LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS FOR USE IN DICTIONARY CATALOGS Prepared by a Committee OH THH AMERICAN LIBHAHV ASSOCIATION THIRD EDITION REVISED CV MARY JOSEPHINE BRIGGS AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING BOARD CHICAGO 1914 -6 UBRAW SCHOOI. PREFACE THE history of a list of subject headings for the use of cataiogcrs dates back to the Lakcwood conference of the American Library Associa- tion, in 1892, when a committee consisting of Air. Gardner M. Jones, Dr. G. E. Wire and Mr. C. A. Cutter was appointed for the purpose of collating catalogs and compiling from this information a list of subject headings which should represent the most approved usages. At the Chi- cago conference of the following year the committee reported progress, and the Publishing Section of the American Library Association was in- structed to proceed with publication as soon as possible. At the Lake Placid conference, in 1894, the committee reported completion of the work, which was printed the next year. Three years later a second and somewhat revised and enlarged edition was issued and stereotyped, and this edition has been steadily in use by cataiogcrs for the past thirteen years. The growth and development of libraries, their increased use by the public and the many commercial, scientific and economic changes which have taken place of late, have long since made a new and thorough revision of this List of subject headings advisable. A steady demand for the second edition showed that the book was in very general use in libraries through- out the country. In 1906 the Publishing Board appointed, to take up the matter of a new edition, an advisory committee consisting of Mr. Gardner M. Jones, Miss Harriet B. Prescott, Mr. A. G. S. Josephson, Miss Margaret Mann, Miss Linda M. Clatworthy, Mr. J. C. M. Hanson and Miss Electra C. Doren. Later Miss Alice B. Kroeger and Miss Nina E. Browne were added to the committee. Miss Doren was unable to serve. Miss Esther Crawford, a cataloger and library worker of much ex- perience, was employed as editor for the new edition, and the work of col- lecting data and collating and comparing catalogs and cataiogcrs' forms was begun late in 1906. After laboring with great diligence for more than two years and securing a large amount of material. Miss Crawford resigned in July, 1909, and the Board was fortunate in securing the services, in May, 1910, of Miss Mary J. Briggs, cataloger of the BuflFalo public library, to carry the work to completion. Besides a trained knowledge of precisely what this bibliographical tool should be, Miss Briggs has brought to bear a most conscientious and painstaking care that only those can fully appre- ciate who have undertaken a similar task. This third edition, as it now appears, is the result of co-operation and united effort on the part of many library workers, and it is the hope and belief of the Board that the present work has been so well done that no revision need be undertaken for a number of years to come. For a state- ment of the special features embodied, and explanation of certain policies followed reference may be made to the editor's introduction. In the case of such liberal, hearty and wide-spread assistance as the Board and its editors havx here received it is difficult to mention personally all those to whom credit is due. Gratitude is sincerely felt toward all who responded to the call of the editor in sending requested information, or who devoted no small time and effort to the work during the personal visits of the editor in charge. The Board feels, however, that particular mention must be made of the courtesy and helpfulness extended by the Library of Congress during an extended study of the catalog by Miss Craw- ford, by the Newark free public library, which so generously provided work- ing quarters for her for over a year, and by the Buffalo public library, which has similarly furnished accommodations for the past year for Miss Briggs. It trusts that all who have so generously aided in this enterprise may feel abundantly paid by the good service to the library profession which this book now goes forth to render. INTRODUCTION IT has been fDUiul ncccssar)' to omit imicli that was coiiipriscd in the original phm for tlie third edition of the List of subject headings, in order that the size of the book might be kept within reasonable limits. The scope has been broadened by tlie inclusion of some of the more im- portant historical events, inchiding wars but not battles, the chief lan- guages, literatures and ethnic races, and subheads for many of the larger subjects. Technical and scientific terms, chemical and medicinal substances, animals and plants, virtues and vices, diseases, games, foods and other specific headings are included somewhat more liberally than in the second edition, the aim being to provide a checklist in these subjects for the smaller public libraries. The following classes of headings are omitted: 1. Personal names. 2. Geographical names, except for a few regional headings and countries requiring historical subdivisions. 3. Names of months, days, processes in arithmetic, parts of speech. In general, and particularly in the matter of subdivisions, the needs of the moderately large public library, of from 100,000 to 200,000 volumes, have been considered. No attempt has been made to meet the needs of college, technical or special libraries, which must of necessity make finer distinctions and closer subdivisions than would be useful in a popular library. The catalogs most consulted in the revision are those of the Library of Congress, the John Crerar library, Columbia university library, Nebraska university library. Northwestern university library, and the public libraries of Brooklyn, Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Da)-ton and Pittsburgh. Among indexes, the Readers' guide to periodical literature and Engineering index may be specially mentioned. The headings of the second edition have been retained, except for such changes as have seemed desirable in order to conform to present use of terms. The more radical changes have been made in response to what seemed .to be a very general demand, expressed by a decided majority of the answers to questions published in tiie library periodicals and in personal interviews. For the sake of uniformity, in choiceof new terms the Library of Congress headings have been followed so far as they have seemed adapted to the use of popular libraries, omitting of course many subdivisions and technical terms which would be useful only in special or very large libraries. In spelling, the simplified forms of the second edition have been re- tained, and a few others added, but it has not been thought best to advance in this line faster than generally accepted usage will warrant. The plural form is used rather than the singular, except where subjects are generally thought of under the singular. The singular form is used for fruits, in order that the same heading may cover both fruit and tree. The arrange- ment of compound words has occasioned so much perplexity to both makers and users of catalogs, that the hyphen has been eliminated as far as possible, following the latest available authority, Webster's new inter- national dictionary. Little has been attempted in the way of definition of headings beyond an occasional explanatory word or phrase. Space could not well be spared for many definitions, and it has been found difficult to frame them so as not to limit the subjects too closely. Therefore, except in a few cases where the meaning is very ambiguous, it has been left for the references to suggest the scope of the heading when not entirely self-explanatory. As a concession to the very general tendency to look under the form rather than under the language for English dictionaries, grammars, etc., the English language has been made an exception to the regular treatment of languages, and several forms, e.g. dictionaries, grammar and spelling, entered directly under the form. The subheads for other languages are given under German language, and the same can be used for English in libraries where it is preferred that all material regarding that language be kept together. All form names in American and English literature are included in the list, but of other literatures only those most likely to occur in popular libraries of moderate size. Literature, drama, essays, fiction and poetry are entered under the adjective; other forms under the form followed by the adjective name of nationality, except periodicals and newspapers where name of country is used: e.g. English literature; Humor, English; Periodi- cals — England. Reference should be made in every case from the country to the language and literature of that country. These references are indicated in the list for American literature and English language and literature only. The subdivisions formerly printed in the appendices, except those for cities which follow the introduction, are now included in the main alphabet. Country subheads arc given under United States, in order that the many references may be indicated. The Library of Congress Preliminary list of subject subdivisions untlir countries and cities has been used as a basis, with modifications to adapt it to the needs of popular libraries. Many subjects formerly subheaded under country are now referred to the subject with country subdivision. It is better as a rule to keep all matter relating to a city together, making double entry under city and subject when needed: e.g. Boston - Education; Education — -Massa- chusetts; or, in a small library, Boston; Education; without subdivision. The number of subdivisions to be used will, of course, vary with the sjze and character of the library. The small library will ignore the subheads for the most part, using them only for the largest countries, and for subjects upon which it may chance to possess considerable material. It will be easy to add subheads at any time, should material increase so as to require them. It is advised that a list of subheads used be placed at the beginning of each divided subject, and each subhead should have its own guide. Since form subheads may be used with any subject ha\'ing sufficient literature, no attempt has been made to indicate headings requiring such subdivision. At the end of the introduction will be found a list of forms applicable to any such subject. Under United States are given references to most subjects which will require country subdivision in public libraries, and under some of the more important subjects, examples of country sub- division are given, e.g. Education — U. S. E.xperience has shown that the average reader generally disregards both logic and punctuation in consulting an alphabetically arranged card catalog. For this reason, all subdivisions, whether form, geographical or logical, and all inversions arc arranged in one alphabet, regardless of punc- tuation, except only the period subdivisions of history, which are arranged chronologically. Since in this work the main entry word is not repeated, the punctuation for subjects subdivided is not indicated in the main alpha- bet. The dash is advised for all subdivisions, and, if preferred, may be used instead of the comma for inversions, e.g. Bacteriology — Agricultural. To avoid confusion in checking, the refer from references have been printed in parallel columns at the right of the page. The references have been revised, many new ones added, and some, believed to be unnecessary, have been dropped. See references among the refer fronts are indicated by (s). The possibilities of useful references are by no means exhausted in this list. Further references will suggest themselves in cataloging. The best material on a specific subject is often found in a work upon a larger subject, so general in its nature that it is not advisable to analyze it. References are therefore made from the specific to the general in cases where most general works can be expected to contain material on the specific subject. Care should be taken not to make a reference of this kind unless justified by the works actually in the library. If the books on arts and crafts contain nothing on mosaics, a reference from Mosaics to Arts and crafts would be useless and misleading. The same principle applies to other references, which should not be made in any case unless the book cataloged is of interest in connection with the subject from which reference is made. If the books entered under Cemeteries are descriptive only, no reference from Eminent domain to Cemeteries is required. It will of course be understood that where the reference is simply "jff " no subject entries are to be made under the heading referred from. Only those headings printed in bold-faced type are intended to be used for sub- ject entries. In many cases references are indicated to or from geographical head- ings, or subjects with geographical subdivision, which do not appear in the main alphabet. These are only suggestive of the possibilities for this kind of reference. References should be made from periods of history, arts, sciences and other subjects to names of people whose lives are of interest in connection with the subject. Long lists of references to specific subjects may be avoided in some cases by general references, as for instance under Industrial arts and under Manufactures "See also names of industries"; but if there are few specific entries it is better to enumerate them, that the reader may see at a glance where further material may be found. Another method of shortening the lists of references is to refer from the most general to the next less inclusive heading, and from the latter to the next lower: e.g. Zoology see also Verte- brates; Vertebrates see also Mammals; Mammals see also Carnivora; and so on to the specific animal. As zoological families and genera are ftot included in this list, references have been made from orders to specific animals. The references in a card catalog are more easily read if arranged in columns rather than in a solid paragraph, with two or three columns on a card according to the length of the headings. The cataloger is advised to check headings and references as used and to add new headings required. If he wishes to use a different form of head- ing, it will be necessary to make the change wherever the heading occurs in the list, otherwise discrepancies will creep into the catalog. The aim has been to choose such headings as shall make the catalog a useful tool in enabling the reader to find as quickly as possible the book he desires. To attain this end, consistency has sometimes been sacrificed to utility. Mary Josephine Briggs. SUBHEADS TO BE USED UNDER CITIES Amusements Anncxaiions Antiquities Architecture Arsenals Art Asylums see Hospitals and asy- lums Atlases /<•<■ Description — Maps Banks Benevolent institutions see Cliarities; Hospitals anil asylums Bibliography ' Bioprapliy Boundaries Bridges Business Business associations Carnivals see Festivals, etc. Cemeteries Census Centennial celebrations, etc. Charities- Churches City hall Claims Climate Clubs Commerce see Business Commercial institutions see Business associations Conventions and public meet- ings Courts Crime and criminals Customhouse Description Guidebooks Maps Views Directories Ecclesiastical institutions see Churches; Religious institu- tions and affairs Education Elections Epidemics E.xiiibitions Fairs Kerries Festivals} etc. Finance Financial institutions see Banks; Business associations Fine arts see Art Fires and fire prevention Foreign population Fortiiications Galleries and museums Genealogy Geology Gilds Government and politics Guidebooks see Description — Guidebooks Harbor Historic houses, etc. History Hospitals and asylums Hotels, taverns, etc. Industries Intellectual life Labor and laboring classes Learned institutions and socie- ties I^ibrarics Lighting Literary institutions /.'f' Learn- ed institutions and societies fjiterature Manners and customs see Social life and customs- Manufactures see Industries .NLips see Description — Maps Markets Monuments Moral conditions Morgues Museums see Galleries and museums Music Musical organizations Name Parks I'aving see Streeta Police Politics see Government and politics Poor Population Post-oliicc Prisons and reformatories Public buildings Public lands Public meetings see Conven- tions and public meetings Public schools see Education Public works Railroads Reformatories see Prisons and reformatories Registers Religious history Religious institutions and affairs Riots Sanitary affairs Schools see Education Scientific institutions see Learn- ed institutions and societies Sewerage Social conditions Social life and customs Statistics Street railroads Streets Suburbs Ta.xation Theaters Topography see Description Views see Description — Views Vital statistics see Statistics Voters \'oting precincts Wards Water supply Wharves Bibliography ' Biography Collected works Collections Dictionaries Drama [about] FORM SUBHEADS Essays, addresses, etc; Fiction [about] Handbooks History * Outlines, syllabi, etc. Periodicals and society pub- lications Poetry [about] Statistics ' Study and teaching y LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS FOR USE IN DICTIONARY CATALOGS Abandoned farms see Farms, Abandoned Abattoirs see Slaughtering and slaughterhouses Abbeys See also Cathedrals; Convents and nun- neries; Monasteries; also names of abbeys, CL'. U'l'st minster abbey Abbreviations 6V<- aiyo Ciphers; Shortliand Abdomen See also Anatomy; Intestines; Kidneys; Liver; Stomach; Viscera Aberration See also Astronomy, Spherical and prac- tical; Lenses; Light; Mirrors; Optical instruments Mental, see Insanity Ability See also Efficiency, Industrial; Executive ability; Genius; Leadership; Talent Abiogenesis see Spontaneous generation Abnormal children see Children, Abnormal and backward Abnormal psychology see Mental diseases Abolition of slavery see Abolitionists ; Slavery ; Slavery in the U. S. Abolitionists See also Slavery in the U. S. Aborigines see Ethnology; also names of ab- original races, .e.g. Indians Abrasion (geology) see Erosion Abrasives S,-e also Corundum; Geology, Economic; Grinding and polishing Abscess See also Suppuration Absent treatment see Christian science ; Mental hcaline Absenteeism See also Land tenure; Land tenure — Ireland Absolute, The See also .Metaphysics Absolute rights see Natural law Refer from Catholic church; Church archi- tecture; Church history; Convents and nun- neries; Monasteries Refer from Ciphers; Contractions (s) ; Paleography; Shorthand; Writing Refer from Anatomy; Viscera Refer from Astronomy; Astronomy, Spheri- cal and practical; Light Refer from Efficiency, Industrial; E.xecutive ability; Genius; Psychology; Talent Refer from Abolition of slavery (s) ; Biogra- phy; Slavery in the U. S. Refer from Corundum; Geology, Economic; Grinding and polishing; Machine tools; Mineralogy Refer from Pathology; Suppuration Refer from Agriculture — Ireland; Ireland — Economic conditions; Land tenure; Land tenure — Ireland; Landlord and tenant; Taxa- tion Refer from God; Metaphysics; Theology Absolution Sic tiho Confession ; Indulgences ; Penance Ahsoliilism tec Despotism Absorption (physiology) Si'iT iil'o Uigcstiuii; iMi'iabolIsm; Osmosis; Skin AIisc^rptilinc ; Church polity ; Confession; Indulgences; 'enance; Sin Refer from Assimilation (s) ; Digestion; Metabolism; Kutriliijn; Osmosis; Physio- logical chemistry ; Physiology Refer from Light Refer from Education, Secondary ; Prepara- tory schools (s) ; Private schools; Schools; Secondary schools (s) Refer from French-Canadians; Nova Scotia Refer from Language; Prosody Refer from Disasters; Drowning; Emergen- cies (s) ; Employers' liability; First aid in ill- ness and injury; Injuries (s) ; Life-saving; Medicine; Occupations, Dangerous; Surgery Refer from Adaption (biology); Anthropo- geography; Biology; Climate; Ecology; En- vironment; Tropics; Tropics — Diseases and hygiene Refer from Agriculture; Ecology; Gardening; Geographical distribution of animals and plants; Plant introduction; Plants — Accli- matization (s) Refer from Arithmetic, Commercial; Audit- ing; Bookkeeping; Business; Business educa- tion; Card s\slcm in business; Commerce; Cost accounting; Municipal accounts; Scien- tific management Refer from Chemistry, Technical; Gas; Gas lighting; Gases; Lighting Refer from Chemistry Acknowledgments Sff alio Deeds; Evidence Acoustics Iff Acoustics of buildings; Hearing; Souiul Acoustics of buildings .S>^ aho Architcclurc Acrobats 6V^ also Gymnastics Acrostics .SV^ alio Puzzles Acting Sff aho Actors; Amateur theatricals; Drama; F.xprcssion; Gesture; Make-up, Theatrical; I'ageants; Pantomime; Theater; Vaudeville Study and teaching Actiiiotherapy jff Radiotherapy- Actions at law Sff also Costs; Equity; Evidence; Forms (in law); Injunctions; Limitations (law); Pleading and practice; Trials Actors Sff also Acting; Make-up, Theatrical; Theater; \'audcville Actresses sff Actors Adages Sff Maxims; Proverbs Adaptation (biology) Sff also Acclimatization; Ecology; En- vironment; Evolution Addresses sfe Orations Adhesives Sff also Cement; Glue; Paste; Wax Administration sff Administrators and execu- tors; Civil service; Government; also names of countries and states, subhead Governnu-TU Administrators and executors See also Probate law and practice ; Wills Admirals Sff also Naval biography Admiralty Sff also Collisions at sea; Commercial law; Demurrage; Maritime law; Salvage Adolescence see Youth Adoption See also Guardians Adulterations Sff also Chemistry — Analysis; Chemis- try, Technical; Drugs; Food adulteration and inspection; Liquors; Seeds — Adultera- tion and inspection Adultery Sff also Sexual ethics Advent Sfe also Christian Second advent year; Christmas; Rfffr from Deeds; Law; Notaries Rfffr Jrnm Acoustics (s) ; Architectural acoustics (s); Architecture; Uuilding; Sound Rfffr jrnm Circus; Gymnastics; Sports; Tumbling (s) Refer Jrom Puzzles Rfffr from Actors; Amateur theatricals; Amusements; Drama; Dramatic art (s) ; Drantatic expression (s) ; Elocution; Histrion- ics (s) ; Impersonation (s) ; Make-up, Theatri- cal; Stage (s) ; Theater Rfffr from Dramatic education (s) Rffer from Equity; Forms (in law); Law; Lawsuits (s) ; Pleading and practice; Pro- cedure (s) ; Suits at law (s) ; Trials Rfffr from Acting; Actresses (s) ; Biography; Comedians (s) ; Drama; Players (s) ; Theater Rfffr from Biology; Ecology; Environ- ment ; Evolution Rfffr from Agglutinants (s) ; Cement; Glue; Paste Rfffr from Administration (s) ; Appraising; Commercial law; Executors (s); Guardians; Inheritance; Law; Powers (law); Probate law and practice; Property; Trustees; Wills Refer from Naval biography; Naval history Rfffr from Collisions at sea; Commercial law; Courts; Law; Maritime law Rffer from Children; Foundlings; Guard- ians; Law; Orphans and orphan asylums Refer from Chemistry — Analysis; Chemis- try, Technical; Crime and criminals; Drugs; Food adulteration and inspection; Hygiene, Public; Liquors; Sanitary chemistry Refer from Crime and criminals; Marriage; Sexual ethics Rfffr from Christian year; Fasts and feasts AJviMiiists see Second advcntists Adventure .SV^ also Castaways; Discoveries and explorations; Kscapcs; Kxplorcrs; I'rontier and pioneer life; Heroes; Hunting; Sea- faring life; Shipwrecks; Sports; 'I'rcasurc- trovc; VoyaRCS and travels Adventurers jee Imposture Adverse possession tee I'ossession (in law) Ad\ersity lee Adliclion; Misfortune Advertising See also Billpostinp; Business; Library bulletins; Mail order business; Posters; Promoting; I'ublicity; Salesmanship; Slunv cards; Sign painting; Signs; Street cries; Window dressing Aerial navigation see Aeronautics Aerial propellers Aerial railroads Aerial warf.ire see Aeronautics, Military Aerodromes see Aeroplanes; Flying machines Aerodynamics See also Air; Flight Aerolites see Meteorites Aerology see Meteorology Aeronautic motors See also Aeronautics; Aeroplanes Aeronautics See also Aerial propellers; Aerodynamics; Aeronautic motors; Aeronauts; Aeroplanes; Airships; Balloons; Flight; Flying machines; Kites ; Speed Rejer jrom Fscapes; Heroes; Voyages and travels Military Aeronauts .^^j^j}- j.»^t . Aeroplanes See also Aerial propellers; Aeronautic motors; Aeronautics; Flying machines Aesthetics see Esthetics Aether see F'ther Affection see Friendship; Kindness; Love Affidavits Affinity, Chemical, see Chemical affinity Affiction See also Consolation; Misfortune; Resig- nation AfTorcstation see Forest planting African colonization see Africa — Colonization African languages See also Coptic language; Egyptian language; Hamilic languages African sla\e trade see Slave trade After-dinner speeches See also Anecdotes; Toasts Age See also Age limit of employment; Growth; Longevity; Old age; Youth Age limit of employment Refer from Billposting ; Business ; Commerce ; Mail order business; Newspapers; Periodicals; I'ublicity; Salesmanship Refer from Aeronautics; Aeroplanes; Air propellers (s) ; Propellers Refer jrom Railroads; Railroads, Aerial (s) Refer from Aeronautics; Air; Dynamics; Flight; Gases Refer from Aeronautics; Aeroplanes; Flying machines; Motors Refer from Aerial navigation (s) ; Aeronautic motors; Aeroplanes; Air; Airships; Avia- tion (s) ; Balloons; Engineering; Flight; I'ly- ing machines; Locomotion; Mechanics; Navi- gation; Sports; Transportation Refer from Aerial warfare (s) ; Military aeronautics (s) ; Military art and science Refer from Aeronautics; Aviators (s) ; Balloonisls (s) ; Biography Refer from Aerodromes (s) ; Aeronautic motors; Aeronautics; Airships; Biplanes (s) ; Flying machines; Gliders (s) ; Alonoplanes (s) Refer from Evidence; Forms (in law); Law ; Notaries Refer from Adversity (s) ; Ethics; Mis- fortune; Suffering; Trouble (s) Refer from Coptic language; Egyptian lan- guage; Hamitic languages; Language Refer from Dinners and dining; Orations; Speeches (s) ; Toasts Refer from Old age Refer from Age; Efficiency, Industrial; Labor and laboring classes; Old age Aged see Longevity; Old age Aged poor see Homes for the aged; Old age; Old age pensions ; Poor Agency See also Bailments; Brokers and factors; fiimnurcial law; Contrails; Damages; I'.mplnyirs' liability; I''.mplo)nu ill agencies; Negligence; Powers (law); Receivers Agents see Agency; Brokers and factors; Commercial travelers Agglutinants see Adliesivcs Agincourt, Battle of .S'(V Kni;land — History — Lancaster and ^■ork ; I'rance — History — House of \alois; Hundred years' war Agnosticism See also Atheism; Positivism; Rational- ism ; Skepticism Agreements see Contracts Agricultural bacteriology see Bacteriology, Agricultural Agricultural banks see Agricultural credit; Banks and banking; Land banks Ai; botany see Botany, Economic Agricultural chemistry See also Ammonia; Fertilizers and man- ures; Nitrification; Phosphates; Plants — Chemistry and nutrition; Plants, Effect of chemicals on ; Soils Agricultural colleges See also Agriculture — Study and tcacliing Agricultural colonies see Farm colonies Agricultural credit See also Land banks Agricultural education see Agricultural col- lci;cs ; AKriculturc — Study and teaching Agricultural exhibitions Agricultural experiment stations Si-i- also Agricultural experimentation; Agriculture — Demonstration work; also special stations Agricultural experimentation See also Agricultural experiment stations; Agriculture — Demonstration work Agricultural implements see Farm implements and machinery Agricultural laborers see Farm labor Agricultural laws .S'(V cihu Corn laws Agricultural machinery see Farm implements and machinery Agriculttiral pests See also Birds, L'seful and injurious; Cotton — Diseases and pests; Fruit — Dis- eases and pests; Fungi; Insects, Injurious and beneficial; Rabbits; Tobacco — Dis- eases and pests; Trees — Diseases and pests; Weeds Refer from Agents («) ; Attorneys (s) ; Bailments; Brokers and factors; Commercial law; Contracts; Law; Negligence; Partner- ship; Power of attorney (s); Powers (law); Principal and agent (s) Jiefer from England — History — Lancas- ter and ^'ork ; France — History — House of V'alois; Hundred years' war Refer from Atheism; Belief; Faith; Free thought; God; Naturalism; Philosophy; Phi- losophy, Modern; Secularism; Skepticism; Theology Jiefer from Chemistry; Chemistry, Agricul- tural (s); Chemistry, Dairy (s) ; Dairy chemis- try (s) ; Fertilizers and manures; Soils Jiefer from Agriculture — Study and teach- ing; Agricultural education (s) ; Colleges and universities Refer from Agricultural banks (s) ; Banks and banking; Credit; Credit foncier (s) ; Land banks; Land credit (s) Refer from Exhibitions; Fairs; State fairs (s) Refer from Agricultural experimentation; Agriculture — Demonstration work; Experi- ment stations (s) Refer from Agricultural experiment stations; Agriculture — Demonstration work; Experi- ments (s) Refer from Farm laws (s) ; Law Refer from Gardening; Insects, Injurious and beneficial; Pests (s) Agricultural physics Sfe also Drainage; Farm buildiiiRs; Farm motors; Soil absorption; Soil moisture; S..lls; ■rillaMi- Agricultural products Sff alio Botany, liconumic; Cocoa; Cof- fee; Commercial products; Cotton; Crops; Dairy products; Kssenccs and essential oils; Fibers; Forest products; Fruit; Ginseng; Grain; Hay; Indigo; Liquors; Marketing of farm produce; Opium; Rice; Root crops; Rubber; Spices; Sugar; Tea; Tobacco; \'ei;e tables Agricultural societies Sff also Farmers' institutes; Grange Agricultural tools sfe F"arm implements and machinery Agriculture SiY also Acclimatization (plants); Bac- teriology, Agricultural; Bees; Birds, Useful and injurious; Botany, Economic; Clearing of land ; Cooperative agriculture ; Corn laws ; Cover crops; Crops; Dairying; Domestic animals, and names of animals; Drainage; Dry farming; I-llectricily on tlie farpi; F.nsilage; l'"arm buildings; F'arm colonies; Farm implements and machinery; Farm labor; Farm life; Farm management; Farm values; Farmers; Farmers' institutes; Farms; Feeding and feeding stuflts; F'erlil- izers and manures; F'loriculture; Forage plants; Forests and forestry; Frost protec- tion; F'ruil culture; Gardening; Green- houses; Insects, Injurious and beneficial; Irrigation; Land; Land tenure; Live stock; Market gardening; Marketing of farm prod- uce; Pastures and meadows; Peasantry; Plant breeding; Plants; Reclamation of land; Rotation of crops; Seeds — Selection and testing; Soil fertility; Soil inoculation; Soil surveys; Soils; Threshing; Tillage; Trees; also headings beginning Agricultural, and names of special products Demonstration work Sfe also Agricultural experiment sta- tions; Agricultural experimentation -Statistics -Study and teaching Sfe also Agricultural colleges; Agricul- ture — Demonstration work; Farm schools; Forestry schools and education -Tropics See also Cocoa ; Coffee ; Cotton ; Opium ; Rice; Rubber; Spices; Sugar; Tea; Tobacco -U.S. Agronomy see Agriculture Agrostology see Grasses Ague see Malaria Auios See also Ethnology — Japan Refer from Drainage; Physics; Soil moisture; Soils; '1 illage Refer from Botany, Economic; Commercial products; Crops; Farm products (s) ; Products, Agricultural (s) Refer from Farmers; Societies Refer from Agronomy (s) ; Crops; Farmers; Farming (s) ; Farms ; Fruit culture ; Gardening ; Husbandry (s) ; Industrial arts; Land; Market gardening; Marketing of farm produce; Plant- ing (s) ; Plants; Rcuatiim of crops; Rural economy (s) ; Soils; Tillage Refer from Agricultural experiment stations; Agricultural experimentation; .Agriculture — Study and teaching; Demonstration work in agriculture (s) Refer from Crop reports (s) ; Crops; Food supply Refer from Agricultural colleges; Agricul- tural education (s) Refer from Tropical agriculture (s) ; Tropics Refer from V. S. — Agriculture (s) ; U. S. — Industries and resources Refer from Ainu (s) ; Ethnology — Japan; Japan Ainu set Ainos Air See alio Aerodynamics; Aeronautics; Argon; Atmosplicricclcctricity ; Almospht-ric nucleation; Biiruincltr; Compressed air; Humidity ; Hygromctry ; Ionization of gases ; Liquid air; Meteorology; Ozone; N'entilation ^I.iquid, jee Liquid air Air brakes i'i-<- aljo Brakes; Safety devices Air compressors Si-e iiho Air pumps; Compressed air Air engines Si-e also Compressed air Air passages .iz-i- Respiratory organs Air pollution See also Dust; Smoke; Wntilation Air propellers see Aerial propellers Air pumps See also Air compressors Air-ships see Airships Airships See also Aeronautics ; Aeroplanes ; Kalloons Alabama claims Aladdin oven Albigenses .SVi" also Waldenses France — Religious history; Albinos and albinism See also Color of man Alchemy See also Chemistry — History; Elixir of life; Occult sciences; Philosopher's stone Alcohol See also Alcoholism; Brandy; Chemistry, Organic; Distillation; Liquor problem; Liquor traffic; Liquors, and names of liquors; Temperance Denattired See also Alcohol motors Physiological effects Alcohol ciit;incs see Alcohol motors Alcohol motors Alcoholism See also Alcohol — Physiological effects; Gold cure; Inebriate asylums; Liquor problem; Temperance Refer from Aerodynamics; Atmosjihcre (>) ; Chemistry; Kther (of space); Gases; Meteor- ology; Physics; Pneumatics («) Refer from Brakes; Cars; Railroads; Rail- roads — Equipment and supplies; Safety de- vices Refer from Air pumps; Compressed air Refer from Caloric engines (s) ; Engines; Heat engines; Hot-air engines (s) Refer from Hygiene; Sanitary chemistry; Ventilation Refer from Air compressors; Pneumatic pumps (s) ; Pumps Refer from Aeronautics; Air-ships (s) ; Bal-. loons; Balloons, Dirigible (s) ; Dirigible bal- loons (s) Refer from Claims; Geneva award (s) ; Neutrality; Privateering; U. S. — History — Civil war — Koreign relations; U. S. — Foreign relations — England Refer from Cookery; Stoves Refer from Church history — Middle ages; France — Religious history; Persecution; Wal- denses Refer from Color of animals; Color of man; Leucopathy (s) Refer from Chemistry; Chemistry — His- tory; Elixir of life; Gold; Hermetic art (s) ; Metals; Occult scences; Philosopher's stone; Superstition; Transmutation of metals (s) Refer from Chemistry, Organic; Distilla- tion; Intoxicants (s) ; Liquors; Stimulants; Temperance Refer from Chemistry, Technical; Dena- tured alcohol (s); Industrial alcohol (s) ; Liquid fuel Refer from Alcoholism ; Hygiene ; Temperance Refer from Alcohol, Denatured; Alcohol engines (s) ; Gas and oil engines; Motors Refer from Alcohol; Crime and criminals; Dipsomania (s); Drunkenness (s); Inebri- ates (s); Intemperance (s) ; Intoxication (s) ; Liquor habit (s) ; Liquor problem ; Medicine — Practice; Temperance AKoran see Koran Ale See alio Beer; Brcwiin;; Liquors; Malt Alfalfa See alio Feeding and feeding stuffs; Forage plants Algae See alto Cryptogams; Aquatic plants Algebra Sie also Calculus; Determinants; Equa- tions; Functions; Groups, Theory of; Logarithms; Mathematics; Numbers; Probabilities; Quaternions; V'cctor analysis Algonkian Indians .fee Algonquian Indians Algonkian period see Geology, Stratigraphic — Algonkian Algonquian Indians S,-e til.iti HIackfoot Indians; Delaware Indians; Narragansctt Indians Algonquian languages St!- aho Indians — Languages Alhambra See also Granada Alien and sedition laws, lygS See also Kentucky and Virginia resolu- tions, 1798; U. S. — History — 17S3-181J Aliens See also Allegiance; Citizenship; F.xpatrla- tion ; Naturalization; also Chinese in the U. S., and similar headings Alimentary canal see Digestive system Alkali lands Alkalies See also Ammonia; Chemistry, Inorganic Alkaloids See also Chemistry, Organic; Morphine; Ptomaines Alkoran see Koran All fools' day see April fools' day All hallow eve see Halloween Allegiance See also Aliens; Citizenship; Naturaliza- tion Allegories See also Fables; Parables Allegory .SV^ also Allegories ; Rhetoric Alliance, Holy, see Holy alliance Alliance. Triple, see Triple alliance Alliteration See also Rhetoric; Versification Allopathy [for polemical treatises only] Refer from Beer; Brewing; Liquort Refer from Feeding and feeding siuffi; Fertilizers and manures; Forage plants; Hay; Lucerne (plant) (s) Refer from Aquatic plants; Cryptogams; Marine biology; Marine botany (s); Marine flora (s); Marine plants (s) ; Xlosses; Ocean; Sea mosses (s) ; Seashore; Seaweeds (s) Refer from Analysis (mathematics) (5); Calculus; Determinants; Fqualions; Groups, Theory of; Mathematics; Quaternions Refer from Algonkian Indians (s) ; Blackfoot Indians; Delaware Indians; Indians; Nar- ragansett Indians Refer from Indians — Languages Refer from Architecture, Mohammedan; Granada ; Palaces Refer from Immigration and emigration — U. S. ; Naturalization; Sedition act, 1798 (s) ; U. S. — Constitution; U. S. — History — 1783-1812 Refer from Allegiance; Asjluni, Right of; Citizenship; Iv\palriatinzi'; Mctall(i^;rapliy ; Mi-tallurj;)- ; I'l-w- tcr; Solder aiiJ sulJrriiiK Allusions Alluvium .SVi- also Geology; Physical geography Almanacs .SVt- also Calendars; Chronology; Nautical almanacs; Yearbooks Alinsiiiving see Charity; Poor Almshouses Sff also Asylums; Charities; Poor Alphabet Sff also Cuneiform writing; Hieroglyph- ics; Inscriptions; Lettering; Paleoprapliy ; Printing; Runes; Transliteration; Writing Alphabeting Sff also CataloginR Alplialxis Sff Alphabet; Lettering Alpine clubs Sif also Geographical societies; Moun- taineering Alpine plants Altaic languages sff Ural-Altaic languages Altars Sff also Church furniture; Lord's supper; Mass; Sacrifice Alternating current machinery sff Electric machinery — Alternating current Alternating currents sff Electric currents, Alternating Altitudes Sff also Sea level; also names of countries, subhead Altitudes Altruism Sff also Egoism; Ethics Aluminium S.--f also Metals Aluminum sff Aluminium Amalgamation Sff also Alloys; Amalgams; Mercury Amalgams Sff also Alloys; Mercury Amateur journalism .S';v also Students' periodicals Amateur theatricals Sff also Acting; Charades; College plays; Dialogues; Make-up, Theatrical; Alono- logues; Pantomime; Shadow pantomimes; Tableaux Amazons Sff also Mythology, Classical Ambassadors Sff also Diplomacy; Diplomatic and consular service; Diplomats; Exterritoriality Rfffr from Amalgamation; Amalgams; Hrass; Bronze; Metallography; Metallurgy; Metals; I'ewter; Solder and soldering Jifjfr Jrom Literature; Reference books Kf/fr from Geology; Physical geography; Soils Jifffr from Annuals; Astronomy; Calendars; Chronology; Days; Registers; Statistics; Time; Yearbooks Rfffr from Asylums; Cliarilies; Homes (institutions) (s) ; Institutions, Charitable and philanthropic (s); Poor; Poorhouscs (s) ; V\'orkhouses (charities) (s) Rfffr from Alphabets (s) ; English language — Alphabet (s); Hieroglyphics; Inscriptions; Language; Letters of the alphabet (s) ; Pale- ography; Phonetics; Writing Rfftr from Cataloging Rfffr from Alps; Geographical societies; Mountaineering; Mountains Rfffr from Botany; Mountains-; Plants Rfffr from Church furniture; Sacrifice Rfffr from Elevations (s) ; Heights (s) ; Hypsomctry (s) ; Physical geoj^raphy; Sea level; Surveying Rfffr from Benevolence (s) ; Charity; Conduct of life; Egoism ; Ethics; Philanthropy; Sociology Rfffr from Aluminum (s) ; Metals Rfftr from Alloys; Metallurgy Rfffr from Alloys; Amalgamation; Mercury; Metals Rfffr from Journalism; Students' periodicals ^(•/cr /rom Acting; Amusements; Charades; Drama ; Drawing-room plays (s) ; Entertain- ments; Pantomime ;'Plays (s);Private theatri- cals (s) ; Tableaux; Theater; Theatricals, Amateur (s) Rfftr from Mythology, Classical; Women Rfftr from Diplomacy; Diplomatic and con- sular service; Diplomats; Exterritoriality; International relations; Ministers of slate Ambidexterity .SVj- iiIju 1 I.iiu1 ; l.cft- and riglit-liandcdncss Ambition AiiilMilaiicc drill .>/■>- I'irst aid ill illiu-ss and injury Ambulances Sef alio I'irst aid in illness and injury Amendments (parliamentary practice) Set' itl.'o l*arli.inicnlai y praclicc America — Discovery and exploration -Discovery and exploration bian Pre-Colum- .SVc also Northmen American aborigines set Indians American art see Art, American American authors see Authors, American American ballads see Ballads, American American colonial history see U. S. — History — C\'Ionial [leriod American drama See also American literature; Dramatists, American; English drama; Theater — U. S. American essays See also American literature; English essa\s American fiction See also American literature; English fiction American humor see Humor, American American Indians see Indians American kilcrs see Letters, American American literature See also American drama; American essays; American fiction; American poetry; Authors, American; Ballads, American; Canadian literature; English literature; German-American literature ; Humor, Ameri- can ; Letters, American; Newspapers — U. S. ; Orations, American; Parodies; Periodicals — U. S.; Satire, American; Sonnets, Ameri- can Indiana New England See aljo Boston — Literature American loyalists see Loyalists) American American newspapers see Newspapers — U. S. American orations see Orations, American American party see Know-nothing party American periodicals see Periodicals — U. S. American poetry See also American drama; American literature; Ballads, American; Canadian poetry; English poetry; Poets, American; Songs, American; Sonnets, American American revolution see U. S. — History — Revolution American satire see Satire, American American songs see Ballads, American; Songs, American American sonnets see Sonnets, American American wit and humor see Humor, American Refer from Hand; Left- and righi-handrdneai Rejer ]rom Conduct of life; Success Ki/er from Accidents; Carriages; Hospitals; Surgery, Military; Vehicles Refer from Constitutional law; Parliamen- tary practice Refer from I'. S. — Discovery and explora- tion (s) ; U. S. — History — Colonial period Refer from Northmen Refer from American literature; American poetry; Drama; Dramatists, American; Eng- lish drama ; Theater — U. S. ; U. S. — Drama (s) Refer from American literature; English essays ; Essays Refer from American literature; English fiction ; Fiction Refer from American drama; American essays; American fiction; American poetry; Authors, American; English literature; Humor, American; Literature; Satire, American; U. S. — Literature (s) Refer from Indiana — Literature (s) Refer from New England — Literature (s) Refer from American literature; Ballads, American; English poetry; Poetry; Poets, American; Sonnets, American; U. S. — Poetry (s) Americana see subhead Biblici>;rapliy uiultT Aim-rica and under names of nans of llic continent, re^^'ions, countries and places Americanisms Americans in Europe America's cup Hee also Vaclits and yachting Amerinds see Indians An\i>h Mennonitcs see Mennonitcs ' Ammonia Het also Alkalies Ammunition See aln> Kirearms; Gunpowder; Ordnance; Projectiles Amphibia .S'/<- al.Hi Frogs; Toads; \ertebrates Amphitheaters .S'(V alio Architecture; Gladiators Amphorae see Vases Amputation Si-i- ul.cuimic-d lixpcrlnioiils on, see Animal experimenta- tion Extinct ^V*' also Paleontology Fictitious, see Animals, Mjtiiical Folklore, see Animal lore Fossil, see Palei>ntuloKy Geographic distribution, see Geographical distribution of animals and plants Habitations iV/ uiso Nests Habits and behavior See also Animal intelligence; Animals — Stories; Hibernation; Instinct; Irrita- bility; Mimicry (biology); Nature study; Orientation; also names of animals Imaginary, see Animals, Mythical Irritability, see Irritability Language Anir lor' Animals -Legends, see Stories -Migration See also Hirds — Migration; Geograph- ical distribution of animals and plants -Mythical See also Animal lore; Dragons; serpents; Vampires; Werwolves Sea -Orientation, see Orientation -Photography, see Photography — Ani- mals -Pictures See also Photography — Animals -Protection, see Animals — Treatment; Game laws; Game protection -Stories See also Animal intelligence; Animal lore; Animals — Habits and behavior; Fables; Nature study; also names of animals, e.g. Birds — Stories; Dogs — Stories -Training See also Domestication; Horse training -Transportation -Treatment See also Animal experimentation; Ani- mals — Transportation; Checkreins; Hu- mane societies; Vivisection -Useful and harmful, see Domestic animals ; Zoology, Economic -Worship of, see Animal worship Refer from Extinct animals (s) ; Paleontology Refer from Animal dwellings (s) ; Animal homes (s) ; Habitations of animals (s) ; Nests Refer from Animal behavior (s); Animal intelligence; Animals — Behavior (s); Ani- mals — Stories; Habits of animals (s) ; Hi-' bcrnatiun; Instinct; Mimicry (biology); Na- ture study Refer from Animal speech (s) ; Language of animals (s) ; Speech; Speech of animals (s) Refer from Rirds — Migration; Geographi- cal distribution of animals and plants; Migra- tion of animals (s) Refer from Animal lore; Animal mytholo- gy (s); Animals, Fictitious (s); Animals, Im- aginary (s) ; Dragons; Imaginary animals (s) ; Mythical animals (s) ; Mythology; Sea ser- pents; Vampires; Werwolves; Zoological mythology (s) Refer from Animal pictures (s) ; Pictures Refer from Animal lore; Animal stories (s) ; Animals — Habits and behavior; Animals — Legends (s) ; Nature study Refer from Animals in captivity (s) ; Circus; Domestication; Training Refer from Animals — Treatment; Cattle — Transportation (s) ; Live stock — Transporta- tion (s) ; Transportation; Transportation of animals (s) Refer from Animals, Cruelty to (s) ; Animals — Protection (s); Brutes (s) ; Cruelty; Domes- tic animals; Ethics; Humane societies; Kind- ness to animals (s); Prevention of cruelty to animals (s) ; Treatment of animals (s) IS Animals In captivity see Animals — 'I'raiiiiiig; Menageries; Zoological >;arden9 Animals in folklore tee Animal lore Animals in poetry Refer Jrom Poetry; Poetry of animals (») Anirnuiun, SiispinJeJ, lee Suspended anima- lion AniiM.iiov;rapli see Moving pictures Animism See also Fetishism; Idealism; Material- Refer from Fetishism; Folklore; Life; ism; Serpent worship; Soul; Spiritualism; Materialism ; Soul ; 'I'rcc worship Transmigration; Tree worship Annals see Chronology, Historical; History Annealing .SVt- rt/jo Glass ; Iron ; Steel Refer from Glass; Iron; Metals; Pottery; Steel Annexations see names of countries and cities, subhead Annexations Annihilation S,e id 'II Future life Refer from Future life; Theology Anniversaries S,e ii! Birthdays; Holidays; Wedding Refer from Birthdays; Celebrations (s) ; niini\ ersaries Holidays Annuals (enter here onlv the old-fashioned gift bncksl SVc III "I Almanacs; ^'earbooks Refer from Yearbooks Annuals (plants) Sre also Botany; Floriculture Refer from Botany; Floriculture; Plants Annuities iVi' a/jo Insurance, Life ; Pensions Refer from Insurance, Life; Investments; Pensions; Probabilities Anointing see Unction Anonyms 6V<- a/^o Pseudonyms Refer from Authors; Bibliography; Pseudo- nyms Ant see Ants Antarctic expeditions see Antarctic regions Antarctic regions iV^ a//o Scientific expeditions ; South pole; Refer from Antarctic expeditions (s) ; Arctic Voyages and travels regions; Discoveries and explorations; Earth; Geography; Polar regions (s) ; Scientific expe- Ante-Xicene fathers see Fathers of the church Anthems See also Chants; Church music; Hymns Refer from Chants; Choruses and part songs; ditions; South pole; Voyages and travels Refer from Chants; Choruse: Church music; Music; Songs Anthologies see Poetry — Collections ; also, e.g., F.nglish poetry — Collections .■\nthracitc coal see Coal Anthracite coal Strike, 1902 Refer from Coul mines and mining; Labor and laboring classes — Pennsylvania; Strikes and lockouts Anthropogeography See alio .Acclimatization; Environment; Refer front Acclimatization; Anthropology; Migration of nations Commercial geography; Environment; Eth- nology; Geographical distribution of men (s); Geography; Geography, Social (s) ; History; Immigration and emigration; Man; Migration of nations Anthropology See also Anthropogeography; Anthro- Refer from Archaeology; Civilization; Eth- pometry ; -Archaeology ; Cave dwellers ; Civi- nology ; Evolution; History; Human race (s) ; iization; Clifif dwellers and clitf dwellings; Man; Klan — Natural history (s) ; Migration Color of man ; Crime and criminals ; Degen- of nations ; Natural history ; Race characteris- eration; Environment; Ethnology; Eth- tics (s) ; Science; Sociology nopsychology ; Eugenics; Evolution; Lake dwellers and lake dwellings; Language; 16 Man; Manners and ctisloms; Migration of nations; Skeleton; Society, Primitive; So- ciology; Tribes and tribal system; Women; aho names of races, tribes, etc. Anthropometry Sff iilso Uertillon system; Finger prints; IJciitilication; I'sychometry Anthropophagy /cr Cannibalism Antichrist Anti-corrosive paint iff Corrosion and anti- corrosives Antidotes sfe Poisons; also names of poisons Anti-imperialism jrf Imperialism Aiiii-masoiiry jrf Freemasons Antinomianism Antiquarian societies Sff alio Historical societies Antiquarians jee Archaeologists Antiques -Forged See also Art forgeries Antiquities see Archaeology; also names of countries, cities, etc., subhead .Antiquities .•\ntiquity of man see Man — Origin and an- tiquity Anti-reformation see Counter-reformation Anti-Semitism see Jews — Political and social conditions Antiseptics See also Disinfection and disinfectants; Putrefaction .Antislavcry see Slavery Antitoxins See also Immunity; Serum therapy Antlers see Horns .\ntonyms see Synonyms and antonyms Ants See also Hymenoptera .\nxlcty see Fear; Worry Apache Indians Apartment houses -S'lV alio Lodging houses; Tenement houses Ape see Apes Apes See also Gorillas; Monkeys; Primates Aphasia Aphididae see Plant lice Aphorisms see F.pigrams; Maxims; Proverbs; Quotations; Table-talk Apiaries see Bees Apiculture see Bees Refer from Anatomy; Anthropology; Ber- tillon system ; Crime and criminals; F'.tlinology ; Human body (s) ; Identification; Man; School children Refer from Jesus Christ; Theology Refer from Calvinism; Congregationalism; Massachusetts — Kcligious history; Mosaic law; Theology Refer from Archaeology; Historical societies; Societies Ri-frr from Art; Collectors and collecting; Furniture Refer from Art forgeries; Counterfeits; Forgeries (s) ; Forgery of antiques (s) ; Fraud; Imposture; Swindlers and swindling Refer from Disinfection and disinfectants; Medicine; Putrefaction; Surgery; Therapeu- tics Refer from Diphtheria; Drugs; Immunity; Physiological chemistry; Poisons; Scrum therapy; Tetanus; Therapeutics; To.xins Refer from Ant (s) ; Hymenoptera Refer from Indians Refer from Architecture, Domestic; Flats (s) ; Home economics; Hotels; Housing prob- lem; Landlord and tenant; Tenement houses Refer from Ape (s) ; Gorillas; Monkeys; Primates Refer from Brain; Mental diseases; Speech 17 Apocalypse see Bible — New Testament — Revelation Apocalyptic literature Hff alSV^ also Amulets; Anthropology; Anti- quarian societies; Architecture, Ancient; Arms and armor; Arrowheads; Art, Ancient ; Art, Primitive; Baths and bathing; Bells; Bible — Antiquities; Brasses; Bronze age; Bronzes; Burial; Castles; Catacombs; Cave dwellers; Caves; Cemeteries; Chariots; Christian antiquities; Christian art and symbolism; Civilization; Classical anti- quities; Cliff dwellers and cliff dwellings; Copper age; Costume; Cromlechs; Cross; Earthworks (archaeology); Epitaphs; Eth- nology; Folklore; Funeral rites and cere- monies; Gems; Heraldry; History; History, Ancient; Indians — Antiquities; Industries, Primitive; Inscriptions; Iron age; Kitchen middens; Lake dwellers and lake dwellings; Man — Origin and antiquity ; fiLinners and customs; Medals ; Middle ages ; Monuments ; Mounds and mound builders; Mummies; Mythology; Numismatics; Obelisks; Paint- ing; Picture writing; Pottery; Pyramids; Round towers; Sculpture; Seals (numis- matics); Stone age; Stone implements; Sundials; Temples; Tombs; also names of countries, cities, etc., subhead Antiquities Archbishops .SV^ also Bishops; Catholic church — Clergy; Church of England — Clergy Archegony see Spontaneous generation Archery See also Bow and arrow Refer from Appraising; Awards (s) ; Damages; Law Refer from Arbitration, Industrial (s) ; Commercial law; Conciliation. Industrial (s) ; Industrial arbitration (s) ; Industrial concilia- tion (s) ; Labor and capital; Labor and labor- ing classes ; Labor unions ; Strikes and lockouts ; Trade agreements Refer from Forests and forestry; Holidays; Tree planting; Trees Refer from Architecture Refer from Antiquarians (s) ; Biography; Historians Refer from Anthropology; Antiquities (s) ; Architecture; Architecture, Ancient; Art; Art, Ancient; Art, Primitive; Bronze age; Cave dwellers; Civilization; Classical antiqui- ties; Cliff dwellers and cliff dwellings; Copper age; Earthworks (archaeology); Ethnology; Excavations (s); History; History, Ancient; Industries, Primitive; Iron age; Lake dwellers and lake dwellings; Man; Man — Origin and antiquity; Manners and customs; Monu- ments; Mythology; Prehistoric archaeology (s) ; Ruins (s) ; Stone age Refer from Bishops; Catholic church — Biography; Catholic church — Clergy; Chris- tian biography; Church of England — Biog- raphy; Church of England — Clergy; Episco- pacy Refer from Bow and arrow; Military art and science; Shooting; Sports Arches .S>/ also Arches of triumph; Architecture; Bridges; Building; Culverts; Strains and stresses ; Vaulting Arches of triumph Architects Architectural acoustics lee Acoustics of build- ings Architectural design Ste also Architectural drawing Architectural details sff Architecture — De- tails Architectural drawing Si-i- iilii) Arcliilcctural design; Architec- ture — Details; Blue prints; Mechanical drawing Architectural gardening sff Landscape garden- ing Architecture Stf also Acoustics of buildings; Amphi- theaters; Arcades; Archaeology; Arches; Arches of triumph ; Architects ; Architectural design; Architectural drawing; Art; Barns and stables; Basilicas; Baths, Public; liridges; Building; Building materials; Carpentry; Castles; Cathedrals; Ceilings; Chimneys; Christian art and symbolism; Church architecture; Columns; Concrete construction; Cornices; Decoration and ornament; Domes; Doors; Factories; Farm buildings; Fences; Fireplaces; Fireproof construction; Floors; Foundations; Foun- tains ; Gables ; Garages ; Gates ; Grain eleva- tors ; Greenhouses; Grilles; Heating; High buildings; Hospitals; Hotels; House paint- ing; Library architecture; KLichine shops; Masonry; Metal work; Military archi- tecture; Mills and millwork; Moldings; Mosques; Municipal art; Municipal centers; Mural painting and decoration; Obelisks; Orders of architecture; Orientation (archi- tecture) ; Packing houses ; Palaces ; Pergolas ; Plumbing; Portable buildings; Proportion (art) ; Public buildings ; Pyramids ; Railings ; Railroads — Buildings ; Railroads — Sta- tions; Roofs; Sanitary engineering; School- houses; Secret chambers; Spires; Stair building; Steel construction; Strains and stresses; Strength of materials; Temples; Theaters; Tombs; Towers; Trusses; Vault- ing; Vaults; Ventilation; Walls; Ware'.ious- es ; Windows; Woodwork; also names of cities, subhead .Architecture Ancient Sff also Archaeology; Architecture, Greek; Cliff dwellers and cliff dwellings; Lake dwellers and lake dwellings; Pyra- mids; Temples Colonial Sff also Architecture, American; also names of states and cities, subhead His- toric houses, etc. Rffer from Arch (s) ; Architecture; Bridges; Building; Civil engineering; ICngineering; Masonry; Roofs; Strains and stresses; Vault- ing Rfffr from Arches; Architecture; Monu- ments; 'I'riumphal arches (s) Refer from Architecture; Artists; Biography Rfffr from Architectural drawing; Archi- tecture; Decoration and ornament; Design, Architectural (s) ; Design, Decorative Rfffr from Architectural design; Archi- tecture; Drawing; House plans (s) ; Nlcchani- cal drawing; I'lans (architecture) (s) Rfffr from Acoustics of buildings; Amphi- theaters; Arches; Art; Basilicas; Building; Castles; Church architecture; Columns; Con- struction (s) ; Cornices; Decoration and orna- ment; Domes; Doors; Engineering; Industrial arts; Moldings; Palaces; Pergolas; Roofs; Strength of materials; Towers; Vaulting; Windows Refer from .\rchaeology ; Art, Ancient Rffer from Architecture, .American; Colonial architecture (s) ; Colonial life and customs Architecture -Cimliiuicd — Details Domestic Sff also Apartment houses; Bungalows; Cottages; Country houses; I'arm build- ings ; I'ircplaces ; Heating; House decora- tion; House painting; Ilousing problem; Lug cabins; Plumbing; Tenement houses -Ecclesiastical, /<■<■ Church architecture -Gothic iVc aho Cathedrals ; Church architecture -Greek iVt- alio Orders of architecture ; Temples -Medieval Ser also Castles; Cathedrals, and other references under Architecture -Military, jfe Kortitication ; Military archi- tecture -Mohammedan SVi- alio Alhambra; Mosques Moorish, set" Architecture, Mohammedan \a\al. /<•<■ Shipbuilding Oriental Sff aho Architecture, Mohammedan; Mosques; Taj Mahal; Temples Renaissance See aho Art, Renaissance Rural, see Architecture, Domestic; Bunga- lows; Cottages; Country houses; I'arm buildings Archives .SVc aho Charters; Manuscripts; Pale- ography; \'ital records; aho names of coun- tries, subhead Archives Arctic expeditions see Arctic regions Arctic flora see Botany — Arctic regions Arctic regions See aho Antarctic regions; Eskimos; Ice- bergs; North pole; Northeast passage; Northwest passage; Scientific expeditions; Voyages and travels; aho names of exploring expeditions Areometer see Hydrometer Argon Argonauts See also Mythology, Classical Argot see Slang Argument see Debating; Logic Arianism See aho Church history — Early church; Jesus Christ — Divinity; Socinianism; Trinity; Unitarianism Arid farming see Dry farming Refer from Architectural details (s) ; Archi- tural drawing; Details, Architectural (s) Refer from Architecture, Rural (s) ; Cottages; Country houses; Domestic architecture (a); Dwellings (s) ; I'arm buildings; Farm houses (s) ; Fireplaces; Habitations, Human (s) ; House plans (s) ; Houses (s) ; Plans (architec- ture) (s) ; Residences (s) ; Rural architecture (s) ; Suburban houses (s) ; .Summer cottages (s); Tenement houses; \'illas (sj Refer from Cathedrals; Christian antiqui- ties; Church architecture; Gothic architecture (s) ; Pointed architecture (s) Refer from Architecture, Ancient; Greek architecture (s) ; Orders of architecture Refer from Medieval architecture (s) ; Middle ages — Architecture (s) Refer from Architecture, Moorish (s) ; Architecture, Oriental; Mohammedan archi- tecture (s) ; Moorish architecture (s) ; Mosques Refer from Mosques; Oriental architecture (s) ; Temples Refer from Art, Renaissance; Renaissance; Renaissance architecture (s) Refer from Bibliography; Charters; Docu- ments (s) ; History — Sources; Manuscripts: Public records (s) ; Records, Public (sJ Refer from Arctic expeditions (s) ; Discover- ies and explorations ; Earth ; Eskimos ; Geogra- phy; Ice; Icebergs; North pole; Northeast passage; Northwest passage; Polar regions (s) ; Scientific expeditions; Voyages and travels Refer from Air; Chemical elements; Gases Refer from Golden fleece (s) ; Mythology, Classical Refer from Church history — Early church; Humanitarianism (theology) (s) ; Jesus Christ • — Divinity; Socinianism; Trinity; Unita- rianism Anny life .SVi- ii!>o Military service; Soldiers Army of the Cumberland i>V^ III JO U. S. — History — Civil war Army of the Potomac Sff also I'liiinsular campaign, 1862; I' — History — Civil war Aromatic plant products see Essences and essential oils Arrest See also Bail; Constables; Extradition; Habeas corpus; Sheriffs Arrow-heads see Arrowheads Arrowheads See also Bow and arrow; Indians — An- tiquities Arrows see Bow and arrow Arsenals See also Armories; Military architecture; also names of cities, subhead Arsenals Arsenic Art See also Anatomy, Artistic; Animal paint- ing and illustration; Antiques; Archaeology; Architecture ; Art and morals ; Art forgeries ; Art in literature; Art societies; Artists; Arts and crafts, and references under that subject; Brasses; Bric-a-brac; Bronzes; Caricature and cartoons; Carving (art industries^; Children in literature and art; Christian art and symbolism; Classicism; Collectors and collecting ; Composiiion (art) ; Costume ; Decoration and ornament ; Design, Decorative ; Drawing ; Engraving ; Esthetics ; Etching; Frescoes; Gems; Glyptics; House decoration; Idealism in art; Illustration of books ; Impressionism (art) ; Indians — Art ; Industrial arts ; Landscape gardening; Lith- ography; Madonnas; Aliniature painting; Mosaics; Municipal art ; Mural painting and decoration; Music; Naturalism in art; Nude in art; Numismatics; Painting; Pastel; Photography; Pictures; Portraits; Posters; Preraphaelitism ; Proportion (art); Realism in art; Sculpture; Silhouettes; Stained glass ; Symbolism; Women in literature and art; also names of cities, subhead Art American S<'c fl/^o Architecture, American; Paint- ing, American; Sculpture, American Ancient See also Archaeology; Architecture. Ancient; Art, Primitive; Classical antiq- uities; also Art, Greek; Art, Roman; Refer from Armies; Military life (s) ; Soldiers; U. S. — Army Refer from Cumberland, Army of the (s) ; U. S. — History — Civil war; U. S. — His- tory—Civil war — Campaigns and battles; U. S. — History — Civil war — Regimental histories Refer from Peninsular campaign, 1862; Potomac, Army of the (s) ; U. S. — llistory — Civil war; U. S. ■ — History — Civil war — Campaigns and battles; U. S. — llistory — Civil war — Regimental histories Refer from Bail; Constables; Criminal law; Imprisonment (s) ; Sheriffs Refer from Archaeology; Arrow-heads (s) ; Bow and arrow; Indians — Antiquities Refer from Armories; Firearms; Military architecture; Ordnance Refer from Chemical elements; Poisons Refer from Architecture; Arts, Fine (s) ; Arts and crafts; Christian art and symbolism; Civilization; Composition (art); Decoration and ornament; Design, Decorative; Esthetics; Fine arts (s); Graphic arts (s) ; Iconogra- phy (s) ; Painting; Sculpture etc. -Appreciation See also Art — Criticism; and teaching; Esthetics Art — StuJ\ Refer from American art (s) ; U. S. — Art (s) ; U. S. — Fine arts (s) Refer from Ancient art (s) ; Archaeology Refer from Appreciation of art (s) ; Art — Criticism; Art — Study and teaching; Es- thetics 24 Art — Continued Christian, see Christian art and symbolism Criticism vSVc also Art — • Appreciation; luthclics Decorative, see Arts and crafts; Dccora- titm and ornament ; Design, Decorative I'AljLation, see Art — Study and teaching Exhibitions Hee also Art — Galleries and museums Galleries and museums isee also Art — I'.xliibitions ; Paintinps; also names uf galleries, e.g. Louvre, Ver- sailles (palace); and names of cities, sub- head Galleries and museums Medieval -Municipal, tee Municipal art -Primitive .SV^ also .XrclKvology ; Indians- Art -Renaissance See also Architecture, Renaissance; Renaissance -Study and teaching See also Art — Appreciation .'\rt anatomy see Anatomy, Artistic Art and morals See also Nude in art Art criticism see Art — Criticism Art education see Art — Study and leaching Art forgeries See also Antiques, Forged Art galleries see Art — Galleries and museums .'\rt glass see Glass, Ornamental Art in literature .\rt in the schoolroom see Art — Study and teaching; School decoration Art industries see Arts and crafts; Industrial arts .\rt museums see .Vrt — Galleries and museums Art societies Arteries See also Blood; Blood vessels; Veins Artesian wells See alio Boring; Wells Arthropoda See also Arachnida; Crustacea; Insects; Invertebrates; Myriapoda Arthurian romances See also Grail Articles, Thirty-nine, see Church of England — Articles of religion Articulations see Joints Artificial flowers Sr-e also Glass flowers; Paper flowers; W a.\ flowers Refer from Art — Appreciation; Art criti- cism (s) ; Criticism; Ksthetics Refer from Art — Galleries and museums; Exhibitions; Paintings; Pictures Refer from Art — Exhibitions ; An galleries(s) ; Art museums (s) ; Exhibitions; Galleries (art) (s) ; Museums; Paintings; Pictures Refer from Medieval art (s) ; Middle ages — Art (s) Refer from Archaeology; .'\rt, Ancient; Ethnology; Primitive art (s) Refer from .Architecture, Renaissance; Ren- aissance; Renaissance art (s) Refer from Art — .Appreciation; Art — Edu- cation (s) ; Art education (s) ; .'\rt in the schoolroom (s) Refer from Art; Ethics; Nude in art Refer from Antiques, Forged; Art; Counter- feits; Forgeries (s) ; Forgery; Forgery of works of art (s) ; Fraud; Imposture; Paintings; Pictures; Swindlers and swindling Refer from Art; Literature Refer from Art; Artists; Societies Refer from Blood; Blood vessels; Vascular system ; Veins Refer from Boring; Hydraulic engineering; Water supply; Wells Refer from Arachnida; Crustacea; Insects; Invertebrates; Myriapoda Refer from Chivalry; Grail; Legends; Middle ages — Literature; Romances; Round Table (s) Refer from Fancy work; Flowers; Flowers, .Artificial (s) ; Millinery 2S lie iff lie — Manufacture Artifiiial laii^iuagc set Language, Arlilicial Artificial limbs slone see Stone, Artificial Artillery See also Artillery drill and tactics ; Gunnery ; Military art and science; Naval guns; Ord- nance; Projectiles; also under country, i-.g. I'. S. — Army — Artillery. For volunteer reginunts in the I'. S. see under name oT stale, e.i; New \axV artillery Artillery drill and tactics See also Gunnery ; Tactics ; Target practice Artistic anatomy see .\natomy, -Artistic Artists See also Architects; Art societies; Bo- hemianlsm; l')ni;ravcrs; Illustrators; Musi- cians; Painters; Sculptors; Women as artists Artists' marks Arts, Fine, see Art Arts, I sefiil. see Industrial arts Arts and crafts See also Art; Baskctwork; Beadwork; Bookbinding; Carving (art industries); China painting; Coppersmltliing; Decora- tion and ornament; Design, Decorative; Domestic arts; Kmbroidcry; Enamel; Fur- niture; Gesso; Glass; Goldsmllliini;; Handi- craft; Illumination of manuscripts and books; Industrial arts; Inlay; Ironwork; Jewelry; Lace; Lacquer; Leather work; Manual training; Metal work; Modeling; Mosaics; Needlework; Pcwier; Pottery; Pyrography; Repousse work; Rugs; Shell- work; Sllversmlthlng; Stencil work; Tap- estry; Weaving; Wood carving Aryan civlllzaiiun see Civilization, -Aryan Aryan languages See also Armenian language; Celtic languages; Germanic languages; Greek language; Indo-.\ryan languages; Iranian languages; Latin language; Romance lan- guages; Slavic languages Aryans See also Caucasian race; Celts; Civiliza- tion, Aryan; Hindus; Latin races; Slavs; Teutonic race Asbestos See also Geology, Economic Ascension of Jesus Christ see Jesus Christ - Resurrection and ascension Asceticism 6V^ also Fasting; Hermits; Monasticism Ash Wednesday See also Lent Asiatic cholera see Cholera, Asiatic Refer Jrom Arm; Leg Refer from Arms and armor; Batteries (mililary) (s); Coast artillery (s) ; Coast de- fense; I'leld artillery (s) ; Firearms; Gunnery; Guns; Military art and science; Ordnance Refer from Artillery; Drill (military); Gun- nery; Military art and science; Tactics Refer from Art; Biography; Engravers; Painters; Sculptors Refer from Initials; Marks, Artists' (s) ; Monograms Refer from Art ; Art, Decorative (s) ; Art industries (s) ; Carving (art industries); China painting; Coppcrsmithing; Crafts (s); Decoration and ornament; Design, Decora- tive; Domestic arts; Enamel; Gesso; Cjold- smlthlng; Handicraft; Illumination of manu- scripts and books; Industrial arts; Inlay; Ironwork; Jewelry; Leather work; Manual training; Metal work; Modeling; Mosaics; Pottery; Pyrography; Repousse work; Sll- versmithlng; Wood carving Refer from Armenian language; Celtic languages; Germanic languages; Greek lan- guage; Indo-.Aryan languages; Indo-European languages (s) ; Indo-Germanic languages (s) ; Iranian languages; Language; Latin language; Romance languages; Slavic languages Refer from Caucasian race; Celts; Civiliza- tion, Aryan; Ethnology; Ethnology — Asia; Ethnology — Europe; Hindus; Indo-Euro- peans (s); Indo-Germanic peoples (s) ; Latin races; Slavs; Teutonic race ^/•/irr /rom Fireproofing; Geology, Econom- ic; Mineralogy ^('/cr/rom Church discipline; Church polity; Conduct of life; Etliics; Fanaticism; Fasting; Hermits; Monasticism Refer from Christian year; Fasts and feasts; I cnt 26 Asiatic languages see Oriental languaKCS Asiatic literature see Oriental literature Asphalt i^ee also Geology, Economic; Pavements Aspiration see Ideals Assassination .SVr- also Anarchism anJ anarchists; Mur.ler Assault Assaying See also Blowpipe; Metallurgy; Ores Assembly, Right of See also Liberty of speech; Public meet- ings Assessment see Taxation Assignments See also Attachment; Bankruptcy; Com- mercial law; Liens Assimilation see Absorption (physiology) ; Metabolism; Nutrition Associated charities see Charity organization Association see Cooperation Association of ideas See also Memory ; Psychology Associations see Corporations; Gilds; Labor unions; Societies Assurance see Insurance Assyrian langauge See also Cuneiform writing; Semitic languages Assyrian literature see Assyro-Babylonian literature Assyriology see Assyria — Antiquities Ass3rTO-Babylonian literature See also Cunfiforiu writing; Oriental literature Asteroids See also Astronomy Asthma See also Respiratory organs — Diseases Astigmatism See also Eye — Diseases and defects Astrolabe .SV<- also Astronomical instruments Astrology See also Occult sciences Astronomers Astronomical instruments See also Astrolabe; Astronomical photog- raphy; Astronomy, Spherical and practi- cal; Chronograph; Hcliometcr; Hcliostat; Photochronograph ; Sextant; Spectroscope; Telescope; Transit (instrument) Refer from Bitumen (s) ; Commercial prod- ucts; Concrete; Cieology, liconomic; Pave- ments; Pitch, Mineral (s) ; Streets Refer from Conspiracies; Crime and crimi- nals; Murder Refer from Criminal law Refer from Analysis (chemistry) (s) ; Blow- pipe; Chemistry; Chemistry — Analysis; Metallurgy; Metals; Mineralogy; Ores; Prospecting Refer from Liberty; Liberty of speech; Public meetings; Right of assembly (s) Refer from Attachment; Bankruptcy; Com- incrcial law; Contracts; Debt; Law; Trustees Refer from Ideas, Association of (s) ; Mem- ory; Mental association (s) ; Psychology Refer from Cuneiform writing; Semitic languages Refer from Assyrian literature (s) ; Baby- lonian literature (s) ; Cuneiform writing; Oriental literature Refer from Astronomy; Planets; Solar sys- tem ; Stars Refer from Medicine — Practice; Respira- tory organs — Diseases Refer from Eve — Diseases and defects; Sight Refer from Astronomical instruments Refer from Astronomy; Divination; Fortune telling; Hermetic art (s) ; Horoscopes (s) ; Occult sciences; Omens; Planets; Stars; Superstition; Zodiac Refer from Astronomy; Scientists Refer from Astrolabe; Astronomy; Astrono- my, Spherical and practical; Chronograph; Heliometer; Heliostat; Instruments; Optical instruments; Scientific apparatus and instru- ments; Sextant; Telescope; Transit (instru- ment) 37 Astronomical mythology Astronomical observatories Astronomical photography Set also I'liuloclirunugraph Astronomy ,SV(- also Aberration; Almanacs; Aster- oids; AslroloRv; Astronomers; Astroiiunii- imI instruments, and names of instruments; Astronomical mythology; Astronomical observatories; Astronomical photography; Astrophysics; Azimuth; Bible — Astron- omy; Calendar; Chronology; Comets; Earth; Eclipses; Equinoxes; Geodesy; Geography, Mathematical; Globes; Gravi- tation; Latitude and longitude; Mechanics, Celestial; Meieoriies; Meteoritic hypothe- sis; Meteors; Milky way; Moon; Nautical almanacs; Nautical astronomy; Nebulae; Nebular hypothesis; Nutation; Occulta- tions; Orbits; Parallax; Perturbation; Planetesimal hypothesis; Planets land their nanu'sj; Planispheres; Plurality of worlds; Satellites; Seasons; Solar system; Space; Spectra; Spectrum analysis; Stars; Sun; Tides; Time; Transits; Universe; Zodiac; Zodiacal light Atlases iSVr- also Planispheres History Spherical and practical Sfe also Aberration; Astronomical instruments; Azimuth; Eclipses; Latitude and longitude; Least squares; Nautical astronomy; Navigation; Nutation; Occul- tations; Parallax; Refraction; Time Astrophysics See also Astronomy; Spectrum analysis; Stars; Sun Asylum, Right of See also Aliens Asylums See also Almshouses ;Blind — Asylums and education ; Charities ; Deaf and dumb — Asylums and education ; Homes for the aged ; Hospitals; Inebriate asylums; Insane hos- pitals; Orphans and orphan asylums; Poor; also names of countries and cities, subhead Hospitals and asylums Atavism see Heredity Athanasian creed Atheism See also Agnosticism; Deism; God; Materialism; Natural religion; Skepticism; Theism Athletics See also Boxing; College athletics; Fenc- ing; Games; Gymnastics; Jiu-jitsu ; Olym- pic games; Physical education; Rowing; Running; School athletics; Skating; Sports; Swimming; Track athletics; Training; Walking; Wrestling Refer Jrom Astronomy; Mythology; Nature myths Refer from Astronomy; Observatories, As- tronomical (s) Refer from Astronomical instruments; As- tronomy; Photography; I'hotography, Astro- nomical (s) Refer from Asteroids; Astrophysics; Comets; Constellations (s); Earth; Eclipses; Equi- noxes; Geography, Mathematical; Globes; Gravitation; Heavens (s) ; Latitude and longi- tude; Mathematics; Mechanics, Celestial; Meteors; Milky way; Moon; Nebulae; Nebu- lar hypothesis; Occultations; Parallax; Physics; Planets; Satellites; Science; Sky (s) ; Solar physics (s); Solar system; Stars; Sun; Tides ; Time ; Transits; Universe; Uranography (s) ; Zodiac Refer from Atlases; Star atlases (s) ; Stars Refer from Aberration; Astronomical instru- ments; Azimuth; Eclipses; Geodesy; Latitude and longitude; Least squares ; Nautical astron- omy; Nutation; Occultations; Parallax; Re- fraction; Spherical astronomy (s) ; Time Refer from Astronomy; Solar physics (s) ; Stars ; Sun Refer from Church and state; Church law; Extradition; International law; Law; Right of sanctuary (s); Sanctuary (s) Refer from Almshouses; Charities; Homes (institutions) (s); Hospitals; Institutions, Charitable and philanthropic (s) ; Poor Refer from Catholic church — Catechisms and creeds; Church of England — Catechisms and creeds; Creeds; Trinity Refer from Agnosticism; Deism; God; Natural religion; Philosophy; Religion; Skep- ticism ; Theism Refer from Amusements; College athletics; Games; Gymnastics; Physical education; Physical training (s) ; Play; Sports; Track athletics; Training 28 Atlantic cable see Cables, Submarine Atlantic coast Set also names of stales and localities of the Atlantic coast Atlases See also Astronomy — Atlases; Bible — CIcMKraphy; Geography; Historical atlases; Maps; also nanu's of countries, etc., subhead Description and travel — Maps Atlatl see Throwing sticks Atmosphere see Air; Meteorology Atmospheric electricity iV(- i//'0 Auroras; Lightning Atmospheric nucleation Hee also Condensation ; Ionization of pases Atomic theory See tilso Atoms; Chemistry — History; Chemist ry, I'ln sical Atomic weights See also Chemistry, Physical; Periodic law Atoms See also Atomic theory; Atomic weights; Chemistry; Chemistry, Physical; Electrons; Ions; Matter; Molecules; Physics; Stereo- chemistry Atonement See also Jesus Christ Attachment See ilotor vehicles (s); Motoring (s); Motors; Tires; Transporta- tion ; Vehicles Refer ■ from Anatomy; Death; Dissection; Medical jurisprudence; Medicine; Pathology; Post-mortem examinations (s) ; Surgery Refer from Fall (s) ; Seasons Refer from Children, Abnormal and back- ward; Defectives; Education; Schools Refer from Landslides; Mountains; Snow Refer from Conduct of life; Cuvetousness (s) ; tgoism; Ethics; Misers Refer from Parsees; Persian literature; Sacred books ; Zend-Avesta (s) ; Zoroastrianism 30 Aviators set Aeronauts Aw.uaIs see Arbitratiuii anJ aw.irJ Axioms iVc also Geometry Axles .SVc also Bearings (machinery); Wheels Azimuth .SVc also Astronomy, Spherical and prac- tical Aztecs Hee alio Ituiians of Mexico; Mexico — Antiquities; Toltccs Babies see Infants Babism Sff also Mohammedanism Baby /<■<• Infants Babylonian literature sff Assyro-Babylonian literature Baccalaureate sermons iff College sermons Bachelors B:ulielor's degrees sff Degrees, Academic Bacilli Sff Bacteriology; Germ theory of disease Backbone sff Spine Backgammon Backward children sff Children, Abnormal and backward Bacon-Shakespeare controversy sff Shake- speare, W illiam — Authorship Bacon's rebellion, 1676 Sff also L'. S. — History — Colonial period ; Virginia — History Bacteria sff Bacteriology Bacteriology .S'.v alio Dairy bacteriology; Dust; Fer- mentation; Germ theory of disease; Im- munity; Microscope and microscopy; Pu- trefaction; Soil bacteriology; Water — Analysis Agricultural Sff alio Dairy bacteriology; Nitrifica- tion; Plants — Diseases; Soil bacteriolo- gy; also names of crops, subhead Diseases and pests, e.g. Pruit — Diseases and pests Badges of honor sff Decorations of honor; Insignia ; Medals Baggage Sff also Packing for shipment Bagpipes Sff a.'.u) Music — Scotland; Wind in- struments Bahaism sft Babism Bail Sff also Arrest; Guaranties and sureties Bailments Sff also Agency; Baggape; Carriers; Commercial law; Liens; Negligence; Pawn- broking; Warehouses Bakers and bakeries Sff also Baking Rfffr from Geometry; Mathematics; Phi- losophy ; Truth Rfffr from Wheels Rfffr from Astronomy; Astronomy, Spher- ical and practical; Geodesy Rfffr from Indians of Mexico; Mexico — Antiquities; Toltccs Rfffr from Bahaism (s) ; Behaism (s) ; Mohammedanism ; Religions Rfffr from Celibacy; Men Rfffr from Games Rfffr from U. S. — History — Colonial pe- riod; Virginia — History Rfffr from Bacilli (s) ; Bacteria (s) ; Biology; Botany; Contagion and contagious diseases; Disease germs (s) ; Dust ; Fermentation ; Fungi ; Germ theory of disease; Germs (s) ; Medicine; Microbes (s) ; Micro-organisms (s) ; Microscope and microscopy; Parasites; Pathology; Putre- faction; Water — Analysis Rfffr from Agricultural bacteriology (s); Agriculture; Dairy bacteriology; Plants — Diseases; Soil bacteriology; Soils Rfffr from Bailments; Carriers; Luggage (s) ; Railroads — Baggage (s) ; Travel Rfffr from Music — Scotland; Wind instru- ments Rfffr from Arrest; Criminal law; Guaranties and sureties; Law Rfftr from Agency; Carriers; Commercial law; Contracts; Guaranties and sureties; Law; Negligence; Pawnbroking; Warehouses Rfffr from Baking; Food 31 Baking Scf alto Bakers and bakeries; Bread; L.ikc; Cookery; Ovens; Pastry Baking powder Balance of power Sff alio Kastcrn question (Near East); Fiuropc — Politics; International relations Balance of trade ice ij/jo Cununerce; Tariff; Tariff question Baldness .SVc aho Hair Balkan question /i-c Kastcrn question (Near Kast) Ball Sff Baseball; Baskct-balJ^ Cricket; Football; Handball :'■ <~ '' T^-iUJi) Ball bearings iff Bearings (machinery) Ballads .SVc alio Chapbooks; Folk songs; Legends; Lyric poetry; Poetry; Songs American Sff alio American poetry; Ballads, English; Songs, American English Sff alio Ballads, American; Ballads, Irish; Ballads, Scottish; English poetry; Songs, English Irish Sff alio Ballads, English; Irish poetry; Songs, Irish Scottish Sff aho Ballads, English; Scottish po- etry; Songs, Scottish Ballet .SVc aho Dancing; Pantomime Ballistics Sff aho Gunnery; Ordnance; Photo- chronograph; Projectiles; Shooting Balloonists iff Aeronauts Balloons Sff aho Aeronautics; Airships Dirigible, iff Airships Ballot Sff alio Australian ballot; Elections; Suffrage; Voting machines Balls ^parties) Sff also Cotillion; Dancing; Masquerades Balustrades iff Railings Bamboo Bandages and bandaging Sff alio First aid in illness and injury; Surgery Bandaging iff Bandages and bandaging Banditti Iff Brigands and robbers Bands (music) .SVc alio Conducting (music); Instrumen- tation and orchestration; Military music; Orchestras; Wind instruments Rf/ff from Bakers and bakeries; Bread; Cake; Cookery; Ovens; Pastry Rfffr from Chemistry, Technical; Cookery Rfffr from Eastern question (Near East); Europe — Politics; International relations Rfffr from Commerce; Economics; Ex- change; I'ariff; Tariff question; Trade, Bal- ance of (s) Rfffr from Hair; Head Rfffr from Carols; Chapbooks; Folk songs; Legends; Literature; Lyric poetry; Poetry; Songs Rfffr from American ballads (s); American literature; American poetry; American songs (s) ; Ballads, English; Songs, American Rfffr front Ballads, American; Ballads, Irish; Ballads, Scottish; English ballads (s) ; English literature; I'^nglish poetry; English songs (s) ; Songs, English Rfffr from Ballads, English; Irish ballads (s) ; Irish literature; Irish poetry; Irish songs (s) ; Songs, Irish Rfffr from Ballads, English ; Scotch ballads (s) ; Scottish ballads (s) ; Scottish literature; Scottish poetry; Scottish songs (s) ; Songs, Scottish Rfffr from Dancing; Pantomime; Theater Rfffr from Gunnery; Ordnance; Photo- chronograph; Projectiles; Shooting Rfffr from Aeronautics; Airships Rfffr from Elections; Government; Politics; Short ballot (s) ; Suffrage; Voting (s) Rfffr from Amusements ; Cotillion ; Dancing ; Entertaining; Masquerades; Parties (s) Rfffr from Furniture; Grasses; Woodwork Rfffr from Bandaging (s) ; First aid in illness and injury; Surgery Rfffr from Conducting (music) ; Instrumental music; Military music; Music; Orchestras; Wind instruments 3a Bandy see Hockey Banishment ire Kxilc; Penal colonies Bank ilepusit cuaraniy see Banks and banking — Guaranty of deposits Bank notes See also Ranks and bankinj;; Counter- feits; Legal tender; Paper money Bankers h.iiikiii)> see Banks and banking Bankruptcy .SVc nL'o Assignments; Commercial law ; Debt ; Receivers Banks and banking Sf:- ..','uj Agricultural credit; Bank notes; Bankers; Building and loan associations; Checks; Clearing houses; Credit; Dis- count; Economics; Exchange; Finance; Foreign exchange; Interest; Land banks; Money; National banks; Pawnbroking; Postal savings banks ; Savings banks ; School savings banks; Stock exchange; Stocks; Trust companies; Vaults; also names of cities, subhead Banks Guaranty of deposits -Law -U. S. See also National b; nks Banners see Flags Banquets see Dinners and dining Baptism See also Baptismal fonts; Baptists; Close communion; Jesus Christ — Baptism; Regeneration (theology); Sacraments Infants See also Infant salvation; Predestina- tion Baptismal fonts See also Church furniture Baptists See also Anabaptists; Baptism; Close communion; Congregationalism; German Baptist brethren; Mennonites; Seventh- day Baptists Bar see Lawyers Barbarian invasions of Rome See also Goths; liuns; Italy — History — To 1559; Migration of nations; Rome — History — Empire; Vandals Barbary corsairs see Pirates Barbed wire see Fence wire Barbizon school See also Painting, French Bards See also Celtic literature; Melstcrsingers ; Minnesingers; Minstrels; Troubadours; Trouveres Refer from Banks and banking; Counter- feits; Engraving; Money; National bank notes (s); National banks; Paper money Refer from Banks and banking; Biography Refer from Assignments; Commerce; Com- mercial law; Corporations; Debt; Failure (in business) (s) ; Finance; Insolvency (s) ; Law; Partnership; Receivers Refer from Agricultural banks (s) ; Bank notes; Banking (s) ; Bills of credit (s) ; Hills of exchange (s) ; Bimetallism ; Capital ; Checks ; Clearing houses ; Commerce ; Credit ; Discount ; Economics; Finance; Government banking (s) ; Interest; Investments; Land banks; Money; National banks; Paper money; Savings banks; Stock exchange; Trust com- panies ; Wealth Refer from Bank deposit guaranty Guaranty of bank deposits (s) Refer from Commercial law (s); Refer from Money — State banks (s) ; U. S. U. S. ; National banks; — Banks (s) Refer from Baptists; Christening (s) ; Christian antiquities; Church membership; Church polity; Immersion, Baptismal (s); Regeneration (theology) ; Rites and ceremonies ; Sacraments; Theology Refer from salvation Refer fro m Fonts (s) Infant baptism (s) ; Infant Baptism; Church furniture; Refer from Anabaptists; Baptism; Close communion; Congregationalism; Sects Refer from Goths; Huns ; Italy — History — To iS'Sg; Invasions of Rome, Barbarian (s) ; Migration of nations; Rome — History — Empire; Vandals Refer from Landscape painting; Painting, French Refer from Celtic literature; Minstrels; Poetry; Poets 33 Bark Sff alto Botany. Structural; Trees; Wood Barley .SV<- (i/.ro Grain Bams and stables Sff also I'iirm buildings; Garages; Horse Barometer Sff also Meteorological instruments Baronage see Peerage Bariinctape .iff Peerage Barons' war, 1263 1267 Sff also England — History — Plantag- riuis Barracks See also Military architecture Barrels see Cooperage Barristers see Lawyers Barrows see Mounds and mound builders Bartholomew, St., Massacre of, see St. Barthol- omew's day, Massacre of Bas-relief See also Carving (art industries); Sar- cophagi; Sculpture; Wood carving Baseball See also College athletics Basilicas Sff also Architecture; Church architecture Basket-ball Sff also College athletics Basket making see Basketwork Basketry sff Basketwork Basketwork See also Indians — Industries Basques Bat see Bats Bathing see Baths and bathing Baths, Public Baths and bathing Sff abii Baths, Public; Diving; Hydro- therapy; Swimming Batrachia see Amphibia Bats See also Mammals Batteries (electric) see Electric batteries; Storage batteries Batteries (military) see Artillery Battle, Wager of, see Wager of battle Battle cries Battle-ships see Warships Battle-songs see War songs Battlefield relief .SV^ also I'irst aid in illness and injury; Hospitals, Military; Medicine, Military; Military hygiene; Red cross; Surgery, Military Kfjfr Jrom Botany, Structural; Trees; Wood Refer from Grain Refer from Architecture; Cattle; Domestic animals; Farm buildings; Horse; Live slock; Stables (s) Refer from Air; Aneroid barometer (») ; Meteorological instruments; Physics; Sur- veying instruments Refer from England — History — Plantag- cncts Refer from Military architecture Rfffr from Carving (art industries); Decora- tion and orncpient; Sculpture Rfffr from Ball (s) ; College athletics ; Games ; School athletics Refer from Architecture; Church architecture Refer from Ball (s) ; College athletics; Games; School athletics Refer from Arts and crafts; Basket making (s); Basketry (s); Domestic arts; Indians — Industries; Manual training; Weaving Refer from Ethnology — France; Ethnology — Spain; France — History Refer from Architecture; Baths and bathing; Municipal improvement; Public baths (s) Refer from Archaeology; Bathing (s) ; Clean- liness; Hydrotherapy; Hygiene; Sea bathing (s); Seashore; Swimming; Therapeutics; Toi- let ; Turkish baths (s) ; Water Refer from Bat (s) ; Cheiroptera (s) ; Chirop- lera (s) ; Mammals Refer from Cries (s) ; War cries (s) ; Yells Rfffr from First aid in illness and injury; Hospitals, Military; Medicine, Military; Mili- tary hygiene; Red cross; Relief work (s) ; Surgery, Military 34 Battles Sff alio Imaginary wars and baitlis; Massacres; Military history; Naval balllcs; Sieves; al.^>ii and -Dictionaries -Distribution, set Bible distribution -Editions, ste Bible — Versions -Ethnology .SVi* ;. Jesus Christ in art Poetry jcc Bible — Old I ostamcnt — I^oct- ical books; Bible — Literary character Prophecies Sff al. M^onqnian Indians Blacking Blacklisting Sff alio Boycott; Kniploycrs' associations Black smithing Sff alio I'orging; Horseshoeing; Ironwork ; Welding Blankets .SVc also Indians — Industries Blast furnaces Sff also Blowing engines; Cast iron; Cupola furnaces; Slag Blasting ■SVc alio Explosives; Mines, Military; Mining engineering; Quarries and quarrying Bleaching See alio Cleaning; Drying; Dyes and dye- ing Bleeding see Bloodletting; Hemorrhage Blind See also Color blindness ; Defectives Asylums and education Books for the Blindness .;raphy see Shorthand Brahmanism Sff also Buddhism; Caste; Hinduism; India — Religion; V'edanta; \'edas Braidism see Hypnotism Brain See also Aphasia; Apoplexy; Dreams; Fatigue, Mental; Feeble-minded; Head; Idiocy; Insanity; Intellect; Memory; Men- tal diseases; Meningitis; Nlind and body; Nervous system; Paralysis; Phrenology; Psychology; Psychometry ; Sleep; Tre- phining Brakes See also Air brakes; Safety devices Brandy .SVc also Distillation; Liquors Brass See also Alloys ; Brasses Brass instruments see Wind instruments Brasses Bravery see Courage Brazing see Solder and soldering Bread See also Baking; Cookery; Flour and flour mills BieadstutTs see Grain Breakfast foods see Cereals, Prepared Refer from Archery; Arms and armor; Arrowheads; Arrows (s) ; Bows (s) Refer from Games; Ten pins (s); Tenpins (s) Refer from Manufactures Refer from China — History; Eastern ques- tion (Far East); Missions — China; Secret societies Refer from Athletics; Fighting (s) ; Prize fighting (s) ; Pugilism (s) ; Sparring (s) ; Sports Refer from Boys; Boys' clubs; Scouts and scouting Refer from Blacklisting; I^abor and capital; Labor laws; Labor unions; Strikes and lock- outs Refer from Boy (s) ; Children; Conduct of life; Young men; Young people (s) ; Youth Refer from Boys; Clubs; Social settlements Refer from Jewelry Refer from Invertebrates; Marine zoology Refer from Buddhism; Caste; Hinduism; India — Religion; Religions Refer from Head; Insanity; Intellect; Men- tal diseases; Mental physiology (s) ; Mind and body; Nervous system; Physiology; Psy- chology; Psychology, Physiological; Skull Refer from Air brakes; Railroads; Railroads — Equipment and supplies; Safety devices Refer from Alcohol; Distillation; Liquors Refer from Alloys; Copper; Metals; Sheet- metal work; Zinc Refer from Archaeology; Art; Brass; Epi- taphs; Inscriptions; Metal work; Monumental brasses (s) ; Monuments; Tombs Refer from Baking; Cookery; Food SO Breakfasts .SV^ ul.iu Cereals, Prepared ; Cookery ; Menus Breakwaters .SV^ iilso Civil engineering; Jclties; Piles and pile driving Breathing .See also Chest; Lungs; Physiology; Ufs|>ir.itory organs; Singing and voice ciihurc; Voice; Yawning Breeding See alio Domestic animals; Eugenics; lleredil)'; Hybridization; Live stock; Men- del's law; I'lant breeding Breton club Ji-e Jacobins Breviaries .SV<- also Catholic church — Liturgy and ritual ; Liturgies Brewing Sff also Ale; Beer; Chemistry, Technical; Enzymes; Liquors; Malt Bribery iVc alio Graft; Political corruption Bric-a-brac Srf alio Decoration and ornament; Pottery Bricklaying Sef also Masonry Bricks See also Bricklaying; Building materials; Clay; Clay industries; Masonry; Pave- ments; 'lilcs Bridal customs see Marriage customs and rites; W eddings Bridge (game) see Bridge whist Bridge whist See also Cards; Whist Bridges .SVr- also Arches ; Cables ; Civil engineering ; Culverts; Drawbridges; Girders; Graphic statics; XLisonry; Military bridges; Strains and stresses; Trestles; Trusses; also names of cities, subhead Bridges Foundations and piers See also Caissons; Cofferdams Brigands and robbers See also Dacoits; Outlaws; Thieves; Thugs Briquets See also Fuel Briticisms British in India See also Eastern question CCcntral Asia) ; India — History British literature see English literature; Irish literature; Scottish literature Refer from Cookery; Eating; Home econom- ics; iNIeals (s) i Menus; Tabic Refer from Civil engineering; Engineering; Harbors; Hydraulic engineering; Jetties; Piles and pile driving Refer from Lungs; Physiology; Respira- tion (s) ; Respiratory organs; Singing and voice culture Refer from Animals — Breeding (s); Cattle; Domestic animals; Heredity; Live slock; Stock breeding (s) ; Thremmatology (s) Refer from Catholic church — • Breviaries (s); Catholic church — Liturgy and ritual; Liturgies; Prayer books Refer from Ale; Beer; Chemistry, Techni- cal; Fermentation; Industrial arts; Liquor traffic; Liquors; Malt Refer from Criine and criminals; Elections; Graft; Political corruption; Political ethics Refer from Art; Decoration and ornament; House decoration; Pottery Refer from Bricks; Building; Masonr)- Refer from Building materials; Clay; Clay industries; Masonry; Pavements; Tiles Refer from Bridge (game) (s) ; Cards; Whist Refer from Arches; Architecture; Civil engineering ; Culverts ; Drawbridges ; Engineer- ing; Girders; Grapliic statics; Masonry; Railroad bridges (s) ; Railroads; Railroads — Construction; Steel construction; Strains and stresses; Suspension bridges (s); Trestles; Trusses; Viaducts (s) Refer from Caissons; Cofferdams; Founda- tions; Hydraulic engineering; Piers (s) Refer from Banditti (s) ; Biography; Crime and criminals; Highwaymen (s) ; Kidnapping; Outlaws; Robbers (s) ; Thieves Refer from Bog fuel (s) ; Coal; I''uc! ; Lig- nite ; Peat Refer from English language; English lan- guage — Dialects; Idioms, English; Slang Refer from English in India (s) ; India — History SI British museum British poetry see Kn^lisli poetry; Irish poetry; Scottish poetry Britons See also Celts ; Drui Js ; blnglaiKi — 1 listory — To 1066 BroaJsivortl see SworJs Brokers and factors See iil-v Agency, Stuck exchange Bronchitis .SV*' also Cough; Respiratory organs — Diseases ; Throat. Bronze See also Alloys; Bronzes; Bronzing Bronze age .SVc also Archaeology; Copper age Bronzes Bronzing See also Metal coloring Brooches See alfn Jewelry Brook Farm Brook life see Fresh-water life Brook trout see Trout Broom drill see Drills and marches Brooms and brushes Brotherhoods See also Monaslicism ; Religious orders Brothers of Christ see Christadelphians Brownists See also Congregationalism; Dissenters; Pilgrim fathers Brushes see Brooms and brushes Brutes see Animals — Treatment ; Zoology Bryology see Mosses Bryophytes see Cryptogams; Mosses Bryozoa see Polyzoa Bubbles, Soap, see Soap bubbles Bubonic plague see Plague Buccaneers See also Filibusters; Pirates Bucket shops see Speculation Bucolic poetry see Pastoral poetry ■ Buddha see Buddhism Buddhism See also Brahmanism ; Hinduism ; India — Religion ; Lamaism ; Theosophy Esoteric, see Theosophy Budget see names of countries and cities, subhead Finance Buds See also Botany Buffalo, American, see Bison Rejer jrom London — Galleries and mu- seums ; London — Libraries Refer from Celts; Druids; Kngla:id ■ History — To 1066 Refer Jrom Agency; Agents (s) ; Commercial law; Factors (s) ; Stock exchange Refer from Cold (disease); Cough; Medicine — Practice; Respiratory organs — Diseases; Throat Refer from Alloys; Copper; Metals; Tin Refer Jrom Archaeology; Copper age Refer from Archaeology; Art; Bronze; Decoration and ornament; Metal work; Sculpture Refer from Bronze; Decoration and orna- ment; Aletal coloring; Plating Refer from Jewelry Refer from Communism; Cooperation; Transcendentalism Refer from Brushes (s) ; Sweeping Refer from Church polity; Monasticism; Religious orders Refer from Congregationalism; Dissenters; Pilgrim fathers; Sects Refee from Filibusters; Freebooters (s) ; Naval battles; Naval history; Pirates; Voy- ages and travels; West Indies — History Refer from Brahmanism; Buddha (s); China — Religion; Confucianism; Hinduism; India — Religion; Lamaism; Monasticism; Religions Refer from Botany; Flowers 52 Bugle calls Sff alio Military music Burs sff Ilcmiptera ; Insects Bulilwork itt liiljy Building Sff also Acoustics of builJinRs; Arches; Arcliitecturc; Bricklaying; Building mate- rials; Building stones; Carpentry; Ceilings; Chimneys; Civil engineering; Concrete con- struction; Doors; Knginccring; I'ire escapes ; Fireproof construction; Floors; Founda- tions; Girders; Graphic statics; Hardware; Heating; House painting; Masonry; Plaster and plastering; Plumbing; Roofs; Sanitary engii\cering; Scaffolding; Shoring and under- pinning; Skylights; Slair building; Steel construction; Strains and stresses; Strength of materials; Trusses; Vaulting; Ventila- tion ; Walls ; Windows Contracts and specifications Estimates Materials, sff Building materials Specifications, iff Building — Contracts and specifications Building and loan associations S-e also Benefit societies Building contracts iff Building — Contracts and specifications Building laws S,-f iilio Fire escapes ; Fireproof construc- tion; 'Fcncnient houses Btiilding materials Sff alto Bricks; Building stones ; Cement; Concrete; Concrete, Reinforced; Fireproof construction; Glass; Iron; Plaster and plastering; Steel; Stone; Stone, Artificial; Strength of materials; Stucco; Terra cotta; Tiles; Timber; Wood Btiilding stones See alio Building materials; Geology, Economic; Granite; Limestone; Marble; Masonry; Quarries and quarrying; Sand- stone; Slate; Stone; Stonecutting Buildings, Dampness in, see Dampness in buildings Buildings, Portable, see Portable buildings Buildings, Public, see Public buildings Bulbs See also Floriculture Bulkheads See also Shipbuilding Bull fights see Bullfights Bulletins, Library, see Library bulletins Bullets see Projectiles Bullfights See also Mexico — Social life and customs ; Spain — Social life and customs Bullion see Coinage; Money; Precious metals Refer from Military art and science; Military music; Signals; Trumpet calls (s) Refer from Arches; Architecture; Carpentry; Civil engineering; Construction (s) ; F.ngineer- ing; Floors; Foundations; Girders; Industrial arts; Masonry; Plaster and plastering; Roofs; Scaffolding; Shoring and underpinning; .Steel construction; Strains and stresses; Strcnglli of nialerials ; Trusses; V\*alls Refer from Building — Specifications (s) ; Building contracts (sj ; Contracts; Specifica- tions (building) (s) Refer Jrom Estimates (sJ Refer from Banks and banking; Benefit societies; Cooperation; Cooperative banks (s) ; Cooperative building associations (s) ; Corpo- rations; Investments; Loan associations (s) ; Provident loan associations (s) ; Savings banks Refer from Fireproof construction ; Hygiene, Public; Law; Municipal improvement Refer from Architecture; Bricks; Building Building — Materials (s) ; Building stones Cement; Concrete; Concrete, Reinforced Engineering; Engineering materials (sJ Strength of materials; Timber Refer from Building; Building materials; Geology, Economic; Granite; Limestone; Marble; Masonry; Quarries and quarrying; Sandstone; Stone; Stonecutting; Stones (s) Refer from Botany; Floriculture Refer from Shipbuilding; Steamboats Refer from Bull fights (s) ; Fighting (s) ; Mexico — Social life and customs; Spain — Social life and customs; Sports Si Bulls, Papal iVc tilso Popes Bungalows Bunker Hill, Battle of .SVt- tiliu L'. S. — History • Revolution Buoys Bureaucracy Burglary iVi- aljo Larceny Burial Sff alio Catacombs; Cemeteries; Crema- tion; limbalming; Epitaplis; Funeral rites and ceremonies; iSlonuments ; Mounds and mound builders; Mummies; Sarcophagi; Tombs ; L rn burial Premature Buried treasure set Treasure-trove Burlesques Sff also Comedy ; Parodies Burning the dead srf Cremation Bums and scalds Se^ aho First aid in illness and injury Burnt leather see Pyrography Burnt wood work see Pyrography Burying grounds set Burial; Cemeteries Bushmen Business See also Accounting; Advertising; Auc- tions; Auditing; Boards of trade; Book- keeping; Business depression; Business education; Business ethics; Card system in business; Cash registers; Commerce; Com- mercial law; Commercial travelers; Compe- tition; Corporations; Credit; Department stores; Economics; Exchange; Finance; Forms (in law); Instalment plan; Joint- stock companies; Mail order business; Manufactures; Markets; Merchants; Money; Occupations; Office supplies; Panics; Peddlers and peddling; Profession, Choice of; Profit; Promoting; Prosperity; Real estate business; Salesmanship; Scien- tific management; Signs; Stock exchange; Success; Trust companies; Warehouses; Wealth; Window dressing Business arithmetic see Arithmetic, Commer- cial Business correspondence see Commercial cor- respondence Business depression See also Panics Refer frovi Catholic church; Papal bulls (s); Popes Refer from Architecture, Domestic; Archi- tecture, Rural (s) ; Cottages; Country houses; Rural architecture (sj Refer from V. S — History — Revolution — Campaigns and battles Refer from Bell buoys (s) ; Harbors; Navi- gation Refer from Civil service; Government Refer from Crime and criminals; Larceny; Thieves Refer from Archxology ; Burying grounds (s) ; Cemeteries; Christian antiquities; Death; Funeral rites and ceremonies; Graves (s) ; Hygiene, Public; Interment (s); Manners and customs ; Mortuary customs {s.) ; Sepulture (s) ; Tombs Refer from Premature burial (s) ; Suspended animation Refer fiom Comedy; Humor; Parodies Refer from Accidents; First aid in illness and injury ; Scalds (s) Refer from Bosjesmen (s) ; Ethnology — • Africa ; Hottentots Refer from Accounting; Advertising; Com- merce; Commercial law; Economics; Indus- trial arts; Merchants; Money; Occupations; Profession, Choice of ; Salesmanship ; Stores (s) ; Success; Trade (s) ; Wealth Refer from Business; Commerce; Commer- cial crises (s) ; Crises, Commercial (.s) ; Econom- ics ; F'inance; Hard times (s) ; Industrial depression (s) ; Panics; Prosperity 54 Business education Srf also AccouniinR; BookkeepinR; Com- mercial correspondence; Commercial law; Penmanship; Sliortliand; Typewriting Business ethics Sff alio Compeiiiion; Honesty; Honor; Wealth Business law jre Commercial law Busy work Sff alto Cardboard construction; Paper work Butchering iff Slaughtering and slaugliicr- houscs Butter Sff alio Dairy products; Dairying; Oleo- mari;arine ButterJHies Sff also Caterpillars; Lcpidoptera Buttons By-products <<■<■ Waste products Byzantine empire Sff also Constantinople; Middle ages — History Cabala Sff also Occult sciences Cabbala sff Cabala • Cabinet orpan jff Reed organ Cabinet system Cabinet work , Sff also Decoration TFurniturc; Turning and ornament; Cabins, Log, sff Log cabins Cable codes sff Telegraph codes Cable railroads Sff also Mountain railroads Cables Sff also Cable railroads; Cableways ; Chains; I'.lectric cables; Rope; Wire Submarine Cableways Sff also Conveying machinery; Suspended railways ; Telpherage Cabs Sff Carriages Caesarism sff Despotism; Imperialism Caesars sff Roman emperors Cafes Jff Restaurants Caffres sff Kafirs Cage birds Sff also Canaries Rfffr from Bookkeeping; Business; Commer- cial education (s); Commercial schools (s) ; Kducation Rfffr from Business; Commercial ethics (s) ; Conduct of life ; I'.lhics ; Kthics, Commercial (s) ; Honesty; Honor; Merchants Rfffr from Children; Kducation, Klcmen- tary ; Manual training ; Seat work in schools (s) ; Teaching Rfffr from Dairy products; Dairying; I'ood ; Milk Rfffr from Caterpillars; Lepidoptera Rfffr from Clothing; Manufactures Rfffr from Constantinople; Eastern em- pire (s) ; Greek empire (s) ; Nliddle ages — His- tory ; Rome — History — Empire ; Turkey — History Rfffr from Cabbala (s) ; Hebrew literature; Jewish literature ; Jews — Religion ; Kabala(s) ; Kabbala (s) ; Mysticism; Occult sciences; Theosophy Rfffr from Constitutional history; Govern- ment; Representative government and rep- resentation Rfffr from Carpentry; Decoration and ornament; Furniture; Industrial arts; Wood- work Rfffr from Cables; Mountain railroads; Railroads; Railroads, Cable (s); Street rail- roads Rfffr from Bridges; Manufactures; Power transmission; Rope; Wire Rfffr from Atlantic cable (s) ; Electric cables; International law; Pacific cable (s) ; Submarine cables (s) ; Submarine telegraph (s) ; Telegraph; Telegraph. Submarine (s) Rfffr from Cables; Conveying machinery; Ropeways (s) ; Suspended railways ; Tel- pherage Rfftr from Birds; animals; Pets Canaries; Domestic S5 Caisson disease Caissons .SVf alio Bridges — Foundations and piers ; Caisson disease; Compressed air; Founda- tions Cake Si-t- ti/'o H.tkini: Calculating machines See also Slide rule; Tabulating macliinos Calculation — Aids, iff Calculating machines; Mathematics — Tables, etc.; Ready-reckon- ers Calculators sef Calculating machines; Ready- reckoners Calculus S,-f also .Mgebra; Curves; Equations; Functions Calendar NfV also Christian year; Chronology; Time ; Year Calendars Sft also Almanacs; Daily readings; '^'earbooks Calico printing .S'rc also Dyes and dyeing; Textile design Califs sef Caliphs Caliphs Sff also Bagdad; Mohammedanism Calisthenics see Gymnastics; Physical edu- cation Calligraphy see Penmanship Callisthenics see Gymnastics; Physical edu- cation Caloric see Heat Caloric ontjiiics see Air engines Calorimeters and calorimetry See also Animal heat; Heat Calumny see Libel and slander Calvinism See also Antinomianism ; Arminianism; Congregationalism; New England — Re- ligious history; Orthodoxy; Predestination; Presbyterianism ; Puritans Cambistry see Arithmetic, Commercial; For- eign exchange; Weights and measures Cambrian period see Geology, Stratigraphic — Cambrian ; Paleontology — Cambrian Cameos See also Gems Cameras See also Photography Camisards See also Ccvennes; France — Religious history; Huguenots Refer from Caissons; Compressed air ; Com- pressed air disease (s) ; Occupations — Dis- eases and hygiene Refer from Bridges — Foundations and piers ; Foundations; Hydraulic engineering Refer from Baking; Cookery Refer from Arithmetic; Arithmetic, Com- mercial ; Calculation — Aids (s) ; Calculators (s) ; Machinery; Mathematical instruments; Mathematics Refer from Algebra; Analysis (mathemat- ics) (s) ; Differential calculus {<); Fluxions (s) ; Functions; Infinitesimal calculus (s); Inte- gral calculus (s) ; Mathematics; Variations (calculus) (s) Refer from Astronomy; Chronology; Gre- gorian calendar (s) ; Time; Year Refer from Almanacs; Yearbooks Refer from Dyes and dyeing; Printing; Textile industry and fabrics Refer fromCaWh (s) ; Kalifs (s) ; Khalifs (s) ; Kings and rulers; Mohammedanism; Sar- acens; Sovereigns (s) Refer from Fuel; Heat; Steam engines; Thermometer Refer from Congregationalism; New Eng- land — R.eligious history; Orthodoxy; Pre- destination; Presbyterianism; Theology Refer from Carving (art industries); Gems; Jewelry Refer from Photography Refer from Cevennes; France — Religious history; Huguenots 56 Camorra Stf also Italy — Politics; Mafia Camp meetings Campagna di Roma Campaign funds Campaign literature Sri' iii'o SilviT (as nioncv) ; Tariff question ; V S. — I'olitics Campaign songs Campaigns, Presidential, «■(• Elections — U. S. ; Presidents — L'. S. — Election Campanology sri" Bells Campbclliies ji-f Disciples of Christ Camping Srf also Outdoor life; Tents Camps (military) iVc al.'O Concentration camps Cams Set also Machine design Canada — History To 1763 (New France) Sc'f iiho I'Vcnch and Indian war; French in America 1763-1867 Sfe also Canada — History — Rebel- lion. lS',7-iSiS Rebellion, 1837-1838 Ste also Canada — History — 1763- 1867 1867- Sfe also Fenians (society) Canadian literature SfV also Canadian poetry Canadian Northwest sff Northwest, Canadian Canadian poetry See also Canadian literature Canadian rebellion, 1837-1838, see Canada — ■ History — Rebellion, 1837-1838 Canadians in the U. S. Canal boats Canal locks see Canals — Locks Canals See also Aqueducts; Canal boats; Civil erffiineering; Embankments; Hydraulic en- gineering; Inland navigation; Irrigation canals; Ship canals; Waterways; also names of canals e.g. Panama canal Locks Refer from Crime and criminals — Italy; Italy — Politics; Mafia; Naples; Secret so- cieties Kejer from Revivals Refer from Italy — Description and travel; Roman Campagna (s) ; Rome (city) — Cam- pagna (s) Refer from Civil service; Elections; Elec- tions — U.S.; Political corruption; Political parties; Politics; Publicity; U. S. — Politics Refer from Political parlies; Poliiics; I'. S. — Politics Refer from Political songs (s) ; Songs; Songs, American [etc ] Refer from Amusements; Country life; Outdoor life; Sports; Tents; Vacations Refer from Military art and science Refer from Machine design; Mechanical inovements Refer from French ill .\merica ; New I'Vancc (s) Refer from Canada — History — Rebel- lion, 1837-1838 Refer from Canada — History — 1763-1867; Canadian rebellion. 1837-1838 (s); French- Canadians Refer from Fenians (society) Refer from American literature; Canadian poetry; English literature; French-Canadian literature (s) Refer from American poetry; Canadian literature; English poetry Refer from V. S. — Foreign population Refer jrtjm Koats and boating; Canals Refer from Civil engineering; Commerce; Engineering; Hydraulic engineering; Inland navigation; Transportation; Water supply; Waterways Refer from Canal locks (s) ; Locks (canals) (s) -U. S. See also Waterwavs U. S. Refer from L'. S. — Canals (s) ; Waterways — U. S. 57 Canaries See al.'O Birds; C'.ikc birds Cancer Candles Candlesticks Candy jff Confectionery Caning of chairs see Chair caninf; Canned food see Canning and preserving; I'acking industry Cannibalism See also Africa — Description and travel; Polynesia Canning and preserving See til'o C'ooker\" ; I'ood preservation and preservatives Cannon see Guns; Ordnance Canoeing see Canoes and canoeing Canoes and canoeing See tn\i> Hells and boating Canon (Bible) see Bible — Canon Canon (music) See also Counterpoint; Fugue; Musical form C.uion l;uv see Church law Canonization See also Saints Canons. Apostolic, see Apostolic canons Cantatas Canteens (army) Canterbury cathedral See also Cathedrals — England Canticles see Bible — Old Testament — Song of Solomon Caoutchouc see Rubber Cap and gown see Costume, Academic Capillarity See also Hydrostatics; Liquids; Splashes Capital -SV^ also Banks and banking; Capitalists and financiers; Commerce; Economics; Interest; Investments; Labor and capital; Money; Monopolies; Profit; Trusts; Wealth Capital and labor see Labor and capital Capital punishment See also Electrocution; Executioners; Guillotine; Lynch law Capitalists and financiers See also Millionaires Capitalization See also Cataloging Capitalization (finance) see Corporations; Promoting; Railroads — Finance; Securities Caps and gowns see Costume, Academic Refer from Birds; Cage birds Rejer from Carcinoma (s); Medicine — Practice; Tumors Refer from Lighting; Manufactures Refer from Furniture; House decoration Refer from Anthropophagy (s); Ethnology; Food; Man; Manners and customs Refer from Canned food (s) ; Cookery; Domestic arts; F'ood preservation and pre- servatives; Fruit; Industrial arts; Preserv- ing (s) Refer from Aquatic sports; Boats and boat- ing; Canoeing (s) ; Navigation; Rowing; Sailing; Sports Refer from Composition (music); Counter- point; Fugue; Music — Theory; Musical form Refer from Catholic church; Church history; Rites and ceremonies; Saints Refer from Music; Oratorios Refer from Army canteens (s) ; Liquor prob- lem ; Liquor traffic ; Temperance ; U. S. — Army Refer from Canterbury, Eng. ; Cathedrals — England Refer from Hydrostatics; Liquids; Matter; Physics Refer from Commerce; Economics; Finance; Income; Labor and capital; Money; Monopo- lies; Profit; Property; Trusts; Wealth Refer from Crime and criminals; Criminal law ; Death penalty (s) ; Ethics ; Executions (s) ; Hanging (s) ; Murder; Punishment Refer from Biography; Capital; Finance; Financiers (s) ; Millionaires; Wealth Refer from Cataloging; Printing; Writing 58 Captivity among the Indians iei Indians — Captivities Capuchins See itlso Franciscans; Miinasticism Car builJiii^ see Cars Car couplings Car heating, lighting and ventilation Car lighting see Car healing, lighting and ventilation Car shops see Railroads — Shops Car ventilation see Car healing, lighting and ventilation Car wheels Carbines see Rifles Carbon ^Vi* also Charcoal; Chemistry, Organic; Coal; Coke; Diamonds; Electric light car- bons ; Giaphite Carbonari See also Italy — History — 1815-; Italy — Politics Carboniferous period see Geology, Stratl- craphic — Carboniferous ; Paleontology — Carboniferous Carbons (electric light) see I'Mectric light carbons Carcinoma see Cancer; Tumors Card catalogs see Catalogs, Card Card system in business See also Accounting; Catalogs, Card Cardboard construction Cardinals See also Catholic church ■ Clergy Cards See also Bezique; Bridge whist; Cribbagc; Euchre; Fortune telling; Gambling; Games; Poker; Skat (game); Solitaire; Whist Caricature and cartoons See also Humor; Mimicry; Satire Carlists See also Spain — History — 1700- Cannelites Carnations See also Floriculture Carnivals see Festivals Camivora See also Bears ; Cats ; Dogs ; Foxes ; Lions ; Mammals; Seals (animals); Tigers; Wolves Carnivorous plants see Insectivorous plants Carols See also Ballads; Songs Refer from Franciscans; Monasticism Refer from Cars; Couplings (s) ; Railroads — Equipment and supplies; Safety devices Refer from Car lighting (s) ; Car ventila- tion (s); Cars; Heating; Lighting; Railroads — Equipment and supplies; Ventilation Refer from Cars; Wheels Refer from Chemical elements; Chemistry, Organic Refer from Italy — History — l**!?-; Italy — Politics; Secret societies Carpenters' square see Square (instrument) Refer from Accounting; Bookkeeping; Busi- ness; Catalogs, Card; Drafting room practice; Indexes; Office supplies Refer from Busy work; Kindergarten; Manual training Refer from Catholic church — Biography; Catholic church — -Clergy; Christian biogra- phy; Church polity Refer from Amusements; Beziquc; Bridge whist; Cribbage; Entertaining; Euchre; For- tune telling; Gambling; Games; Playing- cards (s) ; Poker; Skat (game); Whist Refer from Art; Cartoons (s) ; Drawing; Grotesque; Humor; Illustration of books; Journalism; Mimicry; Pictures; Satire Refer from Spain — History — ■ 1700- Refer from Nuns; Sisterhoods Refer from Floriculture; Flowers Refer from Bears; Beasts of prey (s) ; Cats; Dogs; Foxes; Lions; Mammals; Seals (animals); Tigers; Wolves Refer from Christmas; Christmas carols (s) ; Christmas poetry; Church music; Easter; I'"olk songs; Music; Songs 59 Carpentry S.-f also Buildinp; Cabinet work; Cars; Hours; Floors; l.athcs; Moldini;s; Railinps; Roofs; Rustic woodwork; ScalTi>ldin); ; Slide rule; Square (instrument); Stair building; Tools; Turning; Wood carving; Woodwork; Woodworking macliincry Carpetbag rule Jte Reconstruction Carpets Sff aho Mouse decoration; Linoleum; Ruts; Sweeping; Weaving Carriage painting .SVc also Painting, Mechanical Carriages Si'f also Ambulances; Automobiles; Chariots; Coaches and coaching; Oniiii- buses ; Vehicles ; Wheels Carrier pigeons iee Pigeons Carriers Set also Baggage; Bailments; Commerce; Commercial law; Communication; Demur- rage; Express companies; Freight; Inter- state commerce; Navigation; Negligence; Omnibuses; Postal service; Railroads; Shipping; Transportation Cars Sef also Air brakes; Automobiles; Car couplings; Car heating, lighting and ven- tilation; Car wheels; Carriages; Railroads — Rolling slock; Sleeping cars Cartels (economics) see Combination, Indus- trial ; Trusts Cartesian philosophy see Descartes, Rene Carthusians See also Monasticism Cartography see Charts; Maps Cartoons see Caricature and cartoons Carving (art industries) See alio Arts and crafts; Bas-relief; Cameos; Glyptics; Ivory; Sculpture; Wood carving Carving (meat, etc.) See also Cookery Caryokinesis see Karyokinesis Cases of conscience see Conscience Cash registers Casks see Cooperage Cast iron See also Foundry work; Iron Castaways See also Shipwrecks Caste Sef also Brahmanism; India — Social life and customs Casting see Foundry work; Plaster casts Castles See also Architecture; Military architec- ture; also names of castles Refer from Architecture; Building; Indus- trial arts ; Joinery (s) ; Manual training ; Tools ; Woodwork Refer from Floors; House decoration; Rugs; Textile industry and fabrics; Weaving Refer from Painting, Mechanical; Wagon painting (s) Refer from Cabs (s) ; Cars; Coaches and coaching; Locomotion; Manufactures; Trans- portation; Vehicles; Wagons; Wheels Refer from Bailments; Commerce; Com- mercial law; Common carriers (s) ; Communi- cation; Demurrage; Express companies; Freight; Law; Public service corporations; Railroads; Shipping; Transportation Refer from Car building (s) ; Carpentry; Manufactures; Passenger coaches (s) ; Rail- roads; Railroads — Cars (s); Railroads — Equipment and supplies; Railroads — Rolling stock; Street cars (s) ; Vehicles Refer from Monasticism Refer from Art; Arts and crafts; Bas-relief; Decoration and ornament; Design, Decora- tive; Sculpture; Wood carving Refer from Cookery; Dinners and dining; Home economics; Meat; Table Refer from Accounting; Business; Office supplies Refer from Blast furnaces; Foundry work; Iron ; Pig iron (s) Refer from Adventure; Crusoe stories (s) ; Shipwrecks Refer from Brahmanism; Class distinction; Hinduism; India — Social life and customs; Manners and customs; Sociology Refer from Archaeology; Architecture; Ar- chitecture, Medieval; Chateaux (s); Forti- fication; Military architecture; Palaces 60 Castles — Continued England Sff alto Warwick taslle; Windsor castle Casts, Plaster, ife Plaster casts Casuality insurance, iff Insurance, Casualty Casuistry sre Conscience Cat sfe Cats Cataluilism ur Metabolism Catacombs Sft also Church history — Early church Cataloging .s'rv alfo Alphabeting; Capitalization; CLissilication ; Colophons; Errors and blun- ders. Literary; Indexing; Library science; Titles of books Catalogs Sff also Bibliography; Cataloging; In- dexes; also subjects of which catalogs are made Booksellers' Card Sff also Card system in business; Cata- loging; Catalogs, Library Library .SVc also Bibliography; Catalogs, Card Publishers' Catalysis Set also Chemistry, Physical; Colloids Cataracts st'f Waterfalls Catarrh See also Cold (disease); Hay fever; Respiratory organs — Diseases Catechisms Hii also Bible — Question books; Creeds; also names of churches, subhead Catechisms and creeds Catering Sef also Menus; Table Caterpillars See also Butterflies; Lepidoptera ; Moths Cathedrals See also Architecture, Gothic; Churcli architecture; also names of cathedrals England See also Canterbury cathedral Cathode rays See also Electric discharges through gases; Electrons ; X rays Rejer jrom Warwick castle; Windsor castle Catholic apostolic chtirch Refer jrom Archaeology; Burial; Caves; Cemeteries; Christian antiquities; Christian art and symbolism; Church history — Early church ; Tombs Rejer j'om Alphabeting; Bibliography; Books; Capitalization; Catalogs; Catalogs, Card ; Classification ; Indexing ; Library science Refer from Bibliography; Indexes Refer from Booksellers and bookselling; Booksellers' catalogs (sj Refer from Card catalogs (s); Card system in business; Catalogs, Library Refer from Bibliography; Books; Catalogs, Card; Finding lists (s) ; Libraries; Library catalogs (s) Refer from Publishers and publishing; Pub- lishers' catalogs (s) Refer from Chemistry; Chemistry, Pliysical; Colloids; Contact action (s) Refer from Cold (disease) ; Hay fever; Medi- cine — Practice; Nose; Respiratory organs — Diseases Refer from Bible — Catechisms (s) ; Bible — Question books ; Creeds ; Theology Refer from Cookerv ; Menus; Restaurants; Table Refer from Butterflies; Insects; Lepidoptera; Moths Refer from Abbeys; Architecture; Architec- ture, Gothic; Architecture, Medieval; Catholic church; Christian art and symbolism; Church architecture; Church history; Church of Eng- land Refer from Canterbury cathedral Refer from Electric discharges through gases ; Electrons ; Kathode rays (s) ; Radiation ; Radioactivity; X rays Refer from Irvingites (s) ; Sects 6l Catholic church .S'rv <;/ .) Abbeys; Absolution; Apostolic Refer from Church and state; Church of succession; Bulls, Papal; Canonization; KnRland ; Kpiscopacy ; Holy Sec (s) ; Papacy (s) ; Cathedrals; Celibacy; Church and state; Popes; Protestantism; Roman Catholic Confession ; Convents and nunneries ; Kpisco- church (s) ; Romanism (s) ; Sects; L'ltramon- Pacy; Excommunication; l'"asts and feasts; tanism; Vatican athcrs of the church; Greek church; Immaculate conception; Indulgences; In- fallibility; Inquisition; Interdict; Jansen- ists; Jesuits; Lent; Mary, Virgin; Mass; Miracles; Nlodernism; Monasteries; Mo- nasticism ; Oxford movement; Penance; Per- secution; Pilgrimages; Popes; Protestant- ism; Purgatory; Religious liberty; Reli- gious orders; Ritualism; Rosary; Sacra- ments; Saints; Shrines; Sisterhoods; Tran- substantiation ; Lllramontanism ; \'atican Authority See also Popes — Authority and su- Refer from Authority fin religion); Catholic prcmacy church — Infallibility (s) ; Infallibility; Popes — Authority and supremacy Biography See also Archbishops; Bishops; Cardi- nals; Catholic church — ^ Clergy; Fathers of the church; Priests; Saints Brc\ iaries, see Bre\iaries Catechisms and creeds See also Apostles' creed; Athanasian ^c/;i(nis history; Ciunpowder plot Catholic church in France Si-t- iiliu I'rancc — Religious history Catholic emancipation Ste atiu Catholic church in England Catholic literature Cats Sir aim Carnivora ; Domestic animals Cat's cradle Jtf String figures Cattle Sff also Barns and stables; Beef; Breeding; Cowboys; Cows; Dairying; Feeding and feeding stutTs; Horns; Live stock; Oxen; Unpulata — — Diseases -S'rv ii/.fo Tuberculosis in animals; Veterinary medicine Transportation, set Animals — Transpor- tation Caucasian race Scf also Aryans Caucus .SVc also Elections; Nominations; Pri- maries Causation See also Metaphysics ; Teleology Cause and effect see Causation Cavalry See also Cavalry drill and tactics; Horse; Military art and science; also under country, e.g. U. S. — Army — Cavalry. I'or volun- teer regiments in the U. S., see under name of state, e.g. New York cavalry; also United States volunteer cavalry, for volun- teer regiments recruited at large Cavalry drill and tactics See alio Horse ; Tactics Cave dwellers See also Archaeology Cave fauna Cave men see Cave dwellers Caves .SVc also Catacombs; Cave dwellers; Cave fauna; Chultuncs Ceilings See also Mural painting and decoration; Plaster and plastering Celebrations tee Anniversaries; Festivals; Holidays; also names of cities, subheads Centennial celebrations, etc., and Festivals Refer JTom Christian sociology Refer from Catholic emancipation; England — Religious history Refer from France — Religious history; Galilean church (s) Refer from Catholic church in England; Emancipation (s) ; Religious liberty Refer from Literature; Religious literature Refer from Carnivora ; Cat (s) ; Domestic animals; Pets Refer from Cows; Dairying; Domestic animals; Live stock; O.xen; Ungulata Refer from Animals — Diseases; X'eterinary medicine Refer from Aryans Refer from Elections; Nominations; Pri- maries Refer from Cause and effect (s) ; Final cause (s) ; God; Metaphysics; Philosophy Refer from Military art and science Refer from Cavalry; Drill (military); Mili- tary art and science; Tactics Refer from Anthropology; Archaeology; Cave men (s) ; Caves; Ethnology; Man — Origin and antiquity; Troglodytes (s) Refer from Caves; Zoology Refer from Archaeology; Grottoes (s) ; Physical geography; Speleology (s) Refer from Architecture; Building; Plaster and plastering; Roofs Crlc-siial niccliaiiics lee Mechanics, Cclcs(i;il Celibacy .SVi- also Bachelors; Monasticism ; Spin- sters Cell, Voltaic, see Electric batteries Cello see \'iolonccllo Cells Si-*- also Biology; Botany — F.mbryoloRy ; Botany, Structural ; Kmbryology; Histology; Karyokinesis ; Osmosis; Physiological clicm- istry; Protoplasm; Protozoa; Regeneration (biology) Celluloid Xtv alio Cellulose; Guncotton Cellulose ^V<- also Celluloid; Guncotton; Paper; Wood pulp Celtic folklore see Folklore, Celtic Celtic languages See also Aryan languages; Cornish lan- guage; Gaelic language; Irish language; Welsh language Celtic legends see Legends, Celtic Celtic literattire See also Bards; Gaelic literature; Irisli literature (Celtic); Welsh literature Celtic mythology see Mythology, Celtic Celts See also Aryans; Britons; Druids; Folk- lore. Celtic ; Gauls ; Legends, Celtic ; Picts Cement See also Adhesives; Building materials; Concrete; Geology, Economic; Glue; Lime; Pavements; Stucco Cemeteries See also Burial; Catacombs; Eminent domain; Epitaphs; Landscape gardening; Tombs; also names of cities, subhead Cemeteries National Ccnozoic era sei Geology, Stratigraphic — Ccnozoic; Paleontology — Cenozoic Censorship of the press see Liberty of the press ; Prohibited books Census See also Statistics; Tabulating machines; \'iial statistics; also names of countries, and cities, subhead Census Centenarians see Longevity Centennials see names of cities, subhead Centennial celebrations, etc. Central power stations see Power plants Central states see Middle states Centralization of schools see Schools — Cen- tralization Centrifugal fans see Fans, Mechanical Centrifugal force See also Gravitation Refe> — Clci Refer from Catholic church; Catholic church ^Icrgy ; Chastity; Cliurth hisKiry; Church {lolity; Clergy; Marriage; Monasticism; 'ricsts; Theology Refer from Biology; Botany; Botany — Embryology ; Botany, Structural ; Cytology(5) ; Kmbryology; Histology; Morphology; Physi- ological chemistry; Protoplasm; Regener- ation (biology) ; Zoology Refer from Cellulose; Chemistry, Technical; Guncotton Refer from Celluloid; Chemistry, Technical; Guncotton; Paper; Plants — Chemistry and nutrition; Wood pulp Refer from Aryan languages; Cornish lan- guage; Gaelic language; Irish language; Kel- tic languages (s) ; Welsh language Refer from Bards; Gadhelic literature (s) ; Gaelic literature; Irish literature (Celtic); Keltic literature (s) ; Literature; Welsh litera- ture Refer from Aryans; Britons; Druids; Gaels (s); Gauls; Kelts (s) ; Picts Refer from Adhesives; Building materials; Chemistry, Technical; Concrete; Geology, Economic; Hydraulic cement (s) ; Lime; Masonry; Mortar (s) ; Portland cement (s) ; Slag.; Stucco Refer from Archaeology; Burial; Burying grounds (s); Churchyards (s) ; Eminent do- main; Graves (s) ; Graveyards (s) ; Hygiene, Public; Landscape gardening; Municipal im- provement; Sanitation; Tombs Refer from National cemeteries (s) Refer from Population; Statistics; \'ital statistics Refer from Force and energy 64 Cephalopoda Sri- tlhn Mollusks CVcimics !fe PoUcry Cereal foods sef Cereals, Prepared Cereals srf Cereals, Prepared; Grain Cereals, Prepared Cerebral hemorrhage iff Apoplexy Cerebrospinal meningitis iff Meningitis Ceremonies sff Ktiqiiet; Manners and cus- toms; Rites and ceremonies Certainty Sff also Belief; Faith; Probabilities; Truth Certilicates, Teachers', iff Teachers — Ex- aminations and certiticales Cervidac iff Deer Cetacea Sff also Mammals; Whales Chafing dish Cliain belting Sff Belting Chained books Chains Sff also Machine design Chair caning Chairs Sff also Chair caning; Furniture Chalcography sff Engraving Chalk Sff also Limestone Chalk talks Challenger expedition, 1872-1876 Chamber music Chambers of commerce sff Boards of trade Chance Sff also Probabilities Chancellors, Lord Chancery Sff also Equity Chanteys sff Sailors' songs Chanties sff Sailors' songs Chanting Sff also Chants; Singing and voice culture Chants Sff alio Anthems; Chanting; Choral music; Church music; Hymns Chap-books iff Chapbooks Cbapbooks Sff also Ballads Chapels Srf also Church architecture Character Si-f also Christian life and character; Conduct of life, and references under that subject; Ethics; Graphology; Ideals; In- Rfffr from Mollusks Rfffr from Breakfast foods (s); Breakfasts; Cereal foods (s); Cereals (s) ; Cookery; Food; Prepared cereals (s) Rfffr from Belief; Conviction (s) ; Evidence; Faith; Intellect; Logic; Philosophy; Truth Rfffr from Mammals; Marine zoology; Whales Rfffr from Cookery Rfffr fro m Books Rfffr from Cables; Machine design; Manu- factures Rfffr from Caning of chairs (s) ; Chairs; Industrial arts Rfffr from Furniture Rfffr from Geology, Economic; Limestone Rfffr from Drawing; Lectures and lecturing Rfffr from Scientific expeditions Rfffr from Instrumental music; Music Rfffr from Fortune (s) ; Luck (s) ; Philoso- phy; Probabilities Rfffr from Biography; Judges; Lawyers; Lord chancellors (s) ; Ministers of state Rfffr from Courts; Equity; Law; Pleading and practice Rffcr from Chants; Singing and voice culture Rfffr from Anthems; Catholic church — Liturgy and ritual; Chanting; Choral music; Church music; Gregorian chant (s) ; Gregorian music (s) ; Music; Plain chant (s) ; Plain song (s) ; Plainsong (s) Rfffr from Ballads; Chap-books (s) ; Folk- lore; Literature; Periodicals Rfftr from Church architecture Rfffr from Christian life and character; Conduct of life; Ethics; Moral education; Psychology; Temperament 65 dividuality; Nalional cliaractorislics; Palm- istry; Personality; Phrenology; Physi- OKniimy; 'IVnipt'ramcnt Character reading see Fortune telling; Graph- ology; Palmistry; Phrcnolojiy; Physiog- nomy; Psychomclry (character reading, etc.) Characteristics, National, see National char- acteristics Charades Hi-e also Amateur theatricals; Puzzles Charcoal ,ViV <;.'(i) Animal charcoal Charcoal drawing Chariots Charitable societies iVc also Charities; Charity organization; Humane societies Charities •Sir also Almshouses; Asylums; Blind — Asylums and education ; Charitable societies ; Charity organization; Charity schools; Children — Charities, protection, etc.; City missions; Creches; Deaf and dumb — Asylums and education; Dispensaries; Farm colonies; Flower missions; Fresh air charity; Friendly visiting; Hospitals; Insane hos- pitals; Jews — Charities; Mortmain; Nurses and nursing; Orphans and orphan asylums; Outdoor relief; Philanthropy; Poor; Poor laws; Ragged schools; Salvation army; Sisterhoods; Sisters of charity; Social settlements; Social work; Vacant lot culti- vation; also names of cities, subheads Char- ities and Poor Medical 6'tV also Blind — Asylums and educa- tion; Deaf and dumb — Asylums and education; Dispensaries; Hospitals; Inebriate asylums; Insane hospitals; Missions, Medical — u. s. See also U. S. — Hospitals and asylums Charity See also Altruism; Charities; Friendly visiting; Kindness; Love Charity, Sisters of, see Sisters of charity Charity organization N(-f* al.'O Charitable societies; Charities Charity schools See also Orphans and orphan as\'lums; Ragged schools Charlatanr)- -^u..^^^-tJ^_ Rfffr from Chemistry, Forensic (s) ; Forensic chemistry (s) ; Legal chemistry (s); Medical jurisprudence; Physiological chemistry; Poi- sons Rfffr from Alcohol; Alkaloids; Carbon; Fermentation; Organic chemistry (s) ; Proteins 68 Chemistry — Continued I'atholiigical, sre PhysloloRicil chemistry I'harmaccutical, sft I'liarmacy I'liotodrapliic, ste Photographic chemistry Physical iSVc also Atomic theory ; Atomic weights ; Atoms; Boiling points; Catalysis; Chemi- cal athnity ; Chemical reaction; Colloids; Crystallography; Dissociation; I'.lcctro- clieniistry; Klectrolysis ; Ions; Isomerism; Liquefaction of gases; Liquid air; Melting f)oints; Molecules; Osmosis; Periodic aw; Photochemistry; Physics; Radio- activity; Solution (chemistry); Stereo- chemistry; Thermodynamics; \'alcncy Physiological, see Physiological chemistry Sanitary, see Sanitary chemistry Technical See alio Acetylene; Adulterations; Alcohol, Denatured; Ammonia; y\nimal products; Baking powder; Boiler scale; Brewing; Celluloid; Cellulose; Cement; Chemical engineering; Clay industries; Coal-tar colors; Coal-tar products; Cor- rosion and anti-corrosives; Distillation; Dyes and dyeing; Klectrochemistry ; Es- sences and essential oils; Explosives; Fermentation; Fireworks; Fuel; Gas; Glass manufacture; Glucose; Glue; Gums and resins; Gunpowder; Gutta-percha; Industrial arts; Ink; Leather; Matches; Metallurgy; Oils and fats; Paint; Paper; Perfumery; Petroleum; Receipts; Rub- ber; Soap; Sugar; Textile industry and fabrics; Varnish and varnishing; Waste products; Wood distillation Chemists See also Chemistry — History; Pharma- cists Chess Chest See also Anatomy; Auscultation; Heart; Lungs; Respiratory organs Chickens see Poultry Chief justices See also Judges Child labor See also Apprentices; Compulsory edu- cation; Factory system; Hours of labor; Newsboys; Sweating system Child life .S"(V also Children in Japan (and in other countries) Child saving see Children — Charities, pro- tection, etc. Child study See also Children; Kindergarten; Libra- ries, Children's; Mothers' clubs; Play; Psy- chology, Educational; Youth Childhood see Child life; Children Children See also Adoption; Birth rate; Bovs ; Busy work; Child labor; Child life; Child Refer from Atomic theory; Atomic weights; Atoms; Boiling points; Catalysis; Chemistry, Mathematical (sj ; Colloids; Dissociation; I'.lectroclicmistry ; Electrolysis; Liquefaction of gases; Liquid air; Molecules; Osmosis; Periodic law; Photochemistry; Physical chem- istry (s) ; Physics; Solution (chemistry); Stereochemistry; Thermochemistry (s) Refer from Adulterations; .Animal products; Brewing; Chemical engineering; Chemical industries (s) ; Chemical technology (s) ; Chemistry, Industrial (s) ; Clay industries; Coal-tar colors; Coal-tar products; Distilla- tion; Dyes and dyeing; Essences and essentia! oils; Explosives; Fermentation; Gas; Glass manufacture; Glucose; Gums and resins; Industrial arts; Industrial chemistry (s) ; Leather; Manufactures; Metallurgy; Oils and fats; Paint; Perfumery; Soap; Sugar; Technical chemistry (sj ; Technology; Textile industry and fabrics Refer from Chemistry — History; Pharma- cists ; Scientists Refer from Games Refer from .Anatomy; Breathing Refer from Biography ; Judges ; Justices (s) ; Lawyers Refer from Boys; Children; Children — Charities, protection, etc. ; Children — Employ- ment (s) ; Children — -Law; Compulsory edu- cation; Factory laws; Factory system; Girls; Hours of labor; Labor and laboring classes; Social problems; Sweating system Refer from Childhood (s) ; Children Refer from Children; Education; Kinder- garten ; NIothers' clubs; Psychology; Psychol- ogy, Educational; School children; Teaching Refer from Boys; Child study; Child- hood (s) ; Conduct of life; Education; Family; 69 Children — Conti n iicd study; Kduiiitioii, Flemcntary ; Kuccnics; Oirls; Home; Home education; Infants; Family ; Katlii-rs ; l'\)undlin);s ; Ciirls ; I Icrcd- Kindcr(;arii-ri ; Moilii-rs; I'arcnts; Sociology; ily; lUiiiic; llunie cducaliim; lllcgitiiTiae y ; Women; Young people (s) ; Voutli Infants; Juxenilc delinquency; Kinder- garten; Libr.iries, Children's; Miitliers; Orphans and orplian asylums; I'arcnts; Play; Playgrounds; I'recocity; Prenatal influences ; School children ; Sunday schools ; Twins; Youth; alio headings beginning Chihlren, Cliililren's Abnormal and backward Sff aho Auxiliary schools; Defectives; Refer from Abnormal children (s) ; Auxiliary Feeble-minded; Idiocy schools; Hackward children (s) ; Children, Backward (s); Defectives; lulucation, I'.lemen- tary; Feeble-minded; Idiocy; Juvenile delin- quency; Mentally dcticicnl children (s) ; School children Anecdotes and sayings Refer from Anecdotes; Children's sayings (s) Backward, see Children, Abnormal and backward Care and hygiene See also Children — Diseases; Children Refer from Children — Health (s) ; Children — Management ; Infants — Care and hy- — Diseases; Diet; Hygiene; Infants — Care giene; Medical inspection of schools; and hygiene; Nurses and nursing; Pediatrics (s) Nurses and nursing; School hygiene; School lunches Charities, protection, etc. See also Charity schools; Child labor; Refer from Charities; Child sa.'ing (s) ; Creches; Foundlings; Fresh air charity; Dependent children (s) ; Foundlings; Humane Humane societies; Orphans and orphan societies; Orphans and orphan asylums; asylums ; Playgrounds Poor Diseases See also Children — Care and hygiene; Refer from Children — Care and hygiene; Cholera infantum; Croup; Diphtheria; Cliildren's diseases (s) ; Infants — Diseases (s) ; Diseases (s) ; Measles; Scarlet fever Medicine — Practice; Pediatrics (s) Education, see Education, Elementary; Home education; Kindergarten; also headings beginning School Employment, see Child labor Health, see Children — Care and hygiene Law See also Child labor; Curfew law; Factory laws; Juvenile courts; Juvenile delinquency; Labor laws Management See also Corporal punishment; Moral Refer from Children — Care and hygiene; education Children — Training (s) ; Home training (s) ; Management of children (s) ; Moral educa- tion Training, see Children — Management Children in art see Children in literature and art Children in Japan See also Japan — Social life and customs Refer from Child life; Japan — Social life and customs Children in literature and art See also CliilJren in poetry Refer from Art; Children in art (s) ; Children Children in poetry S^^ a/^o Children in literature and art Refer from Children in literature and art; Children's books see Children's literature Children's courts see Juvenile courts in poetry; Literature Refer from Childrei Poetry; Poetry of childhood (s) 70 Children's crusade, 12 12 .SV^' also Crusades Children's diseases jff Children — Diseases Children's libraries (ci- Libraries, Children's Children's literature .SVi- iil'o ChiKlren's poetry; Fairy tales; Fiction in libraries: Kindergarten — Stories; Libraries, Children's; I ibraries and schools; Picture books; School libraries; Sunday- school libraries Children's parties Children's periodicals Children's poetry SiTiT alio Children's literature; Children's songs; Nursery rhymes Children's sayings iff Children — Anecdotes jikI sa\'ini;s Children's sermons Children's songs Si-i-ti'.ii. Medieval; Crusades; Courts of love; Feudalism; llernidry; Honor; Knights and kniKlitiiood; Malta, Knights of; Middle ages; Romances; Templars; Teutonic kiiiflils ; Tournaments Chloroform Sri- also Ancithetlcs Chocolate Set also Beverages; Cocoa Choice of books n-f Books and reading Choice of profession ite Profession, Clioicc of Choirs Sff also ChurcK music; Conducting (music); Singing and voice culture Cholera, Asiatic Cholera infantum Choral music Sff also Chants; Church music. For scores sff Choruses and part songs Choral societies Sff also Musical societies Choruses and part songs See also Anthems; Glees Chouans S,f iil'o \'cndean war Christ Sff jcsus Christ Christadelphians Christendom see Christianity ; Church history ; History Christening see Baptism Christian antiquities Sff alio Architecture, Gothic; Baptism; Bible- — Antiquities; Burial; Catacombs; Christian art and s\mbollsm; Church archi- tecture; Church furniture; Church vest- ments; Fasts and feasts; Funeral rites and ceremonies; Lord's supper; Marriage; Rel- ics ; Rites and ceremonies ; Shrines ; Tombs Christian art and symbolism See also Art; Bible — Pictorial illustra- tions; Catacombs; Cathedrals; Christian antiquities; Church architecture; Church decoration and ornament ; Church fui niturc; Church vestments; Cross; Emblems ; Jesus Christ in art; Madonnas; Rites and cere- monies; Saints in art; Sarcophagi Christian biography Sff also Apostles; Apostolic fathers; Archbishops; Bishops; Cardinals ; Clergy — Biography; Fathers of the church; Hermits; Martyrs; Missionaries; Monaslicism; Pil- grim fathers ; Popes — Biography; Preachers ; Puritans; Reformers; Saints; also names of churches, subhead Biography Rffrr from Civilization, Medieval; Crusades; Feudalism; Heraldry; Knight-errantry (s); Knights and knighthood; Middle ages; Mid- dle ages — Social life and customs; Religious orders; Templars; Tournaments Refer from Anesthetics Refer from Beverages; Cocoa; Confection- cry ; Food Refer from Boy choirs (s) ; Church music; Conducting (music); Music; Singing and voice culture Refer from Asiatic cholera (s) ; Contagion and contagious diseases; Epidemics; Medicine — Practice; Tropics — Diseases and hygiene Refer from Children — Diseases Refer from Chants; Church music; Music; Vocal music (s) Refer from Musical societies; Singing and voice culture; Singing societies (s) Refer from Choral music; Glees; Music — Scores; Part songs (s) ; Quartets, Vocal (s) ; Songs Refer from French revolution; V'endean war Refer from Brothers of Christ (s) ; Millen- nium; Second advent; Sects Refer from Archaeology; Bible — Antiqui- ties; Christian art and symbolism; Church antiquities (s) ; Church ceremonies (s) ; Church polity; Ecclesiastical antiquities (s) ; Rites and ceremonies Refer from Archaeology; Architecture; Art; Art, Christian (s); Christian antiquities; Christian symbolism (s) ; Church architecture; Church decoration and ornament; Cross; Ec- clesiastical art (s) ; Emblems; Iconography (s) ; Jesus Christ in art; Madonnas; Painting; Religious art (s) ; Sacred art (s) ; Saints in art ; Symbolism Refer from Biography ; Church biography (s) ; Ecclesiastical biography (s); Martyrs; Mis- sionaries; Religious biography (s) 78 Christian cliaractcr jcc Clirisllaii life and character Christian cliurch (Disciples) see Uisciplcs of Christ Christian doctrine see Theology Cliristi.m iiliication see Religious education Christian era Christian ethics See alto Cliristlan life and character; Conscience; Ktliics; Sin; Social ethics Christian evidences see Christianity — Evi- dences Refer jrom Chronology Refer from Christian life and character; Conscience; Kthics; Klhics, Christian (s) ; Sin ; Social ethics Christian life and character .SVi- also Cli.iracter; Christian ethics; Christian work; Conduct of life; Conver- sion; Devotional exercises; Faith; Good- ness; Monasticism; Prayer; Religious edu- cation; Revivals; Sanctilication ; Spiritual life Refer from Character; Christian character (s) ; Christian ethics; Christianity, Practical (s) ; Conduct of life; Conversion; I'.thics; Life; Personal religion (s) ; Practical theology (s) ; Religion, Personal (s) ; Religious experience (s) ; Sanctilication; Spiritual life; Theology, Prac- tical (s) Christian names see Names. Personal Christian perfection see Sanctilication Christian science See alio Mental healing Christian socialism iSVc til.'O Christian sociology Christian sociology See also Catholic church — Social rela- tions; Christian socialism; Christian work ; Church; Church and education; Church work; Institutional churches; Social ethics; Social problems ; Social work Christian symbolism see Cliristian art and symbolism Christian union See also Evangelical alliance Christian work See also Christian sociology; Church work Christian year S:-e also Christmas; Easter, Eriday; Holidays; Holy Advent; Ash Wednesday; Easts and feasts; Good week; Lent Christianity See also Apostles; Bible; Christianity and other religions ; Church ; Church history, and other headings beginning Church; Civilization, Christian; Deism; God; Jesus Christ; Miracles; Missions; Protestantism; Reformation; Religion; Sects; Socialism and Christianity; i'heism ; Theology; also headings beginning Christian, and names of Christian churches and sects Refer from Absent treatment (s) ; Faith cure; Mental healing; Mind and body; Sects; Suggestive therapeutics; Therapeutics Refer from Christian sociology; Church and social problems (s) ; Socialism; Socialism, Christian (s) ; Sociology Refer from Christian socialism; Christian work; Christianity, Practical (s); Christianity and social problems (s) ; Church; Church and social problems (s) ; Church work; Religion and sociology (s) ; Social ethics; Social prob- lems; Social work; Sociology; Sociology, Christian (s) Refer from Church; Church polity; Church unity (s); Sects; Union, Christian (s) Refer from Christian life and character; Christian sociology; Church work Refer from Advent; Calendar; Church cal- endar (s) ; Church of England; Church year(s); I'asts and feasts; Holy week; Lent; Protestant Episcopal church in the U. S. Refer from Bible; Christendom (s) ; Church; Church history; Deism; God; Jesus Christ; Natural religion; Philosophy; Religion; Re- ligions; Revelation; Sociology; Theism; Theology 73 Christianity - Continued Evidences Sff alu> Bible — Evidences .iiul aii- lliurlly; Miracles; Religion and science History, ser Cliurch liisiory Origin, jff Churcli liisiory — Karly cliurch Practical, j v Christian life and character; Christian sociology Primiii' e, jfe Church history — Early church Christianity and other religions Christianity and science jrf Religion and science Christianity and social problems sfe Christian sociology Christianity and socialism see Socialism and Christianity Christinas Sic- also Carols; Church decoration and ornament; Holidays; Jesus Christ — Birth; Ma^i ; Santa Claus; also headings beginning Christmas Christinas carols srr Carols Christmas entertainments Christmas gifts Christmas plays Christmas poetry .S(V ij/jo Carols Christmas stories Christology /<•<- Jesus Christ Chromatics iff Color Chromolithography Sfe also Color printing; Color prints; Lithography Chromophotography see Color photography Chromosomes s(e Karyokinesis Chronograph See also Astronomical instruments; Pho- tochronograph Chronology Si-e also Almanacs; Calendar; Christian era ; Time; Year Biblical, see Bible — Chronology Historical See also Bible — Chronology; History; also names of countries, subhead History — Chronology Chronophotography see Moving pictures Chultunes Church See also Christian sociology; Christian union; Christianity; Institutional churches; also headings beginning Church, and names of churches and sects ^ — Institutional, see Institutional churches Church accounts see Church finance Church and education See also Bible in the schools; Catholic church — • Education; Church schools; Pub- lic schools and religion ; Religious education ; Theology — Study and teaching Refer from Apologetics (s) ; Bible — Evi- ilences and authority; Christian evidences («) ; Evidences of Christianity (s) ; Miracles; Re- ligion Refer from Christianity; Religions Refer from Advent; Christian year; Fasts and feasts; Holidays; Jesus Christ — Birth; Santa Claus Refer from Entertainments; Sunday school entertainments Refer from Gifts Refer from Drama Refer from Poetry; Recitations and readings Refer from Color ; Color printing ; Lithography Refer from Astronomical instruments; Time Refer from Almanacs; Astronomy; Calen- dar; Time ; Year Refer from Annals (s) ; Dates (s) ; History Refer from Caves; Yucatan Refer from Christian sociology; Christianity; Theology Refer from Bible in the schools; Catholic church — Education; Christian sociology; Church and state; Church schools; Denomina- tional Siphools (s); Education; Education and church (s); Religion and education (s); Re- ligious education 74 Church andticalinp ste Emmanuel movement; Medicine and religion Church and social problems set Christian soii.ilisiii ; Christian sociology; Church work Church and state See fl/'o Asylum, Right of; Catholic church; Church and education; Church his- tory; Church of England — Establishment; Church polity; Church property; Liberty of conscience; Popes — Temporal power; Re- ligious libcrt\ ; Socialism and Catholic church; Socialism and Christianity; Taxa- tion, Exemption from Church antiquities see Christian antiquities Church architecture Si-e al.'O Abbeys; Architecture; Architec- ture, (iothic; Basilicas; Cathedrals; Chap- els; Christian art and symbolism; Church decoration and ornament ; Crypts ; Alosques ; Orientation (architecture); Spires; Temples; Towers Church attendance Church bells see Bells Church benetices see Church property Church biography see Christian biography Church calendar see Christian year; Fasts and feasts Church census see Church statistics Church ceremonies see Christian antiquities; Easts and feasts; Liturgies; Rites and cere- monies Church costu~ie see Church vestments Church councils see Councils and synods Church decoration and ornament See also Christian art and symbolism; Church furniture; Floral decoration; Rood screens Church dedication Church discipline S/-e also Absolution; Asceticism; Church polity; Confession; Excommunication; In- quisition; Interdict; Monasticism; Penance; Purgatory; Simony Church entertainments See also Entertainments; Sunday school entertainments Church extension see Church work; Missions Church fathers see Fathers of the church Church festivals see Fasts and feasts Church finance See also Church property; Church rates; Taxation, Exemption from; Tithes Church furniture See all!) Altars; Baptismal fonts; Pulpits; Rood screens; Shrines Church government see Church polity Chtirch history See also Abbeys; Apostolic succession; Bible; Canonization; Cathedrals; Catholic Refer from Catholic church ; Church history; Church of England — Establishment ; Church polity; Disestablishment (s) ; Government; I iberty of conscience; l^ersccution ; Religious liberty; State church (s) Refer from Architecture; Architecture, Ecclesiastical (s) ; Architecture, Gothic; Basilicas; Cathedrals; Chapels; Christian antiquities; Christian art and symbolism; Churches (s) ; Ecclesiastical architecture (s) ; Religious art (s) ; Spires; Temples Refer from Church statistics; Churchgo- ing (s) ; Public worship (s) ; Sunday; Worship Refer from Christian art and symbolism; Christmas; Church architecture; Church orna- ment (s) ; Decoration and ornament; Floral decoration; Interior decoration (s) Refer from Church polity; Churches (s) ; Consecration of churches (s) ; Dedication of churches (s) ; Rites and ceremonies Refer from Church membership; Church polity; Discipline, Ecclesiastical (z); Ex- communication; Penance Refer from Church sociables (s) ; Church work; Entertainments; Sociables (s) ; So- cials (s) ; Sunday school entertainments Refer from Church accounts (s) ; Church property; Church rales; Finance; Tithes Refer from Altars; Baptismal fonts; Chris- tian antiquities; Christian art and symbolism; Church decoration and ornament; Ecclesias- tical furniture (s) ; Furniture; Pulpits Refer from Bible; Catholic church — His- torv • Christendom (s) ; Christianity; Chris- 75 Church history — Continued iliurch — llistory; Celibacy; Christianity; Cliurcli and sliitc; Cliiircli law; Church piility; Coiivcnls and nunneries; Councils and synods; Creeds; Dissenters; Eastern churches; I'.piscopacy ; Fathers of the church; Flagellants; Heresy; lluRuenots; Inquisition; Jesuits; Jews; Martyrs; Miracles; Missions; Monasticism ; Persecu- tion; Popes — llistory; Protestantism; Reformation; Religious liberty; Relivious orders; Revivals; Sects; Sisterhoods; 'riieolopy [for history ot doctrines|; also headings beginning Christian, names of sects, churches, councils, etc., and names of coun- tries and cities, subhead Religious history Early church 6V^ also Arianism ; Bible — New Testa- ment — Apocryphal books; Catacombs; Donatists; Fathers of the church; Pclagi- anism Early church — Apostolic .S'/v €iIm) Apostles; Apostolic fathers; Bible — New Testament Middle ages >S'rt- (iL'o Albigenscs; Crusades; Flagel- lants; Middle ages — History; Popes — Temporal power; Schism, The great western, 1 378- 141 7; Waldenses Reformation, see Reformation Modern See also Covenanters; Dissenters; Jansenists; Reformation Church law See also Apostolic canons; Apostolic con- stitutions; Asylum, Right of; Benefit of clergy; Church history; Church polit)-; Church property; Councils and synods; Divorce; Marriage; Simony; Tithes; also names of churches, subhead Government Church membership See also Baptism; Church discipline; Church polity; Church statistics; Close communion; Confirmation; Covenants; Creeds; Lord's supper Church music See also Anthems ; Bible — Music ; Carols ; Chants; Chimes and chiming; Choirs; Choral music; Hymns; Liturgies; Missals; Masses; Oratorios; Organ music Church of Christ (Disciples) see Disciples of Christ Church of Christ of latter-day saints see Mormons and Mormonisra Church of England See also Anglican communion; Apostolic succession; Cathedrals; Catholic church; Christian year; Confirmation; Dissenters; England — Religious history; Episcopacy; F'asts and feasts; Noniurors; Oxford move- ment; Protestant Episcopal church in the U. S. ; Puritans; Ritualism ;' Sacraments; Sisterhoods tianity— History (s); Church and state; Church law; Church polity; Councils and synods; Ecclesiastical history (a); Heresy; History; Martyrs; Popes — History; R,:(- ormation; Religious history (s) ; Sacred his- tory (s) ; Theology Refer from Arianism; Catacombs; Christi- anity ^Origin (s); Christianity, Primitive (s) ; Donatists; Early church (s); F'athcrs of the church; Pelagianism; Primitive Christi- anity (%) Refer from Apostles; Apostolic church (s) ; Apostolic fathers; Bible — New Testament Refer from Middle ages — History ; Popes — Temporal power; Schism, The great western, 1378-1417 Refer from Canon law (s) ; Church history; Church polity; Ecclesiastical law (s) ; Law Refer from Church polity; Confirmation; Lord's supper Refer from Anthems; Chants; Choirs; Choral music; Church services; Devotional exercises; Hymns; Music; Organ music; Psalmody (s) ; Sacred music (s) ; Songs; Vocal music (sj ; Worship Refer from Anglican church (s) ; Anglican com- munion; Dissenters; England, Church of (s) ; England — Religious history; Episcopacy; Episcopal church (s) ; Nonjurors; Protestant Episcopal church in the U. S. ; Puritans; Sects 76 Church of England Cuntinucd Articles of religion Biography Sff alio Archbishops; Bishops; Church of KiiKlaiid — Clergy Canons, see Church of England — Gov- ernment Catechisms and creeds See also Apusilcs' creed; Athannsian creed; Church of Kngland — Articles of religion; Niccne creed Clergy See also Apostolic succession; Arch- bishops; Bishops; Church of Kngland — Directories; Episcopacy; Priests Constitution, see Church of England — Cnnorniiient Convocations Creeds, see Church of England — Cate- chisms and creeds Dioceses S,t- also names of dioceses Directories See also Church of England — Year- books Doctrinal and controversial works St'e also Marprelatc cuntro\crsy Establishment See also Church and state Finance See also Church rates; Tithes Government .S'() Klblc — Old Testament — I'.xo- dus ; Mosaic law Commencements Sff alio Class day Commentaries iff Bible — Commentaries, and other subjects commented on Commerce Sff also Accounting; Advertising; Auc- tions; Balance of trade; Bankruptcy; Banks and banking ; Boards of trade ; Bookkeeping ; Booksellers and bookselling; Business; Busi- ness depression; Canals; Capital; Carriers; Communication; Competition; Consump- tion (economics); Contraband of war; Con- tracts; Cooperation; Corporations; Credit; Debt ; Economics ; Embargo laws ; Exchange ; Fairs; Finance; Food supply; Foreign ex- change; Freight; Fur trade; Gilds; Govern- ment regulation of industry; Grange; Han- seatic league; Harbors; Inland navigation; Insurance; Interest; International law; Interstate commerce; Labor unions; Loans; Manufactures; Maritime law; Marketing of farm produce; Markets; Merchants ; Money; Monopolies; Navigation; Neutrality; Pack- ing for shipment; Panics; Partnership; Pawnbroking; Prices; Profit sharing; Pros- perity; Railroads; Reciprocity; Restraint of trade; Salesmanship; Shipping; Smuggling; Speculation ; Stamp duties ; Statistics ; Steam navigation; Stock exchange; Stocks; Sub- sidies; Success; Taritf; Tariff question; Telegraph codes; Trade-marks; Trading companies; Transportation; Trust compa- nies; Trusts; Warehouses; Waterways; Weights and measures; also headings beginning Commercial, names of articles of commerce, names of countries, subheads Commerce, and Industries and resources, and namCs of cities, subheads Business and Industries Commercial arithmetic see Arithmetic, Com-, mercial Commercial correspondence French Commercial courts Commercial crises see Business depression; Panics Commercial education see Business education Mfffr from Chemistry; Fire; Heat; Mechani- cal draft; Spontaneous combustion (s) Rfffr from Burlesques; Comedians (s) ; Drama ; Humor Rffer from Astronomy Refer from History, Comic (s) ; Humor Refer from Bible ; Bible — Old Testament — Exodus; Decalogue (s) ; Ethics; Mosaic law; Ten commandments (s) Refer from Colleges and universities; Gradua- tion (s) ; High schools Refer from Balance of trade; Business; Capital; Carriers; Communication; Consump- tion (economics); Economics; Exchange; Ex- portation (s) ; Exports (s) ; Finance; Foreign trade (s) ; Imports (s) ; Industrial arts; Manu- factures ; Merchandise (s) ; Merchants ; Money ; Navigation; Ocean; Railroads; Shipping; Tariff; Trade (s) ; Transportation Refer from Business correspondence (s) ; Business education; Correspondence (s) ; Let- ter writing Refer from French language Rffer from Commercial law; Courts 87 Commercial ethics srr Business ctliics Commercial geography ,SV<- also Antliropogcography ; Commercial proJucls; Manufactures; Natural resources; rransporlation Commercial law iVi- also Administrators and executors; Admiralty; Agency; Arbitration and con- ciliation, Industrial; Assignments; Attach- ment; Auditing; Bailments; Bankruptcy; Brokers and (actors; Business; Carriers; Commercial courts; Competition; Consuls; Contracts; Conveyancing; Corporation law; Debt; Deeds; Kxchange; Foreign exchange; Forms (in law); Guaranties and sureties; Insurance; Joint-stock companies; Landlord and tenant; Liens; ALiritime law; Mort- gages; Negotiable instruments; Notaries; Partnership; Property; Real estate; Sale; Trust companies; Trustees; Trusts; aho subhead Law under various subjects, e.g. Banks and banking — Law Commercial paper sfe Negotiable instruments Commercial products S:v also Agricultural products; Animal products; Coal-tar products; Commercial geography; Forest products; llLinufactures; Natural resources; also names of individual products, e.g. Asphalt, Petroleum ; and names of countries, subhead Industries and resour- ces Commercial ratings see Credit guides Commercial schools see Business education Commercial travelers Hee also Peddlers and peddling; Salesman- ship Commercial treaties See also Reciprocity; Tariff; also names of countries, subhead Treaties Commission government see Municipal gov- ernment — Commission plan Refer from Commercial products; Economic geography (s); Geography; Geography, Com- mercial (s) ; Geography, Economic (s) ; Natural resources Refer from .Admiralty ; .\gency ; Assignments; Bailments; Bankruptcy; Business; Business education ; Business law (s) ; Carriers ; Consuls ; Contracts; Corporation law; Debt; Forms (in law); Guaranties and sureties; Law; Mer- cantile law (s) ; Merchants; Negotiable in- struments; Partnership; Sale Refer from Agricultura products; Animal products; Commercial geography; Forest products; Natural resources; Products, Com- mercial (s) ; Raw materials (s) Refer from Agents (s) ; Business; Drum- mers (s) ; Merchants ; Salesmanship ; Salesmen, Traveling (s) ; Traveling salesmen (s) ; Travel- ers Refer from Favored nation clause (s) ; Most favored nation clause (s) ; Reciprocity; Tariff; Treaties Committees See also Legislative bodies; Parliamentary practice Common carriers see Carriers Common lands see Commons Common law See also Law, and references under that Refer from Law subject Ci-ininion schools see Public schools Common sense Conunonplace books Commons See also Mark (land); Parks; Vacant lot cultivation; Village communities Commonwealth of England see England — History — Civil war and commonwealth Commune, Paris, see F'rance — History — Third republic, 1870-; Paris — History — Siege and commune 88 Refer from Legislative bodies; Parliamentary practice Refer from Judgment; Psychology Refer from Literature Refer from Common lands (s) ; Land tenure; Parks Communication Sef rt.'jo Carriers ; Commerce ; Newspapers ; posial service; Priming; Railroads; Telc- grapli; 'leleBraph codes; Telephone; Trans- portation; Waterways; Wireless telegraphy Communion jfe Close communion; Lord's supper Communism S,r (iIjo Anarchism and ai\archists; Har- monists; Individualism; Land nationaliza- tion; Shakers; Socialism; Tribes and tribal system; Village communities; also names of communities, e.g. Brook Karm Communities see Communism; Village com- munities; also names of communities Commutators ^(Y alio Dynamos; Electric motors Comparative anatomy sef Anatomy, Compara- tive Comparative morphology sef Anatomy, Com- parative; Morphology Comparative mythology si-e Mythology Comparative philology ste Language — -Com- parative philology Comparative physiology /(■<■ Physiology, Com- parative Comparative psychology, si-f Psychology, Com- parative Comparative religion see Religions Compass See also Magnetism, Terrestrial Compassion see Sympathy Compensation see Bounties; Damages; Em- ployers' liability; Indemnity; Pensions; Rewards (prizes, etc.); Salaries; Wages Competition See also Combination, Industrial; De- partment stores; Monopolies; Supply and demand ; Trusts Competitive examinations see Civil service examinations; Kxaminations Complexion see Beauty, Personal ; Color of man ; Cosmetics Composers see Musicians Composing machines see Typesetting machines Composite photography see Photography, Composite Composition (art) .SVf- also An; Painting; Proportion (art) Composition (English) See also Letter writing; Rhetoric Composition (music) See also Canon (music); Counterpoint; Fugue; Harmony; Instrumentation and orchestration; Melody; Music; Musical accompaniment Composition (printing) see Typesetting Refer from Carriers; Commerce; Economics; Transportation Refer from Collectivism (s) ; Communities(8) ; Cooperation; Economics; Government; Indi\'idu.ilism ; Labor and laboring classes; Land nationalization ; Profit sharing; Property ; Socialism; Socialistic communities (s) ; So- ciology; Village communities Refer from Armatures; Dynamos; Electric machinery; Electric motors; Electromagnets Refer from Declination of the compass (s) ; Magnetic needle (s) ; Magnetism; Magnetism, Terrestrial; Mariner's compass (s) ; Naviga- tion; Surveying instruments; Variation of the compass (s) Refer from Business; Business ethics; Com- merce; Commercial law; Economics; Monopo- lies; Supply and demand; Trusts Refer from Art; Painting; Proportion (art) Refer from Composition (rhetoric) (s) ; English composition (s) ; English language; English language — Composition (s) ; Rhetoric Refer from Music; Music ■ composition (s) ■ Theory; Musical 89 Compositii>ii (rhetoric) s(e Coniposiliim (Kni;- lisli); l.i-tlcr writing; Rlicloric; aUii names of l.iM^'ii.igcs other than I'.nglisli, e.g. Cicr- MKiii laiiiiu.i^jc — Coinposiliun Compressed air iSVi* also Air compressors; Caisson disease; Pneumatic tubes; Vacuum cleaning systems CompresscJ air disease stt Caisson disease Compressibility .SV(- (j/i) Elasticity; Matter Compromise Compulsory education ^(t al-'O Child labor; Illiteracy; School attendance; School laws; Truancy Compulsory insurance see Insurance, State and compulsory CoiKciuratinn ue Attention Concentration camps Sti alio South African war, 1899-1901 Concentration of schools sef Schools — Cen- tralization Concert halls sef Music halls Concerts Conchology sff Mollusks Conciliation, Industrial, see Arbitration and conciliation, Industrial Concordances jee Bible — Concordances, and names of authors to whose works concord- ances have been made Concrete See also Asphalt; Building materials; Cement; Concrete, Reinforced; Concrete construction; Concrete pottery; Masonry; Pavements; Stone, Artificial Reinforced Sii- Building materials; Concrete; Concrete construction Concrete construction See also Concrete, .Reinforced ; Fireproof construction Concrete pottery Concrete steel see Concrete, Reinforced Concretions See also Geology Condemnation of land see Eminent domain Condemned books see Prohibited books Condensation See also Atmospheric nuclcation Condensers (electricity) See also Electrostatics Condensers (steam) See Steam engines Condiments See also Salt ; Spices Refer from Air; Air compressors; Air engines; Caissons; Foundations; Motors; Pneumatic transmission (s); Pneumatic lubes; Power; Power transmission Refer from Hydrostatics; Matter; Physics Refer from Ethics; Political ethics Refer from Child labor; Education; Educa- tion, Compulsory (s) ; School attendance; School laws Refer from Camps (military); Military art and science; Prisoners of war Refer from Amusements; Entertainments; Music Refer from Beton (s) ; Building materials; Cement; Concrete, Reinforced; Foundations; Masonry; Pavements; Stone, Artificial Refer from Armored concrete (s) ; Building materials; Concrete; Concrete construction; Concrete steel (s) ; Fcrro-concrete (s); Rein- forced concrete (s) ; Steel construction Refer from Architecture; Building; Con- crete; Concrete, Reinforced; Fireproof con- struction; Steel construction Refer from Concrete; Garden ornaments and furniture; Pottery Refer from Geology Refer from Atmospheric nuclcation; Chemis- try ; Physics Refer from Electric apparatus and appliances ; Electric condensers (s) ; Electrostatics; Induc- tion colls Refer from Steam; Steam engines Refer from Food; Salt; Spices 90 Conduct of life ... , Sv ill"' Miruism; Ambition; Asceticism; Avarice; Bi.ya; Business ethics ; Cliaracler; Cliariiv Cheerfulness; Children ; Uins.ian life ana character; Citizensliir ; t"";.";^: tion; Courage: Courtesy j.Culure; )u> 1- cc'ntricity ; KK"ism ; Kt ncs ; i't'Muct ; 1.x- travaRance; I-riendship ; C.cntlemcn ; Oirls, Habit ; Honesty ; Idleness ; Justice ; Kindness ; Leisure; Life; Loyalty ; Obedience; Ori-r- tunity; Patience; Patriotism ; l'op»l^"'> . Procrastination; I>rudence; Self-contro ; Self-culture; Self-denial; ^,^-'f-;f >='""= ^^': respect; Selfishness; Simple life; Sol.tudc, • Spiritual life; Standard of living:; Success, Temperance ; Thrift; Virtue; VVork; V.orr) ; Vount; men; Vcung women; ^outh Conducting (music) > ^, . ^^ i Sfc also Bands (music); Choirs; Oichcs- Conduclivity, Electric, sfe Electric conduc- Co*nd'uctors. Electric, sff Electric conductors Conduits .«•(• Aqueducts Confectionery Ste also Chocolate; Ices Confederacies see Federal government Confession _. See also Absolution; Penance; Sin Refer from Behavior (s) ; Character; Chru- tian life and character; Duty; Ethics; Ethics, Practical (s) ; Life; Practical ethics (s) ; Self- lielp (s); Success; Young men; Young women Confessions of faith see Creeds Confirmation .S,-,- also Church membership; supper Lord's Buddhism ; Conjurors „. „ Connecticut Reserve see Western Reserve Refer from Bands (music); Choirs; Orches- tras Confiscation Conflagrations see Fires Confucianism See also Ancestor worship; China — Religion ; Taoism Congregationalism S,e al'o Antinomianism; Baptists; Brown- ists; Calvinism; Church polity; Dissenters; Friends, Society of; New England — Reli- gious history; Orthodoxy; Presbytcrianism ; Puritans; Unitarianism; Universalism Congress, U. S., see V. S -- Congress Congresses see names of bodies holding con- Rresses; or, when not held by any named body, see name of congress, if distinctive, otherwise name of place of meeting Conic sections See also Curves; Ellipse; Geometry, Analytic; Mathematics Conjuring ,, ,. . .S-,v also Conjurors ; Magic ; Medicine men ; Voodooism ; Witchcraft Refer from C factures; Sugar mdy (s); Cookery; Manu- Refer from Absolution; Auricular confes- sion's); Catholic church; Church discipline; Church polity; Penance; Repentance; Sin; Theology Refer from Church membership; Church of England; Church polity; Protestant Episcopal church in the U. S. ; Rites and ceremonies; Sacraments; Theology Refer from International law; Law; Property Refer from Ancestor worship; China — Re- ligion; Religions Refer from Baptists; Brownists; Calvinism; Church polity; Dissenters; Independents (church polity) (s) ; New England — Religious history; Orthodoxy; Puritans; Sects Refer from Curves; Ellipse; Geometry; Geometry, Analytic; Mathematics Refer from Amusements; Illusions and hallucinations ; Juggling (s) ; Legerdemain (s) ; Magic; Necromancy (s) ; Prestidigitation (s) ; Sleight of hand (s) Refer from Biography; Conjuring 91 Consanguinity Sff also Di-af and dumb; Dcgcncralion ; Kpilcpsy; I'amily; Idiucy ; Insanity; Marriage Conscience Sff alio Christian ethics; Liberty of con- science Consciousness >SV^ aho Automatism; Knowledge; Per- ception; Personality; Psychology; Reaction time; Senses and sensation; Subconscious- ness Conscription Sff iiliu Draft riot, 1863 ; Military service; Recruiting and enlistment Consecration of churches srf Church dedication Conservation of energy iff I'orce and energy Conservation of resources Sff also Forests and forestry; Mines and mineral resources; Natural resources; Reclamation of land; \\ atcr power Conservatories ste Greenhouses Consolation Consolidation of schools sfe Schools — Cen- tralization Conspiracies See also Assassination; Gunpowder plot; Popish plot Constables Sff also Arrest ; Police Constants sff Units , Constellations sfe Astronomy; Stars Constitutional history .SV(- u/.o Aristocracy; Cabinet system; Constitutions; Democracy; also names of countries and states, subhead Constitution Constitutional law Sfe also Amendments (parliamentary practice); Civil rights; Constitutions; Democracy; Eminent domain; Executive power; federal government; Government; Habeas corpus; Injunctions; Jurisdiction; Jury; Legislative bodies; Monarchy; Natural law; Police power; Proportional representation; Referendum; Representa- tive government and representation; Re- publics; Sovereignty; Suffrage Constitutions 6V^ also Constitutional history; Constitu- tional law; Government; Representative government and representation; also names of countries and states, subhead Constitution — — Apostolic, see Apostolic constitutions —State Sfi' a//o State governments; also names of states, subhead Constitution Construction see Architecture; Building; Engineering Consular service see Consuls; Diplomatic and consular service Rfffr from Ethnology; Eugenics; Heredity; Kinship (s); Marriage; Relationship (s) ; I'ribes and tribal system Refer from Cases of conscience (s) ; Casuis- try (s); Christian ethics; Duty; Ethics; Reli- gion ; Theology Rfffr from Automatism; Metaphysics; Per- sonality; Psychology Refer from Drafting, Military (s) ; Military art and science; Military service; Recruiting and enlistment Refer from Forests and forestry; Natural resources; Resources (s) Rfffr from Affliction; Death; Devotional exercises; Religion; Suffering Rfffr from Crime and criminals; Criminal law; History Rfffr from Arrest; Law; Police; Town officers Rfffr from Constitutions; Government; History; History, Constitutional (s) Refer from Civil rights; Constitutions; Eminent domain; Executive power; Govern- ment; Habeas corpus; Jurisdiction; Jury; Law ; Police power ; Representative government and representation; Sovereignty; U. S. — Constitution Rfffr from Constitutional history; Consti- tutional law; Government; Law Rfffr from State constitutions (s) ; State governments; States (U. S.) ; U. S. — Consti- tution 92 Consuls .SV<- alio Commercial law; Diplomacy; Diplomatic and consular service; K.xterri- torialily; aljo names of countries, subhead Diplomatic and consular service Consumers' leagues 6>(- alto Sweating system Consumption .tec Tuberculosis Consumption (economics) Scf alio Commerce; Kconomics; Industry; Prices; Supply and demand Contact action jcc Catalysis Contagion and contagious diseases See al.'o lJacierioloj,'y ; Disinfection and disinfectants; Kpidcmics; I'lies; l'umi(;a- tion; Germ theory of disease; Immunity; Inoculation; Insects as carriers of conta- gion ; Mosquitoes; Putrefaction ; Quarantine; Rats as carriers of contagion; Vaccination; also names of diseases, e.g. Black death; Cholera, Asiatic; Diphtheria; Measles; Plague; Scarlet fever; Smallpo.x; Typhoid fever; Yellow fever Contagious diseases see Contagion and con- tagious diseases Coniemporarics see Biography Contentment See also Cheerfulness; Happiness Continents Sfe also Physical geography Continuation schools see Evening and con- tinuation schools Continuous current machinery see Electric machinery Contraband of war See also Neutrality; Trent affair, 1861 Contract labor See also Coolies; Indentured servants; Padrone system ; Peonage Contractions see Abbreviations; Ciphers Contracts See also Agency ; Assignments ; Bailments ; Bonds; Building — Contracts and specifi- cations ; Commercial law ; Covenants ; Debt ; Deeds; Guaranties and sureties; Insurance; Master and servant; Mortgages; Negli- gence; Partnership; Sale; Trade agreements Contributory negligence see Negligence Controllers, Electric, see Electric controllers Conundrums see Kiddles Convalescent homes Conventions sre names of bodies holding con- ventions; or, when not held by any named body, see name of convention if distinctive, otherwise name of place of meeting; also names of countries and cities, subhead Con- ventions and public meetings Conventions, Political, see Political conven- tions Refer from Commercial law; Consular ser- vice (s) ; Diplomacy; Diplomatic and consular service; Diplomats; Exterritoriality; Inter- national law; International relations Refer from Boycott; Clothing; Food adul- teration and inspection; Hygiene, Public; Labor and laboring classes; Sweating system Refer from Commerce; Economics; Luxury; Supply and demand ^f/zT /rom Contagious diseases (s) ; Diseas- es (s) ; Epidemics ; Hygiene, Public; Immunity; Infection and infectious diseases (s) ; Aledicine ; Medicine — Practice; Pathology; Putrefac- tion; Zymotic diseases (s) Refer from Ethics; Gladness (s) ; Happiness; Pleasure Refer from Geography; Physical geography Refer from Commerce; International law; Maritime law; Neutrality; Prizes (internation- al law) ; War Refer from Indentured servants; Labor and laboring classes; Padrone system; Peonage Refer from Agency; Agreements (s) ; Com- merce; Commercial law; Law Refer from Hospitals; Sanatoriums 93 Convents and nunneries .SVi' ij/'ii Ahliiys; Monasteries; Monasli- cisiii; Nuns; Kcligious orders Conversation .SV<' tilio Table-talk Conversion .S':c oho Christian life and character; K\ .mgelistic work; Grace (theology); Mis- sions; Kejiencralion (theology); Repentance; Revivals; Salvation Converters, Electric, sff Electric current converters Conveyancing .S'rr alio Deeds; Forms (in law); Land titles; Mortgages; Real estate; Turreiis system Conveying machinery S:f alio Cahlcways; Hoisting machinery; Mining machinery; Pneumatic tubes; Telpherage Conveyors iff Conveying machinery Convict labor Srf alio Prisons Conviction iff Belief; Certainty Convicts Iff Convict labor; Crime and crim- inals; Discharged prisoners; Penal colonies; Prisons Cook books Iff Cookery Cookbooks Iff Cookery Cookery Sff alio Aladdin oven; Baking; Baking powder; Bread; Breakfasts; Cake; Canning and preserving; Carving (meat, etc.) ; Cater- ing; Cereals, Prepared; Chafing dish; Cottce ; Confectionery ; Cookery for the sick ; Cooking schools; Desserts; Diet; Dinners and dining; Fireless cookers; Fish as food; Flavoring extracts ; Food ; Home economics ; Kitchen; Luncheons; Menus; Ovens; Pas- try; Salads; Sandwiches; Sauces; Soup; Table; Veast Eggs Meat Mushrooms Vegetables Cookery for the sick Sff alio Diet Cooking Iff Cookery' Cooking schools Coolies Sff alio Labor and laboring classes — China; Labor and laboring classes — India Cooling appliances iff Refrigeration and re- frigerating machinery Cooperage Cooperation Sff al.'o Benefit societies; Brook Farm; Building and loan associations; Communism ; Rfffr from Abbeys; Catholic church ; Church history; Church property; Cloisters (s) ; Monasteries; Monasticism ; Nunneries (s) ; Nuns; Sisterhoods Rtjtr jrom Conduct of life; Etiquet; Lan- guage; Rhetoric; Self-culture; Society; Speech; Talking (s) Rffff from Christian life and character; Kvangelistic work; Missions; Regeneration (theology); Religious experience (s) ; Repent- ance; Revivals; Salvation; Theology Rfffr frnm Commercial law; Deeds; Forms (in law); Land titles; Land transfer (s) ; Law; Property; Real estate; Sale; Torrens system Rfffr from Cableways ; Conveyors (s) ; Hoist- ing machinery ; Machinery ; Mining machinery ; Telpherage Rfftr from Convicts (s) ; Crime and crim- inals; Labor and laboring classes; Prison la- bor (s) ; Prisons Rfffr from Baking; Bread; Breakfasts; Canning and preserving; Carving (meat, etc.); Chemistry, Household; Cook books (s) ; Cook- books (s) ; Cooking (s) ; Desserts; Diet; Dinners and dining; Domestic arts; Ealing; Food; Gastronomy (s) ; Home economics; Industrial arts; Kitchen; Luncheons; Pastry; Receipts; Recipes (s) ; Salads; Sauces; Soup; Table Rfffr from Eggs Rfffr from Meat Rfffr from Mushrooms Rfffr from Vegetables Rfffr from Cookery; Diet; Food for inva- lids (s) ; Invalid cookery (s) ; Nurses and nursing Rfffr from Cookery Rfffr from Contract labor; Labor and labor- ing classes Rfffr from Barrels (s) ; Casks (s) ; Manu- factures; Staves (s) Rfffr from Association (s); Commerce; Cooperative stores (s) ; Economics; Labor and y4 Cooperative apriculture ; Cooperative house- keeping; Labiir unions; Profit shurinK! Sav- ings banks; Socialism Cooperative agriculture Ci><>piT.iti\ c banks see Building and loan associations Cooperative buildin|{ associations ste Building and loan associations Cooperative housekeeping Cooperative stores if( Cooperation Coordinate gcoinctry itt Geometry, Analytic Copper ,SV<- also Brass; Bronze; Copper mines and niiiiinp; Coppersmithing; Metals Copper age .S'jv al'o Archaeology; Bronze age Copper mines and mining Coppersmithing N.v ij/'o Arts and crafts; Metal colnrinc Coptic church Sff til.'u r.astcrn churches; Egypt — Rc- lii;iiin Coptic language iVc also African languages; Ilaniitic languages Copjrright Sff also Authorship; Books; Booksellers and bookselling; Publishers and publishing; Titles of books Corals and coral islands St-r also Cuclcntcrata Cordage Sif also Fibers; Knots and splices; Rope Com See also Feeding and feeding stuffs; Grain Com laws Corners, Commercial, see Monopolies; Specu- lation; Stock exchange; Trusts Cornices Srr also Arcliitccture Comish language See also Celtic languages Coronations See also Crowns Coroners Corporal pimishment See also Flogging; School management Corporation law See also Commercial law; Municipal law; Railroads — Law; Trusts capital; Labor and laboring classes; Labor unions; Pruht sharing; Rochdale system (s); Socialism; Sociology Refer from Agriculture; Cooperation Refer from Cooperation; Home economics; Housekeeping (s) Refer from Metals; Sheet-metal work Refer from Archaeology; Bronze age Refer from Copper; Mines and mineral re- sources Refer from Arts and crafts; Copper; Metal coloring; Metal work Refer from Eastern churches; ICgypl — Religion; Greek church Refer from African languages; Egyptian language; Hamitic languages Refer from Authors; Authorship; Books; Booksellers and bookselling; Intellectual property (s) ; International copyright (s) ; Law; Literary property (s) ; Literature; Play- right (s) ; Property ; Property, Intellectual (s) ; Publishers and publishing Refer from Coelenterala ; Islands Refer from Hemp; Rope Refer from Feeding and feeding stuffs; Forage plants; Grain ; Indian corn (s) ; Maize(s) Refer from Agricultural laws; Agriculture; Economics; England — Economic conditions; Food supply; Tariff; Tariff — England Refer from Architecture Refer from Celtic languages Refer from Crowns; Monarchy; Pageants; Rites and'ceremonies Refer from County officers; Death; Inquests, Coroners' (s) ; Law; Local government Refer from Children — Management; Flog- ging; Punishment; Rod, The (s); School management; Teaching; Whipping (s) Refer from Commercial law; Corporations; Government regulation of industry; Law; Municipal law; Trusts 9S Corporations Sff uImi liankruplc) ; Bunds; Building and K'.in associations; Clubs; Corporation law; Clilds; Government owncrsliip; Invest- ments; Joint-slock companies; Municipal corporations; l^romoting; Public service corporations; Publicity; Receivers; Slocks; 'I'rust companies; Trusts Taxation Corpulence Correlation of forces lef Force and energy Correspondence sef Commercial correspond- ence; Letter writing; Letters; Reporting; War correspondence Correspondence schools and courses Corrosion and anti-corrosives See alio Paint; Waterproofing Corrupt practices at elections see Elections; Political corruption Corruption in politics see Political corruption Corsairs iff Pirates Corundum S,c- alio Abrasives Cosmetics SVc alio Beauty, Personal; Make-up, Theatrical; Perfumery; Toilet Cosmogony iff Universe Cosmography iff Universe Cosmology iff Universe Cossacks Sic- alio Russia — History Cost Si-:' alio Prices ; \'aluc Cost accounting Sff alio Accounting Cost of living Sff alio Prices; Rent; Standard of living; riirift ; Wages Costs Sff alio Pleading and practice Costume S,f also Boots and shoes; Church vest- ments; Clothing; Cosmetics; Dandies; Dress reform ; Dressmaking ; Fans ; Fashion ; Ciloves; Hairdrcssing: Hats; Headgear; Hosiery; Jewelry; Livery; Masks (for the face); Millinery; Perfumery; Regalia; Shawls; Toilet; Umbrellas; Uniforms Academic Rfffr from Associations (s) ; Bonds; Busi- ness; Capitalization (finance) (s) ; Charters; Commerce; l''inance; Governmcnl regulation of industry; Joint-stock companies; Partner- ship; Promoting; Societies; Slock compa- nies (s) ; Stocks; Trusts Rfffr from Franchise taxation (s) ; Taxation Rfffr from Fat (s) ; Food; Obesity (a) Rtftr from Education; Home education; Schools; Self-culture; Technical education; University extension Rfffr from Anti-corrosive paint (s) ; Chemis- try, Technical; Electrolysis; Iron; Metal corrosion (s) ; NIctal protection (s) ; Metals; Paint; Rust (s); Rustless coatings (s) ; Steel; Steel construction; W'aterproofing Rfffr from Abrasives Rfffr from Beauty, Personal; Complexion (s) ; Costume; Face; Make-up, Theatrical ; 'Toilet Rfffr from F.thnology History Russia ; Russia — Rfffr from Economics; Value Rfffr from Accounting; Bookkeeping; Fac- tory costs (s) ; Factory management; \LTnu- factures; Scientific management Rfffr from Economics; Food; Home econom- ics; Household expenses (s) ; Labor and laboring classes; Living. Cost of (s) ; Living expenses (s) ; Poor; Price of food (s) ; Prices; Social problems; Standard of living; Thrift; VV ages RfffT from Actions at law; Law; Pleading and practice Rfffr from Archaeology; Art; Beauty, Per- sonal ; Church vestments ; Clothing; Dress (s) ; Ethnology; Fancy dress (s) ; Fans; F'ashion; Gloves; Hairdrcssing; Hats; Headgear; \Lin- ners and customs; Masquerades; Millinery; Regalia ; Style (in dress) (s) ; Toilet ; Uniforms ; Women Rfffr from Academic costume (s) ; Cap and gown (s) ; Caps and gowns (s) ; College gowns (s) ; Colleges and universities; Hoods, Academic (s) 96 Costume — Continued Mllitarv, stt Arms and armor; Uniforms U. S. Cotillion See also Balls (parties); Dancing Cottages .SVi- also Architecture, Domestic ; Bunga- lows; Country houses; Log cabins Cotton ^fe also Dyes and dyeing; Fibers; Kliaki; Mcrcerization ; Textile industry and fabrics; \\ caving Cultivation and manufacture See also Cotton famine, 1861-1864; Textile factories; Textile industry and fabrics Diseases and pests See also lioll \vcc\ il Cotton-boll weevil see Boll weevil Cotton famine, 1861-1864 Cotton growing see Cotton — Cultivation and manufacture Cotton manufacture see Cotton — Cultiva- tion and manufacture Cotton mills see Cotton — Cultivation and manufacture; Textile factories Cotton pesls see Cotton — Diseases and pests Cough See also Bronchitis; Cold (disease); Re- spiratory organs — - Diseases Coimcils and synods .SVi- also Church history; also special councils and synods, e.g. Vatican council Cotinterfeits See also Antiques, Forged; Art forgeries; Bank notes; Forgery; Imposture; Money Counterpoint See also Canon (music) ; Fugue Counter-reformation See also Catholic church — History; Jes- uits; Reformation; Thirty years' war Counting out Country houses Si-c- alto .Architecture, Domestic; Bunga- lows; Cottages; Farm buildings Country life See also Camping; City and country; Farm life; Gardening; Hunting; Outdoor life; Pastoral poetry; Peasantry; Simple life ; Sports Country schools See also Schools — Centralization Refer from U. S. — Costume (s) ; U. S. — Social life and customs Refer from Balls (parties); Dancing; Ger- man (dance) (s) Refer from Architecture, Domestic; Archi- tecture, Rural (s); Country houses; Rural architecture (s) ; Summer cottages (s) ; Villas (s) Refer from Agricultural products; Agricul- ture — Tropics; Fibers; Textile industry and fabrics ; V'arn Refer from Cotton growing (s) ; Cotton manu- facture (s) ; Cotton mills (s) ; Textile industry and fabrics Refer from Agricultural pests; Boll weevil; Cotton pests (s) ; Insects, Injurious and bene- ficial ; Plants — Diseases Refer from Cotton — Cultivation and manu- facture Refer from Bronchitis ; Cold (disease) ; Lungs ; Respiratory organs — Diseases Refer from Catholic church — Councils (s) ; Catholic church — History; Church coun- cils (s) ; Church history; Church law; Church polity; Ecumenical councils (s) ; Fathers of the church ; Synods (s) Refer from Bank notes; Crime and criminals; Forgery; Fraud; Imposture; Money Refer from Canon (music) ; Composition (music); Harmony; Music; Music — Theory Refer from Anti-reformation (s) ; Catholic church — History; Reformation Refer from Folklore; Games; Nursery rhymes Refer from Architecture, Domestic; Archi- tecture, Rural (s) ; Cottages; Farm houses (s) ; Rural architecture (s) ; Suburban houses (s) ; Summer cottages (s) ; Villas (s) Refer from City and country; Farm life; Outdoor life; Rural life (s) ; Simple life Refer from District schools (s) ; Education; Education, Elementary; Public schools; Rural schools (s) ; Schools 97 County officers ^ Sff also Coroners; Local government; SherifTs County option jfr Loc.iI option Coup d'ital of iSji jf( I-'rancc — History — Coup d'i-tat Couplings iff Car couplings Courage Sff aho Heroes Courses of study ite Curriculum; Study clubs Coursing See also Hares Court fools see Fools Court life see Courts and courtiers Courtesy See also Etiquet Courtiers see Courts and courtiers Courts See also Admiralty; Appeal; Cliancer\ ; Commercial courts; Courts martial; Judges; Jurisdiction; Jury; Juvenile courts; Law; Moot courts; Pleading and practice; Pro- bate law and practice; Trials; Vigilance committees; also names of countries and cities, subhead Courts Municipal Courts and courtiers See also Diplomatic memoirs; Kings and rulers; Precedence; Princes and princesses; Queens and empresses; also names of coun- triis. subhead Court and courtiers Courts martial See also Military law Courts of love See also Troubadours Courtship Sif alto Love; Marriage Covenanters See also Church of Scotland ; Presbyterian- ism ; Reformation — Scotland; Scotland — Religious history Covenants Cover crops Cover design see Book covers Covetousness see Avarice Cow see Cows Cowboys See also Ranch life Cows See also Cattle; Dairying; Horns; Milk; Milking Cradle songs see Lullabies Crafts see Arts and crafts; Handicraft; In- dustrial arts Cranes, derricks, etc. See also Hoisting machinery Craniology see Skull Cranks (machinery) Refer jrnm Law; Local government Refer from Bravery (s); Conduct of life; Ethics; rear; Heroes; Heroism (s) ; Valor (sj Refer from Hares; Hunting; Sports Refer from Conduct of life; Ethics; luiquet; Gentlemen; Manners (s) ; Politeness (s) Rrler from Judiciary (s) ; Jurisdiction; Law; Pleading and practice Refer from Municipal corporations; Munici- pal courts (s) ; Police courts (s) ; U. S. — Courts Refer from Court life (s) ; Courtiers (s) ; Etiquct; Kings and rulers; Monarchy; Princes and princesses; Queens and empresses; Society Refer from Courts; Martial law; Military law; Military trials (s) ; Trials Refer from Chivalry; Love, Courts of (s) Refer from Love; Marriage Refer from Church history — Modern; Church of Scotland; Presbyterianism ; Ref- ormation — Scotland ; Scotland — Religious history Refer from Church membership; Church polity ; Contracts Refer from Agriculture Refer from Cattle; Frontier and pioneer life; Live stock; Ranch life; Western states Refer from Cattle; Cow (s) ; Dairying; Do- mestic animals; Live stock; Milk Refer from Derricks (s) ; Hoisting machinery; Machinery Refer from Machinery 08 Crayon drawing •SV^ ul>u I'asU'l Cream .SVi- alio Dairy products; Dairying; Milk Cream separators .SVc iiljo Dairying Creameries .Vc alio Dairying Creation Sff alto Bible — Old Testament — Gene- sis; Karlli; Kvolmion; Geology; God; Man — Origin and anliquity; Mythology; Re- ligion and science; Teleology; Theology; Universe Creches Credit Sff also Agricultural credit; Banks and banking; Credit guides; Debt; Debts, Public; Instalment plan; Loans; Money; Negotiable instruments Credit foncier /i-c Agricultural credit Credit guides Creeds Sef also Apostles' creed; Athanasian creed; Catechisms; Nicene creed; also names of churches, sects, etc., subhead Catechisms and creeds Cremation Siv also L'rn burial Creoles Crests sff Heraldry Cretaceous period sfe Geology, Stratigraphic — Cretaceous ; Paleontology — Cretaceous Cribbage ib'iv also Cards Cricket (game) Cries Sfr Haltle cries; Street cries; Yells Crime and criminals Stf alio Adulterations; Adultery; Alco- holism ; Anarchism and anarchists; Anthro- pometry; Assassination; Bertillon system; Bribery; Brigands and robbers; Burglary; Capital punishment; Conspiracies; Convict labor; Counterfeits; Criminal law ; Dacoits; Defectives; Degeneration; Detectives; Dis- charged prisoners; Education and crime; Embezzlement ; Extradition ;l''orgery ;Fraud ; Gambling; Graft; Heredity; Identification; Indeterminate sentence; Infanticide; Ju- venile delinquency; Kidnapping; Larceny; Lotteries; Lynch law; Mafia; Murder; Mutiny; Outlaws; Pardon; Parole; Penal colonies; Perjury; Pirates; Police; Political offenses; Prisons; Probation system; Pros- titution; Punishment; Reformatories; Reg- icides ; Riots ; Smuggling; Suicide; Swindlers and swindling; Thieves; Thugs; Tramps; Treason; Trials; Vice; Vigilance commit- tees; Women — Crime; Workhouses; also names of cities, sub-head Crime and criminals Refer from Drawing; Portraits Refer from Dairy products; Dairying; Milk Refer from Dairying; Milk; Separators, Cream (s) Refer from Dairying Refer from Bible ; Bible — Old Testament — Genesis; Earth; Earth — Age; Evolution; Geology; God; Man; Man — Origin and antiquity; Natural religion; Philosophy; Re- ligion and science; Teleology; Theology; Universe Refer from Charities; Children — Charities, protection, etc.; Day nurseries (s) ; Nurseries, Day (s) Refer from Banks and banking; Bills of credit (s) ; Bills of exchange (s); Business; Commerce; Debt; Economics; Finance; Mon- ey ; Speculation Refer from Commercial ratings (s) ; Credit Refer from Belief; Catechisms; Church history; Church membership; Confessions of faith (s) ; Faith; Symbolics (s) ; Symbolism (theology) (s) ; Theology Refer from Burial; Burning the dead (s) ; Death; Hygiene, Public; Mortuary customs(s) Refer from Latin races; Louisiana; Southern states Refer from Cards Refer from Ball (s) ; Games Refer from Anthropology; Biography; Con- victs (s) ; Criminal anthropology (s) ; Criminal law; Criminals (s) ; Criminology (s) ; Dangerous classes (s) ; Defectives; Degeneration; Depen- dent classes (s) ; Ethics; Felony (s) ; Govern- ment; Identification; Immorality (s) ; Law; Outlaws; Police; Prisons; Punishment; Sin; Social problems; Sociology; Vice 99 ^■'ri'- , ■•"•'rT'l^f Crime and criminals — Continued U. S. .SV<- itl); Curves in engineering Sff also Civil engineering Customs Jff Manners and customs; Tariff Cut class iff Glass Cuiancous diseases Jff Skin — Diseases Cutlery .SVc alio Knives Cutter classification sff Classification, Expan- sive Cutting Jff Dressmaking; Garment cutting; Tailoring Cutworms Cyanide process Sff also Metallurgy Cyanotype sft Blue prints Cycles, Motor, jft Motor cycles Cycling Sft also Bicycles and tricycles; Motor cycles Cyclones Hff also Hurricanes; Storms; Tornadoes Cyclopedias Jte Encyclopedias Cycloramas ,S'(C also Panoramas Cymric language sft Welsh language Cymric literature sff Welsh literature Cyphers sff Ciphers Cytokinesis stt Karyokinesis Cytology set Cells Czechic language see Bohemian language Czechic literature ste Bohemian literature Czechs Sff also Bohemia ; Slavs Dacoits Daguerreotypes Sff also I'hotography Daily readings Dairy stt Dairying Dairy bacteriology Sff also Bacteriology, Agricultural; Cheese; Milk Dairy chemistry stt Agricultural chemistry; Dairy bacteriology Dairy products Sft also Butter; Cheese; Cream; Dai,-y- ing; Milk; Oleomargarine Reftr from Classical education; Colleges and universities; Courses of study (s) ; Education; Overpressure (education); Schools; Teaching Rfjfr from Calculus; Conic sections; Geom- etry; Geometry, Analytic Rfffr from Civil engineering; Curves; En- gineering; Railroads — Construction Rfffr from Hardware; Knives; Manufac- tures; Metal work Rtftr from Insects, Injurious and bcnclicial; Moths Rfffr from Klcctrometalhirgy ; Cold; Metal- lurgy; Ore treatment; Silver Rfffr from Bicycles and tricycles; Bicy- cling (s) ; Locomotion; Sports; Tricycling (s); Wheeling (s) Rfffr from Hurricanes; Storms; Tornadoes; Winds Rfffr from Panoramas Meteorology; Rfffr from Bohemia; Slavs Rfffr from Brigands and robbers; Crime and criminals; Dakoits (s); Murder Rtftr from Photography Rfffr from Calendars; Devotional exercises; Quotations Rfffr from Bacteriology; Bacteriology, Agricultural; Cheese; Chemistry, Dairy (s) ; Dairy chemistry (s) ; Dairying; Milk Rfffr from Agricultural products; Animal products; Butter; Cheese; Cream; Dairying; Milk Dairying Si-f also Butter; Cattle; Cheese; Cows; Cream; Cream separators; Creameries; Dairy bacteriology; Dairy products; Goats; Milk; Milking Dakolts jte Dacoits I^altonism iee Color blindness Damages Set alio Appraising; Arbitration ami award; DcmurraKc; F.mincnt doinain ; K.mploycrs' liability; Indemnity; Libel and slander; Negligence Dainascenini: "v Damaskeening Damaskeening Dampness in buildings Dams Sff also Cofferdams; Embankments; Hydraulic engineering ; Irrigation ; Masonry ; Reservoirs; Walls Dance music iV(- also Dancing; Waltzes Dancing i'fV also Ballet; Balls (parties); Cotillion; Dance music; Indians — Dances; Morris dance Dandies Danegeld i'i-f also Taxation — ■ England Danes in the U. S. See also Scandinavians in the U. S. Dangerous classes see Crime and criminals; Poor Dangerous occupations see Occupations, Dangerous Danish language See alio Scandinavian languages Danish literature See also Norwegian literature; Scandi- navian literature Darbyitcs see Plymouth brethren Dark ages see Middle ages Darning see Mending and repairing Darwinism see Darwin, Charles; Evolution; Natural selection Dates see Chronology, Historical Day nurseries see Creches Day of judgment see Judgment day Dayaks see Dyaks Daylight saving Days See also Almanacs; Birthdays; Fasts and feasts; festivals; Holidays; Night; also names of days of the week, and of special days, e.g. April fools' day; May day Deaconesses Refer from Agriculture; Butter; Cattle; Cheese; Cows; Cream; Cream separators; Creameries; Dairy (s); Dairy products; Home economics; Milk; Milking Refer from Accidents; Agency; Appraising; Arbitration and award; Compensation (s) ; Demurrage; Eminent domain; Employers' liability; Indemnity; Injuries (s) ; Law; Negligence; Properly; Torts Refer from Damascening (s); Inlay; Metal work Refer from Buildings, Dampness in (s) ; Humidity; Waterproofing Refer from Earthwork; Hydraulic engineer- ing; Irrigation; Masonry; Reservoirs; Rivers; Walls; Water supply; \Veirs (s) Refer from Dancing; Instrumental music; Music; Waltzes Refer from Amusements; Ballet; Balls (parties); Cotillion; Dance music; Ethics; Eliquet; Folk dances (s) ; Morris dance; Walf/ing (s) Refer from Beau.\ (s) ; Costume; Fashion; Fops (s) Refer from Taxation Refer from Scandinavians in the U. S.; U. S. — Foreign population Refer from Germanic languages; Scandi- navian languages Refer from Norwegian literature; Scandi- navian literature Refer from Hours of labor; Time Refer from Time Refer from Church polity; Church work; Sisterhoods; Women 103 Deacons I'lir cU'ac'iis 111 orders sef Clergy Dcail Iff Dim ill Deaf and dumb See al'o Deafiicss; Defectives; Lip rcail- Ing ; Sign laiii;ii:ii;e Asylums and education Di'.if-mutcs jee Deaf ami dumb Deafness See also Deaf and dumb; I'.ar; Hearing Death See alio Autopsy ; Biology ; Burial ; Conso- lation; Coroners; Cremation; Knibalming; EscliatoloRy; Kuneral rites and ceremonies; Future life; Future punishment; Heaven; Hell; Mortality; Mourning customs; Mur- der; Purgatory; Resurrection; Suicide; Vital statistics Apparent, see Suspended animation Deatli-bed words see Last words of famous people Death duties lee Inheritance and transfer tax Death notices see Obituaries Death penalty see Capital punishment Death rate see Mortality; Vital statistics Death records see Vital records Debates see Debating; also names of legisla- tive bodies, etc. Debating See also Elocution; Logic; Oratory; Par- liamentary practice Debt See also Assignments; Bankruptcy; Com- mercial law; Credit; Debts, Public; Limita- tions (law) ; Loans Debts, Public See also Drago doctrine; Finance; Loans; Repudiation; Sinking funds; also names of countries and cities, subhead Finance Decadence see Degeneration Decalogue see Commandments Decimal classification set Classification, Dec- imal Decimal system See also Metric system; Weights and measures Declamation see Elocution tions and readines Declaration of independence See also Fourth ol July; I — Revolution Signers Orations; Recita- History Declination of the compass see Compass Decoration and omameni See also Arabesque; Architectural design; Architecture; Art; Arts and crafts; Bas- relief; Bric-a-brac; Bronzes; Bronzing; Cabinet work; Carving (art industries); China painting; Church decoration and ornament; Design, Decorative; Devices; Refer from Church polity Rejer from Consanguinity; Deaf-mutes (») ; Deafness; Defectives; Dumb (s) ; Ear; Lip reading; Sign language; Speech Refer from Asylums; Charities; Charities, Medical; Education Refer from Deaf and dumb; Far; Hearing; Medicine — • Practice Refer from Biology; Dead fs) ; Eschatology ; Future life; Life; Mortality; Nlortuary cus- toms (s) ; Theology Refer from Argument fs); Debates (sj ; cussion (s) ; Elocution; Logic; Oratory Di; Refer from Bankruptcy; Commerce; Com- lercial law; Credit; Contracts; Law; Loans Refer from Bonds; Credit ; Debt ; Economics ; Finance; National debts (s) ; Public debts (s) ; Repudiation; State debts (s) Refer from Arithmetic; Metric system; Money; Notation (mathematics); Weights and measures Refer from Fourth of July; U. S. — History — Revolution Refer from Signers of the Declaration of independence (s) ; U. S. — Biography; U. S. — History — Revolution — Biography Refer from Arabesque; Architecture; Art; Art, Decorative (s); Arts and crafts; Bric-a- brac; Cabinet work; Design, Decorative; Drawing; Fancy work; House decoration; Ornament (s) ; Painting; Wood carving 104 Embroidery; Knamcl; Fancy work; Floral decoration; Frescoes; Furniture; Gems; House decoration ; Illumination of manu- scripts and books; Illustration of books; Inlay; Ironwork; Jewelry; Lettering; Metal work; Moldings; Monograms; \losaics; Mural painting and decoration; Painting; Plant forms; Pottery; School decoration; Sculpture; Stained glass; Stencil work; Stucco; Tapestrv; "I'erra cotta; Textile design; Vases; \Vindow dressing; Wood carving Decor.ition d^iy ser Memorial day Decorations of honor See also Heraldry; Insignia; Medals; Titles of honor and nobility; Victoria cross Decorative design see Design, Decorative Dedication of books see Book dedication Dedication of churches see Church dedication Deeds See also Acknowledgments; Charters; Conveyancing; Easements; Gifts; Land titles; Real estate; Torrens system Deep-sea fauna see Marine zoology Deep-sea sounding see Sounding and soundings Deer See also Reindeer; Ungulata Defalcation see Embezzlement Defamation see Libel and slander Defectives See also Auxiliary schools ; Blind ; Children, Abnormal and backward; Crime and crim- inals; Deaf and dumb; Deformities; Degen- eration; Feeble-minded; Idiocy; Insanity; Juvenile delinquency Defenses, National, see Coast defense; also names of countries, subhead Defenses Definition Deformities See also Defectives ; Monsters Degeneration See also Crime and criminals; Defectives; Evolution; Heredity; Insanity; Physical deterioration; \'ice Degrees, Academic Degrees of latitude and longitude see Geodesy; Latitude and longitude Dehorning of cattle see Horns Deism See also Atheism; Christianity; Free thought; God; Positivism; Rationalism; Skepticism; Theism Delaware Indians See also Algonquian Indians Refer from Badges of honor (s) ; Heraldry; Insignia; Medals; Titles of honor and nobility Refer from Acknowledgments; Commercial law ; Contracts ; Conveyancing ; Documents (s) ; Forms (in law); Land; Land titles; Real estate Refer from Cervidae (s) ; Game; Hunting; Ungulata Refer from Auxiliary schools; Blind; Chil- dren, Abnormal and backward; Crime and criminals; Deaf and dumb; Deformities; De- generation; Dependent classes (s) ; Feeble- minded; Heredity; Idiocy; Insanity; Juvenile delinquency; Mentally deficient children (s) ; Social problems; Sociology Refer from Language; Words Refer from Defectives; Monsters; Orthope- dics (s) ; Physiology; Surgery; Teratology (s) Refer from Anthropology; Civilization; Con- sanguinity; Crime and criminals ; Decadence (s) ; Defectives; Eugenics; Evolution; Hered- ity; Insanity; Physical deterioration; Physi- ology ; Vice Refer from Academic degrees (s) ; Bachelor's degrees (s) ; College degrees (s) ; Colleges and universities; Doctor's degrees (s) ; Honorary degrees (s) ; Scholars; Titles of honor and nobility; University degrees (s) Refer from Atheism; Christianity; Free thought; God; Natural religion; Philosophy; Rationalism; Religion; Skepticism; Theism; Theology Refer from Algonquian Indians; Lenape Indians (s) ; Lenni Lenape (s) loS I)cliiu|ucn( clilMrcii ift Juvenile delinquency Delsarte system .SVi- also Expression Deltas Stf alio Physical geography Deluge Sti- also Bible — Old Tcslamcnt Gene Delusions lef Errors, Popular; Illusions and hallucinations; Imposture; Medical delu- sions ; Sea serpents ; Superstition; Swindlers and swindling;; Witchcraft Demand and supply sf( Supply and demand Dementia see Insanity Democracy ,SV(- also Aristocracy; Despotism; Equal- it) ; Federal government; Government; Liberty; Monarchy; Referendum; Repre- sentative government and representation; Republics; Socialism; Suffrage; Town meet- ing Democratic party Stt also Tammany Hall; U. S. — ■ Politics Demonetization of silver sff Silver (as money) Demonology Sff also Amulets; Apparitions; Charms; Devil; Devil worship; Evil eye; Magic; Occult sciences; Superstition; Witchcraft Demonstration work in agriculture see Agricul- ture — Demonstration work Demurrage See also Carriers ; Damages Denatured alcohol see Alcohol, Denatured Dendrology see Trees Denominational schools see Church and educa- tion ; Church schools Denominations, Religious, see Sects; also names of churches and sects Density see Specific gravity Dentistry See also Dentists; Mouth; Teeth Dentists Denudation iff Erosion Department stores See also Mail order business Departmental system of teaching see Teachinu' — Departmental system Dependencies see Colonies and colonization Dependent children see Children — Charities, protection, etc. Dependent classes see Charities; Crime and criminals; Defectives; Poor Deportation see I'enal colonies Deposition (geology) see Sedimentation and deposition Depots see Railroads — Stations Depravity See also Sin Dermatology see Skin Derricks see Cranes, derricks, etc. Refer from Dramatic expression (s) ; Elocu- tion; Expression; Gesture; Physical education Refer jrom Physical geography; Rivers Refer from Bible; Bible — Old Testament — Genesis; Earth; I'lood (s); Geology Refer from Aristocracy; Constitutional his- tory; Constitutional law; Despotism; FCqual- ity; Kederal government; Free institutions; Government; Liberty; Monarchy; People; Popular government (s) ; Presidential govern- ment (s); Representative government and representation; Republics; Self-government (s) Refer from Political parties; U. S. — Politics Refer from Angels; Apparitions; Devil; Devil worship; Evil spirits (s); Ghosts; Occult sciences; Spirits (s) ; Superstition; Witchcraft Refer from Admiralty; Carriers; Damages; Freight; Transportation Refer from Medicine; Professions; Surgery: Teeth Refer from Biography; Dentistry Refer from Business; Competition; Stores (s) Refer from Sin; Theology; Total deprav- ity (s) io6 Dervishes Sff alio Mohammedanism Descent jte Genealogy; Heredity; Primogeni- ture Description (rhetoric) jrr Descriptive writing Descriptive geometry jcc Geometry, Dcscrip- tixe Descriptive writing Sff also Rhetoric Desecration iff Sacrilege Desert vegetation .SVc aho Dry farming Deserts Set also Desert vegetation ; Mirage ; Oases ; Reclamation of land Dcsif;n, Architectural, ift Architectural design Desii;n, Argument for, ire Teleology Design, Decorative See alio Architectural design; Art; Arts and crafts; Book covers; Carving (art industries) , Decoration and ornament {Draw- ing; Lettering; Plant forms; Stencil work; Textile design Design, Machine, see Machine design Des Moines plan of city government see Municipal government — Commission plan Despotism See also Democracy; Kings and rulers; Liberty; Monarchy; Paternalism; Tyranny Desserts See also Cookery; Dinners and dining; Ices Destiny see Fate and fatalism Details, Architectural, see Architecture — Details Detective stories Detectives ^'/v also Detective stories; Police; Secret sci\ ice Determinants See also Algebra Determinism see I'Veedom of the will Determinism, Economic, see Economic de- terminism Detroit plan see Vacant lot cultivation Development see Embryology; Evolution; Growth Devices See also Emblems; Heraldry; Insignia; Mottoes; Symbolism Devil See also Demonology; Devil worship Devil worship See aho Demonology; Occult sciences Devonian period see Geology, Stratigraphic — Devonian; Paleontology — Devoniaji Devotion see Devotional exercises; Prayer; Worship Devotional exercises See also Church music; Church services; Consolation; Daily readings; Family wor- Reftr from Mohammedanism; Religions Refer from Description (rhetoric) (s) ; Rhetoric Refer from Botany; Deserts; Dry farming Refer from Oases; Physical geography Refer from Art; Art, Decorative (s) ; Arts and crafts; Book covers; Decoration and orna- ment; Decorative design (s) ; Drawing; Floral design (s) ; Ornamental design (s) ; Plant forms Refer from Absolutism (s) ; Caesarism (s) ; Democracy; Government; iMonarchy; Pa- ternalism; Tyranny Refer from Cookery; Dinners and dining Refer from Detectives; Fiction Refer from Crime and criminals; Police; Secret service Refer from Algebra Refer from Coats of arms (s) ; Decoration and ornament; Emblems; Heraldry; Insignia; Mottoes; Symbolism Refer from Demonology; Folklore; Satan (s) ; Superstition; Theology Refer from Demonology; Devil; VV'orship Refer from Christian life and character; Church services; Devotion (s) ; Family wor- 107 sliip; Hymns; 1. hurries ; Lord's pra)iT; Lord's supper; Meditations; Prayers; Re- sponsive worship; Worship Dew Sec also Humidity Dewey classification /<•<• QIassilication, Decimal Diabetes Diagnosis .Sec aljo Auscultation; Medicine — Prac- tice; Pain; Pathology; Sphygmograph ; \ rays Dialect recitations iff Recitations and readings, Dialect Dialectics see Logic Dialects See also Slang; ;s see Architecture, Domestic; Mousing problem Dyaks See also Borneo; Head-hunters Dyeing see Dyes and dyeing Dyes and dyeing See also Blenching ; Calico printing ; Chem- istry, Technical; Cleaning; Coal-tar colors; Color; Drying; Indigo; Khaki Dyestuffs see Dyes and dyeing Dying words see Last words of famous people Dykes see Dikes (geology); Embankments Dynamics See also Aerodynamics; Dynamometer; Klectrodynamics ; Force and energy; Hy- drodynamics; Kinematics; Matter; Me- chanics; Motion; Physics; Rotation; Stat- ics; Thermodynamics Dynamite See also Explosives Dynamo-electric machines see Dynamos ; Electric motors Dynamometer Dynamos See also Armatures; Commutators; Elec- tric motors; Switchboards Dyspepsia See also Digestion Eagles See also Birds Ear See also Deaf Hearing; Sound Early church see church Early English language see English language — Middle English Early English literature see English literature — History and criticism — \Iiddlc English Earth See also Antarctic regions; Arctic regions; Astronomy; Climate; Creation; Deluge; Earthquakes ; Geochemistry ; Geodesy ; Geog- raphy; Geology; Glacial period; Globes; Latitude and longitude; Magnetism, Ter- restrial; Meteorology; Mines and mineral resources; North pole; Nutation; Ocean; Physical geography; Seasons; South pole; Tropics; V'olcanoes and dumb; Deafness; Church history — Early Refer from Conduct of life; Ethics Refer from Man; Monsters; Pigmies (s) ; Pygmies (s) Refer from Borneo; Dayaks (s) ; Head-hunt- ers ; Kayans (s) Refer from Force and energy; Kinematics; Kinetics (s); Matter; Mechanics; Motion; Physics; Rotation; Statics Refer from Explosives Refer from Dynamics; Electric testing; Force and energy; Power; Prony brake (s) Refer from Armatures; Commutators; Dy- namo-electric machines (s); Electric apparatus and appliances; Electric engineering; Electric generators (s) ; Electric machinery; Electric motors; Electricity; Generators, Electric (s) ; Machine shop practice ; Motors Refer from Diet; Digestion; Indigestion (s) ; Medicine — Practice Refer from Birds Refer from Anatomy; Deafness; Head; Hearing; Otology (s) ; Sound Refer from Astronomy ; Creation ; Geography ; Geology; Nature; Physical geography; Plan- ets; Universe; World (s) Ii6 Earth Continued - —Age Sfe also Creation ; Geology Figure Stt also Geodesy Rotation Temperature Earlli worms lee F.artlnvorms Kanliciiwarc sfe Pottery Earthquakes Sff also Geology; Physical geography; Volcanoes l'..irllis, Rare, sff Rare earths Earthwork S(e also Civil engineering; Dams; Em- bankments; Excavation; rortification ; KoiHul.itions ; 'runnels; Walls Earthworks (archaeology) vS'ci- also Archaeology; Mounds and mound builders Earthworms Easements $,■:■ also Eminent domain; Real estate East See also Asia; Levant Easter See also Carols; Jesus Christ — Resurrec- tion and ascension; Lent Eastern churches See also Coptic church; Greek church; Nestorians Eastern empire see Byzantine empire Eastern question (Central Asia) See also Asia, Central; British in Asia (Central) ; Russians in Asia (Central) ; Tibet ; Turkestan Eastern question (Far East) See also Boxers; China; Chinese-Japanese war, 1894-1895 ; Japan ; Korea; Manchuria; Russo-Japanese war, 1904-1905 Eastern question (Near East) See also Balance of power; Balkan penin- sula; Crimean war; Panislamism ; Panslav- ism ; Russia — Foreign relations; Russo-Turk- ish war, 1877-1878; Turkey — Foreign rela- tions Eating See also Breakfasts; Cookery; Diet; Dinners and dining; Drinking customs; Food; Luncheons; Menus; Table Eccentricity Ecclesiastical antiquities see Christian antiqui- ties Ecclesiastical architecture see Church archi- tecture Ecclesiastical art see Christian art and sym- bolism Refer from Geology R-fer from Figure of the earth (s); Geodesy M'ler from Pendulum; Rotation; Rotation of the earth (s) Refer from Heat; Temperature Refer from Disasters; Earth; Geology; Physical geography; Seismology (s) ; Vol- canoes Refer from Civil engineering; Embankments; Engineering; F'.xcavation ; Fortification; Foun- dations ; Railroads; Railroads — • Construction Refer from Archaeology; Excavations (s) ; Mounds and mound builders Refer from Earth worms (s) ; Worms Refer from Deeds; Eminent domain; Land; Law; Real estate; Trespass Refer from Asia; Far East (s) ; Levant; Orient (s) Refer from Christian year; Fasts and feasts; Holy week; Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ — Resurrection and ascension ; Lent Refer from Church history; Coptic church; Greek cliurch; Nestorians Refer from Asia, Central; British in Asia (Central); British in India; International relations; Russians in Asia (Central); Tibet; Turkestan Refer from Boxers; China; Chinese ques- tion (s) ; Far-eastern question (s) ; Interna- tional relations; Japan; Korea; Manchuria; Yellow peril (s) Refer from Balance of power; Balkan penin- sula; Balkan question (s) ; Europe — Politics; International relations; Russia — Foreign re- lations; Turkey — Foreign relations # Refer from Dinners and dining; Drinking customs ; Food ; Gastronomy (s) ; Manners and customs; Meals (s) ; Table Refer from Conduct of life; Insanity; Psychology H7 Ecclesiastical biography see Chrislian biog- raphy Ecclesiastical ceremonies set Rites and cere- monies I''cclesiastical costume see Church vestments Ecclesiastical fasts and feasts see l''asts and feasts Ecclesiastical furniture see Church furniture Ecclesiastical history see Church history Ecclesiastical law see Church law Ecclesiastical polity see Church polity Ecclesiastical statistics see Church statistics Kcdcsiastical vestments see Church vestments Echinodermata See also Invertebrates Eclectic medicine see Medicine, Eclectic Eclipses See also Astronomy; Astronomy, Spherical and practical; Moon; Occultations ; Sun; Transits EcloRucs see Pastoral poetry Ecology Si-e also Acclimatization; Acclimatization (plants); Adaptation (biology); Environ- ment; Geographical distribution of animals and plants; Seeds — Dispersal Economic botany see Botany, Economic Economic conditions see names of countries, subhead Economic conditions Economic determinism See also Socialism Economic entomology see Insects, Injurious and bencHclal Economic geography see Commercial geog- raphy Economic geology see Geology, Economic Economic zoology see Zoology, Economic Economics See also Apprentices; Balance of trade; Banks and banking; Business; Business depression; Capital; Charities; Combina- tion, Industrial; Commerce; Communica- tion; Communism; Competition; Consump- tion (economics); Cooperation; Corn laws; Cost ; Cost of living ; Credit ; Debts, Public ; Economic determinism; Efficiency, Industri- al; Exchange; Factory system; Finance; Food supply; Gilds; Government owner- ship; Government regulation of industry; Home economics; Income; Individualism; Industry; Interest; Investments; Labor and capital; Labor and laboring classes; Labor unions; Land; Land tenure; Leisure class; Luxury; Manufactures; Money; Monopolies; Panics; Physiocrats; Poor; Population; Precious metals; Prices; Privi- leged classes; Profit; Profit sharing; Proper- ty; Prosperity; Rent; Salaries; Socialism; Speculation; Standard of living; Statistics; Stock exchange; Stocks; Strikes and lock- outs; Sumptuary laws; Supply and de- mand; Tariff; Tariff question; Taxation; Refer from Invertebrates; Marine zoology Refer from Astronomy; Astronomy, Spheri- cal and practical; Lunar eclipses (s) ; Moon; Solar eclipses (s); Sun Refer from Acclimatization; Acclimatization (plants); Adaptation (biology); Biology; Bio- nomics (s) ; Botany — Ideology (s) ; Environ- ment; Geographical distribution of animals and plants; Natural history; CEcology (s) ; Zoology Refer from Determinism, Economic (s) ; Economics; Historic materialism (s) ; History — Philosophy; Progress; Socialism Refer from Banks and banking; Business; Capital; Commerce; Consumption (econom- ics); Distribution of wealth (s) ; Exchange; Finance; Government; Individualism; In- dustry; Labor and laboring classes; Political economy (s) ; Prices; Production (s); Profit; Rent; Science; Social science (s) ; Socialism; Sociology; Supply and demand; Tariff; Tariff question; Taxation; Wages; VVealth ii8 Thrift; Transportation; Trusts; UncarnfJ increment; L'nemploycJ ; Value; \\'au-es; Wealth; ulso names of countries, sublicad Kcononiic cunditiuns F.conomy set Thrift Ecstasy Kcumenical councils sff Councils and synods' alio names of special councils Eddas See alio Icelandic literature; Sagas • Old Testament — Gene- Eden See also Bible • sis ; Fall of man Editorials Sf/ iiho Journalism Education See iiL'O Auxiliary schools; Bible in the schools; Blind — Asylums and education; Books and reading; Business education; Charity schools; Child study; Children; Church and education; Civilization; Classi- cal education; Coeducation; College educa- tion. Value of; Colleges and universities; Compulsory education; Correspondence schools and courses; Country schools; Cul- ture; Curriculum; Deaf and dumb — Asy- lums and education; Education and citizen- ship; Education and crime; Education and state; Education of women; Educational associations; Educators; Evening and con- tinuation schools; Examinations; Farm schools; Grammar schools; High schools; Home education ; Illiteracy ; Indians — Edu- cation; Industrial education; Kindergarten; Knowledge; Lectures and lecturing; Li- braries; Libraries and schools; Lyceums; Manual training; Mechanics' institutes; Memory; Mental discipline; Military edu- cation; Moral education; Nature study; Naval education; Negroes — Education; Normal schools; Object teaching; Open- air schools; Overpressure (education); Phys- ical education; Private schools; Profession- al education; Psychology; Psychology, Educational; Public schools; Public schools and religion ; Ragged schools ; Reformatories ; Religious education; Research; Scholars; Scholarships; Schools; Self-culture; Self- government (in education); Seminary meth- od; Students; Study; Summer schools; Sunday schools; Teachers; Teaching; Tech- nical education; Textboolcs; Theological schools; Trade schools; University exten- sion; Vacation schools; Vocational educa- tion; alio headings beginning School, and subhead Study and teaching under special subjects, e.g. Art — Study and teaching - — Classical, lee Classical education - — Compulsory, see Compulsory education Elementary See also Busy work; Children, Abnor- mal and backward; Country schools; Refer from Psychology; Religion Refer from Icelandic literature; Mythology, Norse; Sacred books; Sagas; Scandinavian literature Refer from Bible — Old Testament — Gene- sis; Fall of man; Garden of Eden (s) ; Para- dise (s) pa Refer fr pers ; R rom Journalism; Literature; News- ' hctoric Refer from Boys; Civilization; Colleges and universities; Culture; Girls; Instruction (s) ; Knowledge; Learning (s) ; Mental discipline; Psychology; Public schools; Scholarship (s) ; Schools; Self-culture; Social problems; So- ciology; Students; Study; Teachers; Teach- ing; Training Refer from Children; Children — Educa- tion (s); Education, Primary (s) ; Education IIQ Education — Continued (Srammar sclmols; Home education; In- dustrial education; Kindergarten ; Object teaching; Private schools Higher, set Classical education; College education. Value of; Colleges and universities; Professional education; Technical education Industrial, see Industrial education Medical, see Medicine — Study and leach- ing Military, see Military education Moral, see Moral education Musical, see Music — Instruction and study Naval, see Naval education Primary, see Education, Elementary Professional, see Professional education Religious, see Religious education Scientific, see Science — Study and teach- ing Secondary .S'SS; England — History — Tudors; Shakespeare, Wil- liam — - Contemporary England -Stuarts, 1603-1714 Sff also England — History — Civil war and commonwealth; Gunpowder plot; Jacobites; King William's war; Nonjurors; Popish plot; Queen Anne's war; Regicides; Rye House plot; Spanish succession. War of -Civil war and commonwealth, 1642- 1660 Sff aha England — History — Stu- arts; Regicides 1714-1837 Sff also French and Indian war; Jacobites; Napoleonic wars; Peninsular war, 1807-1814; Seven years' war; I'. S. — Hisloiy — Revolution Victorian period, 1837-1901 S.f also Chartism; Crimean war; South African war, 1899-1902 1901- Sff also South African war, 1 899-1902 English ballads sff Ballads, English English composition sff Composition(Engllsh) ; Rhetoric English dialects sff English language — Dia- lects English dictionaries sff Dictionaries, English English drama Sff alio American drama; Dramatists. English; English literature; Miracle, morali- ty and mystery plays; Theater — England English essays Sff also American essays; English litcra- English fiction Sff also American fiction; English litera- ture English grammar jff Grammar, English English humor jfe Humor, English English idioms jff Idioms, English English in India sff British in India Refer from Great Britain — History (s) Refer from Anglo-Saxons; Britons Refer from Hastings, Battle of; Norman conquest (s) ; Normans Refer from Barons' war; Hundred years' war Refer from Aglncourt, Battle of; England — History — Plantagenets; Hundred years' war; Wars of the Roses Refer from England — History — Elizabeth- an period Refer from Armada, 1588; Elizabethan age (s) ; England — History — • Tudors Refer from England — History — Civil war and commonwealth; Gunpowder plot; Popish plot; Regicides; Rye House plot Rfffr from Civil war (s) ; Commonwealth of England (s) ; England — History — Stuarts; Regicides Refer from Jacobites Rfffr from American drama; Drama; Dramatists, English; English literature; Eng- lish poetry; Theater — England Refer from American essays; English litera- ture; Essays Refer from American fiction; English lit- erature ; Fiction 129 English language .SVc ij/j'i Americanisms; Anglo-Saxon lan- Riiagc; Briiicisms; Composition (Knglisli) ; Dictionaries, English; (>crm;>nic languages; Grammar, English; Idioms, English; Pro- nunciation, English; Prosody, English; Slang; Spelling, English; Synonyms and antonyms, English Alphabet, see Alphabet Compositon, see Composition (English) Conversation and phrase books, see Eng- lish language — Eor foreigners Dialects See also Amt-riranisms ; Briticisms; Negro dialect Dictionaries, see Dictionaries, English Etymology .SV^ aUu English language — History For foreigners -Grammar, lee Grammar, English —History See also English language — Etymology ; English language — \liddle English — Idioms, see Idioms, English —Middle English — — Old English, see Anglo-Saxon language; English language — Middle English -Orthography, see Spelling, English Pronunciation, see Pronunciation, English -Prosody, see Prosody, English Readers, see Readers Rhymes, see Rhyme Spelling, see Spelling, English Study and teaching See also English language — I'or for- eigners Synonyms and antonyms, see Synonyms and antonyms, English Syntax, see Grammar, English English letters see Letters, English Enp^sh literature See also American literature; Anglo-Saxon literature; Authors, English; Ballads, Eng- lish; Canadian literature; English drama; English essays; English fiction; English poetry; Humor, English; Irish literature (English); Letters, English; Newspapers — England; Orations, English; Parodies; Peri- odicals — England; Satire, English; Scot- tish literature; Sonnets, English Collections See also English poetry — Collections ; Recitations and readings — ■ — History and criticism Middle English Rejer JTom Anglo-Saxon language; England — Language (s) ; Germanic languages; U. S. — Language (s) -Elizabethan period 17th century Meter from Dialects; Dictionaries, English; England — Dialects (s) ; English dialects (s) ; ' " Dialects (s) r. S Refer from English language — History Refer from English language — Conversa- tion and phrase books (s) ; English language — Study and teaching; Foreigners (s) Refer from English language — Etymology Refer from Early English language (s) ; English language — History; English language — Old English (s) ; Middle English language (s) ; Old English language (s) Rejer from American literature; Anglo- Saxon literature; Authors, English; British literature (s) ; England — Literature (s) ; Eng- lish drama; English essays; English fiction; English poetry; Humor, English; Irish literature (English); Literature; Satire, Eng- lish; Scottish literature Refer from English poetry — Collections; Recitations and readings Refer from Early English literature (s) ; Middle ages — Literature; Middle English literature (s) ; Old English literature (s) Refer from Elizabethan age (s) ; Elir.abethan literature (s) Refer from Seventeenth century 130 English literature - Contituu-ti i8th century 19th century -20th century History and criticism - Study and teaching English metrical romances Kn);lisli iii'HS|i;ipcrs ste Newspapers — England English orations srt Oratiuns, English English periodicals /i"^ Periodicals — England English pliilosophy ste Philosophy, English English poetry See also American poetry; Anglo-Saxon poetry; Ballads, English; Canadian poetry; English drama; English literature; English metrical romances; Irish poetry; Lake poets; Poets, English; Prosody, English; Scottish poetry; Songs, English; Sonnets, English Collections English satire see Satire, English English songs see Ballads, English; Songs, English English sonnets see Sonnets, English English spelling see Spelling, English English synonyms see Synonyms and anto- nyms, English English syntax see Grammar, English English wit and humor see Humor. English Engravers See also Artists Engraving See also Bank notes; Color printing; Engravings; Etching; Gems; Glyptics; Illustration of books; Lithography; Photo- engraving ; Photogravure ; Stipple engraving ; Wood engraving Engravings See also Color prints; Etchings; Pictures Enigmas see Riddles Enlightenment Enlistment see Recruiting and enlistment Ennui Ensigns see Flags Ensilage .S'rv also Feeding and feeding stuffs Entail See also Primogeniture Enteric fever see Typhoid fever Entertaining See also Amusements; Balls (parties); Cards; Children's parties; Dinners and dining; Entertainments; Etiquct; Guests; Lunclieons; Menus Entertainments Si'^a/jo Amateur theatricals ; Amusements ; Christmas entertainments; Church enter- tainments; Concerts; Drills and marches; Entertaining; Fairs; Festivals; Holidays; Jarley waxworks ; Lectures and lecturing; Refer from Eighteenth century Refer from Nineteenth century; \'ictorian literature (s) Refer from Twentieth century Refer from English poetry; Romances Refer from American poetry; Anglo-Saxon poetry; Ballads, English; British poetry (s) ; English literature; Lake poets; Poetry; Poets, English; Scottish poetry; Sonnets, English Refer from English literature — -Collections; Recitations and readings Refer from Artists; Biography Refer from Art; Chalcography (s) ; Etching; Graphic arts (s) ; Illustration of books; In- dustrial arts; Lithography; Mezzotint (s) ; Steel engraving (s) ; Stipple engraving Refer from Drawings; Engraving; Etchings; Pictures ; Prints (s) Refer from Philosophy; Philosophy, Modern; Rationalism Refer from Mind and body Refer from Agriculture; Feeding and feeding stuffs; Forage plants; Silage (s) ; Silos (s) Refer from Inheritance; Primogeniture; Property; Real estate Refer from Entertainments ; Etiquet ; Guests ; Home economics; Hospitality; Parties (s) ; Society Refer from Amusements; Church entertain- ments; Entertaining; Sociables (s) ; Socials (s) 131 Moving pictures; Pageants; Panoramas; Panlomime; Recitations and readings; School entertainments; Sunday school cn- Icrtainmcnts ; Tableaux; 'I'licater Enthusiasm Sri- iilSVc o.'O Dcmuirary; Nationalism, New; RcpuMiis; Secession; Stale govcrnmcius; Slate ri^lits Federal ownership see Government owners'-ip Federal reRulation of industry see Government reiiiilalion of industry Federation, Imperial, see Imperial federation Feeble-minded See also Children. Abnormal and back- ward; Dcfeclives; Idiocy Feed see Feeding and feeding stuffs FtcJ water See also Boiler scale; Boilers; Feed-water heaters; Injectors; Water — Purification Feed-water heaters Feeding and feeding stuffs See alio Alfalfa; Clover; Corn; Fnsilairc; Forage plants; Grain; Grasses; Hay; Live stock; Oats; Root crops Feeling see Touch Feelinps see Emotions Feet see I'oot Felony see Crime and criminals Females see Women Fence wire Fences See also I'cncc wire; Gates; Hedges; Railings Fencing See also Dueling; Swords Fenians (society) See also Canada — Ilistor) 1867- ; Home rule — Ireland; Ireland — History; Ireland — Politics Fens see Marshes Fermentation See also Bacteriology; Brewing; Chemis- try, Organic; Chemistry, Technical; F.n- zymcs; Putrefaction; Yeast Ferments see Enzymes; Fermentation Ferns See also Cryptogams Ferries See also names of cities, subhead Ferries Ferro-concrete see Concrete, Reinforced Ferrotype Fertility see Fecundity; Soil fertility Fertilization of plants See aim Botany — Physiology; Color of flowers; Plant breeding Fertilizers and manures .SV<' also Agricultural chemistry; Alfalfa; Ammonia; Guano; Gypsum; Lime; Nitrifi- cation; Peat; Phosphates; Soil inoculation Refer from Confederacies (s) ; Constitutional law; Democracy; Free institutions; Govern- ment; Republics; Secession Refer from Brain; Children, Abnormal and backward; Defectives; Idiocy; Imbecility (s) ; Insanity; Mental diseases; Mentally deficient children (s) Refer from Boiler scale; Boilers; Water; Water — Purification Refer from Feed water Refer from Agriculture; Alfalfa; Cattle; Corn; Ensilage; Feed (s) ; Fodder (s); lorage plants; Grasses; Hay; Live stock; Sheep; Soiling crops (s) ; Swine Refer from Barbed wire (s) ; Fences; Wire Refer from Architecture; Gates; Railings Refer from Amusements; Athletics; Dueling; Fighting (s); Military art and science; Sports; Swords Refer from Canada — History — 1867-; Home rule — Ireland; Ireland — History; Ireland — Politics ; Secret societies Refer from Bacteriology; Botany — Physi- ology; Chemistry; Chemistry, Organic; Chem- istry, Technical; Enzymes; Ferments (s) ; Liquors; Physiological chemistry; Putrefac- tion ; Yeast Refer from Cryptogams; Filices (s) Refer from Inland navigation; Transporta- tion; Waterways Refer from Photography; Tintype (s) Refer from Botany; Botan> Physiology; Color of flowers; Flowers; Insects; Plants; Plants — Fertilization (s) ; Pollination (s) Refer from Agricultural chemistry; Agricul- ture; Guano; Manures (s) ; Phosphates; Soil fertility ; Soils 143 Fibers .SV^ also Cotton ; I''lax; Hemp; Jute; I.incn ; Ramie; Silk; Texlile industry and f;ibiics : Wool Festivals ,S.Y Vc alio Alfalfa; Clover; Corn; Ensilage; Feeding and feeding stuffs; Grasses; Graz- ing; Pastures and meadows; Sorghum Force and energy St/ Centrifugal force; Dynamics; Dynamometer; F.lectromotive force; Me- chanics; Motion; Physics; Potential, Theory of Forecasts iVi- also Fortune telling; Prophecies; Utopias; Weather forecasts Foreign exchange Set also Money Foreign missions sfe Missions, Foreign Foreign relations sff International relations; also names of countries, subhead Foreign relations Foreign trade see Commerce Foreigners see Aliens; Citizenship; English language — For foreigners; Naturalization; also names of countries and cities, subhead Foreign population Foremen's schools Forenames see Names, Personal Forensic chemistry see Chemistry, Legal Forensic medicine see Medical jurisprudence Foreordination see Predestination Forest fires Forest nurseries Forest planting See ee Reptiles, Kossil I'ossil trees see 'I'rccs, Fossil Fossil wood see Trees, Fossil F'ossils see Paleontology; also Fossil pKints, and subhead Fossil under various animals and plants Foundations 6'cc also Bridges — Foundations and piers; Building; Caissons; Civil engineer- ing; CotTerdanis; Compressed air; Concrete; Farthwork; Masonry; Piles and pile driv- ing; Shoring and underpinning; Walls Founding see Foundry work Foundlings See also Adoption; Children — Charities, protection, etc.; Orphans and orphan asy- lums Foundry work ^ee also Cast iron; Cupola furnaces; Pattern making Fountains See also Springs Fourth dimension Fourth of July See also Declaration Fourth of July orations Fourth of July orations Fowl see Poultry Fowling see Falconry Fowls see Poultry Fox see Foxes Foxes See also Carnivora of independence; Radiography; Surgery; Picture frames Fractures 6Vir also Bones ; X rays Frames {(or pictures) France — History See also Basques To 1328 See also Franks; Gauls — House of Valois, 1328-1589 See also Agincourt, Battle of; Hugue- nots; Hundred years' war; Reforma- tion — France; St. Bartholomew's day. Massacre of Bourbons, 1589-1,89 See also Austrian succession. War of; Diam'.r'.d necklace aflfair; French and '. war; Fronde; Iron Mask; Seven years' war; Spanish succession, War of Revolution, see French revolution Consulate and empire, 1799-1815 See also Napoleonic wars; Peninsular war, 1807-1814; Waterloo, Battle of Restoration, 1815-1848 Refer from Architecture; Building; Caissons; Civil engineering; Cofferdams; Karthwork; Fngineering; Masonry; Piles and pile driving; Shoring and underpinning; Walls Refer from Children; Children — Charities, protection, etc. ; Orphans and orphan asylums. Refer from Cast iron; Casting (s) ; Cupola furnaces; Founding (s); Furnaces; Industrial arts; Iron; Iron founding (s) ; Iron Industry; Machine shop practice; Metals; Molding (s); Moulding (s) ; Pattern making; Steel; Tu- yeres (s) Refer from Architecture; Hydraulic engineer- ing ; Water supply Refer from Dimension, Fourth (s) ; Geom- etry; Hyperspace (s) ; Mathematics; Space Refer from Declaration of independence; Holidays; Independence day (s) ; July fourth (s) Refer from Fourth of July; Orations, Ameri- can ; U. S. — History — Revolution Refer from Carnivora; Fox (s) ; I'"ur-bearlng animals ; Hunting Refer from Bones; Surgery Refer from Franks; Gauls Refer from .Agincourt, Battle of; Hundred years' war; Reformation — France; St. Bar- tholomew's day. Massacre of Refer from Ancien regime (s) ; .Austrian suc- cession, War of; Fronde Refer from Napoleonic wars; Waterloo, Battle of 152 France —History — Coniinucd Revolution of 1848 .SVc ''ur- naces ; Gas ; Gas, Natural ; Heating ; Lignite ; Lii]uid fuel; Peat; Petroleum; Smoke; W.M.d Fugitive slaves Set aho Maroons; Underground railroad (slavery) Fugue .SVi- aho Canon (music); Musical form Fumigation See aho Disinfection and disinfectants; Formaldehyde; Fumigation of plants Fumigation of plants See aho I'ruit — Diseases and pests Refer from AfTection (s) ; Conduct of life; Ethics; Love; Sympathy Refer from Amphibia; Toads Refer from France — History — Bourbons P.efer from Adventure; Border life (s) ; Colonies and colonization ; 0\'erland journeys to the Pacific; Pacific states; Pioneer life (s) ; Western states Refer from Boundaries; International re- lations Refer from Cold; Freezing (s) ; Meteorology; Water Refer from Agriculture; Frost; Fruit cul- ture; Gardening; Orchard heating (s) ; Pro- lection from frost (s) Refer from Agricultural products; -Apple; Berries; Botany; Food; Grape; Orange; Orchards (s) ; Peach; Pear; Pomology (s) ; Small fruit (s) ; Trees Refer from Agricultural pests; Bacteriology. Agricultural; Fruit culture; Fruit pests (s); Fumigation of plan .,; F'ungi; Insects, Injuri- ous and beneficial; ''lants — Diseases; Spray- ing ; Trees — Diseases and pests Refer from F.vaporation of fruit (s) ^^■/cr /rom Agriculture ; -Arboriculture (s); Fruit; Gardening; Grafting ;'Horticulture (s) ; Orchards (s) ; 'Pomology (s) ; Pruning Refer from Boilers; Briquets; Ci v-iiistry. Technical; Combustion; Engines; Fire; F"ur- naccs; Heating; Home economics- Manufac- tures; Mechanical engineering; Smoke Refer from Slavery in the U. S. ; Underground railroad (slavery) Refer from Canon (music); Composition (music); Counterpoint; Music; Music — Theory; Musical form Refer from Contagion and contagious dis- eases; Disinfection and disinfectants; I'ormal- dchyde; Smoke Refer from Floriculture; Fruit — Diseases and pest ; Fruit culture; Fumigation; Gar- dening "56 Functions Stf also Calculus; Groups, Theory of Funds ser Finance; SinkinR funds Funeral rites and ceremonies Sff alto Burial; Funeral sermons; Indians — .\U)rtuary cusit)nis: Mournini: customs Funeral sermons Sft also Obituaries Fungi Ste also Bacteriology; Crown gall; Cryp- togams; Dry rot; Fruit — Diseases and pests; Fungicides; Galls (botany); Mildew; Klold; Mushrooms; I'lants — Diseases Fungicides Sff also Bordeaux mixture; Spraying Fur Sff also Fur-bearing animals; Fur trade; Hides and skins Fur-bearing animals- Sff also names of fur-bearing animals, e.g. Foxes, Seals (animals), Wolves Fur seals see Seals (animals) Fur trade See also Hudson Bay company; Trapping Furnaces See also Blast furnaces; Boilers; Cupola furnaces; Flectric furnaces; Foundry work; Fuel; Mechanical draft; Metallurgy; Smelt- , ing ■^ Furniture See also Antiques; Bamboo; Beds; Cabi- net work; Candlesticks; Chairs; Church furniture; Garden ornaments and furniture; House decoration; Lamps; Library fittines and supplies; Mirrors; School furniture and equipment; Upholstery; \ eneers and ve- neering; Wood carving Colonial Furs see Fur Future see Forecasts; Fortune telling; Future lile; Prophecies Future life See also Annihilation; Death; Escha- tology; Eternity; Future punishment; Heaven; Hell ; Judgment day; Alillennium ; Purgatory; Resurrection; Salvation; Soul; Spiritualism; I'ransmigration Future punishment Se'e also Future Universalism ife; Ilcll; Purgatory; Future religion see Religion of the future Fylfot see Swastika Refer from Algebra; Analysis (mathe- matics) (s) ; Calculus; Flllptic functions (s) ; Logarithms Refer from Archaeology; Burial; Christian antiquities; Death; Manners and customs; Mortuary customs (s) ; Rites and ceremonies Refer from Funeral rites and ceremonies; Obituaries; Sermons Refer from Agricultural pests; Cryptogams; Fruit — Diseases and pests; Microbes (s); Mildew; Mold; Mushrooms; Mycology (s) ; Parasites; Pests (s) ; Plants - Diseases Refer from Bordeaux mixture; Fruit culture; Fungi; Germicides (s) ; Spraying Refer from Animal products; Clothing; Furs (s) ; Hides and skins Refer from Fur; Mammals; Zoology; Zo- ology, Economic Refer from Canada — Commerce ; Commerce; Fur; Hudson Bay company; Trapping Refer from Fuel; Heating; Metallurgy; Smelting Refer from Arts and crafts; Beds; Cabinet work; Chairs; E)^oration and ornament; Home economics; House decoration; Indus- trial arts; Interior decoration (s); Manufac- tures; Upholstery; Wood carving Refer from Colonial furniture (s) ; Colonial life and customs Refer from Annihilation; Death; Escha- tology; Eternal life (s) ; Eternity; Future (s) ; Future punishment; Hades (s) ; Heaven; Hell; Immortality (s); Intermediate state (s) ; Judgment day; Life; Man; Millennium; Natural religion; Philosophy; Probation (theology) (s) ; Purgatory; Religion; Resur- rection; Retribution (s) ; Salvation; Soul; Theology; Universalism Refer from Death; Endless punishment (s) ; Eschatology; Future life; Hell; Punishment; Purgatory; Retribution (s) ; Sin; Theology; Universalism JS7 Gables Sff also Roofs Gadhclic literature jcc Celtic literature Gadsden purchase Gaelic laiigua^'e Sfe alio Celtic languages; Irish language Gaelic literature Sff tiliu Celtic literature; Irish literature (Celtic) Gaels jff Celts Gaging Galaxy iff Milky way Ciales .Iff Stomas; Winds Gallanty shows jft Shadow pantomimes Galleries (art) sfe Art — Galleries and mu- seums; also special galleries Galleys Gallic wars Sff also Gauls; Rome — History — Re- public Galilean church iff Catholic church In France Galls (botany) Sfe also Crown gall Galvanic batteries sff Electric batteries Cialvanism Sff Electricity Galvanizing Sff iilio Electroplating; Plating Galvanometer Sff alio Electric measurement Galvanoplasty sff Electrometallurgy; Electro- plating; Electrotyping Galveston plan of city government iff Munic- ipal government — Commission plan Gambling .SV^ also Betting; Cards; Dice; Horse racing; Lotteries; Poker; Probabilities Game Sfe also Game birds; Game laws; Game protection; Hunting; Shooting; Tracking; Trapping; also names of animals, e.g. Deer Game birds Sff also Falconry; Game; Shooting; also names of game birds, e.g. Ducks Game laws Sff also Game protection; Poaching Game protection Sff alio Game laws Games Sff also .Vmuscments; Athletics; Rack- gammon; Baseball; Baskel-ball; Billiards; Bowling; Cards, and names of card games; Checkers; Chess; College athletics; Count- ing out; Cricket; Croquet; Curling; Dice; Dominoes ; Football; Gambling; Golf; Hand- ball ; Hockey; Indians — -Games; Kindcr- Refer from Architecture; Roofs Rfffr from .Arizona; New .Mexico; U. S. — .Annexations Rfjfr from Celtic languages; Erse (s) ; Irish language; Scottish language (s) Refer from Celtic literature; Irish literature (Celtic); Scottish literature Refer from Gauging (s) ; Mensuration; Weights and measures Refer from Punishment; Ships; Slavery; Warships Refer from Gauls; Rome — History — Re- public Refer from Botany — -Physiology; Fungi; Plants — Diseases Refer from Electrogalvanizing (s) ; Electro- plating; Iron; Plating; Zinc Refer from Electric apparatus and appliances ; Electric measurement Refer from Betting; Cards; Crime and criminals; Ethics; Games; Gaming (s); Sports Rfffr from Big game (s) ; Game birds ; Hunt- ing; Shooting; Zoology Rffer from Birds; Ducks; Falconry; Game; Hunting; Shooting; Wild fowl (s) Rfffr from Animals — Protection (s); Birds — Protection; Fishing; Game; Game pro- tection; Hunting; Law; Poaching Rffer from .Animals — Protection (s) ; Birds — Protection; Game; Game laws; Hunting; Protection of game (s) Refer from Amusements; Athletics; Cards; Pastimes (s) ; Physical education; Play; Recreation (s); Sports IS8 m , •*! f '^ ■ • -w^'.'itv '«i«UM;jilK;>i i- fnvmt^ "n ; ' C^oTiTih*r» ^K-ri-v Md'*'- '•t*** C'^tM^-'S'Vt 'T^r_^iiv\ . C^u•n■•^' t". fi^.i :Uj-. gartcn — Games and sonfis ; Lacrosse; Olym- pic f>ames; I'ing-ponp; Play; Polo; Rackets; School allilelics; Solitaire; Sports; String figures; Tennis; Toys Gaming see Gambling (Willis see Prisons Garages Garbage see Refuse and refuse disposal Garden cities -SVc also Cities — Planning and laying out Garden furniture see Garden ornaments and furniture • Garden of Fdcn see Eden Garden ornaments and furniture .S'a.\i>n language; Runes; Scandinavian languages; Swedish language ,. , , „ Germanic mythokgy sff Mythology, Germanic Germanic race sfi Teutonic race Germans in Pennsylvania .S-,r ,;.'..- lUimuis in the I . S. ; Redemp- tioncrs ; Scliwcnktcldcrs Germans in the U. S. SV^ also I. S.— History — Civil war Geysers and hot springs Sif alio Springs Ghettos Sff also Jews Ghibellines sff Guelfs and Ghibellincs Ghost dance Sff alio Indians — Dances Ghost stories Rffff from Anglo-Saxon language; Aryan languages; Dutch language; F.nglish language; Flemish language; German language; Gothic language; Low German language; Old Saxon language; Scandinavian languages; 'I'cutonic languages (s) Rfffr fiom Germans in the U. S. ; Pennsyl- vania Dutch (s) ; Pennsylvania Germans (s) Rffff from German-American literature; Germans in Pennsylvania; U. S. — Foreign population Rfffr from Ilanscatic league; Holy Roman empire; Prussia — History Rfffr from Franks; Goths Rfffr from Peasants' war; Reformation — Germany; Thirty years' war Rfffr from Austrian succession, War of; Seven vears' war Rfffr from Germany — History — 1815- 1866; Revolutions Rfffr from 'Botany — Embryology ; Bot- any — Physiology ; Seeds Rfffr from Elections; Elections — U. S. ; Representative government and representa- tion; L". S. — Politics RtUr from Arts and crafts; Mural painting and decoration; Plaster and plastering; Stucco Rfffr from Acting; Elocution; Oratory; Pantomime Rfffr from Battles; U. S.— History — Civil war — Campaigns and battles Rfffr from Geology; Hot springs (s) ; Physi- cal geography; Springs; Thermal springs (s) Rfffr from Jewries (s) ; Jews Rfffr from Indians — Dances Rfffr from Ghosts i6s Ghosts Scf also Apparitions; Demonology; Ghost stories; Illusions and hallucinations; Psychi- cal research; Spiritualism; Supeistitiun Giants Gifts Sff alio Charities ; Christmas gifts ; Philan- thropy Gifts (kindergarten) see Kindergarten Gilding Sff also Electroplating; Metal coloring GUds Ste also Employers' associations; Labor unions; Livery; Neighborhood gilds; also names of cities, subhead Gilds Ginseng Gipsies i>fe also Nomads Gipsy language see Romany language Gipsy moth Girders See also Bridges; Building; Graphic statics; Roofs; Steel construction; Strains and stresses; Trusses Girls See also Child labor; Children; Coeduca- tion; Education; Education of women; Girls* clubs; School children; Women; Young women; Youth Girls' clubs Girondists Sff also French revolution Givini; sff Charity; Gifts; Philanthropy Glacial drift iff Drift Glacial period Sfe alio Drift; Geology; Geology, Strati- graphic — Quaternary; Glaciers; Man — Origin and antiquity Glaciers Sff also Boulders; Drift; Erosion; Glacial period; Ice; Icebergs; Moraines; Physical geography Gladiators Gladness see Cheerfulness; Contentment; Happiness Glands See also Anatomy; Liver Glass See also Annealing; Glass flowers; Glass manufacture; Glazing; Stained glass; Win- dows Ornamental .SV<- also Stained glass Glass flowers Refer from Apparitions; Folklore; Haunted houses (s) ; Illusions and hallucinations; Psychical research; Specters (s) ; Spectres (s) ; Spirits (s); Superstition Refer from Man; Monsters Rffer from Bequests (s) ; Deeds; Ethics; Giving (s) ; Presents (s) Refer from Goldsmithing ; Metal coloring; Painting, Mechanical; Plating Refer from Associations (s) ; Commerce; Corporations; Economics; Guilds (s) ; Labor and laboring classes; Labor organizations (s); Labor unions; Local government; Societies; Sociology; Workingmen's associations (s) Rfffr from Agricultural products; Medical botany Refer from Ethnology ; Gypsies (s) ; Nomads ; Vagabonds (s) Refer from Gypsy moth (s) ; Moths; Trees — Diseases and pests Rfffr from Beams (s) ; Bridges; Building; Graphic statics; Plate girders (s) ; Roofs; Steel construction; Strains and stresses; Strength of materials; Trusses Rfffr from Children; Conduct of life; Women; Working girls (s) ; Young people (s) ; Young women ; Youth Rffer from Clubs; Girls; Women's clubs Reffr from French revolution Rffer from Drift; Earth; Geology; Geology, Stratigraphic — Glacial (s) ; Geology, Strati- graphic — Pleistocene (s) ; Geology, Strati- graphic — Quaternary; Glaciers; Ice age (s) ; Man — Origin and antiquity; Pleistocene period (s) Rffer from Boulders; Drift; Erosion; Geol- ogy; Glacial period; Ice; Moraines; Physical geography; Water Refer from Amphitheaters; Fighting (s) ; Rome — Social life and customs Refer from Anatomy; Liver Refer from Annealing; Arts and crafts; Building materials; Cut glass (s) ; Plate glass (s) ; Windows Refer from Art glass (s) ; Stained glass Refer from Artificial flowers; Flowers; Glass 1 66 Glass manufacture Sff alio (.'liemistry, Technical; Mirrors; Optical instrunu'iils Glass painting -"'<' Stained glass Cilassites Jff Sandcmanians Glazing Glees Sff alio Choruses and part songs; Songs Gliders Iff Aeroplanes Globes Sr-f alio Astronomy Gloves Sif alio Costume Glucose See alio Chemistry, Technical Glue See alio Adhesives; Bone products; Gela- tin ; Paste Glyptics 6Vc alio Gems Gnomes see Fairies Giionionics lee Sundials Gnosticism Goats See alio Angora goats; Ungulata Gobelin tapestry Goblins J<• aho Ammunition; Artillery; Artillery drill and tactics; Ballistics; I'.xposives ; Firearms; Gunpowder; Guns; Ordnance; Projectiles; Rifle practice; Shooting; Target practice Gunning see Hunting; Shooting Gunpowder t^ , ■ o ,„ Sef also Ammunition; Explosives; Oun- cotton Refer from Age; Biology; Development (s) ; Physiology Refer from Fertilizers and manures Refer from Bail ; Bonding companies (5) ; Bonds; Commercial law; Contracts; Law; Sureties (s) Refer from Adoption; Domestic relations; Inheritance; Law; Probate law and practice; Trustees; Wards (s) ; Wills Refer from Ghibeliines (s) ; Guelphs (s) ; Italy — History — To 1559 Refer from Guerillas (s) ; International law; Military art and science; U. S.— History — Civil war; War Refer from Kntertaining; Eliquct ; Home economics; Hospitality; Visiting (s) Gunpowder plot See aho England — History — Stuarts See aho Ammunition ; Artillery ; Bayonets ; Firearms; Gunnerv; Gunpowder; Naval guns; Ordnance; Pistols; Rifles; Shooting; Shotguns Refer from Capital punishment Refer from Musical instruments; Stringed instruments Refer from Chemistry, Technical; Forest products'; Resins (s) ; Rosin (s) Refer from Celluloid; Cellulose; Explosives; Gunpowder Refer from Artillery; Artillery drill and tactics; Ballistics; Firearms; Fortihcation ; Guns; Military art and science ; Naval art and science; Naval gunnery (s) ; Ordnance; I ro- jectiles; Shooting; Target practice Refer from Ammunition; Chemistry, Tech- nical; Explosives; Firearms ; Guncotton ; Gun nery ; Guns; Ordnance; Powder (s) ; Smokeless powder (s) Refer from Catholic church in England; Conspiracies; England — History — Stuarts Refer from Arms and armor; Cannon (s) ; Firearms; Gun (s) ; Gunnery; Hunting; Machine guns (s) ; Ordnance; Rifles; Shooting 172 Gutta-percha .SVc iilui Rubber Gymnasiums Sff alto Gymnastics; Physical education Gymnastics Sff also Acrobats; Athletics; Drills and marches; Dumb-bells; Kxerciso; Gymnasi- ums; Indian clubs; Physical education -Medical Sff also Mechanotherapy; Physical edu- cation; Swedish movement cure Gynecology sfe Women — Diseases Gypsies set Gipsies Gypsum Sff also Geology, Economic Gypsy language see Romany language Gypsy moth see Gipsy moth Gyroscope Sff also Railroads — Single rail Habeas corpus See also Constitutional law; Martial law- Habit See also Inhibition; Instinct; Left- and right-handedness; Psychology; Subcon- sciousness Habitations, Human, see Architecture, Do- mestic; Housing problem Habitations of animals see Animals — Habi- tations Habits of animals see Animals — Habits and behavior Hades see Future life; Hell llaematology see Blood HaU Hair See also Baldness; Hairdressing Hair dressing see Hairdressing Hairdressing See also Costume; Fashion; Toilet Half-tone process see Photo-engraving Hall marks Sff also Goldsmithing; Pewter; Plate; Silverware Hall of fame , Halloween Hallucinations see Illusions and hallucinations Hamites Sff also Berbers Hamitic languages See also African languages; Coptic lan- guage; Egyptian language Hand See also Ambidexterity; Anatomy; Finger prints; Gloves; Left- and right-handedness; Manicuring; Palmistry Refer from Chemistry, Technical; Rubber Refer from Gymnastics; Physical education Refer from Acrobats; Athletics; Calisthen- ics (s) ; Callisthenics (s); Dumb-bells; Exer- cise; Gymnasiums; Hygiene; Indian clubs; Manly exercise (s) ; Physical education ; Sports ; Training; Turning (gymnastics) (s) Refer from Mechanotherapy; Medical gym- nastics (s) ; Movement cure (s) ; Physical education; Swedish movement cure; Ihcra- peutic gymnastics (s) ; Therapeutics Rfffr from Fertilizers and manures; Geology, Economic Refer from Physics; Railroads — Single rail; Rotation Refer from Arrest; Constitutional law; Law ; Martial law Refer from Conduct of life; Ethics; Inhibi- tion; Instinct; Psychology Rfffr from Meteorology; Storms; Water Rffer from Baldness; Beauty, Personal; Color of man ; Head ; Pathology Refer from Coiffure (s) ; Costume; Fashion; Hair; Hair dressing (s) ; Toilet Refer from Goldsmithing; Jewelry; Marks, Goldsmiths' (s) ; Plate; Plate marks (s) ; Silversmithing; Silverware Rfffr from Fame; L'. S. — Biography Rfferfrom All hallow eve (s) ; Fortune telling; Manners and customs; Superstition Rfffr from Berbers; Ethnology; Ethnology — Africa Refer from African languages; Coptic lan- guage; Egyptian language Refer from Ambidexterity ; Anatomy ; Beauty, Personal ; Fingers (s) ; Left- and right-handed- ness »73 Hand-ball stt Handball ll.iiul-railings stc Railings Handball Handicraft iVc also Arts and crafts; Domestic arts; Industrial arts; Manual training; Occupa- tions Handrailings see Railings Handwriting see Autographs; Graphology; Penmanship; Writing Hanging see Capital punishment llanse towns see Ilanscatic league Hanseatic league See aho Germany — History; Middle ages — History; also names of towns in the league Happiness See also Cheerfulness; Contentment; Hedonism; Joy; Optimism; Pleasure Harbor defense see Coast defense Harbors See also Breakwaters; Buoys; Civil en- gineering; Docks; Dredging; Jetties; Pilots and pilotage; Wharves; also names of cities, subhead flarbor Hard times see Business depression; Panics Hardness Hardware See also Bolts and nuts; Cutlery; Files and rasps; Knives; Locks and keys; Metal work; Nails and spikes; Screws; Tools Hare see Hares Harem See alio Turkey — Social life and customs Hares See also Belgian hares ; Coursing ; Rabbits ; Rodents Harlequins see Clowns Harmonists See also Economy, Pa. Harmonltes see Harmonists Harmonium see Reed organ Hannony See also Counterpoint; Melody; Modula- tion/ Music — Theory Harmony of the Gospels see Bible — New Testament — Gospels — Harmonies Harmony society see Harmonists Harness See also Checkreins Harp See also Stringed instruments Hairpoons Harpsichord See also Musical instruments; Piano Harrowing see Tillage Harvesters jee Harvesting machinery Refer from Ball (s) ; Games; Hand-ball (») Refer from Arts and crafts; Crafts (s); Domestic arts; Industrial arts; Manual training; Occupations Refer from Cities; Commerce; Germany — Commerce; Germany — -History; Hanse towns (s) ; Middle ages — History Refer from Cheerfulness; Contentment; Ethics; Gladness (s) ; Hedonism; Joy; Pleasure Refer from Civil engirieering; Commerce; Docks; Engineering; Hydraulic engineering; Hydrography; Municipal improvement; Navi- gation; Ports (s) ; Transportation Refer from Matter; Mineralogy Refer from Building; Iron; Manufactures; Metal work; Metals Refer from Polygamy; Seraglio (s) ; Turkey — Social life and customs; Women Refer from Belgian hares ; Coursing ; Hare (s) ; Rabbits; Rodents Refer from Communism; Harmonites (s) ; Harmony society (s) ; Rappists (s) ; Sects Refer from Composition (music); Melody; Modulation; Music; Music — Theory; Thorough bass (s) Refer from Checkreins; Horse; Leather; Manufactures; Saddlery (s) Refer from Musical instruments; Stringed instruments Refer from Fishing; Whaling Refer from Musical instruments; Piano; Stringed instruments 174 Harvesting machinery Scf iil'o l.iiiii iinplomciits and machinery; MuwiiiK iiiacliiiics Ilashccsii //■(• Hashish Hashish Sif also Hemp; Narcotics Hastings, Battle of Sff also Kiigland — History — Normans Hate See also Emotions Hats S(t also Costume; HcaJgcar; Millinery Haunted houses j<-<- Ghosts Hawking sfe I'alconry Hay S(-c also Alfalfa; Clover; Feeding and feeding stuffs; Grasses; Pastures and mead- ows Hay boxes set I'ireless cookers Hay fever Sff also Catarrh; Respiratory organs — Diseases Hay stoves sff Fireless cookers Hazing See also Fraternities, College; Student life Head See also Anatomy; Baldness; Brain; Far; Eye; Face; Hair; Headache; Mouth; Nose; Phrenology; I'hysiognomy ; Skull Head-gear see Headgear Head-hunters See also Dyaks; I'ormosa Headache Headgear See also Costume; Hats; Helmets; Milli- nery Headstones see Tombstones Healing see Therapeutics Healing, Mental, see Mental healing Health see I lygiene Health boards See also Hygiene, Public Health insurance see Insurance, Health Health resorts See also Climate; Mineral waters; Sana- toriums; Summer resorts; Winter resorts Health thoughts see Mental healing Healths, Drinking of, see Drinking customs; Toasts Hearing See also Deafness; Ear; Senses and sensa- tion Heart See also Auscultation; Blood; Blood vessels; Sphygmograph Refer from Binders (s) ; Farm implements and machinery; Harvesters (s) ; Reapers (s) ; Reaping machines (s) Refer from Bhang (s) ; Hasheesh (s) ; Hemp; Narcotics Refer from Kngland — History — Normans Refer from Emotions Refer from Costume; Headgear; Manu- factures; Millinery Refer from Agricultural products; Feeding and feeding stuffs; Grasses; Pastures and meadows Refer from Autumnal catarrh (s) ; Catarrh ; Fever; Medicine — Practice; Respiratory organs — Diseases Refer from Colleges and universities; Frater- nities, College; Secret societies; Student life Refer from Anatomy; Brain; Skull Refer from Dyaks; Ethnology; Formosa; Malays Refer from Head; Medicine — Practice; Nervous system — Diseases Refer from Costume; Hats; Head-gear (s) ; Millinery Refer from Boards of health (s) ; Hygiene, Public; Public health boards (s) Refer from Climate; Hygiene; Invalids; Mineral waters; Resorts (sj; Sanatoriums ; Spas (s) ; Summer resorts; Watering places (s) ; Winter resorts Refer from Acoustics (s) ; Audition (s) ; Deafness; Far; Perception; Senses and sensa- tion ; Sound Refer from Blood; Blood vessels; Chest; Vascular system 1 75 Heat Sfe aho Animal heat; BoilinK points; Calorimeters and calorimetry ; Cold; Com- bustion; ICartli — Temperature; Expansion (physics); I'ire; I'lame; lleatin);; Liquefac- tion of >:ases; Melting points; Physics; Pyrometers and pyromctry; Radiation; Steam; Sun; Temperature; Thermodynam- ics ; Thermometer Heat engines .SVf- tilio Air engines; Gas and oil engines; engines; Thermodynamics lle.iilicnism j*'^ Paganism Heating .SVi- also Boilers; Car heating, lighting and ventilation; Chimneys; Electric healing; I'ireplaces; I'uel ; Furnaces; Heat; Hot water heating; Steam healing; Stoves; Ventilation Heatstroke Heaven 6V^ aljo Angels; Future life Heavens jfe Astronomy Hebrew language Sfi- also Semitic languages; Yiddish lan- guage Hebrew literature iVc also Bible — Old Testament ; Cabala ; Hebrew poetry; Jewish literature; Oriental literature; Talmud; Yiddish literature Hebrew poetry S:',- also Bible — -Old Testament — Poeti- cal books; Hebrew literature Hebrews sf( Jews Hedges St-f aho Evergreens; Landscape garden- iiii; ; Shrubs Hedonism Hee also Egoism; Epicureans; Ethics; Happiness; Pleasure; Selfishness; Utilitari- anism Heights sff Altitudes Heirs Sff Inheritance Helicopters sff Plying machines Heliochromy Sfe Color photography Heliogravure ste Photogravure Heliometer Sff also Astronomical instruments; Paral- lax Heliostat Sff also Astronomical instruments Heliotropism Sff also Irritability; Plants — Movements Heliotype Sfe also Collotype; Photomechanical processes Helium S,f also Radioactivity Rfffr from Caloric (a); Cold; Combustion; Expansion (physics) ; Eire; Heating; Meteor- ology; Physics; Radiation; Steam engines; Temperature; Thermodynamics; Vibration Refer from Engines; Gas and oil engines; Thermodynamics Refer from Architecture; Architecture, Do- mestic; Building; Chimneys; Eire; Fuel; Heat; Home economics; Sanitary engineering; Sanitation, Household; Steam heating; Stoves; Ventilation; Warming (s) Rffer from Medicine — Practice; Sun- stroke (s) Refer from Death; Eschatology; Future life; Paradise (s) ; Theology Rffer from Jewish language (s) ; Jews — Language (s) ; Semitic languages Refer from Hebrew poetry; Jewish literature; Jews — Literature (s) ; Oriental literature Refer from Hebrew literature Refer from Evergreens; Fences; Landscape gardening; Shrubs; Trees Rffer from Ethics; Happiness ; Philosophy ; Pleasure; Selfishness Hell See also Future life; Future punishment Refer from Astronomical instruments Refer from Astronomical instruments Refer from Irritability; Light; Plants — Movements Rfffr from Collotype; Photography; Photo- mechanical processes Rfffr from Chemical elements; Gases; Radioactivity Rfffr from Death; Eschatology; Future life; Future punishment; Hades (s) ; Retri- bution (s) ; Theology 176 Hellenism .S<(' iil-iu Classicism ; Ncoplalonism Helmets lirliuliuliolopy jff Parasites; Worms Hematology iff Blood IIi-miplcRia jfe Paralysis Hemiptera ,SV^ alio Chiiicli bugs; Cicadas; Insects; Pl.inl lice; Scale insects Hemorrhage Stf alio Bloodletting Hemp Sff also Cordage; Fibers; Hashish; Jute; Linen; Ramie; Rope Hen jff Poultry Hen houses s<-f Poultry houses Mens }ff Poultry Heraldic visitations iff \'isitations, Heraldic Heraldry Sfi- also Arms and armor; Chivalry; Deco- rations of honor ; Devices; Emblems; I'lags; Genealogy; Insignia; Knights and knight- hood; Mottoes; Peerage; Precedence; Seals (numismatics) ; Titles of honor and nobility ; Visitations, Heraldic Herbage sff Grasses Herbs, Medicinal, /<•<• Medical botany Heredity SfiT also Biology; Breeding; Consanguini- ty; Defectives; Degeneration; Kugenics; Evolution ; Genius; Hybridization; Mendel's law; Natural selection; Physical deteriora- tion; Plant breeding; Prenatal infiucnces; Species; Variation (biology) Heresy See also Church history; Inquisition; Liberty of conscience; Martyrs; Persecution Hermaphroditism Hcrmcncutics see Bible — Criticism and inter- pretation Hermetic art see Alchemy sciences Hermits See also Asceticism Astrology ; Occult Heroes See also Adventure; Courage; Discoveries and explorations; Explorers; Martyrs; Mis- sionaries; Mythology; Saints Heroines see Heroes Heroism see Courage; Heroes Herpetology see Reptiles Hcrrnhuters see Moravians Hertzian waves see Electric waves Hessian flies Hessians in the American revolution see U. S. — History — Revolution — German troops Hexatcuch see Bible — • Old Testament — Hcxateuch Refer from Classicism; Greek culture (s) ; Greek civilization (s) ; Greek literature; Humanism Refer from Arms and armor; Headgear Refer from Bugs (s) ; Chinch bugs; Cicadas; Insects; Plant lice; Scale insects Refer from Bleeding (s) ; Blood; Pathology; Wounds Refer from I'ibers ; Hashish; Linen; Rope; Yarn Refer from Archaeology ; Arms, Coats of (s) ; Biography; Chivalry; Coats of arms (s); Crests (s) ; Decorations of honor; Devices; Genealogy; History; Knights and knighthood; Mottoes; Nobility (s) ; Pedigrees (s) ; Peerage; Titles of honor and nobility Refer from Ancestry (s) ; Atavism (s) ; Bi- ology; Breeding; Children; Crime and crimi- nals; Degeneration; Descent (s) ; Environ- ment; Eugenics; Evolution; Inheritance (bi- ology) (s) ; Man; Natural selection; Parents; Physical deterioration; Physiology; Psychol- ogy; Transmission (biology) (s) ; Variation (biology) ; Zoology Refer from Church history; Liberty of con- science; Theology Refer from Biology; Sex Refer from Asceticism; Biography; Christian biography; Monks (s) ; Solitude Refer from Adventure; Biography; Courage; Heroines (s) ; Heroism (s) ; History Refer from Diptera; Flies; Insects, Injurious and beneficial; Wheat 177 Habits and behavior Hibernation .SV-/- til id Animals. Hides and skins S(-f alio I'ur; Leather; Tanning Hieroglyphics .Sec alio Alphabet; Egyptian language; Inscriptions; Picture writing; Rosetta slunc High buildings .SVi- alio Klcvators; Steel construction High license sff T.iquor laws; Liquor traffic High school athletics sf( School athletics High school fraternities /<■<■ Fraternities, High school High schools Sfe also College entrance requirements; Commencements; Education, Secondary; Fraternities, High school; School athletics High speed iff Speed High treason sff Treason Higher criticism sfe Bible — Criticism and interpretation Higher education stf Classical education; College education, Value of; Colleges and universities; Professional education; Tech- nical education Hifher thought (new thought) stf New thought Highlands of Scotland Sff also Clans; Tartans Highwaymen sff Brigands and robbers Highways sff Roads; Streets Hindoos sff Hindus Hindoostanee language stf Hindustani lan- guage Hindu literature Si-f alio Oriental literature; Sanskrit literature; \'edas Hindu philosophy 'see Philosophy, Hindu Hinduism Sff also Brahmanism; Buddhism; Caste; India — Religion ; Jains ; Philosophy, Hindu ; X'edanta; V'cdas; Yoga Hindus Sfe also Aryans Hindustani language Sff also Indo-Aryan languages Hippodrome sre Circus Hippology Sff Horse Histochemistry sff Physiological chemistry Histology Sff also Anatomy; Botany, Structural; Cells; Microscope and microscopy; also names of organs and tissues, e.g. Muscles Historians Sff also .\rchacologists; Authors Historic houses Sff also Preservation of landmarks, scen- ery, etc.; also names of countries and cities, subhead Historic houses, etc. Rfffr from Animals — Habits and behavior Refer from Animal products; Fur; Leather; Skins (s) ; Tanning Rfffr from Alphabet; Egyptian language; Inscriptions; Language; Picture writing; Writing Rfffr from Architecture; Sky-scrapers (s) ; Skyscrapers (s) ; Steel construction; Tall buildings (s) Rfffr from Education; Education, Second- ary; Public schools; Schools; Secondary schools (s) Refer from Clans; Scotland; Scottish high- lands (s) Rfffr from Oriental literature; Sanskrit literature Refer from Brahmanism; Buddhism; India - Religion; Religions; Yoga Rfffr from Aryans; Ethnology — India; Hindoos (s) ; India Rffer from Hindoostanee language (s) ; Indo-Aryan languages Refer from Anatomy; Cells; Medicine; Microscope and microscopy; Microscopic anatomy (s) ; Morphology; Pathology; Tis- sues (s) Refer from Archaeologists; Authors; Bi- ography ; History Refer from History; Houses, Historic (s) ; Preservation of landmarks, scenery, etc. 178 Historic m.itcr!alism see Fconomic dcli-nnlnism llisl>>ric trios see Trei'S, llisturic Historical atlases Hee also Geography, Historical Historical dictionaries see History ^ Diction- aries Historical fiction [for works about historical lUlii.lll I'or liistorlcal novels see subhead History — Fiction (or History — [period subdivi- sion] — I'iction) under names of countries, cities, etc., and subhead Fiction under names of historical events and characters Historical pcuBraphy see Geography, Historical Historical societies .SVj- also Antiquarian societies History See also Anthropoceography ; Anthro- pology; Archaeology ; Autobiography ; Bat- tles; Biography; Boundaries; Chronology, Historical; Church history; Civilization; Colonies and colonization; Conspiracies; Constitutional history; Crusades; Diplo- macy; Disasters; Discoveries and explora- tions; Kthnology; Famines; Finance; Floods; Genealogy; Geography, Historical; Government; Heraldry; Heroes; Historians; Historic houses; Historical atlases; Histori- cal fiction; Historical societies; Internation- al relations; Kings and rulers; Man; Massacres ; Medals ; Middle ages — History ; Migration of nations; Military history; Naval history; Numismatics; Progress; Race problems; Revolutions; Riots; Sieges; Slavery; Sociology; Statistics; Treaties; Trees, Historic; also names of countries, etc., subheads Antiquities, Foreign relations, History, and Politics. For the history of a special subject see its name ^Ancient See also Archaeology; Bible — History; Civilization, Ancient; Classical diction- aries; Geography, Ancient; Inscriptions; Numismatics; Seven wonders of the world; also names of ancient races and peoples, and names of countries of antiquity Comic, see Comic histories Constitutional, see Constitutional history Dictionaries Essays, addresses, etc. Medieval. s,e Middle apes — History Military, see Military history Modem See also Eastern question; Eighteenth century; I^uropc — History — 1492- 1789; Europe — History — 1789-; F"if- teenth century; Holy alliance; Nineteenth century; Reformation; Renaissance; Seventeenth century; Sixteenth century Twentieth century Natural, see Natural history .Naval, see Naval history Philosophy See also Civilization; Economic deter- Refer from Atlases; Geography, Historical; History Refer from F'^ctiun ; Fiction, Historical (s) ; History Refer from Antiquarian societies; History; Societies Refer from Annals (s) ; Archaeology; Biogra- phy ; Christendom (s) ; Chronology, Historical ; Civilization; Man; Military history; Naval history ; Science Refer from .'Xncient history (s) ; Archaeology Refer from Historical dictionaries (s) Refer from Eightcenlh century; Europe — History — ^^ 1492- 1 789; Europe — History — '7^9~> Modern history (s); Nineteenth cen- tury; Seventeenth century; Si.vteenth century Refer from Civilization; Philosophy; Philoso- phy of history (s) 179 History Continued Sources .SV<- alio Archives; Charters; Diplomatic memoirs; Genealogy; Manuscripts Universal Histrionics jff Acting; Theater Hittites llo.ixes jfe Imposture Hoclcey . iVc aljo Winter sports Hog }ff Swine I li>>;s .tVf- S\\ itu' Hoisting machinery .SV^ also Conveying machinery ; Cranes, derricks, etc.; I'Mcctromagnets; Elevators; Mining machinery; Rope Holidays S,f also Anniversaries; Arbor day; Bird day; Christmas; I'asls and feasts; Festivals; Flag day; Kourth of July; Memorial day; New Year; I'atriots' day ; I'hanksgiving day ; Vacations Hollnvss .'r-r- Sanctification Holy alliance Sff also Europe — ■ }Iistory — 1789-; Intervention Holy days jfe Fasts and feasts Holy eastern church jff Greek church Holy Ghost sff Holy Spirit Holy grail jff Grail Holy ofiicc jt-^ Inquisition Holy Roman empire Sff also Germany — History; Middle ages — History Holy Scriptures sff Bible Holy Sec .Iff Catholic church; Popes Holy sepulcher S,f also Jerusalem Holy Spirit Sif also Trinity Holy week Sfe also Christian year; Easter; Fasts and feasts; Good Friday; Lent Holy wells S:f also Shrines Home Sff also Children ; Family ; Home econom- ics; Marriage; Mothers; Women Hiune deciiration see House decoration Home economics See also Apartment houses; Breakfasts; Carving ( meat, etc.) ; Chemistry, Household ; Cleanliness; Cookery; Cooperative house- keeping; Cost of living; Dairying; Diet; Dinners and dining; Domestic arts; Dress- making; Electricity in the home; Entertain- ing; Family; Fancy work; Fircless cookers; Food; Fuel; Furniture; Gardening; Guests; Heating; Home; House cleaning; House Refer jrom Universal history (s) Refer from Bible — Ethnology Refer from Bandy (s) ; Games; Ice hock- ey (s) ; Winter sports Refer from Conveying machinery; Cranes, derricks, etc.; Elevators; Lifts (s) ; .\lachincry; Mining machinery Refer from Anniversaries; Celebrations (s) ; Christian year; Christmas; Days; Entertain- ments; Fasts and feasts; Festivals ; Legal holi- days (s) ; Manners and customs; National holidays (s) ; Vacations Refer from Alliance, Holy (s) ; Austria — History; I'luropo — History — 1789-; History, -Modern; International relations; Intervention; Prussia — History; Russia — History; Trea- ties Refer from Europe — History; German empire (Western empire) (s) ; Germany — History; Middle ages — History; Western empire (s) Refer from Jerusalem; Jesus Christ; Tombs Refer from God; Holy Ghost (s) ; Spirit (s) ; Theology ; Trinity Refer from Christian year; Fasts and feasts; Lent Refer from Miracles; Shrines; Wells Refer from Children; luhics; Family; Hume economics; Mothers; W'omen Refer from Cookery; Domestic arts; "Domes- tic economy (s) ;'^Domestic science (s) ; Econom- ics; Family; Home; 'Household econom- ics (s) ; Household management (s) ; House- hold science (s) ; llousekeeping (s) ; Industrial arts; Kitchen; Women 180 decoration; Household pcsis; Kitchen; Kitchen garden (for (caching housekeeping); Laundry; Luncheons; Marketing; \lenus; Needlework; Receipts; Sanitation, House- hold; Servants; Standard of living; Sweep- iiii: ; ''lr ; X'entilation Home education Sfi- al>u Children; Correspondence schools and courses; Self-culture Home labor .SVc olsu Sweating system Home libraries Homo missions ife Missions, Home Home rule Ireland Stf also Fenians (society); Ireland — Government Home training sfe Children — Management ; Home education Homeopathy 6Vf iiho Medicine, and references under that subject Homes (institutions) set Almshouses ; Asylums ; Charities; Homes for the aged; also names of cities, subheads Hospitals and asylums and Charities; and special classes of people, e.g. Blind — Asylums and education; Or- phans and orphan asylums. Soldiers' homes Homes for the aged St-e also Soldiers' homes Homestead law Homicide ste Murder Homiletical illustrations see Anecdotes, Re- ligious Homiletics see Preaching; Sermons Homilies see Sermons Homing pigeons see Pigeons Homoeopathy see Homeopathy Honesty See also Business ethics; Sincerity Honey See also Bees Honor See also Business ethics; Dueling Honor system see Self-government (in educa- tion) Honorary degrees see Degrees, .'\cademic Honorary titles see Titles of honor and nobility Hoods, Academic, see Costume, Academic Hookworm disease Hornbooks Horns Horology see Clocks and watches ; Timekeepers Horoscopes see Astrology Refer from Children; Children — Educa- tion (s) ; Domestic education (s) ; Kducation; Kducation, Elementary; Education of chil- dren (s) ; Family; Home training (s) ; Parents Refer from Industry; Labor and laboring classes; Sweating system; Women — Employ- ment Refer from Libraries; Libraries, Home (s) Refer from Government; Local government; Self-government (s) Refer from Fenians (society); Ireland — Government Refer from Homoeopathy (s) ; Medicine; Pharmacy; Therapeutics Refer from Aged poor (s) ; Asylums; Homes (institutions) (s) ; Old age ; Old age homes (s) ; Old ladies' homes (s) ; Poor Refer from Land tenure — U. S. ; U. S. — Public lands Refer from Business ethics; Conduct of life; Dishonesty (s) ; Ethics; Sincerity; Truth Refer from Bees Refer from Business ethics; Chivalry; Dueling; Ethics Refer from Medicine — Practice; Parasites Refer from Literature; Primers Refer from Antlers (s) ; Cattle; Cows; Dehorning of cattle (s) ; Zoology i8i Horse .SV,- alto Barns and stahlcs; Chcckrcins; Dijincslic animals; Driving; Harness; Horse racing; Horse training; llorscmansliip ; Horseshoeing; Live slock; Pack transpor- tation; L'ngulata; Veterinary medicine Hivrse-brcaking jcc Horse training Horse racing Horse railroads sff Street railroads Horse training .SV<- uhu Horsemanship Horseless carriages sfr Automobiles Horsemanship .SV^ aho Coaches and coaching; Driving; Hunting; Polo Horses see Horse Horseshoeing See alio Blacksmithing Horticulture jee Floriculture; Fruit culture; (hardening Hosiery Hospitality See also F.ntertaining; Guests Hospitallers see Malta, Knights of Hospitals See aho Ambulances; Asylums; Charities; Convalescent homes; Dispensaries; First aid in illness and injury; Hospitals, Military; Hospitals, Naval and marine; Inebriate asylums; Insane hospitals; Nurses and nursing; Sanatoriums; also names of cities and countries, subhead Hospitals and asy- lums Military See also Battlefield relief; Red cross; also names of wars, subhead Medical and sanitar)' atTalrs Naval and marine Hot-air engines see Air engines Hot springs see Geysers and hot springs Hot water heating Hotels See also Apartment houses; Coffeehouses; Inns; Lodging houses; Restaurants Hothouses see Greenhouses Hottentots See also Bushmen Hours of labor See also Child labor; Daylight saving; Women — limployment; Sweating system Refer from Barns and stables; Cavalry; Cavalry drill and tactics; Domestic animals; Driving; Farriery (s) ; Hippology (s); Horses (s) ; Live stock; Pacing (s) ; Pedi- grees (s); Race horses (s); Trotting (s) ; L'ngu- lata; Veterinary medicine Refer front Book-making (betting) (s) ; Book- making (betting) (s) ; Gambling; Horse; Pacing (s); Race horses (s) ; Racing (s) ; Sports; Sieeplechasing (s) ; Trotting (s) ; Turf, The (s) Refer from Animals — Training; Horse; Horse-breaking (s) ; Training Refer from Driving; F'questrianism (s) ; Horse; Horse training; Locomotion; Riding (s) ; Sports Refer from Blacksmithing; Farriery (s) ; Horse Refer from Clothing; Costume; Dry goods; Foot; Stockings (s) ; Textile industry and fabrics; Underwear House boats Refer from Guests Refer from Architecture; Asylums; Chari- ties; Charities, Medical; Dispensaries; Hy- giene, Public; Infirmaries (s) ; Institutions, Charitable and philanthropic (s) ; Medicine; Nurses and nursing Refer from Battlefield relief; Field hos- pitals (s) ; Hospitals; Military art and science; Military hospitals (s) Refer from Hospitals; Marine hospitals (s) ; Naval hospitals (s) Refer from Heating; Steam heating; Water heating (s) Refer from Architecture; Inns; Lodging houses; Restaurants; Taverns (s) Refer from Ethnology — -Africa Refer from Child labor; Eight-hour day (s) ; Factory laws; Factory system; Industrial betterment; Labor and laboring classes; Labor laws ; Ten-hour day (s) ; Working-day (s) Refer from Boats and boating; House- boats (s) ; Outdoor life 182 House cleaning Sf( also Oust; Sweeping; Vacuum clcan- inR systcnis House decoration Si-f iilio Uric-a-brac ; Candlesticks; Car- iH'ls; l)c>.iir.itii>n and ornament; Drapery; I'ancy wurk; I'ireplaces; I'liiral decoration; Furniture; CIrilles; Lattice; Mantels; Mural painting and decoration; Picture frames; Pictures; Rugs; School decoration; Tapes- try; L'pholstery ; Wall paper; Wood finisli- ing; Woodwork House drainage jff Plumbing; Sanitation, Household ; Sewerage House Hies ffr l'"lies House painting Sir alto Krescoes; Mural painting and decoration; Painting,. Mechanical House plans sff Architectural drawing; Archi- tecture, Domestic House plants sff Floriculture; Plants, Culti- vated; VNindow gardening House rent iff Rent House sanitation sff Sanitation, Household Houseboats sff House boats Household arts see Domestic arts Household chemistry see Chemistry, House- hold Household decoration see House decoration Household economics see Home economics Household expenses see Cost of living Household management see Home economics Household pests .SV<- iiho Flies; Insects, Injurious and beneficial; Mice; Mosquitoes; Rats Household sanitation see Sanitation, Household Household science see Home economics Housekeeping see Cooperative housekeeping; Home economics Housemaids see Servants Houses see Architecture, Domestic; House decoration Houses, Historic, see Historic houses Housing problem .Sec ai'O Apartment houses; Cities — Planning and laying out; Garden cities; Industrial betterment; Lodging houses; Sanitation, Household ; Tenement houses Hucksters see Peddlers and peddling Hudson Bay company See alio Fur trade Huguenots See also Camisards; France — Religious history; Reformation — France; St. Bar- tholomew's day. Massacre of; Waldenses Human anatomy see Anatomy Human body see Anatomy; Anthropometry; Physiology Refer from Cleaning; Dust ; Home econom- ics; Sanitation, Household Refer from Architecture, Domestic; Art; Carpets; Decoration and ornament; Furni- ture; Home decoration (s); Home economics; Household decoration (s) ; Houses (s) ; Interior decoration (s) ; Rugs; Upholstery Refer from Architecture; Architecture, Do- mestic; Building; Mural painting and deco- ration; Painting, Mechanical Refer from Home economics; Injurious and beneficial; Pests (s) Insects, Refer from Architecture, Domestic; Cities; Cities -^ Planning and lajing out; Dwel- lings (s) ; Habitations, Human (s) ; Hygiene, Public; Industrial betterment; Labor and laboring classes; Laborer's dwellings (s) ; Municipal improvement; Poor; Social prob- lems; Tenement houses; Workingmen's dwel- lings (s) Refer from Canada - Trading companies Commerce ; Fur trade ; Refer from Camisards; Church history; F'rance — History — House of V'alois; F'rance — -Religious history; Persecution; Reforma- tion — France; St. Bartholomew's day, Massacre of; Sects; Waldenses 183 Human facullii's see Psychology liuiiKiii li>!urf ii) art see Anatomy, Artistic; I'igurc drawing; Figure painting; Nude in art Human race see Anthropology; Man s.icrilicc see Sacrifice Humane societies Hee also Animals — Treatment; Chari- table societies; Children — Charities, pro- tection, etc. Humanism See also Classical education; Hellenism; Renaissance Humanitarianism (theology) see Unitarianism ; also Arianism; Jesus Christ — Divinity; Socinianism; Trinity Humanities see Classical education Humbug jci* Imposture; Swindlers and swin- dling Humidity i'tc alio Dampness in buildings; Dew; Hygromeiry ; Meteorology Humor See also Anecdotes; Burlesques; Carica- ture and cartoons ; Comedy ; Comic histories ; Epigrams; Fools; Humorists; Irony; Laughter; Limericks; Macaronic verse; Nonsense verse; Parodies; Punning; Reci- tations and readings, Humorous; Satire; Table-talk American See also American literature; Satire, American English See also English literature; Satire, English Htimorists See also Authors Humorous recitations see Recitations and readings, Humorous Hundred years' war, 1339 '453 See also Agincourt, Battle of; England — History — • Plantagenets ; England — History Lancaster and York; France — History — House of \'aliMs Hungarian language See also Ural-Altaic languages Htingarian literature Hungarians in the U. S. Huns S,e also Barbarian invasions of Rome Hunting See also Bears; Coursing; Deer; Dogs; Elephants; Falconry; Fishing; Foxes; Game; Game birds; Game laws; Game pro- tection; Guns; Lions; Poaching; Shooting; Sports; Tigers; Tracking; Trapping Hurricanes See also Cyclones ; Storms Husband and wife see Domestic relations; Husbands; Marriage; Wives Husbandry see Agriculture Refer from Animals — Treatment; Chari- table societies; Children — Charities, protec- tion, etc.; Societies Refer from Classical education; Culture, Literature; Philosophy; Renaissance Refer from Air; Dew; Hygiene; Meteor- ology; Moisture of the air (s) Refer from Anecdotes; Caricature and car- toons; Comic literature (s) ; I'aceiia; (s) ; jests (s); Jokes (s) ; Laughter; Literature; Poetry; Punning; Satire; Wit and humor (s) Refer from American humor (s); American literature; American wit and humor (s) Refer from English humor (s) ; English literature; English wit and humor (s) Refer from Authors; Biography; Humor Refer from Agincourt, Battle of; England — History Plantagenets; England — History — Lancaster and York; France — History — House of Valois Refer from Magyar language (s) ; Ural-Altaic languages Refer from Magyar literature (s) Refer from U. S. — Foreign population Refer from Barbarian invasions of Rome Refer from Adventure; Animals; Big game (s) ; Chase, The (s) ; Country life; Field sports (s); Game; Gunning (s); Horse- manship; Outdoor life; Shooting; Sports; Trapping Refer from Cyclones; Meteorology; Storms; Winds 184 Husbands Sfr alto Domestic relations; Kami Fathers; Marriage; Wives Hussites llybriJism m'i- Hybridization Hybridization Sfi' aim Mendel's law; Plant breeding Hydraulic criiieiil n-f Cement Hydraulic engineering Sfe alio Aqueducts; Artesian wells; Boring; Breakwaters; Bridges — Founda- tions and piers; Caissons; Canals; Coffer- dams; Culverts; Dams; Docks; Drainage; Dredging; Kmbankments ; Isngineering ; Floods; Fluids; I*"ountains; Harbors; Hy- draulic machinery; Hydraulic mining; Hy- draulics; Hydrodynamics; Hydro-electric plants; Irrigation; Jetties; Lighthouses; Mining engineering; Pumping stations; Pumps; Reclamation of land; Reservoirs; Rivers; Sea walls; Turbines; Water; Water power; VN'ater supply; Water wheels; Wells; Wharves Hydraulic machinery kSVr- also Hydraulic engineering; Hy- draulic motors; Hydraulic rams; Pumps; Turbines; V\ater wheels Hydraulic mining ■S\v ahii Clold dredging; Gold mines and mining; Mines and mineral resources Hydraulic motors See also Hydraulic machinery; Turbines; Water wheels Hydraulic power see Hydraulic machinery; Hydro-electric plants; Water power Hydraulic rams See also Hydraulic machinery Hydraulics See also Fluids; Hydraulic engineering; Hydraulic machinery; Hydrodynamics; Hy- drometer; Hydrostatics; Jets; Liquids; Mechanics; Physics; Rivers; Water; Water power Hydrodynamics See also H ydrau lie engineering ;Hydraulics ; Hydrostatics; Jets; Mechanics; Viscosity; Waves Hydro-electric plants See also Klectric power transmission Hydrography See alio Charts; Harbors; Inland naviga- tion; Navigation; Ocean; Ocean currents; Rivers; Sounding and soundings; Tides Refer from Domestic relations; Family; Husband and wife (s) ; Marriage; Men; Wives Refer from Reformation; Sects Refer from Biology; Botany; Breeding; Heredity; Hybridism (s) ; Mendel's law; Plant breeding; Species Refer from Canals; Civil engineering; Dams; F.ngineering; Kngineering, Hydraulic (s); Fluids; Hydraulic machinery; Hydraulics; 'llydrodynamics ; Machinery; Mechanical en- gineering; Rivers; Water; Water power; ' W'ater supply Refer from Hydraulic engineering ; Hydraulic motors; Hydraulic power (s) ; Hydraulic rams; Hydraulics; Machinery; Water power Refer from Gold mines and mining; Hydrau- lic engineering; Mines and mineral resources; Mining engineering; Placer mining (s) Refer from Hydraulic machinery; Motors; Turbines; Water power; Water wheels Refer fro m Hydraulic (s) Hydraulic machinery; Rams, Refer from Flow of water (s) ; Fluids; Hy- draulic engineering; Hydrodynamics; Hy- dromechanics (s) ; Hydrostatics; Jets; Me- chanics ; flow (s) Physics; Rivers; Water; Water Hydrokinetics see Hydrodynamics Refer from Dynamics; Fluids; Hydraulic engineering; Hydraulics; Hydrokinetics (s) ; Hydromechanics (s) ; Jets; Liquids; Me- chanics; Viscosity Refer from F.lectric engineering; Electric power transmission; Flumes; Hydraulic en- gineering; Hydraulic power (s) ; Power plants; Power plants, F.lectric; Water power; Water- power electric plants (s) Refer from Marine surveying (s) ; Maritime surveying (s) ; Nautical surveying (s) ; Naviga- tion; Ocean; Oceanography (s) ; Physical geography; Rivers; Surveying; Thalassog- raphy (s) x8s Ilyclroloj-y ste Water; Water, I'liJcrcround llydronii'chanics stt Hydraulics; Hydrody- namics Hydrometer Rfjtr from Areometer (s) ; Hydraulics; Hydrostatics; Specific gravity Il\ Jrop.itliy >ec Hydrollicrapy Hydrophobia .SV(- <-- >i-e liM.ii.iiius, l'"ossil Iclilli) t>li>ny Iff I'ish Iconojirapliy see An; Christian art and sym- bolism; Portraits; Saints in art; Sculpture; Statues KliMJ stjtcs see L'topias Idealism .SVc alio Ideals; Realism; Transcenden- talism Idealism in art See (i/.tii Naturalism in .111 ; Realism in in an ; Romanticism Idealism in literature See also Naturalism in jjteraturi'; Realism in literature; Rumanlicism; Symbolism in literature Ideals See also Idealism Ideas, Association of, see Association of ideas Identification See also Anthropometry ; Bertillon system ; Crime and criminals; Evidence; Finger prints Identity, Personal, see Personality Idiocy See also Children, Abnormal and back- ward ; Defectives ; Epilepsy; Keeble-minded ; Insanity Idioms See also Idioms, English; also names of languages other than English, e.g. German language — Idioms English See also Americanisms; Briticisms Idiots see Idiocy Idleness Ido Idolatry See also Fetishism; Paganism; Super- stition; Worship Igneous rocks See also Dikes (geology); Granite; Lava; Rocks Ignorance see Illiteracy Illegitimacy See also Infanticide Illiteracy See also Education and citizenship; Edu- cation and crime Illuminating gas see Gas Illumination see Lighting Illumination of manuscripts and books See also Arts and crafts; Initials; Letter- ing; Missals; Paleography Refer from Animism; Ideals; Philosophy; Realism Refer from Art; Esthetics; Naturalism in art; Painting; Realism in art Refer from Esthetics; Fiction; Literature; Naturalism in literature; Realism in literature Refer from Aspiration (s) ; Character; Ethics; Idealism Refer from Anthropometry; Bertillon system ; Crime and criminals; Evidence; Finger prints; Medical jurisprudence Refer from Brain; Children, Abnormal and backward; Consanguinity; Defectives; Feeble- minded; F'ools; Idiots (s) ; Imbecility (s) ; Insanity; Medicine — Practice; Mental dis- eases Refer from Language Refer from English idioms (s) ; English language; English language — Idioms (s) ; Idioms Refer from Conduct of life; Indolence (s) ; Laziness (s); Sloth (s) Refer from Language, Artificial Refer from Fetishism; God; Image wor- ship (s) ; Paganism; Religion; Religions; Worship Refer from Dikes (geology); Eruptive rocks (s) ; Geology; Lava; Rocks; Volcanic rocks (s) ; Volcanoes Refer from Children; Infanticide; Marriage; Prostitution; Sexual ethics Refer from Compulsory education; Educa- tion; Education and citizenship; Education and crime; Ignorance (s) ; Immigration and emigration Refer from Arts and crafts; Books; Decora- tion and ornament; Illustration of books; Initials; Lettering; NIanuscripts ; Ornamental alphabets (s) ; Painting; Paleography 188 Illusions and hallucinations Nee aha App.iriiiDiis ; Omjuring; Ghosts; Insanity; Ma^'ic; Menial diseases; Uptical illusions; Psychical research Rfftr from Apparitions; Delusioni (a); Ghosts; nallucinations (s) ; Insanity; Mental diseases; Psychical research; Psychology; Visions fs) Illustration of books Sft also Caricature and cartoons; Draw- ing; I'.ngraving; Kxtra illustration; Illu- mination of manuscripts and books; Illus- trators; Photo-engraving; Photomechanical processes Illustrations (anecdotes) sft Anecdotes Illustrators lmaj;e worship iff Idolatry Imaginary animals see Animal lore; Animals, Mythical Imaginary islands set Geographical myths Imaginary wars and battles Imagination See also Psychology Imbecility see Feeble-minded; Idiocy Imitation See also Mimicry Immaculate conception See a/to Mary, \ irgln Immersion, Haplismal, see Baptism I niniiirrants see 1 inniigraticm and emigration Immigration and emigration See also Aliens; Anthropogeopraphy ; Colonies and colonization; Illiteracy; Mi- gration of nations; Naturalization; also names of special nationalities, e.g. Italians in the L. S., Japanese in California; and names of countries and cities, subhead For- eign population U.S. See also Indentured servants; Race problems — U.S.; Redemptioners ; U. S. — Foreign population; also Japanese in the U. S., and similar headings Immoral literature see Literature, Immoral Immorality see Crime and- criminals ; Ethics; Nice Immortality see Future life Immunity See also Antitoxins; Contagion and con- tagious diseases; Inoculation; Serum thera- py; V accination Impeachment See also Political offenses; Recall Imperial federation See also England — Colonies; Imperialism Imperialism 6'cc a/jo Colonies and colonization; Impe- rial federation ; U. S. — Insular possessions Impersonation see Acting; Monologues Refer from Art; Rook illustration (s); Books; Decoration and ornament; Drawing; Engrav- ing Refer from Artists; Illustration of books Refer from Battles; Military art and science; War; Wars, Imaginary (s) Refer from Fancy fs) ; Intellect; Psychology; Psychology, Educational Refer from Mimicry; Psychology; Psychol- ogy, Educational Refer from Catholic church; .Mary, \'irgin Refer from Colonics and colonization; Emigration (s) ; Government; Immigrants (s) ; Labor and laboring classes; Migration of nations; Race problems; Social problems; Sociology Refer from Race problems — U. S. ; U. S. — Economic conditions ; U, S. — Emigration and immigration (s) ; U. S. — Immigration (s) ; U. S. — Social conditions Refer from Antito.xins; Bacteriology; Con- tagion and contagious diseases; Hygiene, Public; Inoculation; Pathology; Seruin thera- py ; Vaccination Refer from Government; Law; Trials Refer from England — Colonies; Federa- tion, Imperial (s); Government; Imperialism Refer from Anti-imperialism (s); Caesar- ism (s) ; Colonies and colonization; Govern- ment; Imperial federation; U. S. — -Expan- sion (s) ; L'. S. — History — War with Spain; U. S. — Insular possessions; U. S. — Terri- torial expansion (s) 189 Implements, utensils, etc. S,Y o Gymnastics Indian corn set Corn Indian legends let Indians — Folklore; In- dians — Legends Indian mutiny, 1857-1858 Indian reservations ife Indians — Reserva- tions Indian trails .Sis Indians Indians of South America Indiarubber si-e Rubber Indlc languages see Indo-Aryan languages Indicators for steam engines See also Steam engines Indices see Indexes Indigestion see Digestion; Dyspepsia Indigo Individualism ■SVi- alio Communism; Economics; So- cialism Individuality See also Personality Indo-Aryan languages See also Aryan languages; Bengali lan- guage; Hindustani language; Oriental languages; Romany language; Sanskrit lan- guage Indo-European languages see Aryan languages Indo-Europeans see Aryans Indo-Germanic languages see Aryan languages Indo-Cermanic peoples see Aryans Indolence see Idleness Inductance InJuctiim (logic) see Logic Induction coils See also Condensers (electricity) ; Electric currents, Alternating; Electric transform- ers; Electromagnets; Inductance; X rays Induciion motors see Electric motors Indulgences See also Absolution; Purgatory Industrial alcohol see Alcohol, Denatured Industrial arbitration see Arbitration and con- ciliation, Industrial Refer from Indians — Government relations; Indians — Land transfers Refer from Indians — Government relations Refer from Black Hawk war; French and Indian war; Indian wars (s) ; King Piiilip's war; King William's war; New England — History; Pequot war; Pontiac's conspiracy; Queen Anne's war; U. S. — History; U. S. — History, Military Refer from Aztecs; Mayas ; Toltecs Ethnology — Mexico ; Refer from Iroquois Indians Refer from Steam engines Refer from Agricultural products; Color; Dyes and dyeing Refer from Communism; Economics; luiual- ity; Government; Socialism; Sociology Refer from Character losophy; Psychology Pcrsonalil\- : Ph Refer from Aryan languages; Bengali lan- guage; Hindustani language; Indie lan- guages (s) ; Oriental languages; Sanskrit language Refer from Electric measurement; Electric- ity; Electrodynamics; Induction coils; Self- induction (s) Refer from Electric apparatus and appliances; Electric transformers; Electricity; Electro- magnets Refer from Absolution; Catholic church; Church polity; Purgatory 193 Industries, Primitive .SVc t-t- Khaki Kaleidoscope Kalils see Caliphs Kansas-Nebraska bill Kantianism see Critical philosophy Karens See also Burma Kartcis (economics) see Combination, Indus trial ; Trusts Karyokinesis Katabolism see Metabolism Kathode rays see Cathode rays Kayans see Dyaks Kecley cure see Gold cure Keltic languages see Celtic languages Keltic literature see Celtic literature Kells .I,;- Celts Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, 1798 Kentucky resolutions, 1798, see Kentucky and \'irginia resolutions, 1798 Keramics see Pottery Kerosene see Petroleum Kerosene engines see Gas and oil engines Keswick movement Ke\'s see Locks and kevs Khaki Khalifs see Caliphs Kidnapping S,r also Brigands and robbers; Impress- ment ; Slave trade Refer from Judges; Justices (s) ; Law; Magistrates Refer fro ti Pailh; Grace (theology); Salva- tion ; Theology Refer from I'ibers; Ilcmp Refer from Children — Law; Children's courts (s) ; Courts; Criminal law; Juvenile delinquency; Probation system; Reformatories Refer from Boys; Children; Children — Law; Crime and criminals; Defectives; Delinquent children (s) ; Juvenile courts; Juvenile offenders (s); Social problems Refer from Africa, South; Caffres (s) ; Ethnology — Africa, South; Kaffirs (s) Refer from Optical instruments Refer from Kansas ■ compromise; Nebraska - the U. S. Refer from Burma • History ; Missouri History ; Slavery in Refer from Biology; Caryokinesis (s) ; Cells; Chromosomes (s) ; Cytokinesis (s) ; Mitosis (s) Refer from Allen and sedition laws, 179S; Kentucky — History ; Kentucky resolutions(s) ; Nullification; State rights; Virginia — His- tory; Virginia resolutions (s) Refer from Revivals Refer from Cotton; Dyes and dyeing; Kaki (s) ; Textile Industry and fabrics; Wool Refer from Crime and criminals; Slave trade 207 Kidneys iVc aho L'Tinary organs Kindergarten .SVc n/() Cardboard construction; Child study; Cliildrcn ; Kinger plays; Nature- sludy; Object teaching; Paper work; Play; Slt)r\' tcllintr -Games and songs Stories Kindness ■ Treatment and energy; chanics; Mo- Kinetic Kindness to animals jff Animals Kinematics Sff also Dynamics; Force Mechanical movements; Me lion ; Velocity Kincmatograph see Moving pictures Kinetic theory of gases jee Gases - theory Kinetics ser Dynamics; Motion Kinctograph jef Moving pictures Kinetoscope /(■<■ Moving pictures King Philip's war, 1675-1676 Xr/- ij/.i" Indians — Wars; New Ivngland — I listnry ; L . S. — Histor)' — Colonial period King William's war, 1689-1697 See alio Indians — Wars; I'. S. — His- tory — Colonial period Kingdom of God Kings and rulers Sc(" al.'o Caliphs; Courts and courtiers; Divine right of kings; Doges; Emperors; Monarchy; Popes; Presidents; Princes and princesses; Queens and empresses; Royal descent, Families of Kingship see Monarchy Kinship srf Consanguinity; Family Kissing Kitchen .S'/v al-i'i Cookery; Home economics Kitchen garden (for teaching housekeeping) Kitchen gardening (vegetables) /<■<■ Gardening Kitchen middens Sti- alio Mounds and mound builders Kites Knclpp cure see Hydrotherapy Knife iff Knives Knight-errantry sfe Chivalry knighthood Knightage see Peerage Knighthood see Knights and knighthood Knights and knighthood See also Chivalry; Feudalism; Heraldr> Peerage; also orders of knighthood, c.g Garter, Order of the; Malta, Knights Templars; Teutonic knights Knights hospitallers see Malta, Knights of Knights of iXIalta see Malta, Knights of Knights of Rhodes s'-e Malta, Knights of Knights and of; Refer Viscera from Abdomen; Urinary organs; Refer from Child study; Children; Children — F.ducation (s) ; Education; Education, Elementary; Education of children (s); Elementary education (s) ; I'roebel system of education (s) ; Gifts (kindergarten) (s); Object teaching; Schools; Teaching Refer from Children's songs; Games; Play; School music; Songs Refer from Children's literature; Stories (s) Refer from Affection (s) ; Charity; Conduct of life ; Ethics Refer from Cinematics (s) ; Dynamics; Machinery; Mechanical movements; Mechan- ics; Motion; Physics; Velocity Refer from Indians — Wars; New England — History; U. S. — History — Colonial period Refer from England — History — Stuarts ; Indians — Wars ; New York (stale) — • History ; U. S. — History — Colonial period Refer from Theology Refer from Biography; Courts and courtiers; Despotism; Emperors; History; Magistrates; Monarchs (s) ; Monarchy; Royalty (s) ; Rulers (s); Sovereigns (s) Refer from Manners and customs Refe. Refe. from Cookery; Home economics (rom Home economics Refer from Archaeology; Indians — An- tiquities; Mounds and mound builders; Shell mounds (s) Refer from Aeronautics; Amusements; Sports Refer from Chivalry; Feudalism; Heraldry; Knight-errantry (s) ; Knighthood (s); Orders of knighthood (s); Peerage 208 Knights of St. John of Jerusalem see Malta, Knights of Knights of the cross see Teutonic knights Knights of the red cross see Krcemasons Knights templars (masonic) see Freemasons — Templars Knights templars (military order) see Templars Knitting See also Fancy work Knives See also Cutlery Knotting and splicing see Knots and splices Knots and splices Know-nothing party See al.'o L'. S. — History — 1815-1861 Knowledge See also Apperception; Belief; Education; Experience; Intellect; Intuition; Judgment; Metaphysics; Perception; Philosophy; Psychology; Reality; Science; Truth Knownothin^ party see Know-nothing party Koomis see Kumiss Koran See also Mohammedanism Koumvs see Kumiss Ku-Klux Klan 6V^ also Reconstruction Ktimiss Kuran see Koran Kyanizing see Wood — Preservation Kymric language see Welsh language Kymric literature see Welsh literature Labadists Labor and capital See also Arbitration and conciliation. Industrial; Boycott; Capital; Combination. Industrial; Cooperation; Employers' associ- ations; Employers' liability; Industrial betterment; Industry; Labor and laboring classes; Labor unions; Profit sharing; Strikes and I'ickouts; Wages Labor and laboring classes See also Age limit of employment ; Appren- tices; Arbitration and conciliation, indus- trial; Benefit societies; Child labor; Com- munism; Consumers' leagues; Contract labor; Convict labor; Coolies; Cooperation; Cost of living; Economics; Efficiency, In- dustrial; Employers' liability; Employment agencies; Factory system; Farm colonics; Farm labor; Gilds; Home labor; Hours of labor; Housing problem; Immigration and emigration; Industrial betterment; Indus- trial education; Industry; Insurance, In- dustrial; Labor and capital; Labor ex- changes; Labor laws; Labor unions; Leisure class; .Machinery in industry; Mechanics' institutes; Miners; Occupations; Old age Refer from Fancy work; Needlework Refer from Cutlery; Hardware; Knife (s) Refer from Cordage; Knotting and splic- ing (s) ; Navigation; Rope; Splicing (s) Refer from American party (s) ; Knownoth- ing party (s) ; Political parties; U. S. — His- tory — 1815-1861 ; U. S. — Politics Refer from Apperception; Consciousness; Education; Epistemology (s) ; Intellect; Learning (s) ; Metaphysics; Philosophy; Psy- chology Refer frSm -Mcoran (s) ; Alkoran (s); Kuran (s); Mohammedanism; Quran (s) ; Sacred books Refer from Invisible empire (s) ; Reconstruc- tion; Secret societies; Southern states; White league (s) Refer from Koomis (s) ; Koumys (s) ; Liquors ; Milk Refer from Sects Refer frffm Arbitration and conciliation. Industrial; Capital; Capital and labor (s) ; Economics; Labor and laboring classes; Profit sharing Refer from Economics; Industry; Labor and capital; Labor unions; Laborers (s) ; Manu- factures; People; Poor; Profit sharing; Social problems; Sociology; Strikes and lockouts: Wages; Wealth; Work; Working classes (s) 2og Labor and laboring classes — Coiulnurcl pensions; Oprn and closed shop; Padrone system; I'e.isantry ; Peonage; Poor; Protii sharing; Railroads — Employees; Scientilic management; Servants; Slavery; Socialism; Sociology; Standard of living; Strikes and lockouts; Sweating system; Unemployed; Villeinage; Wages; Women — Employment ; Work; W orkingmen's clubs; also names of cities, subhead Labor and laboring classes — u. s. Sft also V . S. — Social conditions Labor and machinery iff Machinery In industry Labor colonies ife I'arm colonies; Penal colo- nics Labor exchanges Sfe also Emplcyment agencies; Unem- ployed Labor laws Sef also Blacklisting; Boycott ; Employers' liability; Factory laws; Hours of labor; Injunctions; Mining laws Labor legislation see Labor laws J Labor organizations see Gilds; Labor unions Labor unions See also Arbitration and conciliation. Industrial; Benefit societies; Blacklisting; Boycott; Combination, Industrial; Coopera- tion; Employers' associations; Gilds; Labor and laboring classes; Open and closed shop; Restraint of trade; Strikes and lockouts; Trade agreements; Wages Laboratories See also Biological laboratories Laborers see Labor and laboring classes Laborers' dwellings see Housing problem Lace See also Needlework Laconics see Maxims Lacquer See also Japanning; \ arnish and varnish ing Lacrosse Ladles see Etiquet; Women La grippe see Influenza Lake District, Eng. See also Cumberland, Eng.; Lake poets; Lancashire, Eng.; Westmoreland, Eng. Lake dwellers and lake dwellings See also Archaeology Lake poets See also English poetry; La)^e District, Eng. Refer from V. S. — Economic conditions; L'. S.^ Labor and laboring classes (s) ; U. S. !rom U ar — Social conditions Refer from Arbitration and conciliation. Industrial; Employment agencies; Intelli- gence offices (s) ; Labor and laboring classes; Unemployed Refer from Children — Law; Employers' liability ; Factory laws ; Government regulation of industry; Industrial betterment; Labor and laboring classes; Labor legislation (s) ; Law Refer from Associations (s) ; Benefit societies; Boycott; Collective bargaining (s) ; Combi- natio'n. Industrial; Commerce; Cooperation; Economics; Gilds; Labor and capital ;'' Labor and laboring classes ;^Labor organizations (s) ; Open and closed shop ; 'Organized labor (s) ; Restraint of trade; Societies; Strikes and lockouts;^Trade unions (s) ; Trades combina- tion (s); Unions, Labor (s) ; Wages; Work- ingmen's associations (s) Refer from Research; Scientific research Refer from Arts and crafts; Domestic arts; Fancy work; Manufactures; Needlework; Weaving Refer from Arts and crafts; varnishing; Wood finishing Refer from Games \ arnish and Refer from Cumberland, Eng.; England — Description and travel; Lake poets; Lakes; Lancashire, Eng.; Westmoreland, Eng. Refer from Anthropology; Archaeology; .Architecture, Ancient; Ethnology; Lakes; Man — Origin and antiquity Refer from English poetry; Lake District, Eng.; Lake school (s) ; Lakists (s) ; Poets, English Lake school set Lake poets Lakes Ute also Great Lakes; Inland navigation; Lake District, ling.; Lake dwellers and lake dwellings; Physical geography; Ponds I.iklsis see Lake poets Lamaism ^ee also Buddhism; Tibet Lamarckism see Evolution; Lamarck l.amellibranchiata see Bivalves l.iiiipoons see Satire Lamps See also Electric lamps; Safety lamps Land See also Agriculture; Clearing of land; Deeds; Easements; Eminent domain; Farm colonics; Farms; Land grants; Land na- tionalization; Land tenure; Land titles; Landlord and tenant; Parks; Public lands; Real estate; Reclamation of land; Rent; School lands; Single tax; Surveying; Taxa- tion; I'nearned increment Land banks iire also Agricultural credit ; Banks and banking Land clearing see Clearing of land Land credit see Agricultural credit I. and drainage see Drainage Land grants .See also School lands; also names of . -intrics, subhead Public lands Land nationalization &(e also Communism; Land tenure; Single tax; Socialism Land surveying /^^ Surveying Land tenure See also Absenteeism; Commons; Emi- nent domain; Feudalism; Land nationaliza- tion; Land titles; Landlord and tenant; Manors; Mark (land); Mortmain; Real estate ; Rent ; Riparian rights ; School lands ; Scutage; Single tax; Taxation; Unearned increment; Village communities; Villeinage Ireland See also Absenteeism U.S. See also Homestead law ; L'. S. — Public lands Land titles See also Conveyancing; Deeds; Mort- gages; Real estate; Sale; Torrens system I. and transfer See Conveyancing Land yachts Landlord and tenant Si-e also Absenteeism; Apartment houses; Eviction; Land; Rent; Tenement houses Landmarks, Preservation of, see Preservation of landmarks, scenery, etc. Landscape See also Picturesque; Preservation of landmarks, scenery, etc. Landscape gardening See also Cemeteries; Evergreens; Forests and forestry; Garden ornaments and furni- Reier from Inland navigation; Physical geography; Ponds; VVatci Refer from Buddhism; Religions; Tibet Refer from Furniture; Lighting; Petroleum Refer from Agriculture; Economics; Land- lord and tenant; Law; Property; Real estate; Rent Refer from Agricultural banks (s) ; Agri- cultural credit; Banks and banking Refer from Land; U. S. — Public lands Refer from Communism ; Land ; Land tenure; Xaiionalization of land (s); Single tax; Social- ism Refer from Absenteeism; Agriculture; Eco- nomics; Inheritance; Land; Land nationaliza- tion ; Real estate ; Single tax ; Tenure of land (s) Refer from Absenteeism; Ireland — Land tenure (s) ; Irish land question (s) Refer from U. S. — Economic conditions; V. S. — Land tenure (s) Refer from Abstracts of title (s) ; Conveyanc- ing; Deeds; Land; Land tenure; Property; Real estate; Sale; Titles (land) (s) Refer from Sports; Yachts and yachting Refer from Commercial law; Land; Land tenure; Law; Real estate; Rent; Tenants (s) Refer from Esthetics; Natural scenery (s) ; Picturesque; Scenery (s) Refer from Architectural gardening (s) ; Art; Cemeteries; Forests and forestry; I'ormal turc; Cardcnin;;; Gardens; Hedges; Lawns; Municipal improvement; Paries; Pergolas; Rustic woodwork; Shrubs; Topiary work; Trees; Water gardens Landscape painting S,-,- iil.u H.irblzon school; Painting Landslides Si-e alio Avalanches Language .SVc al.'o Accent; Alliteration; Alphabet; Classical education; Conversation; Defini- tion; Dialects; Klocution; Kpithets; Kty- mology ; Grammar; Hieroglyphics; Idioms; Literature; Names; Onomatopoeia; Phonet- ics; Pronunciation; Prosody; Punctuation; Rhetoric; Sign language; Slang; Speech; Spelling; Synonyms and antonyms; Trans- lation; Transliteration; Words; Writing; also names of languages and groups of lan- guages, e.g. African languages; Aryan languages ; Dravidian languages; Indians — languages; Oceanic languages; Oriental lan- guages; Romance languages; Semitic lan- guages; Ural-Altaic languages Artificial Sff also Bolak; Esperanto; Ido; \'ola- piik — Comparative philology Universal See also Language, Artificial Language of animals see Animals — Language Language of flowers see Flower language Langue bleue (artificial language) see IJoIak Langue d'oc see Provengal language Langue d'oil see French language Lantern slides See also Stcreopticon Lapidary work see Gems Larceny See also Burglary; Embezzlement; Thieves Last judgment see Judgment day Last words of famous people Lathe work see Lathes; Turning Lathes See also Machine shop practice; Machine tools; Turning; Woodworking machinery Latin America See also Central .America; Mexico; Mon- roe doctrine; South America; West Indies Latin drama See also Dramatists, Latin; Latin litera- ture ; Theater — Rome Latin language [subdivided like German language] See also Aryan languages; Romance lan- guages Latin literature See also Classical literature; Latin drama; Latin language; Latin poetry Medieval and modem gardening (s) ; Gardening; Gardens; Hedges; Nlunicipal improvement; Parks; Planting (s) • Riir;il architecture (s) ; Shrubs; Trees Rejer from Painting Refer from .\valanches; Geology; Physical geography Refer from Anthrnpology ; Ethnology; Lin- guistics (s) ; Literature; Philology (s) ; Science; Speech; Words Refer from Artificial language (s) ; Interna- tional language (s) ; Language, Universal Refer from Comparative philology (s) Refer from International language (s) ; L'niversal language (s) Refer from Stereopticon Refer from Burglary; Crime and criminals; Shoplifting (s) ; Stealing (s) ; Theft (s) ; Thiev- ing (s) ; Thieves Refer from Anecdotes; Death-bed words (s) ; Dying words (s) Refer from Carpentry; Lathe work (s) ; Machine shop practice; Machine tools; Ma- chinery; Turning; Woodworking machinery Refer from Central America; Mexico; South America; Spanish America (s) Refer from Dramatists, Latin; Latin litera- ture: Theater — Rome Refer from Aryan languages; Classical languages (s) ; Latin literature Refer from Classical literature; Latin drama; Latin poetry; Roman literature (s) Latin poetry .SVf tilio Latin literature Reftr jrom Latin literature Latin races .s'c' (//jo Aryans; Creoles Rfffr from Aryans; Civilization Latitude and longitude See tilio Astronomy ; Astronun\y, Splierical Rfffr from Astronomy ; Astronomy, Spherical and practical; Geography, .\Litlicniatical ; and practical; Decrees of latitude and longi- Navigation ; Nutation ; Traverse tables lude (s); Kartli; Cjcodesy ; Geography ; Geog- raphy, Mathematical; Longitude (s) ; Nauti- cal astronomy; Navigation I atter-day saints 3ff Mormons and Mormonism Lattice Sff also Grilles Refer from Doors; I'" ret cutting (sj ; Grilles; House decoration; Windows Laughter See alio Humor Refer from Emotions; Iluninr l.aunihes see Motor boats; Steam launches Launching Refer from Shipbuilding; Ships Laundry ^>/ a//o Cleaning Refer from Cleaning; Home economics; Washing (s) Laureates see Poets laureate Lava See also Igneous rocks; Volcanoes Refer from Igneous rocks; Volcanoes Law See also Acknowledgments; Actions at Refer from Civil law; Common law; Courts; law; Administrators and executors; Ad- Criminal law; Ethics; Government; Juris- miralty; Adoption; Affidavits; Agency; prudence (s) ; Legislation; Municipal law; Agricultural laws ; Aliens ; Allegiance ; Anec- Pleading and practice; Professions; Science; dotes. Legal; Appeal; Appraising; Arbi- Sociology tration and award; Assignments; Asylum, Right of; Attachment; Bail; Bailments; Bankruptcy; Benefit of clergy; Blue laws; Building laws; Carriers ; Chapcery; Charters ; Church law; Civil law; Civil rights; Com- mercial law; Common law; Confiscation; Constables; Constitutional law; Constitu- tions ; Contracts ; Conveyancing ; Copyright ; Coroners; Corporation law; Costs; County otiicers; Courts; Crime and criminals; Criminal law; Damages; Debt; Divorce; Domestic relations; Easements; Election laws; Eminent domain; Equity; Evidence; Extradition; Feudalism; Forms (in law); Game laws; Government; Guaranties and sureties; Guardians; Habeas corpus; Im- peachment; Inheritance; Injunctions; In- surance; International law; Judges; Juris- diction; Jury; Justice; Justices of the peace; Labor laws; Land; Landlord and tenant; Lawyers; Legacies; Legal ethics; Legislation; Libel and slander; Liens; Limitations (law) ; Liquor laws; Lynch law; Magistrates; Mandamus; Maritime law; Marriage ; Martial law ; Master and servant ; Medical jurisprudence; Military law; Min- ing laws; Mortgages; Mortmain; !\Iosaic law; Municipal corporations; Municipal law; Natural law; Negligence; Negotiable instruments; Notaries; Nuisances; Pardon; Parliamentary practice; Partnership; Pat- ents; Personal property; Petition, Right of; Pleading and practice; Police; Police power; Poor laws; Possession (in law); Powers (law); Primogeniture; Probate law and practice; Property; Prostitution; Punish- 213 Law CuiitiiuRil mem; Real estate; Receivers; Rent; Re- straint of trade; Riparian rights; Sale; Salic law; School laws; SherilTs; Social contract; Sovereignty; Sumpluary laws; Survivorship; Torts; Tratle-marks; Trea- son; 'Ircspass; Trials; Trustees; Wager of battle; Wills; Witnesses; also subhead Law under countries and states, and under various subjects, e.g. Women — Law Study and teaching Law of nations iff International law Law of nature see Natural law Law of supply and demand iff Supply and demand Lawn tennis stt Tennis Lawns Sff alio Grasses Lawsuits sff Actions at law Lawyers »•• <;//" Anecdotes, Legal; Chancellors, Lod; Chief justices; Judges; Legal ethics; Magistrates ; Women as lawyers Laziness jff Idleness Lead Sff abo Lead burning; Lead mines and mining; Lead poisoning; Metals; I'cwtcr; Plumbing Lead burning Si,- aljii Plumbing Lead mines and mining Lead poisoning Leadership Stt alio Executive ability Learned men srt Scholars Learned societies Sff also Scientific societies; also names of countries and cities, subhead Learned in- stitutions and societies Learning /« Culture; Education; Knowledge; Scholars Least squares Sif aim Astronomy, Spherical and prac- tical ; Probabilities Rfffr from Legal education (si; Professional education Rfffr from Gardening; Grasses; Landscape gardening Rfffr from Attorneys (s) ; 15ar (s); Bar- risters (s); Biography; Jurists (s); Law; Solicitors (s) Rfffr from Metals Rtftr from Lead; Plumbing Refit from Lead; Mines and mineral re- sources ReffT from Lead; Occupations — Diseases and hygiene; Poisons Rfffr from Ability; I'^xeciitivc ability; Success Rfffr from Academies (learned societies) (s) ; Scientific societies; Societies Reffr from Astronomy, Spherical and practi- cal ; Errors, Theory of ; Geodesy ; NLithematics ; Probabilities Leather Sff also Blacking; Chemistry, Technical; Boots and shoes; Harness; Hides and skins; Leather work; Tanning Leather work Sff al:o Arts and crafts Leaves Sff also Botany; Botany, Structural; Trees Lectures and lecturing Sff alri) Chalk talks; Lyceums; Oratory; Rhetoric Lecturing stt Lectures and lecturing Rfffr from Animal products ; Boots and shoes ; Chemistry, Technical; Hides and skins; Man- ufactures; Tanning Rfffr from Arts and crafts; Fancy work; Leather Rfffr from Botany; Botany. Structural; Foliage (s) ; Plants; Trees Rfffr from Education; I'^ntertainments; Lecturing (s) ; Lyceums; Oratory; Rhetoric 214 Left- and right-handedness See also AmbiJcxierity ; Hand Lcfthandcdncss ste Left- and right-handedness Leg Sff also Anatomy; Artificial limbs Legacies .See also Inheritance; Inheritance and transfer tax; Mortmain; Wills Legal anecdotes sff Anecdotes, Legal Legal chemistry uf Chemistry, Legal Legal education iff Law — Study and teach- ing Legal ethics Legal forms sff Forms (in law) Legal holidays iff Holidays Legal medicine sft Medical jurisprudence Legal tender Sff also Greenbacks; Money; Paper money Legations sff Diplomatic and consular service Legends Sff also Animal lore; Arthurian romances; Ballads; Cross; Fables; Fairy tales; Faust; Folklore; Grail; Indians — Legends; Jesus Christ — Legends; Mary, Virgin — Le- fends; Mythology; Romances; Sagas; aints; Wandering Jew Celtic Sff also Folklore, Celtic • Japan Sff also Folklore — Japan Legerdemain sff Conjuring Legislation Sff also Government; Law; Legislative bodies; Lobbying; Parliamentary practice; Referendum; \'cto Legislation. Direct, sff Rcfcrcnduin Legislative bodies Sff also Committees; Parliamentary prac- tice; also names of legislative bodies under countries, states and cities Legs Sff Leg Legume inoculation sff Soil inoculation Leisure Leisure class Sff also Class distinction; Luxury Lenape Indians sff Delaware Indians Length, Standards of, sft Standards of length Lcnni Lenape sff Delaware Indians Lenses .SV^ also Photographic optics Lent Ste also Ash Wednesday; Christian year; Easter; Fasts and feasts; Good Friday; Holy week Lepers see Leprosy Rfffr from Ambidexterity; Habit; Hand; Lefthandcdness (s) ; Psychology, Physiological; Right-handedness (s) ; Righthandcdness (s) Rfffr from Anatomy; Legs (s) Rfffr from Bequests (s) ; Inheritance; Law; Wills Rfffr from F.thics; I'.ihics, Legal (s) ; Law; Lawyers; Professional ethics (s) Rfffr from Bank notes; Coinage; Fiat money (s) ; Greenbacks; Money; Paper money Rfffr from Ballads; Fiction; Folklore; Literature; Mythology; Romances; Saints; Stories (s) ; Superstition; Traditions (s) Rfffr from Celtic legends (s) ; Celts; Folk- lore, Celtic Rfffr from Folklore — Japan ; Japan — Le- gends (s) ; Japanese legends (s) Rfffr from Government; Law Rfffr from Committees; Constitutional law; Government; Legislation; Parliamentary prac- tice; Representative government and repre- sentation Rfffr from Conduct of life; Simple life Rfffr from Class distinction; Economics; Labor and laboring classes ; Luxury ; Privileged classes; Social ethics; Sociology; Wealth Rfffr from Aberration; Optical instruments; Photographic optics; Photography; Spectacles Rfffr from Ash Wednesday; Catholic church ; Christian year; Easter; Fasting; Fasts and feasts; Good Friday; Holy week Lepidoptera .SVi- alio Butterflies; Caterpillars; Insects ; Moths Leprosy Letter writing Sr-f iilu) Commercial correspondence; I'.iiijuct ; Rhetoric Lettering Sff also Illumination of manuscripts and books; Monograms; Sign painting Letters American English Letters (of the alphabet) sef Alphabet Letters of marque see Privateering Letters patent see Patents Lcucopathy see Albinos and albinism Levant .SV^ also Asia Minor; East; Palestine; Turkey Levees see Embankments Levelinp see Surveying Lewis and Clark expedition Lexicons see Dictionaries; also names of lan- guages and subjects, subhead Dictionaries Liability, Employers', see Employers' liability Libel and slander See also Liberty of speech; Liberty of the press ; Torts Liberalism S,-e also Modernism ; Unitarianism Liberty See also Anarchism and anarchists; Assembly, Right of ; Democracy ; Equality; Eree institutions; Liberty of conscience; Liberty of speech; Liberty of the press; Natural law; Religious liberty; Slavery Liberty of conscience S,e also Church and state; Dissenters; Heresy; Persecution; Private judgment; Public opinion; Religious liberty Liberty of speech See also Assembly, Right of; Libel and slander; Liberty of the press Liberty of the press See also Journalism; Libel and slander; Liberty of speech; Newspapers; Prohibited books; Public opinion Liberty of the will see Freedom of the will Refer from Butterflies; Caterpillars; In- sects ; Moths Refer from Lepers (s) ; Medicine — Practice; Skin — Diseases Refer from Composition (English); Composi- tion (rhetoric) (s) ; Correspondence (s); Eti- quet; Rhetoric; Writing Refer from Alphabet; Alphabets (s) ; Deco- ration and ornament; Design, Decorative; Illumination of manuscripts and books; Ini- tials; Mechanical drawing; Monograms; Orna- mental alphabets (s) ; Painting, Mechanical; Penmanship; Sign painting; Writing Refer from Correspondence (s) ; Literature Refer from American letters (s) ; American literature Refer from English letters (s) ; English lit- erature Refer from Asia ; Asia Minor ; East ; Palestine ; Turkey Refer from Louisiana purchase; Missouri River; U. S. — Exploring expeditions; Western states Refer from Calumny (s) ; Damages; Def- amation (s); Journalism; Law; Liberty of speech; Liberty of the press; Slander (s) ; Torts Refer from Government; Politics; Theology; Unitarianism Refer from Civil liberty (s) ; Democracy; Despotism; Equality; Ethics; Free institu- tions; Freedom (s); Government; People; Personal liberty (s) ; Philosophy; Religious liberty Refer from Church and state; Church polity; Conscience; Ethics; Free religion; Heresy; Intolerance (s) ; Liberty; Persecution; Private judgment; Religious liberty; Theology; Tolera- tion (s) Refer from Assembly, Right of; Free speech (s) ; Libel and slander; Liberty ; Liberty of the press; Speech Refer from Censorship of the press (s) ; Free- dom of the press (s); Journalism; Libel and slander; Liberty; Liberty of speech; News- papers ; Periodicals ; Press (s) ; Prohibited books 216 Librarians See ulio Library administration !>,(„ /■,„_. n- i i l • Librarianship .,/ Library administration; *'/" /™"' B-»-'"Pt>V .• '-.brar.cs Library science Libraries colt-.ri" ^B'olfs"'lLfs°°tnd"';4d^°°' ^;^''^r "''"'"K-nphy; Books; Books and Catalogs LbMn- U ,inn ,"„ ,'k^'''-"«= "-"dinK; Circulating; libraries (s) ; Education; M,^„ Ik •''.•■_ .°" '" libraries; Library scence; Literature Home libraries; Librarians; Mechanics' ueraiure institutes; Medical libraries; Reference books; School libraries; Shelving (for books); Sunday school libraries; Taxation Kxeminion from; aho headings beginning Libraries and Library, names of libraries, and names of cities, subhead Libraries Children's and':ch^s;SchS'^,!rir^^^ '-'"""- dr^V^'" S"i''' r^'^^= • ^^''''^^" ^ ^hil- uui iiorarits drcn s libraries (s) ; Children's literature- Li- braries and children (s) ; Libraries and schools- -Colleee schools and libraries (s) ^'■/'■'- Ji-om College libraries (s) ; Libraries, Home, ... Home libraries ' University (s) ; University libraries (s) Medical, /.. Medical libraries ZZKt'r' "''''°" ^'f" /™"' -M-icipal reference libraries (s) 6V,- ../.o Book collecting Rffer from Book collecting; Private li- Public braries (s) School, .,, School libraries '^'^^ ^""" ^"''''^ ''''""" ^^' Sunday school, see Sundav school libraries Traveling U S' "''" ^"""^' ^°'' ReUrfrom Traveling libraries (s) — U'niv'ersity, ... Libraries, College ^'■" ^™"' ^^ ^^ ^'''""" <'> Libraries and children see Libraries. Children's Libraries and fiction see Fiction in libraries Libraries and pictiires d / / n- Libraries and schools '^'^" ^""" ^'""^" Childret-s - SchooTlibrailer'"'' ' L"'"^'"' , .^^''^ /'■"" Children's literature ; Education ; «^n,ldrens,bchool libraries Libraries, Children's; Public schools; School Library administration ; Schools ; Schools and libraries (s) scifnce''''" ^"'"'"" '" '■'"■"'"• ^'^'^'^- ,R'i'r from Librarians; Librarianship (s) ; Library architecture ^'^'"^ '"""" 6V. «/i. Shelving (for books) Refer from Architecture; Library build- Library buildings ... Library architecture '"'' ^'^ ' ^"^''' ''"'''''"^^ Library buUetins ;j,^„ ^„„. Advertising; Bulletins. Li- Library catalogs ... Catalogs, Library "^ ^'^ '' ^'''"'^ ''"''" Library commissions Library economy ,<.. Library science Library fittings and supplies Library Uws ^'"-"'""^ ' ^°' ^°°^'^ ^'••^^ /-'« F"^"i'-e Library post 6V. <;/.o Parcels post Refer from Libraries. Traveling; Parcels Library schools and training ^°*.V.^°l"iT-''h" Library science . -S'/" Ao™ Library science; Library train- s'/^ ^/^ R:ki-„ 1, r> , , ■ ,- ing (s); Professional education Cataoein^- O ,IT? •' ,'^°°'^binding; Refer from Cataloging; Classification; Li- k^ataoging. Class hcation; Libraries; Li- brarianship (s) ; Library administration- I i- L brar/scho"!-?T," =• ^'^'"^ ''"""'"^ ' ''^^^>' '^<^°"°'">' ^) • Professions ' ''' i-iorary schools and training 21/ Library training itr Library schools and training Librettos see Opera — Librettos License system see Liquor laws; Liquor traffic Lichens i^ee alfo Cryptogams Rejer jrom Cryptogams; Mosses Liens See aha Attaclinu-ni ; Mortgages Refer jrom Attachment; Assignments; Bail- ments; Commercial law; Incumbrances (s) ; Law; Mechanics' liens (s) ; Property; Real estate Lies see Lying Life [for use when neither Biology nor Conduct of life is applicable] See also Animism; Biology; Christian Refer from Conduct of life; Ethics; Man; life and character; Conduct of life; Death; Metaphysics; Philosophy Ethics; I'uture life; Hygiene; Longevity; Man; Philosophy; Spiritual life; Standard of living; Vital statistics; Vitalism Origin See also Biology; Spontaneous genera- Refer from Biology; Evolution; Origin of tion life (s) Life-boats see Lifeboats Life in other worlds see Plurality of worlds Life insurance see Insurance, Life Life-saving See alio Accidents; Beacons; Drowning; Refer from Accidents; Drowning; Ship- Firemen; Fires; First aid in illness and in- wrecks jury; Lifeboats; Lighthouses; Lightning conductors; Safety devices; Shipwrecks Lifeboats Refer from Boats and boating; Life-boats (s) ; Life-saving; Navigation; Shipwrecks Lifts see Elevators; Hoisting machinery Light See also Aberration; Absorption of light; Refer from Aberration; Absorption of light; Color; Color blindness; Diffraction; Ether Color; Diffraction; Eye; Interference (light); (of space) ; F'^ye; Heliotropisni ; Interference Optics (s) ; Photometry; Physics; Radiation; (light); Lighting; Magneto-optics; N rays; Reflection (light); Refraction; Senses and Optical illusions; Optical instruments; Per- sensation; Spectra; Vibration; Waves spective; Phosphorescence; Photochemistry; Photography; Photometry; Phototherapy; Physics; Polarization (light); Radiation; Radioactivity; Rainbow; Reflection (light); Refraction; Sight; Spectra ; Spectrum anal- ysis; Sun; X rays; Zodiacal light Light cure see Phototherapy Light operas see Operettas Lighthouses 6Vr' c a/jo Possession (in law) Rfffr from Actions at law; Debt; Law; ,. , „ , Possession (in law) ; Statute of limitations (s) Limnobiology see Fresh-water life Linen Sff also Fibers; Flax; IKinp; 'IVxtile Rfffr from Fibers; Flax; Hemp; Textile industry and fabrics industry and fabrics LinRuistics see Language Link motion S,f also Mechanical mmements; Valves Rfffr from Mechanical movements; Steam and valve gears engines; Valves and valve gears Linoleum Rfffr from Carpets; Floors; Manufactures l.indtypc see Typesetting machines Lions Sff also Carnivora Refer from Carnivora; Hunting Lip reading Sff iilsn Deaf and dumb Refer from Deaf and dumb; Speech Liquefaction of gases .S',r ,j/.(o Chemistrj-, Physical; Liquid air Refer from Chemistry, Physical; Gases; Heat; Liquid air; Physics Liqueurs see Liquors Liquid air i'(Y «/.fo Chemistry, Physical; Liquefaction Refer from Air; Air, Liquid (s) ; Chemistry, o' g'''S<-'s Physical; Liquefaction of gases; Liquids; Physics; Refrigeration and refrigerating ma- chinery Liquid fuel Sff also Alcohol, Denatured; Gas and oil Rfffr from Fuel; Gas and oil engines; cii'-'incs; Gasoline; Petroleum Liquids; Marine engines; Petroleum Liquids See also Boiling points; Capillarity; ^^•/cr /row Capillarity ; Fluids ; Mechanics; Fluids; Hydraulics; Hydrodynamics; Hy- Physics drostatics; Jets; Liquid air; Liquid fuel; Soap bubbles; Solution (chemistry); Splashes ; Viscosity Liquor habit Sff Alcoholism; Liquor problem Liquor laws See also Dispensary system; Gothenburg Refer from High license (s) ; Law; License system; Internal revenue _ laws; Liquor system (s); Liquor problem; Liquor traffic; traffic; Local option; Prohibition Local option; Prohibition; Temperance Liquor problem See also Alcoholism; Canteens (army); Refer from Alcohol; Alcoholism; Drink Liquor laws; Liquor traffic; Local option; question (s) ; Drunkenness (s) ; Inebriates (s) ; Prohibition; Temperance Intemperance (s) ; Intoxication (s) ; Liquor habit (s) ; Liquor traffic; Local option; Pro- hibition; Saloons (s) ; Social problems; Tem- perance Liquor traflSc See also Brewing; Canteens (army); Refer from Alcohol; High license (s) ; Li- Dispensary system; Gothenburg system; cense system (s) ; Liquor laws ; Liquor problem ; Liquor laws; Liquor problem; Local op- Saloons (s) ; Temperance ti'iri; Prohibition; Temperance Liquors See also Adulterations; Alcohol; Ale; ^c/cr /rom Adulterations ; Agricultural prod- Beer; Beverages; Brandy; Brewing; Dis- nets ; Alcohol ; Ale; Beer ; Beverages ; Brandy ; tillation; Fermentation; Kumiss; Temper- Brewing; Distillation; Drinks (s); Food; ancc; Wine Intoxicants (s); Liqueurs (s) ; Manufactures; 219 Litanies Sff aho Liturgies Literary blunders ife Errors aiiJ bluinUrs Literary Literary collaboration lef Collaboration Literary criticism srf Critlslcni; Literature — IlisKiry anil criticism Literary iforgeries and mystifications Sfe also Errors and blunders, I.IUT;iry; Plagiarism; Shakespeare, William — I'or- gerles Literary frauds sff Literary forgeries and mystilications Literary history iff Bibliography; Literature — History and criticism Literary men iff Authors; Students Literary property iff Copyright Literary societies S:f alio Study clubs Literature Sff alio Allegories; Allusions; Anagrams; Anecdotes; Art in literature; Authors; Authorship; Ballads; Bestiaries; Bible — Literary character ; Bibliography; Books; Books and reading; Booksellers and book- selling; Catholic literature; Chapbooks; Children in literature and art; Children's literature; Classicism; Commonplace books; Copyright; Criticism; Dialogues; Drama; Editorials; Emblems; Epigrams; Epitaphs; Errors and blunders. Literary; Essays; Es- thetics; Eablcs; Fairy tales; Fiction; Folk- lore; Horn books; Humanism; Humor; Hymns; Idealism in literature; Indexes; inscriptions; Journalism; Language; Le- gends; Letters; Libraries; Literary forgeries and mystifications; Manuscripts; Maxims; Mottoes; Naturalism in literature; Nature in literature; Newspapers; Orations; Paro- dies; Periodicals; Plagiarism; Plots (drama, novel, etc.); Poetry; Printing; Prose; Prov- erbs; Publishers and publishing; Quota- tions; Reade:s; Realism In literature; Reci- tations and readings; Religious literature; Renaissance; Rhetoric; Riddles; Romances; Romanticism; Sacred books; Sagas; Satire; Sermons; Short stories; Symbolism in litera- ture; Tracts; Translation; Women in litera- ture and art; alio names of literatures and groups of literatures, e.g. American literature ; Celtic literature ; Classical literature ; English literature; European literature; Oriental literature ; Romance literature ; Scandinavian • literature; Slavic literature Collections .SV^' alio Recitations and readings History and criticism Sff alio Book reviews; Criticism -Immoral -Medieval, iff Middle ages — Literature Spirituous liquors(s) ; Stimulants ; Temperance; Wine Rfffr from Liturgies; Prayers; Worship Rfffr from Errors and blunders, Literary; Forgeries (s) ; Forgery; Frauds, Literary (s) ; Imposture; Literary frauds (s) ; Literature; Plagiarism Rfffr from Societies; Study clubs Rfffr from Authors; Belles-lettres (s) ; Bibliography; Books; Books and reading; Drama; European literature; Language; Poet- rv ; Prose Rfffr from Recitations and readings Rfffr from .\ppralsal of books (s) ; Book reviews; Books — Appraisal (s) ; Criticism; Evaluation of literature (s) ; Literary criti- cism (s) ; Literary history (s) Rfffr from Ethics; Immoral literature (s) Literature- Cuntinuid — Study and teaching Lithography Sef abo Chromolithography ; I'.ngraving ; Photolithography; Zincography Lithology see Rocks Lithozincography lee Zincography Littoral rights lee Riparian rights Liturgies ^ee also Breviaries; Church services; Hymns; Litanies; Mass; Missals; Prayer books; Prayers; Responsive worship; Rites and ceremonies; Ritualism; Worsliip; also names of churches, e.g. Catholic church — I.iuirpy and ritual. Church of England — Liiurg)* and ritual Live stock See also Barns and stables; Breeding; Cattle; Cowboys; Cows; Domestic animals; Feeding and feeding stutfs ; Grazing; Horse; Insurance, Casualty; Oxen; Poultry; Sheep; Swine ; \'eterinary medicine Transportation, see Animals — Transpor- tation Liver See also Digestive system; Glands Livery Lives see Biography; also names of individuals and classes of persons Living, Cost of, see Cost of living Living, Standard of, see Standard of living Living expenses see Cost of living Loadstone see Lodestone Loan associations see Building and loan asso- ciations Loans See also Debt; Finance; Interest; In- vestments; Mortgages; Repudiation; Se- curities Lobbying See also Political corruption Local government jk "^ See also Boroughs; Cities; Coroners; County officers; Gilds; Home rule; Munici- pal government; Town meeting; Town offi- cers; "Fowns ; \illage communities; Villages Local option See also Liquor Prohibition laws; Liquor problem; Lockjaw see Tetanus Lockouts see Strikes and lockouts Locks (canals) see Canals — Locks Locks and keys Locomotion See also Aeronautics; Animal locomotion; Automobiles; Boats and boating; Carriages; Coaches and coaching; Cycling; Driving; Flight; Horsemanship; Navigation; Row- ing; Running; Sailing; Skating; Transpor- tation; Travel; Walking Refer from graving Art; Chromolithography ; F.n- Refer from Breviaries; Church ceremo- nies (s) ; Church music; Church services; De- votional exercises; Litanies; Missals; Prayer books; Prayers; Religious services (s) ; Re- sponsive worship; Rites and ceremonies; Ritual (s) ; Service-books (s) ; Worship Refer from Agriculture; Animal industry (s) ; Breeding; Cattle; Domestic animals; Farm animals (s) ; Feeding and feeding stuffs ; Horse ; Oxen; Sheep; Stock breeding (s); Stock farm- ing (s) ; Stock raising (s) ; Swine Refer from Abdomen; Digestive system; Glands; \'iscera Refer from Costume; Gilds; Servants; L'niforms Refer from Commerce; Credit; Debt; D.;bts, Public; Finance; Investments Refer from Legislation; Political corruption; Politics Refer from Boroughs; County officers; Government; Municipal government; Self- government (s) ; State governments; Town meeting; Towns; Village communities; Vil- lages Refer from County option (s) ; Liquor laws; Liquor problem; Liquor traffic; Prohibition; Temperance Refer from Hardware; Keys (s) Refer from Motion Locomotives .SVc alio I'.lcctric locomotives; Railroads; Steam engines; Traction engines Locusts .SVc also Cicadas; Orthoptera Lodestone Lodging houses S,f (j/m) llutels Log cabins Logarithms Ste also Functions; Mathematics — Ta- bles, etc.; Slide rule; Surveying; Trigonom- etry l.oi;i;lng sff Lumber and lumbering Logic Sff also .Analogy; Certainty; Debating; Evidence; Fallacies; Probabilities; Reason Lollards Longevity See also Old age; Vital statistics Longitude set Latitude and longitude l.nnking-glasses see Mirrors Looms .SVc also Weaving Lord chancellors see Chancellors, Lord Lord's prayer .SVc also Bible — New Testament — Mat- tliew; Uibic — New Testament — Luke Lord's supper See also Church membership; Close com- munion; Jesus Christ; Mass; Passover; Sacraments; Transubstantiation Lost tribes of Israel see Jews — Lost tribes Lotteries See also Probabilities Lotus Louisiana purchase Sif- al.'i) Lewis and Clark expedition ; Mississippi \'allev; L". S. — History — 1783- 1812 Louvre See also Paris — Galleries and museums Love See also Charity; Courtship; Friendship; Jealousy; Love poetry; .Marriage; .Mothers Refer from Engines; KLichinery; Mechani- cal engineering; Jilotors; Railroads; Railroads - F.quipment and supplies; Railroads — Rolling stock; Steam engines Refer from Grasshoppers (s) ; Insects, In- jurious and beneficial; Orthoptera Refer from Iron ores; Loadstone (s) ; .Mag- n^ism; Magnetite (s) Refer from Apartment houses; Hotels; Housing problem; Tenement houses Re; er from Architecture, Domestic; Cabins, Log (s) ; Cottages Refer from Algebra; Mathematics — Tables, etc.; Surveying; Tables, Mathematical (s) ; Trigonometry Refer from Argument (s) ; Debating; Dia- lectics (s) ; Evidence; Fallacies; Induction (logic) (s); Intellect; Philosophy; Probabili- ties; Proof (s) ; Psychology; Reason; Reason- ing (s) ; Science; Syllogisms (s) ; Thought and thinking Refer from England — Religious history; Sects Refer from Age; Aged (s) ; Biology; Cen- tenarians (s); Hygiene; Life; .Man; Old age; Pathology; Physiology Refer from Machinery; Textile factories; Weaving Refer from Bible; Bible — New Testament — Matthew; Bible — New Testament — Luke; Devotional exercises; Prayer; Prayers Refer from Altars; Christian antiquities; Church membership; Church polity; Close communion; Communion (s); Confirmation; Devotional exercises; Eucharist (s) ; Jesus Christ; Mass; Passover; Real presence (s) ; Sacraments; Theology; Transubstantiation Refer from Crime and criminals; Ethics; Gambling Refer from Egypt — Religion; Flowers Refer from U. S. — .Annexations ; U. S. — History — 1783-1S12 Refer from Art — Galleries and museums; Palaces; Paris — Galleries and museums Refer from Affection (s) ; Charity; Court- ship; Emotions; Ethics; Friendship; Jealousy; Marriage; Women I.ovc, Courts of, set Courts of love Love poetry Low German language Ute also Dutch languaftc; Flemish lan- guage; Germanic languages; Old Saxon language Lower Silurian period jfe Geology, Stratigraph- ic — C)rdo\'ician Loyalists, American i'(V iil.'o I . S. — History — Revolution Loyalty isi-f alio Patriotism Lubricants Sff Lubrication and lubricants Lubrication and lubricants ,SVc ii!>o Ucarings (niachiner;) ; Friction; Oils and fats Lucerne (plant) sre Alfalfa Luck ife Chance; Fate and fatalism; Success Luddites Sif also Machinery in industry l.iigL'agc see Baggage Lullabies Lumber and lumbering See alio Forests and forestry; Sawmills; Timber; Woodworking machinery Lumbering see Lumber and Iumbcrin(< Luminiferous ether see Ether (of space) Lunacy see Insanity Lunar eclipses see Eclipses Lunar theory see Moon Lunatic asylums see Insane hospitals Luncheons See also Cookery; Menus; Sandwiches; School lunches Lungs See also Auscultation; Breathing; Cough; Pneumonia; Respiratory organs; i'uberculo- sis Lutheran church See alio Germany — Religious history ; Reformation — Germany Luxations see Dislocations Luxury See also Consumption (economics) ; Leisure class; Standard of living; Sumptuary laws; Wealth Lycanthropy see Werwolves Lyceums See also Lectures and lecturing Lying See also Equivocation; Truth Lynch law See also X'igilance committees Refer from Love; Poetry; Poetry of love (s) Refer from German language — Dialects; Germanic languages; Old Saxon language; I'lattdeutsch (s) Refer from American loyalists (s) ; Biography ; Tories, American (s); United empire loyal- ists (s) ; U. S. — Biography; U. S. — History — Revolution Refer from Conduct of life; Ethics; Fidel- ity (s) ; Patriotism Refer from Bearings (machinery); Friction; Grease (s) ; Lubricants (s) ; Machinery; Mechanical engineering; Oils and fats Refer from Labor and laboring classes — England; Machinery in industry Refer from Cradle songs (s) ; Folk songs ; Slumber songs (s) ; Songs Refer from Clearing of land ; Forest products ; Forests and forestry; Logging (s) ; Lumber- ing (s) ; Timber; Trees; Wood Refer from Cookery; Eating; Entertaining; Home economics; Meals (s); Menus; Table Refer from Breathing; Chest; Pneumonia; Respiratory organs; Tuberculosis Refer from Evangelical Lutheran church (s) ; Germany — Religious history; Reformation — Germany; Sects Refer from Economics; Leisure class; Stand- ard of living; Wealth Refer from Education; Lectures and lectur- ing Refer from Equivocation; Ethics; False- hood (s) ; Lies (s) ; Truth Refer from Capital punishment; Crime and criminals; Crowds; Law; Lynching (s) ; Mobs (s) ; Riots; Vigilance committees 223 Lynching sre Lynch law Lyric poetry .SV^ uho Ballads; Hymns; Minnesingers; (Mos; .Si)M);s; Sonnets M.u.JaniizcJ roads see Roads, Macadamised Macaronic verse Machine design S.e ,i/.„ lU-arinp (machinery); Beltinp; Holis and nuts; Cams; Chains; DraftinJ room practice; Gearing; Machine shop P acice; Machinery; Mechanical drawing; Mechanical movements; Screws M.uhinc u'uns see Ciiiis Machine shop management See also Machine shop practice; Scientific management Machine shop practice .V,- <;/jo Orafiing room practice; Drilling Pcrforaiing); Dynamos; Engines; Forging; ;V^ ^^' M°'K'" Grinding and polishinf Lathes; Machine design; Machine shop management; Machine tools; Machinery • Mechanical engineering; Pattern making^ M^chllle^^shop's '"" '"''^""'""^' "°^' ■''■'^''''■"^ .SVj- aho ALichinc shop management; .Machine shop practice Machine tools See also Abrasives ; Drilling (perforating) ; I il '^ m"7^'' Grinding and polishing Lathes; ALichine shop practice; Milling machines; Planing machines; Punching MriLinL"r;^'''^"'-"""^^^-'""";'^-'^'-' S^' also Bearings (machinery); Belting; Calculating machines; Conveying ma- chinery; Cranes, derricks, etc.; Cranks (ma- chinery); Hectnc engineering; KIcctric machinery; Engineering; Engines; E.xcavat- ing machinery; Eans, Mechanical; Farm implements and machinery; Friction; Gear- ing; Hoisting machinery; Hydraulic en- gineering; Hydraulic machinery; Inven- tions; Kinematics; Lathes; Locomotives; Looms; Lubrication and lubricants; Ma- chine design; Machine shop practice- Ma- chine tools ; \Iachinery in industry; .Manu- factures; .Mechanical engineering ; Mechani- cal movements; Mechanics; Milling ma- chines ; Mills and miUwork; Mining machin- ery ; Motors ; Patents ; Pattern making ; Plan- ing machines; Power transmission; Printing presses; Pulleys; Pumps; Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery; Screw machines; Screws; Sewing machines; Shafting; Steam engines; Tabulating machines; Timekeepers; lools; Typesetting machines; Valves and mll7.i""^= ^^?'" *'^"''; "h^ls; Wind- mills; Woodworking machinery Uaclunery in industry See also Luddites Refer jrom Ballads; Odes; Poetry; Songs- honnets *■ • Refer from Humor; Poetry Refer from Bearings (machinery); Belting- Bolts and nuts; Cams; Chains De sigl' Machine (s) ; Drafting room practice Gearing Machine shop practice; \Uchinery; Mechani^ ca drawing; Mechanical engineering; Mechani- cal movements; Mechanics, Applied; Screws Refer from Machine shop practice; AL-ichine Shops ; Management of factories, shops, etc (s) • Scientific management ; Shop management U\ Works management (s) .3.'^"J\°^ Drilling (perforating); Grinding and polishing; Industrial arts; Lathes; Ma- chine design; Machine shop management; Machine shops; Machine tools; Machinery ^ Mechanical engineering; Shop practice (sj Refer from Architecture; Shops (s) y?<-^r /rom Lathes; Machine shop practice; Machinery; Mechanical engineering; Milling machines; Planing machines; Screw machines] Refer /rom Engineering; Industrial arts; instruments; Machine design; Machine shop practice; Machines (s); Manual training; Manufactures; Mechanical engineering- Mel i^im"/? Ar,?''''"?''.=„ ^I'^'^hanics; Mechan- ism (s); M.lls and millwork; Motors; Power - Power transmission; Tools; Wheels Refer from Industry; Labor and laboring classes; Labor and machinery (s) ; Luddites^ Machinery; Manufactures 224 Machines see Machinery Madness lee Insanity Madonna see Mary, Virgin; Madonnas Madonnas See also Christian art and symbolism Matlia see Mafia Mafia See also Camorra; Sicily Magazines see Periodicals Magi Magic ,S><- also Conjuring; ICvil eye; Occult sciences; Witchcraft Made lantern see Stercopticon Magic squares Magistrates See also Judges; Justices of the peace; Kings and rulers; \Ionarchy Magna cbarta Magnetic needle see Compass Magnetic observations see Magnetism, Ter- restrial — Observations Magnetic separation of ores Magnetic surveys see Magnetism, Terrestrial — Observations Magnetic variations see Magnetism, Ter- restrial Magnetism Sre also J\nimal magnetism; Compass; Diamagnetism ; Electricity; Electromagnets; Lodcstonc; Magnetic separation of ores; Magneto-optics; Physics Terrestrial See also Auroras ; Compass -Observations Mapnciite see Lodestonc Magneto-optics See also Electrons; Polarization (light) Magyar language see Hungarian language Magyar literature see Hungarian literature Mahommedanism see Mohammedanism Mahrattas See also Ethnology — India Mail see Postal service Mail order business See also AJicrlising Maize see Corn Majolica See also Pottery Refer from Art ; Christian art and symbolism ; Jesus Christ in art; Madonna (s) ; Mary, Virgin; Mary, X'irgin, in art (s) ; Paintings; Virgin Mary in art (s) Refer from Camorra; Crime and criminals; Maffia (s) ; Secret societies; Sicily Refer from Christmas; Jesus Christ — Birth ; Wise men of the East (s) Refer from Conjuring; Dcmonology; Il- lusions and hallucinations; Necromancy (s^ ; Occult sciences; Superstition; Witchcraft Refer from Mathematical recreations; Num- bers; Squares, Magic (s) Refer from Government; Judges; Law; Lawyers Refer from Charters; England — Constitu- tion ; England — History — Plantagencts Refer from Electrometallurgy; Magnetism; Metallurgy; Ore treatment Refer from Diamagnetism; Electricity; Para- magnetism (s) ; Physics Refer from Auroras; Compass; Earth; Magnetic variations (s) ; Physical geography ; Terrestrial magnetism (s) Refer from Magnetic observations (s) ; Magnetic surveys (s) ; Observations, Mag- netic (s) Refer from Light; Magnetism; Polariza- tion (light) Refer from Ethnology — India ; India ; Mara- thas (s) Refer from Advertising; Business; De- partment stores Refer from Pottery ZJS Make-up, Theatrical Sff (iho Acting; Cosmetics MakinR-iip, Theatrical, sff Make-up, Tlieatrical Malacology sef Mollusks Malaria Sff also Mosquitoes Malarial fever .'i-<- Malaria Malays .S';e; Search, Right of; Shipping;; Steamboat inspection Maritime power see Sea power M.niiinie surveying see Hydrography Mark (land) See also Village communities Card cning; Oreen- Market gardening See also Aiiiiculture; Ik>uscs; X'egetablcs Marketing Marketing of farm produce See also Agriculture; Farm inanagcment Markets See also Slaughtering and slaughter- houses ; alio names of cities, subhead Markets Marks (land) see Mark (land) Marks, Artists', see Artists' marks Marks, Goldsmiths', see Hall marks Marks, Printers', see Printers' marks Maroons Marprelate controversy Marquetry see Inlay Marriage See also Adultery; Celibacy; Chastity; Consanguinity ; Courtship ; Divorce ; Domes- tic relations; Eugenics; I'amily; Husbands; Illegitimacy; Love; Marriage customs and rites; Marriages, International; Polyandry; Polygamy; Sex; Sexual ethics; Wedding anniversaries; Weddings; Wives; Women Mairlage customs and rites See also Weddings Marriage records see Vital records Marriage statistics see \'ital statistics Marriages, International Marsh gas see Fire damp Marshes See also Drainage; Reclamation of land Marsupialia See also Mammals Martial law See also Courts martial; Habeas corpus; Military government; Military law Martial music see Military music Martyrs See also Christian biography; Church history; Inquisition; Persecution; Saints law ; I, aw ; Marine law (s) ; Navigation laws (s) ; Privateering; Prizes (international law); Sal- vage; Search, Right of; Shipping Refer from Commons; Land tenure; Marks (land) (s) ; Village communities Refer from Agriculture; Farm management; Gardening; Greenhouses; Truck farming (s) ; Vegetable gardening (s) ; Vegetables Refer front Food; Home economics Refer from Agricultural products; Agricul- ture; Commerce; Farm management; I'arm firoducts (s) ; Prices; Transportation Refer from Business; Cities; Commerce; Food Refer from Dutch Guiana; Fugitive slaves; Jamaica ; Negroes Refer from Church of England — Doctrinal and controversial works; England — Re- ligious history; Puritans Refer from Christian antiquities; Church law; Consanguinity; Courtship; Divorce; Domestic relations; Ethics; Eugenics; Family; Home; Husband and wife (s) ; Husbands; Law; Love; Matrimony (s) ; Polygamy; Rites and ceremonies; Sacraments; Sex; Sexual ethics; Social problems; Sociology; Weddings; Wives ; Women ; Women — Law Refer from Bridal customs (s) ; Manners and customs; Marriage; Rites and ceremonies; Weddings Refer from International marriages (s) ; Marriage Refer from Bogs (s) ; Drainage; Fens (s) ; Morasses (s) ; Reclamation of land ; Swamps (s) Refer from Mammals; Pouched animals (s) ; Zoology — Australia Refer from Habeas corpus; Law; Military art and science; Military government; Mili- tary law; War Refer from Christian biography; Church history; Heresy; Heroes; Inquisition; Per- secution ; Saints 229 Mary, Virgin Sr-f iilio Immacul.iic conception; Jesus Clirist ; Madonnas Legends\ . \ iifin, ill all, see Madonnas Masks (for the face) Masks (I'l.iys) si-i- Masques (plays) Mason and Dixon's line Masonry See also Arclics; Bricklaying; Bricks; Rridjjcs; Building; Buiklini; stones ; Ccinint ; Concrete; Dams; Kmindations; Plaster and plasterintf; Stereotomy; Stone; Stonecut- ting; Strength of materials; Vaulting; Walls Masons (secret order) see Freemasons Masquerades See alio Balls (parties); Costume Masques (plays) Mass See also Catholic church — Liturgy and ritual; Lord's supper; Masses (music); Missals; Transubstanliation Massacres .SV<- also names of massacres, e.g. Boston massacre; St. Bartholomew's day. Massacre of; Sicilian vespers; Wyoming massacre Massage See also Mechanotherapy; Swedish move- ment cure Masses (music) Master and servant See also Apprentices; Domestic relations; Employers' liability; Servants Mastersingers see Meistersingers Matches Materia medica .S'((- ii'ito Dispensatories; Drugs, and names of drugs; .Medical botany; Medicines, Pro- prietary; Pharmacy; I'harmacopoeias ; Thera- peutics Materialism See also Animism; Encyclopedists; Epi- cureans; Evolution; Philosophy; Rational- ism ; Soul ; Stoics Materials, Strength of, see Strength of mate- rials Maternity see Mothers Mathematical drawing see Geometrical draw- ing; Mechanical drawing Mathematical geography see Geography, Mathematical Mathematical instruments See also Calculatint: macliines ; Drawing instruments; Measuring instruments; Pla- nimeter; Slide rule; Surveying instruments Mathematical notation see Notation (mathe- matics) Mathematical recreations See also Magic squares Refer from Catholic church; Immaculate conception; Jesus Christ; .Madonna (s) ; Miracles; Virgin .Mary (s) Refer from Legends Refer fro m Cos t u mc Refer from .\Liryland — Boundaries; Penn- sylvania — Boundaries; Slavery in the U. S. Refer from .Architecture; Bricklaying Bricks; Bridges; Building; Building stones Civil engineering; Concrete; Dams; Engineer- ing; Foundations; Industrial arts; Stone Strength of materials; Walls Refer from Amusements; Balls (parties^ Refer from Drama; Masks (plays) (s) ; Theater Refer from .Mtars; Catholic church; Catholic church — Liturgy and ritual; Eucharist (s) ; Liturgies; Lord's supper; Missals; Rites and ceremonies; Theology; Transubstantiation Refer from Battles; History; Persecution Refer from Mechanotherapy ; Therapeutics Refer from Church music; Mass; Music Refer from Contracts; Domestic relations; Employers' liability; Law; Servants Refer from Chemistry, Technical; Manu- factures Refer from Dispensatories; Drugs; Medical botany; Medicine; Medicines (s) ; Pharmacy; Pharmacopoeias; Remedies (in medicine) (s) ; Therapeutics Refer from Animism; Atheism; Matter; Naturalism; Philosophy; Skepticism; The- ology Refer from Arithmetic; Arithmetical in- struments (s) ; Instruments; Mathematics Refer from Amusements; Mathematics; Scientific recreations 230 Malhomatical tables see Matliematics — Talili's, I'll-. Mathematicians Mathematics Sec alio Aljjcbra ; Arithmetic; Astronomy; Axioms; Calculating machines; Calculus; Conic sections; Kngineerinj;; Equations; Errors, Theory of; Fourth dimension; GeoJesy; Cieography, Mathematical; Ge- ometry; Groups, 'i'heory of; Least squares; Mathematical instruments; Mathematical recreations; Mathematicians; Mechanics; Mensuration; Metric system; Navigation; Notation (mathematics); Numbers; Nu- merals ; Physics ; Probabilities ; Quaternions ; Ready-reckoners; Surveying; Trigonometry Tables, etc. See alio Interest tables; Logarithms; Traverse tables Matriarchy Matrimony see Marriage Matter .SV^ also Atomic theory; Atoms; Capil- larity; Compressibility; Dissociation; Dy- namics; Elasticity; Electrons; Ether (of space); Force and energy; Gravitation; Hardness; Ions; Materialism; Molecules; Physics; Radioactivity; Solids; Specific gravity ; Viscosity Mausoleums see Tombs Maxims See also Epigrams; Proverbs; Quotations May day Mayas See also Central America — Antiquities; Guatemala; Indians of Central America; Indians of Mexico; Mexico — Antiquities; Yucatan Meadows sie Pastures and meadows Meals see Breakfasts; Dinners and dining; Eating; Food; Luncheons; Table Measles Measures see Mensuration; Weights and measures Measuring instruments .SV<- ill in Micrometer; Slide rule; Square instrument) Meat See also Animal food; Beef; Carving (meat, etc.); Cold storage; Cookery — Meat; Meat inspection; Packing industry; SlauKhtcrine and slaughterhouses Meat inspection See also Food adulteration and inspection; Slaughtering and slaughterhouses Mechanic arts see Industrial arts Mechanical draft Sre alio Blowing engines; Combustion; Fans, Mechanical; Smoke Rejer Jrom Mathematics; Scientists Refer from Algebra; Arithmetic; Conic sections; Geometry; Science; 'I'rigonomctry Refer from Calculation — Aids (s) ; Loga- rithms; Mathematical tables (s) ; Ready- reckoners; Tables. Mathematical (s) Refer from Family; CSovcrnment; Mothers; Women Refer from Atoms; Compressibility; Dynam- ics; (iravitation ; Mechanics; Metaphysics; Philosophy; Physics; \'iscosity Refer from Adages (s) ; Aphorisms (s) ; Apothegms (s) ; Epigrams; Laconics (s) ; Lit- erature; Proverbs; Quotations; Sayings (s) Refer from Days; Festivals Refer from Central America — Antiquities; Guatemala; Indians of Central America; Indians of Mexico; Mexico — Antiquities; Yucatan Refer from Children — Diseases; Contagion and contagious diseases; Medicine — Practice Refer from Mathematical instruments; Weights and measures Refer from Animal food; Animal products; Beef; F'ood ; Packing industry; Slaughtering and slaughterhouses Refer from Food adulteration and inspec- tion; Hygiene, Public; Inspection of meat (s) ; Meat; Packing industry; Slaughtering and slaughterhouses Refer from Combustion; Draft, Mechani- cal (s) ; Draught, Mechanical (s) ; Fans, Me- 231 Mechanical drawing .S' Arcliitoctiiral drawing; Drafling room practice; Drawing instruiiu-nls ; Cuo- mclrical drawing ; Crapliic statics ; Crapliics ; LcllcriiiK; Machine design ; I'attcrn making- Perspective; Projection Mechanical engineering .S'fV aliu Uuilcrs; Electric engineering; Engmccring; Kngines; l-'riction; I'uel ; Hy- draulic engineering; I-ocomotivcs ; I'.ubri- cation anJ lubricants; Machine design; Machine shop practice; Machine tools; Machinery; Marine engineering; Mechani- cal draft; Mechanical movemenis; Mechan- ics; Mechanics, Applied; l>c,wcr plants; rower transmission; Steam engines Mechanical fans sff Fans, Mechanical Mechanical movements Sr,- ,i/..o Cams; Gearing; Kinematics; Link motion; Machine design; Machinery; Mechanical engineering; Mechanics; Pul- leys Mechanical painting see Painting, Mechanical Mechamcs See also Aeronautics; Animal mechanics; Dynamics; Elasticity; Engineering; Fluids- 1-orcc and energy; Friction; Gases; Graphic statics; Hydraulics; Hydrodynamics; Hy- drostatics ; Kinematics ; I.iquid's ; Machinery ; Matter; Mechanical movements; Motion- Motors; Perpetual motion; Physics; Power,' Pulleys; Statics; Steam engines; Strength of materials Applied tin- also Machine design; Mechanical engineering; Power transmission; Strains and stresses Celestial S,e also Astronomy; Moon; Orbits - Perturbation ; Planets Mechanics (persons) Mechanics' institutes Mechanics' liens see Liens Mechanism see Machinery; Mechanical move- nients Mechanotherapy See o Mcicurulogy — - Observations Meteorology Stt also Air; Atmospheric electricity; Atmospheric nucleation; Auroras; Climate; Clouds; Cold; Cyclones; Dew; Droughts; F.vaporation ; Floods; Fog; Frost; Hail; Heat; Humidity; Hurricanes; Hygrometry; Ice; Lightning; Pileteorological instruments; Ocean ; Physical geography ; Rain ; Rainbow ; Seasons; Snow; Storms; Sun spots; Tem- perature; Thunderstorms; Tornadoes; Wa- terspouts; Weather; Weather forecasts; Weather lore; Winds; also names of coun- tries, subhead Meteorology Observations i'i(- al.'o Meteorological observatories -U. S. Set- also U. S. — Climate Meteors See also Astronomy; Meteorites; Meteor- itic hypothesis Meter See also Poetry; Prosody; Rhythm; Ver- sification Meters see Electric meters; Gas meters; Water meters; Wattmeter; etc. Methodism See also Episcopacy; Methodist Episcopal church; Wesleyan Methodist church Methodist Episcopal church .S'(V also Bishops; Metliodism Metre see Meter Metric system See also Decimal system; Weights and measures Metrology see Mensuration; Weights and measures Mexican boll weevil see Boll weevil Mexican cotton-boll weevil see Boll weevil Mexican war, 1846-1848, see U. S. — History — War with Mexico Mezzotint see Engraving Rejer from Absolute, The; Being; Causa- tion; Epistemology (s) ; God; Infinite; Knowl- edge; Monism; Ontology (s) ; Philosophy; Psychology; Reality; Teleology; Universe Refer from Astronomy; Meteors; Nebulae; Solar system; Universe Refer from Aerolites (s) ; Astronomy; Meteors Refer from Anemometer; Barometer; Instru- ments ; Meteorology ; Thermometer Refer from Meteorology — Observations; Observatories, Meteorological (s) Refer from Aerology (s) ; Air; Atmos- phere (s) ; Climate; Clouds; Earth; Floods; Fog; Humidity; Physical geography; Physics; Rain; Science; Sky (s) ; Snow; Storms; Tem- perature; Water; Waterspouts; Weather; Winds Refer from Meteorological observatories; Observations, Meteorological (s) Refer fro m U. Meteorology (s) S. — Climate; U. Refer from Astronomy; Falling stars (s) ; Fire balls (s) ; Meteorites; Meteoritic hypoth- esis ; Shooting stars (s) ; Stars Refer from Metre (s) ; Rhythm; V'ersification Poetry; Prosody; Refer from Church polity; Dissenters; Episcopacy; Methodist Episcopal church Refer from Episcopal church (s) ; Methodism ; Sects; Weslcyans (s) Refer from Mathematics; and measures Arithmetic; Decimal system; Mensuration; Units; Weights 238 Mica Mice Sff also Rodents Microbes see Bacteriology; Fungi Microcbemistry Micrograpliic analysis sff Metallography; Microscope and microscopy Micrometer Micro-organisms sfe Animalcules; Bacteriology Microphone Microphotography see Photomicrography Microscope and microscopy iSVc (iho Hacterioloj;y ; Histology; Metal- lography; Microchemistry ; Photomicrog- raphy Microscopic analysis see Metallography; Mi- croscope and microscopy Microscopic anatomy see Histology Microscopy see Microscope and microscopy Middle ages Sfe also Chivalry; Feudalism; Fifteenth century; Inquisition; Manors; Monasli-. cism; Renaissance Architecture, see Architecture, Alediev al Art, see Art, Medieval Civilization, see Civilization, Medieval History See also Byzantine empire; Church history — Middle ages; Crusades; Hanse- atic league; Holy Roman empire; Moors in Spain; Northmen; Teutonic knights Literature See also Anglo-Saxon literature; Arthur- ian romances ; Charlemagne — Romances ; English literature — History and criti- cism — - Middle English Social life and customs See also Chivalry Middle I'"nglish language see English language — Middle English Middle English literature see English litera- ture — History and criticism — Middle English Middle states See alio Cumberland road; Northwest Territory, U. S.; also names of states Midwifery see Obstetrics Migration of animals see Animals — Migration Migration of birds see Birds — - Migration Migration of nations Sie alio Anlhropogeography ; Anthro- pology; Barbarian invasions of Rome; Eth- nology; Immigration and emigration Migration of plants see Plants — Migration Mildew See also Fungi ; Plants — Diseases Militarism See also Armies; Disarmament; Navies; Peace; War Refer jrom Isinglass (sj ; ^Mineralogy Refer from Household pests; Mouse (s) ; Rodents Refer from Chemistry; Chemistry — Anal- ysis; Microscope and microscopy Refer from Measuring instruments; Survey- ing instruments Refer from Electricity; Telephone Refer from Animalcules; Bacteriology; Bi- ology; Botany; Histology; Medicine; Mi- crographic analysis (s) ; Microscopic analy- sis (s); Microscopy (s) ; Natural history; Optical instruments; Photomicrography; Science; Zoology Refer from Archaeology; Chivalry; Dark ages (s) ; Feudalism; Renaissance Refer from Byzantine empire; Church his- tory — -Middle ages; Crusades; Europe — History — 476-1492 (s) ; Hanseatic league; History; History, Medieval (s) ; Holy Roman empire; Medieval history (s) Refer from Literature, Medieval (s) ; Medie- val literature (s) Refer from Central states (s) ; Northwest Territory, U. S. Refer from Anlhropogeography; Anthro- pology ; Barbarian invasions of Rome ; Civiliza- tion; Ethnology; Europe — History — To 476; History; Immigration and emigration Refer from Fungi; Plants — Diseases Refer from Armies; Disarmament; Interna- tional relations; Navies; Peace; War 239 Acroiiaulk's, Military Milllary acronaiiiics ite Military architecture .S',r (j/m< Amiorics ; Arsenals; Rarracks; Castles; I'ortilicalion ; Military cnginceriiij; Military art and science .SVc also Aeronautics, Military; Ammuni- tion; Archery; Annies; Arms and armor; Artillery; Artillery drill and tactics; Battles ; Bounties, Military; Bufjie calls; Camps (military); Cavalry; Cavalry drill and tac- tics; Chariots; Coast defense; Concentra- tion camps; Conscription; Disarmament; Drill (military); Kxplosives; Fencing; Kirc- arms; Flags; Fortification; (uierrillas; Gunnery; Hospitals, Military; Imaginary wars and battles; Infantry; Infantry drill and tactics; Martial law; Militia; Mines, Military; Naval art and science; Ordnance; Prisoners of WMr; Projectiles; Railroads, Military; Rifle practice; Scouts and scout- ing; Sieges; Signals; Soldiers; Spies; Tac- tics; Target practice; Tents; Torpedoes; VV'ar; War games; also headings beginning Military Military biography Sie also Generals; Soldiers Military bounties see Bounties, Military Military bridges Military costume see Arms and armor; Uni- forms Military education Military engineering See also Coast defense; Engineering; For- tification; Military architecture; Military bridges; Mines, Military; Railroads, Mili- tary Military government Set also Martial law Military history See also Battles; History; Mercenary troops; Military biography; Naval history; Sieges; also names of wars, battles, places besieged, generals, etc., and names of coun- tries, subheads Army, and History, Military Military hospitals see Hospitals, Military Military hygiene See also Battlefield relief; Medicine, Mili- tary; Naval hygiene; Surgery, Military; also subhead Medical and sanitary atTairs under particular wars Military law See also Courts martial; International law; Martial law; Mulin)' Military life see Army life Military maneuvers See also War games; Tactics Military medicine see Medicine, Military Military music See also Bands (music); Bugle calls; Instrumentation and orchestration Refer from Architecture; Architecture, Military (s) ; Armories; Arsenals- Barracks; Castles; Fortification; Military engineering Refer from Armies; Army (s) ; Artillery; Cavalry; Drill (military); Fighting (s); In- fantry; Military power (s) ; Military sci- ence (s); Ordnance; Science; Sieges; Soldiers; Strategy (s) ; Tactics; War Refer from Biography; Generals; Military history ; Soldiers Refer from Bridges; Military engineering Refer from Education; Education, Mili- tary (s) ; Military schools (s) ; Military train- ing (s) Refer from Engineering; Engineering, Mili- tary (s) ; Military architecture; Mines, Mili- tary Refer from Colonies and colonization; Government; Martial law Refer from Battles; History; History, Mili- tary (s) ; Naval history; Wars (s) Refer from Armies; Battlefield relief; Hy- giene; Hygiene, Military (s) ; Hygiene, Public; Medicine, Military; Naval hygiene; Occupa- tions — Diseases and hygiene; Sanitation Refer from Courts martial; International law; Law; Martial law Refer from Armies ; Maneuvers, Military (s) ; Manoeuvres, Military (s) ; Tactics ; War games Refer from Bands (music); Bugle calls; Instrumental music; Martial music (s) ; Music 240 Military power ire Armies; Disarmament; Military art and science; Navies; Sea power Military railroads s(( Railroads, Military Military schools se( Military education Military science see Military art and science Military service Sif aho Conscription; Recruiting and enlistment Military surgery see Surgery, Military Military tactics see Tactics Military training see Military education Military trials see Courts martial Militarv uniforms see Uniforms Militia ' See also Naval militia; also names of states and countries, subhead Militia Milk See also Butter; Cheese; Cows; Cream; Cream separators; Dairy bacteriology; Dairy products; Dairying; Kumiss; Milk supply ; Milking Milk supply Milking .S'(V also Dairying Milky way S,-e also Astronomy Millennial church see Shakers Millennium .SV*- also Christadelphians ; Future life; Jesus Christ; Second advent Millcritcs see Second adventists Millinery Sre also Artificial flowers; Costume; I'.cathcrs; Hats; Headgear Milling (flour) see I'lour and flour mills Milling machines Srr (liui Machine tools Millionaires See also Capitalists and financiers; Wealth Mills and millwork Si:- III") Kactories; Flour and flour mills; Machinery; Manufactures; Rolling mills; Sawmills; Scientific management; Textile factories Mimicry >S',v also Caricature and cartoons; Imita- tion Mimicry (biology) See also Animals — Habits and behavior; Color of animals Mind see Intellect; Psychology Mind and body See also Brain ; Christian science ; Dreams ; Dualism; Kmmanuel movement; Ennui; Fatigue, Mental; Hypnotism; Inhibition; Insanity ; Mental healing; Mental hygiene; Monism; Nervous system; New thought; Phrenology; Psychology; Psychology, Phys- iological; Subconsciousness; Suggestion; Worry Mind cure see Mental healing Mind in animals see Animal intelligence Refer from Armies; Army life; Conscription; Recruiting and cnlistnieni Refer from Armies; Military art and science Refer from Beverages; Cows; Cream; Dairy products; Dairying; Food Refer from Food adulteration and inspection; Hygiene, Public; Milk Refer (rum Cows; Dairying; Milk Refer from Astronomy; Galaxy (s) ; Stars Refer from F.schatology ; Future life; Jesus Christ; Second advent; Theology Refer from Costume; Domestic arts; Hats; Headgear Refer from Machine tools; Machinery Refer from Biography; Capitalists and finan- ciers; Fortunes (s); Wealth Refer from Architecture; Factories; Indus- trial arts; Machinery; Manufactures Refer from Caricature and cartoons; Imita- tion Refer from Animals; Animals — Habits and behavior; Biology; Color of animals; Evolu- tion; Metachrosis (s) ; Protective mimicry (s) Refer from Body and mind (s) ; Brain; Dualism; Hygiene; Hypnotism; Insanity; Medicine; Mental healing; Mental hygiene; Mental physiology (s); Monism; Nervous system; Philosophy; Physiology; Psychology; Psychology, Physiological 241 Mind reading .SV,- ,//.o Clairvoyance; Hypnotism; Psychical research; Thought transference MinJ trainini; see Mental discipline Mine accidents .See aho Fire damp; Mine fires; Safety lamps; also names of special mine disasters Mine explosions see Mine accidents; Mine fires Mine fires ^ee aUn I'irc damp; Mine accidents; Safety lamps Mine labor see Miners Mine plnntini; see Mines, Military Mine surveying Mine ventilation iiVt- also I' ire damp Mineral lands see Mines and mineral resources ; Ore deposits Mineral oils see Oils and fats; Petroleum Mineral resources see Mines and mincra resources Mineral springs see Mineral waters Mineral waters See also Beverages ; Geology, Economic ; Health resorts; Sanatoriums; Sulphur springs Mineralogy See also Abrasives; Assaying; Blowpipe; Crystallography; Gems; Geochemistry; Geology; Hardness; Metals; Mines and mineral resources; Ores; Precious stones; Rare earths; Rocks; Stone; also names of minerals, e.g. Asbestos, Coal, Diamonds, Mica Minerals see Mineralogy; Mines and mineral resources ; Ores Miners Mines, Military See also Blasting; Explosives; Militar engineering; Mines, Submarine Mines, Submarine 6V^ also 'I'orpedoes Mines and mineral resources See alio Coal mines and mining; Copper mines and mining; Geology, Economic; Gold mines and mining; Hydraulic mining; Iron mines and mining; Lead mines and mining; Mercury; Metals; Mine accidents; Mine fires; Mine surveying; Mine ventila- tion; Mineralogy; Miners; Mining engi- neering; Mining laws; Mining machinery; Refer from Clairvoyance; Psychical research; Psychology; Spiritualism; Telepathy (s; ; 'I'hought transference Refer from Accidents; Coal mines and min- ing; Disasters; Isxplosions ; Fire damp; Mine explosions (s) ; Mine fires; Mines and mineral resources; Mining accidents (s) ; Occupations, Dangerous; Safety lamps Refer from Fire damp ; Fires ; Mine accidents ; Mine explosions (s); Nlines and mineral re- sources; Safety lamps Refer from Mines and mineral resources; Mining engineering; Surveying Refer from Fire damp; Mines and mineral resources; Mining engineering; Ventilation; Ventilation of mines (s) Refer from Beverages; Geochemistry; Geology, Economic; Health resorts; Hydro- therapy; Mineral springs (s) ; Springs; Sul- phur springs; Therapeutics; Water Refer from Blowpipe; Chemical geology (s) ; Chemistry ; Chemistry — Analysis ; Chemistry, Inorganic; Crystallography; Diamonds; Geo- chemistry; Geology; Metals; Minerals (s); Mines and mineral resources; Natural history; Ores; Precious minerals (s) ; Rare earths; Rocks ; Science Refer from Coal mines and mining; Labor and laboring classes; Mine labor (s) ; Mines and mineral resources; Mining life (s) Refer from Blasting; Explosives; Fortifica- tion; Military art and science; Military en- gineering; Mine planting (s) ; Sieges; Tunnels Refer from Coast defense; Mines, Military; Naval art and science; Submarine mines (s) ; Submarine warfare; Torpedoes Refer from Conservation of resources ; Earth ; Geology, Economic; Hydraulic mining; Metals; Mineral lands (s); Mineral resources (s); Mineralogy; Minerals (s) ; Mining (sj ; Natural resources; Ore deposits; Ores; Precious minerals (s) ; Prospecting; Quarries and quarrying 242 Mines and mineral resources — Continued N.Kiital resources; Ore deposits; Ores; I'recioiis metals; I'rospectinj;; Quarries and quarrying; Salt; Shaft sinking; Silver mines and mining; Sulphur; I'in ; Zinc U. S. mineral resources; Miniature painting Mining; uv Mines and Mining engineering Mining accidents see Mine accidents Mining engineering See also Blasting; Boring; Explosives; Electricity in mining; Hydraulic mining; Mine surveying; Mine ventilation; Mining machinery; Mining schools and education; Rock drills; Shaft sinking; Tunnels Mining laws Mining life sec Miners Mining machinery See also Conveying machinery; Electricity in mining; Excavating machinery; Hoisting machinery; Rock drills Mining schools and education Ministers of state S-e iilid Ambassadors; Chancellors, Lord; Diplomacy; International law; Internation- al relations; Prime ministers; Treaties Ministers of the gospel see Clergy; Preachers; Priests Minnesingers See also German poetry ; Meistersingers Minorites see Franciscans Minority representation see Proportional rep- resentation Minstrel shows Minstrels See also Bards; Meistersingers; Minne- singers; Troubadours; Trouveres; W'ay- faring life Mints See also Coinage Miocene period see Geology, Stratigraphic — Miocene; Paleontology — Miocene Miracle, morality and mystery plays See also Drama; Passion plays Miracles See also Christianity — Evidences; Holy wells; Jesus Christ — Miracles; Mary, Vir- gin; Relics; Saints; Shrines; Spiritualism; Supernatural Mirage Mirrors Misers See also Avarice Refer from U. S. — Industries and resources; U. S. — Alines and mineral resources (s) Refer from Art; Painting; Portrait painting Refer from Blasting; Civil engineering; Coal mines and mining; Electricity in mining; Engineering; Engineering, Mining (s) ; Hy- draulic engineering; Mines and mineral re- sources; Mining (s) ; Shaft sinking; Tunnels Refer from Labor laws; Law; Mines and mineral resources Refer from Conveying machinery; Electricity in mining; Excavating machinery; Hoisting machinery; Machinery; Mines and mineral resources; Mining engineering; Rock drills Refer from Mining engineering; Technical education Refer from Biography; Statesmen Refer from Bards; German poetry; Lyric poetry; Meistersingers; Minstrels; Poetry; Poets Refer from Amusements ; Xegro minstrels (s) ; Theater Refer from Bards; Poets; Wayfaring life Refer from Coinage; Money Refer from Drama; English drama; Morality plays (s); Mysteries (dramatic) (s) ; Mystery plays (s) ; Passion plays; Theater Refer from Bible ; Catholic church ; Christian- ity ; Christianity — Evidences ; Church history ; Divine healing (s) ; Eaith cure; Jesus Christ; Relics; Religion; Shrines; Supernatural; The- ology Refer from Deserts; Optical illusions Refer from Aberration; Furniture; Glass manufacture; Looking-glasses (s) Refer from Avarice; Thrift; Wealth 243 Misfortune Sff alio Affliction Misrepresentation jef Fraud Missals S,i- alio Catholic church — Liturgy and ritual; Liturgies; Mass Missing link Missionaries Sff also Christian biography; Missions; Student volunteer movement Missionary societies Missions Sff alio Bibl bution; Conversion Indians — Missions sionary societies Publication and Evangelistic Missionaries; Revivals; Studc distri- work ; Mis- oiv'iiiiit ok'v.i\.i.i\.aj ■'vv, aittiit^j k^iu^jcnt voiun~ teer movement; Tract societies; also names of churches and religious orders, subhead Missions, e.g. Catholic church — Missions; Church of lingland — -Missions; Jesuits — Rfftr from Adversity (s) ; Affliction; Trou- ble (s) Rffrr from Catholic church — Liturgy and ritual; Church music; Illumination of manu- scripts and books; Liturgies; Mass Rfffr from Evolution; Man — Origin and antiquity Rfffr from Christian biography; Evangel- ists (s) ; Heroes; Missions Rfftr from Missions; Societies Rffer from Christianity; Church exten- sion (s) ; Church history; Church work; Conversion; Evangelistic work; Missionaries; Religion Medical; Student Rfffr from Foreign missions (s) Missions Foreign Sff alio Missions volunteer movement Home Sff also City missions; Indians — Rffer from Home missions (s) Missions Medical Seamen Missouri compromise Sff alio Kansas-Nebraska bill; V. S. — History — 1815-1861 Mistakes sff Blunders; Errors, Popular; Errors and blunders, Literary Mitosis iff Karyokinesis Mnemonics sff Memory Mobs set Crowds; Lynch law; Riots Mock trials see Moot courts Modeling See also Arts and crafts; Plaster casts; Sculpture Modern history see History, Modern Modern philosophy see Philosophy, Modern Modernism Modulation See also Harmony Moghul empire see Mogul empire Mogul empire Sff alio India — History Mohammedan architecture see Architecture, Mohammedan Mohammedanism See alio Arabs; Babism; Caliphs; Der- vishes; Koran; Mecca; Moors; Moors in Spain; Mosques; Panislamism; Saracens; Sufism ; Turkey — History ; Wahabis Refer from Charities, Medical; Medical missions (sj ; Medicine; Missions, Foreign Refer from Fishermen; Sailors; Sailors' missions (s) ; Seamen's missions (s) Refer from Missouri — History; Slavery in the U. S. ; U. S.— History — 1815-1861 Refer from Arts and crafts; Clay; Clay modeling (s) ; Manual training; Plaster casts; Sculpture Refer from Bible — Criticism and interpre- tation; Catholic church; Liberalism; Reli- gion and science; Theology Refer from Harmony; Music; Music — Theory Refer from India — History; Moghul em- pire (s) ; Mongols Refer from Arabs; Babism; Caliphs; Der- vishes ; Islam (s) ; Koran ; Mahommcdanism (s) ; Moors; Moslems (s) ; Muhammedanism (s); Muslims (s) ; Musselmans (s); Polygamy; Religions; Saracens; Sufism; Wahabis 244 Moisture of soils see Soil moisture Mdisturc of the »ir see Humidity Molasses iSVc also Sorghum Mold See also Fungi \'cgctablc, see Soils MoUliii)- see Foundry work Moldings See also Arcliitecturc Molecules See also Atoms; Chemistry; Chemistry, Physical; Physics; Stereochemistry MoUusks See also Bivalves ; Cephalopoda ; Gasterop- oda; Invertebrates; ^^arine zoology; Oys- ters; Pearls Fossil Monachism see Monasticism Monadism see Monadology Monadology Monads (philosophy) see Monadology Monarchs see Kings and rulers Monarchy S,-e also Coronations; Courts and cour- tiers; Democracy; Despotism; Divine right of kings; Emperors; Government; Kings and rulers; Princes and princesses; Queens and empresses; Regency; Tyranny Monasteries See also Abbeys; Convents and nunneries; Monasticism Monastic orders see Monasticism; Religious orders Monasticism See also Asceticism; Augustinians; Bene- dictines; Brotherhoods; Buddhism; Capu- chins; Carthusians; Celibacy; Cistercians; Convents and nunneries; Dominicans; Fran- ciscans; Jesuits; Monasteries; Nuns; Re- ligious orders; Sisterhoods; Trappists Money See also Bank notes; Banks and banking; Bimetallism; Business; Capital; Checks; Coinage; Commerce; Counterfeits; Credit; Decimal system; Exchange; Finance; For- eign exchange ; Gold (as money) ; Greenbacks ; Interest; Investments; Legal tender; Mints; Numismatics; Paper money; Prices; Shell money; Silver (as money); Stock exchange; Wampum; VV'calth Refer from Sorghum; Sugar; Syrups; Treacle (s) Rejer from P'ungi; Mould (s) Refer from Architecture; Carpentry; Deco- ration and ornament; Mouldings (s) Refer from Atoms; Chemistry; Chemistry, Physical; Matter; Physics Refer from Bivalves; Cephalopoda; Con- chology (s) ; Gasteropoda; Invertebrates; Malacology (s) ; Marine zoology; Shells (conchology) (s) Refer from Fossil mollusks (s) ; Inverte- brates, Fossil; Paleontology Refer from Metaphysics; Monadism (s) ; Monads (philosophy) (s); Philosophy; Uni- verse Refer from Constitutional law; Democracy; Despotism; Divine right of kings; Executive power; Government; Kings and rulers; King- ship (s) ; Magistrates; Princes and princesses; Queens and empresses ; Royalty (s) ; Rulers (s) ; Sovereigns (s) Refer from Abbeys; Catholic church ; Church property; Cloisters (s) ; Convents and nunner- ies ; Monasticism Refer from Asceticism; Augustinians; Bene- dictines; Brotherhoods; Capuchins; Carthu- sians; Catholic church; Catholic church — Clergy ; Celibacy ; Christian biography ; Chris- tian life and character; Church discipline; Church history; Church polity; Cistercians; Clergy; Convents and nunneries; Dominicans; Franciscans; Friars (s) ; Middle ages; Mon- achism (s) ; Monasteries; Monastic orders (s); Monks (s); Orders, Monastic (s) ; Religion; Religious orders Refer from Banks and banking; Bills of credit (s) ; Bills of exchange (s) ; Bimetallism; Bullion (s); Business; Capital; Coinage; Commerce ; Counterfeits ; Credit ; Currency (s) ; Economics; Exchange; Finance; Foreign ex- change; Gold (as money); Legal tender; Numismatics; Paper money; Precious metals; Silver (as money); Specie (s); Standard of value (s) ; Stock exchange; Value; Wealth 245 Money — Continued U. S. Sfe alio Banks and banking - Coinage — V. S. ; Greenbacks Mongols .SVc also China — History; Mogul empire; Mongolia; Tartars Monism S(Y also Metaphysics; Mind and body; I'.uuheism Monkeys .S'fc aho Apes; Gorillas; Primates Monks .tec Hermits; Monasticism Monograms 6V^ aho Artists' marks; Initials; Letter- ing Monologues Sff oho Recitations and readings MoMiipIanos Ji-e Aeroplanes Monopolies Sfe aho Capital; Competition; Govern- ment ownership; Municipal ownership; Privileged classes; Restraint of trade; Trusts Monoraihvays sfe Railroads — Single rail; Suspended railways Monotheism Sff alio God Monotype see Typesetting machines Monroe doctrine iVr- alio Drago doctrine; Intervention Monsters Sff also Deformities; Dragons; Dwarf^; Giants; Sea serpents Mdusirosilics jff Monsters Months Sff aho Seasons; Year; aho names of months Monumental brasses iff Brasses Monuments Sff aho Archaeology; Arches of triumph; Brasses; Cromlechs; Inscriptions; Obelisks; Pyramids; Sculpture; Soldiers' monuments; Statues; Tombs; Tombstones; aho names of cities, subhead Monuments Moon Sff aho Astronomy; Eclipses; Occulta- tions ; Tides Moorish architecture iff Architecture, Mo- hammedan Moors Sff aho Algeria ; Arabs ; Mohammedanism ; Morocco; Saracens Moors in Spain Sff aho Spain — History — To 1479 U. S.; Rfffr from Coinage — U. S. ; Greenbacks; Resumption of specie payment (s) ; Specie payment (s) ; Silver question (s) ; U. S. — Currency question (s); U. S. — Economic conditions; U. S. — I'inance; U. S. — Money (s) Rfffr from China — History; Mongolia; Tartars; Yellow races Rfffr from Dualism; Metaphysics; Mind and body; Pantheism; Philosophy; Universe Refer from Apes; Primates Refer from Decoration and ornament; Initials ; Lettering Refer from Amateur theatricals; Drama; Impersonation (s) ; Recitations and readings Refer from Capital; Commerce; Competi- tion; Corners, Commercial (s) ; Economics; Forestalling (s) ; Privileged classes; Re- straint of trade; Trusts Moot courts Refer from God; Theology Rfffr from International law; International relations; Intervention; Latin America; U. S. — Foreign relations Rfffr from Deformities; Man; Monstrosi- ties (s) ; Physiology; Teratology (s) ; Zoology Rfffr from Year Rffer from Archaeology; Burial; Sculpture; Statues; Tombs; Tombstones Rfffr from Astronomy; Eclipses; Lunar theory (s) ; Mechanics, Celestial; Planets; Satellites; Tides Rfffr from Algeria ; Arabs ; Mohammedanism ; Morocco; Saracens Rffer from Arabs in Spain (s) ; Middle ages — History; Mohammedanism; Moris- cos (s) ; Spain — History — To 1479 Refer from Courts; Mock trials (s) 246 Moraines Sff also Boulders; Drift; Glaciers; Physi- cal geography Moral conditions jfe names of countries and cities, subhead Moral conditions Moral education Sff alio Character; Children — Manage- ment; Religious education Moral philosophy stt Ethics Morality set Ethics Morality plays ste Miracle, morality and mystery plays Morals Jft Ethics, and names of countries, subhead Moral conditions Morasses sfe Marshes Moravians Moriscos >fe Moors in Spain Mormons and Mormonism See alio Salt Lake City; Utah Morphia lee Morphine Morphine S^e also Narcotic habit; Narcotics; Opium Morphology See aljo Anatomy; Biology; Botany, Structural; Cells; Embryology; Histology Morphology of plants see Botany, Structural Morris dance Sfe also Dancing Mortality See also Death ; Vital statistics Mortar see Cement Mortgages S.'e also Investments; Real estate; Se- curities Mortmain Mortuary customs see Burial; Cremation; Death; Embalming; Funeral rites and ceremonies; Indians — Mortuary customs; L rn burial Mosaic law See also Aniinomianism ; Commandments; Bible — Old Testament — Deuteronomy ; Bible — Old Testament — Leviticus; Jews — Law Mosaics See also Arts and crafts; Inlay; Mural painting and decoration Moslems see Mohammedanism Mosques See also Architecture, Mohammedan; Architecture, Oriental Refer from Boulders; Drift; Geology; Glaciers; Physical geography Refer from Children — Management; Edu- cation; Education, Moral (s) ; Ethical edu- cation (s) ; Ethics; Religious education Refer from Bohemian brethren (s) ; Herrn- huters (s); Sects; Unitas fratrum (s) ; United brethren (s) Refer from Church of Christ of latter-day saints (s) ; Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints (s) ; Latter-day saints (s) ; Polygamy; Religions; Salt Lake City; Sects; Utah Refer from Alkaloids; Morphia (s) ; Nar- cotic hai>it; Narcotics; Opium Refer from Anilomy ; Anatomy, Comparative ; Biology; Comparative morphology (s); Or- ganography (s) ; Physiology Refer from Dancing; England — Social life and customs Refer from Death; Death rate (s) ; Vital statistics Refer from Chattel mortgages (s); Com- mercial law; Contracts; Conveyancing; Forms (in law); Incumbrances (s) ; Investments; Land titles; Law; Liens; Loans; Negotiable instruments; Property; Real estate; Securities Refer from Charities; Land tenure; Law; Legacies; Trustees Refer from Bible — Old Testament — Deu- teronomy; Bible — Old Testament — Leviti- cus; Commandments; Jews — Law; Jews — Religion ; Law Refer from Art; Arts and crafts; Decoration and ornament; Floors; Inlay; Mural painting and decoration; Pavements Refer from Architecture; Architecture, Mo- hammedan; Architecture, Oriental; Church architecture; Mohammedanism; Temples 247 Mosquitoes ■See rt/to Diptcra ; Insects as carriers contagion ; Malaria ; Yellow fever Moss set Mosses Mosses See also Algae; Cryptogams; Lichens of Rejer from Contagion and contagious dis- eases; Diplera; lluiiseliuld pests; Insects, Injurious and beneficial; Insects as carriers of contagion; Malaria; Yellow fever Most favored nation treaties Motherhood see Mothers Mothers See alio Children ; Parents ; Women Mothers' clubs See also Child study clause see Commercial Refer from Bryology Cryptogams; Moss (s) (s) ; Bryophytes (s) ; Home; Matriarchy; Refer from Children; Family; Home; Love; Motherhood (s); Parents; Women's clubs Caterpillars; Codling moth; Gipsy moth; Lepidoptera ; Moths .SVi" also Cutworms; Silkworms Motion .SV^ also Animal locomotion; Dynamics; Torce and energy; Kinematics; Locomotion; Mechanical movements: Mechanics; Mo- tors; Perpetual motion; Rotation; Velocity; Vibration Motion pictures see Moving pictures Motor boats Motor carriages see Automobiles Motor cycles Motor vehicles see Automobiles Motoring see Automobile touring; Automobiles Motors See also Aeronautic motors; Alcohol motors; Automobiles; Compressed air; Dynamos; Electric motors; Engines; Farm motors; Gas and oil engines; Hydraulic motors; Locomotives; Machinery; Solar motors; Steam engines; Turbines; Water wheels; Windmills Mottoes See also Devices; Heraldry; Quotations Mould see Mold Moulding see Foundry work Mouldings see Moldings Mound builders see Mounds and mound builders Mounds and mound builders Sre alio Earthworks (archaeology); In- dians — Antiquities; Kitchen middens; U. S. — Antiquities Mountain climbing see Mountaineering Mountain railroads See also Cable railroads; Suspended railways Maternity (s); Wives ; Women Refer from Child study; settlements; Women's clubs Clubs; Social Refer from Caterpillars; Insects, Injurious and beneficial ; Lepidoptera Refer from Dynamics; Force and energy; Kinematics; Kinetics (s) ; Mechanics; Physics; V'ibration Refer from Autoboats (s) ; Boats and boating; Electric boats (s); Electric launches (s) ; Gaso- line launches (s) ; Launches (s) ; Navigation; Power boats (s) ; Shipbuilding Refer from Automobiles; Bicycles and tri- cycles; Cycles, Motor (s) ; Cycling Refer from Automobiles; Engines; Ma- chinery; Mechanics; Motion; Physics; Power; Power transmission Refer from Devices; Emblems; Heraldry; Literature; Quotations Refer from Archaeology; Barrows (s) ; Burial; Earthworks (archaeology); Ethnol- ogy; Grave mounds (s) ; Graves (s) ; In- dians; Indians — Antiquities; Kitchen mid- dens; Mound builder.s (s) ; Tombs; Tumuli (s), U. S. — Antiquities Refer from Cable railroads; Railroads 248 Mountain wliiics sfe Mountaineers o( the South Mountaineering S(-i- alio Alpine clubs Mountaineers of the South Mountains .SV(- also Alpine clubs; Alpine plants; Avalanches; Clcology ; Mountaineering;; Physical jicograpliy; \olcanoes; also names of mountains Mourning customs Mouse ill- Mice Mouth See alio Teelli Movement cure see Gymnastics, Medical; Mechanotherapy; Swedish movement cure Movements of animals /<■<• Animal locomotion; Irritability Movements of plants see Plants — Movements Moving pictures Mowing machines See also Farm implcmcnls and machinery Muhammedanism see Mohammedanism Mukiple personality see Personality Mummies See also Egypt — Antiquities; Embalm- inp Municipal accounts S,-,- iiL'ij Accounting; Municipal finance Municipal administration see Municipal go\- ernment Municipal art .S'(v also Cities — ■ Planning and laying out ; Municipal centers; Municipal improvement; Public buildings Municipal bonds see Bonds Municipal buildings see Public buildings Municipal centers See also Cities'— Planning and laying out ; Public buildings Municipal charters see Charters; a/^o names of cities, subhead Charters Municipal corporations ' .S'lV also Horoughs ; Cities ; Courts, Munic- ipal: Municipal government; Municipal law; Towns Municipal corruption see Political corruption Municipal courts see Courts, Municipal Municipal debts see Municipal finance Municipal engineering See also Municipal improvement; Pave- ments; Public worlvS ; Refuse and refuse dis- posal; Sanitary engineering; Sewerage; Refer from Alpine clubs; Mountain climb- ing (s) ; Mountains; Outdoor life; Sports Refer from Cumberland Mountains; Ken- tucky; Mountain whites (s) ; Southern slates; Tennessee Refer from Avalanches; Geology; Otol- ogy (s) ; Physical geography Refer from Death; Funeral rites and cere- monies; Manners and customs Refer from Anatomy; Dentistry; Digestive system; Face; Head Refer from Amusements; Animatograph (s) ; Biograph (s) ; Chronophotography (s) ; Cine- matograph (s) ; Entertainments; Kinemato- graph (s) ; Kinetograph (s) ; Kinetoscope (s) ; ^ Motion pictures (s) ; Photography; Pictures;-,**' Theater; Vitagraph (s) ; Vitascope (s) Refer from Farm implements and machinery; Harvesting machinery Refer from Archaeology; Burial; Egypt — Antiquities; Embalming Refer from Accounting; Bookkeeping; Mu- nicipal finance Refer from Architecture; Art; Art, Munic- ipal (s) ; Cities — Planning and laying out; Civic art (s) ; Municipal improvement Refer from Architecture; Cities — Planning and laying out; Civic centers (s); Group plan for public buildings (s) ; .Municipal art; Munic- ipal improvement; Public buildings Refer from Boroughs; Corporations; Emi- nent domain; Law; Municipal government; Municipal law; Towns Refer from Engineering; Engineering, Munic- ipal (s) ; Public works; Sanitary engineering «49 '1'. it.>'c-"|>°' Street cleaning;; Streets; Water — - I'urifica- li^'ii ; W aUT supply Municipal finance Sfe alio Bonds; Municipal accounts; Municipal government Municipal franchises St:- ul'u Tublic service corporations Municipal government .« Sfe also Charters; Cities; Local govcrn- ^ ment; Municipal corporations; Municipal finance; Municipal ownership; Police; Re- call ; Referendum -Commission plan Mimicipal improvement See also Baths, Public; Billposting; Build- ing laws; Cemeteries; Cities -^^ Planning and laying out; Electric wire and wiring; Fire protection; Garden cities; Harbors; Housing problem; Hygiene, Public; Land- scape gardening; Lighting; Municipal art; Municipal centers; Neighborhood improve- ment; Noise; Parks; Pavements; Play- grounds; Preservation of landmarks, scen- ery, etc.; Public comfort stations; Rail- roads — Crossings; Refuse and refuse dis- posal; Sanitary engineering; Signs; Smoke; Streets; Tenement houses; Vacant lot cul- tivation Municipal law .S'lV also Corporation law; Law; Municipal ci-rporations Municipal ownership See also Government ownership; Govern- ment regulation of industry; Municipal government; Public service corporations Municipal reference libraries see Libraries, Municipal reference Municipal reform see Municipal government Municipal trading see Municipal ownership Municipalities see Cities Mural decoration see Mural painting and decoration Mural painting and decoration See also Frescoes; Gesso; House painting; Mosaics; Plaster and plastering; Stucco; Tapestry; Wall paper Murder .SV<* also Assassination; Capital punish- ment; Dacoits; Infanticide; Poisons; Sui- cide; Thugs; Treason Muscles See also Anatomy; Muscular sense; Physical education ; Physiology Refer from Finance; Municipal accounts; Municipal debts (s) ; Municipal government; Taxation Rejer from Charters; Franchises, Munic- ipal (s) ; Public service corporations Refer from Cities; City government (s); Civics (s) ; Government; Local government; Municipal administration (s) ; Municipal cor- porations; Municipal finance; Municipal ownership; Municipal reform (s) ; Social prob- lems ; Towns Refer from Civil service reform; Commis- sion government (s) ; Dcs Moines plan of city government (s) ; Galveston plan of city gov- ernment (s) ; Government by commission (s) Refer frotn Cities — Planning and laying out; City improvement (s) ; Civic improve- ment (s); Landscape gardeniTg; Municipal art; Municipal engineering; Parks Refer from Corporation law; Law; Munic- ipal corporations Refer from Government ownership; Govern- ment regulation of industry; Monopolies; Municipal government; Municipal trading (s) ; Public ownership (s) ; Public service corpora- tions Refer from Architecture; Art; Ceilings; Decoration and ornament; Frescoes; House decoration; House painting; Mosaics; Mural decoration (s) ; Painting; Plaster and plaster- ing; Wall decoration (s) ; Wall painting (s) ; Wall paper; Walls Refer from Assassination; Crime and crim- inals; Criminal law; Death; Homicide (s) Refer from Anatomy; Animal locomotion; Electrophysiology ; Histology; Muscular action (s) ; Myodynamics (s) ; Myology (s) ; Physiology 250 MusLular action stt Muscles Muscular sense .SVt- ij/ju I'sychology, Physiological Museums Stt alio Art — Galleries and itiuscums; Botanical museums; I'.xliibitlons ; alio names of museums, and names of cities, subhead (>allerics and museums Mushrooms Stt alio Cookery — Mushrooms; Kungi Music Stt also Anecdotes, Musical ; Anthems ; Bands (m.isic); Bible — Music; Cantatas; Carols; Chamber music; Chants; Choirs; Choral music; Church music; Composition (music); Concerts; Counterpoint; Dance music; Fugue; Glees; Harniony; Hymns; Indians — -Music; Instrumental music; In- strumentation and orchestration; Masses (music); Melody; Military music; Modula- tion; Klusical accompaniment; Musical festivals; Musical form; Musical instru- ments, and names of instruments; Musical societies ; Musicians ; National songs ; Opera ; Oratorios; Orchestral music; Orchestras; Overtures; Phrasing (music); Program music; Rhythm; Scale (music); School music; Sight reading; Singing and voice culture; Sonatas; Songs; Sound; Sympho- nies; Voice Anecdotes, stt Anecdotes, Musical Appreciation Stt abo Musical form -Biography, stt Musicians -Dictionaries -Essays, addresses, etc. -History and criticism Sc-t also Music — Philosophy and esthetics -Indians, stt Indians — Music -Instruction and study Stt also Instrumentation and orchestra- tion; Piano — Instruction and study; Sight reading; Singing and voice culture; also names of schools and of instruments -Jews Stt also Bible — Music -Notation Stt also Tonic sol-fa -Philosophy and esthetics Stt also Music — Appreciation -Scores Stt also Choruses and part songs; Ducts, Instrumental; Duets, Vocal; Opera — Scores; Orchestral music; Organ music; Piano music ^ Scores; Sonatas; Songs — Scores; Symphonies; Violin music -Study and teaching, see Musics Instruc- tion and study Refer from Muscles; Psychology; Psychol- ogy, Physiological; Senses add sensation Rtftr from F..xhibitions Refer from Food; Fungi; Toadstools (s) Rtftr from Art; Composition (music); In- strumental music; Singing and voice culture; Sound; \'ocal music (s) ; Voice Rtfer from Appreciation of music (s) ; Music — Philosophy and esthetics; Musical form Rtftr from Criticism Rtftr from Education, Musical (s) ; Music — Study and teaching (s) ; Musical education (s) ; Piano — Instruction and study Refer from Bible — Music; Jews — Mu- sic (s) Rtftr from Musical notation (s) ; Notation (music) (s) Rtftr from Esthetics; Music — History and criticism; Music — Theory Rtftr from Scores (music) (s) 2$! Music - Continued Theory Si-f also Canon (music); Composition (music) ; Counterpoint ; Fuyuc; Harmony ; Melody; Modulation; Music — Philoso- phy and esthetics; Musical form — U. S. Srr also Indians — Music; Songs, Amcr- iian Music halls .SV,- alu, Wnulr^ ilk- Musical accompaniment Musical anecdotes sft Anecdotes, Musical Musical composition iff Composition (music) Musical education !fe Music — -Instruction .uul study Musical festivals Musical form See also Canon (music); Fugue; Music — Appreciation; Phrasing (music); Sonatas Musical instruments •SVc also I'lute; Guitar; Harp; Harp- sichord; Instrumental music; Instrumenta- tion and orchestration; Orchestral music; Organ; Piano; Reed organ; Stringed instru- ments; Tuning; Tuning forks; Violin; Violoncello; Wind instruments Musical notation jee Music — Notation Musical societies S,Y also Choral societies ; Musical festivals Musicians St-e also Anecdotes, Musical; Organists; Pianists; Singers; Violinists , Muslims see Mohammedanism Mussulmans see Mohammedanism Mutation see Variation (biology) Mutiny Mutual aid societies see Benefit societies Mutual benefit societies see Benefit societies Mycology see Fungi Myodynamics see Muscles Myology see Muscles Myopia See also Eye — Diseases and defects Myriapoda S,-,- also Arthropoda Mysteries (dramatic) see Miracle, morality and mystery plays Mysteries (religious) Si-e also Kleusinian mysteries; Mythology; Oracles Mystery plays see Miracle, morality and mystery plays Mysticism See also Cabala ; Neoplatonism ; Quietism ; Rosicrucians ; Sufism Mythical animals see Animals, Mythical Refer from Harmony Refer from U. S. — Music (s) Refer from Concert halls (s) ; Theaters Refer from Accompaniment, Musical (s) ; Composition (music); Music; Piano — In- struction and study; Singing and voice culture Refer from societies Festivals; Music; Musical Refer from Canon (music); Form, Musi- cal (s) ; Fugue; Music; Music — Apprecia- tion; Music — Theory; Phrasing (music); Sonatas Refer from Flute; Harpsichord; Instrumen- tal music; Instrumentation and orchestration; Instruments; Music; Organ; Piano; Stringed instruments; Violin; Violoncello; Wind in- struments Refer from Choral societies; Music; Societies Refer from Artists; Biography; Compos- ers (s); Music; Music — Biography (s) ; Organists; Pianists; Singers; Violinists Refer from Crime and criminals; Maritime law; Military law Refer from Eye — Diseases and defects; Near-sightedness (s) ; Nearsightedness (s) ; Short-sightedness (s) ; Sight Refer from Arthropoda Refer from Mythology; Religion; Religious mysteries (s) ; Rites and ceremonies Refer from Philosophy; Quietism; Religion; Rosicrucians; Theology 252 Mythology .SVi- al.'O Animal worship; Animals, Mythi- cal; Archaeolo)!)' ; Asironomical mylholuj;)' ; Classical dictiunarifs ; Kairy talcs; I'auns; Folklore; Legends; Mysteries (religious); Nature myths; Religions; Superstition; Totems and lotemism Celtic .S'(V also Druids Classical S,-:- alio Amazons; Argonauts; Classical dictionaries; Kleusinian mysteries -Germanic iVi- aljo Mythology, Norse -Greek, see Mythology, Classical -Indians, see Indians — Religion -Norse Set- also Eddas; Mythology, Germanic; Sagas Roman, jef Mythology, Classical Scandinavian, see Mythology, Norse Slavic Teutonic, see Mythology, Germanic N rays Nagualism Nails and spikes Names Sfe also Botany — Nomenclature; Epi- thets; Indians — Names; Medicine — No- menclature; Words; Zoology — Nomencla- ture Geographical Sti- also Gazetteers; Indians — Names -Personal See also Indians - Pseudonyms Names ; Nicknames ; Napoleonic wars See also Europe — History — 1789-; France — History — Consulate and empire ; Peninsular war, 1807-1814; Waterloo, Battle of Narcotic habit See also Cocaine; Morphine; Narcotics; Opium Narcotics See also Hashish; Morphine; Narcotic habit; Opium; Tobacco Narragansett Indians See also Algonquian Indians Refer form Archaeology; Comparative myth- ology (s) ; Creation; Ethnology; Folklore; God; Heroes; Legends; Mysteries (religious); Paganism; Religion; Religions; Superstition Refer from Celtic mythology (s) ; Druids Refer from Amazons; Argonauts; Classical antiquities'; Classical mythology (s) ; Eleusin- ian mysteries; Greek mythology (s) ; Myth- ology, Greek (s) ; Mythology, Roman (s) ; Roman mythology (s) Refer from Germanic mythology (s) ; Myth- ology, Norse; Mythology, Teutonic (s) ; Teutonic mythology (s) Refer from Mythology, Germanic; Myth- ology, Scandinavian (s); Norse mythology (s) ; Northern mythology (s) ; Scandinavian myth- ology (s) Refer from Slavic mythology (s) Refer from Light; Radiation; X rays Refer from Central America — Religion; Indians of Mexico; Mexico — Antiquities; Mexico — Religion; Religions Refer from Hardware; Railroad spikes (s) ; Spikes (s) Refer from Epithets; Etymology; Language; Nomenclature (s) ; Terminology (s) ; Words Refer from Gazetteers; Geographical names (s) ; Geography; Place names (s) ; Proper names (s) Refer from Christian names (s) ; Fore- names (s) ; Personal names (s) ; Proper names (s) ; Surnames (s) Refer from England — History — 1714- 1837; Europe — History — 1789- ; France — History — Consulate and empire; French revolution ; Germany — Ilistorj 1740-18 15 ; Italy — History — 1789- 18 15 ; Peninsular war, 1807-1814; Waterloo, Battle of Refer from Cocaine; Drug habit (s) ; Hy- giene; Morphine; Narcotics; Opium; Tem- perance Refer from Drugs; Hashish; Hygiene; In- somnia; Medicine; Morphine; Narcotic habit; Opium; Poisons; Therapeutics Refer from Algonquian Indians 253 Nasal passages see Nose Natal sloncs see Ulrlh stones National bank notes see Uank notes National banks iSVc alio Hank notes; Banks and banking; Ranks and banking — U. S. National cemeteries see Cemeteries, National National characteristics See a!j;y ; Plant lore Nature photography See also Photography — Animals; Photog- raphy — Plants Nature study See also Animals; Animals — Habits and behavior; Animals — Stories; Birds; Bota- Refer from Absolute rights (s) ; Constitu- tional law; Ethics; International law; Law; Law of nature (s) ; Liberty; Natural rights (») ; Nature, Law of (s) Refer from Atheism; God; Natural theol- °Ky (s); Philosophy; Religion; Religion and science; Teleology; 'I'heism; Theulogy ; Theol- ogy, Natural (s) Refer from Commercial geography; Commer- cial products; Conservation of resources; Forests and forestry; Mines and mineral resources; National resources (s) ; Resources (s) Refer from Darwinism(s) ; Evolution; He- redity; Selection, Natural(s); Species; Survi- val of the liltest (s) ; Variation (biology) Refer from Natural religion; Philosophy; Realism Refer from Art; Esthetics; Idealism in art; Painting; Realism in art Refer from Esthetics; Fiction; Idealism in literature; Literature; Realism in literature Refer from Authors; Biography; Botanists; Entomologists; Natural history; Ornitholo- gists; Scientists; Zoologists Refer from Aliens; Allegiance; Citizenship; Expatriation; Foreigners (s); Immigration and emigration; International law; Suffrage Refer from Natural history; Nature study; Outdoor life; Philosophy; Physical geography; Scenery (s) ; Science Refer from Literature; Nature; Nature in poetry Refer from Nature; Nature in literature; Pastoral poetry; Poetry; Poetry of nature (s) Refer from Animal lore; Folklore; Mythol- ogy; Nature; Plant lore Refer from Nature study; Photography; Photography — Animals; Photography — Nature (s); Photography — Plants; Photog- raphy of nature (s) Refer from Animals; Animals — Habits and behavior; Animals — Stories; Botany; Educa- 25s ny ; Natural hisiory; Nature; Nature pho- tography; Object teaching; Plants; School gardens ; Zoology Nature worship Sff also Animal worship; Klenicnis, Wor- ship of; Phallicism; Serpent worship; Sun worship; Totems and totemism; Tree wor- shif» Nautical almanacs Nautical astronomy Sft also Astronomy, Spherical and prac- tical; Latitude and longitude; Navigation Nautical surveying see Hydrography Nautical terms sff Naval art and science — Dictionaries; Navigation — Dictionaries Naval architecture iff Shipbuilding Naval art and science Sff also Armor plate; Armored vessels; Blockade; Gunnery; Mines, Submarine; Naval history; Naval tactics, and other headings beginning Naval; Navies; Naviga- tion; Navy yards and naval stations; Priva- teering; Sea power; Shipbuilding; Signas; Submarine boats; Submarine warfare; Tar- get practice; Torpedo boats; Torpedoes; War; Warships Naval artillery see Naval guns Naval battles See also Armada, 1588; Battles; Bucca- neers; Naval history; Pirates; also names of battles and of ships Naval biography See also Admirals; Sailors NavTil boilers see Boilers, Marine Naval education Naval engineering see Marine engineering Naval gunnery see Gunnery Naval guns Naval history See aliO Admirals; Buccaneers; History; Impressment; Military history; Naval battles; Naval biography; Navigation; Pirates ; Privateering ; Sea power ; also names of wars, battles, vessels and commanders, and names of countries, subheads History, Naval, and Navy ■ Naval hospitals see Hospitals, Naval and marine tion ; Kindergarten; Natural history; Nature; Object teaching; Plants; Science; Science — Study and teaching; Teaching; Zoology Rejer Jrom Elements, Worship of; Worship Refer from Almanacs; Astronomy; I^phc- mcrides (s) ; Navigation Refer from Astronomy; Astronomy, Spheri- cal and practical; Navigation Refer from Fighting (s) ; Military art and science; Naval science (s) ; Naval tactics; Naval warfare (s) ; Navies; Navy (s) ; Science; Sea power; Ships; Strategy (s); War; War- ships Refer from Battles; Naval liistory; Sea fights (s) Refer from Admirals; Biography; Naval history; Sailors Refer from Education; Education, Naval (s) Refer from Artillery; Guns; Naval artil- lery (s) ; Ordnance Refer from History; History, Naval (s); Military history ; Naval art and science ; Naval battles; Navigation; Sea power Naval hygiene See also Military Seasickness Naval militia See also names of militia hygiene; Quarantine; states, subhead Nav.- Naval power see Sea power Naval reserves see Naval militia Naval science see Naval art and science Naval stations see Navy yards and naval stations Naval surgery see Surgery, Naval Refer from Hygiene; Hygiene, Naval (s) ; Medicine; Military hygiene; Occupations — Diseases and hygiene; Sanitation Refer from Mili 256 S. — Militia; U. S. — Naval S. — Navy Naval reserves (s) ; militia (s;; Naval tactics Sff itlfo Naval art and science Naval warfare see Naval art and science Navies See also Armies; Armored vessels; Coaling stations; Disarmament; Militarism; Naval art and science; Navy yards and naval sta- tions; Sea power; Warships, atso names of countries, subhead Navy, or Army and navy Navigation Sfe also Aeronautics; Beacons; Boats and boating; Buoys; Canoes and canoein);; Collisions at sea; Commerce; Compass; I'og signals; Harbors; Hydrography; Inland navigation; Knots and splices; Latitude and longitude; Lifeboats; Lighthouses; Motor boats; Nautical almanacs; Nautical astron- omy; Naval history; Ocean; Ocean travel; Pilot guides; Pilots and pilotage; Rowing; Rule of the road; Sailing; Sailors; Ship- building; Shipping; Ships; Shipwrecks; Signals; Sounding and soundings; Steam navigation; Steamboats; Submarine boats; Traverse tables; Voyages and travels; Yachts and yachting Inland, see Inland navigation Navigation laws see Maritime law Navy see Naval art and science; Navies; also names of countries, subhead Navy, or Army and na\y Navy yards and naval stations Near-sightedness see Myopia Nearsightedness see Myopia Nebulae See also Astronomy; Meteoritic hypothe- sis; Nebular hypothesis Nebular hypothesis See also Astronomy; Nebulae Necessity See also Freedom of the will; Predestina- tion Necrologies see Obituaries Necromancy see Conjuring; Magic; Witch- craft Needles see Pins and needles Needlework ,SV^ also Beadwork; Crocheting; Drawn work; Dressmaking; Embroidery; Fancy work; Knitting; Lace; Mending and repair- ing; Samplers; Sewing machines; Sewing schools; Tailoring; Tapestry Negligence See also Agency; Bailments; Damages; Employers' liability Negotiable instruments See also Bonds; Commercial law; Ex- change; Interest; Investments; Mortgages; Securities; Stocks Negro dialect See also Recitations and readings. Dialect Refer JTom Naval art and science; Tactics Rejer from Armaments (s) ; Armies; Ar- mored vessels; Disarmament; Fleets (s) ; Militarism; Military power (s); Naval art and science; Navy (s) ; Sea power; Ships; War; Warships Refer from Astronomy, Spherical and prac- tical ; Boats and boating ; Carriers ; Commerce; Hydrography; Latitude and longitude; Loco- motion; Mathematics; Nautical astronomy; Naval art and science; Naval history; Ocean; Sailing; Seamanship (s) ; Ships; Steam navi- gation; Traverse tables; Trigonometry; Wa- terways; Yachts and yachting Refer from Naval art and science; Naval stations (s) ; Navies ^c/cr/rom Astronomy ; Meteoritic hypothe- sis; Nebular hypothesis Refer from Astronomy; Nebulae; Planets; Solar system; Universe Refer from Freedom of the will ; Metaphysics; Philosophy Refer from Arts and crafts; Domestic arts; Dressmaking; Embroidery; Fancy work; Home economics; Lace; Alanual training; Sewing (s) ; Sewing schools; Stitches (s) ; Women Refer from Agency; Bailments; Carriers; Contracts; Contributory negligence (s) ; Damages; Employers' liability ; Law; Occupa- tions, Dangerous Refer from Commercial law; Commercial paper (s) ; Credit; Law; Securities Refer from English language — Dialects; Negroes 257 Negro melodii's see Nc'uro songs Ni'gro minstrels see Minstrel shows Negro songs .Sec ulio Jubilee singers Negro suffrage See also Negroes ■ conditions Political and social Negroes See also Color of man; Frecdmen; Ma- roons; Negro dialect; Negro songs; Negro suffrage; Race problems — U. S. ; Slave trade; Slavery; Slavery in the U. S.; Southern states Biography Colonization [for colonization in America] 6Vc also Africa — Colonization Education Folklore History Political and social conditions Sff also .\oi;ro suffrage Religion Social life and customs See also \ oodooism Suffrage, see Negro suffrage Negroes in the American revolution see V. S. — History — Revolution — Negro troops Negroes in the civil war see U. S. — History — Ci\ 11 war — Ncs:ro troops Neighborhood gilas Neighborhood improvement See also Playgrounds; Tree planting; \ acant lot cultivation Neighborhood work see Social settlements Nco-Latin languages see Romance languages Neolithic period see Stone age Neoplatonism Nerves See also Nervous system nervous system — Nervous diseases see Diseases Nervous exhaustion see Neurasthenia Nervous prostration see Neurasthenia Nervous system See also Anatomy; Brain; Electrophysi- ology; Fatigue; Inhibition; Mind and body; Nerves; Physiology; Psychology, Physio- logical; Rest; Spine; Temperament Diseases See also Epilepsy; Headache; Hysteria; \fental diseases; Neuralgia; Neurasthe- nia ; Worry Nestorians See also Eastern churches Nests See alsQ Animals — Habitations; Birds; Birds' eggs Neuralgia See also Nervous svstem — Diseases Refer from Folk songs; Negro melodies (s) ; Negroes; Plantation songs (s); Songs; Songs, American Refer from Negroes; Negroes — Political and social conditions ; Negroes — Suffrage (s) ; Suffrage Refer from Colored people (s); Ethnology; Freedmen; Race problems; Race problems — U. S. ; Slavery; Slavery in the U. S.; Southern Refer from Africa — Colonization; Coloni- zation of negroes (s) Refer from Education Refer from Folklore — Negroes (s) Refer from Negro suffrage Refer from Clubs; Gilds; Social settlements Refer from Municipal improvement; Social settlements Rejer Irom Dualism; Hellenism; Mysticism; Philosophy; Platonists; Theosophy Refer from Electrophysiology ; Nervous svstem Refer from Anatomy; Brain; Electrophysi- ology ; Mind and body ; Nerves ; Neurology (s) ; Physiology; Psychology, Physiological; Spine; Temperament Refer from Diseases (s) ; Hysteria; Medicine — Practice; Mental diseases; Nervous dis- eases (s) ; Neuralgia; Neurasthenia; Neuro- pathology (s) Refer from Eastern churches; Sects Refer from Animals — -Habitations; Birds; Birds' nests (s) ; Zoology Refer from Medicine — Practice system — Diseases Nervous 258 Neurasthenia S^f iilio Fatigue, Mental; Nervous sys- tem — Diseases Neurology see Nervous system Neuropathology ift Nervous system — Dis- eases Neuroptera .SV<- aiio Insects Neutrality iVc also Alabama claims; Blockade; Con- traband of war; International law; Search, Right of; Trent affair, 1861 New church see New Jerusalem church New Englanders in the West .New I'r.iiKe SVc also Painting Oil wells see Petroleum Oils, Essential, see Essences and essential oils Oils and fats .SV^ also Chemistry, Technical; Essences and essential oils; Lubrication and lubri- cants; Petroleum Old age See also Age; Age limit of employment; Homes for the aged; Longevity; Old age pensions Old ate homes see Homes for the aged Old age pensions See also Civil service pensions Old English language see Anglo-Saxon lan- guage; English language — Middle English Old English literature see Anglo-Saxon litera- ture; English literature — History and crit- icism — .Middle English Old ladies' homes see Homes for the aged Old maids see Spinsters Old Northwest see Northwest Territory, U. S. Old Saxon language S,-e also Germanic languages ; Low German language Old Testament see Bible — Old Testament Oleomargarine Oligarchy Olympic games Omens See also Astrology; Divination; Oracles Omnibuses Onomatopoeia Ontology see Being; Metaphysics; Philosophy Oology see Birds' eggs Refer from Benefit societies; Independent order of Odd Fellows (s) ; Secret societies Refer from Lyric poetry; Poetry Refer from I'lowers; Perfumes (s) ; Scent (s) RHer from Business Refer from Painting Refer from .*\nimal fats (s) ; Animal oils (s) ; Animal products; Chemistry, Technical; Coal- tar products; Fat (s); Fats (s); Grease (s) ; Lubrication and lubricants; Mineral oils (s) ; Oil (s) ; Vegetable oils (s) Refer from Age; Aged (s) ; Aged poor (s) ; Longevity Refer from Aged poor (s) ; Insurance, State and compulsory; Labor and laboring classes; Old age; Pensions; Poor; Thrift Refer from Germanic languages; Low Ger- man language; Saxon language (s) Refer from Butter; Dairy products; Food adulteration and inspection Refer from Aristocracy; Government Refer from Athletics; Games; Greece — Social life and customs; Sports Refer from Divination; Portents (s) ; Pres- ages (s) ; Signs (omens) (s) ; Superstition; Warnings (s) Refer from Carriages; Carriers; Coaches and coaching; Transportation; Vehicles Refer from Language; Rhetoric 264 Open-air schools Open and closed shop Sef also Labor unions Open shop see Open and closed shop Opera Sfe also Operettas; Overtures Librettos Scores Opera houses see Theaters Operations, Surgical, see Surgery Operettas Hee alio Opera Ophidia see Snakes Ophthalmia Sfe also Eye — Diseases and defects Ophllialmology see Eye Opinion see Belief; Public opinion Opium See also Morphine; Narcotic habit; Narcotics Opportunity See also Success Optical chemistry see Photochemistry Optical illusions Sie also Mirage Optical instruments See alio Astronomical instruments; Ka- leidoscope; Lenses; Microscope and micros- copy; Polariscope; Reflection (light); Spec- tacles; Spectroscope; Stereopticon; Stereo- scope; Telescope Optical interference see Interference (light) Optics see Light Optics, Physiological, see Eye; Optical instru- ments ; Siglit Optimism See also Cheerfulness; Pessimism Oracles Oral arithmetic see Arithmetic Orange Sfe alro Fruit Orangemen Oranges see Orange Orations See also After-dinner speeches; Oratory -American See also Fourth of July orations -English Refer from Education; Forest schools (s) ; Fresh air schools (s) ; Hygiene; Outdoor schools (s) ; Public schools; School hygiene; Schools; Tuberculosis Kefer from Closed shop (s) ; Labor and laboring classes ; Labor unions ; Open shop (s) ; Strikes and lockouts; Union shop (s) Refer from Amusements; Drama; Dramatic music (s) ; Grand opera (s) ; Music ; Operettas ; Theater Refer from Librettos (s) Refer from Music — - Scores Refer from Comic operas (s) ; Dramatic music (s) ; Light operas (s) ; Opera Refer from Eye — Diseases and defects Refer from Agricultural products; Agricul- ture — Tropics; Morphine; Narcotic habit; Narcotics; Temperance Refer from Conduct of life; Success Refer from Illusions and hallucinations; Light ; Sight Refer from Aberration; Glass manufacture; Instruments; Light; Optics, Physiological (s); Reflection (light); Scientific apparatus and instruments Refer from Cheerfulness; Happiness; Pes- simism; Philosophy Refer from ^lysteries (religious); Occult sciences; Omens; Prophecies; Religion; Super- stition Refer from Fruit; Oranges (s) Refer from Ireland — Politics; Ireland- Religious history Refer from Addresses (s) ; Declamation (s) ; Literature; Oratory; Recitations and readings; Speeches (s) Refer from American literature; American orations (s) Refer from English literature; English orations (s) 26s Oratorios See alio Cantatas Orators Oratory Sfe also Debating; Elocution; Eloquence; Gesture; Lectures and lecturin);; Orations; Orators; Preaching; Rhetoric; Voice Orbits See alio Mechanics, Celestial; Perturba- tion Orchard heating .fc^ Frost protection 'Orchards iff Kruit ; Truit culture Orchestral music S,-i- tiho Instrumental music; Instrumen- tation and orchestration; 0\"erturcs; Sym- phonies Orchestras Sft also Bands (music); Conducting (mu- sic); Orchestral music; Stringed instruments Orchestration iff Instrumentation and orches- tration Orchids S,-,- also I'loriculture Ordeals Sff also Fire walk Order of Malta sff Malta, Knights of Order of St. George (English) sff Garter, Order of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem sff Malta, Knights of Order of the Garter iff Garter, Order of the Order of Teutonic knights sft Teutonic knights Order of the Rosy cross iff Rosicrucians Order of the Temple iff Templars; also Free- masons — Templars Orders, Architectural, ift Orders of architec- ture Orders, Monastic, set Monasticism Orders, Religious, iff Religious orders Orders of architecture Sff alio Architecture, Greek; Columns Orders of knighthood iff Knights find knight- hood Ordinance of 1787 Sff alio Northwest Territory; U. S. — History — 1783-1812 Ordination Sff alio Clergy Ordnance Sft alio Ammunition ; Arsenals ; Artillery ; Ballistics; Firearms; Gunnery; Gunpowder; Guns ; .Military art and science ; Naval guns ; Projectiles Ordovician period ift Geology, Stratigraphic — • Ordovician ; Paleontology — Ordovician Ore deposits Sff alio Geology, Economic; Iron ores; Mines and mineral resources; Ores Ore dressing ift Ore treatment Rfftr from Church music; Music; Sacred music (s) Rtjtr from Biography; Oratory; Speakers (s) Rfffr from Debating; Elocution; Eloquence; Lectures and lecturing; Orations; Preaching; Public speaking (s) ; Rhetoric; Speaking (s) ; Speeches (s) ; Voice Rfftr jrom Astronomy; .Mechanics, Celestial; Perturbation; Planets Rfffr from Instrumental music; Music; Music — Scores ; Musical instruments ; Orches- tras; Symphonies Rfftr from Bands (music); Conducting (music); Instrumental music; Music Rfffr from Floriculture; Flowers Rtftr from Criminal law; Manners and customs; Trials Rfftr from Architecture; Architecture, Greek; Columns; Orders, Architectural (s) Rfftr from Northwest Territor\-; U. S. — History — 1783-1812 Rtftr from Bishops; Church polity; Clergy; Episcopacy; Priests; Rites and ceremonies; Sacraments Rtftr from Ammunition; Arms and armor; Artillery; Ballistics; Cannon (s) ; Firearms; Gunnery; Guns; Military art and science; Projectiles Rfftr from Geology; Geology, Economic; Metals; Mineral lands (s); .Mines and mineral resources ; Ores 266 Ore treatment Sfe alio Cyanide process; Elcctrometal- lurpy ; Magnetic separation of ores; Metal- Kiri;y ; Smelling Oregon trail Ores Sff also Assaying ; Geochemistry ; Geology, Economic; Iron ores; Metallurgy; Metals; Mineralogy; Mines and mineral resources; Ore deposits; Ore treatment; also names of metals Organ iVc also Musical instruments; Organ music; Organists; Reed organ Organ music Sfe also Church music Organic chemistry sff Chemistry, Organic Organists Sfe also Musicians Organized charity see Charity organization Organized labor sef Labor unions Organography sfe Anatomy; Botany, Structur- al ; Morphology Organotherapy 6'<- also lieef; Meat; Meat inspection; Packing liouscs ; Slaughtering and slaughter- houses Padrone system Sfe also Contract labor Pagan civilization sft Civilization, Pagan Paganism Si-f also Idolatry; Mythology Pageants Sff also Coronations; Festivals; Play festivals; Processions Pain Set also Anesthetics; Pleasure; Suffering; Vivisection Paint Set also Chemistry, Technical; Color; Corrosion and anti-corrosives; Painting Painted glass see Stained glass Painters See also Artists Painting .S'(Y also Anatomy, Artistic; Animal paint- ini; and illustration; Art; China painting; Christian art and symbolism; Color; Com- position (art); Decoration and ornament; Drawing; Esthetics; Figure painting; Flower painting and drawing; Frescoes; Idealism in art; Illumination of manuscripts and books; Impressionism (art); Landscape painting; Marine painting; Miniature paint- ing; Mural painting and decoration; Natur- alism in art; Oil painting; Paint; Painters; Painting, Mechanical; Paintings; Pastel; Perspective; Portrait painting; Prera- phaelitism ; Proportion (art) ; Realism in art ; Scene painting; Sepia painting; Stained glass; Stencil work; Water color painting Italian Mechanical Sff also Carriage painting; Color; Gild- ing; Graining; House painting; Lettering; Marbling; Paint; Sign painting; Stains and staining; Varnish and varnishing; Wood finishing Paintings See also Art — Exhibitions; Art — Gal- leries and museums; Art forgeries; Madon- nas; Painting: Pictures: Portraits Paints see Paint Refer jrom Pacific states Rejer from Pacific coast; Western states Refer from Morse; Transportation Refer from Baggage; Commerce; Transpor- tation Refer from Architecture; Packing industry Refer from Beef; Canned food (s) ; Food sup- pl>-; Meat; Packing houses; Slaughtering and slaughterhouses Refer from Contract labor; Italians in the U. S.; Labor and laboring classes Refer from Heathenism (s) ; Idolatry; Religion Refer from Acting; Amusements; Drama; Entertainments; Festivals; Processions Refer from Diagnosis; Emotions; Pleasure; Psychology, Physiological; Senses and sensa- tion ; Suffering Refer from Chemistry, Technical; Corrosion and anti-corrosives; Painting; Painting, Me- chanical; Paints (s) ; Pigments (s) Refer from Artists; Painting; Portrait painters (s) Refer from Archaeology; Art; Color; Com- position (art); Decoration and ornament; Drawing; Esthetics; Figure painting; Graphic arts (s) ; Landscape painting ; Marine painting ; Oil painting; Paint; Paintings; Sketching (s); Water color painting Refer from Italian painting (s) Refer from Carriage painting; Graining; House painting; Industrial arts; Mechanical painting (s); Painting; Sii»n painting; Varnish and varnishing; Wood finishing Refer from Art — Galleries and museums; Painting; Pictures 269 Palaces Stf alio Architecture; Castles; alio names of palaces, e.g. Alhambra, Louvre, X'ersnillcs (palace), Windsor castle Palaeontology ife Paleontology Paleobotany set I'"ossil plants Paleography iVt- also Abbreviations; Alphabet; Books; Charters; Illumination of manuscripts and books; Inscriptions; Manuscripts; Writing P:ih'i>lltliic period see Stone age Paleontology [subdivided like Geology, Strati- graphicj See also Animals, Extinct; Footprints, Fossil; Fossil plants; Geology; also names of fossil animals, e.g. Mammoths, Trilobitcs; and subhead Fossil under names of animals and classes of animals, e.g. Birds, Fossil; Insects, Fossil; Invertebrates, Fossil; Mol- lusks. Fossil; Reptiles, Fossil U. S. See also Geology — U. S. Paleozoic era see Geology, Stratigraphic — Paleozoic; Paleontology — Paleozoic Palmistry Palsy see Paralysis Panama canal See also Canal Zone; Ship canals Panics See also Business depression; Speculation; Unemployed Panislamism Panoramas Si-t also Cycloramas Panslavism Pantheism See also God; Monism; V'edanta Pantomime See also Amateur theatricals; Ballet; Gesture; Puppet plays; Shadow pantomimes Papacy see Catholic church; Popes Papal bulls see Bulls, Papal Papal schism see Schism, The great western, ■.578-I417 Paper See also Cellulose; Marbling; Paper work; Papier-mache; Papyrus; Parchment; Sta- tionery; W'all paper; Wood pulp Paper cutting see Paper work Paper flowers Paper hanging see Wall paper Refer from Architecture Refer from .Alphabet; jVrchives; Diplomat- ics (s) ; Illuminaliun of manuscripts and books ; Inscriptions; Manuscripts; Writing Refer from .Animals, Extinct; Animals, Fossil (s) ; E.xtinct animals (s); Fossil plants; P'ossils (s); Geology; (icology, Stratigraphic; Mammoths; Man; Natural history; Palaeon- tology (s) ; Petrifaction (s) ; Science; Zoology Refer from Geology — U. Paleontology (s) U. S.— Refer from .Vmusements; Character; Charac- ter reading (s) ; Cheirognomy (s) ; Cheiroman- cy (s) ; Cheirosophy (s) ; Chirognomy (s) ; Chiromancy (s) ; Chirosophy (s) ; Divination; Fortune telling; Hand; Superstition Refer from Canal Zone; Canal canal (s) ; Ship canals Isthmian Refer from Business; Business depression; Commerce; Commercial crises (s) ; Crises, Commercial (s) ; Economics; Finance; Finan- cial crises (s) ; Hard times (s) ; Prices; Pros- perity; Speculation; Stock exchange Refer from Eastern question (Near East); Mohammedanism Refer from Cycloramas; Entertainments; Pictures Refer from Eastern question (Near East); Europe — Politics; Russia; Slavs Refer from God; Monism; Philosophy; Religion; Skepticism; Theology Refer from .Acting; Amateur theatricals; Amusements ; Ballet ; Drama ; Entertainments ; Gesture; Sign language; Theater Refer from Cellulose; Chemistry. Technical; Manufactures; Parchment; Printing; Sta- tionery; Wood pulp; Writing Refer fro n Paper work Artificial flowers; Flowers; 270 Paper money Sff alio Bank notes; Banks and banking; Finance; Greenbacks; Legal tender; Money Paper work (for children] Sff alio Paper flowers Papier-niach£ I'apyii Iff Manuscripts Papyrus Parables ife also Library post Parchment S(f also Paper Pardon Parental schools i>fe also 1 ruant schools Parents ^ff also Ancestor worship; Children; Domestic relations; Eugenics; Family; Fathers; Home education; Heredity; Moth- ers Parish schools see Cliurch schools Parks See also Amusement parks; Botanical gardens; Commons; Landscape gardening; l\luniclpal Improvement; National parks and reserves; Playgrounds; Zoological gardens; also names of cities, subhead Parks Parliament see England — Parliament; also names of other countries Parliamentary practice See also Amendments (parliamentary practice); Committees; Legislative bodies Parochial schools see Church schools Parodies See also Burlesques Parole Sff also Disc-harged prisoners; Probation system Refer from Bank notes; Bills of credit (s) ; Bills of exchange (s); Fiat money (s) ; Green- backs; Legal tender; Money Refer from Busy work; Kindergarten; Paper; Paper cutting (s) ; Manual training Refer from Paper Refer from Paper Refer from Allegories; Bible; Bible — New Testament — Gospels ; Fables ; Jesus Christ — Teaching Refer from Astronomy ; Astronomy, Spherical and practical; Heliomctcr; Solar parallax (s) ; Stars; Stellar parallax (s) ; Sun Refer from Brain; Hemiplegia (s) ; Medicine — Practice; Palsy (s) Refer from Animal parasites (s) ; Animals — Diseases; Biology; Botany; Entozoa (s) ; Epizoa (s^ ; Helminthology (s); Insects, In- jurious and beneficial; Medicine — Practice; Pathology; Plants — Diseases; Worms; Zo- ology Rfffr from Express companies; Library post; Postal service Refer from Manuscripts; Paper Refer from Crime and criminals; Executive power; Law Refer from Juvenile delinquency; Schools; Truant schools Refer from Children; Domestic relations; Family; Fathers; Mothers Refer from Botanical gardens; Cities; Com- mons; Land; Landscape gardening; Municipal improvement; Playgrounds Rfffr from Amendments (parliamentary practice) ; Committees ; Debating ; Law ; Legis- lation; Legislative bodies; Rules of order (s) Rfffr from American literature; Burlesques; English literature; German literature; Humor; Literature; Poetry; Satire Rfffr from Crime and criminals; Discharged prisoners; Indeterminate sentence; Prisons; Probation system; Punishment 271 Parrots iVr also Birds Parsees iVc also Avcsla; Kire worship; Zoroastri- anism Parsis Iff Parsccs Parsons /<■<• Clergy Part son>;s iff Clioruscs and part songs Parthenogenesis Parties jff Balls (parties); Children's parlies; Kntertaining Parlies, I'olitical, see Political parties Partnership See also Agency; Bankruptcy; Commer- cial law; Corporations; Joint-stock com- panies; Trade-marks Party government sff Political parties Party platforms sfe Platforms, Political Passenger coaches sfe Cars Passes (free transportation) Passion plays See also Miracle, morality and mystery plays; Oberammergau passion play Passions see Emotions Passover See also Jews — Religion; Lord's supper Passports Paste See also Adhesives ; Glue Pastel Pastetirism Pastimes see Amusements; Games; Sports Pastoral poetry See also Nature in poetry Pastoral theology see Clergy; Pastoral work Pastoral work See also Clergy; Preaching Pastors see Clergy; Pastoral work; Preachers; Priests Pastry See also Baking; Cookery Pastures and meadows See also Forage plants; Grasses; Grazing; Hay Patent medicines see Medicines, Proprietary Patents See also Inventions; Trade-marks Paternalism See also Despotism; Government owner- ship; Government regulation of industry; Socialism Pathological botany see Plants — Diseases Refer from Birds Refer from Avesta ; I'ire worship; India — Religion; Parsis (s) ; Religions; Zoroastrianism Refer from Biology; Embryology; Repro- duction Refer from Commerce; Commercial law; Contracts; Joint-stock companies; Law Refer from Railroad passes (s) ; Railroads; Railroads — Passes (s) ; Railroads — Rates Refer from Drama; Miracle, morality and mystery plays; Theater Refer from Jews; Jews — Religion; Lord's supper Refer from International law; Travel Refer from Adhesives; Glue Refer from Art; Crayon drawing; Drawing; Painting Refer from Hydrophobia; Inoculation Refer from Bucolic poetry (s) ; Country life; Eclogues (s) ; Nature in poetry; Poetry; Rural poetry (s) Refer from Church work; Clergy; Pastoral theology (s) ; Pastors (s) ; Theology, Pastor- al (s) Refer from Baking; Cookery; Pies (s) Refer from Agriculture; Forage plants; Grasses; Grazing; Hay; Meadows (s) ; Rota- lion of crops Refer from Discoveries (in science) (s) ; Industrial, arts; Intellectual property (s) ; Inventions; Law; Letters patent (s); Ma- chinery; Manufactures; Property, Intellect- ual (s) ; Trade-marks Refer from Despotism; Government; Gov- ernment regulation of industry; Socialism 272 Pathological clicinislry ift I'liysiulogical clicin- istry Pathological psychology ite Mental diseases Pathology See also Abscess; Autopsy; Bacteriolofiy ; Blood; Contagion and contagious diseases; Diagnosis; Fever; Germ theory of disease; Hair; Hemorrhage; Histology; Hygiene; Immunity; Inflammation; Longevity; Ma- laria; Medical geography; Medicine; Medi- cine — Practice; Parasites; Physiological chemistry; Ptomaines; Suppuration; Tem- perament; Therapeutics; Toxins; Tumors Vegetable, see Plants — Diseases Patience Patience (same) see Solitaire Patriarchal government see Patriarchy Patriarchs See also Bible — Old Testament ^ Gene- sis Patriarchy See also Tribes and tribal system Patriotic societies . See also U. S. — History — Revolution — Societies; U. S. — History — ^ Civil war — Societies Patriotic songs see National songs; War songs Patriotism See also Citizenship; Loyalty; Preserva- tion of landmarks, scenery, etc. Patriots' day Patristics see Fathers of the church P?trology see Fathers of the church Patrons of husbandry see Grange Pattern making See also Foundry work; Mechanical drawing Pauline epistles see Bible — New Testament — • Epistles Pauperism see Poor Pavements See also Asphalt; Bricks; Concrete; Mosaics; Roads; Roads, Macadamized; Sidewalks; Streets Paving see Pavements Pawnbroking See also Bailments Pawnshops see Pawnbroking Peace See also Arbitration, International; Dis- armament; International relations; Mili- tarism; Nonresistance; War Peach See also Fruit Pear See also Fruit Pearls liefer from Diagnosis; Disease (s) ; Hygiene; Medicine; Physiology; Therapeutics Refer from Conduct of life; Ethics Refer from Bible; Bible — Old Testament- Biography; Bible — Old Testament — Gene- sis ; Jews Refer from Family; Government; Patriarch- al government (s) ; Tribes and tribal system Refer from Societies; U. Revolution — ^ Societies; U. Civil war — Societies S. — • History — S. — History — I ears see Pear Refer from Citizenship; Conduct of life; Ethics; Government; Loyalty; Political ethics; Public spirit (s) Refer from Holidays Refer from Foundry work; Machine shop practice; Machinery; Mechanical drawing; Metals Refer from Asphalt; Bricks; Cement; Con- crete; Floors; Xlunicipal engineering; Munic- ipal improvement; Paving (s) ; Roads; Side- walks ; Streets Refer from Bailments; Banks and banking; Commerce; Pawnshops (s) Rejer from Arbitration, International; Dis- armament; Ethics; International law; Inter- national relations; Militarism; Nonresistance; Sociology; War Refer from Fruit Refer from Fruit; Pears (s) Refer from Diving; Jewelry; Mollusks; Oysters; Precious stones 273 Peasantry S^r also Farm labor; Peasants' war; \ illciiiajjc Peasants' war, 1524-1525 .SV^ a!^(> An.iliaptists ; Germany — His- tory — 1517-1740; Reformation — Germa- ny Peat Sfe also Briquets ; Geology, Economic Pedacogy jff Teaching Peddlers and peddling See also Salesmanship; Street cries Pedcstrianism jee Walking Pediatrics /<•<■ Children — Care and hygiene; Children — Diseases Pedigrees lee Genealogy; Heraldry; Horse Peerage See also Aristocracy; Heraldry; Knights and knighthood; Titles of honor and nobility Pelagianism Hi-e also Church history — Early church Pelagic fauna see Marine zoology Pellagra Peloponnesian war See also Greece — History Pen and ink drawing see Pen drawing Pen drawing Penal codes see Criminal law Penal colonies See alio Exile; Siberia — Exiles Penal institutions see Penal colonies; Prisons; Reformatories Penal law see Criminal law Penance .SVc also Absolution; Church discipline; Confession; Fasting; Pilgrimages; Repent- ance Pendulum See also Eartli — Rotation; Gravitation Peninsular campaign, 1862 See also Army of the Potomac; U. S. — History — Civil war Peninsular war, 1807-1814 See also Europe — History — 1789-; Napoleonic wars; Spain — History — 1700- Penitence see Repentance Pcnitcntes see Flagellants Penitentiaries see Prisons Refer from Agriculture; Country life; Farm labor; Feudalism; Labor and laboring classes Refer from Anabaptists; Germany — His- tory — 1517-1740; Peasantry; Reformation — Germany Refer from Bog fuel (s) ; Fertilizers and man- ures; Fuel; Geology, Economic; Physical geography Refer from Business; Commercial travelers; Hucksters (s) ; Merchants; Street cries Refer from Aristocracy; Baronage (s) ; Baronetage (s) ; Biography; Class distinction; Genealogy; Heraldry; Knightage (s) ; Knights and knighthood; Nobility (s) ; Titles of honor and nobility Refer from Church history — Early church; Theology Refer from Medicine Diseases Practice; Skin - Refer from Greece — History Refer from Drawing; Pen and ink drawing (s) Refer from Banishment (s) ; Colonies and colonization; Convicts (s) ; Crime and crim- inals; Deportation (s) ; Exile; Exportation (s) ; Labor colonies (s) ; Penal institutions (s); Prisons; Punishment; Transportation of crim- inals (s) Refer from Absolution; Catholic church; Church discipline; Church polity; Confession; Pilgrimages; Repentance; Sacraments; The- ology Refer from Clocks and watches; Geodesy; Gravitation; Physics; Timekeepers Refer from Army of the Potomac; U. S. — History — Civil war — Campaigns and battles Refer from England — History — 1714- 1S37; Europe — History — 1789-; France — History — Consulate and empire; Napoleonic wars; Portugal — History; Spain — History — 1700- 274 Penmanship ice iiiso Graphology; Lettering; Writing Pennsylvania Dutch see Germans in Pennsyl- vania Pennsylvania Germans see Germans in Penn- sylvania Penny lunches see School lunches Penology see Punishment Pens Pensions See also Annuities; Bounties, Military; Civil service pensions; Old age pensions; Railroads — Pensions; Soldiers' homes; Teachers — Salaries, pensions, etc. U.S. Pentateuch see Bible — Old Testament — Pen- tateuch Peonage See also Contract labor People See also Democracy; Folklore; Labor and laboring classes; Liberty; Nations; Poor; Public opinion; Sociology People's palaces see Social centers Pequot war, 1636-1638 See also Connecticut — History; Indians — Wars ; L'. S. — History — Colonial period Perception See also Apperception; Hearing; Psychol- ogy; Senses and sensation; Sight; Space perception Perfection, Christian, see Sanctification Perfumery See also Chemistry, Technical; Incense Perfumes see Odors; Perfumery Pergolas See also Architecture Periodic law .SVi- also Chemistrv, Physical Periodicals See also Advertising; Chapbooks; Chil- dren's periodicals; Journalism; Liberty of the press; Newspapers; Students' periodi- cals; also subhead Periodicals under various subjects England See also Newspapers — England Indexes U. S. See also Newspapers — I'. S. Refer from Business education; Calligra- phy (s) ; Chirography (s); Graphology; Hand- writing (s) ; Writing Refer from Manufactures; Writing Refer from Annuities; Compensation (s); Poor; Soldiers Refer from L". S. — Pensions (s) Refer from Contract labor; Labor and labor- ing classes; Serfdom; Slavery Perjury .See also Oaths; Witnesses Refer from Sociology Refer from Connecticut — -History; Indians — Wars; New E^ngland — History; U. S. — History — Colonial period Refer from Apperception; Consciousness; Intellect; Knowledge; Psychology; Psycholo- gy, Educational; Senses and sensation; Space perception Refer from Chemistry, Technical; Cosmet- ics; Costume; Essences and essential oils; Manufactures ; Odors ; Perfumes (s) ; Scent (s) ; Toilet Refer from Architecture; Landscape garden- ing Refer from Atomic weights; Chemical ele- ments; Chemistry; Chemistry, Physical; Metals Refer front Journalism; Literature; Maga- zines (s) ; Newspapers; Press (s) Refer from English literature; English periodicals (s) ; Newspapers — England Refer from Bibliography; Indexes Refer from American literature; American periodicals (s) ; Newspapers — U. S. ; U. S. — Periodicals (s) Refer from Crime and criminals; Criminal law ; Oaths ; Witnesses 275 Permian period set Geology, Stratigraphic — Permian; Paleontology — Permian Perpetual motion Persecution .SVc also Albigenses; Church and state; Friends, Society of; Huguenots ; Inquisition ; Jews — Persecution; Liberty of conscience; Nlartyrs; Massacres; Religious liberty; Witchcraft Persian language .SV(' .i.'.'i Ir.niian languages Persian literature .SVc also Avesta; Oriental literature; Persian poetry Persian poetry .SVc also Persian literature Personal beauty ste Beauty, Personal Personal liberty see Liberty Personal names see Names, Personal Personal property See also Property; Sale; Taxation Personal religion see Christian life and charac- ter ; Spiritual life Personality 6Vc also Consciousness; Individuality; Psychical research; Psychology; Soul Personalty see Personal property Perspective See also Drawing; Projection; Proportion (art); Shades and shadows Perturbation See also Mechanics, Celestial; Orbits; Planets; Satellites Pessimism See also Optimism Pestilences see Epidemics Pests see Agricultural pests; Fungi; House- hold pests; Insects, Injurious and beneficial; also Cotton — Diseases and pests, and similar headings Petition, Right of Petrifaction see Petrified forests; Paleontology Petrified forests See also Trees, Fossil Petrography ste Rocks Petrol see Gasoline Petrol engines see Gas and oil engines Petroleum See also Coal-tar products ; Gas ; Gasoline ; Geology, Economic; Lamps; Liquid fuel Petroleum engines see Gas and oil engines Petrology see Rocks Pets See also Cage birds ; Cats ; Dogs ; Domestic animals Refer jrom Mechanics ; Motion Refer from Catholic church; Church his- tory; Fanaticism; Heresy; Inquisition; Liber- ty of conscience; Martyrs; Religious liberty Refer from li-anian languages Refer from Oriental literature; Persian poetry Refer from Persian literature Refer from Chattels (s) ; Law; Personalty (s) ; Property Refer from Character; Consciousness; Double consciousness (s) ; Double personal- ity (s) ; Dual personality (s) ; Identity, Person- al (s); Individuality; Metaphysics; Multiple personality (s) ; Philosophy; Psychical re- search; Psychology; Soul; Subconsciousness Refer from Drawing; Geometrical drawing; Geometry; Geometry, Descriptive; Light; Mechanical drawing; Painting; Projection; Proportion (art) ; Shades and shadows Refer from Astronomy; Mechanics, Celestial; Orbits; Planets; Satellites Refer from Optimism; Philosophy Refer from Government; Law; Right of petition (s) Refer from Forests, Petrified (s) ; Fossil plants; Petrifaction (s) ; Trees, Fossil Refer from Chemistry, Technical; Coal oil (s) ; Coal-tar products; Commercial prod- ucts; Fuel; Gas; Geology, Economic; Kero- sene (s); Lighting; Liquid fuel; Mineral oils (s); Oil (s); Oil wells (s) ; Wells Refer from Animals; Domestic animals 276 Pewter Sff also Alloys I'liallic worship srf Phallicism Phallicism Phanerogams Sff also Botany, and references under that subject Phansitjars sff Thugs Phantoms sff Apparitions Phannacists Sff also Chemists Pharmacognosy sff Drugs; Pharmacy Pharmacology sff Drugs; Pharmacy Pharmacopoeias .SVc also Dispensatories; Drugs; Materia mciica Pharmacy Sff also Dispensatories; Drugs; Homeop- athy; Materia medica ; Medical botany; Pharmacists; Pharmacopoeias; Prescriptions Philanthropists Srf tiljii Philanthropy Philanthropy Sff also Altruism; Charitable societies; ' Charities; Charity; Philanthropists; Social settlements; Social work Philately sff Postage stamps Philippine languages Sff also Oceanic languages Philology Sff Language Philosophers Philosopher's stone Sff also Alchemy; Elixir of life Philosophical instruments sff Scientific appa- ratus and instruments Philosophy Sff also Agnosticism; Analogy; Atheism; Axioms; Being; Belief; Biology; Causation; Certainty; Chance; Christianity; Creation; Critical philosophy; Deism; Dualism; Egoism; Empiricism; Enlightenment; Epi- cureans; Esthetics; Eter..ity; Ethics; Evi- dence; Evolution; Fate and fatalism; Force and energy; Future life; Gnosticism; God; Hedonism; Humanism; Idealism; Individ- uality; Infinite; Intellect; Knowledge; Lib- erty; Life; Logic; Man; Manichcism; Ma- terialism; Matter; Metaphysics; Mind and body; Monadology; Monism; Mysticism; Natural religion ; Naturalism; Nature; Ne- cessity; Neoplatonism ; New thought; Nihil- ism; Optimism; Pantheism; Personality; Pessimism; Philosophers; Physics; Platon- ists; Pluralism; Positivism; Pragmatism; Psychology; Rationalism; Realism; Reality; Reason; Religion; Religion and science; Scholasticism; Science; Skepticism; Soph- ists; Soul; Space; Spiritualism; Stoics; Supernatural; Taoism; Teleology; Theism; Theology; Thcosophy; Thought and think- Kf/fr from Alloys; Arts and crafts; ll.ill marks; Lead; Metal work; Plate; Tin Refer from Nature worship; Phallic wor- ship (s) ; Sex worship (s) Rfffr from Botanv Refer from Apothecaries (s); Biography; Chemists; Druggists (s) ; Pharmacy Refer from Dispensatories; Drugs; Materia medica; Medical botany; Pharmacy Refer from Chemistry; Chemistry, Medi- cal (s) ; Chemistry, Pharmaceutical (s) ; Drugs ; Materia medica; Medical botany; Medical chemistry (s) ; Medicine; Pharmacognosy (s) ; Pharmacology (s) ; Prescriptions; Therapeutics Rfffr from Biography; Philanthropy Refer from Benevolence (s) ; Charities; Ethics; Gifts; Giving (s); Philanthropists; Poor Refer from Oceanic languages Refer from Biography; Philosophy Refer from Alchemy; Elixir of life; Stone, Philosopher's (s) Refer from Ethics; Knowledge; Life; Mental philosophy (s) ; Metaphysics; Ontology (s) ; Psychology; Reason; Religion; Science; The- ology; Thought and thinking 277 ■p. 1Y^ pKV 10'- "['y Philosophy — Con t i n ucd ini;; riiiit; Iraiiscondcntalism ; Truth; Lnivcrsc; L tilitarianism ; Will; alio subhead Philosophy under various subjects, e.g. History — Philosophy Ancient Sff also Philosophy, Greek; Philosophy, Oriental Chinese See also Philosophy, Oriental; Taoism Critical, see Critical philosophy English See also Philosophy, Modern; Ltili- tarianlsm French See also Encyclopedists; Philosophy, Modei'n ; Positivism German See also Critical philosophy; Philoso- phy, Modern; Transcendentalism Greek See also Epicureans; Philosophy. An- cient; Platonists; Sophists; Stoics Hindu See also Philosophy, Oriental; \'edanta; ^'oga Medieval See also Scholasticism Modem See also Agnosticism; Enlightenment; Evolution; New thought; Pragmatism; Rationalism; Transcendentalism; also Philosophy, English; Philosophy, French; Philosophy, German; etc. Moral, see Ethics Natural, see Physics Oriental See also Philosophy, Chinese; Philoso- phy. Hindu; Philosophy', Persian Persian See also Manicheism; Philosophy, Oriental Philosophy of history see History — Philosophy Philosophy of religion .r^c Religion — Philoso- phy Phlebotomy see Bloodletting Phonetic spelling see Spelling reform Phonetics See also Alphabet ; Pronunciation ; Speech ; Spelling Phonograph See also Telephonograph Phonography see Shorthand Phonology see Phonetics Phosphates See also Bone products; Kcrtilizers and manures; Geology, Economic Refer from Philosophy, Greek Refer from Chinese philosophy (s) ; Philoso- phy, Oriental; Taoism Refer from English philosophy (s) ; Philoso- phy, Modern; Utilitarianism Refer from French Philosophy (s) ; Philoso- phy, Modern; Positivism Refer from Critical philosophy; German philosophy (s) ; Philosophy, Modern Refer from Epicureans ; Greek philosophy (s) ; Philosophy, Ancient; Platonists; Sophists; Stoics Refer from Hindu philosophy (s) ; Hinduism; Philosophy, Oriental; Vedanta; Yoga Refer from Medieval philosophy (s) ; Scho- lasticism Refer from Modern philosophy (s) ; Philoso- phy, English; Philosophy, French; Philosophy, German Refer from Oriental philosophy (s) ; Philoso- phy, Ancient; Philosophy, Chinese; Philoso- phy, Hindu; Philosophy, Persian Refer from Manicheism ; Philosophy, Oriental Refer from Language; Orthoepy (s) ; Pho- nology (s) ; Pronunciation; Sound Refer from Electricity; Gramophone (s) ; Graphophone (s) ; Sound ; Talking machines (s) Refer from Agricultural chemistry; Bone products; Fertilizers and manures; Geology, Economic Phosphorescence Refer from Botany — Physiology; Light; Ocean; Radioactivity; Zoology 278 Photochemistry Sfe alio Chemistry, Pliysicil ; Plioii graphic chemistry Photochronograph Sff alio liallislics Photo-engraving .SV;- al>o I'hotogravurc ; I'hotomcchanical processes Photo-etching sre Photo-engraving Photogrammetry /<•<■ Photographic surveying Photographic chemistry Sff alio Photochemistry; Photography — Priiilini; processes Photographic optics Srt- itlyn I-Cllscs Photographic surveying Photographs Photography iVc also Astronomical photography; Blue prints; Cameras; Collotype; Color photog- raphy; Daguerreotypes; Ferrotype; Helio- typc; Lenses; Moving pictures; Nature photography; Photochronograph; Photo- engraving; Photographic chemistry; Photo- graphic optics; Photographic surveying; Photographs; Photogravure; Photolithogra- phy; Photomechanical processes; Photo- micrography; Radiography; Stereopticon ; Telephotography Animals See also Nature photography Astronomical, see Astronomical photog- raphy Color, see Color photography Composite Flash-light History Nature, see Nature photography Plants See also Nature photography Printing processes See alio Blue prints; Photographic chemistry Photography of animals see Photography — Animals Photography of nature see Nature photog- raphy Photography of plants see Photography — Plants Photogravure See also Photomechanical processes Photolithography See also Photomechanical processes Refer from Chemical effects of light (») ; Chemistry; Chemistry, Physical; Light; Op- tical chemistry ts) ; Photographic chemistry Refer from Astronomical instruments; As- tronomical photography; Ballistics; Chrono- graph; Photography Refer from Engraving; Half-tone process (s) ; Illustration of books; Photo-etching (s) ; Photography; Photomechanical processes Refer from Chemistry; Chemistry, Pho- tographic (s) ; Photochemistry; Photography; Photography — Printing processes Refer from Lenses; Photography Refer from Photogrammetry (s); Photog- raphy; Phototopography (s); Surveying Refer from Photography; Pictures; Portraits Refer from Art; Cameras; Daguerreotypes; Industrial arts; Light; Printing; Retouch- ing (s); Technology Refer from Animal photography (s) ; Ani- mals — Photography (s) ; Animals — Pic- tures; Nature photography; Photography of animals (s) Refer from Composite photography (s) Refer jrom Flash-light photography (s) Refer from Nature photography; Photog- raphy of plants (s) ; Plants — - Photography (s) Refer from Blue prints; Photographic chemistry; Platinotype (s) Refer from Engraving; Heliogravure (s) ; Photo-engraving; Photography; Photomechan- ical processes Refer from Lithography; Photography; Photomechanical processes 279 Photomechanical processes .SV<- alfo C'olli>i\pi'; Ilcliotypc; Photo- engraving; Photogravure; I'hotolilhography Photometry .SVc aho Color; Light Photomicrcsraphy .S(C iii'.'o Mii-roscopc and microscopy Phototherapy See aho Radiotherapy Phototopography //•<• Photographic surveying Phrase-books jfe names of languages Phrasing (music) Si-f also Musical form Phrenology Sft alio Physiognomy Phthisis lee Tuberculosis Physical chemistry sff Chemistry, Physical Physical culture scf Pliysical education Physical deterioration See alie Degeneration; Heredity Physical education S,-e alio Athletics; College athletics; Delsarte system; Exercise; Games; Gym- nasiums ; Gymnastics ; Gymnastics, Medical ; Indian clubs; Jiu-jitsu; Play; Running; School athletics; Sports; Training; Walking Physical geography See also Alluvium; Altitudes; Bays and gulfs; Beaches; Caves; Climate; Coast changes; Continents; Deltas; Deserts; Droughts; Dunes; Karth ; Earthquakes; Erosion; Geochemistry; Geographical dis- tribution of animals and plants; Geography; Geology; Geysers and hot springs; Glaciers; Hydrography ; Ice ; Icebergs ; Islands ; Lakes ; Landslides ; Magnetism, Terrestrial ; Meteor- ology; Moraines; Mountains; Nature; Ocean; Peat; Plains; Ponds; Prairies; Riv- ers; Seashore; Springs; Steppes; Tides; Tropics; Valleys; Volcanoes; Water; Water, Underground ; Waterfalls ; Waterspouts ; Waves U. S. See aho Geology — U. S.; U. S. — Alti- tudes Physical geology see Geology Physical instruments see Scientific apparatus and instruments Physical training see Athletics; Physical edu- cation Physicians and surgeons See also Anecdotes, Medical; Medical ethics; Women as physicians Refer from Collotype; Hcliotype; Illustra- tion of books; Photo-engraving; Photography; Photogravure; Photolithography; Process work (s) Refer from Electric lighting; Light; Lighting Refer from Microphotography (s) ; Micro- scope and microscopy; Photography Refer from Blue glass cure (s) ; Light; Light cure (s); Therapeutics Refer from Music; Musical form; Piano — Instruction and study Refer from Brain; Character; Character reading (s) ; Head; Man; Mind and body; Physiognomy; Physiology; Psychology; Psychology, Physiological Refer from Degeneration; Heredity; Physi- ology Refer from Athletics; Calisthenics (s) ; Callisthenics (s) ; Education; Exercise; Gym- nasiums; Gymnastics; Gymnastics, Medical; Hygiene; Manly exercise (s) ; Muscles; Physical culture (s) ; Physical training (s) ; Sports; Training Refer from Alluvium; Beaches; Climate; Coast changes; Continents; Deltas; Dunes; Earth; Earthquakes; Erosion; Geography; Geography, Physical (s); Geology; Geon- omy (s) ; Glaciers; Icebergs; Islands; Lakes; Meteorology; Moraines; I\Iountains; Natural history; Ocean; Physics; Physiography (s) ; Rivers ; Science ; Valleys ; Volcanoes ; Water Refer from Geology — U. S. ; U. S. — Ge- ography (s) ; U. S. — Physical geography (s) Refer from Biography; Doctors (s) ; Medical biography (s) ; Medical directories (s) ; Medical ethics; Medicine; Medicine — Directories (s) ; Surgeons (s) ; Surgery 280 Physics .S.c a!io Agricultural physics; Air; Astron- omy ; Atoms ; Barometer; Capillarity ; C licm- istry ; Clicmistry, Physical ; Compressibility ; Condensation; Dianiagncllsm ; Dynamics; Klasticity ; Electricity; lilectrostalics ; Ether (of space); Evaporation; Expansion (physics); Hulds; Force and energy; Fric- tion ; Cases ; Gravitation ; Gyroscope ; Heat ; Hydraulics; Hydrostatics; Kinematics; Light; Liquefaction of gases; Liquid air; Liquids; Magnetism; Matter; Mechanics; Meteorology; Molecules; Motion; Motors; Osmosis; Pendulum; Physical geography; Radiation; Radioactivity; Rotation; Soap bubbles; Solids; Sound; Statics; Steam; Thermodynamics; Thermometer; Units; Velocity; \lbratlon; Viscosity; Water; \\ avcs Experiments .S'(V alto Electricity — Experiments; Physics — Laboratory manuals Laboratory manuals Sff also Physics — Experiments Physiocrats Physiognomy .SV(- ca/io Harpsichord ; Musical instru[m'i\(s ; Pianists; Piano music; Piano players; Tun- ing Instruction and study Sff also Music — Instruction and study ; Musical accompaniment ; Phrasing (music) Piano music Sci- also Dance music; Instrumental music ; Sonatas Scores Sif oho Duets, Instrumental; Sonatas Piano players Pianoforte ste Piano Pianola jf( Piano players Picnics Pictographs sf( Picture writing Picts See also Celts; Scotland ^ Antiquities ; Scotland — History Picture books Picture frames Picture posters sff Posters Picture writing See also Hieroglyphics Pictures Nrv also Animals — Pictures; Art — Ex- hibitions; Art — Galleries and museums; Art forgeries; Caricature and cartoons; Drawings; Engravings; Etchings; Libraries and pictures; Moving pictures; Paintings; Panoramas; Photographs; Picture frames; Portraits ; Views Picturesque See also Esthetics; Landscape Piece-work see Wages Pieces to speak see Recitations and readings Piers see Bridges — Foundations and piers; Wharves Pics see Pastry Pietists See also Germany — Religious history Pig see Swine Pig iron see Cast iron Pigeons See also Birds Pigmentation see Color of animals; Color of man ; Skin Pigments see Color; Dyes and dyeing; Paint Pigmies see Dwarfs Pigs see Swine Piles and pile driving See alju Breakwaters; Cofferdams; Foun- dations ; Wharves Pilgrim fathers See also Brownists; Massachusetts — History; Mayflower (ship); Plymouth; Puritans; Thanksgiving day; U. S.' — His- tory — Colonial period Pilgrimages See also Penance; Shrines Refer from Harpsichord; Musical instru- ments; Pianoforte (s); Spinet (s) ; Stringed instruments; Virginal (s) Refer from Music — Instruction and study Refer from Dance music; Instrumental music ; Piano Refer from Music — Scores Refer from Piano; Pianola (s) Refer from Amusements; Outdoor life Refer from Celts; Scotland — Antiquities; Scotland — History; Stone age Refer from Children's literature Refer from Frames (for pictures) (s) ; House decoration; Pictures Refer from Archaeology; Hieroglyphics; Inscriptions; Pictographs (s) ; Writing Refer from Art; Engravings; Etchings; House decoration; Paintings; Portraits; Views Refer from Esthetics; Landscape; Scenery (s) Refer from Germany — Religious history Refer from Birds; Carrier pigeons (s) ; Domestic animals; Doves (s) ; Homing pig- eons fs) ; Poultry; Squabs (s) Refer from Breakwaters; Civil engineering; Cofferdams; Foundations; Wharves Refer from Biography; Brownists; Christian biography; Massachusetts — -History; May- flower (ship); Plymouth; Puritans; U. S. — Biography; U. S. — History — Colonial period Refer from Catholic church; Penance; Shrines; Travel; Voyages and travels 282 Pillars ite Columns Pillory Pilot guides Pilots and pilotage Ste also Pilot guides Ping-pong l'iiij;rce sfe \';u'aiu Jul culti\;nion Pins and needles l*l'iML-ci lite jv^ Kroiiilcr and pioneer life Pipe Set also Boiler scale; Pipe futinj.'; Steam pipes; Tubes Pipe fitting Sii- also Gas tilting; Plumbinj;; Steam pipes Pipe organ see Organ Pipes Iff Pipe; Pipes, Tobacco; Steam pipes Pipes, Tobacco See also Smoking; Tobacco Piracy see Pirates Pirates Sfe also Buccaneers; Privateering; Treas- ure-trove Pisces see Fish Pisciculture see Fish culture Pistols See also Firearms Pitch, Mineral, see Asphalt Place names see Names, Geographical Placer mining see Gold dredging; Hydraulic mining Plagiarism .S'i-(- also Literary forgeries and mystitica- tions Plague See also Black death; Epidemics; London — Epidemics Plaids see Tartans Plain chant see Chants Plain song see Chants Plains See also Prairies; Steppes Plainsong see Chants Plane geometry see Geometry Planers sff Planing machines Planetesimal hypothesis Planets See also Asteroids ; Astrology ; Astronomy ; Earth ; Moon ; Nebular hypothesis ; Occulta- tions; Orbits; Perturbation; Planetesimal hypothesis; Plurality of worlds; Satellites; Solar system ; Transits; also names of planets Planimeter Planing machines See aljo Machine tools; Woodworking machinery Refer from Punishment Refer from Coast pilots (s) ; Navigation; Pilots and pilotage; Sailing directions (s) Refer from Harbors; Inland navigation; Navigation; Sailors Refer from Games; Table tennis (s) ; Tennis Refer from NLinufactures ; Needles (s) Refer from Pipes (s); Tubes Refer from Gas fitting; Pipe; Plumbing; Steam fitting (s) ; Steam pipes Refer from Pipes (s) ; Smoking; Tobacco; Tobacco pipes (s) Refer from Barbary corsairs (s); Buccaneers; Corsairs (s) ; Crime and criminals ; Filibusters ; Freebooters (s); International law; Maritime law; Naval battles; Naval history; Piracy (s) Refer from Arms and armor; Firearms ; Guns ; Revolvers (s) Refer from Authorship; Literary forgeries and mystifications; Literature Refer from Black death; Bubonic plague (s) ; Contagion and contagious diseases ; Epidemics ; London — Epidemics ; London — History ; Medicine — Practice Refer from Physical geography Solar Refer from Astronomy; Planets; system; Universe Refer from Astronomy ; Mechanics. Celestial ; Perturbation; Satellites; Solar system; Stars Refer from Mathematical instruments; Sur- veying instruments Refer from Machine shop practice; Machine tools; Machinery; Planers (s) ; Woodworking machinery a83 Planispheres Plankton Sff alio Fresh-water life; Marine biology; Marine zoology Plans (architecture) see Architectural drawing; Architecture. Domestic Plant anatomy see Botany, Structural Plant breeding See alio Hybridization; Mendel's law; Plant propagation; Seeds — Selection and testing Plant chemistry see Plants — Chemistry and nutrition Plant diseases see Plants — Diseases Plant embryology see Botany — Kmbryology Plant forms See also Design, Decorative; P'lower painting and drawing Plant geography see Geographical distribution of animals and plants Plant introduction See also Acclimatization (plants) Plant lice See also Hemiptera Plant lore See also Flower language ; Folklore ; Nature myths Plant morphology see Botany, Structural Plant names see Botany — Nomenclature Plant pathology see Plants — Diseases Plant physiology see Botany — Physiology Plant propagation See also Grafting; Plant breeding; Seeds Plantation songs see Negro songs Planting see Agriculture; Forest planting; Gardening; Landscape gardening; Tree planting Plants (for descriptive and non-systemalic material) See also Agriculture; Alpine plants; Annuals (plants); Aquatic plants; Botany; Climbing plants; Color of plants; Fertiliza- tion of plants; Floriculture; Flowers; Gar- dening; Insectivorous plants; Leaves; Nat- ural history; Nature study; Poisonous plants; Roots; Seedlings; Seeds; Shrubs; Tropical plants; Weeds; also names of plants, and headings beginning Plant Acclimatization, see Acclimatization (plants) Anatomy, see Botany, Structural Aquatic, see Aquatic plants Breeding, see Plant breeding Chemistry and nutrition See also Botany — Physiology; Cel- lulose; Metabolism Refer from Astronomy; Astronomy — Atlas- es ; Stars liefer from Biology; F'rcsh-watcr life; Marine biology; Marine zoology Refer from Agriculture; Breeding; Fertiliza- tion of plants; Floricullure ; Gardening ; Hered- ity; Hybridization; Plant propagation; Plants — Breeding (s) ; Species; Thremmatology (s) ; Variation (biology) Refer from Decoration and ornament; De- sign, Decorative; Floral design (s) ; Flower forms (s); Flower painting and drawing Refer from Acclimatization (plants) ; Ge- ographical distribution of animals and plants Refer from Aphididae (s) ; Hemiptera; In- sects, Injurious and beneficial Refer from Folklore; Folklore of plants (s) ; Nature myths; Plants — Folklore (s) Refer from Floriculture; Gardening; Plant breeding; Plants — Propagation (s) ; Propaga- tion of plants (s) Refer from Agriculture; Botany; Flowers; Natural history; Nature; Nature study; Vegetable kingdom (s) Refer from Agricultural chemistry; Botanical chemistry (s) ; Botany — Physiology ; Chemis- try; Chemistry, Botanical (s) ; Chemistry, Organic; Metabolism; Nutrition of plants (s) ; Plant chemistry (s) ; Plants — Nutrition (s) 284 Plants — Continued Classification, ste Botany — Classification Climbing, sre Climbing plants Collection and preservation Rtjtr jrum Botanizing (s) ; Collectors and collecting Culor, .<(•<• Color of plants Cultivated (for botanical inform.ition .ind lists, not gardening] S» o/ro Floriculture; Gardening R,-j,t irom Botany, Kconomic; Cultivated plants (s) ; Uomcstication ; House plants (s) Diseases Sff also Bacteriology, Agricultural; Refer from Bacteriology, Agricultural; Bot- Cotton — Diseases and pests; Dry rot; any — Pathology (s); Diseases of plants (s) ; Fruit — Diseases and pests; Fungi; Galls Fruit — Diseases and pests; Fungi; Mildew; (botany); Mildew; Parasites; Spraying; Pathological botany (s) ; Pathology, Vege- Tobacco — Diseases and pests; Trees — table (s) ; Plant diseases (s); Plant path- Diseases and pests ology (s) ; Plants — Pathology (s) ; Trees — Diseases and pests; Vegetable pathology (s) Effect of chemicals on Refer Jrom Agricultural chemistry ; Botany — Physiology Effect of temperature on Refer from Freezing (s) ; Frost; Temperature Fertilization, see Fertilization of plants Folklore, see Plant lore Fossil, see Fossil plants Geographic distribution, see Geographical distribution of animals and plants Habits, see Botany — Physiology; Plants — Movements Insectivorous, see Insectivorous plants Medicinal, see Medical botany Migration See also Geographical distribution of Refer from Geographical distribution of animals and plants animals and plants; Migration of plants (s) Morphology, see Botany, Structural Movements See also Botany — Physiology; Ileli- Refer from Botany — Physiology; Helio- otropism ; Irritability tropism ; Irritability ; Movements of plants (s) ; Plants — Habits (s) Names, see Botany — Nomenclature Nutrition, see Plants — Chemistry and nutrition Pathology, see Plants — Diseases Photography, see Photography — Plants Physiology, see Botany — Physiology Poisonous, see Poisonous plants Propagation, see Plant propagation Useful, see Botany, Economic Plaster and plastering Sci- fl/^o Building; Ceilings; Gesso; Mural Refer from Building; Building materials; painting and decoration; Stucco Ceilings; Masonry; Mural painting and deco- ration; Plastering (s) ; Stucco Plaster casts iVi- a//o Modeling; Sculpture; Statues Refer from Casting (s) ; Casts, Plaster (s) ; Modeling; Sculpture; Statues Plastering see Plaster and plastering Plate See also Goldsmithing; Hall marks; Pew- Refer from Gold plate (s) ; Goldsmithing; ter; Silversmilhing; Silverware Hall marks; Jewelry; Metal work; Silver- smithing; Silverware Plate girders see Girders Plate glass see Glass Plate marks see Hall marks Plate-metal work See alxj Metal work Refer from Metal work »8s Platfonns, Political Set aho Political parties Plating Sff aho Bronzing; Electroplating; Gal- vanizing; Gilding; Mcial coloring Platinotypf (- aho Parks; \'acation schools Playhouses (for children) Playing-cards sff Cards Playright see Copyright Plays jcr Amateur theatricals; Drama Playwrights jn- Dramatists Pleading and practice Se^ also Actions at law; Appeal; Chan- cery; Costs; Courts; Equity; Forms (in law) ; Law; Trials Pleasure See aho Contentment; Emotions; Happi- ness; Hedonism; Joy; Pain Pleistocene period iff Glacial period Pliocene period sff Geology, Stratigraphic — Pliocene; Paleontology — Pliocene Plots (drama, novel, etc.) Sff aljo Shakespeare, William — Plots Ploughs Sff Plows Plowing Sff Tillage Plows Sff also Farm implements and machinerj Plumbago sre Graphite Plumbing Sff also Gas fitting; Lead burning; Pipe fitting; Sanitary engineering; Sanitation, Household; Solder and soldering Pluralism Plurality of worlds RfjfT from Government ; Party platforms (s) ; Political platforms (s) ; Political parties; Poli- tics; U. S. — Politics Rfffr from Galvanizing; Metal work; Silver- plating (s) ; Silverplating (s) Rfffr from Metals; Precious metals Rfffr from Dualism; Philosophy; Philoso- phy, Greek Rfffr from Amusements; Animals; Child study; Children; Exercise; Games; Kinder- garten; Physical education; Psychology; Psychology, Comparative; Recreation (s) Rfffr from Festivals; Pageants; Play Rfffr from Amusements; Children; Chil- dren — Charities, protection, etc.; Municipal improvement; Neighborhood improvement; Parks; Play; Public playgrounds (s) ; School children; School hygiene; School play- grounds (s) ; Schools; Social centers Rfffr from Play Rfffr from Actions at law; Costs; Courts; Equity; Forms (in law); Law; Practice (law) (s) ; Procedure (s) ; Trials Rfffr from Emotions; Ethics; Happiness; Hedonism; Joy; Pain; Psychology Rfffr from Authorship; Drama; Dramatic plots (s); Fiction; Literature; Poetry; Scen- arios (s) Rfffr from Farm implements and machinery; Ploughs (s) ; Tillage Rfffr from Architecture; Architecture, Do- mestic; Building; Gas fitting; House drain- age (s) ; Industrial arts; Lead; Lead burning; Pipe fitting; Sanitary engineering; Sanitation, Household; Sewerage; Traps (plumbing) (s) ; Water supply Rfftr from Metaphysics; Philosopliy Rfftr from Astronomy; Life in other worlds (s) ; Planets; Theology; Universe; Worlds, Plurality of (s) 286 Pliitocr.icy iff Wealth Plymouth brethren l'[R'iim.itii; (Hiiiips se/ Air pumps Pneum.itic tires ste Tires Pneumatic transmission see Compressed Pneumatic tubes Pneumatic tub;s See also Compressed air Pneumatics see Air; Gases Pneumonia See also Lungs; Respiratory organs — Diseases Poaching See also Game laws Poetry Sf-e also Alliteration; Ballads; Bards; Cliildren's poetry; Christmas poetry; Col- lege verse; Drama; Elegiac poetry; I'^pic poetry; Humor; Hymns; Literature; Love poetry; Lyric poetry; Macaronic verse; Meter; Minnesingers; Nonsense verse; Odes; Parodies; Pastoral poetry; Plots (drama, novel, etc.) ; Poetry of places ; Poets ; Prosody; Quotations; Religious poetry; Rhyme; Rhythm; Songs; Sonnets; Trouba- dours ; Trouvcres ; Versification; War poet- ry; also special subjects, e.g., Animals in poetry. Children in poetry, Flowers in poetry, Nature in poetry, and subhead Poetry under various subjects; also Ameri- can poetry, English poetry, etc. Collections See also Recitations and readings Poetry of animals see Animals in poetry Poetry of childhood see Children in poetry; Children's poetry; Nursery rhymos Poetry of flowers see Flowers in poetry Poetry of love see Love poetry Poetry of nature see Nature in poetry Poetry of places Poetry of war see War poetry Poets 6V^ also Authors; Bards; Dramatists; Meistersingers ; Minnesingers; Minstrels; Poetry; Poets laureate; Troubadours; Trouvcres Poets laureate Pointed architecture see Architecture, Gothic Poison see Poisons; Ptomaines; Toxins Poisonous plants See also Medical botany Poisons See also Alkaloids; Antitoxins; Arsenic; Chemistry, Legal; Drugs; First aid in illness and injury; Lead poisoning; Medical juris- prudence; Narcotics; Poisonous plants; Ptomaines; Toxins; Venom Poker See also Cards Poker work see Pyrography Polanders see Poles (Polandcrs) Rejer from Darbyites (s) ; Sects Refer from Compressed air; Conveying machinery; Pneumatic transmission (s) ; Trans- portation Refer from Lungs; Medicine — Practice; Respiratory organs — Diseases Refer from Game laws; Hunting; Trapping Refer from Ballads; Esthetics; Literature; Meter; Poets; Prosody; Rhetoric; Romances; Versification Refer from Anthologies (s) ; Recitations and readings Refer from Poetry Refer from Authors; Dramatists; Poetry Refer English from Laureates (s) ; Poets; Poets, Refer from Botany, Economic; Plants; Plants, Poisonous (s) ; Poisons Refer from Accidents; Antidotes (s) ; Chem- istry; Chemistry. Legal; Drugs; First aid in illness and injury; Medical jurisprudence; Medicine; Murder; Poison (s) ; Therapeutics; Toxicology (s) ; Toxins; Venom Refer from Cards ; Draw-poker (s) ; Gambling 287 Polar liglit lie Auroras Polar regions set Antarctic regions; Arctic regions; North pole; South pole Polariscope See alio Polarization (light) Polarization (light) S(e also Magneto-optics; Polariscope; Stereochemistry Poles See also Wood — Preservation Poles (Polanders) See also Poland ; Slavs Poles in the U. S. See also Slavs in the U. S. Police See also Constables; Crime and criminals; Detectives; Prisons; also names of countries and cities, subhead Police Police courts see Courts, Municipal Police power See also Civil rights; Constitutional law; Eminent domain; Government regulation of industry; Restraint of trade Polish language iVt- also Slavic languages Polish literature See also Slavic literature Polishing see Grinding and polishing Politeness see Courtesy; Etiquet Political bosses see Boss rule Political conventions See also Nominations; Political parties Political corruption See also Boss rule; Bribery; Campaign funds; Civil service reform; Graft; Lobby- ing; Political ethics Political economy see Economics Political ethics See also Bribery ;. Citizenship; Compro- mise ; Graft ; Patriotism ; Political corruption Political offenses See also Extradition; Treason Political parties See also Campaign funds; Campaign literature; Independents (in politics); Plat- forms, Political; Political conventions; Politics; also names of parties, e.g. Demo- cratic party; Free soil party; Know-nothing party; Republican party; Tories, English; Whig party; and names of countries, sub- head Politics Political platforms see Platforms, Political Political science see Government Political songs see Campaign songs Refer from Optical instruments; Polariza- tion (light) Refer from Light; Magneto-optics; Polari- scope Refer from Telegraph; Telegraph poles (s) ; Telephone; Telephone poles (s) ; VVood Refer from Poland; Polanders (s) ; Slavs Refer from Slavs in the U. S. ; U. S. — For- eign population Refer from Constables; Crime and criminals; Detectives; Government; Law; Municipal government; Prisons; Town officers Refer from Constitutional law; Eminent domain; Government; Government regulation of industry; Law; Restraint of trade Refer from Slavic languages Refer from Slavic literature Refer from Conventions, Political (s) ; Elections — U. S. ; Government; Nomina- tions; Political parties; U. S. — Conventions and public meetings Refer from Boss rule; Bribery; Civil service reform; Corrupt practices at elections (s) ; Corruption in politics (s); Elections; Govern- ment; Graft; Lobbying; Municipal corrup- tion (s) ; Political ethics; Politics Refer from Citizenship; Ethics; Ethics, Political (s) ; Government; Political corrup- tion; Politics; Social ethics; State ethics Refer from Crime and criminals; E.xtradi- tion ; Government; Impeachment; Interna- tional law Refer from Government; Parties, Politi- cal (s) ; Party government (s) ; Platforms, Political; Political conventions; Politics; U. S. — Politics 288 Politics .SVi* also Ballot; Boss rule; Campaij^n funds; Campaign literature; Civil service; Elections; Ciovernment ; Indepcndenls (in politics); International relations; Liberal- ism; Lobbying; Nominations; Platforms, Political; Political corruption; Political eth- ics; Political parties; Primaries; Sectional- ism; SutTrage; also names of countries and states, subhead Politics, and names of cities, subhead Government and politics Poll tax Pollination sfe Fertilization of plants Pollution of streams see Water pollution Polo Polyandry Sff also Polygamy Polygamy Sff also Harem ; Marriage; Mohammedan- ism ; Mormons and Mormonism; Polyandry Polynesian languages See also Oceanic languages Polyphase currents see Electric currents, Alternating Polyps see Coelenterata Polytechnic schools see Technical education Polytheism See also Religions Polyzoa See also Invertebrates Pomology see Fruit; Fruit culture Pond life see Fresh-water life Ponds See also Fresh-water life; Lakes Pontiac's conspiracy, 1763-1765 See also Indians — Wars; U. S. — His- tory — Colonial period Poor See also Almshouses; Asylums; Begging; Charities; Children — Charities, protection, etc.; Cost of living; Farm colonies; Friendly visiting; Homes for the aped; Housing problem ; Labor and laboring classes ; Old age pensions; Pensions; Philanthropy; Poor laws ; Slums ; Social settlements ; Standard of living; Sweating system; Tenement houses; Thrift ; Tramps; Unemployed; also names of cities, subhead Poor Poor laws Poorhouses see Almshouses Popes See also Apostolic succession ; Bulls, Papal ; Catholic church; Vatican; Vatican council -Authority and supremacy See also Catholic church — Authority Refer from Government; Political parties -Biography See also Popes — History -Election Refer from Taxation Refer from Games; Horsemanship Refer from Marriage; Polygamy Refer from Marriage; Polyandry Refer from Oceanic languages Refer from God; Religions Refer from Bryozoa (s) ; Invertebrates; Marine zoology Refer from Lakes; Physical geography; Water Refer from French and Indian war; Indians — Wars ; U. S. — History — Colonial period Refer from Aged poor (s) ; Almsgiving (s) ; Almshouses; Asylums; Begging; Benevo- lence (s) ; Charities; Dangerous classes (s) ; Dependent classes (s) ; Economics; Labor and laboring classes; Pauperism (s) ; People; Poverty (s) ; Slums; Social problems; Social settlements; Sociology; Tenement houses; Unemployed; Vagrancy (s) Refer from Charities; Law; Poor; Va- grancy (s) Refer from Apostolic succession; Bulls, Papal; Catholic church; Catholic church — Popes (s) ; Church polity; Holy See (s) ; Kings and rulers; Papacy (s) ; Rulers (s) ; Ultra- montanism; Vatican Refer from Authority (in religion); Catholic church — Authority ; Supremacy of the pope (s) Refer from Biography; Christian biography; Popes — History 289 Popes -Ciuuinued History Sff aho Catholic church — History; Church history; Popes — Biography ; Schism, The great western, 137S-1417 Infallibility .V(C n/u Vatican council Temporal power See also Cliurch history — Middle ages Popish plot, 1678 Sif iii.'O linglaiid — History — Stuarts Popular election of senators sff Senators — U. S. — Election Popular errors jff Errors, Popular Popular i;ovcrnnicnt jff Democracy Popularity Population Sff also Birth rate; Census; Malthusian- isni ; Statistics; N'ital statistics; also names of countries, states and cities, subhead Population Porcelain see Pottery Porifera see Sponges Porisms Portable buildings Portages See also Indian trails Portents see Omens Portland cement see Cement Portrait painters see Painters Portrait painting S,i- a/to Miniature painting Portraits See also Crayon drawing; Photographs; Pictures Ptirts see Jlarhors Portuguese language See also Romance languages Portuguese literature See also Romance literature Positivism See also Philosophy, French Posology see Prescriptions Possession (in law) See also Limitations (law) Post-mortem examinations see Autopsy Post-office see Postal service Postage stamps Postal savings banks Postal service See also Franking privilege; Library post; Parcels post; Postage stamps; Postal sav- ings banks; Postal telegraph; Railway mail service; Rural free delivery — u. s. See also Rural free delivery Refer from Catholic church — History; Church history; Popes — Biography; Schism, The great western, 1378-1317 Refer from Catholic church — Infallibil- ity (s) ; Infalliliility ; Vatican council Refer from Catholic church — History; Church and state; Church history — Middle ages; Temporal power of the pope (s) Refer from Conspiracies; England — His- tory — Stuarts Refer from Conduct of life; Ethics; Success Refer from Economics; Malthusianism ; Sociology; Statistics; Vital statistics Refer from Geometry Refer from Architecture; Buildings, Port- able (s) Refer from Indian trails; Roads Refer from Painting Refer from Art; Biography; Iconogra- phy (s) ; Paintings; Pictures Refer from Romance languages Refer from Romance literature Refer from Agnosticism ; Deism ; Naturalism ; Philosophy; Philosophy, French; Religion; Religion of humanity (s) Refer from Adverse possession (s) ; Law; Limitations (law); Property; Real estate Refer from Collectors and collecting; Phi- lately (s) ; Postal service; Stamps (s) ^(•/Vr/rom Banks and banking; Government banking (s) ; Postal service; Savings banks Refer from Carriers; Communication; Mail (s) ; Post-office (s) ; Railway mail service; Transportation Refer from Rural free delivery ; V. S. — Postal service (s) 290 Postal telegraph Sef aliu Cjuvcriimciit ownership Posters See also Billposling Posi-Niccnc fathers see Fathers of the church Potatoes .SVr- (t!.f life Practical theology see Clirisliaii life ;inJ character Practice (law) iff PIcailing aiiJ practice Pragmatism Prairies S(-e also Western states Prayer See also Devotional exercises; Family worship; Lord's prayer; Piayer meetings; Prayers; Responsive worship; Ritualism; Worship Prayer books .SVr- (j/trotestant Episcopal church in the U. S. |siilnii\ idcJ like (.'liurcli iif Kngland) See abo Anj;lican communion; Apostolic succession; Christian year; Church of England; Confirmation; Episcopacy; Easts and feasts; Ritualism; Sacraments; Sister- hoods — — Conventions Protestant reformation see Reformation Protestantism See alio Catholic church; Reformation; Sects Protoplasm See also Biology; Cells; Embryology Protozoa See also Infusoria; Invertebrates Provenjal language See also Romance languages Provenpal literature See also Erencli literature; Troubadours Proverbs See also Bible — Old Testament — Prov- erbs; Epigrams; I'olklore; .Maxims; Quo- tations; Weather lore F'rovidence Pruxident loan associations see Building and loan associations Prudence S,e also Thrift Pruning See also Fruit culture Psalmody see Bible — Old Testament — Psalms; Church music; Hymns Psalter see Bible — Old Testament — Psalms Pseudonyms Sec also Anonyms; Nicknames Psychiatry see Mental diseases Psychical research S,-e al>o Animal magnetism; Apparitions; Clairvoyance; Ghosts; Hypnotism; Hyster- ia; Illusions and hallucinations; Mind read- ing; Occult sciences; Personality; Presenti- ments; Psychometry (character reading, etc.); Spiritualism; Subconsciousness; Sug- gestion ; Thought transference Psychology See also Ability; Animal intelligence; Apparitions; Apperception; Association of ideas; Attention; Automatism; Belief; Brain ; Character ; Child study ; Color sense ; Common sense; Consciousness; Crowds; Rejer from Chemistry, Organic; Eood ; Physiological chemistry; rrotcids (s) Refer from Anglican communion; Church of England; Episcopacy; Episcopal church (s) ; Sects Refer from Catholic church; Christianity; Church history; Protestant churches (s) ; Reformation ; Theology Refer from Biology; Bioplasm (s) ; Cells; Embryology ; Physiology Refer from Animalcules; Cells; Infusoria; Invertebrates; Marine zoology Refer from French language; Langue d'oc (s) ; Romance languages Refer from French literature; Troubadours Refer from Adages (s) ; Aphorisms (s) ; Apothegms (s) ; Epigrams; Folklore; Litera- ture; Maxims; Quotations; Sayings (s) Refer from God; Theology Refer from Conduct of life; Tlirift Refer from Forests and forestry; Fruit culture; Gardening; Trees Refer from Anonyms ; Authors ; Bibliography; Fictitious names (s) ; Names, Personal; Nick- names; Noms de plume (s) ; Sobriquets (s) ; Soubriquets (s) Refer from Apparitions; Clairvoyance; Ghosts; Hypnotism; Illusions and hallucina- tions ; Mind reading ; Occult sciences ; Personali- ty ; Psychology ; Research ; Spiritualism ; Super- natural; Thought transference Refer from Apperception; Association of ideas; Attention; Brain; Consciousness; Dreams; Education ; Emotions; Habit ; Human faculties (s) ; Imagination; Intellect; Intui- tion; Judgment; Knowledge; Man; Memory; 29S Psychology — Continued l)rr.iins; Kccontricity ; Ecstasy; Education; Emutiuns; Esthetics; Ethics; Ethnopsy- chology ; Experience; FreeJum of the will; Genius; Graphology ; Habit ; llereJily ; Hyp- notism; Hysteria; Illusions and liallucina- tions; Imagination; Imitation; Individ- uality; Insanity; Instinct; Intellect; In- tuition; Judgment; Knowledge; Logic; Melancholy; Memory; Mental diseases; Mental healing; Mental hygiene; Meta- physics; Mind and body; Mind reading; ftluscular sense; New thought; Observa- tion; Perception; Personality; Philosophy; Phrenology; Physiognomy; Play; Pleasure; Precocity; Presentiments; Psychical re- search; Reacti Refer from Animal intelligence; Animal psychology (s) ; Comparative psychology (s) ; instinct; Intellect; Intelligence of animals (s) ; Zoology Refer from Apperception; Attention; Child study ; Education ; Educational psychology (s) ; Mental discipline; Teaching Refer from Experimental psychology (s) ; Mental physiology (s) ; Mind and body ; Muscu- lar sense; Nervous system; Physiological psy- chology (s) ; Physiology; Psychology, Experi- mental (s) ; Reaction time; Senses and sensa- ■ tion Refer from Anthropometry; Brain; Psy- chology, Physiological; Reaction time Refer from Character reading (s) ; Clair- voyance; Psychical research Refer from Alkaloids; Pathology; Poison (s) ; Poisons; Putrefaction; Toxins Refer from Physiology; Sex; Youth Refer from Arcliitecturc ; Buildings, Pub- lic (s); Government buildings (s) ; Municipal art; Municipal buildings (s) ; Municipal ceti- ters ; Public works 299 Public comfort stations Public debts set Debts, Public Public tlocunionts see Government publica- tions Public health see Hygiene, Public Public health boards see Health boarJs Rejer from Hygiene, Public; Municipal im- provement; Sanitary engineering see Charities; Prisons; Public insiiiutions Public schools Public lands See also National parks and reserves; also names of countries and cities, subhead Public lands Public libraries see Libraries, Public Public meetings .S'(<- also Assembly, Right of; also names of counirlcs and cities, subhead Conventions and public meetings Public opinion Public ownership see Government ownership; Municipal ownership Public playgrounds see Playgrounds Public records see Archives Public schools See also Bible in the schools; Country schools; Education; Education and state; Evening and continuation schools; Grammar schools ; High schools ; Libraries and schools ; Open-air schools; Public schools and reli- gion; School children; Schools; Schools — Centralization; Teachers; Teaching; Tru- ancy; Truant schools; Vacation schools; V'ocational education; also headings begin- ning School — u. s. See also Education — U. S. Public schools and religion See alio Hibic in the schools Public service commissions See also Government regulation of in- dustry; Railroad commissions Public service corporations See alio Carriers; Eminent domain; Ex- press companies; Gas companies; Govern- ment ownership; Government regulation of industry; Municipal franchises ; Municipal ownership; Public service commissions; Railroads; Street railroads; Telegraph; Telephone Public speaking see Oratory Public spirit see Citizenship; Patriotism Public utilities see Public service corporations Public works See also Municipal engineering; Public buildings; also names of countries and ciiies, subhead Public works Public worship see Church attendance; Church services Publicity See also Advertising; Campaign funds Refer Jrom Crown lands (s) ; Land Refer from Assembly, Right of; Meetings, Public (s) Refer from Liberty of conscience; Liberty of the press; Opinion (s); People; Social psy- chology Refer from Common schools (s) ; Education; Education and state; Free schools (s) ; Public institutions (s) ; Schools Refer from Education — U. S. ; U. S. — Public schools (s) ; U. S. — Schools (s) Refer from Bible in the schools; Church and education; Education; Public schools; Reli- gion in the public schools (s) ; Religious educa- tion Refer from Government regulation of indus- try; Public service corporations Refer from Corporations; Eminent domain; Government ownership; Government regula- tion of industry ; Municipal franchises; Munic- ipal ownership; Public utilities (s) Refer from Civil engineering; engineering; Public buildings Mun icipal Refer from Advertising; Corporations; Journalism; Newspapers 300 Publishers and publishing .See ulio Uixik riviews; Books; Booksellers anil bookselling; Catalogs, Publishers'; Copyright; Prinling Publishers' catalogs iff Catalogs, Publishers' Publishing jff Publishers and publishing Pueblo Indians Stf ii/mj Pueblos Pueblos (the buildings and villagcsl S,f iiL'o Clitf dwellers and cliff dwellings; Purblo Indians Pugilism jci" Boxing Pulleys Sff also Belting; Power transmission; Rope driving; Shafting Pulp wood .Iff Wood pulp Pulpit oratory sff Preaching Pulpits Sff also Church furniture Pulpw.'kid Sff Wood pulp Pumping stations Sff also Pumps; Water supply Pumps See also Air pump»; Pumping stations Punch and Judy sff Puppet plays Punching machinery See also Dies Punctuation Punic wars .S';<- also Carthage; Rome — History — Republic Punishment See also Capital punishment; Corporal punishment; Crime and criminals; Criminal law; Crucifixion; Exile; Flogging; Future punishment; Galleys; Indeterminate sen- tence; Parole; Penal colonies; Pillory; Pris- ons; Probation system; Reformatories; Ti.rture; Workhouses Punning Sff also Humor Puppet plays Sff also Shadow pantomimes Pure food laws sfe Food adulteration and in- spection ; Food laws Purgatives Purgatory Sff also Future life; Future punishment; Indulgences Purification of water see Water — Purification Puritanism see Puritans Puritans Sff also Blue laws; Church of England; Congregationalism; Dissenters; Friends, So- ciety of; Marprelatc controversy ; Massachu- setts — History; Nonjurors; Pilgrim fath- ers; Presbyterianism ; Thanksgiving day Rfffr from Book trade (s) ; Books; Book- sellers and bookselling; Copyright; Literature; Printing; Publishing (s) Refer from Indians; Pueblos Refer from Arizona; Indians; Indians- Antiquities; New Mexico; Pueblo Indians Refer from Belting; Machinery; Mechanical movements; Mechanics; Power transmission; Rope driving; Shafting Refer from Church furniture Refer from Hydraulic engineering; Pumps; Water supply Rfffr from Engines; Hydraulic engineering; Hydraulic machinery; Machinery; Pumping stations ; Steam pumps (s) ; Water supply Refer from Dies; Machine tools; Metal work; Sheet-metal work Refer from Language; Rhetoric; Writing Refer from Carthage; Rome — History — Republic Refer from Crime and criminals; Criminal law ; Government; Law; Manners and customs ; Penology (s) ; Prisons; Retribution (s) ; Soci- ology; Torture Refer from ?Iumor Refer from Amusements; Drama; Mario- nettes (s) ; Pantomime; Punch and Judy (.s) ; Theater Refer from Therapeutics Refer from Catholic church; Church disci- pline; Death; Eschatology; Future life; Future punishment; Indulgences; Intermediate state (s) ; Probation (theology) (s) ; Retribu- tion (s) ; Theology Rfffr from Calvinism; Christian biography; Church of England; Congregationalism; Dis- senters; Massachusetts — History; Pilgrim fathers; Puritanism (s) 301 Purity Iff Chastity Pus sff Suppuration Puscyisni >f( Oxford movement; Puscy, E. B. Putrefaction Sff alio Antiseptics; Bacteriology; Con- tagion and contagious diseases; Disinfection and disinfectants; Fermentation; Ptomaines Puzzles .SVi- also Acrostics; Anagrams; Charades; Riddles Py^niics see Dwarfs Pyramids Ste also Egypt — Antiquities Pyrography .S'(V aho Arts and crafts Pyrometers and pyrometry Pyroiochiiics jiv Mrcworks Quacks and quackery S,f a! Imposture; Medicines, Proprie- tary; Swindlers and swindling Quadrature of the circle iff Circle-squaring Quadrupeds .SV(- itlio Animals; Domestic animals; Mammals; Zoology Quakers sff Friends, Society of Qualitative analysis sff Chemistry — Analysis Qiiaiititative analysis see Chemistry — Analysis Quarantine See also Hygiene, Public Quarries and quarrying See also Blasting; Building stones; Mines and mineral resources; Stone Quartets, Vocal, see Choruses and part songs Quaternary period see Geology, Slraligraphic — Quaternary ; Paleontology — Quaternary Quaternions See also Algebra ; Vector analysis Queen Anne's war, 1702-1713 See also Indians — Wars; U. S.- — Colonial period History Queens and empresses See also Courts and courtiers; Monarchy Quicksilver see Mercury Quietism .SVc also Mysticism Quincy system .SVc alio Object teaching Quotations See also Clippings; Daily readings; Epi- grams; Maxims; Mottoes; Proverbs Refer from Antiseptics; Bacteriology; Con- tagion and contagious diseases; Disinfection and disinfectants; Fermentation; Ptomaines Refer from Acrostics; Amusements; Cha- rades ; Riddles Refer from Archaeology; Architecture; Archi- tecture, Ancient ; Egypt — Antiquities ; Monu- ments Refer from Arts and crafts; Burnt leather (s) ; Burnt wood work (s) ; Etching ; Fire etching (s) Poker work (s) ; Wood burning (s) ; Woodwork Refer from Heat; Thermometer Refer from Charlatanry (s) ; Imposture; Medical delusions; Medicine; Swindlers and swindling Refer from Mammals; Zoology Refer from Contagion and contagious dis- eases; Epidemics; Hygiene, Public; Naval hygiene Refer from Blasting; Building stones; Ge- ology, Economic; Mines and mineral resources; Stone; Stone quarries (s) Refer from Algebra; Geometry; Mathemat- ics ; Vector analysis Refer from England — History — Stuarts; French in America; Indians — Wars; New England — History — Colonial period ; New York (state) — History; Spanish succession, War of; U. S. — History — Colonial period Refer from Biography; Courts and courtiers; Empresses (s) ; Kings and rulers; Monarchy; Rulers (s) ; Royalty (s) ; Sovereigns (s) ; Women Refer from Mysticism; Theology Refer from Object teaching; Teaching Refer from Aphorisms (s) ; Apothegms (s) ; Epigrams; .Literature; Maxims; Alottocs; Poetry ; Proverbs ; Reference books ; Sayings (s) 302 O'lran lee Koran Rabbits 6Vc also Belgian liarcs; llarcs; Rodents Rabies set Hydrophobia Race characteristics see Anthropology; Eth- nology; National characteristics Race horses see Horse; Morse racing Race improvement see Eugenics Race problems iVc alio Immigration and emigration; In- ternational relations; Jews; Negroes; Yellow races — u. s. See also Chinese in the U. S. ; Immi- gration and emigration — U. S. ; Indians; Japanese in the U. S.; Negroes; U. S. — Foreign population Race psychology see Ethnopsychology Races of man see Ethnology Racing see Automobile racing; Horse racing; Rowini;; Running; Yachts and yachting Rackets (game) Racquets see Rackets (game) Radiation See also Cathode rays; Heat; Light; N rays ; Radioactivity ; Sound ; Spectra ; X rays Radioactive substances see Radioactivity Radioactivity See (il.w Cathode rays; Electrons; Helium; Ionization of gases; Phosphorescence; Ra- diography; Radiotherapy; Radium; X rays Radiography See alio X rays RadiiUcleprapliy ite Wireless telegraphy Radiotherapy See also Radium; X rays Radium Sie also Radioactivity; Radiotherapy Ragged schools Railings See also Fences Refer from Agricultural pests; Hares; dents Ro- Railroad accidents see Railroads ■ Railroad bridges see Bridges Railroad commissions Accidents Con- Railroad construction see Railroads- struction Railroad crossings see Railroads — Crossings Railroad employees see Railroads — Employees Railroad engineering See also Railroads — Construction; Rail- roads — Maintenance and repair; Railroads — Management; Surveying Refer from Ethnology ;Governmcnt ; History ; International relations; Man; Native races (s); Social problems; Sociology; Yellow peril (s) Refer from Ethnology — U. S. ; Immigra- tion and emigration — U. S.; Negroes; U. S. — Foreign population; U. S. — Race prob- lems (s) Refer from Games; Racquets (s) ; Tennis Refer from Heat; Light; Physics; Sound Refer from Bccquerel rays (s) ; Chemistry; Chemistry, Physical; Electric discharges through gases; Electricity; Electrons; Helium; Ionization of gases; Light; Matter; Physics; Radiation; Radioactive substances (s) ; Ra- dium; Rare earths; Science; Spectra Refer from Dislocations; Fractures; Photog- raphy; Radioactivity; Sciagraphs (s) ; Skia- graphs (s) ; X-ray photography (s) ; X rays Refer from Actinotherapy (s) ; Electrothera- peutics; Phototherapy; Radioactivity; Radi- um; Therapeutics; X rays Refer from Chemical elements; Precious metals; Radioactivity; Radiotherapy Refer from Charities; Charity schools; Edu- cation ; Schools Refer from Architecture; Balustrades (s) ; Carpentry; Fences; Hand-railings (s) ; Hand- railings (s) ; Iron work; Stair building Refer from Government regulation of in- dustry; Public service commissions; Rail- roads ; Railroads — Law Refer from Civil engineering; Engineering; Railroads; Railroads — Construction; Sur- veying 303 Railroad labor see Railroads — Kmployccs Railroad law see Railroads — Law Railroad passes see Passes (free transportation) Railroad rates see Railroads — Rates Railroad shops see Railroads — Sliops Railroad signals see Railroads — Signals Railroad spikes see Nails and spikes R.iilriiad stations see Railroads — Stations Railroad stories Railroad switches see Railroads — Switches Railroad terminals see Railroads — Stations Railroad ties see Railroads — Ties Railroad tracks see Railroads — Track Railroads See also Aerial railroads; Air brakes; Brakes; Bridges; Cable railroads; Carriers; Cars; Commerce; Earthwork; Electric rail- roads; Elevated railroads; Eminent domain; Express companies; Freight; Locomotives; Mountain railroads; Passes (free transpor- tation); Railroad commissions; Railroad engineering; Railroad stories; Railway mail service; Rapid transit; Safety devices; Ship railroads ; Speed ; Steam engines ; Street railroads; Subways; Surveying; Suspended railways; Train despatching; Transporta- tion; Trestles; Tunnels Accidents See also Railroads — Crossings; Rail- roads — Signals; Safely devices -Aerial, see Aerial railroads -Baggage, see Baggage -BtiUdings See also Railroads — Shops; Railroads — Stations -Cable, see Cable railroads -Cars, see Cars ; Railroads — Rolling stock -Collisions, see Railroads — Accidents -Construction See also Bridges; Civil engineering; Culverts; Curves in engineering; Earth- work; Railroad engineering; Railroads — Buildings; Railroads — Crossings; Rail- roads — Maintenance and repair; Rail- roads — Ties; Railroads — Track; Rails; Trestles ; Tunnels -Crossings See also Railroads — Track -Depots, see Railroads — Stations -Electric, see Electric railroads -Electrification See also Electric locomotives; Electric railroads -Elevated, see Elevated railroads -Employees See also Railroads — Pensions Refer from Fiction; Railroads Refer from Carriers; Commerce; Communi- cation; Locomotives; Public service corpora- tions; Railways (s) ; Rapid transit; Roads; Steam engines; Transportation Refer from Accidents ; Collisions (railroad) (s) ; Disasters; Occupations, Dangerous; Railroad accidents (s) ; Railroads — Collisions (s) Refer from Architecture; Railroads- struction; Railroads — Stations ■ Con- ( Refer from Civil engineering; Engineering; Railroad construction (s) ; Railroad engineer- ing; Railroads — Maintenance and repair; Railroads — ■ Ties ; Railroads — Track Refer from Crossings, Railroad (s) ; Grade crossings (s) ; Municipal improvement; Rail- road crossings (s) ; Railroads — Accidents; Railroads — Construction ; Railroads — Track; Roads Refer from Electric locomotives; Electric railroads; Electrification of railroads (s) ; Railroads — liquipmcnt and supplies Refer from Labor and laboring classes; Railroad employees (s) ; Railroad labor (s) ; Railroads — Labor (s) ; Railroads — Manage- ment 304 Railroads — Continued Equipment and supplies .SVc ij/ju Air br.ikis; Brakes; Car coup- lings; Car licaling, lighting and ventila- tion; Cars; Locomotives; Railroads — Electrification; Railroads — Maintenance and repair; Railroads — Management; Railroads — Rolling stock; Railroads — Shops; Railroads — Signals; Safety de- vices Finance Si-f also Railroads — Rates; Railroads — Taxation Freight, sfe Freight Government ownership, ire Government ownership; Railroads and state History Labor, Iff Railroads — Employees Law Sff also Interstate commerce; Railroad commissions; Railroads — Rates; Rail- roads and state Maintenance and repair Sff also Railroads — Construction; Rail- roads — Equipment and supplies; Rail- roads — Management ; Railroads — ■ Roll- ing stock ; Railroads — Ties ; Railroads — Track ; Rails Management St-f also Railroads — Employees; Rail- roads — Equipment and supplies; Rail- roads — Finance ; Railroads — Mainte- nance and repair; Railroads — -Signals; Scientific management; Train despatching Military Monorail, sfe Railroads — Single rail Operation, sef Railroads — Management Passes, Sff Passes (free transportation) Pensions Rails, Sff Rails Rates Sff also Interstate commerce; Passes (free transportation) -Repair shops, sff Railroads — Shops -Rolling stock Sff also Cars; Locomotives; Railroads — Equipment and supplies; Railroads — Maintenance and repair; Sleeping cars -Safety devices, sff Safety devices -Shops Rffrr -Signals -Single rail Sff also Gyroscope ; Suspended railways from Railroads — Maintenance and repair; Railroads — Management; Railroads Rolling stock ffr In r; Ra Rfffr from Capitalization (finance) (s) ; Investments; Railroads — Management ReffT from Corporation law; Railroad law (s) Rfffr from Railroad engineering; Railroads — Construction; Railroads — I'.iniipmcnt and supplies; Railroads — Management ;. Railroads — Rolling stock; Railroads — Track Rfffr from Railroad engineering; Railroads — Equipment and supplies; Railroads — Maintenance and repair; Railroads — Opera- tion (s) ; Scientific management ReffT from Military art and science; Military engineering; Military railroads (s) Rfffr from Pensions; Railroads — Employees Rfffr from Freight; Freight rates (s) ; Gov- ernment regulation of industry; Interstate commerce; Prices; Railroad rates (s) ; Rail- roads — Finance; Railroads — Law; Rail- roads and state; Rates, Railroad (s) ; Rebates (railroads) (s) Reffr from Cars; Railroads — Cars (s); Railroads — Equipment and supplies; Rail- roads — Maintenance and repair; Rolling stock (s) Rfffr from Car shops (s) ; Railroad shops (s) ; Railroads — Buildings; Railroads — Equip- ment and supplies; Railroads — Repair shops (s) ; Repair shops. Railroad (s) ; Shops (s) Refer from Block signal system (s); Rail- road signals (s) ; Railroads — Accidents; Rail- roads — Equipment and supplies; Railroads — Management; Safety devices; Signals Refer from Electric railroads; Gyroscope; Monorailways (s) ; Railroads, Monorail (s) ; Single rail (s) 305 Railroads — Cuntinucd Stations See also Railroads ■ Buildings Suspended, set Suspended railways Switches iVf alio Railroads — Track Taxation Terminals, see Railroads — Stations Ties See also Railroads — Construction ; Rail- roads — Track ; V\ ood — I'rescrvation Track iVc also Railroads — Construction; Railroads — Crossings ; Railroads — Main- tenance and repair; Railroads — Switches ; Railroads — Ties ; Rails Underground, see Subways U.S. Railroads and state See alio Ciovcrnmcnt ownership; Govern- ment regulation of industry; Interstate commerce ; Railroads — Rates Rails See also Railroads — Track Railway mail service See also Postal service Railways see Railroads Rain See also Droughts; Meteorology Rainbow Ramie S,t- also Fibers Rams. Hydraulic, see Hydraulic rams Ranch life See also Cowboys ; Western states Range management see Farm management Rapid transit See also Flectric railroads; Elevated rail- roads; Railroads; Street railroads; Subways Rappists see Harmonists Rare books see Book rarities Rare earths .SVta//c) Chemistry, Inorganic; Mineralogy; Radioactivity Rasps see Files and rasps Rat see Rats Rates, Railroad, see Railroads — Rates Rationalism See also Deism; F.nlightcnmcnt ; Free thought; Reason; Transcendentalism Refer from Architecture; Depots (s); Rail- road stations (s) ; Railroad terminals (s) ; Railroads — Buildings ; Railroads — De- pots (s) ; Railroads — Terminals (s) ; Stations, Railroad (s) Refer from Railroad switches (s); Rail- roads — Track; Switches, Railroad (s) Refer from Railroads — Finance; Taxation Refer from Cross-ties (s) ; Railroad ties (s) ; Railroads — Construction ; Railroads — Main- tenance and repair; Railroads — -Track; Steel lies (s); Tics, Railroad (s) Refer from Railroad tracks (s) ; Railroads — Construction; Railroads — Crossings; Rail- roads — Maintenance and repair; Railroads — Switches; Railroads — Tics; Rails; Track, Railroad (s) Refer from Interstate commerce; U. S. — Commerce; U. S. — Railroads (s) Refer from Government ; Government owner- ship; Government regulation of industry; Interstate commerce; Railroads — Govern- ment ownership (s) ; Railroads — ■ Law Refer from Railroads — Construction; Rail- roads — Maintenance and repair; Railroads — Rails (s) ; Railroads — Track; Steel; Steel rails (s) Refer from Postal service; Railroads Refer from Climate; Droughts; Meteor- ology; Storms; Water Refer from Light; Meteorology Refer from Fibers; Hemp Refer from Cowboys ; Farm life; Frontier and pioneer life; Western states Refer from Electric railroads; Elevated rail- roads; Railroads; Street railroads; Subways; Transit (s) ; Transportation Refer from Chemistry, Inorganic; Earths, Rare (s) ; Mineralogy; Precious minerals (s) Refer from Agnosticism; Belief; Deism; Free thought; Materialism; Philosophy; Phi- losophy, Modern; Reason (in religion) (s) ; Religion; Skepticism; Theology 306 Rats Sff alio Rats as carriers of contagion; Rodents Rats as carriers of contagion Raw materials iff Commercial products Reaction, Chemical, Jff Chemical reaction Reaction time Sff Col- lections; Readers Dialect Humorous Reclamation of land See alio .Mkali lands; Drainage; Irriga- tion; Jetties; Marshes Recognition (international law) Reconstruction See also Freedmen; Ku-Klu.x Klan ; Southern states; U. S. — History — 1865- 1898 Records, Public, see Archives Records of births, marriages and deaths see Vital records Recreation see Amusements; Games; Play; Sports Recreation centers see Social centers Recruiting and enlistment See also Bounties, Military; Conscription; Military service Rectors see Clergy Red cross See also Battlefield relief Redemption see Salvation Redemptioners See also Indentured servants Refer from Government; Revolutions Refer from Elections ; Government ; Impeach- ment ; iSlunlcipal government; Referendum Refer from Chemistry ; Chemistry, Technical ; Home economics; Industrial arts; Manufac- tures ; Recipes (s) ; Workshop receipts (s) Refer from Agency; Bankruptcy; Corpora- tions; Law Refer from Commerce; Commercial treaties; I'air trade (s); Government; Tariff; Tariff question Refer from Declamation (s); Dialogues; Elocution; English literature — Collections; Entertainments; Literature; Literature — -Col- lections; Monologues; Pieces to speak (s); Poetry — Collections; Readers; Readings (s); Speakers (s) Refer from Dialect recitations (s) ; Negro dialect Refer from Humor; Humorous recita- tions (s) Refer from .Agriculture; Civil engineering; Conservation of resources; Deserts; Drainage; Engineering; Hydraulic engineering; Irriga- tion; Land; Marshes Refer from International law; War Refer from Carpetbag rule (s) ; Freedmen; Ku-Klu.x Klan; Southern states; L'. S. — His- tory — Civil war; U. S. — History — 1865- 1898; U. S. — History — Reconstruction (s) , U. S. — Reconstruction (s) Reed organ Refer from Armies; Bounties, Military; Conscription; Enlistment (s) ; .Military service Refer from Battlefield relief; Disasters; Hospitals, Military; International law; Nurses and nursing; Relief work (s) ; War Refer from Germans in Pennsylvania; Im- migration and emigration — U. S.; Inden- tured servants; Slavery; U. S. — History — Colonial period Refer from Cabinet organ (s) ; Harmoni- um (s); Musical Instruments; Organ 308 Reference books iSVc aho Allusions; Classical dictionaries; Dictionaries; Kncyclopedias ; Quotations; fl/ifi subhead Dictionaries under various subjects Referendum Sff also Recall Reflecting telescope ste Telescope Reflection (light) .SV^- ai'V l.iu'lit; Optical instruments Rcllcctions jr<- Meditations Reforestation ire Forest planting Reform See also Charities; Reformers; Social problems; also Civil service reform, Prisons, and other subjects of reform Reform schools iff Reformatories Reformation Si-f III 10 Catholic church — History; Church history; Counter-reformation; Hus- sites; Protestantism; Reformers; Thirty years' war; also names of countries and churches France Sff also France — History — House of \ alois ; France — Religious history; Huguenots ; W'aldcnscs Germany Ste also Anabaptists; Germany — His- tory — 1 5 17-1740; Germany — Religious liistory; I^utheran church; Peasants' war Scotland Sff also Church of Scotland; Covenant- ers; Scotland — Religious history Spain Sff also Inquisition; Spain — -History — 1479-1700; Spain — Religious history Reformatories Sff also Juvenile courts; Prisons; Pro- bation svstcm Reformed church in America [Dutch] Reformed Dutch church in America see Re- formed church in America Reformers See also Reformation Refraction Sff also Astronomy, Spherical and practi- cal ; Light Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery .SVc also Cold storage; Ice; Ice — Manu-. facturc ; Liquid air Refer from Bibliography; Books; reading; Libraries Books and Refer from Constitutional law; Democracy; Direct legislation (s) ; Government; Initia- tive (s) ; Legislation; Legislation, Direct (si; Municipal government; Recall; Representa- tive government and representation Refer from Light; Optical instruments Refer from Progress; Social problems; Social cform (s) Refer from Catholic church — History; Christianity; Church history; Church history — Reformation (s); Churcli history — Mod- ern; Counter-reformation; History, Modern; Protestant reformation (s) ; Protestantism; Re- formers Refer from France — History — House of Valois; France — Religious history; Hugue- nots ; Waldenses Refer from Germany — History — 1517- 1740; Germany — Religious history; Lutheran church ; Peasants' war Refer from Church of Scotland ; Covenanters ; Scotland — Religious history Refer from Inquisition; Spain — History — 1479-1700; Spain — Religious history Refer from Crime and criminals; Education; Industrial schools (s); Juvenile delinquency; Juvenile reformatories (s) ; Penal institu- tions (s) ; Prisons; Punishment; Reform schools (s) Refer from Dutch reformed church (s) ; Reformed Dutch church in America (s) ; Sects Refer from Biography; Christian biography; Reform; Reformation Rfffr from Astronomy, Spherical and practi- cal ; Dioptrics (s) ; Light Refer from Cold storage; Cooling applian- ces (s); Food preservation and preservatives; Freezing (s) ; Frost; Ice; Ice — Manufac- ture; Ice machinery (s) ; Machinery; Re- frigerators (s) 309 RefriRCrators see Cold storage; Refrigeration :iiul refrimMatIng macliiiiery Refuse and refuse disposal Sft also Sewage; Street cleaning; Waste products; Water pollution Regalia Sie also Church vestments; Costume; Crowns ; Insignia Regattas see Rowing; Sailing; Yachts and yachting Regency Regeneration (biology) See also Biology ; Cells Regeneration (theology) Sti- (i.'.'ij B.ipiisiu; Conversion; Salvation Regicides iVt- also Charles I, king of England; England — History — • Stuarts ; England — History — Civil war and commonwealth Regimental histories. For regiments of regular armies /^<- under various countries, e.g. U.S. — Army — 25th infantry ; for state volunteer regiments and militia see under states, e.g. New York artillery — 9th regiment; for volunteer regiments recruited at large see under country, e.g. United States volunteer infantry — 2d regiment; also names by which regiments arc known, e.g. Rough Riders Registers See also .Mmana'cs; Yearbooks [for annual registers]; also names of places, religious denominations, etc. Registers of births, marriages and deaths see Vital records Registration laws see Election laws Reign of terror see French revolution Reincarnation see Preexistence ; Transmigration Reindeer See also Ungulata Reinforced concrete see Concrete, Reinforced Relationship see Consanguinity Relaxation see Amusements; Rest Relics See also Miracles; Saints; Shrines Relief work see Battlefield relief; Charities; Disasters; Famines; First aid in illness and injury; Outdoor relief; Red cross Religion For the Christian doctrines see Theology; for evidences see Christianity — Evidences; See also Allegories; Atheism; Authority (in religion); Belief; Bible; Christianity; Con- science; Consolation; Deism; Devotional exercises; Ecstasy; Ethics; Evil; Faith; Fanaticism; Fasts and feasts; Free religion; Future life; God; Hymns; Idolatry; Jesus Christ; Miracles; Xfissions; Monasticism; Refer from Disposal of refuse (s) ; Factory waste (s) ; Garbage (s) ; Hygiene, I'ublic; Municipal engineering; Municipal improve- ment; Sanitary chemistry; Sanitary engineer- ing; Sanitation; Street cleaning; Trades waste (s) ; Waste, Disposal of (s) ; Waste products Refer from Costume; Insignia Refer from Government; Monarchy Refer from Biology; Cells; Growth; Repro- duction Refer from Baptism; Conversion; Salvation; Theology Refer from Biography; Crime and criminals; England — History — Stuarts ; I'^ngland — History — Civil war and commonwealth Refer from Deer; Ungulata Refer from Christian antiquities; Miracles; Shrines; Superstition Refer from Christianity; Ethics; Faith; God; Man; Natural religion; Philosophy; Revelation ; Sociology ; Supernatural ; Theology 310 schools and religion; Sunday schools; The- oloRV — Study and teaching Religious experience see Christian life and character; Conversion; Spiritual life Religious festivals see Fasts and feasts ; Festi- vals ^Religious history see Church history; ■'Reli- gions; also names of countries and cities, subhead Religious history Religious liberty .SVi- li/.'o Catholic emancipation; Church and state; Free religion; Free thought; Liberty; Liberty of conscience; Persecution Religious literature ,SV/- .j.'o Anecdotes, Religious; Catholic literature; Religious poetry Religious mysteries see Mysteries (religious) Religious orders See also Brotherhoods; Chivalry; Mo- nasticism; Nuns; Sisterhoods; also names of orders, e.g. Franciscans; Jesuits; \Lilta, Knights of; Templars; Teutonic knights Religious poetry .SVc also Hymns Religious services see Church services ; Devo- tional exercises ; Liturgies; Worship Remedies (in medicine) see Materia medica; Therapeutics Renaissance .SVc also Architecture, Renaissance; Art, Renaissance ; Fifteenth century ; Humanism ; Middle ages Renaissance architecture see Architecture, Renaissance Renaissance art see Art, Renaissance Renascence see Renaissance Rent See also Economics; Eviction; Land; Landlord and tenant Repair shops. Railroad, see Railroads — Shops Repairing see Mending and repairing Repentance See also Confession; Conversion; Penance education; Religion; Sunday schools; The- ology — Study and teaching Reporting See also Journalism; correspondence Shorthand ; War Repousse work See also Arts and crafts; Metal work Representation see Proportional representa- tion; Representative government and rep- resentation Representative government and representation Sie also Boroughs; Cabinet system; Con- stitutional law; Democracy; Flections; Gerrymander; Legislative bodies; Nomina- tions; Proportional representation; Refer- endum; Republics; Suffrage Refer from Catholic church; Church and state; Church history; Free thought; Govern- ment; Intolerance (s) ; Liberty; Liberty of conscience; Persecution; Private judgment; Religion; Toleration (s) Refer from Literature; Religion Refer from Brotherhoods; Catholic church; Catholic church — Orders (s) ; Church his- tory; Church polity; Convents and nunneries; Monastic orders (s) ; Monasticism; Nuns; Orders, Religious (s) ; Religion; Sisterhoods Refer from Hymns; Poetry; Religion; Re- ligious literature; Sacred poetry (s) Refer from Art, Renaissance; Civilization; Fifteenth century; History, Modern; Human- ism; Literature; Middle ages; Renascence (s) ; Revival of letters (s) Refer from Cost of living; Economics; House rent (s) ; Land; Land tenure; Landlord and tenant; Law; Property; Real estate Refer from Conversion; Penance; Peni- tence (s) ; Religion; Sin; Theology Refer from Correspondence (s) ; Inter- viewing (s) ; Journalism; Newspaper work (s) ; Newspapers Refer from Arts and crafts; Metal work Refer from Boroughs; Constitutional law; Constitutions; Democracy; Elections; Free institutions; Government; Proportional rep- resentation; Representation (s) ; Republics; Self-government (s); Suffrage; Voting (s) 312 Reproduction Sff also Hiology ; Embryology ; Fecundity ; Partlicnogcncsis; Regeneration (biology); Spontaneous generation Reptiles See also Amphibia; Snakes; Vertebrates Fossil U.S. Republican party .S'< <• iii.'u !■ rce soil party; U. S. — Politics Republics .SVi- also Democracy; Federal government ; Government; Representative government and representation; also names ol republics Repudiation S,-,- alio Debts, Public Research .Sec also Laboratories; Medical researcli ; Psychical research ; Scientific research ; Sem- inary method Reservations for the Indians see Indians — Reservations Reservoirs See also Dams; Irrigation; Water supply Residences see Architecture, Domestic Resignation Resins see Gums and resins Resistance, F.lectric, see Electric resistance Resistance of materials see Strength of ma- terials Resorts see Health resorts; Summer resorts; Winter resorts Resources see Natural resources; Conservation of resources; also names of countries, cub- head Industries and resources Respiration see Breathing Respiratory organs See also Anatomy; Breathing; Lungs; Nose; Physiology; Throat Diseases See also Asthma; Bronchitis; Catarrh; Cold (disease); Cough; Croup; Hay fever; Influenza; Pneumonia; Tubercu- losis Responsive worship See also Liturgies; Ritualism Rest See also Fatigue; Sleep Restaurants Sc-,- also Catering; Hotels; Waiters Restraint of trade See also Combination, Industrial; Inter- state commerce; Labor unions; Monopolies; Police power; Trusts Resumption of specie payment see Money — I'. S. ; Silver (as money) Resurrection See also Eschatology; Future life; Jesus Christ — Resurrection and ascension Refer from Biology ; Embryology ; Fecundity ; Generation (s) ; Spontaneous generation; Zo- ology Refer from Amphibia; Herpctology (s) ; Snakes; Vertebrates Refer from Fossil reptiles (s) ; Paleontology Refer from U. S. — Herpctology (s) ; U. S. — Reptiles (s) ; Zoology — U. S. Refer from Political parties; U. S. — Politics Refer from Coiislitinional law; Democracy; Federal government ; Free institutions ; Govern- ment ; Presidential government (s); Repre- sentative government and representation Refer from Debts, Public; Finance; Loans Refer from Colleges and universities; Edu- cation; liducation and state; Scientific re- search; Seminary method; Study Refer from Dams; Hydraulic engineering; Irrigation; W'ater supply Refer from Affliction; Ethics Refer from Air passages (s) ; Anatomy; Breathing; Chest; Lungs; Nose; Physiology Refer from Asthma; Bronchitis; Catarrh; Cold (disease); Cough; Croup; Hay fever; Influenza; Medicine — Practice; Pneumonia; Tuberculosis Refer from Church services; Devotional ex- ercises; Liturgies; Prayer; Worship Refer from Fatigue; Hygiene; Mental hy- giene; Nervous system; Overwork; Relaxa- tion (s) ; Tkrapcutics Refer from Cafes (s) ; Hotels Refer from Combination, Industrial; Com- merce; Interstate commerce; Labor unions; Law; Monopolies; Police power; Trusts Refer from Death; Eschatology; Future life; Theology 313 Rctaininf; walls o Classicism Refer frovi Classicism; Esthetics; Idealism in art; Idealism in literature; Literature Romany language Rrjrr from (>ipsy language (s); Ciypsy lan- guage (s) ; Indo-Aryan languages; Rommany language (s) Romaunsch language see Romansch language Rome — History Kings, B. C. 753 510 Republic, B. C. 510 30 St-e <;/jr) (i.illio wars; rmilc wars Refer from Gallic wars; Punic wars Empire, B. C. 30 A. D. 476 Sec a/jo Harbarian iinasions of Rome ; Refer from Barbarian invasions of Rome; Byzantine empire; Roman emperors Roman emperors Rommany language see Romany language Rood screens Refer from Church decoration and ornament; Church furniture Roofs See also Arches; Architecture; Building; Refer from Architecture; Building; Carpen- Ceilings; Domes; Gables; Girders; Graphic try; Domes; Gables; Girders; Graphic statics; statics; Scaffolding; Skylights; Slate; Steel Steel construction; Strains and stresses; construction; Strains and stresses; Trusses; Trusses Vaulting Root crops S(V a//o \ egctables Refer from Agricultural products; Crops; Feeding and feeding stuffs; Roots; Vegetables Roots Siv <• alio Scale insects Sanatoriums .SV<- al>o Convalescent homes; Health resorts ; lluspitals Sanctification Sff abo Christian life and character Sanctuary see Asylum, Right of Sand dunes sef Dunes Sandemanians Sandstone Sft also Building stones Sandwiches Sani;ri'.il sfe Grail Sanitariums sfe Sanatoriums Sanitary affairs see Hygiene, Public; Sanita- tion; also names of countries and cities, subhead Sanitary affairs Sanitary chemistry See also Adulterations; Air pollution; Chemistry, Household; Cleaning; Food — Analysis; Food adulteration and inspection; Refuse and refuse disposal; Sewage; Smoke; \\ ater — Analysis ; Water — Purification ; Water pollution Sanitary engineering See also Filters and filtration; Heating; Hygiene, Public; Municipal engineering; Plumbing; Public comfort stations; Refuse and refuse disposal; Sanitation; Sewage; Sewerage; Street cleaning; Ventilation; Water — Purification; Water supply; also names of countries and cities, subhead Sanitary affairs Sanitary science see Hygiene; Sanitary en- gineering; Sanitation Sanitation See atio Cemeteries; Cleanliness; Disin- fection and disinfectants; Hygiene; Hygiene, Public; Military hygiene; Naval hygiene; Refuse and refuse disposal; Sanitary chem- istry; Sanitary engineering; Sanitation, Household; School hygiene; Sewage; Sewer- age ; Smoke ; Ventilation ; VVater — Purifica- tion ; Water supply; also names of countries and cities, subhead Sanitary affairs Household See also Chemistry, Household; Heat- ing; House cleaning; Plumbing; Ventila- tion Sanscrit see Sanskrit Sanskrit language See also Indo-Aryan languages Sanskrit literattire See also Hindu literature; Oriental turc ; \'cdas Santa Claus See also Christmas Refer from Needlework Refer from Chinese scale (s) ; Insects, In- jurious and beneficial; Scale insects Refer from Health resorts; Hospitals; Medi- cine; Mineral waters; Sanitariums (s) Refer from Christian life and character; Christian perfection (s) ; Holiness (s) ; Perfec- tion, Christian (s) ; Salvation; Spiritual life; Theology Refer from Glassites (s) ; Sects Refer from Building stones; Rocks; Stone Refer from Cookery; Luncheons Refer from Chemistry; Chemistry, House- hold; Chemistry, Sanitary (s) ; Sanitation Refer from Architecture; Building; Civil engineering; Engineering; Engineering, Sani- tary (s) ; Hygiene, Public; Municipal engineer- ing; Municipal improvement; Plumbing; Sanitary science (s) ; Sanitation; Sewerage Refer from Cleanliness; Hygiene; Hygiene, Public; Sanitary affairs (s) ; Sanitary engineer- ing; Sanitary science (s) Refer from Chemistry, Household; Domestic hygiene (s) ; Home economics; House drain- age (s) ; House sanitation (s) ; Household sani- tation (s) ; Housing problem; Hygiene, Do- mestic (s) ; Plumbing; Sanitation Refer from Indo-Aryan languages Refer from Hindu literature; Oriental litera- ture Refer from Christmas; Nicholas, St. 321 Santa F£ trail Saracens Sff alio Arabia — History; Arabs; Ca- liphs; Crusades; Muliammcdanism ; NIoors Sarcophagi Satan .'ic Devil Satellites Sfe also Astronomy; Moon; Perturbation; Planets Satire Sff alio Caricature and cartoons; Humor; Irony; Parodies American See aha American literature; Satire, English English See also English literature; Satire, American Greek See also Greek literature Sauces See also Cookery Savages See also Indians; Society, Primitive Saving see Thrift Savings banks See also Banks and banking; Building and loan associations; Postal savings banks; School savings banks; 'I'lirift; Trust com- panies Saw mills see Sawmills Sawmills Saws See also Woodworking machinery Saxon language see Anglo-Saxon language; Old Saxon language Sayings see Epigrams; Maxims; Proverbs; Quotations; Table-talk Scaffolding See also Building; Shoring and underpin- ning Scalds see Burns and scalds Scale (music) Scale insects See also Hcmlptcra; San Jose scale Scalping Scandinavian languages See also Danish language; Germanic lan- guages; Icelandic language; Norwegian language; SwcaJish language Scandinavian literature See also Danish literature; Eddas; Ice- landic literature; Norwegian literature; Sagas; Swedish literature Scandinavian mythology see Mythology, Norse Refer from Indian trails; New Mexico; Roads — U. S. ; Southwestern states; Trails (s) ; Western states Refer from Arabia — History; Arabs; Cru- sades; Mohammedanism; Moors Refer from Bas-relief; Burial; Christian art and symbolism; Sculpture; Tombs Refer from Astronomy; Perturbation; Plan- ets; Secondary planets (s) Refer from Caricature and cartoons; Comic literature (s) ; Humor; Lampoons (s) ; Litera- ture ; Rhetoric Refer from American literature; American satire (s) ; Humor, American; Satire, English Refer from English literature; English satire (s) ; Humor, English; Satire, American Refer from Greek literature; Greek satire (s) Refer from Cookery; Salads Refer from Ethnology; Man; Primitive man (s) ; Society, Primitive; Sociology Refer from Banks and banking; Cooperation; Thrift Refer from Lumber and lumbering; Mills and mlllwork; Saw mills (s) Refer from Tools; Woodworking machinery Refer from Building; Carpentry; Roofs Refer from Music Refer from Coccidae (s) ; Fruit — Diseases and pests; Hemlptera; Insects, Injurious and beneficial; San Jose scale Refer from Indians Refer from Danish language; Germanic lan- guages; Icelandic language; Norwegian lan- guage; Swedish language Refer from Danish literature; Icelandic literature; Literature; Norse literature (s) ; Norwegian literature; Sagas; Swedish litera- ture 322 Scandinavians in the U. S. .S/v iilui Dalits In llu- r. S. ; Norwegians in llif V. S. ; Swcilis in the U. S. Scarabs Sc.irl.itina ky Scarlet fever Scarlet fever Scenarios S(-i- Plots (drama, novel, etc.)* wvfWv^ Scene painting •' ■p^*"'-" Sccnerj- jcc Landscape; Nature; Picturesque Scent sff Odors; Perfumery; I'racking Scepticism .S'(V iilju Corporal punishment; Fire drills; Overpressure (education); School administration and organization; School grading and promotions; Self-government (in education); Teaching School music .SV(' also Kindergarten — Games and songs School nurses 6'of schools School organization see School administration and organization School playgrounds see Playgrounds School principals sef School superintendents and principals School reports School republics see School city School savings banks School sports see School athletics School stories Sfe also College stories School superintendents and principals School teaching lee Teaching Schoolhouses See also School decoration ; School hy- giene; Social centers Schoolmasters see Teachers Schoolroom decoration see School decoration Schools See also Academics (schools); Auxiliary schools; Charity schools; Church schools; Refer from Furniture; School equipment (») Refer from Gardening; Gardens; Nature study ; School farms (s) ; Vacant lot cultivation Refer from Grading in schools (s) ; Promo- tion (in schools) (s); School administration and organization; School management; Teaching Refer from Children — Care and hygiene; Hygiene; Hygiene, Public; Medical inspection of schools; Occupations — Diseases and hy- giene ; Sanitation ; School children ; Schoolhous- es Refer from Land; Land grants; Land tenure; U. S.— Public lands Refer from Compulsory education; Educa- tional laws (s) ; Law Refer from Children's literature; Libraries; Libraries, Children's; Libraries, School (s) ; Libraries and schools Refer from Children — Care and hygiene; Diet; Luncheons; Penny lunches (s) ; School children ; School hygiene Refer from Corporal punishment; Discipline, School (s) ; School administration and organiza- tion ; School children; School discipline (s) ; Teaching Refer from Music; Singing and voice culture; Songs Refer from Medical inspection of schools; Nurses and nursing; School hygiene Refer from School administration and organi- zation Refer from Banks and banking; Savings banks Refer from College stories; Fiction; Student life Refer from Principals, School (s) ; School administration and organization; School prin- cipals (s) ; Superintendents, School (s) ; Teach- ers Refer from Architecture; Public buildings; School architecture (s) ; School buildings (s) ; School houses (s) Refer from Education; Public schools 324 Schools — Con I i n uc J CollcRCS and universities; Correspondence schools nnd courses; Country schools; Cur- riculum; Cduc.itiun ; Evening and continua- tion schools; harm schools; Grammar schools; High schools; Kindergarten; Li- braries and schools; Normal schools; Open- air schools; Parental schools; Playgrounds; Private schools; Public schools; Ragged schools; Sewing schools; Summer schools; Sunday schools; Trade schools; Truant schools; Vacation schools; also headings beginnini; Sclioul Centralization Medical inspection, s^f Medical inspection of schools Schools and libraries srf Libraries and schools; Children's literature ; Libraries, Children's Schwenkfelders Sciau'raphs sff Radiography Science Sff also Anthropology; Astronomy; Bi- ology; Botany; Chemistry; Economics; Ethnology; Evolution ; Geography ; Geology ; Government; History; Industrial arts; Inventions; Language; Law; Logic; Mathe- matics; Medicine; Aleteorology ; Micro- scope and microscopy; Military art and science; Mineralogy; Natural history; Na- ture; Nature study; Naval art and science; Occult sciences; Paleontology; Philosophy; Physical geography; Physics; Psychology; Radioactivity; Religion and science; Scien- tific apparatus and instruments ; Scientific ex- peditions; Scientific recreations; Scientific research; Scientific societies; Scientists; Sociology; Technology; Theology; Weights and measures; Zoology Study and teaching S'c<" also Nature study; Technical edu- cation; also names of sciences Science and religion sff Religion and science Science aiul the Bible si-r- Bihic and science Scientific apparatus and instruments 6'^^ aljo Astronomical instruments; Chemi- cal apparatus; Instruments; Optical instru- ments; aho names of instruments Scientific associations sff Scientific societies Scientific education see Science — Study and teacliini; Scientific expeditions See aho Antarctic regions; .'Arctic regions; Challenger expedition; aho names of coun- tries, subhead Exploring expeditions Scientific instruments see Scientific apparatus and instruments Scientific management Si'e alio Accounting; Cost accounting; Efficiency, Industrial; Executive ability; Factory management; Foremen's schools; Machine shop management; Railroads — Management Refer from Centralization of schools (s) ; Concentration of schools (s) ; Consolidation of schools (s); Country schools; Public schools; School centralization (s) Refer from Germans in Pennsylvania; Sects Refer from Discoveries (in science) (s) ; Knowledge; Natural history; Natural sci- ence (s) ; Nature; Philosophy Refer from Education, Scientific (s) ; Scientif- ic education (s) Refer from Instruments; Philosophical in- struments (s) ; Physical instruments (s) ; Science; Scientific instruments (s) Refer from Antarctic regions; Arctic regions; Discoveries and explorations; Expeditions, Scientific (s) ; Science; Voyages and travels Refer from Business; Efficiency, Industrial; Executive ability; Factory management; In- dustrial betterment; Labor and laboring class- es; Machine shop management; Management of factories, shops, etc. (s) ; Manufactures; i^s Scientific men see Scientists Scientific recreations Si-e aim M.itlicmalic;il recreations Scientific research .SVc atsu Laboratories ; Medical research ; Rcst-arcli Scientific societies Sie also Hotanical societies; Chemical s^K'ieiics; Learneti S(-)cletics Scientists See also Astronomers; Botanists; Chem- ists; Electricians; Entomologists; Geologists; Inventors; Mathematicians; Naturalists; Ornithologists ; Zoologists Scores (music) see Music — Scores, and refer- ences under that subject Scotch ballads see Ballads, Scottish Scotch in France Scotch in Ireland see Scotch-Irish Scotch-Irish Scotch-Irish in the U. S. Scotch literature see Scottish literature Scotch plaids see Tartans Scottish ballads see Ballads, Scottish Scottish borders see Borders of Scotland Scottish clans see Clans Scottish highlands see Highlands of Scotland Scottish language see English language — Dialects — Scottish; Gaelic language Scottish literature See also Ballads, Scottish ; English litera- ture; Gaelic literature; Scottish poetry Scottish marches see Borders of Scotland Scottish poetry .SV(- iilso Ballads, Scottish; English poetry; Scottish literature; Songs, Scottish Scottish songs see Ballads, Scottish; Songs, Scottish Scouring see Cleaning; Dyes and dyeing Scouts and scouting See also Boy scouts; Tracking Scrap-books see Scrapbooks Scrapbooks .SVc also Clippings Screw-cutting machines see Screw machines Screw machines See also Machine tools; Screws Screw propellers see Propellers Screws See also Machine design; Screw machines Scriptures see Bible Sculling see Rowing Sculptors See also Artists Sculpture See also Anatomy, Artistic; Art; Bas- relief; Bronzes; Carving (art industries); Drawing; PLsthetics; Ivory; Marble; Model- ing; Monuments; Plaster casts; Proportion (art); Sarcophagi; Sculptors; Statues Mills and millwork ; Railroads — Management; Shop management (s) ; Works management (s) Rejer jrom Amusements; Science Refer from Research; Science; Study Refer from Learned societies; Science; Scientific associations (s) ; Societies Refer from Authors; Biography; Naturalists; Science; Scientific men (s) Refer from. Ireland; Scotch in Ireland (s) Refer from Irish in the U. S. ; U. S. — For- eign population Refer from British literature (s) ; English literature; Scotch literature (s) ; Scottish poetry Refer from Ballads, Scottish; British poet- ry (s) ; English poetry; Scottish literature Refer from Military art and science Refer from Clippings; Scrap-books (s) Refer from Machine tools; Machinery; Screw-cutting machines (s) ; Screws Refer from Hardware; Machine design; Machinery; Screw machines Refer from Artists; Sculpture Refer from Archaeology; Art; Bas-relief; Carving (art industries); Decoration and ornament; Esthetics; Iconography (s) ; Model- ing; Monuments; Plaster casts; Statues; Stonecutting 326 Scutage Sff also Feudalism Sea see Ocean Sea bathing see Baths and bathing Sea coast defense see Coast defense Sea fights sff Naval battles Sea fisheries see Fisheries Sea food Sff also Fish as food ; Oysters Sea kings sff Northmen Sea level Sff also Altitudes Sea life /<•<• Marine biology; Seafaring life Sea mosses sff Algae Sea plants stf Aquatic plants Sea power Sff also Disarmament; Naval art and science; Naval history; Navies; Warships; also names of countries, subhead Navy Sea serpents Sff also Animals, Mythical Sea stories Sea walls Stf also Embankments Sea water Seafaring life Sff also Sailors; Sea stories; Whaling Seals (animals) Sff also Carnivora ; Fisheries — Alaska Seals (numismatics) Sff also Numismatics Seamanship sff Navigation Seamen sff Sailors Seamen's missions sfe Missions — Seamen Search, Right of Sff also Maritime law; Neutrality Searchlights Seashore Sff also Algae; Baths and bathing; Beaches; Coast changes; Dunes; Marine biology; Marine zoology; Ocean Seasickness Seasons Sff also Autumn; Spring; Winter Su mmer; Seat work in schools see Busy work Seaweeds see Algae Secession r Sff also Confederate States of America; Federal government; State rights; U. S. — History — Civil war Rffrr from F.scuagc (s) ; Feudalism; Land tenure; Taxation Refer from I'"ish as food; Food; Ocean Rfffr from Altitudes; Ocean Rfffr from Disarmament; Dominion of the sea (s) ; International relations; Maritime power (s) ; Military power (s) ; Naval art and science; Naval history; Naval power (s) ; Navies Rfffr from Animals, Mythical ; Delusions (s) ; Monsters Rfffr from Fiction; Ocean; Sailors; Seafar- ing life Rfffr from Embankments; Engineering; Hydraulic engineering; Ocean; Walls Rfffr from Ocean; Salt; Water Rfffr from Adventure; Marine life (s) ; Ocean life (s) ; Sailors ; Sea life (s) ; Voyages and travels Rfffr from Carnivora ; Fisheries ; Fisheries — Alaska; Fur-bearing animals; Fur seals (s) ; Mammals; Marine zoology Rfffr from Archaeology; Heraldry; In- scriptions; Intaglios; Numismatics; Sigillog- raphy (s) ; Signets (s) ; Sphragistics (s) Rfffr from International law; Maritime law; Neutrality; Privateering; Right of search (s) Refer from Electric lighting Refer from Beaches; Marine zoology; Ocean; Physical geography; Shore (s) Rfffr from Medicine — Practice; Naval hygiene; Ocean; Ocean travel Rfffr from Astronomy; Autumn; Climate; Earth ; Meteorology ; Months ; Nature ; Spring ; Summer; Winter; Vear Rfffr from Federal government; Govern- ment; State rights; U. S.— Constitution ; U. S. — History — Civil war 327 Second advent .S'.-v tiltn Christadclphians ; Escliatology ; Jesus Christ; Judgment day; Millennium; Second advcntists Second adventists Second sight Sii- iit.'u Clairvoyance Secondary batteries jer Storage batteries Secondary education set Kducation, Secondary Secondary planets jfe Satellites Secondary schools see Academics (schools); Kducation. Secondary; High schools Secret chambers Secret service See also Detectives Secret societies See also Benefit societies; Boxers; Camor- ra ; Carbonari; P'enians (society); Fraterni- ties, College; Fraternities, High school; Freemasons; Grange; Hazing; Ku-Klux Klan; Mafia; Malta, Knights of; Nihilism; Odd Fellows; Rosicrucians ; Templars Secret writing see Ciphers Sectionalism Sects See also Anabaptists; ists ; Catholic apostolic church ; Christadclphians Christian union; Church of Scotl Baptists; Brown- church; Catholic Christian science; Cliurch of England; nd ; Congregationalism; Disciples of Christ; Dissenters; Dukhobors; Flagellants; Friends, Society of; German Baptist brethren; Harmonists; Huguenots; Hussites; Labadists; Lollards; Lutheran church; Mennonites; Methodist Episcopal church; Moravians; ^lormons and ^iormon- ism; Nestorians; New Jerusalem church; Plymouth brethren ; Presbyterianism ; Protes- tant Episcopal church in the U. S. ; Reformed church in America; Salvation army; Sande- manians ; Schwcnkfelders ; Second adventists; Separatist society of Zoar; Seventh-day Baptists; Shakers; Unitarianism ; United brethren in Christ; Univcrsalism ; Wal- dcnses; Wesleyan Methodist church Secularism See also Agnosticism; Utilitarianism Securities See also Bonds; Investments; Mortgages; Negotiable instruments; Stocks Sedan campaign, 1870 See also Franco-German war Sedimentary rocks see Rocks Sedimentation and deposition See also Erosion; Geology Refer frt irist ; Jei Jrom Advent; Eschatoloey; Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ — Second advent (s); Judgment day; Millennium; Prophecies; The- ology kejer from Adventists (s) ; Millerites (s) ; Second advent; Sects Refer from Superstition Divination; Occult sciences; Refer from Architecture ; England — Historic houses; Priests' holes (s) Refer from Detectives; U. S. — History — Civil war; U. S. — Secret service (s) Refer from Benefit College; Societies societies; Fraternities, Refer from Politics; U. S. — Economic con- ditions; U. S.^ Politics; U. S. — Social condi- tions Refer from Belief; Christianity; Church history; Denominations, Religious (s) ; Faith; Protestantism; Religion; Religions; Religious denominations (s) ; Theology Refer from Ethics; Free thought; Religion; Utilitarianism Refer from Bonds; Capitalization (fi- nance) (s) ; Dividends (s) ; Finance; Invest- ments; Loans; Mortgages; Negotiable in- struments; Promoting; Stocks Refer from Franco-German war Refer from Deposition (geology) (s) ; Ero- sion ; Geology 328 Sediiloii act, 1798, see Alien and sedition laws, I7<)S Seedlings Seeds Ste ulto liol.iny - I''.mbryolot;y ; Giriiiiii.i- tiun Adulteration and inspection Dispersal Distribution Inspection, see Seeds — • Adulteration anJ inspection Selection and testing See also Seeds — Adulteration and inspection Seismology see Earthquakes; Volcanoes Selection, Natural, see Natural selection Self-control Self -culture See also Books and reading; Conversation Correspondence scliools and courses; Educa tion; Ktiquet; Mental discipline; Study Study clubs; University extension Self-denial Self-education see Self-culture Self-government see Democracy; Home rule; Local government; Representative govern- ment and representation Self-government (in education) See also School city; Self-control Self-help see Conduct of life; Self-culture; Self-reliance; Success Self-inductance see Inductance Self-made men see Success Self-reliance Self-respect Selfishness See also Egoism ; Hedonism Selling see Sale; Salesmanship Seminary method See also Research Semites see Semitic race Semitic languages See also Arabic language; Assyrian lan- guage ; Hebrew language ; Oriental languages Semitic race See also Arabs ; Jews Senate see under names of countries states Senators U.S. Election Sensation see Senses and sensation and Refer jrom Botany; Gardening; Plants Refer from Botany; Botany — Embryology; Botany, Structural ; Germination; Plant prop- agation ; Plants Refer from Adulterations; Seeds — Inspec- tion (s) ; Seeds — Selection and testing Refer from Ecology; Geographical distribu- tion of animals and plants Refer from Distribution of seed by the government (s) ; Free seed distribution (s) Refer from Agriculture; Gardening; Grain; Plant breeding Refer from Conduct of life; Self-government (in education) Refer from Conduct of life; Culture; Educa- tion; Home education; \Iental discipline; Self-education (s) ; Self-help (s) ; Study; Young men; Young women Refer from Conduct of life; Ethics Refer from Colleges and universities; Edu- cation; Honor system (s); School city; School management; Student self-govern- ment (s) Refer from Conduct of life; Self-help (s) Refer from Conduct of life; Ethics Refer from Conduct of life; Egoism; Ethics; Hedonism Refer from Education; Research; Study; Teaching Refer from Arabic language; Assyrian lan- guage; Hebrew language; Language; Oriental languages Refer from Arabs; Ethnology; Jews; Sem- ites (s) Refer from Statesmen Refer from U. S. — Congress; U. S.—^ Senate Refer from Elections — U. S. ; Popular election of senators (s) 329 Senses and sensation Sff alio Color sense; Hearing; Light; Muscular sense; Pain; Perception; Psy- chology; Psychology, Physiological; Re- action time; Sight; Smell; Sound; Space perception ; Taste (sense) ; 'I'ouch Sentence, Indeterminate, set Indeterminate sentence Separatist society of Zoar Separatists sre Separatist society of Zoar Separators, Cream, j^f Cream separators Sepia painting Sc|Hiy icln-llion, .tec Indian nuitinj', 1857-1858 Sepulchcrs jw Tombs Sepulture /cc Burial Seraglio see Harem Serfdom See al.'O Feudalism; Peonage; Russia — History; Slavery; \ lUeinage Sericulture see Silkworms Sermon on the mount See alio Hcatitudes; Bible — New Testa- ment — Matthew Sermons See also Children's sermons; College sermons; Funeral sermons; Preaching Illustrative helps, J« Anecdotes, Religious Outlines Serpent worship Serpents see Snakes Serum therapy See also Antitoxins; Immunity; Inocula- tion Servants See also Employment agencies ; Indentured servants; Livery; Master and servant; Tipping; Waiters Service-books see Liturgies Settlements see Social settlements Seven wonders of the world Seven years' war, 1756 1763 See also Europe — History — 1492-1789; French and Indian war; Germany — His- tory — 174O-1815 ; Prussia — History Seventeen-year locusts see Cicadas Seventeenth century .SVc also English literature — History and criticism — 17th century; History, Modern Seventh-day Baptists See also German Baptist brethren Sewage .SVc also Filters and filtration; Sewerage;. Water pollution Sewerage .SVc also Plumbing; Sanitary engineering; Sewage; also names of cities, subhead Sewer- age Refer from Consciousness; Hearing; In- tellect; Perception; Psychology; Psychology, Physiological; Sensation (s) ; Sight; Smell; Space perception ; Taste (sense) ; Touch Refer from Separatists (s) ; Sects; Zoar community (s) ; Zoaritcs (s) Refer from Painting Refer from Feudalism; Government; Slav- ery ; V illeinage Refer from Beatitudes; Bible; Bible — New Testament — Matthew; Jesus Christ — Teach- ing Refer from Homiletics (s) ; Homilies (s) ; Literature; Preaching; Religion; Theology Refer from Animal worship; Animism; Indians — Religion; Nature worship; Snake worship (s) ; Snakes; Worship Refer from Antitoxins; Immunity; Inocula- tion; Organotherapy; Therapeutics Refer from Domestic service (s) ; Domes- tics (s) ; Home economics; Housemaids (s) ; Labor and laboring classes; Master and serv- ant; Waiters Refer from History, Ancient; Wonders of the world (s) Refer from Austria — History; England — History — 1714-1837; Europe — History — 1 492- 1 789; France — History — Bourbons; French and Indian war; Germany — History — 1740-1815; Prussia — History; Sweden — History Refer Ilistorv from Europe - Modern History — 1492-1789; Refer from Baptists; Sabbatarians (s) ; Sects Refer from Hygiene, Public; Refuse and refuse disposal; Sanitary chemistry; Sanitary engineering; Sanitation; Sewerage; Waste, Disposal of (s) ; Water pollution Refer from Drainage; House drainage (s) ; Municipal engineering; Sanitary engineering; Sanitation; Sewage; Sewers (s) 330 Sewers Iff Scwcrape Sowing; Iff Needlework Sewing machines Sewing schools *SV^ also Needlework Sex Ste also Hermaphroditism; Marriage; Puberty; Sexual elhics Sex worship see Phallicism Sextant ^ee also Astronomical instrument'; ; Sur- vcyinj; instruments Sexual ethics Sff also Adultery; Chastity; Illegitimacy; Marriage; Prostitution Shades and shadows See also Geometry, Descriptive; Perspec- tive Shadow pantomimes Shadows see Shades and shadows Saaft sinking Sff also Boring; Mining engineering Shafting Sff also Belting; Power transmission; Pulleys Shakers Shakespeare, William [These subheads may be used for other authors as needed] Actors, see Shakespeare — Stage presenta- tion Animal lore, see Shakespeare — Natural history Authorship -Bacon-Shakespeare controversy, /<■<• Shake- speare — Authorship -Biblical knowledge, see Shakespeare — Learning; Shakespeare — Religion and ct iiics -Bibliography -Biography -Botanical knowledge, see Shakespeare — Natural history -Celebrations -Characters See also Shakespeare - tion Stage presenta- -Chronology -Clubs, see Shakespeare — Societies -Collier controversy, see Shakespeare — Textual criticism -Commemorations, see Shakespeare — Celebrations -Commentaries, see Shakespeare — Criti- -Concordances Refer from Machinery; Needlework Refer from Needlework; Schools Refer from Biology; Man; Marriage; Physi- ology ; Women Rfffr from Astronomical instruments; Sur- veying instruments Rfffr from Adultery; F.thics; Ethics, Sex- ual (s); Marriage; Prostitution; Sex; Social purity (s) Refer from Drawing; Geometry, Descriptive; Perspective; Shadows (s) Refer from Amateur theatricals; Chinese shadows (s); Gallanty shows (s) ; Pantomime; Puppet plays Refer from Boring; Mines and mineral re- sources; Mining engineering Refer from Belting; Machinery; Power transmission; Pulleys Refer from Communism; Millennial church (s) ; Sects; Socialism; United society of believers (s) Refer from Bacon-Shakespeare controver- sy (s) ; Shakespeare — Bacon-Shakespeare con- troversy (s) ; Shakespeare-Bacon contro- versy (s) Refer from Shakespeare — -Editions (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Commemora- tions (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Fools (s) ; Shake- speare — Heroines (s) ; Shakespeare — Wo- men (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Indexes (s) 331 Shakespeare, William Continued Contemporary England -Criticism [including commentaries without text; criticism of a single play follows its text] Sfe also Shakespeare — Textual criticism -Cyclopedias, sft Shakespeare — Diction- aries -Dictionaries -Kdiiions, Iff Shakespeare — Bibliography -England in Shakespeare's time, sef Shake- speare — Contemporary England -Environment, sff Shakespeare — Con- temporary England -Ethics, see Shakespeare — Religion and ethics -Fiction [about] -Folklore and mythology -Fools, sfe Shakespeare — Characters -Forgeries -Grammar, see Shakespeare — Language, pronunciation and versification -Heroines, see Shakespeare — Characters -Home Sff also Stratford-upon-Avon -Himior -Dlustrations -Indexes, Sff Shakespeare — Concordances -Ireland forgeries, see Shakespeare — For-» geries -Knowledge, sff Shakespeare — Learning -Language, pronunciation and versification -Learning Sfe also Shakespeare — Folklore and mythology; Shakespeare — Natural his- tory; Shakespeare — Sources -Legal knowledge, see Shakespeare — Learning -Medical knowledge, see Shakespeare — Learning -Miscellaneous -Monuments -Music -Mythology, see Shakespeare — Folklore and mythology -Name -Natural history -Periodicals -Philosophy See also Shakespeare — Religion and ethics Refer from Elizabethan age (s) ; England — History — Elizabethan period; England — Social life and customs; Shakespeare — Eng- land in Shakespeare's time (s) ; Shakespeare — Environment (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Commentaries (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Cyclopedias (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Learning; Shake- speare — Mythology (s) Refer from Literary forgeries and mystifica- tions; Shakespeare — Ireland forgeries (s) Refer from Stratford-upon-Avon Referfrom Shakespeare — Wit and humor (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Pictures (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Grammar (s) ; Shakespeare — -Pronunciation (s) ; Shakespeare — Rhetoric (s) ; Shakespeare — Textual criti- cism ; Shakespeare — Versification (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Biblical knowl- edge (s); Shakespeare — Knowledge (s) ; Shakespeare — Legal knowledge (s); Shake- speare — Medical knowledge (s); Shakespeare — Sources Refer from Shakespeare — Animal lore (s) ; Shakespeare- — Botanical knowledge (s) ; Shakespeare — Learning; Shakespeare — Plant lore (s) 332 Shakespeare, William — ^ Cun 1 1 luicd Pictures, se/ Sliakcspcirc — Illustrations; Shakespeare — ■ Portraits Plant lore, see Shakespeare — Natural history Plots &>(• also Shakespeare — Sources Poetry (about] Portraits Pronunciation, set Shakespeare — Lan- Kua^ie, pronunciation and versification Religion and ethics Rhetoric, see Shakespeare — Language, pronunciation and versification Societies Sources .SVf also Shakespeare — Learning; Shakespeare —■ Plots Stage presentation Stories Study and teaching Tales from Shakespeare, see Shakespeare — ■ Sti>rics Textual criticism See also Shakespeare ^ Language, pro- nunciation and versification Theology, see Shakespeare — Religion and ethics Versification, see Shakespeare — Language, pronunciation and versification Wit and humor, .fee Shakespeare — Humor — — Women, see Shakespeare — Characters Shakespeare-Bacon controversy see Shake- speare — Authorship Shawls Shay's rebellion, 1786-1787 See also Massachusetts — History Sheep See also Feeding and feeding stuffs; Live stiK-k ; I'npulata; V'eterinary medicine ; Wool Sheet-metal work See also Brass; Copper; Dies; Metal work; Punching machinery; Tin; Tin- smithing ; Zinc Shell money See also Wampum Shell mounds see Kitchen middens Shells (conchologyj see Mollusks Shells (explosives) see Projectiles Shellwork Shelving (for books) Sheriffs .SVt- also Arrest Shinto See also Ancestor worship ; Japan — Re- ligion Refer from Plots (drama, novel, etc.); Shakespeare — Sources Refer from Shakespeare — Pictures (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Biblical knowl- edge (s) ; Shakespeare — Ethics (s) ; Shake- speare — Philosophy ; Shakespeare — The- ology (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Clubs (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Learning; Shake- speare — Plots Refer from Shakespeare — Actors (s) ; Shake- speare — Characters ; Theater Refer from Shakespeare — Tales from Shake- speare (s) Refer from Shakespeare — Collier contro- versy (s) ; Shakespeare — - Criticism Refer from Costume; Textile industry and fabrics Refer from Massachusetts — History Refer from Domestic animals; Live stock; Ungulata; Veterinary medicine; Wool Refer from Dies; Machine shop practice; Metal work; Tinsmithing Refer from Indians; Money; Wampum Refer from Arts and crafts Refer from Bookshelves (s); Book stacks (s) ; Bookcases (s) ; Books ; Libraries ; Library archi- tecture; Library fittings and supplies; Stacks (for books) (s) Refer from .\rrest ; County otTiccrs; Law Refer from Ancestor worship; Japan — Re- ligion ; Religions 333 Ship-huilding set SliipbuilJing Ship canals iVc alio Panama canal Ship fever see Typhus fever Ship railroads Ship siibsiilios see Subsidies Shipbuilding .SV(- ahn Armored vessels; Boats and boat- inj;; Bulkheads; Launching; Marine engines ; Motor boats ; Propellers ; Ships ; Steamboats ; Submarine boats; Torpedo boats; War- ships; Yachts and yachting Shipping Sre also Carriers; Commerce; Maritime law; Salvage; Shipbuilding; Ships; Steam- boats; Subsidies; Transportation U. S. Shipping subsidies see Subsidies Shippo see Cloisonne Ships .SVi" also Anchors; Armored vessels; Boats and boating; Galleys; Ice-breaking vessels; Launching; Naval art and science; Navies; Navigation; Propellers; Sailing; Sailors; Sails; Shipbuilding; Shipping; Shipwrecks; Steam navigation; Steamboats; Submarine boats; Torpedo boats; Warships; Yachts and yachting Shipwrecks Sfe also Castaways ; Collisions at sea ; Life-saving; Lifeboats; Salvage; Wrecking Shoemakers Shoes see Boots and shoes Shooting See also Archery; Ballistics; Firearms; Game ; Game birds ; Gunnery ; Guns ; Hunt- ing; Rifle practice; Rifles; Sports; Target practice Shooting stars see Meteors Shop management see Machine shop manage- ment; Scientific management Shop practice see Machine shop practice Shop window decoration see Window dressing Shoplifting see Larceny Shops see Machine shops; Railroads — Shops Shore see Seashore Shoring and underpinning See also Building; Foundations Short ballot see Ballot Short-sightedness see Myopia Short stories See also Fiction Shorthand See also Abbreviations ; Writing Shot-guns see Shotguns Shotguns Refer from Canals; Interoceanic canals («) ; Panama canal Refer from Railroads Refer from Architecture, Naval (s) ; Boat building (s) ; Bulkheads; Industrial arts; Marine architecture (s) ; Marine engineering; Naval architecture (s) ; Naval art and science; Navigation ; Ship-building (s) ; Shipping ; Ships ; Steamboats; Vessels (s) Refer from Carriers; Commerce; Maritime law; Mercantile marine (s) ; Merchant ma- rine (s) ; Navigation; Ships; Steamboats; Transportation; Vessels (s) Refer from U. S. — Commerce; U. S. — Merchant marine (s) ; U. S. — Shipping (s) Refer from Boats and boating; Fleets (s); Navigation; Ocean; Shipbuilding; Shipping; Vessels (s) Refer from Accidents; Adventure; Cast- aways ; Collisions at sea ; Disasters ; Life-saving ; Navigation; Ocean; Ships; Wrecks (s) Refer from Biography; Boots and shoes Refer from Ballistics; Firearms; Game; Game birds; Gunnery; Gunning (s) ; Guns; Hunting; Rifles; Sports Refer from Building; Foundations; Scaffold- ing; Underpinning (s) Refer from Authorship; Fiction; Literature; Stories (s) Refer from Abbreviations ; Brachygraphy (s) ; Business education; Phonography (s); Re- porting; Signs; Stenography (s); Tachyg- raphy (s) ; Takigraphy (s) ; Writing Refer from Firearms; Guns; Shot-guns (s) 334 Show cards Slinw windows see Window dressing Shrines See also Holy wells; Miracles; Pilgrim- ages ; Relics Shrubs .SV<' also Botany; Gardening; Hedges; l.^mJscape gardening; Topiary work; Trees Siberia — Exiles Sicilian vespers Sick, The. see Invalids Sidereal system see Stars Sidewalks See also Pavements Sieges See also Battles; Fortification; Military art and science; Mines, Military Sight .SV^' also Astigmatism ; Blind ; Color blind- ness; Color sense; Eye; Myopia; Optical illusions; Senses and sensation; Spectacles Sight reading See also Tonic sol-fa Sigillography see Seals (numismatics) Sign boards see Sign painting; Signs Sign language See iilju Ciphers; Deaf and dumb; Panto- niinic Sign painting See also Lettering; Painting, Mechanical; Signs Signals See also Beacons ; Bugle calls ; Fire alarms ; Flags; Fog signals; Railroads — Signals; Telegraph; Wireless telegraphy Signatures see Autographs Signboards see Sign painting; Signs Signers of the Declaration of independence see Declaration of independence — Signers Signets see Seals (numismatics) Signs See also Shorthand; Sign language; Sign painting; Signals Signs (omens) see Omens Sikhs See also India — History Silage see Ensilage Silhouettes Silk See also Silkworms; Textile industry and fabrics Silkworms Silos see Ensilage Silurian period see Geology, Stratigraphic — Silurian; Paleontology — Silurian Silver .SV^ also Cyanide process; Precious metals ; Silver (as money); Silver mines and mining; Silversmithing; Silverware Refer jrom Advertising Refer from Catholic church ; Christian antiq- uities; Church furniture; Holy wells; Miracles; I'ilgrimages; Relics; Saints Refer from Botany; Gardening; Hedges; Landscape gardening; Plants Refer from Crime and criminals — Russia; Exile; Penal colonies; Prisons — Russia Refer from Massacres; Sicily — History Refer from Pavements; Roads; Streets Refer from Battles; History; Military art and science; Military history; War Refer from Eye; Light; Optics, Physi- ological (s) ; Perception; Senses and sensation; V ision (s) Refer from Music; Music — Instruction and study; Singing and voice culture Refer from Deaf and dumb; Gesture; Lan- guage; Signs Refer from Advertising; Lettering; Painting, Mechanical; Sign boards (s) ; Signboards (s) ; Signs Refer from Collisions at sea; Flags; Military art and science; Naval art and science; Navi- gation ; Signs Refer from Advertising; Business; Municipal improvement; Sign boards (s) ; Sign painting; Signboards (s) Refer from India gion ; Religions History; India — Reli- Refer from Art; Drawing Refer from Animal products; Fibers; Textile industry and fabrics; Yarn Refer from Cocoons; Moths; Sericulture (s) ; Silk Refer from Precious metals 335 Silver (as money) Sfe also liiinctallism ; Coinage; Money Silver mines and mining Silver-plating sfe Electroplating; Plating Silver question ste Money — U. S. ; Silver (as money) Silvcrplaling sff Electroplating; Plating Silversmith ing iVc til.'O Arts and crafts; Hall marks; Jewelry; Metal coloring; Plate; Silverware Silverware iV(- also Hall marks; Plate; Silversmithing Silviculture sff Forests and forestry; Trees Simony Simple life See also Country life; Leisure Simplified spelling see Spelling reform Sin See also Absolution; Christian ethics; Confession ; Crime and criminals ; Depravit)' ; Kvil; Fall of man; Future punishment; Predestination; Repentance; Salvation; rcmptation Sincerity See also Honesty; Truth Singers See also Musicians Singing and voice culture .SVt- also Breathing; Chanting; Choirs; Choral societies; Music; Musical accompani- ment; School music; Sight reading; Sing- ers; Songs; Tonic sol-fa; Voice Singing societies see Choral societies Single rail see Railroads — Single rail Single tax See also Land nationalization; Land ten- ure ; Physiocrats Sinking funds Sirups see Syrups Sisterhoods See also Carmelites; Convents and nun- neries; Deaconesses; Nuns; Religious or- ders; Sisters of charity; Ursulines Sisters of charity Six nations see Iroquois Indians Sixteenth century See also History, Modern Skat See also Cards Skating See also Roller-skating; Winter sports Refer from Bimetallism ; Campaign literature ; Coinage; Demonetization of silver (s) ; Finance; Free coinage of silver (s) ; Money; Resumption of specie payment (s) ; Silver; Silver ques- tion (s); Specie (s) ; Specie payment (s) Refer from Mines and mineral resources; Silver Refer from Arts and crafts; Jewelry; Metal coloring ; Metal work ; Plate ; Silver ; Silverware Refer from Hall marks; Plate; Silver; Sil- versmithing Refer from Church discipline; Church law Refer from Conduct of life; Country life Refer from Christian ethics; Confession; Depravity; F.thics; Kvil; Fall of man; Original sin (s) ; Religion; Temptation; Theology; Total depravity (s) Refer from Ethics; Honesty; Truth Refer from Musicians; Prima donnas (s) ; Singing and voice culture; V'ocalists (s) ; Women Refer from Breathing; Chanting; Choirs; Elocution; Music; Music — Instruction and study; Songs; Vocal culture (s) ; Vocal music (s) ; Voice; Voice culture (s) Refer from Betterments (s) ; Land; Land nationalization; Land tenure; Real estate; Taxation Refer from Debts, Public; Finance; Funds (s) Refer from Catholic church; Charities; Church history; Church of England; Church polity ; Monasticism ; Nuns ; Protestant Episco- pal church in the U. S.; Religious orders; Women Refer from Charities; Charity, Sisters of (s) ; Nuns; Nurses and nursing; Sisterhoods Refer from Europe — History History, Modern Refer from Cards 1492-1789; Refer from Athletics; Ice; Locomotion; Sports; VVinter sports 336 Skees and skee-running Set also V\ inler sports Skeleton Sff also Anatomy; Anatomy, Compara- tive; Bones; Skull; Spine Skepticism .SVi- also Agnosticism; Atheism; Deism; Free thought; Materialism; Pantheism; Rationalism Sketching .fee Drawing; Painting Skiagraphs sff Radiography Skiing Iff Skees and skee-running Skin See also Anatomy; Color of man; Skin grafting; Smallpox Diseases .SVi- also Leprosy; Pellagra Skin grafting Skins jrY Hides and skins Skipjacks Skis Iff Skees and skee-running Skull See also Brain; Head; Skeleton; Tre- phining Sky see Astronomy; Meteorology Skv-scrapcrs sff High buildings Skylights Skyscrapers see High buildings Slag Ste also Blast furnaces; Cement Slander see Libel and slander Slang See also Americanisms; Briticisms Slate Slate writing sfe Spiritualism Slaughtering and slaughterhouses See also Meat; Meal inspection; Packing industry Slave trade See also Kidnapping; Slavery Slavery See also Africa — Colonization; Freed- men; Galleys; Indentured servants; Ne- groes ; Peonage ; Redemptioners ; Serfdom ; Slave trade Slavery in the U. S. See also Abolitionists; Free soil party; Freedmcn; Fugitive slaves; Kansas — His- tory; Kansas-Nebraska bill; Mason and Dixon's line; Missouri compromise; Ne- groes; Southern states; Underground rail- road (slavery) Slavic languages See also Aryan languages; Bohemian language; Polish language; Russian lan- guage Refer from Skiing (s) ; Skis (s); Sports; Winter sports Refer from Anatomy; Anatomy, Compara- tive ; Anthropology ; Bones; Skull; Spine Refer from Agnosticism; Atheism; Belief; Deism; Doubt (s); Faith; Free thought; Inlidclity (s); Philosophy; Religion; Scepti- cism (s) ; Theology; Unbelief (s) Refer from Absorption (physiology); Anat- omy; Beauty, Personal; Dermatology (s) ; Pigmentation (s) Refer from Cutaneous diseases (s) ; Medicine — Practice Refer from Skin; Surgery Refer from Boats and boating; Sailing Refer from Bones; Craniology (s) ; Ethnol- ogy; Head; Skeleton Refer from Building; Roofs; Windows Refer from Blast furnaces; Iron; Metals; Waste products Refer from Argot (s) ; Dialects; English language; Language; Manners and customs Refer from Building stones; Rocks; Roofs Refer from Abattoirs (s) ; Butchering (s) ; Hygiene, Public; Markets; Meat; Meat in- spection; Packing industry Refer from African slave trade (s) ; Kidnap- ping; Negroes; Slavery Refer from Abolition of slavery (s) ; Anti- slavery (s) ; Emancipation (s); Ethics; I'" reed- men ; Freedom (s) ; Government; History; Labor and laboring classes; Liberty; Negroes; Serfdom; Slave trade; Sociology Refer from Abolition of slavery (s) ; Aboli- tionists; Free soil party; Negroes; Southern states; L'. S. — History; U. S. — History- Civil war; U. S. — Slavery (s) Refer from Aryan languages; Bohemian language; Polish language; Russian language 337 Slavic literature .SV<- iil.ui Bolu'iuiaii literaUiif ; Polish llli'rauirc ; Russian litcramrc Slavic mythology iff Mythology, Slavic Slavic race iff Slavs Slavonic jfe Slavic Slavs Sff also Aryans; Czechs; Ethnology — Russia; Panslavism; Poles (Polanders) Slavs in the U. S. Sff also Bohemians in the U. S. ; Poles in the U. S. ; Russians in the U. S. Sleep Sff also Dreams; Hypnotism; Insomnia; Nightmare; Somnambulism; Subconscious- ness Sleep-walking; .ui- Somnambulism Sleeping cars Sleeping sickness Sti- (il;raiion and en\igration; Individualism ; Industry; Insurance; Labor and laboring classes; Law; Leisure class; NLin; Manners and customs; ^Llrria^;e; Peace; I'eople; Poor; Population; J'risons; Progress; Prop- erty; Punishment; Race problems; Religion; Savages; Slavery; Social contract; Social ethics; Social problems; Social psychology; Social settlements; Socialism; Societies; Society; Society, Primitive; Statistics; Tem- perance; Theology; Ltopias; War; Women; also names of countries and cities, subhead Social conditions Christian, jcc Christian sociology Soil absorption Sfe also Soil moisture Soil bacteriology Sef also Hacteriology, Agricultural; Nitri- fication; Soil inoculation Soil fertility See also Fertilizers and manures; Rotation of crops Soil inoculation See also Nitrification; Soil bacteriology Soil moisture See also Agricultural physics; Drainage; Soil absorption Soil surveys Si'iliiig crtips see Feeding and feeding stuffs SoUs " See also Agricultural chemistry; Agricul- tural physics; Agriculture; Alkali lands; Alluvium; Bacteriology, Agricultural; Clay; Drainage; Fertilizers and manures; Irri- gation; Nitrification; Soil absorption; Soil bacteriology; Soil fertility; Soil inoculation; Soil moisture; Soil surveys; Tillage Sol-fa system fee Tonic sol-fa Solar eclipses see Eclipses Solar engines see Solar motors Solar heat see Sun Solar motors Solar parallax see Parallax Solar physics see Astronomy; Astrophysics; Sun Solar spectrum see Spectra Solar system See also Asteroids; Astronomy; Meteoritic hypothesis; Nebular hypothesis; Planetesi- mal hypothesis; Planets [and their names]; Sun Solder and soldering See also Alloys ; Welding Soldiers See also Armies; Army life; Mercenary troops; Military art and science; Military biography; Pensions; Soldiers' homes; Soldiers' monuments Refer from Absorption in soils (s) ; Agricul- tural physics; Soil moisture; Soils Refer from Bacteriology; Bacteriology, Agri- cultural; Nitrification; Nitrifying bacteria (s) ; Soil inoculation; Soils Refer from Agriculture; Fertility (s) ; Soils Refer from Agriculture; Fertilizers and manures; Inoculation of soils (s); Legume inoculation (s) ; Nitrification ; Soil bacteriology ; Soils Refer from Agricultural physics; Moisture of soils (s) ; Soil absorption ; Soils ; Water, Under- ground Refer from Agriculture; Soils; Surveys (s) Refer from Agricultural chemistry; Agricul- tural physics; Agriculture; Geology; Geology, Economic; NIold, Vegetable (s) ; Tillage; Vegetable mold (s) Refer from Motors; Solar engines (s) ; Sun Refer from Astronomy; Planets; Sun Refer from Alloys; Brazing (s) ; Metal work; Metals; Plumbing; W'elding- Refer from Armies; Army life; Military art and science; Military biography 341 Soldiers' homes Soldiers' monuments Solicllurs set Lawyers Solid geometry see Geometry Solids Solitaire Solitude S(e also Hermits Soluble feriiKMiis see Knzymcs Solution (chemistry) See also Boiling points ; Chemistry; Chem- istry, Physical; Colloids; Kleclrolysis ; Ions; Osint.>sis Somnambulism See also Dreams; Hypnotism; Sleep Sonatas Hee also Musical form Song of birds see Birds — Song Songs See also Anthems; Ballads; Campaign songs; Carols; Children's songs; Choruses and part songs; Church music; College songs; Drinking songs; Duets, Vocal; Folk songs ; Glees ; Hymns ; Kindergarten — Games and songs; Lullabies; Lyric poetry; National songs; Negro songs ; Sailors' songs; School music; Singing and voice culture; War songs American See also Ballads, American; Campaign songs; Indians — Music; National songs; Negro songs; Songs, English English See also Ballads, English; Songs, Ameri- can; Songs, Irish; Songs, Scottish Irish See also Ballads, Irish -Scores See also references under Songs -Scottish See also Ballads, Scottish Sonnets See also Lyric poetry American See also American poetry; Sonnets, English English See also English poetry ; Sonnets, Ameri- can Sophists See also Philosophy, Greek Sorcery see Witchcraft Sore throat see Throat Sorghum See also Molasses; Sugar Refer from Homes (Institutions) (s) ; Homes for tlie aged; Pensions; St>ldiers Refer from Monuments; Soldiers Refer from Matter; Physics Refer from Cards; Games; Patii (game) (s) Refer from Conduct of life; Society Refer from Chemistry; Chemistry, Physical; Fluids; Ions; Liquids; Osmosis Refer from Dreams; Hypnotism; Medicine — Practice; Night; Psychology; Sleep; Sleep- walking (s) ; Sleepwalking (s) Refer from Instrumental music; Music; Music — Scores; Musical form; Piano music; Piano music — • Scores Refer from Ballads; Carols; Folk songs; Glees; Lyric poetry; Music; Poetry; Singing and voice culture; Vocal music (s) Refer from American poetry; American songs (s) ; Ballads, American; Music — U. S. ; Songs, English Refer from Ballads, English; English poetry; English songs (s) ; Music — England; Songs, American Refer from Ballads, Irish; Irish poetry; Irish songs (s); Music — Ireland; Songs, English Refer from Music — Scores Refer from Ballads, Scottish; Music — Scotland; Scottish poetry; Scottish songs (s) ; Songs, English Refer from Lyric poetry; Poetry Refer from American literature; American poetry; American sonnets (s) ; Sonnets, English Refer from English literature ; English poetry ; English sonnets (s) ; Sonnets, American Refer from Philosophy; Philosophy, Greek Refer from Forage plants; Molasses; Sugar 342 Soteriology see Salvation Soubriquets see Nicknames; Pseudonyms Soul See also Animal intelligence; Animism; Future life; Personality; I'reiixistence ; Psy- chology; Spiritual life; Transmigration Sound See also Acoustics of buildings ; Ear ; Hear- ing; Music; Noise; Phonetics; Phonograph; Physics; Radiation; Telephone; Voice Sounding and soundings Soup See also Cookery South (U. S.) see Southern states South African war, 1899 -1902 See ulio Jameson's raid, 1895-1896; Transvaal South pole ^Vf■ also Antarctic regions Southern states See also Confederate States of America; Creoles; Ku-Klux Klan; Mountaineers of the South; Negroes; Reconstruction; Slav- ery in the U. S. ; Southwestern states; U. S. — History — Civil war; also names of states Southwest (U. S.) see Southwestern states Southwestern states See also Santa I'c trail; Western states; also names of states Sovereigns see Caliphs; Emperors; Kings and rulers; Monarchy; Queens and empresses Sovereignty See also Constitutional law; Government; Social contract; State rights Space See also Ether (of space); Fourth dimen- sion; Space perception Space perception See also Perception; Senses and sensation Space telegraphy see Wireless telegraphy Spain — History To 1479 See also Moors in Spain 1479-1700 See also Armada, 1588; Reformation — Spain 1700- See also Austrian succession. War of; Carlists; Peninsular war, 1807-1814; Spanish succession. War of; U. S. — - History — War with Spain Spanish America see Latin America Spanish-American war, 1898, see U. S. — His- tory — War with Spain Spanish armada see Armada, 1588 Spanish inquisition see Inquisition Spanish language [subdivided like German language] See also Romance languages Refer from Animism; Dualism; F.thics; Future life; Man; Materialism; Metaphysics; Personality; Philosophy; Prei-xistence ; Psy- chology ; Salvation; Spirit (s) ; Theology ; Trans- migration Refer from Acoustics (s) ; Ear; Music; Noise; Physics; Radiation; Senses and sensa- tion ; Vibration ; Voice ; Waves Refer from Deep-sea sounding (s) ; Hydrog- raphy; Navigation; Ocean Refer from Cookery Refer from Anglo-Boer war (s); Boer war, 1899-1902 (s) ; Boers; Concentration camps; England — History — Victorian period; Eng- land — History — 1901-; Transvaal Refer from Antarctic regions; Earth; Polar regions (s) Refer from Negroes; Reconstruction; Slavery in the U. S.; South (U. S.) (s) Refer from Southern states; Southwest (U. S.) (s); Western states Refer from Constitutional law; Government; International law; Law Refer from Astronomy; Metaphysics; Philos- ophy Refer from Perception; Psychology, Physi- ological; Senses and sensation; Space Refer from Moors in Spain Refer from Armada, 1588; Reformation — Spain Refer from Austrian succession. War of; Carlists; Peninsular war, 1807-1814; Spanish succession, War of Refer from Romance languages 343 Spanish literature Sff alio Authors, Spanish; Romance literature; Spanish. poetry Spanish poetry Sc-f aho Poets, Spanish; Spanish literature Spanish succession, War of, 1701-1714 iSVc alio Kurope — • History — 1492-1789; Queen Anne's war; Spain — History — 1700- Sparrinc tee Boxing Sparrows Sff alio Birds Spas Iff Health resorts Speakers iff Orators; Recitations and readings Speaking iff F.locution ; Oratory; Preaching; Rhetoric; Speech; Voice Spear throwers iff Throwing sticks Specie Iff Gold (as money); Money; Silver (as money) Specie payment iff Money — U. S. ; Silver (as money) Species Sff alio Evolution ; Hybridization; Natural selection ; Plant breeding ; Variation (biology) Specific gravity Sff alio Gravitation ; Hydrometer ; Weights and measures Specifications (building) iff Building — Con- tracts and specifications Spectacles Sff also Eye ; Lenses Specters Sff Apparitions; Ghosts Spectra See alio Light; Radioactivity; Spectro- scope; Spectrum analysis Spectres iff Apparitions; Ghosts Spectroscope Sff aho Spectrum analysis Spectroscopy iff Spectrum analysis Spectrum iff Spectra; Spectrum analysis Spectrum analysis Sff alio Spectra ; Spectroscope Speculation Sff alio Credit; Investments; Panics; Stock exchange; Stocks; Wall street Speech Sff alio Animals — Language; Aphasia; Conversation; Deaf and dumb; Elocution; Language; Liberty of speech; Lip reading; Stammering; \"oice Speech of animals iff Animals — Language Speeches ift After-dinner speeches; Orations; Oratory Rfffr from Authors, Spanish; Romance literature; Spanish poetry Rfffr from Poets, Spanish; Spanish litera- ture Rfffr from England — History — Stuarts; Europe — History — 1492-1789; France — History — Bourbons ; Germany — History — '5'7~'740; Spain — History — 1700-; War of the Spanish succession (s) Rfffr from Birds Rfffr from Biology; Evolution; Heredity; Natural selection ; Origin of species (s) ; Trans- mutation of species (s) ; Variation (biology); Zoology Rfffr from Density (s) ; Gravitation; Hydro- statics; Matter; Weights and measures Rfffr from Eye; Eye-glasses (s) ; Optical instruments; Sight Rfffr from Absorption spectra (s) ; Astrono- my; Light; Radiation; Solar spectrum (s) ; Spectrum (s) ; Spectrum analysis; Stars; Sun Rfffr from Astronomical instruments; Opti- cal instruments; Spectra; Spectrum analysis Rfffr from Analysis, Spectrum (s) ; Astrono- my; Astrophysics; Chemistry; Light; Spectra; Spectroscope; Spectroscopy (s) ; Spectrum (s) ; Sun Rfffr from Bucket shops (s) ; Commerce; Corners, Commercial (s) ; Economics; Finance; Investments; Panics; Stock exchange; Wail street Rffer from Language; Phonetics; Speak- ing (s) ; Voice 344 Speed Sff also Velocity Speleology set Caves Spellers .SVc alto Primers; Spelling Spelling Sii- ii!.<- also Cost of living; Extravagance; Luxury ; Thrift ; Wages Standard of value sff Money; Value Standard time ler Time Standards sft Flags; Standards of length; lHlts; Wciclits and measures Standards of length Standing army Jte Armies Star atlases ste Astronomy — Atlases Stars Sff also Asteroids ; Astrology ; Astronomy ; Astronomy — Atlases; Astrophysics; Mete- ors; Milky way; Parallax; Planets; Plani- spheres; Spectra; Zodiac Starvatiou Sff also Famines State, The, sff Government State and education sff Education and state State banks iff Banks and banking — U. S. State church iff Church and state; Church of England — Establishment State constitutions sft Constitutions, State State debts /cij Debts, Public State ethics Sff also Political ethics: Social ethics State fairs sft Agricultural exhibitions State governments S:f also Constitutions, State ; Local govern- ment ; also names of states Slate ownership sff Government ownership State publications sfe Government publica- tions, and names of states, subhead Govern- ment publications State regulation of industry sff Government regulation of industry State rights Sff also Kentucky and Virginia resolu- tions, 1798; Nationalism, New; Nullifica- tion; Secession; States (U. S.) Rfffr from Commerce; Internal revenue (s) ; Taxation Rfffr from Conduct of life; Cost of living; Economics; Ethics; Home economics; Labor and laboring classes; Life; Living, Standard of (s) ; Luxury; Poor; Prices; Thrift; Wages Rfffr from Length, Standards of (s) ; Stand- ards (s) ; Weights and measures Rfffr from Astronomy; Astrophysics ; Con- stellations (s) ; Double stars (s) ; Sidereal system (s) Rfffr from Diet; Famines; Fasting Rfftr from Ethics; Ethics, National (s) ; Ethics, State (s) ; International law; Inter- national relations; National ethics (s) ; Social ethics Rfffr from Constitutions, State; Federal government; Government; States (U. S.) Rfffr from Federal government; Govern- ment; Government regulation of industry; Nullification; Secession; Sovereignty; States (U. S.) ; States rights (s) ; U. S. — Constitution State socialism sff Socialism State trials sff Trials States (U. S.) Sff also Constitutions, State; State /?c// also Bonds; Corporations; Invest- ments; Joint-stock companies; Securities; Stock exchange; Wall street Stoics Sfe oho Philosophy, Greek Stomach Nee also Digestion; Digestive system Stone Sff alio Blasting; Building stones; Gran- ite; Marble; Masonry; Precious stones; Quarries and quarrying; Rocks; Sandstone; Stone a^ic; Stone implements; Stonecutting Artificial See also Concrete Philosopher's, see Philosopher's stone Stone age Si-e also Archaeology; Man — Origin and antiquity; Picts; Stone implements Stone-cutting see Stonecutting Stone implements .SV(' also Indians — Implements and weap- ons; industries, I'rimitive; Slonc age Stone quarries see Quarries and quarrying Stonecutting See also Building stones; Sculpture; Stereotomy Stones see Stone; Building stones; Precious stones Stoneware see Pottery Storage batteries See alio Electric batteries Stores see Business; Department stores Stories see Children's literature; Fairy tales; Fiction; Kindergarten — ^ Stories; Legends; Romances; Short stories; Story-telling Storms See also Cyclones; Hail; Hurricanes; Insurance, Casualty; Meteorology; Rain; Snow; Thunderstorms; Tornadoes; Winds Story-telling Stoves See aljo Aladdin oven; Fireless cookers; lIcatiniL,' ; Ovens Strains and stresses See also Arches ; Bridges ; Building ; Klasti- city; Girders; Graphic statics; Mechanics, Applied; Roofs; Strength of materials; Trusses Strategy see Military art and science; Naval art and science Stratigraphy see Geology, Stratigraphic Strawberries See also Berries Refer from Banks and banking; Bonds; Commerce; Corporations; Dividends (s); Economics; Exchange; Finance; Investments; Joint-stock companies ; Negotiable instruments; Securities; Speculation; Stock exchange Refer from Ethics; Materialism; Philosophy; Philosophy, Greek Refer from Abdomen; Digestion; Digestive system Refer from Building materials; Building stones ; Geology ; Geology, Economic ; Masonry; Mineralogy; Quarries and quarrying; Rocks; Stones (s) Refer from Artificial stone (sj; Building materials; Concrete Refer from Archaeology; Eolithlc period (s); Man — Origin and antiquity; Neolithic peri- od (s) ; Paleolithic period (s) ; Stone; Stone implements Refer from Archaeology ; Flint implements (s) ; Implements, utensils, etc.; Indians — Imple- ments and weapons; Industries, Primitive; Stone; Stone age; Tools Refer from Building stones; Masonry; Stereotomy; Stone; Stone-cutting (s) Refer from Accumulators (s); Batteries (electric) (s) ; Electric batteries; Secondary batteries (s) Refer from Blizzards (s) ; Cyclones ; Disasters ; Gales (s) ; Hurricanes; Meteorology; Thunder- storms; Tornadoes; Weather; Whirlwinds (s) ; Winds Refer from Kindergarten; Stories (s) ; Teach- ing Refer from Heating; Iron industry; Ovens Refer from Architecture; Arches; Bridges; Building; Elasticity; Girders; Graphic statics; Mechanics, Applied ; Roofs ; Steel construction ; Strength of materials; Stresses (s) ; Trusses Refer from Berries 3SO Streams ^fe Ri\'ors Siicci cars see Cars; Street railroads Street cleaning See also Refuse and refuse disposal Street cries See also Peddlers and peddling Street li>;litinK see Lighting Street railroads See also Cable railroads ; Klectric railroads ; Elevated railroads; Rapid transit; Subways; Suspended railways; also names of cities, sublicad Street railroads Streets See also Asphalt; Pavements; Roads; Sidewalks; Street cleaning; also names of cities, subhead Streets Strength of materials Sic a'lM) Architecture; Building; Building materials; Klasticity; Girders; Graphic statics; Masonry; Strains and stresses; Trusses; also names of materials Stresses see Strains and stresses Strikes and lockouts See also Arbitration and conciliation, In- dustrial; Blacklisting; Boycott; Labor and laboring classes; Labor unions; Open and closed shop; Riots; also special strikes, e.g. .\riiliracitc coal strike, 1902 String figures Stringed instruments See also Guitar; Harp; Harpsichord; Musical instruments; Piano; Violin; Violon- cello Structural botany see Botany, Structural Stucco See also Cement; Gesso; Plaster and plastering Student life See also Class day; College athletics; College stories; Colleges and universities; Fraternities, College ; Hazing ; School stories ; Students Student self-government see Self-government (in education) Student songs see College songs Student volunteer movement Students See also Colleges and universities; Educa- tion; Student life; Student volunteer move- ment; Students' periodicals Students' periodicals See also Amateur journalism Refer from Cities; Cleaning; Hygiene, Pub- lic; .\lunicipal engineering; Refuse and refuse disposal ; Roads ; Sanitary engineering ; Streets ; Sweeping Refer from .Advertising; Cities; Cries (s) ; Peddlers and peddling Refer from Electric railroads; Horse rail- roads (s) ; Public service corporations; Rail- roads; Rapid transit; Roads; Street cars (s) ; Tramways (s) ; Transportation Refer from Cities; Civil engineering; High- ways (s); Municipal engineering; Municipal improvement; Pavements; Roads; Thorough- fares (s) Refer from Architecture; Building; Building materials; Civil engineering; Columns; Elas- ticity; Engineering; Graphic statics; Masonry; Materials, Strength of (s) ; Mechanics; Metals; Resistance of materials (s) ; Steel construction ; Strains and stresses; Testing (sj ; Timber; Trusses Refer from Arbitration and conciliation. Industrial; Boycott; Economics; Labor and capital; Labor and laboring classes; Labor unions; Lockouts (s) ; Riots Refer from Amusements; Cat's cradle (s) ; Games Refer from Bow (music) (s) ; Bowed instru- ments (s) ; Guitar; Harp ; Musical instruments; Orchestras; Violin; Violoncello Refer from Building materials; Cement; Decoration and ornament; Mural painting and decoration; Plaster and plastering Refer from College life (s) ; College stu- dents (s) ; Colleges and universities; Hazing; School life (s) ; Students Refer from Colleges and universities; Mis- sionaries; Missions; Missions, Foreign; Stu- dents Refer from College students (s) ; Colleges and universities; Education; Literary men (s) ; Student life Refer from Amateur journalism; College periodicals (s) ; Colleges and universities; Journalism; Periodicals; Students 351 6Vc also Education; Research; Scholars; Scientific research; Self-culture; Seminary method; Study clubs; also subhead Study and faching under various subjects Study clubs .S'cr- dlso Literary societies Stuttering see Stammering Style (in dress) see Costume; Fashion Style, Literary, see Rhetoric Subconsciousness See also h'aith cure; Hypnotism; Person- ality ; Sleep Sublime See also Esthetics Submarine boats See also Submarine boats warfare; Torpedo Submarine cables see Cables, Submarine Submarine mines see Mines, Submarine Submarine navigation see Submarine boats Submarine telegraph see Cables, Submarine Submarine warfare See also Mines, Submarine; Submarine boats; Torpedo boats; Torpedoes Subsidies See also Bounties Subsoiling see Tillage Subterranean water see Water, Underground Suburban houses see Architecture, Domestic; Cnuntry houses Subways See also Rapid transit; Tunnels Success See also Ambition; Business; Conduct of life ; Fame ; Leadership ; Occupations ; Oppor- tunity; Popularity; Profession, Choice of; Thrift Succession see Inheritance Suffering See also Affliction; Consolation; Pain Suffrage See also Ballot; Citizenship; Election laws; Elections; Naturalization; Negro suffrage; Representative government and representation ; Woman suffrage Suffragettes see Woman suffrage Sufiism see Sufism Sufism See also Mohammedanism Sugar See also Beets and beet sugar; Chemistry, Technical; Confectionery; Glucose; Mo- lasses; Sorghum; Stereochemistry; Syrups Refer from Education; School children; Self-culture; Teaching Refer from Clubs; Courses of study (s) ; Literary societies; Self-culture; Study; Wo- men's clubs Refer from Consciousness ; Habit ; Hypnotism; Mind and body; Psychical research; Psychol- ogy ; Sleep ; Suggestion Refer from Esthetics Refer from Boats and boating; Naval art and science; Navigation; Shipbuilding; Ships; Submarine navigation (s) ; Submarine warfare; Torpedo boats; Warships Refer from Naval art and science; Submarine boats Refer from Bounties; Commerce; Ship subsidies (s) ; Shipping; Shipping subsidies (s) ; Transportation Refer from Civil engineering; Engineering; Railroads; Railroads, Underground (s); Rapid transit; Street railroads; Tunnels; Under- ground roads (s) Refer from Business; Commerce; Conduct of life; Ethics; Fortune (s) ; Luck (s) ; Oppor- tunity; Self-help (s) ; Self-made men (s) ; Wealth; Young men Refer from Pain Refer from Ballot; Constitutional law; Democracy; Disfranchisement (s) ; Election laws; Elections; Elective franchise (s) ; Franchise (s); Government; Politics; Repre- sentative government and representation; Universal suffrage (s) ; Voting (s) Refer from Mohammedanism; Mysticism; Sufiism (s) Refer from Agricultural products; Agricul- ture — Tropics; Beets and beet sugar; Chem- istry, Technical; F'ood ; Sorghum iS' SuRar beet ite Beets and beet sugar Suggestion Set alio Animal magnetism; Hypnotism- Mental healing; Mental hygiene; New thought ; Subconsciousness; Suggestive thera- peutics; 'riu.uv;lii transference Suggestive therapeutics Sff ulio Christian science; KmnKinuel movement; Faith cure; Hypnotism; Mental healing Suicide Suits at law stt Actions at law Sullivan's expedition, 1779 Sff also V. S.— History — Revolution Sulphur Set also Geology, Economic; Sulphur springs Sulphur springs N.-.' iilio Mineral waters Summer Sfe also Seasons Summer cottages sef Cottages; also Architec- ture. Domestic; Country houses Summer resorts See also Health resorts Summer schools See also Teachers' institutes; \'acation schools Simiptuary laws Sun See also Astronomy; Astrophysics; Eclips- es; Parallax; Solar motors; Solar svstem; Spectra; Spectrum analysis; Sun spots Sun dance See also Indians — Dances Sun-dials see Sundials Sun spots Sun worship See also Sun dance Sunday See also Church attendance Sunday school entertainments See also Christmas entertainments ; Church entertainments Sunday school lessons See also Bible — Question books ; Bible — Study and teaching Sunday school libraries Sunday schools See «//o Bible — Study and teaching; Kchgious education; Sunday school enter- tainments; Sunday school lessons; Sunday school libraries Sundials Sunstroke see Heatstroke Refer from Animal magnetism; Autosug- gestion (s); Hypnotism; Mental suggestion (s)- Mind and body ; Psychical research ; Psychology Refer from Kaith cure; Hypnotism; Mental healing; Psychotherapy (s) ; Suggestion; Ther- apeutics ^f.ler from Crime and criminals; Death- hthics; Insanity; Medical jurisprudence; Mental diseases; Murder Rffer from Iroquois Indians; U. S — History— Revolution — Campaigns and battles Refer from Chemical elements; Geology, Economic; Mines and mineral resources Refer from Mineral waters; Springs; Sulphur Refer from Seasons Refer from Health resorts; Resorts (s) • vacations; Watering places (s) Refer from Education; Schools; Vacation schools Refer from Clothing; Economics; Extrava- gance; Law; Luxury Refer from Astronomy; Astrophysics; Eclips- es; Heat; Light; Solar heat (s) ; Solar phys- ics (s) ; Solar system Refer from Indians — Dances; Sun worship Refer from Meteorology; Sun Refer from Nature worship; Worship Refer from Church work; Church polity; tthics; Fasts and feasts; Religion; Sab- bath (s) ; Theology Refer from Church entertainments; Enter- tainments; Sunday schools Refer from Bible — Study and teaching; Sunday schools Refer from Children's literature; Libraries- Libraries, Sunday school (s) ; Sunday schools T.-^^'''' J'°"' Bible — Study and teaching; Bible classes (s); Children; Church work- Education; Religious education; Schools R'fer from Archaeology; Dialing (s) ; Uials (s); Gnomonics (s) ; Sun-dials (s) ; Iimekecpers 35i SupcrintcnJi'iits, School, see School supcrin- tmeter ; Compass ; Micrometer; Planimetcr; Sextant; Transit (instrument) Refer from Instruments; Surgery Refer from Civil engineering; Engineering; Geodetic surveying (s) ; Geodesy; Geography; Geography, Mathematical; Land; Land sur- veying (s); Leveling (s); Logarithms; Mathe- matics; NIensuration ; Railroad engineering; Railroads; Topographical surveying (s) ; To- pography (s); Traverse tables; Triangula- tion (s) ; Trigonometry Refer from Instruments; Mathematical in- struments; Sextant; Surveying; Transit (in- strument) 354 Surveys see Geological surveys; Soil surveys; also names of countries and stales, subhead Surveys Survival (if the fittest see Natural selection Survivorship Suspended animatioti iVi- aiso Burial, I'ri'inalurc; Drowiiiii); Suspended railways i'cc aiso Calilcways; 'Iclpheragc Suspended sentence see Probation system Suspension bridges see Bridges Svastika see Swastika Swamps see Marshes Swastika Swearing .SV<- also Oaths Sweating system iSVc also Child labor; Consumers' leagues; Home labor ; \\ omen — Employment Swcdcnborgianism see New Jerusalem church Swedes in the U. S. See also Scandinavians in the U. S. Swedish language See also Scandinavian languages Swedish literature See also Authors, Swedish; Scandinavian literature Swedish movement cure See also Gymnastics, Medical; Mechano- therapy Sweeping See also Brooms and brushes; Chimney sweeping; Street cleaning; Vacuum cleaning systems Swimming See also Aquatic sports; Baths and bath- ing; Diving Swindlers and swindling See also Antiques, Forged; Art forgeries; Fraud; Quacks and quackery Swine See also Feeding and feeding stuffs; Live stock; Ungulata ; \'eterinary medicine Switchboards Switches, Railroad, see Railroads — Switches Swords See also Arms and armor; Fencing Refer from jurisprudence Inheritance; Law; Medical Refer from Animation, Suspended (s); Death, Apparent (s) ; Drowning; Medicine — Practice Refer from Cableways; F.lectric railroads; Monorailways (s); Mountain railroads; R.til- roads; Railroads — Single rail; Railroads, Suspended (s); Street railroads Refer from Charms; Cross; Svastika (s) ; Symbolism Fylfot (s); Refer from Ethics; Oaths; Profanity (s) Refer from Child labor ; Clothing ; Consumers' leagues; Home labor; Hours of labor; Labor and laboring classes; Manufactures; Poor; Wages; Women — Employment Refer from Scandinavians in the V. S. ; V. S. — Foreign population Refer from Germanic languages; Scandina- vian languages Refer from Authors, Swedish; Scandinavian literature Refer from Gymnastics, Medical; Massage; Mechanotherapy; Movement cure (s) ; Thera- peutics Refer from Carpets; Cleaning; Floors; Home economics; House cleaning Refer from Animal locomotion; Aquatic sports; Athletics; Baths and bathing; Diving; Drowning; Sports; Water Refer from Crime and criminals; Delu- sions (s) ; Fraud; Humbug (s) ; Imposture; Quacks and quackery Refer from Domestic animals; Hog (s) ; Hogs (s) ; Live stock; Pig (s) ; Pigs (s) ; Ungu- lata; X'eterinary medicine Refer from Dynamos; Electric apparatus and appliances; Electric lighting; Electric switch- boards (s); Electricity — Distribution; Tele- phone Refer from Arms and armor; Broadsword (s) ; Fencing; Saber (s) ; Sabre (s) ; Weapons (s) 355 Syllogisms set Logic Symbolics see Creeds Symbolism Sff also Christian art and symbolism; CfDss; Devices; Kniblcms; Scarabs; Swas- tika; Symbolism in literature Symbolism (tlieoloy;y) see Creeds Symbolism in literature Symmetry .See also Kslhctics; Proportion (art) Sympathy See also Emotions; Friendship Symphonies .Srv also Orchestral music Symptoms see Diagnosis Synods st-e Ccuincils and synods Synonyms and antonjrms Hee also Synonyms and antonyms, English ; also names of languages other than English English Synoptic Gospels see Bible — New Testament — Gospels Syntax see Grammar Ssmips .SV^ also Molasses Table See also Breakfasts; Carving (meat, etc.); Catering; Cookery; Dinners and dining; Eating; Food; Luncheons; Menus; Waiters Table-moving see Spiritualism Table-talk Si-f also Anecdotes Table tennis see Ping-pong Tableaux See also Amateur theatricals Tables, Interest, see Interest tables Tables, Mathematical, see Mathematics — Tables, etc.; Logarithms Tabulating machines 'Tachygraphy see Shorthand Tactics See also Artillery drill and tactics; Cavalry drill and tactics; Drill (military); Infantry drill and tactics; Military art and science; Military maneuvers; Naval tactics; War games Taeping rebellion see Taiping rebellion Tailoring See also Dressmaking; Tailors Tailors Taiping rebellion S,-,- a!>u China Taj Mahal History Refer from Art; Cross; Devices; Emblems; Religion Reier from French literature; Idealism in literature; Literature; Symbolism Refer from Esthetics; Proportion (art) Refer from Compassion (s) ; Emotions; Ethics; Friendship Refer from Instrumental music; .Music; Music — Scores; Orchestral music Refer from Antonyms (s) ; Language; Words Refer from Dictionaries, English; English language; I'^nglish language — Synonyms (s); English synonyms (s) ; Synonyms and anto- nyms Refer from Sirups (s) ; Sugar Refer from Catering; Cookery; Dinners and dining; Eating; Food; Home economics; Meals (s) ; Menus Refer from Anecdotes; Aphorisms (s) ; Apothegms (s) ; Biography; Conversation; Epigrams; Humor; Sayings (s) ; Talking (s) Refer from Amateur theatricals; ments; Drama; Entertainments Amuse- Refer from Calculating machines; Census; Machinery; Statistics Refer from Artillery drill and tactics; Cavalry drill and tactics; Drill (military); Infantry drill and tactics; Military art and science; Military maneuvers; Military tactics (s) Refer from Clothing; Cutting (s) ; Dress- making; Fashion; Garment cutting; Needle- work Refer from Biography; Tailoring Refer from China — History; Taeping re- bellion (s) Refer from Architecture, Oriental; Tombs 3S6 Takigraphy tet Shorthand Talent Sfe aho Ability ; Genius Talismans set Amulets; Charms Talking sfr Conversation; Table-talk Talking machines lee Phonograph Tall buildings see High buildings Talmud Tambourine drill see Drills and marches Tamil language and llterattire See idsu UraviJian languages; Oriental literature Tammany Hall See also New York (city) — Government and politics Tamul language and literature see Tamil language and literature Tanning See also Hides and skins; Leather Taoism See also China — Religion; Philosophy, Chinese Taouism see Taoism Tapestry See also Baycux tapestry; Drapery; Gobelin tapestry Target practice See also Gunnery; Rifle practice Tariff See also Balance of trade; Commerce; Commercial treaties; Corn laws; Draw- backs; Economics; Reciprocity; Smuggling; Tariff question; Taxation; Warehouses U.S. See also U. S. — Revenue Tariff question See also Balance of trade; Economics; Reciprocity; Supply and demand Free Trade F*rotection Tartans See also Clans Tartars See also China — History; Manchuria; Mongols Taste (esthetics) see Esthetics Taste (sense) See also Senses and sensation Refer from Ability; Genius; Intellect Refer from Bible — Old Testament; Hebrew literature; Jewish literature; Jews — Re- ligion; Sacred books Refer from Dravidian languages; Oriental languages; Oriental literature; Tamul lan- guage and literature (s) Refer from Democratic party; New ^'ork (city) — Government and politics Refer from Hides and skins; Industrial arts; Leather Refer from China — Religion ; Confucianism ; Philosophy; Philosophy, Chinese; Religions; Taouism (s) Refer from Arts and crafts; Decoration and ornament; Drapery; House decoration; Mural painting and decoration; Needlework; Textile design; Textile industry and fabrics; Wall paper Refer from Artillery drill and tactics; Fire- arms; Gunnery; Infantry drill and tactics; Military art and science ; Naval art and science ; Rifle practice; Shooting Refer from Balance of trade; Commerce; Commercial treaties; Customs (s) ; Duties (s) ; Economics; Exportation (s); Exports (s) ; Finance; Imports (s) ; Revenue (s) ; Taxation; Trade (s) Refer from Taxation — U. S. ; U. S. — Com- merce ; U. S. — Economic conditions ; U. S. — Finance; U. S. — -Politics; U. S. — -Revenue; U. S. — Tariff (s) Refer from Balance of trade; Campaign literature; Commerce; Economics; Free trade (s) ; Protection (s) ; Reciprocitv; Tariff; U. S. — Politics Refer from Clans; Costume — Scotland; Highlands of Scotland; Plaids (s) ; Scotch plaids (s) Refer from China — History; Manchuria; Mongols; Tatars (s) Refer from Senses and sensation 357 Tatars tet 'I'arlars Tattooing Taverns see Motels; Inns Taxation isee also Absenteeism; Appraising; Cor- porations — Taxation; Dancgcld; Kconom- ics ; I'inance; Income tax; Inlicritance and transfer tax; Internal revenue laws; Munici- pal finance; Poll lax; Railroads — Taxa- tion; Scutagc; Single tax; Stamp duties; Tariff; Taxation, Progressive; 'I'itlies; To- bacco — Taxation; Unearned increment Exemption from Hce iiho Church property -Progressive See also Income tax; Inheritance and transfer tax U. S. See also Boston tea party, 1773; Tariff -U. S.; U. S. — Revenue Taxidermy Tea See also Beverages; Boston tea party, 1773 Teachers See also Education; Educational associa- tions; Educators; Normal schools; School superintendents and principals; Teachers' institutes; Teaching Certificates, see Teachers — Examinations and certificates Examinations and certificates -Pensions, see Teachers — Salaries, pen- sions, etc. -Salaries, pensions, etc. Training See also Normal schools; Teachers' institutes Teachers' certificates j^^' Teachers — Examina- tions and certificates Teachers' examinations see Teachers — Ex- aminations and certificates Teachers' institutes See aliu 'Teachers — Training Teachers' pensions see Teachers — Salaries, pensions, etc. Teachers' salaries see Teachers — Salaries, pensions, etc. Teaching See also Busy work ; Child study ; Corporal punishment; Curriculum; Education; Ex- Referfrom EtluKjlogy ; Manners and customs Refer from Appraising; Assessment (s) ; Direct taxation (s) ; Economics; I'inance; Government; Income tax; Inheritance and transfer tax; Internal revenue (s) ; Land; Land tenure; Persemal property; Property; Real estate; Revenue (s) ; Tariff Refer from Church and state; Church finance; Church property; Colleges and universities; Exemption from taxation (s) ; Libraries; Private schools Refer from Graduated taxation (s); Income tax; Inheritance and transfer tax; Progressive taxation (s) ; Proportional taxation (s) ; 'Taxa- tion Refer from U. S. U. S. — ^ Finance; U. Taxation (s) — Economic conditions; S. — Revenue; U. S. — Refer from Animals; Birds; Natural history; Zoology Refer from Agricultural products; Agricul- ture — Tropics; Beverages; Stimulants Refer from Biography; Education; Educa- tors; Public schools; Schoolmasters (s) ; Teaching Refer from Certificates, Teachers' (s) ; Examinations; Teachers — -Certificates (s) ; Teachers' certificates (s) ; Teachers' examina- tions (s) Refer from Civil service pensions; Pensions; Salaries; Teachers — Pensions (s) ; 'Teachers' pensions (s) ; 'Teachers' salaries (s) Refer from Normal schools; Teachers' institutes; Teaching Refer from Institutes, Teachers' (s) ; Sum- mer schools; Teachers; Teachers — -Training; Teaching Refer from Didactics (s) ; Education; In- struction (s) ; Pedagogy (s) ; Professions; 358 Teaching — Continued ami nations ; Kindergarten; Memory ; Nature study; Object teaching; Psychology, Kdu- cational; Quincy system; School grading and promotions; School management; Semi- nary method; Story-telling; Study; Teach- ers; Teachers — -Training; Teachers' in- stitutes; also subhead Study and teaching under various subjects Departmental system Technical chemistry s(t Chemistry, Technical Technical dictionaries Technical education Si<" also Apprentices; Correspondcjice schools and courses; Foremen's schools; Forestry schools and education; Industrial education; Manual training; Mechanics' institutes; Mining schools and education; Professional education; Trade schools; Vo- cational education; also subhead Study and teaching under various subjects, e.g. Engi- neering — Study and teaching Technology 6'iv also Chemistry, Technical; Engineer- ing; Industrial arts, and references under that subject; Manufactures; Metallurgy; Photography; Technical dictionaries; Tech- nical education Teeth Sef also Dentistry Teetotalism ife Temperance Telautograph Telegraph See also Cables, Submarine; Electric wire and wiring; Poles ; Postal telegraph ; Telauto- graph; Telegraph codes; Telephotography; Train despatching; Wireless telegraphy Postal, see Postal telegraph Submarine, see Cables, Submarine Wireless, see Wireless telegraphy Telegraph codes Telegraph poles see Poles Telegraphic codes see Telegraph codes Telegraphy see Telegraph Teleology See also Creation; Evolution; God; Metaphysics; Natural religion Telepathy see Mind reading; Thought trans- ference Telephone See also Electric wire and wiring; Micro- phone ; Poles ; Switchboards ; Telephonograph Wireless Telephone poles see Poles Telephonograph Telephony see Telephone Public schools; School management; School teaching (s) ; Teachers; Training Refer jrom Departmental system of teach- ing (s) Refer (rum Dictionaries; Industrial arts; Technology Rejer from Education; Education, High- er (s) ; Education, Technical (s); Higher edu- cation (s) ; Industrial arts; Industrial educa- tion ; Manual training ; Polytechnic schools (s) ; Professional education; Science — Study and teaching; Technology; Vocational education Refer from Applied science (s) ; Industrial arts; Manufactures; Science Refer from Anatomy; Beauty, Personal; Dentistry; Digestive system; Mouth; Odon- tology (s) Refer from Electric engineering; Telegraph Refer from Ciphers; Communication; Elec- tric engineering; Electric telegraph (s); Elec- tricity; Public service corporations; Signals; Telegraphy (s) Refer from Cable codes (s) ; Cipher codes (s) ; Ciphers; Codes, Telegraphic (s) ; Commerce; Communication; Telegraph; Telegraphic codes (s) Refer from Causation; Creation; Design, Argument for (s) ; Evolution; Final cause (s) ; God; Metaphysics; Philosophy; Theology; Universe Refer from Communication; Electric engi- neering ; Electricity ; Public service corporations; Sound; Telephony (s) Refer from Wireless telephony (s) Refer from Phonograph; Telephone 359 Telephotography Telescope N:v uIjo Astiunitniical InstrunicMls Telpherage 6>c aljo Cablcways; Conveying machinery Temperament S,-,- iilio Character; Melancholy; Nervous system Temperance See also Alcohol ; Alcohol — Physiolo);ical effects; Alcoholism; Beverages; Canteens (army); Drinking customs; Liquor laws; Liciuor problem; Liquor traffic; Liquors, ana names of liquors; Local option; Narcot- ic habit; Opium; Prohibition; Smoking; Slinuilants; Tobacco Temperature See also Animal heat; Boiling points; Climate; Cold; Earth — Temperature; Heat; Niching points; Meteorology; Plants, Effect of temperature on Templars iVc also Chivalry. For the moJcrn order 'ee Freemasons — Templars Temples S,-e also Architectu architecture; Mosques re, Oriental; Church Temporal power of the pope see Popes — Tem- poral power Temptation Si-f also Evil ; Fall of man ; Jesus Christ — Temptation ; Sin Ten commandments see Commandments Ten-hour day see Hours of labor Ten pins see Bowling Ten tribes of Israel see Jews — Lost tribes Tenants see Landlord and tenant Tenement houses See also Apartment houses; Architecture, Domestic; Housing problem; Lodging houses; Poor; Slums Teimis See also Ping-pong; Rackets (game) Tenpins see Bowling Tents See also Camping Tenure of land see Land tenure Tenure of office see Civil service Teratology see Deformities ; Monsters Terminology see Names; also under subject, e.g. Botany — Nomenclature; Medicine — Nomenclature; Zoology — Nomenclature Terra cotta See also Pottery ; Tiles Terrariums see Vivariums Rejer jrom Photography; Telegraph Refer from Astronomical instruments; Opti- cal instruments; Reflecting telescope (s) Rejer jrom Cableways; Conveying machin- ery; Electricity; Suspended railways; Trans- portation Rejer jrom Character; Nervous system; Pathology; Psychology Rejer from Abstinence (s) ; .'Mcohol; Alcohol- ism; Beverages; Conduct of life; Drinking customs; Drunkenness (s) ; Ethics; Food; Hygiene; Inebriates (s) ; Intemperance (s) ; Into.\ication (s); Liquor problem; Liquor traffic; Liquors; Prohibition; Saloons (s); Sociology; Stimulants; Tcctotalism (s) ; Total abstinence (s) ; Wine Rejer jrom Climate; Cold; Heat; ology Meteor- Rejer jrom Chivalry; Freemasons — Tem- plars; Knights and knighthood; Knights tem- plars (military order) (s) ; Order of the temple (s); Religious orders; Secret societies Rejer jrom Archaeology ; Architecture ; Archi- tecture, Ancient; Architecture, Greek; Archi- tecture, Oriental; Church architecture; Re- ligious architecture (s) Rejer jrom Ethics; Evil; Sin; Theology Rejer jrom Apartment houses; Architec- ture, Domestic; Building laws; Housing prob- lem; Hygiene, Public; Landlord and tenant; Municipal improvement; Poor; Slums Rejer jrom Games; Lawn tennis (s) Rejer jrom Camping; Military art science ind Rejer jrom Building materials; Decoration and ornament; Pottery 360 Terrestrial magnetism see Magnetism, Terrestri- al Territories (U. S.) set U. S. — Territories Terror, Reign of, see French revolution Tertiary period see Geology, Stratigraphic — Tertiary ; Paleontology — Tertiary Testimony see Evidence Testing see Strength of materials; also subject tested, e.g. Boilers — Testing; Electric test- ing Tetanus See also .Vntito.xins Teutonic knights Hee also Prussia — History Teutonic languages see Germanic languages Teutonic mythology see Mythology, Germanic Teutonic order see Teutonic knights Teutonic race See also Anglo-Saxons; Aryans; Franks; Goths ; Vandals Teutons see Teutonic race Text-books see Textbooks Textbooks See also Primers; Readers; Spellers Textile design See also Tapestry Textile fabrics see Textile industry and fabrics Textile factories See also Looms; Textile industry and fabrics Textile fibers see Fibers Textile industry and fabrics See alto Blankets; Bleaching; Calico printing; Carpets; Chemistry, Technical; Clothing; Cotton; Cotton — Cultivation and manufacture; Dry goods; Dyes and dyeing; Embroidery; Fibers; Flax; Hosiery; Khaki ; Linen ; Mcrcerization ; Rugs ; Shawls ; Silk; Spinning; Tapestry; Textile design; Textile factories; Underwear; Waterproof- ing; Weaving; Wool; Woolen manufacture; Worsted ; Yarn Thalassography see Hydrography; Marine biology ; (Jccan Thanksgiving day Theater See also Acting; Actors; Amateur theatri- cals; Ballet; Drama ; Make-up, Theatrical ; Masques (plays); Minstrel shows; Miracle, morality and mystery plays; Moving pic- tures; Opera; Pantomime; Passion plays; Puppet plays; Scene painting; Shakespeare, William — Stage presentation; Theaters; Vaudeville Refer from Lockjaw (s) ; tice; Trismus (s) Medicine — Prac- Refer from Chivalry; Knights and knight- hood ; Knights of the cross (s) ; Middle ages — History; Order of Teutonic knights (s) ; Poland — History; Prussia — History; Re- ligious orders; Teutonic order (s) Refer from Anglo-Saxons; Aryans; Civiliza- tion; Germanic race (s) ; Teutons (s) Refer from Books; Education; books (s) ; Text-books (s) School Refer from Calico printing; Decoration and ornament; Design, Decorative; Textile in- dustry and fabrics Refer from Cotton — Cultivation and manu- facture; Cotton mills (s); Factories; Mills and millwork; Textile industry and fabrics; Woolen manufacture; Woolen mills (s) Refer from Chemistry, Technical; Cloth (s) ; Clothing; Cotton; Cotton — -Cultivation and manufacture; Dry goods; Fibers; Industrial arts; Linen; Manufactures; Silk; Spinning; Textile fabrics (s) ; Textile factories; \Veaving; Wool; Woolen manufacture; Worsted; Yarn Refer from Fasts and feasts; Holidays; New England — Social life and customs; Pilgrim fathers; Puritans; U. S. — Social life and customs Refer from Acting; Actors; Amusements; Drama; Entertainments; Ethics; Histri- onics (s) ; Stage (s) ; Theatre (s) ; Vaudeville 361 Theater — Continued U. S. Si-f also American dr.inia; Uranialists, American 'I'licater buildings jff Theaters riuMicr tires //•<• Fires; Theaters Theaters jbuildin^s) Sff also Music halls; also names of cities, subhead Theaters Tlieatre sff Theater Tlieatrical make-up sff Make-up, Theatrical Theatricals, Amateur, sff Amateur theatricals Tliett Sff Larceny; also Embezzlement Theism Sff also Atheism; Christianity; Deism; God; Natural religion; Theology TluiiR-vvriting sft Rhetoric Theocracy Theodicy sff God Theological education sff Theological schools; Theology — Study and teaching Theological schools Sff also Theology — Study and teaching Theology [including the Christian doctrines. Tor history of religion sff Religions. Tor Christian evidences sef Christianity — Evidences] Sfe also Absolute, The; Agnosticism; Angels; .Annihilation; Antichrist; Antino- mianism; Apostles; Apostolic canons; Apos- tolic constitutions; Apostolic succession; Arminianism; .'\tonement; Authority (in religion) ; Baptism ; Belief; Bible; Calvinism ; Catechisms; Celibacy ; Christianity ; Church ; Church history; Church polity; Clergy; Confession; Confirmation; Conscience; Con- version; Creation; Creeds; Cross; Death; Deism; Depravity; Devil; Eschatology; Ethics; Evil ; Taith ; Fall of man; Fanaticism; Fathers of the church; Free religion; Free- dom of the will; Future life; Future punish- ment; God; Grace (theology); Heaven; Hell; Heresy; Holy Spirit; Incarnation; Infallibility; Inspiration; Jesus ChrFst; Judgment day; Justification; Kingdom of God; Liberalism; Liberty of conscience; Lord's supper; Manichcism ; Mass; Material- ism; Millennium; Miracles; Modernism; Monotheism; Mysticism; Natural religion; Orthodo.xy; Pantheism; Pelagianism; Pen- ance; Philosophy; Plurality of worlds; Prayer; Predestination; Private judgment ; Prophecies; Protestantism; Providence; Purgatory; Quietism; Rationalism; Re- generation (theology); Religion; Religion and science; Repentance; Resurrection; Revelation; Revivals; Sacraments; Sacrifice; Salvation; Sanctification ; Second advent; Sects; Sermons; Sin; Skepticism; Socin- ianism; Soul; Spiritualism; Sunday; Te- leology; Temptation; Theism; Theological schools; Transcendentalism; Transubstanti- ation; Trinity; Worship; also names of sects, and headings beginning Christian Rfffr jrom American drama; ater (s) U. S. — Thc- Rffrr from Architecture; Opera houses (s) ; Theater; Theater buildings (s) ; Theater fires (s) Rffrr from Atheism; Christianity; God ; Philosophy ; Religion ; Theology Rfffr from God; Government Deism ; Rfffr from Divinity schools (s) ; Education; Theological education (s) ; Theology; Theology — Study and teaching Rfffr from Bible; Bible — Theology (s) ; Biblical theology (s) ; Christian doctrine (s) ; Christianity; Church history; Creation; Di- vinity (s) ; Doctrinal theology (s) ; Doctrines (s) ; Dogmatic theology (s) ; Faith; God; Natura; religion; Philosophy; Religion; Revelation; Science; Sociology; Supernatural; Theism 363 Theology — Continued Natural, ste Natural religion — -Pastoral, ste Clergy; Pastoral work Pr,Tctical, see Christian life and character Study and teaching See also Religious education; The- ological schools Theory of errors see Errors, Theory of Theory of groups see Groups, Theory of Theory of potential see Potential, Theory of Theosophy See also Cabala; Neoplatonisni ; Wdanta; Yoga Therapeutic gymnastics see Gvmnastics, Medi- cal Therapeutics See also Anesthetics; Antiseptics; Anti- toxins; Baths and bathing; Bloodletting; Christian science; Climate; Cupping; Diet; Drugs, and names of drugs; Electrothera- peutics; Emmanuel movement; Exercise; P'aith cure; Eirst aid in illness and injury; Gold cure; Gymnastics, Medical; Home- opathy; Hydrotherapy; Inoculation; Mas- sage; NIateria mcdica; Mechanotherapy; Medicine; Medicine — Practice; Mental healing; Nlineral waters; Narcotics; Nurses and nursing; Organotherapy; Osteopathy; Pathology; Pharmacy; Phototherapy; Poi- sons; Purgatives; Radiotherapy; Rest; Serum therapy; Stimulants; Suggestive therapeutics; Swedish movement cure; X rays Thermal springs see Geysers and hot springs Thermochemistry see Chemistry, Physical Thermodynamics See also Heat ; Heat engines ; Steam ; Steam engines Thermometer Sie also Calorimeters and calorimetry; Meteorological instruments; Pyrometers and pyrometry Thieves See also Brigands and robbers; Burglary; Embezzlement; Larceny Thieving see Larceny Thinking see Thought and thinking Thirty-nine articles see Church of England — Articles of religion Thirty years' war, 1618-1648 See also Europe — History — 1492-1789; Germany — History — 1517-1740; Sweden — History Thorough bass see Harmony Thoroughfares see Roads; Streets Thought and thinking See also Attention; Intellect; Logic; Mental discipline; Philosophy; Psychology; Reason Thought transference See also Clairvoyance; Mind reading; Presentiments; Psychical research Refer from Church and education; Profes- sional education; Religious education; The- ological education (s) ; Theological schools Refer from Buddhism; Buddhism, Eso- teric (s) ; Esoteric Buddhism (s) ; Occult sciences; Philosophy; Religion; Religions; V'edanta Refer from Healing (s) ; H/giene; Materia medica; Medicine; ^Iedicine — Practice; Path- ology ; Remedies (in medicine) (s) Refer from Chemistry, Physical; Dynamics; Heat; Heat engines; Physics; Steam Refer from Heat ; Meteorological instruments ; Physics Refer from Biography; Brigands and robbers; Crime and criminals; Larceny Refer from Counter-reformation; Europe — History — 1492-1789; Germany — History — 1517-1740; Reformation; Sweden — History Refer from Intellect; Philosophy; Psy- chology; Psychology, Educational; Reason; Thinking (s) Refer from Clairvoyance; Mind reading; Psychical research; Psychology; Suggestion; Telepathy (s) i(>i TlircnHnnioloRV srt Breeding; Pl;int breeding Threshing Thrift 6Vc also Benefit societies; Cost of living; Extravagance; Insurance; Insurance, In- dustrial; Investments; Misers; Old age pensions; Prudence; Savings banks; Stand- ard of living Throat Sff ( Bronchitis; Voice Throwing sticks Thugs Thunderstorms Sr-t- olio Lightning; Storms Tides Sfe also Astronomy; Moon; Ocean Ties, Railroad, see Railroads — Ties Tigers See also Carnivora Tiles Sf-i- also Bricks; Clay industries; Pottery Tillage See also Agricultural physics; Agriculture; Dry farming; Plows; Soils Timber Si-i- also Building materials; Dry rot; Torests and forestry ; Lumber and lumbering ; Strength of materials; Trees; Wood Preservation, see Wood — Preservation Time See also Almanacs; Astronomy; Astrono- my, Spherical and practical; Calendar; Chronograph ; Chronology ; Daylight saving ; Days; kternity; Timekeepers Time. Reaction, see Reaction time Timekeepers See also Clocks and watches; Pendulums; Sundials Tin See also Bronze; Metals; Pewter; Tin- smithing Tinsmith ing S,i- also Sheet-metal work Tintype see Ferrotype Tipping Tires See also Automobiles ; Wheels Tissues see Histology Tithes See also Church finance; Church rates Title-pages See also Colophons ; Titles of books Refer from Agriculture; Grain Refer from Conduct of life; Cost of living; ICconomics; Economy (s); Extravagance; Investments; Poor; Prudence; Saving (s) ; Savings banks; Standard of living; Success Refer from Anatomy ; Bronchitis ; Respiratory organs; Sore throat (s) ; Voice Refer from Arms and armor; Atlatl (s) ; Spear throwers (s) Refer from Brigands and .obbers; Crime and criminals; Crime and criminals — India; Murder; Phansigars (s) Refer from Lightning; Meteorology; Storms Refer from Astronomy ; Hydrography ; Moon ; Ocean; Physical geography Refer from Carnivora; Hunting Refer from Bricks; Building materials; Clay industries; Pottery; Terra cotta Refer from Agricultural physics; Agriculture; Cultivating (s); Dry farming; Harrowing (s) ; Plowing (s) ; Soils; Subsoiling (s) Refer from Building materials; Forest prod- ucts; Forests and forestry; Lumber and lumbering; Trees; Wood Refer from Astronomy'; Astronomy, Spheri- cal and practical; Calendar; Chronology; Metaphysics; Philosophy; Standard time (s) Refer from Clocks and watches ; Horology (s) ; Machinery; Manufactures; Time Refer from Metals; Mines and mineral resources; Sheet-metal work Refer from Industrial arts; Sheet-metal work; Tin Refer from Manners and customs; Servants; Travel ; VV'aiters Refer from Automobiles; Bicycles and tri- cycles; Pneumatic tires (s) ; Rubber tires (s) ; \V heels Refer from Church finance; Church law; Church of England — Finance ; Church polity ; Church rates; Taxation Refer from Books; Colophons; Printing; Titles of books 364 Titles (larul) let Land titles Titles of books S/f alio Copyright; Title-pages Titles of honor and nobility Ste also Decorations of honor; Degrees, Academic; Heraldry; Peerage Titration set Chemistry — Analysis Toads .SVc also Amphibia ; Frogs Toadstools see Mushrooms Toasts iVc also After-dinner speeches Tobacco iiVc also Cigarettes; Cigars; Pipes, Tobac- co; Smoking; SnufT - — Cultivation Diseases and pests — Manufacture and trade ^ee also Tobacco — Taxation Pests, see Tobacco — Diseases and pests Physiological effects S:-e also Smoking Taxation Trade, see Tobacco — Manufacture and trade Tobacco pipes see Pipes, Tobacco Tobogganing See also Coasting; Winter sports Toes see Foot Toilet See also Baths and bathing; Beauty, Per- sonal; Cosmetics; Costume; Hairdressing; Manicuring; Perfumery Toleration see Liberty of conscience; Religious liberty Toltecs See also Aztecs; Indians of Mexico; Mexico — Antiquities Tombs See also Brasses; Burial; Catacombs; Cemeteries; Cromlechs; Crypts; Epitaphs; Holy scpulcher; Monuments; Mounds and mound builders; Sarcophagi; Taj Mahal; Tombstones; Vaults Tombstones See also Epitaphs; Monuments Tonic sol-fa Tool steel Tools See also Bone implements; Carpentry; Farm implements and machinery; Files and rasps; Implements, utensils, etc.; Indians — Implements and weapons; Ma- chine tools; Machinery; Saws; Square (in- strument); Stone implements; Tool steel Topiary work Refer from Bibliography; Book titles (s) ; Books; Cataloging; Copyright; Title-pages Refer from Decorations of honor; Heraldry; Honorary titles (s) ; Peerage Refer from Amphibia; Frogs Refer from After-dinner speeches; Dinners and dining; Drinking customs; Epigrams; Healths, Drinking of (s) ; Manners and customs Refer from Agricultural products; Agricul- ture — Tropics; Cigars; Narcotics; Pipes, Tobacco; Smoking; Temperance Refer from Agricultural pests; Plants — Diseases ; Tobacco — Pests (s) Refer from Manufactures; Tobacco — Trade (s) Refer from Hygiene; Smoking Refer from Taxation; Tobacco — Manu- facture and trade Refer from Coasting; Sports; Winter sports Refer from Beauty, Personal; Clothing; Cosmetics; Costume; Hairdressing Refer from Aztecs ; Indians of Mexico; Mexico — Antiquities Refer from Archaeology ; Architecture; Buri- al ; Cemeteries ; Christian antiquities; Crypts; Graves (s) ; Mausoleums (s) ; Monuments; Rock tombs (s) ; Sepulchers (s) ; Vaults Refer from Epitaphs; Gravestones (s) ; Headstones (s) ; Monuments; Tombs Refer from Music — Notation ; Sight reading; Singing and voice culture; Sol-fa system (s) Refer from Machine tools; Steel; Tools Refer from Carpentry; Hardware; Imple- ments, utensils, etc.; Industrial arts; Instru- ments; Machinery Refer from Landscape gardening; Shrubs; Trees i^S Topographical drawing iS'ci" also Map drawing Topographical surveying jff Surveying Topography Jff Geography; Surveying; Topo- graphical drawing Tops Tories, American, /<•<■ Loyalists, .American Tories, English Sff alio England — History; Kngland — Politics Tornadoes Si-f also Cyclones; Storms Torpedo boats Hif also Submarine boats; Torpedoes Torpedoes See also Mines, Submarine; Torpedo boats Torrens system Si-e also Conveyancing Torts See also Damages; Libel and slander; Trespass Torture See also Inquisition; Punishment Total abstinence see Temperance Total depravity see Depravity; Sin Totems and totemism See also Animal worship Touch See also Senses and sensation Tournaments See also Chivalry Towers See also Architecture; Round towers; Spires Town meeting See also Local government; ToWris Town officers See also Constables; Police Towns *>-•• ^-'j,- See also Boroughs; Cities; Local govern- ment; Municipal corporations; Municipal government; Town meeting; Town officers; \ illages Townships see Towns Toxicology see Poisons Toxins See also Antitoxins; Poisons; Ptomaines Toys See also Dolls; Electric toys; Tops Track, Railroad, see Railroads — Track Refer from Drawing; Geography, Mathe- matical; Map drawing; Surveying; Topog- raphys Refer from Toys Refer from England — -History; England — Politics; Political parties Refer from Cyclones; Meteorology; Storms; Winds Refer from Boats and boating; Naval art and science; Shipbuilding; Ships; Submarine boats; Submarine warfare; Torpedoes; War- ships Refer from Explosives; Military art and science; Mines, Submarine; Naval art and science; Submarine warfare; Torpedo boats Refer from Conveyancing; Deeds; Land titles; Real estate Refer from Injuries (s) ; Law; Libel and slander; W'rongs (s) Refer from Inquisition; Punishment Refer from Animal worship; Ethnology; Indians — Religion; Mythology; Nature wor- ship; Religion; Rites and ceremonies; Super- stition; Tribes and tribal system; Worship Refer from Feeling (s) ; Senses and sensation Refer from Chivalry; Festivals; Fighting (s) ; Sports Refer from Architecture; Church architec- ture; Spires Refer from Democracy; Government; Local government; Towns Refer from Local government; Towns Refer from Boroughs; Cities; Government; Local government; Municipal corporations; Town meeting; Townships (s) ; Villages Refer from Pathology; Poison (s) ; Poisons ; Ptomaines Refer from .Amusements; Games 366 Track athletics .SVc aho Athletics; College athletics; Running; Walking Tracking Tract societies Si-f alio Bible — Publication and distri- bution ; Tracts Tractarianisni !fe Oxford movement Traction engines Tracts Sff alto Tract societies Trade iff Business; Commerce; Tariff Trade, Balance of, /<■<• Balance of trade Trade, Boards of, sff Boards of trade Trade agreements Si(- also Arbitraticin and conciliation, Industrial Trade-marks Sff also Patents Printers' marks Trade schools Sif also Industrial education Trade unions Sff Labor unions Trade winds iff Winds Trades sff Industrial arts; Occupations Trades combination stt Combination, Indus- trial; Labor unions Trades schools sff Trade schools Trades waste sff Refuse and refuse disposal; Waste products Trading companies See alio Commerce — History; Hudson Bay company Traditions iff Folklore; Legends Tragedy .S'((- alio Drama Trailing ife Tracking Trails iff Indian trails ; also names of trails, e.g. Oregon trail. Salt Lake trail, Santa Fc trail Train despatching Trained nurses iff Nurses and nursing Training Sff alio Animals — Training; Athletics; Education; Gymnastics; Horse training; Physical education; Teaching Tramps See alio Begging; Unemployed; Way- faring life Tramways see Street railroads Transcendentalism See also Brook Farm Transcontinental journeys (U. S.) sfe Over- land journeys to the Pacific Transfer tax sff Inheritance and transfer tax Transfiguration of Jesus Christ iff Jesus Christ — Transfiguration Transformers ift Electric transformers Rffer from Athletics; College athletics; Fielcl sports (s) ; Running; Sports Refer from Game; Hunting; Scent (s); Scouts and scouting; Trailing (s) Refer from Missions; Societies; Tracts Refer from Engines; Farm motors; Locomo- tives; Road engines (s) ; Steam engines Refer from Colportage (s); Literature ; Tract societies Refer from Arbitration and conciliation. Industrial; Collective bargaining (s) ; Con- tracts ; Employers' associations ; Labor unions Refer from Commerce; Law; Manufactures; Partnership; Patents Refer from Education; Industrial education; Manual training ; Schools ; Technical education ; Trades schools (s) ; Vocational education Refer from Commerce ; Commerce — History Refer from Drama Refer from Railroads; Railroads — Man- agement; Telegraph Refer from Athletics; Exercise; Hygiene; Physical education; Sports Refer from Begging; Crime and criminals; Poor; Unemployed; Vagabonds (s); Va- grancy (s) ; Wayfaring life Refer from Idealism; Philosophy; Philos- ophy, American; Philosophy, German; Philos- ophy, Modern; Rationalism; Theology 367 Transit see Rapid itansii; Transportstion Transit (instrument l Sff also Astronomical instruments; Sur- veying instruments Transits 6Vc also Astronomy; I'lancts; also names of planets Translation Transliteration Transmigration .SV(- ai'u I'rccxistcnce; Soul Transmission (biology) s(e Heredity Transmission of power see Electric power trans- mission; Power transmission Transmutation of metals see Alchemy Transmutation of species see Species ; Variation (biology) Transportation Hee also Aeronautics; Animals — -Trans- portation; Automobiles; Canals; Carriages; Carriers; Commerce; Communication; De- murrage; Electric railroads; Express com- panies; Eerries ; Freight; Harbors; Inland navigation; Marketing of farm produce; Omnibuses; Pack transportation; Packing for shipment; Pneumatic tubes; Postal service; Railroads; Rapid transit; Roads; Shipping; Steam navigation; Steamboats; Street railroads; Subsidies; Telpherage; Vehicles; Waterways Transportation of animals see Animals^ Transportation Transportation of criminals .u-e Penal colonies Transubstantiation See also Lord's supper; Mass Trapping See also Eur trade; Hunting; Poaching Trappists See also Cistercians Traps (plumbing) see Plumbing Travel [for books on the art of travel] See also Baggage; Ocean travel; Pass- ports; Pilgrimages; Tipping; Voyages and travels Travelers See also Commercial travelers; Explorers; Voyages and travels Traveling libraries see Libraries, Traveling Traveling salesmen see Commercial travelers Travels see Voyages and travels; also names of countries, subhead Description and travel Travels around the world see Voyages and travels around the world Traverse tables See also Navigation; Surveying Treacle see Molasses Treason See also Allegiance Treasure-trove Refer from Astronomical instruments; Sur- veying instruments Refer from Astronomy; Eclipses; Planets Refer from Language; Literature; Rhetoric Refer from Alphabet; Language; Spelling Refer from Animism; Future life; Metempsy- chosis (s); Preexistcncc ; Reincarnation (s); Soul Rffer from Carriers; Commerce; Commer- cial geography; Communication; Economics; Freight; Interstate commerce; Locomotion; Railroads; Shipping; Transit (s); Vehicles Refer from Catholic church; Jesus Christ; Lord's supper; Mass; Real presence (s) ; The- ology Refer from Fur trade; Game; Hunting; Sports Refer from Cistercians; Monasticism Refer from Locomotion; Ocean travel; Voyages and travels Refer from Biography; Explorers; Voya- gers (s) ; Voyages and travels Refer from Latitude and longitude; Mathe- matics — Tables, etc. ; Navigation ; Surveying Refer from Crime and criminals; High treason (s) ; Law; Murder; Political offenses Refer from Adventure; Buried treasure (s) ; Pirates 368 Treaties Si-f also Arbitratiun, International; Com- mercial treaties; Diplomacy; Holy alliance; International law; International relations; Triple alliance, 1883-; aho names of countries, subhead Treaties Treatment of animals srf Animals — Treatment Tree planting Sff aho Arbor day; Korest planting Tree worship Se( alio Animism Trees Sff also Arbor day; Bark; Botany; F.vcr- frccns; Korest nurseries; Korest planting; orests and forestry; Kruit; Grafting; Hedg- es; Landscape gardening; Leaves; Lumber and lumbering; Niits; Pruning; Timber; Topiary work; Tree planting; Tree worship; clio nanics nf trees, e.g. Oaks Diseases and pests See alto Kruit — Diseases and pests; Gipsy moth; Insects, Injurious and bene- ficial; Plants — Diseases; Spraying FossU See aho Petrified forests Historic See aho Preservation of landmarks, sccnerv, etc. Trent affair, 1861 See aho V . S. — History — Civil war — Foreign relations Trepanning see Trephining Trephining Trespass .SV^ aho Easements Trestles See aho Bridges Trial by combat see Wager of battle Trial by jury see Jury Trials See aho Actions at law; Courts martial; Evidence; Expert evidence; Impeachment; Jury; Ordeals; Pleading and practice; Wit- nesses Triangulation see Geodesy; Surveying Triassic period see Geology. Stratigraphic — Triassic; Paleontology — Triassic Tribal system see Tribes and tribal system Tribes and tribal system See aho Clans; Consanguinity; Family; Patriarchy; Society, Primitive; Totems and Totemism; Village communities Tricycles see Bicycles and tricycles Tricycling see Cycling Trigonometry See aho Geodesy; Geometry; Logarithms; Mathematics; Mensuration; Navigation; Surveying Refe r fro m D i p 1 o m a c >■ ; tory ; International law; tions; Ministers of stale Government ; International His- rela- Refer from Arbor day; Arboriculture (s) ; Forest planting; Korests and forestry; Neigh- borhood improvement; Planting (s) ; Trees Refer from Animism; Fetishism; Nature worship; Trees; Worship Refer from Agriculture; Arboriculture (s) ; Bark; Botany; Dendrology (s) ; Evergreens; Korests and forestry; Landscape gardening; Leaves ; Shrubs ; Silviculture (s) ; Timber ; Wood Refer from Agricultural pests; Fruit — Dis- eases and pests; Insects, Injurious and bene- ficial ; Plants — Diseases Refer from Fossil plants; Fossil trees (s) ; Fossil wood (s) ; Petrified forests; Wood, Fossil (s) Refer from Historic trees (s) ; History ervation of landmarks, scenery, etc. Pres- Refer from Contraband of war; Neutrality; U. S. — History — Civil war — Foreign rela- tions Brain; Skull; Surgery; Tre- Refer fro n panning (s) Refer from Law; Property; Torts Refer from Bridges; Railroads; Railroads — Construction Refer from Actions at law; Courts; Crime and criminals; Criminal law; Jury; Law; Pleading and practice; State trials (s) Refer from Anthropology; Civilization; Clans; Communism; Kamily; Government; Patriarchy; Society, Primitive; Tribal sys- tem (s) ; Village communities Refer from Geometry; Logarithms; Mathe- matics; Spherical trigonometry (s) ; Surveying 360 Trilobites Si-f also Crustacea Trinity Sre also Arianism; Athanasian creed; God; Holy Spirit; Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ — Divinity; Socinianism; L'nitarian- ism Triple alliance, 1883- >SVc also I'luropc — History — 1789- Trismus ..<■<■ Tetanus Triumphal arches .^rf Arches of triumph Troplodytcs see Cave dwellers Trolley lines see Electric railroads Tropical agriculture sff Agriculture — Tropics Tropical diseases see Tropics — Diseases and hygiene Tropical hygiene see Tropics — Diseases and hygiene Tropical medicine see Tropics — Diseases and hvL'iene Tropical plants Tropics See also Acclimatization; Agriculture — Tropics; Tropical plants Diseases and hygiene S(f also Acclimatization; Cholera, Asiatic; Medical geography; Sleeping sickness; Yellow fever Trotting sff Horse; Horse racing Troubadours .SiY also Provenval literature; 'I'rouveres Trouble see Affliction; Misfortune Trout Sef also Fish; Salmon Trouveres See also Fabliaux; Troubadours Truancy See also School attendance; Truant schools Truant sciiools See also Parental schools Truck farming see Market gardening Trumpet calls see Bugle calls ■ Trusses See also Bridges ; Building ; Girders ; Roofs ; Strains and stresses; Strength of materials Trust companies See also Banks and banking; Trustees Refer jrom Crustacea; Paleontology Rejer from Arianism; God; Holy Spirit; Humanitarianism (theology) (s) ; Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ — Divinity; Socinianism; The- ology; Unitarianism Rejer jrom Alliance, Triple (s) ; Austria — Foreign relations; Austria — History; Europe — History — 1789-; Europe — Politics; Ger- many — Foreign relations; Germany — His- tory — 1866- ; International relations ; Italy — Foreign relations; Italy — History — 1815-; Treaties Rejer jrom Botany; Plants; Tropics Rejer jrom Acclimatization; Earth; Geog- raphy; Physical geography Rejer jrom Hygiene; Hygiene, Tropical (s); Medical geography; Medicine — Practice; Medicine — Tropics (s) ; Tropical diseases (s) ; Tropical hygiene (s) ; Tropical medicine (s) Rejer jrom Bards; Courts of love; French poetry; Minstrels; Poetry; Poets; Provencal literature; Trouveres Rejer jrom Brook trout (s) ; Fish; Fishing; Salmon Rejer jrom Bards; French poetry; Minstrels; Poetry; Poets; Troubadours Refer jrom Boys; Compulsory education; Juvenile delinquency; Public schools; School attendance; School children Rejer jrom Juvenile delinquency; Parental schools; Public schools; Schools; Truancy Rejer jrom Architecture; Bridges; Building; Girders; Roofs; Strains and stresses; Strength of materials Rejer jrom Banks and banking; Business; Clearing houses; Commerce; Commercial law; Corporations; Finance; Savings banks; Trus- tees 370 Trustees Sr-f aho Administrators and eitccutors ; Assl^inmcnts ; Guardians; Mortmain; I'ro- b.itc law and practice; Trust companies Trusts Ste aho Capital ; Combination, Industrial ; Competition; Corporation law; Corpora- tions; Monopolies; Restraint of trade Truth Sft aho Axioms; Belief; Certainty; Hon- esty; Lying; Sincerity Tsetse flies Sff also Insects as carriers of contapion; Sleeping sickness Tuberculosis Sff aho Lungs; Open-air schools; Res- piratory organs — Diseases; Tuberculosis in animals Tuberculosis in animals Tubes Sff aho Pipe Tumbling ste Acrobats Tumors See aho Cancer Tumuli set Mounds and mound builders Tuning Sef also Tuning forks Tuning forks Tunkards see German Baptist brethren Tunkers see German Baptist brethren Tunneling see Tunnels Tunnels See also Blasting; Civil engineering; Mines, Military; Mining engineering; Sub- ways Turbines See aho Hydraulic motors; Steam tur- bines; Water wheels Turco-Russian war see Russo-Turkisli war Turf, The, see Horse racing Turkeys See aho Poultry Turkish baths see Baths and bathing Turkish language See al.'o I ral-Altaic languages Turkish literature See also Arabic literature Turko-Russian war see Russo-Turkish war Turning See aho Lathes ; Woodwork Turning (gymnastics) see Gymnastics Turnpikes see Roads Tuyeres see Blast furnaces; Cupola furnaces; Foundry work k(fer from Commercial law; Guardians; Inheritance; Law; Powers (law); Probate law and practice; Trust companies Refer from Capital; Cartels (economics) (s) ; Combination, Industrial; Commerce; Com- mercial law; Competition; Corners, Commer- cial (s) ; Corporation law; Corporations; Economics; Finance; Government regulation of industry; Kartels (economics) (s) ; Nlonop- olics; Restraint of trade Refer from Belief; Certainty; Ethics; Faith; Knowledge; Lying; Philosophy; Sin- cerity Refer from Diptcra; Flies; Insects as carriers of contagion; Sleeping sickness Refer from Consumption (s) ; Lungs; Medi- cine — Practice; Phthisis (s) ; Respiratory organs — Diseases Refer from Animals — Diseases; Cattle — ■ Diseases; Tuberculosis; Veterinary medicine Refer from Iron; Manufactures; Pipe; Steel Refer from Carcinoma (s) ; Medicine- Practice; Pathology; Surgery Refer frovi Musical instruments; Piano Refer from Musical instruments; Tuning Refer from Civil engineering; Earthwork; Engineering; Excavation; Mining engineering ; Railroads; Railroads — Construction; Sub- ways; Tunneling (s) Refer from Engines; Hydraulic engineering; Hydraulic machinery; Hydraulic motors; Motors; VV'ater wheels; Wheels Refer from Poultry Refer from Ural-Altaic languages Refer from Cabinet work; Carpentry; In- dustrial arts; Lathe work (s) ; Lathes; Wood- work 371 Twentieth century Sre alio English literature — History and criticism — 20th century Twins Type Sff also Printing; Typcsclling Typesetting .SV(- Priming; Typesetting machines Typesetting machines Typewriting Typhoid fever i>c also fyphus fever Typhus fever .See also Typhoid fever Typographical societies Typography see Printing Tyranny See also Despotism Ulcers See also Suppuration Ultramontanism Sff also Catholic churcli; Popes; Vatican council Umbrellas Unbelief sef Skepticism Unclaimed estates see Estates, Unclaimed Unction Underclothing see Underwear Underground railroad (slavery) See also Fugiti\e slaves Underground roads see Subways Underground water see Water, Underground Underpinning see Shoring and underpinning Understanding see Intellect; Psychology Underwear See also Garment cutting; Hosiery Unearned increment Unemployed See also Employment agencies; Farm colonies; Labor exchanges; Poor; Tramps; Vacant lot cultivation Ungulata See also Bison; Cattle; Deer; Goats; Horse; Mammals; Reindeer; Sheep; Swine Uniforms See also Costume; Livery Union, Christian, see Christian union Union shop see Open and closed shop Unions, Labor, see Labor unions Unitarianism See also Arianism; Free religion; Jesus Christ — Divinity; Liberalism; Socinian- ism; Trinity Refer from History, Modern; Progress Refer from Children Refer from Printing Refer from Composition (printing) (s) ; Printing; Type Refer from Composing machines (s) ; Lino- type (s) ; Machinery; Monotype (s) ; Printing; Typesetting Refer from Business education; Writing Refer from Contagion and contagious dis- eases; Enteric fever (s) ; Fever; Medicine — Practice; Typhus fever Refer from Fever; Medicine — Practice; Ship fever (s) ; Typhoid fever Refer from Printers; Printing; Societies Refer from Despotism; Government; Mon- archy Refer from Suppuration Refer from Catholic church Refer from Costume Refer from Anointing (s) ; Extreme unc- tion (s); Sacraments Refer from Fugitive slaves; Slavery in the U. S. Refer from Clothing; Textile industry and fabrics; Underclothing (s) Refer from Betterments (s) ; Economics; Increment, Unearned (s) ; Land; Land tenure; Real estate; Taxation Refer from Economics; Labor and laboring classes; Labor exchanges; Panics; Poor; Social problems; Tramps Refer from Bison; Cattle; Deer; Goats; Horse; Mammals; Reindeer; Sheep; Swine Refer from Clothing; Costume; Costume, Military (s) ; Military costume (s) ; Military uniforms (s) Refer from Arianism; Congregationalism; Humanitarianism (theology) (s) ; Jesus Christ — Divinity; Liberalism; Sects; Socinianism; Trinity 37* I'nitas fratrum s(e Moravians I iiiiciJ brctliri-n ife .\Kiravians United brethren in Christ Refer from Sects I niU'J empire kiyalists iff Loyalists, American I'nitcd society of believers see Shakers United States Administration, lee U. S. — Government A>;ricullure, see Agriculture — U. S. Altitudes Refer from Physical geography — U. S. Annexations See alio Gadsden purchase; Louisiana Refer from U. S. — Expansion (s) ; L'. S. — purchase; U. S. — Insular possessions Territorial expansion (s) Antiquities Sc<' «//o Indians — Antiquities ; Mounds Refer from Indians — Antiquities; Mounds and mound builders and mound builders Architecture, see Architecture, American Archives See also U. S. — Government publica- Refer from V . ^. — Government publications tions Army i>ee also Army life; Canteens (army); Refer from U. S. — Defenses; U. S. — His- U. S. — History, Military ; U. S. — Militia; tory, Military; U. S. — Military history (s) U. S. — Navy. Vox volunteer regiments see under names of states, e.g. New York artillery. New York cavalry. New York infantry; alio United States volunteer cavalry, L'nited States volunteer infantry, for volunteer regiments recruited at large — — ■ — Artillery Cavalry See also l'nited States volunteer cavalry Infantry See also United States volunteer infantry Art, lee Art, American Asylums, see U. S. — Hospitals and asylums Atlases, lee L . S. — Description and travel ; Maps Banks, see Banks and banking — U. S. Bibliography See also American literature — Bibli- ography Biography See also Actors, American; Artists, Refer from V. S. — Genealogy American; Authors, American; Declara- tion of independence — Signers ; Gover- nors; Hall of fame; Loyalists, American; Painters, American; Pilgrim fathers; Poets, American; Presidents — U. S. ; Statesmen, American; U. S. — Genealogy; also names of wars, subhead Biography Birds, see Birds — U. S. Botany, see Botany — U. S. Botindaries See also Northeast boundary of the Refer from V. ?>■ — Foreign relations U. S. ; Northwest boundary of the U. S. . Business associations Canals, see Canals — ■ L'. S. Capital and capitol See also Washington, D. C. Refer from Washington, D. C. Census See also U. S. — Population; U. S. — Refer from U. S. — Population; L'. S. — Statistics; U. S. — Vital statistics Statistics; L'. S. — Vital statistics Charities, see Charities — U. S. 373 History — S. — Re Chro- llglOUS U. S. United States — Continued - -Chronology, ste C S. — nology Church history, see U. history Cities, see Cities — U. S. Civil and political institutions, see — Government Civil service, see Civil service — U. S. Civilization See also U. S. — Economic conditions; I'. S. — Social conditions; U. S. — Social life and customs Claims See also names of wars, subhead Claims Climate See also Meteorology — U. S. Coats of arms, see Heraldry — U. S. Coinage, see Coinage — U. S. Colleges, see Colleges and universities — U. S. Colonics, see U. S. — Insular possessions |For otheV countries use Colonies] Commerce Sec also Embargo laws; Great Lakes; Interstate commerce; Railroads — U. S. ; Shipping — U. S.; Tariff — U. S. ; U. S. — Industries and resources ; Waterways — U. S. Conchology, see MoUusks — U. S. Constitution See also Alien and sedition laws, 1798; Constitutional law; Constitutions, State; Secession; State rights; U. S. — Govern- ment; L'. S. — Law Consular service, see U. S. — Diplomatic and consular service Conventions and public meetings See also Political conventions Costume, see Costume — U. S. Courts See also Courts, Municipal Crime and criminals, see Crime and crimi- nals — L". S. Currency question, see Money — U. S. Customs, see C. S. — Social life and customs Defenses See also Coast defense; Fortification — U. S. ; U. S. — Army; U. S. — Navy Description and travel See also Overland journeys to the Pacif- ic; also names of cities, states, regions, etc. Gazetteers Guidebooks Maps — Views -Dialects, see English language — Dialects -Diplomatic and consular service -Directories See also U. S. — Registers -Discovery and exploration, see America — Discovery and exploration -Drama, see American drama Refer Irom U. S. — Social conditions Refer from Meteorology — U. S. Refer from U. S. — Industries and resources Refer from U. S. — Government; U. S. ■ ,avv Refer from Federal courts (s) Refer from U. S. — Geography (s) ; U. S. — Travel (s) Refer from U. S. — Gazetteers (s) Refer from U. S. — Guidebooks (s) Refer from U. S. — Atlases (s) ; U. S. — Maps (s) Refer from U. S. — Views (s). Refer from U. S. — Consular service (s) ; U. S. — Foreign relations 374 United States — Continued licclcsiasllcal history, see IS— R.-li gious history ' Ecclesiastical institutions, j^c L' S — Re ligious institutions and affairs Economic conditions S^^ U S Exhibitions, see Exhibitions — U S Expansion, see Imperialism- US — p™,""^""°"'i.!-:S- Insular possessions fizplonng expeditions See also Lewis and Clark expedition rauna, see Zoology — US -Finance U. S"; Tariff -"L?sTTaxa^tion-U?'s~ '^'■'^ ^™"' *-'• ^- " Economic conditions U- S. — Revenue ' Fine arts, see Art, American Fish, see Fish — U. S. Fisheries, see Fisheries — U. S Flora, see Botany U. S Folk songs, see Folk songs, American I'olklorc, sre r-(.lkiore — U. S Foreign population See also Bohemians in the U S • P,,:. f i ■ ■ Canadians in the U. S. ; Chinese in the U S r3' '"""''S'-^^'on and emigration - U. S.; Danes in the U. S. - Dutch in the n ' •' ' l Problems- U. S.; U. S. — Eco- t. S.; Irish in the U. S.; Italians in the in fu' -''.P\""V'] ""^ ^'- ^-J Norwegians in the L. S • Poles in the U. S. ; Race problems — U. S. ; Russians in the U S - Scandinavians in the U. S.; Scotch-Irish Intheu/S ■^''"'""^'=^'-^ = S"^^''" Foreign relations do^Hn^f U.'1'!!:'^L<^V if^T^ ^'^^^-'" U- S-Treaties Diplomatic and consular service- U S — Treaties ' ' China See also Chinese in the U. S England See also Alabama claims forests and forestry, see Forests and forestry — U. S. Fortifications, see Fortification — US —Gazetteers, see U. S. - Description and travel — Gazetteers — Genealogy See also U. S. — Biograohv u / —Geodesy, see Geodesy -- U. S. ^ff'r/rom V. S.— Biography 375 United States — Cominucd ^'<;°f/'Pl'y. ^^--U. S- Description and travel; alio Physical geography — U. S Oeology, set Geology — U. S. Government See also Civil service — U. S- Elec nons — U. S.; Nationalism, New; U S — t-onstitiiiion; V . S. — Politics Government publications See aho U. S. — Archives Guidebooks, /,., U. S. — Description and travel — Guideboolcs Harbors, see Harbors — U. S. ^i"-'"'''' resorts, see Health resorts — US Heraldry, see Heraldry — U. S. — — Hfrpct(i!oi;y, .r,-,- Reptiles — V. S. Historic houses, etc. History See a//o Indians — Wars; Northwest Territory U. S. ; Slavery in the U. S. Lnronology — Military S,;- also Indians — Wars; U. S. — .\rni> ; also names of wars --Naval See also U. S. — Navy; also names of vessels and commanders, and subhead Naval operations under wars — Sources —Study and teaching —Colonial period See aho America — Discovery and exploration; Bacon's rebellion; Colonial life and customs; French and Indian war; Indentured servants; King Philip's war; King William's war; Pequot war; Pilgrim fathers; Pontiac's conspiracy yueen Anne's war; Redemptioners • Stamp act, 1765; U. S. — History — Kevolution — Causes -French and Indian war, see French and Indian war -Revolution See also Declaration of independence • Fourth of July orations; Loyalists! American —Anecdotes ^ —Bibliography —Biography See also Declaration of independ- ence — Signers ; U. S. — History — Kevolution — Societies -Campaigns and battles See also Bunker Hill, Sullivan's expedition;' massacre -Causes See also Boston massacre; Boston tea party; Stamp act -Claims Battle of; Wyoming ■,'^t f'?"}, U. S. — Administration (s); it' c ■~^'^".''"'' political institutions (s) • L. S. — Constitution; U. S. — Politics Refer from U. S. — Archives; U. S. — Public documents (s) liefer from U. S. — Chronology (s) Refer from U. S. — Army; U. S. — Military history (s) ' ,j\'^"' 1'°'" ^- S. — Naval history (s) ; U. o. — Navy Rejer from American colonial history (s) ■ Bacon s rebellion; Colonial history (U S ) (s) •' Colonial life and customs; Colonial wars (s) • French and Indian war; King Philip's war- King Williams war; Pequot war; Pilgrim fathers; Pontiac's consplracv; Queen Anne's war uu'-^u^"^'" '^'""'can revolution (s) ; Bunker liill, Battle of; Declaration of Independence- hngland — History— 17,4-1837; Loyalists, American; Revolutionarv war (U. S) (s) • Revolutions; Sullivan's expedition; U S — Revolution (s) Refer from Boston massacre; Boston tea party ; Stamp act ; U. S. — History — Colonial period 376 U. S. — History Revolution — Continued Diplomatic history, set U. S. — llistory — Revolution — Foreign relations ^Drama Fiction Foreign relations French participation - — German troops Indian participation —Medical and sanitary affairs Naval operations Negro troops - — Personal narratives i"SVf alio School gardens Vacation schools 6Vc u/jo Summer schools Vacations See also Camping; Holidays; Outdoor life; Summer resorts; Vacation schools Vaccination Sff also Immunity; Inoculation; Small- pox ; \'arioloid Vacuum cleaning systems Vagabonds lee Gipsies; Tramps; Wayfaring life V'agrancy Jff Poor; Poor laws; Tramps Valdenses set Waldcnses Valency Valentine's day Valleys See also Erosion; Physical geography; Rivers Valor see Courage Valses see Waltzes Value See also Cost; Farm values; Money; Prices; Supply and demand Valves and valve gears Sc-e also Link motion; Safety valves; Steam engines Vampires See also Animals, Mythical Vandals See also Barbarian invasions of Rome Vanilla See also Flavoring extracts Vanity see Pride and vanity X'apor see Evaporation; Gases; Steam Variation (biology) See also Color of animals ; Color of flowers ; Color of insects ; Color of plants ; Evolution ; Heredity; Mendel's law; Natural selection; Plant breeding; Species Variation of the compass see Compass Variations (calculus) see Calculus Variety stage see Vaudeville Variola see Smallpox Varioloid See also Smallpox; Vaccination Refer from Forecasts; Government; Ideal states (s) ; Socialism; Socialistic Utopias (s) ; Sociology Refer from City gardens (s) ; Charities; Commons; Cultivation of vacant lots (s) ; Detroit plan (s) ; Gardening; Municipal im- provement; Neighborhood improvement; Pin- gree plan (s) ; School gardens; Unemployed; Workingmen's gardens (s) Refer from Education; Playgrounds; Public schools; Schools; Summer schools; Vacations Refer from Holidays; Hygiene; Outdoor life Refer from Contagion and contagious dis- eases; Hygiene, Public; Immunity; Inocula- tion; Medicine; Smallpox; Varioloid Refer from Cleaning; Compressed air; House cleaning; Sweeping Ch Refer fro Physical Rffer from Manners Valentine's day (s) emical elements; Chemistry, nd customs; St. Refer from Erosion; Physical geography; Rivers Refer from Cost; Economics; Prices; Stand- ard of value (s) ; Supply and demand; Wages Refer from Gearing; Link motion; Machin- ery; Safety valves; Slide valves (s); Steam engines Refer from Animal lore; Animals, Mythical; Superstition Refer from Barbarian invasions of Rome; Teutonic race; Wandalen (s) Refer from Flavoring extracts Refer from Biology; Botany; Evolution; Heredity; Mutation (s) ; Species; Transmu- tation of species (s) ; Zoology Refer from Medicine — Practice; Smallpox; Vaccination 382 Varnish and varnishing 6V<' (iIjo Japaiiniii);; Lacquer; Painting, Mechanical; Wood hnishing Vascular system .sVc «/.'() Anaiomy; Arteries; Blood; Blood vessels; Heart; Physiology; Veins Vases Sfe alio Pottery; L'rns \'assals stf Feudalism Vatican Sef also Catholic church; Popes; Rome (city) Vatican council Sfe also Infallibility; Popes — Infalli- bility Vaudeville Sfe also Theater Vaudois see Waldenses Vaulting See also Arches; Architecture; Domes; \'aults Vaults See alio Safes; Tombs; \'aulting Vector analysis Sff also Quaternions Vedanta Sfe also Philosophy, Hindu; Theosophy; V'cdas ; Yoga Vedas See also Vedanta Vegetable diet see Vegetarianism Vegetable gardening see Gardening; Market gardening Vegetable kingdom see Botany; Plants Vegetable mold see Soils Vegetable oils see Essences and essential oils; Oils and fats Vegetable pathology see Plants — • Diseases Vegetable physiology /« Botany — Physiology Vegetables ^S(V also Beets and beet sugar; Cookery — \ci;ctables; Gardening; Market gardening; Potatoes; Root crops; Vegetarianism Vegetarianism See also Animal food Vehicles Sff also Ambulances; Automobiles; Car- riages; Cars; Chariots; Coaches and coach- ing; Omnibuses; Transportation; Wagons; Wheels Veins See also Arteries ; Blood ; Blood vessels Velocipedes see Bicycles and tricycles Velocity See also Kinematics; Speed Refer from Chemistry, Technical; Gums and resins; Japanning; Lacquer; Painting, Mechanical; Wood hnishing Refer from Anatomy; Blood vessels; Cir- culatory system (s) ; Physiology Refer from Amphorae (s) ; Decoration and ornament; Pottery; Urns Refer from Catholic church; Popes; Rome (city) Refer from Catholic church — History; Councils and synods; Infallibility; Popes; Popes — Infallibility; Ultramontanism Refer from Acting; Actors; Amusements; Music halls; Stage (s) ; Theater; Variety stage (s) Refer from Arches; Architecture; Building; Masonry; Roofs; Vaults Refer from Architecture; Banks and bank- ing; Safes; Tombs; Vaulting Refer from Algebra; Quaternions Refer from Brahmanism; Hinduism; Pan- theism; Philosophx-, Hindu ;Theosophv; Vedas; Yoga Refer from Brahmanism; Hindu literature; Hinduism; Sacred books; Sanskrit literature; Vedanta Refer from Agricultural products; Beets and beet sugar; Botany; Food; Gardening; Market gardening; Potatoes; Root crops Refer from Animal food; Diet; Food; Vegetable diet (s) ; Vegetables Refer from Carriages; Transportation; Wag- Refer from Arteries; felood; Blood vessels; Vascular system Refer from Kinematics; Motion; Physics; Speed 383 Vendean war, I7g3-i796 Sre alio Cliouans; French revolution \'crulcc. War of, set V'cndcan war Vendetta \ cnJi>rs }yi- Sale Veneers and veneering Venesection /<■<• Bloodletting Venom S(f also Poisons Ventilating fans see Fans, Electric; Fans, Mechanical Ventilation Njv also Air pollution; Car hcatinjj, light- ing and ventilation; Chimneys; Fans, I'.lcc- tric; Fans, Mechanical; Heating; Mine ventilation Ventilation of mines see Mine ventilation Ventriloquism Versailles (palace) Versification S,e also Alliteration; Meter; Poetry; Prosod)'; Rhyme; Rhythm Vertebral column see Spine • Vertebrates See also Amphibia; Birds; Fish; Mam- mals; Reptiles; Zoology Vessels see Shipbuilding; Shipping; Ships; Steamboats \'estnients see Church vestments Veterinary medicine See also Animals — Diseases; Cattle — Diseases; Dogs; Domestic animals; Horse; Sheep; Swine; also names of diseases, e.g. Tuberculosis in animals Veto X'iaducts see Bridges Vibration See also Heat; Light; Motion; Physics; Sound ; Waves Vice See also Crime and criminals; Degenera- tion; Ethics; Prostitution Victoria cross Victorian literature see English literature — History and criticism — 19th century Views See also Pictures ; also e.g. New York (city) — Description — Views ; U.S. — Descrip- tion and travel — Views Vigilance committees See also Lynch law Vikings see Northmen Village communities See alio Communism; Local government; Mark (landj ; Tribes and tribal system Villages See also Local government; Towns Refer from Brittany; Chouans; French revolution; Vendee, War of (s) Refer from Feuds (s) ; Manners and customs Refer from Forest products; Furniture; Woodwork Refer from Bites, Venomous (s) ; Poisons; Snake venom (s) ; Snakes Refer from Air; .\ir pollution; .'\rchitecture ; Building; Chimneys; Heating; Home econom- ics; Hygiene; Sanitary engineering; Sanita- tion; Sanitation, Household Refer from Amusements; Elocution; Voice Refer from Art — Galleries and museums; France — Description and travel; Palaces Refer from Alliteration; .\uthorship; Meter; Poetry; Prosody; Rhetoric Refer from Amphibia ; Birds ; Fish ; Mammals ; Reptiles; Zoology Refer from Animals — Diseases; Cattle — Diseases; Diseases of animals (s) ; Dogs; Do- mestic animals; Domestic animals — Dis- eases (s) ; Farriery (s) ; Horse; Live stock; Medicine; Sheep; Swine Refer from E.xecutive power; Government; Legislation; Presidents Refer from Motion; Physics; Waves Refer from Crime and criminals; Degenera- tion; Ethics; Immorality (s) ; Prostitution Refer from Decorations of honor Refer from Geography; Pictures Refer from Courts; Crime and criminals; Criminal law; Lvnch law; Western states Refer from Commons; Communism; Com- munities (s) ; Government; Land tenure; Local government; .Mark (land); Society, Primitive; Tribes and tribal system Refer from Government; Local govern- ment ; Towns 384 \'illainage set VillcinaRe \illas see Arcliliccuirc, Domestic; Cottages; Country houses Villeinage .S'/v also Feudalism; Serfdom Villenage see VilleinaRC Vine see Grape; Wine V'ines see Climbing plants; Grape \ineyards see Grape Violets isee also Floriculture Violin .SVi" also Stringed instruments; X'iolin music; \'iolinists Violin music Violinists Si( also Musicians Violoncello See also Stringed instruments Virgin birth of Christ see Jesus Christ — Birth Virgin Mary see Mary, Virgin Virgin Mary in art see Madonnas Virginal see Piano Virginia resolutions, 1798, see Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, 1798 Virtue See also Chastity; Ethics; Goodness Viscera See also Abdomen; Intestines; Kidneys; Liver Viscosity See also Hydrodynamics ; Matter ; Splashes Visigoths see Goths Vision see Color sense; Eye; Sight Visions see Apparitions; Dreams; Illusions and hallucinations Visitations, Heraldic Visiting see Guests \ itagraph see Moving pictures Vital records Vital statistics See also Birth rate; Census; Fecundity; Mortality; Population; Vital records; also names of countries, subhead \'ital statistics Vitalism \ ilascope see Moving pictures Viticulture see Grape Vivariums See also Aquariums; Menageries Vivisection See also Animal experimentation; Dis- section Vocal culture see Singing and voice culture Refer from Feudalism; Labor and laboring classes; Land tenure; Peasantry; Serfdom; Villainage (s) ; Villenage (s) Refer from Floriculture; Flowers Refer from Bow (music) (s) ; Fiddle (s) ; Musical instruments; Stringed instruments Meter from Instrumental music; Music — Scores ; Violin Refer from Musicians; Violin Refer from Cello (s) ; Musical instruments; Stringed instruments Refer from Conduct of life; Ethics; Goodness Refer from Abdomen; Intestines Refer from Fluids; Gases; Hydrodynamics; Liquids; Matter; Physics Refer from Genealogy; Heraldic visita- tions (s) ; Heraldry Refer from Archives; Birth records (s) ; Death records (s) ; Genealogy; Marriage records (s) ; Records of births, marriages and deaths (s) ; Registers of births, marriages and deaths (s); Vital statistics Refer from Birth rate; Census; Death; Death rate (s) ; Life; Longevity; Man; Marriage statistics (s) ; Mortality; Popula- tion ; Statistics Refer from Biology; Life Refer from Animals; Menageries; Terrari- ums (s) Refer from Anatomy; Animal experimenta- tion; Animals — Treatment; Dissection; Eth- ics ; Pain ; Surgery 38s Vocal :nus!c see Choral music; Church music; Music; Singinp and voice culture; Songs \'i>cal organs ste Voice \'ocalisls Iff Singers Vocational education See also Industrial education; Professional education; Technical education; Trade schools Vocations see Occupations ; Professions Voice See also Elocution ; Music; Oratory; Sinping and voice culture; Sound; Speech; Stammering; Throat; \entriloquism Voice culture see Singing and voice culture Volaptik Wilatilo oils see Essences and essential oils \olcaiiic rocks see Igneous rocks Volcanoes See also Earthquakes; Geology; Igneous rocks; Lava; Physical geography Volition see Will Voltaic arc see Electric arc Voltaic cell see Electric batteries Voltaic electricity see Electricity Volumetric analysis see Chcmistr\ Analysis Volunteers (U. S. army) see United States volunteer cavalry; United States volunteer infantry; also under names of states, e.g. New York artillery; New York cavalry; Xi'w York infantry Voodooism Voting see Ballot; Elections; Representative government and representation; Suffrage Voting machines V oudooism see Voodooism Voyagers st-e Explorers; Travelers Voyages and travels S,-,- uIm) .VJveiuurc; .Antarctic regions; Arctic regions; Automobile touring; Buc- caneers; Discoveries and explorations; Ex- plorers; Geography; Ocean travel; Pil- grimages ; Sailors ; Scientific expeditions ; Sea- faring life; Travel; Travelers; Voyages and travels around the world; Whaling — ■ — Early [to 1650J Voyages and travels arotmd the world Wager of battle See also Dueling Wagers see Betting Wages See also Cost of living; Economics; Em- ployment agencies; Income; Labor and laboring classes; Labor unions; Prices; Profit sharing; Salaries; Standard of living; Sweating system; Value Wapon painting see Carriage painting Wagons See also Carriages; Vehicles Refer from Colleges and universities; Cur- riculum; Education; Industrial education; Occupations; Professional education; Public schools; Technical education Refer from Breathing; Elocution; Hygiene; Medicine — Practice; .Music; Oratory; Physi- ology; Singing and voice culture; Sound; Speaking (s) ; Speech ; Throat ; Vocal organs (s) Refer from Language, .Vrtificial Refer from Earth; Earthquakes; Geology; Lava; Mountains; Physical geography; Seis- mology (s) Refer from Conjuring; Eetishism; Megroes — Social life and customs; Superstition; Vou- dooism (s) Refer from Ballot; Elections Refer from .Vdventurc; .Antarctic regions; Arctic regions; Discoveries and explorations; Explorers; Geography; Journeys (s) ; Naviga- tion; Ocean; Ocean travel; Travel; Travelers; Travels (s) Refer from Circumnavigation (s) ; Travels around the world (s); Voyages and travels Refer from Battle, Wager of (s) ; Combat, Trial by (s) ; Dueling ; Law ; Trial by combat (s) Refer from Compensation (s) ; Cost of li\-- ing; Economics; Income; Labor and capital; Labor and laboring classes ; Labor unions ; Piece work (s) ; Prices ; Profit ; Salaries; Standard of living; Workmen's compensation (s) Refer from V'ehicles 386 ..\e. Wahabis .SVc ; Lumber and lumbering n?n'g"vVoof "' '^""■- '"^" •'"'^'"gs begi^n-' Distillation, see Wood distillation ■ l^ssil. see Trees, Fossil reservation See also Dry rot Wood burning see Pyrography Wood carving . .S-,v also Arts and crafts; Carving (art Fur";',""^'w^r ","■"" ^"'i orra'men furniture; Woodwork Wood distillation Wood engraving See also Block books Wood finishing See also Graining; Lacquer; Painting, and var'" ■• ^'""^ ""'^ ^'^'"'"g: Varnish and varnishing Wood pulp See also Cellulose; Paper Woodcuts see Wood engraving Wood^oA '"•'''"'^'°^"'^>';^V°°<1 See also Bamboo; Cabinet work; Carpen- try; Graining; Manual training; Pyrog- Ve''nee;. ^ 'T' ""'' • ''fining! Turning; Veneers and veneering; Wood carving- Wood; Woodworking machinery Refer from Kmancipation (s); Rights of women (sj; Woman su.frage; Women ^ Law Women - Rights of women (s) ' Af^^^r/rom Artists; Women; Women — Occupations; Women in literature and art Refer from Authors ; Women ; Women — ().cupatio;,s; Women in literature and art Refer Jrom Lawyers; Women; Women - Occupations Wo^men^""?/'''''''!'"' '"'' ^"^g^ons ; Women ; "omen — Occupations Refer from Art; Literature; Women can^-'r' s""" ^''^'^li"' ^'-"acteristics, Ameri- can , L . t). — Social life and customs nr.^/""/".'" ^"^' Building materials; Forest Woods (V)''°""' ^"' '°^"'^>'= Fuel; Timber! Refer from Dry rot; Kyanizing (s) ; Poles- Preservation of wood (s) ;' Railroads --?": limber — Preservation (s; Deftfr. r"'" .^"l^"d grafts; Bas-relief; Car- pentry; Carving (art industries); Decoration and ornament; Fret cutting (s); Furniture Manual training; Woodwork """'ure, Refer from Chemistry, Technical; Distilla- tion; Wood — Distillation (s) Refer from^lock books; Engraving; Wood- cuts (s) ; Xylography (s) S. vvooa V-.tlZj'Vl' ,G"'"'"g;, "ouse decoration; ■lainting. Mechanical; Stains and staining- V arnish and varnishing ; Woodwork *" ' R'f'r from Cellulose; Forest products- Paper; Pulp wood (s); Pulpwood (s) ^V^r/rom Architecture; Carpentry; House decoration- Industrial arts; .\Linual t aining Slojd (s); bloyd (s); Turning; Wood carvin" 394 Woodworking machinery ^Vi* ij/ju l.allii.:.; I'laiiing macliincs ; Saws Wool Sff also Dyes and dyeing; Khaki; Sliccp; Textile industry and fabrics; Woolen manii- facliire; Worslrd; Yarn Woolen manufacture See also 'IVxlile factories; Textile in- dustry and fabrics; Wool Woolen mills see Textile factories; Woolen manufacture Words See also Definition; Etymology; Gram- mar; Language; Names; Pronunciation; Rhetoric ; Spelling; Synonyms and antonyms; also names of languages Work See also Labor and laboring classes; Overwork Workhouses See also Prisons Workhouses (charities) see Alnishuuses Working classes see Labor and laboring classes Working day see Hours of labor Working girls see Girls; Women — Employ- ment Working girls' clubs see Working women's clubs Working women see Women — Employment Working women's clubs Workingmen's associations see Gilds; Labor unions; Workingmen's clubs Workingmen's clubs Workingmen's dwellings see Housing problem Workingmen's gardens see Vacant lot cultiva- tion Workingmen's insurance see Insurance, Acci- dent; Insurance, Industrial; Insurance, State and compulsory Workmen's compensation see Employers' lia- bility ; Wages Works management see Factory management; Machine shop management; Scientific management Workshop receipts see Receipts World see Earth; Universe World politics see International relations Worlds, Plurality of, see Plurality of worlds World's fairs see Exhibitions Wonns See also Earthworms; Invertebrates; Parasites Worry See also Fear Worship See also Ancestor worship; Animal wor- ship; Church attendance; Church music; Church services; Devil worship; Devotional Refer from Carpentry; Lathes; Lumber and lumbering; Machinery; Planing machines; Saws; Woodwork Refer from Animal products; Fibers; Sheep; Textile industry and fabrics; Woolen manu- facture; Worsted; ^'arn Refer from Textile Industry and fabrics; Wool; Woolen mills (s) Refer from Etymology; Language; Names Refer from Conduct of life; Hygiene; Labor and laboring classes Refer from Crime and criminals; Prisons; Punishment Refer from Clubs; Women; Women's clubs; Working girls' clubs (sj Refer from Clubs ; Labor and laboring classes ; Workingmen's associations (.sj Refer from Hclminthology (r) ; Invertebrates Refer from Anxiety (s) ; Conduct of life; Fear; Mental hygiene; Mind and body; Nervous system — Diseases; Psychology Refer from Church polity; Church services; Devotion (s) ; Devotional exercises; Idolatry; Liturgies; Prayer; Religion; Religions; Re- 395 exercises; Flements, Worship of; Family worship; I*'ctishism; I'irc worship; ll)'ntns; Idolatry; Incense; l.iianies; I.itur);ies ; Na- ture Worship; I'rayer; I'rayers; Responsive worsliip; Rites and ceremonies; Ritualism; Sacraments; Sacrifice; Serpent worship; Sun worship; Totems and totemism; Tree wiirship Worsted Si-iT also Textile industrv and fabrics; W.H.I; Yarn Wounds S,f alio Hemorrhage; Surgery Wrecking See also Salvage Wrecks see Shipwrecks Wrestling See also Jiu-jitsu W'rlurs see Authors Writing See also Abbreviations; Alphabet; Au- thorship; Autographs; Books; Capitaliza- tion; Ciphers; Cuneiform writing; Korgery; Graphology; Hieroglyphics; Ink; Inscrip- tions; Letter writing; Lettering; Manu- scripts; Paleography; Paper; Penmanship; Pens; Picture writing; Punctuation; Rhetor- ic; Shorthand; Typewriting W"riting for the press see Authorship; Journal- ism W rongs see Torts Wrought iron See also Ironwork Wrought iron work see Ironwork Wyoming massacre, 1778 X ray photography see Radiography X rays See also Cathode rays; Electric discharges through gases; Ions; N rays; Radiography; Radiotherapy Xylography see Block books; Wood engraving ■^'achting see ^'achts and yachting Yachts and yachting .S'(V a/.') America's cup; Aquatic sports; Boats and boating; Land yachts; Naviga- tion; Sailing Yam See also Cotton; Flax; Hemp; Silk; Spinning; Textile industry and fabrics; W i.L.1 ; Worsted Yawning Year See also Calendar; Chronology; Months; Seasons Year-books see Yearbooks Yearbooks See also Almanacs; Annuals; Calendars Yeast See also Fermentation ligious services (s) ; Rites and cercmonici; Ritualism; Theology Refer from Textile industry and fabrics; Wool ; Yarn Refer from Accidents; Injuries (s) ; Sur- gery; Surgery, Military; Surgery, Naval Refer from Salvage; Shipwrecks Refer from Athletics; Jiu-jitsu; Sports Refer from Alphabet; Books; Chirog- raphy (s); Ciphers; Graphology; Hand- writing (s); Inscriptions; Language; Manu- scripts; Paleographj' ; Penmanship; Shorthand Refer from Iron; Ironwork Refer from Massacres; Pennsylvania - History; U. S. — History — Revolution - Campaigns and battles Refer from Cathode rays; Diagnosis; Dis- locations; Electric discharges through gases; Electricity; Fractures; Induction coils; Light; Radiation; Radioactivity; Radiography; Radi- otherapy; Roentgen rays (s) ; Therapeutics Refer from America's cup; Aquatic sports; Boat building (s) ; Boats and boating; Cup races (s) ; Navigation ; Racing (s) ; Regattas (s) ; Sailing; Shipbuilding; Ships; Sports; Steam yachts (s) ; Steamboats; Yachting (s) Refer from Spinning; Textile industry and fabrics ; Wool ; W'orsted Refer from Breathing; Physiology Refer from Calendar; Chronology; Months Refer from Almanacs; Annuals; Calendars; Registers; Statistics; Year-books (s) Refer from Cookery; Fermentation 396 Yellow fever Sef iiImi M(>s(|uitocs Yellow journalism rrr Journalism; Newspapers Yellow peril jff Kastcrn question (Far Kast); K.uc problems; Yellow rates Yellow races See also Color of man; Mongols; Ethnol- ogy — China ; Klhnology — Japan YeUs See also Battle cries Yiddish language Yiddish literature Yoga See also Hinduism; Philosophy, Ilimiii ; Theosophy ; X'edanta Young men See also Boys ; Conduct of life; Gentlemen ; Men; Self-culture; Success; Youth Young people see Boys; Children; Girls; Young men; Young women; Youth Young women See also Conduct of life; Girls; Self-cul- ture; Women; Youth Youth S'e also Boys; Children; Girls; Puberty; Young men; Young women Zend-Avesta see Avcsta Zinc See also Brass; Galvanizing; Metals Zincography See also Etching Zionism See also Jews Zoar community see Separatist society of Zoar Zoaritcs see Separatist society of Zoar Zodiac See also Astrology; Astronomy Zodiacal light See also Auroras Zoogeography see Geographical distribution of animals and plants Zoological gardens See also Menageries Zoological mythology see Animal lore; Ani- mals, Mythical Zoological nomenclature see Zoology — -No- menclature Zoologists See also Entomologists; Naturalists; Or- nithologists Refer from Contagion and contagious dis- eases; Kpidemics; I' ever; Insects as carriers of contagion; iVIedicine — Practice; Mos- quitoes; Tropics — Diseases and hygiene Refer from Ethnology; Ethnology — Asia; Klhnologj — China; Ethnology — Japan; Race problems ; Yellow peril (s) Refer from College yells (s); Cries (s) Refer from German Hebrew (s) ; Hebrew language; Jewish language (s) ; Jews — Lan- guage (s) ; Judaeo-German (s); Judeo-Ger- man (s) Refer from Hebrew literature; Jewish litera- ture; Jews — Literature (s) Refer from Hinduism; Philosophy, Hindu; Theosophy; Vedanta Rejer from Boys; Conduct of life; Men; 'I'oung people (s) ; Youth Refer from Conduct of life; Girls; Women; Young people (s) ; Youth Refer from Adolescence (s) ; Age; Boys; Child study; Children; Conduct of life; Girls; I'uberty; Young men; Young women; Young people (s) Refer from Metals; Mines and mineral re- sources ; Sheet-metal work Refer from Etching; Lithography; Litho- zincography (s) ; Printing Refer from Jews; Jews — Political and social conditions Refer from Astronomy; Stars Refer from Astronomy; Light Refer from Animals ; .'\nimals in captivity (s) ; Menageries; Parks; Zoology Refer from Naturalists; Scientists; Zoology 397 Zoology [for systematic works and those Jcaling with zoology as a scicncc| Sff also Anatomy, Comparative; Animal- cules; Animals ; Aquariums; Uiology ; Birds; Cave fauna; Cells; Color of animals; Do- mestic animals; Domestication; Ecology; Elcctrophysiology ; Embryology; Evolu- tion; Fish; Fresh-water fauna; F'ur-bcaring animals; Game; Geographical distritnitiun of animals and plants; Heredity; Horns; Insects; Instinct; Invertebrates; Mammals; Man; Marine zoology; Menageries; Men- del's law; Microscope and microscopy; Monsters; Natural history; Nature study; Nests; Paleontology; Parasites; Phosphor- escence; Physiology, Comparative; Psy- chology, Comparative; Quadrupeds; Repro- duction; Species; Taxidermy; \'ariation (biology); Vertebrates; Wings; Zoological gardens; Zoologists; aho headings beginning Animal, and names of animals and of classes, orders and families of animals Economic Sff also Animal products; Birds, Useful and injurious; Domestic animals; Fur- bearing animals; Insects, Injurious and bcneticial Nomenclature U. S. i>V^ also Birds — U. S. ; Fish — U. S. ; Insects — U. S.; Mollusks — U. S. ; Rep- tiles — U. S. Zootomy see Anatomy, Comparative Zoroastiianism See alio Avesta ; Dualism; Fire worship; Parsees Zymotic diseases see Contagion and contagious diseases Refer from Anatomy, Comparative; Animal kingdom (s); Animals; Beasts (s); Biology; Brutes (s) ; Domestic animals; F'auna (s) ; Invertebrates; Mammals; Natural history; Nature; Nature study; Quadrupeds; Science, \'crtebrates ; Wild animals (s) Refer from Animals, Useful and harmful (s) ; Economic zoology (s) Refer from Names; Nomenclature (s) ; Terminology (s) ; Zoological nomenclature (s) Refer from Natural history — U. S.; U. S. — F'auna (s) ; U. S. — Zoology (s) Refer from Avesta; Dualism; Fire worship; Parsees; Religions 3Q8 .li I RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 0( ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUL 02 2003 L] DD20 15M 4-02 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY