UC-NRLF 1 '^tr^^^Ax>t>^cx:^ ,^^^j VOCABULARY 4 IN P NGLISH AND JA I K I R. ■WITH SENTENCES ILLUSTRATING THE USE OF WORDS. BT REV. R. E. NEIGHBOR, Now gong-, Assam. 4 CALCUTTA : PRINTED BY G. H. EOL'SE, BAPTIST MISSION PRESS. 1878. >G^^^^d6^^^dG^ ^i/'cXF^ ■;1^^^X3^»^ 4^^IjN^ ^^^'^CN-^.J i: ©ARPENTIER m VOCABULARY IN NGLISH AND /VilKIR. WITH SENTENCES ILLUSTRATING THE USE OF WORDS. BY REV. R. E. NEIGHBOR, Nowgong, Assam. CALCUTTA : PRINTED BY G. 11. ROUSE^ BAPTIST MISSION PRESS. 1878. ®ARP£NTiER PREFATORY REMARKS. mIiaI .«9av The transliteration in this Vocabulary has been made as follows 'Sf — - Q>_ ^ jll ^1 a ,~- 0^ ^ t ^ i ■c I ^ th ^ u — A ^ t Ji e -=: : JZ.- ^ th ^ 6 - ■ w (1 ^ k ^ (Ih •«r kh ^ n -5 s *f P W ch ^ l.h m 3 ^ b ^ bh 51 m ?■ y v\ 1 ^ r 5f V 5 h \ n^ 5f no; The letter ^ whether written or inherent in the consonant, has been expressed in the transliteration by o, as ^ cWt = p6 ; ^-K^^J = Kangton. I have preferred this sig-n rather than the a (without the diacritical mark) which is commonly used in expressing the sound of this vowel, because it is a truer representation of the actual sound in the Mikir syllables where it occurs. It has not been found necessary, as will be seen above, to use all the letters of the Bengali Alphabet, and but very rarely the forms § = t and ^ = th. There is a " \" somid in the Mikir as in English, which I have expressed by the sign ^. Excepting a small collection of Mikir words in MS. by Revs. Messrs. Tolman and Scott of this Mission, this is the first attempt towards an extended collection of Mikir words, and great pains have been taken to ensure accuracy. The syllable " po" (c^) which occurs in the Mikir equivalent of every English verb in the Vocabidary, is the first person singular, present tense ending of the verb. A col- lection of Mikir and English phrases illustrating the use of words, and the construction of sentences is given at the end of the Vocabulary, as well also as a list of Numerals, 754 1 94 ENGLISH AND MIKIR VOCABULARY. =>*- MiJcir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Abandon V. Tekang p6 C3^\ c^^ 3i V. Opo ^ C*ft Abhor V. Hijim p6 t^f®51 (,9^ Abhorent adj. Kahijim ^TftfSt^T Ability n. Boy ^? Abide V. Dopo W C*^ Able, to be V. Un p6 ^^ cWt Abode n. Kedo ahem C^^ ^KTJ[ }} n. Kedo adim C^W ^Tf^si Abolish V. Pivir p6 f«lf^^ c^ Abolished adj. Kapivir ^r*tr^"5 About prep. Komjir 1, ^iif®^ About adv. Biik ?[T

V. Kang-ton pd ^\'\1^ C*fl Abuse n. Kangton ^KISST Accept V. E'npo ^^ C<^ Acceptance n. Ke-en C^ ^^ Accompany V. Pendani p6 cs^^ttTsr c«lt )> V. Cheliingpon dam p6 CtBem-!^^ Tft?! CW^ }i V. A'ridun p6 ^Tf^^i^ c*f! Accumulate V. Pangrum p6 2. ^I^^si c^'t )) V. Kebui p6 3. C^^^ C adj. Kere' 1. C^T.-^ }> adj. Re-ong" 2. C^'5I\ Add V. Pang-rum p6 -s^K^si (.1^ A n TTi 1 T"i 'f inti n. Kerohur X1VA1JJ.J.1 ajxjLKJxX C} adv. Mo aphi sr ^Tj% 3. Lit. ; 1 and 2. Applied only to men, as " He is very acute." -The sun-declining period, i. e.— after it has crossed the meridian. [ ■^> ] English and MlJcir Vocabulary. im ir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Ag-ain adv. Aphak 1. ^t^Pl^ }) adv. Yoy phak 2. ? V. Rdpdun p6 ^t^ ^^ cWt Aid n. Kerap C^^T-!^ }} n. Kerapdun C^'^M ^ Air n. Tomon 1-51^ Alarm V. Paphere p6 'PfTTI^C'^ C^ }> n. Kaphere ^Tc^(.< Alas! intj. Ih! Ih! 't^ ! t7[ ! Alike adj. Sontot ^^« }j adj. Ching-harchit fw^ adj. Baduta ^t?^1 adj. Baduhandang" ^T;j Appearance n. Keklang C^^'K Appetite n. Ing-chir 2. Kfs V. E'dung dam p6 >il^\ WT5I cWt Ai'cher n. Bap theli kd-ap (al ang) ^t^ C9fl% ^.^ ^M (•5ii>n\) Arise V. Thur p6 9|7rc^> Ai-m (of body) n. E'ri ^f% Armor n. Chirnok |%vf

Assembly n. Arleng kepangrum ^TCef\ r.:ry for, c. g. ' gchir" = Appetite for rice, I'ice-hungry. 3. Arju p6 = I will ask about a thing; cnqiiiio. Hang p6=l will ask/o/- a thing. An in- [ « ] English and Mikir Vocabulary/. 3IiMr. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Associate n. Bang" ^rleng ^T^ ^tT:^'\ )} n. Ri arleng f^^Ce^S Astonish V. Mang-hudet p6 5rr\^cw«. c«tt Astonishment n. Manghudet 5lt\^CTf«. Auction n. Kejor 1. c^®r5 Aunt (paternal) n. Ni f^ „ (maternal) n. Pinu f^^q Authority n. Ajakong Autumn n. Chung phang ok ^\^r\ ^^ Avoid V. Tekang p6 2. C^^T\ C-ftt }) V. Sui phak p6 3. ^^ 5Fi^ f:Wt Awake V. Mek prang po (.^^^^ gjK (.-^ Awaken V. Mek piprang p6 C5I^ f<^2tK C*ft Axe % n. Cho ^ Babe n. 0&6 kathi i ^CFl ^' adv. Phi f^ Backwards adv. Phi f^ Bad adj. Lango c^tCSft }> adj. Hingo f^t^ }} adj. Jmigo ^(.9?'t Bag n. Jambarong ©i^^r5\ }} n. Jambili ®T^j^1% }} n. Jarong liR\ }} n. Thija f^sn Bag-o-affe n. Mar srm }> n. Hurmu Bait (for fish) n. Phelong Bald adj. Phulong 7p^\ BaU n. Kabonglong '^U\v\\ Bamboo n. Chek 4. c^^ }) n. Kepho ^ I/rfl 5. c^r.?pt Bamboo " suui^a/^ n. Lang pong c^K-s^S Band n. Keper c^.c^^ Bank n. Thepay c«r*fT?r Banquet n. Kecho C'^CWt Baptize v. Lang kapar bip p6 SfK ^T-s^t"^ l^vf c-!^'^ Lit :— a sale ; no word specially applicable to a pulslic sale, or auction. Tekang p6=lit : I will avoid e. g. evil speaking ; doing injury, &c., Suiphak p6=I will avoid— some person or danger, Aber ^tc^^ 3) }} Arlo ^iCc^ Belt n. Vankok ft^T^^ Bencli n. Ing-hoy K^ Bend V V. Inghum p6 t\«2,ii C!^) V Beneath prep. (See '' : BeloVO Beside }> Adung ^t?\ "•-^-Betel-nut n. Kove ^W Betrothed adj. Pjingrirela ng (osomai ) *tKl%C^^l\ ( ^55ir5 ) Between prep. Augboug ^K^\ }> i> Adak 'siTPfT^ Beware V. jMetha p6 C5[«n cv(> Beyond prep. Apar ^Mf5 )) }} Aparay ^T-i^Rf?! VBile n. Amut alan Of ^T^5. 'SneTTN Bill (of bird) K ^- Augtur ^T^^^ VBind V. Rak p6 ^T^ C9i\ Bind up V. Thui p6 2. 9ltC^) Bird n. Yo f Birth n. Oso amehang kethek ^c^"^ ^tc^^K c^c^^ Bite V. Kor p6 ^^ c^ i} }) Kangthok PO 3. ^l\^^ cWt \ Bitter adj. Kodak ^WT^ }} }> K6h6 J._r C Black }) Ikoi ?t^ )) » Ki-ik f% t^ Blacksmith n. Hemay c^i[T?r Blame V. Day do p6 Wm Tf C-sTT Blame n. Kdlet C?Pt^« 1. "E'tmarli" and " Bongmai'li" are words indicating affection; loving expressions used in addi'essing those dear to the speaker, but are not used adjectively. 2. In the sense of binding up one's sleeping mats, &c, when on a journey, &c, &c, 3. To bite by darting, as a snake. [ 11 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary. Mil-ir. Ell r/ lis h • Anglicised. Vernacular. Blanket n. Kar-om ape ^t^ ^51 ^tC-f^ Blaze n. Me ad^ c^r ^Tcw Bless V. Khox pi p6 ^I<1< JM C*ff Blessing n. Khox ^t^^ Blind adj. Amek kasilok (arleng) ^TC5I^ ^Tf5^^ ( mz'v(\ ) Bliss n. Kdrengme c^c-^^c^ Blissful adj. Kerengme C^C^\C5T I Blood n. Avi ^Tf^ Blossom n. Mir f^ Blow V. Tomon kejap po 1. «5[^ C^UM c*lt )y adj. But p6 2. 1^ cWt Blue Akilu ^tt^o^ }) J} Luhum 3. cT^sr Blunt adj. Kerere c^n^c^ Blunder n. Kemanghu CWS[-\\^ ij }} Kapbola ^t?prJl Blush V. Therak p6 c«t^r^ c-s^ Boar n. Phak al6 ^r^ ^Tc*Tt Board u. Inglioy t\^?i Boat n. Telong C1M\ Boatman n. Telcrng arleng c^v\\ ^tc^^ Body n. Bang m^ Bog- n. Inglian a jo ^^■^m '^\zm\ Boil V. Lang karklok p6 ^K ^T^'^ c-sil Boil (tuniuiir) n. Ingthum t\a|:5r Bold adj. Aning kei parpum leng) (ar- Boldness n. Aning kei parpum ^Tf^\ c^t 'S^r5<:t5 Bolt n. Angkir ^Kf^4 VBone n. Ripi r^N Book n. Puthi ^l^ Border n. Akung ^Tf\ Born (to be) V. Oso amehang tliek p6 ^C5> ^TCSl^t^ c }> Keram C* iikengri 2. ^TC^^fl[ Boug-h n. Aro ^K;^1 Boundary n. Ahoy ^r^? a Angdeng '^\V^\ VBow Baptheli m^t C9rj% Bow (salutation) n. Kardom ^u^^ Bowels n. Phek (M^ Boy ^ n. Oso ^c^ Box n. Pira r^m Bracelet n. Uoy ^ , Brain n. Atarlok ^v5tcT% Branch n. Avo ^IC^ Brass V n. Bitoy t^^il Brave adj. (See "Bold.") Bread n. Him ftsr Breadth n. Arpan ^T^ft^ \ >} >} Arpak ^tHt^ Break V. Beng p6 C^\ C'S'ft Break up a house &c '} !) Hem, &c, chipri p6 C^5I &C. ftfSj C^ Break in pieces }} Piphuk p6 fvpgT^ cWt Breakfast n. Aphrang kecho \ Breast n. Ning t^s Breast (of females) n. Mok ^^ Breath n. Chithe f^(.«r Breathe V. Chithe kevang p6 fwc«r c^?K cWt Breeze n. Tomon so ^^5^ CFl Bribe V. Kangdiik p6 }} >) Chongduk p6 T^\f^ c*(T Bribe n. Kangduk ^T\^^ }f )} Chongduk W°<^ Bride n. Keraytdng animso c^^?r^K ^tt^srdt Bridegroom n. Peso en abang c^^c^'t vn^ ^T^K Bridge n. Don; Dondon tr; ^t'VT'^ Bridle n. Ari -^tf< 1. Arlo — is the bottom of a vessel, &c. The under part, &c. like the Assamese "tol." 2. Akengri — is used of the base or foundational part of any thing, as the bottom of a tree ; the base of a monument. Like the Assamese " guri." [ 13 ] English and Mikir Vocahuld)')/. Mi/cir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Bright adj. Lirlir lorlor 1. t^1%% ^ct'% )> )) Kachithing 1. ^tf¥t^\ }> )} Chithingkling 1. 1%f%M'^\ }> >) Chithingbr 1. f^^\v\-:S. )> }} Kcphlan 2. 4t 'Brimstone n. Gondok 9f^^ Bring V. Van p6 f m C^ Broad adj. i^rpan ^iH^T^ ' „ }> i^rpak ^T^l^ }) }} i^var ^t^l-5 )) }} A jam ^TSiT^r Broken adj. Lokpet oij:*t«. )) }} Kel(>k C?P5T^ »} }} Kephuk Brook n. Langs 6 ^Kzi\ J} )) Lang Yoj «^T^^ Broom n. Arphek ^lc¥'^ Brother n. Ik 3. ^^ )} }) E't 4. ^<5 )) 3) Imu 4. H Brow n. E'teliang ^c^^T^ Brown adj. E'ring ^f%\ Bubble n. A'buk buruk ^T|^ 1^^ Buck n. Thijok alo Rs^ ^K^rt Bud n. Aphu ^t^ Buffalo n. Chelong Cfeci\ Bug- n. Ingthan t\^tJ( Build V. Kim p6 f%5lC^'t Building n. Hem c^^ Bull n. Chaynong alo ^n^\ ^tc^1 Bullet n. Hiloi amu f%?^ ^f^ Bull-frog n. Tarak dang dang ^T^T^ WKffT\ BuUock n. Chaynong alo wT )) }) Teram p6 4. C^T^ (."^ Calm adj. Aning ingsamjin ^tl^\ t\^t5r^fg|^ Can V. Un p6 ^3R (.'^ "Q Cane (rattan) 1 „ (walking" cai n. Pri fsr le) „ Chin f^JT Cap n. Photup 5p^<>f Captive n. Ban kedo arleno- ^T^ C^W ^TCcT\ Captive (to make) V. Ban inghoy p6 ^R K^? c-!^) Carbuncle n. Ingthum t\5j;5r Carcase n. Aru ^T5? Care V. MethS p6 CT^ri c^tt Care n. Kameth^ ^Tc^^l Careful adj. Angthin kedo (arleng) <5lT\f^J( C^W ( ^tCef\ ) Careless adj. Angthin ave ^Kf^Jl ^tCf Carriage n. Hem konglong C^SI ^\e^^ y~ Carry V. Bu p6 L . f.C^ 1. To apply fire ; to set on fire. 2. To taU fire ; lit. to eat (cho) fire. 3. To call by raising the voice ; to call out. 4, To call by sending a message, invitation, &c. L 15 ] English and Mikir Vocahularij. Mi/cir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Cast away V. Var po JU C^> Caste n. Kur t^ yCat n. Meng C^\ jj jj Meng kalu (J[\ ■ }> Ingki peban 1. t\f^ c-fl^tJ^ Cause n. Athe ^Tc^r Causeless adj. Akejoy ^Tc^s? a jj Akejoy jcpi ^Ti:^§l?I CSif^t VCave u. Atebuk ^TC-J^^ Cease V. Opo ^ (.'^^ -"^^ Centipede n. Cham brukso anorik 2. 1T5I ;g5^c^ ^t^f^^ )i }> Ruitiki 8. 1 ^^tl^l^ Centre n. Angbcngtot ^^^^l5j }) Kaprek p6 ^TC£f^ C's^'t Chang-e (causal) V. Pelar p6 c-s^^i^ c*it j^ V. Paprek p6 '5^TC£t

y p6 5lT-§i1 ^K^?I C*ft Chase V. Chirphlin p6 1%^f^5T C^lt iy V. Phlung dun po t^I^*<^"f^ Cheap adj. KdoY kerne ^TW^ C^CSI jj }j Ador kangfir ^T^<3: ^K^;^ > Cheat V. Chobei p6 W.^t r.v(t Cheek n. Ing om t\^if ' Cheerful adj. A' • Aning arong ^if^\ ^t^\ Cherish V. Pyhi p6 ^ *(fl c-i^ VChest n. Aning 4. 'Sltfsi^ 1. The large, haxvy species is so called. 2. The common, harmless kind. 3. The poisonoas centipede. 4. " Aiung" = the chest of men and animals. [ 16 ] English and Mikir Vocabulart/. Mihir. English. Anglicised. \ Vernacular. Chest (box) n. Pira f*mi Chew V. Kaheje p6 ^TC^CH c^^ Chicken n. Vo aso I ^tC5> Chief adj. Aketh^ ^tc^c^ Chief n. Rong asar ^\ ^I^T^ yy Sarthe ^tC5f 7} Chiefs wife n. Basarpi ?T^Hf*( Child n. Oso ^TC5t Chin n. Bip tt*f Chink n. Kanghang ^K^^ Chirp n. No kdngreng ^ ^TM;^^ Chisel " n. Nui ^^ Choke V. Achithok ketum po 1 ^if^or^ c^.qsi c«ff ji }) Alongjoy kachingthang p6 'I ^t«^Mi Pe pi-i p6 5. c^^ T^t <:*tt Clothings n. Kchoy ari 6. ^t^? ^tf% Cloud Cloudy n. , Inghun t\ ^^ adj. Ni-op f7? ^ft }) )) Kepanghun C^vfK^^ Club n. Kaybong ^1?I<1\ V Cluck n. Kekruk (,_^;^'4 Cold n. Sing jam f^MiTsr Cold adj. Kangsam ^T\'5T^ }) J5 Kichung f%^\ Collect V. Pangrum p6 '^^\^'s[ c*^ >) >i Kebui p6 " c^.f ^ cW^ Collection n. Kepangrura c^'!>fI^gJ5I Culour n. Acham 'STTSTsi )} J J Ason ^TT5^ Colt n. Losei aso 5!C5t ^tC^'t VComb n. Ingthi t\R Comb V. Chu kachingsok p6 ^ ^Tl%'\5^ C*f^ 1. To close as a door. 2. „ book. 3. „ Aoa;, or whatever has a lid. 4. To clothe one's-sdf. 5. „ another. 6. " Choy" is the iippor cloth worn around the shoulders ; "Ri" the cloth about the loins ; " Choy ari" is thus the term for clothing g'-nerally. [ 18 ] English and Mikir Vocahilary. Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Come V. Vang p6 ?t\ (.'^ i) }) Vang phli p6 ?Kf^ cWt Comet n. Chiklolongso amehi t%C^> «T\C^'t ^csrfl Command V. Hukum pi p6 ^f 51 f*f cWt Command ; — ment n. Hukum ^1^ C^ . ■^^sr Companion n. Sangho 5t\C^'t jj » E'ri ^f% ii }) Ari ^tl% }) }) Atum dni ^tv|5 ^TfJ( Compel V. Nang p6 1. ^t\ cWt Complete V. Thang p6 ^K C^ Comprehend V. Arju thek p6 ^l^^C^t^ C«Tf Conceal V. Chipatusit p6 1%^T^ft) }} Chipatu p6 f^^^r^ cWt Condemn V. Aday k^do sipu p6 ^mm c^^ f5*^c'^'t Conduct n. Adur ^m^ Confess V. Dochi en p6 ?1% vil^ C«>ft Confine V. Beng ckek p6 c?\ c^^ cWt Confusion n. Chehevoy cwi:^??! Conquer V. Hay p6 ^t? cWt Conqueror n. Keliay arleng C^^t?! ^IC^^ Conscience n. Keme kahingo abidi c^csr ^Tflcsrf ^ti^t^ Consider V. Metha p6 CTori c-!^^ Contain V. Pleng p6 C515^\ cWt Contemn V. Hijim p6 ftfe^i c^fr Contempt n. Kahijim ^Tf^m^T Contend V. Kachithu kacliithi p6 ^Tf^!^ ^tflf^ C?^ Contented adj. Auing kedok ^TR\ C^Tf^ Contention n. Kachehevoy ^lCWC?f )} Chehingvoy chingchek cwf^^^^u ft^c^^ Continue V. Ver p6 2. ci^ cWt Continually adv. Kayke ^T?c^ }} )} Dover H(.^4 Contract V Pati ni p6 ^T1% t^ cWt Conversation V. Kdchithan ol[%«im }) }) Kachingki ^lf^^t% Converse V. Chithan p6 ^^U c^ }} )} Chingki p6 t%\f^ cWt ^ 1. Used as a suffix with the causative form of the verb, thus : I will compel you to come = " N( nang pevang nang p6." 2. Used always as a suffix of the word expressing that in which one continues, as :— Kedam ve- = continue gome:. ' [ 19 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary. Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Convert V. Kur kon p6 1. f^^ ^^ cnf Convert n. Kur kimi ^ t%f^ Cook V. Tun p6 ^Jl cWt Cool adj. Ingsam jin ?\'5t53^ fW{ Copper n. Tam 1)U Copy n. Arjan ^l^t^ Cord n. Thepun ari C9r*t5 "sitf^ Cork n. Amartu ^tSTT^" Corn n. Thength^ 2. c«r\c«r Corner n. Kiok 3. 'SIT^^ )) J) Arno 3. ^rc^l Corpse n. Arleng aru ^TC«^ ^T^ Correct adj. Chenam (.w^\^ Cost n. {See "Priee.^0 Costly adj. Ador so-ong ^i^f^ ^^\ \ Cotton n. Ph^lo 4. C?pC*Tt }) » Tula ^^1 Cotton-mill n. Miching kret 1^t%\ c^\ Cough V. Pasi i p6 '^\f5 t c<^> )} )} Chingkak p6 f%\^T^ C^1 Cough n. Pasi i •^Tf^t Council n. Mei csit Counsel V. Per^ p6 C-s^C^ C^ Counsel n. Kapere ^It-s^C^ Count V. Lakha p6 s^T^ri c^1 Countenance n. E'mehang vflC^I^K Country X n. Det CVf« Couple n. E'chor } Keteng kay kon c^ci;\ ^1? ^sT Court-house n. Mei ahem C5it ^tc^sr Cover V. Diphlup p6 1. Literally : to change one's caste. 2. Indian-corn, or maize. 3. "Atok" = an inner comer; " A'mo" = an outer comer. 4. "Phelo" = uncleaned cotton; "Tula" = cleaned cotton. 5. Applied only to men as ; — " Banghini arleng" = a couple of men. [ ^^> ] jEnyluli and Mikir Vocahulary. English. Cover n. V Cover ; — ing n. Covet V. Cow n. Coward n. )} ii Crab n. Crack n. Cramp n. Crazy- adj. Cream u. Create V. Creation 11. Creep V. a ii Creek n. Crest (o£ bird) 11. Crime n. y) )) Crocodile 11. Crooked ' adj. Mildr, Cross over (as a river^ &c.) V. Cross adj. Cross-wise adv. Crow n. Crowd n. Cruel adj. Crumb n Crumble to pieces v Cry n Cubical adj, Anglicised. Dip p6 A'kup Kon p6 Chaynong" Kapbere Ining apoii Cbeb^ Kanghang- Katemi Limlongtong" Kapang kl^ng Tbib p6 Ketbib Arkum p6 Klim 23 6 Lang so Arasok Aduk A day Temong Kekvon K^k^k Kekdang Kap p6 Par p6 Aniiig ketbi -^ Ailing kasedeng Parj)au Voak AngS(9m Ailing ave Angtbiii ave Kangbon tbdktbe Kibu Iiigjiru p6 Kacberu Pelepbli Pelepblidak Vernacular. 5IK CT5t As a stone when burned for lime, &c. [ 21 ] Bnglish and Mikir Vocahulary. 3Iikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Cubit n. Ingrup t^^-ii Cucumber n. Thoythe 9r?c9t Cunning adj. K^/^ (.^x.-^ Cup n. B<9ng ^^ V Current (of a stream) n. Mi ^Tl% jj i) Livoy #»??r Curse V. Hay pi p6 ^T? v^ cWt Curse n. Hay ^t?i Curtain n. Kebeng c^c^\ Custom n. Krou ^R5t ii » Ajutang ^tf?t\ Cut V. Chor p6 w^ cWt 1/ " » Thu p6 ^(.'^^ t^Cut n. Kethu C^aj; Cyclone n. Arnam han tharvo ^^'T^ -^U oTTcfi Daily adv. Sini sini f^f^f^f^ iy » Arni arni ^TfJf^Tf^T )) )) Arnivang nivang ^f^J^K fJl^t\ Dam V. Teng p6 1. Clt'K C^ Damage n. Acham kidam ^T^tST f?I5Wr5I Damp adj. Chamsin •^t^JbW Dance n. Kekan C^^t?^ Danger n. Kisung f?P5\ Dare V. Aning keparpum p6 ^tfe\ C^^^^J^SI C*tt Dark \ adj. Kangting- <5K^\ )) }j Ingtiugkuk t\fs\f^ Darkness n. Kangting ^K1%\ Darn V. Keroy p6 c^^ Daughter V n. Sopi ^f*f Day n. Arn^rlo '^^J.^^zv^^ Day dawn n. Jirlo 2. Tw^z^ }} }) Adaprdng 2. ^T?T£:fr\ ' Dead adj. K^thi c ■ >> J6-et 5. c©>^^ Defend V. Ray p6 Deformed adj. Katikok ^Tt^^^ >} }> Katiki Delay V. Pider p6 tMCW^C^ Delight ; — f ul n. & adj. Kdchihok ^t1%5:^ )) }} Arong ^t^\ }} }> Rengme C^\C^ Deliver V. Phlok p6 ^^c^> Deluge n. Chala Demon n. Hi-i mt Den n. Angthor ^iS9t^ Dense adj. Kang-lum ^T^^ Deny V. Kroykre p6 S5ip\(.^ cWt 1. A general name for deer. 2. The deer known in Assam as tlie " Hor poliu." ^' V „ " Hogora pohu.'' *• »» „ " Horina." S« » ,> "Bhilingd." [ 23 ] English and Mikir Vocahulary. 3m ir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Deride v. Kangn^k det p6 ^T\C^ Destruction n. Kevirdet C<>ill4C5T« Devour V. Cho po' c¥t cWi Dew n. Ar-^ ^m^ Diarrhoea n. Vok kangsir -s^f^ ^Kf^^ Die X'v. Thipo U cWt a )) Thilot p6 f^m^ cWt y) }> Thidot p6 f^rw* c-sTt Different adj. Kaprek ^trisi"^ 1 Difficult adj. Sungkrung T5\:55\ Dig '■. V. Tuk p6 ^T^C^ Diligent adj. Kaselet le ^tC5T:*T )} Laputhu c^ttt (that) n. Halanathu ijHt^tsl; 3> )) )> Halaputliu ^T*it«t«|: Dirty adj. Ninonii f^\fJl Disbelieve V. Kroykre p6 ^<[CI^ ^*ft Disclose V. Pe-klang' p6 c-H^t\ cWt Discourse n. Lam kithan 5it5T t%«i"r?^ Discover V. Long p6 5T^ C's^'t Disease \ n. Keso ^I^PC^'t Disgrace n. Katerak ^TCim^ Dish n. Kasu ih. Distant adj. Distress n. Distribute v. Distrust V. Ditch n. Divide v. Do V. Doctor n. Doctrine n. Dog n. Door n. Double adj. Doubt n. Dove n. Down (bird^s) n. Down j — wards adv. Drag v. Draw out, or along v. Dream n. Dress one^s self v. Dress another v. Drink v. Drive v. Drop v. Drop V. Dross n. Drove n. Drown n. Drum n. Mlkir. Anglicised. Vernacular. Heloving Helo Kisung Ron p6 Kroykre p6 Dong Chan Thak p6 Klem p6 Inghoy p6 Katiki p6 Chij)lang p6 Thekire - Ikithan Methan Inghap Phani Phon i^thik ave Vo tung Angmi so A^ngmi kangduk A'klong Chethur p6 Vung p6 E'mang Pe cheun p6 Pe piun p6 Jun p6 Hung p6 Piklobup p6 Kangjui p6 Lang amu i^ngbip Ahur Lang kejang p6 Cheng ^^ 1. This is the general word for " to do" ; the other terms are used in special senses. 2. " Thekire" is not properly " doctor," but " medicine man," — priest or sorcerer. 3. " Kangjui" — to di-op as fruit from a tree. [ 25 1 English and Mikir Voeahulary. Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Drunk adj. Hot kangri ^ ^t'vf^ Drunkard n. Hor kangri abang ■^ ^Kf^ ^m\ Drunkenness n. Hor kejun ^^ c^^^ Dry adj. Akreng ^Tc;^\ yy 7} Krengdang C^\T!(\!; Akri /. 1. ^rf^p Early adv. Serak '' ^^k,^^ ^ fB^^ Earth n. Pirthe 2. Hc^r )} j> j Longle 2>J v[\Qm Earthquake n. Chikli \kr^ East n. Nihiing f^T^^ Eastern adj. Nihang ^\\\ Easy adj. Sungsedet )t }) Joyke li?C^ Eat '■ .V. Cho p6 cs> cWt Eatables n. Kecho ahurmu c^r.^'t wT"^^ Eaten "< adj. & part. Kecho c^c^> Echo n. Ase angtong 'SITU^ '3n^"5\ Eclipse n. Chiklo chongho kejoy fk^-^ w^^^ c^^ Edge n. Akung" 3. '5lTf\ )f }} Angso 3. ^T^C31 Eel n. Kumchelen f5itb^(,ri;^ 1. Ears of grain. 2. "Pirthe" = the world ; " Longle" = the soil. 3. "Akung" = the margin ; "Angso" = the edge of a cuUiiirt i) }> Pime p6 1. r«tc5f (j^ Elsewhere adv. Along kaprek ;. ^T5T\ ■^%'SX^ Embrace V. Chirbak p6 ft^l^ C-s^ft Embroidery n. Pe amang C^ ^t5lK Empty adj. A'kejoy -iil(.^ii?r )y }} Angse ^\Tr5 Encircle V. Kompet p6 -^■^-^w cWt End V. Petang p6 c^^T^ c<^> End n. Kapetang 2. MT.'^I'W i) }} Akejut 2. ^Tc^'^^ >} }> Angchung 2. '^T'n'^^ Endless adj. Kayke ^TC?^ )> }} Kayta ^TUll Endure V. Chichak p6 fbe^T^ cWt Enemy n. Kachelang selet ^tTIl^TK C^CeT<5 Enough adv. Melo C5[C*ft Enquire V. Arju 1)6 'sit^^ cWt Enrich v. Plang i p6 «^T\ t cW) Enslave V. Ban inghoy p6 ^m t\^ Entrails n. Phek C^

)) Kardom p6 ^IffsT C'^'t Entreaty n. Kechongduk C^W\^^ )} }) Kardom ^m'sT Equal adj. Cliingbarchit f^^?■T^V^ Erect Y^ adj. Kengdong c^•^^^ V „ }} Kengding c^\f^^ Err \v. Manghu p6 - Ji^L 5lT\^ cWt >y }} Tenedet p6 C3i:^cff«. c«lt 1. "Ingtiu- p6 = I will raise ; lift up. " Pime p6" = I will elevate moralhj : improve. 2. " Kapetang" and " Akejut" ex-press j^iialiti/ ; " Angchung" is the end of a >-ci/;f, stic^; &c. [ 27 ] English, and Mikir Voeahidary. Mi/cir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Error n. Kamanghu <^|S|I^^ a }) Katen^ ^K^C^ Escape v. Jokphlot p6 W^'^^ cWt Eternal adj. Kdyke ^ Examination n. Asat ^f5t<^ Excellent adj. Me-ong C5^^^ Except prep. Apar ^-s^t^ Excessive adj. Ake-ong ^tC^ ^«v. Exchange n. Alar ^T^H )) }} Apateng ^T'sW^\ Exhibit v. See " Show." Expect v. Inghong p6 t\^^ cWt Expel v. Hung p6 ■^^c^^> Expense n. Kapekon 2. "^K^^^ Expert adj. Kere (arleng) C^^^ (^Tc^\) Explain V. Than p6 ^TR cWt Explanation n. K^than c^oTTJ^ External adj. Angtan ^t^^T^ Extinguish V. Pemep p6 c«tai*(cWt Eye n. Mek CW

cWt^ False adj. Chobei W.'^ Falsehood n. Chobei alam ^C^t ^t^T5T Fame n. Nong -^\ Family- n. E'don erap £i7{^ ^■^'[9i Famine n. Kangchir Fatigue n. K^Uk C^wlt^ Fault n. K61^t C^t5f^ Favor n. Kanghon ^T^^^ )T }> Kangjinso ^T^fsiCi^ vFear V. Phere p6 Cipt4 cWt \ Fearful adj. Kaphdreduk ^li:^Tr5^ )} Ong-e ^^^ Fiddle n. Kum ^^ 1. That is, to fail as a supply of water, rice, &c. [ 29 ] English and MiJcir Vocabulary. English. Field n. Fife n. Fig n. Fig-ht V. Fight n. Figure (shape) n. Figure (numerical) n. VFill V. }> }> Find V. Fine adj. Finger n. Finish V. ■ Fire n. Fire- fly n. I'Firewood n. Firm adj. Firmament n. First adj. Fish n. Fisherman n. i^ Fish-hook n. Fish-net n. Fissure n. ■ Fist n. Flame n. I/Flat adj. /Flea n. Flee V. Fleet Flesh adj. n. Mihir. Anglicised. Hit Muri Ingle Kachechok p6 Kachechok Arjan Amek Pipleng p6 Thap p6 Long p6 Longrui p6 Long-o p6 Me-ong Phirso E'ri chimun Tang p6 Dampajuk Theng Thirklui Siniug Aphrang Ok Ok ri abang A'r-hi Ok alan Kanghan ^ , Chikip AJUO'(M' Me ade Klamdir Chikli Ktit p6 Katjui p6 Katklip p6 Katphit p6 Keprap Ok . Vernacular. 1, " Pipleng-" means to fill up to the brim ; " Thap p6" indicates a filling somewhat less than brimful. 2. " Longrui p6," and " Long-o p6" arc stronger expressioQS than the simple form " Long p6," indicating a finding in nbundanQe. [ 30 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary . Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Flint n. Pathor <^T9l^ Float V. Inglang pong p6 t^c^T^'s1^ cWt )i a Ingldng p6 t\^t\ cWt Flock n. E'song >il^\ )y )i Ahur ^1«2,< Flood n. Chala ^trfl Floor n. Klong ^S Flour n. Him f\^ Flow V. Livoy p6 f^^? C'^^'t Flower (or Blossom) V. Kangthu p6 Flower n. Mir t^^ Flute n. Pongsi -s^sf? Fly V. Ingjar p6 t\^k cWt Fly n. Bituso f^^-^ Flying-fox n. Plakjuk en ■»- Foam n. Angbip ^T^tt^ Foe n. Kachelang selet ?PTcw^t\ (^^% Fog n. Inghun t\-^a[ Fold n. Phan 1. 5pm Fold V. Du p6 ? c*i> Follow V. Aphi kedun p6 ^TlTp C*^^ Cii«rr^ }) }} E'be'ng i)rT5I Freshet n. Dhol alaug 5i^ ^tm\ y) }) Voloi alang <>f^<5 ^tsif Friend n. Jirpo fsicsfl )) }) Jirpi M'^ Frighten /Fringe v. Pipher^ p6 t%c^c^ c^'t n. Apre ^tC£t i/Frog n. Chongho ^^C^> From prep. Apera ^ic-!^^ }) )} Apen ^tc*^^ Front n. Aphrang =5ll^|\ yFruit n. Athe ^TcV Fruitless adj. Akejoy ^TC^SJH Fuel n. Theng c Kechon c^w^ Gamble V. Pathu p6 Gambol V. Jui p6 ft c^T yi Gape V. Kobe p6 -^T.\ C<^ Garden n. Beri"^ C^ft Garlic n. Arsun kelok Gate n. Inghap t\^M Gather V. Pangrum p6 *fK^5i cWt Gaze V. Lang p6 ^T\ C«Tt Gentle adj. Aning keding ^Tf^^ C^f^\ )C Get V. Long p6 p^ • 5I\ C'^'t ' Ghat n. Langhe 5rT\c^ Gift n. Kipi f^r^ Gimlet n. Kdhinar ^Tf^J^t^ Ginger n. Hanso ^tCi)3> Girdle n. Vankok fT^^^^ Girl n. Osopi ^T^f*( Give Vv. Pi p6 f«1C^^ }) }) Chipi p6 f%f*(C*^ Gizzard n. Aphektung ^TC^.^\ Glad adj. Kerengme C^t^\T:5l . Glass n. Loji wjfgi Glorious adj. Kerne C^CST ^j )} Kethe cc9r Glue V. Pachinir p6 *(rf^f^^ c*rt Glutton n. Kabho ?5Tc^ Gnat n. Chitim fwt^^ Gnaw V. Chongsek p6 ^\C-5^ C<1^ Go V. Dam p6 Ift5TC<^ Goat n. Bi ^ . God n. Arnam ^isrm Godly n. Dhorom 5J^5I ^ Gold n. S^r c^^ V Good adj. » Mesen . ^wyA^ Me ^ ■'*' C5I [ 33 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary, Mi/ •ir. English. Anglicised. Vcrnacidar. - Goods n. Martar ^t^Tt^ Goose n. Yo pitunghar ^ f^^^^t^ Gore v. Tyng- p6 %'\ (.'S, Gospel n. Akem^ abirta ^tC^CSI ^Tf^Tl Govern V. Sopang'-ri p6 ^-s^Kft (."^ Grace n. See ''Favor". Gradually adv. Pejo pejo c^csT C^Clit Granary n. Puru *15^ Grand-daug-hter n. Supi-^. ^f^ V Grand-f atlier n. Phu 1 V Grand-mother n. Phi f?p Grand-son n. Supo 5C^> G^-ajie n. Thengpi kindu athe <:<^r^f^ f^^^ ^t?:^ Grasp X V. Nep p6 C^*!^ c*fl Grass n. Bap )) Pasimu p6 ^ttf^^C-s^^t Guard V. Hon p6 ^5^ cWt Guardian n. Keray abang c^^r^ ^T^t^ Guest n. Alohi arleng ^t^fl ^ic*f\ Guide V. Tovar kethan p6 «f t^ c^-ori^ c^ Guide n. Tovar kethan arleng «ft^ C^^T^I ^TC»R Guilt n. Kel^t C^C5T<5. Gulp V. Joydut p6 St?^« C*ft Gum n. Aphik 1. ^Tfe^ Y ^> ' )} Isoni 2. t^m Gun n. Hile' %cT V Gunpowder n. Hile aph^lo ttc^ ^U^c^l Gutter n. Dong Tf^ Habit (custom) n. Aron ^m^ }} }) Ajutang ^tf5K V Hail j -stone n. Herei c^c^ Hailstorm n. Tipli herei 1%f^ c^t^t Hair (of the head) n. Chu f „ (of the body) n. Angmi 'siKt^ Half adj. Achitim ^Tf^t%5l "Halosa^^ n. Chii'i t%ft Halter n. Ari ^Tf^ Hammer n. Kibu ^1 Hand n. Ri f% Handle n. Be c^ Hang up V. Vekpo ci^ cW) Hang down V. Janglen p6 ®fTM:e^^ C Hate V. Hejim p6 (.tfm c<^ Hateful adj. Kahejim ^c^fii?:( Hard adj. Ingtang t^^T^ }> }} Kangtang ^K^t^ 1. The gum which exudes from trees. 2. That in which the teeth, are get. [ 85 ] English and Mikir Yocalulary. Ilikii: English. Anglicised. Vernacular. 1 Hare n. Mengserdn^ C^\Lb4\\ Harm V. Phango p6 ^rt^ft cWt v'Hawk n. Vo muramhet ? l^tsrc^* He pro. Alang ^l^t\ t^Head n. Phu 1 Heal V. Peme p6 c«tcir c^ Heap u. Angsom ^T\'55I >) )} Abui '^^t Hear V. Arjn p6 ^i^cWt Heart n. Yihong f|■^^ Heat n. Soluk 15^^ Heathen n. Sekarkli C5<5V?[^ Heaven n. Sining f^f^\ / Heavy adj. Kardik ^l^^f^^ VHeel n. Kengti C >j Ahur ^1=2,4 Herdsman n. Kividun arleiig ^f^^7{ ^tC5T\ Here adv. Ladak 5TT?r^ Hew V. Cliep p6 cw^ cW) Hide V. Patu p6 ^f^ C^> High adj. Kangtui 1. ^K^t }) }} Kiding I. f%it^ Hig-hway n. Tovar pi 3^r^ fs^ Hill n. Ingloug' so K^\ C5) Him pro. Alang ^mK Hinder V. Khang p6 •9rr\ c-pft }) jj KhangtUip p() •«tt^f^^ c*i> Hindrance u. K^khang c^-»rK Hip n. Kengtham dcliobak c^\^i5i ^Tj^r^ 1. "Kangtui" applies to things of great altitude, as mountains, &c., " Kidia;^-" simply means tall, i. c. it conveys the idea of length. [ 36 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary. Mil ir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Hit V. Chok p6 1. ^?p C*ftl 7> }} Theng p6 1. (M.\ (.-^ Hither adv. Dak ^^ Hoe V. Ncng p6 ^^^C*ft Hoe n. Ku f Hog n. Phak •?pt5P Hold V. Otlok p6 •^\W^ (.^ Hole n. Augkrak ^T\^ 3i n. Angthor ^n«t<[ Holy adj. Asot ^T^^ Honest adj. Asot M _ ^T55 \/ Honey n. Pi jo alang '- f^cst 'sitsiK %_ Honey-comb n. Ahom — ' \- ^T^?I Honor n. Nong ^ 'j, . 5^«^ Hook n. Av^k '^itt;!^ Hoof n. Chimi ftl^ Hop V. Chon chotchotsi dam p6 ^^ w«^«l^ iftsr cW^ Hope V. Metha p6 c^«ri cWt Hope n. Kametha ^TCSI^I Hopeless adj. Achiugkir ave ^tl%\f%^ ^tc? Horn n. Anu ^t^ Hornet n. Jori ®if% Horse n. Losei wTC^t Host n. Kiru arleng f^^ ^l(.»t\ VHot adj. Sodak 2. t>^rl^ ij )) Kephang-ok 3. C^^T\'5I^ House Y n. Hem c^sr Householder n. Hem-phu C^5I^ House-fly n. Bituso j^^c^'t Howl X, V. Kang-rong p6 ^t\-5\ cWt How? }> Kopu ^1 }i }} Kopusi ^•>t^^ J) }} Kolopu ^wT«^ }} }> Kolopuson ^^«J^^^ How many ? )) Ko-an f )> Kolo-an ^^^R » 3) Ko-ansi ^^I5rf$- 1. " Chok p6" is used when men, and " Theng p6" when animals or things are struck. 2. "Kephang-ok" applies only to men, as when hot and sweating with work ; e.g. — " hot" =ne kephang-ok. It cannot he used like " Sodak" to things ; e. g. to hot water. I am V [ 37 ] English and Milcir Vocahulary. English, Mikir. Anglicised. Vernacular. V'How much ? See " How many T' Humble adj. Akop ave ^t?s«1 ^tc^ Huno'er n. Ing-cliir t\ft^ Hunt V. Ok keliung p6 ^^ C^^\ c-fft Hunter n. Ok kehung- abang- ^^ C^^\ ^T^N Hurricane n. Tomon pi ^5Rf*f a )i Tomon kcthe ./<^ irsi^ c^c^ Hurry V. Dam serak p6 '^ 1. WT^ c^^^ c*it a a Vang serak p6 ' ' . . 2. ^K C^<[T^ cWt Hurt V. Peduk p6 C'S'f^^ C^^'t Husband n. Peng-an C<>f\^t^ Husk V. Hek p6 c^^ c*rt Husk n. Ahu ^ ^1^ Hymn n. Alun . c'^;-^- a" ^te^^T Hypocrite n. Angtbin ki-ik (abang) ^T\fe^ f%t^ ( ^T^K ) I pro. Ne C^ Ice n. Kaparlong alang ^*1t^ 5[s ^t^T^ Idiot n. Ingcham t\^T5r i} a Limlongtong 1%5r5T\^\ Idle adj. Kaselet ^tcK*^^ / » a K^-oy c^^?r Idol n. Arnam arjan ^i^'t^t ^t#t;T I£ conj. Lale^ e^TC»T ^Ignorant adj. Kelu (arleng) C^e^ ( ^tC^\ ) )) yy Angtbin kave ^t\l^^ ^Tc? Ill-fortune n. Kisung kilak f^^j'N ■f^*Tt

Immortal adj. Kayta tbitbe ^Tng p6 fet'S^?\ C^] }> )} Kangthun p6 f ^T\«i:^ C*ft V Joint ' n. Asek 4.^- ^tC5^ }) }> Kapachichu 5. ^T'!^Tf%^ Joke n. Kachilem alam ^TJ%C5^5I ^T5Tt5I Journey n. Kedam C^?t5I Joyful adj. Arong ^T"5\ )y }} Rengme C^\C5T Judge n. Kiingsay abang ^t\5T?I 'SJt^Tv Juice n. Alang ^t^K / Jump V. Chon p6 ^^<:*i) Jump (together as boys at play, or horses. deer, &c. over a fence, or stream) V. Chon phlong phlang phliing p6 W^ tp\ ^\^\ cWt I Jungle n. Ingnam 6. t^i^rsr V .» }} Kang-ram 7.- ■^K^rsi Just adj. Asot ^T^3 )} » Mesen CTr5^ )) )3 Athik ^ilvr^ 1. Not according to cstaLlishcd law, custom, &o. 2. Not in a lino or given order ; as when trees, &c., arc planted out irregularly. , ^V. -f^'^ '^, ^^ general word for the various articles of jcwcUery. Eoy = Bracelet ; Lek = Ncck. lace; IS o rik and :No thcngpi= Ear ornaments. 4, A joint as in a bamboo ; a human joint, &c. 6. A joint in carpentry, &c. 6. Forest jungle. 7. Grass jungle. [ 40 ] Enf/lish and Mihir Yocabtdary. Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Keep V. Bi p6 1. ^C^ }) }} Khang p6 2. •STK cWt Kettle n. Tibidi 1%!^ Key u. Honsar ^sr^f5 Kick V. Tur p6 ^^ c^'t Kid n. Bi aso ^ ^TC^1 Kill V. Doyhet p6 w?in^^ cs^ }) )} Pithi p6 3. Mk c*{1 Kind adj. See " Merciful/' Kind n. Kur J^ Kindle (afire) V. Me pekar p6 C5I C«1^t^ C's^'t Kindness n. See " merciful/' ' Kindred n. E'don erap OQW^ ^"^t^ King- n. Recho C^^^ Kingdom n. Recho adet C^CS^ ^TCW^ Kiss V. Kar-u po ^T^^ cWt \ Kite n. Vo mu ^ ^ ^ Kitten n. Meng aso c^\ <5ITt:m Knee n. E'kengkung ^C^\f \ )i ' n. E'kengphu •ilC^V'^ Kneel "^- V. Kengphu ching-hum p6 C^\:^ f^\-^5f cWt Knee-pan n. E'kengphu ahambi >ilC^^-5 ^T^T^it Knife n. Tari «tf% Knot V. Tit-lok p6 %\v[7^ C^ Knot tightly V. Tit-kla p6 ^<^^1 C^Tf Knot together V. Martun p6 sn^^^ cWl Knot n. Atit ^ri% }> The-par 2. C^^T^ Last adj. Ajut "m^^ Laug'li V. Ingnek p6 't\Z^^ C'H\ Laug'h ; laughter n. Kangnek ^T^C?^^ Law n. Aron ^f^ Lawless adj. Aron kroykre ^H^ sp'^Zsc- }) }} Lam kroykre eilij v£p?ICv«p Lay V. Bi p6 3. ^(.-^ Lay- V. Pati p6 4. *iil^ cWt Layer n. Achap ^mr*T Lazy adj. Kaselet ^TCR5}^ V >> }} Ke-oy c^.=si Leak V. Lang li p6 e^T^ f% cWt Lean adj. Kachung kreng ^i^\ c:^\ Leap V. Chon p6 w^ cWt Leap down V. Sun p6 55 cWt Learn V. Kachirli p6 ^Tf^ra'c^ Leather n. Areng ^TC^\ Leave V. See ^^ Abandon" \ Leech (w -ater) n. Ing-lit ?\1ii^ i/- - (1'^ md) n. Ing-phat t\Tt5T«. 1. Indicating something larger than " Ke the." 2. Very large. 3. In the sense oijntt or place. 4. To la y W*' L 4.2 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary. Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. y Left hand adj. Arvi ^rft" V Leg n. Keng 1. c^\ a >} Keng-tham 2. C^\^T5T )} » Keng-sak 3. C^^ ^t^ Leisure n. Ksay ave ^t5t? '^M'^ Lend V. Piram p6 f^^^I C'!^ Lengthwise adv. P^rjon '?W^7[ -> Leopard n. Bong-kro-i ^\Ls?\ ^ Let V. Pi; pe 4. f^J C^ Let go V. Lophlot p6 5l^s> C-fft V Letter n. Siti f5l% „ (of alphabet) }} Ahi ^Tft ] Level adj. Klamdir -^u^< Lever n. Kindar 1^^t5 Liar n. Kechobei abang f.^c<5'? ^?rts Lick V. Kdnglek p6 ^T= C5i^ cWt Lid n. Adip ^tft-s^ }) )} Ing-hap 5. t\^'s^ Lie V. Chobei det p6 ^n^t cTf«^ c^ Lie n. Kechobei alam c^^t^t ^T^rtsT * ^ Lie down V. I p6 tc^^1 Lie in wait V. Choton p6 «^5^ cWt » f} Tending p6 «f^^ cWt Life n. Chithe fe^if Lift V. Rung p6 5*^c^fl Light n. Kathe-ang ^ 'i\ ^tc«r ^K Light adj. Karjang ^J ^t#K }} }} Kdrjangtang ^t^t^^K Lightning n. Kabirlak ^t^sfr^p Like Sontot ■5^^ }) Puson «t?5T )) Thelaldk r.QicTtorr^ Like V. Ningdok p6 f^sw^ c^ Limb (of a tree) n. Aro ^tc^'t Lime n. Sayni K?f^ Limit n. Ahoy ^t?? 1. The whole leg. 2. From the hip to the knee. 3. From the knee to the ankle. 4. Used as a prefix to the verb ; lit. the causative form of the verb. 6. Wheu on hinges this term is used ; lit. a door. [ 4.3 ] English and MlJcir Vocahdary. Mikir, English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Limit n. Xngdeng '^\'\r.^\ Line n. Aren ^tU5^ Linger V. Pider p6 IMCW^ Csfl Link n. Arnan ^RH V Lion n. Lip u. Ingtur ^n^ Liquid n. Lang v\\\ Listen V. Arju p6 a }} Arjuding p6 ^i^(%\ c*n )} )) Arjutcn p6 1. ^1^-5^ CKt Litter n. Hijim-lam f^fm *im » )) Hijimur fVf©^^ Little adj. Ong-e '^\^ )) }) Ong-e-det ■«l\il CTt«. }) }) Jeso CUC^ » }) Adidi 2. ^Tfwf^ V Live V. Reng-et p6 (.■^\^^ CKt Liver n. Angtliin ^t\R^ Living adj. Kereng C^T.7i\ jj }f Ke reng-et C^C^\ ^«. Lizzard n. Bilit ttfST^ Lo! intj. Langtha ^\\'i^^ \Load n. Ang-hor '^W'^'^ Lock n. Achelie 3. mz^z^ Locust n. Phelong C5p5T\ \/ Lofty adj. See " Higb.^^ Log n. .Tengpi (r5\f^ Long adj. Kiding 1%t^\ }) )} Ding-len f^\c»f^ )} }) Ding-lep fPf\C^<^ Look n. Lang p6 5lT^cWt }} Kcmeng p6 4. C^C5J». c*t> }) Ardik p6 5. ^TfW^ cWt Loom n. Pc thcrang C<1 C'lW'V Loosen V. Pdclietor p6 tiTCWJ^ r.v(t )} }> Phlok p6 ^?P cWt 1. As an eafcs-dropper, 2. Vory little indeod. 3. So calh^d from its fancied resemblance to a crab. 4. To l(jok stcn/ii/. 0. To look throujjli a crevice, or narrow aperture ; to i)cq/. [ 44 ] English and MiHr Vocahulary. lliHr. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Loose adj. Chetorvok C^^fV /Lose V. Ingbo p6 t\zi] c^ Loud adj. Arki ketlie ^t^f^ C^^«t "'^ Louse n. Rek C^^ Love V. Jinso p6 fm'^w) C^ }f }) Ning kachidok p6 f^\^Tf^W^ C^ )) }} Ing-hon p6 ^\-55^ C^ Low adj. Ingdehop t\z-w^'^ }> }} Kangdd Pangreng p6 *tKt^\ c^ Make V. Thip p6 f^r^ c^) Male adj. Pinso 3. f^^z^ V " }) A16 4. ^TC^'t Mallet n. Kibu f^^ Mane n. Acketliok achaybe '^iTc^fjr^ ^TWT?ii:^ Mango n. Tharve ^rrr:?" Many adj. Ke-ong c^ ^\ )> }> Ong-dung 'SIS^^ Map n. Adet arjan ^TCW« ^t#T^ Mare n. Losei api ci(,:>^ ^tM Mark V. Amek kebi p6 ^tusi^ ^f^ c«tt Mark n. Amek ^icsi^ Market n. Hithi f%f^ Marriage n. Piso ke-en j^C5l C^ ^^ \' Marrow- n. A'r-kleng WTC^a^ Marry V. Piso en p6 fvfCFf ^J^ cWt Mast n. Ar-eliok ^1'^% Master n. Hem ari C55I ^tfg; 1. A general term ; a girl. 2. One of the age of puberty ; a virgin. 3. .Applied only to the human species. 4. Applied to animals. [ 45 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary. Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacidar. Master n. H^m phu C^5I^ Mat n. Tar 1. ^t^ }) }) Pitlii 2. f^f5f Mate n. Sang-lio ^^c^'^ Matimah n. Chophei fC5pt Matter n. Atene 3. ^TC-5C^ May-bee n. liilingdum f%i%\^?i Meil n. Him t%51 Meaning X ^• A'the' "^K^ Measles n. Jangpirsik SiKtMf5% - Measure V. Pun p6 4. *t5cWt )} )} Teng p6 5. C3\C*ft Meat n. Ok ^

^^ cWt Mention V V. Pu p6 t<:^^ )> i) Than p6 5^1^ cH^ Merchant n. Kahiji abang ^Tf%f®i ^t^K MerciM adj. Kangjinso ^T^fsj^^C^> )) }) Kang-hon ?PT\^^ }) )) Kacheng-hon ^1C^\^^ Merciless adj. Kangjinso se ^Kfs^C^I C5 » }> Kdng-hon he ^t\^^ C^ Mercy n. See "Merciful." Messag-e n. Birta f^3l Messeng-er n. Ketoy arleng C^^ Kethor amok lang c^^'^: ^t^r^ »TK Mill n. Kekoy-i apot C^^^ Minute n. Elomso "iicfir c^ Minute adj. Binei-16 t^C^^ Q^ >} )) Kebipi C^ttfsf }} }) Pajiji-pe't ■ *ftf®r§r C*fl5 Miracle n. Matha thekthedet akdm ^M1 c Monthly adj. Chiklo-ajontin flC^ ^S?f%5^ With respect to length ; half-way. The common monkey. The The ' Honuman. 'Holo." [ 47 ] English and MUdr Vocahdary. Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. ^ Moon n. Chiklo f¥C^ Moonlig-ht n. Chiklo k^-klar fw.-t[ c^^t^ Morning n. Adaprang ^mT*tT\ , Morrow- n. Penap c^^t^ Mortal adj. Rengverve (PTM:^^C1f Moi-tar n. Long 1. 5T\ \ Moss n. Chipan ft*tt^ Mother n. Pel C«1^ Mother-in-law n. Inipi ^r^r^ Mould -- n. Chipdn kang-hu f^-i^t^ ^t\^ Mount V. Arlu p6 ^T«^' cWt Mountain n. Ing-long t\5I\ Mourn V. Kachiru p6 ^fw^ c<^> Mouse n. Jukingso fr^\c^t Moustache n. i^ngthur angmum ^Ks^i: ^Ktj^t , Mouth n. Ing-ho t\T:^ Move V. Chcterek p6 (.wciz-^^ cWt a }} Terek p6 C3C^^ cW^ }} }} Chitivar p6 2. ftl%^m c*^ Much adj. Ke-ong C^^<\ Mud n. Ing-han t\^T5T Murder V. Pethi p6 c^f^ cWt Murderer n. Kepethi abang c^c*tf% ^U\\ Murmur V. Pasemu p6 C Mushroom n. Kimu n ^,i^ ^ Muskrat n. Cheton c.Wl'^ Musical instrument n. Kum 8. ^ Musquito n. Chitim f^I^SJ Mustard n. Hanjang ^tsrsiK Musty adj. Kenem-ro C^Z'^\ c^ Mutter V. Pasemu p6 '^K^\ cWt Mystery n. Akhat thekthd • iC Nail (finger or toe) n. 1 Chimi ^C^^'^ w^ Nail (carpenter^s) n. Ingchinso -■ t\fg^cwt }> V. Ingchinso sak p6 '■p ^\I^^CS> 5t?5 cWt Naked adj. Areng angse ^Ti:^\ ^Kc5 V'Name n. Men <::!?( Narrow adj. Chingkin-ret 1%\f%jrf:^^ 1. That is — a vessel for pounding any thing in. 2. To move about rostlessly ; to wrigylu about. 3. Any musical instiTunent. [ 48 ] English and Mikir Vocalulary. 3IiHr. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Near P- Tehok (TJ^^ ii }} Tebok-het C«^^C^<^ Neat adj. Melep 1. CTCwI^f ^j }) Kehang-klang 2. C^^T^ Wl\ )i }} Hang-klang-jir 2. ^K^K r^4 Necessity n. Nang m\ Neck n. Chithok f^oT^ Necklace n. Le'k Cc^^ V Net (fish) n. Lan cTt^T „ (bird) n. Phamsek ^T^C5^ Never adv. Kayta ^T?151 Nevertkeless adv. Bonta ^^1 New- adj. Akimi ^tf^l^ News n. Birta f^t) Nibble V. ChoHr pd wf^ C^ Nice adj. Mesen C5IC5^ V Night n. Arjo ^ ^TC#1 Nip V. Dit p6 m<£cWt No adv. KaH ^Tt% Nod V. Aphu kachihi juk p6 3. ^T^ Arki pedo p6 ^Tf^ Cs^W C^ Noiseless adj. Ase kave ^TC^ ^M )) }) Arki kave ^Tf^ ^TC? None; no one n. Thangnat ave 5. qTTMT* ^TC^ }) }} }} Apakta ave 6. ^Mr^isi ^Tcf Noon n. Nirlo chitim t^C^I f^l^Si Noose n. Pasirkang '5^tf5\^T\ North n. Nirep t^C^^ \ Nose n. Nokan ^^T5( Nostril n. Nokan angkok ^<»M ^t\?P^ 1. A'pTpliedi to persons. 2. Applied to things. 3. To simply shake the head. 4. To nod from drowsiness. 5. Applied to things. 6. Applied to men. [ 49 ] English and Mikir FocaJ mlary. Mikir. JEnglish. Anglicised. Vernacular. Not adv. The, &c., &c. ^ '^'■ 1. C^r, &c., &c. Not any ^^e"None." Numb ; -ness n. Kachekeng- ^\T.W.75-K it }> Chekcng-rak cwc^^^t^ j> )) Chekeng-hak ^^C^\^t^ Number n. Lakha p6 ^\<\ c^> Numberless adj. Lakha un-e rlW %'^'S^ Nut n. Kangtang athe ^T^■$T^ ^^JtHQt Oar % n. Longpi ' . 5l\f^ Oath n. Seme C5C5T Oath — to take an V. Seme tang p6 C^W ^K cWT Obedient adj. Ahukum kekroy ^t'^sT r.^ifl'? Obey V. Ahukum kroy p6 ^1?2.^ v_tt^ Obstruct V. Khang p6 •iTK C-s^^ Obstruction n. Kekhang C^-STK C Obtain V. Long p6 gj^^ ^^ cWt |r Ocean n. Langpi ^T\f^ VOdour n. Angnim 'Sll^f^Sf Offend V. Aning kapathi p6 ^Tf^\ ^t-f^if^ C^ft Offence n. Relet C^Crf^ )> }} Day ^TiT Offering (religious' n. Arnam kepi amar ^RR c^f*i" ^fsri^ Often adv. Elom v*]5T^ )) }} Malom-alom ^rmsr ^teiv V Oil n. Jangthu ^K5j: Old \ adj. Sar-u. 4. UI^S ;» }} A'ban 5. ^T^T^ Old-man n. Silrpo ^I^C-s^^ Old-woman n. Sarpi ^l\f«t Omnipotent adj. /S'^ 3. To observe by looking. 4. Used of men or animals, 5. Used of things only. ' [ 50 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary. Mik ir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. One adj. Isi tf5 One's-sel£ n. Methang CT^rr^ Onion n. Arsun ke-er ^T^^^ C^'il^ Only adv. Detle 1. (.Tfi^Zvi Open V. Ingpu p6 t^X<.'^ Open adj. Kangpu M'\'% }) n. Kangthei 2. ^T'MI^t Opium n. Kani ^t^ Opponent n. Kach^lang sel^t ^TT:^rft\ C15C^^ Oppress V. Chenek p6 C^CJT^ C*tt Oppression n. Kachenek ^TCWC^^ Orange n. Theso kedok C'^CFT C^Tf <5 Order (command) V. Pin-khat pd f^5r Overtake V. Phodun p6 c^f ^ cWt Overturn V. Pharlo p6 ^ . , Mo iughu >p^ ^. Yo dudu / J/(y^^ ?j5Tcc^1 cnt V Owl (common) n. I ts-^ „ (screech) n. ^VL Owner n. Hem-phu C^'Sl^ Ox n. Chaynong did ^|ii^\ ^T^ Paddy n. Sok ^<5 Pain n. Kesd c^cvt Pair (of animals) n. Jonni ®f%J „ (of things) }) Heni c^l^ Pale adj. Angthur kreng-rem ^K9|;^ c;^\t:'^5i Pant V. Achithe vanghehe p6 ^tfit^r ^<\c^t^ cWt Paper n. Kakot ^T^« Parable n. Liimlir ^l^rj^^ 1. See No. 165 of SentencDS at the end of the hook. 2. "Kangpu" is the participal fi-om the verb; "Kangthei" is used of an open place. as the open, i. e. a meadow, common, &c. 3. Lit. a thing which adorns, s«e " JeweV [ 51 ] English and Mikir Vocahulary . Mik ir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Pardon V. Diyah p6 f^gt5 c'lt Pare V. Hek p6 C^^C*lt yj i> Kilum p6 f%^51 c*it Parents n. Ipi ^p6 ^r*t ^cWt V Paring n. Ahn ^1^ / Parrot n. Mo kek 1" C^?P Part n. Phdu Tpf^ Partition n. Arpong ^I Peg n. Kesak C^.^I^ Pepper (common) n. Ahom abirik ^T^5T ^tftf^^ „ (red) n. Birik 1ti%^ Perhaps aii^fl^ Pious adj. Asot ^T5^ Pipe (tube) n. Charang m^T\ „ (tobacco) 3) Tangnang «T\^\ :^ Pit n. Hilik flfeT^ Pitcber n. Langbong e^T'V^^ Pith n. Angbong ^K^\ Pity n. Kanghon ^•K^s( }} 33 Kangjinso ^wTm.'^ Pbleg-m n. Chingak mM\^ Physician Place V. Bi p6 1tc*f1 Place n. Adim ^Tfwsr Plain n. Thoy «f?r Plank n. Ing-hoy t\^?f Plant n. Aklim ^Tf^si Plantain n. Plieng-u C5p\^ Plate n. Kasu Platform n. Hongplang W^W Play V. Kachelem p6 ^TC^Ccn^ C^^t )) 33 Jui p6 <*- 33 33 Kum rot p6 3. f 51 ^« C*fT 3i 33 Pongsi^ &c.^ kibut p6 4. 'i^\f^, &c., ^^. C^ 1. To pick up any thing from the ground in the ordinary sense. 2. In the sense oi chips, or other small fragments cut ofl' of any thing ; ijieces. 8. To play on the native violin, the organ, &c. ; — the idea being sawing. 4. To play on the flute, fife, &c. ; — the idea bciag blowing. [ 53 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary. Mil ir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Please V. Pachihok p6 *1Tt%^^ C^l Plenty n. Ke-ong-kon C^ ^\^^ Plow V. Haybay p6 ^T<]^f Nujok ^§i^ Potato n. Pherui C^P^Jt Pound V. Tokpo ^5^ c*ft Pour out V. Kip p6 2. t%<^ C*tt J} jj Cholei p6 3. W.v\t cWt Power n. Jakoug SiT^\ Praise V. Ro p6 c Chingduk p6 fl\^^ cWt Prayer n. Kardom ^l^ifST )) }) Kachingduk ^Tf5^^^ Precious adj. Adfr kethe ^T^r^ C^C^^r 1. "Ingsa" : — used as an expression of pity, as — Poor thiug I Poor boy I " Kcduk" is poor in the sense of being povert_y-stricken. 2. To pour out upon the ground, &c., so as to be lost. 3. To pour out of one vessel into another. [ 54 ] English and MiJcir Vocahulary. English. Precipice n. Prepare V. Present — to be V. )) )} Present n. Preserve V. Press V. V Pretty adj. Prevent V. Price n. }} }) Prick V. Pride n. Priest n. Profit n. Prohibit V. Promise V. Proud adj. Prove V. Piiff y V. Piill V. Pull V. Pumpkin n. Punish V. Pupil (o£ the eye) n. Purchase V. Purdah n. Pure adj. Purple adj. Purpose n. Purse n. Pursue V. Push V. Put V. Quail n. Quarrel V. Question n. Mikir. Anglicised. Thepay Sik p6 Daksi d(? p6 1. Hadaksi do p6 2. Kepi amar Pijok p6 Sor p6 Mesen See '' Hinder." Nam Ador Chang p6 Kachipindak Ocha Labh Khang" p6 3. Chak p6 Kachipindak A' sat lang p6 But p6 p^L . U ^{^.A Vung p6 See '' Drag." Pdrok bong-hom '. ' Duk kang-hoy p6 Mek aso Nam p6 Kebeng ape Kangthirvet E'ring See " Intention." Thiyaso Hungdun p6 Doy p6 Bi p6 No nt Chehevoy p6 Karju Vernacular. w? cvft 1. To be present here. 2. To be present there. 3. See Sentence 164 at the end of the book. [ 55 ] English and MiJdr Vocalmlary. Enfjlhh. Quick ; — ly Quicken Quill Rabbit Race Rafter Rail yRain Rainbow Rainy Rainy-season Raise Rake Ram Ram-down Ransom }/Rap Rare Rat (common) „ (larg'e) „ (musk) Rattle Rattan Raw Razor Ready Real Reap Reason Rebel Rebuke Reckon Recognize Red Reed jj Reel adj. V. n. n. n. n. n. n. V. n. adj. n. V. n. n. V. V. V. adj. n. V. adj. }} n. adj. adj. V. n. n. V. V. V. adj. Mlklr. Anglicised. Serak Pereng- p6 Arveng- Meng'serjing ,-^ z.-. Kekat V Jarbop Karang-ka Kry^ ydng p6 Mukak Vecheng' Baria abotor Ingthur p6 Pbarkok Bi-p6 Sit p6 Kachilang-dun p6 Pardeng' p6 Averem Phiju Jupi Clieton Hejuk p6 Pri Ve-dk Akeve Nokso Kesik Sakhit Rot p6 Athe So kapliango abang Ingcliek p6 Lakh a p6 Chini p6 Ake-er E'r-dang, Ingkira Haken Mi Vernacular. [ 56 ] English and Mihir Vocabulary. Mikir. English, Anglicised. Vernacular. Reflection n. Harchi t^-^JW Reform — to cause to V. Pimesen p6 f^twr^^ cWt Refuge n. Kachiki adim ^t|%i% ^Tf^^r Reign V. So pang-ri p6 C^ ^T\R C^ )} }} So kapangduk p6 CFT ?5T«^KF^ cW^ Rejoice V. Chehok p6 c^^^ cWt Relative n. E'don erap ^^ ^S^T^ Release V. Pijok p6 f!^§i

}} Ke-choman p6 1. C^W^T^ C«lt Rest V. Sang p6 Fr\cWt Restrain V. Khang p6 •«rK cWt Retaliate V. Alar hoi p6 WtcTt^ t^ C«>ft Return V. Cheruiphak p6 cwg^Wt^ c^it )) J> Voyphak p6 f^ ] English and Mi/cir Vocabulari/. V Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Right adj. Chenam <.W^\^ Right-hand adj. A'r-e ^miJ Righteous adj. Ksot ^TUs. Rim n. Akung ^l^ Rope n. Ari ^Tf% Rot V. Thuvok p(S 9t?^ <^*^ Rotten adj. Thuvok 91:^^ Rough adj. Kache-klam-kle' ?riic^^I5(qp Round adj. Bong-longcheu ^\51\CW^ Row- n. Aren 1. ^n: )) Phiroy p6 4. fip4?I C*1> }} }) See '^ Wipe/' 1. A line. 2. A quarrel. 3. To rub with ointnif nt, oil, &c. 4. To rub ger itlv witt I the fincer.s. aa wlipn (p.eWntr tho f rmnnfhnpfls nf nariflr A:«. [ S8 ] English and Mikir Vocahulary. MiMr. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Rule V. See " Reign.'-' Ruler n. See '' King.'' Ruler n. Theng-limso (M\^'S[ C-^ Rumour n. Birta ^r^«i Run V. Ing-plong p6 t\P^\ c*ft it }) Kat p6 ^T^ C^ 3) }> Katvir p6 ^t«.fira c*f> Run away V. See " Flee.'' Rupee n. Sikd f^^l Rust n. Ang-ru ^K?? Sacrifice n. Sekar-kli amar C5«5i4[^ ^mt^ Sad adj. Ining keduk tf^\ C^^ }} Phik 1. f?p^ Satisfy V. Rengme p6 C^\C5T C^ }) )} Perengme p6 2. (.'^Z-^\Z'S[ c-^ Saw V. Rot p6 ^« C^> Saw n. Phrat ^T« ySay V. Pu p6 ^C^> Scab n. E'reng alip vilc^^ ^f%*r Scabbard n. Ahom =511^51 Scald V. Lang kar-om chfkipset p6 sTK^T^^^r fsf%^'5«« c^ Scales n. Tuli \^ V „ (fish) >} Alip Scanty adj. Averem '5iTt;^(. Ong-e ^\.fi Scar n. Angpram ^T^2rT5f Scarce adj. See " Scanty/' Scatter V. Peprat p6 c<^£Jt* (M\ 1. When the sap is white, and milky-looking, as in the case of certain plants and trees. 2. Causative form. [ 59 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary. Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Scissors n. Napit =nf*(^ Scorpion n. Chehelangbong i:^c^^K^2tt^ c-Kt » )} Kechophuk p6 3. c?p^^^ cnt Scratch n. Tokser ^^13^ Scratch (to make a) V. Tokser p6 15^5^^ cWt Scream V. Hangchir p6 ^Kf^^ c?fr Screen n. Kebeug C Chongvay p6 s'Nir Send V. L6 p6 4. C5l> C-s^ J) }) Toy p6 T). «?r cWt Send away V. Piddm p6 6. Hm^r c*ft Sentry n. Kehon abaug- c^^'^ ^;?rK Separate V. Kapaprek p6 V Serpent n. Phirui Serve V. Kiru p6 f^^'cWt 1. To scratch one's self. 2. As fowls, &c., scratching for grain. 3. As tigers, &c., scratching treod with their claws. 4. "Used when things are sent. 5. Used when men are sent. 6. The causative form of go. [ 60 J English and MiJcir Vocabulary. 'W'r'^' Mi/cir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Set (as the sun, &c. ) V. Arni, &c., ningve p6 ^trX &c., t^\c^ c^> Set on fire V. Me prin p6 C5I f£r^ c*ft Sew V. Pe Yoj p6 C*f ^ Pe-thek-long p6 C^^CiT^^^ C^f't Shrub n. A^klim '^ITf^si \ Shut V. See " Close.''' Shuttle n. Harpi ^t^/*( Sick adj. Keso c^c^t '; Side n. Rep c^^t Sieve n. Ingkrung t\:^s Sift V. Krung p6 :^\ cWt Sign one's name V. Men chibi p6 csr5{ fwit cWt Sign (mark) n. Mek c^r^ Silence n. Do-klip wr>'»^ [ Gl ] English and Mihir Vocabulary/. Mihir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Silence n. Bojoy W^ill }) }} Ingsamri ?^■5t5I,f^ Silent adj. See " Silonco.^^ Silent (to be) V. i^^j'^y .y^yi"i do p6 ■^■^Ti ^71^1 Vf C-Kt Silk n. Pe ingki C'H^\t% Silk-worm n. Ingki ?\f% Silver n. Rup t^«. Slap X V. Ardep p6 ^TW*f cWt Slave n. Ban ^R Sleek adj. Ingtulim ^\^trf5I Sleep V. Mek jang' p6 W^ m\\ cWt Sleepy adj. Kamek-i ?PTC5r

f's^r:^*! Slug- n. Ingkim-arlang t\f%51 ^leflS Small adj. So 1. c^1 )} )} Thethe 2. c^rc^ )) )} Ajengso 3. ^n:ii\ c^ Small-pox n. Piyamir r*^?Tf5i Son-in-law n. Osa ^51 Song n. Lun ■/ ^^^-^-\v . e^iT Soon adv. Serak ~V^^l Soothe V. Aning kapeme pu ^Tf^\ <5tC*fC5r cWt Sorcerer n. Thekeri c^c^f^ Sort ^ n. Ajat ^T®T'5 Soul n. Karjong ^TliK Sound n. See '^ Noise.'' Sour adj. Thordak «[ffT

jj }y Ning-je p6 fJJCSi cWt Spear n. Chir fs^ / y> j> Chir-plak f^-^^^\'^ Spherical adj. Bong-longdir -z\^\'^ Spider n. Siingman 5I^5It^ Spill V. Bu p6 ic-t> Spin V. Jeng p6 ca\ c^ Spindle n. Takiri iif^r^ Spirit n. See ^^Soul." Spirit (evil) n. Hi-i fl^ ySpit V. Ingthok p6 t\'jr

}} Acham pidam p6 ^TSTSf fVf;ff5i c^] Spool Spoon n. Lumhor c^^ Sport n. Kachelem ^TCWtrT^T Spread out n. Tepo C3 C^l't Spring of water n. Lang kangbok =^K r5^ }} }> Angtuk ^i\^^ Squash V. Chon-phrdt p6 ^^JPl« C-sl) )) }) Chedat-phrat p6 C^ffT«. ^14 (.'^ Squash n. Bong ** }} j> Bong-lwm ^\-^:t Square adj. Konaphli ?|5:^TT% )) )) Konaphlidak ^^f^r^T^ I Squirrel . n. Karle ?JsTCc1 Stable n. Losei ahem SlC^t ^t^5I Stack n. Aboy ^T^ Staff n. Chin f^-^ Stag n. See''J)eQx." Stain n. Aburchiim ^T^l^t^i ': Stairs n. See " Ladder.^' Stake n. Ncjokso ^SI^C^ [ 64 ] English and MiJcir Vocabulary. MiUr. English • Anglicised. Vernacular. Stand up V. Arjap p6 ^t®r*t c^i^t Star n. Chiklo longso iW.'^ s^\C5t Stay V. Do p6 tf c^> ', Steal V. Kang-hu p6 ■^K-^ r.Wt Steel n. Sarti ^XA^ Steep adj. Thepcay c^jT^t? Steep X ^' Arnim p6 ,^_ ^Tf/si C's^'t Stera n. A'-krok ^T55^ Step n. Keng-kam c^\^T?r Step (of ladder, stairs, &c.) ] - Don akam ;i^ ^T^T^ Stick tog-ether V. Chirapdong po f^^*ljf\ C^> Stick (walking) n. Chin f^^ V StiU adj. See '' Silent.^' Still-water n. Lile alang 1%C^ ^Te^K Sting V. Chang j ok p6 WK§?^ cWt Sting n. Ajok asu «JT§7^ ^T5 Stink n. Nimtuhak Stinking adj. Nimtuhak fjj^^fT^ Stitch V. Roy po ^ Stop! intj. Tha! ^1 ! Stopper n. Amarthu ^tsrr^f Storm n. Tomon-pi Stout adj. A-krom kethe ^t:«5si c^t^ Straight adj. Kekeng C?I>C^\ Straighten V. Pikeng p6 tMC^\ cWt ( Strait adj. /See '^Narrow.'' Strain n. Be p6 1. c^ cn^t j> a Kangsir p6 ^T\f5^ cWt Stranger n. Kachinine arleng ^Tflf^tCiT ^TCcf\ Straw n. Nar 5(r5 Stream n. Lang-r oy *Tt^^?I Strength n. Jakong ©T^\ Strengthen V. Pithirklong po r^t^^^^\ c^> milk 1. Applied only to straining liquors and lye; "Kangsir" to straining «««/ i/u'«^, as water or [ 65 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary. Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Stretch V. Pipring p6 f*lf£t\ cW^ - » }) Chipbijeng p6 1. f®rtpra\ c«it Strike V. Thok-ui p6 2. qT^ ^^ C-stt yy i) See " Hit." String n. Ariso mfkj.'^ Strong adj. Ajakong keth^ '3ItliT^\ C^C^ Stump n. Thcng-tut C9l\^l» Stupid adj. Kilu arleng Stupify V. Bidi kijut p6 ftt^ f^f :5 C*1T Subdue V. See " Overcome.^' Subscribe (one's name) v. Men chibi p6 C5TJ( fw^ fi^it „ (money) „ Dhon pi p6 Vf5^ f*f cs^) Subscription n. Dhon kerung ' Support V. Pchi p6 *fftc*ft }} )) Pang-rcng p6 •KT^c Swamp n. Ing-hau ajo ts^T^ ^rcii> Sway back and Fui •th V. Ling-longtong p6 #^^e^^3^ cWt Swear V. Seme en p6 CSCST vil^ C*t> Sweat n. Ing-i t\t ]/ Sweep V. Karkok p6 ?I!1^>P?P C*tt V Sweet adj. Dokjin if^/SS[ » )j Kedok C^W?P » >) See " Mellifluous." Swim V. Lang kivck p6 ^t\ f^cir^ cWt To strntch one's self us in yiiwning. To striku by thiuntinff. [ 66 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary . Mikir. Hnglish» Anglicised. Vernacular. Swing- V. Ling-longtong- p6 t%\5j\^\ c-fft Swing- n. Juju W Sword n. Telavar ci^nu ji yy Nok ■^7^ Tail )){ n. Arm^ ^TC^ Tailor n. Pe keroy abang c^^ c^5^ m-^w Take (accept) V. E'n p6 * -il^ c^ Take away V. Pon p6 *r^c*ft Take care of V. See '' Support.'' )i )i See " Preserve.'' Talc adj. Kiding 1^t\ Taste V. Ghomat p6 ^5it«>.<:<^'t Tax n. Medu CT^ Taxpayer n. Hemtun C^^^5^ Tea n. Sa-pat ■5\'^<^ Teacher n. Kethan abang C^«rT5T '5It^t^ Tear n. M^kkri C5I^ f^ Tear V. Ingseli p6 JctfM*o{^ t\(.t> c^ Tear up by the roots V. Phu p6 ic^l Tear with the teeth V. Kek«9r kangsek p6 C^^^ ^KC^^ c^ Teat n. Mok athe ^^ ^ix^r Tender adj. Kangduk "f^W^^ Tent n. Pe ah^m C-s^ ^TC^^T Terrible adj. Phereineme c^Rc^icsr Testimony n. Porman -5^5?^ Tether n. Ari ^tf^ Than conj. 'Aparta 1. ^Ml^^^l That pro. Hala ^Trn ij yy Halabangso ^Tc=iT} JJ Ahurmu "SIV^V Think n. See " Suppose." }) }) See " lleHect." Thirst V. Lang ki-it p6 rlt\ f%^5. cH\ This pro. Labtingso mm\ est , Thorn n. Angsu ^lo,5 Thrash V. Si p6 f5C*^ Thread n. Ron ?S Thrice adv. Purthom X^H >} )} Phongthom ■Zp\9[ll }> }) Batay kethom ^uw c^-^m Y Throat u. E'lang-joy ^?nMi^ ^ Tobacco n. Duma F^ Tobacco -pipe n. Tiingnang ^T^^tS To-day n. Pini f^^ Toe n. Kcng chimun c^\ m^ 1. Thin in flesh. 2. Thill in texture, or as a LuiU'd, &c. 3. Thin as trees in a park, or grain in a ticld, 4:c, i. See Sentence 1G7 at the end el' the book. [ 68 ] Enr/Ush and Mikir Vocahidary. MiJcir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Toe-nail n. Keng ehimun chimi C^\ f^^ ^^ Toil n. Kam ^tST , " yy Say^ 15T¥ V To-morrow n. Penap C^JlT<^ i) (day after) n. Penapdik c's^5iT'5it^ a j^ Phiphomir p6 1. f^^fS^ (fi^ Towards prep. Dung 2. I"^ Track n. A'bot a. ^H^ iy *^ Tovar 4. ^?R Trader n. Kdhiji abang" ^Iftfir ^T^^ Transfix V. Chut-prui p6 f <£ 2p^ cWt yi jj Chut-er p6 ^5. ^^ C^> ^^ yy Thok-prui p6 Trap n. Pham 5pT5I Trap (to set a) V. Pham tot p6 Tpfsi ^^ c-pf) Trapper n. Pham ketot arleng 5pT^ C^^-^ ^TCc^\ Tread on V. Dong p6 ■^i^ p^-zj^c^^ ?\ cWt Tree n. Thengpi c yy Theng-long CQrs5!\ Tremble V. Klem-hur p6 C^Mjsi^ C*ft ^ Tribe n. i^song ^T5V ' Trouble n. Kisung f^5\ True ^ r Chenam C^SIW Truly - ] Jasemet SiTC^Csr*?. Truth J (. Sakhit ^Tf<^ Tub n. Thengpi akasu C^\1vf ^1^15 i> i> Phul6 1C*T Tube n. Charang 1I4I\ Tuft n. Arasok ^^t^

A'musok ^lTgi5^ 1. Used of just touching anything with the tij") of the finger. 2. As — towards me = "ne dung;" towards you = "nuug dung 3. FootiM-int. 4. A road, or path. [ G9 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary. 3111- ir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Tumour n. Ingthum-pi ^^9t^ f^ Turban n. Voho ^z-^^ Turn over V. Pharlo p6 ^W.^ ^Wt Turn round V. Kateviir p6 ^ti:-i?rT Turn upside down V. Parkup p6 1. '^UY^ c^ }) 33 33 33 Pjirlin p6 1. -HRi^st cW^ Turtle n. Chitum f^^SI Twice adv. Phongni ^\f^ Tmn n. Kacherop ?l5Tn¥"5^ Twine arouud V. Per p6 c-^ii cWt Twine n. A^riso ^TRC^'t Twist V. Pharlem p6 ipl^^c^s^ r.vft Udder n. Mok ^^ Ugly adj. Langodak s^Tr.^'IWT^P Umbrella n. Nideng tVTtW\ Unable V. Un-e p6 %^^ C'>\\ Unbelief n. Kroykredet :a5 Akejoy ^Tc^ii?i Vacant adj. Angse ^T\C5 Vain adj. See " Useless.^' jj }} See " Proud/' Valley n. Kx\6k ^t^ Vegetables n. Han ^T5T Vein n. Artho ^ic^Tt Verandah n. Hongkup 1. ^\^*t }» }) Hong 2. ?\ }) }) Pang 2. <^K Very adv. Par <1T^ » }} Kon ^5( Vex V. Aning kapithi p6 '3^Tt^^ ?PTf*rf^ c^'t Victory n. Hay^ ^tg Victorious adj. Kehay (abang) c^5:T? ( ^^s ) Victuals n. Kecho ahurmu c^c^\ ^l^sf Village n. Rong Village-chief n. Rong dsar ^\ ^T5t? Vine n. Ri-kang f^^T^ Virgin n. Nimso t^5rc^> Vision n. E'mang vfl^TK Voice n. Se C5 Vomit V. Ching-ok p6 fw\^^ C^^'t }} }) Ning kevang p6 t^\ c^^ls cWt Vulture n. Vo takun I ^tf ^ Wagon n. Hem kong-bng C^5T^^^\ Waist n. Vam ?Tsr Waist-band n. See " Girdle.'-' Wait V. Ing-hong p6 K^^ C-s^^ Wait upon V. Kiru p6 t%5^ C's^'t ' Wake V. Mek prang p6 C^^ 2fK C-stt Wake another V. Mek peprang p6 C5T^ C«t2fK c«rt Walk V. Keng pen dam p6 C^\ C^STWtsi C*(t Walking-stick n. Chin f^^ WaU n. Arpong ^■.■^5\ 1. When roofod in. " 2. "Hong" is the/row;;, and "Pang" the lach, verandah. [ 71 ] EnglisJi and 3Ilkir Vocabulary. Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. War n. Kdchethu ^stTi^^r^ VWarm adj. Kar-om ?P1^ ^5T Wash (in general) v. Chicham p6 f%^t5I r.-slt „ clothes P^ chok p6 Cvf ^?5 r.-s^t „ the face Ching"-mur p6 Tw<^ C«1> „ the hands and feet „ Ching-roy p6 ft\^?r c^ „ the body )} Ching-lu p6 f^\rT cWt Wasp n. Josomi-et ;^^f5Tii5 Waste v. Akejoy jipi p^kon p6 ^TC^Si?fsif^ r.fl';-^ C^'l Watch V. Hon p6 ^■^c^ff Water n. Lang »tK Water-faU n. Lang sun ?TK-5^ Water-melon n. Thoythe hong-hom ^?1C^ 5?\^5T Wave n. Lang adihu rIT^ ^T(h<2j. Waver V. Kleni p6 C^SI C^ jj )) Pekl^m p6 1. C^C^SI C-s^ Wax n. Jupi-ir 2. 5f f*f t^ » jj Nobo 3. wIctT We pro. Netum C^vJII Weak adj. Kediind^ C^^WC? >j i) Ajekwng av6 ^TCli^S ^TC^ Wealthy adj. Keri c^1% }) )) Keplang C^!>|5JI\ Weapon n. Chirnok fw^^ Wear V. Pe ch^un p6 c^ ci^^ cnJ }i )} Pe piim p6 c-i^ f^%^ c^) Wear away V. Kon p6 ^^c^ Weary adj. Kelak C^rfT^ /^ Weave V. Pe thak p6 C*T ^T^ cWt Weed n. Bap ^«t Weep V. Chiru p6 f^^ C*Tt Weig-h V. Lin p6 f^^ C^ Well n. Langtuk olK^^ (/Well adv. Mes^n C^5^ )} }} Tho ^r West n. Nichi f^j% Wet adj. Chamvok ^'Tf^ Whale n. Ok thdpi ^?p C9rf*f The causal form. Boo's-wax. Wax of the ears. [ 72 ] English and MiJcir Vocahulary . English. What ? pro. Wheel n. When ? adv. When adv. Where ? adv. Where — there adv. Whet V. Whetstone n. Which ? pro. Which pro. While adv. Whirl V. Whisker n. Whisper v. Whistle V. White adj. White-ant n. Whither ? Who ? pro. Who I Whoever ) Whole MiUr. pro. adj. adj. adj. Why? Wicked Wide Widen v. Widow n. Widower n. Wife n. Wild adj. Wild-cat n. Anglicised. Kopi Takiri Ki^nanithu Konat Along — aling Kaso p6 Longso 8ee"y^\or' See " Who." Unsi Atingvoy p6 Ang-om angmum Pi-lamso p6 Pase-i p6 Kebk Lokphlan Arlo Konathu Komat Komatsi Aling Lajok Kado-an Kado kave Kopi Kelango See " Broad." Pethe p6 Pehar p6 H^m epi Hem epo E'piso Ingnam Kethoy 1. 2. Vernacular. 1. See Sentences 17 and 42 at the end of the book. 2. See Sentences 161 and 168 at the end of the book. 3. See Sentence 170 at the end of the book. 4. To enlarge. 5. As in m iking baskets when the sides gradually widen out toward the top, or in the middle. [ 73 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary. 3Ii/cir. English. Anglicised. Fernactilar. Wind n. Tomon l>^^ Wind up V. Per p6 C*1^ C*ft Wind-pipe n. Wing' n. A'rvengkong ^tc?\^\ Wink V. Mek pdsirip p6 CT^ *flf^f^*t (.'^ Winter n. Kichung iipor U\\ 'sim^ Wipe V. Ven p6 C?^ Csft Wise adj. Kethek c^.c^^ }} )f Kere C^X."^ }) » The'kser 1. C^^J.^^ Wish n. Ingtung 2. ^^^"^^ With prep. Long ^\ Within prep. Arid "^{X.^) Without prep. Angtan ^r\^t^ Witness n. Hakhi ^tf^ )) )) Kethek dun abdng 3. c^c^r^ ^ ^u\\ Wolf n. IMahar sit^R Wonderful adj. Matha thekthedet 5rr }) Ajapu 5. ^T®T*i; }> » Inguam 6. t\5{I5T Wool n. Mersag angmi CT^ 5T^ ^t^1^ Word n. Lara »!T5I Work n. Say ^T? World n. Pirthe f^z4 Worm (earth) n. Hilong f^vW „ (intestinal) n. Apoik hilong ^T<^^ [^e1\ Worship n. Kardom ^TTfST ^^ Wound V. Thu p6 ^tcWt }) }> Amek pido p6 ^TC^I^ f<^;f C<^) Wriggle V. Klemvoy p6 C^iiJ«r (.^ Write V. Tokpo 1^ C^> Yard n. Tikup 7. t%f<^ „ (in length) » Ing-rup hini t^^^ f^t^ Yawn V. Kohe p6 ?I5C^ cW^ 1. Fifj'y -wise. 2. Used as a suffix with the verb of the thing desired. Sec Sentence 1G6 at the end of the book. 3. Lit. "one who has seen." 4. Firewood. 6. The soft wood between the bark and the heart of the tree. 6. Forest, 7. The enclosure in front of, or about the house. 10 [ 74 ] English and Mikir Vocabulary. Mikir. English. Anglicised. Vernacular. Ye pro. Nangtum ^T\^"ST Year n. Ningkan f^S^T5^ Yelk n. A-et ^T'il* Yell V. Hangchir p6 ^t^f?^ cWt Yellow adj. Etpi Ji^f^f Yes }) Tho ^r }) Chenam C^^Tsi Yesterday n. Timi t^l^ }y (day before) „ Timidik ^t^f^^ Yolk n. A-et 'SIM* You pro. Nang ^]\ Young adj. Aso ^TC5t Youth n. Riso U.z-^ Zeal ) Zealous i n. & adj. Mou-^ 5I5Iil VI Isi 2 Hini 3 Kethom 4 Phili V 5 Phongo . 6 Thevok i 7 Theroksi 8 Nerkep 9 Si'rkep 10 Kep 11 Kre isi 12 „ hini 13 „ kethom 14 „ phih 15 „ phongo 16 ,) therok 17 ,i theroksi 18 ,i nerkep 19 „ sukep NUMERALS. 20 Ingkoy 90 Therok sirkep 21 Ingkoyra isi 100 Pharo isi 22 „ hini 101 Pharo isira isi 23 „ kethom 102 Pharo isira hini^ &c. 24 „ phili 200 Pharo hini 25 „ phongo 201 Pharo hinira isi^ &c. 26 „ therok 220 Pharo hinira ingkoy 27 „ theroksi 221 Pharo hinira ing- 28 „ nerkep koyra isi, &c. 29 „ sirkep 300 Pharo kethom 30 Thorn kep 400 Pharo phili 31 Thorn kep isi 1000 Suri isi 32 „ bini, &c. 1001 Suri isira isi 40 Phih kep 1100 Suri isira pharo isi 41 Phili kep isi 1200 Suri isira j)har6 hini 50 Phongo kep 2000 Suri hini 60 Therok kep 3000 Suri kethom 70 Theroksi kep 80 Therok nerkep [ 75 ] PHRASES IN ENGLISH AND MIKIR ILLUSTRATING THE USE OF WORDS. 1. I shall reside here about one year. Ne ludak ningkan isibak do p6. 2. What is he about ? (doing*?) La kopi kang-hoy 16 ? 3. We will talk about this affair now. Netum nonke labangso akam apotsi pu p6. 4. The birds fly above our heads. \o ^tumke ne phu athak ingjar p6. 5. He abused me. Ld ne ingtondet 16. 6. I went on his account. La apotsi ne dam tang-16. 7. Keep the account accurately. Lakha mesenra chi bi non. 8. I have made up the accounts accurately. Ne lakha pemesen tang-16. 9. My head aches very hard. Ne phu keso kon. 10. I have the ague. Ne se hari 16. 11. The tree lies (has fallen) across the stream. Lang-royso athak th^ngpi arong nang klibup 16. 12. The fruit of the tree fell into my hand. Thengpi athe ne ri athak nang kl6 16. 13. The tree has fallen across the road. Thengpi arong tovar nang kli par-pnn-pet 16. 14. It will be for your advantage; not mine. Labangso nang phan diabh ; nc phan kdli. [ 70 ] 15. He saw a fig tree afar off, and ran to it. La ing-le arong heloving thek-si katvir-det 16. 16. Are you afraid? You must not be afraid. Nang phere-det 16 ma ? Phere nang-ne. 17. I am afraid when tlie wind blows. Tom.on kej dp-si ne pliere duk 16. 18. After looking, he found it. La keri aphi-si long 16. 19. You may tell me afterwards about this. Labangs6 alam nang mo-aphi-le n^ than non. 20. Do not come again. He speaks again. Vang-thu ri non. La pu voy-phak 16. 21. The boat has run aground. Telong bng-le ph6-tang 16. 22. Have you brought it all ? Then go again. Nang kedo-an van pet 16 ma ? Tangte dam-thu non. 23. All men will die. All men must die. Badu arlengta thi p6. Badu arlengta thi-ndng ji. 24. What have you been doing all day ? Losiiii nang kopi kang-hoy ma ? 25. The paddy is all gone. Sok kedo-kave ik-tang 16. 26. He is almost (nearly) dead. La thi-ji dokdok 16. 27. Are you well ? I am well. Nang thangnat-ne lang ma ? Ne thangthe lang. 28. He lives alone. I went alone. La ingnut-pet-si do. Ne inut-pet-si kedam 16. 29. There is a squirrel among the branches. Ar6 angbong karle ejon do. 30. This house is larger than any (all) others. Badu ahem apdrta la ahem thenei 16. 31. I will do it over again. N6 akimi klem-thu p6. [ 77 ] 32. Has any one enlored my house? N^ h^m komdne niing- lut lu mu? 33. I did not say anything to him. Ne la thangnatii pu pc. 3k Give each man four annas. Arleng- abiing- plmtii cheke phili pi non. 35. I esteem your favor. Ne nang morom nang kroy 16. 36. Who are you ? What business have you with rac ? Nang komat ? Ne pen nang kopi akam do ? 37. Are you not ashamed ? Nang therdk-re ma ? 38. He does the work as well as he can. La kam keklem pemethek uu-ansi klem 16. 39. He ran as fast as he could. La kekat un-ansi kat 16. 40. He talks as if he were a king. La rech6 asontot alam-si ning-je 16. 41. He asks (you) for four rupees to buy dhan (paddy). La sok kenam-jisi sika phili nang hang 16. 42. When they heard that, (then) they were greatly astonished. Halatum labaugs6 alam arju-si maiig-hu phrc/iig 16. 43. There is a beggar at the door. Ing-hap adung kechohang abang do. 44. He stands at the foot of the fig-tree. Hala ing-le arong akeng-risi arjap 16. 45. I cannot do that work at all. Halabangs6 akam ne kl^m une cheiuinam. 46. They all rose at once. Latum kadi9-kave thur-pak 16. 47. Up and work. Take this away. Thura, kam kl^m non. Lii pon nou. 48. I did not wake. Nd n6 m^k prang-pr^. 49. Look for bamboos to build a house. Hem kikim-ji aphan k^pho ri non. [ 78 ] 50. Will he bring that basket ? Hala ton van p6 ma? 51. He wants to be a village head-man. Alangli (in respectful address) rong asar plang-jisi kang-tung. 53. This man has become insane. Labangso iirleng angcham do-tang 16. 53. Do not stand before me. Ne phrang nang arjap ri. 54. I have come to ask your pardon. Ne nang diyah nang kachihang-jisi k^vang 16. 55. I will build my house to-morrow. Ne penapsi ne hem chi-kim p6. 56. There is a buffalo on the other side of the hill. Ing-long aphi (or - "halathu") cheloug ejon do. 57. She follows behind him. Lei alang-li aphi aphisi dun 16. 58. You are late. Nang pider tang 16. 59. That boat is mine. I do not believe it. Halake ne telong. Ne la kroy-kre. 60. Is there another tribe beside this one ? La asong aparta asong kaprek do ma ? 61. This house is better than that. Halabangso ahem aparta labangs6 ahem m^mu. 62. Do not stand between me and the fire. Ne pen me achitim nang arjap ri. 63. The river runs between two mountains. Lang-roy ing-long hini adaksi li 16. 64. The cost of building this house was Rs. 20. Labangso ahem kekim dnam sika ingkoy 16. 65. You are much to blame. Nang kelet-par 16. 66. Blow the fire. Me but non. 67. The wind blows now, Nonke temon k^jap. [ 79 ] 68. Has the water boiled ? Lang ar-kbk 16 ma ? 69. How broad shall I make this mat ? Labangso titar 116 koth^k pdth^si thip p6 ? 70. I called my elder brother, but he did not come. N^ n^ ik hang- 16, bonta alang- vaugv^-ddt. 71. They all took hold, but could not lift it. Halatum lajokta ot-16, bonta rung un^-ddt. 72. He was sitting by the road. La tov^r akungsi ingni-susi do. 73. Shall we go by land or by boat ? Netum tovar-1^ dam p6 ma t^bng p^n-1^ dam p6 mi ? 74. He will soon come. La vang serak p6. 75. The calf of that man^s leg is small. Labangso arleng akeng-sarti bih^k. 76. Can you swim? Nang lang vek th^k ma ? 77. Cause him to bring the boat here. Ladak-le telong pevan non. 78. What is the cause of this ? I do not see any cause. La kopi athe ? N^ ath^ thek-th^. 79. Cease to do evil, and after this do well. Kaphango jike non, tangt^ mo-aphi p^mes^n non. 80. The water is clear. Lang kachething 1^. 81. What is the color of this cloth ? Whitish. Labangs6 lipe kopi acham ? Lck-hik. 82. Comb your hair. Nang chu ching-sok non. 83. I do not believe what he says. La k^ning-jtl alingta n6 kroy-krd. 84. There is a continual noise here. Ladak kayta hori vdr-pi. 85. The ship goes day and night. Telyng arj6 an^rl6 ddm ver pi. [ 80 ] 86. He is dead. Alang thi tang-16. 87. Rice is very dear. Sang- ador so-ong. 88. My dear friend. N^ uing kachidok ajirpo. 89. I owed a debt of Rs. 10^ wliicli I have paid (given). 'N6 sika kep choram tang-le ; ne la pi tang-16. 90. Is this water deep ? La lang arnuk krung ma ? 91. What is the difference between the two ? La hiui kopi-si kaprek ? 92. You can do better than that. Nang la aparta klem pemd un. 93. Do you know this man ? Nang labangso arleng chini ma ? 9-i. Have you finished eating your rice ? Nang an cho tang-16 ma ? 95. My work is not done yet. It is done. Non puta n^ kam tangte im lang. Tang tang-16. 96. He came down (descended) from the mountain. La ing-long pensi nang hir tang-16. 97. Come early to-morrow morning. Penap adaprang-le vang non. 98. I will eat and come again. Ne ch6-detsi vang voy-phak p6. 99. You do this work, or else call another man (to do it). Nang labangs6 akam klem non; ma tangte arleng kaprek [hang ncn. 100. For my work the men are insufficient. Ne kam aphan arleng dor-de. 101. The rice is cooked. La an tun tang-16. 102. Keep watch the whole night. Ningvejo pang-tang hon vdr non. 103. Distribute the rupees equally. Pachingbar-rira sika von non. [ 81 ] 104. Make this piece of wood smoolh. Mbangso iitheni,'-i)i apUlak peiiei tliu uon. 105. You must put oil in the hiinps every day. Nang ami kevangta melur jaiig-thu pi uuug ji. lOG. God is eveiy where. Aruam badu adimta do. 107. This man is exceedingly angry. Ldbangso arleng auing- kithikon 16. 108. What is the matter witli your eyes? Nang mek kypi chiphing-det 16 ? 109. Is that house far away, or near ? Halabangso ahem heloving mji ; tebok-h^t ? 110. Take a fan, and fan me constantly. Nang hijap ot rl; ne jap ver non. 111. Do not speak so fast. La-an piiserong-ra, lam nmg-jc ri. _ 112. Fill this gohlet with water. LaLangs6 atibuk king pipleng non. 113. Are not these oranges good ? La theso kedok-atum m^sense ma ? 114'. I wish to buy some fine cloth. Ne j)e pliirso nam-jisi kangtung. 115. You will set the house on fire. Nang la hem me pe-ch6 p6. 116. He forbids you going to the bazaar. Hala niing hithi kedam-ji nang- khaug-det. 117. Go fast and show the way. Aphriing dam rii; toviir lliuii n^'^n. 118. I heard this from the villa fjers. Labangso lilam ne rung asiing-ho pensi karju 16. 119. This house is full of smoke. Labaugs6 tihemke mihi pensi pleng-top 16. 120. Do you not know there is to be (will be) a future judgment ? Mo-aphi iirju p6 pu nang thek-the ma,? 121. The child gapes. La oso kohe 16. 11 [ 82 ] 122. "WTiat did you get? I got fifteen fowls. Nang kopi long 16 ? Ne \o jon kre-phongo long 16. 123. My lamp has gone out. N6 melur mep tang-16. 124. This is a great man. Bangs6 lirleng arleng keth^. 125. He lias a great many servants. La aban ak^-ong pi. 126. Hang up this cloth. Labangs6 ape vek non. 127. This affair happened near the clump of bamboos. Labangs6 alam keph6 aj)hang adungsi k^klang 16. 128. Do you hear the thunder ? Sining kangder arju 16 ma ? 129. Have you been to the village ? Nano- rono- dam 16 ma ? 130. Does your head ache ? I did not hear you. Nang phu so-det 16 ma ? Ne nang s^ nang arju long-le. 131. This box is very heavy; I cannot lift it. Labangso apira kardik-par ; ne rung un-e. 132. Be so kind as to help me. Ne ingjins6-ra ne rap non. 133. This is the least of all. La jok aparta la binei 16. 134. The highest mountain of all. Kado-kave aparta kangtui ing-long 135. Very deep. Karnuk-par. 136. He killed himself. La amethangsi chi-pithi 16. 137. Open the door. Ing-hap ingpu non. 138. How many days will you be (remain) ? Nang ni ke-an do ji ? 139. How much shall I pay you a month ? Chik-16 ejon ne nang ko-an tangka nang pi-tu ma ? [ 83 ] 140. I am very luinfrrv and lliirsiy. Nd an kang'chir par 16, luny tii ki-it pdr lo. 14<1. Hush ! you make a g-reat noise. T)oioy uon ! nang- kahori par 16. 143. I acknowledge my guilt ; tin rcrnrc lorgive me. 'N^ day nc do-clii-en pu ; ajcira ne diyali n<^^n. 143. Do as I bid you. Ne ndng k^pn asonle klem nr/n. 144. Who is in the boat ? Is he in the house? Tebng arlo kc^miit do ? iXlang- hem arlosi do ma V 145. He will work instead o£ his elder brother. Alang a-ik alar kam klem p6. 146. The sabiVs servants are insubordinate. Sahab aban-atum sahab alam kroy-kre-det. 147. Throw it into the water. Ilala lang- var non. 148. Is this man irritable (cross, angry) ? Labangso arleng- lining sideng-par ma ? 149. Is it a male elephant ? La ingnar alu mil ? 150. Its claws are very long" and sharp. La achimi keking'kon tangte kere-par. 151. Put each thing-, whatever it be, in its own place. Mar aliugta adim tc/t-totle bi non. 152. It thmiders. It lig-htens. It rains. Siuing kangder. Sining kabirlak. Arve kejang-. 153. The jackal carried oii' live fowls. Jojat \o jon phongo pon tang-16. 154. Do not kick the little dog. Methanso tur-ri. 155. Animals of every kind are there, llaliidak kado-kave ajiit lipi do. 156. You will ruin the knife. Tari nang aeham pidam p6. 157. I do not know what he says. Hala kopi kepu 16 ne thek-th^. [ 84 ] 158. Of all the men lie who came last is best. Kado-kave arleiig apavta kevaiig- paphi abang memu. 159. Why do you come so late every day ? Nang arui vangta kopi kevaug kapeder vei'-et ? 160. Do not sleep so late in the morning. Adap la-an panerl6-ra i vdr-et ri. 161. Where the roof leaks, (there) put on more thatch (repair it). La sarnuug arve kili along aling-le semarthu non. 162. How much shall I learn? Ne ko-an chirli p6 ? 163. I will deliver you from distress. La nang keduk ne nilng phlok ji. 164. I forbid (prohibit) you doing (to do) it. Klem ri pusi ne nang khang bom 16. 165. You need not say anything ; only go and give the note, and return. Lam ning-je nang ne ; siti det-le pi dam-ra vang non. 166. The house is dirty, therefore I did not wish to stay there, Labangso ahem kahijim, lalesi ne do ingtung te 167. How shall I do it? Thus. Ne kopusi kang-hoy apot 16 ? Lapu sontot. 168. Where you stay, (there) I will stay. Nang kedo aling, ne ta do ji. 169. My words are better than yours. Nang lam aparta ne lam memu. 170. While I was going, he came. Ne dam unsi, alang vang tang-I6. 171. He does as much as he can, and does it well. La kam unansi klem 16, me ta mesen 16. 172. The robbei-s hid their plunder in tho wood. Dokay-atumke kadokay lihurmu ingnamsi patu 16. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL F^ OF 25 CENTS W.LU iNCREASE TO SO c?M?o "^^ """^ PENALTY DAY AND TO sl oo rfj J^ °'' ^"^ ''OURTH OVERDUE '''' """^ SEVENTH DAY Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros. Makers Stockton, Calif. PAI. JAN. 21. 1908 U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD^7D13^^^ ^54194 ,*■% * "•-V-:- --7 ;^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY