:-NRLF I I MOV 2^1914 SUMMARY OF KANSAS PRIMARY LAWS, I INCLUDING I NON-PARTISAN JUDICIARY ACT. ISSUED BY CHAS. H. SESSIONS, Secretary of State. November, 1913. rsitv , ... > • , 1 •> STATE PRINTING OFFICE TOPEKA, 1913. 5-966' •v • ••••••• •• • ♦ • * . • • • . • ' • '■•.*•« • • • ••«••• I • • • » M • * 9 • • • CONTENTS. Paragraph 1. Definitions. 2. Registration and voting. 3. Woman suffrage. 4. Scope of act. ' 5. Time of holding primary. 6. Notice of primary. 7. Preparation of nomination papers. . 8. Senatorial statements Nos. 1 and 2. 9. Nomination of justices of supreme court and judges of district courts. 10. Filing of nomination papers. 11. Publishing names of candidates. 12. Official ballot. 13. Determining location of name on ballot. 14. Heading of ballot. 15. Preparation and distribution of tickets. 16. Number of ballots. 17. Conduct of primary. 18. Challenges. 19. Canvass of votes and returns. 20. State board of canvassers. 21. Official party candidates. 22. Vacancies, how filled. 23. Party organization and government. 24. Preparation of blanks. 25. Payment of expenses. 26. Penal provisions. 27. Sample blank forms, as follows: Primary nomination papers (country precincts). Primary nomination papers (cities first and second class) . Non-partisan judicial primary nominating petition for justice of supreme court. Non-partisan judicial primary nominating petition for judge of district court. County clerk's notice of primary election (two) . Sheriff's notice of primary election. Primary election returns. Judicial ballot. Judicial primary election returns (justice of supreme court and district judge). (3) ^>G02 SUMMARY OF KANSAS PRIMARY ELECTION LAWS. 1. Definitions. Unless inconsistent with the context, words and phrases used in this act shall be defined and construed as follows: (1) The word "primary," the primary election pro- vided for in this act; (2) the word "election," a general elec- tion, as distinguished from a primary election and applying to both city and general elections; (3) the word "precinct," an election district established by law, within which all qualified electors vote at one polling-place; (4) the word "district," any political subdivision of the state consisting of more than one county; provided, that this term shall also extend and apply to the following-named political divisions comprising one county, more or less : state senatorial district, state representa- tive district, and state judicial district; (5) the word "sub- district," any political subdivision of the state consisting of less than one county, such as commissioner district or town- ship; (6) the words "city election," an election held for the election of officers in a cifv of 10,000 population or more. Sec. 3289, G. S. 1909. 2. Registration and voting. (1) No person shall be entitled to vote at any primary unless he is a qualified elector of the precinct, and duly registered therein, if registration thereat be required by law. (2) The provisions as to registration re- quired by existing statutes, and by any amendment now or hereafter made thereto, shall apply to all primaries held under the provisions of this act. (3) If registration be not required as a condition precedent, any person who will be a qualified elector of the precinct by reason of age at the ensuing election for which the primarv is held shall be permitted to vote at such primary. Sec. 3301, G. S. 1909. 3. Woman suffrage. The rights of citizens of the state of Kansas to vote and hold office shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex. Sec. 8, art. 5, Constitution, state of Kansas. 4. Scope of act. Hereafter all candidates for elective offices shall be nominated by: (1) A primary held in accordance with this act. (2) Independent nomination papers signed and filed as provided by existing statutes. (3) Party candidates for the office of United States senator shall be nominated in the man- ner provided herein. This act shall not apply to special elec- tions to fill vacancies, nor to annual or special school-district meetings for the election of- school-district officers, nor to city elections where the population is less than 5000. Sec. 3290, G. S. 1909. (5) 6 5. Time of holding primary. The primary shall be held on the first Tuesday of August in 1908, and biennially there- after, for the nomination of all candidates to be voted for at the next ensuing November election, and on the first Tuesday of March, 1909, and annually thereafter, in all cities having 10,000 or more population, for all candidates to be voted for at the next ensuing city election; provided, that in all cities of the first and second class in Kansas which have adopted, or may hereafter adopt, the city commission form of city govern- ment under chapter 114 of the Session Laws of 1907, and all acts amendatory and supplemental thereto, the primary for all candidates to be voted for at the general city election of each odd-numbered year shall be held on the second Monday preceding the general municipal election. Sec. 3291, G. S. 1909. 6. Notice of primary. (1) At least 120 days before the time of holding the primary, the secretary of state shall pre- pare and transmit to each county clerk a notice in writing designating the offices for which candidates are to be nomina- ted at such primary. (2) Upon receipt of such notice each county clerk shall forthwith publish so much thereof as may be applicable to his county, once each week for three consecutive weeks in the official county paper. (3) The sheriff of each county shall, immediately after the publication of such notice, cause a notice of such primary to be posted in three public places in each precinct in his county; such notice so posted shall state the time when and the place where the primary will be held in each precinct therein, together with the offices for which candidates are to be nominated. (4) Each city clerk shall, in each year, at least forty-five days before the time of holding the primary, publish in the official city paper, once in each week for three consecutive weeks, a notice designating the city offices for which candidates are to be nominated at such primary, and shall also post such notice in three public places in each election precinct in said city, such posting to be not more than twenty and not less than ten days before such primary. Sec. 3292, G. S. 1909. 7. Preparation of nomination papers. (1) The name of no candidate shall be printed upon an official ballot used at any primary unless at least forty days prior to such primary a nomination paper shall have been filed in his behalf, as pro- vided in this act, in substantially the following form : I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the precinct of the township of (or, precinct of the ward of the city of ) , county of and state of Kansas, and a member of the party, hereby nominate , who resides in the township of (or at No. on street, city of ) , in the county of and state of Kansas, as a candidate for the office of (here specify the office) , to be voted for at the primary to be held on the first Tuesday of August, in (and in cities having a population of 5000 or more on the first Tuesday in March), as representing the principles of said party ; and I further declare that I intend to support the candidate herein named, and that I have not signed and will not sign any petition or nomination papers for any other person, for said office at the next ensuing election. (Heading in case of cities.) Names of signers. Name of city. Street No. Date of signing. Or, (Heading in case of townships.) Names of signers. Postoffice. Date of signing. (2) All nomination papers shall have substantially the fore- going form, written or printed at the top thereof. No signa- ture shall be counted unless it is upon a sheet having such written or printed form at the top thereof. (3) Each signer of a nomination paper shall sign but one such paper for the same office, and shall declare that he intends to support the candidate therein named, and shall add to his signature his residence, if in a city of the first or second class, by street and number (if any) ; or, if in a township or city of the third class, by postoffice address. (4) All signers of each separate nom- ination paper shall reside in the same precinct. The affidavit of a qualified elector shall be appended to each such nomination paper, stating that to the best of his knowledge and belief, all the signers thereof are electors of that precinct ; that he knows that they signed the same with full knowledge of the contents thereof; that their respective residences are correctly stated therein; that each signer signed the same on the date stated opposite his name, and that the affiant intends to support the candidate therein named. Such affidavit shall be prima facie evidence of the fact therein stated. (5) Such nominations papers shall be signed: (a) If for a state office (or for the office of United States senator) by at least one per cent of the voters of the party of such candidate in at least ten counties in the state, and in the aggregate not less than one per cent nor more than ten per cent of the total vote of his party in the state, or by at least one per cent of the total vote of his party in each of twenty counties, (b) If for a district office, by at least two per cent of the voters of the party designated in at least one-fourth of the election precincts in each of at least one-half of the counties of the district, and in the aggregate not less than two per cent nor more than ten per cent of the total vote of the party designated in such district, (c) If for a sub- district office or for a county office, by at least three per cent of the party vote in at least one-fourth of the election precincts of such sub-district or county, and in the aggregate not less than three per cent nor more than ten per cent of the total vote of the party designated in such sub-district or county. 8 (d) If for a county precinct committeeman, by at least ten per cent of the party vote in such precinct. The basis of percent- age shall be the vote of the party for secretary of state at the last preceding election ; or, in case of a new party, the basis of percentage shall be the vote cast for the candidate elected sec- retary of state at the last preceding state election; and any political organization filing nomination papers for a majority of the state or county offices as provided in this act shall have a separate primary election ticket as a political party; and, upon the receipt of such nomination papers the respective clerks shall prepare a separate state and county ticket for such new party in their respective counties or sub-districts thereof in the same manner as is provided by this act for existing par- ties. (6) (a) Nomination papers for a candidate for a city office, except for a member of the council, shall be signed by at least two per cent of the party vote in each of at least one- fourth of the election precincts of the city, and in the aggre- gate not less than five per cent nor more than ten per cent of the total vote of the party designated in such city, (b) Nomi- nation papers for a candidate for the office of councilman, shall be signed by at least two per cent of the party vote in each of at least one-half of , the election precincts in the ward which he seeks to represent, and in the aggregate not less than two per cent nor more than five per cent of the total vote of the party designated in such ward, (c) Nomination papers for a can- didate for the office of precinct committeeman shall be signed by at least two per cent of the total vote cast in such precinct for the candidate elected county clerk at the last preceding election. Sec. 1, ch. 190, Laws 1913. 8. Senatorial statements Nos. 1 and 2. Any elector in this state seeking the nomination for the office of state senator or representative in the legislature may attach to and have circulated with his petition or nomination paper one of the following two statements, and may file the same with his peti- tion or nomination paper with the county clerk or secretary of state, as the case may be; but if he does not file such addi- tional statement the secretary of state or county clerk, as the case may be, shall not on that account refuse to file his petition or nomination paper. Statement No. 1. I state to the people of Kansas, as well as to the people of my representative (or senatorial) district, that during my term of office I will always vote for that candidate for United States senator who has received the highest number of the peoples' votes for that position at the general election in the state at large next preceding the election of the United States senator, without regard to my individual preference or party nominations for that office. (Signature of candidate for nomination.) If the candidate shall be unwilling to sign the above state- ment, then he may sign the following statement and have the same attached to his nomination paper and circulated and filed as aforesaid. Statement No. 2. During my term of office I shall consider the vote of the people for United States senator at any general election in the state at large as nothing more than a recommendation which I shall be at liberty to wholly disregard if the reason for so doing seems to me to be sufficient. (Signature of candidate for nomination.) The statements above provided for shall be signed by the elector seeking such nomination. There shall be a separate leaf or sheet signed as above on every such petition for each precinct in which it is circulated, and on another sheet or part of the petition there shall be placed the petition in regular form as now required by law for the nomination of state sen- ators and representatives in the legislature. Persons whose names are placed on the primary ticket as candidates for the legislature or state senate shall have printed in addition to rheir names, in appropriate type directly above their names, the words (Candidate under Statement No. 1.) or (Candidate under Statement No. 2.) as the case may be. Sec. 1, ch. 182, Session Laws 1911. 9. Nomination of Justices of Supreme Court and Judges of District Courts. No party nomination shall be made for jus- tices of the supreme court or judges of the district court. A separate ballot shall be provided at the general primary elec- tion for the nomination of candidates for those offices. Such ballot shall be headed "judicial ballot," and upon it shall be printed without any party designation, the names of all can- didates who have complied with the conditions herein stated. Any person desiring to become a candidate for justice of the supreme court, or for judge of the district court, may, within not more than 100 or less than 40 days preceding the primary election, file with the secretary of state a statement to that effect, accompanied by a petition requesting such candidacy, signed by qualified electors for such office to a number not less than one-fourth of one per cent, and not more than one per cent, of the total vote cast at the preceding election for the office of secretary of state, in the state or judicial district respectively. The filing of such statement and petition shall entitle him to have his name printed upon the judicial ballot at the primary election. In the canvass of the returns of the pri- mary election the two candidates having received the highest number of votes for each place to be filled shall be declared to have been nominated, and shall have their names printed upon the ballot at the general election, without any party designa- tion. Where two justices of the supreme court are to be chosen for the same term, above the names of the candidates for that io term shall be printed the words "Vote for two," and the four candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be de- clared nominated. If three are to be chosen the words shall be "Vote for three," and the six having the highest number of votes shall be declared nominated. The secretary of state shall furnish to each county clerk a form for the judicial ballot in his county. With respect to such office of justice of the su- preme court the secretary of state shall at each primary elec- tion and general election divide the state into as many divisions as there are candidates, making them as nearly equal in popu- lation as is practicable, and shall provide for the rotation of names upon the ballots. In one division the names shall be placed in alphabetical order ; in another the order shall be the same except that the name at the head of the list shall be trans- posed to the foot; this process shall be repeated so that each candidate shall head the list in one division, the order of names being otherwise preserved. A like rotation of names of candi- dates for judge of the district court shall be arranged in each county by the county clerk. In other respects the procedure for the nomination and election of the officers herein referred to shall be regulated by the provisions of the statutes relating to primary and general elections, so far as in their nature ap- plicable, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, so far as they relate to the nomination and election of justices of the supreme court and judges of the district court. Ch. 193, Session Laws 1913. 10. Filing of nomination papers. All nomination papers shall be filed as follows: (1) For state officers, United States senator, representatives in Congress, state senators, state rep- resentatives, and all district officers, in the office of the secre- tary of state; provided, that when the district is composed of one county or less such nomination papers shall be filed with the county clerk of such county. (2) For county officers, sub- district officers, and county and precinct committeeman, in the office of the county clerk. (3) For city officers and city precinct committeemen, in the office of the city clerk. (4) When nomination papers shall be filed which contain ten per cent of the total vote, as limited in subdivisions a. b, c and d of clause 5, and subdivisions a, b and c of clause 6 of section 5 of this act, the clerk with whom such papers are required to be filed shall not receive or file further nomination papers for the candidate named therein. Sec. 3294, G. S. 1909. 11. Pnblishinq names of candidates. (1) The State Board of Canvassers shall meet in the office of the secretary of state on the first Monday following the expiration of time for the filing of nomination papers in the office of secretary of state, and shall proceed to examine all nomination papers so filed, determine whether such nomination papers comply with all the requirements of this act, and shall make out and certify to the 1 1 secretary of state a list containing the name and post-office ad- dress of each person for whom nomination papers have been filed in the office of the secretary of state, together with the designation of the office for which each is a candidate and the party or principles of the office which he represents, certifying that such nomination papers in each case are regular and in strict compliance with the provisions of this act. Thereupon the secretary of state shall, at least thirty days before the primary of the year 1908, and of each alternate year thereafter, transmit to each county clerk a certified copy of the list so certified to him by the State Board of Canvassers. (2) Such clerk shall forthwith, upon receipt thereof, publish for three consecutive weeks, in the official county paper, a notice which shall set forth, under the proper party designation, the title to each office, the names and addresses of all persons specified in said notice from the secretary of state, and in addition thereto the names and addresses of all persons for whom nomination papers have been filed in the county clerk's office, in compliance with subdivisions 1 and 2 of section 6 of this act, giving the name and address of each, the date of the primary, the hours during which the polls will be opened, and stating that the pri- mary will be held at the regular polling-place in each precinct. (3) Such clerk shall also forthwith mail copies of such notice, so published, to each township and city clerk of his county, who shall immediately post copies of the same in at least three public places in each precinct in his township or city, desig- nating therein the location of the pooling booth in each election precinct. (4) At least twenty-five days preceding the primary in each year the city clerk shall publish, once each week for three consecutive weeks, in the official city paper a notice, which shall set forth, under the proper party designation, the title of each office, the names and addresses of all persons for whom nomination papers have been filed in the city clerk's office, in compliance with subdivision 3 of section 6 of this act, and shall immediately post copies of the same in at least three public places in each precinct in his city, designating therein the location of the polling-place in each election precinct. Sec. 3295, G. S. 1909. 12. Official ballot. A separate official primary ticket for each political party shall be printed and provided for use at each voting precinct, in the form provided herein and annexed hereto. The names of all candidates of each political party for whom the nomination papers prescribed shall have been duly filed shall be printed upon the ticket thus provided for that party. In other respects the form of the ticket shall comply with the provisions of chapter 222 of the Laws of 1905, and any amendments now or hereafter made thereto, so far as the same may be applicable and are not inconsistent with the pro- visions of this act. Sec. 3296, G. S. 1909. 12 13. Determining location of name on ballot. In case there are nomination papers on file for more than one candidate for any state or district office, of the different parties, the secretary of state shall divide the state or district, as the case may be, into as many divisions as there may be names to go on each party ticket for any particular office. Such division shall be as near equal in votes as may be convenient without dividing any one county, and in making such division the secretary of state shall take the alphabetical list of counties in regular order until he gets the required proportion of votes cast at the last general election, and so on through the list of counties until he gets the proper proportion, and the secretary of state in certifying to the county clerk his list of names for whom nomination papers have been filed shall place one name at the head of the list in the first division of counties, another name in the second di- vision, and so on with all the candidates for any particular office, so that every candidate for any office shall be at the head of the list in one division of the state and second in another division thereof. The arrangement of the names certified by the secretary of state shall govern the county clerk in arrang- ing the primary ballot, and the county clerk in preparing the ballot for his county shall follow the same arrangement as pro- vided in this section for the secretary of state, for the candi- dates nominated for county office, using the townships and precincts of the county in making his division. Sec. 3298, G. S. 1909. 14. Heading of ballot. The official primary ticket shall have the following heading: OFFICIAL PRIMARY TICKET. General Election. (Emblem of party.) party. To vote for a person whose name is printed on the ticket, make a cross X in the square at the right of the name of the person for whom you desire to vote. To vote for a person whose name is not printed on the ticket, write his name in the blank space provided for that purpose and mark a cross X in the square to the right. This shall be followed by the names of the persons for whom nomination papers have been filed and in the order of offices as follows ; but after the name of each office, however, there shall be a statement of the number of candidates to vote for, for that particular office: State. — Presidential elec- tors, governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney-general, superintendent of public instruction, superintendent of insurance, state printer, member from congressional district. District. — Sen- ator from district, representative from dis- trict. County. — Clerk, treasurer, register of deeds, county 13 attorney, probate judge, sheriff, coroner, superintendent of public instruction, surveyor, clerk of district court, com- missioner district. Township. — Judge of the city court, marshal of city court, justice of the peace, constable, trustee, clerk, treasurer. And in city elections the ballot shall have the same heading with the offices in the following order: Mayor, attorney, clerk, treasurer, police judge, judge of the city court, clerk of the city court, marshal of the city court, councilmen for ward and member of school board. Other offices for which nomination petitions are on file not herein mentioned shall be inserted in the proper place with a statement of the number to be nominated. And the following indorsement shall be printed on the back of the said ticket. OFFICIAL PRIMARY STATEMENT. ; party. precinct, ward or township. City or township, August , 19 . Clerks. We certify the within ticket was marked by us for an elector incapable, under the law, of marking his own ticket, and as directed by him. Judges. We certify the within ticket was marked by us for a blind elector, at his request, and as directed by him. To the right of each name there shall be printed a square, as provided in the general election law. Said primary ballots may be printed in one or more columns, as may be most con- venient. No name shall be printed on said primary ticket ex- cept those certified by the secretary of state, county clerk or city clerk, as the case may be, and no blank line shall be printed following any office unless there are no nomination papers on file. And in case there are no nomination papers on file for any particular office there shall be no reference of any kind to that office in the list of names of candidates to be published. No person shall receive the nomination nor have his name printed on the general ballot in any case where no nomination papers have been filed, unless he shall receive at least votes equal in number to five per cent of the total party vote of his party cast for secretary of state in such state, county, district or city at the last general election. Sec. 3299, G. S. 1909. 15. Preparation and distribution of tickets. (1) The county clerk shall, at least two weeks before the primary, mail to each person whose nomination petitions are on file in his office, to the address given in the petition, a copy of the 14 first issue of the county paper containing the names and ad- dresses of those whose names will be printed on the primary ballot, and it shall not be necessary to print the sample ballots heretofore required twenty days before the primary, nor send such sample ballots to the candidates. (2) The chairman of each party shall, on or before the eleventh day preceding such primary, suggest to the county clerk or to the city clerk, as the case may be, any changes that he may consider should be made in his party ticket, and if upon examination the clerk shall find any error or omission in said ticket, he shall correct the ticket and cause the same to be printed and distributed as required by law in the case of ballots for the general election, except that the number of tickets of each party to be furnished to each precinct shall be twice the number of votes cast thereat for the candidates receiving the highest number of votes by the re- spective parties in the last preceding general election; and provided, that in case nomination petitions are filed by a new party, the number of ballots provided shall be twice the num- ber of votes the county clerk estimates such party will cast. Sec. 3297, G. S. 1909. 16. Number of ballots. That the number of ballots to be printed and distributed for the regular primary election to be held on the first Tuesday in August, nineteen fourteen, and the number of ballots to be printed and distributed for the general election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, nineteen hundred fourteen, shall be two times the number provided for in sections 3297 and 3262 respectively of the General Statutes of 1909. Sec. 1, ch. 192, Session Laws 1913. 17. Conduct of primary. (1) The provisions of existing statutes concerning elections, and any amendment now or here- after made thereto, so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall apply to the primaries pro- vided for in this act, and the following statutes shall apply to the subjects indicated, the intent of this act being to place the primary under the regulations and protection of the laws in force as to elections. As to composition of boards of primary, section 8, chapter 177, Laws of 1901, being paragraph 2712, General Statutes of 1901, and section 15, chapter 122, Laws of 1903; as to time of opening and closing polls, chapter 231, Laws of 1903 ; as to printing and distributing tickets, chapter 229, Laws of 1903 ; as to preparing, posting and supplying in- structions to voters ; as to providing voting places, booths and supplies, and the care, disposition and arrangement of the same, and as to entitling an employee to absent himself from his employment for the purpose of voting, chapter 129, Laws of 1897, being paragraphs 2710, 2711, 2713, 2717, General Statutes of 1901 ; as to form and marking of ticket, manner of voting and disposition of tickets, and canvass of votes by 15 primary board, chapter 222, Laws of 1905 ; as to registration of voters, chapter 17a, General Statutes of 1901, as amended by chapter 103, Laws of 1905 ; as to exercising challenges and procedure thereafter, and determining residence and qualifica- tion of voters, sections 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, chapter 36, Laws of 1868, being paragraphs 2572, 2573, 2574, 2575, 2576, Gen- eral Statutes of 1901, and also chapter 232, Laws of 1903; as to compensation of primary officers, section 14, chapter 177, Laws of 1901 ; as to county canvass of returns, chapter 36, Laws of 1868, being paragraphs 2587, 2588, 2589, 2590, 2591, 2592, General Statutes of 1901 ; as to state canvass of returns, chapter 36, Laws of 1868, being paragraphs 2593, 2594, 2595, 2596, 2597 and 2598, General Statutes of 1901 ; as to city can- vass of returns for city primary, section 18, chapter 122, Laws of 1903; as to contests, article 6, chapter 36, and paragraph 830, of the General Statutes of 1901; provided, that all the powers and duties conferred and imposed by the laws of this state upon commissioners of elections, registration officers, judges and clerks of election, canvassing boards and all other public officials in connection with general elections are in every detail and particular conferred and imposed upon each and all such officers in connection with the primary elections con- ducted under the provisions of this act. (2) At all primaries there shall be provided a separate ticket for each party en- titled to participate in the primary, and also a blank ticket on which shall be printed only the titles of the officers to be voted for by the electors at the polling place for which the ticket is printed. Each party ticket shall be designated by the party device or emblem appearing at the head thereof, below which shall appear the name of the party. The names of all party candidates shall be arranged alphabetically, ac- cording to surnames, under the appropriate title of the re- spective offices, and under the proper party designation upon the party ticket. If any elector write upon his ticket the name of any person who is a candidate for any office upon some other ticket than that upon which his name is so written,, such elector shall thereby invalidate his ticket and it shall not be counted, but shall be entirely rejected. In case a person is nominated on more than one ticket, he shall forthwith file with the proper officer or officers in charge of the preparation of the election ballots a written declaration indicating the party designation under which his name is to be printed on the official election ballot. The ticket with the indorsements shall be in substantially the form heretofore annexed; pro- vided, that tickets for any city primary may be varied as to the title of the officers to be printed thereon, so as to conform to the law under which each such primary is held. The pro- visions of section 1, chapter 222, Laws of 1905, and any amend- ments now or hereafter made thereto, so far as the same shall 16 be applicable, shall govern in the preparation of the ticket. (3) Any person desiring to vote in a primary in precincts where registration is required shall give his name and resi- dence to the judges of the primary, one of whom shall there- upon announce the same in a loud and distinct tone of voice, and if such name be found upon the registry of voters by the officer having charge thereof, he shall likewise repeat said name, and the voter shall be allowed to enter the space en- closed by the guard-rail, as provided in subdivision 1 of this section. Any person desiring to vote in any township or pre- cinct outside of cities of the first or second class shall give his name before entering the enclosed space. The clerk shall thereupon place his name and number upon the poll-list. Whereupon the voter shall announce the name of the political party for which he desires to vote, and one of the judges designated by the primary board shall give the voter one and only one ticket of such party to be cast at such primary, in the upper right hand corner of which he shall have inscribed, with pen and ink, the number corresponding with the voter's num- ber upon the poll-list, and the voter's name shall be immedi- ately checked on the registry list. At all primaries where registration is required, if the name of any person desiring to vote at such primary be not found on the registry of voters, he shall not receive a ticket. If any person desiring to vote at any primary shall be challenged, he shall not receive a ticket until he shall have established his right to vote in the manner pro- vided by law, but during the pendency of such challenge other voters shall be given tickets and be permitted to vote. (4) This section shall govern, where applicable, all persons desiring to vote in townships and precincts where registration is not required. In all cases, the voter's number on the poll-list shall be marked upon his ticket before he receives it, and shall be clipped therefrom before being deposited in the ballot-box, un- less such voter shall have been challenged. Sec. 3300, G. S. 1909. 18. Challenges. The precinct committeeman of each pre- cinct may appoint, in writing, over his signature, two party agents or representatives, with an alternate for each, who shall act as challengers for their respective parties and have the powers prescribed by section 10 of this act. The right of any person to vote at a primary may be challenged by any elector upon the same ground and his right to vote be determined in the same manner as at an election, except as otherwise pro- vided herein ; provided, that if the person offering his vote be challenged as unqualified on the ground that he is not a mem- ber of the party announced by himself, he shall make and sub- scribe an affidavit in the following form, which shall be pre- 17 sented to and retained by the primary judges and clerks, and returned by them with the registry poll-books : "State of Kansas, county of , ss. "I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will be more than twenty-one years of age at the next general election, and will be qualified to vote under and by virtue of the constitution and the laws of the state of Kansas, and I expect to be a legally qualified voter at this precinct and election district; that I now reside at (insert street and number, if any) in this precinct, and am a member of and am affiliated with the party; that I have not signed the petition of a member of any other party who is seeking a nomination at this primary election ; and that I have not signed the nominating petition of an independent candidate for any office for which candidates are to be voted for at this primary election. "Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , A. D. 19 . . . , Judge of Election." The precinct committeeman of each party may represent such party at the polling booth during the canvass and return of a vote at a primary election, or he may appoint, in writing, an agent who shall be a member of his party and a resident elector of his precinct, for that purpose. Sec. 3302, G. S. 1909. 19. Canvass of votes and returns. (1) The canvass of votes cast shall, except as herein otherwise provided, be made in the same manner and by the same officers as the canvass of an elec- tion. The precinct party committeeman in a precinct canvass, the chairman of the county committee in a county canvass, the state party chairman in a state canvass, or some member of the party duly appointed in writing by his respective chairman or committeeman to represent each party or any candidates, shall be allowed to be present and observe the proceedings. (2) The precinct board of primary shall, on separate sheets, on blanks to be provided for that purpose, make full and accurate returns of the votes cast for each candidate, and shall, within twenty- four hours after this canvass, cause such returns to be de- livered to the county clerk, or to the city clerk, as the case may be. (3) The county canvass of the returns of a primary shall be made by the same officers and in the same manner provided in section 10 of this act. The canvassers shall meet and canvass such returns at ten o'clock A. M. on the Friday following the primary. Their returns shall contain the whole number of votes cast for each candidate of each political party, and a duplicate as to each political party shall be delivered to the chairman of the county committee of such party. (4) The county canvassers shall also make an additional duplicate re- turn, in the same form as provided in subdivision 3, showing the votes cast for each candidate not voted for wholly within the limits of the county. The county clerk shall forthwith send to the secretary of state, by registered mail, one complete copy of all returns as to such candidates. (5) The city canvass a!" the returns of a primary shall be made by the city council, by 18 the same officers and in the manner provided in section 10 of this act ; and the provisions of said section 10 for the purposes of this act are hereby extended to all city primaries provided for by this act. The canvassers shall meet and canvass such returns at ten o'clock A. M. on the Friday following the pri- mary. Their returns shall contain the whole number of votes cast for each candidate of each political party, and a duplicate as to each political party shall be delivered to the city chairman of such party. (6) The respective canvassing boards provided for in this section, and in section 14 of this act, shall name the person receiving the highest number of votes cast upon the blank ticket for each office as the non-partisan nominee for such office. Sec. 3303, G. S. 1909. 20. State board, of canvassers. (1) The state board of can- vassers provided to canvass the returns of a November election shall constitute the state board of canvassers of the primaries held under the provisions of this act, and all the provisions of section 10 of this act, and of all existing statutes, and any amendments now or hereafter made thereto, relating to the canvass of the returns of the November election, shall, as far as applicable, apply to the canvass, return and certification to the secretary of state of such primary. Such board shall meet at the office of the secretary of state at ten o'clock a.m. on the third Tuesday of August, 1914, and biennially thereafter. (2) As soon as the state canvass of a primary shall be completed, the secretary of state shall publish in the official state paper a certified statement of the result of such primary as to candi- dates for state offices, United States senator, representatives in Congress, state senators and state representatives, and all can- didates whose districts extend beyond the limits of a single county; and shall mail to the chairman of the state central com- mittee of each party so much of such certificate as relates to his party. (3) Within thirty days after the completion of such state canvass, the secretary of state shall certify to the county clerk of each county within which any of the electors may vote for the candidates for such offices, the name of each person nominated and the office for which he is nominated as specified in the nomination papers. Sec. 2, ch. 191, Session Laws 1913. 21. Official party ca?ididates. (1) The person receiving the greatest number of votes at a primary as the candidate of a party for any office shall be a candidate of that party for such office, and his name as such candidate shall be placed on the official ballot at the ensuing election for which such primary is held. (2) In case of a tie vote, the respective boards of can- vassers provided for by this act shall forthwith determine said tie by lot. Sec. 1, ch. 191, Session Laws 1913. 22. Vacancies ; how filled. Vacancies occurring after the holding of any primary shall be filled by the party committee ^c 19 of the city, subdistrict, district, county, or state, as the case may be. Sec. 3306, G. S. 1909. 23. Party organization and government. The organization and government of each of the several political parties shall be as follows: (1) At the primaries hereinbefore provided for, the members of a party residing in each precinct in each of the several counties of the state shall choose one of their number as "county precinct committeeman." (2) The whole number of county precinct committeemen of each of the several political parties shall constitute the county committee of such party; such county committee shall be organized by electing from its own membership a chairman, secretary and treasurer, of which offices the last two may be filled by the same person. (3) The chairman of the county committee shall be ex officio a member of the state committee and of each of the several party committees of the district within which his county is situated. (4) Where a judicial, senatorial, or representative district comprises but one county or less, the county committee of such county shall constitute such judicial, senatorial or rep- resentative district committee. (5) The district party com- mittee for each district greater than a county shall be composed of the county chairman of the several county committees here- inbefore provided for, and one additional member, to be chosen by each of the several party county committees in the district, for each 1000 votes or major fraction thereof in excess of 1500 votes cast by the party at the primary at which the said county committee was chosen. Such district party committee shall organize by electing from its own membership a chair- man, secretary and treasurer, of which offices the last two may be filled by the same person. (6) The state party com- mittee shall organize by electing from its own membership a chairman, secretary and treasurer. The executive committee of such state committee shall consist of the chairman of the various congressional district committees, of which the state chairman shall be ex officio chairman. (7) The city party committee shall be composed of the city precinct committee- men chosen at the annual primary, and shall organize by elect- ing from its own membership a chairman, secretary and treas- urer. (8) The official returns made by the primary board shall show the name and address and the name of the party represented, and of each precinct committeeman chosen. (9) Each committee provided for in this section, and its officers, shall have the powers usually exercised by such committees and by the officers thereof, in so far as is consistent with this act. The various officers and committees now in existence shall exercise the powers and perform the duties herein pre- scribed until their successors are chosen in accordance with this act. The duties of the chairman or secretary of any com- mittee, when the committee is not in session, may be performed 20 by members of such committee selected by such chairman or secretary.' Any vacancy in any committee office shall be filled in the same manner as that in which such officer was originally chosen. (10) The candidates for the various state offices, for United States senator, for members of the national house of representatives, for the state senate, and for the state house of representatives, nominated by each political party at each primary, the national committeeman, the United States sena- tors and the state senators of such political party whose term of office extends beyond January of the year next ensuing, and the chairman of the county committee of the several counties of the state, shall constitute the party council of each party, and shall meet at the capital at twelve o'clock noon on the last Tuesday of August after the date on which any primary is held preliminary to any general election. The membership of such party council shall be determined by the list of party nominees and party candidates duly certified by the secretary of state as on file in his office. Such party council shall be called to order by the secretary of state, or by one of his as- sistants, who shall read the roll of members; and thereupon the party council shall organize by electing from its own mem- bership a chairman and secretary. They shall thereupon forth- with formulate the state platform of their party, choose or alter the party emblem, and shall perform such other business as may properly be brought before such a meeting. The plat- form of each party shall be framed and made public at a time rot later than six o'clock in the afternoon of the day following their adjournment. The state party council so constituted shall be the party council for two years, and shall have power to call special meetings and perform such other business as may be consistent with the provisions of this act; provided, that no member of such council shall be represented by proxy. Sec. 3307, G. S. 1909. 24. Preparation of blanks. It shall be the duty of the sec- retary of state and attorney-general, on or before March 1, 1908, to prepare all forms necessary to carry out the pro- visions of this act, which forms shall be substantially followed in all primaries held in pursuance hereof. Such forms shall be printed, with copies of this act, for public use and distribution. Sec. 3308, G. S. 1909. 25. Payment of expenses. All ticket blanks and other sup- plies to be used at any primary, and all expenses necessarily incurred in the preparation for or conducting such primary, shall be paid out of the treasury of the city, county, or state, as the case may be, in the same manner, with like effect, and by the same officers, as in the case of elections. The cost, print- ing and distribution of the tickets shall be under the charge and control of the same officers and official bodies as are pre- scribed for general election and for city elections by existing 21 statutes, and amendments now or hereafter made thereto, in so far as the same are applicable to and not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. Sec. 3309, G. S. 1909. 26. Penal provisions. (1) Any person who shall offer, or, with knowledge of the same, permit any person to offer for his benefit any bribe to a voter to induce him to sign any nomi- nation paper, and any person who shall accept any such bribe or promise of gain of any kind in the nature of a bribe as consideration for signing the same, whether such bribe or promise of gain in the nature of a bribe be offered or accepted before or after such signing; or any candidate who shall know- ingly cause a nomination paper or papers to be signed in his behalf by more than the maximum number of qualified electors provided for his district by subdivisions 5 and 6, section 5 of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon trial and conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than twenty nor more than five hundred dollars, and by imprisonment in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than six months. (2) Any person who shall forge any name to a nomi- nation paper shall be deemed guilty of forgery in the fourth degree, and on conviction thereof be punished accordingly. Any person who, being in possession of nomination papers en- titled to be filed under this act, shall wrongfully either sup- press, neglect or fail to cause the same to be filed at the proper time in the proper office, shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months, and by a fine of not to exceed six hundred dollars. (3) Any act declared an offense by the general laws of this state concerning elections shall also in like case be an offense in all primaries, and shall be punished in the same form and manner as therein provided, and all the penalties and provisions of the law as to such elections, except as herein otherwise provided, shall ap- ply in such case with equal force and to the same extent as though fully set forth in this act. (4) No spirituous, malt, vinous or intoxicating liquor shall be sold or given away on the date of holding a primary election. Whoever violates the provisions of this subdivision 4 of this section shall, upon con- viction, be fined a sum not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars. It shall be the duty of the sheriff, coroner, constable, and other peace officers of the county and city to see that the provisions of this section are strictly enforced. (5) If any person whose vote is challenged, or any witness sworn under the provisions of this act, shall knowingly, will- fully and corruptly swear falsely, he shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and on conviction thereof shall be punished accord- ingly. (6) Whoever votes more than once at any primary, or offers to vote after having once voted at such primary, shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding one 22 year, or both, in the discretion of the court. (7) Whoever willfully aids or abets any one not legally qualified to vote at a primary in voting or attempting to vote at such primary; or, second, furnishes an elector with a ticket, informing him that it contains a name different than that which appears thereon, with intent to induce him to vote contrary to his inclinations; or, third, changes the tjcket of an elector, with intent to deprive such elector of voting for such person as he intended; or, fourth, by unlawful means prevents or attempts to prevent any voter from voting or from attending a pri- mary; or, fifth, gives or offers to give any valuable thing or bribe to any judge or clerk of primary, as a consideration for some act to be done contrary to his official duty in relation to such primary, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. And any judge or clerk who shall receive, request or demand any bribe or reward forbidden by this act shall, upon conviction, be liable to the same penalties as are provided in this act for the giving or offering to give such bribe or re- ward. (8) Any person who shall solicit, request, demand or receive, directly or indirectly, any money, intoxicating liquor, or any other thing of value, or the promise thereof, either to influence his vote or to be used, or under the pretense of being used, to procure the vote of any person or persons, or to be used at any poll or other place prior to or on the day of a pri- mary, for or against any candidate for nomination at such pri- mary, shall be deemed guilty of the crime of bribery, and upon conviction in any court of record shall be subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars and imprisonment in the county jail not less than three months nor more than one year, and to pay the costs of prosecution and stand committed to the county jail until such costs are fully paid. (9) Any can- didate or other person paying, furnishing, or promising to pay or furnish, or bribing any person, with money, intoxicat- ing liquor, or anything of value, or the promise thereof, shall be deemed guilty of the crime of bribery, and upon conviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, and imprisonment in the county jail not less than three months nor more than one year, and pay the costs of prosecution and stand committed to the county jail until such costs are fully paid. Prosecutions may be had under this section by indictment in the district court or by information therein. (10) Any person who shall engage in disorderly con- duct at any primary shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars and the costs of the prosecution. (11) Whoever bets or wagers any money, 23 property, or other valuable thing upon the result of a primary held under the provisions of this act, or bets or wagers money, property or other thing of value upon the number of votes which may be given to any person at a primary, or upon whom shall receive the greatest number of votes at a primary, or agrees to pay any other person any money, property or other thing of value in event that a primary shall result in one way, or in the event that any person shall or shall not be elected or nominated at any primary, or shall receive a greater number of votes than others, upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not ex- ceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. (12) If any judge of a primary shall, without the proof required in this act, permit a person to vote whose vote is challenged ; or, second, shall knowingly and willfully permit a person to testify as a witness contrary to the provisions of this act ; or, third, shall knowingly permit a person to vote who is not qualified; or, fourth, shall knowingly receive and count more than one vote from the same person at the same primary for the same office, except as allowed by law ; or, fifth, shall refuse to receive the vote of a qualified elector at such primary who shall make affidavit and proof as required by this act; or, sixth, shall be guilty of any fraud, corruption, partiality or manifest misbehavior; or, seventh, shall open or Unfold any ticket when the same is presented to be deposited in the ballot box; or, eighth, shall willfully neglect to perform any of the duties required of him by this act, shall, on conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, and imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months. (13) If any clerk of a primary shall willfully neglect to perform any duty required of him as clerk of primary, or shall be guilty of fraud, corruption, or misbehavior as such clerk, he shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, and imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months. Sec. 3310, G. S. 1909. SAMPLE BLANK. (General ticket.) [To be used in all cases except in cities of the first or second class.] PRIMARY NOMINATION PAPER. I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the precinct of the township of , county of , and State of Kansas, and a member of the party, hereby nominate , who resides in the township of (or, at No. on street, city of ), in the county of , and State of Kansas, as a candidate for the office of , to be voted for at the (Here specify the office.) primary to be held on the day of , 19.-.., as represent- ing the principles of said party; and I further declare that I intend to support the candidate herein named, and that I have not signed and will not sign any petition or nomination papers for any other person for said office at the next ensuing election. Name of Signers. Post-office. Date of Signing. If on Rural Route add R.F.D. Month. Day. Year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 (25) STATE OF KANSAS, 1 > ss. County, J , being duly sworn, says, that he is a qualified elector of the precinct of the township of , county of , State of Kansas; that to the best of his knowledge and belief all the signers upon the foregoing nomination paper are electors of the precinct named at the top thereof; that he knows that they signed the same with full knowledge of the contents thereof; and that their respective resi- dences are correctly stated therein, and that each of said signers signed said nomination paper on the date stated therein opposite his name, and that affiant intends to support the candidate therein named. Subscribed and Sworn to before me, this (Seal.) (My commission expires ) day of 19... [Note. — The affiant must be an elector for the candidate sought to be nominated, but may reside anywhere within the candidate's election district.] a. 54 O 55 » 3 a o H> o 35 ra a 1 o 9 55 » 3 (D O o 1» 3 Si <£> 1 5Z > o > ft (26) SAMPLE BLANK. (General ticket.) (To be used in cities of the first or second class only.) PRIMARY NOMINATION PAPER. I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the precinct of the ward of the city of , county of , and state of Kansas, and a member of the party, hereby nominate , who resides in the township of (or, at No on street, city of ), in the county of , and state of Kansas, as a candidate for the office of , to be voted for at the primary (Here specify the office.) to be held on the day of , 19 , as representing the principles of said party; and I further declare that I intend to sup- port the candidate herein named, and that I have not signed and will not sign any petition or nomination papers for any other person for said office at the next ensuing election. Name of City. Street Number. Date of Signing. Names of Signers. Mo. Day. Year. 1 2 3 ' 4 1 5 | 6 ■ 7 8 9 10 (27) STATE OF KANSAS, ] [ss. - .". County, J , being duly sworn, says, that he is a qualified elector of the precinct of the ward of the city of , county of , state of Kansas; that to the best of his knowledge and belief all the signers upon the fore- going nomination papers are electors of the precinct named at the top thereof; that he knows that they signed the same with full knowledge of the contents thereof; and that their respective residences are correctly stated therein, and that each of said signers signed said nomination paper on the date stated therein opposite his name, and that affiant intends to support the candidate therein named. Subscribed and Sworn to before me, this. (Seal.) (My commission expires .day of 19.... [Note. — The affiant must be an elector for the candidate sought to be nominated, but may reside anywhere within the candidate's election district.] ST o 2 p 3 o 3 o (S <£> 1 O 3 re o n » 3 a a » ^ > H ^d £d GO (28) SAMPLE BLANK. NON-PARTISAN JUDICIAL PRIMARY NOMINATING PETITION. I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the state of Kansas, do hereby petition the Hon , who resides in the township of (or, at No on street, city of ) in the county of , and state of Kansas, to become a candidate for the office of Justice of the Supreme Court of the state of Kansas, to be voted for at the primary election to be held on the first Tuesday in August, 19 , and I request his candidacy for said office under the provisions of the non- partisan judiciary act. Pity or STREET Num- Names of Signers. i ™\~„ " ber or Town. r p D County. Date of Signing. 1 . 1 ! I.. ! 1 1 1 1 .... 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 .1 1 - I - (29) 0> 3 O 3 a a 1 - Z & 3 fl> o 3 a. o o hi «5 — — — t- £T. SB o (30) SAMPLE BLANK. NON-PARTISAN JUDICIAL PRIMARY NOMINATING PETITION. I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the judicial district of the state of Kansas, do hereby petition the Hon , who resides in the township of (or, at No. on street, city of ) in the county of , and state of Kansas, to become a- candidate for the office of Judge of the District Court of the judicial district of the state of Kansas, to be voted for at the primary election to be held on the first Tuesday in August, 19 , and I request his candidacy for said office under the provisions of the non-partisan judiciary act. Names of Signers. City or Town. Street Num- ber or R. F. D. County. Date of Signing. 1 ■ 1 (31) •z so 3 a o o o 1> ■n o 9 •z so 3 a o so 3 — SO o "3 3 ^ S3 O o s Z' & — 25 3" ^ Cfc g, t-r) m. S3 o (32) SAMPLE BLANK. COUNTY CLERK'S NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION. STATE OF KANSAS, 1 f ss. County, J Office of County Clerk, , 19. To Whom it may Concern: I, the undersigned, county clerk of county, Kansas, having received a notice in writing from the secretary of state of the state of Kansas, designating the offices for which candidates are to be nominated at the primary to be held on the first Tuesday in August in 19 , do hereby certify, pursuant thereto, that each of the several political parties of this state and county at said primary may nominate one candidate to be voted for at the general election to be held in Novem- ber of 19 , for each of the following offices: (Here insert name of offices to be filled.) Also — Under the provisions of the non-partisan judiciary act. Three candidates for justices of the supreme court. One candidate for district judge of the judicial district. Given under my hand and the seal of said county, at my office in the city of '. , county of , state of Kansas, this day of , 19 County Clerk. Note. — This notice must be published once each week for three consecutive weeks in the official county paper. (33) SAMPLE BLANK. NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION. STATE^OF KANSAS, 1 County, ss. To Whom it may Concern: I, the undersigned, county clerk of the above-named county, have re- ceived a certified list of candidates for the various nominations to be made by each of the political parties of this state, and, in accordance with the provisions of law, I hereby publish so much thereof as is applicable to this county, and I have added thereto the names and addresses of the candi- dates for nomination by the several political parties as the same appear on file at my office. The following candidates for nominations of the several parties, and their post-office addresses, follow under their respective parties. Party. Name of office. Name of candidate. Residence of candidate. (And following with same for each party, naming candidates.) Also — Under the provisions of the non-partisan judiciary act. Three candidates for justices of the supreme court. One candidate for district judge of the judicial district. Pursuant to the foregoing, I hereby give notice that a primary election will be held on the day of , 19 , at which time candi- dates from the above list may be nominated by the various political parties of this state on their several tickets, and that the said primary election will be held at the usual polling-places of this county, to wit: (Names and numbers of precincts, and location.) The hours of voting in all precincts in cities of the first class are from six o'clock A. M. until six o'clock p. M. In all other voting places the polls will be opened at eight o'clock A. M. and closed at six o'clock P. M. Done at my office in the city of , county of , Kansas, this day of , 19 County Clerk. NoTE — This notice shall ho puhlished for three consecutive weeks in the official county naper- and the clerk shall also mail copies forthwith to each township and city clerk ot tn< county, who shall |»ost tin- same in at least three public places in each precinct m his town ship or city. (34) SAMPLE BLANK. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION. State of Kansas, County, ss. Office of Sheriff [or City Clerk], 19—. Notice is hereby given that a primary election will be held on the day of , 19 , being the first Tuesday in said month, at which time candidates for the following offices will be nom- inated according to the provisions of law by each of the various political parties of this state: Ten presidential electors. One candidate for governor. One candidate for lieutenant-governor. One candidate for secretary of state. One candidate for state auditor. One candidate for state treasurer. One candidate for attorney-general. One candidate for superintendent of public instruction. One candidate for superintendent of insurance. One candidate for state printer. One candidate for United States senator. One candidate for congressman for congressional district. One candidate for state senator for senatorial district. One candidate for representative for district. One candidate for county clerk. One candidate for county treasurer. One candidate for register of deeds. One candidate for county attorney. One candidate for probate judge. One candidate for sheriff. One candidate for coroner. One candidate for superintendent of public instruction. One candidate for county surveyor. One candidate for clerk of the district court. One candidate for county assessor. candidates for high-school trustees. One candidate for county commissioner, district. Two candidates for justices of the peace. Two candidates for constables. One candidate for township trustee. One candidate for township clerk. One candidate for township treasurer. Each political party will also elect a precinct committeeman. Also — Under the provisions of the non-partisan judiciary act. Three candidates for justices of the supreme court. One candidate for district judge of the judicial district. Votes of qualified electors of this county will be received at the follow- ing precincts: Names oe Numbers of Precincts. Location. Polls will be open from o'clock A. M. until o'clock p. M. Sheriff [or City Clerk]. Note A. — The time for opening and closing the polls is regulated by chapter 231, Ses- sion Laws of 1903. (See sec. 10, House bill No. 18, Session Laws of 1908.) Note B. — The list of candidates will vary at different elections and in different coun- ties, and the notice should be varied accordingly. (35) SAMPLE BLANK. PRIMARY ELECTION RETURNS. Votes Cast for Party Candidates. Office. Names of Candidates. No. of Votes Received. « - 1 We, the undersigned, judges and clerks of the primary election held in the , of , in the county of ' (No. of precinct or ward.) (City or township. ) and state of Kansas, on the day of A. D. 19 , do hereby certify that the party candidates whose names appear above received the number of votes cast as written opposite their names. \ Clerks. Judges. (36) SAMPLE BLANK. JUDICIAL BALLOT. STATE OF KANSAS. For Justices of the Supreme Court. Vote for three. Name. 1 Residence. 1 . □ □ a a a u □ n a . • For District Judge Judicial District. Vote for one. Name. Residence. □DDDD[ • n i i □ (37) SAMPLE BLANK. JUDICIAL PRIMARY ELECTION RETURNS. Votes cast for for the office of Justice of the Supreme Court, state of Kansas. Name of Candidate. No. of votes received. We, the undersigned, judges and clerks of the primary election for the nomination of candidates for the office of Justice of the Supreme Court of the state of Kansas, held in the , of , (No. precinct or ward.) (City or township.) in the county of and state of Kansas, on the day of August, 19 , do hereby certify that the candidates whose names appear above received the number of votes cast as written opposite their names. Clerks. Judges. (38) SAMPLE BLANK. HAL PRIMARY ELECTION Votes cast for ....for the office «f Judge of the District Court the state of Kansas. of the judicial district of Name op Candidate. No. of votes received. • We, the undersigned, judges and clerks of the primary election for the nomination of candidates for the office of judge of the district court of the judicial district of the state of Kansas held in the of , in the county of (No. precinct or ward.) (City or township.) and state of Kansas, on the day of August, 19...., do hereby certify that the candidates whose names appear above received the number of votes cast as written opposite their names. Clerks. \ Judges. > i * 1 ' . ' . » ' • ■ , •• • • •• - ,' • ■■>•* • 3 ' 1 \ • « > • « (39) THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. JUL 2 4 1084 LD 21-IOOjh-'. / m^ Gaylord Bros. Mateers Syracuse, N. Y PAT. JAN. 21. 1908 YD 01712 ^>002 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY