iiSMIIill !!8! ■i iliii' 'I ^^^ I'lJBLlC I.IP.IIARV. MCSKIMS. AND XATIONAI (iALLKiiV (II' VKTOKIA. CATALOGUE OF CURRENT PERIODICALS RECEIVED AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF VICTORIA. Alelbourne ; PUINTEI. AM. l'll;I,ISHKI« KOU The Tkustkks of thk PuuLtc Lii!Raky, Mi.seims, axi> National Gallkuy ok Victouia, 1!Y Edoerton a- MooiiE, 241 ani' 243 Flinhkus Lane, MDCCCCV. ■7 Vc- bGd, PREFACE. This ciitiilo^ue iiicliides all current periodicals received at the I'ublic Library of Victoria, idcludiiif,' under that term maga- zines, newspapers, and publications of societies and government departments. It is compiled on the Dictionary principle, the main entry being under the title of the periodical, or under the name of the society or department i-esponsible for its publication, whilst a shorter entry appears under the subject to which the periodical is devoted. In some cases, where no definite subject entry can be used, what is known as a form entry is substituted. E.g.: .\lnianacs and directories ; Literature. General and literary periodicalx ; Newspapers. For convenience, and in case the exact name of a society is not known, a reference is made from the place in which the society has its head-quarters to the name of the society. In the case of government publications entered under the name of a country, a subordinate division of a department is used for a heading instead of the name of the department followed by the various sub-divisions. E.g.: United States. liiireuu of aninuil indaxtri/, instead of United States. Di-jxirtinent of agriculture. Bureau of (iniinal industry. The period of issue is indicated as follows : — d. daily. 2m. bi-monthly. w. weekly. '/. quarterly. ^w. bi-weekly. y. yearly. i^w. tri-weekly. ^y. half-yearly. m. monthly. ii/. three times a year. ^111. fortnightly. ly. five times a year. \tn. three times a month. i*//. biennially. iJ/H. three times in two irraj. irregularly, months. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. PAGE. Nvte. Corrections are italicized. 18. Annales ties ponts et chaussees. Meinoires et documents. 8e. ser,,tom.i — . 21. Annual practice. Sec Snow, T., Burney, C, (uul Stringer, F. A. 22. Apia sanioani.sche Zeitung. Archaeologia. See Society of antiquaries, Loudon. 28. ' Ap^^dioXoyi Kij. 24. Archiv fiir Anthropologie, 4th note. 18G0-7O/1 are paged with Bd. 1-4 of the- Archiv. 25. Association of colleges, etc. See University of the state of New York. 80. Astrophysics. Astrophysical journal. Smithsonian institution. Axtrojjhydcal observatory. Annals. 83. Australasian stage annual. V. 1 — ; 1900 — . Australia, Commonwealth of. Parlunnent. Public general statutes of practical utility. V. 1 — ; 190112 — . 84. . . House ofrepresentotlves. Votes and proceedings. /o. . . Senate. Journals, fo. 43. Bengal. JailK department. Administration report on the jails. 1875-SG, i6'6&-92, 1902—. 48. Blue books. Hon///.ong. 49. Bombay. General department. Eesolution ... on the adminis^vo. St. IVtcrsbourg Note. From 1H94 incorporated with the Bulletin, which see above. Melanges physiques et chimiques, tiros du Bulletin physico-raathe. matique. Tom. 113; l-!49/54-90/4. 8vo. an./ 4to. St. Potersbourg. Note. From 1894 incorporated with the Bulletin. h'/uV/j *f^ above. 6 Academic de?: inscriptions et belles-lettres, /'<^/r/s. Comptes rendu? des soances. 4e. ser, torn. 19—; 1891—. 8vo. Pari-. 2m. ' Academie des sciences, ParU. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances, Tom. 1-87,90— ; 183.5—. 4to. Paris, w. . Table generale, torn. 1-121. Academie des sciences de Cracovie. .See Akademijaumiejetnosci, Cracow. Academie imperiale des sciences de St. Petersbourg. See Academia scientiarum imperialis. St. I'etershiirg. Academie royale des sciences et belles-lettres de Bruxelles, aftw. Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Bntsaels. Annuaire. I860 — . 12mo. Brux. Bulletin?. 2e. sOr, torn. 10-.50 ; 18«)0-80. 8vo. Brux. . Tables generales, tom. 1-.50. Same. 3e. ser, tom. 1-36 ; 1881-98, 8vo. Brux. , Tables generates, tom. 1-30. Note. From 1899 the Bulletins were divided into two sections, as under : — Bulletin de la classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques, et de la classe des beaux-arts, 1899- . irren. Circular of information, nate 3. Adelaide. Newspapers, .\dvertiser. Critic. South Australian register. South Australian weekly chronicle. Adelaide. See also Geographical society of Australasia, South A uatnilian branch. Pharmaceutical society of South Australia. Public library, museum, and art gallery of youth Australia. Koyal British nurses' association. South Au.'itnilian tnumh. South Australian literary societies' union. South Australian school of mines and industries and techno- logical museum. Adelaide observatory. Meteorological observations, 1863, 1H7G — . fo. AiUl. ;/. Adelaide philosophical society, n/tw. Itoyal society of South Australia, Adtlauir. Memoirs. V. 1—; 1899—. 4to. Adel, irreg. Transactions and proceedings and report. [V.l.]— ; 1877/8 — . 8vo. Adel. A;/. Adelaide university. Calendar. 1878—. 8vo. .\del. y. Fablii: examinations board. [Manual]: regulations and syliabus for 1903 — ; report for 1902 — ; [examination papers for 1902— J. 8vo. Adel. !/• Note. The word " Manual " first appears in the title of 1904 ."). 8 Aden. 2'racZe registration department. Eeport on the trade and navigation returns. 1902/3. fo. [Aden]. Admiralty, High court of. See Great Britain. Higli court uf admiralty. Advance Australia, il/e/^o»r?ie. V. 1 — ; June, 1897—. ni. Advertiser, Adelaide, Jormerlij South Australian advertiser. See South Aus. tralian advertiser. Advertiser, Footscray, formerly Footscray adverti.ser. See Footscray advertiser. Advocate, Melbourne. Nos. 1 — ; 1 Feb., 1868 — . it\ Aerated water manufacturers' trade protection association of Victoria, Melbourne. Australian cordial-maker. V. 15—; 1903/4 — . 4to. [Syd.] m. Aeronautical society of Great Britain. Aeronautical journal. V. 1 — ; 1897 — . 8vo. Lond. (/. Aeronautics. Aeronautical society of Great Britain, Aeronautical journal. Africa. African society, London. Journal. See nho Congo free state. Africa, Soutli. South African philosophical society. Transactions. South African year book. Sec also Cape of Good Hope. Natal. Rhodesia. Transvaal colony. African languages. Zeitschrift fiir afrikanische und oceanische Spraehen. African society, London. Journal. V. 1 — ; 1901/2 — . 8vo. Lond. m. AgassiZ association. Wilson ornithological chapter, aftw. Wilson ornithologicfil club, Oberlin, Ohio. Wilson bulletin, a quarterly journal of ornithology. [New ser.], v. 9— ; 1902— . 8vo. [Oberlin]. q. Note 1. Also form Old ser., v. 14 — . V. 9 is incomplete. Age, Melbourne. Nos. 1 — ; 17 Oct., 1854 — . d. Agra. See North-western provinces and Gudh. Agricultural chemistry. Biedermanns Cential-Blatt fiir Agrikulturchemie. United States. De2>t. of agric. Chemical division. Bulletin. Circular. Agricultural experiment stations. Alaska agricultural experiment stations. Bulletin. Connecticut. Agricultural experiment station, New Haven. Annual report. Hawaii agricultural experiment station. Bulletin. ' North-western provinces and Oudh. DejH. of agric. arid commerce. Report on the Cawnpore experimental station for the kharif and rabi seasons, continued as Report on the Cawnpore farm and other experiment stations. Porto Rico agricultural experiment station. Bulletin. United States. Office of experiment stations. Annual report. Circular. Experiment station bulletin. Experiment station record. Experiment station work. University of Nebraska. Agric, experiment station of Nebraska. Annual report. Bulletin. Agricultural gazette. V. 35—; 189-2—. fo. Lond. w. Agricultural gazette of New South Wales. .S'ee New South Wales. Departvunt of iniiten and atincnlture. A}>:ricultural society of Ceylon, Colomh'K Tropical agriculturist and Magazine of the Ceylon agricultural society. See Tropical agriculturist. Agriculture. Agricultural gazette. American agriculturist. Assam, licpt. of land records nud i']it. of agric. and technical instruction. Bulletin. Journal. Journal of agricultural science. Land and water. Mark lane express and agricultural journal. Natal. I)c})t. of agric. Agricultural journal and mining record. National agricultural society of Victoria, aftw. Royal agricultural society of Victoria. Annual report, continued as Report of proceedings. New South Wales. Dept. of minei^ and agric. Agricultural gazette of New South Wales. New Zealand. Dept. of agric. Report. North western provinces and Oudh. J)ept. of agric and commerce, aftw. Dipt, of land records and agric. Report. Season and crop report. Progres agricole et viticole. Punjab. Dept. of revenue and agric. Annual report of the Department of land records and agriculture. Report on the revenue administration. Report on the season and crops. Queensland. Dept. of agric (Queensland agricultural journal. Reformer. Royal agricultural society of England. Journal. Rural New-Yorker. South Australia. Jtept. of agric, and Dept. of industry. Journal of agriculture and industry of South Australia, continued as Journal of the Department of agriculture. 10 Ag:riculture (continued) — Sugar journal and tropical cultivator. Tropical agriculturist, rnntinued as Tropical agriculturist and Magazine of the Ceylon agricultural society. United States. Bureau of plant industry. Bulletin. United States. Dept. of ar/ric. Annual reports. Farmers' bulletin. [Report] . Yearbook. . Offi.ce of the xpcretary. Circular. . Statistical division. Circular. Crop reporter. Report. New ser. miscellaneous, aftw. Bulletin. Victoria. Dept. of agric. Bulletin. Guides to growers. Journal. Leaflets. Western Australia. Dept. of agric. .Journal. See also Agricultural chemistry. Agricultural experiment stations. Chambers of agriculture. Coffee, Dairy farming. Flori- culture. Forestry. Fruit. Gardening. Irrigation. Land. Live Stock. Soils. Tea. Ajmer=/Vlerwara. Conservator of forests. Progress report of forest adminis- tration. 1876/7, 1878/9. fo, [Calc] Same. Continued as Annual report on the forest administration. 1902/3—. fo. Calc. Akademija umiejetnosci, /or?«fr/// Towarzystwo naukowe, Cracow. Bulletin international de I'Academie des sciences de Cracovie. Comptes rendus des seances. 1889 1900. 8vo. Cracovie. Same. Continued in two serie-^^ : — Classe de philologie, classe d'histoire et de philosophie. 1901 — . m. Classe des sciences mathematiques et naturelles. 1901 — . m. Catalogue of Polish scientific literature. Katalog literatury naukowej Pohkiej. Tom. 2- ; 1902—. 8vo. Krakow, q. Note. Tom. 2 is incomplete. Alaska agricultural experiment stations. Note. Under the supervision of the United States Office of experi- ment stations. Bulletin. Nos. 1—; 1902—. 8vo. Wash, irreg. Albany, U.S.A. .S'ee University of the state of New York. Albright memorial building. ScroiitQU public library . .SV^Scranton public library. Albury. Border post almanac. Albury daily news and Wodonga chronicle. Nos, 72G — ; 2 May, 1891 — . d. Alcohol. See Brewing. Liquors. Temperance. fo. Lond. .'/ vo. Lond. [1 w. 11 Alcuin club, London. Collectiois. V. 1 -; lH«(7/8— . Tracts, V. 1—; IHOH— . Alexandra iind Yea standard. Nub. 1 — ; 7 July, l'<77 — . Notf J. lH7i) is incomplete. Note a. The Alexandra timi;s wns iiitoriioialed with the Alexandra and Yaa standmd on 7 •Uily, 1H77. Alexandra times. Nos. 1-547; 2 .lune, 1S(>H 30 .Iim.-, I.s77. Note I. isCtS and isiil) are incom|)lele. Note J. Incorporated on 7 July, 1H77. with the Alexandra and Yea standard, irliich see. All the year round, conducted by Charles Dickens; with which is incorporated Household words, conducted by Charles Dickens. V. 1-20 ; ls.")9-68. Hvo. Lond. Same. New ser., v. 1-21 , 23-3ti, 38-43 ; lHG8/'.)-SH. Kvo. Lond. Same. 3rd ser., v. 1-13 ; 1889-95. 8vo. Lond. Note I. V. 4 of 3rd ser. is incomplete. Note H. Incorporated in May, 1895, with Household words, ed .by C. Dickens [the younger], irhicli see. Allegheny, I'n. ('(irneiiie free Hhranj. See Carnegie free library. Alliance record ; the organ of the Victorian alliance. See Victorian alliance. Almanac for the use of navigators. See United States. Nauticul almaiiac offtce. Almanac of Australia and otlicial record. 1H82. 8vo. [Melb.]. Saiiii-. Coulinued as OlYicia.] directory and almanac of Australia. 18H3. 8vo. Syd. Savte. Continued as OlVicM directory and yearbook of Australia. 1884. 8vo. .Syd. Same. ConJnif/^/asl'ear-book of Australia. 1H85 — . svo. Syd. "»nV//'/- Nos. 55 — ; 22 Sept. 1882 — . w. Amalgamated society of railway employes, Melbourne. Victorian railway news, and Amalgamated society of railway employes' record. V. 14- ; 1903/4— . 4o. Melb. m. Note. V. 14 is incomplete. American academy of political and social science, Pliiladelphia. Annals [with supplements] . V. 1; 1890/1— . 8vo. Philad. 2m. American agriculturist. V. 39 — ; 1880 — . 4to. N. Y. w. Note. V. 47 and 55 are incomplete. American almanac, year-book, cyclopedia, and atlas. 1903 — . 8vo. [N. Y.?] American annual cyclopaedia, and register of important events. V. 1-14; 1801-74. 8vo. N. Y. Same. Continued «.s Appletons' annual cyclopaedia, and register of important events. V. 15-; 1875—. 8vo. N. Y. Note. V. 16-35 form New ser., v. 1-20. V. 36- form 3rd. ser., v. 1-. . General index, v. 1-15, 1861-75. . Index [v. 16-27, , 1876-87. 18 American annual of photography, and Photographic times almanflc. 1H'J3.1902. Hvo. N. Y. Nute. When the Photographic times was amalgamated with Anthony's photographic bulletin to form the Photographic times-bulletin, the American annual of photography was com- bined with the International annual of Anthony's photographic bulletin to form : -American annual of photography, and I'hoto- graphic times— bulletin almanac. I'.MW — . 8vo. N. Y. American architect and building news. [Regular edition.^ V. 31—; iHlil — . 4to. Bost. ic. Niitf. V. 75 is incomplete. American association for the advancement of science. Proceedings. 1848-1'JOO. 8vo. Philad., Bost., etc. Note. For subsequent Proceedings, see Science. American association of farmers' institute workers, formerly American association of farmers' institute managers, formerhj International association of farmers' institute workers. Proceedings of the annual meeting. 1901—. 8vo. Wash. {In United States. Ojfice of experiment ■■itntions. Experiment station bull., nos. 110, 120, 188, etr.) Note. 1901 is Gth meeting. Proceedings for ly9f>-97 were published separately ; Proceedings for 1898 were not published. Proceed- ings for 1899 were published in the Transactions of the New York state agricultural society; and for 1900 in Wisconsin farmers' institute Bull., no. 14. American association of state weather services. Report of the annual meeting. [1892, 1894] 8vo. Wash. {In United States. Weather bureau. Bull., nos. 7, 14.) American book-prices current. V. .5 — ; 1898/9— . 8vo. N.Y. //. American brewer, designated by the U.S. brewers' association for the publication of otlicial communications. V. 36 — ; 1903—. 8vo. K.Y. in. Note. Also with German text, with title of Amerikanische Bierbrauer. American catalogue, under the direction of F. Leypoldt ; books in print and for sale, July 1, 1876. 4to. N.Y. Same. Books recorded. 1876/84—. 4to. N.Y. Note. Based on the Annual American catalogue. American chemical iournal. V. 10 — ; 1888 — . 8vo. Bait. m. American chemical society. Journal. V, 2o — ; 1903 — . 8vo. Easton, /'l-l(>OBd., nebst Ergiinzungsbanden 7 und H der Poggendorff'sclien Iteihc, und zu Dd. 1-50 der Ueihe von Wiedemann. Same. 4te. Folge, mtith'd Annalen der Physik, unter Mitwirkung de Deutschen physikalischen Gesellschart, hrsg. von P. Drude. Bd. 1 — ; 1900—. 8vo. Leipz. m. Same. Beibliitter. Bd. 1— ; 1877 -. 8to. Leipz. m. Same. Supplement, t'^^if/cdLiteratur-Uber.'iicht. 1884 — . 8vo. Leipz. ^ hi. Annales de chimie. Tom. l-itC. ; 178')-181.5. . Table generale des matieres, torn. 1-90. Same. Continued «.■>• Annales de chimie et de physique 1816-40. . Table gcnorale, torn. 1-75 Same. 3e. ser., tom. 1-09 ; 1841-03. . Table?, tom. 81-09. Satne. 4e. ser., torn. 1-30 ; 1804-73. . Tables, tom. l-3(i. Same. 5e. ser., tom. 1-18, 25-30; 1874-83. . Tables, tom. 1-30. Same. Oe. ser., tom. 1-30 ; 1884-93. Note. Tom. 18 is incomplete. . Tables, tom. 1-30. Same. 7e. ser., tom. 1-30 ; 1894-1903. Same. 8e. ser., tom. 1 — ; 1904 — . Annales de chimie et de physi(ii]e, /'(uw^tZ;/ Annales de chimie. See Annales de chimie. Annales|de geographiej V.5, no.' .'3, V.8, no. 41, V.9— ; 1890 — . 8vo. Paris. Tom. 1-75; 8vo. Paris. 8vo. Paris. 8vo. Paris. 8vo. Paris. 8vo. Paris. 8vo. Paris. 8vo. Paris, m. 8vo, Paris. 2 m. le. table decennale, 1891-1901. Annales de geologic et de paleontologie. [Fr. and Ital.]. Livr. 1 — ; 1886 — . 4to. Palerme and Turin, irrep. Annales des mines, ou, Becueil de mc-moires sur I'exploitation des mines et sur les sciences [et les arts] qui s'y rapportent./on/n'r/// .Journal des mines. Tom. 1-13 ; 1810-20. Same. 2e. ser., torn. 18 ; 1827-30. . Table des matieres, le. et 2e. ser. Same. 3e. ser., tom. 1-10, 12-19 ; 1832-41. . Table des mntieres, 3e. ser. Same. 4e. ser.. tom. 1-2, 4-20 ; 1842-51. . Table des matieres, 4e, ser. Same. Memoires. 5e. ser., tom. 1-20 ; 1852-61. Same. Partie administrative, oe. ser., tom. 3-10 Same. Memoires. Oe ser., tom. 1-20 ; 1802-71. 1854-01. Svo. Paris. 8vo. Paris. Svo. Paris. Svo. Paris. Svo. Paris. Svo Paris. Svo. Paris. 18 Annales des m\nes—(coi>tinitedJ — Same. Partie administrative. 6e. ser., torn. 1-9 ; 1862-70. 8vo. Paris Same. Memoires. 7e. ser., torn. 1-2 ; 1872. 8vo. Paris . Table des matieres, 7e. ser. Same. M6moires. 8e. ser., torn. 1-20 ; 1882-91. 8vo. Paris. Sdine. Partie administrative. 8e. S(!"r., torn. I-IO ; 1882-91. 8vo. Paris, Siiiiif. Memoires. 9e. ser., torn. 1-20 ; 1892-1901. Same. Partie administrative. 9e. ser., torn. 1-10 ; 1892-1901. 8vo. Paris . Table des matieres. 9e. ser. Same. Memoires. lOe. ser., torn. 1 — ; 1902—. 8vo. Paris, m. Same. Partie administrative. lOe. ser., tom. 1~; 1902—. 8vo. Paris, m. Annates des ponts et ehaussees. Memoires et documents relatifs a Part des constructions et au service de Pingenieur, lois, ordonnanees et autres actes concernant I'administration des ponts et ehaussees. Ci)ntf)tti<. Memoires et documents, le. ser., [tom. 1-20]; 1831-40. 8vo. Paris. Note. Tom. 1-3 sliow no vol. numbers; tom. 4-20 show vol, num- bers in signatures only. . Tables generates, le. ser. Scwie. 2e. ser., tom. 1-20 ; 1841-.')0. 8vo. Paris. . Tables generales, 2e. ser. Same. 3e. ser., tom. 1-20 ; 1851-60. 8vo. Paris. . Tables generales, 3e. .ser. Same. 4e. ser., tom. 1-20 ; 1861-70. 8vo. Paris. . Tables generales, 4e, ser. Same. 5e. ser., tom. 1-18 ; 1871-79 vo. Paris . Tables generales, 5e, ser. [in 2 v.]. Same. 6e. ser., tom. 3-20 ; 1882-90. 8vo. Paris. , Tables generales, 6e. ser. Same. le. ser., tom. 1-12 ; 1891-96. 8vo. Paris. Savie. Continued as Annales des ponts et ehaussees. le. partie. Memoires et documents. 7e. Fer.; 1897-1900. 8vo, Paris. Note. From 1897 to 1900 each year is divided into 4 separately paged trimestres. 1897, trim. 1, is entitled tom. 13 ; the other trimestres show no vol. numbers. . Tables generales, 7e. ser. Same. 8e. ser., torn.-; 1901—. 8vo. Paris. (/. Note. Tom. 1-5 (1901, trim. 1-4, aiid 1902, trim. 1) show no vol. numbers. Lois, ordonnanees, et autres actes. le. ser., [tom. 1-10] ; 1831-40. 8vo. Paris. Note. Tom. 1-2 show no vol. numbers ; tom. 3-10 show vol. numbers in signatures only. . Tables genc^rales, le. ser.. Same. 2e. ser., [tom. 1-8] ; 1841-48. Sto. Paris. Same. Conthnied as Lois, decrets, arretes et autres actes, 2e. ser., [tom. 9-101; 1849-50. Svo. Paris. 19 Annates des ponts ct chausst'es- ( coniitiindj. . Tables generales, '2e. ser. Same. 3e. ser. torn. 1-10] ; IBr.ltJO. 8vo. Paris. . Tables centrales, 3e. Rur. Same. 4e. siV. Ftom. ] -10] ; 18(51-70. Svo. Paris. Nvtf. 'i'oiii. 10 show vol. niiinbers in si({nalures onlj-. . Tables gen^ral^s, 4e. ser. Same. 5e. ser. torn. 1-9 ; 1871-79. Svo. Paris. . Tables generales, 5e. ser. Same. Oe. s.'r., torn. iJ-lO ; 1888-90. Svo. Paris. . Tables gt^nerales, 6e. st5r. Same. 7e. si'r., torn. l-C ; 1891 9<). Svo. Paris, Same. CoiUiniied i.r publico. Annales des sciences geologiques, aftir. incorporated with Annales des sciences naturelles. See Annales des sciences naturelles. Annales des sciences naturelles. Tom. 1-30 ; 1824-33. Svo. Paiis. . Table generale, le ser. Same. Botanique. 2e ser., torn. 1-20 ; 1834-43. Svo. Paris. . Table generale, 2e ser. Same. 3e sC-r., tom. 1-20 ; 1844-53. Svo. Paris. Note. Table generale, 3e ser., forms part of tom. 20. Same. 4e ser., tom. 1-20 ; 1854-63. 8vo. Paris. Note. Table generale, 4e .ser., forms part of tom. 20. Same. 5e ser., tom. 1-10, 13-20 ; 1864-74. 8vo. Pari.<. Note. Table generale, 5e sur., forms part of tom. 20. Same. 6e sir., tom. 1-20 ; 1875-85. Svo. Paris. Note. Table generale, 6e s^r., forms part of tom. 20. Same 7e sir., tom. 1-20 ; 1885-9-". Svo. Paris. Note. Table, 7e se>„ forms part of tom. 20. 20 Annates des sciences naturelles — ( contijiued ) , Same. 8e ser., torn. 1-20 ; 1895-1904. Note. Table, Be ser., forms part of torn. 20. Same. 9e ser., torn. 1 — ; 1905--. Saine. Zoologie. 2e ser., torn. ]-20 ; 1834-43. . Table generale, 2e ser. 8vo. Paris. 8vo. Paris, irreg. Svo. Paris. Same. 3e ser., torn. 1-20 ; 1844-53. 8vo. Paris. Note. Table generale, 3e ser., forms part of torn. 20. Same. 4e ser., tom. 1-20 ; 1854-63. 8vo. Paris. Note. Table generale, 4e ser., forms part of tom. 20. Same. Zoologie et paleontologie. 5e ser., tom. 1-20 ; 1864-74. Svo. Paris. Note. Table generale, 5e ser. forms part of tom. 20. Same. 6e ser., tom. 1-12, 17-18 ; 1874-84. - 8vo. Paris. Sam,e. 7e ser., tom. 1, 3, 5-20 ; 1886-95. 8vo. Paris. Note 1. Table, 7e ser.. forms part of tom. 20. Note 2. Tom. 14-17 are wrongly entitled 8e ser. Same. 8e ser., tom. 1-20 ; 1896-1904. Svo. Paris. Note. Table, 8e ser., forms part of tom. 20. Same. 9e ser., lom. 1 — ; 1905 — . Svo. Paris, irreg. Note. After 1891 Annales des sciences geologiques was incorporated with Annales des sciences naturelles. Annals and magazine of natural history, formerlij Magazine of zoology and botany. See Magazine of zoology and botany. Annals of botany. V. 1 — ; 1887 — . Svo. Lond. q. . Index, v. 1-10, 1887-96 Annals of natural history, formerly Magazine of zoology and botany. See Maga- zine of zoology and botany. Annals of philosophy, or, Magazine of chemistry, by T. Thomson, united'in 1827 ivith the Philosophical magazine. See Philosophical magazine. Annapolis. See United States naval academy. Annee scientifique et industrielle. Annee 1-26 ,29-33, 35 — ; 1856 — . 12mo. Paris. . Tables decennales, 1856-65. 12mo. Paris. . Tables, 1857-77. [1856-76]. 12mo. Paris. Annee sociologique. Annee 1 — ; 1896/7 — . Svo. Paris. Annuaire dela Nouvelle Caledonie et dependanees. 1871-72, 1878, 1904 — . Svo. Noumea. Annuaire statistique dela Belgique. (Si^e Belgium. Ministcre de Vinterieur. Annual American catalogue. 1886-1900. Svo. N.Y. Savie. Cumulated, 1900/1, 1900/3—. Svo. N.Y. Note. Based on the Publishers' weekly. For quinquennial volumes, see American catalogue. Annual cyclopaedia, Appletons'. Sec American annual cyclopaedia. Annual digest of all the reported decisions of the superior courts. See Mews, J. Annual index of periodicals, aftw., Index to periodicals, (Sec Review of reviews. Annual literary index. 1892—. Svo. N.Y. •21 Annual register. 1758 — . 8vo. Lond. Note. 1803- are entitled " Nrw ser." ■. General index, 1758-1811). Annuario commercial do estado de Sao I'aulo, abrangendo o Triangulo mineiro, estado de Minas geraes. 1904—. 8vo. Sao Paulo. Note. " O initio do Grande annuario com/nercial des Estados unidos do Brasil, que serA composto de 21 annuaric^." Annuario scientilico ed industriale. Anno 1— ; 1804 — . Hvo. Milano. . Tavola decennale, 1803-73. 1864-73]. 8vo. Milano. Anthony's photographic bulletin, . Melb. m. Note. V. 12, 13, and 17 are incomplete. Jan. -Dec, 1896, are marked v. 27 ; Jan.- Mar., 1897, v. 28 ; Apr.- June, 1897, v. 27 ; July, 1897-June, 1898, V. 28. From Aug,, 1901, no vol. no. is mentioned. Australia, London, incorporated with the British Australasian. See Briti>ii Australasian, Australia, Co>nmonw>alth of. Various tiepartmenta. Statutory rules. 1904 -. 8vo. Melb, hreij. Dcpiitmeiit of dejcnce. Note. The Defence departments of th6 various federating states were transferred to the Commonwealth by the Defence act, 1903. Military forces list of the Commonwealth of Australia. 1904 — . 8vo. Melb. Naval forces list of the Commonwealth of Australifl. 1904 — . 8vo. Melb. Department of trade and customs. Annual statement of the navigation and shipping of the Common- wealth of Australia, and of immigration and emigration, compiUd by T. A. Coghlan. 1904—. 4to. Syd. Note. Cover reads " Shipping returns." Annual statement of the trade of the ConmionweaUh of Australia with the United Kingdom, British possessions, and foreign countries, nnd of the customs and excise revenue, compiled by T. A. Coghlan. 1903 — . 4to. Syd. . Patent ojice. See below Patent ofjlcf. Gazette. See Commonwealth of Australia gazette. High court of Australia. Australasian annual digest. Commonwealth law reports ; cases determined in the High coi rt of Australia, Parliatnent. Acts of the parliament. 1901/2 — . 8vo. J'elb. Note. To 1901/2 is prefixed the Commonwi alth of Austinlia con- stitution act. Public general statutes of practical utility. V. 1901 — ; 1/2 — . 8vo. Melb. Pavlianiontary debates. Session 1901 '2 — . Svo. Milb. 34 Australia. Commo7iwealth of — (continued). . House of representatives. Votes and proceedings, [and Printed papers presented to Parliament.] Session 1901/2—. 8vo. [Melb.] Note. The first vol. of each session contains the Votes and proced- ings relating to the House of representatives alone ; the other vols, contain ihe printed papers presented to both Houses. . Senate. Journals. Session 1901/2—. 8vo. [Melb.] Note. Contain papers relating to the Senate only. For papers presented to both houses, see above House of representatives. Patent office. Australian official journal of patents ; proceedings of the Patent office. 1905 -. 4to. Melb. u: Note. Contains Applications 224.5 — . Applications 1-2244 were pub- lished in the Commonwealth of Australia gazette, nos., 49, 56, 60, 69, and 72, 1904 ; and no. 2, 1905. Public service commissioner. Examination no. 1 — ; 1903 — ; papers set. 8vo. [Melb]. Note, 'So. 4 not issued. Australia. Almanac of Australia and official record, aftw. Year-book of Australia. Australian handbook. Coghlan, T, A. Statistical account of the seven colonies of Australasia, continued as Statistical account of Australia and New Zealand. New South Wales. Tiegistrar-generaVs office. Statistics of the seven colonies of Australasia, continued as Statistics ; six states of Australia, and New Zealand. 5ee «Zso New South Wales. Queensland. South Australia. Tasmania. Victoria. Western Australia. Australian aborigines. Geographical society of Australasia, ajtw. Eojal geographical society of Australasia. Queensland branch. Proceedings, continued as Queens- land geographical journal Same. Soutli Australian branch. Proceedings. Same. Victorian branch. Transactions and proceedings, continued as Victorian geographical journal. See also Queensland aborigines. Australian amateur press association. Austral amateur. V. 9— ; 1904 — , Bvo. Melb. m. Australian baker, confectioner, and pastrycook. 1891-96. 4to. Melb. Note. In Sept., 1896, amalgamated with the Australian miller, which see. Australian boys' paper [issued on behalf of the Toorak and South Yarra try society]. V. 1—; 1898/9— . 4to. Melb. m. Australian brewers' journal. V. 1~; 1882/3—. 4to. Melb. vi. Note. From Jan., 1901, the title reads " Australian brewers' journal, aerated water, and wine and spirit trade review." Australian building trades' review, afttv. incorporated with the Building and engineering journal of Australia and New Zealand. See Building and engineering journal, etc 85 Australian Christian [formed by the amalgamation of the Australian Christian standard and the Christian pioneer! . V. 1—; 1898—. 4to. Melb. w. Australian Christian advocate. V. HI); 1874-80. 8vo. Melb Same. Cuiitimied ax Australian Christian witnesH. V. 10-14; 1881-85. 8vo. Melb Note. Amalgamated in Aug., 188.'}. with the Australian Christian watchman to form the Australian Christian .standard, uliirlt *cc. Australian Christian pioneer. V. 1, no. 1, 1868; v. 3, no. 4, 1870. 8vo. Adel. Same. Continued as Australian Christian watchman. V. 1-4; 1880/1- 83/1. 4to. Melb. Note. Amalgamated in Aug., 1885, with the Australian Christian witness to form the Australian Christian standard, uliiclt .■<,■,■. Australian Christian standard [formed by the amalgamation of the Australian Christian watchman and the Australian Christian witness]. V. 1-5; 1885/6-yO. 4to. Melb. Same. CoiUinued a.i Austvalasian Christian standard. V. 0-12; 18yi-i)7. 4to. Melb. Note. Amalgamated in Jan., 1898, with the Christian pionaer to form the Australian Christian, which see. Australian Christian watchman, fin-meilij Australian Christian pioneer. See Australian Christian pioneer. Australian Christian witness, fonnerlij Australian Christian advocate. See Australian Christian advocate. Australian Christian world, Mi-lhounie. New series, nos. 1 — ; 2 April, 1886 — . w. Nutc. The Intercolonial Christian messenger has been incorporated with the Australian Christian world from 2 Apr., 1886. On 4 Apr., 1889, the following were incorporated : — Melbourne Christian world, Sydney Christian world, Brisbane Christian world, and Queensland evangelical standard; on 27 July, 18;(4. the Chvi-tian colonist, Adelaide, was incorporated ; on 14 Sept., 1894, the Australian young folks illustrated magazine, Si/dneij ; on 2 Aug., 1895, the I'rotestant standard, Si/dneij; on 3 Jan., 1896, the Australian weekly, Melbourne, and on 31 Jan., 1896; the Woman's voice. Australian church. Melbourne. Our good words, continued as Australian herald. Si'e Our good word?. Australian college of dentistry and Melbourne dental hospital, Me/bourne. Annual report. 1897/8, 1900/1—. 8vo. Melb. Note The reports for 1898/9 and 1899/1900 were not published separately, but are contained in v. 2-3 of the Australian journal of dentistry. Australian journal of dentistry. V. 1—; 1897/8 — . 8vo. Melb. m. Australian cordial maker. iSt-e Aerated water manufacturers' trade protection association of Victoria. Australian culturist, formcrh/ Austral culturist and woman's realm. See Austral culturist and woman's realm. Australian cyclist. V. 1-8, no. 24; 1893/4-1901. 4to. Melb. Same. Continued as Australian cyclist and motorcar world. V. 8, no. S5-12 ; 1901-04/5. 4to. Melb. Note 1. In Oct., 1904, the Tourist was incorporated with the Australian cyclist. Note 2. V. 12, nos. 11-13, were entitled "Australian cyclist and motor news," 36 Australian cyclist — icontiimed). Same. C'o»ift?i!(ed as Cyclist and motor news. V. 1— ; 1905 — . 4to. Melb ?r. Note. V. 1, nos. 1-2, are wrongly numbered as v. 12, nos. 14-15, Australian dairyman and fruit growers' news. V. 1, no. 1; Feb. 1892, Note. Incorporated in April, 1892, with the Farmer and grazier, which see. Australian farm and home ; the official organ of the Dairymen's association of Victoria. Y. 1-5, no. 2; 1892-9G. 4to. Melb. Sfimn. Continued as Australian farm and home, and veterinary record. V. 5, no. a—; 1896—. 4to. Melb. m, Australian financial gazette and insurance chronicle, formerly Australasian building societies and mortgage companies' gazette. See Australasian, etc. Australian garden and &f\i, formerly Garden and field. See Garden and field. Australian handbook and almanac [including New Zealand], 1870-77,1879- 80. 8vo. Lond. Note. Also includes Fiji from 1872, and New Guinea from 1876. S'tine. Contitrned as Australian handbook, incorporating New Zealand, Fiji, and New Guinea. 1881 — . 8vo. Lond. //. Australian herald, formerly Our good words. See Our good words. Australian independent, formerly New South Wales independent. See New South Wales independent. Australian independent oddfellow ; official organ of the Independent order of oddfellows of Victoria. See Ancient independent order of oddfellows of Victoria. Australian journal. V. 2-3, 5—; 18GG/7-— . 4to Melb. m. Note. V. 2-3, 5-9, and 12-16 are incomplete. Australian journal of dentistry. See Australian collfge of dentistry. Australian journal of education. V.] — ; 1903/4 — . fo. Syd. ?«. Notel. V. 1 is incomplete. Note 2. With v. 1, no. 3, the Australian teacher is incorporated. Australian law times. V. 1—; 1879/80 — . 4to. Melb. J w. Same. [Notes of cases ] V. 1-14, 16— ; 1879/80— . 4to, Melb. Im. Note. V. 1-5 of each set are bound together. Australian leather journal. V. 1 — ; 1898/9 — . 4to. Melb. n?id Syd. )/;. Australian medical journal. V. 1-23; 1856-78. 8vo. Melb. Sami'. New ser., V. 1—17; 1879-95. 8vo. Melb. Note. Amalgamated with the Intercolonial quarterly journal of medicine and surgery as the Intercolonial medical journal of Australasia, which see. Australian messenger of tho Sacred heart. V. 2, 4 — ; 1888 — . 8vo. Melb. m. Australian miller. 1890/199. 4to. Melb. Note 1. Amalgamated in Sept , 1896, with the Australian baker, the part titles reading " Australian miller and baker," and the covers ••Australian miller, with which is incorporated the Australian baker." Note 2. Amalgamated in Sept., 1899, with the Millerb' journal of Australasia, which see. 37 Australian mining standard, Melbourne. V. 1-17; 31 Dec, 1889-1900. Same. (Jontinued as Australian mining standard and financial review, Melbourne. V. 18—; 1900 — . w. Note J. The Australian mining standard is divided into three sections, viz : — Australian mining standard (proper). Electrical record, and Financial review. The section called " Financial review " was first inserted on 30 Aug., 1902, and has been numbered continuously from that date. The Eectioii originally willed " Electrical review " was first inserted on V2 Jan., 1.S9'.), and continued until 30 Aug., 1902. On Sept., 1902, the name was changed to " Electrical record." From 2 Oct., 1902, the "Electrical record " has been numbered, beginning with no. 195. Note :i. Jan. -June, 1902, was numbered v. 21; bat July-December of the same year was given the number v. 28. This was done so as to count each half-year as equivalent to one volume. Australian museum, iSi/t/H^y. Catalogue. Nos. 2 — ; 1864 — . 8vo. Syd. irreii. Memoirs. Nos. 1—; 1887 — . Svo. Syd. irreg. Miscellaneous publication. Nos. 3 — ; 1887—. Svo. Syd. irre/j. Eecords. V. 1—; 1890/1—. 8vo. Syd. irre;/. Special catalogue. V. 1 — ; 1901/4 — . 4to. Syd. irref/. Australian natives' association. Advance Australia, Melbourne. Australian official journal of patents. See Australia, Commonwealth of. Patent ojjice. Australian philosophical society, aftic. Philosophical society of New South Wales. See Philosophical society. Australian photographic journal. V. 7 — ; 1893 — . 4to. Syd. m. Australian poultry and dog gazette. V. 1-11; 1890 1-1900. 4to. Melb. Note. Mar., 1900 (v. 11, no. 1) last issued. Incorporated in April, 1900, with the Austral culturist and woman's realm, which see. Australian Presbyterian calendar, formerly Presbyterian calendar. See Presbyterian calendar. Australian register of shipping. See Marine underwriters' association of Victoria. Australian sentinel and Victorian standard, formtrhj Victorian standard, Melbourne. See Victorian standard. Australian star, Si/dney. Nos. 966—; 1 Jan., 1891 — . d. Australian storekeepers' journal, formerly Draper and warehouseman. See Draper and warehouseman. Australian stud book. V. 1— ; 1878—. Svo. Melb. irren. Australian teacher, a/(jr. incorporated with the Australian journal of education.. See Australian journal of education. Australian times and Anglo-New Zealander, London. Nos. 1-133 ; 1 Aug., 1884-30 Dec, 1887. Note 1. 1887 is imperfect. Note :i. On 4 July, 18S,S. the Au-;tralian times and .^nglo New Zealander was incorporated with the British .\ustralasian. which gee. Australian tobacco journal. V. 1— ; 1901/2 — . 4to. Melb. m. Australian town and country journal, Sydney. Nos. 1-494, 1300—; 8 Jan. 1870-28 June, 1879, •> Jan., 189.")—. ,r. Australian vignerou and fruitgrowers' journal. V.l— ; 1890/1 — . 4to. Syd. -zni M.lb ^. 38 Australian weekly, Melbourne. Nos. 2-54 ; 12 Oct., 1894-11 Oct., 1895. Note. On 3 Jan.. 189f), the Australian weekly was incorporated with the Australian Christian world, wldch see. Australian wine, spirit, and tobacco news, formerly Barlow and Armitage's wine and spirit Irale circular. See Barlow and Armitage's, etc. Australian woman's sphere, Melbourne. Nos. 1 — ; Sept., 1900 — . in. Australian young folks illustrated magazine, Sf/drtey, incorporated on 14 Sept., 1894, with the Australian Christian world. See Australian Christian world. Australischer Christenbotefiirdieevangelisehe-lutherische kirche in Australien, .Tahrg 1-3, 14—; I860—. fo. (Vid 4to. Melb. vi. Austria. Kaiserlich-kmiciliches MinUterium fiir CuUus tind Unterricht. Central- blatt fiir da'3 gewerbliche Unterrichtswesen in Osterreich. Bd. 20.; 1902. 8vo. Wien. Note. Bd. 20 is incomplete. Same. Continued as Zentralblatt fiir das gewerbliche Unterrichtswesen in Osterreich. Bd21-;1903-. 8to. Wien. q. Note. Bd. 21 is incomplete. Austria. S'e also Vienna. Authors. Literary year book. Automobiles See Motor-car.?. Avoca free press and farmers and miners' journal. Nos. 46G — ; 11 Feb., 1882 ~. ^iv. Avoca mail and Pyrenees district advertiser. Nos. 6-831'; 14 Jan., 1864-4 Jan., 1876. Same. Continued as Avoca mail. Nos. 832 — ; 7 Jan., 1876 — . i?r. Bacchus Mar.-5h express. Nos. 450 — ; 13 Feb., 1875 — . ;c. Bairnsdale advertiser and Omeo and Tambo chronicle. Nos. 471 — ; 14 Feb. 1882—. ^ „;. Bairnsdale and Bruthen news. Nos. 289-1274 ; 11 Jan., 1882-28 Mar., 1890. Stni". Continued as Gippsland daily news, Bairnsdale. Nos. 1275- 1689 ; 31 Mar., 1890-3 Aug., 1891. Same. Continued as Gippsland news, Bairnsdale. Nos. 1690-5231 ; 5 Aug., 1891-3 May, 1895. S ime. Continued as Bairnsdale courier. New series, nos. 1 — ; 6 May, 1895—. ^u-. Note. The Bairnsdale liberal news and the Bruthen chronicle were incorporated prior to 11 Jan., 1882. Bairnsdale courier and north Gippsland advertiser. Nos. 218-552; 15 Aug., 1874-15 Mar., 1879. Note. On 10 May, 1879, the Bairnsdale courier was incorporated with the Bairnsdale liberal news, n-hich. see. Bairnsdale district school of mines. Prospectus. 1899 — . 8vo. Bairnsdale. y. Bairnsdale every week See Every week. Bairnsdale liberal news and north Gippsland district advertiser. Nos. 1-77; 10 May, 1S79-14 Feb., 1880. Note 1. 1879 is incomplete. Note 2. The Bairnsdale courier was incorporated with the Bairns- dale liberal news at its commencement. Note 3. The Bairnsdale liberal news was incorporated with the Bairnsdale and Bruthen news prior to 11 Jan., 1882. 89 Bairnsdale news. Nos. 1 — ; 2 Nov., 1895—. Ballan times. Nos. 1—; :j May. 1890—. w. Ballarat. School of mines. Annual report. 1h74, 187C, 1878 98. 8vo. Ball. Note. Reports for 1892-95 are entitled Calendar for 1893-96. [with] annual report for 1892-95. Same. Continued as Calendar for 1900—, with annual report for 1899—. 8vo. Ball. Ballarat church chronicle, a Church of Englund paper. V.'5-14 ; 1895-1904. 4to. Ball. Note. V. 5 is incomplete. Same. Continued as Church chronicle for the diocese of Ballarat. V. 15—; 1905- . 4to. Ball. Ballarat courier. Nos. 2-2.595, 2608, 2976—; 11 June, 1867-15 Oct., 1875, 30 Oct., 1875, 2 .Jan., 1877— . d. Ballarat evening echo. See Evening echo. Ballarat tine art public gallery association. Annual report. 1888/9—. 8vo. Ball. Not^' 1. 1888/9-93/4 have no t.pp. 1894/5— are entitled " Ballarat art gallery. Annual report." Note 2. 1897/8, 1898,9, 1900/1-02/3 were not published. Ballarat general cemetery. Chairman's report. 1882—. 8vo. Ball. y. Ballarat star, formerly Star, Ballarat. See Star, Ballarat. Ballarat stock and station journal, with which is incorporated the Live stock market report. Nos. 551 — ; 1905 — . fo. [Ball.], ir. Ballarat, western, and Wimmera districts stock and station gazette ; with which is incorporated S.G. Valentine and co.'s \Yeekly live stock report. Nos. 1—; 1904—. fo. Ball. w. Balranald Biverina recorder. See fliverina recorder. Baltimore. See Enoch Pratt free library. .Johns Hopkins university. Pea- body institute. Bampton lectures. 1784, 1787-90, 1792, 1798, 1800, 1802-05, 1807-09, 1813-15, 1819-20, 1822-23, 1825, 1827-29, 1832, 1837, 1839-40, 1842-43, 1847, 1849, 1851-85, 1888-95, 1897, 1901, 1903. 8vo. Lond., etc. //. Bankers' institute of Australasia, Melbourne. Journal. Y. 1-4 ; 1886/7-90/1. 8vo. Melb. Note. The voluming of v. 1-3 is irregular. Same. Continued as Bankers' magazine, and journal of the Bankers' institute of Australasia. V. 5-7 ; 1891/2-93/4. 8vo. Melb. Same. Continued as Bankers' magazine of Australasia. V. s — ; 1894/5—. f^vo. Melb. Note. The change of title takes place with v. 8, no. 8. Bankers' magazine. V. 1— ; 1844—. 8vo. Lond. m. Note 1. From v. 50 the title reads Bankers', insurance managers', and agents' magazine. Note 2. V. 48 is incomplete. Bankers' magazine of Australasia. S-e Bankers' institute of Australasia. Bankruptcy. Council of law reporting, London. Law reports. Equity cases, continued as Law report?. Equity cases, including bankruptcy cases. 1869-75. 40 Bankruptcy— (continued). Law reports. Chancery appeal cases, including bankruptcy and lunacy cases. 1865-75. Law reports. Division 1, Chancery. Cases determined by the Chancery division, and by the Chief judge in bankruptcy, and by the Court of appeal. 187-'^-84. Law reports. Queen's bench division. [V. 12— .] 1884 — . Banks and banking. Australian building societies and mortgage companies' gazette, aftic. Australian financial gazette and insurance chronicle. Australian insurance and banking record. Bankers' institute of Australasia. Journal, contDiued as Bankers' maga- zine of Australasia. Bankers' magazine. Baptist union of Victoria. Handbook for 1905 — ; reports and accounts for 1904 — . 8vo. Melb. y. Southern baptist. V. 11—; 1905—. fo. Melb. J?h. Baptists. Baptist union of Victoria. Handbook. Southern baptist. Barlow and Armitage's wine and spirit trade circular. V. 1 — 3, vo. 11; 1894-96. 4to. Melb. Same. Continued as Barlow and Armitage's wine, spirit, and tobacco trades' circular. V. 3, no. 12— v. 5, no. 5 ; 1896-98. 4to. Melb. Same. Continued as Australian wine, spirit, and tobacco trades' review and wholesale prices current. V, 5, no. 6 ; 1898. 4to. Melb. Same. Continued as Australian wine, spirit, and tobacco news and whole- sale prices current. V. 5, no. 7 — ; 1898 — . 4to Melb. vi. yote. The Australasian brewing world, aerated water and cordial makers' news was incorporated with the Australian wine, spirit, and tobacco news in Jan., 1901. Baronetage. See Heraldry and genealogy. Batavia. See Bataviaasch genootscbap van kunsten en wetenschappen. Bataviaasch genootscbap van kunsten en wetenschappen, Batavia. Notulen van de algemeene en. bestuurs-vergaderingen [aftw. directiever- gaderingen]. Deel 28 — ; 1890—. 8vo. Batavia. <]. . Eegister, deel 27-36, 1889-98. Tijdschrift voor indische taal — , land-en volkenkunde. Deel 34—; 1890/1—. 8vo. Batavia. 2 m. Verhandelingen. Deel 45 — ; 1885 — . 8vo. Batavia. irreg. Commissie in Nederlandsch-Indi'fi voo)- oudheidkundig onderzoek op Java en Madoera. Eapporten, 1901 — . 4to. Batavia. //. Bathurst daily Argus. 2 April ; 1904— . d. Note. On 2 Apr., 1904, the Bathurst free press and the Bathurst times were amalgamated to form the Bathurst daily Argus. Bathurst times. V. 17- [46] ; 5 Aug., 1876-31 Mar., 1904. Note. Amalgamated on 2 Apr., 1904, with the Bathurst free press to form the Bathurst daily Argus, wiiich see. Battersea public libraries. Annual report. 1899/1900 — . 8vo. Lond. 41 Bear's weekly circular and rural economist, Melbourne. Nos. 178-180 ; 'J Oct.- 23 Oct., 1858. Same. Continued as Bear's circular and rural economist, Melhourne. Nos. 194-28'J, -UO-IS; 29 Jan., 1859-2'J Dec, 1800. Same. Continued us Economist, Mtlljuurnc. V. 1, no. Iv. 4, no. 53, V. 7, no. Iv. 15, no. 38; 5 Jan., 1801-30 Dec, 18G4, 4 Jan., 1807- 17 Sept., 1875. Note 1. 1859-1804 are imperfect. Note 2. 1 Dec, 1800, was numbered 2^9, and 8-29 Dec. as nos. 210- 213. Note 3. On 25 Sept., 1875, the Economist was incorporated with the Weelily times, Melbounte, n-liich see. Beaufort Riponshire advocate. See Eiponshire advocate. Beechwortli. See Ovens district hospital. Beechworth Ovens and Murray advertiser. See Ovens and Murray advertiser. Beechworth Ovens register. See Ovens register. Beer. See Brewing. Beitrage zur Geophysik ; Abhandlungen aus dem geographischen Seminar der Universitiit Strassburg. Bd. 1 ; 1887. Bvo. Stuttg. Same. Conti)tued as Beitrage zur Geophysik ; Zeitschrift fiir physikal- ische Erdkunde. Bd. 2—; 1895—. 8vo. Stuttg. and Leipz. irren. Beitrage zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen. Bd. 1—; 1870/7—. 8vo. Giittingen. '/. Belfast gazette and Portland and Warrnambool advertiser. Port Fairy. Nos. 450-540; 12 Feb., 1858-23 Dec, 1859. Same. New series, nos. 2-4190 ; 3 June, 1804-7 Jan., 1890. Same. Continued as Port Fairy gazette. Nos. 4191 — ; 10 Jan , 1890 — . ^ic. Note. On 15 Dec, 187(5, the Belfast banner was incorporated. Belgium. Coinmission royale d'histoire. Compte-rendu des soances de la Commission royale d'histoire, ou, Recueil de ses bulletins. Tom, 1, 0-10, 12-13 ; 1834-47. 8vo. Brux. . Table gencrale, le. ser. Same. 2e. ser., tom. 2-12 ; 1851-59. 8vo. Brux. . Table generale, 2e. ser. Same.* 3e. ser., tom. 2-14 ; 1860-72. 8vo. Brux. . Table generale, 3e. ser. . Table generale chronologique et analytique des chartes, ttc, contenus dans les le., 2e., et 3e. ser. Same. 4e. ser., tom. 1-17 ; 1873 90. 8vo. Brux. . Tab's generale, 4e. ser. Same. 5e. sir., tom. 1-11 ; 1S91-1901. 8vo. Brux. Note. Tom. 9-11 are also numbered tom. 08-70 [of the whole ser.] Same. [Whole ser.] , tom. 71 ; 1902. 8vo. Brux. Same. Continued as Bulletin. Tom. 72 — ; 1903 — . Bvo. Brux. irreg. Ministere de Vindustrie et du travail. Direction deVindtistrie. Recueil des brevets d'invention. 1898 — . 8vo. Brux. m. Ministere de Vintdrieur, aftw. Minisllre de /'iutriieur et de I'instrurtion publique, Annuaire statistique de laBelgique. Annce 3-8, 14, 18, 20, 24-28, 30, 32—; 1872—. 8vo, Brux. 42 Belgium— (contimted J. Parliament, Chambre des representants Annales parlementaires de Belgique. 1863/4-67/8, 1902/3—. 4to. Brux. Note. All incomplete except 1904/5. Documents parlementaires de Belgique. 1863/4-67/8, 1896/7, 1903/4—. 4to. Brux. Note. All incomplete except 1903/4. • . Senat. Annales parlementaires de Belgique. 1863/4-67/8, 1896/7, 1899/1900. 1903/4—. 4to. Brux. Note. Incomplete. Documents parlementaires de Belgique. 1864/5-67/8, 1896/7, 1903/4, 4to. Brux. Note, 1865/6, 1867/8, and 1896/7 incomplete. Belgium. Belgium. Comimsf — . fo. Calc. Annual report on the insane asylums in Bengal. 1875-92, 1894- 1900. fc. Calc. Same. Continued as Annual returns of the lunatic asylums in Bengal, with brief notes. 1901—. fo. Calc. Note. The publication for 1902 is triennial, and is called report. Eeport onthe Calcutta medical institutions. 1879, 1881-83, 1885-86, 1888-92, 1894-90, 1898-1900. fo. Calc. Note. For later reports see below Eeport on the charitable dispen- saries, Eeport on the charitable dispensaries under the government of Bengal. 1876-77, 1879-84, 1886. fo. Cal. Same. Continued as Annual returns of the charitable dispensaries. 1888-92. fo. Calc. Same. Continued as Annotated returns of the charitable dispensaries. 1893-1901. fo. Calc. Same. Continued as Annual returns of the charitable dispensarie.s under the government of Bengal, and the Calcutta medical institutions. 1902—. fo. Calc. Note. The publications for 1889, 1892, 1895, 189'^, and 1901 are triennial. . Sanitatio)i. Eeport on vaccination. 1875/6-1876/7. fo. Calc. Same. Continued as Annual statistical returns and brief notes on vaccination in Bengal. 18!SS/9-1894/5, 1896/71901/2. 1903/4. fo.Calc. .V((^'. Commencing with 1889/90 a triennial report is issued every third year. Annual report of the sanitary commissioner. 1868, 1876, 1878-81, 1883, 1885-97, 1899—. fo. Calc. Police departme)it. Report on the police of the Lower provinces. 1868-69, 1875-92. 8vo. and fo. Calc. Same. Continued as Eeport on the administration of the police of the Lower provinces. 1893, 1902 — . fo. Calc. 44 Bengal — (continued ). Registration departinen t. Eeport on the administration. 1875/6-1886/7. fo. Calc, Samt. Continued as Notes on the administration. 1888/9-93/4. 1900/1. fo. Calc. Same. Continned as Statistical returne, with a brief note of the Regis- tration department. 1902. fo. Calc. Note. Every third year, from 1889/90, the pnblication is triennial, and is called report. Revenue department. Forests. Progress report of forest administration in the Lower provinces. 1867/8-1869/70, 187G/7, 1901/2. fo. Calc. Note. Eeport, 1867/8, forms Reprint, no. 18, of Records in Public works dept. of India, . Land revenue. Report on the land revenue administration of the Lower provinces. 1868/9, 187o/6— . fo. Calc. y. Secretariat. Annual report on the administration. 1861/2 — 1868/9, 1870/1-71/2, 1876/7-78/9, 1881/2-98/9, 1900/1—. Svo. and fo. [Calc] Benton, Thomas Hart. Abridgment of the debates of Congress from 1789 to 1856. V. 1-16; 1789/96-1846/50. Svo. N.Y. Bent's monthly literary advertiser, forvierhj Monthly literary advertiser, incor- porated in 1860 with the Bookseller. See Bookseller. Berar. Note. In 1902 Berar was leased in perpetuity to the British government, and in 1903 it was amalgamated, for administrative purposes, with the Central provinces, India, which see. * Berkeley, Cal. See Lick observatory. Berlin. iSi<'e Berliner Gesellsehaft fvir Anthropologic, Ethnologic, und Urgeschi- chte. Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Deutsche meteorologische Gesellschaft. Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Gesellschaft Urania. Koniglich-preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Konigliche Sternwarte. Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, aftio. Deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft. Berliner astronomisches .Jahrbuch. Bd. 90-95, 117—; 1865-70, 1892—. 8vo. Berl. Note 1. Vol. number on half-titles only. All half-titles read "Astronomisches Jahrbuch." Note 2. Bd. 90-92 " mit Genehmhaltung der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften." Note 3. Bd. 92 " hrsg. von der Direction der Berliner Sternwarte." Note 4. Bd. 117-123 " hrsg. von dem Rechen-Institute der Koniglichen Sternwarte zu Berlin." Note 5. Bd. 124 — " hrsg. von dem Koniglichen astronomischen Eechen-Institut." Note 6. Bd. 117 — ; 1892 — "mit Angaben fiir die Oppositionen der Planeten fiir 1890 "— . Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic, und Urgeschlchte, Berlin. Verhandlungen. 1870/1-1902. Svo. Berl. Xote. Issued as a separately paged supplement to the Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie. From 1903 the Verhandlungen form part of the Zeitschrift. Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie. See Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie, 45 Berliner philologische Wochenschrift. Jalirg. 10 — ; 1890—. 4lo. Berl. »/-. Berrigan advocate. Nos. 1 — ; 23 Oct., 1891 — . w. Nutc. 10 Dec. 1B92, is wanting. Berrinjja lierald. Nos. 4—; 2-5 July, 1903 — . . w. Berringa Pitfield banner, /r»/-mer/i/ Kaleno banner. See Kaleno banner. Best books of [the year] . .SVe New York. State. Stale hbrarij. State library bulletin. Bibliography, continued ax Bulletin. Bibliography, note '-i. Beulah rrcord and Mallee advocate. Nos. 1 ; 17 Miir., 1894 — . ir, Bible. Expositor. Expository times. Zeitschrift fiir die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. Bible anti(]uities. Society of Biblical archaeology, Luiidon. Proceedings. Bible echo and signs of the times, is.sued for the Australasian branch of the International tract and missionary society. V. 1-7, /m. 15 ; 1886-92. fo. Melb. Same. Continued as Bible echo. V. 7, no. i6'-18, uo. .'i; 1892-1902. fo. and 4to. Melb. Same. Continued as Australasian signs of the times. V. 18, no. 4-19 ; 1903-04. 4to. Melb. Same. Continued as Signs of the times. V. 20 — ; 1905 — . 4to. Melb. u\ Biblical world. Theological and Semitic literature, bibliographical supplement to the American journal of theology, the American journal of Semitic languages and literatures, and the Biblical world. See Hebraica. Bibliographia anatomica. See Anatomische Gesellschaft. Anatomischer An- zeiger. Bibliographia zoologica, diario " Zoologischer Anzeiger" adnexa. See Zoo- logischer Anzeiger. Bibliographical society, London. Illustrated monographs. Nos..l — ; 1894 — . 4to. Lond. irreg. News-sheet. Dec, 1902 — . 4to. Lond. irreg. Transactions. V. 1 — ; 1892/3—. 4to. Lond, irreg. Bibliographie der deutschen Zeitschriften-Litteratur. Bd. 1—; 1896 — . 4to. Leipz. iv- Same. Supplement, entitled Bibliographie der deutschen Rezensionen. Bd. 1-;1900— . 4to. Leipz. ^y. Bibliography. American catalogue. Annual American catalogue. Bibliographical society, London. Illustrated monographs. News-sheet. Transactions. Biblioteca nazionale centrale, Florence. Bollettino delle pubblicazioni italiane. Book monthly. Bookman, Lond. * Bookman, X.Y. 46 Bibliography— [coyitinued.) Bookseller. Boston book company. Bulletin of bibliography. Clitic. Deutsche Literaturzeitung. English catalogue of books. Hinrichs, J. C. Verzeichniss der Biicher, Landkarten, etc., continued as Hinrichs' Halbjahrs-Katalog. Institut international de bibliographic, Brussels. Bulletin. Kayser, C. G. Index locupletissimus librorum. VoUstandiges Biicher- Lexicon. Literarisches Centralblatt fiir Deutschland. Same. Beilage, entitled Die scheme Literatur. Literary news. Lorenz, 0. Catalogue general de la librairie franpaise. Catalogue mensuel de la librairie fran^aise. New York. State. State library. State library bulletin. Bibliography. Publishers' trade list annual. Publishers' weekly. Revue des bibliotheques. Revue geni^rale de bibliographie franpaise. Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. Same. Beihefte. See aho Book-plates. Book-prices. Booksellers' catalogues. Index of newspaper. Indexes of periodicals. Libraries. Aho the fol- lowing headings, sub-head Bibliography : Anatomy. Anthropology. Archaeology. Canada. Chemistry. Classical languages. Electrical engineering. Engineering. Eye. Folk-lore. Geography. Geology. Inscriptions. Italian languages. Medicine. Meteorology. Myth- ology Physics. Polish literature. Science. Semitic languages and literature. Theology, Useful arts. Zoology. Bibliography of United States public documents. See United States. Office of the superintendent of documents. Biblioteca nazionale centrale, Florence. BoDettino delle pubblicazioni italiane. 1886—. 8vo. Firenze. m. Note. The vol. for 1891 is incomplete. Bibliotheca nacional, Rio de Janeiro. Annaes. Tom. U-l6Jascl, 17-19,21—; 1886/7 -. 8vo. Rio de Jan, irreg, Relatorio. 1896,1900-. 8vo. Rio de Jan. //. Bibliotheca philologica classica. Beiblatt zum Jahresbericht iiber die Fort- schritte der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft. See Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte, etc. Bibliotheque royale deBelgique, Brussels. Rapport. 1888, 1890/1, 1894/5, 1898—. 8vo. Brux. Bicycling. See Cycling. Biedermanns Central-Blatt fiir Agrikulturchemie und rationellen Landwirt- schafts-Betrieb. Jahrg. 22—; 1893—. 8vo. Leipz. m. . General Register, Bd. 1-25. 47 Bierbrauer. Bd. 1-12; 1859-68/0. 8vo. Leipz. Same. Neue Folge, Bd. 1-3, 9—; 1870—. Svo. Leipz. and Halle, w. Note. Bd. 21 and Bd. 25 are incomplete. Blere, et les boissons fermenti-es. Tom. 11— ; 1903—. 4 to, Paris. »//. Bijdrag;en tot de kennis van de piovincie Groningen en omgelegen streken. See Centraal bureau voor de kennis, etc. Biochemisches Centralblatt. Bd. 1 —; 1902/3— . Svo. Leipz. h m. Biographisches Jahrbuch fiir Alterthumskunde, [supplement to Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der classi-schen Alterthuniswissenschaft] . See Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte, etc. Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekrolog, j'ormerhj Biographische Bliitter. Bd. 1— ; [1896—]. Svo. Berl. Biography. Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekrolog. Franklin and Marshall college alumni association, Lancattcr, I'li, Franklin and Marshall college obituary record. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der classischen Alterthumswi.ssen- achaft. Biographisches Jahrbuch fiir Alterthumskunde. Koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen, Amsterdam. Jaarboek uilh Levensberichten] . Oxford and Cambridge yearbook. United States. Congress. Congressional directory, continued as Ollicial congressional directory. Who's who. Who's who in America. Biological society of Washington. Proceedings. V. 1; 18S0/2. Svo. Wash. Note. Forms part of Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 25. V. 2 was published by the Smithsonian institution, but not as part of any of its regular series. Biologische Untersuchungen, hrsg. von G. Retzius. [Bd. 1-2]; 1881-82. 4to. Stockh. Same. Neue Folge, [Bd.] 1—; 1890—. 4to. Stockh. and Jena. irreitment, formtilj Jioaiii of Education, trldeli >ee above. 50 Bombay — (continued). Annual report on the police of the town and island of Bombay. 188B — fo. Bomb. Police report of the province of Sind. 1899-1900. fo. Karachi. Note. For earlier and subsequent reports, see below. Police reports of the Bombay presidency, including the province of Sind. 1877—. fo. Bomb. y. Note. For police reports of Sind for 1899 and 1900, see above. Report of crime and of the i)olice administration of the zillahs subject to the Bombay presidency. 1845-50. fo. Bomb. Same. Conliniied as Report of crime and result of the administration of criminal justice in the Bombay presidency. 1856-58. fo. Bomb. Medical department. Administration and progress report on the civil hospitals and dis- pensaries under the government of Bombay. 1877-90, 1892 — . • fo. Bomb. y. Note. During the years 1891-1900 the medical institutions in the city of Bombay were reported on separately. Administration and progress report on the civil medical institutions in the city of Bombay. 1892-1900. fo. Bomb. Note. Previous to 1891, and subsequent to 1900, included in Ad- ministration and progress report on the civil hospitals, etc., which see above. Annual administration and progress repoit on the lunatic asylums. 1878. fo. Bomb. Note. The report for 1903 is triennial. Report on vaccination. 1889/90-90/1. fo. Bomb. Same. Continued as Notes on vaccination. 1891/2 — . fo. Bomb. Note. Every third year, from 1889/90, the report is submitted in full. • . Sanitary department. Report of the sanitary commission. 1864-65. 8vo. Bomb. Same. Continued as Report of the sanitary commissioner. 1868-70. 8vo. and fo. Bomb. Same. Continued as Annnal report of the sanitary commissioner. 1877-85, 1887—. fo. Bomb. Bombay natural history society. Journal. Y. 1—; 1886 — . 8vo. Bomb. q. Note. V. 13 contains a General index, v. 1-13. Bon jardinier ; almanach horticole. 1873-87,1889-91,1894 — . 8vo. Paris, w. Bonn. See Naturhistorischer Verein der preussischen Rheinlande. Niederrheinische Gesellschaft fiir Natur-und Heilkunde. Book lover. V. 1—; 1899—. 4to. Melb. m. Book monthly. V. 1—; 1903/4—. gvo Lond. Book=plates. Ex libris society, London. Journal. Book=prices. American book-prices current. Book-prices current. Burlington magazine. Supplement, entitled Burlington gazette. Connoisseur. 51 Book • prices — (con tinned. ) Same. Sale prices, monthly supplement to the Connoisseur ; continued as Auction sale prices. Book-prices current. V. 1— ; 1886/7 — . 8vo. Lond. 7. . Index, V. 1-10. Bookbinder, continued ns the British bookmaker, aftw. incorporated with the British printer. See British printer. Bookkeeping. .S'ef Accountancy. Bookman. V. 1—; 1895—. 8vo. N.Y. w. Bookman, V. 23—; 1902/3—. 4to. Lond. m. Books. See Bibliography. Book-plates. Book-prices. Booksellers' catalogues. Libraries. Bookseller. 1858 — . 8vo. Lond. /». Note I. Vols, for 1858-62, 1865. 1868, 1869, 1871, 1873, 1874, 1886, 1889, 1890-9'2, 1902 are incomplete. Note 2. In July, 1860, Bent's monthly literary advertiser was incorporated with the Bookseller. Booksellers' catalogues. Gray, H. Book bulletins, containing genealogy, topography, pedigrees, topographical views, portraits, mss., miscellanea, etc. Macmillan and co. Trade catalogue of books. Quaritch, B. [Catalogues and Rough lists.] Sotheran, H., and co. Sotheran's price current of literature. Boort standard and Pyramid Hill gazette. Nos. 2-260 ; 2 Dec, 1837-26 June, 1903. Same. Continued as Boort standard and Quambatook herald. Nos. 261 — ; 3 July, 1903—. w. Note. On 3 July, 1903, the Quambatook herald was incorporated. Boothby, Josiah. Adelaide almanack, town and country directory, and guide to South Australia. 1864-71. 8vo. Adel. Same. Continued as Adelaide almanac and directory for South Australin; 1872-83. 8vo. Adel. Note. Continued ^as Sands and McDougall's South Australian directory, u-hich see. Bootle. Free library and museum. See Free library and museum. Border post, Moama. Nos. 226-309 ; 4 Sept.— 8 Dec, 1893. Note. On 11 Sept., 1896, the Border post was incorporated with the Riverina herald, which see. Border post almanac. 1877, 1870, 1880, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891—. 8vo. Albury. >j. Boroondara standard, Ilauthorn. V. 6, no. Iv. 34, no. 36; 5 Jan., 1882- 20 Sept., 1895. Same. Continued as Hawthorn and Boroondara standard. \'. 34, no. 37- V. 35, no. 50 ; 27 Sept., 1895-17 Dec, 1897. Note 1. On 22 Jan., 1898, the Hawthorn and Boroondara standard was incorporated with the Hawthorn citizen, which see, Boston. Board 0/ health. Annual report. 1874/5-75/6,1901—. Svo. Bost. 52 Boston — {conti7iued). Public library. Annual list of new and important books added. 1896/7—. 8vo. Bost. Annual report of the Trustees. 1852/3—. 8vo. Bost. Note. A general index to nos. 1-51, 1852/3-1902/3 forms part of the Annual report for 1902/3. Monthly bulletin of books added. V. 1—; 1896—. 8vo. Bost. Boston. See also Children's mission to the children of the destitute in the city of Mew York. First church of Christ, scientist, Boston. Massachusetts horti- cultural society. Society of Biblical literature and exegesis. Boston book company. Bulletin of bibliography. V. 1— ; 1897/9—. 8vo. Bost. q. Note. V. 1-3 are incomplete. Boston society of natural history. Proceedings. V. 1—; 1841/4—. 8vo. Bost. irreg. Note. V. 23 is incomplete. Boston young men's Christian union. Report. 1895/6,1901/2—. 8vo. Bost. y. Botanical gardens. Missouri botanical gardens, St. Louis. Annual report. North-western provinces and Oudh. Dept. of agric. and commerce. Report on the horticultural gardens, Lucknow. Report on the progress and condition of the government botanical gardens. Botanical magazine, by W. Curtis. Y. 1-14 ; 1793-1800. Svo. Lond. Note. V. 1-5 and 9 are reprints. Same. Continued as Curtis's botanical magazine. Y. 15-70 ; 1801-44. 8vo. Lond. Note. Y. 43-53 form also New ser., v. 1-11. Y. 54-70 form also New ser., v. 1-17. . General indexes to plants contained in the first 53 vols. Same. Continued as Curtis's botanical magazine, comprising the plants of the Royal gardens of Kew and of other botanical establishments. Y. 71—; 1845—. 8vo. Lond. m. Note. Y. 71 — also form 3rd ser., v. 1 — . . General index to the Latin names and synonyms of the plants depicted in the first 107 vols. Note. Companion to the Botanical magazine, by W. .J. Hooker, was united in 1838 with the Magazine of zoology and botany, which , see. Botany. Annales des sciences natureUes. Botanique. Annals of botany. Botanical magazine, continued as Curtis's botanical magazine. California academy of sciences. Proceedings, 3rd ser. Botany. Canada. Geological and natural historjj surrey. Catalogue of Canadian plants. Field Columbian museum, Chicago. Publications. Botanical ser. Korg'iga svenska vetenskaps-akademien, Stockholi)'. Arkiv for botanik. 53 Botany -{coTitinned). Linnean society, London. Journal. Botany. Transactions, 2nd ser. Botany. Musee du Congo, lirusseU. Annales, 8«'t. 1. Botanique. New York. State. State miisenm «/ untnial hittorij. Bulletin. Botany. Revue gonc'rale de botani<|ue. United States national museum. Contributions from the United States national herbarium. See alao Acclimatisation. Agriculture. Biology. Botanical gardens. Floriculture. Forestry. Gardening. Micro.scope. Natural history. Protophyta. Box Hill and Camberwell express. Nos. 757-1020; 4 Jan., 188'J-2 Mar., IH'.M. Note. On 9 Mar., 18'J4, incorporated with the Eastern suburbs gazette, which see. 3ox Hill reporter. .See Reporter. Boys. Australian boys' paper. See also Missions. Orphanages. Bradford. See Society of dyers and colourists. Bradshaw's guide to "Victoria. 1856-75,1881—. 12mo. Melb. m. Note. 185(5, 1857, 1881, and 1886 are incomplete. Brassey, Thomas Brassey, baron. Naval annual, by Lord Brassey [and others . Si'e Naval annual. Braunschweig:. See Brunswick. Brazil. Directoria d<^ Iti/drof/raphia. Repartuyio da carta tnaritinio. Avisos aos navegantes. 1902 — . 8vo. Rio de Jan. vi. MhiisUrio da jiistira. Relatorio apresentado ao vice-presidente , 1891/2. 8vo. Riode Jan. ^oti'. For subsequent reports, see below Ministerio da Jit,itira e iiegocios interiores. Minislerio da juslira e neqocios interiores. Note. Formed in 1893 by the amalgamation of the Ministerio d.i justica and the Ministerio do interior. Relatorio apresentado ao presidente. 1892/3, 1895/6 — . Svo. Rio de Jan. tj. Note. For previous reports .lec above ^Jinisterio da justnu. and below Ministerio di> interior. Ministerio das relaroes exteriores. Relatorio apresentado ao presidente. 1892/3, 1897/8 — . Svo. Rio de Jan. ;/. Relatorios consulares ; serie annual Ns. 15 — ; 1901. 8vo. [Rio de Jan. Relatorios diplomaticos; sorie especial. Ns. 1 ; 1901 — 8vo. [Rio de Jan.] irreg. Ministi-rio do interior. Relatorio apresentado ao presidente. 1890/1-91/2. Svo. Rio de Jan. Niite. ¥oT subseijuent reports see above Ministerio da jiisti;a e neijocios i }iiirioris. Brazil. Almanaque brasileiro Gamier. t^ee also Rio de Janeiro. Sao Paulo. Brethren of Christ. See Christudelphians. 54 Brewers' journal, and hop and malt trades' review. V. 39 — ; 1903 — . 4to. Lond. m. Brewing. American brewer. Australian brewers' journal. Bierbrauer. Biere. Brewers' journal. Bridges. Annales des ponts et chaussees. Bright alpine observer. See Alpine observer. Brighton, Caulfield and Elsternwiek times. See Caulfield andElsternwick times. Brighton southern cross, formerly Southern cross, Brighton. See Southern cross, Brighton. Brisbane. J^fwspapers. Brisbane courier. Daily mail. Daily observer, continued as Evening observer. Queenslander. Brisbane. Sfe nlso Geographical society of Australasia. Queensland branch. Pharmaceutical society of Queensland. Royal .society of Queens- land. Brisbane Christian world, incorporated on 4 Apr., 1889, with the Australian Christian world. See Australian Christian world. Brisbane courier. Nos. 2062-4132, 4289-7946, 8439—; 7 Sept., 1864-31 Dec, 1870, 1 July, 1871-30 June, 1883, 27 Jan., 188.3--. d. Brisbane post office directory, and country guide, 1883/4, 1887. 8vo. Brisb. Note. Incorporated in 1888 with the Queensland postoffice directory, tvhi h see. Bristol pablic free libraries. Annual report. 1891/2,1895/6 — . 8vo. Bristol. British almanac. 1828-83,188-5,1887-88. 12mo. Lond. Same. Companion to the almanac, or, Year-book of general information. 1828-83, 1885, 1887-88. 12mo. Lond. Same. Continued as British almanac and companion, 1890-95. 12mo. Lond. Same. Continued as British almanac and family cyclopaedia. 1897, 1900—. 8vo. Lond. ?/. British and foreign anti-slavery society, London. Anti-slavery reporter. Ser. 4, v. 1—; 1881—. 8vo. Lond. q. Note. Ser. 4, vols. 1, 6-9, 11-14 are incomplete. lleport. 1904. 8vo. Lond. British and foreign mechanic and scientific instructor. V. 1; 1869/70. 4to. Lond. Note. Incorporated in 1870 with the English mechanic, ivhich see. British and foreign state papers. See Great Britain. Foreign office. British archaeological association, Loudow. Journal. V. 1-50; 1845-94. 8vo. Lond Same. New ser., v. 1 — ; 1895 — . 8vo. Lond. q. General index, v. 1-42. 55 British association for th« advancement of science. Reports. 1831—. 8vo. Lond. >/. British Australasian, London. Nos. 119 196; 1 Jan., 1887-2S June, 1888. Same. Continued as British Australasian, Australian times and Anglo- New Zealander, London. Nos. 197-430; 4 July, 18HH-'22 Dec, 1H92. Same. Continued as British Australasian and Australian mail, London. No8. 431-58; 29 Dec, 1892-0 July, 1893. Same. Continued as British Australasian and New Zealand mail, London. Nos. 459— ; 13 July, 1893- . w- Note. On 4 July, 1888, the Australian times and Anglo New Zealander, was incorporated, and on 30 Dec,, 1897, the Australia, London. British bookmaker, formerUj the Bookbinder, and aftir. incorporated with the British printer. See British printer. British Burmah, aftw. Burmah. Note. " British Burmah was the name applied to Lower Burmah in contra-distinction to Independent or Upper Burmah, prior to its annexation in Jan., 1886." " Burmah (Upper and Lower). The amalgamation of the Upper and Lower Burmah administrations took place in 1887-88." Administration. Report on the administration. 1863/4-68/9, 1870/1, /3-73/4 1882/3-84/5, 1887/8—. 8vo. and fo. Calc. and Rang. i/. Department of land records and agriculture. Memorandum on the trade between Burma and the adjoining foreign countries. 1890/1-99/1900. fo. Rang. Note. Starting with 1889/90 every third year of this publication is triennial in character, and is called report. Same. Continued as Note on the transfrontier trade of Burma. 1900/1—. fo. Rang. Educational department. Annual report of the Insein reformatory. 1900—. fo. Rang. Note. Previously included in the prisons report, for which see below Judicial department. Report on public instruction. 1898/9—. fo. Rang. Note 1. For earlier reports see below General department. Note 'J. Report for 1901/2 is entitled Second quinquennial report, 1897/8-1901/2. Financial department. Note on the administration of the stamp revenue 1894/5 — . fo Rang. Note. Every third year of this publication is triennial, and is called report. Report on the administration of salt revenue. 1897—. fo. Rang Note. 1897 is the 1st. report. In previous years the particulars were included in the revenue and trade reports. Report on the excise department. 1883/4-85/6, 1888/9- . fo. Rang. General department. Report on public instruction. 1882/3-87/8. lb90/l-97/8. fo Rang. Note 1. Report for 18.J6/7 is entitled First quinquennial report. 1892/3-96/7. Note 2. For later repotts see above Educational d'-yartmenl. Report en the sanitary administration. 1874-75. 187'.t. 1883-90. Ig9'2 . 8vo. otid fo. Itnnt; 56 British Burmah — (continued). Judicial department. Report of the Police supply and clothing department. 1889/90-91/2. to. Rang. Note. For later reports see below Police department. Report on civil and criminal justice. 1872. 8vo. Rang. Note. Similar reports issued until 1876. From 1877 — they were continued as : Criminal justice report. 1883-85. fo. Rang. Same. Continued as Reports on criminal justice. 1890-99. fo. Rang. Same. Continued as Criminal justice report. 1900 — . fo. Rang. a)ul as Civil justice report. 1883-85. fo. Rang. Same. Continued as Reports on civil justice. 1890-91, 1893 — . fo. Rang. Report on the police administration. 1872-74, 1883-85, 1888, 1890-92. 8vo. and fo. Rang. Note. For later reports see below Police department. Report on the prison administration. 1873, 1882-83, 1885. 8vo. and fo. Rang. Police department. Report of the Police supply and clothing department. 1892/3 — . fo. Rang. Report on the police administration. 1893-96, 1898 — . fo. Rang, Note. For previous reports see above Judicial department. From 1899 — the Rangoon police force is dealt with in a separate report, icliich see heloic. Report on the Rangoon town police. 1899—. fo. Rang. Revenue department. Report on archaeological work in Burma. 1901/2. fo. Rang. British catalogue of books. 1837-52 [in 1 vol.] 8vo. Lond. , Index, 1837-57. Note. Afterwards incorporated in the English catalogue of books, which see. British chess magazine, V. 12 — ; 1892 — . 8vo. Lond. ni. British Columbia. Parliament. Legislative assembly. Consolidated statutes of British Columbia, consisting of the acts, ordinances, and proclamations. [1858-77.] 8vo. Victoria. Same. Statutes of the province of British Columbia. 1878, 8vo. Victoria. Same. Statutes of British Columbia up to and including 1888, classified and consolidated. V. 1. Consolidated acts. 8vo. Victoria. S•. Monthly list of wrecks and casualties. 1886 —. 8vo. Paris. Repertoire general. General list of merchant shipping of all nations. 1885/6—. 8vo. and ob!. 4to. Paris, y. Burial riies. Casket. 60 Burke, Sir John Bernard. Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the British empire. 1856, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1862, 1865-77. 8vo. Lend. S line. Continued as Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage, together with memoirs of the privy councillors and knights. 1878-1900. 8vo. Lond. Same. Contimted as Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage, the privy council, knightage and companionage. 1901—. 8vo. Lond. y. Note. Since 1894 this publication has been edited by sons of the late Sir J. B. Burke. Burlington gazette, supplement to the Burlington magazine. See Burlington magazine. Burlington magazine. V. 1—; 1903—. 4to. Lond. m. Same. Supplement, entithd Burlington gazette. V. 1 — ; 1903 — . 4to. Lond. VI. Burmah. Sfe British Burmah. Burney, Charles. Annual practice. See Snow, T., Burney, C, and Stringer, r. A. Burrangong Argus, Youny. 13 Dec, 1882 — . 4 "'■ Business. See Trade and commerce. Business reference handbook, /brw/r/;/ Modern business directory. See Modern business directory, Byjroad and sea. See Commercial travellers' association of New South Wales. Caen. See Societe fran(;aise pour la conservation et la description des monuments historiques, otherwise Societe fran(,>,aise d'archeologie. Cairns morning post. See Morning post. Calcutta. Imperial hhrai II . /See Imperial library. Calcutta Englishman, See Englishman. Calcutta gazette, or, Oriental advertiser. Selections from Calcutta gazettes, 1784- [1823], showing the political and social conditions of the English in India. 8vo. Calc. Note. Up to 1864 the Calcutta gazette was the organ of the govern- ment of India. From 1864 — the Gazette of India, which see, has been the organ of the government. Calcutta public library, aftw. amalgamated with the Imperial lihx&r j, Calcutta . iS?e Imperial library, Calcutta. Calcutta review. V. 1-19, 21-48, 50—; 1844—. 8vo. Calc. q . . Index, V. 1-50. Calico printing. Society of dyers and colourists. Journal. California, folate minivg bureau. Bulletin. Nos. 2-4, 6-17, 25—; 1894—. 8vo. and sheet. Sacramento. irreg. California. S^'c a/so Point Loma. San Francisco. California academy of sciences, /orni^r/?/ California academy of natural sciences, San Francisco. Occasional papers. V. 1 — ; 1890 — . 8vo. San Fran, irreg. Proceedings. V. 5-7 ; 1873/4-76. 8vo. San Fran. Same. 2nd ser., v. 1-6; 1888-96. 8vo. San Fran. 61 California academy — (continued). Saina. 3rd ser. : — Botany. V. 1— ; 18'J7/1'J00— . 8vo. San Fran, i-rec. Geology. V. 1— ; 1897/r;»00 -. 8vo. San Fran, irreij. Math, physics. V. 1— ; 189H-, Hvo. San Fran, irretj. Zoology. V. 1— ; 1897/9— . Hvo. San Fran, irreij. Cambsrwell advertiser, Eastern suburbs gazette and. .SV*- Eastern suburbs gazette. Camberweli and Hawthorn advertiser. Nos. 1 - ; -22 .(une, 1M8H — . tc. Cambrian archaeological association, Loudon. Archaeologia Cambrensis ; a record of the antiquities of Wales and its inarches. V. 1-4 ; 184()-49. 8vo. Lond. Same. New ser., v. 1-5 ; 1850-54. Hvo. Lond. Nut)'. Classified index, v. 1-4. forms part of v. 4. Same. 3rd ser., entitled Archaeologia Cambrensis. V. 1 ll; 1855-69. Hvo. Lond. Same. 4th ser., v. 1-14 ; 1870-83. 8vo. Lond. . Alphabetical index to the first 4 series. Same. 5th ser., v. 1-17 ; 1884-1900. Hvo. Lond. . Alphabetical index, 5th ser. Note. V. 10 contains " List and index of monumental cUigies illus- trated and described in the Archaeologia Cambrensis from 1846-92." Same. Cth ser., v. 1 -; 1901—. 8vo. Lond. 7. Cambridge, Udtg, Harvird nniversti/. .See Harvard university. Cambridge philological society. Proceedings. [Pts.] 31 — ; 1892—. 8vo. Lond. //- Transactions. V. 1—; 1872 -. 8vo. Lond. y. Cambridge philosophical society. Transactions. V. 1 — ; 1821/2—. 4to. Cimb. irre;/. . Index, V. 1-12 Cambridge public free library. Annual report 1889/90-92/3, 1894/5-1900/1 ; 1903/4 — 8vo. Camb. Cambridge university. Calendar, 1845-46, 1850, 1852, 1S,59, 1861-63, 1865-71, 1873-85, 1887-91. 1H93/4— . 8vo. Camb. ij. Examination papers. V. 18— ; 1888/9— . 8vo. Camb. ;/. Oxford and Cambridge yearbook. See Oxford and Cambridge yearbook. Cambridge university. Lihranj. Report of the Library syndicate. 1889, 1891-97, 1899—. 4to. Camb. Camden society, London PublicationF.] [Nos.] 1-42, 44-105 ; 1838-72. 4to. Lond. Same. New ser.. nos. 1-57 ; 1871-97. 4to. Lond. Note. On May 2, 1897, the Camden society was amalgamated with the Koyal historical society. Same. Ed. for the Royal historical society [as the Camden ser. of its publications]. New ser., nos. 58-59, 61—; 1898—. Hvo. Lond. irrea. Same. 3rd. ser., v. 3—; 1902—. 8vo. Lond. irieij. Camperdown chronicle. Nos. 512—; 19 Aug., 1879 — . j| ir. Note 1. 1879-81, 1883 are incomplete. Note 2. The Hampden guardian was incorporated before 1879. 62 Camperdown herald and Terang and Cobden advertiser. Nos. 1—; 10 June, 1903- . 4 «'■• Canada. Department of agriculture. Statistical abstract and record. 1886-88. 8vo. Ottawa. Same. Continued as Statistical year-book of Canada. 1889 — . Bvo. Ottawa. Depai tvient of militia and defence. Militia list corrected to Jan. 1891-98; Apr., July, Oct., 1898; Jan. 1899. 8vo. Ottawa. Same. Continued as Quarterly militia list corrected to Apr., 1900, Jan., 1902, Jan., 1903, Apr., 1904—. 8vo. Ottawa. Eeport on the state of the militia. 1882. 8vo. Ottawa. Same. Contimied as Annual report. 1883-91. 8vo. Ottawa. Same. Continued as Report. 1891/2, 1893/4, 1896, 1898-1900, 1902—. 8vo. Ottawa, y. Geological and nalural idstory survey. Catalogue of Canadian plants. Pts. 1—. 8vo. Montreal, irrey. Contributions to Canadian palaeontology. V. 1 — ; 1885 — . 8vo. and 4to. Montreal and Ottawa, irreg. Palaeozoic fossils. V. 1—; 1865—. 8vo. Montreal and Ottawa, trreg. Eeport of progress. 1853-56,1858,1866-84. 8vo. ajid 4to. Toronto, e, 1891, wanting. . General index to the .Journals of the House of commons, and of the Sessional papers of parliament, 1877-90. . House of commonf. Journals [with appendices] . V. 1— ; 1867/8 — . 8vo. Ottawa. . General index to the Journals of the House of commons, and of the Sessional papers of parliament, 1877-90. . Senate. Journal. V. 1-3, .5—; 1867/8—. 8vo. Ottawa. Patent office. Canadian Patent office record. V. 1-19 ; 1873/4-91. 4to Ottawa. Note. Contains Inventions patented, nos. 164.5-38024. Same. Continued as Canadian Patent office record and register of copyrights and trade marks. V. 20 -; 1892—. 4to. Ottawa. ;/i. Note 1. V. 20 has no t.p. Note ;i. Contains Inventions patented, no.=. 38025 — . Canada. Canada. Df-pt. of ugric. Statistical abstract and record. con/iHued (ic Statistical year-book of Canada. Canadian annual review of public affairs. Canadian institute. Proceedings, continued as Transactions. Proceedings. New ser. Royal society of Canada. Proceedings and transactions. Biblii>/wi/frf irtiation. 68 Chamber of mines of Yictoria,, Melbourne. Monthly report. V. 1 — ; 1904 — . 4to. Melb. Chamber of mines of Western Australia, Kalgoorlie. Monthly report. V. 2 — ; 1903/4—. 4to. Perth. Chambers' Edinburgh journal. V. 1-12; 1832-43. fo. Lond. iVo/e. V. 12 contains General index, v. 1-12. Same. New ser., v. 3-20 ; 184.5-53. 8vo. Lond. Same. Continued as Chambers's journal. V. 1-20 ; 1845-63. 8vo. Lond. Same. [4th ser., v. 1-20] ; 1864-83. 8vo. Lond. Same. [5th ser., v. 1-14]; 1884-97. 8vo. Lond. Same. 6th ser., v. 1— ; 1897/8—. 8vo. Lond. w. Chambers of agriculture. Chamber of agriculture, Melbourne. Annual report. Chambers of commerce. See Boards of trade. Chambers of mines. Chamber of mines of Victoria. Monthly report. Chamber of mines of Western Australia, Kalgoorlie. Monthly report. Chambre de commerce francjaise de Sydney. Bulletin trimestriel. Nos. 1 — ; 1902—. 8vo. Syd. Chancery appeal cases. See Council of law reporting. Law reports. Chancery appeal cases. Chancery division of the High court of justice. See Great Britain. High court of justice. Chancery division. Charities. Charity organisation society, Melbourne. Annual report, Charity review. See also Asylums. Hospitals. Missions. Orphanagcp. Charity organization society, Melbourne. Annual report. 1888/9, 1891/2-93/4, 1896/7-97/8, 1900/1—. 8vo. Melb. Charity review. V. 1— ; 1900— . 8vo. Melb. q. Charity review. See Charity organisation society, Melbourne. Charlton independent. Nos. 1-971 ; 20 Nov., 1885-31 Oct., 1893. Note. Incorporated on 7 Nov., 1893, with the East Charlton tribune, which see. Chatham. See Royal engineer in.stitute. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Chaucer society. [Publications.] Chaucer society, London. [Publications.] 1st ser.. nos. 1-65, 73-81, 83-88, 90—; 1868 — . 4to. and 8vo. Lond, irrey. Same. 2nd ser., nos. 1 — ; 1869 — . Svo. and 4to. Lond. irrey, Cheltenham Moorabbin news. See Moorabbin news. Chemical gazette, or, Journal of practical chemistry. Nos. 1, 4, 5, 74, 75, 80 ; 1842-46. Hvo. Lond. Same. Continued as Chemical news and journal of physical science. Y. 1—; 1859/60—. Svo. Lond. »/•. Chemical news, formerly Chemical ^az-lte. See Chemical gazet'.e. 69 Chemical society of London. Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. V. 1 — ; 1904—. 8vo. Lond. Memoirs. V. 1—; 1841/3. 8vo. Lond. Same. Cojitinwerf as Memoirs and proceedings. V. '2-3 ; 1843/5-45/1^7]. 8vo. Lond. Same. Continuet! as Quarterly journal. V. 114; [1847/8-Gl]. 8vo. Lond. Savie. Continued at Journal. V. 15 — ; [1862]—. 8vo. Lond. m. Note 1. V. 16-28 are also numbered New ser., v. 1-13. V. 29-32 show vol. numbers in signatures only. Note 2. V. 33, 35, 37, etc., are sub-entitled "Transactions." Note 3. V. 34, 3G, 38, etc., are sub entitled " Abstracts " of papers published in other journals]. V. 24-32, 1871-77, also contain Abstracts, without separate pagination. V. 04, 66, etc., are divided into two parts with separate pagination : Pt. 1. Abstracts of papers on organic chemistry. Pt. 2. Abstracts of papers on physical, inorganic, niineralogical, physiological, agricultural, and analytical chemistry. . Index to the first 25 volumes of the Journal, 1848-72, and to the Memoirs and proceedings, 1841-47. . Collective index of the Transactions and Abstracts, [v. 26-42], 1873-82. . Collective index of the Transactions, Proceedings, and Abstracts, [V. 43-82], 1883-1902. Memorial lectures delivered before the Chemical society. [1892], 1900 — . 8vo. Lond. irreg. Chemiker-Zeitung. Jahrg. 17—; 1893—. 4to. Cothen. h tc. Chemisches Central-Blatt. 3te. Folge, Jahrg. 1-19; 1870-88. Svo. Leipz. and Hamburg. . General-Kegister, Jahrg. 1-12, 1870-81. Same. 4te. Folge, Jahrg. 1-8; 1889-96. Svo. Hamburg. Note. Forms also Jahrg. f)0-67, whole ser. Same. Hrsg. von der Deutschen chemisohen Gesellschaft. ote. Folge, Jahrg. 1—; 1897—. 8vo. Berl. tc- Note. Forms also Jahrg. 08 — , whole ser. . General-Register, 1897-1901. Chemist and druggist. V. 20-23 ; 1878 81. 4to. Lond. Same. Australasian supplement ; [organ of the Pharmaceutical society of Victoria.] V. 1-4 ; 1878/9-81. 4to. Melb. Note 1. In 1881 a dispute arose, inconsequence of which, the Phar- maceutical society subsequently severed its connection with the Chemist and druggist. In 1886 the proprietors of the latter established the Chemist and druggist of Australasia. V. 1— ; 1886— . 4to. .Melb. in. Note 2. The Chemist and druggist of Australasia has been the ollicial organ of the following societies for the periods indicated : Pharniaceutical society of New South Wales. lS86Hn, 1898—. Pharmaceutical society of Queensland. Is86 — . Pharniaceutical society of South .\ustralia. 1886 - . Hobart chemists' association. 1886-90. Launceston pharmaceutical association. 1886-90. Pharniaceutical society of Tasmania. 1H91 — . Midland pharniaceutical association of New Zealand, Chiitt- church. 188993. Canterbury pharmaceutical association, Christcliurch, 1S99 — . 70 Chemist and Aruggist— (continued). Otago pharmaceutical association. 1890 — . Central chemists' association, aftw. Central pharmaceutical association, Wellington. 1891 — . Pharmaceutical society of Western Australia. 1893 — . Society of chemical industry of Victoria. 1900-01. New Zealand. Pharmacy hoard. 1904—. Chemistry. American chemical journal. American chemical society. Journal. Proceedings. Annalen der Pharmacie, aftw. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Annales de chimie, continued as Annales de chimie et de physique. Bengal. Municipal dept. Medical. Annual report of the Chemical department. Biochemisches Centralblatt. Chemical gazette, continued as Chemical news. Chemical society of London. Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. Memoirs, aftw. Journal. Memorial lectures. Chemiker-Zeitung. Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und technischen Chemie, etc. Journal fiir praktische Chemie. Journal of physical chemistry. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe. Abth. 2 B. Kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akademien, StockJiolni. Arkiv f5r kemi, mineralogi och geologi. Societe chimique de Paris. Bulletin. Society of chemical industry, London. Journal. Society of chemical industry of Victoria, Melbourne. Proceedings. Society of public analysts. Analyst. United States. Geological survey. Bulletin. Ser. E. Professional paper. Ser. E. Zeitschritt fiir analytische Chemie. Zeitschrift fiir anorganische Chemie. Zeitschrift fiir physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie, und Verwandtschaf ts- lehre. Bibliography. American chemical society. Eeview of American chemical research. Chemical society of London. Memoirs, aftw. Journal. Abstracts [of papers published in other journals.] Chemisches Central-Blatt. Chemistry. 5e<' «^'>•o Agricultural chemistry. Electrochemistry. Pharmacy. I 71 Chemists. Victoria. Plmrmacy board of Victoria. Pharmaceutical register. Report. Cheshire. Chethara society, Manchenter. Remains, historical and literary, con- nected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. Record .society for the publication of original docunaents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. [Fuolications.j Chess. British chess magazine. Deutsche Schachzeitung. Nuova rivista degli scacchi. S;rat('-gie. Chetham society, Manclu'sti'r. Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. V. 1111; 1844-88. 4to. Manch. . General index, v. 1-30. Same. New ser., v. 1 — ; 1883 — . 4to. Manch. irreij. Chicago. .S't'fi Field Columbian museum. John Cierar library. Chicago academy of sciences. Bulletin. V. 2, xo. a; - ; 189o— . 8vo. Chicago, irreg. . Geoloifical and ndtnidl hiatonj stirri'ij. Bulletin. Nos. 1 — ; IH'.Jo — , 8vo. Chicago, t reg. Chicago board of trade. Annual report of the trade and commerce of Chicago. 1875, 1887-1901, 1903-. 8vo. Cbicagc. Chicago gazeta polska. S).c Gazeta polska. Children. See Boys. Missions. Orphanages. Reformatories. Children's friend. V. 1-3; 1901-03. 8vo. Melb. Note 1. V. 1 and 3 have no title pages, V. 2 is entitled " Austral- asian children's friend," but the part-titles read " Children's friend." Note 2 June l-'), 1903, last issued. In its place subscribers were supplied with Our little friend, which see. Children's hospital, Melbourne. See Melbourne hospital for sick children. Children's mission to the children of the destitute in the city of Boston. Annual report. 1902/3- . 8vo. Bost. Chiltern and Howlong times. Nos. 992— ; 12 May, 1886— . ^w. Chiltern standard and Murray valley mining reporter. Nos. 22-87; •"> No\., 18.39-20 June, 1860. Saine. Continued SLil, the Ovens tribune was incorporated, as also were the Murray gazette on 28 Nov., 1S66, and the Ovens constitution on 4 May, 1868. Chiltern valley advertiser, Ruther^len sun and. Sec Rutherglcn sun. 72 China. Shanghai literary and scientific society, aftw. China branch of the Royal Asiatic society. Journal. Chinese times, Melbourne. Nos. 1-; 5 Feb., 1902 — . w. Christadelphian voice. See Melbourne Christadelphian ecclesia. Christadelphians. Melbourne Christadelphian ecclesia. Christadelphian voice. Christchurch, N.Z See Canterbury college. Canterbury pharmaceutical as.sociation. Midland pharmaceutical association of New Zealand. Christchurch Lyttelton times. See Lyttelton times. Christian citizen. See National Christian citizen's league. Christian colonist, Adelaide, incorporated on 27 July, 1894, with the Australian Christian world. See Australian Christian world. Christian commonwea.\th, forynerly Midnight cry. See Midnight cry. Christian pioneer. V. 3-15; 1885-97. 4to., 8vo., fl^rf fo. Melb. Note 1. V. 7 and 9 are incomplete. Note 2. Amalgamated in Jan., 1898, with the Australian Christian standard to form the Australian Christian, u-hich see. Christian review and messenger of the Presbyterian church of Victoria. V. 5-13; 1869-77. fo. Melb. Note. V. 5 and 6 are incomplete. Same. Continued as Presbyterian review and monthly record of the Presbyterian church of Victoria. [V. 1-2] ; 1878/9-79. 8vo. Melb. Note. For subsequent publications, see Monthly messenger and missionary record. Christian science. Christian science sentinel. First church of Christ, scientist, Boston. Christian science journal. Christian science journal. ublicii. Annuaire, Institution of civil engineers, London, Minutes of proceedings. Koninklijk instituut van ingenieurs, 2'lic H igue. Algemeen verslag van de werkzaamheden en notulen der vergaderingen. Verhandelingen. Madras. Public ioork.r. Note. The Colac times was incorporated on 27 July, 1878. Colac times. Nos. 3-330 ; 5 Oct., 1875-20 July, 1878. Note. On 27 July, 1878, the Colac times was incorporated with the Colac reformer, witicli see. Co I burn's United service magazine, formerly United service journal and naval and military gazette. See United service journal, etc. Cole's family almanac, garden and poultry guide, and useful recipe book. 1904 — . 8vo. Melb. y. Coleraine Albion and Casterton advertiser. Nos. 1-459; 4 Jan., 1868-29 Dec, 1875. Same. Continued as Coleraine .\lbion and wesicni advertiser. Nos. 1 — ; 31 Dec, 1880- . »P. Note. 1868 is incomplete. Coliedge's town and country almanac, diary, and directory. 1903, 190."). 8vo. Auckland, y College of preceptors, London. Educational times and journal of the College of preceptors. See Educational times. Colliery guardian, and journal of the coal and iron trades. V. 60—; 1890—. fo. Lond. .ic. Same. Indian, colonial, and foreign supplement [to v 88—.] [Y. 1]—; 1904—. fo. Lond. ir. 78 Collingwood advertiser and observer, i'V/cw//. Nos. 240-292; i Sept., 1870-31 Aug., 1871. Sume. Continued as Advertiser and observer, Fitzroy. Nos. 293-649 ; 7 Sept., 1871-27 June, 1878. Same. Continued as Observer, city and suburban advertiser, Fitzroy. New series, nos. 1 — ; 4 July, 1878—. u: Note. The Observer, Collingwood, was incorporated prior to 1870. Collingwood observer. See Observer and Collingwood and Eichmond advertiser. Collingwood tribune. See Tribune, Collimjwood and Fitzroy. Colombo. Agriruitural society of Ceylon. See Agricultural society of Ceylon. Colonial museum, New Zealand. See New Zealand. Colonial museum and (leoloyicd I snrvey . Colonial office list. See Great Britain. Colonial office. Colonial society, aftw. Koyal colonial institute, London. See Royal colonial institute. Colonial times, Buhart Town. Nos. 506-569, 576, 674-1231, 2430, 2436, 2504-6, 2.526, 2545-46, 2557, 2591, 2593, 2596, 2600, 2608-10, 2617, 2621, 2623, 2633, 2635-37, 2698-2701, 2705, 2709, 2800, 2809-10, 2830, 2834, 2855, 2979-10327; 13 Jan., 1826-30 Mar., 1827, 18 May, 1827, 3 Apr. 1829-31 Dec, 1839, 27 Apr., 15 June, 1852, 10-14 Jan., 22 Feb., 7-9 Apr., 5 May, 30 July, 4, 6, 16 Aug., 3-8, 22 Sept., 1, 8 Oct., 15-10 Nov , 1853, 4-11, 19, 25, 26 Apr., 9, 10 May, 8, 14 June, 13 July, 18.54, 4 Jan., 1855- 30 June, 1856. Note 1. Between 31 Dec, 1839, and 27 Apr., 1852, the Tasmanian, Hohort Town, was incorporated with the Colonial times. On 24 Aug., 1857, the Colonial times was incorporated with the Hobart Town daily mercury, wliicli see. Note 2. 1826-27, 1829-39 are imperfect. Note 3. The issue for 5 Jan., 1855, was numbered 2980, that for the 6th, 29801. The two next issues, being those for the 9th and 10th idem, were numbered 29,802 and 29,803. On the 11th the number appeared as 9804, and was carried forward from that date. Colours. Oil and colourman's journal. Society of dyers and colourists. Journal. Columbia, District of. See District of Columbia. Columbia college, aftu-. Columbia university. New York. Political science quarterly, ed. by the University faculty of political science of Columbia college. See Political science quarterly. Commerce. See Trade and commerce. Commercial. See West Australian commercial travellers' association. Commercial agency of Australia, Melbourne, Commercial gazette; weekly issue. V. 5, no. 21-12, no. 3; 1899-1902. 4to. Melb. Note. No more published. In Aug.. 1902, the business of the Commercial agency was taken over by Coombs and company. See Coombs and company. Commercial education. Eevue de comptabilitci et de jurisprudence, continued as L'Instruction commerciale. See aho Accountancy. 79 Commercial travellers' association of New South Wales, Sydney. By road and sea, aftw. incorporated with the Australasian traveller. See United com- mercial travellers' associatiDn of Australasia. Australasian traveller. Commercial travellers' association of Victoiia, Mdhoiinie. Traveller. V. 71f>; l«'j4/5-iyU4/5, fo. Melb. Note 1. V. 7 is incomplete. Note :i. The vols, for ls/ cuimiion plean. Common pleas division of the High court of justice. Ste Great Britain. Ili-jh court of justice. Common plean diri.'^ioii. Commons. Mouse of. See Great Britain. Purliament. House of commons. Commonwealth ; an annual of Australion art and literature. 1901 — . 8vo. Sjd. Commonwealth laundry journal ; the olKcial organ of the Victorian laundry- association. See Victorian laundry association. Commonwealth law reports; cases determined in the High court of Australia. V. 1—; 1903/4—. 8vo. Melb. irreg. Commonwealth law review. V. 1—; 1903/4—. Bvo. Melb. 2 m. Commonwealth meteorological almanac, contiuutd us Commonwealth weather chart. Sec Giddons, J. H. Commonwealth of Australia gazette. 1901—. fo. Syd. a/i(/ Melb. irrey. Companies. Australasian joint stock companies' year-book. Conchologist. V. 1-2 ; 1891-92/3. 4to. «///70-7;>. 8vo. Lond. Note J. Cited as 9-20 Eq. Note :i. For subsequent reports, see above Law reports. Division 1, Chancery. Law reports. Exchequer division ; reported by .1. M. Moorsom and A. Mortimer, and in the divisional courts of appeal from inferior courts by J. E. Hall ; ed. by J. R. Bulwer. V. 1 ; 1875/(;. Bvo. Lond. Note 1. Cited as 1 Ex. D. Note 2. For reports prior to 1875/0, see above Law reports. Court of exchequer. Same 6'o/i((""<'rf «••* Law reports. Exchequer division ; reported by J. M. Moorsom and A. Mortimer, and in the Court of appeal by C. Marett, W. Mills, H. Holroyd, [and J. E. Hall] ; ed. by J. 11. Bulwer. V. 2-5 ; 1870/7-79/80. 8vo. Lond. Note 1. Cited as 2-5 Ex. D. Note 2. For subsequent reports, sec below Law reports. Queen'a bench division, v. — . The Exchequer division was consolidated with the Queen's bench division in Feb., 1881. Law reports. High court of admiralty, and Ecclesiastical courts; reported by E. Browning [and G. Bruce]; ed. by J. 11. Bulwer. V. 1-4 ; 1865/7-72/5. 8vo. Lond. Note 1. Cited as 1-4 A. & E. Note 2. For subsequent reports, see below Law reports. Probate division. Law reports. House of lords, c^i-. See (liorc Law n pons. Appeal cases, etc. Law reports. Privy council appeals ; cases heard and determined by the Judicial committee and the lords of Privy council ; reported by E. F. Moore, [W. Macpherson, and H. Cowell]. V. 10 ; 1865/7-74/5. 8vo. Lond. Note 1. Cited as 1-0 P. C. Note 2. For subsequent reports, see above Law reports. Appeal cases, etc., and below Law reports. Probate division, etc. Law reports. Probate division ; in the Courts of probate and divorce reported by B. Searle and J. G. Middleton, in the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical courts by G. Bruce, and in the Privy council by H. Cowell; ed. by J. H. Bulwer. V. 1 ; 1875/6. 8vo. Lond. Note 1. Cited as 1 P.D. Note 2. For reports prior to 1875/0, .tee above Law reports. Courts of probate and divorce. Law reports. High court of admiralty, and Ecclesiastical courts. 86 Council of law reporting — (continued). Same. Continued as Law reports. Probate division ; in the Courts of probate and divorce reported by R. Searle, J. G. Middleton [and E. Pritehard] , in the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical courts by G. Bruce, in the Privy council by H. Cowell, and in tiie Court of appeal by C. Marett, W. Mills, H. Holroyd, [M. Ware, and H. C. Jones] ; ed. by J. R. Bulwer. V. 2-5 ; 1876/7-79/80. 8vo. Lend. Note. Cited as 2-5 P.D. Same. Continued as Law reports. Probate division. Cases determined in the Courts of probate and divorce, in the Admiralty and Ecclesias- tical courts, and on appeal therefrom in the Privy council, and in the Court of appeal; ed., J. R. Bulwer [and A. P. Stone]; reporters, H. Cowell, M. Ware, and others. V. 6-15 ; 1881-90. Svo. Lond, Note. Cited as 6-15 P.D. Same. Continued as Law reports. Probate division. Courts of probate, divorce, and admiralty, and on appeal therefrom in the Court of appeal. Ecclesiastical courts, and on appeal therefrom in the Privy council; ed., A. P. Stone [and Sir F. Pollock]; reporters, H. Cowell, M. Ware, and otJiers. 1891 — . Svo. Lond. Note 1. Cited as [1891—] P. Note 2. 1892 — omit " and on appeal therefrom in the Privy council" from the title. Law reports. Public general statutes, with list of local and private acts. Si'e Great Britain. Parliament Law reports. Queen's bench division ; reported by W. Mills and A. P. Stone, and in the Court for crown cases reserved by A. Wilson; ed. by J. R. Bulwer. V. 1 ; 1875/6. 8vo. Lond. Note 1. Cited as 1 Q.B.D. Note 2. For reports prior to 1875/6, see above Law reports. Court of Queen's bench. Law reports. Cases determined by the Court for crown cases reserved. Same. Reported by A. P. Stone and E. Lumley, in the Court for crown cases reserved by A. Wilson and C. Dodd, and in the Court of appeal by C. Marett, W. Mills, H. Holroyd, [and J. E. Hallj ; ed. by J. R. Bulwer. V. 2-5 ; 1876/7-79/80. Svo. Lond. Note. Cited as 2-5 Q.B.D. Same. Continued as Law reports. Cases determined by the Queen's bench division, and by the Common pleas and Exchequer division of the High court of justice, and by the Court of appeal on appeal there- from, and by the Court for crown cases reserved ; ed. by J. R. Bulwer. V. 6 ; 1880/1. Svo. Lond. Note 1. Cited as 6 Q.B.D. Note 2. In Feb., 1881, the Queen's bench, Common pleas, and Ex- chequer divisions of the High court of justice were consolidated into one division, called the Queen's bench division. Same. Continued as Law reports. Supreme court of judicature. Cases determined in the Queen's bench division, and on appeal therefrom in the Court of appeal, and decisions on crown cases reserved; ed., J. E. Bulwer [and A. P. Stone] ; reporters, J. E. Hall, W. Paterson, and others. V. 7-25 ; 1880/1-90. Svo, Lond. 87 ■Council of liiw reporting — (continued). Note 1. Cited as 7-25 Q.B.D. Noteti. V. 12-2o, lMSH/t'.»0, include also reports on bankruptcy cascB. For previous bankruptcy cases, gee tihuve Law reports. Division 1, Chancery. Note 3. V. 23-25, 1889-90, add to title "and decisions of the Rail- way and canal commission." Same. Continued as Law reports. Queen's bench dirision, and on appeal therefrom in the Court of appeal, decisions on crown cases reserved, and decisions of the Railway and canal commission ; ed., A. P. Stone [and Sir F. Pollock] ; reporters, E. Lumley, A. Mortimer, and others. 1891—. 8vo. Lond. Note 1. Cited as [1S91-1900] Q.B., and ri901- ] K.B. Note 2. " t^ueen's" changed to " King's " in 1901. Note 3. Include also reports on bankruptcy cases. Law reports. Scotch and divorce appeal cases before the House of lords ; reported by J. F. Macqueen. V. 1-2 ; 1SC6/9-70/5. 8vo. Lond. Note 1. Cited as 1-2 H.L., Sc. Note 2. For subsequent reports, see above Law reports. Appeal cases, etc. Law reports. Supreme court of judicature. Cases determined in the Chancery division. See above Law reports. Division 1, Chancery. Law reports. Supreme court of judicature. Cases determined in the Queen's bench division. See above Law reports. Queen's bench division. Law reports. Ten years' digest. See abovf. Law reports. Digest of cases, etc. Weekly notes; being notes of cases heard and determined by the House of lords, the superior courts of equity and common law, the Courts of probate and divorce, and the Admiralty court. [Pt. 1.] 1866-68. 4to. Lond. Note. 18C8 " Admiralty and Ecclesiastical courts." Same. Continued as Weekly ijotes ; being notes of cases heard and deter- mined by the House of lords, the superior courts of equity and common law, the Courts of probate and divorce, the Chief judge in bankruptcy, and the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical courts. Pt. 1. 1870-73. 4to. Lond. Note. 1872 is incomplete. Same. Continued as Weekly notes ; being notes of cases heard and deter- ♦mined by the House of lords, the Court of appeal, the Chancery, Queen's bench, and Probate, divorce, and admiralty divisions of the High court of justice, the Chief judge in bankruptcy, etc. Pt. 1. 1883—. 4to. Lond. Note 1. 1884— substitute "cases in bankruptcy" for "the Chief judge in bankruptcy." Note 2. " Queen's" changed to " King's" in 1901. Same. Pt. 2, entitled, from 166S, Weekly notes ; containing rules and orders of the courts, the gazettes, cause lists, legal appointments and promo- tions, and miscellaneous legal information, etc. 1866-68, 1870-73, 1883—. ^to. Lond. Note 1. 1866 and 1870 are incomplete. Sote 2. 1883— substitute " Supreme court of judicature' for " courts." Note 3. 1896— omit " the gazettes." 88 Council of law reporting— (co)/t«n(pd;. Same. Supplements to Pt. 2. 1883. Eiiles of the Supreme court, 1883. General rules made pursuant to section 127 [and section 122] of the Bankruptcy act, 1883. 1884. Patent office. Eules for the registration of trade marks, etc. Table of fees under the Bankruptcy act, 1883. Patent oftice. Piules relating to applications, etc. Bankruptcy act, 1883. Orders under. Supreme court funds rules, 1884. 1886. County court rules, 1880. Crown office rules, 1886. Bankruptcy rules, 1886. 1886-92. . Current index of all cases reported in the Law reports and Weekly notes, etc. S-^e above Current index, etc. 18',)l-95. Orders and rules. Council of law reporting in Victoria. Victorian law leports. V. 1-10 ; 1875-84. Svo. Melb. Cunteiitn. Cases determined by the Supreme court of Victoria in equity. Cases determined by the Supreme court of Victoria at law. Cases determined by the Supreme court of Victoria in its insolvency, probate, and matrimonial jurisdictions. Cases determined in the Court of the chief judge of courts of mines. Note. V. 10 is entitled " Mining cases determined in the Court of the chief judge of courts of mines, and in the Supreme court of Victoria," the jurisdiction of the Court of the chief judge of courts of mines having been transferred by the Judicature act, 1883, to the Supreme court on July 1, 1884. Cases determined in the Court of vice-admiralty for the colony of Victoria. Aoie. In V. 6 and 8 only. Siee. Crane's universal directory of manufacturers and merchants of the United Kingdom, and buyers' guide, with colonial and continental appendix 1892/3. 8vo. Lond. Same. Continued as Crane's buyers' guide of the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australasia. 1897/8. 8vo. Lond. Note. Subsequently incorporated with the London and provincial directory and continental guide, n-ldch see. Crelle's Journal fiir die reine und angewandti Mathematik. S.'c Journal. H'J Creswick advertiser. Nos. 45-70 ; C. May, 18j'J-30 Dec, IkCO. Sume. Cuntiiiiiid an Creswick and Clunes advertiser. Nos. b7-Hl5, 881—; 24 Feb.. 18G0-20 July, IHfji;, 2 .Jan., 18(57—. J to. Crime. British Burmah. Judicbil ilcjit. Criminal justice report. North-western provinces and Oudh. Judicial dept. Note on the criminal statements. Report on the adminl.stnition of criniinal justice in Oudh. See also Police. Prisons. Critic. V. 1-3; 1881-83. 4to. N.Y. Same. New ser., v. 1-21) ; 1884-98. 4to. N.Y. Note. This ser. also forms v. 4-32 of the old ser. Same. Old ser., v. 33 — ; 1898— . hvo. N.Y. m. Note. In Jan., 190.5, the Literary world was incorporated with the Critic. Critic, Adelaide. Nos. 1 — ; 25 Sept., 1897—. re, Crockford's clerical directory. 1877,1884,1802,1899—. 8vo. Lond. y. Crop reporter. /Sec United States, Dept. of aiiric. Statistical divisiim, Croydon mining news. See Mining news, Croydon. Croydon public libraries. Annual report. 1893/4, 1901/2, 1903/4—. 8vo. Croydon. Crystallography. Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie und Mineralogie. Cue Murchison times. See Murchison times. Cumulative index co.. Cleveland. . Cumulative index to a selected list of peri- odicals. See Cumulative index. Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals ; ed. by the Public library, Cleveland. V. 1-3 ; 1896-98. 4to. Cleveland. Some. Ed. by Cumulative index co.. Cleveland. V. 4-7 ; 1800-1002. 4to. Cleveland. Note. In 1903 the Cumulative index was incorporated with the Readers' guide to periodical literature, irhich see. V. 3 of the Readers' guide forms v. 8 of the Cumulative index. Curnin, John. Index to the laws of New Zealand ; Cth ed.. brought down to 1886. 8vo. Well. Curtis's botanical magazine, formerh/ Botanical ma^'azine. S^e Botanical magazine. Customs duties. See Tariff. Cycling. Australian cyclist, ajtic. Cyclist and motor news. Cyclist and motor news, formerly Australian cyclist. See Australian cyclist. Cylopaedias. See Encyclopaedias. Cyprus. Department of agriculture. Annual report. 1901/2 — . 8vo. Nicosia. Cyprus journal. KvirpiuKi'i i(fi,]fi€pts; [a monthly review of the api-iculture. industries, and archaeology of Cyprus. [F.nfi., Greek, and Turkish], V. 1—; 1904—. 4to. Nicosia. Cytology. See Cells. 90 Daily Australasian shipping news, Melbourne. Nos. 1-4401 ; 2 July, 1900- 2 Nov., 1904. Note 1. The Daily shipping gazette and the Australasian shipping news were incorporated with the Daily Australasian shipping news at its commencement on 2 July, 1900. Note 2. On 4 Nov., 1904, the Daily Australasian shipping news was incorporated with the Daily shipping index. Daily mail, Brishane. Nos. 391—; 2 Jan., 1904—. d. Daily news, London. Nos. 16,152—; 1 Jan., 1898—. d. Daily observer, Brisbane. New ser., nos. 018-12.39; 1 July, 188-5-30 July, 1887. Same. Continued a« Evening ohser\er, Brishane. Nos. 1260—; 1 Aug., 1887—. d. Note. 22 Sept., 1885, wanting. Daily shipping gazette, Melbourne. Nos. 1-3917 ; 17 April, 1888-30 June, 1900. Note. On 2 July, 1900, the Daily shipping gazette was incorporated with the Daily Australasian shipping news, u-hich see. Daily shipping indes, Melbourne, formerly Shipping index. See Shipping index. Daily telegraph, Laiincesto7i, forinerly Telegraph. See Telegraph. Daily telegraph, Sydney. Nos. 3591 — ; 1 Jan., 1891 — . d. Dairy farmer and pastoral news. V. 1 — ; 1905 — . 4to. Melb, m. Dairy farming. British dairy farmers' association. Journal. United States. Bureau of animal industry. Annual report. Bulletin. Circular. Dairymen's association of Victoria. Australian farm and home ; the official organ of the Dairymen's association of Victoria. See Australian farm and home. Dandenong advertiser, and Cranbourne, Berwick and Oakleigh advocate. Nos. 407—; 8 Feb., 1882—. w. Dandenong south Bourke and Mornington journal. See South Bourke and Mornington journal. Dantzic See Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Darling Downs gazette, Tomvoomba. New ser., nos. 74G4 — ; 16 Aug., 1890 — . d. Daylesford advocate. Nos. 1 — ; 10 Oct., 1878 — . J ic. Note 1. Daylesford advocate was also the name of a former paper which was published from 2 Apr., 1859, to 22 Dec, 1860, and then merged into another paper. Note 2. On 18 May, 1880, the Daylesford mercury and express was incorporated, and on 19 June, 1894, the Trentham advertiser. Daylesford express. V. 2, no. 75-v. 10, no. 157 ; 1 Jan., 1862-31 Dec. 1867. Note. On 6 Mar., 1868, the Daylesford express was incorporated with the Daylesford mercury, which see. Daylesford herald. Nos, 1—; 4 July, 1883—. J w. Daylesford mercury. Nos. 749-953 ; 10 July, 1867-5 Mar., 1868. Same. Continued as Daylesford mercury and express. Nos. 954-3982 ^ 6 Mar., 1868-30 Dec, 1879. Note. The Daylesford express was incorporated on 6 Mar., 1868, and on 18 May, 1880, the Daylesford mercury and express was in- corporated with the Daylesford advocate, which see. 91 Dayton, Oliio. See Public library and museum. Deaf and dumb. Home for the training in speech of deaf children befon- iliey are of school age, Fliiladi'lpliia. Report. Instituut tot onderwijzing van doven en stommen, aftic. Instituut voor doofstommen, Gronin(jeii. Algemeen verslag. Victorian deaf arid dumb institution. Annual report. See also Ear. Debrett's illustrated peerage and baronetage, titles of courtesy, and liie knight- age. 1874, lS7y, 1882—. Hvo. Lond. y. Note. 1882 — are entitled " Debrett's peerage, baronetage, knight- age, and companionage." Decoration and oi-nament. Art workers' quarterly. Arte italiana decorativa e industriale. Delatite free press, and Mansfield and Doon advocate, Maise, Athens. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique. AeA-toi' 'VjXXijViKij'i (IXXijXoypaffiLa'i. Annee 1 — ; 1877 — . Syo.'AOi]i''ijr]ii€pi'i ap'^aLoXoy LKTj. See 'KWiji'tKij df))(^aioXoyLKij eratpia. Epigraphia Indica, v. 2. See India. Arcliaeological suivey. Eeports. New imperial ser., v. 14. Equity cases before the Master of the rolls and the vice-chancellors. See Council of law reporting. Law reports. Equity cases, etc. Eriu. S^'e School of Irishjearning. Essendon gazette, Moovee Bonds. No.«. 1—; 23 Aug., 1888—. w. 103 Essex institute, 5 i/cm, Mn^s. Ameiiciin naturalist. .SW American naturalist. Note. Formed in 1848 by the amalgamation of the Essex historica society and the Esse.x county niitural history society. In 1H67 its museum was amal(,'Hmaled with thai of the East India marine society to form the museum of the I'eabody academy of science. Etheridge, Kobert, jmir. Otlicial contributions to the palaeontology of South Australia, A-I3. {Ill Brown, H. Y. L. Report on Northern territory explorations.) Sdvie. No. 11. (In Brown, H. Y. L. Beport on exploration.s in western part of South Australia.) Same. Continued as Contributions to the palaeontology of South Austra- lia, published by authority of the Minister of mines. Nos. 12 — 1002—. fo. Adel. Ethics. International journal of ethics. Ethnology. See Anthropology. Euroa advertiser. Nos. 1~ ; 1 Mar., 1884 — . ir. Note. On 10 Aug., 1895, the Violet Town herald was incorporated. Euroa gazette. Nos. 1—; 23 Nov., 1897—. w. Evelyn observer and south and east Bourke record. Kangaroo Ground. Nos. 470- 1.512; 10 Nov., 1882-17 Oct., 1902. Same. Continued as Evelyn observer and Bourke east record, Kangu-uu Ground. Nos. 1513—; 24 Oct. 1902-. ir. Evening echo, BaUarat. Nos. 1—; 12 Feb., 1895—. d. Evening mail, Bendigo. Nos. 1—; 17 Mar., 1894—. ,/. Evening observer, Brisbane, formerly Daily observer. See Daily observer. Evening post, I(V/iui(/(o/). V. 37, nos. 114— ; loMay, 1889— . d Evening standard, Melbourne. Nos. 1-1717 ; 29 Apr., 1889-31 Oct., 1894. Note. On 1 Nov., 1894, the Evening standard was incorporated with the Herald, which see. Evening star, Geet'oHf/. Nos. 775— ; 3Jan., 1882 — . d. Every Saturday, .Milboume. Nos. 1 — ; 21 July, 1902 — . Every week, liaimsdale. Nos. 87 — ; 3 June, 1904 — . Ex libris society, London. Journal. V. 1—; 1891/2—. 4to. Lond. m. . General index, v. 1-12. Examination papers. Accountants' manual ; being the questions set at the Institute of char- tered accountants' examinations, with answers. Adelaide university. Public examination hoard. [Manual]: regulations and syllabus; report; examination papers.] Australia, Commonwealth of. J'ublic service commissioner. Examination , papers set. Cambridge university. Examination papers. Dublin university. Calendar. Supplement, entitled Examination paper.«. Edinburgh university. Examination papers. Preliminary examination papers. Glasgow university. Calendar, [with examination papers.] Great Britain. Dept. of science ana art. 104 Examination papers — (continued). Ileporta of the examiners on the results of the art examinations. Reports of the examiners on the results of the science examinations. London university. Calendar. [Supplement], e«^i(/erf Examination papers. Melbourne university. Examination papers. Oxford university. Examination papers. Royal university of Ireland. Examination papers. Sydney university. Calendar, [with examination papers.] University college, Lo;.do/(,/u/-Hit;72/ University of London. Calendar, [with examination papers ] University of the state of New York. College dept. Bulletin. Profes- sional examination papers. . High school d^pt. Bulletin. Academic examination papers. Examiner, Launceston, formerly Launceston examiner. See Launceston ex- aminer. Examiner and Kilmore and Mclvor weekly journal. Nos. 177-853; 9 June, 185y-6 Sept., 18G7. Note. Incorporated with the Kilmore free press, which see. Examiner and Melbourne weekly news. Kos. 1-378 ; 4 July, 18-57-24 Sept., 1864. Note On 1 Oct , 1864, the Examiner and Melbourne weekly news was incorporated with the Australasian, tchich see. Exchequer, Court of. See Great Britain. Court of e.xchequer. Exchequer divit^ion of the High court of justice. See Great Britain. High court ofjustiec. Exchequer division. Excise. See Inland revenue. Executive documents. &e United States. Congress. Hohse of representatives. . . Senate. Experiment station bulletin. See United States. Office of experiment stations. Experiment station record. See United States. Office of experiment stations. Experiment station work. See United States. Office of exptriment stations. Expositor. V. 1-12 ; 1875-80. 8vo. Lond. • . Indices. ■ Same. 2nd ser., v. 1-8 ; 1881-84. . 8vo. Lond. . Indices to 2nd ser. Sa7ne. 3rd ser., v. 1-10 ; 1885-89. 8vo. Lond. Same. 4th ser., v. 1-10 ; 1890-94. 8vo. Lond. . Indices to 4th ser. Same. 5th ser., v. 1-10 ; 1895-99. 8vo. Lond. . Indexes to 5th ser. Same. 6th ser., v. 1 — ; 1900 — . 8vo. Lond. m. Expository times. V. 15—; 1903/4 — . 4to. Edinb. m. Eye. Archiv fiir Ophthalmologie. Archives d' ophtalmologie. Archives of ophthalmology. Jahresbericht liber die Leistungen und Fortschritte im Gebiete der Ophthalmologie. Ophthalmic review. Bibliography. Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte im Gebiete der Ophthalmologie, Bibliographie. Factories. Bombay. Factory dept. ProviDcial report on the working of the Indian Factories act. Faith healing. See Christian science. Familistere de Guise. Devoir. Fancier's gazette. [V. IJ ; 1874/5. fo. Lond. Same. Continued as h\we stock journal and fancier's gazette V. 2-5, 11-22; 1875-8.5. (o. Lond. l^ote. V. 11 is incomplete. Same. Continued as IA\e stock iourmil. V. 2S ; 1886—. fo. Lond. ir. Note. The actual change of title took place from Apr. 9, 1886, from which date " the dog and poultry portions assume an indepen- dent existence in the 7' '(/(icit';'.s//r/jt'f/e .... The Live stock journal will continue to be the official organ of Koyal agricultural society of England." Fancy trades' register and trade circular, aftif. amalgamated with the Stationer and paper makers, printers, and bookbinders circular as the Stationer and fancy trades' register. See Stationer and fancy trades' register. Farmer and grazier, incorporated with Massey's illustrated. New ser., v. 2- ;. 1892—. 4to. Melb. m. Note 1. V. 4 only has a t.p. ; it reads " Farmer and grazier, and journal of the Hoyal agricultural society." The part titles from V. 3, no. 10— V. 5, no. 10 read "Journal of the lioyal agricultural society of Victoria, incorporated with the Farmer and grazier." Note 2. In April, 18i)'2. the Australian dairyman and fruit growers' news was incorporated. Note 3. The nos. for Jan. -June of v. i;5, 1903, are wrongly numbered v. 12. Farmers' bulletin. See United States. Department of agriculture. Farmers' journal and gardeners' chronicle, Melbourne, forvierly Victorian farmers' journal. See Victorian farmers' journal. Farming. S'-e Agriculture. Dairy farming. Fasliion. Weigel's journal of fashions. Fat. See Oil. Fathers of the church, Kaiserliche Akademie der "Wissenschaften, Vunno. Corpus seriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. Faulding's medical journal. V. 1-; I8'.n»/1900— . Hvo. Adel. m. Note 1. Appointed, Mar. 7, 1904, the official organ of the South Aus- tralian branch of the Royal British nurses' associaiion. Note 2. From Jan., I'.lOo, the part titles read "Faulding's medical and home journal." Fauna. See Zoology. Federal cooperative news. See Civil service cooperative society of Victoria. Federal record. Nos. 1— ; 18% - . 4to. (leelong. *vo. Lond. Note. 1902 last published. . General index to the first 50 vols., 1731-86. . General index, 17>>7-1818. . Complete list of plates and woodcuts, 1713-1818, with index thereto . Index to the biographical and obituary noticef, [v. 1-50], 1731-80, See British record society. Svo. Lond. V. 53-103 8vo. Lond. 8vo. Lond. 8vo. Lond. Svo. Lond. Svo. Lond. 114 Geodesy. Norway. Norske Gradmaalingskommission. Geodiitische Arbeiten. United States. Coast survey office, aftw. Coast and geodetic survey. Bulletin. Eeport. Special publications. See also Hypsometry. Surveying. Geographic names, United States board on. See United States. United Slates hoard on geographic names. Geographical journal, including the Proceedings of the Royal geographical society. See Royal geographical society. Geographical magazine, formerly Ocean highways. See Ocean highways. Geographical society of Australasia, a/^u-. Royal geographical society of Austral- asia, New South Wales and Victorian branches. Proceedings. V. 1-2 ; 1883/4-84. 8vo. Syd. . Queensland branch, Brisbane. Proceedings [and transactions]. V. 1-14; 1885/6-98/9. 8vo. Brisb. Same. Continued as Queensland geographical journal, including the Pro- ceedings of the Royal geographical society of Australasia, Queensland. New ser., v. 15—; 1899/1900—. 8vo. Brisb. 2 y. . South Australian branch, Adelaide. Proceedings. V. 1 — ; 1885/6 — . 8vo. Adel. irreg. . Victorian branch. Transactions and proceedings. V. 3-7 ; 1885-89/90. 8vo. Melb. Note. For v. 1-2, see above New South Wales and Victorian branches. Same, Continued as Transactions. V. 8-19 ; 1890/1-1901. 8vo. Melb. Note. V. 8 contains an index to v. 1-8, pt. 1. V. 11 contains an in- dex to V. 1-11. Samf. Continued as Victorian geographical journal, including the Proceedings of the Royal geographical society of Australasia, Victoria. V. 20—; 1902—. 8vo. Melb. y. Qeographischer Anzeiger, hrsg. von Justus Perthes. Juli-Dez., 1899. 4to. [Gotha.] Same. Jahrg. 1-3 ; 1900-02. 4to. Gotha. Note. Issued with Petermann's Mittheilungen for 18991902. From 1903 it is independent. Qeographischer Litteratur-Bericht, Beilage zum Petermanns Mitteilungen. Set' Petermann, A. H. Mittheilungen, etc. Geography. American geographical society of New York. Journal, aftu\ Bulletin, Annales de geographie. Denmark. Commissionen for Ledelsen af de geologishe og geographiske Undersogdser i GronlanJ. Meddelelser om Gronland. Geographical society of Australasia, aftu-. Royal geographical society of Australasia. Queensland branch. Proceedings, continued as Queens- land geographical journal. . South Australian branch. Proceedings. , Victorian branch. Transactions and pro3eedingF, continued an Victorian geographical journal. Mouvement geographique. Museum Godeffroy, Hamburg. Journal. 115 Geography— (continued.) Palestine exploration fund. Quarterly statement. Petermann, A. H. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstiilt. Royal colonial institute, Journal. Proceedings. Royal geographical society, London. Geographical journal. Year-book and record. Scottish geographical society, afUo, Royal Scottish geographical society. Scottish geographical magazine. Sociedade de geographia de Lisboa. Boletim. United States. Geolofi'ical surveij. Bulletin. Ser. F. Bibliography. Petermann, A. H. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt. Beilage, entitled Geographischer Litteratur-Bericht. Geography. See algo Names. Physical geography. Voyages and travels. Geological magazine, or. Monthly journal of geology ; with which is incorporated " The geologist." New ser. Decade 2, v. 6, 1879, 8vo. Lond. Same. Decade 3, v. 7-10 ; 1890-93. 8vo. Lond. Same. Decade 4, v. 1-10 ; 1894-1903. 8vo. Lond. Same. Decade 5, v. 1—; 1904—. 8vo. Lond. m. Geological society, London. Geological literature added to the library. 1894—. 8vo. Lond. y. List of the Geological society. 1869—. 8vo. Lond. y. (Quarterly journal. V. 1—; 1845—. 8vo. Lond. , Index, V. 1-50. . Classified index to the end of 1855. . Supplement to 2nd ed., 18G9-75. , Second supplement, 1876-82. . Third supplement, 1883-89. Geological society of America. Bulletin. V. 1—; 1890 — . 8vo. N.Y. and Rochester, irreg. Qeologische und palaeontologische Abhandlungen, /ornier/// Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. See Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. Geologist. [1858-64.] 8vo. Lond. Note. In 1864 incorporated with the Geological magazine, which see. Geology. American geologist. Annales de gcologie et de paU'ontologie. California academy of sciences. Proceedings. 3rd ser. Geology. Canada. Geological and natural history survey. Report of progress, continued as Annual report. Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaeontologie. Chicago academy of sciences. Geological and natural history surrey. Bulletin. Denmark. Commissionen for Ledelsen af de geologiske og geographiske Vnd-'rsogdser i Gronland. Meddelelser om Gronland. Field Columbian museum, Chicago. Publications. Geological ser. 116 Qeology — (continued.) Fortschritte der praktischen Geologie. Geological magazine. Geological society, London. Quarterly journal. Geological society of America. Bulletin. Great Britain. Geoloffical survey, etc. Memoirs. Same. Summary of progress. India. Geological surrey. General report. Memoirs. Records. Indiana. Dej't. of geology and natural resources. Annual report. KoDgliga svenska vetenskaps-akademien, Stockholvi. Aikiv for kemi, mineralogi och geologi. Manchester geological society. Transactions. Natal. Geological survey of Natal and Zuhiland. Report. New South Wales. Geological survey. Memoirs: Geology. Records. New York. State. State riiuseurti of natural history. Bulletin. Econ- omic geology. Same. Geology. Palaeontologisehe Abhandlungen, continued as Geologische und palaeon- tologische Abhandlungen. Queensland. Geological survey. Geological survey report, continued as Publication. Societe geologique de France. Bulletin. Taschenbuch f iir die gesammte Mineralogie, continued as Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaeontologie. Same. Beilage-Band. Toronto university. University of Toronto studies. Geological ser. United States. Geological survey. Annual report. Bulletin. Ser. A, B, C. Monographs. Professional paper. Ser. A, B, C. Water supply and irrigation paper. Ser. B. Victoria. Geological survey. Bulletins. Memoirs. Records. Western Australia. Geological survey. Bulletins. Zeitschrift fiir praktische Geologie. Bibliographi/. Geological society, London. Geological literature added to the library. Qeology. See also Metals. Minerals. Mines and mining. Palaeontology. Rocks. Soils. Geraldton exj^ress, formerly Victorian express, Geraldton. iSee Victorian express. Qerber; Organ der chem-techn.Versuchs-und Lehr-Anstalt fiir Lederindustrie ; Organ des Vereines der Lederindustriellen Bohmens. Bd. 29 — ; 1903. — 4to. Wien. ^ m. Germany. Ausicartiges Ami. Zeitschrift fiir afrlkanische und oceanische Sprachen.iSe^ Zeitschrift, e^c. 117 Germany — (continued.) Biindesratli, and llcichittij, lleichs-Gesetzblatt. 1871-80, 188i-85, 1888-1001. 4to. Berl. Note. Bundes-Gesetzblatt des norddeutschen Bundes, 186'J-70. are also in the Library. I'atintanit. llepertorium der technischen Journal-Literatur, hrsg. im kaiserlicben Patentamt. 1903—. 4to. Berl. ij. Note. Also entitled " Subject matter index of technical and scientific periodicals," and " Presse scientifiijue ; n'pertoire analytiijue." ]teichs-^Jarille-Alnt. Zeitschrift fiir atrikanische und oceanische Sprachen. Sve Zeitschrift, etc. Germany. Colonics. Zeitschrift fiir ^atrikanische und oceanische Sprachen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der deutschen Kolonien. Germany. Sec aho Berlin. Brunswick. Carlsruhe. Dresden. Giistrow. Hamburg. Jena. Leipsic. Mecklenburg. Munich. Prussia. Strasburg. Wiirtemberg. Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Berlin. See Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthro- pologic. Gesellschaft Urania, litrlin. Himmel und Erde, hrsg. von der Gesellschaft Urania. See Himmel und Erde. Giddings, J. Index to the Times, and to the topics and events of the years, 18G2-G3. 8vo. Lond. Giddons, John Harcourt. Australasian meteorological almanac for 1890. 8vo. [Port Adel.: Same. Continued as Giddons' meteorological almanac and guide for 1900. 8vo. Adel. Same. Continued as Commonwealth meteorological almanac for lOOl. 8vo. fAdel."' Same. Continued as Commonwealth weather chart for 1903 — . 8vo. [Adel.; y. Gif ford lectures. 8vo. Lond. etc. Contents : Aberdeen university. 1899/1900. Edinburgh university. 1889, 1894, 1894/5, 1895/6, 1896, 1898, 1901/2. Glasgow university. 1888, 1890. 1891, 1892, 1892/3, 1893, 1894/5, 1895/G, 1897, 1898, 1900/1. 1901/2. St. Andrew's university. 1902/3, 1903/4. Gippsland farmers' journal, and Traralgon, Heylield and Bostdale news, Traraltjon. Nos. 1-C51 ; 27 Jan., 1887-29 Sept., 1893. Same. Continued as Gippsland farmers' journal, Traraljon. Nos. 052—; 3 Oct., 1893—. J If. Gippsland independent, Drouin. Nos. 16 — ; 3 Jan., 1879 — . w. Note. 1879 is incomplete. Gippsland mercury, Sale. Nos. 768 — ; 23 May. ls76— . i »r. Gippsland miners' standard, Wood.-; 6 June, 1800-11 Oct., 1895. Same. Coniinued us Goulburn valley yeoman and Rodney shire adver- tiser, and journal of the amalgamated fruitgrowers' association. Nos. 310-409; 18 Oct , 1895-13 Oct., 1898. Same. Continued a* Goulburn valley yeoman, Muoroopna. Nos. 470 — ; 20 Oct., 1898—. w. Note. The Mooroopna and Toolamba telegraph was incorporated with the GouUjLira valley yeoman from its cummeiicement. Government gazettes. British New Guinea government gazette. Dublin gazette. Edinburgh gazette. Fiji royal gazette. Gazette of India. Hobart Town gazette, aftic. Hobart gazette. London gazette. Moniteur beige. New South Wales government gazette. New Zealand government gazette. Port Phillip government notices, aftw.Yictorla, government gazette. Queensland government gazette. Royal gazette. New Brunswick. South Australian government gazette. Western Australian government gazette. Graefe's Archiv fiir Ophthalmologie. iSce Archiv f iir Ophlhalmologie. Grantville Western Port times, formerly San Remo times. See San Remo times. Qraphic, London. V. 1— ; 4 Dec, 1869— . 7o. Gravenhage. 's. See Hague, The. Gray, Henry. Book bulletins, containing genealogy, topography, pedigrees, topographical views, portraits, mss., miscellanea, etc. 1899 — . Svo. liOnd. irreg. Great Britain. Admiralty. Nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris. See below Commissioners of longitude. Navy list. 1850-00, 1867—. " Svo. Lond. y. Note. 1850-55, 1857, 1859-00, 1867-68, 1871, 1870, ISsO, and 1882 are incomplete. Board of agriculture. Journal. V. 1— ; lt94/5 — . 8vo. Lond. m. Board of education, formerly Kducation department, including iJepartmei.t of science and art. SfC below Department of science and art. Board of trade. Board of trade journal. V. 1—; 1886 — , Svo. Lond. »c, . Index, V. 1-20. ]20 Oreat Britain — (contiimed). Same. Supplement, entitled Bulletin of the Imperial institute. V. 1 — ; 1903-. 8vo. Lond. q. Labour gazette. V. 3-5, 10 — ; 1895 — . fo. Lond. m. Eeports of patent cases. See below Patent office. Specifications of inventions printed under the Patents, designs, and trade marks act, 1888. See below Fatenf office. [Letters patent, etc.] Chancery diviaion of tlie Hhjh. court of justice. See below Hhjh court of justice. Colonial office. Colonial office list. 1863, 1865, 1868 — . 8vo. Lond. y. See also below Eviiyraiits' infor)natio)i office. Commissioners of inland revenue. See below Inland revenue office. Oommissionei-s oflonyitude. Nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris. 1767-1831. 8vo. Lond. Same. Publ. by order of the Board of admiralty. 1832-33. 8vo. Lond. Same. Publ. by order of the Lords commissioners of the admiralty. 1834 — . 8vo. Lond. and Edinb. y. ComniUtee of council on education. Dcpartineiit of science and art. See below Department of science and art. Common pleas division of tlie Hiijli court if Justice. See below Hiyh court of Justice. Corps of royal engineers. Professional papers. Sec Eoyal engineer institute. Court for crown cases reserved. Council of law reporting. Law reports. Cases determined by the Court for crown cases reserved. 1865-75. Law reports. Queen's bench division ; reported ... in the Court for crown cases reserved, by A. Wilson. 1875 — . Court for divorce and matrimonial causes. Council of law reporting. Law reports. Courts of probate and divorce. 1865-75. Court if appeal. Council of law reporting. Law reports. Common pleas division. Law reports. Division 1, Chancery. Law reports. Exchequer division. Law reports. Probate division. Law reports. Queen's bench division. Court of clunicery. Council of law reporting. Law reports. Chancery appeal cases. 18G5-75. Law reports. Equity cases before the Master of the rolls and the vice-chancellors. 1865-75. Court if common pleas. • Council of law reporting. Law repoits. Court of common pleas. 1865-75. Court of e.rxhequer. Council of law reporting.'. Law reports. Court of exchequer. 1865-75. ■Court of king's bench. See below Court if ipiee)i's heiuli. 121 Great Britain— (corUiHMed). Court of i>rohati'. Council of law reporting. Law reports. Courts of proljate and divorce. 1860-75. Court (>/' iinccn'^ hcucli. Council of liiw reporting. Law reports. Court of queen's bench. 18()5-75. Department of science and art, aftw. Board of education. National competition ; list of students rewarded, with report of the examiners. ls'.),S--. Hvo. Lond. y lleports of the examiners on the results of the art examinations. 1898 — 8vo. Lond. y Reports of the examiners on the results of the science examinations 1904- . Hvo. Lond. y Ecclesiastical courts. Council of law reporting. Law reports. High court of adniirally and Ecclesiastical courts. 18Go-75. Law reports. Probate division . . . reported ... in the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical courts, by G. Bruce. 1875 — . Emigrants' information office. Handbooks. 1889-90, 1892-93, 1895—. 8vo. Lond. y. Exchequer division of the Hiyh court of justice. 5ee below Iliyli court uf justice. Foreign office. British and foreign state papers. V. 1 — ; 1812/4 — . 8vo. Lond. y. Note 1. Compiled in the Foreign office, but not an official publica- tion. Note 2. V. 21 is a General [chronological] list, v. 1-20; v. 43 is a General index, v. 1-42; v. 64 a General index, v. 1-6:^, and v. 80 a General index, v. 65-79. Foreign office list. July, 1859, Jan., 1865, July, 1866, Jan., 1867, Mar., 1868, Jan., 1869—. 8vo. Lond. ;/• FricndUj societies' registry office. Guidebook. 1893, 1897, 1899, 1901 . 8vo. Lond. y. Gazette. See Dublin gazette. Edinburgh gazette. London gazette. Geological surrey, and Museum of practical geology. Memoirs. V. 1-3 ; 1846-66. Svo. Lond. Same. Published sepanitely.] 1S49 — . 4to. and 8vo. Lond. irreg. Same. Summary of progress. 1897 — . Svo. Lond. y. High court of admiralty. Council of law reporting. Law reports. High court of admiralty. 18(i5-75. Hi^h court of justice. Chancery division. Council of law reporting. Law reports. Division 1, Chancery, continued as Law report:^. Supreme court of judicature. Cases determined in the Chancery division. 1875—. . Common pleas division. Council of law reporting. Law reports. Common pleas division. 1875-80. ' . E.ccheiiner division. Council of law reporting. Law reports. Exchequer division. 187.5-80. 122 Great Britain — (continued.) . Probate, divorce, and admiralty division. Council of law reporting. Law reports. Probate division. 1875 — . — . Qiieen^s bench division. Council of law reporting. Law reports. Queen's bench division. 1875 — , House of commons. See below Parliament. House of lords. See below Parliament. India office. India office list. 1890, 1895. 8vo. Lond. 8 ime. Incorporated with the civil portion of the India list, civil and military, as the India list and India office list. 1896 — . 8vo, Lond. y. Inland revenue office. Law list. See Law list. King's bench division of the High court of justice. See above High court of justice. Queen^s bench division. Museum of practical geology. See above Geological survey. Parliament. Catalogue of parliamentary papers, 1801-1900, with a few of earlier date. 8vo. P. S. King and son. Lond. List of parliamentary papers for sale, continued as Quarterly list of parliamentary publications. See below Stationery office. Monthly list of parliamentary papers. See below Stationery office. Parliamentary history of England. V. 1-36 ; 1066/1625-1801/3. 8vo. Lond. Same. Continued asTa.rli&menta.ry debates, [published under the super- intendence of T. C. Hansard.] V. 1-41 ; 1803-19/20. 8vo. Lond. Same. New ser., v. 1-25 ; 1820-30. 8vo. Lond. Note. V. 1-20 under the superintendence of T. C. Hansard ; v. 21- 25 are entitled Hansard's Parliamentary debates. Same. 3rd ser., entitled Hansard's Parliamentary debates. V. 1-356 ; 1830-91. 8vo. Lond. Note 1. The last vol. for each session contains a general index for all the vols, of the session. Note 2. The sessional indexes for v. 102-168 are also bound together in one vol. Same. 4th ser., v. 1 — ; 1892 — . 8vo. Lond. Note. The last vol. for each session contains a general index for all the vols, of the session. Statutes at large, from Magna charta [of 1225] to the 30th year of king George II., by J. Cay. V. 1-6 ; [1225/1531-1751/7.] fo. Lond. Same. Statutes at large, from Magna charta [of 1225 to the union of Great Britain and Ireland] , by 0. Euffhead. Y. 1-18 ; [1225/1460- 1798/1800] . 4to. Lond. Note 1. V. 1 is entitled " Statutes at large, from Magna charta to 1761," the original intention having been to stop at 1761. Note 2. V, 9, 1762/3, contains an index to v. 1-9, and an " Appen- dix, consisting of obsolete and curious acts." Note 3. V. 15-18 form also v. 11-14 of an ed. of the statutes by Kunnington. Same. Chitty's collection of statutes, with notes. 3rd ed., [1225-1864] , by W. N. Welsby and E. Beaven. 8vo. Lond. Same. Statutes of the realm, from original records and authentic manuscripts. V. 1-9 ; [1235/1377-1708/13.] fc. Lond. 123 *Great Britain. Parliament — {continued.) Note. V. 1 contains also Charters o' liberties granted 1101-1301, with facsimiles. , Alphabetical index. . Chronological index. Some. Statutes, llevised ed. V. 1-18 ; 1235/1085-1876/8. 8vo. Lond. Note. Based on the Statutes of the realm, from original records, etc. S'tme. Second revised ed. V. 1-lG; 12;{5/1713-18H4/(;. 8vo. Lond. Same. Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, with notes, references, and index, by T. E. Tomlins, [and others]. V. 1-27; 1801/3-65/(3. 4to. Lond. Note. For statutes of Ireland previous to the union with Great Britain, see Ireland. I'ai limnent. Same. Collection of the public general statutes. 1830/1-41), 1851-52/3, 1862-09. 8vo. and 4to. Lond. Same. Co7i 1856. Classes 7 and H. To hSGG. Classes 4, 5. 11, 15, 17, 21-25. 27-32, 35, 36, 38-46, 48-52, 54, .55, 57-60, 63, 64, 69, 71, 73, 74, 76-78, 83, 84, 88, 98. To 1876. Classes 1, 3, 9, 12, 13, 16, 20, 26, 33, 34, 37, 47, 53, 61, 62, 70, 72, 75, 79-82, 85-87, 89, 100. To LSS3. Classes 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 19, 56, 65-68, 92-97, 99, 101-103. Note. In classes 65-68 and 99 the abridgments for 1867-70 are wanting. Sdrne. Patents for inventions ; aDridgments of specifications. [Illus- trated ser.] 1855/66-77/83. 8vo. Lond. Note. Chronologically arranged in 146 classes. The abridgments for 1855/66 and 1867/76 are in course of publication. 128 Great Britain. Patent ofice — (continued.) Same. Continued as Specifications of inventions printed under the Patents, designs, and trade marks act, 1883, by authority of the Board of trade. 1884 — . 8vo. Lond. irreg. . Alphabetical index of patentees and applicants for patents of invention. 1884-85. 8vo. Lond. . Cvntiniied as Name index of applicants for patents of invention. 188G 88. 8vo. Lond. yote. For subsequent name indexes, tiee the index to the Illustrated official journal ; patents. . Subject-matter index of accepted complete specifications of in- ventions. 1884-85. 8vo. Lond. . Subject-matter index of applications for letters patent. 1886. 8vo. Lond. . Subject-matter index of specifications of patents. 1887 — . 8vo. Lond, y. Same. Patents for invention ; abridgments of specifications. [Illus- trated ser] 1884/8 — . 8vo. Lond. irrtg. Note. Chronologically arranged in 146 classes, as set forth in the Abridgment class and index key. . Abridgment class and index key, showing abridgment classes and index headings to which inventions are assigned in the official publications of the Patent office. 1893, 1897-99. 8vo. Lond. Note. Supplements to the key are published in the annual Subject matter indexes from 1801. Same. [Disclaimers, alterations, and additions.] 1622 — . 8vo. Lond. irreg. Note. These amended specifications are bound in separate vols. Reports of patent cases, [together with a digest of cases reported] ; ed. by J. Cutler, under the authority of the Board of trade. V. 2 ; 1885. 8vo. Lond. Same. Continued cs Reports of patent, design and trade mark cases, , [together with a digest of cases reported] ; ed. by J. Cutler. V. 3 — ; 1886 — . 8vo. Lond. irreg. Note 1. V. 3-5 " under the authority of the Board of trade." Note 2. V. 15 — are entitled " Reports of patent, design, trade mark, and other eases." Same. Digest, v. 1-16. Trade marks journal. V. 30 — ; 190o — . 8vo. Lond. to. Privy conncil. Australasian annual digest, continued as Australasian annual digest, being a digest of cases decided by the High court of Australia, and the Supreme courts of New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, Victoria, and West Australia, and by the Judicial committee of the Privy council on appeal from those courts. Council of law reporting. Law reports. Privy council appeals. 1865-75. Law reports. Appeal cases before the House of lords and the Judicial committee of Privy council. 1875 — . Law reports. Probate division ; . . . . reported .... in the Privy council byH. Cowell; [ecclesiastical appeals] . 1876-91. 129 i HealesviHe and Yarra Glen guardian. Nos. 213— ; 5 Feb., 1898—. "•■ 134 Health. See Hygiene. Heathcote and Costerfield advertiser, aftw. incorporated with the Mclvor times and Rodney advertiser. See Mclvor times. Hebraica ; a quarterly journal in the interests of Hebrew study. V. 1-11; 1884/5-94. 8vo. Chicago, etc. Same. Continued as American journal of Semitic languages and litera- tures. V. 12—; 1895/6—. 8vo. Chicago, irreg. Same. Theological and Semitic literature, bibliographical supplement to the American journal of theology, the American journal of Semitic languages and literatures, and the Biblical world, by W. Muss-Arnott. 1898—. 8vo. Chicago. Heginbottom free library, Ashton-iinder-Lyne. Annual report. 1894/5—. 12mo. Ashton-under-Lyne. Heidelberg. See Austin hospital for incurables. Heidelberg news, and Greensborough and Diamond Creek chronicle. Nos. 1 — ; 26 Mar., 1897—. w. ^KWiji'iKij apy^^uLokoyiKi] eratpia, Athens. ']\(fiqji.epis dp)(^aioXoyLKi] ; 7r€pio8os TpiTi]. 1891 — . 4to. €i' ' AOr^vais. Helsingfors. See SiiUskapet pro fauna et flora Fennica. Henry Bradshaw society for editing rare liturgical texts, London. [Publications.] V. 2-3, 5—; 1892—. 8vo. and 4to. Lond. irreg. Herald, Melbourne, formerly Melbourne herald, formerly Port Phillip herald. See Port Phillip herald. Herald of health. V. 1-4 ; 1898-1901. 8vo. Melb. and Syd. Same. Continued as Australasian good health. V. 5 — ; 1902 — . 8vo. Syd. in. Herald of peace, continued as Herald of peace and international arbitration. See Peace society. Herald of the cross, formerly Herald of the golden age. See Order of the golden age. Heraldry and genealogy. Almanach de Gotha. Burke, Sir J. B. Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage. Council of law reporting, London. Law reports. Appeal cases before the House of lords, etc. Law reports. English and Irish appeal cases and claims of peerage before the House of lords. Debrett's illustrated peerage and baronetage, etc. Genealogical magazine. Harleian society. Publications. Same. Registers. Thoresby society. Publications. Herapath's railway and commercial journal, formerly Railway magazine. V. 26-65 ; 1864-1903. 4to. Lond. Note. After 1903 incorporated with the Railway times, ivhich see. Herberton Wild river times. See Wild river times. Hermathena ; a series of papers on literature, science, and philosophy, by mem- bers of Trinity college, Dublin. V. 1 — ; 1873/4—. Svo. Dubl. y. 135 Hermes ; /eitschrift fiir classische Philologie. Bd. 1—; 1866 — . 8vo. Berl. 7. . General Ilegister, Bd. 1-25. Heytesbury reformer, and Cobden and Camperdown advertiser, Cobdfu. Now. 1—; 11 Sept., 1897—. ' \w. Hibbert journal ; a quarterly reviesv of religion, theology, and philosophy. V. 1-; l'J02/S-. 8vo. Lond. High court of admiralty. See Great Britain. High court of admiralty. High court of Australia. See Australia. CiHiuitunwealtlt of. H'njh court a' Australiti. High court of justice. See Great Britain. Jliifh court of justice. Highland society of Scotland, a/tw. Highland and agricultural society of Scot- land, EdinhnnjU. Prize-essays and transactions. V. 7-14; 1828/9-42/3. 8vo. Edinb. Note. Also numbered New ser., v. 1-8. Same. CofUimfed ax Transactions. New ser., 1843/5-<)3/;'3. 8vo. Edinb. Same. Ser. 4, v. 120; 1866/7-88. 8vo. Aberdeen «;»/ Edinb. Same. Ser. .5, v. 1—; 1889—. 8vo. Edinb. //. . Index, .5th. ser., v. 1-14. Himmel und Erde; illustrirte naturwissenschaftliche Monatsschrift, hrsg. von der Gesellschaft Urania. Jahrg. 1—; 1888/9—. 8vo. Berl. m. Hinrichs, J. C. Verzeichniss der Biicher, Landkarten, etc. Fortsetzung 109- 119; 1852-57. 8vo. Leipz. Same. Continued as Hinrichs' Halbjahrs-Katalog der im deutschen Buchhandel erschienenen Biicher, Zeitschriften, Landkarten, usw. Fortsetzung 210—; 1903—. 4to. Leipz. h ij. Contents of each Fortsetzung. Teil 1. Verzeichnis der Titel. Teil 2. Register und Anhiin^e. Histology. Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomie. Cellule. See also Cells. Microscope. Historical and archaeological as.sociation of Ireland, /i/r;'ii/(y Kilkenny archaeo- logical society. See Kilkenny archaeological society. Historical society of Great Britain, aj'lw. Koyal historical society. See Royal historical society. Historical society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Publication fund. Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography. V. 1 — ; 1877 — . 8vo. Philad. History. American annual cyclopaedia, and register of important events, continued as Appletons' annual cyclopaedia. American historical association. Annual rcpurt. Annual register, English historical review. Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore. Johns Hopkinsuniversity studies in historical and political science. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wistenschaftin. Silzungsberichte der philo sophisch-historischen Classe. 136 History — {continued.} Kevue critique d'histoire et de litU'rature. Statesman's year-book. Toronto university. University of Toronto studies. History and econopiics. See aho Archaeology. Belgium. Biography. Canada. England. France. Geography. Heraldry and genealogy. Naval history, Scotland. Sweden. fjobart. See Pharmaceutical society of Tasmania. Royal society of Tasmania, University of Tasmania. Hobart chemists' association, aftw. united with the Launeeston pharmaceutical association as the Pharmaceutical society of Tasmania. Chemist and druggist of Australasia. Sec Chemist and druggist of Australasia. Hobart gazette, fur me r I y Hobart Town gazette. See Hobart Town gazette. Hobart Tasmanian mail. See Tasmanian mail. Hobart Town colonial times. See Colonial times. Hobart Town courier. Nos. 12-593, 841-92; 5 Jan., 1828-29 Dec, 1837, 7 Jan.- 30 Dec, 1842. Same. Continued «••< Courier, Hobart Town. Nos. 991-2143, 2480, 2788- 3557; 19 Nov., 1844-31 Dec, 1853, 7 Feb., 1855, IJan., 1856-31 Dec- 1858. Note 1. 1834 and 1842 are incomplete. Note 2. On 4 Jan., 1845, the Omnibus was incorporated. On 1 June, 1859, the Courier was incorporated with the Hobart Town daily Mercury, wlricli .tee. Hobart Town daily Mercury. Nos. 1-4G8 ; 1 Jan., 1858-30 June, 1859. Same. Continued as Mercury, Hobart Town, aftw. Hobart. Nos. 1303 — ; 3 Jan., 18G2— . d. Note 1. 1858 is incomplete. Note 2. The Hobart Town daily Mercury began on 5 July, 1854, as a weekly. From 1 Jan., 1856, it was published tri-weekly, and from 1 Jan., 1858, daily, when it was re-numbered. On 24 Aug., 1857, the Colonial times was incorporated, on 1 June, 1858, the Tasmanian daily news, and on 1 June, 1859, the Courier. Hobart Town gazette, and southern reporter. V. 2-6, no. 2M \ 1817-21. fo. Hobai-t Town. Note. V. 2-4 are incomplete. Same. Continued as Hobart Town gazette, and Van Diemen's Land advertiser. V. 6, no. 245-i), no. 482 ; 1821-25. fo. Hobart Town. Note 1. V. 8 is incomplete. Note 2. In 1825, owing to friction between the Lieutenant Governor and A. Bent, the printer, the former appointed Messrs. Boss and Howe as government printers, in place of Bent. The new paper assumed the old title, and commenced with no. 477, June 25. 1825. Bent continued to publish the original newspaper until 19 Aug., 1825, when it ceased. Same. Continued as Hobart Town gazette. V. 10, no. 477— 2S, 30-31, 34, 39-62, 64-65 ; 1825-SO. fo. and 4to. Hobart Town, aftw. Hobart. Note, V. 11, 13-15, 22-24, 30, 43, and 4G are incomplete. . Indexes, 1833-43. Same. CorUf/nied as Hobart gazette. V. 66 — ; 1881 — . 4to. Hobart, Hobart Town Tasmanian. See Tasmanian. Hobart Town Tasmanian daily news. See Tasmanian daily news. 187 Hoeufft, Jacob Hendrik. Koninklijke akiulemie van wetenschappc-n, Aiiixtenlain. ^Carniina pro- bata :ib Acadeinia ief,'ia disci pi i run urn Neeilandica in certaniine Iloeiifftiano.J Hohenzollern. Verein fiir vateiliindische Natinkiuule in Wiirttemberg. .lahreshefte. Bcilage, entilled Veizeichnis der uiinr raloyiscben, geolo;'ischen, urge^<- chichtlichen, und hydrologischen Litteratur von Wiirtteuiber^', Hohen zollein und der angrenzenden Gebieten. Hollandsche maatschappij der wetenschappen, Haarlem. Archives neerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles, publiOes par la Soci^te hollandaise des sciences a Harlem. Tom. 1-3U; 1860-97. j 8vo. La Haye and Haaileni. Note. Tom. 10 contains an index to torn. 1-10. Same. Sc'r. 2, torn. 1— ; [1898— ; . 8vo. La Haye. ineij. Herdenking van het honderdvijftigjarig bestaan, Juni, 1902. Hvo. 's Gravenhage. l^ote. Contains a list of contents of works issued by the society, 1752-1902, and an author index of the Archives m-erlandaises, torn. l-sOr. 2, torn. 0. Natuurkundige verhandelingen. [Pohjijot. 2de. verzameling, deel 24- 25 ; 1866-08. 4to. Haarlem. Note. Deel 24 and 25 are incomplete. Same. 3de. verzameling, deel 2—; 1874/7—. 4to. Haarlem, ine;/. Home for the training in speech of deaf children before they are of school age, Philadelphia. Report. 1898/1900—. Svo. [I'hilad.] Note. 1898/1900 includes a history of the Home. Home journal. Nos. 17—; 1904—. 4to. Melb. m. Homoeopathic world. V. 5, 15—; 1870, 1880—. Svo. Lond. m. Homoeopathy. Homoeopathic world. Hongkong. Administration. Hongkong blue book. 1879-80, 1883, 1888-97, 1899. 1901-02, 1904. fo, Victoria, Iliiiiiil;un;i. >j. Legislative council. Papers laid before the Legislative council. 1889-97, 1899, 190203. fo. Hongkong, ij. Hongkong. See also Royal Asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland, Cliina bran all. Honolulu. See Hawaii agricultural experiment station. Hopetoun courier and Malice pioneer. Nos. 1—; Sept., 1892—. ir. Hopkins, John Castell. Canadian annual review of public affair?, by J. C. Hopkins. See Canadian annual review. Hops. Brewers' journal. Horological journal, organ of the British horological institute. See British horological institute. Horse. Australian stud book. 138 Horse-racing. Australasian turf register. Miller, J. J. J. J. Miller's Sporting pamphlet. Racing calendar. Same. Races past. Same. Appendix. [Continental racing.] Same. Appendix. Sales of blood stock. Victorian racing calendar. Horsham times, Nos. 821 — ; 19 Jan., 1882—. ^ w. Horsham Wimmera star. See Wimmera star. Horticulture. See Floriculture. Fruit. Gardening. Hospitals. Assam. Principal me(UcUc health and marine hospital service. Annual report of the supervising surgeon. Upper Goulburn district hospital, Woodspoint. Annual report. See also Asylums. Insane hospitals. Nursing. [House] documents. /Sec United States. Co7u/ress. House of representatives. House of commons. jSee Great Britain. Parliament. House of commons. House of lords. (See Great Britain. Parliament. House of lords. Household words, conducted by Charles Dickens. V. 1-19 ; 1850-59. 8vo. Lond. Note. V. 17 is incomplete. Incorporated in 1859 with All the year round, which see. Household words, ed. by C. Dickens, [the younger] ; with which is incorporated "All the year round." V. 1-22, 29-42 ; 1881-1902. 4to. Lond. Note. The incorporation occurred in May, 1895. S ime. New ser., V. 1 — ; 1902 — . * 8vo. Lond. m. Hub. V. 27—; 1885/6—. 4to. N. Y. m. 189 Hughes, J. Queensland otticial year book, compiled by J. Hughes, regiatrar general. .SVe Queensland. Stalintical ufflce. Huguenot society of London. By-laws and list of fellows. 1H'.»0, 1892—. 8vo. Lond.. etc y. Proceedings. V. 1 — ; 18H5/r>— . 8vo. Lond., etc. irreg. Publications. V. 1—; 1888—. 4to. Lyniington, etc. irretj. Humane society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, liuslon. Biennial report. 1903/4—. 8vo. Bost. Hungary. See Budapest. Hutchinson's Australian almanac and astronomical ephemeris, formrrhj Mac- kay's illustrated Australian almanac. See Mackay's illustrated Australian almanac. Hydrography. India. Marine surven dept. General report on the operations of the Marine survey of India. United States. Coast survey office, aftw. Coast and geodetic xurvry. Bulletin. Report. . Geological Hurvey. Water supply and irrigation paper. Set. ^f., I'. See also Navigation. Hygiene. Assam. Principal medical officer and sanitary comnU»gioner. Annual sanitary report. Bengal. Municipal dept. Sanitation. Annual report of the sanitary commissioner. Bombay. Medical dept. Sa)iitarij dept. Report of the sanitary com- missioner. Boston. Jloard of health. Annual report. British Burmah. General dept. Report on the sanitary administration. Central provinces, ludin. Medical dejit. Annual report of the sanitary commissioner. Journal of hygiene. London county council. Annual report of the medical orticer of health. Maine. State. State board of health. Sanitary inspector. North-western provinces and Oudh. Sanitation dept. Annual report of the sanitary commissioner. Phrenological and health institute of Australasia incorporated, J/r/- hournr. Mind and body. Public health. Punjab. Medical dept. Report on the sanitary administration. United States. Marine hospital serrice, aftw. Public health and mnrioe hospital serrice. Annual report of the supervising surgeon. Transactions of the annual conference of state and territorial health officers with the United States Public health and niarine-ho.spital service, . Hygienic laboratory. Bulittin. See also Hospitals. Sanitary engineering. 140 Hypsometry. United States. Coast survey office, aftw. Coast and fjeodetic survey. Bulletin. Report Ibis ; a quarterly journal of ornithology. (Uh ser., v. 3-(5 ; 18yi-94. 8vo. Lond. . General index. Same. 7th ser., v. 1-G; 189-5-1900. 8vo. Lond. — — -. General index. Same. 8th ser., v. 1 — ; 1901 — . Svo. Lond. Iceland. Mimir; Iceland institutions and addresses. lifracombe. See Order of the golden age. Illustrated London news. V. 1 — ; 14 May, 1842 — . to. Illustrated official journal ; patents. See Great Britain. Patent office. Com- missioners of patents' journal. Illustrated scientific news, aftw. incorporated with Knowledge. See Knowledge. Illustrated sporting and dramatic news, Melhourne. Nos. 1 — ; 1 July, 1904 — . tv. illustrated temperance year book, and societies' register and directory. 188.5-8(). Svo. Mell). 7. Independent cliuich. See Conp;vegiitionali.sm. independent ordei- of oddfellows of Victoria. See Ancient independent order of oddfellows. Independent review. V. 1 — ; ltJ03/4— . 8vo. Lond. m. Index locupletissimus librorum. See Kayser, C. G. Index of archaoolofjical papers. See Congress of archaeological societies. Index of the technical press. See Association de la presse technique. Index of titles [of contemporary literature]. See Literary year book, 11)05. Index society, London. Occasional indexes. [No.J 1. Index to engravings in the Proceedings of the Society of antiquaries, [v. 1-4, and 2nd. ser., v. 1-8] , by E. Peacock. 4to. Lond. Index to newspaper. Times, London. Lidex. Indexes to periodicals. Annual literary index. Association de la presse technique, Brussels and London. Index of the technical press, continued us Engineering press monthly index review. Bibliographie der deutschen Zeitschriften-Litteratur. Slune. Supplement, entitled Biblio^^raphie der deutschen IJezensionen. Congress of arcliaeological societies in union with the Society of anti- quaries. Index of archaeological papers. Engineering index. Galloupe, F. E. Index to engineering periodicals, l^fi'6 to IssT. Germany. Patentaint. llepertorium der technischen .Journal-Literatur. Griswold, W. M. Autoren-und Sachregister zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Zeitschriften, lS8()-8'.), und zu verschiedenen Sammlungen. Q. P. index annual, 1884, continued as Annual index to periodicals, 1887. Hebraiea, continued as American journal of Semitic languages and litera- tures. Theological and Semitic literature, bibliographical supplement. Institution of electrical engineers, London, and Physical society, London. Science abstracts. International council of scientific literature. International catalogue of scientific literature. Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, nj'tw. Deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft. Berichte, enthaltend Verbandlungen der Gesellschaft und Halbmonatliches Literaturverzeichnis der " Fortschritte der Physlk." Poole, W. P. Index to periodical literature. Readers' guide to periodical literature, being a consolidation of the Headers' guide to periodical literature and Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals. Record of zoological literature, continued os Zoological record. Review of reviews. Annual index of periodicals. India. 142 Various departments. Selections from the records of the government of India. Nos. 1-2, 5-29r 31-35, 37-40, 42-43, 4G-51, 53-64, 66-69, 71-81, 83-84, 86, 88-90, 100, 102, 105, 107, 109-10, 112, 114, 117-19, 122-26, 128-35,138-40, 142-45, 147, 150-54, 156, 158-59, 161-66, 169, 172-76, 179, 181-86,188-202, 205, 207, 211-16, 220-26, 229-30, 233-36, 239,241,243-45,247,249-53,255, 257, 259-63, 265-66, 268, 270-78, 280, 282-85, 287-91, 293-94, 296, 301-304, 306-13, 315, 317-23, 326-33, 335-38, 340-45, 347-54, 356-66, 368-76,379-85,387-94, 396-4C4, 406-10, 412, 416; 1853—. 8vo. ajid fo. Calc. Note. In the following cases two publications have the same no. : 25, 159, 188, 189, 191, 193, 195, 276, and 371. Archaeological survetj. Annual report. 1902/3. 4to. Calc. [Reports, published under the superintendence of Sir A. Cunningham.] V. 1-13, 15-17, 19-23; 1862-84. 8vo. Simla and Calc. . General index. 8vo. Calc. 1887. Note. Sometimes called First ser., or Old ser. Same. New imperial series, [V. 1-3, 7, 9, 11-12,] 14, 1-5-21, 23-26. 30—; 1874—, 4to. Lond., etc. Contents. V. 1-3, 23-24, 16 form v. 1-3, 6-7, 8 of the Archaeological suney of western India. V. 7, 9, 15, 17, 21, 25 form v. 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 of the Archaeological survey of southern India. V.' 11-12, 18-20, 26, 30 form v. 1-2, 3-5, 0, 9 of the Archaeological survey of northern India, (North-western provinces and Oudh.) V. 14 forms Epigraphia Indica, v. 2. Note. After the fii'st 13 volumes had been published it was decided to unite these reports in one collection, to which the title " New imperial series" was given. V. 14 is incomplete. Board of scientific advice. Annual report. 1903/4. fo. Calc, Council of the goruniov general. See heloic Governor general in council. Department of finance and commerce, formerly Department of reveniiCr agriculture, and commerce. Accounts relating to the trade and navigation of British India. 1872/3 — . fo. ajid 8vo. [Calc] m. Note. No. 9, 1879/82, and no. 5, 1891/2, are wanting. Cultivation of coffee in India. 1895/6-97/8. fo. [Calc] n.t p. Same. Continued as Statistics of the production of coffee. 1898/9- 99/1900. fo. [Qa\c.]n.t.p. Same. Continued as Production of coffee. 1900/1 — . fo. [Calc] n.t.p.y. Cultivation of tea in India. 1895/6-90/7. fo. [Calc] n.t.p. Same. Continued as Statistics of the production of tea. 1898/9-99/1900. fo. [Calc] Same. Continued as Production of tea. 1900/1 — . fo. C-ilc] n.t.p. y. 118 India — f continued.) Finance and revenue accounts, and naiscellaneous statistics relatin;^ to the finances of British India. l8(Jl/S»-GW/7«, 1870/H-7:»/-■ Eeview of the maritime trade of Brituh India. 1879/80-81/2. fo. Calc. Same. Continued as Eeview of the accounts of the sea-borne foreign trade of British India. 1882/3-83/4. fo. Simla. Note. From 1884/5 this report is included in the Review of the trade of India, -tviiicli aec below. Review of the external land trade of British India. 1878/9-81/2. fo. Calc. Note. From 1884/5 this report is included in the Review of the trade of India, trhii-h see below. Review of the trade of India. 1886/7—. fo. Simla, ij. J >epartmeiit of revenue and aijriculture. Accounts of the trade carried by rail and river in India in 1902/3 — and the four preceding years. io. Calc. //. Statistics of mineral production. 1893/1902. fo. Calc. Forest surveys. Progress report of the forest surveys, Bengal presidency. 1901/2. fo. Calc. Note. Caption reads " Progress report of forest surveys in India." Gazette. See Gazette of India. Geoloi/ical siirvei/. Annual report. 1858/9, 1863/4-65/6, 1867. 8vo. Calc. Note. The annual reports for 1867-96 are contained in v. 1-30 of the Records of the Geological survey. For subsequent reports, ..see below. 144 India — (continued.) General report. 1897/8—. Bvo. Calc. /y. Note. For previous reports, see above Annual report. Memoirs. V. 1—; 1856/9— . 8vo. Calc. irren. . Contents and index of the first "20 vols. ^Memoirs. Palaeontologia Indica : Ser. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8. Cretaceous fauna of southern India. \'. 1-4; 18(51/5-72/3. 4to. Calc. Ser. 2, 11, 12. Fossil flora of the Gondwana system. V. 1-4; 1863/79-82/6. 4to. Calc. Ser. 4. Indian pre-tertiary vertebrata. Y. 1 ; 1865/85. 4to. Calc. Ser. 7, 14. Tertiary and upper cretaceous fauna of western India. V. 1 ; 1871/85. 4to. Calc. Ser. 9. Jurassic fauna of Kutch. V. 1 — ; 1873/6 — . 4to. Calc. Ser. 10. Indian tertiary and post-tertiary vertebrata. V. 1-4 ; 1874/80-86/7. 4to. Calc. Ser. 13. Salt-range fossils. V. 1 — ; 1879/87 — . 4to. Calc. Ser. 15. Himalayan fossils. V. 1—; 1897—. 4to. Calc, Ser. 16. Baluchistan and N-W. frontier of India. V. 1 ; 1895/7. 4to. Calc. ■ . Index to the genera and species described in the Palaeontologia Indica up to 1891. Same. New ser., v. 1—; 1899/1901—. 4to. Calc. irreg. Eecords. V. 1—; 1868—. Bvo. Calc. q. Note. V. 30 is 1897, v. 31 is 1904. In the intervening period, the Records were amalgamated with the Memoirs. ■ . Contents and index, v 1-30. Goihynor general in council. Abstract of the proceedings of the Council of the governor general of India, assembled for the purpose of making laws and regulations. V. 11-18, 20, 22-26, 30--; 1872-79, 1881, 1883-87, 1891—. fo. Calc. irreg. Collection of the acts passed in 1880 — . 8vo. Calc. irreg. Great trigonometrical survey of India. General report on the operations. 1870/1-75, 6. fo. Dehra Doon. Note. For continuation -see below Survey of India department. High courts of Judicature. Indian law reports. Home departmoit. Judicial and administrative statistics. 1895/6 — . fo. Calc. y. Legislative council. Sec above Governor general in council. marine survey department. General report on the operations of the Marine survey of India. 1874/6- 78/9. fo. Calc. Same. Administration report. 1902/3. fo. Bomb. ileteorological department. India weather review. 1891—. 4to. Calc. Note 1. "Intended to take the place of the 'Report on the meteorology of India.' " Note :i. Issued in monthly pts. as the ' Monthly weather review.' 115 India — (continned.) Indian meteorological memoirs, beint,' occasional discussions and com- pilations of meteorological data relating to India and the neiglibour- ing countries. V. 1 I'i, 14— ; IHTO/Hl— . fo. Calc. Kaintall of India. 1891 — . fo. Calc. y. Report on the administration of the Meteorological department. 1875/(5—. fo. ^Calc.j ij. Report on the meteorology of India. 1h75 1)0. First year-sixteenth year. fo. Calc. l^ote. After the year IK'.IO, this report was discontinued in favour of the India weather review, wlticli see alxirc Military departiiieiit. Quarterly Indian army list. New ser., nos. 12-14, 2(j-48 ; July, 1892- Jan., 1893, .Jan., 1896-July, 1901. Bvo. Calc. Same. Continued ax Monthly Indian army list. New ser., nos. 1-10; Sept., 1901-June, 1902. Bvo. Calc. Same. Continued ax Quarterly Indian army list. New ser., nos. 1-8; July, 1902-Apr., 1904. 8vo. Calc. Same. [Published by the] Army head-quarters. New ser., nos. 1^; July, 1904—. 8vo. Calc. q. Northi'vn India salt revenne department. Sie North-western provinces and Oudh. Ptiblir work-; department. Rdilu-dij hranch. Administration report on the railways. lSsa/4 92/3, 1897/8-1900, 1902—. fo. Simla and Calc. ;/. Note 1. From 1900 — this report, which had previously been pub- lished in two pts., has been issued in one vol. Note L\ Part 2 of 1883/4, 1888/9, 1890/1, 1892/3, 1897/8, 1898/9 and 1899/1900 are wanting. Revenue xnrvcyx. General report on the Revenue survey operations of the upper and lower circles. 1871/2-74/5. fo. Calc. Note. For continuation see below Surv/y of India department. Sanitary commissioner. Scientific memoirs by officers of the medical and sanitary departments, formerly Scientific memoirs by medical olHcers of the army. See Scientific memoirs by medical officers, etc. Survey of India department. General report on the operations of the Survey of India, comprising the Great trigonometrical, the Topographical, and the Revenue surveys. 1877/8-81/2. fo. Calc. Note. On 1 Jan., Is7s, the above three branches of the Survey de- partment were amalgamated under the name of the Survey of India department. Same. Continued as General report on the op'-rations of the Survty of India department. 1882/3—. fo. Calc. //. India. Calcutta review. Royal Asiatic i-ociety of Great Britain and Ireland. Bombay branch. Journal. Anti'iuities. Bengal. Archaeolvyical survey. Annual leport. 146 India — (continued. ) Bombay. General dept. Archaeological survey of western India, Progress report. British Burmah. Revenue dept. Report on archaeological work in Burmah. India. Archaeological survey. Annual report. [Reports.] Indian antiquary. North-western provinces and Oudh. Public works dept. Annual pro- gress report of the Archaeological survey circle. Punjab. Archaeological survey. Annual progress report. India. SVv' « /so Dublin. Irish-Australian almanac and directory. 1888, 1893 — . 12nio. Melb. j/. ir>i Irish language and literature. See Celtic language and literature. Irish tuxts society, /vO)«/.;H. Publications.] V. 1— ; 1899— . 8vo. Lond. irreff. Irish tiiucs, Weekly, Sfv Weekly Irish times. Iron. Colliery guardian, and journal of the coal and iron trades. Haine. Indian, colonial, and foreign supplement. Iron and steel institute. Journal, Iron and steel institute, LoHdyw. Journal. [V. :^-37, 59 — ] ; 1871—. Hvo. Lond. § J/. Note. The vol. nos. are given in the General index, v. :^-e Mineralog- ische Mittheilungen. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, I'/V/(7ia. Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum ; editum consilio et impensis Academiae litterarum Caesareae Vindobonensis. Vol. 1 — ; 1866—. 8vo. Vindobonae. irreij. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen C'lasse. Bd. 99—; 1891—. 8vo. Wien. irreg. Contents. Abth. 1. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Minenilogie, Krystal- lographie, Botanik, Physiologic der Pflanzen, Zoologie. Paliionto- logie, Geologic, physischen Geographic, und Reisen. Abth. 2 A. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Mathematik, Astronomic, Physik, Meteorologie, und der Mecbanik. Abth. "2 B. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Chemie. Abth. 3. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Anatomic und Physio- logic des Menschen und der Thiere, sowie aus jenem der theoretischen Medicin. . Register, Bd. 101-10. Sitzungsberichte der philosophischhistorischen Classe. Bd. 122—; 1890 — . 8vo. Wien. irreg. . Register, Bd. 131-40. Kaleno banner. Nos. 1-54; 28 May, 18!)'.l-8 .Tune, IHOO. Same. Continued as Pittidd banner and Hollybush times, Uerringa. Nos. 55—; 15 June, 1900—. Kalgoorlie. See Chamber of mines of Western Australia. 156 Kalgooriie miner. V. 8, nos. 19,070-113, 2638—; 18 Jan.-8 Mar., 1904, 9 Mar., 1904-. d. Kang:aroo Ground Evelyn observer. See Evelyn observer. Kaniva and Lillimur courier, /o/-mc(% Lillimur and Kaniva courier. See Lilli- mur and Kaniva courier. Karlsruhe. See Carlsruhe. Kassel. s Kerang times. Nos. 1049-2236; 2 July, 1889-26 Mar., 1901. Same. Continued as liBx^ng WGw i\me?,. Nos. 2237— ; 29 Mar., 1901 — -hu-. Kew mercury. Nos. 1 — ; 9 Mar., 1888 — . lo. Keystone, Sydney, aj'tw. incorporated with the Freemasons' chronicle, Sydney. See Freemasons' chronicle. Kilkenny archaeological society, aflw. Kilkenny and South-east of Ireland archaeological society, aflw. Historical and archaeological association of Ireland, aftw. Royal historical and archaeological association of Ireland, aftw. Royal society of antiquaries of Ireland, Dublin. Transactions of the Kilkenny archaeological society. V. 1-2; 1849/51- 52/3. 8vo. Dubl. Same. Continued as Proceedings and transactions of the Kilkenny and South-east of Ireland archaeological society. V. 3 ; 1854/5. 8vo. Dubl. Same. Continued ax Journal of the Kilkenny archaeological society. New ser., v. 1-6; 18-56/7-07. 8vo. Dull. Note. The part-titles read throughout " Proceedings and papers." Same. Continued as Journal of the Historical and archaeological associa- tion of Ireland. 3rd. Ker., v. 1; 1868/9. 8vo. Dubl. S'lme. Continued as Journal of the Royal historical and archaeological association of Ireland. 4th. ser., v. 1-9 ; 1870/1-89. 8vo. DubL 157 Kilkenny archaeological society — ('•ontinued.) Same. Conliniied im Proceedings aiul papers of Ihi Royal society of anti(iuaries of Ireland. 5th. ser , v. 1 ; IH'JO/I. Hvo. Dubl. Niilc. Also numbered v. '21, consecutive ser. ; but tlie part titles read " Journal of the proceedings of the Itoyal society of antiquaries of Ireland, 5th. ser. v. 1, pt. 1, v, 20, consecutive ser.,; 1«'.)0", "5th. ser. v. 1, pt. 2, v. 20, consecutive ser., IH'.ll." Smiie. Continued as Journal of the lloyal society of antiquaries of Ireland, oih. ser., v. 2 — ; 18'J2 — . 8vo. Dubl. . Kilmore free press. Nos. i)ll— ; 2 Mar., 1882- . ir. Nute. The Examiner and Kilmore and Mclvor weekly journal was incorporated before 2 Mar., 1882. Kilpin, E. F. Cape of Good Hope civil service list; ed. by E. ]•". Kilpin. St-e Cape of Good Hope civil service list. Kimberley public library, Cope of Good Hope. Annual report, HlOl — . 8vo. Kimberley. King's bench. Court of. See Great Britain. Court of ijuern\i bench. King's bench division of the High court of justice. See Great Britain. Hiiili court (■/justice. Queen^s bench division. Kiralyl Magyar termi'szettudomanyi tdrsulat, Budapest. Mathetnatische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. See Magyar tudomanyo* akademia, and Kiri'ilyi Magyar, etc. Knowledge. Y. 1-27; 1881/2-1904. 4to. Load. Xote 1. V. 9-2G are also numbered New ser., v. 1-lH. V. 27 consists of one no. only. V. 13 is incomplete. Same. Incorporated with the Illustrated scientific news as Knowledge and illustrated scientific news. New ser., v. 1 -; l'J04 — . 4to. Load. m. Koeniglich. Sec Kuniglich. Kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akademien, Stoclholm. Arkiv fur botanik. Bd. 1--; 1903/4 -. 8vo. Stockh. irreg. Arkiv for kemi, mineralogi och geologi. Bd. 1 — ; 1903/4 — . 8vo. Stockh. irreg. Arkiv for matematik, astronomi och fysik. Bd. 1 -; 1903/4 — . 8vo. Stockh. irreij. Arkiv for zoologi. Bd. 1 — ; 1903/4—. 8vo. Stockh. irreg. Arsbok. 1903—. «vo. Stockh. Handlingar. Ny fidjd, bd. 20—; 1882—. fo. and 4to. Stockh. >j. Same. Bihang. Bd. 12-28 ; 1886/7-1902/3. 8vo. Stockh. Note. The publication of " Bihang till handlin},'ar " and •• Ofversigt af forhandlingar " ceased at the end of 1902. From the coni- mencenunt of 1903 there were issued in their stead '• Arkiv for matematik, astronomi och fysik." "Arkiv fi.r kemi, mineralogi och t^'eologi," " Arkiv fur botanik," "Arkiv for zoologi," and "Arsbok." Ofversigt af Kongl, vetenskaps-akadcmiens fiirhandlingar. Argangen 44-59 ; 1887-1902. 8vo. Stockh. 158 Kongliga universitetet, J'psala. Upsala universitets arsskiift. 1872-73, 1879, 1884-92, 1894, 1896-98, 1902—. Svo. Upsala. Note. 1872-73 and 1879 are incomplete. Content.-i. Teologi. 1884, 1887-89, 1891, 1894. Filosofi, sprakvetenskap och historiska vetenskaper. 1872-73, 1879, 1884-92, 1894, 1897-98, 1902. Matematik och naturvetenskap. 1885-86, 1888-90, 1897. Mediein. 1888-89, 1896-97, 1902. Juridik. 1892, 1894, 1896. Naturvetenskap. 1896, Program [including Redogorelse for 1883/4— .] 1884-92, 1894, 1896-98, 1902. KongHgt biblioteket, Stockholm. Sveriges offentliga bibliotek, Stockholm, Upsala Lund, [Goteborg]. Accessions-katalog, utgifven af Kongl. biblioteket. .1-; 1886—. Svo. Stockh. y. Note. 1886 and 1887 do not show " Goteborg " on t.p. . Tioars-register, 1886-95. Koniglich-bayerische Akademie der Wissensehaften, Munich. Archiv fiir lateinische Lexikographie und Grammatik. See Archiv fiir lateinisehe Lexikographie und Grammatik. Koniglich-bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissensehaften, Prague. Jahresbericht. [1886], 1888—. 8vo. Prag. . Generalregister zu den Schriften der Gesellschaft, 1784-1884. 8vo. Prag. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Sitzungsberichte. [Polyglot.] Jahrg. 1886—. '8vo. Prag. ij. . Generalregister, 1784-1884. See above Jahresbericht. Koniglich-preussische Akademie der Wissensehaften, Berlin. Berliner astronomisches Jahrbuch, mit Genehmhaltung der Kiiniglichen Akademie der Wissensehaften. See Berliner astronomisches Jahrbuch. Sitzungsberichte. 1882 — . Svo. Berl. lu. Same. [Supplement,] entitled Verzeichniss der eingegangenen Druck- schriften. 1882-94. Svo. [Berl.] Note. After 1894 paged with the Sitzungsberichte. Koniglich-preussisches statistisches Bureau. See Prussia. Koniglich-preus- sisrlteif statistisches Bureau in Berlin. Konigliche Akademie der Wissensehaften, Berlin. See Koniglich-preussische Akademie der Wissensehaften. Konigliche Sammlungen fiir Kunst und Wissenschaft, Dresden. Bericht iiber die Verwaltung und Vermehrung. 1894/5 — . fo. [Dresden.] 2;/. Konigliche Sternwarte, Berlin. Rechen- Institute. Berliner astronomisches Jahrbuch. See Berliner astronomisches Jahrbuch. Konigliche ungarische naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. /See Kirdlyi magyar ternirszettudomanyi tarsulat. Konigliches zoologisches und anthropologisch - ethnographisches Museum, Dresden. [Publicationen aus dem Koniglichen ethnographischen Museum zu Dresden.] [Nos.] 4, 6 — ; 1884 — . fo. Dresden, irreg. ir>9 Koninklijk instituut van ingenieurs, 'lite llaiiitf. Algenieen verslag vim de werkzaamheden en notulen der vergaderingen. 1807/H-C)8/9. 8vo. s' Gmvenhage. y. Slime. ContinHcd as Tijd.schrift. Algemeen verslag, etc. 1869/70—. 4to. s' Gravenhago. y. De ingenieur. See Ingenieur. Verhandelingen. 1807/8-08/9. Bvo. s' Gravenhage. Same. Continued as T\']dischr\li. Verhandelingen. 1869/70 . 4to. s' Gravenhage. ;/. . Register op de werken, 1847-69, 1900/1—. 4to. s' Gravenhage. y. . Register op het Tijdschrift, 1869-89, 1894-1900. 4to. s' Gravenhage. Koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen, Amsterdam. [Carmina probata ab Academia regia disciplinavum Neerlandica in certa- mine Hoeufftiano.] 1874-79, 1882—. 8vo. Amst. y. .Taarboek [witJt Levcnsberichten]. 1886 — . 8vo. Amst. Proceedings of the section of sciences. V. 1 — ; 1898/9 — . 8vo. Amet. //. Note. Translation of deel 7 of Verslagcn van de gewone vergader- ingen der wis-en natuurkundige afdeeling. Verhandelingen, le. sectie; wiskunde, natuurkunde, scheikunde, kristallenleer, sterrenkunde, weerkunde en ingenieurswetenschappen. Deel 1—; 1892/3—. 8vo. Amst. irrey. Slime. 2e. sectie ; plantkunde, dierkiinde, aardkunde, delfstofkunde, ontleedkunde, physiologic, gezondheidsleer, en ziektekunde. lieel 1 — ; 1892/3—. 8vo. Amst. irrey. Verhandelingen. Afdeeling letterkunde. Deel 4-5, 16; 1869-70,1886. 4 to. Amst. Note. Deel 10 is incomplete. Same. Nieuwe reeks, deel 1 — ; 1892/6 — . 8vo. Amst. irrey. Verslagen der zittingen van de wis-en natuurkundige afdeeling. Deel 1-4 ; 1892/3-95/6. 8vo. Amst. Slime, (^nti)iiti'd an Verslagen van de gewone vergaderingen der wis-en natuurkundige afdeeling. Deel 5 ; 1890/7 — . 8vo. Amst. y. Note. For English translation of deel 7 — , see above Proceedings of the section of sciences. Verslagen en mededeelingen. Afdeeling letterkunde. Deel 1-12 ; 1855/6- 68/9. 8vo. Amst. Same. 2e. reeks, deel 1-12 ; 1869/70-82/3. 8vo. Amst. Note. Deel 5 contains a zaak-register, deel 1-5. Same. 3e. reeks, deel 1-12 ; 1883/4-95/6. s'vo. Amst. . Register, 3e. reeks. Same. 4e. reeks, deel 1—; 1896/7—. 8vo. Amst. y. Verslagen en mededeelingen. Afdeeling natuurkunde. Deel 117; 18.53- 63/4. 8vo. Amst. Sam^. 2e. reeks, deel 1-20 ; 1865-83/4. 8vo. Amst- Same. 3e. reeks, deel 1-9 ; 18S4/5-91/2. 8vo. Amst. Koninklijke bibliotheek, 7V/e Hayw. Verslag over den toestand. 1S92— . 8vo. 's Gravenhage. y. 160 Koroit sentinel and Tower Hill advocate. Nos. 1 — ; 22 Feb., 1888— . ^lo. Korong Yale lance, and north western advertiser. Nos. 1 — ; 21 Nov., 1896 — . w. Korumburra great southern advocate. See Great southern advocate. Korumburra independent. Nos. 1—; 7 July, 1892 — . ic. Korumburra Outtrim news. See Outtrim news. Korumburra southern mail. See Southern mail. Korumburra times, and Victorian coalfields gazette. Nos. 1—; 7 July, 1892—. Kocr/xo9. Les mondes, formerly Les mondes. See Mondes. Kowree ensign and Harrow advertiser, Harrcm. Nos. 30—; 29 Sept., 1882-. ir. Kowree shire advertiser, and Apsley, Edenhope, and Harrow advocate, Eden- hope. Nos. 130— ; 20 Apr., 1888— . rv. Krakow. See Cracow. Kungliga svenska vetenskaps-akademien. See Kongliga svenska vetenskaps- akademien. KrvpidKi'i e(f)i]iJ.€pis. See Cyprus journal. Kyabram free press. Nos. 1-148 ; 17 Feb., 1892-14 Dec, 1894. Same. Continued as Kyabram free press, and Rodney and Deakin shire advocate. Nos. 149—; 21 Dec, 1894—. w. Kyneton guardian, and Woodend and Malmsbury chronicle. Nos. 26-840 ; 3 Dec, 1862-12 Nov., 1870. Same. ContUtued as Kjnetongutivdia,n. Nos. 841 — ; 16 Nov. ,1870 — . ^ tr. Kyneton independent, and Malmsbury, Trentham, and Lauriston recorder. Nos. 1—; 29 June, 1904—. ^ jr. Kyneton observer. Nos. 46—; 6 Oct., 1857—. J w. Laboratoire de zoologie marine d'Endoume, Marseilles. Annales du Musoe d'histoire naturelle de Marseilles ; travaux du Laboratoire de zoologie marine [d'Endoume]. See Musee d'histoire naturelle. Labour. Assam. Secretariat office. Eeport on labour immigration. Great Britain. Board of trade. Labour gazette. New Zealand. Dej>t. of labour. Journal. See also Conciliation and arbitration. Ladies' league for the defence of the reformed faith of the Church of England, aftw. Church of England league for the defence aird promotion of the reformed faith, Loudon. Ladies' league gazette. V. 1-4 ; 1900/1-03. 4to. Lond. Same. Continued as Church of England league gazette. V. 5 — ; 1904 — . 4to. Lond. m. Lake Wakatip mail, Queenstoicn, N.Z. Nos. 2240—; 23 Dec, 1898—. «'. Lancashire. Chetham society, Manchester. Eemains, historical and literary, con- nected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. Record society for the publication of original documents relating to Lan- cashire and Cheshire. [Publications.] Lancaster, Fa. See Franklin and Marshall college alumni association. Lancef ield examiner, and Eomsey advertiser, Romseij. Nos. 1-317, 479-559 ; 28 Mar,, 1872-28 Dec, 1876, 24 Feb., 1881-14 Dec, 1882. Same. Continued as Romsey examiner. Nos. 560 — ; 21 Dec., 1882 — . w. 161 Lancefield meicury, and west Bourke agricultural record. Nos. 173 — ; 17 Jan., 187H-. w. Lancet. lH2;i — . 8vo. Lond. «•. Land. Assam. Secretariat office. Annual report on the administration of land revenue. . Dept. of In ml records and atiric. Annual report. Bengal, lieveimc dept. Lund rermui'. Report on the land revenue administration. New South Wales. Land court, aftw. Lami appeal conrt. Cases deter- mined in the Land [appeal] court. North-western provinces and Oiidh. Dept. of ai/rir. ami coninu rre. lleport. Punjab. Dept. of revenue and afiric. Annual repoit of the Department of land records and agriculture. Annual report on the settlement operations. Annual report on the working of the Punjab alienation of land act XIII. of 1900. Annual reports for the Chenab, Jhelum, Chunian, and Sohag Para colonies, lleport on the revenue administration, aftw. lieport on the land revenue administration. United States. Dept. of the interior. Decisions of the Department of the interior in cases relating to pension [and bounty-landj claims. . Genmil land ojlice. Annual report of the commissioner. Decisions in cases relating to lands and land claims. See also Agriculture. Keclamation of land. Single tax. Surveying. Titles. Land and water, l.inidun. V. 40-50 ; 4 July, 188.5-03. Same. C'li/iOfwici/ k.s Land and water illustrated. V. -57 - ; 1894 — . ir. Lang Lang guardian. Nos. 1 — ; 22 Feb., 1002 — . ic. Sotf. The Cranbourne and county herald has been incorporated from 22 Peb., 1002. Language. American journal of philology. American philological association. Tran.sacUons, aj'tu-. Transactions and proceedings. Cambridge philological society. Proceedings. Transactions. Harvard university. Studies and notes in philology and lileraturc. .^mrnal of philology. riiilological society. Proceedings, continued as Transactions. I'cciete de linguistique de Paris. Memoires. Zcitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung. See also African languages, Aryan langunges. Celtic Inngungc and literature. Classical languages. Egyptian language and antiquities. Greek language and literature. Italian languages. Latin lan- guage and literature. Oceanic languages. Oriental languages and antiquities. Pali language. Semitic languages and literature. 1G2 Latin language and literature. Archiv fixr lateinische Lexikographie und Grammatik,mit Einschluss des iilteren Mittellateins. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der classischen Alterthumswissen- schaft. Lateinische Klassiker. Koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen, Amsterdam. [Carmina pro- bata ab Academia regia disciplinarumNeerlandicain certamine Hoeuff tiano.l Sec also Classical languages. Latter day saints. See Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. Ee-organised church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. Launceston advertiser. Nos. 1-125, 128-50, 183-236, 275-384,402-95,531-85; 9 Feb., 1829-27 June, 1831, 25 July-28 Dec, 1831, 7 Aug., 1832-15 Aug., 1833, 8 May, 1834-15 Oct., 1835, 18 Feb., 1836-30 Nov., 1837, 16 Aug., 1838-5 Sept., 1839. Note. On 2 Jan., 1847, the Launceston advertiser was incorporated with the Launceston examiner, ichich see. Launceston Cornwall chronicle. See Cornwall chronicle. Launceston daily telegraph, forrw??-/;/ Telegraph. See Telegraph. Launceston examiner, commercial and agricultural advertiser. Nos. 160-263, 290, 473-889, 893-1004, 1041, 1042, 1044, 1059-72, 1097, 1098, 1113-1214, 1413-1800, v. 18, QO. 42-v. 28, no. 7, v. 43, no. 274-v. 59, no. 311 ; 10 Jan. -28 Dec, 1844, 5 Apr., 1845, 2 Jan., 1847-28 Dec, 1850, 11 Jan., 1851-4 Feb., 1852, 12, 13, 16 June, 1852, 14 Aug.-29 Sept., 1852, 24, 29 Dec, 1852, 3 Feb. -29 Sept., 1853, 6 Jan., 1855-27 June, 1857, 8 Apr., 1858-16 Jan., 1868, 21 Nov., 1883-30 Dec, 1899. Slime. Cuiitbvied as Examiner, Launceston. V. 60, nos. 1 — ; 1 Jan., 1900—. d- Note 1. 1851-53 and 1858-68 are incomplete. Note 2, From 1853 consecutive numbering of issues only continues throughout each volume. Note 3. On 2 Jan., 1847, the Launceston advertiser was incorporated with the Launceston examiner ; on 13 Nov., 1880, the Cornwall chronicle, with the Launceston times, was also incorporated, and on 1 Jan., 1896, the Tasmanian, Laimceston. Launceston pharmaceutical association, aftir. united with the Hobart chemists' association as the Pharmaceutical society of Tasmania. Chemist and druggist of Australasia. See Chemist and druggist of Australasia. Launceston Tasmanian. See Tasmanian. Launceston times, aftir. incorporated with the Cornwall chronicle. See Corn- wall chronicle. Launceston weekly courier. See Weekly courier. Laundry. Victorian laundry association. Commonwealth laundry journal. Law. Annates des pouts et chaussces. Lois, ordonnances, et autres actes. Australian law times. Brazil. Miiii.steriii daju.-^liiyi e negoAos iiiteriorcs. Relatorio apresentado ao presidente. British Burmah. JudicidJ dept. Civil justice reiort. Canada huv journal. 163 Law — (i.-ontinued.) Commonwealtli law review. Kongli(,'a iiniversi'.etet, tpsdln. L'psala imiveisitet.s arsfckrift. Law list. Law magazine. Law quarterly review. New York. State. State library. State library bulletin. Legislation. North-western provinces and Oudli. Jiidiriul dept. Note on the civil statements. Report on the administration of civil justice in Oudh. Selden society. Publications. Snow, T., Burney, C, atid Stringer, F. A. Annual practice. Society of comparative legislation, .Journal. Victoria law almanac. See aUo Bankruptcy. Conciliation and arbitration. Copyright. Crime. Divorce. Ecclesiastical law. Land. Law reports. Mari- time law. Patents. Probate. Statutes. Titles. Trade marks. Wards. Law list ; being a list of the judges and ollicers of the different courts of justice, counsel, etc., in England and Wales. 18.57, 185'.), 18Go — . l'2mo. Lond. ;/. Note 1. 1865— published by the authority of the Commissioners of inland revenue. Note 2. 189G — published also by the authority of the Incorporated law society of the United Kingdom. Law magazine, or. Quarterly review of jurisprudence. V. 1-:J1 ; 1828/9-44. 8vo. Lond. Same. [New ser.], v. 1-24; 1844-56. 8vo. Lond. Note. Also form v. 32-55 of the old series. Same. Gontinned as Law magazine and law review, or. Quarterly journal of jurisprudence ; [being the combined Law magazine and Law review]. V. 1-31 ; 1856-71. hvo. Lond. Same. Continued a-s Law magazine and review. New ser., v. 1-4 ; 1872-75. Svo. Lond. Same. 4th. ser.. v. 1-23 ; 1875/6-97/S. 8vo. Lond. Note. V. 1 is incomplete. Same. 5th. ser., v. 24—; 1898/9—. 8vo. Lond. 7. Law quarterly review. V. 1—; 1885—. 8vo. Lond. Note. V. 10, 15, and 20 contain indexes to v. 1 10, 11-15, and 16-20 respectively. Law reports. Argus law reports. Australasian annual digest. Australian law times. Commonwealth law reports; cases determine 1 in thi' High court of Australia. Council of law reporting. Law reports. Weekly notes. Council of law reporting in Victori i. Victoiian law reports. Great Britain. Vattnit office. Report-; of 1 alent cases, njtu: lUports of latent, design, trade mark, and other eases. 164 ,Law reports- (coiillinied. ) Indian law reports. Mews, J. Digest, aftw. Annual digest of all the reported decisions of the superior courts, including a selection from the Scottish and Irish. New South Wales. Court of arbitration. Industrial arbitration reports and records. . Land court, aftw. Land airpeal court. Cases determined in the Land [appeal] court. Reports of cases relating to maritime law decided by the Court of admir- alty, and by all the superior courts of law and equity ; salvage courts ; and a selection of cases decided in the courts of the I'nited States. United States. Court of claims. Cases decided in the Court of claims. . De;pt. of the interior. Decisions in cases relating to pension [and bounty-land] claims. • — - — . Dept. of the treasury. Division of customs. Digest of decisions of the Treasury department, and of the Board of U.S. general appraisers. — . General land office. Decisions in cases relating to lands and land claims. — . Office of the attorney-general. Official opinions of the attorneys- general in relation to official duties. — . Office of the commissioner of internal revenue. Compilation of decisions rendered by the commissioner of internal revenue. — . Office of the comptroller of the treasury. Decisions of the comp- troller of the treasury. — . Patent office. Decisions of the commissioner of patents, continued as Decisions of the commissioner of patents and of U.S. courts in patent cases. Law review, aftw. amalgamated with the Law magazine as the Law magazine and law review. See Law magazine. Law society of the United Kingdom, Incorporated. See Incorporated law society of the United Kingdom. Lawaluk courier and Mt. Mercer observer. >!os. 1-117; 12 .Jan., 1899-20 Apr., 1901. Same. Continued as Meredith sentinel and Bamganie goldfields chronicle. Nos. 1—; 26 Apr., 1901—. w. Leader, Melbourne, formerly Melbourne leader. Sec Melbourne leader. Lean's royal navy list, formerly Royal navy list. S'e Royal navy list. Leather. Australian leather journal. Gerber. Leather manufacturer. Leather trades' review. See also Saddlery. Leather industries, incorporated with the Leather trades review. S:e Leather trades review. Leather manufacturer. V. 14—; 1903 — . 8vo. N.Y. m. Leather trades' review, [previously the Leather trades circular and review, with which is incorporated Leather industries; the organ for the United King- dom of the International association of leather trades" chemists.] V. 36—; 1903—. ito. Lond. w. IG.-i Lectures. S<'f liampton lectures. Chemical society of Lonflon. OifTord lectures. Romanes lectures. St. Marj,'aret's lectures. Leeds. Sei' Thoresby society. Leeuwarden. .SV^ Provinciaal Friesch genootschap ter boefcning der Friesche },'eschie(l -, oudheid-en taalkunde. Lej^islation. See Law. Political science. Statutes. Leipsic. I' iiivrtidH heii>ti(i. E.\ ordinis philosophorum mandato renuntiantur pbilosophiae doctores et artium liberaliuin magistri. \Germ.\ 1895/6 — . 4to. Lipsiae. 5/rk. Annual report. 1893-94. 8vo. N.^'. Note. On May 23, 189-5, the Astor library, the Lenox library, and the Tilden trust were consolidated under the corporate name of the New York public library, etc., which see. Leongatha great southern star. See Great southern star. Leongatha sun. Nos. 1; 21 Sept., 1901— . w. Levuka Polyncsiiui gazette. See Polynesian gazette. Leyden. See Rijks universiteit. Leypoldt, Frederick. American catalogue. See American catalogue. Liberty and progress, [published in the interests of the Victorian employers' federation]. V. 1^ ; 1904/o— . 4to. Mclb. m. iV(i/(>. V. 1 is incomplete. Libraries. Aberdeen public library. Annual report. American library association. Library journal. Battersea public libraries. Annual report. Biblioteca nazionale centrale, Florence. BoUettino delle pubblicazioii italiane. Bibliotheca nacional, Jiio lU Janeiro. Annaes. Relatorio. Bibliothi'(|ue royalo de Belgique. Rapport. Biriningham free libraries. Annual report. Occasional lists. Bodleian library, Oxford. Annual report. Boston. Pitblic library. Annual list of new and important books added. Annual report. Monthly bulletin of books added. Bristol public free libraries. Annual report. Brooklyn public library. Annual report. 166 Libraries — (continued.) Cambridge public free library. Annual report. Cambridge university. Library. Report. Carnegie free library, Allegheny, Pa. Annual report. Carnegie library of Pittsburgh. Annual reports. Bulletin. Cincinnati. Public library. Annual reports. Bulletin of books added, continued as Annual list of books added. Quarterly bulletin. Connemara public library, Madras. Report. Croydon public libraries. Annual report. District of Columbia. Public library, Washington. Annual report. Enoch Pratt free library, Baltimore. Annual report. Forbes library, Northampton, Mass. Annual report. Free library and museum, Bootle. General report. Free public library and Derby museum, aftw. Public libraries, museums, and art gallery, Lii-erpool. Annual report. Geological society, London. Geological literature added to the library. Greenwood's library year book, continued us British library year Look. Oroton public libi-ary. Annual report. Harvard university. Library. Report. Heginbottom free library, Ashton-under-Lyne, Annual report. Imperial library, Calcutta. Annual report. Iowa masonic library. Quarterly bulletin. John Crerar library, Chicago. Annual report. John Rylands library, Manchester. Quarterly bulletin. Kimberley public library, Cape of Good Hope. Annual report. Kongligt biblioteket, Stockholm. Sveriges offentliga bibliotek, Stockholm, Upsala, Lund, [Goteborg]. Accessions-katalog. Konigliche Sammlungen fiir Kunst und Wissenschaft, Dresden. Bericht iiber die Verwaltung und Vermehrung. Koninklijke bibliotheek, The Hague. Verslag over den toestand. Library. Library association of Australasia. Proceedings. Library association of the United Kingdom. Library association record- Library association year book. Library company of Philadelphia. Bulletin. Library world. Los Angeles public library. Annual report. Manchester. Public free libraries. Annual report. Quarterly record. Mercantile library association, Neiv Yorh. Annual report. Mercantile library company of Philadelphia. Annual report. Bulletin. Minerva. New York. State. State library. Annual report. State library bulletin. Bibliography, continued as Bulletin. Biblio- graphy. State library bulletin. History. State library bulletin. Legislation. State library bulletin. Library school. 167 Libraries— (continued.) New York public library. Bulletin. Newcastle school of arts. Annual report. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Public libidries. Keport. Peabody institute, liallimore. Annual report. Pratt institute, Brooklyn. Free library. Report. Providence public library. Annual report. Public libraries. Public library and museum, Dayton. Annual report. Public library monthly. Public library, museum, and art gallery of South Australia. Report. Public library, museums, and national gallery of Victoria. Report. Revue des bibliothcques. St. Bride foundation institute, London. Report. St. George, Hanover square, London. Public libraries. Report. St. Helen's, Lancashire. Free public library. Annual report. St. Louis mercantile library association. Annual report. St. Louis public library, oftw. St. Louis public free library. Annual report. St. Martin-in-the-fields, and St. Paul, Covent garden. Public libraries and museums. Report. Salem public library. Report. Scranton public library. Annual report. South Australian institutes' journal. South Melbourne free library. Annual report. Swan river mechanics' institute. Amiiial report. Toronto public library. Annual report. United States. Dejit of ayrie. Library. Library bulletin. . Library oj coiiyress. Report. University of the state of New York, /.'.i .V /.v/oh dejil., aftw. Home educa- tion dept. University extension bulletin. afln\ Bulletin. Public libraries. Wellington public library. [Report.] West Australian librarians' and institutes' journal. Westminster. PuJ lie libraries. Report. Windsor public library. Annual report. Yale college, oftw. Yale university. Report i>f the librarian. York. PuH'ic library. General report. Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. Zurich. Stiidtbilliotliek Ziirich. Jahresbericht. Library; organ of the Library association of the United Kingdom. V. 1-10. See Library association. Same. New ser., v. 1—; 18i)9/I'.)00— . 8vo. Lond. ./. Note. In 1899 the " Library " severed its connection with the Library association. 168 Library association of Australasia. Proceedings. 1898. 8vo. Syd. Same. Contimied as Transactions and proceedings. 1900 — . 8vo. Adel. and Melb. irreg. Library association of the United Kingdom. Library association year book. 1895 — . 8vo. Lond. Note. No issue in 1890, 1897, or 1898. Library chronicle. V. 1-5 ; 1884-88. 8vo. Lond. Same. Continued as Library ; a magazine of bibliography and literature. V. I-IO; 1889-98. 8vo. Lond. Note. After v. 10, "Library" severed its connection with the Library association, and was issued independently. See Library. In 1899 was commenced, as the official organ of the Library association, the Library association record. V. 1 — ; 1899 — . 8vo. Lond. m. Library association record. See Library association of the United Kingdom. Library association year book. See Library association of the United Kingdom. Library chronicle. See Library association of the United Kingdom. Library company of Philadelphia. Bulletin. New ser., nos. 1 — ; 1878 — . 8vo. Philad. h //. Library journal. See American library association. Library of congress. See United States. Library of congress. Library world. V, 1— ; 1898/9— . 8vo. Lond. m. Licensed victuallers' gazette, Tasmanian. See Tasmanian licensed victuallers' gazette. Lick observatory, Berkeley, Cal. Bulletin. V. 2—; 1902/4—. 4to. Berkeley, irrey. (Univ. of California. Publications. Astronomy.) Publications. V. 6—; [1896/1901—.] 4to. Sacramento, irreg. (Univ. of California. Publications. Astronomy.) Liebig's Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, /ormer/y Annalen der Pharmacie. See Annalen der Pharmacie. Life ; a record for busy folk. V. 1— ; 1904— . 8vo. Melb. m. Life insurance. See Insurance. Life saving. Humane society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Biennial report. * Eoyal humane society of kustisAsisia,, formerly Victorian humane society. Annual report. United States. Life-saving service. Annual report. Lighthouses. United States. Light-house board. Annual report. Lillimur and Kaniva courier, and west Lowan representative. Nos. 163-239; 13 Aug , 1886-10 Feb., 1888. Same. Continued as Kaniva and Lillimur courier. Nos. [240-287 ; 16 Feb., 1888-28 June, 1890. Note. Incorporated on 5 July, 1890, with the Nhill free press, which see. Lilydale express. Nos. 1—; 30 June, 1886 — . »". Linguistics. See Language. 169 Linnean society, Loudon. Journal of the proceedings. Botany. V. 1-7 ; 1856/7-63/4. 8vo. Lond. Same. Supplement to v. 1, 4, 5. Same. Coutiiiucd ax Jomnn\. Botany. V, 8—; 1864/5— . 8vo. Lond. irreii. Journal of the proceedings. Zoology. V. 1-7 ; 1856/7-63/4. 8vo. Lond. Same. Continued as Journal. Zoology. V. 8—; 1864/5—. 8vo. Lond. irreii. . General index to the first 20 volumes of the Journal. Zoology. Transactions. V. 1-30 ; 1791-1874/5. 4to Lond. . General index, v. 1-30. Sam--. 2nd ser. Botany. V. 1—; 1875/80—. 4to. Lond. irm/. Sam'\ 2nd ser. Zoology. V. 1—; 1875/9—. 4to. Lond. irref/. Linnean society of New South Wales, Syd/ieij. Proceedings. V. 1-10 ; 1875/6-85. 8vo. Syd. . List of names of contributors to v. 1-10. Same. 2nd ser., v. 1-10; 1886-95. 8vo. Syd. Note. 2nd ser., v. 1-10, form v. 11-20 of the Whole ser. Same. [Whole ser.], v. 21—; 1896—. 8vo. Syd. London gazette. Xos. 1 8790, H3'J3-4y7, lOT'.to- 11003, 11105-12»;07, 12714-816, 13056-161, 13269— ; 16 Nov., 1665-9 Mar., 1701 [170*2], 1 Jan., 1714 [1745] -31 Dec, 1745, 5 Jan., 1768-26 Dec, 1769, 1 Jan. 177)-2HDeL', 1784, 7 Jan. -30 Dec, 1786, 3 Jan. -29 Dec, 1789, 1 Jan.. 1791—. fo. Lond. J If. Note 1. The publication of the gazette was begun at Oxford during the residence of the Court there in 1665, and nos. 1-23 have the title "Oxford gazette." Note :i. 1771, 1774, 1780-82, 1784, 1786, 1789, 1791-1804, 1806-07, 1809, 1812, 1815-17, 1825, 1827, 1830-31, 1835, 1839, 1855, 1857, and 1860-61 are incomplete. Bulletins of the campaign ; (extracted from the London gazette.] 1793- 1815. 12mo. Lond. Note. There was no issue for 1802. Same. Continued as Bulletins of state intelligence, tt:. 1816-48. 12m(>. Lond. Same. Continued as Bulletins and other state intelligence, 1849 61, 1881 — . 12mo. Lond. y'. Note 1. 1858, 18-59, and 1861 are incomplete. Note 2. 1889 — are much reduced in size, and are printed for H.M. Stationery oilice. London manual. 1901 — . 8vo. Lond. y. London mathematical society. Proceedings. V. 23-35; 1891/2-1902/3. 8vo. Lond. Same. 2nd. ser., v. 1— ; [1903/4—.] 8vo. Lond. irreg. London medical directory, ajtw. united with the Provincial medical directory as Loudon and provincial medical directory. See London and provincial medical directory. London quarterly review, 1853-57/8. 8vo. Lond. Same. Continued as London review. V. 10-18 ; 1858-62. 8vo. Lond. Same. Continued as London quarterly review. V. 19 — ; 1862/3—. 8vo. Lond. Note. V. 61-90 are also numbered New ser., v. 1-30. V. 91 — are numbered New ser., v. 1 — . London review, aftw. incorporated with the Westminster review. Sy West- minster review. London review, formerly and aftw. London quarterly review. See London quarterly review. London topographical record. See Topographici',1 society of London. London topographical society, reorganised from the Topographical society of London. See Topographical society of London. London university. Calendar. 1859, 1865—. 8vo. Lond. y. Note. 1892/3 wants pt. 1 . Same. [Supplement], entitled Examination papers. ls58, 1864—. svo. Lond. y. Note. 1890/1-99/1900 form pt. 2 of the Calendar for 1891/2-1900/1; 1900/1— are contained in v. 3 of the Calendar for 1901/2- ; the Matriculation papers for 1903— are contained in v. 1 of the Calendar for 1903/4—. 5t;e aZso University college, LoHtfoii./arm^rli/ University of London. Longman's magazine. V. 1 -; 1882/3— . 8vo. Lond. m. Note. First issued Nov., 1882. Eraser's magazine publ. by Long- man's, ceased Oct., 1S82. 176 Lords, House of. 5 v- Great Britain. PaiUament. Ihmne of Iord». Lorenz, Otto. Catalogue general de la libraiiie fram.aise, redige par 0. Lorenz [et D. Jordell]. Tom. 1—; 1S40/65— . 8vo. Paris, iireg. Note. Tom. 7-8 form Table des matieres, [tom. 1-6], 1840-75. Tom. 11 forms Table des matieres, tcm. 9-10, 1876-85. Tom. 13 forms Table des matieres, tom. 12, 1886-90. Tom. 16 forms Table des matieres, tom. 14-15, 1891-i*9. Catalogue mensuel de la librairie franvaise, publie par 0. Lorenz, [et continue par K. Nilsson] . 1877—. 8vo. Paris. Los Angeles public library. Annual report. 1897/h— . 8vo. [Los Angeles.] Lucknow government horticultural gardens. North-western provinces and Oudh. Dept. of ariric. and commerce. Keport on the horticultural gardens, Lucknow. Lumiere, continued «>-• Cosmos. S'c Cosmos; revue encyclopedique. Lunacy. See Insanity. Lunatic asylums. Sfc Insane hospitals. Lutheranism. Auslraliseher Christenbote fiir die evangeiische-lutheriscbe Kirche in Australian. Lyceum of natural history, afnv. New York academy of sciences. Annals of the Lyceum of natural history. V. Ill ; 1823/5-74/8. 8vo. N.Y. Same. Conthmed as Annals of the New York academy of sciences. Y. 1-; 1877/80—. 8vo. N.Y. ^ y. Annual reception and exhibit of recent progress in science. 1894-98. 8vo. N.Y. Note. The subsequent nos. form part of the Annals. Memoirs. V. 2—; 1900—. 4to. N. Y. irreg. Transactions. Y. 1-10 ; 1881/2-96/7. 8vo. N.Y. Note 1. A general index to v. 1-15 forms part of v. 15. Note 2. Y. 16 was the last issued, the matter formerly published in the Transactions being incorporated with the Annals. Lyttelton times, Christchurch. Nos. 706—; 13 Aug., 1859—. d. Note. 1870-74 are incomplete. Machinery. American machinist. Australasian ironmonger, continued as Australasian hardware and machinery. Practische Maschinen-Constructeur. Same. [Bjiblatt] , entitled Technische Rundschau. S x (do Engineering. Patents. Mclvor news and Goulburn advertiser, Heathcote. Nos. 33-413; 15 Apr., 1859- 6 July, 1866. Note. After July, 1866, the Mclvor news was incorporated with the Mclvor times, which see. Mclvdr times and Rodney advertiser, Heathcote. Nos. 7—; 14 May, 1863 — . m-. Note 1. 27 July-7 Sept., 1866, are wanting. Note 2. Between 20 July and 14 Sept., 1866, the Mclvor news and Goulburn advertiser was incorporated, and on 29 Nov., 1877, the Heathcote and Costerfield advertiser. Mackay chronicle. Nos. 181—; 30 S^pt., 1895—. i ic Mackay Mercury. V. 51, no. 34—; 2 Aug., 1890—. \ iv- 1 / ( Mackay's illustrated Australian almanac. 1302. 8vo. Melb. Scnne. Continued «•<• Mackay's Australian almanac. 1863-68, 1871, 1873- 77. 8vo. Melb. Note. 1873-77 add to title "and astronomical ephemeria;" they also contain an educational register of Victoria. Same. Conlinned as Hutchinson's Australian almanac and astronomical ephemeris ; al.so, an educational register for Victoria. 1878, JkmI, 1883-86, 1888-89, 1893-1900, 1902—. Hvo. Melb. y. Note. From 1896 the title reads " Hutchinson's Australian almanac, with educational register for Victoria, and astronomical ephem- eris." Alacmillan and co. Trade catalogue of books published by Macmillan and co. 1901. 8vo. [Lond.] C'o)tteiitti. Alphabetical [catalogue] . Classified catalogue. Note. Has separate t.p. Trade catalogue summary. Same. Contimtfd as : — A. Alphabetical catalogue of books. 1903 — . Hvo. Lond. B. Classified catalogue of books. 1903 — . 8vo. Lond. C. Trade catalogue summary. 1903 — . 8vo. Lond. Macmilian's magazine. V. 1 — ; 1859/60 — . 8vo. Canib. ohi/ Lond. m. Madonna ; Australasian children of Mary's home magazine. V. 1 — ; 1897/9 — . 8vo. Melb. (J. Madras. Kdiicatmual department. Report on public instruction. 1868/9-69/70, 187.5/6-89/90, 1891/2, 1893/4—. 8vo. and fo. Madras, ij. Note. V. 2 of 1900/1-03/4 wanting. Forest department. See below Revenue department. Government central mnxeiini, aftw. Government museum. Administration report of the Government central museum. 1887/8- 90/1. fo. [Madras] u.t.p. Same. Continued as .\dministration report of the Madras government museum. 1893/4. fo. Madras. Same. ('Dutimied as IXb^ort on the administration of the GoTernment museum and Coimemara public library. 1900/1--. fo. [Madras.] y. Bulletin. V. 1 — ; 1894/6—. Hvo. Madras, irrty. Irrigation bramli. See below Public works department. Jails deparliiietit. Report on tho administration of the jails. 1876-97, 1899--. 8vo. and fo. Madras, y. I'uliiic department. Annual report on the civil hospitals and dispensaries in the Madras presidency. 1877-S;i. fo. Madras. Same. Continued as Annual returns of the civil hospitals and dispen- saries in the Madras presidency. 1886-96, 1898 . fo. Madras, y. 178 Aladras. Fullic department — (contimtcd). Note 1. " The report on the working of the special institutions in Madras (town) and of the provincial hospitals in the mofussil will be submitted separately under orders of government, 12 Jan., 1892." jSee hcloiv Annual report and statistics of the state hospitals. Note 2. Under orders of government, 17 Jan., 1893, " the statistics of those state hospitals in the mofussil stations reported upon separately in 1891 have now been incorporated in the report on civil hospitals and dispensaries." The portion relating to the town hospitals was published separately from 1892 to 1900. See beloic Annual report and statistics of the special state hospitals. Note 3. " In accordance with instructions, 3 June, 1901, the report on the presidency-town medical institutions, etc., has been incorporated." Annual report and statistics of the state hospitals both in the presi- dency town and at mofussil stations. 1891. fo. Madras. Note. No more published. For continuation see above Annual report on the civil hospitals, note 2. Annual report and statistics of the special slate hospitals in the presi- dency town of Madras. 1892-96, 1898-1900. fo. Madras. Note. 1900 last published. For continuation see above Annual report on the civil hospitals, note 3. Public works dejMrlment. Administration report of the Public works department, general and buildings and roads branch. 1876/7-85/6, 1888/9—. 8vo. and fo. Madras, y. Classified list and distribution return of establishment. 1878 — . 8vo. Madras. J y. Note. June, 1881, Dec, 1883, and June, 1890 and 1891, are wanting. . Irrigation branch. Triennial revenue report. 1899/1900-1901/2. fo. Madras. Registration department. Report on the administration. 1879/80-85/6, 1888/9-89/90. fo. Madras. Same. Continnedas Note on the administration. 1890/1-1901/2, 1902 — . fo, Madras. Note. Starting with 1889/90 every third year of this publication is triennial. Revetme dej)artment . Report of the conservator of forests. 1863/4-68/9,1870/1. fo. Madras. Same. Continued as Annual administration report of the Forest depart- ment. 1872/3, 1879/80-. fo. Madras. Secretaiiat. Report on the administration. 1861/2-69/70. 1872/3—. 4to., 8vo., and fo. Madras, y. Madras. Connemara public library. Si-e Connemara public library. Madras government museum. See Madras. Government central museum. Madrid. See Real academia de ciencias exactas fisicas y naturales. Madura. Antiquities. Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen. Commissie in Nedeilmidsch-Indii' voor oudlieidkundig onderzoch op Java en Madoera. Rapporten. 179 Maffra spectator. Nos. 43—; 2 Feb , 1H82 -. ^ //•, Magazine of art. 1878-1902. 4to. and fo. Lontl. Same. New sor., v. 1-2 ; [1902/3-03/4.] fo. Lond. Note. Publication suspended in July, 1904. Same. Iloyal academy supplement, ftttilled Koyal academy pictures. 1889- . 4to. Lond. y. Note. 1903— issued independently of the Magazine of art. Magazine of natural history, and journal of zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology, and meteorology. V. 1 9 ; 1H2H/9-3G. 8vo. Lond. Same. New ser., v. 1-4 ; 1837-40. 8vo. Lond. Note. United in 1H40 with Annals of natural history, formerly Magazine of zoology and botany, wliicli see. Magazine of zoology and botany. V. 1-2 ; 1837-38. 8vo. Edinb. Same. United with Companion to the Botanical magazine, by W. .1. Hooker, as Annals of natural history, or. Magazine of zoology, botany, and geology. V. 1-5 ; 1838-40. 8vo. Lond. Sa7ne. United with Magazine of natural history an Annals and magazine of natural history, including zoology, botany, and geology. V. 0-20 ; 1840/1-47. 8vo. Lond. Same. 2nd ser, v. 1-20 ; 1848-57. 8vo. Lond. Same. 3rd ser., v. 1-20 ; 1858-07. 8vo. Lond. Same. 4th ser., v. 1-20 ; 1808-77. 8vo. Lond. Same. 5th ser, v. 1-20 ; 1878-87. 8vo. Lond. Same, 0th ser., v. 1-20 ; 1888-97. Svo. Lond. Same. 7th ser., v. 1—; 1898 — . Svo. Lond. in. Magdeburg. •S'ee Verein fiir Wetterkunde. Magnetism. See Terrestrial magnetism. Magyar madartani kozpont. See Magyar ornithologiai kozpont. Magyar ornithologiai kozpont, Budapest. Aquila. Jahrg. 7 — ; 1900 — . 4to. Budapest. ;/. Note. Hungarian and German parallel text. Magyar tudomdnyos akademia, Budapest, and Kinilyi Magyar termtszettudo- nidnyi tarsulat, Budapest. Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus T'ngarn ; mit Unterstiitzung der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Eiiniglich ungarischen naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. Bd. 17—; 1899—. 8vo. Leipz. ;/. Maine. State. State board of health. Sanitary inspector ; otiicial bullelin of the State board of health of I^Iaine. V. 11—; 1898-. 8vo. Augusta. ./. Majorca and Carisbrook independent. N'os. 43 037 ; 9 Feb., 1S05-18 Nov., IsTO. Note. Subsequently the Majorca and Carisbrook independent waa incorporated with the Maryborough standard, which »ee. Malacological society of London. Proceedings. V. 1—; 1893/5— . Svo. Lond. \ ij. Malacology. S"- Mollusca. Maldon news and Tarrangower advertiser. Nos. 1-30; 29 May -29 Nov., 1892. Same. Continued as Maldon new.*. Nos. 37—; 6 Dec. l'<92— . ^ w. Maldon Tarrangower times. S r Tarrangower times. 180 Mai msbury and Taradale news-letter, and Metealfeshire gazette. Nos. 1-33; 5 June, 1885-lC Jan., 1880. Note. Between 16 .Jan., 1886, and 30 Nov., 1889, the Malmsbury and Taradale news-letter was incorporated with the Metcalfe shire news, ichicJi nee. Malt. Brewers' journal. Malvern Argus. Nos. 1-461 ; 24 Jan., 1892-6 Dec, 1902. Note. On 13 Dec, 1902, the Malvern Argus was incorporated with the Prahran telegraph, tvlticli see. Malvern courier and Caulfield mirror. Nos. 1 — ; 16 June, 1905 — . iv. Man. See Anthropology. Man ; a monthly record of anthropological science. See Anthropological institute. Manchester. Public free libraries. Annual report, 1889/90 — . 8vo. Manch. Quarterly record. V. 1—; 1897—. Svo. Manch. Note. V. 1 and 4 are incomplete. Manchester. See Chetham society. John Eylands library. Literary and philosophical society. Record society. Vegetarian society. Manchester geological society, nftw. Manchester geological and mining society. Transactions. V. 13—; 1873/5 — . Svo. Manch. irreg. Manchester literary and philosophical society. -SVe Literary and philosophical society. Manitoba. JJeutenant-governor-in-council. Orders and proclamations. [1900/1 — .] Svo. Winnipeg. (Bound tvith Acts of the legislature, 1901 — .) Parliament. Legislative assembly. Journals. [V. 2, 5, 6, 8-1.5], 19-21, 23-24, 27, 29—; 1872—. Svo. Winnipeg. Note. V. 5, 1875, 11, 1880/1, 12, 1881, and 14, 1883, show no vol. numbers. V. 2, 6, 8-10, 13, and 15 show vol. numbers in index only, where v. 13 is numbered v. 12. Same. Appendix. [V. 2, 5, 6, 8-1.5] ; 1872-84. Svo. ^Winnipeg.] Same. £;i?i7Ze(i Sessional papers. V. 19-21, 28-24, 27, 29— ; 18SS— . Svo. [Winnipeg.] Statutes. 1876,1880-81,1883-85,1887-88/9. Svo. Winnipeg. Same. Continued ns Acts of the legislature. 1890 — . Svo. Winnipeg. Smne. Revised statutes, 1902. • Svo. Winnipeg Mansfield courier. Nos. 1—; 7 Mar., 1885-. w. Note. The Mansfield guardian, with the Delatite free press, was incorporated with the Mansfield courier at its foundation. Mansfield guardian. Nos. 4-151, 580-917 ; 25 Mar., 1871-17 Jan., 1874, 11 Mar., 1882-25 Feb., 1885. Note. On 10 Oct., 1884, the Delatite free press was incorporated. On 7 Mar., 1885, both were incorporated with the Mansfield courier, icldch see. Manufacturers. Perry's manufacturers' and merchants' directory of Great Britain and Ireland, and continental, colonial, and American mercantile guide. Manufactures. See Candles. Carriages. Clocks and watches. Drapery. Factories. Flour. Gas. Hardware. Leather. Liijuors. Machinery. Manufacturers. Metals. Paper. Patents. Soap. Stationery. Tobacco. IHl Maoris. Polynesian society. Journal. Marine insurance. See Insuniiice. Marine surveying. See Hydrography. Marine underwriters' association of Victoria, Melbuiinie. liegister of Australian and New Zealand shipping, including shipping registered at Fiji ; with which is incorporated the Australian register of shipping. l'J04/5 — . 8vo. Melb. 'J. Marine zoology. Musee d'histoire naturelle de Marseille. Annales. Zoologische Station zu Neapel. Mittheilungen. Sea also Mollusca. Maritime law. Council of law reporting, London. Law reports. High court of admiralty. 1805-75. Law reports. Probate division ; . . . reported ... in the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical courts by G. Bruce, 1875 — . Reports of cases relating to maritime law. Mark lane express and agricultural journal. V. 60— ; 1892 — . fo. Lond. u- . Note. V. 09-71 are incomplete. From Feb. 8, 1904, the title reads " Mark lane express, agricultural journal, and live stock record." A separately paged portion is issued under the title " Live slock record." Marseilles. 6Vf Laboratoire de zoologie marine d'Endoume. Musee d'histoire naturelle. Marshall college, Mercersbnni, I'a. Franklin and Marshall college alumni association, Lancaster, l\i. Frank lin and Marshall college obituary record. Maryborough and Dunolly advertiser. Nos. 43-3270, 3583 — ; 4 Aug., I8o7-30 Dec, 1878, 2 Jan., 1881—. \ tc. Note. 18.5705 and 1867-74 are incomplete. Maryborough chronicle. Wide bay and Burnett advertiser, V. Nos. 3446—; 2 Aug., 1884—. • «'. Maryborough standard. Nos. 1233—; 8 May, 1880—. i «-. Note. The Majorca and Carisbrook independent has been incorpor- ated. Maryborough weekly market report and farmers' jourrtal. Nos. 1-100 ; 28 Apr., 1903-9 May, 1905. Same. Continued us Maryborough miners' and farmers' journal. No.-.. 1—; 10 May, 1905—. " • Maryborough Wide bay and Burnett news, Q. See Wide bay and Burnett news. Mason and Firth's Victorian almanac. 1S05. 8vo. Melb. Same. Cotitinutd ns Victorian almanac. 1809-73, 1880, 1903 — . 8vo. Mason, Firth, and co. Melb. y. Note. 1870 is entitled Mason, Firth, and co.'s Victorian almanac. 1872 — add to title "and astronomical ephemeris." Mason scientific college, oj'tic. Mason university college, Dirmin-jham. See Birmingham university. Note. Dissolved by the University ait, I'.iOO, its property, etc., being transferred to the University of Birmingham. 182 Masonry. .l/(//;()H/«('. Nos. 50— ; 18 Aug., 1.S94— . ^ m. Note. The South Australian freemason has been incorporated ; and the Gavel, Sydney, was incorporated on 23 June, 1898. Masons, f^ee Freemasonry. Massachusetts. General court [ox LeyidatMrc]. Acts and resolves. 1870-76, 1903—. Bvo. Bost. Massachusetts. See also Boston. Groton. Northampton. Salem. Massachusetts horticultural society, Boaton. Transactions. 1843-46, 1848-52, 1858-62, 1864-68, 1897, pt. 3, 1900—. Bvo. Bost. irreg. Massey's illustrated, oftw. incorporated with the Farmer and grazier. See Farmer and grazier. Mathematics. Acta mathematica. Akademija umiejetnosci, Cracow. Bulletin international asse des sciences mathematiques et naturelles. American journal of mathematics. California academy of sciences. Proceedings, 3rd. ser. Math. -physics. Ecole polytechnique, /on«n7?/ Ecole centrale des travaux publics, Paris. Journal polytechnique. Journal fiir die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Kongliga svenska vetenskaijs-akademien. Arkiv ii'ir matematik, astro- nomi och fysik. Kongliga universitetet, Vj)sula. Upsala universitets arsskrift. London mathematical society. Proceedings. Magyar tudomanyos akademia, Budapest, and Kiralyi Magyar termes- zettudomanyi tarsulat, Buduj)est. Mathematische und naturwissen- schaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. Messenger of mathematics. Quarterly journal of pure and applied mathematics. Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn, See. Magyar tudomanyos akademia, and Kiralyi Magyar termeszettudomanyi tarsulat. .Vlauritius. Adviinistration. Mauritius blue book. 1868, 1871-76. fo. Port Louis. Same. Continued as Blue book for the colony of Mauritius. 1878-81, 1883-87, 1890-97, 1901. fo. Port Louis. Mayaguez. See Porto Piico agricultural experiment station. Measures. See Weights and measures. Mechanic, incorporated in 1870 with the English mechanic. See English mechanic. •Mf chanical engineering. See Engineering. Machinery. Mechanics' institutes. See Libraries. Mecklenburg;. Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. Archiv. See aha Rostock. Medals. See Coins and medals. Alcddelelser om Gronland. See Denmark. Commissionen for T.edeUen af de (jeolu'jislce o'j geoyraphiske Undcrsorieher i Gronland. 1H3 Medical and chirurgical society of London, aftw. lloyal medical and chirurgical society of London. Medico-chirurgical transactions. V. 1—; lHOC/9 — . Hvo. Lond. ij. Note. V. 22— are also numbered 2nd. ser., v. 4 — . . General index, v. l-5:i. Medical and surgical review of reviews. V. 1 ; 1898. Svo. Lond. Same. Continued as Medical review. V. 2—; 1899 — . 8vo. Lond. m. Medical iinnual. 1904—. Bvo. Bristol. Medical board of Victoria. See Victoria. Medical hoard of Victoria. Medical directory, formerly London and provincial medical directory. See London and provincial medical directory. Medical directory for Ireland, uflir. included in the London and provincial medical directory. See London and provincial medical directory. Aledical directory for Scotland, aftw. included in the London and provincial medical directory. See London and provincial medical directory. Medical register ; published under the direction of the General council of medi- cal education and registration of the United Kingdom. 1879, 1892, 1894—. Hvo. Lond. y. Medical register [of Victoria] . See Victoria. Medical hoard of Victoni. Medical review, formerly Medical and surgical review of reviews. See Medical and surgical review of reviews. Medical students' society, Melhoumc. Speculum. See Speculum. Medicine. Australasian medical <,'azette. Biochemisches Centralblatt. British medical association. British medical journal. Dublin journal of medical science, Edinburgh medical and surgical journal, aftn-. Edinburgh medical journal. Paulding's medical journal. Guy's hospital. Guy's hospital reports. Herald of health, contimied ax Australasian good health. Intercolonial medical congress of Australasia. Transactions. Intercolonial medical journal of Australasia. International journal of the medical sciences, continued (f.< American journal of the medical sciences. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vieuva. Sitznngsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe. Abth. 3. Kongliga universitetet, Upsala. Upsala universitets arsskrift. Lancet. Medical and chirurgical socic-ty of London, afnr. Royal medical and chirurgical society of London. Medico-chirurgical transactions. Medical and surgical review of reviews, continued «.« Medical review. Medical annual. New Sydenham society. Publications. Beport. Niederrheinische Gesellschaft fiir Natur-und Heilkunde, Bonn. Sitznngs- berichte. Practitioner. S^ienti fic memoirs by mediral otlicers of the army of India. 184 Medicine— (co«^/'nj(erf.) Speculum. United States, Bureau of medicine and surgerij. Sanitary and medical reports, aj'tw. Report of the surgeon-general. Bibliography. British medical association. British medical journal. Supplement, entitled Epitome of current medical literature. Medical and surgical review of reviews, cu)Uiuued as Medical review. Aledicine. See u/ao Anatomy. Cancer. Dentistry. Ear. Eye. Histology. Homoeopathy. Hospitals. Hygiene. Insanity. Microscope. Nervous system. Nursing. Obstetrics. Pharmacy. Physicians and surgeons. Physiology. Surgery. Vaccination. Veterinary medicine. X rays. Yellow fever. Medico-chirurgical transactions. See Medical and chirurgical society of London. Mediterranean Sea. Musee d'histoire naturelle de Marseille. Annales. Zoologische Station zu Neapel. Mittheilungen. Melbourne. Ahnaiidcs and directories. Modern business directory, continued as Business reference handbook. Sands and Kenny's commercial and general Melbourne directory, aftw. Sands and McDougall's Melbourne, suburban, and country directory. Institutions and societies. See Acclimatisation society of Victoria. Aerated water manufacturers'"" trade protection association of Victoria. Amalgamated society of rail- way employes. Ancient independent order of oddfellows of Victoria. Aus- tralian church. Australian college of dentistry. Bankers' institute of Aus- tralasia. Chamber of agriculture. Chamber of mines of Victoria. Charity organisation society. Church of England grammar school. City news- boys' try society. Civil service cooperative society of Victoria. Commercial travellers' association of Victoria. Congregational union and mission of Victoria. Field naturalists' club of Victoria. Geogra- phical society of Australasia, aftir. Pioyal geographical society of Australasia, Victorian branch. Gordon institute for poor boys. Grocers' association of Victoria. Marine underwriters' association of Victoria. Medical students' society. Melbourne and metropolitan board of works. Melbourne benevolent asylum. Melbourne Christ- adelphian ecclesia. Melbourne Christian assembly. Melbourne harbor trust. Melbourne hospital. Melbourne observatory. Melbourne orphan asylum. Melbourne university. Melbourne young men's Christian association. Metropolitan fire brigades' board. National agricultural society of Victoria, aftw. Eoyal agricultural society of Victoria. National Christian citizen's league. National tour- ing association. Phrenological and health institute of Australasia, incorporated. Philosophical institute of Victoria, afttc^ Royal society of Victoria. Public library, museums, and national gallery of Victoria. Royal horticultural society of Victoria Royal humane society of Australasia. Royal Victorian institute. of architects. St. Vincent's hospital. Society of chemical JVlelbourne. InsiitiiHniis mid iii)iieties — (rontiinied.) industry of Victoria. Tobacconists' association of Victoria. Victorian alliance. Victorian deaf^ and dumb institution. Victorian employers' federation. Victorian engineers' association. -60/8, 1871/5-81/4. 8vo. Melb. Sote. For previous observations, see Williamstown observatory. Astronomical observations. Results of observations in meteorology, terrestrial magnetism, etc. V. 1-3, 5 ; 1872-76. 8vo. Melb. Note. These are annual issues of the Monthly records for the same period. Melbourne orphan asylum. Annual report. 1856-59, 1861 — . 8vo. Melb. Melbourne Punch. Y. 1-89; 1856-3 May, 1900. S'liiie. Coiitiiiiied us Punch, Melbourne.. Y. 89—; 10 May, 1900 — . w. Note. On 4 Mar., 1886, the Melbourne bulletin was incorporated. Sutnf. Supplement, <'/((<7/»'d Punch almanac. 1876 — . y. Melbourne southern cross. See Southern cro.ss. Melbourne spectator. See Spectator, Melbourne. Melbourne sportsman. See Sportsman. Melbourne stock and share list. See ClarUe and co. Melbourne theatre. See Theatre. Melbourne university. Calendar. 1858/9-61/2, 1863/4 . 8vo. Melb. Suine. Appendix, entitled Examination papers. Sec below Examination papers. Examination papers. 1857/8-60/1, 1862/3-74/5. 8vo. Melb. Note. Lso7/8-72/3 form appendices to the Calendar, 1S58/9-74/5. Sdine. Continued in several parlii, viz. : Examination papers, Oct. term. 1875-83. 8vo. Melb. Note. 1876 "July and Oct. terms." Same. Continued as Ordinary and honour examination papers, Oct. term. 1884-85. 8vo. Melb. Same. Continued as Ordinary, honour, and scholarships examination papers, Oct. term. 1886-88. 8vo, Melb. Same. Continued as Annual examination papers, Oct. and Dec. 1889- 1901. 8vo. Melb. Note. 1901 is •• Nov. -Dec." No more issued in volume form. Examination papers, Feb. term. 1876-84. 8vo. Melb. 188 Melbourne university — (continued.) Same. Continued as Ordinary, honour, and degrees examination papers, Feb. term. 1885-89. Hvo. Melb. iiotf. The ordinary examinations, Feb. term, were not held after 1889. The honour and degrees examination papers were con- tinued as Final honour, degrees, etc., examination papers, Feb. 1890-1901. Mar., j9Q'2. 8vo. Melb. Note. No more issued in volume form. Examination papers. Matriculation examination, Feb. term. 1878-79. 8vo. Melb. Note. 1876-77, and 1880-82, form part of the Examination papers, Feb. term, 1876-77, and 1880-82. Same. Continued as Matriculation examination papers, Feb. term. 1883-89. •'^vo. Melb. Examination papers. Matriculation examination, .July term. 187-'), 1878. 8vo. Melb. Note. 1876 forms part of the Examination papers, .July and Oct. terms, 1876, ./or ivhich nee above Examination papers, Oct. term. Examination papers. Matriculation examination, Oct. term. 1877-78. 8vo. Melb. Note. 1875-76, and 1879-82 form part of the Examination papers, Oct. term, 1875-76, and 1879-82. Same. Continued as Matriculation examination papers, Oct. term. 1883-88. 8vo. Melb. Same. Continued as Matriculation examinition papers, Nov. 1889- 1900. Dec, 1901—. 8vo. Melb. //. Examination papers. Second matriculation examination, Feb. term 1876, 1880, 1882, 1884-88. 8vo. Melb. Note. 1877 forms part of the Examination papers, Feb. term, 1877. 1883 forms part of Matriculation examination papers. Feb. term, 1883. 1879 is wanting. Satne. Continued as Examination papers, May matriculation examin- ation. 1889-92. 8vo. Melb. Same. Continued as Matriculation examination papers. May. 1893 — . 8vo. Melb. ?/. Handbook of public examinations. 1904 — . 8vo. Melb. y. Note. 1904 is for 1905. There is no vol. numbered 1905. Franvaia, a I'Universite de Melbourne. See Franvais. See also Medical students' society, Melhourne. Melbourne woman's news. See Woman's news. Melbourne young men's Christian association. Outlook, afuc. incorporated with the Christian citizen. See National Christian citizen's league. Christian citizen. Note. The incorporation ceased in Dec, 1903, when City men was commenced as the organ of the association. Melburnian ; journal of the Church of England grammar school, Melhourne. V. 1-8, 10-20, 22—; 1876—. 8vo. [Melb.] -/. Note. V. 8, 10, 15, and 18-20 are incomplete. Mental diseases. See Insanity. Nervous system. Mental philosophy. See Psychology. ISO Mercantile library association, iVeu' }'orA-. Annual report. I'.lO'J . Hvo. [N.Y.] Mercantile library company of Phila^lelphia. Annual roport. IH'.tl, 18'.I7 — . Hvo. I'hilad. Bulletin. V. 1—; 1882/9—. Svo. Philad. 7. Mercersburg, /'". See Marshall college. Merchant service. Nautical maRazine. See alsn Shipping. Merchants. Perry's manufacturers' and merchants' directory of Great Britain and Ireland, and continental, colonial, and American mercantile guide. Mercury, Ildhart, formcrhj Hobart Town daily Mercury. See Hobart Town daily Mercury. Meredith sentinel, /Drwr/// Lawaluk courier. <^^(? Lawaluk courier. Messenger ; a spiritualistic monthly magazine. Nos. 1 — ; ISflS — . 4to. Brunswick. Messenger of mathematics. New ser., v. 1--; 1871/2 — . Hvo. Lond. m. . Index, V. l-2;>, 1871-%. Messenger of the Presbyterian chinch of New South Wales, with which is incorporated the Presbyterian. V. 1 — ; 1902/3 — . fo. Syd. ir. Messenger of the Presbyterian church of Queensland, with which is incorporated the Austral star. V. 1 — ; 1903/4—. fo. Brisb. w. Messenger of the Presbyterian churches of Victoria and Tasmania, formerly Monthly messenger and missionary record. Sm Monthly messenger and missionary record. Metallge.sellschaft, Fronl-fort-on-the-Maiii, a)id Metallurgische Gesellschaft, Frankfort-ou. the- M iiin. Comparative statistics of lead, copper, spelter, tin, silver, nickel, aluminium, and quicksilver. Period '.) -; 1892/1901 — , 4to. Frankfort, y. Metallurgische Gesellschaft, Franhfort-on-tJie-Maiii. Comparative statistics of lead, etc. See Metallgesellschaft, tind Metallurgische Gesellschaft. Metals. Engineering and raining journal. Metallgesellschaft, Frankfort-out lie- Main, r;n Histology. Microscopical society, aflw. Koyal microscopical society, London. Transactions. New ser., V. 1-lG; 18.53-68. 8vo. Load . Index, 1844-68. Same. Continued as Monthly microscopical journal; transactions of the Koyal microscopieiil society, V. 1-18; 1869-77. 8vo. Lond. Same. Continued ((s Journal of the Iloyal microscopical .society, contain- ing its transactions and proceedings. V. 1-3 ; 1878-80. 8vo. Lond. Same. Her. 2., v. 1-5 ; 1881-85. 8vo. Lond. Same. 1886 — . 8vo. Lond. '2m, Microscopical society of Victoria, Melbourne. Journal. V. 1-2; l871*/82-S-i. 8vo. Melb. Note 1. V. 1., no. 1, is entitled Quarterly journal. V. 2, no. 1, is the last issued. In 1882 the Microscopical society was amalgamated with the Koyal society, formerly Philosophical institute of Victoria, wliich .see. Middelbur^^. See Zeeuwsch genootschap der wetenschappen. Midland pharmaceutical association of New Zealand, Christchurcli. Chemist and druggist of Australasia. See Chemist and druggist of Australasia. Midnight cry. [V. 1.,] nos. 7, 10 ; Mar., 1900, Jan., 1901. fo. [Melb.] Same. Continued ax Christian commonwealth. [W. 11, nos. 11^; 1901 — . fo. [Melb.J Milan. Sec Keale istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere. Mildura cultivator. Nos. 1—; 19 May, 1888—. u: Note. On 13 June, 1896, the Mildura irrigationist was incorporated. Mildura irrigationist, and Murray river agricultural times. Nos. 1-16; 8 Feb. -23 May, 1888. Same. Continued as Mildura irrigationist, and Murray river cultural advocate. Nos. 42-144 ; 6 June, 1891-19 Dec, 1894. Same. New ser., nos. 1-49 ; 5 Jan., 1895-6 June, 1896. Note. Incorporated on 13 June, 1896, with the Mildura cultivator, tuliirli see. Military art and science. Canada. Dcpt. of militia and defence. Keport on the state of the militia, aftw. Report. Bevue militaire de 1' utranger. United service gazette. United service institution, aftw. Royal united service institution. Journal. United service journal, continued an United service magazine. United States. 0[lice of the adiutant-ijineral. Military information division. [Publications.: See also Army lists. Artillery. Military engineering. 192 Military eii-^inecring. lloyal engineer institute. Occasional papers. United States. Engineer dept. Annual report of the chief of engineers. Papers on practical engineering, continued as Professional papers of the Corps of engineers. Military forces list of the Commonwealth of Australia. Si'e Australia, Cornmon- wealtJi of. Departme.nt of defence. /Militia lists. See Army lists. Miller, James J. .T. -T. Miller's sporting pamphlet and oflicial trotting record. 1884/5-91/2. 12mo. Melb. Note. I880/6 is wrongly entitled 1886/7. Snnie. Continued rt.s J. .J. Miller's sporting pamphlet, official trotting chronicle, and athletic record. 1893/4-94/.5. 12mo. Melb. Same. Continued ■ J J. Miller's sporting pamphlet and athletic record. 1895/()-96/7. 12mo. and 8vo Melb. Same. Continued dx .1. .T. Miller's annual sporting pamphlet and athletic record. 1898 -. .Svo. Melb. Miller. V. 11—; 1885/6—. 4to. Lond. m. Note. V. 19 is incomplete. V. 20 — contain only the special issues of the first Monday in each month. Millers' journal of Australasia, with which is incorporated the Austi'alian miller. V. 1- ; 1899/1900—. 4to. Syd. m. Note. V. 1 is incomplete. Mimir ; Icelandic institutions, with addresses. 190.3 — . 8vo. Copenhagen. Mines geraes. See Triangulo mineiro. Mind ; a quarterly review of psychology and philosophy. V. 1-16 ; 1876-91. 8vo. Lond. Same. New ser., v. 1 — ; 1892 — . 8vo. Lond. Mind and body; organ of the Phrenological and health institute of Australasia incorporated. S''e Phrenological and health institute. Mind cure. See Christian science. Mineral industry ; statistical supplement of the Engineering and mining journal. See Engineering and mining journal. Mineralog^ical .society of Great Britain and Ireland, London. Mineralogical magazine, and journal of the Mineralogical society. V. 1 — ; 1876/7 — . 8vo. Lond. »/. . Index, V. 1-10. Mineralogische Mittheilungen, gesammelt von G. Tschermak ; erscheinen zugleich als Beilage zum Jahrbuche der K. k. geol. Eeichsanstalt. .Jahrg. 1871-77. 8vo. Wien. Note. 1877 contains a Register, 1871-77. Same. Continued ax Mineralogische und petrographische Mittheilungen, hrsg. von G. Tschermak. Neue Folge, Bd. 1-10 ; 1878-88/9. 8%'0. Wien. Note. With the Neue Folge, the connection with the K. k. geol. Reichsanstalt ceases. Suae. Coniimied 'as T.schermak's mineralogische und petrographische Mittheilungen, hrsg. von F. Becke. Neue Folge, Bd. 11—; 1889/90—. 8vo, Wien. 2 m. 19:$ . Mineralogisches Taschenbuch, alternative title o/ Jahrg. 12-18 of Taschenbuch fiir die gesammte Mirieralogie. See Taschenbuch fiir die gesammte Mineralogie. Minerals. Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Pahioontologie. Engineering and mining journal. Statistical supplement, entitled Mineral industry, its statistics, technology, and trade in the United States and other countries. India. Dept. of revenue and atjric. Statistics of mineral production. Kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akademien. Arkiv U>r kemi, mineralogi och geologi. Mineralogical society of Great Britain and Ireland. Mineralogical magazine. Mineralogische Mittheilungen, aftw. Tschermak's mineralogische und petrographische Mittheilungen. New York. Statr. State miiseum of natural hixtonj. Bulletin. Mineralogy. Societe minoralogique de France, aftw, Socittu fran(.-aise de mint'ralogie. Bulletin. Taschenbuch fiir die gesammte Mineralogie, continued as Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaeontologie. Same. Beilage-Band. United States. Geological survey. Bulletin. Ser. D, Mineral resources of the United States. Professional paper. Ser. D. Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie und mineralogie. Set also Coal. Crystallography. Geology. Metals. Mines and mining. Rocks. Minerva ; .Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt. Jfahrg. 12- ; 1902/3—. 8vo. Strassburg. Mines and mining. American institute of mining engineers. Transactions. Annales des mines. Australasian institute of mining engineers. Proceedings. Transactions. Australasian joint stock companies' year-book. Australian mining standard. Broken Hill proprietary company, limited. Reports and statements of account. Building and engineering journal of Australia and New Zea.]iind, continued as Building, engineering and mining journal. California. Stale minlnij bureau. Bulletin. Engineering and mining journal. Manchester geological society, aftw. Manchester geological and mining society. Transactions. Mining and scientific press. Mining journal. Mining year-book. Natal. Dept. ot u/iric. Agricultural journal and mining record. 194 .Mines and mining — {contiimrd.) New Zealand. ColoviaJ inusenvi and fjrohgical survey. Annual report. . Sliuen dt'pt. Report on the mining industry of New Zealand, coritimied an Papers and reports relating to minerals and mining. New Zealand mining journal and financial guide. Queensland. Dept. of mines. Queensland government mining journal. South Australia. Mines dept. Record of the mines of South Australia. Short review of mining operations in South Australia. Victoria. Dept. of mines. Goldfields of Victoria. Mining surveyors' reports, aftir. Special reports. Beport. . Geolofiica/ survei/. Bulletins. Memoirs. Western Australia. Dept. of mines. Gold-mining statistics. See also Chambers of mines. Coal. Iron. Metals. Minerals. Schools of mines. Mining and metallurgy, aftw. incorporated with the Engineering and mining journal. S<'e Engineering and mining journal. Mining and scientific press. V. .50 — ; 188.5 — . fo. San Fran. w. Note. V. 60 is incomplete. Mining journal, lailway and commercial gazette. V. 41-45, o2 — ; 1871-75, 1882 -. fo. Lond. w. Note. From v. 66, 1896, the title reads " Mining journal, railwayl and commercial gazette ; a record of mining and metallurgica. progress." Mining news, Croydon, Q. 30 Aug., 1901 — . w. Mining year-book, with directories of directors, secretaries, cfc. 1904 — . Svo. Lond. Minnesota academy of natural sciences, Minneapolis. Bulletins. V. 1 — ; 1873/9 — . 8vo Minneapolis, irreg. Note. V. 3 is incomplete. Mint. United States. Office of the director of the mint. Annual report. Minyip guardian and Sheep Hills advocate. Nos. 1 — ; 8 Aug., 1895 — . n-. jMirboo Gippslander. See Gippslander and Mirboo times. Mirror and Portland advertising guide, Portland. Nos. 58-163; 8 Feb. ,-20 Oct., 1882. S'lvie. Continued as Portland mirror and western district advertising guide. Nos. 164-758 ; 23 Oct., 1882-13 Aug., 1886. Note. Incorporated on 16 Aug., 1886, with Portland guardian, which see. Miscellaneous documents. See United States. Congress. House of representatives. . . Senate. Missions. Children's mission to the children of the destitute in the city of Boston. Annual report. Gordon institute for poor boy^, Melbourne. [Committee's annual report.] Gordon boys. 105 Missions— (continued.) Toorak and South Yarra try society, City newsboyB' try society, and Girls' try society. Annual report and financial statement. Victorian seamen's mission. Annual report of the Victorian seamen's mission, including the Port Melbourne seamen's institute, Williamstown sailors' rest, [and the Geelong mission] . Missouri botanical garden, St. Lotd*. Annual report. 1st—; 18«9 — . Hvo. St. Louis. Note. 10th report contains " Indexes, v. 1-10." Mitcliell, Charles, and co. Newspaper press directory. See Newspaper press directory. Mitre, Melbourne. V. 1-3; 1 Sept., 1897-15 Aug., 1000. Note. On Sept., 1900. the Mitre was incorporated with the Church commonwealtli, a-hu-h see. Mittlieilunjjen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt, von A. Petermann. See Petermann, A. IT. Mnemosyne; tijdschrift voor classieke litteratuur. Deell-5; 1852-56. 8vo. Leyden. S'liiie. Continued a.^ Mnemo.syne ; bibliotheca philologica Batava. [Latin]. Vol. 0-11 ; 1850-[C2.] Svo. Lugd. Bat. and Amstelodami. Vol. 1011 are also numbered "Nova ser., vol. 1-2." . Appendix ad vol. 2-7, qua continentur praefationes et indices. Same. Nova, ser., vol. 1 — ; [1873 — ] 8vo. Lugd. Bat. <]. Note. Publication discontinued during 18(J3-72. Aloama border post. See Border post. Modern business directory [for Melbourne and suburbs.^ . Nos. 90-95 ; 1898-99. 12 mo. Melb. Same. Continued as Business reference handbook and pay-day guide. Nos. 9G-99, 101—; 1900-. 12nio. and Svo. Melb. irreii. Moe and Thorpdale news, Trafalgar. 5 May, 1903 — . »c. A'<(^'. A reprint of the Trafalgar and Yarragon times. Moe Narracan shire advocate. See Narracan shire advocate. Moigno, Franvois Napok'on Marie, nh},i'. Cosmos, rt'digee par 1' abbe Moigno. See Cosmos ; revue encyclopt-dique, etc. Les mondes, par 1' abbe' Moigno. See Mondes. Moira independent, Tuiufdnuilt. Nos. 11 — ; 20 Sept.. 1883 — . ir. Mollusca. Concholof-'ist, continued rt.s Journal of malacology. Journal de conehyliologie. Malacological society of London. Proceedings. Monde moderne. Tom. 1-4, G— ; 1895—. 8vo. Paris, m. Same. Supplement consacre au roman contemporain. Tom. 1 — ; 1S99 — . 8vo. Pari.*, m. Mondes ; revue hebdom;iilaire des sciences et dc leurs applications aux arts ft a r industrie, par 1' abU- Moigno. Tom. 1-2, 4-32; lstJ3-73. Hvo. Pnris. Note. Founded by Moigno on his retirement from Casuios, fondi'e par B. li. de Monfort, for nhirh .tee Cosmos. 196 Mondes— f continued.) Same. Continued an Kucriiwi. Les mondes ; revue hebdomadaire, etc. Tom. 33-50, 52-56.; 1874-81. 8vo. Paris. Note. The original Cosmos, founded by de Monfort in 1852, having ceased in 1870, Moigno claimed Les mondes, founded by him- self, as the continuation of the first series of de Monfort's Cosmos. In 1882 he commenced a " 3e serie " under the original title "Cosmos." Tom. 56, 1881, is numbered " 19e annoe" ; 3e. ser., torn. 1, 1882, is numbered " 31e. annce." Sinae. Continued as Cosmos. Les mondes; revue hebdomadaire, etc. 3e. ser., tom. 1-9 ; 1882-84. 8vo. Paris. Same. Continued as Cosmos ; revue des sciences et de leurs applications. Nouv. s(^r., tom. 1 — ; 1885 — . 4to. Paris, iv. Money. See Banks and banking. Finance. Investments. Mint. Monfort, B. R. de. Cosmos, fondee par B. E,. de Montfort [sic] See Cotmos, Moniteur beige; journal officiel. 1863-68,1873—. 4to. Brux. Note. Only 1874, 18U0, 1896, 1898-99, and 1901-02 are complete. Moniteur vinicole ; organe de la production et du commerce des vins et spirit- ueux, Paris. 1893 — . ^ w. Monitor. V. 1— ; 1894/5 — . 4to. Oct., IHH'.i, the Mooroopna and Toolaniba telegraph was incorporated with the Goulhurn valley jeoman, nhirh nee. Mooroopna GouUmrn valley yeoman. ,S'(v Goulhurn valley yeoman. Moral philosophy. .See Ethics. Moranjr's annual register of Canadian affairs, ed. and compiled by .1. C. Hop- kins. 1901. 8vo. Toronto. Note. No ninrc puhlishcd. lie-issued as Canadian annual review of , public affairs for IDUl. iiliirli sec. More land. Scr St. Augustine'.s Church of England. Morning luiald, /'crtli. Nos. HG!»— ; 8 Mar., 1897 . d- Morninj: post, Coiinx. V. ;^, nos. ;V2 ; 9 .Tune, 1K97- . //. Mornin}>;ton standard, Fidiikstini. Nos. 1--; .5 Oct., 1889 — . «-. Morphologisches Jahrbuch ; eine Zeitschrift fiir Anatoniie und Entwickelungs- geschichte, hr.sg. von C. Gegenbaur. Bd. 14-:J0 ; 1888-1902. 8vo. Leipz. . Namen-iind Sachregister. 15d. 1-20. Siiiiic. ContiniK-d us Gegenhaurs morphologisches .Jahrbuch. Ed. :^1 ; r.l02/.S— . . Hvo. Leipz. inr;i. Morphology. Mc)rpliologisches .iahrbuch, foiiiiiiuril us Gegenbaurs morphologisches Jahrbuch. Mortlake dispatch, and commercial, agricultural and pastoral advertiser. Nos. 122-23(5, KC.3-9r)l, 171:5-1890; 4 Jan., 187110 Feb., Is72, 2 .Fan. -11 Die. 187!S, 19 Apr., 1882-9 Feb., 1884. Same. Continued an Mortlake dispatch. Nos. 1891--; If, Feb., 1884—. ^ ir. Morwell advocate, and Boolara and Mirboo chronicle. Nos. 1-8; 30 Oct., l.^sO- 22 Jan., 1887. Same. Continmil ns Morwell advertiser and weekly chronicle. Nos. 9- 83; 29 Jan., 1887-30 June, 1888. Same. Continued as Morwell advertiser. Nos. 84 — ; 7 July, 18.88 — . w. Morwell and Mirboo gazette. Nos. 1-424 ; C) Oct., 1885-19 Jan., ls94. S'Uiif. Ciinlinui'd (IS MorvfcU and Yinnar f^azctte. Nos. 425—; 9 Feb., 1S91 -. ir. Motor cars. Australian cyclist, aj'tu-. Cyclist and motor news. Mount Alexander mail, Cafthnnaiuf. Nos. 1 — ; 6 Mav, 1^54 . d. .\<)lc. 18(14-09 are incomplete. Mount .\rarat advertiser. Nos. 81 215, 253, 354-398; 7 May, 1858-19 Aug.. 1859, 30 Dec, 1859. IS Dec, 18(J0-21 May, ISCI. Same. <'ontinu,- Apr., 1881) — , w. Natal. Departntent of agriculture. Agricultural journal and mining record. V. 7 — ; l'.)04 — . 8vo. [Pietermaritzburg]. m. Geoloi/iciil Kurvcij of Xatal and Zitliilaitd. , Report. 1899/1900 — , 4to. Pietermaritzburg and Lond. ^ //. Parliament. Acts of the parliament. 1904 — . 8vo. Pietermaritzburg. Statistical year book. 1893/4, 1896, 1902—. fo. and 8vo. Pietermaritzburg'. Natal witness, Pietermaritzhura. Nos. 881(3-8857. 898G— ; 2 .Tuly-18 Aug., 1900, 17 .Tan., 1901—. . ' d, Nathalia herald. Nos. 1—; S Feb., 1884--. . w. Nation. V. r2-lo, 18-22, 24-2-5, 42-; 1871—. 4to. N.Y. w. Note.. V. 12-1."), 18-22, 24-2."), 43, and 56 are incomplete. National academy of sciences, WasJiington. Memoirs. V. 8—; 1896—. 4to. Wash. irre;). National agricultural society of Yietoiia, aftu-. Eoyal agricultural society of Vic- toria, Melbourne. * Annual report. 1876-77, 1880-81, 1883. 8vo. Melb. Same. Continued as Report of proceedings. 1885 — . 8vo. Melb. and Williamstown. Farmer and grazier, and journal of the Royal agricultural society. See Farmer and grazier. National association for the promotion of technical and secondary education, London. Record of technical and secondary education. V. 1 — ; 1891/2 — . 8vo. Lond. q. Note. V. 1 is incomplete. National Christian citizens' league, Melbourne. Christian citizen. Y. 1—; 1900/1—. 4to. Melb. Note 1. Y. 1, nos. 1-9, ed. by the Prahran citizens' association, the parent body of the League. Note A?. With v. 1, no. 11, is incorporated the Outlook, official organ of the Melbourne young men's Christian association. Subse- quently the Christian citizen became the official organ of the Young women's Christian association. With v. 2, no. 22, it becomes the ofticial organ of the Protestant union of Victoria. National competition ; list of students rewarded, etc. See Great Britain. Dept. (if mienrc and art. National gallery, Mtdbonrne.- S. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Loud. Same. Continued «.s- Transactions of the Natural history society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne New ser., V. 1 — ; 1904 — . Hvo. Lond, irreg. Note. In 190.3, the Tyneside naturalists' field club amalgamated with the Natural history society of Northumberland. Natural philosophy. See Physics. Natural religion. Gifford lectures. Natural science. See Science. Nature ; a weekly illustrated journal of science. V. 1 — ; 1869/70—. 4to. Load,. Nature ; revue des sciences et de leurs applications aux arts et a 1' Industrie. 13e annre, 2e semestre — ; 1885 — . 4to. Paris, w. . Tables dt'Cennales des matieres, 1883-1902. Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Danzig. Schriften ; mit Unterstiitzung des Westpr. Provinzial-Landtages hrsg. Neue Folge, Bd. 7 — ; 1888/91 — . 8vo. Danzig, irreg. Note 1. Bd. 7 is incomplete. Note 2. " Inhaltsverzeichniss der von der Gesellschaft veriiffent- lichten Schriften " forms part of Bd. 8. Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Gorlitz. Abhandlungen. Bd. 20-22, 24 — ;. 8vo. Gorlitz. irreg. Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu P.ostock. Sitzungsberichte ; Anhang zum Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg, See Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. Naturhistorischer Verein der preussischen Rheinlande, V/estfalens und des- Eeg.-Bezirks Osnabriick, Bonn. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 44— ; 1887— . 8vo. Bonn. Note. Jahrg. 44-50 are also numbered 5e Folge, Jahrg. 4-10. Sainf\ Correspondenzblatt. [1887-94.] Hvo. [Bonn.]: Note. After 1894 incorporated with Jahrg. 52— of the Verhand- lungen. Same. [Supplement to Jahrg. 44-50], entitled Sitzungsberichte der Neiderrheinischen Gesellschaft fiir Naturund Heilkunde in Bonn,- S"e Neiderrheinische Gesellschaft, etc. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Karlsruhe. Verhandlungen. Bd. 10- ; 1883/8—. Hvo. Karlsruhe, irreg. Note. Bd. 10 contains a " Namenregister von Rednern in den Sitzungen und von Vefassern der Abhandlungen, mit Bezeieh- nung des Gegenstandes, Bd. 1-10." Same. Abhandlungen. 1883/8—. Svo. [Karlsruhe.] irreg. 203 Natiiurkundig i^enootschiip, (Irniiiiiden. Veislag. 1870, 187H, 18H2-85, 1887—. 8vo. Groningen. ij. Note. 1900- contain also Verslag van het Centiaal bureau voor de kennis der pniviiicic Groningen i-n onigelegen streken. Nautical almanacs. Great Britain. Commissioners of lonyitude. Nautical almanac and aRtronomical ephemeris. United States-. Naiitiral alminuic office. American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Pacific coaster's nautical almanac. See also Ephemerid^s. Nautical magazine. V. 1-5; 1832-3(J. 8vo. Lond. Same. [Enlarged ser.] 18-}7-")7, 1859-70. Hvo. Lond. Note. Form v. (5-39 of the whole ser. Same, New .ser., v. 40-59 ; 1871-90. 8vo. Lond. Note. V. 40 is not entitled " New ser." V. 40-42 do not show vol. no. on t.p. Suiiti-. Enlarged ser., enlitleil Nautical magazine and journal of the royal naval reserve. V. GO ; 1891--. 8vo. Lond. m. Note. V. (■>() — substitute "naval reserves " for " royal naval reserve." Nautical surveying. See Hydrography. Naval annual, by Lord Brassey [and others]. 1880 — . 8vo. Portsmouth. Naval art and science. Nautical magazine, nftw. Nautical magazine and journal of the naval reserves. Naval annual. United service gazette. United service institution. Journal. United service journal, continued as United service magazine. United States. Office «/ narul intellifience. General information ser. Information from abroad, [comprising " Year's naval progress."] See (il.-io Naval history. Navy lists. Shipping. Naval forces list of the Commonwealth of Australia. Sie Australia, Common- wealtli of. l>i'jit. of defence. Naval history. Navy records society. Publications. Navigation. Brazil. Directoria de li!/drohinnc. Continued as Votes and proceedings. 1832-55. fo. Syd. Note. When responsible government was granted to New South Wales ill 185(5, the following parliamentary papers were issued: Legislative assembly. Votes and proceedings. Legislative council. .Journal. . Legib/iitire (isseinbly. Votes and proceedings. 1856/7 — . fo. Syd. . Legislative council. Journal. V. 1—; 1856/7—. fo. Syd. Public service bocvrd. Public service list. 1897 — . fo. Syd. y. Reyistrar-ijcnevaVs office. Annual report on vital statistics. 1895. 8vo. Syd. Same. Continued as Vital statistics. 1896-98. 8vo. Syd. Same. Continued as Statistician's report on the vital statistics of New South Wales. 1899-1900. • 8vo. Syd. Same. Coniinued as Vital statistics. 1901 — . 8vo. Syd. y. Statistical register. 1850 — . fo. Syd. y. Statistics of the seven colonies of Australasia. 1861/94-61/99. 8vo. Syd. Same. Continued as Statistics ; six states of Australia and New Zealand. 1861/1900—. 8vo. Syd. y. Supreme court. Australasian annual digest. New South Wales. Coghlan, T. A. Wealth and progress of New South Wales Almanacs and directories. New South Wales post ollice directory. , See also Albury. Sydney. 207 New South Wales, Philosophical society of, a/hc. Koyal society of New South' Wales. See Philosophical fiociety of New South Walef. New South Wales government gazette. 1832, iHM-'d'), .July, 1H37-Iune, 1«38, 1839—. fo. Syd. . Index, 1H32-47, 1H5«, iH.'jH. Note. From iHoi) half-yearly indexes form part of each vol. Sfe aluo Sydney gazette. New South Wales independent. Newser., v. 3-4; 1886-87. 4to. Syd. Saiiii:. C\)/(^t«He(/ rtJi Australian independent. New ser., v. 1 4 ; 1888-'J1. 4to. Syd. Sdiiic. Cf))i/ni»('r/ «.s Australasian independent. New ser., v. .5-8; l802-!(5. 4to. Syd. Note, Part-titles show "Australasian ser., v, 1-4." V. H has no t.p. .Saw. New ser., v. 1 — ; 18'.)6 — . fo. Syd. ;». New South Wales post office directory. 188G/7 — . 8vo. Syd. Note 1. Published every second year until 1!(00, from which year it has been published yearly. Note 2. From 1804/5 to 1902 the title is " New South Wales post office commercial directory" ; from 1!»03 — the title is altered to "New South Wales post otlice directory (Wise's)." New South Wales zoological society, Si/diiey. Annual report. 1JJ04 — Bvo. Syd. New Sydenham society, Linuld/i. Publications. [V. 1-1)8, 100-107, 109— ] ; 1859—. 8vo.rt;i6, 77, etc. Geology, [nos.] 1—. Nos. 4, 58, 70, etc. Mineralogy, [nos.] 1—. Nos. 62, 00, etr. Miscellaneous, [nos.] 1 — . Siili-iiole. No. OC) is entitled "Index to publications of the New York state Natural history survey, and New York Slate museum, 1837-1902 " Nos. 34, 39, 42, 45, 49, 52, 03, 05, 69, 80-82. etc. I'aleontolo-v, nos. J 1—. Snli-iiote. Nos. 52, 09, 80, etc. are entitleil " Ueport of the state paleontologist," lltOO/l . IMts,') and is'.i'.i/i'.ioo were pub- lished independently. The palaeontolo}^ieal work of the state was made distinct from the tfeological in Isiis. Nos. 1, 9, 29, 33, 38, 40, 43, 51, 60, 71, etc. Zoology, [nos.j 1—. Memoir. Nos. 3-; 1900— . 4to. Albany. Note. Form appendices to the Annual report. Eeport of the state botanist. See aliove Bulletin. Boiun; , suisufi,-. Report of the state entomologist. See ahove Bulletin. Entomolcf^y, nub-note 1. Report ot the state paleontologist. See above Bulletin. Paleontology, sub-note. 210 "New York. State. See ((/.so Brooklyn. Eastwood. Ithaca. New York. City. Tarry town. i\ew York academy of sciences, ,/'ci/)/ier/// Lyceum of natural history. Se." Lyceum of natural history. New York public library. Astor, Lenox, and Tilden foundations. Bulletin. V. 1-; 1897—. 8vo. N.Y. m. New York state hospital for the care of crippled and deformed cliildren. Tarry- town, N.Y. Report, ro»i/«i/ed «.s Annual report. 1900/1 — . mvo. Albany. New Yoik state science teachers' association. Proceedings of the annual con- ference. See University of the state of New York, ///.'/// .^cliodl dejjt. Bulletin, note :i. New York times. Nos. 15,28310,263, 10,557-10,873, 16,889—; 8 Jan , 1S99- 20 Feb., 1902, 29 Jan., 1903-2 Feb., 1904, 20 Feb., 1904—. * d. .New Zealand. Cvloniiil iiiiiseKin and (leoloyical survey. .\nnual report on the Colonial museum and laboratory. 1860/7, 1868/9- 79/80, 1881/2-93/4, 189.5/6—. 8vo. Well. iY(;/('. Reports for 1893/4 — read " Annual report of the Colonial laboratory," and are published by the Mines department. iJtpartineiit of ayriculture. Report. [1902/3—.] 8vo. Weil. //. Note. The reports of the various divisions are also issued separately }>i parfiiieiit of laliunr. Journal. V. 1—; 1893—. 8vo. Well. m. Note. IS'os. 1-.5 of V. 1 are entitled "Journal of commerce and labour." Gazette. See New Zealand government gazette. Mines dejiartiiieiit. Annual report of the Colonial laboratory. Sec above Colonial museum and yeoLxjieal survey. Reports on the mining industi'y of New Zealand. 1885/6-92/3. 8vo. and fo. Well. Note. Vol. for 1888/9 is entitled " Mining industry. S'lme. Contniued as Papers and reports relating to minerals and mining. 1893/4—. fo. Well. ;/. Parliament. Ordinances of the Legislative council. 1841/53. fo. Well. Acts of the General assembly. 1854-56. fo. Auckl. Note. No sess. in 1857 or 1859. Same. Statutes of the General assembly. 1854/60. fo. Well. Note. Contains index. Same. Statutes of New Zealand. 1861 — . fo. and 4to. Auckl. and Well. Same. Stutates of New Zealand, being the whole law of New Zealand, and a reprint of 511 ordinances and acts in force, Jan. 1, 1885. by W. Badger. 4to. Christchurch. . Index to the laws of New Zealand brought down to 1860. See Carnin, J. Parliamentary debates, compiled by M.Fitzgerald. 1854-66. 8vo. Well. Same, [Cjmpiled officially.] V, 1—; 1867—. ."^vo. Auckl. and Well. Xote. From 1895 an index for each session is bound with the last vol. of the session. 211 New Zealand rarliainenl—i continued.) . Hduxe of rcpresetitativfx. Votes and proceedings. ISoo-oG. fo. Auckl. Note. No sess. in 1857 or 1859. iimite. Coiiliiiiicd as .lonrnah. 1858, 1K(U-71. f(j. Au<-ki. (uk/ Well. S:lield. Mansfield courier. M(i I llboruiiijli. Maryborougli and Dunolly ad- vertiser. Maryborough .standard. Miu yhorough weekly market re- port. Melbourne. Advance Australia. Advocate. Age. Australasian. Chinese times. Every Saturday. Illustrated sporting and dramatic news. Melbourne Argus, nliniiid.) 'riaritlijiin. Gippslaiid farmers' journtil. Glengarry, Toongabbie and Cow- warr journal. Traralgon record. Timgdiintli. Moira independent. Tunganiah and Lake liowan express. Violet Town. Violet Town sentinel. Walhalht. Walhalla chronicle. Waiiijanitld. Wangaratta chronicle. Wangaratta dispatch. ]\'urrachiial)i'aL Warracknabeal herald. Warragiil. Warragul guardian. Waterloo express, aftw. Yarra- gon and Trafalgar express. West Gippsland gazette. Warrnumhool. Warrnumbool standard. Wedderliiini. Wedderburn express. Wenibee. Werribee express. Wyndhamshire banner. U'iUiaiiistown. Footscray chronicle. Williams town advertiser. Willianistown chronicle. WodoiKjti. Wodonga and Towong sentinel. Woodend. Woodend star iyoiithjiiiiiit. (iippsland miners' Ktandard. H'l/rlii'/jrviif. Mount Wycheprocjf ensign. Yiicknudiiudtth. Benanibra and Bugong adver- tiser. Yackandandah times. Yurraiii. (iippsland standard. Yarram chronicle, aflw. South (iippsland chronicle. Yarraville. Weekly news. Yarraicmuia. Yarrawonga chronicle. Yarrawonga Mercury. Yea. Yea chronicle. Wenlern Aiistraliii. Cooliiardie. Coolgardie miner. Cue. Murchison times. Gi'nildtiin. Victorian express, uj'tir. Gerald- ton express. 7v'(i Igoorlie. Kalgoorlie miner. Mount .Miuiii'l. Jlount Magnet miner. yortlunii. Northani advertiser. /'.»■/ A. Morning herald. Perth gazette and West Austra- lian times, aftic. West Austra- lian. West Australian record. Western mail. Newspapers. 5ee also Government gazettes. Index to newspaper. Newspaper directory. Newstead echo. See Echo. Nhill free press, and Lowanshire advertiser. No<. -1 ; -'•• bipt., l^^J— . ^ '•• A'ofc. On -3 July, liS'.IO, the Kaniva and Lillimur courier was in- corporated, and on 4 Jan., U»01. the Nhill and Tatiara mail. 220 Nhill mail. Nos. 511-1194 ; 7 Apr., 1888-2 Feb., 1895. Same. Continued as H hill SLXid Tatiara mail. Kos. 1195-2313; 6 Feb., 1895-30 Dec, 1900. Note 1 The Tatiara mail was incorporated with the Nhill mail on 6 Feb., 1895. Notf :.'. On 4 Jan., 1901, the Nhill and Tatiara mail was incor- poiated with the Nhill free press, whldi see. Nicobar islancl>i. Sec Andaman and Nicobar islands. Niederrlieinische Gesellschaft fiir Natur-und Heilkunde, Bonn. Sitzungsberichte. 1887—. 8vo. [Bonn.] Note. 1887-93 were issued as supplements to Jahrg. 44-50 of the Verhandlungen of the Naturhistoriseher Verein der preussischen llheinlande, etc. Nilsson, K. Catalogue mensuel de la librairie franraise, public par 0. Lorenz, [et continue par K. Nilsson.] See Lorenz. 0. Nineteenth century. V. 1 — ; 1877 — . Svo. Lond. m. Nate. From V. 49, 1901, entitled Nineteenth century and after. . General index, [v. 1-11.] See Griswold, W. M. Catalogue of contributors and contributions to the first 50 vols. Nobility. Sec Heraldry and genealogy. Norden, 3Iclbourne. Nos. 39 — ; 20 Nov., 1897— . hm. Norges Handel, Tabeller vedkommende. See Norway. Statisiishe Central. bitrean. Norges officielle Statistik. Norges Skibsfart, Tabeller vedkommende. See Norway. Statistiske Central- bureau. Norges officielle Statistik. Norske Gradmaalingskommission. See Norway. Norske Gradmaalingshommission. North American fauna. See United States. Department of agriculture. Division of economic ornithology and mammalogy. North American review. V. 1 — ; 1815 — . 8vo. Bost. and N.Y. m. . Index, V. 1-125. North eastern ensign, formerly Benalla ensign. See Benalla ensign. North Melbourne courier, and West Melbourne advertiser. Nos. 1 — ; 8 Nov., 1895—. w. North-west frontier province, India. Adtninistratiini. Administration report. 1901/3 — . fo. Peshawar. North-western provinces and Oudh, aftK. United provinces of Agra and Oudh. Note 1. In .Jan., 1877, the administration of Oudh was amalgamated with that of the North-western provinces. Note 2. Designated the United provinces' of Agra and Oudh by a proclamation dated Mar. 22, 1902. Board of revenue. Eeport on the administration of the income tax. 1870/1-72/3, 1877- 81/2, 1883/4, 1888/9—. fo. Allahabad, y. Note. 1901/2 is triennial, (first.) Department of agriculture and commerce, aftw. Department of land recoj-ds and agriculture. Annual report on the administration of the Department of agriculture and commerce. 1881/2-82/3. fo. Allahabad. Satne. Continued as Eeport on the operations of the Department of agriculture and commerce. 1883/4-85/G. fo. Allahabad. 221 Northwestern piovinces and Oudh — icDiiiiiiiinl.) Sume. Cuiitiniied ii/< Ueport on the operations of the Dep irtniint of land' records and agriculture. 188G/7, 1888/9-89/90, 1891/2 -. fo. Allahabad. //. Annual report on the foreign trade. 1881/2 — . fo. Allahabad. Report on the luboricultunil operation?. 1892/3--. fo. Allahabad, ij. Kutf. Formerly incorporated with the Ueport on the operations of the Department of land records and agriculture, which nee uhore. Report on the Cawnpore experimental farm for the kharif season. 1HS2 87. fo. Allahabad. Note. For subseijuent reports si-e below. Report on the Cawnpore experimental farm for the rabi season. 1881/2- 8S. fo. Allahabad. Note. For subse(jiient reports me heloir. Report on the Cawnpore experimental station for the kharif and rabi seasons. 1889/90-1900/1. fo. Allahabad. Siuiie. Continued «.s Report on the Cawnpore farm and other experi- ment stations. 1901/2 -. fo. Allahabad, ij. Report on the horticultural gardens, Lucknow. 1881/2 — . fo. [Allahabad.] y. Report on the progress and condition of the government botanical gardens, Saharanpur and Mussoorie. 1881/2, 1886/7-1900/1. fo. Allahabad. Stinie. Continued as Report on the government botanical gardens. 1901/2—. fo. Allahabad, i/. Report on the railway-borne traffic. 1881/2-84/5. fo. Allahabad. Sdiiie. C'oJUJ»i!/e(/ «.s- Railway trade report. 1886/7-87/8. fo. Allahabad. Senile. Continued as Annual report of the rail-borne trallic. 1888/9- 90/1. fo. Allahabad. Same. Continued as Annual report of the inland trallic, 1S91/2-9.S/4. fo. Allahabad. Saine. Continued as Annual report on the inland trade. 1S94/.5 — . fo. Allahabad. Season and crop report. 1901 2 . fo. Allahabad, y. Educational department. Annual report on the reformatory school at Chunar. 1902—. fo. Allahabad. Note I. In 1902 the institution was removed from Bareilly to Chunar. Note :i. ^For previous reports see below Judicial department. General report on public instruction, 1854/5. 8vo. Agra. Same. Continued as Report on the progress of education. 1869/ 70- 70/1. Tll'd-liSjl. fo. Allahabad. Same. Continued as Report on public instruction. 1877/8-84/5. fo. Allahabad. Same. Continued as General report on public instruction. 188.')/6- 90/1, 1892/3 . fo. Allahabad, y. Excise, stamps, and reyi'ftration. Annual report on the administration of the stamp revenue. 1881/2- 85/6, 1888/9, 1890/1-9P/4. fo. Allahabad. 222 North- western provinces and Oudh — i coiUimu'd.) Same. Cuntiitucd as Eeport on the administration of the Stamp department. 1894/5—. fo. Allahabad, y. Note. The report for 1901/2 is triennial. Report on the excise administration. 1872, 1872/3-8.5/0, 1888/9- 98/9, 1900/1—. fo. Allahabad, y. Forest departtiieiit. Progress report of forest administration. 1870/7, 1S78/9, 1890/1, 1891/2, 1900/1—. fo. [Calc] and Allahabad, y. Jails departnieiit. Annual report on the condition and management of the jails. 1882- 85, 1888 -. fo. Allahabad. ■ Judicial department. Annual report on the reformatory school at Bareilly. 1894-1901. fo. Allahabad. ynte. In 1901 the control of the reformatory school was transferred to the Educational department, which see above. Note on the civil statements. 1871-80. fo. [Allahabad.] S'lme. Continued us CW\\ statements, with prefatory note. 1881-85, 1889—. fo. Allahabad, y. Note on the criminal statements. 1871-80. fo. [Allahabad.] JSiime. Gontituied as Criminal statements, with prefatory note. 1881- 83, 1888—. fo. Allahabad, y. Report on the administration of civil justice in Oudh. 1881-85, 1888- 1900. fo. Allahabad. Same. Continued as Note on the administration of civil justice in Oudh. 1901—. fo. Allahabad, y. Report on the administration of criminal justice in Oudh. 1881-82, 1888-1900. fo. Allahabad. Same. Continued as Note on the administration of criminal justice in the province of Oudh. 1901 — . fo. Allahabad, y. Medical department. Eeport on the dispensaries and charitable institutions. 1881-86. to. Allahabad. Same. Continued as Notes on the annual returns of the dispensaries and charitable institutions. 1887-1901. ' fo. Allahabad. Sdine. Continued as Annual report of the- hospitals and charitable in.stitutions. 1902—. fo. Allahabad. Note. Every third year, from 1889, the repout is triennial. Northern India salt revenue department. Report on the administration. 1881/2-86/7, 1888/9—. fo. Agra, Allahabad, and Simla, y. Public worhs department. Annual progress report of the Archaeological survey circle. 1892/3- 1902/3. fo. Roorkee. Note 1. The Archaeological survey circles of the Punjab and the United provinces were amalgamated in 1903. For Progress report see Punjab. Areliaeolofiical survey. Note 2. For publications included in the Reports of the Archaeo- logical survey of India, New imperial ser., see India. Arcliaeo- la^ical survey. 223 Northwestern provinces an^l Oiulh — (niHtinind.) lieijixtralion dfpailmeiit, Keport on the administration of the Registration depurtiiient. 1881/2- 85/0, 1889/90. fo. Aliiihabad. Same. Ciiiitiniied ax Note on the administration of the Kegihtration department. Is90/1 . fo. Allahabad, tj. N()l,\ Every third year, from 1HS9/'.)U, the publication is triennial, and is called report. llevenue departmtut. Report of the court of wards. 1.S74/5-84/.5, 1888/9— . fo. Allahabad, y. l{eport on the revenue administration. 1870/l-8«/7, 1888/9—. fo. Allahabad. */. Sanitation (Icjiartmeiit. Annual report of the sanitary commissioner. 1870, 1872-87, 1889—. fo. Allahabad. . Vaccination. Annual report on vaccination. 1889/90-99/1900. fo. Allahabad. Note. Previous to 1889/90 included in the sanitary report. Same. Contiimed as Notes on vaccination. 1900/1 — . fo. Allahabad, ij. Note. The publication for l'.)i»l/2 is triennial, and is called report. Secretai'idt. Report on the administration. 1862/3-68/9, 1870/1-93/4, 1895/6—. • fo., 8vo., mill fo. .\llahabad. //. Northam advertiser. Nos. 1041—; 26 Apr., 1905—. ^ ir. Xdte. The Central districts advertiser h^as been incorporated. Northampton, .l/d.s.s-. See Forbes library. Northcote and Preston times. Nos. 1—; 26 May, 1904—. w. Northcote leader and district record. No. 1 ; 21 Jan., 1888. Same. Continued as 'Soithcote dnd Preston record. Nos. 2-8 ; 28 .Jan. - 10 Mar., 1888. Same. Continued as Northcote and Preston leader. Nos. 9-35 ; 17 Mar.- 15 Sept., 1888. Saiii-^. Continued as Northcote leader. Nos. 36 — ; 22 Sept., 1888 — . w. Northcote Preston leader. See Preston leader. Northern Argus, U'arracknubeal. Nos. 16-746; 16 Apr., 18!ll-14 Nov., 1902. ,Y()/.'. On 18 Nov., 1902, the Northern Argus was incorporated with the Warracknabeal herald, which see. Northern India salt revenue department. See North-western provinces and Oiidh. Northumberland. Natural history society of Northumberland, etc., and Tyneside naturalists field club. Natural history transactions, continued iis Transactions. Norway. Norske Gradmaaliiiiiskommission. Geodiitische Arbeiten. IGerm.] Heft 1 — ; 1882 — . 4to. Christiania. Vandstandsob-servationer. Hefte 1-5 ; 1872/9-86/90. 4to. Christiania. Same. Continn-'d as Resultater at Vandstandf-Observationer paa den Norske Kyst. Hefte 6 — ; 1904—. 4to. Kristiania. 224 fiorw&y—(coiiliuued.) Stiitisthke Ccntralhureau. Norges oilicielle Statistik. 3e. Kaekke, No. 97, 118, 128, 130, 132, 149,. 154, 160, 174, 191, 192, 213, 216, 240, 243, 262, 264, 288, 297, 310,. 316,333,336; 1889-1900. 8vo. Kristiania. Same. 4e. Raekke, Nr. 5, 11, 32, 38, 62, 65, 87, 90, etc. ; 1891—. 8vo. Kristiania. Coiiti'iits. 3e. Eaekke, No. 118, 132. 154, 174, 191, 216, 243, 264, 297, 316, 386 ^ 4e. Eaekke, Nr. 11, 38, 65, 90, etc. Tabeller vedkommende Norge.s Handel ; statistique du commerce de la Norvege. 1889—. 3e. Eaekke, No. 130, 149, 169, 192, 213, 240, 262, 288, 310, 333 ; 4e. Eaekke, Nr. 5, 32, 62, 87, etc. Tabeller vedkommende Norges Skibs- fart ; statistique de la navigation de la Norvege. 1889-. Statistisk Aarbog for Kongeriget Norge ; annuaire statistique de la Norvege. Aargang lOe-; 1890—. 8vo. Kristiania. Norwegische Commission der Europiiischen Gradmessuug. See Norway. Norshe Gradmaa Unijskomrii insluii . 4to. Lond. 4to, Lond. Notes and queries. Y. 1-12 ; 1849/50 55. . General index. Same. 2nd. ser., v. 1 12 ; 1856-61. . General index. S'ime. 3rd. ser., v. 1-12 ; 1862-67. 4to. Lond- Same. 4th. ser., v. 1-12 ; 1868-73. 4to. Lond. Same. 5th. ser., v. 1-12 ; 1874-79. 4to. Lond. Same. 6th. ser., v. 1-12 ; 1880-85. 4to. Lond. . General index. SaiHf. 7th. ser., v. 1-12 ; 1886-91. . General index. Samr. 8th. ser., v. 1-12 ; 1S92-97. . General index. Same. 9th. ser., v. 1-12; 1898-1903. . General index. Same. 10th. ser.. v. 1—; 1904—. Notes and queries. Intermt'diaire des chercheurs et eurieux. Notes and queries. Notes on the year's naval progress. See United States. Office of navalintelligence. General information ser. Information from abroad, note. Nouveau journid asiatique, formcrhj Journal asiatique. See Jpurnal asiatique. Nouvelle revue. Tom. 1, 35-120; 1879, 1885-99. 8vo. Paris. Same. Nouv. ser., tom. 1—; 1899—. 8vo. Paris. ^ m. . Table alfabetique generale, tom. 1-21. Sec Griswold, W. M. Nova Scotian institute of natural science, aflxc. Nova Scotian institute of science, Halifax. Proceedings and transactions. V. 7 -; 1886/90—. 8vo. Halifax, irrcii. Note 1. V. 7-9 are incomplete. Note a. V. 8— are also numbered 2nd ser., v. 1—. V. 7 contains a general index, v. 1-7. 4to. Lond. 4to. Lond. 4to. Lond. 4to. Lond. !c. 225 Novitates /.oologicae ; a journal of zoology. See Zoological niUheum, Trimj. Nu au Salon. See Paris salon. Numismatic chronicle. See Nuniisniafic Bociety. Numismatic society, Londnu. Nuiiiisniatic journal. V. 1-2; 183G/7-37/8. 8vo. Loml. Numismatic chronicle. V. ]-4; 1838/9-41/2. 8vo. Lond. S'liiic. CUintiiniid as Numismatic chronicle and journal of the Numismatic society. V. 5-20 ; 1842/3-57/8. 8vo. Lond. Xote. V. 20 contains an index to v. 1-20. Saiiw. New ser., V. 1-10, 121'.); lHGO/l-78/y. 8vo. Lond. Slime. 3rd ser., V. 1-20; 1880/1-99/1900. Svo. Lond. Noll-. V. 10 contains a general index to v. 1 10, and v. 20 one to v. 11-20. S.imr. 4th ser., v. 1- ; 1900/1—. Mvo. Lond. q. Numismatics. See Coins and medals. Numurkah ;.;iiardian mid Wunghnu observer. Nos. 1-94; fi Mur., 1M84-30 Sept., 1885. Note. On 7 Oct., 1885, incorporated with the Goulburn and Murray farmers' chronicle, n-hick nef. Numurkah leader and Goulburn Valley farmers and fruitgrowers' gazette. Nos. 1-; 10 Apr., 1895—. w. Numurkah standard. Nos. 42 — ; 6 Jan., 1882^ — . w. Nuova antologia di scienze, lettere, ed arti. Vol. 1-30; l.S6tJ-75. 8vo. Firenze. Same. 2a. ser., vol. 1-54; 187G-85. 8vo. Firenze awrf Koma. Note. Also numbered " della raccolta, vol 31-84." Vol. 54 is wrongly numbered " dolla raccolta, vol. h;5." Same. 3a. ser., vol. 1-00 ; 188G-95. 8vo. Roma. Nete. Al.so numbered " della raccolta, vol. 85-144." Vol. 1,48, and 57-59 are wrongly numbered " della raccolta, vol. 84, 131, and 140-142," respectively. Same. 4a. ser., vol. (51 — ; 1896 — . Hvo. Boma. ^ m. Note. Also numbered " della raccolta, vol. 145 — ." . Indies, [vol. 1-30, and 2a. ser., vol. 1-9.] Nuova rivista degli scacchi. 4a. ser., vol. 15-17 ; 1890-92. Svo. Livorno. Same. 5a. ser., vol. 18-23 ; 1893-99. 8vo. Livorno. Same. 6a. ser., vol. 24- ; 1900 — . Svo Livorno. wi. Nursing. Nursing record, continued as British journal of nursing. Victorian trained nurses' association, aftir. lioyal Victorian trained nurses' association. Una. Nursing record. V. 7-28 ; 1891-1902. 4to. Lond. S'lme. Continued as British journal of nursing. V. 29 — ; 1902—. 4to. Lond. tr. Note. Change of title takes place with v. 29, no. 744, July 5. 1902. Oakleigh and Fcrntree Gully times. Nos. 1 775 ; s June, isy9 2 May, 1903. Same. Continued a.t Oakleigh, and Cuuliield and Ferntree Gully times. Nos. 776-; 9 May, 1903—. w. Oakleigh and Mulgrave guardian, and Ferntree Gully news. Nos. 1—; IG Mar., 1901—. IP. 'Oberlin, Ohio. See .\gassiz association. 22(5 Observatories. St-e Adelaide observatory. Bombay. Government observatory. Cape of Good Hope. Boyal ohnerrd'or!/. Greenwich. Hoyal observatory^ Konigliche Sternwarte, Berlin. Lick observatory, Berkeley, Cat. Mel- bourne observatory. Radcliffe observatory, Oxford. Rijks universiteit, Lcyden Sterreincacht. Smithsonian institution. A>itrophyiiica} observ- atory. Sydney observatory. Tebbutt, J. Observatory ; a monthly review of astronomy. V. Vi—; 1890 — . 8vo. Lond. Observer, and Collingwood and Itichmond advertiser, Colliiiiiuood. Nos. 84-8.5; 10-17 Mar., 1859. Same. Coutuined as Observer, Collinijwood. Nos. IIG, 137 ; 7 Sept., 18.">9, 12 Jan., 1860. Same. Continued as Observer and county of Bourke intelligencer, CoIUikj- woud. Nos. -204, 289, 292,293; 27 Apr., 18(31, 13 Dec, 1862, 3, 10- Jan., 1863. ^ote. Afterwards incorporated with the Collingwood advertiser which See. Observer, city and suburban advertiser, Fitzroy. See Collingwood advertiser. Obstetrical society, London. Transactions. Y. 23-29, 31—; 1881—. Svo. Lond. ;/. . General index, v. 16-32. Obstetrics. Obstetrical society, London. Transactions. Ocean highways, the geographical review; formerly a monthly siqijdement to Our ocean highways. New ser., v. 1; [1873/4.] 4to. Lond. Sami-. Continued as Geographical magazine.V. 1-5 ; 1874-78. 4to. Lond. l^ote. In Dec, 1878, the Geographical magazine ceased, its i)lace- being taken by the New ser. of the Proceedings of the Eoyal geographical society, which see. Oceanic languages. Zeitschrift fiir afrikanische und oceanische Sprachen. Oddfellows. Ancient independent order of oddfellows of Victoria, Melhonrue. Australian independent oddfellow. Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fiir Meteorologie, Vienna. Meteorologi.sche Zeitschrift. See Deutsche meteorologische Gesellschaft and Oesterreichische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. See sawe. Official congressional directory. See X'nited States. Conyress. Congressional directory. Official directory ;ind almanac of Australia, /unj/^Vy/ Almanac of Australia and official directory. See Almanac of Australia, etc. Official register of the United States. See United Statis. Dei>artnienl of the in- terior. Register of officers. Officium Hungaricum ornithologieum. See Magyar ornithoiogiai kozpont. Ohio. See Dayton. Oberlin. Oil. Corps gras industrieis. Oil and colournian's jouriiiil. Oil and colourman's journal, V. 24-;I903-. 4to. Lond. m.. Old salon. See Paris saion. 227 Olive leaf, supplement to the Herald of peace and international arbitration. See Herald of peace. Oliver and Boyd's new Edinburgh almanac. 1864-65, 18r,7-73, 1876 80. 12mo. ttuil 4to. Edinb. Saute. Coiitiniieil as Oliver and Boyd's Edinburgh almanac. 1887 — . 8vo. Edinb. y. Omeo standard a,n(l mining gazette. Nos. 1 — ; 4 Nov., IH'JH — . ), w. Note. On 20 May, 1896, the Omeo telegraph was incorporated. Omeo telef,'raph and east Gippsland review. Nos. 67-77;) ; 8 Jan., I886-I0 May, 18'.I6. Note. On 20 May, 1896, incorporated with the Onifo -tandanl, wliicli see. Omnibus, aj'tir. incorporated with the Courier, Iluhart Tmvu, furmeiii/ Hobart Town courier. See Hobart Town courier. Ontario. Pdrliameut. Lef/i.ilntive asseiiibfi/. Journals. V. 2-9, 19—; 1868/9-75/6, 1886 -. 8vo. Toronto. Sessional papers. V. 1-8, 13, 15, 18—; 18G8/9— . 8vo. Toronto. Note. V. 13 and 33 aro incomplete. V. 21, pt. m, was not issued. Statutes. 1868/9-75/6, 1884, 1898-1901, 1904 -. Svo. Toronto. Sdvie. Itevised statutes. 1887. 8vo. Toronto. Same. 1897. Svo. Toronto. Ophtlialmic review. V. 10—; 1S91— . 8vo. Lond. m. . Index, V. 8-21. OplitlialmoIog:y. See Eye. Orangeism. Victorian standard, aftw. Australian sentinel and Victorian standard. Orbost Snowy river mail. .SV<' Snowy river mail. Order of the cross, /'aiipitini. Herald of the cross. New ser., v. 1- ; 1905 — . Svo. Lond. /". Order of the golden age, Ilfraromhe and I'aiijnton. Heralil of the golden ajre. V 4—; 1899—. 4to. Ilfracombe aiid E.xeter.. ./. Ordnance. See Artillery. Orient, /(»/»ie/7i/ Hansel Zasshi. See Hansel Zasshi. Oriental languages and antiquities. Deutsche morgenliindiiche Gesellschaft. Zeitsehrift. lloyal Asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland. Transactions. Societe asiatique. Journal asiatique. Zeitsehrift fiir afrikanische und oceanische Spraclien, cniiliiiiied as Zeit- sehrift fiir afrikanische, ozeanische, und ostasiatische Sprachen. See also Egyptian hinguafte and antiquities. India. Antiiiuilit". Semitic languages and literature. Ornament. See Decoration and ornament. Ornithologischer Verein, Mitniih. .lahresbericht. Isy7- . svo. Miinehen. .•.'//. Ornithology. .See Birds. Orphanages. Melbourne orphan asylum. Annual report. St. Vincent de Paul's boys' orphanage. South ^^ell>oln■)lr. Annual report. St. Vincent de Paul's girls' orphannge, Sontli MeUtoinue. .\nnual report. Otago daily times, DuMediii. Nos. (;37-2466. 8243—; 1 Jan., 18G4-31 Dec. ls(,!i. •24 .Uilv. 1888-. 228 •Otago pharmaceutical association, Dunedin. Chemist and druggist of Austral- asia. See Chemist and druggist of Australasia. Otology. See Ear. Oudh. See North-western provinces and Oudh. Our alma mater, ed. by the students of St. Ignatius' college, S.J., Riverview. [New ser., v. 1—] ; 1894/9—. 4to. Syd. irreg. Our good words, [ed. by the Eev. C. Strong, of the Australian church]. Nov. 1887, Feb. 1888-July, 1889. 4to. Melb. Same. Continued as Australian herald. 1889/90-92/3. 4to. Melb. Same. New issue, v. 1—; 1893/4—. 4to. Melb. m. Our little,friend. V. 13— ; 1902/3— . 8vo. Oakland, Cfli. id. Note. This periodical was supplied to subscribers to the Children's friend on the cessation of the latter. Our oceanhighways ; a condensed universal route book, by sea, by land, and by rail. [1870 71/2.] 8vo. Lond. Not-. A monthly supplement bearing the same title was afterwards continued as Ocean highways, ichich see. Out and home; the Suez canal and eastern journal, London. V. 1 — ; Feb., 1894—. VI. Outlook. V. 1—; 1898—. 4to. Lond. w. Outlook. See Melbourne young men's Christian association. Outtrim news and miners' representative, Koriunhurra. Nos. 1 — ; 4 Dec, 1897—. w. Ovens and Murray advertiser, Beechirorth. [Daily ed.] Nos. 383-1161 ; 5 Oct., 1857-31 Mar., 18G0. Same. Continued as [Biweekly ed.] . Nos. 1162-1308; 4 Apr., 1860-24 Aug., 1861. Same. Continued as [Triweekly ed.] . No?. 1309 1640, 2169—; 27 Aug., 1861-10 Oct., 1863, 19 Feb., 1867—. Note. 18-57-63, and 1867-76 are incomplete. Weekly ed. Nos. -5421-; 8 Aug., 1885—. Note. The Ovens spectator was incorporated with the weekly ed. prior to 8 Aug., 1885. The nos. of the weekly ed. are the same as those of the triweekly ed. of the same date. Ovens district hospital, Beec/aror//i. Half-yearly report. 1858-61. 8vo. Beechworth. Same. Continued as Annual report. 1862- 72, 1899/1900 — 8vo. Beechworth. Ovens register, and mining, commercial and ngricultural directory, Beeclnoorth. Nos. 2-83, 291—; 12 June, 1875-30 Dec, 1»76, 8 Jan., 1881—. J w. Ovens tribune, aftji;. incorporated with the Federal si&ndi&xA, Chiltern, formerly Chiltern standard. See Chiltern standard. Oxford and Cambridge yearbook. Part 1, Oxford. 1904 — . 8vo. Lond. Same. Part 2, Cambridge. 1904—. 8vo. Lond." Oxford gazette, aftw. London gazette. See London gazette. Oxford university. Calendar. 1861—. 8vo. Oxf. y. I-]xamination papers. 1903 — . 8vo. Oxf. y. Oxford and Ca,mbridge yearbook. Sec Oxford and Cambridge yearbook. See also Bampton lectures. Bodleian library. Christian social union. Piadcliffe observatory. Romanes lectures. 229 Pacific coaster'.s nautical almanac. 5H);w»iwea/^/( o/. Patent office. Australian oflicial journal of patents. Belgium. Minixtere de Vinduslrie et du travail. Direction de Vindustrie. Recueil des brevets d'invention. Canada. Patent office. Canadian Patent office record. Great Britain. Patent office. Commissioners of patents' journal, aftw. Illustrated official journal ; patents. Illustrated journal of patented inventions, including abridgments, aj'ttc. Illustrated oflicial journal ; patents : abridgments of specifications. [Letters patent and specifications of letters patent for inventions recorded], aftw. Specifications of inventions printed under the Patents, designs, and trade marks act, 1883. Same. Patents for invention ; abridgments of specifications. Same. [Disclaimers, alterations, and additions.] Reports of patent cases, aftw. Iteports of patent, design, trade mark, and other cases. I'nitcd States. Patent iffice. Decisions of the commissioner of patents, continued a* Decisions of the commissioner of patents and of U.S. courts in patent cases. Official gazette. Same. [Supplement], entitled Digest of decisions of the commis- sioner of pattnts, etc. See also Trade marks. 232 Patristics. See Fathers of the church. Peabody academy of science, Salem, Mas. Note. In 1867 the museums of the Es3«*x institute and of the East India marine society were amalgamated te form the museum of the Peabody academy of science. American naturalist. See American naturalist. Peabody education fund. Proceedings of the trustees. 1879, 1B81, 1893, 1902—. 8vo. Camb., Manx. Peabody institute, Baltimore. Annual report. 1873/4, 1895/6—. 8vo. Bait. Peace society, Lo«t Heinrich MillheiluiiRt-n aus Justus Perthes' geograph- iscber Anstalt. Bd. 1— ; 1855- . 4tu. Gotha. m. Null-. IJd. I 14, lH55-(>8, do not show \ol. nos. S ivic. Ergiinzungsband 1 'J, 4-7 ; lrtOO/l-71/'2. 4to. Gotha. Notf. lid. 1 does not show vol. no. Bd. 2 and 5 are incomplete. Siiine. Beilage zuin Bd. 32 -, entitled Geonraplii-clicr Litleratur-Bericht. 1886—. Uo. Gotha. m. . Inhaltsveizeicbniss, 1855-1)4 ; 40 Jabiesbunde i:nd 25 Ergiinzungs- biinde. Sut,-, With the Mitlheiluntjen for lHy'J-l'J02 was al^o i-..sued the Gt();^raphischer An/.eij^er, ii huh nee. Petit tenijis. Sen Temps. Petrogr^iphy. See Kocks. Pharmaceutical journal, and Transactions "of the rharniaceutical .society of Great liritain^. V. 1-18 ; 184 i;2-5H/'.(. Svo. Lond. Sniiir. 2n(l. ser., v. 1-11 ; 185y/00(;'.)/70. Svo. Lond. Suini'. ;kd. ser., V. 1-25; 1870/1-94/5. Svo. Lond. Same. 4th. ser., oititled Pharmaceutical journal. V. 1- ; 1895 — . 4to. Lond. ir. Note. Also numbered C^omplete ser., v. 55 — . Pharmaceutical register. See Victoria, /'hamiacy board. Pharmaceutical society of Great Britain, London. Pharmaceutical journal, and Transactions [of the Pharmacevitical society of Great Britain]. Set Pharmaceutical journal. Pharmaceutical society of New South Wixles.Si/dnei/. Chemist and druggist of Australasia. See Chemist and druggist of Au.stralasia. Pharmaceutical society of Queensland, Brisbane. Chemist and druggist of Australasia. See Chemist and druggist of Australasia. Pharmaceutical society of South Australia, Adelaide. Chemist and druggist of Australasia. See Chemist and druggist of -Vustralasia. Pharmaceutical society of Tasmania, Iloburt, formed by the union o/ the Hobart chemists' association, and the Launceston pharmaceutical association. Chemist and druggist of Au>;tralasia. See Chemist ;ind druggist of Australabia. Pharmaceutical society of Victoria, (i/: Photographic times-bulletin. American annual of photography and Photographic times almanac. See American annual of photography. Photography, American annual of photography, and Photographic time- almanac. Australian photographic journal. British journal of photography. British journal photographic almanac. Photographic news. Wilson's photographic magazine. Year-book of photography, and Photographic news almanac. iS<(' aho X rays. Phrenological and health institute of Australasia incorporated, ^feliounle. Mind and body. [V.] 1-; 1904-. 8vo. Melb. m. 236 Phrenology. Phrenological and health institute of Australasia incorporated, MeUxnrne. Mind and body. Physical geography. Beitrage zur Geophysik. Physical review; a journal of experimental and theoretical physics; published for Cornell university. V. 1—; 1893/4—. 8vo. N.Y. m. Note. From v. 16, 1903, conducted with the co-operation of the American physical society, and containing its proceedings. The words " published for Cornell university " are omitted in v. 16 and subsequent volumes. Physical society, London. Proceedings. V. 38 — ; 1902 — . 8vo. Lond. irreg. Science abstracts. See Institution of electrical engineers, London, and Physical society. Physicians and surgeons. London and provincial medical directory, rontinned as Medical directory. Medical register. Victoria. Medical hoard of Victoria. Medical register. Physics. Annalen der Physik und Chemie, continued as Annalen der Physik. Sime. Beibliitter. Annales de chimie, continued as Annales de chimie et de physique. Journal de physique. Kongliga svenska vetenskapsakademien. Arkiv for matematik, astron- omi och fysik. Physical review. Physical society, London. Proceedings. Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, ajtw. Deutsche physikalische Gesell- schaft. Berichte. United States. Geological survey. Bulletin. Ser. E. Professional paper. Ser. E. Bibliograpliy. Annalen der Physik und Chemie, continued as Annalen der Physik. Beibliitter. Supplement, entitled Literatur-Ubersicht. Institution of electrical engineers, London, and Physical society, London. Science abstracts. Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, aftw. Deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft. Berichte, enthaltend Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft, und Halbmonatliches Literaturverzeichnis der " Fortschritte der Physik." Physics. See also Cliemistry. Electricity. Spectroscopy. Terrestial mag- netism. Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, a/??f. Deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft. Annalen der Physik und Chemie ; neue Folge unter Mitwirkung der Physikalischen Gesellschaft in Berlin. S.■ Dingler's polytechnisches Journal. Bd. 212 — ; 1874 — . 8vo. and 4tc. Augsburg, Stuttg., and Berl. jc Note 1. Bd. 212-250, 251-300, and 301-314 are also numbered 5e Reihe, Bd. 12-50, 6e Reihe, Bd. 1 50, and 7e Reihe, Bd. 114 respectively. Note 2. From Bd. 212 314, the final vol. for each year contains an index to all the vols, of the jear. Note 3. Bd. 227-278 have also a special title page for the plates, entitled " Atlas zu Dingler's poljtechnischen Journal." 289 Poole, William Frederick. Index to periodical literature. Third ed.. brought down to Jan , 1882, with ilie assistance of W I Fletcher, and the co opsration of the American library us.sociatioii and the Library oesociation of the United Kintjdoni Hvo. Host Same. First supplement, Jan. 1, 1882-Jan. 1, 1887. by \V. F. I'oole and W. I. Fletcher, with the couperaiion of the American library associa tion. 8vo. Lond Same. Second supplement, Jan. 1, lK87Jan. 1, 18!I2, by W.I. Fletcher, with the cooperation of the American library associatitm. 8vo. BoM. Sdini: Third supplement, Jan. 1, l8'.)2Dee. 31, 182— ; 1902/3—. Hvo. N.Y. . Index, V. 1-40. Port Blair penal settlement. See Andaman and Nicobar islands. Port Fairy gazette, /o/wicr/i/ Belfast gazette. See Belfast gazelle. Port Melbourne. See Seamen's institute. Port Melbourne standard. See Standard, /'or/ Melliounie. Port Melbourne tribune. Nos. 1-275 ; 23 June. 1889 G Oct., 1894. Sote. Incorporated on 13 Oct., 1894. with the Standard. Foil Melbourne, irhich .■«•<•<'. Port Phillip gazette, Melioume. Nos. 204-690 ; 30 Dec, 1840 23 Aug.. 1845. Same. Conliniied (ts Port Phillip gazette and settlers' journal. Nois. 691-2105; 27 Aug., 1845-31 Doc, 1850. Same. Coiitintied ax Port Phillip gazette. N<'<. 2107-2137 ; 4 Jan.- 15 Mar., 1851. Same. Cvvthmed u.i Times, late the Port Phillip gazette. Nos. 2138- 2218; 18 Mar.-30 June, 1851. Note. On 1 July, 18.t1, incorporated with the Melbourne daily news. formerly Port Phillip patriot, wliir/i ivr. Port Phillip gazetteer, Melbounie. Nos. 2-26; 5 Oct. -28 Dec. 1844. Same. Continued ax Standard and Port Phillip gazetteer. Nos. 27-104: 1 Jan. -27 Sept., 1845. Note. On 1 Oct.. 1845. merged into the Port Phillip patriot, ir/uV/i $te. Port Phillip government notices. 1843. fo. (Melb. 1 Note. Incomplete. Same. C'oHif/iHfdrt.-. Port Phillip government gazette. 1844-50. fo. [Melb.1 Note. 1844-48 and 1850 are incomplete. 1851 is wanting. . General index, 1843-51. Note. Not a general index, but a collection of the yearly indexcii. paged continuously. Same. Continued ((,< Victoria government gazette. V. 1 ; 18.51—. fo. Melb. irreg. Note I. V. 1, 3, and 5 are incomplete. Note 2. V. 1, 11-13, 15-'28, 31 42. 45-4C.. and 63 want t.pp. Note 3. The indexes to v. 1-26, 29-30. and 33-46 are bound separately in two volumes. 240 Port Phillip herald, Melbourne. Nos. 1-93(5 ; 3 Jan., 1840-28 Dec, 1848. S mil'. Continued «.s Melbourne morning herald and general daily advertiser. Nos. 937-2972 ; 1 Jat.., 1849-1 Sept., 1855. Sume. Guntimied as Melbourne herald. Kos. 2973 2978 ; 3 8 Sept , 1855 Same. Continued «s Herald, Melbourne. Nos. 2979—; 10 Sept., 1855—. d- A'of.'. On 1 Nov., 1894, the Evening standard was incorporated. Port Phillip patriot and Melbourne advertiser. Melbourne, Nos. 1-318; 6 Feb., 1839-30 Sept., 1845. Same. Continued as Port Phillip patriot and morning advertiser. Nos. 319-1765; 1 Oct., 1845-7 Oct., 1848. Same. Continued as Melbourne daily news and Port Phillip patriot. Nos. 1766-1799; 9 Oct. -16 Nov., 1848. Same. Coutinved as Melbourne daily news. Nos. 1800-3701; 17 Nov., 1848-31 Dec, 1851. Note 1. Incomplete. Note 2. On 1 Oct., 1845, the Standard and Port Phillip gazetteer was merged into the Port Phillip patriot. On 1 July, 1851, the Timesj laie the Port Phillip gazette, was incorporated with the Melbourne daily news. Note 3, On 1 Jan., 1852, the Melbourne daily news was incorporated with the Avgus, fonn. rhj Melbourne Argus, iihich see. Portarlington Bellarine herald. See Bellarine herald. Portfolio ; an artistic periodical. V. 1-24. 1870-93. fo. Lond. S une. Continued o.s Portfolio; monographs on artistic subjects. Nos. 1_; 1894—. 8vo. Lond. irrcg. Portland guardian. Nos. 114U, 1148, 1154-7, 1160, 1163, 1229-31, 1239-40, 1283, 1579-4384, 5196—; 9, 21 Jan., 11-20 Feb,, 5, 17 Mar., 15-20 Oct., 7-10 Nov., 1856, 18 Feb , 1857, 12 Jan., 1859-29 June, 1878, 18 Feb. 1882—. *m;. Note. On 4 Jan., 1877, the Portland express was incorporated, and on 16 Aug , 1886, the Portland mirror. Portland observer and Normanby advertiser. Nos. 1—; 23 June, 1890 — . J w. Porto Rico agricultural experiment station, Mayacpiez. Note. Under the supervision of the United States Office of experi- ment stations. Bulletin. Nos. 1-2, 4—; 1903— . 8vo. Wash, irreg. Ports. See Harbours. Portugal. See Lisbon. Positivism. Positivist review. Positivist review. V. 1—; 1893—. 8vo. Lond. m. Post magazine [and insurance monitor]. Y. 38-42, 44 — ; 1877—. 4to. Lond. u-. \ote. V. 42 is incomplete. Post office directory of Brisbane. ,S'^ Brisbane. Post office London directory. 1857, 1859-62, 1865—. 8vo. Lond. //. Postage stamps. Connoisseur. '^Partially devoted to postage stamps.] S ime. Sale prices, monthly supplement to the Connoisseur ; contimied as Auction sale prices. •ill Practische Maschinen-Constructeiu ; Zeitschrift fiir Maschinen-uiid Muhlen- b;iuer, Ingenicure iind I'':il)iikaiitf'n, hrsfj. von W. H. I'liland. Jahrg. 19, 11- ; 180H . 4to Lfipz. w. \()te. Jahi;,'. 21, 18HM, priiiteil at Dresden. Same. Beiblatt, entitled Indiistrieile liundechau, hrsp. \V. H. Uhlanil. 1871-74. 4to. Leipz. Note. Vols, for lK7;i and 1871 contain accounts of the Vienna uni- versal exhibition of 1873. In IH?") the title of the lleiblalt was altered to : TechnischeKundschaii.Beiblult zuui rracti-sclien Maschintn C< nKlruitc-ur und zur Neuen Deutschen Gewerbe-Zeitung, hrsg. \V. H. Uhland. 1875. 4to. Leipz. Note. No more published. Sdnie. [Beiblattj , eutillid Industrielle Hundschau, hrFg. von W. 11. Uhland. Jahrg. 1-2; 1887-88. 4to. Leipz. 'i;*./ Dresden. Same. Continued as Industrielle Rundschau und Verkehrtizeitung, hr.> ; IDOl — . 8vo. Montpellier. ir. Progress. Nos. 1 - ; 1904 --. 4to. Melb. m. Protestant standard, Sydneij, incorporated on 2 Aug., lS9o, with the .\u3tralian Christian world. See Australian Christian world. Protestant union of Victoria. Christian citizen. Sec National Christian citizens' leiif^up. Protestantism. Huguenot society of London. Proceedings. Publications. National Christian citizens' league. Christian citizen. Southern cross. See alxo Australian church. Baptists. Christadelphians. Chur.h of Christ. Church of England. Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. Congregationalism. Lutheranism. Melbourne Christ- ian assembly. Methodism. Orangeism. Presbyterianisni. Re- organized church of .Jesus Christ of latter day saints. Seventh day adventists. Protista. See Protophyta. Protozoa. Protophyta. Archiv fiir Protistenkunde. Protozoa. Archiv fiir Protistenkunde. Providence public library. Annual report. 1901—. 8to. Providencr. Provinciaal Friesch genootschap ter beofening der Friesche gescbied-. oudh. id- en taalkunde, oftw. Friesch genootschap van gescbied-, oudheid-tn taalkunde, Leeuwarde)i. Verslag der handelingen. 1809/70-74/5, 1876/7-77/8. 1879/80. l881/2-8-J,':<. 1885/6- . ®^°' Leeuwarden. ;/• De vrije Fries ; mengelingen. Deel 1 -; 1839—. 8vo. Leeuwarden. ir-o/. Note 1. Decl 18 is incomplete. Note >. Deel IVl are also numbered Niewe serie [reeks' . detl 1 (. ; deel 13-18, :5e reeks, deel 1-6. and deel 19—. 4e reeks, deel 1- respectively. j, j i , .. Note 3. Deel 6 contains an Alsremeene inhoud, deel 1-0. .V,.f^ 4. Deel 19 contains an Alphabetisch register, deel i:MH. . A'i^emecne inhor.d [and .\lphabi!isch register], deel \ VI. 244 Provincial medical directory, oftw. united with the London medical directory «« London and provincial medical directory. See London and pro\incial medical directory. Prussia. Koniglich-preussisclics statistisrhes Bunait. Preussische Statistik. [Hefte] 40, 5a, 102, 103, 158-59, 177- ; 1»78— . Ito. Berl. ij. Note. Hefte 40 and 177 contain Theil 1 only. Landtag. Gesetz-Sammlung fiir die koniglichen preussischen Staaten. 1862-80, 1884-85, 1888-1901. 4to. Berl. . Haupt-Register, 1806-83. 4to. Berl. . Haus der Ahgcordneten. Sammlung sammtlicher Drucksachen. 1860/1-80/1, 1885-86, 1889. 4to. Berl. Note. V. 1 of Leg.-Periode VII., Sets I., 1862, is wanting. Same. Continued as Sammlung der Drucksachen, Anlagen zu den stenographischen Berichten. 1901-02. 4to. Beil. Same. Uebersicht iiber die Geschaftsthiitigkeit. 1871/2-72/3, 1875- 79/80, 1883/4, 1885, 1888-98. 4to. Berl. Note. The Uebersichten for 1873/4, 1880/1, and 1886 are wanting. The Uebersichten for the other years not mentioned above are bound with the Drucksachen for the corresponding years. Same. Continued a.!> Geschaftsiibersicht. 1899-1902. 4to. Berl. Stenographische Berichte iiber die Verhandluiigen. 1868/9-80/1, 1885 86,1889 1902. 4to. Berl. Same. Anlagen. 1868/9-80/1, 1885-86, 1889-1900. 4to. Berl. Note. After 1900 the Anlagen merged into the Drucksachen, which are now regarded as Anlagen zu den stenographischen Berichten. . Herrenhaus. Sammlung sammtlicher Drucksachen. 1860/1-80/1, 1885-86, 1889- 90/1. 4to. Berl. Same. Gesammt-Uebersicht der Gegenstande welche . . . zur Vorlage und Verhandlung gekommen sind. 1878/9, 1885, 1889, 1890/1-94. 4to. [Berl. J Note. The Uebersichten not specified above are bound with the Drucksachen for the corresponding years. Same. Continued as Uebersicht iiber die Verhandlungs-Gegenstiinde. 1895-1902. 4to. [Berl.J Stenographische Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen. 1860/1-80/1, 1885 86, June, 1888, 1889-1902. 4to. Berl. Same. Anlagen. 1898-1902. 4to. Berl. Note. Prior to 1898 the Anlagen appear as part of the Steno- graphische Berichte. Ministerium der (jeitst/iclien Vnlcrrichts-und Medicinal- A)igelerjenheitcn. Nachrichten iiber deutsche Alterthumsfunde ; Ergiinzungsblatter zur Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie. See Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic. Prussia. See also Berlin. Cassel. Dantzic. Frankfort-on-the-Main. Gorlitz. Halle. HohenzoUern. Magdeburg. Psychiatry. See Nervous system. 245 Psychical research. Society for psychical research, London. Journal. Proceedings. Set also Spiritualism. Psychology. Aiiiericati journal of psychology. Journal of mental science. Journal of philosophy, psychology, and scientific methods. Mind. Toronto university. University of Toronto studies. Psychological ser. See alio Nervous system. Psychical research. Public health; journal of the Society of medical oflicers of health. \'. 1-3; 1888/9-00/1. 4to. Lond. Same. Continued a.,'ress report of district and canal arboriculture. 1877/8-85/t;. fo. Lahore. Stiinc. Continued (IX Progress report on arboriculture. 1H84/5-86/7 -. fo. [Lahore.] Note. These reports are triennial. Report on the operations. iHdO/T-d'J/TO. fo. [Lahore.] Same. Continued as lleport on Punjab forest administration. 1875/G. fo. jLahore.] Same. Continued us Forest administration report. 1876/7-78/79. fo. [Lahore.] Same, (^mtiyiued us Progress report of forest administration. 1879/80- 85/G, 18S7/S -. fo Lahore, y. Medical department. Report on the sanitary administration. 1870, 1870-93, 1895, 1897—. fo. Lahore, ij. Report on vaccine operations. 1870/1-71/2, 1879/HO. l8K.5;6-9o/f;. fo. Simla and Lahore. Same. Continued a.t Brief remarks on vaccination. 189G/7-97/8. fo. Lahore. Same. Continued as Report on vaccination. 1898/9-1901/2. fo. Lahore. Note. The report for 1901/2 is triennial in character. Same. Continued as Notes on vaccination. 1902/3 — . fo. Lahore. ;/. Sec7'etari(it. Report on the administration. 1861/2-68/9, 1870/1-71/2, 1876/7- 1901/2, 1903/4—. 8vo., 4to., and fo. [Lahore.] y. Note. 1861/2-62/3 -Annual report"; 1863/4-66/7 "General re- port"; 1867/s- "Report." Pyramid Hill advertiser. Nos. 44--; 24 Feb., 1890—. jr. Ouambatook herald, Boort. Nos. 1-260 ; 1 Jan., 1898-26 June, 1903. Note. On 3 July, 1903, incorporated with the Boort stanaard, whicli see. Quaritch, Bernard. [Catalogues, and Rough lists.] Nos. 101-102, 104-105, 107- 109, 111-147, 149-169, 171-207, 209—; 1890- . 8vo. Lond. (Quarterly Indian army list. See India. Military department. Quarterly journal of microscopical science. V. 1-8 ; 1853-60. 8vo. Lond. Same. New ser., v. 1- ; 1861 -. 8vo. Lond. . Index, , V. 1-8, and New ser„ v. 1-28,] 1853-88. Quarterly journal of pure and applied mathematics. V. 1—; 18.57 — . 8vo. Lond. . Index, V. 1-30. Quarterly list of orticial publications. See Great Britain. Stationery office. Quarterly list of parliamentary publications. See Great Britain. Stationery office. Quarterly review. V. 1 ;1809-. 8vo. Lond. Note. V. 20, 40, 60, 80, 100. 121, 140, 160, and 1^1 are general indexes to the preceding vols. Queen's bench. Court of. See Great Britain. Court of queen'n hcncli. Queen's bench division of the High court of justice. S-'f Great Britain. Hijit court of Justice, Queen's liench dirision. 248 Queen's university in Ireland, Dublin. Queen's university calendar. 1859, 1861, 1866-76, 1882 ; [with examina- tion papers for 1858, 1860, 1865-75, and 1881.] 8vo. Dubl. Note. 1882 forms a supplement to the preceding calendars. The Queen's university was dissolved by the University education (Ireland) act, 1879, and in its place was founded the Itoyal university of Ireland, xchich see. Queenscliff sentinel. V. 5, no. 1- v. 6, no. 26 ; 21 Jan., 1884-25 July, 1885. Same. Continued as Queenscliff sentinel, and Drysdale, Portarlington and Sorrento advertiser. V. 6, nos. 27 — ; 1 Aug., 1885 — . w. Queensland. Department of agriculture. Queensland agricultural journal. V. 110, pt. 5. K5— ; July, 1897- May, 1902, July, 1903—. 8vo. Brisb. m. . General index, v. 1-6. Department of mines. Queensland government mining journal. V. 1 — ; lilOO — . 4to. Brisb. w/. . Geological survey. See below Geolonical snn-<'ij. Department of public laiids. North Queensland ethnography. Bulletins. Si'f below II(,me secre- tary's department. Gazette. See Queensland government gazette. Geological survey. Geological survey report. Nos. 177, 179-188 ; 1902-04. 8vo. Brisb. Same. Continued as VubWc&tion. Xos. 189-; 1904—. 8vo. Brisb. iireg. Home secretary's department. North Queensland ethnography. Bulletins. Nos. 1 — . fo. Brisb. irreg. Note. Nos. 6 — issued by the Department of public lands. rarliament. Acts and ordinances of Queensland. 1860. fo. Brisb. Same. Continued as Acts of the parliament. 1862-63, 1865-76, 1881—. fo., 4to., and 8vo. Brisb. No/e 1. The vols, for 1886, 1889, 1890, 1H93, and 1896 contain the Acts of the Federal council of Austmliisia. Note 2. From 1889 the form of the annual vols, of the Acts is so altered as to make them a continuation of the ed. of the Queensland statutes by A. Pain and J. L. Woolcock. The vol. for 1889 continues the pagination, and the years 1889 — consti- tute vols. — , of the Queensland statutes. Same. Statutes in force in the colony of Queensland to the present time, [1862,] ed. by E. Pring. V. 1-2. 4to. Brisb. Same. Continued as Statutes of the colony of Queensland. Vol. 3 ; [1863/4.] 4to. Brisb. Same. Consolidated statutes of the colony of Queensland. Pt. 1. 4to. Brisb. Note. Comprises nos. 3-6, 9-24, 27-30, 33-34,. and 36-39 of the statutes of 1867. Same. Queensland statutes [in force in 1873.] 4to. Brisb. Same. Statutes in force in the colony of Queensland [in 1880], ed. by F. A. Cooper. 4to. Brisb. (Queensland i iimtiinnd. > Siime. Queensland statutes \\n force in 18«8j, ed. by A. Pain ami J. L. Wooicoik. V. 1--,. 8vo. Bri»b. Xcte. For continuation fee above, Soie •{. .lourntils of thf! pmliiiment of Queensland. 1002—. fo. Brisb. Conteiita. Journals of the Legislative council. 1U()2— . ^ote.. For previous Journals, «(.«> below l.vijulal'we coinieil. Votes and proceedings of the Legislative assembly. 1902—. Note. For previous Votes and proceedings, *,•»- below Li>ote 1. Published every second year. Note 3. In 1900 it was combined with the " Queensland post ofiRce directory," and continued as the " (Queensland post oftice and official directory," ichich nee. Queensland official year book. S^e Queensland. Statistical office. Queensland philosophical society. See Philosophical society of Queensland. Queensland post oltice directory, with which is incorporated the Post office directory of Brisbane, and country guide, 1888-98, 189-5/6. 8vo. Brisb. Note. Combined in 1900 with the " Queensland official directory," and continued as the : Queensland post office and official directory. Wise's. 1900 — . 8vo. Brisb. //. Queensland times, and Ipswich herald, Jp«M:/c7(. Nos. 4-1114, 1342-2187, 2497—; 8 Oct., 1861-20 July, 1869, 3 .Jan., 1871-30 Dec, 1876, 2 .Jan., 1878—. J n-. Queenslander, Brisbane. New ser., nos. 1-379, -509-; 21 Aug., 1875-30 Dec, 1882, 27 June, 1885—. to. Queen stown Lake Wakatip mail. See Lake Wakatip mail. Quekett microscopical club, London. Journal. V. 1-6; 1868/9-79/81. 8vo. Lond. . General index, v. 1-6. Same. 2nd. .ser., v. 1 — ; 1881/3 — . 8vo. Lond. Ji/. Report, and list of members. 1865/6-80/1. 8vo. Lond. Note. The reports for 1873/4, and 1881/2— form part of the Journal. Racing calendar. V. 1-74 ; 1773-1846. 12mo. Lond. Same. Fiaces past. V. 75-111, 116—; 1847-83, 1888—. 12mo. Lond. y. Same. Appendix to v. 92-111, 116 — , [Continental racing.^ 1864-83, 1888—. 12mo. Lond. Same. Appendix to v. 122 — . Sales of blood stock. 1894 — . 12mo. Lond. Same. Races to come. V. 112-113, 120 ; 1884-85, 1892. r2mo. Lond. Radcliffe observatory, Oxford. Astronomical observations. V. 1-13; l.S40-.'52. 8vo. Oxf. Note. V. 8-13 also contain an " Abstract (aftw. Summary) of the meteorological journal kept at the Eadcliil'e observatory," 1847- 52. Sajnc. Continued as Astronomical and meteorological observations. V. 14-24 ; 1853-64. Svo. Oxf. Note. The Meteorological observations have special t.pp. and pagin- ations. 1853-57 are entitled "Meteorological observations;" 1858-64 are entitled " Results of meteorological observations." Same. Continued as Results of astronomical and meteorological observa- tions. V. 25-35 ; 1865-75. 8vo. Oif. Note. The Results of meteorological observations have special t.pp. and paginations. Same. Continued in two parts as : (a) Results of astronomical observations. V. 36, 38 ; 1876, 1880. Svo Oxf. {!)) Results of meteorological observations. V. 37-38 ; 1876-80. Svo. Oxf. 251 Radcliffe observatory- 1 cuntiniti-il.) Sia. V. 17 — ; 1900 . 4to. Melb. m. Revue archi'ologique. 3e ser,, tom. l.j-41 ; 1890-1902. 8vo. Paris. Note. Tom. 1(5 is incomplete. There is no tom. 2:!. Same. 4e st'r., tom. 1 ; 1903—. 8vo. I'aris. 2 m. Revue bleue. See Revue politique et litti-raire. Revue celticiue. [Fr., En;i., and C> Hie.] Tom. IC. 8— ; ls70/2 . Svo. Pari.s 7. . Table, v. 7-18. Revue critique d' histoirc et do litt.'ralure. Nouv. scr„ tom. 33—; 1892—. 8vo. Paris, u; 254 Kevue d' liistoiie, icdigt'e a 1' etat-major de 1' armee. See Kevue militaire de 1' t'tranger. Revue (Ic comptabilite et de jurisprudence ; journal de 1' enseignement commer- cial. 1890-96, 8vo. Paris. Same, Conftnwpd as Instruction commerciale ; journal d'etudes pratiques du commerce et des affaires en general. 1897 — . 8vo. Paris, m. . Collection des tables alphabt'tiques des matieres et des listes des collaborateurs, 1880-1900. kevue de metallurgie. Memoires, supplement du Bulletin de la Society d' en- couragement pour 1' Industrie nationaie. Annee 1 — ; 1904 — . 4to. Paris, in. Revue de viticulture. Tom. 1—; 1894— . 8vo. Paris . Note. Tom. G is incomplete. Revue des bibliotheques. Annee 14— ; 1904 — . 8vo, Paris, vt. Note. A separately-paged " Table des matieres eontenues dans le Cabinet historique " forms part of annees 14-15. Revue des deux mondes ; journal des voyages, etc. Ser. 2, torn. 1-4 ; 1830. 8vo. Paris. SiiDic. Cdit/inned as Revue des deux mondes. Tom. 1-8 ; 1831-32, Bvo, Paris. SiiDie. 2e ser., tom. 1-4 ; 1833. Svo. Paris. S'lme. 3e. ser., tom. 1-4; 1834. Svo. Paris. !' pai ortlre ilu Ministrc. Vol. 40-.j4 ; isyi-lW. Mvo. I'lirif. . Table gcncrale, [vol. 1-00,] IHTI-'JU. Same, (.'ontiiiued ax Kevue militaire: le. partie. Armi'es ('tiangfTcs. Vol. ;j')-.'5() ; l«'.)yr.(0(). Svo. Paris. Suiiie. Continued a!< llevue inilitaiie des arnit'es ttraiiyires, redigt'ea rutat-niajor de I'aruiee ; ancienne Revue militaire de IV-tranger. Vo . 67-; 1901— . Hvo. Paris. >». 2e partie. Archives historiques. Vol. 1-2; I8'.»9iy00. Hvo. Pari-. Same. Coiilinned an Kevue d' histoire, redigi'- a I'i'tat-major de I'arm^*'. Section histori»• icliitli .. 1-5. 260 J^oyal society, London — (continued. J . General index, v. 1-7. Sa7ne. [Unabridged.] V. 47—; 1751/2—. 4to. Lond. y. Note 1. V. 82-14'2 show no vol. nos., only the years. Note 2. From v. 178, 1887, the transactions are divided into two parts, A and B. Same. [Catalogue of the] Philosophical transactions, 1800-95, on .sale by Dulau and co, [An alphabetical author-catalogue.] Proceedings, formerly Abstracts of the papers printed, etc. See above Abstracts. Royal society of antiqviaries of Irela^nd, fornieiiij Kilkenny archaeological society. See Kilkenny archaeological society. Royal society of Canada, Montreal. Proceedings and transactions. V. 1-12 ; 1882/3-94. 4to. Montreal and Ottavra. Note. V. 12 contains a general index to v. 1-12. Same. 2nd ser., v. 1 — ; 1895 — . 8vo. Ottawa, y. Royal society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. V. 1—; 1832/44—. 8vo. Edinb. t,ilt revenue d-pt. Report on the administration. Salt Lake City Deseret semi-weekly news. See Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. Salvation army. Victory; an illustrated record of Salvation army advances in all nations. V. 2—; 1898—. 8vo. Melb. „,. Note. V. 2 is incomplete. War cry, and official gazette of the Salvation army in Australia, Melbourne. Nos. 1—; 10 June, 1883—. ,r. Samoanische Zeitung, Apia. Nos. 2—; 20 Apr., I'JOl — . jc. San Francisco. See California academy of sciences. San Kemo times, and Phillip island and Bass valley advertiser. Nos. 1-145; •> Feb., 1896-18 Nov., 1898. Same. Continued us Western Port times, and Phillip island and Bass valley advertiser, Grantville. Nos. 1 — ; 9 Dec, 1898 — . ip. Sandhurst, a/tir. Bendigo. See Bendigo. Sandringham. See Convalescent home for sick children. Sandring:ham rambler, Nos. 1 — ; 5 Mar., 1904 — . ir. Sands and Keiniy's commercial and general Melbourne directory. 1S57-G1. 8vo. Melb. Same. Continued an Sands and McDougall'.s commercial and general Melbourne directory. 1802. Svo. Melb. Same. Continued ax Sands and McDougall's Melbourne and suburban directory. 1863-1901. 8vo. Melb. Same. Continued a.-i Sands and McDougall's Melbourne, suburban, and country directory. 1902 — . Svo. Melb. i/. Sands and Kenny's commercial and general Sydney directory. 1858/9-61. Svo. Syd. Same. Continued as Sands's commercial and general Sydney directory. 1863-64. Svo. Syd. Same. Continued as Sands' Sydney directory. 1865, 1868-70. 8vo. Syd. Same. Continued as Sands' Sydney and suburban directory. 1873, 1875- 77, 1879, 1882, 1884-1900. Svo. Syd. Same. Continued as Sands' Sydney, suburban, and country commercial directory. 1901—. 8vo. Syd. ij. Sands and McDougall's Melbourne, suburban, and country directory, /i>r;;i^r/i/ Sands and Kenny's commercial and general Melbourne directory. See Sands and Kenny's commercial, etc. 264 Sands and McDougall's South Australian directory, with which is incorporated Boothby's South Australian directory. 1884 — . 8vo. Adel. y. Sands' Sydney, suburban, and country commercial directory, /ormerZj/ Sands and Kenny's commercial and general Sydney directory. See Sands and Kenny's commercial, etc. Sanitary engineering. Association of municipal and sanitary engineers and surveyors, aftio. In- corporated association oi municipal and county engineers, London. Proceedings. Journal of gas lighting, water supply, and sanitary improvement. See also Sewerage. Water supply. Sanitary inspector ; official bulletin of the State board of health of Maine. See Maine. State. State hoard of health. Sanitary science. See Hygiene. Sanitary engineering. Sao Paulo. Annuario commercial do estado de Sao Paulo. Saturday' review. Y. 1 — ; 1855/6 — . fo. Lond. 7u. Scholastic advertiser, oftir. incorporated with the Journal of education, formerly Monthly journal of education. See Monthly journal of education. Schone Literatur ; Beilage zum Literarischen Centralblatt fiir Deutschland. See Literarisches Centralblatt. School board chronicle. V. 1-68 ; 1871-1902. fo. Lond. Same. Continued as School government chronicle. V. 69 — ; 1903 — . fo. Lond. w. Note. The part titles of v. 69-71, no. 1727, read " School board and school government chronicle, and education authorities gazette." School of Irish learning, Dublin. Eriu ; the journal of the School of Irish learning. V. 1—; 1904—. 8vo. Dubl. ^ y. School paper. See Victoria. Department of education. School world. V. 5—; 1903—, 8vo. Lond. m. Schoolmasters. See Teachers. Schoolmasters yearbook and directory; a reference book of secondary educa- tion in England and Wales. 1904 — . 8vo. Lond. Schools. See Public schools. Universities and colleges. Schools of art. Sec Libraries. Schools of mines. Bairnsdale district school of mines. Prospectus. Ballarat. School of mines. Annual report. Bendigo. Scliool of inines and industries. Annual report. Prospectus. South Australian school of mines and industries, and technological museum. Annual report. Schweizerische Bauzeitung, /ormej-Z?/ Eisenbahn. S<'e Eisenbahn. Schweizerische paliiontologische Gesellschaft. Abhandlungen. [Fr., Germ., and Ital^ Vol. ] 3—; 1886— . 4to. Basel, etc. y. Note. The French and Italian pnrt-; have imprint Geneve; the German, Ziirich, 265 Science. V. 1-23 ; 18R3-94. 4to. Camb., Ma$t., ami N.Y. Note. V. 23 is incomplete. Same. New ser., v. 3 — ; 1896 — . 4to. N.Y. w. Note. New ser., v. 13 — , I'JOl — , add to the title " publiRhing the ofTicial notices and proceeding's of the American association for the advancement of science." Science. Acaderaia scientiarum imperialis, St. Petertbunj. Bulletin. Acadt-mie de.s sciences, I'm is. Comptes rendus. Acadc-mie royale des sciences et belles-lettres de Bruxelles, (iftw. Acadi-mie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Annua! re. Bulletins. Memoires conronrn's. Nouveiiux moniolres, contiiiued «.< Memoires. Adelaide philosophical society, aftw. Royal society of South Australia. Memoirs. Transactions and proceeding's and report. Akadeniija umiejetnosci, Cracow. Bulletin international. Classe des sciences mathi'miitiques et naturelles. American journal of science and arts. Annee scientifique et industrielle. Annuario scientifico ed industriale. Australasian association for the advancement of science. Report. Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen. Notulen van de algemeene en bestuurs-vergaderingen. British association for the advancement of science. Reports. California academy of sciences. Occasional papers. Proceedings. Camltridge philosophical society. Transactions. Canadian institute. Proceedings, cottliiiui'd as Transactions. Proceedings. New ser. Carnegie institution, Wasliington. Year book. Chicago academy of sciences. Bulletin. Connecticut academy of arts and sciences. Transactions. Ecole polytechnique, Paris. Journal polytechnique,<(-)(Nii?/^rf as Journal de 1' Ecole polytechnique, English mechanic. Franklin institute of the state of Pennsylvania. Franklin journal, con- tinned as Journal of the Franklin institute. Genie civil. Great Britain. Dipt, of science and art, aftw. Board of education. Reports of the examiners on the results of the science examinations. Hamilton association, aftw. Hamilton scientific association. Journal and proceedings. Hollandsche maatschiippij der wetenschappen. Archives ni'orlandaises des sciences exacti's rt iKiturt'Ilc-;. Natuurkundige verhandelingen. India. Board of scientific advice. Annual report. 266 Science — (coutuuied.) Indiana academy of science. Proceedings. Kaiseiliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Silzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe. Knowledge. Kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akademien. Arsbok. Handlingar, Same. Bihang. Ofversigt af Kongl. vetenskaps-akademiens forhandlingar. Kongliga universitetet, Vpsula. Upsala universitets arsskrift. Konig]ich-b()hmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Jahresbericht. Jlathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Silzungsberichte. Koniglich-preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen, Amsterdam. Jaarboek. Proceedings of the section of sciences. Verhandelingen. Verslagen der zittingen van der wis en natuurkundige afdeeling. Verslagen en mededeelingen. Afdeeling natuurkunde. Literary and philosophical society, Manchester. Memoirs and proceedings. Magyar tudomanyos akademia, Biulapist, (ind Kiralyi Magyar termeszet- tudomanyi tarsulat, Budapest, Mathematische und naturwissensschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. Minnesota academy of natural sciences. Bulletins. Mondes, aflw. Cosmos. Muktataf, A1-; an Arabic scientific review. National academy of sciences, Wosldniiton. Memoirs. Nature, Land. Nature, Paris. Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Gorlitz. Abhandlungen. Naturhistorischer Verein der preussischen llheinlande, Westfalens und des Keg.-Bezirks Osnabriick. Verhandlungen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Karlsruhe. Verhandlungen. Siune. Abhandlungen. Natuurkundig genootschap, GroniiKjen. Versing. New Zealand institute. Transactions and proceedings. Niederrheinisehe Gesellschaft fiir Natur-und Heilkunde, Bonn. Sitzungsberichte. Nova Scotian institute of natural science. Proceedings and transactions. Nuova antologia di scienze, lettere, ed arti. Philcsophical institute of Victoria, (ij'tw. Boyal society of Victoria. Transactions [and proceedings], continued as Proceedings. Philosophical magazine, afttc. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin philoso- phical magazine and journal of science. Philosophical society of New South Wales, aftiv. Eoyal society of New South Wales. Transactions, continued as Journal and proceedings. Philosophical society of Washington. Bulletin. 2G7 Science — {continued.) Polytechnisches Journal, continued (u Dingler's polytechnisches Journal. Popular science monthly. Ileal academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales de Madrid. Revista. Reale istituto lombardo di scienze e lett;re. Uendiconti, Beale istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Memoiie, Royal Dublin society. Economic proceedings. Scientific proceedings. Scientific transactions. Royal institution of Great Britain. Notices of the proceedings. Royal Irish academy. Proceedings. Transactions. Science. Royal society, London. Abstracts of the papers printed, continued <(«• Proceedings. Philosophical transactions. Royal society of Canada. Proceedings and transactions. Royal society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Transactions. Royal society of Queensland. Proceedings. Royal society of Van Diemen's Land, aftw. Royal society of Tasmania. Papers and proceedings. Science. Scientific American. Same. Supplement. Smithsonian institution. Annual report. Smithsonian contributions to knowledge. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. South African philosophical society. Transactions. Teyler's stichting, Haarkni. Archives du Musee Teyler. Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. Archiv. Same. Anhang, entitled Sitzungsberichte der Naturforschenden Gesell- schaft zu Rostock. Verein fiir Naturwissenschaft, Brunswick. Jahresbericht. Verein fiir vaterliindische Naturkunde in Wiirttemberg. Jahreshefte. Victoria institute, London. Journal of the transactions. Zeeuwsch genootschap der wetenschappcn. Archief. Naauilijst van directeuren en leden ; verslag, etc., continued as Verslag, benevens naamlijst, etc. Bildiography. Akademija umiejetnosci, Cracow. Catalogue of Polish scientific litera- ture. Katalog literatury naukowej Polskiej. International council of scientific literature. International catalogue of scientific literature. Royal society, London. Catalogue of scientific papers. 1800-83. Verein fiir vaterliindische Naturkunde in Wiirttemberg. Jahreshefte. Beilage, entitled Verzeichnis der mineralogischen, geologischen, urgeschichtlichen und hydrologischen Litteratur von Wiirttemberg, Hohenzollern und den angrenzenden Gebieten. 268 Science. See also Anthropology. Astronomy, Biolcgy. Botany. Chemistry. Geography. Geology. Mathematics. Medicine. Meteorology. Micro- scope. Minerals. Natural history. Palaeontology. Physical geography. Physics. Zoology. Science abstracts, issued under the direction of the Institution of electrical engineers [and] the Physical society of London. See Institution of elec- trical engineers, and Physical society. Science of man, /oj-werZ/y Australasian anthropological journal. S'-'e Anthropo- logical society of Australasia. Scientific American ; an illustrated journal of art, science, and mechanics. New ser., V. 8-12, 14-21, 24-35, 38-; 1863—. fo. N.Y. ?(v Note. V. 10-59 show "New ser." on part titles only. V. 60 — omit "New ser." altogether. Same. Supplement. V. 1-28, 30—; 1876— fo. N.Y. u:- . Catalogue of valuable papers [in v. l-23j. Scientific American ; architects and builders edition. V. 13-19 ; 1892-95. fo. N.Y. Same. Continued as Scientific American ; building edition. V. 20-32 ;. 1895-1901. fo. N.Y. Same. Continued as Scientific American building monthly. V. 33 — ; 1902- . fo. N.Y. Scientific Australian ; quarterly journal devoted to the arts and industries. V. 1-; 1895/6—. 8vo. and 4to. Melb. Scientific memoirs by medical officers of the army of India, ed. by B. Simpson.- Pts. 1-5 ; 1884-90. 4to. Calc. Same. Continued «.s Scientific memoirs by officers of the medical and sanitary departments of the government of India ; issued by the sanitary commissioner. New ser., nos. 1 — ; 1902 — . 4to. Calc. irreg. Scientific opinion. V. 1-3; 186S/9-70. 4to. Lond. Note. Incorporated in 1.S70 with the English mechanic, which see. Scot at hame an' abroad. V. 1—; 1902/3—. 4to. Melb. m. Scotch and divorce appeal cases before the House of lords. See Council of law reporting. Law reports. Scotch and divorce, etc. Scotland. Gazette. See Edinburgh gazette. General registry office of hirtlis, etc. Supplement to the Monthly returns of the births, deaths, and marinages registered in the eight principal towns of Scotland. 1856-64. 8vo. Edinb. Supplement to the Quarterly returns of the births, deaths, and marriages registered in Scotland. 1855-64. 8vo. Edinb. Same. Combined with the Supplement to the Monthly returns as Supplement to the Monthly and Quarterly returns of the births, deaths, and marriages registered in Scotland ; also the vaccination returns relative to the children born during [the preceding year]. 1878-98, 1900-01, 1903-. 8vo. Edinb. and Glasg. y. Parliament. Acts of the parliaments of Scotland. V. 1-]1 ; 1124/1423-1702/7. fo. [Lond.] Note. For acts subsequent to the union of Scotland with England^ see Great Britain. ParHament. 269 Scotland. Scottish history society. Publications. See Edinburgh. Glasgow Scotsman, Kdinhnnili. Nos. ITJOO ; 1 July, 18'.t8 . d. Scottish geographical society, n/tw. Royal Scottish geographical Focicty, Kdinburgli. Scottish geographical magazine. V. 1 — ; IMHS— .8vo. Edinb. w*. Scottish history society, y";(//«6«r- 16, 1809-79, of the Record of zoological literature, contimied ax Zoological record.] 8vo. Wash. (United States national museum Bull. no. 19.) Sea Lake times and Berriwillock advertiser. Nos. 1 — ; lij Oct., 1897—. if. Seamen's institute. Port Melbourne. Annual report of the Victorian seamen's mission, including the Port Melbourne seamen's institute. See Victorian seamen's mission. Seine, Prefecture de la. See France, rrt'/ecture de In S'-ine. Selden society, London. Publications. V. 1 — ; 1S87 — . 4to. Lond. Semitic languages and literature. Hebraica, continued as American journal of Semitic languages and literatures. TUIiliograplii/. Hebraica, continued as American journal of Semitic languages and literatures. Theological and Semitic literature, bibliographical sup- plement. [Senate] documents. Si'c United States. Coviiress. Senate. Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschnft in Frankfurt am Main. Abhandlun,i,'en. Bd. 13— ; 18S4— . 4to. Frankfurt a. .M. ine;/. Note. \n index to Bd. 1-23 forms part of the Wi<-.tMi>chaftliche Abhandlungen of the Bericht for HH9t't/7. Bericht. 1878/9—. 8vo. Frankfurt a. M. «/. Note. An index to 18r»8/9-9(>/7 forms part of the Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen of the Bericht for l.s'.Mi,?. Same. Vortrage und Abhandlungen. 1885/6-89/90. 8vo. Frankfurt a. M. Same. Continued as Wissenschattliche Abhandlungen. 1890,1—. 8vo. Frankfurt a. M. y. Seven colonies of Australasia, Statistical account of the. Scf t'oghlan, T. \. Seventh day adventists. Bible echo and signs of the times, a/tw. Signs of the times. 270 Sewerage. Melbourne and metropolitan board of works. Chairman's report. Notice papers, minutes, returns, reports, and memoranda. See also Sanitary engineering. Seymour express. Nos. 528—; G Jan., 1S82 — . w. Seymour telegraph. Nos. 1 — ; 31 July, 1890 — . w. 's (jravenhage. See Hague, The. Shakespeare, William. Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Schriften. Shanghai literary and scientific society, aftw. North China branch, aftw. China branch, of the Royal Asiatic society. Journal. V. 1-2 ; 1858/9-60. 8vo. Shanghai. Note. Pt. 1 only of v. 2 was published. Same. New ser., v. 3 — ; 1866 — . 8vo. Shanghai. Note 1. Y. 3-15 are entitled " Nos. 3-15." Note 2. The name of the Society was altered from " North China branch " to " China branch " in Nov., 1882. Note 3. A classified index, v. 1- New ser., v, 9, forms part of v. 9. Note 4. A classified index and contents, v. 1- New ser., v. 26, forms part of V. 2(). Shares. See Stocks and shares. Shells. See Mollusca. Shepparton advertiser, fortnerly Goulburn and Murray farmers' chronicle. See Goulburn and Murray farmers' chronicle. Shepparton chronicle. Nos. 115-282 ; 21 July, 1882-30 Sept., 1885. Note. On 7 Oct., 1885, incorporated with the Goulburn and Murray farmers' chronicle, icldcli see. Shepparton Goulburn and Murray farmers' chronicle. See Goulburn and Murray farmers' chronicle. Shepparton news. Nos. 117—; 22 May, 1879—. Jw. Shipping. Australia, Commonwealth of. Dept of trade and customs. Annual statement of the navigation and shipping of the Commonwealth. Bureau Veritas, Paris. Repertoire general. General list of merchant shipping of all nations. Lloyd's register of British and foreign shipping. Same. [Rules anc} regulations.] Marine underwriters' association of Victoria, Melhourne. Register of Australian and New Zealand shipping, including shipping registered at Fiji. Norway. StatistisJce Centralbureau. Norges officielle Statistik. Tabeller vedkommende Norges Skibsfart. Shipping index, aftie. Daily shipping index. Shipping world year book. United States. Bureau of statistics. Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States. . Steam-boat inspection service. Annual report of the supervising inspector-general of steam-vessels. See also Merchant service. Naval art and science. Navigation. Shipwrecks. 271 Shipping gazette, and Sydney general trade list. Nos. 1-41, ;i03-404, 457-507; 2:j Mar.-28 Dec, 1844, 5 Jan., lH.=;0-27 Dec., 1851, 1 Jan. -31 Dec. 1H53. Note 1. Nos. 361 and 3(j8 are wanting. Note :i. The Shipping gazette merged into the Sydney mail on 5 Jan., 18(51. Shipping index, Australasia and New Zealand, J/f/^oi/r/u'. Nos. 1-HO; 18 July- 26 Nov., 1902. Same. Continued as Shipping index, iind importers and exporters' journal, Mvlhournc. Nos. 81-0511 ; 27 Nov., l'.l02-3 Nov., 1904. Same. Contiinii-il ax Daily shipping index, and importers and exporters' journal, Mclbuiinie. Nos. 660—; 4 Nov., 1904 — . Notr. On 4 Nov., 1904, the Daily Australasian shipping news was incorporated. Shipping world year book. 1903—. 8vo. Lend. Shipwrecks. Bureau Veritas, Pjns. Monthly list of wrecks and casualties. See aho Life saving. Shorthorn society of Great Britain and Ireland, Lomlm. Coates's herd-book. See Coates's herd-book. Sidereal messenger, aftw. Astrophysical journal. See Astrophysical journal. Signs of the times, formerhj Bible echo and signs of the times. See Bible echo, etc. Silvestre, Paul Armand. Le nn au Salon. See Paris salon. Sinde. Note. For official publications, see Bombay. Singing. Musical times and singing-class circular. See iilsu Conservatories of music Single tax. Progress. Slavery. British and foreign anti-siavcry society. Anli-slav^iy reporter. Report. Smithsonian institution. Wash inij ton. Annual report. 1853-59,1863-. Svo. Wash. . Note 1. 1879 contains iin Index to papers on anthropology published by the Smithsonian institution, 1n47-7H. Note :i. 1885/6 contains a Catalogue of publications of the Smithson- ian institution, [with index.] Note 3. The Ileports of the United states national museum form part of the Smithsonian report. i>ff United states national museiun. Smithsonian contributions to knowledge. V. 1— ; 1848—. 4to. Wash. Note. V. 7 contains Publications of learned societies and periodicals, pt. 1, 1854. V. 8 contains same, pt. 2, 1H5G. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. V. 1— ; 1852/60 — . Svo. Wash. Note 1. V. 1, 2, and 5-7 are incomplete. Note :i. V. 5 should contain a Catalogue of publications of the Smithsonian institution to June, 1862. Note 3. V. 9 contains a Catalogue of publications of societies and of periodical works, Jan., iMlii;. Note 4. V. 13, 23, and 24 form United States national museum. Bulletins, nos. 1-16. Note 5. V. 15, 16, 26, and 34 contain Toner lectures 110. Note 6. V. 18 contains Journals of the Board of regents, etc., 1846-76. 272 Smithsonian institution — fcnntinued.) Note 7. V. 19 and 22 form United States national museum. Proceed- ings. V. 1-4. Nute H. V. 20, 2.5, and 33 contain Philosophical society of Washing- ton. Bulletins, v. 1-10. Note 9. V. 22 contains, as appendicss, United States national museum. [Circulars, nos.] 1-lS. Note lU. V. 2-5 contains Biological society of Washington. Proceed- ings, V. 1. Note 11. V. 25 and 34 contain Anthropological society of Washington. Transactions, v. 1 and 3. Note 12. V. 27 contains a Catalogue of publications of the Smith- sonian institution, 1846-82, with index. Note 13. V. 29 is a Catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals, 1665-1882. Note 14. V. 40 is .wwc. 1665-1895. Note 15. V. 44 contains a List of publications of the Smithsonian institution, 1846-1 9U3. Note 10. Y. 45, 47, et-.. form also Quaiterly issue, v, 1 — . . Axlr<'pliijdcal obsi-rrdtonj. Annals. Y 1 — ; 1900 — . fo. Wash. . Bureau of etlinolorjij, aftw. Bnretnt of A iiH.ru- «n ttliiiolofpj. Annual report. 1879/80—. 8vo. Wash. Bulletin. [Nos.] 6—; 1888—. 8vo. Wash, irreg. Note. Nos. 6-24 are not numbered ; these numbers are assigned to them in accordance with F. W. Hodge's List of publications of the Bureau of ethnology. (Bull. 24.) No. 24 was published in 1894, no. 25 in 1903. . United State-s iiatinnnl ninseinn. See United States national museum. Snow, Thomas, Burney, C , nitd Stringer, F. A. Annual practice, being a col lection of statutes, orders, and I'ules relating to the general practice, pro- cedure, and jurisdiction of the Supreme court, with notes, forms, etc. 1892, 1900—. 8vo. Lond. Snowy river mail, and Tambo and Croajingolong gazette, Orho.'>W, 1898. and 1902. The third part is entitled "Bulletins et menioires. Meuioires, tom. 2, 3e, sir., 3e. fasc," its publication having been delayed for some time. From 1900 the Memoircs are amalgamated with the Bulletins, irhich sre above. 274 Societe d'encouiagement pour I'industrie nationale, Paris. Bulletin. Annees 1-52 ; 1802/3-5B. 4to, Paris . Table generale, v. 37-49. Same. 2e. ser., torn. 1-20, annees 53-72 ; 1854-73. 4to. Paris, Same. 3e. ser., torn. 1-5, 9-12, [anntes 73-84] ; 1874-85. 4to. Paris. Same. 4e. ser., torn. 1-10, [annees 85-94] ; 188C-95. 4to. Paris. Same. 5e. ser., torn. 1-G, [annees 95-99] ; 1896-1900. 4to. Paris. Note. The 100 v of the first 5 ser. form torn. 1-100 of the whole ser. Same. [Whole ser., torn. 101 — , annee 100 — .] 1901 — . 4to. Pari?, m. Note. The vol. numbers are given in the signatures only. The two vols, of annee 100, 1901, are both cited as tom. 101. Same. Supplement, entitled Eevue de metallurgie. Memoires. See Eevue de metallurgie. Memoires. Histoire de la fondation dela Societe, ou, Pieeueil des proces-verbaux des seances, 1 nov., 1801-22 sept., 1802. 4to. Paris, Societe de biologie, Paris. Comptes rendus des seances, et memoires. [Tom.] 1-5 ; 1849-53. 8vo. Paris. Same. 2e. ser., tom. 1-5 ; 1854-58. 8vo. Paris, Same. Be. ser., tom. 1-5 ; 1859-63. 8vo. Paris. Same. 4e. ser., tom. 1-5 ; 1864-68. 8vo. Paris. Same. 5e. fer., tom. 1-5 ; 1869-73. 8vo. Paris. Same. 6e. ser., tom. 1-5 ; 1874-78. 8vo. Paris. S(nne. 7e. ser., tom. 1-5 ; 1879-83. 8vo. Paris. Same. Continued as Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances, et memoires. 8e. ser., tom. 1-5 ; 1884-88. 8vo. Paris. Sttne. 9e. ser., tom. 1-5 ; 1889-93. 8vo. Paris. Same. lOe. ser., tom. 1-5 ; 1894-98. 8vo. Paris. Same. lie. ser., tom. 1 ; 1899. 8vo. Paris. Note. The 36 vols, of the 4e.-lle. ser. are also numbered "16-51 de la collection." Same. Annee 52 — ; 1900 — . 8vo. Paris. ?r. Societe de linguistique de Paris. Memoires. Tom. 1 — ; 1868 — . 8vo. Paris. i>m;. . Table analytique des 10 premiers vols. Societe de neurologic, Paris. Eevue neurologique. See Eevue neurologique. Societe des artistes francais, Paris. (Old salon, j See Paris salon. Societe entomologique beige, aftw. Societe entomologique de Belgique, Brussels^ Annales. Tom. 1 — ; 1857 — . 8vo. Brux. ?/. . Table generale, tom. 1-30. Same. [Supplement], entitled Comptes-rendus des seances. 1866-80. 8vo. [Brux.] Same. Continued as Bulletin, ou, Comptes-rendus des seances. 1881-91. 8vo. Brux. Note. From 1892 the Comptes-rendus are incorporated with the Annales. Societe entomologique de France, Paris. Annales. Tom. 1-11; 1832-42. 8vo. Paris. Same. 2e. ser., tom. 1-10 ; 1843-52. 8 vo. Paris. Same. 3e. si'r., tom. 1-8; 1853-60. 8vo. Paris. . Tables generales, ser. 1-3, 1832-60. Same. 4e. s ., tom. 1-10 ; 1861-70. 8vo. Paris.. 27."i Societe entomologique de France — (coiititiue;» of lh(- whole ser. Snif. [Whole ser.], vol. (10 — ; 1891—. 8vo. Paris. -55. Svo. Paris. SaiiK'. Continued an Bulletins trimestriels. I8"»(jf)0. Svo. Paris. Same. Coiitiuiied «« Bulletin entomologicjue. 1801-72. Svo. Paris. Note. 1843-70 are also numbered '2e. ti-r., torn. 1-10, 3e. sir., torn. 1-8, and 4e. sur., torn. 1-10. S/. 279 South AastriiWa, — ! continued. ) I'ailiiimeul. Acts of the Legislative council. 1H37-5G. 4to. A8-62, l8Go-95. 8vo. Adel. Note 1. None published for 1803 and 18G4. Note 2. From IBlJl) the debates of each house have been published separately. Same. Debates in the House of assembly. iHiJO — . 8vo. Adel. Same. Debates in the Legislative council. 1896 — . 8vo. Adel. Votes and proceedings of the Legislative council ; with the various documents connected therewith. l8ol-.5G. fo. Adel. Saini'. Ctintinaed ax Pioceedinj^s of the parliament of South Austr:ilia ; with copies of the documents ordered to be printed. 18.57/H -. fo. Adel. ContentK. Minutes of proceedings of Legislative council. Votes and proceedings of House of assembly. Papers, reports, etc., ordered to be printed. . Index to the Minutes of proceedings of the Legislative council, and to the printed papers connected therewith, 1H.^7-H4. Note. In 2 v. 18^37-71 contains, as appendix, an index to bills, 18.J7- 74 ; 187;>-84 contains, as appendix, an index to bills, 1857-84. . Index to the Votes and proceedings of the House of assembly. 1857-1900. Note. In 3 v. 1874-1900 (I'arlii-.mentary paper, no. 51 of 1901), con- tains an index to papers laid before both houses, and printed petitions, 1S81-1900. 1H7M900 also contains a foparateiy paged index to bills which failed to become law, 1857-1900. . . Index to the parliamentary papers, 18.57-94. Note. In 3 v. iSHli 94 was also issued as Parliamentary paper, no. 30 of 189."). issl S."), and lSS(;-94 are both superseded by the index, 1.S81-1900, contained in the Index to the Votes and pro- ceedings. 1874-1900, ((•/(/(•/( nee above. South Australia. Geojiraphical society of Australasia, aftii: lloyal jeogmphical society of Australasia, South Autttralian hranch. Proceedings, AlmanaC'i and directorie.'. Sands and Mcl)ouj,'all's South Australian directory. South Australia post olVice direct.iiy. South Australia. See aho Adelaide. 280 ^outh Australia, Boyal society of. See Royal society of South Australia. South Australia post office directory. 1897/8 — . 8vo. H. Wise and co. Adel. y. Note 1. For previous issue s.ee South and Western Australia post office directory, 1895/6. Note 2. No issue for 1904. South Australian advertiser, Adelaide. Nos. 9166-9493 ; 5 Mar., 1888-22 Mar., 1889. Same. Continued as Advertiser, Adelaide. Nos. 9494 — ; 23 Mar., 1889 — .d. South Australian freemason, Adelaide, aftic. incorporated with Masonry, Mel- bourne. See Masonry. South Australian government gazette. 7 Jan., 1841 — . 4to. Adel. Note 1. 7 Jan., 1841-Dec. 29, 1842, are numbered 155-260. Note 2. 1842, 1844, 1845, 1848, 1849, 1856, 1857, 1864, 1865, 1867, 1880, and 1889 are incomplete. Note 3. Previous to 1849 no t.pp. ; previous to 1844 no indexes. South Australian institutes' journal. V. 1 — ; 1900/1 — . 8vo. Adel. m. South Australian literary societies' union, Adelaidi'. Literary societies' journal. V. 1 — ; 1902/3 — . 4to. Adel. in. Note. V. 1 is incomplete. South Australian register, Adelaide. Nos. 206-463, 592-692, 782-2276, 2737- 3967, 5154-357, 5514-670, 5824-979, 6316-419, 6601-677,6912-16889; 1 Jan., 1842-31 Dec, 1844, 3 Jan. -30 Dec, 1846, 13 Nov., 1847-31 Dec, 1853, 2 July, 1855-30 June, 1859, 2 May-28 Dec, 1863, 1 July-31 Dec, 1864, 1 July-30 Dec, 1865, 31 Jan.-3 June, 1867, 2 Jan.-31 Mar., 1868, 1 Jan., 1869-31 Dec, 1900. Same. Continued as Eegister, Adelaide. Nos. 16890 — ; 1 Jan., 1901 — . d. South Australian school of mines and industries, and technological museum, Adelaide. Annual report. 1889-91, 1897—. 8vo. Adel. South Australian weekly chronicle, ^(/eZrtif/e. Nos. 148-231, 284-408, 453-466; 18 May, 1861-27 Dec, 1862, 2 Jan., 1864-2 June, 1866, 6 Apr.-13 July, 1867. Note. Between 2 June, 1866, and 6 Apr., 1867, the Weekly mail was incorporated. Same. Continued as South Australian chronicle and weekly mail. Nos. 491-1181 ; 4 Jan., 1868-9 Apr., 1881. Same. Continued as South Australian weekly chronicle. Nos. 1182- 1936 ; 16 Apr., 1881-28 Sept., 1895. Same. Continued as Chronicle, Adelaide. Nos. 1937 — ; 5 Oct., 1895 — . w. South Bourke and Mornington journal, Bandenomj. Nos. 5 — ; 18 May, 1881 — . xc. South Gippsland chronicle, /or7rterZ2/ Yarram chronicle. See Yarram chronicle. South Gippsland express, and Warragul and Drouin advertiser, Drouin. 10 Jan., 1884-18 Aug., 1898. Same. Co/UiwHcd as West Gippsland express. 1 Sept., 1898 — . ic. South Gippsland shire echo, Foster. Nos. 1 — ; 17 Mar., 1900—. w. South Melbourne. See St. Vincent de Paul's boys' orphanage. St. Vincent de Paul's girls' orphanage. J^outh Melbourne free library. Annual report. [1903 — .] 8vo. [South Melb.] South Melbourne record, formerly Record, Emerald Hill. See Record. South Yarra gazette. Nos. 72 — ; 18 Aug., 1894—. it?. Southern baptist. See Baptist union of Victoria. 281 Southern cross, lirigliton. Nos. 145-299, 348-447 ; 24 Jan., 1874-30 Dec., 1H76, 5 Jan., 1878-17 May, 1879. Same. Continued an Brighton southern cross. Nob. 450—; 7 June, 1879—. w. Southern cross ; a weekly religious journal, J/f/ionrHr. Nos. 104—; 28 Oct., 1H70- . Southern niaii, Kunnnhumi. Nos. 1 ; '21J .May, 1890 — . w. Spain. See Madrid. Speaker. V. 1-20 ; 1890-99. 4to. and fo. Lond. Note. V. 18 is incomplete. Same. New ser., e»it<7/<;ti Speaker, the liberal review. V. 1 — ; 1899/1900 — . fo. liOnd. w. Specifications of inventions printed under the I'atents, designs, and trade marks act, 1883. See Great Britain. Patent ajT'ce. [Letters patent, etc.] Spectator. V. 13-42, 58—; 1840-C9, 1885-. fo Lond. ir. Spectator and Methodist chronicle, Melbourne. V. 1. no. 1 v. 20, no. 23; H May, 1875-9 June, 1893. Same. Continued a« Spectator, and Central mission gazette, Melbourne. V. 20, no. 24-v. 27, no. 7 ; 16 June, 1893-lG Feb., 1900. Same. Continued an Spectator, Melbourne. V. 27, nos. 8 — ; 23 Feb., 1900—. ir. Note. The Central mission gazette is still contained in the Spectator after 16 Feb., 1900, but does not appear in the title. Spectroscopy. Astrophysical journal. Speculum ; a journal of the Melbourne medical students, [andaftw. of the Medi- cal students' society, Melbourne.] Nos. 1 — ; 1884 — . 8vo. Melb. iy. Spiritualism. Harbinger of light. Messenger; a spiritualistic monthly magazine. See also Psychical research. Sporting judge, Melbourne. Nos. 1 — ; 21 Jan., 1892 — . «r. Note. On 3 May, 1904, the Sportsman was incorporated. Sports. Field, the farm, the garden. Land and water. Miller, J. J. J. J. Miller's sporting pamphlet. Sporting judge. See also Cycling. Horse-racing. Motor-cars. Mountaintn^ring. Sportsman, Melbourne. Nos. 51-1209; 8 Feb., 1H82-27 Apr.. 1901. Note. On 3 May, 1904, the Sportsman was incorporated with the Sporting judge, which tee. Stadtbibliothek Ziirich. .SV*- Zurich. Stodtbibliothek Ziirich. Stage. Australasian stage annual. Theatre. 282 5tamp duties. British Burmah. Financial dept. Note on the a'lministration of the stamp revenue. Central provinces, India. lievenue dcpt. Eeport on the stamp revenue. North-western provinces and Oudh. Excise, stamps, and registration. Annual report on the administration of the stamp revenue. Stamps. S'e Postage stamps. Standard, Port Melhonme. Nos. 46—; 24 May, 1894—. ic- Note. On 13 Oct., 1894, the Port Melbourne tribune was incorporated. Standard and Port Phillip gazetteer, Melhonrne, funnerhj Port Phillip gazetteer. S'c Port Phillip gazetteer. 5tar, Ballarat. V. 1, no. 12.5-v. 9, no. 312 ; 16 July, 1856-31 Dec, 1864. Same. Continued as Ballarat star. V. 10, no. 1-v. 11, no. 172, v. 12, nos. 1—; 2 Jan., 1865-20 July, 1866, 1 Jan., 1867—. d. Note. 1859-64 are incomplete. Statesman's year-book. 1864 — . Bvo. Lond. Stationer and fancy trades' register, ,/o?-9/((?d by the amuhjamntionof the Stationer and paper makers, printers, and bookbinders circular, and the Fancy trades register and trade circular. V. 15-38, 41 — ; 1871 — . 8vo. and 4to. Lond. m. Note 1. Also numbered v. 12-35, and 38 — of the Fancy trades' register. Note 2. V. 38, 43 and 47 are incomplete. Note 3. From v. 36 the title reads " Stationer, printer, and fancy trades' register. Stationery. Stationer and fancy trades' register. Stationery world and fancy goods review. Stationery world and fancy goods review. V. 3 — ; 1893 — . 4to. Lond. m. Note 1. Y. 25 is incomplete. Note '-i. The covers of the current numbers read " Stationery world, and printing and allied trades." Statistical society, aftw. Royal statistical society, London. Journal. V. 1—; 1838/9—. 8vo. Lond. q. . General index, v. 1-50, [in 4 v.] — — . Subject index, v. 28-57. Statistics. Almanach de Gotha. Annuario commercial do estado de Sao Paulo, abrangendo o Triangulo mineiro, estado de Minas geraes. Belgium. Ministere de Vinttrieur. Annuaire statistique de la Belgique. Budapest. Fl'iviiros statixztihai hivatal. Budapest szt'kes fovaros statisz- tikai hivatalanak kozlemenyei. Canada. JJept. of at/ric. Statistical abstract and record, continued as Statistical year-book of Canada. Cape of Good Hope. Colonial secretary's dept. Statistical register. Coghlan, T. A. Statistical account of the seven colonies of Australasia, continued as Statistical account of Australia and liew Zealand. Wealth and progress of New South Wales. Fiji. Colonial secretary's office. Fiji blue book. 283 Statistics— f continued. J France. I'letfcture de la Seine. Direction det affaire* munieipale$. Ser- vice de la etatiftitjue municip-ile. Anuuaire statisti(jue de la ville de Paiiu. Tableaux mensuels de statistique municipale de la ville de Paris, Hongkong. Administration. Hongkong blue book. India. Ilmne dept. .Judicial and administrative statistics. London county council. London statistics. Statistical abstract for London. Mauritius. Administration. Mauritius blue book. Natal. Statistical year book. New South Wales. Jifgislrar-generaVii oficf. Annual report on vital statistics. Statistical register. Statistics of the seven colonies of Australasia, co»((>iii«i a* Statistics; six states of Australia and New Zealand. New Zealand. RetjistrarneneraVs office. New Zealand cflicial handbook. Statistics of New Zealand. Norway, Statistiske Centralhureau. Norges oflicielle Statistik. Statistisk Aarbog. Prussia. KiUtiglich-prenssisches statistisches Dnrean. Preussische Statistik. Queensland. Statistical office. Queensland otlicial year book. Scotland. Genera/ reM»7«a7)(. Publications. V. 1— ; 1835- , 8vo. Lond. and Durham, irre;/. Surveying. India. Surveij of Indld dept. General report on the operations of the Survey of India. Victorian institute of surveyors, Mclhourne. Transactionsand proceedings. Sfc (ilso Geodesy. Hydrography. Hypsometry. Surveyor, djlic incorporated with the Building and engineering journal of Australia and New Zealand. See Building and engineering journal, etc. Suva na mata. See Na mata. Suva times, uftw. incorporated with the Fiji times. See Fiji times. Suva western Pacific herald. See Western Pacific herald. Sveriges oflentliga bibliotek. Accessions-katalog, utgifven af Kongl. bibliotcket. See Kongligt biblioteket, Stockholm. Swan Hill guardian, and north western irrigationist. Nos. 73-221; 11 Jan., 1890-7 Dec, 1892. Same. Continued as Swan Hill guardian, and Lake Boga advocate. Nos. 222—; 14 Dec, 1892—. i^. Swan river mechanics' institute, Pirth. Annual report. [1903- .] 8vo. Perth. Sweden. Kongliga universitetet, Upsala. Upsala universitets arsskrift. See alto Stockholm. Upsala. Sydenham society, New. See New Sydenham society. Sydnej'. Almanaci and directorifs. Sands and Kenny's commercial and general Sydney directory, aftfc. Sands' Sydney, suburban, and country commercial directory. S'etrgpaperg. Australian star. Australian town and country journal. Daily telegraph. Freeman's journal. Sydney herald, aftw. Sydney morning herald. Sydney mail. 286 .Sydney. »9l'<; a7so Australian museum. Chambre de commerce fran^aise. Lin- nean society of New South Wales. New South Wales zoological society. Pharmaceutical society of New South Wales. Philosophical society of New South Wales, dftic. Eoyal society of New South Wales. Kiverview. Sydney Christian world, incorporated on 4 Apr., 1889, with the Australian Christian world. Sec Australian Christian world. Sydney freemasons' chronicle. See Freemasons' chronicle, Sydney. Sydney i,'azette, and New South Wales advertiser. V. 1, nos. 6-10, 12-29, 31-52 v. 2, nos. 53-57, 59-78; v. 4, nos. 178-207; v. 5, nos. 209-11. 213, 218 220; V. 7, nos. 284-87, 295, 297, 303 ; v. 8, nos. 318-26, 331-53, o55-65 V. 9, nos. 366, 372, 374, 381, 384-86, 388, 390-97, 399-400, 402-6, 411-15 419 ; V. lU, nos. 420, 422, 427-32, 436-39, 443, 445, 449, 453-57, 460-63, 465 V. 11, nos. 482-84, 486-508, 510-22; v. 12, nos. 523-63, 565-78; v. 13, nos 579-92, 594-632 ; v. 14, nos. 633-38, 640-44, 646-81 ; v. 15, nos. 685-736 V. 16, nos. 737, 740-54, 757-88 ; v. 17, nos. 789-811, 813-14, 816-18, 820 25,826, (suppt. only), 827-29, 831-36, 838-40; v. 18; v. 19, nos. 894-943 V. 20, nos. 949, 953, 976-97; v. 21; v. 22, nos. 1050-1102 V. 23, nos. 1104-05, 1109, 1114, 1116, 1117, 1119, 1121, 1129 31, 1135-36, 1147-48, 1154, 1156, 1158, 1160, 1162-63, 1165; v. 24, nos 1169-1251, 1253-72; v. 25, nos. 1275, 1288, 1290, 1293, 1304-05,1334 1393, 1396, 1400, 1403; v. 26, nos. 1511-21, 1523-42, 1544-52, 1556-57 1559-71, 1573-92, 1594-1601 ; v. 27, nos. 1681, 1696 ; v. 29, nos. 1914-2001 2004-39, 2041-70 ; v. 30, nos. 2071-96, 2098-2116, 2120-24, 2126-73, 2175 2207, 2209-26; v. 31, nos. 2227-46, 2248-50, 2252-92, 2294-2316, 2318-82 V. 32-33 ; v. 34, nos. 2754-2829, 2831-2905 ; v. 35-36 ; v. 37, nos. 4117-22, 4124-4642 ; v. 38 ; v. 39, nos. 4801-19, 4821- [4956] . 1803/4-41. fo. Syd Same. V. 1, 1803/4 ; reproduced by authority of the trustees of the Public library of New South Wales. fo. Syd. yote. No. 85 of 100 copies. Sydney herald. Nos. 1-37, 71-165, 229-331, 384-436, 738-1621 ; 18 Apr. -26 Dec, 1831, 2 July, 1832-27 May, 1833, 6 Jan. -29 Dec, 1834, 2 July-31 Dec, 1835, 5 Oct., 1838-29 July, 1842. Same. Continued as Sydney morning herald, Nos. 1622 — ; 31 July, 1842—. d. Sydney mail. Nos. 1-556 ; 7 July, 1860-25 Feb., 1871. Same. Continued as Sydney mail, and New South Wales advertiser. Nos. 557—; 4 Mar., 1871—. w. Note 1. 1860-75 are incomplete. Note 2. On 5 Jan., 1861, the Shipping gazette, Sydney, merged into the Sydney mail. Sydney morning hev&ld, formerly Sydney herald. See Sydney herald. .Sydney observatory. Astronomical and meteorological observations made by W. Scott. 1860-62. 8vo. Syd. Note. The meteorological portion has separate pagination, with separate t.p. for 1862, reading " Meteorological observations." Meteorological observations made at the Government observatory, Sydney. by H. Piussell ; reduced under superintendence of G. E. Smalley, 1863. 8vo. Syd. 2H7 Sydney observatory— (coh/j/ih^/.) Abstract of meteorological observations made in New South Wales under direction of G. R. Smalley. 1805/6. 8vo, Syd- Meteorological observations madeattlu- Government observatory, Sydney, under direction of G. 11. Smalley [and H. C.Rus.sell). iHiil-lJ. Hvo. 8yd. Note. In monthly parts with separate part-titleH. IHTI-T'J add to title " and an abstract from the country sUitions." Savif. Continued «.s Monthly record of meteorological observations made in New South Wales. IHHS-Mar., 1HH7. Hvo. Syd. S'lvie. Continued as Meteorological observations. Apr.Uec, 1887. Hvo. Syd. Note. After 1887 incorporated with Results of meteorological obser- vations. Results of meteorological observations made in New South Wales. 1870- 79, 1H85-90, 1898—. 8vo. Syd. y. Note. 1898 — issued by the Department of public instruction. Results of rain observations made in New South Wales. 1878. 8vo. Syd. Same. Contiuui'd os Results of rain and river observations. 1879-8*;. Hvo. Syd. Same. Cuiitinufd as Results of rain, river, and evaporation observations. 1887—. 8vo. Syd. j/. Note. 1895 — issued by the Department of public instruction. Sydney shipping gazette. See Shipping gazette. Sydney theatre. See Theatre. Sydney university. Calendar, [with examination papers." 1852/3, 1854, 1856-63, 1865-66, 1868, 1870, 1873/4-74/5, 1870/7, 1878/9-82/3, 1884—. 8vo. Syd. y. Symons's monthly meteorological magazine. V. 1 - ; 1866—. 8vo. Lond. Note. V. 36 — drop the word " monthly." . Index, V. 1-30. Table talk, Melbourne. Nos. 1 — ; 26 June, 1885 — . w. Same. [Supplement], ^uti7/ed Table talk annual. V. 1— ; 1904— . Talbot leader. Nos. 21-59-; 3 Jan., 1882—. ir. Tallangatta upper Murray and Mitta herald. 5ce Upper Murray and Mitta herald. Tallow. Corps gras industriels. Tambo and Orbost times, and Haunted Stream and Buchan news, Uruthen. Nos. 1-691 ; 8 Jan., 1887-27 May, 1903. Same. Continued as Bruthen and Tambo times, and Buchan, Stirling and Orbost news. Nos. 692—; 3 June, 1903 — . if. Tanning. Sec Leather. Taradale express, and Metcalfeshire Mercury. Nos. 1253-57, 1259-83; 7 Jan.- 20 May, 1882. Note The Taradale express ceased publication as a si-parat* newspaper on '20 May. ls82, and was incorporated wi;li the Metcalfe shire news, uhich see. 288 Tariff. Australia, Connnomcealth of. Dept. of trade and custoiiin. Annual statement of the trade with the United Kingdom, British pos- sessions, and foreign countries ; and of the customs and excise revenue. Great Britain. Board of trade. Board of trade journal. Shipping world year book. United States. Dept. of the treasury. Division of cv stoma. Digest of decisions of the Treasury department and of the Board of U.S. general appraisers. Tarnagulla courier. Nos. 11-310 ; 6 Aug., 1864-5 June, 1869. Same. Continued as Tarnagulla and Llanelly courier. Nos. 311-964, 1015—; 12 .June, 1869-31 Dec, 1876, 12 Jan., 1878—. w. Tarrangower times, and Maldon district advertiser, Maldon. Nos. 58-1869, 2506—; 24 Sept., 1858-14 June, 1876, 14 Oct., 1882—. ^w. Tarrytown, AM'. See New York state hospital for the care of crippled and deformed children. Tasclienbuch fiir die gesammte Mineralogie. Jahrg. 1-23; 1807-29. 8vo. Frankfurt a.M. and Heidelberg. Note. Jahrg. 12-18 are also entitled Mineralogisches Taschenbuch fiir 1818-24. Jahrg. 19-23 are also entitled Zeitschrift fiir Mineralogie, Jahrg. 1825-29. Same. Continued as Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologic, and Petrefaktenkunde. Jahrg. 1-3 ; 1830-32. 8vo. Heidelberg. Same. Continued as Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie, und Petrefaktenkunde. Jahrg. 1833-62, 1864. 8vo. Heidelberg and Stuttg. Same. Continued as Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaeontologie. Jahrg. 1893— . 8vo. Stuttg. Same. Beilage-Band 9—; 1894/5— . 8vo. Stuttg. ■ . Allgemeines Repertorium, 1850-59. . Repertorium fiir 1890-99 und die Beilage-Biinde 7-12. . Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaeontologie. See Centralblatt, etc. Tasmania. Gazette. See Hobart Town gazette. Parliameitt. Acts of the lieutenant-governor and council of Van Diemen's Land. [1826/39]-55/6. fo. Hobart Town. Note 1. Vol. for 1826/39 only has t.p., and is incomplete. Note :i. From sess. 14 Victoria, (1850/1), the pagination is con- tinuous. Note 3. Sess. 10 Victoria, (1846), is incomplete. Same. Continued as Acts of the parliament of Tasmania, with chrono- logical index. V. 1—; 1856/7—. fo. and 4to. Hobart Town, aftw. Hobart.- Note J. V. 6, pts. 2-3 (1877-78), and v. 12, pt. 2 (1894, sess. 2) are wanting. Note .V. V. 8, pt. 1 (188.5), 9, pt. 2 (1889), 13, pt. 2 (1896), and 14, pt. 1 (1897) are incomplete. 289 Tasmania —{continued.) Same. [Another ed.] Statutes of Tasmania, 18"2CS'2, alphabetically arranged, with notsH, by F. Stops. Hvo. Hobart. . Chronological list of Acts of council from iH'M't, when first council established, to IMijI), when first parliament of Ta>iniania opened, by Mr. Stops. . Index to the legislative law of Tasmania to 1He technique. Technische Rundschau, in \erbindung mit dein I'ractischen Maschinen-Con- structeur und mit der Industriellen Rundschau. See Traclischr Maschinen-Constructeur. Technology. S^e Chemistry. Muiiufacturcs. Useful arts. 292 Teeth. See Dentistry. Telegraph, Lmiuceston. V. 2, no. 53-v. 3, no. 70 ; 7 Jan., 1882-1.5 June, 1883. Same. Continued as Daily telegraph, Lannceston. V. 3, nos. 71 — ; 18 June, 1883—. Telegraph. Institution of electrical engineers. Journal. Telegraphic journal and electrical review. V. 8-29; 1880-91. 8vo. and 4to. Lond. Same. Continued as Electrical review. V. 30—; 1892 — . 4to. Lond. w. Temperance. Temperance news, and Rechabite journal. Victorian alliance. Alliance record. Victorian alliance annual. Temperance news, and Rschabite journal. V. 4-6, 16—; 1870/1-72/3, 1882—. fo. Melb. t«. Notf. V. 4 6 are incomplete. V. 4-6 are entitled New ser. Temple bar. V. 1-30, 74-84, 86—; 1860/1—. 8vo. Lond. n». Note. V. 100 is an index to v. 1-99. Temps, Paris. Nos. 11184—; 1 Jan., 1892—. d. Same. Supplement, entitled Le petit temps. [Nos. 1] — ; 22 Nov., 1893 — . i7-reg. Terang express, and Hampden and Mortlake advertiser. Nos. 1 — ; 5 Oct., 1888—. ^w. Terrestrial magnetism. r Bombay. Government observatory. Magnetical and meteorological obser- vations, continued as Magnetical, meteorological and seismological observations. Melbourne observatory. Monthly record of results of observations in meteorology, terrestrial magnetism, etc. Texas. Texas state historical association. Quarterly. Texas state historical association, ^Msftn. Quarterly. V. 2 — ; 1898/9 — . 8vo. Austin. Note. V. 2 is incomplete. Text and translation society, London. Works issued. 1902 — . 8vo. Lond. irreg. Textile printing. See Calico printing. Teyler's stichting, Haarlem. Archives du Musee Teyler. Vol. 1-5 ; 1866/8-78/80. Svo. Harlem. Same. Ser, 2, vol. 1—; 1881/3—. Svo. Harlem, irreg. Tezpur lunatic asylum. Assam. Principal medical officer. Annual report on the Tezpur lunatic asylum. Theatre, Sydney, and Melbourne. V. 2, nos. 3—; May, 1905 — . vi. Theobald, Frederick Vincent. Report on economic zoology. See British museum. Natural history departments. Theology. Alcuin club. Collections. Tracts. Hibbert journal. 298 Theologfy — (cnntinued.) Journal ot theolof^ical studicp. Konf^liga iiniversiletet, I'l/sala. Upsala iinivprritfts ai^Hkrift. St. Margaret'B lectures. Text and translation society. Works issued. Iiiblioijrii})hy. Hebraica, continued as American journal of Semitic lanfruaRes and litera- tures. Theological and Sciiiitic literature, bibliographical supplemint. Theology. See ulao Bible. Christianity. Fathers of the church. Freetbougbl. Natural religion. Protestantism. Religion. Theosophical society, Anstraldsian gertion. Theosophy in Australasia. V. 1 — ; 18I(.5/0 — . 4to. iiiid Hvj. tiyd. m. Note. Commenced in April, IH'.t.'j, taking the place of the .\uHtral theosophibt, wliicli i^ee. Theosophy. New century path. Theosophical society, Auntialnsiait section. Theosophy in Australasia. Theosophy in Australasia. See Theosophical society, An»tralii»ian tection. rhom's Irish almanac and ollicial directory. 1854-55, 1857, 185',)-60, 1HC2, 1865, 1867, 186'J-80. 8vo. Dubl. Same. Continued a.s- Thorn's official directory ot the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1881—. 8vo. Dubl. j/. Thoresby society, L^ffZ-s-. Publications. V. 1— ; 1891— . 8vo. Leeds. irr;sion. Vandstandsobservationer. United States. Cixist surveij office, aftw. Con.^t and geodetic sun^eij. Tide tables. Tilden trust, Nciv York. Note. On May '2;5rd, 18<)5, the Astor library, the Lenox library, and the Tilden trust were consolidated under the corporate name of the New York public library, ftc, tclticli «ce. Times, London. Nos. G779-7060, 7114-193, 7246-557, 7867-9260, 9580-; 2 July. 1806-30 May, 1807, 1 Aug.-31 Oct., 1807, 1 Jan. -31 Dec, 1808, 1 Jan., 1810-30 June, 1814 ; 22 July, 1815—. . 294 Tobacco. Australian tobacco journal. Barlow and Armitage's wine and spirit trade circular, afttv. Australian wine, spirit, and tobacco news and wholesale prices current. Tobacconists' association of Victoria, Melbourne. Australian storekeepers' journal, formerly Draper and warehouseman. See Draper and ware- houseman. Tocsin, Melbourne. Nos. 1—; 2 Oct., 1897—. u-. Toner lectures, instituted to encourage the discovery of new truths for the ad- vancement of medicine. Lectures 1-10 ; 1873-89. 8vo. Wash. .V(*^t'. Form part of Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 15, 16, 2G, and 31. Tonic sol-fa college, ZoHrfo». Calendar. 1903/4 — . 8vo. Lond. ?/. Tonic sol-fa reporter. 1883-88. 4to. Lond. Same. Continued as Musical herald. 1889 — . 4to. Lond. m. Toora and Welshpool ensign, and south Gippsland shire observer. Nos. 1 — ; 3 Nov., 1900— ic. Note. On 1 May, 1903, the Toora and Welshpool pioneer was incorporated. Toora and Welshpool pioneer, and Foster and Agnes river news. Nos. 1-570; 11 June, 1892-24 Apr., 1903. Note. On 1 May, 1903, incorporated with the Toora and Welshpool ensign, uhich see. Toorak and South Yarra try society, Ilaicksbnrn. Australian boys' paper. See Australian boys' paper. Toorak a,nd South Yarra try society, Hairl-ahurn, City newsboys' try society, Melbourne, and Girls' try society, aj'tir. Hawksburn girls' cluh, Uaulsburn. Annual report and financial statement. 1899/1900 — . 4to. Hawksburn. Note. The report of the City new.sboys' try society appears in 1899/- 1900 and 1900/1 only. The three societies are known collec- tively as the Try society. Toowoomba Darling Downs gazette. See Darling Downs gazette. Topographical society of London, aftw. London topographical society. Annual record, including the reports of the first three annual meetings of the society. 1900. 8vo. Lond. Same. Continued as London topographical record illustrated, including fourth annual report. [1901.J 8vo. Lond. [Publications.] 1880—. Lond. Note. The Topographical society of London became defunct, and the London topographical society was reorganized from it in 1898. Toronto. See Canadian institute. Toronto globe. See Globe, Toronto. Toronto public library. Annual report. 1890 — . Svo. Toronto. Toronto university. Toronto university studies in political science. Nos. 3-4 ; 1892-95. Svo. Toronto. Same. Continued as University of Toronto studies. Economic ser. See below University of Toronto studies. History and economics. 2U5 Toronto university —fcontimti'd. ) University of Toronto studies. Anatomical ser. Nos. 1 — ; I'JOO— . 8vo. [Toronlo.r Siiiiie. Biological ser. Nos. 1— ; 1898—. 8vo. [Toronto. J Hume. Economic ser. See helow. History and e<:onomic8. Smiie. Geological ser. Nos. 1— ; I'JOO — . 8 vo. [Toronto.] Savte. History and economics. V. 1 — ; 1897/1901 -. 8vo. [Toronto.) Note. V. 1 consists of three articles. No. 1 was numbered "ind Her., no. 1; no. 2 is wanting; no. 'A whs numbered Economic sit., no. 1, and is a continuation of Toronto university Ktudies in political science, irhirli gee ahore. Same. Physiological ser. Nos. 1—; 1900 — . 8vo. (Toronto] Same. J'.sychological ser. V. 1— ; 189H/1900— . 8vo. Toronto. Same. Review of historical publication'-, relating to Canada. V. 1-3, 5— ; 1896 -. 8vo. Toronto, y. Tourist; otlicial organ of the National touring association. See National touring association. Towarzystwo naukowe, (iftic. Akademija umiejetnosci, Cracoxc. See Akadcmijit umiejetnosci. Town and country, Melbourne. V. 1, no. 1- v. ('., no. -Jl ; ."> 0(;t., 1872-lH Sept., 1875. Kote. On '25 Sept., 1875, the Town and country was incorpomted with the Weekly times, Melluiinie, irliirli see. Town ;ind country journal, Sydnei/. See Australian town and country jiuirnal. Traction and transmission, monthly supplement to Engineering. See Engineering. Trade and commerce. Aden. Trade reaistration depl. Report on the trade and navigation returns. Assam. Dept. of liud records and aijric. Report on the river-borne trade, continued as Report on the rail and river-borne trade. Report on the trade between Assam and the adjoining foreign countries. Australia, Commonirealth of. Dept. of trade and customs. Annual state- ment of the trade with the United Kingdom, British posses-sions, and foreign countries. Bengal. Customs dept. Annual volume of trade and navigation. Report on the maritime trade of Bengal. Brazil. Ministerio das relacoei e.cteriores. Relatorios consulares ; serie annual. Ivelatorios diploniaticos ; serie especial. British Burmah. Dept. of laud records and aiiric. Memorandum on th« trade between Burma and the adjoining foreign countries. Coombs and company's trade circular. Economist. Great Britain. Hoard of trade. Board of tiiule journal. India. Dept. of finance and commerce. Accounts relating to the trade and navigation of British India. Review of the trade of India. . Dept. of revenue and niiric. Accounts of the trade carried by rail and river in India Journal of commerce of Victoria. 296 Trade and commerce — (contimu'd.) London and provincial directory and continental guide. North-western provinces and Oudh. Dept. of a(/ric. and commerce. Annual report on the foreign trade. Report on the railway-borne traffic, nftw. Annual report on the inland trade. Punjab. Dept. of revenue and agric. Report on the external land trade. United commercial travellers' association of Australasia. Australasian traveller. United States. Bur fan of statistics. Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States. Summary statement of the imports and exports of the United States, ajtw. Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States. . . Dept. of agric. Section of foreign markets. Bulletin. Circular. See also Accountancy. Banks and banking. Boards of trade. Com- mercial education. Co-operation. Finance. Groceries. Hard- ware. Insurance. Manufactures. Merchants. Political economy. Railways. Shipping. Stationery. Statistics. Stocks and shares. Storekeeping. Tariff. Trade marks. Canada. Patent office. Canadian Patent olHce record, contiiined as Canadian Patent office record and register of copyrights and trade marks. Great Britain. Patent office. Reports of patent cases, aftir. Reports of patent, design, trade mark, and other cases. Trade marks journal. United States. Patent office. Decisions of the commissoner of patents, aft%c. Decisions of the commissioner of patents and of U.S. courts in patent and trade-mark eases. Official gazette. [Supplement], entitled Digest of decisions of the com- missioner of patents and decisions of United States courts in the matter of patents and trade-marks. Trade marks journal. See Great Britain. Patent ojjice. Trades. See Manufactures. Useful arts. Trafalgar and Yarragon times. Nos. 1 — ; 3 May, 1902 — . to. Trafalgar Yarragon, Trafalgar and Moe settlement news. See Yarragon, Tra- falgar and Moe settlement news. Transvaal colony. Administration. Transvaal administration reports. 1903 — , fo Pretoria. Traralgon Gippsland farmers' journal. See Gippsland farmers' journal. Traralgon Glengarry, Toongabbie and Cowwarr jouxnal. See Glengarry, Toon- gabbie and Cowwarr journal. Traralgon record. Nos. 1 — ; 14 Dec, 1883—. ^w. Travel. See Voyages and travels. Traveller. See Commercial travellers' associati(m of Victoria. Treaties. Sec Diplomacy. 21)7 Trentham advertiser. Nos. /Jl-lol ; 30 June, lh'Jl-28 June, Ib'J'i. Note. On I'J June, 18'J4, incorporated wiih the Daylciiford advocate' lohich see. Triangulo mineiro, MiiuDi yeraen, Brazil. Annuario conunercial do estado de Sao Paulo, abrangendo o Triangula mineiro. Tribune, Cull ini/iiiwd and Fitzroi/. Nos. Ill ; .') Aiir., iH'.il . tf. Tribune, Melbourne. Nos. 1— ; 13 Jan, lyOO . w. Tring. See Zoological muBeum. Trinity college, Dublin. Herinathena ; a series of papers on literature, Rcience, and philosophj, by nn!mburs ot Trinity college, Diih/in. Sre Ilerniathena. Tropical agriculturist. V. 1-24, ho. 7; 1881/2-1U04/.5. 4to. Colombo, Note. V. 12 is incomplete. Same. Literary register supplement, [and Ceylon notes and queries]. 1898/1904. 4to. [Colombo.]; Same. Continued as Tropical agriculturist and Magazine of the Ceylon agricultural society. V. 24, ho.s. 6— ; 1905 — . 4to. Colombo, m. Note. The Magazine of the Ceylon agricultural society has separate pagination. Trustees and investors' review. 190.5^. 8vo. Mt-lb. m. Truth, London. V. 43 — ; 1898—. u; Truth, Melbourne. Nos. 1—; 20 Dec, 1902—. w. Try society. See City newsboys' try society, MeUiunnte. Girl.s' try society, afttc. Hawksburn girls' club, Hawlmburn. Toorak and South Yarra try societj, Hawhxburn. Tschermak's mineialogische und petrographische Mittheilungen, formerly Mineralogische Mitlheilungen. See Mineralogische Mittheilungen. Tungamah and Lake Rowan express. Nos. 1-29 ; 13 Ocf., 1882-18 May. 1883. Same. Continued us Tungamah and Lake Kowan e.xpress, and St. James gazette. Nos. 30 — ; 25 May, 1883—. w. Tungamah Moira independent. Se<- Moira independent. Tyneside naturalists' field club, Neiica.02— . 8vo. Wash. Bulletin. Nos. 1-21, 'i-l-ST, 3!)—; 1893 -. 8vo. Wash. Circular. Nos. 1-8, 17-1'J, 22--J4, 'ifj, 28 30, ;{!)-42, 4.-.0I, 5G-.57. C3— ; 1894-. 8vo. Wash. Bureau of chemistry. See below Department of aijricuUure. Chemical division. Bureau of educdtioii. Note. Established in 1807 as the Department of education ; in 18G9. attached to the Department of the interior as the Oflice of edu- cation ; first appropriated for in 1870 under the title of Bureau of education. Circular of information. 1870 — . 8vo. Wash. Note 1. Wants Nov., 1871, Nov., 1872, no. 1, 1878, and no. 5, 1881. Note 2. No issues in 1876, 1895-'J7, or 1901. Note 3. 1887, no. 1, 1888, nos. 1-4 and 7, 1889, nos. 1 and 3. 1890, no. 1, 1891, nos. 1 and 4-6, 1893, nos. 2-3 and .5-6, and all nos. of 1894 — form " Contributions to American educational history, ed. by H. B. Adams," nos. 2 — . No. 1, which is not numbered is also in the Library. Note 4. For index, 1807-90, see below Report. Report of the commissioner of education. 1870-74,1887/8-89/90,1891/2—. Hvo. Wash, y. Note J. An index to the publications of the Bureau, 1807-90, forms pp. 14.53-1551 of the Annual report for 1888/9. Note 2. 1895/6 — form part of the Annual report of the Department of the interior. Bureau of entomoloyy. Scehelow Department of aijriculture. Division of entomology. Bureau of equipment and recruitiny. Nautical almanac ojHce. See below Sfautical almanac oflice. Bureau of forestry. See he\o\y Department of agriculture. Forestry dirision. Bureau of immigration. Sff below Ojflce of superintendent of immigration. Bureau of Indian affairs. See below Office of Dulian aff'airs. iUirean of medicine and surgery. Sanitary and medical reports by ollioers of the I'.S. navy. 1873/4. Hvo. Wash. Same. Co)itinued as Hygienic and medical reports by medical officers of the U.S. navy. [1875/8.] 8vo. Wash. Same. Continued as Sanitary and statistical report of the surgeon- general of the navy. 1879-82. 8vo. Wash. Same. Continued as Report of the surgeon-general of the navy [1884/5, 1886; 7.] 8vo. Wash. 300 United States, r.urean of medicine and x\ir 97/«. 1/. Con. Bust Note. \. 11 iidds to the title " and proclamations since 1791." . Synoptical index to the laws and treaties of the United States of America, 1789-1851, with references to the edition of the laws published by Bioren and Duane, and to the Statutes at large, [v. 1 9 . published by Little and Brown, llevised statutes of the United Slates. Supplement. ^■. 1, 2nd ed.; 1874-91. 4to. Wash. Statutes at large, and recent treaties, conventions, and executive proclamations. V. 22-29, 32 -; 1881,3— . 4lo. Wash. . House of reprfxentatireg. Executive documents. Congress 4 1 , jfw, i».53 ; l.'>i69/70-94/5. 8vo. , -;,. /, iire incom plete. Coiif;re88 43, gi-nt. :>, and 44, nett. J, nin wanting. Note V. Kttch ordinary Kvo. vol. contains ii sessionHl index. Note :i. T he distiiictinn between E.xeculive and Mi.s</70'J4/5. 8vo. and 4to. Wa>««. .l>—; 1809/70—. Bvo. and 4to. Wash. Note 1. Congress 42, neas. S, 44, segn. 2, and 49, tetn. 1, are incom- plete. Congress 43, ftgs. 2, and 44, ten*. 1, are wanting. Note :i. Up to Congress 53 each Hvo. vol. contains a seBsional index. From Congress 54, lK;).5/(i, the index for each session forms part of the " Document index," and of the "Document catalogue,'" Jur which see above House of ti-prefentativet. House] documents. noteg :i and 3. [Senate] documents. Congress 54—; 1895/0—. 8vo., 4to., and fo.Wash. Note I. For documents of previous Congresses, nee above Executive documents, titid oho Miscellaneous documents. Note :i. The index for each session forms part of the " Document index," and of the " Document catalogue," for which tee above House of repie.-'entdtives. [House] documents, notes 'i and 3. ■Copi/ri(i)it office. Bulletin. Nos. 1-3, 5—; 1899—. 8vo. Wash. Corps of eiiijineers. See below Engineer deiiartment. Court'of citiitns. Cases decided in the Court of claims. V. 5-0 ; 1809-70. 8vo. N.Y. and Wasli. Same. Continued as Cases decided in the Court of claims, and the decisions of the Supreme court of the United States in all the ap- pealed cases from ISlio. V. 7-29, 32-35, 37 — ; 1871— . 8vo. Wash. Note. " With abstracts of the decisions of the Supreme court " from V. 14, 1S78. Same. Digest of Court of claims reports, 1H03-7."), and of appealed cases in the Supremo court. 8vo. Wash. Department of ajiricnlture. Note 1. Established in July, ISC.-J. Previously the agricultural duties of the governnjent were performed by the Patent ollice, which nee below. Note ■:,'. Von index to publications, 1841 97, tee below Vivuion of public.ition./ the superinieudeul of documentf. Bibliography of United States public documents, no. 1. 804 United States. Deq^artment of aip'lculture —(coutuincd. J Annual reports. 1902/3 — . 8vo. Wash. Coiileiitx. Report of the secretary of agriculture. Departmental reports. Note. For previous reports, see heloiv Report of the commissioner. Farmers' bulletin. Nos. 1, 3-4, 0-8, 10-207, 209-. 8vo. Wash. Note 1. Nos. 56, 65, 69, 73, 78, 79, 84, y7, 92, 97, 103. 105, 107, 114, 119,122, 124, 133, 144, 149, 162, 169, 1S6, 190, 193, 202, 210, -tr., are "Experiment station work, 1-27. et-., compiled in the Office of experiment stations " from reports of the afrricultural experi- ment stations and kindred institutions in the United States and other countries. This subseries is also issued as an independent publication bj the Office of experiment stations, which see heluw. There is an index to nos. 1-20. Nvte 2. Nos. 160, 180, 207, etc., are " Game laws," 1902—. For laws of \QQ1 see he.\o\v Division of ecohuudc on.itlioluijy and mnmmaloyij . Bulletin, note. [Report.] [Nos. 4-5, 7-9, 11, 14-16, 18-22, 24, 26-82, 35-39, 41-43 45-58J, 59-63, 65-69, 71, 74-75, 77—; 1870—. 8vo. Wash. Note 1. Nos 1-5S are not numbered, numbers having bpen assigned to them after publication. A full list is given in Bull. G ot the Division of publications. Note 2. [No. 14j is " Ganerul index of the agricultural reports of the Patent office, 1837-61, and of the Department of agriculture, 1862-76." [No. 42] is a Supplement, 1877-85. Note 3. [No. 55j is " List of publications of the U.S. Department of agriculture, 1889-93." Note 4. No. 79 is " Report of the secretary of agriculture, 1903/4," Report of the commissioner of agriculture. 1862-72, 1874, 1879-83. 8vo. Wash. Note 1. For previous agricultural reports, see below Patent office. Annual report of the commissioner of patents. Note 2. For General indexes, 1837-76, and 1877-85, see above [Re- port], iioti' 2. Same. Contiiined as Report of the secretary of agriculture. 1889-93. 8vo. Wash. Note. " Beginning with 1894, the annual report is divided into two separate publications. The first contains only the purely execu- tive and business matters which it is necessary for the secretary to submit to the President and Congress. This was known as ' Messages and documents ' until 1897, and was then changed to ' Annual reports of the Department of agriculture,'" which see above. " Ihe second contains scientific reports and other useful information, with illustrations, designed to interest and instruct the farmer. This publication is known as the ' Yearbook '," tchich see below. Report of the secretary of agriculture. 1902/3 — . 8vo. Wash. Same. (In Annual reports, 1902/3 — .) Note. Also forms part of the Yearbook. Report of the secretary of agriculture, fovinerhj Report of the com- missioner of agriculture. See above Report of the commissioner of agriculture. Yearbook. 1894—. 8vo. Wash. Note 1. For previous annuals, see above Report of the commissioner. Note 2. For Index, 1894-1900, ser. below Division of publications. Bull., no. 7. :!05 United Stutcp. Di'pnitnenl of agrirulture' (citititiued.) . Jiiitaiiical (liviiiio)i, iiftw. D'viniou of botany. Notf. Iiicoiporiitcd in July, IDnl, with tho lUiroau of plant induhlry. .S'.p United States. Hnremi of pUint industry. liiilietin. No.^. 1'2-), -iT-'iO; IHnC-l'JOl. 8vo. 'Wash. Note. Mo3 2, 3,7, an I 9 11 were piibli.shod \>\ the Section of vegetwble pntholouv- In IW'JO this Section \vai niiwle u division under the iiauje of Division of vegetable patholof,'^, uhich lee beUno. Circuliir. Nos. l-'.t. 11-12, 14, IG 17, I'J-'JT ; ■1S'J4-1900]. 8vo. Wiish. Contiihutions from the U.S. national herbarium. V. 1-7; l>''JO/.'i- iyol/2. 8vo. Wabh. Note. On the incorporation of the Botanical division with the Biuiiiu of plant industry, the publication of the Contributions was continued by the United States national museum, which »te. Inventory. Sc' below Si'itton of Sffd and plant introduction. . Chfniical division, aftw. TUviiiiiin of rheiuixtry, aftw. liurrau of citemixtry. Bulletin No^i. 1 83, 8/5—; 1883—. 8vo. Wash. Note 1. No. 13 is incomplete. Nolo 2. Nos. 7, 12, Hi, and 19 are " Metliods of analy.sis of com- mercial fertilizers I'roceedin^s of the As-ociation of oilicial agricultural chemists, lSc(5-.SH." N..s. 24, 2^. 31, 35, 3K. 43. 47, 49, 51, r>G, 57, (J2, 07, 73, 81. etc., are " Proceedings of the annual convention of the Association of ofticial agricultural chemists, 18H9— ." Circular. Nos. 1-2, 5, 8, 10, 13-18, 20- ; [ISi'^— •] 8vo. Wash. . Division of atjyiculiural soils, aflw. Division of sotls, aftw. lint ran of soils. Bulletin. Nos. 1-; 1893— . 8vo. Wash. Circular. Nos 2-5,9-; [1894-.] 8vo. Wash. List of publications, [1894-1902 ; with brief bibliographical notes.] 8vo. Wash. . Division of ayrosV'loiiy. Note Incorporated in .July, 1901, with the Bureau of plant industry. See United States. lUiifun of plant industry. Bulletin. Nos. 1 .'5 ; 1895-1901. 8vo. Wo^h. Circular. Nos. 4-6, 8-9, 11-14, 17 18, 20-28, 30.34 ; 1897-1901. Hvo. Wash. . Division of biological survey. S<-e below Division of economic ornithology and mammalogy. — . Division of botany. Sre ahove Uolanical divitiim. . Division of chemistry. S-r above Chemical division. Division of economic ornilholmiy and mammalogy, aftw. Division of ornithology and mamwahujy, aftw. Division of biological siin^ey. Bulletin. Nos. 1—; 1889—. «vo. Wo-sh. Note. No. 10 is Digest of game laws for 1901. Tor subsequent laws-, see above. Farmers' bulletin, note :i. Circular. Nos. 11, 30 32, 39, 43-44, 46—; 18h9— . 8to. Wash. North American fauna. Nos. 1—; 1889—. 8vo. Wa-sh. Note. Nos, 6 and 9 not published. . Division of entomology, aftw. Jinreaii of int,vio'"gy. Bulletin. Nos. 1-8, 10, 12-32; 1883-94. Hvo. Wash. Note. No. 33 last issued. 801} United States. Department of agriculture— (coulinned. ) Savie. New ser., nos. 1—; 1895—. 8vo. Wash. Note 1. Nos. 41 — omit the words " New series." Note 2. Nos. 2, 6, 9, 17, 20, 26. 31, 37, 40, 4f5, i'tc, are " Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Association of economic entomo- logists, [189o~].'" Note 3. No. 36 is an " Index to Bulletins 1-30, new ser." Same. Technical ser., nos. 1—; 1895—. 8vo. Wash. Circular. 2nd. ser., nos. 1-14, 16, 18-29, 31, 33-37, 39-41, 52, 54,-56-; Igg^ , 8vo. Wash. Note. Nos. 54— omit the words " Second series." Periodical bulletin. Insect life. V. 1-7; 1888/9-94/5. 8vo. Wash. Note. No more published. V. 3-7 contain the Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Association of economic entomologists, 1890-94. . General index, v. 1-7. Division of foreign markets. See below Section oj foreign marhets. . Division of forestry. See below Forestry division. Division of ornithology and mammidoyy. See above Division of economic ornithology and mammalogy . .. Division of pomology. Note. Incorporated in July, 1901, with the Bureau of plant industry. See United States. Bnrean of plant ijtdnstry. Bulletin. Nos. 1-10; 1888-1901. 8vo. Wash. Circular. Nos. 1-3 ; [1896-97.] 8vo. Wash. Note. No. 3 last issued. Division of publications. Bulletin. Nos. 3-4, 6—; 1898—. 8vo. Wash. Contents. No. 3. Historical sketch of the U. S. Department of agriculture No. 4. Index to authors, with titles of their publications appear- ing in the documents of the U. S. Department of agriculture, 1841-97. No. 6. List, by titles, of publications of the United States Depart- ment of agriculture, 1840-1901. No. 7. Index to the Yearbooks, 1894-1900. . Division of soils. See a,ho\e Division of agricultural soils. . Division of statistics. See below Statistical division. . Division of vegetable pathology, aftw. Division of vegetable physi- ology and pathology . Note. Before 1890 this Division formed the Section of vegetable pathology of the Division of botany, as which it published certain of the Bulletins of the Division of botany. See above Botanical division. Bulletin. In July, 1901, the Division was incorporated with the Bureau of plant industry. See United States. Bureau of plant industry. Bulletin. Nos. 1-29 ; 1891-1901. 8vo. Wash. Forestry division, aftw. Division of forestry, aftw. Bureau of forestry. Bulletin. Nos. 1-10, 13-22, 24-35, 37—; 1887—. 8vo. and 4to. Wash. Circular. Nos. 10-12, 15, 18-19, 22-23, 25—; [1893—.] 8vo. and 4to. Wash. :J07 United Slates. Jujuntmt'iil iifugrkuLluie — (cunditiied.) ~ . Lihiari/. Library bulletin. [Nos.] -2, 17-'20, 41-42. 45—; 181)4—. 4to. and 8vo. Wash. Note. Nos. 17, 1!), 4.">-;'5'J, etc., are "Accessions to the Library," Apr.- Sept., l.S'.J7, Oct., 1902—. . Office of the necrelurij. Circular. Nos. 3—; 1896—. Hvo. Wash. . Section of fore hi n marki-tx, aftw. IHiigion of/vreign market!. Bulletin. Nos. 1-30, 32--; 189.j— . 8vo. Wash. Note I. Nos. 10 and \r> are "Our forei;,'n trade inafjricultural pro- ducts," 1893/7-94/H. Nos. 19, 2.1, and 27 are mmc, l89H/.». 92/1901. For continuation net below Circular, iii'tc ^. Note .2. Nos. IG, 20, 25, 29, 32, etc., are "Distribution of the aKri- cultural exports of the United States," 1894/8- . No. 20 is entitled "AKrieultural exports of the Inited States, by countrieh." Note :i. Nos. 17, 21, 24, 28, /-/c, are "Sources of the agricultuial imports of the Inited States," 1.S94/8— . No. 21 is entitled " A^^ricultural imports of the Inited States, by countries." Circular. Nos. 2, -5, 7-23, 25—; [1895-.] 8vo. Wash. Note 1. Nos. 20-23, etc., are "Agricultural imports and exports, " 1893/7—. Note 2. Nos. 25, etc., are "Our foreign trade inafriicultural products," 1902—, in continuation of Bull., no. 27. . Section of seed and ■plant introduction. Note, Incorporated in July, 1901, with the Bureau of plant industry. See United States. Jiureaii aj plant inilii.ilri/. Circular. No. 1 ; r.tOO. 8vo. Wash. Inventory. Nos. 1-2, 7-8 ; [1899-1901J. 8vo. [Wash.J Note. Entitled " Foreign seeds and plants imported by the Section of seed and plant introduftion," nos. 1-190(1. 2701 43-'50. For nos. 43ol — see United States. llnrean of plant indn.^ln/. Bulletin, vote. . Stdtistiriil diri.iion, aftw. Ditision of statinlicn, aftw. Dureau of statistics. Circular. Nos. 1-13, 15—; 1896—. 8vo. Wa^j. Crop reporter. V. 5—; 1903/4 -. 4to. Wash. Note. Includes the information formerly contained in the Croi) circular. iS'<'<' belmc ."special report, lleport, New ser., miscellaneous, no. 1 ; ls'.»0. svo. Wa>h. Sduw. Continneil as Eeport. Miscellaneous ser., nos. 2-!:^; 1 892 94. Svo. Waj.h. Same. Continued as Bulletin. Miscellaneous ser., nos. 9 22; l89.>- 1901. 8vo. Wttsh. Siinie. Continued lis BuWctiu. Nos. 24 ; 1903- . Hvo. Wiu^h. Special report. No3. 1-2, 8-12. 14-21, 23-33. 3.5-65 ; 1877 83. .8vo. Wasii. Same. Continued as lleport. New ser., nos, 1-2. ." ') 11. 1'.', 17 123. 125-129,155-156; 1883-99. 8vo. Wash. Note from Document catalogue, IS97I'J. "No. 155 was issued Mar. 25, 1898, no. 15(> Apr. 20, 1899. Title was changed in May. 1898, to Crop circular." 808 United States. Department of agricuJturc — (cmtiiiiied.) Some. Coiitimied as Crop circular. May, 1898. 8vo. [Wash.] Kote. " Take the place of the crop reports, new ser.," i.e. Report, new ser. iS^ofe from Document i-ntalo;jiie, 180911901. Discontinued Apr., 1900, the information being continued in v. 2 of the Crop reporter, wliicJi see above. Department of agriculture. See aho above Bureau of animal industry. Bureau of plant industry; aho below Ofjlce of exiJeriment stations. Office of road inquiry. Weather Inirean. Devartment of commerce and labor. See above Coast survey office, aftw. Coast and (jcodetic survey; and. below Lifiht-honse board. Department of education, aftw. Bureau of education. See above Bureau of education. Department of justice. See below ()/7i'.-e of th,e attorney -general. Department of tlie interior. Annual report. 1895/6 — . Svo. and 4to, Wash. Contents. Report of the secretary of the interior. 1895/6, 1897/8-99/1900, 1901/2—. General land office. Annual report. 1895/6, 1897/8-99/1900, 1901/2—. Office of Indian affairs. Report. 1895/6, 1897/8—. [Miscellaneous reports.] 1895/6 — . Geological survey. Annual report. 1895/6 — . Bureau of education. Report. 1895/6 — . Decisions of the Department of the interior in cases relating to pension [and bounty-land] claims. V. 1-2,4-7, 10—; [1S8G/7— .] 8vo. Wash. Note. V. 6 contains a " Consolidated topical index, v. 1-6." List of Congressional documents from 20th to 46th Congresses, [1827- 81.] Svo. Wash. Register of officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, in the service of the United Siates, 1869-73. Svo. Wash. Note. Biennial. Sa.7ne. Continued as Official register of the United States, containing a list of officers and employ^ in the civil, military and naval service together with a list of ships and vessels belonging to the United States. 1881, 1903—. 4to. Wash. Note. Known as the Blue book. See also United States national museum; also above Bureau of education; and below General land office. Geological survey. Patent office. Department of tlie navy. *S('c United States naval academy; also above Bureau of medicine and surgery. Bureau of navigation ; and below Nautical almanac office. Office of naval intelligence. Department of the treasury. Si-e above Bureau of statistics. Coast survey office, aftw. Coast and geodetic survey ; and below Life-saving service. JJght-honse hoard. Marine hospital service. Office ivi»ion of cuttuinti. Digest of decisions of the Trcasuiy department, and of the Board of U.S. general appraisers. 1W)8/1'J00, 1808/1002—. 8vo. Waslj. Note. Cuniiilative. Dejmrtiiient of war. See below Kiii/iuerr dejntrtment. Office of chief <>i ordnance. Office «/ the udjiitaiit-ijenrial. Siijniil officr. IHviniiiH ot(iinliiiii.i. Si'e above DepartiueiU of tJi« treanury. Educaliiiii hiueitii. See above Huretiii of ediuatinn. KiKjiiteer (lepintmeiit. Annual report of the iliiif of engineers. 18'Jl/2, 1894/5-. 8vo. Wash. . Analytical and topical index, 18(;fj- 11(00. Papers on practical engineering. Nor. 3, G-'J ; 1857-04. 8vo. Wash. am/N.V Note. No. ;{ is 2iid. ed. Same. Coittiinud an Professional papers of the Corps of engineer . Nos, 12, 1.5-2G, 2S, ;^1 ; 18t. <>/ the interior. Annual report.) Decisions of the Department of the interior and General land office i.i cases relating to lands and land claims. V. 1-3, 5 — ; 1881/3 — . 8vo. Wa.«h. Note. " In cases relating to the public lands," from v. 2. Same. Digest, v. l-Hi. 8vo. Wash. Geographic navien hoard. See below United Siatet board on geogrnphu- names. Geological siirreg. Annual report. 1895/() — . 4to. Wash. (Jm United States. Depl. of the interior. Annual report). Bulletin. Nos. 208, 218-233, 241— ; 1903— . 8vo. Wash Note 1. No. 227," United States geological survey ; its origin, develop- ment, organization, and operations," gives a list of all the serii I publications of the Geological survey, IHhO-1904. Note a. The Bulletins, Professional papers, and Water supply and irrigation papers are also divided into series, according to sul ject, as follows : Ser A. Economic geology. Bull, nos. 218. 219, 223, 225. 221'. etc. P.P., nos. 10-12, ITi, UO, 21. 24 27. etc. B. Descriptive geologv. Hull., nos. 20s. 211». .•/••. I'.l'., no-. 10-13, 15. 17, 20, 21, 25 27, etc. W.S.. nos. 90. etc. C. Systematic geology and palaeontology. P.P., nos. IG. 19, 21. 24. etc. D. Petrogiaphy and mineralogy. Bull., nos. 220, 228, 241, etc. P.P , nos. 14, IS. 28. etc. E. Chemistry and physics. Bull., nos. 220. 228, 241, rfr. P.P.. nos. M, KS, 2S. etc. F. Geography. Bull., nos. 224. -I^V,. 230 233, etc. G. Miscellaneous. Bull., nos. 221. 222. 227. etc. Note. Mainly bibliographies, indexes, etc. H Forestry. P.P.. nos. 11. 22. 23. etc. I. Irrigation, W.S.. nos. 87. 93. etc. J. Water storage. W S., nos. 89. 93. etc. 310 United States. Geological survey — [continued.) K. Pumping water. W.S., nos. 91, <(s of the United States. Corrected to Jan., 1891 96 ; June. 1897- . 4to. itiid 8vo. Wu.sh. y. List of lit,'hts and fog-signals on the Pacific coast of the Ignited States, and of the lights and fog-signals of the Dominion of Canada on the coast of British Columbia. Corrected to Jan.. 1891 9(): Apr.. 1897; June, 1898; Feb. 1899-1903; May. 1904 -. 4to. (iiiW Hvo. Wa^h. y. Note. 1904 substitute 'iif the United S; •• : the Pacific «aa*l of North .America and on the Haw mis" for "on the Pacific coast of the United States Maiiii'- liOKpital ti>Tvire, aftw. I'uhUe loalth niin m.uMK- '- ..)'(/■'. •< m i<-. Annual report of the supervisinj; -urppon. IsTI 2 72 3. I.s78 9 80 1. 18S4/5 92/3, IS'.M/.") . 8vo. Wa»h. 812 United States. Marine hospital service — (coutniiied.) Transactions of the annual conference of state and territorial health officers with the United States Public health and marine hospital service. 1903—. 8vo. Wash. . Hygienic laboratory. Bulletin. Nos. 8, 10-11, 13 -; 1903—. 8vo. Wash. . Yellow fever institute. Bulletin. Nos. 13—; 1903—. 8vo. Wash. Military information division. See below Of ice of the adjutant-general. Nation'il museum. See United States national museum. Nautical almanac office. American ephemeris and nautical almanac. 1870-80, 1882-87, 1889-97, 1907—. 8vo. Wash. Note 1. 1870, 1886, 1887, 1889, and 1890 are 2nd. ed. 1875, 1877, 1882, 1884, and 1885 are both 1st. and 2nd. ed. Note 2. A portion of the American ephemeris is also issued separately,, under the title of Almanac for the use of navigator.s. 1870-79. 8vo. Wasli. Note. 1870 is 3rd. ed., 1871 is 2nd. ed., 1877 and 1878 are both 1st. and 2nd. ed. Same. Coutinited as American nautical almanac. 1879-80, 1882-84, 1886, 1889-90. 8vo. Wa&h. Note. 1879 is 3rd. ed. 1880, 1884, 1886, and 1889 are 2nd. ed. Pacific coaster's nautical almanac. 1886-92, 1894—. 8vo. Wash. Nai-al academy. See United States naval academy. Naval intelligence office. See below Office of naval intelligence. Navy department. See above Department of the navy. Office of chief of ordnance. Notes on the construction of ordnance, V. 1 — ; 1882/4 — . 4fo. Wash. Note. V, 1 is incomplete. Office of education. See above Bureau of education. Office of experiment stations. Annual report. 1901/2—. 8vo. Wash. Circular. Nos. 7, 12, 18, 20, 25, 32-39, 49-51, 53, 60—; 1889—. 8vo. Wash. Experiment station bulletin. Nos. 1-26, 28-49, 51-60, 63-81, 83—; 1889—. 8vo. and 4to. Wash. Note 1. Nos. 13— are entitled " Bulletin." Note 2. No. 2 is a " Digest of the Annual reports of the agricultural experiment stations in the United States for 1888." Continued in the Experiment station record, u-hich see heloiv. Note 3. Nos. 7, 16, 20, 24, 30, 41, 49, 6-5, 76, 99, 115, 123, 142, etc., are " Proceedings of the annual convention of the Association of American agricultural colleges and experiment stations, 1891 — ■" Note 4. No. 15 is a "Handbook of experiment station worlf ; a popular digest of the publications of the agricultural experiment stations in the United States," [from their foundation to 1893^. Note 5. Nos. 51, 64, 78, 97, 114, 128, etc., are " Statistics of the land- grant colleges and agricultural colleges in the United States, 1896/7-." Note 6. No. 86 is " The use of water in irrigation ; report of investi- gations made in 1899." Nos. 104, 119, 133, etc., are "Report of irrigation investigations, 1900 — ." Note 7. Nos. 110, 120, 138, e^c, are "Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Anierican association of farmers' institute workers, 190 1-." 818 United States. Ojfici- of r.cperimeiil ntntiitni —( eunliuued i. Experiment station reconl V. 1 ; lKftO/90 ^\o Wash. Sole. Contiiiiis ubKtracts (tf thi- puhlirKlioii^ dI Hi.- I), piirtineni of aKii(!uitiir<' and of th« various a^i ioiilliiral cxiMTiuHiil Hlalionn and kiiiilifd iiistitiitinns of the I iiited Slates. For iibRtraclti of IHHM, see iihnre Hxpeiiiiieiit station linlletin, tmti' ?. . General index to v. 1 I'J. and to Experiment Htation bullelio, no. '2. Experiment sla'ion work. V. ti •, 190:5 8vo. \Va»h. S'lite I. V. 2 is incomplete. Note 2. Also issued as a HubKeries of the Farnierh' bulletin, ir/ii>/i dec jiliove hfjhirtiiteiit of tmrU'iiUure. Karniprs' bulletin, note I. As Farmers' bulletins each number hau sep>iiat<- pa^sination ; m an independent publication the pagination of each volume i» continuous. Miscellaneous bulletin. N'os. l-:t ; ISH'j'Jl. 8vo. Wash. (lo)ileiiis. Association of American agricultural colleges and experiment stations. Proceedings of the annual convention, \^x'J 'M. See also Alaska agricultural exi)erimeiit stations. Hawaii agricul tural experiment station. I'orto llico agricultural experiment station. OjJ'ice of Iiidiau ulluirs. Report of the commissioner. 1895/G, 1897/8 — . 8vo. Wash. (In United States. I>ei)t. of the interior. Annual report.) Note. 1900/1 wants v. 1. Office of naval iiite/li;ieuce. General information series. Information from abroad. Nos. I- 14, 17—; 1883—. "8— " patent and trademark cases. " Note 5. For digests, tee below Olliciai gazette. [Supplement.] Official gazette. V. 1 — ; 1872- . 8vo. Wa.sh. Note. Previously the subject-matter of the Oflicial gazette was issued in the Annual report of the commissioner, which tee abor<-. . General index, 1872-74. Note. Annual vols. The annual indexes, 1876-93, form part of the Annual report of the commissioner, 1876-93, which lee above. Same. [Supplement], entitled Digest of decisions of the commissioner of patents and decisions of United States courts in the nialt«r of patents and trade-marks. 1872—. 4to. [Wash ] . Subject-matter index of patents for inventions issued by the United States patent office, 1790-1873. Public health and marine hospital .■leriice. Sre above .Marine honpilal service. Reclamation geruice. See above Geological iurtfi/. lieclamatiun rrn irr. Senate. See &bove Conqress. Senate. Sii/nal office. Monthly weather review. V. 12 — ; 1884 — . 4to. Wa-h. Note 1. V. 15, 16, 22, and 23 are incomplete. Note 2. From .July, 1891, (v. 19, no. 7), published bv Ihi- Weather bureau. See below Weather bureau, note. Steamboat -inn pection service. Annual report of the supervising inspector-general of steam vessels. 1871/2, 1888/9-90/1, 1892/3. 1898/9—. Hvo. Wash. Superintendent of docuiiientg. See above O/i'V ■■'' ''"■ '"••" i'llendent of documents. Supreme court. Cases decided in the Court of claims, and the decisions of the Supremo court in the appealed cases. See above Court of claim t. Treasury department. See above Deparlmeiil of the treaiurt/. United Stutcs board on iieoijruphie. name*. Report, [with decisions.] 1890/9-. 8?o. Wash. ]yar department. See above Department of war. 316 United States— (continued.) Weather bureau. ^'otc. The Weather liuieau was establislieii in -Inly, 1891, as a bureau of the Dep:i! tnieiit ot a^'ricutturc, and the meteorological duties pievioiislv peiiormed by the Signal otHce weie transferred to the Weather bmeiui. Bulletin. Nos. 1-12, 14-1',. 17-18, •20-2-2, 28, 30 ; 1892 - . 8vo. Wash, .V<'^' 1. Nos. 7 and 14 arc "Report of the annual meeting of the American association of sta'e wea'Jiei- .'services," [1892, 1894.] Note ,?. Nf . 11 is incomplete. Same. [Fo. and 4to. ser.l A, C-G, T.— ; ]«93— . fo. aud 4to. Wash. . Division of iitiri<-nlliiral .soZ/.v. S''f nhcve Dcpnitmciit of ofpiculltire. Diristoii of (u/rii-ultitrdl .vo />■. . In.'itruvieiit room. Circular. A-G, I.—; 1894—. 8vo. Wash. Note. A is 1898 ed. Yellow fcrcr iiiMiti.tc. See above Murium Imspital service, aftw. Public health ait<1 viurine hoxpital .vc/r/n. Yillou- fiVi r histitute. United Ftates. Ahudnac.-i (ui(> Texa-. United States. iS^-^ al.-d .Annapcli.';. Laltimorc California. Cedar Rapids. Chicat^o. District of Colunibia. Indiana. ]\Iaine. Massachusetts. New Haven. New York. Sta/r. Ohio. Pennsylvania. St. Louis. United States board on geographic names. See United States. United States hoard on (ifojiraphic name!'. United States brewers' association. American brewer. See Ameiican brewer. United States geological survey. 6''" United States, (ieoinijiral .survey. United States national herbarium. Contiibutions from the. See United States national museum. United States national museum, liii.sltiiiiitnii. Bulletin. Nos. 1-25, 27—; l87o— . 8vo. Wash. Note I. Nos. 1-1(3 form Smith.sonian miscellaneous collections, V. 13, 23, and 24. Note 2. No. 61 is a " List of the publications of the United States national museum, 1875-1900, including the Annual reports [1881-1900], Proceedings [v. 1-23], Bulletins [nos. 1-50], Special bulletins [nos. 1-4]. and Circulars [nos. 1-50"; with index to titles." ;5i7 United States national magnum— ( ntutinnfd ) ;Ciicular.s.l (Nos.^ l-lS; iHMi-S'i. «,o. Waih. Nute. I'utm appendix to I'lmeediinjh ul iJie I iiiud SlaU-s national muHeuni, v. 4, nhicli urg hei,,,-. Nos. Ill were not pubtithod as part of any of the re}.;nlar Heries of the Smithsoniun institution. Contributions from the United S:ateH niitinnal 1ii-.I,;m nni. V. K ; 1903- . Hvo. Wahh. Nute. V. 17 were published by the United StateH. Ife/il. of agric. Ilotniiiral iliriiiioii, irhuh »ef. Proceedings. V, 1 — ; 1H7m— . kj,o. Wa«h. Sole. V. 1 i form Smithsonian nii.scell.ineou4 collectionK, v. 10 and 22. Reports. 1H84-. Hvo \Va«h. Siitf Repori.s pi ior to iHsJ were included in the Annual reporltt of the Smithsonian institution and were patted wiili them. Krom 18H1 they form part of the Sinilhs.inian report, but are in a separate volume with separate pagination. Special bulletins. Nos. 1-; 18'.I2 - . 8vo. Wo^h. United States naval academy. Amnipnlis. Annual register. 1875/U, 1877/HSI/.-,. l88y/ic. Vuiriisitni Leipziii. Universitat Strassburg. Sff Strasburg. I'nir. •■.;/.,/ Strti»iiliurif. Univer.sities and colleges. Australasian student Christian union. Australasian intercollegian. Minerva ; Jahrbueh der gelehrten Welt. University of the state of New York. ColUije drpt. Annual report. Bulletin. Si'e (i/ku Aberdeen university, .\deluide university. Birmingham university. Cinnbridge university. Canterbury college, Christ- cliiirch. S./.. Cliurch of England granunar school, il^flong. Church of England grammar t-chool, Mrllniuru^. Cincinnati university. Cornell university, Ithncn, S.Y. Dublin university. Durham university. Edinburgh university, l-'ranklin and Mar- shall college alumni association, l.iiuciintfr. Fa. Glasgow university. Gordon technical college, (ieiUiinj. Harvard university, Ctniibriiliif, .Msame. CoJiM;.M«f«m Homeeducation bulletin. Nos. 30-31 ; 1899-1900. Svo. Albany. Note. Form appendices to the .Xnnual report. Same. (Continued as BMeliu. Nos. 32 - ; 1900 -. Svo. Alb.iiiy. Note 1. Form appendices to the .\nnual report. Note :i. Nos. 16, IS, 20, 24, 27. 33, 38. 41. 42, *(c-., form a .sub series, entitled "Public libraries." nos. 4—. For previous numbers, see New York. State. Stale library. State library bulletin. Public libraries. . High .tchool department. Note. Established in .June, 1898, its a division of the Examinatioo department, which see above. Annual report. 1897/8—. 8vo. Albany. Note. 1897/S contains, as appendix. Exanunation bulletin, whirh tee below. 1897/S— contain, as appendices. Bullelin.s, irAiV/i ue below. 820 University of the state of New York — (co)ttiiived. ) Bulletin. Nos. 1—; 1899--. 8vo. [Albany. Note 1. Form appendices to the Annual report of the High school department, which see above. Note 2. Nos. 2, 7, 13, 17, 21, vtc, are entitled " New York state science teachers association. Proceedings of the annual confer- ence," 1898 — . 1898 is 3rd. conference, and includes the proceed- ings of the 1st. and 2nd. Note 3. Nos. 3, 6, 12, 16, 19, etc., are entitled " Associated academic principals. Proceedings of the annual conference," 1898 — . Note 4- Nos. 4, 10, 14, 18, etc, are entitled "Academic examinatfon papers," 1898/9 — . P^or previous papers, i.e<- h low Examination bulletin, note 2. Examination bulletin. No. 16; [1898. j 8vo. [Albany.] Note 1. Forms appendix to the Annual report of the High school department, which see above. Note 2. Entitled "Academic examination papers," 1897/8. This continues portion of the Ref^ents examination papers, for which see above Examination departme'iit. Examination bulletin, note 2. For subsequent papers, »ee ohoi-e Bulletin, note 4. Note 3. Previous bulletins were published by the Examination de- partment, which see above. . Home education departtiient, formerly K.tfiv.';al. Miiiiicipitl ili'pt. S initalio". Report on vaacinakion. Bombay. Medkal dept. Keport on vaccination. Central provinces, Indin. Mfiltml dtpt. lleport on the vaccine operations. Norlh-western provinces ananie. Continued ns Victorian naval an Hutchinson's Aus- tralian almanac and astronomical ephemeris. Mason and Firth's Victorian almanac, continueil as Victorian almanac. Sands and Kenny's commercial and general Melbourne directory, aftw. Sands and McDougall's Melbourne, suburban, and country directory. Victoria law almanac. Victoria post office directory. Victorian alliance. Victorian alliance annual. Victorian municipal directory and gazetteer. Warrnambool standard almanac. Wimmera star almanac and district directory. Victoria. See also Ballarat. Beechworth. Bendigo. Geelong. Melbourne. Woodspoint. Victoria benevolent society, Melhonrne. Eeport. See Melbourne benevolent asylum. Annual report. Victoria government gazette, formerly Port Phillip government notices. See Port Phillip government notices. Victoria institute, or, Philosophical society of Great Britain, London. Journal of the transactions. V. 1—; lS66/7~. Hvo. Lond. >j. Note. Each of v. 12 — contains a cumulative list of contents of v. 1 onwards. Victoria law almanac. 1882—. 12mo. Melb. y. Victoria post office directory. 1884/5, 1888/9, 1891/2, 189.3/1, 1895/(3, 1897/8, 1899/1900, 1901—. i^vo. Melb. y. Note 1. Complete. Note 2. From 1IS91/2 to 1895/6 the title reads " Victoria post office commercial directory " ; the title of 1897/8 reads •' Victoria (Wise's) postoftice commercial directory " ; the titles of 1899/1900- 1902 read " Victoria post oitice commercial directory (Wise's) " ; the titles of 1903— read " Victoria post office directory (Wise's)." Victorian alliance. Alliance record; the organ of the Victorian alliance. V. 1—; Oct., 1881—. '"• Victorian alliance annual. 1886-89. Bvo. Melb. Same. Incorporated with the Illustrated temperance year book as Vic- torian temperance year book and alliance annual. 1890. 8vo. Melb. Same. Continued as Victorian alliance annual and temperance year book. 1891-95. 8vo. Melb. Same. Conlinned as Victorian alliance annual and temperance almanac. jtjfjg 8vo. Melb. Note. No issue for 1905. Victorian almanac, formerly Mason and Firth's Victorian almanac. S 'e Mason and Firth's Victorian almanac. 827 ' Victorian Baptist union. See Baptist union of Victoria. Victorian chamber of a},'ricuiture and rural producers' association. Sre Chamber of agriculture, Melbourne. Victorian churchman. IH'JO— . 4to. Melb. im. Note. 1B(»'.»— form v. 11— , Victorian Congregational year book and almanac, formerly Australasian Congre- gational year book and calendar. See Congregational union and mission of Victoria. Victorian contractor.s' gazette, supplement to the Building, engineering, and milling JDunuil. See Building and engineering journal of Australia and New Zealand. Victorian deaf and dumb institution, Melhourne. Annual report. ls()7/8, 1872/3, 1890/1, 18y2/3-99/l'.'00, 1901/2 . Svo. Melb. (iiiil Prahran. Victorian employers' federation, Melbourne. Liberty and progress. See Liberty and progress. Victorian engineer. See Victorian engineers' association. Victorian engineers' association, nflic. Victorian institute of engineers, Mclhou rue. Transactions and proceedings. V. 1; 1883/.5. svo. Melb. Same. Coniinued as Various papers and discussions. V. i' ; 1892/9. Svo. Melb. Same. Continued tis Papers and discussions. V. 3 ; 1899/1902. Svo. Melb. Same. Continued ), W.A. New ser., v. IG, nos. 8-51 ; 5 Jan. -2t; Oct., 1894. Same. Continued as Geraldton express, and Murchison gold fields news. V. 16, no. 52-v. 19, no. 1 ; 2 Nov. 1894-30 Oct., 189G. Same. Continued as Geraldton express, and Murchison and Yalgo gold, fields chronicler. V. I'.i, nos. 2 — ; G Nov., 1896 — . ir. Victorian farmers and rural producers' association, united at its inceiiiiou uith the Chamber of agriculture as Victorian chamber of agriculture and lural producers' association. See Chamber of agriculture. Victorian farmers' journal and gardeners' chronicle, 2Ielhoiiriu. \ . 1. no. I- V. 4, no. 1 ; 7 July, 18G0-4 Jan., Is02. Same. Continued as Farmers' journal and gardeners' chronicle, .l/i7/«>M<;j«r. V. 4, no. 2-v. G, no. 39 ; 11 -hin., 18G2-23 Sept.. 1864. Note. On 30 Sept., 18G4, the Farmers' journal and gardeners' chronicle was incorporated with the Weelily age, irhich sec. Victorian gardeners' association, Melbourne. Oarden and field ; the ofiicial journal of the Victorian gardeners' association. See Garden and field. Victorian geographical journal, including the Proceedings of the Royal geo- graphical society of Australasia, Victoria. See Geographical society of Australasia, Victorian branch. Transactions and proceedings. 328 Victorian liorticuUural improvement society, Mclboiirin'. Garden and field ; the oflicial journal of the Victorian horticultural improvement society. See Garden and field. Victorian humane society, Melhournc, (iflir. Eoyal humane society of Australasia. See Eoyal humane society of Australasia. Victorian independent. V. 1—; 1870/1 — . fo. Melb. vi. Note. V. and 11 are incomplete. Victorian institute for the advancement of science, Mi'lhourne. Transactions and proceedings. 1854/5. 8vo. Melb. Note. No more publ. In 1855 the institute combined with the Philosophical society of Victoria to form the Philosophical in- stitute of Victoria, wliicli see. Victorian institute of engineers, formerly Victorian engineers' association. See Victorian engineers' association. Victorian institute of surveyors, Blelboiiriie. Transactions and proceedings. V. 1 — ; 1874/80 — . 8vo. Melb. irreii. Victorian laundry association, Melbourne. Commonwealth laundry journal. V. 1 — ; 1!)0'2 — . 4to. Melb. in. Victorian law reports. See Council of law reporting in Victoria. Victorian municipal directory and gazetteer. lS7tt — . 8vo. Melb. ;//. Victorian naturalist; journal of the Field naturalists' club of Victoria. See Field naturalists" club. Victorian racing calendar. V. 1 — ; 1882—. 4to. Melb. in. Victorian railway news, and Amalgamated society of railway employes' record. See Amalgamated society of railway employes. Victorian railways magazine, with which is incorporated the llaihvay standard. V, 1—; 1905—. 4to. Melb. )//. Victorian seamen's mission, Ulelbonnie. Annual report of the Victorian sea- men's mission, including the Port Melbourne seamen's institute, Williams- town sailors' rest, [and the Geelong mission.] ISUC), 11)02 — . 8vo. Williamstown diid Port Melb. Victorian standard, Melbourne. Nos. 1, 4-184 ; Jan., 1885, Apr., 1885-Mar., 1900. Same. Continued as Australian sentinel and Victorian standard, Mel- bourne. Nos. 185—; Apr., 1900—. vi. Victorian temperance year book and alliance annual. See Victorian alliance. Victorian trained nurses' association, aflic. Eoyal Victorian trained nurses' as- sociation, Mejhouriw. Una. V. 1 — ; 1903/4 — . 4to. Melb. hi. Victorian year book. See Victoria. Office of the (lovernment .-itatint. Victory. See Salvation army. Vienna. See Kaiserlich-konigliche geologische Eeichsanstalt. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fiir Meteoro- logie. Verein der Lederindustriellen Biihmens. Violet Town herald. Nos. 48-594 ; 12 Feb., 1886-9 Aug., 1895. Note. Incorporated on 16 Aug., 1895, with the Euroa advertiser, which see. Violet Town sentinel. Nos. 1 — ; July, 1894 — . v. Viticulture. See Wine. Voice. See Singing. Voyages and travels. Cook, T., and son. Cook's Austialasi.ui tia\<-lli;is aw/.'iUe. llakluyt .socitly. Works issued. Vriesland. Sen Friesland. Vrije Fries, uitgegeven door hel Provinciaal Friesch genootschap. See Provin- ciaal I'riesch genootschap. Walijjunyali and Kutliergien news. Nos. JGO-lOli;} ; ."JO .June, iHS'i-f. July, lh(>4. Siniie. Continued (IS Uutherglen and WaJigunvah news. Nos. 1()'.»-1-1526; 13 July, 1894-29 June, 18119. Same. New ser., v. 1, no. 1-v. '2, no. 89 ; :{ July, lH99-.i7 May, I'.iUl, Note. Incorporated on 3 June, 1901, witli Uutherglen .sun, nliicli fee. VValch's Tasmanian almanack. 1803 — . 12mo. Hohart. ;/. Wales. Antii/nitifii. Cambrian archaeological association. Archaeologia Canihren-iis. Walhalla chronicle, and Gippsland mining,' journal. V. 131M; 10 Feb., 1882- 10 Aug., 1888. Same. Continued Warragul guardian. V. 17, nos. 1 - ; 11 Jan., Is16, 5G1-570, 051-674; 30 Sept.-lC Dec, 1864, 27 Oct.-29 Dec, IHOo, 19 July-27 Dec, 1807. Nute 1. The Farmers' journal wa3 incorporated with the Weekly age on ;5U Sept., 1864. Sole ::'. On 1 Aug., 1868, the Weekly age was incorporated with the Leader, which see. Weekly Argus, Melbourne. No. 66 ; 6 June, 1856. Note I. On 1 Oct., 1864, the Weekly Argus was incorporated with the Australasian, which nee. Weekly courier, Laiince^tou. V. 1, nos. 1—; 6 July, I'JOl — . Weekly Irish times, Dublin. Nos. 792—; 3 Jan., 1891—. Weekly mail, Adelaide, aftw. incorporated with the South Australian weekly chronicle. See South Australian weekly chronicle. Weekly news, YarraviHe. Nos. 1 — ; 1 July, 190.0 — . Weekly notes. See Council of law reporting. Weekly times, Melbourne. Nos. 1 — ; 11 Sept., 1869 — . Note. On 25 Sept., 1875, the Economist, Melbourne, and the Town and country, Mvlbourne, were incorporated with the Weekly times. Weigel's journal of fashions. V. ."> — ; 1884/5 — . fo. Melb. m. Weights and measures. United States. Coast survey office, aftw. Coast and geodetic sjiricy. Bulletin. Keport. Weinlaube; Zeitschrift fiir Weinbau und Kellerwirthschaft. Jahrg. 25 — ; 1893—. 4to. Wien. w. Same. Beilage, entitled Der Obstgarten ; Zeitschrift fiir Obst-und Gar- tenbau. Jahrg. 1-2 ; 1893-94. 4to. Wien. Wellington. See Central chemists' association. New Zealand institute. Polynesian society. Wellinjrton evening post. See Evening post. Wellington public library. [Report.] 1894/5-96/7, 1902/3—. fo. Well. ij. VVentworth tedeial standard. Si-e Federal standard. Werribee e.xpress. Nos. 1—; 4 Mar., 1896—. «c. Werribee Wyndhamshire banner. See Wyndhamshire banner. Wesley college, Melbourne. Wesley college chronicle. Wesley college chronicle. Nos, 76-84, 89—; 1897—. 8vo. Mt-lb. ./. Wesleyan church. Sec Methodism. West Australian, /orweW// Perth gazette. See Perth gazette. West Australian commercial travellers' association, Perth. Comuiereiul, tijtic. incorporated with the Australasian traveller. >f/- United commercial travellers' association of Australasia. Australa^ian iraviiler. West Australian librarians' and institutes' journal. Nos. 1 - ; 1904 — . 8vo. Perth. West Australian record, I'erth. Nos. 549—; 7 Aug., 1890—. w. West Australian times, >/;Htr/i/ Perth gazette. .M-f Perth gazette. West Bourke times, Fiemimjtou. Nos. 25—; 2 Sept., 1887—. w. West Gippsland express, /orm^»7i/ South Gippsland express. See South Gipps- land express. West Gippsland gazette, WarriKjnl. Nos. 1—; 5 July, 1898—. ir. 332 West Wimmera mail, and Natimuk advertiser, Ndliiniil: and E(l< nJiiqie. Xos. 1 — ; 29 Jan.. 18.S7— . w. Westermann's Jahrbuch der illustrirten deut-;ehen Mnnatshefte. Bd. 1-28; IS-jfi/T-TO. .Svn. Braunschweig. yote. Each vol. has an additional en-jiaved t.p., which reads " Jahrbuch der illustrirten deutschen Monatshefte." Same. Continued as Westermann's illustrirte deutsche Monatshefte. Bd. f>l— ; 1881/2 — . Bvo. Braunschweig, m. Western Australia. Colonial secretaries office. Blue book. See below Reijistrar general's office. Department of agricitltioe. Journal. V. 8—; 1903—. 8vo. Perth, m. Department of mines. Gold-mining statistics. 1896-98. fo. Perth. Same. Coiitimied as Mining statistics. 1899 — . fo. Perth, ij. Gazette. See Western Australian government gazette. Geological surveg. Bulletins. Nos. 1, 3— ; 1898--. 8vo. Perth. Pailiament. [Acts of council.] 1882-37, 1839-47, 1848/9, ls.50/1-61/2, 1863-S9. 4to. Perth. Note 1. ]832-7o/G have no t.pp. Note 2. 1832-56, and 1858 are incomplete. Same. Continued ax Acts of parliament. 1891 — 4to. Perth. Note. Wants Acts for 3rd sess. of 1st Parliament, 1892/3, and for 5th sess. of 3rd Parliament, 1900. Parliamentary debates. Legislative council, Y, 1-17; 1S76-S9. 8vo, Perth. Same. Legislative council and Legislative assembly. Y. 1 — ; 1890/1 — . 8vo. Perth. Yotes and proceedings of the Legislative council. 1872-84, 1886-89. fo, Perth. Note. Wants Votes and proceedings for 2nd sess, of 1881, 1st sess. of 1883, and 1885. Same. Continued as Minutes and Yotes and proceedings of Parlia- ment, 1890/1—. fo, Perth. Nofi'. Wants Minutes, etc., for the 2nd sess, of the 3rd Parliament, 1897. Registrar generaVs office, aftw. Department of the government statistician and registrar genernl. Blue book, 1870-92, 1894-95, 1899—. fo. Perth, y. Note 1. The Blue books for 1896 and 1897 are formed by pt. 13 of the Statistical register for those years. Note a. The Blue books for 1870-89 were compiled in the Colonial secretary's office. Monthly statistical abstract. Nop. 11 — ; Apr,. 1901 — . fo, Perth, Statistical register. 1896—. fo. Perth, y. Western Australian year book. 1889 — . svo, Perth, Note. 1900/1 is 12th ed., v, 1 ; 1900/3 is 12ih ed., v, 2. Supreme cmirt. Australasian annual digest. 833 Western Australia. Western Australia. Itcfiigtrnr general'^ oll'tcf. We.sterii Australian year book. Almanacs and directorien. Western Australia post oftice directory. Western Australia. iSlern Australia. 1H78 — . fo. Perth, irri-ff. Western Australian year book. S*;*' Western Aut^tralia. U-niKlrar tjenrrar* office. Western electrician. V. 32 — ; li)0;i — . fo. Chicago, ic. Western mail, /V'*f//. New ser. nos. 855— ; 17 May, 11)02 — . tc Western Tacitic herald, 6'«ra. No.«. 1— ; 13 Apr., 1901— . hr. Western Port times, /ojMier/// San llemo times. Sec San llemo times. Westminster. I'lil/lic lihiaries. Annual report of the commissioners for public libraries for the united parishes of St. Margaret and St. .John the evangelist. IS'.H 2. svo. Westui. Note. Ileports for 1900/1 — are included in Westminster. I'lihlic /ibruric.i. Report. Report. ]'.»00/l— . Svo. Lond. ;/. Nolt'. This Report includes the separately paged reports of the following libraries, previously Lssued separately : St. George, Hanurer sqiidic. I'lihlic /ilnarie.t. Annual report, 1900/1-. St. Margaret diul St. John [the evangelist]. I'ldilk Hhraries. Annual report, 1900/1 — . St. Martin-in-the-fields [and St. Paul, Coient gardeu]. Report, 1899/1901—. Westminster and foreign (juarterly review, formcrhj Westminster review. Hct Westminster review. Westminster review. V. 1-24 ; 1S24-36. 8vo. Lond. . General index, v. l-lo. Same. Incorporated with the London review, (///(/ rontiniud us London and Westminster review. V. 25:53 ; 1830-39/40. svo. Lond. Mote. V. 25-29 are also numbered v. 3-7 lof the London review' . As the lirst two vols, of the London review were ^ubsequently counted as part of the whole ser., there are no vt>ls. numbered 30 and .U. Same. Con^tHK-r/ ((.■j Westminster review. V. 34-45; 1840-40. 8vo. Lond. Same. Incorporated icith the Foreign (juarterly review, and cnnlimted ii»'ensland post ottic'e and ollicial directory, x..- (Queensland, etc. Wise's South Australia post olKce directory. See South Australia, etc. WTse's Tasmania post otlice directory. See Tasmania, etc. Wise's Victoria post ollice directory. See Victoria, etc. Wise's Western Australia post ollice directory. See Western Australia, etr. Wodonga and Towong sentinel. Nos. 28 — ; 4 Mar., lH8(j— . w. Wodonjja chronicle, Albury daily news and. See Albury daily news. Woman. Australian woman's sphere. Echo. Beiblatt, entitled Frauen-Echo, continued as Hauswirtschaftliches Echo. Home journal. New idea. Woman's news. See also Obstetrics. Woman's news, Melbourne. Nos. 1 — ; 7 Jan., l!)0-5 — . w. Woman's voice, incorporated on 31 .Jan., isyil, with the Australian Christian world. See Australian Christian world. Wombat; [published by the Gordon technical college and the allied associ- ations, vi:., the Gordon college science club, the Gordon college amateur photographic association, and the Gordon college art society.] V. 1-5; 1895/6-1902. 8vo. Geelong. Note I. V. 1-4 have a joint t. p., reading •' Wombat, journal of the Geelong tield naturalists" club, and the Gordon college auiatcur photographic a.s.sociation." Note :>. In Lsy.), the Geelong naturalist was incorporated with the Wombat, which \vas then published by tiie Geelong tield natur- alists' and science club (the combined Geelong tield naturalists' club and the Gordon college science club), and the Gordon college amateur photographic association. See Geelong natur- alist, 2nd ser. Woodend star. Nos. 1—; 4 Sept., 1888—. w. Woodspoint. See Upper Goulburn district hospital. Woodspoint Gippsland miners' standard. See Gippsland miners" standard. Woolwich. See lloyal artillery institution. Working-classes. See Labour. Working men's college, Melhourne. lleport and prospectus. 1887-88. Svo. Melb. Some. Continued d.s lleport. 1890. 8vo. Melb. Same. Continued as Prospectus. 1897 - . 8vo. Melb. ij. World ot science, aftw. incorporated with the English mechanic. S:c English mechanic. 33G World's work. V. 1—; 1900/1—. 4to. N.Y. lu. World's work. V. 1-4; 1902/3-04. 4to.Lond. Sdiitc. Continued as Woild'.s work and play.V. 5 — ; 1904/5 — . 4to. Lend. m. Wurtemberg. Yereiii fiir vaterliindische Naturkunde in Wiirttemberg. Jahreshefte. Haiiic. Beilage, entitled Verzeichnis der niineralogischen, geologischen, urgeschichtlichen und hydrologischeii Litteratur von Wiirttemberg, Hohenzollern und den angrenzenden Gebieten. Wycheproof Mount Wycheproof ensign. See Mount Wycheproof ensign. Wyndhamshire banner, Werribee. Nos. 1 — ; 17 Oct., 1902 — . ic. X rays. Archives of the Roentgen ray. Yackandandah Benambra and Bogong advertiser. See Benambra and Bogong advertiser. Yackandandah times. Nos. 1—; 10 Aug., 1890 — . w. Yale college, aftic. Yale university, Neiv Haven. Ileport of the librarian. 1899/1900 — . 8vo. New Haven, y. Beport of the president. 1891,1901/2 — . 8vo. [New Haven,] y. Yarragon and Trafalgar express, formerly Waterloo express. See Waterloo express. Yarragon, Trafalgar and Moe settlement news, Trafalgar. 7 July, 1904 — . w. Yarram chronicle, and south Gippsland advertiser. Nos. 1-487 ; 10 Dec, 1886- 11 Mar., is<)2. Same. Continued as South Gippsland chronicle, and I'arram and Alber- ton advertiser, Yarrnm. Nos. 488 — ; 15 Mar., 1892 — . ^ic. Yarram Gippsland standard. See Gippsland standard. Yarraville weekly news. See Weekly news. Yarrawonga chronicle, and Eiverina advocate, Nos. 1 — ; 6 July, 1883 — , ic, Yarrawonga Mercury, and Mulwala news. Nos. 180-948 ; 23 Feb., 1882-25 Feb., 1897. Same. Coittiiined as Yarrawonga Mercury, and southern Eiverina adver- tiser. Nos. 949—; 4 Mar., 1897—. «-. Yass courier. Nos. 1238-18G9, 2062—; 24 Aug., 1870-26 Dec, 1876, 1 Nov., 1878—. ho. Note. 1879 is incomplete. Yea chronicle. Nos. 232 — ; 24 Apr., 1890 — . tv. Note. The number of the first issue of the Yea chronicle continues that of the last issue of the I'ea telegraph, which was incor- porated with the Chronicle. Yea telegraph. Nos. 1-231 ; 22 Oct., 1895-17 Apr., 1890. Note. On 24 Apr., 1890, the Yea telegraph was incorporated with the Yea chronicle, which see. Year-book of Australia, /oj-we;'/)/ Almanac of Australia and oilicial record. See Almanac of Australia, etc. Year-book of photography, and Photographic news almanac. 1866-67, 1869-78, 1892-93, 1895. Svo. Lond. S une. Continued as Y'ear book of photography, and amateur's holiday guide. 1896 — . Svo. Lond. Note. Vols, for 1899— omit "holiday." 387 Year book of scientitic iind Iciirneil societies of Great Ihilain iiiid Ireland. l.s><4, 1891,1900 — . svo. Loud. Year booi^ of the diocese of Melbourne. Si'e Church of England, I'/rt. /•</9-97/190->.] .svo. Middelburg. Note. Deal '2 and 7 are incomplete. Same. ; Nieuwe serie.J 1903 — . svo. Middelburg. irreij. Naamlijst van directeuren en leden, verslag van lut verhandelde in di- algemeene vergadering. 1880/4. Mvo. Miiidelburg. Same. Continued us Yerslag, benevens naamlijst van directeuren en leden. 1885/9:5 — . 8vo. Middelburg. irnii. Zeitschrift fiir afrikanische und oeeanische Sprachen, mil besonderer Beriick sjeluigung der deutschen Kolonien; hrsg.mit I nterstiitzung der Kolonial- Abtheilung des Auswiirtigon Amts, der Deutschen KolonialgeselKschaft, u.A. .Tahrg. 1 ■") ; l-^9->-1900. 4to. Berl. Sote. .hihrg. 4 is ls9s, .lahrg. 5 is 1900 338 Zeitschrlft fur afrikanische und oceanische Sprachen — (continued.) Same. Continued as Zeitschrift fiir afrikanische, ozeanische, und ostasiatische Sprachen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der deutschen Kolonien ; hrsg. mit Unterstiitzung der Kolonial-Abtheilung des Aus- wiirtigen Amts, des Reichs-Marine-Amts, der Deutschen Kolonial- gesellschaft, u.A. Jahrg. G— ; 1902 — . 8vo. Berl. q. Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache und Alterthumskunde. [Ge;-m., Fr., and Enrj.] Jahrg. 1—; 1863—. 4to. Leipz. iy. Note. Jahrg. 3'6— are published " mit Unterstiitzung der Deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft." . Inhaltsverzeichniss, Jahrg. 1-23. Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie. Jahrg. 1 — ; 1862 — . Bvo. Wiesbaden. 2m. . Autoren-und Sach-Register, Bd. 1-40. Zeitschrift fiir anorganische Chemie. Bd. 1—; 1892 — . 8vo. Hamburg, f/. Ziitschrift fiir Biologie. Bd. 118; 1865-82. 8vo. Miinchen. Same. Neue Folge, Bd. 1— ; 1883— . 8vo. Miinchen. «/. Note. Also numbered Der ganzen Reihe, Bd. 19—. Zeitschrift fiir die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. Jahrg. 1 — ; 1881 — . 8vo. Giessen. ^//. Note. Jahrg. 1-3 add to title "mit Unterstiitzung der Deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft." Same. Beihefte 1—; 189C— . 8vo. Giessen. irre