ or ^, 5)^^, sj^, 1- ?!PT, ^nrr, ktk, f^?rt^. As m. as. ^5f?r, f^T^^T correl. with ?lsr?T i f?I?l^T So much. [^HSRm. How 111. i%?ft, %cT?T, f^?T^, fqr^^, f^?(:p, f^^T^, fC- Just so ui. JT^^T^IT. So m. S^r^T, (T^T^T, ?rPT?r, f^^. To make m.ol", es/ccm highly. t7T^-?r?T ^TRiif. 2 f 'DA>"CE, ExuiiEKA>XE."^- (niPzqtlTT »n. STT^'f n. qr^'r^T «. ^TrP'T ot. Mucilage, «.— of vegetables. =^^ m. f^^.'=^ f. ^w.^% m. 2 — of the joints and articulations. ^.^ m. Mucilaginous, a. v. N. 1. slimy, Sjc. v. Viscous, f^^^r, f^^?;, f^f^^H, f^^ToS, f^^RT, f^rSTT. Mucilagiijouskess, li. V. A. f^^j?:''!/. f^^=^^/. Muck, n. dung, Sfc. for manure, \. Maxuee. ^norf^\n m.n. Heap or mass of m. ?firR n. 2 mire, filth, mud, dirt. \^^f 'sj^m. ^^f =^/. W^n. 3 slop, mess, &;c. ^TtT/- ^ri^ n. rT^^tJT »». ^^/. TTTT m. Muck-heap, IMuck-hill, n. ^^, m. [??;. ^T^^m. MuCK-swEAT, n. profuse sweat, jfisr '^fPT ot. ^r'T^'^^T ^H To be in a m. ^riTr=^qT ^'^It,^\^] ^\W.m. BFIcr. MuCK-wOHM, n. ^(=ff%5T ?n. ?r'Jrf%5T"!. MucKixEss, w. T. A. f^■^■sf. f^m^tl/. f^^r^tq/. ?T^/. %?T m. ^f ^Y^f ^?^/. ^5/. Mucky, a. covered idth muck; filthy, dirty, ^'c. f^3f%^^, ^^, W5, ^'^i ^Tft=^, f%?jT^r=^, ''^=^1, &c. Mucous, a. slimy, ^c. v. Viscous. f^^tJr, N^N^fft?!, 2 secreting a slimy substance. t.^ll^Hc^ ^"ITTT, +.*lfdH- STfTT^. Mucus, «. viscid fluid secreted ly a memlrane. H^ m.n. pop. rm m. if^^^^ m. n. +,^. SIuDOEP, -Muddled, ;;. v. V. 1. q|oE?5?jr, n^???ir, &c. TfjE, ?7^, 1551, sp, X'^rS, =5Tq^, =^5I5Sft?r, ^F^f^rT. 2 3TiT^r^ n^«, f?ifT^ Tf^. Ml'dded>ess, I\Iuddled>ess, jj. v. P. 1. tsTSoj/. t^^oST m. MuDDisEss, «. V. A. 1. f=^^^ m. f^^=^lf. N^^t^/. i%- ilT^t^l/. I^q^m/. ^^T 7/1. %!/. ^^/. %5/. ^^/. MUDDI>'C., JIUDDLIXO, «. Y. Y. 1. — «t^ IT|3;ot n. T^tlf «. MuDDT, a. having mud. fq-?qfH:T^r, ^TT'-T?, ^^^, "Tl^rJ, q^- M. water, f^^sr^oft ?i. A m. road, f^^^qr^/. M. and sticky, f^f^ft^, f^^^T^, f^H^T. 2 readily turning to mud. p^liH'^'i'i, %5rf. 3 /iirJfW, /o!(Z, feculent. qf5J, qsol, ^|^, sr5J, ^^^HS, ?;^, TTj, qi^re, %5j, ^F^Tsr, . To become m. TJ^'jf, ^l^iif, TT^'Jt. 4 S0(7f rf Jfii/; mud. fsT^^TT^'m^c^r. 5 «7kZZ, t/m, dusl-y. h^jOh, it^?7. 6 (7!^ ^\- tr%^, ^^^rqrT^^r, ^mT=^ ^w^^r, &c. Muffleh, n. MuFFLi^io, p. a. \. V. A. 1. 372^jf, 2f3 m.-n^llR^/. qq-'_ 2 ( a state, &c.) ^ »».-^3''ft/ Efvf, '^iviSE, n. mongrel offspring if a horse and an ass. ^=q^ w. «. %=^/. 3T=«rfIT "». Young- m. f^Ttt »»• Muleteer, ». mule-driver. ^^?ifr^r, ^^-l^^nr, ^=^r^r^TT=r ?«. ^T- MuLisn, a. stulhorn, \. Obstinate. TW, Tf^t, TR^IT, ir- ailT, f^5, '^5, ^s;?:, ^^ii. MuLisuNESs, «. V. A. qT^qiJir m. '^^.TM^ m. &c. ^^KZ^V^, f. To IMuLL, V. a. heal icilh spices. ^^WA m^ ^^^-^TH ^.^.- or-&c. [»«• q^Twi. MuLLEU, n. rulhing stone, or roller. ^]Z'\m. ^ri^rw. rST^CTF 2 (fof spices, drugs, Ac.). SR^ST o>" ^^'l^w«. sfR'Trwi. tfT?:- U||'J4I'«. Mullet, n. ^^HTW^TTf. Mulligrubs. See Gripes. C^^. BIultangular, «. hating many angles. ST^^P^, 5r;g'fT^r^''T, MuLTlFAEiOUS, a. having great variety. ^^^^T■J^r^J^^^^ sf^FR, 3?^^sr^TT, 5r^'<^', 3T%^f^'4, ^mrf^-'^, '^f-i^ST, MuLTiFiD, MuLTiFJGOus, a. having many rf/f/jio;!«.q^?TT^, Multiform, «. having many forms. il^Hfc,Hf=^,4, Multilineeal, a. having many lines. «i^rK-p, n. iiKinler to be miiltijjheJ. ^^^m. jxRim. Mvi.TiPiiCATE, a. conistii'^ of muni/, or more than one. 3T- JIvLTiPi.iCATiox, n. V. Y. A. l.—aci. A\imn. sj^ ^PT^n. Ac. si^inTJTH. ST^f^FT'JTrt. [aijp'JTW n. 2_o,-7. roTur/i. ijunTTTw. ropT'i. ^TFTw. JTrT/. ^^». Coliimu of the'm.-tablo. "TTIT or qniTw. Cross drawn in proving a ui. «FrST»«. — To prove by lliis cross, ^TC\m. T^, Some of the modes of multipli- cn/(0" arc, TJ^^rf yTT^R in. by a figure subdivided iuto (squares. tn*Hl'Ju[l^^ the ordinary method. "sfJT JOTT^R a complicated cross mode. ri.fTTJ'JPT m. according to tlie places i. e. in the common way. firHTTn'JI?T m. by sub-multiples, of the multiplier. ^'S^^RT m- by divid- ing the multiplier iuto parts and taking the sums of the products of the multi])lier. ^^"jni^T m. by the whole multiplier at once. tr"?rT>=^H or ^'^^^ cross m. thMld^ftT and spT^f^Tg the same as pf or !i% (as (^jp -THq;, ^'^v^. MuLTn'ious, a. having many u-ays. ^^^r\^\z\^^.| si^^'?, ^■ Multocular, o. having many eyes. 5T^~5icc;qT, ^TpT^, «T^?^T- MuLTUBE. See Geinding. Mum, interj, hush. =ETcqr ! HJ-, JT^-^p^-^FR-Ac. f^fr. Mum, «. T. Silent. ^Vq q^^?^. To sit, &c. m. iT?:^?r-57-&c. q^^. To Mumble, v. n. speak supprcssedly, inarlicidalely, ^w \. To Mutter. 3ftef?r ^\^^., nornor^, notH^iJr, ^sjfz^, ^T?^^, g^tr^, g'^Tj^rot, m^^^. 2 chew H'ilh the mouth closed, aft? ^A^f^ ^^"^-^Ttrf, ^- «T^-3^*Ta[?r- f^iJfJ'M adv. ^pif. To Mumble, «;. a. utter ivith a loiv inarticulate voice, t. To Mutter. 3fref?T ^or, • 2 silent anger. MHHJ'I «». HH^^T KHTrl^r TTT '«. aTrf'.^r'4'». To have the ni. JTH^, 31?:^^, STqZ^'Jr or a^sfST^, To Muxcu, t>. «. eat or clieu- sloidy turning over in tlte mouth. Jo j\Iu>'CH, «. a. eat slotvly, S,'c. ^^T^I'^, =^^^ ^1^. JIUNDASE, a. earthly, terrestrial. H?^T^rq-T, ^g^tw^T, f^- Mu>"DATiox, MuNDATORT, &c. See Cleansing, &c. Mundivaoant, a. wandering over the world. ^5i^^TT^^, ^- MuxGCOEN. See Manqcorn. Mungoose, n. viterra inchneumon. Jtq^fr or irn^T m. ?r^ m. Mungeel. See IMonokel. 3IuNiciPAT., a. belonging to a city or corporation. ^?t*^^r, ^Hs^rirTHr, ^R^tTR^r, ^^^tnfsT^^T ^^"iif?r?jr. 2 belonging to a country. f^Tr;^. \$\. MuxiciPALiTY, n. division of country, v. County. f^^T m. Munificence, «. v. A. ^^r?:T'TT in. ^\m^f. ^r^T?l7'Jrr >». w. ^^ Jl. JIuNiFiCENT, a. generous, S;c. v. Liberal. 3^, ^l^^^TT ^- ^T^5irreft. ['TJ-l?, &c. Munificently, a(/y. t. A. g-^T- f^i^rsr^, ^5^?^- ! or, HT^, iTT^r or JTisjif, TPT^^T jjo;). JTT?^^?r, p;=!;ft, 5m?T, f^^JVH, V'^ or V'^FTTTT'JT, «rtn, ^T^, T^fR i«'i^. f^- 5191. f?ome of thc/cwin^'arc, .•3T?^^r_, aTT^TRTt, ^HT.^ . or JTorqfrEfl", jfrst, ^1=^, ^'I'T^'TtH't, ^r'ft, T%^r€r, ^^ j ir=^, 5=r?TRt, Tm%?ft pop. tttt^ or %at, gn^, 1r- J tr^. .Some musical 7neai!ures arf, iT-TrfF;, fsTcTR, ^r?TI(7, ir^R, f^P^, n;;:^. The«o/Mf/j«!/s/care, f^TTT^ /^oiJ. fr^TT^, ^TT, TftnT, T^, H'^'m, 't^iT, q^rT. Some of the musical inslritmcnis are, STHiT^I?^, +!^t & fr?5^, ?Tq^r, ftgtr, ^r^ft, ar^TT, a'TTTOf or n , HrllO, 53t, f?5t, '^'T^Tr, ^RTTT, HT^fT, »m, H^, TaT|=^nT, '^^fwr, ^iTT ^Jo^. f^'JTT, ^f^f, ^^ With shoutiug and souudiug of m. instruments. Jfr^ TPIH. [ ^\T\in m. 2 plai/ing on a musical instrument. Sfj^T m. ipTT^OT n. A b.iud of m. «|MI w. Entertainment of instrumental and vocal m. ^iftrT ». JIusiCAt, a. lelonjinj to music. iTTtr?TT?lT^=J''^r% f^=^, gjgrf^f^RT, f^^^TT^^-'ft, n'^f^tTFrl^'^t, sj-R.^fEfS^rf^T- M. instrument. sfl^T t'- JI. glasses. ^J^T m. [ f^T'J. 2 V. HAiiiiosious, Melodious. g^iTr-T, g'^^, g^^f^- o /o;i(/ ofmt/gic. mvz^m^f^'J^T^r 'iToC^FT, ^TTq'fir'T, STT^- H^TTrT, ^r^^^'-T, ^i^fsT^, ^r=rw^, ?II?J=i^^aTra?f>. MusiClA>": n. 2>erformer on an instrument of m. JTI^'if*', «rr- g- cjT^rsfJTRT, ^TT^^, ^TI^^^, ^3^ or ?fr ( a particular caste ), ^T?5TT ( a particular class of the mang, and maliiir castes ), ?jn^ ( they are IMuhammadaus ). The ?^m ( barbers ) and ^? ( Shudra priests ) are also musicians. Band of musicians. 7m I must s-o 1, JSTToif ( as fqTrJT ^JTT^ FA^^ ), ^TTH C3T?T'if ( as JTrIT ^M STTK 3^ ). To Must, v. n. grow mouldij and sour. «. Si'jin/j/i dichotoma. Oil extracted from it, f^K%?5 7i. To Mustek, jj. a. assemble, ^-c. v. To Gather. fTTo5^, 2 ( troops). ^Tf^• =r^c^Tr n, ?liq2qq[ ?n. &c, f^TT/. ?ruT 559 -MTR I. stale and sour smell. ^^^M/. T^^Tf'JT/. ^K^^f. 3rcsTT, a. motddy, that stinks from age, Sj'c. 3'5I^, ^^Z or jJTT, ^, ^T?: or HN^,^nf , 5TT, sn^rar, ^twt^i, ^trtc. To turn lu. g^of, 3'irr'S. MUTABTLITT, ^lUTABLEXKSS, n. V.A. 1. 37ft'4T?rT/. 3T^^^n- aT?''GEABLE. =q=qH or 55, =q=5f?^- iSrvTATiox. See Change. 3IUTE. a. not vocal, g^r, ITHT, ^\^.^^^^^ ^T^ ^Jf^, ^Tiftft=T 2 «o< speaking.^ v. Silent. KRT, H^^vT, f^3?f»^. Mute, n. v. A. ^ iTT^^rra. [FTT^N^-M-d^'J. 2— in grammar. 3trf^iirH^Tl%^sq^f^^JTvT^n. Jr^T^f^- Jb Mute, «. n. r/t/ni;, — birds. f^T^'Jt. JIUTE, «. dung of birds. \f(Zf. JIutelt, adv. X. A. 2. a»(? Silently. =^7 or ^c^r, THt7 or =qT, T?, H^, K^^^T-^^-f^^ft, ^I^-^Tf, ^K. Muteness, »i. v. A. 1. H^tott m. JTRTOTr wi. ^^TT^fT n. 2 and Silence. 5%q"0Trw!. iTRTOTr'". ^i^ j^^P- ^"^n. S'o Mutilate, v. a. mttim,deprive of a limb or essential part. artTn. rfre'Jf g. of o. 3Tn3^w.-3T^^^«.-ctc. JRiif y. of 0. "T^-R'+-rt-5^-fq'^?5f'T-&c. ^FW. JIuTILATED, 2). V. A. 3Ttn rf-Tl%?:n', &C. 'flll^^PT, f^^P^tl, 3IrTiLATioN, n. T. v.— r^fi. 3TfT rfreoT". arm^rswt/. 3T'T- M. (of a thief, &c.) riglit and left. %\k ^^n. 3Iutineeh, «. one guilty of mutiny. ^p\^ sj's ^PT^JIRT, ^TT JIutinous, c. v. N. ^wk,'%?^IT, eff^n^T, ^T^ft, f^K^lt, Mutiny, n. military insurrection. -Ess, »». V. A. 1. ns^oTr m. ^vi^J. "Jf^/- »». gfq^HT ^T^fR w». [". 3^ "it? /. MrsTEnr, n. t. Secret. ?:^/)ojj. t^j^t m. "T^ «. tpt «. 3i^ 2 Sec MrsTEEiousxEss 2. Hrsiic, Mystical, n. obscure, ^c. \. MrsTEEiou3. n^, M. prayer or iucantatiou3I. verse. H^STwi-^^TrwrM. M. word or sound. 5^r|frT/. 2 involving a secret meaning, v. Emulejiatic. FJT^foT^, MisiiCAL>-Ess, Mysticism, «. y. A. 1. JT^itr «i. "3^?^/. To j>IrsTiFr, v. a. involve in miistcry. qj-Ac. ^FT^-^??7r ^- ^^01, f?; n.-jpfl jj. q;w g. oj o. pa^.i ^ ^h^^t^ot, ^ ^c^nt^r ^T"lT,'T^?TT/ -e, abstract, v. Simple. J^r o/ 5^'^T m. Boys get their names ou the 12th day. Girls on the 13th day, of their age. The name given ou the 12th day is called ^T^^rK, Besides the above name it is usual for Brahmau boys to have a name for com- mon use. This is called =-m«j^l^^^r5T. It is called also srfrfOT^m, OT^ft'T^fsr, ^^"^^i^, & ^r^^f^. Besides the above two there is ?f[M=5t^rH or a name MAP C61 KAP takcu from tlie Kakshalra in which the Jloon was at the boys birth. It is used at his munj. It is called also ^H-HIH, A girl receives a new name at her marriagp, which bocomes her ^rW^^JTf^; her former name ( her ^?T- ^f^ ) continuing to be her r^l^i^ ^i^. Natives use familiar abbreviations of Names. Thus JTr^TT^T becomes HT^ir, ^^rf^^T becomes ?r^, 5(51^ be- comes iiT^, ^IH-tJi{ becomes ^FTT, &c. &c. The family n.amcs ( surnames ) of females taliC a feminine form, as ite^r^lcA+Outj^sr-^TTSti^RfTT-CT^, &c. &c. It is usual for a Brahman to use his father's name between his own name and his surnatne, as q'^TTT There arc numerous affixes of honor or respect attached to proper names. Some aro collected here. Affixes to names of males generally, iir«rr, ^ir, ^, ^TRTj ar^, artniTT, srr^ft, ?r5T, ^TFfr, ht^, ^r^t, ^tr^tt, ^T^5T,(as ^iiifr^iT, f^reRT, 'TTT^, ifrr^Ti=r 3^Tr, r%nPT?f ?TRr, ^itI; tTI^, &c. ); — to names of Brahmans, ?PT; — to names of Brahman shrofts, ^T^ ( as {=3;^^, ^irF );— to names of Bruhman writers, tf'rf; — to names of Kshatriyas, ?>T ( as ^wicjHT^f^q- ) ; — to names of Marathas or Shudras, *rT^?5 ( as ^TtpftTT^r^); — to names of merchants and tradesmen, it^ or ^15, %V^- — to names of soldiers or clerks, ^T^f or xm ( as ^z^^JJ^ ). — to names of Lingails, f%T; — to names of carpeutcrs, &e. ^rS^TT ; — to names of barbers, iT^rfTT or wm or Fff, TIHt, (as f^tPPH^?^ ); — to names of Mahars, TTf ( as i??K^^^?, f^TTrf- »Tlf, T^Hlf; — to names of Madrasees, ari^TT,— to re- spectful names and titles generally, ?n^^(as ^r=Tr?rr|'I, ^^€T|»r, also to the designation of, as. 'TT^^T^rf^, g- *T^ ^T^'Ii "^P-) ; — to names of females, gener. 5fTr,ipTT, Hrr, 5Rt, HPlT', TTS", fJT^ft, Jprf , ?Tf;— to names of Shudra women, 3Tr^, ^T^rr, ■ar^fT^. Addressing by n. ^IHtJ^uT n. rflHM^ m. Bad, unlucky, &c. n. ^^t^T n. Bearing the n. of. sff^T^, TTT^tO ( in comp. ). Calling to mind the n. of (a god, &c. ). ?TIM*HT?TT. Named, p. ^- a. v. V. 1. ^f^ f^|^, &'<^- ^W^^^, ^^-T^rrF, srrarFTqT^. [j^^trt. I. hearing the name of. ^\^\'^\, &e. ^y^^ ( in comp. as, ^'^ mH=^ ), ^mr ( in comp. as^ ^\'S(T^\Tf{'^ ., and fem. qwf as ifTT^r^T' ), ^TH'-mT', TTT'^R^, ^W^ ( in comp. as, ^5UTT?^ ), ?Tfft ( in comp. ). Nameless, a. f^^^, f^^rr^qr, 'iTHTHT, HlH• HrRI^HOT K. Nap, «. a s7iO)-(! sleep. f?T^-^q^r f ^^r wJ.-S^^Tw. ^q^ To take a u. i\^.,^N\ ^5 wi.-ilwTf^ ^Ff^"- HT50T. 2 down. ^ n. To Nap, v. n.x. N. 1. |^^/.-Ae. q^-^T'AncOTIC, a. causing stupor. JTT^RT, SmTf, m^, »K^PTft. 2 Seo Opiate, Sopobific. >'.^OTIC, n. medicine ichicJi caiifex uliifor. tt^^T^ 'HI'TtT n. Naup, n. spikenard. vf^mMt/- >'aBBabi.e, n. ///a< moy if rtiatcd. ?Tf'TT'Trm'TT-&c. PtoTT To Nakbate, v. a. relate, v. To Tell. ^Htnof, ^ifiif, f^^- wf, ^FVT Ji.-f^TCTW n.-&e. ^PTWf y. o,'' o. ^5nf • Nabbated,;). v. A^ ^ffrR^=5T, Ac. 1%?j:fqF?, ^4rT. >'abbatiox, 71. V. v.— (Zf^ ^TfTJi «. &e. Hi^huI «. 5p'if, ^#^, ^^=5r WJ. \\^ g. ofs. PI^RT^'n', siKqRT^iJf. JfAEEOW-MISBED, a. V. NaEEOW, 3. 3TSf^H*T^=qT, ^W^- XaKEOWED,;). v. v. a. 1. 3#^ %%^, &C. ^^Frf^rT, ■Hff^H , >'ahbowlt, ado. T. A. 1. 2. 3T^, 3Hi>-iM>JlT^, 3T^^f^, 3?r-Ess, n. V. A. 1. 34'b'^Mm i m. &c. 3T%^/ ^{^f. 2 Ff^TSqtJTT wi. &c. ST^Tpir/. ^TFTR^Tn Ml. 'iTSr^TSTrTT/. 3 HHrqr '#t5i3TwqoiT m. arsr^iJ^m/. 'iTqrn»?!T w. ■1 ^fT^qtJir >)i. 5(T^^i?/. ^e^TriT/. ql^-e. Natal, a. pertaining to lirtJi. ^•■mi-'HT, ^^H'"?^, ^r^iT^'ifqt, vTi-nRqq-^, ^'JT (in comp. as, 7r?Hr4m, ^:^^, &e.). Nathless. See Neveetheless. Nation, n. people, t^^fj »«. ^^T »«. m. ^fn/. fif^Tcr^^i^^^ffiT/. National, «. belonging, ^-c. to a nation. f^\]n \t^ir{\^ ?;:. ^f^, ^T^f^T, fsr^T^^T^T^rirasfq^, %5TT=qr, l^q-, TTf|^, N. custom. ^^WiT m- %^Tr^TT m. \^i■^^^, m. ^^q^^- 2 attached to one's nation. ^^^^T^^T^., ^^^TrfHHT^, ^CTJTfHm^. [/. "^HTf^ n. Nationality, Nationalness, m. v. A. 1. ST^T'^rr m. ^j^^ 2 ^ST^TfinTTTr m. ^snrfTiTR m. Nationally, adv. t. A. 1. ^W. "^f^pf, ^T?f ""^"pT, t^t^T., ^ifdd;, ^n% ?fr^, ^tt^t^ j^hf. Native, a. W0(^ artificial, oiot acquired, T. Natueal. ^^pft- 2 conferred by birth. =pJTnTr, ^T^STTR, ^'Jlf^T^, ^?^T- 3 natal. ^-iTT^r, ^;fT^ in comp. N. country, N. land. ^j=i\^t m. "^'ni^ f. ^'^^ m. 4 indigenous, notjoreign. f{^K€[ or ^S^fT, ^?T^, ^^ft, %- ^ftq,5;^?RqvT. " ^ [(in comp.). Native, n. one born in any place. ^-H^^rfr, 3^^%?^, %?ft^ Nativity, n. v. Birth. vrT'T ?«. «• TT3T »t. irMFrl/."^???/. Astrological calculation of a n. ^ft^ »!. rTPT^ «, Astrological record of a n. ^^q^ n. v5^'JTq?ft /. ■^- ••nqpiiq^/ ^'hRmitt n. ■m^cjn «• Determination of the name At a n. Fffer^H/, ^ NAT I Figure ( of the zodiac, &c. ) drawn iu tracing tho aspects of a n. vT-Hjiri^ /. Month of one's u. ^^JTT^ »'. Name given at one\s ii. ^T^qrT "• ^rf^T^TTH fop. l\- ?Rfcr n. ?l?^^TH 71. ^t^r^f. ^TT^T^FTisf n. Planet of a n. ^?;t^^^ ii. ^ntt^^^ n. Sign of a n. ^^TTTTf^T m.f. pop. 3T?H?TH/. ^'T;=nT n. Iv ATRON, n. impure carlonato of soda. ^^T^I?' oi' ?I^^T^"'. ^\k^TK m. ^^\f. ^\^%\}. ^\^^^TK in. ^7qr?T m. is'attisess, n. v. A. xn^=5fr"ft/. ^rWrft/. qrft^qr'fry. sr- Natty, a. nice and spruce, v. Neat. ^IW"^^, dl+Pi+'^r, Natueal, a. pertaining to nature, effected li/ nature, derived from nature, innate, native, cj'c; not artificial, not acquired, ^jrffrqr, 3TFRT, 'W'UMI, ?^'TT^=5Tr, Sf^Jrft^, WoTSTT, &c. ^ETTHTf^ pop. JPTTlftHF, RTTF^ff^^, ?T^^, m- ^^^, ^^TH, !r?7?f, sirj^JF, ir^f?rf?T5, wf%f5-7?, st^- f?lH, ^?T:f!T5,'%WHW, WFHpW, ^TT^^, f^T^fl^, ^^- fHF'4, 'JTrrSTtH, 'fl?TH5r, HTf^=P. N. friend or ally. ^r^^f^T^, ^V^f^^. N. enemy. ^Il^^l^r, HpTlfr, STT^fTTft. N. neutral. ^^^RRrfT. 2 regidar, reasonable, followinj the natural course. »TT- *tNt, ^Wr^, wi^., "T'^psTT, ^?ft^, #=5fT, ''TmT=sTr, ^rr- vTxfr, ^'ilTHFT, ^yr^^, T'4iqT^, q"tIP5?f). 3 not forced, 7wt far /etched, ^"c. ^TT^fr, HTnf^T, ^^3, ^ioft^, ^^ i'^i^- ^^i ^^^^, ^T^f^, arfjg"?. 4 illegitimate, v. Bastakd. ^^^T, 3^?fk^, arf^f'^^^rf, 5 — as opposed to violent, premature, &c. g^T^I, 5^, gq^qoiMi, 3T?T?m?rr, T't^r^^, =^^^^^ ft?ftWr. N. deatli. arPTB JTroT ?^. W"T^OT «. §H^tiT «. G according to truth or realiti/. Jr'IR- Ty NatvraUze, v. a. confer on the rights of a native. \^- 2 mahe natural; malce familiar, Sfc. ^r^T? /.-?RT».-&c. TRI%, ^5TT«. ^^H m. ?ft=!; or ;rftcE «. ^^'^^ n. ^T^^^\^ m. ^^^ipfw^f. nr^ m. ^j^^if f^r- ^n m. f^r^HT^ '«. CT «. ^^ n. ^f^f^f. ^n m. ^/. arrTTTT »«■ 5^ »■ ^r^ n. ^}^ n. By n. naturally. ^Tpft^, ^^TTPTT, ^:=K?T:, TT3T?T. Blind by n. ^Jnrtf'-J^, ^t^Jt!'-:!, nHT»^. Not iu the n. or being of. 3T?t'l'r ^f f, nt4t ?{Tff , ^r- ^irT ^f r. In the expression of the vnalteralleness of an evil Nature, and, in close correspondence with the phrases. Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the- leopard his spots ? Wash a sow and she'll return to her wallowing. What's bred in the bone cant be got out of the flesh. Who can wash a Blackamoor white ? Crooked by nature crooked for ever. Ac. are the follow- ing in Marathi, ?T^ ^f^ H5t^f?5Tt?T ^ m?taj ( ^^TT- ^TTH ?TTft ; f 'T ^Jr5S?5 ^^ ^\7. {or^m) 3T5^ ^jff ; \^m- 3 disposition oj mind, temper. ^*IR in. ^^f^ f. rlf«<^d/. 4 estallished or regular course of things. HPTf «i. fTfr ^o/. ^/. =^T^/ :ftf?r/. ^TT^ m. q'«. f /. ST^^'^T'T m. ^f^frnroi »». ^/. 7 sort, species, kind, ^frj pop. ^\r\ f spPR in. t\f^f. 8 constitution, the vital qualities and energies, ^(^f^f ^- f^lff^/. ^m m. pi. sfr^^ri^/. c^r^ H. ^5{t5^5I^^T NAV 561 NEA To be eihausteil— n. srnJT »t. ;'Z. '«T:p7f, Dffices of nature. I^tpf wi. Eiisiiig or relieving u. ??r^ «■ *T^f«r^'f '«. H^^^^TT fi. H=fT?Hn "'. K?r»T^ft^?i «. ». #!:?». f+ol« /. »j. f^P^^f. f^^FTTTwJ. f^rinsFTm. f^oFFRT"!. ^T/. f?T?r^FrCr/. 5y IS'auseate, v. a. loatJie. srtoJJJT, R -. oi^ ijt, ftf^tif, 3"^fP:Wj 3Tt^"»f, ?^d N uf j^P^TotTff J .-^Zm. -pp5E^/. m.— & c . %aT ^. ofo. Kith in. con. [/.-&c. aTT'T'jf. 2 affect tcilh disr/xist. T. To Disgust, f^^^mf. m.-f^SH !Nauseous, a. loathsome, ^'c. v. Disgusting. 3H|-+,Ktjr"'TT, aSFR. [ot. &c. Natjseocsness, «. V. A. 5iTy<-uMqr«!. ^ruK^RorTw. 34''hioih«ii ^Nautical, a.pertainiiig to ^mvigation; ^'c. TR'-Ac. -^pX^- N. person. ^W^f, ^I+I-Hl"=fl. Naval, a. consisting of ships. r^T^T^rf^^n', &c. ^r^mT. A. n. armament. ar^TT or 3TKTT«. 2 Monging.^ ^'c. to ships. »T?I^r=ff=srr &c. fir%^, ^n^, SfJTtt or STiTTft, ^I^RtiJM^, ^>^rf^^'T^. Nave, ?i. (of awheel). Ht^w. ^f\ f. Hifw. ^ot. STTf^r/.m. Lining of a n. ^g^n. 2 (of a temple, &c.)'^,Hg5iii ^^v^ >tfT?.'5. Navel, ». qsft/. sjfofr/. 5TTf>T/. »«. :TTf*R-H^M. 37TRnw(. ■ — of animals, and, eoutemjjtuously of man. ^^Zn.-con- temptuouslv. ?T^FRw. Coil of the umbilical cord iu the pit of the u. '^in. Enlarged n. ^«. "^(^n. Hollow or pit of the n. stP-'TPTtTw. Eegion of the n. ^f'H'^^n. Region below the n. pubic region.i;j]?,^oi-7^'[^;?^7n. Swollen n. ^ n. ^Z n. That has a swollen n. ^IT or ^xTT. NAVEL-siniNG, n. ^T^ or ^W. n. HH^rft/. Cutting of the n. ^TR^^ m. ^wM^j\ 7i. Navigable, rt. that may he passed in a ship. 'T?7»frl'3n?TT- To Navigate, v. n. pass on ivater in ships., sail, ^^^r^i^^&c. f.-SiC. ^Ruf. To Navigate, v. a. sail over.^ pass over ly ship. *WM'^\H- &c. sri^^TRDT, 'lrl'lHl?T-&c. =En^?. rrTtfin. pi. ^^PWT^ »J. 2 ^tff^ of ships of war. l^\^\ or 3THR 7i. Nat, «(?y. «o. H, ^TTft, ^. 2 «o< Wi/i/ this. 3Ti %5r5l HTff, sp^, f%si|r;TT. Neap,Neap-tide,m. /o(y i/i/e. HfT?". HTT^TfR7«/. jfrSHfTW. To be at the n. Htl^. Neap, a. v. N. tftt^. Near, a. nigh, not distant. ^?5t^, "^^^^j, ^^S^r, ^'^\^i ^ift'R''^, f^w■z^-^']., ^ffj^^T^T, 3"Tf?T, T^rfn^F, ?if^f , ^f5rf|?T, 3TRj^, sfF^H^, ?f'«^, arfn^. 2 — as a road ; short., di^-ect. ^^r^^r, ^r?^, fpff^ or ^, 5ft^, ^Ti=I pop. 'B.Tm. [^n^TFIT. 3 c/ose/y related, ^.d^ot^r, v^or,^q-55=e^ ^fqT^r, qi^^^Tr, 4 closely concerning., affecting one's interest. :3nr3=sfr, ^r- ^rsc JTT'TJIRT, f^JPI^^^mr, atrftt, 3=frR#5fT, gTrRT^T, 5 cZ(5«e, 4-//)!y^, ^-c. v. JlisERLT. f%f^7, f%gr7, ^mrqr3T?, G— opposed to ofl"; of/Zje nearside. 3T?^^?^, 3T?^l?;f, On the n. side. 3Tr^%, 3Ri=rr, aTr'TT^. Neae, aiy. fl< hand, yprai, ^sToE^RT, ^^T^^^, ?T^Kt^ Or ^, ^ KEC f^^, «ifW, ^im (fed. wH??*'?, ^rfvT'-^. 2 efi^/oK rt ?;y//e, T. Almost. ^jt^5E, snT:,«r^?nPfS7f. ^'EAB, ;))V27. ^if^, qr^n 0)- qm, ^jft-:?: or j(jt, ?in^, Wt7, ^- Tt> Near, v. a. ^^^-^^3fpp-&c. ^FT'it. JsEAR-siGHTED, a. sliorl-si'jlited. 'S^^=:^\ 5;^=?jr, ^S^7J€(V^- f ^'iit^, 7T??^^^ siTf ?^^T, sr^roo'rr, 3T^^(i?, n^r'^^t. Nearly, ni/i'. v. A. 1. «Mf? Near, ^jsrss. I. Kithin a little, v. Almost. vJf^oS, sffT;, 5i^?T^?j7r. Nearness, n. v.A. 1. ^5T3q^F?TT o;- 'fliT'J 'T^F^ /. -oTRJ^ ri. 'fl[- 5rfq^ « ^nrft'T^HT^ m. ^\^f^^^.^\ J. s^^^^^^^ m. CJt^TT'TTF^m'T^ m. 'iT^:^FTf?T^HR wi. 3 aniTJ'n:?^ n. 37T^35r^?TT/. grwiT «. ^?^^?n/. ?frF- Neces^^aky, a. needful, requisite, iirycnily tvanted. 3TT;ft^i^ Is n. qrf^^, ^TTf^^^r, 5^m, ^5iqt:?R. Was n. qTf|% f fm". To bo II. ;=5m^, ^if^'JT VTfTOT. 2 //(0< Mtrs^ Je, //m^ cannot le otherwise, unavoidalle. qf- H<)'4+, ar^p^mfrPF, 3T^qT"?FT, aTT^'iTTftr^, arq^qiii- 3 indispensable, essential. ^T'TS'T'F, •'iTtTS'l'+.Ti';^, '3^1^^- ^, f^fTR3.T^, ^TRm, 'iTcT^.^Rm, ?K.^"f.5^. B%#H^. 4 acting from necessity- «o//)W."%tnT^T5Fr(T, ^^^T^T^FT^, ^Tfeft^, 'fl^ift^, f^f^^^^FT^,^^^. [ fJ m. Necessary, n. privy. ^m^HT m. rTRH or dPi^'lHI ot. ^i?^- 2 «r necessary ihiwj. 'jT1?TT^ nr?/.-^J?T/.->S;e. Necessaries, mf^ «■ ^TTK^r/. ^Tm^ n. N. of life. 3T5f-. To Necessitate, v. a. mahe necessary or unavoidalle. 'fln- ^^^m w.-sTwsq^F^rr /.-sr^aTW'^mr /.-&e. arrom icith ^ 0?- ?^ o/o. ^^-'JTR3q^-'3Tf^5rPT-&C. ^^, HTn 3TO^- srra" ar^fOT /^f. co?!. Jc///; h"^ of ayent. 2 oZ)//ye, constrain. See To Compel. To be necessitated. ri*>HN-3l'f*^*ir?l+.-3HH'<}iHT^-T- Necessitous, Necessitousness. See Needy, Need. Necessity, n. stale of heing requisite, need. ^STrrfj-/. ^^ «. c^/. iR^/. arn?^ «. M'M'mH «. 3T?Ft?TT/. 3T^?TT/. 2 imamdahleness, the impossihlcness of being othericise.^ T. Necessarisess. STMST^fTT/. 3TrR^oft. Up to the n. — a vessel filled, Ac. ^W-^Z or nsCcfS, iioS- K CK-tLOTH, H. iT^«J^ "!• ^«. 2 proposition by ichich somethiiig is denied. ^^Rpqf f?T w.^Tf^q?Tw.fTi^Kn35^-at'TT^g,'5np-&c. ^^7n.-msf^n.-&c. 3 right of pi-eventing by 7ion-consenf. RT^ "^7^ «i? W-^- «nTrEff^Tf?f;/-^TTT/.-aif':pFR Tti. f^^n^W\^f^^^:^B\M'i^n. j To ^EQATisz, V. a. 7-cfuse to enact, prevent by withholding I consent Tiff '^'JT^, ^TTfr »^tn^ q^ Jp^-fHsTR^-Ac. fH- XEfl 567 NTJ ^'-T§;T^r5Ti%5I'=T m. ^F^of , fH'T'^T w. ^i:^ i'. of 0. 2 Sec To Disprove. Neqativelt, adu. v. A. 1. ^Tfr "^^5, ^^FRT^, Ac. f^^>^^- 2 5TTf5?rq-^r?r, f?l'^qq?TT^, HTf^T?T ^^^. To Neglect, v. a. omit from carelessness^ ^'{■n. forlear to do, ^■cjv^^j^ /.-^^/.-3TT^ra'»i.-f5r?n:"»--f^f?T/.&c. qn:^j^f. ^W 0?- ^q«TT or l^lf or ^ f. 3TT^r^ m. ^^\^ m. I. instance of neglect. ITi^JrT/. f^^T m. =^^/. STTT^ »n. Neglectfully, Negligently, adv.y. A. l.iTrPf>^"?iIf#,&c. n^^fft^, SIHT^'^, 3T?55fqT^, Ac. &c. SfJTT^sf^, aTq^TR- ^^H, OT^#^, 77?^5-5TT. iTo NEuociAiEjIb Negotiate, t). o. procure ly mutual inter- course and agreement. ^-^M =^V^M ».-«?"f^»TrT f.-&.c.^.T- 6t or ;p?vT ^^ft»TP!r/.-&c. q;^ or, !tvi!/i in. con. ^"r^-^T?5'JT .7. o/s. ree^)). Negociated, ^. V. V. A. 1. qiH'n'^Tra'if ^^^ ^fl^^,^-&.c. ; Negociation, Negotiation, n. v. V. A. 1. jfRCTr^Rut .^^ q^g^r K. &c. q?:?TT/. v.^^.^\ f. ^^^Yl^■^^ f . ■za- ^v^z^f. 2 fcf^oT «. =;n^;i'ji n. T. v. N. 5fr?5'Jt=?lT?^ot n. sftPrr^ft^ /. 5i?;7:7=qT;7t/. ^\^. Negociator, Negotiatoh, n. Negotiating,/!, a. v. Y. A. 1. ^^pM'^^M ^F^?r ^TSsnTT-cte. q^TspTHT ^^TWRT. &C. ^^, cr'^~J, ^?5T?I. — esp. of matrimonial alliances. ^7^. Able 11. ^qfir^^TOT, ^rf':^^^!^. 2 f^r^iTRT, ^fF^OTRT. V. V. N. qt?5CTi=5TTrrat ^TTTrTT, &C. 1 Negeess, ^^. /cwio^fl «cyro. ^jftCTr/ f^T^trr or fiT^tcriy. Negho, «. V. Blackamoor, ^^ft, f^l^ or fni^t. 2b Neigh, v. m. — a horse, ^jr^^l^'jf, ^W^^., fw+laioT or f%^T5OTf, «• 3TTH"t=sft Keeeid, n. sea nymph. ^«^^^/. ICebve, n. organ of sensation and motion, ^^[\r\r^ m. fTT^rt- To strain every u. make great efforts, ^t? m. s^-^^- iTTfRV^m?^ "!. ^jrnJT, aTTTT^TTPTTot a. ^^ :P5?T lot. 2 firmness of body, \. Sikesgiu. ^T^Urff ^7.W.€[f. ^Ff m. ^ wj. iTT^3RT2cf n. 3 firmness of mind, t.Fohtitude. H^ «.iJTrft/.feTTf^ ». 2b Neeve, v. a. give strength or vigor to, v. To SteengtheN. Nebveless, a. v. Weak. ^pnflT, f^fsfs, |#55. Neetous, a. pertaining to the nenes, affecting the nerves. ^- 2 having the nerves affected. 'T^P=IHf5nFT^, JTjJTI^'^rr'rT, 3 vigorous, y. Steoso. vft^TTT, ^TK?TT, ^mr^r, ^3?Yrr5fT. 4 pithy, vigorous,— style, &c. ^?,g^?,^5T3^, ^-INI-MF. Nervously, ai/y. v. A. 2. ^nrTr^t^fEpFrr'T^^, H«ll-ce, m. ignorance. ^OTftHinr »!. 3T3TT0ITaTr «>. 3TfTR n. Nescient, a. ignorant. JjOTrlT, ST^TOT, aT^orftT. Ness. The terminations which answer to ness are TT and qoiT of Prakrit words, and FTT and ^cf of Sanscrit words. Nest, n. alode of a bird. :pRt n. ^TTT »i. mZ] m. ^T^ST m. €vrsf. #Tra w- sft5 '»• «• f^TT «!. To feather one's n. qr w. H^oT, 'TO^^ft *R/. ^Tiit, ^- 2 fig'.— of thieves, &c. ^X ». ar^rsr >». 3T^ M. ?reT »». { in comp. as ^R^TST »». &c. ). 2b Nest, v. n. build and occupy a nest. ^Z «.-^^5T m.-&c. Nest-egg, m. ^TO'^'JT/. To Nestle, v. n. live snug and comfortable. g^^CT-g^T^- &c. TT^OT-^t^^T-sfra- m. ^F^, ^^^\^ Mj.-3TR55n?T wt.-&c. To Nestle, v. a. cherish. TloEof, TTrT^ w.-&c. ^T^, Nestlin-o, a. that is yet in the nest. q^^5iTtiTr m. r\z- ^•iiqTJU m. 3Tr^r?ft^ n. 3^Rft?T?n-/. ^rr^HHiEf m. ?Tre- ?2;T n. ^rq- 11. ^^^m^Vf^^. n. Kecthalizatiox, Neutisalizixo, «. t. V. 1. — act. H [<"!«. 2 fJTsi^ W.K^ n. &c. ^^?5t=P^ M. ^ft^HT w. sft^^^T m. ^?f^Tn^ n. Pf^r^tT «i. To Neutralize, v. a. dcslroy the peculiar properties of; voider inert. iTR'Jr, njl^ n. ^m^ W^\'^^A^^n^ m.-&c. ^^ 9- of 0. 2 render tccal-, inefficient, cj'c. reduce to inacticifi/, tj-c. f^T^ or 5E-fH3?T^-fH5fw-'T3q5ft^-5rn^'4^-&c. ^.K^.^ ^\- A^n m.-^\^^\\ m.-&c. WJM g. of 0. Kectealized, _p. V. V. 1. Hr?:?5?5T, firfTT^'T^'7, ^T^WTq-ti'T. 2 f?r^ %^?^r, f^^\^k^^^, &c. ^^^n^ ^^I'j^frq-, ^t'sttt- Neutealizer, «, Neutralizing, p. a. JTRIIRT, JTIT^, ^K- 2 f^r^of ^iTTRr, &c. sfttHrn^Tff, sfWH^^r^, Ac Neutrally, adv. v. A. 1. f^-^V'T'nrJT, ?(Hr?'<^rPiir^, fn^^rTFT- Neter, ado. not ever. ^|'r ^TTfT, qpsfr ^r|f, ^ ^^Ir, %5^f Hrfr, ^^ ^Tfr, T ^f^Pr ;— emphatically, JPT?J=5rtr ^\\\, qj- ftfevT with neg. con. For the sense as expressed by the phrases, on the day after doomsday,on the Greek Kalends, ^■c. some corresponding phrases arc, ^S^Tl (or :p5=;qT) N. before. ^Ftff ^rTT, qrtfr JT^f^. N. so. :p^, f%?ftf . 73 That haa been uevcr or scarcely ever before, spifr ^-\n^\. [.'iT-«Trf^. Nevertheless, n. 4^7^, i«/, get. rfff, i=l'arfq',?1^f'T, q^ T^5r,!15rr?Tvr. involving this sense as wiAn>»fei or intended, and as apparent under such formatious, expressions, and combinations as Iran-neio.^ spick and span new, nciccoincd, fresh from the forge, fresh from the hammer, Just off the stocks, ^'c. ^'c. some words are, Newish. ^ifrT, H^TPr or ^^\Z. 2 «of(i, «o^ being before. ^^J.^ ^r^T^, ^^^TF, ^^m or y ?io(; ancient, v. Modern. ;t^T, JJ^q', 'jTT-JtPt^, ^TSTT^T^, 4 f/Z/TircHZ/roHi/iyrwu';-. H5ir, ^^T, 3^^, TT-TT o;' Tr^r, 5 not hahilnafed, not practised, cj-f. ^^\.^ ^^W.| ^^T^^^^., G unused, unapplied. q^HT, ^^, 3TH^, 3T5"75^, 3T5T?'P. ? not familiar to. ^^], 'JT^r-Z^O^ 3T^r5;j?l'nTT!| rr^T^f^r, "^"PFTr^T, STTR^Tf^^, vr^lvqT^T^r, 'fl^*--^^, STTiifqn. New-born, a. ^^\ ^r^j^^jr, H^r ^=TT%?;r, ^rq'RTTrT. New-coined, a. \. New. '^ot^I^T, qaTHHTFii^r, m^^5. New-cosier, ?j. h^TT airsFiT, ?i^rT^. New-fangled, «. H5imr^%?jr, ^ifft^^-TrpTT, H^^^q^T^^r, qjiH^, q^?!;=5Tr ?^?!;?5r. New-fashioned, a. ^^\^ ft^ft^^r, H%=^^=srr. Newly, adv. v. A. 1. ^I^rr deal. =^?fJr '^Cti. f^?Fr ded. ^^•<4T, ?r^^r, ?T5qrK. 2 JTSTH, &c. Newness, m. v. A. 1. ^%q''JTT w. FTr^iqajr m. ^rr^q^T'Tr i«.&o. 'T^'^^rTT/ &c. ^^s^ n. 2 jf^Torr »«■ T^RTirr ™. ^5T?T'7'JTr m.Ac. sT'T^crr/.^rs^ ??. News, w. tidings, accounts, intelligence. ^\r{^\J. ^^^\^ n. ^^/. stttti/. |rrf?r »». ^tm^n; >«. 'izf. ??5fl «». f^ ». • — compreh. news and tidings, ^q^ 5(^^;y; ^xf^irfT f. pi. Any news ? Any thing new ? qrt^'r 'R^^It'? J ^Fffr Bad n. p-'RT?/. ar^q^rfrf/. argTsmrr/. Good n. f^rffr/. ^H^fiTT?/. ^HSTxTiTr^ ». g>Tf^f^ w. News-honger, h. o«e ///n^ delights in tilling news. TR^ ?». s^^^r^i^T ». NIC 570 NICf >'e.\T, a. nearest. 'J^^f[ ^^T^f^T, '^T^nS'^ir, TT^^T, TT^THT, ^j '^ N. time. p> ?T^, f^T^rs^, [ mi)«j<. r^EXT, ailv. at the time or turn nearest. HT, ^?R, HPT^, >"IB, «. ti«, ienJ-. <\^f- ^^5/. ;H/. ^ »n. 2 ( of a pen, &e.), point, tip, end. z\w. ?»."HOTf^/. 3Tdft /. 3m n. ?CiBDED, fl. having a nib. ?p?inTT, 3i«n<^K. ^0 Nibble, v. a. eat a.i rata, ijc. ^T^oj, *<^s3t, +■(+431, jpTItfr or ^^. 2*0 2\ii!B[.E, r. »i. — as fislics, =^, ^5:"JT, ^e-Tr^=5fT_ S ajfcciedhj particidar, v. Fisical. 'iCE>-Ess, Nicety, n.\. A. 1. ^if^F^/. '^e^R^f^/. f^m- 2 ^-;g?I#T'TtJn m. f^^T'JTT »i. w^f. [^^Z 3 ^-4li+,JiJ0TT m. fM-dMiHlft/. f^^^T^/. HT^^T^riT »». ^T- 4 miTWTT m. iTtft/. TJKpfT/. ^^^Tft/. '^N^TTTT m. =^^ SsrafJi^oiTm. ^T^rftT/. =m^?rqpft/. =5m%Tf/. =qrft- 1. deiicate management, i^-c. v. Adibess. nf^ pop.^sji^ f. Niceties. See Dai>-ties. >'1CHE, n.receti in « u-all ^a^]t\ m. ^FRT^ '!. ^RIT ot. ^- A secret n. ^TT^r^TT^ ' Nick, ji. c.ract point of time, critical Junciure.'^^^'Z f'^'^ or aTToft/. »nwt/. 'flrt^5fT''ft=^ grs;/. ftTW n. b-t/. Jim ^^Iiif n. Just at the n. ^T^, ^'ZT^''_ To come in the n. of time. if^fim-^T^H-^JTirTH-io. 2 See Notch. To Nick, t>. o. 7»7, /o!_^ HI^ w. 5^of.. m=r^ ^^^DT. Nictation. See Winkiso. NiDE, n. Irood. ^n n. ^ftor/. [IT^^T/. NiDincATiONi, M. nesi-luilding. •=;rz'! W.'^M n. jftiT^nT «. ^Tt- NiDus. See Nest. . [^F^r/. l^iEC-E.1 a. a man's Irother's datighier. q^ijff/. '•'^rrft/. >?H- 2 a sisters daughter^ — whether of a man or a woman. iTT'Tf/. ( neuter form 'HV^t, sister's child ), ^Tpt^ft!?)'^/. Husband of this n. ^7% ^f^ »«. 3 « u'0man''s Irothers daughter, or a husland's sister's daughter. HPft/. ( *TR^ n. ). Husband of this u. HI% ^t=rf »i. 4 husland's Irother's daughter. "TJTift/. s^'^r^y. Niggard, a. v. Miser. ^TtT, ^"irtJ^nP, iT^Srs. NiGGAED, Niggardly, a. stingy, parsimonious;^ . JIiserly. ?jqcrT, f%l^?:T, f^^rnft, f^T^r, %?, f|^?:T or S-iTT, fff^T, Niggardliness, Niggardness, n. v. A. ^^0Tt:ss, n. sCTrfftrar n. Afflicted Willi n. Tmfyrair, ^=^\^. KlGHT-CAP, n. ?nrl=qt Z]^) /■ ^m^F ^^Trff m. In'iGHT-CLOTHES, 71. TT?f^ 'jfTC'T «. NiauT-FALt, n. V. EvENisG. 5tCi^ w. Is'iGHT-iiAiiE, n. incubus. ^RSr vi. n. ^JTH^ n. ^aSTHtf^T/. jSTionT-EAis, n. i\^^\ m. [iit%^p^?5 m. iS'iGHTiSGALE, «.— the Indian n. f^^;^ »)». ^^f ^sfrm' w. Nightly, a. happening, cfc. at night. ^r^RT, ^^1''^, ^i^l- 2 liappeninfj, S{c. every k?^/*^. srf?Rr^=qT,^TO=5ft^. Kightlt, «(fy. Jy niylU. ?T==Fr, ^imt, Trat^, ^n^T decl. :?T=^, 2 ei.-«-y night. ^TTT^ft^, J^f^^^sft^. NiGHT-KOVING, ]N'lGnT-WAj;DEI!l>-G, a. f^m=^T, fn^TT^Rt, KiGHT-sHADE, 11. — tliG prickiv. Rnfft/. q;t^Rnoft/. ^'^Z- — fruit of it, W\^ n. KiEiLiTT, n. nothingness. ?IT^PTtJTT m. 3THT=r m. ^^{f^^^ n. 3TOtTT/. 3T?R^ n. NiUBiE, a. aiy/Ze, v. Active. a^fT^ ^"T^, 'JTi^ig^, =qqr5 or NiMBLE-FGOTED, «. ^ ait ?«. ^jf. Nitency, Nitid. See Bhiohtness, Bbigiit. NiTEE, n. salt-pelre. flRT m flf^'T^ n. wi^TK m. Nitrate of potash. ^^''(K\X pop. ^^^K m. ['■pTr. NiTEOus, a. pertaining to nitre. ?il-qT'^r, ^nrfHST'^, ^^r- NiTTY, n.Jull of nits. fe^Totr, ^^^^i fe^iM-v^, Nival, Niveous. See Snowy. No, adv. HTft, ^, ^r, T$^ ^f . To say no to every thing,to be ever no-ing. :t^ . 3T^dT »i. coh. ^\^i^f.■^^^^■\f. ^FTCTT. Thoug'h you say no, yet say no sweetly, "ra ^^^\ "T!JT No, n. woHc. qpr>rft ^rfr, ^rfr ^rfr. The sense is often involved in the use of the negative particle; as, ^\ ^5- jTr^T ^^nr =TT|t He is no vulgar boy. No one. qpluft ^^f. Nobility, Nobleness, n. v. A. 1. ^f5T^/. ^V^^^^\ f. f{^j^\f ^I^HT/. S?fH^lf?I /. 'i^TfH^TTPT n. 2 stfiWifr/. q^T^t /. 3^fim^t q^sfT/. s^l^m^t T^t/. 3 HTST'JTT m. SfM/. ^^q'JTT J». HTSTq'Pq^/. [ ^v^ n. 4 int'T'jrT m. ifRT'JrT »». '*?lt«ft/. ^^'jarrwj. sjT^T^irn. !Tm- 5 S^sq-iJir «i. ^TJfTT'JIT in. &c. riv^jtt f. ^^ f. G ^^]'^■[ HtsTirrm.KtsT^". ^^t^ih^. ^t?t^«. sfr^if^T)/. I. nohilitg. si%^(^/«. ^i. ^fSf^T^wi. i^Z. art^ m^ II. di (j nit y, pomp, ^c. of a nolleman. ar^fT/. Noble, o. o/'^ji ancient and high family, \. Gentle. ^\^\ The n. and plebeian. |rrftH^rit;«. pi. 2 distinguished from commoners ly rank and title. sfV- ^in>^K, arrra^Tt, ^^\^ or ^t, tt^ht^. 3 illustrious, worthy, great. HIST, HiaTOTrqT, ^J, ?lfl^r, ^re-m T7Rm?5T. 4 exalted, sublime. KT3T, iTTT, ?^, ^, ST^^rT, spiPT. 5 magnificent, splendid, Si-c.—i'rcdy,^. Fine. iil5T, ^J^TTT, 6 generous, liberal, ingenuous, ijv. H^T^T HT?;r, 'J^RiTHi- Noble, interj. ?TT5ff. Noble, Nobleman, «. grandee, etst rTr^m. cfl rlt^tfltTT 3^ »«. HTCT J^Twi. ariTtTw. :jTTTT^w. Noble-minded, o. i^^T^T HI?n', g'^R Hnp^T, ^R^Tnmr^T, KOI 5 NuBLK-WOilAS, n. «ll ^\<^ir^-^J FJ^TJ^ SJT^^T/. JCoBLE, adv. y. A. 1. ^]^^^J Jatf^T tied, ^l?^ ^f\T^ (led. 5 ^^[Z\ Jfcl. dr^.^, HPft. H'r??!! HHR, 3^ 'R'HH, itc. T^PCmH, ^^T^ ^E^TT, >'o-BODY, n. !FWt JTlfi, f^Tf^TT^ft/ TTfr. !NocE>T, Js'ocLOus Sec Hletful. ^I'OCTIDIAL, a. comprising a night and a day. ^^RTfTfeTHT^, iXoCTIVAOAKT, rt. T. NlOnr-KOTISG. fSfSfTT^, >'0CTUI!XAL, a. nifjhth/. ?PT^r, <15fHl, ^5m^(ift, Trf5n>T?!i- Jlo KOD, j\ «. lend or indine ivitli a quiiTc motion. H^, ^(-JU|, a^ffiJT, f^DT. 2 (iu assent, appmbation, beckoning, &c.) »TTfT/.-?tt/- ^I'^'iui-iTH^srSr, JTR/.-5tt/- ^Ic7of-?tffot^uf y. of s. y (through drowsiness). |^?ft o?- I^^f.-ff^w. pi. ^jITwf, ^rt+"i, "tn^, 5f«i^, 5r*r7f, criruft/. ?6T-ijiiT-?qrof-inT^. 4 ««(/X- noddiitfjly. |^dt, ^^, ^^EfT^^'T =tIT?5oir, ^rl- To Nod, «. a. lend or shalce tritJi quick motion. ?T+,|cjuf or g+'OiilN-ATED,;>. v.V. 3. ^^RfpI=5T,%»T%?=CT,qif^^,^m:^r^ o;-?T. jS'oMiNATiON, n. V. V. 3.— act. qt^ot ". ?IH^ n. ^^^m^f. I. ;)Oim- qfappointhij. %ho?tT^T aTf^-^FTT »«. ^T'Jqrsft ?fTTT/. f^'fr^T^frf'iT^R m. Is^MiSATiTE, «, — in grammar. ^^^:^W[ f. q^rff w. ^-H+'K'-P «. XoMixATOR, H. T. V. 3. qr^/. ^^rffc^, ^^ni%?T. Xox. This prefix is rendered by, 3T, tfT^, fH,^\?, Ac, KoX-ACCEPTAJvCE, 11. 3T'0N-ATTAIXMENT, «. 3T!TTfsr /. 3T?=M^ M. XOX-ATTEKTION, H. CH?tq"^r^ n. 3?^^"?? «. |^^"^ «. NOX-CIIALAKCE, n. V. IXDIFFEEESCE. 3T?TT?'<^T/. g<^iy1fRT, ^^^^7^^ 3Tf^fjtq?R^aT, aT^fT??- NOX-ELECT, a. 3T|1T, 3T|tT, 3T^TfT;i'"tTr. JCOX-EXJOTMEXT, M. aT^fTT J». 3TTrf, 3TWrT, fT:?1F=r, aT^H^T, 'JTt'Trr, NOX-OBSEETAXCE, «. aTTTPH ». KOX-OBTAIXMEXT, «. aTFITH »!. [3Tl|;rftq-. Nox-PAEEiL, a. peerless.^ v. Ixcompabable. ar^rqir, t^J^^H, Iv'ox-PLvs, n. stale of perplexity and puzzle. ^]v^^m.'^W' 2o Xox PLUS, V. a. puzde. put to a stand. M^ot, 'K'ft-'. gf Or iT5:rt.-iTol. V. V. n5^2:%?5r, &c. nf-^r^^^ ^f?^, -^t?^. Nox-PEACTiCE, «. ar^i^qTH m. KoN-PEODucTiox, n. 3TH?Tfcr/. ar'^frf/. Nox-PEOFiciEXT, a. arl^'TiT, arfH'S'Jim, ar^^. NOX-EECOVEUV, n. aTOHT^R ?». Nox-REsiDExcE, n. 'i^^^fhf. a^-qrw «i. ar^TTfT^ n. JS^ox-EESiDEXT, a. a^^irflt, a^f^^FRTtTPHETTfl'T, J^r^RT^ir^T', NOX-EESISTAXCE, «. a^f^JTR^ «. 3^51?)^^^ >/l. 3TfT?l'-T «l. Nox-REspECT, M. ar^rg^e-"^ «. N. ol'pc)\sons. aTm»T?:HTtTR>n|fTT/ ^TJTT^frT/. Nox-SEXSE, n. words or lanyuage tcilhout meaning or relevance. 3T=JTRr^T-3TH'tT%-i^r4^-&c. ', Nooy-DAY, ^'ooy-riDE, «. of or hdonyiny to noon, meridional. |"TTT=qr, ^FTiT^^r, |^m;% q«^r, ^RST^T% %- Koosiso, n. reiJOic at noon. JTR^ sfTHjf?^/. JS'oosE, n. =5rr-&c. 5FRT w.-^JT" ^ W.-&C. >cin«. &e. Notably, a(7y. v. A. 1. ^^"TfcT i^NI-jfl'Il-Ae. decl. ^JTH^T ^- <|i||-dl'IT-&c. decl. T^m. NoTAEY, NoTAET-PUBLic, n. person w7io attests contracts, deeds, Sfc. +^T»«. An unmusical n. 3T7^qT'». f^^^Rw, Leading or key n. ^Cl^m. Piping one n. TT^TP". v. c^cj, itt. Sunning over the notes iu tuning the voice or catcli- fu NOT iug the key. 3TSirTor3T^n?fHi. 3T^n^rft/. ?TR/. ?lR5jnT To run over the notes. 3Tr7N^, ?TR/.-'3TtT"i-'«^n- =^lft^rfROT.-&c. ircTT. 5 s/io;'< Iiint, minute, memorandum, ^v. ^T/. f^^^n. -.\- =q'JTn. ^r^/ -^+ril /. G small cpislle. ^1 or f%5\/. ^rfTTT «• f^^kl/n. ^.\xn. ^V\Z>n. TSTH. ?5-:5Tw. At the instant of seeing the n. ^^ fTp^^. Mere n. writing, f^^firnl/. f^?^nt/. 7 «oF^ ?7e KOU fT-MiRffT-&e. i(^ in- con. WH^ i'l. con. 2 heed, regard, give at/enlion to. 3^ «.-=^?^T H.-fq^T n.- 3 mention, remark on. ^oi.&e. tuith W^\ oj o. ^rfsr n. ^^ g. ofo. nr?y. Jpi^^ g- of"- 4 ^rf(i/ ic;7/i attention. ^\%m., 3TT^ «».- ^I^TTR «i.-^f^T- Notice, n. olscrvation h'j the eye or hj other senses. ^J^n. To conic under the n. of. 3lJ5!:of, ar^ol wi. gr^irf^.q/a. 2 observation ly the mind, v. ILeed. B^'T n. F.^ ii. fifPT 3 intelligence, intimation, qm^ff /. ?^T/. ^!TTf|T^5iT/. '^proclamation. ^i\ J. St'tnT »n. ^ifrTT or ^\i\l\ m. v. AVritteu u. ^rflT^mr m. 3Trf^TT?T/. srf?ff5T=5i ». 5 attention, respectful treatment. 3TT^ in. 5f^R ot. ^- Noticeable, a tcoj-thi/ of notice, v. Notable. B^'TfcT SSTT- Noticed,;;, v. V. 1. TTf^^FSr, sfl^^^T, &c. 5^q5qT"TP7TrT. 2 3?T f^l^, &c. Notification, n. v. V. 1.— «c/. ^F^ifn n. fTTTT «. ftf^/- f^imTf n. fqfT?mT/. 2 g=qfqiJt «. &c. ?35?f «. ?55^t/. I. paper giving notice. ^iffiM/. ^^^rTTTr™. STf?TF^"T=5I)'. Notified, f. v. V. 1. JpE^?5r, &c. fTlfqH, fTfjf y. o/o. 2 y/fe «!0/!ce o/, v. To IxFOitir. g^sj^Tiif, ^^T«.- ^^/. ^^^-^iif, ^7^/.-5TTrnft/.-&c. ^. Notion, «. idea, eonception, thought, view. =Jir"RT/- 'TR- 57T/. ^t^TT^mr/. ^\ m. ^if^iT^ »«. fTPT n. jf^/. rf% ot. n^ n. Hm «J. q^^ m V. ^T,^ J«. C07J. 2 sentiment, opinion. Hci «. irfFf/. ^fi?/- High notions and fancies. fiT^^/. 'flT^^rU f. Notional, a. existing in the mind only, v. Imaginaey. ^T- NOIOEIETT, NOTOEIOUSNESS, «. T. A. 1. ^f?/. ^^t[^ f. ^f. ^^Xi m. ??^rT/. fqi-qifd/. tlft^»• ^T^^t/. ^V^t: n. ftn^IT «J. +^^'=131 M. ^ft/. D. f^^, f%T^/. V. ^T^T, t^ »»• trreRT m. qtfft «. f -^1%/ aTTJ-qftr/. NOTOEIOUS, a. pullic, leell known. 3^T^, 3^TTr, ^Tf^^, ^jTT^Tt, sTT^flT, ^^t^'Tt, ^^j5, m=PR H^^jf, sl^Hf^?;, ^- spfcf:^, q-qp?; ;;"/). ?rn^, TRTilf^TJ ^w;). :;T'7iff^3', ^^^^'^ To make n. v. To Noise. IPT^af, t^r m.-&c. ^]^ To bo n. le noised abroad, v. To Noise. ^T^^, 3"P =^1^ T5"^, ^T?!^ «.-5^r m.-&c. EfFiTot y. o/ «. ^i^p^oT 2— c?p. in an ill sense, ^n^l^tr, ^^^T^, ^TF^f^f^ pop. ^TTirftf?, sTT^r^^jf, ^.'^RHf 3Fi ^^^PRH^^j'-,5ir- To be u. ■^!Tr m. cTT^fi^i 57r?Rof, jst/. J^R'Jf y. o/ s. NoTOEiocsLY, adv. V. A. 1. 3-^5, sffff.^, ^^mofr, qf^J^Toff. 2 ilT^R^^, 51PTI7R|^JJ, &c. NOTWlTHSTAHDlNa, conjunc. fRF, TTg, 3T'rin >!.-srirf- qjoJ WJ.-&C. :p^ 5'. ofo. NOUEISHABLE, a. V. V. %^T^Tr3fFTT-^itTHr-&c. qpsq', qr^r'jfhT, cf|i|uil^. [5^, TftfT. NOUEISHED, /). V. V. q'RTrWT, &C. "Tii^, TlfefT, SffrTTTferr, NouEiSEEE, n. NouEisnixG, p. a. v. V. QmuiKT, "TT?5^, ^r- 'PF, srf^rTTTsq^, mib^^ttF, &c. qr?T, Hrfr, ^\^. 1. fattening, v. Nuteitious. qTf?=P. NouEisniNG, NouEisuMENT, n. V. V. — act. qrecir n. tfT^^ «. &c. TIo5''T^/. Mlciy^ui n. ^WJ'^ pop. TTS"! «. ^TfT n. qTosiT'fm'iT K. sTtHTic^ T^op. srf??Tra m. ^^^\^;^ n. ^l^^(^^ f. "R^^ft/. TT^Wt/. arrcTRR w. JT^ n. hIh/. ff^f, ^T^r, ^^■. pop. ^q-f, ?[q-?^T??f 2^oiJ. ^?7r^r^f , r^?i%^, From n. henceforth. SFf.lT. N. and tlien. %5^f %5^r, %5^f sfs^f , =f qTrrtfi, Jp^rq^tff, [ Now-a-days 3TI"37^r^. I Till 11. 'ess, ?», T. A, a7q>wTti"nT m. ^]^%^^\ m. 3TwrR?rr NozLE, Nozzle, n. snout, v. Nose. #3/ ^ n.— of a Tm=r, &e. jir m. f ^>T5^; Nubile, a. v. Maeriaoeable. f^crr^riT, f^^rr^q-'t'q, fsfqi- NuBU-Ous, «. V. Cloudy. Ji^iqfTuT, Hqr-.grf^ri, H^i^jTST. Nucleus, «. See Keiinel. 2. ««_;/ Jr;,/y ahout which matter collects. ^TKW'TT^q?, ^T'^Rq?, ai%q?«^Jft, ai"^^?TK^5tT. Nude, Nudity. See Naked, Nakedkess. To NuDOE, v. a. touch hintinglg. SRT n. 3 numerical amount, ^f^qr/. n^rft/. TOT^t/. gJTR m. 4 ?»o»'e //(«« OHc, ma;!y. fpfrtir^, sj^fi ^^^ arH^i, qs^'Z, 5 V. BfuLTiTurE. ?i?c^T/. qT|"?T «. s];^f-7 «. [oUTfr/. 6 aggregated body or number, ^^^^\f. n<^ m. TOTHt/. 1- ^1 figure, arithmetical sign, ar^sr o)- 3Tf^3T »«. 3T^ »k. art^ m. ^?crqr /. Numbers,^yMJrs,/)''aci'(;«? arithmetic. f^^T^l or f^^fF^w. Table of numbers, ar'^irr?! )«. ^ffipq^ «. ^V^f\ esp. in corap. as ?Tf^rJ;oTl, ^\^ HRofT, ^^I^^RofT, &c. ). S — ill graniiiiar. sf^pT «• Dual u. fgiT^FT. riural u. a^%^5r^Fr, 5i;^q-=q^, Siiif^Hilar n. ^=^ ^'^^, Numbers, v. Poetry. q^fsfFfr/. 'I^TT^^T/. Flowing numbers. ^r?TTqr'^ m. Nu.MBEEED, p. V. V. lft^%?jr, TOT'SOT, Ac. 3 NUN 578 2 3Ti^3r qM^^, Ac- 3T^ or at'ft. NlMBERKIt, n. NUSIUEBINQ, /). «. V. "\'. 1 Hl'^lOTKT, TnOTT- N. of liouses, trees, &c. in a village jffrFT. NuMBEKiNO, n. T. V. I.— act. m^ >i. noi"n «. &c. TiT?ft/. N. of houses, trees, &e. iu a \ilhige. €\^f. 2 3Tf:?rjT ^3"^ M. &C. NOMBEBLESS, O. V. COUNTLESS. ST^^q', 3T^»?M|r|, 3TTlf&rrf_ NuMBLES, «. entrails of a dctr. ^TtirrCr 3Tf?lfT n.^il. Numbness, n. t. A. 5rf^);quiT m. H^/. g%q-, cherisher, ^c. qr??:^, ij^qw^, qTS^T^.TTT- t Jf;RJF-:FTft-&e. i To NuBSE, i;. o. (an infant) /("«^. ^W^\^^ ^I'^rst'if, ^?^of, qiOTT, ^TTSE ?n.-qiR;qDT/-Ac. JRof y. f/ 0. [ qcf. 2 sweArZe. ^tr w.-^?r «.-'<;Rr w. qT^of-%of, qi^'jf, »• ^'T- 2 quality of nourishing. qrf^^noT m. m^^l^W.^ n. q'rf?- ^.^ n. qrgjr^^fq «. NuTEiMENTALjNuTTiiTious.NuTRiTiTE, c.7(«r;«y/7;e quality of nourishing, q-^t^r, Krr5q'?,qrf'a^, jfe'^, qfs^T':^, q- fS^Hq;, trr^qq;, ^^qs^qj. Nutrition. See Noueishment, Nutriment. [ =^r^f. Nux- vomica, n. — the tree. ^T^TTT»». J^?5T w.— the seed qr- To Nuzzle, v. a. foster, v. To qrs;^, qToEorqj/.- qr^?T ?!.-!TfFrqT?! ?».-&c. qRiJf. g. ofo. To A'uzzLE, v.n.go u-ilh the nose near the ground. ?rrqi JTf^ 2 See To Nestle. [ f?f?!TI^fJ. Nyctalops, n. one ivho sees lest at night. TRltfa;^, TT^^f^, 2 0}ie tvho is Hind at night. ^n=Ff'«T2r, I'Sff'^. Nyctalopy, n. night-sight. Tf^f?/. 2 nighl-Uindness.\\^\^^ n. Nymph, n. goddess ofvoodor icatcr. vTJJsf^^ETTT/ ^3^?T» I OBE 2 lass, girl, ^c. T. Woman. r{^n\f. NYiirHOiiANiA, n. furor uterinus. a^frj^q^urr/. 579 OBI 0. (J^ This vowel is rqircsentcJ bj afr. Oo is represented by gr. O, inlerj. '^, afr ;— in respect, |-, |r, arfr. Oaf, n. dolt, j-c. t. Fool, s", qf^T w. S, ^Tq^. Oafish, a. v. Foolish. IR^, HJ, it?;^. Oak, «. (T^ 1^ 3tt|. Oakuat, ji, oZ(/ rq/jfi vntwisted. ^% ^ft'SfT ^rVT »«. Oau, ?8. instrument for rowing. ^^^A m. 3T=ISJ w. ^T^ o?- sf- ?| «. ^rs^OT. ^q-uft/. rft^RTJs »». Blade of an o. ^trft/. gT?5r?r »• Man that handles an o. 3T=r^^fl', ^"^-TJft, 'JT^?qT. Shaft of an o. ^f[f. qmiT m. To Oar. See To Eow. Oasis, n. green spot in a desert. T.m\n afl^r^T^ ^TTT/ Oat, n. xn^ ^^ 3Tr|. Oath, n. solemn ojij'eal to God. 3TT'T/. ^TT^t/. B^pt^/. ^r- i^JT/ ^Tf'T j». f?p?Ty/. [ /. y-nr'jf. O. in the name of some god. ?qT<|" 3?Tit/.-^Ttc. ar^iJf;— implicitly, obsequiously, &c. JtcJRr- f^-^R;qip-^1^Tr|?r-A.c. ^rmui-^rrior. 2 compli/ ii-ith, act according to. JTRJOT, TT^ijf, ^r^df q. ^;^^ ( used tvith ^^JT ), Tl^.H n.-&c. qRtJr g. ofo. Obeyed, iJ. v. V. JTTH^sf, &e. HTf^Ff. 2b Obfuscate, Obfuscahos. See To Obsccbe, &c. Obit. Sec Obsequies. 580 OBL Obituaut, n. litl or register of the dead, ^^r['q]^ f. ^^^^- 2 account of a deceased [Xi-son. w\W^ n. Hr\-^[i.^ n. BJECT, fl. t/i(tt about tihivh any poiar orfaculti/ is emjpJoyed. ff(^^ m. n>tr wi. 31'4 m. sf^qT'4 m. ^]^ n. ( in comp. much fliuaiit use ia innde of this word: ex. ^J^nTT^T o. of favor, snf?l"7T5T o. of love, and, ^T^qT=?, F5IH'TT=sr, #, V7T5r, Wi^I^, ^^TNT^f . &c. &.C. ), -^\-s^ n. ( iu comp. as »TR>TnT^, ?HffT>TPT^, fjjsivrr^rpi, ^^I^TT^^, &C. ). All external o. S^-TRT^5 «. Apprehension of objects. fsf'pft^T'JI n. Deserving o. ( of charity or favor ). ^JT^T^, g"TT^, TJnworthj o. J^T^, STTT^. 2 Ifiat to ichicJi the mind ix directed for attainment; pur- pose, srrnq'wi. ^f^^\^m. e^3q«. F^rnw. i^.^n. ^.^mi. ^Z.-"?n;- ns m. pl.-^it m. 2.1.-&C. TTrsiJi, a73=5iifr /. ;i. Hfl'Jf, ^- 2 opposing ground; grotmd of hesitation or difficulty. SJT- 3 v. Fault. 3j«r m. Gejectionadie, a. liallc to oljections. 'aTI^f^r i:'TT5TT^r'lT- ?rR?jrr-&c. a^r^q t?imraFiT-&c. ^^T,^5ircT, qi'^T, ^t, aTqsnq', sifriwyrrf. Oejectio>-ai3lesess, n. t. A. qiT »«. 5]Tq ot. sif'T^fTT m. f^- Objective, a. lelonging to the oljcct. ^m^fr'tiH, ^r^^R- f^'iTrf, ^T'^TRf^^, ';^r'4ff='-T?r,'?T^?i5i-cft, fij'r^ra'iiqt, 2 — iu grammar, %^km^^^^^%_ ObJDEOATION, M. T. SCOLDMG. ^[Cf ^Ijf «. #(?; SST'TT «. Oejueqatoet, a. containing censure. cffTJr?, stWT^^. Oblate, a. flattened at the poles, ^t ^^^T =^?T. Oblation, «. v. Offeeikg, ^'^ pop. sjat w. /. s^f^TT^T n. \^V^K m. To Obligate, v. a. lind ly duty or contract. «liq5f, nH^fiif, ^¥x^'5^fs^ q'if. Obligated, p. v. V, sit'^i^f^T, ^it'tT^ W?T%?5r, &c. To be o. cfftT?ir ^rT^ar, q^sr^oir, 3"- To be obliterated. q-«5f?:at,g-5at,5rioT,^of,tf^^(Jf_ Oblitekaxion, n. v. V. — act. "T^OT «. ^^sRot n. &c. Oblivion, n. forgetfulness. f^r^TT m. fq^W^trr w. fq-?Hf?T/. s'TRTTf OT. 2 forgotten state, f^m m. fsTWfH/. fsRiRiTT «. ^^'^f^f. In o. HH?r^. That bas not foUen into o. — a science. S'qf^'tTrr. To bury in o. TRft/. ^I^'Ji-^Rof rvitJi m of 0. 3 amnestg.^HJ]i-:f\=^ ^]'fif.^J^f^^^^ll.^W^FA^T]mT^^7t. Oblivious, a. causing ollivion. fjf^^ TTSiIRr, f^?Rqi3-m, 2 forgetful. f^T^OTRT, fsr^RFf , '{^■^-■^\. OBLIVIOUSNE.SS, n. v.A. 2, and Foegetful^ f^^T^^qtriT Oblong, a. longer than Iroad. WA%Vi or FSt^lT, ?li€T3T, ?5f- Oblong, m.— tlie figure, stt^ft m. [M-q^^'^rf^/. Obloquy, n. reproach. RT^r/. m^rf^/. JWT/. n^f/. arq^ir^ Obmute.scence, n. loss of speech, silence. JT%mJTT ?«. ^F^^- 2 oisercation of silence. V(\^ pop. ^]r^ n. ^^^^^ n. ^\. f^f'TTTT m. qTf^fH=)«T'T in. Obnoxious, a. sulject, Halle, exposed. #»tt, qPT, ^^, ^T- ift=T, aT^-ft^T, qr^ ( in comp. as fmqT=5r, n^itqm, &c.),3TT- ^5 ( in comp. as fmRq?, &c. ), aiftT^ff. To be o. to. ?Tr5tFT-^f^?r-&e. aT^ar. 2 Halle to punishment. 55RT 'fPT, SJTf, ?3-^r, ?J"ft,^5T«r. 3 offensive, displeasing, disagrcealle. ^I5[??ir, HT^TSr, 3T- ?iWf , ^TT^T^T, 'iTJft?fl=^, a^si'Wicjsr, a^f^f , 3T^^i'!rqT=5r, Odnoxiou.'^ness, n. v. A. 1. vnmqoTT n. %rq?tT/. ^^r/. 3 ?ir5i5?tqCTTr »«. ^imsqiTTT m. -iif^-jHr/. Obscene, a. offensive to chastity, ^c indecent, impure. «ft- a^ii'M or a;, aTJ^r^^f, TTsfr^r, ^^i'Fr. 2— of persons. fjR^,?, aT^^?M-T7, sft^fF, r]ifi=qr qjr- ^F.^f-f^R^;, msfiiHsi, Firsf:!!?^!-, ^7,f^v^r, ^tf^?'?. 3/^/'''^', 'j-c. V. DKsciusiiNu. H'tTtot, f^s'T?!, f^j^irr «»• ^r, W^- [ =q^. 4 j7Z omened. 3T?ih, 'AH?, 3THn?5, ^^^^^[^qsF, gnT^frjij. Obscekeni ss, Obsenitv, n. v. A. 1. sTTHfAqoiT »«. «ftH?^- I. V. Lewdness. 5?^%;ft/. II. olscene speech. T^'^'^Z^>^^^ n. Z^'^^ n. |HWur «. |- Obscuetion, n. v. V. l.—act. qn^Ja} «. epilrrptTr «. sppr- ^T^T'T n. 3T?q'#f;?TiT n.— state. Fr^"r--^ra »i. fi^"~rHJr»(. %- ^'T?^f?r/ ^^l^rf?r/. si^rn?!^ ?«. ^Ffffi^^T m. sf^rr^q- «». I. — of a planet. 3T^ «i. «. O'BSCV'RF., a. dull,; not clear, full, or distinct, ^iq^ 'ir- tr^, q^^T, q^^?:, q^?, h^^j;?:, ai^q"?, a^sq^, |^(i. 2 occult, alstuse, not casdy intelligille. JJS, r?r4, ITT- 4|^, #ff, aRq'?-, ariq^B, piq, gif jt, |f[q-_ ' '" 3 u-ilhont note, eminence, ^'c. amf^J, aisrf%5'^=5rT, Jpj^t sffh^^, 3ifcncqT?r, 3TT5ns=E?T, qfitf <-RT, ^'P.^l=^\., ar- ^^TR^r, ?IT3J4Cr, r^^:Tf?Fg, 3T?qsjfrI^, ?ST5=iqF/trTf, aRq- 4 retired, remote, from olservation, — place. arn^^'Y^ arrisTR^T, air55r20Tr=qT, ^%JR^r, (T^?r?TRTr, ^^Jf^orr^r. To Obscuee, v. a. darken ; viake less visille, Iright, glorious, 4'-c. lit. fig. ^w.m m.-7\^ 7i.-r.ii^ f.-&c. ^T ^^ g. ofo. ^q'2 f5«?irarq;Tw, q^i^^Sr, q^isaT, H5L^?:-3T?q?-3i'ti^- fH^^ m.-&c. :F?:ot y. ofo. 2 ma^e Zms intelligille. a(cT?r5-cf;'ess, «. V. A. 2. ». m. 3i^|ffT /. stg^e^ 71. Oeseetable, a. t. Y. A. 1. q^^T^"tnT-'?rR?3T-&c. ^.^'^ ?TT- cn5irnT-&c. ^^-^rr ^tJTi?Ti^"rqT-&c. Oeseeya>xe, Obsekyatio", n. \. V. A. l.—act. qi^of «. RR^DTJ!. f^'t^^OT)!. f?rCT?lT/. 31%?^'^ «. aiEI?TT/. c?^^ ?i. s;^ K. ^-^\^ n. -^k^ n. 2 qr^^ «. ^?^jf 11. 'MX^X^ n. &c. '^f=^VJ\ n. qROT n. Vl^\5ri=T «. 5 qiaiuf". &c. qra?r /)o/>. qr^tJiw. qT^orq^/. 3ig?i?:r- %5fCTr?). %;ri m. \. Y. N. ifi^ «. &c. ^te t». 'HPTOT n. I. respect paid. ^T'TT^T »«. TT^wi. ^c'PR on. ^]ZX. m. II. religiousrite.l^n. f^^^pop.^^m. fqqRn.— among women, ej^ir «' =f^T m. Some of the observances of the IMaratha people are, '~A^^^iif\^r{ ^ PTH^tlrT, ^TTT^^lt, 5Frf^?iTsr?f,^T^RT:,5ftTJT?r, =^^5i?T,f^f^iiTT'iJr,qq'ra?i, ^i\- TtTfT, jf qROT,ii5a?r,H>Hq^^,k^iq'7rt, 3-i%?"Tsr?f ,5iramfT, s.T^T'JTglSsfT, ?t?T^TT, BiiTsnTtfFT. Some of the observances peculiar to tivmen are, ^=^7^^]U\^ 3T|:^=15irft, '. To Obseete, 4). a. regard, note, marJc, uatch. qT^'jf, r^f?TiJr, FM iviih ^^ or m ofo. S^q- «.-S^ w.-tTfRT w.-f=EifT?i.-&c. ^iJt-?iRiJr-&c. or %3j?i-?5rffr->.tc. qT|'iT-^^^-&c. «;Ht?r- 2 remark, note, mUce, see. qif i^, ?5f?TiJf, ^^"^^-^"^'T^- &e. qiot-iiot e«. co«. uitli g. of s. ^'tt^Tr^t ^"^ '«. cow. mill g. ofs. qT|'JqirT-?^e-qfn-«TRTf?r-&c. qot in. con. 3 regard religiously, keep, celelrate.SfC ■'^ViM .^ TT^T^,?!?^- '^, ^^, ^fT^lof, 3lT^CTf, 3TI=5I7ur, ^T'4'Jt, '4^'jf, 5TH0T cr afr^HOT or sffl^'Jr. Kote. This word is confined to women. [^RT^T ^.X^. To o. (rite, day, &c. ) in a cold & perfunctory way. 4 practise ritually. ^p^^, a^l^^nf, tTTof, aig^ot. 5 obey,follou',lccep. qraof, ^T^oi, JTiq>Jt,"P^of, sf^^r- X^^ ^ra^ir/. ^F^'JI y. o/o. [g. ofo. (a point or rule of regimen, &c. ^=f"Jf, ^i^t^T «, ^,\^ )S3 OBT To OusKRvE, V. n. malce a remark. ^Rot, ^tnof , ^^of. Observed,;?, v. V. A. 1. qTf|3?5T, f^^^HOT, f^^'SfT qif|- ?ic5r, ?5^?Tm 3TM^^, etc. 2 trrf|S5?5r, ?5f?^3?!T, &c. '^^fjf, 3TER'rfT?T, 31%f?Trr. 3 qr5:^^, &c. qTf?l?T, 3n^f(fT_ G %5r3^T, ^^Ff. [ qr^?r. Obsekvixgly, adv. V. A. 1. ^^"^f ?3r^-^rf ^, fH^g;^, ^f';i Obsolete, a. ff07ie oitf of use. sq-q-^rrt^^r r%?ir, HR'7^F5T, TT^'T, nr^^, T^, qrr^, 'JT^'Tft. f?:TO. I^r w. cflm^ w. |^r!T| 7». f^?^ m.^^^zf. ^^m^zf. v. ^r, |?:- A fit of o. T^7^ in. V. §r, 3T«f5r Wi. f . ^x. To take a tit of o., to be obstinate. ^rtT H^"^, ^- irijr. Obstinate, a. stullorn. pertinacious, t|-c ^, ^^'HT'!', |^ ^- ?f|-, 3T^^r, a^^r^R, 3T^^^, ar^irr^, ars^aR, 'flST'"^, 3t1?5, arre^T, ^>^T, ^oTT?-5TT, ^oT j?a;?Tr, .fnTTft, arraft", fn- 2— of diseases, ff^o^ q?T?;^T, ??. n. enter, tj-c. uninvited, ^^ot, ^^TS'i, Rt^, Obtkuiied, ;). V. V. a. «T^^ qr?T^^-fTtT«rt^t7T-q5 ^%F5r-Jbc. ObtEUDEE, «. ObTEL'BIKII, ;). a. OliTEUSIVE, ff. Y. V. A. ^^.'^ qrPi'JTRT-f^R^trTiTr-qiJ ^70TRr-&c. Y. A\ N. q^i'JrRr, ?f ^[F^RFff q'tJIRr, -GULAB, fl. f^T^U?! #JTW^T!?, 5lff?I^ ^Pm. Obtuse,(J. not acute err pointed. qT'^TT, j^r, aT^q', f^^, 3T?ft- ^tT, f^FT 3T!.-5rT?;'jr «.-f?Tf - f^/.-&c. ^RTJT y. 0/ 0. [ f^i^. Oeviated,;?. Y. V. f:T^IK%?;r, iJT^rJ?5r, &c. f^nTTftrT, ^TTft??, (IKVIATEB, «. OBVIAT]KO,/y. O. A.V. r?nlR>nRT, Z]^^]TJ, &C. C'rvious, a. open, apparent, conspicuous, ^'c. v. Plain. 3^f, OiiviOVSLT, a(7». V. A. :jq5, ;BTT?, ^"2, qS^ftfT, f^l^TSS, ?rr- 0eV10US>'ESS. «. T. V. 5^3^111 «!. 3^3TTT »». &C. ^"JrtT/. sff^?TriT/. gi;^e:"^mT/. ^%'?^/. &c- Occasion, «. occurrence, happening. ^7J^(\f. 3''T^'4T=T «• 2 incident, event, nvzf- f^ «• '3/avoral/e time, season, or circumstance. T.OrroniCNiTT. ST'ST »n. V^^ m. 'i^m w.^Tir/. m. r<^^ n.^]^f. g;Rn. A sing-le o. or time. SRJiT w. %:T >«. ^q-ST «(. That seeks o. f^frrrT^R. To seek 0. f^fJTTTT^ 'iwM. To take or make 0. f^f^TT n. ^6f. 5 incidental need. ^.K^ n. ^prT n. qq'T^^ n. ^^ft/. TT- To Occasion, v. a. cause casual! jj. ^^\^y\^ n.- WAX^n.-\^f^- tT «.-&c. \\^ in. con. ^RiJT^H-f?ffHrrH?r-&c. ^iJi in. con. 2 cause, produce, effect. 37q=>T ^^"Jt, e^l^fijf, ^f^T^ot, 3Tm- cf, T>TRfff, :jq^nn^ w.-jqR'iim/.-^'^c. ^,1^ g. cfo.^^- Occasional, a. incidental, casual, thai happens at tiwes. not regular. ^.^]^^\^.^ "^s^^^RT, %5^f%s^i=qr, ^m^^RT, 2 produced btj or on some special occasion, '^fflf^qp, SfT- Tifn^, ?TmN^, ir^nsmr, sr^tnl?!^ q^iRifT, ir^'iNfrif- OcCASiONALLy, adv. T. A. 1. 5ptfi'^qr,^'a'rH'lf,%5^i5l5^t, %- 5^f%'-^, ^'Jrar'it, ^5^5^, ^1551113. OcoAsioNKP, /). V. Y. 2. SR^sr %i=!;t7r, ActHf^Tf;?; ( in coinp. as qmf^JlTrsFS^, &e. ), if^^ ( iu coiiip. as TTTR^^Ii^^, ^^^m irg^j^r?, &c. ), ^^]\^r\^ ^fqif^^r, arq^r, ^iKft^r. OccASiONEn, «. Occasioning,^. «. v. \. 2. 3^qvT ^<"TRT. 3-5;5r'JrT?:r, &e. sj^r^rF, ^jq^^rrq-^, 3-qf?-4fa^r^^. Occasioning, «. v. V. 2.— act. 3^fq^ qRiJi «. ^qTSiTi ?i. &c. OTF*Trq?r «. ?qftiT?rT/. Occidental. See Westeun. Occipital, a. pertaining to the occip)nt. iT'tl-Tvr^TT ^^'TFIT'^Tr, f^R;?^?r^'--fr. [ n. fi\T:^^.-H\^ m. OccivvT,n.lae/c part of the head. ppfl^^T ^^Hm, f^R:?"? Pit or hollow of the o. qisl/. "pissT^t/. Occult, a. hidden from the eye or understanding. JjfT, srf'T* An 0. science or art. =qRf«ftir/. Occultation, n. — iu astronomy. ?lJ^riH' m. OCCULTNESS, n. T. A.^ffrfT/ ^fr\\f- &C. 31Slf?jf^/. Occupanct, Occupation, n. v. V.A. 1.— «f<. q^^ z^i\ n. qSr «. 3R:qaT n. &c. qf^f^ Jffl^rr?:/. iryft'^Tn m. 2 ETff^ir^iaf «. ^riq^ot «. &c. ^rfisTT?:/. *ttt »». nri^r?:! >». 3 qui «. sqrqof «■ 3TT^f!'Jf «. 'J^T^Htrr n. ^^]^^ n. V. Y. N. sqrqR m. Jf RT, ''TTq'JIRr, 3TT5?^H0TRr, s^TTq^K, s^q^ T.TTr. Occupied, p. v. Y. A. q^r.Jf sq?;c7T, 3Tsq?J?JT, qff ?mrf ^if^- 2 Erff 5rT5l5?5T, srrqTFJsr. ■1 5TTqf?J^r, Trq-7;^T, &c. sq-jqiftrT. To Qccx>^\,v. a. ialie possession. q^,?r %=T'if, ^OT, STJqaf, nrtsfot, 3TTq?5RfT ^TiJT, arrq^TT siK^rtrt csidtdt, qf^rfr ?- f^ifR:/. sp^ijfy. 0/0. qf^^^TT^ sif^5rt2'ii-5rrq^^, sr'^T'rrn w(. ^?:^y. 0/0. 2 possess, hold, keep. ^f^^V.v^^ STiq^of, q^or, tTK^^r 'fl^'Jr, qi^"!! «. %m g. ofo- qr^l'jf, Eff^5fI?:/.-H[n m.-kc. ^,m g.ofo. y /ff/i-e vp, cover, fill. Eqiq^f, ^?dt, qiJi, ar^tfof, ^iq', 'jTI- ^PH^il, spsraof, ^.izW'^., 551^"^, ■'Jir^P'^cfT «. ^^ celebrated in the Purans, fourteen precious things ( ^"t^T or ^^^T^^ ) are said to hare been obtained. Thej are ?J^TTt, ^H'T, qTR^T?T, fTT, y-=^?lR, =^^^1 ^mq-^, ^Tr^TrT, STC^Tn, ^^•. Bounded by the o. ?TH^5r?ITfi%^. Mountain used in churning the o. K^?: or ^^'^^m. Poison produced on churniug the o. ^^r^^ m. n. or ^raif 3 n. Ocean, Oceaxic, a. Iclonginj, SjC. to the ocean. ^iT^nTT, OcHER, OcHEE, n. — red. ^FT^/. ( it is of two sorts BT^ft- JFi^T & ^^5T ), n^/. f^;iT/. That is of the colour of red o. ^^^^J, ^"^iT. 2— yellow. f^^tJTT?ft/. ^^^ iTPfT/. OcilKEOns, a. T. N. :f7lir=5fT, ^R^IIT^T, TT^Tf, f 7H^. 0CIAC02J, n. figure of eight angles. 3T'2^MT^^ /. 3T^^roT Octagonal, OcTANcrLAE, a. v. N. 3T'2^pir, f q/j. 3T'H'+^h1, Octavo, «. ofivhich a sheet is folded into eight leaves. 3tTS- ^^t^T, 3TT3^^, 3TT3^^^ n. -iw^n «. ^n''^?tr/. OxoEXESS, «. sccnilcss. f^W, 3Fr^, T'T ^%T-&C, ?* OFF 586 OFF OsOLB, «. sftf;i/,— gencr. v. Smell. ^TH m. «T«T m. Bad o. fig. disfavour. ^PS^jff. 2 ticeet scent, v. Fbaobasce. g^TTH w». gn^ m. g^T^T^ /. (EcOitESiCAL, o. V. Ge.vehal. ^^HnTRTT, ^#^5^. (EsopHAQcs, «. STHT «i. 3T=>TTTm w. ar^^rrf^ra n. Of, />rc/>. "^T-^-^. 2 noting subjection to, connection with, &c. ^-^-^, «f%, ^^^, fln^j^^r. For the other senses of of, See FflOM, 13v, Amoso, &c. Of him-her-it-one's &c. self. 3TnT%'ifrnTtJr, 'im^m^\- q^, ■3Tr?r3TN. Off, adv. from — noting distance. 3f«t, ^'T. 2 /''OHi — with the action of separating, &c. This sense is given by the combination of two verbs, as mv^ CT^- iJjf to cut oft", 5PTf5 ^^ to take off, ^r^ ifoi-cnjdf to tear off, &c. &c.'^ 3 /;-o»»— noting departure. This sense is involved in the word virof, or is rendered by the combination of f^oT with ;3TTW or JRT, as u> ^.MR /. 'nTK^'r7.%gnt/. aTOHR m. ar^i^pTT/. Easy of o. f:^^. To take^o. f;^, ^jTlin, ^or, %7lijf,iT^H ?r5^^, ^ft5/.-&c.'^iit in. COM. 3 assailing, v. Attack. =Er5 m. =q^/. ^RT m. OFFESCEtiSS. See JjfSOCENI. To Offexd, v. a. displease.^ anger, huff, S,-c. ?rH5T"it, TTI «».- g. of 0. ^rTT-?rng[5.T-r:fft?T-^'?-&c. :pcot, #^^, TFRot, ^r- q^ijf, TFT JTt^ ^"Jf. 2 disgust, shock, nauseate, displease, annoy. f^5;H m.-W^- 5T3T WJ.-^/.-=^rH m.-&c. 3Tm^, ^^To5T ot.-^TW «J.-JiaT-?rri^ ii:ilh the present or future tense oj another verb ( as he ofiered to ti'o iff ^TJ^ '^YI^ ^R^r, you ofVercd to write aTF^ f=5f^?fr J^i^H H^f '^fr:^, Ac). [^F^. 3 wi«ir an attempt, y. To Attempt. 3^R»K.-snTcfrm.-ctc. OrrEE, Offerixo, n. v. V. A. 1. — act. qj ^^^ii. ji %5r'^». &c. ar^'nrn. ?nTqaT». fjf^^n. [«.3T?nf»». 2— «c^ ?at«. sTTfOTH. &e. 3T'f.?7[ ^i^m/. &e. II. saci'ifice, ollation. ^^ pop. Sfsftwj. afg^y. sife^yTf/j. Burnt 0. ^JTw. ^TT^frT/. ^. %, ^ZW-Zf. rising, &c. in o. ST^nfT/. [ q^:i^. Fallen, &c. from o. 'flftT^R=5^, ^rfq^RVT?, q5^35, Hsft^, ^'Rrnft^. For explanation the reader may consult the M. and E. Dictionary. A petty o. ?lTq-^5rft. Change of public officers. ^?^H | ^*t f. ^^^^ n. Tax upon public officers. i<'W{\f. Official, a. pertaining to an office or trust. arftT^R?^, aTORTr^, f ^-STT^, &c. arffeT^Rr^q'Ti^r, arrftppTfr^, ar- fcT^KR^iiMI-fcrTq^, q^^q^ift. 2 made or communicated by virtue of authorilt/. ?TTJi-:rf|^TC'n-qT^ot-&c. 2 perform the official duties (f another. 5R?ft^ ^f:\^ n.. si^sfHt a^^Rfr/.-Ac. ^FTOT-^iFJSftrr, ^W^ decL-niZr^decl. !F\n n.-&c. :{Rwi-^rR5TnT-&c. [ ^-&e. Officiatee, «. Officiatixo, ^. a. v. V. 1. spRT-Ac. ^RXTtr- 2 ^R^r-ETfe^T ^^urRT-==TR5^TTRT, &c. [ ^ffTc^T. Officinal, a. used in or belonging to a shop. |^R^, 5T:ss, n. v. A. 2. ^^^IWT m. ^>^U[] m. &c. Sf- | sif or ?yrp f- m'^f- ^TTFFTTHR m. f^^IT^KHR «». ^- | OrrscOLKixo,«. scrapings, i^'c. of dishes. f^t[ fm^f. Wi- ii ^/- . ^ P 2 fiir. rt<7^ u-hich is file and despised. W^TSf- HT?:m m. ^j i l KMNI ^5^, ^TT^^'^TT^T ?r^^, W^r^ ?TT%^T, ^3T^- ' K^H ^rr^.c^r, ?imH afr^rrotSriT, ikT^siTPt ^RT^?5c5r, iR^ ?r^:^/.-?ri/. Offset, a. s/fo:^, v. Spkout. ^VE m. q?m «». 3TfT »»• Offspeixo, ». a(7(f or children. ^<^H n. W^ pop. ^^f. nm m. sn^q- n. sft^ n. f^T^T^ «• f^^T/ T?^ o?- 1^ «• JTJTT/. sr?r?Tf^/. if?r!r«- ^qf^r/. ^/- ^^m- ^f^^rc Feinalo o. ^^mrTTH «. ^P^T^Trtf^T /. ^?I?IR n. ^■^- rTf?r/. ^^ ' -< M ?q ' n. '4H^fTfn/. tro^Frm «.— allusively, covertly, &c. ^^rffjft/. ^JTI^psft/- ^=ft ^^/- -Kq^w. Male o. J^rTFT n. qgr^?lf?f/. J€?TH ?f. j^?Tf^/. J- Tender o. «ll?51'4fM ?j. That has o. ^>->:.<--"• Dregs of o. ijft/. [^F?: n?! «. Dreggy or feculent o. ijT^v?' or %T^^ «. ^Z n. %^- Essential o. or extract of o. SI^ ni. 3T^ «. <^3 «. (in. comp. as. ^%^ ?i.fHS=5 n.-&e.). Stink of o. fft^^tTT/. ^^JTTOT/. rTt^'^M/ ^?;:pnir/. Sweet o. ^V^'k^j n. [&c. q?-^?:af. To be fouled from the dregs of o. — a lamp, vessel, To be smeared or wetted with o. r|rl+,iior. To rub with medicated o. ^"tTfif, '^t'Jlm.f. ^y lime, ^^^ipn., vrni'i, "T- j ^n.f. OleifEEOUS, n.'rtrfk'-IK;^^. Oleeaceous, a. pertaining to pot-hcrls. ^inP'TT^=Jrr, HT^- Olfactoet, a. pertaining to the sense of smelling. Vi^f^- Olibanum, n. — the perfume. ^A i-A 1 A^^ w. %TT^ m. OT'TR' Olioaechal, Olioaecuical, a. v. K 3Trq^^rf^4"T?Jf?n(':ft- Olioaecht, n. government ly a few. aTrT^fRrf^TT^ n. CJT- Olio, Olla, n. v. Medley, nldi^'lri/. %=;fff/. OlitOET, o. lelonging to pot herls. ^TTPHr^^r, Tr^lTTr^- Olive, n. (t^ 5fT3 "^X [ ^5^!^^ w. Omen, n. prognostic. ^T^ ?». iT'J m. ^HTSJiT^je^Tii w. nrf^- Evil o. 3^i!Tjpr m. |:^T^ w. I?^^"! «. gf^/^'^ n. 3^5'- f^ n. 3T5f?J?rjr+)/. «r^ «. [!TT ?8. ?^ m. 2 f^^or «. &c. qjTicTT/. ^FHT/. ?m^^/. n:;TFft^/. 'fl- To Omit, y. a. ?eai-T^rf^=Tr, ^F^, ^TTfH»i- Ompiialocele, n. rupture at the narcl. ?nf>T^.?^ n. Omfualotomy, n. dividing the navel string. qif»Tir^ «. ^T- On, ^?-i°p. fR, ^RrTT (?f fZ. 5R?it o?- fTf 0'- '^, 3^. 2 at or near. ?r, ?5T, ", mh'.foruard, in projression. J5, JTT^. 2 foricanl ; m succession. J?. o I'fl continuance. CE, adv. one time. 'TF^T, ^^^55, <^^%2:f , v-+. •=♦!<, '^^^itt, «^^;^^, ^%"T, ?r?JrT, 5?^ ( in comp. as i^^HT^ once roasted, &c. ). O. for all. ^^fTOT or ^, i^^ST. O. and away. w,^^;m, W^X\ JPTofr, ^'^r ^Ftft, TJ^r. b one time, though no more. 5^^^ ded. W-^^., ?(^- rH' decl. ^ffifHT -LV. ^^TtifT, Sf^^HFT. Okce, n. tJ^ vHHI' K 3nf . OxE, (7. single in rmmler. ^^,, One and a half, efts, — consisting of one and a half f-iS-^vI, ^frr ; — quantity of one and a half f^?T/. The figure one ( 1. ). 5t^3T m. 2 single, undivided, (t^, i^^"^. [^M?fl^. 8 some one, any one, indefniiely. ^^.^ ^W^.^ ^PTTift^^, 4 like, identical, (t^^ ^KW., ^^^fTT^r. Become one with. fmrq'. Z single in Tcind.^ the same, (t^, '^^. 6— noting diversity. ^^ ( as sfft^fff (^^ 3TTfoT %l^ ^^ It is oae thing to talk and another to act, ^^ ^Rq- ^, 590 ONL 3TTfnT^ ^'F It is one thing to promise and another to give, I 3?tqtT (njj -^^ 'i\ (jr^, 7^^R^r HOT qWT ^i^ i^ This is one medicine and that is a ditVerent one, how can they have the same effect ? ) 3lofT^ ( as %3; s^of 3T>ift'15 3TTfoT JM 'JTift, ^TtTT. One by o. ^(^q; or 1?%^, (t^ <^^?:T, ^ ^^f^f, sjf'q'-T. Many a o. f^rft <^. 0. closely after another. ^TTRT, «r?;^^T^. O. with another, together, in a lump, ^'c^^, (^f ?I?^, Eelating- to one or two. ^^j^V^.7^^=^. One, n. v. Pebson, Ma>'. H^tq n. htoJJT n. One's self. arrriT. One's own. aTTTrJT, Of one's self. 3TT'iT3TTT. 2 any one — iudef. i^q;^ JpffT, ^fii^'T. 3— the figure 1. ^sfTST »«• 0^•E-ETED, a. IT^TSTT, <^^r?^, <^^%^, ^^^fj, ^T-ess, n. unity, cj'c. ^^^.^^^ m. ^^7[f ^^q' «• ^'THT^ m. 3T|rr «t. 3T>T^ »«. rfT^TT^ ». The doctrine of o. in pliilosophy ( one principle in the universe ). sfgcf n. 3T|rIi^?r n. 3i|;ci^^ m. 31 H^ m. aTHc^H?f «. 3lir^^ »». ^^^ m. f^g? n. Holder of the doctrine of o. 5fr^ri=Jlt(t, 3T*r^=TT^, f?T- Holding the doctrine of o. 'JTH?^f^/. a^JT^H-TcTw.aiM^- gf?/. aT|?rif^/.&c. As opposed to the above is the doctrine of duality, or the assertion of two principles, especially of the distinctness of God and the world. H^HrT n. Mi4\i m. 5?T n. 1?tifrf «."|rr5rT^ «!.— Holder of it.ijj^rraft l^^nfr, H^f f^, ir^q;^^;— holding it, »T^^f'?/. ^^im. H^- f^/. '^^^^^^ m. f rT^ft/.&c. To Onekate. See To Load. Oneeoi's, a. liirdcnsome. ^?r5, HT^, ^^^, ^^T, f :?r^. OxiON, m. «Fi^T '». 'IFJtf, '"• =F^"T «'• Some significant termsi for it are, ^W.^ m. ^rorr^T^/. J^^^iJ Hm^T «■ Onion-coloked, a. cqr^. Only, a. single, sole, one alone. i^^F, "^^^j '('F^'^^, '^^CT, 'f ■ =F?5r, ^_^\^, %5rc5 OJ- 3. 2 one and no more, this and no other. ^J,^ ( with the OPE 501 prououu ^T or jfr ), ^f^rfT, '^^^VTH^Jp. OSLT, adv. simply, merely, sinyly. %q-5J, TTT^T, ^5], 5^T decl. f^P, tripjT rfecZ. ^ «(/,?c(/ ^0 /7;e ailjecfive. 2 «o ortii «o otherwise. %5rol, =q mf.^cf? /o /Ae adjective. OxOMANcy, «. divination ly the letters of a name. sTTHTf^T- OxoiliTOPElA, n. — in grammar. aT=7^vT0T ^i. ^T^^^^TS? »k. OxsET, 0>SLAuauT, n. a rushiny on, determined assault, v. Attack. |£5T m. =q]^f. q^ or qnr »». ^/. %^ITR w. At the first o. ^ff % Mil+*TR, qar?H. Wfa m. 2 TT^^i'if jz. qiq^; m. Oozx, a. slimy, Sf'c. ^^=qT, ^^^F^T, nT^rqi, q^TT'T. 2 5iffa-ess, n. v. A. 1. STTK^^T^B- m n. sr^r^TT%?pTT/. ^^\^^fH^■'■:^^^:^^ n. ^.vm-^^r^^ n.&c. 2 ^srH?rr /. f^r'^^HFTT/. rrTF^j^frr /. 3TJ5i=^jjrrT/. OpaCOUS, Opake, a. not transparent. 3TTR^^%, ST^T^ir^, sT^^isf^q'^, ^^^Tfr^-TF, f^?:ur^r4^, ^f^n'^rp, ^>jrr- 2 T, 'Y^^^^i 3T^=:^. Opal, n. f^qrg m. ^^tTPPfeq; ««. 'in=T^?T^H m. To Ope, To Open, v. a. unclose, iinlock. g'^'rf, 3'qiT-Tft- ^p^-&c. ^ot, 3^?T «.-&c. ^^y. o/'o. orE To 0. one's mind. if, Sf- JFTn OT.-f^'^rn W.-&C. :KT^. y. o/o. ST^mxn-ft-'FTf^TTI-ic. 3 crafyt, .?p/(Y, divide. ^fSKiif, rT^^filCf, T^f^iJt, HTsrfqdf. 4 draw out kindly. JPjf^TT, g^Rif, f^of. 9 ( a road, passage, Ac. ). TTIor, q77:ot, HPPoll «PT^. To Open, t). ;j. nndose, cjv. T^of, T^^-jft-^^r-vtr. ^[ot, 2 expand, unfold, ^'c. 31)r7^, ^Tr^aT^ 3'"F^'Jt, fq-Tv^T'T, 5Tf;nT?».-&c. ^trfy. o/s. 3 c;-oeZ;, split, i^c. r?5 ^ f.-&C. 13^ '». fO«. 4 (/jVa/e kindly, if a. ^rl^, "IF?^, ^^"P-T'Jt, Tip^aT, yiT- rJ'f, ^«Io50T, 3'=fo5'if . 5— a seam; come undone. g'?r^air_ 6 out, abroad, widely, &c. — legs, eyes, mouth, &c. ?rT^,f=r^^'Jr, "T^ijf, ri^n'Jf . — horu8, branches, &c. n, ^''P^. 9 out ; fig', comeforth.^ display one's talents, ^'c. g?Ior. Open, a. not shut, not closed, ^-c. 3^Tir, ^T, Hre5!T. 2 not secret or concealed, pullic. 3"'^?, T^F, srf?F5", sfiR, ?T?, sTf^^TirrsTT, 3-q?qTiTT=^F, ^^z^^]^., &q. ^sws^\- =ETF, STf?r5q#STF, A-c. ^CI^F^ft^T, ^^ifT^F. 3 artless., sincere, ingenuous, c^'c. v. Fuank. J^m^T jtt- ^aT-f?FHoJ-&c. JTT+coi|l H^F^F, PlMolH^HT, f^i^^P^, fH- ai'T^iTF^. 4 e.vposed., unprotected, unsheltered—a, place, •jijgi, ifr- *5ET, ^MiNl^il, 7qi^q^='iTrqF,7q^qT?r5TrqT, f^TTTsq^n^, 3T?TF«nTF^F, ^FTF^PT, 'JT^TF'^, sil-^Ni,;TF-^F^rr^. In the opeu air, yard, street, &c. si''-i4'MI^<, ^^TS^g- =^F^. 5 free to all comers, admitting tcitJiout restraint, jfhpsrr, ^?5T, *il+.cbqi ST^F^qr^T, 'pPfFTF^, f^gTT, %F^Tr;TFFTr- ^F, Tf|7T^l^=^, 5Tf%^'^f|n-^IfT-&c. ['*RF^?r. 6 uncovered, not having a cover, — a vessel. TT5 <^r5F^r, 7 clear, free, unobstructed, roomy, i^w Hl^oir, ^cTT, ^- 8 ?io< crowding or close, f^^^ oj- 3, flf^S, f^^^Sl, §5F, jiF«P5Er, 5T3, TF?To5. 9 not settled, not closed, — account, &c. =5IF55, 3'>TT, afr- 10 full, commanding, ^/je,— couateiianco,&c. T^, sj- OPE B92 OPI 11 unobslrucleJ, clear, — river, &c. jft^^, ^rffcTT. 1"2 — scaui, joint, &c. 313[. 13— a \owel, &c. 3^TtT, f^fT. 11— tlio org-ans of speech. t^fH. In o. day, in hroad Jay lif/ht. fs^THT^^ToTTT, f^, f^- OrES-iiAMiKD, a. V. Gk-sekous. ^|r(|-m ^tw.^-^Z\-^^^^■^- Opes-ueabied, a. y. Fhask. H^TT^r JT^FoTT. OPEx-iiouTUED, a. 3TT cTre?;?JT, frrs ^rr^i^sT, nti "T^f^rtT, To fall upou 0. 3fRf5 T5Er -ixg, n. v.V. A. l.—act. S'qs^ «. &e. ^^Z^ n. O. and sbuttiug- ( reiterated! j, &c. ). ^^m^^f-^- 2 — act. ^^TS'if n. T^'ii n &c. — state. spPT^T »n. ^-^T^???. Z—act. 3'SISat «. &c. S'?!^ «• WS'T^^^T n.— state. ^- C— s/a-ess, «. Y. A. 1. g-wfJTT »». ift^Kq''JTT »«. g^TiiT «»• z-^iw.J. ^^Tfr/. Jj-rafs/- !Tf*T5rTT/. o 3T^^ Tftqj^qTJTT »». ?r'Jr. n. worlc, perform Junction, t. To Act. M.-ic. ^iJf and, in. con. 'i{^^ g. of s. 2 v.-orJc causativeli/, produce ejfed, Y. To Act. ^T^'r^T «.- ?;m/.-&c. q:M. jin i«.-&e. ^?:of, ?5r'T--5n'^-&c. ^rVar^- 8— iu surgery. ^T^^qr^ ^iJT «.-^^f^qT/.-q-R WW ^^OTRF, ^TWf^qpfTftr, ^T- Opedose, (j. toilsome, y. Laeoeious. ^-jr^, =>^Hr^, stf'^ra, Opeboseness, n. v. A. stsifreT^m. ^'Trnf^rrr/ JiTT^iT^T^^T/. Ophidian, a. pertaining, tjv. i?o serpents. ^'T^T'ff, ^Hf^T'^q^. Ophiophagous, a. serpent-eating. ^H?T^, ^qH^, H^Hf^'l. Ophthalmia, OPHTnALiiY, «. disease of the eye. ^^^H »»• "^^^ »"• ^'fRTT m. Bt^^^V^ m. Acute 0. m\zi]^ m. pi. Purulent o. ^luq- or ^Tot stsi ?«. pi. HOTira »». /??. Pricking of the eyes under o. ^hO /. ^^S »«. f. %. To have o. sts m. pi. q'of 5'. ofs. Ophthalmic, a. jwrtaining to the eye. stoi^THr, %=5rrsTT, 51- Opiate, n. medicine that causes sleep or rest, ^f^'^'-f^^'^- &c. ark'^ n. fq-^FTTft afrT'cT m. 3'T^TPr?r «. Opiate, a. soporific. ^\^ SfmtTFT, &c. f?r^Tmt-^=T:^-'S;c. 3'T^TH^Wr, 3^^TH^Rt, S^^TT^'T. To Opim=. Sec To TniSK. Opixiated, Opiniatiye, a. olstinate in one's own opinion. %z^, ^s^rr^r, ^-m, l^rtrfr. Opixiativeness, Opixiatey, «. v. A. KTH^^rrf^m^ j;;. kijt- fira^ «!. ^qT^TFtrFHTTf^TrlT/. KrTrfHTTFT ««. |^^^ »«. ?H1T Opinion, «. persuasion of the mind. JTFT «. T^THTvfTrT /. ^- A different 0. fsTq;?? m. [ ^q;?q m. Opposition or ditfcrcnce of o. iTrf%9[ »«. i^r^frlTfrT/. Opposed in o. f^iTf?I"T^, 2 notion, judgment, mind., thought. HcT «. gf^/. ?TH^ ot. /. ^TH^fT/. ri^J ni. f^^{K m. q| »». ^lf^% »«. »TT?r «. HTtT m. W.^\^ m. Ill 0. I'^HTSf «?. Public o. ^T'TH?t n. ^^JTrT «. 5IfTT?T n. Eegard to public o. ?5nF?5^5rT/. ^=7rI^T/. 3 «c^ 0/ /enf/«, particular view. TfrT «. ^F?? ?«. q?TH!. 4: fiivorahle Judgment, esteem, ^jmf. ^RT'IO.SATIVK, a. v. Ojpixiatki). KliTriTrT- OnsioxAxiTE.VEss. n. v. A. T5TJTrirfTRT?r w!. JT^IffHTPT m. Oriuir, n. 3T.-&e. ^TtJf,3TS?fr/.--JT5/.-cTr^ w;. fsR^Tr^ ,„. ^rrf^:^^ 11. Sff^-IHR «. 3 f^qq-f^ ««. f^rqqq' ?K.'qqftfJi OrrosmoN, n. v. V. I.— act. 3Tn=rr qwf «. STjqor n. ar^Tirf. tT?r «. sifFTfr':! m. a^qu^T WJ. SffFT-lHT ?«. sifftf^qr/ JTRTI ji. fH^Rur «. [?7j;rcr m. I. //(^Jci/ZmeH/, V. IIiXDERAXCE. 3T5?ft/. ari'tTotr w«. a^- IJ. hostile feeling. f^^Hfq w. l^rHrq m. 1 n. collective Lodi/ of opposcrs. f^^TfH^^PRfiJg »». q^fn- sTrfrrq^ m. For other meanings, See Oppositesess. To Oppress, v. a. treat with excessive and vnjiisl scvrrili/. ^JT J«.-^H^?TrefT/.-^Jr!lft/-&c.:fRiJf xcith^Tofo. fq^T^^ fq^5 ^of, v?TT^, ^T^, fqs'jf,^!?^, ^r:^, ^JRiir, =qw, v^oi^oJR: wi.-Tq^q »i.-7qj=[7 m -&c. ^». 3:qK^ w. :S'J^i^ n. ^^Z^^ n. fn?T n. sr^rqti^r ». Eegal o. and injustice. XV^W. «. To have or feel an o. of the chest, ^l m. ^^ot y. 0/"^. 3TFR air^r n.-Scc. g-ROT. Oppressive, «. v. V. 1. ^^HRTT, =^H7qR?ft^r, ^q(t^i, ^qr^^t^r, &c. ^q^?k, ^r^m, 'f r?Tc;mq;-TRq;, ^trtt, ^■q^ff ^R^. 2 Tn^"?; si^T'JIRT, ^RTTqCTTRT, '4?"'jft^^ qnarm, c'cc. ^^t"^, ^R'm, ^sf^, Hift, ^?q;?T. Oppressivexess, m. v.a. 1. ^rrf^qurr »i. ^=^r=fr/. =^r?r^rq- ■f-f^T W. ^?iqi?=T H. itc. 2 ^ftyiquil »1. -JllfrlMHUII ?«. &C. Oppressor, n. Oppres^i.vq, p. a. v. V. 1. ^RT^rrRr, ^raurrrr, fq^?[?iu[RT, ^^^^rumr, &c. ^iTTrfr^, ^qi5??r, 37^q-^rTr- ORA 591 ORB OrpnoBBloi's, a. reproachful . ti-urrilous. f^^^, ^•iliufl"'!!, ^•i l ot l^T. T^^r^, *?IcifHl, Ac. 3T"T^rT5^. MV*i f^ «!<•*'- Ori'i:oBiiiOLSLY, adv. V. A. H?H, J^foft^, f%7T ^CT, f%5T- "J^, Ac. [^^FrTT/. OPVIiODKIOUSXESS, Jl. V. A. f^'i+r«) n. ft To consult an < W.-STOK m.-nSiTT/. pl.-Sic. f^cT^-JTmwf. To consult gods and oracles. %^r tTJ?f f^^F"if . To give an answer, — au o. thus consulted. ^=i rn.- IfHT7 m.-kv. %ai. To give a favorable answer, — an o. ^^^f. ^ijf, — to give an unfavorable answer, 5T«ft/. ^. 4 a person ichote opinion is to Le regarded as an oracle. 5 ivise or authoritatire .sentence. arfir^^Jv^T^R n. 3?f»T^- rprPffi/. -JTTFR^^ n. aTTJfrf^/. Oeaculah, OnACUi.ous, n. V. N. uttering oracles. ^^^^^^\- 2 Z/A-e an oracle. S^SfToftH^^, SJTsjT'nT'^r^?!, .Se. Ouaculault, OitACULOusLi-, adu. ^sntwr^, 3TP{iT^T'rmT4, ^snwt ^15, &e. OliAL, a. spoken, not written, rlfs^, f^rSjT'TT'ft'^, ^T^^T- jfr^, 5^fft^, 3Tf?5f^?r. O. answer. cfi^^H M »». [J" ;;;. O. or comniunicatiou. ^r^=^m'rfr ^mj- O. statement or communication. ^\Z'^V^]^\f. TJJJjT- Oeallt, adv. T. A. JT^^irr^, HTi^fmr^t^, j^jT^^jr^'f, =tt- Oeange, ?i.— the tree. HRnt or ?lTfHt/. ^m^f. ?rRn ?«. — the fruit, ^ift^ »J. Some kinds are, ^l^rr, HRRT, sr^Tift- Slice or division of an o. ^T^f;^ f. >TT#zt/ Orakge, Ouange-colored, a. ^R'ff, ^Tlt^. Obangebt, 71. plantation of orange trees. ^n^=^-5TTf<'ft=^- &c. sfPT m. Oeation, n. set .speech, x. Haeanove. qr^^^'4 !«. ST^R^ n. m^^f^^m^.^f:K^^'^ n. OeatOE, «. piillic speaker or declaimer. ^HT^^r, ^TTiTflH, 2 eloquent speaker. ^^tJvT, ?T?=r^ Sf^f^T, ^^TnflrT, ii^I- ==r^^^f, sf^nj-^q^, Efr^^tf^^r. Oeatobial, Oeatoeical, a. pertaining to oratory or an orator. ^TTRffe^TT^T, ^fHT^TfHIT^srr, firT'^frr^Ttf^^IT'TTI- Oeatoeiallt. Oeatoricallt, adv. v. A. ?fHT^?Frtj-R-, w^-^- qrtflf^, ?rTr5n|?it^FC=T, &e. ^TTTffT^rrT^i^KHITm^^T Jf^Kl^', ^PTRfflf'T^^^, &e. Oeatoeio, n. sacred drama set to music. iiPftTT?T n. ^'■'^jf. OeatOet, w. art of public speaking. ^TTTffSfT n. ^'H\M^.^ n. ^TT^^rq^qr/. 2 art of .speaking well, t. Eloquence. ^Io?^:^^^^- n. qrf - "^VT^ n. ^npfq ?!.. 3 place for prayer. STT'^T^mR «. !TT'4?n?r^ n. Obb, w. spherical hody.^ v. Spheee. rT?7 w*. 'ffrT^ m. J75^ ?J. 2 V. Oebit. ^/. ^Fc^T/. 3 circular array of troops. =5r^^i^ «j. OBD 593^ Okbiculae, Oebiculate, «. sjpherical, y. Eoukd. JitcJ, 'ft- || ?^=FR, ^H?5, 5rg?7ppR. II 0-S.mT,n. path of a planet. ^f\f. W.^jf. T.^ ni. q^T4 »«• j ^T^TTH m. 5tS?5 n. f^THSc^ n. fsT^^TT n. ii Apex of an o. g'^ m. Apsis of an o. it^rw »«• Tlie greatest iucliuation of a planet's o. fcf^'J^T »«• ORCnAnD, n. indosure for fniit trees. 'Pothft ^TT/. "Pol^fr- OnCHESTiiA, «. place for a laml. ^\^r^1H'\^T »«. HTR^RT »«. 2 io(/y of musiciam. ^\^^\■^ rn"'PT w.-T^T m. qrl^^rH- yy Obdain, i'.o. estaUisli, prescribe, iiistitiife,\'.'£o Atpoint. =5fr^/.-&c. ^>jfy. f/o. ?'4Tf'Trr-&e.^TiJr. 2 appoint to an office. JT^ijf, 'Tf^'n, F^tTTRat, ^fKnT^p/.- 5fr^^T/.-'fr3T?f «.-fS{qT^?r ?i.-&c. ^Rof y. 0/0. 3Tf4?^- &c. ^FT'if. 3 JHtrs/ icilJi ministerial functions. qHrfq^HT^'^ ^?^T/. ^ijf, ■3'n«;5r7tiTT=^^JFTJTr?n; 'TT^'Jr-%iTcn-,':TJT'T^5^f?^-tTH'T^- f%5?fj-&c. Jf)^. Okdaixcd, ;). V. Y. 1. %K%?5T, F«. sq^-tTT/. "rR-Hife^r/. "rmr- lu-v cried or rctrogadc o. s^fcT^iT?;}. ^'Tf^JT m, s^jrqq- OED 2 established process.^ settled mode of operation. !p»T m. TTTn m. 5ftf?r po2J. f\7[f. TftTra "». qfTTTfr /• qjf^ /'o/J. T- sfTi^/. f^rq^T /jo;). %jt wi. qqnr m. Direct o. arrg^FT «• Inverse or reverse o. ^j'rfrTsfi'^ n. That is in rcg'ular and in reverse o. 3'3?T7T^^, T^- That is in o. HI'IMI, JTTim?^, ftHW, &c. 3 proper state or condition. s^pT^'tfr/. ^^R^ in. ?T'^-HFiR^-JTTnm-&c. arn^m, To come into regularity and o. g^ ^^->.'ic. k^i^ f^r\^ ^prif. To get out of 0. f^nrsor. 4 ranJc, class, grade, division. Tn m. JPT ?rt. spJT m. ^rrf^ The middle or common o. ^nrrp^rq?^ m. ^tt^-IK'JT'TJ^w'. Disposing into classes or orders. l^^^tTTft/. The whole o. or class. JfT^ n. ( as mnijMI^ ). 5 society, body, fraternity. TJT m. JTSoft/. ar^jfTST in. The lower orders,v. People, cf?^ rrt^oft '«• i^Z. ^"Jpfr ^jm\ arrm 3iTrf /. The upper orders; gctttle folh. ^nf[ i^^ f. ^\\\\ K- v£[f. w^ TT?r/. ^WT sr^ »». G religious fratei-nify. ^\^1n. qf'. 'F''iTT^ or ^r m. General o. ^^^g'-HH '»• ^?';f 'T^T w». V I H I '<< ^TT^PT «. I\rade or done to o. "^^ifft or ^ft, '+,il'l=j, ^nrr^T. Under the o. of. ^F^tH. Written o. 3^ ;^^ m. '^■\M'\\H\ in. 8 upon ; — for money. \tW "'. ^Tlrf/- ?T?f^ wi. 9 regulation, v. Eule. ^ET^JTST ?«. [/. 5'H^ «. 10 license, icarrant, pass. f^^f. "RtlT^ «!. "TT^TFPftf^^ In o. to.ybc /7iC purpose, to the end. ^T^, W^f , +RHf. To take o. tiiA-e measures. ^ZJ^'^ w.-H-^jfH/.-vtc. ^- Oedee, v. a. arrange, put in order, v. To Dispose. ^T^ot, OBD 596 ORI 2 lead, conihict, manage, .^•. ^TtT^Jof, '^^^^^ ^^IT^, ^- ^i(\zjA■^^\\ mr&c. i^T^ g. oj o. 3 direct, v. To Commanp. 3TTfTT/.-ffK w.-&c.%iit-5Rffr, OT5Tnoi, f^^^OT, "FTKTf^of. [»?T5R-4Tf?rf. Oedeiied.;). V. V. i.rq^OT, ■«Tmn^?iT, &c. ^f^n, ^rf^, 3 5^ %^^T, "Sc. 3TT5Tm?T, f^R''?. OErFBEii, H. Obi>ei;i>o, ;;. a. v. V. 1. r^^'JTm, '-E8s, n. v. A. 1. 'jPH'h. \r\m. ^^^■\^ m. s|^TiR?f w. jpt"/. =qT^lfr/. ^rT=^fT/. Eq^ft-'TfTq'JTT m. ^fH^ff^ «. R^T/. -+H+ir
'akily, adv. v. A. 1. and Comhohly. sn^t, ^fTT^T!. Ordinary, a. customary.^ common, usual, Sfc. fHcT^Trft^T, RtrMi-Hi, S'Hi^^iR^ ^0/1. ^<<«i^iR^ or ix^, srrf^, q"r/. ^Z. AW>n. rf^qsr-Tw, 3 insirmnent or means of communication. gTT/!. ?fm^^«. Organic, Oeganical, a. possessing organs of vitality or action. ff^q^TT^, S^^RTq^, ff^^M?!'?, ^t^F^TWI'^^- 2 consisting, Sfc. of organs. JpiTOT'^^TT^, ^F^TW4^^, 3 produced cj'c. Jy /7iC oryc/ns. f^^f^qT, ^f^^^iq'^, S- Organism, n. organic structure. ^f^^fqf^'J T^^^^f. Organization, n. v. Y. l.—acf. tf^^f^T^^I W.X^ n. Ac. ?- f^qi%fn"2^>Jr «. TJT^TKTH^T^^TiJT «. 2 ^T^R ^Tilt ". ^TTIRtqr ^^T^I'tT ^>JI 5!. &C. I. suitalle disposition of parts. if^TT^qT-^H^TT'q^tHT-Ac. ^^rq^ m.-5r?fi}T^ ?n.-sq^'TW^q=5r-&c. w.i^. 2 arrange by appointing ojjicers.^ agents, Sfc. ^A^^^X %- HH-3TH?5^ ?IH?T-&c. ^^^ 7n.-^fra«rr/.-%?fm.-5^cf^'4T f.-&c.w.^g.ofo. [%?!»». Orgasm, w. excitement. ^J^Fofl"/. 3'ToE m. ^rf ot. ^.z m. 3TT- Oegies, n. druid-en revels. qre:^^t=qT "rf^TS ?«. H^^fH^^qT qf-455 >«. Orient, «. rising — the sun, &c. 3^.^, T^TR. 2 See Eastern. 3 See Bright, Orient, n. y. East. "pf/. Oriental, o. t. Eastern. >jf^T, "Jf ^^vt??, f?5^, ^fe^. 2 having power to originate new thoughts. ^^\ ^^^l\^\ W'- ^nr, 3T'T5^?'al>'kss, n. \. A. 1. ST^r^T'TT m. 3T- 2 ar^^+trmnT^/. arq^f^^'TTf^ n, 3 arq^ff^^FTT/. 3Tq#?;f^?TF5r n. Oeigixally, adv. from the rise or origin. 3T5tTf^, T f|yM I M |- 2 at first, at the origin. ^Tf^ decl. qf|=qT%, ^^T, 3TT^, ^2;Tt'ft, JTR»ff, 3T5T?5. OniGiXAEY. See Oeigixatoe. Jo Oeioixate, v. a. Iring info existence. ^T^nf^ 3TT'5r-TT- f^5!T?T-&c. ^tif, !TKT m.-^'>:^^^Z^ m.■^■^:m^^^f^ f.-^'^J[^\- Tft'^f^r/.-cte. q;?^ y. of 0. K7. 5i.-3'T-^JT wi.-3'^iT OT.-&C. jTo OraGiNATE, v. n. taJce existence, legin, v. To Eise. ^M, 3"rq5T-3"Tf^' ?Tft, ^r^'it, |R. Some of the ornaments of men are, STTTfl', hP^, sp't, ^^'ft, %^, nRT, HRf^i-^, ^T^^^T, f?TnT or bpiT, ^r, ffrjr, ?5H5^, qf^^, 2b OESAifEXT, V. a. V. To AroKN. 3T%q^af , ^J^^of^ ^R^T- Oenamextal, a. Oexamknting,;?. ff. V. V. rim^'JTRT, ?fr- HT5irRT-*"iTnOLOGiST, n. one skilled in the history of birds, qfn- 0E>TTU0i.OGy, n. natural history of birds. qfl^f^TR^R^r/. Oephan, n. child bereaved of its parents. RR^r m. ("fl"^^/.) qRiqi<*r m. ( q1H n. "TTH m. ftl n. OiizyiiATiovii, a. fond of display.^ T. N. 1. a^rtsiTT^T, 3TT- ?, qm^f, zTf^^ [ I OSTEXTATIOUSLV, adv. V. A. 1. i\B\^, |r?5 ffTO^T^, <&C. qr- I ^5 5Tr:^5, ?m^ ^€?r. 1 OsTEOCOi'E, w. pain in the lones. ^w^ |;?JI n. arf^tj^s^r/. OsTEOLOUY.Ji.ffcsov/j^/oM of the lones. 3lft'TT (in comp. as T^^T, &e.),3^qT. 2 «o);ie c/sc, «o«ie lesides. ^WT, |^r. Other's, Iclonging to another. .^IT-TT^T, a^'T^t^, "TT- qftT, R^ ( in comp. as "TTs^rf, T^Wt, &c. ), -DISII, a. V. FOREiaX. 'R?5T=^, ^T?^T^, TT^^ft^, Sf- 2 r/^r/c, ri/s/ic, y. BaRBAEOUS. q-:Hfr. '^IT or ^nT^, "^- O. fellow. ^;T^JTroT?r«. ^tittm^ «■ ^^^': m. O. speech or fashion. ^fvH5 «. To Outlast, y. a. last longer than. f^^^JTrf^T^fr-rTTi^rTf^- |^-q^r-&c. ofo. Outlaw, n. Outlawed, p. v. V. ;;fr,voii c.rchtdfd from the lenefU aiul protection of the law. TT^?:?7crnTT^, ^Tq'?:?TOT- 5fT^, c.qq-|Ki)r^l-^Fr, ^RgR^lf^TJ^, ^p!TT?TCT:rf|'s??fT. T(; 0\}T:-L\vi, V. a. 2ntt out of the jn-otection of thelaw. IJ^- «TT^:^r^^0T5Tf|"i7^-c'cc. ^of. OuTLAWEV, n. V. Y. ^PTT2(U|ijr^ii-+,^ g- oj o. OurLyisc, a. ^r^fT, 5fT|?^, sirffT^. Tu Oitmaucu, v. a. leave lehind in marching. -siiauMR TT- Oltmost. See Outeemost. To OuTXUMBEK, f. a. e.rcfffp% ^^ g. ofo. 2 V. To Deceive, "p^fijijf, S^^^^, Hf^^r, Hjiif, '^FTRiJif. OriEiDEE, n. attendant on liorselacJc. f^^A'['^'\ ?^K, TrffsfT- OuTEiGOEE, w. (of a canoe), ^ri'st/. Oi'TEiGHT, adv. immediatelg, at once., on the spot. ^^X^^.^ vfiRTSt, ^TfRT?, ^TfKFT, ^f^JTS^f^, FTPTR, FT^HT, 2 plainly, plump, flat, smack. OTT?, f^?3[iiq-- To OuTsniXE, V. a. excel in lustre. ^r'Trf-^irHT ^"iqffT->ic. |?r-R^f-&c. o/o. f'Dixa, a.not collected, unpaid. — debts, lace. 3^5fF5 n. 3'5T?5 n. ^T^-TT^ ^THT/. OvrE, /irc^. alove, upon, (j'c. jR, cf^fTr i^ecl. ef^t, ^T^fr, 'RFf, OTft. 2 across, from side to side. ^W^^ 3 ?//)ore /7;e 2t'//o?e surface. =fCH'. OvEE, «(fe. flioce the top. ^l.|^^^. 2 OH the opposite side. crR, Tjft'FS. 3 more than, additionally. f^T^RT, sr;, 3Tfq^^, 3TrT3T . t. V. ?ril qT?T%?5T, ?m%^T, &c. ^q?y, ^Kfir^ OVEEAWING, M. T. V.—acf. ^vn ^^^i\ n. ^]^^ n. &c. ^5ir- ^5fr/. ^^^\f. ^J^^f. W.^f Oveeualance, n. excess ofu-cight, i^c. 3TRr5tr«i. To Oveebalaxce. See To Outweigh. To OvEEBEAE, II. a. bear doivn. ^T?:aT, SJTil'^, 2;%BT ^^"jf , rfpl'jf . Overbeaeee, m. Oveebeaeiso, p. a. v. V. TT^liiru, Z^Z^J- TF, Ac. I. disposed to bully, ^c. — of persona. Sfsnr, 5fs, STifnT, ^%^, 3-^JT??r, ^^W, ^JT?:, 5>T, 3-^, ?5rr, ^Fli?, 5^, ??rr^, ^-iH^rd or ^rrr, '^^f^r, ^f^r, ^oif^r, aT5?:q5fr, arg^q-zt, ^R>T, ^^^Riqr or ^R-srr. II.— of acts, &.C. ^f5n"?l/.-^3^3/.-?ftn- ^\Z m.f.-ki. 3TH^ y- ofs. To OvKnFLOw, I', a. (hlti/e, inundate. flf^T'it, T^P ^FT^, v^c5- OvKitKLOw, OvKnFLOwixG, «. V. T. N. 1. 7^«Tot/. EIT?rt5/. 1' rt//./ ExurEi!A>-CE. ^/. X^^^f. ^JToT^i^T «• ()vii;klowi;i!. h. Ovehflowinci,^. 5fT, 3lf?I^r5?f. OvEEGEowTn, ji. V. \. X. a^f^^f^r^ ;». /. "PR^TT^ wJ. /. To OvERUASG, V. a. ^■rq^-^S^^B^ icitli (j. of o. To OvEEnACL, V. a. turn over and e.ramine. =^T^-'^V^^'^^- ■^-kc. qif^, =rr5T m. %cfty. ojo. =^r5;aT, =En-5!:r=sfr3:/.-=5rr- 5n^c5t/.-&c. ^FTijf y. o/ 0. 2 examine again. pr^?TR-f^^7r-'mr[^^R-&c. Tr|^-=5TT5E- ^-srriT ?». q'or, ^T55ufHt-&c. j^twt/ ^^"if. OvEiiUEAD, adv. above, aloft, Sfc. SR^TITC, Sr^l^IT, JTW^WT, etc. sr?, qXHT. To OvEEHEAB, V. a. licaT wlittt was not designed for one's hearing. ^^-•^^\r\-&.c. ^?Tf ^.i^. To Overlook, v. a. stand higher than, afford means of look- ing down on. j^ ar^Prr ivith |^ or ^^ of o. TTT^sn^ aren't. 2 owwee, T. To Scpebistexd. TTfof, ^^^ /.-Tx^uft/. -&c. cRof ^. o/o. =EfT^^'t/.-&c. S^iiry. of 0. 3 /MM Jy, /jrtis over, e.vcuse. #S^, "frfi" qraot, ?ff?/. ST W1.-&C. ^Tq-. To be overlooked. ^^^_ 4 prts*' iy, omit, tuTce no notice of ^^7.V[^ ST^T^^'jf, "KHT- ^, TR"if, 3-q?TCTr, 3T2\R«.-3""7^/.-vrR[5Fpft/.-=FRTiT- olT OT.-&C. ^iif g. of 0. Oveelookee, n. Oveklooki>-o,;). a. x. V. 2. 5^. To OvEEEiPEX, I', n. TPr^iJir, 3f1%^'jf. To Overrule, v. a. control hi/ predominant nuthorily. ^- =Eir STfq-^R »i.-V?l't'T"JrT M.-3^i7^ m.-&c. '^WA^ tcith ^X of. 0. m--^} 3Tf!:T'TRT?f-3Tf!:T'TT^r^r 5i5SR-ctc. =qi?^Hrq- 2 mal-c null, tj'c. put aside. 5rT^S'T0TI^-&c. ^tf^-^ra^T- <^-Hm ?IRW or ^^ui-l^ JF?;ijf, ?5^TfH:=T'jf. OvEEEULEB, n. OvEEEULlXG,/;. a. V. Y. ^TT^^tT arf^T^R sfR- DTRT, 5rT=ETr 3TH^ ^T^^smRr, &e. 2 g^^iiTRr, mJi "tt^otrt, etc. 2o OvEEEuN, V. a. overspread .1 cover over, sq-prnf^ ■>T'''tt, ETS'wf, qr^oT, 3HT=sar^, 5^n^-H57T-^55-&c. ?:iq;at-q^, 5frpsif5r-3TTqftif-&c. B?;?:ot. ^ [arripfpfFr ^ui_ 2 roi-e ore?' hastily. 3?TjpiTar, WT=^T/. i?^ ^^S^t, a^Tipfrf- 3 See To Outrun. 4 cot-er swarmingly, \. To Swabm. ^Trr^-H^H %'ji-?:T^"?f. To be overruu. EqrTOT, *R^. Overrun, />. v. Y. A. 1. cq7q?i?5r, e^t'T^ ?T^a^T, ^tc. ssTHT, 3Tr^^, sTT^'jf, 3Tr??frof. '" |i 2 3frT^^%c5r, 3TT^f?r, 3Tr^fjT?r. i| Overrunning, «. v. V. A. l.~act. ozf\^w[ n. s^tT'T^ ^^ n. ;' 2 ari^iT'Jr «• a^raJT »«. arT^JTor n. a^fq^JTUi m. 2T9 Oversee, V. a. ofo'ZooZ-, V. To Supeeintend. qTSDT,%^- [ Overseer, «. v. V. ««(Z Supeeintedent. "TTf'JTRT,^^'^^ T'l- [I "TRT, ^W'^'Tr, =?f^^JftW, 5f\^, fiRq-T, g""7^"Sr. i To Overset. See To Upset. ;! To OvERSHAUE, To OvEESHAiow, V. «. tJirow a s/iadow over. \ ^T5I?ft/.-Sr^/. ^ii-^WM idtlmx ofo. ^RTT|Ff-3mr=-J5- '■;. To OvEESBOOT, V. a. shoot leyond. i%?imT=5TT-&c. qps^^l 'j sn^w.^T^. ?r?^qTf?i5f;iT ?«.-?i^q"tE|5jq- M.-B^srifri^i? »«.- jj &c. :f;?;5r. [^. ij To 0. one's mark, fia'. oulmt one's self. '^]^^^^f;z W.^- 1] Oversight, «. v. Superintendence. ??)>??/. =^r-T^ft/. \\\- t %T w. V. %tr. [^fv.siw w. '^ra n. ' 2 mistake, blunder, overlooking, ^'^^^.f. ^"ff'^'Y f ^/. j' To Oversleep, v. rt.(oiie's seli)T5r5T"T/-3lfFlf5T^T/.-&c. ^'^, i 2^0 OvEESPREAP; «). a. cover over, occupy the ichole surface '■ »i.-ic. ^m y. (fo. 'JTT^SvT-'fll^fFf-'fll^'T'JT-itc. ^wf. OVEESPREAI',/). V. Y. E^TRBFir, S(l=e3T5^??T, &c. W^UT^rT, 'i Strf/fot iu coiiip. 'JTT^tof. ;1 ^0 Overstate. See To Exaggerate. To Overstep, v. a. go beyond, v. To Transgress. S'S'^'t, ^^ wi.-TS^PT «.-«S:c. ^fR'Jt 5'. o/" 0. To Overstock, v. a. supply tvith more than is requisite. 3T- ^^, Trjj ^^. To Overstrain, v. n. make loo great effort, ■^f?\^^-r^ m.-v.- fffJfTRT m.-&c. qfRiTlr. Overt, a. not concealed or secret, v. Open, g'^j, ^^"TOTr^r, 'Tftr^qoTi^, sTiT^T'JTrsn', ^■qsqtfirqr, TT^fri)rt=ETr. To Overtake, v. a. come up irith in pursuit. ^ZH^^., • "TIST^ )'(. ^TTT'T? Ml. »RT m. q^rsm >». 3— oc/. rfreiif n. ?iRitJf n.— slate. 5?^ »«• 'TT^T )«. HH w. f^^RT m. f^tq-^ „,. OvEETiiEOwN,/!. V. \. 1. qTl%?=ir, ^^I^'^^T, &c. 3 JTRSOT, ^m%S;T, etc. ^fi?, iTlf. OvEETLT, adv. V. A. ?^, 3'^5qoff, sffH^^Torr, qriT/. Hl^l'Ji y. o/o. Overweening, «. conceited, vain. q^^ht^T, 'i^f^THT^T^T, T^r?ITH, 3lfHHT5T- To OvEEWEiGH. See To Outweigh. 0\EIi^^ EIGHT, n. ^Uw-'^l n. TRlf-T^q m. eo4 OTS To OvEEwiiELM, t'. a. crush or lear down leneatli something that covers, ^ot, TT^of, ?^H-?T^-itc. JTT^iif, TTl^, '2 tig. immtrse and Icnr ilcwn. fSf^^Jf, ^Sf^^iTTof, 1^- rs^-f^HR-Ac. ^07, irre'it, qror, 3TT^i?i-itc. q^iir. To be ovenvlieluicd. l^-n5^-Ae. ^tor. OVERWHELilEP, /). V. Y. 1. SlR^Jtr, 55^5 ^T^^PJT. OvEmvuELMEii, «. OvERWHELMixo,/). a. \. Y. 1. ^jmHRI, ffi^ ^qprnrr, ^mrnr mi^iur, &e. 2 Jl^TTTTT, ^??1TRT, q^'TRT, 1% +<<'IKI, S:e. ^qf^. ot-S:c. 3T- ?f^ y. of 0. Ov.T^lTy,p. V. Y.l. 3T'ft'TRS?5T, ^t^R^^, f'Tgffp/. — the shell, qn?I=rn. ^^/. ni"T?!T»«. Half or single shell of an 0. ^lin, Pearl 0. ^f^/. PAC G05 PAC P^ Tills letter is expressed by T,and \vlien aspirated by "P. Pa, short for papa. SfT. Pabulab, Pabulous. See Alimental, Nuteitious. Pabulum, n. v. Pood. ^t?T«- ^T^/- ^^=T«. f^^T m. Pace, n. step, m^^.n. ^5JT«>. ST«f?w. TTtflT'". ^^/qT^"!. T^- 2— tlie pace. qr?:;7r». ^nm. 3 5ia(7, tval/c. =qr?l/ lf?r'/. Eunning- p. VTf^r??/- [^m. 4 i/fefi oficalk or moving, ifrr/. T^ff^ HR". ^m>i. nfrT- To drive at a geutle p. TT^rST^T^f ^T^'Tf-^Rf%oT-&c. To move or go at a g-eiitle p. qrJnr^T^ir =^T?!;ot-;;TM. To keep p. with. TTS?!)!. ^^]^^ ^qirJH^, TFS^w. ^X]- 5R 3T?r'n'', 5ITT5IT =^T?5>Jr. 5 (of horses) v. Hoese. ^?5/. Jb Pace, v. n. move slowly or mcasiiredly^ TFT^'i. 7:vf\r\ ^- cT'jf, qR3?».;j;. JTr=3ft?r vTm-=qTr5of, :r?:Hrs% ^qrrft^ =qT?!;'^- -^riif-&c. [^7^. To p. up and down. Mi, ^iRTRT, &c. ^mrq^qK^, ^- 2 tranquil, ^'c. t. Calm, ^ifrf, xm\., ^TTF^RHq^. Pacification, n. v. V.— ac/. ^if?r^'Jt«. etc. ^'RvT:^6t». &c. ^r^^ pop. 3Tf?T5RK. ?TJT;?TT5r?ft/. ^JT^r^'tfl'/. ?flT3fr/ /. ?Ttfrf/. ( also in comp. as ^^itfrf, ^f^ffrf/. &c. ) I. act of making peace. ^SR W^^n. firOTP ^^«. ?(H?»i. II. peace tnade.^i^K m. fJl!^TTw- ?if^»«. %^j\^\f^f.^'^m. Pacific ATOE, n. peace -maher. 5HH?: ^JvTWRT, fHi=5I'P ^F^TTTKr, ^rfy^'rTf, fElft^H^;T^-^T5[I^'&c. fiiq^VTT^T^. Pacificatoet, a. tending to peace, y. Pacific. ?fPTI^, Pacified, p. v. V. ?lf?T5r'?^^T, W?f %%?5r, &c. ^ifiTFT, ?Tr?f, 5pr4Tr|>r, ^?T^T':T, ^?T?n7, ^-J^m, H-^fTTT. Pacifier, «. Pacifxiko, p. a. v. V. ^rfffsmTTT, ^TT^^mRT, 543^T^TT, ?m^, ^q^T-frlT-^Rsp-Ac. ?TPT or ^^m^- ^fTr-&c. 5!Tt^^?;-^TTf-^?^-&c. ?TJT^-ipRt, ipt'^T^q;- ^T^^-&C. Xo Pacift, v. a. appease, calm, quiet, allay. ^^T^T^ or ^trf^ ETOT, ^rlR^i or WC(\^i^^ ^H^oit, ^JT^R'Jf, 3T5^^<^, \\\H- i?f-&c. jRut, ?[itBnT /jop. ^i?icr^ n.-^m^sTTcTjft/.-^iT^ n.-^JTNH H.-^T':T^Jr «. %5rT m. ^spTf w. ETTol^ »». P. of knaves & scamps. ^'515!; ^t^PSt/. 5 peck, heap, multitude. f^T^ or ^^JX m. f^TRr w. ^mit. To Pack, «;. o./iZace a«ii /;)•«« together. ??'J^ T^'tI-^Rct^ TT'n, T^TT/. qJT^ g. ofo. To p. closely. ^=^^ T^. 2 hind for carriage, ajivrof, 5[fY^ ^PKor-jifot, 'fl^eiur, 3T- ET'ZriT^a^t/.-qfm^t'-^/.-sif'-.TT^TW/. ^iJty. o/o. 3 sen;/ hurriedly, v. To Despatch. qr^^-?jiTqn'H-&c. yr- 4 unite in fraud. ?f'HHr)NI-'^!F?TTTft-^rfT5!:^|^fr^T-&e. 5 oft'; handle off, v. To Dismiss. tJT^fT ^^I^fof, r:t^^ \^., G up. 3^5;^, ar^of, irf'-T^, sj;^ q^, 111515 «. iJTT^UT- 375'?'Jr-5ifvr^, srt'^RTfM'/. ^i^ y. o/ o. To Pack, ( with oft', ) haste. ?r5^0T, H^^^, ^\m^^\^^.^. Pack, a. fit for or used for lurdens. 3fl%^, 'JTra^t, ^c^T. Pack-cloth, w. qTO?T «. '^'^^q- n. Pack-UOESE, n. TTCTS: »>. TTS^^ ?t. TS^^^-T^^w^T^^-'^sn- K^^T ?T^«j.-q"reT OT.-&C. ^5I»qT ^fir. Pack-keedle, n. ^TTtT »». n. Pack-sack, n. m'^f. IT'Jft/. Pack-saddle, n. M7,f. ^r^ffT ?f. — esp. of camels and ele- phants. di.e, f. a. propel ly a paddle. ^m^?^H =5irS-CL0SUBE. ^vS\f. dim. cfisn «. tfH^^ n. 2 V. Fkoo. %^^ VI. H^ »!. Padex, w. t. Eice. Hm «. ^135/. Padlock, n. ^ «. f^q n. rfMT w. ?TM w. ?ir?I^ ?f. Coininon English p. ijS^T^ ^^ w. Common JS'atire p. H^^ ^^ n. HTn^ W^ n. Double p. ZW.\tf f ^ «. Coueealed p. q5?TT% '^^ ". r.tA>', fl. Miiy of Iriuviph. ^^^^\^ n. ^^^\7^ m. 71. Pag a:;, Pagasish, a. heathen, idolatrous. iTlTfq^^, ST^^jff, Paganism, n. heathenism, n]^^-^] f. STtT^K ;;;. rjTtT^iTR'r^- Page, ?i. ( of a book &c. ). ^g >!. 2 boy-attendant on a great person. ^JSTRT, ^^=ain to. |:?rw.-qt5T /.-sn'. v. V. A. 1. |:^ f^~f^, ft'fi^ST, I^^T^^T^ etc. 2 f.TT f^l^T, &c. s:^vr, |-.%^, ^, =iTJft, ^^ft, ^f?TFr, Painful, a. gicing pain, causing smart. gt^r^T, ^S^^^T, Ac. |:^^^^R^-!?^, 5^^, ^-^T^Tf , qt5Tq;7-q;T^^-^?T^->.tc. ■^• ^^r-7;Tw-^^^-&c. s^iT^fj. 2 distressing, ij-c. T. Afflictive, ^'.^^pqr, g'-^^T^, 5"-^^, |:?^^^-^R^-^^-&c. il^T^K^, ^"J^, SfiT^T, s?Ty^. 3 arduous, v. Difficult, ^fjf?;^ //o;;. ^p^tcT, «riTRI, ^P- ^r=^, I's^T, |:Br'-"q, ^'S^T'-'q, «THWKf, ^'^^^r'-'q-. 4 laborious., pains taking, \. DiLiGis.yT:. irptfft, ir^^?^, Painfully, «rfr. v. A. 1. |:^T?f, I'.^^^TT, ^JT, &c. 2 |:wT#, »;rt5t, q^-sm, && , ^PAT G07 Painfulness, n. v. A. 1. |:^ n. |:^qpr^?qr n. |:?(^T^^f^«, qtST^PR^f^ n. &c. 3 ^^crrq-OTT «i. ^P^BTK^!T^r/. siTHHT^Trir/. 4 and Pain, ^pi? ?«. lifH wi. ^^?r^/ Paisim. See Pagan. ' Painless, a. free from pain. f?r|:^t, i:^^=T-^f|^-^Jf^, 5^- 2 free from troullc. See East. Painstaker, «. PAI^'S^AKINQ, a. induslrious, ij'c. v. Dili- gent. Kf^Trft, iT^Tm?ft, qF'ST^^, ^cqr, ^xfrTt, ssrm^. ?b Paint, v. a. draw a f jure of in coJors. tlH or tTl^ ^- 5T H.-^T^^ir OT.-^^rnr »».-&c. w.\^^ g-ofo. 2 eoyer w(Y/t colour, paint, orfijures. tj\ m. sof-r^rcfof, 3 depict, portray, v. To Des^cribe. cfOT^, ^'^mn.'^x.^j.ofo. To Paint, d. «. rouge. nT^t?r?:-#r?raX-&c. tn'».c5R^. Paint, «. coloring sulstance. jjlni. X'W^'^^ n. Painted, ;>. v. V.A. l.Tqr=qT qri^^^T, t^T^ ^RT^^rTT, f^^PM. 2 1^ fs?|^, tnsr^^T, tn?i?jr, N^tr'^^t, &c. t^, tnl^. 3 ^ofe?5T, 5ir(^?f . Paintee, n. Painting, p. a. \. V. A. 1. xr\f^ f=f^ ^KIIRT, fSTTTd, f^fSt^R, f^^I^irt, f^5r^^^, ^?^^, trrrfftq-. 2 tT ^!irRT, ti^cTTRr, &c. tmft, tn^, tiFftsr, ^r'ft. 3 51'jroTRT, JTot^ qvfrf-^Rir. Paintek, n. the rope hy which a hoat is secured. qTT m. Painting, «. v.V.A. I.— act. tlH ^Fl^or w. tnT% f^ JpT^ot «. &c.f^fef^/.fef7/. 2 kj\ ?CTr M. tnq'of «. etc. tq^^ /. t^^ m.— esp. of a Louse, room, &c. t^TH^t/- Cost or price of p. k.^^^T\^^f. tTT^/. ' 3 wm n.^^'mi. i^^ n. [it n. f^=Tf5f^/'. I. nrl or business of a painter. ^r^-^^^ W'^^ n. fq^f-^- II. thing painted, a picture. f%^ or ?ttT% f^=5f n. ^T<^ m. ^^m m. Pair, n. two things suiting, ^r^/. ^iT »«. ^15 m. Of a p. ^rft^. 2 jf or Efir^^sui. 2 «oi high-colored.^ light, fif^ or fp-:^!, fiT'FJ, JHtl, JTTT, 30TTnT=^, 'Y^^'^J '^^tf?T. A p. color. 3"H?:T «», Palish, fqn^ or ft>::g?;. Pale. n. stick or pointed board of apalinj. 'Ul^l w. fRr^/. 2 See Stake. 3 See Enclosure. To Pale, v. n. turn pale. See Pale. To Pale, y. a. enclose tvith paling. qr?!'?, ^%- PAI COS PAL Pale-faced, o. qtS'^'PT^pmsr^r, f^rWr^TT^, J^R^T^f. Paleness, «.v. A. 1. qfm'nr »>. f^T^-Ton m-^^Tirr wi.&c. Livid p. ^ii^f. [^tffT/. riiEJiRA. See Pal.estba. pALKSiniAX, Palestkic, a. perlaininy io vrcsflinj. W- Palette, «. paiii/t'r''s hoard. fETfTT-TpEfT^n'TT^/. 5n'fr «. PAt.rr.EY, fi. liorseftt for ladies, sjrq^t^ <:*ll<|-m ^r^m. m- ErTJTrft^-HTK^fTHt^r ^T»«.-?T|^w.-&c. Pai-INdkoxie, H. !cor^^W■m. Tj^U^o, n.fonce formed ivit/i pales. 'fi^Vm. ^.ZX'^ m. ;f5T- PAtiyoDE. See Eecantation. Pali-ade, Palisaio, n. v. Palikq. :f55T »"• hWtt »!. s^- 5V Palisade, d. a. v. N. JF3IT wi.-&c. ^Tra'Jf , H^^i^ /.-%%- Pall, h. mnn/Ze 0/ state. fT^w. 2 (over a corpse). ^5Tm. ST^fTtTT^ ^F^T/- iT;; Pall, v. n. groiv vapid and insipid. ^^'T.-'^^^^r^-Wl^- -?f^/.-&c. ^M ^. of s. f^T?nft/.-5rr^'«.-3^d^/.-&c. if'Si lo Pall, v. o. mal-e vapid. ^^^.-^^^i^-f^M^^-^-c. q?T^, fiTmt/.-^w!.-^PiT5JTOT.-&i;, aTM"!! g.of 0. n]i\ f.-■^f^ f. -ic^TfRft^FTof^. 0/0. 2 See To Clot. Palladium, n.that icIticJi affords protection, iw^f. X'^^n. Pallet, n. small or mean led. f:!\^■\^\^ ^U^Xn.-V^^n.- 2 See Paleiie. [To Palliate, v. a. excuse, cover, extenuate, ^'C^f^TTTn.-^^iii /.-if^mTOT.-&c. ^Tfim or ^"TST g^^wf-^^ q^'?f-f3^- 2 reduce in violence; mitigate, lessen, ifc. ^rJ^T-^jft-?!^- &c. ^?W, 3'TifTK»'».-3'Ti[TH5T«.-&c. ^Rnf ^. 0/0. Pailution, «. T. V. I.— act. f^fHrT ^tnoT". ^Wif ?rtTot«. ifn. &c. ^^\^^^n. ^\rHm. ^r^m^n. 3T?'T- Palliative, n. tlat iflich excuses. c^"t^qfTfR^ 'ft'?/. ?t'7- 2 ;7ia< icliieh mitirjates. 3^^K^-5[IK^-3Trq?TTq;-&C. pT^^T Pallid, Pallidstess. See Pale, Paleness. Palu, n. inner part of the hand. rTSE^Trfw. r\'i.A\in. ^Wrlciw. «r,<.ri-im. q^n. The p. hollowed to hold. q^«. ^"fTTM. ?=ft«ISTm. 55^ or^Irn' ?«, ^mP/.—esp. liquid. =n^m.f. =gs^>».— both palms put side by side and hollowed, art^f^ or cift- vfs/ »«. ^'^^m.f.pop. 3T'3T5ft/. ar^rfeq^ «. That has au itchy T[>-fiJ. ^MriraT or Sirs'?!, ^rTTo^. AVith tlie palms hollowed and placed cue over the other. ^?Tf^frf?5, ^s^t^^. 2 lorassus Jlahelli formis, or fan-palm. rTTS'". ^^.m. Some species or varieties ot'tlie Palm trihe are, %^- ?m, >T7q?rT3, fTKrS, H<3IHIi or ilTfftTra or ifT^. For the otlicr palms see Cocoasl't and Date. Branch of a p. 5fRoft/. ^X^.,—in/nis. S'f^ ^>^. Palpitation, n. v. V. tr^pq-^'jf «• &c. trps^qfj or simq'T /. ^t:jiT/. gignt/. '4^T^.T^/. ':T5^ /. trs^vt /. ^^^^^f. Palsical, Palsied, a. v. N. 5rRT^?5?5T, T?^T?ft, TSTJIT^q-- ?^, ^^^'^m, ^IT o;- g% indecl. [W^in. P. state of the limbs. ^\i\ Rj^t o»' ^t\ f. ^H\l]HW m. To become p. ^3Rijf, 'JTtTRC^ ^K\ m.-^ft n. 3TTrft/. fsn^T^c^ 'TT'ift/. Pamphleteer, m. ^TTSiTT/. i5?--&c. r^T'TT^IT-fe^'JnTT w. Pan, «./rti; i;-oa<; fMsfZ, v. Pox. Tfl «. ^fft/. *Tr^r >». f?m. 2 ( of a gun ). W.T^I m. t^qpt^ q^ m. Double panned, ^q^r^ft;— Single panned, (^^^r^. To flash in the p. t^^/. f«. t^n^mdw/. 'Junr+lTfsT n. ^Isf ?i. 2 See Praise. Paneqyeical, a. y. n. ?5==fhn", ^f^!T7, ?Hf?rflrcnT^, ^3f^- Paneovrist, «. encomiast, eulogist. ?^i?T +\i=^. Pannel, n. saddle. ^frWK n. Pannier, n. \. Basket. q^RT »«. Panoply, n. complete armour, ^q^ 3Tfn iKHNT^ 1^?5^?r Ji.- q^FfT M.-itc. ^^\^ ^-7=^ «!. Panorama, «. ^^^m ^r^rf^oiR f^=5T «• ?I^f^^W f^ n. Pansy, n. ^ "pS ^\. To Pant, v. n. have the Ireast heave ; gasp, llotc, c^c. VTN'if, q'rr^sof, arrrr/ pi- "^-^^-z^m^., »^niT m. sff^, j^^^ttt /. /^Z.-aT^r^i^rT/-;^. ^"JT, "^ITr/./^ h?^ ;«. row. ^^Rt /.-^ TO.-^HT «J.-tirT/->.^o. cTFT^ !«. con. ^FmaTTif, 3^-?RT 2 i(«/, Y. To Palpitate. tTS^fft, '^S'^TS't, «:I5^/. >TW in. con. 3 /o«y, 7ia«X£?r, (j-ff. Y. To Desire. 1%?TfrrST, vrrq-iJf, JRijf, ^rg^ijf, sTPir w. m^^ g. of s. jpsf srror ?«. ^K'Jt, ^ jji. EtTsr 3T?niif y. ofs. Pantaloons, n. pi. trousers. ?pmf. qra^THT m. ^X^nxf. Pantheism, n. the doctrine that the universe is god. sn^t- PAP ClO^ PaXTHEIst, n. tnainlainer of pantheism. ^'T"tiiei3tic, Paxtheistical, a. v. N. ;;pT=^'<|!ece of paper. ^PPT^ m. Some terms tor paper as folded in different forms are, 5?«. pTw.prw. I^t/"- "P^"'- ^'«- Blank p. ^FTTr^FFT^ >«.— Blank at the back, . «. (wall, &c.) :pTT^ w. ^rqTJf-JTJSfof. Paper-kite, n. , [^pr. 2 having the form of a parabola. ?nT^r!;f^^T^iTTT "tT'TT- Parabolically, adv. t. A. ^'?f?rm, 5[;^f^^, ^m'jt^. Paeabolifoem. See Parabolic, 2, [^rs^JJTRft. Paracentric, Paracentrical, «. deviating from circularity. Parade, n. ostentation, pomp, vain display, v. Snow. 3TT«r'«. VJZm. inZJTROT. ZT^Z^ or Z^Z\^f. ^\^n. z\z^n. ^ti n. To make empty p. si^TW/.-5tc5«». fJR^. To make a p. of pTT^^. 2 See Procession. 3. military exercise, ^c. ^^TTf^ or W'^'^f. ^ [IT/. 4 parade-ground. sp^T^rfhff ^mr/ ^=17^ FT ^RT^TT^^ff ^- To Parade, v. n. — troops. ^sTrf^T f-^u<<|?r vTTriJt-1%OTr, ^- ^^/. ft^ g. ofs. [v(Z^ JPT^BT. 2 go about pompously. fH^spiI, frR^irrq;/. spT^'T, ^7?r 2b Parade, v. a. (troops), sp^rf /, ^X^^ g. of o. jp^^rT 2 CT/izJi'i ostentatiously. fJR^of, fiSisJui^ /. 5r5t-:pt?0T 5'. o/ 0. fh^ OT. JTRot-^TIff^r't y. of 0. Parading, «, v. V. N. 2— act. PrW n. fJrwJr^/. fiREf- T. y. A, 2, fpHi^of «. fTTT^rg^/. ^^"t/. f^Rfift/. Paradigm, «. See Example. 2 — in grammar. 3<^l^<'Jir4 fe^^r tTTH^ ^# n. pi. tTTH^^TKTfrS^r /. 'PA-Ri.-Di%E,n. region of supreme felicity, aTPt^>p »|, ^^- M m PaEadisiacal, PABAriKEAK, o. V. N. aTH^^FT^ir, &c. ^• FaKsdox, n. projiosition nerminffh/ alsiird yet true. 3PpfV- Paeadoxical, a. v. N. — opiuious. arq'TurTr^TfiT^, 3T^^- 2— of persons. ar^TpTHnr^T^, arg^HRf^^, arj^TT- Pabagon, n. \. Model, f^ffr m. ^^^!^ m. 2 fig. an eminent or superior pi rson. M^K\m. rr^Ht^w. Paeagbaph, «. distinct part of a tcritiny. ^,^^ n. ^T^^ n. A distinct or additional p. %ft^ =t-,Mrt w. P. added as a post.seprit. rTMI^JIT »!. Pabaoraphicallt, «(/y. v. N. +,aM=IK, JF?5H ^F^TT. Pabaliposiena, n. supplementary look, i^-c. '^^^^m.'^r^^f. Parallax, n. — in astronomy. ^ffST m. F'TT^'T^m. 5'?^'T^ m. ^^^ n. Parallel, a.— in geometry. (^f^^J^^^mrR, <^;pf^rRfKf- p. lines. <(^f^rT?mf?R ^/ ;)^ 2 similar, resemlling.^ v. Like. ^IT^T, ^roii^, ^jt, ^^, Parallel, n. line equidistant from another. ?r^H<^«ll/. 2 ( of latitude ). 3T?^f?r n. 3T?Tt^TfET «. ?T'?TftftT m. 3 resemllance, v. Lie;e>-ess. «Rr^/. ^TT^^TiJITw. ^HfTT /. g?5?rT/. ^HTm m. 4 v! Simile. OTHr/. •5 match, equal. 5?ts/.^rST w. H^TT/. To Parallel, j;. a. make or keep parallel. WTfrf?' ^FT"^-^^!^. 2 compare with, liken to. ^^^J f.-^^^;f.-A,<.\A(\f^-&>c^^ 3 ie f jiw/ to, correspond tvith, resemlle. W K<,ST-^H-'RIiR -&c. ar^iir, «n:m'^/.-^TK^^m. ^F,^^■^J^]^'7.^^^n. '^i^fiH^ M. ^stftqj^TJT n. ^TfT^OT «. Paeamouxt, a. superior to. cfx^r, ^TT^K, ^"^f^, ^^. A lord p. ?f?»^^, ^^T. Sway or rule of a lord p. ?Try I j-4 «. Paeamoue, fl. gallant, man connected tcith a woman in illicil love. tpi5, ^nrrr, ^nr, ^"tw, ^r, Pinqr, ^n^, 7T?f?r, f^^. A fellow p. ^m^T, H^rTcir OJ- cTToir. 2 mistress, conculine, ^x. JJ^f. ^'T^/. ^TfT'Jft/. 51- Paeanymph, fl. Irideman. qr^rT, qr?!=n'. Parapet, M. jrnZi or rampart breast high, qr^? (»• ^T^^/. ^^^ or ^ii\f. \i\r{]^(M<{\ t^ f^f. iT3fr, Tr^^fim, arM- sff%, 3TrJisrTq3ft5ft, H^HTi^r, 77^53^,^0^^, qfrfj- qSl'JTj "tfe^TRifR, Tft^siTJ^, ^Slw^rr, ^?j^^, ^BTT?:, Parasitic, Parasitical, a. x. N. 1. «ri5notT% ^r?ft^,&c. 2 faltering, Sfc. STT^'ql', arr^^T^r, g^llHrfl, gSTTRT^- Parasol, n. f^^Kt ^^ ^^J;^ ^^f- 3=5^ «• aTRTT^sT n. To Parboil, ». a. boil in part. aT^PF%-styr5^-aT(^^l5r|--G, n. V. v.— flc<. 5rT?"if n. &c. !rf^/. ^t^ «. ?aucem:h, h. v. Co-ueii?. feTTFlt, TPft, at^ff, at^^P. PAnCEXEEY, «. co-heirship, joint-enjoyment. arf^^^'T^T- To Paech. !•. a. liirn siqjrrficialhj ; scorch, Sfc. HMUI, 5- 3l-o, «. V. V. €\T^ n. KT9rt/. ?TITT/. f 5- ^i:T/.»3T/.sf%jfT/. ^',^n. ^IV^f 3TW«mNpr». I beg your p. pft ^n^n^m^-^ir^T-Ac^^TKr JpTRT^r nr-&c. ^r5FTr^FTT-&c.?^T5rt^, ?WTf , ?wf^?T,3'^?^t7ft^. p. person. ^FTT^. Paeeonablt, adv. v. A. ^^^ o^nrT^t'TT . a. v. V. JTr"?) ^R'TRT, ?^JTT ^- T^Rr, ^"ti'JTTn, &C. ^SJTNH+rif, 3TT. 7i. +iZ. ^?f^3T^?ft/. 2 source, cause. ^FTOT «. ^»». >JW^'^«. sf'T^m.^^'^jn. Paeestage, n. lirth, exiraction.^ v. Family. ^o^/.^3T^jT)/i.«. ;jfq-f^/. q^^/.— couipreh. ^rmf sft/. ^JTmf 5! ;j. Pabestal, a. pertaining, Sfc. to parents. 3TTf^Rt^r, JTT?TTf^- fTH'i'rl', ^H^, H 1 rt I Ps 5 •=( ^^ \_'^^^^^^T f. p. aft'ectiou. arq^q-^^ m. 5^#| w. 3T^qTra rTT /. ^- Paeektless, a. ^J^^^^^-^^^-^^^-kc. ^Rrnp, Paeenthesis, 11. sentence inserted in a sentence. W^l,^ir\WA ?r4 in. j5?fmP5 ^T^fmi. ^^\^pJ^\^^n. ^f!^■^^\^\^^\^^n. 2 ^7ie Iraclcets U'itkin tvhich a sentence is included. %5?^ /. t^ in. Paeee, n. Pabixg, p. a. v. V. 1. rTTWJIKI, &c. rTJT, ^fT. Nail-p. •Kiuft or ff^^TWt/. •=lM=Pi or sTT'sf^^ n. ^^• Paeheliox, n. mock sun. ^f^TTRT m. fii'i-4|^4 w. Paeing, «. V. V. 1.— ac^ rTwir ?J. sJR'jf «. Ac flRTXJft/. 2— (i:c<. ftJ?5"Jt «. &c. [^rt^Tw. I. parings ; matter pared. ^TZ m. tJT^S^ m. f rfrVrTT or Pabish, n. — the division of country. qT^''t=5ft-3''?T'-'^:TT^ Tf- ^^/.-rfc-TT m.-\^ in. ^]'^^^^'^h^^^\^^r^r^]■Sic. \x( m.-^mm, ^\x\f^^;\vn. ^\iJ^i^■>%f^f. Pabish, a. v.N. Ti^=^, rjcRTT^sfT, ^'TT'-'^irr^'Tr ^^TT^TT, &c. Paeishioneb, 58. o«e ^7;a/ lelongs to a parish, qrjffrf ^r^UTT- Paeitt, n. V. Equality, sjtlilft/. ^TT'^ «. ^THr/. Paek, «. enclosure for chace, recreation, Sfc. X^^\m. ^flfJT- 2 ( of artillery ). nT"F^PTT m. [nhffHTrTT/. pi. Pablakce, n. V. Coxveesation. ^iHT^Trft /• sTrf^TiTrst /. To Paeley, v. n. See To Conveese, 2. confer tvith an enemy, f 5rHt"5r ^Tf5T«ft?5t/-^rqT^ ^^^ n.-&c. ^ROt. Paeley, «. v. Cosyeesatioi?. qi^HraT' /. ^lOT^jft /• ^- ?AE 013 V\-R 2 conference with an enemy. ^■^\^'^ ^j^^fqij^y.-^t^qj- ^ sjts'Jf «. ^T=^^# ^rHratfjt/. ??fq?fTr'Hr'JT n. ^^^^m »». To ask a p. KrrrrS «»• fTf^^I'^t. ["n^^ «. PiELiiMENT, «. |r?;^f?r U^T^fTTTT^ ^T^'Tift ^^ Hf^t 3Tf^. Paeiiamen'taet, a. TTF^HHrerr, "TTHHFrT=^r ?i5r^i=^, -S-'c. PAELOnB, n. s//;/ny room. «RITqi^-^^5Tt=5ft ^"r^/-^?rst/. Pakochial, er. Iclonging to a parish, cfjs-^^, qfsrB«iM"NT, Pabodt, «. hurles'iue imitation. f5rq*r^T''Omasia, n. t. Pun. 9^^ m. Paeoxtchia. See "Whitlow. Paeoquet, n. T. Paeeot. 'fiT^ in. f^T^W^ m. Paeoxtsm, n. fit of a disease. HT m. "Hl^ n. '^Z m. TToft /. %TT m. ^ m.f. ^^PSf. F.^f. ?5T^^m. ^ZW.Jm. ^ZWmm. P. of auger. fm^/.fH^S^/. a^w.'rtqOT. f^q-w.^mr^r- J &c. *nT^ w. mm.f. ij Paebicidal, Paeeioidious, a. pertaining, ^-c. to parricide. J f^^sr^T^qr, &c. f^'-roqift, fr^t^fcfq-^T^p, f(^5riTT?»T^, 2 commit tinff parricide. f^^JT, f^HT^^nJ, fq^raTrHF. PaEBICIDe, n. murderer of a parent. ^^V^\■^\^^^-Slc. ^- 2 murder of a parent, f^^^^ m. f?^^?^ /. fjHl'^V]/ f^K^Trf in. Paeeied, p. V. V. qK?IOT, JT33OT, &c. f^sfTfr^, ^rf^. Paeeot, n. qiq? m. x\'^^or T^^^ m. (TT^/.) ^m m. ffrnr w. Ejftr m. 5^ «i. Some species are, =^^?ft o)- =Et^^r 'TT^, Common wild p. (not Laving themarlis of a speaking p. ). q;t^qr-ious, a. stingy, close, pemtrions, ^'c. v. Miseelt. ^^qoT, fTcfrsTT ^3, f^^sr, rtq'nn, 3Hrq=.q*ft, ars^TT, 5?t^?t- 2 frugal, v. Economical. ^R^t, ^R^RT-TT, ^rlT^cft or Paesisioxiously, ado. V. A. 1. qiqiirqiir^, ?iq«. Paeson, n. qrjft ?«. Paet, n. portion, t. Piece, tft w. f^HTT m. 'j^^ «!. ^-TUwi. ^T:p?5 n. f^■>^f. 2 portion, division — as not separated. ^TT^ m. ^?T '/«. By or in parts. ciT^Trf:. Composed of parts. ar^Tinft. Inward p. 3Trn7T m. Private parts. g^'«. pi. For the most p. STf-^T^f^q-, 5Jf '41, sjf n:. 3 memher, particular, distinct item, 'i{^ n. ^^^^ m. ^^.■ vn n. fsrrq' m. [^^f 9?ft#, 3T1fm^, 3^iT?t, ariT^, H^^, smf or jpfrit. [ 2^. That is on the p. of. f^T^I^lfft^ H<4>-=JI, ^TZ^ or ^\- G proportional quantity. HTT m. ^JZJ m. f^^^T m. 3T5[T»l. 7 side, party, cause, interest. q?f ?«. SIT^/. ff^'P/- •FS/- To espouse tLo p. of, take tLe p. of q?7 m. iTT't y. of o.\^K m. ':T^'jf-^iJf-^^ y. o/o. tFT%^ HTT^. S Q^cc, rf«/y, V. Business. wA n. tTJT?».^^ n. ^^hn. To become tLe p. or duty of TFira 'm. 9 ( in tLe drama ) character. ^\n n. Maintaining a p. ^"fn ^iHl^uf)/. Minor or subordinate p. 3TT¥^rn n. 10 parts; talents., poicers. 5%/. ^^ *»■ pi. 11 parts ; regions, quarters. sff?T in. ^5[I m. si^?T m. For (my,&c.) p. q;f H, Ex. 5^ qjf^^ ^ JRT, H^^^^ ift ^fff ^'TR ?rrfr You may do as you please, I for my p. will do uotliiug. To take in good part. irS^P^TT^. l^f T stn. In part, v. Paetlt. q;ffr^f>, WA^^i^-^^^J ., WA^\ HIT, To Paet, v. a. distrilute, divide, share. ?JRn:«. qr<;q-qr5^, ^^lar- &c. ^FW. PA-R 4 kefp atunder. ^rn5tr-f^TTT3T-31^n-fH5I-&e. %^-?T^. To Pabt, v. n. become separate; open out, come asunder, S;c. ^M, 7^20T, fMrTnOT.-H^m.-&o. f m g. of s. 2 have a shore. ^\z\m.-^->^mmA\^^m.-^X.m.-SiC. "TNof or in. con. fJTcET. 3 quit each other, ^p^ ^. l^^^^- 4 takefareu-ell, set out from. MrTw.-3inTT/-&c. ^oT-^- 5 vritli; 3T>ft-&c. ^T'Jt-aT^T'jf. lb Paktake, To Participate, v. a. share u-ith others. ^RT OT.-f^?^rwi.-fJrHnj«.-3T'^T)«.-&e. qcfi-qTSfor, ^^hptw. sRor g.ofo. Pabtake>', Paeticipated, 2?. t. V. A. 1. ?r^^^, ^•T'P^^. Paeiakeb, «. Paetaking, ^. a. Paeticipateh, w. Paetici- PATIXO, p. a. V. V. sffTT qTTRT, ^TRT TT^'JTRT, "^C. tf[?ft, *rmt^, WIrft, HPfte^, 3T^l?TTft, aT^TjfFfr, ^^Hm^, 1. See Accomplice. Paetakisg, Paeticipaiiok, ji. v. Y.—act. ^\ZJ ^^n. &c. Pabteeke, 71. V. Gaedes. "j^ijpTjn./. ^^JTR'/. n. Paeiial, a. inclined to one side more than another, — of per- 2— of judgemeuts, &c. n<4>^Kt^, q^^lHNT, "^^fR^pt, 3 not general or total. ^'^^., '^^^ft, '^^f'ft, '^'tvrK^Tl , 'iT'T'jf, STs^TPTt, STW^'fsi^, ?T^^, WS (iu cornp. as ^'S^TRT, vTI^f?, T, To Pabticipate, &e. See To Paetake, &c. Pabiicipial, a. — iu grammar. ?T+|pl',h'^H*,'4, Paeiiciple, n.—xsi grammar. •«+lrf'*'^?r»». ^R=^ W4>»'^d OT. Paeticle, n. atom, minute lit., v. Bit. ^ijtot. r?/M. ^oft/. ^n. ^ftJT^/. S^»!. ?r^OT. ^^r/. f^f^T^, f^TTScr, f%rf^^T5ir, ^^T., 3^H^, Mip^, f^f?^, jf^'?, ?'^^. Paetisanship, «. V. N. 2. fn:T, ^fr WTf^, :pifr, ^1^1^ <^eci. f^f^^, vft- 5T «/fc^ *TT?T^|rT decl. Paetneb, «. ( iu business, &e. ). T^ft^IT, TPftfy^^R, HT'ft, »Trit?5t, f^TRt, Mldt^K, tK*rii^K, ^^^rft Or f^TT, ^m^IT, The working p. (as distinguised from the monieJ p.) 2 ( at play, &c. ) t. Fellow, n^, ^^ri^, ^Tlt^, ^~H- Partuers, — at certain plays, ^imn m. pi. 3 liushand or tvife. vT^ttT^ ?fk?ff wi. or tt^hW^ ^rH^ Pabtnership, «. association.^ union, ^'c. TTlt^Tft/. "TTrft^t 2 joint interest. >Tnft/. ?n^Ff/. Share in a p. JTPft/. TTfft/. ^^ft/. Schedule of the terms of a p. +<<+dHIHr m. PAETEIDGE, M. — the francoline p. f^l m. ^srST m. :pft^>Tr5 m. frfrK m. frTf^ft m. — the painted p. ^TBUfrtrR m. — Greek p. =^^ m. Paet3. See Paet. Pabturient, a. about to Iring jortli. ^uPmuiRT, Sf^- Paetueitio>t, «. bringing forth. ^^^ m. ST^jfn/. ^jl^/. Gentle or easy p. ^^^^^ m. gsf?T «. PaEty, n. confederated body oi' number. ^Z m. f. ^^ n. rTI in. fT5 m. "Foft/. sr^JT"! n. <7^ m. m^ n. HSt^t or st/. Division into two parties. ^TTsft/. 2 /i«r/, «i<7e, caiwe. ^^ m. m'^f. ^T^ f. ^PS/. JTrf ?J. P. in the right. ^^^ »». ^^T^T wi. The opposite p. ^frPT?^ m. [?T^R7 »«. 3 one o/i(t'0 litigants. ^r«(t, sfrqr, 3TOT^/. T?T-TT or t- 4 seZee^ assembly.\^f. ^K^Vf\f. ^T?5Tf^%?ft H'S^ft/. I 5 ( of soldiers, &c. ). H^^/. t\^f. Q person particularized. 3T^ift/. HH^M n. HFr?T n. ^^- i fiTrT irgis^ n. " [^fr, ^^tjt. I 7 person concerned or interested in. HPft^r, fsTTPft, 3T- Paett-coloeed, a. having divers colors, f^f^^, ^^^f^. 2 ( a horse, &c.). 3T^r=5^ or ^. Pabty-man, «. V. PAnT13A^-. FTT^F^, spreor, 7 ( censure, remark, &c. ). ^rot, Hfior, S'WTT'Ji- ritsT^- 8 V. To Omit, To JS'eglect. q-n^JW, nyeint, aTHT'jf, #r5- 9 impose fraudulently, palm. ^rqrR qq-^iJi-^sji^gur. ^f . »It5T TT^f ^ or qi^^ ^T^^t. [«r^ =?^^. 10 ( a bill, account, &c. ) admit. ^\T-^ ^of,^^ sRirr, 11 by; over; omit, overlook, neglect, disregard. ^15^, ^- Tofjf, l. Absence of p. or desire, fm'm 1n.'^T^^^n. fmf^ f. Of subdued passions. spm^'^c^THT^T^rfrr, fJTFf'f^q', ^fimfe^, f%f^df^T, ^T^f^T. Subduing or restraining the passions. spTJTW^-T^TT - ^^iT^ n.-^v^ m. jf^^T^?r«. tf^^f^^^m. m^f^■^:^m. That has warm passions. rT^, 'iT^T^'T. Void of p. or desire. f^j^l'Tl, ftT^, ^flrRPT. 5 — as one of the three properties of Humanity. \^ n. m. ^vfpjni ?n. — that has it predominant.^^srrnoft. 6 T. Angee, Eage. XFtm. 5pr4«. =FPf »»■ SPPTT m. ^fFTT- A fit, gust, transport, &c. of p. TTTRT ^Z^ m. ^T.m. f f^^f rmi\f ^mf %^ m. mm. To fly into a p. frrTw. RfT^f oE^-^^T^^ g-of s. Tr^^ fTrf »iw+w ^of g. of. s. =^^H qot, cf?: ^^.| f^^ptrr^f ^^m. Passion leads to poverty. S^frRPT 'ft^ KTT Fq'T?"^ n- T ^^T FTPT. 7 ?eflZ, a)Y7o?', eagerness. 31R*Tt/ ^HT^ »». 3TT^f^/. S'- r^f. ^g^f^T/. ^^T «. 3T^TT m. 3T^TTf^/. STJT- f?r/. iT^as/. tfRTT/. arm/. 8 violent desire. ^ «. fro «. S^'». ^q'^T'T «. f^w. 5TT^"J. 9 See Love. Passion-flowee, «.— the tree and flower, ^pftft/. Passionate, a. irritable, fiery, j-e. X\^Z, rTT^, fTTT^, ^- «jt, ^^tT, ^wt, Trfn?, #f^'ir, ^if^, diRy,, ^rrrft, #- KT^lV, ^T^ft^, ^fTR^rS, qft5T^nt, ^ft^IW'^ft, NtS^K, =^1, ^rq^TT^, qFiT'^^H, wiMqiH, 'JTpqT, artdTTTT, ?rrK?r, dm?ft, dTKHn'jft, dJTtnafr, dH^t, #'4^n, spttrrtftT, arnqsTTd, 'JTJT'rf, 'jttt^ot, spT'^d', d^f^, =srj, ^t^. Terms expressing ^\ith particularity of aspect or allusioa a Passitelt, adv. v. A. 1. ■f^s^rTTT, fJfffep^, oTTTRTTrsr'T^^. 2 BT^, ^^:p^,?r, ^^f^^, ^f^TfeTTH, f^^vm ^ Passitexess, Passititt, n. v. A. 1. ^'Tihk^i/. ^f^^P- 2 rff^w3T?rr/. ^^^^ft^m/. &c. ^^^tt/. ^f^^w m. TassvorTjII. u-ritfen license or pans. ^^Rf »«. ^^^ «. ^- ^THT «i. 'T^^^ ^T^/ ^^?^ITt f^f- Past, ^. See Passed. Past, n.past time. n^rFFT^; «!. n?T^?^ »t- *TrTr-^J_^- Passite, «.— cs opposed to active. f^TsqiTK, f^f'SifiT, f^%- 5^ «. 'm?T/. ^^im^/. ^j^^f. ^w^hMu i ;i. Pastor, m. shepherd. JTJf qr o?- h?tt, k^^tt, JTJTR, rrm^. 2 fig. spiritual instructor. 'T'^, q^'m?!^, ^HF'?^'?!, 311- Pastoral, «. v. N. 1. relating, ^-c. /o shepherds. HS^q t^r, 2 fig. trnfT'^Ji^r^r, '■-TJ^h'^JT-Tr^q-rr-f^rrq-^. Pastoral, n. JTTTT^^rf^siTq-^S qprsq- «. Pastex, n. v. Sweetmeats. iTot^Jrqr ftsrCf TIf r^ ?i. ;)?. Pastex-cook, «. ^S^rf , "TtFT^qr, Pasturage, m. See Pasture. 2 price paid for grn~inq. ^jpni f- *\fA<\{f. n^^^T'ir/.— on waste lands. ^H^^Tjjf. STT/. Pasture, n. grazing land. ^K=^vn f. '^vnf. ^spTTiI n. '^fi^n. A p. clog. ^"r^T m. P. and water — as affecting cattle. 'TM?rT»».'?P'R?rT'». To feed in rich p. '^^, To send or put out to p. ^PC'ft^--H i ^uflrJl-N Kofttf <- 2 grass for the food of cattle, ^qirr m. ^r/. W^f- ^TH- or «!. ^qfk «. ^qT^'Jr «. ^q'itlT m. To Pasture, v. a. feed on a pasture. ^nT^, ^qTrTFTT qT^yJt, ^oftw-q''ftw-&c. mrtui, =q!:fif!Jf. To Pastuee, i;. m. ^)-a;c. ^of. Price paid for tending at pasture. ^mT/. ^^ »«. Pastuee-uodeles, ?i. §'7^/. 'F^tqr »t. ^oiT^r WI. HPT^^ n, TR^'rST «!. 5=q=F?rr m. WS\ m. Pasturing, n. v. a. — act. ^R^ n. "^V^f. ^'^ or ^^f. q"- V. V. N. — act, ^RTjffl. 'RWt/. Pat, ado. fitly, exactly. ^^%^ or JTR^prq (/cc/. feprjr fcZ. Z\- ' Pat, (7. V. Fit. ^^^. Pat, «. /a/7, light blow. VfrJ f. iTHS/. ifrT^/. '''JimV, ^urniT^, ^T^faT^,^?t7T, I t'^'-T^, fqrTHr^^, HTf^T^^, i^'Tn^, i^^nf^T'-j, nm^T^iq?, Pathetically, «(?». v. A. ■^^■^W[i\]^\■i\\^^•^-■^Kmdl'cl. Patheticalness, w. v. a. 5R:ctt/. ^'^oTT^Twi. V-^^f'T n. Vq- I Pathic, n. catamite. qfjTTTTJr, nfs^ tr nt|-qT, ^r?iT, ^T'^, Pathological, a. v. N. f^^r^^, fHTT^f^TT^r-T-^i'si'^. Pathology, n. science of the causes., symptoms.^ tj'c. of disease.^i[^ or K^nT^^mi. Pf^^51T^«. hlf^?rtTilf5??ir/. Pathos, n. patheticalness. ^^■^^\^m, t^ m. Patience, n. calm endurance. ^"VRt^TOTT ?». W-ZT^'J^ m. ^\T. m. ^». ^tr^uiw.f ^^^n. V^m^f^f. ^f^^fT^I^T /. ?rf^OTpfT/. fHf?r?^r./'. M^^r jfj/. 2 calm ivaiting, expecting, Sfc. tft^ mx^^ n.^ m.'^^f ^Tjrrf /. ^^/. ftmit or ftlJ^rTT?-/. To have p. fqR"jf, ^f\X m.-^ «i.-&e. tr^in-^ITot-15T^. 3 ( of injury or affront ). ^-RT^CTTr m. ^Hrf ?^if%/. nf /. ^^ m. Patient, a. y. N. 1. ^Jr^ft-T or ^ra"^^, #??^, €r?rrf , ^^, «ftT, ^^g, ^T^^ft^, ^f|'^'3, ^f esp. in comp. f?lf?ig, frrfrf^Trff^-. [ ^^qr. 2 !fl-7, fSRTsrr, ^^f^, ^TT^TT, ^'TSTPJ, fq^'^TT or fKfirr, F- 3 trflt^ or ^Ri'T^, #^^, ^mrf^, ?rf^^it^, ^ift, ?t^t- Patient, «. — as opposed to agent. JPT"TT^, 'TTt'^TK, ^?n=fi»;f^. 2 s(V^- person. I^ot^p^, ^r^ft, iqT^ f^Sji.qqrEft 3T?rTTft/. Patiently, adv. y.A. 1. #?f^qxiTRf, fsiCT^, &c. '^ tT^^,f^- 2 ftnrq, fq^TJ^, &c. ^ tT^?r, 'flr q^^, ^4- '^^?t. Patimae, n. — the native boat. "pFtTRf/. Patly. See Pat. [ OT^iFlt/. PATOis,«.(?/aZcrf of the loicer classes. aTSM^JTpft'^i^ ^Fff/.aTST- Pateiaech,?!. head or founder of a family. iT^'PT^Vfrf^'T^'T, 2 &g. dignified and venerable person. 'P^jI^, ^S^-T. Pateiaechal, a. belonging, ^c. to a patriarch. JT^q^WT'^rr, iff-i»Mdt^T, &c. JTOT^T^tft, ^^'^A^-f^^^^^. Pateiciau, a. nolle, not plebeian, y. Gentle. ^^\Z■^\ ^5li?T~JT, ^V5^\ ^^ir^rr, f^^, f^^, 3TfH:?rTrT. Pateician, ?i. nobleman, v. A. ^t^T J'^f . Pateimonial, a. pertaining, ^'c. to a patrimony. ^^^]^]. 2 inheritcdfrom ancestors,^. Heeeditaey. crfl^tTT^^r, P. estate. ^?{^miXf. PAT G19 PAW Pathiliont, n. an inherited right or estate, ^r\m^. ^TT^rm. 6rift?r»». spR^TT^/. ifT=5rftW'1HMMl, Pateiotis.m, n. love, cfv. of one's couniri/. ^tJ^^TrPTTRHl. ^^?T*Tf%/ ^^tsrrf^/. ^|?TRff^/. ^^TT^TmwJ. Pateoi,, n. u-alking round ofaejuard. 1^/. cT?rT=]"r»i. 2 patrolling hodij. iRr^, qT?55T ^'art. "^ [^vC\f. '; Pateoness, w./««ff/e^;a/?'o?;. q^^TiTrHtT or tj f. 'ftTOT ^5:- :; To Pateoxize, i;.a. support, countenance, c^c. 1^HTf ?T /.-STT- !iT^ TO.-3TT':m »«.-5'^/.-&c. ^5"i;5-'P5T'P¥-^5- ?TI-F2;^foI-?r^'T^-&c. "H'Jf, ^^^^of. 2 — feet in quick movement. ^T5^, ^51-55^f-&c. =q-R6f-'^T5m. [ intens. "PS'PSTSot, Patieeixq, n.v. V. 1. — act. ?r5H5'^ «■ "PS^rs TS'^if «• &c. — 2 — rtc^ ^^'^ ?!. &c. — intens. ^^^51^ w. Patieeinolt, adv. V. Y. 1. 'FS'p?, q?:q?:, q?:q?:f, H5?!5, ?r5- fTSt, ^al?to5,— intens. 5, -lisrar, ^^WT, ^Z]Zl 2 ^I^, ^5^f, 5^5^, 55^. — «'"<«'«■ ^STSt. Paiteex, n. model, exemplar. ^^^^J m. ^t=^T m. "PHT ?«. Hf- ^7A m. fJpxTT ?«. 2 S2>ecimen, sample, ^nf. ^^^\ m. ^\^^^ m. STPTH't/. 3 kind, sort. rT=^/. sm/ ST^ »h. Paucity, n. smallness of number, fewness. VTi'^'mrm. VFqnF 2 smallness of quantity, irrlq^ m. T ^O q^II m. 'JTfq^r /. ji Paunch, n. v. Belly, in? n. t^^ n. jl Distended p. pot-helhj. ^X f. i{Tf. , Paupee, n. 2wson subsisting on charity. f»T^Pft, fH^rnfTTT 2— in law. ^T^R. Paupeeism, n. state of indigence requiring support from others. f*{+i. a. reduce to poverty. f>T%^ f- i i^tuj, fn^fr- Tavsf., n. temporary stop or cessation, ^.f.^^^tf. >^^ n. r{^f. ^Z m. ^5; m. vrq^R «. fTOT m. t^iHTMr^ «. 2 suspense, doubt. f=Tr/. ^IH«^ !i. TT^^iP-T «i. 3 ( in music, poetry, &c. ). 'tJT^/. 'H^^\^n. q1% «;. 4 intermission of labor or work. ^W m. ^3 m. ^RF »(. ?TftT m.f. J^fq-/ :j^rT o;- ^^'cT/. im^ f Z^^nf 'A\- ?rTTT?". To Pause, v. n. make a short slop, forbear for a time. H«.% n^'TT-^T'T n. %^oir, 'trf'T^, ^-H-Aui, '4iq'Jf, f^^TT^'Ji or f^J'H- |:' ^'Jf, f^rHnT, f^T^^iot or fsrgJT'Jf, ^R;qoT, ^ ?H. ^rof-tjui- I 2 V. To Delibeeate, To Hesitate. ^,t. H ^^ ^"Jf-qrf- i To Pate, v. a. floor u-ith brick or stone. 'Wl^^^ f.-f%^^ f. ^^g. ofo. ^. 2 /(««(//« ^•(((I'c/y or roughly. ^ OT.-T^fT »i. Siq^, ^rfTOTf, Paw, n. pledge. Tf m n. qq^?; «. f%^ m. anftT w/. In p. At p. n^ri^. 2 — at chess. ktT^?". cTT^ «. Check mate with p. cqr^/. t'TI^JT;?! or c^rr^Rf/. To Pawn, v. a. given in pledge. l^M 5^^, n^I^r t^RT ^, Pawx-eeoker, n. TfmraT s'TTqiff. P's. ticket, i^m^ n. n^TCfiq^ n. PE.V r.20 TEA Pawned, p. v. V. »T^OT ^^c^, T^IONi 3?S?r5T, &c. ^ffTIT, 3TTtft^. 7b Pay, r. a. (a debt) liquuhle, cliscliarge. %I^,^, STR'f, To p. in full.v.ToCLEAii. ». =5?f^TTri 5rT5T=!Tr^ f^?r?r»». PaT-masteb, n. one ivho is to pay. ?f?I5t-tr3THTT-%^5T-&c. \- onrr, srff?i??rT, Hf?RT?TT. 2— military. tmK-f^T-&c. ?RnrT?:T, ^sj^'^jt. Patable, a. rf«e. qT^TTSTT, ^. 2 ^Afl^ ca;i i(?/)a;W. qTqT3iFTT-^rT?rr-?fIT?7T-&c. %?mMT- 'TT-'5Tn;^-&c. ^q^F^, ^"rfq?T. Paying, Patmext, n. v.V.L— ac^ ^^iff n. %ot «. %5uft/.— s^fl/e. \%f. ^V. J. f^-^ / The closing and clearing p. HTS^PPt/. Pea, n. ^v^^ m. ^?jt^ m. ^rft^pp «i. Half of a split p. &e. ^]7.^.u\ m. %[fk^f. Peace, n.—as opposed to war. ?r^ »«. ?rs?T «J. ^^^^ or g^ or ^ m.f. ^7^ VI. differ m. w?^ n. W^ n. f^|§; n. \- p. and war. ^f^:?!^??^ m. Treaty or treating of p. r^ m. "Written treaty of p. [ r^f. AVelcome defeat for peace sake. ^^ HPT?^ q'OT ^TTST 2 rest from commotion or agitation ; quiet, ease.^ Sjc. ?^' m, ^H^ iii. TJ- ftr m.f. pop. t^^f 'Jjf^rm m. fqfjm-H]^ m. T^^n. 5 silence, n^^ufr m. J^R pop. JT^'T !». StTRCTr n. To hold onc''sp. TTP^ ^f^*^) 5%'T'Tr ?M.-m^ «. lIT'Jr, ^ OT. ;)Z. ^M-feor, "^^^ n. Ep^sf, H'prTEpit. Peace I ^^rcqr I Peaceable, a. free from tear, tumtdt, SjC. ^?r?if , ^^inT». f^i^^s »». qf «.— Eye in it ffolT »z. =^5^ m. H=q^ »». To have attained full plumage, — a j). +-^oiiif. Peagkeen, a. frorf. [ tempt, ?jt3't «. Pea-hen, n. ?jr3R or ^tfT/. «. ^qft/ f^T%?l'Y/.— iu con- Peak, «. ^. n. %^K n. tn n. ^^^T^ n.l^^r^ n. arf^^jn n. 2 ( of things generally ) \. Point. ^\^ or ^vf?\f. #q/. +rN +rt/ goT^r ?«. , y. V. ^q-^T ?«. 'vfT^T ?/». '^^PFT >«. fl5TW TEC G21 PED or ^T m. ^.■l^^.\ or ^r m. gsi-TF in. z\%\ m. %%%\ w.— in/ens. ^OTJ'JTT^ m. ^ottijt m. qqqiJir^ ;«. ^5:^51^ »». q;- By peals, pealiuglr, Ac. q^SIS, ^SPf 5, ^RFlf, ^11?, HS35, ^55S, ^?^5t, :f 51^5, ^FSrsf, qSTtTS, qSTSt, "PIT- "PJ, "PSTit, TSTT?, H515f. Pealee, «. TEAr.iXG, /). a. V. V. j^otsohjtKT, ^5^50TKT, &c. PeAB, n. ^^ "PoE 3ir^. 2 prickly pear, t. ErrnoiiBiA. f?T5r|Tn. m. f^^t^z m. n. ^V^Z n. Leaf of the ]irick]y p. "P^T on. PEAI!!,, «!. jflcff «. mf^^ «. 5^r"1??T n. ^WAf. HfTf-^/. Cluster of pearls. ^^t^t?=I ". ["f 'lifff^r n. Imitation p. qETq5;flMr, ^TI^JRlffr, TT-'TI^ n'lH'rj^nTw. Lack lustre p. ^TSr »i. ^.]^FA^<] n'l^t. Mother of p. iTrFftnN or W\^]%^f. n]^]%^f. Suit or set of four pearls. =^"l^Sr m. To fall asunder, — strung pearls, &c. afyq^^. Peael-otstee, n. ^\r^]=^] fi(iqHT >»• ^f^/. ^f^^T/. [r^?r. Peaeled, a. adorned u-iik pearls. ^^?i^cT,wf^^Hf|rr, Jl^Jif- VEjL^LT,a.aloundinff ivilh pearls .^'^,]M^ .^ R^TSf^fl^, ?^T«i;^?5. 2 resemllmg pearls. Htf^T^fR^r, J?^!^^, ^^Tg?^, Hrpr- PEAi3AST, n. rustic, V. COUNTETMAN. it^I^c^T, 'if'T-^T, ^TfTT, Peasaist, a. See Eusxic. Peasaxtex, n. lody of peasants, m^f. m^T^m. ^}.B.^.f[?A^ m. pi. JUMlMlsTt m. pi. '^'^^^^\ f. Pebble, Pebble stoxe, n. roundish stone. lytsr m. ^p!^f. Black p. eacred to Yishuu. ^iifSj^TH m. Desert tract covered with pebbles. ^aluT 11. Little p. Wf,TA or flfer m. P. sacred to Shiva. 51^ m, — the stone (of the shape of the ?frf?r ) in the centre of which it is placed. ?TT3^T cr Wf- Pebbles, small stones. ^iXf. Pebbly, a. alonnding, Sfe. uith pellles. ^\z■^\'^J.| ^l^\^. Peccaeilitt, n. x. A. qNT^RHT/. qN^f^l??!/. idfaul{ uith constantly. fpTf^Tijf, f%Tq?^T/.- rqT-t. qtfsf^f fH^ST'^Rr, f^f^f^r si- Pedasticallt, adv. T. A. qifeq' ^^-^^T, f^'TEy, n. vain show of learning. "TffsRT n. fif^^T ft- ;5 H1.-3TW J«.-^?TCIT Hi. fs[€r^ StT^^lT n.-\^ji: «.-qm «.- To Peddle. Sec To Pi tdle. Pedestal, ?!.— of a pillar, &c, ^\^\^J qpT ju.-^sn m.-'^- iTRT ?«. ^^q? ?». 2 See Stand. [^^^'-^-i^^T!};. Pedestkial, a. pertaining to the foot. qmr=^r, ^TiiTT^T, qT- Peiestbiax, Pehesteious, a. going on foot. ^J^\■^]^]^ '^]- 2 performed on foot. ^TiI^T?ft^r, qT^^?=ft^T, qiT^cfTTT Pedesteian, n. v. A. qpfr =JTRtrTRT, qT^TJft, qi^pft, q^rfrf. An able p. qj^Nr or Ml^fl^l qTT^T »«. Pedestkiakism, n. ivalking. qRr =5?T?I'JT «• -^^ui-cdfj /. Peeicle, n.foot-slalJc. 5^ ?». ^'^T «. Ji^q^'^^ «. q^Jf^'inT «• A compound p. Wj^t[ f. Ht«ff or JTsft/. Pediculae. See Locsr. Peeigeee, n. lineage. sf^^IoE or st/. sf^TT^fe /. 5f'?iqtqTT /. 2 genealogical list or account. ^^T^ft^sTn. ^^TT^'^fTfTw. Pediluticji, Pediluvt, n. lathing the feet, qjq' ^^n. qj^- ?TP^n. qr^sf^TT^HM. Pedlee, n. travelling petty merchant. ^ft^ITc^, ^T^ft, f^^^ Pedleet, w. business of a pedler. f^^^uijm. f£\f. "pft- PEtonAriisM, n.huitimofMldren. ?I^2?5TO sjift^T^. Pedometer, «. instrument to measure paces. ^\^ jfi3i^ or ^l^q-_ Peep, Peeping, n. v. V. — act. f^*Jfr 'TOTw. f^?r'if«. dc. P. of day. m^^zf. qf^q?/. 2 =Cre?r qr^«. &c. ^"rmf >jft/. [if^^rm. Peep-hole, Peeping-hole, m. =ifR%3^'^/. %5^/ ^nT/. Peepee, ?i. Peeping, /I. a. v. V. 1. f^^T 'T'TT^, f^^TRF. 2 =5rreH qr^ 'TTTT, ^n^'a't^ qr^oTT?:?, &c. Peeb, n. one of the same rank, equal. ^K\^f\'^J-^1€\^J-'^]f[• 2 See Fellow. 3 See Nobleman. To Peek, v. n. look narrowly., ^-c. i.\^.\^ or ^t^ot, ^^^-^ qTf 5t, ^T^ ^if^ qT|ot, ^^M or ^l^^r, 1:^^^?jqTf "jf, l^oT, fCT qr^"^, r^^^'T qr^^. 2 appear. See To Peep. [ &c.q^/. Peeeage, n. rank of a peer. 31 Fh J4uiT '». f^H^of- Pelt, «. sA;(b, t. Hide, ^srml «• ^sfTW ??!. 2 tJnimp, T. Blow. ^tHT '»• ffST^r o;- ?^T '?«■ STfR '". ^'o Pelt, jj. a. strike ivitJi something thrown. ?f5^a'r, ?f5q;r- 5f^, HRof, ^^-T TR'jf ( with the name of the thing thrown prefixed, as ^J'fl %^ HKUJ to pelt with stones), HIT '".-TfiHK m.-&c. Jp^ijf (with a noun prefixed, as 3Tt- 5:-m^lHK or a^fliPrK m. ^ijf to pelt with mangoes ). To Pelt, «. «. r^ni. //ahi', rn/^/e Tr5KR ^T^FT. V. V. N. ^^sR^iirTTr^ ?T55TfH TSITFT, &c. ?f5^fr?r, IT^- 5r¥tfr, ^SRTT^T, 5'^mq'TqT, ^ST^qT^TT, HH555:TR. Pelting, m. v. V. A.— act. ^Z'¥.^ n. iTR'Jf ?t. &c. i^m m. jtt- v.Y. N. ?r5^5. ^^i^ m. t^tl- An ear ring', ( of females ) having a p. HT^ ^I^/. 2 See Plag. Pendent, a. hanging. r^^xTTRT, sf^'^^roTRT, ??'r€l?rr, ^T^T^r, (5'rw^2;?TT, ^'\^^.7.k^., FJ?:^'^^, ^5f, ;^qp(r^, ->rq-=?f%^, Pending, a. yet undecided. sr^^%?M', f»T^H^-??r5i?T-^JTr=f-i'ic. Pendvlous, a. hanging, v.Pendent. ST^T, ^^^^HT, c^N^PSE- Pendulousness, Pfndulosity, n. v. A. f^TilrfqiiT m.&c. Pendulum, Pendule, «.— of a clock, kc.P.W.Vn.dim. ^J^f. Peneteabilitt, n. v. A. ^^J^] f^'^'^rri f.^k^'^r^'\ f&c. Peneteable, a. v. V. A. 1. >T5T^-^^RTr-s.c. 2 3T'^». &c. if^ m. ETq- w. H^ n. ¥cPT «• I. aciiicncss, sJu'eifdness, cj'c. v. SnAEPSESs. ^^TRTfrT/. Vz'Sl'SSVLS, n. portion of land nearly surrounded hy tester. PEyiKscLAE, a. pertaining, S)C. to a peninsula. ^M+rMI-^T, P£>'iTEXCE, PEKiTEScy, «. Y. A. and Eepe:sta>ce. q-Si^lTllH Pexitest, o. y. Eepextast. qsiqiTTi^ft, 3Tg^=rTft, TSs^TtIN^- Pesite>"t, n. Bee the Adjective. PE^■ITE^'TIAL, a. proceedirvj frcm or crpressing penitence. t^^/lWIHNI, 3T5?fNT^, 3T5HN55t=5rT, T^J'TTrTTT^^^STT, T- Pesitextiahy, n. place of penance, house of correction. SfTT- ?Tnf n. [5T^-^*T:p-;rtPT-&c. 2p-escriler of penance. irmf^Tf ^fT'JIT^T, srRf5s-ife, n. =5fT^ m. P£^■yA^', «. o ^oorf or skilful writer. ^.r^.M^^, ^JvcPT^I^^^, 2 See AuTUOB. [ ^^^/. PEXiTASsiiir, «. a)-/ c/HTi7/«y. fef^THfr^ ^H^ «. ff?f^ n. 2 fine uriting. =5ni3 fe^ n. ^.vm^'^J. Htf^l^^ affS /. g^fPTTK? n. Pexsast, «. Y. Ti-AG. tmr^/ MHI+l/. :qaT ??. ^nTTOT ?;. sfT^^f^/. MKl+'l^?/. ?;qaiTTJr »«. ^Fiqi^ n. s^q-^T ?». Penuey, M. !;;(7?ye«fe, Y. Poveety. ^^^^Tt[ pop. 3T^qrT/, Peon, «. WteZ attendant. ^q^T^Tt, q|5[T?IT, qf^, ^1?%. 2 See Pawn. People, «. nation. HT^ »«. igrr «. vJ^TTfcr/. f^?tl^^T^^?fr/. 2 //(f populace, the vulgar, the common people, f^q? m. pi. jcrnftTTT5fr «!. pi. ■^rftrtf^sff TO. ;jZ. ?fT^ ^rrf »«. i ^ ti?r- i]^ ^J^\^ m. pi.— And with implication oi loicness and vileness, as expressed by such words as rahhle., '''if^'^iffi tag rag and lohtail, canaille, the mol, molili1y,the crowd, herd, Sf'c. JT^RqR '». n. ^ n. ^'^^^^^ n. aiTS^incr/. 3TT- ST'jr^JTTrT/. ^^\^^v^ m. pi. F7]w■\^^ ^vz m. ^m^ ^zor, n. ?riq;f^ ^T^i.f f^q^TT w. ^Ft^rn: n, ifr^frrr^'^^ «. '^'j^^ M. pi, 'ffTpft^fr'TpfT »«• i-^. ^ TEP 3 commnnity, commonalty, fhc general body. ^^ Tf- ^f- ^TTf /. T^m^f. mr^] m. w^/. ^^^f. ^^ m.n. Amongst the p. r^r^^r. By or tliroiig-li the p. ^rqiMr#. Couformiug to the p. ^j]fw.W^P]W,^ "• Courtiug- the p. ^r^^^^ ». ^TfR^spT "• ^PP^TTr^oft/. Down throuj^-h the p. c5npraT#. Regard or deference to, fear or shame of, the p. ^- ?r=T«Tr/. FJr^^^rr/. ^^^r^f. p7]^PV3rif. The whole p. 3n^?5f 5, arrTTHT, ?5^'4k. Popular procedure or practice, popular usage or course. rTr^irfliTT /. vnOld /. wff^H'^T m. rTl^^K^Tw. ^sPff^TT^ m. ffrqJf^T^ m. ^SVHV^K m. ^^^^\^ m. sTr^- Popular report or talk. ^HST^TT^ m. FA^^^l^ m. ^^- ^\^_ m. ?fr^pgmr/. ^^\^ m, fTt^f^^/. Vox populi vox dei. Tt^i% H^ff TT^^R, v^^f ^JPTT^fT. 4 folks, persons, men, ^\^ m. or m. jil. ^"JT^ n. pi. vJ^VT in. n. ^nn. ^T^ft/. STRJH/. 3TT?J!T5^r/. ^JfctpH m. pi. Certain p. some. STT^c^t^. 5 servants.^Jollowers. f^vn^ n. pi. prN? m. pi. "^X^fimx^m. pi. ^ETPRHTiT^ »i./'?. TStfrm^ ^Epp^JPT »i. %5T-i;5r'f««. G particular class or body. ?5[qT m. ^f^m.^\jf. (in comp. with the designating noun jirefixed, as iri ^» l rtH> , ^J; ^?5r:p, %-Jr^ :3T^, 5TT^ir^TTf , &c. ). To People, v. a. stock tvith inhabitants. ^?T^?. Hft^ «.— Chili p. Eed p. plant and fruit, fiTT^ /. ^V^jf^^M\ f. ( Some kinds are $?5f*ITi. fir- Xih «. ftT^T^T m. Cluster of pepper corns. A)% n. Peppermixt, n. — the plant, ^^^]m. 'rrroTTM. — the csecnce. jF^-Hi-^tr 3rF in. Peppeuy, See Passionate. Peptic, a, promoting digestion. Jrn.-'Tft»JH0TJi.-&c. ^^, Peeambulation, n. v. Y.—act. ffi^ujn. &c. TFT/. %5T'». %ft/ hR+HOI«. Tfr^JHTiT)!. 'J^Z^n. P. of village bounds by the barii balute. tftHfrPMH'?. Pebambulatoe, m. 3T?n: HraiJTT# ((^ 't=5f ^j\, 2 carriage for a child propelled /rom behind, ni'n ^^fc- tnrrft j^psftiTfr/- Perceivable, Peeceivableness. See Pehcepticle, &c. To Perceive, v. a. see, apprehend by a sense or bodily organ. Tr^'if, FJf^T"^, ^r^Mi'i ^of-^loi'Jr-^'T^'if, f^OT in. con. q-Rirf /«. con. ^^^^ n.-tf^zfVffm.-VfWH^ m.-^-r:im.-^{^^ m. -fTT^«.-ctc.|fi7f g.ofo. with m. con. ^.?--^iH-F:^\^-&.c. q^ in. con. tf^ m'^■^T'^T:-t^^^^'A^M■tf^M\*■■.'i-&c. :Rfff or, tcith in. con. ^Sj.As the use of the verb which respects a particular sense, is more common in IManlthi the student may refer to the verbs. To See, To Heah, To Smell, &c. 2 know, le conscious of. v»iTTot, ^H^oj, ^TT^Tw.-fTH n.-^^m.-&c. ^^ g. 0/ 0. with in. con. 3Tiri>-&c. ^t%- Tl'Jii, y^^H'it in. con. afloKMu)'. Perceiveb, p. V. V. 1. mf^Aar, ?5?^ an^sr, sf^^r^ ^^- sc^r, rf^nT^^ ^rpi^r, >fcc. jf^^Rt^Epr, i>f^ ( in comp. as JFs.c. tf^^ ^^r^J-^r^- ^smn-Sic. 3fmT-^^VFTT-&c. ifiSf'T'lT^qT, nr^? ( in comp. as ^nr^, ^TR':, &c)-, rf^Tf^TT, f^^^ (in comp. ^- firnT, Ac), T^ ( in comp. as ^f^^RJ^, ^f^q?^, Ac. ), PEBCE1TIBI.V, fl. a. place or fix. ^^^^, Peechasce, adv. peradoenture, v. Peehaps. JT^^, ^ivrin^^ Pebcipiesce, See Peeception. Pebcipiekt. a. having tie faculty of perception. %rr^, ^- To Pekcolate, v. a. v. To Steain. Jiidui, ^jRof, ^TTST^. To Peecolate, «. 11. pass th-ougli small interstices, lol'if, Pebcolation, w. t. V. A.— act. its^t «. nT^oft/ T. T. N. 'n^rm n. ToEDT «. "TT^nr »«. iRofr /. Pebcussiok, «. striking of one loJy against another. 3TT"T^''f Peecussion cap, n. ^^^^m q"f5-iITft/. [r^Rr^Tw. Pebditios, n. ruin, v. Desteuctiok. ^?i »?!. f^TTT?! ?«. ^- The time of p. f^r?P^Tt=5 m. 2 7o«s of final happiness, eternal death. 3T(?TnfrT /_ 5^- TrTH ». Peebu, a(/y. j« concealment, ^ft^^ Tf^, ^f ^. To Pebeoeinate, v. n. travel about, live abroad. ^ftHfK'Jf, JT^Tff m.^jfiT?:^ ji.-'rfwH'Jr n.-e^sfraT'i «-&c. ^pr^f, sr^or^ To p. in beggary or wretchedness. ^^tTft^T-^-fTrsTSl'- pEBEOBreATOB, n. Peeegeikatikg, J), a. T. V. STSTTfT ^JJifJIT- ?T, ^STVJTTOT ^T^jmr, ^m^ ^OTTTT, SHTT^, fco. :f?^, qrcr/.-'jwfn-/-&c. ^RiJfy. o/o. ■Rr^^-'TTtafH-'TOT- 2 make proficient, adept, Sfc. ^-'^-'^^^■^^\^■fHV^' Peefectible. a. 'Taf-K'T^-f5T^-^ff?r5-&c. +fUMM"r'TT-&e. Perfection, Perfectness, n. v. V. 1. — state. q^cruiTw. &e. 2— s/rr/e. ?p!TT^/. 1%fl; / f^^^TT/. sT^oTcTr/. qRqsf:- rrT/."%qirir «. I. highest pitch of e.vcellence. ^^fffiT?rT/. ^?ic?i^'TT/. ?T5rfpf;>nf n. ^^jj\]^ m. ^^^mf. m^'^mf II. a perfection, an excellency, grace, ^'c. lOT »8. fl^STw?. Peefectly, m/y. v. A. 1. awrf AVhollt. q?^, qrr, &c. o/i rfee/. qT?Tqoff , q^ qofr. Peefidious, «. treacherous, T. False. ^T?T, ^RRT, '^H-WT- Peefidiously, «(fo. Y. A. ^r^^r, ^irHPTT^, ?55rrft=T, 1%^;?;- ^rfT%, f^^^TT^T^flRf, ^f^'TT^fT^, &C. fq-=qT^qm ^^,^, ^'^^^TFfqj^. Peefidiousness, ». V. A. ^ftqurr m. &e. #!;Tf /. 5|?RRt/. si^KT^ «■ f^rH^FfTTHY/. ?:55n^/. fpHT?!/. jpq^'n? «•• ??- f^THT^ wi. 1%»qT?r^TT?T5f|;/. Perfidy, «. treacherg, breach of faith. f^»^^^m ?«. ^F »f, ^ T EE To Perfoiiate, v. a. lore through, v. To Piekce. ^tfot, f%- «^<^, HT^, »fi^ H.-%tT m.-tST «.-fe? ».-&c. TrSCTf-^tjf, ir<:T^ n.-kc. SRffT. Peeforatep, ;). v. V. ^(:T%?yT, iTT^ qr g^ . ri f, &c. IfftTfT, f^^, PEiaoEATOn, «. Pfeforatino, ^. n. T. Y. ^'■T'^TRT, f^q'tTTT- ?T, &c. ifq^, %tft, Er'45T^?vrTf. Peefoeatiox, m. v. Y.—aci. qrqof ». ftfeToj- «. ^\^ m, ^\^^ n. I. Iiolc bored. aft^F «. ^^ m. fttT «• f^T^/ ( dim. fk-J- jpr oj- fsrgr^wi. f^-:i^or Ti(^t n. figq? or R'-^^;^ 7). ). Peefoece, (7'CE, n. T. V. A. 1. — act. q^Tof «. ^^^^ «. ^g,/?. a. v. V. A. 1. «RUIRT, OT- 5^, f^^r^^, ^fTT. [oft +«. ^=5fft/- or ^F^TOT m. ^^frf. »T5^?5r «i. H^FJT m. ^rTTKT'|rMN I < »'• Peeigee, Peeigeum, 71. — in astronomy. ^T^ n. ?)'T^-«;n^ " PEEinELiON, n. ^ft^r^ ?«. The p. of a planet's orbit. ^Br^ n. Peril, n. Jeopardy, hazard, v. Danoeb. H^ji. ^STniftH/. «. 4i- ^FT OT. ^"TSTT ?«. [ ^\^_ To Peril, t;. a. v. To Endanger. *PTtrr-qTgraT?T-&c. qr^srir- Peeilous, a. hazardous, v. Dangerous. TTT^, Kft^nTTsir, Peeilousness, w. v. A. *nT n. ^fr^/. 71. ^HTrfT/ Peeimetee, «. — in geometry. ^ftTTT^^T n. Peeiod, n. circuit, — of a planet, &.c. %ft/ %TT m. 2 round of time, revolution of years; cycle, ^-c. ^ K H| q ». ^FTrJqfTTT'JT M. ^FTr5=5nF «. ^^ «. ^rFTIOT »». smiT m. ^^. FfTC^TF «. ai^'|u|H). Some of the Periods are, ^T,'t5,?Tq- (12 years;, HSB (12 days), JT"n=TT, 51, ^T^ (GO years). Periods and ages have rolled away. 3T^iir% ST^^^n ^\zps arrfFT. 3 ter7n, length of duration. ^^ f. ^T^T^ m. 5?/. Tc?! m. q-^/. ?«. 5r?F rw/y. ^^FFT m. wTaWffcT »»•/ ^FT^nqfTT/. Au unfixed, undefined, or open p. or term, g^^ i?^- A fixed or stated p. or term. ^ ^^^f For, from, according to, Ac. the broken pcriods(parl liquidation of a debt ). R^fHrfrH, H^^ifT^. Inauspicious p. JFlrJ^TrlT or k^J f. ^^^7. f. 4 condiision, v. End. ^i^ wi. aT>r jn. 3T%fl/. 5 indefinite portion or stage of a continued state, or series of events. 3T«rT''EUM05T, n. inflammation of the lungs, jctp^^^ m. {To Peeish, v. n. lose life, v. To Die. tttot, f^m-TMI^T To p. with hunger. 3""TRft m^. To p. with cold, ^fi^ KTW. 2 le destroged, he ruined, come to nothing, ^f'sof, HT^- ?rrf^-'TT=R^-'TT^-137-'T37-&c. ^iiif, ^^\^^ ^Taf-55"Jf, TT-- ?T?»^f^^^T?«.-^cq^^Tm.-ft^^TTrf?».-'■■^«l.-'^/. ^M ^. o/s. ?r'^»«--"pjTT»«--"5>T?Tr>».-&c. 3^y. 0/. 5. 15501, nSRfff. Eeatly to p. ^PTT5|TT^^. 3 he lost cternallg. H^^rRr-3T'fl'n?ft^-|n?ft?r-&c. v?TT^, 3T- %Tt^/.-5nf?f/-3Tir:'Tm «».-&c. ^or g. ofs. Peeishable, a. V. Y. 2. //aWe to perish, ^'c.fimsm, fTT^npr, ^!^, ?TT^?ft^, 1^?ft, HT^T'#T, ^TT^T^T^, ?1TVt?r, sifT^- fT, J?!^^. P. good.s. ;rra$ kA n. I. Si(5/'ec/ /o speedy decay. ^PR ili«|ilNl-'3Tr'TRT-&C. *f- Peeistaltic, a. wonn like. ?rf»T^, ?if»T^^^. P. motion, ^^mfrr/. Peeitoneum, «.— in anatomy. ff^r^fT TS^ot. 3T^^"?T«. ?- Peeiwig, w. %?Tt=T^^ ^Jfm «. Universal p. o^rrft"/. sqiTI »i. Peemissiele, as. v. V. H^m-l'ft STTT^TRT, 'R«rTT'ff s^TinTT- Peemission, n. Uherty granted. qi^M'ft/. j^^vfT ?n, 3TT|Tr/. HT^F5ft^/- T^/ 3^»-"'THfTT/. 3T5fTT/. 3^5^ ?J. Full and free p. ^ifT w JTT/. ^-^^K n. With or by the p. of. T^T^tH or i,A\-^{\^. Writ of p. qT?rHnt1%i5Y/. Peemissive, a. Peemittee, n. v. V. q^Rift ^"TKT, &c. 'S{- gfTT^r^np, arHfmf^, gr^igfTTsr^, &c. To Peemit, v. a. allow, give leave, let, ^c. 'TT=rR'fl'/.-^T m.-^S{\^ f.-^S^Wr{ M.-&e. ^^jf, ^ in combination with another verb, as \»7T^ ^ to permit to go, %3: ^of to permit to come, &c. ar^HT^ n. sFT^-^% "JT^iTT^'jf. Peemit, n. luritten leave. TWFfrM. T^'HH'ftR^I/. ^ITRT «!. ^^F n. Peemittance. See Permission. Peemitted, p. V. V. M<.-diculaelt, (7(fi'. T. A. 1. ^^5^jvn dccl. ?ft?7HT «?ecZ. 3->TT "'<'(■?. ^^51, ri^^TRf. 2 «H+,|01^Tf^T ded. ^^miTlffr^. Jo Peepetrate, v. a. v. To Do. ^Rof. Tlie JlariitLl lias no word restricted to an evil act. Pebpetual, a. never ecasing or intermitlivr/, constant, permanent, f^fq-, f^rtFTT, ^r»^H, ?n=^ffl^, ^TT=q?fr^r, ^r- 5^5r, ^?r?T, BHFT, 3T^?r, ^?i5, arf^tn, arH^n-fr, 3t?irh, Peepetuallt, adv. T. A. and Ever. f?i?q-, f?itrfT, f^JF^in, To Pebpetuate, v. a. mal-e perpetval, cause to endure. ^\^- &C. ^,T^. Peepetuated, p. V. V. ■asx^^ %%?5T, 3T^5 ^Wm %S!?yT, f^- tm TT^^ %^^T, &c. ^TT»q^ffe7T. Peepetuation, «. T. Y.—act. ?tt»^ ^R^t h. ^tcR TT^t^T ^^of «. &c. ^lT=q?ft^?TJT «. f^5!Tra^:RtiI n. Peepettiitt, h. endless duration, uninterrupted existence. &c. ^\l^f. To Peeplex, v. a. involve, complicate, t. To Entangle, if- rf^^, JWSOJ- or n^H:5t, nr^ra;^, nssrjsm', 'TppR'jf, lu^^irtrf- WJ.-iTf^/.-^K-q^/.-f^f^^F^q- «.-ctc. q^T^ y. o/o. Peeplexeu,;;. V. V. 1. n?r5f%?5r, nTq?:?i?5T, &c. n?iTS-qT^T, To be or become p. ri'^'Jir, nfqT^, 'iftTtT^. 2 'WnsOT, TI^^r^BT, &c. ^;Tf?f, ^gfcT, 5q^, ^pm^, To be or become p. nTtToEijf, WldlcAOT. Peeple: ^, n^Hi^i+.JUllTT, &c. 2 nsq^'JUTT, 'Trq5r--4t^^-^?T3r-&c. jroirt, y^-^^r- q=qffT-&c. qn'mrr, <prT or iT?;«. HT^ /■ 3Rn^/- «. 4 exterior appearance. ^ n. 3TFFR »»• aTT^ifrf/. f) character ( in a drama ). ^7J. CR «• ^T »». O—in grammar. ^^ m. The persons are, — the first p. grlK'p;? m. ST'tfHJ^ vi. ( In Sansh-it grammar 5T' reflecting on an individual. F.]^ ^t^^ihtt^T, m?5pr Pf.E50SALlTY, re. V. iNniYlDCALllT. sq'f^/. sqf^prTr/. ^- 2 direct application or applicalditg to a person, fsf^- M^ttnTiiRifmnm. f^ri"!rsq^|f5!T?rr/. f^fiiT^t^AW/. 3 n personal remark, f;^^ ^]^^ n. ?;Tf ^ ^r^^ n. n^- MTTiT n. sqffpf^'^^iJFpt; HI-irJT re. fcf^TiTOJ^^i^ JTTTOT ?(. Pkbsosallt, a^Jr. y. A. 1. 5^n^, s^rf^fT;. 3 ^, mWT, M?^, f^^^T, 3 in person, v. Person. qrT?ft#, ^T^TPT, ^t^t. G f^r^5, m-^i "Tr|^. [ jpr^oq ?). Pereonai.itt, H.^'f'vona/ fs/(7/e. vH'lHMlfS «^ ^T^T «. ^- 2o PebsOn'ate, ti. «. represent by an assumed character, pretend to he. ^^ m.-^W^ n.-'^V\ n.-&c. ijij-m^ g. of o. fHWT^ HrH-&c. kv! g. ofo. fitrT^ w. ^ g. of o. 3TPT- 'nm "^iism «v7/( ^/(< of the 0. fir^Tf^re.-fTH'TctT/.- &c. qdj-qTm :FT"?r-^^or ^^ ^- o/o. 2 0(^< the part of. g"tq M.-^T w.-^T «.-&c. ir'f-'^TOT ^r. o/o. Persokatob, «. PersjOnatino, ^. «. v. Y. 1. ^T MUIKI, &C. ffprlTT. Peesoxation, w. t. Y. I.— act. ^T qtjf re. itc. m?r'TT »«. ?fr- Persoxificatiox, re. v. \.—ad. 3TlTnTiy%Ti?^?TT/. %rRq-- J^f^JftTT/. %?RqniTrT m. ^cfflf^TTrT »»■ H^iqiriJiKj^ m. To Persoxiet, v. a. represent with the affections and actions of a person. %rT^ tTHrfTT OT.-%rRf5IR'f"T w.-^c q;^_ Perspective, n. glass for viewing ohjects. §^f^/. 2— in drawing. q-- to the mind, v. Pi,aix. 3^TIT, W^, g'^^^T 3TiTWr, l^5ft5:T, gft^, fsq^, TTrmf'^, :??rHT'4^, ww^^, ^^t^. Peespicuouslt, adv. V. A. 2. ^^^T, ?TS, r5^?)T HH^OT Peespiration, n. y. V. N. 1. — act. qm ^^Jf «• ^^r^ m. I. perspiring matter, v. Sweat. qpT »«. ^ m. ^ )«. 2b Perspire, v. n. evacuate fluid, — the skin, &c. ^]TJ7 »».- &e. ^^-f^^-^Jtrf-TT^T'it in. con. *Hiniqui, MIH^i^, ^f- TTOT, #355rT5r »«.-^^r^ ot.-&c. ^r^ in. con. 2 le excreted ly the skin — a fluid, &c. <.iHCiTT%-T!T «i.-T^- ?n m.-ka. \m-^■^^ (J. oj s. 2 JT?iR%?^r, sTtT5r?rar, ^rs^^s^r, &c. Peesuabiso, Peesl'asion, n. yy.l.—act. ?riT^r^ n. ^r?R :R^. «. &c. ^H^irsf^fr/. ^IT^/. ?TJT^m^/. ?riT3ft/. 2— rtc/. ^^\^^ n. qtrsrof «. ^r^:^ «. &c. rr^TR'jft /. ^iq-- I. religious si/stem or lodi/. JT?T !!. f\\A '»■ A'^m. ^sf^rq'wf. Of the p. of. ^H'^lifl iu coinp. Peesuasible, a. v. V. 1. ^iT^r^qMnT-^n?Tr-itc. ^H^rf^- Peeshasive, Persuasort, n. v. V. 1. ?jfmft ^R^RT-aTITI- Tnrr, ?rH^ +t>tttt, ^^^■ Pertinently, adv. v. A sr^TTT^gK, sr^'reifft')!, TOTrT ; , Pertly, adv. v. A. 1. =5fT5lTtnm, =?T;^Tqft#, ^^V^^^^^"^. 2 f^rrrt^, 3=wgft^, ^rttitt^, srr^'iT'JrH, ^f^^Jpn^f , -iTf^^T^- PER Pertness, «. V. A. 1. ■qqoiqTJTrOT. =q(Tn?t or ^/ ^^frr^w. =^■7^?^/. [m. /)/. 3T^;r«. 2 fti^/. 3TJTq'?^/. qrr7'Jir«i. sTRWJTrj'*. '^^yf'./. »nr4 To Perturb, To Perturbatk, i'. o disqi(itt,i^\: \. To Di<;- COMPOSE. 'HriiMf^ot, ??rT«T9T, ^?irT«i.-^liTwi.-&c. qfjfoi ,/. i 0/0. ^=TJT-?J5(:T-&c. qn:T«i. s^n'^flH'/i. T|Tot. SFHrfoT/. fTt5^?ft/. FI5SJT5;/. I PEETURBATon, Pertukber, 11. \ .X .1 . ^^^^Tu , ^ rim«.()!. Pervasive, a.\.Y. 2. sqr^mr- TT, °^'T5 ^OTRT, &c. sqTT^, oq-pff (esp. iu coinp. as. ^1- Pervasible, a. v. V. 2. eqrq^ ^r^pqT-^"inT-&c. 5qT«T. Pervasion, «. v. V. 2. — nc^ sJTRTif n. sqn^ quT «. &e. ^m- %/ sTPT^ «. 311+'H0T n. Universal p. g^fito-mffry". Perverse, a. devious, distorted. ^^ST, qTSTSTT^FIT, ^^, =Kf^S. 2 /"y^"*'^'! fnulish, stulburn, untractalle, ij'c.q^». 3T;R?rr^T>JiT m. "^^p^oir Perversion, m. v. V. l.—ad. f(\pT^(^ n. g'^cT'Jf n. Ac. flf- m.— state. fij-qTRT »«. 'N^'T'iT '». iRftr^ n. f^q^^TT^ »;. f^qRiTTH m. 2 — (Jrf. r«(Mi=iui «. >te. To Pervert, v.fl. turn from its purpose, use, end, S,-c. fTTT^T^, 3Tm^qf.aTr. o.v. V. 1. f^^TTRT, 3H^-f^- qttn-Ac. JF^RT, ar^rar'ff Fir^r'nTTT, <<^c. Pervestigatiox, 7i. dilttjent enquiry, v. Eeseaech. 3l'4^u| n. »Hiy| n. Pebvicaciovs, PEETiCACiTr.See Obstikate, Pebtebse,&c. Peeviovs, (7. admliliny passayr, that mny le penetrated, ijtr, H^T, ^T^r^, H^r?^, iiVs,^, !?^^T?fT^, srt^irf , arrftrF. Peeviovskess, >!. A^ A. il?TrfT/. H^^'W^IT/. &c. Pest, a. plague., \. Plague, w^f. H^/. 2 hateful fellow or tTiing,y. Plague, cqrftr O)- £?ny/.'ft?T/. M.n. ^?:tFT '». Pest-house, n. Jtospiialfor infectious patients. ?IT+lfH+ Sb Pestee, v. a. annoy, harass iviih little vexations, v. To Tease. ?jaor, ^Jl^, ija'jr^/.-usnT^ /.-?js m.-kc. JRiif jr. o/o. |:^ w.-JT^^ «.-?^/.-?l'^/. -|^T OT.-&C. ^af. 2 See To Excumeee. Pestebek, 11. PESTEEI5G, p. a. T. Y. 1. ^J^tJim, ^55rf, ?irs- ^FT«foT, ^-iS'+.^i. Petal, n. flower leaf. tn^tJci^/. 'TT^ra't/ «P^/ ^ or ^«. Of one row of petals,iT?FJTTciCt— of two rows, ^TToft, — of three rows, fdHloTf. Petaled, Petalous, a. m+coiif^T, ?T^, ^ in comp. ( as fg^'i.rt Bipetalous ) iTT^ft or PTlot in comp. ( as JTToft )• Peiecui^, «. ■pi, sjoots on the skin infccer, ^W-'^^xfH fs^ 1 ^2 PET Petit. See Pettt. Petition, «. request, supplication. 3r# m. 3{i^ff. f^^rft/. SII'*^=TT /, ?^F^ or ^^i H /. 'iT»--^'4^T /. [ ce, Petulanct, n. v. A. 1. frTSrfts/. f^S'^lft/. f^RR^ft^T/. frfsfril^irr in. f^fm^^^\ m. ^x^z^^j m. Petulaxt, a. iiettish.fretfuly \. Peevish, Ceoss. f^JTS^R, 2 proceeding from petulance. f^rr5^Fft=qT, f^Tft^F, KV Petulaktlt, adv. V. A. f^ft^, f^ri ^^^^ f^^, ^sf^- Pewtee, ?!. ^^tT n. Some sorts oi pewter arc f^T^^H or ^- q^^rT «. ^RT?!^^ pop. ?^iH<^jH «. P. puft'ed by the action of fire, "pi ?i. Pewtee, «. ^^, ^^^FTT^r. Phaeton, «. ^%iI=FK^ nrff ^TtI. [ IfT «?. TsA'LS'S'X, n. hodj/ of troops in close arret)/. ^^ZT(^ ni. T? »». Phallus, w. emllematic representation of Sldica. fel «. fq'- ^/. There are 12, viz. JT^T^FT^s^n: ( 3"^=fr^ ), BPfFtm ( #t€Ht ), %^>q^ ( 5tf^^r:?T^T^ ), fjT^^^ ( ^nft=q[T ), 'fmiTm ( 'ftHT^m^JIT ), Tfcsq^T^^ ( «ftTlOT^T=5?T ), X\^^X ( %55i?TT^ ). pHAXTASM, Phantasma, «. ainj appearance, fancied vision. JTRT m. aTTTRT m. 3TTT/. J^^^FT m. Pha^itast. See Fajjct. Phantom, m. See Phantasm. 2 See Ghost. Phaeisaic, Phaeisaical, a. malciivj a slioic of devotion with- out the spirit of it. *I^^T-&c. fmRT-^FTI^qT-sraT^T- 5^^, ^1 ir^fTRT^T, ^W''^V^^V^^^ &c. JTr3T%5qT-"%cIT^- PHAEISAICALNESS, PuAEiSAisM, M. outward sJiow of religion toithout tie spirit, v. Htpcceisy. ■JT^^T^M m.-^']^ n.- fR n.-^-^ m.-&e. ^^.T^-stift-&c.qJT'--Jr^,5l^«TT^,^I%^?JIT^. Phaemaceutic, Phaemaceutical, a. pertaining to pharmacy . 'flr!f':T?;?ft^T, ^Rtrf^^^T, 3?i'Tq^r?TjrfJi?TT ^5iift-R(«iii+'. Phaemacopceia, n. treatise on the preparation of medicines. Phabmact, n. art of preparing medicines. ■:^\^^ r^K +.<''«7r- ^f^i^TT/. 37!'7*Tf^^/. ^v^^^T^f. ■~S]TA^f:mV^^ f. Phaeos. See LianT-nousE. Phaetnx, ij. gr^TRmr^^r ^n:^ >tpt w. Phase, Phasis, n. appearance — of the moou. Ac. Z^^ n. ^- ^^?[vrJ m. ^s^JT^R ?«. ^H'jf n. Pheasant, w. (r^FT^ff 3TI^. PuENix, «.— the fabulous bird. ^T^^iFm^. 2 fig', remarkalle personage, v. PAKACiON. "^ h. :fT4i ;i. SR'tH'T «■ HHX."! «■ Phenomenon, w. (r;iy thing visille. ^j^^f^q^wi. ^f^fsr^i/i. 2 remarlalle or unusual appearance. =^H?FR w». 3??^ n. JPTTfT m. PniAL, «. 5»irt?i io/;/e. f^^/ ^'^f- PuiLANTHEOPiCjPHiLANTHBOriCAL.o. haciiig gencralhencvo- lence, loving manl-ind. J^iqfii'T^Rt, ^HIT^Tft, "TTN^Rt, ?i#r >». stSTiTT m. A gob of p. ^^^ M. «ll^ or %5^r m. A string of p. '\'At\t n. [ ^T »»• P. collected aud impeding utteraucc. ?rf^ m. ^Tt^- Tough, Tiscid p. «f5^ «j. To force up p. ^irHI<^+, »?5SHr^H^-^K+-&c. 8 abounding with phlegm. +4)i-q|, ^FTHTq', ^"P^^, =?>"?>- ftf^rq, *§iw[m^, &c. 4 co?'ics, n. science of soimds. f^Jf^iT^ n. K^f^ff^RTT/- PhoxocamptIC, a. that ii^fleds sound. e^f^TftsTrR^prft, «r- PnOSPHOEUS, ?z. ^rlTrfsrm?^ (^ ■J-tJlr'JMI^ q^'4 5flTf . PnoioGEAPHT, «. ^qi^rurf=EqT 'fmr^ fq^ ^strsrrfr 1%?tt/- Phrase, n. short sentence, ^v^ n. 2 particular mode of speech, idiomatic expression. ^t?I- VH\M\-'H\'A<3\\-H\ tt^^V^ m.-Sf^TR jH.-cpr'ra' m. 3 phraseologrj , t. Style. ^Irf.U'MNl-fe^'nrrsft-HI'HUll-^ -&c. HT^rjft/.-qra/.--cTTrft/.-*c. iTo Phease, «;. o. v. To Call. *-'-t7icfr_ Pheaseologt, n. diction, manner of expression, \. Style. -^T^f.-kc. Pnr.Esr.Tic, Piibestic. See Fbaktic. Phbesitis, Pheenst, n. — in medicine. ^rf^TTH^^lT m. 2 T. Madkess. g^TTT^ m. ^Vi^f^^ cr JT^TI^q-qrT? m. Pheekologt, «. 5ptfT^?j?wf;rqT/. ^ptt^^tk^^ «. "^ Pheeksied, a. V. Feastic. ^Nhysic. "^, f^f%?H^, riofr- «I, ^^H ( used esp. of a JIusalmiiu physician ), f*nr^, 31|q=f'{1, 3TT^FR, M|U|Ml4. Some terms or nppellativea for an eminent or skilful physician , correspondinf^ with jSsculapius, Apollo, &c. are ^J^^tRT, ^•■=JriTr^ ^JTTWrnT, Physiognomy, n. art of discerning the character, ^c. from the features. ^r3R^7r-g^t5?TirTg^7r-&C. ^^rTW ^5Tm- 2 cast of the luoJc, v. Pace. ^\%^^^n. ^i^'i-i^m. Physiological, a. pertaining to physiology, ^]^^^^^f^• Physiologist, n. one versed in physiology. srrf^'-^fl'J'JTfsr^TT- Physiology, w. the science of the properties and functions of living leings. STTfoi'^'T^'JTfrPT n. ^^[^^^'r^f^^\ f. sryfji- JTOTcm^TT^ n. PlACULAE, PlACULOUS, tt. ctpiaiory. ?r?fiqFi -4 -,| ^ . Piamatee, n. memlrane investing the Irain. 'Tf^'s=f,H<'pfcf^j/'_ Piano foete, n. ^W' ^rm 3Tf^. Piazza, n. a. covered way, Sfc. mi^=srT-i7T^iifhTT ^^FTTw.-crr^ /.-&C. %?;3T OJ- %rH/. »T5^'K^. To J), a quarrel, qj^r »(.-ctc. ^^Ti','^ ^5^. jTo Pick, t;. «. ea^ «/oi(7y. if^S sr=s[S ^m, ^r^?tiTr^Fr-^Tn5;- ^ ^r^. [ or t-TTfeR^OT. 2 up ; recover, m^^, ^TT^T '«. ^, OTtlw. '^'^, s^^iqiiit Pick, «. pickaxe. fwi^T «. f?^^^ «. 2 See Choice. Pick-axe, m. — the implement. f^^Ff^T ». f^^^ ». Pick-lock, n. instrument Jar opening locks. ^^ 3^5r'TT'=ft Pick-pocket, Pick-puese, «. %?TT^rcqT, %m^rfr=^, ^- =^T^^, T^rTT, ^M-i-^rr, TTK^Jm, ^fT=#R, J?"^. Pick-thank. See Officious. Pick-tooth, «. tooth-pick. ^\r\^XK^ n. ^t?npiTift /. PiCKBACK, adv. on the hack, qis^sff or "Tli+lofl or tfreT^ Back prepared for receiving a p. ^l%f[f. Picked,;), and a. v. V. 1. g^c5T,^5^?JT,gffr+|i4rirfl,&e. 2 f^T^Fsr, fH^5%=5T. [ f&m. 3 ^5f^^?^r, cfcc'^^sr^r,"^^^, q'^sfriT, f^3, fn^^, Tftn- G q5I^?rar, &c. n^^TT. I. sharp, V. Pointed. ?fr^TT, ar^jft^R. Picket, «.— of an army, &c. ft?5F?T m. 3^^ ;/^. 2 V. Stake, ir^/. ?|^ w. [ f^T?TT/. 3 — the punishment. H%^1 ^+-Mii| 5^?r 3"iif ^Jf ?j. giiit «. &c. 2 f?RTwf ». fH5f3W n. [ ftn'JHT/. 3 f^T^'S'jf n. f^^rs/. f^g^^ /. f^RsoT^^ /. Tftfi'n?T n. ^- p. and stealing. =;nTH^rft/.=^1^7T7t/.=5fR?^;».;)Z. I. pickings ; indirect or e.vtra profits or gains. ■Ricj'fq-.a^. j 5Pn:-^ft^-&e. fiw.^r^ f.-^jfH f.-&c. fr^r^iT or ^TPI^ n. I Illicit pickings. ^T^f. ^J^f. ^mf. [ TBIHT m. \ Pickle, «. pickling material. WT. m. wfiwn\ n. ^rT^oft n. To take the p. ^Rof, WTT^Tiif, ?:tq'Jf. | 2 thing pickled. FfnT^ «. 3TrqR ?». rS^mnT^/. ^jTR w. 3 plight, trim, sad state, v. Mess, qfrl /)o;). tt^/. g%P55t ; /. 1^^ or n^fHT m. njTf or n^ig;/. ^?^/. ^^/. j| Woeful p. qj^TJpSTfft/. To Pickle, v. a. v. N. FJK^ «.-?!?R w. ^T?5«■ q'rf-?jr=r'n or '^^- &c. <^K«JiJi-?JT^=r'^. 3 v. To Join, ^?n^, ^'^ot. Pieced,/), y. V. 1. fCT^?^^, f^Tot f^?^r, &c. 2 ^ f^frJT, &c. ^Tfr^r, =3T#r, ?ri^rq-, ^PrfT, ^rs^fK, vflSRI, ^t-qp^fT. PiECE-LES3, «. not made of pieces. ^^^!:T, '(^'fl', ^FTT, 37^- 5, f^PMn, ^^. [ ^^^•.. PiECE-iiEAL, adv. ly pieces. ST^Trf:, 3Tn?r:, ^5^t:, ^TFT^T:, 2 in pieces. H^ H^ ^C^TT, ^^:^^:. To tear p. H+r^H+i m. pl.-^^v^ HtPi't m. /jZ.-rftstrff^S in. PlECE-WOBK, n. ^ ^fvpr )i. ^•rSWH' n. Pied, o. partycolored. HT^'ff, W^'iT^nT'if^^, f^^Hri^'sT. PiEDSEss, w. V. A. f^=5ir^R=^T'JTTw. fTN^rrnw. ij]^^~,(^^f_ Pieb, m.— of a bridge. WH m. qm m. ^jt »?. 2 mole, q'ip' w. 2b PiEKCE, V. a. puncture, perforate, lore, ^-c. Jr^Uf, sfHf^, Mt^, qpq^, srq't, JT^, R'-^, =55nf;af, ^^-&c. ^gj-^ "Him M.-ip^ ??i.-tsT n.-ctc. qTS^-^Tor, ^^ m.-ij^ m.-^f^ n. -etc. 5p^ y. oyo. 2— with force and sound; sinl, gore,Sfc. ^T^^ijf, TH^R- ^, ^n^TFot or ■HIJRm, ^^• 3 See To Penethate. To Pierce, v. n. enter, penetrate, — as a pointed instrument, &c. Krfof, w^.^ ?nrar, ^=q5T, €moT, ftqot, f^T^ijfj f^r^ijf^ PlERCEABlE, «, T. V. A. 1. ^''TT^^PTT-ic, ^q^t'T, %«T. Pierced, ;;. v. V. A. 1. jN%?JT, ^^T^OT, &c. ^fiT?T, Hf^^, 2 H^fTFFTT, Ac. Pieeceb, 7i. PiEECiNO, 2?. «. V. V. A. 1. Sr^oTRr, ^'■^TRl, &c. ^-'T^, %-4^, H^, %'4H^, &c. ^^, g^^. 2 TT?r-7'JTRT, &c. V. Y. N. ^rruTiTT, ^imr, &c. I. pinching, biting, — cold, &c. ^Ff^, ^fi+^rl, qrs^^^, ^?!T?5. [ftn, :f?F^T. II. thrilling, shrilly — of sounds, '^q'^, JT^ft, ^S^, ^^- PiEKCiXG, «. V. V. A. 1. — act. ZV^^ n. ^qof n. i^ui n. &c. \^ m. *r^ m. Iftpr n. 5]^ n. ^^J f. ^^ n. ^f. Pietism, n. affectation of piety. 'T^FTf^R m. *r^^ '^X «.- ^HT «.-&c. Pietist, n. one icho affects piety. T^fft^r arfiTTpft-^T'^^. Piett, n. love, SjC. of God. 'Tf^/. 55Hf^/. pTrHi%/ TT:- ^rf^TTFTnmfs/. vTHf^rW- ^THrnf^/. r'^tf^im/ f=^- »T[^^r/. ^^fJT M. im1^'4 w. ':T'T^ft?J?rT/. Eminent in p. itRTT'^PT. Path of p. hI^TT'T m. To set up a pretence of p. ^^RH «. ^H^^^i^^. 1 2 Zore, cj'c. of parents. 3TT?imi^ Hf^/.-^^r/.-Ac. 37q- Pio, n. swine. V^T. c. ['F^'^. Buying a p. in a poke. "TT^q'frf ^?r STlfoT 5TT|T Ht?5 "What can you expect from a p. but a grunt. ^]^- 2 ( of metal ). 3T^ '^^T n>ET m. ^\zf. To Pig, j;. c. |^t ^^r. ' [tt^HT, \^^. Pig-headed, Piggish, a. t. Peeterse. qRT, TT^t, TT^-SfT, 2 V. Stupid. TTT^r, H^, ^TS-qr. PiG-STTE, n. l^rSfflT »M. ^+,• 3 ^rT?^ ^ JTRTT 3Tr^. [ ^JfJTTf&T. PlKE-lIAX, n. V. SPEAKilAy. i)<.^c||rll, HT^^, ^IfJ^ltt, Pike-staff, n. Hra^fTOl/. W'^ '"■ As plaiu as a p. ^Rr^ qjf^f "T «. ^V^V^^^- '«• PiLASiEK, »!. s?«(7?-e column. ^W^^ W^ »«• "^r'^TRt^f^I m. ■Pile, m. driven stalce. \X^k^\ ?=ff«T ot.-&c. ^ wj. «. ^;iOT «. 2 round mass, orderly heap, v. Heap. ^ToE'it/. ^^TS/. 5T- 61 Wi. 5T5Er »«. i^T H». dim. f^iflTT ?«. & fSTT^t/. ^TwJ. rfw". tn^/. |nT m. Trf^T m./ ^jo/j. Tm/. q^ m. 3 ( as of shot, pitchers, &e. ). ^T^ m. 5T'7;r ?«. S'frtj/. 4 eJi/?ee, V. BuiLDixa. qrir «i. S^mTT /. G Bee Hair, Nap. 7 piles; hemorrhoids, ^ojsqjfq ^jo/;. JT^csmi/. a^^f w. «. n^m ?«. 2^ri[f m. ^\^m. pi. Atflieted with p. iTp^t-^, H^rsqrif^qr, 3Tm, ^T^TRRt. Bleeding p. ^rhlJ-icioqrq- /. Blind p. siTJtfl;5Isq"r':T/. Ti; Pile, p. a. v. To Heap. =^55'4^, Sl^of, =?'Jr'Jr, T^^?!^, ^^T- ?r?: "T^ r^ s^r^r, ^wy:-&c. ^prin g. of o. Piled, ;>. v. V. ^?^'4^?5r, 5TS3OT, ^?r%^OT, &c. Tf%?r. PiLi.xo, «. T. Y.—act. =5f55iTof M. &c. ^^^P^J^/. T^=TT/. Jb Pilfer, v. a, filch, gain hy petty theft. OT^ijf, 3'=5r=5'^, s'^qscfr, 3"^^^ ?rot, g'^^ «• g-TPir »«. ^"^ with m or ?5r, rTR m. ^iJif, ^ »». ■JTRiJf, q?T OT. TTRof. To Pilfer, v. n. p-actise petty thejt. ^^"^f.-T^^^m.- Pilferer, m. Pilfeeixo, p. a. t. V. A. ^qjoTTTT, T^rSiTTTT, &c. 7qj-5TT, 3-^?^, g-^TcFTr, Hm^-^TT or ^fil^iT^ jH^K or 5f=^TT, HTHTEfk. "^ [&e. PiLFEHiNO, n. V. V. A. — act. g-q^ot ji. ^'^trS'fr n. ^'m \^ n. T. V. N. 3-^T'JTr m. HwJiTtJTT m. ^^'w,^^ m. ^^,^ Pil-GAELic, Pilled-gaelic, n.a forlorn wre^c7;,v."WEETCii- ED. %r=5rr *fr75rr m. y-^^^\^^^- PlLOniM, n. traveller to holy places. ^%^^, TT^'lv^, ^\'=S^- ^, ^^^t or ^^^p^, rftSif^, cft'«f^^, ft??:^ or f^?;^, A company of pilgrims. qT^/JO/i. 'JT^r/. A p.— pedler. ^TTTSt- Pilgrims and sojourners. 3?Tr^ "TFTT??;. Pilgrimage, n. journey to a sacred pilace. ?ft'4 «. qr^sfr f;oj5. sJT^r/. — with implicatiou of frequence, rft'tfir^r/. fft- iTfcr «. [ m. pi. Ceremony to be observed at a place of p. ?fl"4fsrf6r Favors ( flowers, holy water, ashes, &c. ) grautcd by tliG idol at a p. ?ft'4^^r^ m. 037 PIX gniT^ «. &c. Oll'eriugs ( to the idol and Bruhmans ) on return from p. JTT^^ or JTIqi'^T n. Periodical resort to a place of p. vT^/. STtft/ %^r"i. Performer of periodical p. JTR^. P. to the three holy places. ( irqPT, 'TT^lft, & nrvi ) Place of p. r(t'4 ". fr=^ «. The great p. ( viz. to Benares ). iT^nT^Tr/. To wander about ou p. rft'n, ^TPN't, ^rreoT, ^m^, ^\%^. To Pillage, v. a. spoil, strip ^c. v. To Pluxdeh. 5?^, ^r- <;. 0/0.^ Pillage, Pillaging, w. v. Y.~act. ?7^ ! ^/. W^\7,f. ^KVy.f rTT^T «. 1. looty.^ spoil. T^jZJ. Pillar, n. ^\^ in. m'H m. r^T^jf Erected upon two pillars, — a building. 5^^. Main p. of a house, tq^ot^f^i ot. qnTT Stone p. TT^ftrr m. Pillion, n. a ivoman's riding cushion. Ml'3'MNt ^"^ff irenqr- PiLLOET,w./rT?$-.\rORE, Ji. 5=!T^ »T5I^^ «. [o/*- To leave oft' one's \^.fij. 'flr^T^fT^ ^5:1 mctui-f^n?^ g. riN--cu3HioN, »i. 7t=5ri'TT smf^'jq'raT^f %;%^ tt^/. riS-MOSEY, M. allowance to a wife for petty expenses. ^Tcff- Pjxcers, w. instrument for griping, drawing nails, ^c. 1%- JT^ m. ^«IT <"■ <*t^ «• dim. atifft/. ?Tt5?T »»• (i""- ^tS- ;rft/. — esp. of goldsmiths. TTsft/. Tft/. To PisCH, «. a. sqtieeze hetween the ends of the fingers, f^- JT^ »!.-f^m^/.-fMgTT «i.-^T^/.-&c. ^-qji^ot, f^- 2 squeeze, press hetween. f^JTJot, f%if3fff, ^T^. 3 gripe, oppress, press hard, v. To Oppeess. f^Tf, ^- nW, ^^, ?fe5at. 4 straiten, drive to e.vtremitg or distress, v. To Disteess. To bo pinched. 3T5=;rim, fTTW. [^'i^. 5 (the belly). ^ n. iTR'S-'Tt'^^, "ft^TinTT «.-3"'TmHKT m. 6 — as cold, &c. ^f^tv^oT, arg^^Sr, 'Tit^fT in. ^ojcT^. To be pinched with cold. qji^'JI, aH«. f^PT^/. r^Hdt/. f^M^il O'' ^^RT »»• pHHi or f^JTT^ /. Ph^Tkiot. 2 ( of snufi',&c. ) quantity compressed letween the thumb and finger. f^TH^/. =^^ or =^.^f. 3 distress, strait, difficulty. 3Ti^'JT /. f^fT^T m. ^'^ n. ?t^i^ w. »». Pi>-cn-BECK, n. ■rm^ 3T^ ^'irefT %%?5 ^^ frr^ iTT^ aril. PixcH-FisT, PrKCH-PESKT. See Miser. PlXCHED, p. T. V. 1. r^Mdl qrlrt~5l, &C. 2 f^m^^T, &c. 4 arrqifm 3TTor^?5T, ?fT. P. by poverty, arr^^, afre^r^, arifs'^T, ^r#P. PiscHiNO, f. a. V. V. 6. and Pieecd.-o. ^r^P, ^5^ft^, ^- Pisdaeie, m. — the freebooter, q^rft. Body of Pindarics. qf^R n. Pise, n. pinus longifi)lia. ^tf^f^pop. ^«)^K «!. ^n^ w. Exudation from the p. •H-E- APPLE, n.— the plant. aFTTO o/- ar^HT^/.— the fruir. 3TJRH or ^ra in. n. Pinery, n. aT?nT?fr=^ iT^r m. Pinole. See Enclosure. Pinion, n. v. Wing, ^t^ m. 2 land for the arms. H?T^^ 5Tfq"^qT=^ ^?oft/. 2b Pinion, v. a. lind or confine the wings. Tt^ m.-&c. ^itqoT. 2 confine by binding the arms to the body. f^^^^Jf. pl.- ■RBW^f. pi- 5?f'--m, ^^ ^7CTr, =q^ir^ijf, ^ w. ;?/. ar^^- Pink, n. ^ ^f^%^, &c. Pip, w. ( of fowls ). ^ m. ? 2 ( of an apple, &c. ). ^MT »!. ^ff^ n. To Pip, ». «. chirp. =^ w.-f^q^q-/. ^?:nr. Pipe, n. tube. ^??\f. ^■hf. T-|55 m. (Zm. q'^s^/. ?TfS;^T/. 2 — the musical instrument. "T^T or qtlTT m, dim. ^\^'(^f. ifRT m. dim. "TT^/. ^rf^/. 3T?^it^ n. q->ft/. ^^^fe^T/. iroT m. — esp. as made of a plantain-leaf, mango-stone, &c. Mmuft or NHIuft/. (mmiCI/. qq^ or qM «• fq^ift/. To stop one's p. fig. malce to be silent. 5'1\/. sj^ %l^ g. ofo. 3 cfl**. ^\^ n. 4 tobacco pipe. "^JT »». To Pipe, t). on a pipe. qf^T »!.-&c. eTRI?^. 2 V. To Cry. rs'Jr, il^; m. /-Z. q^. To begin to p. sfT^if =JTT^^TiS, PIT 639 PIT PirE-CLAT, n. fqjpoi^f OT./. ^3t/. W^vi.f. \^^or V^-f- PiPEE, n. Piping, p. a. v. V. 1. qnrr-itc. ^T^PTtJllTT. I. piping hot. iTTKTin;^, g-?|^ or 3^. Pipkin, n. v. Pot. jti% h. ^\z\ m. dim. ^rrt./". Glazed p. ?rm^I% n. [^JT'TT5./".^?tTT/. PiQUANCT, «. V. A. 1. ^iT^fiTrTqTiTr }»■ '^^=^f'^^^\ m. &c. 2 ^iTft?T'T3?TT, f^^, flsSt, S, 3?T, fl5:,3t, fq% ^:, '*TtT,^^T or ^^. PisMiEE, «. V. Ant. 51ft/. Piss, To Piss. See IJkine. Pistachio, m.— the plant and the fniit. ffwr m. Pistil, «.— in botany. qcqiiJ^HH in. TH%?iT in. ^'t%^^ m. Pistol, m.— the weapon. cTH^T or rtq^r »".fT??nc7 or fTfHFS n. from the English is common. To Pistol, v. a. Pf^r5T^ "TtsTt qit^ JTR^. Piston, n. ( of an engine ). 5j-qT m. %q^ ?i. %1'3TJPT5'^ /. Vn, 11. cavity, hole, cj'c. ^T^/. ^^CTT '». ^aiJft/. 5!^5ft/. ?^r5T »J. 155T m. qR/. ^-flT «l. Irtf /. '^^Z in. ^f=En: «. — intern. ^r^T? «. Pits & holes-compreh. or indef. m'^r^^^f. ^t^spffoT- qr ?«. ^t^^^otTT ?»• !Fff^^=5?7 n. 2 ( as in stone, wood, &e. ). ^V^ f [/. 5?Tf^/. 3 ( as of chalk, stone, clay, Ac.) v. Quaeet. ^w/. 13^ 4 ( of the stomach ). n\^f. ^n. v. A. 1. ^^^^ ^F^H, ^^^J^TT ^3;?!, ^ irfw . %. 3 5;%^, &c. ?^^?r, ?^m%, &e. PlTEOusXEss, II. V. A. 1. ^t^T^mT'iTrm. 'W'f^^.^]Wm\m. &c. cfil+^FT/ +|+ctrm01IW. 2 ^TTW^iTrTT/. 3THqi4NI'-4dT/. &c. ^». Pith, «. soft inside of plants.^ ^'c. TTTrwt. H5«. TTw. 'fk»». 2 quintessence.^ cream, sum and sulstance, v. Essekce. 3 enn-gy, spirit, fire, xigoiir, ^c. ^'^n. ?rR>». n. ^^m. ^?i. vft^W. ^cpfm. ifSEn. aicE^?rt/. H^^rTf /. PlTHIXESS, 1!. V. A. 2. ^;!. ^^)». ^f5r». ^5r>». «loJ^€t/. H^ir^/. ^Fw». ?TTT»J. ?!. [f^»f. Pithless, a. wanting pith. l^nsEr-fJTTrzT, aWTT, 3Tn»f, 3 tfa«/my energy, spirit, Sfe. f?f??I?^, 3T?nT, f^^lV, ^- PiTHT, a. //ni>i«y, ij'c. pith, q^^, nT'-'TT^, T^^€, ^F^T^, ?m, ^^F^, ^fT^cpF. 2 forcille, energetic. ^TTJR, ^1:qTR, fJT^, q^q;^, if3!- Pitiable, a. deserving pity, miscralle, v. Weetched. ^qj ar^cq^ ^^\\^^^^ ^'trt=5t, s^'H'PR, ^tr^. PlT^ABLE>-ESS, n. Y.A. ff^TTW^rTT/.^^'JTT'fp-W/: ar^c^rTT/ Pitied, _p. v. Y. ^ %%ot, &c. ar^^fq^r. PiTiEB, n. PiTTixo,/). a. V. V. ?qT q^TOTPn', &c. PliirrL, «./«// of pity .^ compassionate, ^^r, &c. ^^STT^/Jo;). JT^, ^?q, ??TTfN^, ^^^fT^, ?^NCTf, ?qT?--q, ??^~55, ?57rf^, *t'"t',i ^P^^j ^I^f°T^, ^KnTr^ff;?, ?nFwjf^ ^F^^TT, ^^- t^m, ^?>TT, ?qT^, Y°ft, ^"^r^r?, 5"nT5fr?J, ^^n^/. ^^f. ^K m. f?T- qr m. siR^vr ?«. ^t^s M. 2 very small portion or allowance, "l ^ M -'4rst-^^¥t-. ^^ «. :r^^ m. ?':q' ». lu both places. JTq^. In every p. or direction. f^^\ fri^5. In various ])laccs or parts. ^PlT^PT. In a by p. St^rqt. [ ^\Z^\. Of wliat p. ? ^5^T or ^"fj^r, f^^-f 5?^ or WA^tF.- Of which p. — relatively. ^'?'?, 5 room, loarrani, S;c.\. Geoukd. vFTRTm./. fz^^ n. srrqiT m. 3TT«FT »«. In the first p. Tf^^ o»' Tfl-qR, ^^T, g^r.— In the second p. |?fT, ^H-TR, &c. &e. [»''y. con ). To g'ive p. to, alloio the superiority of. ^/. ^ot (n-Zd/t To give place, make room. ^Rf/. ^'Jf. To take place, v. To Happen, effijf, ^%^. G province, office, v. Business, ^fr ?j. ^fRrTT/. 3tc/ ?b Place, t;. a. put, .set in a part icular portion of space. Z^- ^, ^iTTTof-, ^q-g-ot, ^-4TT^T /.-'frf^R «.--q-T?r W2.-cte. qrc- afy. o/o. 2 sei, /.r, estallisl. zm., TT^^, 3Tr4r^ w.-'fl-f^J-i^R w. -^STRT »!.-&C. ERCTJ- y. o/ 0. [iT^, qt^. 3 ( in an office or situation ), v. To Appoint, s^ot, %- Place-man. See Officeh. Placed, p. v. V. 1. %?^?5r, &c. F^rft^, arf^ifq^r, fsj-^^, ?5T^, 3TRnf^?r, 3Tr%r, f^ffir, g-nrf^^, j^ff ?r, fH^ff, ?'-!^RTC^, F4?rr€3'. 2 %7%?5r, &c. 3Tf4i%?T, 3TT^5^. 3 %5T%?fT, ^H%=5T, 'fr^^^IT, :TR'Y, filtTTHr. Placiii, (J. gentle, quiet, serene, T, -TS^St^T, qfT^pTf, ^qt»T^I?tHT, T- fc^ff?:, ?^, ^T?J5^=^r, ?r^?5 or :^. 5 not Icautiful., not handsome ; homely, tjr. — of features ^R5?TT^r, ^TT'^ROTWr^r, CTT^r ?fTtTR^, S^r^OTRTR^r, CTKt-q-JT. G mere, hare, v. Simple. Hwr, ^^T?! or 55, J^J. 7 evident, clear, apparent, manifest, i^'c. T^, 3^jr, tff'P, FT';i, o^r^, -flfH^-q^, sppTi^o/). !R7,sif^5;,!Ir!T^,5r555f55t- To be p. clear, conspicuous, &c. — a stamp, 3R?^. 8 evident to the understanding, perspicuous,^^'c. v. CLE.\n. 9 unseasoned, cj'o. ^WT or 5?'--rEALi>-o, PLAi>--sroKEX,(?. Open, strairjlt forward, S^c. V. Fba>-k,Blu>-t. ^H^?ft'TLY. OTP, ?TH, ^^!5, ^'^^'ift'T, 7 ?^, ^T?, m'F, 5?T^, qs'^ftrf, ^5r5J, ?;5i?:^tcr, 55i^5fl?r. PI,AI^■^•ESS, «. V. A. 1. ^m^TtJTT ?«. ^rre^TOTT m. ?fqr^/. 2 w^r^mr m. ^tT'^rflr^ m. ^rr^o' «. 3T?^^TKrf|?^ «. st^- JfTTTTHr^ «J. ^50TTHT5r m. ■m^X]^^^ n. 3 ^T^TiTT m. HTOTOTT ot. yioi.y^'^MuiT m. ^W^W-^Wm. &C. ■HWHi^T »i. ^.^7J^^s^ n. tfr^T «. ^^^^^tr m. 4 K^m^Hf^^T'JTT »i. ^^^f^n";^'". &c. ^^1 or ^^t[^X[t[ f. ^^ZWlA m. 3>mjIT m. G ^%"TWr m. %^51'T'JTT J». &c. 7 ^^STtTTH!. ^T'^TWr «!. &c. ^^^f. a^fJTsqflp/. STT^F^M. 5 J^rTCTTT m. ^\^m^^ m. &c.1?Tq «. fif^T^FTT/ ^- tT?TT/. 3'TrPTT'4 '«. PiALN'T, n. V. COilPLAIXT. ^/. flr?|T55 »M. To make loud plaints and ululatious. ^^\ f^V^. 2— in law. f^qr^/. tT«hn^ «!. TPTTTT^ m. Plaintiff, «.— in Law. fp^rr^, ^fl^t, I^^^I^t, 37^-71^. Plaixtite, a. e.xpreasive of sorrow, mournjul. g:^-^^ ^T^- ^TOTHT, %f%r?5rmr or <^'T, sn^s^rr^ or oft, fj}j??5rT"JTT &«• oft, «hl«h^d=Jlun or nft, ^^5^, 75^, ^Jj^.:p-^^f^-%'4^-&c. Plait, n. doulle. v. Fold. ^ift/. q j^/. fq-ft/. 2b Plait, v. a. v. N. =?irDt, ^oqT/.pZ.-f7f=qT/.2^^-&c. qj- ?^-^TTr50T. 2 ( the hair ) v. To "Weave. fq-ar3T,%oft/. ^^'^, Plaited,/!, t. V. 1. ^nr^^r, f^^T ^TmSOT, «S:c. Pla5, «. scheme, project, v. Design. •PtTTT/. 'TOc^rf/. rf- ^^nft^/. 3-| »n. arj^'cTR ?J. ^TT^ m. 2 draugU, tnodel, ^c. «lrl m. JTH^TT '». ^T^^Tr m. ?npT-e, «.— in geometry ; levd surface. ^^ n. rlr5 n.W^f- 2— the tool. t<^ or t^T m. - edges. ^iiUnR m. \j^-^. To Plane, v. a. levd, smooth. ^nr^T^or, ^Rm-^TTT-^ 2 smooth icith a plane. V^^., ^iif, ^i^HT'T/.-t'TT m, JRot, i^\ m. f^q-q-. Planed, p. v. Y. 1. ?TTT^T%^?5T, &c. 2 tq?IOT, t-4r fF^5r%OT, &c. Planet, n. — the celestial body. ^| m. ^=m »». %T m. The planets, — collectively. ^Tfl'JT w. ?T|H5^ ;}. The Hindus reckon nine ( JftR^ ) viz. ^, ^sj^, iriTrS, IM', n?, ^5P, ?Tf^, U;^, %5, or the sun, the moon, venus, mercury, mars, jupiter, saturn, and the ascending and descending- node. The two last are called minor planets. An auspicious or good p. ^T^^, ^Vq'??^, ^^. — Four are reckoned, viz. ^!^, ^, n^, =5?^. An inau.spicious or bad p. ^f, 7Nq'|', ^5Sh. ( To Plank, v. a. cover or lay loith planTcs. Jr or =;r%crft, 5f?l%5; or ai%55:, TR%55. Buuch of plantains, or the bunch of fruit stems. p:mn. ^m. "pint/, ^^m. k^M^f. [m. ^«. Calyx of the fruit stalk of ap.-tree, the spathe. ^i^T | Dried p. -leaf or a piece of one. srr25frr/.«. ^^5frT/)f. Fruit stalk of the p.-tree. «. To shoot out its spadi.x — a p.-trco. ». I. /j/ffce planted. ^]z\ /. qri »». /. . ■^i F.^^n.■^'^^^n.■&.i^. ^Rtjfy. of o. Plastered, p. v.A^ ^f'^^] \.¥.^A .,&>• .f*\^.\z^V^\ .^ f=W,T;fOT. Plasterer, n. Plastering, />. a. v. Y. fn-TT^fr ^totrt, %t ^"JTRT, WT-?Jr, ifiiof. Plat, Platting, n. v. \.—act. f^orcrrH. it>pot n. qf'<;fiT«. Tf- •41^ or nf^DT/. I. Korh- plaited. TflTir or rijtrr/. f^piT^H «. II. ;)/fr<7 of flat, even ground, — esp. of a garden, Ac. ri^\ m. ?TTi- 1. plaster-icorlc, \. I'laster. RlrTRf I Plastic, a. having pouer to give form c I ^7.^7.^K^., ^s^m, arr^R^ToiRr, 'fl TLA Oil. PLA l'LArK,n. fat piece ofvietal. TTqpnTTtiftq. [?Tmt. 2 v.sing specious arguments., S,-c. HrjIiJT nTS, Hrerq^T 'TIT, PL ArsiBLY , adv. V. A. 1. ^m^ ^RT^^rnT f?ec'Z. q^ 5^- ^fT%Fn ded. ?if^TmT^Tq%, tTHrrrrTraq^fq;. [ei^s'Jif. To Play, v. n. sport, frolic. i^^M, '^^ m'-sfft3r/.-/■\=3^f. ■-J^T^.. Boys-p. qK^oE m. Skilful at p. f^rTTSl' or :|. "What begins in play may end in a fi-ay. JT^^ft wXlr[\ fTWff ^"trft, iT^'TfW f^irft.— Some of i\wphii/s amongst children are, ariTiTTqR-in", 3Tf ^|^7, ST'^qT'^T^qr, S"?"q"Tf'TT^t, ii^^rtWf, fsqrqTF or ettsT, ^f ^t, ^?5t, f g^, f^^, fTfS. [/ ^?J^^?r?J n. 2 See G-AMBLiifa. 3. operation, action.^ work. ^oE «2. ip^T 4 drama. '^Z^ n. in. 5 practice, action. =mihi<. »i. E^=r^ '«• ?>f^/. %^ry. G room for free motion. ^\^ m. a^^^^T »«. fq>T^/. jfl^- SquiT m. %"HTq^m'4^ «. [ %5ft/. Play-day, n. ^^\^-^^^^\-^€\^\-kc. fz^^ m. %5Jint/. Play-fellow, Play-mate, n. ^jT^nit, ^r^FTST, ^TSfTSt, ^=r- n^, %5rT^ Br^t-?TT5!ft-&c. ^. Play-house, «. t. Tiieatee. ^v^w-W^f ^^Z^^^ n. ^]ZT>- Hf^ n. ^fq?TT^T/. Play-thixg, «. toy. %5E «». %5;5nirT ??i. ^^zuf ?z. Played, ;?. t. V. A. 1. %o5^f!T, =^TmF.^l, 3 ?t?i;t^^t, %o!;^k^A, ?fqK.^^, &c. Playeh, n. Playixo, p. a. v. V. N. 1. %3!7nTT, %5J-^5r- &c. q^TWRT, -+liHM. 2 %^OTTn, THtrrT^T, TJT^^Sr or qmf T or ^Jmj. 4 ff?K? Musician. cTT^'sft. 8 and Actob. ^ffnitt or ^fFTTS^TT, mTTw^, m^\ or w"f- An under p. Siiilt, TLE 015 Master or leader of a baud of players. ^Tr^'TT. Principal actor or manager of a coiiipauy of players. Strolling p. ^Jf^"]. T. A'. A. 1. %^EfiJTRr, =qT?T5r'JTn:T, STST^sTOTRr, &c. 2 qr^q-'JTrn, etc. jfr^^, ^r^^Frrf. Playful, Pj.aysome, a. sjwrfire^ ^f'c-. ^a^FT, ^^^^^^ s^HT- sfp^TT, fm^, %?^rf., ^>5^t, Hi^qr, J^l^OT, ?>^r^,??^- if oj- ^x, f^c5r?ft, i?^?T=rr5, ^rr^Rr, jTrr^rm^ii,^^!?!^, ^STf^TT, ij^tsrafl, ?fr=^NT, Fft^TT^r^iJT, H^t^. Playfully, mh. r. A. ?^5;i%, pT^l^, J?]^^, &e. ^SiT^qr 55T^, %^5, 5Pt5rf ^^, f^^l^^'t^, "Tftfw^^^r. pLAYruL>Ess, PLAYSOiiE>"ESs, 11. T. A. ^ST^F^Tpif^ m. ^awqT =ETT ^TT^r »«. ^^Srafl/- ^tSRTf^/. ^^5TT?:?rT/. &c. Plea, n. — in law. ^rf^r^ m. g"TT?:TT^ «• TtR ?». 2 ^7(fl!^ tc/f/c/t M aller/ed in siq^i.ort.^ excuse.^ ijv. ■HTftfl ». False or bad p. ^pffK^ n. srfMT m. 3 See Lawsuit. To Plead, i'. n. speak, argne^ sujojlicafe, (jv. in lelialfof. qn m. ■•sf^y{ ^j^, iiratif Kiih ?rT#r-^ft?tf-c-tey, n. gnyefg, Sfc. v. Meeeimest, Mieth. ^^TT^TT- vfr/. kTinrf^ft/. ^^r?^T- f^HT^ ?». Tf^ ?». 2 sprightly saying, icitlicism, 8fc. M^WX^'C^^-kc. qt- To Please, v. a. deliglit. gratify, gladden, ^i^ n.-sw^Z, m.- t^^^ m.-^^ m.-&i:. snt-^^CTT, aTr^^firof, |q-iV'7f,^'T'TfirJf, n^ «.-f5r?T n.-&c. g^n ^T>ji y. &/ o. ^q^^ girr-g^-^f^. TLE 2 content, y. To Satisfy. ^PTT'TR «.-^?fl«r m.-TPTr^ ^Fir/. ^OTT ?«• ^3r?r^FT^- ^ n. f^ai^q-^ «. PlEASUEE-HOUSE, 7!. f^^?r*tf^ H. PLEASURE-nuNTEii, Pleasueist, 11. person devoted to pleasure. Hyfr, fJFjret, f^ifr, t^, t'l^r, ^%, %fr, ^?rpt, 5^- PLE GiG PLO f rvrr or ^ir^t, ^^fr^ft, m^^r or j^^^ft, ^rar^r, fl'^ft m- ^r?ft, ^. -nfrur«.-ctc. s^r^. To p. one's self (to a work, &c.). B?ft^ JIT'Tm. qiJf. To p. one's word. TT^F/.-JTTT/.-sr^^M.-STfflfTT/. ^. Pleegei),/?. t. V. 1. nfTiT %Jr^?iT, &c. arrefr^^Ff, fHf?^?. 2 ^n€t?r 35r%?=;T, &e. [^^^, ^^^^^. I. rtff< /if/s 7)?f-iroTE>;cE, n. fullness of^on-er. ^^^\WtAn. ?iiTT2omr. qnf?IT'4, Wflf^iTTH. PLEyirOTEXTlAliT, 11. jierson invested talJi Jull /jou-ers. TF5- PtEXiST, «. one ivho maintains that space is fidl of Quattcr. Ple>'iiude, n. fullness, — as opposed to vacuity. ^^'rTT/- 2 fullness, completness, exuberance, Sfc.'^Xm. 'TyTHT/. ^fj- f^/. 3r'+'i«. ^^.^m.'^'^^n. PtESTEOUs, Plentiful, a. copious, abundant, &,'€. t. Exube- To be overllowingly p. OT^of. Plexteouslt, Plextifullt, adu. \. A. g^^r STTTT^FTT- tTTT^-Ac. decl. gc^ 3T?TT f?ec/. HT^J, sf;!^, qi^poS. Plexteousness, Plextifulkess, n. v. A. rajf Plextt. t^- Plextt, n. abundance, T. E.xueeeakce. qir^F^qtJrr?". 5^^ 3'- 7T^r^FTTn. Pliable, Pliaxt, a.fe.-eiUe. FCq-TT, ^^-T, ?^^^?, ?t^f^?T, 2 Ug. soft, yielding, ^^^]■^v^^v^.| ^^Hr5rT^,5^,5r3'r. To Plight. See To Pledge. Plight, n. Sec Gaoe. 2 i^fl/r, cff«r, ij-e. y. Coxditiox. a^^qr- ^iTT/. f^'A^f. ^pop. n?T/. 3 27/ condition, miserable state, picMe, Sfc. T. JIess. 1^ pop. ri?f/. ^^^f. =51^^/. miT/. ^STf or ^y. lo^.fRT or ?TM. q^SFT/."^?IT/. Plixth, «. — of a wall. ^Toft/- ^"lin «». To Plod, v. m, drudyc, ij-c. v. Toil. ^"Tot, ^"J w.-s.TR '».- 2 trnvil or worTc ivith heavy diligence. XK n. W,iv\ or Jp^- ^ ■^]^-^wM-'{\JW■^-'f^^'^^^^ n. ^^0T-&c. aTT'TWT^-^JTR- spiHRr-c^tc. ^?T ^pJf-f^T^f-fi 3im-&c. Plodded, «. Ploddixg, p. a. r. V. 2. X^ ^J^TT ^mRT-fll^- Plodding, «. y. V. 2.— act.\K w.^^ n. '^^\^-T^'Z\^-&c. 37- tTpT^ «. .3JTq'mT':5T^?T n. ^iTr«m^ «. Plot, «. ( of ground ) v. Plat. r{WA m. f5% ». 2 scheme, plan.^form. %Fr w. 3TT^f>R »»• 3 conspiracy. ^Z n. ^'q^lH^r ». ^=5fTr «. A baut or turn of the p. jpr^O/. t^. ^. Baud confiuiug the share to the liead of the p. ^^n. Cord to f\isteu the p. to the yolio. ?rfrR5T »«. Drill-p. TTT?/. "P'JT/. f 3t/. fi=r«. ^T^t y. o/o. 3 strip ojf the feathers of. f^^ n. pl.-kc. TT^or-f^Tri'JI g. ofo. ^^of, frgsiif, 5^^n^ or ^^5% ^'^^ ^?5t_ 4 fig. pill, chouse, {jc. v. To Plcnijkr. Os^i^^>Jf, ^t^t h.- &c. 3T^nfT-f|g5af-jiT5i7i.f|^^bT-.S;c. ij^^f^, ^^Ticfi, ;^. 5 (up, out, &c.). 3-75*11, 3^3t, ^^^r^^, Tq^^-ctc. %vi'n. To p. up courage, &c. ^ ?!. tr^. Pluck, n.pull, draw, S;e. st^st "'. fl^IT w. f^^^ hi. 2 mettle, heart, <|-c. v. Srimi. ^ ;«. ^:t ;«. qnift n. -jft- cf^qj-uft M. Plucking, n. v. Y. 1. fl^r^r^T"^ n. &.c. Plug, «. stopper, .j-c. ^ o?- 5?i7r or ^rt "!• 33T w. -^'l^/. /.— esp. of old clouts, straw, &c. =etI'» of 100,000 ( rupees ). rTTJj?^'^ m. pi. fqqf^ That is worth a p. FTREqT, ???TT'fl'n. He is worth a p. ^r^ %^fK'■^^^ JTI^FTT or 3:HTR?ri. 3 Seel?AisiN-. Plumage, n. feathers of a bird. f^?TRT w. fq^ «. ^Z. q«nS «. Plumb. See Plumj[et. 2 See Plump. To Plume, v. a. regulate Ig the pluml. art^i^n f^-T-'flHc^iT- 2 See To Sound. Plumbago. «.— Zeylanica. f^^jqj w;. K^^/. Plumbean, Plumbeous, a. leaden. f(TifTr^r, ^'t*tjt^. Plumber, n. u-orJcer in lead. f^^TT^ ^RT ^TTRT. Plumbeet, m. tcorls in lead. f(r^ir% 'flH 11. Plumb-line. See Plummet. Plume, n. feather. ^fttT n. TT ?«. 2 ornamental feathers, cj'c. cr£«<. ^ !«. ^rSq^/. "^ST/. f^r/. ^«. To prove by the p. afr^J^l^. 2 sounding lead. ^^ hi. 151 «?. Pr-Vi-'OL's. See rEATiiEitEP. Pluiip, a. filed out in flesh, Sfc. T. Fat. T^pTsft?? or ^'^- rT, 7H?^ftfT or JiTJiftrr, fK|lff?r, |,c7|^?I, If^lfTfT^T, 25- -ess, «. V. A. 1. T5p]f5(?iqTJTT m. jsifrtdMuir ?». ^^7- iHdMUir »». HT^T'Tr n. 'DEn, V. a. pillage, spoil, S^-c. ?7^, gf^TS^ or ^rf^fT- 3%, HFI'T'Jr, — with the implication, bearing, or power of such words as to pill, fleece, rifle, sirip, shave, pluch, chouse, plume,^-c. JTT^ST'Jf, sfrS'jf, ^Tl"Jr, ^''f, ^^''iTT'Jf, ^^TTStiT, 5^ITs'ir, f'^TT^'Jf, ^■^'^t, ^WJf, ^T«?:^, ?^srot, i] of, 'g^PT ^"if, ^Kn. '^of 5'. 0/0. qr?re?T ^m , "3Tr=q^^, ^z■^n.-&c. '"peij, Pluxieeing, n. t. V. — act. ?7^ot jj. ?rFT€f(jif n. &e. ^Fl^OT/. JtmsTnT^/. ^T^OT^/. gfq^oft/. 51R"jft/. r^- 3-cy, «. T. A. 1. fH^^ wi. PoiGXAXT, rt. sharp, stimulating, ^'c. v. Puxgesi. f?T^^, rft- ^"JT, rft^T, ST^T. 2 pointed, keen, irritating, Sfc. irr?rr,?ft^TJT,!ft5r,^R7fr- 3 severe, deep.^2)iercing, painfid, SjC. — grief, pain, Ac. rff- ST, rft^^oT, if^^, ^[orir^, !JTO^-.T^, srmr^^, ?;rrfT*n,'T- Point, m. «/i<7r^ end. ?PF «. ^t'^ft/- #^/ =^f^/. ^V^f. 'ri- 2 liead-land. zi^ n. H^T^I^/ 3 s<;«y, if//, wiorat?, '■ Lowest p. ^^ inrft/. To such a p. ^'A^X, ^'tT?/. ifT!:^ A particular p. ^T^./*. A sore p. ^H n. HT n. A striking p. or cxcellcucy. ^^f- tj'ft./'- A weak p. ^riir «. In point of. ?^^afr, f^TT^, Ht--^. That has a sore or weak p. q^^T, HhF To touch a sore p. ih^i., Mf^rJV m.-M^^^ m.-SiC.^i.^. 11 ( of view, sight, &c. ) v. Ligut. ^/. If you look at it iu this p. 3T# "TT^ 3TtRf . 12 aim, object. (^^ n. ?r?T n. f^OT «■ i:; position, assertion, subject of discussion, i^'c, nt?/. t^t- q^ m. ^T »». JT^cTT^ m. r<^^ ". That is to the p. STrarf^^, sTT^tfn^. Puiut-blank. ^Ttt^HR^l, ^t^, ^^X^=^r, rTK=75r^r. POT G30 POL ^ li ( in punctuation ). SK^RT^t^T/. ^CI*Tf^ w. f^- sMIHf^^ n. [?r^>n-. 5y PoiXT, v.a. sliarpen to a point. 3Toft/.-&c. ^F^-^m^iif, 2 direct towards, v. To Aim. fr^q-, jfr?roT, %Hot, ?!rET>ir, trtW, ^?1^, — a sword, a stick, &c. menacingly. TTROT. 3 j9i(nr/K/i/<'.3T^?THK'4iy<'ir//'^-f^OTTi%r^«. pl.-^WH- 4 ( a wall, &c. ). ^T^Ptft/. ^^^ ^^r/ ;;Z. ^X^. 5 out ; */(«»', V. To Shew, qt^ n. ^Pfof, ^TT ^JJ^Tf-ifr^ Sb PoiST, V. n. ( with the finger, &c. ). ^ n. qv^q'^m^T't, ^ OT. ^^"n, arnfefH'^T m. ^rut. 2 //air aim or direction. ^^-?rH »>.-^^|;7 «.-f?T5T/.r&c. 3T^6t 17. o/*. «'!V7i epi of 0- Pointed, ;). ^- a. v. Y. A. 1. arift ^?T^?IT, ^T^T^ST^TT, &c. 2 tr^^FJT, %Ti^=^T, 'Tr3T?5?57^ &c. 5 qHTPf ^^JT^r^^rr, &c. f^f^'J, 3T^Tfr5f?Ti%, fHf^.. I. having a sharp end. sl'+,|-c)i, 3T^ft^T, &c. 3H?? %%^. V. V. l.—ad. f^r^jTRT ^HTiif n. f^^Rofrt. ^q poison-hoot, « Poisoning, «. m?5^«. &c. 2 f^T ^iJt'i. f^^Rijfrt. &c. f^rqTT'fr'TOT. 4 f5nT5cfofr7[. &c. Poisonous, a. hacing the qualities of poison. ^^RT, Ht^P^, ft-TH^. " [k^RwJ. PoisONOusNGSS, «, T. A. f^T^^RTTTTwi. &c. ^^T^Hjf. S:i:. PoiTBEL, n. armour for the hrcast, v. Armour. ^l'^]^n. To Poke, ti. a. thrust, stick. ^^r^Fot, |«0T, ftwh^ HWqJOT or To p. the head over or forward. Jt'TT^I^, 'J^^rgf^ zi- 2 out; sc(?ro/t /or, grope for. =^i'^'T!^-'^\'^'^■&c. ^FPSoj- To Poke, v. m. feel alout. ^f^^iJf, =€ft^"T5'if, =qTTar, =cTtq=^$T, 2 piddle, trifle, do any thing sloivly, hesitatingly, S(c. v. To Dawdle, ^ot, f'TSi'jf , =En^5T, =5rm, =qf^'Trr-=qt^TS?l -&C. ^Ijf, ^N«fJoi5cfr_ Poke, n. See Thhust. 2 See Bag. A pig in a p. "TTti'TR ^"|5T ^X Hra. 8 piddler, ^"c. v. Dawdler. ^sr^^T, ^-qT, ^'qT, ^i=^>:q-r, PoKEE, «. Poking, 23. a.v.Y. N. 1. =5THmuiki, ^f ^TfTRT, &c. 2 See Poke, 3. I. instrument for stirring the fire. ^ROfn. ^^J:iin. Poking, n. v. V. A. l.—act. |?nf;oT?J. ^fi^n. ^\=^^n. &c, 2 'fHr^ EpT^^n. &c. V. V. N. 1. =qFErTaf«. =^=qq^?j. &c. 2 Tn^«. ^srrT^". %^«. ^i'^^jyz^n. &c. %^/. ^^^^jmi. POKINGLY, oJy. T. Y. N. 2. ^f^TrT, ^STtT^Trf, =5ff^T5fT, ^iTT, POLAE, a. lelongiag, ^'c. fo the poles of the earth. 'J^TRT, ij- !rFF3=qr, um^sFrr, g^^fB, g^^qtft, gcr^rrq^. Polar circle. g^lrT?!. [ -^^m. The p. distance of a heavenly body. ?J7qT^5fnTt?l?». POLAEITT, n. tendency to the pole. gsrrfJT^ROI^ff???!!/. a^T- f5T5^ ^ft^FTT /. prfT^R'JTsftf^r /. " POLAEr, a. having a tendency toward the pole. gefTf'T^R'iT- Pole, m. Zo«^ s^o/. ^vS[f. ^fSTw. ?rfWT«. ?RT»». ^m. ^Km. Bearer of the p. (in processions, &c.). ^FTS^. Long p. used in pushing a boat through shallow water. cTT^/. OT.— That uses it. FrrHTT ?». rn'^'F^ m. P. with a crook to pull down pods, fruits, &c. ^l^FTTT m. ^TTST m. %^PT^/. P. rounded by the lathe. ift?5 m. :ft^"r5 m. 2 ( of a palanquin ). ^\t\f. ^ m. ( in. comp. ). 3 ( of a tent ). ^rfif w. POL 651 4— the measure of loiig-th. ^r^/. (5 cubits and 5 haud breadths). ^5»». (-i cubits). 5 ( of the earth). M'STw.-Xorth p. TtT^'J?'". ^TfRWn.— South p. ^f^^-J^m. ^^^mn. Elevation of the p. SisffvTirf/. Far as the poles asuiulcr. arrpr^T TTrfr^^r H^, ^?ft- rOLE-AXE, «. FSfif^tsm^tTJ^^ft/.-^JT^T or'^X^ m. Pole-cat, n. %^TT55JTijR «■ ?im^THr^re m. qf?T^Trft^r/. Pole-star, n. gq- »i. g^r^rr HRT '«. KS/. Poled, a. that has a pole, — a tent, &c. ??friir^, ^f^ft. Single p. (T^ ^ffifT, t^+^i-^t.— Double p.|^Ht, 5^^. Polemic, Poleaiical, a. v. Conteoveesial. cTT^fsr^fT^r^, fJrsif?Nfft=ETT, qTT^fsnrf^TFH'T;. [ &c. ^prrf. Polemical, n. disputant, ^fq^ -TTurrU, f^rat, ^\^T^^\^- PolEMIOS, n. Y. COXTEOVEEST. qr^f^r^TT^ m. Police, «. government of a city or town, ^\^'^-\^^'^\-&c. 2 internal goL-ermncnt of a stale. \^'^]■Si^\'^^l^ m.\ ^l=qt-&c. ^^t^TSft/. ^^T5^5r?'5 /.-&c. Stm^t, T^oCJ m.-afr- ^/ ^^, ^'r?^, ^f^fr =q^^^/-&c. 3TroT>Jf , '?r^n m. w-^^ -arrui^, 3'^5^r?5=T «. ^^"Jf g. of o.— weapons, tools, &c. 2 n?/?«e, wia^e elegant, Sfe. ^^V.^., ^'^^^., ^T^iif , §tnT- OTJF/.-&C. ^F^iJf 5-. o/o. ^'■"^-f?T'?-H>-"qrrT?i--q-%^T, &c. ?IWT, ^5, f^"?, r^T?T^IT?Tcn^, ?i«T?i!T?l. Polisher, n. PoLisnisu,;;. a. v. V. 1. 'ji^7.'j\vi, 'fliq^PT, ^fPTF 3TM>JTr7r, etc.— esp. of weapons or tools. f^T^^r^ or TIT or W.T, 2 ^vinjr^tTTRT, ^i^q'frr •wworrTT, g'-TTTwrn, &c. 1. polishing instrument {for metals, j'c. ). 3TrT?f'Zf ,/'. aflTift/. f^^^W.^\ m. q'RT m. m^TT wi. PoLLsuiKG, n. V. Y. 1.— <7c^ T^'Zot n. f^r^raur «. Ac. 3-:;t- Sift/. 3frT/.». ^, afN^T'Jft/. afrT^^cr m. 4 .g^^H «.— csp. of weapons or tools, f-"^, 2 courteous, complaisant, ^'c. v. Civil. TfT^t, ^rfrrff, Politely, oi/f. v. A. 1. f^TjqtriR, ?iv-q->f^^ Ac. f^T'?^!TTRPT- 2 nf^vrTm^, n^*Tf%vr^, &e. ^v^^ ^-jm. Politeness, n. v. A. 1. Rt"2qoTr m. &c. ?i>=qrir/. f?T7?TT/. §^^?rr/. ^^^ «. [ ^f. v. %, g. 2 n^^TT'^r »i. nf^-. I. polite lehaviour. f^TSr^iT «i. f^T'ST^'Jr n. gvifrsf^; w. ^vqT^^TiT n. ^i-M»m^[M\^^^ n. Politic, a. sagacious in govtrnmcnt. ^^T^tfri^siTrr, ^T^Tnl'- 2 skilled in policy, sagacious in adapting means to an end, T. Skilfvl, Cuxuixo. ?rm?5iiqT, OTf^r, iT?T^, ^-c. tcilhout Jioi-ns.^^^-^-Z]-&c. ( with the noun requii-ed ). Polled, 2^. v. V. 1. ?f5?T%?JT, pf^ST, &c. HJT, f5r o»- ^T3T, qil^ or ^. Pollen, «.— of flower. j^frR^r 5^ »«. "TTTn m. t^ «. Jo Pollute, 1-. ^J\^^■ ;3 — ceremouiallj. fq^Jloitn, T^^.W.^S\^ ^\K^^., ^\^^ ^- 4 violate hg illegal se.viial commerce. =^T5Ta;'Jf, HT^-^^T^T- Polluted, /). v.Y.l. (r?!f? Dirty. iratr^?rr, rra^%%?rT, &c. 2 T. Impuee. 3T^fJT>T %§;?JT, aiq-Pr^, »to, f^Tr???. 3 V. Impure. f^TTT^^f^T, sTT^f^^r or qR^OT, ^fT^qi, ^IT- To be p. m-iuj, f^?:RDf. [ ^^titttt. Polluter, «. Pollutixg. ;;. a. v. Y. 1. jt5;^dtrt, ^RffT 3 Hi-ii^uiKi, sn^oiKTj ark^rr ?,^uin:r, &c. 4 ^isioSuiRr, &e. [T^^^rjcT'JTT J». Pollution, n. t. V. 1.— oc^ iT^ciof ;; v:w.^z^n. &c.-siate. 2— ad. 3TTi%^ ^"Jf n. &c. gft^?;0| ?j. 3TTf^=sftqr^ ». 3 — state. V. Impurity, f^zwm. ^]Zm. ^z^^if. ^nz^f. General or wide .spread p. ^pz^'SJ or ^\ZW m. SIRT- ^Zf. g^m-J /. HTJT^R in. I. — in medicine ; pollutio nocturna. ^ST^R m. ^JTrET^qr /. ^am ^q^TR wi. POLTEOON, ri. v. Coward, jtth?, BTT, "P^F^S'T, 'TT^^n? /. PoltBOOXERT, !!. V. COWAEDICE. ^Tmff/. f^TrRW «>. PoLT. This prefix is rendered by sr|-, 3T^^, POLTANDBT, «. pluralitg oj huslands. ^^^^^l ^ ^ uqi^ft =c(t- POLYCnORI>, a. SI^rTH. PoLYOAMisT, n. di fender of polygamy. sjl^qt^TT^. Polygamy, M. plurality of wives. 3T^^,«|i<T^=5ir/. 2 splendour, pageantry, shoto. stff^ »rt. 'r?r n. siTRr «».— the tree. TH^^/. PoMPioN. See Pumpkin. Pompous, a. disi'laying pomp, sliowy, ^-e. v. N. 2. and Pinb. ifT^r=5fr, sTT^iTRr^r, SRrfrf^JT^r, p:ri jifrqr, ST^t^T, i^c. IJIH^, ^TT^f^R, ?TJTR>Tr^r. 2 loastful, ostentatious. irflqKr^r, ^ISTf^, 5?Jr^^t^T, f - 5H:j}ft^, JTTsrHr, ^T^t^r, Pompously, adv. \. A. 1. iTRT^, 'ifRHRH', tlfTR, ^mfrSTH', &c. '€"FT or ?f, •i'lH''. or ?:t, "P^I'lvr, l- ^TTTRq' q^«ft% ?5t^ "'• ll. Popular, a. hlomjinj, S;c. to the commonpeople. t^\H\•■^ r?r- ^f^ETT, ^rytTROT at^Ft^r, Ffranr^, ?:FPf ^, wtr^ 3>j;f- Courting p. favor, ^^^q- n. Jjl+^Hq^yft/. 2 p-evailing among the pcoilc, general, prevalent., ^c. v. Common. Fstfeq?, t?i%^> r5?^t?T^T, €?, ?Il-TCST=:tT, ?fr^- f%5, ?JTq:JTf%^, 5i^rr. r. accusation. ^-KM^F^ m. ?5^«FTq^ ««• P. apprehension or acceptation.?5i^FtT^m.?ri^«H^'l/. P. story. ^JRfq;vTT/. ^^^■•ar/. c^^'-^t/. P. talk. ^^^T^r^ »»■ ^^^\^m. ^^^m\ f. ^jp^'^f. ?fiq;^ m. ?5tq^RTr/- p. us^a^e, general practice. ^jf^t\^ pop. ^3RRt?f/- ^- FOR CU POI? 3 tuitalle to common peojile. Hihi'M FlT'Ft^'TT ^TTrni^, 4 lelovfil Ij I fojle in general. ffpFT^ aTT5TfNr-sft;rflJ among the penile. ^W.\^-^^W^ roPL-LAllITr, fl. V. A. 4. ?!tq;sftf?T /. ^jRsnl^/. rfl-f.l^j+t^ «. vRM^?^ ». ^^HI^-, n. f%pftHtft n. /i. POBCH, n. vestibule. '^Jftt O'' ^^/ t:|^/. t^=q or %;:i^/. 3TtJt/. T5^/. ^St «. ^^/. SKH5T «!. n. Side scat of a p. HTRf^ n. [JT5? w. P. before a temple for people to assemble in. HTT- POBCIXE, a. relating, S;c. to stcine. 'gW.^i'^., f^^ff^rifRfNT . PoitCUPIXE, fl. Wff. WTT3E/ HTol/. ^rsfr/. ?fT55f^5n^ n. mfk^ or ?nf5r^ ?! ^irer/ ^ra^ft?: o»' ft or q «. A quill of a p. ?TT2^?r «. ?lT5C^ft?: or ?f or ^ n. ^tttS- ^ or ^rfe? «. ^Vf^ n. Poke, n.— iu anatomy, t\^^^ m. rfirtiT «• FT^fT m. #^- gTT n. #^JTm m. 2— gener. sjnn;/ sjnrade, passage for fluids. ^^TTtiT «. To Poke, i'. n. loo7i with continued application, jt^ m. pi. ar^, sii*is/.-^f^>pr5/. qj^or, |^. Pore-blixd. See Puhelind. Poeeh, n. Pobixo, p. a. v. V. st^ nr^ "?T^RT, fl^-^ ^- Y.—ac(. ^nrs'jt M. &c. st^tpif /. ^sprs/. Pork, m. pm% iTRT «. PoRKEB. See Hoo. r ^ i ^^.^t^qi^ Porous, a. having pores, v. N. 1. rrHfq^??;, TTH^qf^T'?, 2 that permits exudation.^J^V^nT,^]^^sn.|T^=^^., f^T- fiT^^T^r^^^, f^rtr/ o/flM inheritance. f^^f^Tw. f^iT^TM. ^^TT^Tm. 4 wife's fortune, v. Dowee. ^qsf w. ^''irl-T «. qrfTq| «. ^^^TTq^Ff fl. To PoEiiON, V. a. V. To Paecel. f^Km^, ^ri^of, sriTfT ^, POS C55 PC? Hr^of, fsTTR m.-&c. ^FTWy. o/o. 2 ( a maiden ). ^sr ot.-&c. %iir_ PoExiONiyo, n. v. V. 1. — act. f^^m^in.&c. ^f^ofT/- f^Tmwi. POHTIOXLESS, a. V. N. ^5T^^, f^'^n. PoETLtnEss, n. V. A. ^t^f^qtjtr m. qf%^Trf5^r/. fffsr^rr- ToKlh'X, a. of large and nolle appearance. ^^^^\^.^ 'jf^sifT, Portmanteau, «. leathern box. q;r?f5-5TT^ H^/. ^m^pft/. PORTIIAIT, PORTRAITUHE, «.2"rf«''«- rf^sftT 0'" ?T^^/. f^^?!. To PORTRAT, «. a. V. To PaINT. - ^^/. srf^fTm 3T'4 m. 4 s^a/c, circumstances.^ v. Condition. f^', 3T7^^ or tTT. [^, ?^TH. 3 ^^^?ft?T, ^?-75T, ^115, ?^rT^5, p»J5, f%?jR, qfrfg- G H?Trf>TJTr^rH,rT:=rnT|TH, Ac. PosiTivENESS, «. V. A. 1. ^\^x^^ m. ^\T^^w m. ^^f^- 3 ^i^TTOTr m. ^r{wvn] m. T^TT^T^n^^ m. &c. rt^Rfi- Frr/ ^f^'T/. 4 f^?TniTg-TvrrT/. f^r^R^^r /. [ jtr m. 5 f^^^T^T^uTT m. Ac. ^^^T'Pir/ ?t;n?m^ ». flTI'n- G JTFrrfHTT^ ?«. THR^ w. Posse, Posse comitatus, m. /)a»Vy «e;i/ to apprehend an offender, m^f. m^ n. VKot n. 2 See Crowd, Eaeble. To Possess, v. a. have, hold, own, ^c. ^iiFf-jT^-T^f-fpft- Tf5t^-&e. ar^DJ in. con. icith g. of s. 3T^^ in. con. tRcrr, f^j- «.-?r^/.-ctc. armory. 0/0. r'///* ^% ofs. 2 7;oZ(; »2 !^J!i?, enjoy, t^'c. v. To Occcpy. 5rf|5n?:oT, ifrn- w.-Hm5RT wf.-'rf|5rR/-&c. JR'ny. ofo. or 3TOury. f/o. «(77/t ^% 0/ s. 3 sci>e, gain, obtain the occupation of. fJTv\. ^^. £'?ir^- 4 of or with ; gife possession, coinmctnd, or occupancy. H- TTT/.-'JTfq'^Rw.-Ac. ^, ^%ErTf^-^TTTtTRt-f^-1^rf^-3Tr- 5— as a thought, idea, passion, &c. v. To Enokoss. ^f^, ^^iJt, ^r«>jf, sTrrof, sqTTT-q-^.&c. ;pT''t, 3TR?T »». 3TH^ y. o/"*. 2(!TtT^^ ?;i.->J^^^TT»i.. &c. ^ar in. con. To get possessed. s^fifr^CTif, htr^. Possessed, p. v. V. 1. 5fToin%?Jr,""^%?TT, ^-c. tmr?.f^, t^- P. of. ^T5T in comp. 2 sTf^JfR^^, &e. 4 q^Tp ( in comp. as ^r«r^^, Ac. ) f^rf^ij ( iu comp.). 5 viP.r^j, sjfT^?^, Ac. q^, q»^, c^rR, arrfsr^ ( in comp. as ^^yf^7.., ^hiI^'v, t^i^'r^q, t^lHrHrq, H^rf%'?, Hf^rrr- f^'?, f'Tift'?, 3Tr^r^, etc. &c. ), ?r»TT%'?, ^hTh ' ^. STFflT. Possession. »i. t. Y. ^jt^T^c 3T^ ?j. . ^fTT^PTT/. ?i^/. ^H^- PossiDLE, a. //;«i mny le, may happen, ^c. o^I'MMl'll-^rTHr- 75=^T, ?f?IT=STr, q^i^Tf^rat^T, "T=iqTt^Tfe5p, qTfq^, 37TT, 3T5TT. a^q-^^rf^-T, ar^^^FTf?;^. [vrq^q^rf?;^rtT/. Postebioeixy, n. v. A. q^TTf^rlHTHr/. 3T"R?rr /. arsTTHT/. Posteeiors, « lachside. n\lf. fT^/. JJ^^^^T «». f^ff^ m. ^% »i. /Z. sTl'lT »!. A bump with the knee upon the p. nf5^5'7T m. ifs- 35^/. nrenfT »». V. %, iTR, 5RT. A woman with large & handsome p. f51?ti%?ft. Breeches just covering- the p. nts'^T^oTT in. Posterity, n. descendants, offspring, tj-c. race that proceeds from aproyenitor. ^r\\r^ pop. ^fTrl/. ^'rfRl n. 2 — opposed to ancestors ; succeeding yeneralions. J^^'t ^i^T^ f. 55% rir^ m. pi. qsj^qr qtq"^% f^np w. pi. q^?r- =5fTf^jr^iqtq^r/. 5=5T?t=5fTf^^cffrr/ q^Ri^TRT^sf^ m. PosTEEN, n. hack, small, or private door. ITTT^ W- '*• f%5^1 f^Trm^:\fri^f. VosTRvyiOvS: a. lorn after the death of its parent, snq K- ?^T^ 5rT%r5r, ^JRT^F^TT^q;, fHdJHr^TT^qp, fq^^iiflTR^, sTiq^RT, arri-HRT. 2 published after the death of its author. ^ffr^rTT^ iif?f5;5rT3^r, ^p^tf^tt^, ^prl^f^ff^. Postmeridian, a. Iclonyinj, ^-c. to the afternoon. 51^ !T|Tr- ^^R^T, arrqnf^^, arq^^pife^, q^pj^rfs;^. Postuoetem, «. made after death. JT^ir^^T^^ETr, JR^flTT^^r, ^TtJlTfR. POSTPERFOEIIANCE, )!. 3?^^'^ OT. aT^ffrT/. To Postpone, z". a. put off v. To DeVek. fq^Hnfft ^R CT^^- t^t^of^ ?n-5!T m. sot, iT|Ti=5 TT^T^tT^ o»- ^ TjTf '7r?5'Jf, FSf^I- iff^fT ^TT?5iJf, qrJTsR ^-^ot. [ "rff??; qi "Jf. To bo postponed. iT^?5JT^fTT5r^ or W^ "^5'^, ^'\^• POT 657 roTT Postponed,/), t. V. f^^'Pfl'^ ?T^^?5T, TT^siT 4l+^ril,&c. POSTPOXKMENT, n. V. V. — act. 5^fft^ ?T^^ «. H|(fl<4^ 5T^- (^ «. &e. VoiTSCUi\;T,n. paragraph added to a concluded letter, ^'c. FosTULATE, PosruLATUM, n. position assumed without prooj. PosTunE,?!. ( of body ). ^T'T". 3M «. 3Tm5M «. smTIOT n. ^'mmi.'k-z^f. 3Tift'Ji*i^K, ^^^TT, ^^ o>' ^> ^'TTT. Art or business of a p. ^^K'+^f/. Frame used by potters for carrying earth. iT=ft/. ■ Pile of pots arranged by a p. for burning. 'iT^T m. Potter's patting instrument. v^N^ot n. Potter's clay-pit.iTTrrrm or JTm^m/. [m m. Potteet, «.— the place, f TK^rr^CT/. ^'TRHR/. *>TRT^aT- 2 earthen-u-are. ffTR^TK n. Hr?fr=^ Htft «. p^. Pottle, n. ^i\^ wm 3Ti^. Poucn, n. lag, pocket, ^t/. PT^T^/- f^T w. 2 ( of a monkey ). nTr5?T?t/. nra"F5 "• ITrSTJ^ «. 3 cartridge lox. cil'H'^H ". 4 (of a bird. ). ft-^^^ft/. I To Povcn. See To Pocket. 83 POU 058 IHDW Poult, n. thump, tj-c. v. Blow. ffHT m. sTht »). |Wr m. PouLTEEEn, n. w//(T of fowls. ^Kf^rfift'T^r, #^fr=rr?yr. Poultice, n. so// composition of meal, ij"e. /o fce applied me- iUcinally. ft^oT n. fw^nT ^V^ f-^^f^ f-i\'^f[ f. -^H-->>f q^?^T »«• The Euglish word is commou under the form of "TRt^ «. P. of simples or herba for a sprain. 3'"T0Tr m. n. 4 ofl"; R^^Tot. 5 out; ft^Jfif, arrasot. To PouB, w. «. stream, flow, — copiously, &c. ^TR/. rIPTf arr- I, qnrrfq- ?T^R ^^ sn^fmt. [fsriFi'ifl'^. Keduced to p. ^I-jq^, ?T'5T''f, TfTs^RT, f^nfT':T5T, ^'I'^nT, To be in great p. ^im 3TfT «. F^rTJf g. of s. ^fiT^% ^"TT?/. FJTTWy. o/«. 5?^?: R5'it-T5%?rT 3T^% f5q;f^^ P. of language. ?l5^^5?fT/. [STft^-snT^, POVEETT-STKICKEN, a. Y. PoOK. -prfT^R, ^fll^TW, ^ifs^, PowDEK, n. pulverized sulslance. 'H^J or ^^T ni. ■H'ft or H- qfft/.H^'jft/ 5^tifr/. pH-/. gift/, "n^ft/.^^ jqfTTM. tffS «. "73/. "TH: or ^} m.-&c. ^oi-TTS'rf g. ofo. 2 sprinUe tvifh powder, yqi^ f^T^-q^%-&c. f^lTiif n. Il -mofr/. ^iJr. I' 3 ( meat ). corn. ^\Z M.qTc55T,fT3m-fK5H H95^,^Tm, POW Go9 POWDKR-FLASK, POWDER-nOBN, «. f^TTST »l. POWDEE-MAGAZIKE, tl. ^rer^tHT "»• PowDEE-woEK, M. ^re;^r^T »1. [ &C. PowDEBiKESs, n. V. A. *mTT »». H^Prf^lrTT'Tr »»■ f^JotqiiTT m. PowDEET, a.frialle, a-umlli/. ^^H^ffrT, flSoE, fqsr^S, ftST, PowEE, n. force, vigor, v. Steength. ^TT m- vf%/- ^^ pop. 2 «i(7(Vy,^i-uafural or moral. 5Tf^/ «I?5 or 512; «. ^TT- ?5/. ST^i^T »«• "T^^T ?». ar^irm 0'- ^ /. wilhneg. con. W."^^ n. According to one's p. To the best of oue's p. T'tTr^T- ^ pop. q-iTTH^if^ or Tfqr, qtim^Tf^ or rpTT, T^RTTH'.i'f, iRTK^ or "TT'f^TC^, ^lf^qT?sf or "T7^^,?r, ^fTH^^fT^'ST or Tif y. of s. [ ^TrT m. 3 compnss, grasp, Si'c. v. Eeach, Clutches. 3lT=r^fvT m. P. — of a word. nf%/. [ S't. To fall into the p. of. ni^nfr, riraft?r-rrrafrrr-&c. ^iq-- 4 command, dominion, authority. ^^T WJ. ^TTT m. ^tTF/ Day or season of p. =ErR?TT:R^ ?». =5??5?ft/- ^rft/- Plenitude of one's p. ^ \»^'f n. [ SITT^ »•• 5 prevalence, weight, cj'c. v. I;;fluexce. ^TR:/ =^?I^/ C potency, strength, good quality, ^-c. v. A^ibtue. «P7 or ^^ n. w^ «. ?r^nt/. noT >». jtrrm ?». ^f^r «. ^f^f^T m. w\^n.pop.nrC\f^f. 7 (of an engine, &c.) motive force. 'SfT^ 2"^P- ^TsS". 8 (of the mind) faculty, mm. rif^f. 9 legal authority, ivarrant. ^TtTT/. arfyf^Rw. '^^jTF'TKt' /. Full powers. ^f^j^Fqrft/. ^'fl^f^Tft/. 10 force, armament. ^^T". 5l~r or 5l5!;»."%?q»TT':»". ^iTTT 11 T. Potentate. arfSppift, 3Tfuiall p. personified. ?fTcl?7r^/. [//Z. «Fr^5T. To inoculate for the small p. v. To Ikoculate. 3^/. To be pitted with the small pox. T^?of. 2— chicken-pox. ^^rJt(\ T.l^'^ 3— cow-pox. 'fr'tT5T^fT?r?^r/. pi. Note. The :>rarathu8 do not distinguish between the cow-pox and small pox, but use for the former the words expressing the latter. 4— venereal. |:^«. v. HT, rlTT, nm/ 3rT3['?T»«. sfl^R^T- Afflicted with the p. |:T7H-TT, mk^, |^^^, 3^^ft. To PozE, &c. See To Pose, &c. Peacticabii.itt, Practicableneps, n. v. A. 1. qiTTTT^- qurr m. &e. ^^qsqon «>. ^i^^mr/. ^n^qnr/. g^T^THT/. ^iTrtr/. &c. _ LIht/.&c. 2 3TrqTJT~m'T: m. ^siTT^i'iT'iir »'. .tc. ^r^^^f. ^^^\- Peacttcable, a. that may be done, performed, Sjc. ^X[^\^\- ^\-^^\^■!K\-mxm-^^■ ^^r^s, ^"f^r, ^i^'t, ^I'-'ii', ^^'T'^, 2 ( a breach ). ^nqT^ITT-^R^T, =^'ZW\ ^"tTT-?tTWr->&c. Practical, ff. rclatinr/, ^'c. to action. f^q^T, f^^isR'ft^r, p. joke. sp^TT ^T^fJIHtTt ''W f 2 //;a/ OTffy be applied to vse. sqq^RT=^T Tq'TTTRT, ^T^- 3 derived from practice or crperience. 31«Trafqr, ^^^^F, flr^, 3T>-"^rasrrH-, f^mi%5, f^^i^^^r. Peacticallt, fl(/f. V. A. 1. f^F-qf^T^nft, f^.'T^^'4t, :pj(^qi:Ji. 2 »! practice, l.^^^\x\^, s^^^R^^Wt^. 3 by practice. 3^«TreTJf, 3T»-"^W -P^TT, ^t^TFfTH, T-'^RI?f-. Peactice, m. reiterated or holitucd doing. SlvqjTf wj. ^f^m~. f lfr{ m. V^ m. TRim m. m\^ m. qT5 m. qft^Tra "i. si^T- Attainable by p. 3T«TR?1'^. Daily or constant p. ^^r^^rz wi.f^^/. ['m^^f. Skill acquired by p. v. Expertness. ^^h/. ^k «i. To be in general p. or use. ^^^HT m.■^^\T^ m.-^^^\7j: -Ti^^^ m.--(^r{pop. f[r{f.-SiC. 3TB0ty. ofs. 2 actual doinj ^—as opposed to theory. -^pTot n. 3Tr^at». &c. f5f,qr/. ^ n.^f. eqrTR w. W=SRW «. STJ^Rl ;;. ?T^RT ". 3 course of procedure, usage, v. CvstOm. ^T?5/. ^frT^ <';/>. PEA GOO PEA 4 exercise of a profession, k^^ n. arniTOI "■ ^T^WT n. 5 medtcal treatment of diseases. f^f%?^T/. qqpH^MT/. ^- ■-^]^ m. q^of-tRTdr y. o/o. arwrm^. 2 ( a professiou or art). :F^,^ftfT 3=RT^, 3Tr^^, ^T^J- ^ot, EiFT^, ^f^=)iiui, %=rw, %^nT «.-&c. ^ot. 3 do, perform, ^'e. JRot, aTfERof, 3T^W. 4 exei-cise, use in order to dexterity. JTHl^, 'jf^tJldui, ^- To PitACTiSE, V. n. perforvx to Jceep up tlie Tcnoidedge or Jialit of ar^TTH OT.-?nK »i.-T^ m.-l^^ j».-^q^/.-&c. 5^- 2 exercise a profession. ^^ tn.-Z^j^ m.-W-^^ n--^PVf^ n." 3 Kse artifices, SjC. SRT^ «.-qR^ w.-^PRT m.-=fvT«(i'^i=(l >»•- ??f%nT n.-rfti^MW «.-5FrN m. i>^-S'=q'Tr^ m. pl.-&c. ^qTc5- rHACTisED,/). and a. y. V. A. 1. f%Fq%^??T, Ac. 3T^"^^, 2 %%^, arr^n^p^, &c. 5^T^|rr, til^id, st^^ft, 3 %%?IT, &C. 3Tr?rRrT, 5fR%^. I. ahle or skilful from practice, versed, conversant, ^'c. T. EXPEBIEJ;CED. 3T«Tr?ft-, 'JTvq-KT, ^HT^fT, ^H^fT, crrT^^?5T, To be p. le versed or skilled, qjiit, ^?:oT, ^^"n, tj^«jd- Pbactisee, m. Phactisixo, ;;. a. v. V. A. 1. qft^R S^OTTTr, 2 *<,u|Ki, 3i|-HFA^^ f. T^^IV^ m. 3T'45rT^ m. J'^TT^^ »«. ^^T^f^T /. ^^^ m. I. ground, Sfc. of praise. i^^» ^FRUT n. ^ffl^H m. 2b pEAlt;E, r. a. applaud, extol, commend, laud, cjc. ^^iwf, 5ira^/- ^of, ^f?f/.-^=r w.-5r^TOT/.-&c. ^ofy. o/o. sjftrH n.-^PJlV «.-&c. q^or ^r. o/o. roT m. /;;. fltl^-^iaTot y. cfo. loftf^f^T n.-^orr^r^ ??j. ^KTot ff. of 0. To p. up, ery up. ^ifi^n^ w.-o^^l /.-&c. Hfl^ .-7. o/o. Peaised, /). V. V. w^Sr?5r, ^rmm%^, &c. qfif^, qpfr^r, ^i- Peaisee, k. Peaisikg, p. a, v. V. ^^roTHT, JTT^m'JTnT, &c. sr?f?T^, ^R!F, ^aYrrr, ^?i5r-w5nT-?Hi^-&c. ^TTf-j??R^-&c. I Peaiseavoetuilt, ado. v. A. ?Hfrf fK5:pTr ^RT TT (:?efZ. [ qpq-(TT/. &c. PEAISEWOETni>-ESS, «. V. A. Sf^T^^ftq-rrr/. f'^'^^'FU f. ^^_f^- Peaisewoetht, a. laudalle, commendalle, ^'c. ^^^ft^RT, ^- srre^t fH5;T'TT-+.t^CTf «. &c. The p. and pawing of a stallion or mettlesome liorse. 5p^?5t or 'M'A\ f. ^S^t/. To Peask, v. a. ledeclc, bedizen, t. To Adosize. Z^MftWA Peank. Peanks, n. trick, S;c. =eit^ %'?T/. 5%'Hr/. 5- xft?t/. s^ «'■ j>l- ^1 »»• i'^. arrrsn m. pi. ij^ m. /)/. #5^- m. pi. =qTT m. ;>Z. =En^ «. ^fqi/. i^^. ^S-cjt/. pi. tlS-^T jirs^TT/. ?^. f2;uiRiu^i/ pi. V. JTK, tniT »». pi. jtff5%- W/ K^^^T/. f%5T??Tr qrs^F^T/jZ. ;j^T5^/. ^■^u ^55r wi. ST^fTsft/. ar^TRat/ To play p. 3'fiTr/. pi HR'Jf. Peankish, fl!./«?Z of pranks. %^#r, %%qPT, ^%TOK, ???Tr- [ ??t, ir^. TH^'TiTT/. TT or Jlt^T/. TT'^TT/. ^FR- sqr nrtiT/. />?. ^Fr^T^/. ^'4^^^^:/. 3T^f?iqTt «. ^^r^n:- pRATEH, n. ruATlso, /). a. V. V. SfTJTS'TTTT, sppiq^'JnTT, spiTii- =spF, ^^'7^, cTrer^TT T?1^ "T5^c5r. There are some csi)res- siTe terms and phrases agreeing- with this word and answering to prate-apace, cJiaiter-lox, bell-clapper, rattler, jaic-monger , jalhercr, Sfc. ^'dpt^^trr, T'^TPT^^, T^ or qcc^, ncftJTH, sjFtT^-efr, q^q^, 5i^?TT, 5t35T?5rT, nW- ^^^TT?^, ^?fT^qT?qT, nrnTJrT/.-qi'7'«.-&L-. q^riif y. f/o. Pkeachee, Ji. Peeaciuno,^. «. v. V. N. ^^1% ^;t, n previous similar case. JTPT^ ^f^r^r >«. ^1- c^ ^^Tf^'H" n. HFt^ ^'jtiiilual teacher, n^, ^J^RTTT, STr^fF?, Family p. f^n?:, J^PTTK^'T. Pbecessiox, fl. — of the equinox. ST'^t^T m. fcjqcjHH «. Vreci.nct, «. V. Bound. ?i'TTT i'o/). ?fl^/ \^f. I'UECiOL-s, a. costly. M\Z fTH?fr=qT, sjp^RT, ^fJfT, T^T'T- ?^, ^%}^. P. stone. TR «• 2 of great value or vorlJi. n\Z f%JT?ft^, HT? ifF^^^r, ?i;T, ^'■j 3T^P?, 'irvi. Very p. ?ip^RI, ?rT?a?5T^?TTf=5TT. The p. metals. WR^T «. 3 — as used of scamps, blackguards, &c. t. Aehaxt. 3T- PRECiorsNESs, ?!. v. A. 1. ^]Z\ i%'=HH/. jfra Ht?5 ?!. =i;^j &c. ar^^Tj/. wf'rf /. [ ar??^ ». Peecipice, m. s/fe^ descent of land. ^5T m. 117 /. STTTrT m. Casting ( a criminal, &c. ) down a p. ^pl^R in. Precipitation of one's self down a p. .-ce, Peecipitakct, Precipitation, «. v. A. 2. ^rn^T'JTTTO. Zmf^vnjm. p"^iIT?«. 3^15r55/. OTlToft/. ^/ ^^/. armni/. 3T[tl >». ^VJ^ or tT3Jr-j^3^-3^^ "^, 3t'^:?T7«!.- aJfil'.^T^ni «.-&c. JR^ g. of 0. To be precipitated, trrasi^, qfr^raor, s-:p?iijf. 2 urge, press, drive, Sfc. v. To Huery. qiT /-^rTf r^/.- ^;T^/.-3■f^r^cft/^^r^/.-&c. ^Rof, ^IT'lrrmr, rrr^^r- 3— in chemistry, ^^^-kc. oT^q-OT, q^cf^, rToff sj^f^T^. To Prfxiipitate, v. n.fall to the Lottom. f^^^^ JRftTr, r\€\ PEECiPiTATEr,;,. y. V. A. 1. ft^^i^ ^^^rir, &c. 3Ter:f?W. Peecipitatio.n, n. v. V. A. l.^act. ti^^ Z\^^ n. &c. 2— nc/, ^^ %X^ n. ^^^^\^ii n. &c. 3— act. q^lcfOT w. &c. [aT^frf^rlT/. I. rash haste, v. Precipitakce. ■i'i\A<£\ f. ^tI/ arf^H- Peecipitous, a. v. Steep. ^51?!?:%^, T3-STHr, ^'TT. 2 V. Peecipitakt. ^riisrorr, 3^TJr5ft^T, 3";tt^'3, :^^»7?:, Pbecipitousness, fl. V. A. 1. ^''ft =^"1/ 3'%r'TT m. Precise, n. ?ioi /oo«(? or vague; exact.^ nice, defined, Sfc. ?A^ sm, ?jf-^H^-.&c. qff 5- f§/-?r^>».-&c.:fRuf, q^^rq?rT/.-'Tpt^«.-&c. ^pciny. Ofu. Peeconceivem, p. V. V. qfr ^f^q^^, &c. qt^f^q??. Preconception, n. t. V. arir^r^ ^TH^ m. q^^rq^/. Preconcerted, a. settled ly previous agreement. q=f^%fTT'^, ^%?imr, HT^iT^rT^, q^r ^'tst^ot, &c. ?rt%f?TJp. PEECUBtOE, n. forerunner, that ivhich precedes and indicates approach. ^\^^Y^.,^^^\^^.,^v^H\^\., q#i%f;m.q5?j?TUT«. Peecdesoey, a. indicating something to follow. lfF>ncf|", q^- ^^. [ ^5^r. Predatory, a. practising., ^c. rapine. ^sfhTF, ^T^, ^Rt, Predecessor, «. OHP H'7(o /j^f2iv''(;i'ff7frf in an ofiice. JTRI^r ( as TTRTcTT 3TftnT^-'JIH?5?R-&c. ), HI^T ( as HT^ ^tt- PEE 003 rKB Peedestisauian, Peedestinaiob, n. liolJer of the doctrine of predestination. 3T^^[5t, 3T^»T?rT^^5ft, STRSS:!^, To Pkedestinate, To Phedestine, v. a. foreordain, decree or appoint leforehand. ^^^'!-^^^^-^f^v'€^^-&c. qr^^r- w.-qWT3T?rr/--&e. ^^ g. ofo. ^qr2t-Hr5rf-'iT^'^-&c. Pkedesxixate, a. Peedestinated, Peedestixed, p. v. V. PEEDE3TISAT10X, 11. V. V. — act. ^^]^■[■^w[ «. &e. "r^qr^^iT /. "J^qpT^ n. qjft^KTOT «. I.— the doctrine. ar^'SSfi^w. aT^JTfT K.^^f^^rTT/.'^^q'STr^ Peedeteeuination, n. v. V. — act. q^f^r STra' »». I. previoudi/ formed purpose. ^^\=^ ZX\^lll.-T^'-/^^ m.-&.c. ^^f^'-^ m. q^q?^ m. To Puedeteemise, v. a. settle in purpose lefureliand. qff- «.-^:p?q ?M.-5TTqr OT.-&C. ^af-:p^?r %q^-&e. g. ofo. Predetermixed, ^. Predetebminate, a. v.V. "T^f S^3j. ^qTH k. lb Predict, y. a. v. To Fore-tell. ■>TnfJt?r n.-^^t^ n.-&e. ^nr-^m y. 0/0. HT^T^irf, q^'f ^J^-^gH-Ac. S^iJr, Hf^iq-- ^'4^ M.-Tlf^^'tTT «.-&e. ^;i^. Peedicted, p.y.Y. Hlf^OT, TTf^ 55T3?!r, lf\ ^'-f^ 5^%OT, &c. ^f^^^U^. Pkediction, n. v. Y.—act. iTT^iJt »J. HWaT^/. etc. H f^g-m ^- A p. of the weather. snJT ?». sl^fT^r »». I. matter predicted. ilR|nq «. *ri^?r ?J. ^Rr '»• Peedictoe, «. Predicting, ^. a. v. V. ^rnFoiKT, TT^rt ^f- ■ n^vn^ qff ^'f^ s^otrt, &c. H-fHfi-T?;'4^, ^f^r^-^f^. Pbedileciiox, n. previous liking, prepossession, 'jT'Tt^T^- | »«. g^ m. sir^n^ w. 2b Predisi'O-k, v. a. incline leforehand (tlio mind), -m^zr- lf\-&e. ^^^^-T■^.^i']■r■Pi m. i^or-gr^ m. 5ot--«i?iTf^ j^^j 2 ( tlie body ). 3Tnr^^r-&c. fPTn:-1%3;-qii^-&c. !R^', qr=5T-3Tr^qT-&c. ^^r. [ .&<•. Peedisi'Osed,;?. V V. 1. q5r5r^qr?5=JT-^t75I%=5r-qp?5 f%r\7'A 2 3Tnr^f=^r ft^tr %%f7r-gR3n--&c. Peedisi'o.^ed, n. Peedisi'0;,isg, p. a.v. V. 1. WTT^ JT^t^TJTI- Tf-^^ ^'JTiTr-&c. jnrf^?Tf-^rr^-&c. groiJf, STF'^'^T n.-^^S^l^^n, -&c. ar^oty. ofs. ^^■^ n.-^\^-?^ n.-&c. ^]^^. Pre-eminence, n. v. A. ^^^ n. ^^^ n. sr^s^rfT /. *.T^T7'. Pre-eminent, n. surpassing in c.vcillcnce, Sfc. v. Chief Sf^, jR^r, ^rr??!?, ^r^^^"^, 3^1?, f^^^r, Hry?, sj-trr^, f^^iq-, -a. ^n'^., 'TTH'jft, qr, ^t^rT^rr, sr^-TRr^TH, ^^jT????. Pee-eminently, ai/u. v. A. g^qfq^^^, srT'^Tl -^'iiM , f^fm- PEE-EMrTlON,M.r;y/j(! of purchasing lefore others.'K^^ f5r?i- fT ipRTRT 3TffeI-7nT w.-^fg M. aT?T-wffcT^R: w. 2b Pee-ENc:age. I', a. engage hg previous agreement. S^iwzj- ^^\-&c. 5^5r"Jf-r?t^ %-7'jf, q^f-ql^r^r^ ^r^ ^f^tt %ir «. =5rJ^iJf «. T^ST^fT «. — state. =qWt/. ^- S— «rf. H'W'^ «. &c. '^^^^ n. arqiT w. f^t^^T n. 1. superior place or office. HT5t "T^t/ HR "T^w- HTS "TFT- Peefioueation, Peefiqueiso, n. v. V. srf?t^7Tpf •3TrT^ ^T- ?T^af«. &c. srf?Tf.,H^RT "T^SfS^T^fM. ^^sq-?f.^r^sf?^f?I«. Peefigeeatite, a. t. V. 5lf?re;Tf% ST^^T'tRT, &c. ^^% S'- 2b Pbefiguee, To Peefigueate, v. a. sliow antecedently ly figure or similitude. ^^^^n.■^fr^^T'n.-^\<\\i{■4n.-&c. s?^ or ^JvT ^W^g. ofo. q-f^Tpf-&c. 'JT%^-'T€r-&e. PEEFIQUEED, ^.Y.V. q'l^C^ ^^\ ^TO^Sc^, &c. Mfd^s^^TTT- &c. q5:i^'^rr-'T5gf=nT-&e. "^ To Pkeiix, v. a. 2mt lefore or at the ley inning of. ^-ITT^- ^^f ?IT^-'HI"iui-^r50T. 2fx leforeJiand_ q^T-3TnT^-&c. EtST^-^HOT. Peefix, n. particle.^ Sfc. prefixed. ;jq^;». rEEFlXED,^.T.V. 1. JRfSR^OT, 5R^T?l'feT, JTTn^TI^J^T, &c. 2 "^ST^f^HT, &c. q5m%ffm, q^f^l^rf. Peefixixg, n. V. V. 1. — act. m, ^IT^m. &c. 2— act. q^ d<«(>Ji«. &e. Peegsai-'ct, n. v. A. 'TTFq'TM. rfr^rqiw. ^'^\V^^^\m. &c. 'rfVftfsrw. &c. ^iHrfT/. ^i»Tf5R''AST, a. leing u-itli young. q'RT^ft or ^ft, ^^^\x or 1=^^, IHR^ 0?' TS^R^fr, TTRT, ^TTiT, qTmH. Note. Such of the aboTC words as end in f are in the feminine form. A p. woman. ^A^^^S. ir^oft/. '^fTTHf/. ^Z^^j. A p. woman in her last stage. q^fTT^ft'Ty. qofTTf/. To be p. q-Rint 3THuf-TT^oT. To Pbejudge, To VRT.zvj)icxTE,v.a.judgeanddeiennine leforcliand. q€f-3T>TT7?:-<.tc. or =^^?fr% q^T-&e. ST^Tin-f^- ^A^m. sRiJf, ^^flt %?'TRr|5-f%^fK %?qT^tf5-&c. q€f- xi f5f s>n.-fiT5rr5Tm.-&c. Jp^^T 5^^. Peejudice, n. opinion or sentiment formed icitJiouf examina- tion. #Fo5-s^'4-3T^^nTr5ft ff5/--^?7^l/'--''TR?iT/.->atiV- 2 J/as ajainst. ^^\r{ ^\^J\ 'MZj,-SKt^f.'i\f[J. 'fV^M. f?r5Tm, . T. V. 1. 3T^-qt3-&c. 3im3OT-5^?5T-3Tr- 2 5roE=rr5?5T, ^F?y f5??|3r, &c. 3 g^^r^ %^r5T-Er^?5T, &c. 3Tqq^fe. Peejumcial, a. v. V. 3. and Huetful. ^Tq^fTTT^, arq^irt, ^TTTST, 3T%t, 37f|?IWT^. [ ^f^ ??. Peejueiciai.>-ess, «. T. A. arq^Tftq^T «. ^TT^flqiilT m. arq^T- Peejudiciallt, n^/y. v. A. g^^PT fr^T f^e^Z. arq^R \^m decl. Pee-kxowledge, n. previous hioioledge. 1^\^ fTRM. q^fTPTw. Peelact, n. ^^ qTrf«T?lT^ ^Tir/.-^rfqi^R wj.-q^^ft/. Pee late, w. g^q' q'HT^er ?«. Peeeection, n. v. Lectuee. qjs m. Peelector, «. V. Lectueer. ^\Z ^jfTTTTT, qT5^. Peelibation, «. V. Foretaste. qcfHFT m. "Tcf^gHsr m. Peeliminaet, a. that precedes the main lusiness, previous, introductory, preparatory. 3'q-+'Hl'(T, "J^T^T, H^R'Tr^^T, 5TT*Tf*T^, qift^TTf^'^, ;pF[[?T, qjra'ffsq-, qsf^^iUl'W, aw^Ruft- Peeliminaet, w. something previous or preparatory. Tq^TT- %.qK^-&e. qsffVr )%qq OT.-nrj/.-&c. ^q^.irq^f^rTq «!. q=r'fi «. anqri «. OT^pwf n. pi. P. obseivations. qfTTrTT/. Prelude, n. — in music. "J^t^ m. "JcfsiT^rr w. 2 something introductory and indicative. '^^WS n. q=fViT«j. q5?5?^^ n. q^^^ n. Dramatic p! stbT^PTT/ irWI=iiATE. V. a. recolfc ov contrive in the mind he/ore- hand. H^rfrT "jtf ^?^H S^T'^-Mt^ 5^ot, f^^T?: »J.-^?T?rT/.- ^r/i-'Tsfr^^Rr/.-'T^^r^s^T/.-'Tcrtj^sTrfi n.-&c. ^Rof y.o/ o. To Peemeditate. v. n. meditate or f/iink hcforehind. 37%- ^-^^\-&c. fif^^ m.-■f{^^ n.-&c. w.m. PeejiebitateDjjj. v. V. A. (r«(^ Istexxioxal. JT^frT q§r qf- ^^ %^?5?5r, &C. q#^f??Fr, "T^qYTSr^T, "TJ^fT, 5'^?^, ^^f?>T^, ^q;FT?j?f, "Tt?f^f^sr'4RJT5qrT^-&c. ^«. &c. qgf^t ffT^^/ I?^:^ »»• "J5'55=tt/. Peeso-men, «. ?ja»if prefixed to ihefamili/ name, ^frp7fJ^n. SI TffrS ?rhr n. Prentice. See Appeextice. PliE-OCCUl-AKCV, PRE-OCCLTATIOX, «. V. Y.— 0<•^ q^T tlTofti. &c. 'jfrTt^ hi. j Pre-occupied, ;?. V. Y. qcTf qfasir, &c. ^^ffr^H. Pee -OCCUPIER, h. Pue-occupiixo,^;. «. v. Y. 'flnf^r yroir- To Pee-occupy, i;. a. take possession hi fore atiolhir. 'irnr- ?^-?{s-7R^-Wfcrr^fH ^i\-&c. qiTT-Ao. 5rf^irT?:/.-'iiT m.- Hm5r?rM.-ctc.^?:ot^. (/o. q^qRtjr H.-&e. sprof y. ofo. To Pee-okdais, v. a. ordain hforchand. "pfT-'flni^^-ic. Jr- Hqf-r^m /.-&c. ^-'flunq-, fi^Jf «. Peepesse. See Peemeditated. [^fSr^q- n. Peepon'deea>-ce, n. y. A. 1. arfq^P ^T^^ ". cfrffeT^HR m. TT- 2 jqTfctT OT. srrm^ «. 5T(:TT?ptt/. PEErosDEBAKT, a. ouiweiyhinff. STftT^ ^^HT^, 'STftT^ ''TKr- ^, HmfKrafTT^, arfti^HT^. [ =^7. 2 fig. superior in force, weigU, Sfc. ^^■\^.^ Sf^r?, iTTtn^f- Jb Peepoxdeeate, v. n. exceed in weirjla. ^'['■^%'^f[-'S^^'^- 2 fig. exceei in force, ice.ijlt, influence, Sfe. ^■^:!;J7{-'S(^^.Z- !Rt5-&e. aT?fOT, ^Mik^l wi.-srr^F!? «.-&o. ar^oi y. o/«. Pbeposition, n. — in grammar. ?T£?%f|- arsqq- n. An inseparable preposition is g^gij m. Many of the most expressive words of the language are formed with one or other of these inseparable prepositions. Pbepositioxal, Peepositive, a. \. N". ^TT^TT^r, g'T^^tq- tft, WtmfM^. To Peepossess, v. a. lit. See To PRE-occrPT. 2 fig. incline or impress previously in favor of. ^^-^^\- tTRiTJT n. :p^Tf-&c. 3 impress previously against. See To Peejcdice. Peepossessed, p. V. V. 2. "T^ st^st^FST, &e. Peepo36E3soe, Peepossessisg, _p. a. V. V. 2. 'T-5T=q f^rT aft- ^'mrr, qi^«j'4N<'N<, f^rr ajieuiKi, &c. ^W=^ f^TrTT^^. Pbepossrssion, «. v.V. 2. precious impression or inclination. PhEPOSTEBous, a. inverted in order. 3-?TT/. Phepuce, 7i./w)-fsA/7j. ?:nt/ j^/. qfs^/. js'pft ^mft /. Frenum of the p. f^or/. ^ftq'^fl'/ %^ ;!. Peebequisite, (7. previously required, v. Necessaet. '}?%- ^-"T%qRf-&c. 3T¥RT=:rr, 'T5rVi.'!T:F,'T5fqf?T?T,75Mf|^?l. Peeeequisite, n. something jjreviously required, v. Neces- SAET. amr^ awT^T^^fr S:.c. qsrki'?!^- &C. ^^ 7«.-&c. [ fsr'^TTBrTT/. TiiEJioosTi\E, n. peculiar privilege. Sjg 7)!. f^^lTrf^T'FrC «'. Presage, n. v Prognostic. ^, "TfaL^^T 7i..3W^^^ 7J.-&C. ^F^ot y. o/'o. T^^, 2 beini/ now in view or under consideration. ^T3rfr, 'fTH- 3 not pastor future, now c.visting, now leinrj, belonging to the present time. =5fT5r?ir, '^(RH-TIci^r, f^^T'Tr^T, fTsfNfT, The present year. ^FJJT^'P' — tlic p.montli irreTT^^. At p. at the p. time, v. jS'ow. tr^^f, ^sff, ^rf^fFT, ^t^r- ?r^r€'r, ^?i: /lo/i. ^?it o»- ^5^t, htt, sr?5?r, ^^i^, For the p. tTfiTnq^raiT^T, ^TIo5T?5T, Hrf. 4 ( tense ). ^ItfiTTR', feriTr^. 5 collected, self -possessed. ^I^!^, ^TFTtrr^, ^f^rT, ^^ij^- tT, f^'<4- S;e. ifSir, ipT-^RT 'T'n. 3 e.r^?iiV, oj7f»-, (j/or^^ n. :Rat, ^^t/.-&c. ^5:iJr y. ofo. ' 5 V. To Give, ^^f, ^^ n. ^^ijf, 'im^. 'i 6 Z(?y before, qs S^pir. 7 (a missile,&c.) v. To Poi5t. fi^w, JTHOT, q'l^ciT,^r3r^. PkesentatioN; Peesestisg, n.\.X.l.~aii. ?:-3t sfi^tjf «. *r7 W.V'i n. 2 ^r^t?; |riJt «. ic. Cross p. ( of the foetus ). ^fij ifij n. 3 ^rasT^Jf «. &c. 5T^5riT^/. 2;^W «. srs^i^ n. 4 3Ti'q'TEr), ;;. v. V. 1. f;^ %^^T, »T^«r"^rir, &c. 3 ?T^5r%^r, &c. ^?f?T, sr^'Ji^T. 4 'J^ft'^^T, Ac. 37fqrT, T?HN?T, fJ15rr^^. 7 Vr^^^^r, ?TiT??r5r, qr^?!=5T, &c. Pee3E>-ier. n. PuESEMiKci.p. o. T. y. 1. ?;3T ^riTTfq:!, '^Z 3 ^wsft^RT, ^^ 3TmoTm. [?m^^, 4 ari^oTRT, &c. aiMui+Tir, ^it^^tit, fJT^?Ti^?Tf, 3T% Peesentimest, n. previous conception, impression, apprehen- sion, f)C. TRT m. HP7 n. or "T^f^ HW »«. "j5R HIH fi. ^Tr OT. /. qj>TT?Rr/. q^r^-^^r/. P. of evil. 3t^'4hh h. [5=rfqH^r§.'r, ^'^. I Peesextlt, adv. v. Now. ^xj: pop. ^r^-iTI o'- ?I?TT, «tsr^, ij 2 shortly, soon. '413% '^^T^, ^r^T, 'JT «.-&c. ^iJT y. o/o. 2 ^Y(?^ or lay ly carefully. ^FI^JIsqijf-EfT^^DT, ^^^ ^TOT- ^PTRTOT, ^Nm'7T/-&c. ^M g. of o. '^^M qiPTH 5^ oc TT^'it. 3 ( fruits, itc. ). 5^»iir m. ^.l^ g_ ofo. TtraT^ Tr^or- "TT^r^crr-;cfqf5rcfr-u^=rCT, H. V, SvrEBI>-IEM)E>XE. ^^<^ /. aiftJ-TR «'• PRE 3 counlri/ of a president. %^^\Wm- ^T?t''- ^iim^A7{^A\\\m. Tbesibest, ». Pkesidek, n. ritKsiDiNO,;?. «. V. V. n^TtJI, JHcq-, 3l«--q^, ;^T^nj;, BT^R, "^^^ ^^"TRT, T^-Sr, 'TT*^'^, 53^3 m or ^IT^ism. [ 'TRT^^. j r. ol".iu assembly, coiuicil, &c. ^■'Tnfrr, ^TT*-"^^) ^- PBESiDENTSUir. See PnEsiDE>-cy. To Pbess, v. a. compress, squeeze, cj'c. =^^^, %7^'Jf, 5Tn, n^T »i.-q5^f^'ft/.-&c. i^of g. of a. ^mf[^-f^]- . ^-3TT^-jJT?ft:rT-ctc. si^CTT y. o/ o. ^^ |i 3 enforce, inculcate urgently. 3TT?T^»"--f^'TS/.-&c. Vp^ ' y. o/ 0. or 3n?Tf ^P^TT-f^FfS JF^?T-%^T^-&c. ^fim-T^r , sntrot, nar sii>^'jt, TTst^ ^t^ot_ 4 straiten., distress, l^'c. 3T3^'JTi?T-B^^frT-q"=qf?r-.cj-c'.3Tm'jf- To be pressed. srS'^T'I^, ■3T=rq5^. 5 bear strongly on^ act on with tveiglit or force. iTR m. qT?53T-^of, iTR m.Azm.-^K m.-^mn..&c. m^ g. of s. tdtlmiofo. 6 impose hy importunity. ^£^-^^ «ftqw, TT^t^T BT^T^, ^S'q Tst "T|^-3Tm^-ctc. ^in-ir^firif. 7 ar^'ff, importune, v. To Hang uroN. 3ir^ wi. ^pm, itW-iT55=Efts'^fr-&c. iJ^OTy. r/o. q^T m.-JT^f^tfr/.-JTrlw.- &e. VTT^-STFrs'it g. of 0. ^JTHot, "k^^ ^"Jf. i 8 ( into service ) impress. %?fRT-f^Tft^ tT^<^, ^jar^- Pressed service. %5/. f^lK or s[iTrT/. viRfsinR/. tR- Ira/ fsff"? /.—freely or compreli. "kz ^TR/.^sf^T^T «»• V. To CiiowD. ^/ !Rat. 10 V. To Embrace, smrf siRor, Tff'ft€t (ifm. jTo Pkess, v. n. push on, go fortvard. ^ ^M-=5fT?!;''f, T^ 2 thronff, V. To CitowD. ^^'^/. ^pTur, TT^t ^FC^ 'T'^t-^m- &f. f^Rof, %^, ipT OT.-%'n%T/.- %7RT WI.-&C. JRi^f. 3 on; upon ; &c. lear strongly on, — a work, &c. 3TR^- tfm'^R-&c. ^wh., irr%?i ^^^. To p. liard iii)on, le close at one's Jiecls. H^of, f^TSor, r^z'n, ^ m. /.-fq=53T m. jT^T'if. [^mr, ^"^f. \^. To p. throu^li or forward :ybrce one's way. q^of or tf- pBES :, rnFs:ii;a, Peessube, «. V. V. A. 1. — ad. %'?Dt n. ^r-,u\ n. &c. ^^^f. ^mff. ST^nrfr/. ?T51'7^^ /. 55'T^'t COS PEE /. SHT^Tsft/. %<7T^'ft/. Pressing' and squeezing. ^NF^JT or q^y. 2 zy-^ n. 5m?^ w- &.C. ?tm «(. qmf rf/. f?t^3 /. -i^T- ^^ m. n^fqft/. 5 'TR wi. H?: »«. ^R m. afr^ «. rrroT m. ^qsiT or qr ;«. Press of business, cares, &c. qfTTT^-ifcc. «f^^ «;.- TnST w.-T^T5T m.-V[\ m.-V!anim.-XS^KJ\l-\m.-^Kf.-r\1Vn. 7 3TWf )». n^.fq'ft/. V. \^ N. 2. ^'T/. T^/. ^^'^y. ^^^^?:/. ^?;t m. W-^f 3515^T or ^ m. ^5T »«. OTm w. ^Z m. W.^J. I. throng, v. Chowd. %T >». %'7RT m. 1^]%] m. il?r m. ^T- II. instrument to press — geuer. =qnT«j. =qTqtjqT^-3j5)iqT- %-&c. q^i «. III. s«yar /ir«s. ^^^ m. IV. printing press. jTH'nn^ q=5( «. sr"? '/«. ^T «'. is commonly used by Maratlias conversant with our printing offices. V. ( for clothes, &c. ) ^qK «. PnESSED,^. V. V. A. 1. %q^?ST, ^^BT, =^rT^3T, &c. 2 3^H:3?5T, 2TT^?^, rfT'Jr 1^r^r, &C. G q5tt 5ifKr;%FiT, qjst^ ?5rr;?it, arr^fH ^|^t, -g, p. v. V. A. 1. %1'JTRT, ^,RiIRT, =^T- 2 ^"T?:'JTRT, ^^OTRT, nm 5,'^RT, nss qTc^DTRT, isjf^qt HT^OTRr, &e. T^T ti^irRT-!:T':&?5T, sfT^tpis'^^ q^OTRT-^RT- kFA., &c. 4 arS^oftfT 3TTOT'TRT-Tr5iTRT, &e. 5 a«fZ Uegekt. «rR ^T?5>JTRT, fH^?t^T, ^5?t^r, ?ti?t^- 7 3TRf ^^inTr-tr^'JiRT, ?^^-HRT'JT, ST^m- To Peesume, v. n. venture without leave., make bold. aTT- 1' 5fr/.-3TnflSt^/.-aTq5£trT/.-fq^Tf/.-tTT^4 n.-^^ M.-3TfH- vnv. CGO Vt\V (^^^-f?n''4l-&e. 3T«'Jt-vrq5 ^?iaf-ijMmrfimT/.3T^iPTftm/. 3 ar^^rfHTR m". g-s^rfHiTRT »«. HJar 3TPt»TH m. . f=fT pop. »ft^ »J. U^ H. arq^^T »>. sqr^ »«• For a p. f^fJTrTRf. To lay hold of or take a p. f^fHrT n. qot «. To watch or wait for a p. frfHrTRT ?^. 3 claim. ^T^ m. ^i^ m. 5B^/. arf^^PR ««. To Pretend, v. a. show hgpoiritically, sham, feign. fltT n- JPFT n.-^tn n.-ift?r n.-n?!^ «.-»r^Tiir OT.-&C. %ot-n^T, p'A-^-'.^A ], [ot(ixjii-m, 2 1^fW^ ^ffrrT^pyr, &c. f^fJTTTT^srr, •^^iummt, ffRrrw, Peeteuder, «. Peetending, ;?. a. v. V. A. 1. & V. N. 1. fl"r- n %mRT, 5~Ri qRTRT, th+Quirt, &c. jpirtt, ^fj^, sHt, fSl^^R, il?5^5!^iTRT. 2 fnfiTTT ^fTTRT, sf^'JrT Ftn».-31^ m. To set up grand pretensions. SRiT «.-qtT », JTT^f^- That .sets up p. to. 3l|-5(F5T, STf^lt^. PBE Pbetebimpebfect, «.— in grammar. 3T^*J^. Pb£tebit, a.— i- grammar. >JrT. rnETEHMissios, fl. V. A'. 112;^ n. m%^ n- ^5:-ce. Peettilt, adv. v. A. =E?fl^r ded. ^'^, '^l-TH^T decl. g^-f^- ?T-&c. sritOT <7if, ?fm;H.-'?r5EM.-&c. ^M 17. (>/■«. or icith "TT^tt. 4 (with, upon, &c.) persuade, v. To Induce. JT?TT^ijf, ^oT- ^(7f, if'^q'at, or M1l. n. q^uiUle, shuffle in speech. e>t fTTfi'«,. ^70_ PEI fqTr€rof-si^?5wr, zp{^^M\n. pi. PeEVARICATIOX, n. V. V. 5fr?^'n fpTqfin;;. i.te. Peevexted, p. T. V. 1. JTRfi^T, f^q-R^^T, 3T5^^?IT, etc Peeventee, n. Peetenting, p. a. Peeve.ntive, a. v. Y. 1. ^TRWITT, ■^ETROTTTT, STI^ttTRT, &e. f^iSTR^, ^TR^, f^^n^"?!- Peete>'tio>-, M. V. V. 1.— arf. frrsTRof »i. qRiir ;(. ?r«Tat " &c. fvTcTTT'JI «. JTRtrr n. SffrfST'^ w;. rr^T »«. 2 qs v^T^i M. &c. qfTTT^ n. ^^^^^^ n. PeevektivE, n. that ichich prevents. cfRtJr n. P{^jx^ n. f?r- cTR^-Ac. ^^'4 m.-f^^ OT.-&C. Previous, a. going, happening, ^'c. before, v. Antecedem. Peetiouslx, adv. v. A. ar^T^, q^'f, qf|F^r%, q^ iu coiiip. Peet, n. spoil., plunder, c^ /. 2 f7;a< !i^7(if/t 25 seized for food. f^^HT/ qR^/. IT?-''? ". Beast of p.q^iq^5ft-q^H?i-^-&«. The price or fOii! of a work is generally eiprcssed by words formed with the affixe« arr^r^l and arrf , as ^f^r^T^S p. of writing, ^o4U||=j55 p. of pounding, U^OTiqoI p. of watching, f^TcriT^rsj & f^T- Blf p. of sewing, &c. To ask a high p. JT^m mn^, [qrs M.tTRT ?». 2 current value or rale. ^ m. TI^ «. tfRiT /. f^XV{ m. To rise in p. HTr^T^qf, ^X m. %of_ To raise in p. Hterf^nf. 3 estimation, value, ivorth. %JTTrl/. Jrte n. qif »«. Jn'M neg. con. . ar^j^f^T/. •arijiiTf^mTJT ?«. 'S{\z^^x f.^ m. ^h m. ctt- 2 generous elation, nolle self-esteem, STf^rRTT '".^Tf^TTR m. noTTfTKR »». f^ftK/. 3 «e.r!(rr7 excitement, v. Heat. ^T^ »«. 7'cIPT «. Jb Pride, v. a. ( one's self) take pride in., plume one's self on. srfiTiTT^ ?».-3T^P5/.-3T^ ?».-&c. ijTJsnijf-tTTiJr g. ofo. PR! PniEsT.n. ojiciator in sacred ojices. J3TTrr, "nrrftj^TflTSF, ???- ffTT^rr, ^rrsT^, T^T^TrT i)o/>. TTi'^qr, jtrf^ff, h^, vrr^rv. P. of Shiva, nr^. Pamily p. TTTf^rT, ^''Tl^TTTT pop. T^t^. Priest-craft, n. frauds, artifices, and impositions.! ij-c. of priests. 3'Tr«TT%-»T?T^ &c. %^wf. /)^-5Fr^^«t. /jZ. 3^«n^ %rrsr n. TtTT^TTq'^r'T^iT w. 3'?I';q'rT3^ «. Priest-e.-;s, «. 5^lftoT /. H^TOT <"• HHifm / TTT'-^TPTT/. Priest-iiood, «. qjtce, cj-c. of a priest. ^Trff^'T /• TTT-^'-pP //. 2 or^^:ki-^>JZ]^■&c. ^- TBlznt-RirTiE^, a. governed bg 2>ricsts. ^z\^^-&c. ^IT'T'R^T, ^TT'-'Tr^ff^rT, 3^Tt-^i^r'4t^, ^Tr^rra^r^, &c. HiryTH, Prisi, a. formal, precise ^finical. ^?vT, iTT'=m%^. Primely, adv. v. A. 1. Tff^T Ac7. J^. i| 3 TrTT, 1?^, 'JTRn f/ff^- Pbiileness, n. v. A. 3. fl«(f Escelloce. ^H^ciMuil »j, 3T?- PET G72 Peimer, «../(>*/ ioo^->'- <•'"''''■'■"• Ji«'t*Trar^ qt--Ess, «. v. A. sr^fs^qiTT m. sFF^rfs^^fq'mwj. &c. ^r^ #fr/. ==fTq=#ft/- PEniOGE>-iTOi!, «.^rs/ /«//('. TFift /. TTffT/. T- 2 daughter of a Icing. TI^mTt/. ?T^f Hft/ ^iM-j'SKl /. ?;r^^?5Tr/. ^^g?TT/. ?T3Tq^/. ?:Mqf=3[q:T/. Pein'CIPAl, a. highest in rank or importance, v. Ceief. Peiscipal, n. T. Chief, Cosductoe. ^^s?, ?f?^R, ^TT^q?. PRI VB.\'SCiVki.iTT,n.countriiofaprince.T\\j,^.W.^^M n. iTfS- 2 See PowEii, AuinoEiry. Peixcipally, adv. V A. 5^<^?q^?i?r, sTTfeTr'q=F?r^, f5f?T"'^q;»r- Peixciple, n- constituent pari, element. rT?=r »'• ^=^?Tt^ «. ^T'- 2 c«M«c, origin. qnTiT «• «ft^ «. HF^ n. ^^]^^ n. ^j jh. 3 fundamental truth, element, first point. rlrtT n. h;^ c?' ^ «. ^r5?i?cr «. 5it3i »i. qn "• qf^HPrr/. 'jii'ftfsqjr/. ??- =>f n. H^?5[=5f «. 4 ;'«Ze, law, general truth, S{c. of science or morals. "T'- ^ m. f^spT m. ^Sf ji. Ht55[^ n. ^^^JT «;. 5 foundation of action, motive, y. Geouxd. H^ o)' ^oT «. arr^-TR m. \^ m. ^^^ n. G ( of luimau nature ) properly, natural propensity, ^c. \^A m. ntJI m. ■^■^\^ m. HT^ m. ToTbi^KjV. n. dress for show, Y. To Aboxize. ^ftqft/.- CT^TTf^oET m.-ZJ^.r{ftm] m.--R;3Ti?rqt/.-&c. qRof. To Peint, v. a. impresi- icith a mar/c ; stamp, ^fiq^, Uiq m.- Zm w.-5^t/--&c. JTR^ icith qr o/o. 2 /o?';« 1)1/ impression. tJfq^, Sff^"??, Srq WL-OTTf »».-5?Tr M.-&C. JTR^y. o/o. Peixt, n. mark made Ig impression, ^rq m. jjfqr «;. 5HT "!. 2 instrument for impressing a mark. ^Jfq '». S^TT ot. f?T- IgT m. HT|^/. 5?T/. [m. 3T^t«. /'J. ^ impression of types as to form, size .^ ^V. 3PT w(. 5€r 4 V. PicTUEE. ?r^?Tr »«. ?f^f;T?Tr ot. f^=5T «. To be out of p. ^^q/-aTT|f^/. ?TT^-?fq'Jf g. ofs. Peinted, ;). V. \. 1. 2. ^VW.^A., ^JFT rtRrJrJf, ^c Stst, iJr- qfsT, grqtfT. Peixtee, 11. Peixtixg,^). a. v. V. 1. 2. tJiq^TRF, !frq-&c. JTRITRT, W^]f[ m. Peixtixg, n. typography. q"r'41'-'T'Tl^-^'• Peismatic, a.pertaininy to a prism. ^^(^T'^WA'^ ^^Vf^^'7 , 2 resembling a. prism. f^qr«N;T=5T W^^T, f^qr=^f^T^R. 3 separated by a pirism. f=sm\^W'V^ ft'TTiT. Peisox, pBisox-nousE, n. T. Jail. Hf^ m. ijf^^TT^r m. ^- To Peisos. See To Imprison, ^L^^ G73 Pbisonee, «. person in confi.nement.\^^ stf^cfRr^ 2 one taken in tear, caplice. qrsr? %^T, 5??iT, 55?^- VnuTlSE, a. Jirsl, primitive, V. Origixal. Tf^r, ^'^^'^^ I'rivact, «. state of retircmfiU or sccrcry. tx^ffT m. ^^fFtciT- w m. fsrfsr^frr/. M^r^^rra w. ^^ ?«. ?:^"r»TR ?«. "rs^r «». Ts^r^ft or ^%^^n^'\f■ In p. and in public, ^ipicff ?fFf;t?ff. 2 place of retirement. (T-TJTfl w». f^ITrT,. &c. ). In p. ^^ttfr, 5!T'?of, "Tiq'trT. P. parts. Sec Privity. 3 done, ^c. in private; not pullle, not open. i^^ffff^TT tttt- ' T'^T^srr, nw, Ti?Tf?r?^, .Tios,n. negation, absence of, x. Negation. 3T*?K w. 2 deprivation or absence of what is necessary for comfort. sT^r^r^r^ fr?5 »». pi. sr^rsr^r^r m^r »«. ft^^^^/. ^^- To endure p.s. ^mWfTR/. ^FTS^. Pkifative, a. causing privation. ^irH^I<+. 2 consisting in the absence of something .^ v. Negative. 3THTsr?3;'5njJ, ar'TTsr^^T^, STHT^fH^. Privative, «. that of ichich the essence is the absence of something. 37*rT=f in. 2 — in grammar. ;=R^ n. T^TT^ n. Privilege, n. particular right, benefit, exemption, S^'c. ^_ m. 3Tf!:T^R m. JTR m. ^ffTT/. aTHTqTTOTTNJFR m. f^ii^^5 /«. B?m w. A p. within a compound or yard. aTNKiMHI «i. Prize, n. spoil, plunder. T^.f f^^fpf -cTTS^.r »ll?5 m. ^^^TT- fe^rT •<:T^ «. 55f5Trt'iT?T n. ^J^iqif^^^ n. 2 reward of competition. HI?ff?r w. "TiT^^ n. ^^^f^r^^^ n.- ^sq- M.-q^5^ OT.-&C. v?t^nfJf- HRtJr. [He?. Prize-fighter, n. ^T^?fr^T-'?'JIT^T-'^c. ^i^t-qf^i^^siT^T-ie. q>7T- PRizE-riGUTiNO, n. ^iq?rfT^^-^jTm,qfT?ii?>:5,7iT3=rR though strictly speaking it means or candidate, i? PRO 674. VRO Bomotimes used for probationer. Pkobatobv, Pboiiational, Probationabt, a. serving for trial. q.'YfHT, "Tft?^^^^ 7V«friT -.r. Pbobe, ».— of a 8iir;?eou. qT^-?=rrr-Ac. qT^TiqT^ft H^f/. ^- To Pboue, v. a. examine with a prole, mm-mij ^5 ^- 2 fif,'. V. To Examine. ^0T5-^i=r--FtiT??iaT^-#^^T^- Probitv, n. V. UoNEsTY, Inteiihixt. ^^^^■^ m. ^TT^ /. ^- *rR H. jnTrfwr^^/. ^/. ^^nft/. "m?5 n. TT «. io^A loith v. ^^P. II. pvoeeedings ; train oj actions, y. Couese, Conduct. Legal p. Y. Process, s^^r^ m. III. vianner or order of proceeding, V. Course, ^t^ pop. K\^f. mn OT. m^.f. ^^^^ m. arra/. Knpoit of p. ^;p^?r/. ^fT-^?T?nTTT »». TTST^rmr m. To Proceed, v. n. move on, go forward, renew or continue motion. '=(|rfu'i, J5 v^-^lrtuJ-Ac. [&c. ^M^. To p. on one's journey. 3m^^ ^\^-^fmT^-^f?.^X- 2 pass from one point, stage, topic, ^c. to another, ^[ot- ■»Jlr5or-&c. with qnjrT and ^T. ^PT w.-^pTTOT n.-&c. sp^ot. 3 en^cr on a course, y. To Begin. i|i*S5 ». H^ S^iJr, si^- TTijf, sr^ ^or. 4 issue or come us from a sourc^. Pivjuj, iurf, ^pjf, ;??7^- Ac. fiirr, tt^St, fi^T:^at, T3^, ^m^r^, W=fr/.-&c. ^T- rr/. tft^r^r »». %T-/. jrt^raraw. JIarriage p. tlTl?f/. To go or move in ]>. f*fT^, f^T=roT/.-fHT=r'T«J)/.'J)T^. Processional, PiiOCEFSo^AitT, a. relating, ^c. to a proces- sion. ?snft^, q^r%^, fJrrsFqr^r, fHJ:^? ajqft^, &c. jrrf^^P. To PiiOCLAIsi, V. a publish ofjicially or auth.ritaticely; announce, promulgate, SfC SfTtTT m.-^i^^ y.-^ilTTT '«•- ertift«.-&c. ^r^f^vi[-f^7^ g.ofo. ^T?'Y'7rTiTr w. ?5r5r^ g. of 0. 'fTSTiT «.-^'rJry. 0/0. Procreated, p. y. Y. g?T^ %s;?Jr, &e. ^fH?T, ST^nTfT. Procreating, />. a. Procleakt, a. Peoceeatob, n. y. V. PRO Peoceeation, n. V. V.~acl. ^TTT^ n. &c. ^^^ n. ^W^n. PEOCREATIVE, a. havinTTi=?'-"q-, fl^^y ^^IF'^'T. To PnocuEE, V. a. ohiain, S(c. v. To Get, To Gain, f^w.^- or or fl-as^'ir, mv^^ •H^'jf,'^^^?af, ?fT'^q' ^lof, ^TI^ /.-^TTT^ «.-&e. ^^of. To be procured. fMolui, ?irH'JT, rSrtTOT, ?rT|of_ 2 ir/n" about ^ Iring on, ejftct. fji^efd} or 'Toi^'Jjf, OT^^^T, To Pbocuee, V. n. 2"'»"i'- ^'T¥^/.-j^''IT"tr wi.-'T5%'Mrw«.- &e. ^m. [^niT. pEOCURED, jj. V. V. A. 1. n-;olsj^?5T, ^"TT^OT, &c. ^TTTf^, 2 f^ToE^^;^, HT'=T%?5r, &^r[;(in comp. as 'msnTTfj,&c.). PEOCUEEMENT, PeOCURINQ, PeoCUEATION, «. V. V.A. 1. fJT- os^oT ?i, ?T'rr^ n. Ac. ^Tr^/. ^im-ju^-j;/. ^itt^ n. pBOCL^REE, n. Procukisg,;?. a. V. V.A.I. fWs^sHJTTn, ^ H i '^ uii- ?T,"^ qpTOTRT, &c. ^q'r^^,?iTr^=f;rif-;FTTr. 2 ftiiluiRT, W^'JTITT, ^Tl^nr, &e. spTT^^. p. cause. sprr^T^ «. Pbocceess, «. ia«!(i. ^^"Jl/. ^5TJt/. =KTnft. PeOdigal, a. lavish^ loasteful, v. E.vteavagant. S'yToST, 3'- %fc5^, T3T3;, 3^Tr, ^t5^, 5q^^vr-?5, •■STTWrTrTo^'T, 5i^- pEoriQAL, «. See tlie Adjective. Peodigalitt, n. V. A. ^'trS'TiTr w. g"-T2q'ft/. ^^^P^^^S^f. Peodioallt, ade. v. V. 3"'^^"JrPT, ^'^a'Tft^, &c. 3'qorr3'tT5l- PsODioious, a. i'n«<, Aw^e, enormous, .tc v. Large, Exce- ssive. \^^.^ 3T^^3r5 or a^^TTT, 3T"F;^, 3T^=q, q'sg^, sj- 2 See WONDEBFUL. Phodioiously, oil;. V. A. 1. srf^^Tq', iTHTr^, HTfr, ^^HTT, PaODIGX, n. V. POETENT. ^TPJ OT. '>r:|rT ?l. [#JT«, 2 remnrkalle pcrsoiiai/e. ef^ «. SR'tTl^ »>. ST?'Jrr?T-ctc. arroM-iiT s^. 2 bear, brine/ forth, yield, S,'c. — soil, plants, &c. ^, ^^ G75 I'I'O '•nniff or acquirmy 3 Irtiig into exinteme, ocraxion^ iff'eit, Sfc. v. To CaI'SK. To be produced. ^R5T qBr, 3^^, f^TTfoI. 4 ( grain, &c. ) raise. JRlsdi, jH^spt, f^T^f^or, ^iit, 3^t^ »j. JPTof y. o/o. 5 ( ia geometry ) qiSefut. PeOdl-CE, n. that which ,« brought forth, yielded, .J-c-.3-?TRh. f^sT^ w. s'T^ m. f^^^ «i. qsrtfi/. 9>^ ». r. ofa iield. fr-^ «.— P. of fields 88 distinguished i'roui that of garden laud, f^^l^rf or f3TTr???f «. — P. of garden land, snqipi ». [ "e^ji?jr, Ac. Peoducep,/). v. V.i. ^\\i ;Fre-%?^, ^FTfR^ ^njT^r^sjr, ^t^« ?T, ^^, sf^Tp ( iu c'oiiip. as qiqir^rf; j;^ ), srsj^ ( in comp. as TTTPT^^:^ ). PeODUCER, «. PltODUClNO,;?. a. V. V. 1. ^r^'TITT, ^r^T ^- ?q^OTTTT, ^vr^r 'TTSOIRT, &c. 4 ^^oiRr, OT^=|UIKI, &c. I. — as opposed to a consumer; 2>crso7i. qrS^, ^rs^, fk^.t(U}]Tj PEonuciBLE, a. V. V. 1. ;i;T5TqT^FTr^r'7^-Hi':^r-&c. qfn^q ^^=fiqpfRr-^"i'ini-?Tn:^ 2 5prrqT^rm'-^>TFrT-&c. 3i?5r-i^T^-&c. ;FrmT3ffqr-&c. Peoduct, n. \. Produce. 3fTfi=r/. SifVr/- Tr-^Tf ^^^nm. " Law of reciprocal p. and reproduction. sfr^n^PT^nrw. I. thing iroduced, v. Peoduce. g^q^ «. ^j'rJTwi. f^rq^;;;. "Fo5 n. [^'4 w. IL— ofart, intellect, &c. ?^»i. ?;frr/. f^rf^^'i.-q- Peoductive, «. bringing into being, producing, causing, ^V. ^?T^ ^troTRT, 3Tqr^, f^r^, jeql^^-jpR^-Ao. ts^jt- 2— of soils, &c. V. Pertile. gfq^^r, fq^i^;, fq^ra, *iM«(<, sf^q^f^r, «T^"P?y. 3— a business, labor, &c. lucrative, v. Gainfvl. 3?rPrT. 3ilrtl=<■; "J^^IJI/I. &C. >3^- I'kofase, a. V. InKELiaioi's, Impious. %5?^?, ^^^.t^ ^^- 2 «o/ sncred; sectilar, ijc. tTHSfE, V. a. tiolalf tlic sanctHy of, jwlhilc, c\'c. qRET^, f«lfT5t'jf, f5fTT5I^Tr, fcrnoTW. EpT'jf-FIT^IOT-SIItfl'Jt, >3>?fsTot, iJ^-f^rTTT-Ac. JPT^, ^^ot, TfEr=5PT0TTH!.-&c. e5?nt 17. 0/0. 2 treat uith irreverence. |?I?Tt3^, \^^^ \^^^\ IJop. ^oEUTT &('. ^T>Jr J. of 0. 3THT^5t^-3T'T^^5t^-&c. qnr-Jrf|^r- Prof.\KED, ;j. v. V. 1. 5IR^%^T, fq^n^ST^^, &c. VT"?, ^fq-rT, 2 |^?tr5s?5T, &e. aTE>'ESS, PitOFANITT, n. V. A. 1. ^cra'STJ/. tTI=l'r5tTf /. =PT?i5Tt-/. S^TR^r/. tmm^/. %5TfH^Tf f^/- ^'TH^Tff?/. Pbofaxek, »i. PiiOFAKiKO; ^. «. V. V. 1. STR^TTRT, f'T^rsE'JrKT, »^ ^^iTKT, & c. [ tT?, 3T. i'. a. openly Jechei-c,avoic, assert, Sjc. ^'?5W_ ^'jf,sff?rftT/. ^liry. of o. 2 ( an art or business ). tf^ w.-3^FT w.-^T^^TT ?«.-o^- 7K »«-|f%/.-&C. EfRCTT. 3 ( one's self) v. To Peetenb. aT^ m. qr^n^y. o/o. ^ OT.-STMI »» -q^^fOT w.-'^W? W.-&C. cfftfOT g-ofo. . Pbofessed, /j. v. V. 1. ^v^^ ^t?5^?5T, 5TTSR JPffy %S?5T- Peopepseult, adv. ly professed or avowed mien/ion or declara- tion. wnfl-^S^^^^-srfe^ q^^?T-&c. idth a noun ( as 3TTf - ». f^if^TOT. 3lfHf^%?T m. ^f^%^r m. ^qiq- n. fJiqDlclT/. s^f^/. ^. ^IT>»."|^?1iq- n. POFICIEXT, a. accomplish fd, adept, versed, Sfc. v. Clevee. ^"JT, 3Tf^fT, 5^q'?r, f=if^'?, f^T^Tpj, ?if^fsT'!i, ■MfJTi^fjr?. Pkofile, »i. head or face draivn in a side view, ^^^,^li^] v^,- Peofit, n. pecuniary acgiiisition, v. Gain, vftjrr ?». f^'PI'??! /. fiTST^rT &?• fpra^F^f/ W'f^if. ^]fHf. ^\^ m. STT^T m. ^flvT «. ^T^ >". fq"T^ i». f^"^^ «. ^5fH n. ^m^f. ir- p. and loss, ^r^ %?r «. ?r"FT g^HR «. To liave equal p. and loss. ^IFf^W n. sfTiqr ^m y. o/ s. f^^^^ f.-mK^f ff^, 'jTHT^^sf W.-&C. 5fT15R ^r^ 2 leneftt, good, V. Advantage. ?5TT m. "FFT?! »«. f^R- rr/. "F^ or «p55 «. f|rr w. ^^T-^ «. p. and loss. OTTr?5TT m. To Peofit, v. a. promote the good of benefit. f^fT «.-5R /!.- cp^^trr n.-kc. %-m g.of o. 3'T^>ft-f|H^n:^-f^?f5T5-f^FTRr- ^-&c. ^\Si tuith in. con. 2 ( one's self ) !)«pvi'e. 3TT^^ ^rf w.-arnS ^F^rTOT w- &c. 5p?-at, JDI ni.-Jf^if «.-$r51?5 «.-&c. ETTS^rot, ^^\f'^/-- To Peofit, v. n. malce profit in trade, ^'c. ^^'\ »!.-ot*T m.- fiT5:F?r/-f^'?>T'T?r/.-&c. ^rDJ-fpf^nt in con. 2 malce improvement, advance in excellence, ^'c. "JOT »».- qr «.-'TnT|f5/-Nc|<< I < 2 g^T^ri s^raFTT-WT^^T tied. Profmin-o, «. V. V. N. 2. noT^r?^ «. ^^%Ts,f- ^m^^T «. Pkofitless, (?. void of^rojit or advanlayc. fSTTlVnar-Mn- ST, fH?5TH, 1%5T5y. Profligact, Pkoflioateness, «. v. A. 5^/. > ^^fi| ^/. Pi!orr.iGATE. a. V. Loose, AVicked. j^, ;e"r7T, 5%f5W^, 5%^TTt^r, &c. s^^^T: |5^^^t, it^,- si^is, iTrqRt, 5- THT^Tllt, y'SNK'^, Vf^rq-T^t, f?r?r?T, f^5[^, or q. PnoFLiGATE, «. V. A. ^TT^oft, STT^rtt, STHK^, '^. pROFLiOATE-LT, adv.v.A. sf^^^ft^, ll'STTWR, ^:m^rWH,&c. I. See Shamelessly. Profounh, a. t. Deep, ^^t^, #1 or at'r^, ?r^?r, ifvft?^ fvf:g-_ 2 fig. «o< suj)erjlcial, Sfe. v. Abstruse. ^c7, ?r^ra, T- 3 <7(fl< 7m* penetrated deeply, cjv. — a scholar, &c. ^fj Ji%?^, Tf^ n=;^r, sf^"^, TTsr, a^Prfr, fH?T>rt. arFT^^^rw. Profuse, aprodigal, ifasteful.^ y. Estratagakt. Jfia^, ^^- 2 spending or bestowing frecJi/, lavisJi, \. Liberal. ^^5?, 5^3 0?- 5^65, f%?ra or f^?TT3, tff?TP^ O)- ?qT. 3 over alounding, v. Exuberant. =^m^^ ^^roS^sffiT, ^IiT- =qTft?r, 3TiT?T^ or 3TFfl^ =qift^. [ q", &e. Profusely, adv. v. A. 1. g-^T^TOTT^, g-^S'TtJrH', g-siT^Tft- 3 ^TrSqft^, etc. qpST^s^ HiqT^, JTTC=T ( ex. JTT^TT <"^^ iiTC^ ) 'TrfH, ;?^5, ^spT^, S^, frs^, f(i^, Efssrs or Pbofuseness, Profusion, w. v. A. 1. g^r^"T^ m. g'Sf^OTT ^cfHjT^ «. aHHRfUFT i^TT m. [ g^Rf M ««. 3 ^3;/. ?:5!;%o5 /. ^^?.f. ^q^^z^f. ^ / 3^ /. ^iTf /. Peoo, n. victuals sought ly legging, f^f^^ 375f n. — as given dressed, 3iT;=5tfir?TT/. >TT'^^?vft/. 2 See Food, Victuals. PROOF.NITOH, n. T. ANCESTOR, ^^rqw^^ q^7T_ Peogeny n. V. Offspring. ^fTT^ n. ^?if?T/. ^^q;^ ji. Pbognosis, n.—'m medicine. '^%f?rT/. qft'TT'^r/. G77 PKO Pboonostic, a. foreshowing, Joreloditig. 'Jsfg^'F, nf^'^l; Prognostic, n. sign of something future; fore-token. q;f=r?^- To Proono-sticate, v. a. v. To Bode, To PoREsnow. 'ii/'. Peogbessiveness, n. v. A. 1. qsjs ^in^ n. &c. ^fiJTqfjq^ 2 5JTS?f^5^Tr/. -Hirfl+oll /. ^^^ ^KKT^/. ?n^/. n. |f5/. To Peouiuit, Proiiieition, &c. Sec To Forbid, &e. Prohibitive, PRoniBiTOHY. See Interdictory, Project, n. scheme, S(c. v. Contrivance, ^.^^^\ f. r\A'f\A f. jf^fj/. g^TTT m. 5R »». ■y. ^. 2— as wild or bold, v. Scheme. ^f'TC n. %:p?r «. ?R «. To Peo,tect, f. a. cast forward, v. To Cast. Trqiin, flt^, qrf at, Sfj^CTT, jf^ m.-^^vn M.-&C. :ft^ y. 0/ 0. 2 cast in the mind, \\ To Contrive. qT^iir, qr^T/.- &c. ^?Tir y. of 0. To Project, v. n. shoot forward, jut. J? %^. Projectile, a. impelling forward, qs S^3!inTT, ^3^"^. Projectile, n. — weapon, ^k^ ^1^ «• Projection, «. a jutting out. qr^ 3TRST ij^^ m. |ri k. Projections, — gcncr. ^FH "fW^ '"• /''• PRO PSOJXCTOS, «- T. v. A. 2. ^Tl-'l'-IIA!, «>M*, T?^^, *II-^nT- ^=»TJn-Ac ^-^T7^-A<. [ ?«r. 5t^ or TKX. L ^ of irild or I'Oid projects ). 3^TlfaiT, i=r^TVr, «*I- Pkolake, Ps.Oi,iKVS, «. /•*«'-*f ^»*r« — of«n intestine. Ac. «?r B. P. jmi. JTr"^ «- ^STTn a. — The pndapeed gut. 3TPT ». Sim: ». 31^ •- f^ «■ p. uteri. 'IHiV.^'tt^r ». 'ft'^i ■. iilSid •. — The prol*ps«il member, 'jfs »- 3e Pk)Lips£- r. «./«C A^am w omt. ^T# q?^. qi^ tri5'J=C. ^Tn'-rTT^. Pboux, a. Um^, cfwsinmte deze:!, — speaker cr speech, t. Tediocs. MMM. s^r?^ ^7S PBO 2 ecnrpifirovt. ttribiu^ to f^e fr?. f^^ 3 frtxnj^. evtmeitt. ^c. U^R or Hfrri B. q.^-sil^*--. R- 5'Hr:-a) n. r. PsOLOaCE- «. — ^in the DraES. -— j,-^ n. -,— =<- . - = ">. Sp«i» of a p. ^n^T^T. J^t^tr^. Tc Pboloss, To PiOLOSGirE. r. a. ejrie»i w iursfic*. 2 ienjlien osf. protrnii. -:'=,-. q^. r;'=i-" -■ -.'= s- To be prolonged. r^is^qt-ti^T'^t. '7T=t. 3 erlend in tj«it, t. To Le-^oXHIS. - ■q'^Cf. ^^.^c PzoioyoU). PEOL055ArrD. /. t. Y. 1. ri''=i'^-W . 4c. 3 rii«)%i^i , Ac PaOLOSCATIOy, «. T. V. 1. r.'.-^^^: '. TTT^ «. ic. 2 sft^tr^T gr^r ». Ac 3 HIhW^ «■ =ii-:i^i. g^tii - c5cm. i^T^, »iNr««-fc, Pv^»rT. P. intenainffiiij? cr luiercc'iirse. M+*i'M *. v+^s;- PlOSllsci.Oi:SLT. cir. r. A. ■-=!•.= -.. =^TT r' ^^^T^. s^^c M- vT f- WfZ f-l'ic •ii»i-i< ^vJ=rq-=,»- T^n •- sfq^.^f :. ?E01IIiCrOCS5ESS. ■. T. A, ^JrT^K?Tf|r5I «. H^.N^ '.' - ^«. Peomise. «. T^JT «. ^r=rr/. IT7T/. ITT?/. -n B. I j be bc-nsd bj c-Ee"s -word or p. iiir! 'pn^. To break a p. ^^t" «.-Ac. JTTIW: ?^^T*PI «.-ijM^;- 'FI B.-i*y,sitT.'9^i' j - PECirrsE-rEEAEXE. «. Pec KisE-XEEjEiyG. c. q^^v-. ^ .q- PSCXISE-EEETEE. a. PEOMISE-EEEPrSG. C. q-i^H'-^i ^^TT, FT- JT. Ac. rr-Ac Pec VISE!'. /. T. T. A. q=3n %%^, Ac. q^.= - PxiTiilSEi «. T. V. A. q^^-Ac. \j. ■-. ^ ■i-.'Jl '-.•J^-^.i-''--^. PilMIiiye. t efcrrdir.f cooi crovmi qf Itje. i ' --^'. . ^ PRO 679 PRO A. p. matter or thiug. ^\^Tf^f. TROiilS&onY, a. con/aininj a promise. ^^^\^^ &c. <<-«|Hf^- f^, srfHfnflrfn'?, TrsTl%fT. P. noio. ^^ m. f^/ ^WT^ «i. JFHilT «». PbOMONtori', «. JTf% 7^ ThF ?i. To Promote, v. a. f or icard^ailcance, further. t(|rfMui,^rS3r'if, 2 eh vat c. prefer, v. To Exalt. etI^^, =^f^of, ?i<#TT^/. ^TiTJif g. if J. T^sft/ STT^-Tor 5?. of 0. JTT5 ^T n.-HnSi r->ltn^, "?^t^ n.-«)-, se/ on, T. To Isci te. ^^^M., ^i=(ui, ^qft %af, =ffr Pbompteb, n. Pbomptisg, p. a. v. V. 1. STIi^lui ^"IRT, ^- 2 ■d^r^yUlKi, =;rJ^ TTTT, «fk HT'^TTTT, &C. 3%^^, ^rppT Pbomptixg, n. V. V. l.—act. -HFJ^TJT ViJl n. &c. f^T^^ B^^^ n. f^^^i^^f. ■M^>:^r\^•■^^ n. 2 tW^T « &c. ^Z\m\f. -ZZ^^^f. -ZW^f. ir\:^ n. ^- PEOMPrrxUDE, PEOMPXyESS, »i. V. A. 1. JR^T^T »». spi^t'^- frmr »»• ^t^ttt »«. &c. ^n m.g^rj^/. f^FT?5ft/. ^i^ / _=F^ »i. ^ ^ j 2 ?T«?)4Oun, n. — in grammar. Ti^pirT ". The proximate p. 'Tr^T^ hi. To PiiONOuscE, r. a. utier articulately. j^|juj^ ^T^T^T TXfR w.-3"K^ m.-&c. cRW. I 2 tt//cr confidently, v. To ArnnM. J^^ft^ ^TT^JT, f^TJ^j^T- i "J^-fJff^lM'lVi -Ac. ?lfn>'f-^'»t. 3 Seo To Speak, To Utteb. To Prosouxce, v. n. See To Affibm. [ ht^_ PiioxoLNCEABLE, a. V. V. A. 1. vj-^ UNMlM I-T^^rrpTT-Ac. T- Peoxounoed, /). V. V. A. 1. ^q^^ Htr'H^-fll, &e. Pkonouxceh, n. Pbonou>'CI>'o, j). a. t. A'. A. 1. j-^MU lpr, 2 fHi«m5I% ^ifntrrTTT, &c. I Peoouxciaxio.n', Peoxouxcixo, «. V. Y..4. \.~acl. TWK'Ji ' «. JTTT "«. >i^i"Ji n 7«%^ »'•■ ihw^ n. ^f^TT m. ' Distinct p. sJ>i|c41 m. ST^srft^/. 2 ^^q^ ?inwf n. &e. Peoof, n. v. EviDEXCE. snTTT n. ffT^TrlT m. im^ «. "^Vf^V^n, Absence of p. 3HWIH|UM n. According to p. mhium:. 2 corroborating or verifying event, circumttance,thing.^'c. ?m^T m. M^ m.— genet. J^r^fTT «i. ^r^rJl^^^rll m. Z\- i 3 — in aritlimetic. rTTolT »». TS'IT^T m. r. TT^. T^TffT/. Cross p. StlinKT m. r. ^, 'iT?. I 4 V. Tkial. "TT'i?TT/ 5TFftf?T/. To put to the p. qftHT/.-5mtf^ f-^c. <7r^'Jl-7%. o/<>. 5 ( in printing ). ^^ +// prop* or si/sfaiis. ZW.^ or '.^lif n. \^.- ^J or '^^FRT m \^ in. fvpT wi. fcHT^T »». fs^l/. f5»lRT«». jn/. 5'ft/. VTT m. ^JTT^ m. Jt^JI, SIHK m.-&c. ^^ g. ofo. t 3 See To Generate. PiiOPAOATIOX, PHOPAOATIXO, «. T. Y. 1.— nc/. ?pfH^T?ll%/. li «i. T?TRr wi. f^mK m. [siat. !' 3b Propel, v. a. drive forward, qi ==rMcliJr, iTFrfsr>?f, # 5^- ii Propense, a. inclined, disposed, v. Phone, ^^ul_ |i l'n;.'ENSios, Peopexsitt, Propessehess, n. t. A. aTK/. 1. a p. 32[ wi. i^?f^ n. ?ri? w. rs^ »!. ^^if. ^f p. to be eaten, &c. &e. 3 T. Haxdsome, Neat. ;ffe^?:^r, %5=pr, ^Mn. 4— in free phraseol./j^ZZ, good, Sfc. t. Full, qigr, JTTS^, P. noun. fir?fT?rTiT n. z^^^x^ n. PaoPERLT, adv. T. A. 2. qr^q, q'«TmT^, q'^tf^fT, 5T^, q^Jif- I. in a strict sense. ^vf\7, -rrf^s 3TBnf , ^ITft^ fW^R %?5T 3T?f?Tr, ^^»T-?,f?r?f:->!te. qTf|% 3T?f?Tf, cltcfrT:, 5^1f^, PsoPEETT, n. qiialily. noi rn. vfH m. ?I?TaT »!. An evil p. |>faT m. A pood p. ?l?:!Jr m. Essential p. ^^_i^\'^f. General or common p. ^rTf5r^-&c. ^\n^^f\ f.-^\FjWfX f. ■^'\^rl^■);^f^^ f_ ^>^\^'^^^■[f^.^ f. &c. PEOPnETiC, Peopuetical, a. containing, ^'c. prophecy. >T- f5f"S7^^q^, ^f^T^^^T'^, 'Tf5r"r5Rrq-,-»Tfsr'jq^^T, Hf^^r^'^r^- Peophtlacxic, a. — in medicine. ^T-Ac. l^crTT^. Peopijtquity, n. y. Neahsess. ^q-cZTorr in. "^^^W'f- '^T.- 7^ n. ^iftT^fT/. «mtcir n. ^f^ftTT^ n. PeOPITIAELE, a. T. V. 1. aTRT'^T, 3TRm?ftT, 3TRT'=T?T?T?q'. ^0 Peopitiate, v. a. make piropitioiis. ^FSR^r, TgfT^q-ot, arr- cEtTOT, ^ToJifjf, 'PRrr^T'^, aTRraror, sr^r^-argf F^-a^fTK^-Ac. ir'if <7. 0/0. JT?T'^^>jfT/-JT?fsr5J5rii'\/.-&c. ^?:oTy. 0/0. 2 appease and render favoraUe, v. To Pacify. ^TfrT-Ac. 2fR>if-q;c^ qTJT, ^rfFr/.-^i?=r?r w.-&c. ^^ g. ofo. Peopitiated, ^). Y. V. 1. ^f7r5r%?5T, aTT^iq^FJT, &c. R^^ %- ^?5r, &c. aiRrftTFr,irT^rf^rf, ^^■^. 2 ^TfcT %^F5T, &c. sum. Peopitiatiox, «. v. V. l.—act. ^^!^^^^ «. arm^or n. arra^- 01 «. &e. JT?TJT?rT5rtrft/. H^'^'joft /. JT^i^r^jHr'jft /. K^rsraWT /. aTRTtr^r/ 3TT?:rtT^ «. arRT'^^/ ^^^z^ n. 2 ^Ttn Jf5?:W n. &c. ^\-^^ n. ^ifcTHT/ ?lif?T/. Ceremonies in p. ^TtfH/. ?Tif?T'T; «. ?nf?TWf%^ «• Course of ceremonies in p. ar^gpT n. I. atonement, or atoning sacrifice. ^V^f^^n. Peopitiator, n. Peopitiating, p. a. Peopitatory, a. v. X. 1. g^TsroTRT, arracJiaiRr, arrTtraiRr, &c. JT^iRafr=qT, ^^' sr'Zoft^r, &c. a^RT'cT^, 5T?T=iT^R^, Sf^r5T':TT'T^. 2 m?T W'Vnm.^ kQ. ^Tff?t-T^-^R'7-Jr^-5rq^-&c. ^Ttf%^, PRO GSl PRO Peopitious, a. V. Favorable. ar'T^t^, !:TR^H'if, g- Peopitiously, arfy. v. A. sfft^-ar^qF^I-ctc. ^l?;^, q'?!?!^, &c. STHI^'Tif^. PROPITIou^NEsa, n. V. A. 1. sjrr^rar/. sr^r^ »>• arg^m/. 3H|H+rq-«. tTir^TCTf or qTTf3T^n.3TTf>Tg^5T«. 5l|Rt/.?T^TM. PiiOPOXEST, n. one that lays down aj)ropositioim^^i;\^^yp:f^\- Pboportion, n. comparative relation. Tftrrrw n. ^'^V^ n. ^t- ^^i\'^'VJ^ n. spr m. f^'^rq m. lu p. to. q-irm, 3^Hr iCiVA rTHT (?etZ. ^^TR, f^^t^TH:, 3T- 5^, 3T5HK, T^rr prefixed. - — in arithmetic. ST^qTrT m. Mean p. ^r m. ^^^(r\^ or STHrfR ?«. 3 adaptatio}t, symmetry. ^^^\^ m. ifcT m. ifrfifnT '". ^- PT »». 31^ «!. ^TM/. ^"rft/. fTMHM «. H55 ?». ^q-FT «. 4 V. Sh U!E. f^F?TT m. ^T »«. srfnft/. 2b PiiOPORTioN, To Proportionate, v. a. adjust the propor- tion oj. snrnT n. Z^ with g. of o. recip. ^if m.-'S\^\ m.- ^5y m.- &c. Sffl^ot with g. of 0. recip. Peoportionable, PRoroRTiosAL, Peoportioxate, a. that is in suitable j;roportion or relation. iiFTT^T, iTTTnr^^rT, ^T- PE0-P0ETiaNABLENES.S, PeOPOETIONALITT, PeOPOETIONATE- KESS. n. V. A. itTTJRt/. tTTSTHM^Jm/. ?TH?fRTTJTr ?». PEOPORTIONAIir.r, PliOrORTIOSALLY, adv. V. A. ^ITTOT, ^^^[- Peoposai,, m. something offered for consideration, ^'c.^^Mn. '^'•^■=>^^^^ n. ^ffsqiJ^JfT/. To, To Propound, r. a. advanre, ofei- for considera- tion. ^PJiJI, ^FTOT, ^Miir, '^'JTOT, "75 55?^, T|^ »".-3'^'=f m.- g'?^ m.-&c. ^T^ot-^^-iTf y. o/ 0. ^TTr^^, «• 'P'^, JTTT^OT, ^T'TTfTfr »J.-OT^f5iT wL-sr^FTTSTiTT/.-JT^rsr w.-&e. ^of y. o/o. 2 ( to one's self ) v. To Intend, rt^rtrf qr^iir. PKOPOSITION, n. sentence. ^TW^ n. "pf^'fiT /'o/'. 4)1+1/. 2— in logic ; v. Position. stfcTfn/ 'J5q?T »». iffHfrrfT 3T- if »n. g-q-qr?! «. [ flT^TfJr/. Abandonment of tlie original p. sjfrTf11^>"mH m. sffcf- Completing the p. 3TPfjf?HiqiU| «. Denial of a p. siffTfTTf^m m. 3 See Proposal. 4-in mathematics. f%|[f?r '». Peopeietor, Peoprietaet, n. owner, person having the right jj or title to. ?T%5FT?-1?, ^TrTr'-nft, ^^., KPS^J or Hf^^F, W- ij PfiOPRiETORsniP, n. er^qoTT «?. ITT?5^/. ^TrfT/. ?STP^«. ^- ' fTTFcf n. sfTT^r »". ^ftW »i. |j Peoprieteess, n. female owner, ^-c. q'^tir/. 3Tp-T^R>jft;jo/?. }{ 3TftPFRtoT /. m^^tJT /. ^rf*r^ pop. ^mt^r /. ^rar- viRufl/. &c. PnopniETy, n. right of possession. v^^^xI[\ m. a^fq^p; "i ^ttt/. JTMqirt/. ^rpFifsr n. 2 Jilness,fu.stncss. qr^^TT/. f^^/. RlJ^nitA/. f?TJ^9^H- qoTT m. ^fi^rt/. 5?;5t^oir ?». ^,\^m f. T'Jt «. &o. To Prorogue, v. a. adjourn to a distant period. ^\'^^ FA^- % 5^?ft^<: JT'Jt-PJrTot. 2 See To Peolono, To Defee. Peobogued,/). t. V. 1. jfipf ??f=f^ 5^*^ ^%?!;r-&c. Peosaic, a. pertaining, Sfc. to prose. 1?T€q, TI'TT^q, 1TIT?*T- ^, ntrnq-, ^^?r, ?J• ^^^f^^TT n. P. and verse. V,'Z(^^ n. Alternate p. and verse. '^\'>n. "Writer of p. iTTf*T^- Prose, a. 'I:q, J|. a. v. V. 1. qi5W f^FTTWr fq==;5-grfT 5W0Tn:T-i*i:c. -&c. :pTTf-^'r or -=(<.«*«. l'i:osODiit, PnosODiCAL, a. /)«-/(iininy, ^v. to prosody, tj'^t- TnosODiiy, «. oie sA-i/W /'/(/^ro^oi/y. #^:5[TT^, 1J5:^Tr^fT, jj5:^Tr^fTr. ^ [/• I'nosoDT, n. rules of versification, ^m.n. S^'.^T^w. ?j^t1%?Tr I'kosopopei.v. See P£iiso>-iriCATioN. [31tt??ot. PiiosPECT, n. view. ^f%/. qr^ofw. ^f2Tm>n. ^TTcfw!. ^'at=^r- 2 i^iVic of things to come, e.vpedalion^ v{\^^^n. ^\^^Z- a apprehension of as likely to happen. STTT/. ^W/. ^1?"? «. TWn. TRJi. Kqr^fw. ^iTm. fHR>/i. SPTw. ^HT^TT/. ^-i^m. ^'^/. ■l- R^/.-H?;HTT^w.-^mftrf^/.-&c. ^T^ry. <>/«. ?f^?rm, fRT^'Jf, =qrj?ft/.-^irHt+r5t»'.-=qj?Tr ^Ts«i.- &e. argoT y. of s. 2— of measurc.9, &c. f?r^i^-?Isr5W-'=(T.■^T^zm.■B^'{^f.^\^J.''■^f.'■i■^n.■^^ n. jtifj ii. '■ ^r^fn.^.^m. ^^-^f ^^7f f M?/. ^^T^Tif. Plush or overliow of p. ^RrfHT ^3r?T m. Iligli tide or heyday of p. HT?r?5?T/. ^?T ^"i^h/. Season of p. ^rTc^t^t^ fj^fW m. i^Z. ^^T^\ HHT^T^ 4 sTRTtt/ 3TRT^T/. gsrar vi. Peospeeocs, a. successful, J/our.shing. — of persons. J^f^- qrg, ?5?.^m, '-ftHrTT, stftH^r, ^'mT, fttrjetp", mk^r^r, ^- ??Tr(^iT, ?5fTT'4, ?5?r?;f?T, ^rT^^r*Sr, =qf?:?Tr4, srm^r^, r-:?;5j^r, =ETj?rqTq'fr^r, ^^^^^Hm'^^^fT, &c. ^f^r^r^pr^RT, P. or flourishing state. ■HT'TT/. — intetis. TTHTT? WJ. 4— as a town, country, &c. 3imT?, aTT^IT^^, armr^mt- Prostitute, M. T. Harlot. ^RT^toT/. si^^/. >jqr /. T- Ceremony of licensing a p. f^^ft/. License of a p. Jp^iqf^st/. Trade of a p. ^^r^T «• To Prostitute, v. a. sell to lewdness ( a daughter, wife, &e. ). HTTt^T ^dt-SRar, HTS/. ^df y. o/o. 2 Jevoie ?o lase purposes for reicnrd. T^jm^-^^IV^^^ ^?r-&c. ^rrt? ^^1^1^-^=^ ^prm-Ac. ?7H5T-f^^Dr. Prostitution, «. v. V. l.—act. HT^?r FjRor ?;. I. practice, trade, life, ^'c. of a prostitute. ^,^^^ n. ^?Tf»I- oft^ETT iT?r OT.-sqrTR: «i. srs^nff^r/. Hii^frT/. ^iisq-TqR m. Earnings of letting- out to p. vfTS /TT^^ ?». — that subsists on these. TTS^T^- Prostrate, a. lying at length. ^^\^X-&.c. q^Srssr, vS^fR^^- 2— as in supplication, adoration, &c. ^Jfillf'RTR^^R i^T- f^?r, =5R^n^. 3 ( in strength) v. Weakened. ?ft'JT^lf^, ^ife^ffiT, T^- To Prostrate, v. a. lay fat, throw doun. TTS'if, JJ^fr-TC^r 2 (one's self in reverence, &c.). qTTt "T^df, 55 ^rT ot, rrvO CS3 PEO m.-&c. ^^. [ r!T, &<: PBOSTKATED,;;. v. Y. 1. TTS^^r, ^fK^RJ'fT %^r5r, ?i5IT %SJ- 2 Soe PuosTEATE. [ n. &c. Pr.OSTEATiON, n. V. V. 1. — (7c^ tfrjof ?(. iVT^Tq-Dt «. H«ll--f><'Jr 2 qiqt TSilt «. ..lo. ij^ri in. n. aT'jfqqrfT ?«. tfTHfTTrT^ n. aT'iirn^'JTiiT «. o- tfr'?t'TTr?f vt. &.c. qrssform »«. ^"T'T^t^T I. (of strength). T^^TOT/. ^ftoT n». Hm^ftiT )«. ^Tf m. ^'■ITT »»• 5[tf^Tr?T m. i^rf^/. ^r w. ^ m. ^ To sufler p. of strength. ^?A^'^ '^^ or ^S-Tiir/. ^^, II. (of spirits). v.Di:riiEssiO-\. -fl^f^^Riif.f^^r^w. ^Tirf^r/. To Pkotect, 1'. a. defend, guanl^ krep^ v. To Piiesekte. TT- v^wM, -a^w^ m.-&c. ^af, ?;rf3'^/-':?i'^ M.-?i^?^ n.■^^\^ m.-^\t^^ n.-&c. W'l^ S'- if"- Pi-OTECTED,^. V. V. TT?jT%?5T, ^f?7%?5r, &c. TfH?f, ^7%??, g- pEoiECTioN, ?j. V. y. — (?£•;. n^iir n. &c. ^^ut/. thot «. ?r- ?tim H. To commit to the p. of. T^fr-^fr^TrT-^fMr-'flnTnrir-ctc. ETRot-^ ff. of 0. To seek p. of. W-T'T m.-^W\^] m. v^ii\ g. of o. TT^/. fH^'jf g. ofo. v.'m ^1^-%^, qt=^m st^ /. msfir y. 0/ 0. JTtjt^^ Tvi n. Z^^ g. of 0. I. shelter or defence afforded. ^]^^ pop. 'flVf^'^m. "H^X^n. srqr/. ^^"jt «. 35=51 »■ II. V. Pass. Z^'^ n. ■Jr'TTT^f n. PkOIECTOB, n. rROTECTING, p. a. I'ltOTECTIVE, a. V. V. TT" PR0TECTEE3S, 11. r[^^]f\f. T?^UT-^?tOT-&C. W.^\ pop. ^.'^If. PtOTEOE, n. one under the protection of another. 3TTf^, Among the luillious of ( your &c.) protegees. a^rf'-T- To Peotekd, V. «. V. To Stretch roKTn. ^^f^t ^?"^_ To Peotest, v. n. ajirm solemnly. sffrf^^-srf^fTr ^^,^-STfn- 2 against ; make a solemn declaration of oppo.^ition. ^- , 3 ( in writing. ). ^^-'■A'^^^T■■^f^^^\1MT■-&■Q. aTRrft 3T- J Pkotest, Pbotestation', n. v. V. 1. sffff^^ ^\^M n. &c. il- !j 3 Wrn^frT??^ m. vr^»ft-TI^^ m. Pkotest A>-T, n. ^"fH^^FTraif??-!; i^fTT^r ■JT^'^Rfl fm^X. Pkoteus, 11. one tcho asstimes a shape at trill. S^rq':. Prototype, n. original pattern. n7. n. iT=^5-q n. ^.fJr/. To PeotRACt, t'. (I. ;i)-o/o»7, lengthen ui //t;ic. prt?)^^^ ;? To be iirotractod. ?!R'jfWr ^l^. 2 See To Defer. [ ^,fn^^ Peotracted, /J. V. AM. ?!f;rg%?rT, w^^^3f\^x ^\■^J^^-kc. U Peotracteu, n., ;j. a. v. \. 1. ^f^jt^Fr, ^i^- "I FJiJpJTTTT, ?5f5pift5T^ ^r?5-, n. V. V. A. — act. q's 5T^(fr «. T? ??Pioi ». &c. T. Y. N. qj %at ». ^^X %wf «. &c. Pbotvbeeakce, n. \. A. ^'^^TTT'TT w. "pi^iF^qoiT m. &c. I. a p. V. Eisisu. j=sr«p:r «i. ^^re «■ '^^ «. Peotueeeaxt, PROTrEEEOu.s, a. sxi-dling out, prominent. ^•■ \x artriOT, 3^^, jn^sr, ^ifrt. To Peotubeeate, v. n. v. To Belly. ^\'\X ^^., ^^y J'^' w.-JTRT m. ir''f, ^^=rot. Peoud, a. having pride, qff, if^'?, ni%T, ^l^/flfTHT^fT, ^r- ^rt, ^155^, ^It^f^"?, 3=>f^f^r»T. 'Vlfjr^^.— in high de- gree; n^f^, H^f^, Hsrr^iFt, n^f^-?, jthtt, aqtiTrfT. Some appellatives, allusive terms, cxjircssive phrases, etc. for A proud person are, iT^i!^7;re'?',H'F^W, ^TTrfT- >TT5E 0)- ^i^ Ac. p;rn ^rr^ o- ^R ^jf^ t^pt Ac. gr^qr arf- jTr rftH ^"Ji f?i^ ^2ft. To become p. Conveying this siui]'le sense, tliough with varyinj!^implieations,as there arc numerous phra- seologies in English, so are there in Mnraihi; but all the pliraseologics iu Maraihi, whicli correspond to those in English in conveying the sense, are not, and cannot be expected to be, corresponding also in implica- lion and aspect. Of such then the insertion can mani- festly be no where but under the general and com- prehensive word. Hero accordingly are collected the phrases agreeing with To get puffed up, If ted vp. vno 684 hl/Iate J, blinded, c^c, Tu (jet high not iotis, a stiff neck, &c. To lose or forget one's self, To give one's self airs, 2b grow big, lofty, a great man, Sfc. To get one's head turned, ^c. S{c. ^''T, iTi^, HTrioif, ^^TS^T, J^, ^51^1^- 01 < ji j-t > H u i , IT?BRjf, T'Pr^'Jif, TrTOTot, 3fTR'd, Magnificent. 4 — flesh. Jl^T. i'iiocDLT, adv. Y. A. 1. ^^\^., nn^ft^, arfHHr^T^, &c. n^f- ^%, aTfHHH'J^%, &c. Peovable, a. V. V. 1. ?5nimqM'riTT-&c. ^5 +if , qS'Jf,!^'^, ^t'S,^ diui, To p. true. q^oT. PttOTED, ;). T. V. A. 1. ?'«. PnovEHBi.AL, a. weH//o«e(? m a proverb. ^"Jft^, »^rfFTr{?;T. 2 comprised in a proverb.^ current as a proverb. ?qvq^q^ ^ pertaining.^ suitable, 4'c. to a proverb, r^oft^. To Pkovibe, v. a. procure or prepare beforehand. qS-Ac. ^- €^ %^, rT^nr or "rtqTT-f^5-e*tc. ^^7\ %^0T, ij^^'T/.-?!- ^FT »«.-mf^ w.-rRH? or FR^ /.-fTTTft orTrqrfT/.-'^r- vJpTT/.-TTr^/».-^fT^-s|H. Proyibently, adv. y. A. f'^^^, St'f^^t^, &c. ^<S:c. if^jft/-- &c. SR^-^^?T S^ijf. Pbovisional, Peovisionart, «. provided for He present occasion. =5fT?IFqT ^PrTT^sTT, =^raf'TT nT^=qT, '^fTB?^! !T^Tr=EfT, Provisionally, ado. v. A. "^P.rqj ^.m^^., ^n^TT sr^TTc^. Proviso, n. stipulation, v. Condition. ?i%rf m. ^^fr/. Provocation, ?;. v. V. 1. — act. ^?(^ n. &e. ^'^v^ «. 3"- 2— ncC. fsffTT^ijf n. ^V,qui «. &c. %'?Roft/. f^^^mt/. 1. provoking langvafjC. f^^^qi 'TP^ /. 2^^ f^TS^Prft^ ?b Provoke, ». «. arouse, stir up, v. To Excite. %?r^, %- 2 f.rt-iVf /o anijer, v. To Angee. fsffTR'of, 'ST?'!^, ^ot^^y^ 5. 0/ 0. 3 ( a fight, quarrel, argument, &c. ). T^^T^T ^jTRT ( J^T- f%^, sTTTTfsnsrqt, &c. ). Provoked, p. v. V. 1. %?iqHt^, &c. ^^tfqrf, g%f^rT, si^H, 2"'^fn^?5?5T, Rs-^H^rfl, &C. ^Ftftn, ^rTTfqrl, ^?W. pHOvOKEii, M. Provoking, ^. «. Provocative, a. v. V. 1. ^d«(UIKl, &c. 3%^fnF, S^'T^, 3'^TKnp, 3%3PT-&C. ^Tfrf- 2 f^di=)uiKi, %'2^mRT, I^T^TT^mr, &e. nnTfrsrniTniRT, T^r^T^, g^vH'TJ, ^^''W, #':fT^^, ^r'--fr%3n;. Provokinglt, adv. v.V. 2. f^FiT^pn^'tnT-^n^T-Ac. ^u|KI, fqr^T VIrfUlKI, 'TTolr'TT. PnoxiMATE, a. V. Next, Near. ?m?ft=fr, rll^THTT ^'^^, 685 II PUB P. cause, V. Cause, a^n^^spptoi o. ^jtnsR «. Proximity, «. v. A. ^.^^f. rjnffT »k. flflf^B/. ^^A m. Jifq. tTPT «. ^f5rf>^/. T?»"«7 "I. Proxy, >i. agency of a sulstitule. STfrrf^fq^ «. By p. srfrTl^f'^^nT, 5if?Trfi>;fr=?r^sr. 2 V. Substitute. ^f^f^V^, ^^r^^., ■^i^'H\, Prude, n. woman u-ho affects modesty, su^^t ^P^r^ ^]^^\ To play the p. JT^of, HTS «. ^T^^t, rt^ m- JTIT'jf. Prudence, w. t. Caui ion, "Wisimjm. ^ n^ij ^ f Xf. v^'^7\^;t\ f. ^irf^T^r m. ^5?TT ««. T^^'Ht/. qeriM^r«i-MK »iT ^^'- Prudent, «. V. Cautious, AV'ise. q.q^TTT7, ^q' -ijHjW , t;ii- Prudkntiai., a. procrii/ing. <\-c. from pnidi iicc. fllTJTffFiv'. Prudently, Prudentially, adv. v. A. ^jt^tt^'h, ^*1^^- . n. into ; inspect closely .^ tcith attempt to discover something. ^\f(^ TTfiJf, ITT^ift/.-sifT^'n^ /-f^f5P?^l/.- ^P^'^/'F^'ft /• ^f^i TTSSFfNT aroot, qrs^ orX( f. [I ^^JJ^. ij 2 about. %^^, '^, i^oiuft /.-■^f^tferr^ /.-&c. ;j^. il Prying, p. a. v. V. 1. ^fl'rat ^^"TTTT, ^nrf ^ft :RWRT, &c. 11 2 %^OTTTT, ^T^irr, ^=^, ^fooTT. Psalm, ?i. ^T^ »'. jfTFT «. '1 Psalmist, «. '?TT=^^rT, ^BT^f^. i Psalmody, n. ^■!==m^ n. ^=^^^f. v. ^, J^or. j| Psalter, «. Jfrrt^ J??!^ ?i. [^:, V^. j Pshaw, interj. v. Interjection, ftjfg, jft, 3,3H,f^j:, fq^, i| PsEuro. Tills prefix is rcjulered by fir^.'^T, H^, ?if5nT,Ae. PSYCIIOMOICAL, a. V.N. 3TIfn?iF^fVl^^iitft, 3T«TTrJTf«nn7^. PsYCnoLOOY, ». science of man's fpinlual nature. ^]7^T^T^- Il PoBEBXT, PuBEBCENCE, M. ripe age in the sexes. 7%^. ^'i". PUB PUP The lire & iiush of youth or p. 5^5?ft or 5^^ /. Glowing uiuler the nnior of p. ^H^^ftrf, Not arrived at p. arsTm'fTST^. To be under the excilcnient of p. ^JT^J^of. To attain p.— a ni;iie or female, cfloidf, EnTfrf-TWtfT- 3TTffrT->TTm-r«H-'Sic. %ut.— a female. ^|mT?m im. Pliif.sce.nt, a. arrived atpithcrly. ^^\^-'V^\^--f{J^■?{-x^^.Sic. 3Ti%?5T, 5rrfm?5r^, ^tt^^. Pubic, a. tTT^lT. i^lDLlC, a. of or Moiijinj /o llie people or community. ^^ ?n^^^^, ^HWR'T, ^Hmi^q', fl=f^fH-T, ^^^rir^, 2 current among all people, comvionli/ knoicn. g'^J, ^^- P. report, P. talk, &e. See under PoruLAE, People. To become p. ^^of, >if|^ q^^, Jrr^of, ^^'^m 'Tot, ^r- fiRsp ?». ftot y. o/s. PcBLiC; n. the general lady of the nation, cf'c. v. Community. SPK »«. pi. ^^ ?5t^ ">■ i^^ ^'k m. pi. In p. ffrafH, BT^mr, =?i5Tf?f, g-^T?, q-:^: pop. W^Z. In p. and iu private. BI'pirTifT (^^trrf?T, "^^tffr f^PFT- 5f r, ^ni^f^lT. [ 5!r%«fOTT/. Ecgard or deference to the p. ^jJW.r^Wl f. ^fT^B^f /. To come before the p. fim ^'Jf. PcBuc-nousE. See Inx. fL-EMC-MISDEI), PuBLIC-SPIIilrED,. a. cfl'TT'^ff, ^IT^tT^'fTf, ^^T'4f, ^r'4f, .-&.c. W.i:^ g. of 0. 2 — abroad, fur and wide; with the power of To hlazc to blazon, to noise abroad, y. To IS'oisp:. 3''?5r 'Tr5'^,1TjT- ^m, =^^ffT-qf=5ffFT-5T^f?T-^tH':f?t-cte. ?(rn. Sri?, sT^ftfr, »tTf%'r?^,5r?5^, si?ji%?T, sTqCfJi. Publisher, m. v. V. 1. irf^s ^F^atirrr, ^rfl?: ^^ctrt, &c. i?- ^^T-Tfi?:^-«.tc. et;Trf-^rfi-&c. 3 ITPT^ srftri; ^?:aTRT. To Pucker, •;;. a. cotitract or gather into folds. JT^jiJir or JT''- 50T, ^-t^-i^iir, 3TT^^5f^, ^^f^r/ Z*^- ^m^-TTS^. Puckered scam (of an angrakhd, S)C.). xfturwi./. To PuCKEE, V. 11. le contracted into folds. ^V^^r\^, JTKjuf or msnt, f^T5?:"Jt or 575^'^', 3Tnp«^ or arrj^cif, 3T?:^. sTq^^r, 5^f r^r/. pl.-&c. ^^-^iiJ_ PuCKEE, PUCKEEINO, 11. V. A''. N. fTf^T/- f^'Xt/ f^'-T/"- ^^W.^f. ^^f. ^\^\m. Sfotfcft f %5fr/. PUDDEE, To PUDBEE. See BOTUEE, To BOTHEE. Pudding time, h. nick of time. ricZtt^^^. Puddle, n. small stand or cclleaion of dirty water. 55)"%,-!, %i%n. S^PFtrr^. V^^Mn. V^^.n. Z^rf,^m. t;^} f. ^%r\vu S^rrr?". 3f T or i\^TSm. f\^^n. ■^\^^^n. f^W^n. Jfr??)!. Water collected in puddles, ^\'^^^n. fvTI?fl^«. To PuDLLE, V. a. See To Mudden. 2 wi«^e close icith clay. Pudenda, n. v. Phimties. JTr^'"."- l^ftM. Puerile, a. boyish, v. Childish. ^nw.z, qiTHoE, qr^^. Puerility, «. t. Childishness. 'm^'Jir"!. g ^-.iMu im. Puebperal, a. pertaining to childbirth. STTSFROTr^r, STT^JT jl (in comp. as sfr^ntm) ST^rff^r, srafa' (Id comp.) !Traf?lJF. j' P. woman, m^rff. 5iT5!?ftoi/ [/. '^^rn. ! PuEF, n. blast with the mouth. <^'^?«. ^^Rot. ^^PRTwi. "Ppwi. I 2 ( of wind ) blast, gust. ^^ft/. "^^ f- ^Z^.\m. ^Z^^^m 5?qT^ m. HSJ^FT »«. :j^^f. hh+KI »i. PUL 687 PUL 4 light cake. ^K^f. ^FR^Tjyr »i. ^SS^t or H^^/. 5 tumid commendation, cj'e. ^flRqft/. ^^T^/. «I5rt/. To Puff, y. ?J. breathe hard, blow, v. To Pant. spf^TSSot, ^- pi. %oT-?:[^w, g^^pix H(. ^/..^fl^R '«. /'^-3T«rHrT?rreT«(. To p. and blow ( as in fever or passion ) Jt5t_ 2 Uow with the month. V^m. f.-^^T. m.-^^^ m.-^%Km- ^-7?RT m. f^^. [i\\T^. 3 swell with air. rf^ "PT^, «ft^^, 'TC^ar intens. r^lK^.^ To Puff, v. a. t. To Inflate, ^iqfijf, "Plt^ ^j:"??. 2 i^it' away, jf^- j%^T?Tr (/(?t^.-"5^T-TM-&c. 31^^. 3 up ; elate with pride. ^I^oi, ^^^"JT, JTM'Iot, ^TTTT^'jf, ^ftf n. ^■s^^ g. of 0. \\t\^ "pS n. pi. qf':Tat, =qD-qr^r 4 praise tumidly. Sfc. =q^^iJr, ^T^riT /•-'P^TTft/.-^SfTTT^/.- &c. •FT'Jr-'Frf'T'if y. o/o. qtH h. ^ir^q'Tf-JTT^sf'jf ^. (yo. t- TM%f. ^\^^■^\Tm ff. ofo. Pl'Ffed,;). t. V. A. 1. 'B'N%^, &c. Ji. 5 to pieces; rend. ^^5 jT^ "'■ i'/. ^';''i ,17. of o. up ; V. To EoOT UP. ^IJiif , 7'T=r«. ^^01 n. f^T^q-OT «. ji A sudden & smart p. ^^nur m. ! A long p. and a strong p. and a p. all togctlicr. »i=r- t\f. V. jTi^r, m^., '^7. m. V. ?r^. j At a p. psp 3T[^ or ^^r 'A\i(A. |l P. and hauling-. •Jfr^RTur/. 'flmmT/. ^^I^^/ j I. strain, stress. 3fl^/. '«!?-[ w. '9i\%^f. n. "iftT^ /. "^T? I '«• %^ »«• «• ^ [ ^^f.. Pulled,;), t. A'. 1. 'jfTS^^, ?i^^^T, Ac. vn^fR^, f^npfq??, i Puller, w. Pulling, /i. n. v. V. 1. 3TI?-. I 3TT^«f^, f^^-^, aTTT.'ifl-itc. ^rTf-^PRr-Ac. I Pullet, n.young hen. r\x^ ^A^tif I Pulley, «.— oi'a block. ^ctiffFi% ^T^ n. iTSt/.fsiRq^t/. Pulley block, .-j. ^cqj ;». ^cqt/. Hoft »«. nwf:] m. Pulmonary, Pulmonic, a. perlainingto thelungs. "PfBT^^T, j p. consumption. ^Pf???? m. Pulp, n. soft part of fruit, (j-e. q^ m. lt^ ;«. ifts; »«. 7^ ;,. TH^ m. JTT^f w. I 2 soft mass— gener. STI^ >h. Pulpit, «. JT^^TRRT n. ^^^mtz n. --^^.tc. ;j?6t n.-ijTOT ;i.-15>j;t «i.-3TT^fFl m. Pulse, n. ( of the blood ). w\t\^ 3'3^ «.-Wfoi n. ^v€V^\ 3TmT?r WJ.-JT^T m. ^TTt/ ^Hf. To fool the p. Hm/ "n^ot, :7T^qrt?1T/. ^IRttT. To feel the p.». so«;i./. H?r».-&c. Tr^oj, ^JT w. JTf =T To find one's p. (natur-il temper or disposition). ^rit/. ^TtTI'lf /». (OH. (TM(/ 7. of 0. To shew ( sullor to be felt ) one''3 p. HI5^/. ^^^^. 2 legumes. ^.%zp\ n. ^PT^'JI or TSm n. ^5T0T H2M «. T- j-^T'^ ?». ^FT^VTT^ ;(. fg^-i pop. ^"^H n, W.^ n. PUN G88 PUN A germinated grain of p. f^rst or €\ f. or 5 «. A grain of shelled p. ?fn^Mr m. • P. roughly ground. Trs or H^JT »>. P.-water. ^p^ «. ^PT^ijff n. ^F^iJl ». Split p. ?ToE or 5Tot/ Split p. imperfectly husked, jts^/. StoE^ 5To5/. Stub or stalk of p. ^frre^TT ». "Water in which split p., rice bits, &c. have been boiled, rrm or rn^T^ft «• Pci.TEEABLE,Pui.\EiiizABLK,rtY7(rt/ maijle reduced to powder. W!TT^>(r-TTF^-&c. =^of-&e.qrrTqT3TmT-^R^-&c. f?:TT, PuLvF-nizATios, «. V. V. ^jr^s. ijiTT JRirf ». &e. =^offcf;^ar re. 2*0 PcLTEBizE, To PuiTEHATE, V. a. reduce to powder. =5^^, JJ-+'^ft/--5^ »i.-=^ot ^i.-^nrr W.-&C. cf;^ y. of 0. PULVEEIZED, p. V. V. ^T^rST, jnT %%??T, '^"Tfl^d . Pump, n. — the hydraulic engine. <^5i m. To Pump, v. a. raise hy a pump, -mn' ^T^W-W^'Jf. 2 out;/y. ( secrets ). ^'Jidj or ^tjjh ;fi^,3^C^ ^TSW, H^ «. Trfiif ff. ofo. 3Ti?rff «. y'^. f^T^foir y. o/o. PuMPiox, Pumpkin, «.— the plant. HTT^Y/. ' fel'^ l of t- «• ^FT^ /. — the fruit, jfrT^T »». ^T°^5Er »«. o>' a «. 5pt^55r Wi. Oi- S ». ^^n^jotw. ^pntsn. Dark green p. ^psft HPT^ft/. ^^m m. ( its fruit, ^r- Long white p. |t--^ w-lia^ 'TTTsTt/. ^^ HTT?!!'/. |tft- DT/. ( its fruit, ^'^tr\ ^J^^ln.^i^X\ HTqatTOT-JIT ^H^W.). Young p. q^T »«. Pun, «. /)/ay i/;)ow jcc7-(7s. 9^ m. s^%f?p/. si^'MW+k »m. To Punch, v. a. bore, ^-c. f%=5f(ift^-&e. TTi^, Hy^^, W^ n. 2 ( with tte fist, elbow, &c.). iT5TM.-&c.iTlT'iJr, STHof, sf- 3 ( clothes in washing them ). Rr^riT^, =^^^, Punch, n. — the instrumejit. fr^tift/. ^jt[x m. 2 Y. Blo w, n^ »«. ^y «. ^^^ ,„. #rt^5!^ o?- %oft/. 3 See Buffoon. 4 i^^ i^TK^ V^ 'JTf^_ " Puncheon. See Siamp. 2 See Cask. PuNcuiNELLO See Buffoon. Pu.NCny, a. short and fat. '^X^^\ WIRT, ^PJxTT sjitqi^r, PuscTli-iO, n nice point of ceremony or behaviour. f^i'imH]' Punctilious, a. nice or exact in points of ceremony or leltaviour. aTT^jq^Tr^^^fr STTft^ l"tct "TT^Dim, ^Ho5, Punctiliousness, n. v.A. H^Hlq^^TJifiSgr/. g^-'J^PT-sfR^y^Tw. g;^iT?if^^-:ii?r«- ^^r-Htu^R^f?/ ^je-jin^R^fi /.^Rt^- FviscTVKh, a. particular in the observance of time, engage- ments, Sf-c. EPfj^fR, ^\^^ nsp^r, ?ih=?t?i^, ^H^r^rri^F, ^- ^iH'm-Tt, f^q-JTf^'?, sif?ifTTf>ig, ?(%fTf?i^, 5T^?rf=i^, 2 See Exact. 3 See Punctilious. PCNCTUALITX, PUNCTUALNE.S9, M. T. A. 1. JT^TJ^fK^OTr »«• ^- H^RfTOT M. ^iT^rqi?!^ n. ^a^mwj^ n. ^^^^^^ n. ^^^^ ^^t/. ?RTqf^m/. PfJTHf-^^r/. ^^^^^f. ^%?ifi^^r/. STffTfTTf^gr/. Punctually, «(7y. v. A. 1. %S^, %*f,%5:% si^^r, ^FTFTT %- To Punctuate, v. a. point.^ mark icith stops. arsr^Hr^TT ^t/. pi. ^\FM-\^., fsf^Hfq-i; n. w,m-%^.^ fro^f^^- Punctuation, n. v. V. ar^THT^^i^qT goTT't,'^ «• f^T^iHf^f- ^FT «. ar^THmfsf^^H n. PuNCTUEE, To PuNCTUEE. See Peick, To Peick. PuNDLE, n. short and Jul woman, ^^]v^\^^J. iTiq^TT/. PuNGENCT, n. V. A. 1. f?r^?:qoTr m. &c. ffr^^i^/. FiB^rf /. ^flrfr/. rrt^aT?Tr/. fffsT^lT/. f?r^»»."rr^ffir n. ?t^«. :t^- Pungent, ct. //oi!, J/^/«y, acid.^ stimulating, S;c. lit. Jig. frT^ intens. ^W-iv^., ?f?5?jr, rft^":!, rfftT, ^^r[ remiss. ^^R?:^ ?=?TTtB-, q?^, n^^J-R, ^f ra or ?^^, :;t^?5, ^^ftH, 5fOT?r- nftFr,=STCTl=5(aftfT, ^Toi^a'^FT, JRlvrfitfT, S^S^Tm. [^5^. 2 — pain, grief, &c. t. Poignant. f?t?3?, T!f[^ «. qs^jfrft- 7 n. ^nra;=? ». Puppy, ». ^ft% ft^ w. 2 fig. ^e;7M of rontempt for a man. ^^]^■^^\'^\ 5J^ m. JTT- 'JT^rqr arq-friT m. q^pff ?«. q^rnr '«. Puea'n, n. q^OT «. Expounder of p. jTTuft^, o?T7?f, g3:T"Jr ^ffTRT. — Seat of do. s^TRTTt^ n. oq-f^^q- «. — Honors paid to him. 'S^\Wj^f. Pur.\'nic, a. JTTiTT^r, JTTiTTf^Tqf^. Purblind, a. dim-sighted, short-sighted. Slco-MUT- ^"gl=S|T- &e. Jt^-aTyr, ^it^i-i-^rr ^\-§r^\=^•^, ^q-sir. [^ftsq'. PURCHASEABLE, (J. V. V. f^^Fftil | ■m=qr-^rfTT-&e. 5F,jq-, %q-^ To Purchase, v. a. luy. fqf^rf '^^\-'S{\^^-f^7.^^.^ ^^-^ ^- ?;aT-^r5CT. .SOCE.ST. 55, ^3, W9f, ^ET^E, firg^, tTT!F, qf^, 3TH?ir, f^r^R. 2— ceremonially, qfir^, . ^mioi'imT m. &c. 5f^/. ^n>t/. ^qr^ 4 f^H5jq-UTT "'. ■RirTT'Jrr m. f^^qiir '"■ ^"WMUIl »i. &c. 5 g^Turr w(. fn^^TOTT in. &c. -ypry a^/ j f^ ?? «. arqsTqm^- f^ n. &c. ^gfJT ». [ &c. 6 See CnASTiXT. 7^i^qun"7H. aTrWT'TT »i. -^K^H"!! »". Purgation, Pueging, n. v. V. l.—aU. JTot^ n. f^i^ »». PuEGATivE, at. Pueging, /j. h. ^?5T»I hi. 2 s/ooZ, motion. JT^ «i. ^(7T«I «». ^TTST m. f^"^ hi. ^^|^ n. Copious or loose p. ^^t^/. J5r^/. H^^ «. Gentle and easy p. ^^sra «i. To PuEGE, t'. a. evacuate the bowels. ST55 W.-^^ m.-&C. ^of , "tr: m.-^ftst hi. ^tfp ^^ y. ofo. jra;^, ^gf^/.-H?^^- fg;/.-&c. ^fpnjv g. of 0. 2 Sec To Cleanse, To Cleae, VVR COO PUR Purged, p. v. V. 1. sra^J^r, &c. >f^cT, ^>f;TFf, flrftn. PuEOiso, M. looseness of the loweh. ^n^f"!/. ^1^/. 'JJM^- =FS==fT-iTrqT^T-i-c. 7T^5r m. P. and Toniiting. ^TiTt^/. «. P. and uriniiig. flH^T/. To have p. "?pr «. ^T?5ot y. o/o. PcniFicATiox, n. V. V. 1. — act. ^tioT h. f^H^ ^^ «. &c. 5irtT?T n. ^"r^ m. ^nfVR n. f^^rWFT n. JT^^Tq^iir n. i^H- n5l+;^?IT, &C. miff^, m- 2 qfir=f %^?5T, &c. qfsrf^^r, qf^i^ft^^r, qrfsr^, ^?t, 2?ft!=r, qriTR, gf^^5, ???T?iV=q'. 2o Purify, y. a. make pure or clear. f%JT3-Jxj ■'-ti-^rq'-&c. jpTOt, ms^Tot, 5^55 m.-JT5ft/.-&c. !fn^^-irR%. o/ o. ^^hj.- WVTH «.-^f5/.-&c. :p^ot ff. of 0. 2 — ceremonially or morally. qf^=5T-^5-qT'T-^'r5ir-&c. ^- ^iJr, ^^'Z WI.-&C. q?T5ot-3T^^ ^r. of 0. ^5?[r/.-qf5r'^^T/. -Aca^TOTaT, ^f5/.-f5T3jfl/.-'Tf?f/.-&c. spT'JT. PuEiTT. See PURF.>-ESS. 2t> Purl, v. k.— a brook. ^oi^cS ^Tf "Jf, ^5i:?^^ snpTT% q^T aTTf. 3 See Purling. Purler, «. Puelinq, ;?. o. t. V. ^oT^ti ^rr^'TT^, ^si^sffiT. Purlieu, n. lorder. la^mn. '^F.^m. ?rfTTtn. 's(^^^n. Purling, n. v. Y.—act. ^^^55/. 55:^/. Pcelinqlt, ocfy. v. A. ^r^ or ^?:5?^, ^2:^05, |f:p. PuELiNS, B. — in architecture, qj^ Hisoft/. qR?f?;m. To Purloin. See To Steal. PuRPET, n. — the cloth, q^ or ^^m.f. Purple, a. — the colour. vTH^T or ^f'TZT, 5TT^5!T or ^fij^ir, "tn'jft or ^, arf^ffff, 57?PTJlMt, --f?, Kt^^^^. Purple, m. ^t*rcERn»(. &c. To Purple, v. a. ^f'73Ttn?«. ^, ^HS^ tlT^T q;T^. Purport, n. t. Meaning. ht^T'". g^THTw. rV[F^n. ^^?r«. aTf5T5TPT»». 2b Purport. See To Mean, To Intend. Purpose, n. intention, v. Design, g^^w. g^jq'n. ^rsUT"!. *T?ra5im. gf^/ W[^mn. ^^?q?n. 3=r'4'»». fH^?Tn. ?Pl?Tn. Firm or fixed p. f^pnT f^Ji-TT or ^q;?q»». Of unfailing p. ^fjq-^sp^q On p. expressly. ^^,Pt^?:?T Or ^ ^TT^TT^T (^«c?. Secret p. gtHTnHm. To no p. I'tfr, sq*!. To no good p. ^^^x^^^^\^^ To what p. WA>VB. To Purpose, v. a. v. To Design. T^adt, ?t*. v. V. g^^iffST, &c. ^f^'Z, Hr^flrf^?, ^'^f^qn. I. — a person, v. Eesolyed. ?;?t^^?q, ^?Tf?t>/7q-. PUEPOSELT, adv. V. Designedlt. 3=ir». aTJ^T^PT n. 'JVll^J^^ n. To desist from the p. of. TTC/. ^"raiiT y. o/o. To send iu p. of. iPTTr^TNT "TI^^T^ ff. of. o. I. course of occuimlion or employment. 3'cfFT «>. 3'?TH' m. PansuiVANT, n. v. Mace-beaeeu. ^qt«f^T. PcEST, a, short winded. 5»^, ^H^IwqT, ^H=^. PUETESAXCE. ScO APrUETEXAKCE. Purulent, a. mattery, consisting, ^'c. of pus. J^TT'^T, "TT^JTT, 2 running with pus. JSTPT T^SSOT, 'TjraTsff, ^n^^. To PuEVET, Puetetoe. Sec To Cater, Cateeee. Pus, n. matter. ^ m. ^^ m. Bloody p. ^^ m.f. mf. n. Eunuing v.-Hh p. qjf^n^, siTiP^fT. To fill with p.— a sore. J'ToIiJt, J'fR'^, ?5tOTRf ^^., To gather bloody p. '^^Efiir. To run with purulent or sanious nialtcr. 5lT»l?;oT n. To Push, v. a. shove. J^^of, '^5'Jr, ?ft?:'jf, ^R^FRor, ^Rof^ ^. srw, ^T^rr^of , sfsot, ^tgr ??i.-&c. ^. [&c. ^p^ar. To p. about. wrmK »j.-^i?;/.-^'?:Ti /.-q^m^fft/.- To p. and pommel, tj + N +1 /.-sq^^^'t / ^^oj". To p. aside, wiOi'e out of the way. ^5;trf, W^^. To p. with the horns or head, ^^of o?- ;^T50I. 2 importune, urge, Sfc. See To Peess. il? Push, v. n. at ; j/iafe apttsh or thrust, ^i^f.-^^^f.- ^^ m.-^ii\ m. KR'n. 2 in ; force one's self in. ^^ft/. ^Tiif, ^^Sot, ^?Tcf, 5- ?55-&c. f^T^"^, f^iif, f^ot, ftEfT^l o;- ETT m.-i\^m.f. w.J.^. \ 3 on ; press fora-ard. ^-&c.^]^, T^J^-\7^-^-i€tr\-&c. ' ^r'Jt. ! Push, Pushing, n. v. V. A. 1. qm or tTi^T or j^r »». q'^T' /. Xzj m. ?TR1T «. 3T"TOR^«. tT3^/. P. and shoving, ef^m^/. "izKZf. ?!TCRR or €t/. P. or blow with the head. ;^^^r m. ;^^5r m. [ Pushed, p. v. V.A. 1. S^FJJ^sr, ^?:^?IT, ?r^^T^3?rT, Ac. 3tt- tnlT?T. Pusher, h. Pushing, /). a. v. Y. A. 5^?5aTRT, '^>;oTRT, &c. ?rTT^, 3^qwR^. I. enterprisinr/, v. Adventueous. ^^q^-qr, ^v^^fT^, ^p^- ^iTT, 3^5'T^^T, eqifft, ^q'jft, «rf ^f fs;. Pusillanimous, a.x. Cq-waedlt. f^mu, ^m^, ?rRT^=qr, ^- PUSILLANIMOUSNESS, PuSILLANIMITT, «. Y. A. fjTrf^mr tn. HJH^f. m^^^^f. Puss, PussT, n. V. C.VT. wf[f. JTTf / HT3r n. j^t/. HtII «. The word used in calling to a cat is ^. Pustule, n. v. Pimple, ^k^^ or J^f^ft/ qrf^f. ^t€\f. ■FT5 M. [ing- p. Hqrnj^, A flowing p. iu measles or small pos.ns;>n.-au uuflow- Eruptiou into pustules. JtoE or "^53; m. To be covered with pustules, qj^irzot cr "T^JiFZot, q?;- ToVvx,v. a. place, lay, deposit. IsroT, ^TT^I'n, Jitsof, rirzuTi To p. iu fiar, v. To Feiqiiten. tt «. ^r?;ot-5nj?^ To p. iu wind, t. To Eemind. ^XZ^^f.-^lJ.-HVif. -&c. ^di. To p. iu practice. See To Use, To Esebcise. To p. iu writing. ^J^jft qj^Of, :psSR^/. q^ y. 0/0. To p. to death, v. To Kill. fj]ir mrof. 3 ( a question, &c. ) v. To Peofose. qMOT, ^^of. 4 about; ( a ship or boat ). ^ n. q^jf. 5 away. ^ ^^Tjf^ sn|^ ^FT^t, !rpr/. qJT>if^. of 0. ^raoj, ^- ?'^, 3^Tf, qi^tJt, ^^^, SIT^OT, qfrHRoi, %flOT, htSt, ^^, 5^1^01, Z\WM^ rlR^, HR>^, and other such verbs, would necessarily be to mislead the sliulcut ignorant of the distinction, and to pcrple.TC him who, acquainted with the foci of it, might hope, through the Dictionary, to discover tho nature of it. The following explication and detail therefore will be duly valued: To put on — (tho furban, hat, cap, skull-cap, &c. the qpfR qn^, 2Tqt, m^, j ^^, sr^fRrr, iwr, &c. ) is, where it is viewed as ready-made up and as simply to be placed upon the head, ^rraoT; where it is, as is commonly the case of the turban, to be formed by be- ing folded around the head, ijtqSr; — (theraiuy &c. hood PUT 092 QUA or cloak, the ^"Nt, ETTtft &c.) ^hv\ (& the Jiff -isii. See Haelotet. Putative, a. supposed, reputed. ??r^HH^?[t^T, ^rf^^^TT- Puteefaction, 11. process of animal and vegetable decomposi- tion. ^TTiTT «. ^joT n. PUTEEFIED, p. PUTEID, a. V. V. ^TI^rlT, f ^%Sr, f^^. To PuiEEFT, V. n. rot, le decowposed. ^^"Jf, ^3^, To PuTEEFT, V. a. ^^:m, ^ssfof, j6rar-?i1?ir ^T. sfsft/. To Puzzle, v. a. pose, gravel, S)C. v. To Coxfoukd. Jpf^^ qot. ^FtTft/. spK'^ »• *TT'Mr\i f. ^^^^Bjf. <5T- q-^/. ?TfmT/. ^Tt^^rrr/. norfirf^T^HT/. ^oflf^rij-g n. I. V. Limitation, Eestbiction. jt^tT^ /. arrszT »». II. a q. T. ACCOilPLISHMENT. ^m. Qualified, p. v. V. 1. ^[^ %^F5r, &c, goft, ?5R!F, 3^^^, 2 n'7T-Hl'<>*-%'TOf-&c. %^r. Qualifier, a., />. o. v. V. 1. qnq--t7PTq;-&c. <»i<«IKI, ^ Qualm, n. rising in the stomach. Z^W m. 4H \ W m. J^rai 2 ( of conscience ). t. Eemorse. ^srur^q/. ^T^/. ^- QuALMisn, a. inclined to vomit. ^^M^ aTTHrST, *Ta»T3 ^^- ST, &c. cnr^t:^, qiF^;^?Jir/. H^i^d/. To be in a q. CM'JT^Tft / or aT^^TftH^T »». vTqJr ( These eight letters are q?t :p^ JPTT q;t ) »T^?r?r /.-'?- =qTfrT/.-flr^TT ?«.-&c. qs'ir ('«. con. Quantity, n. magnitude, ^-e. mI^hI"! m. STHTt «. *TFI n. f- Rfilf^/. /jojj. NU^rtd/. n. Great q. HRJ sRmiui n. The sense is best rendered by using the adjectives Mi+ci, «I^, &c. For this sense as expressed by such words as peck, lushel, load, cart-load, heap, mountain, some words or phrases are, irSPT^, TTS^OTrff, R^TT, ^TSTHT, ^ff\'>^- ^, Tf5iI n. 5rq5T m. ^.^\ m. ^%^\ m. ^^ or ^^ n. ^R- f. ^T^.f. ^iTi^ift/. ^rqi^/. ^f5^ ??i. 31utual or general q. TfSTTre/. ^FTJra'IS/. Quarrels — comprob. quarrels and squalbles, dispuiea ami dijferences. ^5frT WW.^A m. ^F^IT^'lJrsfFf /. ^^r^t- S^ n. rf^ 51^51 »!. ^T^^ffjR «. To foil a q. fil^ ^^=fRl ir-Jf. To pick a q. ^Ppr-m^-TTf^ ^FlfTT m. qiTTJUT. To set a q. ^\l m. wf or stjt, J^r^ir^Ff /.-^^[^ri^Tsfl /. ^FT^, ^TFfT f ?K ". =Er^^^, g^/ fT^nT2;'Jf-fT3>^-fe- I. glaziers diamond. sfTT^ ^TT^'T^ f|5;'Ttrft/. To Ql'AEKEL, V. n.fall out. g^iif, f^^'Jf, f •J'if, f^^S or f^- ^1 m. T^ g. of s. recip. ^TJ^ f.-^^-|^m.-f^^^^f^^^- f.-&c. ^m g. of s. recip. ftmzij- f^^^u] g. of s. recip. 2 squallle.^ contcnd.Jiglit. ^TffJr, 5T13iJf, 5ri5^, ^^T^of or 5^5"^, ^viTDTor ^^fff, <^5^, ^J^OT, ?:'if q^iif, ^li^ot^ Htioi «..5R5r m.-kc. ^l^., ^"^MWf.-^s^^.^^f. ^i^g. ofs. 3 cavil, find fault, v. To Caep. iptST »». -0, p. a. V. V. 1. fsnTSOTRT^ rf?;- 2 Ht^onu, 5r'U>JIKT, &e. QCABBELSOME. a. apt to fall out and break with. g^^IoE, r^- ^, 5^0", 5^^, ^rs^, fq^-qr. 2 ^ue» fo contention, pugnacious. Hffn, TTI^, Tts^^, +;^^-Ess, n. V. A. 1. ^5;^^^,^ m. ^z^fm\ m.&c. 2 TTST'mT m. *rt3>I5i^, =ErR^?rt^. Q. sheet. ^\^ ^]^ n. ^^^ sprn^ ?n. QtJAETZ, ». — the mineral, ^ppqiffur ?k. Milky q. FT^'^rT or ?5^'t^ m. To Qdash, v. a. qvcll, suldue. JTIi'^, ^TT^^raT ^TW, ^ra^. 2 a«««Z, maA-e wif/, v. To Abolish, jfts^, ?5 ^^. QuATEENAEY, QuAiEBKiON, «. aggregate of four. ^fH^T «. =tra^/. =Erg>:^«. _^ [qjfsTrrr/. QuAiBAiy, jj. «;««;(? o/yoar lines, wm^ ?^PF ot, =ErHuqT^- QUE C95 QUI To QuAVKK, V. n. vibrate, cj'c. v. V. To Teemble. ^nfff-, :J;"T m. ^Tof^. ofs. 2 ( with the voice, or on an instrument). 4)T «l.•f^- T^/.-f¥?;^t/.-'^?T/.-5ft=5/.-^^m^ ".-&c. ilDfr. Quaver, Quavehixg, 71. v. V. 1. ^JCM ». ^^ m. 2 fp?^/. r^f^qfT/. fq?;T:t/. fn^rq^/. fn^'^m/. ifT/. 5ft?5/. qJT m. ?TRt? «• QUAT, «. mole. ^V. m. tr-TT o;- qjgrm. Quean. Sec Wench. QuEAsiXESS, Queasy. Sec QuALiiisiiXESs, QcALXiisn. Queen, n. wife of a kiny. x^f ^r^n?^/. ^^^^f l\^f Ai)artmcuts of tlic q. ^'JT^THT m. Q. inaugurated and crowned, ^'^^f. 'TTTf^'ft'/. 2 woman icho is sovereign of a couitiri/. ^fcft/. Ufft/. 3 — at chess. ^T^ft^ m. sftrrH »m. Queen's metal, w. q^sf^^jq;). ^pr^' «. [^^. Queeh, a. 0(?(/, singular, v. Strange. f^f^^uT, aTT^T, fT=ff- Queerness, m. v. a. 1%?;?TorTiir m. arq-^Ttfrr w. ^Fi^T'nT «. To Quell, v. a. quash., ^c, v. To Subdue, htiw, cfrs'ir, 2 quiet, V. To Compose. ^Tf?f-ctc. ^pt'Jr, ^TffH /.-^JTT w.- OT^[TJT^ W.-&C. JfJT'Jt y. 0/0. [ spT^r. To Quench, t;. a. ( fire ). fir^fl^"^, ftr^fOTn. ^T?^^, f^^TT^T «. 2 ( a lamp ). f^^A^., ^^^^., n^ ?». ^p^iot, f^TTiq ?«. '^of, q?^ m. qratrr-'^ot, ^T^/. |q-. — hy flapping. TT^jf^Tiif. 3 ( thirst, &c. ) nTs'Jr, ^RSTot, ?IH5Tot, TFT^fOT, ^f?r- &c. ^Rof, ^Tff?r/.-&c. ^j;6f ^. 0/ 0. Quenched, t^. v. V. 1. fif ^r^T^^TT, fsf^T^JT qr?i^?^, ^^rrfT-cf. To be q. '^^rof, f^f^f^ k. "TSof. 2 JTT^JT^OT, &c. 3 HWOT, ^f=i^%^r, etc. ;Tf?T. Quenchless, a. that cannot he quenched. fsr^^T^f 'TRRr Querist, ^. inquirer, wn^ ^Ti^TnT, J^'TTTT, T=;^qj, ifST. Quern, «. hand-mill. ^\^ n. mz m. Querulous, Querimonious, a. habitualhj complaininj. Tt- 2 expressing complaint, — tone &c. ». &c. Quert, n. V. Question, q-^sr m. ^^\^ m. Quest, «. v. Search, ^ftq- m. f ^m w. rT?5r?T «^. §1RT tn. I Question, Questioning, n. v.V.l. jH^w. &c. ^^m. ^^\^ j OT. q=EjjT/. 5?:?ft^ «"• jTHt'fl"/. I String of questions. srWTFTT/ ir=aT^F^/. | To blink the q. JTS 5fff5 sff^dj, ^q^t^St ^^, ^^- To call in q. f^qg?T /■-&c. tT?TJf-q^y. of 0. ^^.Tjlf.- \ STT^ m. ^\^^■^^ g. ofo. I. dispute or subject of dispute. ;n^ m. ^^^PT m. f^'T^ »«. "Tt?/. ?i???rr m. ^^^ n. m>^m4 m. To be out of the q. sji"^^ 3T?ioi_ 2(9 Question, d. ;^?7, 'jtt^T- QuESTiONARV, a. containing quest ions. ^^tj^.^ q^q==rK^ sTht- QuESTio.NER, «. Questioning, 2?. a. v. A". 1. 'TH'Jir'^r, ^^ri^ ^l^m^ T^^, ST"!!. 2 ?T>T^ tRTirKT, ^'TT ^t^TRr, Ac. Questionless. See Certainly. To Quibble, v. n. cavil, cj'c. v. To Carp. 3Trf"Fi;rr «i.-viV- q-% >n. pi. ^dr, ipTi:? M. "pr^or, q^W w. /)/. ^tiSr-'Fre'iT, ?^^?:/. JTROT, Eri^'3?5 »(. «.-JI^.lfip/. ^lif. Quibble, Quibbling, n. v. A*. 3TTS^i?T «!. 37sW? »n. ;;/. 3T- qt^/ m. pi. ^]F.^'^X- '^^■m^^JVM] ^Mf qr^S?^ m. n. ^^.ifr^f. QuiBBLEH, n. Quibbling, p. a. v. V. aiTS'FRT ^onn, etc. 3TT^'Pt% qTrstTfRT, 3i%5i? ^'JTRT, aireqrt^^r, ar^^t^-qr. Quick, a. v. Living. f^FTT, fJTEfrf, ?i^:T. 3 no/iVe, liveli/, IrisJc, v. Smart. ^?IT, =qq?rT, f^^T^I, =^f7T^ o;- ^, "^Z^tt or ?;-5TT, ^TTT^^T. ■i ofreadi/apprchiniio}i,\.^nA'Rp. v^S^, ^a^fj, ^cq, f ?TR, =qaT=5T5ift?f, ^^Tf^, R'^rr^. 5 — of flesh, as opposed to dead, callous, proud. fj^fTT, f^- ^TT, f^g'rT, ifnr. 6 (with child) v. Pregnant. JTrsTft, ^fer^PTT. Quick, Quickly, adv. v. A. 2. F.^%x, ipft, ^nn, ^=r?. ■^i- ?r^ y. ofo. Quietism, n. dispassion, tj-c, contemplative religion. ^Tff?r/. 51tH W!. f^frrKFT m. According to tlie Wediinta system there are six particular stages of the state, or six particular duties incumbent upon him who seeks it; Tiz. 5!T5T, ^KT'-:?!^, f^fneiT, :j'TTf?T, 55, ■^^. QviETlST, «. one who maintains the principles of quietism. )6 QUI I Quietly, ado. v. A. 1. f?.a?;, 1%iq5i, f^^ai, f^^, ^T or I =^'•1, nqt^T or =^7, ^^TTHTT. 2. 3.1). ^Tfvf, ^'trTof, fj^srtfT, arJfTST, ^^^^r, f^ii^^qp, ! I. H0< hurriedlj. ^rT^T'TT^ft^, ^T^^^, f^mt (/'•c-Z. Quietness, n. v. A. 1. ^'t3t ^^MT ot. Quinine, n. r^^ ^^^ n. 3TTf. Quinquennial, a. lasting, Sjc. five years. ^TTW^ ^'tHt, Tt- Quinsy, n. — the disease. q^^fT m. ^R^l'f «. Quintessence. See Essence. Quintuple, a. five fold. tft^T?:, ^'^J"!!. Quip, n. v. Saecasm. smoTT m. jf3T »«. jl To Quip. See To Taunt. QuiEE, n. ( of paper ). ^T m. Bundle or quantity of 10 quires, ^'^f. ^iCf/- QuiKE, &c. See Cuoie, &e. Quirk, n. conceit, Sfc. v. Fancy. '^^■^ m. ^h^t or ^^,-[ r,i. 2 artful turn or evasion in speech. ^TBUii l-ift-TTWri^'Y- &c. mzf. ^'t?5iq-T% ^jqf't^ sn^^B m. n. ^%fw.f. 3 See Quibble. To Quit, «>. a. resign.^ v. To Give up. ^its^, ^tf^ ^^i ^'WH m.-^S^^^ M.-&C. ^T^y. o/o. 2 depart from, leave. ?ftl>Tf, #^?r 'STTOT, ^f^ ^, ?T^ot, ^j^'n, f^r^^'in, f^TH^^ n.-^^]r\ m.-&c. ^FTof y- of o. 3 See To Bequite. 4 See To Acquit. Quit, a. discharged from, alsolved. ^T^5!T, S'rTTT?, ^rft'if, W,- Quite, adv. complctelg, entirely, v. WnOLLY. %cf?5 or 5r,'i^- 2 ( as ) vp to, \. Full. sjTT^ft^T, ?t?r. ' Quits, To be q. ^Ff^fmy. of s. qrmft/. C^'^y. o/c?, EAB G97 EAP recip. [criJf-ft-5E5riJf. To S'ive q. qiT^r?^ ^^^ n.-m^\Tr,] ^■[^ m. FIT^'f-^W- QurTTA>-CE. See Acquittance. QuiVEB, n. case for arrows. HTfTr m. rJT^JT or H »i. HP^fl n. HTfrjr m. nn'-TT wi. ^"JT «». ?r. V. V. ?q^q-?^. j| Quoth, imperfect v. said. Q. I. irt ^T^?5r. Q. He. nr ^55t5T. Quotidun, a. — fever. ^:pTf|T^R"P^ ?(. E. E. is represented by ?;. ' Eabbit, 71. ^THT ?«. 5[t3|T or ?T?ra m. Note. Tiie IMarathas do ,1 not distinguish between the Iiare and tlic rabbit. li SS Eaublemest, Eabble, n. v. People. ^ w. v^nm^ tS «. «lMK^"ir^ «• 'FfT^R n. Eabid, a. V. Mad. f^^, f^^Toi^^ir. Eace, «. V. Pamily, Offsi'binq. ^5T m. tf^rrtrrqTT/ FT? ;;r, tR fl. 5=5(?r?nf^r »». Eafter, n. a roof timber. ^TWT m. ( (?.wi. deprcc. dispar. ^c, ^\^^^f. ^ra^'T/ srfHTft/. ^\^\^f ) Corner r. ^STTOT »»• ^rRTT w. Cross slip along ends of rafters. 'TT'TWTS «. Cross piece receiving the ends of rafters. Hi^.-Tl-^ CTR H. or f{V§t\f. ( or JTT^^ qRT or Hr^ ). Eound r. JFr5np=J ;«. RAG G99 RAT Stout r. or pole. ?R^ m.j. Ria,n. torn or torn oj piece of cloth, fi^^f.f^^^ n. T^- E. wetted to tie over a cut or sore. TT'T'TITS ». 'TTI- Kags. Rags and tatters. f%trS5lT/- j'Z. ^rn=^ //j/.^T^ »H./)/. f%'--qTrR«Tr/. f%*Tr^f'':n»t. r^e^=qr^r7.2'^. cTrT^ifT- wqr/- pi. r^rMmxn;/. pi. To tear &c. to rag's. f%tqT/. 2''-^9'% ^P^^ ?T^5r-;j5=fiJr ^. 0/ 0. 2 — as used in contempt of an article of clothing-. r%Kft /. f%ift. arfriq^R »». Fit, parosysm, transport, &c. of r. ^TM m. f^T^J^T To bo livid from r. TPTT^ f^T OT. FTST^T m. %RWr w^. 3 violent desire, v. Passion. %5 7i. ftr^ n. ^^ m. To Eaqe, v. n. he furious with anger, he violently agitated loith passion. fTi^iuJ, q'5'FlSt or q^qiijf, =^5iif, i\- ?. ;=!n^aT y. of s. f^5"^ fqqofT ftoT, ^iT m. ^(fr, HTT^^-crr/ ;^/. frJiTTflT-'^njr'if, qr^OTr, ^- ?f^5r or f^rFr^fTCTr, ?rF(ifoT or cir?rRSt, ^p^-tsot, =Er=r?f5Eoi- w ?n^, ^5r3T55iir, ^siitp^nff, doi.d'A ffi, "ptrrtpurtjf, z'l^- 'Tif, 7i^-Til^, rT^^T W!.-5fTBT »«.-&c. =EfT?5^ 5'. of s. Eagei'ul, a. Ragek, «. KAaiNG,/'. o. v. V. 1. aniAKGET. ^rf^?r, ^'<1IW^^. Terms expressing this sense as in- tended, and as apparent under the words and combina- tions, y/an/j(?,2;Z!re««e(f, one mad with rage, one foaming with jury , storming with j^ossion, hurst ing with anger, S'c. arc; riTpf^T, ^^'''TSTTqTT, HR^rar?^FT, ^^q-t'^, #r«rfe?r, JHTTTf^^, ^mfsff^ra-, sPT^W?^, a^^TT^r'^^, ?^mrTR, EaQGEIj, a. rent into tatters, torn. "PTJ^T, f%^^?5T, f^T9f%Tf- 2 dressed in rags, g^ %^Sc^, f^«Tr ^TB^i^l, "F3% %?T- 3 wnefen, ri^yye^?. ^'^^r^, 3"?3rrRnjT':, ?fT^?I or ^T^- Eaggedness, m. v. a. l.'PT5%T'Tr ni. &.c. 2 f%':Tl%T'JTT OT. ?5>TRq>JTf m. f^'m^^ /■ 3 3-mgr^^TiIT m. &c. Eaging, n. v. V. 1. ?rS'^f. ^Z^^ or sjf / =eT3'F¥/. l^f/- 3TT^ arrr^/. 3tt^ 3^55/. arr^^ aii'Pos/. ^m ».— m- EaIL, n. lar of iron or wood used in inclosing. 'R| -H /. r}rj^^ f q^T^r m. JPT OT. -pF^^/. Cross r. ^ m. ^tf f. Eails. See Eailikg. 2 See Eailwat. To Eail, v. a. enclose with rails. ^55r m.-&c. ^3r?r. Eailleet, m. laiiter, v. Kidicui-e. I^^Y^ m. *T1T/ K^^/ Eaisiest, ?j. v. CLOrnKs. sfi^ «. f^?:iT^ «. To Eain, v. 11. fall from the clouds,— \xa.tGT. TIT^T m.-qioft To r. briskly and passingly. f^TSf^TS'Jr, flT5?ft? "dv. To r. lieavily. in torrents, ifce. ^^raRot, qr^fHT^ qf- ?: n. Y-'^-; TRHT^ ':Trr/. q-?:'if, f^TH-Wr^-nr or '■TSir'q-R- IfT^m or TTt-^THraiT-^?^^ or Zh^ZV^Z-^T^Zh^m^h -&c. "• qr^J^^r^T »». qj^T- Height or middle of the r. ^ qRBRT «i. In the middle of the r. qifqr qT=TOf?T. Moisture from first showers of tie r. m^^^^f. Throughout the r. qT^JT^fTT The rains have set iu. qiqrflT^T T^nx ^\^\ ?5PI?!T, qi- ^^r^ T5?ft TR^r 5fT?ft". [n^fitnT «. Eais-bow, n. VT^isq- or r^ «rg^»J. ?^^?TTq»i. ^tTT". ^IfV". Eainei), p. V. V. A. qr^SH qii?i?ir &c. ^r^fff. jj Eaininess, n. v. A. qiq?irS m. qR?:/. Ttq or ?:tTT ^?:'Ji,THq^r, TH^pift/ ^^. 4 elevate, promote, v. To Exalt. ^^RT, qr^cpir, UlsqoTRT STTOor, ^==?raTJf, ^ra ^t^, 75r^/.->ic. WM g of 0. 5 ( in price ). =q?5ror, ift?5 M.-ffl'T!??/.-^ »».-HT^ »«.-&c. G V. To Excite, To Incite. 3^?!uf, ^^tRof, 3'^^/.-7'n- ST'Jft/.-^^^'T «.-&c. JpTor y. 0/0. ^TTT'if. 7 (a report, &c.) ;j3cnJf,3^?fnr,^'n,%^°Ti 3TT?r m. Eaisin, n. H=J^/. ng^r/- /!?.— without pips. %fl»ftH or f^^mW/. si^T'JrT or riT m. [ m. -'S:c. ^^wf, jf- 3 (together) fo//,v/. 3TI3H "HT'JI'Jf, ^'fl'jf, ^y^m, "Tlar 4 ( a ship ) ■^iv.w.^ ^^oim f^.^fT ^qiruTTT-f^ ^^3 To Eake, i-. n. he dissolute. ^]\fni\ f.-&c. qROt-=^i?,^OT, ^^ ^raijir, 3?r^'ESs, n. dissolute practices, ^l^fr.ft/. ^r- e[?irf /. ^"r;;^ «. ^i^qtnr »«. ^"i3T?/. e=n5i5f:t or ?^ia'Y/. ^s^rrsft/ r^^F^T^/. Tf^s-'TOfT «. Eakish, n. dissolute, \. Looje. ^%llt,€r^, ^^^51, -,^5:^r- EAN •00 IJAN .f=PE?m^tfirH/. To Kally, r. rt. ( troops, &c. ) 6(J«<7 again into order. ^fN- ^5f, gtm^, g-«TTTTf• ^, ^^TEf- ^- , -, I I?Ail, M. male sheep. KJT »»• ^5^T "'• ^ >»■ Full grown r. a tup. Z^T m. Touug r. sitI^T «>. 2 ( tlio sign aries ). ^T «». 3 See BATTEKiNa eam. Jt; Kam, v. «. drive hard. ^^>jf, ST^f^, ST^ot, ^^^r, ITRot, %9liTf, OT^, 5raTifr/.-&c. ^^ ^. o/y. 2 See To Stuff. Eam-eod, «. "FT m. To Eamble, v. n. x. To "Wasbee. sq;| l7rqF;1-f^:Flfrl^5-&c. fT^ot, TKwf, f|ioT, f|T?T f^TC^, TfTtp?:^! "». ^^'Jir. 2 ( iu speech ). ^i^qrnt, tPTt?f fiK^, TT^ »• ^"S, ^T^STot, Eamble, Eamblinq, «. v. V. 1. %5:'F^^r m. ^l m. ^^F5/. ^Zf. t^ fz^T^f. frreT?f:'-:nTaT n. To take a r. ( or turn ). '^y!f.X n. iTT^TT ^^. Eambleb, n. Eamblixs,;?. a. v. V. 1. r-T5 f^'T% f^^^JTRT, 2 ^f^SROTTTT, ^TT^^TT. Eamblixglt, arfy. v. V. 1. T^T^f ^?f, TiT?T ^Ff. EasiifICATIOU, «. swaZ^ branch or suhdiviision. Joft/. ^51^- 5 «. TToE^ «. warift/. TToE «. TToiq; ?M. "purnST m. ^ m. qpTRTwrOT^Tmr/. 2 See Subdivision. To Eamift, v. n. 'k. Eamops. See Bea>-cht. To Eamp. See To Leap. Eambascy, n. V. A. tttjT^^TWT m. nvjj m Eampast, a. V. Luxueiant, Excessite To get r. JTMiJf, TT^'fT, 2 — lion. gTTT'ft 3TT^OT. Eampaet, Eampibe, w. u-all of a fort. r]Z i Ea>'cid, o. having a ranTc sour smell. ^^Z remiss. ^^^7, ?35ft^, ^TT^, ^ or ?pft5, ^m?;, ^T?f^?, ?T?I5tT, ^?RT. E. or rank smell. ^t»r^TTiT/. [ Jfre^TOTT w. EaNcixiness, Eakcidity, n. y. A. ^eizqtrir m. ^r?^iTT m. EaScoeous, a. Y. Malicious. I'ft, ^t, gT^lf, ^WNt, ij ^T^rqr, ?t^, ^is^Jt, TTTf^, jf R^. To Eange, n. a. arrange, \. To Dispose, qr^for, T^, sfT^fl -&c. S^or, %i=lT^-&c. Z^^, r«PIl/.-»'T5f?*TT/.-i"ic. JRof <7- o/o. 2 (the coast ). SfT'JT^ ^ot-^tfT?j5t_ To Eaxge, u. h. rove, \. To "Wankee. f^r^, f^?^. 2 have a particular direction. ^fiTZ wi.-gf^ »/J.-&c. 3TH^. 3 See To Eank. [^"rfl/. Eakge, «. ro«Z.-, Z(He, y. Eow. arl^/. ^PT/. ^/. 3lT^f^/. 2 ( as of an arrow, ball, &c. ). siccjr m. ^fs] m. tJ?T wi. ?jft=sf /. HTTT »». Of a long r. q%^TT. 3 ( of a building ). ^m m. ^\^f. 4 Client, compass, v. Eeach. "TfT^/. «'. 'J^fl^T tn. 5 s/e;? of a ladder, Y. Step. M|i|df m. 6 o;'(?f?\ See Class. Eangee, 11. keeper of a forest. 3TT'^'TT?1^, 3T'-'^^. Eauk, «. 7j;j;7d growing, Y. Luxueianx. HMrirfl, "fl^^clrtr, To run r. itt^^dt, qi^^of, %^3^, sTTSOT. 2 i^'owy scented, high tasted, rancid. clTO^, tJRT^?, ^?r- oET, ^^^, ^RTT^, ^^T^ remiss. ^^^^, ^|T or j^l'i, gT^, A r. smell. w:z\^f. ^^Tl/. 3 See Excessive. Eank, n. line, y. Eow. afte/. Til/ ^r/. str^/. 2 station, grade. TFRt /. T^t /. T^ n. q^tJir w. TT^T »J. ??T»IT »«. 3 high station, dignity, quality. M\?^ q5=ft /. flTS^WT r/i. ifrer^T^T m. WJ^^ m.f. iRHsrr m. ^j^q^r/ 4 order, y. Class. ^A in. TJT ??». f^?^/- ft^T w. To Eank, v. a. range in a particular class. qT>if, jfrsTor, iT- (jfiit, noi^T /.-&c. ^ot y. o/ 0. 2 See To Eange. To Eank, v. n. le ranged in a particular class, jfrsw, T^- rrr/.-&c. 3T^CTf y. o/«. 2 (with). ^TTSR-^K?Tr?5-^THT5T-&C. 3:?^^. To Eankle, v. n. be infamed, fester. ^c5^, ^Tof, 5T^^, sraiJr, ^'Jf, fl^^^. 11 Eaneness, «. Y. A. 1. JTT^ w. HTrl «J. 7-sack, v. a. search iJioroiif/hli/. ^^^di or JJra'jf, gSToSuf or Kff^CTr, ^ciq?:of, =5TTOTr, =^7^5-=^^^^ "Tl^of , ^5r55T »».-^rofr5rr2/.-'?TRnrRft/.-&c. ^Rwy. qfo. 2 Sec To Plukdeb. [msoirarss/. EAXSOii, n. price paid for redemption. ^5 m- ^VA\f. ij,m. 2 See Deliveeance. [ 5^^ ^ll^f of . To Ransom, v. a. redeem ly paying a ransom, ^f m.-kc. 2 See To Deliteh. To Eaxt, v. n. rave, use exlrarariant and empty speech. ^- K^., --jH^ui, 5T55i5Df, ^^m, ffre ». ^r qr^r, t^t^ ».- »it^/. ^^. ^noir, qTrr^rrf^^n'/. pl.-^Kr^^^n^f-jil. p^^. Ea>T, m. extravagant and empty speech. 37^ frt^ 11. Piv\- 3Pt «. ^ ^t n. irt'K «. IfT 'TfT »i. ?':Rf^,^ ». ^or^ m. SR^ /. ^r?^/. SFTTT m. ^]ic\ iTT^t o;- inV^ /• v. ^ifT, gfi|^«./. =TfWT n. Bantee, n. Ranting, ^. a. \. Y. »IToE^ "F^ or sf, ?f, 'g g'fr^ 'M ui . 2 sna/c7i a(c«y, t. To Seize, im-iuj', ^ttsdt, ^ »». JTRiif. 3 s^ri/l-e Jt'iV/t ecstaey, Sfc. ^^^^■r\^^-^^^\l^W'^■&c. W.- 4 out ; rattle forth, v. To Bluet. ^f^r^Pn, FTJ^T^T^, 'Bi'BACiova, a. given to plunder. ^^TTT, ^T^, i^J^Ft, rTIT- tTfTTt, ^"T^, 3TT^tiiT^ft?5, ^T^Trjfg;, 'J^q^RJTST'JT. Eapaciousness, Rapacitt, n. v. A. g?ix70TT«J. ^raqT^TTw?. I. exercise of plunder. tM.Wy'^f. HJSTcfTJ/ ^T^TTR'Jfty. Eape, n^ forcible carnal knowledge. v5'-5Hl'^l-sJ'3t|r+,i^ m. 2 v. ROBBEEY. 3T"T^Tir n. 31H^K w. [T?TH. Rapid, o. v. Quick, Swift. ^JT^S, ^JTT^sHt, %nT^T, ?ft^, %- Rapid, m. ^r^ ?ft^ M=J1^R ?'^.i /. »T5*R{ff /. 2 V. Violence. vf^Kt/. ^^tjk «i. Rapping, «. v. V. I.— act. Zt^n. &c. ftst^ or ^\ m. <:?. ST'-"q', ftRc^THff, ^if^)?^. Anj r. or precious thing ( as ofiered or presented ). To become r. and precious. f3^/. f^noT "vVA ^r c^r ?r f/ «. ^r/. Tfcrr ^. 0/ «. 2 vnusuaUy cxcdlcnt, v. Fine, ^ti^, mTt, WrfT, 'f'^, 3 suKd.^ tenuous, v. Thin. "TFTS, -B^. Raeee-show, n. f4)<^^ n. [^/. 'iT^^/'. 2 ?fT?PTxrri m. ^T^TOTT j». sm^T^r m. &c. 31'^5f?/. ni^- 3 qm^JTWT m. TTrrat/- TTrTasit/ ^e-JTrTT/. ^>^-^ n. I. a rare thing. ^iT-|Jrfe-3rj#-&C. ^^'4 wi.-^f^HH.-iic. Rascal, Rascallton, n. v. Blackguaed. g^T, ;^^, ^r- BiHsrii^i, ^T^fr^r, m^- Rascality, «. t. Blackguaedism. j^PiO/. ^f^f(f. ^^ift/. ?T^FTft/ q?T^5Rt /. '4rtt /. ?i^r^/. ;^irrfr- Rascally, o. v. Black-guabd, Black-cuaedly. ^wt, ^%- ^, ^r3[SfTTf , '4t7 or '». Strip or sbrcd of r. ^tT^ft/. Hate, n. price or amount fi.ved, price current, i^fjvj f. fclRTw. irnr m. qri »». fJTT?r »»■ ^ »«. 2 fflfZwe «f/, V. PltlCE. JTrS M. f^'^FT/. 3 standard, 2>roportion. ^^ m. HT^T m. ^T^T»i.HPT 'i.sfJTT'Tn. At the r. of. SPTTDT. At this r. onwards. 3T% ^ftrTf, 4 T. Allowance. ^thW^f/. 5 /rt:.r assessed. ^f\f. To Eate, «. a. T. To Value, To Estimate. T'JI^, ^M^, TTT'if, HR'Jr, ^^T^^, ^ »«.-'»TT^ «i.-&o. at?t=r^-5^=f"if. 2 T. To Scoi.d. ^l^^^Tof, ^S^iJT, ^^T^m, ^ta^T^rw, ^- Eatheb, adv. sooner, prrfcralhj. ^rPT, STr^T. Tliis adverb is best rendered by some other conslruetion, as ^itrsfj^^f HFir TTfJI ^\ ^RH I woiild rather stay than go. fK^M ^- 5^ TTT *ft^ J^niR ?Tr|f I would rather die than beg. 2 somewlat.^ a Utile. 3tlT55, 3THoE^T, ^tft, Jpff'mT, ^ffl Eatification, n. V. v.— nc/. si^ ^if n. &c. ^f /. E. of a bargain. ^fij+K m. ?lFqT^f?f /. ^i^iim n. To Eatift, v.a. approve and sanction, confirm. ^^T^■'^W^Vi- H^-^F^TT &c. ^F^of, vif or ^^ ^FOT-J^^OTOT. Eatto, n. proportion. ^T m. 5[TTT m. srHT>n «. m^ «. qlTHMM. ^^cR or q^R M. n^/. a^TT^R m. T^ in. fr^^J m. Eational, a. having reason, or the faculty of reasoning. fTT- ^, ^%^^, fT%rn-. 2 V. Eeasosaele. g^f%5,5^, ^^r^fv^. Eati05ale, n. detailed account or explication of principles, RaTIOSALISM, 71. l^efT?:, ^ROT^R Eatioxalist, n. |5^f^, ^FKTJIiTT^. [ /. H^^rfrP/. Eatio-alitt, Eatiosal>ess, «. v.A.l. fTH^ifip/. f^^gfrp 1 2 ^f^/. 5l%1%5?rT/. ^f^^RTT/. Eationally. See Eeaso:^ablt. Eatoon, n. — of sugar cane. ?35^ or ^ittTT in. Eats bane, «. ^>r?5 sfn'?; t^ Tinqrt f^ «. To Eattle, I', n. malce a succrsxion of sharp (juich sounds. 'Pi'PS^, ^?33^, ^'^^^^i niTS'jf, m.'^Z^, ^^5ot,-- intern. ^HaTSiTt, ??rm'^, 131507, ^srsin, ^IS'jf. To r. ayainst. ^SrR'Jf. To r. along. TS^^t adv. ^r"Jr-^T?5of, liqS'rf. 2 — a dry pod, kernel, &e. ?jtot^5ECTf, ^cigctiir, ^351^5. &c. cJT^'ii. 3— the throat, ^^ijf, ^T^m., WiWf. ^\^-^^^. 4 speak rapidly and noisili/, c^'c. v. To Peate. ^^^q'^- ^3^rpr-^^TTT^T-?r5f^5r-&c. ^ROT, ^FI^IOT, HIHIOT, jt5>T- s-'HSTst-Ac. qiT^'Jf, m^ w. or Ffrarsrr ffi-F^^TRr «i. ^^w g. of s. To Eattle, v. a. cause to mal-e a ratlling sound, l^^^^^^^.^ ^UT^tJTcfOT, ^J^S^f^r, ^5^S-&c. sri^Jfif. Eattle, Eattlixg, n. t. V. N. 1. — act. '^z^%^ n. ^■^^- Sof n. &e. ^crt^ m.^intens. tr^'PSR m. ». ^oi^oJ'jf «. ^TIH m. ^il^- OTT m. f?"». ^OT^CTft/. 31TS J«. 3^^ wi. Ik m. '^%Wl^ n. III. staff loith hits of irons attached to dangle and rattle. ^osgar €tJT m. goE^cist JPTfft /. ^TS =Fr^ or qT^^R EaTTLE-CHOPS, EaTTLER, «. T. PkaTEB. =5RT^R %?fOTT7T, 5i3^35Tr, ^5r:-5TT, 3'?>3 or %i—intcns. Jt, ?f^r q-^rr To r. and raut in utiger. 3T5EiJf. 2 — as iu i'ever, &c. siT'S^'ff, !T?Jr7 w.-'3lr?»i.-^rR?n'/.-. a. t. V. 3. qTH 3TRfr«T, %5rr ( rcMws. f^^^Tsr, %^?r, %;r7 ), a^^, 4 no^ covered with skin, bare. ^Rft f^'TT^^r, T m. Pencil of rays. !tR^T?5 n. arg^n^ ji. 2b Eaze, v. a. overthrow, demolish, y. To Destroy. vrfir^ft^T fiTZErST, ^hIh sjj^t ^7:5t, ^tt?: ^^ijf^ ^7^ ^^(jj^ t^^'i. Eazed, ;j. y. V. ^fJT^T fiTZil%^T, 'TR? 9;%^, &c. Eazor, «. sfrirr or ET^r ;». ?T'" »». Eazoe case, 71. ( of barbers ). '"Jl^vft or ^TR^/. Eazoe-steap, n. irfKui «. Ee. Tins particle is rendered by ftr^^, 'T^:, 7:^, qT?T, ic. For the words of which it forms a part iu the sense of again ( sucii as to To re-appear, re-ascend, re-assemble, ^•c. ), let the reader turn to the verbs appear, ascend, ^?T, JT'-, &c. and for the words of which it forms a part iu the sense of JaT? TT^. 2b Eeach, v. n. e.vtend, stretch unto, ^^r^, m=jui, SJITOT, 2 cowe /o //(TM(/, be received. "TT^ot, %^^ot, ?nj?^-!fT!T- sff%?-&c. ^m, TiqFft/.-'ff^^ /.%jrfr/.-'S:c. ^ g. of s. 3 See To Eetcii. Eeach, n. power of reaching, e.rtent, range, sphere, i\-c. 'JT- im m. 3T?fq?r'«. Tf^/. ^R?ft/. ?r. To r. out ; recite, f^dt , HTS^TT^ ^V^^., T^^T «.-&c. ^^. To r. through. flr.te. ). 2 prepared,— oi things. >?m or rT^R, f^f^, qq^r^ ^f^'^, STW, qftTtF, fl^Tfira, ^^ or ?OT, 5^^, ?I«T, 'Hpnld . To make r. v. To Peepaee. ^T^^i. 3 convenient, opportune, near,easy, ^-c. ^^ Trft^, 'ffS ^T 4~ a knowledge, &c. not rusly. ^TrTT, ^TFT^TP, yTTJfT, ^-et, «. %q55/. ^^ n. ^^t[f. ^n^^m. In the way of r. ?ri^^n5 or eft, ?T^Tfm'^. Sale for r. ^^^%t[f. Xm^^f. Trade or business conducted on the principle of r. Eeadx-made, a. 3TTq'rTr,rrqK,n'TR:K^^%5r^3T ;-au article of smith's work, qfl?t^R:, Mi^HMIi. Eeadt-spoken, a. ^RRTTrft, ^^TT^ or ?r, ^%"^r?T or ^. Eeadt-witted, o. ^^fR^Tqrsft, ^r3ft^-.d^H, ^T^^rfff, ;imate, v. a. restore to life. f^H ^jft^ m. armfir, f^^TT f^fT ^^iJt, fsTSfffT ^^ m. qrrSijf, ^^^^T «. :pW, Eeaximation, h. t. V. rH=lfd'^1'JMIp5'Jl n. &c. ^>nT». 2b Eeap, v. a. ( corn, &c. ) cut. qjRot, ^TJrTJf, ^R'jft/.-^- =rT"ift/--&c. :p5Tjf ^. o/" 0. WS^T. 2 fig. receive as fruit of an action. ^TrTJf , ^^fiJt, ^["Jf, Eeaper, 11. ]Je.u>isg, />. a. v. V. 1. q^rr^RT, ^cjquTRr, ^FrT- Eeapino, «. V. V. I.— act. ^mf «. &c. ^rrnft/ ^^tjft/. fSTTir/. ?rriift or ^v^n\f ^a^ «. Cost of r. ^PrroTT^oS/. EEAPtsa-noOK, «. y. Sickle. Sosr »«. ^I^Trfl'/. Eeab, Eeae-w'AKD, n. ( of an army ). Pfimt/ fdrS »J, In the r. behind, . ^r'?f^0Tr ot. qTnj-?rr/. ^v^T'frfq^r/.T'4r4TfTr/. fitt^t/. ^^^ri/". jf^/. | With or without r. |-;g?rr|-^, \^]W.^ »t^, 5TT5lS, ^?r. To come to r. To listen to r. ^ir^ot, ff^^fT /.-&e. fm y. ofs. [ siT^f n. ff^T^l/. 3 ground, principile, cause. JFRUT ?z. f^fiTTT «. ^H ?«. sf%- Ty Eeasox, ». M. exercise thefaculfy of reason, deduce in- ferences from premises, ^-c. rf^fe m.-^r^^ Hi.-fJTfT^ «.-^- ^ OT.-^|NTf »».-f?r5rfff5%=?R w.-aT'^iTfTT/.-&c.-:Rof. 2 debate, v. To Aegue. qr^ »«.-f^in^ w.-=n^f%^^ m.-^rr^- ^r^ m.-&c. W.^, 3 ( with ). f|FT^ wi.-^f^Jn^ M. ^'Jf, ff JT^?ft^ qra'Jf «.- HIT'T m.-&c. 'FT'^. To Eeason, v. a. discuss, y. To Aegue. ^rijt, "^iTiDf, qr^qr- S' /.-&c. JRTJt y. o/ 0. Eeasoxable, a. liaving reason, v. Eatioxai,. cT^^Tf^?PT^, 2 governed ly reason, acting rationally, v. Wise, Just. || ^TITJrff, 3TlMM|r^l^r, fftrft^^. ij 3 agreeable to reason, v. Just, Eight. 5rT^3T?f|',qW, ^'C^\- 1 ?tTit, 3"S:c. (^a-i. Eeaso.nee, n. Eeasoxixo, ;;. a. \. V. X.l. a^-'^^-Ac. ^pr-, ji. v.V.iSM.— flc/. ^% ^Di «. ^, ^^^ m./. ^TDT-HRixf. Eebouxd, v. a. T. To Eevebbebate. S^^f^ot. Eebound, Eeboundixq, n. v. V. N.— ac/. s^^of h. Ac. ?cTr m. ?:ctT/. ^?I^ ?;»./ ^^ /. 3^f5{t/. ?^l5fT/. Eebuff, m. t. Check. ^ w>. ?5"T'^ ". To give a r. frt^RT »TRot. To meet with a r. miRT ^m, 2 V. Dexial. fJT^TRT «>. lb Eebuke, «). a. chide, tjc. v. To Eepeove. y s^H i HK m. I'Jf, ETF^ m.-^^7i^ m.-&c. qRcf. 2 V. To Check, ^"jf, ^Tirf. 3 rcjn-ess, cheek, silence, ,j-c. iy reproof. tTT^Rot, ?[=rr- 5Tot, 9r^^, ^iTT^ijf, tm^ /.->S:c. ^^. [w;.^?^ tii. Eebvke, Eebukixo, n. v. V. l.—act. ^s^^mR wi. ^TP^S EEC 706 EEC 2 ^ m. ^SToft /. 3 tm^/. ^^iNoft/. Eebus. See Eiddi.e. To Kebut, r. o. — in Law. sTtP^^TT ". ^. 2 See To Bepel. To Eecall, t'. a. call hack. mVKi--come. ^stkt/. ^rmm. 3TT^m'«.^rH?5T?T/. Back-receipts, Zoans received hack and cancelled. TT- !T=3nTT/. Receipts and eipenses. v^hI-eZa/e, narrate, t. To Tell, ^im, ^Stjut, g5TI^% fiT^. fqut, :f5^^ «.-fSre:'T>T «.-&c. ^dr. Recited, p. v. Y. 1. »^7?^, qftH. 2 ?fffitff J5;^r, &c. f^^rfcfrT, ^f*iiT, ^Tom. Reciter, ?j. Reciting, p. a. v. V. 1. '^TTTT, 'T3^t w. ^OT-qi^, f^SfTROT. %>ji ^ot, ?Tf?r «. "TT^oT-rT'rmiJir, ^iHTpEft ^^^rm/. ^ofr ^dj. Eeckoxino,«. \. V. A. 1.— ffrf. iTTOT n. &e. H^Muft/. noiFft /. T'JPT w. TORT/ ^JP^rr/. 2— state. qiRT/. noirft/- f|?Tm »«• ^^r ?». TTS »». I. T. Account, f^^ir^ or f|"^iq ?». A strict r. ^TRT »». |fTSr5rS?ft/. v. %. II. rfnfe and cmnparison of accounts. fk^?FI ^^T "^n. ^T- 2b EECLAiii, V. a. call hack from error or vice. g^R^, ^^^TT- 2 See To Tame. 3 ( land from the sea ) JPT^, ?5PT^ft- To Eecline, v. n. v. To Lean. ?^ur, afrt^. 2 lie down, v. To Lie. fJr^ijf, arr^q' or 377?^/ ^^, ^TTS- SRTJI oj- SirSSfTT^, 3Tf»T n. 5T^, 'TrepS/. ^of. 2b Eecline, v. a. ?^. Eecluse, B./)«-son lolio lives in seclusion. ^^S%T^, ^^3%r5T, ^T5^^^, t^fj^^, f5rf?r^%q^, f^fET^P^ra'^, ?f i^rpfft, f^- 2b Becognise. 1-. a. know a/jain. a^Tot^"^, ^Tijot, T^J^^r, 2 See To Acknowledge. Eecognition, Eecognisance, n. v. V. afr^^OT ». &c. afrs!^ / ^FH^tiT ;?. 2 — in law. ^?"R5TrJTT m. +^~!,m/. 5=E?r5^rt».3ITHH=q?;^T»»- 3b Eecoil, «. M. »!Oi'e, */a)-<, cj-c. iflscl-. ^^6t, ^^"Jf, HTH WT- 2 — a gun. 5n~5^, f^?!^. 3 See To Eebound. Eecoil, Eecoiling, n. v. V. \.—act. ^T^ai «. ^?iT/-'7r3;/.-?l?/.-&c. To r. one's self. 3^Norm-^t^ m.-kc. ^'^^K-fV^Vn\m- Efx'ollection, «. V. V. 'flT^Em n. &c. 'flRiTJr/. aTTJ^J?;/. ?TTTtrT «. ?^/ ?i?TTTar n. ?j?Hfrt/. ?ITF|';^«. ^?:>».5jin/. Proximate cause of r. ^f?l|5 »». 707 UEC ll 2b Eecommend, t'. a. commend to another's notice, Sfc. bif I faioralle representations. 5H-<4M«JoB ftl'^TT^ or f%'ri ". ^"ir, ^qTT5ir '«■ ^"JT. Eecompensed, /J. V. V. 2. %2^^, Ac. sif?l<^^?T. Eeconcilable, v. V. 1. f^^V^ JR^^IT^rnT-^TTT^T, 5Em^ irST^T ^-RT-Ac. 2 H5E qnr^ ^mr, ^th ^^^\^■[ :%nr-&c. 2b Eeconcile, «. a. bring lack into friendship and union. fm^\^ m.-^'kz m.-^-^ or l^ m. -^Of g. of o. ^M^ J.- ^^'^^f.-&.c.^\%^■W■r^■W^^^g.ofo.rccip. ?ifil m.-^- ^m M-'J^^TOT n. ^K^ g. of o. q^-.Hi^T n.-^M=^f.-&c. ^^^ 9- of 0. 2 make consistent, ffrar w).-Koi Hi. -Ac. qfjoj g. of o. recip. ^TT m.-^SfT jh.-Ac. «re5lOT y. ofo. rerip. ^^TIDt, fir- SSfOT, ^^«II?'??Tr/.-&c. ^rc^ g.of 0. [?l-':i^-Ac.^^oi. 3 hring to acquiescence, tj-c. ^THIt m.&c. tn%?fT ^R^t, ^T"^- To be reconciled to. nrs ^5;^ i?of, HT^ ^ ^tfnH^Br, ^Ff^r- Eecocster, n. Kecouxtixg, /). a. v. V. «T7?ft^«IK-&c. ^W- Efcocrse, n. ajijlicadon lofor help, ^'c. aTI^T^T'T ?;. 3Tcr^- To have or make r. to. ^ipj pop. a^MT «!.-3TT'JKm. tRof-tniiT ff- ofo. >TT^/. Irqui-f^q^tff ff. of o. 3TT«r'T<'I, 3T- Jo Eecotee, v. a. restore from sicJcness, v. To Cube, q^r- fHfWt-&c. ^FTiif, m^^. 2 T. To Eepaib, To Eestore. ^tt^RW, B^tTOfm, S'^RiJf. 3 j-^-^fl/n. fTJc^-q^-Ac. ft-^jfoir-^riTs^CTr-inTr ^u^^-Acq- ^=jfT «i.-7H:5nfi^/.-&c.J?r?Tify. o/o. sT?55T>Jr".-!T?5^^Ri«. ^K^ff.ofo. [sfi^-Ac. To be recovered. fH>f,H -T^f: -T?rr-&c. fiTcEof-^t"T5^-"Tr- To Eecover. v. n. come right again.^ — gener. T^^^t, fq^^- 2 ( from sl<-kncss ). 5rrT-=qrr^-?T5r:^-1%fr'ft-?TiW;^-TT-^R^-&c. 2^R»-"^, qH:!TrcT. Ivecovebed, p. V. Y. A. 1. and V. N. 2. 5nT-&c. %%?JT-5rT- J7=5T-&c. ;T5niT, H-^mq, f^rffrfrT, ^^nrr, IrRFI. 2 ^•jiJ^.-ii, TTR?:^r. 3 f-t, a. See Cowabd. 2 /aZ^e, ^'c. f^qm'J, f^^RTS, To Eeceeate. See To Eefeesh, To Amuse. Eeceeatiox. See Eefeeshmest, Amusement. Eecbemeut, n. v. Dboss, Eefuse. jt?5 m. n. pop. Mm m. JT- €[f iTToEMi. rm. Eeceeiiestitious, a. v.N. JToir^, TTotT'^n', &c. To Eecbimisate, v. n. return one accusation loith another. 3^ 3TT5I Hi.-ipT^Tra m.f.&c. ^^-^sm\^^ ?^?T^ »n. ?5r- 5m-%5fat, UrMMjH jii.-^fPTficr'TTn m..&c. ^"TT, g^T^-Ac. EEC \ Eeceimikaxio.v, «. V. V. 7^^-T?^?:r-%^-&e. 3Tra m.f. 375?T- i j|, fTi'^TT sTTcrnjf, e ne(f soldiers. ^% f^iqij wj. /jZ. ^rrfapif , R^ RiqT- I Eeceuit, «. neu-h/ enlisted soldier. ^cnf^qiT «. Eectaxole, n. W^.mv^f. Eectanoulae, a. •tiH*|ui, ^th-^HJ,^. Eectifiable, a. v. V. g'^RTqiTTTTT-^nTTrr-ctc. Eectification, n. v. V. — act. gqi^of ?;. ^'^ijf n. f^^ Hof?;. &c. g':TRcnt/. gwjr^/. ^snrwt/. 2b Eectift, i;. a. set right, correct, f^^iqui, giTRof, gq'R- T'JnF/.-&c. ^JRiJry. o/o. ^f5/.-fqg%/-&c. ^.X^ g.ofo. Eectilineal, Eectilineae, a. right-lined. ?r^i^f=5rr, ?R?5- ■^HRrq. [ ?rr/. 3TMq «. I EeCTITUDE, «. V. StEAIGHTNESS. ?RoEqiTT »». ^Rrq n. ^TFj- 2 fig. V. Ho>-estt, Justness, Vietuousness. ^s«. ?fRrq «. 'ER^TFT ««. ^"^qoTT »». ^t[f. 3TT^? «. Law of r. ;frf?r/. [ q/ s. To deviate from the path of r. qr^rif? «. srf^S qf of ^. Deviation from r. is deviation from peace. ^ ^^^- "IRT qJ^S H HHT'^RTTtf qf^l. EectOe, «. 3TftT=FT^ fq^fT. Eectum, »i. — tlie intestine. JToirqT ^"isr ?». T^T^iq m. The r. protruding at stool, ^^ff/! r. ^'rf?. Eecuiiee>-ce, Eecumbenct, 11. V. A. 3TT?q/. v. q', qr^frS/. qr?ra;q^/. o. ^, ^^Tq?r K. f fl^^T^qr/. ^ Eecumbent, a. lying dotcn. 3TTf qr, ^TT^T ^cT^r, qRTS q?r- ?i^, qRTrrr. Eecumbentlt, offy. V. A. 3TT5^ C*^^^' 3Tr5q-qRf3-&c. %- 2b Eecub, t'. n. happen again. f9)^^-q^:-&c. ^"jf-q^^ q- Dt-qi7i-^ldf-jqf?'jf-&c. q^q-?^T/.-&c. fl^Jf^^. ofs. 2 ( to memory ). 3TT3qijf, g^q'^', ^JRot., ^"^, aTR^tJl/. -^?iR>jr M.-?^^TJi «.-m'^/.-?rj/.-&c. ^ot_9. of s. Eecukbekce, a. V. V. 1. fp^?r q^'if «. &c. q^'^r/ q?T^- qf^'4ffT/. q^cffR- «. q^TTT^ »■ E. of a fever, &c. KiqR fv.^. \_mf 2 x'^x^n. ^JRofn. &c. aTRq'n/. XHV^n. ^X^n. V^^f. Eecueeekt, a. returning from time to j. Eedeeming, ji. n. v. A. 1. ?3f ^^ ^"tiq''JTr- 3 and Savioue. fTTOTrn, HK^, ^STT^fT, g'^TT^P, ^^tTT, 2edewptioji, n. v. V. 1. ^ ^^37^ W^srof n. &c. 3 cTTT^M. FTT^iI ». ^'gR w. Bedness, n. V. A. Fftsjlqarr m. FSTrS'mr OT. &c. ?ineft/. V^- m n. ^f^HT »». ^\f^^ n. aRrfoTJTT )«. E. of sky ( at sun rise or sun set ). ^V^f. Eebolekce, Bedolenx. See Fbageakce, Feageant. To Eedouble, v. a. increase Ijj a doulle quantity, jun^ot, To EEBOUEr,E, V. n. I^g'^, I'^nrot, |atT-|,q-^-.S:c. fm-xIT- Eedohet, 11. out work. ^f^K^jZ m. [^[&c. JT^snft^/.-^TTT^^w. -^M m. -5i^^T5R?T m.-La. q^RiJf fj- of o. Eedeess, n. relief of grievances, ^r^/. v. ?m,%, f^^f?(t'lT- 3TqTT*TT^-&c. grTRT w.-5rfr5RcT»!.-?r:;T^ft^/.-pT5T ?». Jo Eeduce, v. a. lower, contract, S,-c. t, To Le53e;s. ^{nft-^- F09 BEE 'f^^. o/o. 2 iri«y into any state. 3Tm^, ^?roT, fpfX^Tif, 'flPT^ ( in couip. ) -^q^r ( iu conip. ) %i^. 3 ( to poverty ). fH%^-tnFftH-?R:??^^-&e. S^vm- ■1— iu ariliimetic. ^T n. '^, CJffTT w. 'JRof, B^i^^ ii. 5 tti(T^-e //((«, nrar away.^ — 8ickncs«,&c. ^rS-^^-^^-^tc. wm., Tafr^'n, fg^Tcrat, arii n. ^:^-&c. ^^ y. ofo. ^- ?f^«. ^^y. ofo. To bo reduced, v. Lean, ^rs^, ^lot, vT^ot, JTJ^oi. G See To Coxqueb, To Subdue. 7 ( a dislocated limb) 3Tm~i ^ni'R-<^c. sjt^^^-'httici. To r. to the ranks. f^TTT^^^TT T?: VTmoT. Beduced, p. V. Y. 1. ^*ft-?r^Rr-&c. %=P^, 3i=rr%^r, 3T=^- 3 fiT%H wiT%^r, Ac. "FRin'jpctr, nfT«ft, ,^'H«ft, r^rn- 4 ^;no^f^. [TT^r. 5 ««(/ Leax. ?i5-?ffur-?;?T-&c. %3?rT-5rT3?5T, "PI •'.+<< I 3ii- Eeduciiox, m. v. V. 1. ^F^ft 'F':''! ?«. &c. T^fff n. '^ir-wl+J- "JI n. ?rY5^W ?J. ^I^ft+H"! «• I. Tlie Bulc iu arithmetic, m^iift/. Eeduxdaxce, EEj)uxDA>-cy, «. v.A. and Exubeeance. srfSpFTf /. 3TTf?T^^ n. 3T^f|T?nf^^ n. 3TK<5fC'/i. E. of words. ?T5T5irf ^q' «• ^5^<^^^ «. Bedusdast, a. V. Exuberant, ?j. srf^^, !«^f|^rf«I^, sj^- ;J lb Eeduplicate. See To Double. ij Eeduplicatiox, n. ( of a word or letter ). ^"7 n. jl "Word formed by r. sifrT^T*^ w. I Beed, n. cane. g?T ?)i. %^T "• H AYriting r. 5p>: or sjts; w. Pen formed of the writiug r. ^^irft/. ^^"T/. r 2 See Pipe. Beedt, n. aboundiny, /.-«rrpT/ i'^--'JR "'. Beel, Eeelixo, n. v. V. N. =5irqT^ «. &c. fHr%f\ f. 'k^w.- 5 n. ir^w >». >T?J^ft/- ^Tr^tft/. 5n/. H^firw. ht!- it/. f'RTfsr m. fHl%\-i\f. I. frame for winding cotton, ^^ w. II. (T^ ir^PK^ 5TT^ 3TT\. 2b Beel, v. n. stagger, ^-c. -MNiul, ^IRT'T ^I^T, '^T^ /. ^oT, ;irmf ^nrf '^r^/ ?jtm, ^"^t, i^CTtK/ilr^iot, ?j^^, fr=J^f% m. ;3Z.-gr% J)i. 2V.-5ir'7;f5^T/. ;^Z.^-'!^T0T, or with i 2«. co«. ^Tpif, ^ff artinr?: ^^"^-^r^. I To Beel, «. a. fcj'flfZ tipon a reel. =^nrr?rr 'iSTZ^. Beelee, n, Eeeli>'0, 2'- n. v. Y. N, =^t^^ ^MRI, tj^Ri, BEP 710 BEF To Ke-esfodck, v. a. ( an army or navy ). ^^-37''I^-&c. ^^ n. ^T^t. 1{E-K>•F0BCEME^•T, JJ. aJililional force sent. »T^?ft?f-HTrftF- &c. VI a t; ^? . f^f m. pl.■^T^'Pi^ Tc^ «. i'^- 1^^ or ^^W\ m. ^l]7S\ m. ^H^f. Kkfection. See 1\efbeshmext, Eepast. JJefectokt, 71. place of refreshment. "FlT^T^t $I5ft/.-^Tir/. To Eefeh, v. a. direct, send, distnisx, 4c. to another, ^iw, To Eefee, f. «. respect. ?IT1^, ?5Tn ^Tof-q^ai, ^si'4 w.-m^- OT n.-?itTT^ n. arooi «n7/j !f% & ;. o/o. ?fT-15-&c. ^F^'Jr, ^IR^ n.-^n- ^ vi.-^T^f.-kc. ^m g. ofo. 2 make elegant, cjv. T. To Polish. g'-^TR^, «^5fot, ^^- T>jnF/.-&c. ^Wy. of o. ?IWT-f51>?-Br5T^-Ac. :pTot. J<) Eefine, v. 11. lecmne clear. fH^nEor^ jt55 ?«.-H2t/.-&c. sf- ^ g. of s. EEFI>-ED,_p. V. V. A. 1. ?fm3?5T, K5JjrT=r^?5T, &c. ^ITT^i^f, ^TT- 2 f vnT?5?5T, &c. ^vq^ %^^ ^v^?TTOq^_ Eefisement, «. V. V. A. \.—act. ^n^.m ". ■R^t^TT^nf ». &c. ^TT'? m. ^TTtpT «. ^TsTm^ «. fsr^TT'^^ n.— state, ^f^ /. ?fir- 2— act. gm^of M. &c. gqR'JTT/. ^«!?PTtJr «. f^'E^Rirr «. &c.— state. ?1---q?fT/. ftTgrir/. g^?I?ir/. Wqr^ n. I. affected nicety. ;7T^^/. PzFiNEH, «. Eefinisg, /). rt. v.Y.A. 1. wqoTTTT, JT^T.T^OITTT- 2 g qKU I KI , ^«?^^^^, J?f?lT^«I n. %\^-^^lii\-^i^'^ g. ofs. 2 q?T|TT, ^o. Eeflection, n. \. V. A.— (irf. sifHfqs? qRof n. iffrrMsin ^- 2 irf?1^T m. srfFf^f?T/. 'ITm'rk «. V. N. N. 1. fcf^R «!. f4]?iDi^/. f?i?T^ 7i. H^?r »!• ^^vm- H «. 'fl^f^rTT/. 'flg^^^ n. ^v^]7^r\^ «. I. j;H0«7e, ^-c. reflected. ^fr[iim\ f.-^f^\k^7l. Jlfh^r.TJi. sifrT- HRT in. ^^^f^f. srfFi'???5 M. E. of the beams of the sun or moon from the floor of a house. -ce, «. a foicing back. ( of the ocean. ). OT^?: OT. ^X^f\f. ^\^t n. ^s?.zf. To Eetoem, v. a. change from u-orse to better, amend. ^'^K• "Jr, 3^3RCTi, 5n^5R-HTlfq^-grlTSR-<^?it5R-fnaqT^-=qTSl5R- ii^cTT-Ac. aTTOTor, =^^^VJ ^^riquif m. ^isqoiT «i. Ac. ?i5qr- Eefeactoey, a. self-icilled, heady, icilfvl, stubborn, ^'c. \. Perteese. ^I^r, ^S, f^^^t^, siTSIT, STT, aTmRf, ^plrJ, spffssrra;, ijimsT, 3Rii?, anTs^ft, stiqiis, a^si^Fa;, |:^l«T, Eefeagable, a. susceptible of confutation. ^5^^, ^^^^^q-, To Eefeain, «>. n. forbear, y. To Aestais. ^Tf"^', f^W, EEF To Eefbain, v. a. hold back, kerp from action, v. To Restbais. ^r^i^Sr, '?TiTr- ^, f^m^ ?^Rr, Ac. «fTPTf , ^fq'Tf, ^fW^-^^F-^F'r, Befeeshing, Refreshment, n. \. Y.— act. FfTsn ^FT^n >i. r<4H^<«rrt.^ifFf^3^ m.— state. T^mm.f^^^Z]»l.f^^\fFJf. I. slight repttst. 4>c*I^K »»• '^TrTT^R m. 4^\i>\J m. p;^- Befeigerakt, a. cooling, -/t^, '4l^^RT, 5T?r^. Refrigeration, n. cooling. 5T^^'""T ". f^^TT^ n. Refoge, n. shelter, protection, 'i\]■>:^^ m. 'iTl»Tr m. ^It:\ n_ 3T^?^ m. To take r. witli. ^r^ ^M or im, TT^/. f^qin or ft- ^^ g. ofo. Trq- )«. iTTiTf y. qfo. 3TT«T«Tot, ^TT«r'm «.-3^^- ?I»l ?«.-3T^^^ «.-&e. JpTOT y. of 0. 2 ca!<«e or a f order of refuge. ^^Sfq pop. 'JfT^r w. ^HTT 3 expedient, remedy, v. Resource. 7TRT »;. f^T^ m. r\mm^ m. ^f^/. nfH /. Refugee, n. one who has fled for shelter. ?T^RTH, ^^TJlT'tfT, Kind; &e. to refugees. ^?VII'M=)tHH. Refulgence, Refulgent. See Brightness, Bright. To Refund, v. a. repay, pay lach. q^fT-ifccS^, 'TTrT-&c. 'f.jyr[. Refusal, it. y. V. l.—acf. r*kui' n. &c. n^K or ht^R >«. 2 ?T^T =^'T'^ «. 'raT^'if >i. &c. ?rFR or Hl+K '«. 3T^- :nTT »»• 3T^^^ «• 3T^'ft'TK ?«. it. " '^ I 2 JdfZine to accept ; reject. H^-^^^-HTff-i^-&,c. rpr- i ijf-4"lr5ui-?ft'TJf, ?I^FRTflr, or ^TTFRof , ^^R or ^l+R »». ^- i 711 REG Refuse, a. /«/< a« unworthy of acceptance. ZJfmm, ^r^3C, Refuse, «. T5IT« or nr5TT55 »». «. UI^ m. ^j: f. W"^ / f^^5 /. Refused, /J. v. V. 1. H^R%?!T, HTff =f^^, f^Tq^l-tarr, etc. 2 ?T^R%^r, ^-f) »=^^^r, &c. T5, 3TRff^H. -}T^'fT^?r, q- Refuser, «. Refusing,/), a. v. N. 1. H-FR-(JITtt, mfr ^'Jf- tJIRT, H^R ^FT-OTRT-JtJIIJT, &c. f^q-fHrr^^iJl qp?^r-i?^T. 2 ^qnT'JTr':r, H^r i^^tiutrt, &c. w^^nfr, '^R^T^rfr, vr- Kft^R-&c. qjTTr-^ifr. Refutable, a. v. V. ?t5Tq^r:^RlT-^TTT^-&c. ^TTft^, sii:^?fr- i^, ^S^^I^FT, &e. Refutal, Refutation, n. v. V.— oit. ?t?ci n. &c. rts w. ?iT^ n. T?^mpT m. n^qi'^'TRT n. f^TT^m ». f^H"? «i. f^- ^jjf. SfftT »«. R. and establishment. ^?^»?5q fi. To Refute, v. a. confute, disprove. <^5oi, ^]X^, 5prr=I-Ao. ^^, Jfts »i.-?jt5=T«.-f^^TUt n.-&c. ^^ g. of o. ^r\ Refuted, p. v. V. ^?^c5r, ^fT %%W. Ac. ?^f?T?. jp^r^^. Refuteh, jj. Refuting, /). a. t. V. ^st^uirt, ^"tn ^^^ JfRjl- ^T'JTRI, &c. ^5^-ri.-??fTW m.- iTRft or %3n'Rft/.-&c. ;rtui y. o/o. 2 ( one's self). See To Feast. Regalement. See Entertainment. Regalia, n. ensigns oj royalty. TT^rf^f^n. pi. TI^ffrSH't Regality. See Kinoshiv, Royalty. To Regard, v. a. observe, note. TT^j^foS^, ^f%/-=I^TT /.- &c. ^-rtN^, f^f^fT, 7^- Eegaedlessxess, 11. V. V. 3^T?r^irr m. '^f^r^'juu m. &c. Eeoatta, ». ?rTWf==ft ^T'ffT/.-'^^/. Hr^^5T/. Eegexct, n. See Eule. 2 vicarious government. ^mJffrff^- tft^T 3Tf?I-^fnT OT.-3TIT?5 W.-&C. 8 Jo(7y of persons governing vicariousJi/. 5J^^frr1^ff5fKl- Eegenehacy, Eege^sEkateness, «. V. A. 5^^'H m. n. ^- 21) Eegexkbate, v. a. cause to be lorn again,. ^-^\^ ^^- f^ijf-TT-fT m. ^ijf , "T^^'H ?». n. ^iif. Eegeneeate, o. Eegexeeated, p. v. V. ^^TT^ ^'HMItJrf- Eegeneeatiox, n. v.V. — s/a/e. q^^?H m. n. EeGEOT, n. V. EuLEtt. 3Tf?T^Rt, 3lfq"7fcT. Queen r. ITc^^sft TIH^ ^ 5T^ fft, n^q-TrR'^ft nf^'f\, E. of a quarter. ^-^TT?! m. 2 o«e exercising vicarious royalty. ?T3TSffrtf^f6r. 'REaiCiVB,n. l-illing of a king, x\^^^m. lV^\^^\f. ^M^mTOT. ^■'T^TTrf m. ^|ot/. &c. 2 Mhr oj a ling. V^'^^'^-JX'^^^<^\-k^- 2 ( of the sty ) v. Quaeteb. f^^if/. ^T. n. (12 EEG 3 pari of the body. "^^ n. JT?3 ». ( iu couip. as T^^T- Eeoisteii, n. written account of ails, Judgments, ^'c, record, V. Wkitixg. W^ ot. ^rarfr w. ee, n. Eeigitiso, p. a. v. V. ^l^q' ^^OTRr, ?T^r^-&c. EEJ I. Sec TnEVALEsr. [q^ j,^ To Eelmbukse, v.a. refund, pay lack to. HCH ^"Jf, ^, mot^ Eein, m. «<;-a;j of a bridle. Sinrrsft ^rft/.-^Tr^t/. 'fl^m/. ' A bearing r. ^q5[T m. ^^rift/. qTITTr or ^^m^n in. To hold a tight r. lit.fg. sjiTTJT «i./. "fl^^ vT^of, I To hold with a slack r. lit. Jig. la ?lfr/. ^. To let loose the reius. To give the rcius. airT m.f. Eeinueee, n. tr:p 3TTrft^T ffT"^ 3Tf^. Eein's, n. lower part of the hack, v. LolSS. ^PTT/. ^rnmi n. 2 See KiDNEi. Eeinstate, v. a. put again in possession. f^^-&c. %^0T • efPiaf-%jTof-&c. sj^a ;pTjf, sj^al/. W^ g-of o. ^^■.r'f^■ ^^ M.-3H:F^7r %^%ar, ^i^ %%aT, &c. jHi^'^r- Eeinstatement, «. V. V. 5i^ra ^F^in n. ^^T^f. ^^•.r^^^^ n. 5?T:r,M ^^ «. gTTT^oi h. &c. ^^TToiaTt/. S'^JRift/. 5^;5?T;^FT^ n.— state, qhr:^'^ n. jTo Eeject, v. a. refuse to have, not choose, return as had, disapprove., disallow, ^'c. ^rTTHcr-^TRT^T-^^-aTJTRT-Ac. «fvT^, fTi?^"Tf , ^ra'jf, TTcZ'^, ^S"^, Pk*)"!, SfTrJ^r'Jr, !Tn3^?T ^?R>iT, <:(^ qj^TTTRT, ^^- f?rT?T?r-^tc. ^prrf-^ift-Jjo. 2 Brsoirn, «tc. ?TTn^TTr-^itt-ic. 3 Jt^FRoriTT, 5T^R T'CTRr, &c. Eejectios, «. V. V. l.—aci. ^rTOrT ^^^ ». 7^ ^oj ,-). ftp 90 3^L 7U ^ n. STPTl^^T m. 2— act. Z^■Tm II. &c. PTTT m. J'o Rejoice, t'. h. le glad, e.vperifiicejoy. aTR^, f^, ^- ^df-tiT^ in. con. 3TRf^-&c. ^m. 5b Eejoice, t'. a. make glad, SjC. 3TnT^ m.■^^ m.-^^\^ m.- if;?;oT, ^"if^in, 3Tn=t^iif, wrfr'sfflrot, arr^^of , ^"t n.-&c. !f^j. o/o.— as enhanced, and as answering to enrapture, cnravish, i^'c. 3Tl?i^ Hlt^rer ^T^, aTfTR^ m. '^ot-^of, >PR^ ^fT>ff^'^-^'Tf^'it-&c. aTfn^?fl"SfOT H.-'flffT^or «.-TT- JTpt^^ W.-&C. q^^Tjfy. o/o. 3TH^?T-3TR?f7THlT-aTT^<^'T- f^-&c. sFT'^. Eejoicbd, 25. V. V. and Jotful. ^4fq-%OT, aTHf^rf, ^f^, Eejoicee, jj. Eejoicixg, 2;. a. v. V. A. 3Tm^ ^iTTTT- ^FTOTRT, ^TSffsruTRT, &c. ^^, ?r2f^, 3TT4i^^, 3TT?r^?, arm^si^, an- T. V. N. 3TR^ ^TOTTTT-TROTTTT, &c. ^cffrm, m^HR. Eejoicixg, 11. T. V. A. — act. ^"tftTDTT «. &c. ^4^ n. ^^]^- 01 n. arpT^ n. aTT?|T^ ». ^t?^ n. V. V. N. ^^TTf in. ^H=r ?". 3>^r^ w. Public r. or festiyity. 3^?rT^ in. ^^^ m. 3^Hr^ ot. To Eejoik, v. n. answer to a reply. Sffq-fl^ «.-&c. ^^of. 2 See. To Eeplt. Eejoisdee, n. answer to a reply. ^'FS^'fre/. ^^Z^^^l^\^ m. ^^ Eeply and r. ^'tR^R^^ n. 2 See Eeplt. To Eelapse, «. «. (into vice or error), fall back. fTJ^?r f^- sr5^-f?i'?:'jf-- |7^- oftH TSof y. o/s. STT^^. Eelapse, n. Eelapsing, n. v. V. 1. f^^ f%«r5'Ji «. &c. 3-- ?y5j»./g7^/. qTrfoft/. 2 TTRR"^ n- &c. »TRR/. gr?5^ «t./. TRoft/. J^^Fftlft/. 5b Eelate, «. a. v. To Tell, ^ffl'if, ^piT^, f^r^^or, f^f^ifcfCTt. 2b Eelate, v n. hare relation or reference to. Fsm^if, ott fM-T5^, Bqtr »».-^'^^ m.-vr?:"JT «.-&c. %^wf-^?TCTr or ar- ^01 tfiV/t Efr% ofo. ^'•Tt-flrTq^-f%?f3Trft^T-&c. 3T«^. Belated, ;). and a. v. V. A. ^Tf^^OT, &c. ^fiR, f^^^rr, T. V. N. ^iit5, ^^^'^i ^fF^, OTfft, ^it'-ff. Mutually r. or connected. 5^f?cf?f_ 1. connectedly consangxdnify- belonging to tic samefami- ly, of kin by the father's side, ntsft, nT5r^5l'^,'fRRT, ^^. TT^f , wnr^, ^q^T5i7r,H^5=^, ^^^ w^Mt^,^:^mtT, art- I EEL ^^T^tTT5=sr^, '^^PT^?iqvft, ^^rfKwr«f , ^R^T^T, ^^- Note. There are some niceties respecting the ??f^3 and the ^TRr^TJ for wliich the curious, if they please, may cousult AVilsou's Sanskrit Dictionary. II.— by birth on the mother's side or by marriage, ^r- ?T?5iT, sTRi^, ?rT?Tirrx^, arfn^^, ?f>RT, qr^rq-r, qmprr, aTTTT, aTTfTl%q^, arrTTHii'-fr, ^^i'-Tt, ^=1^^, ^^T^^, ?t^- To be r. to. ?jm^ ( as m ^f^^ WA^ m^^ r ) F.^. 5f ( as nr THI TPTT ?5^fft ). Sec also Eelation. Eelater, n. Eelating, p. a. v. V. A. ^rfTTRT, &c. W.^^, :p'«R-&c. :FTif-qf;rft-&c. Eelation, 5j. t. V. A.— act. ^m^n. sjqrt'IT or njm. W.'<^^ ». Faithful and exact r. iRJ-T'-T^ «. 5f?rrf$iTf?r^'n^^(, ia EEL 71G 1?EL all which the same rule holds. The terms of relatiouship jj in the line of paternal uncle, are more numerous than in the linos of paternal aunt or maternal uncle or aunt. '\ Paternal aunts go into other families by marriage, and > maternal undo and aunts are still of a different family : they are therefore not so much regarded. t Eelatiossuip. See Eelatiox. I Eelative, a. having relation, respecting, ^qtft, R"^^+, H^- 2 not absolute ; considerecl as respecting something else. ?rT9[?T, 3^?q-W^?T, 3T^I%^t, ^^^fq'^, ^?r^':ft. Eelease, Eei.easikg, n. v. Y.—act. mt^ n. ml,^^ n. &e. ^\^ m.— state. g^^FT/. ^/. m^psft^/. 5^/. I. acquittance jrom a debt, Sfc. ^rsf^^/. ^^PT'sT n. t^^nr^ n. Eeleased, p. Y. V. ^3%?^, 'BTS^^^r, '^]^7A %^r3jr, &c. A- I. (from an obligation, a promise, &o. ). S^^^Tr, ^Tft"Jr. Eei.easee, n. Eeleasing,/). a. v. V. ^frS'TT'T, W^'T'TrrT, HF- 3 impli/ing relation. See Cokkelative. 4— in grammar, jj To Eelekt, v. n. lecome pitiful or tender. ^ f.-^^,zf7.-[ m- E. pronoun, ^tff ^4iIh n. Eelative, n. V. KixsirA>", Eelatios. HT3ii?^, ^iri<^K, ?IT' Eelativelt, adv. v. A. 2. 3T^N^?f, aT'^WH?^, ST^^N- To BELix, V. a. make less tense or tight, lit. fig. T. To Slacken, To Loosen. ^?5T5riit,f3^Tsr'Jf,3t^-i?I''Tt^'5-&e. To r. one's joints. 5t% m. pi. ^te ;, ^, fJOT, f^Tftp;, fei55f^5!;r, %o!;%;5?tn, ?5^ or at- Of r. bowels. 'ftJT^r 3T^o5, 3T^ ^VpETr, f^^TO, ^'g- Eeiaxke, n. Eelaxing, p. a. t. V. A. 1. ^c^ROTRT, %c?^^- oTf^, f^rf ^F^innr, &e. ■itf*T?^-&c. ^Tr?-^rw-&c. f^Tfi>;ai.t. Eemahk. See Notice, Obsebvatios. To Eemabk. See To Note, To Obsekve. ?5, fSpmfH^, f^rarff, fSfqrnr^^ f^nf^^ pop. ^ifng, ^rfii^. !j Eemarkable. See Notable, STnANCi 2 of, or lelonjing to religion. qJTl^r, tnTTf^T^T^STT, ^^^■ ^corrqr, ^ssAf^^^^., q^^ijift. [ &c. <:m'TTRT>JT. Beligiouslt, adv. v. A. 1. Tf^^l^, Tf^^rraMi^^H^fft^, Beligiousness, n. y. A. 1. ^'^^^mm m. (ilJ^^lten T /. H^JRT- SriWfT/. «T^1^^/. T^JRf^-^/. f?iqTRfHigr/. ^FJ^^/. 2b Eelixquisu, v. a. v. To Abandon, To Give up. ^TS^, €rfH ^lif, J'TFT W.-&C. 5}R^ _(/. o/ 0. ftr^^irr. Eeliuqcishment, «. T. V. ^rs^T n. f^rpT »«. ^'^^ n. ^?^ »«. f^H'T m. f^^^ n. E. of rig-ht or titleto. ?mrf^|1%/. ^?^fHf%/. Belish, n. V. Taste, ^i^/. 'Mt/. ?^/. 3TplTf^/. 2 c«trf, smach, flavor, S;e. v. Taste. U?T/- ^=n^>«. STRT »• jj Eemedt, w. that which 3 something eaten with food to give a relish, ^xij ?rRot«. ^^THT >»• OT^^TT »«• ^K^iy +rf>r*l iq m.- f^fSr OT.-&C. qTn-jTKOT^. o/o. EelxJCTance, n. T. A. ani Ukwillinoness. ^A \ f- g^TT, 3TPT^Jf'T-^-&c. v3MNI'Hr«T, ifH^. r« or counteracts. T^PTwi. TTP^TW. f?TT/. ^e^^ft^JTRw. ^^ ^^n m. fTTH^ ^J'rqR vi. crmwr^iR ?». [sf^'h^r? »». 'MM, &c. r, ^ ml^N w. ^nrtcT^qrT: m. l\^'^^x m. Temporary r. ^q^f^/. ETPf^r^ »». 2b Bemedx, v. a. cure or remove. ^tTPT «i.-&c. W^., ^fi^- m, '^fc^ m.-i\^-h\i «».-fH^^PT fi.-fnrm ^»/i.-&c. t^ot 2b Eemembek, v. a. have or retain in mind, ■stt^^w/.-tttt- or n.-m^f.-vff.-&c. ^iroi-tTTur-n^ot y.o/ o. hht^ s^m, ciTT^^m/.-^TT "■■'tc. 3TO>?i-U^trry. (fo.talh in. an. ' ?^T^, 'iPT'qTr'Ji. ; To fail to r. ^TZm. 1 2 recnW /o >ni«(/. v. To Eecollect. 3TT5^, WT^, 3TT- I 3cI0t/.-&c. sjRTJf ^. o/o. [*c. li BEMEiiBtiiEDjjp. T. Y. 1. aTT^^m^^T^T, "JTRsm ^%?rr, BE\I 718 I?EM 2 arre^TH-^r, ^tt;^, &c. ?HrT, |7n?T. Eememeerer, n. Kemembebimo,^. a. v. V. 3TT5^W J^TTT- ?T-CT^?TaTTTr, &c. K^f n %^trrTTr, ^ItrFT,. 2 sTTS^f^ra, ^^"iRr, &e. ^rrr, ^htJI. 5 See To Eefer. 6 See To Eemand. To Eemit, v. n. slacken, become less intense, v. To Abate. cfm m.-&,c. JFTfr-&c. ^r-eeat£. See To Eewaud, To Compensatk. EeMUKERATION, «. V. EEWAED.%iIT»ft/5'm^2/. "TTfTHlf^TT". 2 See Compensation. Eenal, a. helonging to the kidneys or reins. ^^Tf^^RT, 1- Eexcounter, I'l^c. Sec Clash, ScrrrLE, Skiemisii, &e. To Eexd, v. a. V. To Teab. if. 3 maTce or cause to he. q^^ojr, «t^^, ^^-f^rftT'? ( in comp. ) ^^ijf. 4 Y. To Tkakslate. JTrrf^R w.-&c. ^^wj g. of 0. Eesdebing, See Vebsiok, Ti!axslation. Eendeztods, n. meeting, assembling. ^^J^ m. ^n^ n. W-f- 2— place of assembling. fH'/04:T- OT n. q-SiT ". %T/. ?r%?f^-p. Eeni',;j. v. V. 9>T2%;^, fqrj^^r, Ac. f^^, fsTTT^JT, ?T?, ?^f?rT, f^fr?T or f^mf^. Eent, ?i. hire paid for a house. vfH u. Pr.rj^] m. »TT^T n.— loose or iudcf. ms^Ts n. 2 ( of laud ). tTRT m. ^]?^v(p^ m. wm m. q-Jj-: m. Nominal r. ?fr?l»ft/. E. paid in kind. q^ir/. 3 sht, tear, cj'c. ^J-/. "PToTf m. v. fv^rj, :jtt, sTTHTH w. r. i To Eent, v. a. let to ( liouses, tenements ). >m^lJT-»min- !| ?T ^at-r<,|c)u|, htI ^37^ Siif, ( lands ) HP?TH \^-P!r^^, I 2 hold from, ( honses, tenements ). HIS-QR qoi-^^^ i[ Tfl ^.3R ^— ( lands ) ?fP?Tm-&c. qof. I Eental, Eent-holi,, h. /;»■/ or account of rents. TVrlf. ?rg- jj ^?J/. «. ?R^ »«. 5f^^=r?=ft-q^[f!^^.r!T, Ac. sri^T^TT. 2b Eepaib, f. a. restore to a good or sound slate : mend, 4'c. g^TR'S, g'T|^/.-3r:?rT/--3Tr3T/--'T':WFT/.-T^- To look after tho repairs of. J^rSt^rs/. ^"if. Uepairable, Eepabable, a. v. V. A. 1. gtTRNM'l'It-^n- EEPAinEB, ;). T. V. A. 1. gtTR%?5T, ^^ %^c5r, rrFT5%OT, ^^ liEPAiREii, Ji. Eepahuno,^. c. t. V. a. 1. ^sq-KOTm, fft?: 'K ' J I K I, ?li»14UIKl, ^^5irtt-&C. ERiJTRT, ^offi;R^, ^- Eepabation. Sec Amends, Compensatiox. Eepaktee. «. rear/y and ivitty reply. HHft^-^^^T^t^ T- tT^T n. ^Ml<.H't, n. V. V. 1. TTrf ^^ n. TTrt ^ n. &c. qTrl^^w. 2 cfTTT ^ n. &c. T5/. srf?T'P?5 «. qf^T^ n. To Eepeal, v. a. ah-ogate, annul, t. To Abolish. H^Jf, Eepeal, Eepealjng, n. v. V. — act. ^Yl^ n. ^ qj^'TJ- «. &c. — state. W\ 111. ^PT in. g^#^ ?». jTo Eepeat, v. a. do again, do over again. f^CT-'T=^-'TH :- ifTT^, ^HRoft /-5^ 3TTff^/.-q?tTT|ftT/.-&C. ^^ g.ofo. To r. a second time, i.e. do a third time. frT^TR"?, f?r?TTT^ /• ^R^ 9-oj o. 2 «(?y (lyam. f^^^-'T?^-5?T=q7^-iTI d +*< i ^1 -&c. ^Sof-Ac. »JridH-'?TfT?T -&C. A\r*M\ -'^'JI'Jf-&e. SR^ljf, fcc. ^JEfl^^p. 4 i^^^jfos qrsoTTTT, >fcc. ^gsrr^. I. repeating icalch. ^sfjiff Erj-qra »;. To Eepel, v. a. drive lack. JTT'T-'Tr^ITf-&o. ^^j^-^JtM-FAK- nf%^-q5;cr^-fqrT^oi-&e. ^?^of, ^TR^, Hr^R^of, iflrr^R- OT «.-5fR'JI «.-f%=IROT W.-&C. JPTof. 2 See To Oppose. Eepelled, ;). V. V. 1. Hm ';Tm^OT-?fR%?rr-3r?:%^-&c. ^^- 5i%i=5T, qfriyiftH, f^^rftrT, sTf?rf?r, q^?f, ^qr^^r, t^t^ft. Eepellent, a. Eepellek, «. Eepellino, p. a. v. Y. 1. jtfi qr?5'JIRT-HIJr «. si- Eepeetory. See Magazine. To Eepeeuse, n. read over again. ^^j^-&e. ^p^fjf, ^^^\- |f^/. =JR^ y. of 0. Eepetition, n. v. V. l.-^act. f^^ sfR^t m. i^cf^qj-Jf qj^ijj ,2_ &c. p-RiJf n. IfR^ M. I^Roft/. |?rfr 3TT|ffT/. J^T^- f^/- f|^?f^/- g^tRrkw. ^\q^^n. 3Trf f%/ qt^nj^jj. 2 ftrCH sTrot «. 5?r^T?f ^^ «. &e. 'T^'^'f^f q^f-^ir^ M. q^t^q^ 11. f5?f^/. qR?:^?T M. 3T5?irq m. h;^*?!"?!/. arg^^ »». an^flrr m. arr^s^r «. 3 ^"JTaif n. J^foioft/. q?;^ «. STg^IT^ m. 4 |¥-5rT^^55 qraot «. &c. argcTT^ «?. To Eepine, v. n. grieve at, \. To Fret, To Complain. =fR- EEP : Eepixisg, n. V. V. ^TJT^fff n. &c. ^W/ "^^^f- ^lain. ^HpTr^ f^\fW, fr?- To Eeplaci;, r.a.put nyain in Us place. aTNrTr 3T[iff-F*T'^- r^r^n^C-Ap. ftj^^-.^e.%q-^, J^ntTR w.-J^TtF^THT^ n.-^- ^•.rr5. JRin-^oT, fcr>.Tm^\^ m. To Eepose, y. a. Bee To Eest. 2 See To Place. Eepose, n. v. Eest. arTTPT »«. f=r>-Tm m. fJiJirf^/. f^ssfmr "'. 2b EepOSIT, v.a. lai/tipforsafctgorpreserralion,\.To Lay. 2 lag vp, V. To Store. ^5q-iJr, ?lt^tii, ^f^sm /.-ic. ^PTOT g. ofo. Eeposited, p. V. Y. 1. ^^^rurm %?%?rT-^nrT^, ^w. 2 ^re5r%?5T. EePOSITORY, «. V. StORE-HOL-SE. WiS^OT «. f^JH. Pi VJ H II. ( esp. iu comp. as JTorfiTtTRr, ^^TTf^vJTR, "l-J^VTR, qn- m-=TH ). ^ 2b Eeprehekd, &c. Sec To Blame, To Eeprote, &c. Eei'Rehensible, a. \. Blamaele. ^tift^, ?^T, ^^'HT^. To Eepkesext, v. a. show, e.rhihit, T?gT=^r, &c. mqRui^?r^^?T3^«Wyft-fV'T^^, &c. ^r- jp^^^sfgj-T^i'siqt-f^'ra'^, &c. [ &c. Eepublican,!!. — a person. ??r^^^sfH^=rr^-!T^TT%-q?Wl^- To Eepudiate, v. a. \. To Eeject. ^rr^FROT. 2 See To Divoece. Eepugnahce, Eepugnakct, n. v. A. 1. tfrefq'JTT m. qrf^^^- v^ n. -pmtT »«. f^ttfTrq' m. 2 JITg^ft/. ^^T3T «i. m^Z n. ^rm «!. I^JTfH/. fil^^^T/. Ekpugkant, a. opposite, hostile, contrary, \. Advee&e. ?t^- 2 reluctant, \. Unwilling. ^ITTT^T', TT^^T, f^-JTrf, Pf^^. Eepulse, n. V. v.— «(i. mn HKin«. ^H;?iJt«. &c. ^r^^oFp/. |e- cfOT/. sr^HRiiT «. sff^ff?r/. sTf?r^r?r ?». fJfSTR'n '«. ^n^ur n.— state. ffs^SrSq'JTT »t. &c. i^rf^Jficr n. JTf?f^TfTH?5r «. To Eepulse, v. a. v. To Eepel. PrT'T-&c. ^rTW-^RDt-^TRot, STf?fOTTiT W.-&C. ^?^y. ofo. Eepulsed, jj. «;. V. JTRI W^^rSr-Ac. |fi:q-%^, &e. srf%^^, Eepulsion, w. tlie property of repelling. srf?f^R^??T «. ?f^- ^TR^FJ'Jr m. srf^r^TR^^lf^/. Eepulsive, a. T. Eepelling. srfHflU^, fH^TR^. [3TJT^=?r. 2 V. roEBiDDina. arsft^^n^qF, aTTf^^^^, =sim^H^, Eeputabilitt, n. t. A. 1. aTTW/. aTT^T «>• ^^^Trl /. ^t^ m, Tv^J- f^Tiqrt/. HR^r/. ^^^\^^^f. Eeputaele, a. that is in good repute or esteem. 3TT5T'^, sffH* %^, ;^?TTFft^, s^?ft^T, w^fNT, fRftqfft^r, &c. arm^R, i\f^^ g^^T^T, ^?r5l^, m^^5fT^, ^Td^, HTTf^FT, ^TRT^'T- T, HI'^M, aTTTT'Tt'T. 2 consistent ivith reputation, o-editable. ^sj\i^j.^ srfrl%^, ^;?Trft^r, &c. q^Kn^r3ffiTT-&c.qfrf%f^-^^,nrRr^RT5p-ir^. Eepute, Eeputation, n. cret^ii, honor, good name, arrsr o;- STRre;/. 3TRf m. 3HN<^N »». fT»T?T/. ^^th/. TRf/. WR- ^ OT. sffrT^/. nt?^ n. ?rt^ n. ^R^ n. ?iT»fr^T M. ^Jfr- EES ^rm n. ?T?T n. ^TRi/. m^f. mKf^f. ht^t w. "nt^ ». WH^ in. /. To bi-iug into r. and estimation. ^fifr^TTO arroT'f. To come into r. and estimation. Jft^rr^TW 'TO. 2 characfcr by rrporl. ^["^.^ m. W^\^ I'op. ^^ f. STf%- f^ f- i^M\\^f. ^\^ n. ^TTSl^r m. Good r. ^TrrrfT/. ^TrjftP^/. V\^f. Ill r. ^^frr/. |TT5^ g. of 0.— in an ill sense, v. To Eetaliate. 3'H# ^^-3^TfJrJr, srfHf^qr /.- STfrT^JT W--&C. +,ii,/). o. V. V. fltsipjTrTr^ 3'3'''iif't ^Ic. 'REar.xiicu, n. search^ investigation, v. Examination. 3TH- fiir^H «. n^'TO n. ar^^TUT w. ttrpt «. jftTrar/. 'rftf?/ Eesemblakce, «j. V. Likeness. ^TR^Torr w». wr^^Zn.f. V]W^z\ m. ^^;)^ n. ^^\\7\] f ;jqHr/. ^Tfnf?!/. -^tq- rq- n. arrg^Kf «. =jrqT/. 2 a V. thing rc.semhiiny. T7KT/ T^ff^^f. qf^IKT/. q- ^m?f n. qfflHRf m. sfffT^^ 7>. qfrn% n. s?f?lWi^ m. q- 2b ]\ESEMI)i,e, r. a. liken unto. TTKl/.-^^^ /.-»RriRt/.- 2 he like. ^R^-^TH-ilTrqT-.^c. 3T^at, ftfft?rT-f5^». ^#^?ft;^r/. Eeshkvoib, «. Urge hasin, c^c. Z]'^ n. ?pf^T^ or ^^^TRTr «! EE3 72-A mZ^'Jl n. f]% m. 3T?5T^TT m. sfrft/. 2 ( of a jet d'cau ). ?TfjT^r or ^^TRT m. |r5 m. To KtsiDE, v. w. dwtll. TT^Tf, ^goT, ^f^tir, 3T?i'Jt, ^ ».-^- 5it/.-qrT?r «i.-&c. ^F^ijf. 2 witli or toi^ether. ^^T^ m. sRor. 1\ESIDE>XE, Eesihiso, «. V. \. 1. ?:T|fiT «. HiS'JT J!, ^f^oi^/ Jif^srr/. srm m. ^^ J. ^rferr «. K%^\^ m. ■f;<^^j. f?'TFit n. &c. ^^n m. 3??T^?R n. HTFT »i. "^ferm m. Written r. x^^^^J ,„. ^^^^^ „_ ^^^f g fllRq n, &c. cflw 7J. ^H^'n ?i. EE3 I. sulmission to the tcill of God. W[^^r^J^frJ /. t^^'H^fri f. f?rf?r?^r/. t'^t^^JT^nrnTr^r^/. \>^Jw\MV'^r\\^f^ f. Eesio-ed,/). and a. v. Y. 1. ?ft53?5r, TI^t^Tm"3^^ ^T?%- I. submissive to tlie will of God. f^^TrfTW^'?, f^^TTfTTKr- Eesii.ience. See 1{ki;ou>'d. Eesin, «.— the gum. ?I?5 »». pop. U5J/. fl«f?^ »). ^Tr?5f?!^qr- ^ m. ^^^^ m. zT^ n. Eesikous, a. TiSi'ir, ?;ra=s'TT 3"^r^T, ^r^^^norq;. To Eesist, v. a. act agairist, v. To Oppose, To Coc>"teeict. f.-Sic. mBOT. jTo Eesist, «. n. not to yield, n. ?;?T^^f T m. ^r\^'^^ m. Firm r. cT^H^rT m- To keep a r. sfcTRT «I^^, 3 See Solution. [^T^^. Eesolvable, a. v. V. A. 1. ^^T ^^rTr^T'Tr-&c. ^Roftq-, 2 sraFTf^r f^CT^T ^RT'n^rTT-cte. 3 3^T5rqT ^Fn.-&c. To Eesolve, v. a. dissolve, v. To JLelt. ?=ff%^, ^^ m.-v^ m.-&c. ^W g- of 0. 2 separate component parts. ^T^ n. pi. f?rncfr-f'T=>T- -&c. snirfy. ofo. 3 ( doubts, difficulties, &e. ) v. To Solve, To Explain. 9)5'n, ^irf'li'jf, 3'3r?T m.-&c. W^m g. of 0. To Eesolve, v. n. v. Tp Mpii. ^^^for, f^T'q^'jf, ^^T m.-T^ mr &c, ^"tw y. 0/5. PES 725 2 — a fever, a tumor, &c. 3 iletenninc in one's viiml. ^m^ fi^f. qfi^ijf, ?fqf;f?qiif. Eesolte. See Eesolution. Eesolved,;?. v. v. N. 3.— agent. P{'^^ fcn:%^r%^?5r, &.C. Eesolvekt, «.— in luedicinc. :^rJIi; w(. ?TEI'Jr ". Eesox-ance, n. 7-esoumlinj. STfrt'-"=rf^ '»• sff?f'^'=f'f'T n. ^^^\- ^ ?». 3T^r^ m. Besonant, o. !Tfrre5rf?r-sffrRT^-&e. ^F^TnTT^fT, 3T^HTTt. To Eesoet, «. n. have recourse. 3TT«T'T'^, 37T»'T'T "i. ^^^-^T- m r/. ofo. 3TT«rqTJT n.■^^^ «.-%5rT /.-&c. :p^of, ^^\^ m. 2 rejmir to. ^M, q'^, =5TT^'jf, ^I'^ Ji.-qor n. ^P^^jf, %7 /. To r. to o^te,n, frequent. '^K^f. m.^T^ /.-%^r/. 2^^-- &c. qraiif, q-ot^MM.-qiii^TTSIT w.-qT5TIT/.-&c. JF^nf, Eesoet, EEiOEiiKo, n. v. V. 1. 3TT=sT^ ^TT''! «• aTT'-TT'JI «• %!r?r n. %srr/. trf^/. A dernier r. f^^ir^r 7^^ w. 2 ^pjf J». qaf H. =EfT?5'^ M. &c. Oft or frequent r. "qRsr l!l.f.^l:^\ f. ^^^Tot n. ^m- irof H. irsrr^^rr ?». ^^k f. ^rq »«. ^T5t?tt m. z^■[^ m. I. /;Zflcc frequented, haunt. \fj^ f. mT ^RiqT=5ft-T>ft- J'u EesOuuh, v. n. echo, ring, Sfc. — sound, or heaven, &c. from sound ^of, mhv^St, ^M;^huj, ^i^p\^^ g^=P"^ o'' Tc; Eesoukd, v. a. See To Echo. Eesouece, n. expedient, shift, ^c. ^MMw. ^f^ /. f?=5T^ m. nn /■ nfH/. tft/. rfq-FTT «. riw^T m. ttt^ m. rr^jft^ / r?7iT M. f ^ »>./. Te?T m. |fK/. ^T^P^/. ???:^/ ^ ». Last r. dernier resource. ^FS^T^d'fl-f^'i.M'^T ?1FT »»• f%=rtufrVT (3TTqOT.-'T^/.-5TT^/.-&c.), ^s^xK-frft/. 3TiT- fn^pnfFf /. That lias no r. 3T^frf^. That has no other r. 3T5T^nl7r or 3T;T"M'|P|*. To Eespect, v. a. relate to. OTW, i=5T'T ^"m-tTS^, ?T^q m.- tff^oT M.-&C. aro'^ ?H. co)J. icith g. of o. 2 reverence, regard. HMUI, 3TT^"^, 3TT5?: )«.-JTR ??!.-^- ?JTR »«-&c. ^FT^-TT^'Tf y. o/o. f^/.-^>ftl /.-TK WJ.-'4'R- cpjTT m.-qF^mr /.-»Tr^?rr /.-^re^T «.-&c. ?T^^-%5rot-&c. y. ofo. Eespect, n. relation, regard, reference. ?Tqq m. vfrTOT «. ^'A\^ n. 3?q?TT/. fqq?7T/. With r. to. fqq^, ^tq-^ff. 2 reverence, veneration. S^]^ m. jftS /. 3T?q/ ^?^;n; hj. KFT »»• q;fTTT^ «». ?r:TTT?T »». fH^^T /. 57:^^ /. iR^l^ /. ^-^f.-S{l^.i^J.'S{^^^m. HFqrTTqfj/.ipqFqqfj/.qtTqrfT- ^fg/. — freely, indef.>.te. rcgardjul feeling, consideration, deference. 'ft^'TT? or HT^^S/.'ftsg^^.^^q^/. E. of persons. %J^f^/. H?^^ /. H^HTT i«. ^^K^T- rf /. qnsft^ /. Eespects. v^n m. /J. TmrrH »i. 5^r «(. Intcrcliaugc of respects. ^rJPft /• To pay one's respects. ^f\-^ n. qoi, h^ttt m.-■^^^^nl. To treat with r. ^^\ZJf. Tr^iJt g. of 0. 3 iv'ew, aspect, hearing point, particular, f^qq m. STf^FI /. nre /• ?^m n. In (this, that, &c.) r. (^-r-qr-Ac.) fq^f-^nFTt^f. EESrECTABILITV, EeSPECTABLEKESS, «. V. A. 1. 3TTil or m^^f. 3TTq ««. arr^TTq m. f3TrT /. ^TKTT /. fnvrs /. f^T5I5-=fft/. lff?iCT/ qp^HT/. RFTHT/. Hmnri^T^T/. HRi^/. ri>?ir«, iTT^rqfT/. JTr^orrm. vfiTTtjrrw. CTfrrV. Eespectable, 0. tcorthg of respect and cslirin. 'JTTqqr, 'rtf- 35TT, f:^tqr, f ^T^t^T, :^"Tqt, f^^i^t^, *TFq, f^"?, qffTf^, ^^, H?^T, 3TI?Tafrq, Hmq^, ?lR^R,3ir^?, ?iHT- f«pr, mf ^, aTP/, f;?!^! . 2 0/ moderate excellence, qn, »RT?ir, ^»nT tTTnTTJftir. Eespecteh, /I. V. V. 2. HR%?^r, 'flr^TJ^r, &c. air^n, mPr- Eespecter, n. Eespctino,;;. a. v. Y. 2. 'jTRtutft, &c. 'fl\- ^-Hr^-&c. JR'JTTTT, qpT-&c. ^T^tJIRT, ^^-Ae. Sq-UIRT. He is a r. of no one. ^ ilNm qr7 '^^"INRT ^TTfr. Eespectful, a. that pays respect, or is marked, S)C. Ig respect. iTq%T, '^TT^^T^T, f^^T^T, etc. iT^R.^ftT, HqT^?fT?5, 3?^- Eespectfullt, ado. V. A. irqt^'^, 3Tr?n%,fH%^, ^c. ^Tqr- Eespectfui-ness, n. v. A. Tqt^r/. HqT^?ft?5rrr/. ''^hjlfi^lrTT • Eespectino, ^re/). fspiqT. . ^ Eespecti VE, (i. relative, ^i^^, ^wh^, '-' , 2 relating to a particular person or thiny,\. PaeticCUTV' u u* Own. 3TTT^r 'flrq^, srrrR^r, ^qm fqTqT,^?mT, ??iT^q^, ^^m'Fftqr, g^, ^q^ in comp. [qr fqiH. Eespectively, «(?:). V. A. 2. sTTTTq^qm, 'flTTTq^qr^r^, ^qt- Eespieation, To Eespiee. Sec EREATUiNci. To BuEATir. Eespieatoet, a. sjTOT^qRrTqT, >qT^i=^qm^qqt-fqqq-7;. Eespite, n. interval of rest, v. Eest. fq^tqi m. ■fqrm ni. 2 reprieve. f^T^q>^5rqt-&c. a^^/.-H^Tqt/- To Eespite, i-. «. v. N. 1. fqiTtqT m. ^ot-qTSot, ^nT^ wi. T^- Eesplesdexce, Eesplekdeut. See BitionxNESs, Beioht. To Eespond. See To Coeeespoud, To Axswef. Eespoxdent, m.— in law or disputation, sff^^ir^t, qf^iq^ft, Party, side, cause, &c. of the r. T^Rq?^ »». ^fhl^m. ^mqRq?=f m. Eesponse, 11. V. Answee. JtR n. qf^qwq n. 2— in disputations. ^iTT'qpT n. qf^rqi^ m. 3 oracular ansurr. q^ m. V^ m. n. 4— iu a litany, &c. IrT^qrW/J. EES 726 EE3 KtSPOXSIBILITY, EfSI'ONSIBLEXESS, «. V. A. vT^IRI^Tft/. K. lor tlie repjiymeut of inouey. Z^W^f. l\Esros3iBi,K, (T. accoiintahle, ^'c. V. AxswKiuiiLE. ^sfH'^K, E. for the repayment of money. ^T'T'Jft^TT. IxEsrossivE, a. making answer. grtT-Ac. sarm-^^TiTRT. 2 V. COBKESPONCINO. ■JlHU|RT,vTTTT^r, 3'^miTTTr. Best, n. repose, sleep. stRTT m. f^T/. fn^T^'«. 3TT'=TR w. ?r?:Rr»». ^Tm. 6 — in music or poetry. TfrT/. WT »«. 7 //(«/ which is leff.^ v. EemaixdeR. ^Xf. SfT^/. ^Tm. 8 ^/ie others, those not included in a p-oposition, Sfc. m- ^i oi- ^?^e, |g>:, ^^%, 5iT^%, 3i;rtn^, Err^ft??, ^t, To iSEST, f. «. rfpo«e, sleep, f^^irf, f^^T/.-'flRm w. q^iJf, 2 cease from action or motion, he still. f?'7?!-1%- %?-&c. fM, ftiTTTcT'jf, r^TTsnTjf, ifRDT, m.^^ siflOT, ?;Tf'jf, sqTTR^T wi.-ctc. ^my. o/«. Ij 3 le in peace, ease, quiet. ^F4-g^t-?Tfjf, f^^^I'jf i, or fiRmof, f^iTH^, fJr^rf^r m.-f^nriT w.-&c. qrq'iJf-^cT'- vIT"^, swot. 5 upon ; lie, lean, ^'c. STrtTK »«.-3Tr«nr m.-Ac. ^?:ijf, 3Tr- ^it: ff).-3TT=inT »i.-2^Kr w.-^st^ »>.-&c. ar^ «>i. con. wjV/j ^. ofo. ?f^iJif. [ 55puT, qmof. G on, upon ; rt/y, t. To Coxjide. f^J^g" »i.-&c. %«T^, 7 See To Eemai.v. [JR^. jl 2b Best, i-. a. lay to rest, ^^^fw, i^r'^-kc. W.m-^T^ 2 % or place on. Sf^ST^, 5=rijf , ?:^, ^rT"^, aTiqiT ?«.- an^iT'T OT.-&C. JRijf. Eestfcl. See Quiet. Eestiff, Eestite, a. slublorn.^ refractory .^Sfc.\. Obstinate. 5«5=7 or 312te, 3T30IRT, 3T3^rT, 'flfSEn^, ^33. To bo r. STS'Jif, g^. [^?T or ^/. EESTiFFSEsg, Eestiyexess, n. t. A. ^\lT,^r^^m. &c. ^^.^. Eestiiutiox, n. V. Eestoratios. mr[ \m. sffrf^PT n. Tft- ?m «. I^^qfrtij^ n. |?T7T, TJ^r^F^TT, 3-^5r^^r. To be r. =^7.^^ii\.^ ?ra?To!;nf, ^cjJTo^iJf, rfnJTH'Jr, =5ra^5ioT, Eestlessness, «. V. A. 1. fj^^THr^I m. f^-^K}f\^ n. ^^r- 2 3T?riTmR n. 3T^r*noTr OT. 31^R5!.-q- n. 3Tg^ n. ir3TT- UFl"^/. ^Tif?RTF^fq- n. ^lif?r^qriT/. ^HT'^RIHR »n. ^HF- 3 =5t=^3;>TUTr )». ^q^jquTTwJ. i^c. g'Stlfl't cr 3'5^W/. ^55if55/. 4 ^rfl^ft/. r\-^-^w.f. friTn/. ^5"p?/. ^^r^q^ /. ^m.'n^.f. 3?5^?f/. ^rsmra/. ^ST^ra/. ^ra%?^/. qr?;^??/. ^rnr- ^?^ or HSft/. — Mifcns. =5^^515: W2. fTS'Pjr?: w. FrairiKR'jn. Eestoeable, a. v. V. 1. q^H ?TTq'i^'rnT-^r'i?ir-&c. q^^?f, qfr^R^w^, srf^^^^T^T, &c. 2 §mir^n^FTT-^TT?ir-&C. 3^^T'Tr3fFTT-&C. q5rf^'4?fr^^ Eestoeation, n. t. V. l.—act. qT?r \^ n. JTT^Ri ^of m. q^- rl^ »!. Ac. qfr^R n. ^f^^ n. |r[qft^T^ W. |FISff?T^H ». ^x\^'^ m. qrr|frr/. sr?qqor m. 2— «fi. gs:TR^ «. ;j^JRot «. &c. gqRuft/. gqR'^^/. 7- ^i=5/. ^^R «J. ^5?:aT M. ^toT>?R '«• 3 q^:F4Tq?T n. q?i:^5qTq^T/. q5ft'<;f%^*TTq5T «. qffft'*?!^- ?'fEi), p. V. V. 3TT^5j^=^r, 'JT[5f?%^r, ^rii^?5r, &c. arr- :f;fS5?r, f^^ft^, f?fT^, «TiT, fff^firn, ^qfft?r, f^rqf^ifT, Eesteaixer, n. Ixestkaixing, /;. a. v. V. ^J^^^KT^ aTHT^- (TRf, 'i^Tv^f '4r"JTr?;T, lie. HT^T^, Pfq'^r, q'rfr, q=aft, ?i'T- EESTHiixr, Eesteaixixg, n. v. Y.— (tc<. 3Tnp5!;'Ji ?;. 'iTRTof 4=5r n.— state. 3T^ m. a??:^/. sri^uft /• ^T^ ot. 'pTq^- To lie under r. STIZoffrt or 3T<:%?r TSof-aTH^. I. ( of speech, action, &e. ) feeling oj repressedness. *ft5 To feel under r. *fts/. 73"^-aT?T^-^r?:oT /«. con. ^%\- =q >«. ^TZiTt. II. — in law. 3T[%«T )». ( r. or limit of time ^rar^T., r. or limitation of place FC^ g'?; %%?5r, &e. Eesumeb, n. Eesumiso, p. a. v. V. 1. Tm ^ititt, &c. SrTTq- ^rw, ^^7fTn, sfFqr^rrt, sr^Tr^rr^, :rf?rT^-&c. ^r-?5«. ^5t,qorffTfipqT/--tc. ^nf:^, ^rii^s;, ^5;- Eetardee, n. Eetardino, ;>. n. v. V. 1. ^^F^+i.uiKl, ic. To Eetch, v. n. malce an eforf to vomit. ^]T.]f\ /.-"^IW-HV".- :^W. m./.-3fT/.-5iTrt. "r^IFl^rra »>. >?5rftT^ft- =5lT5rRT ?«. fsff^^ffTT/. II. /)?ace of retirement, private alode. ^J-TfrTr^-TSfl qTrt- ^-&c. r<^3 «.-^5iTH M.-&e. Eetibikg, (7. notforicard or oltrusive. ?T^r^, ^#^^, ^- ^^, ^H5T o;- OT>T5Jr, 'T^FfrTftp?-, ^^tft'^sft, f^rf^f^H^ff. To Eetoht, v. a. (a censure, diarg'e, &c. ) tJiroic lack, v. To Eetuex. 3?I^, !!;c. ^"jf-^^^ 3"i=5?/. -'iJ?lofr/.-&e. ?. ^mJir, To be retrenched. W-^. Eeteekchmext, Eeteexchixo, n. t. V. — act. yi-iu't «. ^rcf. I. matter retrenched. ^\Z m. W-JZW-^lf. Eeteibution, n. v. Eequitaij, Eewaed. srfrTT'rS n. Sffrlf^- Eeteibutive, Eeteieutort, a. repaying, reuniting. Jffrf- To Beteieve, &c. See To Eestoee, &c. Eeteocession, n. going bad: T?;?r ^TOT «. "T?:?!^ «. 3'^'jf ". srfd'iMi n. Eeteogeabe, a. going lacJcwards. qr^T'JTrTT, 3'755iTRr, T^n viTF^r^TT, 3H3: 3ir>iqT=5rr, sj-f?rnr^, 'TfH'RRfrqT, srrfN. 2 — in astronomy. ^T^, sT^lfrT, ^"T-ITHT. 3 declining from a letter to a icorse state. ^'^^T, ^S^Z^\ ^'Trqi,3'?R^'TT TT^T^r, ^^f^TTRTTErT, *nw:%'^=5rr, ar^- ^PTpsn", f^TTft^f TT^r^T, f^PTfr?rn?fr=ETT, STrftT. To Eeteogeade, v. n. go or move lackward. ^?:?r-'TTqRf-&c. ;?rT'jf-t':^'iJr, ^f^^X^^n. ^proj. 2 (?/re back, repay, Sfc. ^Rrrff, qj;^-TT;ft'Tr'i->.te. ^"n, Er5E?n' qof, %5St, ^/.-!Tf?T?PT».-&e. ^Rof. ogive in recompense or requital. ^^vj^:s^jZf..^f.-&c, W'K^ g. ofo. tR?T (iu comp.)-7?5J (in coinp.)%-^ (in eoiiip.) -kc ^^-%^ (as TT^TK^^TRft ^T"Jr to return an enter- tainment, &c. ), STf^fFr^H. ?nf, ^x^^x^n. W.m-^.1 ^^'HW.'H ih-kc- ^F^. 4 See To Eepobt. EETunx, riETUK>;, n. v. Y. X. 1. q?;?f q^«.q5c?t3TroT«. vTT- :^^^m. &-c.'^\^^■^n. fgrrnT^M. ^^^\^M^n.^-,^\^^m. j^rTr^frT/- arrff^/. ^K\^^^^n. qrriffT/. Rf?TnJT?r". Be sharp iu your r. iTTTrMlHi^r q', JTTTt^T "Tl^f^f %. /. T?;rsfTf^fl. "T^rffTT/. sff?rnH?iw. ^f^qw-^^iw. T. V. A. 1. q^iJfft. q^^T ^5t». f%?:5f^«. &e. qrrfaff/. sj-. 2 q?:?TaT«. qT?f ^^«. q^^ ^Pt^«. &c. qj;?fCfft/. sifFITT^)!. 3 ifs%^n. %!/. g^^/. sifH^pf". q-fnf^T/. srf^-^m/. I. fi r. a return ( present-lenefit-injury-Sfc). ^^^^Wn. Ef=TIijf?5r'JI or q^roT%^M«. Return as used in conip. is rendered by g-^^ or TF7?T (as, r.-abuse g-?5?t f^TJfi', r.- blow g-?5^t5^, r.-boat g-?!ft TT^T, r.-cart ^^Z qrft, r.- eoniplimeuts g"^7Hr=T, r.-feast gjI^JT^sTpft, r. -present or gift T?5'^ ^r^, r.-Yisit g?5^ ^?r^, o)!(/ g-?!?; 3T|T, g^Ji; gm, 7^^ ^ra?TT?5, ga? q=5T, &c.), m^ ( as q?:?m:;TiTr?rr, &c.), %=C (as %^3TT^, &c.). In r. for. ^'^^^ HR^^T. E.-dinner by a bride-groom's party to tlie bride and her party, qj^r^r^^z. qSHr^w. II. ( of money, labor, &c.). STrfW/. Z^^n. Pisq^ln. firss- III. V. Kepoet. ^.^.7\H\M\m. Tabular, &e. r. FT^fiTw;. A blank r. ft^JN^-T??. [ir-&e. Eeturn-able, a. T. V. A. 1. qTH :pnT-7r:^mr-&c. q?:?f?[ujff:^r- Eetuened,/j. v. V. N. 1. ^Ts\ sTR^^r, fi>5;H 'flK?!;r, m^rrf gTR~jr, &c. q^TifT, q^o.;). (7. T. V.X.I. qj-?j qon^t fspr^f- »TT^THt-&e. JUJiRT-^mRT, q?inr?Tr. 2 q5j?niiRT, jr^duir^, &c. T. V. A. I. q^ qRon^T, rrmRf qTsq-orrrr, &c. 2 qT?t ^"JTRT, m^Rf %(nRr, qr^iJirn, &<•. srfHspr ^rrf. Ee-ukion, n. a second vnion. J^qYl m. q;^H^;^ ?). 2 See Assembly. [ frpr^or To Eeteal, v. a. V. To Tki.t,. ^n'nor, tpi5. T. V. 1. ^tfiirT^=jr, cf^Sr^T. &c. frrf^JT, frfq. ?T, fnr. [ ^v^z^. To be r. arrfq-HV^. Eetealee,«.,;;. rt. V. T. 1. ^tflTRT, ^T^'TTTr, 'Pts'JTRr, frrq^^^TT, frrq^. 2 zm ^^(JTRr, &e. ST^^T^. 2b Eevel, v. n. feast mcrrilif S,' noisily. sf^T /. m. HRot- g^cfof, tToiTJf, 3?!^^% g^tnoi, qr^r/ /A nr=q?ot, m- ^T/. pi. TR'jf, f^snsft /.-^TOT «>.-^mTW!.-fiT=>T^/.-yTTr- 5ft /.-&C. ^^. Eevelation, Eevealixg, «. V. V. 1. — act. ?[tT^ «. SR^ ;i. &e. ^^^/. frrq^ «. [ ir^^t^FTur n. 2 3-^5 ^"Jf »i. Ac. 3Trf^i-T':'Jr ?!. STrju^q- «. -i^f^^'^^n. Eevellee, n. Eevelling, p. a. v. Y. sTfT HR^TKr, f^I^'f *")n_ Eetenoeful, a. V. Malicious, j^ft ;jo/>. 5{'£Ss, n. v. A. 5^fYq<:rr m, 3T+.^HU|I m. g^Trfr- HEV (30 I?EV Eevenoer, ?i. Eevenoinq,;). n. v. V. ^s qDrm-Tn^pJim, ^in OTsmKT, 7^% spsonTT,'^? wm'^TTT, &c. srf?i^n:'T, st- f?HJrT-STf?n1^T-.Scc. ^^f-^fTOP-&c. Eevence, n. income, ^c. ^^mr/. ^HN^y. ^^Mi'-<*i-lm. ^^^m. ?im/. ^.m. ^S^m. StPTwi. ???^«.— compreh. or loosely. Arrears of r. clue tlirougli a course of years. ^T^^TT^ Assignment for pay on the r. r\-^^\m. sfHrT or STTTcf/ Balance duo of the r. ^^^ ^V^f- Collection of the r. JfnTTff^T or ^in^?ft/^mf^?T^Pft /. ?Tf?f^/. Tm^/. ^l?(¥t/. Collection of r. due from the ryots. Frapfi or ^ f. Collector of r. jpJTT^ft^T^, ff^^Tte^, 5PJf5^,KW^- Extra r. %ft^ ^JT^TT/. Fixed and regular r. \^ ^Tf/. \^ ^HT^t /. Full r. TT^grJ m. General abstract of r. rR^TJTT m. Grain-r. ^g^ Tf^T m. Gross r. ^TT^iTHT/. *n^^f5 m. Netr. ?g?ftsift^/. Maximum of the r. ^Tra "■ Of or belonging' to the r. ^^^, ^^^. One employed in collection of r. ^g?Jt or ^^rTT. Eemission of r. ^i^/. ^^OT^ n. E. and disbursements, ^jtjtt^^ m. E. from the soil, ^r^^ ^^^ m. ^pr^t^r'qf^ m. E. -police, f^ijit/. E.-survey. TT^wt/. E.-surreyor. Tl^uic^K or if , ^rFT^of , cr^af_ Eeteee>-CE, m. respect, aweful regard. *ft5/. ^»f^r ?«. ^- To lose one's r. for. Hts/. %Ttjt y. q/ s. "With profound r. f^?;?TT. "Worthy to be regarded with profound r. T\^rm ^- JTT^- qpf-&c. 2 act of reccrence, v. Obeisance. ?TJT?^PRot. ^^f^^m/. E. with all the members of the body. f?T^?Tr?m^»T- ^R w. f?TCOT'!t'i4s=(n n. \vJ\ m. pi. Your r , your worship, &c. !ffrT% qiTw;. jsZ., 3TPT^ =^- Eeveeenced, Eeveeed, p. V. V. W^ ?T?r%c7T, 3TI^^%?%?7T, &c. 3TT^, ^T'^TTf^H, ^f?JH, ^^rRi^, ^'TTRtfT. Eeveee>-d, a. tvortliy of reverence. "T^q, 'TjJrftq', f^fTTf, 3TT- ^, s'TT^'ftq, ^-H^tq, arr^^Tjftq, an^, 3Tr5q, m^, m- ?r^^, ?fJT^, ''T5;q, ^7^, w;^. Eeveeent, a. Eeyerential, a. Eeveeee, n. Eeveeing, p. a. V. V. "Jf^f 5^^ HRPiiTTT,^^ CT^jTiTRr, HtSS^nTRr, C3TT- ^iTJiKT, &c. Pn^re; oj-f ifTS^, 3TT^-&c. ^rrf-^FrO', ?rr- qr, &c. str^Tj, '-T^'^TPT, Jr^?ft?5. EeTEEEKTIALLT, EEVEREXTLy, adv. V. A. 37T^T^^'^, ^f^T- Eeveeie, Eeveet, n. irregular musing. TJTrf '•"qiT w. iTrl^ Eeveesal, n. T. V. S.—act. g^eqot jj. f^rriqot «.-&c. HiNxf «!. frrffrr/. I. a reversed decision. ^'FT^T^g^ft/. To Keveese, «. ff. /«»•« 2/^«JJe dotvn. ^irtii-qT?J'if,fTiT«r^, ^ -&c. ^R^r, TTTSlTf OT.-"TTT|f%/. ^Pr^y. ofo. Eevebse, a. Eeversed,;?. t. V. 1. TT?5'*Tr, 3?fCT, SirnTT, :?- c^rTT?5^, 37:5crTf^?T, 3'?5'j*«./. 9?^ m. "^V^XK m. 3 See MisrOETUNE, Adveksitt. ["f^. Eetersible, a. v. V. 3. gpy^^rar^fTTr, ftn^^r^nr &c. ttt- Eeterselt, adv. v. A. 2. 33^ ''^f^. <&c. 5^fH^»Tpf, 311^- T, 3Tr^'iii«;;ec/, examine, tjv. qr^iJi, Tl^trft/. ^^f, #q;?f|- / TT- 4 ( a book, &c. ). noRpif >». ^Z. jpr^iJl, naT^f^^^qT n.- ni^ f^'^fR »».-&c. ^R'Jf ^. q/o. Eeview, Eetiewikg, n. v. V. 1. Jrm IT^of >!. ^^TT^^T^ «. arg^^fq' n. 3Tg^/. 3T«r^?5>FT «• i%f i^r^^T «. 2 f^C^ q-Tfrf ». J^^r^ n. &c. 3T^?^T?T «• 375^/. 3 qr^^ n. qritift/. #Fifft/. [cnptn-^^r «. 4 ntJT^N ^rSOT M. nai^P7r=l'{R m. jur^ f%%^^ w. ^^- I. See Ceixique. [^^ Eeviewee, n. V. V. 4. q'«TT% JOT^ qjrs'iim, q-'-tninT^T'Sffil^- 2b Eevile, v. a. v. To Abuse, To Co>-teiin. f^^oir, HFF'Jf, \k\S^.i %i% f^r/.-ff?rT /.-HfH^T/.-f^Tyt/.-&c. :f^ 9- ofo- BevILED, p. V. v. f%^?5T, &C. f^f^Ff , jf?H?r, HI^irfT, llf rT. Eevilee, w. Eetilixg,^. o. V. V. H^nrnr, Ac. J^f^^, f%- TTf-:Flft-&c. Eevilihg, Eevileme>-t, n. t. V. f^^fix »2. &c. fh^f. T???- Eetilixglt, a^Zt). v. A. m^r-&c. ^^?^, ^5^%f ?r. Eetisal, Eevising, n. v. Y.—act. Rfr^.H .'ic. ^RiJr, f^T^ltfT ^TqT m. ^\FM-^i{Vm., ^'^^^ ^.-g^^T^-itc. ^mg. of 0. 2 raise from depression, recover from neglect, Sfc. sft^ m. 3TPipr, fJI=ff?r ^^ Wi. aTMST->M K.ui ^. q/ 0. T^TTor, T5r^- ?T^ o)" Eevoltee, n. Eevolti>"G. p. a. \. V. f3noT «. uft^m^ «. q- I. ( in a government or slate ). ^vr^i ■=) r-U^?qftv?ft^r - kc. qT?57 m.-3^SNTS^ «• £"' 3^'<^NW4 '«■/. TT?T=Ptf=T /. ^-n44Rc|Ti^ n. II. ( of a planet ). T^/. III. ( of the heavens ). =^W]Pf f. Eevoltjtiokart, a. pei-taining, Sfc. to a revolution in govern- ment. ttj^% qT?5HT^r-3rr% ^\^^^^-kc. ^r^^qft^jTR^ii- fefr, ^j^TfT^^Tf^r^R^. To Eevolve, v. n. roll m- turn round, f^^, *n^, ^JHOT, qfeiiTCTt, qr^r^r, qf^-jHiJi n.-g^or m.-&o. sp^^-qr^ and ^rwf «•!s^55 a[T^t% ft^f5 3Tr|. IJevulsion, «. 75^/. TW^ w!. f^TTW w- :fj Rewakd, v. a. make a present lojor something done. f?IT- »T ro.-5T^lH n.-qt^Tt/.-TTfT^rf^^ H.-&e.?{^, "PB or "PS ?«.- Ilff19>c5 «. ^^. 2 re/)oy, requite, tj-c-. t. To Kecompensk, To Eetuen. ^- ^-&c. ^, 3^5 /.-5Tf??5r^ M.-&C. q?^-seksical. 3T«I5, ^'ff'f^i Ehapsodist, m. a» unconnected speaker or writer. a^if^TPfl', 3TO»13: HTTiI-^TO^t^ qf;f5rfn'-&e.;FTTf. Ehapsody, n. unconnected speech. ^T^if?t^ n. ^^tn. 3T^- 5;-'a^5-f^%nn-&c. HPSTOT «.-^fiT?TT/.-5ITT^ «. Khetokic, n. the art of speaking. aiJ^+Kfsr^TT/- 3Tci^R^TT- 'RnzTOViicxh, a. pertaining, ^-c. to rhetoric. 3TS!^Rf^5FfT, A r. expression or figure. 3Tt5^R w. Ehetobiciah, n. one versed in rhetoric. a73!4ilO, 3T?5^?>R^TT- Eheom, n. — the serous fluid. il^Hiifl n. TT^ft n. sfjirrTT m. Eheumatic, a. affected with rheumatism. ^TrRT'ft, «rT?nR3, 2 pertaining, ^'c. ??. [ ^^^IrT m. Eheumatism, n. =rTj/. ^Tijw. ^^^nl. 5imfrT;«. «iT^n. qr^;;. Acute r. ^f- ^T?R^n. erTrrjTriTw». Chronic r. from dyspepsia. C3TT*T=rT?T«2. aTTHtrr^?«. E. in the joints. ^fti^m?«. ^ftT=rT^'«. ^if^r'^'Jll'/. Shooting of r. f^TS^ or f?T?5T^/- v- ^^> ^^, ^, ^^- :p5IT/.i>?. To be affected with r. ^^oT. EhECSIT, a. affected viith rheum. ^TST, f^^PT. Ehecmt-eted, o. f^iq^-qj 3T«T1=5TT, f^^^^T st^^NT. 2 — a horse. grg^Tos EHiKOCEnos, n. ^51"!. ^-^m. Horn of the r. ^^m. 7i. ^f qr^n. EsoiiB, w.— in geometry. fsT'TH-^i^r'^n. Ehombic, a. T. N. Othh^ih*,*^, Bhubabb, n. >-Aett?H palmatum. X«rH«. ^^f^pft or ^^rrf^^/. Ehime, n. correspondence of sounds in verses, ^^!fm.n, ^r^^HW.m. n. .flfq^S^^fTTarr/. [^r rs^wi. 3 a tcord of sound to answer to another. ^PT^w. n. qJTq^T- 3 Sec Toetey. Neither r. nor reason. ?rr55 ?TTfT hft ^rfr. 2b EnTME, :>.«. iryree in sound, ^^^m.n. ^f^-^'S^ g.oj cip. fiT5!fff, K^»'. TS^y. o/s. jrc<>). Ehymer. Sec Poet. Ehythm, EnvxHMUS, ». musical measure or time. HT^ot. rfT3j;i5rir/. [^^, ?tra5^5. Ehxtumical, a. regulated hg measure or musical time. FTTfT- EiAL, »i.— the coin. T'TTSw. [ TT*;rff%*T«. EiB, «.— in anatomy. T?-RT^5E- f. EIBA^"^, EIBBO^■, n. ^r\f. ^t5 ?». EiCE, n. — the grain in the husk. TTH n. ^Tai or HT?^ /. tTT?q' «. trr?r «. ?TTf^ ?«. sfti^ m. — as husked, Hf^a; m. ri5?5 »s. — as boiled, »TIcT ot. ^r^ ??!. n. J???; «. «. cfir^ or aiYTT w. Trr^^^'T '"• "^ m. There are many kinds of rice. Some are Tr, SFK, Ft^?Tr55, rrt^i^sq-, ?i:ra?fr2;, 57'^ o>- jif, ^mnr, ^^, H^iTR^ or JPTPJT, f^TiFlT, T^W or tR^Tft, qJS^ HT- Bits of r. boiled. ^5rt Tm w. Bits among r. after pounding. ^Foft ^5Tw, ^^J^Zn. Bundle or truss of r.-straw. ^\% f. qsT m. ^\^^^ m, HT=5ff5T m. ?7P!T m. Bundle of r.-chaff. HTsff. Chafl' in cleaned r. 5?Toe/. n. Chafl" r. ^55 rltfoc w. i)Z. g^JC qRS/. Clump or tuft of r.-plants. xff^r m. Colander for washing r. rffja giift ^STsft/. Division or banked up portion of a r.-field. ^ff^w. Ear of r. ^wr^vT/. Ears of r. small but full. ^TIT f«. Ears of r. withered. ?^fTT%T «• ^31%«f ». Grain of boiled r. f^rt^iT n. sfffrj m. n. Grain of unhusked r. TTrf^"! or ^ j«. [ ef^r m. Ground for the reception of r.-plants. 3TTfr3T m. 3TT^- Ladle for serving out boiled r. M'^|3 n. Land fit for the culture of r. Hm^^Tift^/, TRT^ffw. SIC 733 Lumped mass of boiled r. f|^o5 or f|g;o5 n. dim. f|- Morsel of dressed r. 3Tt/. Parched r. Jt^?: m. pi. ^ln-^^ J. pi. ( or ^gx & ^- 5-qT, rtZi-o 5?5T & '5':'T=qT ) g^H WJ. pi. Particle of r. %V^^f. Pounder of r.— the person, ifl?^, "Ty^^R^T. Powder or fine particles of r. ^ «. ^"T n. Powder of parched r. ^^ m. S.-bed or plot. ^\^f[J. dim. ^\w. n. #q^ n. S. boiled dry.lpiT TRT «. R.-cultivator. HTfT^ft m. E.-dust. ^ n. H.-field, r. -grounds, r.-lands. TTrt^rcT n. 5^»TrS n. E. -field, field of untransplauted r. 3Tt^T «• E.-g-rounds as lying low. ?jf?5Rt or t\ f- 3Ttl^ «. S.-gruel. qr^r/. ^^5r"jft «. ^^Tiijft «. jfR^rrft «. E.-gruel soured, ^f^/.— boiled up with flour, chilies, &.C. ^MqiJft n. E.-husk. ^t^ 78. E. husked after parboiling, g'^r ^\^' «'■ E.-milk. ^tr/. JtTTT^ m. ?ftT/. fl^STT/. TFT^ hJ. n. E. once ground or pounded. ^,T.%f. «Fra ?rt^' ?«■ ^^• «?^?/. "^'K'ETS/. — twice pounded, f^S/. |?r5 Ht^ Jw.p^. — thrice pounded, frf^n/ f^^5fTt^55 in. pi. E. raised by irrigation. TF'RfToE/. TToWToftTTrT «• E. which has shotten up too rapidly. forming- nothing in the ear. ^^s/.— Thus to shoot up— r. qiToEut. E.-plants in the seed plot. ^T55/. E. plants left untransplanted. ^jT5 n. E.-]30under or pestle. qfrTT m. ^^rss n. E. pressed and flattened, qf^ m. pi. ^tJ^P m. E. and split pulse mixed ( boiled or unboiled ). f^- E. slightly pounded. 5^ra^t% m. pi. ^^ot^S r\\^ m. pi. TFT^fS ?rt^ m. pi. E.-straw. TR^JI or Hr^ n. riai ». ^55/. tRT3 ^J.'ttsr J». "T?5T?5 ?«. n. ^a^iiT 0/ ?r «. Shakings of r.-straw. afw/. ^T5 ". Soft & waxy— boiled r. JT'7If?:BT, JTorii?:, PfJT^?:. Softness & waxiness of overboiled r. Htin€t/. Sproutings or after crop of r. 'H\-\^f. Stale boiled r. rebelled with spices. frf^fSreTTm m. Thrashing or treading floor of r. TTrT??^ n. Transplantation of r. 3TT^rift/. 3Tn%?r/. Tuft of r. plants as transplanted. 3TKr m. Watery — boiled r. ^^, ^^JT^RT, Wet rice grounds. FRt/. "Wild or spontaneous r. ^ HFl n. ^CTTT ni. BiCH, a. wealtliy, affluent, opulent, Sfc. tTT^JPJ, tT'T^ff, 1^- 'PTf^?,, t^^^ft^, ^^TTt^^T, ?^m?5, qrl^^, q^, ^^^, RIC 5tjvT?T, s:T^«ift»T^, ^PtJTR, riT%=T?T, ^i^, ?t'7vr, TTT'fr, f^^^Ji^, ar'Msrrg, 'JTvif^, Terms and phrases for a person extrcmeli/ rich, and corresponding to C'rwsun, Flatus, rich as a Jew, a lanker, the Lord mrri/or, ^'c. rolling in jolJ, tcdlowinj in wealth, i]-c. are J%7, ^qnVlf or ^T^'^T^T^r ^r^, ^.'TT- f-5Tr^?:'^^r afr^iiRT or qra^ ?5rq''JiRT,vTft^'^^T *fr^JTmRT, jprcq'-fr^, F.^^'■X\\^, ^.^^f^., ?T^rftHRPT'7T, JIcT^PciTT, p. as n'JTT^^f, ^^r?^, fq^rr^^, >S:c. ), ^q^r ( esp. in conip. as niRTT^JT, fTRl'^q=5r, «tc. ), ^^ in comp. 51^ in comp. «f;^r5 in comp. ^THg] in comp. 5 showy, splendid, ^'c. See Pl.xE. EicnEs,n. «feaZi/t, ^c.^^nn. ^^n.^^f^f. ?T?rrT/. ?iq^/ ?I^•tft /. ^^ m. 1T m. EicHLY, ado. Y. A. 1. qfrftRIT^, «1|^M«T ^^T, &e. V(^^^^- f^-qq^F, &c. 4 qTrCT^ft, q^T'lff, ^TT ded. ^T^TT (?fcZ. ». "JS «. '§^\^ or ^- Some kiuds are «lf^3tfWT, 3T?r, f ^ M.-^^ft/"- ^^' HT30T Ta5^m«. ^FT^, #m M. ^FToi y. o/o. ElDlCULED,/). V. V. T^^3?5r, ?T^Rf %^3?IT, &c. ^q^f^, snmT^, srTHfq^, »dm^ iH. EiDicuLEB, n. EiDicuLisG,;?. a. V. V. ^HOIRT, '-o, n. V. V. N. 1. tTitn^r^&c. ^w\ n. ^^rh or ^tO/. EiDiNQ-nousE, EiDiNo-scnoot, n. ^'^m^^f ^'^f\^^\^r^ ?5r/. 3T=^Rr^^r?5r/. ElDlNG-MASTEK, H. aT>^^q;, 3T>JTRTf cnf^?^^. EiFE, EiFEKESs. See Pkevaleki, Pbevalesce. To EiFLE, &e. See To Plusbee, &c. EiFF-EAFF, n. V. People. sit^^TK^'iI'T n. fHT^CKJ »>• ElFLE, n. (T^ IT^FTrqt t^. 3Tr|. Eio, To Eiu. See Wa>;to>-, To Waxion. To Eio, v. a. v. To Equip, ^^roi, ?tjtT q;^^. EiGGiNO. n. ( of a ship ). ^^5 n. pi. "RiQUT, a. flt, just, proper. ^\z.ii\^.i ^^.|^X^X or STTr^Tr, =ErTir?5T, ^i"?, gfspT, srMsft, fsr^, |^.^, 15, jt^t, '^rmr- ^T, H'\?n:^T,mn'Rr,'§'4r, T'R^, a^frf. Eight, n.y. Peopeiett, Justness. ^^\^ m. ^frr/. ^^^ w». ^j^qtjrr m. xv^^w m. i^rrq^nr »«. %^e^f ^^^^f. f^- ^Tq wi. j5FT »«. 5fltfqfq «. ^qi-i-MHT/ qr'. ^sftrpTOTT m. &e. ElGiDLT, fiJi/i'. V. A. 2. qJTSTW^, ^g^^lTm^, &c. 5Fi|T ?r 3 +I4t+I^^T ded. ^'C. f?r:5E?ft55, ^^^-iTR^ST. ElGMAEOLE, 11. V. NONSENSE. aT^frf^t M. ^t^T^ n. ^TT" %q^ m. pi. V. \ ?5ra%^/. T3^55T m. ipT^ «. jj. ?5T^. EiGOUH, «. sternness, lJ'c. t. Sf.teeitt. ^fsqoTT «. ^?:iR:q- 2 ( as of heat or cold ) intenscncss. ^JW'\ m. ^3T^T »». 3 ( in fever ). ^RT m. or ^"k m. pi. EjooEOus, a. stern, strict, rigid, y. Seteee. j^t^t, ^IWU or W^^-^^., VW^ or ^njjTT, viT?;^JT, ^FSR, ^PI'qT, 7?rT- 2 ( account ) exact, minute, v. Eioin. ^FTTtTTTr^, 'FI- 3 ( cold, &c. ) interne. ifi+^H, ^fl^, ^.j I H'MM i. ElCOEOUSLT, «(fc. V. A. 1. ^^jqijiT^^ ^^!^?TqTnTR/ 10 ( of wire for the nose or ear ). «TT5ft/. 11 sound of a sonorous body. ^TUTFR or rr m. ^Wf^Xm. To EiNO, V. a. ( bells, &c. ) cause to ring or sound. c)M«|i?i, qurqaiiiiaf, ^'JT?qWT?'jf. 2 (a horse). ^^miR-JTS^rsR ^^, 9R^, "^<>»>i^ «.- %T m. q;w y. o/ o. To EiNG, t). «. i:ound, Sfc. ^rr^irf, Hora'TOT, ^ iU KMU lfff, ^^^- Wh., ^OTH'JTnt, 3lI5iJI'lf, HCTHWi^, f*Rf»Rut, rRl^, rmT- ?roT, — intens. ^t^/iiuiui, ^iTHJI'Ji, riuiiuiof, ^lUlluiUT. 2— the car; //;if/e, vilrate. ^vr^ro^t, 5TUT^Tfr/. ^^.-jr^ig- KIP 736 EIS 3 V. To Eesound. ejiJI^iT^ intens. ^'JTT'T'jf, ^Tijf. ElSCl-EOLT, n. ^?5^/- ElNG-LEAEER, tl. T. LEADER. J^F^fT, m^?7ft, ST^^FFSTT^f m. UiXG-wORii, n. ^? m. iJop. ^/ & ^T^ »«• «• =lTT^r '»■ T- v^-+ui n. ^'F^ n. To be afflicted with r. CTJS^. PlNGINO, »l. T. T. A. 1. ^^^flJr « &C. V. V. N. 1. ^^^^f. 5nJT5fafr/. f»TTfHft/.— "i/^ns. 5tOT- 5niTR m. wnM m. ^^^'nVZ m. ^(IIM m. ^'3\^^\Z m. With a r. ^OT-^^-^ &c. ^'JT^jT'JI or oif rti^cHS. ^OTT- ^m & ^ttTmr, ^^W^ or ort intens. qorrqf. I\I^-GLET, ?J. V. CUBL. ^f^ «. iTo EissE, V. a. icash ( a vessel ). f^^aofr O' f^gsiir, ^'Jf . 2 s/fsA-e aio;;^ ?« tvater, dip, Sfc. to cleanse. <'|olijo4i7f, ^- y ( The mouth after a meal ) STT^^of, JT^orr m. W-K^. Water for rinsing the mouth. T, q'ls, ^If 5, 7^^R, sri?^, 8 See Eeadt. To Kipen, t'. n. fq-^iJf, ^^TR^, '7iEr-Tip-&c.^?iii,tTxfH«.-tTip- qw/. ^^ g. ofs. q^?T?r q-Sr. 2 — as mangoes, tamarinds, «S:c. notH^of, nTH2<^,ir?;^^, ns^^'Jf, Trer?r qoT-c^rnaf. 8— a field of corn, &.Q. ^r^C^TToi, ^.X^^Z^, To Eipen, v. a. ft^=m, qtfq"^TH 3TriT^, "TT^OT.-f^TT'W.-^^- ?tr/.-&e. E}Ruf 5-. 0/0. ElPENED, 2>. V. V. N. f^^^rjr. E. in the house, — particular fruits. ^r^f^=FT, ^T^'ft^. E. on the tree. ^?:fWT, m'f\^, EiPENEH, n. EiPEsiKG, p. «. v.V.A. fq^^fJiRr, qg; ^"Tr^r, qg^^TW 3TTt»T0TTTr, &e. q^f, q=^r^. T.V.N.l. fq^uiRT, q?jr|ruTRr, qtpsiiH ^iJrRT, &c. qx^m^T. EiPENEss, n. V. A. 1. qi|quiTwi. fq^^q'iiT'"- &c. qtprti/. qft- qipHT/. qr^w*. qftqFP'". qtp^nr/. &c. 2 3'«q'^Tn, 3'w^'JTRr, &Q. 3 S-^qJ^iOTRr, &c. f%^OT-&e. ^rTr-^Rt. [^T^OTT/. EiPPiXG, fl. V. Y. l.~act. f^X.^n. ^^Xl^n. &c. f^^ROI?!. f^r- 2 a'^qiif'i. &e. 3 ^^^Z^n. &c. 3-|R:fT». f%^T^aT«. f^^TTOTT/. f^^Rnft/. EiPPLE, Eippiixo, n. V. V. ^^^^f. {dim. ^dC^^f and intens. &c. ^^loft/. & ^e5To^'«-) ^5!;=^/. [^of-^Pl^, To EiPPLE, D. «.— ruuning water. T^^m^., ^3^5;-&c. ^r- To EiPPLE, &c. See To Hatchel, Ac. EiPPLER, n. EiPPLiNS, p. a. t.V. ^qa^oturm, &C. ^55^5ft?T_ EiPPLiSG, m/y. «f«V7j a ripple. ?qoE-q;^-^?;-&c. ^2^55 or To EisE, ti. 71. iefO?ne erect. 3^,7HT ^ITf^, 3'H=r'if, ^HR^T, 3TT?T?f«. WS^r, ?HR0fr/.-3"f^'^^f^f.-&c. fm g.of s. 4 ( iu rank, fortune, &c. ). ^Jiif, ^r^ijf, >TtST-&c. iYot, =^ w.-^j?ft/.-|f5/.-^5fft 5r?^?T /.-q^|f5/.-&c. ^m g. ofs. q^l or qRl w. =sfS'n-Tr3 fm ^jtrt^'. 0/*. ^^ ^toi. 5— a heavenly body, ^m^., ^^of, fH^fot, ;jqq 9n.-&c. ^of 5-. o/s. :j^ OT. qrqijf, 3f^-Ac. ^T^. The mountain behind which the heavenly bodies aro supposed to rise, is T^^frrft m. ^^qp^s; m. ^^^^^ m, 6 jurZ/, — a river, &c. ^50T, ^T'?f, qp^ft n. =5[?W, HIS 737 KIT 7 lake leginning or existence, originale, issue,tpring. ^7^, SPTof, T?T=>I-=5nH-g^-3'qf?'jf, g^ot, 3^, 7?'^- 9 increase, become greater or more. ^T3"^, ^^^, «Io5T^of , ^n^iif , arftTF ^m, ^r »«.-&c. arf^r^ fr>if y. of s. stts /•-ff^/-&c. ^"tctot or TWI'Jf, S'TRof. 15 — leaveu, flour, blulug, &c. ^°f, 5^5% ». ^s?ft 5 gi^'if «. &c. J^q' m. g^T »«• 31*^^^ w. Sun r. ^T^ »»• 7 ^r^rf^/. 3S^? »». 3T3T m. JTr^ «. »r?7r^JT ?«. jjth ;;»;?. ^•'TiT m. aTTTTT »«. TT^^iT m. 3TRH »». SlffcT/. ^H^f wi. 3- tTf^'d4Nuft/. 11 =5js »». =5rsnT/. =^r^ OT. E. and descent. =qSTrTR m. 10, 17. =5f^w. }\^f.— intens. ^^r?^^/. ^^I^ot/. I. « rising ground, v. Hill. 3'=^nRr m. 3^^oir»». 3^r5 «. 11. a rising bump, tumour .^ ^'c. 3«IT^ n. g^Tot ?!. gq^rwj. g^^o5T '». ElSEN, j>. v.V. 1. 35=5^, gm rrf|^?jr,&c.3-fr'4fT,3T»-^f?'tTfT. »3 3 ER 'ROT, ^?ft mSj??]-, 3?r?r. 5 THST^Hr, &c. 3i^FT, 3?TfT, 31>=gf7?T. 7 g-5:q?5f7T, &c. gqft-tm. EisER, »i. EisiNO,;). «. V. V.l. g^HJiRT, T?Tqn. ^rr^'^Hn. tjl^rw. ^^gw. At all risks, ^i^. To run a r. ?f^;p?5/. «. ^PTot. [qr^-TTSW. To EisK, V. a. hazard, v. To EKDANflEK. *nTtrT-qi^qtrT-<3fcc. 2 See To Ve.ntuee. ElTE, n. formal act of religion, obseriance., ceremony, flp^/. ^ n. \^^.V^ n. "^^jf n. ^^JT n. '^5fipqT/. H^^R w. firffcTJn. f^rqiH «. f^q^H/. ftf?T/. 3TrqT0T«. arrqi^m. KIT- ^^ «. ?irw^^'T n. arg^RI «. iTrr m. n. The sixteen i?jVM ( ?fT^r ^'^R »». /iZ. ) purificatory of the human male and initiatory of him into society as a worthy member of it, commencing accordingly -with the frtt appearance of vitality in the conception, and ending with marriage, are, "RTHR, aT^T^rH^, ?ftH>fr5PT^, f^f^f^, ^STTH^'T, 5Tm^"ir, f=1«^H0T, 3T^!TT?r^, =^?r^lT, TT^'RT, qr^. Of the numerous rites and ceremonies of the Hindus, those which could be reduced under or refer- red to particular departments, ( ex. gr. marriage, obse- quies, thread-investiture., conception, ) are, under the words respectively expressing those departments, stated or named: the few following below arc not so readily reducible to any great order or class. arr^JTr, gr^tf?T- «rg, j?FT^'^,5FT^3TRrft,rwjv?iT, ^z^i^z., flr^iiiq-, ^^a- fmm^., Hqw, f>TfiTTr;=5^, g^ or d-iit^n, T^mr, ^?ft ^r- iTrf^fg^. Of rites and ceremonies peculiar to Women, some are 3TT^Tor, 'imt >Rot, Jnf-+^-ii£<^, nvH'llOfl,n.^uay,path,Sfc.^^Am.l^^\m.^]Zf. . qitT Along both sides of the r. JT^f. Along the line of r. eTR^l^F. A long ( esp. as bare and dreary ) r. Z^^\^f. ^% n. Cart r. ^fk^TZf. Downward r. 3Tq'.q't?^, f|5«T. M.-&C. sf^. — children or cattle. «)|cts'jf. EoAMEB, n. Eoamikg,^. a. t. V. TT^TTTT, fT »>. R^ m. EoAN, o. — a horse. f^cTT^, i=tn^. 2b EoAE, V. n. — a beast. 3T^, ^<+>ii, 5^""'T, IT^I^, 3T^ OT.-5T^/.-5T'i;r5fr /.-&c. "^or-inT^, jr^'t w. "^tt^, 2 «-y aloud from pain, ^'c.\. To Bawl. STRl'T, OTUIof)/. ij?i^uj-iTTT^, aTT^DT, arr+idui, ?t^ »». "kts^, ffrs «. ^%, ^ m. q;[^ or |?! qJTfff T#r, HRT 1551 ^F?7T T^, ^^ n.- -m^tir «. mot, ^r^ w.-^rm^ »«. ^^, ai^^TRi' ?3[ft or -i+'HHI^^ ^ot. SOB 739 ROC 3 speuk loudly, cry aloud, ^c. v. To Bawl. nTHiit, IoETot.- ^^/. S-'pr|5 5it?roT, TSTT vt. ^TSoT-^PIf^ sTlPSof, fn- 4 «iai'« a /oi/(/ continuous noise; hcllow^ ^'c. — the sea, wiud, &c. qtniJf, qRT^>Jf, ^r^T^'^T, TT^^, nr^ot, q^df, ffoSToS'jf, 5?TcSToE OT.-^£5rr5 o;- 55 ??!.-iT^?rT/.->S:o. ^X^. 5— thunder, caimou, &e. T?:^^, TSrS'^r, trsrsof, 5. [T5 o>- afkf/. To set up a r. ^Z■^^]^\ aTT^m midf. 4, 5. ZoK(/ a»c? (^ee;) continuous sound,— oi the sea, wind, thunder, cannon, &e. m^\^ or 55 m. ^3T3 ?». ^^J in. S^TTJ m. ^^^ m. J^W^\ m. st^FT »». ^"n^R »«. ^"TTOTm. ^iTTTCTTT m. (fJT/. EOAKES, «. EoAKiNG, p. a. V. V. 1. ST^poTRT, gT^irnr, &C. 2 ^rTS'nKT, armsfr m^t^irr, &c. &c. srf T^frs^Tr. 4, 5. n^oTRT, TT^TinTr, ^^ir EOAST, V. a. JTT^. 2 fig. Y. To Tease, To Eidicule. HT^df, SgT/.-J?: /.- JT/.-^^/.-f^ft/.-&c. ^^ ^r- ofo. EoAST, n. that which has leen roasted. *rr^TT n. TT^iTT n. To rule the roast. 3TFT?5T ^'TT S^djf. EoAST, «. EoASTED, p. V. V. TT^TFJc^T, TM^T ( remiss. 'HT- 5pr:, tt^?,) HT^k, *ri'^?T, f?, ^jr^. EOASTINO, n.^.Y.—act. HPTdr h. Hr^oj^;/. Hr^TT n. HT^'ir M. T^^ w. 2 *n^OTq;/. 55T or *TTT/. Ixf. ZXf. T^f[ f. f^ft/. Te Bob, v. a. deprive of any thing feloniously or hy vio- lence; abstract by violence, \. To Plunder, To Steal. ij^dx, ^mrdf, ^Tjdf, ^ftqrsdt or ^rrsrsdt, f^di or f^r^- dt, %=^?7r or f|}^dr, fl3^T^?r-f^f^ %dif-qut, tli^lliui, yi«114^ Mt, 37"T^iT )i.-&c. q;?:i7t g. of 0. To r. on the high way. jTR/.-^^T m. JKJxit g. ofo. EOBBED, p. Y. V. ?^?5?5r, &e. ^fSrr. EoBBER, «. Y. Thief, Plumdeeee. ^sffT, 5?re;, ^, ^ff, ^K- ^, ^^, sTT^rft, ar^T^^fJ, arr^. Attack ( upon a village, &c. ) of a gang of robbers. ^^^r or ^rw m. 5f^T m. Gang r. ?[WFff, ?^5^R. Gang of robbers. ^^ oi- ii-ii] m. nigh way r. ^JHP^n, ^TT^rf , ^R'n?!!!. the Jlindus there are robbers by allotment of nature and destiny. They constitute very numerous triboa and classes. EoBBEEY, EoBBiNO, n. Y. \.—act. ^ot «. &c. =^t[ f. ^ f. ^5^ n. aiT^^ir n. arT^ m. By r. and violence. =qt^^ HT^TT. Gang-r. ^rfST or ^T^^ m. High way r. ^]Z^n^\ m. ^V.^Jf^f. E. and violence. ^"rftKT^ /. EOBE, n. — the garment. itc5T m. ^tptT w». ^TT »«. ^Ji^^ /. — in contempt. ^^^>Z or n? «. ?I?5^S »». E. of honor presented by a king, &c. %?5rH /. E. and turban bestowed in honor. :p?;r TTniJ n. f{:K- TT^ m. To EoBE. See To Attibe, To Deebs. EoBuST, a. lusty, sturdy, ^-c. v. Stout, Steoxo. •<:TJT??7 t|- 2 See Hale. 3 requiring strength. iJ^ET'^T, ^T^T. Egbustness, n. y. A. 1. ql^jqorr m. &c. ^r^r m. v^ m. EocK, «. ?H«M of stone, i^z^ m. n. iffs /. f^Fir /. ^15/. ?JI5"TT m. 3T».JTT ot. Plat r. in the sea. ^\^\ m. Hard as a r. f^ST^T. Large r. ^S^/. Ledge of r. ^j^m. ^5^'"- Projecting r. f^5r??j. Pyramidal or peaked r. gaqfr/. E. in the sea. '^jzim. ^XVmm. Sheet or stratum of r. ^FHTSEot. ^5^»». ^3^rt«. ^5"T Soft, friable r. ^\^\ l^'S^ni. Writing upon a"r. ^IST^R^t X^ /■ f^-^n^T=EfT X^f. To cause the r. to flow. lit. Jig. ^3T^ '^W.m. aTTUIW. To EoCK, V. n. move backward and forward, y. To Eeel, To Shake, sndf, S^S^dr or ^nsnot intetis. Z^^^ cr jjir- tSt, ^nHTdf. ??5df or 5I?IdT, aif|3dT, ^i|a!dt o»- ^f^|ct6t, aTf^^?J.-&c. ^y. o/«. ?5?:T5fiT,?5S?;5^, FT^^dr, BC^ -r5iM4-&c. fli^y. ^r5dr_ To EocK, V. a. move laclcward and foricard on a fixed line. f?^^df, or ^TH^rdr, ^t^^sdt or ^f^ssdf , S^^rdf, |%Hr-4i^*il -5n«T-&c. qr!;dr, g"T%?».^/.-^?». ;)/.-&c. ^. 2 (a child in a cradle), ^'[m^irj ^irtM^i, 'TTB'^nH ^TiJ'T ^^RHT-gr^ ^-&c. EocK-oiL, n. wr^iw^^n. ^ff^^n. Eock-salt, n. v\ or %Vc?M». f?T'^?5^1«. EOCKER, n. E0CKIN0,;». fl. V. V. N. J^OTRT, ^TJlRr, &c. STS^ftFT, S^SatfT, saiH^rTfT, H^^^, ^F.Z^X, I. rocking stone. ;jr5?r ^15»«. EocKET, «. iiM'«. ^TiTT"'. ^F^:^ qpTw*. a^firsnT*". atnw. Bundle of twenty four rockets. %^/. Hole or eve of a r. ^r^XJm. EOI 740 eo:m Sky T. ^^ or ^^/. POC'KETEEE, «. «]|U|'iK, STT^fi^. KoCKT, a. full of rocks. ^STIT^T, JPTfT^r^TT, &c. ^5^5?, ??r^, s^p^n^r, ^rt:^, ^Jt^Tr, ^=^, ipts, ^rf5TT, jpT^fr^?, f^ffNT, a^tnmT^, n?5rR, htStk- Pack of rogues. ^i5lfl-=it+ft/. Slippery r., arch r. ^TZT^T nrar, ^T?T5ST ifRT. iEvery r. is at length outrogued. '^T?T?5T ?f?r ^1^ *rJ- ^ ^\ [35, nsT, sir:. 2 See Vagabond. 3 a shj, waggish, ^-c. person. n!^\^.^ KOOUEET, w. knavery.^ cheating, dishonest practices. SIT?/'. 5^/. s^TiiT^t/ 5*r<«Tr/'. 5ff5T^r/. ijnwi^fr/. 3;ii?5- BoGcisH, n. V. Knavish. 5^3r, 5^5;, ST^TT, 'P^'TT, 37, 3»irf , ?5'm«rt-=. a. 9|ioDe % turning on the surface. ^\7^^ ^]Z^ 2 mote TSI »»■ 'T^ /— esp. of paper or cloth, ^T5?t/.— esp. of thread, &c. fq^5 «. ^PFPft/. ^TS^/.— of the betelleaf, &c. qft/.— of tape, rope, &c. ^5tS or -JTlia n. qfra /(. jl W. — as of dough, ?^r or ?»TC-m m. dim. FJr?ft/. 2 register, list. .^g;r, wle^r %3f5T, &c. sT^jjf?!^. 3 J5T55SOT, sqe?5?5T, «fec. 5 rfldrff^jT, Sift?. EOLLEE,«. EOLLINO, ;?. «. T. V. A. 1. r^t^OIRT, c?*!^ ^IITO, V. V. N. 1. ?5idUIKI, vjTr W. 53^ «. &C. OTf «8. 31'-CIKG, p. a. V. V. qfTTJ^lft ^fTJTRT, &C. KOO EoMASTic, a. mhl, fanciful, extravagant, ^'c. — a person, a^^f^q, 3T7?rK^^ arS^frT, 3T!f^?5H?T^=P. 2— notions, taste, &c. f^S^TiT, a^Jft^^fHT, 3T^^^TfK- EOMP, n. loistei^ous girl,]toiden. ^ift/. qtft/. ^Pit/. q^f- 115 «. r^'Urt. irrn^fq'ft/. f^TiarKT/. ^r^r^rtt/. HrrojV 2 or vom^s; rough play. ftTTT'Tn^'Tra' w. ftTTPT^/. f%^ »». f^^^oi «. ijfiTJot «. «r»TnPT n. qw^IT^T «• ^H^- sqr >». ^*Nt^ '«• *f^n: m. ^ttht »». ^hihiw. ^^h ?«. sfr- 2b EoMP, V. «. ^?ay rudely and hoislerously. f^^S^f, f^Mdotuf, firTi^, m'TS'Jf, mroTT »«. -q'T^TR «.-miT^ffenr ot.-&c. EoMPiNO, n. V. V. a?ii Koiip. f^^ot n. ^inz^ n. ftTTloTw. EoMPEH, n. EoiiPiNG,/J. a. V. V. and Eomp. %^5iiTm, ^^Tf [ Tstmrr, ffeTTSTRT, fq^rmr irtitiTKT, &c. trtiiP^nr. [^f. j EosiON, n.fat bulky woman. q-<-^|riHINfff/. K^tT'^KT/. "PmHT- | EOOD, M. measiireof Jive cithife and fve hand Ireadths. ^FT^/. EOOF, «. cover of a building. '^^^f — of thatch, gccn: w. — of tiles, +irfK «• — flat r. of earth, ery^ m. tTRt n. Krst^ or TTT^qT^ «. Aperture ( for smote, light, or air ) in a r. trff n. ^^ m. ^ijf or -m^ n. [ ^V^^ m. Corner or diagonal rafter of a r. ^riT^Rfr ?«. ^TT/. End piece of an oblong r. =qtWlo5 n. jl Frame work of a r. 4TT5 m. 't\vA\ in. ^\\f[^ n. Lath-work over the rafters of a r. afr^TT n. ^TR m. Lower ridge or cross-piece supportitg tlie extreme line of a r. nj/. TI^TT or'is|.H«. TT^r^ TT- ^^ sj^fT^r^ r. ?j. putrijy_ J^jof, ^I5ot, ^^Tsof. To r. and run,— nielous,&c. '^"VS^ or sqaaf, i^ot+ot, 3Hoiui, «n;«r^"Jt, g^aof. [&c.^riji. To EoT, i;. a. make putrid. ^?PT^, ^fS^^T, f ^«r-Bl?rT- EOT, n. ( in cattle )— the disease. ^f{ f. ^rrST m. ^■[\ n. EoT-GCT, w. (^(7eTaTT m. J^%T''IT»2. ?I3%'?<'JT»':, EOTTJND, EOTn>-DITT. See EOUND, EOUSDKESS. EoTUNDA, n. round building. t[]^--^-^^-&c. ^x n.-&c. To Eouge, v. n. ^^^\^T-■^xl'\^X-&G■ X^ m. ^A^^_ EOUGH, a- not smooth. ^^ffrT, ^?»lffrr or ^S^l'TrT, ^JI^fT- ^?i, 3'^jiT=rT?^'r, g'^jrT^r^, %^3 or %=En5. 2 7io/ elegant or neat., not finished nicely; coarse, clumsy. f^s^fts, 'TOrsr, VA^^x or TeTHFj ?Jrr, 9— the sea, &c. agitated. ^SToESST, ?H5JS^5?^?Jr, fja'^, 10 tempestuous. ^5ft, sfT^srsiT, 3'^r?n=^r. 11a caleuhUion, estimate, &c. aT^THWr^r, aH^oft'TT, Jo EooOH, v.a. with it.'hT^ f.-^PSm. pl.-&c. ^fmoT-Hriot, TiJ EouGH-CAST, 213 EouGH-BO, To EouGH-HEW, V. a. give the first shape, to form rudely, coarsely, Sfc. HTS^, TT- 15 55fOT, ^^ n. ^prsot y. ofo. ^rsof, ^Tf^ S^iof, ^I- ^. a. slcetcli roughly. Wt^-, ^'^^i^^^ i »».-'3rT5r'n.-&?qT/. A r. sum or price, ^t[^ f^H^/. iftq H'R «. 6 See Plain, Positive. Bound, «. tiVr/e, v. Einu. q^s «. ijrr ?'i. HS?! «. ^ij^n.^if;;). 2 circular slice. ^^prfT/. ^pf:^ «. xiJJTni ?^.-&c. ^FTof. 2 or all round; o« all sides, v. Arocnd. ^HT^?^, ?1HT^RT, 3 circuitoushj, v. AliOUT.%-q-T%,Hr5ir5^^, %n ^T3f^-q-- ^^5T, IT^T HT^TT. [*TR^. To go r. %Tr OT. ^M-?r"^-HR^, ^If^FT m -^ig?; «.-&c. The whole year r. iIRJTW, strht^"^, «fT^JTf^%. Eo0ND, prep, around, over the outside of, v.About. ^^7T, m *ii*irii,?T'TY5rfTr. [?T'Tnr?TT. 2 o»! nZZ sides of, v. Abound. aTRr^TRT, »¥TerfIT, Hr^?rT?5I. To EouND, «. a. !TRf3r-'Tt?5-'rraT^R-&c. ?^ot, ^rCTaRfoir m.- &c. arnipt. 2 ^«T W1.-&C. trraSt. Eoundabout, a. circuitous. V=^r^T, *Tt^rf5?p5Tr, PlT^f5»TT^r, ir^TT^r, fR^'TT^r. EOUNDABOL-T, «(/«. 0»fl//«iWf«. ^Hi^nr, ^HTSRT^, HHI^- rft, 'TT^PTT^r, WHT^, ^fHIiTR, 3T>5mqT, STf^Hf^, 5T%1w, arm-fTrrr^, ^THcrFf-.i^rirfTTH, etts^t ded. Eekting to the reg-ion or parts r. HRrTTf^^. 2 circuitously, v. About. ^-TRT, 'TTtm-irT'T, ^TR^RffT. To go r. TRT *". ^m-qot-iTT?Tit, iR^ m. ITROT, qqR n. HR^i. EouND-nousE, n. ^Ht^Ht =5t^/. EouNDLy, adv. flatly. j)lum p. peremptorily, S)C.\. PositIVELT, Bi-uNTLY. ^T^, triTf^, ':T5wrfm,f^^T?5H, f^?jT^,qf^5r. 2 /o //;e prtrpo-ie, vigorously^ Sfc. v. Smaetly, Well. ?:- EoUNDNESs, n. V. A. 1. qr^raTTiTT m. ^TToJirtllT »(. nTrS >«. ^■ 2 EfT^aTiir pi. 'ITtTT'TT m, ivB »». "ITrSlf /, JITS?^ n. ^- EOW 744 JiUB S?^ n. ni-llvhrri/. &c. 3 nl-14U4Uir wi. 35|«(^rfH n. &c. JvOu.NDEOBi.v, n. ^I^A^TK ?r^t^ 3T^f/. Hounds, «. of a guard. T)T5^iJf, H'JTT'n^ intens. 'H'tTrm'n', ^?rf^mT55- -^r, TftgJTOT-&c. ^rcTf-^Rt'-&c. q'fnH, ^rr^qr, :f c?qT, *R^'V^ oj-hTT^— esp. as used of children. feTTyHTT^f , 'JTT^rc. — Female r. HJ-T^rai^fl/. Male r. H^^?;^. I.— the mind, &c. discursive. 3TTSr5J, II. ranging robber .^ SjC. 95. How, n. ra«l-, line. 3?ro5 oj^^^f. ^sft/. qf^^JO/). tjiiFf/. ?:f- »T/. >pn OT. ^f.^f. \Ti^if. ^Tf. JTT?7T ^JOiJ. mas/. =:^TRf?5/. T^ffr/. TTfiT/. «fufr/. In one continuous r. arr?:^^, ^r?^'^,&c.^r^, ^^?rff In rows. |Rr^. E. ( of flowering shrubs or plants ). rTT^cTT m. ?TT?t/. 2 ( of houses ) allrg, .j-^. ^x^Jt\f. ^^i^. .3^55/. x(t^/. Eow, n. riot, hubbub, ^-c. v. Tumult. ^n or ^^Mor, q-?;r5fofr/.-^p5i^r w- ^- ?^=lTw. ^^"Jf y. o/o.Er?|«. HR'Jf-HTC=T =t''ji,%^»«. mr^Ji. EowEL, n. See Seton. 2 — of a spur. =5(^m. EowEii, «. (of a boat). ^^^ or qFI^ft, 3T^?IJ|Pft, ar^FTT, EowLOCK, n. part where the oar rests. ^?^/. EoYAL, a. belonging, ^c. to a king; regal, Icinglif. tlOHMT, ^- E. attenJant. n^%?r^. E. audience chamber. ^Mt^i^lROT. n. "^^.n. E. eity or town. XV^^^tif. ^T^MRff /• ^T^J^/. E. circle or court. ^^3c7 or s». TV^Az^f. E. court or hall of justice. ^^^^r«j. n. T^^^^}f. E. court or assembly. ^3i^^R?». n. ^T^^HF/. E. delights and diversious. ^^ftf^T^m. E. duty. ^^W.T^n. E. dynasty or genealogy. X\^^^f. E. edict, n^rfir/. ^T3T^TT?T^«. E. letter or order. ?T^^^»J. TT^T^'J. E. mansion. XV^m^m. W^H^Zln. E. revenue. ^r^q^». Tr^^«. E. signet or seal. ^^^T/. E. stamp or seal impres.siou. TT^'J^l/. ^T^f^'^fM. E. symbol. ?T^?I?TO«. TPTf^'f«. 2 becoming a king, magnificent, &fc. TT^rfl''TT"T, ^T^^^, ^^T^rT, ^v^qRqr, ^r^f%(fT, ^^rf^ sfr^^TF^, qr^^^, EoTALisT, n. ?:Rn^r q?7yr^0TRT-5fT55'T'jrRr, Tr^r==rT3Tf*Tm'ft. EoTALTT, n. kingship. X[W^n. TV^n. ^^». ^J^cf^w. «Tr^- sfrr^/. qr^^Trfr/. Tr^rmg^s^w. Ensign of r. ?T^,f^^n. ?r3T?5^iTM. ^\knn. Ensigns or emblems of r. — eompreh. tJ^^Rr?:«. jj5T- To EuB, V. a. apply friction to. ^?f^, ^SftoS^r, q^of, gRr^"Jt or q^rjCTT, JToSOT, iT^ot,qT?:'Jf, ^^^n.-^^^7l.-&c.rf.x^g. ofo. To r. roughly & injuriously. ^qtasKfiJ, ^sTfot^tif. 2 ffea« by friction, v. To "Wipe. TOirf. 3 (in a mortar) levigate. ^3^, ^Sot. 4 down, ( a horse ). iTo^, ^"taHTcVt^T/. ^oi, ^[^ft/. =R^. {or^f. Eough glove for rubbing down liorses with. ^RT'jft' 5 in; (unguents, &c. on the body), ^^frs^, fli^, T^ot. 6 off^ V. To AsttADE. ^^^, ^r^T?:'^ or ^\^^^, ^RT^°T, EUD 745 HUE 7 out; erase, v. To ErFACE. JHot, ^t^ ffPlfot, ^jlt^'if. 8 up./y. ^W^r, qi:f. 2 ( as of a fallen building or wall ). TTRiHT m. ^ffq «. EuBBLE, n. — E. wall. TfTT or qr ?». q^TJ or ^ n. Eubican, a. — a horse. ^r^TT ^#?r or ^^Kli^, EuBicuND, &c. See Eeddish, &e. EtjEEic, n. sfT4T?rrT5f%gi5 «. Eobt, n. ^\f^W^ pop. JTnjft'^ n. & dim. HM^pt/ FIR m. qr- ^rT n. q^FT 7n. ~ Small r. ^"Jft/. ^ir/. wm^/. That has ruby lips. f%qr^ (/. f%xfnjt ) lit. like the fruit of the momordiea monadelpha. fsrj'it^ m. ( f«r?- ^T'StJ- ) ^"^- like coral. EUBT-BEAD, n. OTfflt/. EuDDEE, n. T. Helm. ^pPTOT or ^ n. ^^\^m. qjS n. EuDBiNESs, n. V. A. 1. ?rff Hqt^T m. ^\^J. 2 ^^f- ^zt{f- ^-^^ m. ?f^3?r m. rf^^/. cT^fr^ Bubble, «. fTfqft'TPft/. rlfq^Trrft/. Rl^fTTl^f/. EuDDT, a. inclined to red, v. Eed. rTt^fSFT, J^Tr!. 2 healthy. looking, fresh, lively, bloonung,—tho counte- nance, &c. H+ jqf\'o?/y/i, coarse, uncivil, violent, impudent, overhearing, ^At:, sfq, ctqT, 41111, qj^rr^ or ^, ^tJiH^FT, aru^s, w- s^fsnr, aT^5T?:^s, ^r^R^js, ^t^i, '^^Pit?, a^f^i^, ar^^r, ar^^T^frT, ^7f?q|^f%, srsnif^n, ii^tnin', nftqir, "^^f^, HP^, ^T!r, ^55'^, fsfTR, fH^'fe, 5^5T^, SiRnpr, f^Hqr?, Exceedingly r. 3T^5T^t5. 3 coarsely executed, v. Eouon. vrrq^, H??!^, ^F^, ^THT or F^, Tt5, ^-zg?ft, Htq5Eg?fr, ^fnsT. 4 «o< skilled or practised; rate, unskilful, cj'c. v. AwKWABD. 5 not polished or elegant, v. Abtless. ^tTT, ?TmT»fr^T. EuBE-si'OKEN, EuBE-TOKQUEi), a. of unskilful Speech. vrtT- EuDELSr, adv. v. A. 1. TR^qilT^, &c. fqqrqm^f^^. 2 ^tsqorr^, &e. ^rsmt^, srnix^, ^st^Tf^, ^^Fr^H, &c. iTqi^qt=q=T, ^r^fft^rt^, &c. 3 mq5,'"^^r Wlf/. fi^TTTT- ;jf;^|ffT/. arr^fq^r^q n. ^q?fT/. 5:^?^? n. f«r^qTTr- q m. fq?fqrT^fq n. ^fk^^ m. ST^^^jq M. 3 Kftq^qoTT m. ^m''^^m m. liz^m »» &c. 4 ar^ftqi^r »». &c. ar^^r/ arqgfn/. arj^frarrr/. EuDiMEKT, «. /j?-s^ ^irinciple or element. ^?5rTrq «. r^ n. jpRtJT n. sft^ 11. H5 n. ?^f=5H^ «. Eudlments. Prarfl-ft-TT/. ^^^fR^T 'i-i'^. qRHr^r/. flR/J. qq n. aritT ?«. eqTpT »i. EuDiMENTAL, EuMMEXTAur, a. pcrtaininj to or consisting in rudiments. ^?i?qt^r, H^irtHT^r, .to. n^^f^^qtft, ^- 3H?qfirr!Tqj, HOT?q-^, K^FI?qqf^qT?^, !Tr. . fif^fs or f^^rs «« ^H OT. f^tir^T m. ft^m m. r^Tmzf. ?Tr?f5/. w. ?nHf « One rushing to ( bent upon, &c.)r. 3r-7qqT aTre^I^t^r. To seek the r. of. ^\\^.K n\^t[f. 5^3i or f^f^RT m. Z- ^ or ^j^^f.pi. ^rra^ 5'. o/ 0. To wait for the r. of. ^ f^wr^ot ^. of o. 3 ( of fortune, estate, aflairs, &c. ). ;fTr«TfrT?T >». ^rrsft/. i%'ZT%^ WK qr^^ »j. pi V. 75, JJ-RT^ M. q-RfS ^t^r^ M. ?J=5T^ or ^f S^TftHT «i. g'T^HT «i. ^fTfrT^?! m. ^»^Tf.^ ?f?rRT% n\^\ n.-tm^\^j ^TZ]^KM'.■[ »». ^^ g. ofo. crrSr- "aS ?i.-^T^i^ ?jf#« n. «Rnf y. of o.^^. n. ^ir^-^^ g. ofo. ^r5^r?T TFRiJT, i^r w.-in^/. ^iq^ y. o/o. iif /. jtfw ^7. Tmrtnrat/. =ptot, f^qosoft^r "TT55f7r, &c. ^Tpq, irfsift, f ?i«ft, 'I'jsift, f^^'^^. ^ff^i n^*^q'. [ ■M». ffffi^ ?«. qqr'TJT ?i. iRij^ or q- wi. RqPT «. ^^ni m. snTFT »/». ^^^ff m. Eules and regulations, — compreh. ^FTjnqrTT m. "%T- To keep one's r. q?TrqT ^^^. [?,0T. Te lay down rules for. . o. v. V. Sf^oiRT ^J^^mu EULE OF TuDEE, «. f^f^f^T^ or %TftT^ «. Tke first term or the supposition is called, f^I^^lRl'F «. — the second or the rafe, ^r{\^ n. — the third or the demand, '%^^f. — and the fourth or the answer, f^-^V^^n. Double r. ^^^mf^T^ n. ^HWTrf^l^, f^fsftT^^f^T^. R. direct. 5f^JT§nf^T-7;, ^JT?fTTf^T'^. E. inverse. ^^^]-f{ -^nf^'?;, sq-s^^rif^i^. To Rule, v. a. ( paper, &c. ) 3T^iJr, Xw-^ or ^^r^, ^^JT^, ^/. pl.-&Q. ^K^. 2 control, regulate, ^-c. T. To Govern. 3tK^ «!.-3TffcT^R »«.-f=f;'T?T/.-^Trr/.-&c. sRiJf-^Rq-iJt u-ith m oj o. ;f^JTf- 5Tm^ n.-f^qJT^ «.-3TT5riir W.-3TR?: W.-&C. qRiJI 5?. o/o." 2b Rule, v. n. exercise supreme authority. 3TTT?5 Wf.-^T^T M.- JI^ fl.-^?Tft/-&c. ^ot-^T??^, 713^ M.-3TJT?5 «).-SfH- t^T «.-&c. 3T?r'Jt y. q/s. ROLED,^. V. V. A. 1. 3T^%?!r, ^^R^OT, &c 2 ^^firfrr =;rT^5r%c5T, &c. fJTqffT?r, ^Trfffrf, .-jT^^irf%?f. RuLEE, 11. instrument to draiu lines, ar^puft/. \^^f. ^f- ^M n. \^7:^ or \^Z^f. 2 governor, lord. 'iT^^ =FTtiTn:r,3Tf^:?nft,^rfrT, ST^-,^!^- 55Tm?f-f^qTT?T-&c. 'TTTT-^fr-ctc. That is under cue r. — a country, &c. ^'Tir=>fT, <^^r?/< distilledfrom molasses. ^^/. Rum, a. j«eer, oa'J, v. Strakge. f;r?;^T"ir, cT-^?ff ^. To Rumble, v. n. make a low continued sound. 1315^ or <^- 2 — the belly. Jll'jiof, ^TJ^of, niTl'jf, r^?;ot, i^^%\ m. HH^/. To RuMon, V. a. report abroad, bruit. ir^«rifr, =^^M-A(<. -\^ g. of 0. To bo rumored abroad. ?5uf, 'fJT^. \ *.'\mi, T- Tpsf w.-'TiRpir'T^ M.-T:i?rr'TOT. jf^iji-^oi^, ^iq?«.-^w?ft/. 5fn^, ^K^-Jr, 5rr/ or ^^r^r/. w-k^. To r. away cowardly, ^iij^ m. m-j^ T5toT. To r. away openly, boldly, defyingly.&c. ^RT^^C fm- '^^R or JTre?r "T^ot or ^fdf , ^rfriTT jfr \3^ qstot. o let flow ; or, flow, exude, nzor, ^nT'JT, 1%5ff5f, ^^^. 4 Iccome liquid, dissolve, sweat, ooze, fq^aof^ %ffaor, 1- 5 pass, proceed ; — time, Jl. 11 after ; v. To Follow, To Pursue. qrJtH JTFTof y. 0/0. a^gnJTH w.-argiTR^ «.-&c. =PT>Ji y. ofo. 12 down ;— a river, &c. aTt?l^>jf, ^m^. HTJIT 748 Ers 13 into ; pricl: ^of, ^% ^pm, ^Mt, ^^t, f^nF^t, >lTiJf , f^»;0T, ft^, ?i^T'if. 11 on; le continued. ^M^, ^r^^ 3TO'jf . 15 on ; ^a/i- incessaiith/, v. To Phate. stS^^, ^TC?^, 16 ( olY with a paramour )— a married woman. ^ »». VT€^ ^rTM ^. o/o. RT^ or TT^t^T FTPJH vTM 5'. of o.—B, luau with a woman, ^FKOT, ^T5^ JTot, 17 out ; V. ExHAVSTED. ^"^OT, ^ITW. 18 over ; V. To Ovebflow. gfmsoT, JT^'fli^ui. 19 (over the body, &c. ) — ants, lice, fleas. 5*r^"if, 20 to; seel- refuge tcith. arr^T^ OT.-3TT?rT m.-^TF/.-^^F- CT «>-"TFT m. ^Z. vpTif ^f. of o. 21 together; — a rope, &e. ^sPTT'^f. 22 up, yroio rapidly. 3^tJl^. 23 up, — an account. =^Sot, =IT5^. 2b EcN, «). . ^ OT. TXf^ m. *?n;?5T ^TTTtnJTM.— and for a half-r. 5T?ft/. ^^t/ — and for a quarter r. T^FR or XX m. ^T^FTft —in contempt. ^?^f. ^Z"^] m, Eupees of various currencies. TT^'Tn. A half r. is arq'rff/.— i r. ^]^^^f. ^]^P^m.~l r. =Ejg-- ?5t/. =Er^c5»»./.— i^j r. 3T0TTOT. l^?Jn.f p^"^/.— ^^ r. arfirswt. _^ _^ [%^5. Defaced & battered — a r. %^q^T — dim. %^!ps:, %^, E.'s weight. HR (ex. ^^n TR, ^t^^nrq- jtR, &c.). To change a r. ^TTpsft HRf Krgot, ^^f m. %Ti\. To shell out the rupees, jj^njuf o^r. ^PT^ ^, To EuPTCEE, V. a. burst.1 break. Zf. f«r^rfw. To come to a r. frpTSof g. of o. II. 7(er«/a. STrnfeOT. ST^STfTS/. III. ruptured gut. ^tZMy or Mliloirw. EcPTUEED, (i. having hernia. aTrT'fer^r, STrP^oE ITT^OT, 3?^- j ErEAL, o. belongitig, ^'c. to the country, — as opposed to a city. ^SqTTTS-nfrfOT, ^S-^jmii-^JMI, sif^^lt^^, ^T^rr«nT- 2 V. Ageiculttjeal. iTH^FlHNI, ^IrnirTTSTT, EtiSE. See Aetifice, Teick. EuSH, n. — the plant. rI=fT»J- rJ^^TcETw. I 2 any thing proverbially trifling or worildess. W-ritf.W.' I EusH, EusHiNG, n. V. V. 1. m=(Ui)Nl-=JfT3;''^Hi-&c. 5t'7Rl OT.-TqT?TOT.-r13^TOT.-??'TRT»n.-&c. g^-==rT?5>n-&c. g-- qT^rw».-rTTCT»».-MHl'ilw.-rr5r^r«!.-&C. ITROT, gTHT^-^nf^- &c. =Err^af-Ac. 2 at, on, upou, &c. v. To Attack. HTT w. HTT'jf-^'if, 3 iu, &c. ^q^.&c. frtTnf-flTt^-fT^Dt, ^H^t, 5^ft/. Hr- 4 through, into, forward, &c. headlong. ^JTSF or JTO"f- ST «!.-5Hst or n^if[ f.-^^^x^W /.-5^^ffr /.-gr^tst. or g5!^flt/.-&c. HIT'^-'^'^ or, ^u/VA y. o/«. =qT?!;at-f?l=Tor, EusHT, a. nw^. m. To Ecsx, V. n. contract rust. cTfifni, ^1^, rtf^T"if, ^ m.- 2b EusT, V. a. maize rusiij. rfr5r/.-&c. aTTT'Jf, W\ m.-&c. =q-- EuSTED, See Eustt. EuSTiC, a. of or lelonr/ing to the country, — as opposed to the city, V. EuEAL. ?jT5nf-T'5rT, ^S-ifTTTl-qT^, ^f ^f^=^T. 2 unpolished, loorish, plain, coarse, <^'c. suited to the country. nf^TT^, ^Slk^, ^Slt^, TfJT^, nfq^5r, TJ^- ?5»?T, TTJT^ST, ?1?T^?:, ^T^T?:, %fnJ or %^'Z, %|^, ^'STf , %5TcE or %f ^TTSr, nf=r?^, 3mTT=ft, ^"^i TT'^T^, ^opqi^; or ^uHioiiMi^ ^t?r'it?rqT, ^i^f^stsft. EuSTic, ?j. cZozfw, sifawJ, 7iin(/, v. CouXTEXiTAH. ira^nrr, Jb EusTiCATE, V. a. lanish into the country. %"|iTt^fcr ?T- EusTicixT, ;?. V. A. 2. iiisfsqTiTT ot. n^TT^'TT OT. ^^ra^rwr m. &c. ZfV^^ n. [ ^T »». ECSTINESS, «. V. A. 1. vji'lrfr^^uir fit. ^JtT>JTT w. &c. rffsf /. jZb EusTLE, «;. «. malce a quick succession of small sounds. ?^S^^, ^lp^5of, ^^SiJr, ^^^^lif , ^^^Hof, ^?f^Df, .i^^ffil^fDT, g^K^, gsf ^of, ^^?T?; or ^\ ado. ^il*S, *'iI3t. EuSTr, a. affected by rust. flN^?!T, vHH rfrll, rrt?! tR?^, ^t- T ^q^3?5r, rn^=5fr, ^nrqr, &c. ^rft, w^\., ^it, viW, 2 fig. impaired hy disuse, inaction^ ^'c. *Tfe^ pop. Hofjuj^ ir?ftFT, rfl5qf?'erfaininy, Sfe. to sugar. ^^Xyf^^ ^^"^f, Saceedotal, a. p)ertaining., ^'c. to priests or the priesthood, ^TRT^pr^, ^Tfi^nhrr, TTl|r?'Tr^r, '^<^M or W'KH M. Sack, m. Zarye %. ^ n. ^?5T m.'VmsJT m. ?IT^/. qi^/. Double, s. ( for beasts ). W-Z^f nttift/. "froT/. nmi M. qs^TT/. ^^nft/. Double s. (for men). %W[Zf. fm^c^/. J^RcS w.— iu jocose &c. phraseol. ^ttt^^FFTT^/. Lar^e s. for holding grain. »fFT w. Saddle- s. ^Z^f. 2 See Plunhee. 2b Sack, v.a. pillage, \. To Plukpeb. ^ot, FpTS'jf, gRTS- oT, ^-r^zf.-'^vi^^f-wim^-f ■■&<:■ =f^>^- Sack-cloth, Sacking, n. ^v^^ n. SacEAMEHXal, a. ^^HfiKMI, ^TWR^^t, ^WHfTTTF, ^- SAC 750 SAD Sacbed, a^mt secular or common ; pertawivy to Ood or his tvorthip and service. ^^Tl^r, S'^rTTSTT, t'^ft, i'^V^^'-ff .,\- 2 tised/or religto. spvrjwses. SSfH^/t^T, ?=^^'T^=ifT,35- S. place or spot, t. IIolv. fl=5l «. 3 iiiviolalle^ Sfc. as if appropriated to a deity. H^TH ^\T\- f?i«rtiqi5T. [ niTt^T «. S. thing, f7i)«^ not to le touched, f^^^ n. SF^W n. 4 V. Yeseeable. STf^^Tp. SaCBED-NESS, «. Y. A. 1. ^^SJfVrn-/ r'^T^^Tf^^TT/ ('^?f- si'q- m. 3?sf|Mr-=)+r^ «. &e. Tf^^cTT/ 3 aTHfivi^mHi/. &c. SaCeificabt.e, a. that may le offered in sacrijice. ^T'^TT J- q^T^T, if'=n^qr 3'"T^TT=5rT, &c. H«T, TflTT, qpj^, W^- Sacbtfical, Saceific, «. employed in sarr'.fice. q-frr^iTT ^- 2b Sachifice, v. a. immolate as an qfferaiy. ^ m.-i^'-^ m.- ^ tn.-Sic. Jtr?;^ g. of o. '^■^pop. q^ft m. q^-^or q, of o. sifeJT^ n. ^PToi g. of o. 3TTf fff /• ^OT ff. of o. To s. one's self ( to the service of ). ITM w. =ll^ui. 2 ^j't'e «^/or r, ^?3^, f^^I^t'', if'i^TT, f^- qinJT, fqn^^^F Or fsm^IT. 2 having the exte^-nal appearance of sorrow, rnefnl. doleful, Sfc. rsw, '^^r, ^5^, s'FR?^ n. n. Side of a s. lfT7 m. f Sitting cloth over a s. nniT m. Strips (of broad cloth, &e.) appended to a s. ^%'^fpi. Thigh-pad of a s. HfinT^/. W.^^f Ties connecting the sides of a s. STt^^^T «. pi. To Saddle, v. a. put a saddle on. ^^^X or sff^ m. ^\^^i\- 2 fix a burden on. ^1 n.-&c. qic^of loith eR cfo. Saddle-backed, a. ^i=imi?I=5fr, ^fft^"7ret. Saddle-bag, «. 5? n. "?S?it/ Saddle-bow, «. ^rs «• Saddle-clotu, ra. under the s. ^nirfsw. — over the s. TI^ITm Sadde-gietb, n. ^^ m. Strap or leather end of a s. ^RTT w. Saidle-makee, Saddles, «. f3T?fnT, ^^r-^t^ftr ^iITfr. Saddle-making, «. f^JtiRt/- Saddle-feame, n. ^"Ys «• Saddleet, n. f^T^TTI^ %%3 ^mTH «. 2 f^HTTRT -4^ m. f^^nft/. Sadlt, adv. Y. A. 1. ^'^TOTT^, f^?5fn'^%, ^^RTfot, &C. I. in a great degree, so as to cause scrroic. "FR, Hrft, |: ^ ErRRTT^nnT f'^t ^ Sai>nes8, n. v. A. 1. T^re^mT ?». ^'c. f^Psf^ft/. 3?l^ra'>^'.'. SAG 751 SAL SiFK, a. free from danger, f^^m^, f^'I'T, f^i^^qj, P^^- Hq", 1^q?5T?ft?r, a^q^rrrffra-. 2 free from hurt or damage. grflT^r, ^5, ^ir^fT, ^^Tc5 or 3 conferring safety. fSf^q', *r?Tr'TT5rr=qr, 'Tq-f^T, Jrq^f^, f^mift, ar^rftTq vulg. 3T^m»Tq-. Safe, n. — for provisions. sTtss^si?^ Rr^t/. ^^S^ n. NXTO'wJ. Safe-cosduct, n. pass. ^^^^^ n. ^r?=J m. Safe-guaed, n. See Defence, Pkoxlctios. 2 /loss. STTT'^sr »». ^1^ m. Safely, adv. v. A. 1. 'TqRff5, f^^qi%, PfTq, ^^TW, g- 2 w^rnn, g^m?T, tT;;iT?^rn?qT5ft=jf5, -cTtgr^Rfrq-RrsR", Safety, Safeness, n. v.A.l. ^^"t^FfTT^r m. &c. ^THT^stm. fSio+.d^pfci ». f^?;q^=ifTT/. &ic. f^^^^ n. ^^]^\n m. nq-ft- 2 tfsqnir ?«. ^Trf^vnr ?«. 'iT^^^q-uTT m. ^^fiv=\^^^ m. &c. ^^T?5cfT/. ^^flf^ n. 3T?^?I^ »«. I. shelter, cover, protection, Sfc. 3TT«T. Safflowee, «. cartTiamus, — the plant. ^g^+'+! m w. %^t^ m. jTITTU »»• S.-wash. %\T(\f. Saffbon, Saffeont, Saffeon'-coioeed, a. having the colour ofsaj'roti. %?rtt, %?lfr tnr^, 3n>POTRr. Saffbon-Bastaed. See Safflowee. To Sag. See To Swag. Sagacious, Sagacity. See Shaep, Sdaepness. Sage, n. See Philosophee. 2. v. Saint, ^s^ffq^jtr^ JT^nr?^, gfn, JTr^ff, 55?f , qf^ <»' ^r^ft, 'J'b^n, — As implying one having divine or spiritual knowledge. f%5, f^jq'?^, »I^- IT, aT^r=ft, ji^^ttt, »f^ir^, anv^rfr, 3TTrHJrT^T, rfl<|«K- Sagittaeics, n. — the zodiacal sign, cj^ n. q?r m. Sago, n. m%m. ^nT% fTtf|S Grain or granule of a. ^Fi?Tq | H , S'MH.'qM, arf^-ff ?T, Hfai?f. Sail, «. ^fts n. ar^^R or air^TR h. Jib-s. "Pr^/. Lower end of the sail-yard. qtH or q'rH mi. S. furled on its yard. tTfiT/. Sheet of a s. ^Ptr^T n. With full or swelling; sails. HT^RTTH or TTr^T^ff^l"^. To set s.put out to sea. TrS^T^T-Ac. ^-TTT^. To set the s. ^f n. ^^FT^of, ^TS n. 3-»TR«r. To shift the s. ( in changing tacts ). JTRoi/. i?oi To strike s. 5[f|-f M. g'rR'or. [ ^T^/- 2 Sec Ship. 3 an excursion in a vessel, ^]^r(.&c. =P3^ To Sail, v. n. be impelled ly the action of wind on sails, fjl- 2 pass or proceed hy ^i■a/cr.^^.vlr^^-^^,^r^^r-^\^^r\\^^^ -&c. ^of, "TTi^lf^ ^M, B^^I^-^^JHI'im-Ac. viPJif. 3 set sail.^ begin a voyage. ^?J^^ n.-&c. ^-^Rot-^r^ut- Sail-cloth, m. f^sRi «». q^JT w. Sail-yard, w.^^st/. The lower end of the s. the taclc on board. qtH m. Sailob, n. mariner, seaman. ^ft, iT?!5i-ce, Wages, ^f^ qnR vt.-&.Q. ^ih n. %?R n. ^fm^f. ^^^'^ n. Sale, «. y. V. A. f^^prr m. Hl+O w ^T^lvt/. f'J+'M »». !?iT ct. f^if^il w. ^luM n. qoT^ n. Bill of 8. ^^nr ». SAE 752 SAL Peed of 8. •PTI'f; ^?T«. Profits or amount of a. ^^ /. | Kescissiou of s. f^ip^gr^f »i. [or ^/. The first sale after tlio dawiiiug of tlio day. ^]^ That is for s. f^T^^, ftTfrni^. V. Y. N. vent, going off. W^ m. 1^^ or ^^f. Saleable, a. v. V. f^-qJr'TpftlT-?lR^r-&c. %?T, f^T, %«T, Salep, «. ?ir=if*T«ft or ?rTT^fJT«ft/. Salesman, n. one who finds a sale for iJte goods of another, ^R! m. Saliest, a. projecting. sn^3Tra?5T. Saliue, Sallsous, a. t. Salt. ^RT, f^TCT^r, ?5R1T, ?5Kf&I^. Sali>'ENES3, «. V. A. ^jlRtT'JTT m. &c. tTHT »«. Saliva, w.v. Spittle. ^^Am. ^qft/. c^r^T^w/). ?5T5i/. ^^t^m. Salital, Sahvaby, Salivous, a. v. N. '^qp^rr, &c. 37- c^m^q^, FSr^T^T^, STSkHli*, JSrHT'fT^^. 2b Salivate, v. a. ca«»e secretion of saliva. ^]% n. a^m'jf, ?ffl «. ^. To be salivated. ^ n. ^ in. con. [^^. Sallow, a. of a pah, yellowish colour, ft^, f^?r?5?ir, fH- S. hue ( of the countenance or body ). ff?€t/. To get or txirn s. fq^ot, f^^=r^. Sallowness, «. V. A. frj^^TCTT m. Jpr^sf^/. spT^=i5^/. ^FT- K^oi/. ^JlfeiTT m.f. ft'^;^/. Sallt, n. issue of troops from a fort (o attack lesiegers. gr- 2 (of humor, wit, frolic, &c. ). J?|^/. c5^T/. ^t^ m. 3 ( of auger or ardor ). 3"?{^/. v. ^r, ^t^^FT m. ^Z'WS m. kn m. 3Tr%n m. To Sallt, v. n. issue from a fort <|-c. to attack lesiegers. 3- Sally-poet, «. i%5=fft/. Salmon, n. ^^ -JiirfHl jtrtt 3TT^. Saloon, w. spacious hall, Sfc. ?r^/. s^rJR or ^^^ n. tfT- ^ m. 3TR^H^r?5 m. Salt, n. Jfts ?!. HSf'JI «. ?TR /o;;. ^r m. ■pm^ »»• Black s. Bitnohen. ihraMlS n. f«lS?55PJI n. «{t5 »■ 'TW- iffS ?!. ^TOra^"JT «• ?r^^ n. ?TR m. TT^^ «. Culinary or common s. (^T^ft^ n. Landing place for s. rftysTJT w. Mineral or a metallic s. ;j^^ m. T.^ m. Mineral s. Eock s. Fuctitioua s. — iu contrad. from sea salt, ^^ifte n. Eock s. Xf^^^ n. f^g^^cT n. '^^^ n. -^^W^^ n. S. extracted from saline earth, dung, &c. ^Tt^i^s- ^I^^5-Hftff|Tft5 n. WW'fflZ or ^^f^Z n. Sochal 8. W^ n. ^S^R m. #^^M «. RT^ruT n. Wanting in s. 3TorofT, ^s,ujK_ To become or be impregnated with 3. ^Rrqr"Tf. 2 ( in speech ) pungency, sharpness. Jft5f*R^/- frT^S- ^ n. Salt, a. ^RT, ^R?:, a^rJT, ^7^oiTT, 55T^n. n. Salt-pethe, n. ^\ij(\Z n. #a m. ^^f^R vi. g^^T^R m. g- CT^^ »». q'^^TR m. Purified 3. ^F^Jjft ^ItT »». Salt-wobk, Salteen, m. />-aci ofs. pits along shore. fir^T- iTT 0?' 3TFR "«. «. ['^^f^Tf;. Salted,/!. V. V. ift3 ^Tm^?5T, &c. sr^ftT, ST^rf&t^, ^R^^, Over s. ?jrT^, ^^R. Under s. H^SEiift, 3T5toi?:. Tnsalted. 3TolDff. [-^ft. Saltee, Salt-makee, n. nNir or I^^TRIT, frreri^, fH5- Saltness, «. T. A. ^R'^OTT w. ^Rjq>JTT m. Wlm. ^RSlf /. ?5Fri5T «. ?TR OT. ^?:ffT/. ^^R^^Prrr/. &e. S. or saline matter in a soil, fftar/. 3mr >«. Saltt, a. somewhat salt. ^nzKKZ. Salubhious, a.faioralle to health, promoting health, — (cli- mate, water, air, &c.) ^T^TW ^V\^A, R?:^, q5i,xf^;t, ^- S'-^r^r, ^?:tt^t, ?fTF?TT=EfT, 3TRT"T^?rsF-5jnq:-sr^, PrfRfr, 5;ift^f^?[Trtt, ^T^^^^tJi^Rt, &c. ?rTf??:p, qlfsq;, jf^q^-^F- Saluebiousness, Salueeitt, «. v. A. f^^r^^T'tr m. &c. ?T. a. greet, hail, address expressions of kind wishes to, make obeisance to, ^'c. ^?5Rr m,-TJ^TX^mr^' SAN 2 See To Kiss. Salute. See Salutation. 2 See Kiss. S. in proclamation of victory. ^q^l«r m. S. with g-uus. ^ipjnft^'Tr FfrTn-/. pi. ^?AjfH\m^'^f. Saluter, «. Saluting,;;, a. v. Y. 1. ?T^riT-^3T?^R->S:c. qj- tiTm-^i'TJTRr,'JTfH^r^^,3TF*rqT^-3TfH5iq^=};?i?-:Fitt-&c. Salvaeility, h. t. a. ?in;oT'TT5rrTT?i'?riq?rr /.-^TgFTcrr/. ftt- ?:T?Tr/. rfT^Tf^^ «. crrf c^ «. 2 ^Rm"Jir m. &c. ^rrnr^ w. ^rri^ n. ^ttftt/. Samphire, ?!.— the herb. M^V^'^j. ^^^f- Sample, n. specimen. ^]^^^A m. ^TRffT /. ^5=TT m. ^?^/^ ^- Sakable, &c. See Cuhable, &c. Sanative, Sanatory, «. tending to heal. ^TT «RT^tOTRT, ff- 3TTJf, TTq^t^ «.-qnHTn m.-^Vf>.ij^ m.-&c. JJRof ^.o/d. WT-.rT^ w.--JI?T:af5/.-c^c. ^Tofy. o/o.qnT^PT-fHstin-&c. 2?R^, qf^T^T^oi «.-.*ic. ^F^of y. ofo. Sanctimonious, a. that mahrs a yrcat profession or shew of sanctity, —of persons. H^l^r-qf^=^%^r-g5t^T-&c. '^^i- =Tr-3Trt5T-qT-qr'^Tr-5iJ'Tr-sr'ft-fl?fr-&c. ^tf'--^^^ ^^. 'qr^t, m^ or rqr, i\% si^r, a^ffimfA^, gif^Ntfr, 2 —of tilings. H^'T^r-qf5f^^=?qT-&c. 5rf^nir-qr*T«^-&c. Sanctimoniousness, Sanctimony, n. v. A. *r^f%-q:f^ m. WMF or 3TTW 111. aTT^TR »». TH^ «. lb Sanction, r. o. rrt^(/y, confirm. qi^rT-^Pf^-HF^-g^frn;. H^5-si^ra-7JTf^-&c. ^RiJf , ^i or ^^ qi^iji-c^oi'oi. 2 tcarrant. 5flT=iTq w.-tHTtTR i«.-&c. '^ot, 'A^9;m m.-'flJ^^T- &c. 3THaty. o/s. v-ith ^ or FIT o/o. aTTHf qHj=T-3TTqRH=l - &c. 3THot. Sanctity, Sanctitude, »t. v. Holiness. qflr=5i?rr/. ?fTg?rr/. 3t?T;iTR n. ai^rT-.^f^/. SaNctUABY, «. inner part of a temple. IIHI^W. THRT ?«. T- JTTTR «. 1HJI «. 2 sacred place, temple, ^'c. v. Temple, qf^^^rrnr/ qf^- ^TTrfq- ». ^^rST n. g^TTR «• 3 /)/a(.'e of refuye.^ asylum. ■^]'■A^^'■^J^ ■ n. 3?r=>.T^^'^kn. ^^ or 5)i. Sand-glass, «. m^ ^^m. ^IJ^FfT^?!. Sandal, n. — the kind of shoe. ^^TT^/, %q?rt/. ^t^t/ ^• ^TCT/. qrf?I'^".^?'^^flt/-— worn by women, ^TRsj':. Heel-tie of a s. ^^Z^J^tn. Pair of sandals. ^"^H. [^T. That is without sandals (or shoes). ^TT^T'ifl', 3T^'?i Sandal, n. — the tree or wood. <(zj^n. >f\j^t». TSTFT^ or l{^J\^Km.^?J^vl7;n. Black s.-wood. ^otJIFTf pop. ^-D3, n. sandy plain or tract. WIB^K or Zn./. ^f7^^n. pop. 25SOT/. n. ^rm. Xr\rsf. M^>>!- iTi;?'4?^«. gJjSDT, a. of or lelonging to sand, ^rft^r, =rT5r^ or sffoS^^, 2 abounding u-ilh or having mnd. ^fft^, «n^^r o>' ^55- «. beach, &u. v. Sasds. im:^zn.f. SaSE, (j. «o/! disordered in mind. ?rr^q-, ^l^=^r, 5g5, =^fT?5T, 2 See Hkaltut. SaKQUIFErous, a. conveying Mood. t^^i^T'., T^^T^. .Sakouificatios, n. production of blood. ^Tfi^^^j^^n. X^]?jf^ /■ X^^f^f^^f- V^.^i^n. f^AN^aciNAHiXEss, n. V. A. 1. ^■^f^ ir^^jr^m. ^^'TTfT»IT;|'rTn. X^'mh^n. 2 ^^mjm. f^^T.^n. r^^n=rT/. f5TqfHT/. SANQlIXAEr, a. attended loit/i much bloodshed. ^'^^ ?:Tp. q;q-- Sanious, a. serovg. Tnn'J^T or "T^r^, ?5^^r, &c. TO Sarcastic, Saecastical, a. \. N. ^RRqr^r, ^\^^v^^^ >-tc. Saecasticallt, «(/«>. V. A. ;tTTOTT-?r^-iT- T'PRr^t ^':^. [ y- of 0. To 8. one's self n-ith. STTT^ur/. n.-^^Z f.-■S^Z f. irnf Sated, Satiated, 7). v. Y. tn-%?5r %%^r, 5T qT3k?ir, 3TH^ %^T, &c. m%^r, mRhh, arf^r^H", qm-TrK, qft'jof^JT, ^• Satedness, Satiett, n. v. P. q'P.^uil m. 3T*R/. ^t/. 2^/. H^^Rfrs/. f^m/. "Tfe^/. ^mnffr/. 3Tf?tgm/. "T^f^ SAT 755 SAV Satellite, m. — iu aslrouomy. JT^ »». SatelliteSj/y. courtiers, allenJants, ijo. g;R^^^r/. 3Tr- Bribing or propitialiug of s. ^K'T^r/. Sater, Satiating,/?, a. &c. v. V. OT5 qSTirrtr, ?^ "^rsoTRr, T^^Trms ^^oir^cr, &e. qlTrrfH-3TfTtHffr-&c. spTrr-q^r^^-&c. Satin, «.— the eilk. arftmr «. Satin-wood, 7k — the tree. ^ m.f. ^? or^^ m. Satire, n. a discourse or poem coniaimng sarcastic censures. i%S^T wsr m. H^r^r^^^n^ «. R^n^q-R «. 5rr=^^fce. *rTOT-fiTTr^oT-q^^TDT, z^^^%- ?0T, eq^sgtrr, 3"H5C^, jq^ ^\\m decl. wM. Saturated, p. v. V. ^mtw HT%?ir, arf^TqoT. [ ^^^J\ n. Saturation, >i. v. "V. im?TK-.'ce. HTof n.- f>T^qw »i.'3TfJ=r- Saturday, n. \^^^Xpop. ^^cTR m. H25R m. J^3^«^ m. Saturn, w.— the planet, ^if^ w. ^h^TT '»• H? w. ^R wi. Saturnalia, w.— the Hindu, ^off/. f>([^^\ m. Saturnian, a. belonging to the golden age. BfTqir^r, ^?T- Saturnine, «. dull, phlegmatic, h^, ^?, '43, ^ssfjifH. Satyr, n. ^^'V^^'^^mfkV'^. Sauce, n. something eaten with food to give a relish, ^rfr !^^- q- ^p^K?-, ^F^Hof, spr=Erfr or sjnf, itt^, nivT, ^^r- uft, ^"JT^r, q^rR-?T, H'tTf^, T^r, ^jq^, SR"^, ^b^^tr. 2 See Impudence. Sauce-eox. See Saucy. Sauce-pan, m. v. Pot. ^fst/ 5-?ft=qT ^ffr/ 5^% Wq=J n. Saucer, m. cfr^/. ?^% «.— large, ^rtt »». Wooden s. or bowl, q^qr or ^J m. qjn or ^ n. Saucily, adv. v. A. fq^rjH, ':fr=;qtiTR, &c. ^fsqr-io. ^>37^. To speak s. z\^ ^ROT. Sauciness, n. v. A. ffcTJIJ/. ^K^m m. ^tptqrJTT »». siTTq- j m m. 1?^?: H. 1'=;^/. Sif^^T m. IH^ »i. pl.'h:^^ n. Saucy, o. /jc;-/, impudent.— oi' persons*. tfT?:, q^rqi^ft, ^fS^I, 5.r5, 75/1, qrsqr, sir, siRqr, ^if h strttt^t, m? ^^itt- CT, fir^r^TT, Sqr, "si^Kfrn , arfsj^q, |»R=qr. 2— of speech, behaviour, ifcctfr^qoTRf, feir^T, ?fs^q- To Saunter, v. n. \. To Wander. Kf^, rs^Tnn -XM^-^nh &c. fTRoi, qpfof , f<^mr fqRtJT, ^JT'n=F/.-&c. q:^or, ^ Saunter, Sauntering, ». v. V. ^JTtif «. ?:T^?JT?Tfir?:ot n. ^ Saunteree, n. Sauntering, p. a. v.V. tHOTRT, ^HnJHdfWI ?:oTRr, &c. q»^r, nn^^ir or ^ST o'- ^?i^i, ^»i>?tk, f^ Sauntering ly, nJf. v. Y. ?Tf?RKH, TK^^tr, q»TfTn»R. Satage, a. barbarous, roild, uncivilized. X]^i\, iT «.-^?:?liT «.-&c. ^l^ g.ojo. Save me ! =5nf| =5(Tf^. To s. appearances. . a. v. V. 1- rfROTRT, sf^nTTRT, cTR^, ^TTfTT, H^?^, ^?T'iT-&c. ^FrTf-^FRt. 2 CTHc? Savioue. rlK^lUr, 3'5T"iIRT, &c. ?TR=P, 3"^R^, 3"- 3^, T5R-&C. ^frr. I. sparing, frugal, v. Economical. ^r^^F^^TT, ^R^^ff- II. that secures salvation. J^R^TtT^, JSRlfft^fr^-T^, ^■^R^^, 75R"TRn. I. saw, adage. J^^f. ^^^f. arr^iTrw. 3ITT^^, HTfl^, ^r^R. To be s. qrs^. SCALDER, n. vSCALDINO,;). a. Y. \. 1. ^Tr^'TRT. S. hot. 3"=^ or ;j^^, ^rs^oft^r, ^iTS'Psftrr, <)Tfirer''T. Scale, n. ( of a bahmce ). tR% n. ^Ki n. Scales, T. Balance. ^V^J. r\Tnf[f. [ ?jiT »«. Thing put into a light s. to produce equilibrium. 'Tr- 2 ( of a fish, &c. ). ^5 n. ^q^ or ^^oE«. dim. ^«I5ft/- 3 thin lamina. qTJ^Twz. TTm^T'". "IT^nT or ?T»«. 3'^^5ft/. 4 — in music, 7. Gamut. ?TITT m. 5 regular gradation, a series rising Ig steps or degrees, ^^f =qSrfr or 3rr?^r 5FT H». q5?ft Or S-rT^'T Tft«. ^FTs^-^af-TT^ijf . %5t ^. o/c?. ^qc^/.-&c. ?5my. 0/0. feTT-fft5t*n:.— KSfrf «fi«. ^I- OT »J. «. f^TT ?i. HFS or irr?/. ?nT «. ?Tcrf^^ n. To Scar, v. a. SRi ot.-=^|Tw.-&c. qrsw, ?Tr[fq^f^ 5^ q?Ti?f. Scaramouch. See Buffoon. Scarce, a. not plentiful, not copious, v^isr, '4'rew, ^?1T, ^- To become s. rft^ w. f^n^T "!. co«. 2 few in nuinhcr and scattered, y. Eare. ftIJ[c5, frotT, |iffo, fr^T, I'-STHT, |5SfTtq-. To make one's self s. . |;Fo5 or I'TJfoS w. aTR^JT^ m. ■STt^fTT/. RTv^fTT/. 3TjftEr/. fTRT m. ^^f. f^Z] m. HM «• «. S. occasioned by drought. gqf;r5qn^. 2 f^otcnJTT w. f^^^HT/. ^^^ «. i^Tst-mr ?«. ^c^vt^ n. To Scare, v. a. v. To Frighten, ^^p^ffi, 5I=q^P^, g^quT, e^q^T m.-&c. q^-, n. outtr-slin. ^]\T^ ^.^t\J. ^\^^%f. .SciRiFiCATioN, n. T. V. '^\^^^^\ ^mM n. &c. I.— the incision, tpt^crft/. [ m^^f- i'^CAEinCATOn, SCAKIFIEK, ti. wstrumcnt Jor scarification. To ScABiFT, V. a. mal-e incisions in the skin, 'f\^^^\ j. q[sat-;!T^'t-HK'Ji -^r?5iJr. 2 to scratch the sinface soil. ^7:^^^, .Scarlet, a. T. Eed. rsra, ^Tr-^T ?:nT=qr. Scarlet fetee n. ^^X '"■ "• To SCATH. V. a. damage v. To Hlet. ^^^T=T Ji.-^^^T^ /• -Ic. 5f;?^ y. o/ 0. SCATHLESS, a. vninjxireJ. ^T■■^\7{\- &c. ^T^T, 3^r^?^?f, 31?T- Tc ScATTEK. V. a. throw loosely about. R^T^, fsf^^of or f^tJ?:l-&<:- W-^ 9- ofo. ^ set thinly. qm^-f^Tot-&C. ?JRor-'=TT^CTt. 26 Scatter, r. n. x. To Disperse. "Ff^F^, TTI'ir, f^^S f>r- Scattered,/), v. Y. A. 1. 'ESS, «. V. P. 1. ^^7ST»». ^^^/. q^7-0,2;. O. V. Y. A. 1. q^^iOTT^V, 2 3^iTITT, f^^S fH^3 ^iim, Ac. g-^~;?f-&c. JPTTr-^rft. Scattering, «. V. Y. A. 1. — act. Ot^tot «. q^^ «. &c. 2 ?5^^ M. Ac. 3^?n?55r/. ^finsTtJr/ qfqrqin/. f^n^- 35/. 3«P5!;oi/. 3^7.oft/- ^^F.^ n. fJifiq jh. 3 qTr155 rlT^tai «. &c. qTHSiflTSfoft/. f^l3LF.\^mf. Scavenger, n. (leaner of a street, v. Sweeper. 5(TiifT, 5fr5, ScA\EKGBT, n. gi^5 ^FHT ?». ^?ir?^^tfr/- Scene, n. division of an act of a play, ^k\^ in. ^]~^^^^ m. 2 place represented. TfiT/'. ^V?5 »• S cwtain or hanging of the theatre, q j?r m. Place bthiud tie stones. ^q«^ «. 8 SCH 4 the place ichcre anything is represented. TfJT/. 'H- 5 aisemllage of ohjects displayed at one view. ^Vf^I^^ q^T^r m.-^?:?^f m.-^^.]^ n.-&.v. ^spqr^f^qq- m. Scenery, n. the appearance of a place with re.ypeei to natural 6hJects.'z^^^v^'^ 5Ri3irr/.-T=5T^r/. ^^^oT|?irf^^?yr/.-?:^- ^\f.-^v^TJf. 53^ ^f^qmfsri^ m^Cf.-mmrf. Scenic. Sec Dramatic. Scent, h. v. Smell, etri w. qy m. That has s. or smell, m^., fi'^f^P. To get s. of. Erm »». ^FiTijf y. o/c ;rr^ w.-qstth m.-^c 5IFl6(T !». con. inV/i y. ofs. To ScEKT, V. a. p)er/vme. ^Wm.-^^r^ ?n.-&c. t^T'f^-^.'JI, ^IT- ^^-g^rf^Ff-ic. ^w, srreT «.-&c. ^p^of y. ofo. 2 See To Smell. Scentless, a. inodorous, ^nq', arn'q', 'i«:T'^f|rr-&c. Scented, p. v. Y. 1. 5fT?r c5I5r^?!T, &c. EfTf%rT, HTf^. Sceptic, Scepticism. See Infidel, Infidelity, Sceptical, a. v. Eovbtful. ^^q'lnrr, ^tf^rqufFT, ?(ftjfeipr- ^w, ^^iqrq^TJTm^T. [ J\-^%=i n. Sceptre, n. the ensign of royalty borne in the hand. n^5l»!. 2 regal power or office. tJ=stf%^ra?f n. Sceptered, a. bearing a sceptre. TTt^gSfeTpTt. Schedule, n. v. List, Inventory. Jr-:SI5ot. 2— as ill trade, &.e. v. N. 3. ^=^vi n. pl.-^j^Vi n. pL-&c. =F^at-355rot, ^.^W. n.-^^^o^f. -qrSH^/.-=F5lfj/.- &c. Schemer, n. Scheming, p. a. ScHEMErrL, a. v. Y. X. 1. and N. 2. '^f^HTS-i'tc. JFTnTRT-^T^tTTTJ-r, (j^Tf^r, ^ffifr, v. V. X. 2.— and N. 3. ^^R ^F^on^-^S^CTTRT-itc sp^r- or w^fr, =H»;s*^T, ^is'^rr, ^^--^z■^r, ^?^^r, ?;T3=JTr?T ^?:DTITr, Evening recitatiou of scholara. qn^r or ^r^^\ or q"- Heacl-p. qf f^Ti^q-. 2 ?«(?« of letters. f^T^T^, qftcT, qfl^^^, ^Tr, q^t^T, f^g;- SCHOLAE-SHIP; «. V. LeaKSINU. f^XJ(\ /. qffe^ "• f^^F^q- 2 maintenance for a scholar. '^?Tr^^f'ft ^TOT^/.-qqRwJ. Scholastic, o. lelonjing.^ ^-c. to a school. ^Tr%^, qT5^TT%- =ETr, qranRT^q'^-ft-f^r'nT^, OT«reV^-ft-f%«r^T^. 2 See Pedantic Scholiast, Scholium. See Commentator, CoMMENTAity. School, n. place of instruction. ^TTf^r pop. ^rs or ^TTS/. qT- 2;3Trar or OCT/. f^?Tr^?T «. f^?Tr'T| «. 'JT^^T^^rTir?: n. f^- ?TT7f «. f^T?^'-^^ n. 2 Lodi/ of scholars. l(\]^j-[ pop. ^J^ Or \}J7.f. qre^irar/. 3 si/stem of doctrine, ^c. ^IT^r jiop. ^W^f. f\^^m^^m. ^^VA^^^ m. DifFereuce of s. ^Tr?^!'!^ m. Of a bad s."?rT?fr^. Of a good s. ^Tr?5T?;[5. 4 hody of philosophers. f^Tsq-^TF^r/. f^l's^T^Tq^r'T m. To School. See To Teach, To Tutok. School-box, n. ^rS.^ f?T=F'JTTn-^mri->S:c. H^nr m. School-fellow, n. riW^'m ?Tra'ing. arfif^m m. 1^ 5". g?5T^r OT. nrnrr or 'rr^qra or w^m m. ^f^ n. 2 space, room. ^qr/. «». ST^^f^T m. ^^^"T^rr «. Scorbutic, a, ^Tfsr^^rsrfT^T, ^Tf^^^fTTT^W^^ft, m^^T- To ScoECn, V. a. hum superficial! ij, S,'e. 'TT^"^, "^X^., ;^T7- 'Jt,^<,H*vii or i^TTJoEOT, ^tstm, Hr3T'{R;/.->S:c. ^f^of y. qfo. Jo ScOKcn, V. n. he lurnt on the .surface, "fraot, >TMof, ^^- 30T, ;f ?^T5;^ or ^tTJSuf, ^qiif , ^^1^, ^5:iJt. SconciiED,^.T.V.A. Trasj^iT, i^'TTs;^?!!, &c. qr^k, ^iMicf, HPT^FT, ^2^r, TfSrfT, 3f?. To be s. "ft^ijf, 375Jrijf, 'ciT|3^ or 3T|T5!;'tf. Scor.cnEE, n. ScoEcni>-G. p. a. v. V. A. TT^crn^T, ;^T5tnn:T, [^T^iTTTO-, &c. H^^^'?Tf-^Tft-&c. SconCHiNG, n. t. Y. A.~ac(. ^^^ n. &c. ^V^mw.f. ^J^- -iKQ.^. a. V. V. frT^'f^fR'firTT, fe^PRtJIIT, ^^ ^PTDIRr, &c. f?[?^^TTT, ffT^^^Frtt, f?T-^R-frR^^R-c'ce. irrf-^rtt. ScoBNFUL, a. V. Contemptuous. frr<<:+,KMT, frR^^^TT^T, S. speech. ^^ 3tT^ n. ^iJf HT'stot »i. SCOESFULLT, adv. Y. A. f^q^T^TTH, &C. frI5C?q5R-&C. Jp^TT, 1?RPFR^5^, f?R^Rf ^^. ScOEPio, ScoEPiON, n. Tk\m. enhanc. f^^ST m. fPsqq? »j. Female s. ft^^ft or f^^qfTiT/. ft^t^T/. Hole or nest of s. f^iif^ '^^ n. Large and black s. jA^ f. Stroke or dart of the sting of a S. "P?^RT m. "poi^f on. tpiii^fnTT n. Smart of a s. sting, "foripur/. ktot^tt/. Tail or sting of a s. qtlT m. ^\^%\ or ^ftlUT o?' ^]n\^ 5T w. . o. ( a wheel ). g:^/-.3'JrS «.-3^^r »«. JIRdT ( =ETTSHT^ ), 3-5T »«. ^"if, ^^?ft/. PJT^. 2 c«< iMV7* shallotv incisions, ^f^oqry. j;?. sr'T."JI-iTR3T. Scotch, n. shallow incision. "Pra'Jft/. SCOUNDEEI, n. T. BlACKGUAED. ^^r, ^I^Trfj ^t^lrf , ^^RfV, Scoundeelism, «. T. Blackguaedism. FI^FTft/. ?^%f»lft/. To ScouE, V. a. scrub, rub. qi^T'S, ^re^iif, ^Z^.^ ^Effeof, ?;rT- Scouring stufl'. ^r^ift/. 3^olT»!. 2 (the bowels, &c.) t. To Puege. ;4ijf , quft/. :j;^oi ^. ofo. gTf^aJ-, gsrr qR/.-f^nf^"T5Tw. W-K^ y- ofo. ^VM^m.f. jpT^^y. ofo. 3 pass swiftly over. ^TTR^TT^-^^ ^m !t'//7i ^^ 0/ 0. ScouEED,^. V. V. 1. qre^Sr, 3?:%?5T, &e. ?€fq-. ScouEGE, ?!. V. Whip. '^]^^m. ^Rir>«. To ScouEGE, V. a. T. To Whip, To Pukish. ^»(^«!.-qsrr5T »». iTT?;'jf-?rT5fOT-?5'TT5r'^, =!:%»». i?i!. tr^. Scout, n. one sent out to observe the enemy. ^T, ^jTrTift^, ^R, 5sra3T, fj^w. %^^^t. To Scout, v. n. |^at, ^"fT/. ^.l^. To Scout, v. a. reject scornfully, v. To Contemn. ISffSTqTW, f^S^"^, f|5^T5fot or li^cfiif, ^^^CTJr, ^|5 flit, fq'^fT^rsT'Tf, %5of, ^%^^., f'^^ci, or ;^3R^, 3^5f?: or f^- To Scowl, V, n, look angry, severe, §-c. fi;¥.m. ^l, 3"1r5t- SCR 761 SCR «!.-5f5=f;^r?7'«.-&c. ^iir. Scowl, Scowj.ixg, n. v. V. i\^ jnR'if". sV^-'FT^'nn- &c. ^I?Tm. 5i5-q;^^,«. iprtTH^T/ ^Tf^T/. ScowLER, ]t. .Sco\vi.ixo,2'. a. V. V. 3r« OTrCH TT^RT, t^c. ira 95r5?5=5T-5nK^?jT-&c. ^mg"^^r. To ScEABBLE. See To Scramble. 2 See To Sceibble. !ScHAGGT. See- Leas. 2 See Rugqed. To SCHAMBLE, V. n. climl uply seizing objects tvitli the hand, 2 cntch at eayerli/ so as to get it lefore others. ^rsTT^T^ft /.-5r?:r'T^/.-?5r?:raiTr/.-q-JTROT.-if%TROT.-irT5 /.-&c. qj^of and ivith g. of s. ^raT-=5TT?55T, fHSt/. qrsroT. To be scrambled for. ^IT/.-fH^-^^^/.i^^.-^5-^r/.i)Z.- ^iI/.-&e. TS^r i«V7i ^ 0/ 0. SCEAP, n. piece, fragment, v. Bit. J^srw. ^5«. ^^^Tw. Sorajjs, fragments, dirty dishes, &c. remainiug- of a meal. ^V¥^Z\^7.f. j1, d**)*^, ^TS^. 7 up; out; — rats, &c. TT^'I. Sceatcu, n.laceration with a nail. H?^RT w. ^-^^il or sfr^- j:^ m. J^n^T or 5=^n ?«. <\-^A<\ m. aTR^JTST »». . v. V. 1. 2^R^.%3T, &c. To be s. Wl^. Heap of earth scratched. ^'^ '». T^^'ty. To Scrawl, v. a. write roughly, hastdg, inelegantly, illcgilly, Sfc. W.t^-, ^R'jTSaf , fq^soir, T^C^F^, HT^S'jf , *RH-g, n. v. V. 1. T%T/. ft^P5tt or {\f. ^TJrE\f \j^f. S. and squallin^!». MNHN/. f. Htq^^, «ptS. 2 ^ifq;^/. ( /«/J:^/. 2 See MisEB. To Schew, e. a. fasten luitk a screw. JToE^^IM «ra^^. 2 move hy a screw. jToEtj^^R ftJC^^. [ ''t. 3 V. To Twi3T, To Squeeze, fqsiijt, fq35f7t?f, ftffT ^>K- SCREW-PLATE, «. H^fl/. Screw tree, n. Juiictei-es isora. t^THTiI «s. trmwt/. Screwed, ;?. v. V. 1. JTSS^SfH 5T?r5ra?5T, iT^^^. 2 JT*«;^^i^ f^<.cvhich treats of the spiritual worship of the Deity or soul of the universe. The Furdnas are eij^hteen in number, Tiz.»r^'i3:itJT,f^^. Of or belonging to the Vedas. ssflrT, Eeading of s. if^q^TI m. Sacred law ( oi Manu )T?T3r, f'^T^i ^TJTT- ^, fW, f?R;traE, fiR^, 1^55, ftJFS^TJTT Or oft, q^fff, f^. q^RT, ifsn^^TTH afHi'jt?iriT. [=?;?q m. Scruple, «. v. Doubt, ^^t/. 3TT^^/. f%H^??!. f%^^f. f^r- 2— the weight. ((^ ST^Rft mq 3Tr|. jTo Scruple, v. n. y. To Doubt, To Hesitate, artf^ tR- SOT 763 ^^ot, ft^?q- «i.-T%ij W.-&C. JT^rtfT ariiTOT-mot, sfrtf'pr/. fjCELPLEit, n. ScEurLiNG, p. a. 8citurui.ous, a. v. Y. afi^ &.C. gf?^, »3tffraR, HTifH'g, aiiff^, f?ig^, f^rf^K, ^- ^, 5r?T "J. HRof-JTT5:'T «IH^. 2 ( from duty, work, <.te. ). ;?Jm«.-=qr^fl'/.-&C. ^f;- SCULKEE, H. SCULKING, p. a. T. V. 1. rlMUIKl, gTUrTTT, 5- ScuLKiKG, ?i. y. v. 2. :j;m^^f^'ir «. '^Vf■t[ ^^f^ «. ^r- SCULKINGLY. «^. T. A. 1. !^^ ^q^. Scull, n. h-ain-pan. W.f\€tf. i^^f. rW^f ^vC\f. ^fri\ f. K^sppsff i:^=^f. w.^i\f. ^mjT^pop. ^qra n. Necklace of Bculls. ^TTHKTJTr /. HH \ F ,\ f. SEA _^^ 2 short oar. rf^H^TT, ^T^r'a'fp-, nfi\i:K. Sculptuee, n. v. Caeviko. ^^i_w.\^ n. ^-Tra^IH". H^FTTTw;. To Sculptuee, v. a. t. To Caicve, To Enoeave. Jprw, Sculptured, ;;. v. V. qJk^sr, ^?fl?^^, i<:c. sFr^tsr, ^"Yifk, ScUJi, n. dirt or froth which rises to the top of liquor. "H^f. FT^T m. 95^ «». w^f ^TS/. 2 fig. (of the people). f^^RT >»• ??R^f /. 11^ m. S. of tlie earth. S. of the Tillage, &c. ?»^^ ^^5 / Ifsfr^t ViT^ f. [ ^ra^-lJRrff . 2b Scum, v. a. take off the scum, v. To Skim, f^^ f.-Lv. ScuMMEE, ScuMMiNGS. See Skimjif.b, Skimmings. ScuEF, n. mealy crust on the skin. ^T^r m. ^r m. ^r^ ;i. Clammy s. f^qii^ ?«. Eoll.of s. KoEipfr/. H5ft /. ScuEFT, a. T. N. ;F?t%?5T, ^'r^^TT^r, ^aifr^r. ScuBEiLOUS, a. foul-mouthed, v. Abusive. HT^r^T f^^ot, 9i- 2 containing low abuse, y. f:(T^?T, f?I«fl'llol|^r, irsftf^Tsft'^, 'iito^ki, '7r^fr^^Tfi^ w. 2b Scuttle, v. a. sink ly making /io/f«. Ht% n. pl.-&c. ^^^ 2b Scuttle, v. n. See To Scudble. ScYBALA, n. lumps of hardened fmes. ^| m pi, ^fqfVI h. Scythe, h. jfraifTf^T^'TRTn:^ sFT"T>Jft^ ^-^ '^^^ Wl^. Sea, «. V. Ocean. ^5? »». ^TT'; "i- ^f or ^f^ 77(. ?^^m. f%3«». Ablution in the s. ?TJ^??rTH n. Out to s. off from the land. ^R. Overwhelmed by the s. ^qf 1?:^ or jfiTTT 1^^. The four seas. ^^TH^^H^, ^^^'^'l^'T «. The seven seas. ^fTHJJ^ »'i. ?THHRR m. To send af-roes tlie s. to transport, ^.ik^\v^\^^ "TI^^ Sea-boat, n. '^Tsft fit^ «. ^loifl'irt'HH «. SEA 7G1. Sea-bbeeze, 11. ^TH^^^T-^^'l^^sTT-Ac. :mT m. Sea-coast, n. ^m^ts m. ^^fjpHRT m. ?T5^?ft?: n. ^qT ( or ^ftsiTT ) r+<1Kl '«. ?f5?H^ n. Sea-esciecled, SEA-oinr, a. ^T^^sn^tf^H. ^Hj%f^. Sea-eaher, n. Sea-fahixo, o. S^'i5T^,?f"pO,il?^5i^,^^rjTT HrftpF,— respect fully, ^Z^, Sea-fish, n. ^^^\^?^-^ff.^Vi^\<^rr,].&.Q. ttthT m. Sea-Max, n. V. Sailok. ^il^rat, ?r?T^ or F^qER. Fair weather s. !1. Seae, a. dried, toithered. EfPS^r, ^FSpI^, ^IoE^^T. To Seae, v. a. burn, scorch, cauterize. ^T^of, i^'IS^, ^Tn"?!, ^f^m. k^, 'Hrg^ 5if|TT-g5TT-&c. ^^. 2 v. To WiTHEH. tTPScM, f ^goT. To Seaech, v. a. look over or through to find something; ex- plore, cj-c. ^vh^ ^TTq^, qT^trf , 5ifmw.-&c. ^m, 5^, ;^5- ^,— closely, carefully, strictly. JETTSTw.-^rTST^rSrft/.- sflsil /.-^r5T5r^T»!.-&c. ^ijf-iiBT ^. of 0. — narrowly, thoroughly, v. To Eansack. ^Tciot or qissoT, ^^oi ^ doii , ^l*Jr, ^^ot, ^^or, r^T^m.- SEA. qTr«r'n.-^Tm'jFP/.-&c. ^iTvf y. o/o. ?Tmw.-g^r»».-&o. 3 out; V. To Teace. 3'H'Tif or URIof, ^PRUT, (ir'^w. 'CIT- "Tt-s^R^ y. o/ 0. [o/ 0, 4 (person, baggage, &c.). 5fnT?«--5fI?ft/.-rt;=IT^'ft/. ^y. Seaecu, Seahchin'o, 11. V. V. 1. ^5^«- W'il'if?!. &c. ^^Thiot. sffrtT'irT/. 5nTTw.5rs=fr/. grsr^r^^r'". grsr^sFfr/. ^Tsr»i. 2 mqoTrt. u5>Jt«. c^-r ^-^Tf^-?i^-&c. ^ijr. 2 ( a new eartlien vessel, wood, ic. ). ?3?TTW, frlT?^, m ' To be seasoned. U^iJf, ^Tof, f^'v^ |t^, ^l^, %'^^^^ cr q^JT^tJi. 3 ( iu wickedness. ). ^^^ or f^T^in, ^T^of or JT^Isi'Jf. 4 See To Temper. Seasoxable, a. opportune, timch/, SfC. ^7.^T^J^ ^^^Vil'^^^ &c. ^T^qRT, sf ^clt^r, %#qT, etc. nTbT5r?:=5rT, ^rr^rraTS^rr, ^^p^fR, ?rwf^, smnTfETfT, ^wrfq?T, ^H^jmmt, ^ih- 'TTT'T^, ^T^TCT, ?IT^Pp7T, Sf^lT^^T, ^PTBTJ^, sf^^^rfe^, ^smr, ^Hq-q-m, sf^n^TR, sTEr^^!Tr!T, ijth"- 2 proJucccl in season. aTTrf^, ^FT^TS^^, 'R'JS;^, ^5=?iTrT. Beasokableness, n. v. A. 1. ^r^qr^^cq- n. ?TiTsrrH=f?q «. m\^hf. &c. 5FT?5tTH 7». Seasoxablt, aii'. V. A. 1. %^H, WH^m, iT^nm, ^^TF, &c. ^^WA^, q-^THrra, f^T«r, ?^^ft7, si^r ded. ^^wA (led. ?TH?TTgHR, sr^TM^TR, :?;t?IT5HR, 51^'fPTM, ^Vnr^:. Seasoxed,;?. t. v. 1. JTW?5r qTFf%?!;T, IT€T?5^ $^^r,&c. High s. JT?n%^, ^JT^jft?T, ^iTT, =q'Ji^'rftrr, =sfFrqTf|-- fT, =5RHfr?f , ==R^t^. 2 ^5E^T?Rt?T, f^?5S5JT, f^T^?R?!T, &e. S^EASOXi.s'G, ?i. sauce, sii/J/inp, ^'c. H?n?IT ».'». frfoS^^ «. fH'!'- f^ ?*. ^fHR m. [fiT^anJT/. Pungeut herbs & spices formed into a s. fT^To^iJf n. Seat, w. iJiiiiff or place to sit on. ^5^/. ^'^^f. sf^^pr m.f. n. 3TRRr n. Chief s. ( at assemblies &c. &c. ). 3=fm^^ »?. Easy s. g?5fRT?T n. ti. of earth or bricks. ^T5T ot. Swinging s. =fi?To^ ot. ^i^Ja^T m. 2 iA»i_9' spread to sit on. 3li'x n.f. m. ^^^l m. q'<7rft/. ^m^ «. 3=(ram n. 3 ^'^ace o/ ahidinff, inherence, ^'c. ?4TRT «. STf^^RT «. 3TT- ^T^ »». ( esp. in comp. as fq-rTT^Tq-, KWAm., ^RThTT, aTf- JfRT^Tq-, &c. ), 3TRT?f^ «. ( iu coiup. as HFrrT?Rr, R'^ST'T- ?I^, UTTT^fH ), 3TRq5 H. ( iu comp. as |:^Rq^, ^Rq- ^, ^Rq?, ^?T^^, 3Tm5[Rq?., 'r^TRq^, ^r^Rq^, ht^t- rq^, iTH?TRq^ ), 3TffcT^5:;q'ii-rr^flrot, qiqtfr q- ^rsri^-TT^fq-OT, ^fm ^fqar-q^nrot, fqfJr^-Ac. JTRUT, ?' dose, incommunicative, keeping secrets. Jj^qTI'^r, ^R, <^rrr^r ^^rjr-^os^^-^j, n^JTrifr, nsri^-^r^, n^f^r^^t. 4 occk/^, «o< apparent, Sfc. v. Obscuue. nfT, ns, 3T?"T"H. 5 «o< proper to he seen. iT^. Seceet, n. thing kept concealed, n^ n. ^^'TT"?/. T^^ /'oy. ir4 «. Disclosure of secrets. 3^r(H3 in. Di-viug into the s. of. H^'ir^ m. ^^s\^^^'J\ ?!.— person that dives, in=fir?ft, HTf5#ft. Knower of the secrets of. aT^>^t, H^, H^r, T^', One's own a. f^^f^f n. 2 ( as of a piece of mechanism, &c. ) key, trick, Sfc. v. Aet. »t4 ?j. +Ic^j*H «. %s^ or n'^f^Eft/. ij secrets; pi'ivate parts, v. PEiviir. 3?TtT «. Seceetaet, n. official-writer, Sfc. ^sftT, fq?:?f^^ or ^^rq*^. The English word is frequently used as %%Tft, sometimes H+ddK. Persian s. 5^?ft. 2 See MiKiSTEE, Officee. To Seceete, v.a. conceal.^ v. To Hide. OT^T^^^r^, 2 free from danger, safe. f^4?T, f^^T^jft, HTr?fr?T, fvps^- To Secure, v. a. make safe, guard from danger. f^HT-f^-'^r- ^Tft-Ac. q^T^, HqTf==RT^T-iT5TT>13r-*r^TT?frfr-&c. JfT^ot, f^- •Azr^r}]j m.W'K^ g.ofoJ^^^^^Un. Sfmot, sj^rsf^FT wi.- «i.-&c. %X^ g. of o. f?%Ff-^S:c. w.m. 2 JKffAe certain. n=s[■Xr\-M^,TX-^fv^r[■^^^;\■f^■^J\?i-&.c. W.l^ ^5t 5?. o/o. [ f^f*iiT?T. Securelt, rtii'. T. A. 1. fH^q'W, H^TRt^, HTT^f, f^A^.| 2 and Safely. fH^T, g^^lT^, ^rSFHrf, g^TiTrT. Security, n. v. A. 1. f^H^T>iTr m. ■pT3^t^ft?3T>JTr m. H^^^TF m. Sedative, «.— iii medicine. ^TR'?r?i.TT?TH^ n. 'tfH'^ «• ^r^t»«. Sedative, a. v. CoiirosiNG. ^TJTfl=FTTf-^lft-&';. g-q^TH^r^^f- &c. ?nTNf^-&c. [ Trf^fq- H. Sedentaeiness, n. v. A. 2.1fe?T^^ «. JTf'Ti qr^'^-qrsi^at g. of 0. 'TRT in. ^i^5T TT5'Jf-'?r5fq-'7i 5^. o/ o. 3Tr5!fr>?r-'iTTi;Tmm- ^^T^TFlR-Ac. ;:^q-'Jr, fpFfifof or i%;TT^iJr, f^i^, 'PTSOT, 2 ( a female ). 5?frnf5-&c. artTT^T^ ^R'n, ^r^T^^vT- To s. and elope with. ^r5'Jf-+l'SM %CTf. Seduced, _p. v. V. 1. JfT^^rffT sjf ^^MST-f^'^R^T^-fq^TS^- ^^-&c. r*f?'f^<^r, 3TT5m4?f ^^T5r%?^, &c. 2 ^^^^ »?'?; %%ryr, &e. Seducer, n. Seducino./). «. Seductive, «. \. %. '^^^^^- CTTRT, HSsIUTRT, 5''^?Tr'? ^"^RT, f ^?IT^5 iff ^^OTT^TP-f^TiR- ^OTRT-Ac. f^-^oTRT, ffH'linRr, ■3TTITmi-?r rJWJTRT, &C. 2 511:1^5 »?^ ^FTtTTRT, ^■':T-T5 TT'ftT'nRr, &e. Seduction, «. v. V. I.— act. '^^^v^^ n. H-^^of «, <5^T?yT- ,f^ JTtit «.-5tf^Ffjr'jf n.-kc. 2 W^H g'THrn'Jf «. ^Tq?^'T^T^?frf^RT?T m. ^^iT|iT«. Sedci-ity, Sedulousness, M. V. A. ^^f'ftTOTT M. ^ri »». Sedulous, Jt, TK^- ??r^ m.-'i{^^,^.^ n.-&c. ^iif, ft^OT i'l. con. ^^-&c. ^'n «.-&c. •T'jot. [ OT, 7TTI7T^_ 2 discover.^ descry, perceive. Plf?iat, ^rfif, Rr'5''T, 5F(Jm- 3 oft' ; conduct on the way. tn?J?pJi, ^^loiqtjf, qTvI^fofT/. ^^iJfy. ofo. To See, v. «. /wiv; tJie poicer of sight. TT^of, ^f^/- ?I^ w. 2jZ. &c. ar^fJr '». con. f^^oj impers. 5f^^-&e. 3^??^. 2 ^//rec;; C/zc i/y///. v. To Look. 'TI^, 'in'if oi- q^'if, =[- 3 into, throufjh ; discern, penetrate, ^c. STtTot, srf^of, ^T^M, ^ n.-HH «.-&c. 3iT!7lot, H^^, ^T^ in.-kc. ^«. f^5T>Jr or ^rf^qor/. Mixed so'n'ins^ s. «l=rs/. S. roots, slips, Ac. reserved for sowing and setting, — compreh. ^j f^M »'• Cr f«l»r55T '«. ^7%"^ or ^r Jif, TH^. 2 (7« opp. to be in reality. f^H^, «Tr|^^-5r'vT-&c. f^H- ^, t^ m.-flH wi.-^R wi.-tfnTiT ?i.-&c. 3T^^ in. con. Seemeb, n. Seeming, p. a. v. V. 1. f^^Toirrr, HF^T'^rn, &c. 2 irff^ f^^T'JTKT, 5Tf^T^Tr ff^P^TT. Seemixq, «. appearance, sanllance. WI^FR »'. €7 n. ^^7T n. Irsj OT. Hw «i. _^ [ Cf, ^t^. .Seemixuly, a(/«). »« appearance. ^^iqfrT, qil^TT, ^fT^Ir^r- Seemzisess, «. V. A. CTrJT^T n. ^^j^^ n. 3TT^ in. 2 E^[^^f. '?F^?rr/. ^iV^^ n. ^ [ ^, ^f^y^. Seemlt, o. coweZy, ^"c. v. Beautiful. ?^ott, ^RT, ^\\^- 2 Iccoming, v. Fit. qt^sr, jf^H", ?5m^, Rt^, f^^^R. ht.£:f,p. V. A'. A. 1. Trf^%r!T, &c. ^^'isT, ^, Sf?l?T, ^f^TfT, 3T^?5rf%?r, ff^?r, ^f^?T, Eftf^Fr. hzLS., n. Seelng, ;). a. T. V. A. 1. TT^OTRT, &C. ^^r. T. A'. X. cfTf OTITT, fr55H, ^^U ( ill comp. as fT^^Tf, ^JT- 5^rf, ^q^^Tf, goT^^rf, fe?^€f, ^c. &c. ), ^-^T, =5f?JiKPT. I. T. Peophet, Saoe. ^\^'^^ tnf'jnrr, Hf^f^^^ff, |_':?m, See-saw. «. vihratori/ or reciprocating motion. ^rST^rft /• To Seethe, v. a. v. To Boil. f^T^^, T^'"^^, 3^S^. To Seethe, v. n. le in seething. f^T^'^t, S'-^^. Seethed, p. v. V. A. ■Ri^^^cCT, ^=P5?5^r, &c Seeihek, m. t. V. A. f^^^fOTRT, ^^SOTRT, &c. I. Sec Pot, Boilee. Segae, n. cigar. =^^ m. ^t\f. Seomext, n. — of a circle, q^g"^ n. ^1^=1^5 m. Segkegaeious, a. Hat keeps hj itself. ^T^^, <^-1i=ETRt. To Segeegate, &c. See To Separate, &c. Seigxiob, See Loed. Sees-e, n. fishing net. ^]^ m. fjoS m. 'H^Af. Seizaele, a. V. V. tTTr^r-&c. ^>?■m^^^^^&e. qr^T. To Seize, v. a. cateh.^clutch.grasp,Iaij 7ioZ<^o/.tp:ijf,^lctt^?^?r q^a^T, 5T^^T^'"5r, Ac. q;r^:^. Seized, «. Seizisq,;,. «. y. y. l. cTT. Self, a. ov pro. very, v. Same, ai"^, ^r=^. 2 — as coujoined with a pronoun reciprocally. srqTT c SfTq'JT,— as conjoiued with a pronoun for emphasis 3^q7i or 3TTqxiT, ^_ Jlyself, ourselres, himself, yourself, &c. i. e. ly one'^s self, in person, in propria persona, v. Person. arq'JT or 3TTq'JT, ^TrfTH, g?, 3Trq^^^, 3TTq^^#, ^^#, f^ifr^^ft, ?TT^T5, ^^qcT-.. Amongst ( our-your-their ) selves. STTq'Htrr, aTTq^IT- As or like one's s. aTTfT^^. By ( my-him-their, &c. ) self or selres; alone. ^Jf.^ty ^^\., ^qj'^q^r, ^^(^^ST, all ded. Of (its-him-their, &c.) self cr selves, of own accord, r. Spontaneously. 9lrr:/io^.^rff,'^^,3TTq"T3irq,'5ITqw ^TSTT, Equality with one's s. arrf'TI'q'^JT n. \_\^fr[f. Sense or apprehension of s. 3T^^R in. aTf^r^m- 37- Sparer of one's s. art'T^nsq'T, 3Ttn=^R, arfl^q^Tf or C, arii^qjR. Upon one's own s. upon one's oicn means or responsi- lility. STfTT^. [ ^/ W.m. To act like one's s. aTTqrTT^TR^-aTrq^t qj^of ,3Trq?fr ■ To be beside one's s. 5fr5R-^5^5R-f^'jr n. '^^i^^vm ». ^=^m «. Self-denial, n. ^qTT m. 'JTRiri^qTT m. STTf^f^^rfeT ?«. Self-denting, «. aTTfJTf^qTT^, aTTwf^ifr'^T. Self-dependence, n. 3TRHr«TT m. aTRKTtTT^ »». Seef-dependent, Self-depending, a. 3TRm»-Tq', aTTfiTT^'ft. Self-desteuction, n. aTRK^TrT m. 3TR^^f^r/. SfRH^^^ «. 3TRlT^T?r m. ^^F^T «J. Self-devised, a. ^qTp3T?T, aTRTq'rf^Ff, ^^frTfT. Self-detoted, a. aTRRTfqrr, aTRTf^'q'f^rT. Self-devotement, Self-detotion, «. aTTFHr^oT w. aTTfJTf%- i Self-educated, a. 3TRHf^if?Trf, jqi'^^fTri, Self-enjotment, n. aTTfJTg^T «. ^TFirg^ «. Self-esteem, w. t. Conceit. ariJ^JTRT m. ^^-^fHf. Self-evident, a. ?Efrf:f^5, ^'T-.sfHFT, T^Ff-.^q^. Self-examination, «. 3TTfHg=^T/. aTRHfJf^K'n «. 37T?R^' »TFR- n. aTRFfCfft^rq- m. &c. Self-executed, a. sflfJT^H, ^?)?T. Self-existence, n. r^H-.fM^/. ^^IHT «. ^q'^rrnf^T w. Self-existent, a. 'ST'h, aTRJTH;, '^?r:f*r5, f^^^m, 3T?;f%TJT. Self-gained, Self-got, a. Rrn"^, 'flRiTTI^rT, ^JJRrf^rf, ^sf- Self-given, «. ^?t^tT, 3TRit5tT, StTRHT. Self-goveesment, n. 'i\Jr^^^m^ n. aTRHiHTiT^ n. 'SW^H^^m. Self-iqnoeance, n. aTTriTT|TRT «. ?=J 1^4(1/. ^=n%^ m. Self-iqnobant, a. aTRirrfrrjff. [^/. i Self-importance, m. v. Conceit. *rR «. *ft"TiI «. 'ftTOTTw. j Self-interest, n. ^qr^T m. f^^^ n. aTRKf^^^ «. j Self-inteeested, a. ?^7-4f, ^rI. SELF-KXOWINa, Self-knowledge, w. 3TR-»TfTR it. 'fl\^f^^f_ griTH^rtT »/. fH^^rq- m. sTRBrqfr^^ w. -act^h «. T^fRJTRH^ m. Self-love, n. 3T^^r m. 3T^>m m. ar'^.HfH/. ar^wr/. Self-moved, Self-moving, a. ^^^s, ?^ff Self-muedek, n. 3iicTnn?r M. a^RH^fqr/. aiRiiErtT m. 3tr»t- SeLF-MUKDEEEE, «. aTRJrgRft,3TRJT^rTrf^, aTRSr^F^TRT, 3TRIT- Self-opinioned, Self-opinionated, a. v. Conceited, r^r- f^TJTPfr, ^JTrrrfHTTPfl-. Self-possessed, «. sfirHciiH, f^friTJT^, ^T?^I^TTr, JT^i^T. Self-possession, n. s^HRT «• ^^^f?/. hx^J. ^flJT'^fn'^ /". 5f?t"TRtTRT K. I Self-praise, 71. aTRKT^rfr/. aTRiTs^r^r/. a^RHSTTlHr/. I Self-preservation, n. ^jn^r^^ n. ^^x^^ 11. ^^ri^r n. j Self-eespect, n. ^infTTFT »i. 3TRimRT m. Self-respecting, a. aTR^mpfr. Self-resteained, a. arif^^Ff, 3TT?Hf^^f5r?T, aTTfHf^^. Self-restraint, o. STRK^fqH m. aTRKfJT^T^m. aifiTfl'T'nT «. SELF-EianiEOUs, a. ^T'J^H^. Self-same, a. v. Same, rfr^, ^T^, ar^^. Self-seaechee, «. arirJT^^'l?. ['MTT. Self-seeker, n. Self-seeking, a.\. SELiisn. ?5ir'4f=T^, ^r- Self-seeking, n. v. Selfishness. ?^'^ n. Self-sufficient, a. v. Conceited. ^^nfH^Pit, T^T^r, ^r- Self-willed, a. v. Obstinate, Wilful. *:5T^T, H-^iJ-ff, Self-willedness, n. v. A. arntn «>. ^Mj^tqtnr wi. ?jrT=^- XI m. ^^^ n. ^mf^f. Selfish, a. regarding only ones own inlcresl. aTTT^^ f^^ Mi^uiKi, ^^tpmT, a^N^r'4r, arrTsfR-qT, a^R^qRT=«fr, arrriT^'T, iT?r^5ft, ii^nrf , a?i?iT?ifrTnt, aTTRJ^^i^ift, ot- ^, sfiFHJTf^, arrf^qr^t. 2— of ae-tious, &c. ^r'qf5tqr,?qT'4^^1=q7,^S!I>T^t^r, &c. :pr'=q. " ['-^^JSif^, &'•• Selfishly, aJy. v. A. aiR^'^ f^ «tt|;5T,«;•< icilhfor a price, fq^^, f^^FB^^, f^.rfl (led. \'i\.,'^m m.-&c. V^^ zii., f^mh \^., aflirnff, tR^rp ^Tot, fq^q MI.-&C. ^?^'T «• 'flfHRT M. TRT «. 2 appearance, form, iJY. v. Likeness. ^,T «. fl^ »«. Semen, n. v. Seed. T?r «• «ft^ ". To emit s. — man or beast. ^^. Semi. This word is rendered in composition by 3T'4, f%^, &c. as will be seen from the words that follow.^TlfJTcjTqT, 3^'tiTOT,'5?(!Tr2T,^^?T,f%5niT. Semi-bheve, n. ^^^X m. Semi-circle, n. 3T%tT n. ar'^^r^^ ». ^^vk n. ■i^'ij\r^n. SEMi-crncuLAn, a. 3T'^rrr?5f?r, \r\V^]^f^. SEMI-CTLINDBICAr,, a. fHT^TSJ. SEill-BIAMETER, M. 3Tq^^Tm »». StMl-LrNAB, a. g^sH^T^PC, ■3T'H?T?jffT. Sesii-sietal, n. ^^m m Semi-tone, n. ■r=^#TT/. Semi-vowel, n. 3t4^T >». [l^2p,1f^=P. Seminal, a. relating, S;c. to seed. ift^T'^r, sft^^^ii^^, sft^fsr- S. fluid, V. Seed, trrg; m.J. sft^f «. SiMiN-AitT, M. seed-plot. sTt^T'JT m. 'at^'jfr^ ^mr/. m5rT9fr«. 2 Sf7(Ooi, cj-e. 'TT^^TIaiT /. f^T^r^q ». Sempiternal. See Eteenai,. Senate, ii. Icjislalive asacrahUj. ^r^q-^FTHrtT^ FTr/. ^T^JT- - 2 ^K'TR "TT^irrA ^TTT/. Senator, «. memler oj a senate. ?:R^?[mtI7, ?:r^it=5r^'TW5. Senatorial, a. ?f'Tm^^''=fT-i%"Tq'^. :7b Send, v.a. cause to go or pass. TlS^oir, qrsOT, "TT^^^-KTrf^ ^iif, ^R^, srqTif, ^':'n n.-^^^n.-&.c.W.T.^ g. of o. [F^rsT'jf. 2 away- oft'; v. To Dismiss. ?5TW?f, ^^STof, ^rft or ^\Z'^ y away ( a visitor &.C. ) v. To Dismiss. f^^rT »». %of, TT- ^5I0ft/.-f5t^/.-'TT^'^jF/-^^r^'fr/.--te. ^^at, f^f^ tprw. Gift on sending away. TRspnT/. ^15^'^^/. ^Rlt /. 4 for; request ly message to come or be hrougJit. sj^f^j^rof, ^TJi'^rrar^ TR^, ^?5if qis-Tcrf, <«T0T5m, TrnsTot. 5 See To Cast. 6 See To Givr, To Inflict. Sender, n. Sending, ;;. a. v.V. 1. qre^orm, ':Tr5iiIRr, &c. ^- 7EF, SfT^, sffer, qTft"?fT, SfTnT-&c. ^?Tf-Jf;T^'t-&c. Sending, n. v. V. l.~acf. ^W.f(^ n. •i. 7^^ «. spra^"^^ n. wftT^RT^gq ». Relation ofs. and juniority. ^T^^ ■>^\ti{] f. SE>rSA-PLANT, n. ^■[^T^ or Xntf. Blunt-leaved variety of s. 3TT'R'^ or \x^ f. Sennight, n. \. Week. arrS^RT m. On IMonday, Tuesday, &c. s.qsjtfT ^TT^rrff-'T'T^siRf- &c.On next Monday ,&c. is expressed by,^^r'T^rff,«S;e. Sensation, w. perception ly means of the setises. jf'S^^^^n. tf^^^f m. tf^^^Kf m. ^T^rf. ^^^]f. 2 .ilate of e.rci led feeling. ?rgJT m. 3TR^ ni. Sense, n. principle or organ of percipience. ff^qr n. rf^^- f f?/. Jrf^TfTR n. 5ffKq-y;H n.—Thefive .tenses are, ;^- T^f^q", =Ef?fftf^q", iifrilfHq', ?:?T?if^q-, Simfi^q -, they are called, fTRf^^, The flee organs or memlcrs of action are, ^^\v\fs[^, f ??fi^q-, qi^^^, jtf^'T, g-q^iif^q- ; they are called, ^JTf^T. To these ten the JKind TPT is some- times added. [nT. Dead to the objects of s. f^rnf^q', ^T^^f^q, 'fll?Rr- Disorder of the senses. jf^q^^F'T. Evident to s. sj?q-?Tf%S;. Evidently to s. ^^^'<^, HfT^TrT:. The five senses ( or organs of s. ) — collect, q'^f^q:;. pl. tf^T^m m. if^^^^ m. tf^m^ m. Object of s. rf^q'i^'Tq' m. tf^^^TWnl. f^^^^\'^fm. ff^qr4m. rf^q^f'^TJT". nt^^wt. The objects of s. ?l£Trf^- ^qq- Opposition of s. rf^q-fHfsrfHqfvT/. Perceptible by the senses. jfi^W^':, if^^^■^^Vi. Perceptible by two senses, ^f^'^^]^. Pleasure of s. or sensual pleasure, f^^■^^^ n. tf^- ^^^ n. W.W m. iiestored to one's senses. ?;s(^=q?n', F!:5q-%i;, r^jEvjji^f^ Sharpness or soundness of the senses. jf^qqR^ ?!. Subduing or restraining the senses. jf^q^T^n. %VS- qfn^^ m. i\\■^'\^^■Pi m. ^.TX!\'i'^^^ m. Walker by s. fjfqq^. Wanting- a s. f^lf fj[q". [vi=Rci'. To be in one's senses or right mind. ?J^'^^i:.5||q-^.^«io. To come to one's senses lit. fig. ^^^^l-^.^^^K-'^^^^^\^ ^X-f^Vi^^-kc. qar^ ^^Tf. ^m g. ofs. To lose one's senses, fq^^ut or fq?n"5;'if, fq^R'Jr, %- ST^^'if, ifSia;^, sTIfSTJf, ==f5itjf, %^ n.-&c. ?;ti^. 2 apiprehensionly s., perception, sensation, if^^^^[^^ n. Sf^qif?/. if^q?T| m. ?f^ WtT m. 3 apprehension ly the intellect. |TI^ n. ^^'r| m.f. ^jt- vT m. q"i«T ni. ^^ m. 4 ^tiidiTstandh^g, judgment, ^f^/. flPT?!. ?I»T^»J. JR^^ot. 'flig^/. ^^^ m. I 5 reasonalle meaning. 3T'4 m. ^^ m, ^^^^ m. ^r^ftt^ OT SEN- 771 SEN* G signification, v. Meami.n'G. 'J^tf 7!. According to tlie s. 3T'4fT:. Apprchensiou of tho verbal or literal s. ^TTS^P'T'i. Ter.or or strain of the s. arsiirjT^f'cTr'T n. Senseless, a. impen-ipient. f^^^^^^^]\^'^,f^^^^^''\\^^,^- 2 foolish^ 7inwisc, ij'c. — of persons. J^ ^nWA or Tm\- '3:r, ^\^k^7A or fmwA, "f^^^-i^k-^v. nffrfr^-Ac. y unreasonable, foolish ^'c. — of actions, &c. %%TiTr^r, 4 incon^cious. q^qr^feT, f^q%^, f^T&e>.'sical. f^T'4'T, 3T^'*T^. Se>-selessness, 71. V. A. 2. J^KT^Tt^r;". frr^T^n^TOTrw. S cJTHR^qq'aTrwi- &c. H'm'JTM. '^t'^^n. &c. ^J^P^r/. Sexsidility, Sessielesess, «. v. A. 1. 5jf5/ %^?lF5'/. TT- Tr^T5f':-&c. -ir^Tat. 2 sentient, ijercipient, capallc of reeeiving impression. =?rm^r, f^'^^\Wi^^., \^^^^\'J\\^'^, lf^^^'\^^^^\■^. o percepiMc ly a sense. ^JT^TTr^FTT, sf^sr'ft^SR, ^- ii'T^, jf^^^r^, ^f^q'fTq', ?f^q^?T, rf^qrc^iJf^Tfq-Tq, 4 perceiving or having perception of, conscious. ^r'TrTT, ^^FSf^R, HiF^fiTK, ^fTsfm, irm^q-, ssq^tyr, ^rrcTfrpr, 5 quickly sensible ofj^ain. J^sTTr, nisr, ^Ef^T, ^m?y, ?ir- 6 o/ quick feeling, ^m, 3TTtrr?Tr, ^^rurtiTTTT, ST^'T, ^rf^fT (esp. in conip. as JuilfTfT, 3'T^^rfHfT, &e.)'^('u comp. as 3-q^r^,&c.), ?f|^^, ^r^^ (ill comp. as l^m^W^, &.c.\ 7 — of iiesh, not Cttlloits, proud, ^'e. ^W! _ 8 — of per.sous;yz<(7/cWKS, reasonable^ v. Wise. ?TST^^R, ar^f^pr or cth, rj^-j^^^sn^r, tftHT?, nf^H-, g^^, g-cfr, 9 — of gpeecii, Ac. consonant u-ilh reason. y^ui W" I H I, ^- SENsiiii.y, flr/c. V. A. 3. TiH:^T;TrarnT-?Iimr-&c'. (/tt/.^Jpsr- 9 ^JT-^TT^oir^, ^T^mT'JiR, Ac. rr^niq^r^Trf^jrr, ?TfTiqmT, ^T^r'Jqwff, ^fT?5I dccl. or ^11^, ?rJTV7, ^^f^ip, giT- Sensitive, ». having sense or feiiing, capable of receiving inqjressions^ sentient, f^'^^^^'^'^^^., f^T^m^oi^T^, %?R, 2 /laving feelings easily e.r:citcj; tender, v.PiTirui,, Kisn. :j pertaining to the senses or sensation. jf^^TfT^TT^r, j- Sensitive-plant, n. ?5T^^/. F.V^U^i "■ ^-^^ •«• To shrink from touch — the s. ^^RTuf. Sensorium, n. seat of sense and perception. %?PTr?iq m. ^fT^qR7^ n. Sensual, a. consisting in sense, ptrtaining to the senses, ^c fcrq-qrqr, rfjqf^qr^r, rf^qr=qr, ^^^^^^^\^'^^\^r., S. pleasure. f5r'!rqg?• Z paragraph. period. qR-q ?i. qi'^rr/. "F%^;)f^). "?riif'T/. Construction of sentences. ^\^f^V^^^^f. qT^qqf^;Tr f. Law 01- rule of constructing Bontences. qr^qq^fJr/. To Sentence, v. a. j)ass or pronounce judgment on. ffl^T- &c. ^^ m. W-K^-mn^. Sententious, a. abounding uith a.vioms and 7naxims ; short and pithy. K^iifrqT, ^qrqq^?", ^qrqq;^^, H^^^^d, STsPjrq. 2 that uses short and pithy scntcnccs.^^^\^\ ^\?.^.j^' sfrqTTTr, H'^^srrqqw. Sententiously, adv. v. A. ?qrqqT^?qqq-i;. SENIENI10U3NES3, «. T. A. 1. ^^\^^^^r^ n. ^qtq^^jq 7|. SEP 7 Sentience, n. v. A. %rf^TOTr m. ^^^^ ". ^^^\f. f^~-^^f- ^^E^■TIE^•T, a. liavinrj thi' qindi/i/ if pi-rcrplion. %rl?r, ^%?!'T, Sentiment, «. thoupM, opinion. :p?». 2 sense contained in tvords, meaning. ^S^T^H^^\^^ m. ^T'4»'. 3TT^TT »!. JFf'RT/. 5 passion, fecliny. -HnTw;. T^m. (Tliese are nine. ?TnTT or ^, :T??TT^ or ^R'T, ^t^^, ri^ or ^^, -^T^fT^ or 3Tf - ?T, *nT; 5ft>TTH, iflfH, & STIf^rT; or s^TK, ^T^, ^^^F, Mingled s. or emotion. Hra^'^^ «>. iloral 8. mf. Vacillating' state of mind between different senti- ments. HT^gf^ m. Sentimental, a. alounding ivith sentiment or feeling. ^^^1^ 2 affecting feeling or sensibility. ^WT^T fte'^-sW-^ffH^- &c. T^^PTft, >lNM'+rfr. Sentimentalist, n. See A. 2. Sentimentality, n. affectation of fine feeling. THT% STTW-- tfnr ».-^JT W.-&0. ^HT5=PTfT?IT/. TT^n^^TftrfT/. Sentinel, Sentbt, n. person set to keep icatcli. ^^^^^ or Disposition of sentinels, ^^^ri\z\ f. \jf^. Sepaeable, a. T. V. A. i)i?NMFTT-?fR^r-&c. %?!, s^TT- To Sepaeate, v. n.part, he disunited, ivithdraiu from eacli of/icr. 5^, %noET-&c. ^m, ^?:5t, J\1 rrt. &e. Sepaeatek, n. Sepaeating, ;?. a. v. V. A. if^tJTm, 'T^^T'JTT- TT, %n5CT ^UTTTT, &c. ir^^, %5-iT^-&e. ^Trf-5pfft-&C. ff#^, Tf',^^+, ^gr^?;^, 5^^^, n SER ■ 1 Sepaeation, «. V. V. A.— af<. ir^ot «. &c. "PTS/. H^ w. *T- ^ n. f^*r^ OT. ?iTsg^ n."|vft^'JT n. fJPTFT w. f^fil^r- T w. ftFTT^JnT n. fsprg;^ m. M RtJi »t. 'ffq^^^ m. f^'^k^ m. I ar^tTT^ n.— state. %qoft^/. H^/. "p:/. if^ w. f^mi w. j fcprqiT «f. fcT'T^HR m. qr^nfT ?i. •/. ^sjt/. SePDLTUEE, «. V. BUEIAL. ^z^\^ f. Sequel, n. that which folloios, succeeding pari. 3■TT^^'^ m, grRP? n. ^TT^rm m. 2 event, v. Consequence. iRuim m. ^^z m. Sequence. See Succession. Sequent. See Following, Succeeping. To Sequestee, To Sequesteate, v. a.— in law. ^^ ^,iii, jpToE or ^^ n. iT^TT S^OT. 2 See To Seclude. [^^. Seqesteeed, p. and a. v. V. 1. ^T^ ^^r^, ^I?5 ^T^TT Z^T^^T, I. retired, out of the ivay, v. Eetieed. 9mf 3oft,3TT?^- S. spot. am^r^iT n. \_ii. Sequesteation, n. v. N.—act. vfffT^f;^ «. Ac. ^jft/. :?;«l^ I. ;7(?«y seq^uesio-ed. «t)«|^ **■ =FT55 or ^ra n. ^JTTft^T TR/?!. See, Shee, n. — the Indian measure. ^K m. That holds a s. ?Tt^r. Tliat weighs a s. ?K^. Sebaglio, n. apartments of the women, harem. ^FpTH^iHTw. ^^^^Jn. t'lH^l^m. wmM^I?! cr wr^^Trltrt. BTrT'.JTW- ^'=^- Eoyal 3. TM=IOT or uf^^W*. Seee. See Seae. Seeenade, n. MK\A\\k ^l-sfl*) %#W ^jft?!*?. Seeene, a. placid, peaceful, tranquil, v. Calm, Mild. ^'<^, ?Tt?T, fqvism^, ^rtJTT?^, ^lt?I^TT, ^IT^T, f H?R^, ^T^- SET? 773 seh 2— sky, &c. V. Cleah. frf^r^s, ^-•^^ ^?r=5T, STt^S, «'«T. Serenely, a(/y. t. A. 1. ^'Iftr/ T^: ^Tf^/. f^rr^Tff?r/. ^>FRTq/». ^g^iTw. Serf, «. v. Slate. ^rtT^t^^'TT wm\^ FjV^^.^ ^IH, ?T^5mw!. Serge, «. it:?; q-jpiT^ ^FT^ 3Tf|. Sergeant,. ?». — tlie petty military officer, ^t^^it. Serial, a. ^fiJTT^T, ^fn^. Seriatim, if hpt, arg+HIH, q'ftT'T=TT^. 2 ?r=^, ^U decl. ^^Hf, v^l^t^^. Seriousness, «. y. A. 1. 'I'Ttr^i^Tin. H?;fHMUlT»i. &c. T^- 3 HTSqwr^J. TlffT^w- HR^^/. HR^/. Sermon, n. religious discourse. qTrPT^^Tw. ^^WJHn. Serous, a. thin and toateri/. <,Tt>i-.iii TT^^qr^R^. Serpent, «. snaJce. ^'^ pop. W[^m. ^.T^n. f^tn. fSfpf roT«. Double headed s. ampUsbcena. M\r^^m. n. Serpentine, a. of or belonging to a serpent, ^qt^r, ^PTF^, OTTTf^T^^, &c. ^^qt-f^T^PF, WrI, 3?lTT. 2 winding, sinuous. JfTTHtft, 'ITTTrst'^T, ^'TlfrTcTfT, ^pf- S. motion. Mct^^f. [^Tserr. Sehpiginods, o. affected icitli serpigo. r^fT^^, fW^Tr or ^- Serpigo, n. — the disease. f?f"T or J^r^w. [^^^^T. Serrate, Serrated, a. notched like a saw. W.T^TrflW'^tl, ^T- Serum, ?j. the thin part of the Hood. ?;^r=^r ^RIoI 3T^T ?«. r^r(^ qrwt n. T^p^cT ?n. =q^?TR ot. 2 See "Whey. Servant, m. — correlative of master ; attendant, Sfc. ^^T, ^g^, ^l+.^HI^ft or ;^n, ^spF^, ^>^, ^r^, f%^, ^^TR- ^R, sfrrfn^T^ir, h^, ^^, Trf^R;, '?fT^''7;, Tfr^^, ar^- =STT, ^, %^4rT^t5ff, ^^^^ft; 'jfH^iftft, ^q'rTTft^ft, Body 8. f^^MdJir^ or ^, |;. =:fr^. ^j^'m'^JXm.j'l- OT^^TR S^iiEMCEAP.LE, a. lenejjcial, y. AnvA^•TAGEOus, Useful. wA- 2 ./?(■ 0)- good for service. ^mr=5fT, 3'q?fr'ft, ^rHT^ ^51^1- "ESs, «. V. A. 1. TT^rri »"■ 3'T'fT'ftT'Tr rii. 3^- 2 S'T^FftT'Jrr m. 5FTiTTgT5Tqr^Rlo^. rff5E »». S.-water. ^^r^ «. Scented s.-oil. 'g. To Set, f. a. place, put, lay. z^ii., ^I'S^.i 5n?50T, ?'4TW, ^t- Z^'^ f-Mil^W. /.-fir^RT «.-rtTH^ w.-r;dee. 'i^mf. ^.]^^. jl 2 //«n^ f^T«rpoinl, settle. H^vi^ STT^f^f, HT iJi.-snsT »".-f=?- J'/iq- JH.-&C. ^F^CTT y.o/o. [^dr, ^■r=s}T'Ji'. •1 fix in the ground, ^tqof , ^'M., %JTiJf , JlJTq'tiT, SR'^, ^i- I 5 /.r ?H metal. ;?TS^, ^Sf^TOT, 5?J=iIffr, ^t^ot f.-^lT^ in.- Gold used in setting, ^i^ n. Price or cost of settiuji;. ^Z^ n. '^Z^X^7:f. ^l]i f. Skill in setting. '^%■^T^7.f. 6 iclict. F^T^T^ ( and ncut. rlFTof ), '^R/'. FTT^^-^T^at. 7 ( a lesson, problem, sum, &c. ). ett?!'^, sSv. 8 ( a mus. instr. ) tune. riR'Jr ( and neat. t^A^^ ). ( a limb, >.tc. ). qj^sior, ^f-^of., ^"rSOT, ^^H^T"^. 10 about ; at. fTT^T^, qrSOT, ^q-iJr, qT^ijf. 11 against; y. To Oppose. ftTfmT->.tc. g'Hf ^T^, wrs- To s. cue's self ag'aiust. ^f^ «i. iircTor-^^of «d/A ^"ir 12 apart. See To SErAEAXE. 13 aside; fcw/i', ^'c. t^^tfT^S S^TOT, 5??^, ^^-Tl^, nwM, 14 aside. See To Eejkct, To A5>'ur., 15 down ;2;Z(r(7e on the ground, Sfc. ^T^f JSTiif, Z^^, ^- ?TT% \m^., zmf.-'^^^ m.-kc.^.l^, 16 down ; put in m-iting. feg'^f %iTOT, ^t?=T 5^"^, ntS^, Sf^ »«. HRof. 17 forth. See To rum.isn, To Snow. IS ofl"; (a train of bulloek.s, carts, >.tc.). ^^PRtrf, |^T?r7T. 10 oK; shew to adcantagc. ^^^^^^^m^^^ f. %ot-3im'Jr, m^ry ^.xx!\^ gFT ^X^., g5frfH? ^^CTT, ^UHflT ^K^^, 20 otT; ( a liorsc ) put out. %^0T. 21 on ; incite action. ?5 Jpfijf or J^^trr^, SRiif, 3'^rI'iT, =q^r5f<^, 'Rm. ^R;DT-^dr, sft^ H^-iif, 3'5T5f'Ji'T/..&c. W.m. 22 over ; ajtpoint to be inspector., ruler., ^c. 3Tf^«?;r^T- 3Tt--Jr?1-&c. ^^-%IT^. 23 up ; erect. g-'TR'Jf, JH^ctt, ?'trSt, sr^mSr, Htsof, ^p=iot, ^'aRiif, "sjct^j!.- r<:fPRT n.-kc.W-l^ g. of 0. ) Set, t'. 7J. — a heavenly body. Hr^Toldi, STWRT ^^TTW, ^?- in, ar'H m. jj.-ar^JT'T wi.-3T^cwq'q'M.-3T^r5r?J5RT«.-&c. it- ^,'7- ofo. Moiiutain behind which heavenly bodies set. 3T- ?fiT=Ef?5 m. ar^fnft w. 2 Aflffc o certain direction or motion. ^2tc. ^\^ n. 2 numher of persons, v. Band. ^JTPT/. ■<15T wj. ^^'Z- 3 { of musicians, dauciug girls, &c. ). '^\t\ f. ?fT«Fr m. ^5 ?». =5r^/. v;^ m. [ 5r^- ^IT^r^IT- f?I% nj. pZ. ^5rlt?T^r^ n. T. V. N. 1. JTrHTS'^T^ir, 3T'?Tr?f^'^^T, &0. 'AST, >TMfJT^, ar'HiT^r, 'iTw'T?T, f^f^r'r'JT. 7 ««(/ I>'te>"t, Dilioent. ^5%'"TT,i?:c. t^^P(^, "JTra^, 3=fr- I. rs«7;/Z(rr,;;»YS("r/i«?, tj-c.f^qTTT^T OJ" nTmT, %^r^r, ^- ^l^r=;TT, pT'TfiT^, -f^f^/T^. III. up; tcell-ercct. t\lT- (also ^?T4'./. a set up person). To be s. — the eyes iu death. fil^fT'Jt. Setaceous. See Bristly. SetON, n. — iu surgery. fN or qf'<^- tn. ^]hJ. Settee, n. bench. 5lt

Tf «. &L-. V. V. X. 1. *TI^5;^ «. io. '*r*fl ?«. 71. 'flTRH^ JM. -Jl'^TT^Cr- ?T n. -:iT^T-T^q?r «. Ty Settle, r. n. ;)/ace (j^ rfs/", ^[c. fr'tfTT^iif, •4TraH 7!.-&<'. T-'^Vf g.ofo. 2 /.I' i« Z;/e. ^rsiJf, i>r^, ^5^01, nT^-:^^?T ^.of, -^t- 'Hr^ ?fr5-/.-^>yr/.-&-. q;j>^y. «/o. ^f^^\f. r.K^i g. of 0. irf^f^^T w-i^. 3 estuhlish, appoint, cj'c. v. To Fix. r*TrT"Ji, ^HOt, sjfqor^ %H^-iirf5^, ^''T^r »(.-f^q5T;-'(7A JfiT m. ^J-oiy. of 0. F4TT^T/ ^?:iJt //. (■/ 0. -1 decide, fi.r, determine, cj'f. ?;tt5T^, ?r^'Jr,"%'Tj?r w.-f^i- 5f?/.-f^JJT5T m.-f^=-/T^ «i.--^mq- w.-fn'-^R wi. -fJTtTR'JI h.- arq-^T^tJi «.-&e. r^,x^g.ofo. f^rfim-m^rir^-f^r^-q^-.t--. To be settled, ^m, 5 ( a pension, allowance, etc. ). HHirr^/. ^'■in-^^H%or. G jiii^;, «^7^, T. To Compose, ^rfr^of or ?T'<7T^>Jf, ^irot, ?:'4T5rt «. W.^ g. of 0. 7 ( a debt, accounts, &e. ) v. To Ci.eak off, To Liqui- date, ^ifn, ^re>jf, ^OT, =|^F^r -^IRwf, 5%-&e. ;Km,"%^rs?rHi.-r?;^/-f •T5r=i'T/ g.ofo. To s. considerately, Ac. m^Z !^Rl/.-!%l^Tt/.-f?TT- i^rs/. -T^tif y. o/o. To be settled. ^iJf, f"R:^. 8 ( a dispute ) adjust, m^of, Tii^^Dir, ^^fr^jbr, f^RfMa, ■kc. ^fRiJty- q/'o. To be settled. "^tM.^ m^oj, ?r^. cause to siilside or fall to the lottom. sjTTqot^ ^V'A ^■ 10 Sec To Colonize. To Settle, v. n. subside, sinA: ^^Jiuf , j^t^ ^'IO^-TI^, Z^w. fi'iTTrqTTr, '^RriiiJf, ^^.^. 2 deposit sediment, clear. fH^^^^T, fJ^^l^oT, ^\7. ;.-.-jts >;/. -&c. iRTof y. ofs. 3 estallish a domestic state, er ?i.rV.jJi|J jj.-vjj^yfpr ,„ . H-^?t-Ac. :TR[0T_ 4 est/ilUsh a residence. fF^, f^'. ^- ■^ J. ofs. JTts m. JTfsir g. oj s. SJWT n. ■^^^ g. ofs. Settled, ;). V. V.A.I. f?':n[5; /. f^qi^ ??. fH- f7nn/."%^n5r m.\7\^ m.f. f^>/7^ wi. f^ijfq- »«. ^ft?: »». 7— act. ^^F^rSt «. fTrSin «. %5^ n. &c. ^r^^f.— state. ^- Considerste, &c. s. ^FR^ Hr^fl/. HtSiflS/. JTTS^TS/. 8— «c^ ^+t)yi' »!. fTT5"jf «. ^nz^ n. &c.— state. ;hh^ »». ^\%f. ^^r^ or 5^r?it/. »T^^r?ft or ^f. \^^ m.f. "sfJ^Ts^T m. Ph^?,^ ». T. V. N. 1. «i??"tir «. f^rn^'iif n. &e. 2 Pmoiui n. f^Fiosot n. TToEiTHiJl ?i. &c. The clear liquid of any mixture which remains after 4 1^'Mji n. 'i^Kijf n. iTRrsfot n. &c. I. See JoiKTUP.E. fcflliLEE, «. Setthno, ;j. «. T. T. A. 1. ftiT^TSTUTRr, '4RT5r- OIRT, ft'nRr, 'jf, SFTSof, Sf^^, ft'^R'Sr, "Fi??^ or tpf^rs^, ^^3^ WJ.-&C. qj^cjf. 2 part from, v. To Sepahate. %iT5T-fH^J3T-2rCT-55!T^-&c. ^T'n,'FT5/.-%^ m.-&c. ^F^of y. o/o. " Seveeal, a. divers, sundry, v. Mant. pFriT''^^ or f^^W.., ^f- 2 individual.^ distinct .^ single, t. Paeticulai!, Sepahate. 3 appropriate.^ Sfc. v. Peculiar. arn^T, W'TN'^T. Seveeallt, adv. v. A. 2. f^RT^T dccl. fHxf^Wll decl. ^T- tnsET <7tfcZ. ??q-^, ^^^^F, f5!^^^ J*^^, ar^TRftsTR, ^^fmilT or 3TRTPT=rsT', STtTT'Tift^, s^F^fT:, sq-f^^T :. Jointly and s. ^T'lft^ift^. Severalitt, ra. v. A. 2. f^loSRorr m. f^Tf^^Toir m. %t. Severance. See Separation, Severe, a. — of persons; strict, rigorous:, a^t to punish, S,c. ^FS^TT, 5fRST, ?(?s!rr, ^5^, ^^iTTT or =qrr, ^^?;^R, %^»=fR, %^, ;p5R, ^.z\^, i%?^, sTifTT, q?ffr, f^i?, ?r5:;rrft^T '^r- \m qrm^'JTRr, ^jr^rTNt sTRr^mRT, ^^55, :j?T?Tr?f ^, ^^^q-- ^im^, 55^^ft=?, 5^5, 3TRT^i, ^q-Ftsrr;^. 2 — of punishment, measures, Ac. ^5, CFfSfT, WT^^, ^- ?^, =Ff?F^T=5TT, ^^^^'TT^r, ^TPftH, ?r?avf, f?r^7, sr^7, ?fttT, — cold or heat; intense, exceeding. ^.Z^.fp^., ^5^, ^- 4 — a sickness; violent, cj'c. 5=n?.r, 'l^^^^, •FJtW, f ^^f*-^, fsT^TR^^, HTft, ^fRR, ^JTSRr. ^najRorr »». ^- SUA Seveked. See Paeted, Sepakated. Severitt, n. V. A.l. ^FstTtrrT m. ^p^oir 2 ^-^m m. oToRqcrrr 771. "sfsrq-STorr m. &c. ?n^?ft/. f^- <^^f/ ^ZT.\ w. ^.^WA m. rftsPTT/. 7^^T/ l-^^Jf- ^- 4 jffsqTJir »!. HiftT'JTr »«. 3TiRqtxTr»>. &c. j-.^T'-q'Frr/. I. excessive punishment, arf^f^Swi-^J^f^T". ^f^TftT^FTw. To Sew, V. a^fiislcn with a needle ajid thread. f^TSTOT, f^T- f^^^, Jirr w. wraoT,— coiiipreh. icic, s//^f/i, tnvk, ^c. fVRoT g^ 0/' \z^^. Sewer, n. (fcnm, tj'c. ^^ »».?frf5T m. q«rRrST »«. Sewiko, ?j. v. V. f^^ot n. ■Rr^on^oB/. ^ft^ n. %^^ «. ^?j. Cost or charge for s. f^^>JTr-T3/. f?T'3r^/. S.-work. fn^oTSFriTn. Sex, n. gender. f?5n n. f^^H^ m. ^rf^f ^o^^. ^ITT/. ^crj^T^fir- 5 m. -^ftWrsq-f^H^ OT. ^qT:':f?srfT!nTJp»T^ m. The male s. qw73TTf?T/. J^rfn/. ?fT^^/. The female s" ^^f?r/'sfTq;Ft=Eft ^fT/. SEXAGENARI.Y^', a. aged si.vti/ years _ ^Tf^^lT^STT ^^\'^\ .jfl^^mh To be getting s. ^ra^tof. Sexasqulae, a. having six angles. BnrjFriT. Sexeunial, a. happening once in six years, or lasting six years, ^rf RTT^r^^, HTfRfT^, '^TSfST^. Sextant, n. sixth part of a circle, ^fTT^fifT m. 2 — the iustrumeut. ^ ^'^ f^^lf 3Tr^, ^4^ «. Sextuple. See Sixfold. Sexual, a. pertaining to sex. feir^n", fe^f^T^Hr, ^'TT;'?- iT^T^r, ^5?:^fEr^^=^T, ■^5?rsriTJTf=^, ^5?^fcm^^Kft, S. intercourse. See Copulation. Shabjjiness, n. V. A. 1. ^^TM-^i^quir in. Hf^Ffqiirr VI. &c. 2 f^ricrMquTT ni. q^^tqan- m. ^%qwr m. Shabby, a. — clothes ; tvorn, torn., soiled, ij-p. ^^Trq^J, ^- 2 wean, ^otw, despicable. f^^^TTTr or tift, n^o5, fJT'fnT, f^mt, fiT'^;K^i?5l=^T, f^R^^orr^r, rH^rT^r%qTqr, iTo Shackle, v. a. feller SfC. lit. fig. v. To Binp, To Clos. srt^-T'Jr, ^^^ q-of , nms'if , iost m. ^iv[^^^^ g. of a. ^]^ ^\yf^^^-^\^^ g. ofo. qr^fFT #5r m. ^, Shackle, n. v. Fetter, Cloq. fir^ or \i\f. ^\^^^ m. iT^^ m. iftr »!. si^ »». t^^^ »• Shaddock, «. citrus decumana. -^njirin or ^'Fr^ »». Shade, m. darkness or obscurity caused by interception of light. vT^^f. unrr/ ^H^ »». «rN« n. aTrrPTPTr«r ««. ar^TTfTT m. S. ( of certain things ) viewed as evil. arr^Trf or 5/ SUA 2 degree or gradation {oj light or colours). iRf m. SKf^ui n. 3Tn w«. 3 V. Screen, q^r w. 4 spirit, V. Ghost. a^qgr'Tr/. 5 See SuArow. To Shade, v. a. screen from light or heat. ?TT^?ft/- arift- ^ m.-^m f.-&.c. sFT^-TTSiif, ^"JT^JTIT'^ w.-^^jrfTra^ M.-&C. SRTJf. Shadiness, n. v. A. 1. ^ri^p^/ ^fR? ;i. /. jjmr^fp^r/. iJT«rf^R[i"?:-«T n. ^t^\^y^r^ n. 2 fHf^ ?iriTf=fr/. ^TT^pr/. «. 3TTrrqrrf^ «. Shadow, n. shade representing the form of the body uhich causes it. tJPTT/. q^sfmT/. flR^/. qs^r^T^/. srfJtijr- Middle or mean s. ^^^^^^ f Eelation of a s. with its substance, fif^^pu'^^■q\^ m. S. cast by the gnomon of a dial. ^^FlfTTT/. sTHT/. S. of the earth. HHT/. That casts a s. tJTTPFT, ^V^^^. 2 imperfect representation. ^\^Jf. 3 V. Shelter. 3TT«nT i?oy. an^TT »«■ To Shadow. See To Shade. 2 See To Adumeeate. Shadowy, a. not bright, Sjc. v. Dim. 3'ot?T^^r, Jpfl^"^- 2 unsiilslantial, unreal. tfT^^^, tfmr^T, ST'TlfT^, 3T- Shady, a. ahotn-, &c. fH??ra, f^q^qr. I. V. Eugged. ^Jir. 2 (a cloth, &c.). ^TJ^of, ^rnprsrot, 5Tr5^, ^^ jK.-5r7-- ^RF »«.->^i\^^,—bri.>^. [TKT T.^. G off; ye< ri(? of. qTt^^wr, TFFcnr, ^re^, ^'^^i ??^?TJt,^- To Shake, «. n. be agitated with vibratory imtion. ^irfui, f|- .&c. ^^. 2 — liquids in a vessel, v. To Flop. 5^ira"Jf, J^n^_ 3 ( as with laughter ). ^r^, ■I — tremulously, v. To Totteh, To Themble. spf^iTf, FjZ- :^,adv.-7^^^ adt>.-&.c. ^r?^-^^, S^S'^'Ji or SirSTot, 5 ( from cold ). See To Shivee. Shake, SnAKixa, n. v. V. A. l.—act. ^T?=I5rof n. ^T?T. V. V. A. 1. ^Ef%?7r, frasr'^^, f fp^r, &c. ^tcff^, 3Tfsrf??rr. Shaker n. Shaking,;), a. v. Y. A. 1. ^TPJST'JrRr, ^fpTCTrrrr, 2 sji^i^uiRT, =R^ ^'in'n,&c. v. V. N. 1. ^T?5i3TrTT, S^^OTHT, STfj^orra, &c. 4 sFfTirirr, ^+4+"! in, &c. s^JTsftfr, ^Ffr^r, fsr^ir^. Shaky, a. unstable, ^c. v. Eickety. 555JTo^, ?5^"7^?T. Shallow, a. having Utile depth. 3". Shallow-bkained, Shallow- pated, Shallow-witted, a. v. Shallow. 3"n7. 0/0. 3i?fi^aft/.-&c. ^J:in ^. 0/0. Sham, n. pretence, trick. #»t n. ^\^ n. f^ft-rl m. ?f?5 m. ^■ SbaM, a. feigned, fictitious, ^'mi^r, stirqT, f^T^fT^, T^T^T^r, q^«TT=iTT, &c. sfrrr^rift^T, ^q^r^, afif^ 3TT0T?i?ir, 3frf 5 To Shamble, u. n walk awhwardly S( unsteadili/.'^nt^ =qr- Shambles, M.y?M/j-OTaj-Z,-e<. ^Tl^ft^r ^TF^TTT m. ^R^T^^n 5IT- Shame, n. the sensation or feeling of conscious guilt, ^c. ?IT^ /. wmf. 5TTIT/. ^5Fr^ w. ^J^fi^r^ m. arq^Tr/- w^ir?:! /. 3fT^TT5!:Ti=r/. 3TT^r'35t^/. fw<7>Trr W. 2 sense of shame, v. Mode-xy. FTT^/. ?5^r/. ?I"T/. To cast off 8. T5^ »». g'Sq'^. To take s. to one's self. JTHtSt, ^KHof, afr?TT5E^, ^T- vt/. sfT?^ in. con. To throw off all sense of s. ^V^ n. ^ff^ ^fl^ftH ^J- 5fot, ?rr^ n. ^riTf ^[^-=1 q-^f, ^tt^ ». Ksi^f trrof, tt'ir ^- m^ 'TRof, sriT^-sr'mr^-qf;5iT5f-&c. ^t|5 fWtr ^TraSr, 3 shamedncss, reproach, v. Disgrace. 3T'TJTr«T w. 5flslfH- To put to s. See To Shame. 4 cause or reason of shame. i=Jr%^-?=r^H-&c. ^FR'T 7;..^- To glory in one's s. ^R^ ??r|^ SPTI"^ 'Tflotdf . To Shame, v. a. make ashamed, abash, Sfc. Fir^^'if, FJMT^'rf, ^TTfH^Sir, =Ei!TTqcrijf, -ar^iTsig-ar, ^-t't^st or ^f^;^^^r^ m. ^. or y. 0/0. ?^Ffr T^r^r^ ?5T?9i, ^t? »».-HT?r.A. w€\ ^m g. of a. 3ft^ir^r-W':Tr-'^r5^-?5fsT?T-&c. q^^of, TTi^N^f- qr?r5! qR^. 2 See To Disqeace. To Shame, v. n. be ashamed. rSrsTiJf, ^TTHof, a^^noEiJr. Shame-faced, a. v. Bashful. 3T3TT3, BT^TT, r^r^^, B^FRt. Shame-facedly, adv. v. A. FSTf^?:?^! or of, t7r^T''TT=r, •y'+Ni^, &c. Shame-facedness, n. v. A. rJT^'^'T'TT m. &c. ^^\'^ m. ;=IT- Shameful, o. /7«oi brings shame.ignominious, ij'r. v. Disgrace- ful. 3T%^T, Bsrqr, FJrf^TTSITorT, r^M'^.WU'MI or ?5I^r, 3T- q^^^^, 3TT^%iiTr, r'?r?r^ra, r^fr^orr, fi^r^, ?5^^?f , 2 raising shame in another, v. Ikbecekt. F^rf^T^TCTT, FTT^^r, F5%^, ^H^qr, ^s^fsr^, ;^^rar^, srflT'j, ar^i^s Shamefully, a^y. v. A. 1. ?ir^ g'rfqr, 3Trs[^|5-^?r, t^r- r^<«(iift, ?JM 3Tiu|>J-MM"tiTr decl. 2 3Tra tlT^T, 3Tq^5T^F€^, %3TT^^, STfTHrflt, &c. Shameless, a, ivanting shame or modesty ; callous, hardened, abandoned, Sfc. 1h?IRTTT, fff^^ST, %^TTiT, sf^qr, S^HTT^^-t- f|rT-^jf!T-&c. ==rqT^-&c. fH^TrT, f?r?r5r^?5T, f==r?5^ or jt, f^'Tft, %^5^, ^ir, '3T^, afr^T^;, f^npiTr, f?r=qT5T, 7- %^B^r, f^'TT^, 1^^^, fq'tpJS^T, HTt5r'j«n, ^FT^^T, f^^- SHA 779 SUA ^T, ^\^^;ZX or ^R, MNW-i^, r^rT'^PHT, ;7fT-^Tr, ^rtTTf- 2 indicaihuj want of shame, done icithoiit shame. f?r=^T^- ?^'^r^, %^TTii^r, 1%?5r3f!T, fH?'^>^r, ps^rTrrri^?^^, Ac. Shamelesslt, adv.wk. f?r?Tr:fA'^yii'i, ^^rprqiJTr^, f^i'.^H"^, &c. 3r^-?i«n'-&c. ?fr|5-5:rpr-&c. g-^ri^^, ?r«TRr- %q'T5^, .to. J^ToE^^JTT, g^^^, ?TI^5S:'r?T "^T^^, &p. SnAMKi.Ess>-ES3, n. T. A. 1. fJrsr^lTOir m. ifn^iTTtTT »». ^qTCTTT m. fJf^qorr "i. f^ra^T^r »». &c. ?JwnTTf|f'f«. SnAMMER, ;i. SuAMMiNO,;;. a. v. V. TcT^ ^T'JTRT, STT ^tJTr- sqr, HPfr 0'- '^r, fllmff or S-qr or %^r, ^jff'fT or nn". Jo Shampoo, d. a. ruh and 2>c'''-'i. ^^rqnTT m. &c. ^q?yT5r"JT «. j Shapelt, o. well formed, si/mmetricol. ary^Rg^, ^^5J5', 3TR^5, ^5^11^5;, ar^T^T^g^, srf^?, srnPR^g, wm\H, Shaed, m. piece of an earthen ve.sscl. ^T^T^^t /. ^F^ft f BT^TTT% 51^3 M. f^tfrit /. ^E^q /. ^]m 11. ^;^TJ m. dim. ^qft/. h"^ or *f^M. [ «. Jp=qqf;s5»>. Shards, Ae(7;/) of shards, bits of glass, i^c. ^^^^ m. To Shaee, v. a. distribute, v. To Divide. sfRot, effe^ ^, 2 partake loith another. =ri^^ ^iif-tot, ftrHPT^r ^'^-^, -■JT^iTiPHTn »J.-w|tT»fm )". ^^^ g. ofo. To Shahe, V. n. participate, have part. ^\zj m.-&e. qaf-cff- ^, ^\z\ m.-&e. frrS'jf »». con. Share, «. part, portion. ^f5:T or qrr?:r w. »TPT ?». fifHrnwi. ^fTufr/. 3T5[T W, f^r ««. ^H\^ f. [ ^JT>TPft. Equal s. ^H'^rT tn. — That has an e. s. KHHri pop. 2 (of a mercantile, &c. concern). qrHt or qffft/. qr4t/. Hrft/. #rr «i. f^HT w. [ rTT ). Halfs. 3isf^/. (and, person holding it, 37^1?^ or 3 ' of a property divided ), 3T^«. HRTw. ■HTTTaff/ ^?T w. Calculating the shares, f^^^^t /. Schedule of shares. ^\Z^ q=>r n. 4 ( of a plou',^h ). r?5 or a m. SHARE-UOLDEtt, ;i. Sh AllE-UOLPISG, a. ^Tft^F^, ^t^^R, ^t%- ?5^, 5rf>^, TRft^ or qt?frTR, HpfT, HP'ftTR, Hfifr:!^, fr^flH^T, f^»TR^R, f^HRfT, f^^«?I'-, ^T^^R Shaked, ;;. V. V. A. 1. crt?>,^[, qri^^ f^^i, fq'Hrf'FT 2 ^rfir^f %fT%?5r, &c. ^|nh^. Shakek, n. SuAEixo,^. a. \.\'. A. 1. ^f^TWrTT, mZH \mr\ firTFIOTRT, &c. Shaek, ?«. ^ »i. ^^f;xv^ m. qr^ w». SuAEP, a. keen edged, not blunt. frT^^^TR^r, f^ViZ ^i-'Tj rftn-, 'nift^, qi^Ttrr^, rft^-oitnr, f?r?TtTiT, >r^?n5T, jrr^jrr' 2 having a fine poinf^ f^W^'^=^J^P\Wi\^^^J,^\^T:T^ fft^^'JIW, f^TFTRT, ifr^TJT, ^'^T^T. 3 acute of mind, quick, ready, smart, apt, ijv. ^H^Jft^, ^^?, f?r^^, ffr^oT, =ERJTft?r, ^T^. 't)TSof y.o/o. To s. cleanly, fft^/- ^l^iir. 2 V. To Pare. m^oT, rT?^arn.-&c. JfTTOT y. o/ o. 8 pill, fleece, v. To Plunder, js^f, ^ot, ^ri^, sfTT^ft /-5^^n.-&c. ^6t g. ofo. Sha\elI5Q, n. a person shaved, 'jft, 'TS^f, J??^?^. Shaven, Shated, p. v. V. 1. ^^lHrt%riOT, 55%?5T, &c. ^- 8 %1%^, h'sA'-h, &c. Shatee, n. Shavisg, p. a. v. V. 1. ^^qiKff ^^tjtRT, ^I^nKT, I. V. Boy. ^]%m. Shaving, n. thin slice or chip, v. Chip. ^?ft/. ^^7^■\m. dim, S'Tc^/. ^FI^"'. dim. 5H^/. ^T5T 0?' ^5Eq^m. ^^mi. Shavings. BT?5'rrw. Shawl, «.— the garment. ^1T^/. qrarst/ ^IS'Jft/. Colored 8. of children. "Fsqfr/. Double 8. ^r?5^R'Y/. %^r^]f- S. with flowers and figures worked. ^ir?^^n^r»i. SHE,;;r. ?ft,ft,^. 2 See Female. Sheaf, n. bundle of stalls of grain. ^€]f. ^^m. dim. "7^'^/. W.^^f ^l^»i. dim. M^f Binding in sheaves, qftrift/. sjtvft?^/. ^r^n^oft /. Gathering together of sheaves. ^^^Z^f. Sheaves or bundles ( of 'jffq'2T, ^I^JTT, wheat, &c. ) with the ear. ns or 5«. Jb Shear, v. a. cut or clip ivith scissors, ^'c. «PTrTT'jf, 'f>?T5^, •PTTfof, »TT^ot, H^ot, ^in. v.V. spHT^i^r, HT^^^, &c. [spTiCt-A-c Shearer, n. Shearing, p. a. v. V. +M<>JIMI, &c. ^'ff'T-'P^f- Shearing, n. V. Y.—act. ^A^xm. &c. 5pm?:ur/. ^m^TT5"^, ^5^, ^f^iif, Tm M.-^if /.- &c. JJiT^y. ofo. To 8. by agitating a vessel. 3^555^. 2 drop, cast. iTT^af, ?TFoi, ^tSW, ^TTS^. To be shed, ^rsot, qsof. To s. tears, art^if «.;>Z.-3T«T »». pl-wmf. pl.-fv^ n. pl.-f^^^^ mpl.-&c.m^S^-^VSii-ZJT'^\.^.K^.^]aiv^^ Shed, p. v. V. 1. «. f^Jfr^ m.^T^'n«. Cow s. ^ n. Festive s. or erection, irfs^ m. h^ m. Forked post of festive s. ^5=^5/. Long s. ^JTTT »». Open and rude s. tttTT m. S. for cattle during the heat of the day. ^PT^?TojST»i. Sheen. See Bright. Sheep, «. if^ ( sr >». «ft/. ^^ & 5 «. ) ^^m. (^'fT/. ) To oiFer ( in sacrifice ) a string of s. H^rNt ^W\f. ^ SHE Sheep-cot, Sheep-fold, ?i. pen, v. Fold. ^'?^r?T "i. ^TTrST n. k^^\^f. Sheep-faced, Sheepish, a. ovrrmodcst , meanly diffident^ V. Bashful, ^m or H^ft, rm^ffl-STr, "TI^^qT, ^TF or ^■ 'qr, ^^reqr, ^HHrfraqr, ^^r^sr, aTsrrr, i^'fte. Sheep-walk, n. jilace v/iere sheep are Jed. HS'TT'T ". Sheep's-exe, m. JT^^ST^T m. Sheepishness. n. v. A. Hnqorr m. TT^mftTiTT w. ^ra^TCfTT m. &c. B^rf^i^^ ?i. arfrtriwr./' Sheee, a. mej-e^ pure, iinmiuf/led. %^^ or 51, ^5^, f?I^r?5?r. Sheer, adu. v. Clean. WT"?), ^5. 2^0 Sheee off. See To Decamp. Sheet, n. — of a bed. ^^/. S. gathered up at the corners. ^TToEtiTr m. ^Tof^/. 2 ( of paper ). rTTsT m. TPT «. .|^ ». |1T m. J5T w. Half-sheet. "TR »• — reviliuglj, TT'lf «, TRT^ «. S. doubled into four leaves. ^"tsf^irr^T ; — into two leaves, |»i^ TPT. S. doubled breadth wise, q^ m. 3 ( of metal &c. ). JT «. 2b Shield, c. a. cover, defend, t. To Protect. rR?6t, Tf^'Jf, T^ir M.-m?^'^ W.-&C. sR^ y. o/«. To Shift, v. n. change jlace. direction, ^-c. r-aPT n.-^iT^l ».- &c. qT?=5^' m.-&c. ^^^ and ^Tof 2c/iA^. of s. 2 change clothes, ^f^'^■^ n. pl.-^^ «.-%^ ?!.-^^wt«.-itc, 3 manage to si/lsist. f^VT^ m- ^^, ^T'T'J'of, ^rT'JjIRT ?«. 4 with ; manage tcith. ^K^f W.l^^ ^Tr^'H ^^^[,^0^=^^ WOT, iJ^TTT ?».-5^??3^TTTJT/.-?^^'7Tt/.-?T^r7^^./'.-..^c. q;?^. To Shift, v. a. v. To Change. TT^=roT, sj^s^, q^rm, TR^ OT.-&C. «IRot y. 0/ 0. mnrs or ^STJiTS /•-<&c. ^of ^. 0/ 0. 2 change from one place, ^'c. to another. Te, ti. n. ffive out hgU. ?Iit. Faint & tremulous sliiuiug (as of an expiring- lump) r-'.+frl'trt or J+.r^+l /. To s. tremulouply, to f Ulcer. T^%^,^ or ^^F^^^. To 8. out suddenly, "itsr >ii. "PI^. 2 sparkle, t/litter.pleum. ^^pq^, rr^H^>Jr, 5r^5r^>^, ==TT- spUT, ^^FT^'^, 5mH»TJf, ^TH^f;'^, ?^^F^^, ^T^E^'lt, Sf^^^- ri;F=5=F or ?ri;;^ or fP,T.\^.^ tide ^.X^, — brightly, glaringly, intensely, t. To Glake. ^t^FF'Jf, 5tin^, fT- «M+ui, =^=Fl^of, gaioEof, FI^T^'JI. n if glossy. f?t5rf?Iotdr, HoETOot, ^^g^oT, SER^^t, rl^FHT- -ISG, ;;. a. v. V. 1. riqiirTn, &c. ^T■\^^^^ ST-TT^JTIH, ^fH- £PC, fsr^FflTR. 2 (?»!(? BitlGHT, BeilLIANT. Sfin'^T^r^T, ^r^J^t, PJ^rJ^FtrT, =?rf:=^^ft7T, sf^nmrH, ^iftHtg, ^ipttt^, f^^riiR, s:«< or receive into a sJiip. ^FJ^r^]^l:-&c. TTot- ^^'^-?5T50T-if"^-&e. [vessel. rTil?5«»- Ship-masteh, n. captain. ?IT?[=fT, or 5TT^?fr^ m. — of a small Ship-mate, n. iT3«irfT^7^T-.fcc. ?Ttsf?ft-^r4t-&c. Ship-weeck, m. flT^fj/. »• n^^T W8. 1=si¥t/. T^'ST or n^fJT »«. 3Tt=^r »?!. ff ^^r WJ. tT5=F/. trS^T »(. f ^=FT «>. 2 impression of terror, disgust, cJY. tj^ or q-^r ?n. atf^T/. art^^r »«. ^^rq?/. ^=qq;r )»• s^^/. ?^^r ?«. tT-;g«. ir^qft/. trq^T or t[5iq;r wj. tr^ m. trfrqJT »». tr??i" «. qm^r or qr?r- 3 ^i7e of sheaves. ^i\ f ^^ »«• 1^./". To Shock, ». «. «7;aAe suddenly, v. To Jolt. q-F:gr m. 'k^^-^j- To be shocked. S'lq)^ or Z^WM., T'^'^t, ^i'^f^m.-^^q- W.J ?«.-ff?f^T m.-^W[ m.-&c. Hf^oif j«. co»i. tri^r M.-feT5qJ /.-':T?:Fr w(.-&e. ?5TqdT-5r^'Jr in. con. 2 sir/X-e if(77i horror and disgust, v. To Offend, qqer ???. To be shocked, trsq^, mW.J w tT^iq^r wi.-tTSq; /.-etc. ■HT.^ in. con. 3Ti=5r/.-37t=q^ ?(!.-^^q;r m.-q^ or q^qJTw. -'^q^/.- tTtgT m.-&c. SRT^ "i. oo«. Bsg fTiit. S pile sheaves of corn, gst/.-q^ m.-itc. ?^i7ir, ^3q?:5t, ^o^^ZXTft/. ^T^g. of e. Shocking, ;?. a. v. V. A. 2. trsqft st^JfTRr, Ac. 3?q?df^qr- ?:, w, 'fl^R, =5TT?fq;rTq;, =5fT?f^. Shoe, ?i. c^t^r m. 3T?fr/. jfi'^ m. qiW^T or ■^m.'^-^wf. <\\- SHO 783 SHO iugljr, as old, torn, (J'e. or ^vith reference to striking' with it ZK m. n. ^tH^ m. jfr^ m. Coarse and clumsy shoes. ^T^^ ^rsr «>. Wooden slioes. ^-^l or ^ST^r/. pi- 'TTf ^r/. AVorn aud TvorUiless pair of shoos. ^^sfT^ ^rSF »». The wearer best knows wliere the s. piuches. ^7,^\- 2 horse-shoe. ?rT?5 «. To Shoe, u. a. ( a horse, &c.). ^J^A^ /■ ^l^ ff- of o. ^\P;m. pi qtqiJr did. oj 0. To s. all four feet. ^"~|ir,feel a shooting pain. StJT^- tjiijf, 5=^=sM, nTii^>Jr, '=TJT^ot, frr^-:^/. 3-5^-%CTr, ^friir/. G forward, out; project, qs %^. 7 lip ; advawe in height, v. To GeOw. JIirSt, 3'=^FIot, S'^HTT, ^t^qfot, ?r<5Snf , T^railf. — sugar cane. ^f^T^. 8 (into ears — corn) shoot the hose, fffg'^ffr, q'JTrilTf^ q?- "JI ( q>7, 'FOT^,&c. ) [ ft/. .Seoot, n. X. Spkout. 3T^T «8. ^Tsi or ^m wt. HI? m. 3Tt^- Shoots from reaped corn — through rain. 5p?;r m. 2 (from a branch ) !/OM«y branch. "P^Jin^T «i. "pf^r ot. 3 seed shot up. ^^^^ or ^fr^crr n. [ fj^^. Shooting, p. a. v. V. N. 2. '^^.'Jjnj, J^^FTiirn, c». ) frri\- ' fiToft^F/. ?ior^r «». ^01^/. ip^nF/ ^?^/. 7?m/. fl?!/. Charmed ring lixcd to cure s. H^-TR «. 8 f^?r^9T 7f. f^^cTDfr/. ff\m\^f. [^^rnr^r/. Shop, «. /;o««e or room for the sale of articles. |^R ;i. f^- 2 jcorA; shop. ^^R «• ^Rm^T )". To set np s. |^ft «• m?^'Jr-Hf5at-'e'kecpers. ^f,]Pi n. Shop-keeping, n. |:pT?r?lfr/. WFA^f. ?^ m. [t^^^J. SnoP-LiFTEE, n. one who steals in a shop. 3^?^, ^'JZ^. HT- Snor-LIFTIN'O, n. stealing in a shop. S'xp^ijt n. ^Z^ n. TT- Z JTTOT n. 3'^%TTT m. TRftTIT »^. Shop-man, «. g^r^tfl^T =JrFFT->tc. Shoue, «. co(r«('. ^.j^ m. ?\% or iTS/. iftT «. f^JTT^Twi. ^S «!. «, ^5?^T »«. ^f?T >«.. W.iZKl m. Furrow or cliannel worn into a s. arrfl^ or ait^T m. To get to s. ( with any business )Jlg. rTS/. or ^tR tii. V'JT. 2 V. Puop. 'iw-\ '«• ^'^Z- '^ "'• To SnoEE. See To Peop. Shoeeless. See Ispisite. Ij Shorn, p. v. V. To Siieae. w.TF^'fk^A, *fT?T?^?rT, w.TJ ^Tq?;;^T, &C. jft?T, l%vI%^T. Short, a. «o/ having great length or extension. ?5^H, v(w., 3Trq-, Tcf?q, pj^, ?j^, fT^ q|5^RT, *fTl'"^wfNT. 2 not of long duration. v^V^^ '^>\rk\^^-'^^^'^-&c. 3T?q- =j;Tfe5p^ J^?q;pTf?5^, -St^q^'tTRft, 3Tf%T^?4TRft, ?T^5flt^, 8 of deficient length, of short sise. 3Tg;f,?l'i:fJ5T, STJ^FTT, grq^ i>!//y. 3ts?t, f^^r, f?T^ or fir^r, v^ or g^rr, ^rt, eRTTT, ?rtfT, ^f=^r, 55^iTT, 5?:^, :juiT3^!fT. 4 inadequate, insufficient, scanty. S'OTT, ^jff, ^*T, iiTrST, '4r5^r, ^PRTT, 3Tqrr, arq^nr, 5^5, arsf ^T'fT. 5 deficient in, not adequately snpj lied tvith. ^JTJTT, ^>^0^^ 'SRT, &c. nZ^ «f«77t y. 0/0. 3Trq ( iu comp. as ^T^qw^ s. of wit, 3Trq'T^ s. of money, &c. ). [g-ofo. To be s. of. fTRT OT.-^Hfir?/.-H"JT/.-&e. 3T^ot mV*. G ( of stature ) v. Litti.f.. sj^RT, "JIOTT, J^^nT, H?n7, =^- ^1 '^'^j iJ^i+uiT, 5=IR'TT, ^^TJTT or ^TTT, ^, ^ntri or S. and comely. snoTRq'Jir. S. and stout, njir, If, t^ff. T^l^. q??! or qfflTT. fn- f f or fn;|T, j^55T, +'-i'll, 1^. Shorter. tn^vTr or r^. Shortish. W?^;^T. SHO 784 SHO 7— as broathiug. ^^RT, mctr, 3'?TT^o5r. 8 hrief. ^?T^T^r, ^f?T!T, 3T?^5T^^TRT^T, arf^T^RT^, f^- ?^RTHRRT, '*rr^^15^^. In 3. t^^oT or ?T, '^'f. 9— a \owel. =^, 3^. 10 brittle, friaUe. g?TT, HTtT. To come short, ie deficietit in duty, v. To F^IL. J^^, To cut sliort, abridge^ t. To LEssES.Jpjft-i&c. «PTof. — to cut a matter a. rn^r tTTS^, fTT^FT ?Ti^ fF?v^ or ^OT. To fall short, become scanty, v. To Fail, yduj', «pjft To fall short, /diZ (';; duty, v. To Fail, ^^ot, '^fR Ji.- JfT^/.-Ac. qsof-fr^-^of. To fill! short, be less. ^Tf\-&c. TSin. To stop short, stop at once. \^\^^-'S{W.^^^-^^V^-&-c. To stop short, stop ivithotit reaching the point. f{'^-^- To turn rouud short, fqTTr^ or qwi-'^r^f^rTT'Rf or SaoET-coiiiKG, n. v. Fault, ^'^^^^f. 3T?T^ «• rRTf^». Shout -COUEAGED, a. 3Tr^^, 3TRH^^JT. {>hobt-hand, «. ?rf|ifr 'fl^TTi^rfefi^rr^ ^^r/. Short-lived, o. 'jTt^, 'iTrTT^'sft', •5fre5f\'fTi^ or ^TZ^^- SHOET-sicmF.D, a. lit. 7f;r55=;qT ^;^r, sirT;^-?^: strf'rq'r^T, 2/y. 3T^ffr, 3Tf7^f^, 3T?^^f^, f^^J^^F. Short-sightedness, .Short-sight, «. v. A. 1. v»t^5S^ ^f^/- JrJ^t^TT^rft/- «&c. 2 3T?^i%/. 3T^^f%/. SnoET-sizED, ». Ac 4 s'oiqTJTT wi. jpiftTOTr »». &c. ^5?rr/. 8 f%?iraHT5r '«. 3T?7^??nT m. Shot, n. JaZZ or bullet, nt^r ot. (?/m. I'liV/. 2 «?«aZZ s^o<. ^jrf fn. 5 rn n. zfm^ n. &c. 55i\?i ?!. q-i^^T^r «. gi;5?i w. ^^- Shown, ;). v. V. A. 1. ^^^i^sr, &c. ^{th, sr^fr^. 2 ^r^jrasTT, ^l??T?5^r, &c. ^1t. at/ f^<+SI or fj^npfST ««. [ V. 5BT5, PT^. A .s. or strip of bark, rind, or nkin torn off. ir, Errar^f. 2 froni ; back ; &c. v. To Flisch, To Dbaw-back. ^p^- ^■Ji-qi^trr-fTof. 3 ie abashed. ^MIMui, ?fqsr^ >»■ ?r^ i«- fon. 7b Shrink, jj. o. srT5Ji^Hr-&e. ^Fm, ?T^ m. q;fof ,7. o/\»t. Business of a s. ^TU^f. Seat or stand of a s. ^/. ShkOud, «. winding sheet. ^if in. con. fzt\ or fir^JTT/. lil.-TJZf. ^fW y. ofs. :pt?T w. g-JTr ?J^, tin\=^ m. fTiJr, Tmt^ ?«. pi. 3^ ^rpf, arir^/. qriit-^rcoT ill. con. ^^^^Tiif, ^^+.'H/. JT"Jr-^T^"it in. con. Shuddee, Shuddeeing, n. y. V. arm ^pm «. &c. ^^ift/- S?:qT/. 3TJsft/. ^^W/. To Shuffle, v. a. huddle together, v. To Confound. 'fi'qoS- Of, Tl^TS^, 5^55of, "Tt^^, TPt^^tot, JtrtTS »l.-JT"P?y?T/.- T^rf /.-qTHir?5/.-&c. ^Raf ^. ofo. [ ;p^_ 2 ( cards ). ^loE^, ^ra w.-f^loE+iJ m. ^,x^ g. of 0. TFJrr/. 3 off; pjish off. ?5T^, 5^?r-^^ Slit, ?17wff?5r WJ.-^- 4 up; mafeor/orm Mi haste and confusion,\. ToSlubbee. rtG'-brt/.-c5'IS<1*i5/.-&c. JK?:ijf. To Shuffle, v. n. pUy mean tricks. gr^sfrT^ M.-g-grfrTtT^w. qtT^ w.-iTJqi «.-'t|'T| m. iJ^.-n^T^ w. /jZ.-^rjif n.-f^- 2— iu gait or walk. |]?5qui w JW4)U(, rlTTC-S^SfT- n:^- SnuFFLE, Shuffling, n. y. V. k..~act. 'ftq'S^ m. J^ra^J^ &c. V. V. N. 1. ar^^^s n. i^fr{^x n. ']^f: n. and the other nouns under the verb. 2 2^1 ot n. >WTrT ^qT?5at n. Shuffle b, n. SnuF FLTKG.p. o. V. V. A. 1. nrtrarnKT, 5?S- DTRT, 'l*ririu||'j, ^SHc? ^^titKT, &c. »TTfS5?ft or y^. 786 SIC 2 qT5;oinT, ^-&c. ^FT^Rr. 3 FjROTrT, ^-i^uTFTr, ?:r55T ^otrt, &c. jfr^J, ijtiqt, fTr^i- v. V. N. 1. 3T^5f?f-T5-?«:T?f^q^-&c. JROTlTT-^r^^TuirrT. 2 n^TOTRT, 'T^'??T ^qrrTOTRr, &c. To Shun, t>. a. eschew, ^'c. v. To Avoid. ^Jf, ^^-^PTof, ^- »TcEwf, irppDt, ?JT5Pt, ^ ado. ^rS^-TT-^, ^^«-&c. q ^rTim^, ^-&e. XV^i^with HV^ofo. m^^-^^-^}^ :m] m\. %^\ or ?r ^Ji ^. 2 y. To Escape. ^-T-Tot, ^T-^iif. Shunned,;), v. V. 1. ^:^^?=;r, 5r^ %^^, ^ ?fr5%?5r, Ac. ^- 2 5^FJ^^i!5T, &e. To Shut, w. a. close, ^c. sj^ ^^of, ^r^, gf^of, stTOT, fJi^^r, 1%^TrfTr, f5i=q^r o?- fsi^f^TT, a^TiT^fff^, itiri- To Sht, v. n. shrink back,— a horse, ^^^fif, fii^-:pijf. Sht-cock, n. r5PT ^raST »«• Shyness, «. y. A. ^tf^E qiJlT^ 'TT n. ^^Jff^^ TT «. ?7r- ^TiHtTtJlT m. &c. ^HPftfrr/. ^IHr^T m. S-qft'^ w. Sibilant, a. — a letter, ^ijtt. Sick, a. diseased, disordered., ailing, ^-c. ^^jjon^, l^trirc, s, T^t, Ht^, ^rffTT, ^rf'??f, ^n?T?H, finrjr, TTniTt, To fall s. ^^iqr^ T5"'f. SID 787 BID 2— at stomach, afr^r^ arra^r, Jfff?r ^fear, sirfrT 5rr%r5r. To bo s. To feel s. 3fr^ltt/.-sirffT/.-&c. ?t6t m. con- :f2it3;ot 0)- qt?:rFT spsHosof v. imp. [ ^r^fr. 3 y. DisausXED. i^^prrsr 3TM^, ^1=r 3TTr5^r, f^-;g, ?T^, To be s. of. afr^r^ /.-T^Tsr w.-sft^ w.-cte. qof 2>«. ro«. i(,'ii/{ g. of 0. f^dur. J'o Sicken, v. a. make sick. |^at^^-3Tr^rft-^*tc. qj^'ff, |^- TSTT^f >TT3^, i^jfoi «.-&c. arriTot. [arr'^'Ji. 2 Wia^-e squeamish. ^^JT^^'Jr, !F;oilTo5 y.-3T5!JT55 f.-&c. 3 V. To Disgust. afr-Titt f.-^zi^; m.-&.c. 3TT>noT, 5r??f To Sicken, y. «./«W ^/cA-. g^oi «• -&c. irot-F^rnoT, g^ot n. sr<^, f<^Dt^->S.c. fiat, g^aqr^-j^aqtfl ^^v(. 2 get qualmish, S;c. ^^^^J.-^^^7,J.-kc. k^. o (jrow disgusted. ^^foSf '>n.-'^\'^j]t[ f.-^\z wJ.-frf^'^Rr '«.- &c. q-OT «M. COM. iJ^Tc'Ji, ft^'Jf, ^^ n. '[^^,v[[ g. ofs. 4 See To Lasguisu, To Dkooi". Sickened,^, t. V. A. 2. ^.7.^^^^J^\ .^ TTT m. 'fltq-'m «. "7?^ m. =F50T/. ^PS^ofT/. q^ M. \. f. STtTfr /. JP?^ m. Pain in the s. qT»jf?j?5 m. ^fl^^Jfl m. Hollow of a s. ( esp. from fasting. ) ^\^B.f■ To lie on ouc a s. ^R^r^'^, ^f R^TsT fi=T^"^-T5'7f-fT<^, 2 part or place on a aide. qr^/. ^ffl »». aifl n. ?TW/. ^i- n/. ^^ «. Fiirtlier or that s. qR '"."v^rs/. I'rom all sides. =^^^=T, From 8. to s. OTr^'qrr. From this s. OTPft^'T or \^^,X^. Hither or this s. ^Srs/. ^r^rfK «.^^^f5 m. Of this s. 3T;#tr5^r or \^^z^ or ar, <>Tr;t^fr?J or On this 8. 3T^?Tr. On, of, from, &c. that s. q=5t^?r or"^?ft^5^, qT?Tr, 7rf^ or "^?ft^^,'^sqrT,"5)?5r. On all sides, v. "ahovnd. =q^%, =Erf f^^ffl-, ^V On botli sides. |ii|^, gr^'pr, jF^l^S, TH^T^t:, 7H^=5f, ^?5q?5, 3Tp/. ^Tr5 «. rT5 «. »». Minor or inferior s. nfoiq^ m. Negative s. 7\\^^^ m. Of the same s. g-q^. Opposite s. srfH"??^ ?». [-■■^^of y. (i/fl. To take the s. of. q?T m.-&,c. VW i?- 0/ 0. ^f^f a^'iTvf Side, o. lateral. ^T^.^r, ^^^r. 2 indirect, deeious, afrSWT^^r, STre^^fNr, 3Tr5«rfj^r, 3TT55qTfTfn^T. To Side, ti. «. /ea« to a side or parlij. q?T«!. q^wf, q?TqT./. 2 on i!/ie s((/e. srFjT^?:, f ^ft^T^, arrs^r T- ?ft, TWTfft, "??^«^, i^i^rfr. SideJ!al, Sideeeal, a. of or belonging, Sfc. to stars. cTRt=qT, Fir^r^'T^r'7, FfrnB^^M^, ^?^5tf=r«fq=F, ^^^^^"t. 2 See Staeey. sm 7 To SirtE, V. n. move tide foremost. «lT^'%-:f;^^fTT-&c. ^rB^t- vTT^, Jp^T'TT vTT't. SiDLISGLT, adv. V. V. +W». ^fi^isPT m. Of sharp or good s. ^^KPT pop. STHI^fT. 2— organ, v. EiE. SToET m. ^5f n. m. =^i;Jfif^^ n. 3 perception, vision, view. Tf^or n. ^f? /. ?[?r^ «. ^"^1 f er^lr «j. •flsr^^FPT ?!. f?TOT n. ?5?^ ». f?#r /. T, arttrar, 3T^?J. Sightliness, «. v. A. S^jfatqorr m. %^orT^?rH^r w. ST^'PTiq;- uir m. &c. Sightlt, a. pleasing to the eye, seemly, S{c. v. Beaetifvi.. eS^oTT, %^air3r, f^T^, ^»t^, ^a"Frf , ^^f^t, ^^^^, Sign, n. symbol, indication, Sfc. V. Maek. fH^foft or ?ff /. f^'f «. 'S.iT /. ?!?7^ n. B^^ n. Auspicious or good s. ^1%'^ f. Inauspicious or bad s. aTcrf^^w. a^^S^WM. ^PrJ^oT.J. Secret s. ^m^^ f. "^K^^ f Signs of rain. "TTSf^r^ 3tf S m. pi. To shew signs, cft^ w. TfJr «'». con. 2 prodigy, portent. ^rqT?T >«. 3T3/T «. '^c^R «!. 3 ( of the zodiac ). rrf^ m. 4 indicative nod or action; signal. T^f f^fTfT /. r^TT':r m. ?t%?f m. si^TrT n. ^W /■ 5 See Signature. S. manual, -v. Sxgnattjee. ^^^X n. ^T?TT h. To Sign, v. a. affix ones name or mark to. ^^ f. ^d\-r;^- Signal, n. v. Sign, fsp^ m. f^TK??/. f^lFT w. Signal, a. distinguisTiedfrom what is ordinary, v. EemaFiKA- BLE. fiRTw, f^?5?icrr, f^^5r, ^irft, jfrsr. 2b Signalize, v. «. ?'f«(fer distinguished, ir^^r^, f^^^'n. SIL 789 SIL 2 ( oue'a self). HPT «.-^f^/.-&c. ■f^cS^wf-HTT^'if. SiONATOEE, n. sijn manual ; name subscribed. W^t or ^f f. S. of tlie Amanueusis. f^nP^H n. ^rm. n. |^r?TT n. To affix cue's s. v. To Sign. ^|t/. ^^of , qf^^Tf^^ ^- SiosET, n. V. Seal. 5^/ hI^^t/. SlONIFICAUCE. n. Y. MeaNI5G. 37^ ?». ^if^STFT ?«. ^ iJ^iJ. ^r^ or |f^^ or ^r| 11. 2 importance, v. Weight. TIT »». TK^f^/. 3^T^/. J- ^T?(r m. fil^ or rT with neg. con. or implic. Sicinificant, Significative, a. having meaning. 3T*Tr^r, 3T- 2 indicative, declarative, expressive. ^^, ^Tfff^, 3T^'4, ( in comp. ), OT^TpJT^, TITKrj. Signification, «. y. Meaning. 3T'4 «i. affHSTI'T ?«. Etymological s. 3T^pT^r«T m. Signified, _p. v. V. 1. ^ %^, gom g=q?%3r, &e. ^fTT- To Signify, v. a. make known ly signs. ^OT/.-^^n?f/.-&c. ^^ g. of 0. ?jolRf-&c. ?iTr3Tr5r'if-g^5r^-. 2 J«aAe ^no«'», communicate, ij'c.v.To Teh, To iNrouM. ^OHot, ipo5^tff, g^T^OT, ^JT^nrot, ^5Hr/.-&e. W^l^ g- oj 0. f%f^-H"rft?r-&c. ^^. 3 have a certain sense, v. To Mean. aT'4 »».-&c. 3T?rW y- o/o. w-vVA in. con 3T^ ot.-&c. VT'^-^m^r^. 4 matter, import, have consequence. *rrT wi.-TK^^/.-H- ^JTT^/.-g^jTWT OT.-f%?rT?f/.-&e.-3T^ot ^. ofo. with in. con. Silence, n. forbearance of speech. ^^^ pop. ^\^ n. IT^rft/. aTHPTtiT n. 3THT^rT m. JTrTOTTHR ?«• ^iJftEvrr? w. Dogged s. ^^^T m. W[W^'H in. ^^JTT m. S. of oftence or huft'. 3T%?^ w. Vow ( or rule ) of s. ^J^^^^ m. HRim m. n. To keep dogged or sulky s. ^I'^T^^R m. ^,i^ or qiif , To keep s. restrain one's speech. ij'Zofty. q'J'OT, ^TJT m. J>1. ?jrm-f3t3DT or mt^ q;?;6t, ^r^at. 2 See Stillness. Silence, interj. ^ or ^T or =q-cq I 2b Silence, «, a. stop the speaking of. ^3 «.-^r^6t n-&c. ^^ ^TOT g. ofo. ^m-^W.\-&c. ^Fm, ^T ^JTJT, :jqT TTf^fOT, rffs «■ f^'.oT-fHfer'Jt, ?fr5frf?:aft/. q^TiTf y. 0/0. $qft/.- jift/. ^? ^OT 5'. 0/ 0. ^T^/. srfvTof y. ofo. sn^tiTH M.-ETT- ^fr"^ W.-&C. ^oty. 0/0. f^P^^rTT-iS'C. JfTJ^ot. Silent, a. not speaking, mute. H^T, 3^T, Hi^T^'o/i. Hr^ & One doggedly and sulkily s. H^yft, H^r^'^. 2 having no noise, v. Still. ?fTKgH^r, f^sJT^^. Silently, ^(/y. t. A. 1. 3'Tf, ^^ft, TT^TT or n!-e si/irr. t;c^T==TT, ^<^qtrr, ^cq^^9T. 3— tones, &c. ?;cqT=s?Tmr^K7Tr TTUT^oftTT. SiLTEB, n.— the metal, l]^^ pop. ^ n. ^^ n. js^ n. Pure s. =qf^/. Plated, or washed with s. ^^f\. 2 coin made of silver, ^rt^'r HT'^f «. />?. ^R% «»• /^ To SiLVEE. y. a. cofcr u-i/h a coating of siUer. ^arT^Tl'Tft..', ^iJT, Kcqj^ 5?:r»TT m. \^-^m. SiiTEELiNO, n. silver coin. ^^]^ TT^ n, ^c^^T /. SIM 790 SiLTEESMITU, n. T. GOLDSMITH. ^Cq-^I7_ SiLTEET, a. white like silver. ?c^T^r, ^V^Tcfof, ^>cqH^?T. .Similar, a. v. Like. ?nT^r, SRT^, 5^, ?I^, ?THr^, ^5[T. SiMiLABiTT, «. T. A. and Ll':L^•E.^s. ^TT^qoTT »». ?TR?^Jr?T «. ^PT^ n. SiMiLAELT, orfy. J« ^7.-c manner. ?T«T=ST '^et^. f^r^JTHT'n, fiTT- ^VKW decl. rf^H. [fir?TT/. Simile, n. v. Illusteatios. ^^i=rT w. ^r?T «i. ^^ht/. 3'- {mmiliiuue, 7I.V. LiKEXESs. ^TK^^Tfr w. ^r^a.^T n. Hr^rfr/. ^iKHT/. ?rP^ n. ^\H^^ n. 2form.i appearance, v. Likeness. aTTq^TT «;. C^ m. 3 See Simile. [ Hin^iT^, ^\^. To P-iiMEE, V. n. loil u-ith gentle Mssing. xf^=;n;Dt, "^f^^qs^, Simmeeixg, n. qr^^ n. tioi^niT^ n. &c. ^fJl^fOT/. Tc? SiMi'EK, V. n. smile in a silli/ manner, v. To Smile. nTrSf- Simi'ee, Simpebixg, n. t. Y. llBm ^m^ »• &o. ar^^^f^- ISiMPEEEE, n. SiMPEHiSG, p. a. T.V. ^WA'\ ^m"JIRT, a^T*!^- Simple, «.«o< compound ; Mieomlined loith anything . V.'^.i 2 /iZain, artless, guileless. HToST ( Jvmws. 'Hr^J^TT, ^TTSJET^ simpiish ), ^^\=^^] HT5sr, Hm'4f, ^t5!;t HT^T'4"f, ^t?^h, ^t- ^m or ^rrqsr, hi^tst, trrasT ht5?it, ^t-^t, ^'ht, '^^m^rr, mo5, ^\7.^V-A or 5TTS^, ^^JJO^i. 3^, tTTSSJJ^ or tT,?{r5E- yr^fhcTT, ^^Tm, fn^q^, arnr^t, aiHTf*r^, arnrT. 8 not sullil, alsiriise, involved, tj'c. v. East, Plain. ^T^- ^.'^ or qrosii^, ^T5 or ^^'Z, g^stfr,?rrar, 7^, m^rHrar. 4 were, bare. ^Jg;, %£r?! or %5r5r, ^tfit or fff^r, ?TT'^. .Simple, n. herb, ^c. jff/ 5ffi^Tf?r/. '^fftq-ftr/. Simiiles, — comiJreh. |fri"Trr=5T'«. ^ft^^'T/. Simple-minded, a. t. Simple, ^rr-zr, H^TT^r ^rsT, Hr^sr^rrar- SiMPLE-MiXDEDNEss, n. Y. A. 'TfaqOTT m. HHr^fT ■Hr^'T'TT m. Simpleton, n. v. Fool. HrsT^r'4 ot. 'TTa;T^T^^ »». HTsrefsi wi. ?Tfq m. ^13 »«. SiMPLicixr, Simpleness, 71. T. A. 1. ^JT'JTT m. f^^ra?!'?- OTT w». ■f^H^ITorr m. &c. StfJT>-f>Tra' w. %5f^f^ «. Good luck to s. May s. prosper ! 'TlosrTr'I f^^'^H ^\^_ 3 qra^-^Torr m. 'ET^sT'^rT >«. g^faftq^jn »«. &c. ?fR?iT «. H^SfTT/. [?T-&c.:p^ot. Tj Simplift, v. a. male plain or easy. ^nT-^TtTr-¥T55-g5:5ft- SiMPLT, adv. T. A. 1. f^^^a or ^?ic5, f?f^Ti7?f, f^^a;, ^- ^, ?f^^^r, ^^-Hxf^^. pop. ?:iHm^, s^qH:, qtetFT^rr, H^rqrepT^T, f^sf r- s^^qr, ^ifH^5T3TqTg5^T, f^^TT^rr^r, aTR'4^, arnm- 'fl'=EiT, arfrq-T'ft', aTt?i5-qr^'Trfq^T^T, 5[5ft=e?TT ssrsrr. Sinceeelx, adv. Y. A. f^ii^q^qTin^, q^q5T^f=f?r, %^-m\i;^., &c. TT^NT^, iT^rTT^ or JT^THT^r^^^, f^^rTr^TT^, qrsf- SiNCEKiTT, Sinceeeness, y. A. 1. ^^qtiTr m. fjrsjpqjqcrr m. I !^IN pT'^^^HTirr m. &c. f^u^rq^^T n. 3T^nT?:-4r *». &c. 'Tr^r'4 Si>-ciPUT, n. fore part oj lie hra'EwT, a. consisting of a sinew. ^T^^, ^rjHT. 2 See Steoxg. Sinful, o.- tainted iviih sin, t. "U'iceed. qnT', qif^^, "TT?!^, 2 containinj sin, contrary to rit/hf, v. "Wicked. "7rTr«fT, |is^Hr^T, 3T«TJTrqT, &c. ^rq-^rr^. Sinfully, adv. v. A. TmH', TTT-T^C^T, TTT^^^. Sinfulness, n. \. A. and SiK. tTPftT'TT ni. ^\[^^^1\\ m. &c. 2 qrf?: «. I'ffTOIT ?«• <^I^'1H«IT m- ^'r^^T^ m. To Sing, v. a. utter icith musical modulations. 1M, TT^^T'^- 2 fig-. V. To Praise. ttM, ^otot pop. ^iTJiit, ^fmm^, ^^- To Sing, »•. «. irrof, nm H.-TT^^ w.-IT^ «.-?tnft/.-?I=l^ M. ^^, — iu a hoarse or cracked voice, i^M.^ — badly ; to screech, squall, scream, ^'c. t^Hr^R ??i.-^%JT?^?; '"•"^^^■■ To s. like an old cow. ^^ot^ To s. out. n^TT^^ TT^. To s. second with. 5^ ??;. ^of^ jj^ ?«. -^rgf^ 2— a bee, top, &c. niof, nl q^t, >?rqr.;faT, ^=qTJfot, T^\- fn?:^, ^ui^ui'Jf, \ adv. -^ «(/u. Jp^iTf, ^T'JT^T »«• ( intens. ^joT^irr^ »«. ^"Tmr »«• ) ^p^^t. 3 — iu boiling. ^'JI^'JT^ intens. g'ornJT^, =^T^^, '^^Z^. Sing-song, H. lad singinrj. v. To Sino. »i'^iTr|n; m. To Singe, v. a. lurn supetftcialti/.^ scorch. 5It^57T-^^T-&c. .Singed,^, y. V. sffS^TT ^ToE%^T, HM%?rT, ^se^kt, TT^^r, To be singed. "fiSE^, ^^JT^T^, ^l^R^, ^^^S^, ^T^of, [pT'P^cT, ^pSTof, -JTirrFT^t m. ^irr in. con. Singeb, ?}. Singing, _p. a. v. V. N. 1. qmiT, IToi^rR:!, q^rf or qq^t, nT^T^, ni'T^ft, ^5rTrr,'J?rmT.— in contempt, ^^■\. Public 8. qfzqr m. S. in second, '■j'-fj't. Sweet s. "fli'lGo-Mr"^. 3 ^'JI'ttul'-'lKljAc. ■«>Jlti«ft^. ■91 sm ' Single, a. not douhle. ^%TT, ^%ft, ' {'t .M ^O '- j 2 sole, alone, one. (r^p, (T^?r, "f^f^f, "^^TSTrfT, ir'Fsl^Pf , I ^-T^^cT, <^^;jn^, ^^n?t, "^^tt, ^^E^rsr, -sr^n,^ f^iT^q, j A person quite solitary or s. ^^ftt or ^irstt f5^p^3ft. 3 individual. See Particular. 4 unmarried.^ v. Bachelor, Spinstek. T, f^fln, ^rq;^T^, ^"r^^TR, t^isr?^. 4 — in g'raminar. '^^f^H n. Language ( address or mention ) iu the s. number. (T%^T ^1£^ m. Singularity, n. v. A. 1. P^^qtTT »». Ac [nJTRr/. 2 -flf|;rftq?iT/- ^«'^?l?fr/. aTsrf^tJTHT/. Ac 3T?Rq7?T'ai- 3 f^?5?T'JTqTJTr?».'?^r5'T^w. f^^r^qni'/f. ^Wl'-^rR'JT^TT/.Ac. Singularly, ado. v. A. 3. f5r=r?^>T, Ac. fcTJl'J^f;^^, f^^T??:. Sinister, a. See Left. 2 fici7, dishonest, crooked, »J-c. ?n- 3 inauspicious. ar^T, 3THi^, '*fHT=J. [HSJ^'f. Sinistral, SinistROis, a. being on the left. JfRTFtT, m- To Sink, v. n. ( iu water, Ac. ). JI^, |a(^, ^I^ot, ^r^f q- ^I"^, f^T^R M.-Ac. I'm y. o/s. 2 ( as into mud, &c. ). *!Fl6t, fi^of, 'iTt=l "JTI^, *TI^. 3 soalc into. fsR^, fm.^ ^, ^txs\ jt^ :FTri7f, f^T5TW or finKuJ. 4 lose prominence or height, fall r>— the OYCs, >S:c. hecom ■ deep, ^t^ ^roj^ arm ^r^t, W" ffn?^, w^'^1 '^^m. [CTf?TOOT_ 6 ( into the mind ). SHot, fsR^, f^Rof, TT^, ^H^, 7 decrease, deteriorate, v. To Decline. 3^^, Tot'if, ^R^T^of, q^rfoT, 3T^TT »». ^m-?t"m ^. o/s. q^ n. 3rn;- iTf-»nET^^. o/». 8— spirits, &c. t. To Fail. ?jRof, na'Jf, '- Tc; SiXK; V. a. cause to sink. ^4^"!, ^^f^. ['F^'f, 2 ( money, &e. ) lose, dissipate. g^^Sr, <|>?r^, iT^^-&c. 3 ( a well, &c. ) ^ur^. SiKK, n. rfram, senw. ^r^\ in. ^\t^ f. &INLE33, o. q'lTrf^TTsn'-^i^r, f'l'i^PT, sttht, Tn^T-^f^cT-Ac. SiNLESSNESS, «. V. A. Piim^dT/. TTTTrflf'T ?«. "TrT^ifMdl/. i5l5SER, «. V. SlNFCL. qTtffiT^sq- pop. TT'ft TrjIF, ^^^f, 3T- Some terms for an atrocioica sinner are, 'TTT'TfTf, TF- toI^, "TTTT^Hr, TiH^^M, TTTf^f^, TNJ^. Sinuous, a. t. Winding, srf^^r, ^TR'TTSt. Sinus, n. fistulous sore. ^T$\ f. sTTfttTOT «. ifrf /. To Sip, t>. a. (fr/ni m small quantities by the lips, ^rfst^f- 4ft5T'4trr decl.-^^^^^-&c. froi, =;TT^?T==n^jrrT fqTT^r«J.5?^r«. Sib, n. — the word of respect. ^, iI^RRf, ^i^"!, g^T^^T. Sire, n. — the word of address to a king.JT^RT^ o»' T^MT. 2 V. Fathee. w^ m. opT^ ?». Siren, «. an enticinj woman^ v. Beauty. Tr^OTTTt ^, ^rf%- ?ft/. =cTr^nF^pft/. SiEius, n. dog-star. g©:T^ w. 5Z(]^ m. Sihname. See Sirrah, — the contemptuous term of address, af^, '^, %?:i7T, Sirup, n. sweet-juice ofjruits^ Sfc. f^^ m. qr^ w. "T^ m. To prepare with s. Tt^F"^. Sister, «. sf^/. *if?l^/. ^m/. Elder s. 3T^:^r/. S.'s daup;h(er. ^^qr or 7g#TT/. S.'s husband. H;^uir m. ?rT?IT to. ?IT?rq? S.'s son. ^^ftq- or ^%f^ m. Younger s. 3T^:;tt/. Sister-in-law, n. wife's sister, h;^ oft/, ^^]^fi\^f. 2 hvsha7td's sister. H^J. ^^^ or\^^ n. pi. or ^^O'/. pi T^rj^ or ^oiCr^/. 3 brother's wife. HR^^/. «[f^n^r/. SisTEKUooD, «. state, office, Sfc. of a sister. ^^^^^V( n. sj^- uiqtJir »J. *lf*r^r^ n. 2 community of tvomen, ^(tHJ^f. ^T^TT^T m. ^TtJi m. Sisterly, a. sj^trft^T, 5lf^ifr?5IT^, 5lf^ofmT7?iT. nfl^ftm^. 2bSiT, «. M. 51^'if, "%?;^/.-5mq5/. *fr':oT-'^of, 5q%^T«».-3-- qir^T^T «.-&c.^'Jf, T^f^'2-3Jiftfri-&e. ^pjf. — iu cant phra- seol.^ m. n. S^ot_ Leisure or opportunity to sit. 'Sf^T.^f. n. To s. down in despair. «r^:pJl /. JTRot-^'ii. To 8. loosely and roomily. ^7507/. n. ^\^ •IH'if, FT^- ^'T/. KT^?I swof. To s. moaning and fretting, "^fir^rr sj^tiit, "^rrHT ot. pi, 2 Z/P, »'«i', press upon. ^^^. 3 Jc idle or tineniphycd. «T^'jf_ 4 incubate, v. To Brood, si^cff, tt^^/. ^RoT. 5 — an assembly, &c. sj^'if, "«B^/.-«f^oft/.-&e. ^M-'i^'- ^^ g. ofs. 6 down, if^afr, ^;^i si^of, 7 up ; rise from a recumbent posture. S'?^ SW^T. 8 up ; «o< io go to bed. HRPif, ^rniJr, ^ri?f »l^Si, ^FT^- 01 n. ^KF(. Site, «. local position, \. Place. ?vtst m- Fjft/. At one 8. ^^q^Tofr, ^^ ^i^'jftfr, IJ^T '^^T^f^. Sjtuate, Situated, o. placed with respect to any other object. 2 icj«y in any state with regard to men or things. ^^- ?v^r, &c. arq^'/^n^r, aT^?'Tt^R, =^5Jn%, ^T^?^T^,fnn- |#, 5^t^, &c. ^f^q-^T, 5^T, spni^TW^. Skilfulness, Skilledness, n. v. A. ^^ToETutt «). ^giTUITm. giT^OTT m. &c. =5rTi7'f «• ^nTTT /. 3Tlur?1EE or ^^^m^S f. 5?^^r/"%^?^^^ w. ?rq^ «. sT^ftTiTT/. hi'H «. Skill, n.fimiliar Jcnotcledge tvith dexterity. 'Tpp /. 5^/. f^jpHrr/. ^.^ or Jp^r/. spoSTf ^r5?TT/. =F?JT=Pt^?^ n. ^^. X^f. =^l^^ n. ^Z^ n. ift^?q- n. ^^^^f. sp^q n. ^- Mnxtf^^mtf. qsrfxi n. ^fr^w^f. ^m^fnf^f ^m^f. ^^ m.f. ^^m^f. ?jrT m. UT'ft/. Skillet, n. vessel with a handle for heating in. Wm. m. To Skim, v. a. clear off from the surface. 5rRTpf-&c. spwot, IJRof, ^rrfot, JR^ot, tJT7T *Kn. ftJrldl »». 4 ( as of kernels, certain fruits, &c. ). ^FT^ITT m. ^"^IX m. To Skin, v. a. flay, ^jml «.-f^^/.-?rrf7/.-&c. :fT5ot 3- ofo. To Skin, v. n.— a wound. ^^^/. vTTof. Skin-deep, o. t. Supeeficial. ^t^t^t, ^V^\, Skin-flint, «. v. Misee. 5ptrff^«nF, T?^'^^^. Skinned, p.y. V. qjRft ^rr^^?5T, ^'wrfrfl, &c. ^r^,f^??^^. Skinnt, a. T. Lean. «?p. ^nr^ w. %?: m. qrnr- Tr55 STO. SkT-COLOEED, a. 3TT?Hr?ft, aiKHMli'INI, STT^^T^of, Skt-kissing, Skt-kissed, o. TiI^^fT, iFT?r^, 5T*r^^ or 55ft, >FT?rrat Ttsomr. Skt-laek, «. ^?^HT or 'Hhi+TT'". *Ji+7i(|wJ. ^Ft^^HTW. Skt-laeking. See To Feolic. Skt-hoht, w. tvindow in the top of a house, qfin. fTRW- ^JM or ?fm>i. ^^^^'n. n. Skt-eocket, n. — the fire work, ^^i or ^i\jf. 5fmw». Bundle of twenty four sky rockets. %=^f. Slab, n. planl or table of stone, f^^ pop. ^f|o5/. ^f. S. for grinding condiments, &c. ^ (re- mw. ^A^ slackish ), t^f^s, (fppg-^ 3^?^^^, ^g;, 3Ka- 794 stA rRoE, 555^7. A s. rein, lit. Jig. \^f\ f. S. from the twist liavinj^ run back, ^^m or 3^c5. 2 rickety, not fast. f^olfiqasT, %5f^5ftrr, 3B;, "KI^^^T, s'q^ 0'- Bfq^, ?5iq55 or ?ifq»55. 3 rfwi.^?. (J-c. fs-?^r, ^■■7, g??r, fsif^^, nsrrat cr ^qr/qfr, "hsrfr, "'l^'rr, n^TT, HT^T, H55lT5fT^, gTTSSrT^, 31?J5J?ftn- T?5SffftfT, STPJIT^ or ^, filsSJ. 4 loose jointed. fer'Tr, ^11, f^Tf*Ic5?iffcT. 5 See Sr.ow. To Slack, To Slacken, v. a. make less tense. Sfc. ^OT-^^T- 2 V. To Eemit. f^-fnf^f5-&c. sRur, fe^/.-&c. ^wf -gr'if y. ofo. 1%?5ifjr^-&c. qTiir, ^w!.-^Tw.-&c. ^iftq;T- wry. 0/0. 3 See To Slake. To Slacken, v. n. become less tense, ^c. fe5r-^te-JB?I-f^lf4^ -&c. ^r&T-fp=i vTT^, i?7m^. 2 become remiss, d,'c. f^^JT-ste-^^-Ac. ^ixii-^?i vTT^, fq- Slacklt, C(/y. V. A. 1. ftr5T (/eeZ. 5t?5,1i?r, fe^rfllHT decl. 3 f%^qarT^, fs?5T#?f, gHT?^, 3TT«WT^, &c. 3TT3?T =P^^, Slackness, k. y. A. 1. f^^qwrwi. ^?rqtiiTOT. ?i?5qoTrw. &o. ferf/.tif-DEiiKH. 2 contahiinj slander, ca- limnious. ^^\^\^ f^^ft^, =^^5t^T, &c. 5T>mt, fTf^, Slandeeouslt, ado. V. A. H"?rPT ^3r?T-^^^-&c. ^^rft ^C- ?r-^'j5, 3TR %3;^, 5n?j?: t=^, &e. Slang, «. ^oic, r«(y(7r language. 3Tr5#IHt/. 3T5Til'^ €^r?ft/. Slant, Slanting, To Slant, &c. See Slope, Sloping, &c. Slap, n. Mow leifh the open hand. =^T?T:f or ^q^T^/. ^TT^ /. ^ric. ^T- ^q or ^\ ( intens. l:^K^., ^"Tm ). Slap, Slapdash, adv. with vehemence, iirompiness, and heed- lessnes.i of action, v. Impetuously, Smack. gqiS-^H, rf- sr^^rrn, ^TT=?5TTJt, &e. mr.^ irn:, q?T^iT-q;^-1^^ft-&c. qij- TiP Slap, v. a. siriJce ivilh the open hand or something fat. ^^nrraot, >t5^^, "f^^tstot, =^^^\^;f.-'^^f.-&c. ^]l■^- /.-. f.-^T !^m ^\€tf.-W-^ «.-^,^^ n.-&c. ^.X^ g. of a. ^T^of. 2~a butcher. TRot, q^rqw. Slauobteb, w. t. V. ^]Z^ n. W-'^^f- ^IT w. mz^^^ZXf. ^- '05 SLE ^ "• 'JS^ «• 'f?"'/- f^R^^/'O/j. f^ip^ n. B^R 7/1. - HR^ n. qpTTJI «. Slave, n. person wholly under the power of anuther. ?Ttt, ^■ ^ or stt^, ^ssm, H^ffTF. Dealer in s. -girls, ^.^^\^\pr_ Domestic s. n^5m. \r\% f. Female s. ^fW.f. SRll/. ^\t[ f. ~Ai\f. ^tJisfiox/. Home-born s. sffl^r^^. Male child of a female b. of the state. ^Tr,i\\ m. Offspring of a female s. ^i^f^^pqR c. qr| c. qrsin m. n- ?5r^ m. ^^r or qfijr »«. ^\t['^^, nn^w »«. iHTRi'T/. I am your s., your humble (servant, Ac. ifT Hfli- cflrq?^r->tc. ^^m^^ m^, ^ ^j«[-:fl\^p:\-&c. ^\^■A^ -iff . 2 iig. o«e tcho slaves for another. Tll^frffy. o/«. To Slave, «. m. t. To Laeor. JT^?:q^ w. /i.-qr^nisFllm.;)/ &c. W.X^, ^hH\ ^.fi n. pi. :^, ^cOT, n-ff T'!''!, T??r«i;- f^x\ f. W'l^, q;^qT T^gr^ qr^ «. htot. Slave-teajie, w. nssTHHr-Ac. sq-i^rR »». Slatee, To Slatee. See Slabbee, To Slabbee. Slatery, n. bondage, servitude, sjSqorr w>. '.MIHMVIT wi. T^r- 2 drudgery, v. Laboe. ^J^rs^"? «i.^'?. H^Rq^? »«.;>/. Slatish, Slamshness. See Servile, Seetilitt. To Slat, v. a. v. To Kill. iTRof ,. fii^'H K«i, ^HK w.-:tW wi. im g. ofo. 5r*T WI.-&C. ^fm g. of o. Seatee, n. Seating,/!, a. v. \. TRiTRT, &c. Sledge, m.— the hammer, q-^ or ^^ ?«.— the wiclder of It. ^"TqrCt m. 2 a carriage without whcels.^^'^^^;j^\ m^t/. qrr^JTR". Sleek, a. See Smooth. 2 plump, filled ouf.^ ^c Jirs?!, 1- snstH, n^t^pftrT, 'js'jslff, ?rr^r, ^jrr^Fr^. Sleekness-, n. v. A. 2. TTS^qaTr m. nF^ferrqoTT ??». 'TSJ'jfqrj q^rr m. &<:. To Sleep, v. n. RT^of, #T/.-5=ft^/.-f%^r/. qiir or in. con. %aT-?5TT0T, 5[t^RT n.- ^ic^r/.-^q^ m.-KJJT w. «.-gfJT/-&c. To desire to s. ?ft«,t/. %^ i«. rOH. To go to s. fig. s»iA; into heedlessness, f^m. /^giq^. To 8. at ease ( i. c. in rich realization of comfort and' security ). 5<.S'i,lvc. SlEEPEn, Sleepino, p. a. v. V. giq ^OTTTT, ^It 'i{\^^\- I. occupied with shep. 5J(q qiq^T^T, f^^i^T^T. Sleepikess, n. v. A. f?T^r^TOTr»i. f^^T^qtnr»i. &c.f^^T^T/. «ft/. ?t^/. ?i?T7- f^?^t5T/. SLEEPI.ES3, a. tvilhout sleep. ^\^ ^n^vf^W.] p\^^\^^-T.^r^■ Sleeplessness, n. v. A. f^TTTsr m. fi^^K\f'^r^ n. f^^T|> SlEEPy, «. haliiually disposed to sleep, f^^f , ^fTTTf , fH^T- ?5 or a, 5ff<^, n^IT, ^T?T^ft?7, ^qt^, ^^Wsft??, ^i?!^. 2 overcome hxj sleepiness. ??T5ft 31M?5T, 't'ft 31I?5?5T, ^Tff- Sleepy-head, ?». t. Sluggaed. ^T^ ?«. q'RS «. Sleepy-headed, a. See Sleepy. Sleet, n.fall of hail ^ rain. iTRt^jf-&C. ^f^q fW.-fNl M.-&C. 3»^. 2— on ice. fir^Sf^ qTiiriEr?:-&e. qfl?:;^ ^T"?!. 2b Slide, v. a. toith in. gq^of, gq?P1 msqoTT '". qi+^quiT m. ?r^Rqair ?«. &q. 3 ^3%q"JTT «». ^rrft^qiTT m. &c. Slim, a. v. Slendee. qpToE, qTrrafift or iqr, ?f5qRToE, ^l^Fqi? rT5E, SfTft^, N^l^, (i%ft 3lfnr^r, f%T^ or f^:pT3, ^ll^t- Tft or Tqr, q;^tnt, ^J^TfT, ^FRf ST. Slime, ». ^n/re, Sfc. iTT?5 ot. T^I/. 2 ( of plants, &c. ). ^^ m. J|55'W »». 3 ( of animals ). ^TR/. ?5To5/. sffe w. sfSE^T »». Slimness, w. v. a. qifT^qtiTT ot. ^sqTrTsq'JrT »i. &c. qmsnf/ qirfaft/. [ H3T Slimy, a. v.N. f%?;|rTa or air or ?,^t, n?5T?^rr, f^firaftrT, ^ Sling, «. — the weapon. 'H'F'Jt/. [ qi?5 ot. Stone of a s. nr^JiI^ST m. 'it'F'JI'lRT m, {^t\f. ^t[ Strap ofa s. q>5«. [ f?T?T ». 2— as for a vessel, &c. ni% or f^i% «. ?f?raft or ^fma^/. Basket confined within a s. T'lT^'jft or f^T^R'Tt./". Cord around a vessel for the s. f^T^Ioft/. — Vessel so furnished f^^Frat/. 3 — for a weight or load. ?T5r^0T or ^mor/.M. ^^f. S. for four carriers. ^^^W-n. 4— for a basket, &c. try\f.%J^ f. f?T^Toit or f?l^RtJ\V. 5 pole with slings. ^^ or Sfift/. ^^\^Zf. HT^f^/. 6 ( with a wooden bottom ). f^^R^/. 7 ( for an arm, &e. ). IFSTat/. 3l"ia^'^«. ^ juice of sugarcane not dvly itispisstited.^>]W.^ /. 'fpff' SLI To Slino, v. a. cast by n slinj. l>"l'f, 'Ti'P''ft^ %^>if-HTT"'t, 2 ( a pitcher, a basket, &c. ). f^^FTT^, f^^a^t. To &hiSK,v.n. steal aivay^ slip off. n^q &c. f^^ ^Tof, ^"it, qjT^, "TTTf, ^hr ?IT^ VIVT ^:^, HnT^OT, ^i% =^^- 2 miseai-ri/,—oi beasts. TPT^ or TTH?^, TT'TOfS'T, irT iTo Slip, v. n. slide, ^-c. f^w^iif, PffT^ot, f^r-JH ^TiJt, I^T^of , ^^ITOT, ?TTTJot, ^R^'it, m^^ WHT^'OT, ^T^oT, ^^^^, 53^, ^T^'&T, — with a uoise. W^^ "'' T|T^'Sf. To s.— the tougue. fsfs^ /- ^^ "T^St. 2 /(tZZ I'w/o /aH^f!, frr. ^^piif, 5^, q^of, =q55ijf, ^qifirf, =^^/.-=^^ m.-&c. ^M. 8 aside; off; jnoof Oi(< o//)/«e<;, f^f^^ot, f5T^"T^"it, f^'^'T 4 away ; off ; ffive the slip, decamp. =qt¥?T-yr'^5 Pi>mH ^FTP^, ^^'^1 ^^FR^, ^':^, ^^^'JT, ^^ot, qi^nn »«• sp^.'^r, ^oT, rTpft/. ^PTot, f^^Riir, ?T?:^, ^?:T?!;W m. 797 SLO Slipped, p. v. V. N. 1. f^^^sf, f^^z^^.^ trar^^r, ^^W (csp. in comp. as F'TT^'^JfT, 'i^'^^, "^^^Y!^, n"/. [ coh. sj^of. To get beaten with a b. »0^ «i. pi. W^ or tcith in. Slipperixess, n. v. A. 1. f5T?ff5"?it-"FT5^-&c. ^ /.-"PToTT OT.-&C. :FT5^ ^. ofo. 2 ( bamboos, reede, &c. ). ftvjoT, fq'^roft/. ^ot. To Slit, d. «. ^ear lengthmse, v. To Split. ft^OT, ft^oT, q=^'if, rr5^. Slit, n. long cut or fissure, xftt/. "jrToET m. v. f^jt^, viT, g^fl- *rT/.-*R:/.-*Io5 /-Ac. HfT m. «. ^T, ?ft?/. Slit, ;?. v. V. A. 1. 'NTpSOT, &c. f^^. 2 fq^H^T, fqN;r?rr. v. V. N. fq^sOT, &c. fq^^, f^^pr. Sloat, «.— of a cart, &c. qj^/. ^^TwJ. To Slobbeb, v. n. v. To Slaebee. 5513 /. ira^. ^^a/.-w^- ^^OT. rsoT-qr^n^ y. 0/ s. Sloop, «. ^^^TOt »T?5«?fTn.-&c. Slop, a. vile liquor, — gener. ^V^Zn. ^^^^^Vt. ?T»3«n'ft'i. ^T5E^^». sqoS^niftw. 2 «!««, muddiness, ^c. qT-ess. 3TT^?r»!. g^t/. g^"^"iir»». S{r?JFr?i. g-3fm|"!r>n. [■stt^wt^^t. Slothpul, a. V. Lazt. 3TToE^ remiM. 3TTa5^C, ^B, g^'^^^T, St.OTUFULLT, adv. V. A. ««(/ Lazily. 3Tr^^T^,3TT55^ ^¥,^, Slothfulsess, n. v. A. and Laziness. 3TT5!?ft"T"Jrr'«. aiT^W .^^LoucH, J!. T.v. 5¥t ??TT# ^r^ ^T'lq'nft =5n^/. 3T^T^ =5rr?^/. ro Slouch, v. n. ivalk with a depressed body, ^c. mS ^Tc?t Slough, « miry place] JXlf. Z^/^^f. ^\^ln. f^?^r1?t7Tf'T55 or ?,?TT, ^^, n^T?T, T^, qJ^T, ^^^TT, T5-CtTo5 or oft, TTT^; or oft. 2 no< «?«/, no; orderly, — dress, workj&e. 1«rr5?t orvJ^'\, T^qr, TTH^ or %^T,^^,"f|TT<1'F?;T. Slow, a, not swift, not rapid, tj'e. fimj or f^I'^T, K^, H^fH, S. fire. H^TPT/. JT^Rt »». — By a s. fire. H'^Tnf. 2 not prompt, Y. Dull, Sluggisu. H?, ^5, g??r, ^W, »T^ or H5r5, H^, iTf , '43, ^sr, =5^2;, aTn?:Nn^, ^H^- ^' ^'f^l^^^ 5=1^%, H5^5, ft?TfHrr. H not precipitate or rasJt. f:Tm or fqi^iTT, ^'t?;, f^iq^^, ^wts-'^nnft. 4 — time ; in music. ftJ r if^H . Slow-back, Slow-coach, n. \. Dawdlee. Vnr, '^T. Siow-GOISG, Slow-paced, a. M^^lc^m, K^nrft^, H^m, ^798 SLU Slowlt, adv. V. A. 1. ii^rft?f, H^==fr?ft'^, H-Dt, TKnz^^ ^r^^T] q;- or JFC^ ^zm g-of 0. ir55I5^Rra,^=5TT decl. r,T^^ fJT?fe- "if, f^F or 5tnT^ f.-'^^f- W.WI or ^T^iJi, %?it% ^Rijf , :pT5 /. n. ^tS-iJT, f^R/-%5/.- ?5IiT «. ^TRiir-f^^^Rcff, 'flRq- ^ ?T^^, 'iT^''t, ni'PR^, ^^^. ^T^^\ m. ^^v^ f ?5'T5R»i. mviij. To Smack, v.n. have a taste of, v. To Taste. ^Z\f.-TfU^m.- ^0T':|;/.-g7T^/.-qrRr»}.-JTtT?»..E€rfH?».-&c. q-or-HK^ g- ofo. 2 — with the lips. [Hd+l/.-fiT^tfirm- TRof. J(? Smack, v. a. (the face, Ac. ) y. To Slap. "s^tj^. f. TTT^of -&c. ^STTn'TJOT, t'R'Jr. Smacking & cuffing. Z^?iA\■'^f■ 2 Aves u'ith a smack. (Hd*'^ ^^iTT ^W »!• ^'"JT, fni+^f^r 3 (a wliip) o-rtcA-. ^5^Fr=r'jf, ^3*S«("i, rTiHS^'Ji. Smack, adv. with a suddt-n and smart blow; ivith a smach, crack Sfc. W^^^-T'l'&'i- '^TT^ or qf {intcns. ?^RT^ X^V^) SI>?:^^-^':-&c. ^Z<^ or 7j ( intens. <JHuni, ^uigufli, 4 quick, energetic, vigorous, sharp, S^c. — blow, actioB, measure, Ac. yWi-l^Mi, 45Sii«.q|tr!-^- C iw^/y, acute. ^PF^R, q'rq^^f, ?J<\^, qt^FT, *nfA:jJ. A B. lively saying. or ^^^^ «. One ready with s. sayings and repartees. n. ^^w m. srTsr^r »». ^qirr »». f^rnpr 5 =;rFq^q'^T m. ?^HFq^qon »». &c. =^^Tn. 2 smashed Sfc. state. ^TTST m. =^ ?». g^i^^q- ?!, ^^/. 2*0 Smash, v.a. hreah in pieces^ dash to pieces. ZKadv. 'ptS^ y. of 0. r^mi^i f^r^R «rt.-f^qz?r or T^^Jz^ «.-&c. JR^y. o/o. 2 fig. Y.To Defeat. ;^^q;s^, :f H^iJf, ?5*Tfaf or ?5STT5^. Smashed, p.y.Y.l. ZK "PT^FST, ^PP^T^ %%r5T, &c. ==f^?TTWT, ^ppm, ^TrRof, fsr^rft^f or finrrf^rr. ^ To be s. HTRT ^m. Smattereb, ?». one who has a slight superficial knowledge. ?Rf, ^^bfVC or ^RIT ( ^ l fiU I U l, f? ; r^u i K l, &e.), 3TST^^, qferPTTH, ETOirarrq-r or ^^riiqRTOTr, »nft or SfrgCTr ("%?T, ^^, &e. ) 3T?qfJI?T, f%f%I^, 1T^5^, rTFFfqSfTT, mW. ' Smatteu, Smattering, n. slight superjlcial knotoledge. «p^- ^SaBl'Kr^?n'/. sntfTFT w. STmsw or fjoiJlCT m. pl.\' spjTfj^fn^ w. f^f^pT fTT^ n. ^VJifl^ n. To acquire a b. of. ^^S^t or a^tT^Soif To give a s. of ^^ aflf -T ST^F^-mil'Jf. 2b Smear, v. a. ovirspead with any thing tincluout. feqirr,^- q^, Hr?tat, ^o!;<53ERot, =^q5ot, Fi-tj^or, OT^>it, ?.q^ar, fesfHTf uj- or fjWs^, mot, mrsT"^, #5i'jy, Hm'jf, jtt^'jt w.-feq'T/. n-Sq «.-Bq^ 'n.■^^?A m.-&e. qr^uT y. o/o. To be smeared with grease or oil. ^otgiAOf, To s. •with dung or dirt. ifRR^f. 2 ( as unctuous substance ) rtil over, spread over a surface. feqoT, iTT^M'J\f. S. of new earthen vessels, new cloth, &c. 'fTKZ]'Jjf S. of oiled things, or oil. rrry^TT /. cfrfil"! /• cR?- 801 SMO fTOT /. ^'?m /. [ "^ /• S. of rancidity or rankneBS. Wf^V^f- ^^ZT"!/. ^'^'?J- S. of raucid H^ ( clarified batter ). ^<^zmf. g'T^T'T/. S. of ripe fraits or ripeness. f^+d|U|/. S. of rottenness. ^^inP^lT^/. ^^ZVlf. "hVj^f. S. of smoke. gr^nT/- ^C'F^TOT/. S. of sourness. aTrsj^TT/. arf^^rroT/. aTT^I'Sfr'JT /. S. of strong effluvia. ^llKmf. afr^W^/. Strong s. ^^Z\<^f. 3TT€T'Jr/. ^7 to. JT^T'^ m. Strong and ditfusive and sweet s. TftH?y or 55 m. 3TT- jfr^ ?«. ^H^HXK in. ^JT^iTl'^ m. ^^3X\Z m. To be diffused widely & strongly — oft'ensive smells. 4 ill smell, v. Stikk. qroT /. 5 good smell, v. Feageance. g^TW »». g^q' ??!. [ ^. Smell-feast, n. v. Paeasite. qrr^pRfsr, "TrTT^^R, 3TH?(kit- Smelled, p. Y. V. A. 1. [pn^OT, &e. STTH, 3TTsir?r, sTJrsrm. Smeller, «. Smelling,^, a. v. V. A. 1. ^T'TTTT, ^W W'Tr- ^r, &C. SfniT-37raTOT-&C. :prfr-^rtt-&c. 2 f"n"JTr?T, f-n-T qFre-OTRT, &e. ;|-iqr, f nre'TT. V. V. N. 1. iT«:Tr5TT, 5rT?1T=5rT, &c. cTT^fJ^T;, "ItT^T^, I'^TJ^, To Smelt, u. ^5f;».-&c. ^Rijf. 2 V. To Suppress, ^t^, ^S'T^, %^t%T/.-Jf. To Smother, v. n. be suffocated, ^m^.^ ^HT?:^, nnsTH^. 2 See To Smoulder. Smotheeed, p. V. y. 1. ^ ^f5 ^T^JrST, ^^HKriyiT, &c. 2 ^r=R53T, ^3^3T. To Smoulder, v.n. burn and smoke idthout flame. gT^wf, wff, g^'ir, fiHui, 3t??^f|OT. itin g. of s. Smouldebing, /I. a. Smooldhx, a. \. V. gimiTT, ^JT^tmTT, &c. gT^rTT, &e. Smug, &c. See Spruce, &c. To Smuggle, v.a. import or export clandestinely and without payment of duty. ^^Trt-&e. ^^f fT or V^H aTT'T'T-H^, 2 concey clandestinely. ^"kTr-c^"?^ g^^-Ac. ^ut-aTT'Jm. Smuggled, p. y. V. 1. vl^TfT^^q-t^-T 3TT>iT^?5r, &c. ^- SsiUGGLEE, n. Smuggling, p. a. v. V. 1. qf^TrT ^^^I^i"?^ Smuggling, «. v. V. 1. ^T^fm I^^I^rt^'T 3TMot «.-&c. ^- ^PTrT^fTft/. 5Tr% ^"Wt/. Smut, «. ^Ae (/i;-/ of soot, lampblack, SjC. T^/. H^lft/- T^/. 2 ( of corn ). ^\i\-^f. 3Tnm »ra.— of ^js^o^. ^i^'.nt/. 3 obscene language. f5r'^T^F^-'^^^^1^'^=R-»ftTf?r-«S;'C. cU- S^r n.-HI"?"! «.-&c. 5^^=T «. |HnTi| n. To Smut, To Smutch, «. a. blacken with soot, i^'c. r^^ f.- &c. cTT^OT, ^Frar ^^"n, ^FtS n. c5Riit. To Smut, «. w. <7a///e>- smut. T^/. ^TJTot, Tf^T^'^f, iT?f^5r_ Smuttiness. See Smut. Smutty, a. v. N. 1. JT^'^r, &e. ^^ FJm^ST, T^PPS', JT^T^E- 2 +,Malt^, ^Moft ?5FT^OT, 3TiTT?:r ffFT^?5T. 3 «HiI"JH «• ^iCT »». ^?r»j. n. ^^VZJ/n. 2 See Tooth. [^f ;pw«. ^n^ n. Snail, «. — tbp animal. ifPTpSnrq' /. f^^ n. dim. ft^pgff /. 2 fig. «Zo»' coach, i^c. V. Dawdle. ^JJl'^'Ml T N l -m , JTrff- Snake, n. ?fH w. ?T'f m. ^s m. ;jTn >k. 3TWT »«. T^T ?». ft-^R m. 3Tff OT. f??5t WJ. *^^ «». 5^r?5 OT. jfi->1t tn.~ in coYerfc or cant phraseology, TT^^r ?«. ^-MKHIrf-^ «. TFiT^TTS". Of venomous Snakes the most common are gTriitHi?TT7/. a^F^fROT^r m. ^PM ^X% n. ^.m, -A \H ^m m. ^^■m]^ior^nn^. W[%rKor ^^xm.f. ^\^^^]m.■^. W^^'3\^ m. qoTW m. m^^f. '^TH^m. f^^r m. ifsqv!^ or iis,^■[^^ m. ci^^ m. j^it n. trmiqr m. ^rn «». 5^f^- Z\ or ?TT^5r w. o?" 'f\ or t[ f ^7?f n. JTOTT or TT'J'Tf?/. JTtr^rr^rT m. K^t|^ 0?' Hf|j5 or TT^S ?«. The exuvies or slough of a s. ^y. Fork for poking put snakes. ^^^ i}. Hooded 8. tpuft. Lines under the throat of snakes. FJ^fl'/. pi. Toung s. qiTT m. ii^] m. Sn,vke-charmer, .Snake-doctor, ». tt?^ orintsT, ^^^Zt. 5T=5lt, ^^=5ft, ft'^lt?!, ^fnfe^, H'^\(\. Snake-go UED, n. q-^^T/.— the fruit. HXw: n. Snake-hole, n. ^t'T^ n. Snake-lilt, n. ^TR^^ m. ^TTT^f^ m. Snake-stone, n. ^"fj^f&t Jn.TTMMlui w. Snaky, a. pertaining.^ ^'c, to snakes. ^RT^T, ^M|-=(l, ^TTTlf^- 2 infested with snakes, ( road, &c. ) TRTT^TTOT. 2b Snap, v. a. break at onee, break short, ^pc^^-mZ^K-^.Z- 2 ( the fingers). ^^/.-=q^?/t/.-ft=Enfft/. mTi5t-?M«r^. 3 See To Bite. 4 up ; See To Snatch. 5— a whip. Seo To Crack. SNA 803 To Snap, v. n. Ireak short. 5F?q^-q;?::fn:-&c. ift^-tc. S^■AP, n. ( with tlie fingers ). J^ /. ^ZWAf. f^Z^f. \t- S^-APPisn, a. V. Ceoss. %^f^5Tr, frTSfff^, f?T3^, f^<4nTf'AEL, Snaehxo, «. V. V. — act. JUTIK^ «. &c. ^r^K or ^X- qr/. intens. HT^TT?: or ^^'^tTT «». »qT=TV^^/. I. knot on a rope. ^€\/. Snaelee, n. Snaelino, ;;. a. t. V. 3Tn?;5iRT, &c. nr^^-Ac. +(.uiKi, 3':3='7r, n^w^r. To Snatch, v. a. seize hastily, f^^tjf, f^^^of, i^y+H qot, fe^iROT, 3T?r5"Jr, ff ^fsiit, ^''rsfrs^, ^^i^oj, ^rsrraT ?«.- 2 up ; seize rudely, pounce upon, Sfc. 3^^^, 3'^?Jijf, 17- ^PRiil, K?:^I^iff, ^r^T'lROT, ^T?f »'!. HR>^, ^TSOT, ^TTT^'ir, To s. up and pocket, seize furtively. g^TT^, *R?ITf4^, ^?^T7^, tiKMiRot. Jo Snatch, v. n. make attempt to seize stiddenly, catch at. ^- siot, grsTTiT »K.-%q/.-^rT/.-^?q /-^rsq^r ?».-&e. ^tp^St, f|?T^r W1.-&C. ITRiJIf. Snatch. Snatchisu, n. v. V. A. 1. — act. ^B^ «. 3T^5t>T n. ^Nrs'Ji M. &c. ^r^TTST »». f^^rar »». arosT »»• 5f3T/. 5r- SNO I. a broken or interrupted portion. ^T^irrwi. S. of sunshine. ^i'^HI ^7^ m. f?lftq/. S. of a song. H^ n. To Sneak, v. n. cringe, Ichnvc with servility, t. To Fawn. spn" m-'4^f. ^^i&r, y'+n-ii aiV^nr^, ^tt^'i. qra^t, vft^^ft 2 oil'; V. To Slink. nq-^q-Ac. f^^^ ^5rM,^?R?t-!fri5^-f5T- Sneak, n. Sneakee, n. Sneaking, p. a. v. V. 1. and Obse- quious. ^^g'FS'JnTri^^frsft ^"THT, ^'jft s^wmrrr, Wvf^, aTT^tTTTr. 2 yr'^q 1^^ ^I^IKI, ^*ITH-&c. ^uii^.i, H^ ^Ff <:TS^ ^roTRr, ^f^"'^"'', T^r^rR, tw<^+h. To Snkee, v. 11. show contempt by looks, ^c. ^X^ n. m .-at- ?RT OT.-JJP' OT.-&C. JTRof-TppCTt. [^i^'i'isun/. Sneeb, Sneering, n. t. T. 1. ^reaiS'if n. &c. ^l*S:lliuft/. 2 «)u/ Saecasm. (TT^ ^ot n. Ac. g^ff-T »i. 3TT^. a. pick of. ftqcir, ftq^ q6T-TT7«i. Snipsnap. m. v. Squabble. ^^1^=^?/. ^^H^/. Snivel, m. v. Snot. 3(1^ ot. vHctn^. » To Snivel, n. n. run at the nose. ^^ «. STTf of y. q/" «• ^T^ - 5'- "/*. =rTf^-f5riJf, ^Tftr^rmr^ «».-Ac. ^rot 2— as children; cry whimperingly. q^^H'T, g?T55T^=rirTTT, fT^fl WT- 2 f%5f-&c. f%vi«iu||TVr- 3 c«Zw, rooZ, serious. Irirr, qtr, i^^^ "4^, f^'t^HH^:*, R'-^TfT^, fq-?ft?T, -fl-JTrT, ft^frO, f^^^^TT^, Pr^^^fts, f^- '^nr^f?, f^3,^-7;rfr, l^^m^rff, f^?Trrffrr. To Sober, v. n. lecome soler. f?fcf3iit, 3TJT?5 m.-W.'J! m.-&c. S^TOT-^Iut ^. 0/ s. ^J5t5R-«TRr5r^-TRr5IT-F^nSqTJir «. grHTr^rr/. JTTTHI^ m. 3 vTSTiJTr OT. &c. f^-triTrr/. ^^?f «. R^qR^ftscrr/. f^i^m^- tTH «. fHT?rfffT/. SOCIARLE, a. indinrd to company, disposed to associate ivitlt others. Wr^'^\-^m]'m-&c. 3TrTf?fr, f^^.TfTj;, f^Fmft, ^TTPTTT^r^fr, MriHu^rrrf-^qr, ^^^ira^P, ^FT^^frfs]^, t^vs- 3 See Familiar, Affable. SOCIABLENESS, SOCIABILITT, M. V. A. 1. ^atFTT^T'Jrr m. f^T- Social, a. of or lelonging to society. ^l^RfNl, ^'Idl^l, &c. 2 V. SOCIABLE. ^iir?ft^r-&c. 3TT5r^?n", a^^i^^qr, ^?^^. It is good to be s. f^r^ ^?5 'ITS. BociETT, n. communion, consociation, v. Company. ^T^Jrf/. ^n m. ^^f^f. ?IJTFW »i. ^T^ «. ^^Hl^ m. ^M^ n. HT- 2 o s. V. CoMMUKiTT, Company. H5o5t/. ^-^ M. Sub-carbonate of s. TTRS^jTR m. Impure carbonate of s. ^jjH^k or ^TsftfTR m. ^f^i- SOI WK m. ^f^PFTfTK m. ^I^f/. ^*I?nT m. To SoDEii. See To Solder. Sodomite, H. one guilty of so Jomi/,\. Catamite, Pathic. Sodomy, n. 5^^*|;^ «. 3^'.ii^,H-'}ci«)l- DTT, HgT, ^^^. To speak s. and fair. JT^TT^J ^RW. 8 — water; not mixed with salts, "fls^ or qrST. Soft, iiiterj. ^^, ^^T^n, f':I>, f^^f^K, f':ITrf':n:. To Soften, v. n. make less hard, lit. Jrar-^RT-TgraE-^-Ac. JR^, K3r"T^r m.-^T^iMMuil ?n.-H=ll'/t/.-^^Hr W.-&C. aTPJTOT. 2 moUfy, qualify., cj'c-. v. To JIoueeate. H^T^roT or ^^- m^foT, H^-fT';*T-%rTr5fr-^^-&c. ^Rot, H^f^orr m.-^^nqm OT.-&C. anufji. 3 make pitiful, tender, compassionate. ^^^^K^-W^^-^^ ■■W%-'^.k'^\\^-&-c. ^F^, MAHUII Vl.-mWVJ[\ OT.-&C. arP'M, ^!Tf^, "TT^^jqiif, trWi^f^. To Soften, i>. n. lecome less hard., lit. JT3r-;TTT-'T5-&c. ^- oT-fRT^^, H3;7tiTr»».-rtcrr5rr/.-H^n.-&c. qui IK. con. 2 fig. lecome less harsh, less severe, less oldurate, Sfc. IT- ^-JRH-BT^-Ac. ftof, ^^"if, ?n^nm, ^im, qr^n:^, &c. ^^OT.-afTrTWT "S.-&C. qwr <«. con. SorrLY, ado. V. A. 6. one? Gently. ^?^t^, ^, ^^+^, ^- !r-^m, aT?5iTTtfT, f^qft^. 7 ^^^^?f, ff^, &c. Hv^oicrFift^. Softness, «. v. A. 1. h^jtW ««. ^^Hq(in m. &<:. mf{\{f. »T- 2 ^fl'B^ftrrqarr ?«• ^?r%qiTT ot. ttc. 3 5q^5fr(=fq'JTT wi. fH^fJT=5l'YFjqaTT m. &.C. 4 fJT?tfH?vt?ift;— qeuer. or com])reh. ftiqif'^^r, RUTf^nTT; — contemptuously. , fifTTT^:?!?". PiTmT^'J. The profession or practice of a s.^tTlf ft'Cf /. 2— emphatically, y. Waerioe. %^r. SOLDiEEiso, n. practice, Sfc. of a soldier. fflTlfPifT/. ff^l?- SOLLIEE-LIKE, SOLDIEELY, ». f^lM|^R||)^|, T^^\ ^^Tr=^T, f?T- SoLBiEEsniP, n. character, Sfc. of a soldier. f^IMliPlft'/. SOLDIEBY, ». ioi/y of soldiers, soldiers collectively. f^q[^w;. /iZ. fflTTf ?5tqpM. pi. L-regular s. Rl^isft or f^fST^/. Sols. m. (of a foot), fra^m. rT^TTTw- "n^rT^jn. =q^ft?5n. From the s. of the foot to the crown of the head. 2 (of a shoe). rW.m. ZW^n. 3— the fish. ^."P or ^T n. m. Sole, a. alone, v. Single. ^^OT, ^^^T, '^^^, '^^^'(^, %5r«o»- 55, ^5;. [ arg^q-'fri m . SOLEClSil, n. impropriety in language. ^^X^m. 'S^^^^\''\m. Solely, adv. v. A. (i^?^ decl. ^^.z^ decl. &c. %5r55, =q. Solemn, a. marJced n-ith pomp and saticiify-^ belonging to re- ligion.^ attended icith religioiis rites, Sfc. ?fHltHI^T, ^- ^rTT>T, ssTT^-THf^qr ^erTT^T. '^^KRfx^ xr=F5mm?5r, ^- 2 adapted to impress awe or affect with seriousness. ^sT- 3 soJej-j serious, ^c. \. Geave. »iHtT, ^^,^, ^q^. Solemnity, Solemsess, «.v.A. 2. qiflTT'nm. f»PT/. ^^5?/. I. religious ceremony. ^^,:4n. \q^^n. ^W[X^m. g??rr^ m. ^r^^m. To Solemnize, v. a. perform loith ceremonies., celclrate. ^HT- t*n%-&c. ^5Tjf, ?r^Tw.-&c. !F^y. ofo. q-irrfiffiT-Tirr- ?Tr^-&c. 5F?^. [ &c. siriioT. 2 maJce serious and grave. nHtT-&c. ^iJf, ijvft'^'TTm.- SOLEMNLY, ado. V. A. 1. ^iTR*rFf,&c. ^HR'T'J5% ^^r^^T- ?rf|-rr, 5!fiTTfjrf4. 3 n^twrr^, n»ft^JT?rr^, &c. I. ■!ti77i solemn asseveration and invocation, ^r^fra^, ?Frqt • 21* Sol-fa, v. n. pronounce the notes of the gamut. ^fiJW f. To Solicit, v. n. entreat, ivq.lore, v.To Beg. fsRSTot, f^^fft /. 3T^»«.-&e. ^F^of, frT?T?t/.-fjT5Trft/-&c. ^Rnr. 2 seeJc ly petition, v.To Beg. irm^,'??^, f^^rft/.-TR- ^T/.-&c. q^ijfy. 0/0. fJT?rFftH-fJT^T?t^K-«. iH'^.oTrn/. [^if^^^q-n. 4 ^TTiTT »«. 3T5E^?J^T''Tr n- &c. ^tsT »i. I^ST^T m. SOLIDUNGULOUS, a. not cloven in the hoofs. (^^T"J>, '^'I^T. SOLiLOQur, n. a talking to one's self. 3^T^^^0 ^ffe^r «.-*rr- "TOT n. ^^JT, i^+r^^l, 1J'+.I-+^. SoiiTODE, n. lonely state.w:^^k^^^^]m. ?ft^tPl ', loiqarrw*. ^?T^%F^ n. 2 — of places ; lonesomeness. :j5r?r7'^ '«. 'H'Jt'T'rft^TT'JrT m. ^mTOTR OT. HOTrui m. 3 lonely place. TPT «. 3TT5rR «. 'iTJTnr n. fsffsT^?'*??? «. SOLMIZATION, w. repetition of the notes of the gamut. ^fijvi^j. Solo, «. so?;^ or tune ly one. l^^RT ^TfTT^ ^"Jj w.-^rra^T'^if «. ^^FRrt nroT ?i.-qT3T^ n. Solomon. See Wiseacee. Solstice, n. — in astronomy, aTT^TT^ '». STTH n. The summer s. arRFTan'rT m. The winter s. ^f^Uii-yuU'H m. Solstitial, a. v. N. sj^PTfcr^^rtft, arq^ftrrfcTTq-^, 37^5TRT- Soluble, a. v. V. A. 2. J[q- sRTT^^FTT-^[nrrr-&c. ^rs^T, ?T- y. V. N. ^i^T^^mr-itc. I^^T-q-, ^^TTf . S.OLUBLF.NESS, SoLUEiLiTr, ?i. V. A. 1. ^^^JT^TT^rFtTiIT »1. &C. ?T5^fTT/. ^iftqrfT/. ^R^^T^^T/. SOJI 2 ^^Ts^FiTinTin m. &c. n=pfr?nr/. Solution, n- v. V. 1. and Explanation, — ad. '^j;i\ n. &m. 2— ar/. ■^^f^^ n. ^^T.l^ n. ^Roi ». I. chemical union. ^^nT^^^TC^T'TTt'T >'i. II. //(«< (c/hVA contains matter dissolved, qilt «. «l<'fT 'i. ( in comp. as fliit('7^, Ti^fn-l^, ^JvlH, ^fJ^rg, ^- ^^;— loosely, «ome /cZ/ow o?- other, :fl??iIF?Tr TB'IF'TT, sT^m ^T^nr, '^^^ f^^iFfr. Some now, o(^y. by hook or crook. ^•«M'«i, vT#T% ;wi w. fH?r=snT ««. SOMN'AMBri.iST. n. OK- «'7(0 «■«//« in sleep. gRcf f^ROIRT-'fT- ? SOMS'IFF.EOU3, SoMSiFic, (I. caiisinff sleep, gt^^, ^T-Ac. SOMNILOQTJIST, ?!. One v:lio tails in sleep. ail^uiuU'T, ^TT?f qfefTTTT, f^TPfl", f^^lrfl'Tt. Soif^mT.OQUisM, n. talking in sleep. 3i"mui^ m. ^T^ 'ftrS'iIM. 3V SoMSiLOQUizE, ■«.?!. /a//i; in sleep. 3im^^, ^JTOT-Ac. ^- ?5. 5=5( m. ». S. with music ^pftrT «. Sweet s. 'frs TolT w*. 2 as. a hallad, Sfe. iftrT w. Some modes or kinds are, ^p- ^trf, ^B^^rt, *iirt o>' ^sfT?^, ?^^fl" «ir'jft, ^'rra, -^Mirf, 5Tt^, ^TWfT, ^^'ft, HTTWT or f^A|U|r, ^, €Vt^, ^JT^, qj^T Holy or spiritual s. ?f^ft?T «. Introductory stanza of a s. ^^^ n. V^ m. 3 Sec POETET, POEST. SONGSTEB, n. See SiNOEE. 2 a bird that tings. ITOT^ RT^^w, SONGSTitESS, n. female singer. inTlft/ 'Tn'nft'T/. SoxirEBOUS, a. producing sound. ?I*5-^irfH-=TT^-&c. ^-^r^^ -v?T?nF-&c. [q==r^t^-tf^H-rt^, So>-NET, «. short poem. PJ^^f^fTT/. ^^/. SoNOEiFic. See Sokiferous. SoxOBOus, a. that emits sound when struck. ^T^TqT, «JT3liINr, En^fiT, 5n^3T^, ^rO", h?tt^, 5^t, ^is^^ftt. 2 f/far sounding, full, ^'c. a^HM'il', qTW, a^lH, ^'T^- SONOKOUSLY, (7(/i.'. V.A. 2. ^jTOr^fuftrT, SlISurtfT, &C. qTr^^T^Jri- ^FTT-^rnm-rfecZ. [?i^rn/. SouOEOnsNESs, w. T. A. 1. cIMrlMOIT w. ^TT^'JTT m. ?TTfe^cTT/. 2 ^(JT^foirtquTT m. iuiiruMMuil »re. &c. SONSHIP, «. s/ofe, character, ^c. of a son. qsfqnTT >«. >S:c. q^^- Soon, adv. in a short time. K^^?:, sfi^+iil ^SSm, 'Jf ?T^dT ^^F^ ( or ^R#5f ) 3TTf . Soot, «. the dirt of smoke, ertot or Wil^l »». Hq^/o^. ir^ Filament of s. ^^^Z n. Filaments of s., straws, &c. H=<4I+ n. q^ m. ^TV^ m. To Soothe, v. a. v. To Coax. 3f5J^iJi, TSRtfj-, 'tTrq?:ST, rj^q^ n.-&c. ^^ g. ofo. TfZf. '\i^\m g. ofo. ^\t[^T-^\t\;^^,■ T ^ »». f"jR^^ g. of 0. sfr qtft '?^, ^^=jic4ui. 2 assuage, moll if ij, mitigate,^. To Ease. ^Tfrfcrot or ^f- rf^T'Jr, ^fff^rq^iwi). ?rf?(5r?r or ^\r\t[^ «.-3^^m ?».-&c. ^or g. ofo. 3 appease, v. To Pacify. ?rm^'Jf or ^Tm^TOT, ?Tf?r-&c. ^- ?:at, ^Tff?r/.-^JTTqTH «.-?fTT^/.-&c. ^^ g. ofo. SOOTHEE, n. Soothing, p. a. y. V. 1. arTottTtTRT, afTq^oiHT, &C. r^^Md^l, r?Tjt rrit^, f=5f?5noE. 2 TftrT^CTIRT, &c. WrFSR^Trf-^Tfl, ^q^THqj. 3 ^rrnsftJITO", ?Tmq^?:aTTTT, &c. ^ff^W-^FTT^-&c. ^tT-?rr- q-&e. ^-^-&c. Soothing, n. v. l.—act. c3TT3^w. ajn^JtJT «. &c. 5^H>i. 2 ^m^^t «. &c. ^Ifspf /'o^. ^r?"! or ^TfrT^nrw. Wf^tT ?l. SOR ?T^T5Tm. ir^JT OT. :r?m^ 7t. Soothingly, adv. v. Y. l. ^J^JS5;?r, TTStsr^^mf^^f^ ^, ^fmift VTs;^, &c. "" '' [tell, &o. To SooiusAT, SoornsArEE, &e. See To Divine, To Fohe- ^oorr, a. covered, Sfe. with soot. ^ffT^?I%?Jr-^iT%c?T-&e. Sop, n. any thing dijtped and softened in U2uor. PT^r(?T'iB- 2 Sec BmuE. Sophism, Sopuistut, h. qieciovs hut fallacious argiiinmf, fallacious reasoning. aTTHT^T »i. fff^trfTTTfrw'. srf^HT?r»«. ?TfJ?T*rr?r m. ^]m3^ n. Sophist, n. fallacious rcasoncr. aTTTr^Tsriql, f^5fi=rr'Trfl'5Tr^. 2 sceptical iMlosopher. ^sfl^. [Tr^TTTiT^. Sophistic, Sophistical, a. v. Fallacious. 3TTHrar^r, 3Tr- Sopohifeeous, Sopoeific, a. causing sleep. grT aTMoirrr, SoRBiiE, a. that may he drunk. cqrqpfr'TT-?rrn^T-&e. q-q-, SoECEEEE, n. V. Magician, Conjueeu. ^T|^'^^, s^rft, sfT- SoECEEEsa, n. female sorcerer. ^T^Xt'^f %^^'2t/. ^F^^T- soECEur, «. V. Magic. TfTf /". ^^fil^/. %^ n. . f^f^TTorr wi. &c. w.\^^^ n. | Soke, n. wound, tender place, ^'c. ?TfT n. ?=frr ?t. ^^T «. IT"^ m. , ^q^ or ^^ ra. ^cf?^ «. 5-.?=f n. pfRiT/. 5^«: «. =€!f r?«. i ]\Iagj>'oty 8. f^sftir n. S. ou the back of a beast, m^f. | Spreading; s. 9>NT n. TJlcei-ou8 8. qrs/. HT «. To apply salt to a s. %:^mJ: ITT m.\^ or '^j^v^j f ii. qraoT, qrqrq^ ^tt ?». etts'H. To cleau a s. tfoi^irq^ n. ^of. 2 fig. s.ilace. rr4?'. V. A. 3. IfRq, 3Tfrl?Tq. [ "TT OT. Ij Soeeness, n. Y. A. 1. |:iT «. f^R?T/. 5^<;Tiirfn. f^'otq- j 2 ir^Tl%?J"Tt^ m. HJTir^-.^ljT n. j[ 3 Hi^qirr ?«. ^.t{^ qwr »«. ^q^Twr »«. &c. Ij SoEEEL, a. Y. Bay. fjr^qlr. [J^r^w. j[ SoEiiEL, ?«.— the plant. 5%^r/. ;;o;j. ^q^r >«. ^fiifcfr w. ^- [; SOERILY, adv. T. A. 3. ^fe^fum, fHTJt, f^RT?, q^srst^qr I f%H?ft^ decl. &c. [ Tqcfir m. &v. Ij SoEEixEss, «. Y. A. 3. %f^Rqr5rT^r- jTo Soebow, t;. n. grieve, he sad, Sfe. gt^jf «.-^ «i.-!(ft^ «i.- &c. ^^"if, |:^ «.-%^ tn.■'■^^ m. pl.-^l m. j/l.-Sic. qpioi ll in. con. ^\^\-'J[H\-f^^-&e. ST^, g^PW, rs^. SoEEOw, «. yr/e/, T. Afiliction. |:<7 «• ^^ J». f^^ftfr/. |l Freed from all s. aud suflering. arrfqsqrf^'TfR. j This is but the begiuning of sorrows. ?IvTi''^r a?rq ^r- M SoKEOivFUL, ff. V. Afflk-tei). 5:^, f^^q-R, %^, %^^?f>, I 2 — the voice, accents, &c. v. Pitfols. ^ppF^q qfir or i\ 'rft, fesqi'qr cr fffr. I 3 — couuteuaucc, &c. v. Sad. TI^, ^Sqr. ij 4 producing sorrow, exciting gritf, cj-c. v. CalajiitOUS, jj Afflictive. ?-.^=qT, J-.^sr^, g'-^^^, g'-'Jirq^, ^]^m^., 1 SoEEOwFULNEsa. See Soeeo\v. j SoEEY, rt. /;r/etcrf /or, /'""let^a^; Y. Afflicted, ^i^ft, %5T, To be s. 5;^ n.-&.c. qr^ »'«• con. J^Rof, r5"q. I 2 — for one's o\vu conduct, v. Eepentant. q'/7r?n'ft. To be s. qs-^^TTrTrq m.-qJrtrqT m.-&e. ^r^f qr^oi /«. ccn. 3 2ioor,p)altry, {{c. Y. Mean, Woethless. R-,rtqr• ftfH ;«'/?■ ftH/. H^/. To Soet, ». a. y. To Classify. gKiq, srq/.-q?ft/. ;)Z. t^nm y. f/ 0. qqqR f^Tqirf , OTT »'i. q^^iq ^. of 0. qqrq'Tf/ qRot, 3-fT'Rf«TJTTfq'jqq''rq m.pi. ^mg. ofo. 2 *t/le to stiipiditi/. f^n^r, ^T^r^ /.-f^^WRt /.-'Jl+4"T'Jn w!.-=T ^TT n. ^af. 3 self, the abstract individual. 3TITJTr m. f^ m. n. 4: essence, quintessence. ffftrt^T m. ^R m. ?rRt?T m. ^{rSfi- V m. f^5|T55T m. rT^TTT^T «. [i?Tr »». 5 /r«, saZi!, Zy^e, ^-c. v. SpiniT. ^^m. ^Tf «. qJT^/. f^- G human leing. See Peeson. Sound, a. not diseased., cj'c. v. Heaxtht, Hale. rriTf^^^T- iriT5ir, f^'^qr f^jn^r-^Tsr, fHfr'ft, sTTPft, arirT, tnr^- 3T, q^'^TT, tTSqm, ?^^H, ?35?fT, 3T^tri, ^TF- 2 not hurt, not icounded., ijv. tT?, aT^nir, 3T^rf, ?T?Rf|?T, ?f?rft?r, ar't^, srsq-i, 3TfH=5r, ar^TfTsT'JT, 37^5Tm?T?T. 8 V. Oeihoiox. ^^mrTrsfT, ^fT<45j-€r, ?tf7'4r^^«ff. 4 unhurt, unimpaired, firm, in good condition. '^S, VTI^T, *T5tn", q'Sqro?: or 5-, 'cTS'^TT or er5'4rT^, iis^r ^SHr, ^T- ^ or Z or ^TTift^r, 'JTS^n, g'^^^T, f3T-77, ^sj^^T^, q^C^- 5 ( arguments, reasoning, &c. ) solid, valid.^jiist. qfr- 5IT, 'q-mmr, ^t^, mnf^r, Ac. wjtw, ^rgftB^, ^?.^- ?:, 5iirf?f or ?rr^?T, ^ir^^ or ^r^?r, aT^s^ft??', arqfr^q^, 6— of sleep. nR, fnfe, ^^7, sj^st;^, T^^ or TT^'qV^, V— of beating, &c. vfqT, q?J^f7?:, . fJTSf r^ir ?». m «. ^q^ m. jfqffr/. gcqf^'TR n. qt^ «. ^5 n. H=5T^?r^ ?(. ^Tf^/. 3Trf% m. 3T^tT M./. SoDEED, ;?. T. V. A. 1. armp: %^?Jr, arfsr^'^^t^r, &c. 2 jf ««. con. [3TT?r^ ) /. South-east, n. qf^Tirq^T/. arflTm. 3?!%^ ( or corruptly, South-eastern, South-easteelt, a. aritf^^r, q%'JTq^'^T. S. wind. I^^T m. South-waed, adv. qf?T5l-T%, ^f^TOif^^T^I, qf^OTT^. South-west, «. fH^T7\ f.\wk\ f South-west, South-western, SouTn-wESTEEi,T,a.'^%rrf^r. SouTHEELT, SOUTHERN, a. Monging, ^-c. to the south. qf^T- SoUTHEEN-woOD, 01. artemisia. ^^^ pop. ^^\m. SouiniNO, n. (of the sun). ^^qm^«. ^\^^\^^n. Souvenir, n. v. MESiOEiAr-. afta^/. ^\^x^^f. Sovereign, a. supreme, v. Chief, h^j?^, ifviR, ^, ^ti'^sr- Soveeeign, n. v. King, ^j^rr, iT^r^, ^^r^'T?!, flTTTJ^if , S. paramount. ^iJ^n^^. 2 ^T^f^ (T^p ^oir arf^. Sovereignty, n. supreme authority, suprcma(y. t^jp^.'ijy?. q-^R-&c. 3Tf^4^Rm.-gfrr/-&e. ^jsr'rfW^FTT'". csirf^r?qH. S. j)aramount. ^PjITj^". Sow, n. female pig. ^%t[ or 5^^/. ^^^T/. To Sow, r. »(. scatta- seed fur growth. ^\'>l.-kQ.^Tii\■Z]%^- "FT^f ot-&c. qTift/-CTqT f. tllMtll?'*. Omission of the usual s. m^ln.f ^jq^m. ^rqft/. SowiNS, 11. sour gruel, ^pf^/. SowK, n. V. V. A. 1. q^^r, 5rq%^r, &c. qfrsf, ^rifq^r. S. by the hand. "FfqflV. [qu^f. S. — as opposed to wild; sotvn or set. qriift^r, r^r^T'fRr, Space, n. alstract cA-feiision. ^TW.]Vn.\\\m. ^Jf^". Empty s. q>P3t/. ^Jf^«. Included s. 3T«T?i^)i. Infinite s. {—as opposed to finite s. q^r^T^T?*. H5ri^r- Spreading tliroujrh all s. f^'o«Tl"ft, STf^^'HiH. 2 place, V. Eooir. ^!f^\^ m. arr-TT^T m. n. ^rir /• THr- ?; »». ?nrs/. '^^\ «. 3 a s. a s/;o^ v. Place, ormr w./. Open or clear s. a void spot, sj^fjol/. 4 « s. «?t M-. V. A''. R?aZ IjiPETUorsLT. '41^ or WA, tr- Span new. See New. Spar, n. round or squared piece oftimler. ^]Zm. ^T^jn. ^- 2— tlie mineral, calcareous s. ^%5^'TT »>. To Spae, r. «. /y/zi' prelmivehj. ^rfTnpsTt/.-fRTT^rfft/.- 2 See To Weangle. To Spaee, v. a. vse frugally , apply scantily. '^T^f^T-STrf ?rT=r- ^ni, 1^^ ^^, ^pr^^^T f.-^^^\if.-^=spjif.-&c. w.i'Si ^TJ^F^^-&c. ^=eJ;«. ^rur, JTr'JT/.-fT~Rri».-^TTm?/.-&c. ^H- ?Tjry. o/o. j?;R^^ft=^r-rTT=EfT#^-&c. ^^TO. Ep?:dr, =Efk"jf(as STin «.-^lrf w.-'TT'T"i.-^^iI».-&C. ^I?TII). To s. one''s self, save one''s strength. aTPTw. ^R^-;[T- ^of, "^m. Tm^^ 'TR;/. =5rR>Jf-^f?TS^. 2 part with toithout inconvenience. ^W-.^\-'^\i}[-Sic. ^ q%^T cfw^.-^r frfm <^ecZ. '^ut, ^ tn^ur, g ^r^-^arf ^-&c. Enough and to spare. S'C^T ^TT^^tnr. 3 omit, forbear to inflict, or impose. flrS'jf, HT'P •Rof ^'^^ ^P'TJr, iTr1'/-?wr/-&c. sp^dt, irf^srrtroT. Spaee, a. v. SuEPtus. 3^r, 3T?>r5r, tpr^, g^t^rr w q, z^^- S. item (of clothing, &c.). q^trrtJTFS. S. time, v. Leisuee. ^THcT/. fT^irftir^/. 2 wjfflyre, V. Lean. TTtTT, mrT^'fi^^Tr, ^TT^ff r, ^RHrH^, ?[IT^i'ft or nn-, ^n, ^^ifT. 3 V. Scanty, '^rsr, 3TTTT, =!R:'T^, ■3T?T. SPABENES9, «. T. A. 2. ?T3nT/.- fTHETof , rff5 «.-^H/.-&c. ^of (7. (/s. ^^iir, Hnrijr «.- jp-'^^r ?i.-:jf¥/.-^^^^/.-5rrn55TTqR m.-is^fj:v\\K m.-&c. To begin to s. W!rj{\f.-^rj^\f..^^ m. ^^ in. con. To cease to s. with. 3t€t?IT m. 'R'jf with ^f o/o. To s. loudly, V. To Bawl. 171^, 1# ?ITim. To s. one's fill, m? 'T^tT €t?50t_ To s. quickly. ^r|T-|R|r7 or Tf-'R'R or tt-&c. 5qr?!^. 2 /or o»' against, dispute, v. To Aegue. «i\?5^, HIS^, ^- SPE ^13^ 3 of; V. To Mkkiiox. ^St, 7^^ »«.-3f «».-&c. sprsin- JRor y. of 0. To Speak, v. a. jronounce, utter. SffFCOif, '^"I'f, >i^Kot, ^f- 5T^F% ^I^W, J^rr WI.-&C. :p^^. Speaker^ «. Speakixo,/;. o. v. V. N. 1. sftFS'^Kr, &c. sfr- ?^?tr, 5?R^, cf?fjr, 5n^, m'fr ( iu comp. as firriHr'fl', ar- ?THT'ft, 5r;^HT'!ft, Hq?:»n'ft, ^^TTrft, a^^FtTt'ift, &o. ). The iutcntioii oi^alm of the s. fJT^^r/. f^T^Tf^^rT n. Smart aud able s. ^\^\ oTrB'^rTTr. I. president of certain assimUics. ^^'^\'^^^. Speaj!, n. lance, o5 «. HT?5/. [»Jr5"TTf0T. Speae-mak, n. HR^, rSqFft, si^^sfF'^r, ^ifn^rir^T, htst^, Speae-staff, «. Tra^st/. Special, a. Iclonginri to a species, ^rftxjr, ^rf^t^st^-f^- 2 V. Paeticulae. f^r?!'?, ar^mf'JT, -JT^rmi^, 'flsqrq^, S. rule. fsriTTfsrf^ m. S. text. ft^T'Jfsr^H' «. That is provided for ( enjoined or forbidden ) by s. mention. srf^TT^Tfp. [^rTTT- 3 more than ordinary, Sfc. T^'t^., PJrqTrTT?, S^fq^F, 3Tf^- 4 designed for a particular purpose. V^^-M^^^^-^IT^'^J- &c. %3?rr, j^rirqT, h^jk^i^t, fiTf3^=qT, &e. fisfg^P, ff|- 5 limited to a certain class of S7il>jccfs. fsT^TT ^TTTf^T. Specialitt, Specialty, n. v. A. 1. s^TfrrasjfqrTT/. ^^irrft- q-?TT/. &e. ^Tf?I^ n. 2 fsfnTFTT/. a^^rqiTOT^ M. &c. ^'m m. cjfW-JT^iJr «. ^- I. a s. f%?T"T in. «PECIALLT, adv. V. A. 2. fsT^W-T^'T, f^?l"T, f5fV"7?r:, 3T^T- 4 OTifZ ExpEEssLT. 55rflr, ?TCT^=qT, 5^7rr o»- s. Specie, «. yoW or silver coin, wm^]^ n. ^^^ \^^ m. Species, n. sort, class, kind, ^^r{f. ^rffr/. ^^K m. The s.— collect. v?lTftEss, T.A. fsfiiq^^TfFT/.^Tnvirfifir/.-iT^lTqRoiTir /. ar^mT^ar/. fJi?ii^rf?Tfl5ifvifTr/ U\\^ m. ^if?T;^ ». Specification-, «. v. \.— act. fqinqfJ!?^! in. H?^ it. 'flfn- Without s. (JTrrrT. Specified, p. v. A''. 31^:?; ^^^ ^ffnFia?^r, .tc. fsj^ifl^, H- ^, 3i5rr=^S5r, ^^ETf=^35r, ^f?;?, f^%, ^ifs?. Specifif.e, 71. .Spkchyi.nci. jp. n. V. V. cflH^-aiTi^ i^opT ^ii'JiFr, Ac. H^JT^, f^im., srsr^^q^, tq^-b^^^F, ht^, 3Tf»T^[q^, T^JT^-c^c. ^Trf-qrrfr. To Specify, To Specificate, v. a. mention in particular. ?nRft?;5rr7-". "TT^'ft/. ^T'T «• »". Specious, a. «7(0!(y, v. Fixe. 5'CEL, «. fon? /o eonjine a cows legs. ^^\^^ m. JTT?Tr m. SpAJiOLE, n. 6i/ of metal or any thing sjiarMinj used as an ornament. =qJT^/. ^H^€t/. V^^?(f. fn^\zw.^f. W.\- To Spangle, v. a. set with spangles. =e}TTW^/. /7.-f^^?iTr/. pi. -&c. ?5iqoT-3if siirf. SpAKGLEu,/). V. V. =ir>T5PTr ^?%=5r-^55r%r^T, &e. ^^w^- ^, f?q?rMf^, &C. Spakiel, n. ^^T^\ -kixo, a. uhaclcing, ^'c. Y. Laege. 5;tRT, ^fTT^T, ^cTT'TT, .SPANKINOLT, cdv. T. V. ff«(Z lilPETUOUSLT. '<^^ OT ^T, V(- vSpAN NEW. See New. Spak, m. »-ok?I(? or squared piece oftimler. '^\Zm. ^T^;;?. ^- 2 — the mineral, calcareous s. ^%5^Hr »>. To Spae, y. w. /y/;/ prelusively. ^rfTr?>3.t/.-^IrrrfT?fr/- ^rrf^/.-r in- Spaeeow-eawk, n. ■H ^ I iqf rTRrr 'T^ 3ir^. Spaese, Spaeseness. See TniN, Thinness. Sfas-^, 11. contraction of the tmisilrs. q^^fvf »i. ^5^/. ^511 »i. '^5^r )«. q-os/. qT-3 «z. iis^T'/. ^Tq'? »». w^t m. firs- S. of the legs. ^^T^ or Jp^at/. ^PTTSTT/. f Z. v. =^T. Spasmodic, a. t. N. q-i+vi^, &e. ^?:% qtr^T^f^ Spathe, «.■ — S. of a plantain tree. ^pr^Pr »». To Spattee, v. a. v. To Speinkle. gf?- m. pil- S^^fi^, TTf^tfr^ Spatin, m. ( on a horse's leg- ). <^|^a ». TT'^iir m. To Spawl, See To Spew. Spawn, n. eggs offish. ^1^1=^1 ^ff «• ;>Z. To Spawn, v. n. arft ii. pi- ^?7'jf-5T^fiT. To Speak, v. n. utter words or speech. ^rHOT, ^^.i v^T/.- fTHcT'it, rff? «.-^T/.-&c. ^^ y. d/ s. 'JT?^^, HPTiT ».- To begin to s. ffV^ftf-^TT^Tf-V^ w. <^Z^ in. con. To cease to s. with. 3T^r3T m. ^Rin J«V/t ^t ofo. To g. loudly, V. To Bawl. TTTot, I^T ?!miJf. To s. one's fill, mf H^TT €t?JOT. To s. quickly. ^rjTT-^R^R or rf-^RiTT or Tf-Ac.!qr^^. 2 /or or against, dispute, x. To Aegue. sftc^'^, TTS^, ^T- SPE ^3_ 3 of ; V. To Mkntion. ^Sr, ^^ m.-3f w.-&c. Jpisoj- 5p;ot ff. of 0. To Speak, i-. a. pronounce, utter, sftsof, "^^"W, ^'^R^, ^T- ?T^R q?IS^, 3^r^ WJ.-&C. sp^ot. Speakek. «. Si'EAKixa,;). (J. V. V. N. 1. sft^OTm, &c. sft- f^?ir, S[f?JW, sfrpr, sri^, TT'ft ( in comp. as fJTrlHT'ft, 3T- ^qHi-rt, ^r;^ httI, irg^H'T'^ft, ^ifq^rrft, a^^rtHT'in', &c. ). Tlio iutentiou or iiim of tlio s. ^^^^f. f^T^feicT «. Smart aud able s. qf^r sTrFJOTTTT. I. president of certain assumUies. ^^\'^^^. Speaj!, n. lance, ij'c. Hr?Jr >»■ ^=^^f. ^^M or ofefH m. TZ]m. Iron s. ?TFT/ ^f^/ S. ■\^•ith a siring to recorer it. lirfl'/. lb Speae, V. n. HT?ir»».-^ffT/.-cjrf^ «. &c. f^'^irr m. a^^qr^'^r «. 3t- ?rmT^ n.\^^-q n. ftr^T7l?^R ot. I. a s. fq?tT «i. Specially, ado. v. A. 2. fq-^iiii-T^.^r, f^%.^^ f^'^T^rT:, 3TOT- tTRiTrr:, f?r"^TTT?^T ^^^. 4 OM^ EXPEESSLX. 55FH, rrr?'TT=SITi 5^Trt 0>' 5. Specie, n. gold or silver coin, ^i^^\^ n. ^^^ \tf^ m. Species, n. sort, class, kind. =3TrfT/. vTrf?r/. si^R tn. The s.— collect, viirfi^q^ m. Specific, Specifical, a. constituting a species, and disfing- uisking it from others. f^%^^\^^J., fsf'^TT^mtfsT^^hfr, ar^trTTOT, ar^in^. S. constitution or character. ^Tfi=t^*TI«I m. ^rtTRtT". 2 ( a medicine ). ^\E*ft, 'HWt^ 'TtJt^^'JTT'T, ^.TVC[, 3^=f^, A s. medicine. TTH^n'JT m. Specifically, flfl'y. v. A. ^\^, ^rff^i (fee?. ^HRr^, ^n- SPR Specifical>ess, t.a. fET^^q^HTfFr/.ftr^i'TviTfqfir/.^^inTRoirTr /. ar^im^FTT/. f5i?t'!i^rrn^^f'aFTT/ \^\\^ m. Tiif^si «. Specification, n. v. V.-nc/. fq'flqf^i^fl ,«. hst;^ „. r^f^- qPT n. 3T^if? »i. J-qsr^S? «i. 3"^?T^ «. ^q??! >/i, Witliout s. 3'HRn. Specified, p. v. V. a^Jj^ J^^opr ^ifq^a^ir, &c. fJi^if'Tn, H- 1^, 315rf=^35r, t'!T5rf=S35T, ^i^, f?if^?, ^qf^-?. Specifiee, «., p. a. v. V. rA^%■'i\^^ 'fTT ^m'JirT, Ac. 3531^;, fqVflqp, 3T5r^^, s-qq^.g^^, H^, arfTtTiT^, ?^3T?T-Ac. ^TTf-qrrfr. To Specify, To Specificate, v. a. mention in particular. fTT^Jiqir-Ac. ^r^OT-ff^^of-Ac. fsr^iqquf^ n.-Ac. JRor g.oj «.-&c. ^\^ g. of 0. Specimen, n. sample. HI?f^T m. ^n^r m. ^rr^'ft/. ^lOT )i. w. Specious, a. showy, v. Fixe. 3??oir, 5^oil3r, z^^, 2 supcrfitiallg fair or correct; plausiilc. JTTHRiT=?ir, ^fqmraiF^i'F, irrrmr^T^rm^, ^fq?i^5!T, ^fq?if5t»T, ?ifq^'^.i?T, ^nr- 3 vsing specious arguments, ^c. atST^ "VT^, ?(\l\ - f^Fi^r, f=Tfflf^,'iT3C- Sl'IEiTlJAL, ff. immalcrial. ^H^, 3T^7%Frr5, f^TT^TT, 3THT- ^JT^rg, 1^?T, ^2J, 3TT^fT91CT, a^rfW^F, 3?[Eqif^F(iF, f^^fq- 2 ?io< /fl-y, temporal, secular, Sfc. q-jfrr^rtrrr^, tr'T^lr^^r, 3 not carnal, gross, sensual, S;c. 'TTJTT^f=5IT, qTiTT^'f5r"74r 4 See Spirituallx-hinded. SriniTUALissi, n. the profession or following of spiritual things. fTRHT'l m. ^^^.f■^m m. f^|frrin'T m. SriEiT0Ai,isT, n. frmiTpTf, fTT^P'-^rTfl't, f^^f^m'Tf, sf^srrfr. Spirituality, n. \. A. 1. ^^]%f. f^^^KrUf. aTTT^ST^/:. 3 TTHT'<^'?f^f':T?rr/. q-RHrf^^rfT/. f^frrriTn^sifiirrT/. 4 See Spieituallx-mindedness. To Spiritualize, v. a. make spiritual. "T^iTTiTI^ ^ffT^i^-?!!- ETot, 'TTiTmf^^-'TT'Tr4mT^-&c. JPT'jf. Spibituallt-minded, «. having the affections raised alove sensual oijects. >TTm'TTm'«• To Spit, f. as. /j?«; upon a spit. ^WA^K-&:C. m?5of , niST^, ?T'*T- 2 eject from the mouth. g^K^ '^'Troi, ^^ sr^df, 3^3iif. Matter spit out. 3nol/. To Spit, «;. n. void spittle. '^'^^, ^^r m.-^g^f. ST^-^^of. 2 V. To SpUTTEE. -cl^^'iaf, ^?^6f, rfSrRof or rTfrTSof,, f^5rf^=T'^, — in/ens. =qTT^, rt^R^, ^T^of, 3— rain ; v. To Deizzle. T%^r5'if, 'ft'f r adv.-&c. qCTf 4— a cat, angry dog, &c. Iw^R^r, f'FTr^F'Jf, ^^IT^'Jf,. "pPRof, %Wot. Spit-box, Spitting-pot, Spit-toon, «. VJ^^pftf ^^^^ m. Spit-fibE; m. v. Passionate. STr^TT^foS, ^=ftH, ^PToST^r SriiE, ». y, Maijce. ar^^ ot./. g?Rr ot./. ^fr? n. 5!^ m. SPL 817 SPO srr^r m. arsr^/ ^irf. mK^f. ^5^/. tvm. ^m. ^fm m. -^^ m. EfTHT or J^ m. A s. against, ^r: m. Great s. q-oq-jr^ m. lu s. of; hiaugre, notwitlis/andinj. ^^T, ^^f'T, ^Z^^, To do a thing in s. of. ■iHA'iK fh^^^T^-'^^^W ^HT To SriTE, V. a. treat maliciously, thicart. 3T^OT^-^^?ft^- &c.JT^rT>T j«.-3^?rT^»tT OT.-&C. qRTof g. ofo. irqi^m-^- -&c. |ot. Spiteful, a. v. N. o/rc? Malicious. 3Tq;^#?;, ar-^Rlt, ^r^T- Spiiefullt, ac?y. V. A. 3Tq;?fTrf, 3TqT^^^7T, fT^fT^, ^^T- ^, w^HST^rr, &e. f rfjsrV, ^rf^^t^f, Spitefulness, n. v. A. ar^^fttriJlT/w. ^'frtft^oTTm. &c. Spitiisg, «. ( of raiu ). f^vt^f. g^SHs/. qr^HT^ ^?t/.- f«•/. Spiint, Splinter, m. *^i7Z, shiver, v. Chip, s-^TTm. J^/. ' 10: f^qift/. qjq^rm. ^T^/. 2— as entered into the flesh, ^hflm. ^TTRfm. Vr^ pop. 3— in surgery, vfr^rt/. ^i^oit/. 2\> Spli-ntee. See To Split. To Split, v. a. cleave, rive. fSRof, Trrsoi, "PTSOT, 3f^''f, f%^^, R'^K'T «.-f5r^^orr/.-&c. qj^di ^. qfo. To 8. the sides (from laughter). ^fZ^J f.-^V]1^^ f. pi. l^fT^r ^RT^. To Split, v. n. ojien, part. fsROt, 'PT^'jf, . a. t. To Plusdee. g^ur, ^Rof, 5^r5"i, 5ftqr- 2 corrupt, injure, ^raof, f^PTT^^ or f^?RT^, ^TRf^ot, fij- ^of or fsRs^, fsi^sq^JT, f^^rs^, ^Uif-«rT|^-&c. qRor, HT^T w.-&e. qj^^. ofo. 3 ( children, Ac. ) v. To Indulge. OTSq^I^T'T, FirfT^Tot, Sr??^ n. :p?T7f y. of 0. To bo spo.lcd. srS'^, 2b Spoil, v. n. grow corrupt, ^'c. ?n?nJr, f^FTRT^ or fipT^T'Jf, fsi^^, l^nrs^, ?}rn5T-^r^^-&c. ^m, ^s^f, 5^^, ^ir^i m.- &c. ^of (7. 0/*. 2 ( fruits, (fcc. ) through heat and moisture. 3«lot, 7«I- 5^, 3"5rRW, ^sflosof, ^JJToEof, f5r55loi_ To s. and break, — milk, curds, buttermilk. ^rT^3of_ Spoil, «. booty, plunder. rTT/. 2 slough of a serpent, ^[r^f. ^^f. Spoiled, Spoilt,/), t. V. A. 1. ^%^r, 5«!T5S53r, &c. 2 ?Tm%3r, f%^T^?5r, ^^rq %^?5r, &c. ;trt^, ^rfrti=T, ^- f^fT, H"5. V. V. N. jfm^OT, 1w5*^, &c. ^jRR, HT?rer. Spoilee, n. Spoiling,/), a. v. V. A. 1. J?:arRT, «*lKoiRr. 2 ^raorrTT, Hrn^mRT, ^^t^rtwrt, &c. ^rsftq;, ^nqft, nr- ?T-&c. :FTrf-^Rt-^5^s;r, &c. T^, mPm, ^f?qH, 3f?r=T, ' :f;f. V. A. arnnj^t^, 3Tr7g?ST^ or g^ or 3TrTT37VT, aTTR, an^^t or ^, aTTTTaTPT, aTTT^t==( or zm- ^^, ?^, ^^, ^STTTTfSr^ fio;?. ^HrfsT^, ^):fr. SrooL, n.— of a weaver, qun »»• ^ft/. ^JfT^Jltt/. f^^^/. Spoon, n. — the utensil. ^FT^r m. =qH=^ m. ^TH f». ^/. Spoon-meat, «. Toft ^-&c. ar^T n.-?jf, ?rTR:-?5iiT-?ir5?fr-?fT^3 adv. qsof- To lay sprawling. OTZ^dt. 2 See To Flouxdeb. SPKi-n-Li>-a, p. V. V. 1. HT^?y-&c. qiSOT. Speat, n. See Speig. 2 ( of the sea, of rain, &c.) ^^K pop, g^nr or nw. 5rs/. |w/ ^r^frsr w. or ^\^^1f. ^W^/. afrHTsr ?«. or arr^rs »•• /'Z. Cold s. f%^^f. Drop or particle of s. as sprinkled, spxirtcd, &c. %- ^r^ m. viSZf. f^iC[ m. Fence against s. before a door or window. 5f5/. S. driven by the wind. ^^^WSf• To Spread, v. a. ( a carpet, mat, Ac. ). 3T''klek, 7J. Si'iji>-klisg. /). ri, V. V. A. ft'T'JTnT, fff^'TRT, &c. %W, %^!F, :fr?T'T, sfr^TJT-Ac. :FfTf-;?7Tft. Speixklino, n. v. Y. — act. fi^'ju^ n. f%^ n. &c. f^PTift/. I. quantify sprinkled. f^S^JK or RjS+R m. f?TfTTIT «». II. drizzling, drizzle, light rain. fimtST or f%^rsr »». 5- BTRTTrr wi. ^^m^oft HTiIspft w. Drop of a s. f^zf. fm m. Bpbite. See Spibit, Ghost. To Speout, v. n. germinate, ar^of, "P^iiif, 'TTSr^T'T, '?Tr5?"Jf, ?;^^ or ^igirf, 3^^ m.-n"l^ m.-^/r^I ?».-&c. qTjf iw. con. Speout, «. sJwot of a plant. sjqR; m. ^'h or #JT »». ^Nrt »n. . ^^if/. [sr^Rwi. ^T^. To Spuen, «'. a. V. To Kick. ?rR/. HTt3t, TT^R «.-?l^r- 2 re/'i/«e i('i77t seo?-n, v. To Contemn, To Eeject. FMI- fff or ?I'». Squally, a. abounding ivith squalls, ^'rsfl', ^TOT^tTPTT^, 2V Squander, v. a. spend prodigally, lavish, s^^of, 3'tJ'5Eot s5t-fiT25IDT or fK^^T ?ra'^, ?ft=T=rTST /. i'Z.-'^RgTCT /.;)/. ^^^r y- "/ 0. '^fn.f. q^^of ( j5^^-q^r^r^-&c. ) f%?1w ?5T^ijf, j-TjoT or j^ erat^ ( ^?5?r, :^^, &c. ), =?ui'^di'7ir ?«. pl.-^K^K m. pi. vpiu[ g. of 0. aTT^T^ m.-STqrTWsrT ^=^ m. ^rm y. o/ o. ^% ot. ;)/.-tt-t% w. /i^ g^or y. o/ o. "Pt?:! »».-frf=^5< n m. Tho acute angled s. of the etouo maaon. ^rt^s n. ^. ?I^f)'/ ^^S n./. ^^m m. 4 ( of troops )— solid. qpR »). 5— in geometry or arithmetic. ^^ m. f^\n m.^^f. G — as in tables of figures, cell. %^% m. n. ^ u. q»T»i. n. 7— as on cloth, &c. =injrft/. Squares of a chequered cloth, ^ar^ SfT^S n. [^ot. To Squaee, v. a. ( a. piece of timber, &c. ). ^TTRof, ^RR 2 — in geometry or arithmetic. ^Am.-f^^\^m.^ii\.|V^- 3 V. To Adjust, To Eegulate. ^itttot. To s. accounts. ?qr?r «. ciTT^T^j-oi-%afT^^nt-q3T^Tui_ 2b Square, v. n. v. To Agree, To Slit. fiioj'iJT, ^itdt. 2 assume an aitittidc for fighting. STH^ft^ sroT_ Squaee-eoot, n. ^f[^7^ n. f^qjrW^y n. Squabed,;?. v. V. A. 1. %qi?:Wf, &c. ^rrw, ^]';z. 2 q»^%?!HT, &c. srffin. To Squash, v. a. crush, v. To Squeeze. %^, ^^?:t»r, T?^- ^5ir, K^^^, mrr w.-^'t^ OT.-%^m.-^'<^IH^ m.-&c. qj^vt y- 0/". Squash, n. rottiny and running stuff. sncS/ 'K^f\f. V^^^T m. \^^^ m. \\^^-^ m. ^tjr n. ftTTf^lst/. fsRf^l^/. Tq?T»>. 2 sAoc* of soft bodies. ^^ppT »J. ^^^Pf m. ^^T m. Squashiness, m. v. a. iT5m?!tH. n. t. V. f%^oEUTT- iSQUEAillsil, a. queasy, lieckish. JToEHcE 3TTrJ?5I-gS^r, ^^T- 2 fastidious, V. Daistt. =qr^H55, =^^fTft, qJ:iT3#?;, ^fT- Squeamishsess, «. T. A. 1. and Qualmish>"ess. jtoEJToE/. 2 =qn?T^3qoTT ««. ??ii+Jir »». ^rs^rrai^ »». &c. w%f. To Squeeze, d. a. jam, press, compress, SfC. ^nui, ^T'TO, ^^I- S^, ^^, f^l=ROI or H'M'i"!, T%lcEW, f%?^3J^, ai^TOTT, To be squeezed. %T% 1^T^, f^^V^. To 3. flat. ^n€\f.--^^Af.-4i^f. ^?vT ^T^^ 5'. o/o. 2 c»'«s7j, in(?a(/, pre** rougJdy and injuriously. ^H^T^, ^nrsoif, J^TT^f, !Fto5^, i^^SOT, =q^, ^Sfnii, JTvf^CTi, K- ^7301, K^af. iy-ofo. 3 fig. V. To 0PPHES3. f^Dl, ^To^of, ft'S'Jf, ?{?5 «. :PT?^ 4 out ; press or force out. f^SEirr, f^^ ^^, To Squeeze, v. «. urye one's way, pass hy p7-essinff. ^of , iz- ^ ^ot,^f /.-&c. ^p^ot. (Squeeze, Squeezing, n. v. V. A. l.—act. ^T^ «. 'qn^ m. 2 f tPF^of n. &c. fc'QCEEZED, p. T. V. A. 1. %^OT, ^^Z^FA., &C. 2 f^^^?5r, ^^^^Hr, &c. [ TT, &c. JSqueezer, n. Squeezing,/), o. t. V. A. 1. %'T('nTT, ^^ZW- Squib, n. ( of powder), 'pjjpft/. "PTTqir^/. "F^^ST m. f]^,^\m, Stabbed, p. v. Y. qrq^ST, q^rq+'^-rfl, Ac. Stabbeb, ». Stabbing,^, a. v. V. ^"Jinr, Hr^tTtnRT, S:c. Stability, Staeli^nkss, «. \. A. 1. k^sjfi'itjtt m. qa^^?qt7Tr »».&c.H^3Tf^/. qsqJ^V-^f^'^/- ^^T/. SR^w. ^f?nTM. 2 ftjprxqnir >«. &c. ■ft-tiTfir/. ^^^q «. FtTTfq;q «. Stable, a. steadfast, firmly fixed, \. Fiem, Fixed. JT^^rT, 2 duralle, v. Enhubino. f^sprs, f?'». 3 (of karld or grass ). qs^ or qa^T'/. [ 5roE>jf. To Stack, r. o. maTce into a pile, q^ «i./.-&c. ^"Jf-^^, Stack-yaed, n. n'^^mT »«. Staedle, n. frame of a stael: H\-^\'Af. HT^ m. stT^Nt m. Staff, a walking stick, ^'c. ^]€\f. tw^^ TA€\f- ^fST m. ar- 2 s/»ci-, «« (I tceapon, v. Cudgel, nf^r or #TZT m. ^lilT fn. ^Sn M. ^5 «». Armed with or carrying' a s. ^, ^^T^, ^Ttf"Jr. 8 ( as of a spear, a flag, &c. ). ^T€\f. ^fST «»• 4 (as an ensign of authority,) mace,^'c. iJ^/. ^5l'/.q=5fn. 5 estallishment of assistant ofjicers. ^WZJiJJ'^-^fvf- ^\'^\<^-&(!. Hsat/. Staff-beaeee, n. v. Mace-beaeee. fJ^t^R^R, q^^T, %5[- Stag, h. «wZe TT«rir «. 3TT^r?TJTTf*rrT n. 3 See Theatee, Deama. [ m. qor «. 4 ( of a journey ). Msrlrf/. 2;ctt w». H-TM or ?f n. JT^fHTT By full stages — travelling'. *RTT^jT3_ Full s. HT^T^rJ/. Last s. ( or state ) fig. q^JTI5r?'jf, tl^^. 2 discolor, spot. JTT'Jf, HTf^or, 5PT m. TTIoj, 3Fft^-&c.^- ^'Jf, fsr^fOT ^?"'rr, =r^^ ^.-^uif^^+l^ m.-&c. ^,1^ g. ofo. 3 Hot, sully, soil, slur. STIiJf, 5TT «i. ^"Jf-^r^oi, ^i^^ m. ic5I?aT, jpT^i M.-&C. ?5rJf'?f-3TT'n^, mT m.-%(]Z m.-&c. ^q-OT, Stained, ;>. t. V. 1. tTf^r|^r. [ f^(W^, 2 HT%??T, ?mTr3%ffr, &c. srq^^, ^^f%?T, ?iTr=-ij^, ^or- 3 fPT?5?5r, 5mf^?|^r, &c. sfq^rJi, srit^^, ^?if^?r, ^^'-^t, Stainee, «. Staining.;), a. v. V. 1. t;n"ir[rr, t'iV^f'^^ 2 T^uTTTT, ^rn^frsoTTU, sTnl^TKOTrrr, &e. 3 iri'TTTr, STn^'Jim, ^^^T^r^T'JirT, .^c. STAINLES.S, a. V. Poke, fnj^^mrqr, ^FTr->qT-&c. f^nrraT-^l- Staib, «. step for ascending. V^ttf. ^n\^n. T[^?M\ or 'n- 3 landing place, quay. ^]Zm, TTI^^Tw. Officer presiding over a s. qr^ts-ifr. 2 stairn; //y/^/ p/ stej^s. f^T^Iw. ?inT^». Mt or ^/. or f^lft or ^/. Back-s. amf^HT'M. Down S. ^r^, ^R^^^ ^fSn-n\^\^-H ■A'r-'A\n-kc. Tp s. ■RiTtq'?", ^rr^^ ^^i>t-»T^?qT^-&c. Staie-case, «. f%^ or t[f. f^Tfr or Tt, f^r^rwi. ^frTRH. Shutter over a s. ?RTw. ^Tr»». ?T^«i. Stake, «. stick fl.ved or set in the ground. ^ZWt.^'.m. ^Z'!^n. 5fH»». 5f»TT»J. H^/. ff^iTw. ^c7m. Tlf »«. Bifurcated s. ^^f. (dim.k€\f. H5^/. HTTn. ) To fasten to a 8. (a horse,bullock,&c.). iTHat,H'3?T5r. 2 (for impaling criminals), ^l^ pop. ^?«. 3 (of a fence), ir^ m. 4 f/(/«y staked or irayered. qcfw. q^/. ^rs/. ^TJjftKrt./. q^r^r-"~^5rqr-?T'frft^r-Ac. f^^^m. ^r^rft/. fft^fr/. -flTf?nB n. 31Tf?7-T"TOT«i. — at dice pl.aying or gambling. ^Ykn. To be at stake, 'TOT»!.-q^/-&c. 3T?t'Jt g. ofs. ^ 3T^- Sf tcith g. ofs. (as JfT'JTraT'^ nVZ my life is at s. 3T^^- TfT si^n my honor is at s.). To Stake, v. a. set (a, {(iiKQ)with stakes.M^J^^^n^vL pi. 2 ivager, let. 'J^m.^ f.-ff^ f.-tl"^ f.-&c. ^\l^-^T^^ SSfar-TRtif :R(JJf g. of o.''^l^^K-&c. TfS^. Stale, a. vapid from having leen kept, v. Flat. RraT, =IT^ remiss. qHT^, ^FTT, NKI^T, ^f^. — conipreh. s. and cold and dry, tjv. f^T3!:M^T. S. victuals. f^TScfs/. ^\min. f^To!!^?/. f^raPT^/, To get s. f^TSSof, TT^OT. 2 fig. /riitc, ^-c. 3^T, ^'fMTS, ?!l+lf^ti5V., TTfNTTT^r HTI'^r. S. joke, device, thought. gT-^aWrMMf/- 2^0 Stale, «. «. wrwe. J^Tor, STFFa/.-TT'Jfl'". ^F?^. Staleness, n. \. A. 1. f^ST'Jrr n. ^\^^^\m. 2 3%^"^: M. &c. To Stalk, v. n. u-alk statelily. g^rnTT decl. ^trr^ot, iJ^ft ^- Jf-JTR^ii^^-'-^c. -sllriuj, dM+«l or Z^^^ ^TH^T, ^^^ or =qKf5-=5r*Tq;fT ^jm., ^t^"^, fHT^m, j^t/. pi. ^r^ft^r =qTrr^. 2 H'(i/A heliind a cover. arST ^T^iif, ?5"T?I ^I^ot. Stalk, Stalking,?!, v. \. 1. 2JT^5t»». &c. S^T^m. fSfT^'T^ /. T^nfH/. ^^nf^f. 37^?^/. nRTM. Stalk, «. sif»i of a plant. \7 or\zm. %^m. W.n. dim. ^t- Z^.n. &c, ?TtfroErm. ^FT^t/. q;^5«. HTit/. STA 824 STA A 8. of imiuature or uncared corn. siTfw*. Dry ( auil trampled ) stalks (of kadbA &c.). f^n.-55N»».- 3^ m.-5^r/-&e. HR>n 2cii;/j ^r?; o/o. ^form hy impression. tjrTot, S^I^Ttn^, UrTw.-STTTwi.-S^rT ot. HR^^.o/o. 4 (coin). RligT M. HR^-TTS'Jf, r- ^ >«. qm m. ^?f/ srn/. iTm?iT »«• ??t/. %^/. 55rjf, ftq^q, 5^^, ?TT- 5 Jr, [^tif. 8 fast; remain stationary, ^^or, FT^»i.q?:iJr-tj^^ ST^ot-^r- 9 for; be a candidate. g-JTRTfot, Jjrr^R 3TH^. 10 for; be in the place of, represent. ^T^cf^, ^[^if^, 11 off; keep at a distance. ^-S:c. IJ\'^. 12 out; ^roy'ef <, be pirominent. Sff^ ^^t, gTT^^or g'HS^. 13 out ; V. To Persist, f^^^^-&c. X^^. 14 over ; lie over. ^t['^ 3T5^''r or ?5m^, ^3T ^T^W-ftoir, 7^R?r TTf St. 15 to ; fli/(/e ly, adhere to. f^^.^^^-v^^,^-^li^-'i^^7^^^- &c. 3T?ra;-5RTijf-Tr^CTf. IG up ; rise from sitting. ^Z^ 3'HT^r^^, S'TRr^W, ?^. nfrRrfJT »i. iffiU'^' »». nfJT'a^^^T »». ft'Trm m. rTRms:^ n. ?r?T^HI?5 «. ^?l=5f1- iJT m. g|qiJT M. 2 asterisk. ^'r'P^/. 8 ( as on cloth, &c.). ^"^^f 4 ( as on the forehead oi a bullock, &c. ). =^fS, n. =^^ m. That liaa a s. ou tlic furelicaJ. T^[t, "qf^r, '^2-tfr, SiAn-BOAnD, ;i. g-^q- ^rT^ n. Stak-oazer, See AsxnoLouEn. Star-lioiit, n. rfR^f^T g^ «i. ?T?^^^q^rn »». Stak-siioot, «. dKIHM vi. 3?q;r?r?T w/. Stakcii, «. substance used to stiffen cloth. ^7,f. ^^T or "p or ^T Wi. ^^/. ^!?; «). 3TI^R »H. Stahcii, a. formal, precise, ^-c. v. Stiff. HT^Nt^Tr fh^T^- ^'mr^r-Ac. TR^rff^^ fi'?7i=^-&c. ?fraqrEfr, ■■jTi5''ST^=qr, 7b STAiicn, t'. a. V. N. ^^r^"^, ^^c/.-^s;^ m.-&c. ?ir^-qi'^'il. Starched, /j. rtJi(f a. v. V. ^^ f^rtT^rjr, Ac. <}i?yq^T, I. See Stahcii. Stahchxess, SiARcnEDNEs.'?, n. V. A. »|<441il ViFj m. TR- 2b Stage, v. n. lool-fi.vedhj, gaze. V^.f. a i 4 ^-r?T?=T TTS^, S^T'TTRof or ?t^^^ TTfiJf, 515: =rP55-T?lSrT-&C. qr^oj,^?:- :p-2^H^-&c. "TTf "if, ?^, ff'Z 7;;. pX. ST^Rof. Stahe, :?!./.«(/ Zoo^. 7j^.f, V. ?rnr, ?jr, arf^nq^/. 'i^P\^' Staeeb, «. Staei>-o,2>. a. v.V. e:^ ^ nu i ki , z^ ?n^ qTfJTr- TT, ir^ crra^ 'Tif'JrRr, &c. arf^HT^, arf ^ ^ m Nr-tYqft. Siaeisolt, adv. v.Y. 5^ J^Tf ^, 5R ^fra^, &c. c^^^ or ^f, ZT.^^orw.J.,Z^JWJ. Staek, a. pure, mere, thorough. ?J5,%5f=T or 51, f^yirl^jif?-. 2 See Stiff. Staek, crify. entirely, vtterlj, v. '\\^uollt. am^,%^ol, ?:?, Staelikg, «.— the bird. ^^J m. ^vi.^^ or ^f. 5|tTf^^/. Stabet, a. of or belonging to stars. FTR^f^, &c. ^J^'Sf, 3TT?T. 2 abounding Sfc. u-ith stars. ^r^f^T^, cTRRT^, ^^'^^f^^l- S. firmament, v. Heavex. H^^ «. ?f?T^S~I «. ^"ir- c5 «». gTn"JT w. S. hoist. *riTor m. ^^f^T'jr »i. g^iTJi »i. [jtrot. To Start, v. n. have a twitching, tjv. =qJT^'jf, =?m^/. 'R'l- 2 startle, shrink back. 5^^ or ^^PF^, STJfut, l^^iit, 8 commence a journey, v. To Set out. RT^Tot, ^'T'jf, ^TM -^=rrrr-TsfRrr-ci-c. fr^?r, ?5^^5J^Ffr, :f # 51- Statjted, ;>. V. V. A. 1. 5^+.«irf«T, f3n+|5l"^?5T, ^^JHTSrSr, 2 3<4«lrJrir, &c. 3b Startle, f. •». draw hack, v. To Start. ?5pF^ or ^=5T-Tfit, g^iiif, I^^r m.-&c. sfHof. 2l» Startle, v. a. impress with, sudden fear. %'^^^^ or ^^■ Startle, ?j. sudden fright . ^^J m. S^TPF m. q^^p/ tR^/. Startled,/), r. V. A. i^*cl3?fT, ^fT^^?5?5r, 5^=fl=5c5T, &c. Startler, n. STARTLisOj/^.a. v. V.A. S^^fi^oTKr, "^^^oriTT, •<^egr-5^^r-&c. sfH^OTRT. [Tn?r/. Staevatton, n. v. V. N. 1.— «;aie. S'TTHitt/. ?TT?T m. 3T^r- V. V. A. l.~act. 3-^Rt^, sh^. [ ^?5JT5i?t/. Statement, Stating, n. v. V. 1. — act. +r^M«)Kf^^ «. &c. 2— dcif. ^rfiof «. T^f5 ?Tfn^ w. &c. f^q^^r «. ^'. High s. m\r\A m. f. 5 ( on a railway ). Z\^ n. ?^?RT n. 2b Station, t». a. appoint to the occupation of a place; place, set, 5^, SRf^or, 3"»TT-&c. ^RW,f4+|U<|N<-5F«?T^-&<^- STA 827 %pr'Jf-'fT^of-%HtJr^/.-&c. :RJ'41il<-&c. ^Tr^?;T. Stationer, ;». seller ofjpajicr, c^r. ^.X^^^^ f^^'JIKT, ^FT?^- Stationery, n. paper, ink, i^'c. ^FFT^^rft fef^n^^ ^TTTPT n. Statistic, Statistical, a. relaliuy to statistics. ^^Tft^lfrT- Statistics, n. domestic economi/, social condition, ^'c. of a people or country. '^^Tl^s^f/- %5Tft'4f?Tftf^5T=FT'JI «. Statuary, n. image-carving. ^[T\ ^T^'jf «. &c. "TrfcE^oft/. 'Tfri + iUI n. 2 image-carver. Prf%-q?rar-&e. ?3T^0TRr-^0TTTT, HTrPPTT. Statue, n. jran^e. Hf^/. Jft^r m. ( owrf^rf^ft/. ) ^^?JT >». ( ^f^/- antf atr^a n. ) irffraTTr/.^muT/. Stature, n. natural height of the bodi/. t(}^lJ^-'^^y^-&e. Of g'racel'ul s. ?jfnr5'H'+,_ To be of short or low .s. H#/. STJft 'jT^^ y. oft. ^r- st/- ^^-5nafr-&c. a^^iif g. ofs. To be of tall or high a. j|-/. 3T>T5iTNt 3T?fot ^. of*. Statute, n. rule, regulation.^ v. Law. =fjr^^ m. vTr«j?iT m, ^R/ ^^?; «J. ^^^ 3T"T?5 m. f^^^m. ^^X^ n. Statutory, Statutable, a. enacted ly statute. ^Fr^KTT^, State, n. ( of wood ). ^^f. 2 ( of a song, &c. ). ^PSsf «. [Trs^. ! To State, «. a. ( a cask, &e. ) "Frsof, a^rs «• Z^^., »fr^ ». 2 off; See To Delay, To Ward. To Stay, v. n. remain, continue. ^T^iJf, ZX^, ft^OT, ?rn^, 2 stojj^ stand, n^^, 3'HlTT^q-, ^Ti^'Tf, 5^aT, 'foft/. fF'TT^TO. ft-T;!^??!. FmT^m. -H^f^ii^/. 3i5RiTr^«. arfw^ ;;. ?f?' 3 and Eesieence. TJ^^n. ^f?ot;i. ^tjoiqfj/. ^\z^Zf. ifi. •nrrm. cfrwo^rw. f*;!^'? n. Temporary s. irq^TTwi. I. ro^e tj-c. ?o steady. 3iiJr»«. frm^Tw. II. V. Prop, Suppoex. ftRrw. ailsninM. ?r.-(TT^';i.-Ac. zpi with ?Tr cr ^ or with WX ofo. ^m ?".-^'irf?5r- To become steamy, aud thus fit for seed — the ground. I. steam vessel. 3TT1^F^/. ( from 3TFT fire aud ^\Z the native form of loat ) has become familiar. cfT^^ TJSWfT «.-&c. Steatite, ?t. soap-it one. ^\^J. ^st/. Steed, m. v. Hokse. qt?T m. etf^ hj. g^ir w. gW^T m. Steel, n. #r% rfj. 'Tt^lt^ »■ fH^i? m. ^t?^T^ ot. 2 fig. V. "Weapon. |?qTT «. ^^ «. [ 31^. Steel, Steely, a. made.^ S(c. of steel, frr^qr^, ^^ITT^T, ^- 2b Steel, v. a. mahe hard or ohdilrate.'^\^-^^-^^^\^l^ -&c. ^^, ?r ^%?rr ^'jf. SXEEL-TAED, n. 3[5E?/. Hoi Vl. Steep, n. awejif, v. Hill. 31R /. ^pfT »». ^'^IZf. ^V^f.m^ f. ^tn^f. ^ »». a'Tf^ m. ^MS^f. Steep, a. ascending or descending with great inclination, pre- cipitous. H^regrsT^r^T, 'T»--^rET5T=5rT,3WTr ==r5m^i ^3^- siift^r, 3>"qT§5Dr^r, 3Tii?5=qTr^, ^st^^^jit, jps-qr^fT, To Steep, v. o. macerate, t.To Soae. f>T^rff>T^ ^T55^, f'Tr ^^"^T, *ft jI/. ^pfif g. ofo. Steeple, n.s;)!Ve.g3^rOT. (fiOT.^^Tff^/. goS^^TP^r f?T^T «. Steep.ness. n. V. A. ^irqutT m. g5!;%q!iTTw.3'JTr5T5 w.^qTSSlOT. SlEEB, w. yo«)i^ ox. Wl m. qriT ?«. "Tt^^Tot. 3^T3%i=5 ?». To STJ.v.Vi, V. a. guide bg the helm. ^5pPJ^-§^r«.- Erf?reT OT.-&C. jp^of ^. 0/ 0. [ sm/. Stench, «. v. Stink, ^mf. ^^f. fnV ?». aTR^M or ^- STESoaEAPHT, «. s/(0)-< haiidwriting.^^n ^¥{t\^\ fr^^'Jm^ f\f^f.-f^{f.^T^m''flUFS^f^f^^^^.w.^nf^^jf. To Step, v. n. place the foot on the ground in mocing. qrq w.-TsfcT^T »«.-q^q-m w;.-&c. W.l^. To s. unequally, qiq- m. pi. ^W.m "73^ 5'. cfs. 2 ^^•a^^• « Z/^i'^e distance. ^RqTJ^-^sfRTT^^-^R ^qT-&C, 'IT?I^-=En^ ^^-=5TT^ ^^.| ^^, ^JTT^. 3 back. Y'^1 'TTcftHr't-&e. ?RCTi-HT^5r-&c. 4 forth or out ; come forth, qi q'CTf-frot, ?f^^OT, tf^^R- or, ^pc^^. 5 out ; ^afe Zajye steps. qT3vc? n.-qPT m.-kc. ^'^^FJ'jf, ?ri^ qr^^ «. ^^"Jt-HT^^, H-^JF^-H^qr?f5f4t-&e. =^wj^. Step, «. placing of the foot in moving, pace. qi^STc^ n. qRr^T 9?t. ^p^H «». ^^^T\ m. q^^^w «>. q^^r^^q m. q^sf?^T »». t- sffn^T m. ^zp^^ m. q^qm «;. ==TT^qT?r m. At every s. qROTTTET^t, T^iq^i", !Tf?iq^. Silent aud stealing s. =^[^r3>?5 »!. Step by s. q^^T t. [ qT3;?5 «i 2 ( iu danciug', fencing, &c. ) cast of the foot. qR'^T m, 3 S2"''"e measured ly a step. qr^Jff n. qT?fc5T ?«• "f ^ »«. sin/.%n/. 4 hold for the foot; stair, round of a ladder, ^c. qi^T'/. qRHFT m. qR-T^T »«. qm?T W' qi^^f J«. qRTST »«. "Tmr m. ^mfif. ^\^Z^?[ or qr^rsorr/. ^Iq^r w.— as notched on a j tree, down a well, &c. qr^r^/. ^\^1\ m. qTSTST'JTT m. j Flight of steps. f^T ot. -^ or f^S*^/. ^Trqi^T «. 1 5 gradation, stage, degree. q-y^Rt/. q«IRT ?«. First s. or stage. ^^^ =erT': n. Step-brothki!, «. slep-mollier'n son. HI^^HI^ »>. ^VJt^^ m. ^^]^ m. qHr%?T m. SxEP-cnim, n. child acquired with a ivife or husland. qf^- ^T q^-3T^?^T ^^ ^F. n.%W.t. ?«.-£ c. f^T^sm-Tf'':T^aT-&c. >SiEWARD, M. manager of a household, S;c. ^'C^R'jft, ^RTpft, Stewardship, n. office, &;c. of a stetcard. ^K'ii'ClM'Jii »». =FRHr=^r^ WW n.-&c. r^^pjifnft /. 3T'\ m. Sticks and straws. WJZ^^X^^^^m /■ pi ^FW^ m. -^Pq- 3 ( of an umbrella, fan, &c. ) ^f st/. 4 ( for beating on tabors, &c. ). f^qOf/. fZ'J^, n. fzik n. 5 stab, V. Thrust. i^Tt /. %W^^ f. Stickiness, n. y. A. f^^^qorr m. f^^oTT'JTT m. f^'f.F^Pf.H q- DTT m. fq^^trr/. fq^rf/. fq^^^t'iF/. fpqq^q/. To Stickle, v. n. contend for persislinglg, v. To Insist. 37r- 3frf5 q^'n, afi?^ «. qcfr, Htsof, qr^ »!.-ct^Tn:/.-&c. h:- Stickler, n. Stickling, p. a. y. V. anqf qmrn, 3T? q^- OIRT, 3Tf5;q q^^TTO", qf^ ^P^TITRT, 3^1^^, STncqqrtt, 'AT- fqrqT, ^r^PTTtt. Stickling, n. v. V. — act. srm^ q^W «. ST? q^^ «. &c. 3TI- q^ m. arifqqr^ ?n. art^/ ^^». To Stifle, v. «.v. To Suffocate, To Choke. ^Hw.-»;rM »». -&c. qjif ot-=F'r|^ TTRot, ^FtsJTR w.-:pf3T?Rr OT. ^fm g.ofo. 2 fig-, smo/hcr, &c. v. To Suppbess. ^iJf, fn^ui, f?q-. SilGMA, n. wacA- of in/ami/, v. Stain, sn »i. ^c5^ »». ^PToE- 5f€t/. q^T^JTil/. =FTS »). fli^?5^ «. ^fJT n. ?rm »». 3^JPT »»• To SiioiiATizK, v.a. set a mark of infamy on ; Irand. 3FTm.- JF:?5^ wi.-?lf=^^Fr n.-&e. fJI^T'S, 3'^^r m. 3EfSTiiiuLATiN0,7». a. V. V. 1. %?i^uTT^, ?%- ^STF, ^^TRT, ^tT^, ?^^?r-&c. JprTf-^r^-&c. Rt?3T^=P. 2 See Stimulant. Stimulation, n. t. V. l.—act. ^r[^u\ n. 3%^^ »■ ^^Tq^ «. ^T^ ?i. sfir^l^^ n. 2 %FI^TSf5?r «. %?I5TI^f5/. [ ?(t"T^ «. Stimulus, n. something that rouses to action. ^^^ n. ^■ To Sting, v. a. pierce icitJi a sting, j^of, J^or, =;fR^, 'ifnt /.-&c. JTROT, \V pop. t^ or t^ m. JR^-ITT^, S?T^«. ^^^ —fiercely and eagerly, as inusqiiitoes,gnals, &c. '^'JI'^- tjr-=qijrqDTr-&c. To!T, ^ireraj, ^^i^r, ^rr^^s:, ^rre^r, i^^t. STI 831 STO To Stint, v. a. limit, restrict. ^\^]€\^K-^ff.fHr^\^K-^Mm'[m- &c. TT^CTi-SsroT, HT?fT^=5Tr-^^^ or Hr^?RT-HMB^-&c. ^ijt, ifp=n^/.-iT?Tfer/-&e. ^?:oi-5=Tat, cjTTSJr 7/i.-3TTotrqtqr »n.-&c. ^C^ ^of-q[=5'if. 2 ( the belly ). qpT h. ^fq-or-HT':^, ^TTT^T »». >% w-i^Z. SxiXT, 71. limitation, res/ric/ion. ifrcfT^/ ^^TrTT/. aTf^TT »«. 3Tr55T5rf':Tr m. n^hjf. ^\^srfm n. 2 quantity assir/nctl or aUowcd, v. Allowance. jtrTT^/. SlIXTED, p. T. V. 1. HRTTfN'C ?T^%!=ir, H^fT^rl??!^!, 3^T55r- Jrnr, €^-&c. :FTTf-qFPft-&e. Stipulation, n. v. Y.—act. sft^t ^^ ". STsi ^T'n w. Ac. I. agreement made, v. Agreement. ^\^ J. sfPT^ ot. sp- ^ m. ^%?r M. Sb Stir, v. a. v. To Mote, ^^q^, =q-T?J^^, ^TR^, ^R^iif. 2 about or up ; — as to mix or separate. ^JTT^^iJf, ^^5I0T, «n^, ^rssar, ^^of or ^p^jtct, 3tt^^ o>- arrars'iJf. Instruraeut ( stick, spoon, &c. ) of stirring about. Matter ( grain, &c.) to bo stirred about. sTRiir n. Stick with a cloth at the end to s. grain in parching. ^l<*u|| m. ^T^Sy n. 3 up ; instigate, v. To Excite, To Ihcite. %rf^CTr, %^q^, ^ar^^r^, 3%7r^ n.-&c. w>i^g. ofo. To Stie, v. n.\. To JfovE. psor or ^Mot, H^^^r, ^Ruf, f^, ftf^^ «fy. co?i. fsJT/. JR'jf-^r'if neg.con. ^^VfM. 2 be in motion, he acting. xfT?5aT^ %^, ^]3rj\-&c. 3T^ot- Sun, «. V. Bustle, Tumult. 15^3/. |?5/^=qT?5/. qRr«rH STin-ABOUT, n. — the dish. ^TT^/. qprs w. ^?T »«■ ^TC"! n. SriERED,;). V. V. A. 1. ^Fj^k^A., =qr?5^sr. 2 ^mk^, ^?r5f%?5r, &c. 3TrrJtf5?f. 3 %?T^3RT, %T?q^7?5r, &c. 3%f^rT. [ &C. (EiiEEEE, n. Stieeino,/). o. y. V.A. 1. ^RfJTRT, ==?ra^TTTT, 2 ^TMifOTRr, SJT'Z'JTRT, &c. 3 %?f^tc. ^%:»T=T n. if-jr/. V. V. N. 1. ^OT «. w:^ n.&e. \^,=^W^jj. '^^.^^F.^ pop. '^.^^^r:\ n. ^RSra/. Stirrup, n. iron ring for a rider's foot, f^?{^f. frqfT'ft or ft%5ft/. ( or ■pCTR & ft-I^Rft ). Stirrup-leather, n. lT+n»)'iP> or ^Rie;T?5 »i/. fc^T^^TTfl/'. To Stitch, 1;. o. sew slightly, v. To Sew. ^r^or, ?i^r or ^- SxiTcn, n.^aM o/ZAc needle. CT^ >n. ZF^ «. Double s. ^^^RT m. [ ?RT '". Eunning s. JHIsO'I »«• VHHI^RF m. VTR^H »». iTKTT 2 s^ar;; /ja/zt j'n the side, c^'c. |q;/. qrq^/. 3^ot/. qr«i- SxoccADE, Stockade, n. harrier made leilh stales. k^^TZ m. S^^FR m. [ ^15 n. 'HR »/i. Stock, n. main lody of a tree, Sfc. t. Trunk, ^tl >». 'Ess, Stoicism, n. freedom from passion, indij'ercncc io pain or pleasure, %[^m. jfeT^TTwi. Jf^TT^riw. spTTT^f- ?Tr^ m. ^mnTHTf^T/. 5^.T^ n. ^^T?fT?T n. ^X^■^■ gfiOLn. See Eohe. SiOLF.>-, 2). V. V. A. =irr57r ^%?JT, &c. ^RT^T, =^rd^T. tSiOLiD, Stolimtt. Sec Stupid, Stupiditx. SiOiiACn, n. — in an.ilouiy. ^T^T ««. TJ^«. "f[5n. ^^n. 3t- ?r^ »^. 3T^^5|T m. 'S{^nv^ m. ^^^^ m. armr^T m. Clearing or cleareduess of s. and bowels. "Pt^^f^/. Pit of the s. JTf&iqr 11. Weight in the s. ( as of food ). ^^ m. "With or upon an emiity s. ft'Fr'^^ "Uff', 3T?f?T% or ST^f^ia; or ar?!^ "fiff. To stay on the s. f^T'RTOTr-f^THnift^r-f^^'iIT ^Z^. A full s. loathes the honcycon.b. H^ "ft^ ^^ EFf . [ ^T m. 2 swellii'ff., &c. V. Peide. ^55 m. ^^T^f fTTST m. ^il/. To bring down the proud s. of. K^?«. Hrfot or grf?^. o See Appetite. To Stomach, v. a. swalloiv indignanlhj, fig-, t. To Beak, qt- ?r ^T^oT, fnsttff, fqijf, f^^rir ^"^, f^TT^rot. To be stomached. p?r?;5T, ^h^, T^^^. iSiOM-iCiiic. a. of or lehnf/inr/ to tie stomach. ^S-qt'Tr, ^- e^rref^T, &c. 3Tvi^"r^^srqrt-'N''7Jr:fj, &c. ^?rT5T. 2 sirenrjlhening the stomach, t. To:mic. '\\'^^., ^'['P, 3T- .S'TOMACnic, «. — the medicine. TT^^.m. ^V^V^'^ n. ^^^n. SlO.VE, n. ^lm. qr^T »». TT'TTOT w. ■RtST o»- 5ET/. ^^ot. T- ciR »». 3T3JTTW. sr^T m. TsfrT'P?; «. Black s. or rock. EprSiiTT^Tf m. ^FRiTT^rfST «». Building of hewn s. V^X^f Eifloreseence ( through moisture ) from s. qiTfTJ^ n. Hewn and shaped s. f^x\ m. Huge s. or mass of s. qts/. ^5/.^"T/. L.arge, flat, smooth s. to wash clothes on, to sit on in ablutions, to bruise pepper, &c. on. "TT'. 2 — in medicine; motion, v. Puege. ^W.m. ITlgrin. Loose s.v. Puege. l^^isV". f ^^t/^ TJTq??rT KTCOTRT, &c. To Stop, v. a. maJce to stand or le still. :jvj\ ^^, f^-TW', '^Tf^iof, ?R /. qj^^, fT?:'Jf. Stop, Stopping, Stoppage, n. t. V.N. 1.— s/a/e. g'TT ^n. g'Tr TT?^ w. &c. ^^^f. s'-rtt »»• if^rgn ««. nfTf^T m. 'fl^m^ n. 'ifR / TTTTIT »». fsTHT »«• ^drf /. f?r|fTT /. ^g;-7 m. ^55 w. H^TTT '/«. %q/. •JT^r^ /. A\'ith stops aud pauses. ^r|"^Ug"^. "Without s. or pausing. =q5in qy^CTTPrffr. 'i— state. ^vi.-^\ m. i^^ f. T. V. A. I.— act. S'TT ^.l^ n. vn^PT^ n. Ac. iPT^H^T n. ^^^ 11.— a. or s. qflTHI m. »T^*a*r wi. 553H «l. ifrlVT- 2~act. ar^^nr^ «. ^z'K"ii, ntVoig'- ot, qm?^f?i-ctc. qT?ot-5iT?jar, ^rsT3T w.-q^c w.-rqTf^- ?€r«.-&c. ^Rur^. ofo. Stumble, Stumbling, n. v. V. N. 1. 3T5^f5HTf >i. 5=q5sar ?/. 5^ or 5^/. Z\^f 3T5iHotuil/ ?^jT?I^ «. Stumblf.b, ?(. Stumbling,^;. «. v. V. N. 1. stst^tIutttt, a^f- Stumblixg-block, Stumbling-stone, Stumbling -place, n. ai5^T3'JT/. a=rs^^ »«• 3T1^3e n. Stump, «. (of a tree or plant );Mr< remaining in the earth. g? tn. g^T "'• '''''I. ?f^T/- g^T «. g?T^ «i. ruMpy, a. sJiort and thick, v. Stubby. f^ifF, IJ, ^Z. 2 s/(or<, reduced to a slump. VRF, j^, ?^?r. '" To yiCN, V. a. male senseless ly a How. 5[^'TfSr-iT|TCT%-&c. ^rErK-^f^-3T%rPT-&c. ^?^, 3TT^Tm'?J%'T-&c. SR^. 3 nmil-e rf'z^.y f>i/ noise, overpotrei- one's hearing, deafen. il1^-&c. ^Rtjf , ^TT^ >M. pi. ^-&c. sj^EfiJi y. f>/o. cJTT^fT^^-^- To be stunned. ^rRZ^\ or $ n. pi. or sqT/. J}1. ^^'^ Stuso, p. Y. V. s^FTJsr, Ac. ^?r, ^. Srn.vxED,;). v. V. 1. sl+^m^' Mw^^ %?5?5T-5rR^r, 3TTq^r?fH- 2 ^m "Pll^r, !pPT55?t sm^r^PTT or ^^Pi^^A. Srux>-EE, 51. SrusNiNo.p. «. v. V. 1 JhF^TH ^m^^ ^"TRT, 2 q^ "FUuiKi, jpH5^ ^r^^roTrtr, &c. Stunning' noise. ^TfI^ «>. T<3 Stcnt, «. a. hinder from growth. 'tedk£S3, n. ^|^"'^aTr ?». &c. To Stupe. See To Foment. Stupefaction, n. stupid or torpid state, v. Stupob. ^_^f. nift/. ^3/. »TT^ «. jfrf m. q^r^T^'Jir «». wf ftw «». Stupefactite, ff. Stcpefiee, m. Stupefying,^. «. v. V. ^3T?PF, Ht|^, ^^r^F, jf^q^T^. SxCPeiied,;;. v. V. §7 %?I?IT, 31 %?5?^, &c. jn, q;?,3"^,%- f*r?T, ^fn^f^, ^i"i-,hH, ^?tHrr,rTrt5r^?j??T or cth^^jjt. To be or become s. 'jim, "PT .ic. ^m. To Stupefy, f. a. male stupid, d'ull, senseless, Sfe. nt\-\i^-&c. ff^'ra'T OT.-&C. !j;<^y. 0/0. Stupendous, a. v, "Wonderful, Lahoe. xf^>T^ 'TrS'iTRr 3T- ^, STT^q^PTW, f^»:Hi|^R^-^:T^. ' " [ 7\]f &c. Stupendousness, n. v. A. ST^FiqTJnw.^Tr^TTTT/. f^^H^PFTT^- SlUPID, a. dull,doltish, heavy ofunderstanding.^%-i{^ ^^"^ ^, 37=5f^, fTTffj, ^^ff?', 375^^5, ^3T^jr3T?r, ^, ^s^rf^r, '^^1 1'^i 'irrr^?;, vrTP7?;^Tr,"%?5J,"^T^,^'tF5or 55, ^'f^"^, =SIT, 3TriTT53TT, ^I-5TT, ^J'^^-, 'i\\A or rjTT^s^T, 'jTsTT^, ^R?- ^1 ^f?fl^-Tf^?T-Ac. irqr^E, q?TToft, gift or yqr, n^, ^>Tm, S\?jFfT or fqT,%ft, iTTi?>^ or JTTTfB or nnpst, 5rf5 2-as under sleep, iutosication, &c. nq, 5^, g^, ^5 Stupidity, Stupidness, n. v. A. 1. ^^^'^] "^V^^ in.--^^^\ Vi. &C. vT57^ ?«. ^IR^f?/. JT^fi/- HSHirr/. ^SHfH^: ^?T^5/. Sr^ff?/. ^\^^ n. KJJfFfr/. m^q n. rrt/. ^f. g wt/. Stupoh, «. torpor, stujiefaction, suppression of sense. '4tl f. n^ft/. ^j^f 5rfq/. gtqor/. 5fm/. jtt^''^ m. H?5/r%:r- n\^ m. ^iT »rt. f f^q^^T m. ^f^^STITwi. Stuediness, «. V. V. A. ^isti^ qsq^quiT w>. ti\-T>tp7ii «. nsf^qorr »». &e. kt^^^ «j. Stuhdy, o. rolust, lusty, ^^-c. v. Stout, Steono. ^z^K., qrr- ^f?5T or ^f r, tr5T<=?^,yr^f'M or iTfiiTOTinsf, n5T^,'^rinT, ?fT3T, f cqr, Jpol^^T, q;fT, T^R:, 5^^ or a;?TT, tTK^^. To Stutter, Stuiteeeb. See To Stammer, Stammerer. Sty, m. (for l)0},^s). |'^^T?rT?«. ^^K^rrsr?". 2 /iKMor «M the eyelid, it'l^^^^fif. 3Ttf?r"Jfl'/. 3Tt^?:^/. To Stye, «;. «. |^iC^TR?rf?r-|^Tr5^f?f ^k^. Stygian. See Infernal, Hellish. Style, «. particular manner, air, mode, ^'c. ^Tnjfty. H'ft/. ^v€\f. vuz^f ^x^f. v(x^f.'o;^orz\ir[f.-?iz^j. "^f.z^^f. Tf?r/ HT?/. 5Fft/. "Tqfq OT. ^r^/. g^/. q7T5T«!. ^mi. sq/. ^/. |f^/. 2 particular manner of writing or speaking. 5TrfeT«. Styeax, See Storax. SuAsivE, &c. See Persuasive, &c. Suatity, n. softness.^ cfv. (of manners or speech). r[\^^^'^vum. Subacid, a. moderately acid, stmnof, arN^S, H^^T'^, Subaltebn, n. ^T?nW?y^T 37T?IdRff!.-qnTr>TTO'!. Subaltern, a. ^MK=(iri->=ir,^ra^T. SuBAQUATic, Sue-aqueous, n. . ^Hn. ^m. fn^^m. Pi^^r^n. [qr, aTsfl^, Subjacent, a. situated below. ?=TP=r5?r, ^T'^i^^T, 31^-T:f^*T M. 2 that in ivhich any thing adheres or exists. a^fsf^fpruT n. r'jm M.arf^TOr^". sitor ot. afr^TT m. -fl^j-q m. ^■^\^^ m. S. of an iniVrenco. sqrcq' n. 3 ( of any operation or act ). aTT^T^' w. 'flT^'?^^ n. 3T- 4 /o;//f, i/ifwe. ^T.l^ n. ^^ m. ^]'7.f. \k^ n. |?Trr[ m. JT^^ m. ■T^K^ m. «. sr'rfT^ m. ^t'n m. ST^fe/. Sflfr^- q- Hi. Sff?TqT?T ». ?': ) JW-TW Sublimate, n. — white. ^^ijV /;o/j. r??'FT'JTw». Sublime, a. See High. 2 ZoJ7y, cheated, ^-e. Cg. j^, ^, SUBLIMENESS, SUBLIMITY, «. V. A. 2. 3^qt7Tr »». ^I^qOTT «7. &C. ?ri%/. ^t^\f. SI?T^?rT/. JT^rHrtr/. m^??^ «. STPT- ?^>'^ n. [ ^^. SuBLUNABT, a. mundane, y. Eabthlt. »T^=rR>^T, ^^f^l P**, SubMABINE, o. ^K^ffT^TT, ^MijrlGt^T, ^5^rTr^7t n. Ac. ■^T^W^'^.f. '^W- I. See Eesignation. Submissive, a. v. Obediest, Humble, Obsfquious. 3HT^- ?TrT, f5H«ft, ^f^T^T, 5fS[TrTrai^lft,'fl4ltH?ir^tTrr|-,5I?T'^. Submissively, adv. v. A. ««(/ Y. N. 1. ^r^^rXH', ^i;^^::^, ^tjr'^r^, &c."%7^rrT, cff^iRf, V^"??^! 'fl^fPT^Tr^- SUBMISSIVENESS, «. V. A. ^-TlftT>Jrr »l. ^(t'TT'JTT «». aTTfUJ^- To Submit, i\ a. ( with tlic rccip. pronoun ) v. To Obey. 3TTffcr-;ffJTf?r-^%^-Ac. Ti^^-aT^in-^rrrfi', 3TTfrqt35Tn.- 2 V. To Eefer. m'T'Jf, Zl^in, "^^OT. To Submit, v. n. give vp resistance, yield to another. ^^, d.'m-.ui , ^n-Ac. ft'if, HtsFTRT-^^FTm-srrs+iiMm-Ac. ^"Y- 2. V. V. A. 1. ?[fl%c^?5T, ^W?TWTrTBt?r, &c. 2 qftiT f?5ff %?5r, &P. SUBSCEIBEB, 7!. SuBiCEIEING, J), a. T. V. A. 1. ?r^^^IJIRT 2 qfm-Titsr^-&e. fef|TTiT OT.-=TfTr m. • SuB-SHAEEB, n. ql^^sTT fsj-TTnt JTM^Fft, ar^Tf^ft, sjf?fTTnTftprR'^. 2b Subside, v. n. fall to the loitom^ Y. To Settle, si^of, 2 become quiet, calm, stdl, ^-c.Y. To Decesase, To A- BATE. SRT^, qS'jf, ^HT^, f». g^^w «». ^^rur^r «. 3 ^RTT^ »«• ^fR^ «■ &c- aftm^ »«. a?reRr .«. SuBsiDiAEY, a. aiding, assisting, v. Helping. ^JT%^r, 7q- Subsidy, «. fl?V? iw raowpy. "q^Tr5ft-&c. ^TH^ f. q^qr^T-Ac. qn^fT »»• «T^?7T«rf r^q' n. To Subsist, v. n. y. To Be. ar^rrff. 2 le maintained.^ \. To Live. f^T'Trf »J.-^pTRT w.-q^n- v?fTTT «».-qra% «.-&c. =Enc5^ ^. o/s. ^\z ». xfT^crDi--*f^^ q"i?:«. T^^y- o/s. 3 See To Inheee. To Subsist, v. a. maintain, support, feed, qp^tiif or qt^DT, qr^'it, ^■HT^ci, 5TT^iiDf, 5rr|ijf, =5?T^5r5T tfzVA % o/"©. qT?5?r «.-q"tqnT M.-5^qT"7CT m -ecfrf^TSlTf ?».-qFJ:^OT «.-&c. :?;. ?6r y. of 0. ^=^ «J.-qT5r% «.-f5T5rr^ m.-M^n^v; m.-&c. =qT- FIJIOT y. o/o. SuBSLSTED,^. V. V. A. qr^BtTT, qrs^OT, &e. qr^rr, tfffSrrr. Subsistence, n. y. V N. 1. and Existence. arfkqtTT m. 3T- f^fq- n. ^^ n. ft5iif?r/. 2 — state, Y. Living. J^RT «i. qR^j^^fnTT tn. 'T^TT'JT /. q- xfi^q?/. 3'^f^5rt^ »i. sfq^f^qr^ m. ^-jTi^cT ji. 3"q^lq^w. I. means of subsisting, Y. LivELinooD. 3"q^?fTfq'q>r/'. ^q- ^q^ «. OT^sq" n. ^'^fq^/. aTRiqT'jft «• H^FIT m. |?q- qFT >«. ^■q^T'Jr n. [ ^fcpn^, SuBsiSTENT, a. Y. Existent. aT^oTRT, arf^F^fq-f^T?, q^RRT, Substance, n. real being, y. Eealitt. Ftftf n. HrSTT^T w. 2 a real being, y. Thing. q^T'4»>. ^sq- w. q<5 «. pop. ^- ^/ ^^/- 3T*f»». ^^ n. Substances. J^q^lrT n. 3 material, matter. ^ n. -^n. q^«. JTrfcT^M. v;^- ^n. JTfrr/ q^ »«. 4 essential or material ^art, y. Essence. ^TRT^Tm. ^T?«». «. nHwj. rrfqT'4 m. 5 f.s/ff/e, jreo?//;, Y. Peopeett, EicnEs."^{qTT m. qqfT/. SITB 81.5 sue One's wliole s. ?I^?^ n. Stjbstastiable, a. v. V. siffim<^NI^3?tnT- ?rR^r-&c. :?f?RT- SuESTAKTiAL, o. having sulstance, actualli/ exisfin//, v. Eeal, Tuue. Hf%H?r, 5r?5«H, 5T[53f%=F, =fTO^, "I^^TTfT- 2 having much sulstance-^ solid, stout, thick, (.^'c.\^^P[^^ ■^^r^T^ftT, ^^^, ^^?r, ^«5K, 5555"^^, ?3H, ^r^, vnr^j, >TEgiT, 51^^???;, 5T"3T, Jr^fT, 5[^, Sf^oS, 3^^, ^5^^, tTi^, ^sftf , ^"TT^, ^Tn;, qr?sr, ^5r:, ^rift^r, st^^. 3 — of houors, &c ; not hollow or fallacious. =hy<^K, ^K- 4 wealthy, resjsonsille, T. Eicn. 3TH?TT, ST^'ft'T or ^IT- ^fT, |*f|Kt?T, loj^, ISxlT, JTR^, f^^7, s^t^=^R, f^^OT or f^sgcrr, 555-15, ^SR^, ^^T^JT^, ^T?!^^ %'^^T^, ^rft^ir- A s. mail. ^Jnr^-qv^ q^, 3^^ ^5 cfn;f «. ^T^, 3T^- ^^, rfMf5 ?!. FTffT^cC n. 5 See Matekiai. [ 3T'^-TlALlTr, 11. T. A. 1. cI]W^t=f «. Sfr^f^iqpf-T «. m^ n. ?1tTT/. sfF^^TTfT/. 2 sraT^oTT m. wn^V^uij m. HigJTqTrr m. &c. q?T| /. ^- 3 37r?!qTiir »». ^w »». ^r «;. «. ?[r^?rT/. 4 ^JT^fTTFTTuir »«. nsf^TtriT m- ^*5RqTJTr m. &c. ^^T^^ft lb Substantiate, v. a. evince, estahlisli, v. To Peote. ^fH- qr^, 5^?off. q^^JT ^, ^TT-^?^-&c. ^F^DT-^CH sirf, 5^- Substantiated, ^j. v. V. !Tf?r7T^%?5r, ^^^5 fcr?|?5T, ^3^ ^- SuBSTASTiATER, n. Substantiating, p. a. v. V. STfrim^iulKI, Substantiation, «. v. V. — art. srfrfqRoj «. ^r^^zp\n. &c. Substantive, n. — in gram. y. Noun, ■pf^iuq' w. ^?I/». ?5_^iTcn/. 3 5iTft^qtirT M. g,^T?Tr/. ¥r?>^ «. I. — in au ai-o-umeut, &c. nk n. Subtle, Subtleness. See Cusni.vo, &c. To SuETBACT, V. a. take from. qJI^jt, JfJR^, %5t_ 2— in arillimctie. ^U% ^?;'Jf-^FW, 'TI^, ^T «. ^?;jt, 5T- ?R n. 5ECot, sr^ ^K^ot-Ti^'iiT. Subtracted, /J- V. 1. ^r^J^?5r, ^?1H?^, &c. 2 sfT^ %?5?5r, &e. ^^r, sq^TKpSJT. Subtracter, m. Subtracting, ;).«.A'.V.1.5FT5-CTXESS, JJ. V. A. ^feTHrir/. 3T^q1%^ROT.fH?lf^^R»!. I SuccoEY, n. endive. ^preH^/. i SuccouB, To Succoun. See Help, To Help. I SuccuLEKCE, n. V. A. ^^iR-qqiw. ^^HfeTJTTw. ?i?:^fir/. I SvccviEt^T, a.jnicg, sappy. T^T5!,T^H€,7^'TfTrr, ^W, ^?T- STT^, ^B^, im^']^ or ^fm, ?i^H, ^^^R, a^raT, Tfl»rq, Young and s. ^T^ST. To be s. ?:?I^?IDT. To Succumb, v. n. t. To Yield, To Submit, g-f^or, 51101, c^ij^, ^q^ijf, ^^n. pi. Z^ g. ofs. ii«. ^iJt -J^ICTTCTi Such, a. of this kind. ar^T, 3TO3T, f^T ^T?f|=5TT-iI^Rrqr-&c. 3TB?qT ^mt=^T-&c. i^^T, ^?IR^T. 2 of thai kind. ?T^T, ?IH?JT, rf^^^T ^r?ft=qT-^^PRRT-Ac. fqr ^Rfr^T-5T=FRmT-&c. f^^R^r, rlT^^T. 3 — in specifjing a person or place of a certain kind. 3IJT^, 3T5^, q)?JTxnT. S. as. ^R^r. Such-like. See Such. To Suck-, v. a. draio in with the mouth. ^^^., =^^^ or ^^- of, ;f q^^-'^t^^-c^ c. qirr, ^6t, cTtsr^arrs^, jq^»». qxfr y. 0/0. =EriT"'.-^['!i'Ji«.-&c. ^^irf y. ofo. A cliild's coral or sucking- stick. =^>paft/. =5TT^ift/- 2 (tlie breast or teat, the dam, &c.). alitor, r«i. =€^mn. ^'I'sraT". i Sudden, a. happcninr/ ivilhout previous notice, unexpected, it. \ ^f?q?f. ;l On a s. *rq;?iTTH. ij SUDDENLT, «(/y. V. A. l^qjRW, ST^f^fT, 3T5rf%?rt, aT^T^^, 3T- j g-^=jq;, 3T^^i, 'fl^f^TTT, srq^^irrgi, ar^m^, ^wrftFT, ^^- ?T^T decl. Suddenness, n. v. A. ar^PT^TiTT m. aTsf^^T'JrT «!. 'flT^- SuDOEIFIc, o. causing sweat qrfT aTr'TOTTTT, ^T?t=7^, ^^r- SuDORiFic, n. medicine to cause sweat, ^m .•flfuiuqr^f '^\^- , q- n. ^^;t ?^. js^rtt^^ ^PT'iT «. [ OT^oft «. | Sdds, n. water impreT^ J». HTT wt. 2 and Patience, ^m^ n. &v. ^^WX^ f- ^^ n. ^^r^n. ?rm/. ^\f^f [ ^"=1 m. 3 "T^^?nfr/. ^^f[Z\ in. f^W-A]^m m. 3TfH'%'iT «». STST^- V. V. N. 1. 5:^ JTPT'Ji «. 5:?3T ^5ot 7(. &c. I. V. Pain, MisEuy. 5:^ n. 5^'^THy>;rTtTm.- ctc. :pfS'rf-5pf|;?r HKiJi, HOT >n.-^fTft/.-cte. ^T^ »TT?TJt, 5pr 5JTK W2.-7J5HRT M.->srmmT'4 -m.-'-^^lWi m.-kc. q^- Suffocated,;;, v. V. ^ ^pfs^HT, ^ T'ffH HH^T, &c. r:- I Suffocatee, M. Suffocating,/?. «. Suffocative, a. v. V. Suffocation, n. v. \.—act. ^qsts^ «. ^^fT TRijf n. ! ^rm^Tsw «.&c. q^i'sHR'". '^rsHm«i. xTrHntrw. wnrrRn j Suffrage. See Vote. ' To Suffuse, v. a. v. To Overspread, e^m^, H'^'ot, nr^'Ji, j Suffused,/), v. Y.o<^m>,riT, ^TT^FTT, s^m. [^^ j Suffusion, w. v. V. — act. o^nrot n. TTiJi «. Ac— f/cj^cs^rfFT I Sugar, n. ?injR or TtT^/. \\ix\f. Some kinds of «ttyar aro ^ra, 'T?5't, N^*^, ?mT, 5^1^, ^ra^.^inT^, f^WTT, ^flT- i ^1 5^^ <"■ 511''^ ^''^'^1 Tm5<^ ^m':- I Coarse a. sugar-cane-juice inspissated, n^ ?;». ni m. i Coarse s. and water. n^'TPJft «. n^^nrft «. , Drippinf^a from newly prepared s. +1*^/. : Fond of B. ^T^^^qr, ifre^. 1 Lump s. ^i\ ^\wj- ^% ^Wf' SUG 848 SUL Pat or ball of coarse s. vpff /. Soft 8. f^fftOTfRy. qst^t mwf. S. -boiler, ^oto^i »;». S. cleaned by wasliing. 'gcTT oj- ^^HT^^/. S. or syrup boiled to cousisteucy. f^^/. S. prepared for confectiouaries. =5?T^'Jft'/. qT^;».T%?». S.-watcr boiled and thickened with flour. 5CT«l/. Stone in soft s. ^ZJVS m. ^^j^VSJ »»• Wooden scraper of s. -i)Y, It. ^t\^mxf. ^i\mf- f^«ft or fTRTft/. SUGAE-CAKE, «. ^H W. ?^ W!. ^ffFTS «. H^^f^/. ^Tg^OT «• J14HUI «. 'J iiji m. Some kinds of su(jar-cane are, ^TfToIT- CF^f, -A'm ^H or HRT, 5^T or q^T. Boiler for the juice of s. ^r^?5 or ^pif^ or ^FT^te/. A cane of s. ^^ »i. 70T%Tf5 n. \^^ m. Head or crop of s. ^T^ or tf|^ n. Hole in which boiled s. juice is inspissated. S^Tsff/. S^ w. ^r^ »«. sr^ m. JTHH" »». Inspissation of the juice of s. iTotirr «. Joint or small piece of s. as exposed for sale. ^TR- q/ ^T^fTT m. [ «TOT w. Juice of s. as sot in tlie boiler to be inspissated. 3T- Juice of s. boiled to the consistence of honey, sUn^. Mass of inspissated s. juice. %? or 'j5JT'^%q'/. Mass of squeezed and dry s. f^TTS or Z or f^I n. Middle portion of a s. K'^^ft n. Morsel of s. smnll lit ( a Joint, Sfc. ). n^ff or nsrft/. ^^T m. :pf^ f. JfTfl «. Pressed s, qiTirr »». Squeezed or chewed s. ^r=rr, ^TE^^CTf^rT^ S. water. ncJipift «. I 2 /oTiii? of sugar. ^RT-TT, iiresir. 2b Suggest, t-. a. ojfer to the mind, v. To Hist, '^^qsrof, . |t^j ^^T^'q?:^, ^=^trT ^SDT or jsot, ^^JTS^ or ^^'^^of, J^^sof , aiErs^fiT, 5':5^'?f, 55^01, g^jji or g;r?r ^i?!^. Suleiness, Sullenness, n. v. A. 1. ^sqtJIT m.^^^m. &o, 2 ^4^;quii m. &c, ^/. s^^ra' ?«. SUM Sulks, SuLLE^•s, «. suUi/ stale, ^m f. ^^Z or J^^«. m. 3T45T m. ^m. To take thcs. v. To Sulk. ^rm^^oT, W^f. ^nfr, g. Z^ or ^^5 Hf^T'Tf, ^^it^ m. q^in, 3=[qra';'Jf, S^S^CT, ^^n?: or ^^^ ft. OT. ^uf-qdr in. con. Sulky, Sullen, a. gloomily dose, morose. J^, 5^^, 5'TT or "'TT, ^f^r or jErj^, HORorr or^o^rr, frtrj'^r, ^■^. 2 eject fd with ill humour, Sf of cross look. fH^?yr, ifr^-T, Sullied, ;?. v. V. 1. JT2:nT^=5T, JT^^ra^, fe^lT^, &c. f^- 2 ZT^kFA., 5PTf5?^-:^r, jp^q? ?iT5ra?jr, Jp^f%rT, ^^3^, 'jt- SuLLiEE, n. Sullying, p. a. v. V. 1. iTcSTr'T'in^r, TSiq-OTRT, 2 IFT f5TJr'JrRT, ^R^^HT^nirrTT, &e. To Sully, v. a. soil, tarnish, dirt. Hci'IHof or TT^^TFfjf, TI- :R:-f5r':^r-T^?f-iTifte-&c. ^^. 2 fig. so(7, sZ/zr, i?o/, ijc. V. To Stain, jpt m. ^ot-firjj-'jf, Sully, n. stain, Hot, ^-e. v. Sluk. :|^ «j. 5PT ?«. t;. sm, SuLPHUE, n. Irimstone. riVsp »«. qr^Tt »». Crystallized s. aT^TcSqinq^ ?«. aTtJ^^ITT m. SULPHUEEOUS, SuLPnunOUS, SULPHUEY, a. i'!:T^r5n", 'f'^^T- ?T, n'tT^Pf^, ntt+lp-=ld, n'tTJ?;5TO^. Sultan, n. gc^FTFT w. Sdlteiness, n. t. A. ^q/. g^qTO '». 3"''TT'iI or ?r n. 3'^PT5T ?n. S'sn"^ »»• 'T^'T^/- 'T^PPT or n^^ ?». S. ( of Autumu ) duriug- the ripening of the crops. Sultey, a. closely hot. 3^=^^, ^ + U^Nr, -d^JIco^l^, T^- To be s. 3^, S'^JRirf, ^'^TS^, T^T^^, T^JTiiT, I^K^, n^'if, 5T3Taf, ?n^'Jif, (or ^^n. cTI^ar ) f^T^^. All these Terbs are impersonal. Sum, n. aggregate, total. tTEJ^aTT^PR w, (Tcjscr^ilfff^jf y. (j^tjf. vtrt/. ^firm/ ^TT/. ^?TT »j. '^t^?^./: nrsrsfftif or 'TTaflipIt^/- 5^TR »>■ %ft3T/. n<3PT n. ^^VJ^ or ^ n. m. 2 substance, amount. ^-JOTPT/. ^t?ft^«. ^TTfaTw. dlr4«f «. ^'4w. ?^fiT^'«T». fti^'4»i'. nH>«. ■>TT'Twj. Pt's^R'T^j. ?rt?Tw!. S. and sub.stance. 'flasf^'^ or ifr^'t^ft^/. dlrH'4V«T m. 3 ( of money ). ^^f^f. 'i figures set for an arithmetical operation. ^rf^T m. f. f^- ^T«T or ^^I^ in. The name of iAe Bule in whicli « «jm» is set, i.s used in this sense, as tTIHT <^ *fl'l|+|< ^TTc5T, fqr?f ^^ noTT'TR %?5T, &e. '■ Sum, «;. a. cast up, add togelhei-. ri|*«iu|', "^^^-^7:^-^- 51 otfy. ^Riif, %ft^ /. ^J^-qoi y. 0/0. 'JRT/. :r^ y. 0/ 0. The summing up & forming' of a graud total of several amounts, rpft^ »•/. 8 10 sr Jt 2 up ; wind vp. 3T?lrT m. ^^7T ?ltnof ^r. o/"©. flt^?«JTIT m. flRT^TW. flRflH^Wf. SuMMABY, a. concise, compendious, v. Beief. ^ ^MN I,^%- 2— procecdiiiir, Ac. ar^T^r, 'jT^T^TTT, 'JT?'??^rf<:rft^, ?f- Summation, 71. \. V. 1. ^^FTT =R^ «. &c. Summed, p. v. V. 1. f*r25r3r5T, ^jq^?: ^S?!T, ^l^ "¥155^7, &e. TTfnnfT. 2 3t€n ^RiTT Wtf?RT%?5T, &c. TTO^H. [ q^?! w. Summeh, n. V. Season. 3^5tT ?«. ^^TsfV/. iftwr w. ?ft«H- Heat or height of s. ^ T^^RT m. SiTMMEE-nOUSE, SuMMEB-SUED, n. ^^ HW Mr f t f. ^(TU^'l/. mm^ n. qq?^ m. S. built in a creek, etc. ^H^n? n. "Water s. ^^c^lT^^ n. SuMMEESAULT, SuMMEESET, n. Zfa/j in which the heels are thrown over the head. #r^ift/. ^Hr^JZ or nr^5 or 5 or ^T^jZ n. m^.rCtf. V. -JTK, ?nf, \ ^KT^f. Summit, n_ t. Top. ff^^K n. 3'"?fT'Tm m. ^ot^ »n. =jr§T/. 2 highest point or degree, v. Hkigiit. q;ar^ »». ^T*TT/ ^b Summon, v. a. call tvith authority, cite. ^^%-&c. ^raFI- ot, ?f%€f-&c. qRTT-T'Jf «. qj^, ^rf|T armor, q'l^^qre- JTiif, ?R^K-^'4l^*HR ^I^m, fTJTiT/ ^R^, "ilSF^u^ Of ^REToi, 'flT^r^'Jr, 3Hi=^H'Jt, 3ii-+-Kui, arppRT «.-&<•. q^oty. 0/0. [ *T. v. V. ?l^ sft^r^T^^, ^<+K^i|l ^-f.i^M' qY- SuMMONEK, «. Summoning, ;>. (7. v. V. tf^JT ^I^T5I, Sf^qj, >T5I- Sumptuously, adv. v. A. 1. »fliJI. HI^ Ht?5 n. «I^_- 107 SUN 850 SUP 2 »T5^/. ^ra^/. Hs^rfefnoir m. Sun, j8. ^jf m. 3TT=frllP(I5T5:?TT m. 3TTfc^ »». Tfif »i. 'Hr?^ »»• %:;T:53T m. ^^X]'^ m. ^^rm^ m. W.n^Vi^ m.—aa persoui- lied, ^KNU| or ^^ ^KNJf , FfoJfTol'jf, A rush light to the s. g^fl^ ^PTS^TT^T, 'J^fj^ ^T^^Tf. Clear as the s. at noonday. qiTnr^rH"!^, ifi7rr?^riT?5. 2 V. SuifSHi>T:. gr?r, ^'^«. Heating or drying in the s. ^^Z or Z n. Heated or dried in the s. ^J^. To get warm ( a liquor ) in the s. ^T'Jl'Jr — to heat in the s. ^PJifat. "Water heated in the s. g'^^oft n. ^7.^^ n. To put in the s. to warm, j-^^ Z^^, To Sun, v. a. :^\^ z^^-^wM, 3-^?i s^iit, ^'7?: n. ?^. Sun-beam, n. ?3^^,(JT m. ^^irqrfT m. ^^ifm m. ^'-^ in. To quiver in water — sun beams, &e. ^^^ or ^otHui, Sux-BLINK, n. gleam of sunshine in rainy tceathcr. f^sTcTT m. SuN-BUBNT, a. g'JTpr ^Fr55=R%^r-^Froi^i%^T. SuN-BIAL, «. ^NN^ n. 5Tf ifsi «. ir?iR OT. SuN-DBiED, a. g-=Tr?f Jrr^^JTT, 37r?rT?2^%\ Sdn-flower, n. — the plant. ^^\^ 5fr5 n. ^T.^t^j m. ?5^^- Hoft/. — the flower, ^i[4>"i n. g[jf^JT^ >». Sus-iuaifTU, SuN-EisE, «. V. Dawx, IMoenin-q. 'J^Tst m. At s. f^^ratRT. Si;k-set, n. V. EvEKiNG. ?J5TW «. m. :fl7^ m. Before 8. %?rTT%fr, %?rT?r^R, %?TT'7€f, fssTHmfr- The period ( inauspicious ) just before s. '^OT'sft' )>u.v-shine, «. g?^ or gj?^ «. -f^if^ or frf*R n. ,3TmTT^^R »«. HH^JT^T^ >«. To SuNDEB. Sec To rAHX, To Divide. Sunder, n. in sunder. st^T^^S. SuNDHT, a. dicerse, several. 3^%^, ^TT^T, 'fl^^ST-TR^, HT^T- Sundries, rolleciiun of various thiwjs. '^ZT.H'^Ji n. VjZX- "RT n. ar^-p?^ «. i;n:^f^A m. ^- SUPER. This prefix is rendered by 3Tf4^,3Tf?T,aTf^^iq',fJf?TT, &c. as will be seen from the words that follow below. To SuPERABOUND, I', n. he very aliindani v. To Abound. ^7^-Vi%^-&.c. 3T?T0T, aif^^/.-^R'TT/.-lf^r'T n.-Sic. aT- ?rnty. ofs. Superabundance, n. x. Exuberance, ji^o^tutt m. a^ftr^T- f /. ■s^Tm'^ m.'^^^^ n. ^j^^ n. arrf'^T^^ «. ^i^^f- ^\\- Superabundant, a. v. Exubeeaht. arf^^, arfrf^TT, arfH?!- To Superadd, v. a. v. To Add. 3fT5^-^R7r-&c. v:ith ^l- Superannuated, a. disqualified ly old age, too old for office. To be s. ?rra55CTr. Superannuation, n. the state ofhcing too old for tcorx. ??[? SIJP iSurERB. a. magnijicenf , (jc. v. ri> 851 SUP rfr, T3^, 5T0C-1J, ^j^^r, H5^, ^r^, 3TTf?7^rfi. .Sl-perbi.t, adv. y. A. ^R^Torr^, jJT^T^, &c- H5^ ^Tr^TT, ?r- aq; JTTC^. [ qsT'tRr, ?f;r?Tjfr. Supercargo, n. fjp>T?rm?55RrF5ft-^qr5'^1R;5Hr^-&c. %^^- .SuPEHClI.IOUS. a. haiigh/y v. PliOUI). K^SfTrJ, fSHT^jI^T^, Hf^^?;, f?»Tmr^r, fH^TT^^R, ^ft^i^n:, ni^it, nra^ar, SrrEiicir.iousNESs, «. v. A. ^^]^ m. t?Kr m. 3TT^iT^r /. ITM »». ^^■^ f. efts «). SCPEREWISEXCE, 11. V. A. ^^^ »J. ^A^'^^ f- 8l'PEEESii>"est, fl. surpassing in excellence, t. Sufeiuoe. q^j^t, 5r^5, ^^>^^. . Scpereeogation, «./;(;r/br;)!fl;trc of more than didy requires. stFTT^rr m. 3rf?Tft^r==T^oT n. srf?tft^r^R m. ^rfft^^r- Supererogatory, (7. beyond irJiat duty requires. Strq'T^TTF^fr, aTfnft^T=q^crTr^r, fir«Tf?Tft^, fJTTTr1%ft^, ^FrTS^TT^ft^. Superexcellesce, n. sq^^ ;!. «r^, «. Jf?;'??!! /. wq^rTH- rfT/. ^q^^mr. Superexcet-I.est, a. very exrellent. ;???;'?, S'fnT, ^^FRT^T, «T^, ?r^«Tg, ^fr^T^T, ?t^??5iH, ^^^., tl^frTH, a^jgrTiT, ^CPEEriCiAL, a. of or lelonging to the supeifteies. ErT=^, ^^^].i sfTfT?^ arfiHr, 5ifi-E, a. ^K 5TTft?p, "PR o?5»T, gif?TB;a:iT. 2 excellent, cjr. aif^rTH, 3^?^^??^'?, q^'lIf^^'H. Superfluity, «. superabundance. aif-M^rf /• 3TfJ#f w!. 3TT- m^^ n. 3TTf?R^T «. ST^friPTTfe'^ )». R^r:^?TTf?(fT?F?IT /. 2 superfluous things. ^V^^i^^i ^'!^ f.-^ixf.-kc. Superfluous, a. more than is wanted, ^f^^, ^iEE>"T, a. ^^'i^.'^. , ■nfJ;r'«T, T^^^^f^. I 2b SupEniHBucE, ». a. V. To Induce, ainror, s^'ic^ sntiiof I xcilh ?R. I To SoPKiiiXTEND, V. a. oversee, ovcilool:, direct with aulho- Ij rily. qr^iif, \^XJ^ f.-'^^^f.-^\^.^\f.-&.c.^\->AV{-l\- jl SuPltlXTENEEKCE, «. V. V.^^^^jT/. '^%\>\ f. qi^lllt/. 5.\7- j SUPERISTENDER, n. SuPERIKTENrEXT, «. SuPERINTESltlN*;. { p. a. V. Y. qr^orr^T, ?,<3^^ ^FToiRr, ^i^h^'th, ^sp^iY 2- |i ^roTRT, i'v:p. ^Tinr or ^inr, ^R^HTR, ^RHFO, 'TT'Tf:, I f?{»^rt5R, ■3Tr«T?T, SR^'anr, \^.^\. \ Superior, a. v. Upper, ^v^\^ ?fwr, ^^ftrtr, ^i^, 3;«-^r«T. 2 /((yZ/rr m ranlt^ office, dignity.^ ^c. 5r»:^qr 3TftiqRm^[, ^tM q^.'fr^T, 5n;% irqfHr, &c. hisf, srt^r, n^T, Rtrr^, j S greater in excellence., goodness, value, ([c. y. Better. I 7^, 3-^^, fRH, grfvT'P, ^T^'^rt, 5R^S, ^H, 4 leyond the poicer or influence of. 3TT«ffT, 3i^Tf, ^T^TI- j Superior, n. one more elevated in rank.^ office, Sfc. ^f\?., 1 2 ( of a monastery, &c. ). ^fT, 'flT«RTn'^. I Superiority, n. v. A. 2. qr^^TT arH?^?; ot. ^R^t ^\f &<•• ^?:%"Tiir «. ^^'mr/. '^^[^ n. 'i:^«. 3^?; »n. ^- ' ^TToCr M. STT^sq'^T m. ^^ or ^^^n. sT^FTT/. i*r<«HT/- i ?R^Tr/ ^^«. To tlisplaj one's s. 3TN?5T •FRS^'Tr m. fJR^Sr. Superlative, a. — in grammar, v. Coxiparison. a^frT^qr- 2 of the hi'jhrst degree, immeasiiralle., Vast .,c^'c. v. Exces- sive. ^Riq^r^T^r, 3TTf«if?T^, TTT ( in couip. ), H^HNHt^r, in comp. Superlatively, adv. v. A. 2. 'FI'ITtO, 'flrir^m or ^. SUPERLATIVEKESS, «. T. A. 2. ^r^^,J^K^■ '-^^^ »■ ^T^''^ "• Supernal, a. t. Upper, EfT^^ir, ^qf^^'^^.. 3;'-Jl>«T. 2 See Heavenly. Supernatural, a. t. Miraculous, Superhi man. ^5r?:?i>- Supernumerary, rt. that is alove the number. ^^^^\^\\T^\, ^T^r, sqrer, arf^^r^P, ^^jr, f;7q»TT^fT^. [f^^- To Superscribe, t-. a. urite on the top vr surface, m fk- SuPERSCRiPTiON, n. Jtritiny on the (op or outside, sf^^r k^ m. ^r^ jr^ m. To Supersede, v. a. set aside, render void, J^r^'T-^^-A "• __^ STTP 852 2 displace hi/ the appcinlment of another. Zj^S JTT tr S. for protection. ^TT'tn'T, ^?;oir5qf. To (.^UPPLICATE, V. a. petition earnestly, hvmlly, S{c. v. To Eeg. :rr^?rr/.-^5TrfY/.-&e. jpTofy. o/o. st^ot, f^^^of, qT?T q^iif^ f^^Z-PH^riMMT w.-fH^frT^n^/.-fK^rl't /.-&c. sfJ^'TTy. o/o. To s. abjectly or er.rnestly. q^rw. T^TTcfr. 2 entreat for, ash for by petition. fJTqFfrH m^nT^nrt^-Ac, HmoT, fcr^?ft/.-S|T*i?IT/.-&c. ^015'. o/o. ?TT=^% stTm^. Supplicated,^. v.V.l. !Tlf'5^?5r, f^^T^r'^c^r, q'Tf^H, ^R^'^fr. 2 fj^R?ft^ iTTfn?T^?=Jr, HTfrcT^f^r, &c. ^TTNcT, RTfiTrTr SuppLi. ATioN, n. T. V. 1.— irrn^ n. f;R=rat «. &c. ^v^^ f. To make piteous s.^^ w.-s^r/ 2?^ ■HT^P^-^ftn^r, Supplied, p. v. V. 1. qTq-%^, f^?^i=rT, &c. 2 2^"rJ?5T, ^q^ (in comp. ), f^RT"? (in comp. ). Supplier, n. Supplxing, p. a. t. Y.l. ir^troiRT, T^I^ W.VW ^, m?ft ^^OTRT, ^T[VVi., &c. ib Supply, v. a. furnish, provide, give tvhat is tvantcd. HT^^- m^v(\f.-&c. ^mg. ofo. ^fnoT 5j.-^qqr?r «. ^^r. 2 viiih; furnish to. qT^TOT, ^q=>T-f^f3TS-&c. Jp^. 3 (a vacancy )Jill. jttoT, T?:?!!/. ^^ot^. o/o. 4 ( the place ol ) serve instead of. ^\^ n. 'PX^ g. of o. ^Tmr »»./.-^.qTiT «.-&e. ^^ g. ofo. SuppLv, n. Supplying, n. t. V. 1. qTW'f n. &c. q^^uft/. q^. ^rin^/. q^TST OT. q^RT »»• sTTq"! n. ^qt^q- ». I. JHfl^^er supplied. TTcft/. 'T'T'IT «J. 5l^?nft or ^^fCtf. ^\- %5T«. [T^/.^q/. Periodical or set s. ( of grain, merchandise, &c. ). ^r- Supplies, loaded train, ^c. coming. T^rTTS/. Support, Supportance, Suppoetikg, «. t.V.1. — aci.Vi^ n ^Tr^otn. JfT^ n.&c. ^iTT^S 7)j. vTKui». arsTSH w. 3q^JT:T «. ^TS'H m. OT"j*rR w. ^HK m. Z—ad. ^ra^t K. ^T^nt «, &c. ^RfOT^/. ^?r «. SUP 853 SUP 3— act. =?IT;^6t n. BHIS:^ «. ^Tra «i. I^Jff^ m. 4- Tra^i «. qr^ «.&c. ^Tram. qiqoid. qr?5=^«. ^•i^Mnuiti. 5^>TraiJr «. 3Tr=qTflOT «. ^h sni M. etc. -flr'^^ra^T «. 7 ^\z\^ n. '\\Z^m'i\n.'^T\^\mM}Z'Vi:m\m.'V^'\f. ^J?rq^TOT. I. means of tip hearing. 3TT^R m, 37r«nT /"'/'• W^Tf m. II. a s. V. PBOr. ftTTT m. 3Hli'|U| M. OT^'^TT ni. Upriglit s. of ;t transverse beam, ^osr m. ^^ j«. III. o s. fig. a warratit, a sanction. 3TI'4R «». qH^ «. s;rn »». ^ »«. q-iTm «. afra'T'n «■ IV. tnecr^s f)/" sulsistence, v. LivELinoou. Ti ?f ^ot, SISTSH OT.-3^T m.-^Hp; m.-^^ n.- &e. ^"fr ^. ofo. 3TT«TTHrr-3TTqTT^-T=F, ^TT ( in comp. as, Tf^>-TT, Ji'iraT ), -Sf^i.-^-kc. -f ^f-^ [q;i«. EERT m. fqs-t^ wi. 2 3;5qDT «. 5T=l"''iT «. m'^oT n. %ciin. &c. sqRnift/. ^T- 5Rft/. %qi^q/. ■^'ift/. 3 fri^TCTT «. 5R(ot 71. &C, I. (asofurine, thoBcniinal fluiil, &c-^ cr of any function or faculty). ^IH m. ^JRT ». ai^H m. 3?qTTi:T ?n. SUPPBESSOB, 71. Sui*rBESSiK0;2>.a. V. V. 1. ^rSIRT, ^^q^- SUR 854 7r, Ac. »tn-f5T'^F-c<::c. ^?tf-^Tfr-ttc. 2 ^^qTJTTTT, ^I^'TRT, ^Tf^onTT, ^^fTiiIT^T, cUPHKMACT, ?i. V. A. 1. H;?EnHT/. JT'teT n. sr-cTT^?TT/. STT^TFT iSuPKEME, a. highest in authoritij^ v. ClllKF. ^^fr?'^ jftjT, ^- S. Court. qr^sTrfr ^^w.^f. ^r^T-fl-^r^ifT/. • '1 of the highest degree. q?:JT, q^T JT'^f^'Tr; q':HT5]'#5TT, .Slteemelt, a«/y. v. A. 2. q^T, qi^fil^r, 3Tf?t. To SuECHABGE. Sce To Ovei:buriiex, To Ovf.eload. SuRcixGLE; n. — for a saddle. &p. ^7r;\^n\J. ^^\f. ^€\f. Sued, «.— in algebra. ^FToftlrfTTfiT «i.-WTr/. ^FTofT/. iSuKE, a.fxed, tinfallacious, ^'c. t. Certain. STr^Ta.^f^, ?^f^^_ 4 T. Sate, Secure. fHHT. To be sure. See Surelt. ["nTTT. To be sure,^ — as notiun- admission. ^X.^ «rft^, sj'Jc, ?r- SuKE -AIMING, a. ar^^qr^fr. Sore, Surest, adv. t. A. 1. and Certainly, ^=5ft??, '^=iqq' ScBENESs, n. T. A. 1. ^fqFrquTT m. ^fq?fr/. ?jfg;3Tqm «>. A-c. f?rgm/. 2 f?Pjf?PTnTr M8. f^gfrf/. fq-sy^q «j. f^-.^fr w. SuREiisuiP.w. state of Icivg secur'd y. ^ifri^^t/. ^TfTHTrr/. bur.ETT. See Secukitt, 2. See Certaintt. Surf, «.— of the sea. ?rr^f^ ^^^cjoft/. intens. wm^AZ m. Jlouud or mole to break the s. S^^ff/. Surface, n. e.rterior part, superficies. 5R=5(T-tjr|T=ejT-^7»5T-&c. -^]^ m. m^-^x^-&.c. srtn «• ^^zf. ?^ w. ?g>?Fi «;. ^^- f^'Tm wi. ?fcE OT. ^sq-arT n. ^^^\^ n. c^PS m. n. rTFiqqrr m. Smootli s. ^qr^ /. Ou the s, ^r_ To Surfeit, 'f. a. malce^j;ffr, =qT- { ^3T?^, "^T^FTf/. ^^^ y. q/ 0. ft^N^T «. *Rot y. of o. ' ■SrEPEISED. p. V. V. 1. <^^T^# mZr^J., &C. | 2 «)!(? Astonished. =q-^5T%rJr, &e. ^qfer, =5fig, 5T, nrfTrr- ;! ?T, fJT^firqTTiJT, H?HqTf'5r?r. ;; To be s. ^S^v^^n.-^^^/i.-Sic. m^ in. eon. jj :?*.'P.PEisEE, n. SuRPEisisG,^;>. a.v.Y.l. (JW^^f Tt^'TTTT, Ac. j 2 and WoxiiEEFUL. =^^^WU., ^jg ^PT^m, =^T=Pft H^^T- i' ^R^, f^TTT^. [iT-^fR^T-ctc. \ ScEPEisiNGLY, adc. V. A. 2. 3ir^'i'f-5=r^R;-Hr^-&c. ^r^wMT- : T(; SuEBENDEE, v.a. \. To Give up, To Yield. #3^, Wfff- %aT, iTH'r ^'it, ^r'4t^ qj?:'Jt, \^\^j ^i^., f!TOT,(. A.'. Nm^/. ^m^^f^n. f^r[(^u\n. f^^Hf/. 2 qr^iirt. "tt^'t/. Fin^/i. criirtjfr/. S. by the eye. ^^^qr^ift/. 3 qJTTsft/. ^ffT^ HT^^-Jft/. HRTq^H. The Euglihh word is coinnioiily used umlerthe form of?iW! Sueveyou, «. (of laud, Ae.). "^Hr^i'T ;?ROIRr,^ifm Hr'^TTTrT, Hmq^, HJTrq^^?rcTf. Survival, Surviving, n. t. V. crHwr«. ■^jji'ijn. mn Tr^oi/i. To Survive, v. a. outlive. iTrn-qT^T*^ nf^-Jft^^^'H-^nDT j. of 0. f^^Ti-^nm f^yi\-^\'m. TR-qn'rum wj-dt ;rm m. 3T?l5ir-Err^^ in. con. and g. of o. cR^P 7«.-t)N--(r ?;!.-&c. :3TM-^3ot in, con. with g. of o. 5f- 5J «. TS^-^"Jt in. con. 2 /io?(/ /o le doiiltful or uncerlain, mistrust, V. To Doubt, ?l'^/.-3TT5(i^/.-?f^T^T »n.-&c. «iRDf-:^5'. o/o. v;itf?T/-^- ^iq' »».-3Tf^=qra ?)J.-iS:c. qiJI-aTgoT, i'/t. con.icith g.ofo. 3 imagine, apprehend, surmise, t. To TniNK, To Suppose. ^^^\ f.-<\k ?«.-TT5T^T /.-ff? /-3T?,;?:o5 /..&c. JR^ or, tcith in. con. 3T^ g. of o. ^^^ or cT^Hr m. ^J^ or, with in. con. ^^ g. ofo. '^^^. Suspected, p. v. Y. 1. =r|ti=r3TT^OT, 3i^5TT3TOOT, &c. ^^ KHT", HrJTT^,&<:. 5Tf^r!r,^if^fTrTTT^,3TfJr'^^. 2 m^ arr^OT, ?t^sT, &c. qif^cT, sTT^if^rT, 3Tfir»^^. SU3PECTFUL. See Suspicious. ^b SusPEXD, 4>. a. T. To Haxg. JFI^, ?r',*'|i=l"r, tffspT %^iJf. 2 M«A-e ^0 depend on. 5^^, arS^FT'jf , J^T^T'jf, CT^'^, SlT- 3 ?nflZ.-e to stop, rest, or pause. ^?rT-3''TT-&c. ^Rof, ?t^ 4 ^Ye/i undetermined, unsettled, Sfc. '^V^^., f^ST'jf , f^- SSmof, ?r. V. V. 1. ^fns??!, ^J^^^.FA. To be s. ?j?:^q-, FrNiif, sf^lfr 3T?fot. 2 5cf^?5r, 3T5^pq-^?IT, &c. 3 rr^ %^F5r, TTf FTT-Ac. %S^T, &c. *rf f^, Hf5f^ rT^xr. To be s. '-t?f5I'if,7T^T-?^r-?If^-iT^f5-&c.^r^,^[5iilot. Suspense, ». unresolvedncss, indecision, indeterminalion, t. U1.CE11TAKTT. srf^iqq' m. (flf^'=ik «». |^^ /. ^^.^ m. TH^ftr OT. ^rrr^^ n. To be in s. ?R'T'Jf. To keep in s. rrpJToT, ST^PT %^^, st^^roir, iT5!;f%tft/. '^- SusPEKsiON, n. T. T. 1 — flc<. 5fjm n. fiH:-T7T5l'Jr «. Ac. 2 — act. S^nJf M. 3Ti^^ n. 2,~act. ?lf5 5R^ «. T^^^^I ^7^ ». &c.— state, f^^^^f. cTf^ n. ?tf^/. =qR f55?fT?5T 4^m m. ^- 5THT=r ni. ^.HK wj. !F?I% m. f^-l^fT/. fsfTTTHT^ >«. ^5F?? vt. fun. ^^\ m. fsifV.ftiT/. pop. f^^,\\\ or v^f. ^^^• "Working of s. ^^MW, f. 2 mistrust, v. Eoubt. ?f^ m. i.%\f. ijtfrl /. arf^s^frff 3 apprehension, surmise, thought. ^FPTT/. TTSPTT/. ^'ff- HT or ^'^^ m. ^JIT m. n^R ot. rl^ «. ^JHT^HT/. Suspicious, a. Suspected, n. Suspecteul, a. &c. v. V.l. 2. entertaining suspicion, v. Douetpul. ^if'KfT, aTT^if^, I. inclined to suspicion or mistrust. ^f^Tft, ^^iq^IT, B^- 3Tf^sqT?ft o?- g^ or ^, qf^JTWC. II. icarranting suspicion, suspicahle. ?f?Tq 'iTTiIirRT, q"^- JT arnJioTRT, &c. qi^JTrqr, ^^Tqr^T, Ac^i^rwrq^, ?r?iq^- ?np, ^i^r^sT^^, ^t^qrqf , ^^r^TTtn^nfr, ^^^^=iq^, ^^T?m^. Suspiciousness, n. v. A. I. ^^Tq^Ttiir m. ^^^^w^^x m. ^?r^R"Tiir m. ^q-oi^/. ^^Tqi^FtT/. ^^jq^T^fcf /• ^Siq-- ff^/. ?i?iqf%/. ^T^R^ffT/. &c. II. t\\^ aTT'noqpqt qRq^T/. ^T^Tq-^^I^Fq w. ^i^FF^R^cf «. ?r^^^^cq n. &c. To Sustain. See To Support. 2 See To Suffeb. Sustenance, n. v. Subsistence, Food. 3Tvf ?2. H?:'^ «. 3TT- ^ M. g-q^ffqq- n. ?T3ftfq^T/. Sustentation. See Suppoet, Maintenance. Sutlee, n. camp follouer who sells provisions. jf in. con. To Swagger, v. n. tvalk in a blustering wag, \. To Strut. Scf^^pqf^-SifJ^ ^^s^-fes^r^ftrr-Fnn^'-t'TSI^-'T^rr- ^T^ or T'*I5i «. SwAiiPX, n.T.X.anJ Maksut. ^?7^=ft?T, 5?5^^t^r, qriI'«ToET^. 'i Swan, n. rr^^T m. |h »«. To Swap, v. a. barter, v. To ExciuNGE. I^S^^TS/.-Hr^f^fTT OT.-?rR??ft n.-&c. JFfJr y. o/ 0. SwAPE, n. — of a well, &c. art^Ffft/. Swaed, n. turf.^ sod, grassy surface of land. r^T^ir'^T ^ifJM, #^ m. 2 twri /ia;'(?, v. To Work, win 41 m. JpT^ot y. o/" o. qj^- Sweated, i). v. V. A. 1. qm STm^?^, #%r. Sweater, m. Sweating, p. a. v. V. N. 1. qw aTT^BT, nJft ).^ [ n^^^S n. m. SwEEPUSaa, n. y. Rubbish, itts m. M l °t^ | g ot. n. vmn m.n. Sweet, a. not sour. rltS, f^TST, J^^J or n5E^, fir?, JT^, Slightly or deficiently s. f^PTTS. Sweetish. "ftlBT, fiT^raT, "TrSOT, J3:»T?:, JS^IT, ^^- Sweety-sour. 5TgTT^?!i. 2 pleasing to a sense, gener. v. Ageeeable. TT?, ^tT??r, ^Si ^Fi ^'?i §^f^?i f^'T^i l'^.. 3 "jioi "salt. iTli, qYiT, firsr. 4> not stinking or stale, y Peesii, Good. ^T^JT, 'TIS, fiTST, tm^-^PTr-^srT?TT-&C. 3l"inTr-^K^T-&c. Sfcft?;, ffTJ. 5— of oil. iTirsr, fn^T. Sweet, «. something pleasant, g^ ». 2 — a term of endearment. fHZ\ ( as ^HRTlfHSCfr, SI'i JTrafHS, &c.). Sweet-flag, n. acorvs calamus. %^5 n. SwEET-HEAUT, n. V. LovEE, fiq-q (fspTT/ ) ^TFI^ (=lTzn?Jr/.). ■^?5HT m. Sweet-meat, n. r*i(4is /. W^ w. Some of the commoa sweetmeats are, f^Tnft ^urT, afw, ^, ^"7^, ^jfT^ft, ?rT- ^^, f^?5?rpf, qt|^ 3rr<7f, q^OT, ^t^ij"'JT. 4^010 in, revel in, ijv. qr^oi_ To Swim, f. a. pass by swimming. sT^, fTT'f, qfpT ^pt, 2 ( cattle, &c. ) cause to pass by swimming, 'nff^of^ qt- fffT %ot, qT^T'!rRT-qr^''ft^-&c. ^v'M. Swim, Swimmino, n. v. Y. N. 1. HTij n. fr\r}jj n. &.c. 2 qr^ n. &c. q"r^/. qspjft/. At a s. lT;j;r qi^uflH. 3 ^f[f. frTTfirft/. m^is/. Hr^5i/. His/. Swimmee, n. SwiMMiso,;). a. v. V. N. ri. ^rra, JTR, ?T^. Swimmingly, fl<<». 3t1oi^«it or ^r«». sTr^T". ^?5'nt/?^'t«nfotT »». 2 ( as of a weapou, &c. ) «itW^f. S^gft^r m. w^. Stcophant, n. a mean flatterer, v. Obsequious. 3Tr«T^, ^- 5r>JTRT, ^v^^z\€\ ^DTRT, s^fr-fl-. Syllabic, Sxllamical, a. ar^n^r, ^tw^^itft, a7?Trf^«ra^. Syllable, «. a. letter or letters uttered at a single efl'ori. ^^l n. Syllabub, n. — the frothy compound, '^^f. Syllabus. See Absteact. Syllogism, «.— in logic. J^TTT m. ar^TEft m. aT^iTST^^T^T- ^^n. 3T^^=frqfT^T5^». According to the Nyiiya system a syllogism has five members, which are as follows : 1. STfrTfTf , 2 15, 3 g-^rf ?:uT, 4 3"q^q, 5 f^r]^7{. The follow- ing is an illustration. He is a rogue, srfrTf r. Because he is one eyed, ^g. Every one eyed man is a rogue, ^r^T^'T. He is a one-eyed man, jq^q". Therefore he is a rogue, f^rilJT^, Nulli monoculi sunt houesti. The usual illustration of the Pandits i.s this, q#- ?f:^:HI^^JTTg JTJ^rfCnT II rTSLfr^T^HT^M^T: ll cf^JTTTT- 4Tf?r fsTHT?! II ^q^fsrq'qfqrf in^^t u A syllogism according to the Mimansa system has only the three last members. Syllogistic, Syllogistic al, a. v. N. a^^q^^ffq^p^^- tit-f^q-^.^.&c. Sylph, n.Jig. a delicate slender woman, r\'^^ f. rftcfiy. q- Sylvas, a. woody, ^e. ^^'^^., Jf^, ^T^^f^tft, ^^^^^., :n^, Symbol, n. t. Sign, Make, Emblem. f%f^ n. ^^f. fH?TT- trfr or ?fr/. ?ffTr/. E^^fR M. s'TST^ «. Symbolical, a. x. N. ?i%fTr=5fT, ^fft^, ^TT^rftir^, ?ft%f%q7, STN S61 Stmmetrical, a. tcell-made, v. Shapelt. 37Ti?;R55, 3TW^5, i =f5^55, ^^^Wi ^t'Tgj, gn^, ^^gr^r. i: Stmmetky, n. ( of form or wake ). aTPFR^jfj/. 3?t1^j?rT m. 3T^^5f^3fTn m. JTS'JT^^Ttfir/fi. -vrT^rggqaTr »». &c. Stmpatuetic, a. having common feeling ivilh another. |TT- S. joy. 31 -JH I'll n. To STMPATinzE, V. n. have a common feeling. ^-z(j^ ^'■^- ^•=^=(55 of 0?' ^nJT^55i3f, ^'^-^^ or v/'^^l'^il w. q^. SlMPATHIZEB, M. SyMPATHIZIKG, ^. a. V. V. flrnci SrMPATTIE- Tic. ^•H-'MN 5*-'fTg^ ^JTMiTTTT, +'^=l|ct, ^^:^,^H|:^, STMPATHr, ii.fclloicfeeling.correspondent feeling tuifh another. SFTf:^:^ n. "TTf ••'3^:^ «. ■^ '^^t 3"- grq'^, sft^^F, all used in coinp. Stnagogce, n. JTf ft i=fl^tT^5T ?f»TT/. SyKCHHONiSir, n. simultaneousncss. ifs/. ^V\ in. ^m^lfa^- y^ SxNCHKONiZE, t'. «. le simultaneous. ^^,%\^ m.■■^^^^^^ 711.-&C. aro^-^CTT g. of s. recip. ^fvlS^f'T n.-^W.^f^W.rH f. -&c. 3T^-^TDT 17. of s. ^iT^rfe^-(7^JFTfe=P-&o. 3T?r'jf. SiNCHEOsous, Stkcheomal, Sr>'cnEO>icAL, o. v. Simulta- neous. ^j++|c4tji, (J ++1^=1;, ?rJT^fe^. Stncope, «. sit'oon. ^r^/. qFTcTSs/. sj^^ot. ^'H^'J^t/'. ?i^/. ■ 2 — in grammar. JT«TT?TrsTT «. I Stnecdoche, m. — in rhetoric. o^f^^tTT n. i Synod, n. v. Assemelt. ^*rT/. h^^?t/. ^Yyo^iM^., n. a word of the same meaning. g^T^fla^ »!. qqiT ! Stno'XMOCS, a. having the same meaning. t^^TStvf^T, ^^- || •4^, ^iTFrT'4^, ^=?^-^^, ?TfT'4. || Srifopsis, «. Irief general view, \. Aeeidgement, Abstract, ij jft^n or in»TRT m. ftt^HT ?«. WT5T-i!.r »«. 1| Syntactical, a. pertaining, Sfc. to syntax. «il'*<4<^^=STT,'JI'+'M- L m^^r, Ac. Tjqrsrr^n^^, q^qr^Rf^tft. ji Stniax, «. ^ra^p:=^?TT/. ^R^r^^T/. jrr?qTg;ffT/. ^renr- I! _1.VR \^^^y^ m. ^zr^^^f. q^^m^/. q^fip^TTHw. i^t^t w. StXTIIESIS, «. V. COMEINATION. ^^■^^ 11. (T'lJt'PJTJI «. iff- STSinETlCAl,, a. ^q^rnr^fT, B^PTinr^, ^q>1^.<7., n. v. Lues teneuea. tiq'i, Kimf ). 2b Taboo, r. a. forbid the utc of. gr^ or |tt^ /.-aT^ir/. TAI Tauob, Tabohet, n. v. DiiUM, Tamboiiine. H^ m. MiH-^lM m. frr m. ?^f^/. That head of a t. ( ^^^T^ ) which is beaten. siMril- JSr w. cn^fT'J^ «. Tabulae, «. ^r/ (/oiCH /« /aWe*-. fi'F'TT'^Tr, R=J?^Fr=T, rl^T^TSS- Tacit, a. v. Implied. Sf'^f^S, «rfH?r, "pfer, nfHfl, Ifim, arf^^trrtTTT, 3TfJi%tTT».T^, arf^.'^g^. Tacitly, ntfc. v. A. f?t^feTT»Tr5TT^, ^tP^T^Tf^, ^'^q^c^ TaCITL'EK, a. halitualhj silent. 3Tqr?5, 37^r?;^r, S^^F^OTT, 3T- f^PT^TrS, aTHif^.m^fri, ^'•aifsR^p, TT'Tork?:^, 37Ti=irTfsrw?^. T. per.sou. — iu coutempt. phraseol. H^J^^I^TT m. ^- ^^^^\XJ. HI'Kl »». TACITURKITr, M. V. A. 3T4WHUIT »». ST^IriUmiJn OT. &c. JTt^ :s-tTTfq-?:f^/. -To Tack, v. a. stitch togeihef; append to. ^W\^^ ^5W, cf$ or 5f% «J. 2)^. fTRiif-KT^TT ^T5W. 2 ( a ship or vessel ). arr^ or ^ o;- ^^ n. q^iiif, qTTfai'Hui . Tack n. small nail. =^^/. ^r^^f. Tacked,;?, y. V. 1. ff?!:n?5?5r, &c. ^ik. Tackle, Tackling, n. ropes of a ship, ^'e. 5R^5 »■ pi- ^- 2 V. Geae, Haeness. %SCTr n. ^^K in. ^HTR «. H^^PTJb. Tact, n. peculiar sl-ill., ^'c. y. Skill, jfe/- Hi^r/. ^Rt^f «. ?5T^5T«- gnT»». tfTRlf/. Tactic, Tactical, a. relating to tactics. ^^T^rfr=qT, ^^fT^- Tacticiak, «. one versed in tactics. ^cflScft or ^, sq^^^^qi^^- Tactics, n. the science of militari/ arrangement and mance- vures. ^T^rnpT or zj. s^^^^qmif^RTT/ 6^^<-mi/.1f^- Tactile, a. t. Takgibile. ^^f:TO?TMTnr-^R^r-&c. m?ft- TactvaTj, a. pertaining, ^a. to touch. FT^Wr, ^51C^, ^T^T- Tabpole, ti. young frog. ifS^Ft^ ^'R «. ^^=5)T JTToET »>. ^sq|- ^/. \-m^f. Taffeta, n. — the silk. rrrsPfTT or crTTrTT »». Tag, Eag, A^'D Bobtail, v. People. jt^R^R «». «. ^tlpT^ m. pi. ^RrMt 'fr'Tr^ »». pi. Tail, «. — the part of an animal, ^q? or Vt'TJ «. ilT or ?tT/. ( dim. flTSt orliiq^t or t[f. '^TJ^/. a«T?5 n. A whisk with thet. (of a horse, &c.) ^Z%t[f. TST^r- w. «. HR. Tr: bristle np the t. ^q^ J^. np^Rirf. To follow hard at the t. of ( bulloik, &c .) drive on and pursue violently. Vi'R^, ^Tl^ n- 'freot g. of o. To hang at the t, of, dance attendance upon, ^F^^'ft- ^G2 TAK Ep^tjqRr-q7T%^-&c. ^.VM g. of o. ^tJRT/. ^X^ g. ofo. |JT- =sft/. q^sfory. o/o. ToTurn t. %q?: «. q-^iJi, qT5/. ^RjI^-^OT, H^frT ^T^«. To twist the t. C of a bullock) to urge on. ^qrs'Jf. 2 (of a comet ) \\f[f. 3 See End, Exteemitt. Tail-cut, Tail-ceopped, a. ?;r5r, ^^SJ^^IJ, fe^q=5^. Tail-less, o. I^^iqs-qr, ^^^n^T^T-f^^oiT, 3Tq=;iJ, q^tJ^- ^?r-&e. Tailed, o. having a tail. ?m=Fft, ?iq^r^T, ^TqHI'm, ^TJT^THr, Tailoe, n. f^^ft or'r^iq'Y m. ^X^ m. ^^^fiTO', ^f^,— in contempt, r%q''5T m. The common name assumed by the tribe or body of Tailors is, rfTH^. Tailoe-bibd, n. ^^xp\f. ■ Nest of the t. g^^Di't^ ^pt? «. To Taint, v. a. y. To Infect, trt wi.-^'sf M.-fsfCTas »».-&c. 2 T. To Coebupt. fq-q^cfiir, ^^tjf, qm^m, 5=ire5rot, ^(- 3 slur, sully, Sfc. v. To Stain. ipB^ OT.-^T^aft/ ?5r^, To Taint, v.n. get had— meat, ^■c.?^ndf, ^T?rw. gs^ m. con^ Taint, n. injection, corrtiption, soil. ^ m. tTfJl/. f=fST3 n. srmT «». ^T?T OT. 2 T. Stain. ^PT^ «. ^V^^t[f. ^ m. ^or n. sp^j^fr m. Tainted, 2), v. V. A. 1. X\^ 1^?'|sr-%TO?5T,^ fc??|?yT-BN- 2 fq^T^^^, HRT^"^?Jr, &c. ^fq-?f. 3 ^55^ ST=f^r, &c. ^=Fr5^, ^FTH. I. — as meat. rTr^RT rewwj. HTT^, ?5RTS?rT, ^TRT'!., ^^55r, sfRTT^, in^g^. To Take, «. a. accept, receive, q^f, ^"^^RW, stift^TRof, ^- ^ n.-^^ m.-3TT^PT w.-g'qr^H «.-^'^^R m.-^Tf^t^FR. «».- &c. ^R^. To talce he under.stands, but /o ^/re he has never learned, qqpsft fsj^TT f^Tc^ ^cft TOT ^^psft f^?TT f^I^^ Tiff ^Tff. 2 V. To Seize, ^of, tr^. 8 captivate, v. To Chaem. jfr^of , Ht|?r sf^ ^^, n\\ vn.- &c. m?r^, Htff?r-&c. erot. 4 yf< j«fo one's power, ensnare, ^c. v. To Catch. tr?W- 5 apprehend, v. To Undeestakd. quf, ^T^ot g*T«l^ e*/'- i'n- con. To t. to be. ^Tfrp^Tf in. 3TWJr, 3^^ ^^. 23 up ; ( a defiance, au affront, &c. ). ^PM., H=TT^ ^- ot or ^^. 24 up ; ( a soug, tune, &c.) %c?'Tr, ^^. 2-5 up ; ( a course, a practice, &c. ). HJ^, 3TT^^, Tfl- ^^, -nI^j-'K"?!, ar'fT^FTT'Jf, 3TRf*r5r. 20 up ; V. To Ukdeetake. 3^e{H'^, S'?!^"^, ^'t qT^, 27 up ; engross, consume, S{c. v. To OccCPT, To Absoeb. 28 up ; lorrow. ^"^M.^ ^'^f:^ ^Sff_ To t. care. To t. heed, ^ttut, ^TroWr. To t. effect. ?rpm, ?jpT ^tJr, norm «i^. To t. iu hand, v. To Um>eetake. |T^t ^X^. To t. place, v. To Happen. q^iJr, ?r|?T qiJT, st'it. To t. part. See To Shake. To t. leave. f%?rT »«.-3TrfTT/--^^ ?)j.-ctc. ifw_ Jo Take, v. n. gain reception, suit., v. To Please. ^qTH^, T- 2 ^aue e^ec^ fTflDt, P^Tn;^ ^OT, goTT^ ^, ^ «. ?sg^ ^. o/ s. "paor. 3 after ; v. To Eesemble. stse^i'TT ^^TWf g. of o. HT^oft- ^ HTS^ g.ofo. =EfI?fr% =qT?5^y. o/ 0. 4f to ; T. To Addict. Hi+uj, ^i^jpor ov ^r-^, g"t+NOi, t5T=5TT5Iot, ^JT ^tfr 0/- 3T^dr y. of s. v.^ n. q^roT or 5 towards ;/£?/ «?i impulse ( to go to), ^m €17- ^-qoT-^oEOT g. ofs_ 6 with ; V. To Please. H-il*) or iT7?3f|-H SrRcT g. of o. 7 place ; v. To Happen, q^, q^?f i?^. Taken, ;?. v. V. A. 1. qw^r, &c. >T^tfT, ^5'JI%?raT, TTItT, 2 q'ft^OT, s^^^. :i mp q-n %%?tT, &c. J^f^, !r^. It ^^^TT, Ac. '«q-^?T, "^?T. Takeu, H. Taking,;), a. v. V. A. 1. ijoTTn, Ac. q^ui-flR;- H-&C. ^rrf, qr^q^,. qr^, ':IK'F, vtt^'T (iu comp. as 55m''T, ar^^irm^ ). 2 ^^^rJ.. mmi\., &c. 3 Hl^OlKr, HTpr ?T3T ^TTTTRT, HTf Ml''-"!!'!, hI^;. 13 Hmvi, &c. 'arr^^T^-^^^^-Ac.;^. [^. 1-1 ^■i.uiKi Ac. ^, ^, ^ift, ^R^, ^^F, ^(T-aiT^Twr-Ac.. Taking, 7j. v. V. A. 1.— ac^ im », Ac. Kf|*K m. RfhR^ «. ST'fr^^ «!. 'JTlt^fOTn. ^J^i'T-inT »». Ac. q^ n. qf .w. ^V^pj n. 3^PI ?i. ^5T^ wj. 2 qof '/. vj^ n. 4 tTTiifn. [;/. 13 ?rof n. Ac. 3TT^^w.'JT'T^^^«.75i?T^>i.^i:iq-f»i.-iT5r^i>Z/. ^'♦IT/. HT^?/. EF^oft/'- 'ire'Tm/. ^'. Tale-eeaeek, w. Tale-p-eaeincj, a. v. iNCENriAEy. ||»1=;- m or ^t^t^R, 5iT?5, ^5, =EI^Ti^, gr^m or £^, 5?RT, f^^. Tale-beaking, n. malicious or ojjicious information. ??ilT- ^jift or v;;nT?Tt'ft/. =EffTit/. ^^f- ^f=ft/ ^T^^nft/ ^^ttht/. asTST/. ?5i;nHnr/. ?n^?5iJft/. ^.-^^''4H«.-Ac. ;f^. 2 T. To Speak. sfR^, HrT'T«.-^'<4=T«.-?f^/-Ac. ^tiji. To t. to one's self. 3TNrqrbt t. Small t. pn^m^TT". Talkative, a. loquaciovs, v. Pkater. Tr'ft, ^f hft, 5^^, 5ir^^r remiss. qr^T^, STFH't, ^?>T:F, ^P'tTrsT^n'^fR^^. Talkatitekess, n. v. A. ^Tk'^'^»». ^^RS'T'JlTm. ^MdHuir Talkek. «. Talking, ;j. «. v.V. 1. ^Rorrn, etc. ?iHr:pJT-<5:c. 2 sfraoTRr &c. ^rf5?rr, Hr«r>iT-.5:c. eptt?, sr^r, 5rTTr5, 3'HT5fn, T^TrS^TT^r, g'TF^r. T. aud stout, ftri, mi? or r%irs. T. and thin. ?5qr?r or 5^fr. Very t. frrST^ ^"^ or rfffT ftrs j^. To grow t. jxfi^Sr. XaLLNEss, n. V. A. ^=q^m m. jf, TSiq'sft- rT, ^^fr^. 3 spiritless, unresisting, v. "Weak. S^T^^T, ^1T, HTT, To Tame, i;. «. wiaA-e domestic, ^m^l^^^ or HnT?TT35Iot, iTrq-JT'n'ft5ft-&e. Jf;?:iif, ^^^ arroiot, ^jm^r^ m.-^.^crrnn JK.-&C. ^^of y. o/'o. 2 V. To Spbdue. q^-&c.^^, =reoft?r 3Tmoi,H3r stt'^ot, jps: w. f7r?;=rijif y. of 0. ^i^^v^ «.-5H m.-^JT?r n.-&c. =f?TW j7. o/. 0. Tameable, n. v. V. 1. JTT'^^a^iqr^T'Tr-^IT^Hr-Ac. JTTmrr- 2 ^^T q7?:Tqr^Tnr-&c. ^z^^ 3TmrqT^-^mT-&c. cri,^, ^T, q»T?frq, ^j^. Tamed, ;>. v. V. 1. KTurW3q%?^r, JTm^T^r %?5Kr, &c. 2 g-^T%%^r, ^rsoft^ 3^rui^sr, &c. jt^t 3TT'Ji3^-3^r?i5yr, q?T, =r^T?f, ?^fT?j?r, ^?fr^?r, ?fKrf, sfrr. Tamelt, adv. V. A. 3. ^^^%T«. TAP SG5 TAS Takoent, «.— in geometry. ?q(K«rT/. ^rl^r/ ^Tlrft^r/. To flj oft' at a t. afl^^T "^J^. Tangibility, «. v. A. ^T5[lt'TT^tqr'q?ir/.-3Tprr f.-&c.-^h- ^^FTT/. ^T3w/. ^n?rr/ &c. ^^ m. Tangible, a. percepiiUe iy tlie touch. ^flPTT^sTT-^TTr-Ac. ^n?ft^, ^Tl'f, ?TJq-, ^?iq-, ^^Jiqr^, ^idff , ^JT>?T. To Tangle, v. a. invoice, cntanyle, complicate^ ijc dr^jIFnT- ^, it55"P?;5t 0'- no59>rc'Tr, ii'rq-'Zijf , 'tt'^qot, nrq-^^jr, n?:q?:6T oc nv^T:^ or q^TTPrnt, ij^^ /•-^'^f /--Trat/. ii.-nai'p^r or iT5s. v. Y. A. 1. jFrsfsii^T, »ToE«. fT5rT». ^pr^Tr?:^). 2 V. Cistern. 5f$ «. ?;f-^/. Tanned,;?, v. V. A. 1. JX^^^A., ^M^?j?A.,&.c. 2 and Y. N. q^r55F?:^^r, &p. Tannedness, h. t. p. 2. qjToTsr^/. ^r^^rfr/. qji^^m /. q;ife- JTT «5. ;J0i5. ^FTi^iTT/. To Tapeb, v. n. Ircomc gradually tinallcr towards the point. Tapesthy, «. clvth woven with Jigurei. yit?K or g^^ K "JiT- Ts H.-f>TFft% . v. V. ]S''. R-i'i^.I, SPTrT^T, «Sc. fq^r^r, f^TT, •)|U|r, »TcSq;?, ■H+.ri+. To Taeut, v. «. continue, ^'c. v. To Stat. TT^, '. «. imse with fallacious hopes. =5rToE'f^, ^T- asmt ^njfsi^r, -jw »«. ^r^jr^;^, 3tt>w ^tsiot, ^^^^, ^^ssroft /. ^?i^, ^w.i^ f.-^}^^^w. f.-Sic. ^Tw. Tantalized, p. v. A'. ^qr^JjfjTar, ^^fTS^riJft ^^qf^^^T, &c. Tantalizee, ». Tantalizln'G,;?. a. v. Y. =ErT5!;5r'TRr, 3TT?f^- Tantamount, a. v. Equal, Equivalent, sf^ra^, ^jt, ^it- fTt?5, ^THTra-. 2b Tap, v.a. siril-e with a gentle Uow. i^R^^t or '-irrqsor, stfTT /.-4TT'T^/.-&e. JTRof-^ot, ^TSrsTTT, ST^. 2 Iroach, pierce. Tf'l? «.-i^r5 ?J. TTs'ir. Tap, n. /?«<, ym/Ze lloiv. '^\^f. •'XW.f. nn^/. '■'TITS/. ^^■ 2 ( of tlie hand, upon a tabor, &c. ). 3TT/. ^Trfm. 'n. ^^RvT w». ^^r in. ^^ ?«. Tasselled, a. y. N. ^%?R, ^H%^, f^?TT. 2b Taste, «. a. perceive by the palate, ^j? »i.-t^ m.-6f, TAS SG6 2 of; smack^ have a favour of. W^ m.-^Zjf.-^m m.-^i^ w.-E^rf^ m.-^^^;f.-^^^f..^,^f.-&c. qcfr-JTrrot y. o/o. Taste, jj.— the seusatiou. ^^TT^ m. 3TR=rr5 «». ^r^fTT5T «. ^?f- 2— the sense. ^/. ?:?r^^5!Tft. f^T^^-rTTSTsft nrrt/.-^ST Eestoratiou of lost t. nfs "IT^S^ w». To blunt the t. ^T/.-f^i^/. fq-^T^oir^ mS". ^?:^Df. To lose one's t. nr? n. mfz ^aj y. of s. m5 n. fp^ijf <7. o/s. ftrspEft nrfr/.-=q5r/. ^iJr g. ofs. 3— as iu substances. =^^f. mft/. ?;f^2"'i'- ^"^Z- HT^ot. The six tastes ( viz. sweet, sour, salt, pungent, astringent, bitter ). ^J^ in. pi. 4 relisJt, sensual or intellectual, "^f. n\f\f. ^^ pop. ^- ^/. 3TfiT^/. ^ m. Jfre^ft/. According to one's t. q-<;jT^f%j. Loss of t. aT?f%/. mr^^ n. To suit the t. ?rqiff, JTRtjf, K'n m. ^^f^qtjir m. fnir^f. «T??^ n. ^q?Tr/. U^^^ M. ^TJ^.^Fsr n. JqT^- f^ n. ■p^f^^■^\f 2 T^^Rt/. gsft/. S^/. W^\f[f Tasteless, a. vapid, without relish, \. Insipid. 5f=s(Er^fJi=5f5r^ TASTELESSJiFSS, «. V. A. q=5r5rT'Jir m. &C. ^T^^ M. TW^- ^IcTT/. W^^t^rTT/. &C. 31^r|f^ «. 3TR^ «. 3TT?I«n^«. TAW Eaq. gs^ m, §3% n. cn*n^ »». "PS^ «. Tattee, r Tatteedemalion, n. v. Eagamuffis. "FE^-qr, f^^R-ifr, — a female. f%Rn^qff, Tattered, a. torn, ^'c. v. Eaqoed. . a. ( the body ) 2'2<«c'"»'c and stain. jTr^of c?- Tattoo, «. ?)!«)■!■ made ly tattooing, nrq-^ m. Taught, p. v. V. f^T^Er?5?JT, &c. Rlf?T?r, q~rfq?T, 3"^^t, g-?- f??, f^fTTf7?r, ars^Tprcf, f^rficT, friftrr, frfq^r, fm. To Taunt, t>. a. twit, vplraid, reproach sarcastically, ^xfcff srqof, ?T5:^T^ ?nN'5t, affsFm, Tmn =FT5^rT/.ijZ. ^rjBr, ?5Tf5-^T=f;?T-^f=f ^-^rpT-q'T^'TTf^-&c.qr?50T, ?;rT^Df, z^^ f.-^J'TU m.-S.c. PfRijf, 5t?T5fCTT, ??ifr 5f;T5af, st^TTT wi.-SmtTTr Z^X n.-&c. JTR'jf, f =^%T/.-f ^r?r^/. ?T^ 5'. o/o. Taunt, Taunting, n. v. V. «!«f? Saecasm. ^^^^ n.-&c. ^T- =quf\f. srr?^'? m. ^?:^T w. OTtr^iT »». Taunter, n. Taunting, p. a. v. V. ?5lf5 ^FIiTRT, SPfFT q'r- F5DTRT, &c. g-qft^r^, 3^^tft, 3^tfhf;,3T^Ti-€n- "Tf r^qrqj. Tauntingly, ndv. v. A. BTf5, ^"~T^5, ^N?T, ^^5"TTffr, ^T- s^T% ^H, &c. 3TOtn%, 3Tfrf5 IfTf^'. Taurus, n. — the zodiacal sign. ^WT m. Tautological, Tautologous, a. repeating the same thing. 5^^f^^, fgwt=^, fi;?^f^^T. Tautologist, qri^rffft-&c. ^?Tf-^Rt-&<.'. Tautologt, n. saying the same thing again, \. Eepetitiok. J1?f^/- fl^^/ar^STT^ OT. ST^FirT m. ^m%^ n. Taveen, n. liquorshop, dram shop. W.^AP;V^ %W.]^ n. ^^- €f i^FR n. fi]vftf. f^zm.^^\^wAf. ^j^^^hwAf. nf^- ^ n. n^/ nf^^T/. Taveex-eeepee, n. ^^T5F, ^^f^PF'JrRT, 5T^f%?Tr. Taw, n. large marlle. Z^ on. =e}5 m. ^Z m. T. ring. Jpfs «. Tawdeiness, m. t. A. ^oiT^^T^TT m. &c. ^^ ?flTT/. JBT- jfr ^ttht/. ^^f[ ^Tttt/ &c. Tawdet, fl. meanly showy, fine without taste. ^3% ?fr*rqr, ^^^-nr^, ^^T^, f^BT^, ssfr^^, ^i'. f>I?^^, ^"T^r-^, 3^'^.qr, T-T^STt, f^fTTq-^, ^VTE, -JT^T-lrvT^, ;«t-?m-T, Acquired from a t. — an art, &c. ^m^. Spiritual t. |T^, 'JlMl4. T. of any of the arts or accomplishments. 'I'CTri. Business or craft of a t. Jf'Hl'jf'i/'t/. q-JRrJnn m. Teaching, n. v. V. 1. Tv"^^^ n. Ac. f^i^r /. f^^W «. Seo the other nouns under the Verb. Teak, n. — the tree, ^rm^fr^ m. XTFf m. JTnTT >». ^HT m. W- TFSr m. ■HI^^MM >»• — the wood, ^Pl^PIwi. ^n w. WTTw. Of or belonging to t. +i|»l^I?ft, T?m^, m^^, ^re- plantation or forest of t. ^TH^T^ ". Teal, m. — the bird. mui+'Nil ( ST m. f[f. 'in. ) ^im-h-^iun, (srni.fl- /.%«.)• "["»/. Team, n. horses or o.xen harnessed for drau-ing. -jfr^ n. ^\vn Teapoy, n. table or stand with three legs. f^T^ff/. ^T^/. Teah, n. 3TC[or 3Trg[«. »». STs-J «. w. ^=5ft3^ «. ^^IJ^ >i. %5r^ w. qm »»• «• Flood or torrent of tears. ^T^^^TnT/. TTlto!;'^/. Flowing or trickling of tears. 3T^qpT m. ars^TT^TN m. T.-drop. 3T»^T%5 m. ^ «. T. of aflectTon. sfm^ w». «. Waste tears. cjr?:iirTr^^ n. To burst into tears. Xjn. ^Ff^T5CW. To melt into tears. 3T?T^ n. pi. TToCot. To shed tears, arf^rt »• /)/. or 3TT^ m. pi. 5^T5tiJi-TT3^. To stream, — tears, frkm. pi. or stxTfH^ qroftn-SKwi, To wipe the mourner's tears. rS^qr^ afTI^ »». /'^•J?!^, i\m m. pi. 5?f ITT y. of 0. [qj^. To wipe away the tears from every eye.^^:77^^q»<. To Teae, v. a. rend, "irreot, '^]-^7-\%^^ fspr^, ;trTof, 7^^. Sppor, "FTOTT, f^^?;^, SROT ".-R'i.K'T ?(.-Ac. ^m y.r/ a. — soundingly, ^-W^H-W.X &c. (intcns. ZT7J or '•t-:nT?T-7- ^f ) adv. "prsCTr-f^^-rftf^T, -t^+ui, t**"!, '^^PT^rT. To t. in or to pieces. l |5^PF^-^'if, ^'T% »». //. qj^ (/. o/ 0. 3'^roiaT, f^^t^i^^ n.-&i-\ ^ii j. of o. To t. and pull asunder, about, &c. f^m^.^ f%?TM*of. To Teak, v. n, rend. "FT^, ^TT^, «FT5ET ?«. l^^'ii-^JTm^.o/y. TEA 8^8 TEL — souudiiigly. ZK-'^^-^j:-&c. ( iuteus. ZV!:i or ^f-^CKf- sn^, ) ado, 'PTJiJr-r^'f, ^^^. 2 /K»ie, raie, v. To Eaue. fTSSFSof , tfSTiS^. 3 along- ; tlirougU ; itc. v. Impeiuouslv. q^^r^, ^'tc.^r'Ji-=5rraoT. Teab, «. V. EE>-r. ^t^/. -o, n. V. V. A. l.—ad. "prsirf n. f^ijf n. rffs^ «. &c. "jn'sofr/. ^w^f- ^^R'jft /. ^?TJr n. f^r^Rw «. Jb Tease, jj. a. ( wool, &c. ) v. To Caed. f^^CTf, " t'^^str^, 2 torment, vex, annoy, Jiarat-s, tj-(r. irf^rof, tjoi'jf, ^JSi^r vTT=5("n, =snor?TOT, ^fW^, ^JToEDT, ^ffM^iJf, ^RTR'^, «TH=rW, J^^FTn'Tf, ^fFflR'jf, rr3?To!:TfqfOT,iTi^nT^/..;;fr=^'Jr^/.-^T=5T- ofr/.-ijo50T?j;/.-^a m.-^m^^ /.-^ra'jr^/.-W^DT /.-=5rr- ^"^w^j f- 2}i--^^^f.-mi\o^ f.-&c.^^ ff.o/o. vTir^ s;i.-'+.N/. ^^. This word Jo ^fase expresses the. sense of numerous lively and common words, phrases, and combinations, such as io plague, to pester^ to lotlier, and, with some enliaiicement or intension, to hadger, io worry, to harass, to persecute, to tire one's life Old, to tease to death, to consume one's vitals, to vex ones very soul, ^c. Sfc. There are formations in MardjM equally lively and common, and equally colloquial or free. Here therefore they are collected. ^TSEof, sr=5?iJr, f^m^r^r, rT^oT, ?r-z?r^TsriJt, hrt^', Frreoi, ^ir^'jf, ^]^^^ ^Jm^ 3T?0T, 3TfT^Dt, ^?J^?7r5fffr, TS^gf, jjctsr '^^lif, fT- Ef^, f^^rr^T sfre «8. qiTT, ^t^ w. ^>5iff, ^S'm ^T^^f, arf- ^df y. o/o. #5/ cpT^^ or Jf;q:oi y. o/o. 3TT5/. ^ft^dt- ifot y.o/ 0. ^# ?i^n. ^ijf y.r;/ o. f^crr?5T ST^st ?Tff or 3T- m]^^t n. pi. ^]FM-^]z6]^ w.k^jf pi. m^'^ uith ^\ of C. ^^l ^\^f.-^\Z^^Uf. ^.m^ ^PT^ofrrT q^of, 5ppEf!7ft /. sr^in, 3'TT^ wj. JROT .9. o/ 0. ^^^•^7:^ ( ftfor, sfror ^tot, &c. ) ^5 M. pi. w^nrw, >^Ff ?r ^m, Err?:r^5 >«. /.-3T?:r- ^;T5rrolix, tiresome in relation, siqrs^^ ^^T^'^TT, =5fr- ^z., ^rq-^TfETT, ^^n^^?:, =^^5s, ^t^?:^;, cR^qprRT, ^^^^^^., STfiTSSTT'JTT^HI^, Cf^TH,^, qt?|T5rTqj, ^TVT^^T, ^^^Ri7r, ^R^-STT. Tediousness, *t. T. A. 1. ^?:t^T qr^T^mT-ctc. F^mquif m.- rrtsft/.-ic. =^q^TUTT ot. ^T^Tf /• 2 ==TT5r?;T'JTT 5». &c. =ETT?^Tt/. .- T^^tt/.-Ac. ST^^fff ^.o/«. Teemee, «. Teeming,^, a. v. V. 1. fsfUTTTT. 2 3TT5Cr, ST^^, if^, qof, qftqyf, HfTrT, SfTf?^, all iu comp. To Teeth, v. n. Ireed teeth. ^Rf m. pi. ^^-'^z^Sx■^^^i\ in. eon. or, tvith g. ofs. sfFTT^^IT J^T m.-&c. fm. Teething, n. v. V. 3f?r ^^ n. &c. H^r\^^]Z m. s^rjr^ »«. Si^f- 3^ wi. ^Fr^?[?f n. ^HTFTfrT/. [q^^T^ wi. n. Tegument, n. v. Integument, Coteb. a^T^T^itfT n. %'2?r «• Teleseaph, n. ^rrm\f.-&c. trisfii'T^^ ^t^r «. 2 ( electro-magnetic ). rfrn'T^ »• To Telegbaph, f. a. ^jrj^=s{\n7{ mrVH\ f. TT^ft-'Jl-qrfr^fJrJT. Telegram, n. rTTTT'T'^f^ "Tr5f5r%^-'JTT^=fT siTfTm/. Telegbapht, n. FiTTT'T'^t^^ sjTFIKt '7T5fqiq"T=5ft fsTqr/. Telescope, n. spy glass, ^^^f. Telescopic, Telescopical, a. SK^ff^sTT, |f^=ft=:qr f?T?fi^T.. 2 (star, &c. ) §f^^f^5 f^?TJf, ^'WRot, q?3:^oT, ^jpq-ijf , f?rT^- ot, ^T^-i^rr-&c. q;?:oT, f^^qtif, frrq^rcff , f^%^^, ^'trof , ^^, '.-&c. ^^if. To t. far and wide. ^rfTT^ffft/. T.m g. of o. To t. heavily iu the end. 3Tq^5-q;5tDT-^5-^tc. ?irTifonn against. "^T^ f. ^M-^^^, '^Tfrst/. ^TiJf, Tell-tale, «. v. Tale-beaker. ^^7, ^n3?^K ^-^'T'?T-^^iT-'T^H'iKH- To t. hot water, by pouring in cold. fsTHiT^ or f^HT- DT"^, R^Hul'. — Cold water poured iuto hot to t. it. f^ ^•01 or f^^V^ n. f^m^^ n. 2 See To Mix. 3 See To Soitex. 4 ( metals ). ^J^ n. ^ijf. Temper, n. due quaJily effected l>j mixture. fn'. To try the t. of. ^^ n. ij^Jf y. of o. 6 See Ieeitabilitt, Passion. Temperament, n. constitution, ( of mind or body ). if-yfrf/. ^^\^ m. \^^^f^f. ^f^TT^T wi. ail^'Tiq- m. 3T?HSJHR «!. fifEnTfT/. fiT^T^/. 'JTTfHr w. Bilious or choleric t. fq^si^fS/. Evil t. 3T^3^I5r J". Of equable t. ^fH'cTm. Tkhpebance, Tempeeateness, n. v. A. 1. HiTW70TT?». ^rfr- 2 ^m%-^rerate. ht^, r, ^t^«t. 2 v. Seculai!, "Woeldly. STRfNr, ^T ^=^r^, ^TraRJ- ^, ^ ?5t^rf^T'fT=5rr, ^?5?'^I+'Io1MI, ^fsTfT-TT^^T, ?t^KT- 3 afar lelonging to the i<;mple of the head, a^t^r^qr, ^1- Tempokakilt, adv. v. A. ^f^?r, ^STTT^^T^, 3TT5^nTf^?r, STR'T'^llfi.'IH, &e. ^TPft. T£MP0RAEIKESi3, «. T. A. arf^RT^OTT »». 3Tf%^»TTfq'?tT /. 3T?'«.-jfr^/. q-R56t, ^?5^iif, FST'T^riJt, gT55 /.-^^ W.-&C. ^^^lif, 7%3T^ M.-q-il^r'T^ W.-&C. ERijf. 2 V. To Prove, To Try. TK^if, TFT'«. HFni?^r»». arffeTFRwi. ^^^Tt^m. Tenant, n. person holding land, ^'c. under another. SJ^TRft/. I ^re. :jqft, ^■qWW, KTR^tRt, ?fR^^, ^'T/. Tenants— collect, tenantry. TT:f^^\in. m^ f. m^\^f, 2 (of a building^. HTf^ft, Trfr^ft or =5ft. To Tenant, v. a. ^-qr^r-Hn-qH ^T?^iJf-^crr. Tenantet, «. 6o(?y o/" tenants. ^^msTTwi. ^TH /. To Tend, v. a. attend, watch.^ keep, Sfc. TTS^ot, qr^ijf, ^TT^roT, -&c. JK?;of-TT^nt y. ofs. ^3^T/.-?fJTRR»»-&c. %ciTy. o/o. ^^ll/.-^3fpTT^ft^ or ?5/.-v^nTT^^/-&c. ^RiJf y. o/ o. 2 (sheep or cattle), t. To Keep, ^^of, q'5snt,M|o£ij|, ^r^ijf_ To Tend, h. w. move or lean towards. Jp^or, ^W^^, SJ^^r, cf- awt, ^rFSOT, ^J^m.--^^m.-&c. ^m g. ofs. K\^m.-^^^n.- ^■RaT«.-&c. 3T?f^ y. o/ s. 2 contrihute.^ v. To Help. ^^Tq--?r^^Rt-&c. 3THat. Tendekce, Tendency, «. afr^/^, direction or course towards an object. ^Sm- 5fN?«. ?Tt?5'». jfra/. Tr^ift/ ^T^/. #?[«. srssuiJt. Sf^w. ifl^'Tw. TffrT/. ^qr^w. ^j^n. TEN 871 T£^-I)EI!, a. soft, yonng, mi firm, Sfc. qptsTcST (remiss. ^ft^ns^T tenderish ), w'\'^'=^. pop. 5r, f^r, fsq? or ^sf?, ^p^, ?I- ^H^R, ^IToE, ^>JT^, ^fTTR, ^^IT, f|, ^TTyT^, g?Ilf H. 2 sensillc of pain or injury; casili/ pained. ^fI^SF, ^^, 3 conqnissionate, considerate, v. Pitiful, Kixd. ^JTr5- f^rf, ^'PR:, 3Tr^, ?r^T^, ?r|^, l^^^rr^, f ^q-pj, qfllT??- |^5T, T^JT^t?T:^^OT, ^^^^\^^., TT^rrf , ^FRfor^^^lTTa or 4 Sec Pathetic. 5 See CAHEruL. A t. point. ^^ n. To be toucbed in a t. 2)oint. ^Ty^^, Tender, To Tender. See Oeeee. To Oifek. Tender-hearted, a.\. Pitiful, Kiud. JT^fT^r ^PI^IW, ^^, Tendek:ness, n. v. A. 1. sf r^^H^T m. ^,X^^^^ m. f|^^nT'Jrr m. &c. ^^^f Hr^^rf/. ?i^iTif /. w.mB7\\f ?i?fr/. &e. W'W^ «. ^5^ n. HT^5 h. 2 ^r^kqoi: »». ^wqirr w. ^^3^?q-uir m. ^w^^ m. &e. 3 ^ypi^m m. kc. ■Nrrm't ^Rr^^rrr/. f^rrrift an^'Frr/. T. coinpassiou &c. — compreh. iTnTTiTJT?TT/. Tendinous, a. sinewy. f\rUPSpop. f^RT^, f^Trr^q'. Tendon, «. — iu anatomy, fv^ pop. ^vtxf. ?jffej5iq-^ «. ^rfy; Tendon AchiUis. Ern^lR/. ^^mf^Xf. sm^ftr/. MFS- SftT/. . [^3«^ TENDraL, n. clasper of a vine, ^'c. r^mj m. a^riTff/. TT^RTot. Tendrils. ^M or r^X m. pil. Ten-ement, n. V. House, Residence, m n. ^W■]^ or ^ m.n. tTTH n. ^^ n. 2— iu law. ^rPT n. fJRm/. Patrimonial lauds and tenements, ^^^^^f\f. Tenesmus, n. — iu medicine. ^Toft^'ni" ^T^TT^^ff 3TTS/. |iT- 'r^^T-T?;?rT^5^T ^Z m. ^^Tift^ ^'^f'f- f^'-^^Z- Tenet, n. opinion held, ttft n. Tenon, «. — in carpentry. ^^ n. w^ n. [ ^y^:^^ in, 2 ( of a door, a window-shutter, &c. ). ^TTHT or sfTfqr or Slip of wood to receive a t. cfm^qff/. ^\hv^^^f. ^\- ^T or JTlfR ». Tenok, Tenour, }^. continued currency, iclwle course or strain, T. Course. ^X[ m. ^\^ m. 3?mM. ^^ n. arg^'-TR n. n- oEiJr «■ ^w.f. ET5E5rjr ?«. ^f^^f?: »». 2 tendency of speech, drift.^ imr^nrt, ij'c. v. Meaning, arr- j/. 'flTST m. i.\^ m. ^r^ ?«. '-^t^ w. Sf^fT^ ?«. ^TT^T m. 3T- 3 — in music or cLantiug. iT«T?f^^ «. fg^^tT^ST^ n. Te>'SE, n. — in grammar. :pT?5 m. Imperfect t. 3^3jrr?IHrr in. 3T3Jrf?I 1?!^?; ?«. Indefinite t. ^^^^^^^^:\^ m. Preterite t. 3Trfr?T^T?! m. TO?^'^?T^^ «?. Tense, a. stretched.^. Tigut. rrr5, ftt^?:, Fim%^r. Tenseness, Tension, m. t. A. oMiiTidUTNEss. ht^^oitot. rTT- OI^ST'JTT M. &C. ftTSr m. rlTOT >«. 3TRr >«. rToir^TT ??J. TER Test, n. t^ni. rl^m. fnf!iT«. tR^^n. Some j urticular kiud» of tent are, TTET^ or rjj.t^, q'qtsir or f^H^, qi?5. Cap oflcatlier attmhtd to the cuds of a wall, Ac. of a t. %z m. Cap of a t.-pojc. qi^T^/ ^^^ f. Fly of a double t. ^]\t^ ^% ?,. qj-5; r.^ «. Porch of a t. BiTTfr or ^^\f■[f. Rope of a t. FriTri^rr w. fr^isr/. fr^qt/. -^wji n.f. Shell of a double t. 3TfrT% Jr, '^K]^mf. T.m g. ofo. 3TTf5 tRot. TENTir,'«. ?^m 0?- ?rf 5|T, ^^W. [^.:p «, . Tvi^TB, n. tenth pari. ^^T^TT JfRT «i.-^^T w.-&c. J?imr »". To Tenuate, v. a. make thin. 'r[^^-mf\T-&.c. q;?6t. Tenuity, n. v. A.'rma'l'nr m. qrf^-T'TuiT wi. &c. qRqrrr/. qr- Tenuous, a. t. TniN. qTrToi, sjT^^P, ^?iT. Tenure, «. manner of holding lands, tenements. &c. ^r\j^.- ^R '«. ^fsrsT^R »«. ^Brfqr^^T m. Deed of t. ?n=T^/. q5T «. ^'^ m. i^^]-rn^ n. The king of terrors. See Death. Teese, a. neat and clear. ^Tf /. HT"l>q'iTr »»• H^^qoir on. Tertian, «.— the fever. f7r^fH^rrTTq'«.f?f^R n. 5^f|^?T«;. Tessellateh, a. checlcered^formed in little squares. %s<":- ^R, ^rsft^R, ^raS^f==TT, %5E?Ti=^T. Test, n. v. Trial. qR^/. ^t\^Jf. T.^\z\f. 2 means of trial. ^mz\f. ^(\^\^T^^^ n. To Test, v. a. v. To Tex. f.-U.^^^g. ofo. 2 See To Declare, To Publish. Testimonial, n. writing or certificate in favour of. ^iFrft=5?r HFTT^ m.%1^ m.-&c. q^ n. ( in comp. as ^jfgq^, 3Tfj??f- q^, 3T^q=^, &c. ), ?(Tf?:fp%H: «. from the English certtfi- cate is common. Testimony, n. \. Evihence. ^^f ^Tft/. ^^TRt/.— as one of the kinds of evidence. ^T£^ »». Oral t. ^^5ITR^/ 5^^5IRfr/. Testiness, n. t. A. f^^m^iq'JiT »». ffTSfrffq'Tr m. ^^iq^nr wj. &c. %wrH/. ^^^f Testy, «. v. Cross, Peevish. %^%^TT, f?r5^5T, H^fT,"^- Tetanus, «. tr^cfTrl m. TetE a TetE. ^rSTO HTf , HT^TrfffT, ffri% Hlft. TH.A. 873 THE Tether, n. rope ly which a beast is tied for grazing, xfrr^qr- To n-ivo a long t. §3 ^TTt/. \^. To Tetheh, v. a. tie tip tvilh a tether. ^JTT^f^r^ ^rft=IT«r^ Tetotum, m.— the plaything. $if-^/. JpT^T^/. ^.r¥.\Z\f. TetEad, 11. aggregate of four. ^\^f^f. -tJHii+ n. '^^'7.^ n. TetkaQONal, a. having four angles. ^TJufT, ^R^s^TiT. Tltkapetalous, a. having four petals. ^RT^at, ^Tl^oJt. Teteaech. See Chief, King. Tettee, n. — the disease. ^^^55 n. 3T^/. Text, n. sulject of a comment. H75T4 m. Tf'P't^ «i. Rfft=P «. IJF5 or 55 7i. 2 sentence of Scripture, fiffy' w. ST^ST «. ^\^^ n. Textcal, Textuaei-, a. contained in the text, ^'^^\r\^^. ^. Textube, ». iveh. fcfiTPSS JFT^ n.-^TW «. f^OTT n. Opening in a t. ^?T ?«. ?I^t/. To have or get openings in t. ?r<+&c. ^3!^, TT^R vTi'Jr^-JTr- R^^-&c. ???rfT?in5%, &c. J Thankfulness, n. v. A. ^H+kImottot. 3Tr'HK'tMW|l»i. ^^^^x.- fTcTT/. ?;?T|T?rT/. j Thankless, n. See Ungrateful. 2. «o< bringing thanks. 3THW+KiqT, g^+Klf'TqTS^Jfq. Thank-worthy. See Peaise-woetuy. That, p-o». m, (?ft, ?ft, fT). That like. rT^IOT. ["TTffft^. Upon or after t. rTSJ^TrT?:, ?r|rTt, Hjqf?, rT^TO-T, rT^- 2 xvhich, jf^oj— relat. to the antec. vfr, (^, ^, ^^_ 110 jl That, con/ qff, %. %^r I Thatch, '•-s'^ &c- covering a house. ^St^- Theistic, Theistical, a. belonging., c^c. to theism. 3TTf'^- w^v^., 'flTfe^^THFrrqr, Ac. TH=^r, &c. Tmf^^, ^s^q;, JT?fmT, 3T5jtr1%5, 3TgnM»i?5^, Theorist, Theobizee, n. v. V. ^rq'?fT-&c. ^^oTT'^T-qn^UTTTT- &C. ^'TTfrT ^T^UTRT. To Theobize, v. n.form a theory, speculate. qjrq?rr/-^% m. -f^ft^ m. pl.-^f^f.-&c. ^^^-^FTjir-T^oT-SfttToi, fr^FT^^T f--fk^i^^jf.-&c. sF?:iff, f^TPFiif, ^^^f. ?5T^. Theort. «. speculation, scheme, cf'c. ;p?^T^/. rf% m. f^^W.m. pi. TI^H^jf^/. HrTl^Frq^rr/ ar^TTPT «. 2 exposition of principles, ^qqfgf/. ^f^/. ^rif «. 5[TT^r- Theosophical, a. v. N. ?W|TT5fr, iT^fTT^. Theosophy, n. hioiuledge of God, v. Theology. ^fTT^ «. THEBAPEnTic, a. curative. ^^T^^W.Vnl'^J .^ 3'Trqsiq;T>nt?T?;T, fTif^r^-sTf?r^R^-Tft^H^. [^ ^H^'\V '\■^\ f Therapeutics, n. ^^^V^^%X^n. ^^m=^X.^mVJ\n. ft- Thebe, adv. in that place. ^^ or fHtif, f^^, c^irfs^tifT-?^- c?T-FS:c. 5T^ /. c ^r^oTT m. ^nrt /. ^^^ «. ?'?oir'«. ^"Rt 'h'^M]^! '^HR M. Thigh, ?i.— the part of the body. ^f^T or ^\rf f ■aXi\ f. ^fi^T /. — contemptuously. ^TTS or ^\^% n. Bhulc of the t.-bone. r 51, %^fgTr, f5Rf^(^ or ^R^^"^?!, kT^<>T, fqotfta'Til. Thin, Tuinlt, adv. v. A. 1. ttf^, qf/t^. 5, G. i|Mol, ftf^, f^^KoE, 5T«^, :5T^^«. To Thin, v. a, make thin, attenuate, ^c. qirrgi-qpiT^-H^n- &e. qRot, MMoSViTT »n.-&e. arnnof, qRiS'l'm wi..qr?r^/.- &c. ^Rot I/, of 0. 2 maJce less croirded. T9w. /. ^ n. -flif m. fq'm m.H^ n. Fine t. =Efr3T/. w. Shapeless or cluniBy t. frtefotlm. That is neither one t. nor the other. %^'Jt. Ililngit, goods, chattels, traps, ij-c. T. Good. ^TIHR n. 2 matter.husincss, i\'c. v. Affair, ny"?/. f^TT ?». TTT'^m. 3 — in coutemiit, &c. =Ct^/. jlT^T'^T m. Poor t. qiRST, fq=qRT, qT^srfqq^rrr. 4 a portion.^ something. qrf^T. THI^■GIIMI!OB, n. ^%■^^ s^rS^fT 7«. To Think, v. n. have ideas in the mind, exercise the mind. f%i#r, f^cf^ Ji.-f%?rT/.-f%fnniF/.-%fT='T«.-'lRTF'-'TT<7R ri. -TRfoqpTR W.-&C. ^»Tjf To t. highly of one's self. "HT^ 'i^J^^ "'. 2 0/)in-0, f . O.V. V. N. 1. j^rPTrT, f%?I^, f%- Tui>->rEss, «. V. A. 1. qidoiHUir m. &c. Tmoff/. qTrfSST?/- «JH+l{/- ^TT^T^ w. 2 qT?raqtTir »«. &c. qirtoft/ qiHssif/. sTK^f /• 5fT':=FRrm. [ 3 qmsqirr »». &c. qr?Toft/. qmsiif /. 4 qmsiq'^r m. qm-it/ qmatix/. sihtft?-/. str^TPTTr m. ?7- 5 qiHciMuii m. fJr^nPssqurTOT. fsi^qiiirwi.&c. qm^if/. qpr- 6 mrio64Uir m. ^(TsqxJTr »». &c. qr?r55t/. qiftsETf/. Thied, d.— the ordinal. fh^HJ, ^rfTT, f%^T. The t. doing or going over ( of a work ) ^?T^/. To make the subject of a t. operation. frRTR'if or f?ra^'n, fH^rwt or f?mT^/. ^m. Thied, n. third pari. frf^TTT ^TRT ?«.-^^r w.-3T^T »i.-&c. frT- Cfnt/- f?WTT^ »"■ HFftqr^T m. TfllEDLT, a(/o. ni ^Ae third place. f?r^='TTH, ^'fft^fT:. TniEST, «. (?«ire /o (fn>iA-. r\^ or ^^f.|^^VBm.f. fqqT^T/. Excessive t. sjfr^ iJO^J. ^^ OT. qi'^i^'r^ or qpn^im »t. ^B^Tpsr m. \^]^w.^ «. Morbid & excessive t. V!^X^ f. T^^^T5 »i. Slakening of t. ?T^^r5/. To quench t. ?r^/. ^W.^^- 2 fig. vehement lovging, v. Desiee, Itch. ?T^/. fj"7r/. ^rorr/. cqrw m.f. ?to wf. ^^m »». ^h^^jt/. g^^/- ' T. of wealth, ^r^^/. T^j TniEST, I', n. v. N. 1. ri|H/.-&c. ?JTn^ »«. fO?^. rfspn, rn^^'jf or ap^R^, rfT^of. 2 fig. hanker, long, V. To Desiee. ^t^ «i.-^=^RT ??!.-&c. OT^^ J». con. H^iil, STM OT. ^T^of g. oj s. Thiestee, n. TniESTiNG, p. a. Tuiesty, a. v. Y. 1. Fr^rq- f^^^, H^rg^, rTHH, ?(^, fqqrg,— in high degree, ijTT^?^, ^rgr, ^irft^, ^nr^, Hii+m, h^tt, Hwfir, 2 anJ Desirous. ^T^ft c WT^ft, ^^r?ft or ^, 5jfITT, =5TqT5?T. Thirteenth, a. rrCT^r, Thietieth, a. ffTm^. Thiett, a. fftH, f^^T^, — ono ^^PrftH, — two STrfT^T, — three rT^^ft^,— four ^rft^ w =^q?ftH,— five q^TrftH, — six U- fftH, — seven •Hdrf!^, ^i^dlH, — eight *J3fft€, Sisnlti, — nine ij+uh lofty. Theageoft. fKsfft/. THis,a.^(^,^,| ). This, that, and the other, -^i i uui ■>\\ v \i \ n. Thistle, n.— the plant. ^Z^ZVU m. or tl f. 'Hil^ ^ ^ m. These are the echinopg echinatus. or Globe Thistle, ft'- c5FT?ft ^\^l\ or ^\t trran m. which is very common in the Deocau, is something like the thistle. Thithee, Tuitheewahd, adv. f<\^. Hither and t. g-qfsf?!^!. ['^^^f\ f. Trosq, n. leather strop, ^r^ f. ^■^VJ m. ^~J m. ^fT^T / TuOBAClc, a. Iclangiiig to the thorax or cheat. Ulfft^, (JT- TnOBAL, a. hdoiiging lo a led or sleeping couch, ^fs^r, ?T- '%^T, rr?q^5i-cft. TnOEAX, n. imcard part of the Ireast, v. Chest. tTTrft/. Z- K n.jwp. ^l m. ^?^:r^Fj n. [^^ m. TnOKN, n. tree or shriih armed with thorns. ^W^X^ n. ^e^- "Wood of tliorns. ^V..^^ n. q?f5€PT n. 2 thorny bush or branch, mizlf. ^\z\ n. Load or bundle of t.-loppiugs. giq w. qrfH m. "PHT- €\f.^^n. 3 prickle. JpfsT m. ^7,^ m. A bed of thorns, Z(<.y?y. q;f5-qt^ 3i*T^3iI n. silcoTi^ 3i' adv.- |r^ ^fr/.-^%^ n.f- ;p[fr 5H^/-%fr- Hft/.-31%5%/.-»f^^f^ w.-fi,f^ «.-&C. qROT, 3=1>^ sit?5'jf-'=^. y. V. A. 1. t»>f^rfrti, KTPT armScJI, &c. f%- 1 I THS ! Thought, h. operation of the mind, act of thinking. f%?T5T«. f%?rT/. iTHH n. f^^?: m. ^^xi^■[^\l m. ■^^■.T.i^m^nm. lu t. word aial deed. ^prTT ^RT 57^^^;^. Lost in t. '•TTPr^'«T, 'Ststr. Passings or beyoud t. cJll'^lrq'. Speed or rapidity of t. H^tiq^n m. H^fmfTr/. To be in one's thouglits. '-•'Tr^fjTnf-JTHriTr^flf-'.tc. 3T- 2 \ rn THR Worker in gold t. vrR^t^T. AVoveu with double tiireads. jflR, JfTrtt. 2 fig. connection of subject, ^m m. JJrf n. rfR/. 3Pm- 'ORf «. fl'tTR n. q[i«r't"T'T «. aT^q' m. n•n--W»mn.-&.i:. ^^ g. ofo. 2 ( a needle ). afnTot, aft^^ ^"S, itl m.-&c. qr?!^. ThREAd-daee, a. having the nap worn off. ^^^, f^RffRT, f5Rf5rft?T or W^\^i f^S^, ^nMm, "P^ ^^, ^^- Tr cloth. JTT?ir^ -^ n. *m^ ». To become t. and thin. f5R^, f^<^TaoT, f^n=5ot, 3^'JT. Theead-investituee, fl. v. Thread, 3. 5^/. g^Hi/. Hf- ^/. ^^Jft^q^ n. ^JM-iMH «. ^^"I «■ H^^^ w. Altar or scat at a t. ^^^ «. Bcirginp- and the alms obtained by a Brahman under t. f»T?TT5!; pop. fT^Ts;/. trnf^eir/. Brahman &c. of whom the t. has been omitted.HT?!!. Ceremony of eating with his mother of tho subject of a t. JTTHHr:)fT^ «. Cloth or garment worn at t. 517^^ «. ipifTT/. Entertainment given to tho subject of at. «JT>1T- vPT n. Theeaded,/?. T. V. 1. m^I^f^T, 3?i*)r!.rfr, &C. ^f^, 'if'TcT. Till? 878 THE To TnEEAi, To Threaten, v. a. denounce future evil to, de- clare purpose of punishing. HT n.-^\m m.-&c. ^?3^ y. ofo. vnr w.-VT^ W1.-&C. ^^^ g. oj o. oaTnt^^ w.-ht- er5=T ^i.-^fTJ^^T «.--»T^5T5?n?T ".-^sr^^H ri.-&c. ^Jf «. &c. Hs^T^ift/. irawt/. ^h^ /. H^T^i^iS^T «. H^^f. 3— aa of raiu, &c. i^ m. ms »«. qi?: '«• "T^TCT »'. flrS »«. Theeateseb, n. Tueeatei^ing,;). o. v.V. 1.2. iT^^njt5r"TT^r, H^^SiiTRr, &c. H'lTSr^^T^, *Rg5^, >T«T^?^i^ =F^f- Three, a. ?fr^, JTrq ( used only of living creatures ), 1rT (in eomp. 38 T.-storicd frfTT^TFJT, T. -cornered f?T^t?lt, & f^- "T^, f^rqf, fH"^, f^r^rff, &c.), f^ (in comp. as f^SJr^, f^^T, f^TS, f>nir, f^^OT, f%R:5,&C. ) Aggregate oft. v. Teio. f=5j^?: n. ^?T «. =5?^/. f^\n. f%T?r5T M. By threes, — clustering, strung, &c. ^^%, Composed of tlirees. Tft^s. Of t. kinds or sorts, f^ftq. T. persons or individuals, f%^^ m. T. and a half. 3T^^ or t^T^.— Multiple of t, and a half. 3T3T% or '^ip n. Thbee-fold, a. f^n'Jl,f?Tcq?:, ^\tT or ft, f?Tff ft. Theee-joikted, a. fn^ft, f^T#. Threelooped, a. f^ipf^, Theee-sided, a. frfiir^. Teeee-steinged, a. fH§?ft. THEE>'ODy, M. sow^r of lamentation, ^^r\^\ m. <[o TiiEESn, V. a. separate from the husk bi/ heating, f^^of, ^TS^, ^rST"^, «l^^, HSOT, »T7.oft/. ^T'ii-^r^Df-^TrOT, 915/. ^rsof-JTRW y. o/ 0. srasrr ^^iif,— by treading it under cho feet of bullocks, JTcEOT, H3ift/. ^Ts5t-cp^5t- Thre:^^ ng operations — compreli. ^ra'jftHoT'jfr/. 2 rfriiJ, V. To 13eat. ^I^ot, ^rSTOT, '^R^ot, fr^crr, ^^ijf, Threshed, J;. v.V. 1. grs=I^, ^t^^^^ &c. ^rsi^, siss^r^r, — by the treading of oxen, H^fpJrJr, HdufHi, ^«;qr=5fr. 2 5rr5^=5r, f^^%c7r, f€=j^r. iHEEsnEB, 7!. Thbesiung,/?. a. V. V. 1. grsorm, T^'JIRT, =l3^nTRT, &c. iraoi^_ Corn given to hired threshers. ^tjfT/. Theeshing, n. t. V. 1. ^^ n. i^^^ n. Hotet «. ^r? /. ^- 5^/. »T5Juft/. flfTT«». ;CreJr-Wr or ^Tf5-&C. HI^, TrJ^^w. ^';>it, TS:- %"fr/. qJT^. Through, ^jr/>. /row en;/ ^o enr/ of. 3TT?"TR. 2 — noting passage or cliauuel. ^rf^H, H'^T, =rf^. The sense is usually expressed by the inflection of the noun as TI 571^, t. this door, &c. 2 Ig agency or means of. ^p^TT or ^5^, wA\ or if, Jfift, gTTT, gnr^, mx^fft^. Through, ado. from one end to ike ether. TrqrefT-&c. ^TqilMilV, 3TTT (iu comp. as ^??»TT, JT%ff»TT ). 2— of space. S"4^pT5Lf;T, 3T^i^fT^, W?i=T, HT ( in comp. as Tf^iT?:. ^JTTT, ?5i5ft^^, ic. ). To Theow, t'. a. V. To Cast. ^TT^ot, ^nRin, Z^^.ii, «P^ct, I To t. one's self ( into a pond, well, the fire, &c. ). | 2 overturn in wrestli:tg. ^T^i, =^->i»^1'li:W-&c, ^^t, '! 3 about; scatter diffusely. TtTZot, ^q;3 ""jpipor-TJ^, 4 away; /ow hy neglect or folly, sptnd uselessly, .?•,•. tn=I- ^OT, <^«(Su), TT^^, ^Kr'jE'JT, THr^, ^^lotor ^R^, WtT't. 5 by; lay atidc as useless, i^r. <^^T*|vt 'IT^or, J?t^TH Z'W.^, C down; cverthrow, ijv. qi^of, ?i|^ ?l^iii. 7 oft': ( clotlichi, &c. ). q;r^, ^r^5 ?:r^iut ( iiiHiuuations, hints, Ac.}, g^tnn, Tjiq'crr, t\-^-;^ f.-&c, ^.m, 'i^\^^ V^. 11 up; lit. ^T.:3;t^fz}]^^.&c. ZV¥.^[^ Tr^qoi, T'W'T 12 up. See To Vomit. 13 upon, zrw.^, ^TT?!^. 14 upon (a body of troops, Ac. ujiou the enemy.) ?fr?^. Throw, Throwing, «. v. V. 1. ^r!fOT;i. zi^i\n. Ac. Vf^'mn. I. (of dice). 5T^OT. f. ?r^. II. distance ivhich a missile may be ihroirn. ^t'?r»i."T??iw, Stone-t. ^ms^riTm. ^IrT'tfTwi. Thrower, n. Throwing, p. a. v. V. 1. ^r^orm, ^T+uiMl, TT^FwrTT, Ac. "jf^Tq-r, mwnx., ^^rs, sr^q^p, m'n-i?fnt7i-Ac. JpTlf-:pTT, ^r»ft^Cf^- 6 qr??rar, Ac. qrfisr. 8 fHT?ri#5ir, Ac f^^f^TH, f^T?Tf, f?m^?r. Thrum, n. ends oftveavcrs threads. ^.TffV^ n. 37^cti n. ^jrr / ;)i. aT=EIo5^/. /)/. 3T^3 ?«. /)/. The twisted t. ^R^Tj/. [ Ac. ^PH^. To Thrum, v. a. play coarsely. FTTTr/. pi. mpit, •3R^fNT%- Thrush, n. ttirdus salica. ^frfWT or ^rft/. ;|I?IT!Fr/. H^.^ril- ft^T/. 2— the disease of the mouth. ^ m. pi. To Thrust, r. a. drive, shove, v. To Push. ^^^.'rz^.Z^^. 2 iu ; push into or leliceen. g^H^fT, ^'Tt^'n, ^R^oi, f^H- ^, ^ra^, '^?T^. ^TT^^, ^^^^. f;^^^, ftrc^r^, h»t- or 5T^, '7?Tiai, ^^R^. 3 through"; v. To Stab. 5?t^, |HiJf or afi^Tof, T^qpTt /.-|?ft or ?^/.-Ac. J?Roir To thrust one's self iu. W5>Jif, ^H^. To Thrust, v. n. molce a thrust. ?Tft/.-JHT^/.-Ac. HRui_ Thrust, Thecsting, ji. v. V. A. 1. ?^??iif,'r^^ n. Ac. yi^ 2 g^RTDT «. Tqi^^in «. Ac. gqqoft/. TT55 n.-^^ m.-&c. n515'Jf-'T^^'if-q'5^5^-&e. To t. and lig'hten. Jft^/. ^S^}r5"n, sfT^drqT^iir. 2 make a loud noise, v. To Eoae. iTSTlot, TSTSor, Tins- »T^3t-^ST^5-&c. ^TT^ot, ^OT^T ?n.-&e. ^ qr^or-s'^TTot. Thun'DEE.w. the sound uhich follows lightning. iT^?rT/. TT^^ n. ^'^^T^ m. ir^^TS? m. ^^'^f^ m. ^^^5?^ ?n. q^n^ ni. Loud crasli of t. and lightning. f^'ir^T ^^JR ni.- ^^mr W.-&C. W=5TT 15^5R: »». 2 Zoi«; continicous sound, v. Eoae. n^^r/. T5TS w. >T- TauNDEE-BOLT, 7^ tft^i/. ^^ m. n. ^?T w. n. Fallingofa t. ET^qmwJ. Eesistless as the t. Jf^irr^T. Thundek-cloud, n. f5r7T% :^j n. fip^T H^^ w. [jSXf. ThuKdee-storm, n. f^^ -TriH m. iTMfTT TTS^ «. ^T^Irfr TaU-NDEE-SIEVCK, 0, y. ASTONISHED. ^Ig, VJ-^, ?T1^^, q- Thuesdat, n. — the day of the week, ^■^^\x m. ^^V^'irmw Tnvs, adir. in this cr that tcag. ^^] deal, ft^r ded. ^^H, T. far, t. much, &c. "^VT^R, ^'^, ^^n /. ^?^, *T?i M. jfrs^ ,9. ofo. 2 cro««. arrgsfr ^/ec/. ^im, Thwaet, a. transverse. aTrS^IT. Thy, pron. a. a^rr. Thtselp, pron. ^ arNOI, fJ5, 5finoT. TiiEA, n. V .Crest, Chown. W\Z m. fn^rtr^ m. ?l?5Rqf w. Tibia, n. Zarye io«e of the leg. Jj^jf 7J. 'TS^'^/. ^Xm m. Ho5- ^rft or q31??t or 5T/. ?I3r w». ^^f. Tibial, a. v. N. HS^TT^, ^3^'^=?TT, &c. Tick, «. score, credit, trust. 3'^I'T?f /. 3'M7T in. One Hying upon t. ^^Rn^r^:. One selling upon t. 3'^NrTT. Things g-iven or taken on t. 3^T?r/. 2 louse of dogs, Sfc. 'iT'f^ or q^f^t or rif^? /. iXtI m. ^FTTr or qPT-TFTT^t? w. §cEr «!. =5TTJl'tl>ft5 or =E?t- TrqpfMU m. ^w-^f. To Tick, v. n. — a watch, «&c. ?0Rai-f%?f%5-^^?:-&c. ^i^r- Ticket, n. ivritten token. f%f??f or f^gt/ ^^rft/ 2 ZaieZ. f^^ or f^f. ^W.^ f \_^^^ n. 3 — as appended to shew number and price. ^W^^''?[f. 4 — as in a lottery, &c. €\'^f. ^J^Z n. from the Enijlish is in common use. [f^^c:«PJI. To Ticket, v. a. v. N. f^St/.-f^sq-r/. pl.-Sic. Hrm-?5T?Sr- TiCKETED, p. V. V. fqst ?=5I^?5T, &c. f^gt^T. To Tickle, v. a. cause a thrilling sensation ly the touch, jj- 5[3?^/-55'75;t/.-j^75/.-f^f?ff /.-^r=qq^^/.-^[rrf?iT /.^ji^n^^/.-ic. spK'if, S^'^TsroT. [ ^M^. 2 ( the tongue, mouth, &c. ) — certaiu articles of food. 3 fig. See To Please. To Tickle, v. n.feel titillaiion. n5n??'t/.->ie. frof. TiCKLEE, n. Tickling,;), a. v. v" A. 1. nsj^-nT^r^r-Ac. 2 ^T^TOTRT, ^^n. Ticklish, a. easily tickled. J^^?^, ^^J^r, 5^^t=^T, ^SJ- 2 fig-, unsettled, v.Totteeino. fi5EHo6\rr, fj^qft^, fcHToft- Thicklishnes.~;, ?i. V. A. 1. ^^n^Tiir w. &c. Y'^^ ^^^ ^tnTT=5TT ^Tl^ m. 2 v^oiHas/. =E(R;f^^?5/. FS^q?:/. ^x^^f. Tidal, a. pertaining to tides. >T1fft 3fr^Jt=^r. Tidbit, n. delicate piece. jftS^W m. g^r?T »i. [_^P^l m. Tide, m. ( of the sea ). Hl^m\t\f ^5?trr?qrqT'^Rl' ^^• I Bore or swell of the t. ^?r m. TIG 881 TIL High t. time of high water. ^HTf »». ^?r». &.C. ^ra^I-ft/. TiDisos, M. Y. Nuws. ?^5rT/. sTTftHt/ sfrrTf/. Tvfr ?». ^Hr^r- TiDT, a. natli/, trim, .tc. ). »pc/rin^/y. Z^]^,^. 3 cZosf, ^rm, not open. ^, n^, 'it^TtI ( remiss 'i^mmr^ tighlish ), 3T3=^ or 3Tf^. 4 close-set., well-knit, cjv. '317^, qT, 'iT^?Tr, 'iiK'^.., 'iT^r- TlGiiT-DEiwN, a. strained or sirelchcd intensely. fT»l, ?TI7, ani?:, Fi7;Fr^, FroicT'jfr^r, »fr< or 3{tT f^I^rin ), =^^T^7I qf tTOt-'3T5l^o}--fllnJ^_ 2 wiffZ.-!; more close. Q!K^7.■^'^-&.c. %X^-^^^^. To TlujlTEN., t'. n. become tightei: JTT^'JI, ^Tpjijf or n-T.fV'], fT^ot or ?T3FT5ijf intens. ?RTCof, W^OT, Wi^T^i, T^^^r o,- 3'?rR"ir, ?R flK/y. ^-Jl'i', <\Z adv. ^n^, ^T"? a'^f. ^ot TiGniLT, Tight, aJu. vTa. 1. ffn, ?TT5, ?tTW^, Wf^, T»?,- fT, ^F5H, &c. 2 ^r:, rti, 'fl??T. 3 q^, 1^, 3TS^ or ^, 'iTTI^T, ^IH. I. — as expressing' vehemence, fulness of action, &.C T. Smartly, rf^ ^^^i ^'Z'f^^, STJ^-T.^K^-Tf^T, ^Ff^TY^T, :p^q?Tf5, ^F^5, ^^"f^, ?^"TI^^, ^?:^^7T, Hre:^. Tightness, «. v. A. 1. rrre^iIT «». FTr^TTTT ?r.. itc. ar^f w. rTTS m. rTTOT »». rlurKT m. 2 4M,mjiT »i. ftinin »». 3T^^q^nT «i. i-c. ^tt( /. 3 ^qiTT »!. T^q'JTr m. ■i{^J.^m m. &c. 4 ar^^T'TT »". ^r^'TT m. &c. TiGEESS, n. female tiger. ifr'^tT /. s^nft /. Tile, «.— for a roof, &c. ^^ or TMfii n. ^V^T n. Aggregate of teu tiles. ^Tr m. Corner t. or ridgo t. ^PRT m. ^przfr m. jnr m. Hat t. ^ii^ n. smr »». Flat t. with raised edgea. . xft^crft/. tfrT ». [/. 2— the military exercise. ■*rraTffft/.'Tr^^T?ft or^K^tf[ At full t. ^^trt^, HTf5, qpRst^t^. 3 See Thbost. 4 See Hamuee. To Tilt, v. a. {a, cask, &c. ) incline. ^^,^ii^ ^c55ot, ^i=J*TT- 2 See To Hammeb. [ijiif. To Tilt, v.n. fall on one tide. q^tTot, 'hrf^ut , <(+Kuf, '^- TiiiBEE, n. wood fit for building, Sfc.y. Wood, Tree. fJTT- ^n. A pile of timbers, as prepared for building, csft^ m. A t.-carrier. A t. -hauler. Hl^Tfe^. Throughout or durimg it t. ?ft^3 or S. T. past. nrf^?5 or 55 m. Times are changed. f^H ITPT TT^rTTrr. Up to that t. f?TfTT#?T, frmTtWr, ffRrFl^. To take one's t. about. ^TvT^i!!'?^ ^oi, ^K «• 3!r55f Often times sf^oSf ) 5T or ^ ( in conip. with a numeral &c. prefix, as <(^f^, C'"^^fi '^^'\h aT%^, f^fft^t &c. ) 5IK ( in coiiip. as ?;j^R, f^fT, ftf^R, Sf^iT, 31%^5rre, or ^^f^TR, fft^R, &c. ) ^7/ At some few and distant times. ^p^^T^ or qi^ii». Equal t. in music, dancing, &c. ^^ m. In t. and tune, dirfyff. Mean or common t. H«T n. qH n. Quick t. ^FT M. cjfrq' ««. Slow t. sra/ f^?5f^|f%/. ?T?^ M. That is out of t. THTT, '^q'T?, H^iffra, >ft- ?, 5^rr, 5^ f^^, 3T^rf f^^, ^m^, •Oh^hh. TiMiDLT, TiMOBOUsLV, adv. T. A. fTffTTOTt^, &c. ^rr^TTr- TlMIDITT, TiMIDNESS, TiMOEOCSNESS, 11. V. A. Rr|ft?^rTT/. STtll^tl 3 TIN Tin, n. — the metal, qptfte «. V?^/. ^ «-^»T «. ^ «. Calx oft. ^H^H«. Tin-plate covered over with some coloring sub- stance. «ni5/. ♦»• 2 ttasA o/"/j» given to culinary utensils. ^Jir^t/. Trs, a. made, S,'c. of tin. w>^^., =F'<^?riSr. To Tin, r. a. ^f/. spTiJI-FSROT-^IJof . TiN-FOll,, n. ^■«T?5nr' ^?^ w». Tincal, m. hrute lorax. Sfqsoi^TT w. Tlsctuee, n slight taste, color, or quality superadded. 3?rm. /. srW «». iTfcl m. K)r?m. ^pT^/. 51^^/. ?i:^^/. ?I^/. S5- %^/. t^ »». t^f^ in. ^\4f. 2 V. EXTEACT. 3T^ m. fHTm, 5n»I- •mtf.-fmf-Hf\f-&c. qoT in.con. To make to t. iT<^vniI^(Jr. 2 — limbs &c. as after a sting or burn. ■m'-^^i:T^f— intens. 5t<^"JrRw. 5f. a. V. V. 1. H'T^iWIuiKI, &C. »iUIMU|rlrlT, A''- 2 um,UKrfT, &c. "ptTPTg^cTT, i^c. 3 5^17 aTTTT^, fsR^ 3TT^r, &c. TiNKEE, «. mender of pots and pans. ^^ HtSt :ftc ^TTR^, To Tinkle, v. n, make quick, sharp sounds, clink, Jingle. TIP 884 TIT f^f^crrJf , f^'Jlf^UT'JT, W\^^^^ ^^'JI^OT'Jr, ^'Jl^'JI'it, fpiT- f%qT-f^OT%'JT-^gT^'?T- 'c^" l t^U |-tpTfq'-Ac. ^]^^_ 2 — toe ornaments, &c. ^iW^UT'^f, ^"TjJ'JT'Jr, mtnxs. jJoiT- tfm, 50T50TOT, ^'JT^'iRFfT'Jt, ^:nr55/.-&c. ^DT-sir^tjfy. TiXKLK, Ti>Ki.ixo, n. V. V. 1. f^JnjrnT, f%=5n:, f^^^, Pp^^F?:, fsp^s, f^?, ^=^j, ^- sfTT, ^'?, f^^'^^r, i^^, fs^f^pft^^T, 'jft^^irr or ti^fr, ifpim'Jir or tjjrr, ^rm^, f||'?, ^m^rq-^, ^rre^^q;, ^rr^r- Tiresomeness, n. t. N. ^JTsroriVr'Tr ?». <&c. ».T»T m. ^^ w, «rff?r=PR^?:r «• ssrffH^^rJiqFfcr n. ssfH^i^^f^r «. 2 ^=En:?:'Tt7ir m. f^^s^v^m m. ^^^Torr »«. ^tsr%arq-(7ir m, &c. ^rm^f^r «. '3imzJ^^.-^^ «." Tieing-eoom,«.— of a theatre. ^^^^ n. Tissue, w. v. Beocade. ^?: m.f. ^ft^rqs «. r{^^^f. 2 ( of falsehoods, &e. ) q«./. ■^\^^^f. 5 cZnm v. Eight. ^RT >«. ^jg w. 3Tf(:Tq5T?: m. ^?5rwr »». Title-deed, «. sp^TST or ^5fT?IT '«. arriT in. T. granted by the emperor of Hindustan. JT^^^ w. iTf^rRTTr m. Title-page, n. q"4T^qT ^T^fl^ ?S «. ?T'*T^m?^ n. W^T^ n. To TiTTEB, t). n. V. To Gioole. %^%^-%^Rq?r-&c. ^^. Titteeing, «. T. V. mt\^ ^^ «. siTft^ f^ n. Tittle, n. whit, jot, v. Bit. %^t »». f%5 ?«. aioj w. ?:^:;p:Tt». Tittle-tattle, «. idle talk, v. Peate. q^^ /. ^W■^\^ m. T\^f Titular, a. existing in name only. HT^^r, 'Tr'TT^, TWq'Rt. ,| To prep, or adv. — as the sign of the dative case ; noting ', accession, &c. ^,?JT, ^^o5, ^^Tr, ^Rot, ^S ( as ^^TP^ I 2 — as opposed to from; noting motion toward, nearness jj to. q5%, ^^T^oT, !T?T, ?T, ?5r. ;, 3— according to, noting' adaption, Ac. ^R^T decl. ^r- I nr o»- ^TTrir (/ecZ. sthtot. !! 4 — noting extent, degree, &c. rft, m^R, 'Ut^ff, T^FT, ?R ij ( as H^KT To death. ). ij 5 — noting- extension, &e. ^fTST, ^ftrft, ^, ^. L 6 — noting comparison. q:^f, |^. '| 7 — noting appertainment. ^r, ^^ ( as fjiTTRTRr r[TMK iTRT^t TUT T^ tT'TT-TS ). 8 — as a sign of a verb, noting object, consequence, &e. H, ?rT, aTKT^r, armTOT, ^ft^, ^frfr. Note. Many of the meanings of " to " are inherent in the inflections of a Marathi noun, as hand to hand ^TfTr?r ^PT, face tc face ctriRT fftl, - K M. ^TTPn^ ^r{ n. \_^^ n. ^W. 2b Toast, v. a. dry and scorch. »Tr?I'if, 'p'oi, ^Mor w.-HT- 2 A-i«X- /o //ie /ifa^z;^ of. aTH^fTN ^Ti^ ^ITH HfT% 3TRt- =3TT m. hitf If- [ Toast, n. nr^F.7^\XP?f f. ~ |: ToA.sTED, p. T. V. Hr^^^, *rni!rT, hi^. Tobacco, w.— tlie plant. irn^T^ or ?mr?5.'». /—in covert 1 or rant phrascol. "jf^l^T /. »]F.sT»ir^ m. ! Preparation of t. ( witli'sugar &c. ) for emckiiig. I T. leaf ( green ). "TtTT w. T. prepared for chewing. T. roll ( to be smoked ). T. roll (to be chewed). T. rolled up in a leaf to be smoked. T^]dim. fV^T'^ft ToBACco-riPE, n. ^g^ m. Tobacconist, n. dealer in tolacco. ^qnjfiT^^T, fliirg^T^I. Tocsin. See Alarm-bell. To-day, adv. 3TM, aTM^^ f^«l-f^?im. To Toddle, tealk tdth short f/f"/*',— a child. ?7^^-'Hig5 /.- \\t\'M »Tnft ;n. i»Z. ifm, K^\=\ iTToft »i. ^^^, 3ft^ m. ^vh -IRjTSot, ^ffcT OT. 3Ftqr qRof, sitlT^ TToft n. ^of, ■JfrTfr w. /i. Tz^TRT ^^ g. ofo. ar^^prf, 3ri5i m. ■^v^v^.^v^, vt^t- sth: ot. /.-a^^Rr^ /.-5n?:r?R /.-'*??rf^r »H.-3??T? m. pi. HfR^fT? m. pi f%^^t/. 3TT^m tn. ?TmW »«■ JT^m »i. ariT^m m. 3T^3TT2; m. 3151^1? / Great toil ami little work. ?nfk7^ ^FfJf ^nRfnT Toil and trouble, fuss and pother. 5[|'Tf or g?q%M. 2'?. t'. %, ^, :fHrT, ^fsr^r, f^rr, g-^, To Tole, t>. a. draw on ly a laii, v. To Allube. 3TT^TT/.- TOLEEABLE, o. supportable, Sjc. ?fRTT^T-W^RT-&c. ^PTT-^T- 2 moderately good, v. MirnLiHG, Passable, sprr, »RT- ToLEEAELENESs, «. V. A. 1. ^iHTTT^mqaTr OT. &c. ^^?ft^- rfT/. ^^r/ &C. TOLEEAELT, adv. T. A. 2. ijTT, ^RT^, =qr?5mT^mT F«R/. JTTJn. T. of a Sanyiisi. ^^]f^m.f. ^rnrftinfn. ToMBOT, «. Y. Eolip. qrst/. ^5^'t/. Hiqa^^FTT/. ToMB-sTONE, n. See Tomb, 2. ToMOEEOw, adv. J?!!, 3^?%. Tomtom, «. — the Indian drum, v. Deum. ft'R^f. Ton, n. fashion, mode. ^«ra'sT^q'«i. f^T'J^l'ij'iNOT. Tone, n. note, accent.^ SjC. v. Sound. ^T.m. Hr?m. t^i^w. A musical or good t. ^TEj^m. Of a good t. g^^T. 2 affected or peculiar sound in reading, Sfc. ^im. 3 — in music; seventh part of the scale. *T^3^/. Half or quarter t. ^X\X^in. Quarter t. ^fH"/. 4— in medicine. SfTqoTTw. ^TT^RT/. ^'$J^^] f. Toned, a. Kfn^, ^^TTg?f>. Full-t. qtH. Ill-t. tjd^'t, ^^T. Well-t. §^T, 3TT^^JI^. Tongs, n. ( of goldsmiths, braziers, &c. ). TI«ft or ^r=ff/. ^S^OT. dim. ^fs^t/. f^^»».-fJf^^OT.-&c. q^TT^rr^T f^- Tongue, «. — the member. f?i^T j^o^p. f^c^r c«J vi^T/. (rfam. Fur of the t. {•A'^\H'Fjm. Of abusiYG or obscene t. c^T5T=^T "P?Jp3J-9J5^oE-f^iq3_ Paralysis of the t. f^5|TM'*f^mw. On the tip of the t. iTTSni, ^ST^HTT, J'ff, f^6^^. Pustules on the t. &c. from heat. W^m. pi. Eeady at the t. knoicn ly heart. ^^TTS, JT^T^. Eoot of the t. f?fs|^r WA'^m. f^T^m^jw. Slip of the t. lapsus linguce. f^r^^ra'TOT. ^JJJptot. To have a slip of the t. f^s^ sfi^ T^of g. ofs. That is on the tip of the t. I^^TC^. Tip of the t, f^^n. i.Z\^n. To bite the t. (from rage or vexation ) f^e^r/. ^T"if. To bridle the t. ^\%n. 31?TqCT[-CHR^ot-^^ejT^r, f^^T, fJTf . Double t., lorky t. f^T^TT. Ready t. ^Tiftt ^sfMt or ^T^ ^J^TSi, T05IC, a.— in medicine, ^r^q;, ^qj, ^%TFFT, ^^^TW:, ^fi{- Tonic, ti. — a medicine. ^T^«. To NIGHT, adv. 31M<|^?T, -tlKMl+j. Tonnage, n. burden of a ship. ^Rrff^r «■ Tonsil, «. f^on+di/.^i S{^r^^f:^ Enlargement of the tonsils. 3Tpr*TRnrw. TONSUEE, rt. shaving the head. flV^^n. &c. %:(T^Sijfrt. First t. of a child. ^>Tra•^:?^. =qT?5?». The tuft or lock left at t. \\-t\f. ^wj- Too, adv. over much, v. Excessively. . 3T- ^TfT n. ^\K n. Br^pr n. Box or set of tools, jit^t m. Hinder or handle end of a t. ^Wlm. 2 fig. instrument of another s evil will; hireling, cat'* paw, 6fc. ^J5T m. ^W^^mr m. ^^on m. ^^T m. A mere t. ifi+.+l'-ifl, Q'l+-MI. Tooth, n. ^rf »». ^ m. f|j3T »». ??T5T «. Bed or socket of the teeth. f^Kt[ f. [^FfspT^rt. Fibrous &c. stick for cleaning the teeth. ^frt^IOT n. Gap in the teeth. ^?f?%3/. ^trRf%S/. ^fl /. dim. ^fsf^ n. qt^nf^S/. ^VTT^I n. Having a sour t. ar^jijr. Having teeth or t. projecting over the lip. ^frRT or =^, ^ffToS, ^^^ or SET, ^5?:. Irregular, uneven — tooth or tooth-row. ^5T. Maggots bred in carious teeth. f%f^ m. pi. Newly cut t. ( or t. coming in old age. ) ^^mft/. ^- "' Eow of teeth. ^^^ or ^[m^^aft/ ^>ligf?5/. [^r/. Tartar of the teeth. ^Wt/. ^TT wi. ^5(T%TT/. qf^- Teeth,— collect. ^rfTofr/. sjj^Ht/.— in contempt" &c. ^fTTS «. Sjmnft'/. ^5^1' /• f- "TTS, ■s'tS, TK, %. ^T7^?, ^- '^^, &e. &c. That is in one's teeth, rffs^. To the teeth of. HJil'-JT. Wisdom-t. 3Tlgr?^T5/. To break off with the teeth. g^Hlor. To brush or clean the teeth. ?trT m. pi. ^^DiJr^ ^5. 887 TOP To chatter,— the toeth. ^ m. jd. ^\U'j\. To grind or gnash the teeth. ^?i ^^-^T^ot. To knock out the teeth, •rf^'t/. ^n!5^-qT?fr5, -«|sjTtft/. ^^I^/ ^/. Top, «. highest part, upper end, summit, ij'c. ^fV^ *m w. ^?!r *rm m. Ji^r m. Hr'R^ret/. ^JTT^/ Sleeping ( swift spinning )'of a t. f^yi/. «. m, 8— humming t. v^t»fl?nT m. fifTKr w. 9— as used in comp. ^i;^, ?^T, iqftF, gr^n^. [ m. ^qr m. Top-knot, n. ^ m. ^^TST m. ^'i\f. fvw\f. f^^ fl. 5^?r TOE 81 Topaz, n. — i\\o gem. ^^;xm po/). js^FU^r m. q'Trtrw m. 'ftH?Jt, vJTT^ur, U- ^FT^/. fff^foT, ^\m. pi. ^r^'if , ?i^r ?fff«. \^, ■'^Tsm ^^. Torment, n. extreme pain or anguish. . f55Hc5CTr y. offi. — intens. sniTif or ToiTEKlKO, ;;. a. T. Y. snoiRr, STJTTJTTCT, &C. ITS'ftfT, VI- Sojtfr, sdHoflri, ?!;5-i3n, To Repair, ^^^ijf, ^^'f^ or ^- \\ V]^., f^?R5r, ^^^\(\f ^^r. j' Tj Touch, v.n. come into or be in contact. ^JFT^, f^Totcfr, fM'- i 5^,^501, ?5r>TfM, ?t^f^/.-H?r^ m.-&c. 3T?T^-fTor y. j: ofs. recip. j 2 at ;— a ship, Ac. m^\ m.-'^Tn. ^^of, ; 8 upon ; v. To Mention. »frf ./".-TI" »i.-&c. sfiTT^f y. of o. j Touch, «.— the sense, ^im. ^^^f^n. Ff\hf^nn. ^Tfr?r n. |i To jud}^e by the t. jT^rnft^r/. ^m. | 2— the perception. W^fm. ^^foTrcTyn. ?q^^flTH«. ?crfTflT5T«. |i 3— the act. wn ■ln.^^^^ n. ?i. !T^- 2 /Mr« of duty, c^c. TP^J. qp^/. Tourist, «. q^^r 'PT'TRT w». TOUENAIIENT, W. /i7^ Hr%q?T^^ 0^' ^RT^/. [ W. Tow, «. coarse part of hemp or fax. ftriT^-^iII^-itc. ^'"'FW To Tow, V. a. drag hy a rope throujh icatcr. ^itt/.-i^c. OT^- Towage, n. t. Y.— the act. 3r-0?5Tf5 ^rs^ ». TowAED, Towards, p-fp. t'« //(C direction of. ^%. 2 K'iVA direction to, tcith respect to. f^T'ff, ^, qss. Toward, Towardly, Towardness. See Sharp, Shabpkess. Towel, n. cloth for wiping the body, ^m!^ m. ^M+'MIf? m. ari'iNW n. arfiT^'Jit/. ^F^^r^ «. ir^m^^/. arnrn- Tower, m. elevated building. ^^^^^V^ sJI^T wi.-iTfP^ »«.-r- TTFM' w«. 3T^r?ft-3Tr?HRm^ q'RTwi.-JT^M w. >Trj^ fl. w. 2 See Fort. To Tower, v. n. rise high. ^=^-m ^"m -^T'Jr. Town, «. «Vy. 5fT^ «. nf^ mi. «• 'Tnr «. dim. ^^f\/. qj- ;)0^. q^ n. and dim. '{t[f. "TtR «• Jlauufocturiug or trading t. q?/. Minor t. 3ni^5/. The old t. the portion first settled. ^^^'i m. Poor, mean, &c. t. ^IvToft^?/. Walls of at. ?T^^?^r"i. TowN-ioLK, M. ^nn?ftr^-nRi?ft^ ^>T«i.;)/.-HroT% n.pi. H'W.^^ m. pi. [ =F%^/- Tows-nousE, Tows-HALL, n. ^+H.«ll4r >». ^TT^IT^RSt/. TRA 890 TRA T0W>-8-iIAN, «. nf^T^. Tor, n. play-thiiiy. %o5:Tft. Jack of all trades. ^J+«»ff, ^7;5-q:fr, ^^TJJPft or r?TT, To Trade, v. n. 3"^H w.%r^ nl.■^]^K tn.-^^^ni^ f..%^. f^?T m.-&c. ^,TSi\. Trader,?! Trading,;;, o. v. V. g-^t^T q5?:orRr, Ac. T^ift, STNR^iJO;). ^TT^, K|r^^, m^I'R, s^Jf^fT /)0/). ^sTfTfT, Some compellations for a t. are, isz or \\z. ^HTmT?TrT H».-31H5rr^ »»• ^^t g. ofo. Traduced, p. v. V. ^RT %d?.ri|-3TT%R;r, &c. 3Tf>T^T^, "H- Teaducer, «. Traducing, p. a. v. V. an(Z Aspersee. H'^n qTTRT, =^r^ ^fnilRT, 3TT55 ^raoiRT, &c. giJT'Tr, WfT- Traducing, n. v. V. and Aspersion. f^i;ii?f n. Traffic, n. v. Trade, ^^m m. sqr^R pop. ^^\^ m. q^jf^^'i'' To Traffic. See To Trade. Tragedian, n. a loriter of tragedy. ^•.^^flW^^^\Z^'^^ . 2 an acter of tragedy. ^•.^TftiTr'l^ ==TT5"+"T^ ^^iTq'tjft ^- ^(TRT, :p^OTrT?Trf^?rFTft. Tragedy, n. a drama that has a fatal issue. St^f^qt Tfr"!!- HrJr 5tr;^ «. f :^tRitth:p ^rz^ n. ^p^orR^sj-qRr Ti^^f; «• 2 See Calamity. TEA Tkaoic, Tkagical, a. lelonyinr/, ^c. to tragedy, v. N. |:^ 2 V. Calamitols. |KqiToirjfr, 5t?T, ar^fT. To Trail, v. a. draw along, v. To Teack. "^iM-Iuj, qs^qjSOT^ jZb Trail, v. n. move along on the ground, ^mz^^ f^^5/. "Pf^JT «i. ^TT/. ^TTf/. 3 scent lift. ^WJ=^'!-^''^]^T-&c. mi ?M. JeaILINGLT, adv. \. \. '^l^Z■^t., ?rarl ?5lNrf. To Train, t--. a. teach and form hg practice, t.To Educate, To DiSCIPLIKE. ft([^^.^^, ftl^^T /. ^, ftTf?T7I-f f^lf?T^ m.-&c. «j). ar^qiJT m. ar^^'-iTT- ^ «. fflSf?T^r m. ^^ZJ m. [(/. of a. To be put iu t.— a work, &c. r\^ n.f F^TT"^ or q^iJi To lay a t. PTTT m. arg^r. Tolayiat. 3T'4ur, ^T^ «./.-&c. jrr^ot y. o/ o. ar^ff- HR' «. :t;^ui-sn!=l'JT-T=E('Jf g. ofo. 4 V. Eetince. f^ril*)/- ?f^T^ o'^Tff/. ?I^?: or r^- ?; «. ^z^r m. w-^ "• A loug t. ^TFfTSJrss Hi. That has his t. with him. ^mRcJK. 5 iodg {of men or animals) moving in order. HToI^T/. c^ TO. ^^/. ?^'Jl/. ?^/. ^cp^/. JprfR /". +.r)Kl »». 6 Z!«f of powder. ^,^ 3TT55/. t^qftHfr ?r- ?;?JT-&c. ITTW^, ^■■^^''T^T, 5?ifrfr, ^T^^^. 891 TR.l 2— gener. a betrayer of his trust. fr»i|l*mif1^-«nffT, W- Traitorous. See Treasonable, TnEACUEnous. Trammel, To Trammel. See Ket, Clog, To Clog. To Tramp, «•. «. trudge, travel, tjv. trearisomcly. TTT wi. //. ^f.■^i^a'^i^f-^'^Jf■■kc. !fim_ To Tramp, v. a. See To Tread. To Trample, i'. a. tread underfoot, tread doicn. 'T^6t,»1?0T, ^T^tJf or T?^,OT, <5^^or or gSS'Jt, ^?''t, g?30T, ^"l^- ^, HoEwft/. m?!ory, ofo. jsqRdr, s^-jRot, gr^a; /.-n*T- fT M.-^VTT TO.-Tr^/.-TRgir m.-nrtrsi or sfT/ ^or-^Trl- "^-Hisirr, ai5|TjfT/.-;jqHt wi.-n^ n.-&c. ^.jH g.ofo. Trample, Thampliso, n. v. V. H^srof «. HJiii n. &c. ^|«i- oft/. TTTH^afr/. ?1j3r or T^l^^r »M. ift^a or XlfZ^f. 7- TOf^f^ «. ar^jsv^ir/. To Transact, r. «. do, perform, ^\-c. v. To Com-uct, To JIanage. ^"jf, ^rFT^oT, 3TNT^cr-"Tras^ y. of o. ^\^n.--^^^m.-&e. ^rii g. of 0. TKAKSFOBilABLH, rt. T. V. ^qfrTT^T1^T^"~r'n-&C. f^^T^. TkansfobmatION, n. t. V. ^?n:«. ^qT^m. qfr'JTWwJ. Tfc- ormi^i^rt. ^^R«>. ftr?;frT/. ^f^rspRm. ^fsi^frr/. TBANSFOEMEn,p. V. V. C^f-sit-dutt, «. ^^/. TT^ft ^'Rrf /. Teansition, 11. passage from one state, condiiion, place, SjC, to another, v. Change. ^^PK in. ■^^■^^ n. y'-+iPf/. f^4- f!t^ n. 3T5R*TmT «. F-tTRTflT n. ?'4cri?fT «. Tbaxsitive, o. — in grammar. ^^H^. Teausitosisess, n. v. A. 3T^»TTfe? n. ^'m^^ n. ^N??T«. Xeaksitght, a. V. Temporabt. 3T^'T|R:, =^^T^ or 3, ^?5. To Tbanslate, I!, a. remove from one place to another, v. To 2 /aA-« ioiWy /o Heaven. ^T^st oi/ff. qof-'^S^ ^of, (ami. passively. vTfuf-^j^ot). 3 render into another language. a^Tn.-&c. JPTof g. ofo. TnAUsi-ATEr, ;>. v. V. 1. 'jf, TR ^^n^ ^^. Teansmijtation, »!. V. V. "TiT'JrT'TfFR n. ^e^rtT h. qf^im- *T^ m. vFITc^rR M. To Teansmute, v. a. change from one subs/ace or nature in, to another, v. To Change. f^TT^^o^r 7i.-^oqt?T^ n.-&c, ^?:of g. ofo. 3Trf?r/.-&c. fiRcr^ty. ofo. Teanspaeency, Teanspaeentness, n. v. A. 1. sfSR^l^^j^l/". ftROIWTT/. ^^.n^m^^r{jf. &c. Tbanspaeent, a. that transmits light, not opaie. g'^ST^ ?rrf^'^^,si:pT^Trsrf?T5fq=??, 5^5Rm^. 2 See Clear. To Teanspieece, v. a. irajisjix. 3^r?qR-Ac. %tTiJr-'>fm^Di- Transpose, v.a. put each in the place oJ the other. ^\^\- ^-^•4mrqt-&c. 3T^^r5i7r5/.-^?5^iqr?re/.-&c. ^m g.oj o. r<^^^^f^^^ m.-kc. q^^y. ofo. Transposed, _p. t. V. ^rqi^r 3-^^71^?:%^^, kc. Transposition, Tba>-sposai., w. t. V. vJTr"Tr^-r45rT^-&c. c3H!^r4|a)^^/.-cirtil4lrf?:/.-&c. ?'. 2 fig", stratagem or device for deceiving, \. Machination, Sr? m. ^^ m. W^JZ or f^^^ «. T==f^ M. To catch one iu his own t. ^r^?TT ^fTS^T/. pi ?qT- 3— the play. F^t^^or ?^l. J^lf. ^J-ifT «. 3T1f- 2 V. N0NSE»3E. STTnTI n, ^TT^'piJ K, 57^"?fT ?'. TRE 3 improper food, green fruit, ^c. f^%fl| tn. pi. ^^ijrt- «p>»». pi. f^Tt^r^-^^fq^ir-fip^^?".i--fli5(^iA3»i7.vrp>- flW'^-Ae. "Pet «.-^m n.-Ac. Teasiit. Sec Womiii.Ess. Travail, Sec Labor. To Travail, v. n.\. To Labor, gm^of or ^ott?<7T, ^otijai To Travel, r. n. journey, pats, go, Sfc. ^r^ofc, ^R/.-mn >.i - H W.-&C. ^^_ 2 goto a distant country, visit n foreign place. ^^ifflT «.- sf^?r w.-??TR?r ti..??itra??r f>.-?rr«»Toi n.&c w.^^, jj^i- ^of, a7?:ot. 2b Travel, v. a. pass over, journey over, traverse. fr «. H^JTTII w. ?i^JT m. Traveller,?!. Travelling,;?, o. v. V. N. HPi^r^ojRT, ^r^^TROTRT, «rT7?f^, cTTCiTT'ff, H^lTf?: or 5flT'ess, 'I'eeacheey, 71. Y. A. f^f^JiqaTT »». ^r m. ^ «!. fTJ^qoTT VI. Tkeacle, n. V, Molasses. qPT^sft/. siff/. Hci't/. Ti? Tread, r. n. set f he foot., ivalk,go. ^\^ m. i^^-\^.|^Z_^J ?r w.-^i^qTrT »«.--. ar'trfftr^R w. Teeasuey, n. place for Icccping treasure. TTSR n. HSR «• HtSR^RTT !«. ^T»T?R?^T?rT m. ^^I^TT w. iljr^'^^T m. HT- smr?; n. ?fr^?^THr?». ^j^tm. ^rewi. qTi^^F >«..«. fJTTT^n^r/. Advances out of the public t. ctTlf/. Bill of payments into the t. ^^rT n. Full & OTerflowing t. HSTTTT'R n. Paying ( of the revenue ) into the t. ^^5H?:(nr m. Payments into the t. 7^^/. To Teeat, «,'. a. use, handle, deal with, lehave toxcards. ^\^' or, ETrTiJf, =5fT3oT, ^^^■^ /.-«r^'n^/.-^r^ins/-&c. ep^uf; ( Note, all the preceding words require lifr of o. Ex. Hi^^m Wt jp^r ^m^T \ ) %i^ with ^ o/ o. '^w.^^ g. of 0. enn^^, ^f^sfOT, ^^^]z^^ ^f^^yz^^, smw;— carefully, hceafully, ^mreot, c^"iq;raT, ^TSTT^iJi, ^"nT^fR or?5 /.-^r-me>.-t, Peast. h^HR^ or ^^^\^'[f. Teeatise, n. tract, loolc, Sj'c 5TTTS n. ^\^^ m. ^^^ m. fi=T5T- VT m. lt*T '". 2^^ «. Sacred t. aTRTT «;. ^TfW «• Treatment, n. v. V. 1. cfri^iir n. ^q^^ «. &e. STTT^r'n^/. «rfs«rRy! This transitive word is most idiomatically rendered by the intransitive word "behaviour towards;" for words expressing which, See Conduct. 3 ?qT?T W,l^ n. &c. OT=qR m. f^f^F^/. ^T'ff^f^F^r/. f^P^T/. lRTSTf?rf^.qT/. Teeatt, «. compact between two potvers, v. Ageeement. ^T- ^f ^H^T w. f^^m M. T. of peace. ?{^ »n. Written t. of peace. cf^?TmT m. ?TE5Rrmr M. Teeble, «. threefold. f?iq^ft, fnf^fl, f^f^T, fcTcqS 2 S:c. ^rS^T, ^^OT, 2 shake from fear, cold^ c^-c.;quaJce,quiver.sJiiver,s7iudder, I ^^-*n;^-&c. ^r'7'ir-f^aT, ^T"j.-qrfT!«.-5RrT^r«!.-^fT^/.- ;' ^rT^?«.-'^?:'4^/'.-f 5f ^/.-g5gtt/.-&e.g^Dr-Ht^/?». con. :l TR/. ^t'7'Jr^. o/«. Tj^^s^—intens. '-^TTKof, =sj5Eq2-^;f3- l =sr3f-=qoEr5f3 adv. q^tT'rf, 5!T^r^^ ^tT OT. %iif-^?:Dt in. con. ' TsEMBlEn, n. TkEUBLINO, p. a. v. V. 1. ^TIIRr, ^ir^jZ ^r- ; ^"TRT, Ac. ?5?^rt?T, JT5JHof|rr, 5SJT5Etrf , 35r5oft?T or f%55- j f%5ftfr, jni^^r, ^?r or 55, rr^, ^^pr, q^f*?;^, ^trkth', j =RTJTFT, q^qrfj^^, f%q5fqr?r, ^dn^. 2 ^FfqaiTTT, iTTir^anTT, ^fTJTTrJJSr, ^pfqftg^J^r, Ac. ^t- |i T, "Ff^, spTPfH poj). ^himhPT, ^"Trf=^fT, f^HifTrT. I. //idi is fit'er trembling and quakinj. ^t"T^r. TEEMBtiSG, w. V. v. 1. ^,\^^ n. 3101 n. S^SnoT 7J. ic. ^ m. ?53H?/. ^oiTRoS/. 5^^/. <:*»■ f^flT^/. Tr^'T'T »«. arn-^T '«. 1 That is all of a t. iTT-^ gT%3!T. 1 T. with horripilation. ^^^ m. pi. ^1p. «• v- ^. ; Tbemulous, a. V. Teemblino. ^FfcRT, 555-5^^ or fs^sflaft^r, Teemuloussess, m. v. A. ^q^TT"!! m. 33?5f^TnT w. &o. s- JT3/. ^?i^/. finr?^ n. fresrTT/. ?t%^t/. To Teevch. Sec To Esceoach. To Teencu, v. a. ( land ). ^^ m.-Ae. ^opi-irrrn. Trench, a. ditch, furrow, ^'i^ m. ^at ««. ^ w. (/(wi. ^j^/. T. to carry of water, ^r^^r m. ^2 m. ^Sfr wi. Trenches, inlrenchmenl. ^a^^F^TT^r wi. Teexciiee, n. tcoodeii plate. 55T^5T^ sjrHJI «.-Hi"5 n, . ^^I> w. pi. v. if, jiffr h. V. %, ir^HT »». I f). of g. To bo in great t. ^jftsf or srm m. !?rfE5g Hj.-fl'T*TR?q^ n.-Sic. i^T^, aT^qT?! i/i.- aiqn«r W.-&C. JpJTot. Trespass, Teespass^iso, m. v. V. and Crime. ^f'TTqt^ ^TOT «. Ac. 3TT?Tr»TT m. 3TTfft«q- m. ^■\^^^^ n. ^Jir- aTToft^p/. aTTcEt^/. 'Jnrq-f^J./". -flqTTV-T m. Teess, n. knot or curl tfhair. '^.y\V^\^^^ lu.-n^ m. q?/. ^HJT «. Dishevelled or loose t. fifTTJ^/. f^TTft/. fgjft/ TsT^sft Teet, ?i. allowance in dealing. ^.'Sr{] m. WAZ\ m. Tl^EvET, n. stool, Sfc. of three leys. f^if. fH^^/. fJT^St m. Teiad, «. trio. f%ppr «. %^ «. ^T «. 3 ( of the Hindiis ). f^/%/. Teial. n. testing, proving^ experiment. qft^T /. qTT^q/. rt- ^JHTR m. ^flT^ or ^fTsprt/. Tllw. Scalene t. l^nf^T^r:^ w. Segment of the of a t. 3T5?f«rr / ff^'1\ f. Vertical arm of a t. ^\ft f. 2 triangular area. ^>JriK f f^^TTI m. f^r^nT^^ ;«. 3 triangular construction of three sticks. f^T^FTt / f%^ Tuianoulab, a. f^t^pft, fTT^FPT, f^^pnTir^fJT. TM 896 TEI Teibe n. V. Cast. ^\f^ poj). ^\r\f. ^?S pop. fot n. g;JT m. r(i\ m. ^A in. ^of m. vimr m. A whole t. or family. vTSsTI^SS/. By tribes or families. ^ifSfR. Teibulation, n. v. AFracTios, Trouble. ^-.^ n.'^7\ m. Tbibunal, «. fo?(?'/ 0/ Justice, v. Coubt. ^r^^Hf/ tj'T^TT- 3f /. tTHff-:nR<^ «. [ ^H w. 2 sea/ of a judf/e. ^miT^V^V^ 1f^/- '^'TRf^ n. ^^'\- Tbibutaey, n. v. A. 1. ^Sift^T, ^^ ^orrTT, ^TTKn »j. Tbibutaey. «. tJia(jyai/s inluie. ^3'jft ^"JIRr, ^^^RI, ^F?- *rR ?0TRT, &c. ^^S'TfrSR, ^5[. 2 /)«/(? i» tribute. ^?^, ?RiJf, fg^cfr, [ ^?-_ Teickijno, p. a. V. v. qift^ iTR?r naufRT, air^oSwrRT, Ac. T. water, ^^tprft «• Teicki.iso, W.V.V. STRl^tTR/. '^]^7. OT./.3Tt^55 M. dim. a?T- ^/- 'n??^ M. 5flr5R «i. 155/. qosrft/. ssrRw. w^m. ?ra Wi. ^ETOT «. fH5R «!. ^^r >». ?l^>n n. -^^.ni m. ?q^ «. Teieent, n. f>i5T^ w. «. fsffifT^ m. «. f^^fK^ '«• fq^I^ m. Teibuan, a. lasting three days. H^T f^?ff==fT, rfl^^5^, ^• 2 happening every third day. fri^-^\ ffT^f-TT f^5^TH ^5- oiRr-^>jrm, g-g^ffrfr^r. Teied,;?. t. V.a. 1. fTTS^s;!, ^n^kFA., &c. qftf^fT. 2 and EiPEElEXCED. arg^T^J^Fir, 375*^ itn^SFIT, 3TRr»T- fEpjJ^o;;. ar^H^ft^, ^T?^R^?r. 3 nqre^?iT, ^^w^fit, =5iN;^ft%?5^r, &c. 4 ^mt k^F.FA, ^^^ qrf^f^, &c. 5 qr^^^, j?;?[?isT, ^^qrf^^sJT, riT^-q5aTcE^-t'!:r»i. Trigamist, «. »»n» that has married thrice. IcT^JpR. Teigqer, n. (of a gun). qf;.z/. ^fj:, f?i??f, %^^r, ^t^. Teim, n. pickle, predicament, v. Condition, TrTy. IrfT^r or nrofrer?". ^ST^or ?5^/. ^TSErwi/. <|oti|Ui/. Good t. HilHd/."f. ^<7, ^^. To keep in good t. H^TfT?T/. ^T^ot. To put into good t. TCrHrT/. ^of, ^'iTR'if. To Teim, v. a. put in due order,set to rights, make neat, dress, S;c. V. To Adjust. aiPTq-ijf, ^qT^of, f^ST^cfr, |c^- jft^-gt^-^ I +^ 1 4 -^ + 4 + -&c. ^or, gtrR'jr^/.-&c. erot g.ofo. ^ \_^X^. 2 (a boat, &c.). WR^^^ra'^^Rr^ ^^of, ^WTTT-^^^l^-vfcc. 3 (a lamp). riT^r-f3T5rT-f^5f?r-&c. qj^iif. 4 See To Scold. 5 v. To Lop. ^ToS'^T, Brauff /. jp^dr. To Trim, u. n.yZMc^Ma^e ieiireen/ja?-/!^*, t. To Temporize. Trimlt, arfy. V. A. ^rT5=^'l'jq'. Trimmer, n. Trimming,/), a. v. V. N. anJ Temporizer. TTtTTI^r ^TFT'IIRT, |Wt, ^^ Sltt^H: ( or ^"^SfT ) ^ Z- cTtiTTTr, &c. [-5? /.-&c. Trimming, n. (to a dress, &e.). ^^^ ?5R%3T ^T?5m.-. ^^/. ^Jn^tf ". Mass of old, battered, aud broken triukets. ^^3pnji»i. Petty or minor triukets — compreh. 1%|^fR^ »i. Triukets,— compreh. ^WHTJf/. ^WRTPft/. SIT^rfl- tra' m. siT^ft^n^/. ^3T5T^^ ^I'l m. pi. Teinoculous, a. fsf^q'Jf, fs(^l^^. Trinomial, a. — in uinthemntics. fspf^, f^^-yr?. Tbio, «. confederacy of three, f^f^. pop. ^V^-Z n. SPT n. ^• ^\f. f3i^ n. f^nrq n. Triobolah, a. v. Worthless. ^ ^5t=^r, ?ft5 !?:«rft^T, To Trip, v. a. cause to fall by striking the feel from under. ^S^'f^ 4T50T, JFR *Tre?T-%flTre7T-&c. ^r%^., qiq ^reTT- To Trip, n. stumble^ 313^201 or STSfZot, STfFom, 5^l^"t, S^oE^r, sr-lF^T/.-S^/. ^T>n or, «ciYA in. con. 55inoi, ^^PS ^n.-&c. fr'Jf y. f/*. [01 g. of ». 2— in Rpocch. cflS^^'Jf or 3T?T|3ot, BTnoT, ^^P^ n. ^■ 3 slip, fail, V. To EuB. =q^CTr, =^^/. r^^/. I. journey to and from. ^T/.Sjft/. TnT'/J. kx^Vf. ^Z\m. By the t. ^rw. Empty t. ^HT^ m. fsR^ or ^TT^/. ^l/. ^^fk- That makes frequent trips. %c;Tr, ^^rF'TT, %=!STT. To make empty trip or trips. ^V{f. ^T^K^, fn^^T^.- flT^/.-&c. m?5iJr-^or, f|H^ m.-|;77^ or ^TTTI^ m.- "tTcTT >n.-&c. ^M-if^ or, icilh in. con. cffliWei j/i^^^\^^ %?r^qTT?Tr^?5«ft. TaiiuBABLE, a. v.V. ^r^FrrsfmT-WR^r-^te.s^' To Thiturate, v. n. grind to a fine powder, v.To Levigate. ^\z^, g'TTS^, ?r'q'^M8.-^^^^\z^-'>x\- ^frnr3TFr, nrj^rr^rp^^f. '~ \^^, 3 ^q^T^^p^iT, ^q^T-7;R=F^?T, ^qT?t^^^^, &c. ^r^r- ^l^l^il55'. 3^gcr»». 4: pains, care, toil, labor, ^'c. ssTH wi. ^i;? ot. H^^^rf/. ^S- tR'y^ ^Ef^^r/- T^irTrry^ ^'H^-MIM w.— viewed as vexatious or tiresome ; fuss, bother, ado. ^151/. ^^^^./'. f^MT^RTT /. ;)Z. ^^ftt/. i^?. ^f^Tf^./". JnrTRTm /. ^5T55r./. g'S^T^ w. tjlql or iT^tii m. pi. 3T^-S^/. 31?^-fl^/. aH^TEfT^w./. 3T- Acquired by one's own t. ^^I^'J^TTfT^T, ^^^rT%?T. Teoubled, p. V. Y. pT3%?5r, %:^ f^?|?5T, &c. g:^'?, |:i%rr, ^^■ft, «pft, ^, fTf3?r,"|^m, ^fTTftrT, ?irTH, aTft?T, anrf ( esp. in eomp. as ^^]'^^ ^"inrf, ^T^Tra, ^"t^FMj^mT^, ^Trf , f%fTTTf, &c. ). Teoubler.m. Teoubliso, p. a. V. V. f^S'JTKr, %:^ \^\T\, ^- q^cf. SOTTTT, ». dim. sloft/. and, enhanc. i\^n or \\W\ m. i.\t^\ m. dim. T. made by hollowing a palm-tree. HT?5 or 3 w. 2— for watering cattle. ^1^5 wi. SJqfT/. ^OT «». jpo; . ^'ITT or «^<7r »«. 2'o TnoLSCE. See To Bea™. Teout, «. i{^ JTRIT 3ir^. Teowel, »i.— of masons, ^"{f pop. q^J'oft/. '-t, «. tcandering, vagabond. J^r?, T^r^Trt^r, 'Hrrra. f|3nT, f^3fp=qT, ginr, ^na:, nsriT. To play t. 3^rjOT. 2b Tkuant, v. n. be idling and absent from employment, ■jr;- 30T, ^^X%^'^f. ^"Jf, fi^S"JNA; m. /;;. qRot, and, intcriely, ?n^^. [ TftTTS^/. Teuantey, m. V. V. ^S^rv^f. ^^Tm\^ fpq^^w.f/. Tbubtail, 7f. V. Squab. 1^^/. Teuce, n. temporary cessation of hostilities. H^ll-Hl-^'ft^r- =qRf3.5T^i^T&c. r^ m.-^55T m. flIErf':rFgftT "i. ^^^Rw. To wave a flag or cloth iu indication of a t. ^F:^V?,m. fqR^ot-g-g^ijf. 2 See Inteemission. Teuce, To Teuck. See Baetbe, To Barter. Tbuck, n. a. small wooden wheel not lound with iron. ^^ tTf%^ ?5T^t^r:p n. 2 a low carriage for goods. ^mj^'Mt TPS'T^ To Truckle, v. n. crouch, bend obsequiously, v. To Yield, To Fawn, ^it^ n. 'TST^'if-qTOaf, sjm axJT n. iT^of, «j^ »». TO^, Hrein^"^/ ^^, ^T^/.-^t^/. fRr?T7/.-%^T/.-3rRf/.-'TRTnn?r/.-&c. ^r^,^- To t. backwards & forwards, y. Tmr. \^,^.m. pi. ^- Teudging, «. V. V. qr^tpra^in ?!. kc qmfq^/. '^^^<^zf. TTqq^ft/. ^\wM\f. istfl^iTra?:/. %^r/ 3Ti%/. True, a. not false or pretended, not counterfeit, actual, exist- ing, V. Eeal. ^:rT, ^f'T, ^r^, ^TT^,3T^55, ^PrTf^^, ^[^- ^, ^i*."^, 'T'erm'iT, T'tTT'if , 5fl^q^, 'iR^'4, 3RII'4^. T. and false. ^^^I'T. T. and good. T. and sound, &c. ^RRJTT. 2 agreeable with nature or fact. ^tT, ?T^, BT^, ?li^,rr- To turn out t. "TJ>Jt. 3 true-sj caking. ^TT, ^q't sfic^OTRT, ?T?'T^?f;r, ^fTTT'ft, r(- ^^^^^X ^r'TT^pT, ^;^K, FKHT^, ^^RT^T, ^^rft, ^If^^ff^,^?^!^^, ^Tfq-- 5 conformahle to a rule or pattern. 3TH?S'^<^-+T ^, ^-qT#, ^Tn^^, ^IT^- ni+4>j|[^, «)iwf%+q^, ^ijw, ^=^?T, Hr5ir4, ?Rq-, r^fsiTr:, 2 ^rr^ (ZfifZ. ^~^^, ??fq-, ^r^, ^TfT, ^'w:, r^^:, T^rm- *T, ^nr'jf, ^SrT ^rfw TttUNK, n. ( of a tree ) stem. Jpij ?». spts «• ^TI ». ^FT^/. Naked or bare t. ^tS n. ?4TT0T m. 2 ( of the body ). ^tm^ =Fr5 «rKR n. Headless t. tr^ «. ^^ «. «». 3 «!aw lody. qR w. J^^HTn »». 4 cAes<, V. Box. M^/. ?r3«F/. 5 i'»"o*o«c2«. ?n¥/. ^5T/. i?r^ m. ^jm m. That has a t. ^tSiTT. Teunkion, «. — of a cannon, &c. W.\^^ f». Trdss, n. ( as of hay, &c. ) loose lundle^ v. Bundle. igT?". f%r m. ^rffsiIT m.— of rice straw. ?5RT or ?JraT »t. Large and loose t. rfrtTolT ot. 2 ( for hernia ). ^\^ m. -e33. To Tex, v. a. examine, apply experimentally. cTTSijf, Hl«^nt, "Tft?Tijf, =qr^?Tot, qft?^/.-3i5H^ ot.-&c. Treaft/.-=5rT=P^ft/.-m »»--&c. q^- 4 e^say, attempt, ^irff qijf, gxfm wi.-^PT J«.-&c. ^Rijf- ^?5^ or :p5?T-Ao. qifn, 3i:?rfTRoif. 5 prove, briny to the test. m^Oj, ^F^ot-JfT^pqT^^, rfTI'Jf- rTTf^T "TT^^, qrr^, Tft?!^, T^a'Ji or q?rfI5CCTi, ?n^T ?«•- q^ffToETOT. "TT^-cfrf^qT^ot y. ofo. qft?TT/.-qR?jf/.-&e. qr^-jpTot y. of 0. Jt/ qr^oT y. o/ 0. qsRTT'n. qr^ y. o/ o. 6 ( the eyes, &i!. ) t. To Stkain. Hld+'^t^T"^: HId+rf-T «». -rTl 4*061/ 3ilu|U|_ 7 on ; — a garmeiit. ^n^?T-%^-&c. qi^^. To Tet, ». «. jwaXre endeavor, v. To Attempt. ^F^rl qT^^- inM, 3T^iTR^, ^T?T OT.-lfqf^ m.-^^m m.-&c. qRTjf-^^TT qr^, 5R:at, naJT ?». ?n"f^ qjf ^, ? «. ffci^l or JT^^I M. ?l55^i^/. ). H^oS m. dim. q^*Y/. JTTSt/. ^rs/ ^fe^/ ^Ts «. 2 (of the body) tubular vessel, gener. ^TTTt/. ^T^/- ;nr5 «. q-TT^/. ?ftc/. Idbeecle, n. pimple, tumour. qJrj «i. it^/. V(fi( m. n-7H »», TtiBEEOsE, n. iT^tj^ or 5^ «?. fHf^Fitr w. TcBEEous, a. V. Knobby, nfjra, ^T^'J^. 2 having a tvfted head, ifr^, ni%Tr, "tis^, "TrSiTT^. TcBULAE, TuBui.oos, (J. having the form of a tube. H'/t^4|| 3iN^f=^r, ^TM^^Frc, 5^f?5^q5f?r. Tuck, n. en(^ /o be tucked in. ^=^j m. i^i^^^f. art^ m. qfTT- 2 ( in a garment )fold. f^TS/. KjqT w. ^^q/ To Tuck, h. a. in ; up ; gather up, gather and fold under. ^ ^miJr, :n;#Jrw, m^^r^ ?^R»• HTT^TR »«. Tuft, n. knob, knot, bunch, cluster, Sjc. ^^^Pf »>. =|i]^ «;. ^^ m. ^q^T w. q^JpT m. "irST m. 5=5jJ w. ^^S «• ^- sjrsT M. ^5^ ^i. ^^^ «■ ^^ »■ 5^ »»■ "Tc?^ 2?op. qr^ m. »inr ««. n. 2 ^fj/KeJ Afoi q/* certain flowert, ifc. "T^ w. "lin m, 4 (of trees) plump, clump, y. Knot, jjv-f. f w. ij;: «. 4 ;)/«»ie, ^-c. v. Ckkst. ^ m. ^ /. fl\^f. "JiqTifl w. Tufted, a. v. N. 1. 2. ntSfT or o', mft (an nii'TsirRiH, 'fist ?Tn^, nRtH^jr;^ ), ^%?tt, ^'^^r, ^^i^. To TvQ,v. a. pull with eJ'ort,v. To Pui-l. DT'TI.^-irai'i-'?- 55 ^H-»n w. f^i^ / f^I^iot n. To Tumble, «. n. v. To Fall. qsdf. [ viP:f. "JR^. 2 about ; v. To Eoll, To Toss, ^r^^, TSSISt ?!f^, ?!r- 3 in or down ; fall en masse, or violently. ^FHiZof, z\^- oEof or qm^, >?f':n?jr, sqjrTor, jirsioi or straof or sns- DT, ^t^oEOf or ^'T^^M. 4 perform bodily feats, qp^r^f^t ^ m.-qiV^I-liTt^ ^55 »».-Hiftq «.-&e. qRor To t. over. r^^oT or jm^t. To t. up. q^qriH 3-^. To Tumble, v. a. throw down. qi^OT, J^J^-f^PpT-Ac. qiT"!, 2 disorder, rumple, ^c. v. To Kuffle. 3*T5'ii, M<<^o£'n, 3 disarrange, disorder, jumble, .^r. v. To Confocsd. &e. ^of y. of o. 3^2Tw l'ri'i-3T^r^'T^-&c. ^P^. Tumble. See Fall. Tumbler, n. mountebank, ^'c. «jJt?^W,"^+I^, srartY, «(f i- ?^ or jft^t o»' 'TRqt, !T?:, ^^.^, ^rf^, ntqioi. Female t. qTr^^i^or/ ^iRlfsift or ^tl^^S, flRT^^. 2 — the piji^eon. f'H^II^ m. ^RiJT w. 3 drinking glass. ^i^r^\Hr^\ »«• ^t%^ q^^qT^t/ Tumbeel, n. V. Caet. ?JT5T m. ?r5T jn. • «• T'J^s "• Abounding in tumps or mounds. ^tHT, ^155. Eugged with tumps or mounds,— ground. TtVX- Tumult, n. wild confusion, violent commotion, clamorous agitation, c^-c. of a multitude; roir, riot, disturbance, Sic. nmif. ^v!^f. fsqfr/. i?r5i?5/ ?nr m. ^TT^WTm. fnr- HT w. i^^f qi??5/ qtn?n «.. ^?55P5/. f5^? /. fT?r|;- 3/ |frqT^/ f 3? or ^5/ p/ g,^ «. ^lar/ siiT- TtIR 902 IVR aft/. ifT/. ^in^FT m. ilitrz m. 5f^ cr ^\^ m.'^ m.'^- xf. m. qjT/. tTm«fT/. gJi5:Tm/. g^if/. ai'cng^/. g^- 5r «. ^J^gsT/. gTTTfo!; w. yTTT^T/- «KiTaT/. ^aasfoErw. JTmr^ra'T «. 5i=qiT1oE «. 'H1?:TI?/. iI^^'ISE »n. 3TPTT?i'FT/. tTTTDT »!. — Expressing- a stale of Kild conjusion, disorder and UiimiU, there are seTcral phrases, as JpTift 'PT'^T^T ijt; ^ ^taft jprirmr %?rT, Tjorr^r rit'ttw ^sm^r RTTfrr To be in a t. — a cormtry, &c. ^^,^^M^ Ti*??^, ?I5r5T- 2 See Agitation. XviiULTDOus, TuMULTUAKT, a. conducted with itmuU, v. DisOEDERLT. IS^jft^, st^Tg^^T, tTtcI?^=ETr, ^'^TT^fT, ^i^^, SJST^^T, &C. 5ff«iIT-^ 0»- 5:1, 51^, 3^5^Jrf'54T?T, 3T- 2 See Agitated. TiiMUT.TconsjfEss, n. v. A. 1. rt«i/ Tumult. 15^/. 3TqTg<^ /. nff/. ai'F^m'R/. 5rqn5r/. Tun, jj. ifr5 "ftTM. Tunable. See IIaemonious. Tune, n. comVination of notes. rfR/ "^^f- ^f^^/ ?^«!. g5«8. qrf /. TrPiift/. TTn*r5»!. 7m?Ere?T». s|tt»". T. and time. rTT^TR^. [^=lf^ ^Tof. To tell the t. upon hearing a string sounded. ^^^ 2 rijJiilj/ sounding state, ^n^r ^^m.-^mn.-f^-^^m.- That is out of t. arq'^f, STTgr, aiTg::^. " note. See Sound. 4 proj'cr humcr.Jit temper, Sfc. ffrT/. TWw. To be in t. for. ^JXm. pi. T^iif o?- sfTf"^ .17- q/'^. .^b Tune, v. a. put info tune, fjt^ot^ ^^ot. /jZ. fJTctETot-^K?^ g. of 0. ^TJ^I Ho!:w.-v;iTt?«.-&c. ep^CTf ^. q/" 0. [f^T?. Tuneeul, a. V. Harmonious, Melodious. g^^T, g^^ f^- TuNic, TuNiCLE. See Integument. Tunnel, n. Soe Funnel. 2 suhttrraneons passage. ^^^T Tup, n. full grown ram. Z^Tm. Tueban, «. — the head dress. ^qpr«. ^^f[ f. HfT^". Some forms of the Turhan are, 3T^iT?». f^jqft^R "7T- Aigrette of jewels in a t. f^K^'^f?". The Eighteen Turbans; the Asiatic or Turban-wear- ing nations. ^ZTJ ^nf\f- 313TT q'lS^m/- See Hat. Encircling and prominent band of a t. JpT'Jft'/ "^ifTf/. Half of at. rent longitudinally; or t. woven of a half breadth, sfrft/. Sewn and fixed t. (as of children). 'TIST/. Skirt or end of t. \WB^ or «JT3rni. \^r^mm. Skull-cap or cloth worn under a t. jpft/. TTHT?". Small t. embroidered with gold. t{€\p^m. n. T. &c. bestowed bv a great man as a mark of faTOr, Van or forepart of at. fsi^ff/. this is immediately OYcr the forehead; =^I^/. this is above the projecting and encircling band. — That has a f«l?ff. fsR^jR, To present with a t. TFiR sjitfuj-^ To toss or cock the t. with an air. ^^^i\f. %^ot. TuEBAN-EiNDER, Ji. ^^1^^m.—h\s business, chaigcs, &c, ^n^frf. [^gtf, TUEBID, a. T. BfuDDT. ^foT, 17^, ^Sl?if|n, ^f^, S|2:, '"T5, TUEBIENESS, «. y. A. n?5iT^T'». lT?oCq(JTT»». &C. ^F^^Trtr/. Turbulence, Turbulekcy, «.v A.l. ni%]f\f. i^^r^f. ^- fTst/. sTnrf /. j|?ft/. ?l5ni(/. ^^rat or \f\/. jiif /. Turbulent, o. disposed to tumidt or violence. ajjY, q^^TT, ^5-sfT, s'^^R, ^n^iT^, ?3?i?5, ^q, SIT, KnJTg>^T, gHTwqr, 35, H^H, IT^T^, f^K^R, trtS^'TT, f ^^T,'^^TT,\^'?: or 2 See Agitated. Tube, n. grassy surface of land.^ v. Swaed. rtTrTT^r 'Tslrraw. A clod or lump oft. ^^nm^r\-\^ fTt/.l^mRIT^w;. Spade used in turning up t. ^'m m.n. Turgid, Turgiditt. See Tumid, Tumidness. Turkey, n. f??IT^?ft 4\^X\ m. ( 5^/. | n. ). TuRKOis, «. — the mineral. q^^T cr^f^firw. ^f'\^ m.l^^n. Turmeric, m.— the plant. \7.^,f. ^ft:?r/.— the root. ^3?/. ^^T/.— Certain kinds of Turmeric are, 3Tf%^5, nt^T- Clove of t. ^a:^s &»• f 2:^5 «. Leathern bag for t. -powder. ^TITft/. Of or belonging to t. foi^=sfr, ^fe. T. — as scraped and coloured ( in preparation for W.- % ) . X^\ or X[^J m. [ T;fTf3FT n. T. ( curcuma zanthorrizon ) boiled in goat's milk. T. — colored. ^^?5rT or ^oE^sfT. T. — powder ( e.sp. as used in offerings ). 'TgR m. TuEMOiL, n. disquietude.^ \. Discomioscre. rTaH5r/. ^^j- t?OT. rTTTOT. [^TB^B/. 3 harassing labor, v. Trouble, ^^^jsrf. ^^R^/. ^T^T/. To Turn, v. a. move circularly. fjf, STolijf, ^q-tJf, ^t[f.-&c. armiJr. 10 ( the head, the braiu ) make mad. f^^iTf, ^H n. ■Rl- X^^, tl n. v^m^_ 11 (iu the mind) revoloe^^x. To Coxsideb. ^T^E"^, K'a^. 12 V. To Dissuade, f^^ijt, T^rnrot, T^ n.-jf^/.-Ac. f^?:^iTfy. ofo. 13 V. To TUANSLATE. ^FR'jf. 11 about or over. g^S'^iif, T^SSiif, TW^^, 3''P'.f5^, 7^- 3-35'TT?5?: or J~IT OT.-&0. ^y. ofs. 5 Jtf transformed, become hy change, gtof ( as 4. l xV l ^ T "^t- 5-^ fmt black turns to white ), ^PTPT/.-Ac. ^m g. oft. ^sffFTTn. frny. of:s. become sour. aTifJt, 3T^-&c. fffof . 7 ( the heaTiirijf, ^fr/.-^i^ n.-&c. %di, P=trf7'Jf, ^3oj_ [«rrtn. 11 out; jjroye to be. fHyuJ, T5ot, T'7r't,f^'J'JT'Jf, 'T'Jt, f^ To t. out well. 3'3T5T'iI. 13 out ; bend outtcard. 5jf|T q^_ 16 over. 3^^wf, T^TiTr-ite. ^[6t. 17 round or back. J'"?^ or J^of, ftJT^, '^\% n. pjP^or. 18 up ; ro»ie to light. JJTiSt or THT^, jHiUJ or TiT?r, f^^oT, 71m »«.-^THJ W.-&C. ^r^y. o/«. 3^q^. 19 upon ; turn short upon snappishly, jof^arr adu. 750f, Ac. 7q?:iif, ^^5eot. [^^rt'r Tsot. To t. to account. =PTHr?f-3^nfr'Tra' CT »i. cfs^ HI. T^ take a t. ^€\f. %ir, f^^m '"• q^I=^*r. 2 ( of a road, river, &c. ). '^K m. %rr'jft/.-|?rff 3Trff%T/-&c. %t^. Twig, n. mall shoot or branch. ST^oft/. 'ST^oir w. f^Tf ^ / f^TT^rft/. fiTq?:!/. <#}? M. tpT^iit/. ;j». %^/ To Twist, f. a. form li/ convolution. ^^?M. 2 contort, ivring, ^-c. \. To WKENcn.pToi;^, fq^tqzijf, fcf- sn^iir, ^^"^, H^oiiir or K^rosiJi, j?^, f7« ««. 2'i. 3[5t, A twisting stick. f^S^^iir «• fts «. To t. or turn iu rough or rude inauuer. t^iJT or '^z^ or iRTSot. 3 V. To Wind. jiRot, ?5V^, ^of^^r^^, 4 ( a meaning, &c. ) «i'?rs^, pervert. q'5;cfot, aft^iTf , 3?r- f5 ^^. To Twi^t, v. n. he convolved, qo^ijf, ^7.^ ^m-^^5fr. Twist, n. convolution, twisted state, qtoim. ?55 ?«. fqriTo^TwJ. q^i or q-^ «!. 5?ttt5:t "J. i^rs or muf. T^7.^f. fq^r m. 2 itvisted string, Sj'c. v. String. ?i5r ot. et?: or ^z m. Triple t. f^gcft/. 3 cZo/^, ^e. twisted and ivrung. fq^r w. 4 string of a cord. T5 w. «. ^, ?tH- orr-Ac. KR'n-^< To Twitch, v. a. pull with a tuddenjcrk, v. Jkbk. f^ijrw, ff ??5^ or ^%^, f|^!pr M.-ie. ?^c'. ^TtJr y. of$. Twitch, n. quick pull, f^^^r m. f^Bsr «i. ■31?15T w. 3TN7:r 2 ( of the fibres ). ^^^ pop. ^xi\ n. «pi.— jnrfiif. Two, ff. ^"t^r, %, I ( in comp. as ^-TR'ft, ^TTjt, J^TS ) fj ( in comp. as f^T?^, 1|;'tR, &c.).— of human beings. ?;iT (fcm. ?ft or Eqr. neuter. % orcff j In t. fr^rj^l, |«rj, f^-TT. That is iu twos or pairs, ^rsfn^ or '^\inK. The t. ^>^. T. and a half 3T^^. Two-edged, a. 5^[ft, |^-TT?. Two-rOLP, a. of two sorts. st^q-TT??^, 5i?r?T-|^r,1;v. 2 V. Double, ^z., fgyif'^^. Two-handed, a. Sj^|Tnf^r, f^^, f|;f^=l?. Two-handled, a. f^tft. ' Two-headed, n. SRH^^i^, f^f, fg^^^F, ' Two-tongued, a. 5ri=Tf3^«Tr, f|;f^^. j: TxiiPAN, TriiPANUM, n. drum of the ear. ^frpTT^r T5?r w. TxiiPANiTEs, TrMPANT, «.— the disease. ^FT^'ir Un »'. 1- rHr^ «. JrJTqTrf ??». grH ?)1. 3T^fT^ »l. To get t. q"prm'^ n^fRf w. tTTot, q"'r^ ». rts^ vp:6t_ TxPE, 11. emblem, sign, v. Mark. ^^'T/. f^^Iijft /. f^f^ n, 2 ajtgure of something to come. ilfH^Ti «. sfffT^^ n. Sr^rf^il n. 5?T^ N?^ n. 3 printing letter, tJTq w. 5HT m. 4 — iu medicine. HT^RT/. ^^q «. TXPHUS FEVER, n. JpT5J^^ ?«. Typical, a. v. N. 1. 2. FJT^^foTF, ^Tfft^, ?ii%f5T^, 'iT^srfn- Typified, p. v. V. sif^^??;!^ ^J^^T^^^r, &<•. ^>f-T^. To Tvpiry, v. a. v. To PHEiiauRi:. i^f^c^ ».-5Tf?l5?7^ )i.-ic. ^F^^ ^T'ffcToi g. ofo. 5Tf?rCT^rt-&c. ^TH5?5 n. Umbeaqe, n. V. Offence. ??r^ OT."^^iT^/.3T%^Pf '«• To take u. at. qifs »inT^, ^ffs ^^. 2 See Shade. Umbeageous, a. v. Shady. ^R?ff=qT, ^N-^r, aNifl^T. Umbeella, ?j. — the skreen from the sun or rain. ^^ft/. g^ n. aTTFTT^ n. 3HM4=IKU1 «. Eadius of an u. ^5T »«. Stick of an u. ^f^/. The u. of royalty or state. iJ^ «. U. borne over Eajas, &c. in their proccs.sions. 3T»t^T- jftr w. c?«»2. arsr^rfnft/.— bearer of t. arq^^^. Umph, interj. 3T:. Umpiee, n. V. Aebitee. frf^l^H, Ht"^?*!, ST^ftH, ?I^. Un. With this negative or privative particle correspond 3T and 3T^ ( as in 3T?T^, 3T?IH'«T, 3Tgqf ^, 3T5^m,&c.), S' ( as in gr^RiJf, 3^=1v7^, ?^ot, »i'i*u(, 3'^^aT, &c. ),^^ ( as in"?R^?ft,'Jr<<:(M»ft,%f^^, &c. ), it ( as iu %f?t?^, sjj?5r^, »I^HH, &c. ), fJi^ ( as iu fSf^qqtn, ^r^T, &c. ), ^T ( as in ?rr?JRf^, HTTJ^T, ?fTqH?f, &c. ), f^ ( as in f^;^T- I, f^?5T, &c. )_ Dr. Johnson has observed of it, that, as it is placed almost at will before adjectives, &c. all instances of its occurrence cannot be inserted. Of 3T we make the same observation; and as the public animadversion upon the Doctor is rather on account of the multitude than on account of the paucity of his insertions, we have been careful to insert only the most approved of the formations with 3T. Of those English words, to which sometimes un and sometimes in is prefixed, such as are not found here, should be looked for uuder In, I UNA 907 rxA Unable, a. 3T?T^, 3T^K'T=5T, 3THf^?r. Unaccountable, a. v. Inexplicable. a^s^T^qj^, aTSTn^Tr- 2 «o< responsille. Ht?I5q'T5IT|T^T,'Tm5TI^'rar-f^n55r,f5f- Unaccustomed, o. «o< habituated. f^r^^f^Tr'SfT or ^'^T, ftpT- Ij -ATTE>-DEi), a. V. Sl>-ULE. nS^THTaTHTi^Trsir-^'TorT, ==fT^^r UXATIESTED, a. f^^l^'T, fqJTHT^^r, 3T«T?T, 'JTHrflT^. ■Ukauthektic, a. q-TTr'JTr;rt=sR^r, arsmrw, aTsrmrPn^. IJifAUTnoiaTATivK, a. f^^^^]^]'^J, yJ^^m^ arsfTTTfoT^, U:fAFTI10KITATIVENESS, «. A". A. Sf^'JirTT^W. ^»rT-AVAiLn«o, a. V. Ineffectual, Fruitless. f%T'4^, f?r- Unatoidable, a. ^^JTSTT^TO smT'^-aT^T?^, 3Tf?nTT^, a^f^^nr, UsAWAEE, TJnawaees, odv. Unexpectedly, t. Suddexlt. '^^r'^^, ar^^JTHT, 37^^?:, 3T^f=qrr or at. 2o Ukbak, v. a. ■3TTS/.-&C. ^T^at^. o/o. UxISATHED, a. fsj^'JTf'^rS'^^T, Jfl^IrT, 3T5^?5rR. Unbeaeable, a. ^^RT?f 37qFq"-aT^WT-cte. 3TW|?ft^, 3T?r^. Unbeaten, o. — path, &c. f^f^pfoiSJ^r, f^RiTaJift^r,, 3THfc^?r. Unbecomino, a. t. Indecoeous. ar^fiq', 3T^f^?T, ?rr?5R^, TJneeqotten, o. aTTtf^rf. Unbelief, n. 3Tf^!^TH«i. STssT^r/. 3THf^/. 3T?frf^^?T«. Unbelievee, n. Unbelieving, a. arfET^qr^ff or ^^ or ?jrFr, aTf^Jtf^Pr. 2 for; V. Needless. fsTH^Koft, ^rriTRf^^=5rT. Uncandid, a. JT^T=5fT a=rsrt^;TS-q;q?rf, arqi^f^, Uncanonical, a. 3T?TT^. Uncaused, a. 3?^^-:^, ar^^nTOT, ^c^lTOT, Unceasing, a. t. Continual. fH^rR, 3T^5, ^FTrT, 3T?7^. Unceasingly, oi/j;. v. Continually, Etee. f?tt?n", f%PT, Unceeemonious, a. fsj^g-J-q-ffl-^r, fitTf^l^r, %7^3rt^T. Unceeemoniouslt, adv. ^=^XW>., %^^, 5(3^'', sj^TTSf^T. Unceetain, a. not certainly hnoini, v. Doubteul. fi):^^- ^rft=^, fsr^HTsr^ir^r, >aff?rf 5, ^t^Tf^m, 3Tf?ifs>qrr, aif^^fr, arf^cffm, arffrmfTn, arf^j^q^TTw^F, arf^v^. 2 wo< confident, not stire, v. Doubtful, ^^qt, ^^^T, arf^Jiq^, 3Tv?rmfH':fR, arv^rmf^Ji^q'. Unceetaintt, n. v. A. I. Vfff^'fZ'jm m. arfHf^rfqtJTT ?«. ?f?7{^?Tq>Jir m. &c ^Rqr/. ar^ jz. Hirr/- arf^Js^q m. ar- fHf'>^^/- aTf^qrf?:?!^ n. z^f^^K m. arf^iTtsTm. ^^.^n. apfifFtrr./". 3T^5rf^'?, ^^v^^ arfsRT, ^J^^, 3Ttf- Uncivilized, a. v. Baebaijovs. ^^ft, ^iT=fl', 3^f?lf|7H, ^- Unclaimed, a. without a daimant. 'k^\<\^^ %^^^ft, Sf^TR^lt- ^F, ^^RtW, fH^R^ft, fJT^R^"^, a^J^TTfH^, ST^TJTt. Uncle, ji. father's hrother, ^?5-ess, Uncleanliness, n. v. A. 1. JToE%T'Jir m. T- fsurqoTT m. yn^-rir/. 2 3T. 3T'J5f#/. ^^^^ mf- 2 ar^f^^qiTT »». f^^^arrinT m. Uncompleted, a. 'mv=\^., 'flj'^, ar^HPT, ar'^uf. Uncompocnded, o. v. Simple. ^.^\^^^\=^}, 3T^=?frijf, arfiT- Unconcern, «.v. Carelessness. 3T?TR'4t/. f^^T5!::;ft/. itJ- Unconcerned, a. v. Careless, Indifferent. f^WA'i^^ or fH^^^^t, 3T^R-«T, qc^, SIT?;?!, fH^^r, f^aTT?'^=qr, Unconditional, o. v. Absolute, f^pf-fl^^r, f^'iT^^i, UnCONFIDINO, a. 3TMrM4fl. [ ^?j^?7. Ukconfined, «. spacious,\. Eoomy. g^^r, g^TF, Q^T^T^, Uncokgenial, a. ^^^w^\'^^[., 3t?i^<»r, 'fl^f !^, srPif^. Unconnected, a. not coherent, v. Inconsistent. "JT^ilj, f^T^^HT, ar^'H, I^HH^f, 'fl?r5fT,aT^f^'7, aT3T5, ftrflf^TH. UxcoNNECTEDNEsa, «. v._A. aT^q^T J/l. 'JT^Tfl/. '*iq5^^? m. Unconquerable, a. f^^FRRT ar^TfT-io. a^^, aT:^«?,-«7T- Unconquered, a. 3TPT?r, antrf^TH, ar^^. Unconscionable. See Unreasonable. [u?. Unconscious, a. v. Insensible. ai=^?R, f^^^r^, f^^'l'T, 2 V. Ignorant. arsTTT, aT^iT?Tr,'V»TTff^nR. Unconsciousness, n. v. A. 1. ar^^^ ?i."%n^lHi«l m. rf^- ^^^ VI. -4^/. 2 arv^uiTovT m. ar^m'Hqir «.'V»n1^'^/. Unconsecbated, a. aT^5f^,aT^f*rRN?T, arMPif^H, ar^^^, STfTTrra'^^fTR. [ ^JTT. Unconsidered, a. 3TpHir<^, 3Ttn??fT, arf^HTftTH, •JT^JTTa^- Unconsigned, a. ^ ^^T^.k^J., &c. ar^Tf^H, ar^fi^. Unconstrained, a. v. rREi:, Voluntas^. m^aiT, 3T^^4, f%- UecoNSTEAiNT, n. V. Freedom. iir^ocq'JTT »i. %ai^.+i«( w. ^'q'^T'TW »». arf^^'^T wi. 3Ts?f??^q ?». a^f^rfryr »i. Uncontaminated, a. ^isT^T, 3l^'T?T, a^vi"?, aRTT, f^fsJT, arfeJT. Uncontested, a.— an estate, &c. awfHTST. [aif%^. Uncontrollable, a. v. Ierestrainable. ar^^, a^f^^R, Uncontrolled, a. f^^ ar^^Rpqr, ^^, f^<^M^, f^TT^sn, Unconversant, rt."rR:=fr^'i^,%TTi|'^ir^, '^^^f'^? aT?i«T- ^, arsnftT, a^f^'T'ir. ['TT'H. Uncooked, «. ar^if^iVr, ^wr, f|'^_, aritF, arrrf^^r. ar^T?l- Uncoeef.cted, a. viu-cv:scJ. ^ ^iV-^^^T, Ac. vt5nfvr=r. UNcouNTED.a. ?r qiii?5?!T, f5iHKl^J=r^r,&c.aiTfmR, aT?i'^^H. Uncounteri-eit, a. v. Genuine, Eeal. siq^filiT. a^T?. Uncourteous, a. V. Eude. fq^m'iRPKt^T, f^n^«fr^,Ao. ^T^fft, si^t^HT, arf^^^, aT^5^T. Unco^-rtliness, n. v. A. ^i^t^tT^r m. aTrlJ-^^T/. aTTlTJHi /. Uncourtlt, cj. v. Eude. f5]^^'^r':t, TRI^, aT?T«T, 'f^VH. Uncouth, a. v. Awkward, Sieange. anmt, ar^rft, "^TIT, aff5PT5, f^?^?rJT, aTT^TT. Uncouthness, ». T. A. anroftT'm '"• f^?^'»rnJTr m. Ac. To Uncover, v. «. TW^, sriT"! ".-slTT «.-&c. jpr^TJi-^Tj^- Uncovered, ;?. v. V. I'Al^.^^ 5tt^?^ ^T^^^ri^ &o. ttst, ar- Uncrkated, n. ai^qvT, an^"?, arfJiHrn, a?f^ffi"i=T, ar^^rw. Unction. See Asointedness, To Anoint. Unctuous, a. oUu. /jrtn.'ni. f=^i^cT or f^^:pJT, ^^, ^•'4, ^- TND ^^, =^\Ts, ' f^^F^, f^W-^'i^, UxN-CTuousNEss, n. V. A. 1. fq-jgtriqoTr >».-&e. F^^onf /. ait- VZ n. ^rTT/. f^ijnT/. K?^. rKCULTIVATKJ), a. f^JTrTTIEfi^^T, ^Rff^, q^rr, Tf^?:, Hnft- 2 See Babbabous. Uncultivjteduess, n. \. A. 1. ?fiqft^/. UscunuED, a. y. Uxkesteained. %"%^, 3T^=rT, si'T'f?? d»' 55, 1%Tifs, f^tf ^. Tt) IJncuese, t!. a. ^^UTTi^o;;. 3':?TrT «i. ^of-^FTof. Undaunted, a. v. Bold. fH'rq?TmF^, f?rtTRT5it?^T. Undecided, a. not settled. ftptf^t'fTS^r'sn", &c. Sl^oiifr, 3TT>!:TTfcr, sT^irnn. 2 'dee-ling. To U>'DEE-TAKE, V. a. take in ka)td, engage t) do, g'^sft?^, ^Hff tT?:df-qijf, TH^^'jf 0?- tTJf^^'n, spft^rt^, ^t^PKof, - imdertaheti. ^m «. ^Fp:? «. ^F^q'M. *i^ »». [^^^JT n. Bold or hazardous u. v. Extekpeise. f^TcTrcn:^ ^PPT n. Great, arduous, &c. u. ^t?r% ftj 7j. Uniiee-texaut, «. Hll^^^TTETT HI%:Kfl','ft?:'7fl^. To Fndee-yalue, v. a. See To Uxdeeeate. 2 despise, v. To Uubee-wood, «. ^7 «. pi- ^Xi[f. Undee-woekman, ^Hiyi^.^T ^KsfTTUTTrr, grrswcTT, Undee-weitee, 12. insurer. ftf^?R, ftfM+<1. Undeeived, o. v. Xattieal. ?rtf%f5;^, ^'^•.f^s;, f^T^nflT^. TJsdesceibable, a. 3Tl%^r=^, iT^r^q-, ^>jf==TT?T^^, ^T'^HTrftfT, ^xpTT^T^^, ^^qirr^T^^, q-'n;rrnt=sR. TJndesceibed, a. gr^rfum, ■JTf^'^:f^, 3T^fii?r. Undeseeved, a. fiRP;rq-^rt=qT, ^[f^^, ^T^;:gT^T, 5'^T^=|;- TJndeseevedlt, adv. JTTf !TW, f5i?r?;Twt=^r, UXDESIGNED, a. fit^^sT'Crar^, f%^R^g5^!TT^r, 3^nTiTr^\^T, FsDEsiaKEDLy, a(fy. t. A. fSpTJT^rgs^TT^, &c. ?|?TRf=f5, UkDESIGNISO, n. artless, v. .SlMl'I.ErSlNCEBE. f^?- f|=ffT, &c. arfr'?, -jt^ht?. Undesihous, n. S^q-I^T-pTTT^r, fq'Tfl, f^f^qj, ^T'TT'TIh, fjT^npf?^, f'TT^^T, Pi^'i^^, f^^'T?-, ^'^^i 'flj^q^. Undestroted, a. 'fl^"?, 'HfJr^'?, -HtqfH^, 'jT'^IM. Undeteeminarle, a. ^ffjofif, wf^^vjiq', -flfiT*ijiT, f^oi??:- Undetermined, n. «o/ *e///c(7, V. Indeterminate, fij^?'^;- 2 . Undiscriminated, a. g^^^f^, arfr^rfTH, si^ w- ir^ q, 'fl- Undiseased, f7. ?tiri%Trar-iTnOT, ^fri/o;). frffm, ar^nr- Undisguised, a. t. Open, a^qir, 7'?3^rq?, fsR^jqi^r, 7- Undisputed, o. fsR^rr^ifT^r, ?l^n7iJ?i^^^f, f^f^^r^, 3T- Undissemdlixo, a. V. Sincere, f^fc^qr, ^T^q?, UNDlSTINOUisnABLE, a. that connol be discriminated. 3l?r. ^•^, 3T^^oftT, arf^lt^Jftq, 'ilf^HT^^, -Hf^TTS^, 3T- UNDlSTISGUIsnED, a. not disci-iminatrd. g^f^ST^H, Wtf^HT- 2 w< eminent. fSlR^IH^^l, 1^IH^Trat5(fNT, f%^3T?i?;=«rr- TINE 912 UNE ■L'>disti;ebed, a. free from molestation. fH?^^^, 3'^^'r|t- 2 free from pcrttirhation. 3^q?T, STSTT^^, fJTU-?=^, 3T- UsEiviDED, o. T. Whole. Hf^TPT^^, 1%?lEftC3?IT, srf^- T^, arf^Hrf^, aTf^rTrfnrr, ar^fsff, ar^'s, ^^q', arfe- Ta USDO, V. a.imravel, vnlie, taTce to pieces., ^'c. ^'^^'Jf, 5- sp?;^, 'irl'15^, f^^^iuf, f^^^ijf , ^Siif, fl"f5'?f, Jc^TST »«.- ;j^t5 or 3"^r?5 «.-3';F?!;crf|-/..ctc. ^Rctt -7. 0/0. ^^^-E, ^J- ^' a. T. V. 1. ^•^ojaFJr, d+c?riril, i3Bn5&c5r, &c. To come u. — a garment, &c. g^^, ftj^ot. I. unperformed. ?f%^f7T, 3T^ff, aT^TTTf^^f, 3T?riffeTrr, 3T5fr- \ UKDorBTED, a. V. Ceetais. f^T^^f^q-, fH^^i^T^T^r^ f?I^?ff^- : USDOUETEDLT, adv. V. A. fl'Hrt' CeETAIXLT. f^^^^l^, 3T^,^. i UNDOUBTFUL, USDOUBTIXO, a. V. CERTAIN. f^^^^T^T, ^T^FT- To Ukdeess, v. a. ^■^ w.-qN^ur «.-A:c. ^TS'jf-JrT^, ^wf^- ^o5T or %'TolT-f%5r^-f5r^?m"-&c. ^CTf_ UKriEEssED,_p. ij- «. V. V. ««q--&e. 3T>T^q-, aTTf^Jiftq', SHjnq', Uneaten, a. ?t^ri??IT, ar^^, ar^f^TcT, 5fl^rf^?T, Uneducated, n. v. Illitebate. fsj^q^ssr, 3^f?Tf^?r, 3T'?:- rtT«PT^, ar^rM^rT, arqft^. Uneffected, o. 3T?iq^, ai^s;, amftTrT, ar^TTl^FT. Unelastic, a. f?'*Tf?I?'4iq^f5r^fp, Prefif?ft?T, fsT^fsr^FT, Unembodied, a. v. Incoepobeal. 3T5|, aT^Tll?, STT'ft. Unemeodiedness, w. t. a. st^iFq- «. 3fHl^/. Unemploted, rt. RjpRn, ^p^t, r^^.?fin,' fH^fft, f^^rj^r, f^^rivt, f^^^, f5T=-TNR, fi^^?jiT, ;piiTrq»T5cr or fq"TTotr, ?5r, tsT. Ukemployedness, a. v. A. ft^rnqtilT ««. fKWA^^f. f^^m- Unenclosed, a. fsR^qorr^r, f^^^TT^T, &c. 3t^T|?t. Unendueing, a. t. Tempobaey. a^^TTs^rT, 3Tr4Tqt, 3lf^iTT, 3Tf^fT. Uneneecetic, a. aigf^T^, f^?r?iT^^, fH^^f , a^Jf^T^, ^- ^Tft^, fn^^, %fJr?r. UnEEEINBLY, Oi^i'. T. A. 3T=f5;. [ f^T'TT. Unessential, a. f5j?T^?Tt==fT, ar^TTWa'T^, 3T?rtrift-q-^, a^^fT- Unestaelisbed, a. vnproved. fil?rFf':q «. 3-^^^^r- Unexamined, a. an^TTf^fT. [ fftT. Unexampled, a. unpreceJtnted. ar^Tir, f^'^iT'T, 3T"^, 3TI^- Unexceeded, o. ainfd+fn, ar^ffT^pTfi. Unexceptionable, a. f^t^igift^, f^sfri^nt^r, &c. f^- ?f«r, 3Tqr«T, 3t^, 3T5it*t, aTsirf^feifT, f^qitr, f^?:r5T[tT, f^[f^ff, &c. i^3f 5, aTH^f^. Unexcited, a, ^?^^OT, &e. 37%f^?r, arsrjg, arsf^fel^T, Unexecuted, a. ar^Jfr, a^fJisq^, ar^^f, ar^rrN^T, aT?ifH5. Unkxeecised, a. v. Unpeactised. aT'l'^ir^'^, aTH*^??. U.VEXI3TENT, a. Unexistino, a. aiSriHH, 3TR<4MM, 3Tf%3[, Unexpected, a. v. Sudden. 3T?rf?TfT, a=R>f|^fT, 3T?(f^fl, arqjf^m, an^f^T, arf^^sjrr, a^^^i^jfH^r. f^^^Roft. Unexpectedlt, adv. v. A. aT«i^?:, ar^f^^, ar^^^, ai^«jt- iT, ar^rr or at, ^^^r, *?Roirf^;rPT, fl'i^tf ^, ar^f - Unexpended, a. H^^^OT, f^^^^%?ir, arstr^T, ar^TTHsTST. UNEXPEnitjJCED, a.T. UNKNOWN. i=f aTHH=f%^,&c. a^^T^f^T, aTTftf^Ft, aT7ftf?TfT, 3^R?ft^, ar^?. 2 See Inexpebienced. Unesploeed, a. ^^-T^ %?5^, a^fTrH. Unfading, a. v. Lasting. ?r f^?:>inTr, air^?:, ar^TT, Unfailing, a. v. Lasting, ar^as, 3T=eq;rf, ariT*^, 3T?^sr/»<>p. ar^nft, 3tw, 3T^'t^_, 3T?5l^. UvFAiB, a.— person, ^\7^r^^^\\r\^^ ^ ^f^iTr^r?7t^r, qjm- fft, arsrr^rf&ra, ar^i^. 2 -practice, &c."fI^PiTift, 37?T3!ift,''I?iTf?f^?Tr,"^»irnf^I, USFAiBNEsa, «. V. A. 1. sq^ir^frfrlT^R'T'JTr m.-SiQ. ^"'RI^'T- ^fR tn. ^r^r?5/. &e. arsTTTTfoT^^ n. 2 ^^rnsfifharrm. n^Tr^rfcfOTr»i."TRT?ro^iVioM«. afVUM, WHj^'^ , 5Rf^?, aTT^, argT, arn'ra or at, fsfTH. Unfayorahleness, n. v. A. aTHioC^oit m. 'flHI^q--HRra-^-^?TR-&c.^^ot, ■fi^rrwj.' ?fT?7i'PPt/.-&c. armor. Unfitness, n. t. A. l-'^lTSfT^^R'^ »».'5^Tf;n?»noTT «. 3^- »qrTT/. aTHf^ITqM. [TPt?1HHT/. 2 aigqqVn'^rwi. ^rrt^/. argq^rVPrnT /• aT^T^^firii/. Unfixed, a. unsettled. aif»'^r5r'T55I--pTn- oET, 3i^c?t% ^^\v^\^ ?!i^^r^, =fT-^k*;?, ^-fr^f^^^'Ji, To Unfasten, v. a. v. To Loose, Tu Opkn. T^T^ot, ^frsot. Unfathebed, a. Pr^ircsrr, arfqn^. Unfathomable, a. lit. ?f« ^ r^rioqT^T, 'iTnr'^, |t?T, 3TF- Unfecitfclness, n. v. A. f^tiFfSFrr/. arfF^Jm/. y rfilf^r^ w. Unfulfilled, a. qn ?T FT^, JTf 5^r?^=?r, 3TJCrTT, 31^, To Unfuel, v. a. loose and unfold, ^r^, ifFP5rT-&c.-lt, a. V. AwKWAED, Clumsy. aTTT^, arspuft, %^«f. Ungenerous, a. arg^, 3TST^WH^4:+, S^H-ltif, aTFTH^f^^, ^5^. " ^ [3Tq»T. Ungenial, «!. 3TWFnrT^T, 3T?I5f ?y, ^^^"^1 ST?^5rf?ff?5, Unoenteel, Ungentlemanlt, a. arf^q-, 37^>--^, "^TfifT^, To Ungied, v. a. q;JTT/.-5FJTT^i^ m. BT«^. Ungodliness, n. v. A. ariTHfcraiT m. aTtTrftr^frsr. Unharmed, a. v. Unhurt. iiH^flTTT, ^J^j^rpft^r, ar^ri. Unhaemonious, a. v. Discoedant. %^, •I^'JT, f^^T. UNHAZAEDOus,fl!. fiiH^KHHNT,1^^3TH orfSfHTtrT, fsR- ^r( or ^f^>g?T, 5l^^;r?(T, %HT^1^, Jf<:T3^, f^':T3^, %^^, Unhewn, a. arsfST, f^^^T, fil?fsr5?5?!r,fsFRT¥^^, f^'Tg'^^- Unhindered, a. ■^^ars^FRr^, f^^qjrft=^T,3Ti^, ar^rRfT, ar^f^^-T. To Unhinge, «>. «. fst^mff n. pl.-m'^ m. pl.-Z\^ m. pl.-&o. '•J^5!;at-+|4u'[-fjra'fiTrT-&c. ^^-fs^wJi-Ac. ,9. ofo. Unhinged,;), v. V.f%viiiHTWt^'^ri3T, &c. f%?if?TcT. To be n. Jig. feel prostrated. q^oEtjasof, 2;f% «./;?. fs^ fr^ <7. ofs. iraot. [^/- ar^s/ Unholiness, n. v. A. aTTf^^rniT '«. &c. aprf^^rrTT/. a?"J,?l- Unholy, o. impure, v. Wicked, artf^^, ai'JfT, ^Tg^^, a^^- N, amnSJ or 55, JTfeT ;)o;). jth"^. Unhonoeed, a. v. Contemned. amrf^W, ar^Trf^, ^ UNI 915 To Unhorse, v. a. throw from a horse. ^TS^\^\vi\ ^K^-'S^- ll To Unhouse, v. a. drive from the house. Ef^R^T ^RiJi, ^^- fHTft. Unuuskep, a.— rice, &c. 3T^5T, 3T^ft, 3Tf7?^^, 3TfH?t^, 2 — cocoanut, betclnut, Ac. 3T*Tr7r, Ukicobn, «. rhinocero*. "iST "». <^^T '». Umdiomatical, a. ^\^^\^^\ 'ct^lKT^r-fTO^r, HTtora'si^- UNIFORM, a. qfojiif appearance.^ character, Sfc. ^%C^T^-^r- cft^-T, ^^F^, ^^^, 3Tt;3T^, STT^tj-- UnINTERMITTED, UNINTEEMITTIKa, O. V. CONTINUAL. RtT- f^RTT. Uninteebuptedness, n. v. A. 3T^=rr. ar^HS^'Tr w. ^t- fw n. rH?, 3?^^T, UnINYITED, fl. ^ ^-'.i^aBI, Pn^lrfN^.l, 3TfH»if^=T, 3P=t-- Jtf^nr, aPTTpf, 3T|rT. Union, «. oc< o/" uniting, See Joining, 2. uniledtutt, r. Junction. 5tt5 »». qtn yn. ?r^FT m. ?Tf*T »»./. ^ijtr >i. F- KRrn »». ^g'PfTr/. ^t m. flifr/. «iif?i/. ^it'j^^t ». 3 concord, v. Aoheement. ^/. \4w\ or Jir m. ^^PT n. Unipabous, a. producing one at a hirlh. ^sfTsp?. Unique, a. single in its kind, v. Sinqulab. pthItT, kt^'C- Unison, «.— in ninsic. Jli^*i| n. jgr?^ ji. jgriT:^ m. VT^- 5T »»•. F^>rITf5 m. ?^h?NHH m. qzi? m. That is in strict u. ^I'M^'ltrl. 2 See Aobeement. Unit, ti. \^ in. ^=Pi^ »». TTNJ 916 TTNL To UsiTE, V. a. make into one, v. To Jora. ^ "FTot, vfredt, fjloE^T^, ^«im, ^=A^?Tir n.-^'ftn wi.-&c. ^^ g. ofo. ^- ^-&c. «PTof. 2 make to agree. \V\^\\ w.-^^T n.-^^T^ m.-Mm m.-Ac. ^?Tjt g. of 0. (Tip ^^, ^?Jjf^-i^5pf^?5-^;pH^-&e. ^m. To Unite, v. n. become one, Join. fJT^'jf, ^ ^^, ^'TIT »».- &c. ^"il y. o/ «. 2 concur, v. To Agree. f^Tasaf, ^^-iJ+f^rf-kJ+pi(TT-^*T- fT-&c. ^, ^J^Hl^/.-ar^^/.-ifcc. ^ or, ivith g. of t. TTnited,^. v. V. A. 1. vfls^SI, fJT2g^?5T, ^^^^, ^tP, ?rg^, ^tf^, ^■iilf'ld, ^5??. [ &e. 2 i(*+,rfrfl, >^=nhTi, ^^ncT?f, <<*r^rf, i^+imi-t)l-r«<-=(Ki-=iT- Unitedlt, ado. v. Conjointly, fna^, fHciufl^, 'TTT?!:. TJnitt, «. V. Oneness, ^^tt^ m. ^^^ n. ^.^ n. ^^jft/. 3T- ^ «. 3T^ ?«. 2 concord, v. Agreement. ^^/.^^^ «. fiT?5rF m. ^- Ukivebsal, a. — of place. ■H=frjfl^l, tii«fr>|- ^, ^^qrrt, ?t4o<l|UHi, ^^^^Frt. Unknown, a. 3MT5E^, 3HT3?fNT, '^Tmfffft^T, 3?^T?T, 3TfJr%f, aTTRP^Id. 2 unheard of, unseen., Sfc. ^ ^a?5T H Mlf^rirfT, "TTf|BT H 9^%^, 3T^«r^, 3T^f^n?r. 3 — in algebra. aro^HP. U. to, without communication. T ^55^m. aTOHT^^T/. aro^fn/ aronf^f/ 3T?rn?w». Unlikely, a. v. Improbable. ^ °^ I ^ M I ' 1 1 -^Trf r-^TR^T, ftj1o^I<tn OT.-JfH*rTfn.-^^ HT OT.-&C. ^TiJt y. o/o. qtT^iT^?f-^?r'?TTif;JT-&c. ^of. 3 deprive of men. JT^^sf ». pi. WSTJi-qfJjft^TOT, Unmanageablf, «. V. Iehesteainable. STf^T^R, srl^'f, Unmanifested, a. :s{^^;7: pop. arsm^, 3T5Tf?T5, arsTPTf^nr. Unmanlike, Unmanly, a. v. Effeminate, Cowaedlt. J^- UsMANNEELiNEsa, u. Y. A. 'iTTfl't^'T'iIT «». &c. "qOTT^^^/. 3TRTS?rr/. 3TO>--qrTT/. Unmanneely, Unmanneeed, a. v. Eude. 3Tf^^, ^T^'^q',"^- UnmanuEED, a. t^^rft, ^iMlrfl. Unmarked, a. having no mark. f^RTf^^T, ^Tc^^OT, f'Tf'i'IS. 2 unolserved. 3TSf?^fT, aTH^?^"t%?r, 3T?RfH?r. Unmaeeied o. fsnTSFr^T, a^if?:^, ^rsr, f^, arfir^iTf^rr, To Unmask. See To Expose. [arf^cftq'. Unmatched, a. ^5T%gifr^, f^pmrsNr, f^^rs, 3TSff?W, Unmatueed, a. cf^T, ^^^n, 3T^, ^ItH. Unmeaning, a. 31^'4^, f^n^, 3T'4rfTO3T-%'Tosr, 5fnTSTr4j, Unmeaningness, ». V. A. 3T?r'4^q^ in. f^iJ^TOTT w. &c. aTTT^t^ n. aT'-^TT^T «. &c. [ fHrT. Unmeasured, a. f^pr^r^JT^c^r, 344^1*1^1, srfHrT, 3T#F»T, ar^T- Unmeditated, a. 3Tr%f?TfT, aT^^Kfrirf, arq^JT^nr. Unmeeciful, a. v. Ceuel. f^^, •^^N'loEr-r'Kl*!, ^TT^^-?!; ^-&C. 3H+-bU|, fnt+'bUI, 2fRUI. Unmeecifclly, adv. \. A. fHd'JMi'ir^, ^^n^, -^^1^1^. Unmeecifulness, n. v. A. fJT^^TT'TT »«. &c. ^qr^^mr/. ^- iTTTTf^ n. ^sTT^Jf^mr/. Ac. Unmeeited. Wee Undeserved. [ frftfT. Unmetaphobical, a. aTOT^f^, aT^rT^pfr^, arc^^, arTT- Unmindful, a. inattentive, v. Careless. ar^tTH, ar^T^- 2 unconcerned, v. fvT^ra^ft, sf'T^, «rf^^)tT, Unmindfolness, n. v. A. 1. TTfTK^Torr m, ■s{^^^^^r\^ f. ar- 2 f=l^TO^.>i, a^flij^. 2— graiu. f^^s. [ ^^^ Unmolested, a. f^RT^^, f^'^^TTT^^rf?^, > , n, -.^snai- Unmoved, a. rtmaininj fi.tcd, v. Eibm. ?( ^R^?!T, Ac. ar^'tT^fcTTirnT, arTiq-Rt^Tsrm, aTT-«iRf?if'ri, f^y^ 2 unaffectid. ^ ^sf^^TT, Ac. 'flfl?^. 3 unchangc,: in purpose ^ q^^'?r»I,H sTX^r,^ *TT?W?t?rT, Unmusical, a. aT"T*j-i(T, atq^^T, f^?, ^^l^^Jf^, ^'<(^ pop.^-^J , Unmutilated, a. ars^T, ?itn. Unnamed, «. qi«r ^ ^?!^?IT, arn^^^t^TTJTT, ar^^tfr^^nTT, 3T- Hmf=i%, aT^r^^TTTT. Unnatural, a. conii-ary to natural ffelings and affeciiont. ^t^TRf^Kj^ jqjTl^li^^, RI>^ir?5, ar^^^, Unprofitable, a. f^^RM-MMI, f^^Tf^lBr^TT, f^^T^q^TT^r, f^Hf^-^PTFft^, &c. spRsr, ar^iM^, f^rr*?^, f^fPH, tTTHr- Unpeofitableness, «. T. A. 'pkl'^'Jir w. f^ijif qjr?fq^, a^^rrnrrtrnq^r. 2 «o< restricted ly exceptions. H^T^Rf^, sfffT»is:I^f|ri, f%;r^q:p, f^^:pw!t^T, ^'TrT^'^^r, fspTa^RT^^^T, Sl^T^. Unquenchable, a. ^ ^5i^q-T=^T, &c. ar^lH^ftq, aTSi^infffT, f^^rmr^^q, fn^iimr^^, a(f?nrffT?i\^. Unquenched, a. H f^^fsissT, ar^ifiirT, arf^^rfftrr. Unquestionable, a, v. Ceetain. fn^^^^RT, fn^^^T, 1^- Unquiet, a. ^f?ft ^n^ET-fJRToCT, aT^JT^tT, ar^trf, ^tf?T^-^J- UNR 919 rxs ^-?;f^fT, ^^^ff?r, f^H^^. Unquietness, n. v. A. ar^q^iilTOTT «i. 3T^frr?:s, 3T^<<-mi*,(S, arfe- | Uneefined, a. «o< purified. ^ ;[iT*T%r5T, 3T'T, ^5k,:F5- qr, 3i?fl?:, qpsfm^^, ar^r^^, f^^^^^. Uneemembeeed, a. ■aTRI^PT 5T^%^, sr?H?T. Unbemitting, a. t^^HiT^T =:TT?!;aiRr-^M%?rT, fs^r ^ fmr- Uneemittinglt, adv. v. A. ^^P?:^,'^=RTTTWr,'^^m^t,'r^W'T. Uneepealed, a.j^^ %^f5T, ar^, aivHirir^rT. Uneeseeved, a. V. Fbank, Open, ar^tw^, 3T^nFr«f5[fte, 2 w«VAoK< ony ^Ainy kept bark. 1^Ml«r, f^^R, jn, ^, Uhbesebvedly, adv. v. A. I. JJ-Tf^qi^li^;!, fl*t^ITf^,jfpf:«o/). ^jr^qra or ^^, 3T^fisj or 55, f^nf?5, fVtT^fl, 'jT^ij;55, ar^f^PT, 2 unreserved, free, easi/.familuir, cjr. fq^flqRt^^trqr, B- qfrqT^ff =T^, ar^Tj^n^. gP5TJir=^r, ^qil^qi-^^, ^^ija'Y^. Uneevealed, a. ^f^^^^'k^\., aTTf^^, -jTSl'fC^o;). srsiti?, afRTf%'S?ifT. Unbevised, a. ^Trtq- ^ %?iOT, f5R^i>vT%?5T, afT^nrftR. Uneewabdep, o. srfn'sa qf;-|-"TT, '*?srf^9rf>fT. Uneiohteous, o.— of porKoiLS. aqi-^^r, 'imrM^, 'fl^T'RfH'ff, 3?'--Tn'H^, artT^T^ifr, "TTTT^rfr, a^^rtfT, 's^f^HR. 2— of acts, &c. ar^T^^, ^^\'^ ^ ST^q^'i^^r, 3T5?T^ft5iT^, 3Tf^r'Tf*Trr,3Tf^T?T, aT^M=-M=)4:'«T,aT?;?I®!T^^4T. 3 variable.^ changeable. ^^^ w a, aTlT«?T, aT^ftr. Unsettleuness, n. t. A. 1. f^Tl/. 3Tf^''TT m. arf^Tof'Tw*. a^^^ir m. arf^^T^ m. 2 f^^if^N^/. aTsq«R'T?Tf^r, ar^TTsiTq-, f^rnsflr^r, fi=nTf«rfT, 3^T. [^nift, ar^^oft. Unshod, a. having no shoes. f^H ^" l 5^H I, r») ' H'4Nd U | , a?^- Unsightly, a. V. Ugly. H^^uu, ks^, f^i^]^^, %^=5fT?T^. Unskilful, Unskilled, a. y. Awkward. Jft^^sft, an?^- 5ET5ft, 3T5Trft, ar^sdc?, ar^^, arq^, ar^g?:, ^"^^^pui^q, -jt- ^oT, arq^r?:, arf^oiTrT, arf^W, ^n?T^-^f|?T-^jf^. Unskilfulness, n. v. A. ^FRTsftTOTT m. ar^itNiTT «». &c. a^^^w «. 3T^?=f?Tr/. &c. ^In^'t^frr/. Unslopinb, a. f^TJToE, Rusiot, ^nT5[o5r^r. Unsmeabbd, a. f%?THT<^^55T, t^I^JT, aTf^SF, a^^fTTrt^T. Unsociable, Unsocial, a. ^]vr({mv^^^ 'Tm'?{'T«TRr, m<»r?T- •T'^^r, ^^f?¥rgT, t^^F^q^T?:, ^^^sf^q;!, ^^pra- Unsold, o. fsjqf^q^B^T, fsf^r^TT^^, arfErJl^rT. Unsoldeeed, ^T, j^r^th or g^HM, ^n^^ 2 — of members or faculties, and of persons or animals;. wanting in tone, potver, 8(c. aTf, 3T?TiT pop. ar^ffJT. 3 fig. hollow, insincere, S{c. Y. Empty, I'alse. ^^^PT,. 4 See Hetebodox. 5 ( of arguments, reasoning, Ac. ) not valid, just, Sfc. ar^^Jf^, 3T?iHn. ar^f^^fq n. a?qf^/. Unspeakble, a. ineffable. ar^T^T, 3T^^?ff?T, a?f^#xf?ftq-^ arf^^m, a^^-q', ar^iT'ft'T, ?^HFfT=ETT, q^iiHmt^T, ^- S^i'HT, =|UHMt?T, ?T£^Trff?r, ^^lf«l«lif, ?IS^lfiJ«lV. Unspecified, a. a^flfinfq??, a75Jf?f%35T, ar^fl;?, 3T^f^^ Unspotted, a. 1%jt^, f^^, ^^W-^^^ Pl"i*?i^. Unstable, Unsteadfast, a. not fixed, v. Eickety. siftsTT,. 2 fig.^t'W*, inconstant, t. Changeable, Ibeesolute. 3Tf?«T?, artfTT, ?^^f^TT, ?TftII^^5, StftiTT^rT, arf^iJT- Unstableness, Unsteadfastness, m. v. A. 3Tf^»T^^/. ar- 2 arsft^T'^T m. arftiRHT/. aif^soT^j/. arf^^/. ar^^'TJi. Unsteadiness, m. v. A. 1. =q^foEqurT ?». aif?4:T?;?Tr/. ai^^ n. 2 ar^lT'f «. ^f^fT «. =5155^=5R5/. Unsteady, a. v. Ieeesglute. ^^eToE, arftsTT, artft?;, aiqjf. 2 mutable, variable, v. Changeable. =cr^55, arf^V^, =^^' To Unsteing, v. a. ( a harp, &c. ) FiRT/. pl.-&.c. ^FTS^-^nSr 2 reZfl*, Y. To Loosen. ^rfN^r, ='n?ft,3T5^«'ft, aT^«T'?^, 3R':'T^rT5ft?5. UXSCBDDED, a. 3li%^?5?5T, OTf^rT, 3T^^, a^cT^ftHrf, S^q^- ?T?r, 3T?f?T, 3T5fiT?f. 2 — the passions or flesh ; or attributively. 3T^f?r, 3T- sr^m, 3Tf^^T, 3T?r?TT^Hr. UXSUBJECTED, a. V. UNSUBDUED. 3Tf3TrT, 3^^^. Unsubstantial, a. sliffhl.J/ijnsi/, i^c. fi^^sfiV, "ft^^, 5^^- ?iT, 5?r'^, f^:fr?5r, P\:mi^ ^kk, f<^TTr, f?:^m^T, ft?fr. 2 V. Unheal. 3Tsir?trf5r^, 3TqT?^5r, ^{HfrjH]^^ ^F^HK. Unsuccessful, a. — of persons. 3T?)r?^f^, 3T^?tr'4, ar^f^ft, 3TSTTHT«f ^ 3Tsrr!T'T5(T, a^siftrfr^, aT^'^ffT^, aT^jft^f^^, 3T- 2— of measures, &c. 3Tfl;ip5S, P\'^^^ a^TJ??, ^T^T^^'IT^- Unsuccessfullt, adv. V. A. W'^^ %r^^^\ m. ^\^^^f. aT?ft^?rr /. sfrjTj^^fr /. argq^rPmr /. 2 ftr^TSTorr »». sr^nfFT/. 'i^^^^^ m. \ Unsullied, a. fsf^sm, f^"s^r5^, q;?5^^f^^-^t^-&c. fn^f^rf, \ f?f^, f^H^i ^=5-3. UN3UProETED,a. not upheld. aTT'^RTSTfY^'^T, f^^aTT^T^t, f%- ;, ?Ta=rrfcTT';T=qr, f^rti'^r?, ar^^r^^, ar^iRq. •; 2 not as.sisled. f^?r'7T55f5SI=^T, T^^^\Z'^JJ^^'^t . i' Unsuepassed, a. a^?ff7f^f^, aT^f?t^fH?r, 3t^?t, 3TH?^f?T, ij UnsueeOunded, a. ?f %s%FJr, ^=T%5%?5r, a^miffT, arWf^tT, ' Unsuspected, a. f^^m^^\'^r., aT^Tft?f, aT?Tr?Tf%cT, ar^f^'tr, i Unsuspecting, a. v. Simple. ^TT^r, ^]^]^]7.J. i\ Unsuspicious, a. fiT^JTTJft, f^^T^TT^r, ftHniTFrT^, si^T- ', Unswept, a. flH ^Tli^OT, aT^J^iTTf^JT. |: Unststematical, a. f^^'sirir'sn', f5fHJI5T»TWT=5fT, ^«i^. Untainted, o. not putrescent. fil^^TT^c^T, f^fTc^FT'CT, f%=T- ' 2 V. Unsullied. ar^fT^T, f^''-^.^,^. i' Untameable, a. ar^.i^q', ar^.^TTt^, ar-TJ.'iT, |^V, ^JT^r^ft^T. I Untamed, a. Efsofr^ h arm'^T^r, ar^j^T, ar^m, ar^fHrT. Untaenished, a. fiT^i%?:?r?7r, f%?fsriR;?=JT, ar^m^?!^. |! Untasted, a. fit?I=qT^%?!r, 3T?Tmrf3;?T. Untaught, a. v. Illiterate. aTf^Tf?T?f, 3Tf^T7. Unteachable, rt. indocile. ^-.f^T^'T, ^•.fiTfTifT'T, |'Rr':T.. Untenable, a. — a post, fortress, &c. ^r^rTr^ 3T^F^-aT5!I- '< 2— doctrine, &c. 3Tr*TR^T, 'fl^f^m^, arsTf^rrfftT, i aTHH»f^^. Uniesanied, a. V. Eiirix. ft^m, ^V^, " UNxnANKFUL, Unthankfulmsss. See Ukobateful, Ix- OKATITUDE. Unthinking, a. v. iNcoNsiuEnAXE. arf^^T^, flfq^ifj^. Untuinkinoi.t, adu. v. A. a^f^^ri^, U=mi ^-qisri^T, fif- ^n; H ^rTf, ^jir, ^irq, T'Tiq, ^n^, a^^frq?(, ar'r'^fiT^. Unthobnt, a. f?ir^qjr?«n^r, ar^^^P, f^«^'P, '^qjtffJt-Ac. Untiihivino. See Unphospeeous. Untidiness, n. v. A. fEpT^rr'^r'fT/. IsfroJ^Tm w. Untidt, a. V. Slovenly, fsr^^rq^isl^r, 1^?T=s^is;^ix«n, ^FT- ^pft ^narf^^r^tr, i^ir^ or «;qr. To Untie, v. a. loosen, unbind, ^rsot, m^F^T-Jic. spTof , %I. v. A. )Hri%?5r, 9i'I=^^r, &c. Until, prcp.—oi time. ^H^ or ^r or ^, vff^, ^iT^fT, ( or ^^r, f?Irr7^'rf, fiT?TTT%?rf, T'fr^ ( in coinp. as q«fn»Th{ ) frr^^ ( in couip. as rTT=I?FPT ), ?TN!-4.waekantable. Unwart, a. jnra«??!T,-siq^fe^,3T'a^.— rice &c. ST^-ft^, 3TgtTT. Unwasting, a 3T^, 3T?7q. Unwatereh, o vndihited with water, f qwio ft , fxf HM i p qMr. Unwaverinu, a. V Firm, Constant. fiRq^^nft^T, f=I^=^- UnweaNED, a. artTT^rqi, arfTTSTT?!!, ^FfT5?53T. Unwearied, a. ^ ^H^, &c. arMm, 3T«lfiTfT. 2 See Indefatigable. Unwelcome, a. strnff^rnFT ff %%?^, 3Tm?r?5TFm ^ "TI^^- ?iT, aTTtfriHTT^, ar^sTFTcT^'f;, 3T?5fmri^q^. 2 See Disagreeable. Unwell, a. v. Ill, Sick. 3T^=r^'|iSrf«l, &c. 3^^^. Unwounded, a. fspT^^^ft, f5l5T^lNT=5fr, fsR^TRRT, qi^I%n- rpK 923 VHQ oET-'f^ar, &c. 31?T?T, 3T^ffT. Unwbitten, a. V. Oral. fq^eif^^Br, f^l^^^TT^r, fJpTfe^T, UNTIELriNG, a. V. FiBM. f^jg^. [ &c. ^not. To UNyoKE, V. a. v^FPS 7j.-&c. ^Rrsijf y. 0/ 0. qfl^FSr^TH^T- Unzealous, a. V. Ini ifferukt, Carklesh. f^i^aTR^^T, f^- Up, !?:/. »«. n^iiPS- 01 »!. f ?;S or fl?5/.'S|5r or i,^^ m. \n\M\m. tTrs in. IT- ^"^l-'Z m. q"R »«. ^I^in^T m. dim. ^]^KT f ^^WA m. ^TTw. Z\^ m. 1^I?5/. ^^T^ m.~ intent. IP.iJ^.R «i. Jp^.T?!!^ To make an outrageous uproar, ^l n. JlJ^'iot, fiii- 3''f, 1^/. «?iTof. Some terms aud phrave8 for A jlace of vj-roar, corrccponding with BT, 3T!^qr€TT, 3T«qTER^, csr^TT^j^r. Upward, Upwards, adv. touard a higher jilace. m^ ^fft, ^=P%, 3TR:T?T^, ^^ esp. in corop. 2 more than. ^T, J^, ariaT in comp. aiftjsjr. Urban, a. belonging, ^'c. to a city, ^^it, ^ff, ^f r^TT, ^TRR, ?in05T, ^mflT, HRTfr^, m. Urbane, a. courteous, v. Civil. ^T?pf'^Ti^^in?=rT-H?^, n^- ?'. a. v. A. 1. dMI^IHT, ^m^OTRT, ^FTrTT- 2 o«". Wbito or furfuraceous sediment in u. ^t/. ^^/. To Ueine, v. n. ^rToir, fTrarf or ?rH/.-?:5^t/.-?55^m/.-^^T- ?Hn OT.-T^ri^H^'T w.-HfT M.-&C. ^?^, — copiously, '^m^^- 55 ^(^y. ^fm, ^'p^ or ^t or «p?rriF?r a^ in. con. m^r, q[rq^, fi^ut, '"^T •ustr 6 5if|^r=ffn -flTOT^^r, q«q5%?;r, Ac To be u. ^-roi, ^=;r^ ^toj, ^>tw, ar^'Tof, ^Rm. Useful, o. v. Advantaokous. ^r»TT^r, ^T'Tmr^^fT, ^mi=^r, f|FiT^T, ^qqrift, g-q^^, ^Tq^ift, ^qq^R^, ^RfT, =FUoit, To become u. ^Rrr'K-^HT^f-T'TqT'fr-TTql'nm-ctc. qcfr- UsEFULXEss, M. V. A. an(f Advantage. S'qqi'iwj. jqq'rrf^f'JTT Useless, o. argT^T'ft, f^^T^rT, f^iJ^qinY, ^'T^frnrf^^i^T- ^n^, ^^mrf^Trosr-^n^T, f^^rirt, f^i^r^;"!!, a^^Ror, »(^t- To become u. ^FTRfH^ ^rof. UsELEssNEss, «. V. A. a^gq^ftilTilTw. f?r?^r'ft'Tm»>. &c. argq-^riw. f^R^^riwi. arg'rq'rfilrTT/. f^i^'T^if^r/. 3:?%- n^f^f^w. 3'TqTTft^m/. ■^m^^^\ To Lave the u. of. 'frTaT. UsUFEUCTUAKY, w. person ivho has the usufruct. HFT-S^HT- UsCEEK, «. lender of money on usury. oqrsT^rJT^ sqTTT^fj-^ ^^ra;, f t^'^ift, ;rT|f^^, ^5;sn^5r. Grinding u. ■R?^,''3TrS^5^j~mH^Km. ^rRTN^?:'T». USUEPEE, n. USUEPING,;;. a.x. V. -ocdlate. "^^fpl. jpt^ctt, "pr- S«TT/. /)i. ^rr^'Jf. The MarathSs do not distinguish be- tween the cowpox and the small pox. Vaccine, a. lelonging, Sfc. to cows. 'Il^MI, ^nff^T'fNn', 1=^, To Vacillate. See To Waveh. 2 See To Hesitate. Vacillation, n. v. V. 2 and Hesitanct. q-^HTT/. ^-TWfl/. Vacuist, «. one who holds the doctrine of avacman.^J^^]^. Vacoitt, n. \. Emptiness, ft^prnqwr »». ^JfTfTT/. 2 «2)flce i/«/?/Zerf. fr^mt^JTmr/. qtq?^/. *fFT5ft/. Vacuous. See Empty. Vacuum, n. space unoccupied by matter, ^j^q- n. Vagabond, Vaouant, a. toanderinj, that has no settled home, f^fr^^, ;^cqT, ^it^W'TT, H^HT^T, TTPt^T, ^TcIT- 3 VAO 'rcEcfT, 3"5ms:<:'T, Cfl?niT:rcq^, q<^T^r^r, U^ t ^l^K I'?!, V. and rakish, ^^cTTT. To play the v. 3^r5W, f^cisfK m. pi. :}j^^ and, inverselg, ?rm^. Vagabonury, Vagabondizing, Vagrancy, m. wandering, state and life of a vagabond. Z^Xl'^ f. ^m^\K m. pi. Dissolute V. z^^f 5cf<-tj|?5/. Vagary, 71. wild freak, cf c. ?5^/. ?ttt m. f s^'t/ %? «. Vague, a. ind< finite, t. Indeterminate. hI^th or iffCTiH, tr^qsTTrT or joEj^ftrT, 3555051, 3TT5E?iToi, ?i^ir?ft, ^^rtrf, ?f:^5-?TT0TrqT, 3Ts^, armT^r, ^^itt^r. Vaguely, orft. t. A. ift^H or jfi^qJT, ^^^^'^n.^ 3T3H^otJT, Vagueness, «. v. A. HmJn5irr»n. qSE^fecl'^oir m. fl'^n^frtruff >». &c. 3T=5f n. 3HciHi55JT «./. Vail, &c. See Veil, Ac. Vain, a. unacailing, v. Feuitless, Ineffectual cztsJ, a^f q>P55, ^FtTST, TTJPS, ^ff^fT, ?f [SRT, ^H^^, ^^, fH^StTq;, KJ- Born in v. f 4Jt?t^_ In V. sq-vj, |5!TT, Htrr. 2 ««rfa/, sl.adoivy, 6[c. v. Emptx. ftq^l-RT, ^^rm^f, f^r, 8 ostentations, vaingloriotts, ^c. v. Conceited, Peoud. nJTT^, ^^, 'irRrHt, 3TfiTm^, 3T^q;Tfr, it?^, smlr- ?qT, f ^R?fR, sj^T^^n:, arsTPf^lTT, 3TT5ilTJT'tr5t, f^K:''TJirTT^r, ^^?5 or oC, 'irftvn. Variableness, n. v. A. =5rq^qon m. ^f^fq «. 3lff:^r?q n.\yi n.\W^ n. 1 discord, V. Disagreement. ^\%% n. ^q?/. 5)«rn^ n- ^H;T^ n. f^rq^ n. fq^ n. Variation, «. v. Chance. %t m. H^ w. "n;^ w. 2 See Difference. 3— in gramuiar. fJr»Tf^/. CTtrfT n. 2b Varieoate, «. (I. diversify in external appearance. f«rf^- 5I-fq3lfJlfq^-^iqrRirt-5rfr'^"Jt. Variegated,;?, v. V. W^=^, f^^, fs?==ffilf^5i, fq=5infT, »l- i^t'ft, ^.q^T, W, ^^^.^ ^HTT, Tir^T. Vabieuation,7i. dacrsily of colors. j^fq-siMUjim. q^jflTOlTft. f5lf^^5frrT/"%fq5tf n. trR^q- «. Variety, Vabiousness, v. A. 1. fq^rfM^^'T'TTm. riMlf^y- qoTrm. Ac. fgr-f-cIfTT/. f^N^I^r/ Ac. 2 f^ff^^mmim. &c. f5rfE?5lrir/. f^^I^n. I. (as of a species or kind). H^wi. II. many and different kinds. This sense is best rendered by the use of some adjective for various witli the nouu required; ex. a variety of tnrbnns ^T^RT"|^r "TniT^, a great v. of fruits sj^fTST^rr^ITv^, &c. Various, a. manifold, mvlliform, divers.^ sundry. f^^^f^V^^., f5rf^=5T, q^^T-TTT^r, q?Tq^=5?T, rT-|?i=^, q^qfi=^, jtM^. ar^iq^^iT, HTRMlrflq, f^rqV, "^^fi^i ^^f'^T, ^f SJ^R, 2 V. Variegated. ferfErsr, f^^Slf^fETSr. Variously, fl(/y. v. A. 1. in r/ii-ioi/i ways. 'fl^TH-jR-f^rft^ -snJHT%-&c. or rT^^T-ftrfMr-Ac. qfiqft, q^q^jr, jftJIT- IPFK, If STf K, TifftTtm or >Ti?TtHt<^, RI5TTf5r>:I,«I5f^, Vablet. See Blackouaed. Varni-;h, n. — the glossy liquid used by paiuterB and others tTTTfl. ^^"I or T^i^n. rt+s«. Coating of v. tpi"!/*. 2D«i». VEG^ 928 TEL 2 tig. cover, gloss, \. Embellishmekx. ^\^\m. 3T'4=rr?m. To Vaukish, v. a. v. N. 1. ^riMfl.-&c. ^^j^^-i^-=^^^-^- 2 and To Embellish. sHRot, fJI^^HTsw. OT^fT Btn^, Vaknished, ;;. Y. V. 1. ^rn'T JJ^T^f^r, &c. ^iTJft. To Yart, «•. rt T. To Chaxoe. fwTot, cfT?;?:CTf, ^^rm. qj- T^, ^'7iT7>».-^fcTTn.-&c. sRof y. of o. To VAny, i;. n. v. To Chasge. fT^OT.-&c. TTSOT, 3TcTT)t.- qsT^M.-Ac. armory, ofs. ?^?rrf?T?q^«. ar^of ^f. o/*. Vascular, a. consisting, Sfc. of vessels. ^5^t^T, TrftTT, Tase, w. Pot. ^'^m. f^jzm. Vassal, n. feudatory, ^r^ift?:^, ifr-TRT^r, irfffe^F. 2 dependent, subject. 'C^TrT/. STvTr/. rfiq^K, ^5CT. 3 See Slave, Vassalage, n. state of dependence, ^^^^'^\m. ^zf^\^\7n. rn%- Vast, a. hige, immense, v. Large. "FR^RT, ^«^f?J, ^^7, Vastly, ac^y. v. Veet. Seli,. ^^uf, ftr=PT »«.-&c. 'f.\'^ g.of o. Vexdee, «. v. V. f^r^'JTr?!, fsr^qr iu comp. I^rrr, Vendible, a. y. V. f^-TRr ^TT-Ac T^nr, ^ipq-. To Veseer, r. a. inlay thin leaves of wood. '^^^JTTI'jft/. ^^^. Yexerable, n. T. Y. "p^Tf ^^ HRr^r^rR^r-&<". arr^, air^- Veneiiablexess, Yen-etiabii,itt, «. V. A. HFTfTT/. "J^q'- fTT/. 3TT'f?Tr/. '■tc. 'jf, arr- 7'nrf, g'TT^T^, f.-'T/.-STT^ OT.-ITPT »i.-&c. ?T?^-%^ g. of 0. arr^^ n».-.<::e. W.T^ g. ofo. Yekekatiox, i\. t. Eevekexce. "J^rff?;/. STT^T^/ 3^- Yexekeal, a. pertainwg. S{c. to sexual intrrcourse.'^'^Tw;^^ 2— disease. 3-q^nRT, nnfr^, :ftH?1-^=qr. V. disease, v. Lues vexekea. S't^^t m. T^Rt/. f.^n. V. nicer. JTT n. Vexeet, n. \. HrxTixa. fn^PR/. Hqqr/. 2 sexual enjoyment, v. Copulatiox. ?fHrn 5». ^frT/. ^f?I- ProTOcatiYO to t. qr^jft^^iT n. Yexesectiok, n. v. Phlehotomy. ^frj:%ftift/. f^TTHTr^ m. To perform y. ^T^t /.-'RtKT/. ^TTSOT-ifai-^r^iif. Yexetiaxs, n. — the vindows. ^^fHv/^^f. pi. YekgeaxcE; n. rerenge, retribution. STf?r«• ^fT «. T - ?H «. /JOja. 'T?:s n.f. f =;rf=5 0)- fPTTf R «. TT^f ^ «. 2 See Malice. [m,^., f^'TTJ. | VEKOilOfS. a, T. POI30SOC3. f^^T^, f^^T^T, q^FJt pop. y. A. 1. fq^TnoiT m. fvmi2'op. f^^K «. YENOMOnSXESS, I] Yekous, fl. contained, ^e. in a rein. f(U^T, fll^fTHr. Yest, w. aperturc^passage, spiracle, v. Oi-EMKO. ^R»i. g^r m. [f^^_ Yeeacious, (I. Y. Teue. ^TTT, ?Ifq, W?^Hreft, ??rq^^?f^, qr- Yf.eacitt, n. Y. A. and Teutii. ^>;qoTT w. ^rr?/. ^m n. f- Hi^ «. srmroq- «. Yeeaxpa, h. — the liiud of portico. afRPfT/ ^l^f^mvif. q^a^T^nfr/. qs^Tr=iT/. qirarr/. arrfT/. Yeeb «. f^qrq? J!. Active V. H^H^F %^Tq^. Xeutcr Y. ar^^ fipqiq^. Passive V. ^foT f?f>qTq^. Causal Y. i\vn f^,^^^ .f. Ponn of a y. ftpqTCTw. ITI^STT «. STHinTi?! n. Eoot of a V. VTi^ m. •Subject of a T. f^qT=>rT «'. Tabic of verbs. tTrjq;^ wi. Yeebal, rt. 07)?v«W(7?'y I'.'orv/s, Y. Obal. ?T«^r, ^^fHr^r 2 of or lelor.ging to words. V*^, ^U'^i f^if^r^r, V^- VEK 930 VEB 3 literal. ^l*^^?t*5;r^, ?fHT^, "T^Tf^, ^^S^CT. 4— iu gram. tn^rf^TfT. [ TT, ?I3^?r'.. Veeballt, adv. v. A. 1. 5;i»?I^, ^'^'^FT, ^TePTR, &c. ?15^^- Veebatim, adv. word/or word, ^is^^^i*^, ^ts^r^i*^, ^isq- Veebose, a. prolix, Sfc. v. Tedious. 5[1S:^R«KNI, ^^TT- 'frf^f^RTS. Veebositt, Veebiaqe, m. v. a. ^»^f^^^TR m. 5[T*^"TT?^ Veedant, ?t. covered rvith green grass or plants. f^T^oft^T, Veedict, n. ( as of a jury ) T. Decision. "qj^TPJT m. rT^^^T /. f^^m m. fHOTqqr^ m. Yebdigkis, n. rust of copper or brass. ^,^W- or =ti^ '»• ^T- Wj in. ^tlFST «. ^TTt^ ««. Aft'eeted by v. — food, a pot, &c. ^pa-T^. To be affected by v. — a substance cooked, a vessel, &c. ^iqjor, ^^^, ^u|+ui. Yeedche, 11. greenness of vegetation. fJfijtf^y. f^Wo^/. f^T- Veege, n. rod of authority. ^sf\ f- ^ m. 2 J;-i)ii, Jorcfer, v. Edge. wAZ m. f%^TT «. ^%f. H^r/. To Veege, «. n. tend, incline, approach. ^^, ^?50t, ^ft^ «». -?T^ m.-&c. aTHOJ y. o/«. q-?iFf 3T?iai g. of o. ( Ex. -"qra'^,37>^?TT,f%- fqf , f^'T'T, fiT>siTTFT, Tfj-^rmT, 3TfHfT, fq^?TOT, ?;n^Tf, J- To be V. spiral, q?:ijf, ^?T5f?Tjf, f^T^, ^S'of. Veesebness, «. v. A. 3T'-"q'Tfl' m. aTT^TSiT n. pop. aTTSK^I ». Veesification, n. v. V. N. awe? Poest. q^^=q^T/. sw^r^- 2'o Vehsipt, v. n. make verses, ^^^l=^^^\ f-^Z^'^T^^^ f.-!>^AW.- lb Veesifx, v. a. turn into verse. q?ltrr-!>SFfvt?r-op. g^, g^-?rer «T2^?:, &c.), ■»tr1', J":^!^, ssiT, TUq^rt^r %HTCt/. qiTcTT?^. si^'H' «J. 5l%?5r«i. '^i+lui/ ^^^i^n. H^nrT»!. JT^TfiTft/. ^hstwj. ^nft/.f?T5ir5/. ^^vzm.m^si^m.or ^r^rw. it^t/ ('/m. frs¥t/. or ^r5$ 6r ^m.). Frame (as of bamboos) raising- the sides of a v. q^rTT^. Passenger iu a v. gr?frft, g"Frre;, ^W'ft. Pole used in pushing a v. over shoals. rtT^/. — man using it, ?rRT^-es3. ^TF^'^r n. 5f['^m=5?^"T «. 3 a V. a« Italitual fault. ^OT »»• ST^OT »». 5?^?^"^ «■ <^T- %f. 3T«R or ^51 W!. %q-/. ?5=F^/. s'T^T^T «. fj^ m. ^^ m. To take the v. out of, thresh soundly. JT'T m. ^TS^. 4 iron press. ?rn5T «». Hand v. ^Trf^PTST m, 5 — iu compos. See Deputt. ViCEGEEENcx, n. ojcce, tj-c. of a vicegerent. ^T^f^^^^\ m. STf?rM^ n. JfrfHf^«T «. YicEQEEE>-T, n. vicar, v. Substitute, Deputy. srfrrfHf^, Vicenaey, a. lelonging, Sfc. to tiventy. f%^f^T, ft^Tf^q^, Vicepeesident, n. 3^T^?=T. ViCEEOY, n. sulstitute of a king. XV^^^fHf^. Viceuoyalty, n. Tr^Tsif^rf^f'^'T'JTT m. ^T^sff^P^fftTf^ n. Vicinity, m. v. Neaesess. ^JK^qirrw. ^^?:-qn.f?i^^f%tT». 2 places near, y. Neighbouehood. ?i^R^r ^^TwJ.-sflf^Tw. Iu tlie V. of. CT^rff, T^r^^T, 3T5T3iiT7tT?ff, iT^TRTH, ^^oETT^, ^JPTSS^R. Vicious, «. corrupt, depraved, y. Wicked. «rrf?^, =rr^-=(i«^- =E?T, 1^, I^T^Rt, ^ift. 2 Aaumy •y/cps, faults, tricTcs. ^T5^, ?Hr5T55, #ft^, 5^?f^t^, ^^^ToJ, ?fT?T3 or HTSol or niST^, aT^sft or ^iff, arqq^or^oi^R,— esp. of cattle, ^SOT, ^iiT^,— csij. of horses, ^, ^ff , %^f. To become v. iTRT^^ or ^rei^of, [ ^i^rfF /. ViCiOUSNESs, n. V. A. 1. ^r^qrriT m. g'SRTIT »«. aT^^TST^ir »J. 2 ^a'rS^^'^T "». ^^rSTiir m. &c. ^RTsT" or HT^Tsff /. Vicissitude, «. v. Succession, Alteenation. 3T^ifiiT m. 2 V. Change. 9R m. TR-IJR »». qjosT'/. TTFIS; )». Vicissitudes ( as of life, fortune, &c. ). ^?,ZV^^,Z or Victim, n. animal slain or to he slain in sacrifice. spSE^^j ^^ m. q^rqg m. ijfe pop. ^7i\ m. [ 6T5f . ViCTOn, n. conqueror, y. A. ^?^^, fJT^'JTRr, SfTfT^T^r, ^TrTT, Victorious, a. v. Teiumphant. ^^^Vl^po2>. vT^fcirT, ^rqt, 2 productive of victory. ^^]^^.,^^^Z, 2 ™ ^ ViCTOEY, ?!. icinning, conquest, defeat of an enemy. ^^ m, w^f i%?r/. ^ff/. ^T'-ft/. Drum of v. ^'Tf^f'T m. ^^^\^ n. Flag of V. v^TTril^T m. Flush or glow of v. ^^^f\f. March to v. 3Tq:r^5!;rr5T n. Proclamation of v. vJiq^r'T m. ^^^JlfH m. Eecord of y. — furnished by the defeated party. «T- Shout of v. vffT^l*^ tn. ^^'^^ m. ^^m m. ^^WAF.J- To get the v. E^^ f f^^of. Victual, Victuals, 3^5r n. ^rijf n. -^^■^ n. Hr^^^t ». H?7iiT ». 3T^T^ «. ?^T5;/. ^\\K m.— compreh. ^l'Jtfq$i n. '^^^\^ n. 3i#^^ «. Broken v. ^Ntft or HTff ?»• /)?. Distribution (to mendicants, &c.) of v. ^^n.^A^]?f Dressed v. f^^BS 31t^ n. f%5T=5T «. Tipra «. Undressed v. 'feqT or f^qT «. ^'B'PT «i. a^mTvT n. To Victual, v. a. stock icith provisions. 3T?lT'Mt-&c. 'ij^jf^ ViCTUAILEE, n. T. V. aT^tT^T: ^l^lft ^.^r{ SEH7TRT. I. X-ee/er o/ an eating house. HSCTTft or H^Rt, TJR^T- Videlicet, ado. namely. '=^'JT%. To Vie, v. n. t. To Emulate, To Eival. sjfiijfr /-Ac. JFTiff, ^r?IRr ^T?! OT. ii^, ^7/.-?fst^?nFJ=5TT \x\ m. [f^/. III. intention, v. Design. :^^t m. aTT^I^ m. ^r\E^ m. sf- IV. Y. Opinion. Hrf «. »RT n. ^tt^t »«. ?f»T^^fT/. V. — as taken of a subject. cF?q m. ^^ m. In one point of v. under oixt form of the case. (^^q^T. Vigil, n. y. "Watch. v^THT'^r n. V. through the night. aTt^r^^T 3T|'HUI n. Vigilance, Vigilancy, n. v. A. ^FI7 in. ^rt^ot n. ^^]j\i\ m. arf^^T/ sT^rq m. f^^rnif »». ^r^m m. 2 viTRTftqiJIT w». ^TTWtrq'JIT in. &c. ^fl^qfl^/. f ^irft/. ^T- j ?rqr?ictr/. Vigilant, «(. icaA-eful, ■watchful. vrmTT, ^TI^^P, vnr?TiT^ft?S, 2 watchful, u-ary. ^SfRll, ^mar, ^rn?T, ^TSftT, ?ir5f^5T, f - ' ?iR, qi^. I VIL 933 VioiLAKTLT, adv. V. A. 2. ^Nq'iqT^, fllsrvrfirfT^, ^Vipft%, \iaoR, \iKORo\iSiiESB, n. pJij/sical force, y. Stbexoth. ^^ poj). ^mn. ^rn m. f^pr/. stosr^os/. 2 energy, power, active utreiigth. ^'H^.J. tTH^D'/. tf\q- «. ¥'>P- 1^/- ^^HfT «i. rl^ n. \^ m. ^ ?». 3f?tTf »». W^WTk. j ViGOBOus, a. V. N. 1. ««(f SiBOxo. !ioiq;?,si?,ctT5,^5i?j,^r- 2 V. Enehoetic, Smaet. 3'f^T^T', ^^IT^^TPT, ^Tri^lT^, T- f?iT^RT, f^^f?:, rt^T^irg-, ^^vs^T., jp=qwqT, ^3^^?r,5iqr- ViGOEOUSLT, V. A. 1. 5t55TH, ^^Kpt, ST^^FC^'. i 2 onj SiiAKT. 5T5^^, ^-T^, ^^, ^PTRi^ir^, ^IT^^H, I Vile, a. — of persons ; lase, mean, haleful. ^TTT, ^=r, ^Z^7:^ ^t7, 5T5, §;t?5imT 0?- oft, ?^5nT, ?a==ri:5, ^^h;;:, i"?, h'?, ^^ pop- 5^^, l^^i ^^^1 ^^"^1 ^"^^ ^^'^, 5=^13, fTTo^, n^, ^qm oc or, f^i^iT 0?- ^r, fpt?r, fa^^r, ^Tot- 5:5r, 5^^II or 533K, =^3T?5 or 5J or ^i5R7 or 55, f^TfT, 2— of tilings; exccralle, v. 'WOKTntESS, Bad, Tieesome. 5nf 5, ^KR, afpTsr, ^msr, W^^T, 1?^, ^^TT, 5^T5 or 55^, f fc?r?r, ^=q?^, ?33H^, f%=5R, f^q^?:. ViLEKESS, W. V. A. 1. crii^Tmy OT. ^"jqtTtT OT. ?H^q<\^% f. n^ffS/. V.-mceting' ( general ). li^^vt/. V. of the founder of a ymc, parent v. stoETt^w. n. V.-officcr. ?TIHTffcI5Frtt. V.-officers, — loosely. ^V^ H-tMifi m. pi. V. on ft hill or amidst hills. jI^R V^^ «i. «. V.-oracle-stonc. 5^??T ">• i-^ »"■ V.-people — as assembled or as considered collectively. TfET m. n. qf?^/. ^HV^ qisT/. qiT^JRi H. qisrnur )i. ?t- H^TT^^im «). pi. YIO 934 VIE V.-priest. qjHqPl^, qmrn^TTT. V.-ritea and obscrvauces ; V.-manners and customs. irr^qjT OT. qTHT^R»». V.-site. imor or sm «. ^f5r. &c. Vincible, a. v. Co.xqueeable. f%:Fr^^T^T-^TT?fT-?TK^- &c. ^rfsq-^ ^^ ^TT3'^, ^'-ai"?^, qHTT-&c. ^P^^"^, ^^^^ ^l- f?T %W, qsf^ %iif, ^T5T'Jft/.-&c. ^Rof y. 0/0. 2 c^m;- anrf upTiold, v. To Justify. ^tT m. 3'3=rnt g. of 0. Vindicated, ;>. t. V. 1. «iTTa%?5r, 5^51$?^, sfT^ra^rT ^'(jf^- 2 sTTTtioST %^?5r, &c. 5^frT, qftirT^isr, f^|TT^"?. Vindication, «. v. V. 1. ^fTraoT n. F^T'M ». &c. J^^oft/. 2 ^"mpft 3^5rnfT/. fftf Ht^^ w. smf'WR'jr n. <{]iP)w^«. Vinhicative, o. Yineicatob, «. Yindicatoet, a. v. Y. 1. 2 Siq-TJ^Ton^r, 5tq5TT^^, Ct'^^R^. YiNDiCTiTE, YiNiucTivESEss. See Eevengeful, &e. Vine, «.— the plant. -^J^f ^T^/ ^T?TT/. ^V^J^ %??/. 2 T. Ceeepee. ir^/. »«. rfmr »". ViNE-TAED, n. ^^^RTH^r »'. :?T^i=5ft ( or=qr ) ^tt/. «• ?r- YiNEGAE, n. acid liq^uor oltaincdfrom wine, c^c. f^l^,] m. YiN-ous, a. pertaining, ^'c. to icine. ^T^i=STT 5T^=5ir, :^T?Tr- Vintage, n. produce or crop of vines. ^T?^!^ ft'P n. ^]^\^1 ?5m wj. ^T?Tt^ ^^ n. pi. 2 time of grapes. ■SV<^\^^7.f. ^T^^HT ^K^ ?«.-^qm»«. YlNTNER, «. wZZrr of icine. 5T?Tt^T T^-;?r?TT^^-;^T?TTTrq'-&c. fsHPOTRT, ?r?^m?I-:^T&5RTT fJfipfTT. Viol, See Violin VioLABLE, a. Y. v. 1. Hr5Frr-aT5RTr-&c. ^"tnT-??R^r-Ac, To YiOLATi;, V. a. infringe, infract, v. To Teansgeess. m- 5^, nreof, HniJI, HI OT.-&C. ^Rot^'. f/o. 2 V. To Eavish. «io!.|rhKR-^?IlTT^-&c. ^^HTIDT, ^m- r^K m.-&c. q^m Kith ^X of o^VI1-&c. sfRot, ^Sq'^or «•- &c. qi;^^^. 0/0. 3 See To Huet, To Inj0EE. Violated, p. v. V. 1. TTr5?5?fT, al:5^?5T, Hq %S^. Violation, n. v. V. 1. ^\%i\ n. ^rsoT w. &c. >tn m. H^^ n. 2 ^lixr^qCT^ ?n. ;^;jTr ?». ^^^<:WAX[^ ■Tq-^m ?». ^sqisfoi «. v. of a virgin. ^P^r^'JT n. Violating, /J. a. A^iolaioe, n. v.Y. 1. cfrsoTRr, 'fiS'TRT, H- 2 HT^J q^T^mTTT ^^^T^ ^qHtniTRT, &c. ^5«^^. V. of a virgin. ^f?tt^^_ Violence, n. force of action or motion, v. Excess, vfi^ m. Wn »». %?: m. jui^pr ??J. e?TK OT. ^rlK /. «. 5r"TRr »n. rrsmr »«■ ':T5r?HT «». 2 compulsion, unjust force, x. Outeage, Tteannt. ^- ^ m. ^g^^qr^rff/. viT«RT:/. \fI»T^^rt/. «Joi|r+,K »«• s?- s^Jtft/Vrrrsrfr/. Personal v. assault. SfSTR^ «. 3 vehemence, ardor, ^'c. v. Iwpetcosht. \?itT w. ^?R 4 V. EuDENESS. ^fsnrt/. *T?5t/- W^^f- BfSTf /. 5 rowy/j an^; violent treal7nent. ^n^qft/. ?:i5'Tc%t /■ ^X- ^\^ m. ^^jr^Hs/. To treat with v. See To Teeat. Violent, a. forcible, acting with force. ^r?T^, ^f^R-qr^r, ^- IT^TT^r, ^TTRT, &c. v?IiR, ^TST, ^Tsft^, ^5^, sr=^5, ^'5. 2 outrageous, oppressive, tyrannical, ^'c. — person, &c. ^rtHNi, ^qft^sfT, ^3T5i?;qwT^, &c. ^r?rtiT, ^^rin^^, ^t\. 3 outrageous, furious, vehement, ^'c. v. Excessive. ^- 4 vehement, ardent, ^e. v. Impetlous, Eieece. ^IcJT, 5 rough, overhearing, v. Eude. sfS, SfSir, ^3?F, ?lt5, 6 ( sickness, pain, &e. ) v. Seveee. ^RT^fr, ^^IT, ^^or. V. sickness or malady. ^\^m. [§'T7<'IT^T. 7— death, end, &c. not natural. -'Hq^Tmr^T, arqjf^^r, Violently, adv. v. A. 1. ^"irR-, 5fqT5-€IT^, fI5n?'?T%, &c. ^=^'TrfH or ^=qjpTf;r, ?=l?fl^?r, 5f5TT?T, ^?:t5. 2 aTT^mm, ^FfTRT, &c. ^?1HR, vTqft%,&c. 3 ar^sirf^r ded. 3im?fm, q^frr'^, &c. 3?^'4 »j.-3?r^f^ ?H.-q;f ^ m.-^^W^^ m. used with JTJ^^ and ^^, as f?f^ ^|H 3TH5iT %?JT or ^iqT=H[r 3T?r'4 miBf, she cried violently, &c. Violin, w. v. Fiddle. Tsr^fi n. X^T^ n. ^ETR'ft/. Violinist, «. ^rt^^r w. ViPEE, See Snake. ViEAGO, n. masculine uoman. f^iqii^T^^T /. tf ?<:r^i^;^l- 'T'JT^fT m. pi. 3 medicinal quality. iJtiT »«. Latent v. H^T «. 4 excellence, spirit, good quality. — geucr. iTtJI »«. 'T'Jlf^Twi. fl?^ n. ft^ «. ?:?r m. K^Tf ^^ m. 5JT m. q\^ n. pop. fr or firO/. aT'«^ OT. ^rt n. X^ «. Sfoir^oJ/. trm^ m. By V. of tfTfi or ^X^ ^?vT (in comp. as '*lf-4-7;R"K?^, That keeps its v. ^f^T^ri:^, ^J^T'^^. Virtuoso, n. f^f+c^r^. Virtuous, a. v. N.l. 2. tnorally good. ^-T, ^T/t=^, ^T^RToft, fj, quq'^HT, "^'Tq-qTiqfai, q-iqr^T, l^^^m\=^T. qiPq^HJiq^Jir, Some U-nn» lor J iirluvui or rxtctUnt per. ton are, qtnT'3?'7, qo^TSJfiJft, qiniiTJir, qoft^. Visage, >i. v. Face. j^n. R^^rm. %^TTm. ^PTHirrwi. jcv". Viscera, m. internal organs of the lody. q"Rf??=i 'fl^q^T m. f Z. qprtri^r #1 «. id,. 2 See Bowels, Viscid, Viscous, a. glutinous, nTT?iR)^r-^iinvtc. ^jq, ^'?-c?T, ^.^\t^.,zi\. ^frq-, ^r^T, ^^Tr^^, \f^^^., ^^^^^, ^fv.i^, ^"i- 2 apparent, conspicuous, open. TT5, 'imr, 5^^, Sfl^, ii- Tliat has become v. S(t7ir a. i«(/. qiJl'T. To become y. Storr^TiJif. [^, ^»nrR. 3 iidf-%^ g. of o. H^/.-&c. 'ymg.ofo. [ ?{ ^m. 2 yo to survey, S(c. with authority. q^M^-TT^oft ^^T^f- VIT 930 vol Visit, Visitation, n. v. V. 1. und Interview. H^^KltfTt vTTOT «.-%iJr n. ^n^qrar/. luileceully long. v. visilalion. Z\^ «■ v.\ 2 TT^oft qpn^rrn ^^f «.- q^ «. qifoft/. Vi^iTOB, VisiTAST, 7J. V. V.l. and Guest. 'T^g'-H^t^fTHf- &C. %(JrTU- 3TT%^, TTfOrr «i. ( TTf iift/. ). Atteutions to a v. v. Civility. qT^qTuft «• t'-^. Eising ux> to receive or dismiss a T. J^rTT^T/.^^ Eeceiviug or dismissing a v. without rising, but making an inclination to rise. f?f JTrTT^T /. VisoE, M. vizard. W^^vq m. K^qf^r m. Vista. See Avenue. Visual, Visive, a. pertaining, ^'c. io sight, ^'ft'^r, =T^?:^T, sts^^, &c. ^rfjT, ;^f^^q3-'H:-&c. ^l^, ^5fOT!!.-&e. ^F^tjt,;. q,'"o. 2 (ffiiro^y Ti5/. ^I5^^T/. ^5^rt or Viz. adv. namely. J^^ottt. Vizard, n. mash for the face. ^^Z\mn. ^t^^~\m. Vizier, n. — the minister. ^sffT. ViziEEsniP, 11. ^f^''^f. ^'fSK^^f. Vocable, n. y. 'Wobd. ^ts^ot. cfT^^Fm. [^rq'^M, VOCABULAEY, ?!. lexicon. Jpt^W. ^-(S^qiJnTw;. ^laj:FIR«. v.«^- VOCAL, a. having voice or speech. ^TR^^, ^Ttrfr^^, ^rMtf^fn- ^, ^^rf . m^r^T^, siTuft^r^. A'ocALLY, ofZy. «•!(3. f^THSr, tn^T, ^%r, ^?r, ^Jf^, all in comp. ToiB, n. vacuum, ^jvq- n. qt^sff /. lo YoiTijV. a. emit as excrement, y. To Evacuate, sra^, e?^'! m.-i&c. ^^^ g. ofo. 2 See To Leave. 3 See To Nulmft. Volatile, a. tliat passes quicJdy into the aeriform state. ^- 2 — of quicksilver. fJIFTT. 3 fickle, airy, \. Changeable, Thoughtless, ^sy or 55, =5Tq?5 or 3, ^eI^SSW'TRT^, 1^=^ or fesR, =q^=J'T^f?r, =5fq?5sr^iTr, ir5rfh?r^, rfT?^sr?5!?T. Tolatilitt, «. T. A. 1. TI-H^ri^TT^^T ^^ ?;i.-qJT ?«. sfmft- frrfiTrtT/. &c. 2 f^^TOTT »». 8 =^55- ril^TJ m. r. grs, "TT^H m. ifj/. in comp. qf?5rTT or ^r »». r. 5n?, 2 fig. ( as of curses, oaths, &c. ), rJl^Bt/ ff^/. VoLuuiLirr, ». y. A. 1. q?^<7- with iinplic. of railing, 'R.'R^, '^z^J^ TflT??, "n-PSt. Volume, n. v. Book. q??r^ n. 2 ( of a serpent ) v. Coil. q?Rr w. sf^R ». Hgl^ n. 3 ( of smoke ). RR m. nr^ w. 4 ( of water ). PjfST »n. T^.m. m'^m. 5 ( of fire ). JtV?5 J/». gtfT m. Kra m. Voluminous, o. of much matter. it'. To Vomit, t'. a. throw up from the stomach. STT^, airf^ sr^, ^^^ Tranr-jr^dt, rirff ^i^oi, ^dr, jjjift /.- ^=i J1.-&C. ^ g. ofo. with in. con. TOW 038 To Vomit, v. n. eject hy the mouth the contents of the 5rrf?f/.-&c. \m in. con. Exoeasive vomiting- or general x. 'JTT^^t-^/. Given to vomiting, sfran. Straining at vomiting or noise made at straining. To v. violently. TI'TSaT, ^cri^UTjT wqJ'Jf, Voiiix, «. matter voviited. 3Tr=P/. ?f?f./'. 'fffff /. 2 emetic medicine. Z^zf. S'S^t/. ^ffrf/- ^c^'lt^-^rft^- &c. asit"T'4 «. V. given to a person vfLo Las taken poison. i3"?jfTo5 or J^oS m. :s^W.\ m. [ Z'^^. TOMITED, p. T. V. A. 3TT^^?!T, 3ftf=T ^T^^^T, Sftn, CfHff, To be V. f^T^DT ( Ei. tflBT f?fqTW or 3T^ &c. f^qT^ ). YoillTEE, «. Voiim^^G, p. a. T. V. 31FF0TTTT, STTaTRT, Z'^^ ToiiiiixG, «. V. Y. N. 3iT*ot «. STH^ «• &c. air/. 3r?y^/. ^?jc/. Errnr «. ^\'[^pop. ^\^f. n^f. s-^tcs w. sfT /. 55T?: »». 3-fSOT n. Vomitive, VoMiTOEr, (1. 2;rofMr/«^ vomiting. 3H^^T, ^t- rft^T, &c. Sff^^FT^jp, ^H^^R^, ETTT^tJ. VoEACious, a. V. Gluttoxocs. ^uirT or ^, ^T^S, STq'mT, A^OKACiousNESs, VonACiTT, n. v. A. ^T'JtRT'JTT ?«. ?=TT^T?7 tJTT m. &c. JJ-'^sf^/. W^^f- '^TT^TT/. v- f S. Voni'EX, n. eddy, ivUrliiool. -^^TJ m. a^r^T^ m. =q^ m. 5T{gT«. VoETiCAL, a. tvhirling. ^\^-'^\mw\.| ^V^Xf'^Vn]TS . VOTAitiST, VoTAKT, w. one engaged as ly vow or jpromise to; devotee, follower. TTTT'^r in conip. 31T'H^ in conip. *r^ pop. •HTTFT, OTTF^, «^'^?, 3T?r, 3=5m, 5?^, JRRiT, irFft. Vote, n. suffrage. ^^r\f. ^^jTctrf^/- ^''HFr;?^?! «!. To Vote, i;. a. c7ioose ly suffrage. ^T'^iTrn^-^'TTfrl 3[^^-g'- To Vote, v. n. express one's mind. ^^f\fr\f. ^ar, ?I^frIJr=f>T- Voteb, w. v. V. N. HJ^f?, ^'Jirn. Votive, n-. given, Sfc. ly vow. ?r^?lT^T, H^T^ft^, ^sfRq-^HfT. To Vouch, «. n. hear luitness, give attestation in supiport or proof, ^^^f. \vi[, ^m^t/.-fH^IT /.-&c. 5p5:^--5[at, ^^?5T VoacHEE, n. document or paper which vouches. ^^3T »»• ^-&c. 3^ m. ^^vm^ m. STTriTT^r M. To Vouchsafe, v.a. condescend to grant. ^"^T^^^-i^^mj^t' To Vouchsafe, v. n. v. To Deign. ^5^f.-^^m^f.-&c. ^^. i Vow, n. solemn p-omise made to God. ^^^ m. W[^^jf. ^r^- Faitliful to a v. of religious observances. ^Jf^TrTiTrr. I VTAD Making a v. of some religious observance. gfT?i?T| "i. V. imposing on one's self some religious observance. 3?t n. ^^?7 m. ^^■^ m. That is under or engaged by ;i v. of religious obser- vance, ilcfij^, ^^r^'I^, ^^ii:r^_ That has violated a v. of religious observance. ?TfTstrf. To fulfil a V. ^^H m. %S^-J^5for, ( and to be fulfilled ^^^ m. qTJr-ftp^CTv ). [ ^/. 2 solemn proviise. a^mTTT/. armTT^/ TtT'ft, ^5?'^^'^' Vulcan, «.— in Hindu mythology. fjr=^^ilf, ?«rf^T?>iT'. VuLGAE, a. of or lelonginj to common or loiv people, v. Com- UON, Low. aT3TiT^?ft=sfr, ??R^Rfl=^T, ^B^qRIT^ft^T, lf- ST^s;, ^tJT^r^T, iT^t^=Eft^r, ^f\(t¥'t--q-, aif^TJ, STT?;?T, v?r^- 3 — the tongue or speech ; popular, colloquial, vernacular, VuLGAE, n. V. People. nff^PJ^ m. pi. 3T5m^m/. ?t3t?li^- off m. pi. ^OT^ltfTrcSt «i. iji. ?IT^T?rfr m. pi. VuLQAEisii, n. vulgar expression, v. BAEBAEiSiT. 3^5Tift^r- Vulgaeitt, Vulgaekess, n. coarseness, ^c. of manners or language. JUTsTRT =^m=!;/. ^OTSTT^ '^rf /. 3T3T'iI^Trft=5t'\ =^- ^=ETrt w». 3Tf^T'ST=5t?;iT n. ST^a^^fxT/. &c. Vulneeabilitx, n. x. A. H^?TT/. ir^'t'TrlT/. Vulneeable, a. susceptille of wounds. ^^ c^TIWT'^rir-^in- ?TT-?rR^-&c. ir?T, ir^^. V. point, v. SoEE. ?rm n. ^^r<:^^^ «. n^^iipr „_ 3^. ^ n. ^^ n. fU^ «. VoLTCEE, ». — the bird. Tff^ or tT «. fJT=n oj- fqirrs «. f^^'- w. \Y , This letter is represented in Maratlii by sT. To Wabele, v. n. move from side to side,— a. top, &c. ¥r7^, |?5Ff ftpT^. Wad, «. ( of a gun, &c. }. ^Tift^ m. 2 ( of cloth under a load on the head ). ^q5t or =^^0^/". WAI 939 TVAK /. 3TT^7r or air^r m. Wadding, 7t. stuff jor ivaJs. ^^T «». 2 ( for stuESng garments ). 'n;oTI^-"T?;'n'i%-&c. f^^Tl^ »■ To Waddle, v. n. move from side to side in walking, ss^of or iiFA-i ^^of, gfqj'Jif, ^qr/. pi. ^"jf-^pif, ^^Ff-^^fi-^r- qr^m-&c. =q\FM., n^.^i^, H?I^tft/.-^*S »■ or ^srm. or W'tl/.-Siii. ^\u\ in. con. Waddle, Waddling, n. v. V. ^^^ n. igw.^ n. &c. ^BrT AVaddlee, n. Waddling, p. a. v. V. f^^^IRT, Z^n =^T?50Tr- To WaiiE, t'. n. u-alk through ivater, cj-c. TTT3rfm% ^m, q-iuqr^^^ TTq'r ^fot, Trift =?r?;?r-Troft??'r3t?f-&c. srrof. 2 jiass with difficully. «riTr^-^'2r^-if5:H-?5x#^57r-^S5iTT%- TnT3Tt5ff-&c. 3Tra|-=ETraaf. [ qi^st/. Wafee, m. thin cake. =^\■Z^W?{J. ^^TffF^/- f%^^/. "TTTS w. 2— for letters. f^'i)i^lN']-?5Tm^-&c. ^f[f.-h^^f. %- tpT or cfip^ n. from the Euglisli ia commonly used by those vrho speak of this article. To Wafee, i». a. ^'^x n. ?5IJrST-?rTf ^ ^ij^iuj. To Waft, v. a. hear through air or water. ^t^^r[-'^V,'^- To Waft, v. n. v. To' Float. FftloT, FTT^, ^H^JTTot-q'Jt. Wag, n. \. Jester. iT?^=qT, 5pTT^, fimm=qT TTWW. To Wag. See To Moye. To Wage, v. a. ( war ) cary-y on. ^ra^oj, sp^iir, Hts^. 2 See To Wageb. Wagee, n. het.'^^f. H^ m. ^f. 3(I?T?r/. !Tf?TfTr/. That has "won the w. f^TrTTCl. To Wageb, v. a. let.\^ f.-V^ ?«.-?T^/.-&c. ^^-hkO'i, ^r- To be ready to w. qor m. HTTW. Wages, n. hire, reward for service or lalour. ^W^ m. ^^^\■ X m. qm m. ^^TRT or ^^TTf^T m. H^^/. H^jf^qT q?tT >». rr^5TT m. ^I^rl/. ?f^5T/. $?R n. W.^^J. 'jm/ TTT^ ». Daily w. fr^ m. f^sfH m. ^V^f. Waggish, a. v. rnoLicEsoME, Prankish. Jrivriioti, J^f^TT, 5§?m:, ?sTTrft, f^nr^, f^nft^rq^ '^-'"?ft gnral^r. Waggishness, Waggebt, n. v. A. and Peane. ?5:?TTrftgiiTr- To Waggle. See To Waddle." 2 See To Mote. Waggon, n. v. Cart. =qT^rat-=5rT^rat=EfT nrer m. Note. Four wheeled vehicles for transporting goods are not iu common use by Maruthas. Wagoonee, n. ilT¥T ^f^JWRT, TTS^ft. Wagtail, m.— the bird. ^-^^m. ^"^iXz m. ^J^RtTwi. — Indian w. TT^nt/- Waif, n. goods found of lohich the owner is unknown. ?ft?«. To Wail, v. n. weep aloud, v. To Lament, To Cbt. ^?y spT- f5 T?w, T^ir ^rt?^ rj^, ^TTCSW, arirfrm, arr^^, sffir- Wail, AVailiso, «. v. V. wfffT"iTH. &c. an^fTm, a^i^^n. air^r^OT. ft-??Nw. •^Jr?5Rm. &q-t^[?lm. [^^:TTm. General or great w. rjmf. rjn^/. 3ilT«ia?IU/. ^- AYain. See Caht. Wainscot, «. /i«/'«^ o/ boards to a trail. fk^A f?;pit^- ^^^'^'\f. r^^^T^^^^f. Waist, «. — iu aiuitomy. fiWCf. »T«^m. Hl^lni. >pf?/. ^^■ ^^»;». ^Rf/. — revilingly. JTrJIRw. Money bag; worn round the w. ^^mT'BJm. 2 (of a mouutaiu, veosol, &<:.). qtjn. «hm'llm. Waist-band, «. upper part of breeches, ijc. ^'FTm. 2 See Girdle. AVaist-coat, n. — the garment. ^T^^T^m. *l?'T/. To AVait, v. 11. stay in expectation. ^W\^■ ^\i.^H rr^irt- ?rf?I^T/.-Sf?fi^T/. :R0r,rl^iJf, ?qaT, Vltq^, 31^ot, HT^W. To make to w. To keep waitin*^. s^T^w. tn^ ^. q/"©. 2 */(ry, tarry. i^f^IW, ^Toi«T^, fy^oif, ^^tir, Z^m. ^dr- After waitinf^ awhile. tr|''T. To w. awhile. 3T5nPT?T«i. ^^, ^Hm. trriJi. 3 upon; (7^/fnJ!/;J0M, V. To Serve. 'EjT^ft/. ^FTof-^UTi g.ojo. ^^]f.]>l. ^FT^-^Tot ^. o/ 0. «i<«IW/. ^"ir y. o/o. ^THT^fRm. qcrr ^. o/o. Wait. See Ambush. To lie in wait. OT^-^ffT-At?- ^I^OT, ?P?^. Waiteb, n. AVaitino,;). a. v. A'. 1. ^"^!?,5HJiRr-^>a»i=r?r, 2 ^Tfii'JrrTT, fq-?;DnTr, ^JT'-^OTirr, Sec. 3 rtrti^ Sebvant. =qT^fr ^^nT-=FT?OTTn, n^^r^ fJnJTin, I. v. Salver. 3T5^/. Waiiingwoman.w. ?rriff/- To AVaive. See To AVave. To Wake, To Waken, v. n. not to sleep, v. To Watch. 2 cease from sleep. ^rTT-^RR-Ac. ^\^, J^wr, i\km. pi. To Wake, To Waken, v. a. rouse front sleep, v. To Awakf. v?iRTr-&c. SR^, TS^of. Wake, «. religious vigils. ^PRITm. f. ^7, ^M. 2 (of a ship, &c.). Wt^oft/. Wakeful, a. indisposed to sleep. vTinTT, ^11^^, ^iriTT?^^, 2 See AV^'atchfil. Wakefdln-ess, n. v. A. 1. vTRi>qonwi. ^iRlJ^qonm. ^rrrTtJTM. / irtT«T»». ^ Waking, «. awal-e state. ^SfRtq^'"- ^t^w. ^JTRRln. ^^TFT^ Waking, a. Idongitnj to xcakinj stale. vTl»lTTRr.'^nTTT;=jT, WAL 940 WAN To Walk, v.n. move or ffo on iJiefeet. '^J^vi^^Jt^f. r- 2 ( of beggars ). ^]^f. traurr »n. =qiq^/. To Wallop. See To Boil, To Bubble. [ ^.rih. To Wallow, v. n. iumlle and roll. BT^'iI, BtS'-'jf, ^Z^]Zf. 2 fig. qi^tjf , TTT^-&c. ar^wf. Walnut, n. — the tree. 3T^?F^ or J or 3T^fr^ or jw. 3T^T- Sm.— the nut, 3T^?R or 5, a^cpf^ or 5 «i. «. 3T^ot. Waleus, «. ^5^m3 ^ ^=Tr=r^ arif . To AVamble, v. n. be qualmish. 3'H^'Jr, ^a^^o!,v\ loth impers. Wan, a. of a sickly hue.^pale. ^'^ or ^^z or 3fT?^, qq?:rr /w/. q?JR^ w.-rls^T «.-^P[UT «.- qft^JHOT m.-&e. JF^Jif. 2 yo astray, v. To Deviate, To Ebb. ^ 4iu7 , =?^3it^, sj- ^^^ or ■JT^'Jr, ^J/. W5of-^"r|?i^Tux^ iSJ^oj, ^TS^jnit, T- ^aoT, q?f^5r, 5qf*rqR M.-&C. ^T^, sqf5T=srR Jn.-'jtfFT/.- &c. ff'Jty. qfs. 3 ( in speech ). cR^oi, cTTFT'Jt or rf^enTr, qr^^foT, ^sff'^Tot, T^\^ f^Riif, TT^ n. \^x^-im. 4 — mind, eyes, &c. rilVMor rRotof^ VfHtjf, %^T^ 5T^^. f^TTf^giTm.-gf^fsmTT »M.-¥ffffr/.-&c. arfiDTy. ofs. Wanperee, n. Wandeeing,;). «. v. V. 1. flsiIRT, f^^ ftf- TtTTTT, ^?:^F?r fTRiJIRr, ^?fH?, Wandeeing, n. v. V. 1. ifsor w. fpFrftpTOT n. *R^dr «. ^c. ^^7^^ pop. qpsTST «• if st n. qftvi^^'Ji w. ^hota. ^:?»t m. ^fX'^lm. f?gR »», W. over the earth. f^:m «i. f^HfHOT «. 2 ^^Fof;!. ^^^^r^f n. ^^;:^ n. JT^iJf «. &e. ^;itf?f/. sq-. 4 ?fr?5of »i. qiTijf «. &c. >qTT n. gffn/. f^TT«»T ««. f^- 2b Wane, o. «.— the moou, decrease. ^'m-^m-V\\^-&. fiot-f'r?t3Tr!ir, ^^STJ^T w.-^T'T J».-=^g- m.-Ae. ^loir ^. o/ s 2 T. To Decline. S'rT^, TfrTfTTTrqT ««.-^IfTrqTqr OT.-3'- Wake, n. v. V. 1. ?;-^r^ fM n. &c. :f;sir?T?T '«. 3t-7-i;3t/. ^- 2 3T5rq?^/. 3"iTRm. 3'^i?nqrq'»«. ^rrnqr^Tw. T?i^nt?;^iT/. Waned, p. v. V. 1. ?5f PT 5tR;i=rr, &c. ^FFJrfrt'Jr, ^ftnT^rJ. 2 ^Jd?:^?^', &c. 3T7HtcT, STTfT?^??, ^r?T?7q-, ^rfT^^CT. AVanness, ?i. v. a. 3""P^q'nT w. &e. ^FTSST^'T/. ^-ZiTSt/. ^- To AVant, I'.d. be without, ^^ot w'^A in. con. and ^^oS-TT^- &c. fTO'ST-tT^-f:fTf|?r-&c. 3TO0T with the iioun cx- pressiug the object, as ?fr ^^t^HSlT arf^ he wants wis- dom,3TTr=r OT.-&C. at^foj- ^. o/ o. n\%m. ^^^ in. con. with $. ofo. To w. utterly. ntt'r-3T^f'Tt HjftEr/. ^"m^ m. jpHcfTf /. jpiTfT'Tnp/. srm/. htst «». 3 occasion for, lack of v. Need. T?^/ ^^^/. 37^1?^ «. srqt^JTTf n. ^m^jf 3Tq?^/. 5Tq?Tr/. 4 indigence, penury, ^c. v. Poveetx. aTJimfrl pop. 3T- ^qrT a«(/ ar^Tf^/ %nv^f. =5f'Ji=q'Jr/. =5ri^5r?/. rfi^/. That is above w. ^t^ or trrcT. Wants; necessities. ^^^ m. pi. Wanting, a. absent, deficient, short. 3Tirr, ^^T, f^, "^R^- To be. utterly w. :sW':nHT-^r^MT-?itqTTJr ?«. ^FRT^/. [ mfff. 2 ^T^fr/. 5%fn'ft/. ift'frqoTT m. &c. z^r£\ f. j^2- 3 ^r^^ n. f«r=^H »i. iptJT/. ?^^/. 4 ^3;qoTr »n. &c. 5^/. «i^ /. $l'M n. pi. sf^ n. AVare, a. See AVaet. AVaue, AVaees, n. v. Commoditt. JTTfT ?'»• Hr^ or ^^T m. China AVare. f^^t »TffT «. 2'^- Hard AVare. ?5t^^ ^TRTPT «. Potter's AVare. ^J^TTr^t 'TttT n. pi. ^JTR^m n. AVAEE-notSE, n. q-^R/. f^5T?T^r^ m. €m m. ^]Z\ f. AVaee-house-keepee, n. ^^ITRSR, ^t^r"^, ^^R^;?5T, AVabfaee, n. miliiarg alterations, war. ^^\f. J^ n. ssrf- AVaeilt, adv. T. A. ^RtTTOTT^, ^T^i^^^^, ^Rtrfl^TT AVaeiness, n. V. A. a«(^ Caution. ?fR':TT'Jrr in. ^T^qfnfi/. AVaelike, a. Jit, disposed, SjC.for war. ?:;^[3r, V,^^\ or ^\\ ^^Kor a-^R, ?ss?rr, Toi^ft^, ^arn'fK, '['Ji^ftT, ^'rr^jj 2 belonging, S(c. to war, x. Maetial, S^rt^T, &c. 'T^r fsT'^qr^ilT, J^^Tq^, ^wft^. AVaElock, n. tvizard, t. Conjdeee. I^^^JTifr^, JrJift, TT^i^TT, AVaem, a. having heat, not cold, gj^, 3'"J'JI, I^JT. 2 ( of temperament ) Jierg, hot, v. Passioxate. TRff , Trot?, 3->S0T, HTT, ?rR5, iTT*TfiT^T=^=sTT, ^^^nsR^Trl. 3 made tvarm, heated. iTTH%H?ir, fir??I?JT, 3;?T %^T, &c, ^=T, g'lOT, nTT, Ffff. [ "SOT, ^ftfTT'S'Jr. AVarmish. #3?^ or WA^Z., ?fR=R:, ^TKS, ^"thrT, it^T- 4 enthusiastic, zealous, ardent, v. Passionate, Eaknest, ^5^, ^fT?5 or ^T?5. 5 iwa?-;, vehement, violent,— {\ght, work, Ac. ^S^, ^t- ^Tmr, rr^^^r^r, ^PTT^-m^sfr, ?i5T??Tr=5Tr, w.^v^^i'^j. To AVaem, v. a. communicate heat to. ^^-3''siT-'TTK-&c. t^K ^, rrrrsror, ^TsoTrrr/. 3TTir>Jf. To w. before a fire, &c. ^ij /. gut, ^i^pwi. ^^. To -w. one's self before a fire, &c. ^^OT, S|t=FOT. qSf, 2 make zealou:- ardent, ^c. ;jHTrfwJ.-3TR'<:TT/.-&e. STTW- To Waem, v. n. become heated. ^?r-nT»T-&c. ^to'l, Fin's. To pnt to w. 3"^?; ^cfDf. 2 fig. rise into ardor., become animated, expand. S'fBT^'". -3TT%5TOT.-%5rw.-&c. ^oT 2«. co?i.3-?gq;-jfHT^t-&c. ^m,^aY /• 3T??5^ g. of s. AVAEM-niCAETED, a.Y. A EFECTIONAIE, LOTIKG. HHrtT^ Or 95, ^^T^, iTTTT^, imETFT, ^K5E. [^FST, &e. AVaemed, /J. V. A. 1. iRH %^?5r, rfN^r^^T, ^qf^?|?IT, ?1^- AVaemee, «. AVaehing, p. a.v.V. 1. I^T ^'JTRT, rmtTtrri^, ^^ ^(JTRT, &c. 2 e^^Tf 'flroiirrn, j^Hrft ^pt'^irt, &c. AVaemlt, adv. v. A. 4. g-^rfT^, 37R*T^, :jc^5?i, Ac. ?)T^q, 5 ^S^T^JTRT, ^SBRRT, ?f5^^f=t, ^fTR-^RT, &c. AVaemness, AVaemth, n. v. A. 1. 3;?nnTUn. ^-caTrTT/. ^^Tm. 2 T.J^V^mm. FTTTST'JTTOT. &c grorFTT/. q^nfiT^Jir3T /. 3 ^^^mm. qTHToirw!. nrivt/. ^'^^^jf ?tn%3;"tiitm. 4 ^ffii'^ 'i. 'iTR'TT/. ??g?f;nT/. nTJft/. ^'TIHT/. 5 ^SWAm. ris^pr »!• ^S^'^iTT ?». mTZJ m. FIsr^T »». I. gentle heat. JpRr?:T'JIT or qpi^^RtJir m. ^]nz^mni. H- To AVaeu, v.a. caution against. 'jqiT-Ac. ^ri5r^-^'?^3ir-^T«r- q--&c. :pT^, ^T^-T^rcrr, ■^^^ f.-&c. q^^of. 2 admonish of a thing to be done. =I^T^aT, nr^Tf^/. ^T- ^-^^, ^nT^Tot, :?RT=TOT or ^iTT^uf, ^flSr, ^f'T^^-^1^^5- :r^,— strii-tly,particular]y,&c. si^T^^-^S^-^I^Tf^-Ac. ?rfn'it-?rr5Ft^/. ^PTof, &c. ^ apprize previously, t. To IxrOEM. ^=5?=?^, ?J=5I^f /. tp5:CTr g. ofo. ^^Kf. ^ g. ofo. ^q-^r'n, ^Tfyr?f-^f^?t- &c. ^.l^. AVaened,^?. v. V. 1. qjT ^5TT'JR3?5T-f=^5r%?JT-m5f^%?I?rr, &c. ^f^rT, ^TfSr?f. 2 Ht^nq-^^T, ^^r^rfer, ^m^rssr, &c. 3 f ^sr^^, &c. ?jf%rT, ^TftT?r._ [Ac. Waekeb, ?i. AVaenikQ,/). «. "J^f '^m^T'JTRr, ^RtT ^^'''TRr, 2 Hi^qoTRT, ^TT^OTRT, ^?TrW^T, ^rfnOTITr, ^\^^ ^^T^JIT- TT, &e. 3 g^cjuiKi, ^^TST^UTTTT, ^TT^WRT, &c. Waening, n. caution.^ admonition. rfT^rt^/. ^if'ft/. ^^^TK^ n. %^|EraT»e. ^j^-^^m. q^^^-^n. ^=^?fr/. ^^^T". To taL-e w. from. ^V^^Am. ^^ g. of o. To take w. become compunctious, cautious., ^'c. ^T^'[- j?i. con. 3Tigt5/.-3T5?5/- ^3"ii '«. fo«- To be constantly giving w. ^^\ qJTT^'r rm. 2 previous notice. ^==1^7/. rTT^ft^/. ^% «• ^^f- from the English «forJ. To AVaep, v. «.— wood, leather, Ac. be twisted, ^^or, sff^F- of, siTiTOT, ^f^^, ^q; «».-5fiq; WI.-&C. qoT in. con. ^f^Sor, WAS 913 ?H^ n. jl 2 fig. swerve, v. To Deviate. q^iJT, arrSSTr^fT ^nof, ifTT /. B"r5>Jr, TT^^y «. srra'^ qsiif y. o/s. To "Waep, v. a. di-atv uj) or aside, contract, ^"c. ^i^JT^^, frtS- 2 fig-, turn aside from the true direction, periert. ^W.^^^ ^m^rn, ^f ^?r5r>jf , ^f f^r ^m, Tra^ »«. qr^^ ^?:iJt g- of o. AVaHP, ?e. the threads thai run lottjthwise. rtl'Tr m. ^TifrsftoT/. 3'T=r'JT M. 3'HsfT'n/. The threads composing w. sr^TT^J*. To stretch ( hiy ) the w. WTH /. ^^W:^, ■Waeped, ;). y. V. 1. •^3q;r, f?r5f?i5T, fnir, ^ir'iisr, ^m7:. W. i.i various directions and degrees. ^TT^-Tr^r, ^\• qrsg^r^T, 5rf=P5Tf?r5^, srfqrerfFf^sr, ?nF3T^|rsr. To be w. bj the ^vind. £rr^.-^TTr/-:^fiT M1.-&C. |ijf, 3T^?qrft-5^f^R ^^^• 2 support ly authority or prrjof, v. To Sanction. arr'^R CO)!. Jf(V/j g. of s. [Ac. qj^ijf. 8 give assurance of the goodness, ^'f. of.^lf^x\f.-fHl^^f.- ■\Vaeeaxt, w. siqiport, sanction, authority. 3Tr«TR m. aTT«TT pop. a^r^ir ». sthtot «. tjt^ n. jti^t «. ^Kr m. 2 tt')-iV, commission, Sfc. m^J^^m. ?f^/. ^f T^rmT »«. 3T- 3 authority to seize. HKZ n. from the English is used. Waeeantable, «. allowalle, justiftalle, proper .^x. Right, Lawful. iTRq', qR^', sfr^T^, ^'f^H, ^Rq-, ^^qT'-^R, ^T- SO'R, ?fT«IT. AVaeeastablexess, n. v. A. qr^sftT'^rT «». ^V^^^f. ^l^q-- FTT/. 5a>f^?q- n. HRq-^r/. Tq'fTT or JTlnF m. ^x^ n. AVaeea5tably. Sec Allowablt, Lawfully. [ fq'R. Waeeaxted, p. T. V. 1. 3Ti!3T?qT^ f^rf ^TT, &c. 3T^?qTft, ■^^^ 2 aTTs^TR f^?f Sr, &c. HT^r^, ?r[^q-. a. V. Y. 3. w^t[ ^.mm^ Waeeaxtee, n. Waeea>-tis f?r^irq^5:nTRT. Waeeantt, n. security or assurance given of soundness, ^c. fll?f^ilT=Eft-f^^^Tft^1--&c.^TfT\ or ^Tfcf/. "NV.- posture. EftTltPT n. Waet, n. — the excrescence on the hands, &c. ^RT^ftat m. f. =5rrT^rs m. ^^Rr-Pr? m. =qjf^^ m. Waet, a. v. Cautious. ^T^Ttf, ^^k^ |^^t, JTRJq^ qjf "JTRr. To be w. JTT't 5? TT^^, aTrirf^T m. Tf^^, T3 /". ^^f\ or 3TT^T^r »i. j To "Wisir, V. a. cleanse in or by water. ^, yfj^Tj ^TT^dl-im || «■ ^5E-7i »n. 5 ( for cattle, pigs, &c. ). ^Tq;^?oft «. 3fr<'J?^of| «. -«:- ^JSfDT/ »i. pT^sm or ^^or «. ^q^oft «. 6 ivater in ivhich rice, ij'c. has leen washed, qurfl n. v;^- OT or (pr ". 7 ( of coloring substances, of pulse, Ac. ). TR "i. n. 8 ( of earth aud cowdun-r, &c. ). IRT wi. T^I hi. 9 materials to wash or snuar orcr. P;q wi. %q^ m. 10 alluvion. JTSt/. ^oSPRS wi. ^17/. rtRf/. H5tr/ J^aq??/". Washed, ^j. v. T. A. ^n^r, s!?TTfJ^, wfe^, ym. I. — cloth &c. not netc and unwashed, g^. W.-cloth. ^^■^ n. 11. ( with gold or silver ). ^^^Rit, ?? Rq|-M I, »?,^Rq;- ?;c?n^sqT-&c. qiiHTT^r. WASnEBMA>-, «. q^, tfRft, IT^^T^, ^^^T, Tl!\^, W.'s stone, ^fts/. f^icJT/. qmtfta/. AV'.s ward. q<|?.qi3l m. AV.'s washing place, q^^i-prft/ ^'\z^\Z m. WAsnEuwoiiA.\, H. qrctn/ qi2ft.-f?Ticr/.-&c. qj^iJiry. o/o. ^fti^ ^?;'n. 2 consume ivantonly^ expend or apply uselessly Sfc. v. To Squandek. qiFI^ot, 3'5?raf, ^'^T^oi, ^cT^ot, 5^'^enT=5f-^- ?:qi'-3T?rr5T'ff-'i'«.'. ^^"Jf-^^^f m. W.^ g. ofo. ^^^^ or ^K- ift ^=q MJ.-&C. sp^of g. ofo. 'pf'Pwj. /. ^Tijf ( ^s^tt^^ ^F^T^, &c. ), j^of ( ^"tcTIcr, ^ &c. ), qr^^t ^Tc^f epT- ot, q>p^?r ^^, Efr-JTT^T sT^'Jt, snrrTMt «.-%5:srm ««. 8 desolate, spoil, v. To Devastate, To Eavage. ^^^- &c. =R^. 4i ( time ) spenJ i;; idleness, ^'c. ^JT'J'if, f^^THT dtel. ^\' ^^^^^^\^^^ m.-m^j^vn n.-&c.^m. To Waste, v. n. dwindle away, qjnt, cjRof, f?T'naf,W^, ^- ftofj?. o/s. 2 emaciate., macerate, lose flesh, v. Lean. 3^11 «. Tl^'jf- ^xe. a'q^jqtJir »;. m53TT m. &c. ;f ^I'ft/. WAT 945 Wat Watee, n. mxjfl n. ^^ pop. ^^ n. ^^^ n. aTTT «./. ^C n. 3T| n. cTr^ n. vft^r^T «. TF^^ «. 'J^ n. ^f^pjn.—aa used in comp. with uouns ( ex. sugar-w. tamariud-w. &c. ) Sraft n. ( ex. "ToE^roft, f^^^Toft, f^rSSToft, &c. ). Acidulated or soured w. 3^^?:^r^/ ^^^^ <"* *TT??^/- ( uBcd pi. or ^^^^^\ ). AVatee-fali,, m. cascade, cataract. «Jl^or i^m m. yi^^i'rft/. iJrFTOT. (iHSiPTT w. dim. v^yj^f. airFTni. ^r^?/. ^l?Im. AVatee-eowl, n. qM'PR^ «■ ( TTOT^«l?t«i. qi'T'f.ra^/.) ^■ AVatee-oall, m. hollow worn ly a torrent, qa/. AVatee-qate, m, sluice, wil^r »». ^3/. AVATEE-GEtEr,, «. q^/ sirl<«)0ft »■ AVatee-hen, n. qm^isifr/. ^r^^i^^it/. AVatee-lilly, w. ^\^I^\^^, qrHS ;j. ^Tr^+H-! a. Stalk of the w. ^^ or 3; w. n. Watee-man, n. qioft^i^, qTiTrfi% irqTs^t ijyi/. AVatee-metok, (1.— the jilant. i=TT^3i/. rf;ykmf. ifjfenft/. sffenor/.— the fruit. rti^-^T n. qjl'STS h. qrf=5^"t w. AVATER-Mll.r-, n. qioiiqi^/. qroRT^t^m. [W^fm. AVATEB-riT, n. pit Juyfvr uatcr ( in the ledoj a ritcr, /jC.) WAT 946 ■WAV Watek-place, Watkrinq-place, n. place for wagMng, Jilling water, ^c. qT't^^ or TT'T^Sr or TTOTTJT or ZX m. Watek-pot, 'Wateeinq-pot, n. ^vf\f. ^^JfTft/. Watee-pkoof, a. impervious to water. fHT^Srfr, ^Rr*T?T. Watek-skin, n. — double w. carried on a beast. T?Jft n. AV. with spokes. 5%T^R m. [ q^^tJ m. AV. with cogged wheel at each end of the beam. ?t- To work a w. FIRof. "Watee-wohk, n. vJTcTq'^ n. AVateeed, p. Y. V. A. 1. TTiift f^s^?5r-2';^^r5T-&c. Jll-w.— compreh. f^T^JfY, f=r^?5. [^:^?5. AVell-w.— country, &c. ^PSSfF'T, ^JTJJsr^T, vT55f%^?5, AV. by rivers, &c. 7i5^JTr<5^, vJTrfHIjf, itsot or rf'tfof, 1%i7TDf_ AVave, w.— of the sea. ^\Zf. ?5f^/. W^/. ^T^ f. ^r^r m. rTFI m. 'JTFfntn m. \=5^^\ m. \^^X m. frf^/. ^f^ m.f. Dash or blow of a w. ^rrT/. [ ^tt\ f. Line of waves which burst upon the shore. ^fH^T^"^ To bo buffeted by waves, — a vessel. ^3=?iT?i^, ^ST^. To AVave, v. 11. play loosely, float, Sf'c. — banners, &c. ^?i- Jpot, ^?n?ijf, ^?5"Jt, *!i+ui, 9>5^ Waxen, a. 7nade, Sfc. oftvax. H'Jrr^r- Waxt, a. soft, i|'c. ?»l-e jcct:*. Kifn^, %OTr^^^. Wat, n. road, path. 'I^zf. ^V^m. ^^ m. '^^ pop. t^'iT m. 3T- s^r «i. ^■(.r>i| or oft/. q^JT n. Athwart one's w. across one's path. arrSHT^r, arrs^rr. Chance interview with on the w. mz^ f. In the w. before, interjacently. arrj, aTTSTTf . Out of the w. asi(fe, (|-c. 3TrS5iT^, «Tr5^5ft?T, STTS- ^3r3T??/. That goes a great w. fig. q^>^rT. [imm. 3 direction or line of motion, v. Coubsk. ^nz f. XM\n. Every w. in all directions. STRRRf, '5f j^l, fl^fT:. In three ways. f^ffcTF or ^fv^T. This w. f^jfg. That way. fr|;f;%. To point out the w. lit. ^^. ^R/.-f?Tir/. ^fT??^, f^^jri%«. %VS\, 4 advance, progression, v. Peoohess. ifn/. To bo under w.— a ship. 'qTP5-^?5fTT-«tc. ^Yor. To make w. ^qraw. ' [^.tvj To make w. through, in. fr^j^ or ^7n.-t\^ or ^f. 5 roowi made, room yielded, mzf. fCTr»i. To give w. ^I^R»>. ^, ^Jarm -^r:/.-&c. ^-«noT, G method, mode, t. Manneb. mzf. mi'm. ^F?/ ''^r/- ft^ pop. sft^/. "Pmrm. R^Rw. tft^ ti//^, q-tiT er qfarm. After another w. ^iTa?n ^fsH. In all ways and respects, ^^^^r, ^^'j^, ^^y^, ^?T- In both ways. 7»T^»TT. In various ways; in many ways. ar^^tTT, ^^J, 5TT- I 7 manner of practice, plan of procedure, v. Cocbse. ^z f. ^mm. frf^jiop. rtff/. ^^/. m. ^Prr'^^f m. H'rartn, ^r/. Wixn or ^{7Vf\f. ^rff. In the right w. sriTRTFT. The or a Eight w. ^-Hl'fw. Ways, manners. '^Tr^mf. ftTTHTH/. 8 r»y7i< method. 'J^f. qfTTBm. qr^w. smFTm. 9 course of faith and practice. ttFTwi. R'<4m. 10 i'« 7)0 JiV, T. Tbick. ^rs/. xjrasTM. By the way. ^^ tHTt, \t[>\f[^ nTT'Z, T^TT^Et, 'MrTT^, 5lf ir,r|tft^, H55H5ftfT, 1^1^, 3T-i;rTF, ?ir^^f, ^^^^ ^'<^^. Terms, plirasQs, sayings, and various formations conveying' the sense of ^ tveak, imbecile, sjjiritless pei'son, and answer- ing to Sjuoonetj, Babi/, Doodle, Feeble -mind, Weahling, Woman, Silly creature, SjC. are ^^tT^ft or S^n"^ JTT'jr^, vuiiHuiNT Hnjr^, ^Hsl^qr or vk^ h^^^t, fiarfqsirr, f^m, pf^f , tnr or iqr, Hin^r, a^oit^ 5':^^t, IsiMfd, t|?=5T, nFrmr, Hrnsjrl, ^^rt^r, ^J^r^, c53t, 3— of sound. 1%?:JFr3E, ^^r, ftpTJT. 4 «oZ potent, strong, ^c. v. Wateet, Washt. fir^T or ftr^^r, P3, if^f ^r, f^';'4^, 5^ or se. Weak-side, ra. KflR'TT^T «. H^^'-tlc^ «. JT^ w. rim ». Prober of one's w. TnTir^, ^irfi^'Tt. j To probe one's w. jth*T^ m.-^^\^^^^ «.-&e. ^ot_ II 2b Weaken, v. a. lessen the strength of^ enfeeble. §5^55- :?;TT^TT-3T?T?f;-&c. :f^, ?Tf^/-5J55 M.-:i?K OT.-&e. 3-"Jrr ^- ^-^rft^frm-^ot g. ofo. ^if^^T^ w.-^Tf^f>^?r ?7^.-^^f^H- »T W.-&C. ^"Jty. ofo Weakened, p. v. V. ps %%?rr, ^T^'tT %§FfT, &c. ^ffnT^T- f^ or ^if^fJ^oT, ^EfT^T, ^3TT. Weakenee, n. AVeakenikg, p. a. v. V. |^s ^^r^, jpJT^r ?; sp^^^T, &c. ^f^^rq- ^^-^Tft, ?Tf^^?r ^-^rft. Weaklt, a. V. Weak, Sicelt. cjt^TtP, IMoS, f^rs^Trfj, ^pJT- Weakness, m. t. A. 1. ^4o4M>J|| w. f^^otqotrm. JfiT^R'MTwt. &C. arn^PrTT/. 3T^f?f5/. ?Tf^^5TrTT/. ^f^^Jr'TFn' /. ^if^- TTff^ n. ^fJTT^rft/. ^^^^r{f. ^\^^^ «. ^Mr^ «. qa- ^^^?tt/. " [^/. rnT«. 2 \i\^\ ^H,+MUII w. ^ftMUli OT. 'lillolHuri OT. &c. ff^- 4 fpq^^mr m. MMotMUir w. HoiHof^rlM'm m. [^^^Hm in. 6 f^Tsff^'TtJTTOT. "fNiSTTJTTff*. &c. [15^ «. fj^ «. I. a w. a foibl-e.^ a failing, v. Fault. ;j^ «. ^^ n. |j- WeaL, M. T. AVelFAEE. 5Rn. JPr^MM. ^ JJOj?. %JT ^.^Tw. Wishing the w. of. g'TT%lJT «. 2 mar^ of a stripe. ^'S m.f. Wealth, n. v. Eiches. tpr m. ^sq- «. ^t^r^f. flrrT w. f^rf- f^TT OT. ^qf^/. ^5RT m. nsft/. 3r4 «• «R¥Hf|;/. ^- ij AV. in cattle. ^SPT «. l! AV. in grain. m^q^T «. m^^ w. [?JT^. 'j To roll in w. Jf,"^N^nr5T tTI^In. ji Wealthikess, «. V. A. tT^ETfrTOTT ffl. ^^Hrf^^tf. S|Xcft/. il 91.8 WEA 2b AVean, v. a. detach finally from the breast. ^TtlT^r^ri rftS"iif, ■3Tf'TT5r^v?T rftSot, ^'^ «.-'jf, ^ra% ^PB^of, ^r^ ^«^f^ ^m, q^t^sf^, ^T^ or ETC^/. ^^-?IFT'^ JJl. con. — esp. the edge of a weapon, TTS^f. 2 v. To Last, f^qjwr, ?fiM, ?j^Sr. To w. well. ^^ m. ^. 3 off ; V. To Pass away. fSfRof , ^rof, n^^ofr, ^i^r?^. 4 out ; become unserviceable through use. tJIMVmHot' Ac. ^HT-3lVr-^?i^-&c. ^tot. Weae, n. waste through use. ^jts/. 5ft^/. f^lvduiHot /. qt- oS/. ^^55 or sf^/. =qr5EW. [«n^/. AV. and tear. =^?toE/. =5ftcEHroE/. ^toE^ToE /. ^^ or 3 V. Use. Erf^^n?/. ^RT ot. That has been in w. Jf^Thr. AVeabable, a. V. V. A. 2. >^ I ri N I -sttarTTT-StilT^^ e?tftT-&c, AVeaeee, n. AVeabing, p. a. v. V. A. 1. fysritjuin;;, &e. 2 m?5'nRT, ^itq'JIRT, ■•JftmETT qoiRT, qf^UPI^.'fTt-qfTft. AVeaeied.^j. v. V. «Rt, «Tt?f, ^tfr, ^JTm^iT, 3ir5rT*\ AVeaeiness, n. v. A. 1. and Fatigue. ^'^ri'TI m. tsfn m, ^TJ m. ?fttJI m. SftfH/. ptfH/. STTTW OT. WEA 910 AVEE WeabinO, a. that is ujocn,— apparel. arflHT ^:'TFTr^r-^;TPIT- Weaeisome, a. causing weariness, v. TlitESOiiE. «PT^nTKT, &C. ^fttTT'JTTOTiir^T, &c. siTJTT=5fT, «Ttf?T^-^R^-^Jn^. 2 attended with fatigue. sqHMl, fd'Jrr^, ^CT^r, &o. Weadisomexess, 71. V. A. 1. «rJT ?«. ^P'^ vi. «lif?iq;R:F^ n. Weakt, a. tired, v. Patioued, Exhausted. ^TSSF, f^TiI- ^SJT, ^RT, ^ff, "x^r^. 2 impatient of the continuance of. «(iiii*i aTT^3T, ^f^TR, «r^, fJT-;g, f^igfiTig or f>Tnf^5fii, fj?^, =5r^, ^R^JfRT. 3 causing tceariness, v. Tieesoaie. ^fTF^, =P2r^, 371- To AVeaet, v.a. fatigue, r. To Tiee. «rHq-ot, ^iTiT'if, f^oRSr, "Web, n. texture of thread*, thing woven, ift^ /. fir'Rrrt?^ /. ^Rt n. ■•TTT H. rTT^ m. Au end or uuwovt-u thread of a w. ^5[ft/.— coutcmpt, A thick or coarso end. Z^\% n. Square or division of a w. ^oi m. Uuwovcn threads of a w. whcro divisions aro to lo made. ^Tct/. [oft n. W. woven in Bcparablc Bqiiarcs. ^Sim^ n. ?i. ^6f. To Wed, «. n. v. To Ma hey. ^=^1301, 7^ «. ^o^ ^. o/». AVedded,/). t. V. and Maeeied. fq'qrf^?!, 3^, "TfrtjfpT. I. c/o«(Zy attached. 3Tra^, ?rT, fS^e. W^EDDiNG, a. of or belonging to a wedding. T=^nft, t^lTIV, Weddikg, n. marriage ceremong, festivity, t. Mabbiace. HW n. ^--^ n. ^f. ^M^ n. f^r^I?^^ m. t^iniKT- tTOT. Clothes or cloths suitable at weddings. fTTT^T (.pop. SfftsT '*r: ), t5*n^ 5t^ w. /jZ. or s^rr? «. [ «. House in which a w. is celebrated. «J-^lsy. 2 render impatient. 4.'ilotcjuj, ^erar w».-'5n^ OT.-3^iI^T55T OT.-&e. STMOT-'^ot, «Pfr-^%.iT-f3Ttg-fo:5-&e. ^^oif. To AVeaey, v. n. v. To Tire. ssTiT'jf, ^'jot, ^q^rC^. 2 of ; e of, Y. To Loathe. q^rsEcrf, =stT^% :}?5T5ST »».- ;j«pi »J.-f+o6^ m./.-^fRT »?i.-3fr^PRT ?«.-3iiq^t /.-&c. quf in. con. 3^1fT^ w.-J^^TR ««. ^-?^nif, 3^^iT5CT m. c5not, AVeathee, n. state of the air as respects heat, cold, lJ'c. ^^TT/". This word is often best rendered by the noun which expresses the state of the air to be indicated, as ^f^ warm weather, 'ici\ cold iceather, ^% hazy weather, or by a noun expressing a season, as S''^! warm weather, f^«llo6| or 4tff% ^^^ cold weather, Ac. &c. Pine w. yf^H m. The fine w. tJie clear and cloudless dags. f%?jRoft%f^- ^^ m. pi. Mild coldnes8 of w. ' \ ri \ 4\ '45t/. Eaininess of w. ^rasfor/. n. v. T5^ EawDess and coldness of w. ff(\^Z or t\fv. Tl, cTRT, To Weathee, 4). a. ( a danger, &c. ) ^(JS« with difficulty. Z\- 6^, f^HOT-fHTFm-qR^S^ with aTTH^ 0/ 0. Weatheb-beaien, a. y-UHN^I^^IT HKrtrti-^r5^c5T, '3i'lSl*'d Weathee-cock, m. ^-m^l ^^ ?fT^f^R '^^^ n. Weathee-side, n. tft^ m. AVeathee-wise, a. ^^ ^STPTHT. To AVeave, i>. a. form by texture. f%^oir, ^JOT, ^aDT,^CTr/.- %tjft/.-&c. q^. Price or cost of weaving. f^u|U|Ho4/. f^u|||/. Weatee, n. Y. V. f^oiRT, &c. f^oi^Fft m. ^1^, Jf, cJTH^ "TT^'jf , q"toI^, ^"hffr TT^^ 3i^i^ "TT^^, f^^ifR"!.- &c. ^RT^f y. ofo. 5 down ; oppress with weight, depress. ^7^, ^T«l^, »TRT^frr-&C. ^70t_ To Weigh, v. n. have iveight. ^^^^ n. ar^CTt g. of s. ^^?r n. T^of, TrO-&c. -3T?r9T. 2 fig. 6e considered as important. ^^'^V^-'^^K^XK-'^'^X^- ^^-&c. ^T^^, ^^?PT M.-&C. aTHot-"T5wif y. ofs. 3 lear heavily, press hard. 3ft?f «.-'TIT«».-&e. 3T?rwf y. o/' «. 7U^?:-irTcfttn;-&c. siH^r. JVeighed, jj. T.v. A. 1. ^t^3?5r, mFssOT, ^^?r %?5ot, &c. 4 ?ff?5%?rT, qtos^Fir, qr^fr Trf^^^JT, &c. Weighee, m. WeighikGjJ?. a. v. V.A.I. vft^jfUTRT, mS'mTT, ^^inr *nined hy lalance. TR m. g'spT «i. ^ra m. 5?5T/. 3-'5TR n. firffT/. "fl^ n. orrsq n. nftHTm. Man's w. ( as in gold, jewels, &c.) ?T;:5r'T?^ m. Of deficient w. lit. fig. ^iTr?tr7. Of full w. ^^^^. Of w. not of capacity, —measure, sfr^, ^^^, That is sold by w. ^^^. TTp to the w. of. TRTTR, ^TRHR:. 2^avr.fnass to tveigk with. ^^^ n. vfnjT «. STR'T'TPT »• The common Weights of the Jeweller or Goldsmith are> l'^/ =>ra>? TTPT ( ;joi>. HTOT ) «». wt»». f?5?^[M. ^3 wi./. fsT^qr/. ^^"T J«. g^ »J. n. 3 ponJerotes mass. afr^T «• HT'C »». 4 pressing load, lit. fig. v. Bukden. JTT^ w. a|f% «. tjr? 5 importance, dignity, conseqvence,consideration, influence, authority. HR m. ^^H n. ^ ot. ^TR^/ TIT^^/. 9r- ^^^r^/. n^fST n. ^^ m. n. JR'fs^tJfT m. ^^Kf. n. i(\^m. ^\^ m. afTTSf^q m. ^rsTon m, ^^ /. =qT?y/. =q?5fft/. G moment, consequence, ^'c. TR m,. fsTHm/. H^rr^ or ^r /. \^\ m. w^f. »nfW'^r m. srf^RTT »«. 7 — as placed upon a body to keep it down. ^TiJI n. ^- V^ m. ^^'JT n. TI^, ^75, ^^Tvrrqr, jfrST, ETSf^- Weie, «. ^RTiftT w. qr^^/. To AVelcome, v. a. salute ( a new comer ) ivith kindness. 3TRTfT M.-3TmcT^rRT?T «. ^OT y • ofo. Sft 3TTf5f ^'n^ nT^M. Welcome, a. — a guest, &c. ^FTfTRr. [ &c. 2 grateful, v. Ageeeaele. f ^sr^, f ^, 3TR^^R^- s^^- You are welcome. aTnTM'n. Well-eoom, «. — of a ship, &c. »IH?TS or THfrrs/. nJT?i^/. Well, jVifc/y. *ri5r. Well, (I A'. Ttoi jVZ or Kiclcedhh^ju&ihj^rig'iahj. '^\^^ dcd. WJ ded. ^, STTTip: or sj^IHR, st^, ^tl^^fT^T^', ^s^fl- r^rRTnH,&c,or t[^k^ HFlt'^, &c. J^qr^, 'TTTfT-./^jIfT:. 2 wiV/t (?«e «^(7^ or art, properly, correctly, ^c. ^PTi^T decl. WJ decl. ^S^ or SRl^?:, rft^, ^^, 55;^, ?frnT, 8 coniplctely, fully, perfectly, ^c. 'T^'piff , 'TlT'jff , "T^r lT«. gfti^fn/. Well-eoen, a. V. Gentle, ^v^^, J^^JT, ^R?I^, 3T?ffj, 3T- Well-beed, Well-educated, Well-disciplined, AVell- teained, a. gf^TflT^, f^'?, ^Trarg?;, g^irf^rr, f^t^r, Well-conteived, Well-devised, a. ^^ft^, g^f%H,gzn?5. Well-digested, a. lit. g'^'foT. 2 fig. qig-qri^^Rr^, 3;^'TT^i%5. Well-disposed, a. riyhtUj disposed. g?ft=^, ^T'T^ftsj, 2 Tcindly disposed. '^'H'H., gH^<'rgBr^?^,ff,?;j'^, f^fT^PT. Well-doee, «. V. Vietuous. gqrtff, g^PRr, ^"fig^^ft. Well-done, interj. n?j, ^rf , ^fl^r^, ^TT^'^, m^fRT, ^T?ft, WEN Well-diu-:s8ed, a. '^r.^^\ ^^^^]^\.^ ^^'ft., ^ff^f^t^ ^^n^T."" Well-examined, Well-tbied, a. ^TfT^fr. AV'ell-fa\ouei>, a. V. Handsome, Beautiful. ?q =qr f?=^r, AVell-made, a. v. AVell-foemed. 3TNvTT^5, f ^f?rT. I AVell-meaning, AVell-intentioned, o. ^sfHsirT, ^nT, AVei.l-pleased, a. v. Glad. ^h^. AVell-pbeseeved, AVell-kept, a. ^Pt^A ^T^^^, g^^TH, I AVell-pkopoetioned, AVell-shaped, at. t. AVell-foemep. AVell-peovided, AVell-stocked, AVell-jupplied, Ac. a, I aVell-eegulated, aVell-eulkd, a. g'Tfarrf, g'r=s(, g^nif^. ! AVell-SAID, a. =q\T]^J decl. »-^i(?ril, g;jP, g=pfTf%rT^, 31'fl'd'^FnF, M^T- Mf, ^Tt, f|^^, g^T^^^ or gH^. AVelt, n. edyinj of cloth, qfl/ ^5 ">. To AVeltee, v. «. roi/, u-allow. ^^r^fff, ^"r^'H, AVem, AVeume, «. V. Scab, ^tjt '«. «. AVen, «. encysted tumor. 5^,"^^ ?i. ^'TT^ «. 'ra'is ». That has a w. 3TTTc&qT, MIc4+<f\^^;^^\ fffs^T, "Tf^H*^^,Tf*sr, TrmrTT, % ( or f^^ ). 8 — as an interjection. EfTTT. 4 ^ /(Oto great degree, sprq-. Whatever, AVhatsoevee, ^row. amj thing that may he. \^t ^, ^ ^ , ^ ^, ^ ^tfr, ^ ^Pm, ^n^ ^. Whatlike, a. Jp^^r^ or ?5T, ^^TT, ^RTT^^T, ^?t^^=5fT or ?5T, Wheat, w. ni m. JTTaw w. gJTnT m. Certain kinds o^u-heat are ^F^riT^i, ^TS^TFTi, m^T or ^'J^j ni, ^rs Tt, ^T^- Green w. parched. ^^T^/. Suitable for w.— soil. w-^WA or ns^ar. W.-colored or spotted with spots of w. irs^ar or n- W. -grounds. irc^jcS or aft / AV. ground coarsely and boiled. Z^f. d^ /. To separate the w. from the chaS. Jig. ?fr^'ftXf?rHr'7 AVheaten, a. made, S;c. of wheat. 'fo^i^T, HIiJiTr^r, T^^t^- AV. flour. ^ptJfr^/. Tine w. flour. ^m^.^^-^TA m. M^ m. ^V^f. ^^ n. Granulous w. flour. X^ m. ^n^'t /• To AVheedle, v. a. t. To Cajole, To Coax. «F?i^^f^, ^- rJRof or i^lrSFT^, 'TSR'ir, ^RtfTST'if. AVheedlee, n. AVheedling, p. a. \. V. ^^er^iiITTT, &c. Wheedling, «. t. V. ^^?5rgot n. &c. 5?l55T^rsqTH »». ^F^^- ^frsq-T AVhelk, w. v. Bump, gtia n. To AVhelm. See To Oveewhelm. AVhelp, n. young of leasts, fq^? n. ^^] m. ^7Am. 2 young man, in contempt. sj^Fsft, "J^rtT. To AVhelp, v. n. f^, 1^ n.-&c. fsfjf. AVhen, 0(7y. at the time that. %5^f, ^>m#SH, 3^T^, ^^. The .above words are correlative with ^^, f^Hot^, PTlt^r, ff^. If ^°^f be used Ho|f must follow, but in idiomatic phrases the ^P^ is often omitted ; ex. vfs^f gj^ ^f5 ^s^f ?rsft ift ^ir ^i^bt firft or n^ ^^h z- Since w. JTE^iqrg^, PTm^, f^T7TTf?T. 2 at u-hat time ? %-^^f, ^(ft, ^^, %^^f , ^it, ^^W^\ W- About w. ? %s^?rr. Of w. ? ^f^Ht. [77f?n^. 3 ff/Ver i/ie time that, v. Afteewaeps. ?f>T^, ^I'je^^frT, 3'- AVhence, «(ff.— interrog. ^T^^, ^I'Jft^:|^, ^T'JIrqr ?*T^Tf^- _■ WHE MK^-i-Ac. ? 5r f^ij-, ;rqT ft5j;ro?f-r«Tofr- ^fr-^F^r^r-Ac. [-Ac. 2 a< u>/ia< /^ace ? 4.xk or ^, ^>T?^r fi+iufi-^^lffit-^'it Of w.? ^^r or 3T, ^jTratrJ ( «• fs^r or ?5r or 5^?y ). To w. and whence a person. spTSr^T'Jf or J.Z]^^, Whereabouts, adv. near what place. ^\zm or f 5HT, ^rs^ or ^S^r. Whekeas, adv. it heinj so that., seeing that. ^|f, ^^^TTaT- 4ff, 3^n^?Tf, 3^N?^1, ^iil + r'0, /J. a. v. V. 1. qpFTTrtT, riHU IRf, 2 vi(i«T?:, %5roE, ^r^qfra, ^Rqit^s. A little w. A short w. ■4r5T-»^liq^-Jtc. Vs, ■HfqrqTioS. In a littlo w. arf^lt qf^, 3TfqTT<5. What a w. ^Sl^s. A w. ago. Tq't, Hqrf^i. f^TOT-^W't AVorth while. g^WlT >/i.-?rPT ot.--ri, 11. upper hand, v. Scpeeioeitt. g^TTTcTST m. ^- Whip-IA H, «. qpt^JTm. [%T^T5r?f W!. Whip-saw, n. saw worked hy two men. a^s n. 3Tg-qT ^TSfrfm. Whippeh, n. Whipping, p. a. y. Y. 1. ^T^Jp HRoiRT-aK- DTKT-&C. =qN+M UKUITH. Whippeh-sxappee, Whipstee, n. pun^ insignijlcarttfelloiv. ^\^^X f. ^IH^mr m. ^^Xtf. Whipping, n. \. Y.—acl =En^^ HTTW n. &c. ^^^jtt<' m. 3b Whirl, v. a. turn round rapidly, twirl. 'F^T-TT'Rt-'TTT- nr-iKTO-A-c. fir. 5b Whihl, v. n. move round rapidly. »Tt«r3^, 'ft?^, 'K'Rui intens. n^ot, fp^ot, iF7K->T^^f-&c. f-P^iOT, fl^^f^T m.- f^K^ or q^/. ^ROT, «»TDt. 2— as wind or water ; eddy, qkrcl^, JltsiTSoi, ^Ffsraur. WniBL, WniBi.iKG, n. v. Y.N. 1. ii^»itdt « Ac. fiR^tjr m. flT^ist/. ^li'.\J. UTt[ or UTf\ or ^Krlf. Hr^f'T/. Kl- qrr «». HT^fST or fn^'^Ft^T wi. fHTT^T m. "^ii f. ^^'.W.r »;i. %?rm. v;tRm. ^JHOTw. f^raT w. flvJH m. yjfri/. =5I^T5?€ »i. W. round ( in cliild's play. ) aitiTw^.r Hr^o.'TT/. /l- •TTivrTI H- AVith a w. or twirl. TT^T, fnT-^H-^-Ac. 2 fig. ( of business or engagements ). *RTt?T m. Tht- ^ m. «fiH;r3;r m. nrritT »i. To be in a w. qffSToiot, WniEL-rooL, n. eddy, vortex. Hi^RT «t. =^(^J n. ^^.n. 3TRtT m. 13JT »!. vTsrv;]^ m. WniEL-wiND, n. cjHici or HoE/. ^T^oB or 'Tos/. tUS^oEorra /. ^rq«[3/. =5i=?;^m m. arrsm m. sfmisfTf m. [ tt, lafH. WniKLED,/). V. Y. A. t\x^ fPTEi^fir, ii?:'t:5i^t, &c. arrf- Whihiee, n. — of a spinning wheel. =qrrr m.f. n. =^V. WniEB, n. noise oj stone.Sfc. passing through theair.^'^'KfXf. W. of a spinning top or whirligig. ^/. AVith a w. f»TWY, 5^^?r-^T-&c. f'TT'iX To WniEE, V. tviih noise. *R*f^ or n o(/». ^'Sot-jsoi- &c. *rTTt*r, [ ftR^ft^, fTftfr. AVhiee, adv. tvith a whirr. JTT ^FW-^T-Ac. ''R^^-^-&c. Whisk, m. quick Jerk, ^'c. 5rj:?>T w. 51^^/. 5t=!:-K-E.\, a. furnished urith vohiskers. ^^, ^^SfT?^, AVhiskt, n. (T^fT !TJf;R% »T?T 3TTf. To AVnisPEE, V. n. speak with a low sililnni voice, jp^^iif, 5^"F?iot, q^^qr^oT, ^prj^ot, Jprn^oT, Toifiiiot, q^q^iJr or J^J^iJi, ^Sf H/.-^?[vTy.-&c. 5fR'Jir-'Ti?'J|-?ir5rDT, 'J- To AVnispEE, V. a. vttei- in a low sibilant voice. ^^<^-&c. ^FRiff ^q&t. To w. about ; tell in people's ears. WA^^f- ^W. AVhispee, AVhispeeing, n. \. Y. N. j^ifflOt n. &c. . o. v. V. N. "P^f^onrT, 1. v. Tale- Bearer. iNCENriAiiT. q;^'^";. WUISPEUINQLT, adu. ^^^^ or ^r, T^3^, 5^?R^, ^f'p^, Wni3T, i:ilerj. ^tf or ^CT or ^. M'nisr, n. 'if^TJNr <^ ^7^5 ^r^. To "Wliur: E, t?. «. ( with the mouth ). f^^^iJf, f^fTJra or fX^^m f.%^ or ^ff55/ qFc^dr-^T^SfJl, U\t[J'. ^\^^^^-^V^'^. 2 — a bullet, an ow, &c. ^=qr=roT, =^ (/(/c. jp'^'Ji-^PT'Jt, W- fTH'n-HaT^T-?r'rrf5r5ft-&c. ^rr^'ir, ^othotot ;«!!«««. ^'Jipnw. 3— wind. ^g;-^'7T«aT->TiIH0T adv. qT^tjf, «aT??'Jm. Whistle, Wiiisti.ino, n. v. V. l.—act. f\\^m^ n. \\\7j ^\- ^rrq-ijf n. ?fT^ /. f^Tott^/. 2 ^RW «. =i/. ^oIH'JT/. HORT'TrT^ m. Hiim w. 3 TUTHir/. W0TH1T/. ^TamoTFT «t ^TJTm m. I. instrument ofichistUwj. f^iKCTfr/. Rraj/. f^ia'^/. fr- qTcr ^ »». 2 ( of eggs ). q-i?n 5ft?7 OT.-?t?^ »«. 3 ( of the eye ). ^\f\f. ^\€k 5^55 n. White, a. TiSTT, ( rewiss. qfJT^, TtfT^ tcMiish ) 5^r, H%?T, Kf^r, g>-J, g^, ^rT, q5RJ;;o^.V:i^, 1%rf, ^. Dusky w. qpsfa, ^p^, HT'T[, gJ^P?:, 'JJT?,. Of a glistening' w. TfiJT^T or iTT. W. as snow. AV. as crystal. Lily w. AV. and clear, &c. 'jf^TT "f JTvftrT, Tf5U«%rr or af, '?t??T'P^ or 1>€\W- or qcTrIT/. &C. ^m n. fcTT^T- ^ n. ^r^^ «. Glistering w. qf^-^rt/. Whites, «./«cr c/i(,«. qfj^imt «. 5?^/. qfsftjq^/. WniTHEB, adv. to what place. ^ 'STiftf:"5,'FI<'Tr!TTr*T«fI'J>^,&c. ^\i is aa commonly used for . [ ^ . ^0 whatever place. flT;». flrsg^/. Ts AVhittle. v. a. t"|p=l'it, f^^M. To AVuiz, v. v. make a hissini/ or humming noise inflyinrr through the air. >lt^oi, nini^fOT, floiflcadr tntnit. flOlfTnoT, Whiz, Whizzing, n. v. V. niqot 71 ^lOTflOT'n n. &c. flonr- "f/- "^ "•/• ^T^^f'"- inlens_ «oiflCTll?w. nm/ HOTM m. With a w. ^t^t, arnn, a^Ttr, '^-pr?, ?rrct?T. 3 — rupee or other piece ; not changed into smaller coin. sjf-cTr or sj?r, ^yr. 4 sound, unimpaired, well. 10^5, ys^, tTSBT, ^fqST, SRr, tTsqrn?;?: or 5, q^tjrq or qsyrm, ^?;»t, ^r^ffn or srf^, ^51^^, ^5l?^r^, H?7 or ?)q?-. [ i["^r. 5 — used of number ; round. ^^Pfi, 3T^ or vii?;, gr^ ^!^- 6 — of relations ; opp. to half, &c. ;3??^r, ?iqT. AVnOLE, n. /7ie entire thing. ^]T.^^ n. ^.\w^ «. WX^n. ^K^R «i. This word is best rendered by tho use of the adjective as JTI^ ^15?r ^SHrTl tho whole of my property. Ou the w. all things considered. fH5|^, (J'^yr or ^, ^- Wholeness, n. v. A. 1. ■H'liquil m. Ac. ^l+.rM «. W??T*. 2 ^q2qoTr»i. ?l^^TqDTT»«.&c. 3T^S?TT/.'flHnHT/?i"Jtftfq/"i(r. Wholesale, n.—as opp. to retail. Sr^pfV^^t/. qi3;^i»rt/. By w. ^^^RJ, "^^yw, ^'i^, 3vi3r, 3^r, qi^cqR. AVnoLESALE, rt. V. N. Z\r. or -tTliF, SfT^if, sT^fq^^r, ^T^- Whole OiiE, a that tends to promote health, v. SALfBiiious. qz^qjT, qsj2T, qwrrqr, ^i^<T?5, nT^5E=Pt^r, f^Hcfl^T, fWrrfNrT. W. aifectation and airs. Ai^5r?i^RT m. W. practice or tricks. f^l^^R m. pi. f^i^^fai m. pi. r?T<^^4^ m. pi. feiHIri^i^ ot. ^Z. Whokishsesb, m. v. A. fb^^f f^!PT3q?t/. ftj^l rf t/. ,WHOSE,;>ro>t.— relative. -j-MNI ( >j-4N1, fbr^, vHrr^ w./. «. ) T7-on. vjl+iufl, ^T, ^^"Jft, >T?5rrT^rift. Wht, adv. for uhat reason ? ^pf, JF^IT^, ^FnRTT^-gS-^jfM- qpTC^-?^, ^iq'^^uiH, ?t5R, «pt^, ^g:i;«i, f^nr-iT, f%f^- 2 /or to7iJcA reason. «.-&<•. 2b Widen, v.n. %^ijf, ip^-&c. ^liir, ^^^TT m.-&c. q^ in.cow. WiDEKEss, ». V. A. ^qorr »«. &c. t^f ?;^t »». fijwK »». '\^ivoy},n.ivomanv:ho has lost her husband. ^5/. t^qTt/. f^tf^ /. XT^f. TrfT^qjl/- ^^ /—in tenderness or pity, tsq^tjsqft/. ^555/. ulT5ft/. TfSHRft/.— in con- tempt, ts^ or T^Z^f. sets/. ?ts^is/. ^f?5S/. ?r55^ or x\^ n. nJ «. sfrsfrs n. gTToft/ ?rratqrr«i. or q>ftor/ t- %]f. n. ?rf^?t'% i«$ n. srssTTg^cH^I^ Tt?/.— in covert or cant phrased. i^^^I^^ft'^ or ftr^^^TWiT/. Man married to a w. qT^q;t('. Marriage with a w. ?^m m. qR m. Self-immolation of aw. upon the pyre of her husband. ?yHl<^lui n. 3TRT ffW M. stftrq^^ m. ^ijir^ w. «^ti)T n. a^giRR «. SR^rff^ «.— in cant or covert phrasool. srftfqJTO H?^'^ n.— pit prepared for do. ^rf /. Shorn w. ^W^f. »^rff/ [ tm^ffa/. Stone by which a w, ascends the pyre, q^tfid?!? pop. WIP 957 ■WIL W. before puberty. ^raiST/. siM^tT^/. W. that burns with the body of Lcr husband, ^rft/. "W. in wocda. iJTS^t^/. W. romarriod. mz^i^^f. 5^^/. W.'s dole, bad sinjinj. tSPftrf n. W.'s jointure. ?:rgC^Rr »'». W.'s mite, f ^mqi^ m. pi. Unshorn w. %tf^ft'JT/. ^51ir/. To perform abliitiou iupreparation for mount ii^g the pyre, ^fd^n: ^t^of. Some terms of mention or address for a widow arc, 3TqTc5 or oE, itJlTTPfk^. [^^. To Widow, v. a. deprive of a ktishand. ^RT^'if, f^'4^/.-&c. To be widowed. TrSR"^, ^ff-'Ti-^Rf-'TTcT-&c. q^, i\^- Widower, «. matt tchose tcife has died. tS^Ff or ?:f5^, ^- ^T or Wi f^g?, ^IHWf^^, HflHTjf . WiEowHooB, n. ^crs^oir «. ^TfTrt^'Jir m. iz%^m m. g^ftn Width, k. breadth. ?^/. r^^^lT »«. %^irT w- s^TT^ m. To Wield, v. a. use or handle with full piowe^', manage. ^\^- m., ^m^'Jr, =qTH^of, q^-q-ot, qn^, ^raof, %qiJt, ^PFtrf, 1%- Wielded, ;>. v. V. qrm:%?5r, ^m^rB^JT, &c. WiELDER, M. Wielding, p. a. v. V. ^rq^'TRT, ^fri^'TlTr, ^r- ff^TTRT, &c. Wielding, «. v. V. — act. qr^TW n. ^]^^^ n. %quf n. &e. WiELDT, a. V. V. fl!«(^ Manaseabie. ErnTFTRr =5rtT55r, ^t7- ?:ii|MIMl-&c. Wife, n. m^=i\f. ?5m^ ^'rpr-'^/ ^pf^OT/. ^[^f. ^ n. *rmf/. q?^/. ^fr/. ^Frrar/ q^'ift /. ^tesht/. ^^- m/. HRTT/. fs^r/. Hf|^r/. ^iruft/. ^=ar «. sp^sf «. ^J?5T «J. art^T ?». ^TTFT w. Chaste and faithful w. MfrinriT/. ?ffft/. Forsaken w. ^ffs/. Having a w. t. Married. ^^, ^"77^^, ^TT'T. House of one's w.'s father. flTgr^tft/. ^rg^lf^/. Mutual jealousy and envy of rival wives. ?f^Hf^ m. yiMHTT^ m. Old w's. fable. ■Ml'MNI+M n. One's own w. ^^>TT /. ^ft^T/. One's own son by one's own w. 3nT^ in. Perquisites or property of a w. ^^^ n. g?^ n. Eivai w. ^r^m/. ^rrMt/. Eival wives — wives collect, of one man. ffspT^foTr/. Taking a w. ^^H «. ^f^qr/. ^RN^fCT^ m. ^RH^ W. TftfT ?». "tRuimi n. That is without a w. 3KcJft^. The happy and joyous state of wifehood. ^irfPTM- Unfaithful w. 3TT"f?TiRrT, 3T?mt, arer^rTT, W. aud children. ^V^XX n. [S ««. W.'s brother. H^TTTTm. ^T?^M. ^r?r=Fm. \^[^ or V^- W. of husbands brother. ^r^T or ^^IT^/. W.'b mother. «r^/.— aa a term of addrcBH. »»mt/. W.'b sister. flfTift/. ?TT?ft/^/ W.'s sister's husband. qrjHrjT m. «r^m. [?Tn/. W. of another, q^qffq^r/. qT»5iTT, J^ra^'^^, ^rR- ^ or ^rR^^'rs^Tr, 3T«. &c. 7^73^/. Wf.^ f. 8 Wl^f^sToir »«. &c. si^RP^;;r M. 9 ^PT^TCSircK^OTr m. ^\l\^]JJf,^v\■\ m. &c. Wile, n. guile, x. Abt, Cunning, ^^z n. ^.\^] m. ^Ft!^ «. 2 V. Akiiiice. ?f-Tr7/. 5T5r w. [?/. AViles; artifices. iJ^SH^w. /i. tJ^q^f ?«. ^Z. =5np^iT;F- WiLrui., a. slubborn, confumaeious, x. Obstinate, Pbe- TEKSE. ^w'TT, 3T?;^r?:,€fiT, arf^siTai, arm?, arrqi'ft, 3T- snrf^r, iif^r, nmrsr, ts^?;,>?i7, a^ iffrrs^, ar^Tmar. 2 self-icdled, uncurled, cj'f . ^=^5?^ ^o/i. ^g-'.^t, ij^t, 3- f?i^, ^'^rs, ifif^, uf?H, ?7t??r|ffT, "^-.^^ f^ifi^r, ^^rr- ^Tfl'r, ^Tii^, '^iz, 5iif'2=qR, 'Tii'gr=qrfr, ?m^Rt, T^rRft, W. child ( or person ). ■^tTTjy. 3 done or suffered by design, v. I>-tentional. ^T^F^T^, TVlLFULLT, adv. x^A. i. ^^-IZ-^z-Soc. 'cT^?r, ^^f^, ^, '^ftH?r, iT^«>^, ar^^Fiir:. 3 g5-5TT, ^^rT Jf^^, ^fS'J^^, ^f'TTJ^-qf?, rfT^r^. Wilfulness, n. x. A. 1. a?^/ ^^ »j. efqrf /. ^^55 „,. a^fl- ^racpjTT »». am^irS.'TOT w. &c. 2 Ktu^qurr m. fjf^-jquir »«. &e. g-^nqfr /. #5; «?. ?t'^- AViLiNEi^s, «. T. A. ^^T m. ^.]^\^\ m. etT^^ n. ^F^nl «. r^^TiTi or n n. r^^trft/. [ q^f^P/. AViLL, n. velle.ty. H^^y; ^^y. j^3^y_ ^•^-^5^^^^_ ^^^_ 2 /;/fa««rfi, cAoiVe, Uhing, disposedness of wind, x. Mind. J^^T/. ^?ft/. I^gr/. 'a'^jqw. Ji;,>^?T wH^RVtw;, TT^'ti- At w. JT?rar^, q'. v. V. A. l.^qp^q ^rJ?iT, &c. ^I'^pf^qrT, ^itTfr^iq;. Willing, a. not averse ; consenting.^ ready, ditpoted. ^^, TR, ^^t7, f«5, 3Tg^. 2 reeeiied of choice or tcithout reluctance. ^^rNr, f^?5g- ?ft^T, g^R^Rfft^r, ^IJTInt^r, &c. &c. ?^^«R?.T,^. Willingly, adv. x. A. gsjvt^, ^^rTTTl^, ftp.^^fiH, aiTf^W- rffqi^ or aTTm?i?fr$, arrq^^-ft^, stiqg^iM, ariq^^, ?t- Kight w. tcitlifree consent of iciU.7i^y^^]^]i\ or ^^- Willingness, n. x. A. 1. ^5rft/. f^?^g?ff/. ^fUT ot. ^;r- vJTR^fr/ aiq;iTfrr/. «"Tf?T/. rrqi^/ fm/ 3f^i| m. Willow, «.— the tree. Jfrf^ ??;./. ^n^^t^ 5Ti5 n. WiLLX KILLT, adv. ^jn^l, 3tS 5J3, ^f^THT^FT, ^Tq^fT. Wilt, a. x. Aetful, Cunning. jprV^r^, =FT%^, ^iV^T, WiwBLE, n. — for boring- holes. ^X^1 m. To Win, v. a. gain ly conquest, Sfc. fil^^, filrior, fS^^-&e. ^DT-fHasfot, ^^ sp^or, i^qrT =FW, f^lff or ^m f. %^ 9-ofo. 2 gain by j^lay. f%^^, fir^tSff, V^r\ or ^jft^/. ^,1^ g°fo- 8 y«.— as considered as fair or foul, &c. rlT<«flX ». Dried iu the w. JTK f?::^. Free as the w. «Tr^5t- A high w. 3->TT^TTr m. nj^v[j». "Westerly w. itT^ToSFt/. HT^^I'tt/. qf^JiTSTTTT ot. HT^TSTfrr "Whirl or blast of w. and dust, ^]^^v(^ or ^]^vf¥. f. To dry in the w. 5ri'?=T'Jf or STT^T^'it. To get a stroke of the w. «rR«. ^T^T in. con. ici/h cf^. To get w. — a report. ^?:ot, i^/. ^rirf y. of s. To give to the icinds v. To Misplace. gr-TT^T ^T^'jf, ^RNmt n. Jp^H ZVT-^ g. of o. m. q;^^ SFF^y. o/o. %U5rT=Tf?I or k.TS^V'^] f^^it ^of-craof. [^of. To ma.vk Jiow and act . '^lr^^?^ VI. TR^'^T^ n. 3 ( of a house ). q^r^ sfTjT/. 3T^^/ ^m m. n^?T W- WIN 9G0 WIS To WiNO, V. a. wmtnd in the %mng. . ^'^/. "^ [?;T5PT/. WiliE, «. metal thread. WJ.J. ni?T or FtfsiT/. fi^/. flVt/. ^T- Fine-drawii silver w. ^Ri^ »?. Gold or silver w. sn^ST '«•. — Made with it. sjr^ar. Semicylindrical or semitubular w. of gold or silver. ^^ir m. — The instrument of goldsmiths for making it. Made of w. — vessel, ring, &c. ffTT^Trt, flR^^. 2 ( of a musical instr. ). fig m. ( pop. fTrr/.) clifT/. fTlT /. cT=>l «. 3 ( of a puppet, &c. ) ^^ 71. WiEE-DEAwEE, «. — the iustr. \^^ or ^\ n. ^r{mf^J. Wiee-deawing, n. cTR^^ft/. WiET, a. made, ^'c. of ivire ; like wire. fTT^^T, r[trft^, Ac, ?rgJTJT, rJHSfT^. Wisdom, a. the fandty or power of jvdging and acting rightly; sense, understanding. ?[l^Mq'JT or yr^^nqot «. ^T^Torqwrr or xii^^'^^ m. ^f^/. arjfs /. fnH»j. nfa/. =srr54 w. ^JT^ OT./.3-jr3TJ». ^^^ m. tff /. ^tri/ sffn/. /. f^fTHT/. False w. ^^TT^PTqW «. W.-tooth. 3Ttg?5^/. Wise, a. <7ia< has wisdom ; ;7i(ii can judge correctly. ?Tr^r or ^T^mr liTT^mr, ^f^^iH pop. gf^fr cr gf^sm, ^r- OTcTT, ^roT, ^^J", ^i^^F, ^H^?R, ?ITT^^, ^^3f^fr, ITRft, ftr^i^Tg^'^, Iff, snfT,VmT, fw, fir^^?f, frr- Rf^TR, >:frHT5, H'^jft, f "-T'^T, «'iTf?T, fsT^?', g^T,— in high degree, f ^5,g'«ft,gf 5, f H^r, fn^Tjfs;, flR^irst, Too wT by half stS^dT^tiTT, ^tl^^IJ^, 3?f?T^r|0tr, Por the w. a word, for a fool a cudgel, ^r^oq^r ;[t- 5^, H^Rf smqr. 2 dictated, Sic. hj wisdom ; jtdiciovg, S(c. ffr^tJiqoTRr, ^^t=^, fTRTTEfr, ^iT^rft^, ^»i;3raq'Jrr^,f^^-sir,&c. f- Wise, " See 'BIanneb, Y^at. WIT 961 WiJEACHE, WiJELi.NO, «. one whop-elendt to be wise. 31^- ^ro^r, qr?i^qi?;<;q[ or (s^ir, 3r?5 ^g^-gs or ar?5H3i;^2, f^- WiiELT, (jf/u. T. A. 1. 5irf uiTan'^, 5^tH, 3T:g«H, f^^q^R, &e. ^Trf^qwrf^r Jir-&c. ^"i^;^, ^irfOTT0T-&c. ^- To Wish, «). a. v. To Uesiue. ^f^jJoT, r^?f^,crrf^gtTf, ^=:gr /.-Ac. tr(.ijt-^cin y. o/ 0. f^OT /.-3^rei?7r/.-srf^';jry.-&c. a^HOT /«. con. with g. of o. Wish, «. v. Desire. S^jjt/ 5rrs3T/.5im?Tr/. ^f?^T/. JFrK- qr/. iT?f:^nT?rT/. T%=sur/. n^^\ pop. inr^iT or n^Br/. H?lffcH?T vidg. ir'^fc^H «. Wished, ;;. v. V. rf^'3?T, a^iqjff^rf, ?pif?S?r, ^rif^iM, rfc^^T, WiSHEB, n. Wishing, p. a. v. A'. rf%3crrRr, l^TJIITT, r^ijr- tTWRr-^F^iiirn, f=5f (in coinp. aa q;?qT5rs-J, &c. ),3Tr-7;f- ?fr ( in comp. as q^T=F;f?ft, &c. ). Wishful, a. v. Dismous. g-^ijr'^r^, sT^^rf'^r^, 3TnFf?ft, ^ijr^'Ht^T, ^f^TiT^fff, ^q^rH^vt'^r. To look w. ^r^pi^. Wishfully, WisiruLLr, ado. v. A. «;i(/ Longingly, ^t:- m or ^, ?:^ ?5rf5, ^qjJT-?; or ^f , ?n/e;w. ?;q5rJFf, ^t^Th^- WiSHwASii, n. V. WAi>n. iTn?: «. ja^ET'jft «. Sqo^JTift «. WisHr-\VASuy, (r. v. Washy. ^z^^?r, |^55t?T, j^rg^j'TFT, Wisp, ?!. small bundle of straw, S,-e. nSf^sr m. ^^\^f. Wl\^ n. %?:oT or '^^aT n. "kz^f. %-Trat or 5f?:rst /.—to put ou the head under a load, "^jij^ or^'^mf. — for scouring or wiping a vessel, 'qYtTr «i. ^\^^f — dim. =q['fFf=5r ot. ^'^ '^''TT'T m. pl.- ^ijg.ofs. 4t a vr. a man of fancy, genius, Sjc. \'m% ^FcJilT^r, ^f^- 5 wits; mental faculties, soundness of mind. W^'^TTT »«. f nrft/. 'TPT 11. ^^HT^ «. ITT m. ^^ f 3^?fHr^ ». That has lost his wits. ?r'?f fj, ^'Hf^T. With one's wits about oue. 3T^;=5f mt^,HTT4,^^r5rC, To be frightened out of one's wits, v. FnianT. "Tf- "^m fcTROT/. ^Wi\g.ofs. grs'r^ grs n. ^^ in. con. fmHTTr% stT ^(M g. of s. nT'i^lw or q^^it3 ^riJf, WIT To have oue'a wits a wool {jutlicriii}^. To lose piio'm wits V. To bo coufuaed. -esent. ??T?ft', ?1T?T, "TI^- With a witness, /o a great degree, «loEjft/. 'rrnr/. 5ff?i?iT/. ^]^^f m^^^ j. Trrf^- 5ft/ HRT'Tt /• The Hindus make tour divisions of Womankind,\\mS^'^ pop. q^ftiir, Nf^jforft ( also ^fr- cft ), ^Tf?l?ft /'O/'. ^T^T'iT, ^feiift pop. ^^.Tttt. — Some fabulous races are, ?ni^'TT or ^'^n'^ pop. sTtiftoT, n- q4^?q-T, qf^ift^Jo;). 'T?Tt'JT. Some terms of praise for Woman, as beautiful and ZoreZy, are, ^THF^r/. W-i'^f^TPT- HT.f. itT^r/. THCTit/. TRTT/. 4^f[.f- ?^IT[ /. ?TTfe?ft /. f?Trrfs?q'T/. =5f^-T^t2;tJ)t/. 35;^t/. qft/. ^Rfrisft ^5/. Z^W-ZJ^^j- fzw'i n. ^xjH n. See also under Beattt. ■WOM 963 "wo-s Some terms for a lillle and lovely uonian are, ^Z^f&tf. 'pS'F'poft/. — for a, passionate andjieii/ tvoman, Jfl^^T/. HWr/. HTfiT^t /. sf^r^— for a virtuous and chaste \ tooman or wife, >Tf?rJmr/. ^ETrft/. ^fT'^'^t/. f^ft=3ir / ^^- ^i^f^/. qffi»^n/. fr-^tn^r/. f^^fj/ f^^''. ^^r?r- :FT.— for a, fat ;uiJ bloated u-oman, '^]^^]^ /. «.-KH?J?T/.-^?5iiT".-f ff /.-&C.&C. Old women, gener. 3TT^«IT'TT/. jl. Son of an unmarried woman. ^T?ft^, 5?>^n=5l. That quarrels with all — a w. ^n^5l, ^IHTf /. The women and children (of a household, &c.). '^^^- ^g-^ n. pi. TtmR n. pi. Vice or fault in woman. JTlftTW n. "Woman's man. !For this formation, and for the similar formations, cot^uean, smock-dangler , lady's nian.^ gosi', miss, sardanapalus, ^c. ^'c. some equivalent forrr.ations are, ^\I^^^^., Tfl-CfT, ^TTJ^Tr, ^TTr^Tr, 5|Tf - 2 female attendant, v. Maid. =ErT-+<|y| /. ^^^ pop. ^^- 3~in comp. ^TPrt/. ^pfT^ / as ^tj^st milk-woman. WoiIAN-nATEI!, «. ^ITJ^^ITTr, ^^I"^!, 'rflg'^ft. Woman-hood, m. sfr^qfrT^ wt. '^S'm' m. ^"t-^H w. ^nui m. pi. ^f^ n. ^tT n. WoMAK-Ki>'D, «. iirq^f=Eft ^T^/. ^t^Tf?T/. ^\^^ WOMAN-EULED, a. ^fjTFf, ^Wg, ^f^FFT. V/oMASisn, a. /rOT!«n)Tl5TT»i. IHT^lTt m. n^r^aT- T n. •fl'? '". 1H »«• ^5«rr "1. — ill conlempt, &c. RTf ^RT n. For the jmrificatioii, impregnation, Ac of tlic Wimh, for the pnrifiiation of the fa?tua, for the facililnlioii of delivery, and for the preservation, from nialign iiifiii- enccs, of the puerperal woman, sonie of the iiunitTou* ceremonies observed are, 3l^;rRIH5T ". <>i?'lin^'? pop. ansniS n. '^\€\ TTOI n. ilHI^TPT «. J^.^ n. "?f'7.fiH^ «• A bearing w. ^rr^fft f h/. Ceremonies and rites for the purification of the w. — conipreh. ^^Tfi^TIT m. To drop the w. iTI>TtTfsT 2DT or TTHS'Jt or qrH?nT &r flTJSor, nigiT «). C'T.ot. "Won, ;j. v.V. A. 1. f3i^?;?rT, f^^^ k^^.^A, Ac.f^H, fnf^. Zb "Wo.VDEE, V. n. le affected ly surprixe. %W,^.\X m.-^\>H^- «.-^5r?5 «.-3T^n.-31^5iT»Ji.-&c. ^F^oi-Hi^^OT or, inxtru ly, ^Rof, =5IHr^.H^, J^rsm ^K n. ^R.dt. "WONDEE, «.— the emotion. aiP/pf n. 3T^^T w. ^^m^ m. 2 aw. a wonderful thing, a marvel. ^Hv^M m. ^\'f^^ trft^p «. ^^ «. 3im?fer. !FK,oi, fqTSR.^/a/' A wonder lasts ( but ) nine days. Httri^ n^ fe^T. VojJDER-sTliVCK, a. tJtg cr =;fig, ^^'Tr5,'. Hewer of w.- rm^;^ or ciift^^. Jungle or common w. ( i. e. not teak, &c. ). ?r^^95- Light and flimsy w. ^TS n. 2 forest. ^^ n. SR n. '^^'^ n. ^rf /. aJT^T n. X^jt{f. ?TT ». ^FTrTK n. JPT^TH ?»• f^fTT n. 1^ «. ^ «J. 3TS<^/. ^Rambling in woods. q^sfft^Ty. Skirts of a w. if'TftT w. SI^^TT «. Wood-apple, n. — the tree, ^st/- ^F^/- ^ftrtT m. — the fruit. ^,^Z n. ^Twj n. AVoOD-CUT, n. t^t^fT^R spR?5?5 f%^ n. VVOOD-CUTTEE, n. ?5tf IFfrSSTT, ?T^^T5«rT, ?5^5^mr. AVooD-DEiNK, n. Fjrair^T ^^r m. ^f;\^^^\^ m. Wooded, a. 5fT3t^T, ^TT^Wr ^?f), ^?TJT?T,|?t:i^, Wooden, a. made, tJY. o/ jooorf. Ptf^Spsfr, &c. ?jf^ft, ^^- Wood-house, m. /iace where wood is X-c^^t^qtrtr^-st^F'STJi- ^:-qr;ft-&c. ^']^?[f. Hip^^fPlT m. f5^S?jfRT »». Wood-land, «. /««(f oji wArc/j trees grow. ^%^K or f^^'Cm. Wood-lark, n. tlie pyramid-crested w. ^5r?5 w». AVooD-iiAN,«./6»-M/tr. ^?T^fT, T^T. AVoOD-SlONaEE, w. trood seller. rT^55JT?5r, Bt'^sf^^TT. AVooD-NTMPH, «. 5r=i5.5ft/- ^T^i^sr^rT/. Wood-peckee, n. — the bird. ^riR 7ii. ^yg^ >«. AVooD-PioEON, n. rr^'in^ '». AVooD-soEEEL, «. ^WA w. — yellow. 3Tf^rrff/. Wood- V. ORE, n. ( of a ) PA^.t[ ^J^tt n. Flf^t n. 2)1. WooDiNESS, n. T. A. 2. grit/. 51131^ m. ^^^]-^^ n. ^- ^qr^if n. Woody, a. of or lelonging to tvood. ?rf ^31^, ^^"^ir, ??i^^. 2 ahoundinj with wood, ^nst, 5frVt=qT, 5(r515E, %^H^., |- SJibrous, stringy. ^TJ^lt, ^fs?y. [ &c. Wooer, «. AVooing, /). a. v. A''. ?5?n=^r ^^H 3TT^5r ^S^'JrRT. AVOOF, ?i. threads that cross the icarp. ^'[V^^[ m. SIMT m. 'TT'iI «. ^TZ^Z n. a^re^PJT n. 3TT55frt^/. To close the w. ^Strft/ ^'T't. 2 See Texture. Wool, n. soft hair of sheep. c?m or HT^T/. ?I^ or S^/. Great cry and little w. l^sSTSj/. 2 woollen doth. q3Jft=Tr ot. ^jorf /. WOOL-COJIBEE, n. ^\%l fq^oTRT »«. fi^lO '«. Woollen, a. consisting, Sfc. of icool. F^f^'^t or FST^F^, ?5t^« 5ft=5rr, FJ^^^TT, "?^T^, ^^rof , aTr^Jnt?, ^'JTrnq-, OTftn. Woollen, n. woollen garment. 'T3,Ji'^Hr »". «l=TTrft^ «f^ n. ?^. ipftsf^ n. Woollen-cloth, «. qHTrf/. FJHFft ^JTRS m. AVooLLY, a. consisting, Sfc. oftcool, v. Woollen. rSt^Fff^, ?rf^^, ?JTT?T. 2 resemhling wool. r^q^ft^R^T, y.uil'H^^T, grorfsfg. WOED, «. a single component part of speech. ^15^m. T^w. ^- Acceptation of a w. ^ISTIH^RTT n. At, in, &c. every w. T^TTfi". Force or power of a w. ^la^^yf^/. Low, vulgar, or filthy w. a^T^ls^ m. ^m^ n. Primitive or simple w. 3t5ra"R«!^ w 3T5r"TT»T^ n. Eadical form of a w. Sf^fTf /. Sense or meaning of a w. ^lSTr act internally ; — physie, &c. ^5E«fct''r, ^5J^otijf, q|?i^ G fis". brcic. ^Fr^iot, ff^Sj. roKK, n. employment, occupation, something to do, v. Btt-I- NES3. W.l^n. W.\^n. ^q^rn m. ^ZJm. «TNn:«». ". W. without waiies or remuneration, "kzf. f«mTT or %mT/.r?i%/— compreh. ^sfSfTTT/ q^^fqTSrm.— perBon pressed to do such work, %3^Tr, f^TT^ or ipTrft, %S^. To pay one for w. JT^^rf/.-H^IFlH/. ^^-^^pqor. 3 that uhick is made or done. ^.]^ n. ^,\H n. ^.^ n. qrr- oft/. W.K^ n. ^.^ n. f^p^/. ?rfH/. Destructive or injurious w., sad piece of w. 3T^if tn. 4 auhcard performance, bungle. 3TnRtira?q;m n. Vf?I- OT^FTT n. arS'^ii'l+nr n. aTTS^^PTH ». 5 composition, look. ^''». An evil or bad w. |5^JT n. |t?^ ?i. 3T^Hq;K or jpiq «. Exact in the discharge of religious works. ^J1^, ^FK- ;rft?5, ^Hf?i^, ^R^. Neglectful of works. ^if>;i'7, ^KfftH. Eeward of good works. Itrqip-T; ?i. Ilich in good works. ^ri7trq'pT_ Way of salvation by works. Jp'T'Tr'T in. — one who seeks salvation by it, ^.■^^\^\. Worship or service by works. ^FHTTTtRT/. WOE 966 8 works ; fortifications. r^A^f. ■WoKK-FELiow, n. JpmHrST, ^K^'J. WOBK-FOLE, "Wo KK- PEOPLE, H. \. LaBOBF.E. qH^^Ftt '»• t^- sPrH^^TroiH n. fl. [ JfTJl^^. W'OKE-MAN, n. artificer, c^'c. WAfx^"^ or q^Tirqn: or q^KTl'K, Awkward, uuskili'ul w. ?IT^?I"SHiP, «. «^v7/ o//7(e icorZr;-. qiOT/.^Stroi/.qinrr- Jrss/. ^SiJlt/. Wi'Tm «. ^rf^fTfr/. ^^^f. ^^^ n. 5F€- 2 form,fas7iion, 4'<;. o/«« article ivrour/ht. Wi^ f- ^f- 3 //jiny icorked. ^S^ f. W.i'^^f. ^Pif. ^^l/. U"oUK-suop, T\'onK-TAED, &C.V. \^]^A2'°P- WT^/. JpR^HTOT. y^'oiiKED,;^. T. V.A. 1. %%?5r, ^m^F.^^ ^^?5r, &c. 4 Tmw ^T^r^^T, ^JrRr, ^^triRT, &c. =^R?n, =5?f^. \7or.siNG, «. V. Y. A. l.~act. W'l^ n. q^OT n. &c. 2 q^^^r n. ^,m^ n. ^=iat «. &c. 3 ^^^l^ n. =^^!^,^^ n. ^aqfOT n. &c. 4 "THTH HrcTiJi w. ErrTTiii ?!. ^q^iai «. &c. 7 qn'ifOT «. Ac. ^X\^if. 8 ^ij^jq-'if «. ^T^lsfDT n. &c. ^T^JflW^^/. 9 ^iiTSf'Jf n. &c. ^JTI?/. JTifTFlrT/. ilTTHrT/. -f. V N. 1. ^qoT n. TRof n. &c. ^T m. K^TTnfT/. ^KTH «. 2 m^M n. ^201 «. &c. ^?5=qic7/. ^fS'^Ert^'T «. %a «. 8 5 T'it n. ?5H?5?f^ n. &c. 4 =Ei77aT n. &c. ^M\H\i m. 1. ( in the stomach ) worlcing and heaving. 3^^ m. ^- KT^i m. ^T^rar «i. ^Tf{\^f. 3^Tsr ««. WoKKiNQ-ciOTiiEs, 71. opp. to holiday clothes, kc. ^^f - orpiillic lije, r. Life. ?iHR m. ijq^ w». ^OTT- frf n. ?Jl^qT^/. ti^lRm^r/. In the w. and in retirement. vT^jsrvft, f^T^t?r^^fr_ To go or come down in the w. ^SI^T^. To make a noise in the w.- — ironically. fH'Tlf'y". ?5T- sr5i-qT5>Jf, f^^TR?ft./'. pi. ^]^^■^r^iii. 6 — as considered as a scene or system of business ar.d pleasures, vf^m. ■■^^^\mn. H^=^^ra. *r^?!mT m. H5mr?r». n\^^l^. n. ^]^^^^t■[ m. jf;^Rq^ «. iTTqT^r?^ n. TTiqrqsf) n. Abandonment of worldly affections and possessions. Dead to the w AVcaned &c from the w. Eenonnccr of the w. ^^^, fsT^ rsR?r, 3T5iq:?r, f^HiT, ?i5qT?('T, Deadness to tne w. Indifference to the w. Weaned- ness from the w. i>'T'T^n^ n. ^n^ n. \^^^\^^lS'^f. f^f^/ fjRffT./.l^^f^ n. f;^5fq wi.— ae produced for a short time by tie sight or thought of death, &.c, 5jt Death-bed renunciation of the w. ■^TT^T^^'T!'^ m.v.^. Sick of the w, ^r^d^rt', H^ri^, ^T^nrw. Snares of the w. fascination or fetters of illusory oljectg. jfr^^TBJi. TfT|qT?T»». ^T^Y^T^.n. ^HT^T^T ^"^Wm. That has worldly ties and engagements. ^sRsTTS^. To carry on the -w . provide for the daily tcanis. ^^^■ fn^rr^ m.-^^^[h^^ m.-^Ar'.k^^ m.-^.V^.^lvi n.-&c. w.i^. To keep onr's self unspotted from the w. aTfejf ^• To rcncuuce or abandon the w. ^iv^iRT fn.-^^T w WR 967 7 viadkind^ all human beings, ^nn. sff'F ♦». /^^. ^RSr^m. fl. 3TRJT/. 3TWH|Hqr/. 5^^r or |f^5rr/. ^n?ft/. ^- Adorable by the w. vTlg^tT. Ill tlie mouth of the whole w. f^'^nTf;^!. Life of the w. vTI^TItT't «. Light of the w. vTT^^ m. Salvation of the \v.^"T|^T ♦». Saviour of the w. ^T^jrf m. [^ 3TTTftf% ^rCmpLvX-fX. ' W. with two heads or mouths. ^r3«. Hf?o5?;j. WormP; majgots, moths, cj'c. — geuer. ^\lf. f^Fljift/, WOR Worms, Ac. conipreh. flJSrHliFTSrm. Worms, or flatulence oconsioiicd by wormR. vi?T cr ^?fF^T?^5r»«. ^Fifg-TK*". ^>nnfiw.n. ?;fqrinni. ^fi^m. ?ifH^;fTW or ff.A^\r\\Un. To have w. at the root,— riclicn, fame, &e. s??^?/. ?r- noT ( ?iss*T-&c. ), srroEJft/. Fimoi (37r??fT«-&c.), fn^? or ^K%m. Briot iH. cOH. WOKU-EATEN, a. fe^Jr, f?:??T5t, ^TTTTK, f%\.TT, PSlfry^r. To be w. fjiS^^Jf, f^5ot, 1':5'jf, WoBM-woor, n. !tc. ^f^, ^'Z^X. 2 «!ore «jc/l-. aTfq-^-&c. ^rfft-Ac WoEsniP, n. religious homage, adoration. 'pir/'.'T^^rt. H^JRn. ^f^^f. 3T^q «. ar^FTT/. 3^^/ 551^1 /. >^^H^i^^ n. \ qHffp/. arrTf^Ffl/. WTT-'TH". S^mFir/. ^?Rn. ;^Rfqr/. HH?'1;r m. ^H^ n. ^sHm "'. ^"t^R^t n. qTT^PC m.— compreh. or gener. 37=^fi'77i?t n. Full, complete w. ^ftTJ^nT/. Mental w. m^?fT3TT/. Object of w. S'qR^. Stated w.— compreh. ?5fRH<^r,/. Vessels and other necessaries of w. \^1'^J f. 7qiOB. air^^ot, 'Tir^T'Jif, ^PT «.-W'fTT^ m-&c. ^^ ff. of 0. WousHIPFUL, a. tvorthy of worship, T. AjjObable. "J^'tT, WoRsiiippEii, ;j. V. V. j^^Rir, T^T^^r, &e. "jf^H, arRT- f^m, g'trrf^ifr, 4f^?f, h^, arfq^f, 3Ti^?r, 5THf<{fi, ^Hftq-?i, WonsHiPPER, n. AVoRSiuTiNO, ^. fl. V. V. 1. J^OTTTT, T^- 2 3Tr^?:tnRr, ?trfriT-:FFTrRT-&e. ^fr^lOTRT-^TTf. Worst, a. most evil or lad. ^^\^<({\-^^^\^ ^'iz^'^-kc. Worst, n. most severe or aggravated state, v. Extremity, Height. 5rT??:qoTmT-5:<3r^-&c. ^^^ m.-^r\w-m^ /-&c. At the w. fiT^Rt. To get the w. of. ^^. To Worst, v. a. v. To Defeat, f^^^, qTTf3T?t-&c. ^T,^. To be worsted. |^ijf, ^R^rroT, aT3t?r ^Wi- Worsted, n. — the yarn. F=r[^rl^-^DT^ 'B^ n. Worsted, a. v. N. ?5l-ufp:qT g?Tr^r, 3^0. Worth, «. value. f^J^HFf/ HT?^ n. ^qar/. 2 excellence, desert, worthiness o/r/'gard \. Goodness, Virtue. sfrnrFTr/. =qt5?!;^mr in. SI'Tq^/. nni »». ht^t n. Worth, a. equal in value or price to. f^JTFft=qr, HTST^r, q?i=qT, ^tTHi 51ft, ^i^^rH- pop ntJi^i=i, nTT^rq^r, ^rrfr^T. 2 deserving. ?TRr, ^YlrfT or ^iriiT ( used in construe - tiou with a verb, as HRI^fr^IHrfr, "T^T^TpfrnfTT, ^]^\' ^FITi^jr^^frir, &e.) FUT-t;, arf in comp. 3f^?r iu comp. Worthy, n. a worthy person. ^wT^ m. niTTT^n. ^'JT'TT^^^f. ITRTT^^ n. "T^rTTTT^ n. JTH<1T=5r «. "TTrTqi^w. SfF^T^ n. SI?.tT ». Wound, p. y. V.A. 1. '^J^r, ^'S^f^T, ni T55^?it, &c.V%t. AVoUND, n. hurt from a weapon, ^'c. ^\^ or ^^;^ in. xs^^m f. W\pop. ^n n. cfT^ m. ^'jzf. qr^^r m. iT'Jr n. St^r^ra m. ^m^m m. — made by a pointed and piercing instru- ment, #=P/. ^\^f. Plaster of aw. ^^Wjf[ f. To throw salt upon a w. v. Sore. qiTT^ ^]^ m. ^\pJ^ To Wound, D. a. V. N. qr^T m.-^^H/.-^TR m.-&c. W^i^-^- To cut at, &c. to w. msf m.-EfR ot. sranf. Wounded,/!, v. V. ^T^ %^c5T, &c. ^^51% «n^n^ or ^\^7,^ Mortally w. fiT^rJTm. [ ^"Jir^F, WouNDER, «. Wounding,/), a. v. V. qi^ ^tR^JTRr, ^^H^- WovEN, p. V. V. fET0Ta?5r, sf^ssr, &c. fcpjfl'^, fi^T-, etStst. Wraith, n. srTrTKnr m. Wrangle, n. Irawl, clamorotis contention, v. Squabble, 3r5:^HqT^?r /. ai^^^ft^R^^fr /. See also the nouna under the verb. To Wrangle, v. n. squabble. f^FJsfJpH^, Tm^T^PM, ^I"^^, ^z^^., Tw^^i^jf, 3-,fH:rT^ ra.-5rr^5 n.-^^^^ /--^^^t- T^ f.-^]'^\'^^^ 'n.-^^\^^ or ^rr w>.- f^f^rSR >«.--\m.-l({Z^.]^V^.\m.-^%-^.]- ^S^t/.-rta^TT^SHpt/. ?3^-5I5^-=^T?5"'JT-^m .9. o/s. recip, (irer^^T^ JJ. 5ot, fTre «• ^l^t, — vehemently, vocifer- ously, :f^=5t m.-fpBf^SR wi.-fq;?5fq?rr^ >«.-q;?5^?rT^ m. -&c. :Fi;>Jt-Hf30T. Wrangler, «. Wrangling,/), a. y. V. q;i5:^?:-^=5}-i;=^-?3^^3' -&c. ^^oTT^r, ^.^'f.z^\^ 7\zr\7^\., ^s;FiF^r. To Wrap, v. a. roll or fold together. jsTa.^, Bqe'n, JST^'I'- ?5q^5 scfDT, qfr/. ^w-^^=T 55m. 2 cover loith something rolled around. ir^Sf, n?T5Euf , 3^1^- ?^, aq^'Jf, ?5M'rrT-&c. ?,;r^,%'g?I n.-&c. ^^ot. 3 around ; wind around or over. ^STo".^, Wl^, ^^ofr, Rqf- To w. around ( the waist ). "k^^ ^^. To w. round closely. y^^^T qt^"'!-^. "WEE 969 VKI Wbapped,/). v. v. 1. gsra^r^r, ?5sss55T, &c. 3 jsr^ssr, ^'S^^sr, ?5^J%?5r, &c. ^f%?T. "Wrapfeu, n. WitArpixo, jj. a. V. 1. 35r5ioTRT,ff4J. ^T^?T n. ^TTH^tsT^ n.-^Tq'S n. That is used as, or is fit for, a w. ^rr^'ft. Wbath, n. V. Anqeb. ^it m. sPR m. i^T'^ ?n. ^IT m. "Wbathfui-. See Anqet. To "Wreak, v. a. (veugeance). ^Tw.-lrr «».-g^m.-&c. 3^^iJr. AVnEATU, n. tJiing curled or twisted. ^Z or^Zm. ^^^]'i\f. 2 (of flowers, &c.) y. Gaeland. ^'[v5\ po^. H]3sf. ^R m. n^jRr m. ?iT »t. ^Tht ?«. To fall in pieces, — a w. ^flt^'ctor. To slip oiF from a w. or string. a^r^550T. To "Wkeath, v. a. convolve, ^-c. ifosot. 2 encircle with agarland. M\^f.-&c. ^\^^-^^Z^-^Z\^^^., 5RT?5Rf5rr-&c. W.l^. "VTeeck, n. ( of a ship ) mufrage. ^\^^zf. rTTC"^/. rtr^r- 2 ^/ij'ny wreched. ^SS3 FTTC n.-rT?^5r?T n.-&c. ^T'S HI^T/. To Wheck, v. a. (a vessel), "prsaj, Hnw.-^rr^T »!.-&c. ^?:cfr. Wkecked,;?. t. V. — a vessel. <#r5?5?5r, f^T^P^, — a person, 2'o Weench, ti. a. vrest., twist violently, ^qsjof or JT^rstnt, fcr^qstrr or fr^Traot, fqsiiT?:^, fTa^fSnt, fq^T^in, ft'oSOT, ^- =€rJf 1 fTTI^SCTft or '^nwMX f. ^^• 2 V. To Speais. ?5^^5rJr, ^''^f'T^of . To w. and tear violently. 3^^5T3"'5pFS'y. ^^ y. o/o. "Wkench, n. violent twist or pull. J^IToST »». f^^'ir55T m. m- Tu Weest, v. a. twist or pull from hj force. H'^nial^-'Pra^^- 2 twist from the natural meaning. 3?[S'0T, 31Tf=T rTPiT^ Weest. See Twist. ■Weested, p. V. V. 1. KTWH qn^HT, f^5rr?r ^?t^?5T, &c. 2 arr^^rsr, 3Trf5 ^?f^^ &<^- Wbester, n. Weestiko, ^. a. v. Y. 1. ^T^T^ ^iTRT, &c. 2 ^T^oiRF, &c. To Weestle, v. n. ^wt f.-^^^^ "--^f 55 "•-'5;c. sp^ur, 5fM/.-f mgrsfr/ ^^-^n^. " 2 See To Contend. Wbesilee, n. Weestlino, ;9. a. v. V. 1. ^^ ^RWTTr, Si^ft, Turnings and windings of a w. Tricks and feints of a w. 5m=5f m. ;5?. ti^^ m.^il. ■Weestling, «. V. V. ^7^]f. 5f,5ft/. ^5f[^/ ^ffiliTft/. jt- Wbetcii, n. miserable perton. In tbo bodbo of A pennileti', friendless, and miserable, or a liicMess, and lurk-blattiiij /tHow,and with tho power of the sport of forlune,for. tune's foot -ball, ill starred wight, forlorn creature, .jc there arc tho following tiinis and pl.niHc-B. "551^ HRo!;r m. Hi^r^r h>I'Zt m. fn^R ^\^^i ,„. grmri^r sTT^s n. 5^^€rr"S5r^T, f ?^qT ^moii^r, jfVra f.m, ^rz- f^^ n. ^i^qr, Sf^vf^r o;- HJ-qr, ^^H-f^, r^i'T, s-^j';it, ^- s^'^rs-qr, q^^Fire^r, ^lo'.H-jzqr, qi'siRfH^f^r, TT^n^r, g^THTT^r, ^T^T^ifr, , fJcnvii, "WicEEn. ;f ^Hif, f ^^rmr, Ih^s;, qr^, ;^r^ pi^fT,' ( from 1^ ), H^rtTJT. "Weetched, «. miserable.^ unhappy. 3:^t, ^"Y, *7ft, ^.~\\^ 555fiN^, 3TTq3:?Tw,f5rq^cRfr, 3TrqfRm,fqq?!nH,3TrqfTTiTT^, |T^?iT, i-.^f^, |:?^rf'-T?T, |:^miT, ^^.w^m, ^.w■^w, A w. creature or being. J:^i-c)| ^TP'ft »». 2 pitiable, pitiful, paltry, — of persons, v. roon. jffat, sTTq^r, sfTji^rmr, f5i=5?Rr, f^rft,"^, ;^^, qrat, a^tm, ^iqw. 3 «orry, ;)Oor, paltry.^— of thing.i, v. 'WoBTnLESS, Bad. ^fr^, "fT^ra-, fT^rr, qrr^q^T, j^^r, ?ifr, ht^rt, ^q;^!^ o»- 5^^;!^, jrqr^ or 5^7?:, qR^, qR^. 4 V. Calahiitous, Afflictive. |:^Rr, RjqTfl-m ^ arq:- "WEETcnEDNEss, w. V. A. 1. 1:^ n. |:?Z. ssriT m. arqJrqrJl «. 3r§?q «. fsurq^ft or ^t/. ^f5 or |[?5 J«. ;J?. f IH^^TTFy w. pi. 5>f r?5 «i. J?/. |r?73i[q^r. s/. q;qr?ft/. "^^ «. "^^^.f. airqf^/ f^qftr/. 3tr^/. To be in utter w. i]i q^^T ^^\ n. ^lof -7. of a. ^qf- ^f afl'w.-TJriHTf fli/y. Ci^. To lie in utter w. fT5Hcr?: qH"?! or TT^, ^PFT/. /)/. itt- T^, T?=r?:?7 interj. fm, THTdTF Jrrm.&c. 2b Wkig(![,e, r. ?j. wioce /Ap to,^/ /o and fro with short mo- tions. 5f^jr5Eijf, qoTSToj/. qjfOT, fsT^-f^r^ir, arcirfqsir or ^■ 3rfqsrnj.-3i3fqc5 w.j;i.-3T3^rfTf jT^'^RT. 3 M^Hq3%3T, ^t- ?T, ^Jfr, »?Kq^, ^:rtffig?p, ^myir, stht'-tr'. To bo w. giT OT.-gtl?!/. TsSr-friJi i«. co». ^^"Jf, ^cf[_ 4 — of things, works, &c. erroneous, incorrect, inaccurate. ^^3=5r, f^^r, ^:Tt?ft^, '-:iHrErr, &c. arg^, q^TO^ft^, »f , aTTTJTriTT?JT^, #^. 5 no< physicnlly right, v. Eeveese, Inteese. g'JSST, 3'1!- KRr, 3^?rn5T, 3-^'PRr, fHTTrtrr. To Weono, p. a. rf m. n. ^zr^m. n. ^nn^t/.— the root, ^^np^n. ^\^n. 'i-^^m. n. \%}rli.i. nW^m. n. qKTffq^^?«. qsrf r». n. flt^nt. Elephants foot y. ^i:rj\m. ^Ha^PTPoln. TaED, n COM?-?, enclosure round a house, ^'c. ai'iur or ariT". JTTSTot. (fim. qrinrt. 5ir5J|Sn. a?q7T«. a^^TTln. RT^ or m^ or ^^:^n. ^in. fjf^cTprn. ^5! or '±n. 2 — the measure. ^Km. qr^m. from tho Euglibh i8 get- ting into use. 3 ( of a ship ). TTqr'T or qr^n^n. !PT^/. Tabn, n. woollen thread. ?5f+^^ ^n. g^oif^^n. 2 single string of a cord. qjOT. Long y. a long-ioinded story. ^=^f?:«. ^rTq=r^\f. or ^ivq-T/;'J.-'3?t- T^ft/.-^fH^.qr/. p?. ^OT-^OT or, xcith in.con. ijOT, ^HOT, T^/. ^rfHoft/. ^TT/. Yawner, n. Yawning, p. a. v. V. 1. ^iH^ "^"TTTT-f^r^fti, &c. ^TTS qi««IK|-qTB?E3T, &C. Ye, proii. ^^^. Yea, «rf«. V. Yes. ^. Y. and nay (procedure or speech). artT^TT^ftq, Y. and nay ( sort of person or thing ). ?l'nm<'ITqi. To Yean, v. n. bring forth young, f^^. Yeanling. See Lamb. Yeab, n. — the period of time. 5R n. ^ra ». t^r^l m. r^mx m. ?t«r5 or ^nq^ m. Advanced in years. SPT^^, T^T^^, tiqrKt^, q^FTB. Beginning of the y. 3^«r?5flr3 n. By years — reckoning, r w. oJ s. 3i^4€ft3r 4X5: wi. s5ai-5Ri^ g. oj s. qisffT ^s^poidr, qTSfff tft5!:?H. q^DJ /«. con. ii-ith g.ofs. -g, n. T. V. JpSSfoS/. ^FotqToET w. ^^fSl »«. ^^Jps/. aii^/. arrsr »«. q^oi ?n. qjf a^rt/. Maternal y. q^^^rr^c^:»^.q^5:Tn/. 3trt5-€Tl^TFI5iTI^ HT'?!/. T. of affection. sfirqT^r ni. Teast, Test, «. the froth of leer or other liquor in fermen- tation. ^J}-e{% m. ^^^■s m. JpRra^ m. ^PKra?; m. qcfjij in. r\\f[f. ( Toddy, or the fermented juice from the tjul tree ) is commonly used in this country. To Tell, v. n. moTce a sharp and hideous cry or scream. %- :F^3^^^i '^^T^X ^^^l°^^i f^Toff or f^p^Tsff/. ^of- Tell, Tflling, n. y. V. =F#T w. &c. f%U5ff or f^Ffral/. Tellow, o. fqcTclT ( remiss. fq^ToJ^ryeZZoJcM, and foryellow- ishncss. fq^T^?;/. fq^I^.I^t/. ) l^qr, ^5lf55T or ^3|Err ( like turmeric ) ^^^.^ q^rT, fft^rT, %?Tfi a«c? q^^lfTt- i]r^T (like saflron ). — intens. bright, glaring, &-C.\. fq=r3T qji^, fq^T^sr =q?:^, fq^r^i T^T*t?T, tjH^-T^'^n or qsr- q5ft?r fq^r^r. Deep or dark y. fq^ioir ^^. Tellowness, w. T. A. fq5ts;quTT m. &,c.T^^7.^f. ^^tnm. qtfTsroT »». f ft^Rof m. To Yelp. See To Baek, To Tell. Teoman, n. farmer, respectable common man. Vr[^f[ ^f^'^T, WflTfq^fT fiT5ft--n^5Lf-*c. To Teek, v. «.— of horses, &c. \. To Lash on. 5?ir^qr/. 2);.-&c. frrswf. Tes, adc. ^tT, fr, ^f, 3TT, i, fr^^R, ^^FR. Tesser, 0)i(S tcho aJicays assents. ^iqqT, ^I?f^T '^'^lOTRT, |f^ ^PTOTRT or J:|aTiiiRT. Tes Sir! Tes your Worship, st^t. To say yes yes to every thing. |re^T '^^'JI'^. Testee, a, last, last past. >IF5T or q^^F, J^mST, ^rR;=5rr, ^^- Testeedat, n. w.J^ n. WA^^J f^^^T m. Ji?rT-'lS?ir-Tfr-&c. Day before y. q^qfRl fs^f^. On the day before y. q^sff. Man of y. ar^-joijHi, Testeedat, cA'. ^t?5, ^1^5^^, n^^lf^m, nFTl^^'T-fssr^ff, Testeenight, »j. =fT3Tot, f^^T -sfm ^^-qT^-q^T=qai-:3H^ ^m-q^fr or q^^^.^mr or ^mf^ ?5T^oT all j>i. con. iviih qr^^i o/ s. [^^. 3 (j//oj<7, concede, \. To Admit. HRot, m^-q;^-Ar. 4 cede, surrender, resign, S/'cx. To Gite ijp. sot, ^TS^, Yield, n. Soe Pboduce. 2b Yield, v. n. knock nnder, give in, Sfc. v. To Submit. z^^., z^^^a^., ^rrf»j. pl.-Kin. pi. sqjwr, ^n. ipiof. 2 See To Give. [o/«. 5ri?Ir5T. Yielded, ;). v. V. A. 1. ■^?|?5r, ^^q^T %?5?5T or icifh qTH5 2 1^?^^T, fH?sr%?5T-!rr5T 5fr^?!;r->i,c. «;7/j qr^n o/ s. 4 ^-1^, ^rs^?rT, Ac. Yielding, a. inclined to give way, soft, complying, x. Weak. ^jpT^stlfq', ^^ qnsr f5i"iq;?5r5r ^rfr, srsifqstTr. YoiCE, n. — for the necks of oseii. ^ ?;. 3t^5 or ^iq;3 or ^r^f or ^I n. ^nn n. ^q m. A double y. ^rjt /. Peg or piu of a y. ^"'r^oft f. gJTTt/. Portion of the j. which sits upon the neck. ^SH. To bring under the y..fig. ^'^\'H^ CHrs^_ To keep under the j.fg. ^.m'^J^^fA tT^of. To shrink from the y. — bullock, ^f^"!. ^^fr^f. 2 (of oion) couple yoked.,x.Co\:vLZ,VAUi. ^'rt«. ^Fs't/". Trent y. CHTT^ft/. — driver of it. STFTrJir. 5 bond, link, T. Connection, lis/, ^f'tim. To Yoke, v. a. put a yoke on. v^qiir, ^r5iy one. ^Fint or ^]^, YOLNO, a. Icing in the first })art if life, not old. ^SKF-Ac.^- 5155 jH^^T, qf^^qrr^^r, mv\], ?it.ot, ^qrn, ^tfi, siri=;^- Spt^alT. Y. and vigorous. ^sTHqcjT, vi;n'iq5T, ST^TRJl?, ^T- ^^^IPT, ?TK'Tmi5T, rTTinNtl, H'TT'T^'nT, 5T^m^>HI"#rT, ofrHSTT. Y. and ardent. H^ ^H^^r. Younger. vfvv.T.} or J^T,Tf^^, 3T5^,^?^:^^r,'JT^:^R. YotNG , n. young one ( of an animal, gcnc-r). fqrT n. fqsjT wi. , fq^iTT m. • ^R'T or ^frq «. q^ m. q^^r ,;,. ( jr^ ' ^, 5 m.f. n. ) q^ m. ^.m m. ^ujj. m. v]rj^ m. f^iy m. j ^(^m. l^ , 2 yottn^' ojfspi-ing of. 4^ /. ^fT «. fqr?i cr fq?5 n. 2>l. ^r- ! To be with y. See Piizgi»a>-t. Younoling. Sco Youko. YOUNOSTEE, YOUNKEE, YouNOLlNG, «. T. STEirLI.VO. SflT- ^"=ff , flta^TT. Id this sense and with contemptuouB im- plication, corresponding with beardless hat, thing jvst fledged, one just unpinned from his mother's apron. &r. 'T^'^^T, ^51 ^^T, «lWr3fr, 5]^[M»T. And some phrase^ used in repressing the forwardness and pcrfncss ol youngsters arc, o-prr firS^T ^ITTT 3Tg,5T «n5C^r s^tft, ^m\ ??5t^r "^ i^q-TT ^R?^ 3tiVh, Hfqr qir^Tra ^\ '^^^a 3?r|, H^r 3fr5 U^.^\ fR ^ fn^ or .-^r^r^ 3t^ f-j fT^ff or qiois ^r^f, 2?^r ?inT=qt ^m q^'T ^i^r, ?^ qr- Youngsters ; little ones., v. CniLDEEN. qrJiqr^ YouE, YouE'3,p-on. ?TK=^r. YOUESELF, /)rO«. HJ^^, 3TTqof Youth, n. early part of life. ^K^^t!\]m. '^^.^^^] m. ^^\^^''. qff?ftqrrr/. ^^^^^^ n. ^n^^Ts^r/. rjp^.xnfj^-4:(j f ^^rf\f_ «. ST'?rf5?Ti^ n. ZooiouT, 11. dissection of beasts. qsqif^^T^-q^gJ^ wt University of CalHornia SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hllgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which It was borrowed. D 000 027 881 K\^^ ^U'i ^^i%< W

l. fq^^'Jf-^FT^-^R^qrnf or f^^=J-H- /. pi. ^\^ ^FTJni-^m^iot, %?T^tw ^qr. Gein, Geisiv-ino, 11. V. Y.—act. ^trf f^T^^.^t n. &c. ^frf f^- To Geind, v. a. ^2^, fn^ot, TOOT or q'^ot, ^OT M.-^T «.- ZF,^ 7i.-^qai 71. ^^ g. of 0. 2 — coarsely. ir:5^, mt^\ or q^S"^, =e?T5^, tj^l^ui. Grain, &c. taken to be coarsely ground. *R3'T n. 3 57^6 upon a stone, iliafji. 4 sharpen vpon a stone. ^^?r=IT qraofr-fJT«r3T-S:e. qr^ot. 7 (the teetli ) qj^-^nf^^. GEiursTONE, n. ^^FT/. ^TTOT m. Grinder, n. y. V. 1. ^^JiiTRT, &c. icAui+O, ^3;^, ^^TT, ^- I. lach-tooth. ^/. [^Tir w. Geindino, «. v. V. 1. ^35^ n- &c. ^oJut «. 55;? ». ^^ n. G. and pouuding, — comjjrch. ^5ET^f?T o'' ^fjT^^lT n. Mill for g. ^t?r n. Price or cost of g. ^aorr^sr/. q^lf /. ^^"T ?J. f^^'Jriq- 2 JTT^ «. &c. TTIOT «• =5fT5H^/. Noise of rough g. 5TT3T »»■ mn] m. 3 STTTW M. ^TROT «. »Tc5?T ». I^H^^T n. Geinnee, n. Geinking, ;). a. v. V. ^f?T ^TO'^i^ ^f^mRT, ^m f^'l+uiKI, &c. ^frd^^^^T, ?t?iqn^qT. GrinNISOLT, (7(7y. 5f?T 1^=^^, ^PT^TT^, f%^?ft?r. To Geipe, v. a. grafsp, ij'f. v. To Seize. H^lfT- +^j-Mm-f^- ^T€fcf-&e. KiTijf, ^m^ q'^Pi'Jf, gr^i'?, ^frqrs'Jt. 2 holdfast. q^-q2;q^-&c. qriif. 3 ( the bowels ). 'TRfn JTIT m.-f^W' f--\JfM.-&c..W^. Geipe, Geipikq, t. V. 1. — act. v^iir ?j. &c. ^frsnTT »M'.qT?5, JTR, ^^T^T n. CRTS/, f^^ or ^mpftfiT^'^/ f^^Rt/. I. ( of an opponent in argument ). f^^:\t[ or f^spRt/. II. grasp, power, v. Clutches. 5T^ «». 3TT^TR m. arqt- III. gripes; coZiV. ^TfT M.^rfrST m. "TR pT>jf w. qR|^/ To have the gripes. TPrf^ HT5^-HT?^ qof jj. imper. ^K m. pi. f^^ iM. con. [^'^^4 n. Geisliness, n. t. A. aH+iiotMuil m. f^+<|o!,quir ??j. 3'?7?rT/. Geislt, a. hideous, frightful, v. Feaeful. 3T+XI'5'', f^'Ti^Ta;, Geist, n. corn to he ground. ^tJr n. ^^n. HT5'^ w.^^TT »». qTWt/.^^T^ n. STRTOT. To pour in g. f^. [n. ^Pi^ n. Geistle, n. cartilage. ^5?/. mnrrrfFtT n. M^^ «.#T^rft4T GeISTLT, a. V. N. rT^orrf^'iPT^, r1.>-.0T|iT'tf?^q-. Geit, n. ( of meal ). -HXl m. iTTfT m. ^^r ?». W'^^^ A g. ^^ m. rTff «. Hui?ks and grits iu meal. =qi;5 «. ^t'ST »«• 2 sand, rough particles. T^f. ^^TS «. XW[ m. A g. ?r%n or ?r1%TT ««. Geittiness, «. V. A. "^^q^iIT »». iJ^ToE m. &c. (+.^r+-=JldT- OTT w. &c. :p^ /. Gbittt, a. having grit. ^?:, rJ^ToJ, '^q^, ^^qj^?f^ ^=^%- Geizzle, n. mixture of white and llacTc. ^*A\i*\m. +,^-ing, 11. T. V. jp?^ n. sp'trot «. fiioSSTof w. &c. :p?|rt. f5=^/. fir?5?oft/. f^?^OT. ^T^/. \\M\^\m. GHO Gboaner, ?J. Geoanino,^. a. v. V. ^^^gfRT, «fcc. Rag<< r, Geoat, 7j.yo«r^e;ice. >T5r ?/s. Geocee, «. «eZ/fr of grocery. Thrift, f^,M"J^I, 'TT'Jft. Green g. iTT^SJr r=(^Ml, «IFT^Fr, +■-^^1 or j^^ITT. Geoceet, Geocre's ware, n. sugars, spices, tj-c. I^TT'TT m. Geoin, n. Kist^r flt'^r m. ^IJ^^fq- »i. gr^tFFS M. ni^ 3TfT «. sn^ftT »)./. -jm^rt'^r m. ^■■^^ m. ^FMftr ?«. ^^^ «. U- Geoom, m. attendant on a horse. q'ra^TT, HT^R or jfn=rT- ^rr, H'^ m. ^RT^, qit^ri^r fs/J. of Europeans. Business of a g. '^'\'\f. HM^iO/. ^r^T^/. 2 See Seevant. 3 See Beidegeooh. To Groom, v. a. y. N. 1. -^ I +;<1 /.-KT^ ?T/ -?JRRr w. ^T^ y. 0/0. Tre/. 5^-=^T^y. of 0. [ HR!: w. Lip-rope used iu grooming. ^l^loTl or 3K11|oft/. "pT- Geoove, w. channel or hollow cut ly a tool. ^Mufl f. ^^- oft/. q^R^t/. yN"! or tjft/. ^^qrr M. A sliding or running g. 3T^RT «. f^KuR /. To Geoove, v. a. t. N. ^jf, ^fTOT, =5TfTrT-^Nq5!^-=qf=q^T^-^tc. ^ITT-TT^'H- &c. XV^^. Geopdjglt, ado. =5ft"Trf, =srHH^^^\\^^\\ m. Ui^woTT ?«. ?%j?I?^ n. ?'4T?'T «. 3 JTTfrqTiTT m. JTr^qTJTT «;. &c. 4 ?'f?^T/. ^'t^^^Tjf^/- rT/. qinT?^=5r ;i. Level g. W\VC[J. ^H'tT^'i. Ff^TT"!. ^mnffT/. Low g. ^«rFT«i. Eisiug g. T^-rT. 2— a report, &c. fiFPT'7TT=n=pT=^T, f^i^^, f^fCf^, f^TTTyrTT, Geoundlessly, adu. V. A. 1. ^FnTTT^lf^, &c. fH'.^RW, f^T- fJffHrT, HTqmt or ?fr, g-lT (/ccL Geol'Ndlessness, m. t. a. 1. 3T«FR0TFtTn. fH'.^fvTnilrcr/!. 2 fH^rjFfT/. f^nqTTrTT/- &c. RHT^IPTRw. aTT'^nTHN"). 3Tiq-RTrf^?T». &c. G IIOUP, n.cluster^ assemllage. ^'^m.^^1n.^^^^\^m.'Z^f. ' To Gnour, v. a. i^^fepToff ^TfETOT, ^^\^m.-&,Q. W'\^ g.ofo. I Gbouse, n. T^-qT=^ ^q; ^rT 3Tr\. i| Eock g. "mut/. Geoct, n. coarse meal. ^\^m. 2 grouts. See Lees. \ GnovE, n. Kood. T\if. 'T^n.^^ n. OT^^ n. |?^rft^/. spT- ; 2b Geovel, «. «. 5^/.-^?p#=f/.-&c. (:T7at-w5:Hr 3t^-'=i57t i ^Irfui, TROT. Geotelling, 0. witfaw, wni^iynj/je^/, T. Low. ^^, ;ft^, ar- 'TT, f^?5^, TRft, ^^^. To Geow, v. n. oe produced hy vegetation, ^^r^^ or ^^f^ g-q-- 2 advance to maturity. «JT^, •TT^'jft'F- ^TT^^T rSFfit, ^^ot, 3— rapidly, vigorously; slioot up. 3'4)|i'Ji, d't'l'i-^M-WT- =^ ^TTS'^, TT^ nf?f . ^sof, 'K'Hui, ^JTTOTiJi or 3''PTUT''f, 5ff5f;5of,^^yir5raf, ^t^of, 3-^?;uf, ^H^iit. That grows or has grown rapidly — animal Or plant. 4 increase, enlarge, t. To Inceease. qrsof, cTTSFT vTT'Jt- 5 V. To Become, ^m^ fm^M. 6 together. f^■^-■F.Vl^ ^T"??. 7 up; nrritc a;! manhood. ^^\^ q^, R;|T^=5rr HreT ftoT. To Geow, v. a. raise hy cultivation, fr^^ijf, frq^fsf^, Jfqvl Geowee, n. Gkowing.^j. a. v. ¥.^".2. q-[?aTRT, ?rT5^, sTT^t'rT c^TTOTTTT, 5n^?r ?n^%^, &c. 4 sTT^in^, ^iscT =Err^c5T, &c. ;rK?rT, ^flHr^, fi'^'FT, ^n'-i^soy. Geowino, Geowth, w. v. V. N. 1. ^^ijf n. &c. 2 HTTS-Jr «. &c. ^Kf ^fRXjft/. ^f5/. 3ir»Tfff /. IMade to allow for g. — a garment. ^J^^\ 'flfir^TT. 4 cfi^ »i. &c. ETT^/. en^off/ =ftJ?T «. |f^/. I. V. Peodiice. g^T^ »«. f=TT3T m. To Growl, v. n.— as a dog, &e. nrwM, JT^FltTof, nTTTof, y^'jii^Sfr ( or ^5^, ^f ^"^1^ ), ynT/.-&c. ^Rot, 2 murmur, \. To Geumble. ^'^^j 5<^JiKI, &c. f ^-TT, f^^^- GUA Geown./j. v. V. N. 1. ■b^?it?l, 3^T^%?5r, &c. Gr.owTH. See Growing. Geub. Sec "WoRii. To Grub, v.a.root out hij diggiirg. 'JTT'Jf, ^^T^ SFF'^-^T^^, ^cqK ^i^'ff, ^n;H^5 ^Fr^oT, ^vz^ w.\^. Guub-axe, Gbvi3-uoe. 11. ^^ dim. ^m^^h «. ^TT m. v^- Grub-gkass, n. slwrt grass. ^=R^ ?«. To Grudge, v. a. Sec To Envt. 2 yree nnioniingly. 3?T^-qT Grudge, r<. s!(?fc)s malice, v. Mahce. 3T^H wi./. ^^TO »>. 3T?R?f /. fW/ f^ m. V. ITT, ^T »>. 37T5 ^Sff «. 3T^ «!. I^- m. w^Srar m.'^f. i^f[f.^\rs^in.v. T?f, ^-n:, ^rT po/A ^Tr5 «. 'T^KT or 'TTRT »». nts/. 'fr^^t- To gratify a g. ^p{] m. vi'^WUl ,1'Vt^ wi.^'T'Jt. To maintain a g. iT^f?r ^15 /. gefJT. Grudge-bearing, a. spiteful. st^Rf^^R, 3T^^, ^-l^r^, ^- qf^, ^%-7r^, <(l'4^"^\, AuqitiiT, arrsiTts-srr, ^'-^tir. Grudgisgly, adv. \. V. 3T?ic?t^H, »TT^-m ?f^JCT#,5:^T#, -1i- ^, ^TI^, &c. Geuel, n. ( esp. of rice ). ^^f. — ( of parclied rice ).ftsm. — ( of bits of rice ). ^fT/. Sour g. ^V^f- This word is improperly used by Ladies and Ayas for gruel. Gruff, a. rough, surhj. h:^, '^^ ^^OTTTT, ?T?:-5no5, ^^, Geufflt, ado. V. A. ?;?T5rMt^, ^SR^iTT^, "T^SfV'Jfl'^, &c. Gbuffness, n. v. A. ^■yrorr m. crr^+dKdi/. ctt^]'^"^ «. jt- To Grumble, v. n. murmur, ^^^''f, ^4*5"!, =F^'jJ. a.— the pig. f^of, |T|T/. ^iif, ^T^por. 2— the bufi'aloe. ^aj, f^^, gcn5Eot or ^TTiJiJr. Grunt, Geunting, n. v. V. 1. ST^T^ «. STfnjfr/. frj^/ Guarantee, Guaranxt, «.— the person. ^IMldK , ^ift?, )9 GUE 2— the warranty. ^RTT/. ^ifMY/. f^FRr/. m. To Guarantee, To Guaranty, v. a. uarrnnl, he security for. fiPTTr/ OT.-^TTft/.-ctc. q"Tf, fST'^R-^im^-ctc. ^Yoi. To Guard, v.a. difend, kcep.lj^ii.^ ^^oj, Tr?^TCTr/.-T^«.— the fruit. ^ m. ^f^f Gudgeon, n. ^j^ ^\^^\ 3T1^. 2 See Gull. Gueedon. See Eewaed. To Guess, v. a. conjecture, rf^c^, ar^qfjo!;^, ?r% ot.-3T?:^^ /.-3HHHH n. sfRor, ^FrT^T/. irtq^-^ot. 2 out, hit upon, discover, fir^of, fsT^^r^ ?rT5^, ai' l ot^iju)" . 3 /o)'w an estimate or judgment of, v. To Estimate. 3T- qftroT, ^T^^a;/ ^T>Jly. o/o. Guess, Guessing, w. v. Y. 1. ST^^fJ^satn. &c. 3TH^po5/. cT- 2 RT^q" «. &c. ^Wrsfr/. 3 3TH:^^of ?J. &c. 3TH;-T3/ 3T3TITTH m. 3T5F1T ?«. Eough g. Sis^ps q^f^^ /. ar^Rrq^Tspr m. 3T?fTT or 31!^^ ?«. GuEssER, n. V. V. 1. 3T^5;oTRr, ^Z^l^-^.-&.Q. JpmRT. That is a good guesser, shrewd at guessing. dl^ilM, Guest, ?z. a person dropping in for hospitality. qr^iIT ("Trw. nft/. ^ ?i.): ^rrcrfir, 3T«TRr?r, arrrjr ^I'^^r m. or -^^ h^ n. Attcutiou to a g. ( as at a fca.'st ). "RTq-^f m, v. %, Jp?. G. — compreh. or loosely. it^YtT^otT. Honors, &c. paid to a g. 3TT^3''^^qR m. pi. ^fHT^^TT/. ^;jJT m. ^^^k m. Proper for a g. 3TTf7t^q-, 3Tr^^. GUL 370 GUN '2 a person inrileil to an entertainment. «Jlrflf«l<^i^ H'J- G.-summouer or caller. ^rlHiJiij;^, ^J^m^'Tr, 3ir- G VEST-KITES, H.V. ITosl'ITALITY. HI^UHK ;h. 3Tf?TfT?T%T«. Guilty^, t. Chimlval. ^, ^^rq, qy^f^, JfTTN, ?J?rqTT, Gui>-ea, n. ^V'iii-Jj (T^ ;nTjf 3Tf|, GciJfEA-woiiM.^w. ffT^ M.—in covert or cant phraseol. ;=fT- ^Fm »J. STRNrf OT. Guise. See Mannib, Deess. r ^^ ,„ GuiiAJi, «. Z«fe EfttJlT /)q/;. fiTDTT ?«. ^'^f^^ m. ^\XV^ m. ^x- Bowl of a g. iftqotT m. G. with three strings. ?f?rR/, m. G. with six strings. ^r^T. m. Turkish g. with four strings rf^n «i. dim. ^^f[ f. GriF, n. hay. 3TT??rm w. HTTt ?^'^/. " 2 ». Gum-stand, Gum-bottle, n. iff^TTWf/. ft^HJft /. Gummy, a. consisting of gum. f%^r^, ni^^JIT, f^+NI. 2 producing gum. ft^PT^fT, fl^r, ft%CT, f^-q^I^ or f%fq;r3t or r-\'^,WA\. 3 s;«e%, (f-c. with gum. f%pfR or ^ppuT, f^^f^^. 4 — the eyes. i^TTST, ^T'^u^ Gun, n. t. Cannon. ^n> /• ^'^fR^^ ?i. G. carried on a camel. ^d'EBT, n. jM^rsft/ ^P^WM^\Aii\ f. To GuRQLE, v. n. run or flow with a purl in j noise. ^OT^iif, GUEQLEE,?!. GUEGUNG,/). (I. V. V. ^STO tj M Ul K I , ^3?^ ??r2;^T5ot«. &c. ^v^m. ^^^m. 3"- JTTITOT. 'Tl^wJ. TSFFTot. .jt||oi|«t. GusHEK, »». Gushing, p. a. v. V. HT>T5>iTRT, 9)5ET>olunTr, 3T5H5-&C. gTfWTTT-&c. Gushingly, adv. TlTl or it, "PSSRioi or ost, TSt^oS or stt, H5SHo5 or ost, ^ToE^'oS or st. — intens. qr^TOoE, 4)ot|oit. Gusset^ n. -^ft /• sTTSi; /. [^\w^m. Gust, jj. Uast.pvf. ^r^ot. i;(d+KlOT. 51ft/. f i^/. ^mrm. In gusts. ^OT^r. That comes in sudden gusts— wind. ?fr^. 2 (of flame, hot wind, &c). 'H^^or H«I+K1»«. «'"». T^T^/. 3 T. Taste. ^^^TT^ot. ?rf%r/ Gusty, «. llowing in gvsts. #?[tT, ^TC^TT^ or ^ft^n^-^fT^. Gut, n. v. Bowels. 3Tt?tl?». To Gut, j;. a. take out the entrails of. STtrffrn. pi- f^'T^r'jf- +l??^/. ^KuQ /. H'lit/. :TTT^»»- ijuilfo+l/. sfiTI^/. Tr?;«. from the English word is becoming common. 2— esp. as through a wall. KT^ or jfrfl"/. ^^ft/. To Guttle, v. n. eat greedily, t. To Stuff. ^Z^^'J^^., iT?:^PR- "f , K^TT^-M'l*H<'-.. ^jTnJT, T^MT »». ^C^TT ^Fpoj y. of 0. [?^St^. GuTTUEAL, a. pronounced in the throat. ^Z■^., ^5?». »JJT m. Gytes. See Fettee. H. Jtx , This letter is represented by ^. j Ha, inter] . ^, ^T^. I Ha, ha, ha. ^ or fTf ffT. I HABEEDAsnEn,7!.--qrW »>. qft^TS ''».4J. ^, -'ill«K'4lr^r-^"m?rmT, 3T«lT?ft, W(i rTT- Habitude. See Habit. To Hack, v. a. cut irrcyularh/ and haJli/, notcli, v. ToMan- To li. and hew. «J^+I<:)ui, ST^tT^ adv. fTTSor, ^fPTlf^, To h. to pieces. ^^ or gr^/. /i. qrsof, ^tftoft/^- ^tlTofi «. J)l. ^FT^ y. 0/ 0. 2 See To Hesitate. Hack, Hack>t:t, n. 7ii>«? 7/ors«. HIS-Ml-^l ^T^T ««• 2 7iwse — in contempt. uf|/. To Hackney, v. a. practice, accustom, Jiarden. -ET-C0ACn, n. ■HTSirrsft TTft/. nACK>-ETED, 7?. T. V. 1. »• i^^- Against the h. ( or grain ). fe^TT, JT^nTTiT. Circlet of h. preserved around the shendi. HttRT «». ^im or ^ m. Clotted h. cR m. Combings of h. ^^if, ^^FTTdt, ^rTS^Tot or ^RT^^T, ^^m m.-aTRtoft /.-^T^/.-&c. JTTT'if, ?TT^ ?». Halloo, — esclamation calling attention.afj", ar^t,^ fST,&c. Halloo-eellow, n. general sJiouiing. ^T^^ m. EP{7HT m.. Hallooing, n.wY.—act. ^jF^^FRijfw. &c. ^B^PTft/ riri'tiK ' ^f t To Hallow, v. a. make holi/, reverence as hohj. ^^^ jp^- HAN- JTROT, trfsr^ft^K^ 11. ^x^ g- of 0. 2 Sec To COXSECEATE. Hallucination, n. error, mislaJce. ^/. '^ /. ^:m m. Halo, n. circle round the sun or moon. ^^ n. ^^<*^'^ m. Tft- pT '»■ ar^HTHT /. — large h. rfS ». Lunar h. TR^RST m. mu|+?fift «. [ 50T. 2b Halt, «j. n. v. To Limi'. f^TS^, ^jipt, fJT^, 'TFI ?». ^- 2 «/oj9. 3-Hr TT^, STOT, '4rtfaT, '4f^at. 3 — iu a march ; encatnp. H^PT in. W'l^., rTSE »». ffot. 4 See To Hesitate. lb Halt, v. a. ^^T ^t?^, '4nTf%'iif. Halt, a. v. Lame. HTTT. [«. "T?. Halt, Halting place, n. ^-^liT m. "T3T^ >«. ^S"! «• ?T5; wi. Halteb, n. rope, or cord, for a horse, ^'c. ^pTStrft/- S(FRR?». 2 hanging rope. Wil'ffl^"<m ««. mni^I' ^^'^^ f- 2 ^TTRf^FTt ^r 5rT3;T3?=ft s^Trsft ^fit/. Hame, n. collar. f^Tcfa; /. Hamlet, n. cfrft/. %3 «. TTST «• T^ n. H. as spread abroad or opened out. ^^ m. H. contracted and hollowed. TOT m. J3==IT or rTT ?«. HA^ 11. curved as to duU-h. 3iqif^ m. Hands hollowed and joined. atsTfe m. jpoj). sfMSm. /. 3t3T^5? n. tY- "»■ f^f^'^ "• ^P^ "• II. in, jwt in. arfl «• ^ »"• II. inverted and fingers pointing down. ^^ /. ^- 'ETTsJt /. 3^^ o;- sf^ /. —Quantity brought up by the li. so held. ^ j^/. S^PP or flhF /. H. over h. ^TfTTfTrT, ^Idl^MF. Of whom the hands reach to the knees; hngimanus. On one h. in one view, ^'c. ^Wl^j. Ecady to h. ready-made, (jc. 3TFTrfr. Slip of the h. ^W'Cl') m. Taking the h. — in marriage. Tlf^^ ni. qifuiM^"! n. That has a h. in (some evil work, &c.). feff, fefTTotT. That holds or bears in the h. HTfoT ( iu conip. as ^- STTf&T, ^^TTf^, EJ'^TTf'Jr). That is iu h.— a work, Ac. |r?fmT?^ or |17ff 3T^in- That is oft" one's hands, finished, done. ^crrf^RTofT, ^MW'iar, ??r'rT?ft. Under the h. of. in suljection unto. ^■|dl<--)Trft. "Whether with one's own h. or through the h. of another.— giving, doing, &c. ^ ^^^. ^ "V\Tiilst the h. is in. ^TrTTOWT, S'T^, %TOT?rT or m- "With a. high h. with a strong h. &c. TTT^HT^. [f^. AVith empty h. R^PT"^ ^mit o?- ^, R^h^W, R^^- "With one's own h. arrrfs^, 3TPTf ^#. To be at h. t. To Come, ^r^ or ^m m'i .i | c|< %ut^ grt- *IT^ %iJr, f^rsoT, f^oif, H^iif, Hf^of, %^^, ?:^ra^. To be h. and glove. To be h. in h. iTS^^i-T ^S'l'T fM, ?t- n n't adv. 3T^at_ To clap the hands together. Z\^J. JTTOT-fTSni-qTSI- To come to h.— monies, &c. Tfe ». T^, ^IrfFR fH^cpjf. 374 HA?T To put one's h. to. ^ m. qjH't. To restrain one's h. ^ m. ^TOijf. To shake one's hands of, give up. ^ in. pi. frriof with ^V^\-&c. of 0. [ ^6t. To squeeze one's hands, 1o Irihe. ^Trf m.-v^J. ?T=[OT- To strike hands, malce a largain. ^MHi STrT ?«. JTK'Jf, To strike with the back of the h. -^TSs^r ^Hl^' TRtif. To take in h. ^raT?=5r ^T?!;^. To tie the hands behind. "^^^^ qlqaj-, ^?7 w. To tic one's hands up. ^T^TTPT m. pi. »i[31o5<7r, ^t^f^ To toss or deliver from h. to h. ^TfiNTrt or ^mI^H To walk upon one's hands with one's feet in the air. To wash one's hands of. ^\7\ m. pi. vT'Jf, frTrJt^^rf?; m.f. To withdraw one's h. (or self) from. ^ gr^TNT^J.^^. A flowing h. keeps friends friendly. ^ aflcJT ?R ^^ 2 hand Ireadth. =^\n\ m. qt=5r 3tn« «. ;)Z. Tt^ qR n. pi. 8— at cards. ^ n. ^ »«. ^J?rT w. ^JR «»■ STF^ft or otrsT /. 4 character of writing, ^rfc^oli" m. =151"^ «. 3T?TT ». fefT 5 p)erson, imrhnan.^ Sfc. iff ?h. JHIUj^h n. +,|H+<1. At h. See Neak. To Hand, j;. o. give, ^-c. ivith the hand. ^R ^, ^r ^^- 5T-3^^^-&c. '^, ^, ^HM< ^iJr, ^WT"? OT n. ^l^_ 2 Zea(? or guide hj the hand. ^ ^^T H"^, ^ ^T^TT ^^, 3 down; transmit in succession. W. Hand-bill, n. ^\\\i\<\ f Hand-beeadth, n. =qtiT w. qf^sf 3tnS «. 7)?. Hand-cuff, n. ^iiff or fsfft/. To Hand-ccff, v. a. ^M^ist/- f%5ECTr-5t^^- ^PJin. Hand-fdll, w. ^t^ m. ^^m m. TS/. Hf^r^ n. m used with a noun. Double h. a^RT^/. m. ^^f. ( In, at, with ) one h. ^j^f^. Mere h. a few. fjTJft^ ?RTrff?f, fsTHt^ wl^ff^. To the extent of a h. H^T?:, >T?rr»TT, &c. HAND-GALLOr, 11. OTKfp^ =5(TT5/. HAND-nian, a. reachalle ly the hand. STrnT^T. Hand-eeechief, n. ^■Hirt to. ?5If^f5 ot. SRt/. 3?=^! ?«. Hand-language, n. ^ii^ctcfl jtPTT/. ^^^?ft/. Hanp-maid, «. ^T?ft/. Tfwir^/. Hand-mill, n. ^i?t «. vm?iT''JT or ^iFM/ f?/«J. ^ffTc^ cf Bushel ( iroa lining of the mouth ) of a h. Hpft/ HAN 375 HAN Chiseller or re-ehiseller of a h. vTf^ 3'^-iTr, t^prft, Edge around the moutli of a h. ^wf■ 7T^ n. First griudiugs upon a li. 3^P^/. Flour adheriug to the h. f-o(+,d| or p^+idl ot. Incision made upon a h. with a chisel. Spfft/. Leaf or slab of a. h. ffofl'/. Pin of a h. ^^ m. g^ m. Slip of iron on the upper leaf of a h. TRt/. To chisel or re-chisel a h. g^Ror, t\^^. To turn or ply a h. ^X^ afl^. [ % ^5^. To husk, or grind coarsely in the h. ( gliaraf ). mz- Hanb-oae, n. ^m^?| n. Hand-saw, «. inr^PT^'Fr m. dim. ^^m^f. Hand-weiting, n. signature. ^5tTTW «• S^J^^rl w. ^nx w. One's own h. ^^^ n. ^T^ ?!. 2 manner ofiiritiwj. ^^'i{^ m. ^^vi n. 3T?^ n. f^rfq' Good h. ^5T?^ n. Hq5TTi?5 «. Handiceaft,m. manual occupation. ^.^T pop. ^PTAf. q^^TTw. Handiceaftsmai?, n. meclianic, Sfc. W^W-V^ or s^r, f^Tr^, HANDrNESS, n. t. A. 1. ^TTTTsft fFlf /. fT^TT^/. ^IrfJToST w. f^RN^ n. ^^?rm? «. I^ST^T^ K. |?fI^hT?'T n. Hanbiwokk, n. ^m^FfiT n. ^,\^t[f. ^tJft/. ^^^^ «. Handle, n. ^sr w. ^^Z ^zf. H?;iTT «;. jfg/. ^PR m. 'A- t. or 'At. n. tTT^ m. +^•^1 '». Sff^Sr m. 2 ( of a plough, harrow, &c. ) ?Hoft or ?:'^"jft/. ^i^cti oj- ^iJ^ n. 2o Handle, v. a. take into the liand. ^tJlr, f|?51^, 2 on; up. arS'f'J'^ S^T^f . 3 execute hj hanging. tpf^Vf ^^T, 1^ ^of, ij^f 3TS^=m, To h. one's self. Jf, SHT^ ^1^ or -JPH^, f*r3Trf qjuf, fn^^ ^ra^ or qtnlw. T5"^ g. of s. FR'iiJf, stqr^ "ts^, 6 back; /(oZJ laclc, sticTde, Ic reluctant.^ ^'c. a^T^^T or^f- ffr tr^, arts/.-a^RCT/. n. ifSt, afr^n ^ot, ^'=q^ iR^, ^Dt-T?rq;R^, 3TT'?TTm. tf^. 7 down; — a loaded branch, &c. 3fr^f^fr ^m-TSof, &c. Hangee,«. Hanging,;?, a. x. V.iSi'. 1. ^=lwr?T, etc. 'Jf, ^^TT^- Harassed, p. x. V. 1. ''T^^kP^, &c. «TTfr, spi^, i[^?rR, q^. 2 »n^t^OT, ^T^?I?JT, &c. ssfift, ^% ir^TR, OT?i=r. Harasseb, «. HiEASsiXG, p. a. T. V. 1. sjpTq-nnTr' &c. ^F"??^- Harasvlng, Haeassjiest, w. t. V. 1. —act. «Twf n. &c. 2 JTrjpJt M. &c. irrfTTf^p/. ^rr^nift/. ^JTT^ijTq;/. irr^'^r/. ^rT^RT^ »!./ prr /. ^j^ «(. TT^rn m. 3-t^ »». ;r5UT^M. Haeeixoer, n. forerunner, cj'c. q?^ rt^T^^l ^^i^^^, 3W- " Habbour, n. — for ships. HtT^nr m. ^^ w. i Floating ( deep-water ) h. rRn ^ ji. j Open h. ^Tfrt ^ ». j The space opposite to the mouth of a h.snrrw. j| 2 shelter, \. AsiLUii. 3TT^^^ _^)0/j. STT^TI w. 4TRT m. 3TT- ii To Harbour, v. n. go into harbour. ^^ n. «f)^^, ^r^^T^q'. 7 — a business or work, v. Difficult. ^Fcffur, 37=nT J, H. work, T. Toil. ^n^T/. ^F"? m. ^m^A on. 8 grievous, rigorous, S{c. t. Severe. qBTloT, aTciq's, ?r?lFT 9 unreasonable, unjust. aT^TF^r^T, 3T^^T^, "^^siTJT^, 10 difficult to the mind, v. Obsteuse. q^q, 3T5R5, 5- fW, 1^^. [ ^• 11 ( winter, &c.), intense., v. Severe. W-'^, ^V^^^ ^- 12 unfeding, pitiless, v. Ceuel. ft^, ^^n^t^. 13 — as water. ^3- Hard, adv. violently, forcibly, vehemently, ^c. «IoE^, TTS-T, 2 «t'2!. become hard. ^Z. ^Tr5 >». pl. ^^^^^ m. sp^TO' »'• To suffer hardships. stpfT »!. pl.-^JT^ «. pl.-kc. +,|.-WHH j;i.-ctc. FTT^THm n. gTHT* 2 concord, — gener. v. Agreement. 'HcS m. fHryT"P »». ^- HAR I 3 ( as of books, statements, &c. ). ^ *lK'• aT^q^rm^/. 3b Hakness, v. a. jet reaJy for draught. mK-A\^ m. ^T^^ 2^866 To Equip. [Lute. Hakp, n. The Maratlias have not the harp. See Lyee, Jew's h. »iK-=i'I M. ^T "«. T<; Harp, v. n. upon, fi^. v. To Dwell. qV^of, Tpt o>- TRT m. TT^, sdMHloj/. ipjf, ^3fTiJt, arl^or ^Flt «. q;^ g. ofo. ■^\^*. \ { f. wm J. of 0. q"t;p^/. ^^-^>?r-&c. g. ofo. qV- Harpoon, 7j. JTTHr JTR^nrFsft ^n^^ft/. 5b Haefoox, v. a. 5R^# TTCof. HABPsicnonD, n. ^^ rtg^TKr 3Tl^. Harpt, n. rapaciotcs person. Pl^-Tsr «!. 'Pl'^Tf «. Hahhieti, 71. ^?TT% f^T+Kt^l f FRT ?«. Haeeow, n. The following -words express Tcinds. ^[]^ or^r- rTT^ or ^frfToE «. ^oliT »!. ^51 W2. H^ «. ^frfT m. "Ff^TT^ O'* Wrrt/. ^ m. "jjtJt OT. 3tS «. ^r m. ^TTTT >». ^^^T in. ^- W. m. n. To Haeeow, v. a. V. N. "TTsft/. or ^^^i-fl TT^ft/. ^Tra^ or ^FS^ot ( draw over the sFotef ), 'JiN^ ( draw over the 5?r ), %OT^ ( to use the tp^fRt ), fTT »«. fTH^T'Jf, ^^jR^ or g^jTR^ ( to use the sf^. ) 2 fig. ( the soul, &c. ). ^^tz^JWK '3frsin-qTH'if, Trf^pft^ To Haert. See To Tease. Haesh, a. ( to the taste ) austere, aeerl, t. Sodr, Eough. afni^ or 55TT, ar^l^ 5TT?Tr/. 2 r(/)e crops. cft«P «. "?RTi=5/. Abundant h. ^"^1+ »f. Autumual li. JI'iftT' or qw.— Eclating to it. ?!Tf^?)tor 'ft. Vernal h. ^»5ft or T^ /. T^tTRT «. Harvest-home, n. feast at harvest. "P^T^ ^'llMl^ ^stit; ?;. ^ir n. -^^XH^V^f. ^T^W «. To Hash, v. a. chop into small pieces. ^\t\f. pl.-^V^\ fpl. qrs^ g. of 0. %^5 5^5 ?«.^jZ. ^^t g. of o. Hash, n. — of meat, f^^] m. Hasp, «. ^f Haste, m. v. Hueet. ^/. ^=?^/. T^Tra'aB or €\f. fsrn/. 5R^T^/. arm m. [?fT n>ft7. The more h. the less speed. g-fTT^^T ^ ^^^^ tft^ 2b Haste, To Hasten, v n. ^sj^ f.-i^K\ f-&c ^t:^. 2 move with hurrg. (Z^^i^-^^^-^^y^^'f\^-&c. ^nuT-^- 2b Haste, To Hasten, v. a. 3T?ii^tqR-?qr^5n:-&e. ^ijf-3TPJr5r, ^^. nrTir^rfV-^^s- Hastt, o. qiiicTc, not dilatory. ^?J?5, Tfi^^ft^T, fsft'^n', ?rr=r?, 2 precipitate, rashly prompt. g^rrT^T^ST, 3'rtNcifl'^, TriT^a;- 3 quick of temper, passionate. ^35[, i. '^X^pop. m^m. ?RrIm. To Hate, v. a. g;'7w.-|nJT^V.->?«.-&c. qRiTf-^r^ot-s^Br, ^(iftjf — intensely; detest, ^-c. v. To Abhoe. 3TrJTS-3?'r^?:r -&c. iTRrnfr, ar^q'Ff^m. ^j;^ y. 0/ 0. 5t^qf?r ^ra'if jm. «?«. Hate, Hateed, n. ^m. ar^q-ff/. >»;«. g^«j. '|;q-HT^H;. HAV 379 HAW fsrgT^TM. Concealed h. irt^jft^ aTT^/. Dire and deadly h. (between two parties), f^^ s[\i ff. of s. recij))-. iflTTHrr ^^wffT y. of s. recipr. Fixed and deadly b. ^TT^r^TTw;. ^^^Kn. g'HI^Hi. ^- lunate or instinctive h. ^frftR;!. Hated, _p. v. V. |;q%75T, fg;^, ^f?'?. Hateful, rr. detestalle, odious. ^'JR^, gi^^f , gTiftT, 5°rrf , I'Tq^riq-, ^'snTT^T, I^tptt, |^'w, |"TRq^, ^'rmfr^, |- ^f%?I, 'F^oE, ^'EIToS, ^T, fl^, — in high degree^ ahomi- ■nalle, detestalle, loathsome, 8(c. arfa^cq-^ 3TfqfJtq', arfHg;- &c. 3TRrM, ^nsi, aft^sr, ^^raf^TT, fsn^rq', fq'TsiTq', Hatefumess, h. t. a. ^^EfCTDTTH). ttc. ^T^"?rT/. ^T'Tr'Tfrr /. Jptft^'Tw. — in high degree. 'S\H*\'t,'-{'^\\m. ''S^\^n,^^\m. &c. arfFr^Trfrtr/. 3Ti7i|;q%j'T?rr/. arfd'^iiidi/. arprfwiT Hatee, «. V. V. \^ +<'JIKI, &c. I'SHF, g^, feg;^, f^"^yr, ^"t^ (in comp. asftr^j^r^, jTrH-nT;-fir5f-^qTfiT-&e. ^"t^). Haughtilt, a. V. A. qqi^, ^irmr^, irif^ft^, &c. Haughtixess, n. T. A. and Peide. ^^m. aTf'TTrTwJ. fTT^TOT. »m?^/. f^mw. ^w. 3TT5-q'rrr/. v. sit^t, fKr^r, a?W, Haughty, a. v.Peoud.— of persons. r€f, ift^, rft?r, arfn- KT?ft, Tm^, fe^R, ^^T, ^t-g'^f?, =:T5??,f^?ft, f^KT^- 2^ of things. ncT^RT, f^Hmp^, TT^^sTT, &e. jfb Haul, v. a. y. To Deaw. art^'jf, ^"jf, Wf^-^^^ ^'jf. Hatjii. See Stuaw. Haukch, n. tliigh. fK\i[f. Kts/. To Hauxt, v. a. frequent. iroT ^5TTW«. ^R^, v^TT^^ %'i^^ ?^To;/. 3T5Erot ««. co«. 3^qpfr-3^n JTFRT-&C. ^^ijf, %tt/. cl-+.ot-MI?5"Jf,l?:^/. ?^. 2— ghosts, goblins, &c. 1rr«. ^TFTif, HrT ?i=q'R«.-Pr^r^ ?r^5rR«i. ar^ in. con. To be haunted. Pf^R^. Haunted house or place. grT5IT5T»». >^^rRT»». *Trr%- 3^«. OT^^ft^ ^';».-^FTT/.-&c. Haunt, n. place of resort. ^5^/ sra^rqT^i- ^^m. i^\<£\^ Hauteot, m. — the instrument. ^^^ or z; f. Hauiece, n. V. Peide. it#»». r\mm. ^^m. ^T[^ f To Hate, v. a. joossess, hold, ^-c. siRnf, ^T?Iof, 5jTotiTjf, 3TO^ in. con. \?T=f5E STO'if «'». con. andg. ofs. ^Tf?t ar^ 3-of s. nMt^ 3TO'? y. o/ s. Kot to h. in one. armt ^moT-lt^r Jf^ot tdth g.of s. and in. con. 2 le under a necessity or oMijctdon. ar^ijf, cTTn"^, HIT ar^Sr, 'J^f^ all ivHh in. con. ( as ^^ IrT^ ^qrlf 3TT- 1, iTr5T f?i^% 'in'n' Tm arrl, Ac). 3 /«^r, accept, receive, \{\ f. SFT^. 2 tfll lij procltiminj in the streets. %ft^ f^+of, qfm- Hawkpji, n. T. V. A. 2 (in<^«||i% «. 5- 5 n. 5^ /. 5^ /. 5^ /. 55% «. ^5? m. ?ff^ ». ^fe t>r ^rort »«• ^JTT^fT n. — as separated from the body, %- 5 pop. 7:^ n. — in contemptuous, cant, or light phrased. as sconce, noddle, pate. poU, crop, pow, cranium, costard, Z\n n. T^f^ /. Z'^ n. zpi,^ n. rr^ n. sf^FS n. ^ n. ^TSfT^ n. 5fr5% n. ^ym n. qnit n. ?RZ n. ofPS^/. ^^«. Blow or bump Tvith tlie h. "^V^ m. ;^^T m. Trom h. to foot, arm^^rrw^, ^rq^drfHW^P, ?r^f^^- H. and tail, fig. lejinning ^- end. ^igTfS^w.irei^KrTw. Made out of one's own h. »t.-?Tire m.-&c. ^iK^, To Heal, v. n. TT^, ^\?P^M^ Hl-iuj, 5RT-&C. ^iTJf. Heal-all, ».^y. ?iril+?Tftr(iMlui m. [+,|iqF. HEALlNQ,a. q/ healing virtue. TmjT, ^rT'4^,^^^, Un^ltfH- Health, w.( of body ). ^TftT^rTfrT/. ^Kli'MPfi-'T n. 3TTfPT?». 2 feeling of body as respects health, r\f^^^ f. Hisf^f. Accounts of h. (and doings) — aa communicated. ^F^I- Enquiries after h. and welfare. J?I?j5T^m. qTTT^TM.z). ^-^, ( esp. among females ), q^ffr «. 3 ( of mind, spirit, &c. ). f^TrreiTTWR «. ^R^ «.KTr». f^rFRTTf|f'T/. V{W] m. aT^rm^ ». 2 ^FT^rr or jprr/. ^ m. w<\^f. gw=ifT/. 5^71 «i. ^^f. ^T^f. ?r^=5r or rfTi^TTO. r\^^ or ^'^^f. Heap, n. pile, ^-c. ^i m. f^m: m. fs-qR or -femTT ot. 71% ot. 2>o;). rrer/. ii:pTT% m. m^r m. ^TJTTiT w. j^ «?. q^rr ?«. it^ mf. fe »s. ^5 ?«. mr^n m. FTSm »«. ^?Tf m. ^^^Tw. =^q- wi. ^qM m. ^f^pT «. ^THR «(. t^ in. W^ >n. ^^^q m. t^ m. ^TJT^RT m. ^RT »». JTR ?«. f^ n. ^^751 m^ H. as scratched up ( by ants, rats, &e. ). ^^^ or :j- ^ m. dim. ^^f. Heaps, lots, Sfc. v. Exubeeance. ^T, HtT, K^, The h. the gross collection. m.i\^f. To fall in heaps, drop and die, or he sick, suddenly and by multitudes, ^f^ w.-'iTPTT »». ^fojot y. o/"*. 2 ( esp. of grain ). '^^ m. dim. 9^/ IT >». dim. Y'lf. I jTr M. f|q wi. (//?«. ftntTT >». & i%ntat/. 3 ( of things loosely heaped ). ^5qr m. HPFa:/. I To Heap, t). «. pile vp. ^TT^^tJf, ^rfs^of , qtoiT ^^, q^ ^- q-, stn m.-f^VQ OT.-TRT /.-&e. sR^of y. of o. ^^7:[ m. ^nr^ g. of 0. ^=^^ m.-W^^ m.-&c. ^^ g. ofo. To h. up above the measure. \?[nf. »R:. HeaBSE, n. >TS?JT^ or H^^n^ TTtt/. ^rTT'tT »"• ^T^TPT «• Heaht, n. frT/. That has by h. ^V§[_ To one's heart's content. Tf^HT, ^T'T^, H'i«, ^T5 ?«. ?fK ?«, 5 ( of a boil, &c.). ^ «. nrlr/. Ht^ ot. G «2;iV)V, v. Colkage. ^?f «■ ar^RTR n. To lose h. q'^ n.^'S{^^\^ «.-&c. ^r?'il-JT^tTf. To take h. '^^ M.-3T?rapT Jt.-^ »j.-&c. qr^. IIeabt-acue, «. ^^[1 w!. *RI|:^ ». HHI^'-tri/. i%TR^ >«. IIeabt-deeakixg. See IIeabt-eendino. HEABT-Bun>', n. cSf^ftrT n. rff^orrfir w. f^"fiT m. HEART-Eunyiso, n. secret enmity. ^^n^^X n. ^+,|<^hi j». atfT^ m. araiK «. Heart-felt, o. cordial. tfRf?Trir, 3TWi-i|KMI RctHi, ^ifr- j Heaet-pea, Heart-seed, n. fqil^/.— its seed fq^ «. Oil of h. fq^T^ry «. Heabt-piercikg, a. |^%Kr^, f 5^fJrg. Heaet-bexmno, o. cJeejyly ajjiictive. ^m^^ f^f^mf^, aT^f^Trft, f^- 2 insincere. ^TT+iuft, 'HTtv'ff, cR^f^"^. Heaetlesskess, m. v. a. 1. 3Tg?mf TO. 3T:TT?'TT5r »«. 2 cj«. 3^5?/. TTift/. rTTT «!■ ^^ n. Bed h. arfTT^of »». Heating to a red h. rU^ m. To heat to a red h. dN»i . 3 ( of weather ). <3^ n. gn^ n. ^m n. ^WTfTT/ ^3:^f. gwTT »«. gi. To be in h. WT^m. ^^, ^'fm-i'Ji. 7 efort., stretch, lout. ^nm. f^v(\f. ^mX'n. In one h. i^^TTR-crr^, <^^T, <^Tr?T3T^^^. [T01T»n. S (of temperament). ^T'f\f. Tlf^^T^'". rWAmu^m. W>I^- 9 ('as of drugs, art. of food), heathif/ qiialiti/. ^nuj^xf. 10 vehemence.^ iioleitce.^ ^Y. ^'T[^i'i. d4l+T O)- ^r»«'. ^- To Heat, d. a. «!a^-c hot. FTR'n, nn^DT, :3r^-T^-?nT-&c. ^FT- 2 «e< ia'. Heated, ;>. v. Y. A. 1. rTr^%?jr, FrTT^^Fjr, ?rTfHn, ^rJT, ?(ftt- Heath, «. t^JRTTS^^. 2 ^Zrtce overgrown witJi lushes. TTTw. Heathen, n. pagan, idolater, ^-e. HT^'pT^, 3T^^f ,^TOB?-tIJff. Heathenism, «. 'jf^'T^T/. ht^it:jt^7j. 3TH5;H"w. Heathee. See Heath, 1. Heating, a. of heating quality .^ — medicines, &c. gror, ^Tsq-- ^\^^ Tsav?ri%^. [ctrw. Heating, n. v. V. A. l.— act. r^^n. &e. rfTT5=r«. ^rTPTH?i. A h. (as of a pot to purify it). 3TTfilclo6|M. 3Tf^/. H. of gold and plunging of it into water. ^Wlr^T^»^, To Heave, v. a. lift, v. To Eaise. t^r;^, g-55r"if. To h. a sigh. 3XTFT«.-3'^RrT?».-&c. JT^^. 2 TTaJ«.'flfTTT5i«. — the Heavens, geuer- HE.l ally. 3TT'|)r?IH^r5". H'Tm^S^n. JI'HMi-^ft.H^-slHSrfrt. ^iTf- ^m. ri\i\Hi'^n. rrTTfTJr". 3r'-c/'r^"i-+,m. :HTrfH=*'?^». ?t^!>.tTw. Calamitous visitation from h. gTTJTT^nn?rr»«. 'JT^HT^/ Flush or g'low of the heavens, f^r^^wi. Heavenly car. 3TT^?Tq"FTw. 3HI+UN^H«. H. of heavens, iier^-^jw. In the midst of h. 3T?rft?T, sf^RT^r, ST^-TffTfr or =ff_ Sphere of the h. ^n\^jm. Voice from h. aTTFT^rift/^^Tift/ 3T^Tftf>aft/. To be flushed with the coming day, — the heaven?. ^^/- pl- "Pf^Fot-^^. 2 «M< of the blessed. TfT^T^w. f^^^r%^,^5I%F, T^PF, There arc, according to theHinduSjdifTerentSVauCTW, the seats respectively of diifercnt deities with their beatified worshippers. T\iQ Heaven of Brahma {5.^11!^- jfpF, ^T^r-T, ^^r=fr-7J. — of Vishnu. iC^,n. ni'iu|r^j+,. — of Shim.\^'f{m. fJT^^r^.— of Indra. -^^Am ?iI'Bl-T, ^^- c?fe, f?^nF, ^?;r^, grr^r^, grraq' «. A courtezan of the h. of Indra. 3TC?RT/. A female or nymph of the h. of Indra. grtlTT/. For Heaven 0,5 0, state, — as the final beatitude of mor- tals, and as held to consist in Emaneipat ion from migra- tory being and absorption into the Divine Essence, some terms are, Hfe/. ^''^ln.'Sl;^^f\m.\^^^n. tjttot. ^'^UTT^ /. ^'STW n. ^fj/. fsfgf^/. fww n. ir^g-?^ n. IT^T- w^ n. z[^f^^\^ n. ^irf'JT n. iT^T^rrfH"/. ^:='-R ". ir^ n. ^*».T^T^ n. irfTTq J»."%5r-q- «. f^ip{f. f^Tff^/. '^^TTT- ^/. 3Tj7HEr »». ^TK m. Pnq- H. For Heaven simply aa the final beatitude, some terms are, tf^jrnfrT or mH\>\\^ f. ^Tpmfcf/. ^TJT^ n. 5'^:^?1^ m. TTTT^'irfrf/. The four graduated states of heavenly ^/^^(^JTf^qTiTf^), are, ■H?Jl+Hl/- 0'' ^TRRFT «. ( Eesidence in heaven with the Deity ). ?T^7T?rT/. o;- HT^^q- n. ( Bearing of the likeness of the Deity in heaven). ?n=ftRrIT/. or ^rwfcq- «. (Being ever near or in the presence of the Deity ). ^|^vH4 n. ( Absorption into the esssence of the Deity ). That has attained any of these states, mfj, fH3;,f^5- 3 See God. Heaven-kissing, a. Tipff f%H, ^HTfef . [\f^^. Heaven-sent, a. — of calamitous visitations. arTTJTpft, ^^r^, Heavenly, a. belonging to the 7(far<;«« oc 4^7/. 'iTFFT^TT^T, 3TI- 2 inhabitinj or belonging to Heaven. d=Ip!l+.NI, H^H?5I- ^FT^, 3TTH??r^Fp5rr, &c. ^^+,^1*0, Trrfr^r^F^TT^, &c.'^ 'T-&C. ^fsj^Tt, W^i 3^5f^^, f^sT, f^f%^, f%f^, f^gt?^^. 3 divine.^ siiper-e.vcellent. f^sT, 3Tfq^TTH, ?T?TraTT. Heavenly-minded, «. v. Spikitually-minded. TTiTTif^f^, TTHT^^, TTfrmf, HK*iii'^'^, tHTTT'irra^, '7Tm'4^'3", HeAVENLT-MINDEDNESS; 11. V. A. ^mV^^^f. T'7TT'4Tf? /. BEG 38i HE! H^H I ^ThuI I m. MiHiyf^ff!/. ui, HMiJ"!, "T^ot, ^rw, Pf^r- Heed, n. attention., regard, advertence. «rR n. ^^^\^ n, TRT n. W^ n. ?5^"^ 7!. FRr^fm m. To take h. ^q-irf, ^TTStot. Heedful, a. attentive, ht^kt, ^rr^ferr^, wrf^fT, gf^TtT. Heedless, a. \. Caeeless. iTr"P?r, >ll4)rfr, n"?j?5rft or fqr, nrp^ff, %v:. Heel-eope, n. ^]^^^ m. ^^^-J,\i\f. Heoiea, n. — the epoch, f^ff/. f|^^r m. Heifee, n. young cotv. ^^ or ifr^ff/, ■^Vt^Aif. Heigh ho, v, Ikiehjechoh. arfi. HEL Heioht, n. ^^f. t^r^^ m. 3^rTr/. 3^rf?r/. 2 highest or greatest degree. »TT m. HT^ «. For tliis sense, as expressed bj such words as meridian, zenith, heyday^ acme, summit, pinnacle, tiptop, plenitude, fidness, full tide, ^c. the corresponding words arc, Sf^ or ^- ^X in. \^ ( in conip. as a prefix, as ^^ 3'^IoET, \^ 1^- qroiT, \^ TTSTHrarr, \^ ^^^, ^=T ht, '^^ ^^^rMt, ^ #=5?T, ■^'T ^sq^. ^^ |im, ^^ -JTTH-TPft, ^ HHIHlOAc.), Hr ( in comp. as a prefix, as HTT^rsr, HTJ^SET, &c.), ^TPZ^ m. qTTqJTSr/. ^JTT/. KTr^T./: ?5fT5TfT/. H^T^ «i. ^THT m. OTk m. ^inrT/. JtTf^ n. ^i n. ^iw.T^ m. ^^^. In the li. ( tlio meridian or plenitude of).'^(in comp. ), TT^r^TRT or H^^qr 'ft?rT%. [ ^f^. To reach the h. ( acme, pinnacle, Ac^.^ftHr/. ?TTr^'jf- 3 eminence, v. Hill. ^^^^ m. ^^TTS n. 4 elevation of rank, greatness. ^TUftf. ''fl^f- 'tfKMUir fn. HEL To HEionxE.v, I', a. raise t^j^^^ =^^^^^ srrs^'Jf. 2 enhance, augment, cj'c. ' Heisous, «. atrocious.^ ^c. v. /((y/;, V. To EaISE. 3"^ JP^^, ^ To Incdease.To Aggbatate. H.-&e. 5R^^. ofo. 3^^ ^^. Wicked, sf^, ^, ^, 3T- Heinouskess, n. v. A. v^KHUir m. &e. 3Tf?r|^Hr/. 3TfiT|- Heir, «. ^Tr!T or JTT^, ^nTIT, sfrfTH^R or ErR:%^R, ^itt- Co-resident h. after partition. ?r^f^. Co-residence of heirs after partition. ^'SJ^f^ n. H. -apparent, to a throne. 'JeTTRT or 'J^TMT — His office, &c. ^\^XX^ n. [ f?r^R?ft^. That is without h. or rightful claimant. fJf^TTT^ or Heiress, n. v. Heih. zy^^u\ f. ^K^\^f. ^rrft^f^'Jr/. iRTftrwftiift/. T^nf^^rfrufr/. Heirless, a. ^prr^^^T, 3T^Tf^^. Heirloom, n. ^^qt^^jf fiToSDTRr q"7T'4 m.- q^H ; Heirship, n. ^R^rr m. qrTtfT m. n. q^q^pv: Held,;), v. V. A. 1. yiH^, &c. qn. Heliacal, a. solar. ^f=5TT, ^N, ^, ^Vq'^t. Helioscope, b. ^ TT^TrO' f^H^/. Heliotrope, n. ^ "Pr7 3TT^- Helix, n. a circumvolution. %^ m. Hell, m. region under the earth. "TTfTra n. aT'TTH^T n. ?rFT- There are seven FatMas ( ?rnMiP Judge of H. — ^^^J — familiarly, qrrr^ HT?^?:, TKf- ^sf^TrT, q^TTjfT sfT^TRft. — His Messenger. TK^, Pains of H. JTT^S m. ^^^\r\^\J. ^f{1\V^^\f. ^^. Pit of H. ^^-T5 «. Eiver of H.— |i=rToft/. EoadtoH. ^fT'+Hi'im. 'JTtT:T.gOT. M»5rH'nt'».(I. C. smoky and dark through sin or ignorance). Watch dogs of H. aqm and X(^^. 3 See Gambling house. Hellebore, «.— black. ^^ or ^Fiat*'.-.^/. ^jfrf|(^./". Hellish, n. v. Hell 2. HT^^r, JrWstM^, HIR^, JfR^t, Helm, n. (of a ship). ^+,|ui or ?t». g^<»TM. jpjfOT. Helms-man, n. g^F^T or ??Tr, g^|0|<^I<, qi^qiCf, TRT^ oc 5gr, ^"nfeTTT, ^rf^TF, q^trrVr^, [it h./. Helmet, n. ?ssT3r ?:T7r. 4 forlear, refrain. 8ee To Abstain". [ ar^Tof. To Help, ij. w. -v. To Conduce. ?f^q--H^^fnft-&c. fror- Help, Helping, n. v. V. A. I.— act. ^^ jr^ m. ^ \- Or «. &c. JT^^TTft/. F^«FTT »«. ^M+K »». To come to the h. of. 3'*TT KT^ icith ^ or ^ofo. To cry out Help I Help ! qf'TT m. ^'JT-ttR'T, ^?T^- =5lTf^ 2«^f;y. :r^, ^^^ intcrj. sp^. 3 ;n^iif n. 5fr^' tTfl;'TT or qf^, sn^R, 3'5 «(. arq^flH m. The Eastern h. ^^TM]^ n. irnpTR; «. '7^»fr?irq' n. The 'Western h. tisTicn, n. 3TqT%^PT s^R? ot. "i^^A^ n. Hemlock, n. x^r^ q-q^fn 3tt^_ Hemoptysis, m.— plethorica. TT^jfcrrr n. ■Hemohbhaoe, a. flux ofllood. i^^^^m. V^^X^ m. T^f^- tT m. n. ^I^THtT m. «. Hemorhhoids, n. piles, ^7.z^\^ or Ho i oinf ^/. ijT^n »?. a^- siTrfFT;>oj3. arnfn m. '' Figs or excrescences in the h. jfts w.;;?. 3^f^ »».^Z. Hemp, n. Cannabis saliva, or Crotolaria juncea. rm m. ^m pop. wi m. v;mpop. irfiT /. or hT / 'jnr /. ijift/.— in cant phraseology, f^ ?rRT^/. ^^prft/ ^T^qr^ ot. fTT- ^^^^f m'Tift/. f^^pTT/. Addicted to the use of the intoxicating potion pre- pared from h. Hf'qr, ^Ti^, ^fift, tItW^, HI?: or ^775. Dry leaves of h. ground in water with spices. ^[Z\m. Exudation of the flowers of h. prepared as a drug. ■qr^ m. H. tox>^, fructification of h. nf^TT m. ^sn m. ^ m. —dry and crumbled do. iKTT m. H.-leaves. ^fft /. " [-^y;,,^^^^ H.-eater, eater of some or other of the preparations Intoxicating potion prepared frorti h. HfT/. Leaves of h. ground in milk with sugar and spices. jftpn or |«Tr WI. [ &c. fToft /• Powder of h. prepared by roasting, washing, sugaring, Preparation of h. with sugar, spices, Ac. »TT^T /. Preparer and vender of bhang, ^■qrr, H'i'^. Smoker of h. tops. nf^Jp^, I^T^F, f^T^^. Stalk ofh. ^Rft/. Stripped stem of the h. plant, yui+i^y. Thread or string of h. ?rir^=5I «. 2 Hibiscus cannabinus. atiTTft /. ^''^(V^ m. — the seed of it. ar^rr^/. — the fibrous integuments of it. 3T5{T^y. ^A\i\ m. — the leaves of it. aPTT^/. Hempen, a. v. N. 1. cTFTT^etT, ^qT^ 5IT5 «.— the seed. gTRfpft o>- ^^Rft afm ot. Hen--coop, Hex-hocse, n. g?j| o;- ?^RT^ w. ^jft/. Hen-pecked, a. //(a^ m governed or led by his wife. qr^Sif^T, «n?^fgr, '^1^^4)1, 5TTT^5if5--qT, Mir^H, WT^f^, ^qfl', Hence, adc.from this place. ?lvf^, S^TS'^, ^'Tr3ft/. Pot-herbs and vegetables. ^TnPTpjft/- [fq-f^iinT^^ Herbaceous, a. belonging, Sfc. to herbs, afprftj-^tft, arnr- Heebage, n. V. Pastuee. ^TTSTT^ «j. f^T^oS/. f^^ n. Herbal, n. looTc on plants. arrrffcT^rq' m. Heebalist, n. one sl-iUed in plants. a^r?fyr%TrT, g^TF^f^I^TTr. Hebbaeium, n. ^-^psrf^TWT^ m. [^5ft=ff. HekbivOEOUS, a. »«// Je inherited. STTft^TT'nH *f PTrqi^-H 1 ' 1 N H"r- HEEITA3E, n. T. IkHEEITAKCE. ^r^ n. cfK^I »K. ^pft^T M. «. HEEMAPnEODiTE, «.— male, i^^^ m. 5^ m. — female. ■^- sJTfr/. a^q'^T/. vT^TpfY/.— gener. ^j^qp n. f^l «. Heemapheoditic, a. partaking of loth sexes. J vfMfri'Hi . Hermetic. Heemetical. See Chemical. HEBiiii, «. anchoret, recluse, tpT^TRft; 3T';"^5rT?fl', =fPT'T?'«T HES Heemitaoe, n. habitation of a hermit. j[JT^, ?tH^TT^, ^Tkl^'S, qVRFm, Heroically, adv. v. A. H^'#, 'T^JTqfr^, &c. ■^'^^.. I Heeoise, n. female h. 5I|T^^/. si^TT^'t'n'/. tftU/. 2 ( of a drama or poem ). HT^^/. j Heroism, n. t. N. sft^ n. ^srPT JT^/. JT^/. JtItt^/. TJ- ' ^/- ^T^/- ^fT^/- ^^1^ n.^tr^n.^tK"^^Mm. Heron, m. qn^ m. qq^ft/. I Herpes, ?j. — farinosus. ^^ i7!. ^'Jr, jt^ vt. ??TT?!; ^r^ f rot y. ofs. 2 (in speech). ij^iT5!:>ii or ^K^saj, irrrrzur, 3T?;^o!:oT,'flS- jpOTT, ars^^iDf or 'fl^g^ot, 3q=^^, ^=q^F^ot, ^HTq^^T ^^^, ??:m5t,n=5f%M. 2^/.-q=^'Tr/ ;j/.-i=^^ai^T/. pi ^rar, To h. and stammer, ^if^/. tToEOT y. of*. Hesitatee, v. Hesitating., p. a. v. V. 1. ^t^T41, iVvNHM, '=P-^m^K^\^^ . 2 3T5^5CUTRT, 3T5?qf ^ ^I^oiRT, =^i^qjFT ^irRloTTTr, &c. Hesitatingly, arft. v.V. 1. ^^y^ ^Tf^r, ^y^r, HFiq?, ^Fff;, niD 388 ma Hesitation, n. v. V. 1. ^f^ or ^f- «Fmf^/- ^WTf lltT/. Witlu.ut h. vT sixi, &c. "pr, 'TTf^,'3=rrE4jrf^, To lie h. y. To Hike. ?^. To Hide, v. a. conceal, ^-c. R:Tq-or, gq^^ ^fq?^, 57^, JT- ^"-'<*l^.i «--^'^sJT^".-»ll^mn-^n>T^7i.-f^'TT'T«.-, U-.^li*, 3Tr?3T?H ?!.-nRq-&c. ^FtTT. V. Y. N. ^SOTKT, ^JH ^THWRI, Ac. Hiding, n. v. V.A.— flc^ ?iT^ 37ftT^T^^=Err. HlEBARCHT. «. qiT^'fl' HT5^ arfyf^PK W8. HiEROGLTPHiC, M. emUematic Jigtire.^ ^'c. ^i%f?t^ ^=7 ». ?ft%f?T^T?R w. HiEROGLyPHIC, HlEEOGLTPHICAL, a. V. N. ^fft^, ^t%f%:f?, To Higgle, v. n. v. To Haggle. gfTSMiu; /.-myivw/.- 2 See To Huckster. Higgledt-piggledy, adv. confusedly, Sfc. ^ '^'i l M l^?, >j ^ «h- ?, aTJtTsq-'tT, sifJfTTsqTfT, JTTn^S, ^^FS^^ fH^, fh^^T^ f- Higgler, «. v. V. 1. sraT^?TT, ^imf^nT, iSKlRM^TT. High, a. lofty, tall. 3^ remiss. ^'^^Z or ^^ highish, j- =5rT^, ;j^, ^^PT. fTTTI or flTCTTS, Hn. 2 — a Tessel; a turban, &c. not low, flat, or spreading, ■j- TTT, J'Ttn, 3-H7, 3■H^T• [ "TfTT. 3 — a note or tone. 3"^, •sr^, f^^TH' or f^:^, ?^tT, 4 of great altitude. ^f^V-K^cA «• ^5^ m. W c(% 7t. r1<.qi n. Foot of a h. ITT^ «. MNri< or ^ m. qTT^ or n ««. Hills and mountains — compreh. st^^ ^"R w- fPR ^TC m. ?fnT l«m^ «»• Hilly country, hilly tracts. 5fn^ TPT «. Level plat upon the elope of a h. H\M4\f. TT^/. JTT5^ /. ^ or ^ n. Level ground on the summit of a h. q^K «• Precipitating one's self from the summit of a h. ^- TR '». +5^1 e OT. Eecess or deep hollow between hills, v. Catern. #t n. #|T m. ^ or qto5 m. n. #^TT or 5 n. Side of a h. r\Z m. ^PSBT/. Skirts of a h. ^^f5 »«. jn^f^^RT m. sfn^^FS^ OT. Summit of a h. IFl^^ HT''I>, «• ««•«»«, T. C'OUXIETMAN. VtFtJH'^qT. HIR Hind, Hindek, a. JTFT^r or 3T, JTPfte, mJf, 3T5^5T^, ni^, 3T^i:m, frtroT, ^5- f^ot, 3Ts^ EjT^rT wf. ^rT?5'jr, Hrer »rt.-'Tre?ft/.-'iT5Tft/.-&c. «TT?5'Jf, 3T?%rT yirfO'l, 3T25IT ^'if, su'il'jf, 5»R^FR ?«.--fl?'<.f- oir wi.-^^ri/-f^ m. n.-arsrn'O- w(.-&c. ^FT^ y. o/o. HiNDEiiANCE, Hindeeing, «. Y. V.—act. ^^^V[ n. 3T5^R^- ^ n. &c. ^m^mf. 3T5^o}'^/. 3^^rtrT n. ^m m.— slate. I. impediment, ohstacle., that which hinders. 3T5^/. 3Tr«T5lT m. WC^\^ m. ^/. ?t5T^ m. ^T5 ««. ars^'^/. n. ir^T «j. qrm «. ars^j^s «. ^^r »«. 3tfitr »«. n?n or ^ w. n?TR;cTr m. s^T^qpT «• 5«(!»-?M m. 5^n?iw ?«. HiNDEllED, />. V. V. 3T1^?I?5T, 3Te+;|EJ^t5T, &C. ST^^J, ?5, arqTTftm, 1^f5i?T, o^i^n, ^f^rr, ^^wr. To be h. 3TS^, arq^^-T'n. EiNDEEEB, n. V. V. 3T55raft/. «ilfrf4> n. Hippopotamus, n. -jjaMli* m. Rj ot. HiECAEEAH, 71. messenger. ^t^RT m. To HiEE, V. a. procure or engage for hire. TreCTT^ q^J-S* 2 entertain in service for hire. %rl^Rt ^^. 2 See To Let. One who hires out ( cattle, vehicles, Tnf n. f^Tr^ n. Keturn-h. (RrTTra «• 2 T. "Waces. 3T^ m. *T^^/- 5'^ro' «i. ^fH «. Hiked, ;>. v. V. 1. >Trf^^ Md^irfr, HTT^FTT, 2 % HHI^' %?^?TT, ^dHMF. HntEMNG, «. lit. fig. Hlrf+0, «?IK'«+Kui. 2b Hiss, v. a. Iwot ojf or out. f|3^ or ;^?T aic. ^Rijf, f|w- fW-ftRTfw adv. JR1IT, f^^F^, if^^ot, fq^fSdNui, Hiss, Hissrso, «. v. Y. N. 1. ^^ n. J^Tf^/. g^T^^'R'/. f- ^ OT. frs/. HissrsGLY, «+)*'H or ?ri, ^^ or t\,—mtens. 4>+(l4>'H, "Jf^m, ^\ HisiojiT, n. narration of past events, v. Account, sj^ /. iS^^W m. f^^TRTT/. frTFT WJ. ^K\^!^^'^ f. Jl^ M. 2 ( esp. of kings and great men ). "TT^ttt m. wicjisr m. 8 Inoidedge ofhistory. ^^TO^R «. J^TfrTITH M. 4 See Desceiptiox. HiSTEiONic, HisTEiONiCAL, a. ?lTT^. To Hitch, f. a. JiooJc or comphcatc in. J^HTJi, jfrsi^, f^'^^' l " !, 2b Hitch, v. n. become Jiookcd /«; lecome entangled, n^, f^ri'iot, f^^TSof, ar^^ot, --ir'iui^ HiTcn, n. impeded or interrupted state. f^?f^ «». frf^ ?h. fHst/. Fits/. HiTIIEE, IIlTHEEWAED, adv. rF5, ^i=ft^ Or ^T, 3TOTS, 3RrrT, H. and thither. ^+,3f7i^, rf?T^?r:, JFT^cTcT:. HlTHEE, a. that is toivards this part. ^S^ or cJT, 4«hj^rf , ^;r^1+^'-JI or rST, (('4^7 or ?ir, t('jf, ^^, %5/. fiT5!^'jf-?T'TT^-%5ot. HOABDING, n. T. V. — act. ?rt=5T^'Jif «. &c. ?rf5«nir «• ^t^^TT^ «. A general h. ^TM^TOts?/ HOAESE, a. having the voice rough from a cold. v^<|k.-&c. J^-sRrof 5*. of s. ^^\ m. Sf- ^^g.ofs. [^ot. To make one's self h. lif.^g. qoST »». "PTSW, na'FT^/. HoaESENess, «. T. A. ffrrftqiTT m. :fcn:'TT «^. ^^TT^imr/. HoAET, a. gray ivith age, v. GEAY-HAiEEn. f^^fv^qy %^f^r, Hoax, n. trick, deception. <^J^^f. ^r^PT «. ffr?5T m. Jr?JT m. To Hoax, t>. a. trick, y. To Deceive, ffppr 5«.-irr?5r »/».-&c.^3t. Hob, n. side of a cooking stove. 3T%^ or 3Tqffc5 «;. n. ^(j^ or ■%?r »n. n. f?nPJt «. Cooking stove having a h. 3T%^^/.^f?j=^ 09^ '^'i^f- HOBBAED DE HOT, 11. T. SlEIPlISG. 3TT5«rr«TT, STTS^Tt^ITT, 31T?ITRf. 2b Hobble, v. n. x. To Limp. STSdt, ^?5q-uf or nrST^t, ^' 2 fig.— a work, &c. ?:^5^, TTrRTS^fff . Hobble, «. limping gait. c^TI^lt/. STf^T^/. 2 scrape, dijiculiy, T. Teouble. FT^TtS «. =jrq7^ «. JT^r- HOL 391 f\ f. %^ n. 5rn?- «. ^^ m. xrjp «. ^^ /. 3fFp?i «. aTriT- HoBBi INGLY, «(?y. with stops and pauses. rSrm^T or T^- ^5rT, '57^7 OJ' g^f, n" Hobnail, «. jfl^^TPTPsr^ %2r ™. Hock, w. niqr ^ Ji^^ ^1=^^ HtT^ TFT m. To Hock. See To Hamsteino. Hocvs-Tocvs, n. Jutjfyleri/. "pt^ m. uf!|_ «. cT^H^ OJ' '4'T':- dlildl^l OT. dluildjuiT or J^roTRTOir w. '4^''^t ( sT^TtT^ ). Hod, n. mason's tray, +|c4i| m. n^^ re. Tir^ «. HoDGE-roDGE, HoTcn-POTCH, n. V. Medley. T=q%oE/. f^- HODIEEJTAL, ff. of this daif. 3Tr3f^ or ?5r, 3T?T?Tq'. Hoe, «. ^51 /. ^7^ ?i. ^^^t /. enhanced. :p^55T »?. TrI or 9>T^ «. f?«f«. "PT^ /. %iK «. 5^r?5 >». ^f>T^ «• A dung and rubbish h. ^fi n. ^\i^\n. ^]T^f. ^XTi\n. Eaised by the h.— graiu, &c. ^^q-r=^!-. To Hoe, v. a. v. N. ^sict, ^^H--&c. ^oriJr. Hog, «. 1^ »«./ 11. ^i^x VI. ^^ »^. Domestic or tame h. t(?^+< «. To Hog, «j. «. cut the hair short. %?r m. pl.-^^^J^f. ^HfrKU*!. HoG-PLTjM, «. spondias mangifera. ^■>\\i\ or 3TmT »». ^PT- 3Tf5lTm. HOG-STTE, «. I^PTT^^^ 11. I^FT^fT OT. Hoggish, a. Wn^TR^^r, !J5R^^, ^JlR^r^^T, W^KT. HoGGisiTN-ESS, a. V. A. l+iMytl m. ^'T?T k. ^J^?^ m. ^JjR- Hogshead, «. larrel. ^q^'+r^lum -mf , ftT n. HoiDEN, M. v. Eoiip. tTFTS n. ^\t[ f. -^Y^ /. ^FTT^ft /. ^- To HoiDEJT. See To Eomp. [ ^tjf . To Hoist, v. a. v. To Eaise. 3'^?!;of^ Sr^^TT^, 3'*TK'^, 3^ To h. sail, ^ft? «. ^R^f. Jb Hoi'D, V. a. grasp, clutch, ^'c. qT'jf, ar^RT^'ir. To h. or grasp firmly. 4;-<^ +, I ^^-^^^^^ «f7y. q^^ 2 ^ce;3, retain. tT^, T^jPif , %^. 3 maintain as an opinion. qTiir, 3?!'.?^"^, ^Tonoir, 3T=IrJ- «rJf, 37r«nT OT.-3Tr^q>jr «. ^j^ g. ofo. To h. pertinaciously. ^-^^ cra^Jr. [ TR^. 4 regard, view, v. To Consider. tROT, iTM^, JTMOT, 5 V. To Costaix. TTR^-^fSffT im, ?rHT%^T m. ^of ^. o/ 0. and in. con. 6 ( office, place, &c. ) aT?r^. 7 ( court, council, meeting, &c. ) ^.t^, HTot, ^TTf^'^. 8 refrain, icithhold, v. To Eestuain. 'iTprq'Jr, aTFH;'^. 3 in; V. To Eestraik. sn^ijf, aT^Rot, ^?T-n>-uE. ^RT^Tirf, ^^[1^^, HOL 11 out; e.vtcnd, stretch forth. ?5i«I 'tRwf, 'jl^ ^T^. 12 up ;— the head. ?TTf^ t^JTif, ?TO-?Tre^T <:n:^, Tq ?J^. To hold one's tongue or peace, ^t^ n. ^"JT, ?nT^- To Hold, v. n. he true, apply. ^T^T5ii, fH^jflTW, i=I['Jr m. '^of. [ it^rM'. The rain has held up. TMHRT ar?=5, THT^r^ f^^fTTT To h. good, To h. true. ril'N^ui. Hold, n. grasp, dutch, q^ m. JJi»(^ in. To lay h. To take h. v. To Seize. tRiif, fmrn tT'!'!, To obtain firm h. — a disease, &e. m m. q'^. 2 holding power, v. Capacitt. EfT «i. 3 soinething to hold by. 3TT^ «». 3TP.T^ m. '^V'^K w. 4 cusiody.'^^f q^/. 5 ( of a ship ). ^Fre'T/. ^]^\^ n. 6 stoj), c-Z««^, ^-c. V. Catcu. 3T?^ii «. STI^F^'iT «. 7 See EoRTEEss. Castle. Holder, n. r. V. A. 1. qT^rnT, qrff & '^TW & trc & qriT (in comp. ). Holding, «. v. V. A. l.—act. %R^ n. &c. qKtj[ «. q7;ur «. V. V. N. 7. g-gs/. 3^TT5 /. 7-^^/. ?TT>n m. Hole, m. /jzY, cavity, depression. ^ctTT ?». <^m. ^H^ift/. ^^ f W"^f ^^ n. ^T?T m. 53r?JTT ««. #?!;^ m. ^^ ;«. frar w«. mk «■ ir/. nrrf /. Holes and hollows, — comprch. ^Jtt'^^'^'t '«• pl- ^t^- ?^Ia(^ «J. pi. ?jtf=5R ^^-n ?». i^Z. H. to creep out is.^,fig. ^m, or ?f^/. fel^/. — as niailc iu a smooth surface. ^Nf. dim. #^/. ffni^T w. Jim. ^V^^f- ^^ "»• #^/ ^f=^/. sNt m. 7— as made in the flesh ( bj a boil, &c. ). qr^m. ^5T r». 5JTT m. ^T^r m. 8 (in the grouud,— as for a post, &c.). ^m.ijmn.i{mi.m. To fix in a h. ( a post, &c. ) H»T^iJt. HOLIDiT. See HOI.Y-DAT. Holiness, n. v. A. 1. rq-. [fq^Tsft/. HOLSIEE, n. fqr:^ z^n^T ^plTrtf ^TTT ^ riM? tr?l qJT?f?«Tr^ Holt. a. /iKre. immaculate, S;c. ^Rpqr^Vf^^T-^^.fJjjfi^.&c. 2 hallowed, qf^, «H«i, qfsr^ft^^. A h. spot or place, ^r^^^=^n. q'«T?ftMn. qiPTHfiT/, H. time or season. qo^r^P^;?!. qiRfW^Rwi. Holy-day, n. religious festival. WJ\m. ^T'JT^TTm. ?nTr=^ fjcjH m. q#H. qsf'ft/. q^f^?T»i. qcrf^?^. «. HOTf^/. ^rorg^ 37H^m. ^Hra'?;!. ^r^STw. q'Jq-f^w.n. 3??Tl^f4=)*l>».^?^r- ^f^^wj.n. qnqr^m.n. Present made on a h. ^^n. Victuals given (to retainers, &c.) on a h. ^<7Tm. To keep h. W^m. W^T^. Certain of the Ilolydays, Saints' days, Festivals, ^e. are 3T^:?nnO' or ar^sf Jft, 3Tfjfy«IHc|»ft, 3T|^T?*ft, 3T- ^v^mx or ^^T^rfrqfSi'TT, n^^jmr, n^s^, mf- tiv.vft , nW'ijHKr, ^?T=5r5=jVt, '^rqr^r^a^'^ft, =5Tqr7^,=srqrq^, ^• oftq^ or^qt^mr, ^nT'^^rf^femi's^TT^n, ^htt, ^sqrfW, ?P7ft^^^^T?ft, ^^nr^, ?f;fT5fqr5TiTr or JTSTT^tq^nr, 5^^^=^^- Ssfr, ^TPrf^^TToft, ^Fiq=qjfr, ^TT5fr?tr5TJTT or q^^, qf?Wq^, qR^NmiTT, fq^, qtqiitqf'jrHT, qta^, sr^ftr^ft, sf^mr- W^r, 5rfttrr;f^3T or si^uirn^d, ^Jf, ^HToft^tvr (or ^qVtT'T'C'rft) HTS^ft^, HrgWH'^'Y, H^^iPRDT or ?r^frT, Hr^^^Trfr, jT^PT^t, T^psjft, JT^rRT5rn=5r or ^rfoT, ?''EOL'SNESS, 11. T. A. ^TMTc^ «. ^T" tr^ n. ^fT^pnr ?2. arrgnuq- n. (^^?;^?rT?ftsr?TT/. ^^rfft^r^T/.&c Homogeneous, a. of tlie same leiiul or nature. 'T^F^?nrfr^, '^- Sfot, ?T^'4, ^5'T'JT, f^H^. Homologous, a. ^irq'fcJTT'JT, ^=^Tr?:Hr'JT. HoxE; n. ^5e/. 219 Hoxe, J7. a. f^cR PJrsfin-Tr^^aT. Honest, «. true, sincere, lionoraWe, (juilclcss, S)'c. ^TT, ^TF^T, ^Ht, r^^^iT, |-KT^r5?T, ^rrf?^^, ?i?^^fT?7, ?if5T|f?r, ^??t- arf, ?fTr^ ^JO/i. ^T^, ^^ i^i^. 7% i^r'TTf'n^ ^w;). !TJTTfoT^, f^i^q^, f^i?;f=^TiT, Sf?7f5IlT, !7rFF5 or fH-jq-f^T^, 3T^7^, 2 fair, Just, equitable. H^^T, ^^T^TT, W?fT=^T, ifmTfcT- 3— an employment, profits, &c. f=;T?5, ^=ir^r=^T, ^Tf^T, ^fi ^'T, 'J* comp. 4 See Chaste. Honestly, aih. v. A. 1. ^W^, ^"^TOTI^, JHT^RT, &c. Honesty, n. \. A. 1. XHT]ff. X^X'^m m. ?i?q- «. ittr ?;. fjrr- 2 ^%^ or X^=q^Z\f '^Wf. n?f/. tTi;^/. ^^\f'^w.^m m. I HON II. is the best policy, 3Tf?T ^TT^r f^T^r "^=1 fTTHTTr, Honey, n. W-g n. pop. q^r m.f. J=n%^ «. ^>? n. 11. water. iT'<^ofT «. Eivcrs of h. H'|-^~qr/. i'?. Honied worils and killing deeds. ^\H\m tff^^ 'flrfaT Honey-comb, n. JT^qr^ «. q^r^TT m. tI^ »t. q-fss «.^f. K'=lfn?TT m. =qT5ft/. Kg^T^T w. Some kinds or forms of Ii. arc ^R^T'Z «.( the cells environing a stick ), qprjif «. ( a rich kind ), qfr^f n. ( long kind ), ^r%^ n. ( it has seven cells ), JTf^^T n. ( made by the ^Tf^ ^]^ ), q^T^ or qf:r«. (formed iu the hollow of a stone, tree, &c.). Division of the li. which contains the houey. w.\^m. Division of the h. containing the bees or their young. 'm^ or ^tf,tf [ ^T m. Honey-moon, HoNEY-MONxn, n. ?5tT ^r -MN<-M I qf|?^ ^J^^ HONEY-WOUinED, HONEY-XONGUED; «. niT^r^F, ^'•T^TPfr, Honeyed, a. JT'^r^r, ^H^'J^^, Honor, n. dignifi/, yreatnr.-s, ranJc, (j'c. 'tfRqTT ?».KtS'T'Trw. ^m\f. '*fRt/. KTfT^rfr/. ifffiijr/. ^^ «. 2 crerf/i, character, name, v. Eeputation. aTR^/. f'^^^ /. Hfsr w. ?n'fTn HI. ^thft/. qrnfr n. To become bound iu h. gT^ q^of. [^^. To keep one's h. qpTf? n. or qrnR^TT^ q^ w. pi. HTF- To lose one's h. ?rrq? ?j. TfTraiJi, qT'^t n. ^^ g. of s. To stain the h. of. qpfi^ n. ^r# qRjrT m. w^^^f w^^m^^f. w?;r?fte?fr /. 3TfHm^ m. V. sn^'X^-HrT-'OT-iTrq", F.]^f r. ^^, ^^/. To be jealous or watchful of one's h. X[^m^ ^riW. 4 — as rendered or paid; reverence, v. Eespect. JTivf ni. •W'^H «»• ^f^R OT. Mi'4)rir/. 3Tr^ «(. Jfk^r «. ?f^;m »«. Honors, v. Civilities. 3TT^^ 3^^R w^i^^- aTT^TTT^fOT. 3Tr^r?(f^T m. ITRT?1'JTT?T "i. Chief honors ( as paid at assemblies ). 3T^7^/. 5 credit, eclat, lustre, v. Gloey. sft^r m. ^^ n. ?ri=rcq «. €\^ f. f\W.^ f x^j f To Honor, v. a. reverence, florifi/, magnifg, Sfc. 4fR ;?rronjif- s^5t. [jfi5r-&c. ^iit_ 2 (%«i/y, evnollc, c^-c. v. To E.^alt. pfreq^ wi.-^te. 5ijf, . 3 ( a bill, &c. ). ^^rm, 'JllT': m. ^Rof y. o/o. q^f^T'^f or q?:Tf%^ 4 receive or treat tci/h honor. ^TfT^rTot, ?T'R'R'jf, 3TT^ot, JftTSfCT, JTPT OT.-^^T^«.-'JTr^«i.-?ifTn: ;».-n]r^ m. n.-&c. w.x^g. ofo. cTrjfrT/. ^of. To h. by investing with robes, &c. rT^t'F/ ^Ptictj- y. o/o. ft^fttp/. ^. noo ! ilo.NOUAUUi:, (I. trorthy of honor, illustrious, noble, c^c. 3TI«r- 2 noWf r/minJ, actualrd by princijiles of honor, ^v. ^• ?T7?r;fr=r, ^F^ffl'T'jT, 'fnffsr^, ?Tf^rr«T, a^Trqfn", ytJKH'T^, 3 bearing or bringing honor, creditable. 3TT^^, XTfrf^"^, ^ j)roper, right, honest, v. Just. FAin.Mmi f&T'Fi'op. SPTT- HoXOBABLEXESS, «. V. A. 1. H MM I "^dl /. TT^T^TT/. f^^TrT/. 2 HHNI iftTT'TT wJ.-iT?IW-OEiEy, a. conferring.^ ^'c. honor. 3TTf^^r,irf?r%^T, 5ff?T^- 2 performing duty without pay. MMKlRt^TT^ %^S srfrl%^- 3 having a place ivithout pay or duty. T^TRrFlT^rT ? +1 m - HOXOEED,/). T. V. 1. *r37^^, TTW^Flr, &e. 34lRlr|. 3 «+K-J^T, clc. 3TT^?t. To be h. ^^_ 4 3TTTT%=7T, 5?T adv. ^^. 2b Hoot, «j. a. drive ivith shouts of contempt. ^^Z^^^■, gl- ^ or ^i+Nui, g^T^'^, ^ri-t^Kot, ^5(57^, ^^T^i^, f|f ?rra^ or li^r^m, ^q+if^joi, ftT^pH-iNui, '§xf-'§Tt^- trf.--§V^f.-&c. T.m^g. ofo. Hoot, Hooting, «. ( of the owl ). ^f. 2 hallooing at or after, ^tf. ^k^fff §<'i\^itf. f - Hoot, interf. ^, J^, J^, ^r. 2b Hop, v. n. leap on one leg. ^^VT{^\^-^_■^.\^\^]^l: =^n^- 2 s^!/) lightly, bound, ^'c. 3^, S^rT or ^^dJ4rf ^ilT^- 3 See To Dance. [?f?T/. Hop, Hopping, n. v. V. I.— act. ^^vwm\ Ti\f. rinfT/. HOR ? Hop, n. r^^ JTrfT 3TT|. HoPABED, n. — the play. 3T^ J^ n. Hope, n. arrw/- ^mf. aTRin/^/. Frustration of h. aTT^irHH «. ^TTS.q' w. Eenewal or revival of h. "PTTTSflT/. Unreasonable h. fTr^ir/. ^IfTT^IT/. [ ^R'Jf. To throw up h. v. Coueaoe. grT^Tl/.-^ «». fT«J>ot- "Whilat there's life there's h. ( or Dum spire spero). s^TTF nf 3TRr. 2 object 0/ k. arr^r/. arr^TrR'Tq' »i. To Hope, v. m. 3TmT/.-3nT'ar/-3TT?r/ s^ixf-ti^iif-sjncTiat- Hopeful, a./«Z^ of hope. Sfr^irsTT^, 3Tr?TTf^?r, arr^rf^, 3Tr- m^r^, arr^ll^, STR^^t, 3TR'4T"T5rF, 3^'4TM????TT, w^, 2 ^/I'wy ^. p-onmmg. e^TTT^R^F, ?1r?rr. HoESE, «. ^rm. (ST«». :ft/. 5». ) 5rre;wi. ^'^m. ^V^m. 5^1 »;!. g^qiTw!. ^Z^m. ?R«». ^f'^T^T'". ^qw.— in contempt, &c. and answering to rip, jade, hack, ^'c. ^\Z^Zn. qr5$ n. ^'^^i^^VJ\ or oft sfriH. |T5ftsrHr^?».— iu endearment or admii-ation. HRrftH^w*. ^\^'^^m. HOH 396 HOE The colors of the Hone arc, ^TJT irou grey, njqr white with redilish patelies. 'Nri'rST ronu. riiijsr qR fhcsDut. rtf '?TJnT bay. f^T^T white. mtlT dark bay. The pafes are. Wtft=EfT^/ ^^TS^?!/. ^I^fJ^TP^, ?Tq;oT- sr55,aTqFft^n^,75i^n5, |s*|'Iit, yi^i'O-^irf, HT'-^n^r^w, ?1T5l^^^r[^, Tl^^T3^fT?J, ^^r^TT?!, 'MMl^Irl, ^T-^TFJ. f»omo ol'tho faults or Memishes are, 3T?rH^^, ^S^il,^ g?7-SHIP, n. ^rsTR^/. ^^nft /. 3T=qRt^f^?JT /. HORSE-MUSEETEEE, M. ^^ or +,'J. HouELY, «. ^vsl^T, '•-ji'lMil^l, ^tr^^. HouELY, adv. ^^it; qft^TTt. House, n. ^l n. ^^ n. WW^ or ^ m. n. H^lc5 m. ^f^ n. H- SPT «. 3TT55q' M. n^ «. ?irRT;»i'. ^TToE /. qpT B. ?f^ /J. ^^ «. armr m. in comp. — in contempt or disparagement, answering to Iiovel, hut, anchorets cell, shed, cell, hole., ^■c. frnrf^ft ^ n. f?icrt^ #iTe «. h^/. qoTf^/. ^MmriT If. B. Tor the liouses of Europeans smjIT is commonly noTT S98 HOV used, but among themselves tho Mariiihfts apply this word to a summer or pleasure bouse. A deserted or desolate h. q^qt «■ At, in, to, Ac. every h. si\M<. Born in one's li.— a slave, r ^Tlvn^. Central portion of a h. HI^ITTT M.w.T^trS^ ?J.HtT^ n. *T«r^ 11. Cenmony of occupying a uev li. ^H^oft/ ^Tf^'jft or mTm-ivUf. ^sj%r m. ^T^^V m. Ceremonies in purification of ah. n|5f5/-'rTT5^ltf?[/'. First entrance, by a wife, of the h. of her husband. tTT*fT^/. ^Tfr^oft or q^?T?5faft/. ^^If^ m. H. having flat roof of earth. t^f^T n. Inner apartments of a h. aifTrJT n. cfirTn^ n. "T^cTT n. Large and stately h. mansion. ^]J\ m. ^?ft/. Master of the h. ^^W.t\ m. m^^ m. Mistressof theh. ERjp^/. q^i^'m/. q^-^lR^jft/. Open h. Tiospitalle mansion. qJTqfr/. 555^^/. Person taking care of a h. q^?s• qT «• 3«RT »». q^- 2 (of a saddle), qim w- TT^/. Hovel, «. t. Hut. -^Z n. dim. ^T^ or f[f. ^K n. To HovEB, V. n. hang over or around.^ move hackteards and forwards. fqTHi-iTT/. /^-Hrqi-qr/. pl.-f^T7:-t(\f. jpl.-&c. HUF 399 HTIM WIpScfr-JTRot ivltli ER or *fr^fTT?5T ofo. Hr^sot, Ht^OT, - qcqrqtos »j. sfRT55T «». Jirqs m. q^ra ?». i?^/. TP^^rf/. \\^^ m.f ^. Hue, n. color, tl '"• 'T"! »!. ^ITOT w. 2 hue and cry. J^TTf m. ^ITJRT »». ^T^^/. ^T^^/. *!:^ ^KSf. " Huff, «. o/ff«ce, ^c. T^^f ^f. f^^/. ^f/. ^iH^rr »». To Huff, v. n. take huff. f%iTair, f^TSOT, »:^at, ^rjirf, f^«l5f, 2 See To Blustee. HuFFEE, n. HuFFi:5n, a. Huffy, a. v. V. that soon takes of- fence, f^^?:, fST7?^"r^ or f^itfr^r^, ^^tft, f^^vir, HUFFINESS, «. V. A. f^TTJ/. =5ft5/. To Huo, V. a. V. To Emmrace. 3TT^r-qkT^ yfTW, Strfel'Jf, ^ "M tTT'Tf, iT%q-T?T fPTSr TFTor, f^-l^r m. JTRiif. Hug, Hugginq, m. v. V. srrfenoT « &c. anfisi^ ». f^r^fty. Cornish h. JmrpT^/ HFfijfifT^/. Friendly h. ^^rrrfeT^r /w;;. ^Jm'^T^ n. sriTTf%'n «. To give a coruish h. ^5=^^ ^ofT. Huge, a immense, vast, monstrous, v. Large. "FRHrar, 5i^5, *s^^, ^sT^i^^T^, 'J?r^5 o;- '^Rrra, 3T^rf5^, ^H|ol,;xqr5^ ^'liloA, q?TT"'TT, ^Pfrsr, q'JTfTT, ^=^^, Sf5ir5E, ^fsni. Hugeness, m. v. A. \^K'jmm. -^f!W^mm. &c. ^^]^f. Hugger mugger, n. clandestine secrecy, concealment. fSj^- ^K\f ^^'ft.f. 3TI3Tre/. In h. ?j'J5iJ^f , f^5=^r€Tr, fSiqn'^q'Tfr^, arrrifs^. Hulk, n. body of an old shq). 7|?q|f[^^rlN[ ^TmTSTw.sFreRTw. 2 lulky, lurly, strapping fellow. The terms bearing this general sense are numerous. They have of course parti- cular implications, and unccjual intensity; but, in thus varying, they agree closely \\\i\\giant, monster, colossus.^ goliath, Sfc. hero therefore they are collected. ^Tg^, ?55>TTTfft, Pj^irH'-T, F^ST'-T^, P^I^JT^, S^S or %-?5 «. «[5 «. ■^TTS rt. 5tiT n. fiTcqrS Tiq-jfT, ^ffnrST w. SIoE ?». moiwr^T Hull, n. v. Husk. 5TTJ3 «. ^TTrST^ «. "PTH w. 2 lody of a ship. m^[^ m. '^JZ n. J^T^RT m. 3 mere frame. ?ICT5T «. ^ttTTST m. To Hull, v. a. v. To Husk. ?ft?lSot, ^^t^ «. ^ftsot 5'. o/"*?. Hum, Mi/er/'. ^f, ^. To Hum, «;. «. v.' To Buzz, jqcrr, ^toth'JIot iniens. ^ruiTtrrfff, 2 ( in speaking ). HT?! ^^i^, nnoT. To HuM,t'. a. sinj in a low voice. ^^^\^-^vm\^^.VPZ^\^ JiiUT. To h. a tune. 3T?5Ts?ijg'Y^nTT'I, Humble, a. not proud. ^»7, 1^, f^l^ or f^qCf, q^^T?r-T- CH^TfTW^, f^TfPR, 3T5T^^PK, 3T?I^^TTt, ^'^^ff , =l'5fTT- ^?r, ^^r|^, =fr^, rft^lf^, ^"5171^, ^quTT m.-&c. 3TTft^?nT'7f, ?I'?-&c. ^|of. HcMBLE-BEF.. «. 'jnr m. ^^x m. ^t >«. Humbled, Humiliated, p. v. V. 1. ?rH?i^?;r, R5r %e?lT, ^J^^r, ^X^.^., in mS^.^TjAc. ^-jrfiriTR, ^ftflTpTiTR. 2 See Abased. HUMBLEB, ?!. HCMBLIXG. HuillLIATIXG, /J. a. V. Y. 1. ^^- '<«li'", ^t^I'T'^ITT, PJSOTrT, n^ ^T^OTRT, &c. ^THrS-qr, j^^rf-qT, ^^tpir'siTr, ?. g-p^qfl-/. ^rir?fr/ FS^mXT/ i//. "ft?! «. ^rTflPT or 5tfT?/. 511?/ iTm ^Tsq^ n. ftrrfrl'^TC Ji. 2 humlugging p)crson. ^\i^\v^J., Slll^fTT, ^iTPft o»' H- ?5'». ?l^frr/. FfH|^/. f^^w./. Humor, «. (of the body), ^m. i^m. ^ot. The three 7; «»!0?-s are. spiF;;!. fq^T". qTfTwi. (jjhlegm. bile or choler, wind). Disorder or Yitiation ofaujofthem. €[mn. ^J^^^J»i■ Disorder or Yitiation of them all. f^j^m. ^]^^^n. Disorder ascribed to the Yitiation of the h. phlegm, is, ^"Ff^T^PTTw. SK'PTf'TOT.— of the h. bile, f^=e^f^W.Wn.f^rilmm. —of the h. «nnf?, cfinfcr^iTi". ^ITrRFU?;. SfTjf^^PROT. =rT^»». Discharge of humors. TFi'T^ftw- Excess of any of the three humors, ^^mm. JFifJTn. 2 present tempxr, mood. |^frr/. HT=J»'. rif^fq'n/- To be in the h. for. ^ H^'Jt-^Tf'? g. of s. Q jocularit)/, pleasantry, tvit. X^f^n. Sg^fT^iT/. 4 Y. AVHur. Fakcx. s^m. nt^w. V,\lf. To HuJion, V. a. Y. To Indulge. Vj^\m.-'^x^m.-&.c. ^'^M'^ g. ofo. gjrg;iTT'T«.-iJ^T5f1^/.-35T5?Tq«2. ^01 g- if 0. HfMOBAL,, cjc. to the humors. q;'ffqTl-ciful, Whimsical, g^, ijife?, 3f^, ^f5:fmH. qTfnm. WA^n. ^w^n. To have or get a li. q7%ot, "rfnoT. Hump-backed, a. ^^ or f^rs-Jtr, ^Kn, -ffij. t^ot. Terms for a person wild with h.are «RTf5E Hrf n. spcii- 2 See Desire. 2'o Hunger, u. «. J|5f?/.-g':TT/.-&c. ?!PT^ /«. fon. CJ^mft or 3"'?Rft ^^«. ^te^SWn. &c. I. See Tumult. HURLY-BUELY, «. V. TuMULT. ^Slm. qT^t^JTRj;}. qt-MlClotW. »TTq^?». qRTqrr or gHtTT^/ ^^tq^Twf. HuERA. See Huzza. [q=qf«fTH m. Hurricane, n. storm of wind. ^\Z^ n. ^TiRT «. =^5«nrT m. Hurriedly, ar?y. ?ri?Tff, ?yn?5'T, ?Jn?r'T qr;^. Hueriedness, n. v. Hueey. mr/- fTtn'S or ^f. ?5N3IT m. arm «». ^^ ;«. To be in a violent li.^ qT^^/i-itc. 3T^, H^SI m. ?JT- nor Ml. COM. g^ftrT «. ft'Jif or ^. HuERiiNG, n. V. V. A. 1. vjNrlNiJI n. &e. \f\M'^r\f. =qTH^- 5p?y/. f o^s:/. ^^zf. 555=^51/ a^TRTri'?;?:/. h^^pt >«. HuREY-SKUEEY, M. it/i^fe, confusion. g?5T^"ift/. qi^rTtrt^T/. qrf / ^^'i?T or qirqRT/. Fn^FS/. ??Tq^ or 7[\ f. To Hurt, v. a. harm, injitre, impair, damage. ^RI"Jf, f^T^, ?T3ot, ?fTR ^^, fsf^ire'^ or fiJTT^or, ^^Tsft/.-g^P^T'ft/.- &c.-!p^y. 0/0. OT^q- lyj. q;^ot. 61 nrs 402 HYE 2 V. To "WOVXD. ^^W^f- SR'Jf-'^, I^^T^, 'HIIHW >». if^^. p/o. IIVBT, n. Aam, mUchief, damage, detrimettl, injury. g^F- ? II. ?Tl7t/. ^TfH/. 2 t;-ui>, ^c. V. "NVorsD. I^TTTH/. To receive b.— a limb, &c. JJfT^T^ or |^R^. IIi'Tir, ;j. V. V. 1. ^re?!?^, &c. 3T^?f, sfTHT^^n:, ^WlH'+K, 77^, f^mf^, ^m^^ or 5TT^^, ^ST. IIUKIEB JJ. EUKTFVL, «. V. V. 1. ^^T'^TTT, ^rra^irRT,&C. W^mr^, STT^^, an^PrT?, artnFTT^FR^-^rTf-.'vc. 3lf|rT- &c.3Tf^r2^irR^-TTft-&c. 3TqTq=FR^-^Jm5p-&c.m^nf;, mr^ft. I.— article of food, v. TJ>-\vnoLESoiLE. 3W<;q-, JfT^T, qT-, «. V. A. ^^^^^ m. aTT^TT^F^r n. arq^FTfr- nr/. STWK^PTI^ »»• I. 3T5PPT OT. sfTtTWir »»• Sfjq'qJf^T «. Hi'Si3iXD7«- ^T^ '«• ^^'^ ♦"• 'T^^ "'• T^^JO^. ^TrTR Or JTrrn: «». "rf^ m. ^ m. ^^ m. sFTrT pop. q-:*T »«.— in fami- liar phi-ascolog'y. nT^T »». '^^ m.—in amatory or poetic phraseology, v. Lotee. iTmrrKRT'*■ H.'s father's house. ?rre^ n. ^TRR^T "• yi^<=Ill'/. — Girl resident in it. ^fT^^^Rft'T /.— Eesidence in it. m- H's mother, ^f^ or jf /. ?rre[/- H.'s paternal aunt. 3TIri?rre^/ H.'s sister. Jpii^/. ?i^/. sf^t «• ^-f-pl. Woman whose h. is alive. ^sjTf^pft^o/'. g^TT^'^'Jr/^- Taking a second h. qrs »». -^i5< «?■ To run from one's h. and dwell with another man. ^ n. f^qor, ^ «. f^qof. While the h. struts abroad the wife starves at home. To Ht;sba>-d, u. a. manage idth frugality. ^FrT ^^dl^ -?!^- ^-^^?ftnT5t-&c. ^^^ >n. ^of, ^^Tq m. zRnf-Scrjf. HUSBASD-HOOD, >2. sT^cnxn m. 5thV «. HUSBA>-D-MA>-, M. V. AcEICVLItEISI. ilfi^f^, ilfftHlrft, ^t- HVSEAKDEY, Ji. V. AOBICULTtBE. ^m^BFT M. ?;f«r/. ^^IW^TI. Instruments of h. — gener. or collect. 3T^3^ H^'JTT ?»• 2 domestic economy, v. PEroALiTX. qr^i'lpsrift/.^^'J^/. Hcsn, jn/f;y. ^, 3RTrq, sft^;;nFr. To Husu, f. «. ji»W, st.ll. ^rr-vrs-^.&c. ^Rof, ^TtfH/.- ?m m. sFJTjf y. 0/ 0. 2 hush up ; suppress. ^R'Jf, ^T«IT^/.-%». ^v^f. 3T5^ li. f^ «. ^^irar/. HuTcn. See Bi:?. Huzza, intei-j. ^JPT^IPT, ^J^^JPTT, ^^^q^R, ?Tf?T. Huzza, w. sAom^ o/"yoy. T^^ «!. vST^^ST^ w. v^T^TS^ m. vTJT- qrq OT. ^srq^^'FK m. vtr^^t^t^^ »». n^^t/. 2b Huzza, v. n. ^^q'^is^ m.-&c. q^^iTf. HXACINTH, «. ^^ ^R^frT 371^. Hxeeid, a. V. Mongeel. ?ffn^, f^ssRHTft^, ?f^^?fmtT. HiDATiDES, «. loatery vesicles, qjr^qrrs »». ^i. Htdeaulic, a. ^^W^WJf^^^^^-^'^^'^, HxDEAULics, n. science of fluids in motion. vPTH^rff^'qi/. =^^^t^U^\f- HrnEOCEPHALUS. n. ^?5TW^. Htbeocele, n. dropsy of tie testicles. qTiq-^f^/. STFTl's; m. HxDHonxnAiiics, «. T^nfHf^vTf^T^iT^ n. Hxdeooen, «.3<^'+^H'+=)iq; w?|^>fJT^ 9i.(from the English). HxDEOOEArnEB, jz. ^^^^r^m 5r^% ^^Fril ^.koiki. Hxdeogeaphx, n. ^g^^fr^R SRR^ 5TW?T *lJT «.-&e. armor. Htpekbole, «.— in rhetoric. arfil^T'TTf^/ W^f^ /.arfq^n. HxPEnEOLic, Htpehbolical, a.x. N. a#r?T?fr^t^, W^^- Hyperbolist, n. 3Tf?f^f^ ^r^r-^TT^-^fTf, 3Tf?f5Tr?q^, fq^T- =5TT ^r^T^T *<«IKI. Hypebboeean, See Noetheen. Hypeeceitic, Hypeeceitical, a. over critical,-^. Captious. HYPEECEiTicisii, 11. excess oj criUcism, v. CAPTlous^'Ess. Hypnotic, a. soporijic. gt? 3TT^oito', f^T+K'+, f%5T^^^. Hypochondp^, n. v. Side, q^ m.f. «t^T5t/. HyPOCHONEEIA, HxPOCHOUDEIASIS, M. T. MEL.iNCHOLT. ^- fMH^il^ m. fSpTT^ m. Htpochoxdriac, HYPOcnoTDEiACAL, «. V. Melancholt. ^T^rf^'TT^, fSlf^f^TTT^, f^TTT^f^. Htpoceist, n. — gener. ^\^ n. ^^ m. f^ m. '>V\^f- n. ^ff*r- ^ «. frHTrT t^^ TT?fn<^ n. ff'TT/. SHI + KMIH-H «. 3TPPR;- 2 — religious. sppwrR «. 5i^f;jf?f n. ^W^T'^n^ »t. ^il ^s. Htpoceite, «.— geuer. v. N. 3>ft or iqr, ^H^, ^tpT^, S'ft, fiW^TT, frrWrlt. lu that shade of the sense of this word denoted by the current terms and phrases cat.^ tpolf in s%eep''s clothing, saiiit-loohing ruffian, demure Uood-hound, lutter-faced cut throat, meeTceyed villain.^ Iioney-iongued scoundrel, (one looTcing ) as ij butter mould not melt in his mouth, sanctimonious fellow, latnh- Uke tcolf, — i. e. one of soft and mild aspect.^ lut of dark and fell purpose, there are iu 3Iaraihi numerous terms and phrases equally current and equally significant. H^^ HK=lli^ or HUi|iHK=Jl^, ^^rff ^nt ^f?r TTS'JTT'CT, ?TT^Ht gO, fFTRT m^^ arrf&T jth^it ^jhttt ^rt, m- H^^-, niT^^^IT 3TTf&T HR:^T?5n, ^RT nt^ or ^]%V\Js^ ms, ii.H'n or j^^nfr^ Tr^, H. ti'icks. SFT 'n?i.aTgfirf?i^5 Wi.^fHR^r/. HxpoTnETicAL, a. X. N. :j>?q%^, a^-i^-^"^, aTHHMi^i, ^t- prf^, 3TrgHTf%TW.-&c. ^"JT-^PjTrr, ^|«!. ^fTT^'iir. 2b Ice, d. a. 5l#5R^-^n^-&e. itS ^FTof, icE-BEEG, w. sTPr^rrsPTT'"' Ichneumon, n. — vivena. pfrp?r»2.w. ^^^»!. sjgwj. ^nrTfrw. ICHOK, «. saniousflux. T'PT't™. PTH/. HM<'ftM. fq'^rrf'TT/;. IcHOEOUS, a. serous, watery. TTrfJ^T, FJ^'Sfr, ?5^TT^^T, <7^- Ichthyology, «. description^ ^c. of fishes. nR^nPTT??. Ichthyophagous, a. feeding on fish. JTf^T^Tq^, MrWI^lft, Ichthtophagt, «. ZwiWi/ on fish. Mr*:M\\\JiKi, ^I^PT^^. ICY, «. made, ^c. of ice. JrpT^, f^K^nH, f^'^, 1^?ft?R, 2 coW Z«^-e iVe^ il4>P'HKTRT«J. arr^Rw.- Distinct i. ^"5 sffnTfrT/ [Tf w. 2 conception, thought, T. jS^Otion. rjqpw. HRfn. *rrew. Abstract i. TT«Tot. Under the i. of. 5^^. Ideal, a. existing in iWed, v. Intellectual, Mental. H^RT, 2 visionary, v. Imaoinaey. mni%^, ^T?Tf^^, HT'.^f?'?- I. world. HRr^^f*?/. IDL 404 IDO Idealism, n. doctrine of the vnrealUy of mailer. jtHTT/. ^- luLALisT, n. V. y. ^{^]^\i\. arf^r^r^r^. JuEALLY, adv. V. A. 1. aiul MeXTALLV. JT^Tt?T. Identic, Ide.ntical, a. the tame. ^R, (jq^, fpiiT^, 3Tf*rar, loESriCALSESS, iDESTiry/jl. V.A. \^mt. ^jgpTTT^WJ. rtl<^lr*<< It. -iTf»m^/. 3TfH^ Hnr»i. ai'Ts;"!. ar^r^rar/. ar^j'^'TT^ n. ?T?tr^r/. fTTHRT'i- t^^^Hdr/. Personal i. 3TTrH?q^«. 51; Idestift, e. a. ^roi't; /o le the same. ny^tfr-^^r-&c. 2 treat as the same, make to be the same, ^^^i^ ^T^R't, TriIOCRACr, n. pcatliarify of roiistitvtion. aTTrHTI^w. ^^^ frmHT^w- ST^JlrTfJr^Tw. ft-^iq-ST^fn/. InoCT, n. natural defect of understanding. ^-HMI %\7'JTT ri. ^TJ^lTf^ %f n.-g;otH. vdH-dri^^HUIlwi. &c. 2 imlecility ofmiiid^gcner. =^^m. ^^7i. ^n. f^^ n. ^^S^^Jm. iJHiHUIlMi. &c. *ftcE^ 3^5; /■ 55'^'TR"»- Causing- i. by magic. ^^TZHn. Feigned i. WT?r%f«. Imii, n. peculiarity of phraseology, sn^n^rr^r si^R»i.-ft^ /.-^^nB/.-Xc- HFTJm^sT^ m.^^ZJ^ m. Hli|OlHr T^w. 2 fr^=r?:, I. look. SfT^oEt 5ST/ >\\AWA'i\ 3?!/. loioiisM, iDiOTCr, «. V. Idiocy, ^^fos m. ^j^ n. Idle, a. aveise from lalor, v. Lazy. 3TT5!^, g^,f5r?:5!Tm, T- 2nof engaged,— person, &c. f^J^TTT, f^^?TTft,%^R, ^T?^, 3 iio< occa/>ierf-time, &e. v. Vacant. f^rHT, fr^m^oTRr. 4 trifling^ light, silly, Sfc. ^\%m^ i^mr, R-t -i m-. r, ftfrr, S^^, ^rqqjTTjft, sfptppruft^T, f^'4^, 3T^'4^, JTr^"^. To Idle. y. «. v. To Dawdle, inm, ^Trq^or, m^TT/;;?. JTR- Tf%/. ^?^-55J-'jf, ^s^^t^WtS^-q^^of. IdONEous, a. Y. Fit. qFT, 5^. Idtl, n. 9^^T^H]f^X^rV^ fT^^Fl^ n. I. E. (id est) J^^. If, conj. ^tt, ^^hPT, ^^^f , ^^^Fl^f , ^^^PFT, ^^r, Tft. Even if. ^, q■?Tf^, ?TqfT%g. If perhaps. ^■i.lRn, ifiij+i^lpq'g. Igneous, a. consistinj, ij'c. ofjirc. 3Tflt^r, ■JTTIT=!T, 'flTfm^, Ignis fatuus, w.— the meteor. 5cPFr?=ft Tlf F ^^ ^^^. 3 ( a biU of indictment ) ^;?ft5fRr TU ?T^?^5^ ^% Iguana, n. ^JVTlf. ^^ m. ifitrr/. ILL 406 ILL iLiiC, o. pertaining to the lower bowelt. ^F5^^^ STH^^r. I. passion. 7^1^ "». That has the i.passion. Tii, f^^^ '^T^fW, Tiff 3T^, 3T»T^?Jr III. n. See Evil. Ill, adv. not well, not riyIilli/,—f^cncr. qrt^, ^TR. 2 «o/ fa*i'y, rrith pain, ^'c. ^T.W^^^ ^^HRT, ^riMI=(<. Ill-accordiso, Ill-aoeeeino, a. f^T, f^r^^. Ill-advised, a. +Hpin, f^f^. lLL-AnnAj;oED, a. Ic^flT, I'HpJTr^, SToq^frtpT, 3T5^T^if=5rT. Ill-beiiaved, «. T. MisBEnAVED. %^^=^, 5r;^T?ft^, &c. I1L-BEII.A.VI0I!, n. V. Misconduct. %=qT?5/. ^r^^rra/.^?^- Ill-leixo, n. ar^FTM »;. ^'^A^ n. arf^ ». 3T^^t?5 n. Ill-betokexing, Ill-boding, iLL-oiiENED, &c. a. ^ff^T>ift, Ill-blood, «. v. Enmiit. g^r m. ^q^TR ?)j. Ill-beed, a. 3Tf^'?, ar^t^^q', |^, 'JTfJT^r^. iLL-BBEEDrsG, n. arf^Twr/. 3TO>-''T?rr/. Ill-disposed, a. v. Adveese. ql^ir, ^rf^S-^ T^P^, f^H^T, Ill-eavoeed, Ill-featueed, a. tijly, ^'c^T^T^^s^oft, fJ^'^'Jft', f^^w, f^?ioft, 5?T^H, gr^-qr fftsr^, f^^, f^^^. Ili-flavOEEd, a. fir^T^, f^rj. Ill-fobmed, a. ijlr^, ^E^Fprr, Ri*rii+R, R-*di*f?r, Ill-fobtu>-e, Ill-lcce, n. ^^ n. ^=ip^ n. f^V n.^fi% n. Ill-lookisg, a. v. Uglt. ^e^tt, ^CT. Ill-matched, Ill-paieed, &c. a. '^^ri, f^ST. Ill-natuee, «. f^|1%/. araff^r/. 5:'?rHT^ «5. IlL-NATEEED, o. 5;?ft-?7, |:^'Tr5r, ^P^^T. Ill-eeoulated, «. 3Tsq^fT'TTT^r. 2 See Unlawful. 3 See Illogical. Illibeeal, a. not intinijicent, ^c. v. Miseelt. 3T3HT, 2 «o/ generous, nolle, ^'c. ar^^TW, ar^T^T^H^r^TT, 3T=?^, Illibeeality, 71. V. A. 1. ar^m?^ w. ar^^Fq^rr/." ar- 2 aT3TT^R?^ «. aHH^^Krfi/. ^'r^T^mrr^ m. Illicit. See Unlawful. [ ar^r^q'. Illimitable, a. boundless, v. Infinite. aTqt"TR, f^TWlTT, Illiteeact, Illiteeateness, n. v. A. arfVqr/. arf^r^TTT/. 3Tf^?TT/. aT?r'4t?r?;r «. Illiteeate, a. unlettered, unlearned. f^?7T, 3TT?1T, ^^- ^Jf^7 3T^^, arf^, arf^rgi^ arrft^r, fWr^, f^r^TT- An i. person, v. Ignoeamus. a^^^^isi, ?fTTg. Illness, w. v. Disoedee. |^iji m. ftl ?«. arr^?: w. Illogical, o. contrary to the rules of reasoning. sRMrf^^, ar^qpft, ar^f^^, ^^^rfH^, ^f^f^i^s;. [ f^P^J^ «. Illooicalness, « v. a. gf^fj^J^jriT/. ^r^r^<|tT m. aTT- J^o Illude, v. a. V. To Deceive, qj^^fot. To Illuminate, To Illumine, v. a. v. To Enlighten. ^- ofo. g^^tjf, sr^Tf^Trf q^nf. 2 (with fe.stal lamps, &c. ). rf^T^T^ /. ^T^, f^Rm^T^T n. 3 ( paper, &e. ). T^it^H n. ^,\^, Illumination, n. v. V. 1. sr^r^riif n. w^V^ n. ?fiTR «. I. an i. a display of festal lights. Tr^=TT|/. S?^^ m. pi. ■■^H-^HK m. ^TT^/. S^^T^T m. Illuminator, n. v. V. 1. sf^^'JTKT, !T^^R+lO-^TTf-&e. Illusion, n. v. Deceit, stt^ «!• 'TT^ on. [ ar^KTT/. 2 — philosophical, idealism, ^\^]f. ^fFTTT'TT/- ar^/. Illusive, Illupoey, a. v. Deceitful, irr^^, jtt%=5TT, ht^- =5rT, TRl^, *imiiif g. ofo. H^firi 3TM^-tn;i^. 2 See To Conteite. To Imagine v. n. See To Think. Imbecile, a. impotent, iveak, ^'c. v. "Weak, ^r^rff, ar^prlf, Imbecility, m.v.A. ?i5i55q(7rTiH. |«i55qoTT m. &c. sj^^rw. rffstw. ^T^?q-«. 3T?TJTrTr/. To Imbibe, v. a. drink in. fqtjf , ^?rT>jf, fq3;^-?TPJ^ q-ijf, 2 (into the iniud). Ti^uf ?«. fO^i. q^jf, ^TTf R% ^^^FI^TT To Imbittee, Imbolden, &c. Sec To Embitteb, &c. To Imbeue, v. a. sierp. f^^^^., mM^., f^H^^of. To Imbue, v. a. tincture, fv^. s^\^-^'^-f^f^■\^^-■^n\^^-&c,^^_ Imitability, n. v. A. STg^trftTrTT /. ai^^oft^TrTT /. Imitable, a. V. V. 1. >d H < N I -^T-^FTr-^n:^r-& e. ar^^nTjf):- To Imitate, v. a. copy, ^c. S'fiR^, =T^^/-'ddKI m. q^^of y. ofo. JTOt/. 3lT^y. c/o. SPfft or ', n. v. A. aTil'mrrTT/. &e. Immediate, a. not mediate- proximale, ijv. si^^q;ift, ^T?1T- 2 imUint, present. H^ft^, "?6^, <1?FTc5=qT, 3i«M«tl^n*i- lililEJ.lATELT, (ulv. V. A. 1. :if^?T, ^T?TT5, qt'TTre5itTNt=|R, 2 ri l 'I^.M , ^P-^f^q-, '^^ft^, H?^r, flPRTH, 3TOT^, fWI^, IlliiEHAiENEss, «. \. A. 1. ??I^?^qfviHT/. Mim.I+l^'TTTT^ 2 ?n?--M fa --f,rii /. fi??^ft7P};?5T ?i. ^^^T■^r\■^.w^■m^ m. iMilEilOBIAL, a. lei/ond memomj. ?iTM^n:jT-E>T, a. mptnding, threateniny. %?.S3T, %?^?JT, ^7^ I Immiscibilitt, n. v. A. 3Tf*T«rrfl^mr/. Ac. f?T«mT?1»l?iT /. Immiscible, Immixable, a. not capable of being mixed. 3T- jj ISIMITIGABLE, rt. aiq^mjftT, 3TSTVP^. Immobility, n. vnmovableness, fixedness. 'W^P^^^t^^n. r^fl- I ^^^n. 3rEr=5rtr/. r». ^RW ^. o/ 0, «rfe^ w. sp^ot _(7. of 0. Immolation, w. v. V. «rfe ^'Jf «. «lfe^T n. Immoeal, a. — of persons, v. Wicked. g^ftrft^T, ^TF^Tfl", 3T?FT, 3TOTg, ^Kji, ^5%?, f ^rfer. 2 — of acts. 3T^trft^T, 'iH-MNUl, JTT^rRTSfT, 3TrTMimRr(i/. ST^r^lR- FTT/. &c. 3TOTg?rr/. 2 ar^^j ^M CTTT »r. 3TOTg?TT/. 5flr^tf^?fT/. sr^^TTTrrr/ I. immoral act or practice. ar^JT w. Spfffrf/. SRT^TH W. aro^rqr^ m. rfl^zarf^^ n. '^^M\^^f. 3T^ir »». i^f^/. Immoetal, o. exempt from death. STTT, 3?iT?), 3iH|oftsr, 3T- 2 See Impeeishable. ImMOBTALITY, n. Y. A. STR'rf ?i. g^H^rlT/. "Jf^TTc^ W. "STH^t- cTr/. 3THT>jft^f^ n. 3T^ «(. JRorPTT^ in. Writ of i. ^ran^ of exemption from death. ^HKHt\ DT qfT w. 31HT^^ n. To Immoeialize, v. a. malce immortal. 'SI'TT-HT'TTFftfT-^Tr- rftrr-&c. ^vr[. [ g. of 0. 2 exempt from oblivion. ^\^ n.-^^\jkf.-&c. ?TT»«rP^. Immutability, n. v. A. f^fq^PRrfT/. aift^PRrTT/. 3hR+i4- IMP 409 IMP Immutabi.k, a. invariahle, iincJiifnK , \{^ \ • ^^^^J, ^fqfRTf^T^r, fHf^^f^, 3Tf^=PR, STfsf^, f^WA- liiMUTABLV, ach-. V. A. ?r^%?Tr 'led. ^ fp^^fT (led. "^VJiK ^ ^im ded. Imp. See Dkvil, Biut. Impacable, &c. See Implacable, &e. Impact. See Touch. To Impair, r. a. v. To IIcrt, To L:essen. ^rf^T/.-^TT^t/.- g^HT5fl'/.-&c. ^l^ g. of 0. ^n^T ^l^. Impaired, p. v. Y. OT^, ^ifefT, f^^?5, fsiTf^rft?^, ^rq'- ^v; or ^v^^€\, ^rqjr. To Impale, v. a.fx on a stake. §«f \^., g^T^^ ^of-'f^=T^- ^^^7 ^JFSrfNOT «. ^i?r y. o/o. ImpaliDg' stake. ^J^ poj). ^oS m. Worthy to be impaled, f JrT. Impalement, Impaling, n. v. V. ^f^iif )i. &c. ^J?5Rn'T«. Impalpabilitt. n. v. A. 3T^3q-?rr/. l-.^T^ffTT/. Impalpable, «. «o; perceptible to the tondi. ar^s^, 3T^- yo Impannel, v. a. ( a jury ) ^rt^^^TT 3T?IF«TKi ^n n. pi. Imparitt. See Inequality. To Impart, v. a. communicate, ^'c. ^, 5R w.-STTPT m.-OT- tTPT «.- &e. ^^y. ofo. 2 ^eW, «!aA-e hiown. ^55;f?Rft'^ re. [q[?t#, &c. j Impartially, arfu. t. A. . a. y. To Drive, To Pusn. qs ^i^iir, =qT?!?'if, I sq^'ji', ?rH^^, w^^. I 2b Impen, v. a. <^\i\r\- ^^rH^- &c. WAt^-^v^^lm^. To Impend, v. n. Jiang over. JTr^IT S^^, q?iqT=:qr r5FTTe-H- I tTTTr^r a7?Tof, q^t^^g^ ^m. [ ^riit. Impendent, a. Impending,/?, a. t. V. 1. fr?^ j^s;?!^, &c. q^T^g^. 2 See Imminent. Impenetrability, Impenetrableness, n. v. A. ar'T^T'Tr f. sfH^^Tq?fT/. f^H^FfT /. &c. Impenetrable, a. that connot he pierced. aTH^r, aritT^ftT ' Impenitence, n. absence of repentance. 3T?FjrTn;«. aTqi»w<;. !H%f^.T?T, 3TH^, 3Tf^5, 3TfH- Imperial, rt. leloiijinj lo an emperor, or to an empire.y^:^- 2 V. KlN-OLY. oT^^TTfr or ^X^ m. Impehmakesce, n. V. A. srf^'tffn/. 'i=rr'T. 2 pert, saucy, ^'c. v. Impudent, Disrespectful, tft?, 3 See Obteusive. 4. See Trifling. Imperti>-entlt, adi'. v. A. 1. arsTHI^^TTH, 3TSIfl'l"[im, 3T- ?:r'reT5H, -JP^^sif^^T decl. 2 fyfTit^, trt^^iTR, 3THqr%^. ImpeRtcebaele, a. that cannot be agitated. 'JT^^r^T, 3T^rH- oftq, f^^Vt^. iMPERrUBBATION. n. V. A. ^T?^p:if?ir /. f?[Fq-^Tff^ /. 1m perturbed, a. undisturbed. ^^J^'-Jf IupeRTIABLE, I^i pervious, a. impenetrable. 'SCH^T, 'flHT^- Impebviousm:ss, n. v. A. STH^I?^ n. 371"TriT/. &c. 3TH?I- TR »i. f^f^rsTnr m. ^rff/ ^irs »i. Impetuosity, Impetuousness, n. y. A. 1. 5PTT7T «!. fTTTT:! or ^T m. spST^T or ^T m. ^fSRlfrf/. ^^ITiT^ «. ^^THT/. ':n5Tft /. ^nsTtfT/. stsii /. ^i"^ f. tr^^rs /. ktititifpt m. 5[?tk/. «. anrq ;«. ■ Impetuous, a. mocing u-ith force. n^l-i^h-JI, ^^STTTrqT, &c. 2 — of per.sons; vehement, furious, Sfc. ^S-T, !=P=^, ?T^?7- ?qT, ^^T^ or 5qR, ^^r^, T'wr, ^r3==r?^, rftsr, q^prmq, An i. person. For this sense as amplified or enhan- ced under such terms, combinations, and epithets as, A violent and headlong fellow, a rapid and vehement, a rude, heedless, reckless, precipitate, tearing, rattle- through, push-along , drive-apace, dasJi-away fellow, there are numerous formations equally siguiflcaut. ^T5-m, ^TireiTT, ^5Ke?, ^"T^iTT, ^^=^^5, '^H'T^-qr, q^TcFTT, '4??^- ticqr, qH-T^5, tTH^^TSST or 55^, ^^^7J^.^ q^ST^-qT, ^I- "FSm, qnr or 5:TMTT,^-5TT, J^T^iTT, rSR-qmrsft, i^TTT, Impetuously, «(^y. v. A. 1. ■»TTHTt, TTTTt, 5mz-qT^, fl5F<:qT%. 2 ri?5^?5^, ^H^icil^, ^Fs^Fqmr^, &c. This sense viewed as intended or as emphatic, and as ponveyed under such words as violently, headlong, heedlessly , recklessly , tearinyly, slapdash, is expressed by numerous and striking- formations. ^^^, '^f^, ^^^^'^> ^5, fT^^Tf^, !T5f^^, ^I=-PR5, ^S^ffT, q'^TTPifTI, *T51=T, ^5f5, q?T€^, »T?j¥.?r, ^v^.., ymqr^, trs^t, ?r5^t, =q^- And the verbs of this sense and power, a{^reeing' with to dash on.^ tear along, drive away, rattle through, Sfc. are v\^^ v^^i tTi^rq''Jr, ^'^w^of, ?r5^r=r"n, ^s^r^ot, 51- Impetus, n. force of motion. Trft^T ^T m. vf^T «. ^TTPTT m. To Impinge, v. n. v. To Strike. rTTT'if. Impiety, Impiouskess, jt. v. A. arqif »«. %^jt/. qilf^ffT 2 ac< of wickedness. 3TKriT «i. 3TtTJT^K J». ■iT':T^?;rq' «. Impious, a. irreligious. -srfcTJfr, aT'-OlIn^, ar^^THf^r, arwi^^, Impiously, ado. v. A. ^f%ra^?i, 5=rf%5PTq"%, &c. Implacability, Implacableness, n. v. A. 3TSf ?rT?T?IT /. ^- ?TRjmr/. &c. ^4|fwFrT/. Implacable, a. not to be appeased. 3TST^I^, 'iT?TT^q', 3T?T»TT- tpT, |:^^r^, |:?TR^, 5nrr«T, j-.^mr^, ^^1;^, •h^^jt. IMP 411 IMP To Implant, v. a. plant, infix, fig^. Sl^'if , ^^ %^, riFTif , Implaxtatio>-, n. v. 'Y.—act. V.V^i\ n. kc. ^'-iTFT^r/. 3TT^- ^ n. OTi^TPT ». Jb Implead, See To Prosecute. Implement, n. v. Tool. 3T^3rTr^, ^^in, l^f^-^'^- Implicated, p. t. V. ifr^%?5T, jcTcT^??!. Criminally i. fcW, faHlcil.^To be c. i. f^HToOTf. Implicatioji, ?i. V. V. To Implt. ^jfrrrrr*??^ ^^srJt n. &c. I. wn/Zfr implieJ. ^J^ in. TnTT^, Implied, p. x. V. 9ff^?TT'tir^ ^T^^^, &c. ¥r^4i%g;, "pfFiH, K^rT, nf)^, OT^^f^^FT, •■srTf4^r4i%i;, t?it'4. To Imploee, 1'. a. leseech, entreat, v. To Beg. qr^t T|5T-^- ^F^/- ^PT"^y- ofo. fH^rl/.-f'T^rlclKt/.-&c. ^Rot m'M ^ff o/o. [-Tf?TJF^?r. ImPLOEINGLT, flffiJ. fH^ri«Jf-^T^-g=sr5r'Jf-%5 ^t^, ». ^Tiif ff. ofo. To be implied. tpferT-qfHrT-&c. 3TH^. Impolicy, jj. ladiwUnj, S;c. argf^/. 5rr'4^F7 «. STOT'^^f- Impolite, a. \. Ecde. srf^T"?, 3T^»-q-_ [^f^^. Impolitely, adv.x. A. otw^^, '^■?T?#, H^n^t^jf^, H^e— of persons, arftrsf^, ar^^^i'f, 3T^- 2 — of measures. jpi'l^fT^^, »fT':T^, 3T^f^fj^, arf^^rar^T, Impondeeability, Impondeeousness, n, v. A. HrayrT^^T- Impokdeeaele, Impoxdeeous, a. not having sensihle iveiglit. V. Light. ^^^ ^ft^Tf ipT ^rff ^H^ ^^T, arlTit^^, Impoeosity, n. v. A. ^^^^^ f. 3TirT^Hm»n.^^TfH^^ aTT'T?;^ ^^'^j.■i{\^^.^\m.or'i^^^ Eevenue from imports. aiK^^r^m/. 2 T. Meakikg. 3T*I»». 3lf>TJfnTm. Hl^fwi. Hm'4ff», 3 See Impoetakce. To Impoet, v. a. %^Tt?nTpT 'flTtniif. 2 Sffrtr as mcaniny, v. To ISIean. 3T'«T m.-&c. ^^nf ^ be of moment, \. To Signify. vfR «t.-*m;^»fft /.-&c. 3T?f^y. q/'o. ifi^/f in. con. Importance, n. consequence, moment, v. "Weight, hr w. EPT^ «. HTT^Jtft/. HR^fT/. sff^T^T m. ^r w». %^ «. Important, «. v. Weighty. Hlft, m^, ^vdH'tK , HR^^, HR^?:, ^TR^wt^T, ST!:TRT. Impoetation, «. act of importing. %^ffRrpT 3TT''T''f n. I. importations; jiwee imported, v. Import, ^^frl^jg^ 3Tm%^T Hr?=J ni. Impoeted, p. V. V. '^?TirRT|5T-&c. 34|oirf?5I, rfRSTfl', ffR^Tt. Impoetl'Nate, «. M-gent, pertinacious. ^\^7: or 5, f^T, f^- jprqr, f^qr, =q'ip:, ^RPT, ^rm? o;- 5, arixr^, arfm^^t, ^h^- The words following are applied particularly to cliildreu or to the common beggar, and they bear an implication either of wearisome persistency or of abject or piteous whining. n^|, ToEf^cqr, Tonr^, ^TTPff "T^^IRT or P^- TlJIRr, ^OTT^H 5T?T0TRr, 'WS-^U^ f &c. iRt^Rr, ^^^m or ^trq-T, i%T%-q-T, ft^fT-^r, ftTftcqr, ffRfsT'TT o;' f^^-, adv. v. A. ariM^f-i, SJHT^ '^^tT, fM-jld^JK, fn^nft^, &e. irostqf-T, ^oiTTft^r ^ra^, iTo5fqpWRtr 'K.-fH-HHtJKt/ ^^ or ^^7T %CTr, qo! »i. Mioiur. — esp. of children and beggar.^. qsJi f^rqpt «. ?5r^>jr-50T-miat, 5^P?fqiJF, Jt «. &c. ?'*irq^ «. ?v;Tq^T/. I. imposture, v. Deceit, Trick. "R^itt/. ^ m. n. II. ^flsc, SjC. imposed. «Ifl^^r5r ^'i JW.-cj^ m.-&^«. nrp in. supeniume) art/ task as a punishment. f^T^T "^"Jil T^T^ qiH^;^ trsr »i.-Rl^ «.-&e. I.vrOi3iKiUTV, n. V. A. 3THH«rm. 3f^>TT5I?n/. ^T^Hrs^THr/. I. an i. Ma^ i(7(T, *M<'-(I fe^T,irTT or ipqT, :T3T;T?fT^T^,'si;jpT^T?TR", "P- 5^r, Tmrt, fSffrf^q-, ^q^^, ^ts, ^, ^ts, TtrKcpT^iT^. ^, ^T^rsft^-, ^i^f, q?;^?jrfrH, 3Tq??^,qT?Dt srre, tt?tt. Jo Impocnd, «;. «. cmifine in a pen, l^c. #5^, ^f|=T 5«f^, To liiPOvEEIsH, «. a. reduce to poverty. ^f?^-fir-7Jrft-f%- 2 fx7ia!-t. n- I. having received a conimimicalion oj the virtue of, JT'Jijrf;, 5orf'Tf»;irr. Impeeiinatee, 11. Impeecisating, ^. a. v. V. 1. ilHR ^'TT- Impeegnatiox, n. \. V. l.—acl. n'T^STiq^ «. IHr^TTq'lT/. THtVr n. n»Tf?TR?T «• 2b Impress, v. a. prinf.^ stamp. Z^^^, IJjq^, 7H^of , 5^Tm. -&c. JTTT^, ^f^ ^T^,^af. [Tqfrf^CT_ 2 /.r deeply, fig. JBW, 1%?^"^, fT^^, ^^"Jf, ilTiTUT, To be impressed. S^dr, fif^, fn^fif, »TTof , j qpd^l^ l ; also, inversely, to be impressed Ig, as ; mv^ "ff? HT^^f 3 force into service. See To Press. Impeessed, p. V. V. 1. 5flJr^?5T, &c. %fNr, ^f^^. 2 5W5T25^r, f%inr%sT, &c. g-q^^H. Impression, Impress, Impeessuee, n. mark made.^ sta7np, Z^H^ m. 3Tq m. IJITT m. H^/. ^f^^PT/. ^TT^R »». Indelible i. f%f-^r5r?:=qT or ^JlUT^ft ?:^/. Transient i. ^w^\^V^-^wk^x,'^\ X'^f- To take off an i. ^Z^. To come oft' well — an i. ^Z^, SR'it. 2 ( upon a coin ). iff^/- 3 mental i ; idea, Sfc. ^TT^ m. 3TTHRT m. HR n. ^'^^ m. 4 sf«.5<; impressed, aice, S;c. EfTT/. '4Tq/. S^T^F in. S^wj, To make an i. 5^^, f^TH^. 5 See Edition. Impressive, a. that makes a deep impression on the mind. K^f?r ^^TwzrT ^mr, Tfrf?? H^^qr^mr, fWn^q^, i^^?^;^, Impeessivelt, ade. \. A. ^^\r\ ^^'htt^^T (?fcL <&c. Impeimis, adv. in the Jirst place. qf^r^RT, 3Tt1^, 3?IRT, Jo Impeint. See To Impeess. 2 See To Print. To Impeison, v. a. confine in a prison, Sfc. HWii?T- ^^tT^T- P^rf-Ac. qiB'Jt-^T^^, WSqf, =^15 %^'lii, ^^-^S-^KI'lR ^"TltZ-Ac. ^^,y. o/o. Imprisonep, p. V. V. 5i5t?f Wm^OT, &c. %^, ^Kl'lKM^, Impeisonment, n. v. 'V.— state.\^_f. ^^f. ^^ »». 3??^/. Improdabilitt, «. T. A. 3T?Tnf?T/. 3T^n?Tf^ «. 'iT^>T^ w. Improbable, o. not likely to be, Sfc. =^Nm1'II-WR^T-&i?. DIP 413^ ST^rr^ft^, =F5tiT, fS Ert-^TT ded. ^;7:ii, ?rT'4^-^'P^ ^lOT deal. Tr'n" nrstw ^^T^iit, ^^^vnxm. ^,X^ g. of 0. To iMPEOTE, V. n. better, S;c. ^^^^ ^ ^T^, =5T5at, kj]-\^-^- "TT^ ^^rsnt-^q^rT ^rl^, ^15"^, W3\m.-&c. ^\^^^ g. of s. g'Tf- ^rrTT ^i'lrlTftW. Improvement, «. v. V. A. 1. — act. n^r tTT3^''rrt. &c. ^fsT^- ^n. norq-^^TM. nor^fjj-l^rH. ?^f^^f5?r»^. V. v'n.— s/a/e. ^Srft q^T/. naTff?/. ^f^T^f?;/. ^t- f ^ /■ T^f'Tft? /. w^^^jij- ^\f^ J- Improvidence, n. v. A. STdi^R; /. 3T^^=^R>«. ar^q^f^/. Improvident, «. want inr/ forecast. ar^C^m, ^T^^, ^Tft- ^3ff, 3T^q^f%, W<"Tm<^?ff, HT^'Tf^^T'ft. [=5)1. Improving, /^.a.v.V.N. =Ertn;=5T ff'JrTTT, =5fS?n",^??fT, =5f5?r =?;%- Impeueence, n. t. A. aTfti%^)«. aTf^^K'". sff^f?/- arfq'- Imprudent, a. indiscreet, Sfc — of persons. 3Tf%=?nfl', 37%- r, ar^^fif, 3T^f^, q^rq^T^^ff, 3=rait^^, stf^^ssr^mft, 2— of acts. arflrsfTTT^r, 3Tfq->^T^T,3f1%=qR'jq%,3Tfcr^rK- Impkudentlt, ado. v. A. 1. srfjr^^, Ac. Impudence, n. v. A. f^mj. ^Z\\f. ^^^n. f^% n. frtl «. ?n^ 11. 'i{■^^ws^■\f.'^^\-(^n. ^vm. Impudent, a. ahameless, saucy, Sfc. tft?:, in, fH»ffe, f?rci"Ef, f^- 3H1y;). or (i-dOlest. aT^5^, f?j??fFft, f ^, f5?5r, Ikactiviit, n. V. A. 1. 'ft^FTT^'Jirw. f^s^TRFfT/. ^TT'TTTTr- 2 g^V- f^^TiTT?/!. arg^rrPrnr/. f^'b^yiT'iFrr/. 3T^^T^mw»- lyiDEQUACY, lNAl>EQrATE>-ESS, 71. V. A. HTT Or fHTT/- f^" jdfToir »'. frj^Toir m. srjfFPTwr »i. &c. '^^pqrTr/- ^- INADEQUATE, a. not svfficient. fJTJT^tT, f'T'TTT, 3T"T?;rrT, 3T-ABLESESS, «. V. A. TO^^rTT/. 31^q?IT/. &C IkaUmental, a. affording no nourishment. 3TrlT/ Inanition, n. — in medicine. ar^r^R m. arr^TT^TR m. g^;- Inanity. See Emptiness. [ ■^]^ m. Ikappetekce, «. want of appetite. 3i?f%f/. a^JTtrr/. ?T?- 2 wani 0/ . Inapplicability, m. v. A. a^qR^fTT/ argqg^^mr/. ^^• Inapplicable, a. «o^ proper to le applied. aT^TT'TRT aT^:?T, ciRrirrsrFTT nrf r, ar^r'T, arsiqi^q', argq^^P, Inapplication, n. v. Ikeolence. '^^(m m. Inapposite, a. not pertinent. aTRT^ifr^, ST^TTRf^, ar^P^, InaPPEECIABLE, a. T%JTrf/.-m?5 w.-qTTzrrir/.-&C. ^r^lTSTT^Tr^r- InappeeheivSIBLE, a. not to he apprehended. ai^TI^, ^^• Inappeehensive, a. ^t^\f^^, Inappeopeiate, a. V. Impeopee. ai%q, argT^^p, ar^qr- ifr, 3^5^, f?r4f^5p. Inappeopbiateness, n. v. A. aT'TPTrTT/. ar^Tg^prfr/ ar- gq^rfncrr/. " [t^^Pttt/. Inaptitude, Inaptness, n. want ofjttness. ar'TRTrir/. ar^- Inaeable, rt. not Jit to le plotved. am^^V^n' ^TT^'i", TfiRFTRT Inaeticulate, a. not distinct. ar^^I^, aTFT'?, ipJWottrT, f%J- f%?T, 3Rq'gT^Tf':?f, ar^T^'rwRT^r, fj^rS^, ajfqrq'H. Inaeticulately, rtJu. V. A. 3T^T'2TWTTH', &c. 3Rq^, ar- That speaks i. ^HST. [ ^K »». Inaeticulateness, «. V. A. ar^TigrtT/. ars'q^FiTT/. ar^r- Inaetificial, a. «oi done hy art; natural. ar^jf^JT, a?^^- 2 framed without art. ?rr»TT, ^fl^ROT, 'HT^T, ^TTaTHToST, Inattention, «. «o«w^ 0/ attention. ^n^^V^ n. ar^qiTPT- rfT/. sr^pryrR?tT/."^T^T?I':T1'nT m. |^?T «. aT?5^?T n. ar- 2 neglect. a^sfToS/. a^?3T?TT «. a^^ffJ^TT or W[f ^^^ifr/ Ihattentiye, rt. lioi! attending, not heeding. aTR=r*TPr, ar^f- ETtf, %^prtT,^'IT?lT5rtT, ^"PTH, TT'P?^ or iHR^fB, TT^P^fT, |?!?^, aT?I5lf|?l, ar^TTtrf.^^, 3Tr1?TT?RJp, 37SJ-?g?r?I^. 2 «o< aitentivcjheedless.^ neglectftd, v. Caeeless. iiif. 1nauspicious:ness, «. v. A. aTHTS^iTr m. ^f^^^t f.'fl^^n. iNAUrnESTiciTT, n. tcaiU of aulhcnlicify. :5Tl%Tii. Incapacity, «. m^ojiJ of power. See Inability. 2 stupidity. To Incarcerate, &c. See To Imprison, &e. Incarnate, a. invested with a £o((y.%^t:nYt,5^1,^Tftft,%|tjFT, ST^FTTTt, 3T5f5p>ft/. 2 indiinff cause.^ incentive. 3'%^T'T «. ^^ 7i. cjrt^sp «. ^■n^iilg '/?!. ^i-rivH+.K'Jr n. ^^\^^ n. To Incite, ;■. a. instigate, stimiilate, stir up, prompt.^ Sfc. ^- . '^%, ^^;^, ^SRT or -Sfft^, "^ M. %^, TtsiBr, S'TR'jf, f?T^5W, %^TR>Jt, ^rur, HT/. 5cr-qTrIur, f?f /. %^, f^f/. lot, i.-&e.^t^ g-of o. Ls-CITED, p. V. Y. J^BFTrTT, ^SSF, &c. ST^T^f, !?re?rT^?T, Inciter, w. Inciting, ^. a. \. V. J^PSirnj, S'SRofr ^tr^nr- T- 2V LrcLlNE, V. n. lean, tend, bend. ^f^^^q^M, ^nfnJt, ^^^ M.-ij;?i«i..Tf^»n. 3Truf ^. of s. 2 be desirous or disposed. ^^M., ^'T, ??RDf, ^TotOT, 'iTF- 5^, TTSfin impers. ffRw.-5fhF«i.-&c. ^m-3THiJr y. o/\» . »TJTn.-&c. ^-;^;roTy.o/e. 'jfr'J/.-.S.c. ^0T,J^r»i. y. ^y^dr- H^'T^'. c/s. JT?r?i. STH'ir-'IH^-^R'if y. of s. 'flf^OT. 2b Incline, r. a. give a leaning to. ^^r^oi, ^Fi^iJi, rfR^or, 2 /i/rn the tcill, v. To Dispose. ^3^t?f, JT^«. ^2^-?;cr- =r5V-itc. 3T^?T'"«f''f, ^^'^-&c. ^of. Inclined,, p. v.Y. N. 1. q^s;Sj;^r, ^^%^T, &c.fiT?7-&c. ^k^A, An i. plane. S'^T^^'JI /. ?'. 2 srs^ar, &c. q'^nir, ^fr=^ in comp. [y. of s. To be or foci i. iTHn.-TTiTS.^fFfr/.-KJTfq-naTJn. rTST^-'^T^ To Inclose, Inclcsuiie. See To Enclose, &c. To Include, v. a. See To Enclose. 2 comprise, y. To Com- peehend. ari+cAu'l, (rrfOT, 3Tr^F???T«.-^JTT^?T?», :f^ g. ofo. Included,;;. ^N. 2. 3TnF5i%^r, vT^^r, Tt^^^r, 'iTfTlfr, 'jTH- if^f, arrfHrT, 3T?f:TT?ft (in comp.). To be i. under. 5TT?'?f, 'flT?"Jf. Inclusion, m. y. V. 2 — nf^ 3TT^^«. KfT"^''- &c. aTF'KrS^T'J. — stale. ^THH^Tm. 3frf>#r"!. I. of both (dates and places), arf^rf^rfy'''". Inclusive, a. that is comprehended, y. Included. tJT%r7r. Inclusively, adv. v. A. q^^r (as ^PT^R ^r^^ Monday inclusively), g^t, ^ET^^. Icrco&, Incognito, adv. in a disguise of the real person. ^^• Living i. 3T|TrcfEfW m. Incogitable, a. inconceivable. aTT^f^, 'i^■^^\^, ST^rCET, ^w.^'^^. [^rnr^ m. Incogitancy, n. tcant of thought. arf^^TR' n. srr%iTT/. f%<=T- Incogitant, Incogitative, a. wanting the power of thought. Ixcogsizable, a.that cannot be recognised. aTTcE^rft z(m^Jm Incoheeence, Incoheeescy, n. y. A. 1. 3T?r!?TTrfT/. 3T^'?n m. aTHWf^/. Incoheeent, a, — lit. ivanting cohesion, not Joined to each other. 3T?IsPT, ar^f ^, ^^, H^^. 2— fig'. Y. Inconsistent.";j?^, g^^r, f^=^^, ar^Trf, ar^- 5f?, ar^tf^sr^, 5i5»Tf^5, ^^H-rgg;, ar^rfW, aTfl-H?f. I. talk. af^sffT^ n. ^i^Jf^if «. Incoherently, arfr. v. A. 2. ^rf^ sjfff, 'TgTrlgT pop. ar^r- To\alk i. cTST^t W?5 f^TSm SKot. Incoubustibility. Incombustibleness, 7!. Y. A. ar^^T- ?T^r/. ar^^^r/. Inco.mbustible, a. that tvill not burn. ^Z i^m^qj ^J^\ , 3T?- IscoiiE, «. revenue. ^JTHT/. 7??^ «. sfrf^/. aTTT ?«. aTTT^/. I 1. V. A. INC STT^rq- m. 3T3r m. 3^!T m. ^^^f. fjTa^PrT/. I. and expenditure. aTT^ToTT m. That is without i. SHHc^-Jl, aT5Tqt^5f_ I>'C01IMESSUI!AI!ILITT, IscOMMEXSUUABLESESS, IscojiMEXsi'KAiiLic, a. hav'nij no common measure. aTHHTfr- I>'CO.\iMENSURi.TE, a. not of equal extent. '^^^fK^W! _ To INCOMMODE, a. (/ire i/iconvenirnce 1o. ■JtS^OT f--'i\i-A^\^ To be incommoded. 3T^R10t, 3^^=^um. In'COMjiodious, o. inconL-enieiit.'^m'^J., 3T5^'jft^T, 3Tir?T^, I>-co.\iMODiousNESS, n.\. A.'ik^'tf/. 3T5=5T0T/.3Tsr^T'?t?rr/c'C0MMU5ICATIVE, o. reserved, taciturn. f^rjT^r ^fTS, 3Tf?rr^ IxcoMPACr, a. not close.^ solid, Sfc. ar^FT, a?^. I^'COiIPAEABLE, a. that admits not of comparison. ^'^^^. f%?;'ATE, o. pitdess, V. Cel'El. f^T^q', i-^l^l^. IXCOMPATIBILITT, «. T. A. Rivr|'UHU|| m. 'k^^^ ». "^TTftf^' H. IscOilPATlBBE. a. inconsistent. f^T^rj, f^^TT, f^?5^, ^"iftfT, ^fT, 5t^'4nT'». ar^K^T-^ w. a^f^T- ^f?r »>. i%5tFrTHT^ »«. Ixcoxsequeht, Ixcoxsequextial, a. not following from the premises. aT^rf'^TrT, ar^nrfJ^cTFr, f?r^f?Rf^?r, aro'q^. Ixcoxsideeable, a. little, trifling, v. Ligut. aTH"''?', 3"qfT!ift- «T, f?5-7;T, '«. ar^fi- f?r/. q^fqrfsf^r'O' »»• ^r^.H'Pjf^/. Inconsistent, a. incompatihlc, incongruous, not agreeing with. f^TJTrS, fsf^T, fq^^S, f^rift, mrT?tTrf-7r, fifJ'Jr^, flr?PT?r, aT?{TfT, ar^Hi^T^'rq', ar^irrsq', ar^nf^ or "arw- >Trf5f?r, ar^TH'Tt, aT^tHji, arjqqT'fT, '^qg^, f^^?nrft'T, I^*c 418 INC 2 incoherent, not ajreeinj with i/self. 3T?Rff^5, 3t^- L.-C0.S-9ISTENTLY, (jJy. V. A. 2. ?ir«-'^T^(^-tnT'Rra-&c. ^t^i ISCOSSOLABI-K, n. HO/ -coNsTA5CY, n. V. A. tj-cjotMuiiw. =^'^^J^\f. =^i=qrmi. 3T- Isco.NSTAXT, a. unsfablc,JicJde, T. CiiA>'aEABi,E. ^^;^, 3T- lT«n:, ■sTtftT, 3TT«ipft, ?irui+.R^, ^^^^, =?hra;|fET, ^- ISCOXTESTABLE, a. T. INDISPUTABLE. arf^^T, STf^^^^ftT, ISCOSTESTABLY, aJv. V. A. fSff^JITcr, %FrqmT. 1.ncosti>t:sce, I>-contisen-ct, m. v. A. tf^qrf^^T^m. tf^- ff^'TTFTf'TrTT/. &c. I5C0STINENT. a. ?;o< restraining tlie passions. gf^'TTf^^^T', IXCOSTROTERTIBLE, a. V. INDISPUTABLE. 3T^il^?ft^, ST^- Incontenience, Inconveniency, n. V. A. r\i^]ij, arrqtiT/. I. an i. STJ^fnr/. cjn'Tf:^/. "l^^'Tf /. ifk^ w. ». " ? l uiiJK ^fl^". &e. R^;^^- R^^Twi. ?r?T=rr^/- ^t^rf^/. ^frer^rrer/. f^^R«it'4'»«. Inculpable. See Unblamable. To Ikculpatje, &e. See To Ceiminate, To Blame, &c. Incumbency, n. t. A. 2. arr^aT^FlT/. ^Tfo'??n'/ 3TT«r\^^M. Incumbent, a. luing or resting on. ^«i^'J|Kl-3T^'?nTT, OT- 2 ZyiHy OK «« a duty. 3TT^3qjp, 3lcf5,q^Tf5q', ^F^sq-, ot- To be i. ou. *rm ar^iJf-q^-T^^ ( ex. HOT qt?m TT- T 3TI^ ), sfRT 3?^. Incumbent, 7t. /(0?(7(;;- o/fl! Icnefice or office. q^J^lfrTHMf, ^if^tnft, ff^Hprft. 2b Incue, i'. «.&)•/"(? o?j one's self , make one''s self lialle to. ^^ qTjf-^trnf-siff H t^, 'iTPTUTrsR 3TmoT-3Tt5'jf-3fr- S^ q't'f, TT^ «. fl'il g. of 0. irof, ^«. I. word. 3T5?TT n. lND]i;conous, «. nnhccominj. 3Tf^, arf^T'^rr^, 3Tr?IV . | < --jKMi , aTK'Tf^^,ctc. sTifi^, ar^fq^r, gr^qr^T, ai^^'^, arftR'T. Indecorously, «rfy. v. A. sif^m?'^, 3iH^i5/i, aTH^TTTT^^, aTf^v?r^RR5^, f^T-gr^R ^\Y^. Indecoeousness, Indecoeum, n. t. A. aT%^Tf/. 'fln^rr^/. ar^r^ »!. 3T^>f^f^ n. srftRq- «j. arovqrTT/. arfnw^sm: m. 3I?T«Tr5fK «J. f^T?T^Rrf?T^T «?. Indeed, adu. verily, really, actually, v. Truly, ^pt, str^rtT- 5F, w^i ^Tj^x, ^=nf 1-=)^, rii^c'.HT???T ^, ^rf^- IsDKMXiTV, «. seeuritif against loss. TT=rm. "STfll^- I ^ n. qFTrTPji^w. [ qTTrsT'^. ' lUDESTnuCTIBILlTX, «. T. A. ^flfqFfPT?!!/. &C. ^i^m. H- Inbestkuctiule, a. arf^PTraq', 'Sf^rsq', arf^PTT^ft, ^^Tr^T^^r, ST^T^, 3T?T^q-, 'flW, STS^q', 3T^>^T, 'ilf^'^X. iNDETEiiMiXAiiLE, a. ■j^f^Mq', s^f^qfj^, aTfHqfwt^, ■y{^^^ Indetebminate, a. not difnite; vague, lax, loose. 3Tf^f'-q[- ?r, 3Tf^q'fft?T, ^T^trqifr^, arfff^fn^r, ht^ht or ir'r^JT, ^- ^iTTf'^ft, ?l'^^, 'fl^TTIFT, q^^rST^, ?7.JT^T^, qeiT^, 'T- OT5ft^, ^^'T^, ^^S^'T-^j ^^^^'t<^i 'fl^^TsfTFT, 3ToIJTofH Indetehmixately, mfc. T. A. in^H 0?- JTI|'1H, 'flHPFT, 3T- 3TT55lrr, aiolH-ictM, Ji^T, 'q^TT ^T5|T, 'i^^T or 5T, :JJT1T?T. Indeteeminateness, n. v. A. tjt^ptt^T >«. &c. ^r^rf^^rtr^TM. &e. arf'T'lH «J. 3T^ «■ 3T==rT 0/- 51 «. cT'tIT/. >iry. co«. Indetermination, n. unsettled state of mind. arf^T^^ ?«. 3T.fH'^ m. f^!ifz[r>^m m. «:T?:^RqTJn" «?. IndeyOiiox, n. leant of devotion to. 3THf^/. 3T^Hf^/. arf^rar/. 2 V. Ikeeligiox. ar^Tfip/. ^'qriTf^/. 'T^q-'ITsr w. f- ssRTf^'aT/. 3T^^T/. IndeyOut, «. no< having devout affections. *rf%^?f-^j^- &c. 5Tf^>TR^>r-&c. 31H^, 3T»Tf^iTT^, ^^ST^fM^, 'fl?l> Index, n. pointer out. ^\^^ n. Z^^ n. jj^^ n. fTN^ n. 2 table of contents. 3T^q^Trfin^ /. ^T^ w. g;^'^/. g- 3 forefinger. r[^^f 4 ( in algebra, &e. ) qiffSf^r^l^. Indexteeitt, n. want of skill. 3TT?7rrr/. 3TJJ^"^ «. 3T^- f?fuq- n. a^^qtrq- m. India, «. fl^^iTR »(. TT^T^'s «. ^TTTFT n. •HT^Tcpf «.. ^J^T ?!. Indian, a. f|^5irT^^r, Ttn^i^, f||?'. 3Tfir?rT m. 3TmT m. Tl^f. II. s(y?i, symptom, tohen. V^^ n. T^f. f^-^ n. f^T^ir- oft or qt/. jJT^/. ^^ «. sq^^ n. "Jcfer m. Indicative, a. T. V. ^T^^'JIRT, sT^^ti^, "^^T^, ^^, ^^^, IND 421 IXD 3^r'-DIFFEEEXT, «. ncvti'al, not indinnij. g^RTf^, ?nT^f%, ^- hI^tT, ^rfTer, fT:??f , ff?^'-^. 2 unconcerned. S^W, 3?Rit^, 3^«t^|f^, 3THR4T, f^- 5f5, HtT?T, ^fm. a tvitJiout prejiondernnce or prefcralleness. ?frwr, "M<|i|<, 4 common, hadish. ^WT^, iTROTiTfft'^n', 3T'cT?!^ ^^S?, ^?T?ft, ^?ffl, ?TOT^, ?r^TT^TT^r, ?TT^?T «ey. fow. LNDlFFEEESTLr, adv. V. A. 1. ^TRTf^f'mT^, -':^"~I?T?it^^fR, ?r- 2 3T^TT^'lR+.K m. ar^rf^fH/. arqr^ m. s^'j^q^ n. Flatulent i. f^^i'^pftof n. Slight i. 3T3ftaif^T »«. AVeight on the stomach from i. ^JTTJ^T n. To Indigitate, v. a. p)oint out ivith the finger, ^[f, n. ^Riif- jp^?r ?T^^"jf, 'JiJZ n. ^^cpif. [ ITH^J. Indignant, a. v. Anget. ftw, ?ffTFr, qFrTfsrfS;;?^, ^f , g^fn- IkDIGSATION, W.T. AnQEB, ^m*. ^?«."r['T«>. ?trITTOT, ^oJ?«, iNDiGNiTr, «. contumely, Sfc. v. Contempt. aTTRRm. 3T^- ^m. aTo|T;«.|?5^/.^srr/. 3T5ffTT/. Indigo, «.— the plaut. iftoi/. :fl?fr/. n^t/. ?ftfe^/. ^- 2— the colour obtained, ^^f. ^jS[f. w,\^^f. ^^f. Indirect, a. not direct or straight, lit. 3T?nH, 3TH^, sfFFST, 2 fig. oblique, not express., cjv. aHliHMINl, aTTS^rf^, arm^JTT^T, =rf^ =rr%^, ^frf?:r^, aHi ^ H dqN [,'Tsgn=?T, 3 devious, dishonest. crf^tJ^r, 5r^,'iH,HI'INl,'?RftFft^T, 3T- Indirectly, arfv. v. A. 1. and Obliquely. 3?[5rT?rT. 2 aTT3Hni#, arr^cn^^f , arrpr^FqM, q^rf^Hf, Tqiq^^TT, 3 qTJTTTT^, nrftrft^, STiTTnf^. Indirectness, n. t. A. 1. ar^RHrrT/. srt^^T'nT m. 3th^/. 3 Eff^q-urr w. q^T^f. Indiscernible, a. not perceptille. af?^?-'^, |^^, Jf^'I'Tcft- Indiscernibleness, n. v. A. ^S^<^^?i\ f. tr^^\']\'AK^ f. Indisceeptibility, n. v. A. aTH?T'^/. ar^^s^T^TT /. &c. Indiscerptible, a. incapnlle of separation. aTH^T, aTH^^« T, 3T^5?T, ar^^^^q-. Indisciplinable, a. arRT^^T, arf^^tift^, f^^i^^wq', ar^T- ?^f^T?i, ar^TiPT^imq-. Int)iscipline, »i. aTf5T?Tr /. ar^TRRT «. arf^Ts^or ■«. Indiscoverable, a. ^ftq-q- ^FT^rar^ aTJTof^, aTF^i^-q-, ?;^^"^. Indiscreet, as. v. Impeudent. 3Ti%^^, 3Tfjr^IT^fT?5, arf^- %^, f^^R^j>^-Tf|?r-&c. a^i%^rRr=qT,aTf^lr;Fr^, ar^TH^Ri-. Indiscretion, n. arfsHTR m. arrsi^^ ?». f^nTRTTR m. fijsr- Indiscriminate, a. made or done tvithout discrimination, con- fused, general. ari^^sfRT^r, aTfirjn:T=^, q^iJiHiilHr^r^?'- ?nT?T'^^^m;-'Tr5rTqr^f^T-&c. ^?T-fRr-^jf?f, arf^ff^, 2 See Indisceiminating. Indiscriminately, af/y. v. A.l. ar^spPH, 3TM^,^R?Tr^- '^f5T^R-frR?r'^f^^-&c. ^ :F^?I-%r^Ni^H, aT^^m:, f^lf?T"T?f:. Indiscriminating, a. that does not distinguish. 3^fli%^, ^- ^f^Tsr^, fr^fjf^TR, ^%^^jfjf, 3Tfq?rTfr, rTRfTicin^^Tf, h^- Indiscrimination, n. ^f^^T- »»• arf^R m. arf^i^^sRT /. f^H^HH m. f^kwU^H^ m. fqi\^]fq=qK m. rTR^l'^r^qr- im. ar^rrsR^/. Indispensable, «. that cannot he spared or omitted. aTTfqr- ^, arnj-j^T^, ^3T?^, ^5TC.H, amf^'- To iNDisrosE, r. a. Jisimline. ftrr^m, *R «. fj)T^ ^. of o. qrfJTJm, qTr?:TffT-f^TK^-'TTOTTTT-3TgfHr^-&c. JfTDf, grpj^- 2 disorder sUglilly. f^fH /.-ftrq^rR m.-3i?r»TT'4R «•- 3T- lyDIsi'OSED. ;?. T. V. 1. 'T^T^?^, f^T^i TRHTTT, ST^fffT^, 5im^, TT?5^, ^l+^r5, #71^, f^nTrT, ^?^, f^R^, JT- 2 V. Sick. aT'^r^'^, ar^nTTsirFft, f5nPTfl',Kt7r, ^rgi^-tf. Is-DISroSITIOX; fl. V. Y. 1.— state. 'iTHRl/. =TR^/. f^^ft/. PPST/. 3T5?f ^PfTT/. f^TTf^/. 2 s/fy/;^ disordtr. f^PPR w. aT^mrvTFT «. 3T^TR2."q n. 3T- l>-DisrvTABLE, a. ^f=T?rr^, arf^cj-^Ht^, l^fij^, f^^T^WT, 3H<-4J^-M , ?7^T5W^, 'JT^nftT^, 3T5rP--?T, fHTRTt:??, fw^^", % d+'CT, o. not clear, S^c. t. Oeschbe, SR'T?, 3^5^^, 31- IXDISTI>"CTI.T, a(/». T. A. 3tip?j, 3?^"?. I^•DISTI^■CT^^:ss, n. v. A. 3TW??1T/. arsq^^TT/. lSDISTI>-GIjISnABLE, tt. 3TTfr#?I, 37TIT^^^, 3T5^^S- 1n'distueba2;ce, «. t. Calm>tess. 3T^jt m. ^t^TTHR m. To IxDiTE, V. a. compose. ^R^, ^^nt, sffquf, ^'T'^, ^(S^ f- JRtJT 17. 0/0. 2 See To Dictate. L;ditidual, a. single, one. iTsp?T,'(^j:irP^, 5^^PHr,T"ditii)i;al, n. single 2^erson. ^JPJT «?./. w. ( The plural is ^oTw. ^JTtrflf/. ^of «. ) aropff/. m. o^rfip/. 'J^PT^ n. The individuals ( of a species )— collect, sqilpcf^f m. ISDITIBUALITT, M. ^VJf^?^ M. tn"<5^TT «. S^^PtTT/. ^'<:T ^l l rM4i - flT /. ^'-MMlffJI-TT f.'k^^n. I. essential and constituting qnality. ^f? «. fsf^T w. IsTiviBVALLT, ado. separately. arorrft^TK, 'J^'^^, ^qf^rf:, sqf^?!-.. ISDiTisiBiLiTT, Ixditisiblent:s T. A. arf^rTR^rTT/. iHJITISIELi:. a. 3^cr^>TT«r, 3lfT>13I^t^, f^H^^TO^q, 3Tf^- IND LntiOCII.E, a. vntrnclialle. 3Tf5[l?fiiftq-, 3Tf?T^"q, 'iT^Tt^T, |:- 2 utttravlallc. See Obstin'atk. I5D0CILITY, «. V. A.i. '^fT<^^'i- ^^f7\^^^J. ar^iq?^ «. 5^1 1*:^ Hi/. &C. 2b IxDOCTKiNATE, &c. Sec To Teach, &e. LsTOLEXCE, n. V. A. 3TT5t?T '». arr^rrfTiTT m. ^^ f. gwq- orr «!. 3TTf^^ «. 3'?TTq|5 »«• 3'?Tm?TfriT/. fH^^rrfnm/. SR^rrPtFTT/. aTsqqHrq w. IXDOLEXT, a. idle, indisposed to labor, T. Lazt. 3TT^^, 3TT- ^^f^i ^''^1 3T^?frift-, fJT^?fFft^ f^Tf^^FT, f^f^Tf , fel, ^- To grow i. aTTo!:^'Tr, 3H|c4«Nui. Ineolentlt, «(/y. v. A. SHId'HM", ario^ ^F^, g?^, STT^^- ?, 3Hirf<:q-&c. qq^. Inbomable, Ixbojiitable, a. that cannot he tamed, ar^^, 3?^H41q, f^"T, 3#T^, i^q, |'4t, ar^TT^, |n«^. To Indorse, v. a. tvrite on the lack of ( a bill, order, &e. ). mf^ Tfq n. fe^, Mi'il'^i ^ft/. ^fTw, JTJq ic^=T ^^r- ?% ^ff/. ^C^ -H + Kui. IXDOESEMENT, M. T. V. TT^^t^T^ft ^T^/. Indeaught, n. inlet, wf^f- Indubitable, a. v. Ceetain. f%?H^Tq', f^^^WNI, f^fFBfe- Indubitably, adv. t. Ceetainly. ^q^H, f5r>;rf=T o?- f^>JtTjf-&c. y. of 0. if|^ ;i;?;ur, ^rFsr^r n. q;- 2 f«!/se, produce, occasion. aTT'T^, 3TT^ 3TTiI'^, 3^;[T=r?r, 3^5nff , 3TTq?r^. Induced, ^. t. Y. 1. HHq%?Jr, q3qil3T, &c. STfrf, 3%f^fT. 2 3Tm^?iT, afiffr armB^T, &c. Inducement, «. inducing cause; motive, Sfc. vJtJ-^H «. viri^d- ^ «. sfqr^rr n. h-mm^j m. srq#F «. stc^th^ «. ^qq/. 2b Induct, v. a. introduce into an office. qc^|cj<-&c. si^fsTO", ef-DvjLOED. p. T. V. A. 1. 5rT^:n?;aT, &c. jfn:3T ^"rsB^T, ^- INDULGENCE, ti. T.V. 1. — aci. qT^TJf ?!. 3T?IT=r^'iI«. aTTItT^ «J. 3 Frre^Rirf". JTTST^^ n. &c. FSr^^mq^/. Krsw!. FTTS^/. 1. favor granted, ^m\m. sftf^PT?L Jr^TSTPm'Ht^'Jrift/. Indulgent, a. yielding to icislus.^ ready to gratify, y. Fond, Kind. STT^Ts^T, OTS^r^Tr^ ?5felT^ 5?:5ItrrRr, 3^1^- xff /)o^. ^^j'lM^f, ij^M+iRt pop. 5J?Tg?rrff, jjfrHqr^ 2 lenient, not severe, \. Mild. ^'t'^,^JM, ;t7^, ^TTH^f- ^, ?=wr5TWT, ^THTSTTH, ^V^^i%, ^qj^f?, ?r?q-, sqif." Indulgentlt, fliy, v. A. 2. ?;'?T^'?t^, sqr^^'StH, ^JTRq%, To Indueate, Induhation. See To Haeden, &c. Indus, w. — the river. f%g^^OT. f%'gm. Industeial, a. consisting in industry, ij-c. qfi;»;nTT^T, 3^T- Industeious, a. v. Diligent. ^JTT^, ^TH?;, ^JT'^TT, ^T^, Industeiouslx, a(?y. v. A. if^rft^, ir^^?T^57T, T'TR'J^, Indcsteiousness, Industet, «. T. A. and Diligence, if^- JpT/. qft»-PTm. 3TnT55^«. fjRTt?^ Indwelling, «. v. Eesidence. arf^T^Rn. 3Tp^%ffr/. arFT: Indwelling, a. inherent. aT?r^'^^ •fl^T^^., ainqi^. In-elgquence, n. y. A. 1. f^rinTT ^SqoTTw. JT^fr^F'T", f^- B^T^:iTr5-JT«- ^5T^f^«. 31=Jthrij«. Ineloquent, a.— a speaker. fbTT^^TT ^^, ^ms^f^H^^T, H- ^rpH, ^sT^r, ftT^Tf , 'flq^T, 5fmT^, Jfrn^s, ^^rhrf . 2— speech, &c.5T^Jrft5T-^Jf^-Ae. if|;?crqWT%TiJf^- &c. jrTfq5H[^fi-&c. Inenaheable, a. that cannot le told. Sff^^TT, 'i^f^Z^^, Inept, &e. See Unfit, &o. Inequality, «. v. A. Un-equal, 1. g'^^^^iq^iTT m. j^^- 2 «»(/ DiFPEEKNCE. 3TOJT?rr/. aT^TT^jq- ??. 3TOJTRnT/. Inequitable, a. unjust. 3i?qT?=T, arMlHirui^, •Jt'T'tir'^, "JR- Inereable, &c. See Infallible, expediexce, I>-Exrt])iE>-cy, «. V. A. ifiqi^rtT/. srI'- fqPT «. arnq^Tp^/. ai^qffT/. ai^p^'^JHT/. qT?!Tq?:t/. I>-EXPEDiE>T, «. not Lipedienl, not fit. S^qW, 3T^f=5frT, 3T- gqj^, 3t^tTct, 3;i^«4, m?im^. I>-EXPER1EXCE, n. want of ixptricnce or crpcnmrn/al hwid- edge. 3T^H^ m. f?ITHH^ m. ^^}:^^^ in. 'JT^^^ff/. W.- orr m. &c. ^■^^^^^ n. sq^r^ t^?ir/. I^■EXPEBIE^"CEI), a. not hating experience. Sl^ICT, ^fl^T'Trn', IsEXPEBT, a. unsldftil, v. Ai\ KWAi!D. ?IT^fl^, 31HT5t, 3T- f5(I3, 3R?T, 31^5, ^5l€^^l?q-, ^^W^T, ^^c^r. lM:xrEnTNESS, «. y. A. CH^TTS^fnT m. Cflspr^T?? «. Sl3^r/. IxEJPiABLE, fl. ///«< admits not of atonement. iTFTf^/lTTRff, Sirap^BTqP^, !Tmf=iqfTT?fm, f^i^Hl^TWq-, f^i^f^TqFJr, 3Tf:r?rr!:Tqrq-, a^SffJTOHTQ^. IxeXplaixaele, inexplicable, a. v?JtT^r ^^^^TT 2fRT=!fr ?rr(r, 'fl5^?z%?T, a^fsnTTofTT, ar^WMt^, ^i^^R^'t^, f^- IxeXPLicaeiliit, m. v. A. "ifli^^Rufm^TT / &e. IxeXPEESSIEle, a. unutterable. 3Ti^"jfq-, 3l1^^?ftq-, 3T^- IXEXPEEssivE, a. iinanimaied, dvll. STotoff, f'Psgr, iTo5ilafEXTiiiCABLE, fl. «o< ^ le disentangled. 'I'rTT cf,|(i | ^|^ 3T^- 3b IsETE, V. a. inoculate, —a. bud. qsf? ijr^TJf, fq^/. er^. IXFACISDITT, Jl. V. I.NELOQUE.NCE. H^^^lif^q- «. StcT^ n. Lnfalubiutt, «. V.A.I. 3Tgif?T--^ /». vjiTT%q?n-V- ^- ^^^rf:^f5/. 3?^ferTOfH/. ^^^H^i^H? m. IKFALHELE, o. not capalle of erring. S^w., V^v^H^ ^?5- JTWTJT, qTTT^T^, 3T>ilt^cmr, 3T??3lfermm, 3T?^f=rn^f J, 2 «o/ Halle to fail, v. Suee. 3T^qf;, ar^«Pflqpff, csmq, IsrALLlIiLY. SeO CeETAINLT, SlllELT. IiiFASiOL'S, a. notoriously vile, — of persons. sj^all^^nTr ^- aTf^ppr^, iii^THNr; aTqqft?iT=qT, si^HFfNr, «r5t»t, ^- ?FAMy, W. V.A.I. ^^fr\^ f.^^^:\'^^ f. 3^^%/. laff^^ w. 5????if%^ m. z^:\\%f. ^zr{ri\\f. ^• ^X^ n. arq^^T «. 3?q^T «. f ^qrfn/. JJIiT j/op. ?IR w.r.Sqf. lKrA>"CT, n. childhood. rTT^qoTT m. «lTotqoT n. and qoiT wi. ?J^Rq>^ w. ««(/ "Wr »»• sirRt'f «. STrT «. siranRiTT /. |i- 2 — in Liw. See Mi>"Oeitt. IxFAKT, n. lale. frT'|^?5 n. SlfTT^T^-^lqr^ J^?^ «. ?r|RJT- 3 «. P^II^fHITS «. ^?5 or atTS «. 5113^^ or ^t^.W. n. 3rfT=T- CLubbiuess or ijlumpuess of au i. ^W■^ n. v. if-if. — To get it. qrs^T^TJt. 2— in law. v. Minoe. 3T!nTTJ?T^fTT, STfTTrfJ^I^^R. In'Fant, a. stTS (in comp.) siTc^s'^T^r, ^]^m^. Ikfakticide, n. — tbe act. ^\^,^^Tf. ^]F.^mf. ^n^-sfm. STT?I^T?r m. 2— the agent. SfTH^f^rnT, siTH^rlT, STTSf^^F. Ikeaktile, Ikeastine, a. lelonginj, ^'c. to infancy or an infant. ^\■^^^=^^■\., ^^\^^z\^^J.^ qI3«.-3TTq^ 5-.- ^w.-&c. ■^j ^?FTT^f?r-^m^^'s-UT^^PfH?r-^?rn|fT- rr-&C. tRof. Infected, _p. v. V. w\ f^?|F5T-%ri^?5T, &c. Tmr^JH, ^t- IsrECHOj?, 11, infectious Jiiatter, infeclinc/ cause, W\V^^ ^^f. INF 425 2 infected state. ^:w\^ m. ^^ITTT m. Ikfectious, a. v. Coxtaoious. ?q^if?f-^r%?f-n'?Rf-&e, m- I.vFECTious>, 11. y. A. ^^M=5nf?:rrT/. ^fFr'TTr"^". ^m- IXFF.cuxp, a. lairen, v. Unfbuitfcl. sfW, sfl^rr, 3T"P?I3rR, I.VFECUXDITT, II. V. A. onrf Unfeuitfulkess. srr5r"mT»!. ^- IXFEr.iciTT, ». V. TJKHArpiXESS. ^:^n. ST^^^M"- ^r^T'iIT- »TR /». To Infer, r. a. deduce from premises. 3Tg^=T».-rT%»H.-^?Tr^, qnj^ INF Infeetihty, n. v. A. ^Fft^mr m. ar^v^HF/ ^'•TfTr/. To Infest, v. a. annoy, harass, v. To Trolblk. ^^^A m.- f3TT/.-?r^ /.-Tt^r/.-T^^w.-^ H Jt'M »i.-Ac.^rdt-'^-r5T^. Infestation, M. v. Y. o»(OIolestation. CT^ wj. ^f/. Infidel, «. dishelievcr in the christian scriptures. R»)^^r- 2 rejecter nf revealed religion, — rrencr. 5Tl^lF-i*«n'tft, ^TT- Infidel, a. v. N. 2. ?r[R[H'^=5Tr, ^Tmi='-T5=?r, ^TT^^l^TrFH^. Infidelity, h. disbelief of religion. ^Tr^f^^sTW m. m?5fT»-r- 2 unfaithfulness to the marriage hond. s^T^TT »«. -jII ■"+.-• I. ou the part of a husband. ar^'^T/- I. on the part of a wife. aHmfdsJf^J «. TrfrfsTFTH^ in. Infinite, a. unbounded, unlimited, arqp:, aT^?f, 3T?rrfTTT, V- ^TtTT^. For this word as made, in the rather free phraseolo;ry of multitudes, to convey the general sense of Immense, immeasurable, illimitable, incalculable, unfathomable, bottomless, boundless, endless, numberless, (J'f. SfC. i. e. exceeding all bounds and all computation, conception, and thought, there are numerous words and phrases. These though well agreeing with Infinite, both in the sense just exhibited and in extensiveness of currency and use, have, as their English representatives above, differing' particular implications and aspects. Some arc here collected. 3TnT'4, aTf^T^TTT, aTH^T^, f<=rHqT-' 3TqfaT?T, ^g^R, ^rgKTTrqr, %^, ar^iq, I^s^tt. Infinitely, adv. v. A. ar'TTT, aTHTT^, &c. TJTT^, arfFT^TT. Infiniteness. See Infinitude. [^S^'T, Infinitesimal, a. indefinitely small. a^fq'rT, arf^^T^, aim- Infinitive, n. — in grammar. ?n*nT'Jr^,"T «. ■«mi"H'^^H n. ^^^ ^^nr^ n. HK^^^ n. Infinitude, Infinity, n. v. A. aiqi■■^^■[^ m.—'m free phraseology, &e. o;). aT?qiT. I. from age, — an animal. ^?3^, ^iI':S[ff?5i ^^^^ '^f- ?fTTT, J^EI^IT or ^ST^ST. 1. of purpose, v. Ieuesolute. VKfTl^^^, =Et=^T5rR-?fr^r. Infirmary, n. v. Hospital. sfTHR^Rr ?». frfnifTRT/. Infirmity, Infirmness, «. v. A. 1. z^^^.^^^\ m. &c. ar- fT-4'Trr/. aT-j?R^ «. ar^^nr/. ^^w-M\ or ^^^T^fT/. ^rr- IXF 426 IXP I. weakneii, Jailing. foMe. 3T7f «. sqn jr. ?5T5 «. »nH/. II. malady, v. Disobdeb. |^ n. rn ?». STlf^ pop. iTo ISFi.T, I'. n./.» ij/ thrusting in, Sfc. ^Htl«i, Rif n. jn^nft/. -PR-rnp/. fT^/. 3TTWTT^ n. K^^ n.—state. Vr^'T/. "W^ft/. 2— state, V. Conceit. HT^OT. q^STT^Oj-q^IT^/. f^- To INFLECT, .. a. T. To Bend. ^rt-7;=nFr, ^T^ipff, g-f^dr, f l?, H- 2 not to le swerved in mind, v. Firm, Eesolute. f^pp^, i^?5Pr, 3TFr^, l^^ft, ^^^??, f^'W^??, 3Tf^??. 3 — in an ill sense, v. Obstinate, ^.z or ^^I, gTR- Inflexibly, adv. v. A. 2. f^^^qun^', &c. arra^^F, f%^^- 2b Inflict, v. a. lay on.^ impose, ( pain, evil, &c. ). BR^r, ^TWof , ^, ^^, ^^, ^fPTTTRT ;:5T5rn. Infliction, m. v. V. — act. ?5R^". 5ut«. &c. OT'^R'n. ( in comp. as JrSNSTR, &c. ), 3TryrT?T». ( in comp. as ^sn-TT- 'T, &c. ). I. See Punishment. Influence, n. physical poicer. ^rfrp/. ^t^j pop. «i5in. +-^H- 2 moral power, zoeight, authority , po'evalence, ».-&c. q5"jf. 3b Influence, v. a. act on.^ affect physically, ^:\^n.•%'^^n. -&c. sji^iif, guTm. =R^-?"Jt, ^3"^, ?rmoT, =5rT^^ ^ a«'iA ^ofo. 2 induce, lead, ^'c. v. To Move. JToS^'if, T^Rof, aff^, cr5tf^-&e. W^r, 3TT^/.- ^ffr^rm. ?IPlot ««. con. Influential, o. ^], ^^T, ==f?5?ft^, &e. Influenza, n. epidemic catarrh. tirnfr^-^jf-^, ^rT''T-W"T£5«r-^N^-&c.^??Tir. To iNFOBii, I', a. give life to, v. To Animate. ^^^-?r%- ?f5T-&c. 5Rwf. 2 acquaint, apprise, aJvise, adcertizr. ip5E^'Jif, -jiiumui, ?Tf- *iDT, f =q^iir, ^H^RCTf, ^yJT>ir, ^^oif or ^^\^^^ fiNsrtJr, ^, ^3TM/.-(dl;^'1l/. ^or-^, ^ry wJ.-SRTq' m.-fTPTT «.- ftrfrrm «.-&c. ^Rtff, nir^ci'i)<-'TT^?T-^m?n'-#rffeFT-fTm- ^l^rT -&c. ^?:<7if, m^ -^?T-&c. sFTTir. Note. The student will observe that of many of the above verbs the viatter to be told is the object. To Infobm, v. n. give intelligence of ei-ime. ^S{^X.\^V^•&e. ^^f.-A\r\^\f.-&Q. ^. IxrOEMAi/, a. not according to form, v. Ieeeoulab. if^prq'- LvrORMALiTY, n. V. A. 3Tf^ar?TT/. 3T5(TT^rTT/. f^fvf^yr m. l5F0nMAi,LT, adv. V. A. f^ftf OT|^-^T^-?v^-&c. aTT'*?!- iNFOEilANT, «. V. V. A. 2. «?JoI^OTRT, ^OTsnTTTT, +J^=IUIKI, ?75R 50TRT, &C. ^aT=?TT, mrl»f|4K, ^^^HttF, &C. ^tT^, V. V. N. 3T^r':Tr^«. ^s^^ ». &e. ^tr m. ^^^ m. ^\^cp^n. sr^rq^w. g^^ «. '^^^t/. fm^ w. f^fTR^ n. ftfrfir i^o;?. f^frrfiT/. T. V. N.— cc<. arrn-'Tsi^^ m. •JTrntng^^nrr/. ar^qT^rg^- ^ n. aH'^lAK^^JTT/. I. notice, news, advice, ^'c. coimmmicated, v. Intelli- GENXE. ^SR/. AM^f. ^^T/. II. knowledge. ^yA m. SHrq- m. fTR »i. f^ffn?! «. Infoemeb, ;>. V. V. A. 2. ^Tm^^r, HlH^ri'Ili %?5?Jr, &e. ^f^, ^r5T?f, si^tTrT, frrfqrT, fsffTTfqTT, f^ffTfr, OTf^?, iNFOEiiEU. See Infoemast. Infoemidable, a. not fearful. aTHTH^, 3T*nT^, 3T»T^T^. Infraction, n. infringement, jfrs m. tri ot. Tc5^ m. 355- ^TT «. ^IH n. Infeangible, a. not to be broken, 'ii.T; adv. y, A. 5^^, f^. To Infeinge, v. a. break, violate. JTt?5r, nts^, ITgqwr, h- n »n-3?5^ »«--v5f3>H'l W.-&C. ^oif. [ sftTTf. Infeinged, p. v. V. iTr5?5r5r, ffrs^r, &c. hit, M%«j^, gr- Infeingee, n. Infringing, p. a. v. V. Hrs^rTTT, c fi^u i K i Infeingement, «. V. Y.—act. ^T^ n. &c. jfrs m. »tn m. H^T^ ». g-ctq «(. 3-f5^?r «. f^'w^ m. arffTspiT 7». 31^- ^J^TJI n. Infeuable, a. not to be used or enjoyed. aT»fp'T, HriT^^. To InfuEiate, v. a. render furious, enrage. ?n"7T^, ^FTTT^f ^, #Tf^, ?f?TH-?iffrf*T?r-^r-GLOI!IOi;s, a. Ihat brings no glory or fame. g^qfTrff^, 3T- 2 See DisQKACF.FUL. [ ■flirftrfj/. IsGLOBiocsNEss, w. V. A. aTqftrfT/. ST'T?! ?i. qftPfKir^F^T «■ •ISGOT, «.— of gold or Bilver. JRtr/. ^/. 17 m. X\^ J. ISUOT-ilOULD, «. flft^r/. r | fc'GEate, «. a« vngratrful jicrson. Ordinarily, one language is rendered into another by word being placed with word; but where in the one language words are used to convey Sentiments and thoughts and truths and in the other ph-ases — where, of the one the genius leans to jjlain and simple and direct speech, and of the other, to figured and flowery and emblematic expression, there it seems clearly to be demanded that figures and phrases and proverbs and idioms, if they justly and vi\ idly represent the word which stands to be represented, be viewed as equivalent with single words, and be used as copiously and freely. Accord- ingly, dcsiguative or allusive of, or involving the idea of, Inrjratc or Ingrntiiiide, some phrases or sayings are. ?TT^r?f^, ^TTf%^^, qrfsfPfrf ITT, aT^Hld?5I W^, ^r€5-?T ^% ^rra" hi^^tutttt, ^tj^^t ar^rRT di^iKr, WWJ^ 'JT^TT^ ^fft WT^Diprr, 5fKm fTtqrcn: srprftp^ afr 3TTM jfTTT. ?'--Tf^^^ f^^ w^potttt, tw^^t ^x^ ^^ ^FT %^OTRT, WA ^3T?5 ?I'4 f TR, ^\^l H?T?qT^ 9?^ ^^ 4+iOmi'|| »». gr^T^fTft- qorr m. 31-iiHslrlT/. ?J?T5r?IT/. fHH+^ilJO/. ^THWlf^r/. f=T?^*ir«. Ih'GREDiEST, n. component part of a mixture. etHI m. sfR «. Ingredients — of compositions in general. JTOPTT ?«. Compound of 32 ingredients. sffTf^ft /.—of 36 do Sf^^ft /. I^•GEESS, n. entrance, lit. fig. ^^^T vi. 1h%?I Mi. W^TR^T m. ?ff^%^T «». ?f=JnT "J. I. of a luminary at an eclipse. ^^ m. Inguinal, a. belonging to the groin. Jrf^-^^l ^t' ^^ l ^ l, ^^- To Isghlf, v. a. ,swalloiv up. n%-nPT-n5^-&c. tp^ To be ingulfed, n^-itc- ^t'lf. Inoustable, a. not prrceptiUe to the taste. 5r?f^fj?nrft?T, :ra%f^'TTT"r=5R, TfTHf^^^'iriT. To Inhabit, v. n. v. To Beside, ^^lif, ^«^, ^t^, 5rW?n.- ^?ffW pop. ^■^ /.-f^RT «i.-&e. ^Rwf, ^ M.-&C. 3TO0T, To Inhabit, i;. a. dwell in. ?j^iif, &c. ( See the V. IST. ) \vith the object in the locative ease. Inhabitable, a. v. V. Jit for residence. ?T^^^"rnrlT-Hn:- W-&C. TT^'^r ?5ra^, STR^, cff^Rrfs^, ^^RT'T, STRTTf , ^TT- Inhabitant, Inhabitek. n. v. Y. T^PT, TTfTR, ^T'^ft'lvT- imTT, STT^^PTDTRT, 'Tt^'TrTTT, Sf^fJIRT, Tf^^ira't, ^^t^, ^^. or^,t\ (as attached to the name of a town or place, as ^oj^ an i. of Poona, ^FTrft^T an i. of Kcishl, iTH+-<| an. i. of the village, &c. ), cTrat ( in comp. as cf^^^rr^, ^m- sJTOT', ^^^Rft, &c. ), f?niRft ( in comp. as gTr^rrfk^TT^T, &e. ), ?5!T ( in comp. as WH^^ ,^^^5it, &c. ). fRir ( iu comp. as ^5J^?'«T, ^^ITO^'tT, &c. ), 3T?T?'«• ^T^ffrT/o^. 5TWt/ 37f(:Tm^ n. 3TfgW?T/. Inhabited, «. TPVr?T. Inhalation, m. v. V. ^qT^rRTrnf^Sr «. &c. ifT^T^ m. To Inhale, v. a. draw into the lungs. »qT^NXE, IxnEEiTi>^G, n. y. V. 1. — act. 5rrft«MU|l% qr^TOT n. etc. ifTf5-?r?aTr^T-cte. iftn m. ft^'irq^nT «. f!^'*T- Obtained by i. Ef?f^. Eig-ht of i. JJrRTffel^PR m. I. heritage, patrimony/. sfR^ ?«. ^iftK m. «. ETrl^f h. ^- Ouc entitled to share in an i. ^W^ft c. Portioning or jiortiou ofi. ^raTPT o»- ^PTf^TFI »i. Share of an i. T. Sraee. ^TfT m. 'fl^T «;. IXHEKITOE, «. T. Y. 1. nml Heih. ^rrfTfTTin^ HfTJIITT, &c. Joint i. tpT^^rg ??». STrT^TT^T m. TxHEEiTEEss, Ikheeiteix. See Heieess. IxHEsioy, «. V. 1nheee>-ce. aTfi;frniBiT, Inhibition, &c. See To Eesteain, ToFoebid, Inhospitable, a. not disposed to entertain guests. arfFTf'irg'- 2— a countr_y, &e. qr^TH 'T'"?rrr=rT,3T«JFIrfT?'RTiT,3T'^qT- i^nj^Rt, ar'^^FifTTf^^, qTrfH^f^qp. Inhospitaelen-ess, Iniiospitality, n. v. A. 1. 3Tf?rfi?gT!f m. ISHOSPITABLT, ado. T. A. 3TffTf4|;'TT?f, "JRTlf^IS^'Tjf^, 3Tf?r- Inhumah, a. T. Ceuel. — of persons, f^^, ^TT^'t^, ^TT^J; 2 — of acts. ^PJT^OTT'^, fHST^TJir^rr, ^. Inhumanity, »i. y. A. f^t^qcriT m- fq^^Ttir ?;. f=T^?rT/, ^- To Inuumate, To Inhume. Sec To Buev. Inhumation, n. y. Bueial. JjfiifHfrq m. Jjirrf^q-^RT «. fl^- fr^^-m m. Self i. f^tffT ?RTT'=T/. Inimical, a. nrifricncUii, v. Adteese. gTfj-, ^ft, 3TfiT^, 3T^- ^, 3Tf|5, arf^rcT, flfJTHT, 'iTf|?f JT?rr, f^?r^f . Inimioallt, (Kfo. Y. A. ?Tff5-qT, ^T^^lijqT, 5Tf ^RT^. Inimitabilitv, n. y. A. a^gq^iTrn'/. 3[qfrtK?tr/. 3Trg;?ft?T- Inimitable, a. sin-passing imitation. 37^^^, ^rfgrftT, 'i^^- fFTJT, ^iTFft?f, 3T^'^«T«T, aT^'^T^T^T, ST'^RfTRT^ 3T^r- j Iniquitous, o. y. Unjust. Wicked. 'A'^\^\^J.^ ST^rft^r, 3T^m=5fT, 34'^(i^r, artrifr, ar'-^ft^, ^mii^qifr, a^^'-^R^- Iniquitousness, m. y.A. 'S^^^\^ m. ^^\f7\ f. ^qn m. S^ffrT Iniquity, n. injustice. See Iniquitousness. 2 «f^ of injustice, v. Sin.^R/jj.'j^qHw.^l^ftfFT/. The cup or measure of i. is full, qiTl^^f qST Ji^cJT, fNT^ MNrfl HT^. I I^niAJ,, a. placed , a the leginniiig. Tf^^, if'cfH, ^n?7, T«f, 1 2 See iNCii'iENT. [ ^^ ,j. Initial, Ji.^r*< letter nf a name. q^ftTrqr qf^-^vl ^m »». ?rmT- To Initiate, v. a. introduce into a sect or soeietg, ^-c. lij ceremonies. ^^/.-jT^?Tf m. ^, ^P^R w.-JT^TN^^ m.- ?R?^-&c. ^af, W^OT. 2 'instruct in rudiments or principles; make acquainted with. >Tf|?^?Tw/.-srviT%^r/. JroT, ^qVn j«.-iriT^m,?i in. ^CTT, 1^R»T ^"•-fJiq'n^iT OT.-&C. ^'■q'of, H^TTTfew/. ?TrnoT-?5r5m-?rTf^ ^, ferrJTf5T'?-f^qTf'Tf5Tf=r"?-ic. ;p7Uf. 3 J^'yi» «;)o«. 3'T^'T m.-^\TV{ m.-Sn: ^^^ Initiated, ;).v.V.l. t\^ f^-f=5T, &c. 5Tf?Trf, ^J K. l pH , #f?;- 2 Ti^^t fiTSTT f2??f ?5r, &c. ^jrrf^q^nT^T, ^mf^rtrrT^T, Initiation, n. v. V. 1. ^^ ^ «. &c. ^^/. ^^R »«. 7- 2 qf^f^i^T/. ir''Mate, n. one who lives in the same house. ?T^^T^, ^^ fW^FT-^PTT^-ST^.-^^ic. ^Tfrr^-TTT^-5f^-&c. ^'Tt. \l^iiOst, a.jiirthrsl in. ?T5fT|^ a^trTeTT or =qT, 3T?!T«t?R^'tT , To be injurious. qT'^TJt, 5n'':T^ 3T?nff. [i aTHT>='TfTTcrrff, SlrMdRr^fn. I.vjmiOUSLT, adv. T.A. 1. ar^WR, »<«■*( N+M, f^Hm', «• house Jor the reception of iracellers. *nTT^r^r »?J. Injuht, m. hurt tcithout justice. ^^^^\mn. ^\%Zn. 3rTTT*T»n. ^SM^m. CH'T^R/H. ai^^fd/. ^"tpi. To be seeking the i. of. «n5=!T^ 3T^''fy. ofo. 2 *?'K.?!. 5(TTf /. T'ft/. — madeoflamp-blackjlae, &e.c5n?ft^TT^/. Bed i. ( i. e. the tlye of lac, lodhra, ^'c. so used ). 3T- Cake of red i. ( i. e. cotton steeped in the dje of lac, lodhra, ^-c. ), "ftoff/". 3ToErfT >n. Piece of rag put into i. ^fnTrw. Wt^n. Seller, &c. of i. ?[TTl^rT?5T, 5!TT^R*n^np, ^HRrf%5, ^^hfm, ?f^^, ^«f%, f%^- 'T3I, SJ*fH<:'ocuou8, &c. I>NUKNlio, n. olliqiie hiiif. ^t^/. v. HTT-^msT, X^f- °^- ^r^f. s^^ 71. -SUMERABILITY, IsKUMEKABLENESS, 11. V. A. CJmOT'ft'TKl/'. ari'rqHT/. Ac. l»-UiiEHAiiLE, a. that cannot he counted. STT'T^fV'T, ^TliT, \ arnf'iicis^, aTlTirT, ar^'^^, 3^?=^, ar^f^fr, sfgmr, #r*Rf^, TTTTilT^^, IDTJTTrftrT, +i<<.'4|rftrl. 1>'SCTEITI0N, 11. leant pf nutrition. OTf*?/. Jj<>"UTBiTioi;s, a. not nourishiny. ST^f^^T, aTjf^, 3^T1OBSEHVABLE, «. //(flf caHTiot he observed or seen. 3Tc5^, IXOBSEHVAXT, (I. 3T?rR^H4_rV. IjiOBSEEVATION, 11. |?5^«. aT^^/j. aTS^"T n. To Ikocdlate, «. o. ( a tree &c. ). fr^^ qp?:ijr. 2 ( for the small pos ). ?5ft/. ^T^of-%OT, "PTSqr/. /??. ^PT- IxOCULateb, ;). V. Y. 1. f^^ %ir=5T. f^erft^T. I. small pox. fTRT^Kfft/. pl.-^^^f. pL INOCULATION, n. v. V. f^t^f. 2 ^ ^5at«. &c. c?rsnr?». fTRTTw. f^t^Tm. IsocuLATOE, n. V. V. 2. ■^ :fT50TTTT, f^Ti^T ^^mTT, &c. ??tl5- I>'OliOEOC3, B. that has no smell. f^ifiT, aT'tq', qy^f^rl-^Jftf- I>'0FFESSIVE, a. nnprovolcing, harmless, ^t[^, STRTT, STTTS- gmr or (jft, fjTF^frH, arfr^, f^?Tf , ar^r^, f^r^T^, ar^T- ^'t^, arg^, arl^fr, 3Tg;q5fi;, a^r, ar^T^Jf^tfr, arq^^:- ^, 3Tl|?r, arf^^PF, arqiH^, ^f?^^, ^f^^ftr, ^?^^ft?5, ?ff^^V, W?!^, WT3g^ or tr, TWl:;^. Some significant terms and appellatives for an inoffensive person are aT- ormn^, Hlw^rir, ntern^, nr^T^isT, twriv^, nTsnigiT, 2 7!o< injurious or hurtful.^ v. Innocent, arf^^nt, ar^- Inoffensiveness, n. v. A. 1. TVt^/. srm^'iITwJ. OT^gff/. «if?^*M"ilw. ar^T^tn. ■s{^m. ar^^r/ aTg;fTrrr/. aqf^^r- 5f5/. ^f^f^/. Hf^ntf5?TT/. &c. 2 air«i+ir<4Ji «. qr^iKof n. &c. f^^srrqH /, 3 fcrmw «. &c. ^sfr^^ or ^'\ f. rrqifr »«. ?T?JT?rt or ^ m. FT^^/. ?fTtT m. ^r^rq^/, sn^qH /. ^rrwq'^r /. tjir w. grra?/. ar^oT n. f^^^T/. Public and open i. 3'M-dc)r^ m. tfSATiABi.T;, Insatiate, a. ihat cannot be satisfied. 3T^^ft or ?ft, ^I^m, ^T^H^^TT, arqTOT O'' ^Tf, 3T'3cmPTiox, n. a. vritinj on a stone, ^'c. ^^ in. fef^/. TT- 2 See Title. Inscrutablejtess, Ikcrutaeilitt, n. v. A. STrT^^fcfT/. %• M^!Trrr/. 5^?TfTr/. &c. I^■5CRUTABLE, a. vnsearchahle, S;c. v. Incomprehensible. Insecable, a. //(«/ cannot be divided. 3T^?T, 3T^55^'^, 0- In3ECt, n. — in zoology. ^PIT m. f%|^ »i. ^fftj/^^ m. 4^d+ Insectile, «. having the nature of insects. f^T5TT% ^Irfl-^i^ i%^ ^?frqT, qffd-^iritij, ^ tm^. ISiECTixO^ovs, a. feeding on insects. ^Z'Hffl^., '^^sft, Insecure, a. not confident of safety. H^^T^ft, TT^^ITlfHr, 2 not safe. ^RT^T, ^TT^r, ^"t^KrETT, ^^1?TrqT, W^"^^., Insecurity, n. v. A. 1. HT?i-TT/. T^^T^T m, H'T^^Tfq-fn"/. 2 anrf Danger. JT^T w. sJr^ »«. ^^T »>. ^^ir/. w. Insensate, a. stupid, v. Senseless. gf^^ToET or f5f5T5Er, Insensibility, Insensibleness, n. v. A. 1. 3T>tT=^?rr/. f- 2 g^'TWT w!. &c. irftTT?? «. gf?T/. "?Tr^?:f^?T, 3T?rfT,"TfT^- Insensibly. See Imperceptibly. Insentient. See Insensible. lN3EPARAr>LE.«.//(«/ cannot be disjoined or parted. "H^KT, "HH • ^T^-'TsiT'jft^, f^rqr^^^rfff, f^if^^q'-o^, ?TJT^r!T?f5i'--ft. Insepabaeleness, Inseparability, n. v. A. ^^^!jruf. STH'^'DMrir/. H^^m^TffT/. il^^R^fTT/. &c. f^Fq-^q-^ To Insert, v. a. enter among others.^ set in or among. ^r- OT.-&C. :Riif y. 0/ 0. 3TFmfT-?T?^FI-7f5r'?-&c. ^FT"^, 31?qf- ?R :ri%'j-3T?q-ffRfr». 2 |?y%^OTT w. (^^^T?;qwfT m. &e. S^?^ 7i. ?T?5=?^ n. 3?iT- 3 ^%qurr m. 5fT?f5ft/ (^T^rT"JrT »«. &c. rTfFST «. i=rT'?;f «. ?J?5^f5r n. ariiqRTT/. Insignificant, a. twWo/jneaniwy. 3T5T'4^, f^r4=F, fHr4, 2 unimportant, having no XKlght or eject, ^^^r,?5^TR'^ IXS 433 IXS 3 u'iiJioui iceii/Iit of character, V. Mkan. ^^, c5^R, Iksincere, ff. dissemhlhig, hiipocrii'!cal,fah". ^FTrft, ^^- CT, ^^"T^, 3T^^, 3T?r^3, ^Sft^^. 2 iioUow^ Y. Eiii'xv. sTTT^T^, 5TPT^"jfHr, srrq'^s, srr- IxsiscERELY, aJc. V. A. 1. ^PT^TH, '^'^ ^57r, ^F?^ ^STI^ &e. IssixcERiTY, n. V. A. 1. ?HftT"JTr m. ^^vi\f. ovflsuir »«. { &e. ^N?-q n. ^PT?:*?!^ m. I^TTT? «i. IHT^T ?«. 3T?tR:?q-«. | 2 srra^^tTtrrT «• ^IT^^ofNOTr m. ^j^^^.'juiT m. &c. I To IxsiKUATE, V. a. iiifrodiur gcnllij. %\^^^ ^[fl^, g'TH- 2 /;;(«/( or «w^ into jacor, ( 'witli recip. pro. ). ^V-^^ 3 hint ; suggest ly remote allusion. sf^i^T'^f, ^=^f^>if, =r'Jt-&c. ^^^rr/. ^^ ^. o/ o. ^^^^ m. ^^^ g. of o. , To Insinuate, v. n. steal into, enter gently, <|-c. g^fft^ f^R- '^-f?T?^-:r%nw. fr^, fn^cT f^TrT f^^, ^JTm ^rrr stitji-, I>'SISUATED, p. T. Y. A. 1. #^%^T, 5^^ f^T^rTT, &C. 3 ^Tq?r<^i# ^^^%?yT, ^((^r^r^, qq-W^^ ?rtfnfr^?yr, IXSIXUATEE, «. IXSINUATING, /). a. ISSINUATIVE, (J. V. V.A. , 2. H^f ?f4l<^uiKI, STT^sft, ?5T^, ^Jrq^T'JTT, JT^qTT3f\=^T, IT- ?ifJT5rr3r, h^t^^, ^?f^ioq-r_ V. V. N. f\\Ts\ fVJs[ ftlTOTKT, &c. ^e-iT, ^^HIT'fr. I IssiNUATiON, », poii-er of pleasing. ^V^^^m. ^^^n. ^- 2 sly suggestion, distant allusion. ^Ffi/. Tofty^ s^fiq'a. Issil'lB, a. tasteless, fat, vapid, lit. fip;. fH^^ST, ^R^T, f^- ?H, Tm^, ^frq^sfR, q55T^?T, T^^. jpst'n, 'JT^qj, fsf^R', 'T5. 2 indissohable. ^^V^J; ^TTft 'JTOF, ar^I^, ar^T^Piftq, -^- 3 AeajJ)/, /«ar(?, i/mi ivill not Iccome soft, — (grains, pulse, &c. =5?^, 5^rr, ^5. Insolubility, Insoltableness, ?t. v. A. 1. viri'I^MI'H 3T- ^T^^CTrr m. &c. 315^1 ?.^tqffT/. 375^-q?rr/. 31T^HT?T- 2 aTijio'Mdi/ ^r^orre^^fir/. &e. 3 ^JT^rsTirr ««. ^^^nxfoTT m. sm-cf ». Insolvency, n. v. A. ?IT^Tft/ HK.KMiJIT m. HTcT^TRt/ ^T- Insolvent, ff. ^tnalle to pay delts. ^TT^TT, oW^?^, ^l+c^rfl, Hr5^5fr?f 3TR^, gi^iftfl' 'JTM?7T, +,uiMl=MHr^T^, ^"JTHF- To become i. '' mm. arf^n^^TT «. sf[?TnT?!. [ "^^T^ m. IXSPIBATION, n. T.V.N. sqTO %^ ?'. s^rm^"^ «. s^TRTT^m «. T. V. A. 1. — act. ^DT «. 2 sq-raraTNT %>?[ «. &e. 5 r'jRg^JTT/. f ^-^nin-oTr/. f j^^^r m. arsr^n: m. ^r w. Note. The two last words are commonly used of the afflatus of an inferior god or of a deTil. By i. ^TR ^^3^. To Inspiee, v. n. draw in Ireath. s^TO m. ^irf. To Inspiee, v. a. hreathe into. ^^^. s^fTH Hf^-'rr-^?R^PRm-?RqnTJ#^-&c. ?'?72TT=tft (jr/ ^/. TT^T^- To Instigate, v. a. set on. promjyt, S,-c. v. To Incite. ^'^^- Instigated,^. V. V. S'^FiJlc^r, =^^^^?5r, &c. 3%f^rT, spf- Instigation, ;;. v. Y.—ad. ^S^fM n. &c. ^T+<^uft /. f^iq^CTT/. ^AKuft/. S^Totnft/. 3ZToST m. 3^?5/. ^ST^ot. ^T^Tr/ ifT'T". ST^T^Tw. sr^^T". sftfHT^'i. Ikstigatoe, ?i. Instigating,^;, a. Instigatokt, n. v. V. I. to an evil act. ^5f^^, ^hir. 5b Instil, v. a. infuse hj drops. ^^ '^ ^\^^--^\rm. 2 wfuse gradiiallij into the mind. ifr5*TrST-3Tr"TaTrT-3Tr7- V'.- &c. >i<«(u|-d'^Hui-^rT?5>ir-&c. Instillation, Instiilment, n. v. V. 1. ^^ ^^ qT?5'jf».&c. 2 Mt5'4UT HT^m «. &c. Instinct, «. natural hioidcdge or directing poicer. T^?5T, ^^^%?IpJT, &e. sf?f%rT. Institution, n. v. V. \.—act. r^V^n. &c. ^VfT^Tn. ?'*TrT- I. estallished laiv, v. Institute. fiFftT»». f^Tflrw. II. system, plan, society.^ S;c. established. ^'tfTftrr-^VTTfr- ?T-&0. H5o5t/.-?T*TT/.-JTTn5«.-&C. «. ^T^Rlf /• Beating of musical instruments. «n^ m, I. of martial music. ?OT^RT ". I. sounded by the mouth. J^^KT n- I. stringed. riH'=}|rH. V. A.ii;^;f:Tft>■ 'Pt- 2 3T;7T?ntITT »«. &C. 5TT?5m^/ 3T?mrrT/. ^m?7Hrrr/. IssfFFiciE>;T, a. not enouyJi. ^^^t, ^T^TT, Sfjof, f?r- 2 tvantiitr/ inabiliti/, ^'c. incapnlle, incompetent. 3T'T7?n', IT'4, 3T5^^. IxsuFFiciESTLX, adv. V. A. 1. STJ^d^uff, ^Tj'^ decl. f^- "JTT ». glm^sfd/. 3t- IxsuLATED, a. standing by itself, g^^, aT?lT, 4)d+H ?lf^- IxsuLT, n. act or speech of insolence or contempt, y. Abuse. 3T^5T »». aiTTTRTT'im n. (H^H\'\[■^^Tf. »Tr?f^/. f^f- To Insult, v. a. treat with abuse, insolence, contempt.^ ^'c. ^^raiJr, l^iifr, fJf^^oT, h^^ijt, srra./: ^tt^ 5ftei^-^?:oT, y. o/o. W(W[^ w.-aT?ri?7 «i.-fMFH?TT/.-&c. ^RWy. o/o. Insultet!, n. IssuLTiNO, //. a. v. V. ■STTTR^^TJIKr, ^^^iirT- IssuLTrsoLY, flc/f.T.A. I^Tsi'jft^^TT, &c. 3Tq»TR^#^, ar^fTT- 1XSU1'E11.4ETLTTT, «. T. A. %Pitim f. aTr^T?!!/. 3T3I'. ^^TT- Insusceptible, a. not capable of receiving impression, ^c. 3T^Jim, aT!TTfr,3T^^^,?T^'JrT^K,q^ar^TfpTf|'^,%^T?T^, Intact. See Untouched. Intactable, a. not perceptible to the touch. 37^3,^, 3T?^^T- jfN', FT^fR'^'T, ?T^ff|T^, ^?1Fn=^, W^flf^Mif. Intangibility, Intangibleness, n. v. A. 3T^3.T?rT/. 5:-. ^?3.q-frr/. ^mf^T^T^r/ ^^tr^/. &c. Intangible, a. that cannot or may not be touched. FT^ T^f:F?«,^TTK.3Tf*rvrwi. Integral, a. entire, v. Whole. ^Toi, 3T^5, ^f^^T, 'srf^- 2 not fractional, ij^, sfiafT, ^T^iq', "jof, arfir^T. Integbitt, «. entireness. ^'TOT^TT/. "J'^ffT/. a^^Sftf «. 3TfH- 5r?5r «. arf^HT^r ««. m^^^ n. ^fi^rr/. 2 honesty, probity, vprightness, S{c. STiTTfST^PmT »«. ^V WT OT. ^TTf /. ^^/. %^/. ?T?T/. ^^T€t/ STTHTfoT^PfcT «. Integument, «. natural covering or coating. 3TT=rTaT h. ^VJK n. ^^T, m.^Z'^ m-TTJ^T or TT^T »» ji|U|r|r, ^51T^, gf :? or g^f^, ^;tt, j^tR, =q]^^, =qc>j, g|i-, STTfT, ISTELLiQENTiAL, a. Consisting of unbodied mind. f^i^mW'f^- 2 See Intellect OAL. IlfTELLIGIBILITT, IkteLLIGIBLENESS, ». V. A. ^f^T^rfr/. gf^'-fl^Hl/. fTTfTT/. &e. IxTLLiaiBLE, a. possible to he understood. ^fT^Pn^FTT-^- T^-&c. TT5Tm-«rRt?I-&c. qT'TMtTT-^R^T-tFft-f^^Tft-&c. aif^?m- f^T, ar^Fit, arf^qrRrff, arf^T'Tfflf^, aif^lTriHlft, ar- ^'smr^i^, arr^mt, arf^TK^rn, arf^nnfr. 3 ( in eating ), v. Gluttonous. a^ffr>#3fr, aTfHrl>Tr?ft, 4 ( in tli-iukiug ), v. Dbuxkahd. arf^Trnl, arfn^TTJIT. 5 See Passionate. LNTEMrEEATunE, n. excess of some quality. ^^^ n. nil^T- RT n. ^T^^J^ n. argrrtTTgrrT /. Intenable. See Untenable, Indefensible. To Intend, v. a. lit. stretch, strain, distend. rTF'm, noTr^ «?. -rTPT m. %at-5JHtfoi-, FTOTrr^jftfT- ?pr?T7rFr-&c. ;fRCTr_ To be intended. ^T-ld-lui, ri^^., froTrlOT^, frir=r^, — in- tens. rTTRW. 2 fig. 7nake intense, increase. qFTTsrot, =^^^^. ^^.^m.-^S- ?^'tm.-&c. ^Roty. of 0. aTffeI^-HTt-^^-^RT^r-&c.:pTwf^ 3 «ieon, design, ^^\r\ qt^'Ji-feKaT-^f^fiT-^H6t-&c. PRff- ^, ^TSROT, ^snq^Rqr, qoST^T'Jr, aTfs^^-'TTft-^RT=qr-&c. ^. Intendant, n. supervisor, director, ^'c. v. Supemntendeitt. 3T«I?T, JJT^-Sr, aTK^^T. Intended,;;, v. V. A. 1. rrm^^T, HOTRT f^r^^, &o. 2 ««(? Intense. cri5«rr!?5r, ^ir^i=;^, HTTt %^?5T, TrT, alf. to ^jTTalT black. Jra', HI?5T, aft", to JFTJIT black. (Black as soot ). T^^ffn, aft', and pre. to gr?T Hot; aft", to frcT^T yellow. FH^, aft", to rffiTSr. ?7^J^rT, pre. and aft", to ^j^^] tender. f=T<\^, aft', to ^1 bitter ( esp. as reduplicated «F|^| ^T?r, aff. to f^^r^S and other epithets of pellucidness, ?f%rf o»'^, aft", to Tt^TT white. Intest, a. havinj tlie mind fixed or lent on. ^^f^rT, ^W.- 3TfHf?r%?ft, arfHf^f^'?, ?if"TT, fTfft^, ?i^?t^^, arm^, ^- ?r^, 3T^;^f%r, ar^p^m^rr, ar^^^m^rFt;, 'flfHK^, f^r^m, 5^, aTRTFBNTT, arm^^rTT, sTT^^iTJJT^r, i^str, ^i R 'a h ^, To bo i. upon, r^^^uf. Ikteut, «. intention, purpose, v. Design. 3TT?T^ m. 3TpT- To all intents. B^, ^H^^, ^t^^T, ^^TPMr, €^f'-T, (7. ISTEKCEDEIt, «. T. V. 2. ««(/ MeBIATOK. JT«T^*T, H*;qT^f. [ srT'4^. 7b IxTEECEPT, f. rt. slop on its passage, ohstruct in progress, j f^iVr^r wj.%'^ m.-siq-?TtT m.-&c. ^ijf y. f/ o. Intercepted, ;;. v. V. ^vtr\ trr^?5r, &c. ;^^^ 3Tif^5. Intehception, n. v. V. — «rf. ^T^ ^^T^ n. &c. ^Z^W^f. ^TRTTRr m. ^v.^Mi'^^\\ f. nfrTHn ?». ifTraq' »». u^r >». ar^r- ^ m. JTfrriftT ?». [ r4\f. I>-TEECESSION, «. V. V. 2. JT'-'^ ^"^ «. JTS-'^riT'T'Tr m. TT«T- 3 »T«r?*?(ii »«. 3tt%vt m. 1. ( of use, or sale, &c. ) in the name of the king or state. |;t^ or JTT^/. ['«• 'it-^-qf':T^-5Ttq^ Z]^. Inteewctory, a. seroing to prohibit. f^^PT'^^, H-ii^-^d, fH- Interest, n. yoo(?, adoantage. SR ?j. f^ n. ^r?n. 8 intirestinjness; potirr to interest or please. ^ m. THT- Vj1+H|/. MHlivlHifTf^/. f^V'T^FHT/. Jb Interest, r. «. e.roVe emotions in^ move or ajfed iotcards. *'-IEEE3TINf}, _?). a. T.Y. 1. aTFTaiRT, 3TR5if[55r?n;TRT, 2 imtTtJrRT, &c. l^fTT^sT^, ?J^=^-^^, &c. I^TT, T^fr- To iNTEEFEitE, t). M. interpose, intermeddle, ^^s^ crgaf-q-ijf- 2— idlj, officiously, &c. v. To Meddle. JSfSof, sjfsr- 5- come in collision, v. To Clash. STTI'T ^i^I, Tl'^f, ^TOT- c-ra-/.-&c. flTjt. 4 — a horse. %?n: «. »«. cTTT^. L'-'TEEFERENCE, w. V. Y. I.— act. ^'^^^^S^n. &c. ^eqr<^ f. JTtTTF=q7r< n. wrn^ n. ^«Tn^ «■ 3 ( of a country ). ^^TT^ JTt^THFT m. \i\w^n. ^^\^m. Interjacencv, n. v. A. ir«rff':, TT^,-3T?JS^,-'?r^r, 'fl^T^r, ^W ^T, 3T^ 3T^, 3T^f, ^FJT, ^^T, ^TT^TI^r;— of joy, exultation, &c. i%3Tr, ^t, 3T^|r,— of negation, prohibi- tion, &c. t:§, ^|-;— of pain, giT, |:;f , 3TT%, arPT;— of unconcern, &c. 3T:. Some interjections peculiar to females, are 3Tn?, STinf , arfsrt. To Interlace, v. a. insert one thing loith anotlier, ^. To Intermix. TT«nT«T ^r?5nr-nf5^'^-f^5!:sr^, fJT^T^tjf, ^jnr, fJTf«T.-&C, INT 441 INT To Inteelixk, v. a. connect hy nndinfj links. ^^^ ^f- I^TEKLOcuTioN. See Dialogue. [^i^fcft. Interlocutor, «. one who speaks in dialogue. W^i^^tT?, Ikteelocutort, a. consisting of dialogue. ^^T^F^r, ^i^TT^CT, To Interlope, v. n. intrude into tlie trade or privileges of unoflur. ^rfig iTtif TJ^-f^^, ?ffTT ^?frft l^f^^fF^TT "i.-STTTR m.--4^ m.-&c. W.K^. Interloper, n. Interloping, p. a. t. V. ^ffig H<% "T5rT. Interlude, n. diversion between acts of a play. AV-WA^ 3T- ^-.^\ JT^rar rimnr m. w>^ ^m^^^ ^Ij^ «. lUTERLUNAE, Interlunaet, a. leloiigincj to the lime ivJien the moon is invisille. 3TKT^r^r^, 'JTKRNtft, 3TORR'TT- Intermarriage, n. marriage let ween two families, trhen each takes one and gices another. if3_S5T^ ?5Vr n. Hf?3t^«. JTf^^ m. Confused connection tlirougb i. nR^ ?ft^oift /. I. of three families. ffT^ «. f?rg?ft/. To Intermaertc, v. n. v. N. sfT^JT^ ?IlT «.-&c. qRot. 2 »i(T^-e marriages tcith one another. q"5;FR 'k.'^\'^^^- ?: w.-f^5rTf5?TJT^ OT.-&C. q;?:!jf, ;p?qT5q;r|f^ j«.-f^q-f^^^- ^-(fcc. ar^of y. q/"*. recip. To Intermeddle, Inteemeddler, &c. See To Meddle, &c. Intermedial, Intermediart, Inteeiiediate, a. situate between, lying Ictwcen. Hq^^Tr, ^tT??T, H^q-, JT«m, ^^'^- fl' TTf^^OT, TTfq?5?jr, Ff^'T ^^t??!r, &c. ^s^fecT or corr. ^v^. Intermittent. See Intermitting. Intermitter, n. Intermitting,;;, a. r. V. A. ^Ffft ^PR^'^- ff ^sTtrrr^TT, ^o!5f!TinT, ';r?f-ct>'. ^.^. To Intermingle, v. n. he together. \. To Mi.\. frr- ?r55af, fJr^iJf, r^*'! 3im, fR^3!:rf*rFra/.-&c. ^My. o/«. Intermixing, Intermixture, n. v. V. A. — act. fH^cf^ ??, fir^rOTr n. &c. fiT5iErrf*Ta-T/. ^Tr^q'npR^/. fH^arw n. fir- «ff^?TiT n.— state. f^rS^^^^f frra^rfHHSE/. fH^Tot/. fiTHo^T OT. Tth^s/. 'ins/. I. muss formed by mixing. frr?Io5/. firgoST »». f^T^as/. II. additament mixed. ^55/. fil^loj/. Interuontane, a. bring between mountains. ^^\r{^^T.i T^frT- Inteemundane, a. being between icorlds. 'T^r^JT^^T, ^?T- Intehmural, a. lying between u-alls. f%cfN^ T^rTT, sfi^TRf- Internal, a. v. Inward. arfrTsiT, arm^T, a^tift^, arfcR, arr- 2 See Intrinsic. 3 See Domestic. Inteenallt, adv. t. A.l. arfrf, 3itrlri(l+i^, arfrT^qr ^n^W. I. mentally, S;c. arfcT, trtpt, aT?r:^0TtrT, qi?::?!. International, a. ^^il^^TT% TT^'Rs'T^^psn", TrPR^^fm, Inteenodation,Inteenode, n. — in botanj; portion between two knots. spf5«. ^ n. "^n. ?if*Tg^HKi m. ^W^^^<^ m. Internuncio, n. v. IVIessengee. S'TT^JT^, S'^TT^rrTf^. To Inteepolate, v. a. add or insert spuriously, foist in. ^- T?r"Tr, f?r5>jf, ^^^, '<^^ qr^J"^, k^ m.-^^ n. ^jRvf g-ofo- Inteepolated, p. T. V. ?TTH^?5T, ^•Hirfc^l, ?^^?5T, ^W, Inteepolation, m. v. V. — aet. "TERHEa>'i;M, «. time of a throne leing vacant. aT^FTI) «. To IsTERROOATE, V. a. qiies/iou, ask, v. To Examin*e. 'T^T'^t, *i«(lrt m.-^^ m. ^?TJr-^TT?5'Jt, 5?3rTT^/.-;T^^ft?T/.-&c. «P??iJf Intebeogatio.v, m. v. V.— ap^ i{ ^vT'^TT^T, ^- 5SlT5fT, ST^STSTT, srw4^, STJffR^R;, sr^g;^^. [ ?f^?fTH«. IxTEBROOATlTE, «. tcorfi uscd in asking a question. SfJSTT'r?rT/. Jr n. &c. sq-^qr^r ?J. JT^-^fcTf^iT n. H«Tft'T^/. Hurried, brief, &c. i. S^ H^/. ^1^%?:/. 2b Inteevolve, v. a. involve one with another. ^^T^PT- INT MS INT K^'^H n.-&c. qRuty. qfo. [itiTOT. To IxTERwEATE, r. a. T. To Plat. ^TJlof, it*?^, '^ffT ^^ IXTEEWEAYING, 7i. T. Y. fq'OTOT 7?. nt'-qcfr Jl. 1>'TESTABLK, a. not qunJiJIed to malce a iriU. JTPTT^f'FT'^'TnT IXTESTACX, n. state of dying tcit/wut making a will. 3r?ifT- Intestate, a. that has died u-ithout a will. Hr^S^ %??n^t- I. property, f^?:^ JTTf5 «i. I>TESTINAL, a. belonging to the intestines. aT^^3^Tf'^T, ^^- Iktestise, n. boivel. ^{^ n. a^rTs'^/. ai"^ «• Intestine, a. v. Inward. arfrRT, armsr, arMtr^. 2 not foreign, \. Domestic, ^^ft, ^^fW, STf^^T^, ^- I. war. 3TTT?rtFr?ft f^STf/. ^TT?^/. TiJ Inteeal. See To Enslave. To Intheone. See To Entheose. iNTiMAcr, Y. A. 2. ^?5n/. ^?!:q^/ ?7nT^r^T^-^H^-'T?T5^-&c. ^FT'Jf. 2 threaten, scold, SH«i, cjv. jh orf/er to frighten. ^7T^5t, 01, ■>T^iT5^T?r n. ^tjf, ZTj^if^ SJ^I^iif, ^Ji^^r^, 'pFT^of, di'MilcCjf, ?^JT^I^, ^T^FR"^, ^^fw^frf, ?IK^, m^fTR- at,?35^'^, ^S^r^T'JI, ^^^Riif, ^5IN<7ft/.-tm;f:T?afr/.-&c. qnrof g. of 0. Intimidated, p. v. V. 1. H^^n^^BT, »T5I5n:5?5r, &c. ^^, H- ?^, ^"Jt??ir^, iri^'f, irftfm^, ^mTT, srra-'TJT, ^rt^t^f, Intimidation, m. v. V. l.—act. fT^T^Ti^f «. ^S'SRof «.&c, H-^Rijft/. H'Tsr^^i^T n.— state. '^V.^^S^^ tn. "i;iRr?T »». 2— act. ^a^fn M. SSfFTot ?!. v1:c. <^'MMuft/. •^•iNuff/. tr- ^r^^/. ^H75mt, &c. \.'^, sthsTt, tt^, Addicted to the use of i. articles. 3TT?fr. I. dru^ or substance. "W rn. f^T^TT/ '¥tJT5^K^'4 W- I. substances. — compreh. or goucr. f?f^Tnn^«. Some intoxicating potions or 2>reparations are J^^,^r?T,=5(W, ?T5ft, J^rft, '=Tr3j;T, ^T^, ^T^rHt. 2 3^tttT ^FTOTTTr, &c. vJ'Hi«i+, &c. Intoxication, n. v.V.l. — act. HM^i^l w.jl^fot^.&c. — s/a^c. f^^TT/. %ift/. H^t /.■%? w- f^Vr/. »T^/. ^S^/. »TT ot. »n^ »i. J'HI^ w. ISTHACTADILITy, IsTBACTABLENESS, «. V. A. f^^'NUTT OT.3T- l| 5;»TriTT m. Ac. StPt^'^IT/ 5:BT«T?TT / fHfTT/. Ac. ImraCtadlk, a. iinmanafft'abh; rrfracloii/, v. Obstimate, | Pkrtehse. f^^rPf or fH?fr, ^FTH^, 5fl|s5, arl^cnr, 3T- fH^, 3T^T, 5:^TT«--^, 5^1*:^, J!^^, 5;m^^, 5:^TT^. IxTBAXSiEXT, o. V. Pebmaxest. 3T?^fxiTO, Nt?'-siTiVE, a. — iu grammar. OT^H^. 1ntr.v>-smutaeilitt, n. v. A. Sff^TT^rTT/. IvTBASSMUTABLE, a. incapalle of change into another siicnMEST,«. rf(7c7t and parapet. ^^ HR-^ \ m. Intrcnchments. Hli-^l m. IxTEEPiD. a. fearless, v. Bold. ?jpfr^, ^mI^K, f^^, *TT5^, ^H^, 3T'TtrT, arfTT^THT, '^iRli'MIH. I>-TREriI)ITT, n. T. A. jJIrft/. 1:^^ «. f^^/. ^PTo?t^ «. IXTBEPIDLT, adv. T. A. ^JTrft^H^H, ff^^ ^E^TT, trirflH, &C. I>"TEiCACT, I^•THICATE^^, n.\. A. 'Trnn?!/ nrTTTrr /. ifrfT- ST w. n^TT^Toc/. g?n^ irnrs ». nr'T^rpfrKrcr/. 'irsTnT^/.^JTr- Intricacies and involution of a plot, poetical piece, &c. ^rSTrs/. >MSiHis/ !5^ T3T »«. pi. IsTBiCATE, o. complicated, perplexed, involved. 'I 'ri r g-q MI, An i. case or aflair. m^ f. Jrt^r^s/. n. ^?nt m. I>"TBIGUE, n. complicated plot or scheme. 'Tiii>-sic, I>;trixsical. a. inward, essential, 7iot accidental, T. IS^AH-EAL. ^pfhTT, 3Ttn^, ^=^T, ^PTTf^^ pop. KTiTT- 1^^ or jft^p, ^»TT5rfw5, 5fr?rf?r^, ?rH%f5^. I>-TEINSICALLT, mfl'. T. Y. ff»(? XaTURAIXV. jUrT I ^ I dccl.^- To Introdvce, f. a. hrinj into use, notice, Sfc. f:§'RT-tr^=lT- 44 A 1^'T 2 ( to the presence or aoiniaintance of). ^Z f.-'^,\^r\ 3 cause to enter. f?TTq'Jir-^pJf-f^Riif-&c. ^iTT^=f ^-?r%Jrr^^- &c. q-iTr-v;TWr-f^TTaf-&e. ^HOT, 5^T5^, aT^f^npR "J^Nj sf^n wi.-3T'HTll + l'W'H n.-&c. SR^JT. To Intrude, v. a. force in tcithout invitation or right. T.T- 5fi=q-&C. fAT^ni-f^Kqr:5f5f-qc5fr ^^M- IXTEUDED, ^. T. V. A. 5j^-&c. qT?t^^T-f^IT:r^,?!T-&c. gtRT' Iktrui'Er, n. IxTEUsiTE, «. V. V. N. ^ %^5r?Tt qaTTTT-3TT- V. V. A. 5i3=Er tMlrfiJlKr-f^KcfOTT^T. Inteusion, n.Y.Y.N.—act. ^rtT?TRt=^H %'?».-^raf>z.-f^TT- tjfn.-&c. ^m. ^rf^ofn. 3T5Tf^^rq:#^ ift^Twi. 3T?rTTT^T- V. V. A.— «e!'. sf^ STr?^ai«. ^%q-i=ErH f^K^i^". &c. To Intrust, v. a. deliver in trust, v. To Commit. ^TniJf, 2 See To Trust. Intuition, 51. instantaneous knowledge or perception. ^Y%f^- Intuitive, o. received or seen ivithoid arguments. H]^^\'^ ^ IXV 2 sceiiuj dearhf, sec'nrj ivithout arguments. HI^'URBASiTX. See Eudexess. 2b Inuhe, v. a. habituate, accustom, harden Ig use. ^cf^- To be or get inured. ^?TJt, q'^t^jof, JTJ;ijf, f^lTSDf or I.NUEED, ;). V. V. qn^I^R 3Hlui?,3f- 3TT^, ^^ff ^raf TTS^- ^-'u^, m^A^ sfSB^, ^Rfsrs^, 5r5!w^^?ir, &c. IifTjTiLiTT, «. tiselessness. 3T^f)f- IxTADEE, 71. Invading, p. a. \. V. 1. =^j^ ^'^RT-^TWITT, ^?fff ^TTTTT-^i'TnT, &c. 2 tTTS WraoTRr, ^ ^^. Plsj^I-f^^iV-'fr^Fa -s^vf-^-Ac. ^OT, JTtvft TTSOT, ar^miT'T M. 3^m6t. Invaliihty, m. v. a. 1. f^k^AJf. I^HT/. &c. 3T!TmpJ^«. 2 qt^55qtJTT M. "fl-Wt/. 3TsrmT''«T n. Invaluable, a. inestimalle. %f^*^JTrr, aTJTrf^I^, ar^TT^, HRT 3TT1^T, f%'^?ff 3TTnaT, 3=Rrfq-, KfqTrl>T, ^T^^. Invaeiable, a. that does not vary or change. f?'. V. V. 1. +l7. III. matter forged orfeiyned. 2E?qsTT/. r^f^Irft "it^/- I. to deceive, injure, &c. v. i"ABKiCATiON. vmtSM. ^■FAZ n. I.vviLMivE. a. v. V. 1. TT^, TT"VEnTEl)LY, adv. in a contrarj order. TTJIJ^, °^f^^TT^, To IxvEST, V. a. dress, clothe. H^T^'^f, qttj<.»ju'l, Tfrf^H-TfT- ffT-sn^-&c. :Rot. [r5 ^FTOT. 2 ( with an office, &c.) v. To Instal. ^T^n. pi. ^, st^- 3 clothe Jigurativdy, indite.^ Sfc^A^Tx^^-^'^-S^c. spTof. 4 ( a fort, &c. ) enclose. ^TV^m.-^T^ in.-'k^m-kc. m^- 5 ( money ) ^n?!^, qrpf-3fT^-&c. %=rur, 3>vESiiOi-Br,E, a. V. V. ^TTKn-M m1 ' 1 1 -vmnfrT-&c. ^pETRTft^, To IxTESTiOATE. V. a. search into.^ enquire into., v. To Exa- mine. ^T'^TW, fPrra^, ^:Rf>jf, ^mft/.-?nTm m.-&c. JFT- ni g.ofo. ^J^m. im-^^T^-^Z^ g. of o. ^m.-^^^m.- gnFTT »i.-ir5Twi.-5J5iTjF/. ?s\^^-'f:\^ g. of o. r«i-m<,wi«.- 1>-\K3TIUATEI),^. V. V. sifr'T^r^, cPTre^^T, &C. f4-mRrl, 3T- '5rf«r?T, ^fs^i'?, ^, jf^/.-^fff/.-sjc^^rtf^ w.-T?tq^T!Jr «.-&e. ^F^ot y. o/o. aict+al /.-&c. 5fnTjr''f. IXTIG0EATED,_p. V. Y. J^^^rJT, &C. ^HTFJilfJ. Invigoeatee, n. Invigobating,_p- «• Invigorant, a. v. Y. 5"? '+^ «. sfH^T^^ «. fr^^tt^?;- IsviNCiBiLiTT, Intincibieness, «. V. A. STfjT^R'JTT m. 3T- 5Tq?fT/. aic^tifrii/ arq-^Tr^^mr/ &c. Invincible, a. not to le conquered or overcome. 3Tf%^, 'fl^- Inviolability, Inviolablekess, «. v. Y. 1. ^^'^^rW f. 3T«rT*T^t5Tm/. 3Tq-q;?n'4?n'/. &c. 2 ar^rit^ril/. 3Tr4M'fHdT/ 3T?5^frT/. 3T^ffTT,»T'jft'?rrT/. arf^HDiH^di/. Inviolable, a. not to le injured or hurt, ar^n"'^"^, 5)T«IT'^'ft'T, 2 «o< to le'profaned, or treated irrcrercnili/. tS^rfsq^T^^ arnfri^Htjfrq', ■srfFi+.MuiN'pq', 'flfr^T'^-T^I. 3 not to le Irokcn. JTTST^TT^ ■JI^T, ^>TnraT"T, *mmf, 3T- c^q^q-, 3T^^, 37%?!, ■■3T'tn. Inviolate, o. tmlrolcen, uninjured. ar^PT, 3T«IT^, 3T«irf^rr, Invious, «. impassalle. aTT'^, ^TTT?!^^, T'fRRF'T, 5^^. jTo Inviscate, v. a. daub tvith glue, Sjc. ^T^ m.-&c. f5R0T, 1 Invisieiliit, Invisibleness, n. v. A. ar^sqTiT /. ^K^q-Jir^. INV 417 IRA a. 3T^i(T^ n. Invisible, a. that cannot he seen. ar^J'T, ar^TT^^nPftT, arsT- Invitation, a. v. V. 1.— «c'(!. ^i^^ n. ar^^of re. "TmK'Jf n. &c. 3TT»t^0T K. PiM->|ul «. "TT=5fR'Jr «. aTT^PRor ». 3Tr^PT n. Couuteruiaiul of au i. tHH-M"! n. To Invite, v. a. hid, call, asTc to come. ift?!T«T^ or «r?7T=r3T, ?rt t3t, 3TPT^f5t, arr-Tii <■"?(, "thkuI, ar^rff?!', an^r^'Jf, str^'jf, f?rH==iiTf, arrfT^ioT n.-&c. ^^ y. o/o. 2 (/raff) to, tempi to come, allure, jt^ w.-f^Tf w..&c.3?T50t- ^r^ qai g. ofo. 3?r^ijf, 3^rf5 it^, f^r^^?^ w.-srat'T^r K.-&C. ^Rot y. of 0. Invited, p. v. V. 1. ^T^OT, HNKrfOT, &c. 3Tmf^, The servant who summons to a feast the invited guests. ^j^R^pfrft, 3Tm=jT'nn-. [ firrf. Inviter, «. Inviting, /). a. v. V. 1. ^MNUIRT, MMK OTT- ?T, &c. arm^np, f^^^, 3TrH=5(OT-&e. jprrf. [ rrf. 2 ^frT wjoTRT, ^^ a?Tf5 qoTRT, f^^n^'f^, ^^^■^^ ^- To Invocate. See To Invoke. Invocation, «. v. V. l.—act. tn^rr ^P^'if w. ^\^^ JRiTf «. ;Tt7 q^ n. trf^ m. ?rrRt^TT^ /'• ^m*:H^s=p?tt/. Involuntaet, OS. not having will or choice. a^^tft^T, 3T- 2 «oi proceeding from choice ; unwilling. ^^jcrNT^rt^R'- 3 independent of will or choice. g ^S'^ l '^^^ l, J^lfPTM^, 4--s4NI^, 3T?rf%3;^, 3T#^^ijr3TT?T. [ &c. ^^^ n. Involution, «. v. V. 1. — act. jsnzuf n. ^^ot »». sfq^fix w, 2— act. '^^^ n. 3 — act. ^T?Di ». (Hd^CTr ?!. i^'c. 4— aci!. ^"Jf «. SfliT^ if^ «. STPPSJH n. [ ^\if\V^f. 6 — state, v. Inteicact. nm ct- n^Jfr/. iht^t m. iTt^T- I. of speech, &e. ^p:fif^^pjt/'V^.'p;q^/. ?;q?^/. 7 ( in arithm. or algebra ) ^\^ m. ^\w^,^ n. To Involve, v. a. inwrap, tj-c. J^TSof, ^'^^ ?5%iJf,^0T, ^r- "J^ «. ^Tiif y. of 0. 2 T. To lilPLT. ^^^ ?J.iR^ y.o/ 0.e5ff5v?T-nfi^-&C.:jRljf. 3 entwine, unite, ^fr^df, fir^iroT, H'TSI'if , »lf''Tiif. 4 i?«A-r; /)i, draw in, catch, conjoin. q%, ^R?r %''f, sjfra^ 3TT^^^ M. iRoiy. ofo. 3TT-Tfrr^-&e. ^P^itrf/ 5 — in ilifficulties, &c. v. To Entangle. 'j^ttFT, JTRDt, n- fTmrT/.-&c. ^^ y. o/o. iJoIT OT. jfMt y. o/o. 6 complicate, malce intricate. nrfSTat, 'R'T^'iif or 'TT' PdJ l, T^'P?:^, 'i'^T^ )«.-'TmTFT /.-ni^FTT^ /-^^ M.-JpTSISB/.- &c. Jp^'rf-qjTvT ^T^ y. o/ 0. 7 ( in aritlmietic or algebra ). qT?T m. ^. Involved, p. v. V. 1. nilotrf^^i, OT^^T, Ac. ^^. 2 Eiff5T?r, m»?H, ■3T'4hT5, 3Tn^^''af%?. 4 3flf5 ^r^?5T, ^msr^rir, in%?T f^3?rT, &c. an^f^ To be i. ^fT^, j^t^. 5 JT?!^^^, iTR%^, &c. To be i. wfT5'/ or mind. a-TTH, TTfrT, qt?:fH, JT?r'-*< IH ^1, sTt'jfT, arm^ff. Inwaeds, «.;)i. viscera. H|iict« ar^^TST »i.;)Z. qk-frTt^Y 3T- ■Jt w. ;)?. writ n. pi. To Inweave, v. a. intermix l)y weaving. fJjUH f*IcttjDf-*r^- To Inweap, Inweappino. See To AVeap, &c. To Inweeath, v. a. surround as with a wreath. W^f. ^TrT- ur- afttpt, jn^T%fV?r-HT^rf%f^T?-c luiii, n. V. Eaisbow. i^^I^T^ ". •_*— of tie eye. 5^"- ^^'IK+lHi'^ +'fir'H;i"^ri. V. A. 1. anTTT «. flUflf^?^ n. ^^^HT^r «». frHvr*-"^, 3TqH?I>-'^, ST^HI^iq-. 2 7zo< ;o ie remedied, \. IsBEiiEWAELE. S'TT^r »rr|T^, Ibeecoteeaelenss, n. y. A. 1. 'j^mv^^rf. J^^^T^TT/. Ieeefeagable, Iebefutable, a. that cannot le refuted or disproved. ^^ +,4, WfeT'T^^, -^Ffei^^, fjfftrf^^, 3=r^'4T^TT^, 3Tq'<^TMtT, '^'T'-qTHPT, ^5[,=5f, 3TH^, aT^TT^- ft^. • -- 2 immethodical. ^T^rgTr, ST^f^^, ipiT^Jfq--^f|FT-&c. >F;- 3 deviating from the rules of moral rectitude. ar^rr^TTft, aTTT'Tf, aH'H'Hi'Tf, STTTTT'Tf, aTTSSTR-qr, a^flTH, nr^nrfT^r, "^RTTPir^, &c. fq^'tTTT'ft, 'iT^'paei;osable. Ieeemovabi.e, a. that cannot he removed, ^ffqix^, ^fer- ^^I^F^, f^^^ROTT^^q, P5?-, 3T^?5, fF«T?;, rTr-#'TrrT-&c. 2 See lEBECOYEEAnLE. Iekepeeue.vsible, a. V. Blameless, fr^, 3^|^, ST^^^ft- lEEKniKSSIBLE, a. V. JuiiESTRAINABLE. STR^^Tiq^^Rn' 'JT- lEBErEOACltABLE, a. V. BLAMELESS. 3Tfi=I3T, ^TH^i^^q', 3T?- Ieefpeovable, a. v. Blaiieles^. '^Tf^q-, 'JT^, ^T^ofN', Ieeesistance, n. non-resislancc. ^i^f^^K'^^ n. 3T'i-iis?oluble. IeeesOlute, a. not firm or resolute, wavering. JT^r^T qq'- Ieeesoll-tely, o<7y. T. A. !:T€H^"tT5, tT^^Ti^P^TT, ^^\i\- ^, ST^qqcf^, -jTF^q'Tq^, &c. IekesOlutiox, ;;. u-aiil of firmness of mind. tR^/. -able, (t. not to he kept hack. arrq^TTiqr^Rrr, ^^- m?lt ir^^WT, 3T^T-7t, arf^^nq, f^^RTJTr^l^q/iTfiqR, 3T- f^q-"^, 'iTcr^5!:,'iTtTf^r^,|HqR, |qfT, fi^-i^, ^'TFrrfftq-, Ieeete>,-tite, a. not apt to retain. qR:tTTT?Tfff?^-^f^-&c. ^TRTnr^?r-tf|?r-&e. ar^TR^, ars^R'JrN^. [ ar^q-. Ieeeteievable, a. v. Ieeemediaele. f?]?^rq, fH^^TTqrqr, 2 V. Ireecoveeable. 3T3q:irT<^q, 'TH^Wt^q. lEEEvEnE>"CE, 11. leant of respect or veneration, x. Disee- SPECT. riT?rr^ m. 3TTm?r m. arqfTT/. ar^T^^qf^ /. -m- Ieeeveeext, a. It-anting in reverence, v. Disrespectful. iff^, •aT^m?T^Trr-TRt-&e. 'flqnr^rtt. [ ^^^%. lEEETERE>-rLy, adv. v. A. aTT'TRfT^,&c. aRTTc^Tqq^, &c. ar^ir- Ierevee^iele, a. that cannot he altered or repealed. fTRqr- qr?r ar^i^jr-ctc. T?;^rqr^>qHrf r, ar'TTRr^^q, a^qTRr^f , 3T=frcq, ar^'s^T, 3t?:5s, Ireeveesibleness, n. v.A. arq^R^^tq^/. 'RTqTTHrn^qrrT/. Ieeeversiblt, adv.\.k.^nn]kt^^\^]devl.-^jZ^\kv!^^decl. Ieeeaocaele, a. not to he revoked or rc^eided, v. Ip.eeveesi- isn 450 ITC To Irbioate, v. a. tcatfr ly caiisiiiy a stream to flow over. <7P:t^ 'fTWt n. ?t^, qprm TTtift n.-^r^ TTTjft n. ^, TRot.- zj m.-kc. w^, T^^^ f»mt ?>.-smrfri^fT^=5rT «. ^f^. 2 Sco To AVateii, To AVet. Ibrioatiov, n. v. V. 1. — act. /. To Isolate v. a. place ly itself .^^-kn^-&c. %?^-^F57I %5T^. Isolated, p. v. V. g^ %=f35=fT, &c. g^, 'fl^i, H^ ^T^T, ;, Isolation-, n. v. V. — state, fs^ij^m^vn. %'l^i'TirTM. Isosceles, a. having two equal legs. ^Mf^V'4 . An i. triangle. l^iTfirJT^w. Iseaelite, n. ijA\^'*A^^\ sf^Tf?RT M^Ji^m. Isbaelitish, a. ^^r??7r^, S??F^. IssvE, n. egress, passing out. f^^r^m. fH^T^ui;?. f^^TM/?. I. of blood. ». qf?f ;JO/i. »T?r/. TrTTTrm. STTH^T^ or 5/ Happy i. fr'TT?;!. '^'^_^ pop.'^'^^ f. f^^ pop.^n^f, "Tfr'TnTw. t>. ?5FT esp. loitk neg. con. ^fontanel, qr^ or ^\^ or ^'Hm.f.n. 4: progeny, ^^\^n. H?Tf?r/. «ft^«. ST^/. 3T"77^m. 5 ( in a case at law ) K^rm. 2b Issue, i>. n. ^as-j or flow out. f^^"^, ^^f, =Tr?i^, "H^^, f^'TTT?re.-&c. ^M g. of s. f?f'f?r-&c. ^of . ^ proceed from, he produced. f?I^af, 3^T^ ^m, TT^'jf, PlH^ui, 'i'liul, 3"?;^'Jr. 4 c?o«e, en(7, »-e«MZi in. ^^:^'[^m.-^^Zm.-'M^■m.^^^^\^n.• &c.|TTjf y. o/s. ! To Issue, v. a. send out, put into circulation. =5rT?5-&c. ^^- j of, =^^^jf\^ ^?T^, 55I^fniFT-%^^Ff-%>nTT%oqtfT. &c. ^T- ' rjaf- arruTot. 2 se«(Z o«<, deliver from authority, q;?:w, ^, n./. ' It, pro. n, ^. Its. F^rr^, ^TT^TT. Itch, w.— the disease. ^^^/. ^J{T^/. ^^/. ^/. TTRT/. ?^^/. Dryi. g^^T^r^JT/. I. or scab of cattle. :F*T??m. ^'tV^f. [ ^/. Goddess worshipped by persons who have the i. ^- Purulent or running i. sft^ vT€^/. ^.^^^f. r5- To have the hand stiff with the i, ^mn ?nT»». 2*^. JAB 451 3AK 2 an Helling. ^T^f. i(jrF7r^/. t^pop. 4^f. n^n^t/ f - Siuldeu and violent itching. ^^^ ^T^jm--^^^ in. Violent & hot itching, ^\■^^^f. n. v. k. 8 eajer desire, panting, tliirslivj after, impdsefor.^ cjv. ?fr^/. JPf/. ^t\m. ^israsr/. ^^^f- Mens. g^^nSws. ^^M?.f- ^^^f- ^^^rz/. -^^^f.^JUm. ^^^]m.=^^i!i. To Itch, «). jj.v.N. 2. ^T^of , ;f 5S^5;ot, "153^07, ^5/ ^Tm, That aftects the throat with au itchinr^ sensation. 3 ^sr^sr^T, g^g?^, f^f ^"jf , 5ra;^5njf, ^ra^fatjf, ^nt/.- To i. to speak, — the tongue. ^^^^^ or ?jtr(75r"jf. Itchy, a. affected tvith the itch. ifR^T, <'t<^~lT, ^JR^j^T, 2 ^;roMe io contract the i. W^i W^T. Item, n. article, separate particular, ^i^mi. l^^f. ^^^f. An extra i. ^^vT^rSJTH. I. by item. <+»1»JK, T^TTi??. 2 pieee.^ article. SPTw*. STfTiir or ^Tm. Items. ^aT%5ET'«. Item, adv. also. aHii «. ^F^. IvOET, ?i. ffW-^d 5«. n^fa^ ?h; IVOET, n. ff^^r^TT, ^fe<^. J. J ^ This letter is represented by ^. 2b Jaebee, v. n. V. To Peate. ^^^^ or tf^r^^f (?(^y. sit?^- oT-spT^, HrH^f^"^, siq;'n, ^r^isiJif, si^^istif, arq^irs w.-arT- Jabbee, Jabbeeing, n. v. "V.— orc^. atSrf^iJr n. &c. ^rs^Jj/. ^R^/. 5^5?^/. ?55I^5I/. I Jabbeeee, «. Jabeeeino,^;. a. v. V. qsq^^Rf, &c. ifsq- Jacent, a. li/ing at length. TSPSP^, f^^BrTT. JACK,«.-the tree. . «FT"TT "F^RT ( hard or firm jack ), and sr^JH" or T^fJ^ V^' ?r ( soft, flaccid, oozy, &c. jack ): and to these is added a third, OT>.^5t;?'TT"P''Rfespressive of the middle quality. Jackanapes. See Monket, Coxcomb. Jace-ass, n. Y. Ass. TTS^. Jack of the wheel, n. v^jrft^/. Jack-ptjbding, n. v. Bl-ffoon. ^^tsiRT, Tfs. Jackal, n. «Fr?^r m. ( «FT?^/. and without ref. to ses ^r- ?^ n. ) ^^ m. ^ra or m]^ m. n. ( ?TnT?ft/ ) f^T^T/. Cry. of the j. jf /. -^^ f. ^^f ^pr^fl^/. €\^\-^-f. Old j. — purveyor ( as believed ) to the tig-cr. Hpiy. Jacket, n. qft/. f Srft/. ^f?f «. 31^ «• ^^W ?». qj^ w. Jaconet, n. JT?rJT??r^r ^T^R 3Tt|. Jade, n. sorrg horse, rip, ^'c. ^\l% 11. ^T5^F^ n. 2 sorry ivoman. STTT^ «. ^tl^ n. ^fs^ m. To Jade, v. a. v. To Fatigue. «riT5T'^, f^TOTqTDT, ^TFl^of, s.^- To Jade, v.n.hecome uraried, v.To Tiee. Jriut, ^FT^fN^, ^- =^, ?5^, ^T^'Jr, XnoSfff , lis/. ^5^ y. o/" s. Jaded, p. v. V. A. «RT5r?lc5r, Hm?^?rr, itc. V. V. N. iirq3?5T, «RTs^r, itc. ?r^^R^q^r, i?!rt. Jadedxess, n. v. P. y<(^MT m. gr^ wi. g^r^r »». an^ 7«.'flT- ST 3tr:/. strrtr:/. arral^T w. aTRrftTr/sn^rrt?:/. 2b Jag, v. a. notch, S;c. ^\t{ f. pl.-wk^s Jag, n. notch, indentation, ^ts/. ^W m. dim. ^ttftn. ?T5 w:. EFFRT »». ^"K 7«. [^"^ «». pi. Jags or indentations ( as of a roughened sickle ), Jagged, p. \. V. ?^rT% TrssT^-T^FST, &c. ^ffiNrr. Jaghiee, n. grant of land from Ooiernment. vtl^'fli/. Holder of a j. v^i^jfli-^K. Jail, n. prison. H?^ m. ( from the Portug. ) ajf^RTT »«."%- ^^RTT m. 5rf^^TIo5r/. ^^'tl'IR «. ^RRTR n. +K|JJ^ «.— in allusive, covert, or cant phrascol. ^PT TTSqr^ €R h. Jailee, n. ^W^R^r 3Tf':I^lff m. ^^\^^\^-Lc. HRTip-^;- ?5?R-:KTJTrR-&c. ^nrrnirfferrfFT, +i4iij^ifq^_ Jakes, n. v. Peivy. ^TrTW^F m. qm^RT wi. ^T^^T ?;?, JAT 452 JKO Cleaner ol j. ^^^r^^JX. Jalap, n. ^ mivr^] ^^^^ 3TT^. Jam, II. eonsene oj fruits. 5^ or gr^^ m. .Ty Jam, r. n squeeze, press. f^V\Z^^ ^T^t, f^^T, %^f€T- Jamd, n.— of a door. ?TTT?T /• 5fT^/- g^^Tw. Jammed,/), v. V. fqTn^%=^, ^T^j^T, q^rf#T kr%^, &c. To be j. STTwr, ii^R WT5*r. To Jaxole, v. n. V. To AVeanole. r+,rlf+-iiJ|, f^fsRof, ^- ernroi, ;FT^/.-?-tii.t, aJc. gaily. 'T^''^^, sJpfW, aM'^'+n^, '1Mj-4(m, jAN-Tn;ESS, H. T. A. ?fR/. iJTH^/. ^FTR ?». [^RT. JaStT, a. fl/ry, sliowi/.fine. tfHdH., yi-fl--!!, -^M^'+rr^T, ^^- Jancaet, «. r^T^ wi^m -, v. a. viMM--4r ftm^ fPT'Jr «. ^m. To Jar, v. n. grate, lS'c. ^FT^ot, ;jr^T-^^T-&e. JTF^T'jf, ^^- ^T^S^ M.-&C. ^FT^, HKJ'Mui. 2 fig. cifls/t, interfere, he inconsistent. f^sfn-fq-^^-flr^T- H-&C. ar^-'m, %^HT^ M.-&C. 3T?m ^r. 0/ s. ^3TK m.-^- 5rT m.-:^;^/.-&c. ^^re^ y. of s. 3 Sec To Squabble, To Quakkel. Jab. n. jarring sound, %X^Xf. ^WV''^ »n.-5TTJ m.-SiQ. 2 earthen vessel. ^W »»• T^ «. (/m». H^J^ «• f ff/ ^- iit/. ^ »«. ^ »«• The common yars are sfnift/- Tre »». JaEOO}.-, 7». v. GiBBEEiSH. ^FR^ w. ^HTlt-*!''! I it-^fnff-&c. qtPft/. Tr?7^ TTTT/. ftr^TT=^ Hm /. 2 barbarous mixture of languages, f^'^^i[ f. 'v^rp^f. Jaegoxist, n. V. K". 2. "cTl^vT^qT, f*r=!THT^. Jasmike, «. ^mi/• ^3TFfT/. Arabian j. iTTT^/. American j. rnjjq^ jh. Eared j. '^i/- ^ Yellow j. ^r^T ^/. Some otlier kinds are ^ m. j. multiilorum or pubescens. =qP!^ j. graudiflorura. JTt- »TTT m.-W- Htnn OT.-'Tmft/-H,iR/. j. zambac. M\^^ m. ^\\H.A\h m. ^i'[r^^^ n. qfr- sq^qirr^T^/sftf^rs^f^T^TTTT^m/.— of a husband re.spect- ing a wife, 'TTqw^m/ ^^^TR^m/. — of a wife respect- ing a husband, "TWt^t^r/- 3 arfinrFT m. To Jeer, v. a. mock, deride, v. To ErncuLE, To Coxtemn. •3M^iy 7?j.-S5T/.-%^^ or %^?^/. pi .■^^Sk'^^ f. pl.-^- =ErToft/.- OTTofr /.-^tn^t/.-j?rrs^/.-?^r«t/.-&c. ^-^Tff g, of o. ^■"T^r^. Jeer, Jeeeiso, n. v. V.— (?r/. OT^TH m. Z^V^f. J^T^qft/. ^;=qt^«ri/'. ;i. 5^frat/ kt: or Ixf Jeeree, n. Jeering, ^J. a. v. V. OT^W ^frOTnTr,&c. 7T^H- ^, s^rs, 5;rT5E,s^r^^. [>t5^,&c. Jeeeinglt, adv. ^'T^^TT^, OTfTO ^K^vT, ^^^TT^fm, &c. 3''1^- jEJUNE,a. barren, dnj, cjv. T^nfr, ?:?7, q^^T,^^, ^J, f^- Jejuneness, 7t. T. A. ?%^0TT m. ?:?TFTT / ^^q" n. ?^RTf|fq/7. Jellt, 7!.— of fruit. HTotfT m. qf>;^q-ra w. 2— of flesh. TTM^RfH'Ssfn"«T 7». 3 viscous substance. P^+Tl /. jTo Jeopard, To Jeopardize, i>. o. hazard, expose to danger, ^ft'i3nTM-'>TmrT-^^fcr-&e. ^n^Sr-TTS'n'. JEW 453 JOC To j. one's life. ^fJrST^^T ffTsf or ^r??T ^rm or Tfiit. To j. another's life. •proET^'Tr rfffr or i^rf^ ^raof or ^. Jeopaeeous, fl!. liazardous, v. DAXGEnocs.^^jfl', ^r^JTT^r. jEOPAnBT, n. hazard, v. Danger, Eisk. sft^jftfT «. HT n. 2 ( of life ). SJTT^^?: «. STTW^^ m. ST7T/. Ess, n. V. A. 6iA\-^f. '^W^f- [fM«PT. JocosEKious, a. j^artaking of mirth and seriousness. f^I^- JocuLAK, a. facetious, jocose.^ — ofpcrsoiis. S^IT, ffg^IM, a^<)l^+, JT^^=^, 1?T?qT, f^=?r^, fJRIJ^Tft, <<-<4lrf1,d%^, 2— of sfutiiiu'iits, &p. Hl-ildl-NI, T^rt^T, 6^ "Hi, f^-lT^O? Tfti^, fsr^r^ifK^, fsRi^nr^, f^i^i^T^. Jocularity, n. v. A. 1. ei«ll^t/- 35WRt/. fEpfr3»«. Tf^^riT Joe CKD, «. yffy, ?/ie7y, gladsome, v. Meiiky.3TF|'?T': ^l^T^t, 3Tma[rqT, g-ismr^T, arn^fTT, 7i5RrsrfTT, g^if^?^, ^?fT- ^V^rr. [3TRJf, o;' - tri^T OT. S^/». 3Tf^^w. fq^rw- ^?nFT;«. 2— act. ^=^«. &c. ^Fprft/. f^Tff/ :3?Torr?«. JOOGINGLT, fl(?y. heavili/.! slowli/.^ ^'c. ^^f , ^?^T^^, ?5''7^, «. 3^5H7f. 2 Za«e or point of junction, ^j^f. ?ffqT»». ^T5m. ^f^m.f. 8 portion included leticeen itvo ar-WIT7!. qq-^^ n. Halting or alighting on a j. qvf «• J. to and from, trip. %"T/. [ m I < '-<'< 4 m. !Money taken to defray the expenses of a j. =ll4<=f^T/. To accomplish the object of one's j. B"PT/. fTT'^^. To JoT:B>rEY, v. n. v. N. ^T?!'ir, srR:/-KFr OT.-T?riT >». =3i\^^- Journeyer, «. Journeying,;), a. y. V. aHiriRAVELLER. ^n^ ^^n^^TiTT, m-i+i^,, =ii''.m»ff, Trn^'tT. JODHNEYISG, «. Y. A''. — Of/. ^TC ^FT'JI' 11. TTHf ^^tTT '!. etc. JUD Journeyman, «. AhW u'o?-^-Hjrt«. 5H-*rHg?ft /• sjT'^d^RTg^ «. ^mr^- To give one j. See To Congratulate. To Joy, v.n. Ic glad, y. To Eejoice. 3TT?T^ ot.-&c. qRor, W- Jrf^-«tc. ^M, 5ffM5 W.-&C. cfRo} i'n. cow. fwf, WR^^. To Joy, «. a. make glad.^ v. To Kejoice. -iTR^iw, ^'rfir'Jr, 3n^f?^?r- &c. q;^--^prrPT^fT->te. qj?:- «T^, STTf|5rT^, 3T?7?i(i^, ^^ from the English is used for a European judge.— among Muhammadaus. qiPiX Criminal j. S^r"3T^, JTD i.' coimoiueuy, &c. TTTfit, ^i\^T-, ^iTOTrTT, ^Jfm, ^T, Jf Jui'GEt r. n.fai-m an opinion orjmljmcni. {^^k >«.-fH- 2 consiJtr accuratdy, discern, distinguish. f%^R wi.-f%- 3 hear and dclermine causes. ^K^ m.-^^iTT^ 7«.-f^?rTTi»i. -&c. qTfof-cft5w-fn^^,:^TT^rf':T:ift/. :?;^iir,Jn^ m.-i\Z\m.- To Judge, v. a. (nj, examine and decide on. ^TTT m. qTf^- OT^ m.- HHir, ^- 2 rffA-o«, //uhA-. consiJtr. lir^iif, TOTOT, %^^. 3 Y.ToEuLE. ••5T^^mof,5TWHJ!.-Vr^3Tr?T^». jpT^^r. ©/"o. JcDOESniP, «. ?!imTfV^fT/. W?fJl'?fr/. tTTTftT^R m. JUDOMEKT, n. faculty of judging, discrimination, ^f^/- ^PT- 5ft jT /. fTTTrFT n. According to one's j. !j"in^f5, q^'iffj^flr^ 2 thought, notion, t.Opi>io>'. KfT «. ^f?/- f^'^R m. ri- 3 determination of the mind, decision, f^fd^^ m. p^''v]m)!. tHr >». 3T?tTRt7r n. To strive ag'aiust one's better j. g^^Tf ^?: n. =F^. 4 sentence, award. f^f^TST »«. f^'^rq' ?»."9>?r5?T »». ^f ^ '«■ 5 r;y/(/ of sent end Jig. J^qp^T T^qT^ a^fq^FlT OT.-^frTT/.- U divine infliction. S'Jrn^r l^q «J. r'W^ %^ m. JCDOMEST-DAT, «. vi'lHl FqBT ^fTqi^r f^^RT »«. JuDGMEST-nALL, «. ^JT^RIJTT/. '^RRTTI-/. JcDOME.NT-sEAT,«. r^\zf\\v\\\v^\ rr^/. :^n^raH«. tTTTRT?T». Ji'DiCATOnr, n. court of just ire. 'fl^^,?\ f. ^pt^ttt/. ^^' ^^^f.^f\ffm'>=nfif^\^\^f. Mmf^^'^JT n. j^jt^r »• JcmCATOBt, o. dispensing Justice. nrrsr^irqr^T, 'qT^"T^- JuDiOATur.E, n. power of distrihuting justice, ^aih "TT^trqr- =qT-T.4U'-)hm 'iTfq^R «!. ^^r^^f^lftl^FR )«. J^qwrfq^^Rm. «^tfqqRTJT n. ^^V^\f^^^\f - See JUDICATOET. Jli'Iciai,, a. pertaining, ^-c. to the administration of justice. 2 rclalinj, ^c. to the practice of courts of justice. 5^^^- 456 JOT 1 J. procedure. i^T^T^ »». f^TT/. 3 inflicted as a penally or in judgment. f:!T?TT^g^, ^I€7, I J miciovs, a. possessing sound judgment., acting according to sound judgment, v. AVisE. fsR^, ?iH^^, ^it^'T^, fn^=5fg, fTH^r?, ^^?i^jTr, ?f^?TfT. 2 accordant with sound judgment, v. "Wise. fcf^^rT^T, ^'f- JuDlciousi-T, adc. V. A. ^Jl^^TiJIT^, RIT^OTTDIRT, ^RT^nT^T, ^f=r^, fj^PFT^HR. JvI)Ic^ous^■ESs, «Tv. A.l. ^TTT^ft^r'^/. ?TH^?T^Rt/. ^TK^^TT- DTT m. &c. f^^T. m. gfT?rr/. SfTfTcTT/. &c. 2 ^fH^JRTTOTT m. ^^^W.'=l^T m. gj^^TT/. ^jf^/. Jug, n. v. Vessel, ^f^w. ^Tf /. ^^ m. A glass j. f^mr?n. To JvGQLH, V. n. play tricks ly sleiyht of hand. JTUw^ n.-TT^? M.-5IT=3RT5niy:-^^;R^qt/.-^fH5['q^ K.-^f?,si-4 m.' 2 practise artifices. TRTS w.-'TTJ^TTrft /.-?^"t5T^ wi.-c^tSTJ /.- HCq-^fT ?l.-&c. q^T^%5CiTf. [^ft^f ?«. Juggle, n. trick., deception. ^Z f. "P^ot/. Z'^^f. 5RT ?.'!. Jugolee, n. Juggling, p. a. \. V. 1. and Cosjueeb. qts 5l'nT?5 ^T'JTRT, &c. TR^ or nRt^, Jllts^iTRt, HT^TRTrqT, ^^^5t^, -^M'K, JT^rinRt, ^^^fS^, HRTT^^ft. The gibberish, mummery, &c. of a j. S'T'iIT^ n. 2 OT5T? ^'nRT-%55"nRT,&c. ■HRmf^n, OTSVsqr. JuoGLEnY, Juggling, «. ac/ or practice of legerdemain. nrT S ». nre5Fir?5 «. 'TT'TRTrfr/ TRtrTFft^ ^55 m. qT^nff/. ?I7R^/. ^qtTH «. ^f^^^ m. r^^IFI M. ^f /. ^l JT?R m. ^Tcf=5TrJFfft==rT ^S m. ^^3rq^ «. KI^T/. H?1^f?/. 2 underhand work, artifices., tricks. nw:i n. JTr^TRT^fT/. WH4N OT. ?5'T3Tt/. ?It'T?Ji:q- «. ^PT^ir^J n. JuGULAE, a. Iclonging to the. neck. TS:iTr'^r,-T5?Jift|1',q;S?'«. 3TTWrS- '-TT^RT «?. To Jcmble, v. a. mingle confusedly, v. To Coniound. Jcfs- uf, ifm5:ot, TRfqi'Jf, i>i3'JT, irmsTOT.-nr^ssr'ityrsi/.-^ir- ??JT=5/.-j;TeEr?^3/.-&c. ^?;,2J. V. V. i{cJo1i?jc7T, "it^ToE^r^T, >-to. T^, ^T^R, ^t^t''? . JuiiBLEE, «. Jumbling, ^J. «• v. V. rftioEDiRT, &c. tnc5H?^, To JoMP, V. n. leap, ^ur, g^, 3ft /• TRi^f. To j. about, V. To Fbisk. f!TiTftoT «• ^V^f fH!=5T'P ?». 'TTT w. ?f%T «J. ^TmsfFI w. ^ m.f. 3T^ w. firsJtJT/. FSHfT/. ?J- TrTT w. ^1?f/ ?FTlrr/r?fnJT m. m m. ^f^T «». ?mTniT?». ^tTH «. ^# «?. ^W[ m. ^?Tf%/. ?ff^/. ^siOT m. qtPrTT /. ?t^^r/. jfe/. ^f. [ ^tf^vriW M. 3 point of union. ^TftTT »?». W«iT/. ^«^. ?ffSr w. /. ?fg/.- JuNCTUEE, n. line of junction, ^f^ m. ^^/. ^5 >»./. ^f^T m.f.^^f. 2 articulation , See Joint. 3 /joi«< of //«e, crisis, ^f^ m. pop. ^vff ^tpjT «, ^r^fOT M. ijcr/. 3Tmt/. ^it^ /. gi^^rr- ^ n. 3W^ «j. q^^ or q- /. ij^q w. Perilous j. ^TFT^r ?». «■. "TI, ^=q/. Unseasonable j. 3TT5^fSf/. June, n. jq^t ?rrar^ ?rrf qr jt^^tt m. ^?%^-3trk m. Jungle, n. forest, wild place, ^'c. vtiT?5 ?!. TT^ n. Jungle, a. inferior, common, — of trees. n^=r55, ^Trft. Jungly, a. ^q?5t, ^^T^r. JuNiOE, a. younger. trFFHT, ^^\^ t'^T^i ^1%^. — as distingui- shed from senior ( J?^ ), ^% — as used of member of a family— tiFBCT, m^T, 7=q »«.;?;. ;?^/. ( from the English ). JuETMAN, n. f \ \ 2 according to equity, right, proper, good— of acts, &e. ^^TT=^, T'^TT'TPT, q-«Tr=ftfH, p^prffTj, TP?r, 3^, ^rr^, f|%5ft or f^^TT^, rTlff^PF, 'TT'tTirinF, SIJ^TW, W H IO'l^T?. 3 correct, suilalle, appropriate. ■^WAX or sffp^r ^t^ ;rj. ^^, ^pmt, ?^, 'ft?fl=^r, i^^Trsir5n','fr^,'T'. a. v. T. fH^rr &e.^m^T^rT-&i>. Wr-^q^T^-Ac. 50 Justify, v. a. clear from guilt. ^i}^-fH^V'A■f^^.^?J^- JRTir «-&c. ^"Jf y. of 0. 2 «/*0('.' /o Jf right or proprr. ■maintain, vindicate. JTTw.- «n^, •HMI'^un /.-^MI^uj+ /.-?r%Fft/.-&c. Jp^tff g.ofo.^ 'Vn MfH^Kjn.-^ !Ifft^FRw.-^M5TO^?Wi.-&c.5pTfiTy.o/o. To Jlsile. See To Jostle. Justly, adv. v. A. 1. 2. J^rrqTH, ^^r^^F^TT, f^W^, rflrft- J. or unjustly. ^(pTTf::^, ^^^^TFP. 3 strmr, ^pq-, q-irrar^, ^l'^, ?5t^^, ^rr^r^ft, ^ith^f, t- iTTft'tTrf, 551IW, ^THTR. I. See Just. | Justness, n. v. A. 2. ^wm m. ^^qorr m. ^Trt /. '^1?^- tTT/. 5T'4m?TT /. 'TT'4Ii-^ n. ' I 3 «?i"Hir/. ^■^\^\^^<^\ f FJT^PFt/. ^^F^rr/. g^^PfTT /. ?r- To Jut, f. w. shoot forward, project, sff^ fl(?y. %"Jf-^3TTTjf-T- JUTEXILE, a. T. rouiHFUL. rRJOT, r(|*.U4J|^, ffTT^T^rfe^f;, J. pastime or sport. «IT^^5T /• siTB^fC^ST i'o^. 5ITr5- JcvExiLiTY, n. T. A. rll*?u<| jj. rfT?tfq7tiTJI, qr^of, tt'Tr^or, 14 support, maintain, feed, qi^'^f, q7^!jf, ^JTTSSof, qy^j^ «.-qinqtT «.-qT??'^qTqw n.-&c. w^Tpi g. ofo. 13 /;o?(Z as one''s concubine or paramour. ^nqiJf. [ jcpif. IG back; reserve., iciihhold. ?TOof, %^ijf, =qT^uf, =^re?T- 17 back J T. To Eesteain. aTT^iTW, 3TTqv3:<^, aiJtq^. 18 under ; hold in suljectimi. Er^T-^rMt=T-f ^Jlt?r-&c. To k. house. tj<^^K w. q??:'jf- To k. liard at. ^^r tr^oi. To k. one's bed, v. Bed. ^R/.-3T'02>. TTS'JT M. ^HT^i'jft/. ^r^TTO^fT 10 tTToIofw. qra?r i>o^^. qT5iaT?(. g-TmHT/. I. price of keeping or feeding. ^\^^\^7, J. ^\^^^^^J. II. T. DuKGEOX. csf'^RWst/. ai^TTft/. III. consisicnci/, v. Ageeeme>'t. qri^fui. 5RT^'«. ^Km. ^^tjft /. Keepeh, m. t. Y. a. 1. ^T^OTTTT, S^otrt, &c. gKW^^f. 2 TT^fOTRT, &c. f5^?r^, f^J^^l^TT^T, firrir^. 4 ^^"JIRT, &c. ^^Erra^, TT^F^TT, ^T^'iITTT, ^^'JTT, CT^iiT, Hire or wages of a k. jj^un^o^f. tT^dt/. G rr^OTRTiT^TT, Tr^iTRT,qTr5^, "TrasT^Prtr, qia (in comp. asq-a:qT??,&e. ). Hire or wages of a k. XlW^U^^f- TT^"Jr/. ^l^oE or 10 TioiuiKi^ JTT^'JTITT, &c. m^^.-'^JT^-'Vrf^ ( in comp. as 3TrfrRTr5^, 3TTfU'4K^ &e. ). Keep-sake, n. thing to le kept in rememlrance of the giver. arreq'aft^T^ f%^.^ q-H/. ^\■\*\\(^f. ^\^f[f. ^^^^f. Keg, n. small barrel . r^^ fTT". To Kek, v. a. descry. Plt'T-^-&c. Hl^uf, ?Jt^^=T-|^7r-&c.'TT^ijf. 2 V. To Kkow. ;Jrmnt. Ken, w. reach of sight. ^CT^T-^^f^.&c. 3TT?HvT'«.-3TH3w.- 2 J-e«fcA ofknoicledge. ^gt^^T 3TTtFFT?«.-3TI^JT»».-snT?5m.- 3T5rt^TOT. ^^Ht trftT/rff^/. Kesnel, «. dog-house. ^'TT^ qT«.-WT^». ^%^T^ot. 'JT^TTfir 2 pack of hounds. f?T^FTft ^Tt^f ^ofT«. 3 burrow ( of a fox, &c. ) »rtot?J. 4 T. Guttek. 5TT?5P». Keechief, n. :hHMm. Kejimes, w.— the insect, ^fnm. Keen, n. hand mill. ^\^>i. vTf?ft'Jr/. ^?:m. Keenel, n. — of a nut, &c. T'Tm. »K««. ^m. JTI^m. jft^w. 2 sm/ of pulpy fruit. ^\f. '^n. 3T^/. aiS^rt/. 3Tt^- 5J/. 3Tt5roi!t/. 3TfV- Kesteel. See Hawk. Ketch, n. iico masted vessel. ^^\i\H^\l>\() f. J^hl-f^'lrf^dw. Kettle, m. ^^of , Jo//f r, c^-c. 5n or |q /. ^r or ^tSTwJ. rf/m.^- ^ or ^\t\f TAT^ or ^fT^ft^/. W-Mf- ^=^"»- ^^'T?rt. Frame of a k. T5^ or qiWw. Grand k. (of processions, &c.). ?rT|5f ^"J^tT/. K.-band. =^"t?T5T«i. Closing peal on the k.— band, ^jnw^^f. 4'^\iA\M\>it. Kettle-beummee, n. ^^K'^ or H'lK^I. Ket, n. f^sft/. ^T^/. ^^t/. raise k. ^"kf^sfr/. ^"k^Rt/. Kt'J\^» V. ^T-^-»?FT. 2 reco//. f^^STTTT or f^T^TSrw. To Kick, v. n. throw out the foot with violence, ^\^m. Ifrs^ To k. and flounder, ^xm^ #swr_ 2 (up or out)— a horse, &c. FH^/. ^rrS'it-'TITiif, ^PTT^I f.pd.-^'zq^'^^ ETl^i Fn'ascoT or rTTcTT^"^. 3 lash out, — cow, &c. 3TT?rlt/- iTRaf. 4— a gmi; recoil. 5n^^, i%^T>it or l'%3TT5'if. To Kick, t'. o. s^n'fe iciih the foot. ?Jlrf /. HRiJr, qiiM^K)^.- qr^r^fTfTw. JR^. To k. with the heel. HT^/.-^fl^/. flTT5r_ To k. soundly. r^vfjoT or BVTS'if or fsmsof, ?rm2>jf or BMIot^, rSmr/.;)^. ^5^ or ^5^5-^=5j^-^|Tf-?T(prrT -&c. ^of, qTqT5f». qT^ar-;priTf, tictj^t/. ;rw. To k. and thumb soundly. Frmr^^^f^l H5^iir. Kicked, ;). v. V. A. ?^r?nTRr^?^r, ^T^T^H, qt^KifsfT, f^frt^. Well-k. ?yT?rS^?Jr, ?5'i+'2i, HKtl, HK^OTT. Kicking, w. v.V. A.— oc^ rtinni'.uiM. TRsr^w. qr^nfifTw. KIL K. and pommelling. SlHg^/. [t^mi^w. Vehomt-nt and general k. ( as of manj horses, &c. ). Kickshaw, »i. ^ft^/. Kid, II. VrW.n. '^n. ^'^>>- ^«- Female k. , r. n. fsj^. KiDi'EB, «. an engrosser of merchandise, one u-Jio lui/s in tcholctale. ariRTT, 3TS?ft^ ^rmt-STNTtt. KlDLISO, «. yoiuiff lid. c7^R 'f^^l; To KinXAP, V. a. steal (a human being ). 3^^T^-^57T-«T€H -&c. Jm, fT^r, ^T'ArPEB, n. V. V. ( H'^i^-M'4ii-M|^-&c. ). vd-H'jji %'TTTT, KiUNEr, fi. flRff^Sw. 5^w. KiD>Er-BEAX, n. pliaseolus radialus. ^i\^m. Fields of or for k. TS^^; /. KlLDEBKrS, 71. ^ cT^FT "ftT 3Tff . jTo Kill, ti. a. deprive oj life, itr^, rdiiHKUJ, f^^TPT^fl' TT- ^of, cfvi »rt.-^HT/.-f?^/.-?5fr 7«.-&c. ^TOT y. 0/0. f^- •T^, f^TRW, T'*!^ o;- H'W-q7a-&c. JPTiJt, ^cipror of 0. ^^ m. '^, H^OT, fvf^^, fn^rTT M.-f^fip^ «.-^- ^ w.-^F^T n.-ctc. JRiJfy. 0/0. ^fst^r «. /i.-^^'^TT/. pi. ^f^j.ofo. BT'tfr or Ht^/. /?Z.-^ «!, ^L TT^oty. ofo.—esT^. for food, or in sacrifice. ^?5T?5 ?r?r, ^fT%- To k. by inche.g. rffa; rffe ^tq- «,. qtrr, ?rti ^r^ HRf «. To k. outright. ZIX adv. JTRof, TT^ift «• ^"j ^^^, '^- 2 ( time ). ^TTrJqnJr, ^^TSW, ^TSEiii, ?5R^, ^FT^. 3 ( quicksilver ). iTR'Jr. To be killed — quicksilver. ITTW. Killed, ;j. v. V. 1. Jm?Irir, firir itr?5^, &c. ^rf^nw, ^- ^'H, ^%?i5^, ^'^irm, ^"2^^, JTrfta, ^ttI^cT, ^ ft. KiLLEK, n. Killing, p. a. v. V. 1. uku i k i, f^ir hku i k i^ &c. JTTT^, ^'4^, ff^^, ^TTrnF, ^, ^'TRT ( in comp. as ^tff^RT, &c. ) €r^-T-&e. JFtTT. I. Zi/f endangering.~-KOT\, &c. f^nJT?Tt?, f^m?TT, ^- ^^OTT, HI"l'M"ll. II. — as used of eyes, charms, blandishments, &c. f^- Killing, n. v. V. I.— at. M\m n. f^sr JTRof w. ^^rH 2^op. ^iTWrf , ?)Tr^ft?5, ?r7T5?fj, ^qrf^fiiT?, ^Trf^^r, 3^t^r^, 3^^rff, OT^R^fr- ?5, gWrnrr, "itTq^Rt, 'im^FR^, "rfR^FR^fte, B\i.v^^' tt^ Bt^T^FR^ft?^, &c. 3'M*K^f^, 'RN^FR^f?, H^^^^T, 3HHy(^+, f ^, ^^^^1 ^1^1 ?5PFf|^W, ?5nF^r^^=S^. —inlens. ^ptRtt, ?f^^, ?5'TT??T=>I, ^^TT^^, ^qrjfta, ?^"TTf^'?, •^mM^T, ^iTTHT. Some appellatives or desig'iia- tions for a kind ( gracious, favoring ) person, are ?5'TTf^- f^T, ^^TT^fFR, ?J^«5?, ?;^«f , ?J^rf5'^, W^n., ?;». ^TH/. f\^pop.i![^f. 4 — in revenue ; products of the soil. ^^T^vT^ »«• KiND-HEAETED, a. V. KiND. ^^'ft, f ^TT^, ^!^<. y. V. A. ^^^r^^r, %?f5r???5T, &c. ^fw, sT^fw, KIN" 4G1 KXA KiNDLER, n. IvIKDLING,^. T^, ^t-^-Ac. Wr^\. Kindling, n. x. \. A.— act. Mdcjui n. ^?{^i\ n. &.C. f^-TI^- tJT or U^p■,^]^^f. f^jT^v^'^x or Uw,n\^^f. <^T?r n. ^^- "T^T n. T^^ n. q^=r^ n. T^^^j^ »■ These are chiefly ia comp. T. V. N. ^^ n. %rr^ n. &c. ^^ »». ^"jf n. =qrl ?«. Kindliness, »i. See Kindness. 2 friendliness and pleasantness of intercourse. T^^\V?^ f. ^^^ n. ^irf n. #^HT^ m. ^ftfHm^T m. liltt^f^TT^fr /. KlXDLT, a. congenial, genial. t^c. ?fJT^ft?5,^5TT!^^Vtf5, ^IH^-TH^, 2 i?n«(7, mild, gentle. ^TH^ or 55, ^'l'^, ^iff^^, ^T^t-M HI. Kindly, ai/y. y. A. Kind. ?>qFT;?i7T, H^?lTT=ft ^^7f, H^T ^- €?r, H^?3fTqt#, ^^Hi^R, ^^5?;-sTr, ?5Ti^"5m, ar^f^ 2 V. A. Kindly. ^HTT, g^^tcTTuf, ^TBftfTT'JIT^, ?r^?5HT- Kindness, n. y. A. ^JTT/. arg^ w. ^JTr^Torr »«. H^T^fpft/. ?n/. TTTT'^ftTTT/. r5t#T^fer/ &c. ^wxi^^^:^ f. ^- n. XT^^ or WJTr{ f. I. an act of I: afaror, ^r. TT^R m. Hm'-b\< m. ?;?TN^T- Kindbed, «. Y. Eelationship. 5=rr^ «. ^f^itr m. nt^sf M. 'U^- 2 V. Eelations. HT^^ ?«. pZ. n>f «. 'M'Tm «. iflrTcTST •g^^ n. [5Tm?!T. Kin DEED, a. related. iTt=5ft, ^"pST^, <^^ rT^^p^, ?rifT^, ^JiT"!, 2 of tJ/e like nature or properties, ^^f?, ^^rftq', ^HT- ?r^1tt7, ^fJTTnr, ^fq^f^r, ?iJT«^5p, ^fTP^Trsn", ^qj^rNr- KiNE, n. coics. Tpft/. 2>^- 'TTTT/. i?^. nrT'K «'. ^^. Tre$ w. pi. King, m. tt^, n^f, tt^T, Tmr, tf^TTf^, n??, ^\=^, ^X^., ^- ?"t1%, ^TTtP-TT, Hq, =jqfH, Hqp5 o»- 55, H^l'-llci, ^, HTf?r, ?5TSFTr?^ or 3;, qififq', ifjilHfri, j^ ( in comp. as ?R?, jj- #'?, nn^, ^H^, &c. ). Some terms of honor or panegyric for kings are.TM- Daughter of a b. TPT^Tlft/. ^r^^r^/. TPT^^^r/. King of king's. ?;r3TTfqTr3T, TRTTM, ?T3TTfq'T, ^^. K. and beggar. TT=pftt^. Like k. like people. q'tlKMl rr'jH or ^^/. PR^/- ^r^=T=TT.f. ^T^rs o'- ^jmra /. K.NAU, n. yt«oC in tcooJ. m?;/.#«T '"• ^f^i or n^H «.n^ w. KsAGOT, a. V. N. nR3 O'' nf^TJl, tN?^. 2 fig. cr-ot. Knavk, h. dishonest pirson, cheat, t. Eogue. 5^, CT, S^F^T- ^, i ^'ll- ^ PT, 5^#T, W^r, ^r^fr^, ^T^K, f^^sjT^, 4- ^^, nST. AiTarch k. A pllppcry k. ^TiraTnt^ m. ^HIFTRT ?». STpftotT'^ffST m. ^5TNft?f w. A pae-k or crew of kuaves. =q\JJ7. =qf^ft/. fyTiT^rS n. 2— at cards. J^^ »«• K>'AVEKT, KNAVisnxEss, n. dishonesty, ^-c. ^^iTT »». g^p^- qorr »n. ?f^if, H?:^- J Knell, m. «0!/nc? of a hell at a funeral. "Sr HH ^ H ^t^^ ^^T- Knick knack, m. a trifle or toy. ^51 m. %a€riIT ?«. ^trr ?(. Knife, n. gft/. tjft^/ Some of the sorts as used for various purposes arc W^ff. TTT^^T n. A large k. gTT »«. Clasp k. HiS^n m.— ditn. ^]^^f\f. Peu-k. ^T^ «». Knight, «.— the title. ^^R of^r^ m. 2 — at chess. ^TIT m. Check mate with the k. qrs^m/. ^lf?T^ »?. Knight- nooD, «. ^T^K^^l^/t/. 2b Knit, v. a. iceave without a loom. ^TrtTHT ^"T'lf. 2 unite, v. To Join, vrii^ui, frrasfoi^ 3 ( the brows ) contract. HTS'Jr, ^T^oj, 3^^/. ^TTtIdt, 4 See To Tie. Knit, n. texture. fq^JT^/ ^ftoT/. Knit, p. t. V. 1. ^mf^ft f^"n3?5T. 2 ^rrn^A. Stroiig'-k. "Well-k. t. Compact. ^j^f^T, ^afq-. Knitting-needle, «. WK?/. fEnri'nTpsft ^f /. [^?TT?«. Knittle, n. draio-string. art^^n »». H^JT^RF m. S^S^TTT )«. Knob, n. protuberance, bunch, boss, sffs n. sfffr /. c?/>?». ^r- ■Z^ n. sffS^r «. ij^ m. nt^T »«. ^•ST^T «i. ^^WA m. JTT^TT m. flfr^T in. 2 ( as in wood) knot. HTS/. H^ or n^"T ». ^JT n. r- v^/. «. n^?;M. 5rF?[, 31?:Rr »». TTS^y. o/o. I To be knocked up. 5'JT^, HPl'if, V^"!?, ^^151^ or ;' JRoftH ^rwf, ^mm %^, ^■i^iui, ^ttlT^T ^'T^TT^T »«. ^"tof !l y. o/ s. 3T7RT m. qs'le k. fH^Jifs. Common slip k. g?7Tf5, g^lf5, STig'S'Tre. Closing k. formed -nith the strands. ^V^,'Z^\Z. Grandam's k. 3T5mt Tt5, ^]\^^\Z. K. tied to aid remembrance. IJOT'Tf'I. Eeefk. =5fT|iTf5. [^RTTTS. Eunniug k. '^T^^f^, Tin m. ^T^Tt?r m. ?rw TfS, Slip k. ■pf^RqfS. The sacred or holy k. sT^irfS. To tie a k. ^\zf. ^ot-JTrraf. 2 honcl of union. iTP5/. qfir ot./ An indissoluble k. vT^^TT^ft nfij/. ^^TJTT^ TT^/. 3 articulation, knuckle.^ v. Joint, ^fift ?(. rfs/. ?tf*T ««/. ^^ n. 4 yfl'«_7. «'««(7, T. Ba>'d. ^^m. TJT ?». "^T/. HOTT »i. 5 ^i///, bunch, clump. ^^spFr »». 35pj;r m. %Wf,\ m. ipl «. *[~.%l) m. '^m^ m. 6 ball, gathering, lump. nfs/. 5^^ or ^TZ^f. 7 laiotty point, intricacy, difficulty, ^^f. 3T5tyi TTS/. 8 ( in the mind ) a prejudice. 3T^/. St^t/. 3T^. qfs/. To Knot, v.a. complicate or tie in a knot, ^\z^, ^jftror, Tisy. To Knot, v. n.form knots. nfj^'Jf, ^fs^ot, qX »'.-^fl«.-&c. Knottiness, n. v. A. 1. mz^'J^Jm. TtS^n^oETiTr 5«. &e. Knotted, Knotty, a. full of knots, mz^ or nf 51^, ^\z^- 2 & of knotty points.^ \. Intricate. 'T^TPTcftTfj^ A k. aftair. qftr/. A k. point. qTrl «. ^ «. ^3^^ 71. n^?['4 w(. 3b Know, v. a. have knowledge of. ^nJiijf, ^H^tjf, s?)o5n, ?iH^ot. Knfcku:, w.>/n< ofafinjer. qtZT^ft WtT/.-WtfT OT.-?ffEfOT. /.-^ w.-^# n. qcT «. !i^ «;. To knock on tho Lend with one's knuckles. JN /.- To strike witli a k. f%^/. TK^, f^'^PFOT. Jo K^•l•CKLE, V. n. siilmil, v. To Yield. h^h.jjI s^, ^. ^^ Tliie letter is represented by 3. Li, interj. a'M, «. cisius ladanijeriis. 3r^n. Label, n. slip of paper, ^'c. attached to any tiling sitewing its contents. ^^^/. 'i^'Tf^f^/ ^^f- 2— as attached to shew the number and price seyerally. 34+m/I/. =fl^+n. To Label, v. a. v. N. ^plvrft/. &c. s5T5Pt-«n^'?f-HK'jf. Labial, a. lehnginj to the lips. 3Tr5r=^. 2 formed hy the lips, — letters. 3TT^. Labiodental, a. formed hy the lips and teeth. ^^re?T or Laeoh. n. toil, travail, troiille, pains, icearisome exertion. m./. aiJllHiUn. amft^/. 3T2T^/. L. — compreh. labor and pains, toil and trouble. K^- ^ K^TPT^i. _^ [qr^t/. Day-l.TT^/. TT^TT^/. M-jl<+IH«. ^?5JT^/. |^- Porced 1. ^tniT/. W/. Fruitless!. T^JrerRn. ^^JTTiTl^m. cT«r^l7ln.^?!:cIT55T«. Hard 1. ^T^ JTprrT/. +^I?5H/. ^RiraTm. ^pftH^^/. Hard and toilsome 1. !^||3>^I4/. Low or seryilc 1. drudycry. +m4*IH». ^P^n^w. Manual or bodily 1. arfir H^^IH/. ifTHM. Price or wages of 1. Pf^nrr/. JTf^^/. W^f. ^n. Toilsome and vexatious 1. ^n^T/. W^\ V^VT^/. qraXf?/. !PTT5t^/. sf.WloS'PK^/ 5tl^-^fTW/ /)'. %^^ W^tr{■^^- ?ffcT-5r?Rirj^?T-smqT5r?^fT-&c. 3t^. To LABOn, V. a. form or prosecute with lalor; elaloraie.?:^^^- 9-'>fo. Laboeatoet, n. work-room. +;k\\(\. Business of a day-I. J1^^/. ?T^K^/. JT^WPT n. Wages of a day-1. f^'^f !. — the dye, or insect ( coccus lacca ) which forms it. ?IT^/. ^?7T/. FA^f. arferfT or 3TSrrr m. 3T?5^ »J. A stick of 1. ?5mr^:?^/. ?5mTff /. Cake 1. =irT?T or ^^itTSr or im\ BW/. LAC 4G' LAD Eartlien pot smeared witli 1. ^iHF^fi n- fJr^T^ '». Liquified 1. dye. aT?5^^ m. Of the color of 1., dyed with 1. rrTTFot, ^^U^iJf, ^m. Lace-man, n. on^ft^rT^T, ^^'^f^^T. Lacep, ;j. v. y. 1. f^%?^r, &c. firtnt5r. 3o Lacerate, v. a. rend, v. To Tear. T5i5['4^_ 2 secreting, Sfc. tears. 3T«T?TT^, ^T^g^^^, 3T>J^rf^. LACHETilOSE, a. 3T^H^. Jo Lack, t?. a. v. To'Waxt. S'oftq'/.-JfniT/.sp'TFft Z-^^^- STrrT/.-&c. sronf J«. fo?j. cj- g. of o. ^tJlF-Ao. 'JTWtc. ''FT^r. A. 1. ornament. ?in>ir^ «. Lacket, «./yoi ioy. R^^Hri'iR or ^T, TT-'n', ^^RR, ??nTf?T, Lacklustre, a. — the couutenancc. +NI^1^, ^^T (/^o/j. ^- o^ ) ^=T, f^T^^, %^rfrq', H?^^, TT?^ oc a^nr?:. 2— a pearl. ^Tt^PTT a. ind. cfTiTST^, T^H, ^T^. Laconic, Laco>'ical, «. Iriif, concise, — speaker. ^^^Y^^^H- qROTm, ^r^TfT^T^r, ^f^fT^TTft, fJTFTTTqt, TWTtT^TT'fl'T 2 o7«rMf.; /w/ctt- !con7.«,— speech, ^'f^a'np, ^Jf^m^- j JjXC0'S\5'ii,n. concise speech. ?i^ferW^^-^. Lactescent, o. 2J»-of?K««y »»'Z^-, w- « milky juice. |MT==TT, Lactiferous, a. thai conveys milk. I'^jcJl^^,, e'tTir^n"?^^. Lad, «. V. Stripltkg. "TRTr, "TT^TT, ^t":^;, 5irt-m*ii*jitT, vn?- 3 fellow, chap, Joy,— fnmiliarly. T^t, ^^T^, "ft^. Ladder, n. f^lft o/- f^TSt or f%ft or f%S^/. f^^fToT/ f^- 2b Lade, «. a. \. To Load. ?IT^, "m^ n. H^CTr-sr^^in, *R- 2 See To Ladle. Laden, p. v. Y. 1. ?JT^?^, ^?J?^T & HF^^, 'TTT^n'T. Lading, «. v. V. I.— ad. ?rT?iJT ". &c. ;^r?jfT/ ^TH w?. I. load, cargo, v. Preigiit. HJ-T^t/. Hft^x. sfp-^T^f «. Ladle, n. ToET '"• f?""- "T^t/- =ETJT^r m. in^IT >«■ Wl=^f Bowl of a 1. iu n. q^ «. Z^ n. m'4^T ;«, L. with perforations. 5nTT «(. LAM 4.6G LAir L. for laJliug' out boiled rice, wrntra «• H^ n. L. made of a piece of cocoa-nut, Iiollowed uiango- »toue, &c. ^^ M. mFA or fisr »«. Jim. g^Trfr or i\^f. Suitable to be served out with a;w/i or 1. Mof|«)|4| "W'oodeu 1. 3T^/. ^I7f7i. 5^ Ladle, r. n. empty out u-ith a laJle, Si'i: TB'M, 3"?i"T- oft/.-7^NT m.-i^c. ^^oi^. o/o. Tco^R-&c. qJTS^T. To 1. out ( boiled rice,) serce it out on the leaf-plates. WTRor.— the mass thus turned out. 3fRT»». [ u\ n. Laulisg, fi. V. \.—act. 3^q"7f n. S'^qiift/. T^TT m. ^^^- Ladt, n. tcoman cf family or of good Ircediwj. ?I«T^/- !iT^r/.-&e. f;!!'?^ /.-qr^r/.&e. f^^^fj/. f??^/. U— as a title, qif/. ^TTq^T/. A Muliainmadnu 1. sft^ft/. 5^/- %TT/. LiiiT-EiitD, Lady-huo, Lahycow, Lauy-vlt, n. ^^«n^ Ladt-like, a. V. Genteel, ^wt, f^T"?. 2 lecominfj a lady. RTSWtW zfT^, ?(«T^^f^?T. Lag, «. loicest class, fag end, Sfc. TTK )«. T^^o! ?«. «. %t ot. ^fl'^ n. [ ^OT. To Lao, d. «. Itang lehind. HT'1 'TS'Jf-TT^'Jf, HFT^dt, Kr'RTT- XaggfTv, n. LAGGi>-a,,/). o. v. Y. wt 'T'S'iTRT, iTFT^"JIRT, &c. Lagoos, Lactne, h. ^R/. Laic, Laical, a. «o/ deiical, v. Lay. Jf'''^, 7f?'T 407 lighting, f^ft ^T^R m. fc^^ ^f^TTK '«. ^^I^^tT m. Oil of au extiniiuishcHl 1. f^?^ oi- f^t^ n. Operations — coniprcli. of prejiarinsr, and liirlitini^ a 1. Place ( in a liouso ) for tlie suspeusion of the great 1. r<\m,^\ or f^^^ n. Kow or ran!i:e of lamps, sf^rmfe pop. f^Hat/. ?5T^OT or ^Iff^RtJff /. f^%^- To extinguish a 1. f^strm Plfr'T ?«.-/ hi/ water. ^^\^- mAm. TTqrWTw!. TTiT^IR/. ^V.^?t f. ?'E-iiOLrEn, n. proprietor of Inml ;jmT?T?TT, fJTTr^f^R, fJTTT^t, ■<^.^, iT^^nf^, 'tT^nrr, ^iji^^?-. Lani>>v, n. u-oman ic/io has tenants, m]^ iTT^^t'JT /.- Laxd-lockep. a. encompassed by land. gJT^rrt ^fTS^c^f, LaXD-loed, n. owner of land u-Jio has tenants luuJtr him. ^- 2 OirHCr of a home icho has tenants. qjJ^T ^T^.T^, ^^^'^t, Jj keeper of an inn. *RT=^r. Laxp-maek, n. mark to designate a loundary. m^'^t^ f. 'f(V. 'i)-TAX, n. ^TrTHlTr »«. ?rRT m. qiH m. '♦jfrnp^ »». L. — freely. ■HMJ^^KI m. Mitigated J. «^R ^m^ n. [1^. Laxd-waitee, n. — the ofRcer of the customs, ^■^]^x^ ^. Lase-M5d, «. Kind lloidng from the land. JT^t^r-f^-TT^^- =5n'-&c. qfiTT m. H/=i«. TrlFsf /. Lasxep, a. having an estate in land. tlrT^ff, ^Irft, ^rftj^^T, 2 eonsistivj in land. ^FIpqT, ^fK=fl^, + f?0!t« of land from a mountain, T^^Tr^PTTT- ifJ^oT^qiiit n. 2 the land slipped. qfr'^^R' '71%?^ "T^HUI HFT w. Laxe, «. narrow road letwcm houses or fields. TffT/. ^- aTr/. 5ft^ or sff4/ f^ »;• fsjvfT/.sfroJ m. \\tf. A\%f ^\. (Tiq or Tm-cT/. Tf^/. ^5/ sfT^rR/. Laucs; alleys, &c. compreh. Tfftf^/. l%5^"f#t/ lu every 1. aud alley, anoir 'iTtSV. Laxouage, «. V. Speech, ^rnnt/. ^Rr/. [ ^f^/ 2 speech, Ihowjhls expressed. ^]^M n. "HW^ n. ^l^ m. Bad 1. i^f^f iHrruT n. |k^^ «. i^-^Tf «. ^^^]^^ «. Classical or polished 1. ^??)^rf^/. 3 a language. qt?ft/. mwr/. A foreign 1. HTTt^T?: n. '^ style, diction. HTqtJirqt Ti=ft'/.-?R'Jlt/.-frf?T/.-&e. ^TF- Laxguip, a. of drooping spirits, indisposed to cvcrtion. TfTT, ^1 f ^1 ^''^''t ^5, '?rr?T, "^^^JR, iT3ft?r, ar^sTHr^r, ^t^r, 2 iveak.ftelle, dull, slack, slow, ^'c. — of business, mo- tion, &c. H^, f?Jir or ferJTT, si?7, f%^r, gfT, f ?^t, Riftr^, fefHcfTHOT^?:, HT-qr, 3 indifereni, cold, i^'c. '45, 'T, 37m, aT^T?''T, Laxguidlt, fl!(/f. V. A. 1. 2. 3. jt^, H5H7, 3fT^^JW?f arrsi??^, ?;i7rr ^'ifT, g^, g^^fT, ferjq^, fHOTJfm^'isT'JiH, '*f^- Laxguidxess, «. v. A. 1. ««^'^-^'^\^'Zi^-^^- ^n^^.^'&^-&c. "TT^'oT. Laxguisueh, n. Laxguisiiixg,^. a. v. Y. 1. ?^^crrnT, ^?^=T 5rr%?Jr, '3Tf% arf^^^r, &c. 'Fjr^, j^^tr. 2 H^%?^T, TT^5?!OT, f53T^''??T-&c. ^^^\, 3 Jpmrif ^'?T^ "TTf "JTRT, &c.^riTT^^ ^'?t^r, -TPTT^' ^=^7. Lakguishmext, n. softness of look., tj-e. ^fe?r «. FJlff^fq «. SFITr?5T5r^T^F^ «. ?5ferrR^Tq^?T«.JrmH'^^f3/. ^rHT^i^lf?/. LAKGroE, n. lassitude, lisllessncss, heaviness. ^\^I\\f. ^]^- OTT m. m\^ n. g^fff/. fi^^ul\ m. J?rrf^/. "^i^jr^/. li^vT^rr M. ^iifsr n. ^wj n. wmfq- ?i. ^K «f. 3T-T^TT ?«. 3T5r?fvnTr Laxifeeous, LAXiGEr,ous,fl!.j;ro(7e(f/«y icooZ. ?5riT^^^, Ffm- Lank, Laxky, a. not plump, thin, v. Leax. TTrlot, HlTlrTS, Tall & lanky, qf^ or ^i55!:,?fn5:,^'5}rS or St^r, SJ^TT^r. 2 7«.r, ?iOi! distended, v. Loo.>e. fe^r,"^^, f^lfiT^T. Laxkxess, Laxkixess, n. v.A. Lqi^TSqurrw. ^m^Tf /. ?f??r- f3fTq"3TT m. 2 f^sTTT??!. ysq'JTr m. f^Tf-qciTorr «. LA K 4G9_ LanteeX, 11. qrT'JT^T or qrrWrT m. n. W-^J m. Jp^sj m. La>-tebs-jawed, a. v. JN'. nr^r^^iT, =qR5m5m, iTTt55T«r, ST- Lastern- JAWS, n. thin visage. '^V^.?(\% n. LA>'uai>'Ous, a. covered with down or soft hair. F^fT^T, ^^- T^T, ^TSfT. [ ^ m. iftrSOT. La?, h. ( of a si-armciit ) loose Jlowinj part. T^ «». ^fe ?«. 2 ( of a petticoat, .to. ). cjTRT ot- STPft/ aTRoSr m. 3 ;wr; otrr ///e thighs; or the ihhjhs in a sitting posture. ^]m m. afr^TT m. 3?mq3r m. ^\i\f. g-?^n m. 3t^ »«. To Lap, v. a. icrap around,\\To Weap. ?5^^, ^5ToE^, %'s3t, 2 wrnp in, v. To Wrap, y^ictuj', gr'S^r, 2o Lap, v.n. to le turned over. ^S'lJf, tTTS'iif , =5rf ^-^Ppf ^T?!'^. 2— as the dop;, &c. ^^^^ fqnt. Lap-ioo, n. f^TTf ^ m. ( fern. fSffftf^ft/. ) T^TJft f ^f w. (^sft ). These words express varieties. Lap-ful, n. arret/. As much as a 1. 3TRt H^. LapidaPvT, Lapidist, «. a. preparer and seller of precious stones, f^^^'f^ pop. Mi\x or ^^t[ or ^^r^]x., ^T^Uff, ^- Lai'ideous, a. v. Sioxr. ^Tir^r, TT^miT^, qmtTRJT^. Lapidescexce, n. turning into stone. ^%^w\ n. TTTM^T n. Lapis-lazuli, n. azure slone.'k^^ pop. '^'^ n. ?it^rT!=I m. 3Tf?mT3,'TT m. 3Tf^T7?I m. Lapltxg. See Sensuaiist. Lappet, n. See Lap 1. Lapje, LiPsiXQ, n. V. Y. l.—acf. qr^'Jf «. STSfT^ m. ^P\f. L. of time. '+,|?5'lfrf /. To Lapse, v. n. glide, flow, pass slowh/. irqr^ ?«.-nfrr/.-^q- fT/.-&c. frof ^. o/s. EfTfif, f^^T^af. 2 fig. slip, fall, err. ^m^^ 5'5;ot, =^5!;'jf, 55!: m.-^7. m. |r- of (/. of a. ?TtT^/.-&c. qRiir- ^FJ^ W^^T ^TiJf. Labdeu, w. j'oo?« k-7(( re meal is kept, wrpfr ^^TPTrsft #^/. Laeoe, a. lig.^ great, c^'c. H[7;r or m5T, '<.ftT, '^t^Fir, ifniT'tfr^- cTr, ?:aT^, H^T=T (iT^Ffr/. T^H )i. ), JT^ (ill coinp.), r<{^ "'■ ^1 3^7 ?f? ( '^■'^P- 'li <-oiiip. as ji^-^ijftJ-^ Hl^'C ), arr- 'f-KH^ftrr^^r, — as culmnced, aud as conveying the general sense of lig, lulkg, litrlg, stout, strapping, Sfc. as used of men or animals. tJS^, '^TSr'Tl^, ''TtT or qfsn, '4%'"7, '^rl^^^^r, m^T¥, '4rn5, i^^, i^pr, KreiyrRr, Hr^T^fqr^, r:s^ or q, rrs^, h%=i5, i^ftj, ^, ^, ^?rr, HjpJT, ^iT?:, ^5RT, ^-T, STTT?5 or 'tnTPJ, ^KT^^TT, sriS^q-, ^5T,iir?J^, ^rr^T, n^^,— as expressing the idea of di.-^proportiouate size, answering to huge, vast, mons- trous, enormous, massy, massive, tj'c. ^r^^TJ, 3T^^S or 3T=T- ^qT3;or^r5l, TTWJT, Ttf-'T, dj^ or H, 5!TTTr?I, ^, =P^-T, fEf^lTH or 55, ^JJTr, H^tI^, q-jfT, fT^rnTT, ^^H^m', ^f^TTT, ^rtPTT, iJ^TJT, ^"^TT.— aud, with a shade of differ- ence, to swinging, louncing, whacking, longing, strap- ping, thumping, ivhapping, S)C. ?Tr, TTTc^F, ^,?5^, FT^T 0>' ^^, ^5R, ^5iT^5^, ^ii^r, 5?H, s?f s^fTrT, '^^x, TFP, qRfjr, fi^t^^T, T. Some terms for a large thing, agreeinj^ with the free formations ichacker, tvhapper, thumper, ^'e. aroTTP!T>«. ^^V-lm. ^'^K\ m. X^KWH m, T.I m. T^l or IZ^^ m. l^^^^ m. tnr^Tfl »». FJir^ m. 'klf. 'i^-^-^ n. How 1. %sr5r, f^^qr. L. and fine. Jp^Kuil, ^T^5J, 'cT^TTT. L. aud lubberly. qr?Tr, ST^^ or ^R?^, ti^qr, qrt^^. Larger. arf^T^. L. relatively, large-sized. Z^K or Hr^RT, ^TR or Z^\'^., ^forr, ft^PR or fii^TCT, 5no5 or 5^55, '*?R5T?:. So 1. !T5fS-7, g^^r. So 1. as. rTcfST, frfFr^. 2 extensive, wide. JT[3r, SSf^l^, ?lfqt^}=qT, !T?T^, fsmw or ;j, q^^qr^T, m^-qr f^^RT^r, ^^of, ^^"^^r, 3T^T5JW- s, ^?nq?n=5rr, q?T. 3 ;;Je/-«/, munifuent, v. CexeeOus. ^?T^, ?^. 4 copious, plentiful, \. Ael->-daxt. q":^Fa:, sf^T^, f^- ?r, 5^5?^ or ^. At large, without rcstraiiU. HI^FR, Hl^rre, JTI+cil or. (?^cZ. HT^^qmt, S'^rj. 2 roomdg. \^'^^, 3 diffusicelg. f^r^RTt, f5i=g!R ^5:^, ^if^T^T. [ ^prq-. Laege-eoeied, «. ^=;gi'R, 'if ^, ?'4?r?iftT, ^'■jT^ft, ^'"VZ- Laeue-ueaded, fl. ^ff^lKT, X'^^JHRF, ff^^stq'. Laeoe-limbed, n. ff^. Laegelv, rti/f. v. A. 3. ^^i^^qrffr, 7^.Ri"n1f, ^TW.K^\ ^t^'^, 4 q'sq^sq'jff, si^T^T'^r. LAS 470 LAT I. Jijunvely. ^^IrWff, f^RT^, f«r«l».*-H, P^wkh^*. I' I.iKCiFSEss, n. V. A. 1. mS^iT m. &o. »T^ n. ^^TScIT /• ,, r«r?^ n. li sriTTTir n. 3 ^^IWqTin m. T^ Jf JUII m. ^V'W^ f ^VIX^^ «. 3^^T^ n. LABiiE>s, n. V. Gift, q^ «• ^'<^\\^f- TTfidiri* «. 5R «. Lark, ». f f 'Tf^ "•• fHi^*+Sr or f TTT^F^ w«. TTTgpT'n. 2 crested 1. ^i>'\dL m. 3 See SrouT. [^C^HTT/. LaHCU, n. alarm given, v. Alaem. fT^/. ^ f. SiRTvfH^- 2— bell, &e. v. Alakm-bell. ^rfl-^ ^T^ «• LaKiscotomy, h. culling the largnx. «f,4Hlrt 3T^ «. Lakynx, «. upper pari of the wind pipe. ^Tt[/. ^TE n. H- oppr «J. +/. ^m^T^f^/. ^rm^f^/. ^htist »«. Lash, n. thong of a whip. ^.\^^^ m. ^\^V(^1n. 'j\\f Note. The came of the instrument with which a stripe ia given is commonly used to express a lash with it, as ^r^ ^R% TTR, TT^ IJ?5TT FSTSTrqT, &c. n a stroke of satire. STT'JVr m. SI^RT »>. 5RTT «!. Jo Lash. f. a. scourge. \. To Whip, cp^ ?». ^/. HR^, ^- STot, girrsrw, "p^^m^ot, "ps^i^ot. [ ^n^. 2 satirize, zm^ m. pl.-&c. ^OT, %30T,'^crft/..^rfl-/. 3 ^ae vp to. ^W^, ^rmS'if, f^TT^. To La3H, f. w./j/j/ ^/(ff whip. =?{iwr; m.-&c. ' bi ' hi'i^i . 2 out;— a horse, &c. HHP.HF-T w. pl.-^^mt\ /.- ^^ I ^M I H out ; — fi'r. become eo:travaganl , run into excess. JT- ^r5T/.-TfmT/.-3T^%T OT.-ilT^^ /.-&c. #T5^.^ ^cpjt, q^T- 5^ ". #^, g-cT55af, ^5^iJi\ Zi.aa,n. girl, gouiig woman, qrr/. wMt/. cf^^jTjrrtw/. W- Lassitude, n. v. Lakguor. m?^/. gsft/. '=^r^/. m?T «• Subject to 1. rt^^. To have the 1. which precedes fever. 3TnT n. ^RT^^T- Lasso, n. WT^ ipTnrr^^t 'Pt^rr^ Trft/. Last, a. latest, thai comes after all the others. ?TTx^i=^T- 2 hindmost. H^I=s^r-&c. ^icR^qr, ^IST^. 3 concluding, final, leyond which there is no more. \\^' 5^, \\^Z^., ^15prt?J, ^l^fff^T, ?I'7f?T^=qT, 'flrrqr, -KHT ^r, L. ( dying ) request. fJT^rmM ^V^^^\ f L. ( dying ) instruction, injunction, Ac. f^^rrffr^ sftfeT «i.-:rT7?r j/i.-TPsnT W.-&C. L. but one. 3^tfT- 4 next If fore the present. nOT, TFT^T, HTT=qrT, 'JT'H. L. nijrht. qpraTT^r, ^FT^^ T^?f. L. year. ^r?5^wr. 5 vtmosi, extreme. '^^\W^\ p^'^\^\^\ ^Z}^=^\ f^^-T'r^, At 1. ^i=ffr, ^T5r?:r^r#f, 3TT?r^ or arm?-, ^#, ^nTr^itr?:, ^%^15rff, f^TR, f^^l, f^fSH^r decl. ^-^y^ decl. Last, ot/t;. the last time. JTm^ or it« %TO-Jra?T-5T^FTra. Tlie meaning- of this adverb is best expressed by adopting another construction, as, wlieu I last saw my mother 3TTl%Tr^^ H^^ at my last interview with my mother .^^c. 2 in conclusion. 5t=r€t, 3TnjfT or 3TT??T. Last, n. (of a shoe). ^TI^TPfT 'Wr^\m. ^^?f m. n. f^Tift^/. To Last, v. n. remain, continue, hold out. ^^T^^, ft^i^, ST- w.-fin^rih/.-^m^tn-^ /. f~M y. of s. P,^]^ w.-&c. qroT. To make to 1. rRf^T"^. 2 ( through or out ) endure, come well out of. jvfH^, i^Tr^ot, 5rf^i5:ar, TT^'Tlffr, f^TTsrJn.-f^TTT^I'jft/.-f^TT- ^r^^f.^ g.ofs. Lasting, p. a. v. V. 1. duralle. f^urrTT, &c. f^^HT, rTTT^r, rTT^mr, f?:^fn^p5fT, ffirs^rrsiT, rm^oft^, 3T?ft?:, mw-hk, Lastixgkess, «. V. A. f?:^r3rq'JTr m. ?nr^"TOTr ?«. &e. ^- Lastly, adv. finally^ in coiiclusion. ^Tcrff, 3Tfff, 3T^?rR't, ?r- Latch, w.— of a door. %ift^ ^/. f%7irt/. 2b Latch, j>. a. ( a door ). 1%^/. ??Rof, fV^^fft/ f^r^Ti. Latchet, «. tie. ^ Hi. ^f'q' w. sftq^ «. ^TT?; »i. ^1^/. Late, a. not soon or early, long delayed. gf^^f-3f^Tn^-&c. arra^rr, jtttoh ^tt^tptt, ^f^Rr^rr, ^r=5iPf5piTT^r, 3TffT-i;T- sr^r, arfff^jfRr^, arliTqrojr^ or arm^^r, fq-^^irr, k- That is usually 1. 3Tl%^Fr»^r. To be 1. he long delayed. JTPT^T^. 2 Za/e ripening, late sown, S^c. — a ])roduct of the season. KmK, TTFTT, JTTntcT, ( distinguished from VfTT^T, WTT, 3TFlf?T). 3 r?Jr, f^^T [ *iT5T nf|^r. [ '4Tfr 'Ttf^. ! It is 1. (in the nig-ht ). X\'^ "FR q?Jt-5ni^, U^T liATELT, atfi'. recently, only a little while ago. H^r decl. fSj^flT or fSfTPT decl. -^^m.^ 5T^', W fill !■«•=(;, ^TtRRH^, ^jfHST^, ?^f?T5?T, ^^frPRTTUT. Lauded,/;, v. V. ^cfi5^,&c. ^'Jn, sr?tf%fT, ^f^, ^lOTrT, ^- Laudeb, n. Lauding, p. a. v. V. ^cfiTrTT, &c. ?Tr^^, sj^, ?5frr-^^^-^5T-&C. ^Frrf-TR^-ifeo. Lauding, «. v. V. — ac^ ^=pjt «• &c. ^^pirift/ qTiHIuim ^ ' /. gTjfojjP/. ^^ n. =r^ n. 5iu{^ H. ^fopTT / ^ft^PT ». H- lAV 472 LAW Jy Laugh, i-. «. ^^ or ^H^, ^TW «.-^ wi.-^^^ ». ^^, — violeutly, &o. ^TCFT ^'^ «'• '^^'n, 'H^ ':I€^ ^l^iJf, 3T- ^^rm m. SFToi— liglilly, gigglini^iy, &<■•• f*^^ f^?-?^ ^- /. fT'F^ J- 0/ 1. -.• V To 1. gaily & lightly, n^^of, n^J^FT ^^f, 5^7^"^, 5- To 1. till one's sides split. ^Z ^ fft fT^^, ^^55 3^5 m To 1. in one's sleeve. »R^qT H^t-Hli^*!! fTrff-TTSlfrl- arfrr;^ antff-Ac. ^or. To 1. on one side of the face. ^*KllrtN^ ^"t. To feel disposed to 1. ^^ «.-fra[ «• %^ ">. con. To 1. at; To 1. to scorn. See To Eincui.E. Lircn, Liuontso, w. t. \.— act. ^re^ «. ^?f »». ^??^ «• A free and easy 1. n^^/. L. and jokiug. ^RI^/. AVild 1. and gigglinu'. f<^^|U|| m. Laughable, a. v. V. fT^RT-^sTr-^mrTT-^mr, \\^ m^r-^- :m^r-&c. ^TFT^^, fTWTfTT^, TftirfT. LAUcnEK, n. LAUGni>-G,2'.«.V. ^trrTTT, fT^-^-f?PT ^Pfrf. L given to laughing. ^TT, f^, ^ITirj^, ^T^f q^, ^r?T- LAuaniNOLY, (7ffy. ^ra;pT, ^^TfT^^f^T, f ?nTi^?f?tf , ^f 'T-Ac.^^TT. LAUGiirsG- STOCK, n. V. Butt. ^Tg^«. ^ssrJTT m. ^KqK4^«. ^tt\^T^ n. 3^|rar?^ n. A quiet, enduring 1. him* or TTSR w. XifonTFE, w. ^ff n. ^ni w. v. q', ^TW «. ST^T?T »». Loud & boisterous 1. T^RTSSr^ ^of «. Eapid and light 1. g^ /. "Wild and violent 1. 3T?'^T?r »«. To convulse with 1. ^jVAxzf- ^^ g. of 0. [^^Jjof. To Launch, v. a. ( a vessel ). ?5k:af, J-tH^jof, nr^H OTiW- To Launch, v. n. ilunge out, forth, fig. H5^^, qs^ot, ^- Z'jf, §^ used with the present participle of auother verb. To 1. into vice, f^^^^. {v^'^f Laukdee, Lauxdbess, n. ivasher woman. TTiftoT/. ^T^ftiT/. Lauxiereb, n. u-ashemmn. qff? m. tn«ft m. V^{^ m. Lauxdet, n. room where clothes are icashcd. TTJT'^ W^f Laurel, n. (j+^u ■Ht'I. Lava, n. melted matter from a volcano, ^^]^^^^^^^i qT^TT m. Lavatios. See "Washing. [ ^ n. Lavatory, n. jilacefor washing. yr^T^^t ^mi/. 5f^R5^'rodigal, wasteful, v. ExTRWAaAVr. 'JITir, 7'4- 2 fiiending or hesiowing freely, j)rof use, v. Lirkral. ^- 53, S^o! 0»- 5?tTot, f^^ToI or fs^loE, ^1^1=^1 JfT^, ^^^f^. 3 copious, profuse, lavished, v. Exuberant, q^^r^ftrf, =q5J^'7:t?r, 3T^T5;qqoJ, ^tToSqft^T. To Lavish, v. a. e.rpcnd or gire profusely, v. To Squander. ^KTSt'n, TS^, SJ^of, %55 »H. 5f xof y. 0/ 0. iT5T^-3T?rr^- 5rr-3T^%^^-&c. ^^ >». jRof, r^ -TTot, i^^in^ot. Lavishly, m^y. v. A. 1. ^^r^qtm^, &c. T'^TSqft^, 'JTfnsqq- 2 ?r^^ ^T?TT^, T^^'^f, ''■•^^I'^i ^oT^"^, Jjnrnr'jr, ^^^t^^, 3 BZ^ or ^T.\^ TH^, ^it^iJ, H^^t- Lavishness, «. V. A. 1. g^^^qtfTT »». ^^^'^■C^^^[ m. 3"4OTft /. 3 fT^'^fsFTTOTT »«. ^R »». '^S /. =?tiT5CqfT /. Law, 11. rule of action. JfiT m. p{^n m. f?ft'4 >«. ^'•^TT'T n. \kJ m. g[=5f n. f^ftr w f^ftTfH^''^f?fTJT ot. firP^f^>qf?T^q 2 statute, edict., canon, decree, . ^TT^li^V m. 7 — in theolog-y; «. ^^q^Tf^ w.^FpsfM- Lazy, «. idle, indolent, slothful, .ihiggish. 31T^t^t or ^t,3TT- 3TPM3, ^3, ftif-a?^, aT?:5?r, f^j^sni, ^^^^rr, SRqfpft, ^^rm^T^. Some terms and phrases for a rerg lazy ptrson are ^mr^^ft, 5TH[55lft or ^fT, -flr5;?lt=^T TJiT, 3TTS?[Tt^r HTT- ^t^TT ^iTTTT, fq^Jf^TT SilUK^IrTi ^TRTT ^TT'TKT. Superlatively 1. ^IfTToE^fT. LB:V 474 LEA Vender or brinjj^er of leaves for dishes. Tr^rtT. Plate or dish made of leaves. "T^itns/. T^«. — a small one. fl^FR or fs'ffa n. I Unblown spiko of leaves, ^nft/. To be shed or east — leaves of a tree, ^sof 2 ( of a book ). TR n. ^^ n. T^PP «. =nr^ »». 3 ( of a folding door, &c. ). "Polt /. ^pqTS n. !^^JK n. ?r- ?5^ 71. fr^ m. 5rS"T n. L. of a table. ??rR^T :p?«qi-=ft Twff / 4 ( of a hand mill ). ^5 »'• ^5 n.f. rf^/. 5 thing fuliaied. ^T^ m. q^ w. q^f «. To Leaf, «. n. sZioo^ out haves, ^n^ «. ^i.-TTr^^ft/. ?. Leaf-metal, n. Ff^P^ or ?iq;^ «. Leafisess, n. v. A. quim^rv^T Ji. qtJTirr^ jj. Leafless, a Ja^r. f^TT'JfT, ^5«fr?T, f^Viir, f?!'!^^, 3T^ST, A 1. tree. ?TTi^ »i. . To Mote. iT^;j-5t, #501, 3^?r i! Leaflesssess, 7i. v. A. f^nrcrrFrr/. Ph'^'H -^dT/. Totjj'iidl /. To become 1. arra^oT, arict^l^'n, 31lai+Ji. Lea, n. meadow land. sFTTjt n. JprfT m. A j-alt marsh or J. «I^ «. Lead, «. f?i^ «. ^fw o»' fl'T?f^ «• ?m «• l{ed I. n^ »n. 1%^ «. 5TKT «. WHP'T n. Of the color of red 1. ?T?Tr, >RTt, "^T^IT. "White 1. ?1%crr or ^^F ot. 2 ( for sounding' water ). J|t? m. Tol »«. 3 leads, flat roof covered with lead, fvm^ tn^f n. To Lead, r. a. guide li/ the hand. ^ m. tr^TT JT'JT y. ofo. 'J eondiirt. guide to. qtjf, %3:^ ^1^, Hfr=!:^?^^=T->.tc. ?HJf. of y. "/<'• 3 conduct, head. RS ^r3r5T-4sis». q^'iry. 0/0. Tc Lead, v. n. goflrst, ^-c. shew the ivay. q% ^JTM-EM, "TJ ^3J?r ^R/. ST^jpJf, 5^rft/.-5STr?fW»».-jfT^'t /.-q- ^^FTT m.-&c. JPTW, 3imr »«.-3TTmft'/-55K m.j. t^^ 2 to ; Wing about, Iring on. ^V^\^ 3TM"^, aftoftH %"it j«. fon. Lead, Leabixo, n. v. V. N. ^i\ir\^u\\m. ^STSrft/. ^^^TqiRw. To take the I. See To Lead. Leadex, a. made, Sfc. of lead. f?T^TT^T, ^t^H^'. Leadee, n. Leadi>-g,2'. a. v. V. A. 1. ^Ff q^^ %OTHT, ^- 2 ^omr, ^^-^TR 2ra^-c'. THq^T J«. Pinnate or long-shaped 1. qRT »./«. qirft/. >TT^ n. Tripartite 1. fH-T^ «. fliqtJi/. Leaflet, w. BfRT 'TT^ «. Leaft, o. having many leaves. ^T^TT^RT, ^;^TT'fl', 'I^'^ot, qofil^?^, qiJTsr^, qOTifT^, q'JIiiq-. League, n. alliance, confederaci/, ^-c. v. CoiiBISATlON.^ftf ?». 2 measure of three miles. 5(tT 'PRT m. To League, v. n. confederate, v. To Combi>'E. 5^"^, ^^r?^, Leagued,/), v. V. ^5p5?JT, ^?!r^T,&c. [gsE?^/. Leak, «. /ioZe or crevice that admits icater. iT3?T «. loErft /• To stop a 1. no5^ «• q^TS'^. To spring a 1. f?:/. ^^, 5tTT »>. ?JTn^ in. con. 2 V. Ooze. qr^R m. [^^. To Leak, v. n. let water in. 15507, 5rtof, q|y?t, ^j^ttt, ^ftoT, JJ's^, ^p^f'T. Some terms aud ci)ithets for a t'ecy lean pet-son, ai^roeiug wlih starveling, skeleton, larr-hones, a lath, bay of l/ones, cfv. arc fflP^r, fre-STT, r5«P35Tr, WAZ- ^f^ fk^T\ on. Tixqr^ f^T OT. To become 1. teaste aicaij,,fall airni/, become emaciate,^ gatint, meagre., ^'e. ^Rifr, trSfSfiit, trtl^, ''flaT, f^iJI^, Ta;ijr, arfi !«. ^r^ot, g^ifT ^"rirf, Tr?5; ?TR<=Tr 3T^, qrctH "fr?: «. smot, 'Tra"^ifT^ ^fivnj- n, f^r4f, f^T^oTi^, filers. [^^H^r. ■ One ever learning without coming to knowledge. Pr Leaening, n. V. V. A. 1. — act. hw.^ n. RlfH qoT «. V. v. N. -RT^iif M. qsfff w. ^^^''J\ n. art-^q-JT 7J. 3T^-qTO m. f^r^TF^T^T w. f?T?Tr/. I. knowledge of literature, ^c. fq^r/ s^^f^/. Mif^<-4' M. fTTr[F^ w. fHi^^rr/. iffT^ K. ^?ir«qf^7. 'iT«r5r?r?!. qfTT m. Cost of procuring a 1. ^l^^ir/. To Lease, v. a. let by lea^e. ^PT^RT ^St. 2b Lease, v. n. See To Glean. Lease-hold, a.hcld by lease. spWt, ^?ir^r, -^f?^ ^^^rTT. LeasE-UOLDEE, K. ;pr^ M^SK, ^"t^^R, ^[?^^_ [^/. Leash, n. cord w thong for a dog, ^'c, ^JT^oft/ ?r^ ?», ;fr5* 2 /i«;rfc. f?f^/. f^P^ n. LEA. 476 LED To Leash, v. a. v. N. 1. :jTOoft^-&c. ^\v(^. Leasixg. See Falskhood. Least, a. smallest, cj-f. ^r7?Tr-?mc5m^?Tf-&p. ??^-tTT^^- ?5f^^. 1 '4r5T ded. Least, a Jr. in the smallest drgrce. ^^K^-^W\^i^\ ■&,<:. ^.M\- At 1. not to say more. Fjfr, ?{';, ?TT^n «. dfcl. ?TT^r, Thoug'li lie be not eloquent lie is at least able to speak. At the 1. fpTTRT?T, ^FfJT^?^, fi=t^^. Leate, To Leate off, i». m. See To Cease, To Stop. Leated, a. Jiavinj leaves. TPTi^, qoTHT, ?fW, "Tjf, srNijf. 4 ^q^trf fefrST, Kr^?I?^ 5tT. Ieet, a.— not the right. ST^F, ST^^T, sn^T, ^^, =qT?lT. L. arm. =JTH!TT;^ j». L. hand. ^THf ^ in. W-^ n. L. side. ^\^\^ n. sfm^f^T TO. To cast or leave on the 1. hand (an object in papsing it ). 5T5I?5>jf, 5TTr/.-5T^r m. ^T?M. [STSTT. 2 A^f. argnqFT ». 3n??^rfq^r/- Eeciter of legends, spil^^, ^ft^ /oiJ. ^WH, 3^5* ?f'-TFi'\, q;f*^^, 'irenff. Sweetmeats distributed at the close of a recitation ofai. sf?!!^ w. f^rrn/. 2 incredible, laumlhcntic tale, Sfc. Zr\W.A^J- ^^^^^TT/. Leoendaey, a. existing in legend, fabulous. ^Rft, ^^^" LEI 478 LEX !ilr?r^r, ^^, , o. fiarinj %»•• TFlt^, 'TT'fr ( in comp. as ^TT^t), q^ ( iu couip. as f^^ )., n. Hm\4X ^"^PTT^r ^FPtt ". Lkoibimty, n. v. A. 1. Err=qraT3fr'lT<^r »». &c. t^H^^t^tt/. t- Legible, a. possible to he read. Efr^TrqT^TT-^PPTT-^rnijfr- &c. 3TWf4f , WP, ^'?, f ^P^'T. Lkoion, n. — military body. %?TT^^ n."tf''T^ n. IPTTTR m. ^HHI'I »". [ "T^ n. 2 ^rca/ number, t. Multitude. ^l/. ^^T m. ^^ «. To Legislate, v. n. enact laws. «m'-('^ m. pI.-T-T^ f. pl.-fH- ^^ :RCTf-F^ rf^r, qjRf^TF Vt^h, ift or fSjifruft/.— the fruit, Tk^ or Lemon-grass, n. n^rft ^^ ot. TTrft'^T ^^ m. W'€\ ^^^ n. Lemonade, «. fM^\^-Tk^\^ '^vs;^ w.-T^ w. To Lend, v. a. give to he returned in kind. ^^f^-'3^^^Z■'S• ?PT5nT ^, 3^ir^Rt ^. To 1. just for Bf momeBt. ^ ^'F^T ^. 2 o/or^ the temporary use of. ^?^W^°I^^^T^'Tt^^-'TTT'Jft- ^ -&c. %TJr. 3 ( money, at interest ). ^f-^^H-=5^Tr3TRr-&c. ^S^., %• 3T w.-^ROT n. %ot, Jp^?rr3r-oqT^-&c. ^, 5^:?Tpt-^T^frRTH- 4 See To Afford, Give. Lender, n. v. V. 3. and Creditor. tR^T, '^"^I^rT. Lending, n. v. V. I.— act. 3"?r5T^Tft ?^ «• &c. 2 ^ratH ^OT w. &c. 3 ^^liui n. sqT^TFr^Sr n. L. and borrowing. X^/- ^^^ "• ^'HM=I /. "^^TT^^Tw. Length, n. ^A^f.\^ n. aTFTm ot. At full 1. ( lying, &c. ). h:»IT adv. decl. ?j%. L. — in land measurement. ^55 m. n. 2 extent of space, sfsff/. BROT /. ^W/. 3 extent of duration, space, T. Dueatiqn, Time. ^S ?«. ^pra or 55 m. 3 j/rea^ duration or space. ^^^ f.\^^ n. At 1. at its full extent. ?fm ^FTNff ^, ?rf^^T, gf^- At 1. after long delay, v. At Last, ^i^, f^^^t. To such 1. (Jiqsnc, "('tT^^rl-TT^nt, LES 479 LES k To Lesgthen, v. a. make longer, elonjate. Bi^W^f, 3t«T-3TftT- 1 prolong, p-otra at, conlinue. ^\^^^^ ^\^^^^ ^^ %T^. 8 out; m^m ^T^, fA^^ ^'^. sjisjur/. ^^^. To bo lengtbened out. T'^^^r-TT;\^^^T q^xTf. To 'LY.sOi'-cn-E.^^v.n.grow longer. i^A^^, T'.\^^^^, ^]^^,^M ^. LtKGTHENED, ;>. V. V. A. 1. P'A^^^.^J, 'iTf^^ T'Mw'^.^T &C. Lengthwise, aJv. in the direction of t/ic length. ?5f5ff?f, ^t- <^^s^, ^q^, f^^ lied. L. and brcadlliwisc. ^''?I=^"'tTW. Lesgtiiy, a. V. Lo>'G. ?5T^r^^i^, sjTT^Prf^I. Lenient, Lenitive, a. assuasive, eiiwlliint.'r{m-f\^-&c. WX- DTTTT, ?m^, ^T^T^P. 2 mild, clement, v. Mild. q?m?y or 3, W"^, H^, ^''t'^T- orr^T, ^^T, ^ifJ, WHT^T, ^TON^TTT^, w^nTq-i=5n", L. measure. ^rfTIT=5fR)«- ^WTTT^ m. Iesient, Lenitive, n. a medicine or application that eases. ^T^TRJp q5T'4 m.'^V^q M.-&C. ^dHlT^IK m. OT^TTT^T «. !T- W^ n. [ "T^rV. Lenientlt, adv. v. A. 2. ^rmf^, ^mrq^TTT^, ^l*^^, f^Vr- Lenitt, Leniency, n. v.A. 2. ^rH3TiTr»».€^I'^fTT/. RTTll/. I.-opposed to severity. 3T?q?5 Jn.aTrT^^SST'i.aT^Tfn?^!/. Lens, h. z^U EJift q^t?ft;7 ^i^/. Lent, ;>. v.V. 2. g-^HV f^-^^T, T^^T^TRt f%?1^T, etc. ^-^qr^ 2 ^STFT^'Jir fs^l^T. 3 Jp^Tf^?|F^T, &c. q;3Tf^, ^F^jfrqr, ^criT^_ Lentigo, n. scurfy eruptions. ^THT m. ? f^T^ ?j. ? Lentil, n. — the plaut. T^T/. Leo, 11. — the zodiacal sign. T%f m. Leonine, a. lehnging, S;c. to a lion. fS{|FqT, f%|^q'4t, ib'^, Leopaed, n. f^^EfFTT or f^x[] m. f^=5nf; 7)i. ^5^n^^ oc ^S-ifT o;- ?3?:sT m. 1^^3^]^\•^ m. fz^z'^^ ^]^ m. Lepeb, n. V. A. qjisl, ^rsirr, ^-qr. LeioeinEjO. Iclonging^ tj'c. /o a /w?t. ?T5TT^, ^l^re'^i'tft^ Lepkost, n. ^PfS or spTS w. ^^ «. J^fm m. The Medical Shastras enumerate 18 kinds,Tiz.7 severe and 11 milder. Black 1. T^fTFft/. ^f 1 n- szrrf^ in. JT^T^qrfq- ««. IT^- fn «i.— Person afflicted with it. r^fqfqr, =C^^, oqr- L. with circular spots. 'HV^ n. Purulent or running 1. 3T1?J ^. "Wasting 1. Tr^.c+y «. White 1. Tfif^ ^rs n. S^H+y ". LepeOus, n.^FTS^TT, ^TTf or ^Frst, ^^t, ^^-STf, m^T^A, 'T^jft. L. with serous runnino;s. r5^1I#s^r. Less, a.— comparative of little. ?r^H, ^.^^., ^iT, q;iTrft, '4r5T, ?^, 3T^, all used with |^-q?^-&e. To grow or become 1. ?;^T=riJf, rS^HIoliff. 2 — in hei^lit, length, age, &l: lower, shorter, smaller, younga: vrra?j, ?r^^ir-,— as distinguiiiLt'd from ^^m or ^ ( the greater ) ^. 3 short of. gTJir, ^fiT. The privative termination Z/'m is rendered by ^^, %JZ^, 'rf^^T, f^Tf^, ftl^^, ^qfrrf?^ affixed ( nil used iu comp. as Hf?t^q' \vitk'8.s, ^q-^jrq- pennyless, &c. &c. ); by % and fsf^T prefixed to words of Persian or Hindus- tani origin ( as ilgTTH faithless, ^%^ sapless, f^TTHTl faultless); and by the particles 'jT and f^f?^, f^, ic. prefixed (as arsTTtr, ^^f«T, f^7T^'4-ic. &q. ). L. or more. g'uiiM^r, ?TTT«rR-Hr5qm ^-?5m, Tlln.^g^H ^. 3 oJ*//-M /, V. To HiM)EK. 3f55iT5:T ^w.-aT?^!^ m.-^'^'^• ^ m.-&c. «RW. 4 alone; Sec To Leave alone. 5 in; See To Admit. C loce. fltl^, JTrpET-Ac^reoT. 7 ofl'; discharge, fire. ^\^., 3^^^, TH^jf, sfTT M.^l'Si^, 8 oil", V. To Paedox. ^t^iJf, ITPP^R^. 9 out; »i^»• 'TR' in. 3 «Car, fH^HTTTTTt, f*{K5Tr5rT^, JTRr^t, '^- A great'l. ?rTrt?WTl, ?J^ITinTT TT^T, '^Nf , 3T^^f^- Some strong- lively terms or combinations for a liar are, ^-qr% ^t5, ^^T% fJTH^ |T5 =TTfr,^r i=I5iT3^rf5 ?!% qR irt^jRT^ Tf^n^T qpT ^^trt ^rutrt. Libation, n. — the act. ctqq n,. \^^\^ ^^T'\^. m.^^:^:PJj- 2 — wine, &c. poured, rfqur^oq- n. rfquft^^ «. f^^^T^w?. Libel, «. defamatory writing. 5ftqtiT^%^ 7«.-q=5f w. arq^r- ^?j?T M. arq^rr^q^T «. f%^%?i »». f^^rq^ «. jTo Libel, v. a. dejame in icriling. ^^^-^Fl^^sff fft^^T- f^^/. ^FrSry. ofo. RT^/. fe^Sti/. o/o. |%^q^ «.-f%- %^ W1.-&C. fe^ot. [ Rrf^. . Libelled, p. v. V. ^Fmfrq^jff f%^?ir, «S;c. q^f^, %?jI=T- Libellee, ». Libelling, ;;. a. v. V. +,|M'^14=^ f5fi^u|Ki,&c. f%^^-ft^?!^-&c. fe^oTRT. Libellous, a. f%^^T, &c. cjfq^r^, f%^q;, arf^^W^. LiBEBAL, a. of good birtli, v. Gentle. ^5!ft^, 5?5^, 'T^d^^ 2 munificent, generous, lavish. ^'TR, '^Vtr?, ^'J^t, ^TrTT- =qT ?TS5:, finpEfr 5^:1, f T?rT=^ ^Tqrssr, Hi^^qr imrqr, ;3^- ?TRTT^, HT^^JTFt^rr^fT, ^FTT, ST^R^, ^Rt^ft^, SJ^^f^;, ^RT- ^jr, ^H^ 0?- S-^Tps:, fs'H^ or fs^lFS!;, 5^^, ftRT, ^=^^, ^- =#F, s^'ft, %^q^, s^RT^ft^, s^rqjfg-, f^Rr^ite, sr^tT^, 5^- 3 copious, alundanf, profuse, v, ExubeeaNT. ST^^, g^, ^55^5fr?r, =5ro5=EratFr, isn^, i^?iq? o?- ^. 4 «o< selfisli, not contracted, v. Candid. Sf^^, 3^R, 7- ^^TRTT^T, !T^THqT:TT=5fr; ST^T^H^TT^, H'nFooTT iRmT, TRn- 5/rce to excess, v. Licentious. '^%?, Vn^ o»" 55, jt- 5r^Rft?T, H^f^r^sf^f, Hqf^^ift, f?T^-qf?fqTff, f^e^- Lieeealitt, n. v. A. 2. ^^.Rq'JTT m. ^JSqoir wj. ^RTRfT HT- sF^qorr ?». ^rf^^FqcfiT m. &c. ^"V^m «. ^^ric^rfr/. s^Ri^- 3 JT^T^qt^r m. q-7.qfa?RnTT w. ^J^iiqiJIT w. &c. siT^iR?^ ». 4 ST^T^qiTT in. 3'^RqaTT m. ^m^^ n. '^T^ n. To Libeealize, v. a. free from narrow vieicg, ^c. q-^^-^- >fr^-&c. qRijf, sr^TOq"^m.-5Tni?c^».-^5rrr/.-Ac. ^- armSt. [ qiJiT^, &c. LiBEEALLT, fl(?y. V. A. 2. -d'<^K4U|I^, HFFwTT ^MK, ?T53- 8 qoiq^FT, -=)olxj5tt?r, ^ORf'JT, Sf^T^q^TT^, ^IS^q'TRT. 4 ;j?RTRIR, Sf5TOH?im, q^^Hq'JTT^, &c. To Liberate, &c. See To Feee, To Delivee, &c. LiBEEiiSE, n. dissolute, licentious person, rake, ^-c. ^"i?T, Lie 4 ^m, "R^t, ==ilt, ^JftH^, ^«+«lM, ^J^, tr3«IM, sq^fpft, LnsECTiNE, n. lii-enlwus. dissolute, v. Loose. #^, W^r, W- i^, fJiiJoE, ^'JF.-MM, 'IT^:^, ^H, ?il^^, ^i^5ft^T, W- ^h O^ , ^"r^m^^, j'^'RHt, ^'m^'T, tfs5?T^T?fr, ^- LlBEBTlSlSM, fl.v. A. W^f^lft/. 5%fiTft/«"l%5Tlt/. €\7!if. LlBEBTV, fi. — as opposed to slavery. ^ti^TTiir m. J^^trrr/. ^/ 3T7IW w. 3T^c«r n. 2— as opposed to necessity. ^^PSfRt/. 3T??rTTff/. aT- To be at 1. ( to act, speak, &c. ). ^'i+'sfl+./.-'T^Jf^r- ^/. 3TH'n in. fo«. "With free will & full 1. isHHrfi^" m- rTTT^tf^. ;5 freedom— gcner. jfFFOT'TT ">. ^^RiTT »». HI+,of| + /. At 1. TfPFR, HPPK. That is at 1. v. Free. Ml«j)ot|, g^. To set at 1. v. To Phee. jfpFS'if, iTT^F^T-ctc. qRof, 4 privilege, immKnity. 'i\\^v\^, f. ^/. HT^/. mjf, r^'S'jf, ^fiTRTW, ^--tiKui, +rfi|-&C. ^M. 12 over ; «/««(? oi'cr, Je suspended. T^of, ^prt^-qFTH- <&c. 3T35pjf-?5TnoT, 71^5-^^^ T^'Sf, Pt^cT TSot. 13 to;— a ship, &c. STT^^ /. ^"JT. 14 lip; Icee.p in doors, keep in a recumlent position, Sfc. fH^,5-"T|5-5I?5^-&e. n^, 3T'T^=^qT^, ,-3TTHTfrrBT- LlENTERT, «. diarrhoea in which food is passed undigested. *RnT m. -^m n. arrmffT^R m. ^ Lieu, n. v. Stead, ^jtptt/. In 1. of. Hm^?JT, sfS^T, ^5T^r. Lieutenancy, n. office, ^c of a lieutenant. HrTT?5^/. JT- 2 '^t^THOT 3Tn?:w;'TrTt?i?rr <^^ 3TfT=55[R .•sri^. [rt^r. Lieutenant, n. deputij, locum tenms. srPTfHf^, 5?rTFft^, L. of a king, Lord-l. TrJT:Tf?tf=Tf^T. Life, n. vitality, vital faculty or principle, ^s^ ?«. sn^I m. sffflpl «. vft^^ 71. %rt?rr/. ^^ «. JT m. -jfltf+31 or ^55T/. ^■m =P?^ or spsET/ STTTsn^ »«. ^xjijiuf m. pi. vft, «IIW1 m. ^TrHT >«. srr'^TfJTT "8. 3ft^ «. — emphatically, Z//e and soul, ^fttf stHT «». "t^^rnT in. pi. Breath of 1. Miuicjr^ m. 2 cx-stcnce, livinj. ^^ m. :fTt»T m. fSrTot n. vHtF^d «. ^sfH^T w. STTTIH «. ^sft^^TT/. ^rf^^Trft^^TT/ ^^T^ni/. Abandonment, resiguiug, &c. of 1. SfMtf^ m. STT'T- Danger of ouc''8 1. -f^^T^IT^ cTFI >«. f^^N<-^ "Tloft/. Deprived of 1. ^FTJTM, ^^TJfH^fT, 5T"?^f5RT. Dearer than 1. f^^rrqTTTT, MluilMJflT. Granting of 1. ^STJR n. ^\^\i}^ n. Impatience of 1. fsr^rsfT-M i u| H | -^|rqT-&c. spTtoIT m. vjflcH5fT?r «». 'jfl'i n. The first half of human 1. "JjfsRT ?i.— That is in the first half of 1. q^^PT^^F. The latter or declining half of 1. TrTTRTf or H-di|'/. g-TRcpT w.— That is in the decline of 1. -JtIH^j^:^ ,^ The thread of 1. 3TT5. ^vftrf/. High i.'«frJT?fr/.' Low 1. irfW/ G age, term oj living. aTT^T^T ?!. 3TPT «. arT^i'TKqf^/. ^?JT m. n. ^^tttt/. ^f^?npi?r Hi. aTT^rT ?«. arr^prM ». vll^MM n. 3T?^:Fr?5 m. SnTT^ «. z^xf. Companion for 1. ( husband, wife, &c. ). vT^j'TT rft^I^ft, f^^TT^T #ilrft, ^^^TT^TT ^sftfT m. Connection or tie for 1. vT^HT^ ITS/. v^'^TTfs/. During- 1., all one's 1., for 1., while 1. lasts. ^==rnTT, For once iu one's 1. ^'H V-A ^nf. In all one's 1. since one was lorn. 3TTr^ ^'HTrT, ^- 'HIMI^iH, sjTT^'Tf?!, qiMvd'Ml neg. con. v^^?T:, ^-HI4T- L. is ended. arrqiRTrsft C^^ ^^v^-^nrff, STT^'JqT^ Provision or maintenance for 1. 3T?TTr^ ^fFR /.-%- •mr/.-fintrft/. 7 human affairs, common course oj things, ifq^ m. ?r?TK »«. ^f'^.m.-^-^mn.-^T^ f. ^R^TT^/. FrT^^=;TT/.»T5rw. 8 tr/iAnw*, viiacHg, cj-f. v. Spieit. ^t-7 m. rt^T ?j. ff- ^JT^/. Tmr n. ^cumuft «. tn m. ^r^i^rf /. To get fresh 1. sftsi »,. q^iij. 9 narrative of the life of, wf»iotV.^fs «io!. LiFE-WEAEr, a. f^q-T?r ?TT?f^OT-^5To53?5T, H?md^ IfRFTT, To Lift, f. a. v. To Eaise. g'=5f?rot, v3^rV| q^t, 35=1 'jf, 3^- To 1. from the ground. ^?Trf-^'fl'=ra'fT ^'m- 2 snap lip andpoclcet, \. To Steal. g-^sfrSat, 3^?;dT. 3 up ; su-ell tcith piride, t. To Puff up. =sf5srijf , ^TTR^^t, HT^^T"^, ^T^fof , ^ft^ »• =^^^"if g. of 0. I^T^sF'tfr-irs^siTgT- To be lifted up. =q5ot, TFJT'Jf, 3rrat, ^^, ?tT^T^, Sift- 5 M. =5rj5r y. of s. n^wqt-ii5?'«T^t-^T^'7rsn;-fcft=r^-&c. To 1. up the voice. See To Get. Lift, Lifting, \. Y.X.I-.— act. g-^^soT n. ^^fif n. s^'tTTT^ n. To give a 1. See To Help. LiFTEE, n. Liftiso,^'. a- v. V. 1. g^^'JTnT, &c. 2 g-^^JoTHT, 3r^?q-T. Ligament, m. v. Tie. ^-^m n. 2— in anatomy, ^fq^q^ n. ^f=T^'=T m.3Tf^'«. fT^w.vJqrf^/. i'o/?. ^qrcf/. ^m/. ^Ftf^/. cfrf^/. stht/. armr/. *rr/. %f\w!f. ^f§r/. 3TT(^q?w. 2 See Day light, Dawn. 3 Jcnoidedge. fTlT «. Sf^oT^T «!. ^q- m. arq-qq- ?«. 4 /)!(M/c notice., open view., state of icing knoiun. ^^f[f. ?^^/. STf%f^/. g-^mft or 3^3TTfitft/. ^>f^^ M. To come to 1. become hnoim, le found out, ^'c. ZHZ^., grrnot or g-JTnij:, ^nz m.-^^^ m. q^^r g. of s. ^'SffTF- ^•^¥t?T-?^fft?r-lf%5t^-3-??TTK-gTTT5-qT?r- ^TToft^T -^TF- cc;'TTB-->!cc. q-ot, ^% "TS'^T, 5TT|T "Tl"^. To bring to 1. g-3T5RT-3'^^H-^fH:^?T-cte. armST, 5T- 'fr-f5¥T'^r-&c. ^5'Ji, 5irlT arm'^, ^t^ m. ^rs'^f y. of o. LIG 5 ( of a picture ). f^=SU^'f: ?^5T'. ^TT'T^'Sf «. If vou look at it iu this light, art 'TTfl^ 5fRrji_ 3 set on fire, v. To Kixdm. ^Z^S\.^ %?r=r<^, f^ri'lisjui, ^^^T^ot, 3^=r?5^ M.-lTJ^raT M.-&C. ^?^y. 0/0. 3'«=Tfe?r- 4 See To Lightek. To Light, v. n. fall on, happen to find, fTToiq-Tt^^-^TS^- 485 LIG K^of in. con. %W, FrrTJt, R3ot, ^WH, [ f»TfOr, 2 /(i//, alight, strike on. q^of, ^t^^i, ?rpm, ^JtRuT, ^5t, 3 stoop from flight. ^<\J.^., 3T^rRof, ^pft ^. 4 descend, v. To DISMOL•^■T. 3^K'tc. Lightning, ?;. ^^ f. ^^^f. f^ys3ii/ 1%^5/. ^TTOT/. Forked or zigzag 1. U'O^rWf. arf^r^JTT/. The fiilliDg or darting of 1. fqTr?qT?(/H. LIK 486 LIM Lioirrs, n. lungs of brute animalt. ^r^TRn^ 5^^i"'i'- LlonxsOilE, a. not darl-, luminous. T^TST^r, ?TsnpT?T, Hf>\\\- v^, spBTninT, ^^n, rrjpsft, ^r^-^: ^1[h*am. 2 cheerful, exhdaratiiij. ^^^zy^=^-&^•^ 3TH^^FR^-ST^- 8^. «. ?/«<, choose, please. 3TR3'it-^^iJI-»TiTar-?;- ^-TT^-^JT 5rRijf-H3?T^ q-crr-qsijf.&c. all with in. con. g'^'T/.-Hi^f /.-&(•. -'jTrroi y. c/. s. JTH«. JTr^r^m y. o/«. LiKE-iii.NDED, a. ?riTFr?fl:=?, ^m^TR. XiKELinooD, Likelixess, n. t. A. ?rPT ?'s. tT m. Kff^TJf «. arr^nr »». ftc=5 »«. gr^ m. gjTTT m. ^\% m. ^^tt^jtt/. w- Likelt, o. probable. ^^RT-^"riT?Tr-HR^-OT-&c. ( used with the verb indicated as, «T?raT ^"rTf. L. to happen. t;d, /?. V. V. 3""TfH'?T, ^f5i?T. LiKENEB, H. V. V. ^'T'TT S'JTT'n'-^'JrTTr. ' LiKEKEsS; n. V. A. 2. ?TF'%qiiTr m. HW^'^zf. n. M\«-{'^i\ m. ffq «. 3TT5tT^ n. ^j^jf. 5^t/. ^""nPiT n. '^Trqcq- n. 3TTHT- ?r m. aTH^FK ?». 3TT55;<^ «. aT>-'WTJT m. I. form, semblance, appearance. ^ n. ?I^7T n. aTT^R m. 3TT^f?r/. Ife »«. II. picture, image, S{c. resembling a person or thing. ^- i%^/. SffrTCT n. sif^^q^ «, !lf?r?5ffT/. sifflfinin. f^5T n. Likewise, adv. in like manner. rRrr=q-, (T't>T w. 2 ior(7er, v. Edge. ^.%f. f^RT »». 3 See Beanch. Limbed, n. artTT^, arnt, 3WT=ft, HT«PT^, ?rfT. Large 1. Ample 1. cj^fl, ff^T, ^^q-qr. Light 1. g^g^JT or ^sgft^ artniV, arfTT^ g^^^r. LiMBEE, a. pliant. ric|^'1+-, f^TH', ^T^v^^, ^TsrfqRT. Liubeeness, w. v. a. ?5?I^jpmr m. c?5%q^r OT. &c. mi 4S7_ Limbless, a. fn^sj-^tf, fHr^, 3in^tT-^Jf^-&c. 3H«)^<^^^-&c. Limbo, See Hell, Piuson. Lime, n. ^^ m. =^af n. ^qr/. Tine 1. well luvigiitcd to lay over and finish a cliu- nam work. ;R'^?5r or ^feT?5T m. f^^ m, [ "Til'/ Leaf wbich bolds the 1. cateu with betel leaves. ^^- L. made from shells. f^Tft^r ^^TT m. Nodule of 1. ^fT m. ^^^5T w. [ fir^Tft/. Pointing with 1.— a wall, &c. ^Ptft/. f^f^fT o?' Pot for holding the 1. eatou with betel leaves. ^- Pure fine 1. sp5^=5TT ^^TT »«. "Well ground 1. ^q^ir WJ. 2 hird-lime. f^T^RT «'■ f=^^r?:r ««. ^^Trff/. Stick covered with 1. 'Nqil^/. Xlme, «. citrus limonum, — the tree, f^^ift/. frjiiuiy. f%qt- "ft/. f%«it/. Note; all these words are populai-ly spelt with f?5 instead of Ht. rs/- ^'ft^. — the fruit, fq-ij??. »t5T2T^f^ n. i^'^,\ n. ^^ n. i^^f. Half of a 1. (esp. as roasted, sugared, and spiced) (%- The sweet 1. — the tree. ^njf^sfY /. — the fruit, ^T- The small thiu skinned 1. •ITFT^f^^ n. To Lime, v. a. smear with bird lime. f^^.Z\vl.-&c. ?A^-^- 2 See To Iksnaee. 3 manure ivith lime. ^A^'■^\^ ^rf qi- Lime-bi]EM:e, n. FM'onfl', ^^THMUIKI, ^^^FR. Lime-kiln, n. =|?m=5ft ^/. ^^TT^/ Lime-mill, n. qT>jft/. 5=^!TT=5ir ^TtTT ?«. "Wheel rut of a 1. ^MT m. ^V^f. ^\^ f. Lime-quaebt, n. =3%^ot or ^^M/. Lime-stoke, w.— a nodule of ^^H^ST m. dim. =^^^f[J. =^. of^5 «. ^^'iT?? m. A burnt 1. "^W^^ f. ^f:^/. Abounding in 1. — ground. =ET?f^^_ LiME-WATEE, ^Sflft «. Limit, n. loundanj, lorder, v. Bound. ?ftHT/. pop. ?rfT«f/. ?ftT/ f^im/. ^5/. arsrftr m. sicrih «. %?^/ That forms the 1. of arsrfgiTff. 2 limits ( of a prison ). jf^fe^/Kt \^f. To Limit, v. a. set bounds to.^ v. To Bound, ^n] f.-i\i^ /.- ^fl^f^ w.-^^/.-&c. 5iiqijr-sR^-qer-qTKof, ^^K-?iT=rftT- ^-&c. «Rut. 2 cotifine within certain bounds; restrict. H'J'f^ry.-Sff/.- ?'Trrr/.-'Tftf*?fiT/.-&c. jp^-SSpjf, 3TToET W.-3TToET^iqT »»•- sRsj^ or sivT m.-^qr^ M.-«f^ OT.-siq:>«.-&c. :?)^-q;^7T ^- iif-^r^-&e. Limitation, w. v. "V. 2.— act. tt'?^^ JRwf «. &e.— state, grr- ar OT. aiiotMi'^m. sftfRor n. si? »i. «iq tn. sm^ n. q^^ ?». I^tTT/. TfrfHrTrTT/. Limitative. See Limitek. [ HR'f'ir^. Limited, p. and a. v. V. 1. i\\^ qrrl?!Br, &o. ^i^^, ?f?ft^, 2 3TT5rT qms^[,&c. ^mTT^, ^t^, ^l-:?!^. im I. confined, v. Nabkow. ^ppj, Sfispl^iqr, OTT^nft^, 3T- LiMiTEii, «. Limiting,^, a. v. "V. 1. #tHT ^OTTTT, fff sfftl- 2 praf^ jpTtfTRT, f-Trrr ^^mrrr, 'iTiorT sittroTTTT, &c. Limitless, a. v. Iniimte. q^^, -RT^f*^, fH^H. To Limn, i>. a. poMii, draw. f=q^ ?i.-^^^U»i.-cT?5frT/.-&c. •PT^W ff. of 0. JpT5>jf. LiMNEH, M. V. V. f^f^r qJTS^RT, &c. f^^nft, f^^spFR. Limous. See Muddy. To Limp, d. n. iralk lamcli/. FJTJ'jf, ^F^TOt, n^i^Trot, J^I'^PF^, S^^PM, 5"^^, ftnoT,^of, f^TJf, 7fr, WtX"Tr, ^f'tf^. 5 ( of writing or print ). aflot/. or JTS/ ^/. "7% 7)0/?. "TIFf/. 6 — as drawn with a pen, &c. \^ f. afjoS or msf. EToft/. A waving 1. ?I^/. L. as drawn through a word, letter, &c. Rrfsr w. Lines and figures drawn (along a wall, &c.). ^1re'Jf- "Prffl ^M. In one 1. or row. ^^JT^ft w ^^RT^, <^^?TT, ^^1^. 8 disposition, method. ^PK m. ^"^^ m. \\^ n.f. t^jk m. ff^m^/. 9 T. EgcATon. fsr^sTf^ «• ^rnwi^Tr/. 10 atccndinj or ihscendinj serict of afamih/. 4^ »»• «f- m^'H/o/). sf^TT^/. sf^ntra/ ^Tmr/ twt/. ^/. L. of ancestors. «lil(*Mt: 10. XiSEAL, at. composed of or relating to lines, ^^i^, ^^i^,&c. <'|--1IH'4, <.HmM, ^WKi.H. 2 descending, ^"e. diredli/. to"^, TtT\^ 3fT?I?rT, 'KT- ?HfT, M<'4t:ame>-t, n. feature. CTf%g«. ^?^?1tjt «.3T^?r?^0T «. Lineaments, outlines, figure, ^-c. ^oHJl «. *,'H<4I /. ^?Z. LnTEAK, a. consisting of lines. sitoff^T, "ItpHt, Tf^.iT^, ^W^- LiSED,;?. T. V. 1. K^^ST, &e. ^i\^. Lken, o. ww<:fe, ^'c. of flax. ni'iNi, ^TOTr^, fTTir% ^cTT^, 2 See Clothes. LdJEN-DEAPEB, «. V. CLOTn-MEKCHAST. ^TTf^ft, ^[\t[ OV Lns'OAM, «. V. Pdallcs. fen «. Worshipper of the 1. felT^, fel^H — in contempt. 2b LiNOEH, V. n. remain alouf, stay long, loiter, \. To PaTVDLE. »P=nJT, ^T^, ^^Of J ^ OT. /. -^/.- ^^ OT.-&C. 488 LIN ^ rtl«l«l. 2 proceed sluggishly, heavily, cj'c. — a work, &c. ^5^, <^^, ?:?jr5?T-T'T?T-5n;rTH^-&c.=qTBot, 5rt«lift^ T5^, f^vTcI 3 ( in sickness ). ^i^f, «Hiu|, f^»■ t^ii\ n. ITQ 489 TJT Liox, n. f%^ m. \^t\ m. i^'KM m. ^'¥[^^ m. Eoar of the 1. T%^?rT^ ?». 2 ohjed of interest or cvriosity. ^'^ n. ^T^^mI'II '^- J^^PTfl^ "T^'-iT 111- Lioness, n. f^^^f. f%^/. LlON-lTEAHTED, LlO.NI.IKE, a. ft^Hl?, f%^|^,^^f|^. Lip, n. afjS m. ^tJ or ^ «j. c^m «». The lips. gT'qr ?». 3?*TTjr «• The lower 1. 3Tkr; ot. arv^fr^ »». Drinkiug the nectar of the lips. ary^HM n. Neotar of the lips. 3T-4T;h?T n. ^r^TH ?T n. Of blobber or large lips. c^SIoE. Eed lips. fiRTtTT »'. Smacking of the lips. fn^f. fi{K^\ m. v. JTR. Sticking- together of the lips, f^?^ f.fHZ^m. v. oRT. To bite the lips at. ^fFT#5m. ^RT-^sTT^, ^trrT''^aT, 3T- To open one's lips. vrftT/.-afra m. ^T?r^5f, f^^/. To pass one's lips. arer5r[>:-5?T-, ?i. ^/ JTRrTT'rft «./. L. of debts, ?^3?T n. Liquidity, Liquidness, n. y. A. ^^^nm m. ^^THI h. ^^- TT^ TO. T^^f. snrr^tTjf m. LlQUOE, n. fluid. ^JT^q- «. ^Jf q^'4 OT. ?:?f m. 2 V. Deink. qq- »i. TT^^q" «. Drinker of spirituous, &e. 1. T^Jift, H?T'^. Spirituous or vinous 1. ^^,f. 5KT5T m. H^ «. ^^ >i. LiQUOE-AMNii, n. the waters. qmflR/. . a. See To Enlist. 2 See To Listen. To Listen, v. n. lend the ear. ^^, 'FPT m. ^-rJFTot, ?I^ n. ^-rti-^ui. 2 ( surreptitiously, privily, &e. ). ^JtV^T w.-^PPRTw;.- ^FRo^T t«.-?rHt?5 «J.-^Ht?5T OT.-&C. ^wf. 3 lend the mind ; heed, obey. ^^9t g. of o. TPTW, *R «. ^-aiiiiji, T^rrar q^Jr. LiSTENEE, «. Listening, 2?. a. v. V. L ^^"JTRT, ^!T^"IM1, &c. ^^w^.■^\., ■>^\. 2 jpPTRfT q>JTRT, &c. EPRlram, ^FR^^r^qr, Wf=qr??TT. Listening, ti. v. V. 1. — act. ^^5t ?j. (ic. stpp/r «. 2 ^5fT^T m. JPRqr ?«. ^FRS^^CT m. ?ir=qrr5 w. ?rfWT «i. Listless, a. apathetic, indifferent , ^'c. v. Caeeless. aTTRStT, 2 indisposed to exertion, v. Languid. Hi?JT, g^, ^:ffl, 3T- Listlessly. See Languidly. LisTLEssNEss, n. V. A. 1. aRRm/. aig?^ «i. 3Tg?^^r?rr/. ^^reqt^r m. sTRtfr/. arfH^^gr/. a^^n^q m. 2 fl«(Z Lakguoe. JTtffqoTT m. g^qtor ?«. JTf?T «, Litany, n. ^v4^^ q^f^T Wf . LiiEEAi, a-folhu-ing the leiier. Bt^^ls^R^rft, n^^^^^X' LIT 490 LIV 2 comisting of Uttas. 3^^0, 3T?Trf=qT. 3 notji'juiatae, tj'f. H^r4^. ^f^4^, Z^^- LliEBALiA, a,li: V. A. 1. ^^T5^siHm, ^^^^^T^K, 'JfTTT y »n:rr-Ess, «. V. A. ?>«jr-=<4>MU|l m. ?isr%'?OTT »». To LiTHOGEAni, V. a. ^ff ^jTrr^TT-f^rai-jmiMT OTT'jf. liTnoGKAnr, ?(. fsrai^'iT^-itc'. ijiq^:^ f^=5i 51. -&e. LiTllOGIiAl'llT, n. f^l3:T3NTe--j:q- «. 3 ifrS^qiTT m. '4T%qoTT ?». etc. 4 PI^RqoTT »i. ^Fl'^q'^T m. ^^qfT^JTT?f/. fpS^F^P^mr/. FI^Fsrn. jrR^T n. [fftj-fiT. Littoeal, o. lelonging to the shore. sitf^qT, ^T^^T, ?t5?'». q|TT5r or RTR m. ^^ m. fFS^TTB^ m. STMT m. [ -&c. 2 appropriate dress of servants. =qT^U^T SIHTT m.-^qTR m. LiTEETSTABLE, n. stallc in tchich lorscs are Iceptfor hire. m^-q-f^ arfT m. 2 stalle in icicli liorscs are fed at a certain rate.^f^\^^\t TT^oft^r 3T^nT?r 3T?Tr ^^^A m. Livin, a. Hack and Hue. f^snf^olT, f^r^] fq^T^T, ^rT5;T f^OT, LivlBiTT, LlTlDNESs, n. V. A. f^q- f^^^qCTTT m. ^Fraf^STXTTT m. &c. W.\^^^f. m7At\f. ^.W.^^f. ^f!KW{ m. JtI^TSTT /. ^^'w^ or w.zjf. [=sj?i?Tq=rH «. %"?t/. Living, n. v. V. 1. fi^vri n. etc. f?fufr/ sfTOT'^TTiT «. ^jft^R ;!. 2 ciTT^ n. &c. srrn/ STRTTT^/. ^f?,'Jr^/. ^=^^Wf. ^^«. 3 STf^of Ji. ^^^ n. ^qoT-7?/. cfi^orq:?/. 4 tttPh^tt^ n. ^^^f^^\^ m. 'T^mrr m. ^Tmf. f^j^f. fTI^rnT^ or crft/ psr^qt/. ^^^sfrf^T'TJT/. d4 41cJH. (also in comp. as fiftfR^lcj^ living by learning, ^.'^^t^f^f living by husbandry, &c. ). I. mea7is of Jiving, \. Livelihocd. 'S'J^f^^^f. TM-- f|t jq;;. ?T^?T n. ^tcTT 7(. ffrf/. That has a 1. ^f^T^FT, ^ffRTm. To devour or waste the 1. of. ^ n. ••jct_ Good 1. rich fare, gnqj ra. Trftq m. ^?f^ ?«. f^ftjft/. Lixivial, a. V. K". ^iR^tJ^rsTT, ^TRf^ff^T'?. Lixivium, n. lye. ?TK'?T'Jft «■ ^^=f;3. tfT^/. ( house lizard ), ^\^.^^ f. ( ignuaua ), m^^X^f. f?f^T w. Cry of the house 1. ^'K^^/- To utter its cry — the house 1. ^cp^qsuf. Lo, intcrj. q^T, q^r ^ft. Load, n. harden, freight. 3TW «. '«mrr ^^. Hft^T «. ^TT^fTl/. n. 1?5 »»./. sir^r or ^m m. HR «». t^JT^/. [5 n. A tight ( i. e. larje and heavy ) 1. rTO 5fll% n. rWZK afr- Bullock or liorse-1. ( of fuel, fodder, &e. ). ^B«m «. Tit for or employed in bringing loads, ( of fuel, &c. ) — a bullock. ^iJTSr or ^piTlTiTT, Half ( or side } of a bullock or horse 1. 3TT^ 71. LOA 492 LOC L. to be carried on the head, itt afr^ «• L. of grass, &c. TTfT »». 'TRf m. ^tsf- f^^/- L. carried by men lu-osseJ. ^S »;i.— TLo carrier of it. Rope with Avhich to conCno a 1. on a beast, &c. ^m- 2 Soe BuNi'iLE. 3 lig. ( of cares, &c. ). 3ft% «. TR m. i7>i/. Amt/. trfi/ ^^f^ "'• To relieve one's mind of a 1. f^I^^ 3TTR!7^, TTTT^Trr, HK^Ifid. 3 ^7^^ 5)TTHTH?5T. LOADEE, «. T. V. 1. ril^UIKI, ^\-^,Hfd[ m. ST^rT LoAE, n. T. Bbead. q-i^r »«. ViZ m. xvf^f. LOAFEE, n. idle vagrant sponger. g^SSIT, arpij^^r, 3^7^- Loam, n. — the earth. f^+uiHlrfl'/. ^^P^TrTrft/. LOAMT, a. T. N. f^PFT, f^+U|H|rft^. Loan. n. thing lent or loi-rowcd. ^'^{^J-^Z^^^K ^?^^?JT or 2 state of leing lent. ^^R^tO/. S^PT^R/- On 1. 3^R«rR, T^Rnn, J'HH'MlO. [ "TTH^. By -way of loan. v?rT^, ^TW, ^^--^Ih', S"^, ^VH- 8 ( of money on interest ), v. Debt, ^p^ n. ^11 «. sTTsft f%?^^-%r(3?5T-&c.''TO' ?n.-&c. To LoAX. See To Lekd. Loath, a. averse, reluctant, x. TJxwiLLiKa. frRT^t, "TT^^T, TTT^^, fjPT^, f%5^, i-^W. 2b Loathe, «. o. alominate, detest, v. To Abhob. arfd^N OT.-3Tf?f|;"W n.-&c. =f>^, aTtnoE-3rKMi|-&c. HTH^, f^ 2 le disgusted icitJi.,le tired of. ■+.'i|cA^, J-MI-'-^, Iqiui, f^ijf JCii/j y. 0/0. ««(? Wofs. 4>dIalT OT.-ppcS^ jn./.-f%- oi^/--5ft^ wj.-afl+Kl wj.-3Hl+iO/.-^n^ OT.-&C. %^MJ. cow. ^y. 0/0. Lo.iTnrso, «. v. V. l.—act. 3Tf^|'7tJT w. STf^Tg^ «. 2 on*; Disgust, zp^s:! w. ^V: m. fq^n/. f%oE^/. 3"- ■sTR: ot. afl+KI OT. ^^sTP^ in. ?t?T/. f^TTR. ?». LOATHESESS, «. V. A. ^rnj^ft/ i^f?T/. fsTH^^TcfT/. LOATHESOME, a. T. DiSGUSTINO, IIateful. JFTT^^MT, f^- oE^T^orr, r+oi^=)|uii, '^fl^'m^s, 'jth^rt, 'qr'TT^, ^opj, qrot- 11 LOATHSOilESESS, M. V. A. 3fi'|olMU|I m.3Tr^• ^M^- qorr w. &e. spVff^TfT «. ^f^wriHisr »». LoEBY, «. ante-room, passage^ (j'c. %3vT 0;-%%^/. aft^Tt/. '^^ or t[f. 3ft^/. ?f<^==fr 5^^ #(^/. JjOhcock, Lob, n. Jicavi/, sluggish person, v; Lubbeb. tt- Lobe, m. division of the lungs. ^"P?fV^r TFT w. 2 ( of the ear ). ^^V^ =^m m. 4,H|4|' =qT^ «. Lobstee, n. ^^trTfTT ^^5T »«. Local, a. relating, ijc. to a place. FtTRT^T or F^H'il, ^?TT- ?'!.-&e. ^Tofy. 0/0. Located, p. v. V. %-7%?^T, q^r^T^^T, ^T^r^f^r, ^TK^, &e. Location, n. \. Y.—act. z^^ n. sRr^rif n. &c. I. V. Situation, ^mf r4R n. arsTr^T^ «. ■^'•^Itt/. II. — ^in grammar. STf^^^M. Loch. See Lake. Lock, n. — for a door, box, &c. ^^T«. ^n. rrrsr™. ?TT^'F »• r\\riM=>f n. N. B. All these words mean Padlock as well as Lock. When a distinction is wanted, the word 3Tt^- ^ or tRt^ is prefixed to signify a lock not a padlock. Handle of a door 1. fTR«jft/. Tongue or bolt of a 1. or padlock. qjflT m. To put by under double 1. and key. ?nrT TI^ ^^Tn %^^, ^TT't. 2 temporary habitation, fsf- -^ n. 5^^ '«. n. ^■^TP^^ w. L.-expenses. f^^^S^"^ m. Eesideuee in al. f^=^ n. [ FfoE^ff q'lrft /. Search of a 1. on leaving it. ?T5!:^5T "». T-TrS^f^/. To make a 1. ^ n. ^ijf-qijt_ Lodgment, m. t. V. A. 2. — ac^ q?r=Iof «. r4Rot>!'. &e. r1WT^ m. mST ?«. aTR'^frTT/. tt- 3 HT^qoTT m. ^€\f. SfT?T?fq ". LOFTT, a. high. ^. 2 haughty, v. Peocd. iCf, '^fH^TT^, m?ft, =5?^^, ^^l- 3 decalrd.^ e.valtcd, sullime. •4J(\m\j\\^^, ift^^^f, ^f^T- "Jrr^, 3-^, iT^T^, ^\^., srVftrTJnwq?. Log, w. shapeless piece of tcood. ^fs-^r w. ^rfl^ n. sjjt^ »s. ^tl m. SfT «. sti'T^J «• St^TT n. jpjft/. €M$ «. 5t?% n. affrr »n. aff^/. T%fTo!T m. "PR «. 9Jr5/. JTfs/. 7^T5tqT oj- ffsqr »». Logs cleft for fuel. f%7T »«• A pile of fuel logs, ^"k m. 2 ( of a ship ). 'irl'MdNl-'itc. ifrf HT'T'rqT^ ^t^ «. jf^CT- 3 logbook. n^'T'TRT-ctc. ^iiviHiHi ?«. Jj 4 sluggard, Sfc. S?TT, H5-qT, »i'^, ^Un n. sfTT, STDT^PF^w. I aricC^'TreKT. Some terms for a man lying senseless or |! helpless like a log are, nz$[f. ^TZf. HT'^iftoET w. n\^m. \: Logarithm, «. The English word is used as rf^riH n. jj Loggerhead, n. dolt, blockhead, i^-c. v. Fool, nraqr, SF^, 1 1 /. nT^qr^r^^^pj m. ^^'^v\^%^\ m. To fall or go to loggerheads. ^^rrfsR-J^n^qft^R-^- e!:n:aftqR;-imf€tJr?:-&c. qr^. LoGGiSH, a. heacy, dull, fjc. v. Stupid. JT5, Trecfr, ^r^zTT. Logic, n. art of reasoning. ». ff^^TT^ «. rppf^- qr/. J'TT^^TT^ «• fH^ in. Some of the terms of Logic are 'flf^^lf^/- ( over extension or comprehension — of a definition ), aT^TTf^/. ( under extension or com- prehension — of a definition ), arf^oiilfJl /. ( universal extensjion or comprehension — of a definition ), aTSTT- •^T^f^/. ( peculiarity — of application or existence ), cq-, sqr'^rFH:, 5JTT^ri=^fTT, f%?;^(:?^^'7. Logical acumen. FTTf^^T pop. rTTf^T n. Logical, a. relating, cjr. to lugic. rt^f^^^r, 1«r w. 1^^ or »m n. C.>rJ or chain (of silk, silver,&c.) worn round the 1. fn^ m. :p^^ in. JRnKT m. *^[ar or ?I j». ^R^TRT or 5T Ml. "irfte^^ »»• Girding up the 1. +H<»ii]^/. +H<--1'^ »«. Of girded 1. qf iT?^ ^»T<^, ^TT^. Of the 1. of. TR^. Sprung from one's own 1. ar'PT. !>traincd in the 1 .—horse, camel, &c. ^H't. To gird up one's 1. ^P^Tf. ^JWOT, ^t^T m. f>T?^-f^- To spring from the 1. of. ^x€t ^Jpirar ff. of s. To LoiTEE, t'. n. linrjey, he slow in progress, t. To Dawdle. ■^ I ridi TT TnPr-T^TOTt-%olof-&c. nHOT,^^^, iH^iHrl-^JTm- To Loiter, ( awav ), v. a. ivaste by loiter in j. ^oiUHKHlrtT- loiTEKER, ?8. LoiTKBiKG, ;). a. V. V. N. =^TT?5?fRT ITOTRT, TRWKT, &c. iTH^^TST or ^^ZJ^^ or im^TT, ^T^, ^"T^, LoiTEiii>-u, n. T. v. N. inTCTr «. &e. ^PT^"^/ ^FlETift/. ^- LoiTEBKGLsr, ado. T. A. iHdJ ^SH, How 1. +-'li=i<, ^lOT^Ff, ^TOTT%fTt. L. ago. sr?rr ^prs 5rr?jr, ^fr f^^f^ ^rr^, ^rpr ^k irr- So 1. rTiT or f?t'. «. t?fs!re intently, v. To Desiee. sr'T'if, ^a^^'rr, f?r?Tf?T3t or -^ni^^, «?n5t, «Tr?R'?f, arr^TT^'if , 5%^, hrI- i ETTXT ??i. vncnt, SfrtJI »». W'^'?r y. of s. ^\^ m. ?T^, MTW ??!. 2 — a woman in pregnancy. 31^^ m. pi. 7^\^^-^^ in. con. |i Long-aemed, a. ?5T*r f I^F, S^f ??r, -JTRTldx)!^. Long-bellied, <«. ?5rq qr^-ciT, f=5€T^. ' LoNG-EAEED, a. ?rtq '+.i-"m, <=i5T!SDT. Long-faced, a. ^^ rffs-qr, ft^<^, ?55fg3. j Long-headed, a. v. Wise, Clever. ^f^TTTg;, 3T5?r'4Rft, I Long-lasting, a. qpr :pr5^=5fr, f^'TTfe^, ^q ^Flf^^, f%^- I' Long-legged, o. SJnrn'^^, siTT^, ?fT=5, ?:fT5^. II Long-lived, (J. fsft^ft, -G, a. T. PaTIENT. ^""ra"^^, FpT^ft^^, ^ff^^, LoNG-wiKPEi), a. tedious in vairation, — person, v. PnosEE, Peolix. ^Ef^oE, =ETN^^:, =^^Z, 5pTT^, '^r^, n. ^\r^n. Dift'erence of I. ^^frRn. 4 (celestial.) 'TFT?«. LoNGiTUDEiAL, a. running lenijtJiwise. ^{ift^, Bt^l'^TT^. Longitudinally. See Long-wise. LooBT. See Clown. To Look, v. n. direct the sigJd. "TTf"Jf, ^^^ or sj^, ^f?/ 5rraat-r5T5r^-3;at.5{ri:iTf,%^6T, sr?i'?f, ar^^FPot, fe"!^, To 1. about. ?jfT?j;R TTf'JT, ^r?5?r?; ^f%/.-^^T f.-&c. To 1. closely or intently. ?^0T, J!^ t'T^^ TTf "jf , "^^of, Fn^lcAiif or 'TT^^, pTT^of , f^^T^H-f^^5-&c. "TT^"Jf, rr^"^, ?T<5fr TT^'^f. To 1. iu, put the head in to look. 3>FRof, frq;r^ ^IT^. To 1. wistfully, ^^ot, 7^T^, ^^-ke. TT^^. 2 «fe?«, appear, f^^iof, f^^==T 'lOT, T^<^ %"^, ^TT^ijf^'TredT, f^rqrm-'TfPTra'-f5^^'TTH-Tr^'^T?T-&c. ar^i'jf, tnra.-ffs 77;.-3TT5FTT»«.-CT«.-&c. ^m^^ in. con. It looks as if it would rain. qT^T^TT^r tn-&c. f^^T^, 3 /((Ti-e a particular air, appearance, ^c.1^^, ^«».-5^rt. -fr?5wi.-&c. ar^fjf. To 1. well. ^T'TT'St. 4 See To Expect. 5 after; attend to, tnl-e care of. qrs- of, ^TT^"^, ^rrmfff, ^i^rr^ot, ^ht^!; w!.-^'TT^?:/.-3ft^. 14 out; le on the ivalch. ^qiif, ^f^iJt, ^Tiif, ^'Trf-^rT- ?!:?Tt^ 3TH0t, SfoSijf. 15 upon; lehold. "TTf^, ?5f|TCTr. To 1. down upon. See To Contemn. To 1. up to. See To Eegaed, To Eeveee. Look, n. air of the face, cast of countenance. if^^T m. ^^T/. W^f- ^'fl/- ^T n. ^WS( n. A fixed 1. Z^.f. V. ?5T^, ^Tn. Angry or hard 1. ^Z]^ in. Idiotic & slovenly 1. 'lliJlolH^r/. Casting lewd looks. ^^^^^^ n. Side I. :p7T?TOT. ar^ift?!^ «. To have one's lofty looks brought down. ffFF «. ^- ?ff "TSiif y. o/s. 2 ff.?/Jec/ 0)- appearance, — gener. 3TFpn; '«. ^ »• tr?J w. tn m. wr: w. ut^ /. 3 See Looking. Look, intcrj. q^t, STTT, Looker, »i. Looking, p. a. t. V. 1. qifOTTTT, ^f% FSr^TiTRr, aT^T^^^arnr, &e. ^^^,cft?i^, arrar^^, ^qr, ^flf(iu comp. as ^"^^if, &c. ), 3T=f^?r-k?5t^=T-&c. ^rrf. 2 spectator. FtJTT^T'fk. Looking, «. v. V. 1. qrfot «. sji^ «. c^c. ^f^/.^TRw. ^^f?T n. ^^^^f;^ 11. f^t^FT «. 3^r?Jr=Fr n. ^?m m. ■^- 5 after. ?r'>TTo! m. ^PTreoft/. ^r^ft?- / ::^^ft^/. '^^- ^mwF.f Tfiqr^Tjfr/. uTNi^Dj'^/. vfrqT/ f^r /. tHiT^r- Looking-glass, m. mirror. ^\V^ m. dim. 3717^ /. \^J or 3T?T5TT OT. ^^ «. 3TT^^T »». Look out, «. '^^i qT^n^rr ^pfef Mig5, ftTT, S>?7, 3%^, =q?lT, 'qKI^, ^?:, cJT^mr, g^TNT^, ST'IK-l'HlFH^, ^jIT^T^q-tTPT. Tor terms for rt ■[ loose, licentious person, See under Libektine. ij To become 1. =;j^, qimioiui'. ij Loose, n. See Liberty, PEEEDOir. Loose-joikted, Loose-set, a. ^TT, f^r^r. , LOOSE-TONGUED, «. ^PTrqT ^f^F, fTt^T^ ^^^trr, 9^q:55. H Loosed, Loosened, p. v. V. A. 1. wr5%c^r, %3^r, 'Ri:?^- I %%^r, H^-f^w^-&c. %^^, iTifsTrr. ;i 2 ^re?^r, ^T|5 f^f ^, &c. 5?p-&c. %^^, Tfrf^, f%- 3 fir^.N^.rJi, Rrfl+^FTT, &c. f^lfiFft?J?r. i Loosely, a^/c. v. A. 1. m^^ (/ec^. g^T (?ecZ. jfraatroff, 5itq- I ?^^t^H, ^7^55, KT^TT, HHTT^. i 2 f^RJT, &c. decl. €x^j, ^?7, arCoE, qr^5E, &c. 3 ft^r, &c. ilecl. 'fi^oS, ste, &c. ^foSqoE or olf, fejotMcil?, 4 fsRoE, 'Tr?f5E,"q^,^^T?r, 1^^fv55, a^rlTPT, ^^^. G 'T^T^E, aiMot^Voi. 7 tIo5q^?r, IT55IT3ftrr, &C. nmiT or JTIf^H, 5f{oEHdciH, 3T- LoosENEB, n. T.V. A. 1. 2. ^TrStTTTT, »il^jr5Er-&c. ^fv^RT, &c. Looseness, w. v. A. 2. fe^THTT w. 'f%3%OTurT »»■ 3'g[^'Trw-. Rif%T?J"Tirr m. &c. f^^rj/. ^?5/. f)fT5E%^/. ^"if^r^rn. 3 f^STOir m. &C. ftf^rl/ St^/. ^"lf*T?^ «. ■nififFSrTT/. 4 fJiroERDTT OT. TFToST?/. 'TnF^'TT m. \fp!^ n. ^\^^\j, f^FTTT^r m. G "T'^qoTT ««. 3T^5iq^5iqtiTT ?«. 7 TSjqfe^rqijrT »». JT^TrfefrqTJn m. &c. 3?^???^^ >!./. 8 T. DiAEEHCEA. Hl-il'^l ST^^quTT m.- f^%qTiTT m.-kc. ^- SfOT/. t^os/.S^rsft/. ^n^/. 5TiTg5/. ^?]=qT=5TT S^^T m.- 5q"?r o»' iTfi^, T"»>?^?roi-, n^Tf^gr or To be lost, ^of or ^TT'Jf, TrS^ra'jf, ^fS^, ^JTT5fJf or To 1. one's self. f^.SfTT^/.-f^^'JfJ /.-f^;?!? wi.-&c. ft^ ^. ofs. — fig. ^J'^, ^f^/- '^^■^ g. oj s. IFI'^'Tf or T- 3 ««{/cr /7;e cessation, deparlure,deterioration, Sfc. of. jt- ^, ^t'^Sr, ^rT^wr, f 5^, 3T?R^ in. con. g^^H «.-g^- ^r^/.-fflfT m.-ctc^df-q^-T^gf in. con. with y. of o. To be lost. r^-U-TS^-'T?^ adv. ^tiif, ^TTfl (T(/i'. ^- ^nJJf, ii^itii ^1^, — money, as iu trade, bad debts, ic. *T^>ir, 55^, "PH^. To 1. one's life. :rMT?r-f^?rTH fK^^. 4 — as opposed to keep, ^pif, TrT'Jf, 1^^, ^^, ^^; all these mean ^ he lost unto. 'iTFrror /?f. con, 5 squander, throw airai/. ^V^ or ^^^177. ^TP^"Jt, ^.T5^, To be lost. qt=F?iffm^r-'ff=F'itT-rfTr/. =5tit m. ■?r?t/. ^moi/. q'moT/. q^/ qr^RT «». ^re^T or Hm^ w. xf^R/. jf^f/. ?rffiT?T/. HT/. 5T:rT=;ur y. ofs. ?RiTif, sn^iJr, 'Ir'.*-'.^, "^vfdH SRiof, Lost,;?, v. V. A. 1. i^^r ^r^ n%^. 2 ^HW^PA., ^TT^^^T, ?Tt?%^, &c. n^ or ^^W,, 3 H"?, jR^p, ^^^ 5TT^^, HTf T 5ni%OT, ^"wt ^rr^^rr. 4 n3?5T, 3trI?H?^, &c. TrT, fsm^T. 5 qr?^^^, ^j^fi^c^r, #paft^ ^s^, ^^?; n^^TT, c, or any thing used in determining a fate or portion. v%^ m. qrrar m. sf s^TFrar »«. f^/ To oast lots. f-^i,M\ /■ pi- 'TFF^-^Mizui. .S portion, parcel. Sfrf /. ^fo£\/. iTJT ?«■ JgT «. W^ ». T- g" wi. HFT t». 4 ( of ground ) patch, parcel. f5% w. r> proportion or share oj taxes. ■H<+I<'<^"*JN1 ^n. JT- OTM a. — the pericarp. ^fiJr^/. Figure of the leaf of a 1. ar^^ or ^. L. which grows on the dry ground. r^cT^Tt? «. Lotteei, n. %i^J. L.-ticket. ^n^^ N^/. Loud,, a. //(V;^ sounding, striking the ear with force. irreT, ^- 2 V. ClaMOEOUS. 'Irjilrm, nmrS-iTT, OTT5^. Loud, Loudly, «r?t'. v. A. 1. ifi^-cfm, 3^^TR, 3'=5T?T^^, 2 TTilrff^, 'IH.«lri ^F^:^, Ac. Loutoess, m. v. a. 1. ^re^iTrr m. y-vjmni w. JTrfW'tT w. &c. 2 clamour, t. Upeoab. n?5»TT ot. »F7nFI /. n;=I«I?!;/. To Lounge, v. n. spend time idly. fT^r»TT-&c. «l?Tot-fqRut-"75- To Locnge, v. a. (a. horse ). •<GiNa,;j_ a. v. V. N. ft^Rf T|^ TTfTRT, LOT Louse, n. ^ or gr or 3-/. 'J^/. — of cattle, dogs, hogs^ &c. qprRgr/. jft^/. it^rfr/. iKrs/ ^ i »0' i )< | j /. «rR- =^1^^^ »>. — do. of a red color. FTR/. — 1. bred on the body. =^]frJ;f. — found on cloth.fq^/. [§' ^fr^T or 3^ST, ^trr, 2 mea«, f?iV/y, tj'c. v. Low. f^?:r3r, ^TTS, ft3;5r55, qr^ST, Lout, m. sturdy blockhead, dolt, v. Lubbee. Z\^]., 5H, ffr^- HF, tS or ^5, ^>T, »^OT, +/. arg^ftH^T n. ^ Undivid'ed 1. ( of the Deity, &c. ). 3RT^*Tf^/. To fall in 1. with, ^^m, t^Sr, tnot, Ht%T-&e. |>iJr. To quench or cool L ^^^-^^Icl wf\ n. wrsdf. LOW Love-apple, n. — the plant. «|r5=(f'ft/. f^f5TTfft«rt'ft /• — the fruit, iB^t't n. &e. [H^^rS^JT m. LovE-LETTEE, n. ^W^\^ 'T^ «. ^fTlTI^ TSf n. sftlrPT^ n. Love-match, n. sftf^f^r^ m. sftf^r^t^f^F/. sftf?TH^'--T m. LOYE-Q0AEEEL, n. sftfffqj?^ m. fTTS^Tn^ m. FSrS^THS »• ST- "[■M+IM m. Love-sick, (3s. ^Fmft'ft, H^^^ft, +iMR^c4-'ftft?f-&c. T^T^ Love-song, n. ^TRT^ TT^ n. r^FT'Jft/ ( distinguished into SF?5fft ?5Roff a/a/ HTr ?«. ). A verse of a I. ^^ «. Love-tale, n. niRT=^ 'ft'? /• WTW^''^J /. ?JTT^'TTf'^MR '». LovE-TOKEs, Love-toy, «. rs;pr5ft-;ft?ft^-&c. qr^irft /.- LovE-TEicK, n. ^ »!. ^TT^ m. pi. LovEABLE, a. v. V. 1. and Pleasixq. 3HHiHM|'ll-?TTT^T- &e. 3TT?5r4(iMU||T4]^ sftPwFT, sftFT^, fsi'^il^. Loveliness, n. v. A. g^Twr m. ^[^ n. ^v^^ n. 5:q?5T- ^'J^ n. ?5if?ifM II. w.^^^^/. H^T^rnr/. f^'m?^ n. fir- T'pnpf^ n. Lovely, a. v. Beautiful, Charming. ^^, 3T^^^, JPT- fy-Mnui*, ?5Tsn'^5rpT, t'ST^oq-^ifpft, ''ji^rui*, ^Fm, ?5i^rr. LovEB, «. Loving, /) a. v. V.l. iftffT %5mrTr-^0Tm-&c. Wh^ or 35, SfHT^, HFns, HHdl'^, q'HSITH pop. Im^?^., H|i(H|^, JTT^T^fte, sftfHHT'T, JTfmr^, ^H?7, «i^|Qi, #^1 WU|^, STOT^T^, #r^T^, sfMt^, iTH%=5rT, &C. sftf?!^, #^?P, 3 Hf^pmH ;)oj5. Hf^iTrf, 3T53:?r, g^'fj, ar^TPft, '?^,n- 'ft, ^fT, — in high degree, f^?;iT, a^m^, Ml^l+tfl, ifr|I^, ifr^THT, »Tt^r#, JTI^Tf^, ^r^ftT. I. sweet heart, gallant, cj'e. — the man. f^^., ^ref, ^rei^, or um^, TMstiftT, n^^H, ^f^, ^*r, ^f^JM or ^rr^Toi, ^jftsft^^T, sftf?rTT=5f n. f^'TfT H, 'HT.— the female. fsf^T, ^TT- T^, ^S^TT, sr"JrWt, JptfTT, &e. LOVINa-KINDNESS, ?J. V. KlHDHESS. ^^ /. ^TT/ JTr^TT/. ^T- Lovingly, adv. v. A. 1. sftrft^, sfffft^TRFT, ^HHT^, ^- HWT%, &c. STT^ft^, sftffTTf^, ^fT^^, &c. sfH^-qr, LoviNGNESs, ». V. A. 1. and Love. ^jtoE^itT m. ttttt^iit ot. &c. ^^rq' n. ^]^J f. HHdl/. JiOw, o. «o< Z(?yA or elevated. ^^, ^r!?I?5, i^^?:, si^^r,^!^??^^ orsm^rS. 6— of the water, tide, &c. a?RR%r5T, Trt^cIrlT, <«r^;:r5?5T, L. water, ^^fft/- L. water and liigh water, g'f.rf) Htrfty. 7 M0< 7fo/«y or Zo«?ir, a^^rr^, ?j^, ?p?^i ^^==^, i%^, 'irq??'?. 'fli^ir, "n^, ^M'4<, ^M"H^-cfNi, HiM<^Tfr5Tr, 'fl^Htf^, 'V^r^, |2T3r, fS^5rc5, ;^^, fH5FTtt,fH^R?I^0T?qT, fH+K^looTmr, r«i'ftH. L. life. ^3fi^?5T|f^/. 13 «o< suhlime, not e.valted. ^?:5^, ^c?% 'fRTrT^T, Mi <-+.[, w^i?T, ^n^fojr, 3T^r5, ar^nr^T, arsr^i'^r, ^r#R, '^. 14 submissive, ^v. v. Humble. ^Jsf, ^t^TflTMT or Jmrft, MrfNI, ^c?^, ^WRT, 3T?^r?ft. Low-SPIEITED, o. M0< liceli/ or sprijr|<«l, ^Ic?t-^Wri- 5"^ity. <>/«■ 55?^, «*)|otJj'«u|, St^iif, ^^5t or f^JIduJ or 4><'j. 7 ^'^.'+.MUir m. &e. HSr^r »!■ 8 ^^"^W m. &c. 10 3^5T^"JTT m. &c. arrTRft^ «. I^T^ m. T^rvj^^f ] L ?fr^r?trTr »». ^^^^tfon- w. ^mIhuii »». &c. ^^^?iht /. 12 ^^^JTwr m, ^'^^^ m. ^'v^\ m. ^^r^ ^p^r^ f. \- Low-si'iniTS 7!. V. LowsE^s, 10. Tr^^»TI«T m. TTr^Ttfrw- fiprr^ m.'^fT^^ n. ■^fT?T?^jn^/. ^"br^q- «. LOTAL, a. faithful to ones sovereign. TRTF^r PfH^^^r^, ^^■ g-&e. 2— as a wife. qf?rJr?rT, ^?ft, WE?ft, 3T^s"riIT, *5r5iqT LuBBEELY, fl!. Zarye rt'«(na^y. st^TF, iT^STr, ^J^ir, ^tuT^Tr, or 5^r%^, ^q^, ^, ^ZFTT, T??5. LUBBEELY, 0(/y. See AwKWAEDLY. LuEEic, &c. See Slippeey, &c. To Lubeicate, «). a. mal-e smooth and slippery. TonTastrT-^- oE:^5ftfr-'T^grr-&e. ^Rot, ^^V'\\ f.-'H<\'£\ f.-&c. ^\^^ or LuBEICATED, p. T. V. JoSnSEtff %^^, &C. LuBEiCATiON, n. V. V. nssnoft^f ^ot n. &c. Lucent. See Snixixo. LuCEEN, M.— the jdaut. f^HTTfft n?r?T «. LcciD, a. shining, v. Beight. ?IsF?5qftFT, ?5i^, ?5+1~lsfe. 2 pellueid.! v. Clear. ^Ef^y, fH4?5 or 55, ^^^cfss. 3 perspicums, t. Cleab. g^q, ^^^m, 3T%^. 4 not darkened by (/eZ/r/;«?j.g5t^, ^r^'^Tq^JTr^r, f ^irft^r. LtciDiTT, Lucidxess. See Beightxess, Cleaexess. Lucifee. See Vexus. 2 See Satax. 3 See Match. LucifeeODs, LuciFic, a. ST^?T^^^, ST^FT^TT??!^. Luck, n. v. Foetuxe, Destixy. 35 n. ?r?fl»I n. jtt"T «."^- srarn «.%^nr/.'iq''Tf?ri?oj;."%q?T/. ^T^rsi^ or «r-a^- ^/. ??PTT?n»T »». By hard labor and with good 1. sp|cA|+yi%. Good 1. ^-HPV n. ^\^n. >TF^ «. q-^T «. Ill 1. q. V. l^rW ?J. gsq' n. L. in maldug money. ^STT^ ". To be in 1. \^ n.-&c. ^^oj-^r^^ ^^ ff- ofs. ^P^\- ^ m. ^Tof g. of s. ^]^v^.\m jji.-^nffqToiy: ar^ot g. of s. LUCKILY, adv. T. A. 1. TRTFT, Trf^Tt^qT^, ^V^^^\^.| 'IT- LUK 501 LUM iqr^qr ^rn4, >TRTr?=f Tr4. Luckiness, «. v. A. 1. ?Rm?rT^r w. 5T^?Hrct/. ■HrlN^/. Luckless, a. v. UNroEruxATE. i^r^fT, aTTr'ft, ^OT^^RF, ??fr, ^"TT55 Tr- T^^r, w^JTsr^ft^, etc. iTrf^^rg pop. >Tr^?r, TT^^TTRft, L. at making moucv. 4°'-}l^fj. 2 offavomlle influence, auspicious. ^T, ^^^^, ^TT^rft- ^r, PSTTT^r, g in comp. [ H^qFT m. L. conjuuctiou, union of merit and fortune. ^PTtT- LucEATivE, «. T. Gainful. fHoi+rit^r, ^'PTT^TT, ^HTF^rnfT, %rT^. [ 3AH«. ? Luggage, n. v. Baggage. ?fTHPT n. '^Z'^V^f. ifrT^^RT /. qi?Tc5 or T5^ «. LuGUBEious, «. mounful, v. Soeeowfcl. TS^TT, T^^T. Luke-waem, n. mildly warm. ^Af^Z or Jpf?!?, 3Tra?:, #JT?:, ■HlHlcir, f^T^5!^, !FRTKT5=5^=rT, '3TI3^RT, JTr^^55 or IRFf- ^) H^, 5^, t^|i^, T^, f^i=FT^, TiTT^^, ^^T^T. 2 not zealous, ardent, Sfc. v. Indiffeeent. '*rR'<3r^r ^- LuKE-wAEiiLY, atZu. V. A. 2. 3"^TH7>iTr^, ■THt'iTR'^^, 'iTF- S^, VT^TTH, 3RR'. ^RT w. ^TTT/. ?^^ m. ^\ m. T^Tf^ in. f^^^ or U^^ n. h^^f. f%- L. of hardenetl f;eces or scybala. 33«. SSt/- ^^ or ^Z\7?[f ft^t/. L. or nodulo of dung. f^5 »;. 3^/. ?^f^ «. 2 ( csp. of something soft ). FIcf^pT or smrr "'• ^r^ w. Fl^r »i. ?rT^RT »t. [ ?J^''• «?:Kn3:, ^^- ?. i »• ^, ^^^, T^ ded. ^, :T^, ^^TST decl. (r^qjTT, ^TTK^. Sale in the gross or 1. \h^< f^'ipft/. To pay, lend, give, or borrow, receive, &c. in a 1. ^- ' To LuMP,"t;. a. throw into a mass or lody. <^nT3T m.-^^FTTW j /.-i^Wtn «».-&c. :r^ g. oj 0. ^*^ q^, '^^np-(^». ^*Jc5"T^ OT. ^T¥?rT/. rpTTo5 m. >dH^i< m. To Lunch, a. n. "PTToS ot.-S'T^ m. ^ot. Lungs, «. ^^^'^ pop. ^w n. <- 2 veri/ sweet and rich, delicious. 5(^?ntrS, "FRTTTS, fKH^l- LusciousNEss, «. V. A. 1. ^rO nrs"?^'". f'T^it ^ra^T'Trft' nr^/. 3^?Trt^/. 3Tf?if*T'5?rr /. 2 'PRntft/.'TT^'t^/. 3T?!T?nft^/ v(\^n. W^T/ Ltjsoet, a. v. Platful. %d.Nl. Lust, n. longing desire, v. Desire. ^T^m. \\^f. rTrfrm. 2 depraved desire. ^'?.^W^\f. ^V\^W^\f. %^V^^ f. 3 carnal desire, appetence. ^,Tmn. Wi^m. ^■^^•^^l/. f«pr- Inflamed witli, mad witli, blind from, &c. 1. iT^!THTfJt-ctc. flH(/ «'iV/j m. con. ^Tvr_ 3 rffs/re carnalh/. Vt:\mn.-f^^m.-&c. ^pjf- S'P^?? ^IT^I i». con. W^^-&c- fpjt, ^Hf^^-JT^fSTF ff%?f^. 'Lustful, a. v. N. 1. and Covetous, ^^ft or ^s'Rff, ??r*ft, ^N»• ^^nj, ^«(ti<^i< or ^"ki^7, ^pft. 3 :PT^, ^rg^, ^Hf ^T, jpm'Tm^, :pm^>?t=?IT, &c. ^^FPT, ^%n1-, ^TT^f^;, ^TH^fs, ^miTT, ^mrFTTT, ^Fm- sf^'jr, ^TK^frf, ^Hra^, ^^tt, ^Fmrcs, ^jrm^TT, ^- or ^r31T^, %?ToS, 'e. LuSTFCLLT, adv. \. A. 3. +IH^^, ^TK^^, ^fH^TRT^, LuSTFULNEss, n. T. A. 3. +|»0mo11 m. &c. +r'H+dl/. ^rf^T- rfT/. ?I*IHHI /.^mr^ftF/. spTH^f^/.^Fm^f^/. ^FmHT^M. Lustilt, adv. V. A. ^ft^ 'T^, ^^ ^f^^7 ^^ ^^3^i ^f^^Z. Lustiness, «. t. A. ^TH m. n. vfm-^u'^/. sjoe^/. armpEff if5E5F^/.-?prr3fTft/. Lustbal, a. relating to, or used in purification, ^^"^fx ^2^- 2"o LusTJRATE, V. a. V. To PuBiFY. g^-Ac. ^RWf, ^f^/.- 5f5^;frm tJ.-^N^OT «.-&c. ^FT^ y. o/o. Lustration, n. t. V.— oci. ^f^l^RW w. gf^^F^ n.— state. LUBTEE, ». T. BeiGHTNESS. ^\fP{ f. pop. ^\r[f. ^ «. 2 ( of a gem ).». dim. a^fr/. 5l>f w». w. Bridge of a 1. rTR^r^ft/. L. of one string. fTtiTfpt n. f+'nO /. LuTEE, LuTiiT. See Lutanist. LuTULENT. See Muddy. To Luxate, v. a. v. To Disjoint. v5?r3 m.-^l^ m.-kc. 3^- o5ot, cf% M. ^Z. fs% ^FTiJf 5'. o/" 0. Luxation. See Dislocation. Luxuriance, Luxueiancy, n. rank or excessive growth. »TT- Ltjxueiant, a. V. N. ^■"frli-^IN «ll/l-=)l, ^]^-W[ ^RT^r, mrTT- Luxuriantly, adv- v. A. vJ4>U^JM. To Luxuriate, i'. n. ^rrotc exuberantly. HT^'^f, HFT'Jr, ^^tTot. or S^TS'Jf, JTOOT TT^'t. 2 Zi've luxuriously, revel. «l^/ HRaT-;j5^of, ^^mor, ^- Luxurious, a. indulging in gratifications, voluptuous. HMt, f^?5r?fr, f^i^, =5)^ g^rat, f ?iTf*r?rn!ft, f^f^HFir- f*f?rrft, g^Htnm^, hftto^, g^HFR^mw. Some terms for a voluptuous person are, §^Fi^, ^^fljft, g^jf- 2 administering to luxury. ^^STRmT^r, g^TT^r, flfHT- ?n^, gTrrTHmpsfr, ^^^ftw, §??^:ft, g^wwT':T!F, Luxuriously, adv. v. A. 1. g?j?T#, f^rti^iT^, g^^Ti'iWt, Luxuriousness, n. v. A. 1. g^miraf^/. f^'sTT'TTirof^/. Hpnref'p/. 'TmaRJfn/. f ?iHm m. ^^^^^v\ m. \^^^^- ^^^\f f^flsrr/. ^^^^\f^ Luxury, n. See Luxueiocsisebs. 2.— a luxury, y. Dainty, MAC 504 MAD 3 antj thinij gratifying to the sentrs. g^^ifmT^-f^f^^n^- ^ff37 RIH I --x, n. -^i l fot^i l or ;prf2^T ?«. ^5tg?T or ^PT^^^ m. ^PT- Lyiie, n. V. LCTE. g-lT»TT/ ;)o;j. f^OTT »». Lyric, Lyrical, «. fJioqiifT JTn^r^-^mT-&c."^RiH), Lyrist, n. ftnm^r^f^TTTTT, f^or^t. M, 1\X, is represented bv jt. !Ma. See Mother. Mace, «. ensign ofaidlwrilg. grt/. ^at/. ^ n- 2 cZk6, ^-0. V. Cudgel. #^t »n. ^"rSHT «. T^r/. An iron in. t5tf Jl m. 3— tlic spice, ^s^[^^'^f. '^'^f. ^pff^^f. 4fR?ftT=5ft/. Spurious m. Jf, f^T^^oT, >f|^/. :pw y. ofo. Macerated,^, v. V. 1. ^Tl^?5^, ^lui+rf^JT, «&c. ?fpJT, ?5?T. JLiCEEATiON, n. V. V. 1.— «c<. n. ;p=qFr or Pp^fR »!. ?5^ or 3^S «. %^ «. ?TW?^ «."5m?!T?: «. ^15 «. ^ n. '/TTTTfS «. +•^'11^ or ar «. ^N^ or ?q n. iTT¥l W.'%'?rT/. f^f^/. ++r-'H'll/. cl- MACniNATOE, «. V. V. 'Tr^STUTRT, ?:^''ITTT, &e. ?fpT^, T^q;. I.— of malicious devices, cjv. JTisT or ^TTS-^r, ^>Ti?q> ^, ^t^ or ^\l■^\^ f^fSTTK, f "Pnst or J?"?ff?, f^rjft, f^rfj^fT, ftrfm^^T^, f^flwgf?, W^TJTHf^, Vf?^^^, =^^^^, 1^, ;J^^, ^'Hl?^g;5^-fTT'T^4rtT^. Some phrases expressive of mad proccediiigs.^ wild ex- cesses., ^-c. are, %! ft^, ^T^ TTSW "niif . 3 furious, enraged. :pT»^^?^T, ?3^2:?5^, ^TTT^rJT, rTO^PT, ^T^RT ^^f or JPT^RT ^fT^TT, HT?^ SIK'PT or ffR^T ^IR^T, »=Rtf^P5', 4 vehemently desirous., ^c. %Tr, f^^, ( as iTT"^r^rf^^, MAD-BRArNED. See Mad. Madcap,?!. Under this word as bearing the general sense of a icild and recldessly daring person, and as comprehend- ing the Taried import of such terms and designations as madman, mad fellow, dreadnought, dare devil, wildfire, desperado, a madlrained, craclcbrained, harelrained, liech or nought fellow, we haxe collected the correspondent Marathi terms and phrases. 3H«irll<, ST^ffTT^, 3T=r?rK ^- rI%c?T, ^pftT, JP'TT^'ptejr, r^^li, 3T:"PR-5TT ^laS^JTT^, "S' fXjk T- Maeman. See Mad. 1. 3Iadam, n. V. Lady. qrl/. ^Tf^I. TLc English word under the form of Wl'H or HiMflT|«T is common. JTo Mapeek, v. a. make mad. if? n. 'TK^^-^^, \^^ or 2 See To Excite. To Angee. To Madden, v. n. lecome mad. %5T-&c. ^'f'lf,^ n.-&Q. ^?of- cTrTSr-TT^ in. con. ^^^=^^ n. ^["Jr, irs^m or ^sr'To'r, %f - n^^r, %5r5jdr, ^\^f. '^i^ in. con. %f^^jv m.-&c. fm ff. ofs. — esp. from demoniac influence, '^rncijf, fTOT'T't , Maddee, n. — the pLiut. itf^^ m. n. \y^^. MADE,_p. Y. V. 1. ?rT5f%3?=rT, %5is;r, ic. ??Ff, ^'PTvT, f?r- 2 ^5^37,%^^, .to. 3 ^SFJT, stTR^r^T, =^T (used with the noun, as JTRff^T made of earth, ^TT^^TTqr made, of gold, &c.) JT^, ^TTfT^ ^ftrT — all in eomp. 4 %^?5r, ?;i%JT %?5frr, &c. ^T=^^. M. \rp. falricated. ^^]^7^, ^^\^_ JIadit, adv. V. A. 1. %ir^, IrSTaTT^, qi^TreR^T, ^S'-qT^rmt, JI ADKESS, «. A-. A. 1 "sn «■ f^^ n. ^. n. ir5"TTnT m. &c. m m. =ET55 m. ( as NM^ci, spm^EfoJ, ^t^^f^T, &c. ), STRT^sfoE ?«. %T^m\ m. gf^'-J^ ">. iTf?r'-;fiT m. 5 fg;f;rm »«. 3^tt- STT^ m. ^?rtT^ ot. ^-Ml' 55 «. ^?TR'iT «. ^RtflHRCT «. 3lfH=:?T^ m. BfAGic, MACiCAf,, a. of or lelonging to magic. ^T^j^, ^?n?- 2 (fone, cjv. J// magic. ^T^^, ^T?^ %%=^T, ft'^TT^f^ij-m, IMaoicallx, a!(?y. t. A. 1. -^lij^H, ^TT^I^ff^, ^ftrf^^, &c. Magiciak, n. one that practises magic-^ sorcerer., enchanter, toizard, Sfc. ^JH^Tt, ^r^R, ^T^Sr, ^^STT^M, sTHrft, ^^?ft, qr^RrfsT-qr, ^^^rt, Mzw.Wj^x., ^^f^r^^iT or a-ifr, fT^TrqFq-qT ^roT"JrRT, ^ f^rtrr ^MiTRT,'flfir^R'\,3Tf>T^ft- «F, f^^^FTT, H5JTr-^T ( caster of the charmed palmful of grain ), TRTiTR or nRTIlft ( hailcausers ), vifjlfe^ ( snake doctors ), Hl^u^MT ( finder of lost things ). Magisteeial, a. oj or lelonging to a magistrate. t;3S, n. t. A. 2, tr^ftq'TTr m. sf^TtTT m. sfj^ n. MaGIsteact, n. ojiee or dignity of a magistrate. ^MtTrtt/. 2 iof/y (/«i<:y/rfrfl/cs. iRirftPFRT- »«./)?. qTirfq^FTrtS^ft Magisteal. See Magisteeial 2. Magisteate, n. q^ra^rft^T^oiRT, ?1^^R, ^T'TT'^t^, ^if^- «FRt, ':imE:Jt?T, t^^\^W.. The English word, uDder the form of Hrfv^^?:, is commonly used. Maonakimitt, «. Y. A. 1. H^rar i^R^DlT m -^faqoTT w.-<,H- 2 dictated. i\'.-. ti/ majnanhniti/. 'irKHHNF, -dCKHtltil, Maonaximoislv, flT:. ^I^;^'M+ »«. Magnetic, Maosetical, ' helonging to the magnet. 2 V. ATiiiACTivE. arra'T?), 3TT^'^^7r <^K-4f^u i K f*T1 «. ?'». e, quatuiig, hdk. Qil*KHM «. H^rMHN «. r/. ». sfsft^t/. Magpie, «. ^^ q?ft ^\. Maid, '^IwiiY.^.n. young girl, virjin. «F'qr/. ^pnft/. ^ u| /. The maids and childrcu. USNT^M.i'?. ["^W/. Maid-seevant, ?«. T. Maid, Slate-ciel. =qppftir /. %^- Maiden, a. lelonging, ^-e. to a maid. ^jf[=^j^ ai'llil-^r, &e. **1ir<+l'H'5J'--fr, ^KTft^FTfqTq'^, 'flfqqTf^^^?l=5TT, JpRTT. 2 consisting of maidens. ^^Tfjm., ^fv^^t^T, ^-^IM*!, ^- 3 fresh, unused, new. spru, qar^RT, ^PTT^ra^, 3R^tJ- BIaidenhead, Maidenhood, Maidhood, n. virginity, f^- ?T m. #RTq ?J. ^ifl^^TT /. ^MlRrtJ n. ^Tft?TI /. ^P^r- fq n. ihHlR+lTR ?». " [ JT^^q M. 2 freshness, newness. ^lT:'TDlTm. 3Rf^^qDrr»«. 3TiJ^qtirT»». Maidenlike, Maidenly, a. like a maid, lecoming a maid, It^ifspf, fKTftqnW.q. Mail, n. v. Aemoue. f^c5^?f n. ^,^^ m. n. q^fj^ n. 2 post. ^\W' f. 5cqTt7 or ?TrT?i n. To Mail, v. a. f^^jffT w.-&c. qR^oj. Mail-coach, Mail-caet, n. Si%=Ef|'-jcqp:;r5ft HT^/. Mailed, p. v. Y. fq3^?f qRf^?^r, ^pq^, ^I^FSTq. Maim, w. privation of a limb, sqq ??. artrnTT »«. at'iq^q'w. "^TWr m. For the m./or iAe most part. qjrl+*sH, W>H+*,^, ?tT- ^T^i^:. [HRqcT:. In the m. jm the ivhole taTcen together, stqj, ^q^T, ^r- 2 Ofea«. ^in^ m. ?rR^ »». H^RTRT w. 3 violence, v. Foece. vfR m. ^J=S pop. q^l «. [Htf^. "With might and in. t. Effoex. »ft5*fr ^JttTT^, '^ftq' MAI 507 Main-land, «. the continent — as distiuguislied from an ide. g^^sTHfJT/. 'T^ m. n. ^a^^jt? m. n. Main-mast, n. jftST fir? m. ^^^^ stB m. JTTS^ or Ri-T^t i\- Main-sail, Main-siiekt, ;t. ^ftf «. nfj ^ft? «■ aT^f^R «. Mainly, (i!c/y. v. A. sj^ -^t^^^:^, "pr ;p?>7r, sir^I^q^ ^€^, 5- Jb Maintain, y. a. preserve or keep in anj particular state. ^^^, %^, triTJt. 2 ^-ee/) I//), continue, not siijfer to cease. ^JS^T^, ^?y' •^\^A^ 3. of 0. 'S{^^■^n. sot, qiq^T m. ^F^-^llri^ui y. o/'o. TT^s?! qr^if n.-&Q. EjRTjr y- 0/ 0. 7 ( one's self ) v. To Live. "Tt^ M.-^i/Pi^l «!.-&e. 319 Maintain, t;. n. See To Affirm. Maintainable, a. t. V. A. 3. «>TT^Tq-T=qT-^mT-^*f'T?n"-m- 5ff?tqrq', fJT^TT^, ^JT'4?ftq, qf^TT^^^^T^Pf, &c. Maintained, p. t. V. A. 1. ^T^RI^, S^T^^ST, &c. 3 ?T^3?^, &c. rf?T?f, ^w^. i ^i^FSrir, srqr^"^?^, sff?mf^, ?'3 qr^sHT, "fRT^F^T, srfHMiferT, qrferf, qrfqrH. Maintaining, Maintenance, n. v. V. A. 1— «f<. rj^^ n. 1 S'T'it W. =5TT3=r"it n. xi7?5?fT %=raT «• 3— act. n^^T n. &c. TT^ot/. ^HToS »i. T?S>ir «. ^??7aT n. 4,— act. -^li^wAn. &c. TO'jft/. fH^'\\m. X'^^V^n. F;5Tr^, ^jTT^,srTrTpf,^H7r^,&c. Majesty, n. dignity, grandeur, greatncsa. TPTfT^". ^T^ift/. ^T^^TtTT/. ?t^«. ir?TFT)». >iT5T». '^R^/- ^«T^«. iTf|TTTw. 'Tf^r/ ^Hf^T/. f^H^Twi. STH^Twi. STHK"!- '^T^HT^m. 2— the title. rRT'-fr, T^^. His ni.,Tour m. '§'^f, H^'T^. Major, a. greater in numler.^ quantity, Sfc. Rf^T, J'?^, 3^- 2 greater in dignity, <^'r. \. Chief, iit^, 5'^, ST'^TRT, Major and minor ( especially as used to distinguish villages bearing the same name) are rendered by ^j^ or ^n and i^^_. Major, n. one of full age — in law. E'T'i^MiRT^Prfl', v^mcJf,^*ncE?«.-&c.!FT%.o/o. 15 pooil ; V. To riJ.riL. ^^-J^-Ac. JP5;ffr-;F^7T ^% JT- IC good; >'<'/)p_y, co:r.pensaie. »TTfff, T^rf ^of, 17 ligLt of; v. To CosTEMN. ^-.^■^^.^A-S.c. qRoi-HT^T'jf. 18 love. See To CoruT. 19 merry. r-^nrfm^lT^/.-W^sr m.-&e. ^X^. ^0 m-aQh.oi; treat tdth fondness. ^\^\^AT m. ^.Tm-T^^- ^T^y. o/o. 21 oath ; T. To SwEAE. ^iqvT/. ^n^ot. 22 of. See To r.M>EESTA5r. [53;5=I^T^'Jf. 23 OYcr;T. To CoMiiiT. fq?:^^, aiiqor, ^5nR'il, 3^W, 24 out ; y. To TJkdeestakd. 3^'4m. ^FTfoT-JFTof, 5T^^^-f'1^^ y. o/s. To ni. Out a person — discover his disposition and icay. ^\■^^^ n. (Hia^iif. 25 Mf-^ reconcile. fH^^Jof^ ^fqof. 26 up ; get toycthcr^ \. To Collect, ^iltir, ^H«T>Jf, '^- 27 up ; rejraii\pvt to rights, ^tn^of, f?I?iqT^DT, T^ST ^^. 29 water; v. To Ubi>e. ttfidt. 2 v. To Leak, n^nf^ To m. up cue's mind, v. To Eesolte. fH5i<)T»i. ^^^. To Make, v. n. tend, move totvards. v?n'?f , '^Iia'Tf. 2 cmtriluie, ccnduce. 3q'^l'Ft-^WNT-&c. ^lof, ^^T'ft- ^TTT^l-Ac. qiof. 8 as if; carri/ (ipj:earance. 31i:FT^wi.-il?lw.-qiq/.-|?f/'.-&c. 4 off; T. To Decajjp. ffif «. :f;i§; ^^uf, ^^ij. J^oriif, q':- 5 up for; conijjcnsatefor. ^J:^f..^f[ f. :Ror-qT50I,fTOT Make, n. structure, luild, ^-c. t. Poem, ajiqr »». sit^=r- ^^'^y. 3mHI0T n. qiHl?/. q^TOI^/. Make-bate, »!. t. I^-CE^DIAL•y. 3U^F^^^^\^ WMF,]s^\^ q;^. ^T?J, ^FsStxJT JIK5, %TT!5t. Make-beliete, «. nicre sJioic or p-etmcc. si^^ptj^ ^RTT- Make-1'Eace, n.^eace maker. sfrajfrS-^Tr, ^7-fH?;s.qr. Make-weight, n. ^x^^ m. n. Makee, n. V. Y. A. 1. qp^OTRr, :^^^^ ^7UIRr, f^Hm =Rable. CHirmfTT, 3?5r'^^, atsf^FT, a^sniT, aiira'TiqiTT. [ J^ «. Mal-conioematio>', n. f^i^T or fsr^n «ir^ m. arcp?^"^- Mal-co^tem, ff— geuer. v. Disco>tej;ted. ii?Tnjft,^"iTg^ft. 2 disstttiyfied trilh the government. aiH?J5Tr^?T, ^RHFIT- !MAL-roi!JiATiOK, n. \^?.^ or ftT^'rs »lf^ »»• Mal-peactice, n. m«7 fractice, pactice contrary to rule, ""t- ?;^c7/. ?i^T?T/.?i^HTn«i. w^r/. s[^=qT?j/. st^t^^. |- ?:r5nT »«. i'T^^'t n. To Mal-teeat, v. a. ill use, misvse, treat ill. itTftrfr^-n^- f 5/.-g^7Xr/-&c. jpscn y. of 0. '^^^mk m.-■m^^- ^R B1.-&C. !f inf y. 0/ 0. Mal-tbeatmekt, n. v. V.— «e^ ^^Sijf n. &c. ^^S'jft/. ^q- auft-/. 5^5T w. ^?I5T5?15/- Sfflg^TTT^ »«. 3T?Ig55rfR m. Mal-teesatio>-, n. misconduct. 'i^sIt^ot^/. ^^-^It*/. 'K-^irf /. ^>;?lt55 ^TRR ?n. a^^l^TRR m. sn «i. 5iq?f?t/. 3T^qT- Malaet, n. disease, \. Dis.oeiiee. i\^ m. fffl^R m. f=f^^?/;. ! eqTf':T/. m. Malapeet, a. iflwey, v. Impueekt. ffl?^, m,=51^'^^RT,i4t^RI. Malapeetness, «. V. A. ftl^.lf/. tfT^^'JlT «. j Malaeia, n. noxious exhalation. fiT Iv^iOTlfT ^TT?/. Male, «.— of animals. ^M m. ?i^ »n. siTi-qT fKVm. m. 3T^?qr I JTTW?T m. qs-^f^/. 5HT5 »!. q^^T^t m. A. m. and female, ^nr »«. fH^=T «• J'T n. \ Desire of the m. JTM nx, ;1 2 — in botany. ^^^ m. I 8 — a screw\ '^X m. 1! M. and female. ^X^^'^. ! Male, c— noting sex. q^-T^raT^siT, q^^fnt^, j^TifT^, il jcq-f^jp, j ( in comp. as j^rlTT «. &c. ), q^ in comp. ! ?rT in comp. 2 Iclonging, ^T. /o wjoZcs. q?«n^T, q^T^TrfNl, TSRt, Maxehictiok, w. inq,rccation. execration, curse, ^iiq «;. 3T- f*r^TT7 m. \^■\^ m. ^frtisr f^r'T w. siffr^ft/. sthikst^^ «. JMalefactoe, w. t. Ceiminal. cjp^qrq'Y, f ^Pm, I'^^'lT, ':ST- Malevolence, 7?. ill-icill, disposition to hurt others. ZV,'^'[- ^ m. 5"?ff?/- ^'TTR «!. l-^ff?/ 1^ »"• fSTTTsr w. JHT- ^ '»• f f f?;/ ^ «• ^ra?^ n. arq^R^^T/. 3Tf%'i=5?JT/. Malevolent, o. illdisposed to others. ^'E'^T^TT^^, ^T^TT^fr^r, flHTsn^sTT, &c. |5f5, |"Eff5", piFm, ^TriqRft, srq^RT- MAL 509 T^fAN Malevolently, adv. v.A. ^^Tr^TRf, ^iTr^TT^, ^'i^^l'i , &c. aTT+l^^-^tiN^^^, &c. Malice, n. malevolence, spile, malignity, Sfc. J^TT^ »>• g^T- TI^ m. ^JTT^ m. ^ n. ^i^r- M. prepense. ^r^f%rr?r «. Jleditatiug m. ^r|f%fTH' «• Secret m. jw^rsjl »«■ HH^ff^r/. 'JT?!^^ m. To be inflamed with m. against. 5TCi75"Jr icith cj. of o. To conceive m. 5R m. s^. [ qj^af. To gratiiy one's m. ^r W--&C. ^T^rof, ^fl^R in.-&c. To meditate m. against. ^1% ?n. pZ. nFT-^tTit loitU m ofo. ^A ^'^^ ^'t; ar^i'jf. Malicious, ]Malign, ]MALiG>'AKT;ffl. liarlonring malice.^'Z- HrsrrsfT, I'TTRr^T.f s^rr^fr^r, &c. ^■^^\ ^ir o/- f ^T,f sr- jpTfr, T^T^ f ^IT, 37^?T^IT, a^^^ft, ai^R?fr, -^STJI^qT, =5^#r, ^?ft, 5iq-51T, 5T%^ft, ^^T7, g^?ft, ^T^t, ^>- ^1 1"^) t'2^ 15^1 ^^ft 1'0J>. if[ & 5^, 3TH?aT^, fft=5 /)0/>. ^^55, ^TI?TTT, f?^?TT, 3Tf^'5%?TT,3Tf^'g^^r'ft,f^^f^, 2 proceeding, ^'c.from malice. ^S^TRT^, ^^=IT^, 3T- ^^?ft% 1^^^, g^?rr=5iT, ^^Ti^r, &c. fr^n?^^, ^"th^- 3 — in astrology, v. IxAUsnciOUS. ?rT5, TRToS or ^T5T- 55, %"?, ^'?, ^r5?TT, 4: — an ulcer, sore, fever, kc. v. Yieulest. ^f^f+r^rM , |f=i;if^K, I'-^C, ^•.^T'^'^T, ^T?J/io/). HpT^ ( in conip. as ^T- FJ?^?: m. ^XS,'^\Z m. W'T^l^f. ). M. fever. ^f5fqT?R5f7 m. WIV.'^l m. Maliciouslt, Malignantlt, adv. v. A. 1. efs-^TTTT^T^, g^TRTH, fS'TRT^, ^T^Trqr^, I^T^^^, |;"5l^^-?TT. Maliciousxess, Maligkanct, n. V. A. 1. 2. and Malice. ^THTcT m. gTHT^ m. ^feT^JTr m. ^TT?=q n. ^]fz^^ n. Wtpop.^^^f. 3 5TR: M. ■«. ^re mz m. ^isq-iTTT m, ^3Ff?:7':rT m. To bind, counteract, &c. the m. of. mz m. TpiTciaT I ff.ofo. To Malign, v. a. traduce, slander, v. To AsrEESE. H^FH ^r^ o/o. ^^^VZ_ m.--s\\v^m^ n.-iw^ «.-&e. ^KT^^'. ofo. Maligned, ^J. V. V. g'PPT ^?IS^r, &c. aTTsnf^fT, ^ffH^TfT, Maligner, m. Maligning,;), a. v. V. htjIvi ^uTRr, 3T^fr =F^TTT, ^Tf^ ^=5r'jnTT, &c. ar^fit, 3T5r?^, 3^1^, f- Malignity. See Malignanct. To Malinger, «.». =^w^ ^^pf^F^ -TfTi^rf l^'^'TT^ ift^ q:^. MaLKIN, M. oto;?. ^TjET m. iflHT w. 2 « d'irly woman. w\t n. ^^J^f. f.WWt^f, JIall, «. wooden hcelle. jfriTT "»■ 'TTT^ »n. H^=r m. To Mall, v. a. v. To Beat. J^ot, J^Rot, ^»?^, ^tjt- Mallard. See Drake. Malleability, Malleaijleness, n. v. A. ^!\^f^^T^j. ^- ■^k-^^-^ n. fTT^^qf-'J^T'^f^ M. Malleable, a. capable of being spread hij leating. ^?T=T- fi^isnr, ^^^■^^^, cris^qr^^fft^. [rrrj^f^/. JMalleation, n. extension ly beating, ^^^iqfq- n. ^^Tgf?/. Mallet, »j. ivooden hammer. H^^ o/- H^T^^ ?«. 'f^K ?«. ^frTTT wi. o'/wi. iftnft/. sr^pjfr/. siw »• ?n^K. pi. [I Mammet, «. dressed figure, puppet. %?|5r^?it J^IcfT/m^A". jl Mammiform, «. liaoing the shape of paps. ^^T^qr arUiT- I ^^r, ^^PFK, ^THi^f^, ^-^i^K, ^^r?;frT. I] Mammillaey, a, pertaining to the paps. ^kHNI, ^FPTH^^fT, '• Mammock, n. shapeless piece. st'T n. ^\w^ m. st^voTT m. Mammon, n. ieealth,or the deity of ivealth, v.HiciiES.rC^^f. Worship of m. ( as by bankers, &c. ). 3^m'|4mH n. The world bows to m. ^s^iji ^'cfsf^iT:. Te cannot serve God and m. ^sq^TTT^ 3TTfoT ^^^T- Mammonist, n. person devoted to the acquisition oficealth, trrn"4T, ^s^^f, tTq-?5r*ft. 'MA'S,n. mankind. fK^J^ n. nniTH ?!. KHi^T^TfrT/. rJ^PF >«. 2'Z. JTH=r »». ^^^'T »«. ^T m. The fear oi'm. ^^jftffr/. ^Ak'Vm f. ^^»r!%/. To be accustomed to m., be tame and familiar — ivikl animals. 5TT"^?T5;. JTJ^T m. nir m. ( in comp. with a designation, as, ilT^aiqft, H^Tfl, ffiqu'l^ ). To know m. carnally. ^^^FIT ^tTiii-^r^^^, J^lfTTJT «.-qr;i:f^TflT/.-5^'!I5i!l?T »i.-&c.^[af in.con. artlK^IrM 'JTm', 3 af/j^Z/", not a log. '^ m. Hrrcqr m. Tft »». KR^ m. qorf- A m.'s height or slaUire. ^V^ m. ^V^ n. 41 a human being. MV^^ n. iTRTq- 7;. wn m.f. n. leith a numeral prefixed. aTflmt/. ^P^/- IM. by man. SfRTlTfraTT. 5 male servant, attendant, o, n. Hr^M^^ m. h^I'HmI*! ot- [ ^. HIa>--kii.leb, MA>.--stAYEB,n. rrgnq-qm^F, ^^^^^^^^, h^»'H- MA>--KILLISa, MaN-SLAUGHTEH, MAH-SLAYINa, n. TTJs;!?- 2— in law. ar^nfft^-q^^T w«. 3T;frift?--^qT/. ai^H^KT^BTT/. Max-stealek, ?i. JTg^=5JR, irgw^'Tt. Mas-stealing, n. ^•i<^^■^\(\f. ^T^^ar^ n. n-v^n^^M n. Masacle, «. hand-cttff. ^1^3^ or f^ft/. ^TcTJ^ »• ^- Jb Manacle,!), a. \. N. ^Tri%f)' or f^R^ /-'^'^ Ji3 "• or pha-allif ^Id^i-in"-^ld+."14 m?yoT. Jb Manage, d. o. car;'y o«, t/MWi i/je concerns oj.^ v. To Conduct, ^irtqu)', tif^tiKui^trT^TT"^, ^^5if,;r?=5T5r'^,^Tr^R'jr. 2 govern, rule, control, direct. SfSW, 3TT^TW, m'N>J^i, =^R^, g?ftfT-^iriid-JF^n-;f5m?r-?T£^?i-3nmffr-&e. 5- 3 meld^^use easily, have under command. trnT^t, qff^'^li- 4 perjorm, get through tcith, carry through. ?fT^^, f^- TT^, fn^rf^^ 3T?W, cftewf, q?5dT, ^t^, %W,^, 5 See To Train. 6 treat with judgment.^ direct ivith address, ^^\p\^ ^i'\^^i-^\^<=i\i^-^\ri^^. To Manage, v. n. direct affairs, carry on business. ^TT w.- ^RHR m.-&e. qr^'if-^Tof-'^rM^iSr-^'TT^of. 2 ( in domestic afl'airs ). ^X 11. ^^-q^r^ijf-t(irl^ot, ^- ?IR m.-&c. ^RiJi-qifiir. 3 with; contrive to get on, shijt. =5Tn5/.-^l?in7T, c)[^^ | d %^,&c. aTTSfftrT. 2 OT^RP;?:!, &c. grTFI ^^T^r-^ri'N^ai, &C. 3 Tr^. M. of a festive occasion. ^^V^,. [=-ess, n. v. A. Tl^qoiT m. hSt /. H^ir:^/. iTT^>?irT Manqa>-ese, w. (i^ tirg a^ff. [ %5^T'^'P'T «. Mang-coek, n. mixed corn. %nzf. tlpq'f^t f»re55 /• ^? /. 3Iakge, «.— in horses, mf. ^q% ?k. j>l. 2— in cattle. q;4l?5T »>• W''^^f. 3— in dogs. ?^ /. ^^-^ /. MANGELWtKZEL, It. tnp Jf^ 3Tf^, [ ^T^qr OT. Maxgeb, n. iroufjh for horses' corn. ^-iTRr ^MT ^RTTT^ 2o Mangle, v. a. cut in a hingling or tearing manner, lacTc, f^w^7J\., fsrsi^ioT, yi4iift)"i, ^'3;^.^T^^^.z-f^^^.^'(^^^ 2:-=5fHT^:T-=5ir5nf^-5fT5fTf^-%3T5rt^RT ded.-f^^f^^-y^^\■ ?f5rr-&c. cfi3^-HT?;'Ji-^"i5'Jf, f^Rqj'JT / ^ot ^. q/"o. T%?^ 2 ( clothes ). ^?5 ai^ir, ^s:w, %o! siTqT, nrsq arrar, "tt- 2?5t, 'TTcftsti^ "Tfsft 3TT5IT, ^TH-^T art^ir, ^'csjr, fs^a-sTT SltsiT, S^fsTT, sj^gl?, ?f^=qT STRT, iiq^T a^RT, ^TTOCT't^, Blossom of the m. MJ^^ m- ( To blossom jff^^i'ii ), Cake of the mashed pulp of mangoes, ^r^ n. Cluster or tuft of leaves of the m. STI^PTs?? m. Expressed juice of mangoes. arJilW »«■ Fallen m. qft=^T arfifT in. Tallen and burst m. 'fZ n. ^rs ti. Fine, full, glowing m. ^ci^^ n. Tfiqf/q m. Hook and net with which mangoes are gathered. 3^f- Kernel of the m. ^FTTy. M. that has ripend too quickly, ^i^zf. f^TrS n. M. on the tree nearly ripe. i!TT?T/. Mangoes just formed. at=R »». Mangoes that have fallen, as opposed to mangoes ripened in straw, qs/. M.-stonc. ^iq-/. 5115 dim. ^i€\ f. STTST w. ^Fmr w. M. stone just formed. ^pf^qiBfr/.— To have the stono just formed. ^'^ToE''f, ^'^J^T'Jr. M. having the stono fully formed. mSo^ or in3T5! 3Tf- 5fT. — To have the stone fully formed. sfT^ol^ or sfreTJE^, ^J^Z^. M. having the kernel just formed. qpRFoS a^fsfr.— To have the kernel just formed. s^tTT^ot. M.— dinner or meal. ^'TT^PT n. M. sauce. ?T-^ «. M.-water. ^f^l^Tafr n. [/. ^^(/. Mangoes sliced and dried, a^jsj^fv^ or ^pjt\f. arsjf^ Mangoes sliced & pickled. NTt^T in. M.-grove. arisj^f or stm^r/. '^i^^^ n. [^oft/. Net in which mangoes are kept. TJ^qr m. ^TR'T/.OT- Picklcd m. ^^531^r or CJ^pj^iT or ^J^PSiqt m. ^^^\■fJ- ^ ^m^ n. Preserved m. ^r^^^ or nsfilT m- Wild m.— tree, spondias magnifera. ^ERT »«• Young, unripe m. \t[f. slToJaiifT »». =F^?rt/. ^t/ Young m. stoned and preserved. SEFTlt w. Young m. preserved in a salt pickle. rTrTrat/. FA^J- 5TT m. fit|tqT »n. f^t^ft/. ^^/. Wl^f. MANGO-riSH, n. ^^^ m. Mangosteen, n. garcinia camlogia — the plant, ^^f. ^\- qpsft/. ^ift/. Ms/.— the fruit. ^^ m. n. TTc^if n. ^51T »>. fTtS «• Dried rind of the m. qTi^srara or ^rSJw. ?rTt5«. 3Ti^ Infusion of dried rind of the m. €r3^oft«. Oil extracted from the m. Jpt^jiifjjj. J^^En. fit<|^«. Manoeove, n. frtcR n- [^^■^\. Mangy, a. afflicted with mavge—a, horse, nft^, l^^RFIc^r, 2— cattle. 5E'nS?5T. [ n. ^W^1U Manhood, n. human nature. ^TJVB^^n. ^]uw^u\]m. 5R^tJ?f^ 2 virilily, iiot u-omanhood. qF.qqary?;;. q^iTfii-n. qfi^q«, q^^?t. q;F'!r^»«. qKi^Twi. q^qni^r?". ^'i^pst/. qmnTrw. 3 not y^oi/hood. ^\^^mm. qV^^r/ qor«. ^''T^/. ^H?/. I valor, fortitude, ^c. \. Col'eage. H^qair»«. T^ff/ H|- jft/. q^'.'irfir?;. qiwj. [^it^ot. ^^?«. UfA^r 512 ]\rA?7 iljsiAc, Masiacal, a. y. Mad. ^v, ^rff^r, fTOa'jifir, Ac. J^H I JMM . :Mamac, n. madman. Sec 3Iad. WaJJIFEST, o. clear. 0}Jcn^ apparent, T. PlAlN. 3^, ^^TST, w?, spF^fo/'. srn^, iffHs;, r^?t, ^^tp, ^qrp, s^t, 3irf5r'HH, SIT^H?T, TpT, ^, STFJ?:. To bccume in. q^^Tf or iR^af, aTrT^^fspt, ^iT^fif. Waxifest, «. ;jhW/i- declaration. vTTf^TTH/. ^f^^r^Tw*. 2 iniOiVe. »T?^5)?ir?T >TT>?qT TT^psft TTT/ To MaMFEst. v. a. make apparent .^shoH- clearly. ^^%-^t\Z- o>- :P1?DT, STJi^ifiJf, si^T^T»n.-:if^f5/.-;jqftq^/.-&c. SF^oty. ■»^^m.-&c.W.T.^ ff.ofo. I 3Iauifestation, n. v. V.— aci. 3^5 ^':w n. im?;Df«. &c. 3TTf5f^:R^«. Ml^i+iotM. 3TTfq''^q?r«. >;i.^im«. ^TsThRTJTw. ;{ 575TT/. ST^T^TWJ. ^fftrf?-/. ^ffTTH/. sqf^/. 5rT^-€T«. STT- i; Seat or ijlacc of the first m. of a divinity. aTT?7^'-irESTED, p. V. V. ;t^ %%?5T, srf%^ stm^OT, &c. STpfcr, M+.d)*cT, ■t:H"!n*^, £^^^?T, SfTf^E^^, STT^c^kT, jMa>"if£stek, n. MAXiFESTiyo, ;). o. v. Y. 3"^ ^onTT, Sff^lt^ armaiKT, &e. sr^RT^F, 5^T¥t^'Jr-in;^t^RtT-&c. JIanifesti.t, adv. T. A. 3^, ^f%5, srftf^'m, !T?^?7, ^TfTT- Manifestsess, «. V. A. ^^^S'J^Tm. iTJi^Torrw;. !Tf%5;?"nrw. &c. srftrfs/. m^zvn. zTff^f. gizrf^/. Manifesto. See Manifest, 1. Manifold, a. of several kinds.^ main/. Sf^FT Sfjpirqr, sf^rt ?r=^t^T, fsrf^f-^, sfff^Ti^, ^rmrf^-^, 3(;^^jfr, ^rf^ir. 2 appearing in various u-ays. ^^^,T, 3T%^^."T. Manikin, n. little man. '^\\M^m.-^^-s^ f.MYTmm.^^^wfim. 2 — The anatomical preparation. TT^i^n^ RlftTifftS ^^■ ^^ 5T^f??tf^ JpRrft '^F.^ "Trrar »i. 2b Manipulate, v. a. zvorJc uitJi. the hands. ^Tfn%-^^°^^- ^r^-&c. ^JT'if , ^wo-mHK m. JRtjf. [ sqitfix m. JrANiPULATiON, n. work ly hand, ^^pm «. ^^sp^ «. ^- Mankind, n. the human race, t.Man. iT^inT'JTTffr/. iTRcf^iT- frf/. *in'iq^q- OT. M^ti^JUJT in. K^'sq' n. pi. JIT^W «. ^^Z. 3 roce of males. q^i^T^cf/. ?TT^fT/. ^H'':^!^ vTTrr/. Manlike. ,See Manlt. Manliness, n. v. A. 1. J^^oir ?». PRf/. H5[ff /. KIK^jft/ Manly, a, manlike, Jrm, Irave. ^z]^ T7THT, H^T^sfT, ^JT, f^- Manna, «.— of the bamboo, ^^^i or r^^^V. n. <^^^Tr, or rl^r^lH n. qJl^ «. 5f?i?5t^nT «.— Persian m. gJ-^r^T^ m. Manneu, n. method, mode, ivay of doing, t^ pop7\\^f. ^T- ?5/. q'TiT m. ^^f^f. ^f(.^v^f. wm w. tTi?r/. f^r^T m. 4 imjmsingness of action. Z^f. :f}c5 w. ste^rrft/. a^T^T »?i. Pleasing manner or air. ^;^f. Z peculiar way, modc,slylc, fashion, ^c. §^/. t^^f.Z^ f, ifft/. T^rrq- ««. 5?T'jft/.«T?;?ft/.tir?:>jfr/.tiT?.t/.^'c^ «. if?T pop. TT?r/. ri^^r/. Aflected m. ^/. G manners; «-fly o/ /y/V, t. Conduct, ^t^/ =EfTf^'n'/, ETr^qp/. feji'ifeji'iDT^/. ft'trfHfrf?T /)o^. ?'4trrftcr/. |tt «. Good m. gntM/. Ill m. 31^'TfcT /. [t^f. Manners and morals — compreh.f^v:rf'Tftf?r^i(?/i. FtftrT- 7 manners; ceremonious behaviour, \. Civility. JTTOT^r- ^mr «. JTg^^rnJTT m. ^strfnft/. f?T'?rqR »». f\w^^lf- tmw^ m-f. 3^5^/. 8 carriage, deportment, onitcard behaviour. STTTiI^/. ManneFvLINEss, ?i.v. A. f^TWl/. f^m?^/. ^«TfTT/. n^-4- Mannekly, «. ceremonious.^ polite, M. Civil, f^ij, ^vzr, %- IMannish. tSee Masculine. JManceuvhE; n. skilful move, measure, ^-c. ^rf^ f. ^T^fTl^r ^^T^ m. f\WM^ f, 5T^ m. v. %o!;, ^^ m. ^ Manoeuvres. 3Rq=q' n. pi. 3^5%^ m. pi. iJ^qif m. pi, \W.Z'>^^ 5fTf5iTq;f^/.^Z. Military mauoeuvers. ^FSTTfrT or ^.'^{^f. To Manceuveee, v.n. — in mlitary exercise. ^P^cT/ ^T^f- 2 acY j«7A «r^ ojjc? address, ^f^p/. ^T'Jf-=^Ir=IcIof-%5:at-?I- ]\Ian of vvae, «. ^i^pft B5T^ naipr «. 3itjtr «. Manoe, w. land or estate of a lord, ^'c. vJTftrT^Tft / ^T^nt^ /. ^?m^=5fir ;?nftFr/. Lord of the m. vTift?f5R, ^T^f^TSR, ^^W^, MW^. Manoeial, a. pertaining, Sfc. to a manor, ^^nft^^'it'^r, ^Sfl- IMansion, n. gentleman's residence, v. House, ernr >«. ^^T- ?ft/. HfTS m. 2 (of the moon). JT?T5T «. There are twenty seven, viz. 3lf»q?fr, >TOJft, ^f^m, ^ffiift, ^, 3TT?f, JFfsff , MAN 513 MAR FTR^, "^sriTI^qsj, ;?TlUHT^q3r, ^Jfrfr. A twenty eighth ( srfTl^^f ) is added somclimes, which is composed of the last quarter of the 21st and tlio fifteenth part of the 22ud. Some significant or allusiYO terms for cer- tain of them ( esp. with reference to the raiu which falls under them ) are, JTi^-^T ( for aTHTTtTT ), =^ and ^FSt^TT ( for f^5lT ), ^^^T ( for ^Mt )r^^=^ ( for f^T- 5!TreTT ), d^uiT or KrnpHT ^^TT ( for ^'sq' ) , '4r?5T ^=fT or J^KT ( for ^^n^ ), ^rft ( for |W?l?l==f ), qo'-cfT ( for those naJcsJiatras of the rains which follow qqf )_ Of the asterism or mansion, ^^?r?l^, four feet or divisions ( •«( !<.■=< <,>J| ) are supposed, and named, from the (as supposed) positively bad and thence improving quality of the rain which falls respectively under them, c5I^SrqT =ERW or qpq, ?na:qrqT ^W, ^cqj^T ^\^^ €p^TrqT- fT^. Astrologers make three divisions ( ^^ ) of the27 «a^s7(a<'ra«, consisting of nine each. They are named ^I'lul, ^^HW'lUf, JTgcq'iT'JT. Blind, dark, &c. m. ^?# ?r^5r n. Inauspicious m. EnTf^?7=5f n. JIanstiete, Maksuetude. See Tame, Tameness. Mantel- piece,Mantle-teee, n. p-ojeding ledge, Sfc. f^K- ^f- Mf- ^f- Mantle, ». v. Cloke. ^/. gf^f / ^^f. 5^€ m. To Mantle, v. a. cloJce, v. To Hide. ?5'?^^, ^tq'^OTw. ^r?rnt. To 'KmT:-L-E,v.n. joy, revel, sj^ »«.-J^^/. pl.-&c. iTK^, 2 spread htccuriantty. 5^T^, ^OT, STT^c^Sot, TrtTR'if, TT- 3 ferment, u-orJc, gather froth, ^fit, 4»'ttotui, S>HA|t)5 st- Mantua, n. gown. q'^i^F^T w». Mantua-makee, n. ^^ "Ttq^iTJT f?!^^ ^R^TTT. Manual, a. lelovghig to the hand. ^mr^qT, ^ld-=II, ^^Rf^i- 2 ?/. ^^/ 1^/ ^^gf^/ 2b Manumit, To IManumise, t'. a. release from tlavcry, ^R^nrepT ?Ti5'^,B^/--fli5/.-op. I^W.^^i 3T^^, "1^%, fifJFS, 5f^^, q^ ( in conip. as q;f^, ^^^, &c.}.~ infens. ^?TR?5^, ^■ST^fq', #^-5TRT#ft, ^HlfdRi?. Por numerous vulgar words See Exubeeant. As m. as. rdd+l, ^^T^, ^^^ How m. f^F^ft, %f?f, %qST, f^P?ft^, f^F^, r*rt<»>l. In m. places. cJ^Ti+roff, ^^, 3^%^^. In m. ways or sorts, sr^sf^lf , «I^^. M. a one. f%?ftt^5F or fe^^i'W. M. times. «rf ^t, q^=JK, q^^' So m. as. ■^!FT, %q5T, ^H^H. Many, n. multitude. ^5^ »«. ^^V^ m. ^ij^ »». Mant-coloeed, n. «i;g<'IRT, «l^^, f^^^itq^sf , ^HRuf, HMKI'I. Many-coeneeed, a. sf;^^rJT. Many-fibeed, a. q^FT^fr. IMany-heabed, o. q;|-iTW^, ■M|,niU+, ^^^. Many-steeamf.d, a. -. ?qwfrn m. MAMArrEB, fi. rmer for plunder. g^RT, J^lff, ^€, JS. Eavagcs of ninraiulers. St^niR/. Mabauhiso, fl. roiiiiyforjdinider. g^^fl^ fpTJif «. W^Mt Mabble, (». m/7r/e, ij-c. of marble. ?rnn<.t|'0, ^1H-g, a. ^ +«. Sff ?5 n. tt^^?5 / «. 2 Freuoh ui. r?;^ noficp of. TTf "^, ?5^i?r, JS^'q' M.-WTT5=f w.-f^rf M.-&C. ^-cTTqr'Jf-S^, ?r^"^rT-'^*'D. q'ftST^ »»• ^^"^1 $■ of o. ^- 5 out ; ^ra^e thejijure, outlines, Sfc. of. ^rW', ^^ ^of, a^W, ai^f ;t ^^, tw^ or ^^R^, %^, =PT^, ^^?^ /.-ST^q- M.-&C. ^FTiif y. of 0. To Maek, y. n. note. r5e-"^f?r-«rFTf?r-&e. 3TTiT^-5^5t. Marked, p. v. V. A. 1. ?3;i7r f^s^r, &c. 3T^f5?5r, 3tf%?f, f%- 3 Trff BFJT, FSf^T^^IT, &c. 5 q?T3c5T, ar^ i^^, etc. Haekee, m. Maeking,^. a. v. V. A. 1. ?5nT'^>Jll^l,f^:!Traft- 2 SPTOTRT, 5PT ^RT, &e. ^\n \y'A\^\. 3 ?5f?TCTRT, etc. ?re-"q-^Rr, &c. ^.^\r\ aTTiMRT, &C. 5 ipJJT ^OTTTT, ar^^ ^OTTTT, '^^?:oTRT, &c. JIaeket, n. '!\\A\K m. p- m. dim. ^f\ f. pop. |^ or ^ w. q^ ?».— comi^reh. & indef. &c. ^l-i-MMrT m. A green m. JT5^/. HT^ ot. HK^l'd/. A moveable m. ^ /lo^. ^ or ^\Z m. Afternoon or evening m. ^^/. J^jft^r ^ir^R m. Clerk of the m. fvpT^ or f^TT^qr, f^':?? "TTSOTm. Custom or usage of the m. «rr^rT f^TT^cTT m. Current in the m. STT^^TTT^frH or ^^f^^. M.-court. ■^\'{i\f. M.-intelligence. ^5 /. M.-tattle, report, &c. iJMKaTTUT/ «JMI<5nrr:tft/. Public measurer of a m. HTTTft or HIMlCl. >Stale or after m. f^lotHMR m. ^i-^WAK m. Stale or refuse m. -commodities. ^% %af n. Tax or duty paid for a booth, stand, &c. in a m. ^- ^^/. 5RPP/. ^3^/. sTrsTTT ^S^/. Maeket, a. V. N. i)MlO, ^IMK^I. To Maeket, v. n. ^fSKK m.-^PI^TT^^T «.-^^t^ m.-^T^T^«.- &c. w^- ['.r^^'H M. Maeket-dat, n. sn^r'"^ f^^m nj.-^rrr in. qr^JTrrf^H w. ^- Maeket-folk, n. m^xi^i JTTtiT^ «. 2)^. ■jJMK+O m. pi. qr- Maeket-man, «. "MMK+il m. ^[^^ »j. Makket-place, n. m^^VK'd(\ ^'mf. «|MKmii ot. Mabket-peice, Maeket-eate, «. i)MKJTRm. >TR??J. j llie market. ^l^dlO, sfT^JTR^. Maeketino, «. qr^^TTT ^?:df «. qfJTR m. ^Vcm^Km. v\^ m. Maeking, n. V. V. A. l.—ad. ^rr\ ^^df w. f^^TI'tft ^ «. ai'^uT H. &c. ar^ijft/ ar^p-T if. 2 smt^ n. ^T^^ M. sm'jft/. ?iT?nifr/'. 3 TT^iJf ?i. ?5f^iJT «• &c. 4 T|?T- rT^ M.^fegT ?«. — the nut. f^f^TT or f^I^TT O)' f^ni^T »f. *ri?TrT<|v'ra. — covertly or cautly. curaT WJ. Calyx of the m. f^r^rr n. fxHlT^/. Oil obtained from the m. f'H'^^ n. f5;%=I n. Seed of the m. f^i^ n. Spot or dot resembling the m. ftR^ «. ^sf^ «. Maeksman, n. one skilful to hit a mar':. f^^V^ hKmikI, 2 ^^ f%^Tprft-&c.7:TirTT. Mael, ?j. — the earth. f^irKpff/. Mabl-pit, n. f^^i3TJTpft=ft ^[it/. Mabiioeean, «. ?;i(rf/e of marble, '^^^r.^t(, y'lHi^TT^. Maequis, w. fqTOTqrFft?^ 'rq^ T^q^ artf . Maeeed, p. V. V. 1. f^TSrycTT, =TT¥^f , &c. 2 JTil^FST, f|^nF^%OT, &c. Maeeee, n. v.V. 1. f^nr^oTRT, ^WTRT, &c. ^qr5-5TT, TT?!^, fq^^T^, f^Tm^, fsr^TTrff. [+,pjf;jHnTq;, &C. 2 m^lT^, :^^^aTRr, &c. fft^TT, ^^W.Z^, ^frmf^FT^, Maeeiage, «. Zfya/ union of a man and a woman. fv^T^M. '^Ti pop. ?in^or??'ft^w. q'^^?!. Jt, 3TT%=^ or aTT%- ^V}\.| arr^^^ or arr^Tqiw or arTaJftf^, aTtiT%7nT,7ii^iy|- xf, afrfT, ^T^ift, f^rft, i^^irr or %-2^aT, qi^^or iri^- qwJT, qts^rt^ot, H>rfMi.M, sfraq-iJT, jrid^iMidufr, Tmsr^, 5f^.^r, ?^7?r, ?r^rf m, s^mIiw^, ^w^ or ^mT^- 5t5TTaT,~ ^%^nTT, ^1%, ^IWMSl, g^fiJirfH^. Certain /orw* of marria'jc are,— aTTgrf^nTTf , VfTTf^T^, n'q^f^fT or 'TM'- MAR B16 MAR ^r^, JTT^^^, H;T?ra=5ff or f^r^, rr^THf^I^^. Some of the tcriiid oxpros,;4 thinjs used at marriages are,— 3Tf|Tt, ^?l^-2^, ^ft"fr, -^?T^<^, =PT^, ^'^fi ^«W^lft, €hP7TOTJT, ST^^or JTS, f^^TF, ^T^T^ '^^ '' °'' .^^ ^^? ' 7[^^(HT^ or JTToE, sqrm, arr^rra- %^,'' a' H ^ IJI, f^T'^T^IT, siTT^'JTTT^, ?ftHi?Tq^^ ;30/i. y '^rfl ' j^H . Other terms expressing various jioints and particulars are, — ^TPT^OT, vrfH^I'HM?, 3[R5=r3^, ^s^'^, 'Jf^^^, ^'T?^. Ill f^hc solemnization of marriage to say " / tai-e {this woman^ this man^ ) to my ( ivije^ husband )" is well rendered by iTH'-^u|ot. Ablution at m. iTn?5^:TFr?i. A huddled or hurried m. iTI«t^'5T»». Altar or raised seat at a m. ^r^^ or sft^^n. A shabby m. ^^k^j^n.-T^^^m. &c. Asking a girl in m. nv^^f. iTPft/. Auspicious (season, month, lunar day, nalcsliatra,) for m. ?IW^TO^/. ?5?THr^»». ?5Wi7rf4/. Auspieious juncture (for joining hands, &c.) at a m. FTR^ft^/. cyfTTfrf'^. — The time-cup determining it. fMT^W/.— Astrologer's paper stating it. riHp^^l /. riMHpsl+l /. — EoU of such auspicious junctures. Cloth or screen interposed at a m. between the bride and bridegroom. STrTiT^ m. ^^^^f. ^^^\-'^- Company and attendants at a m. cRTrr/. ^=^ n. Cord with which the height of a proposed bride or bridegroom is ascertained. MH|U|g5f n. oT^nj^T n. Father of the bridegroom. ^hI^NIM— the mother 5fl"T- Fee to the priest at a m. JTtS^^S^/. Interchange between families of daughters in m, sj^ n. or 5i^?ST^' FIIT «. 5I^;=5R'T «. Joining of the hands at a m. mfuiM^ m. ml^iq^OT n. Letter of invitation to a m. r?tTf^I^/ Making up or bringing about a m. ^'tm.^[^f.m.\^\f. M.-contract. HTTffT^^ or ^f;T=*/7^ m. M.-tax. ?r?n^r or Z^j m. M.-liceuse. ?5?Tf^/. M.-feast. eSHW^'MH n. ^^^ n. M.-festivities. riM^l^abl m. M.-oftering ( to the tutelar deity of a place ). HTf ?5- M.-procession. ^=^ n. tJTFT/. JI. -service. fir^^imK m. JI. -string. ( It is a string with a bit of gold strun g on it; it is put round the neck of the bride, who wear a it till she becomes a widow, when it ia broken ). HT^- ^ n. ^rni'MH^ in. JTtTrTrrg m. ar^FT^^w. Man in or entering into his first m. ST'• ^flT w.*l'M»».?nT»t.iPTOT.^n. Maeeow-bojs'e, ». IT^ ^TS ?«. 2 See Knee. 2b MxR'B.r, V. a. join in wedlock. ?5W ?!.-f^5rr^ w».-i5tc. OT'fot- qT/.-&c. ^"JT. ^fj^^^_ 617 2 dispose of in marriage, ^of , r^TT^ ^iJf , FTtT Jp^?T \^. 3 take for hushand or wife, f^r^, qr^iJt,-d^l^iJi, ^K^^, tRtjTT w.-TfT'T^TT n.-mfum^ wj.-qrTfiiq'^ 7J.-&C. ^of. 4 ial-e to wife. SfT^^T/.-^T^Rt/. ^JW-^^TT if>^, "^fcW^T w.-'DEE. ^^^ n. +lr|+ «. ^Hr+,|J m. =EfMW. ?r^m^/. ^^55Tft/. ??^?53T;|?T n. ^^^%^ n. To Maevel, v. n. v. To Wondeb. ^^ n.-^^^ n.-&c. qp- 5:^, ^^fcT ?J.-3TT=*"I^ M.-&e. ETRot j«. con. 'IHr+Hot, ^- MaByel of Peru, M. 2?55rRf/. m. wi^]^/. ( the plant ) Wq'^liTS n. ( the flower ). Maevei.lous, a. v. Wonderful. ;ig?y, ^^?Jr^, 3TT'«PT^>IT Maevellousfa-, ado. V. A. ;7;rF! ^TRT^rraFn decl. "iTT^^ qi- Maeyellousness, n. v. A. q cj^iiiu ii m. ^^Pi^f. arq^if^/. aTSTTfTT/. Masculine, o. »«a7e. J?^3TTrfr^, ^^q'^Rftq-, j^iTTPftq-, "T^q-- f%5p, j in comp. ^J^^ in comp. 2 Iclonging to males, fU for males, ^'c. J^l^rr^, J^nifvn- 3 resembling a man. ^^tm^, J^^^ST^HTSfrqT, J^iT^TT?^- ^1^5^^^, ^^, 5^^, 5^|f^, JST??^, ? »t|irMd , H^l^. 4— in grammar. ^f^T. [ frT/. Masculineness, «. Y. A. 3. j^nr^JTT^ m. '^JS^^f. jsi^- Mash, n. a mixture of things mingled or beaten together. ^- ^ w». ^?^ m. f^sr m. M. of ground rice and bran boiled. %^IT m. %^«. M. of tamarinds, mangoes, &c. «FrS m. [ rtci «. 2 ( for cattle ) 3T%T w. 1%Tr5T ♦». 1%=q"| «. ^TTTT »». »Tt- 3 maslied, crushed, bruised state. ^^ m. ^^irf^ m. 21? Mash, v. a. bruise, crush, beat into a mess, q^ui', ^J^- Siif, %^, %^^T?I%?JT, etc. JtrfTJT, 3TT^iJT^. Masker, n. Masking, ^J.a. y. V. l.H<>l=|r^?sn^r?I55 m. ^-y'^q+HHKH m. Mass, n. lump, hody. irrar "»■ I^T m. 3e5T m. ^^ m. '<(% m. *»R) n. (S'M+I tn. 57 /. fq^ wi. nr^ m. [ T^ ?«. Kueaded and messed or soft ni. ST^ »». ^JT^ m. ^- M. of wood, stone, &c. VT5 «. UTS'? n. 2 aggregated mass, congeries, assemblage. vTTN ot. T? >». ^Z orV:^ m. TTT »». "it^ »«• ^"TTS «. ^/. WT m. A m. falling or fallen from a wall, &e. 5«PP Jt. 5^ «. Moving m. ( of air, water, and^^. of men ). 3tJ»». t5fer»». 5^IT or JHTST m. 3 Aea/), cj-c. ^ m. f^nTT or f^Tj^ «i. fsnTTF w. TRT /. 4 gross loJy, the hulk, the hody. ?tRt m. pop_ TRT/. S^ «. 5^sT*mT »». sipfrnn m. sh^TkiRt w». By the m. In the m. ^'tTpF, t^^r'es.s, n. v. A. v^SHi-0hu|1»!. NUNdHUiT m. &e. ?'T5 or arsTfrrj, ^;r^, ^^t^r, ^rer, ^^rrs, s^^f, q^nr, ErnTcR, q- «iMi=(, H-;sT, >j^in. Mast, w.— of a ship. ^^5 ?«. ilcl+lil/- 5t?r^ ot. ^ft^q sist /■ =prat/. [m^^Frft. That has two masts. ^^Jt, — that Las three. ffRSRr^, Masteb, n. — correl. with servant, tpf^, W^i ?^'ft, R^, ^■^MIH, %5^, ^s?. — compreh. or loosely. tl^ftTfl^TTtft, That serves two masters. ^'TT^fpT^, ^TT^rT^t. That is his own m. 3Tm^ (:T^,^cr?n^ ^^, ^?ft«??ft, Like m. like man. T or HTt^^, ^^TTHt, ^jfW^, M. of a school, q'rf t jfl . M. or instructor in science. f^^R^. 7 teacher oj an art or science. iRi, ^^^ ( as ^ r<^|-m ^- ^Tf^, dancing m. 'iiumi-mi ^^TT^, singing m. &c.). Business of a m. or teacher. ^■^14/'!^/. S skilful person. ^HT^, vl|UH|, ^^T, qii^'d, ^r^T?. 9 one uncontrolled. JT'i>, >;. cfMKPTr ^ w- Mastkr-kev, n. ar^'KJ^^qr S'^T^'Trft f^jft. This is a m. key. ^ f%lft ^^x%, arflT Mastee-i'iece, «. excellent performanct.'HVZ'^\ ^H«rr^-=r'trr- ^-3Tf?T^^TrqTir-3Tf?rqTgTH-&c. ^TTH 7». :g1-^?qT^.TTT- This is a m. piece. ^ ^pmi-^ ^l^T-'TT^ MJ|*iyi 5n?{Y. Mastee-steoke, «. ETW i . ^t^ «■ Of a m. ■HUdlc?!, ?n^?T, ^JTH^F?^. [ ^n?T ^?:. I M. with m. T^T^FRTT ^^^.| H\^\^\ JITO, ^flTfl" fWT. MAT 519 MAT 2 one that tallies. 5ffw0-=)l, ^■Tl'K-^r, ■ifl"^-=ll, ?n^^, Scheming to cftect a in. ^is*? »'. 4 contest, game, ^]'^f.%\^m. 5 /re OT«^/;. liq^lfT/. ^'^^fst/. ^.\t[ f. f^osf /. f^- 5^rq ^Fil n. 3TT'fM-^5qT=jft ^^/. [ or ^ «i. 6 (ofagim). cTtlT M. ?K? «. ^mift/. strft/. rS^fT-&c. +r ^^rJT, ^i^^Hirj- t^ f^RTR^T irf^"?, &c. Matbiculation, n. v. V. ^k fe|H qra!(lTa;>r irof w. &c. ?t- Mateimonial, «. of or belonging to marriage. FStTT^, f^r- ^r^, &e. ?5TRt5t#^T, ^Vfjf^^^fV^., BtTT^PT^, Ac. 1^- Mateimony, n. v. Maeeiaoe. ^?rTf m. 3^51^ ot. Rellf^riiij- Mateix. See Mateice. Mateon, n. a respectable and mature married ivcman.^V^l- ^ 3nqqF?r/. qr^M/. it?t/. q^^t / ^\^ f. srirHr/ MAT 620 MAX 2 female tuperintendtnt. JFTTTTfN/'TT'npf^/^-^^^'ftor/. MatKO.naL, MiTllONLy, a. pcrfalninj, suitable, ijv. to a tnatron. sFtrBft^, srT--»T?fr^r, ?r^^?it':ft, SRrH^M- 2 elderly. STTT^, ^I^^, ^TTrffrFT. Matted, p. v. V. 2. fEr>n?i?jr, ^rs^f^T, ^^ra', sTcfNf. To be m.— hair. «i3 w. ^T^CtJi-fW" y. of s. h*il »•- MArrER, «. — not spirit; lody,suls/ance., any thing visille or iangihle. ^^r^,'rKr- ^.'T??^'T^«. ^=5PTrrTciT:F5r- ??fn. ^sq n. ar^TTHr m. ?Tl+KH<^r4 Jn.-^r^ n.-&e. Distiuguisliiug bctwccu m. and spirit. aTTcTTTTcT- ^^^m in. 3H|rMMIrHW^ »». 2 stibslralum of the universe. Sl^lrr / KFTT /• ST^T «. 3 that of which any thing is composed. ^rT'W «. ?TP^^- 4 subject, thing treated, f^'^^ m. ^W'Vl n. f TTm m. 5 concern, business, v. Affair. JFIK «. =Ft4 «. 'fr?/. H- !F^ m. ft^TT m. ^M f H*<.ui «. Matters, affairs, event. ^P?vJpJ /. Statement or account of matters. ^\^ m. ^f%^«T/. C subject of complaint or suit. «(i<\|-Mi-?«R?'TT^-&c. f^- ^^ m. sTT^f^rTT m. 7 cause or ground of disturbance, ^'c. 'i^^^^-Ac^R'TW. 3T^;TKi.i|+KU| n. ST^IT?^'^!^ «»• What's the matter 1 ^Fmarfl? W^ m^? 8 import, consequence, moment . H^^fj^y. or^MiK^l w, tcjV/i «e7. cow. SF^^T^ m. f^f^TTrT or f5T5[TT^/. f^^^T »». No m. f%fTT ^r^, 'TT^TT ^Tft. 9 /Aj'ny, object. 'WZf. [h'hm m. 3I'H+, Maiuee, o. lit. fig. y. EiPE. qigT, W, ^^, st^j'frjpTjSPIF^, I To jrATL'EE, V. a. See To Eipen, 2. bring to perfection. f%- JIaturely, adv. Kith full deliberation. >Tt'?>W, ^T^off, ^r;- Matureness, Maturity, n. v. A. and Eipeness. "flTpqiTTT m. Matutin-al, Matutine, a. belonging to morning. SIFT:+.I'^-«JI, Maudlin, (I. tipsy, fuddled. f%1^?IT, flK^^r, ?rr^5^%?5T, Maugre, adv. in spite of notn-ithstanding. ^ HHrii, JjilctHj Maul, n. malt. '^\^X\ m. iTFFT '"• To Maul, j;. o. t. To Beat. ^^-5^-&c. ttkot, ^Tof , ^T OT. V)l?iui, ^^ m.-fq-^ n. qr5"ii-^FT"it Jt. Maund, «. — the Indian measure, ^^m, About a m. H "!<-■( I u|, TW^. A m.-measure. HTT^r m. M. of 12 puyli. ■mt'rtlH'T OT. Quantity equalling a m. JTOI^T m. Weight determining the m. TTUf^Pr «»• HOT^^/. That is of the weight or capacity of half a m. 3T7IT- To Maunder, See To Muemue, To Grumble. [=qT, &.c. Mausolean, a. belonging to a mausoleum. if^'Y^, MXi ^^• Mausoleum, m. large tomb or monument. S=5ft/. f{tt{ ^i^ /. irre n. ^^riT OT. ?rHTf£r i'";'. ^'m^f f^-idi^j^ »>. MAUvAisE-nONTE, w. bashfuhiess. ^fTTO? «'. ^^*ftfrr/. '^JR- Maw, «. stomach, ^prsr ?«. Hl«il^l f7^T5ft/.-'TrfT/-iTTT/. 2 fig. vast receptacle, abysm, S{c. ^^^f U^iTT^^ w\ f ^RTSHN «. 3 craw of birds. I^Tt »!. ^H|o! >«. Mawkish, a. insipid. T^PTVtcT, TTT^, "fTT^oS, f%^^, si'^f- =r, Pk+1, FHiiMdld. Mawkishness, «. V. A. H-cmf^rmuil m. qroHdHUII m. &c, Maxillar, IMaxillaey, «. belonging to the jaw. ^TTTS^ir^, Maxim, n. established principle.^ axiom. ^^\^ m. 'ftfrT/. ^'^- 7{ n. c||+i| M. ^[5( n. There are many maxims or rw^e* o/" conduct current among; the Marathas and often quoted. Some of the following' are very common, others are used only by the classic scholar. 3itj'^<'-KI>-'m<4, ^q;- ^i-M\H.i m?TrT^P=m5T, f4r||M--('i)Tq', ^T^'TT^, ^I'tC^ft- ^T^, iT?^r^^:i=^rPT, Jn^q-g^^q, HfjpgfH'^TR, ^^^ ME\ 521 UEX Maximum, n. the greatest niimlei- or quaiititi/. ^TJ{\^■^^ Mat, «.— the iiioiitli. ^q^ ?Tr^r^ "Tt^^n nf^^ w. i^TOr- rrnyf ^r^^^rtf n. [year's clay. Mat-pole, n. ^\f[f. is a pole erected on tlie Hiudu now 2 fig. tall and slender ivoman. i^^Hlol./. ^TH^t^Tf/. iT?^f- Matok, n. chief wajistrate of a city. ^T^jftT, +^H«ITc7, TT^- JIatokaltt, n. office, Sfc. of a viaifor. |Tl%jft/. ^rf%HT?/. SrATOitEss, n. wife of a mayor. ^ir+.*ftu|/. ^RraT^ftT/. ^- TTTrvr^lft/. 1^[az.\iid, n. V. Tace. 5^51't/. ^^'FS »• g^^??". 5?PPT5«. JIaze, n. lahi/rinth. ^THifr^^sft ^STT^/.-^R'/ ^HIoST m. qf. ST^.^!THt 3TPTr/.-&c. ?ir?raf^ ^;TFTT/.-5TI^/.5r?T5Tf=5ft^- iTT/.-&c.gT^lTRiTf?f/. 2 confused state of things, t. Peepi.exitt. f^f^T »«. fT>- '^TTTT^T m. To Maze. See To Bewilbee. JIazt, a. intricate, perplexed with windings. 5ff?:ico4)HI, JfT- ^'fEACOCE, «. effeminate man. sciS^fT, ^S^TT ^^"^1^1, qTTPqT, J^EATi, n. drink of honey and water. JTtT'T'jfl' ». T'^r^T^ m. JT^q'^ ra. [;?rRf 7>i. 3Iead, JIeabow, n. tract of pasture land. ^pTJT n. ^]^^ n. 2 low land along the hanlcs of rivers, ^e. HST n. TT^y. A salt ui. or marsh. ^T^tit n. sf^FJ w, !Meado\vt, a. ^^T^_ Meagee, Meagbe, n. lare offlrsl^ \. Lean. xiVFA^ f+.-^^Jvl- 5T, f+^+iit, f%3f%it?f, ?f5¥ft?f, 'Md-Mi*!, Tmap^r, ^5- 2— of soil, &e. poor, larren. gf%^, g^Ff , ^T% or iTTf , 3 icithout strength, richness, i^'c. ^^^, f?I^F?T, f^X^., ^r- Meac.eemess, «. T.A. 1. f^sf^fl^t'T^T m. ^S^fs^qou »>.&e. 2 ^^WH'TT m. SRSTITT »». &e. 3 ^?iqtJTT OT. fH^P^fqoTT OT. &c. [ ns^/. Meae, n. /(0o^- tcilh a handle. an'sF^/'flf ^ft/ TS^T m. dim. Meal, ■«. v. Floue. { n. M. upon parched grain. MVi^-q^^rj^ m. M.— time, M.-hour. ^ofsTSI/. T^^^f. HMH'H'H - r{ m. 3T5r^M »". M. of a sanyasi. ^■i\f Nap after one's m. sTPT^f^T/ v. ^5", ^. Poor m. meal on poor fare. ^HT^^ ?i. Eice, &c. given for a m. %;rT m. Solid and substantial m. f^>5T^/. [ spft'. Summoner of the guests to the ready m. ^trlRSr- Taking one's meals at irregular hours. ^rWTF^«. Taking a meal at night only. ^TffJHrff^ n. Hrfj n. The fragments, scraps, dirty dishes, &c. remaining where a m. has been made. i^V^.zf ^XW.^'S or sfTS/. ^T^JETST or ^TTST m. l^'^.T^^ or ^X^^C[^^f. "Walk ( of a hundred paces ) after a m. ^MTR^/. "Washing the mouth and hands after a m. a^'^Er^ n. That has taken his meal. ^JFtht^^. To take one's m., to make a m. ^q-oT— To take a slight m. The sense of this phrase as varied by the particular phrases To take a snack, to eat a morsel, to tal-e a few mouthfuls, ^'c. is expressed by, ^^/. jtrcT, ^■Sr ^Tof, JI'ST^, ^\% ^'^ ^-l^-, 'Tl^TRT 31I?r7 or a^T'^Rw. ^^'if, ^R^fW or W^ni, pi. qcff. — To take a full m. gcrge, cram one's matv, «• f^T^'^m m. S.c. ■H'VUm. Mealt, (I. sofl, dry and crumbling. ftsT, flif T, f'TScC, g^no!. 2 oierspiead with povdrr like meal, fq^ra, ^T^I, iHtpr, 3 not Jinn and luscious — niaiigocs, iiuluiis, c^i-. i^SoE. Mkait-MOUTHED, a. that is afraid to speak out; that uses softening terms, ^r^^-irr, irfraHVsiTT, 5ft^«l^,1TWr5-crr, IToEfq^STT, spHTO^FHt. Mbax, a. of low uirlli, rank, or station, v. Low. ?ff^,^;FT, ti low-minded, lase^ vvjenerous. Tr^ft, "^PTT, 31'4^, i^^, •rmrf^^^TT. artm^rfHi, ttht^'tt, arq^T^TT, ^^^f^, '^ petty, contemptihle, insignificant, tcorthless. ^ri'+iT, ^- qf; fpiirft'^, ??^ qn^ff^r, 3?rot, g^^, ^ttt^, ^m^, -^1 ^Tf?"^, Pfih'a, =Pf^^MT or uft, f^ri'=iiuir o?- (Jft, ^- 2'f, f^T^Frtt. 4 middle, moderate. JTS-iPT, H«T, H«??5?, Tf^HST^PNT, T- 5 intervening, intermediate. JT"^, ^T^TT, T^Tf^iTrr, W^^- Meanwhile ; in the mean time. ScHfTt'^f , |rT5f^^'^"^, 6 ( in mathematics ). JT*-"^, T^'TT. JIeaK, ft. middle rate.^ mediocrity. ^^'^:^^^fr^■\:J[ n. ?fTH I •■*<"?- fjjTTur n. ^mp^rq^T ?«. ?n^-TT';oTq?T m. ir^pin^ »«. ;2 interval, interim. 'H'^:i^\^^f. 'H'^^^T, pop. JTeq'rIT M. T- '■^t^mT >«. HtsTt^rn^ w. '^^l^ m.f ^t^f^f ;'. instrument^ medium. ?ITtr?t «. ^JT^R »i. ^!. JPHTT n. ^.nm'-^ n. ^.}^V(^ n. ^^^^^ it. ^Rn. qtn w. im^wff. Means. ^fmR «. ^rm^^/. ^Tfff^ «. ^Tq^^PR^/. Minor means. S'^rom^/. [i^^R. By all means, in all ways. ^^Vf, ^4'4^, ^^f^ft, ^i By all means, v. Cektainlt. -"Jt^n^, f^?TT?I^. By fair means. 'TotiTlf^fj, n^'lTlsfTRf. By no nioansi. not at alL ^FlJliT ^l^i, f^?RTiT ^Tft, By means of. g^RT, git. By some means or other. sc^qp^Tf, ^^t,^^^ q;^7T, By these means. 3T5fTRr, 3T^?q7Jf , Si^ q;c^, Jnrrsp^Tr. By what means. :F?n#, ^F^^^TT, R^^^RTT- The four means of war ( means of preTailing in it ). ^^T^fH^T w.— thcBC are, ^rt, c^, ^5, v^. To lay means and measures. f^iT m. pi. ?5Tqrot. 4 means ; fortune, income. 3T^T »i. ^^fTy. ^^T^ m. 3T? ^nTi."'f «. 3TTT »«. 37^«». [•iTiflrH? Accordingly with one's m. q"