;^ kM' -.■ Ji AT LOS ANGELES THE / V. / ' BILLOW AND THE ROCK. A T A L E. BY HARRIET MARTINEAU. LONDON: CHARLES KNIGHT & CO., LUDGATE STREET. 184e'. London : Printed by W. Clowes and Soks, Stamford Street. > CONTENTS. Shaptek I. Lord and Lady Carse II. The Turbulent II L The Wrong Journey IV. Newspapers V. Cross-Koads and Short Seas VI. The Steadfest VII. The Roving of the Restless V^III. The Waiting of the Wise IX. The Cove . X. Which Refoge?' XI. Folding the Flock XII. The Steward on his Rounds XIII. Tnie Solitude XIV. Helsa's News XV. Annie's News XVI. Timely Evasion LVII. The Lamp bums VIII. Openings . XIX. Free at Last! Page 9 19 27 36 45 57 €8 80 • 94 102 lU 131 141 155 166 174 181 191 208 305208 « THE BILLOW AND THE liOCK. CHAPTER I. LORD AND LADY CAESE. Scotland was a strange and uncomfoiiable coun- tiy to live in a liandred yeai's ago. Strange beyond iiieasjire its state of society appears to us when we consider, not only that it was called a Christian country, but that the people had shown that they really did care very much for their religion, and were bent upon worshipping God according to their conscience and true belief. While earnest in tlieir religion, their state of society was yet very wicked : a thing which usually happens when a whole people are passing from one way of living and being governed to another. Scotland had not long been united with England. "While the wisest of the nation saw that the only hope for the country was in being governed by tlie same king and par- liament as the English, many of the most powerful men wished not to be governed at all, but to ba altogether despotic over their dependents and neigh- bours, and to have their own v/ay in everytliing. These lords and gentlemen did such violent thinga as are never heard of now in civilized countries ; B 10 LORD AND LADY CAKSE. and when theii* inferiors had any strong desire or passion, they followed the example of the great men, so that travelling was dangerous ; citizens did not feel themselves safe in their own houses if they had reason to believe they had enemies ; few had any trust in the protection of the law ; and stories of fighting and murder were familiar to children living in the heart of cities. Children, however, had less liberty then than in our time. The more self-will there was in arrown people, the more strictly were the children kept in order, not only because the uppermost idea of eveiy one in authority was that he would be obeyed, but because it would not do to let little people see the mischief that was going on abroad. So, while boys had their hair powdered, and wore long coats and waistcoats, and little knee-breeches, and girls were laced tight in stays all stiff with whalebone, they were trained to manners more formal than are ever seen now. One autumn afternoon, a party was expected at the house of Lord Carse in Edinburgh ; a hand- some house in a very odd situation according to our modern notions. It was at the bottom of a narrow lane of houses — that sort of lane called a Wynd in Scotch cities. It had a court-yard in front. It was necessary to have a court-yard to a g66u house in a street too narrow for carriages. Visitors must come in sedan-chairs, and there must be some place, aside from the street, where the chairs and chairmen could wait for the guests. This old fashioned house had sitting-rooms on the ground-floor, and on the sills of the windows were flower-pots, in which on this occasion some asters and other autumn flowers were growing. tOUD AJsD LADY CARSE. ll "Within the largest sitting-room Mas collected a formal group, awaiting the arrival of visitors. Lord Carse's sister, Lady Rachel Ballino, was there, surrounded by her nephews and nieces. As they came in, one after another, dressed for com- pany, and made their bow or curtsey at the door, their aunt gave them pennission to sit down till the arrival of the first guest, after which time it would be a matter of course that they should stand. Miss Janet and her brothers sat down on their low stools, at some distance from each other ; but little Miss Flora had no notion of submitting to their restraints at her early age, and she scrambled up the window-seat to look abroad as far as she could, which was through the high iron gates to the tall houses on the other side the "\Yynd. Lady Eachel saw the boys and Janet looking at each other with smiles, and this turned her atten- tion to the child in the window, who was nodding her little curly head very energetically to some- body outside. " Come down, Flora," said her aunt. But Flora was too busy, nodding, to hear that she was spoken to. '* Flora, come down. Why are you nodding in that way ?" " Lady nods," said Flora, Lady Rachel rose deliberately from her seat, and approached the window, turning pale as she went. After a single glance into the court-yard, she sank on a chair, and desired her nephew Orme to ring the bell twice. Orme, who saw that something was the matter, rang so vigorously as to bring the butler in immediately. " John, you see," said the pale lips of Lady b2 12 rOKD AXr> LADY CAKSE. Ivaclie], while she pointed, with a trembling finger, to the court-yard, '• Yes, my Lady, the doors are fastened." '• And Lord Carse not Ijonie yet ?" " IS^o, my Lady. I think perhaps he is some- where near, and cannot get home." John looked irresolutely towards the child in the window. Once more Flora was desired to come down ; and once more she only replied, " Lady nods at me." Janet was going towards the window to enforce lier aunt's orders ; but she was desired to keep her seat ; and John quickly took up Miss Flora in his arms, and set her down at her aunt's knee. The child cried, and struggled, said she would see the lady, and must infallibly have been dismissed to the nui'sery, but that her eye v.as caught, and her mind presently engaged by Lady Eachel's painted fan, on vhich there was a burning mountain, and a blue sea, and a shepherdess and her lamb — all very gay. Flora was allowed to have tlie fan in her own hands — a very rare favour. But presently she left off telling her aunt w])at she saw upon it, dropped it, and clapped her hands, saying, as she looked at the M'indow, " Lady nods at me." " It is Mama," cried the elder ones, starting to their feet, as the lady thrust her face through the flowers, and close to the window-pane. '' Go to the nurseiy, children," said Lady Rachel, making an effort to rise. " I will send for you presently." The elder ones appeared glad to es- cape ; and they carried with them the struggling Flora. Lady Rachel threw up the sash, crossed her arms, and said, in the most formal manner, LOKD AND LADY CAESE. 13 " What do 3'ou want, Lady Curse ?" *' I want my children." " You cannot have thera, as you well know. It is too late. I pity you ; but it is too late." " I will see my children. I will come home and live. I will make that tyrant repent setting up any one in niy place at home. I have it in my povv-er to ruin him. I . . ." " Abstain from threats," said Lady Rachel, shutting- the window, and fastening the sash. Lady Carse doubled her fist, as if about to dash in a pane ; but the iron gates behind her creaked on their hinges, and she turned her head. A chair was entering, on each side of which walked a footman, Avhose livery Lady Carse mcU knew. Her handsome face, red before, was now more flushed. She put her mouth close to the window^ and said, " If it had been anybody but Lovat you Avould not have been rid of me this evening. I would have stood among the chairmen till mid- night, for the chance of getting in. Be sure I shall, to-morrow, or some day. But now, I am off." She darted past the chair, her face turned away, just as Lord Lovat was issuing from it. " IIo ! ho ! " cried he, in a loud and mocking tone. " Ho there ! my Lady Carse ! A v.ord with you !" But she ran up the Wynd as fast as she could go. '' You should not look so white upon it," Lord Lovat observed to Lady Eachel, as soon as the door was shut. " Why do you let her see her power over you ?" " God knows !" replied Lady Eachel. " But it is not her threats alone that make us nervous. It is the being incessantly subject . . ." 14 LORD AND LADY CARSE. * She cleared her throat ; but she could not go on. Lord Lovat swore that he would not submit to be tormented by a virago in this way. If Lady Carse were his wife ... " AVell ! what would you do ?" asked Lady Rachel. " 1 would get rid of her. I tell your brother so. I would get rid of lier in one way, if she threatened to get rid of me in another. She may have learned from her father how to put her ene- mies out of the way." Lady Rachel grew paler than ever. Lord Lovat went on. " Her father carried pistols in the streets of Edin- burgh ; and so may she. Her father was hanged for it ; and it is my belief that she would have no ob- jection to that end, if she could have her revenge first. Ay ! you wonder why I say such things to you, frightened as you are already. I do it that you may not infuse any weakness into your brother's purposes, if he should tiiink fit to rid the town of her one of these days. Come, come ! I did not say rid the world of her." " Merciful Heaven ! no ! " " There are places, you know, where trouble- some people have no means of doing mischief. I could point out such a place presently, if I were asked — a place where she might be as safe as under lock and key, without the trouble and risk of con- fining her, and having to consider the law." *' You do not mean a prison, then." " No. She has not yet done anything to make it easy to put her in prison for life ; and anything short of that would be more risk than comfort. If Carse gives me authority, I will dispose of her LORD AND LADY CARSE. 15 where she can be free to rove like the wild goats. If she should take a fancy to jump down a preci- pice, or drown herself, that is her own affair, you know." The door opened for the entrance of company. Lord Lovat whispered once more, " Only this. If Carse thinks of giving? the case into my hands, don't you oppose it. I will not touch her life, I swear to you." Lady Rachel knew, like the rest of the world, that Lord Lovat's swearing went for no more than any of his other engagements. Though she would have given all she had in the world to be freed from the terror of Lady Carse, and to hope that tlie chikh-en might forget tlieir unhappy motlier, she shrank from the idea of putting any person into the hands of the hard, and mocking, and plotting Lord Lovat. As for the legality of doing anything at all to Lady Carse while she did not herself break the law, that was a consideration which no more occurred to Lady Rachel than to the violent Lord Lovat himself. Lady Rachel was exerting herself to entertain her guests, and had sent for the children, when, to her inexplicable relief, the butler brought her the news that Lord Carse and his son Willie were home, and woidd appear with all speed. They had been detained two hours in a tavern, John said. " In a tavern ?" " Yes, my Lady. Could not get out. Did not wish to collect more people, to cause a mob. It is all right now, my Lady." When Lord Carse entered, he made formal apo- logies to his guests first, and his sister afterwards, 16 LOUD AND rADY CAKSE. for his late appearance. He had been delaj-ed by an affair of importance on his way home. His rigid countenance was somewhat paler than usual, and his manner more dictatoriah His hard and unwavering voice was heard all the evening, prosing and explaining. The only tokens of feel- ing were when he spoke to his eldest son Willie, who was spiritless, and, as the close observer saw, tearfid ; and when he took little Flora in his arms, and stroked her shining hair, and asked her if she had been walking with her nurse. Flora did not answer. She was anxiously Avatching Lady Rachel's countenance. Her papii bade her look at him and answer his question. She did so, after glancing at her aunt, and saying eagerly, in a loud whisper, '•' I am not going to say anything about the lady that came to the window, and nodded at me." It did not mend the matter that her sister and brothers all said at once, in a loud whisper, '' Hush ! Flora." Her father sat her down hastily. Lord Carse's domestic troubles were pretty well known through- cut Edinburgh ; and the company settled it in their own minds that there had been a scene this afternoon. V\'hen. they were gone, Lord Carse gave his sister his advice not to instruct any very young child in any part to be acted. He a;;sured her that very young children have not the discretion of grown people, and gave it as liis opinion that when the simplicity, which is extremely agreeable by the domestic fireside, becomes troublesome or dangerous in society, the child is better disposed of in the nursery. LOKD AND LADY CAESE. 17 Lady Eacliel meekly submitted ; only observing Avliat a sinijular and painful case was tliat of these children, who had to be so early trained to avoid the very mention of their mother. She believed lier brother to be the most religious man she had ever known ; yet she now heard him mutter oaths so terrible that tb.ey made her blood run cold. " Brotlier ! my dear brotlier," she expostulated. " I'll tell you wl'.at she has done," he said, from behind his set teeth. "She has taken a lodging in this very Wynd, directly opposite my gates. Kot a child, not a servant, not a dog or cat can leave my house without coming under her eye. She will be speaking to the children out of her vindow." " She will be nodding at Flora from the court- yard as often as you are out," cried Lady Rachel. " And if she should shoot you from her window, brother." " She hints that she will ; and there are many things more unlikely, considering (as she herself says) whose daughter she is. — But, no," he con- tinued, seeing the dreadful alarm into which his sister was thrown. " This will not be her method of revenge. There is another that pleases her better, because she suspects that I dread it more. — You know what I mean?" " Political secrets ?" Lady Eachel whispered — not in Flora's kind of whisper, but quite into her brother's ear. He nodded assent, and then he gravely informed her that his acquaintance, Duncan Forbes, had sent a particular request to see him in the morning. He should go, he said. It would not do to refuse vaiting on the President of the Court of Session, B 3 18 LORD A^D LADY CARSE. as he was known to be in Edinburgh. But ho wished he was a hundred miles off, if he was to hear a Hanoverian lecture from a man so good natured, and so dignified by his office, that he must always have his own way. Lady Eachel went to bed very miserable this night. She wished that Lady Carse and King George, and all the House of Brunswick had never existed ; or that Prince Charlie, or some of the exiled royal family, would come over at once and take possession of the kingdom, that her brother and his friends might no longer be compelled to live in a state of suspicion and dread — every day planning to bring in a new king, and every day olSliged to appear satisfied with the one they had ; their secret, or some part of it, being all the while at the mercy of a violent woman who hated them all. ( 19 ) CHAPTER II. THE TURBULENT. When Lord Carse issued from his own house the next moi'ning to visit the President, he had his daughter Janet by his side, and John behind him. He took Janet in the hope that her presence, while it would be no impediment to any properly legal business, would secure him from any political con- versation being introduced ; and there was no need of any apology for her visit, as the President usu- ally asked why he had not the pleasure of seeing her, if her father went alone. Duncan Forbes's good nature to all young people was known to everybody; but he declared himself an admirer of Janet above all others ; and Janet never felt her- self of so much consequence as in the President's house. John went as an escort to his young lady on her return. Janet felt her father's arm twitch as they issued from their gates ; and, looking up to see why, she saw that his face was twitching too. She did not know how near her mother was, nor that her father and John had their ears on the stretch for a hail from the voice they dreaded above all others in the world. But nothing was seen or heard of Lady Carse ; and when they turned out of the TVynd Lord Carse resumed his xisual air and step of formal importance ; and Janet held up her head, and tried to take steps as long as his. 20 THE TUKBULEXT. All was rii>ht about her o:oin":to the President's. He kissed her forehead, and praised her father for bringing her, and picked out for her the prettiest flowers I'rom a bouquet before he sat down to busi- ness ; and then lie rose again, and provided her with a portfolio of prints to amuse herself witii ; and even then he did not forget her, but glanced aside several times, to explain the subject of some print, or to draw her attention to some beauty iu the one she was looking at. " My dear Lord," said he, " I have taken a liberty with your time ; but 1 want your opinion on a scheme I have drawn out at len'j^th for Go- vernment, for preventing and punishing the use of tea among the common people." '• Very good, very good 1" observed Lord Carse, greatly relieved about the reasons for his being sent for. " It is high time, if our agriculture is to be preserved, that the use of malt should be pro- moted to the utmost by those in power." ' " I am sure of it," said the President. " Things have got to such a pass, that ia towns the meanest people have tea at the morning's meal, to the dis- continuance of the ale which ought to be their diet ; and poor women drink this drug also in the afternoons, to the exclusion of the twopenny." " It is very bad ; very unpatriotic ; very im- moral," declared Lord Carse. " Such people must be dealt with outright." The President put on his spectacles, and opened his papers to explain his plan — that plan, which it now appears almost incredible should have come from a man so wise, so liberal, so kind-hearted as Duncan Forbes. He showed how he would draw the line between those who ought and those who ought THE TURBULENT. 21 not to be permitted to drink tea ; liow each was to be described, and how, when any one was suspected of taking tea when he ought to drink beer, he was to tell on oath what his income was, that it might be judged whetlier he could pay the extremely high duty on tea which the plan would impose. Houses miglit be visited, and cupboards and cellars searclied, at all hours, in cases of suspicion. " These provisions are pretty severe," the Pre- sident himself observed. "But . . ." " But not more than is necessary," declared Lord Carse. " I should say they are too mild. If our agriculture is not supported, if the malt-tax falls off, what is to become of us ?" And he sighed deeply. " If we find this sclieme work well as far as it goes," observed the President, cheerfully, " we can easily gender it as much more stringent as occasion may require. And now, what can Miss Janet tell us on tliis subject ? Can she give information of any tea being drunk in the nursery at home ?" " Oh ! to be ^re," said Janet. " Nurse often lets me have some with her ; and Katie nils Flora's doll's teapot out of her own, almost every after- noon." " Bless my soul !" cried Lord Carse, starting from his seat in consternation. " Mv servants drink tea in my house ! Ofi' they shall go — every one of them who does it. " ! papa ! No — pray papa ! " implored Janet. " They will say I sent them away. O ! I wish nobody had asked me anything about it." " It was my doing," said the President. " My dear Lord, I make it my request that your servants may be forgiven." 22 THE TURBULENT.. Lord Curse bowed his acquiescence; but he shook his head, and looked very gloomy about such a tiling happening in his house. The Presi- dent agreed with him that it must not happen again, on pain of instant dismissal. The President next invited Janet to the draw- ing-room to see a grey j)arrot, brought hither since her last visit — a very entertaining com- panion in the evenings, the President declared. He told Lord Carse that he would be back in three minutes ; and so he was — with a lady on his arm ; and that lady was — Lady Carse. She was not flushed now, nor angry, nor for- ward. She was quiet and lady-like, while in the house of one of the most gentlemanly men of his time. If her husband had looked at her, he would have seen her so much like the woman he wooed and once dearly loved, that he might liave some- what changed his feelings towards her. But he went abruptlj' to the window when he discovered who she was ; and nothing could make him turn his head. Perhaps he was aware how pale he was, and desired that she should not see it. The President placed the lady in a chair, and then approached Lord Carse, and laid his hand on his shoulder, saying, " You will forgive me when you know my rea- sons. I want you to join me in prevailing on this good lady to give up a design which I think im- prudent — I will say, wrong." It was surprising ; but Lady Carse for once bore quietly with somebody thinking her wrong. What- e\ er she might feel, she said nothing. The Presi- dent went on. "Lady Carse . . ." THE TURBUI.EKT. 2S He felt, as his Iiand lay on his friend's shoulder, that he winced, as if the very name stung him. " Lady Carse," continued the President, " can- not be deterred by any account that can be given her of the perils and hardships of a journey to London. She declares her intention of q-oino-." " I am no baby ; I am no coward," declared the lady. " The coach would not have been set up, and it would not continue to go once a fort- night if the journey were not practicable ; and where others go I can go." " Of the dangers of the road, I tell this good lady," resumed the President, " she can judge as well as you or I, my Lord. But of the perils of the rest of her errand she must, I think, admit that we may be better judges." " How can you let your Hanoverian prejudices seduce you into countenancing such a devil as that woman, and believing a word that she says?" mut- tered Lord Carse, in a hoarse voice. " Why, my good friend," replied the President, " it does so vex my very heart every day to see how the ladies, whom I would fain hoHour for their dis- cretion as much as I admire them for t! eir other virtues, are wild on behalf of the Pretender, or eager for a desperate and treasonable war, that you must not wonder if I take pleasure in meetini;' with one who is loyal to her riochtful sovereisrn. Loyal, 1 must suppose, at home, and in a quiet way ; for she knows that I do not approve of her journey to London to see the minister." " The minister !" faltered out Lord Carse. He heard, or fancied he heard his wife laughing behind him. " Come, now, my friends," said the President, 24 THE TUKBULEXT. ■with a good-humoured seriousness, " let me tell you that the position of either of you is no joke. It is too serious for any lightness and for any passion. I do not want to hear a word about your grievances. I see quite enougli. I see a lady driven from home, deprived of her children, and tormenting herself ■with thoughts of revenge because she has no other object. I see a gentleman who has been cruelly put to shame in his own house and in the public street, worn with anxiety about his innocent daugh- ters, and with natural fears — inevitable fears, of the mischief that may be done to his character and fortunes by an ill use of the confidence he once gave to the wife of his bosom." There was a suppressed groan from Lord Carse, and something like a titter from the lady. The President went on even more gravely. " I know how easy it is for people to make each other wretched, and especially for you two to ruin each other. If I could but persuade you to sit down with me to a quiet discussion of a plan for living together or apart, abstaining from mutual injury ..." Lord Carse dissented audibly from their living together, and the lady from living apart. ''Why," remonstrated the President, "things cannot be worse than they are now. You make life a hell . . ." " I am sure it is to me !" sighed Lord Carse. '• It is not yet so to me," said the lady. " L . ." "It is not!" thundered her husband, turning suddenly round upon her. " Then I w ill take care it shall be." " For God's sake, hush !" exclaimed the Presi- dent, shocked to the soul. THE TUKBULEXT. 25 " Do your worst," said tlie lady, risiiio:. " "We Avill try which has the most power. You know what ruin is." ••Stop a moment," said the President. "I don 't exactly like to have this quiet house of mine made .a hell of. I cannot have you part on tliese terms." But the lady had curtseyed and was gone. For a minute or two nothing- was said. Then a sort of scream was heard from upstairs. •' My Janet !" cried Lord Carse. " I will 2:0 and see," said the President. " Janet is my especial pet, you know. lie immediately returned, smiling, and said, " There is nothing amiss with Janet. Come and see." Janet was on her mother's lap, her arms thrown round her neck, while the mother's tears streamed over them both. " Can you resist this ?" the President asked of Lord Carse. " Can you keep them apart after this?" " I can," he replied. " I will not permit her the devilish pleasure she wants — of making my own children my enemies." He was going to take Janet by force : but the President interfered, and said authoritatively to Lady Carse that she had better go : her time was not yet come. She must wait ; and his advice was to wait patiently and harmlessly. It could not have been believed how insfanta- ncouslv a woman in such emotion could recover herself. She put Janet off her knee. In an instant there were no more traces of tears, and her face was- composed, and her manner hard. 26 THE TURBULENT. *' Good bye, my dear," she said to the veeping Janet. " Don't cry so, my dear. Keep your tears ; for you will have something more to cry for soon. I am going home, to pack my trunk for London. Have my friends any commands for London?" And she looked round steadily upon the three faces. The President was extremely grave when their eyes met ; but even his eye sank under hers. He offered his arm to conduct her down stairs, and took leave of her at the gate with a silent bow. He met Lord Carse and Janet coming down stairs, and begged them to stay a-while, dreading perliaps a street encounter. But Lord Carse was bent on being gone immediately — had not another moment to spare. ( 27 ) CHAPTER III. THE WRONG JOURNEY. Lady Cause and her maid Bessie — an elderly woman who had served her from her youth up, bearing with her temper for tlie sake of that family attachment wliich exists so strongly in Scotland, — were busy packing trunks this afternoon, when they were told that a gentleman must speak with Lady Carse below stairs, " There will be no peace till we are off," ob- served the lady to lier maid. In answer to which Bessie only sighed deeply. " I want you to attend me down stairs," ob- served the lady. " But this provoking nonsense of yours, this crying about going a journey, has made you not fit to be seen. If any friend of my lord's saw your red eyes, he would go and say that my own maid was on my lord's side. I must go down alone." " Pray, Madam, let me attend you. The gen- tleman will not think of looking at me : and I will stand with my back to the light, and the room is dark." " No ; your very voice is full of tears. Stay where you are." Lady Carse sailed into the room very grandly, not knowing whom she was to see. Nor was she any wiser when she did see him. He was muffled up, and wore a shawl tied over his mouth, and 28 THE WROXG JOLUXEY. kept liis hat on ; so that little space was left be- tween hat, periwig, antl comforter. He apologiseii for wearing his hat, and for keeping the lady stand- ing — his business was short : — in the first place to show her Lord Carse's ring, wliich she would im- mediately recognise .... She glanced at the ring, and knew it at once. " On the warrant of this ring," continued the gentleman, " I come from your husband to require from you what you cannot refuse, — either as a wife, or consistently with your safety. You hold a do- cument, — a letter from your husband, written to you in conjugal confidence five years ago, from London, — a letter. . ." " You need not describe it further," said the lady, "It is my chief treasure, and not likely to escape my recollection. It is a- letter from Lord Carse, con.taining treasonable expressions relating to the royal family." " About the treason we might differ, Madam ; but my business is, not to argue that, but to re- quire of you to deliver up that paper to me, on this warrant," again producing the ring. The lady laugiied, and asked whether the gentle- man was a fool or took her to be one, tliat he asked her to give up what she had just told liini was the greatest treasure she had in the world, — her sure means of revenge upon her enemies. " You will not?" asked the gentleman. " I will not." " Then hear what you have to expect, Madanr. Hear it, and then fake time to consider once more," '• I have no time to spare," she replied, " I start for London early in the morning ; and my prepara- tions are not complete," THE WROXG jour>:ey. 29 *' You must hear me, however," said the gentle- man. " If you do not yiehl, your Inisband m ill iiiunediately and irrevocably put you to open shame." " Pie cannot," she replied. "I have no shame. I have the advantaare of" him there." " You have, however, personal liberty at present. You have that to lose, — and life, Madam. You have that to lose." Lady Carse caught at the table, and leaned on it to support lierself. It was not from fear about her liberty or life ; but because there was a cruel tone in the utterance of the last words, which told her that it was Lord Lo\at who was threatening her ; and she teas afraid of him. " I have shaken you now," ssid he. " Come : give me the letter." '• It is not fear that shakes me," she replied. " It is disgust. The disgust that some feel at rep- tiles I feel at you, my Lord Lovat." She quickly turned and left tlie room. When he followed, she had her foot on the stairs. lie said aloud, " You will repent, IMadam. You will repent." " That is my own affair." "True, Madam: most true. I charge you to remember that you have yourself said that it is your own affair, if you find you have cause to repent." Lady Carse stood on the stairs till her visiter had closed the house-door behind him, struggled up to her chamber, and fainted on the tlu'eshold. *•' Tills journey will never do, Madam," said Bessie, as her mistress revived. " It is the very thing for me," protested tlie lady. " In twelve hours more, Me sliall have left 30 THE WRONG JOURNEY. this town and my enemies behind us ; and then I shall be happy." Bessie sighed. Her mistress often talked of being happy ; but nobody had ever yet seen her so. " This fainting is nothing," said Lady Carse, rising from the bed. *' It is only that my soul sickens when Lord Lovat comes near ; and the vi- sitor below was Lord Lovat." " Mercy on us !" exclaimed Bessie. " What next?" " Why, that we must get this lock turned," said her lady, kneeling on the lid of a trunk. " Xow, try again. Tliere it is! Give me the key. Get me a cup of tea, and then to bed with you ! I have a letter to write. Call me at four, to a minute. Plave you ordered two chairs, to save all risk ?" " Yes, Madam ; and the landlord will see your things to the coach-office to-night." Lady Carse had sealed her letter, and v as wind- ing up her watch, with her eyes fixed on the decay- ing fire, when she was startled by a knock at tlie house-door. Every body else was in bed. In a vague fear, she hastened to her chamber, and held the door in her hand, and listened while the land- lord went down. There were two voices besides his ; and there was a noise as of something heavy brought into the hall. When this was done, and the bolts and bars were again fastened, slie went to the stairhead, and saw the landlord coming up with a letter in his hand. The letter was for her. It was heavy. Her trunks had come back from the coach-office. The London coach was gone. The letter contained the money paid for the fare of Lady Carse and her maid to London, and ex- plained that a person of importance having occa- THE WRONG JOURNEY. 31 sion to go to London, with attendants, and it being- necessary to use haste, the coach was compelled to start six hours earlier than usual ; and Lady Carse would have the first choice of places next time ; — that is in a fortnight. Bessie had never seen her mistress in such a rage as now : and poor Bessie was never to see it again. At the first news, she was off her guard, and thanked Heaven that this dangerous journey was put off for a fortnight ; and much might happen in that time. Her mistress turned round upon her, said it was not put off, — she avouM go on horse- back alone, — she would go on foot,— she would crawl on her knees, sooner than give up. Bessie was silent, well knowing that none of these ways would or could be tried, and thankful that there was only this one coach to England. Enraged at her silence, her mistress declared that no one who was afraid to go to London Avas a proper servant for her, and turned her off upon the spot. She paid her wages to the weeping Bessie, and with the first light of morning, sent her from the house, herself closing the door behind her. She then went to bed, drawing the curtains close round it, remaining there all the next day, and refusing food. In the evening, she wearily rose, and slowly dressed herself, — for the first time in her life with- out help. She was fretted and humbled at the little difficulties of her toilet, and secretly wished, many times, that Bessie would come back and offer her services, though she was resolved to appear not to accept thera without a very humble apology from Bessie for her fears about London. At last, she was ready to go down to tea, dressed in a 32 THE Vv'ROXG JOURKEY. M-rapping-gown and slippers. When lialfway down, she hearcL a step beliind her, and looked round. A Highlander was just two stairs above her: another appeared at the foot of the flight ; and more were iu- thehall. She knew the livery. It was Lovat's tartan. They dragged her down stairs, and into her par- lour, where siie struggled so violently that she fell against the heavy table, and knocked out two teeth. They fastened down her arms by swathing her witli a plaid, tied a cloth over her mouth, threw anotlier over her head, and carried her to the door. In the street -was a sedan-chair ; and in the chair was a mau who took her upon his knees, and held her flist. Still she struggled so desperately, that tlie chair roclced from side to side, and would liave been thrown over ; but that there were plenty of atten- dants running along by the side of it, who kept it upright. This did not last very long. When they had got out of the streets, the chair stopped. The cloth was removed from her head ; and she saw that they were on tlie Linlithgow road, that some horsemen were waiting, one of wliom was on a very stout horse, which bore a pillion behind the saddle. To this person she was formally introduced, and told that he was Mr. Forster of Corsebonny. She k new- Mr. Forster to be a gentleman of character ; and that therefore her personal safety was secure in his hands. But her good opinion of him determined lier to complain and ap])eal to him in a way which she believed no gentleman could resist. She did not think of making any outcry. The party was large ; the road was unfrequented at night ; and slie dreaded being gagged. She tiierefore only spoke, — and that as calmlv as she could. THE WKO^^G JOURNEV. 33 "Wliatdoes this mean, Mr. Forster? "Where are you carrying me ?" " I know little of Lord Carse's purposes, Ma- dam ; and less of the meaning of them probably than yourself." " My Lord Carse ! Then I shall soon be among the dead. He will go through life with murder on his soul." " You wrong him, Madam. Your life is very safe." " No. I will not live to be the sport of ray hus- band's mercy. I tell you, Sir, Lwill not live." " Let me advise you to be silent, Madam. What- ever we have to say will be better said at the end of our stage, where I hope you will enjoy good rest, imder my word that you shall not be mo- lested." But the lady would not be silent. She declared very peremptorily her determination to destroy herself on the first opportunity ; and no one who knew her temper could dispute the probability of her doing that, or any other act of passion. From bewailing herself, she went on to say things of her husband and Lord Lovat, and of her purposes in regard to them, which Mr. Forster felt that he and others ought not, for her own sake, to hear. He quickened his pace ; but she complained of cramp in her side. He then halted, — whispered to two men who watched for his orders, — and had the poor lady again silenced by the cloth being tied over her mouth. She tried to drop off; but that only caused the strap which bound her to the rider to be buckled tighter. She found herself treated like a wayward child. When she could no longer make opposition, the pace of the party was quickened ; c 34 THE AVROXG JOURXEY. and it was not more than two hours past midnight wlien tliey reached a country-house wiiicli she knew to belong to an Edinburgh lawyer, a friend of her husband's. Servants were up, — fires were burning, — supper vas on the table. The lady was shown to a com- fortable bed-room. From thence she refused to come down. Mr. Forster and another gentleman of the party there- fore visited her to explain as much as they thought proper of Lord Carse's plans, and of their own me- thod of proceeding. They told her that Lord Carse found himself compelled, for family reasons, to sequestrate her. For her life and safety there was no fear ; but she Avas to live where she could have that personal liberty of which no one wished to deprive her, Avithout opportunity of intercourse with her family. " And where can that be ?" she asked. " AVho will undertake to say that I shall live, in the first place ; and that my children shall not hear from me, in the next ?" " Where your abode is to be, we do not know," replied Mr. Forster. " Perhaps it is not yet settled. As for your life, ]\ladam, I have engaged to trans- fer you alive and safe, as far as lies in liuniau power." " Transfer me ! To whom ?" " To another friend of your husband's, who will take equal care of you. I am sorry for your threats of violence on yourself They compel me to do what I should not otherwise iiave thought of; — to forbid your being alone, even in this your own room." " You do not mean . . . ." THE "WROXG JOURXEY. 35 " I mean that you are not to be left un^vatclied for a single instant. There is a woman in the house,— the housekeeper. She and her liusband will enter this room when I leave it ; and I advisQ }-ou to say nothing to them against this arrange- ment." '•• They shall have no peace with me." " I am sorry for it. It will be a bad prepara- tion for your further journey. You Mould do better to lie down and rest, — for which ample time shall be allowed." The people in charge of the house were sum- moned, and ordered, in the lady's hearing, to watcli her rest, and on no account to leave the room till desired to do so. A table was set out in one corner, with meat and bread, wine and ale. But the un- happy lady v>ould not attempt either to eat or sleep. She sat by the fire, faint, weary and gloomy. She listened to the sounds from below till the whole party had supped, and lain do^n for the night. Then she watched her guards,— the woman knitting, and the man reading his Bible. At last, she could hold up no longer. Her head sank on her breast ; and she was scarcely conscious of being gently lifted, laid upon the bed, and covered up warm with cloak and plaid. c 2 ( 36 ) CHAPTER lY. NEWSPAPERS. Lady Carse did not awake till the afternoon of the next day ; and then she saw the housekeeper sitting knitting on the same chair, and looking as if she had never stirred since she took lier place there in the middle of the night. The man was not there. The woman cheerfully invited the lady to rise and refresh herself, and come to the fire, and then go down and dine. But Lady Carse's spirit was awake as soon as her eyes were. She said she would never rise — never eat again. The woman begged her to think better of it, or she should be obliged to call her husband to resume his watch, and to let Mr. Forster know of her refusal to take food. To this the poor lady answered only by burying her face in the coverings, and remaining silent and motionless, for all the woman could say. In a little while, up came Mr. Forster, with three Highlanders. They lifted her, as if she liad been a child, placed her in an easy chair by the fireside, held back her head, and poured down her throat a basin full of strong broth. " It grieves me, Madam," said Mr. Forster, " to be compelled to treat you thus — like a wayward child. But I am answerable for your life. You will be fed in this way as often as you decline ne- cessary food." KEWSPAPERS. 37 " I defy you still," she cried. " Indeed !" said he, with a perplexed look. She had been searched by the housekeeper in her sleep ; and it was certain that no weapon and no drug was about her person. She presently lay back in the chair, as if wishing to sleep, throwing a shawl over her head ; and all withdrew except the housekeeper and her husband. In a little while some movement was perceived under the shawl, and then there was a suppressed choking sound. The desperate woman was swal- lowing her hair, in order to vomit up the nourish- ment she had taken— as another lady in desperate circumstances once did to get rid of poison. The housekeeper was ordered to cut off her hair, and Mr. Forster then rather rejoiced in this proof that she carried no means of destroying her life. As soon as it was quite dark she Avas compelled to take more food, and then wrapped up warmly for a night-ride. Mr. Forster invited her to pro- mise that she would not speak, that he might be spai-ed the necessity of bandaging her mouth. But she declared her intention of speaking on every possible occasion ; and she was therefore effectually prevented from opening her mouth at all. On they rode through the night, stopping to dis- mount only twice ; and then it was not at any house, but at mere sheepfolds, M'here a fire was kindled by some of the party, and where they drank whisky, and laughed and talked in the warmth and glow of the fire, as if the poor lady had not been present. Between her internal pas- sion, her need of more food than she would take, the strangeness of the scene, with the sparkling cold stars overhead, and the heat and glow of the 305 38 NEWSPAPERS. fire under the wall — amidst these distracting influ- ences the lady felt confused and ill, and would have been "lad now to have been free to converse quietly, and to accept the mercy Mr. Forster had been ready to sliow her. He was as watchful as ever, sat next her as she lay on the ground, said at last that they had not much further to go, and felt her pulse. As the grey light of morning- strengthened, he went slower and slower, and en- couraged her to lean upon liini, which her weak- ness compelled her to do. He sent forward the factor of the estate they were now entering upon, desiring liim to see tliat every tiling was warm and comfortable. AViien the building they were approaching came in view, the poor hidy wondered how it could ever be made warm and comfortable. It was a little old tower, the top of which was in ruins, and the rest as dreary-looking as possible. Cold and bare it stood on a \\aste hill-side. It would have looked like a mere grey pillar set down on the scanty pas- ture, but for a square patch beliind, which was walled in by a hard ugly wall of stones. A thin grey smoke arose from it, showing that some one was within ; and dogs began to l)ark as the party drew near. One woman was here as at the last resting-place. She showed the way by the narrow winding stair, up ^\ hicli Lady Carse «as carried like a corpse, and laid on a little bed in a very small room, whose single window was boarded up, leaving only a square of glass at tlie top to admit the light. Mr. Forster stood by the bedside, and said firmly, " Now, Lady Carse, listen to me for a moment, and then von will be left with such freedom as this NEWSPAPERS. 39 room and tliis woman's attendance can afford you. You are so exhausted, that we have changed onr plan of travel. You will remain here, in this room, till you have so recruited yourself by food and rest as to be able to proceed to a place wliere all restraint will be withdrawn. Wiien you think yourself able to proceed, and declare your willing- ness to do so, I, or a friend of mine, will be at your service— at your call at any hour. Till then, this room is your abode ; and till then I bid you fare- well." He unfastened the bandage, and was gone before she could speak to hiui. Svhat she wanted to say was, that on such terms she would never leave this room again. Siie desired the woman to tell him so ; but the woman said she had orders to carry no messages. Wliere there is no help and no hope, any force of mere temper is sure to give way, as jMr. Forster well knew. Injured people who have done no wrong, and who bear no anger against their ene- mies, have an inward strength and liberty of mind which enable them to bear on firmly, and to be im- moveable in their righteous purposes ; so that, as has been shown by many examples, they will be torn limb from limb sooner than yield. Lady Carse was an injured person — most deeply injured, but she was not innocent. She had a purpose ; but it was a vindictive one ; and her sovd was all tossed svith passion, instead of being settled in patience. vSo her intentions of starving herself — of making Mr. Forster miserable by killing herself tlirough want of sleep and food, gave way ; and then she was in a rage with herself for having given v^ay. When all was still in the tower, and the silent 40 KEVvSPAPERS. woman who attended her knitted on for hours to- gether, as if she were a machine ; and there was nothing to be seen from the boarded window ; and the smouldering peats in the fire-place looked as if they were asleep, Lady Carse could not always keep awake, and, once asleep, she did not wake for many hours. When, at length, she started up and looked around her, she was alone, and the room was lighted only by a flickering blaze from the fire-place. This dancins: lisfht fell on a little low round table, on which was a plate w ith some slices of mutton-ham, some oat-cake, three or four eggs, and a pitcher. She was ravenously hungry, and she was alone. She thouofht she would take somethino' — so little as to save her pride, and not to show tliat she had yielded. But, once yielding, this was impossible. She ate, and ate, till all was gone — even the eggs ; and it would have been the same if they had been raw. The pitcher contained ale, and siie emptied it. When she had done, she could have died with shame. She was just thinking of setting her dress on fire, when she heard the woman's step on the stair. She threw herself on the bed, and pretended to be asleep. Presently she was so, and she had another long nap. When she Avoke the table had nothing on it but the woman's knitting ; the woman was putting peats on the fire, and she made no remark, then or afterwards, on tlie disappear- ance of the food. From that day forward food was laid out while the lady slept ; and when she awoke, she foimd herself alone to eat it. It was served without knife or fork, with only bone spoons. It would have been intolerable shame to her if she had known that she was watched, through NEAVSPAPERS. 41 a little hole in the door, as a precaution ag-ainst any attempt on her life. But her intentions of this kind too gave way. She was well aware that, though not free to go where she liked, she could, any day, find herself in the open air, with liberty to converse, except on certain subjects ; and that she might presently be in some abode — she did not know what — where she could have full personal liberty, and her present confinement being her own choice made it much less dignified, and this caused her to waver about throwing'] off life and captivity together. The moment never came when she was disposed to try. At the end of a week she felt great curiosity to know whether Mr. Forster was at the tower all this time, waiting her pleasure. She would not inquire, lest she should be suspected of the truth — that she was beginning to wish to see him. She tried one or two distant questions on her attendant, but the woman knew nothing. There seemed to be no sort of question that she could answer. In a few days more the desire for some conver- sation with somebody became very pressing, and Lady Carse was not in the habit of denying herself anything she wished for. Still, her pride pulled the other way. The plan she thought of was to sit apparently musing or asleep by the fire while her attendant swept the floor of her room, and sud- denly to run down stairs while the door was open. This she did one day when she was pretty sure she had heard an unusual sound of horses' feet below. If Mr. Forster should be going without her seeing him, it would be dreadful. If he should have arrived after an absence, this would afford a pretext for renewing intercourse with him. So she watched c3 42 IS-EWSPAPERS. her moment, sprang to the door, and was down the stair before her attendant could utter a cry of earning to those below. Lady Carse stood on the last stair, gazing into the little kitchen, which occupied the ground-floor of the tower. Two or three people turned and gazed at her, as 'startled perhaps as herself; and she icas startled, for one of them was Lord Lovat. Mr. Forster recovered himself, bowed, and said that perhaps she found herself able to travel ; in which case, he was at her service. " O dear, no ! " she said. She had no intention whatever of travelling further. She had heard au arrival of horsemen, and had merely come down to know if there was any news from Edinburgh. Lord Lovat bowed, said he had just arrived from town, and would be liappy to wait on her up-stairs with any tidings that she might inquire for. " By no means," she said, haughtily. She would wait for tidings rather than learn them from Lord Lovat. She turned, and went up stairs again, stung by hearing Lord Lovat's hateful laugh be- hind her as she went. As she sat by the fire, devouring her shame and wrath, her attendaftt came up with a handful of newspapers, and Lord Lovat's compliments, and he had sent her the latest Edinburgh news to read, as she did not w^ish to hear it from him. She snatclied the jiapers, meaning to thrust them into the fire, in token of contempt for the sender ; but a longino;' to read them came over her, and she miyht convey sufficient contempt by throwing them on the bed — and this she accordingly did. She watched them, however, as a cat does a mouse. The M'oman seemed to have no intention KEWSFAPERS. 43 of going down any more to-day. Whether tlie lady was watched, and her impatience detected, through the hole in the door, or whether humanity suggested that the unliappy creature should be permitted an hour of solitude on such an occasion, the woman was called down, and did not immediately return. How impatiently, then, were the papers seized ! How unsettled was the eye which ran over the columns, while the mind was too feverish to com- prehend what it read ! In a little while, however, the ordinary method of newspaper reading esta- blished itself; and she went on from one item to another with more amusement than anxiety. In this mood, and with the utmost suddenness, she eame upon the announcement, in large letters, of " the Funeral of Lady Carse !" It was even soj In one paper was a paragraph intimating the threat- ening illness of Lady Carse ; in the next, the an- nouncement of her death; in the third, a full account of her funeral, as taking place from her husband's house. Her fate was now clear. She was lost to the world for ever ! In the midst of the agony of this doom she could yet be stung by the thought that this was the cause of Lord Lovat's complaisance in sending her the newspapers; that here Avas the reason of the only indulgence which had been permitted her! As for the rest, her mind made short work of it. Her object must now be to confound her foes— -to prove to the world that she was not dead and buried. From this place she could not do this. Here there was no scope and no hope. In travelling, and in her future residence, there miglit be a thousand opportunities. She could not stay here another 44 KEWSPAPERS. hour ; and so she sent word to Mr. Forster. His reply was, that lie should be happy to escort her that night. From the stair-head she told him that she could not wait till night. He declared it im- possible to make provision for her comfort along the road withouf a few hours' notice by a horseman sent forward. The messenger was already saddling his horse ; and by nine in the evening the rest of the party would follow. At nine the lady was on her pillion; but now comfortably clad in a country dress — homely, but warm. It was dark : but^ie was informed that the party thoroughly knew their road ; and that in four or five days they should have the benefit of the young moon. So, after four or five days, they were to be still travelling ! Where could they be carrying her ? ( 45 ) CHAPTER V. CROSS ROADS AND SHORT SEAS. Where they were carrying her was more than Lady Carse herself could discover. To the day of her death she never knew what country she had tra- versed during the dreary and fatiguing week which ensued. She saw Stirling Castle standing up on its mighty rock against the dim sky ; and she knew that before dawn they had entered the Highlands. But beyond this she was wholly ignorant. In those days there Avere no milestones on the road she tra- velled. The party went near no town, stopped at no inn, and never permitted her an opportunity of speaking to any one out of their own number. They always halted before daylight at some solitary house — left open for them, but uninhabited — or at some cowshed, where they shook down straw for her bed, made a fire, and cooked their food ; and at niglilt they always remounted, and rode for many hours, through a wild country, where the most hopeful of captives could not dream of rescue. Sometimes they carried torches while ascending a narrow ravine, where a winter torrent dashed down the steep rocks and whirled away below, and where the lady unawares showed her desire to live by clinging faster to the horseman behind whom she rode. Sometimes she saw the whole starry hemi- sphere resting like a dome on a vast moorland, the stars rising from the horizon here and sinking 46 CROSS ROADS AND SHORT SEAS. lliere, as at sea. Tlie party rarely passed any faimsteads or other dwellings ; and when they did, pileiice was commanded, and the riders turned their horses on the grass or soft earth, in order to appear as little as possible like a cavalcade to any wakeful ears. Once, on sucli an occasion, Lady Carse screamed aloud ; but this only caused her to be carried at a gallop, which instantly silenced her, and tlien to be gagged for the rest of tlie night. She would have promised to make no such attempt again, such a liorror had she now of the muffle which Ijandaged her mouth, but nobody asked her to promise. On tlie contrary, she heard one man say to another, tliat the lady miglit scream all night long nov/, if she liked ; nobody but the eagles would answer her, now she was among the Erasers. Among the Frasers ! Then she was on Lord Lovat's estates. Here there was no hope for her ; and all her anxiety was to get on, though every step removed her further from her friends, and from the protection of law. But this was ex- actly the place where she was to stop for a consi- derable time. Having arrived at a solitary house among moor- land hills, Mr. Forster told her that she would live here till the days should be longer, and the wea- tlier warm enough for a more comfortable prose- cution of her further journey. He would advise her to take exercise in the garden, small as it was,^ and to be cheerful, and preserve her healtli, in ex- pectation of the summer, when she would reach a place where all restrictions on her personal liberty would cease. He woulil now bid her farewell. " You are going back to Edinburgh," said she, CROSS EOADS AXD SHORT SEAS. 47 rising from her seat by the fire, " You will see Lortf Carse. Tell him, that though he has buried liis wife, he has not got rid of her. She will haiuit him — she will shame liim — she will ruin him yet." " I see now," observed a voice behind her She turned and perceived Lord Lovat, who ad- dressed himself to Mr, Forster, saying, " I see now that it is best to let such people live. If she were dead, we cannot say but that she might haunt him ; though I myself have no great belief of it. As it is, slie is safe out of liis v,'ay — at any rate, till she dies first. I see now that his method is the right one." " Why, I don't know, my lord," replied Lady Carse. " You should consider how little trouble it would have cost to put me out of the way in my grave ; aftd how much trouble I am costing you now. It is some comfort to me to think of the annoyance and risk, and fatigue and expense, I am causing you all." " You mistake the thing. Madam. We rejoice in these things, as incurred for the sake of some people over the water. It gratifies our loyalty— our loyalty. Madam, is a sentiment which exalts and endears the meanest services, even that of se- questrating a spy, an informer." " Come, come, Lovat, it is time we were off," said Mr. Forster, who was at once ashamed of his com- panion's brutality, and alarmed at its effect upon the lady. She looked as if she would die on the spot. She had not been aware till now how her pride had been gratified by the sense of her own importance, caused by so many gentlemen of consequence entering into her husband's plot against her liberty. She was now rudely told that it was all for their 48 CROSS ROADS AND SHORT SEAS. own sakes. She was controlled not as a dignified and powerful person, but as a mischievous in- former. She rallied quickly — not only through pride, but from the thought that power is power, Whencesoever derived, and that she might yet make Lord Lovat feel this. She curtseyed to the gentle- men, saying, " It is your turn now to jeer. Gentlemen ; and to board up windows, and the like. The day may come when I shall sit at a window to see your heads fall." " Time will show," said Lord Lovat, wath a smile, and an elegant bow. And they left her alone. They no longer feared to leave her alone. Her temper was well known to them ; and her purposes of ultimate revenge, once clearly announced, were a guarantee that she would, if possible, live to exe- cute them. She would make no attempts upon her life henceforward. "Weeks and months passed on. The snow came, and lay long, and melted away. Beyond the gar- den wall she saw sprinklings of young grass among the dark heather ; and now the bleat of a lamb, and now the scudding brood of the moor-fowl, told her that spring was come. Long lines of wild geese in the upper air, winging steadily north- wards, indicated the advancing season. The whins w ithin view burst into blossom ; and the morn- ino- breeze which dried the dews wafted their fra- grance. Then the brooding mists drew off under the increasing warmth of the sun ; and the lady discovered that there was a lake within view — a wide expanse, Minding away among mountains till ' it was lost behind their promontories. She strained CROSS ROADS AND SHORT SEAS. 49 her eyes to see vessels on this lake, and now and then she did perceive a little sail hoisted, or a black speck, which must be a row-boat traversing the waters when they were sheeny in the declining sun. These things, and the lengthening and warmth of the days, quickened her impatience to be re- moved. She often asked the people of the house whether no news and no messengers had come ; but they did not improve in their knowledge of the English tongue any more than she did in that of the Gaelic, and she could obtain no satisfaction. In the sunny mornings she lay on the little turf- plat in the garden, or walked restlessly among the cabbage-beds (being allowed to go no further), or shook the locked gate desperately, till some one came out to warn her to let it alone. In the June niglits she stood at her window, only one small pane of which would open, watching the mists shifting and curling in the moonlight, or the sheet lightning which now and then revealed the lake in the bosom of the mountains, or appeared to lay open the whole sky. But June passed away, and there was no change. July came and went — the sun was visibly shortening his daily journey, and leaving an hour of actual darkness in the middle of the night : and still there was no prospect of a further journey. She began to doubt Mr. Forster as much as she hated Lord Lovat, and to say to herself that his promises of further personal liberty in the summer were mere coaxing words, uttered to secure a quiet retreat from her presence. If she could see him, for only five minutes, how she would tell him her mind ! She never again saw Mr. Forster : but, one night in August, while she was at the window, and just 50 CROSS ROADS AXD SHORT SEAS. growing sleepy, she was summoned by the woman of the liouse to dress lierself for a night ride. Slie prepared lierself eagerly enough, and was off pre- sently, without knowing anything of the horsemeu who escorted her. It was with a gleam of pleasure that she saw that they were approaching the lake she had so often gazed at from afar: and her heart grew lighter still when she found that she was to traverse it. She began to talk, in her new exliilaration ; and she did not leave off, though nobody replied. But her exclamations about the sunrise, the clearness of the water, and the leaping of the fish, died away when she looked from face to face of those about her, and found them all strange and very stern. At last, the dip of the oars was the only sound ; but it was a pleasant and sootliing one. All went well this day. After landing, the party proceeded westwards— as they did nightly for nearly a week. It mattered little that they did not enter a house in all that time. Tiie weather was so fine, that a shecpfohl, or a grassy nook of the moorland, served all needful j)urposes of a resting-place by day. On the six-li night, a surprise, and a terrible surprise, awaited the poor lady. Her heart mis- gave her wheirthe niglit-wind brought the sound of the sea to her ears — the sur<2:ini>- sea which tosses and roars in the rocky inlets of the western coast of Scotland. Bnt her dismav was dreadful when she discovered that tliere was a vessel below, on board which she was to be carried without delay. On the instant, dreadful visions arose before her ima'T'i nation, of her beino^ carried to a forei'^n CD ^ C? O shore, to be delivered into the liands of the Stuarts, to be pucislied as a traitor and spy ; and of tliose CKOSS ROADS AND SHORT SEAS. 51 far ofF plantations and dismal colonies where people troublesome to their families were said, to be sent, to be chained to servile labour with criminals and slaves. She wept bitterly : she clasped her hands —she threw herself at the feet of the conductor of the party— she appealed to them all, telling them to do what they would with her, if only they would not carry her to sea. Most of them looked at one another, and made no reply— not understanding lier lano-uage. The conductor told her to fear no- thing, as she was in the hands of the Macdonalds, who°had orders from Sir Alexander Macdonald of Skye to provide for her safety. He promised that the voyage would not be a long one ; and that as soon as the sloop should have left the loch she should be told where she was going. With tliat, he lifted her lightly, stepped into a boat, and was rowed to the sloop, where she was received by the owner, and half a dozen other Macdonalds. For some hours they waited for a wind ; and sorely did the master wish it would come ; for the lady lost not a glimpse of an opportunity of pleading her cause, explaining tliat she was stolen from Edinburgh, against the laws. He told her she had better be quiet, as nothing could be done. Sir Alexander Macdonald was in the aftair. He, for one, would never keep her or any one against their will, un- less Sir Alexander Macdonald were in it : but no- thing could be done. He saw, however, that some impression was made on one person, who visited the sloop on business, one William Tplney, who had connexions at Inverness from having once been a merchant there, and who was now a tenant of the Macleods in a neighbouring island. This man was evidently touched ; and the Macdonalds 52 CROSS ROADS AND SHORT SEAS. held a consultation in consequence, the result of which was that William Tolney was induced to be silent on what he had seen and heard. But for many a weary year after did Lady Carse turn with hope to the image of the stranger who had listened to lier on board the sloop, taken the address of lier lawyer, and said that in his opinion something must be done. In the evening the wind rose, and the sloop moved down the loch. With a heavy heart the lady next morning watched the vanishing of the last of Glengarry's seats, on a green platform be- tween the grey and bald mountains ; then the last fishing hamlet on the shores ; and, finally, a flock of herons come abroad to the remotest point of the shore from their roosting-places in the tall trees that sheltered Glengarry's abode. After that all was wretchedness. For many days she was on the tossing sea — the sloop now scudding before the wind, now heaving" on the troubled waters, now creeping along between desolate-looking islands, now apparently lost amidst the boundless ocean. At length, soon after sunrise, one bright morning, the sail was taken in, and the vessel lay before the entrance of a hai'bour which looked like the mouth of a small river. At noon the sun beat hot on the deck of the sloop. In tlie afternoon the lady im- patiently asked what they were waiting for — if this really was, as she was told, their place of destina- tion. The wind was not contrary ; what were they waiting for ? " No, Madam ; the wind is fair. But it is a curious circumstance about this harbour that it can be entered safely only at night. It is one of the most dangerous harbours in all the isles." CROSS ROADS AKD SHORT SEAS. 53 " And you dare to enter it at night ? What do you mean ? " '• I will show you, Madam, when night comes." Lady Carse suspected that the delay was on her account ; that she was not to land by daylight, lest too much sympathy should be excited by her among the inliabitants. Her indignation at this stimu- lated her to observe all she could of the appear- ance of the island, in case of opportunity occurring to turn to the account of an escape any knowledge she might obtain. On the rocky ledges which stretched out into the sea lay basking several seals ; and all about them, and on every higher ledge, were myriads of puffins. Hundreds of puffins and fulmars were in the air, and skimming the waters. The fulmars poised themselves on their long wings ; the fat little puffins poffled about in the water, and made a great commotion where everything else was quiet. From these lower ridges of rock vast masses arose, black and solemn, some perpendi- cular, some with a slope too steep and smooth to permit a moment's dream of climbing them. Even on this warm day of August the clouds had not risen above the highest peaks ; and they threw a gloom over the interior of the small island, while the skirting rocks and sea were glittering in the sunshine. Even the scanty herbage of the slopes at the top of the rocks looked almost a bright green where the sun fell upon it ; and especially where it descended so far as to come into contrast with the blackness of the yawning caverns with which the rocky wall was here and there perforated. The lady perceived no dwellings ; but jNIac- donald, who observed her searching gaze, pointed his glass and invited her to look through it. At 54 CKOSS ROADS AND SHORT SEAS. first she saw nothing but a dim confusion of grey- rocks and dull grass ; but at length she made out a grey cottage, with a roof of turf, and a peat- stack beside it. " I see one dwelling," said the lady. " You see it," observed Macdonuld, satisfied, and resuming his gla^s. Then, observing the lady was not satisfied, he added, " There are more dwellings, but they are be- hind yonder ridge, out of sight. That is where my place is." Lady Carse did not at present discern where the dangerous sympathy witli her case was to come fi-oni. But there was no saying how many dwell- ings there might be behind that ridge. She once more insisted on landing by daylight; and was once more told that it was out of the question. She resolved to keep as wide awake as her suspi- cions, in order to see what was to be done with her. She was anxiouslj' on the watch in the dark- ness an hour before midnight, when JIacdonald said to her, " Now for it, Madam ! I will presently show vou somethinG;- curious." The sloop began to move under the soft breath- ing night wind ; and in a few minutes Macdonald asked her if she saw anytliing before her, a little to the right? At first she did not ; but was presently told, that a tiny spark, too minute to be noticed by any but those who were looking for it, was a guid- ing light. " Where is it ? " asked the lady. " Why have not you a more effectual light ? " '• "We are tliankful enough to have any : and it server our tiun." CROSS EOADS AND SHORT SEAS. 55 " ! I suppose it is a smuggler's signal ; and it Avould not do to make it more conspicuous." '' No, Madam. It is far from being a smug- gler's signal. There is a woman, Annie Fleming, living in the grey house I showed you, an honest and pious soul, who keeps up that light for all that want it." " Wliy ? Who employs her ? " '• She does it of her own liking. Some have heard tell, but I don't know it for true, tliat wlieu she and her husband were young she saw him drown, from his boat having run foul in the liar- bour that she overlooks ; and that from that day to this she has had a light up there every night. I can say that I never miss it when I come home ; and I always enter by night, trusting to it as the best landmark in this difficult harbour." " And do the other inhabitants trust to it, and come in by night ? " Macdonald answered, that his was the only boat on the island ; but he believed that all who liad business on the sea between this and Skye knew that light, and made use of it, on occasion, in dangerous weather. And now he must not talk, but see to his vessel. This the only boat on the island ! He must mean the only sloop. There must be fishing-boats. There must and should be, the lady resolved ; for she would get back to the mainland. She would not spend her days here, beyond the westerly Skye, where she had just learned that this island lay. The anxious business of entering the harbour was accomplished by slow degrees, under the guid- ance of the spark on the hill-side. At dawn the little vessel was moored to a natural pier of rock ; 56 CROSS ROADS AND SHORT SEAS. and the lady was asked whether she would proceed to Macdonald's house immediately, or take some hours' rest first. Here ended her fears of being secluded from po- pular sympathy. She was weary of the sea and the vessel, and made all haste to leave them. Her choice lay between walking and being car- ried by Highlanders. She chose to walk ; and with some fatigue, and no little internal indignation, she traversed a mile and a half of rocky and moorland Avays, then arriving at a sordid and dreary looking farmhouse standing alone in a wild place, to which Macdonald proudly introduced her as Sir Alexan- der's estate on this island, of which he Mas the tenant. ( 57 ) CHAPTER VI. THE STEADFAST. It was a serene evening M^hen, the day after her landing, Lady Carse approached widow Fleming's abode. The sun was going down in a clear sky ; and when, turning from the dazzling western sea, the eye wandered eastwards, the view was such as could not but transport a heart at ease. The tide was low, and long shadows from the rocks lay upon flie yellow sands, and darkened, near the shore, the translucent sea. At the entrance of the black ca- verns, the spray leaped up on the advance of every ^ave, — not in threatening, but as if at play. Far away over the lilac and green waters arose the craggy peaks of Skye, their projections and hol- loA\^1[n the softest light and shadow. As the sea- birds rose from tlieir rest upon the billows, oppo- site the sun, diamond drops fell from their wings. Nearer at hand there was little beauty but what a brilliant sunset sheds over every scene. There were shadows from the cottage over the dull green sward, and from the two or three goats wliich mo\ed about on the ledges and slopes of the upper rocks. The cottage itself was more lowly and much more odd than the lady had conceived, from anything she had yet seen or heard of. Its walls were six feet thick, and roofed from the inside, leaving a sort of platform all round, which was overgrown with coarse herbage. The outer and 58 THE STEADFAST. inner surfaces of the wall were of stones, and the middle part was filled in with earth ; so that grass miglit well grow on the top. The roof was of thatch — part straw, part sods, tied down to cross-poles by ropes of twisted heather. The walls did not rise more than five feet from the ground ; and no- thing could be easier tlian for the goats to leap up, when tempted to graze there. A kid was now ■amusing itself on one corner. As Ladj^ Carse walked round, she was startled at seeing a woman sitting on the opposite corner. Her back was to the sun — her gaze fixed on the sea, and her fingers were busy knitting. The lady had some doubts at first about its being the widow, as this woman wore a bright cotton handkerchief tied over her head : but a glance at the face, when it was turned towards her, assured her that it was Annie Fleming herself. " No, do not come down," said the lady. "Let me come up beside you. I see the May." And she stept up by means of the projecting stones of the wall, and threw herself down beside the quiet knitter. " What are you making? Mittens? And Avhat of? What sort of wool is this ?" " It is goats' liair." " Tiresome work ! " the lady observed. " Wool is bad enough ; but these short lengths of hair ! I should never have patience." The widow replied tliat she had time in these summer evenings ; and she was glad to take the chance of selling a few pairs when Macdonald went to the main, once or twice a year. " How do they sell ? What do you get for them?" . THE STEADFAST. 59 *' I get oil to last me for some time." " And what else ? " " Now and then I may -want sometliing else ; but I get chieHy oil— as what I want most." The widow saw that Lady Carse was not attend- ing to what she said, and was merely making an opening for what she herself wanted to ntter : so Annie said no more of her work and its payment, but waited. " Tiiis is a dreadful place," the lady burst out. " Nobody can live here." " I have heard that there are kindlier plsfces to live in," the widow replied. " This island must appear rather bare to people who come from the south,— as I partly remember myself." "Where did you come from? Do j-ou know where I come from ? Do you know who I am ? " cried the lady. " I came from Dumfries. I have not heard where you lived, my Lady. I was told by Mac- donald that you came by Sir Alexander Mac- donald's orders, to live here henceforward." '•' I will not live here henceforward. I would sooner die." The widow looked surprised. _ In answer to that look. Lady Carse said, - "Ah! you do not know who I am, nor what brought me here, or you would see that I cannot live here, and why I would rather die. — Why do not you speak ? Why do you not ask me what I have suffered ? " " I sliould not tliink of it, my Lady. Those who have suffered are slow to speak of their heart-pain, and would be ashamed before God to say how much oftener they would rather have died." d2 60 THE STEADFAST. '• I must speak, liowever, and I will," declared Lady Carse. " You know I must ; and j'ou are tlie only person in the island that I can speak to. — I want to live with you. I must. I know you are a good woman. I know you are kind. If you are kind to mere strangers that come in boats, and keep a light to save them from shipwreck, you will not be cruel to me — the most ill-used creature — tlie most wretched — the most . . , ." She hid her Ijice on her knees, and wept bitterly. " Take courage, my Lady," said Annie. '• If you have not strength enough for your troubles to-day, it only shows that there is more to come." '• 1 do not want strength," said the lady. '• You do not know me. I am not wanting in strenq-tli. What I want — what I nuist have, is justice." '• Well — that is what we are all most sure of, when God's day comes," said Annie. '"• That we are quite sure of. And we may surely hope for patience till then, if we really wish it. So 1 trust vou will be comforted, my Ladj'." '• I cannot stay here, however. There are no people here. There is nobody that I can endure at Macdonald's, and there are none others but la- bourers ; and they speak only Gaelic. And it is a wretched place. They have not even bread.— Mrs. Fleming. I must come and live with you." " I have no bread, my Lady. I have nothing so good as they have at jNIacdonald's." •• You have a kind heart. Kever mind the bread now. We will see about tliat. 1 don't care how I live ; but I want to stay with you. I want never to go back to Macdonald's." The widow stepped down to the ground, and beckoned to the lady to follow her into the house. THE STEADFAST. 61 It was a poor place as could be seen : — one room, with a glazed Avindow looking towards tlie harbour, a fire-place and a bed opposite the window ; — a rickety old bedstead, with an exhausted flock bed and a rug upon it ; and fi'om one end of the apart- ment, a small dim s])ace partitioned off, in which was a still less comfortable lied, laid on trestles made of drift-wood. '" Who sleeps here? " " My son, wlien he is at home. lie is absent now. my Lady : and you see, this is the only place ; — no place for you, my Lady." Lady Carse shrank back impatiently. She then turned and said, •• I might have this larger room, and you the other. I shall find means of paying you. . . ." •* Impossible, Madam," the widow replied. •' I am obliged to occupy this room." *' For to-night, at least, you will let me have it. I cannot go back to Macdonald's to-night. I will not go back at all : and you cannot turn me out to-night. I have other reasons besides tliose I mentioned. I must be in si^-ht of tiie harbour. It is my only hope." '' You can stay here, if you will, Madam : and you can have that bed. But I can never leave this room between dark and light. I have yonder lamp to attend to." '• ! I will attend to the lamp." The widow smiled, and observed that she hoped the lady would have better sleep than she could enjoy if she had the lamp to A\'atch ; and that Mas a business which slie could not commit to another hand. — In the course of the argument, the laly discovered that it would indeed be a serious matter 62 THE STEADFAST to let out both fire and lamp, as there was no tinder-box on the island, and no wood, except in the season of storms, when some was drifted up wet. " I should like to live with you, and help you to keep up your lamp," said the lady. " If we could only manage a room for me .... Not that I mean to stay in this island ! I will not submit to that. But while I am waiting to get away, I should like to spend my time with you. You have a heart. You would feel for me." " I do feel for you, Madam. This must be a terrible place for you, just to-day, — and for many days to come. But O ! my Lady, if you want peace of mind, this is the place ! It is a blessing that may be had anywhere, I know\ One would tliink it shone down from llie sky or breathed out from the air, — it is so sure to be wherever the sky bends over, or the air wraps us round. But of all places, tliis is tlie one for peace of mind." " This .'—this dreary island ! " " TJiis quiet island. Look out now, and see if you can call it dreary. Why, Madam, there can hardly be a brighter glory, or a more cheerful glow among the sons of God about the throne, than there is at this moment over sea and shore, and near at hand up to the very stone of my threshold. Madam, I could never think this island drearj'." " It is not always sunset, nor always summer- time," said Lady Carse, who could not deny nor wholly resist the beauty of tlie scene. '• Other beauty comes by night and in the win- ter," observed the widow, " and at times a gran- deur which is better than the beauty. If the soft- ness of this sunshine nourishes our peace of mind, THE STEADFAST. 63 yet more does the might of the storms. The beauty- might 1)6 God's messenger. The might is God himself." " You speak as if you did not fear God," said the lady, with the light inexperience of one to Avhom such subjects were not familiar. 1 - " As a sinner, I fear him, Madam. But as his child. . . .AYhy, Madam, what else have we in all the universe ? And having him, what more do we want?" . " He has made us full of wants," said the lady. " I, for one, am all bereaved, and very, very wretched. — But do not let us talk of that now. One who is alone in this place, and knows and needs nothing beyond, cannot enter into my sor- rows at once. It will take long to make you con- ceive such misery as mine. But it will be a com- fort to me to open my heart to you. And I must live within view of the harbour. I must see every boat that comes. They say you do." '• I do. They are few ; but I see them all." " And you save a good many by the spark in your window." " It has pleased God to save some, it is thought, who would have perished as some perished before them. He set me that task, in a solemn way, many years ago ; and any mercy that has grown out of it is His, — Do you see any vessel on the sea, Madam ? I always look abroad the last thing be- fore the sun goes down. My eyes can hardly be much older than yours; but they are much worn." " How have you so used your eyes ? Is it that Lair-knitting ? " " That is not good. But it is more^the sharp 64 THE STEADFAST. winds, and the night-watching, and the shine of the sea in the day." *' I must live with you. I will watch for you, night and day. You think I cannot. You think I shall tire. Why, you are not weary of it." " O no ! I shall never be weary of it." " Much less should I. You want only to keep up your lamp. I want to get away. All the in- terests of my life lie beyond this sea ; and do you think I shall tire of watching for the opportunity ? — I will watch through this very night. You shall go to bed, and sleep securely, and I will keep your lamp. And to-morrow we will arrange something. Why should I not have a room, — a cottage built at the end of yours ? I will." " If you could find any one to build it," sug- gested the widow. " Somebody built Macdonald's, I suppose. And yours." " Macdonald's is very old ; — built, it is thouglit, at the same time with the chapel, which has been in ruins these hundred years. My husband built ours, — with me to help him ; — and also his brother, who died before it was finished." " Where is your son ? " inquired the lady, he will undertake to work for me, I will done. Where is vour son ? And what business ? " *•' I do not know exactly where he is." " AYell, but is he on the island ? " " I believe so. He comes and goes according to his business. In the early summer he seeks eggs all over the island ; and, somewhat later, the eider-down. When he can get nothing better he brings the birds themselves." a If get it is lis THE STEADFAST. 65 '' What do you do Avitli them? " " We keep the feathers, and also the skins. The skins are warm to cover the feet with, when made into socks. If the birds are not very old. we salt them for winter food : and at worst, 1 get some oil from them. But I get most oil from the young seals, and from the livers of the fish he catches at times." " Fish ! then he has a boat ! Does he go out in a boat to fish ? " '' I can hardly say that he has a boat," replied tlie mother, with an extraordinary calmness of manner that told of internal eftbrt. Oar caverns run very deep into the rocks ; and the ledges run out far into the sea. Rollo has made a kind of raft of the drift-wood he found : and on this he crosses the water in the caverns, and passes from ledge to ledge, fishing as he goes. Tliis is our only Avay of getting fish, except when a chance boat comes into the harbour." '■ Could that raft go out on a calm day.— on a very smooth sea, — to meet any boat at a dis- tance ? " " Impossible ! Madam. I think it too danger- ous in our smallest coves to be med without sin. It is against my judgment that Rollo ever goes round the end of a ledge, which he has been seen to do." '• But it is impossible to get a boat ? Have you never had a boat ? " " We once had a boat. Madam : and it was lost." Even the selfish Lady Carse reproached herself for her question. It struck her now that boat and husband had been lost together; for IMacdonald R 3 66 THE STEADFAST. had told her that Annie Fleming had seen her hus- band drown. " I wish I knew where Eollo is," she said, to break the silence. " I think something might be done. I think I could find a way. Do not you wish you knew where he was? " " No, Madam." "Well! perhaps you might be uneasy about him if you did. But which way did he go ? " The widow pointed nortliwards, where huge masses of rock appeared tumbled one upon another, and into the sea, at the base of a precipice two hun- dred feet high. She further told, in reply to a question, that Rollo went forth yesterday, without saying where he was going ; and there were caves among the rocks she had pointed out, where Rollo might possibly be fishing. Lady Carse found it vexatious that darkness was coming on. She had a purpose ; but the sun did not set the later, nor promise to rise the earlier, on that account. — When the widow set before her some oaten bread and dried fish, she ate, without perceiving that none was left for her hostess. And when the widow lighted the iron lamp and set it in the window, the lady made only faint pretences of .;a wish to sit up and watch it. She also said no- thing of occupying the meaner bed. She was per- suaded that her first duty was to obtain some good rest, preparatory to going forth to seek Rollo, and induce him to take her on liis raft to some place whence she might escape to the mainland. So she lay down on the widow's bed, and slept soundly, — her hungry hostess sitting by the smouldering peats in the rude fire-place, — now and then smiling jat the idea of her guest's late zeal about watching THE STEADFAST. 67 the lamp for her, in order to give her a good night's rest. Wlien daylight came, she retired to her son's bed, and had just dropped asleep when Lady Carse roused her, to ask for some breakfast to take -svith her, as she did not know when she should be back from her expedition. Again the widow smiled, as she said that there was nothing in the house. At this time of the year there were no stores ; and a 'good appetite at night left no- thing for the morning. " O dear ! " said the lady. *' Well : I dare say your sitting up made you hungry enough to finish everything while I was asleep. No doubt it must. But what to do I know not. I will not go back to Macdonald's, if I starve for it. Perhaps I may meet some fisherman, or somebody. I will try. — Good morning. I shall come back : but I will not put you long out of your ways. I will get a cottage built at the end of yours, as soon as pos- sible." The door closed behind her, and once more the widow smiled, as she composed herself to rest on her own bed. She had already returned thanks for the blessings with which the new day had opened ; and especially that to one so loAvly as herself was permitted the honour and privilege, — so unlooked for and unthought of, — of dispensing hospitalit}'. ( 68 ) CHAPTER VII. THE ROVING OF THE RESTLESS. The lad}^ began walking at a great rate, being in a vast hurry to find Rollo. She descended to the shore, knowing that if she kept on the heights she should arrive at precipices which would forbid all access to the caves below. The tide was going down ; and as soon as she reached the sands of a little cove she was pleased to see a good many shell- tish. Her first thought was that she woukfcollect some, and carry tiiem uj) for Annie Fleming's breakfaiit: but she immediately remembered ' that this would add to her fatigues, and consume her precious time ; and she gave up the thought, and began picking up cockles for herself— large blue cockles, which she thought would afford her an ex- cellent breakfast, if only she could meet Mith some fresh bread and butter, in some nook of the island. She turned up her skirt — the skirt of the country- AA Oman's gown which she wore — and made a bag of it for her cockles, rejoicing for the moment that it was not one of her own silks. Then she remem- bered that she had seen at the widow's a light and strong frail basket made of the sea-bent which grew in the sands. Tiiis basket would be useful to her : so she would, after all, go up — carry some cockles for Annie, and borrow the basket. She did so, and came away again Mithout awakening the widow. THE ROVING OP THE RESTLESS. 69 At first, Lady Carse thought that Annie was right, and that the island was not so dreary, after all. The morning breeze was fresh and strengtli- ening ; the waves ran up gaily upon the sands, and leaped against the projecting rocks, and fell back with a merry splash. And the precipices were so fine, she longed for her sketch-book. And the romance of her youth began to revive within her. Here was a whole day for roving. She would somehow make a fire in a cave, and cook for her- self. She was sure she could live among these caves ; and if she was missing for a considerable time, the Macdonalds would think she had escaped, or was drowned ; and she could slip away at last, when some vessel put into the harbour. She stopped and looked round ; but on all the vast stretch of waters, there was no vessel to be seen but the sloop in harbour ; while on shore there was no human being visible, nor any trace of habitation. The solitude rather pressed on her heart : but she hastened on, and rounded the point which would shut out from her the land view, and prevent her being seen by any one from Macdonald's. She had no fear of her return being cut off by the tide. She had the whole day before her, and could climb the rocks to a safe height at any time. These were caves indeed ! At sight of them her heart was in a sort of tumult very different from any it had experienced for long. She eagerly en- tered tli8 first, and drew deep breath as tlie tliunder of the waters and the echoes together almost con- founded her senses. At the lowest tides there was some depth of water below, in a winding central channel. In the evening how black that channel must be ! how solemn the whole place ! Now tlie 70 THE KOVING Ot'TlflE RESTLESS. low sun was shining in, lighting up every point, and disclosing all the hollows, and just catching a ripple now and then, which, in its turn, made a ripple of light on the roof. And, far in, there was an opening, a gaping chink in the side of the cave, which gave admission to a second rocky cliamber. Lady Carse was bent on reaching this opening; and did so, at last. She could not cross the clear deep water in the channel below her. It was just too wide for a safe leap. But she found a footing over the rocks which confined it ; and on she went — now ascending, now descending almost to the water — amidst dancing lights, and rising and falling echoes : on she went, her lieart throbbing, her spi* rits cheered — her whole soul full of a joy which she had not experienced for long. She stepped over the little chasm to which the waters narrowed at last, and, reaching the opening, thrust herself through it. Slie seemed to have left light and sound behind her. Dim, cool, and almost silent was the cavern she now stood in. Its floor was thickly strewn with fine sand, conveying the sensation that her own footsteps were not to be heard. Black pillars of rock rose from a still pool which lay in her way, and which she jDerceived only just in time to pre- vent her stepping into it. These pillars and other dark masses of rock sprang up and up till her eye lost them in the darkness ; and if there was a roof, she could not see it. A drip from above made a plash about once in a minute in the pool ; and the murmur from without was so subdued — appeared to be so swallowed up in vastness and gloom — that the minute drop was loud in comparison. Lady Carse lay down on tlie soft sand, to rest, and listen, THE SOVIJSTG OJF THE KESTXESS. 171 and tliink— to ponder plans of hiding and escape. All her meditations brought her round to the same point : that three things were necessary to any plan of escape— a supply of food, a boat, and an accom- plice. She arose, chilled and hungry, determined to try whether she could not meet with one or all of these this very day. As she slowly proceeded round the pool, she be- came aware that it was not so perfectly still as hitherto ; and a gurgle of waters grew upon the ear. It was only that the tide was coming up, and that the pool was being fed by such influx as could take place through a few crannies. She perceived that these crannies had let in a glimmering of light which was now sensibly darkened. She had no fear — only the delicious awe which thrills through the spirit on its admission to the extreme privacies of nature. There was some light, and safe oppor- tunity of return by the way she had come. She would not go back till she had tried whether she could get on. On she went — more than once in almost total^ darkness — more than once slipping on a piece of wet and weedy rock where she expected to tread on thick sand — more than once growing irritable at little difficulties, as hungry people of better tempers than hers are apt to do in strange places. A sur- prise awaited her at last. She had fancied she per- ceived a glimmer of light before her ; and the sud- denly found herself at the top of a steep bank of sand, at the bottom of which there was an opening r— a very low arch— to the outer air. While she was sliding down this bank, she heard a voice out- side. She was certain of it. Presently there was a laugh, and the voice^ again. If she had found 72 THE ROVING OF THE RESTLESS. Rollo, there was somebody else too ; and if Rollo ivas not here, there was the more to hope some- thing- from. Now the question was whether she could get through the arch. She pushed her basket tlirough first, and then her own head ; and she saw what made lier lie still for some little time. The arch Oldened upon a cove, deep and narrow, between pro- jecting rocks. A small raft rose and fell on the surface of the water ; and on the raft stood a man, steadying himself with his legs wide apart, while he held a rope with both hands, and gazed intently upwards. The raft was in a manner anchored ; tied with ropes to masses of rock on each side of the cove ; but it still pitched so much that Lady Carse thought the situation of the man very perilous ; and she, therefore, made no noise, lest she should startle him. She little dreamed how safe Avas his situation compared with that of the comrade he was watchino:. In a short time the man changed his occupation. He relaxed his liold of the rope, fastened it to a corner of the raft, gazed about him like a man of leisure, and then once more looked upwards, holding out his arms as if to catch something good. And immediately a shower of sea-birds began to fall : now one, now three, now one again ; down they came, head foremost, dead as a stone. Two fell into the water ; but he fished them up with a stick with a noose of hair at the end, and flung them on the heap in the middle of the raft. Wiien the shower began to slacken. Lady Carse thought it the time to make herself heard. She put her head and shoulders through the low arch, and asked the man if he thought she could get through. THE ROVING OF THE RESTLESS. ( •> His start at the voice, his bewildered look dow u the face of the rock, and the scared expression of lii-- countenance when he discovered the face that peeped out at the bottom, amused Lady Carse extremely. She did not remember how unlike lier fair com- plexion and her liair were to those of the women uf these islands, nor that a stranger was in this place more rare than a ghost. And as for the man— what could he suppose but that the handsome face tliat he saw peeping out, laughing, from the base of the precipice was that of some rock spirit, sent per- haps for mischief However, in course of time, tlie parties came to an explanation : that is, of all that the lady said, the man cauglit one word — Mac- donald ; and he saw that she had a basket of cockles, and knew the basket to be of island manufacture. Moreover, he found, when he ventured to help her out, that her hand was of flesh and blood, tiiouuh he had never before seen one so slender and m hite. When she stood upriglit on the margin of the creek, what a scene it was ! Clear as the unduhit- ing waters were, no bottom was visible. Tlieir darkness and depth sent a chill through her frame. Overhead, the projecting rocks nearly shut out the sky, while the little strip that remained was dark- ened by a cloud of fluttering and screaming^ sea- birds. The cause of their commotion was pointed out to her. A man whom she could scarcely have distinguished but for the red cap on his head \\n^ on the face of the precipice: now appearing still, now moving, she could not tell how, for the rociv appeared to her as smooth up there as the wall of a house. But it was not so : there were ledges : and on one of these he stood, plundering the nests of the sea- fowl which were screaming round his head. 74 THE ROVING OF THE KE3T1,ESS. " EoUo ?" the lady asked, as she turned away, her brain reeling at the sight she had seen. " Rollo," replied the man, now entirely satisfied. No spirit would want to be told who any one was. And now Kollo was to descend. His comrade again stepped upon the raft, pushed out to the middle of tlie cliaiinel, secured the raft, grasped the rope, and steadied himself. Lady Carse thought she could not look : but she glanced up now and then, when there was a call from above, or a ques- tion from below ; or when there was a flinof of the rope, or a pause in the proceedings. When Rollo at last slid down upon the raft, hauled it to shore, and jumped on the rock beside her, he was as care- less as a hedger coming home to breakfast, while she was trembling in every limb. And Rollo was thinking more of his breakfast than of the way he had earned it, or of the presence of a stranger. He was a stout, and now hungry, lad of eighteen, to whom any precipice was no more startling than a ladder is to a builder. And, as his mother had taught him to speak English, and he had on that account been employed to communicate with such strangers as had now and then come to the island during Macdonald's absence, he was little embarrassed by the apparition of the lady. He was chiefly occupied with his ponchful of eggs, there being more than he had expected to find so late in the sccison. It was all very well, he said, for their provision to-day ; but it was a sign that somebody knew this cove as well as themselves, and that it was no longer a property to*liimself and his comrade. " How so?" inquired the lady. "How can you possibly tell by the eggs that any one has been here ? " THE ROVING OF THE RESTLESS. 75 Rollo glanced at his comrade, in a sort of droll assurance that it could be no ghost from the grave, no ghostly inhabitant of a cave, who could require to have such a matter explained. He then, conde- scendingly, told her that, when the eggs of the eider- duck are taken, she lays more ; and this twice over, before giving up in despair. Of course, this puts off the season of hatching ; and when, therefore, eggs are found fresh so late in the season, it is pretty plain that some one has been there to take those earlier laid. Rollo seemed pleased that the lady could comprehend this, when it was explained to her. He gave her an encouraging nod, and be- gan to scramble onward over the rocks, his com- panion being already some paces in advance of him. The lady followed, with her basket, as veil as she could ; but she soon found herself alone, and in not the most amiable mood at being thus neglected. She had not yet leai-ned that slie "vras in a place where women are accustomed to shift for them- selves, and precedence is not thought of, except by the fireside, with aged people or a minister of the Gospel in presence. She smoothed her brow, however, when she re- gained sight of the young men. They were on their knees, in the entrance of a cavern, carefully managing a smouldering peat so as to obtain a fire. It was ticklish work ; for the peat had been left to itself rather too long ; and chips and shavings were things never seen in these parts. A wisp of dry grass, or a few fibres of heather, were made to serve instead ; and it was not easy to create with these heat enough to kindle fresh peats. At last, how- ever, it was done ; and eggs were poked in, here and there, to roast. The cockles must be roasted, 76 THE ROVING OF THE RESTLESS. too ; and two or three little mouse-coloured birds, the young of the eider-duck, were broiled as soon as plucked. So much for t lie eating-. As for the di'inking, there was nothing but pure Avhisky, unless the lady could drink sea-water. Thirsty as she was, she thought of the drip in the cave ; but, besides that it Avas far to go, and scanty when obtained, she remembered all the slime she had seen, and that she did not know whence that drip came. 80 she gulped down two or thi-ee mouthfuls of whi.sky, and was surprised to find how little she disliked it, and how well it agreed with her after her Avalk. As soon as Kollo could attend to her, she told him where she had spent the night — how she had resolved to live with his mother, and in sight of the harbour — and how she wanted tw o or more rooms built for her at the end of the widow's cottage, un- less, indeed, she could get a boat built instead, to take her over to the main, for which slie would engage to pay hereafter whatever should be asked. Kollo told his companion this ; and they botli laughed so at tlie idea of the boat, that the lady rose in great anger, and walked away. Eollo attended her, and pointed to his raft, saying that there was no other such craft as even that in tlie island ; and people did not think of boats, even in their dreams, though he could fancy that any lady in the south might, for he had heard that boats were common in the south. But, he went on to say, if !