Ratio ac Vis Ex. Ubris H. U. Brandenstein THE HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR, BY THUCYDIDES; n ACCORDING TO THE TEXT OF L. DINDORF; WITH NOTES: FOR THE USE OF COLLEGES. Kri^/xa CIS del naWcv Ti dyutvicfua eis rd irapaj(^pny,n aKoveiv ^vyKeiroi, BY JOHN J. OWEN, D. D., lonnerly Principal of the Cornelius Institute, and now Professor of the Latin anil Grock Languages and Literature in the Free Academy in New -York City NEW Y O E K : D. APPLETON & CO., 443 & 445 BROADWAY, 1867. £kteeed, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848, by JOHN J. OWEN, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. • • • » » • • • • • • a « « » - • •• ► • • •«* « • • • « IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED TO THE REV. MOSES STUART, PROFESSOR OF SACRED LITERATURE IN ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINAR! AS A TESTIMONIAL OF AFFECTIONATE REGARD, FROM HIS FRIEND AND FORMER PUPIL, THE EDITOR. ^MilSl.'?48 PEEFACE. This edition of Thucydides is based on the text of L Dindorf's edition, Leipzig, 1824. Indeed, with the single exception of punctuation, which has been modified, as will be explained in the sequel, there has been no departure from Dindorf's text, the readings which seemed to bo pre- ferable being referred to in the notes which accompany this edition. In preparing the notes, I have made free use of 1, Poppo's edition, xi. vols. Leipzig, 1821-1840. 2, Goeller's, Leipzig, 1836. 3, Haack's, Leipzig, 1820. 4, Kruger's, Berhn, 1846. 5, Bothe's, Leipzig, 1848. 6, Di- dot's, Paris, 1833. 7, Bekker's, Oxford, 1821, 8, Arnold's, Oxford, 1840. 9, Bloomfield's, London, 1842. I have also derived much assistance from Betant's Lex. Thucyd. now in a course of publication. In the use of the editions before nie, I have aimed at a conscientious acknowledgment of aU aid received from Dthers. If, however, my own mind arrived independently at a given result, I did not deem it to be my duty to attribute it to others, even though a coincidence might afterwards have been found to exist between my own conclusions and those of other editors. Nothing has been received on the mere assertion of other scholars, however eminent they might be. Every difficulty has been subjected to a thorough viii PREFACE. examination, and the opinions of others have been weighed and compared impartially, and honored as their intrinsic worth appeared to demand. The same plan has been pursued in the preparation of the notes, which I adopted in my previous publications, and it is hoped that this volume will betray no marks of less care and attention; in the selection of words and passages requiring comment, or in the kind and degree of assistance furnished to the student, than is manifest in those editions. To some it may appear at first sight that too much aid has been furnished the student. It will be seen upon exa- mination, however, that it has not been indiscriminately bestowed, but in a way which always leaves much for the student himself to do. It will also appear, that I have not proceeded on the plan of selecting a few chapters on which to give a full commentary, and of leaving the other portions comparatively untouched, but have aimed to bestow upon every chapter and every section throughout the whole text, the amount of illustration which its difficulties seemed to require. The general observations on the orations and other portions of the history, together with the argument affixed to each chapter, I hope will be found of great service to the student. They have cost much labor, owing to the excessive brevity of style which characterizes Thucydides, and which renders it extremely difficult to reduce his writ- ings to a much shorter compass than he has left them, and yet retain the leading ideas. In respect to the punctuation of the text it may be re* m-arked, that at the instance of several eminent professons PREFACE. IX a more free use of punctuation-marks has been made than s found to have been done in Dindorf 's edition, although not to the degree in which they are found in the older edi- tions. In revising the punctuation of Dindorf, I have been guided mainly by my own sense of the wants of the text, although in many instances my views have been modified by the usage of other editors. The basis of grammatical reference is the grammar of E. A. Sophocles (new edition), and Kiihner's School Gram- mar published at Andover, 1844. References also have been freely made to the grammars of Crosby, Buttmann, Matthiae, Rost, Kruger, and Jelf 's Kiihner (Oxford edition, 1842). The map prefixed to this edition, although of necessity reduced in size, is an exact reprint of Kiepert's Map of Greece at the beginning of the Peloponnesian war. It is unnecessary to inform scholars of the high estimation in which the maps of this geographer are held throughout the civilized world. It would be desirable for each student to have in his possession a complete set of Kiepert's maps ; but as this cannot be expected, the map accompanying this edition will be found to meet all his wants as far as relates to Greece in the times of Thucydides, Xenophon, Plato, etc. For much that pertains to geographical and topogra- phical matters, I must acknowledge my indebtedness to Col. Leake's " Travels in Northern Greece and the Morea,*' and "Topography of Athens," books which Bloomfield justly says are indispensable to the student or reader of Thucy- dides, and of so masterly a character as fairly to entitle the writer to the appellation o^ the first geographer of our age. X PREFACE. 1 take occasion again to return my nanks to tne classi- cal professors and teachers, for the favor with which they have received my previous publications, and for the friendly niterest which they have manifested in the present work. As soon as my avocations will permit, I intend, if my life and health are spared, to offer them another volume, containing the remaining text of Thucydides, brief annotations, and copious verbal, historical, and grammatical indices of the whole work. Meanwhile I commit to their kind regards this volume, with the hope that it will contribute somewhat to the cause of classical learning in this country, and serve to introduce to more general use the writings of the man, to whom by common consent has been given the appella* tion PRINCEPS HISTORTCUM Cornelius Institute, May Ath, 1848. ABBREVIATIONS AND EXPLANATIONS. S. stands for Sophocles' Greek Grammar. K. Kahner's « (( C. Crosby's « (( Mt Matthiae's « u Butt. « Buttmann's " M Kr. KrUger's " M Vig. Viger's Greek Idioms, N. Note. cf. compare, consult. X. T. A. " Ttal TO XotTia = etc., &C. sc. " scilicet. ITie references to Kfthner are made to his School Grammar,^ translated Dy Messrs. Edwards and Taylor, Andover. Whenever Jelf 's edition of Kiihner is referred'to, the name is fully given. The references to Butt- mann are made to his Larger Grammar, translated by Dr. Robinson. BOYKYJIJOY w jpp p p ^ (Jj JJ 2:, J. I. BOTKTJI/IITZ 'ydO-tjvaiog ^vveyQaxps top noXe^ov rvat TW.onovvriaicov y^ai '^\}7]vaio)Vj cog iTZoXtfitjaav ttqos dlXr^lovg, aQ^dfisvog evd^vg yicud^iataiitvov xai iXniaag (liyav re eaea&ai y,iu cc^ioXoycorarov rav ?TQoyfyevi]fitvcoVj TSHfiaiQOfisvog on dyinat,ovr^i tE Jjaav eg aviov dfiqjOTEQOi TzaQaGxsv'^ jy 7rd(Sr} aai to dXXo 'EXX7]n- viov oQCJV ^vviazd^Evov TTQog ixazEQOvg, to [isv evOvgj to ds aai 8ta- voov(i£vov. 2. y.ivrjGig yaq avti] fisyiGti] dt] toig EXXtjaiv iyt'vsto xai fxtQEi tm rcoj' ^UQ^dQOJVy cog de eItzeiv, y.ai Ini TtXEiatov dvdQco- ncov. ta ydo ttqo avtav xal to, eti naXaiotEQa Gaqjoog f.iEv evqeiv did^Qorov 7iXij\}og ddvvata i]v' in ds t£xii7]Qicov cov ini (^tanQOTaiov Gy.onovvTi fioi niatEvaai ^vfj^aivEi ov fieydXa vofii^co yEvt'a\}ai ome Tiazct tovg noXE^ovg ovte ig ta dXXa. II. fpaivEtat yciQ tj vvv 'EXXdg yaXov^tvrj ov ndXai ^t^aicog oixov[itvTj, dXXa fiEzavaatdaEig te ovgcu ta nQoiEqa y.at Qadiatg E'^aGTOi ttjv savtcov aTZoXEiTzovtEg ^lal^ofXEvoi vno tivcov dti tiXekj- vG)v. 2. tijg yaQ ifinoQiag oi'x ovarjg ovd^ immyvvvtEg adEOjg d) h'lXoig OVTE yard y7jr ovte did daXduG^g, vEfA.6fiEvoi te td avrmv sxaaroi oaov dno'Ql]v yai TiEQtovaiav '^QrnxaTcov ovy i'j^ovTEg ovds ytjv rpviEvovtEg^ ddr^Xov ov onozE tig ijiEXd^oov yai dtEiyiatcov dua ovtcov dXXog drpaiQ^aEtai, tlqg tE yaO^ ij^EQCiv dvayxaiov tQocprjg navTayov dv TjyoviAEvoi ETTiyQcctEiv, ov yalsTzag dnaviajavTO, ycti bi\ avTo ovTE ^syE&Ei tzoXecov layvov ovte tr^ dXXri naoaayEvy. 3, fidXiara ds tijg ytjg ij aQiatrj dEl tdg [lETa^oXdg tcov oiyrjTOQiav Eh/Bi\ n tE vvv QeaaaXia yc:7.ovfiEvi] ya] Boicotia TlEXonovvriaov te 1 za TtoXXa nXiiv 'y^Qxadiag rijg re aXl7]g oaa ijv y.QdnaTa. 4. dia yag dgsTtjv yT]g at te dwdneig riol fxsi^ovg lyyiyvoixsvai ardasig sr&TToiovi', e^ cov iq:\}£(QOvro kui afxa vtzo dXXocpvXojv fiuXXov ine- ^ovXevovTG. 5. tijv yovp ^ArTrAijv, in tov tm nXtXarov did zo Xe- Tzzoyeojv daTaciaazov ovaavy dvd^QcoTioi Sxovv oi avtol dei. 6. xaJ TTiiQddsiyf^a rods tov Xoyov ovx iXdiiatov ian did tag [4,ET0iyuag ig rd dXXa fzr] 6{iOi(og av^tj&TJvai. Ik ydq trig dXXTjg 'EXXddog oi TToXt'jjm ti Grdaei inniTZTOvzEg ttuq 'A&rivaiovg ol dvvatcotazoi mg l^ir^aiov ov dvE'/^coQOvv, aai noXiiai yiyvofiEvoi Ev&vg dno naXaiov fiEi^co ETi e7Zou]aav nXtjOsi dvx^QaTzmv Tijv ttoXiv' coats aal ig 'Icoi'i'av vatEQOv (ag ovi Uavjjg ovcrjg Tijg 'AzTutjg dnoiyJag i^s- nsfj-ipap. III. dtjXoL 8e uot aai rods tav TzaXaioov dad^ivEiav ov)^ ifAtaTa ' 7TQ0 yaQ rwv Tqcoihojv ovdsv qsaivEzai ttqoteqov xoiry EQya- aauh'Ti i) 'EXXdg, So'ael d8 fA.oi, ovds rovvoixa rovzo ^vfinaad tico tJyerj dXXd zd fisv nno '^EXXrjvog zov /lEvaaXicovog y.al ndvv ovds Ehairi inixXt^atg avzr], xazd EOvrj ds dXXa zs nal zo IJEXaayixov in) TrXEiazov d(^ iavzmv zriv E7Z03vvixiav naQEy^E6&ai. 2. '^EXXtjvog ds nal z^v naidcov avzov iv zy (p&mzidi layvodvzcoVj xat inayoiii- voov avzovg eii coqiEXsia ig zdg dXXag TZoXsig, yaif iydazovg fjCiv ijdt] ztj 6(A,iXia fxdXXov yaXEia&ai EXXyvag, ov fiirzoi noXXov ys iqo- vov iidvvazo Hcu anaaiv iy.ny.rjaai. 3. zEyf-irjoioi 8s f^dXiaza" Ofirj- Qog ' TzoXXw ydQ vgzeqov ezi xal zooir-TQcoixoov ysvofXEvog ovSafiov 70vg ^vfiTzavzag covofiaasvy ovd^ dXXovg t] z(wg fiEz ^A^iXXicagy ix z7jg fD&icozi5og, oItzsq y.ai ttq^zoi EXXr^vsg 7]aav, /Javaovg ds iv ToTg S7TE61 yal 'Anysiovg xai ^Ay^aiovg dvayaXsi. 4. ov ^ir^v ovds ^an^aQOvg Eiotjys dice zo ^rjds EXX7]vdg '/zco, cog ifioi doxEi, dvziTzaXop tig Ev orofta dnoy.E'AQia&ai. 5. oi 5' ovv cog sxaazoi EXXipeg yazd TioXsig ze, oaoi dXXijXcov ^vvisaav xctf ^vfirrarzEg^vcrzEQOv -aXri- d^irzEg, ovdsv ttqo z^v Tqcoihcov di* da&Evsiav 'Aai d(iit,iav dXXriXcav d&QOOL ETtQa^av. dXXd you zavzr]v zt]v azQazsiav d^aXdaarj fjdt] ttXeico •^QCofiEvoi ^vvTpMov. IV. Mivcog ydq naXaizazog cov dyoTj iafZE* vavziy.ov ixzjjaazo, yal zljg vvv 'EXXrjviyljg '&aXda67]g im TzXsXazot i'AQdzr^as ' yal zcov KvxXddcov vf'jacov 7]q^e ze yai ovAiGzijg TTQOJZog Tcov nXtiazcov iyivsjo, KaQag i^sXdffag yal zovg savzov naidctg i]ytu6vag iyyazaazijaag. zo zs Xipziyovy cog si'Aog, ya&rjQEi iy, zijg '^uXdaaTjg iq^ ocsov ydvvazo, zov zdg TZQoaodovg [xdXXov uvai avzcp LIB. I. CAP. V. VI. d V. oi yctQ "ElXiipeg to ndXaiy nai rav ^UQ^aQcov ol re iv r J ^neiQcp naQa{)ald(j6iOL x«f-0(Jot rrjaovg Ei'/^ov,E7zeidt] i]Q^avjo fxuXXov 7i8Qaiova&ai fcivaiv Iri uXXriKovg, stquttovto nqog hjozEiaVy ijov- Liivcov dvdQcov ov T(av dbvvar(X)rdt(i)Vf y.t'()8ovg lov cqjETtQOv avrcov Epsna xai roig da&evtai TQoq)7]g' nal TrgoaTzinzovzeg noXeaiv dzei' xioTOig 'Aat aatcc 'Acofxag oiy.oviA8vaig t]Q7Ta^0Vf y.ai tov nXelaiov rov §iov EvtEv&Ev BTTOiovvtOy ovK t)(^opt6g TTco ai6xvvi]v tovzov rov tQyOVj q)8QOV7og ds ri not do^rjg ^aXkov. 2. drjXovai da roov rs ^tteiqw- rav riveg en xal vvv^ oig aoCfiog aalmg rovto dQciv, xai ol naXaiot rcov TToiTjraVj rag nvareig tmv yaraTrleovToav navra'fov oiioimg EQCorrnvTEg El XriaruL Eiaiv, wg ovte cov Tzvv&dvovjai dTza^iovvrow (0 EQyov, olg r ETzifislsg Eii] EidEvai ov>i ovEidi^ovrcov. 3. EX7]iXovro da aai Y.oLr tJtzeiqov dXXijXovg. ym} i^eiqi rovds noXXd rtjg 'EXXddog rip TTaXaicp rQOTZco vEfiErai tteqi rs AoiiQovg rovg 'Oi^oXag hui Alro}- Xovgaai '^xaQvdvag aal rijv ravri] iqnEiQOV. ro rs aidr^Qoq}OQEiad^ai rovroig roig rirtEiQ^raig dnh riig naXaiug Xr^arEiag sf^ftEfxtvTjuE. VI. Tiada ydg tj 'EXXdg ioidrjooqiOQEi did rag dq)QdxTOvg re oixtJ- aeig aal ovy. dcopaXElg naq dXXriXovg iqjodovg, nal ^vvij&tj rtjv diai- rav jU£{>' oTiXcov i7ioi^(javTO, ojotieq ol '^aQ^agoi. 2. arifieiov d iarl ravTa riqg 'EXXddog hi ovi03 vEixofXEva rSiv nore y.ai eg ndvzag ofiofojv diairriiidroiv. 3. ev roTg tiq^toi Se 'AO^rjvaioi rov rs oidr^QOv nartd^Evzo yai dpEiftevi] rri diairri eg zo ZQvcfEQOJzegov fXEzt- Gzijaav. aal ol ttqeg^vzeqoi avzoig rav svdaiftovav did ro d^godi- airov ov noXvg yqovog iTZEidtj yiz^vdg re Xivovg inavaavzo cpoQovv- zEg, xai ^Qvamv zezziymv epeqgei 'aqco^vXov dvadovfiepoi zmv bv ri^ uEq:aXi] rQi)r6jp. dcp ov y.a\ 'Icopmv rovg TZQsa^vzEQOvg yazu zo ^vy- ytreg ejzi tzoXv avzri 7] axevf] yazEaye. 4. fXEZQia 5' av EaOriZi yai tg zov vvv ZQ07Z0V TTQazoi Aaxedaijiopioi eiQ^aavzo^ y.ai eg za uXXa TTQog zovg noXXovg ol zdfiEi^co iiEy.z7jfiivoi laodiaizoi fxdXiaza xaze- Gzricav. 5. eyvf^ipco&tjadv zs tiqmzoi yai eg zo cpavEQov dnodvpzeg XiTza iieza rov yvfivdl^sa^ai rjXEixpavzo. zo ds ndXai '/.ai ev rw '0Xv[^7ziancp dym'i diat^w^iaza tjovzEg tteqi zd aidoTa ol ddXi]zai fjyoapi^opzOj xat ov noXXd ezt] ETTEidtj nLnavTai. hi 8s y.ai iv zoTg ^aQ^dgoig egziv oig vvv, aal fxdXidza roTg ^Aaiavoig, nvyii'ijg yat TidXrjg d&Xa zi&szat, y.ai die^coa^Evoi zovzo dQooGi. 6. jjoXXa ^ dv Ha) dXXa zig aTzodsi^eiE zo naXaiov 'EXXr^viHov ofxoiozQona ro^ 4 eoTKTJizJor ZTrrPAims. vvv §aQ^aQi'AO) bimzco^Evov. YII. lav 8s noXsmv ouai fih nmtatn (i)Hia&J]aap xcti 7Jdf] TzloifimteQcov ovTcoVy neqiovGiag fxaXXov h'lovoni y t^W^"^^"^ ^'^' ctvTQig zoTg alyialoig Tsrisaiv ixri^ovro -aoi rovg la&fxovg aTzeXcifi^avor, ifzTzoQiag te trrAa nai zijg Tzgog zovg nQoaoi- y.ovg eaaazoL lo'ivog' al ds TzaXaicd dia zijv 7.r^aTEiav snl tzoXv avii- G^ovaav ano %^a),daar^g ^aXXov cpyJa&i^aar, aire Iv raig vi'iaoig x«i Iv raig TjnEiQOig ' 'icfeQOv yaq oDJikovg zs aal zojv alXoav oaoi ovxEg oh ■&aldaaiOi yAtco (pxovv ' y.ai fiS'/Qi Tovds hi dvcpxiafiEvoi elai. VIII. aai ov'i fiGGov Xijaial Ijoav oi v^amrai Kagig te oviEg x«< Woiri'AEg. ovToi yag dt] zdg TzlEiazag rcov vtjacov wmaav. /.lagrvgiov de ' /J/jXov yag 'AaOafgofiEr7]g vtzo 'A&iivaimv iv zcods tm noXt^f) nai rmv d^rjaav dvaigE&Eia^v oaai 7jaav imv te&ve(»i(ov iv Ty rrjacoy VTieg 7]^iav Kdgsg icfdv^aav, yvcoa&ivzEg ry is cxev^ rcov 07iX(ov ^vr- TE&afifiErij nal t^ igoTzcp a> vvv hi '&dn70V6i. 2. 'Aazaazdrtog ds Tov Miva ravzvAOv TzXo'ificSzega iysvEzo nag dXXp.ovg' ol yag ix T^v v7]6cov y.axovgyoi dviazr^aav vn avzov oze Tieg 'acu zug noX- Xdg avzojv 'AaKpxi^e. 3. 'auI ol naga d^dXaaaav dv{^g(onai fiuXXov ij8j] triv y.TTJaiv rwv )^grjfidzcov TZOiovfiEvoi ^E^aiozsgov t^xovv ' yal rivEg xai tiiyri nEgiE^dXXovzo, cog nXovamzEgoi iavzmv yiyvofievoi. iq:i8itevoi yag rav ysgdav oi 7S rjaaovg vTZEfiEvov 'Zf]v zmv xgsKjaovcov oovAEiav 01 TE ovvaT03TEgoi TZEgiovaiag 'i'/^ovzEg ngocEnoiovvzo vni]- xoovg Tag iXdaoovg noXeig. 4. y.ai iv rovzq) T(p rgoTTCp f^idXXov il^ri ovzEg vazegov xgovqt ini Tgoiav iazgdzEvaav. IX. ^Aya^E- UV03V TE 'fioi 8oyEi zav TOTE dvvduEi ngovxojv, y.ai ov Toaovzov ToTg Twddgsoj ogy.oig yaTEiXr^fjjiEvovg Tovg 'EXhr^g fivrjazijgag dycovy zov GzoXov dyEigaf. 2. Xiyovai 8e y.ai ol za 6aq:EaTaTan.E7.onov' vildicov fivTJfiri naga tcov ngozegov dEdeyfitvoi TleXond te ngmzov nXijd^Ei ygr]fidzcoVj a iiXd^Ev iy. Tljg '^ciag exmv ig dv\}g(6novg dno- gf^vg,8iv I'^co zmv TZEQioixidoov, avzai bs ovx dv noXkai ErriaaVj ^TiEiQcozTjg uv ixQazEij eI f^ij ri xai ravtixov EifEv. 5, eI- Y.d'QEiv ^s XQt] x«« tavTrj zy arQatEia ola 7]v zd ttqo avztjg. X. xai ozi fiEp Mvxfjvai firAQov ijv, ?/ t'l zi zmv zozs TzoXia^a rvv iirj d'^io- XQ^cov doxEL Ehaij ovH dy.Qi^EL dv zig arjiiEictf ^Qoofisvog dmuzoit] [zrj yEVEcdai zbv azoXov zoaovzov, oaov ol ze 7T0i7]zai EiQiJHaai xa] 6 Xoyog aaztx^i. 2. Aay.Edatixovicov ydg eI y noXig iQTjfiood^Eirjj XEfcp&EiT^ ds zd ze hgd :ial fttlXovzag TTtXa- yog TiEQaicoGcGd^ai fiata CASvdjv noXsfii'Awv, old' av 7a nkola ^iard (pga'Aia tjovzag, uXla zcj naXauo rgono) XijcTixcoTsgov TraQsaxeva' Gfitva. 5. TTQog tag fiEyiurag ovv y.a\ lXafl(5Tag va^g zb fitaoji UKOTzovvTi ov TToXXoi qjaipovzat ilx^ovTsg, cog drib Tzdaijg T?jg 'EXXd- dog aoiv^ TiefATzofiEvoi. XI. a'lziov 6' riv ov^ ^ oXiyav&Qconia to Govzov oaov Tj diQijixaria, Trig ydg TQoq)7]g dnoQiay tov ts azgaTbv iXaaooa rjyayov y.a\ ouov tJXtzi^ov avToO^ev aoXefiovvTa ^lozevaeiVf eTZEidTj TS dq]iy>6fXEvoi f^dxy EHQarriaav, dljXov ds' to ydg tQVfia tqj GTQaTOTZc'dq) ov'A dv ETEipaavTOf (faivovTai 5' ov8^ IvTav&a Tidari Ty dvrdfiEi yQ}jadfXEvoi, dXXd fzgbg ysmgyiav zrjg XeQaov^aov TganofiE' vol y,ai XijaTSiav Tijg TQOcpTJg UMogin. rj aal fA.dXXov ol ^TgmEg avT&v diEanagnEvcov to. dixa ht] dvzeT^ov ^la, ToTg «£?. vTZoXEiTiOfii- voig dvTinaXoi ovisg. 2. TtEgiovaiav d^s eI ^Xd^ov t'/^ovtEg Tgoq)7]g xai ovTsg d&gooiy dvEv Xi]GTEiag 'Aal yEcogyiag^ ^vvEimg Tbv noXsuov diECfEgor, gadi(og dv fJidyri -AgatovvTsg eIXov, diys y.a\ ovx d&gooi, dXXd [xigEi t^ aEi nagovri dvzETyi^ov. fToXiogaicc 5' dv ngoaxa&E^o- fievoi iv iXdaaovi ts xgovci) aai dnovcoTsgov t?}j' Tgoiav siXov, 3. dXXd di d'lgrinaTiav ret te ngo tovtcov dax^srij iju xai avid ys drj Tavza bvojAa^TOTata t^v ngiv yEvofisra driXovrai ToTg sgyoig vnodsEaTsga ovza T?jg (p^fir^g aal tov vvv tzsoi avzav did Tovg Tzoirjtdg Xoyov y.aTsaxH'AOTog. XII. etteI x«« ^srd za Tgooixdrj'EXXdg sti fiSTavi- atato TS aal [iET(^xi^ET0y (oazs f47] ijavy^daaGa av^rjdr^vat. 2. tj ts ydg dvaimgrimg twv 'EXXtjvav i^ 'IXiov ygovla ysrof-isv)] noXXd ivEOj^fjooas, aal czaGEig iv TaTg tzoXegiv cog sni noXv iyiyvovTO, dcp av ixTziTZTOvTsg Tag noXsig ekti^ov. 3. Boicotol ts ydg ol vvv s^rj- 'AOGT^ szsi usTa 'IXiov dXooaiv i^ "Agvrig dvacTavTsg vno GsaoaXmv t)jv vvv fiEv BoianiaVj ngozsgov ds Kadfirfida yrjV xaXovfiEVf]v w'Aiaav' r^v ds cfcrav aai aTiodaGfxbg ngoTsgov iv r?/ y^ zavzij, dcp toy y.a\ eg "iXiov iatgaTEVGav /Icogiijg ts oydoiyAOGzo) szsi ^vv IIgay,X'^.daig TlEXon6vvr]60v eg^ov 4. ^oXig ts iv noXXcp XQ^^'^'' yav^daaGa tj 'EXXdg ^sSaicog yu) ovxeti dviaza^ivrj d/zoixiag i^ETZEuxps ' nal "loavag [isv ^A&ijvoloi ya\ vrjGicozojv zovg TzoXXovg n^'Aioav, 'JzaXiag ds aal ZiysXiag to nXsiGzov IIsXonovv^Gioi Trig ts LIB. I. CAP. XIII— XIV. 7 aXXfjg 'EXXddos tativ a xcoQia ' ndvra ^l zavrcc vgzeqov zav Tqtoi Xlll. JwarcoTEQag ds yiyvoiikvi]^ zijg ' EXXddog y,a\ tmv XQW^' Tcov rr]p XTTJaiv hi [auXXov rj tiqoteqov 7ToiovfA.8vr]g za noXXa rvQavvi- dsg iv raig tzoXeol na&iaiavTO, tojv TZQoaodMp (aei^ovcov yiyvofisvcav ' TiQOTEQOv dEijaavETii Q}]TOig ysgaai 7zaTQi}iai ^aaiXEiai' vavrmd te i^i]QTV£TO 1] ' EXXag aal zijg daXdaoijg fxaXXov drzar/^ovTO. 2. 7iq(o- TQi ds KoQivd^ioi XE'/ovrai iyyvraTa rov vvv tqotzov fiEzaxEiQioai ta 71EQL Tag vavg xal TQirjQsig tzq^tov ev KoQivd^qr 77Jg 'EXXddog TavTirj- y)]d rival. 3. qjCiivEiai ds aal 2Jafiioig ^ydfisivoxXTJg KoQiv&iog rav- nqyog vavg norrjaag lEaaaqag. Etrj 5' ecti [idXiaza ZQiaxoaia sg zqv TsXsvTtjv zovds Tov no7.E}xov OTE \4 ixEivoyJjjg 2Jafitoig I'Xd^s. 4. vavjjia'ila rs naXairdzi] cov lOfiEv yiyvsrai Koqiv&icov TZQog KEQxvQaiovg. ettj ds iidXiara aai zavrri i^}]>iovTa 'Aai dia-Aoaid iazi l^E^^oi rov avrov ^qovov. 5. oixovvTsg yuQ ztjv noXiv ol Koqiv- '&101 em zov la&fAov dsl d^ nozE eiitzoqiov eIiov, zojv 'EXXtjvcov zo TtdXai xazd yTjv za ttXeico // xaza ddXaaaav, z^v ze ivzog UeXottov- VTi^ov '/Ml zcov €$00, oia zrjg exeivcov tiuq akhikovg E/iifiKjyovzcoVy 1Q>}(iaai ZE dvvazoi rjaav, cog 'Aai zoig naXaioig nou^zaig dsdijXcozai' dcpvEiov yaQ E7Z03v6f^a6av zo icoQior. ETZEidrj ze ol EXXijVEg iidXXov etzXgji^ov, zag vavg y.z?]Gd{XEvoi zo Xriazuov yad^ijQOW xai eiitzo- qiov TzaQijovzsg diAcpozsQa dvraztjv Ea^ov XQ^]f^dzG)V riQoaodcp Z7]v noXiv. 6. "AoX "l(yi<5iv vazEQOv TzoXv yiyvEzai vavzixbv etzi Kvqov, Ueqgcov 7TQ(6zov ^aaiXsvovzog, aai Ka^^vaov zov vlsog avzovj ZTJg ZE yaxf savzovg -OaXddGr^g KvQop noXs^iovvzEg E-AQazriadv ziva iqovov. v.ai IloXvv.qdxi]g, 2^dfiov zvqavv&v etzi Kafi^mov, vavzix^ l(jiv(x)v dXXag ze zav vi/ocov v7Z7]x6ovg ETzoi^Gazo, aai ^Pr^vEiav iXmv dvE&?]xE ZO) ^AtzoXXcovi ZO] /li]7.uo. fJfojKajjg ze MaaaaXiav oixi ^ovzsg KaQi^doviovg h'iy.(x}v vavf.iayovvzEg' XIY. dvvazojzaza yccQ zavza zmv vavzixmv )]v. (^aivszai ds yai zavza TzoXXaig ysvs- aig vcTZEQa yEvojXEPa zav TQOorAmVj ZQiTJoEai fisv bXlyaig '/^QconEvaf izEvzjpwvzoQOig 5' Ezi y.ai nXoioig fiaKQOig i^ijQZVf-itva (ocjtzeq ixslva. 2. bXiyov ZE TZQO zmv Mridmav xaf zov JaQslov &avdzov, og (iEzd Ka{Ji§v(yrjv JTIeQUOJV E^aaiXsvaE, ZQirjQEig tteqi ze ^iKsXiav zoTg rvQavvoig Eg TiXrj&og iysvovzo y.ai KsQ^vQaioig. zavza yaQ zeXev- taia 7TQ0 Trig ^eqI^ov GZQaxEiag vavzrAO, d^ioXoya iv zij 'EXXadt 8 eoTKTJiJor ZTrrpAi>ii2. xccTtairj. 3. Alymitai yug y>ai 'A&tjvaiot yioi ti Tiveg . a),Xoi ^Qa^ia ixixT?^vTO, nai tovtcov to. noXla nntiiKorTOQOvg ' oxpa t8 acp ov "Ad^rifaiovg Qeiiiazo'AXTJg tneiaev Alyivritaig noXefiovvTag^ nai afia tov ^aq^doov irrgoadoxifiov oriog, rag ravg Tzou'jaaa&ai a'lanBQ nai ivavfid'/^r^aav ' y.ai avrat o'vnco e7)^ov dice 7zdar]g xazcc- XV. 2^a {Atv ovv vavtixu lihv 'EXh'jvcxiv TOiavia r^r, rd te na- Aaia yi(u 7« vozeqov yiyvofjisva. la^vv 8l nEQiEnoiri6avto o^icog ovx eXa^L6zi]v ol TiQOG'iovreg avzoig XQ^f^dzav ze nQoaodcp yiol uXXay ciQXll- tnmXtovzEg yuQ zdg rr^aovg y.azEazQtq)Ovzo, xal fxdXiaza 0601 PI diaQ'Aij Ec/ov y^(6Qav. 2. naza yjjv ds 7i6XE(jLog, odfp zi(g }iul dvvaiAig TzaQEytvEzOy oidE^ig ^vvtoti]' ndvzEg ds yaav oaoi y.ai iytvovzo TTQog ofiOQOvg zovg aofEZhQovg ixdazoig' y,ai i-Ad/ijA-Ovg azQazEiag tzoXv duo zijg iavzav lii aXXoav HazaozQoqjrj ovk ^|/J€- aav at "EXXr^vEg. 3. ov yccQ ^vvEaztjHsaav TTQog zdg ^Eyiazag TzoXsig V7z/]y.00(y ovd' av avzol dno zijg latjg xoivdg azgazEiag inoi- ovvzOj xaz dXX/jXovg ds ^laXXov ai y.ivdvvevaai, rqj 'IrzTrdQj^cp neqitvy^ovTsg tt^qI to AsmTiOQiov yaXov[ierov t7]v Uarad^Jifai'ytjv TTOfinTjv diaxofffiOvvTif aTZSHTSivav. 3. noXXa ds xat uXXa sti xai vvv ovTa, yAxi oh XQovcp a^v7](jTov[iEva, yat ol dXXoi EXXr^vsg ovx ogd^^g oioviai' ^gtzeq Tovg TS yiay.edaiiiovicov ^aaiXmg fxrj ^la yj^(pco nQoaTL&ea&ai lydrsQOVj d7.Xa dvoiv' y,ai tov, UiTardTTjv Xofov avToTg ehcitj og ot'5* iytvETO 7ZCOTI0TE. ovTcag draXaiTKOoog ToTg noXXoTg rj (^ijtTjGig iTjg dXrid^Eiagy y.ui im to. sroTixa fxdXXov tqettovtcu. XXI. ly ds Tav Eior^txtpoav lEyiiriQiwv oficog TOiavTcc dv Tig tofiiXoov ftdXi- GTa a dujX&ov ov^ d^aQzavoi' yat ovzs cog noiritai vfivjjyaai tieqi avT^v ETTi TO fiEi^ov yocfj-ovvTsg fidXXov niOTEvcav, ovzs cog Xoyo- YQd(j)0i ^vv8&£Gav ini to TZQouaycoyoTEQOv Ty dyQodaEi ^ dXri&iaTE- DOVj ovTa dvE^tXEyy.Ta yai to. noXXd vno yQovov avrav dniazoag Em TO iivOaoEg EyvEviyr^yoza' EVQTjad^ai ds rjr^crd^srog iy tcov EniqavEatdrcov ajuEmv, cag TzaXaid eIvuIj dno'/QcovTcog. 2. yal 6 noXsiiog ovTog, yairiEQ tcov dvO^ocoTzoDV iv co ^sv dv TzoXefiooai tov TtaQOVTa dsi fAEyiarov yqivovzcovy navaafisvcav ds to. aQyaia f^idXXov •Oaviaa^ovzcov, dii avzcov Tav EQycov gkottoixji d}jXc6(jEi oficog fiEi- l^cai' ysyEvrinivog avzatv. ' XXII. yal oaa fisv Xoyo^ slnov iyaazoi ij fit'XXovTEg ttoXeixi^oeiv 7j Ev avTcp I'ldrj vvtec, yaXsnov Tijv dyQi^Eiav avTTiv T^v XsyiyivTcov dia^vtjiiovEvcjai 7^r, iftot te cov avzog i\yovaa yal TOtg uXXoOevtzo&ev iuol dTTayyt'XXovuiV cog 5' dv Idoyovv Efzoi EyacTOi TZEQi Tmv dsi TzaQovTcov Tu dsovTa fidXiaza EinEiVy iyofiEvcp oTi iyyvzara TTJg ^^v^inda^g yvconrig Tmv dXr^&ag XEy&E'vzcav, ovTcog ifQ7]T(ti. 2. Tcc d' EQya TCOV TZQay&EVTcov EV TM noXt^icp ovy iy tov ncLoazvyovTog nvvd^avo^svog ii^icoaa yQucpEiVy ovd' cog ifiol idoysi. dX)' oig TE avzog naQriv yai naqd twv dXXcov oaov dvrarov dyne ^Eitt nsQi sydoTOv etze^eXO^cov. 3. inmovtog ds evqIuhezOj diozi ot naoovzEg ToTg sQyoig sydazoig ov TavTa tzeqI tcov avzoig eXEyov, dX)' ihgsyaz^QcavTtg Evvoiag i] ftv^fZTjg EyoiA.xal ig fisv uyQoafftv laco-; rh fuj uv&adsg aviwv dzsQTZhazsQOv (favEirai . ocfoi dl ^ovXijaovrut TMV TE yEvonircov TO aacfsg ayonsiv yai rcor fitXXoiTOi:' ttotI avCrg LIB I. CAP. XXIII. XXIV. 11 )\aza 10 itv&Q037Tei0Vy toiovtoxv 'aoi 7taQan7j]oixov eaeaOaij cuqjtXiua y.Qivtiv avta aQKOvvrco^ e^ei. atrifxa re sg aei ^akKov ri aymviafxa tg to TzaQCiyQijfia dnovsiVj ^vyxeizai. -^ XXIII. Tav ds 7zq6t€qov tQycov fxtjiarov inQayO^i] to Mr^dixov ' >i(U rovio ofxcog dveiv vav[A,a'iiatv xal Tzt^o^ia^^iaiv raieiav t7]v yiQiaiv ta^s ' tovTOv ds rov 7zo7Jf/,ov (xjjxog re fitya TiQov^ri, Tia&r.ua- rd 7E ^vvTjvtjdt] yevt(s{)ca Iv avTco ry 'Ellddi oia ovy siEQa iv locp IQovc]). 2. ovre yaq noleig roaaide XtjcpdeTaai rjQ7]iJ.(6&}j(jav, al fisv vTio ^aQ^uQcov al 5' vno aqioov avrav dvTiTrols^ovvTmv, ehi ds ai Tiai oix}]70Qag ^lETt^aXov dXiGHOfiSvai, ovre qiv/ai roaaids drd^goj- 7ZCOV x«). q)6vog, 6 fi8v xar aviov top TtoXtf-iov 6 ds dia to azaaia- ^£iv. 3. zd 7£ TTQOiSQOV axoTj fjisv Isyofisvaj sQym 8s GnavmiSQOv fis^aiovfisva, ow dniota y.aTSdzy, asicjioof re ntqi, oi etzi 7iXsl6tov dfJLa fieQog yTjg 'acu laxvQOTaTot at aviol Iniaiov, tjXiov ts i}iXei\peig, (a TiVKVOTEQai naQo. ra ex, tov tiqiv y(jf)6vov ^vrifxovEvo^Eva ^vvt^tj- aavj av'/jioi ts sail Tzag olg fiEydlot xai dii avzojv aal hfioiy xat, V ^^X "r^'if^ta ^Idxpaaa xai fiEQog ri cpOsiQaGa ?) Xoificodrjg roaog. zavta yuQ ndvra fiETcc rovdE rov 7zoXtf4.ov ufia ^vvsTitO^ETO. 4. ?]Q^avio ds avtov ^Ad^r^vaXoi nai IlEXoTTTTOVvijaioi Ivaavrsg rag ZQiaxovrovtEtg anovdag ou avroig Eysvovzo fiszd Ev^oiag dXcoaiv.^ 5. diozi 5' 'iXvoav rag aiziag 7iQ0Eyj)a.\pa nq^zov xai rag diaq}0- gdgj zov {Aij rira ^r^zTjaai ttozs i^ ozov roaovzog noXsixog roTg EXXijai xazt'cjTTj. 6. rr^v fisv ydg dXr]&Eazdz7]v nQocpaaiv dqavs- aidz^v ds Xoycp rovg 'A\)i]vaiovg ijyovfxat, [xEydXovg ytyvofAtvovg 'Aot q}6^ov TTaQtjovzag roTg Aa'AEdaiiAoviocg, dvayxdaai ig ro tzoXeiieTv. ai ^ ig zo cpavEQov XsyofiErai aiziai ald^ rjaav EAazsgcov, dq] ojv Xvaavzsg zdg onovdag sg rov TZoXsf^ov ^iazscrrjaav. XXIV. 'ETZidufivog EGzi TxoXig iv ds^id EanXsovii zov 'lonov zoXttoV TtQoaoi'AOVGi 5' avTi)v TavXdvzioi ^uQ^aQOif 'IXXvqi'aov Exhov. 2. zavzrjv aTZCfrAiaav fAsv KsQAVQaToi, oiziaz?]g d' EysrEzo ^lidlaog ^EQazoAXEidov, KoQiv&iog ysvog, rav dcp 'UQaxXtovg, xazd d)] zov naXaiov v6(aov in zJjg iJiijzQOTZoXEdig 'Aazay.XijOEig. ^vvarAi- lav OS xat zav Koqiv&iojv znsg xal zov dlXov /Iconixov yivovg. 3. 7TQOE7.\)6vTog ds zov iQovov iysvszo rj zcov ''Enidanvmv noXig ur/dXij xal noXvdvx^Qconog. 4. czaaidaarzEg ds iv dXX/iXoig srii TioXXa^ cog Xsyszai, dno noXiyLOV zivog z&v Trnoaolxojv §un^(ioco7 12 ooTKTJijor ZTrrPAtPiis ig^&aQTjaav hoI T?jg dvvdfiacog iijg nollrig iaiEQijd^Tjaav. 5. ra d* rtXevzaTa tiqo tovde zov Tioh'nov 6 d7]fA,og avtojv i^adico^a rovg Svvarovgy ol ds anfl&ovzeg fisra toov Buq^ccqcov iXrfyvTO lovg h 7X1 ^oAet 'Aatd re yijv 'auI aard d^dXaijaav. / 6. ot ds Iv rij nolei ovTsg ^E7zi8dy.noi iizeidfj lndt,ovTOj Tzt'finovaiv ig zriv KtQzvQav TTQtupEig cog jiriTQOTioXiv ovGav, dsofievoi, ^/; acfdg tisqioqccv q]&£iQO- fiivovgj alia lovg te cpEvyovxag ^vralld^ai ocpiai xa\ lov imv §aQ- ^dgcav nolsfiov aaTalvaai. 7. ravta ds hsrai na&s^ofXEvoi ig 70 'HqaXov idsovTO. ol ds KEQxvQaioi tt^v UsTEiav ovk idi^avtOj dlX dTTQdnTOvg dntnEfjixpav. . XXY. yvovjEg ds ol "Eniddnvioi ovdsniav aqiiaiv dnh KsgnvQag tificoQiav oixfav, iv dnoQCxi ecj^ovto &£(j&ai 70 TzaQov y,ai TZffiipavzEg ig /dslqsovg 70v d^sov ini\qov7o el TzaQadoiEv KoQiv&ioig 7i]v tzoIiv wg oixiaraigj aal 7ifitt)Qiav zivd TTEiQOJvto dii avrmv noiEla&ai. 6 d^ avzoTg dvEils naqadovvai aa] TjyEfiovag noiEia&ai. 2. ilOovrsg ds ol Enidd^noi ig 7'qv Koqiv- •d^ov aara xo fiavTEiov naQbdoaav zijv dnoiMar, 7dv 7e ouiaztjv dnodEi'/.vvvzEg aqjmv in KoqivOov ovza xai zo XQri<5zt]Qiov dr^lovv- zsg. idiovzo ze ix\ Gcpdg heqioquv diaq){^EiQOiiivovg, dlX ina^vvai. 3. KoQir&ioi ds xazd ze zo dUaiov vuEdi^avzo z?]v zifiOJQiav, ro- fAi^ovzEg oi'X riGaov savzav slvai zrjv dnoiy,iav ij KEQXVQaioiv, u^ux. ds nal fiiGEi zojv KsQXVQaiooVf ozi avzmv naQiiiislovv ovzsg uTzoiy.oi ' 4. ovzE yd-Q iv navriyvQEGi zaig xoivaig didovzsg ysQa zd vomtofxEva - ovzE'KoQivOiq) dvdQl TTQOnazaQ'/^OfiEvoi zmv lEQaVjCOGTZEQ al alia ^^ dnoiYAai, 7iEQL(fQovovvzEg ds avzovg :ovzo zovg ze oh^zoqag xat qoov LIB. I. CAP. XXVII. XXVIII. 13 QOvg iiY,ovzag ig zljv 'EnidaiivoVj r^v z& ajioiKiav KoqivdLOig dsdO' fjiif "^y tialtnaivov ' xal TzlevaavTEg evO^vg nivie ocac eixoai vavai yiai vareQOV htQcp azolcp rovg is cptvyoviag i'At'levov xaz intJQSiav dtjeadai avzovg, 7j)Mov yuQ ig tijv KtQxvQav ol tcov "'ETTidafiviwv qivyudsg, zdcpovg zs aTzoderAvvvzEg nai ^vyytvuiav, tjv nQo'CoioiiavoL edtovzo aqjag '/.azdysiVy zovg re (foovQOvg ovg KuQiv&ioi inbiixpav Koi zovg olvJjzoQag dnomiineiv ol ds 'ETZiddfivioi ovd^sv avz(ov vTzriiiQmav. 4. dXld azgazevovaiv sti avzovg ol KeQHVQaloi zsa- Gundxovza i^aval fiEzd zojv (fvyddmv, cog nazd^ovzeg nal rovg • 'llXvQiovg TTQoaXa^ovzeg. 5. TTQoaxade^ofisvoi ds zrjv tzoXiv ttqosi- nov ^Emda^vmv zs zhv ^ovX6fA,svov :iat zovg ^svovg dnadsXg dnis- vca' si ds PI, cog noXs[xioig yQi'iasg&ai. cog d' ovx STisid^ovzOj oi nlv KsQ'/.VQaioi, sazi 8' la&ixog zb x^qlov, sttoXloquovv zijv noXiv. ILlCVll. "'KoQivd^ioi d\ cog avzoig sx zi^g 'Eniddfirov t^XOov dyysXoi ozi TzoXwQxovrzai, 7iaQSQv,svdt,ovzo azqazidv, xai af^ia uTZOixiav sg zt]v ^EiTidapov syjjqmaov Im zij larj ncu o/j-oik zov ^ovXo^isvov Isvai ' si ds zig zo TiaQavzixa [xsv p] iO^sXoi ^viinXsTv, fjLSZb'/^siv bi ^ ^ovXszai zT^g dnoi'Mag, TZSvzij'AOvza dQai^ikg ytazaOsvza KoQivViag fisvsiv. Ijoav ds xai ol nXtovzsg 7zqX2'Oi xai ol zdqyvQiov aaza^dX- Xovzsg. 2. i8s7j-d-7](7av ds y.al zmv MsyaQsoov 'yavai aqjdg ^vfXTZQO- TisiixlmVj SI uQa ncoXvoivzo vno KsQ'AVQaioov nXsiv. ol ds naQsa'ASvd- t,ovzo avzoig oxzco vavo) ^vfiTtXsip y.ai IlaXfjg Kc(pci).Xrivcov zsaaccQ' 61, y>al ^EnidavQimv ids^Otjaav, o7 haQsaxov nsvzs. 'EQfxiprTjg dg fiiav xal T()Oi^t'iftoi dvo, ytsvaddioi ds dtxa 'Aai ^y^fiTTQaxiazai oxzco. Or^^movg ds ^[Qijixaza yzr^aav y,ai ^hXiaoiovg, 'HXsiovg ds ' vavg zs y.svdg ynxi vQriuaza, avz&p ds KoQivd^uov vTJsg naQsa'AEvd- "Qovzo ZQidAOvza y.ai tqiu'/^iXioi onXlzai. XXVllI. 'Eirsidi] ds InvQovzo ol KsQKVQaToi trjv Tranaaxsvjjvf iXOovzsg eg Koqiv&ov [.iszd AaAsdaiiiovioov y.ai 2!ixvcovicov tiq^- u^smv, ovg TZCiQ^M^ov, i-Ab'Xsvov KoQivOiovg zovg Iv ^Eniddfiro: cpnovQOvg rs 'acu oU/jzoQccg dnaysiv, cog ov nszov avzoTg ^Emddiivov. * 3. si ds zi dvziftoiovvzai, diACtg ■rid:slov dovvai iv risXoTzorvrjcycp '.taQOL TtoXsaiv aig civ diicpozsQoi ^vf^'^(5()iv' ottoz'Jqoov d^ dv d(y,cia&r^ 7t5 uvai zijv drzorAiav, zoviovg yqaxsiv. ijOslov ds yea Z(a Iv AsX^olg * (tavTSUp InizQsxpai. 3. TzdXsfiov ds ovx sitpv noisTv'isl ds {.trjj >ia] 7 « avrol avayxaa&qosa&ai sqiaaav, s-asivcov ^iat,o(Atvcov, q)iXovg noisl- ' V 14 oorKTJi/for ZTrrpAoiis. i-r '- *■.■■ ' ^ 6&at ovg ov ^ovXoviai, srtQOvg rcoy vvv ovcmv fiaXXov coq.€Xsiai evExa, /4. ol da Koqivdioi am'AQivavio avroTg, i]v zdg ts ravg xai Tohg ^aQ^UQOvg ano 'ETtiddfivov dnayaycoaii ^ovXevaaGOai' TTQOTEQOv ds OV 'Auloog €'/^Eiv Tovg ^Iv TToXiOQxsTiy&ai avtovg bl diHci- ^eo&ca. 5. KeQ'AVQOioi 8s dviiXEyov, rjv nal ixsTvoi TOvg Iv 'Eni- ddfivcp dTTaydycoai, Tzoujaaiv ravia,' szoT{ioi ds ehai y,al cojts dfiq)0Z8Q0vg fitvsiv y^aia x^Q^Vy <^^ov8dg noiTJaaad^ai eag av rj dixij ytvT]Tai. , XXIX. KoQiv&ini ds ovdsv rovicov VTi^aovoVf dXX inBidrj nXi'iQSig avxoig ?i(jav at vijsg kui ol ^v^x^a'/^oi TzaQT^aav, TzgoTTtfixpav- Tsg ii}]Qv>ia TTQOTEQOV TToXsfzov TTQosQovvja KsQxvQuioigy aQavTsg '^ e^doiATjKOVTa ravoi aai ntvzs didy^iXioig re onXizaig 'inXsov im irjv *Enida[A,vov KsQuvQaioig ivavTia TzoXsfiTJGOvTeg. 2. iazQaiijysi da zav fisv vEwv '^QiazEvg 6 TIeXXi^ov xai KaXXixQdzrjg 6 KaXXiov y.al TifxavooQ 6 Tijxdvd^ovg ' zov ds ns^ov '/^Q'/^szifiog ze 6 Evqvziliov yal ^IcaQ^idag o 'ladQ'/^ov. 3. ETieidt] ds iytvorzo ev "A'AZioy z7]g 'Avay.zoQiag ytig, ov to Isqov zov AnoXXoavog icrziv, sni tw gzo- nan zov 'AiiiTQay.rAOv xoXtzov, oi KsQxvQaioi xrJQVxd zs nQOSTZEfixpap avroTg iv dxaziqi djiEQOvvza fxtj tzXeiv ini Gq)dg, nal rag vavg dfia inX^QOvv UEv^avzsg zs rag naXaiag ooais nXotfiovg sJvai xai rag • dXXag iTnuy.EvdaavzEg. 4. cog ds 6 ii7]Qv^ re dTzf^yyeiXev ovdsv eiQrjvaiov naQa rav KoQiv^ioov yai at vijeg avroTg insTzX/jQOJVTO ovaai oydoijiiorra, rEaaaQdv.ovza yaQ ^Enidaiivov sttoXioqkovv, dv- zavayofisvoiyal TzaQaza^dfASvoi iravLidxi]Gav ' Tiat EvixTjaav ol Keq avQaioi TZttQcc ttoXv ya\ vavg TzevzExaidsHa dttqjdeiQav rav Koqiv- x>i(x)v. ry ds nviy rjliEQCi avzoig ^vvs^r] xal rovg r?]v "Enidaiivov TioXioQuovvzag 7zaQaaZ7]Gaa&ai ofioXoyia cogzs rovg fxsv im'jXvdag dnodoaQaiy KoQivd^iovg ds dijGc^zag sysiv sag dv dXXo ri do^jj. XXX/' fiezd ds rijv vav^ayiav ol KsQ'AVQatoi ZQonaTov aztjaavzeg im t5 Aevxifivri rrjg KsQxvQag dyQmrr]Qicp rovg jxh dXXovg ovg sXa^ov aiyjxaXcozovg dnsAZEivav, KoQiv\)iovg ds d/jaarzEg tJ/ov. 2. vazEQOv ds insidq ol Koqiv&wi yal ol lE,v{ifi.aioi ijaamxsvoi raig vavaiv dvEycoQy^aav in or/,ov, rljg ^aXaaar^g dnaarig s-AQdzovv zTjg aaz BHEiva rd yo^Qia ol KsQy.vQaToi y.ai nXsvaavzEg ig jisvy.dda rr^v KoQivd^icov dnovAiav rTjg yi^g heuovy xai KyXXipriv ro 'IlXsicop iniVEWv in'TTQTjGav, on vavg xal XQrmaza naQEayov Koqiv Oioig f f rr^^v^v LIB. I. CAP. XXXI. XXXll. 15 3. zov xs ^Qovov Tov nXeiazov ^etu tijv vavfiayjav iy.Qcizovv zijs ■&alda6t]g xal Tovg lav KoQivdicov ^vfifzayovg inmXeopieg tqi&EiQov utxQi' ov KoQiv&ioi nsQuovri t^ -OtQei Tztfixpavtsg vavg xal orqa' Tidvf S7IEI cqimv ol ^v(Zfia](^oi btzovovv, iatQazoTzedevovzo ini 'ydnzicp Kfu 7Zf(H 70 XeiixtQiov 7^? OsGTTQGjTidog, cfvXax7jg tvEyni ztjg zs uIev- HCidog xal zmv dXXojv ttoXecov oaai cqiiai qjiXiai rjaav. 4. dvza- ffzQazoTiEdEvovzo ds }ZEg aat zijg dXXrjg 'EXXddog EOkzag, fita&cp nEidovzEg. 2. 7zvv&av6[ZEV0i ds ol Keq'avqoioi thv 7TanaGXEvt]v avzmv iqjo^ovvzo, koc/, ijaav yaQ ovdEvog 'EXXrjvcciv kvanovdoi ov8e iijEyQjupavzo tavzovg ovze ig zdg 'y4\}t]vaimv 67iov-, Sag OVZE ig zdg uday.Edaifiovicov, Edo^Ev avzoTg iXd^ovoiv cog zovg A&i]vaL0vg ^vf-i^d'/^ovg yEvtad^ai yai (hqiihEidv ziva TiEifdcOai an' avzcjv EVQiayEGxyai. 3. ol dl KoQiv&ioi Tzvi^ofAEvoi zavza ^X&ov itai avzol ig zdg ^Ad^^vag npEG§Ev'<50[jiEv6i, OTi&tg^pJi acplai nqog z^ KEQXvQaiav ravzm^ zo 'Azzmov nQOuyEvofXEvov ifXTZodiov ytvjjzai 9^ta&ai zov tzoXe^ov y ^ovXovzai. 4. y.azaazdarjg ds ixyXijciag ^g dvziXoyiav ijX{yov^ y>ac ol fiEV Ksoy.vQaToi 'iXs^av zoidds. y* XXXII. Aiyaiov, co 'Ad^7]vaioi,, zoig ^rjzs svsQysaiag fisydXrig fiijZE ^vfAfiaxiug TiQOvcpEiXofiivrig ijyiovzag naqd zovg niXag etzixoV' Qiag C067TEQ xai tjusTg vvv dsTjaofiEvovg dvadidd^ai 7i:qcozov, ^idXiaza fuv cog xai ^vfiqjOQa dsovzaij el ds [x^j ozi ys ova imtijfiia, sTZSiza 8s cog yai zi]v ydqiv ^t^aiov s^ovaiv ' el ds zovzcov i^idsv aafpsg xazaazijaovGi, p] 0Qyi'C,Ea&ai rjv dzvyt^cn. 2. KEQxvQaToi dt', ficzd T7]g ^v/ifiayiag z7]g alztjaEcag xai zavza TziazsvovzEg i'/yqa vfiTv naQ8^sa&ai dniazsiXav rjfidg. 3. zezvyrixE ds zo avzo inizfjdsvuct 77 Qog ZE vfidg ig zyv yosiav tjimv dXoyov mu ig zd rjfiszEQa avzav iv no TzaQovTt d^viAqioQOv. 4. h'f(na)[OL zs ydQ ovdsrog nta iv z(p ttqg TOV sxovaioi. ysvofiSvoL vvv dXXcov zovzo dEr]a6},(.EV0L rjy.ofisv, xai afiQ eg zov naqovTa TzoXsf^ov KoQiv&iojv £Qriuoi di avzo aadi^za^Ey, Kai TTEQiiGTij'AEv t) doxovan yuojv TTQOTEQGi' aojqjQOGvv?] zo fit] iv 16 ooTKTJiJor AirrPA(i>ii2. iO.XozQia ^vpifia)^ia r^ tov TzeXag yvcofiij ^vyxirdvvEVEiv, vvv a^ovha y.ai aa&ivEia q)aivofitvj]. 5. t7jv fxev ovv yevofievijv vavfiayfav ah- TOi xaia fJLOvag a7T£(0(jdfie{}a Koqivdiovg ' ETzeid)] ds fAsi^ovi naqa aiEviiji ano UeloTiovvriaov y.ai zjjg aXXr^g 'E).).u8og f'gp' r]fiag aQfitjv- tai nai ijfiEig advvaroi ogmf^iFv ovzeg t^ oiy.eia fiopov dvvdfxei tteqi- yersa&ai, y.ai afia f^tyag 6 yJvdvvog el iaofie&a vii avzoTg, dvayxi] nal vfiav y.ai dXlov navTog STZixovQiag deiaO^ai, y>al ^vyyvcouj] el fztj fxeta Hamag, do^rjg ds fidXXov dixaQzia ty TiQOTeqov aTTQayixoavvy iravTia zoXfimfiev. XXXIII. yevrjaexai ds vfxlv nei&oiieroig xaXij rj ^vrrvy^ia yaia TJoXXa zJjg rjiiereqag XQeiag^ nqmrov fisv on ddi- 'Aovjxkvoig y,al ov^ sztqovg ^Xdmovai rrjv iniaovQiav 7T0U]aE6&e, STzeiza TTSQi zwv fieyiazcov y.ivdvvevovzag ds^afxevoi cog dv ^idXiaza uet detjivriazov fiaQZVQiov zrjv ydgiv y,azad^£i(j&E, vavzixov ze xsxz^- ue\}cc nXi'iv zov tzclq vf^Tv TzXeiazov. 2. xal axeipaa&s rig evtzqcl- ^la anavicozsQa. i] zig zoTg noXeiiioig Xv7Z?]QozeQa, el 7jp vfieig dv ttqo TzoXXcov yQTjfxdzmv y.ai ydqizog ezffu'iaad&e dyvafiiv vfuv nQoayeve- G&aiy avrt] ndqeGziv avzendyyeXzog dvev y.ivdvvcov y.ai dandvt^g didov6a savzijv, y.ai nQoaezi cpe'QOvaa ig ^lev zovg noXXovg dqezriVy olg ds ena[JLVveXte yaQiv, v^Tv 3' avzoTg la'/vv ' a ev zcp navzl xqovq^ oXiyoig 8)] d^ia ndvza ^vvs^t], y.ai oXiyoi ^p}X(iayLag deonevoi olg eniy.aXovvzai dafdXeiav aai y.6a(xov ovy riGioviovg q}6^cp zip vfiezsQCp noXefir^ueiovzag yai zovg KoQivdiovg dvvafisvovg naq avzoig aai v[uv iy&(jovg ovrag ^ai TTQO'AazaXafi^dvovzag ijfidg vvv ig zfjv vfiezsQav emyeiQ^aiVy iva urj z(fj Hoir^ cy&Ei aaz avzmv [xez dXXrjXcov aza/^ieVj fitjds dvoiv cp&daai dfidorcoGiv, ij yay.oj^ai j]fidg y aqjdg avzovg ^epaiooaaaOai. 4. IjfiSZEQOV 5' av EQyOV TTQCZEQljaai, ZOJV flSV dldoVZCaVj VfA^V ds de^afXEvoiv zijv ^vfjfiayiav, y.ai ttqoettiISovXeveiv avzoig fidXXov rj dvzETti^ovXEVEiv. XXXIV. ^j^ ds XtycoGiv (og oh dixuiov zovg oqiEztQOvg aTZOiHOvg vfidg dtjea&ai, ua&tzcoGav cog Tzdaa dnor/ua ev filv ndayovaa zifia zrjV fitjzQOTzoXiv, ddiy.ovfiEV7] ds dXXozQiovzai' ov yuQ J^zf zo) dovXoi dXX erii rw ofioioi zoTg XEiTzofisvoig Eivai exTisfi' Tiovzai. 2. cog ds ridiyovv cacft'g eazi' TZQO'AXij&tvzeg yag tieqi 'Eniddfirov ig yiQiuiv TzoXtftm ftdXXov tj z(o tjo) i^ovX/iO^ijaav za LIB. I. CAP. XXXV. XXXVI. 17 iynXtJiiata fiEZE)M£iv. 3. xal vf-iTv aaico ti Tey.(i?]Qiov a ttqos tifiug roi'i," ^vyy8rtTg doojoiv, (aaiE andxri ts [A.t] naqdyEadai vn avimVf deofie'poig te h tov Ev&sog ju// vnovQytiv' o yuQ iXa/iaTag tug fiEiafjiEltiag iy, tov 'f^aqiC,EG\^ ai toTg Ivavzioig Xafx^dvmv daqiali-- craTog dv diatEloit]. XXXV. Xmsrs ds olds tug ^ay^Edaifzo- rrcov 67T0vddg ^e'io^evoi ij^dg [xrjdEtEQcov ovrag ^vf^^dxovg. 2. ai- grjTai yaQ iv aviaig z(ov 'EXlrividcov tzoIeojv ijtig iirfia^ov ivfifia/^El i^Eivai TTUQ bnoTEQOvg dv dQtanTjTai iXdEiv. 3. nai daivov el toiads i^sv dno te tojv EVGTZovdmv 'iatai tiXtjqovv rag vavg 'Aai ttqog- tzi xal EK iTjg dlXr]g 'EXXddog aal ovx ^aiGTa dno z^v vfXEZtQoop V7ir]y.6(x)v, ?)fidg dt dno Tijg TTQOHSifxtvrjg te ^vfifxaxictg eIq^ovgi aal dno T/Jv dXXox^tv noOsv caqjaXEiagj elza Iv ddixijiJ^aTi d^^aovtai nai- odtrrmv vfiav d dsof^E&a. 4. noXv 8s iv nXsion aitia ri^sTg firj TTEiaavTEg vfxag s^ofiEv. 7]fiag fisv yaQ yavovvEvovzag Tiai ovk i)(^d^Q0vg ovTug dncoasa&E' toovSe ds ov^ oncog KmXvTai Eidqmv ovTcav 'Aoi iniovToav yEv/jasaO^Ey dXXd y^xi dno Tijg v^sTsgag dgp^g dvvaiAiv nQoaXa^Eiv nEoioipsa&s ijv oh dixaiov, dXX y ydxEivcov xoo- XvEiv Tovg ly, TTjg vfiEitQag maQoqiOQOvg, rj xac tj^Iv m^nsiv xaO^ 0, Ti dv nEiadlqTE mcptlEtav, fidXiaTU ds dno tov ngoqiavovg ds^afii- vovg ^oridsiv. 5. noXXd ds, coansQ iv dg/^y vnEinopiEv, t« ^v(iq}SQovta dnodsinvvfisv ' y.ai ^t'yiatov on ol te avtot noXsfiioi rjfiTv 7]aav, ontQ aaqjEGidii] niazig, yai ovzoi ovx da&svEig, dXX txavot tovg fiETa- aidviag ^Xdxpai, ' yai ravTiyijg yai ovh ijnsiQcozidog Ttjg ^vfi^a^iag didofxsvtjg ov^ biiola rj dXXoTQicoaig ' dXXd [xdXiata, jMsV, eI dvvaa&Sy ^Tjdtva dXXov idv yeyzijiy&ai vavg ' eI ds f^tj, oatig iyiyQcoTaTog, TOVTOV cpiXov syEiv. XXXVI. xai oio^ Tdds ^vficp^Qovta fisv doKEi Xsysa&aij qjo^sTzai de firj di^ avzd nsi^oi^Evog Tag anovddg Xvari, yvarco to {xsp dtdiog avtov Ic/yv syov TOvg ivavrlovg fj,dXXov 'cpo^^aov ' TO ds daQOOvv ^ij ds^afxivov aa&svsg bv ngog icyyovTag TOvg iy&QOvg ddssatEQOv iaofxEvoVj yal afia ov nsQi T7jg KsQyvQag vvv TO nXsov 7] 'Aat T(6v 'AO^r^vojv ^ovXEvofisvog, y,ai ov Ta XQattata avzaig noovoav, oiav ig zbv fAsXXovTa yai oaov ov nanovia noXsfJiov TO avTiya nEoiayoncov, irdoid^ij yojQiov nQoaXa^eiv o ^lazd fxsyiazcov y^aiQwr olysiovzai te yai noXsixovzai. 2. Ttjg te ydq 'IzaXiag yai ^rAsXiag yaXcog naganXov usTzai, ooazs fiijzs iysi&sv vavziybv iuaoci TlEXonovvtiaioig inEX&EiVj to te ivQirds ngog Tdysi naQuntfiipaif IS eoTKT/tiJOT zrrrPAfPii2\ nai ig TaXXa ^vfiqiOQcoTUTov Ian. 3. ^Qayvidzcp 5' av y,eq:aXatcp, ToTg re ^v^iTiaai xai. y.aO- ty.aazovj tq)5' uv [xt] ttqoso&ui Ijfidg ^ui- OoiTS TQicc f.iev ovta Xoyov u^ia ToTg "Ellriai ravzixdj to ttuq vftlf y.ai TO iifittSQOv 'Aai to KoQird^icov. rovrmv 5' ft nsQioxpaa&s ra duo fV Tavtov iX&eiv y.ai KoqivOiol 7]fj.dg TzgoxaiaXinxpovTai, Keq- KVQcaoig T£ yal UtXoTiorvf^aioig cqta vuvixaiiiGEze' de^uiievoi de ijlidg 8^STS TTQog avxovg TzXuoai vavai tatg vfiETtQuig uymviXEo&ai, roiavra fisv ol KeQXVQaToi einov ' ol ds KoqivOioi fiSt avzovg toidds. XXXVII. '^vayxaiov K^Qy^vQaimv Tavds oh fwvov tteqI tov di^^aaO^cii Gq)dg rov Xoyov 7zoi7]aafi8P(oVj dXX^ (og xal jj^isig ts ddi- yiovfitv y,ai avtoi oix elyoicog TzoXEfiovviai, firycOtPzag tiqwtov xat ill.idg TiEQi d(i.q^OTtQ(ov, ovzco nai ini zov dXXov Xoyov itvai, Iva zijv dcp Tjfiav zs d^icoaiv daqiaXiazEQOV 7TQ0Sid7jZEj y.ai zi]v zmdE XQEiav firj dXoylarcog aTzojarjoOs. 2. q)aal ds ^v^^aiiav did zo aacpQOv ovderog nm dt^auO^ai ' zo 8' etii yaxovnyia ncu ovh aQEzy iTzsz/jdEV- aavj ^vfjifxa^^ov za ovde'va ^ovXofxsvoi Tzgog zadiyij^aza olds ndqivqa fjEiVj ovzs 7iaQay,aXovvzEg aia'/ivEax}ai. 3. y,ut // TioXig avzmv dfxa, avzd^y,}] &toiv y.aifitvrj, naQkjEi avzovg diy.aazdg div §XdnzovGi zira, udXXov /} xazd ^vv&^^xag yiyisaOai, did zo rjy.iaza Im zovg naXag EynXtovzag [idXioza zovg dXXovg didyxri yazaigovzag dr/^E- a&ai. 4. y,dv zovzcpzo EVTZQEnEg uanovdoVyOvi ivafiij ^vradrAi^ao!)- oiv szEQOig, TTQO^t'pjjvzaiy dXX OTToog xazd fiovag ddi'AooGi, aai oncog iv m liEV dv ygaz^ai ^id^oivzai) ov 5' dv Xd&ooai tiXeov t/^coaiv, r^v ds 7Z0V zi TiQoaXd^ioaiVy dvaKj^vvTcom. 5. yairoi el r^aav dvdqEgy moriEQ cpaoLVy uya&oi\ oocp uXijtzioteqoi i^aav zoTg TTsXag, zoowds q;avEQ(aztQav i^rjv avzoTg zt^v dQEzrjv didovai yai ds)[OfA.t70ig za dtycaia dEixvvvai. XXXYIII. dXX ovze TTQog zovg dXXovg ovza eg ?lfiug zoioids Eiaiv, aTZOiHOi ds ovzsg dqiEGzdci zs dia navzog aai rvv 7ToXE[AOvaf, Xiyovzsg cog ovk etiI zoj xayag ndayEtv ExnEficpOEi?]- GUV. 2. TiixsTg ds ovd^ avzoi qiafisv snl zcji vnh zovzcov v^Qi<^EG\^ai KazoiKiGaij dXX etu zco rjyEfj.6v£g zs slvai y,ai zd Eixoza d^avfiui^c' G&ai. 3. al yovv dXXai dnoiyiai ztfiOJGiv ijiidg aai (iaXiGza vno dnoi'Acov GZEQyofiE&a, 4. y,al dJjXov ozi, si zoig nXioGir aQtaxov- zsg EGiiEVy zoTad' dv [lovoig ovx OQ&cog dnaQEGAOiiiEv, ovd^ EniazQa- WEvoifiEv ixTTQETimg fiT] yal 8 acfEQovzcog zi ddiaovfieroi. 5. yaXop LIB. I. CAP. XXXIX. XL. 1^ 5* TjVf ft vmI t'lfiaQTavoi-isv, roTads fisv ei^ai rrj TjfiezeQn OQyi], ruit ds ahj^Qov ^idoaad-ai 7t]v tovtcov {.isTQioTJjTa. 6. v^qsl ds y.at i^ovain nloviov 7io)jyi ig iifxag u.l.la ze 7]f/.aQzrjxaat, xui Enida- fAvov 7]fxsT8Qav ovaavxaiiov[isvt]v fitv ov jiQoasTTOtovvto, iXd^ovTcov ds 7jfiav im jifxoDQia sXovzsg ^la 'i'^ovai. XXXIX. 'Aai cfaui dij dimj 7tq6t£qov i&tlijaai nQivEGd^ai, r^v ys ov tor nqoviovra aai in zov daqiaXovg TTQOxaXovfisvov 7Jy8(v ti doxeiv dei, dXXd lov i-g laov id 78 £Qya Ofioimg v.ai zovg loyovg tiqiv diayoovi^eGOaiy.aOiatdvTa. 2. OVXOL (5' ov TTQIV 7I0).l0Q'A£Tv TO X^QLOV, d)X 871 Eld/] tjytJGaVTO ij{xdg ov 7T8Qi6\p8(y&ai, tots y.al to svTZQsneg Tijg dixrjg naQto^iovro, -AM, dsvQO ijxovGiv ov Tuxsi fiovQv avTol dixaQzovTsg, dXXu jicil vficcg vvv dt,iovvx8g ov ^vfifia'/^tiv dXXd ^vvadixeTv y.at diaqioQOvg ovzag rj/Aiv d8-i£a&ai aqidg ' 3. ovg XQ^jv ots daqjaXtGiazoi ?;cr«y, tots TTQoadvai, zal ^t] iv cp i^fisTg f^fv ridm/ifisOa, ovzot da yivdwEvovai, fifjd' iv cp viiBig Trig ^* dvvdfiEoag avTOJV tozs ov fiSzaXa^ovTEg Tijg (oqeXsiag vvv fiSTadcoasTS, aai Tmv df/iUQTrnidToov dnoyevoiiEvoi zTig dcp 7]fiav aiziag to igov t^szs, ndXai ds yoivmaavzag ziiv dvva(nv Tioivd yal za dno^aivovza sisiv. XL. 03g fisv ovv avzoi ts f^tsza TiQoarfAovzojv iyKXijfidzcov SQio^isd^a yai olds ^laioi yal 7zX80Vb'xTat sial dtd/]XcoTai ' 2. cog ds ova dv dixcuosg avzovg dtjoiaOs fiadsiv '(^QTi. 81 ydq s'lQtiTai Iv zaig cnovdaig i^sivai tzuq bnozsqovg zig TMV dyQdcfOdv TzoXsav ^ovXstcu iXd^siv, ov ToTg sm ^Xd^rj stsqcov lovaiv Tj ^vvx^tjXTj iaziv, dXX oazig (xi] dXXov avzov dnoazsQiav dacfo.' Xsiag dsTzai, y.ai oazig fiij zoig ds^afisvoig, si 6oocpQOvovat zo^v KoQivO^iwv dnsXd^ovziov ov noXv v6Z£qov dt'xa ravg avzoXg a7T£az£iX(iv ^oi]&ovg. 2. iazQazi^yEi ds avzoov yia}(£dai{.i6vi6g zs 6 Ki^Kavog yai ^lozi^og 6 2!zQ0[Ji^lipv y.al IjQazt'ag 6 "EniyXtovg. nQosTnov ds avzoTg fii] vavf^a/^ETv Koqiv- &io[g, 7]v [xf] £711 KtQ'AVQav TrXtcoai, y.ai fie'XXcoaiv dno^aivEiv // £g ZOOV £'A£lV(xiV Zl 1COQlOdV\ 3. OVZCx) ds 'A(xiXv£lV y.aZCC dvva^UV. 7IQ0- £Tnov ds zavza zou fiifXvsiv £V£Aa zdg cnovddg. al ^Iv di] vTJEg !' dcfixvovvzca ig ztjv KtQxvQav. XLVL 01 ds KoQiv&toi, iTzsidfj avzoTg 7Tan£a>i£vaazo, shXeov £711 zijv KiQ'Avqav vavGi 7T£vzrfA0vza yai iyazov. ijaav ds ^ID.Eicav fikv dtAU, MsyuQmv dt dadsy.a xai ylsvzadicov drAU, ^AfXTZQaytcozap ds S7TZU yai £i'Aoai xal ^AiaxzoQioiv |u/a, avz^v ds Koqiv&icov irEvrj- Kovza. 2, oTQazijyoi ds zovzcov ijaav iisv y.ai yaza noXsig exa- azojv, KoQiv&LCOv ds !^£iOA7Mdt]g 6 EvOvAXiovg TZs^Tizog avzog, 3. in£id)j ds TTQOotfAi'^av z7j y.ard Ktqy.vQav 7j7Z£iQq} aTtb AsvAudog nltopZ£g, oQuiXorzui ig Xsii-itQiov zJjg OsGTtQcozidog yrjg. 4. 'iazi ds Xifi/^v, yai 7T6Xig vtzsq aviov y.sTzai kno y)aXdGar^g iv t^ ^EXafd- Ttdi zJjg QsGTTQcozLdog 'Eq)VQV. e^eigi ds TTaQ* avzrjv \4'i£Q0VGia ~ Xqivri ig {^dXaGoav. did ds zT^g OEG/iQcozidog ^Ay^^sQav TTOzafiog 22 QOTKrAiJOT ZTrrPAam^. Ovafiig TZOTafiog, oQit^cov ttjv QaaTTQcoTida xal Ks6rQiv7]Vj osv Ivihg ij dnQfi a.VVfJil TO XeifAEQlOV. 5. ol flSV OVV KoQlvdlOl Tijg 7jn8lQOV ivravda oQiAi'^ovzat re xai, gtq(x,t67ts8ov STioiijaarTO. XLYII. Ol 8s KeQ'/.VQaioi cog r^a0ov70 aviovg TiQOunliovTag nhjQKiaavTEg Staa xui exajov ravg, ojp ^qx^ MarAidSr^g y,ai Aht^L 8rig yuu EvQv^atog, saTQazoTiESevaavto iv fiiii rav v^acov al yicdovt^ rai J^v^ora' y.al al 'u47nHal 8£Ha Tzagrjaav. 2. ettI 8e ty Aev- Kifivq avtoTg t(^ daQooTr^Qicp 6 TZE^og 7]v xal Zaxvvd^imv i^Xioi otiXl- rai ^8^o?]0^i]H6Teg. 3. r^aav 8s aai roTg KoQiv&ioig iv zri 7]7TS(qm TToXXol zav ^ag^dghv 7Taga^s^07]0'}]y,»-TEg. ol ydg ravTJj qnEiQmrai dai 7I07E avToTg cpO.oi Eioiv. XLVIII. 'EtzeiS}] 8s naQECfyEvaaxo loTg KoQivdioig, la^ovTsg TQiav 7]fiEQ0jr oiTia dvTjyovzo wg mi vavnaflav dno tov Xsij^eqiov vvxiogj nai a^ia scp nlsovTEg yaOogmai rug toov Ksgy.vQaiwv vavg usTECQQovg ZE y.ai etzi oqjdg nXsovaag, 2. wg 8s y.arEi8ov d).).}'jXovgj avjinaQErdaaovrOf etzi (asv to 8e^iov 'Asgag KEQy.vQalcav al ^Att rMii. v~iEg^ TO 8s dXXo avzoi etzeTxov TQta TtXrj Tzoir^aavTEg tojp veojv, ojp tjn^E TQiav GTQazr^yav E/>dazov slg. /3. ovzco (asv KsQy.vQaXoi izd" ^avTo. KoQiv&ioig 8s to jusp 88^iov xtQag al MsyaQiSsg vlqEg Evfov y.ai al 'Afi77oa'Ai(aTi8£g ' y,aTa 8s to y-taov ol dXXoi ^vfifia)(^oi, cog sy.aGzoi ' Evcovvfiov 8s nt'gag avzol ol Kogiv&iof, Taig dgiara T(hv vEchv nXeovaaig, xazd zovg 'u4&r]vaiovg aai to 8£^ibv Tav Ksg'AV- gaioav eV/ov. ' XLIX. Aviini^avTsg 8s E71Ei8)] to. arjfiEia inaTEgotg ijg&rj ivavfidxovv, noXXovg ^ilv bnXizag sfovTEg diicfozsgoi etu t^v yaza- aTQOifidTcoVy TZoXXovg 8s zol^ozag te yai dyovziuTag, too 7za7^cn6; zgoTiq) driEigoTEgov sri TzagEaysvacjfiEPOi. 2. r^v ze ij ravfia^ia yag Tsgd zri ^sv zexvij ov^ Ofxoiag, Tzsl^ofiaxia 88 to tiXeov ngoacpEgrjg ovaa. 3. ETTEiSfj yag rzgoa^dXXoisv dXXijXorgy ov gaSicog dizEXvov to VTioTE 7iX7j&ovg yol o'/}.ov Tav vsav, ical (idXXov zi niazEvovzEg zoig Em TOV xazjx,6zgc6{.iaTog onXizaig ig z^v vih7]v, ol yazaazavrsg sfia- 10VT0 ijGvia^ova&v tmv vEcav. Stt'y.TzXoi 8' ovy rjaav, dXXa d^vfic^ ' yru gcofii] TO nXiov ivaviid'iovv y iTnan'ifArj. 4. navzayji ^sv ovf nnXvg d^ogv^og xal TagdxcaSrjg tjv ij vav^a^iat iv rj al ^Azziyai rJjEg Tzanayiyvo^Evai zoTg Ksgyvgaioig] ei ni] mit^oirzo, cf6§ov ^isv nagsi- LIB. I. CAP. L. LI. 23 10V loiq ivavTioig, fidyjjg ds ovk '^qxov, dediozeg ol arQarriyoi jrjv TZQOoorjaiv z^v ^Ad^^vaioav. / 5. ftdhaToc ds to de^iov 'AtQag tojp KooivOiayv iizovei' ol ydg KsQXVQaioi £i>i06i vavoiv avzovg rocT/;«- jMfcTOt y.al xaiadia^avzeg anoQadag eg zriv ijtteiqov, fAt^Qi tov czQa- zonb8ov nlevauvieg avr^v %al ins'A^dvzeg ifSTZQtjGdv zs zdg ayjjvdg eQtjfAOvg y.al zk f^qrmoLza ditjjtQaaav. 6. zavzr} {ilv ovv ol Koqiv- {>ioi 'Aoi 01 ^vfxfiaxoi ijaaavzo ze yiai ol KsquvquToi may.Qdzovy. rj ds avzol ijffav ol KoqivO^ioi, etzI z^ ev(a)vvia.oj, noXv ivixavj zoTg Keqxv- QCiioig zwv eixoai rsmv dno iXdaaovog nXrjx^ovg in z7jg dico^Ecog ov TiaQOvaav. 7. ol 5' 'AdijvaToi OQOJVzsg zovg KsQy.VQa.Lovg 7zie^oiA.8- vovg ^lalXov i\bri dTTQoqjaalaTcog InEKOVQOvv, zo fisv ttqojzov dn?:fO' ixeroi wazE iiij e{A^id)J.8iv zivl' ettei 8s i) ZQom] sysvEzo laiinQag y.ai Evsysivzo ol KoQiv&ioi, zdzs dt] sQyov nag u^iszo rfii] yai diEy.txQizo ovdh szi, dlXoe, ^vvETZsasv sg zovzo dvdyxrjg, coazs E7zixsiQ7]aac ul).^- loig zovg KoQivOiovg not ^Ad^ipaiovg. L. zijg ds zQomjg ysvo^Evrjg ol KoQivOiOL za cydcprj iisv ovi sikyov dradoviASvoi zav vemv ag KazadvaEiaVf TtQog 8s zovg dvOQcoTzovg ETQcinovio cporsvEiv disyTzls- ovzsg (j.ulXov 1] ^(xtyQEiv' zovg zs avzcov qiiXovg, ovk aiaO^ofisroi on yaG}]VT0 ol ETzl ZO) ds^Kp yJQCi, uyvoovvzsg sazeivov. 2. ttoXIcov yuQ rsMv ovaav dfxqjozt'Qcov aal Ini nolv z7/g ■&aXd(jGt]g etze'iovgcoi', ETZEibq ^vvt'fii^av dXX}]Xoigy ov Qadicog ztjv didyvcoaiv inoiovvro hnoXoi iyQazovv rj i: yai avzol uvtettXeoVj dsiaavzEg fA.i] sg ztjv yJjv (jq}6iv tieiq^civ dno^airsiv. 5. i^di] ds r^v 6\ps y.ai Insnamnazo avzoTg cog eg eTziTzXovv, x«t ol KoQiv&ioi e^anivfjg nQVfJLvav exQovovzo, Kazidorzsg EiHoai vavg (yV 'AOr^vaicov TTQOGTzXEOvGag' ag vazsQov zcov dt'ycc ^orjO^ovg i^sTTSu- ij-uxv ol ^AdiivaToi, dsicsavzEg, onsn iysvEzOy urj viyiiO^caaiv ol KsQyv- Qcuoi y.ai al aqiEzsQai dtxa vtjsg oXlyca dixvvEiv g^cji. LI, zaizag 24 OOTKTAIAOT ZTrrPA J^v^o- zoig cog vEvixrj^iOZEg. 2. yvcofxij de ixdzEQOL zoiads z?]v tixtjv tzqog- ETTOnqaavzo. KoQivOioi fisv xQaz^aavzEg zy vaviia^ia iie^qi vvy.zog, coffr* ital vavdyia nXEiaza xa/ VEHQOvg nQOU'AO^iiaaa&ai, xal dvdqag E^ovzEg aixfiaXcoTOvg ovy, iXdaaovg liXioaVj vavg zs xazadvaavzsg jzeqI i^doixi^aovza, saztjaav ZQonaiov KsQ-AVQaioi ds zQidaovza vavg fidXiaza diacp&EiQavzsg, 'acu STZEidt] 'A\^^vaXoi fjXd^oVj dvEXofis- vol za xazd acpdg aviovg vavdyia y.ai vEXQOvgy y.ai ozi avzoTg zy zs nqozEQaia TZQVfivav yiQOvofZEvoi vTZE^coQi^aav oi KogivOioi idovzeg zag 'Azzmag vavg, aal ETZEid)] i/Xx^ov ol Ad^)]vaTo(, ovx avzinXsov tx zojv 2^v^6z(X)Vj dia zavza zQOTzaiov sozTjaav. ovtoj {aev ixdzsQoi vi'aolv Ij^tOVV ^■' LY. Ol ds KooLVxyioi ciTZOnXeovzEg in oixov 'Ava'AZoqiov, o iaziv ini toj qzouaii zov 'AfinQaxrAOv y.oXnov, slXov dndry ' ?}y ds aoivov KEQxvQaioov yiai ixEivojv ' nai Tcazaaz^aavzsg iv avzm Koqvv- -Oiovg ola^zoQag dvE'/c6Q?]aav in oihov, xal zoov KsQy.vQaimv oxza- y>0(Jiovg fiEVf oi yaav dovXoi, dnsdovzo, 7tEVZ7J'AOvza ds yal diay.ouiovg dt^aavzsg icf.vX'aaaov y.at iv dsQansui ec/ov noXXy, onmg avzoTg zr^v KsQy.vQav dra'icoQtjcjavzsg nQoanoirjGEiav. izvyjavov ds nal dwd^isi avzbjv ol nXsLOvg ngazoi ovzsg ztjg noXscog. 2. rj fuv ovv KsQyvQa ovzco TZEQiyiyi'Ezai tw noXsiico zojv KoQiv&imv, xat al vXjtg zojv Ad^Tjvaicov dvE'/^ojQ7]aav f| avzXjg. alzia ds avzri ngmzj] iysvszo zov 7ZoXs{iov zoTg KoQiP&ioig ig zovg ^A&rivaiovg, ozi acfjimv iv ojzovdaTg fiEza KsQAVQaicov ivavixd'invv. a LVI. Msza zavza d' EvOvg y,al zdds ^vve^tj ysviax^ai !/^t>;/. vaioig y,a\ IlEXonorvi^aioig didqsoqa ig zo'nolEfiETv. 2. z(^v yaQ KoQiv&L03v TTQaaaoPzav onoog zificaQr^aovzai avzovg, vrzozonr^aav' zEg Z7]v 'ii&Qav avzcov ol \4\}ijvaioi Tlozidaidzag, ol ohovaiv im 2 r^ 26 ooTKTJiJor ATrrPAfi>ii2, tw la&fi^ Ttjg TlaXX^vTjgj KoQtv&imv olttoihovs, savToov ds ^vfi^d^ Xovg gjoQOv vnaielelg, iy.ilEvov to eg UaXXrjrTjv TsT^og aaO^eXsiv xai buriQOvg dovvat, rovg rs inidrnnovQyovg ixTiEfiTTeiv, xal to Xoinov firj dt'isa&aij ovg y>aza siog e'aolcstov Koqiv^iol stze^itioVj dsiaavzeg fu] aTzoazaaiv vno ie IJEQdixxov nEi&ofisroi y.ai KoQivOicoVy jovg ti liXXovg Tovg em QnrcArig ^vvanoGTriacaai tVfifid)rovg. LYII. ravza, 8s TTQog tovg UoTidaidtag o ^A&rivaToi TZQOTzaQEay.Evd^ovTO svdvg uEia t7jy iv Keqxvqk favfia^iav. 2. oi ts yag KoQivd^ioi (favEQwg r^d?] didcpOQOi ijaaVf IlEgdiHyiag te 6 '^XE^dvdQov ManEduvcov ^aai- XEvg ETTEnoXEiicoto ^vj-ifia'/og ttqoteqov yai cf.ilog coV. 3. hnoXEfiOi&t] 8« oti ^vixfid^cov noXXoTg, InnEVGi 8s i^ayoaioig Maysdoroof zoTg (uzd ai oh noXv vgteqov ^vvifuoyov. 6. yai avzo fiEV zo zov '^QiGzicog xs'gag, kcu ogoi tieqi. ixEivov ?jaav Ko- QivOicov ZE aal zmv dXXcov Xoyddsgj izgtxpavTO zb y.a&^ iavzovg xai iTiE^ljXO^ov dicoxovzEg im noXv ' zo ds dXXo gzqclzotze^ov zmv zs Tlozidaiazoov aal z^v llsXo7iovv)]6icov 7jgguto vtzo zcov 'y^&ijvaicov 'AOL ig zo ZEiyog iiazEg)vyEvJ /-L^lll. inavaimQmv ds 6 '/^QiGzshg dnb z?jg dico^Eoag cog oqcc zo uXXo Gzgdzsvfia TjGGi]iitvoVj ijTzoQ^GS Itsv onozEQcoGE dia'Aiv8vvEVGTj ycoQ}]Gagy 7 im ziqg'QXvv&ov y ig zj]v HozidaiaVf ido^E 5' ovv ^vvayayovn zovg fJLExJt iavzov mg ig iXdyi- GTOV yicoQLOv, dooficp ^laGCiGx^ai ig zrjv IloTidaiav. y.ai /luntp.iyE TTUQa zjjv xtiXtjv did zTjg '&aXdGG7]g ^aXXo^Evog zs y,ai yaXsn^cogy oXlyovg ^liv zivag djio^aXcor, zovg ds nXsiovg GcoGag, 2. ol d* dnb tJjg 'OXvv&ov zoTg Tlozidaidzaig ^orj&oiy dniyEi ds sV]Mvzu iidXi- Gza Gzadiovg y.ai egzi }iazaq)avig, cog 7) i^d/rj iyiyvszo aai zu GTjfitia 7^Q&7if §QCiyv l<-Ev zi 7iQo7]X&ov cog ^o7]07]GovzEg, y.tti ol May.sdovEg iTiTTJJg dvzina'nEzd^avzo cog acoXvaovzEg' iTiEid^j ds did zd^ovg rj vUi] ZMV 'Adiiraicov iyiyvszo y.ai zd Gii^Eia aazEG^zaGOtjy ndXiv inavsy^coQOVv ig zb zsT^og ycai ol Ma'Asdovsg nuQa zovg lA&tjraiovg' iTTmjg d' ovdEZEQOtg naQsyivovzo. 3. iistd ds zr,v iidy^v zQonaiov saztjGav ol 'A&)]vaioi nal zovg TEHQOvg vnoGnovdovg dnidoGav roig Tlozidaidzaig. dniOarov ds Ilozidaiazcov iilv na] zcov ^viiiidy^cof LIB. 1. CAP. LXIV— LXVII. . 29 oXiycp iXd^aovg TQianocicov, 'u4&i]vaio3v ds avtcov Tzevrr^y.ovTa xa) ey.atov y.al KaXliag 6 GTQari]y6g. LXIV. lo d" in tov iad(A.ov TH'^og Evdvg ol ^Ad^Jjvaioi anoTei'/jGavTeg iq>QOVQ0vv ' lo 8' ig rrjv Uallijvfjv dzsi'/^KJjov iiV ov yaq ly.apoi ivo^u^ov dvai ev re T(p lad^f^'M qiQovQsiv xcu ig t^v IlaXX^vTjv dia^dvrsg tsipl,eiVf dtdiotsg firj acfiaiv 01 IIoTidaiuTai xui ol ^vixiict'^oi yiyvofiivoig di](^a. eTn&aiv- Tca. 2. 'Aal nwddvoii^voi ol iv t^ noXu 'yi\)^7]t>aioi Ttjy Ualh'iv^v at Hilar ov ovaav, iQovo;) vgteqov nt^novaiv g^axcciovg y,DLi ^iXiovg on7.it ag iavtatv y.ai (Ifonfiicova tov 'Aaconiov GtQati^yof. og dq)i' nofievog sg t7jv UaXX^vr^v nai s^ ^uicpvtiog oQiimfjiEfog, i7C(^'^urjyays ty Tlotidaia tov ctQatov nata ^Qoi.'/y TTQoimv xai y.£iQ(ov afjio. tt]v yJ^v. cog ds ovdsig stte^xiei ig fi(i)[^v, dneTei'/^ias to ix t?ig IIaXXriri]g tel'/^og * 3. aal ovtojg ijdr^ y,ata ygatog rj Tlotldaia dfigjotigcu^ev ifzoXiOQ- >ieTto,y.al ixdaXaGCTigvavGiv a^cc iqjOQ^iOvaaig. LXV. "u^^^iatevg ds d7iot£iy(^iGOEt6rig avttjg xai iXni8a ovde^iav t^oov ccoviiQiag, r^v f,ui 71 dno IJeXoTZovviJGOv i] aXXo TzaQuXoyov yiyvT^taij ^vvE^ovXf.vs ftev nXrjv TiEvtaxoaimv aveixov tt]Q^6aai toTg dXXoig inTrXevaaff onag im nXbOV 6 aitog avtia^^y, yai avtog rid tie tcov fisrovtcov tlvtti^ 6g d' ovH tTTEid^E, ^ovXofisvog tu im tovtoig TzaQaaysvd^eiv, xai onoig ta t^ad^Ev E^Ei cog aqiataj ehtiXovv TzoiEitat Xa&mv ztjv (fvXGiXTii> tchv 'Adrivaicov. 2. aal naqa^iEvcov iv XaXy.idEvoi td re d),}^. iaoXifiEi y.a\ ^eq^vXicov Xofr^aag nQog ty ttoXsi noXXovg diiq)&EiQCf' 'ig re trjv nsXo7z6vvJ]aov ETZQaoaEV on)] cocpiXEid tig yEviqaEtoti 3. fiEta ds ttjg Ilotidaiag tijv dTTOzEi^KJiv (J^OQfxicov fisv f/^atv tovi i^aaoaiovg aal ^iXiovg tijv XaXmdixr^v aai Botzixr^v idijov, aal egzi* a nai noXiaiiata elXs. LXVi. ToTg ^' 'Adrjraioig aai ZlEXonorvt^aioig altiai [xh avrai TZQoayEyivjjvto ig dXXijXovg ' toig fisv KoQivd^ioig, oti trjf Ilotidutav savtcov ovoav dnoiyiav aai avd^ag KoQivdioov re acu nsXonovvrjoicov iv avirj '6vtag euoXioq-aovV toig d' AOrivaioig ig tovg nEXoTZovrtjGiovg, btt savtcov te noXiv ^vfjfia^ida aal cpoQOt VTZOteXri dniatijaav, aai sXdovtsg aqiiGiv ano tov TiQOcpavovg i^id- lovto [xEtd n.otidaiat&>v. ov fiivtoi o ys TzoXsiiog ttco ^vvsoQCoysii dXX Eti dvaacop] ijv idicc yan zavta ol KoQiv&ioi STiQa^ay, LXVII. noXiOQaov^isv7]g 8s tijg Hozidaiag ov^ ■ijGV)^a^ov, dvSQMV rs acpiGiv irovtmv *aat a(^a tzeqi Tq5 xcoqi(j^ SeSioteg ' naQEadXovv t« 30 eoTKT/ii/ior AxrrpAfiiiis. Evdvg ^g Tiiv yfuKedaifiova zovg ^vmidiovg ma xut^^goop il&opzsg tav 'Ad^r^vaiojv on onor^dg te XElvHoreg eIev ■hcu udiy.oisv tijv TIs- Xonovviiaov. 2. ^lyirJjTai te cpavEQag i^sv ov TigeG^EVofiEvoi, dt8i6- Teg zovg u^O^rjraiovg, xQvq}a ds, ol'x jJMata [/.ez avratv iv7jyov rov fzoXEftoVf XtyovTsg ovx slvat avzovofxoi xaza zag GTZovddg. 3. ol de AaxEdaifionof, nQOGTzaQaxaXsGavTEg zojv ^vftfidxtov ze 'Aai. eI zig zi dXXo aq]7] 7jdixl]a&ai vno ^y^&rivcucovj ^vXXoyov aqpcor avrrnp noiriaavzEg zov EioD&oza XtyEiv exeXevov. 4. xal dXXoi ze Tzagiov- ZEg iyKXrjfxaza ettoiovvzo co? E-Aaazoi koI MEyaQrig, dijXovvzEg fih xai EZEQa ovx hXlya dtdqjOQa, fidXiGza bl XifiEvmv ze ElLoysadai zav iv zy 'uf4&}]vaia}v dg^y y,ai ZTqg ^Azziyujg dyoqdg naQa zdg OTiorddg' 5. nuQEXdovzEg ds zeXevtoioi KoQivd^ioi, yal zovg dXXovg IdaavzEg tnqazov TtaQO^vvai zovg AaxEdatfioiiovg, ejieitiov zoiddE. LXVIII. To niazov v(idg, co AaxEdaifionoi, ztjg y.aO^ v^dg avzovg noXizEiag xat OfxiXiag dntaTOztnovg eg zovg dXXovg, 7jv zt XtyoofJisv, xa&iazriai ' xal dii avzov aa)q:Q06vvt]v fth exezs, dfia&ia ds nXiovL nqog za e^co nqdyiiaza 'iQljad^B. 2. TToXXdaig yuQ ttqo- ayoQEvovzcov 7jfioov a e^eXXo^ev vno 'yiO^tjramy pMTZTEG&aij ov tzeqI (OV ididdcxofXEV ExdGZOZS zi]v fidxyfiGtv i.roiEiGO^E, dXXd z^v XEyovzoiv fidXXov vtievoeXze cog tvExa zmv aviot^ i8in diaqjOQmy Xe yovGt' xal di' avzo ov tzqiv TzdaiEiVj dXX ETiEidrj iv zfo Egycp EGf^itv, zovg ^v[if4.d)rovg zovcds TiaQExcOJGaze, iv olg TZQOGt^y.Ei 7)fidg oi^ TjxiGza EiTZEiv, oGO) Ttal fiE^yiGza iyxXt]fxaza tjoj^iEVf vno {ilv 'AO^tj- valwv v^Qit,6iiEvoi, vno ds vuoov dfiEXovf^Evoi. 3, aai eI fxlv dq:avETg nov oYTEg TidLxovv ZT]v 'EX7.dda, diduGyaXiag dv cog ovx Eidoji nQOG- i8Ei. vvv ds zi dsi [laxQtjyoQEiVj cov zovg fisv dsdovXcofiE'rovg oqute, zoig 5* ini^ovXEvovzag avzovg^ xai ov'/ ^xiGza zoig 7]iiEztQ0ig ^vf4- ud^otg xal ix noXXov nQonaQEGXEvaGfiEvovg, el nozs noXE/^rjGovzat. 4. ov yoQ dv Keqxvquv zs vnoXa^ovzsg pia ijn^v eJ^ov xal JJozi- daiciv inoXioQxovVj cov zo fisv iniKaipozuzov y^coQiov nqog zd ini Oqdnjjg dno'/QJjG&at, ly ds vavzixov dv fisyiGzov naqsGys Tls^.onov- 'rjGioig. LXIX. xai. zcords vfAEig uizioiy z6 ze nqazov iaGavTsg avzovg ztjv noXiv [iEzd zd Mt^dixd xQazvrai nal vgzeqov zd fiaxqd Gz?iGai tEi'xyjt ig '^ods zs dsi dnoGzsQovvzsg ov fiorov zovg vn ixsi- vcov dsdovXcofiE'vovg iXEv{)^EQ(ag, dXXd xai zovg vfisttQOvg iidij ^vfAfid- ^ovg. OV ydo 6 dovXcoGdiiEvogy dlX 6 dwdfisvog fiiv navuui, nsqi- LIB. I. CAP. LXX. 31 OQwv dsj uXtjO^saiEQov avzo 8Qa, eiTzeQ xal rrjv a^icoaiv z^g a^sz^g cog iXevOsQwv zrjv 'EX?,d8a qitQsrai. 2. [A,6hg ds vvv zs ^vvr^X&ofiev y.al ovds vvv im giarsQoTg. XQW 7^Q ^^^ ^^ adi-Aovfisd^a hi CAoneiv, alia xaO^ on afxvvovfisda. ol yaQ dgavTsg ^e^ovlevixtvoi nqog ov disyvcoHoiag tjdr] >iai ov lutlXovzeg l7ZSQ)(^ovrai. 3. xal eTnardfie&a oin 6d(^ 01 '^d)]vaToi nac on nax bXlyov y^coQovaiv inl zovg nilag. aai lavddvsiv fisv olofisvoi 8id rb dvaiad^TjTov v{a.oov ^aaov '&aQQOv- Gi ' yvovtsg ds eidozag tteqioqccv la^vQoog iyneiffovzaL 4. rjav)^d^ez8 yd{) [xovoi 'Elhpcov, oj ^axE8atfx,6vioi, ov zy dwd/xsi zivd dlld zy [islhjaei dfivv6[A,Evoi, aai fiovoi ovh aQ'/ofitvTjv Z7]v av^r^aiv zav Ij^&Qayj diTzXaaioviievtjv ds aazaXvovzEg. ' 5. xaiioi iXtysaO^E dacpa- Xsig shaiy cov dqa 6 Xoyog zov sQyov EnqdzEi. zov zs ydq Mtjdov avzoi i'afiEv Ik nEQazoav ytjg ttqozeqov etii zt]v JJsXonovvriaov eAt^oj'- zay i] zd TiaQ v(.mv d^i>y)g 7ZQoanavz7iaai, ^ai vvv zovg ' ^&f]vaiovg ov'i Exdg, coaTTEQ hmrov, dX7! hyyvg ovzag nEQioQazE, Ka\ dvzl zov eTZEX&ELV avzoi dfivvsad^ai ^ovXsod^s fzdXXov emovzag, 'aoi ig zv/ag TTQog TZoXXm dvvazontQOvg dyojvt^6(XEvoi ^iazaGzijvai, ETZiazdfiEvot xal zov ^dg^agov avzbv tzeqi avz^ zd nXsico aqjaXsvzaj na\ nqog avzovg zovg ^ Ad^rivalovg noXXa fj[xdg ^dij zoTg dfiaQz/^fxaaiv avzojv fidXXov i] zy d(p T^iav zijjKOQia 7ZEQtyEy£v?]f4,tvovg ' ettei al ys viiizEQai tXnidsg r^dt] zivdgnov ^ai dnaQaoisvovg dia zb niazEvaai tcpdsiQav. 6. Tiai fiTjdsig vixav ett E]^r^Qa zb nXsov ij alzia voixiGy zdde XiyEfsO^ai. alzia ^sv yuQ q)iX(ov dvdQoov iaziv d{A.aQzav6vz(ov' aaztjyoQia d^ EidQwv ddi'Mjadvzcov. LXX. xat afxa^ e'itieq zivsg 3<«< dXXoiy vofil- ^ofiEv d^ioi sJvai zoig niXag ipoyov EnEVEyAsTv, dXXmg zs not fisyd- XoDv zojv diacpSQovzmv y.a&sazcozcov, tteqI cov ovx aia&dvEa&ai rifuv ys doxEizE, ovd^ EnXoyiaaa&ai ntonozs TZQog olovg vfuv Ad^rivaiovg ovzag yicu oaov vfx^v aai cog ndv diacpsQOVzag 6 dyav EGzai. 2. ol fitv ys vEcozEQonoio\ Ka\ mivoriaai o^sTg y>at snizEXsaai sqycp o dv yvmaiv ' vfxsTg ds zd vndQiovza zs aco^siv 'Aai sniyvcovai utidlv aal EQycp ovds zdvayy.aia i^ixsa&ai. 3. av&ig ds ol fisv xal naqd dv^ ,vaf.uv zoXfxrjzal yal naqd yvcoiiijv yivdvvsvzai yat sm zoig dsivoXg EviXnidsg' zb ds vfiizsqov zijg zs dwdfiscog ivdsd TTQa^ca, zTjg zs yvcof^ajg ^rjds zotg ^s^aioig niazsvcaij zcov zs dsivcov fir^dsTZOZS otV a&ai aTioXv&t'JGSGdai. 4. y,ai. [xrjv yai doy.voi TTQog vudg nsXXijzdg y.oLi dnodri^iizai Tiqoq ird)][xozdzovg. oiovzai ydg ol [aev zy dnovoi^ 32 eoTKTJi/iOT ArrrPAfiiji^. av ri xTacf&ai, vfjing de rro inEXd^eTv nal ra hoTfia av p.dxpat. VQUTovvTug T£ Tcav tid^ocDV Im 7z7,H(jrov i^8Q)^ovTa(, nccl ri'/.oji-iavoi tn e).a)^iGrov avaniTZiovaiv. 5. 'hi 8l roig fiev ccofiaoiv dlXoiQicO' tdiotg VTitQ Tijg TzoXscog '/[Qcjvrai, ry '^'Pcofiij ds oheiOTdr-q eg to nqaaaEiv ri vizsq avtqg. 6. x«f « fxev up ImvoijaavTEg fttj a^t)M(a air, OMsTa aisQsa&at i)yovvtai' a 5' dv inelOovreg nT/jaoovTaif oXiya nqog ta fxtXXovra rviuv TTQa^avreg. rrp 5' uQa aai zov tteiqci aqjaXooaiVj dvieXniaavrEg aXXa iizXiJQCoaav tjjp j^QEiav. (.lovoi yuQ kxovai rs b^oicog aac eXni^ovaiv d dv iTtipo/jocoaij did to Ta^Eiav 7i]v aTir/^eiQtjaiv TToisTaxyai cov dv yvojai. 7. xal ravra fierd tzovcov navTU y.ai '/.ivdvvcov di* oXov zov alojpog fiox^yovai ' xal aTioXavovatp iXd^icra twv vnaQ'^ovrcov did to del aTUGx^ai, 'aoi [i^ts soQTt^v aXXo 71 riyua&ai tj to ret biovTa nQd^ai, ^vfjicfoqav tb ov)^ r^aGOv Tjavxiciv dTzgdyfiova i] do^oXiav ininovov. 8. oajrs ei Tig avTOvg l^vvtXcov (pair] TTsqivxavai am Ta5 nijTa avTOvg a'^aiv ?]uv](^iav, fijJTS tovg dXXovg avx^qmnovg idv, OQ&mg dv ainoi. LXXI. TavTJjg fiavTOt TOiavzt^g dviixa&aaTrjxviag TzoXacog, c5 ^axadaifiovioi, dia' fiiXXaTS' 'Aoi oiaa&a Trjv riaviiav ov Tovroig toov dv&QcoTtcov am nXaiGTOv dQy.aiv, ol dv tIq ^lav TraQaoaavri dinaia TTQaoamaif ttj da yvco^rj, ijv ddtaojvTaij driXoi (oai ^irj amtQaxpovtag' dXX am zw fi^i Xvnalv TS dXXovg yiat avzoi dfxvvoiiavoi [it] ^XdnTaa&ai to laov va- ftaza. 2. iA,6Xig 5' dv noXai ofioia naQOi^ovvTag aTv^^dvazs tovtov ' vvv 5', onaQ y,ai agzi a8r]X^aaiiav, dQy^aiozQonoL vficjv tu aTziTi]8ev* fiUTa TTQog avTovg aaztv. dvdyxt] 5' (oaTteq Taivr]g da\ zd agityiyvofAava 'AQaTaiv. 3. aal t]av)ra^ov6ri [xav noXai Td dy,iv't]Ta vo^iifia aQiara, nqog noXXd ds dvayAO^oixavoig livai TZoXXTJg yai TT-g a7iiTayvr]aaaig ^ti. dioTZEQ nal Ta Tcov ^Ad^r]vaimv dno T7]g noXvnaiQiag am TiXaov vfimv aa'AaivcoTai. 4. [laiQi fiav ovv Tovds coqigO^oj vfiKtv ?] §Qadv- T^g' vvv da ToTg ts dXXoig aai TloTtdaiaTaig, coGnag vTzada^uG&s, ^oj]\^r]aoLTa aaTd Tuyog ia^aXovTag ag ti]v 'ATTmr]v, iva [ir] uvdQag TB (fiXovg y.a\ ^vyyavaTg toTg ay^OiGtoig nQor^Gx^a, y.at. ijiidg zovg dXXovg d\}vfxiri TZQog azaqav Tivd ^vfAfiaxiccv TQaip7]ia. 5. dgcpfiEf 5' dv udiHOv ovdav ovis nqog d^amv Ttav 6qxio3v ovtb nqog dvOqca- Tioov Tcov aiG&avofjiavmv. Xvovgl ydq GTiovddg ovy ol 5t' aqv/xiaf aXXoig nqoGiovTag^ dXX ol fir] ^or]&ovvrag oig dv ^vvofioGcoGi, D. ^ovXofiEvo)v ds viiav nqod^vficov thai uavovfiEV ov7S yaq OGia dt LIB. I. CAP. LXXII. LXXIII. 33 TTOioTfiev fista^aXXofiEvoi ovrs ^vvjjd^EottQovg av aXXovg evQOtfiEv. 7. TTQog zdde ^ovXevsg&s ev, aal tijv TlsXoTTovvTjaov neiQuads /ial dt o^Xov [xdXXov katai ast nqo^aXXoiiEvoigi dvdyxt] Xtysiv x(u yaQ ozs idQmfiEv, lii wcpEXsia EKlvdvVSVEZOj ijg zov fXEV EQyOV flEQOg flEZEGXEZE, ZOV ds XoyOV flT] Tzavzogj ei zi cocpsXEi, GZEQiaHc6{x80a. 3. Qjj&ijGEzai ds ov TiaQat- z^GEmg (idXXov ivExa ?] fiUQzvQiov 'aoI drj7.c6GEO[)g nqog oiav v}xlv noXiv fi7] Ev ^ovXEVofiEvoig 6 dyoov yazaar/jGEzai. 4. cpajxEv yUQ Magadoovi ze [aovoi ngornvdwEVGai zm ^aq^dqco 'xai ozs zo vgts- Qov 7]X&EVj oi'x iy.avol ovzeg aazd y\v dpivvEG&ai ia^avzEg sg zag rav^ 7tavdrifi,E\ ev ^aXaiun ^vvvavfia'/^tJGai, onsn eg^e [irj yaza noXsig avibv ETCinXiovza ztjv IIeXotzovvtjgov tzoqx) eiv, ddvvdzmr av oitco* 34 ooTKTJiJor STrrPA^iis. rzQog vavg noXXag aXXriXoig Im^ori&eXv. 5. ^eh^^qiov ds f4.tj lazoy avthg inoujus ' fiH7]\)^sig yaq zaig vavaiv, (ag ovxezi avzco ofAOiag ovarii trig ^vvdfietog, xaza Ta^og z^ nXiovi zov 6TQatov dvEXcoQriaev. LXXIV. TOiovzov fis'vzoi ^vf4^df>iog zoviovj aai aaqjag diiXoj&tv Tog on Iv zaig vaval zojp 'EXXi'ivcov zd TZQayfiaza iytvezo, zQia za ioq:EXi[i(6z(x,za Eg avzb TiaQEaiofiEda, aQi&fiov zs rEmv tzXeIgtov xai drdQCi azqazriyov ^vvEZOozaiov. nal TiQO&v^iav doy.vozdzriv, vavg [.itv ys ig zdg zEzganoaiag 6Xiyq> iXdaaovg dvo (loiQaVy 0£fiiazoy.Xta ds aQXovza, og aizicozazog iv z^ czsr^ 'ravfia)(^)J6ai EyivEzOy otzeq oaqjEOzaza samas zd ngdyfiaza, nal avzov did zovzo vfiEcg dti fxd- Xiaza izifitiGazs ufdQa ^evov zojv mg vfidg eXOovzojv. 2. tiqoO^v- niav ds aal noXv zoXfir^Qozdztiv idsi^afiEv, oi yE, inEidti tifAiv xazd yjjv ovSsig i^o/i&Ef, zav dXXmv I'l^ri fJ-tjQi iji^ojv dovXEvovzcov, y^Ka- cafieVj ixXiTzovzsg zriv noXiv xat zd olxEia diaqjd-EiQavzEg, jU?;5' ag zo zav TZEQiXoiTicov ^vfAfidy^oiv noivov TTQoXiTZEiVj fjirids OHEdaa&EVZEg dxQEioi cvzoTg yEVEa&ai, dXX Ea^dvzEg ig zdg vavg xivdwEvaai aai uij OQyioOrivai ozi iiiuv ov TZQOEzijicoQriaazE. 3. coazs q;a[XEv ov^ tiacov ul'i'ol a)qjEX7i6ai vudg // zv/eiv zovzov. vfiEig fiEv yuQ dno zs oi'AOViikV(Xi)> zoov tioXecov xal im z(p, zo Xomov vt'iA-Eax^ai, E7ZEi8t] idEiaazs vtieq vfimv aal ov^ rif^oov zo ttXeov, i^OTjO^/jaazE' oze yovv iifiEv hi (joaor, ov TzaQEytvEa&s' rifXEig ds dno ze zrig ovx ovuKig izi OQiAcofiEvoi, aal vtieq zijg iv ^gaxEia iXnidi ovar^g xirdvvEvovzEg, ^vvECOjaafXEv vfidg ze zo fit'qog xai ij^dg avzovg. ei ds nQoaE^ooQi^- aa^iEv TTQozEQov z(^ M/jdcp^ dEiaavzEg cjctzeq y.al uXXot tieqI zij x^Q^y •q fill izoXfii'iaafiEv vgzeqov ia^rjvai ig zdg vavg (ag dLEq)&aQfi8voif ovdav dv ETi 'idEi vfidg firi Exovzag vavg Uardg vavfiaxEiv, dXXa xad^ Tjavxiav dv avzq> TiQOEXcoQriGS zd nqdy^aza tj i^ovXEzo. LXXV. UQ u^ioi icfiEVy w y/uHEdaiuoviot, aal TiQoOvfAiag EVExa Trjg zozE v.at yvafirig ^vvtaEoig doyjjg yE t^g 'ixof^Ev zoTg EXXiiai fxii ovzmg dyav ETZigj^ovcog diaxEiad^ai ; 2. xal yaQ avziiv zijvdE iXd- 8ofXEv ov piaadfAEvoi, dXX vfiav filv ovx iOEXriadvzmv TzaQafiEiiai TTQog zd vnoXoiTza zov ^aQ^dQov, ruiiv ds 7iqoceX&6vz(ov zcov ^vfi- {idxmv 'Aoi avzmv dsrjO^Evzaiv ijysixovag xazaazr^vai ' 3. f| avzov ds zov EQyov xaziivayxdax^iifiEv zo tiqojzov nqoayayElv avz^v Eg Todsy fidXiaza fiEV vno dEovg, snEiza ds xa\ zifj.7]g, vazEQOv xat 'Jiq^sXEiag, 4. xal ovx aQ^aX'sg izi id6y,Ei thai zoig noXXoTg anif LIB. I. CAP. LXXVI. LXXVII. 35 lO^ijfitvovg y.ai rivcov y.a\ i^drj anoatdvtmv nateazQafA^srcov, vftmv 18 rj^lv ovxtTi bfjioimg cfiXcov aX)^ vnonrcov iiui diaq)6Q(t)v ovrcav, avtptag rnvdweveiv xai yaq av at anoaraGBig jiQog v[A,ag tyiy- vot'to, 5. TTciai ds avs7Ziq)&ov6v ra ^vfiq)tQovta zcoy ixsyiazcov ntQi xivdvvoav ev Ti&ea&ai. LXXVI. vfieig ypvVj co ytanedaifio- pioij rag iv zy UeXoTiovvriaco noXeig ln\ to vfiTv (XKfsXifiov yiazaotr]' adi^evot i^tjysia&s ' xal si tots vTzofisivavrsg dice Tiavzog a.nri'jK&ri-' cOs iv ty Tjyefiovia wansQ ij^sTg^ sv icfisv fit] av tjcgov v[iag Ivnij- Qovg yEvo[A.£vovg toig ^vfifxd'/oigj xat dvayy.aa&Evtag av f] aqisiv iynQazag ij avzovg xipdvvsvsiv. 2. ovzmg ov^ ruislg 'OavfA.aazov ov§sv TZETTOi^xafxev ovd^ dnh zov dv&Qconsiov zqotzov, sl ccq^/jv ta didofitvrjv £ds^d[i,Ed-af xal Tavzt^v fjuj dvsTfisv vno zmv iisyiazcov ny.TjdtviEg, rtfiTJg aal dtovg aai coq]8Xsiag, ov^ av nqmroi tov zoiovzov vndq^avzEg, dXX dsi aa'&sazojzog zov 7](saco vno zov dvv- azcoTtQcv xazsiQyea&aiy d^iol zs a^ia tofiiXovzsg sivai, aal vfiTv doxovvzsg fiEXQi ov zd ^viiqitQCvza Xoyi^ofisva zo) dixaicp Xoyo^ vvv XQ^(y^s, ov ovdsig ttod naqazviov layyi zi xzriaaad^ai TZQod^slg zov [A,r] nXiov t]^siv aTZSZQdnszo. 3. snaivsXad^ai zs d^toi olzivsg ^qrjadfis- voi zy dv&Qconsia qjvasi ooazs iztqcov dqisiv, diaaiozsQoi ^ aazd zijv vnaQiovaav dvvafiiv yey8VT]vzai. 4c. dXXovg y av ovv oiofis&a zd TjfiheQa Xa^ovzag dst^at dv fidXiaza si' zi [j,szQid^0fA,sv ' ijiuv ds not fix zov ETzisrAOvg dSo^ia zb nXiov i] snaivog ovx sixozojg nsqiEazi]. LXXVII. aal iXaaaovfisvoi ydq ev zaig ^vfi^oXaiaig Tzgog zovg ^vfi.' ud)^ovg dixaigf aac naq rnuv avzoTg ev zoig of^oioig vofioig Tzoitjaav- zsg zag agiaEigf qjiXodi'AEiv doHOVfisv. 2, nai ovdsig (jxotzei avzmv, zoig xai dXXo&L tzov aqpiv E^ovai aai 7]aaov tjfiojv nqog zovg vTZtj- Koovg fiEzqioig ovai 8i6zi zovzo ovh ovsidit,Ezai ' ^id^sa&ai ydq oig dv E^^j dixd^sa&ai ovdsv nqoadsovzai. 3. oi ds EiO^iOfxtvoi Tzqog T^fiug dno zov i6ov ofiiXsiVj ijv zi Tzaqd zo (xtj oiEd&ai XQH^o^^ ^ yvc6[4.y r^ dvvdfiEi zy did ztjv dqiriv aai OTKoaovv sXaaaco&aaiv, ov zov nXsO' vog (11] Gzsqiay.ofisvoi xdqiv e^ovgiVj dXXd zov ivdsovg xf^XsTZOJzsqov (pt'qovaiv 7] EL dno nq(6z7]g dnox^iiiEvoi zov vojxov qiavsqoog inXsors* HzovfASv. EXEivoog ds old dv avzoi avziXsyov cog ov /^£cay zov tjaaat z^ xqazovvzi vnoxcoqsTv. 4. ddr/.oviiEvoi zs, cog eoixev, ot dv&qco- noi fxdXXov oqyi^ovzai ^ ^la^oi^Evot. zo [^ev ydq dno zov laov doxEi nXsovsxzsiaO^ai, zo d' dno zov xqEiaaovog xazavayxd^sa&ai. 36 QOTKTAIAOT :ETrrPAOH2, ). vno yovv jov Mtjdov deirozsQa jovicov nduyovTsg fjveixovio, ij 5. vi d€ y^STt'ga aQxh xalmij doxsT dvai, ahoTcog^ to naqov yuQ as) §a^v roig vmjKOoig. 6. v^elg y '^v ovv d y,a&eXuvTeg ij^ag uQ^aizs, Tuxa av xi^v avvoiav tJv dia to ij^keqov dsog slh^q^ars, fieta^dXoiTe, eitteq dia aal tots TTQog tov M7]dov di olijov ijyiiad- . nEvoi VTzedei^azE, ofioTa xal rvv yvcQGEads. dfAixTa yccQ Ta te xad- vf^dg avTovg vd^i^ia roTg dlloig exbte, ital nQoahi Eig haatog f^imv ovTS TOVTOig /(>^t«/, ovO^ oJg i) dllri 'Elldg fOfiiXei. LXXVIII. ^ovIevbg&e ovv ^Qudmg cog ov tieqI ^gax^cov, nai ^rj dlloTQiaig yvcafxaig aal Eyalrniaai TZEia&EvzEg oiheTov novov ttqoc- S-i^a&e. tov ds noU^ov tov TraQuXoyov, oaog hzi, ttqIv iv avzJj yevEGx^ai TigodidyrcoTE- 2. nrjy.vvofiEvog ydq cptlEi ig Tiyag zd noXld 7i£QtiaTUG<}a(, ^v loov te aTiExofiEv y.al oTzoTEQoag 'iazca iv ddf}Xq> mvdvvEVETai. 3. lopTsg te ol dv&QcoTTOi eg Tovg noXi^wvg TaV EQyaV TZQOTEQOV EXOVTUlj U XQ^V VGTEQOV dQUV, nanoTia&ovvTsg ds ?j8t] Twv Xoycov dmovTai. 4. ij^Eig ds iv ovdsfud mo Toiavrq dfiaQTia ovTEg ovz avzol ovO- vfidg OQm-zEg XiyofiEv vuXv, toog tzt avi^aiQEzog d^icpoztQoig i) sv^ovXia, onovdag ^irj Xveiv fir^ds naqa- §aivEiv zovg oQxovg, zd ds didqjOQa dixrj XvEa&ai yazd ztjv Ivvd^i]- yr^v 7] x^EOvg zovg OQniovg {xdQZVQag 7ioiov{aevoi TZEiQicaof^s&cs, dfiviEGx^ai TioXifiov aqyovzag zavzy ?] dv vqjf^yjjo^. LXXIX. Toiavza ds ol 'A&r^vaToi eIttov. iTiEid)] ds zwv ze ^vfifxaxcov ijKOVGav ol Aaasdainonoi zd iyxXt'jfiaza zd ig zovg Adrivalovg^ nai zmv ^Ay^iivaicov a tXs^ar, ^iszaoztjadfiEvoi ndvzag e^ovXevovzo xazd acpdg avzovg tzeqI zcop naqovzajv. 2. xat zm' fisv nXsiovfov E7ZC zo avzo al yvajiui tq:£QOv, ddixeiv te zovg AOi]- vaiovg ijd}] xai noXsfitjZEa slvai iv zd^si ' 7zaQEX&(X)v ds 'Aqxidafiog ^aoiXsvg avzmv, dvijQ y,a\ hvvszog doxav elvai xal acoq'QOiV, tXs^k zoidds. LXXX. Kai avzog noXXcov 7]dt] TZoXt'ficov Eiijieinog eIjUj a AaxEdaifiovioi, xui vfiojv zovg iv Ty avzy iiXvAia 6q(o, co6t£ ^/jts UTitiQia ini&viiqcai Tiva zov EQyov,07Z£Q dv ol ttoXXol Tid&oiEv, fif'irs dya&ov 'aoi daqjaXsg voftiaccvza. 2.' evqoize d' dv TovdSj tieq] ov I'Jy BovXEvsa&E, oi'x dv iXdyiozov ysvofisvoVy eI acocpQovoog zig avTov ixXoyi^oizo. 8. TTQog fisv ydg zovg TlEXoTzovvrjaiovg xai dazvysiTO- vag naqoiioiog yfiojv y dXy.rj, xa« did zaxioov olov ze iqi' txaaia LIB. I. CAP. L XX XI L XXXII. 37 iXdtiv ' TTQog ds uvdgag, ol yrjv rs ixag t^ovm y.ai ttqooezi d^alaa- CTjg lixnEiQOiaroi tiai, y.al ToTg aXXoig anaaiv aQKsra i^^Qzwiai^ nlovTco 7S Idicp 'Aoi dt^fA-OGiqi aai vavoi xai Innoig nai onXoig nai oxXcp oaog ovh iv uXXo) ivi ys xcoqic^ 'EXXtjnxm hxiVj 'in ds xat ^vufidyovg TzolXovg cpoQov vTzoreXsig ixovai, nag XQ^] TZQog rovtovg (>a8icog 7i6Xs}iov aQacr&aiy nai, tin niaravaavTag aTragaaxevovg FTzsixd^ijvai ; 4. tzotsqov zaTg vavaiv ; aXX ijacovg icjfisv ei ds fitXeTt^aoi^sv aal avrmaQaa'AEvaaon^da, xQovog ^vtazai. dXXa roTi XQrifJiOLaiv ; aXXk noXXm in nXiov tovtov iXXeinouEv xai ovrs iv y.O(V(^ i^of^sv ovTS izoifimg in jmv idiojv qjiQOfiev, LXXXI. ra^ civ ng {^aQGOirj on roTg hnXoig avzojv xal zco nXri&ei vneQcpiQOiiev^ mars rtjv yTjv dyovv iniqiOirmvteg ' 2. zoTg ds aXXr] ytj ifftl noXXrj 7)g aQiovai, y.a\ in daXdaarjg av diovtai indl^ovTai. 3. el 5' av Tovg ^vfx^dxovg dqiaidvai TzsiQaaofieda, d67'jasi nai rovroig vavai ^ori'&uVf TO nXiov ovai vj^aimzaig. 4. tig ovv iazai ri^^v 6 iioXa- juog ; el firj ydg r] ravai 'AQUz/jaofiev tj tag TZQoaodovg dqiaiQi^aofiEv d(f (6v zo vavzcAOV zgiqjovGi, §Xa\p6fi,E&a zd TzXico. 5. y^dv zovzoj ovds yazaXv£6&ai in aaXov^ uXXcog re yiai el do^ofxev dq^ai ^dXXov ztjg diaqiOQag. 6. ^m// '/uq dt] iaEivrj ye zy iXTZidi i;zaiQoo[xe&a cog za/v navd^rioezai 6 TioXefiog, ijv zijv yljv avzav zdficofiev. didoma de uuXXov fir] HOI roTg naiatv avzov VTZoXiTiwuev' ovzmg elxog 'Ax^r]- rxiovg qiQOV^fxazi fx/jze zy yrj dovXevaaij inqzE coanEQ dneiQOvg yaza- rrXayijvai z(p noXtixcn, LXXXII. oh fi?]v ovds dvaiaxl^jjzcog avzovg iie^Xsvco zovg ze ^vfifA.d)rovg ?)fxav idv ^XdjizEiv, kcc) im^ovXEvovzag [Uj iiazciq}COQdvy dXXd onXoL fiev (a./j7zoo 'aiveTv, 7zifA.7ZEiv ds y>ai alnd- 6&ca fijjzs TToXefiov dyav dyXovvzag fiyO^ mg i7iiZQiipojA.Ev, xdv zovzcp aai zd ijfiizeqa avzmv i^aqzvEad'ai ^vixiid^cav ze TTQoaaycoyy ual ^EXXr^vcov >ial ^ag^dQcov, si nodiv ziva tj vavziaov ij xQW^izcov dvvcifiiv TtQOdXrixpofiE&a ' dvEnicpO^ovov ds oaoi caaneQ nai rjfxeTg vn A&rjvaiojv irn^ovXevoixed^a fir] EXXiivag fiovov, dXXd yai ^aQ^dgovg TJQOoXa^ovzag dia, zavza uQiaza' Ti]v ds p]y disXdovzmv izMv yal dvo aai rgimv afieivov 7]dr]y i^v doxyt neq'Qayfxivoi ifisv iri avzovg. 3. nai i'amg, OQ^vtsg 7]fx6ov i]dr] zr^v ZE T^aQaaaEvrjv y,ai zovg Xdyovg avzy ofioTu vno6r]fiaivovzag, fidXXof OLv eiKOieVf y.ai. yqv in ariirjTov i^ovzEg viai tieqI TzaQOvzaw dyaOwt 38 eOTKT/iiJor ATrrPAitiii:, Kai o'vTKxi i(f&aQfA.tp(av ^ovXsvoiievoi. 4. fztj yuQ alio ri vo^iar^zi^ Ttiv y7]v avtojv 1} ufi7]Qov t)^eiVj xai oi'jf tiaaov oaco dfxeivov i^eiQya Gzai ' rig q}€idea0^ai ^grj cog Ini tiXeTcjzov, y.ai fj.\ ig anovoiav yiaia- OTijaavTag avzovg ahjTzzortQovg tx^ir. 5. el yaQ anaQda'AEvoi zolg zcov ^vfxfxdxcov iy'AXrifiaaiv Ineii&tvTeg refiovfiEv avTiiv, oqccze oTzcog fiij aiaiiov Koi aTTOQmzeQov zij IlsXoTTorvtjacp TiQa^o^ev. 6. iyAltj fiaza fisv yccQ xai ttoXecov koi Idiojzojv olov ze aazaXvaai ' noXefiov ds ^v[A.7zavzag UQU^Evovg tvExa zcov IdiooVy ov oi'x VTrdgxEi Eidnat xaO^ ozi xcoQt]OE(, ov Qudiov EVTTQEnojg d^taOai. LXXXIII. xat dvavdgia firidEvl noXlovg f^in ttoIei ^rj za^v etzeX&eTp doxEizco Eivai. 2. Eial yuQ aal iy.Eiroig ova iXuaaovg, XQW^'^^ (pegovTsgy ^vfxfiaxoit Tiui EGziv 6 TJoXEfiog oi'X OTiXcDv zo TtXtov dXXk bandvrig, di' r^v za OTzXa (oq)EXET, uXXag zs y.al riTZEiQazaig TZQog {^aXaaaiovg. 3. tzoql GfOfiEd^a y)vv 7ZQ0JZOV avzijVy Ttai fir] zoig zojv ^vfiftdxmv Xoyoig liQO- ZEQOV ijiaiQOJfiE&af oitzeq ^ aai zav dno^aivorzcov zo nXtov in dfLCfozEQCt. Tjjg alziag E^ofiEv, ovzoi x«t x^v^* ijavxlav zi avz(av TTQotdcofiEv. LXXXIV. xai zb ^Qadh aai fit'XXoVj o {.lEfiqjovzat udXiaza TjfiaVy fxi] alayvvEO&E. cnEvbovzig ze ydo axoXaizEQOv dv Tzavaaia&s 8ia zo uTzaQdaxEvoi iyxEiQEip' y,al dfia iXsv&tQav aal irdo^ozdzfjv noXiv did navzog rsfxofXE&a. 2. y.ai dvrazai ixdXtsza cacfQOGvvi] Efiq^Qcav zovz Eivai. fioroi ydo 8i avzo evTTQayiaig ze ova Hv^ni^OfiEv yai ^v/ncpOQaTg ijGaov eteqmv ErAOiAEv ' zcov ze ^vv ETzaivcp i^ozQvrovzcov rjiidg Em zd dEird nagd zo doxovv rji-uv ova EnaiQo- fiEd^a ijdovij, xal i\v zig dga ^vv y.aztjyoQia naQO^vvri, ovSev fidXXov dx^soO^^vzEg dvE7TEiax}t]fiEv. 3. noXE^iaoi ze aa\ ev^ovXoi did zo Evxoaf4.ov yiyvofiExJa, zb fiev ozi aidmg amq^ooavvtig nXElazov fiEzt/Ei, aicyvvrig ds Evxpvxicij s'v^ovXoi ds dfia&sazEQOv zojp vofimv Z7jg vjiEQOxpiag TzaidEvofXEPOi, xal ^vv x^XEnozrizi amqiQovtazEQOv // o)6ze avzoov dvyjaovazEiVy xai fj,}] zd dxQEia ^vvezoI dyav ovzEg^ zdg zav 71oXe[xi(ov naqaaxEvdg Xoycp xaXmg [ie[xiXi]Giag, zov zdg anovdag XeXvax^ai, iysvazo iv z^ zszdgzcp ezei y,ai dsadzo^ zav ZQiaxovzovzidmv anov- dav 7TQ0>iSX(x)Q7]xvmv Ol lysvovzo fiszd zd Ev^ol'xd. LXXXYIII. 'Eip^cpiaarzo ds ol Accxedaifwfioi zdg anovdag XsXvaOai xai noXefiJjzsa slvai, ov zoaovzov zav ^vfiiidy^cov tiskjQsv- zsg zoig Xoyoig oaov qiO^ovfisvoi zovg 'A&t]vaiovg, f^tj etzI ^isi^ov dvvTj&aaiv, OQavzsg avzoTg ztc TZoXXd zfjg 'EXXddog vnoisiQut ijdtj ovza. LXXXIX. 01 yaq A&7ivaioi ZQOTKp zouods iiXOov stti zd Tzgdyfiaza Iv olg ip^ij^fjaav. 2. STzsidij MJjdoi drsx^Qrjaav in zljg El'QcoTZTjg vrAr^&tvTsg 'aoI ravat xai nsl^Mvjifo li,XXrivG3v, xul ol x«- tacpvyovzsg avzmv zaig vavoiv ig Mv'AdX7]irdiEcp&doj^6av,At(oTv- jTLdrjg fxsv 6 ^aaiXsvg zoSv ytaxtdaiixovccav, octisq rjysZzo zojv iv Mvy.dXri 'EXXi]vmv, d7ZE)[c6Qt]asv stz oixov s^cov zovg dno IIsXotzov- ••iisov ^v[iiid)(^ovg ' ol ds ^A&iivaioi xai ol dno ^Jxoviag xai 'EXXr^c- /Tovzov ^vfiuaxoi, J^dt] dq)eGzr^K6zsg dno ^aciXiajg^ VTZOfisivarisg ^ijazov iizoXioQ'AOVV Mi'jdcov i'^ovzcov, xcu siziieiiJLd.aavTsg tiXov avzqv ixXiTZovzoQV zwv ^aQ^aQcov. nai fieza zovzo dnijzXsvaav i^ EXXr^auovzov wg enaazoi'Aazd noXsig. 3. ^AdTjvaiiov ds zo xoipovj snsidri avzoig ol ^dg^agoi in zqg x^Q^S dTzijXd^ov, diexof^i^orzo evd^vg o&Ev vtze^sOevzo naldag y,a\ yvvaixag yal ztjv Tzsgiovaav aw zaojiEVJjv, aal zijv noXiv droixodoixsXv TzaQsaxEvd^opio xat za zEc^tJ^ zov ZE yuQ nsQi^oXov ^Qa^^a Eiazqxsi xai or/uai at (ttv noXXai /TETZJOjy.Eaav, oXiyai ds nsQiriaav, iv cdg avzol iaar^vr^aav ol dvvazol zav TIsQa^v. XC. AanEdaijiovioi ds alad^ofiEvoi zo [xeXXov iiX&ov TZQEG^Eia, zd fisv HOI avzol i]diov dp OQOJvzsg iiriz ixEivovg fn'jz dXXov fir^dsva zEi^og t^ovzay zo ds nXiov zav ^vufidxap itozQvrov- zmv xa\ (j)0§ov(iivcov zov ze vavzixov avzoop zo nXlq&og, o ttqiv ovj( V7i7iQX^7 x«t zrjv ig zov MrfirAhv noXtiiov zoX/iav yEvoiuvqi'- LIB. I. CAP. XCL 41 2. rj^iovv Z8 avzovg /i// reij^i^eiVy dXla y.ai ratv k^co Ilelonovvriaov fiCiXXov oaoig Ehi/jKei ^vyxax^ElsTv [xeia ocp^v rovg nsQi^ol^ovg^ to fi.lv ^ovX6fi£vov xal V7107ZT0V r?]g yrafit]g ov d)]kovvTeg eg rovg ^Ad^rivaiovg, clog ds tov ^aQ^dqov, tl av&ig entXd^oi, ovx av s)(^oi'7og dnh livqov TzoOev, ojOTieQ fvvix tcov Qij^cav, OQiidadai' zr^v ts IlEXoTicvrrjaov ndoiv 'i^faaav iKavijv dvai dva)^(aQ7]6iv ts xai dcpoQ- fii^v. 3. ol d^ '^x}7jvaioi, 0£f,itaTOial yvraixag Hai Tzaidag, qiEido^Evovg ixrizs idiov fAt]zs di]fioaiov oixo8oiA,^fA.azog o\)ev zig chq^EXEia sazai ig zo EQyoVf dXXd Hax^aiQOvvzag ndvza. 4. y,ai 6 fisv zavza didd^ag Y.ai mcEindjv zdXXa ozi avzog zdasL ttqu^oi (o^ezo. 5. y(at ig z^v uiccxEdaifiova iXd^mv ov TTQoariEi TiQog zdg dQ^^dg^ dXXd diijya xai fTQOVqiaGl^EZO. 'Aol OTTOTE Zig avZOV EQQIZO ZGJV iv ZeXeI OVZCOV OjZt ova iTTEQ'j^Ezai ini zo aoivovy t(pr] zovg ^vii7iQE6§Eig dva^ivEiVj d(J)^oXiag ds zivog omr^g avzovg v7ioXEiq)&7ira(, nQoadt^Eod^ai ftiv- * zoi iv zd'fEi ij^eiv aal -O^avfid^Eiv cog ovttco naQEiaiv. XCL ol ds d'AOvovzEg zcp {/EV OsuiaroxXEL inEi^ovzo did cpiXiav avzov ' zcov da dXXcov dqiVAvov^bvcav \ai aaqjag y.azriyoQoyvzcov on zEi'fiC,Ezai ze v.OLi ydi] vxpog Xaf^fdvEif ova Eiyov oncog y^Q)] djiiazrioai. 2. yvovg ds ixEiPog xeXevei avzovg fjuj 7.6yoig {xaXXov naQdyEa&aiy rj TTtfiipai aq)6jy avzcov dvdQug olzivEg XQW^^h ^^^ niatmg dnayyEXovai aHEipdfi'svoi. . 3. dnoaziXXovaiv ovv, Acd tteqI avzojv 6 QefA.iGzoAXtjg zoTg ^^^ij- raioig xQvqia m^nsi y.eXevcov cog jjAiaza iniqiavmg 'Aazaaysiv y.ai firj dcpEivai TTQiv dv avzoi ndXiv yofiKydooaiV yd)] yaq xai ijy.ov avz^ ol ^v[A,7TQEapEig, !u4pQc6vix6g ZE 6 Avai'AXiovg x«t 'y^QiazEidrjg 6 yivcifid^ov dyyiXovTsg eieiv iHavmg zb zeTy^og. iq)Opeizo yuQ firj ol AaAEdaiiiovioi (Scpdg, otzoze Gaq;mg dA0X)6Eiav, ovyJzi dqi^aiv. 4. ot ZE olv 'A&7]vaToi zovg TZQEa^Eig coctteq inEazdXi] AazEi^ov, xai OEfiLGZoxXrjg iuEXd^m' zoTg AaAEdaifxovioigj ivzav&a dq cpavEQmg ilnEVj on rj fuv noXig 6(j, %ai fioXi'^Scp dEdE[ik'voi. zb ds vifjog I'^fuav fidXiuZi% izEXeaOij ol diEVOEizo. 6. i^ovXszo ydn to} fZEys&Ei Hal zq) ndxst dq)(Gzdvai LIB. I. CAP. XCIV— xcv. 43 tkf 10JP fioXs^iwv mi^ovldg' avd^Qajnmv rs lv6(Ait,Ev oliyoav not TObff aiQEioTaTCov aQxtaetv niv qivla^ajv, lovg 5' aXlovg ig rag vavg ioj^riGEGdai. 7. zaig yuQ vavai fidXiaia TTQoatxeiio, idcav, cog ifxol doxEi rr/g ^aadt'cog GiQCcnag rtjv Kara \}dXaaaav ecpodov tvTZOQO)- TtQuv trjg HOLT a y^v ovaav tov le UtiQaicc wcpeXtficoteQov ivofxi^e rljg dvco noXtcog, 'ACii no7Jkd:ug toTg 'A&rivaloig noQrivEif tjv uqcc Tzors ^azu ylqv ^taG&aiGi, 'Aaza^dvxag ig avzov raig vavai TZQog anavzag dv&iaiaa&ai. "Ad^rivdioi fjilv ovv ovzcog izEtxicOrjcav xai zulXa xazeaxEvdl^Qvzo sv&vg [xszu zijv Mijdcov dva^coQyjaiv. XCIV. Uavaaviag ds 6 KXeoix^Qozov in yiaxedaifxovog azQa- rriyhg zav 'EXX^vcov i^eTTt/Aqj^}] fA,STa einoai veoov dno TleXo7zovv7](Tov* ^vvtnXeov ds zai '^{^r^vaioi TQidxovza vavai aui tojv aXXtav ^vfi- (A.d^03v 7zX7jOog. 2. aai iatQdzevaav ig Kvttqov xai avzTjg la noX- 7.a aaiEazQixpavTO, xal varsQov ig Bvt,dvriov M/^8cov hipvioav Y.a^ i^87ZoXL6{)X7]aav iv z^^e t^ Tjys^ovia. XCV. ijdr] ds ^lalov ovzos avTOv, ol js dXXoi "EXXrireg tiyj/orzo, xal ovx t^maza ol "ifarsg xa< offfti dno ^aaiXicog vs(a6zi iiXsvOtQcnvzo ' qjoizavzsg zs nqog zovg *u4&T]raiovg ij^iovv avzovg iiysfjLovag oqicov ysvsa&ai Hazcc zo ^vyye- vt'g, KOI Tl'xvaavia (x\ inizQsnsiv, rjv nov ^id^7]zai. 2. ol ds ^AOt}- vaioi idi^avzo zs zovg Xoyovg ytai nqoasliov zhv yi^cofiijv cag oh nsQio\p6y.EPGi zaXXa zs .xazaazi^GOfisvoi y qjaivoizo aoiaza avzoTg. 3. iv zovzcct ds ol Aa'Asdaifxovioi fxEzsusunovzo Tlavaaviav dva~ ^Qtvovvzsg cov nigi invv&dvovzo ' hoi yciQ ddiy.ia tioXXij jiazrjyoQsTzo avzov V7Z0 zojv 'EXXr^vcov zmv d(fiiiirovi,iiv(ov, xai zvQavridog fidXXov irpaivsto iiijiriaig rj GZQazijyla. 4. ^vvipi] zs avzqi y^aXsia&cU zs afia aai zovg ^vfifid/^ovg zcp ixsUov exOsi naq 'Ad^rjvaiovg fisza- zd^aa&ai TzXi^v tmv ano TIsXonovvijoov azQcczKozojv. 5. iXda)v ds' Fg Aay.sdal^iova z^v [xsv Idicc TiQog ziva ddixrij-idzcov ev&vv&i], za ds fiiyiara dnoXvEzai fit] ddiysiv ' HazriyoQEizo ds avzov ov]^ Tqmaza Mqdia^iog y.ai idoxsi aacpiazazov slvai. 6. y,cu ixsTrop iilv ovyJzi iyTTtfXTTOvaiv a^'fovza^ /Jogytv ds y.ai aXXovg zivag ^ez avzov azQa- ziav 'i^ovzag ov noXX^v o'lg ovyJzi icpisaav ol ^vfiiiaxoi zijv '^ysfAo- viav ' 7. Oi ds aiad^ofiEvoi dnTjX&ov ' koI aXXovg ovyJzi vazsoov i^ETZEfxxpav ol Aaxsdaifiovioi, (fo^ovfxsvoi fiy cqiaiv ol ihovzsg '/si' Qovg yiyvcovzai, ottsq ^ai iv z^ Ilavaavin ivsidov ' dnaXXa^Eiovzsg ds xai zov Miidfuov TzoXtfiov, xal zovg 'Ad'nvaiovg voiAi^ovzEg i^a- 44 (jOTKTAIAOT ATrrPA(PH2. vovg e^7]y£Ta&ai, aai acpiaiv h 7cJ rore naQovti i7ziTi]deiovg XCVI. naQola^ovrtg ds ot 'Adrivaioi rrfV yyeiioviav rovtcp rm TQomp sxovToov Tcov ^vfzfxd/cov, dia ro Uavaaviov [ucog, 'ha^av ag TE tdsi 7iant)^Eiv zav tzoXecov iQijixara nqog zov ^UQ^aQov x«i ug vavg. nQoaiijua yan 7]v aiivr~a(5d^ai av eTzoi&ov dijovpiag rijv ^aaOJ&tg ^ooQav. xat 'EXXrjvoTai^iai tots ttq^tov 'A&rivaioig y,a7£» crq ciQX^]i 01 edtyovzo tov q)OQOv. ovtgj yao &}voiia.(j&i] toov XQ^iH-^" 7coy 7] q)OQa. riv d 6 nQwrog qjoQog zax&Eig tEzgaxoaia zdXavia xac s^r^y.ovra. zafiieiov zs A7jXog 7^v avzoTg y>al at ^vrodoi ig to Uqov iyiyvovTO. XCYII. Tjyovfisvoi ds avzoroficov ro tiqcozov zm ^vfJud'/coVf yai dno noivojv ^vvodcav ^ovlevovzavy zoadds injjlx^ov TTolffm T£ Hat dia^HQiGEt 7TQ(cyfidz(av f-iEza^v zovds zov noXhfxov Kui zov M)jdiHOVf d iysvEzo nQog zs zov ^dg^aQov avzoXgy yai TTQog zovg ccfEztqovg ^viifidyovg vEcozEQi^ovzag, koI n£lo7Tovv7]G((ov zoug aEi 7TQOGzvy)rdvovzag ev sxdazop. /2. syQaxpa ds avzd, y.a] zi'iv iy,^oX7]v zov Xoyov E770i7]adfi7^v did zeds, ozi zoig ttqo eixov dnaaiv ixliTTsg zovio 7JV zo )^conioVj ya] ?/ zd ttqo zmv Mridixoov 'EXltjnyd ^vvEzi&Eoav 7] avzd za Mijdiyd ' zovztav ds ootteq y.ai 7]\pazo ev tJ; *Azziyxi ^vyyQacpxi 'EXldviy.og, ^Qa^Ecag zs yal zoTg yoovotg ovx uyQi^ag ETiEjiv/iG&i] ' afia ds yai zijg aQ^r^g dnodsi^iv eiei zHjg zm 'Ax^TjVaiOW EV OlCp ZQOTTq) yaZEGZt]. XCVIII. IIqmzov fisv ^Hiovd Ztjv Em 2JzQVfx6vi, Mi]d(ov r/ov- zcov TZoXiOQ'Ain EiXov yai TjidQanodiGav Kifxcovog zov MtXziddov GiQOLZTiyovvzog. 2. EirEiza 2^yi iyt'vEzo. ot ydn 'Ad^rivcdoi uxQi^oog snQaaaov yai Xvm]Qol Tjaav, ovy slmdoaiv ovds ^ovXo^tvoig zaXaiTTCoQsiv TiQOGa- yovzsg zdg dvdyyag ' 2. 7i6av ds ncog yai dXXmg ol "A&rivaToi ovytzi Ofioirag Iv 7jdovri aQyovzEg, yai ovze ^vvEozgdzEvov ano zov laov ^ddiov ZE 7iQoadyE6&ai i^v avzoTg zovg aqjiazafitvovg. 3. cov alzot LIB. I. CAP. C — CII. , 45 aiztoi iyhovto ol ^v^iiiaxoi' dia yaq t?]v aTioxptjaiv ravrriv rcor CTQatsimv ol nldovg avzav, iva [xr/ an ov/.ov ^ai, y^Qri^ara ird' ^avro dvzi lav vtrnv'to r/.roifiEvov avalcofia (pt-QEiv.^ y.ai ToTg filf '^d^Tjvaioig 7jv^£To 70 vavzi'Aov uno zijg dandvrig 7]v inEivoi ^vficpB- QOisv, avTol ds oTiozs aTToazaiev, d7iaQd(jy,£voi v.cu dmiqoi ig zov noltjiov y.aOiGzavzo. C 'Eftvezo ds fiszu zavza xal r} In t!vQVfi8dovzi nozaixm iv TIaucpvh'a nt^ofia'/^ta ]iai vavfiapa ^A&riraLcav y.ai zojv ^v[Aud')^a}v nQog Mi]dovg, xaJ ivixcov zy avzy rj^iqci dficpozeQo. ^Ad^rivaToi Kl- fiojvog zov Mi).z(ddov azQazijyovvzog, xal siXov ZQir^Qsig (PoirUmv xal dtsqi&EiQav zdg nddag ig zdg diaxoaiag. 2. XQOi'co 8s vqtsqov ^vvs^ij Oaaiovg avzmv dnoazrivatj Sieve^^&tvzag nsgl z^v iv zri avzintqag 0Qdy>y iiinoQicov aai zov fiSzdXXoVj d ivEfxovzo. aai vavui IA.SV Em Qdaov nlsvaavzEg ol ^Ad^iivaioi vavfiaiicz iygdzijcav y.ai ig zi]v yTJv dni^riaaVy 3. ini ds ^ZQVfxovu nifiipavzEg {xvQiovg olxij- Togag avzav aai zoSv ^vfxfxd)[a)v vno zovg avzovg iQovovg^ cag or/j- ovvzsg zdg zozs :iaXovfA.Evag 'Ervs'a oSovg vvv ds ^AfiqiinoXiv, z&» fisv "Evvia odcov avzol i^qdzr^aav, ag eJ/^ov 'Hdcovoi, nQOEl&ovzeg ds zijg 0Qd'Ayg ig fiEOoyEiav diEcpd-aQijaav iv /Iqa^qayco Z7j ^Hd(oviy,\i vno zojv OQay.av ^vfindrzav, olg no)Jf.iiov ?]v zo ^oaQiov al 'Evvta odol azi^of^svov. CI. Qdaioi ds viyyjd^tvzEg [xd'/^aig y.ai. nolioQKOv^ uEvoiy AccAEdaifioviovg inExaXovvzOy aai inafivvai ixiXsvov ia^a^ Xovzag ig zrjv ^AzzrAiqv. 2. ol ds vnic'iovzo fisv yQvcpa zcov 'A&i]- vaicov y,dl e[ieXXov, diETicoXv&rjaav ds vno zov yEvofiivov asifffiov, iv cp 'Aot ol EiXcozsg avzoTg aal zmv nEQioixcov OovQtdzaL zs y.ai Al&EEig ig 'I&cof4.tiv dniazr^aav. nXsiazoi ds zcov EiXcozcov iysvorzo ol zmv naXaicov BIe(Jo'}]vig)v zozs dovXco&Evzcov dnoyovoi' tj y,at MEGGtjnoi iy,7.ri&riaav ol ndvzsg. 3. ngog fisv ovv zovg iv 'Idwfi-Q noXEjxog aa&EiazijxEi Aa'AEdaifxovioig' Oaaioi. ds ZQizq) hzei noXi* oqy.oviiEvoi co^ioXoyTjaav 'A&rjvaioigj zsT'/^og zs aa&EXovzEg zai vavg aaQadovzsg, ^Qrjfxazd zs oaa edsi dnodovvai avzixa za^dfiEvoi yal zo Xoinhv cpEQEiVy zijv zs ijnsiQOV not zb fiizaXXor dqjsvzEg. CII. AaxEdaifiovioi ds, ag avzouj nQog zovg iv 'IOa{xri ifiijxvvETO n6Xe(iog, dXXovg zs insKaXs'aay^o h'(X!id'iovg aai ''A{)^rjvaiovg' ol d^ JjX&ov Kificovog azQazijyovvzjQ nXv^&st ova oXiycp. 2. ^dXiaza d' avzovg insy,aXEaavTO ozi ZEi/oiiaxsiv idoKOvv dvrazoi shai, zoTg 46 eOTKT/ilAOT ZTTTPAaiII2. ds TToXiOQ'Aiag iicvAqag xad^EGTTjxviag tovtov irdea iq:aiv€70'' ^la yaQ av eiXov to x^qiov. 3. nai diacfOQO, in Tavrrjg Trig GTQaTEiaq TiQOJZOv AccAtduiixovioig aat 'u4&i]raioi^ qav^Qa iytvEio. ol yaq ytaaadaii-ionoif ijieid/] to icoqiov §iri oi')[ JiXia-AEtOj dEiaavTsg T(av '^O^r^vaicov to ToXfinQov nal tijv fEcoTEQonoUav, ^ai aXXocpvXovg ajxa TiyijauiAevoi, firj t/, tJv TzaQaixEivcoaiv, vno zav iv 'I&cofiij tzei- aOtvzEg vEcoiEQiacoaij fiovovg tw*' i,vii}id:^(ov antnEnxpav ttjv [xbp vnoxpiav ov d}]XovvTEg, EinovTEg ds on ovdev TTQOodt'ovTai avTcov hu 4. 01 5' '^OtiraToi 'iyvcoaav ovx etii rw ^eXtiovi Xoym aTtonEfiTzofiE- I'oi, aXXoL Tivog vnonTov yErofxt'vov, y>ai dEivbv noiriadfiEvoi xal ovh a^taaavTEg vno ^aHEdaifiovicov rovto na&EiVy Ev&hg iTZEidt] dvE)^(6' Q?](jaVj dcftvTEg ttiv yEvofiEvr^v Ini tm M/jSo) ^vmi.a'^iav nQog aviovg 'u^QyEioig ToTg EAEivGiv TtoXEfiioig ^vfiiiaxoi iysvovzoy nal TiQog Qeo- GaXovg Ufia dfiCpOTEQOig ol avTol oqkoi y>al ^vfiixa-iia yajEatrj- cm. ol 5' Ev 'I0o3[.uj dE'AaToj) ETEi, (og ovAETi idvravTO dviE'iEiv, ^vvE^t]aav TTQog Tovg AcvAE^aiiioviovg igp' w te i^iaaiv in IIeXouoV' vriaov vnoaTZOvdoi 'aui ^r^dETZOTE Eni^tjaovzai avTijg ' iiv dt Tig dXi- (jAfiTai, Tou Xa^ovTog eIvcu dovXov. 2. ijv 8e ti yiai XQri(5Tt]Qiov ToXg yJu'AEdai^o'pioig TIvx^caov tzqo tov, tov rAEzr^v tov /iiog zov 'J&oa- fiijza dcfiEvai. 3. i^7]Xdop ds avzoi xai naidsg aai yvvai'AEgf y.ai avzovg ^AOr^vcuoi dE^dixEvoi xut E/^O^og ijbi] to Aay.Edaifiovicov ig Navna'Azov yazarAiaav, tjv hv^ov r^QtiyozEg rEwazi Aoy.oojy tcop 'O^oXav i/ovzcov. 4. nqoaEitoQiiaav ds xai MEyaQTig ^AO^qvaloig ig ^vniiayiav AaxEdaifiovico'v dnoazdvzEg, ozi avzovg Koqhdioi nEQi y7ig oqcov 7ioXE{.iq> yazEly^ov. y.ai toxov 'Ad^ijvam MEyaQU y.ai Iqydcj y.cii to. fiaxQci T£t/J/ cpiiodofirjaav MEyciQEuai to. dno TT]g ttXEoog eg AHoaiav y.ai EcpQOVQOVP avtoL }iai KoQiv\}(0[g {aev ov^ /jy.taza dno tovSs to ocfodQov {xiaog iiQ^azo ttqcozov Eg Adrivaiovg yETEa&ai. CIV. 'IvdQmg ds 6 "^P'afxixrjziyov Ai^vg ^aatXEvg Ai^vtov tco»» fZQog AiyvuTcOf oQficofiEvog in MaoEiag zTjg vtteq zovg xluXovc, xaztXevaav ndvzag zov4 ioEXdovzag, xal ndd^og [liya zovzo Kooivdioig iyivszo. zo ds ttXTj' i^og dnsiiOQiiaEv avzoTg ztjg azQazidg in oixov. i' *f "J 48 eoTKT/iiJOT :E:TrrpA(^ujs. CVII. Hg^avTO ds xaza Tovg ygovovg rovzovg y:cu za {xa/.oa Tfr/ri fV ■OdXaaaav \4OrivaL0i ol-Aobo{ieTvy to T^ (J^aXi^Qotds nai to £g Uuqaia. 2, y.ai fpcoxtav azQaiEvudvrcov ig /JcoQiugy zijp ^anedaifioricov firjooTioXiv, Eoiov y.al Kvzinov y>al ^Eqiveov, acu iXovzcov iv zcov TZoXiafidzcov zovzcov, ol Aa^edaijiovioi Nr/.ouiidovg zov KXsoiA^Qozov vtiIq IIXEiGzodvaxzog zov Uavaaviov ^aaiXscog, viov otzog hi, iiyovfitvov, i^otj\)^ricu iilioig onXizaig xa) zav ^vfifidxoov fivgioig, y.a\ zovg (Jtojytag ofioXoyia dvayydaavzeg dno8ovvai zi]v nohv aTTSxcd- Qovv ndliv. 3. KCCi nazd {ydlaaaav fisv avzovg,'dia zov KQicaiov hoXtzov El §ovXotvzo TZEQaiova&aij 'A&rivaioi vava) TiEQiTzXEvaavzeg EfiEXXov 'AcoXvcjEiv' dia ds Z7jg FEQavEiag ovy. dacfccXEg iqiaivEzo avzoTg 'ud&rivaimv Eiovzmv Mtyaga yal Ur^yag TiOQEvsa&ai. dvao- 86g zs yag t] FEgdvEict ycu iq:QuvQEizo dsi vno 'AO^Tjvaioav y,al ' zozE ri3&drovzo avzovg fitXXovzag yal zavzrj y.oaXvaEiv. 4. tdo^s d^ avzoTg iv BoicozoTg TZEQiiienaoi oyJxpaadai otco zqotico daq)aXtoza- '4'a. za diaTZOQEvaovzai. zo ds zi iiat urdgEg zav ^A&7]vai(ov tnJiyov avzovg KQvqsay iXniaavzEg dijfiov zs yazanavaEiv aai za fiay.Qo, zsr/m oi: dnoQEiv oTzrj 8iiX&(aGU', inEazQazsvaav avzolg, aai zi y.a] zov St'ifiov y.azaXvoE(Jog VTioxpia. 7. tpMov 8s xai QsaaaXMv iTTTiT^g zoTg ^A&iivaioig itaza zo ^vf4fiayi>i6v, o7 fisztazr^aav iv z^ ^Qy^p ^«i?« zovg Aa'AE8aiiioviovg. CVIII. ysvontviig 88 f^dyj^g iv TavdyQa 'J^L tHig BoicoTiag ivUcov Aay.E8aiu6noi ya\ ol ^viifiayoi, y.ai cpovog iysvEzo dfxcpozs'Qoov noXvg. 2. y.al AaHe8ai[x6vioi ^isv ig zijv Meya- Qi8a iXdovzsg y.al 8Ev8QOzou)]()avz£g, ndXiv d7i7]XOov in omov 8ia FsQavEiag fiai la&fiov ' 'Ad^r^vaioi 88 8svzsQa v.ai E^7]>:oazy zmsQa [isza Z7jv fidyTiv iazgdzsvaav ig Boiojzovg, MvQcovibov azQazrjovv- tog, aal f^dyri iv Oivoqivzoig zovg Boicozovg nyJiaavzsg, 3. zrjg zs l(OQag ixQdz7jGav zrig Boicoziag yal (I^ar/.ibogt nai Tavaygaimv zo fstyog TZEQiElXoVy y.al Ao'aq^v zav 'Onoviziccv sy.azov dr8Qag our^- oovg zovg nXovaieazdzovg sXa^ov, zd zs zsiyT] za savzcov za fiayga HnsziXsaav. (jo^oX6y7]cfav 8s i ' T//>' 'Azti'Aiiv SG^aXEiv TTEia&ifTcov rmv IlEXo7iovvriOi(av dii Alyv- nzov dnaydyoi 'A&ijvaiovg. 3. cog ds avi^ ov nqov'/^aQEi xa< zk ^QTJ^aza aXXcjg dvaXovzo, 6 fiev Msyd^a^og yaL. ra Xoi:za zmv XQTjfidzmv ndXiv ig zip 'Aaiav Exofii(y&Tjj Meyd^vi^ov ds zov Zoanv- Qov TzsfiTiei dvdQa UtQarp fiEza (jzQaziag 7Zo)JJjg ' 4. og dq,iii6fi£- • vog naza yrjv zovg zs AiyvTzziovg aai zovg ^vfifxd'/^ovg fid'/n E^qdzTj- (JE aal £x zrjg Mtfigjidog i^^Xaas zovg "EXXi]vag i^ai ziXog ig TlQoa- aTTizida zijv 'P1160V xazE/iXsKJEj xai etioXwqxei iv avzy iviavzov xaJ fjirpag e^ f^^XQ^ ^^ ^?]Qdvag Z}]v dicagv/a xdl naQazQsipag dXXrj zo vdojQ zdg zs vavg ini zov ^tjQOv i7zoi7]6s nai zijg vriaov zk noXXh. rjTZEiQoVj KOil d'la^dg e'lXe ztjv viqaov tte^i]. CX. ovzo) fj.sv za zmr 'EXXrpoav TTQdyjxaza iqiO-dgi], e^ ezt] noXEinqaavza* xai bXiyoi dnh 7ioXX(av TZOQEvofiEvoi did zijg Ai^viig ig KvQtjvT]v ioco&rpaVj ol ds tiXeTgzoi ducoXovzo. 2. A'lyvnzog ds TidXiv vno ^aaiXicc iyivEzo ctXijv ^AiivQTaiov zov iv zoTg eXeoi ^aaiXtwg' zovzov ds did fiEysOog ze zov EXovg ova idvvavzo sXeTv, aai uua fia^ipKazazOL shi zap AiyvTizicov 01 eXeioi. 3. ^IvdQcog ds 6 z&v Ai^vcov ^aaiXsvg, og zee ndvzct ETTQa^e tt&qi z7jg AlyvTizov, nQodoaia Xf]Cfi&Eig dvsazavQco&r]- 4. i-A ds zojv 'AOi]vav y.ai zr^g aXXrig ^vufxaxidog TTSvzrj'AOvza ZQirJQStg diddo)[Oi nXiovaai ig Aiyvuzov 'ioyov naza zo 3l£rdi](Jiov m-Qagj ov'A Eidozsg zav yEy£V7]fiEvcov oi'div. aai avioXg tit zs yljg iTzinsuov- zsg TZE^ol '/.al i'A d^aXdaarjg (Jioirixcov vavzixov disqii^EiQuv zdg noX- Xdg zav vEmv, al 5' iXdaaovg diiqivyov ndXiv. 5. za [jlIv y,azd zrjv [tEydXi]v ozQazEiav 'Adrpaicov aai zwv ^vf-tixd^oav ig Alyvnzov ovTcog izsXsvzTjGEy. CXI. 'Ek ds OsGcjaXiag ^OQEGzrjg 6 ^E(VAQaz[doi viog zov OeaaaXav ^aGiXtojg q}Evya}Vj etzeigev ^Adrivaiovg savzot ^azdysiv' y.ai naqaXa^ovzEg Boicozovg xal d^coxiag, ovzag ^VM^ud^ovg, 3 60 eoTKTjiJOT ZTirPA^ns. *Ad^ilvaloi larQCiJEvaay trjg Osaaa/Jag snl fDuQaalov. v.ai Trig ^h yjjg Ikqcltovv oaa jxi] nQOiovreg ttoIv in ti^v OTzXiov, ol yaq itttzTjs im' OeGcalav t'lQyov, rijv ds noXiv ov'i eiXov, ovd' alio TtQOvymQti avzoTg ovdev cov hey.a icTQaTSvaav, aXX anEycoQrjaav nakiv 'Oqs- GTfjv 'iyovx^g anqay.ioi, 2. fxBja ds ravTa ov ttoXI^ vaiegov yiho\ 'y^d^rjraicov im rag vavg lug iv IJtjyaTg int^avTsg, Eiy^ov d' avroi rag Ilriydg, naQinXevoav ig 2Jixvwva IleQr/.Xiovg tov Aavdinnov a7Qatr]yovvrogy aal ano^dvreg ^Jiavcoricov tovg TTQoa^i^avrag f^dyi iy-QOLTTjuav. 3. yal Evdhg naQaXa^ovtEg ^Ayaiovg yiai diaTzXevaav Tsg TitQav, ztjg ^AicuQvaviag ig Olnddag iaTQaTEvuav aal iTToXion- Kovv, ov fiivToi tiXov ys, dXX^ ansy^oQ'qaciv^zf o'lyiov. CXII. vait- Qov ds diaXiTzovtcov izav rqmv anordai ^lyvoviai IltXoTTorvTjaloig aal 'Ad^r^valoig neviaEtsTg. 2. yal 'EXXipixov fisv TZoXt'^iov eayov ol ^Ax}7]vaioi, ig da Kvttqov iatQCLjevovTO vavai diay.ooiaig avx^v 7S xal Tcov ^vfifidycov, Kifjicovog aiQatriyovvtog. 3. oiai i^rjitovra fAEV vrjEg ig Aiyvnrov an avimv 'inXEvaav, ^AnvQiaiov ^Ejaniiinof- jog TOV iv Tolg eXecj ^aoiXiag, al ds aXXai Kintov EnoXioQyovv. 4. KljKxivog bs'aTiooavovTog ya\ 7j[xov yErofjirov dnsyiaQ^aav dno KiTtiov ' aal TiXsvaavTEg vtteq ^laXaiuvog 7}]g iv Kvttqcoj 0oin^i 'Aal KtXi^iv ivavfid'ir]aav y>al inEt,oiidyi]aav dfiaj aai vmriaavzEg dfKfOTEQa dneycoQrjaav iri o'Uov, ya\ at i^ AlyvTirov vTjsg ndXiv al iX&ovaai list avrcov. 5. AayEdaifxonoi ds fiETvc lavxa rov Ieqov yaXovfiEvov TToXsfxov iaqdjEvaav, y.al KQaT^aavrsg zov Jv JsXcpoig lEQOu naqidoaav AsXcpoig ' y,a\ av&ig vgteqov ^A&ijvaToi, dnoyonQq- advTOJV av7(av, G7Qa7Evoav7Eg xal yQa7ijoav7Eg naQ&doaav Qicoysvai. CXIII. y.a\ ygovov iyyEvo^ivov fiE7cc zama 'A&i]vaioij Bokx)7cov rav cpEvyovzcov iyovrcov ]Oqxo{XEVov yai XaiocovEiav nai aXX a77a jfoo^ta 7ijg Botco7Lag, iaTodzEvaav savrav fAsv xtXioig OTzXizaig, rcov ds ^vfifidyojv d>g sydazoig, inl rd x^^Qici 7av7a noXinia 6v7a, ToX[xidov TOV ToXfialov G7QaTT]yovv7og. y.a] XaiQcovEiav sXavTsg \y.ai drdQn- TZodlachzEg] aTTEyojQOvv q)vXa-A>]v ya7aa7i](jav7Eg. 2. TTOQEvofitvoig ds av70ig iv KoQoavEia ini7i&EV7ai ol 7S i'A 77jg 'OQyofiEvov cpvyadvg BoicoT^Vj nal AoyQol jmst av7cov, aal Ev^oicav cpvyddsgy aai oaoi 77,g av7i^g yvcofitjg yaav y.al iidy^^ yQa7yaavTEg,T0vg f.iEv discpOsiQavTrnv *Adj]vaio3v Tovg ds ^mvzag 'iXa^ov. 3. nai tijv Doi(07iav i^iXinov ^AOrivaioi Tzdaav, cnovdag noit]adfiEvoi i(p cu rovg dvdqag y.O(Aiovv- LIB. I. CAP. CXI V. ex V. ^1^ >rat. 4. aal ol q>EvyovTeg Boiooroov xaT£),&6vTsg, y.ai ot aXXoi ndvreg, avioi'Opioi ndhv iytpovto. . , ^ «. CXIV. Mezd 6s zavza ov Tzolldp vcteqov Ev^oia dntarrj dno 'A&iivamv y,ul 4* avzfjv dia^e^ijHOiog i]8t] UnQiKltovg GiQctim '^di]vaio3v, riyy^ld^ti avz(^ on MtyaQa dq)Earr]XE, yai UeXoTiovvijoioi fit'U.ovaiv ta^alaiv ig ztjv '^zzcatJv, Kat ol qiQovQol '^&TjTai(ov d(tq)OaQf4.tvoi eiaiv vno M^yaQtcov ttXt^v oaoi ig NiiJaiav d7Ttq)vyov. Enayayofisvoi ds KoQivd^lovg 'Aai J^mvcoviovg xai 'EnidavQiovg aTzs- (jtrjaav ol MEyaQljg. /b 5« UsQiy.Xijg ndhv Hazcc zdyog ixo^il^s rrjv ozQanciP iy, zijg Ev^oiag. 2. aai [A.Ezd zovzo ot IleXonovvr^aioi z7ig 'y^zziyJjg ig ^EXevaivayai Qqioj^s ia^uXovzEg^ idijcoaavIlXEiazo- draxzog zov Tlavaaviov ^aaiXioag ^ayEdaifiovicov 7jyov[A.ivoVj aal 70 nXt'ov ovyizi TZQOEX&ovzEg d7iE)(^(6Q7](jav in oUov. 3. yal '^dtj- vciioi ndXiv ig Ev^oiav dia^dvzEg, TlsQinXiovg Gzqazijyovvzog^ aazE- GZQExpavzo nciGav. yAU 77]v [ytev dXXrjv ofioXoyia xazEazr^davzo^ Eaziaiug ds i^or/JaavzEg avzol T7jv y^jv ta'/^ov. CXV. dvocycoQjj' cavzEg de dno Ev^oiag^ ov noXX^ vozeqov GTZorddg irzou'jaavzoi TiQog ytaytdaifioriovg yal zovg ^vfi^dyovg zQianovzovzEig, dnoboV" zsg Nioaiav y.ai Tlijydg y,ai TQOi^TJra yai "Ayatav ' zavza yag Eiyov ^Ad^rivuLoi ntXo7ZOvv7j6i(op. 2. E'Azq) ds 'izEi J^afiioig xal MiXijaiotg noXsiiog iyivEzo tieqI JJqirivrig ' yai ol MiX^aioi iXao60v- fiEvoi 7^1 TToXt'ficp TiaQ 'u4&r]vaL0vg iX&ovzEg xdzE^oav rcov 2Jafii(ov. ^vvEfiEXafi^dvovzo ds aai i^ avzijg z-ijg ^dfxov dvdQEg idiojzai veco- zEQia-ai ^ovXofAEvot zijv TioXizEiav. 3. TiXEvaavzEg ovv 'A&rjvaToi ig 2Ldnov vavj3i zEaaciQdyovza, drjfxoy.Qaziuv y,aztaz7iaav, yai ofir^Qovg thi^ov 700V ^aiAicQv TTEvzTjxovza lilv Tzaldag^ loovg bs avdQug, nai y.azi&Evzo ig A7]^rov, yai cfQOVQav iyxazaXiTiovzEg dpEycoQrjaat-. 4., 7(x)p ds 2^afxio3Vf i^aav yaQ zivsg o't ovy VTiifXEvop, dX)! scpvyov eg z^v t/TTEiQOv, ^vvd^ifiEvoi 7ap iv 7X1 ^^Xei 7oTg dvvazcozdzoig yat UiuaovO-vri zcp 'Tozdanov hvu^ayiav, og eJ/^s ^dQdsig zoze, ini' y.nvQovg zs ^vXXE^avrEg ig STZzaxoutovg dii^ijdav vno vvKza ig ztjv ^afiop. 5. yai. ttqojzop fASV zqj drifiqj inavEaz7]aav yai iyQdz7]oav zwv nXEiGTCoVj tTZEiza zovg ofi/jnovg iyyXt'ipavzEg iy ArifAvov zovg av7^v, dni(yzp^aav y.tu zovg cpQOVQovg 70 tv 'A0^7]vai(oVy ycu 70vg uQyovzagj ol tjaav naQO. aqiiaip i^idoaap TItaaoudvri, ini zs MiXijzop svO^vg fictQEGAEvd^opzo ozQazEVEiv. ^vvansarr^Gav ds avzoTg ycu Bvt,dvziOi, 62 ooTKr^iJor zrrrPA^ii:^. CXVI. ^Ad^ijvaXoi 8s cog ^a&ovzo, TzXsmaviEg vavaiv s^^'Aoria ini 2^df4.0Vf tuTg f.i8v sy,y,aid8y.a i^v ■psav ovh i/Qt^aavto ' trviov yaq at iilv inl KaQiag 4" nQoaii07ZJ]v rav (poivioacav vemv or/jUitvcu, at 5' im Xi'ov y.al Ata^ov TTEQiayytlXovaai ^ot^Ohp' rtoaaQiiy.ovza ds vaval yai itaaaQGi, TI^Qiy^Jovg de^dtov aviov ojQaTijyovvrogy ivavf.id'it]6av nqog Tgayia t^ fTJaop ^a^icov vavoiv s^doiir^y.ovruy cov Tjuay at tiHoai OTQaTio^Tidsg ' hv^ov ds at ndaai dno MiXi^zov nXsovGcu. 'A,ai IvUmv ^A-&rjraioi. 2. vazsQOv ds avjolg E^oi^&ijaav iy, jojv A&r^vmv vrjeg zsaaaQd'Aovza y.al Xicov ^cd Asa^icov nsvis x«< s'Uoai^ y.ai dno^dvrsg xat nQaiovvisg rco nstw aTzoXioQxovv tqigi t^iEGi ti]v noXiv y.ai, i-A d-aXdaarjg ufxa. 3. IIsQCKXrjg da, J.a^av i^rjy.ovTa vavg dno roor iqoQiAovacoVj d^x^io aaza rdiog Ini Kavvov nou KaQiag, i6ayys7.&tvTcov on ^hoiviaaai vljsg in avtovg nXtov- aiv ' cvy^STO yccQ y.al ly. 7jjg ^dfiov ntvxs tuvgi ^iriaayoQag y.ai dXXoi ml Tag (Doiviaaag.^ CXVII. iv rovxm ds ol jLufuoi i'^ani- vai'mg sAnXovv TZOiTjadfisroi, dqjQdxzcp rm cTQaionidcp sninsaoviEq rdg TE nQoqjvXaxidag vavg disq)d^Eioav, xal vavixa'^ovvzEg rag drrct- vayofitvag ivr/.tj^avj y.al TTJg ^aXdaarig zjjg y.aO' savjovg Ey.QdT^6av riHwag nsQl TEuaaQao'AaidEy.a, y.ai iasy.ofiiGavTO y.ai E^Ey.ofn'aavTO a E^ovXovro. 2. iXdovrog ds TIsQiy.Xsovg ndXiv taig raval yaiEnXEi- G&ijaav. y.cii ea Tav 'A&7]v63v vgteqov nQoas^o'rj&jjGav TEGGaod- y.ovia iilv at fiSTcc Oovxvdidov y.al 'Ayvcovog yai fpoQiiimrog rJjsg, Ei'y.oGi ds al f^iErd TX7]noXtfiOv aal '^vTty.Xtovg, ea ds Xiov aat A'dG^ov roidy.QVTa. 3. y.al rav^aiiav fitv riva ^QayHuv snoi^- aavTO ol ^duLOi, ddvraroi ds ovtsg dvziGXEir, E^snoXioo^n'jOijGav Evdzcn fxrjri, yal nooGEiiOQrjaav OfioXoytn, rsixog rs y.aO-tXorrEg y.ai. 6}ii]Q0vg dovTsg, y.al vavg naQadoviEg, y.al yQiniara ik dvaXco&EVTa yard iQovovg tatd^Evoi dnodovvai. ^vvi^ijaav ds y.al BvL,dvtioi ojonsQ y.al nQoxsQOv vnviy.ooi slvai. CXVIII. Msra tavza ds ijd}] yiyvExai ov noXXoTg etegiv vgts- Qov id nQ0EiQ)]ii8i'a, 7« Ts KcQAVQaiKa aai ta IIoTidaiariHa, y.ai oaa nQocpaGig rovdE zov noXs^iov y.azsGTJj. 2. tavra ds ^vixnavza oGa snQa^av ol "EXXijvsg ngog zs dXXtjXovg xal zov ^dg^aQOv, iyt- vszo Iv sTEGi nsvz/jAOvza iidXiGza {isza^u z?jg Ssq'^ov dvaycoQi^GEcog nal zrig aQyjjg zovds zov no7J^ov ' iv o'tg 'Ax^r^vaToi zi]v ze aQyljv iy- KQazEGZEQav y.azcGzr'iaavzo xca avzol inl fiiya iyooQTjGav dwajXEcog. LIB. I. CAP. CXIX. cxx. 53 01 8s jlay.edaii4.6nQi aiaO^ofiEvoi ovz.s ixcaXvov el fit] em §Q^x^f riav'^a t,6v re JO TiXeov loh XQOVoVj bvteg fisv y.ai ttqo tov (xri raieig ievai eg Tovg 7To)Jf4.ovg, el ni] dvayACi^oiVTO, to da ji xal TzoXef^oig oiHeioig e^eiQyofXEvoi, tiq\v 8)] tj dvva[.i(g zav ^A&rivaimv Ga(f<^g ijqeto ital rijg ^vni^apag avicov qntovzo. tots de ovxezi avaoj^ETov enoiovvTOf alX emieiQiiTea idoaei elvai ndaij nqodviuaf y.a\ y.a&aiQezea tj la^vg, rjv dvrcavTai, aQafievoig t6v8s tov Tzolefiov. 3. avTotg [asv * ovv ToTg Aa)ie8ai(jiovioig 8ieyvco(jTo XeXva&ai ts Tag 6nov8ag y.a\ Tovg ^A&rjraiovg d8rAeiv ' TZE/xxpavteg 88 ig Jelcpovg enrjQmrcov tov -\ ^ ■&ehv £1 TtoXeixovaiv aiieivov eatai. 6 8s dvelXev avroTg, ag Xeyezai, yara ^ndzog Tzolefiovai vikijv ecea&ai, yal avzog ecpri ^vlX^xpsad^ai ?f-^ yal TzaQaxaXoviievog nai dxlTjTog. CXIX. av&ig 8s zovg ^vfi^d- yovg TTaQayaXeaavieg ipr^cpov e^ovXovTO tnayayeTv el ^Qt] TzoXsfisTv. yal eXd^ovTcov rcov nQSG^soov dno Trig ^viifxaiiagj yai ^vr68ov yevo- fiivijg, ol Te uXXoi eiTzov a e[iovXov70y yazt^yoQavvreg ol nXeiovg toov '^&rivaio3Vf xai tov noXeiiov d^iovvzeg yevea&ai, yal ol Koqivdioi, 8e}]devTeg {xev yai 'Aara noXeig nqozenov txdaToov l8ia ojgts xp7](j)i- caaDai tov TioXefiov, 8e8t6Teg ttsqI tti noTi8aia firj 7TQo8tacf&aQV^j nuoovTsg 8e yai tots yai zeXevraToi IneX&ovTeg eXeyov roid8e. . CXX. l^ovg fuv Aaye8atjioviovg, co dv8Qeg ^vfAf^a^oi, ovh dv ezi alziaaaiiAE&a, dog ov yat avtol eipTjcpiGfxtvoi rbv noXefiop elai, yal Tjudg eg Tovro vvv ^vvrjyayov. 'xQrj yaQ Tovg riyefxovag tk \8ia eS, '^^ I'aov vtfi,ovTag rd yoivd TiQOCjyoneiv, (oansQ yai ev dXXoig ex TzdvTcov t< TiQoriixmvzai. 2. tjix^v 8s oaoi fisv ^A&ijvaioig 7J8r] evj]XXdyi]aav, >- ov'/l 8i8axrig 8iovTai ojgts q^vXd^aad^ai avtovg ' rovg 88 tijv fisGo- yeiav {jloXXov ya\ fit] ev nogop yatcpyjifzevovg el8evai yr^Q^ on roig yaTco i]v fit] aiivvmGi, laKencoTSQav et,ovGi ttjv yaTaxofiiotjv toov tA d)Qai(ov y.ac ndXiv dvTiX?]\piv cov t] -OaXaaGa Ty ijTTeiQcn 8i8(aGi, yal Tav vvv Xeyofievcov fiq xaxovg y.Qirag ojg fii] TZQOGtjxovTOJV ehai, ^^ nQ0G8tieG\}ai 8i tzots, el tu xdrco nqooivTO^ vfdv fitjQi Gcpt^v to 8eivov TZQoeX&SLVj xai ttsqi avjoov ovyi fjGGOv vvv ^ovXeveGd^ai. 3. 8i67ZSQ y,ai fuj oxveiv 8ti avtovg tov TToXsfiov dvi elQj]vr]g fASTa Xcifi^dveiv. dvSQOJV ydq GcoqjQovav fiev eGTiVy el fi?] d8(xotvTo, ijuv- id^eiv, dya&av 8s dStxovfievovg ex fiev eiQ^vijg noXeixeiv, ev 8g (\ TzagaGyhv ex noXeiiov ndXiv ^vi^^Tivaiy xai ixjjzs tri yard tzoXsixov \^ iVTvyia enaiqs^d^aij {^.^ts tm rjGvpcp rrjg eiQriviig 7]86[4evov ddixei- \— » 54 eoTKTJiJor ZTrrPA^^iis. adai. 4. TS yaq dia tijv rfiovriv oxvcov rdj^tCT av aqaioE^ct?! rlqg Qctatmrig to rsQTivov, di* otzeq o-aveT, ei Tjavidt^oi. o te bv TToXtficp tvTvxfn Tzlsovd^cav ov'A ivTE&vix}]Tai d^qdaEi dnlarcct Inai- QOfiEvog. 5, no7J.a yctQ yiaxojg yvma&tvza ol^ovIozeqojv rmv Ivav- Ticov zvxovTa xatcoQ&co&t], y>al hi tzIeoo a xaXcog doxovvra ^ovXev- ■&7jvai ig tovvaviiov alaxQOjg TiEQisazT]. ivd^viiEizai yaq ovdElg ofioTa zy niaxEi y>ai tQycp STiE^EQ^ETai, dXXu ^et daqjaXsiag fiEV do^dl^o- ^Ev, [.lETa dtovg ds iv T(p EQycp eXXelttoijlev. CXXI. ij^iEig 5« vvv aai ddrAOVfXEvoi rov 7i6Xe[xov iysiQOfiEv yal ly.ard E^ovtEg iynX^fxaraj 'Aol btav dfivvcofAEO^a '^&7]vaiovg, nara&i^aofiEd^a avtov iv 'aiuqw. 2. 'Aara TioXXii 8s ijfiug einog ETZiKQairjoaij ttqojtov ^xev tiX^&ei nQCv'/^orrag yai EfXTTEiQia TioXEfiiyS], ETTEira ofwioog ndvrag ig la ncQayyEXXoiAEva lovrag. 3. vavny.ov te, cp iaivovaiv dno trig vnaQ- Y^omrjg te Exdaroig ovoiag i^aQzvaofiEd^a, aai dno zav iv /lEXqoig aai ' OXv^TJiK iQTijjidjcxiv. ddvEixjf^ia yaq TTOiTjaufXEvoL vnoXa^tTv oiol r iafisv fiic&cp ixei^ovl Tovg ^ivovg avr&y yav^drag' mnjirj ydq ^^'&7]vaicov 1] ^vvafJLig fiaXXov y oly^Eia ' i) ds TjfiETEQa iiaaov dv TovTO Tid&of, ToTg Gco^aai ro nXiov laivov6a tj zaig iQri^aoi. 4. lua 78 viyri vav^ia)[iag y^ara to Eixog'dXiayovTai' ei d' dvri- GioiEV, fiEXEJ'^-aofA.Ev xai Tjf^ELg iv tiXeovi XQovop id raviixd. yai orav Tijv E7ziaT7jfX7]v ig TO laov yazaazi'jaco^Ev, zy ys Evxpviin d/jnov tzeqie- aonEx^a. ydq rumg 'i^OfiEv qvoEi dyadov, ixEivoig ova dv yivouo didapy d' ixELVoi iniGTtiu'q nQOvy^ovai, yaOaiQEtiov ^jaiv ion (/.eXetij. 5. yQ^fiaza 8' (aaz e)[eiv ig avtd, oiao^sv y 8eivov dv eu], El 01 fiEv iyEivcov ^vfifja'/^oi ini SovXeik zy avtcov (pEQOVTEg ovy, dm- Qovuiv, TjfiEig 8' im ro) TifiooQOVfxEvoi tovg ii&Qovg yai. avroi afxa a^^Ea&ai om dga 8anavriaofXEv, 'acli ini zw fiy vri i-AEivoav avrd dcpaiQEdivzEg avtoig rovTOtg yaxmg ndaiEiv. CXXII. yndgyovai 8e xat dXXai b8o) noXi^iov rjf^i-v, ^vfifidymv ts dTzoazaaig, judXtaza TzaQaiQEaig ovaa z^v nQoaoScov alg ioyvovGi, aai imjEiyw^og zy X(i>Qa, dXXa zs oaa ova dv zig vvv 7tqoi8ol yy.iaza yag noXEixog ini Qi]zoig yo^QU, avzog 8s dcp avzov zd noXXd zE^vdzai nQog zo naga- zvyydvov. iv (p 6 [isv svOQyyzmg avzcp nQoao^iX/jaag ^s^aiozEQog^ 6 ds oQyia&Eh nsql avzov ova iXdaaco nzaisi. 2. ir&vficofis&a 88 yal ozi, El fisv yaav yfAOJV hdczoig nQog dvzmdXovg nsQi yrjg oqmv tiacpoQai, oiazov dv yv ' vvv 8s nqhg ^vf^navzdg zs yndg 'Ai^tiiaioi LIB. I. CAP. CXXIII. CXXIV. 55 Inavol xat aaza noliv hi dvvaTmtSQOi ' oxjte, eI itq aai adQooij nai naza e&pr] KOi aaaazov aazv [xta yvcofxri afivvovfieda avTovg^ dixa ye ovjag rjfiag auovcag ysiQcoaoviai. iial rrjv ijGaav, el aal deivop tq) uHomaif idTG) ovy. ciXXo ii (peqovaav // dvrixQvg dovXeiav. 3. o xal Xoyq) ivdoiaax^Tivai ah)[QOV tri IleXoTiovvrjaoj), xai TZoXeig roGaads vno fxiag y>ay.07ia&eTv. iv cp ?] dinaicog doKoTfiev av ndayeiVj i] dia deiXiav avs'/^ea&ai, aal tmv naieQcov ^eiQOvg qiaivea-&ai o1 trjv 'EX- Xddcc TjXev&s'Qosaav' rifieXg be ov8^ rjfuv avtoTg §e§aiovfA.Ev avto, rvQavvov de e^iiEv eyAdd^eardvai noXiv, tovg 5' ev (.ua fJiovaQiovg d^iovfiEv aaraXvEiv. 4. aal ova laiAEv onoag zdde TQimv tav [leyi- 6ZCOV ivfK^OQ^v d7zrjXXay.T:ai, d^vveaiag ij [xaXayiag tj dixeXeiag, ov yuQ dr] TiEcpEvyozEg lavta em t:i]v nXEiaiovg di] ^Xdipaaav 'Aaza- (fQovtjaiv KEimQi'i'AazEj T] E'A 70V TzoXXovg aqjdXXsiv to ivaviiov ovo^a dcpQoavvTj fiETcov6,ua(jrai. CXXIII. tcc iiev ovv nQoyeyevrnjiiva ri del ixayQOTEQOv, rj sg oaov roig vvv '^vfiq)tQEi ahidoQai ; tzeqI ds zmv enEira fisXXovzcov zoTg TTaqovai ^07]&ovvrag yqi} eTntaXaiTKo- QEiv ' ndzQiov yaQ ijyuv ex, toop tzopcov zag aQSzug xzaoO-ai ' y,ai firj fi.£za^dX)^iv zo a&og, eI uQa nXovzcp ze vvv y,(U i^ovoia oXiyov tiqO' cpbQEZE' ov yaQ dixaiov d zy dnoQin 8KT)]dy zifj TZEQiovaia dnoXe- a&ai' dXXd O^aQGOvvzag lerai yazd noXXoC eg zov TZoXefiov, zov t« 4yeov iQijaavzog yai avzov vnoaiofjitvov ^vXXri\fj£6&aij y,ai z'^g dX- Xijg 'EXXddog TzdaTjg ^vvay(x)Viovfj.tvr]g, rd ^lev cpo§(p, zd de (hq)eXe(a. 2. anovddg ze oh Xvaeze TTQozeQOi, dg ye >icil 6 d^Eog yiEXExxav 7zoXe(ieiv vo{iit,ei TzaQa^e^da&ai,, Tjdi}it]fiEva(g de fjidXXov ^oijOi]- aeze' Xvovai ydq ovy ol dfivvojxevoi, dXX oi ttqozeqol eniovzeg. CXXIY. (f)6ze navzayodev yaX^g vnaQyov v^Tv tzoXe^ieiv, xai I'IfZmv zdde xoivy TiaQaivovvzmv, eltteq ^e^cuoiatov zo zavza ^vfiqie- Qovza yea TzoXeui yai Idicoraig Eivai, ^// [zeXXezE IIoTidaiazcug ze noi- eiG&ai TifiojQiav, ovai /Icoqievgi yai vno Imvow noXio()yoviJ.evoig, ov TTQOZEQOV i]v zovvavTiov, xui zwv dXXcov iiEzeXdeiv zr^v iXev&e- Qiav. 2. d)g ovyJzi ivdeyezai neQifievovzag zovg f-iev i^dt] ^Xdnze- ^d^ai, zovg d\ el yvcoGdr]a6[A,£&a ^vvEXdovzeg fisv, dixvvEG&ai de ov ToXfZMVieg, fir] noXv vGzeQov zo avzo ndGyeiV dXXd vofiiaavzeg en dvdyyriv dqjTy&ai, w dvdQEg ^vfifiayoi, yai ana zdde aqiGza XtyeGOaiy \pj]q)iGaG{)'e zov noXEfiOv, [Vj q^o^tj&evzeg zo avzincc dei» vovy zljg 5' an avzov did nXeiovog EiQiltijg ini&vi^rJGavieg' in noXe< 66 . eOTKTzlI/iOT ATrrPAII2. -- fiov fABV yuQ eiQijvrj {.ia)2ov ^^^aiovrai, acp Tjavxicts ds fxr] Ticls^lq crai oi'x ofioicog axirdwor. 3. y.ai rijv :ia&e6TJiy.vTav iv tJ 'Ellddt noXiv TVQavvov r/yTjad^sioi im naaiv ofxoLcog y,a{ye(JTdpai, cadre fc5y fisv rfit] uQieiv, twv ds diaro£TG\}ai, 7TaQaaTf]uc6fiE{)-a sjis/Movzeg, yat avTol dxirdvvcog to loinov olxoof^ev, yal 70vg vvv dsdovXoiut- vovg E).X)]vag iXevd^EQcoacofiEv. TOiavra oi KogivO^ioi elnor. ""y CXXV. 01 ds ^ay.edaifionoi STTSidt] dtp dndrrav Tjxovaav yvcofxriv, \pri(fov inriyayov xoTg ^vi^/xd'/oig dnaaiv oaoi naQijduv s^?jg aai fisi^on y.ai. iXdacon tioXei' y.ai to nUidog' Ixp^t^iaavTO no- XEfiSLV. 2. dedoyfitvov ds avzoTg evdvg [asv d^vvara ^j' iTzr/siQeiv anaQaa'AEvoig ovatVj i'AnoQit^Eo&ai 8s idoy.si sxdaroig a TTQoaqfOQa Tiv xat fxrj Eivai fitXXrjaiv. ofAOjg ds y.ax^taTafxtvoig (^v idei snavtog fiev ov di£TQi^7]j kXaaaov dtj tiqiv so^olXsTv eg rijv ^^ztiy/ijv ycd ibv SToXsfiGv aQac&ai gjavsQOjg. CXXVI. iv tovzoj ds sttqcO^svovzo 7fJ j^Qorcp TZQog rovg^A&tivaiovg iyxXijiiaza 7ioioi{ieroi,o7Z(X)g ccpiaip on fisyiazr] TZQOcpaaig eitj top noXsixelv, rjv fx^ ti iffaHovcoai. 2. xcti 7i(i(ozov fisv TTQt'G^sig TTs'fixpavTsg ol Aa'AsdaifAorioi iailsvov rovg u4&r^vaiovg to dyog iXavreiv zijg '&eov ' to ds ayog Ijv TOiovds. 3. KvXcov i]v 'OXvfiTziormjg dvrjQ ^A&rivaiog to^v ndXai tvysvj.g T5 xai dvvazog' fyeyafA7]'Aei ds x^vyarsQa Oeaysvovg MsyuQtcog dvdQogj eg v.ai ixsTvov toviQOvov STVQdvvsi Msydnoov. 4. yQcofxsrrp ds TOO KvX(on Iv AeXq,oTg dvsiXev 6 '&e6g, iv ttj tov /liog t?/ fteyiazy soQi"^ yazaXu^siv 7T]v ^Ad^rivaioav dnQonoXiv. 5. 6 dl Trand zs zov Osaytvovg dvvafiiv Xa^wv y.ai zovg qiXovg dvanslaagy insid}] sttJ^X- •&SV 'OXvfinia zd iv nsXo7ZOvvj]6(pj yaztXa^e t?jv dy.noTToXiv ag ini ivgavridi, vo^iaag ioQrtjv te rov ^log fAeyiazTjv shea y.vu iavt^ ri fTQoarjy.Eiv ^07,vfinia venyrj'AOTi. 6. ft ds iv tij 'AzTiny, t} dXXoD^l noVf rj [isyiuTTj soqztj siqtjto, ovjs iysTvog 'izi xazEvoijas^ to ts finv- teTov ov'a id)]Xov. E6TI yaQ y.ai 'Ad^rjvai'oig /fidaiUy a yaXsTzai Jiog S0QT7] BIeiXc/iov fiEyiazT], e^co tijg TzoXscog, iv ij TzardruEi x>voV' aiy noXXoc ov^ IsQETa dXXd -Ovfiara ini^toQia' do'Amy ds oQdcjg yiyvmaxEiv inEiEiQiias r^ ^Qy^'?- 7'- ol d' 'AO-tjvfdoi aloOo^svoi, i^o/^&r^adv te navdmis\ iy. Tav dyotov in avzovg, y.al TZQoaxa&sto- fiEvoi i7ioXi6Qy.ovv. 8. ^qovov ds iTZiyiyvofikvov ol ^Ax^r.vaXoi tqv- r j;o/^H'Ot tJ itQOGEdQEU dniiX&ov ol no7.Xoiy iniTQixpavzEg toTg ivvsa aQy^ovai z/^y q}vXay.rjry yai to ndv avzoHQuzoQai diaOslvaij 'q uji LIB. I. CAP. CXXVII. 3XXVIIL 57 KQiata diaytyvojd'Acoai ' tote ds ia nolXa tcov TTohttHoav ol ivrea aQ'/ovtfg 87TQaaaov./ 9. ol 8s fieza tov KvX(ovog 7zoXiOQ>iovfiEvoi ^plavQoog e7)[ov clzov ts aal vdarog anoQia. 10. 6 fisv ovv Kv7.(ov •/«« 6 adtXcfog avzov ixdidQa(j>iovc!iv' ol 8" aXXoi cog mitt,ovto nai Tipeg '/.al cf.ntOvi^ay.ov vno lov li{.i0Vj xad^i^ovaiv stti jov ^cofiov Ixs- T(u TOV Bv 771 ^y-QOTToXsL 11. avaarj]aavTeg ds avTovg ol 7av - * ^d^r^vaioav iTtiTETQCifipitvoi r)jv q^vla'Aijv, cog scoocov anoO^vijaxovzag '^' tv TO) ItQm, iq) (p fir^dsv aaabv noujcovaivj anayayovrsg amy.r£ivav ' ^ y.a&atofiBvovg ds tirag aai Ini tav OEiivrnv ■Oeav iv ToTg ^afioTg iv ' ri] TzaQodoi di£'j^QT](javT0. 'Aai anb rovzov ivayeig 'acu ahrtjQioi zJjg -O^EOv ixEivoi TE E'AalovvTo, y,a\ TO yt'vog to an iy.EivoDv. 12. i^Xaaav fisv ovv y>ai ol ^^.&vyaloi Tovg ivayeig Tovzovg, 'nXa- Gs ds xal KXsofievt'ig 6 JtaxEdaifionog vct^qov fiEza ^^dip'aiouv ^ r (jzaaia^ovzojv, zovg te ^aviag iXavvovzEC t:xt tcov TsiyvEmToov to. 5 haza avEXovzsg s^^^aXov ' xaiTJX&ov (isvzoi vazsQOv^ nai zo ytvog avToov saziv sti ev zy tzoael UAAVll. zovzo of] zo ayog Oi Aayitdaijiovioi iXavvEiv eheXevov dij&EvzoTg '{}soig ttqoozov zijuooqovv- zsg, EidoTEg ds IlEQiyXta zov Aavd^innov nQOUE^oixEvov avzm aaza zj]v fi?]zt(}a, y,al vofii^ovzsg SKTZEOovzog avzov qccov ocpiai nQO^ooQEiv Y^ii za aTTo zav ^A&rivaicov. 2. oh fitvzoi zoaovzov riXnit,ov nad^siv av avzov zovzo, oaov dia^oXi]v oiasiv avzm nqog z^v tzoXiv, cog xa« 8tazt]v ixEivov ^vfj.q}0Qav zo fitQog sazai 6 TZoXsfiog. 3. av yaQ dvvU' zmzazog zav y.ad^ iavzov xai aycov zi]v noXizslav ijvavziovzo nav- za zoXg ylayEdaifiovioig, yal ovk Eia VTzsiyEiv, a/X ig zov tzoXehov coQiia zovg ^Ad^rivaiovg. CXXVIII. ^AvzekeXevov bs 'Aa\ ol ^Adr^vaToi zovg udaxEdat fioviovg zo (XTTo TaivaQOV ayog iXavvsiv. ol yaQ yianEdaifxovia avaaziioavzEg tzoze iy, zov Ieqov zov IIouEidcovog ano TaivaQOi zojv EiX(azo3V rAEzag, anayayovzsg ditrpd^EiQav " di hv drj nai aqiaif avzoig vofxiCovai zov fityav oekj/xov yEvtaOai iv SnaQzri. 2. eke Xevov ds aal zo ziqg XaXxiolxov ayog iXavvsiv avzovg' iytvEzo d^ roiovds. 3. inEidq Uavaaviag 6 Aa'Asdaifioviog zo ttqoozov fiEza TTEficp&E^g ino ZTzaQziazcov ano zr^g aQiijg zTJg iv 'EXXr^anovzcp, ^ y.al yQi&E]g vn avzoov ansXyd^rj }trj adixEiv, di]fj.06ia fxsv ovxszi \^ i^£ntfiqi&}], idia ds avzog tqiijqti 7.a§cov 'EQiiiovida avEv Aaysdai^' jtoimv aq^ixvEizai ig 'EXXijanovzov ' zm {-isv Xoycp ini zov EXXtpi* 68 eoTKTJiJor ZTrrPAfpii:! Kov TioXefiOv, T^ ds BQycp to. TTQog ^aaikia TtQay^iara TTQoiaaup, (oaneq xat to TiQarov i7Z8^eiQi](yEv, iq,it'iA,Evog 'ElhfVr/Jjg ccQ/Jig* 4. tveQysaiav ds ano zovde ttqojtov ig ^aai)Ja y.ait&ETO y,a\ tov navjog TTQciyjiarog clqi^v £.noii]aaTO' 5. Bu^dpziov yuQ eImv ry UQOTtQoc naqovalrc fieia triv ix Kvttqov ava'/^ojQr^aiVj tl'/^ov ds Mt^doi ai'to Tiai ^acnXtmg TZQoatjxovtsg zivsg xai ^vyysvsTg, ot idlojaav iv avz^j tors tovzovg ovg sla^ev duoniiinsi ^aaiXei KQvqja twv dXltav ^vf4fid'/a)Vf lai ds Xoycp dnidQaaav avzov. 6. inqaaat ds tavza fiEzd Foyyvlov zov ^EQEzgiscag, wtteq sntzQExpE to ze Bv^dvziov 'auI ■zovg ai'j[l^aX(ozovg. STtEfixpE ds aal iniazoVr^v zov Foyyvlov cptQov- za avzqi ' ivEysyQUTTZo ds zdde iv airy, cog vgzeqov dvsvQbdij, 7. Ilavaaviag 6 tjyEiiav z7ig ^ndQzrig zovods ze aoi iaQi^Ea\>ai^^ §ovl6{^£vog unoTiEfiTZEi doQi iX(6v, xal yv(aixf]v noiovfiou, si hoi aol ""*■ doxEiy -dvyazEQa ze z?]v at]v y^fiui xa.i aoi ^ndQZjjv zs xat ziiv uXXtjv 'EXldda vtto^^eiqiov TzoiJiaai. dvvazog ds do'Am slvai zauza TTQu^ai fiEza aov ^ovlEvoysvog. el ovv zi as zovzav dQE6XEiy TZtf^Tzs uvdQu Tziazov sni ■&d/.aGoar di' ov zb lomov zovg Xoyovg Tzoifjoof^E- ■&a. CXXIX. zoaavza fisv rj yQaq:i] id/jXov. ^tQ^rjg ds I'laO^q ze zij imazoXrj xal dnoazEXXsi 'AQzd^aL,ov zhv 0aQvd'Aov inl -OdXaa- aaVy xal xsXsvei avzov zr^v ze /JaaxvXiziv aazQansiav naQaXa^siv Msya^dzijv uTzaXXd^avza, og tzqozeqov J/QX^j ^(^l TiaQa JJavaaviav ig Bvt,dvziov EniazoXriv dvzsTTEzi&Ei avzw cog zd^iazu diamuxpcu, xai 7//y 6q)Qaycda d/zodEi^ai, Mai ijv zi avzcp JJavaaviag nagayytX' Xri tteqI zo)v eavzov TZQayftdzcav, nqdaaEiv dtg agiaza xal mmozaza. 2. 6 ds dcpixofiEvog zd ze dXXa i7T0ii]aEv ojotzeq ei'qijzo xal ztjv sni- azoXijP ditTTEfixpEV avzEysyQanzo ds zdds. 3. ^^ds Xtysi ^auiXsvg AtQi8Ti iidvvccTO iv TQ) naOaazTjHOTi TQomp §i07Eveiv, c.XXa axevug rs M?]di)iag ipdvdfievog fx zov Bv^avttov i^yei, aai dia t?js OQnHTjg TTOQEvof^evov avzov Mijdoi nal Alyvnzioi idoQvqjOQovv. 2. TQUTze^dv TE UeQamyv naQETid^ETO x«« najtieiv zi]v didvoiav olx rfivvciTOj aAA' tQyoig ^Qa^iai TZQOvd^lov a ry yvoj[4ri (XEit,6vcog iatnEi- ra sf4,EXXE TTQa^Eiv. dvaTZQoaodov xe avzov TzaQETiE, y,al ry OQy^ ohzoj ^aXsny e^qtiio eg ndvjug ofxoicog, ^gte fiTjdsva dvvaa&ai TZQoaihai^ diOTZsQ aat Ttqog tovg ^Ax^r^vaiovg ov^ jjmaTa tj ^vfi- fia^ia [iEtearr]. CXXXI. ol ds ^axEdaifionoi aia&ofiEroi, to te 7ZQ(arov di' avra ravza dvExdlEcav avzov, not ETiEidi] zy 'Egfiiovidi VTii zo dEvzEQOv inTiXEvaag ov ^Elsvodvzmv avz^v zoiavza icpaivEzo TTOiojVj x«« ix zov Bvt,avziov ^ik vtz 'A&rivalcav ixnoXiOQXijd^slg ig filv Z7jv 2^7idQZ7]v ovx ETzavEiMQEi, eg ds Kolcovccg zag TQcpddag IdQvd^Eig, 7rQd6(J(ov ze iar^yyEXXEzo avzoTg TiQog zovg ^aq^dQOvg, xai ovx S7Z dya&^ ztjv ^ovt]v noiov^Evog, ovzco 8rj ovxezi Entaiovj dX- Xd m^jixpavzEg xr^Qvxa 01 EcpOQOi nai cavzdXi^v tJnov zov MjQvaog fiij XtiTiEaOai, El ds jMjf, 7z6Xe[j.ov avz^ ^naqzidzag ngoayoQEVEiv. 2. 6 ds ^ovX6fj,£vog cog ^maza vnonzog slvai nal TZiazevoov XQW^^'' ^^^' XvoEiv ztjv dia^oXijVj dvs'^coQEi zo dsvzEQOv ig ^^TzaQzijv. y.ai ig [asv zr^v EiQxz?]v ianiTizEi zo ttqojzov vtzo zojv icpoqcov ' e^sazi ds zoTg ^T^^iqjOQOig zov ^aaiXia dqaaai zovzo ' STZEiza dia7TQa^dfj.Evog vazEpov il^ijXd^E, aa] aad-iaztjaiv iavzbv ig HQiatv zoig ^ovXof^ivoig tteqI avzov iXiyjEiv. CXXXII. Y,ai (^avsQov ii\v slyov ovdsv ol 2^naQzidzai GTjfxEioVf ovTE ol iy&QOi ovzs Tj TtuGa TioXig, ozq) dv TziozEvaavzeg ^* ^E^aiosg, izi(jio3QOvvzo avdQa yivovg zs zov ^aaiXtlov ovza aal iv T(p naqovzi ziftrjv sfovza ' TIXEiazaoy^ov yaq zov jisowldov ovza ^aoiXia Ka\ viov tzi dvExfJiog o^v inszQOTiEVEv ' 2. vnoipiag ds noX- Xdg 7raQ8T]^E, zy zs naQavo^ia nal ^tjXcoGEi zoov ^aQ^dQcov, fii] i'aog ^ovXsa&ai sJvai zoig TzaQOvat, zd zs dXXa avzov dvEuxoTZOvv eizi nov it,Edtdirizi]zoz6}v xa&Eazazav vof^ifiojv aai on inl zov zQinodd nozE zov iv /tsXcpoXg, ov dvix^saav ol EXXTjrsg dno zoSv Mtjdcor dnQodlvioVf Tj^icoGEv ijTiyQdipaa&ai avrog Idia zo iXsyEiov zods^ 'EXXrjvcov aQiriyog ins), GZQazov ^Xsas MijdoDv, JJavaavlag (I^oi^cp }ivi]iJL dvid^r^-AE zods. 3. zo iilv ovv iXsysiov ol AanEdaiiiuvioi i^sxoXaxpav tvOvg zots dno zov zQiTiodog zovzo, -/rat imyqaxpav 6vonaai\ zag noXsig ogqh CO oorKTJijor srrrPAC>ii2, ^vyxaOeXovaai tbv ^ccQ^aQOv 8at7^aav zo avad^mia' 7ov fiivTOi Uavaaviov adr/.r^f-ia ^al jovz idonei eJvai, xac ETisidrj Iv jovzcp y.a&eiaTrjUety noXXcp (jiaXXov naQOfioiov nQay&r^vai iq)aireTO 7^ TTaQOvarj Siaroia. 4. iTivvd^dvovTO dtxat is tovg EiXmzag TiQciaaeiv 71 avioVj aai r^v 8s ovzcog' iXev&tgcjaiv is yaq vnKS'ptlzo avToTg ^ai TToXiTEiav, 'ijv ^vvETzavaaiwfyi nai ib ttccv ^vyy.aieQydamvzai, 5. aXX ovd ag olds twv EiXcozcov fir^vvtaTg tiai Tziazsvaavzsg 7^^ia}Gav 'VE(6z£Qcv zi TTOiEiv Eig avzovj igmfiEvoi zm ZQoncp qmeg fioj- ■&aaiv ig aqjag avzovg^ fitj za^Eig sirai tieqI avdQog ^naQZidzov (AVEV dvaiKfio^rizi'izoav ZEXfirjQicov ^ovXevgui zi avijy.ECJzov, nqiv ys dfj avzoigj dog Xtyszai, 6 fxEXXmv zag ZEXEvzaiag ^aai7.£i ImazoXag TTQog 'AQzd^aC,ov yoniEiv avr^Q 'AQyiXiog, TrmdiHa tzoze coV avzov i[zt]6iy ziva ozi ovdsig n(o zav nqo iavzov dyytXcov ndXiv dcpUszOj 7ta\ TzaQaTzoir^GduEvog aq:Qayi8a, ha ijv \fj£va&y ztjg do^i^g ?} xal ixEifog zi fiEzayQuxpai alzr^ari, fxij iTziyr^, Xvei zag ETiiazo7.dg, iv aig vnovO" tjaag zt zoiovzo TZQoaETZEazdXd^ai yai avzbv evqev iyyeyQafinivov nzEivEtv. CXXXIII. zozE ds ol t(fOQOi dei^avzog avzov za yqd^i- fiaza (xaXXov (jlev inlazEvaaVj avzij^ooi ds ^ovXi]{^ivzsg tzi ysvtod^ai avzov Uavaaviov zi Xsyovzog^ dno TzaQaaxsvJjg zov avd^Qtanov in\ Talvaqov Ixizov olj^ofASvoVj xai Gxr^vijcafxivov diTzXtjv diacpndyixazi aaXv^i^v, ig rjv zojv zs iqjOQoov ivzog zivag sx^vxpSf yai IJavaaiiov dog avzov iX&ovzog xai SQOozwvzog Zijv TiQocfaaiv zTig i>:tzEiag i^aO^ovTO Tidvia caqioog, alzioofA,Evov zov dv&QcoTZOv za ze tzeqi avzov yQaqit'vza xal zdXX dno(^aivovzog y.ad^ exaazovy ag ovdev ticottote avzov iv zaXg nQog ^aaiXia 8ia'A0viaig nuqa^dXoizo, TTQoziinjOEii] 6* iv lacp zdlg noXXoTg zdov diaxovoov dno&avEiVy xdy.Eivov avza zavza ^vvoi^oXoyovvzog not tteqi zov TzaQjovzog ovh idovzog oQyiXsa&af^ dXXa maztv ix zov leQov didovzog zTjg draazdascog, y.at d^iovf- zog dog zd'/^iaza noQEvso&ai aal fu] za nqaaaonEva dtuxcoXvEiv. CXXXIV. dnovaavzEg ds dxQi^mg zozs fih> drrJ^Xx^or ol sq.oQOi, Btjiaicog ds r^dij sidozsg iv zij tzoXei zt]v ^yXXTj-ipiv inoiovvzo. Xtys' zai 3' avzov y fxsXXovza ^v7.Xt^q)\}ijaEa\}ai iv zy 6dm, ivog [xev z^t iqjOQCov 70 TZQoaooTZOv TiQoaiovzog dog tlds, yvojvai i(p (p f/cJ^^/, al- lov ds vEVfiazi af/:ccm ;(OJj'(J«,ai:Vot; y.ac dqXmaavzog ti'voia, TZQog zo Ieqov z7]g XaXatoUov ^co^Tiaai dooftqi y.ul nQOnazuctvytir ' i^v d' LIB. I. CAP. CXXXV. CXXXVI. 61 iyyvg 10 z^fisvog. y.ai ig oixt]Lia ov fir/a o iiv rov leQov iaeX&cay, Iva fjiT] vnaid^Qiog zakainmQohj^ ijovia^ev. 2. ol ds to naQavrUa fiav v(JZEQ?](jav ry dico^ei, iaejcc ds tovto iov ze or/Juxajog tov oqo- cpov acpeiXoVj y>al tag d^vQag, hdov ovra zriQtjaavisg avToVy xat OLTzoXa^ovTsg a'iacx), anqrAodofxtjaaVj TTQOGHa&t^oiASvoi is i^ETzoXioQ- KJ]aav Xifi^. 3. ytai {xtXlovrog avzov anoipvisiv coaTzeg sl)^sv h r^ ol/Jiixaiij ai(Jx}6fi8voi le i^dyovaiv in tov tegov hi t[A.7zrovv orra, 'Aul 8^axx)^t]g anid^dve TzaQaiQlqua. 4. xat avzhv iiA,sXXr]aav fjilv eg TOV Kaiddav ovneQ Tovg iicvAovQyovg if^^dXXsiv ' aTzeita tdo^s nXrialov nov natOQv^ai. 6 ds d^sog 6 iv /lsXq}oXg tov ts raqjov vcTSQOv 8)^Qf]GE ToTg ^axsdaifiorioig fiSTSvsyxsTv ovueq driE&avE, nal vvv asiTai iv Tcp 7TQ0TEiA.£viai/,aTi, yQcccpji CTTjXai drjXovaiy xat cog dyog avToTg ov to TZETiQayfiivov dvo cm^cLTa dvd^ spog tyi XaXmoi- 'Acp dnodovvai. ol ds noujadiiEvoi yaXaovg dvdQidvzag dvo ag dvil riavaaviov dviOEaav. CXXXV. ol ds ^A&r^vaToif cog ycai tov ■&E0V dyog xQivavTog, dvTEnsTa^av zoTg AaKsdaiiiovioig iXavvsiv aviO' 2. TOV ds M>]di6^iov tov JJavaaviov Aav^sdaijAovioij ttqe' o3sig 7X8fi\pavT£g naQcc TOvg '^&i]vaiovg ^vvEmjTimvTo aal tov Oe- [iiaToxXsay cog tvQiaxov ix Tmv tzeqi Tlavaaviav iXsyycov, ij^iovv ts Tolg avToTg y^oXd^sad^ai avzov. 3. ol ds Tzsicr&tvTsg, hvys ydg (aoTQamG^svog y.al 'iycov diaiTav fisv iv "AQysi, iTziqjoiimv ds y>al ig ",, Trjv dXXijv TlEXoTZovvrjaoVj 7it\u7T0V(ji fLETci Tmv Aa'iisdaifxovicoVj ^ STOt'fxojv bvTOJV ^vvdicoHEfVy drdQug olg eiqijto uyeiv onov dv nEQitu- yoauiv. CXXXVI. 6 ds QsfiiCTOxXtjg TTQoaiG&oftEvog cpsvyEi ix nsXo7Tovv)]oov ig KsQKVQaVj mv avrmv EvsQyezrjg. dsdisvai ds cpaaxovToov KEQxvQcucav syeiv avTOv co6te Aaxsdaijtorioig xcu ^A{y^vaioig d7Z8y\}s6&ai, diaxofxi^szai vn avTwv ig ttjv tiTtsiQOv Tt]v xaTavTi'AQV. 2. xai dicoxof^svog vno Tmv nQOGTETayixivcov Kazd, Tzvativ 7/ XcoQOirj, dvayxd^8zat xaTa ti dnoQOv naqd 'Adfzrjzov tov MoXoaaodv ^aaiXia oiTa avTc7;> ov qiiXov xaTuXvoai. 3. xai 6 ^sv ov'A 'izvysv inidmimv, 6 ds Tjjg yvvaixog Ixirrjg ysvofXEvog diddaxstai vn avTTJg tov Tzaida aqjav Xa^oov xaO^il^Ea&ai ini ttjv iatiav. xal iX&ovTog ov TioXv vcteqov tov ^AduijTOv dr^XoiTE og iatiy xai oix a^ioTy El Ti dqa avTog dvtElTzsv avTW 'A&]]vai(ov dsofisvcp, (fsvyovia, Ti^(x)Q8Ta&ai. xal yaQ dv vn. ekeivov tzoXX^j da&ErsaTEQOv iv t^ naQovTi xax^g ndGysiv, yswcuov ds shai Tovg oftoiovg dno tov 62 eoTKTji/joT ATrrPA(iiU2. laov 7(fi(i)Q£Lod^ai. nai afia avrog filv i-ASirq) XQdag iivog aai ovn ig TO (7co//« (jct}^£a&ai Ivavzim&livai, Ikhvov if uv tl iadoitj avior, Eincov v(f cov xat iq) (p diaxsiai, ccozijniag av rt^g '^v/jig anoaze- gr^aai. 6 ds axovaag uviazjjai re avzov fisra zov savzov vitogj ooCTteQ y.ai t/^cov avzov ixax^i^ezOj y.al fi^yiazov ijv r/Jzevfia zovzo. CXXXVII. aai V6Z8Q0V oh TZoXX^ zoTg ^a-Asdaiixovioig nul A{}r^vaioig DMovoi aai tzoDm elnovaiv ovy, ixdidcaaiVj dXX kno- azUy.u ^ovXouevov cog ^aailm TzoQSv&Tjvai im ztjv izsQav -O^dXaaaav ^^ TZE^y eg Ilvdpav zqv 'ydlE^drdgov. 2. iv ?j oXxddog zv'iav dvayo- f^it'rr^g in 'Icoviag xai BTZipdg aazacpeQSzai ^Eifimi Ig zo '^^rjvaicov GZQazoTzedov o tnolwQ-AEi Nd^ov. >c«/, viv yccQ dyvoog zoTg iv zrj vi](y dsiaag q:Qd^£t rqj ravHXiJQCp oozig iazl xal di^ a (psvysiy xcu el fi7j ocoaei avzoVf tcpT] iQEiv ozi '/^Qi^fiacn TZEia&elg avzbv dyEi' zijv ds f daqjdXsiav elvai fir^diva ix^tjvai ix zljg f$ojg i^iy^Qi nXovg yevtjzai ' iA TZEiOofiivcp 5' avz^ /«{?'>' dTTOfivrjaEa&ai d^iar. 6 ds vavxXTjQog TTOiEi ZE zavzaf xai dnoacO.Evaag i]^EQav y.ai rvyaa vtzsq zov gzqu- To:iidov, vazEQOv dopiyvEiiai ig "Ecf.EGOv. 3. ycu 6 OEfU6zoy,X7]g ixEivov ZE id^EgdjiEvas ^Qtnidzcov docjEi, ijXd^E ydq avzqj vczeqov ea ZE "A&riv^v TzaQcc tmv cpiXmv xal i$ "AQyovg a VTZE^ty.Eixo, aai uEzd zoSv y.dza} IlEQaojp zivog tzoqevi^e}^ ^»ca, iam^niEL yQUfifiaza cjg ^aciXia '^Qzo^iQ^ijv zov At'g^ov vecogzi ^aaiXEvorza. 4. idt]- Xov d' y yQOt.(fi\ ozi 0£fj.i(JzoxX7jg ?/xco TzaQU ot, og aaaa fxsv nXtioza 'EXXrivcov Etgyaafxai zov vfiizsQOV oly.ov, ogov ^qovov zov gov nazEQCx. ijzwvza ifiol dvdyyri J]f.ivv6ur^v, tzoXv 5' ezi TiXeio) uyadd, ineidi] iv 7cp uaq;aXET fxev i^oi, iy.Eivcp ds iv i7ir/,ivdm(p ndXiv ?} dnoxoiabq iyiyrezo. yai [loi EVEQyEGia ocpEiXEzai, ygdipag ir^v iy. ^aXafiTvog TTQodyysXGiv zijg dva'io3Qi]GEcog y.a\ Ti]v zav yEqjvQmr, /jv xpEvdag nQOGETTOir^Gazo, zozE di avzov oh didXvGiv, yal vvv e/cov ge fXEydXa uyadd dQUGai jrdQEifiL diojyofiEvog vno zojv 'EXXipcov did zyv cj/;*' (fiXiav. ^ovXouai 5' iviavzov iniGX^v ahzog goi tzeqi wv ijy.co dtiXmGai. CXXXVIII. ^aGiXevg di, cog XiyEzai, iOavfxaGt ze avzov 7i]v didvoiav aal iyiXevs tzoieXv ovzmg. 6 d' iv zip XQorcp ov intGx^, '^^^ nsoGidog yXcoGor^g ogo, 7]dvvazo -AazEvoijGE nut, zoSv mi' xr^dEviidzcov zrjg xtoqag ' 2. dcptHOfisvog ds fiEzd zov iviavzovj yiyve- zai TzaQ ahzcp ^iyag, xal oGog ovdEig nm 'EXX/jpoov, did ze zi^p ^QOuTrdQxovdoip dgiiaaiv xal zov 'EXXvivixov iXnida, r^v vneziOtt LIB. I. CAP. CXXXIX. 63 vLVT^ dovl(6aEiv, fAciXiGTa ds anh tov nuQav didovg ^vvi^rog (fmve* a&ai, 3. jjV ')'aQ 6 QsfiKJioxXijg ^e^aioraza dtj qjvaeojg laxvv drjXcS"} (jag, ical diacpeQOVTcog ti eg amo fxcilXov iitQOv a^iog daviicnyai. I'* ^ oixEia yaq ^vvsaei, xat ovzs TTQOfAa&mv ig avijjv ovdsv ovz inifia- i^ooV, Tcov rs naQaiQljfJici 8t^ llaiiGTijg ^ov}S]g nQaTiazog yvcofxcov^ xal rav ixsllovrcov Im TzXeTatov zov yevrj^Ofxtiov aniazog eixaazTJg, xal a fi£v [teza x^^Q^S ^X^h ^^^ i^t]y^(jaa&ai o'log za' cov ds arzsiQog "^ eirjj HQivai laavmg ova aTzijlXay.zo. z6 zs af.isirov ij x^^Q^'^ ^^ ^^P aqjavH 'izi nqoemQa fjidXiaza. y.ai to ^vf/,7zav eiTzaiv, qivasmg {aev dvvdfiEi, fisXszyg ds ^Qaxvzrizi, aqdziozog 8q ovzog avzouxsdia^eiv ra dsovza eytvezo. 4. voaijaag ds tsXevza zov ^lov ' Xtyovai ds zivsg y>ai saovaiov q]aQfidyjp dno&avsTv avzov, ddvvazov ro{AiaavTCi thai STTizeXtaai ^aaiXsi d vnsox^^o. 5. fivrjusiov ^sv ovv avzov iv MayvTjaia iazi zy 'Aaiavri iv zy dyoQcc zavztjg yuQ tjqxs zr/g "^(OQOLgj dovzog ^aaiXscog avz^ Mayvrjciav fxsv aQZOv, i] TTQoasqiSQS Tzsvt/j'AOvza zdXavza tov iriavzov, yfdfiipaxov ds oJvov ' sdonei yag TzoXvoivozazov z^v zozs sivai ' Mvovrza ds oipov. 6. zd ds oczd qiaai xofxia&Jp'ui avzov ot nQoat'i'Aovzsg oixads y.sXsvaavzog insivov -KOI zsd^ljvai yQvq)a ^^d^rjvaiayv iv zy 'Azziy\i ' ov yuo i^7]v {^dnzsiv dig im TiQodoaia cpsvyovzog. 7. zd fisv y,aza llavuaviav zov AaasdaifAOviov aa\ Osf^iazoyXsa zov "'Adrjvaiov, XafinQOzdzovg ysvofxsvovg zoov y,a& savzovg 'EXXi]V(x)Vy ovicog szsXsvztjasv. CXXXIX. Aaysdainovioi ds sm / ^Iv z^g 7ZQc6zi]g nQsa^siag zoiavza snsza^dv zs ya). dvzsysXevad^i](Jav ttsqi zmv ivaydjv ztjg iXdaeag ' vgzsqov ds cpoiz^vzsg ttuq ^A&t]raiovg Ilozidaiag zs djiaviazaa&ai iytXsvov yal Aiyivav avzovofiov dq)(svai, yai [AdXi- tjzd ys ndvrcov ya\ IvdrfKozaza nQOvXsyov, zo ttsql Msyaqscov yjijift- »7/ia ya&sXovGi firj dv yevsaO^ai noXs^ioVy iv cp siqtjzo avzovg [xrj XQ^~ iSx^ai zoTg Xipisai zoTg iv zy AO^^jvaicav dnxy f-irjds zy 'Azziy.ri dyoQa. 2. 01 ^ 'A&rjvaioi ovzs zdXXa vmjyovov ovzs zo ip}](j)iG[Aa y.aO^yQOvv iniyaXovvTsg insQyaaiav Msyagevai ztig yljg zijg Isqdg yai zljg doQiazov, x«^ dvdQanodav vnodox^v zmv dcpiazafiivcov. 3. ziXog ds dqiiyofisvmv zihv zsXsvzaiojv ^Qtu^scov iy Aaysdaifiovog, 'Pafj,- cpiov zs acu MsXriaiTTTiov ya\ ^Ayriadvdoov, yea Xsyovzcav dXXo fisv ovdlv C3V TTQOZSQOv slxadsGav, avzd ds zdds, ozi AaysdcifAOvioi iovXovzai zfjv siQi'ivriv sivaiy siq 5' dv si zovg "EXXijvag avzovciwig 64 eorKTJiJOT STrrPAti>ii2. uqittts, 7TOi7]tai idoxsi anaS, tzsqI anavroav ^ovXEViya[i,svovg anO' yiQivaadai. 4. yiou naqiovreg a),Xoi rs noXXol tXeyoVy In afiqioiS' Qa yiyvofievoi taig yvo3[xaig, xal G)g ^qri TioXefisiv xal mg [li] ffinodiov elvai TO '^.^/](piafia dq'qvrig, alia Kax^eXsTv, xa« naqEl&av IleQiy.Xijg Actv&iTTTZOVj avf]Q nax iysTvov jov ^qovov nQmrog '^&j]vai(X)Vf ) Jyuv 7S yioi nqdaaeiv dvvarc6ratog, na^f^vei roidds. CXL. T?jg fisp yvwfir]g, co "Ad^rivaioij du Trig avTTJg ejofiaif [irj rtixsiv Uelonovvriaioigy y.aineQ eidag Tovg dv&QcoTZOvg oh Ty avzy OQyri dvanei&oixtvovg ts noXsusTv xat iv t:al acpaXXcofie&a^ P^ §ori&BTvj ^ fir^de y.afoq&ovvTag TTJg ^vvsasoag nnTanoiELod^ai, ivdi- ^ * jf€T«i yuQ Tag ^vf.iq)0Qdg Tmv TZQayfiaTcov ov^ tjaaov d^a&ojg X^Q^I' X aai ? xat Tag diavoiag tov dv&QcoTzov' dioneg xal t}]v tv'/jjv, oaa •y. av TzaQcc Xoyov ^vf/^"^ sico&a^Ev alzidad^ai. 2. ytay.edaijionoi ds ^ fTQOTenov TE d7]Xoi ijaav iTzi^ovlevovTsg TjfiTv y.ai vvv ovjr rfAiGTa. ^ elor^fxerov ydq dr/.ag (isv t&v 8iaq;6Q(ov dXX/jXoig didorai nai dt-j^s- *^. a&ai, txEfv Ss snaTEQOvg a t'/^ofiEv, ovra avTol dixag ttco xitriaav ovts > T]f4.av didovTcov dtjovzai, ^ovXovrai bs TZoXt'ixqt fiaXXov rj Xoyoig Ta tyy.X/jjjiaTa diaXvsa&aij nal iTiiTdaaovTEg ^di], aai ovxeti aiTiconEvoi, (^ ndqEiGi. 3. IloTidatag te ydg dnavLGraadat ^iEXsvovaiy nai Ai- "^ yivav avTovofiov dq)i.tvai xa« to MsyaQtoov ip^qjiofia y.ad^aiQSiv ' a \ 8s TsXEVTaioi oi8s 7Jy,ovTEg Tial Tovg ''EXXrjvag nqoayoQEvovoiv avzo- vofiovg dq)i8vai. 4. vfiwv ds [xjjds^g vofAiai] tzeqi ^Qa^sog av tioXeheXv u TO Msyaoicav 'ipi](j,ia^ia f^rj yiadtXoifiEv, otieq ^dXiara TZQoi'XOVTaiy el xa&aiQE&Eit], fit] dv ylyvsa&ai tov noXsixov ' fxrfi^ iv vfiiv avroig SJ ahiav vnoXinriai^B cog did fii'AQov iTToXEfiiiGazE. 5. to yao ^Qajy ti Tovzo TTuaav vf^oov sysi t]]v ^E^aicoaiv y.a). nslQav Ti]g yvcofirjgj olg ei ^vy^aQ^aETE, y.al dXXo ti ^ei^ov Ev&vg iTZiTax&^asa&Ey mg q;6^cp xai ^ tovzo vnayovaavTEg ' dniaxvQiodiiEvoi 8l aa^plg dv naTaazyaaizs ^ avzoig dno tov icov vfiiv fidXXov nQoacfEQEa&ai. CXLI. avzo&Ev 8rj diavoij&tjTs rj vna^^ovEiv nqiv ti ^Xa^rjvai, t] eI noXEpjaonEVy cog V. ^fxoiye dfXEivov 8oxel shaij aal etu fisydXri y.al etzi ^Q^X^iff ofxoicog TTQOcpd^Et iiri (i^ovTsg fjii^ds ^vv cfo^cp E^ovTeg d xExz/jixEx^a. Tip ya(i LIB. I. CAP. CXLII. 65 avTj]v bvvarai dovlcoaif ?] zs fisyi.aTr] acu iXayiart] i^iaaiooatg ano 7C0V ofioioiv 71 QO di'Arjg ToTg ■Tztlag iTZiTaaaouevrj. 2. rk ds TOii TzoXtfiov xal TOdv sxareQOig vnaQ'/^ovzcov cog ovk aOf&evtazsQa £§c fiev, yvmzs naQ- enaazov axovovzeg. 3. avzovQyol zs yccQ eiat Tle- XoTiovv/jaioi, nai ovzs idia ovze iv noiv(^ ^Q^ftazd iaziv amoTgy STTEiza, ^Qovicov TzoXefiODV nai dianovzlcov aneinoiy dia to ^Qay^loag avzoi In iitXXi]y.ovg vno neviag t7ziq)8Qet,v. 4. y,ai ol zoiovzoi ovze ravg nXriqovvzEg ovze Tie^ag uzgaziag TzoXldxig r/,nt}inEiv duravzai, ano z&v Idioov zs afia dnovzegy y,at dno zcov avzav danavwvzcg^ aai TiQOutzi y.ai d^aldaarjg elQyofisvoi' 5. at 8s TzeQtovaiai zohg 7zoXt[uovg fidXXov t] at ^laioi iacpoQai dviyovQi. aco^uaai zs szoifiozs- QOi 01 avzovQyol zmv uv&qojtiojv rj )[Qi]fiaai Ttolsf^eTvy zo (ilv Ttiazov e/ovzeg ix zav aipdvvcov y,av TTSQiysvia&aij zo bs ov ^b'^atov ^rj ov riQoavaXmasiVy dXXmg zs y.av naqa do^av, ottsq sinog, 6 noXsnog avzoTg fir^y.vvrjzai. 6. jm«/|/ f^^v ydg inn nQog anavzag EXXrivag dwuToi IIsXoTiovvrjaioi aai ol ^vn^iay^oi dvziaisiv, noXsfisiv 83 firj TiQog ofxoiav dvziTzaQaaasvljv ddvvazoi, orav fji^zs ^ovXsvzriQic^ svl yQcofisvoi 7raQa)^Q7ind zi o^t'cog STZizeXmai, ndvzsg zs laoxpricfoi ovzsg nai ov^i ofiocpvXoi zo sc^ savzov ey.aazog OTisvdri ' i^ ojv (fiXei fii]dsv snizsXtg yiyvsa&ai. 7. yai yctq ot fisv aaOTTOvai zi zav noivav, zc^ ds nXsovi zd olxeia fiQaoaovGi. xai sxaaiog ov naqd ztjv savzov d^iXsiav oiszat BXdipsiv, [xiXsiv ds zin yal dXXw vttsq savzov zi TtQo'idsJvy ojgzs zco avzm V7Z0 dTzdvzcov idia do^dcfiazi Xav&dvsiv zo yoivov dd^Qoov qj&siQOfisvov. CXLII. fisyiGTov 8s zi] zav yorifAazcov Gndvsi aco- XvGovzaiy ozav oy^oXri avzd TTOQi^of^svoi 8iafxsXXco6i ' zov 8s ttoXsuov ol yaiQoi ov (.isrszoi. 2. nal [a,?]v ov8' tj snizslyiGig ov8s zo ravzi- aov avzcov d^iov (fo^ri&rivai. 3. zriv fisy yaq yaXsnov y.ai iv siQr'ivi^ noXiv dvziTzaXov rranaffHsvdaaaOai, ijnov 8>] iv noXsiiia zs yai ov^ tjaaov iasivoig rjfxojv dvzsTZizszsipafisvmv. 4. qjQovQiov 5' si noii^ (lofzaiy zijg fisv yJjg p.dnzoisv dv zi fjisQog TtazaSgoixaig aal avzo- fjioXiaigy ov fxsvzoi izavov ys sazat imzst/J^siv zs itooXvsiv rjfidg nXsiaavzag ig zr]v insivojv, "nal, i^nsq loyyonsvy zaig vavaiv dfivrs- c&ai. 5. n7Jov ydq ijusXg tyof.isv zov y,azd yrjv ix zov vavzmov innsiQiag, ^ iy-sXvoi in zov y.ai ijnsiQOv ig zd vavnnd. 6. to 8a 66 ooTKTJTJor srrrpA0H2. tijg -O^aXdaaT^g InKJirifjiovag yerta&ai ov Qctdicog avzoTg nqoayEv^ad' rai. 7. olds yao v[itTg, fisXETavieg avzb ev&vg anb zmv M/;5/xo5y, i^£iQyaax}t nco ' nag dtj drdQeg yeooQyo] y.ai ov d^aldaaioi )ia\ nqoC' iti ovds fieXeTrjGai taaofxEvoi dia to vcp 7juav TToXXaig vavalv del icpoQfiHG&aif d^iov dv tl dg^sv ; 8. nQog [isv yocQ oXiyag iq)Oo- fiovaag xdv diaxivdwEvaeiav, 7iXp,&8t 7t]v dfxa&iav ^QciavvovTBg, noXXaig ds eiQyo^epoi ijcfvidoovaij ^ai iv tqj ^^ ^sXEiavzi d^vvs- taTEQOi BGOvTai aal 5t' avzo xal oKvr^QotEQOi. 9. zo ds vavziHOv TE)[VT]g iaziv coansQ Ttai dXXo ri aai ovh ivdt'/^Erai, ozav zvyrj, ix naqigyov fisXEzdcO^ai, dXXd fidXXov ^tjdsv ixEivcp ndqEqyov dXXo ylyvEGd^ai. CXLIII. si zs nai, xivjjcavzEg zojv 'OXvfXTzidaiv ?} /IsXcfioTg yQTj^dzojv, fiiad^cp fisi^on tzeiqc^vto ijii^v vnoXa^Eiv rovg ^Evovg zoov vavzm>, f^tj onzoav fisv 7]fioov dvzmdXmv ia^dvzcov avzav rs y.at zmv fiszoixcov Seivov dv ijv' vvv 8s rods rs vndQyEij xat onsQ iigdziarov >iv§EQVfjzag syofiEv noXizag^ xat r^v dXXrjv vTrrjQE- aiav TzXsiovg xai dfisivovg rj nuaa ij dXXrj 'EXXdg. 2. xal stzl z^ xtvdvvm oi'dsfg dv ds^aizo zwv ^tvmv z/jv ze avzov cpEvysiv, y.a\ fiEzd zijg ijGaovog^ aficc EXnidog oXiycov ijfiEQoiv trsy.a fiEydXov ^lo&ov doGEcogf EXEivoig ^vvaycovi^EU&ai. 3. yat zd fisv TlEXonovvricjmv tfioiys zoiavza xai naQanXriaia doysi sJvai, zd ds r/fiszEQa zovzav zs covTZEQ ixEivoig ifiSfiipdfiTjv dmjXXdyd^ai yai dXXa ova dno zov 160V fzsydXa iyEiv. 4. riv z sni Z7]v yoogav Tjfxojv ns'Ci^ 'ioaaiv, Tj^Eig ETZi zijv ixEivcov TiXEVGOvfAEd^a, yai ov'AkTi ly, zov ofioiov tozai TIe- XoTTOVVijaov iiEQog zi zfir]&ijvai yal zijv ^Arziyriv dnaoav. ol ^sv yuQ ovy t^ovaiv dX7.i]v dvziXa^Eiv diiayi, ijfiTv dt lazi yTj tzoXX?] yal iv vqaoig yoLt yaz ijtzeiqov. iiiya ydq zo ztjg d^aXd^arig ygdzog. 5. Gytxpaa&s dt' st ydg ijfisv vtjaimzaif zlvsg dv dXiinzozsQoi yaav ; you vvv ygrj ozi iyyvzaza zovzov diavorjO^EVzag zijv filv yr^v yal olyiag dqisTvai, zjjg ds d-aXdaatjg yai noXsmg qjvXayijv syEiv, yai TIsXo7iovvi](sioig vtzeq avz^v oQyia&Evzag TioXXcp tiXeloci fit] diafid- 'y^saO^ai' yQazrjaavzs'g zs ydq av&ig ovy iXdaaoai piayov^s&a yal r^v aq)aXmjj.EVy za zmv ^v^i^dyoDv, o&ev iayvofXEVj nQoaanoXXvzai' ov yuQ ijGvydaovdi /E8aiji6vioi ^EvrjXaaiag [xij Tzoiaai ^7]zs ij^cov [A^rs zcov ijuezeqcov ^Vfjiiid'/^CDV ' ovis ydq ixEivo xooXvei Ev taig GTZOvdaig ovie rode ' tag ds noXEig oti avtorofxovg dcp^Go- fiEVj El xal avtovofAovg 'iyi^ovTEg iaTTEiadfiEOa, xal otav KdnEivoi taig savtav.ajjodaai ttoXegi {xrj aqjtai toig yta'AEdaijjLOvioig ETZiTr^dEicog avtovoiiEia&ai, dXld avtoTg sxdatoig ag ^ovXovtai' dixag ds oti iOsXofXEv dovvai aatd tag ^vv&^>iagy TtoXJfiov Ss ovx ccQ^ofiEVj aQY^o^Evovg ds dfA.vvov[X£&a. tavra yaQ dixaia xal TTqinovta dfia t7jd8 ty tzoXei dno'^Qivaad^ai. 3. sldsvai ds ^qtj oti dvdyxrj tzoXe- liEiV ijv ds saovaioi ixdXXov ds'/^mixE&a, 7]i djio toa^vds OQiiansvoi, dXXd 'Aa\ ta VTidQ^ovta ixXiTZovzEg, ypmiAi] ts tzXeiovi t] tviv, y.a\ tolf^y fxsi^ovi 7] dvvd{i£i, tov ts ^dQ^aQOv dnEwaavto y.a\ ig tdds TZQOTjyayov avtd. 5. d)V oh iQT] XsiTTEGx^ai, dXXd tovg te i'/^{^QOvg navii tgoTzqi dfAVVE- G&ai, aai toTg ETZiyiyvofitvoig' 7ZEiQua&ai avtd [ir] iXdaaco naQa- dovvai. CXLY. '0 fisv IleQmXrig toiavta eItiev. ol 3' ^A&7]vaToi, vofii' Gavtsg dqiGta GcpUii TtaQaivEiv avtov, i\p7]q^iGavto d eksXeve, Ka\ roTg udaxsdaifiovioig dnEXQivavto ty ekeivov yvcop^^ xaO^ sxaGtd ta (ag sqiQaGS aal to ^vfiTzaVj ovdsv nEXsvofXEvoi tzou^geiv, dixri ds y,atd tag ^vv&rjxag szoTfioi slvai diaXvEGdat tteqi tmv iyyJ.rjfidzcov etzI iGij xai ofioia. nai oi fisv aTTS^^coQTjGav iiz oinov aui ovHtti vctSQOf IjTQEai^EVOVZO. CXLYI. AiTiai ds avzai y.a\ dia^poqai syivovto d^icpottQOig ttqa TOV TToXJfiov, dq^dfjiEvai Evdvg dno tmv iv'ETZidd^vcp 'Aai KsQ'AVQa* iTZEfiiyvvvto ds oficog sv avtalg, nal naq dXliiXovg icfCitcov, dxTji- 68 eOTKTJl/IOT ATrrPA(DII2, Qvxzcog fitVy uvvnonzoig ds ov. GnorSmv yan Ji7;fV(y/? ra yiyvo^iEfa B. I. "AQXsrai bs 6 TToXe^og ivdtvds TJdij 'A&ijvaioov xal HeXo' ftovvTjnicov y,ai rcov sxaztQOig ^vfxfidycav, iv (^ ovte mEiiiyvvvTo eti axr^Qvy.Ji naq a}XiqXovg naTaardvTsg ts ^vvE^oag inoh'fiovy ' yr/fya- Tzrai Se E^7]g (ag ExaoTa iyiyvEzo y.ara ■OtQog xai jfEifiava. II. Tiacyana fiEv yaQ *Aat diy,a eti] ivtjiEivap at rQiaxovToviEig aTTOvdai. cu iyEvovTo ^et Ev^oiag alco^iv Tcp ds Tit'fiTZTCp xoc) dEy.dzcp EtEt, E711 XQVOidog iv 'AqyEl TOZE TlEVTr^XOVTa dvOlV dt'oVTU EZ7] iEQ(auty7]g, y,ai u4lv7]aiov iqjOQOv iv 2J7idQ7y xal Flv&odcoQOv hi dvo fiT]vag aQiovTog ^Ad^r^vaioig, fista rriv iv Iloridaia f^dxrjv [irjvl vatcq yicii a^ia i,qi aQ^ojiivcp Ori^aimv dvdnEg 6)Jyq> nlEiovg zQiay.oaicoVj t]yovvTO ds avToJy ^oicoraQiovvTsg IIv&dyyEXog ts 6 Q)v1ei8ov y.cti /JiEf.moQog 6 ^OvijroQidov, ia^^XOoj' tzeqi ttqc^tov vnvov ^vv OTiXoig ig ZlXdraiav zT^g Boicoriag ovaav '^d^r^vaiav ^vnfia^K^ida. 2. inr]- ydyovTO ds xal dricp^av rag nvlag TlXaratav livdQEg Nav/kEidqg IE 'AOi ol fiET avTOVj ^ovXo^Evoi idiug EVcxa dvvdfiEoag dvdQag ts rmv TToXiToov rovg 6q:iaiv VTJEvavrlovg diacfd^slQai aai ztjv nchv Qrj^aiotg nQOGTronjcai. 3. sTTQa^av ds ravza di' J^vQVfid'/^ov zov yleovziddov drdQog Qr]^aicov dvrazojzdzov. TTQo't'dovzEg yuQ ol Sij^aioi ozi EGOLZO 6 TTolEjAog, ?]^ovXopzo zijv nXdraiav, dsi ocpicft didq^OQOv ovaav, ezi iv sigijvri zs 'Aal zov TioXsfiOv fx^nca qtavEQOv iia&EGZ7jxviag. 4. &e^evoi ds ig zi]v uyoQccv zd ouXa zoTg fiEV iTTayofiEvoig ov-a inEi^ovzo aaz Evd^vg tqyov Exsax^ai xpii h'rai ig zdg oi'Aiag zav i'/J}Q^v, yvcofir^v ds inoiovvzo 'AJjQvyfxaai zs yni^Gaad^cu imzridsioig 'Aoi ig ^vfjc^aaiv f-idXXov y.ai q)iXiav zijv noXiv dyaysiv, xat dvEijzEv 6 htjqv^, ei zig ^ovXszai y.azd za rtazQia zmv ndvzGiv BoKazwv tv'^iiaxEiVj zi&sad^ai na(j avzovg za onXa, ro/ii- ^ovTsg Gcpiai Qndimg zovzq> zm zQomp 7TQocy^(OQy]aEiv zijv noXtv, III. ol dE nXazairjg aig ^a&ovzo hdov ze vrzag zovg Gr^^aiovg 'a(u LIB. II. CAP. IV. 69 l^amvatcog xa78ilTjfji{ji8VJ]v ztjv noXiv, aaradeLaavteg aal vofiivavtsg noXX^ TiXsiovg ioEXr^Xv&tvai, ov yccQ scagcov iv iij vvatc, TZQog ^vix- ^aaiv ExcjoQi](7av 'acu zovg Xoyovg dt^ufieroi i]aviat,ov, aXXcog ze xai STZSidi] ig ovbtva ovdav ivecoztgi^ov. 2. nQaaaovzeg dt ncag zavza xazsv67](jav ov noXXovg zovg Otj^aiovg ovzag, not ivofxiaav BTii&t' ^evoi gadicog nQaztjaai' z^ yaq nX^O^ai zav IlXazaiav ov ^ovXa- ^0 lAbV(Q i]v zcov ^Ad^Tjvaiwv aqjiGzaG&ai. 3. idoxei ovv ImiBiQijzia ihai, nat ^vvEXsyovzo dioQvaaovzsg zovg >ioivovg zoi^ovg, nag o.yXi]Xovgj oTicog ^u// 8ia zmv odav qjavEQol aaiv lovzeg, afxa^ag zs avBv Toov v7zo^vyi(x)v eg zag 68ovg ya&iazaaav, tV avzi zei'^ovg y, ncu zaXXa i^rjQZVov rj taaazov icpaivezo nqog za naqovza ^vfxq)0Q0P ECsaO^ai. 4. i^ec ds cog in zav dvvazojv szoi^a 7jv, qivXd^avzeg en vvxza nai. avzo zo TZEQiogd'QOv e/cogovv ex zmv oixuov eri avzovgj ortcog fitj y.azcc q:,ojg 'O^agaaXecozegoig ovai Trgoacpegmrzai, nal acpiaiv BH rov iaov yiyvojvzai, aX)^, iv vvxzl (fo^sgojzegoi ovzeg^ iqaaovg caat zrig Gq}Ezigag ifineigiag zijg xaza ztjv noXiv. izgoae^SaXov zs evdvg y.ai, ig yeigag ij^aav xouzoLzdyog. IV. ol 5' ^g eyvcoaav '^Tzazijfie- voiy ^vvE6Tg8q)0vz6 zs iv 6q)iaiv avzoTg aal zag ngoa^oy.dg^ ^ rrgoa- TTiTzzoiEv, dTTSoa&ovvzo. 2. 'Aui dig fxev 1] zgig aTZEngovaavzo, ettei- za, TzoXX^ -d^ogv^cp avzav zs TigoG^aXXovzmv, y.ai zdjv yvvaiAWp -Aoi zmv oixstojv afia dno zmv oixi^v, agavyy zs nal oXoXvyrj xgw- {AEvmv, Xi&oig zs xal Ksgdficp ^aXXovzcov, nal vezov d(A,a dia vvAzog TzoXXov iTTiysvofiEvoVj icpo^ri&riaav aai zgaTZOfisvoi ecpvyov dia zJjg noXscog, dnEigoi [xev ovzsg ol nXsiovg iv cxozco xal titjX^ zoov dio- doDV y y^gt] aco&rjvai, y>ai yag zsXsvzavzog zov fitjvog za yiyvotieva 7]Vf ifijTEigovg ds ey^ovzsg zovg dicoxovzag zov fit] ixqisvysiv, wars biEcpd-Eigovzo noXXoi. 3. zcav ds UXaraiwv zig zdg nvXag ^ ia^X- &0V y.(U aliTsg Ijoav dvsc^yiiEvai [lovai, eaXekjs azvgamm dxovziov avzi paXavov ^griaajXEvog sg zov iioy^KoVy ojozs fxtjos zavzrj ezi e^ooov shai. 4. dico'Aoiisvoi zs 'Acczd zrjv TtoXiVj ol fiev zivsg avzoSv im zo rsTyog dva^dvzeg engixpav ig zo e^co aq)dg avzovg, aai di£q)&dg7]6av oi nXsiovg, ol ds, xaza nvXag igrniovg, yvvaiy,og dovarjg tteXehvv, Xa&ovzsg aal diaxoipavzsg zov fio^Xov, i^iqX&ov ov noXXoi, aia&fj- al idoxEi ini roig fitXXovai yerr^GeaO-ai 6tjvi?jvai ' ei t« zi uXXo zQiovzoTQonov ^vvE^rj yEPEG&ai, Tzdvza avE^r^zEizo. 4. tj dl tvvoia Tiaga noXv ettoiei zav dvOQcoTzcov ixdXXov ig zovg AcvAEbai- [toviovgy dXXcog za ^ai tzqoeittovzcov ozi zriv 'EXXdSa, iXEv&EQOvan: EQQCozo ZE ndg y.ai Idicozr^g y,ai TioXig, ei zi dvvaizo, xal 7,6ycp y.ai EQycp ^vrETziXcifi^dvEiv avzoTg ' Iv zovzcp zs nEHco7.va^at IdoxEi ixd- (jzcp za TZQdyfiaza cp [x^ Tig avzog noLQEazai. 5. ovzmg ogy^ Elyov 01 nXsiovg zovg *u4&i]vaiovgj ol [iev z'ijg dQxljg aTToJ.vO^tjvai §ovX6fiE- vol, ol ds fit] dg^O^aai (po^ovfiEvoi. nagaanEvy fisv ovv zotavzy y>al yvcofirj aQfX7]vzo. IX. TzoXsig d' sudzEQai zdad' f/ovzEg ^vnnd^ovg tg zov TzoXEfiov aa&iazavzo. 2. udaHEdaiiiovicov fxsy o'ldE ^vufxaxoi' TIeXotzovvviGioi filv ol ivzog iax^iiov ndvzEg nXtjv ^^QyEioav y.a\ *Ayai(ov ' zovzoig 5' 4' dficpozEQOvg qiiXta i]v ' IlEXXrjrTig ds 'A^OLiSiv fiovoi ^vvETioXEfiovv zo TZQoozoVf ETTEiza 8s VGZEQOV xoct dnavzsg' E^(o ds IlEXo7iovvt]aov MsyaQJjgy 0co/S]g, AoyQoi, Bokotoi, 'AuTZQa- mazaij Asvyddioi, ^Ava-AZOQioi. 3. zovzcov vavziy.hv naqEiiovTO KoQip&LOi, Msyaoijgf J^iy.vmnoi, neXXipJjg, 'HXeToi, 'AfA.7TQC(,Ki6jzaff Asvy^ddiotf InnEag ds Boicozoi, (Dcoxijg, Ao'aqoi' al 5' uXXai ttoXeh; fZE^ov naoEi/ov. avzi] Aaxedaiuovioov ^vfifiayia. 4. 'A&}]vaicov ds Xioi, Aso^ioi, nXazaujg, Meaaijnoi ol iv A^avTzd'Azw, 'Amtgrd- fojv ol TiXEiovgy KEQ'AVQaToi, Za'Avr&ioi, y.ai dXXai noXsig al vtzozs- XsTg ovaai iv s&vegi zoGoiGdE, KaQia ij ini '&a7.daGri, /Jo3Qifig KaoGi TTQOGorAOt, 'Icovia, 'EXXt]G7iovTog, za ini QQdy.^gj rtjaoi ogul ivzog IlEXoTTorvijGOv y.ai KQijzr.g TZQog ijXtov dviG'/ovza, TzuGai al dXXai KvxXddsg tiXtjv MtjXov yal Of^nag. 5. zovzmv vavzimv naoEi- yovzo Xioi, Aeg^wi, KfQxvQaioiy ol 5' ciXXoi ^sl^oy xal yQijiiaza. l^vufiayia fisv avzr] iy.azEQmv xal naqaGXEv)} ig zov ttoXeliov ijv. X. 01 ds Aaxidaifiovioi, fisra za iv UXazaialg EvOvg, nEQitjy- ysXXov xaza zrjv JJeXotiovv^gov xal zr^v e^oj ^vfifiayjav azqazidv naQaGXEvd^EGO^ai zaig tioXegi zd zs imr^dEiaj ola sixog zni 'i^odov r^dr^fiov syEiVy wg iG^aXovvzsg ig zrjv ^Azzixtjv. 2. insidq ds txd- Gzoig SToTf-ta ylyvoizo, xaxa zov ynovov zov Eigyjuivov, ^vrTjsGav za dvo fiEQJ] dno TZoXscog sxdGzrjg ig zov IgO^aoVj 3. xal insidq nav zo GZQazevfia ^vrEiXsyiiivov r^v, 'AQyidafiog 6 (jaGiAEvg zoov Aaxe /}^ L O lAJ, <^tlJU^ LIB. II. CAP. XT. 7^ taijioviiovj uaftEQ riyeTro rtjg i^odov ravtrjgj ^vyaalEaag zovg arga- rtjyovg rav tioXeojv TraaooVj xai tovg ixdhata iv zeXei xal a^ioloyo)' rdzovg, nuQEivai, TOidds eXe^ev. XI. "AvdqEg riEXoTZorv^aioi 7.ai ot ^vfifia^oi, xcd at TiajEQsg Tj/ncov noXXdg ctQazEiag y,ai iv avry zy TlEXonovvriac^ x«< e^co ettoi- 7j6avT0, y.al avioov i]f^av ol TZQEa^vzEQOi ovk dnEiQOi tzoXeixcov eIgiv ' ofXG)g ds Tr^adE ovttco fXEi^ova naQaoxEVTjv E/^ovzEg i^tjX&ofiEv, dXXci y.a\ ETii TioXiv dwaTcozdrt^v vvv EQ^oyEdUj xa« avtoi TzXEiaroi y,ai dqiatoi azQaTEiuovtEg. 2. dixaiov ol/v rnxag fiijis tcjv natEQcop ^EiQOvg (paivea&ai fi^te rjfi^v avrav ZTJg d6^7]g Ev8E£GTE'()0vg. rj yuQ 'EXXug naaa rfids tij oQfiri inrjQtai xat ttqooexei ztjv yvcofiTjVj Evvoiav 'iiovaa did to 'Ad'i]vaioi)v E^d^og ngd^ai rjfxdg d EnivoovpLEv. 3. omovv XQ^> El Tqi nai doxovf/,£v 7zXi]&£i STZiEvat, aai daq:dXEia TZoXXt] Eivai fit] dv eX&eXv tovg ivavtiovg rjfzTv did fid)^r]gy zovzov iVExa dixEXiatEQOv ri naQEay.EvaGiiEvovg )[(oqeiVj dXXd y>ai noXEcag ty,daTJ]g 7j'yEfx6va 'Aat aTQaricoTTjv to y,a{f avzov ueI TZQoadr/^EG&at ig yivdvvov ziva ?]^£iv. 4. ddrjXa yuQ za zav TioXt'ficov yal i^ oXiyov jd noXXd KCtt dC oqyrig at ETiixEiQtjaEig yiyvovtai' noXXdyag te to EXaaaov TzXTJd^og dEdiog dfiEivov Tjfivvato zovg nXEOvag did to icaza- q}QOvovvzag dnaqaayEvovg yEVEa&ai. 5. )[Qr] ds uei ev r^ noXEfiicc zy (AEv yj'Ojfirj daQGaXEOvg OTQazEVEiv,-T^ ds sQyco dEdiozag naga- axEvd^EaOai. ovzco ydq nqog te to IniEvai zoTg Evavzioig Evxpvio- Tazoi dv EiEv, TZQog zE TO im'/^EtQEia&ai daqiaXiazazoi. 6. rnxEig d& ov^ E7U ddvvazov d^vvEad^ai ovzco noXiv EQ-^ofjiE^a, dXXd zoig ndoiv aQiaza 7zaQ£6y£vaaf^EV7]Vj (aazs '^qi] xai ndvv eXtzi^eiv did f^d'j^tjg iivai avzovg, el nq xui fvv coqf^r^vzai iv cp ovttco TtdqEGiiEv, dX)^ ozav iv zy yfi oqaaiv r]fidg drjovvzdg ze yai zdxEivcov cpd^Eiqovzag. 7. ndoi yaq iv ToTg bfjfiaui yai iv 7(p naqavziy.a hqdv ndaiovzdg zi, df]OEg oqyy nqoaniTZTEi ' yat ot Xoyiafi^ iXd^iaza '/qcofiEvoi d^vfirp nXsleza ig sqyov yad^icrzavzai. 8. 'y4&rjvaiovg ds yai nXiov zi zmv uXXcov EiHog Tovzo dqdaat, ol aq^Eiv te t^v aXXcav d'S,iovGi yai ini- ovzEg z?]v Tcov TziXag dyovv fidXXov ?/ r^v savzav hqdv. 9. (hg ovv ini zoaavziiv noXiv arqazEvovzEg, yai fisyiazj^v do^av oiao^Evoi zoig ZE nqoyovoig y.ai 7]f.uv avzoTg in dfiqjozEqcc in zav uTTO^aivov- TmVy ETtsaif OTTTj dv Tig ijyi]zai, xoGfxov yai qjvXayrjv nsqi Tzavzog szoiovfiEvoif yai zd TiaqayyElXofiEva o^img ds'/pnEvoi ' xdXXiazop 4 74 eoTKTJiJor BrrrPAaiiis. yuQ ToSe nal aaifaXtarazov, noXXovg ovtag lv\ 'Aoaucp ^Qoaulvovi XXL Toaavra Einoav nai diaXvaag xov i,vX'koyov 6 'y^QXiSa^og MeXi]6i7Z7Z0v TTQmTov aTzoaThlXu ig rag 'Adijvag rov ^lay.Qizov, avdQa ^JTzaQTidtr^v, el ti aqa [laXXov ivdoiEv ot ^A&rivaioi oQmvTeg ijdr] G(fdg iv 6d(^ ovzag. 2. ot ds ov TTQoaadt^avzo avrov ig tt^v noliv ovd^ STzl zo y.oiv6v ' 7]v yaq TIeQiy.liovg yvco/j-r] tzqozeqov rsn- xTj'AvTa, KtjQvua xa^ ngsG^eiav firj 7TQ0o8t)(^sad'ai uday>e8a(fiovicov i^eazQazEVfiivtov * anontixnovaiv ovv avzov nqiv a^ovaai y,cu iat- Xevov Exzog oQcov thai av&tjfiEQOVj z6 ze Xomov ava^coQtiaavzag im za aqsETEQa avzmv, tjv zi ^ovXcovzat, 7TQEG^EVE(j&ai. |i'jW7r<7/, TTOvai ZE zo) MsXriatTtncp aycoyovg, oTZcog firjdsn ^vyyEvijzai. 3. 6 8i ETZEidi] ETii zoTg oQioig EyivEZO aai EfisXls diaXvGEc&ai, zoaofda EiTTOJV ETTOQEVEZO ozi H8e 7] TjfAEQU zoTg EXXijai fiEydXtov y.ay.ojf uQ^Ei. 4. (og ds dqiiiiEzo ig zo 6ZQaz6nE8ov y,a\ 'iyvco 6 ^u^Qpdu- fiog ozi ot 'A&i]vaioi ovdsp nco ivdcoaovaiv, ovzco dt] aQag zm gtqu- t4> 7iqov)(^(6qei ig Z7jv ytjv avzav. 5. Boicozol ds fiEQog {.isv zo aq)SZEQ0v y,a\ zovg inniag naQEiiovzo neXoTTOvrijGiotg ^vGzoazEveiv. zoTg ds XsiTtofXEVoig ig JJXdzaiav iX&ovzsg zijv yriv idriovv. XIII. "Ezi ds z(ov IlEXonovvriaicov ^vXXsyo^tvGJv zs ig zov lad- fiov not iv 68m ovzcoVj ttqIv ia^aXtiv ig zijv ^^zzimjvy TlsQn^Xijg 6 Bavd^innov azQazijyog wv 'A&tivaimv dsaazog avzog, cog 'iyrco ZTjv iG^oXhv iao[isr7]Vj vnozonriaag, ozi 'AQii8aiiog avzcp ^evog mp izvyxavE, fit] TzoXXd'xig i] avzog i8ia ^ovXoixsvog ^aQL^Ea&ai zovg uyQOvg avzov naQaXmri y,ai fitj ^gcatj?/, // xar AaxE8aifxovicov y.eXEv- cdrzcov iTzl dia^oXri zy savtov y^lvjjzai zovzo, wgtteq y,ai za ayi] iXavvEiv TiQOEinov tvEna inEivoVy nQotjyoQEvs zoTg 'A&rivaioig iv z^ iHnXriGin ozi 'AQXi8afA.og [xiv ol ^tvog £it]j ov jaivzoi ini x«xcp ys Z7jg TzoXEag yiroizo, zovg 5' dygovg zovg savzov ytai oixiag r^v aqa firj 8ric6GcoGiv ol TzoXifiioi ^gtieq y,a\ za zav dXXaVj dcpiTjGiv avia dijuoGia slvai, y>a\ firjdEfziav ol vnoxpiav aazd zavza yiyvEG&at. ^ 2. naQijvEi 8s y,a\ nsql z&>v naQovzcov ansQ y.ai tzqozeqov, uraga- ay.Evd^EG&ai ze ig zov noXsfzov xal za iy, zmv dyQmv iG'AOui^EG&ai, ig zs [idy7]v fii] ins^iivai, aiJXa zt^v noXiv iGsXO^ovzag q)vXaGGsiVf xai zo vavziy.ov, ijtieq Ig^vovgiv, i^aQzvEG^ai, zd zs zmv ^vf^ifidyoop dia x^'Q^^S il^iVj Xiymv zriv Ig'/vv avzoTg dno zohcov shai zcop yniy LIB. II. CAP. XTV. 75 Hatcov trjg arQoaodov, ra ds noXla rov TtoXtfJiov yvcaf^ri aai XQ^ioi.'* Tcov TZSQiovuia y.paTHG&ai. 3. daQaeiv ts e'aeXsve, TzgoaiovTcov ixlv i^aaoaicxjv raXdvzcav ag Itzi to ttoXv cpoQOv aai tnavzov ano tKiV ^vfif-id'/cop Ty n6).E(, dvEv 7ijg d)J.7]g nQoaodoVj vnaQi6vT(ov da Iv Tjj d'AQonolei hi tots aQyvQiov iTTiGtjfiov e^aaia^iXioov TaXdvTcov ' tk yaq TtXeiciTa TQiaaoaicov dnodiovTa [xvQict iytvBTO, d(p oiv eg ts tu fiQonvXaiOL TTJg dxQOTToXsmg not tuXXcc olnodoft^fiaTa aal ig JJotl- daiav d7zavrj7.c60-r] ' 4. x^Q^^^ ^^ XQvaiov dari^ov xai dgyvQiov sv ts dvaiyriiiaaiv idioig aal 8t][/,oaioig, xat bacc iSQa axsvtj tteql ts Tag noiinag 'aoI Tovg dyavag, y.al gxvXo. ]\l7]drAa 'Aoi si ti toiovtotqOt nov, ovy, iXdaaovog 7jv rj nsvTaxoaicov TaXdvTcov. 5. hi ds nal xa in Tav iiXXcov tsQav nQoasTi&si XQ^]f4.aTa ovu oXiya, oig ;f(>//(j£a"0^at avTovg, yiai rjv ndvv i^siQycovTai navTcoVj xai avTijg Ttjg ■&sov ToTg asQiyMfitvoig jfot^cy/o/^ • aTTtqjaivs d^ Pfov to ayaX^ia TsaaaqdyovTa TdXavia GTa&iiov iQvalov dntcpdov y,ai nsQiaiQsiov slvai anav. 'j(Qi](jafiti'ovg TS Ini Gcozjjnia sq)r] ^Q^jvai fit] iXdaaco dvTi'AaTaaTrjaai ndXiv. 6. wri\ia6i fisv ovv ovTcog s&dQavvsv avTOvg, onXitag ds TQia'/^Xiovg y.ai fivqiovg slvai avsv tcov iv TOig q,QOVQioig y.ai tmv nciQ BTTaX^iv s^ayiayiXicov yat (iVQiodv. 7. Toaovzoi yan sqjvXaaaov TO TTQOJTOV OTZOTS 01 TZoXtfllOl ia^aXoiEV, UTIO TS TCOV nQEd^VTdlOiV yai Tav vEcoTatcoVy yai fiSTOixoov oaoi bnXitai ijaav. tov ts yuQ 0aXi]Qiy.ov TEiyovg arddioi ijaav tievts yai TQidy.ovTo. nQog tov KvxXov tov dcTEog^ yai avrov tov nvyXov to qjvXaacropiEvov TQEig xai TEGaaqd'AOvra ' 'ioTi ds avTOV o xai dcpvXayzov ijv, to fxsTa^v Tov TE liay.QOV yai tov 0aXt]QrAOv. tu ds iiccAQa Tsiyji ^Qog tov JlsiQaut TsaaciQayovTa aradiav, cov to e^coOev hriQsiTO ' ycu tov 'flsiQaioag ^vv Movvvyia i^t'jyovTa fxsv aradimv 6 arzag TZSQi^oXog, TO ^ iv (pyXayy i]v iiuiav tovtov. 8. iiimag d' dntcpaivs diaao' ijiovg yat yiXiovg ^vv iTTTZOTo'^OTaig, s^ayoaiovg ds yal xi7.iov^ TO^orag, y.al TQt^QSig Tag TiXoifiovg tgiayocriag. 9. Tavra, yan vnljQysv ^A&rjvatoig, yai ovy sXaaaco tyauTa tovtcoVj ois i) ia^oXi] TO TZQmzov s{xeXXs TiEXoTiovvijaioav SGsa&ai, ya\ ig tov noXsi-iov, yaOlaravTO. 'iXsys ds yai aXXa olansQ sicoOsi TlEQiy.Xljg ii anodsi^iv TOV TTSQisasaOai toj 7io7Jiio\ XIV. ol ds 'y4&7]vaioi ayovaavTEg dvsnsix^ovTO ts, yai ioEyoniL^ovzo iy Tmv dyqatv naldag Ma\ yvvaiyag, y.a\ Ttjv dXXijv yaTadXEv^iv y yai ohov iypaivTO, xai 7b eOTKTJIJOT ATTTPAQiH2. avt^v 7av oiHiav xa&aiQOvvzeg ti]v ^vXaiaiV nqo^ara bl xoci vno^vyia ig Ti]v Ev^oiav dientfAxpavTO y.ai ig lag vijoovg tag eTny.ai- fisvag. 2. yuXETTOjg ds avroTg dia to aei slcox^evai rovg TzoXXovg iv zoTg uyQoig diaitaa&ai ij avdataaig iyiyvEto. XV. ^vvE^e^/ixei ds ano zov ndw aQialov bteqcov fidXXov 'A&rivaioig zovzo. im yuQ Kt'AQonog y,ai rav ttqcotojv ^aaiXb'cov rj Ariiyj] ig Qtjaea del xazd TzoXeig MXEtto, TZQVzavud ze 'iyovaa y.ai. ugyovzag, y.ai otzoze [tfj zi daiasiav, oh ^vvrieaav ^ovXEvaofxavoi dog zov ^aaiXta^ uX)! avzol Exaazoi ETToXizsvovzo nal i^ovXsvovzo ' aai ztreg xal inoXEfiTjadv nozs avzojVf ojgtteq y.al ^EXsvamoi ^lEz EvfxoXnov nqog 'EQEy&sa. 2. ETtEidt] ds QriGEvg E^aaiXsvcEf yEvo^iEvog fiEzd zov ^vvezov x«t dvvazog za zs dXXa diSHoa^rjas zijv ycogav, aai nazaXvuag zav aXXoav tzoXecov zd zs ^ovXEvzr^Qia y.al zdg aQydg, ig zi^v rvv noXiv ovaaVf £v ^ovXevz^qiov dnodEi^ag y,ui nQvzavEiov ^vpcoy.iaE ndvzag.^ xai TEfiofXE'vovg zd avrav indazovg dnEo xaj ttqo zov rjvdyHa^E fidi noXsi zavzrj yQtjff&aij ?] aTzdvzcov ijdt] ^vvzEXovvz(av ig avzijv, fiEyd- Xij yEvofxsvt] 7zaQEd6&tj vno Oi^GEOjg zoTg ETZEiza' x«t |v>o/x/a i^ ixEivov 'A&rivaloi etl yal vvv zij -O^eoj eoqzi]v di'ifiozEXTj noiovai. 3. zo ds TiQo zovzov 1] uy.QOTioXig 7] 'pvv ovaa noXig rjVj y.al zo vtz avzriv TTQog vozov ndXiaza ZEZQau(XEvop. 4. zEHfif^Qiov 8s' zdycco isQa iv avzri zy dygonoXEi nal uXXcov x^e^v iazi, nal zd e^(a Tzgog zovzo zo fiSQog ziqg noXEcog fidXXov idQvzai, zo zs zov /liog zov OXvfiTziovj yai zo IIv&iov, y.al zo zT^g rtjg, nal zo iv Aifzvaig /lio- t'VOOVf 0} zd dgyaiozEQa /liovvoia zy dcodExdzij noiEizai iv firjvl Avx}Eazi]Qiavi, (x)6UEQ y.ai oi dn ^Ad^tjvaiojv ^IcovEg 'in y.al vvv rofii^ovaiv. 5. idqvzai ds nal dXXa lEQa zavzy uQyaia. nal zy XQ^vrj zy rvv (asv zmv zvgdrvcov ovzco GnEvaadvzcov ^En>Eay,Q0vvcp naXovfi£vr}j zo ds ndXai q:avEQ6Jv zojv nriyojv ovadiv KaXXioQori wrofiaafxirrj, insivr} ze iyyvg ovay zd nXsiazov d^ia iyomvzo, nal fvv tzi ano zov dgyaiov tiqo ze yafiinojv nal ig dXXa zwv leQMv i>0fii^Ezai zqi vdazi yQjja&ai. 6. naXsizai ds did z^v naXaidv zavrrj nazoinriaiv, nal tj dnQonoXig fiiyQi zovds azi vn 'Ad^tfvaicov noXig. Xyi. zri ZE ovv ini noXv nazd ztjv ycoQav avzovoficp olnijaEi fiEZEi- lov 01 'AOijvaToi, nal iTZEidt] ^vvcpniaOtjaaVj did zo s&ogj iv zoig uyQoig oficog ol nXsiovg zwv aQyaicov nal zav vgzeqov iiiyQi zovds €ov TzoXEfiov navoiy.7]airt ysrofiEroi ze nal oinTjaavzsg oh Qadioog zdg LIB. 11. CAP. XVII. XVIII. 77 fistavaaraaiig Ittoiovvto, aXXcog zs yial uqii dvEiltjqioTeg Tag xa taanevag fxEia to, Mridixd ' 2. f^aQvvovzo ds aai ial87i(^g sq:SQOP olmag rs y,ata}An6vTEg am leQci, a did naviog ijv avioTg ix rijg xazd to aQxaiov nohzeiag nUTQia, diairdv re fitlXovteg f^Eza^dX- Xeiv, 'Aal ovdsv dXXo 7J noXiv tijv avzov dnoXsiTZcov taaazog. XVII. ETiEidr] Ts dcfi'y.ovzo ig to dazv, oXiyoig fitv iiaiv vtztJq^^ov oix7]aEig xal naqd cpiXcxiv zivdg ij oixEimv xaiaqjvyrj, ol ds tioXXoI zd ze SQTjfzcc Tijg noXEcog wxrjaavy xai zd iequ xal zd tjQcpcc Tidvza, nXriv zijg d'AQOTZoXecog xal zov 'EXevgiviov xal ei zi dXXo ^e^aivyg xXsiazov ijV z6 zs IlEXaayixov xaXovfiEvov zo vno zi]v dxQOTZoXiVj ov ^ nai ETiaQazov ze rjv fjirj oIheTv xal zi xui IJvx^ixov fxavzEiov dxQOZE- "* ' Xevziov zoiovdE diE'AcaXvE, Xiyov cog zo TleXaayixov aQyov dfisivovj Ofi(og vno ztjg Tzana/Q^fia dvdyxrjg i^ojx^&i]. 2. xai jioi doxsT to HavzEiov zovvavzlov ^vfi§l]vai ?/ TZQoaEdtjovzo ' ov ydq did zriv naqdvoixov evoixyigiv at ^v^iq)0Qai yEVEO&ai zy uoXei, dXXd did zov 7z6Xe{xov ij drdyxT] ztjg olx^asmg, ov ovx ovofid^ov zo fzavzsTov Tigoy- dEi (Ajj En d.yad^m nozs avzo xazoixiad^riaofXEvov. 3. xazEcxEvd- oavzo ds xai ev zoig nvqyoig zmv zEr/^cov noXXoi xat cog Exa6z6g nov idvvazo' ov ydq i'/^coQrjaE ^vvEX&ovrag avzovg tj noXig. dXX vozeqov dq zd ZE fiaxQd zei'/t] cpxt^aav xazavEifxdfiEvoi xai zov IlEiQamg zd noXXd. 4. dfAa ds xai zoov nQog zov noXsfiov TjnzovzOf t,vnnd)f^ovg ZE dyEiQOvzsg xa\ z'q n£Xonovv7]aq} sxazhv vsmv ininXovv E^aqzvov- ZEg. xa\ 01 [xh iv zovzcp naqaaxEvijg tjaav. XVIII. '0 ds azQazog zoov neXonovvtjaicov nQOiojv dqiixEzo z?jg '^zzixijg ig Oivor^v nQOJzov, r^nEQ e^ieXXov ia^aXsTv. xai cog ixadEXovzo, nQoa^oXdg naQECXEvd^ovzo z^zeixei noujcjoiAEvoi fitj^cc- vaTg ZE xai dXXco zgonqt ' 2. ij ydq Oivorj ovaa iv fiE&OQioig ztjg ^Azzixrig xai Boicoziag izEZEiiiazo, xai avz^ cfQOVQio^ ol *A&t] vaToi iiQcovzo onozs noXEfxog xazaXd^oi. zdg ze ovv nQoa^oXdg rivzQ^ni^ovzo xou dX7.cog ivdiizQi\pav iqovov nsQi avzijv. 3. alziav ZE OVX iXaxiazriv ^AQ^idaiiog sXa^EV an avzov, doxwv xai iv zy ^vvaycoyri zov noXifiov {laXaxog Eivai xai zoig 'Ad^rivaioig iniztj' dsiog, ov naQaivoJv nQO&vf^mg noXEfieiv' insidij ze ^vvEXiyszo o azgazog, i] ze iv z^ la&^M inifiovt] yEvofiirt] xat xazd Z7]v dXXrjv noQEiav rj oioXaiozrig diE§a7.Ev avzoVy iidXicsra ds tj iv z^ Oivoi^ 78 ooTKTJi/Jor ATrrPAoiEv ixEirrj zy EO^Xij ol A&tjvaToif ddEtazsQOv r^drj ig zb vazsQOv zo TZEdiov ZEfieiv y,ai TiQog avzi]v z)]v noXiv /a)(>?/(T£av^afc ' zovg yag ""Ax^^Qvutg BaiEQ7]flEV0Vg Z^V CCpEZtQQOV OV^ 6f40lCOg TTQO&VflOVg taEaO'ai V7T{-Q zTjg zmv dXXcov xtrdvvEVEiv, azdaiv ds iriatax^ai z'q yrcofiij. 5. zoi- tiVTQ fisv diavoia 6 'AQxidafiog tisqI zdg ^A^fX-Qvag r^v. XXI. A&i]vaioi Si, fiixQi f^sv ov tzeqI 'EXsvaTra xal zo Oqiu^ fjiov Tisdiov 6 GZQazog ip', xal ziva iXnida il'xov ig zo iyyvziqaa LIB. II. CAP. XXII. 79 avtovg [irj nqoXivai, fisfivj^fievoi aai nXsiarodvaxTa tov^ Uavaaviov ^aKEdaifiovicov ^aadta, ore ia^alav Tijg ^Aiti^'rig sg 'EXevgivcc y^al Qqioo^b GtQcctm JJeXoTZOvvi^aicoVj ttqo zovds rov TzoXtfiov ttcs- aaqai aou dtxa hsGiv, avE)[^(6QtjaB ^dXiv, ig to nXewv ovKtn ttqoeX- ■&(6v' dib dr] HOI rj cpvyrj avt^ iyEvsro in ^Ttdqirigf do^avTi ^Qri- ^laai 7T£ia&7]vai ttjv dva^coQTjGiv ' 2. inEidtj de tteqi ^AyoLoykg Eidov 70V arQCLZOv i^tjxovta aradiovg rijg noXEcog dnkiovxa, ovxitt dra- 61ET0V EnoiovvrOy dXX avzoig, cog Einogf yTJg refivofiEvtjg iv zqj Sfxqia- vEij 0V7TCO EoagdHsaav ol yE vEcoTEQOif ov8^ ol nQEa^vzEQOi nXriv id Mijdwd, dEivbv EqjaivETOj aal kdoxsi zoTg re uXXoig aat fidXtata rrj ve6t7]ii hnE^iEvai Kcci ^ij nEQioqav. natd ^vatdcEig zs yiyvo^Evoi kv TZoXXy EQidi ^(saVf ol iilv iiEXEvovTEg k^iEvai, ol 8e zivsg ovx kavTEg. 3. iQYiaiioXoyoL te "^dov XQV^H'Ovg navtoiovg, cov dxgoaG&ai cog Exaarog (OQyrjzo. ol te ''AiaQvrig oiofiEvoi naqd acpiaiv avtoTg oiiy. tXaxian^v fioiQav shai 'A&rjvaicoVf cog avzcov ?/ y7j hzifivszOf tpliyov z?]v E^odov ^dXiaza. navzl zs tgonqt dvi]Q£&iazo tj nokig v.0Li zot IlEQixXEa Iv ogyy Ei'fpv, y.cu cov TzaQyvEas tiqozeqov EfiEfxvT^vzo ov- 8sv, dXlC hxdai^ov on azQazijyog cov ova STZE^dyoi, ai'iiov Z8 cqiiaip tvofii^ov ndvzcov cov mac'/^ov. XXII. nEQiaXTjg 8s oqojv fiEV av- zovg TiQog zo naqov y^aXEnaivovzag xai ov zol dqiaza (fgovovvzag^ niazEVCov 8s oQd^^^ yiyvcoaasiv tteqi zov (xij huE^iEvaif EHxXijOiiav zs ov'A, ETTOiet avzmv ov8s ^vXXoyov ov8tva, zov ^r] ogyy zi [xaXXov i] yvc6{^ri ^vvsXdovzag t^afiaQzsTy, zriv ze noXiv hqjvXaaas nai 8l^ tjcv- flag ^dXiaza ocjov h8vvaT0 eIiev. 2. InnEag hevzoi e^etteixttev dsi, zov [j.i] 7ZQo5Q6[xovg aTTo z7^g GiQazidg laniTZzovzag Ig zovg dyQovg zovg syyvg z7jg noXscog yuiHovQyEiv ' xal tTZTiofia/^ia zig IvsyivEzo ^QW/^Eia Ev (Dgvyioig zodv ze Ad^fjvaicov zEXst ivi zoov Innicav xai OsaaaXoTg ^ez avzojv nqog zovg Boicotodv Inniag, iv y ovx tXaaaov EG^ov ol 'Ad^TjvaToi hoi OsaaaXoij (jie'iqi ov, TZQoa^ot^&rjadvzmv zolg Boicozoig ZQov otzXizojv, zgonrj iysvEZO avzojv, xal dnsd^avov zav Qe(56cx.Xcov jccct A&7]vaLCov ov TioXXoi' dvEiXovzo fXEvzoi avTOvg avOriiiEQov dan6v8ovg. v,ai ol TiEXonovvriaioi zQOTiaiov zy vazEqain hzTjaav. 3. t] 8s ^o^d^Eia. avzij zmv OsaaaXoov aazd zb naXaibv ^v{xfj.ayjKbv iysvEZo zoTg A&?]vaioig' aal dqiixovzo naq avzovg Aciqi6aioi, (paQcdXtoi, TlaQduioi, Kqclvcovioi, IlEii)d6ioi, rvQZco- fw.f (Psgaioi. Tiyovvzo 8s avzmv in ^ilv Aaqiarig noXvfiij8tig xa< 80 QOTKTAIAOT ZTTTPA^IIS. '/iQrjTQvovQj ano trig Grdaecog sxaTeQog, ex ds (PaQadXov Mivmv ' ijoav 8s aai tojv aXlmv xata noXeig dg^ovTeg. XXIII. 01 ds IlsXonorrrjcioi, eTZEidi] ova iTzetr^soai avjoTg ol ^Ax^rivaToi ig jwajfj/r, dgavteg in zav ^A^^aQvoiv idijovv tav dfjficoi Tivdg dXXovg Twy (Aera^v ndqvrj^og aal Bgdijaaov oQovg. 2. ov rmv ds avTOJV iv ty y^, ol Ad^j^vaioi aTisaieilav rag sy>azov vat's tisqI TIeXotzovvtjgov aansQ TzaQsaxsva^ovTOj xal ^iXiovg oTzXizag In avTav y.ai. ro^orag rsTQaxoaiovg ' sdTQaTTJyei ds KanyJvog js 6 Ssvotifiov xal IlQOJTBag 6 'EmnXsovg >iai ^JcoxQarr^g 6 ^ Avjiysvovg. Y.cd 01 filv dgavzeg ttq TtaQaaxsvy zavty ttsqibttXsov, 3. ol ds UeXo- TiovvriGioi ^Qovov ififiEivavzeg iv zy ' Arriy.iQ oaov ei'/^ov rd STzmqdEia dvE^aQT^aav did BoiwTaVj ov^ ijnsQ ias^aXov ' TzaQiovtsg ds 'S^qod- nov TrjV y7]v irjv IlEiQaty.Tjv :i6fi£voi ds ig UEXonovvr^aov diEXvO'tj' aav aazd noXsig tuaazoi. XXIV. ^ Ara'/(OQ7]advz(ov ds avzav ol ^A&Tjvaioi qjvXaxdg iiaz£az7]Gavzo :icczd yt^v y.ai xazd ^dXacaav, coctteq dtj ifieXXov did navzog zov noXtfiov qivXd^Eiv aai '/ilia. zd7.avza dno roav iv ry dxQOTzoXsi 'iQTjfidzcov EdotEv avtoTg^ i^aiQEza noir^aanivoig, xo^qig ■O^tCd^at, xai fif] dvaXovVj dXX dno z^v dXXcov noXsfiEiv ' ^v ds zig e'inri ij iniipT]q)i(Ji] mvEiv zd ^Q/jiAaza zavza ig dXXo rr, rjv fitj ol noXiiiioi vr^iZTd gzquzm ininXtcoai zij noXsi not dsrj dfivvaa&atj -Odvazov ^Tifiiav ins&Evzo. 2. TQUjQSig zs /xez' avzmv saazov i^ai- Q&zovg inoiijaavzo nazd zov iviavzov saaazov zdg ^sXziazagy xdi ZQiTjQdQXOvg avzaig, av fit] XQ^<^^(^f' f^J]dEfiia ig uXXo zi ij fiszd zwr '^Qt]fidzcov nsQi zov avzov KivdvvoVy ijv dsri. XXV. Ol ^ iv zaig ixazov vaval nsql IlEXonovvrjaov "A&i]- vaToi, nal KEQXVQaioi (jlez avzcar, nsvz^y.ovza vaval nQoa^e^orjO-r]- aorsg, nal dXXoi zirsg zav iy.EL ^vfifxdxo[>v, dXXa zs ixdaovv nsQinXs- ovzsg xat ig Msd^covrjv zrjg Aanmny^g dno^dvzsg, 7cj5 zeixei ngoai- ^aXov ovzi dad^EVEi, ndi, dv&Qmncov ovx ivovzcav. 2. ezv/e ds nsQi zohg x^^QOvg zovzovg Bqaaidag 6 Ts'XXidog dvi]q 2^naQzidz^g cfQov- gdv t^mv ' xal aiu&ofiEvog i^ori&si zoTg iv zm ;( a>()/o) fuszd onXizmv iyazov. diadQafimv ds zo zmv 'AOrjvaicav czQazdnsdoVy iay.sda- Gfiivov aazd Z7]v i^qav aat ngog zo zsT^og TEZQCififiivoVf ianinzsi ig iriv MEdcortjVj aal oXiyovg zivdg iv zrj iadqofi^ dnoXiaag zmv ueO^ LIB. 11. CAP. XXVI— XXVIII. 81 icivtov, triv T8 TioXiv TiSQiSTZOitjas, xai ano Tovtov rov ToXft^fxatoi rrg^Tog jcov xaia lov jzolefiov iTzijvii&i] iv 2J7za.QTi]. 3. ol d's ^A&rivaioi uQavzeg TiagtTiXeov, xat G^opieg iijg 'HXeiag ig fp&dvj ed)jovv Ttjv yTJv ini duo rjfiSQagj aai 7TQ0G^07]&t]Gav7ag zwv ix iTJg xoiXrjg "HXidog TQiaxoaiovg Xoyddag, aal rmv avTO&sv in iTJg tisqi- oiyJdog 'HXeioov ^dxXi iyiQcit7]oav. 4. dvt'fxov ds xaTiovTog fxeydXoVf XS'i^a^ofi'Svoi iv dXifitvco xcoQic^, ol f4.sv tioXXoI eTit^i^aav im rag vavg, xai nEQitnXsov top ^I^dw xaXovfxsvov trjv dxQav ig rov iv ttj fpsia Xifxiva' ot ds Msaa^noi iv romcpy aal dXXoi nvsg ol oh dvvd- HEvoi ini^rivai y.a.xd yriv ^ojQ^aavieg ztjv (Peidv aiQovai. 5. nal vareQov al ts v^sg neQiTtXsvGaaai dvaXafi^dvovaiv avzovg 'aui i^avd- yovzai ixXiTzovTsg 0Eidv, xai jojv ^HXeloav ij TZoXXy ?/5// aiQazid TrQoaE^e^orid-i^xEi. TtaQanXevaavteg ds ol A&rjvaToi im dXXu ^coQia id-QOVV. XXVI. 'Tno ds TOP avibv yjgovov tovtov ol 'y4&rjvaToi tqicc- xovTa vavg i^sTzefiipav nsQi ttjv Aoxqida aai Ev^oiag dfA-cc cpvXayiriv ' iaTqaTriysi ds avTOJV KXaonofXTiog o KXsiviov. 2. nal dno^dasig 7TOi7]ad}iSvog Tr^g zs naQa&aXaaaiov sgziv a idtjcoas nal Oqoviov siXev, ofi^QOvg ts sXa^ev avzoov, aac iv ^AXonri Tovg ^oiji))]- aavTag Ao'aqwv [^d^rj ixQdTijasv. XXYll. ^AviaTTjaav ds xal AlyivrjTag z^ avz^ 'O^sqei rovzo^ «| Alyivtjg 'Ad-7]vaioi avzovg ts aai naidag na\ yvvaixagy invAaXi- aavzsg ov^ ^^^^J^^'^ ^ov noXi^ov acpiaiv aiTiovg sivai ' xai tijv Aiyi- vav dacfaXsGTEQOv icpaivszo, Ty IlEXoTTOvvr/acp iTzrASifiivriv, avzojv Ttt'ixxpavTag inoUovg e/^eiv. aai i^i/TEfixfjav vcteqov ov TzoXXqi ig avz7]v TOvg olxrJTOQag. 2. ixTTsaovai ds TOig Alyiv^Taig ol AaaE- daifxovioi sdoaav QvQsav oiasTv xai ti^v yjjv vs'fiSG&ai, xaTd te to Ad^ijvaicov didqjOQOv aai oti aqimv EVEQysTai rjaav vm tov a£ia{xbv aai Tcov EiXgjzcov t?]v inavdaTaoLV. tj ds QvQEaTig ylj fiEd^onia Tijg 'AQysiag aai Aaacanarjg icTiv, im d^dXa6oav aad^iqaovaa, aai ol (JLEV avTcov ivTav&a ^x7]oav, ol d' ianaQtiaav aaTcc Tr^v dXXr^v EXXdda. XXYIII. Tov 5' avTov '&EQ0vg vovfirjvia aaTo, aeXi^vtjVj mansQ aai fxovov doasT slvai yiyvEa&ai dvvatoVj 6 7]Xiog i^iXirzE fiEzd fiEajjfi- ^Qiav aai ndXiv dvsTzXtjQco&r], ysvofisvog {iJjvoEidijg aai daTEQmf Ttv^v iaqiavEvzoov. S2 eOTKTJlJOr ATTTPA^illS. XXIX. Kat iv Tft5 avT^ '&tQEi A^vfiqiodGJQOv zov Ilvdeco, «V dga ^^§ST]QiTrjVf ov d^s ttiv adsXq^r^v ZiidXyirig, dvrdixsvov naq avzcp f-ityUf ol ^Ad^rjvaToij ttqoteqov noTJuiov vofiiXovisg, ttqo^evop BTTOir^aavto ■aai fietETTSfitpavTO, ^ov).6{X£voi ^izdXxtjv a(j}L6i xov T/]QecOf QQaaaf ^aatXtUy ^vfifia'/^ov yevia&ai. 2. o bs TtJQr^g ovTog, 6 tov SizdX'AOv TTUTfjQy TZQwtog 'OdQVGuig ztjv fiEydXriv ^aaiXsiCiv em nXtlov ttjg dXXtjg Qqay-tig etioujcje ' nolv yuQ ixtQog aal avTorofiov Igti 0Qanav. 3. TtjQEL ds T^ Hqoxvtjv tt]v Ilavdiovog an ^A&q- vmv 610VTI yvvalaa TZQoai^yisi 6 T^grjg oviog ovdtVy olds trig avTijg QQdx7]g iyevovzo, dX)! 6 fisv iv ^avXia rlig (I^coxidog fvv aaXov- UEvqg yTjg 6 Trioevg (^mei tore vno Qqccawv oinov^iEvrjgf nai to tQyov TO TzeQi TOV "izvv at yvvaTasg iv zy j'y zavzri 'inQo^av ' noXXoTg ds Hal zoov TZOiTjzmv iv dr^dovog fivi'jfiri /Iav7.icig i) OQvig inovofiaGzai, eixog ds y.al to yJ/dog Uavdiova ^vrd-tpaailai z7jg d^vyazqog did ToaovzoVy in dt^fsXsin Tr> nqog aXXtiXovg^ fxaXXov »/ 8id noXX^v tjfxsQ^v ig 'Odgv^ag odov. TrjQtjg ds ovzs to avzb ovoua f/oavy BaaiXsvg te nqwzog iv y^odzEi 'OdQvacjv iyivEzo. 4. ov dq ovza TOV ^izdXy.rjv ol 'A&ijvaToi ^vfiuayov inoi7]Gavzo, ^ov7.6fiEvoi (jcpiui TO. inl OQccxrig x^Qia na\ UEgdinyav ^vveXeiv avzov. 5. iX&cov te ig Tag '^&qvag 6 N^vficpodcoQog, ttjv te zov 2JizdXy.ov ^vfif-iayiav inoiriGEy xat ^ddoaov zov vihv avzov \4i)-i]vaXoVy zov te ini OQay.tjg noXEfiov vnEdtjETO aazaXvasiV nEiasiv ydg ^izdXyqv hi^xpEiv OTQaTidv Qqayiav 'A&ijvaioig innsav te hui TZEXzaazMv. 6. ^vve- 3i§aoE ds ya\ zov ZlEQdixy.av zoTg ''A&ijvaioig yal OtQfiTjv avz^ 'insiGEv dnodovvai' ^vvEazgdzEvas t EvOhg ZlegdrAxag ini XaXxi- diag fiEz ^A&rivaLoav 'Aa\ (PoQfiioDvog. 7. ovto3 fisv I^izdX'Aijg ze 6 T/]nE(o Ooaxmv ^aaiXEvg ^vfifiaxog iyevEzo 'AOqraloigy iv dq)avay, ol av ft// svQS&ooaiv ig dvaiQsaiv. 4. ^vvexq:tQSi ds 6 ^ovXof^Evog xul dazmv xal ^spoav, xai yvvaixsg tzolqekjiv at TZQoaij' xovaai STZi zov zdcfov oXoq^vQoiASvai. 5. zi&taaiv ovv ig zo dtjij.6- 610V aJifxat iffziv mi zov y>aX)Jazov nQoaazsiov ZT^g noXsmg, y.ai dsl iv avzM d^dnzovat zovg ix zav no)J[X(av^ TiXtjv ye zovg iv Ma- Qa&avi ' ixEivcav ds diaTTQSTZtj zrjv uqeztjv xQivavzEg aviov xal thv rdqiov inoiricav. 6. STiEiddv ds xQvipmai y^, dviiQ riQijfiEvog vtio zT^g !z6).£(ogf og uv yvomri zs dox^ fii] d^vvEzog sivai xai d^ioo^azi TTQorjxij, )J/Ei in avzoTg snaivov zov nqmovza ' fiEza ds zovzo ansQ'/ovzai. 7. mds nlv ■Od.Tzzovai ' xal did Tzavzog zov TZoXifiOVj onozs ^vfi^aii] avzoTg, i/oavzo zm vofico. 8. etil d ovv zoXg TiQmzoig zoidds rFtQi- nXijg 6 !E!avd^in7Z0v ilQt&f] Xtysiv.' xai insidtj xaigbv iXdfi^art, nQoslOmv dno zov ar^fiazog inl ^rif.ia v\pi]Xov nsnotrifiEVQv, onwg dxovoizo ojg ini tzXeIozov zov ofiiXov, sXsys zoidde. XXXV. 01 fisv TioXXol zmv sv&dds eiqt^xozkiv ydf] snaivovai zov TTQOG&irza z(p v6fiCi> zov Xoyov zovdsj cog xaXov im zoTg ex zcor noXifimv ■d^anzoiiEvoig dyoQEvsa&ai avzov ' ifioi 5' uqxovv dv idoxst eJvai dvdQmv dya&mv sgyqt ysvofitvcav sQycp xac df]XovG&ai zdg Tifidgj oia xai vvv negl zov zdqjov zovds dr^iioaia TzaQaaxEvaa&Evza oguzEj xal fiT] ir svl drdQi ttoXXojv UQEzag xtvdvvEVEG&ai ev zs xai XeTqov eItzovzi ni(JZEv&l]vai. 2. yaXsTzov ydg zo /uEZQicog eItieTv, h CO uoXig xal rj doxr/aig zTJg dXrjOEiag ^s^aiovzai. o zs yuQ ^vvEfduO', xal svvovg dxQoaztjg zd'/ dv zi ErdssazEQaig, TZQog a ^ovXszal zs xa\ sniazazai vofJiiasiE dijXovad-aiy o zs ansigog sgziv a xui fiXsovd^s- a&ai, did q)&6voVj el zi vtisq zijv savzov (pvaiv dxovoi. n'^/oi ydn zovds dvExzoi 01 'inaivoi siai nsQi szeqchv Xsyo^usvoij ig oaov dv y.ai avzog txaazog o'njzai ixarog slvai dgdoai zi ojv, Jixovas' zm dt vnsQ^dXXovTi avT(^v qjx^ovovvzsg yd)] xa\ drtiazovaiv. 3. intidij dt %oTg ndXai ovzmg idoxi^do&ij zavza xaXrng i'/^EiVy ^Qq xai ifii-', LIB. II. CAP. XXXVI— XXXVIII. 85 mouEvov 7q5 j'o'iMO), neiQcia&at vfAmv zT^g iy.dazov (^ovX/jaecag 78 nal d6^t]g rvx^tv G)g inl nXsiaiov. XXXVI. uQ^Ofxai ds dnb rmv TTQoyovmv ttqojzoV diy.aiov yccQ avzoig xai notnov ds a^a sv r^ TOit^ds rriv 7ifA,rjv 7avTJ]v trjg [Jivrifijjg didoa&ai. x^jv yaq '/^cogav ast 01 avTol olxovvTEgf diadoxy t^v iTTiYiyvofitvoov ii^^Qt tovds Hevx^f- Quv di' dQ877]v 7zaQ8do6av. 2. :ial ixEivoi 78 a^ioi maivov^ xm hi udllov ol 7za7tQ8g TjfiaV xri]6dfi8i^oi ydq TZQog olg idtS,av70 oariv f/o^8v dQyj]V ovx dnovcog rjiuv 70ig vvv TzgoaaarEXinov. 3. t« ds 7t181(o avTijg av7ol ijiisig o'id8, ol vvv hi ov78g [iuXi67a 8V ttJ yia08- Gztjuvia rjXi'/uaj 87ZTjv^^(jafi8Vj xai xriv nohv 7oTg Tidai 7iaQ8GMJ(x.' (ja[i8v aal ig n6X8fiov y.al ig 8iQi]vtjv av7aQX8aTd77]v. 4. cov e'/co t« [lEv x«ra 7io}Jiiovg tQya, oig exacrroj E}i7rj&}], r] ei 7i av70i rj ot 7za7EQ8g r]iA.mv ^uQ^aQOv tj "EXXijva noXs^iov hnovxa TZQod^vficog 7]{a.v- vdiiE&a, fiui^QTiyoQEiv 8v EidoGiv ov ^ovXof^EVOijj idaoo ' dno ds oiag 78 i7ii7rid£va8cog 7jX&o{xev eti amd aai fisd' olag 7ioXi7Eiag xai ZQonoav e'S, oioav fXEydXa EyEVE70, Tav7a dtjXcaJag nQmzov eJ(ii :iai ^evcov ^vfAqjo- Qov Elvai av7av inaxovaai. XXXYII. '/QMfiE&a yuQ noXnEin ov ^?]Xovai] 70vg 7oov niXag vofjiovg^ naQudEiyixa ds fxuXXov avzoi ov78g 71V1 1] fiifxov{.i8voi sTEQOvg. itat ovofta [isv did 7o fXTj ig bXlyovg dXX ig nXEiovag ovaeXv dmionQCLZia nt'xX7]7ai' fiizsazi ds xazce fisv 7ovg voixovg nQog t« idia didcpoQa ndai to igov, itazd ds 7t]v d^io)- 61V, cog i:'ya67og ev tq) EvdoxifXEij ovx dno fxtQovg zo tzXeiov ig zd v.oivd 7] dn dQEzTjg nQOxiixdzai, ovd' av xazd-TTSviav, sycov ds zi dyadov dqaaai Z7]v noXiv, d^icofzazog dqjavsif^ asxmXvzai. 2. iXsv- ■KfEQiag ds zd zs TiQog zb noivbv TZoXizsvofiEv aai ig zrjv ngbg dXX^- 7.ovg zap 'AaO^ 7]iiEQap i7iiz7]dEV[/.dzcop viroxpiap, oh di cgy^jg zop niXag, eI y>ad^ ijdovtjp zi dQu, siopzEg, ovds d^rjptiovg [xsp XvuriQug ds Z7i oipEi dy^d^ridovag TiQoazi&EixEPOi. 3. dvEnaid^ag ds zd idia sTQOOo^iXovvzEg zd drjixoaia did diog ^dXiaza ov TzaoavofAOvfxsp, zoop zs dsl ip dQ'/^ 0V703P dnQodasi aai zcop po^icop acu lAdXiara avzwp oaoi zs iTZ (ogjEXsia zap ddrAOVfi£PG)p y.EZvzai, y.ai caoi, dyqaqioi opzEg, alayyvr^p 6fxoXoyoviJ.EV7jp cpEQOvai. XXXVIII. hoi fXTjv not zojp tzopcov TiXsiazag dvanavXag zy ypcoixij iTzoniadfiS&cij dyooai pih "^8 i(.a\ ■Ovuiaig di8Z7]aiQig poiAit,ovzEg, Idiaig ds y.ci.zaay,Evaig evttqe* 86 eoTKTJiJor STirPAiiUS, ffzsmv, ojv nad^ ijiitqav tj regxpig to IvnriQov innhj^aei. 2. i;s8io tQX^TM ds dia fit)'8&og t?jg TioXecag ex 7idar]g yijg ta Ttdpra, xa\ ^vf^^airei ijfAiv fit^dsv oihsiotsqk ty ccnoXataei ra avtov dyaO^a yiyv6{-ieya xaoTTOvad^at, r} xal td imv dXkmv dvO^QOJTrmv. XXXIX. 8iaqjSQ0[ASv ds y.ac raig zcof 7zo).SfA.ixojv fiEXhaig rav ivaprtcop ToTads. Z}]V rs yag noXiv 7iOivi]v Tiagr/^OfiEVj aal ova tariv ore ^err/- Xaaiaig dneigyofitv ziva ij fia&tjfiazog rj dedfiaiog, o fit] y.qvqjdtv dp Tig Tmv TioXsfxiav idojv aqjaXij&Eit], niGTEvovteg ov taig naga- cxEvaig TO TzXtov yai anazaigy tj Tcp aqp' rjfji^v avTav eg td egycc Evxpv'j^cp ' itai Iv Toig Ttaidsiaig at ^isv imnovo^ daxi'iaei, ev&vg vtoi ovTEg^ TO drdgeiov fiETsgxovTai, I'lfiEig ds dvEij-tEvcag diaiTcoixEvoi oi'dsv 7)aaov im Tovg i607zaXeig aivdvvovg i(ogov{A,Ev. 2. T£y>fij]giov 8e ' ovTS ydg ^axEdaifionoi y,a^ indaTovg, fiSTu TrdvTcov 5' ig tijv y7]v Tjfimv GigaTEvovaif Trjv rs tmv niXag avzol ETZsX&ovTeg ov x^'^Xe- TTcog iv Ty dXXoTgin Tovg nsgi Tav oixEioov dfivvofiEvovg fia^oiJisvot ' Ta tzXeico 'AgazovfiEV. 3. d&goa ts ti] dvvdfiEi rj^iav ovSEig tko TzoXEfuog EvizvyiEf 8id tijv tov vavzixov zs afta iTziixtXeiav, yea ttjv iv Ti] yri im noXXd tjficov avzojv iTZiTZEfixpiv ' 7]p ds nov fiogfoj Tirl ngoafii^coaif KgazriaavxEg te zivag rui^v Tidvzag av^ovuiv azreoa'- ox^ai, 'Aai nH7]&ivzEg v(f dndvzoov rjdOTJa&ai. 4. aaizoi. eI gct&v^ua fidXXov 7/ novojp fXEXkzri, nai, inj fiazd vofiav, to tzXeiov ^ Tgonmv dvdgEiag id^tXo(4.Ev ydvdvvEVEiv, nEgiyiyvEzai r/fiTv ToTg ts f^iiXXovair dXyELVoTg /x// ngondfivEiP, yai ig avzd iX&ovai iiij dzoXf-iozsgovg Tcof dsl iio^dovvTrnv qjaivEod^cu. XL. y.al 'iv te TOVTOig zfjv noXiv d^iav Eivai Oavfid^sa&ai xal hi iv dXXoig. q)iXoyiaXovfiEv ydg {jiez EVTsXEiag not qiiXo6oq}OVfXEv dvEv fxaXay.iag' nXovzcp zs sgyov fidX Xov Tiaigcp tj Xoyov y^oiincp xgconsda, yai zo Tiivta&ai ov^ 6iio?.oytTp Tin ah^gSvy dXXd jU^ diacpsvysiv 'igycp aiaxiov. 2. epi te Toig avToXg oly.Eicov dfia y,al ttoXizixojp imixiXsia, y.ai szigotg ngog sgya zEzgafX[iipoig zd noXizmd fxij ivdsoog yvoovai ' {lovoi ydg tov te /<^- dsv tm'ds fiszixovza ovh dngdyiiova dXX d^gEiov vof4,i^o[iEPy 'xal avzot 7]zoi xgivofJiEV ys tj iv&vinovf^E&a og&mg zd ngdy^aza^ ov TOvg Xoyovg zoig sgyoig §Xd^r]v i]yovixEvoiy dXXd ^m// ngodidaxx^ipcn udXXov Xoyqi ngozsgov 7/ iizi a dti sgycp iX&elv. 3. diaopegovzoag ydg d}j aai zods txofisvy mazs zoXfidv zs ol avzo\ ^dXiozaj xai Tiigt m imxEigriao^iEP inXoyi^saO^ai ' o zoTg ccXXoig d{xa&ia fisv -O^Qdcog^ LIB. II. CAP. XLI. XLII. 87 loyiauog ds onvov cptQEi. yQaztazoi d' uv zijv xpvpiv dina^ccg x^t- &eTsVj 01 id 7S dsivci xai ifiia aacptarara yiyvcooaovz^gj y.ai dia tavta firj anotQSTTOf^evoi ea zojv 'aiv8vvo3v. 4. nat tcc eg aQETtit * ^vavTiooiAEda ToTg noXloTg' ov yaq ndo'iowEg ev dXXk dQavTsg ¥i7c6fXE&a Tohg qiD.ovg. §£^a(6i£Qog ds 6 dodaag zj]v xocqiv^ caars 6q)EiXo(XEvjjv 5fc' avvoiag cp dtdcoxs acoi^siv' 6 5' dvToqjeiXojv uft^Xv- fEQog, aldojg ovk ig X^qiv, d)X ig ocpEiXij^a ri^v aQETJjv ccTiodaacov. 5, nai fiovoi ov toy ^v^qjtQOvzog fiaXXov XoyiGfiM ?} tiig iXsv&EQiag z(p niat^ ddemg riva cocpEXovfisv. XLI. ^vvEXoiv zs Xsym Z7]v ze ndaav noXiv zrjg 'EXXddog Traidevatv Eivai, nul aaO^ exaazop doaeTv dv fxoi zov avzov dvdQa nag rjfimv inl nXElaz av Eidi], xai y.Eza laQLtmv ^dXiaz dv EvzQaTzeXojg, zb cafza avtaQHEg naQEX^Gd^iu. 2. aal d)g ov Xoyojv iv zm naQovxi y.of-iTZog zdds fioiXXov i] tQycov iazrv dX/jd^eia, avzij rj dvvafug zTjg TzoXEoog^ tiv dno zavds zav zqo- Tzmv iazt^adiAEi^a, arjfxaivEi. 3. (wvij ydq zojv vvv dxorjg yiQEiaacov ig TZEiQCiv EQiEiaij y.a\ fiovi] ovzs zcp noXEfxiop etieX&ovzi dyardxzj]aiv sX^i vq) omv 'Aay.oiza&Ei, ovzs zcTj V7i7]n6q) :iaXiav zs Tioiov^isvog fij] nsqi iaov rjiAiv slvai zov dymva Kat. oig zcovds (i7]8sv vTidgy^si o^oiag, y.ai z?]v svXoyiav ana icp olg vvv Xtyco qjavsQCL-v G?]ii£iO(g ya&iatdg. 2. yal sinrjzai avzijg zd utyiGza ' a yag ziiv tzoXiv v^viiaa, at zojvds yal z^v zoiavds aQeTat ix6afi7]aaVj yai ovk dv noXXoTg zav 'EXXtjvcov laoQQOTZog wansQ %mv8s 6 Xoyog zmv SQycov q)avEitj. doxsT ds fioi dt]Xovv dvdQog aQSZJjv aocoz)] zs iA.j]vvovaa y.ai zsXsvzaia ^t^aiovaa i) vvv zoovds xaza^ ^ZQOcp], 3. v.ai yuQ zoTg zdXXa ysiooai diy.aiov zijv ig zovg txoXs' ^ovg VTisQ zijg nazqidog dvdQayaOiav nQOzl&sod^ai' dyaO^^ ydq 88 -eOTKTJlJOT ATrrPA'PH^. aaxov aq)ariGavTsg aoivmg [luXXov (x)q)sli]aav rj m trnv idioDv 8^Xa<. \pav. 4. zavde ds ovte nloviov Tig, tj]v hi anoXavaiv TiQoiifirjaag, i[A,aXaxicOi] ovis nstiag iXnidi, cog xuv hi diaq)vy(x>v avztjv nXov- ztjaf-iEv, dva^oXr^v tov dsivov i/zoujaaro ' triv 8s zmv havticav Tifioo- Qiav TZo&EiPortQav avrap Xa^ovtsg, aai YAvbvvmv au.a lovde ndXXi- Gtov fOfitaavTeg, i^ovXi]0^i]aav fXEz avjov rohg fitv Tifj.aiQHa&cu, TMV de 8q)iaadat, iXnidi (aev io dquvsg tov ^ajoq^mauv iniTQt- xpapzeg, egycp ds tteqi tov ijdt] bqcofitvov Gqjiaiv avToTg d^iovvTsg TTSTZOiO^trai, aal iv avtcp zo dfxvvta&ai h(u nad^Eiv [AoiXXov riyijaoi- uEvot ?] TO irdovzeg aco^eaO^cu, to fiav ah'/^QOv TOt' Xoyov acpvyov, to 8' Eoyov T(p (jcofiazi VTZf^JiBivav, xat di' iXa^iatov y.aiQOv Tv^r]g apia d'/fAy T7jg d6^7]g fiuXXov i] tov dtovg dmjXXdyijaav. XLIII. xal Olds fisv TiQoariiiovTcog r^ noXsi Toioids iytvovto ' Tovg ds Xomovg 'j^Qij daqtaXsazsQav usv svisa&ai, dToXfiOTsqav ds firjdsv d^iovv t^v ig Tovg TzoXefiiovg didvocav sj^siv, axoTzovvtag fii] X6y(p fiovcp T7jf mcpilsiav, i^v dv Tig nqog ovdsv xeTqov avzovg v^dg sldoTug jjrjxvvoi, Xsycov oaa h toj TOvg noXe^iovg dfxvrsaOai dyadd ivsGTir, dXXd fidXXov Tijv Tijg TZoXscog dvvafiiv y.aO^ rifisqav SQycp Oscofitrovg xai SQaGTag yiyvofitvovg avzrig, xai otuv vfxTv ^sydXi] do^ij shai, ivdv- fiovfisvovg oTi ToXfAMVTEg, y.ai yiyvmaxovTsg rd dsovza, xai iv Toig EQyoig ai6)[vv6fiEvoi dvdQsg amd ixT^aavTO, xal onozs xai nsiQa TOV aqjaXsir^aav, ovaovv y,ai t>jv noXiv ys Tijg GcpETSQcig dQEZTjg d^i- ovt'Tsg GTEQiaxEiv, xdXXiCTOv ds soavov avTij 7ZQoi't[uEvoi. 2. xoitr} yuQ Tce acojjiaza didovTEg, idia tov dyTjQoov tnaivov iXdfi^avov, y,ai TOV Taqsov ETZiat^iiozaTOv, ovx iv cp ksivtui fxdXXoVj dXX iv o) fj do^a avTmv Tiaqd t^ evtviovti dsi xai Xoyov nai eqyov xaiQip dti- uvrjaTog xaTaXsiizEzai. 3. dvdQoov ydq intqiavav ndaayij tdqiog xai ov GT)p.6jv fiovov iv tij oiy.sia GtifxaivEi iTziygaq)^, dXXd xai iv Tij [X)j 7iQoai]yov6i] uyQuqjog livrifiij naQ sadaTq) Tljg yvc6fij]g fAuXXor 7] TOV EQyov ivdiaiTaTat. 4. ovg vvv vfisTg ^tjXcoGavzsg xal to svdui- UOV to iXsV&EQOVy TO ds iXsv&EQOV to EVlpV^OV XQlVaVTSg, fit] TZEQIO qugOe Tovg TzoXsiiixovg xivdvvovg. 5. ov ydg at xaxoTZQayovvzcg dr/.atoztQov dq)£idoT£v dv tov §iov, oig iXnig ovx sgt dyadov, dXX olg rj ivavTia fisza^oXt] iv T(p ^7jv hi xivdvvEvSTai, xal iv olg' fidXi- aza uEyaXa tu diaqiSQOVTa, i]v ti nTaiaoaaiv. 6. dXysivoz^'Qct yo.Q dtdqi ys qQovtjfia tjovzi i] h tq) /t6T« tov fiaXaxia&livai xdxcujig, -7 yrrz^x^ LIB. 11. CAP. XLIV — XLVII. 89 f/y 6 uEza (mfiTig y.(u xoivtjg D.nldog a^a yiyvofXEVog avaia&riroq ^avaTog. XLIV. diOTiSQ xa/ Toig zavds rvv zoatag, oaoi TiaQEffTS^ ovK 6Xoq)VQOfxai fiaXlov, ij naQaiivOijaoiiai. tv TzoXvrQOTZOig yaq ^vfiqjOQoig mlatavtai TQaqjtvzsg ' lo 5' evTv^^g, ol uv rrjg evtzqetzs- GTOLtrig Xdio30iVj ojgtteq oids fisv vvv Te}.Evzrjgf vfiEig ds Xv7Tt]g, y.al oig ivsvdaifiovrjaai ze 6 ^log ofxoicog aai ivTEXEVTjjaai ^vve^etqtj&j]. 2. ^o-Ietiov \ikv ovv oidcc tzeiOeiv ov, g)v xai TtoXXdmg e^sts vTiofiv/]' {iaza iv dXXoav Evivxiaig, «al ToTg TOiovzoig iyQijaavzOy Tzcivza dvcoqjeXTj tjVf Talsvzmvztg zs avzav dnHazr^aav vno tov xaaov fixcoiisvoi. XLYIII. ijQ^azo ds TO fi£v TiQojzoVf cog Xeyezai, i^ AiOioniag zyg vtzeq AlyvnzoVy 87zeiza ds Y>ou ig Aiyvmov xat Ai^vtjv naza^rj nut ig zyv ^aailamg yriv Ti^v TzoXXijv. 2. ig ds TrjV 'A{^)]vaiv3v noXiv s^aTZivaiojg ivs- aisaSj aai to ttqwtov iv tw UsiQaisl tjxpazo tmv ardQcoTZcav, oaaze y>al iXiidrj vn avzmv wg oi TIsXoTzovvriaioi (paQfia'Aa iu^s^XijaoiEv ig ta (fQsaza' ygTp'ai, yaq ovnoi ijoav avzo&i. vgtsqov ds y.ai ig zhr apco tzoXiv dq:iy.ezo >iai t&vtjonov noXXo) fiaXXov ^jd?]. 3. Xsyszco fisv ovv TieQi avzov ortt) yazi^eaviv ig za azij&rj 6 novog ^szu ^yyog iayvQov ' yea bnois ig zifV yetQdmr (jzt'Qi^aty dvsaznscps zs avzyv yai d7zoya\)eiQasig X^^-^l"^ Tzdfjai oaat 1)710 lazQcav eavofiaafiivai siaiv iTZusaav, yeu avzai usiet. zaXaiTJooQi- LIB II. CAP. LI. 91 (tg fisydXijg. 4. Xvy^ rs zoTg TzXsioaiv Ivimme xsv7], OTTccafiOP ivSidovaa la'/vQOVj loig fxev fiSTu zavza XcoqjijaavTa, roTg ds xal noD.op vGzeQOv. 5. 7(ai ra ixav e^coO^ev UTzzo^tvco amficc ova ayav ■d£QfMjV r^v ovTS iX(OQov, oXX v7TtQV\}Q0v, TiElidvov, qjXvxzaivaig (ii'AQaTg xai ih/.aaiv i^f^v&Tjaog ' to da ivtbg ovtcog ixdszOj aais l>if]zs zay ndvv Xettzoov Ifxazioov xai civdovcov zdg Eni^oXag fiijd* dXXo zi rj yvfxvoi dva'^aadai, ridicfzd zs av eg vdag ipv^Qov aqjdg avzovg qiuzeiv. y.ai noXXoi zovto zav tj/AsXTjiitvcov dv&Qconoiv y.al tdgaaav ig (fqiaza, ziq diipri uTTavazcp ^vvEXOf^svot. y^al iv z^ ofioioj naO^eiaz^HSi z6 zs nXaov y^ai 'iXaaaov nozov. 6. Koi ij dnoQia zov fir] tjavxd^siv '^cu rj dyqvnvia iTZtxaizo dtd ncuvzog. y.ai zb amfxa, oao'vTZSQ i^Qvov y.0Li 7] voGog dxfxd^oij ovx ifiaQaivezOj dXX dvzaijrs TzaQcc do^av zy zaXaifzoogiaf (oiaza- a}ii]7ZZ8 yaq ig aidoTa kui ig ccxQag xaZgag Jtccf TTodag, not rioXXo] GzaQiaaofiavoi zovzcov ditqjavyov, alal 5' ol xat zav 6q)d^aXf4.av. zovg 8s aai X^d^t] iXdf/^ava TraQavTiacx, dvaazdvzag zmv ndvztov ofA-oicog, 'Aai viyvoijaav acpdg zs avzovg kuI zovg iTTiTr^daiovg. L. yavofiavov ydg :^Qaiaaov Xoyov zo aldog zTjg voaov, zd zs dXXa ^aXaTZOizagmg tj xazd zijv dvd^QGJTzaiav cfV6Lv nqoGmiTZzav sxdazqj, Y.ai iv zq)ds idrjXcoas fidXiaza dXXo zi ov ?} zcav ^wzgoqimv zi ' zd yaQ OQvsa aai zazgdnoda oaa dv&QcoTZoop aTZZszai, TzoXXmv dzdq}(X)y yiyvofJiavoiVf y ov TZQoayaij y yavadfiava diaqj&siQSzo. 2. za'AfiiiQiov bt ' zav fxav zoiovzcov oqvi&cov ifziXaixpig 6aq)fig iyavazOjUal ov/^scoq^vto ovze aXXoog ovzs tzsqi zoiovzov ovdav' ot da xvvag {xdXXov aiaOrjair nagai'/^ov zov dno^aivovzog did zo ^vvdiaizdod^ai. /. . LI. To fxav ovv r6Gt]fi.a, noXXd xal dXXa nagaXinovzi dzoniag, I'g saduzcp itvy^avi zi diacpagovzcog szagqi !n:Qog azagov yiyvofiavov^ zoiovzov 7jv im ndv zhv idaav. koi dXXo nagaXvizai }taz inalvof toy iQovGV ovdav z^v alcadozcov ' o bs xal yavoiio, ig zovzo izaXav' 92 ooTKTJiJor ATrrPAiiiis. ta. 2. 'idv^a'AOv de oi fj,tv afisXela, ot ds xal ndvv dsQaTTSvojuevot. iv T£ ovdev xaTtaTTj tafia cog eiTZEiv o,ti yQijv TZQOffCfSQovTas (wgps- ).Hv' TO ycLQ TOT ^vvEvsy)i6v, oXkov rovTo '^^Xanie. 3. Gmfid re uvTaQxsg ov ovdsv dieqidvT] TTQog avzo, la^vog tzs'qi y dadsveiag, dlld Tzdvta ^vvriQSt aal za ndari diairri ^eQa7T£v6[i£va. 4. deiro- taiov ds navTog riv rov aanov ?] rs d{)vfxia onors zig aia&oizo yuiuvcoVj TZQog yaq zo dvsXTiiazov evdvg zQanofXEvoi zy yrc6iJ.y noXX^ udXXov TTQo'iEvzo oq}dg avrovg aai ovu dvTsr/^ov, xai ozi ezsQog d(p tztQOV 'O^EQandag dva7iif47zXdfi.svoi aGTzsQ zd nQO^aza e&vTjcj'AOv. aai TOP TzXsTazov qidoQOv zovzo ivsTioiei. 5. site yuQ fi7] -OeXoiEv dtdiozsg dXXriXoig TtQoaitvaif dnmXXvvzo EQrifxoi, kcc} olmai TioXXal ixEvco&rjaav dnoQia zov d^EQariEv-aovzog' sits nQOoioiEv, diEcpdEi- Qovzo, yiai fidXiGza ol dgsz-^g zi fiEzaTZOiovfiEvoi ' ah'/^vvrj ydg rj-qiEi- dovv G(pmv avzaVj iaiovzsg naqd (fiXovg, etzei "nai zdg oXoqjVQaEtg zmv dnoyiyvofA.ev(»v ZEXEvz^vrsg xat ol oixeToi i^tnafivov, vno rov noXXov y.ay.ov viKcofiEvoi. 6. em nXiov 8s oficog ol diansqiEvyozEg zov zs '&v)](jy.ovza itat£\p7jq}iaix8V7]v 6q)mv EnrAQefmaO/jvai, 7]v tzqiv sj-ittsgeTv slxog ehai tov ^lov tt dnoXavaai. LIV. Toiovzcp fisv ndd^si ol 'Ad^rivaXoi nsQinsaovtsg S7titt,ovzOy dvd^QcoTTcov ts svdov d^vijoAovtcov xai yrig s^co dyovi-isvtjg. 2. iv ds t(p y,ay,co, ola svAogy dr8fA£i]Gd7](jav xal tovde tov STZOvg, (pda'AOvtsg ol TiQsa^vzsQOi ndXai adsG&aij ij^si /JmQiaxog TzoXsfiog nai Xoifiog di2 avz^. 3. iytvszo [xsv ovv eoig toTg dv&QcoTZoig fit] Xoifiov m'0^6&ai iv tcp sTZEi vTzo tcov TiaXaiwv, dXXd Xifiov, iviyrjas ds im tov naqovtog SLAotcog Xo(fiov EiQriG&ai * ol yaq dv^Qconoi nqog a sTzaG/ov trjv HVijixriv inoiovvzo. tjv ds ys olfiai note dXXog 7z6Xs{i,og aazaXd^rj /JooQMOi zovds vGZEQog nal ^vfi^ri ysviaduL Xi[x6v, xard to Eixog ovzmg aoovzai. 4. fiPTJi^irj ds iysvsto xai tov AaAsdaijAOvicov yQtj- azjjQiov totg sldoaiv, ozs insQcozmaiv avtoTg tov d^sov eI XQh ^oXs- fiEiv dvEiXs 'Aazd aqdzog 7zoXs{iovai vintjv sasa&aij xai avzog scpri ^vXX7]xpEa&ai. 5. tieqi fisv ovv tov ^QTjotTjQiov td yiyvofAEva rixa'Cof bfioia sJvai ' ia^s^XT^'Aotcov ds tav IIsXoTiovvTjaicav rj voaog r/Q^ato Ev&vg. xttf ig fisv TiEXonovvriaov ova iarjX&sv, o,ti d^iov xal eItzeTv, insvEi^ato ds 'A&^vag fisv fidXiata, ETieita ds xat tcav dXXcov "^vtQicov td TzoXvav&QcoTZOtaTa. 6. tauza fisv td xatd tr^y voaof ysvofiEva. 94 eorKTydiJOT ATrrpA^iis. LY. 01 ds ritXoTTOVVTjCJlOl STTEld^t] tTFflOV TO TTsdlOV, TZCiQtjXdOf is Ti]v TlciQaXov yTjv y,aXovfitn]v fitjQi yJavoiov, ov t« aQyvgeia fihaXld iaziv "udOTjvaioig. nal ttq^tov ^Iv hs^iov Tavrtjv ij nQog neXonowTjCfOV oqk, STisita ds Jijv nqog Ev^oidv ze y.ai ' Av^qov 7ETQafJixtrt]v. 2. nEQixXrjg dt, 6rQaiJ]}'bg av 'auI jots, tisqi (xsv zov UTj BTze^itvai Tovg 'y^&rjvaiovg zijv aviijv pojfiTjv diEv, cogtzeq yiai iv ry TTQOTEQCi ia^oXi] ' LYI. eti d' avzojv iv rqj TZEdicp ovrcov, ttqiv ig T)]v TiaQaXiav yTjv iXd^Eiv, sxaiov vecov ETZLnXovv r?/ IlEXoTiovvrjacp naQEG'AEvd^Eto, x«) ETTEid)] Etoiiia T^v, dvTiyETO. 2. riys 5' ETii zmv I'Eoov OTzXizag Ad)]vai(X)v jETQaxiapXiovg xal innEag ZQiaxoaiovg iv "/aimv InnaycoyoXg ttq^tov tote eh jmv TiaXaiav rsav noujOEi- Gaig ' ^vvEGTQaTEvovTO ds y,al Xioi xai Aeg^ioi TiEVTri'AOvra. pavGiv. 3. OTE ds dvtjyETO 7] (TtQaziu avzr] A&rivaioov, TlEXonovvijalovg y.azhXmov trig "AzziHrig orzag iv ry TzagaXia. 4. dcfiy>6iA.Evoi ds ig 'EnidavQOv zyg TlEXonovvricov, szsfiov ztjg yljg Z7]v TToXXtjv, y,ai nQog Zf]v noXiv TTQoa^aXovzsg ig iXnida (xsv tjXO^ov zov eXeXv, ov fiivzoi TtQOS'/^aQijGE ys. 5. uvayayofAEvoi ds ix zrjg 'EnidavQov srsf^wv zijt CE TQOi^rjvtda yljv aai ti]v 'AXidda yai z)]v 'EQ^ior(da' sazi ds ndvza zavza iniOaXdjaia z7]g nEXoTTom^aov. 6. uQavTsg ds an avrcov d(fixovzo ig IlQacidg zijg AaymvrATjg, noXicfxa iTTi&aXdaaiop, xal z7jg zs yTjg szsfiov y.al avzo zb TzoXiGfia siXov y.ai iTioQdr^dav 7. zovg ds nsXoTzovvt^aiovg ovhezi yaziXa^ov iv zij 'Azziny ovzag, dXX dvay.E'/coQTjHozag. LYII. Oaov ds yoovov ol zs IlEXonovvijaioi ijaav iv 7?/ yTj zrj 'AOyvaioaVj yai at '^d^)]vaToi iazQdzEvov ini zmv vecjv, rj voaog sv ZE zy 6ZQazid zovg ^A^^vaiovg sqiO^siQE yai iv zy ttoXei, maze aal iXiy&t] zovg UEXonovvr^ciovg dsiaavzag zo voarifxa, cog invvOdvovzo zmv avzofioXmv ozi iv zij noXsi siq ycu -ddnzovzag afia yaddvovztry ■Odaoov in zrjg ylqg i^EXd^slv. 2. zy ds ia^oXy zavzy tzXeTczov zi ynovoy EvtfiEivav aai zijv yHjv ndaav szEfiov ' I'lHtQag yaQ zsacraQd* y.ovza [idXiaza iv zy yrj zy 'Azzixy iyivovzo. LYIII. Tot) d' avzov OsQovg "Ayvmv 6 Nimov y,a\ K^-eotto^- nog 6 KXsiviov, ^vazQdzijyoi ovzsg TIsQiKXiovg, Xa^ovzsg zr^v azQa- ziav ynsQ ExsTvog s/Qijaazo, iazQdzsvuav Ev&vg ini XuXHidtag zug ent 0Qdxi]g nai Hozidaiav hi noXiOQXOvfxivtjVf dcpiHOfiEvoi ds fiy- ^avdg ZE zy flozidain nQoaicfSQOv aai narzl ZQonqy insiQrTjvrc LIB. 11. CAP. LIX. LX. 95 fXsif. 2. TTQOv^ojQSi ds avToTg ovts 7] aiQEGtg rTjg TzoXscag ovis zuXXa Tijg TzaQaansvijg a^icog' i7Ziy£V0[A.ivr] yuo ij voaog Ivzuv&a dij Tzdrv Inli-as rohg 'u40^)]vaiovgj (p\}EiQOvoa t}]v aTQaridv, (»at£ nai Tovg TTQOit'QOvg ajQCiTKotag voaTJaai rcov '^&7]vai(ov duo 7?js ^vv Ayvoivi aiQaTidg, iv r^ tzqo rov XQO'i'^p vyiaivovtag. (DoQuioof ds aal ol i^ayioGioi aai illioi ovxhi ijoav neqi XaXmdtag. 3. 6 f4st ovv "Apcov jaig rava}v dvsx(^Q^(y£v eg idg 'A&ijvag, dno TSiQa- /.iG'/^ilicov OTzXirmv ^Ouovg y.ai nEvtriKOVTa 7y voaco dnoltaag h TEfsoaQdaovza iidhaza tjfitQaig ' ol ds ttqotsqoi aTQarmrai aaza X^oQav (levovzeg inoXwQxovv Trjv IIoTidaiav. LIX. Mezcc ds iTjv devTEQav ia^oXtjv zav IlEXoTZOvvTjaicov oi A&ijvaloiy cog ?/ re yjj avxmv itt'TfitjTO ro 8evzeqoVj xai, rj voaog Itzexeizo dfia y,al 6 noXs^ogy ^XXoiiovzo zdg yv(o(iag, 2. x«« zov fxsv TlEQiyJJa iv aizia eI/^ov, cog nsiaavza Gq}ug TzuXEfiEiVy xul 8i ' exeTvov zaig ^vixq)0QaTg TtEQinsnzco'AozEgy TZQog ds zovg /JaxEdaifioriovg ^Qiurjvzo ^vyy^coQEiv' nal TTQsa^Eig rivag TZEf^ipavzEg mg avzovg dnqayaoi lyivovzo. navzaio&Ev zs zy yvcofirj anoQOi na&EGzmzEg IvE'AEivzo z(^ IIeqi'aXeT. 3. 6 ds oQcov avzovg TTQog zd TzaQovza lalEnaivovzag y,ai nd.vza noiovvzag ansQ avzog riXni^e, ^vX7.oyov not/jGagj etc ^ iazQaz^yEij i^ovXsto -Q-aQ^vvai ze y.ai UTzayayav zo OQyi^ofiEvov zTjg yvcofirjg nQog zo tinicozEQOv y.ui ddshzEQOv yaza- azjjaai. naneX-O-ojv ds eXe^e zoidds. LX. Kai 7TQ0odE)[0fXEV(p fxoi za zljg OQyljg vfzav ig e/as ysyEvt]- zai, aiad^dvoficu yuQ zdg aiziag, yai SAxXTjaiav zovzov EVExa hwij- yuyov, OTTcog v7T0fA.vi](jco y.ai fXEfxipopiai, si zi fitj oQ&oog // Efioi /«^£- TTcdvszEj 7] zaig ^vfxcfOQaTg eiasze. 2. iya ydg 7)yovfiai. noXiv tiXeico ^vfinaaav oQ&ovfisvrjv cocfEXsTv zovg idicozag rj aaxf sxaazov zmv TzoXizojv EVTZQayovaaVj d&Qoav ds aipaXXofxtvTjv. 3. y.aXcjg ^iev ydg q}EQ6fiEvog dvTjQ 70 yax^ savzov diaqjd^EiQouEVT^g zjjg nazQidog ovdlv v 7iaaov ^vvaTioXXvzai, yanozvxoov ds iv Evzv'iovari noXXcp fidXXov •'C diaaw^Ezai. 4. otzots ovv TzoXig [a.ev rag Idiag ^vfK^ogdg oia zs q)EQEiVj sig ds Exaazog zdg ixsivT^g ddvvazog, nmg ov y^Qij ndvzag afxvvEiv avzijy aac fuj o vvv vusTg dgdzSy zaig yaz oJhov ya'AOTiga- yiaig EH7TE7TX7]yfib'voi zov y.oivov zijg acozTjgiag dcpisa&s, y,ai ifis z& zov nagcaviaavza 7ZoXe[a,eTv yai vjxdg avzovg, ol ^vvt'yvcozE, di^ cdn'ag tyi^EZE. 5. y.aizoijiuol zowvzm drdgl ogyi^eod^Elog ovdEvog oioi-iat 96 QOTKTdlAOT nirrrPA^iTis. iiaacov eJvai yv^vm re la dsovza nai eQfir^vsmai ravta, q.0.67zoXig ,Tf xojf yo)]fiaTcov 'AQEiaacov. 6. o ts yuQ yvovg 'Aai fitj aaqiag didd- ^ag iv i'aco y.cH tl fit] iieO^vfi/'Ot] ' o z tyojv daq]6z£Qa, zij 8s ttoXei dvarovg, ovv, av bu-oixog zi olxEiag qQcc^oi' TiQooovzog da 'aul zovdSj 'IQtjUaGi dt vrAoofitvoVf za ^vfinavzcc zovtov hog av ncoXoizo^ 7. rocrr ei fA.01. xal ftiacog 7]yovfiEvoi fiallov szeqcov TTQOceTvai avza TioXsfxeiv i7zeia-&r]ZE, ovy, av aixozcog vvv rov ys adinsTv alziav (feqoi- firjv. LXI. y.al yciQ otg [a.sv aigsaig ysyEvrjzai zulXcc evzt^ovai, fzoXXt] avoia noXejiijaai' ei 5' avayxaiov tjv ij Ei^avzag EvOvg zoTg niXag vnav.ovcai tj 'AivbvvEvaavrag TzsgiyEVEa&aiy 6 qjvyojv zov aiv- dvrov Tov VTZoazdrzog fiEftnzozEQog. 2. y.ai. Eym fxev 6 avzog eljii nai ovy, i^iazauai' vfiEig ds fieza^aXXsZE, STiEidtj ^vvE^tj v/iiv ttei- aO^rjvai filv dyeQaioig, fiEzafitXEiv ds yaxovfiEvoig, aai zov ejwv Xo- yov iv TO) vfxEze'Qcp da&evEi zijg yv(6fj.7]g fiij oq&ov qiaivEaOaij diozi zo fAtv XvTTOvv E^Ei 7]8]] z)]v ai(j&7]aiv iydazo), zrig ds coqisXEiag anS' aziv hi 7] di'jXcoaig dnaci, y.ai fxEza^oX-ijg fiEydXrjgj aal tavzrig i^ oXiyov, ifi7T£aov67jg zanEivi] vfiav ?/ didvoia iyaaQZEQEiv a tyvcazs. 3. dovXoi yciQ (fQovijfxa zo aicpvidiov yai d7Tooc86yi]zov y.ai zo tiXei- 6tcp TiaoaXoycp ^vf/^aTvov' a vfuv TiQog zolg aXXoig ov/^ ?]y.iGza Kcci yaza zijv vooov yEytvtjzai. 4. oficog ds noXiv fisydX/jv oly.ovv- zag, yai h r^d-Eoiv dvzindXoig avzy zE&Qa[4fiErovg, XQsoiv ««« ^vfi- CfOQaXg zaTg /.lEyiazaig i&EXEtv vcfiozaaOui, y.ai zijv d^ixaaiv fit] dcfavi^EiV Iv Tijq) yaQ ol av&Qco7ioi diyaiovGi z7]g zs vTzagyovar^g d6^r]g alziaa^ai oazig fxaXaxia eXXeiuei xai z7]g fi7] 7rQoar]'AQvai]g fiKJEiv zov ■&QaGvzrizi oQsyofiEvov d7iaXyi]aavzug 8s zd i8ia zov yoivov zTJg ocozr^Qiag dvziXafA^dvEa&ai. LXII. zov 8s novov zov v.aza zov noXEfioVy fu] ytv7]zai ze TioXhg yal ov8ev fidXXov TZEQiys- rcofiE&a, aQy.EizG} fxEV vfiiv nal iyEiva, ir o'lg dXXozs TzoXXdxig ys 8)] dns^Ei^a ovy, oQ&ag avzov vtzotzzevoue^ov, 8r]Xoj(jo 8s xal z68e, o fioi 8oxeTzs ovz avzoi tkotioze Ev&vfiil0^7]vai, vndnyov vfiXv, fieye- ■&ovg TTtQi ig Z7]v dgyjiv ovz iyoj iv zoTg tzqIv Xoyoig' ov8^ dv fvv lyQT]6dfir^v xofiTTCodEaztQav 'iyovzi zt]v 7ZQ067Z0ir]{SiVf ei fir] xazans' nXr]yfiEvovg Vfidg Ttagd zo sixog icoQcov. 2. oisaOs fASv yaQ zcZv ^vfitidycov fiovov aQysiVy iym 8s aTzoqiaUa) 8vo fiEomv zcov ig yQ}]aiv q;ar£Qmv, yt]g xal -O^aXdcai^gy zov itiqov vfiug navrog xvQicozdzovg vvzag, iqj oaov ze vvv vifiEaOe xal yv inl jiXiov ^ovXr]di]ZE' xal ovx yz^yz''- ^'U^ V' ^ u LIB. II. CAP. LXIII. LXIV. 97 ttjziv oatig ry vTzaQ^ovari Tragacy^svy tov vavtMov nXlovrag vfiag ovTS ^aailevg y.coXvoei, ovzs alXo ovdev tdvog tcijv iv to5 Tiaqovzi. 3. coarfi ov xata zrjv rooy oiaimv 'Aai Ji^g yrig ^oEiay, cov fieydXcov vofii^ezs iazegrjad^ai, avzTj rj dvvafiig cpaivszar ovd^ dxog ic(.7,enmg f^sQEiv avzmvy fiallov // ov xr^Ttiov y.ai iy}iaV.c67nGfA.a nXovzov nqog zavzfjv vofiiaavzeg oliycoQriaai, x«« yvcovai iXevd'eQiav ^«V, ^v avti- kafi^avof^Evoi avztjg diaaojacoixsVj Qadicog ravza avaXi]xpo[isv7]Vj viXXmv 5' vTraxovaaui nal ta Tzgoaeyizr^^tva qiiXeiv iXccaaov6&ai, zav IS rzarsQcov [i?] ^eiQOvg xaz aiAcpozeqa (favrjvaij ol jiszcc novayp aai, ov naq aXXcov de^dfievoi xazsa^ov za yal nqoatzi diaacoaavzsg fzaQtdoaav rmiv avzd, aicfiov 8s t'j^ovzccg d(fatQS&7]vai '^ y.z(0[itvovg dzvyriaaij itvai ds toTg i/^&goTg ofioae fo] cpQOvrjfiazi fiovoVy dXXk y.aL aazaqjQovrifiari. 4. avyrj^io. fisv yccQ xal dno dfxa&iag Evzv)^ovg y,ai dsiXqi tivi iyyiyvstai, 'AazacpQovriGig ds og av xai yvcofiri niazEvrji zmv Evavtimv nQOBjEiVj o ij^iv vnaQiei. 5. aai zijv zcXfxav ano zjjg ofiolag TV'mg r; ^vvsaig ix zov vnsQCfiQovog i)[VQ(o7tQav naQtjEzai, iXnidi 78 jjaaov niazEVEi, r^g iv toj duogcp ^ lox^'Sy yvoofiri ds dno rav v7zaQi6vr(oVy r^g ^s^aioztQcc t] nqovoia. LXIII. z7ig rs noXscog vfidg Ei'Aog z^ ziftmixsvcip dno zov dg'/Eiv, consQ anavzsg dydXXsG&Sj ^07]&eTv, nal fiT] cpEvysiv zovg novovg ?} fitjds zdg ztfidg diwxsiv' ^r^ds vofiityai nsQi hog fiovovj dovXsiag dvz iXEvdEQiag, dycovi^Ecixjaif dXXd y>ai dg'/^TJg czEQi^aecog xal mvdvvov mv Iv zy «(>Xff dnriy^&ECsOs. 2. ijg old' i>iaz7]vai izi i'lxiv taziv, ei zig yai zods iv zoj nagovzi dedicog dnQayfA-oavvri dvdgayad'i^Ezai' mg zvqavvida ydq r^dt] syzz^ avzi'iVj ijv Xa^Eiv fjisv ddmov doxsT eJvaif dqisXvai ds inmivdwov. 3. zdyiaz av zs noXiv ol zoiovioi izigovg zs nsioavzEg dnoXiasiaVj ya\ EL nov ini aqjcov avzwv avzorofioi oi>ti](7Eiav' zo yaQ unQayjiov ov Gcitszai 111] fiEza zov dQaazrjQiov zszayfiivov, ovds iv aQ^ovori noXsi ^vfxqjeoEi, dX)^ iv vnrjxoqf, daqjaXmg dovXavEiv. LXIY. vfisTg ds fi^zs vno zav zot^vds noXizcov naQaysads fi^zE ifis di^ oQy^g tyszEy 0) nai avzol ^vvdiiyprnzs noXsfiEiv, si y.a) insX&ovzEg ol ivav- zioi 'idqaaav k~itQ Einog }]v fiij i&sXriadvzdav viioov vna>tovEiv, iniyE- yivrizai zs niqa cov nQOGEds)[();j.^-&a rj vocog Tjde, nQay^a fiorov dq zav ndvzoov iXnidog y.QEiGCJov ysyEvrjuivov. yal di* avzyv o?5' ozv 'MQog zi fidXXov szi fUGOvixai ov dinaimg, €t firj aai ozav naqd Xoyov u el nQdh'izR iixol dvaO^GSz?. 2. qis'Qsiv zs '/d7j zd zs daiuovta 5 98 QOTKTAIAOT STFrPA^HS. avayy,aiG)S rd re dno tqov Tzolsfiicov ardQSicog ' ravta yaq iv s&&i zrids 7^ ttoIei tiqoteqov re 7jv vvv te fit/ iv vfiip 'AcoXvd'^. 3. -yvmzs ds byofxa f^tjiazov aviiiv i/^ovaap iv naaiv av&QcoTzoig dia ro raig ^viJ,qoQaTg ii)j ErAEiv,nXEiGza ds acofiaza y,ai novovg avalcoxevai TToXtfiO), y.ai dvrtJtfiiv [j.£yiOiT]v d)] ^sjgi zovds HEyat]fj,EV7jVj ^g ig aidiov joig iniyifvofiEvoig, r^v aai vvv VTZEvdafit'v notE, ndvtcL yciQ 7iEq)vx8 xai i'kaGOova&aiy fxv^fii] KarakEXEixpEtaij 'EXh]V(av ts an "ED.rivEg nKEicrmv dt] i]Q^a[iEv, >iai Tzolifioig ixEyiaroig avtiaionEV nqog is ^vfiTTavtag xat naO^ ExaGtovg, nokiv te zoig naaiv EVTiOQcordTTjf xai [/,Eyiati]v comjaafisv. 4. ^aitoi ravza 6 [xev aTTQciyfimv [Atfi- \paiz' av, 6 ds dqdv zi §ovX6fiEvog not avzog ^ijXaaEi ' d di zig f^ij y.EKZijzai, (jid^ovriaEi. 5. zo ds fiiasTa&at x«f XvTZTjQOvg elvai iv zm naqovzL ndoi {xsv vtttJq^s 8f] ocoi ezeqol izegcav 7/^i(X)aav uq^eiv ' oazig 5' ETZi fisyiazoig zo inicpi^ovov Xa/A^dvEi, oQ&ag ^ovXEVszai. fjiiaog fih yccQ ovx ini noXv dvziiEi, tj ds 7iaQavziy.a zs XafinQoztjg KOI ig zo ETTEiza du^a dsifivrjcyzog xazaXEiTTEzai. 6. viisTg ds sg zs zo fiiXXov y.aXov TtQoyvovzEg, sg zs zo avzixa itij alayQov ro) ?)5/; jTQoOvficp dfiq)ozEQa, yatjGaa&Sy xai udaxsdatfiorioig fi/jzs ini'AriQv- HEvsa&Sy fA.}]zs Evdr^Xot 'iazs zoig naqovai novoig ^aQwofisvoi, cog olzivsg TTQog zdg ^vixqjOQag yvcofiy fxlv t^xiGza XvTzovvrai, 'igyq-t ds udXiffza dvzijovaiv, ovzoi aai, noXscov y,ai idicoz^v ngdziffzoi shiv. LXV. Toiavza 6 nsQixXfjg Xtycov inEiQaro zovg 'A&T]vaiovg iTqg zs in avzov oQyijg naQaXvEiVy xa« dno zmv naQorzcov dsivcov dndysiv z?]v yvafiijv. 2. ol ds drifxoaia fisv zoTg Xoyoig dvEnsi- &0VZ0, yal ovzs nqog zovg ytaKsdaiftoviovg hi 'insfAnov, ig zs zov ncXefj-ov [laXXov aQfXTjvzo, Idia ds zoig nad^^^aaiv iXvnovvzo, 6 ^ev drifiog ozi an iXaoGovow oQficofisvog egzeqtjzo yai zovzcov, ol ds dvvazol ^aXd nzi^fxaza yazd ztjv '/^coqav oixodofxiaig zs nal noXvzE- Xtai yazaaasvaig dnoXooXExozsg, zo ds fisyiGzov, noXsuov dvz eiq^- i")]g E'lovzsg. 3. oh fiivzoi ngozsQOv ys ol ^vixnavzEg inavaavzo iv ooyrj 'iyiovzEg avzov nqiv i^Tj^icaaav y^Qr^iaGiv. 4. vazsQOv 5' avOig ov noXXm, onsQ qjiXsi ofxiXog noisTv, ozqazriyov slXovzo y.a\ ndvza zd ngdyiiaza inizQEipav, ojv fxsv nsQi zd oixsTa snaazog TJlyst, du^XvzEQOi ijdri ovzsg, av ds rj ^vfinaaa noXig nQOGEdslzOy nXshzov dt^iov voiii^ovzEg shai. 5. ogqv zs ydq ^Qovov nQOvszri zlqg noXscoi; h tJ EiQ7]V'(i, fiEZQicog i'^tjysTzQ kuI dacpaX^g diEq,vXa^Ey avztlv, x«i LIB. n CAP. LXV. ' 99 lyivBTO in ixsivov fiEyicFtr] ' Inu re o Tiolsixog xar«OTJ/, 6 ds qjaivsA tai KOI iv rovrq) nqoyvovg tijv dvvafiiv. 6. STre^ico ds dvo eitj y,at ^r^vag f^* 'Aai btzeiO/j an&uaveVj zni tzKeov eti EyvooGirt] ij nQovoia ai'Tov i) fg t^ov nolEfiov. 7. 6 fiev yag r^avxd^ovidg te x«f to vavjcahv d^EQanEvovtag ^ai aq'/riv firj Eni'AZOiixEvovg sv 7^5 TToXsfxcci (U]dE TXt tzoXei aivdvvEvovtag Eq)i] nEQiicEa&ai' ot ds ravzd zs ndvza ig TovvavTiov sTZQa^av xal aXXcc e^co tov ttoXeiiov boaovvta Eivatf nata rag Idiag qjiXoriniag yat. i8ia ns'gdr], nanmg kg zs acpdg avzovg xal zovg ^vfifid'/^ovg ETiolizEvaav, a ^azoQ&ovfiEva fisv zoTg Idicozaig ztjiri y.ai mcpilsia ^alXov rjVj GcpaXivza ds r^ ttoXei ig zov TToXefxov §Xd^rj xad^iazazo. 8. aiiiov 5' riv bzi ixEivog fisv dvvazog 'av r(p ^ T« d^icofxazi x«t zy yvcofiij, y^qruxdzcav zs diag)avoog ddcoQozazog yEvoixEvog, v-aZEXys zo nXrj&og iXEv&sqcogj y.ai ovx ^yszo ficiXXov vtz avzov 7] avzog rjy£, dice zo fi7] yizwfXEVog i^ oh ttqoctjxovzojv zrjp dvvafiiv TiQog 7]8ov)]v zi Xiysiv, dXX' e)^mv in d^iaaEi nai rrgbg ogy^v zi dvzEiTZEiv. 9. otzozb yovv aia&oizo zi avzovg Tzaga xaigbv v^gei ^agaovvzag^ Xtyoov aaztnXjjaaEV ini zo (j>o^Ei6&aij itai dsdio- zag av eLX6y(ysg dvTiaa&iazTj ndXiv ini zb ^agasTv. iyiyvEzo zs Xoycp fxsv drifwy.gazia, 'igycp ds vnb zov 7tg(6zov dvdgbg dgirf. 10. 01 ds varsgov laoi avzoi [xaXXov ngog dXXriXovg opzsg, aai ogs- yofiEvor zov ngmzog Exa^zog yiyvsaO^ai, izgdnovzo xctO"' ijdovag zca d^[i(p ycai za ngdyfjiaza ivdidovai. 11. i^ cov dXXa zs TzoXXd, cog iv fisydXi] tioXei xai dgyijv i^ovai^y ijfiagz^&r] aai 6 ig JEixEXiav nXov^y og ov zoao'vzov yvc6fx?]g df4,dgz7]fia ijv ngbg ovg imjEaav^ baov ol ixTze'fiipavzEg ov zd Tigoacpoga zoig oi)^Ofisvotg imyiyvcoaxovzEg, dXXd xazd zag idiag dia^oXag nsgi zrjg zov di/fiov ngoazaaiagy zd zs iv rrp azgazoTzidqt dfi^Xvzsga iTZOiovVj aai zd Tzsgl zi]v noXiv ngazov iv dXXjjXoig izagdid"riaav. 12. acfaXivzsg 3' iv ^ImsXin dXXri zs Tzagaayisvri xai zov vavzixov zo) tzXeIovi fxogicp, nal nazd ztjv noXiv I'ldri iv azdasi ovzsg, ofxcog zgia fisv sz)] dvzEr/^ov zoig zs ngozsgof vndg'lovGi noXsfiioig, aai zoig dnb 2JrAsXiag fxsz avzav :ial zav tvfifidyav 'izi zoTg nXsLoaiv dcpsazTjaoGi, Kvgqi zs vazsgov ^aatXioog naidi Ttgoaysvofiivcp, og TzageTy^s yg/jiuaza nsXoTZOvvjjaioig ig zo vavzinov 'Aai ov ngozsgov ividoaav, rj avzol iv aqjiai aazd zds '•Biag diaqiogdg TisgmEo ovzsg iaqtdX^aav. zoaovzov z^ TlEQinXsi 100 ooTKTJiJor srrrPA0ii2:. tnEQiaaevoE tots, acp cov avtog fiQoeyvco aai, ndvv av gndicog TieQt yevt'a&ai lav Il£Xo7Tovr7]ai(ov avzcov rco TioXtficp. LXYl. 01 ds ^ay.eduifionoi y.ai ol ^vfifia^oi zov aviov -O^egovi larqaTEvaav vavalv sxaTov ig Zdxvv&ov ziiv vl]60v, j] xeiiat avTi-> jiziqag "IDudog ' eiai ds ^Afjca^v iwv in HaXoTzovvq^ov utioi'aol xai /4&r]vaioig ^vvEfidyovv. 2. EnmXeov ds ylanedaifxoricov x^Xio\ hnXTzai 'Aoi Knjfiog ^^naQTidrrig vavag'/^og. dno^dvieg ds eg tijf pjv idijmaav ta noXXd. na\ insidij ov ^vv£)^03QovVy dnmXsvGav In o'lxov. LXVII. Kai 70V avtov -d^sgovg TsXsvTavTog ^AqiaTevg Koqiv- 'diog iicu Aay.sdaifiovicov TTQso^eig, ^AvriQiarog xat NixoXaog aal ZtQarodtifjiog xa) Tsyedirjg Ti/jiayoQag y.ai ^Aqyeiog Idia TloXXig^ TTOQSvofJLSvoi Ig 711V 'Aoiav (og ^aaiXsa, ei ncog Tzsiaaiav avtov xqij- fjia7d 78 TzaQ^isiv yai ^viiTZoXefisiVf dqjiy.vovvtai cog ^uaXxr^v nQm- 70V 70V TriQEoa ig Oqkxt^v, ^ovXoiisvoi nsiaal 7e aviov, ei dvraivzOf fie7aa7di>7a 77Jg 'A&tjvaioov ^vfiixaiiag atgatEvaai inl 77jv Tlotf- daiav, ov Tiv OTQazevfia rcay 'A&rivaicov ttoXioqkovVj xai tjtteq aQfi)]VTO, 5t* ixEirov TTOQEv&ijvai nsQav 70v 'EXXijanovTOv cog fl^ag- vd'Aijv 70V (liaQva^dt,0Vj og avrovg eheXXev cog ^aaiXt'a dvani^ipEiv 2. TTaQaTv^ovTEg ds 'Adrivaicav TZQEG^sig Atag^og KaXXi/xcc/^ov nal *AnEividdrjg (piXrjfjiovog naga 7^ 2^i7dXnrj nei&ovoi 70v ^ddoaov 70V ysyEvriiiEvov 'A&tjvaToVj JEitdXy.ov vlov, 70vg avdgag Eyj^Eigiaai GcpiaiVj hncog [.ij] dia^dv7Eg cog ^aaiXsa 7Jiv exeivov noXiv to fit'gog ^Xdxpcoaiv. 3. 6 ds 7i£ia&Eig TzogsvoiAbvovg aviovg dia 77]g Ogdx)jg BTzl 70 nXolov 0) e^ieXXov 70V 'EXXriaTTOVxov TZEgaicoasiVy ngh' E6§ai- vEiv, ^vXXdfi^dvEiy dXXovg ^vfiTZE^xpag fiSTcc 7ov Asdnxov y.ai Afisi-- viddov, xa« exeXevgev ixEivoig nagadovvai ' ol ds Xa§6v7Eg ixofxiaap ig 7ug *A\^/jvag. 4. dcpixofiivcov ds avzwv, dEiaav7£g ol 'Ad^rivuioi 70V ^u4gia7ia, ^rj av&ig cq)ug ezi tzXeico xaxovgyri diacpvycov, ozi xal ngo zovzojv zd 7ijg Tlozidaiag y,ai 760V im OgrcArjg ndvz iq)aivE70 ngd^ag, uygizovg nal ^ovXofit'vovg 'iaziv a EiTZsTvy av&ijfiE' gov ani'AZEivav ndvzagy koi ig cpdgayyag ias^aXov, diyaiovvzEg zoXg avzoig dfivvEC&ai olanEg y.ai ol Aaxsdaifiovioi vTzijg^aVy 70vg (fi- nogovg ovg 'iXaj^ov ^A&r^vaicov xal zwy ^vfifidyiciiv iv oXxdcn nsgi nEXoTTOVvrjaov nXtovzag d;T0'A7Eivav7£g, aal ig cpdgayyag ia^aXov- zsg. ndvzag yug d}j xaz dg^^dg zov rzoXiiiov ol AaxEdaiiioviot LIB. II. CAP. Ii XVII L DXJX. %<)\ oaovg kd^oiev iv ry d-aXdaari, cog noXefiiovg di8cp\}siQ0v, aai zovg usta ^Ad^rivaioiv i,v^7toXe}XovvTag y.a\ xovg ^iri^s fted' stsqcov. LXVIII. Kara ds rovg aviovg XQOvovg, rov dsQOvg rslevrmv- fogy xa« 'AfATTQayuojiai, avroi re xal tav ^an^aQcov noXlovg dva- GTriaavzeg, iaTQcizevaav m ''AQyog to 'AiiquXo'iimv xai ttjv uXXtjp Afiq)iXo)^iav. 2. ex^Q^ ^* Trgog rovg 'AQysiovg dnh 70v8s avzoTg yq'^aTO ttqootov yEviaOai. 3. "Aqyog to ^Af^qjiXoxi'/^ov xai 'Aficpi- Xoxiav TTjv aXXtjv 8y.7i6S, {leia jvl Tgooixa oiaads dvaxcoQijoag aai om aQsaxof^Evog zy iv '^Agysi 'AazaGzdaei 'AfiqiiXoxog 6 ^Aiiqiid- Q8(o iv z^ ^AiA.7iQaxix^ noXncpj ofimvvf^ov zrj iavzov TtazQidi Agyog ovofidaag, 4. aal l]v rj noXig avzi] {AsyiGzt] ztjg ''A^cpiXoxictgy xat rovg dwazcozdzovg eIxev olxtjzoQag, 5. vtio ^v[xq)OQmv Ss TToXXaTg ysvsaig vazsgov TZis^ofisvoij ^AfiTiQaxicozag ofioQOvg ovzag zy 'Afi- q)iXoxiity ^vvoixovg ETiTjydyovzo, yial iXXtivia&r^aav zijv vvv yXcocu avzol laxovai zi]v noXiv. 7 . ol 5' 'Afiqii- Xoxoif ysvofjiivov zovzovj dtdoaaiv savzovg Axagvdai,y>ai. ngoanaga- auXiaavTsg dficpozsgoi 'A&rjvaiovgj ol avzoTg (I^OQf^ioavd zs azga- Z7]ybv 87T6fi\pav xal vavg zgidy,ovza. dqnno^irov ds zov (Dogfuoj- pog algovai Kazcc ygdzog "Agyog koi. zovg 'AfXTigaxicozag Tjvdga- nodiaavj notvy zs wy>rjaav avzo 'Afiq^iXoxoi xctt 'Axagvdvsg. 8. [xeza de zovzo i] ^vfiftaxia iytvszo Tzgojzov 'A&i]vaioig nai ^Ayagvdaiv. 9. oi ds ^u4ii7igay.imzai zijv fxsv 'ixO^gccv ig zovg *Agysiovg aTib zov dvdganodia[xov aq)6jv avzojv ngazov inoi'qaavzOj vczsgov ds iv z^ TzoXtjicp zrjrds zijv azqazsiav noiovvzai avzav Z8 iiai disXv- '&rjGav xaza B&rr]. zoaavzcc fisv iv zw d^tgsi iyivszo. LXIX. Tov 5' iniyiyvofiirov x^'H-^'^og 'A&T^vaTot vavg kazsi- Xav siAoat {asv Tisgl UeXoTzowtjaov not (PogfAicova azgazijyov, og 6gfimfA.8vog ix Navndyzov qvXayJijv sJys fxrjz ixnXsTv in Kogivd^ov Kcu zov Kgiaaiov xoXnov firidiva ^atiz iaTiXsTv, iregag 5' t^ snt Kagiag xou Avxiag xal MsXrjaavdgov azgazrjyov, oncog zavza Z8 agyvgoXoy^Gif xal zo Xr^azixov zav IhXonovvrialcov fii] imaiy oivro* ^ d^sv oQiiwfxevov p^dnjHv tov ttXovv rav oXuddmv rmv uno 0aai^).i dog y.at fl^oirixtjg y.ai Ji]g eaei&ev TjTTEi'qov. 2. aroc^ug ds aiqaiia u4&rfVai(ov 78 Tcor dizo rcoy rs^v xai zav ^Vfifidymv 4' ^//y Avy.iav 6 MtltiaavdQog aTiod^r/juy.aij y.al tjjg czQaridg fitQog rt disqii^EiQS fiHtj&stg fidj^i]. LXX. Tov d avrov x^ificovog ol JJoribaidiai Ineib)] ovkeh idvvavro 7Zo)joQy.ovf4.eroi dvztjeiv, «P.A.' ai re eg tijv ' ATtiKi]v io^o- XaL UeXonovv^aimv ovbsv [laXXov dnavlazaaav rovg ' A&T]vaiovg zs aizog iTzeleXoinetf y.al dXXa rs noXXk £7Z£ysytr7]zo avto&i ij8ij ^QcoGsmg TzeQt dvayxaiag xai zivsg hiu dXX/jXcov lytyevvzOy ovzco di] Xoyovg TrQoaqJqovai tzsqi ^vfi^dasoag roTg azQazrjyoig tcov ^ Adi]- raioov rolg iizi acpiai TEzayiiiroig, ^sroqimvti t£ tm EvqittiSov y.al ^aziodaQcp zo) ^ AQiazo-AXelbov nal 0avofid](^cp rep KaXXiud^ov. 2. ol ds TTQonsdt^avzo, OQOJvzeg fili> rt^g uzQazidg Trjv zaXaiTZooQiav Ev x&iQioj 'jrEifiSQivcpf dvaXcoy.viag zs ijdrj rr^g TioXsmg Siax^Xia rdXav ta ig Tijv noXiOQ'Aiav. 3. ml roTada ovv ^vvt^rjaavy i^eX&sTv ah- Tovg xai Tzaidag xai yvraTnag aal rovg ETzixovQOvg ^hv irl ifjiazicp, yvvai'Aag ds ^vv dvoTv, y.ai aQyiQiov ri QrjTov tyovzag iq:6diov. 4. aai 01 fXEv vTToaTTordoi i^tjX&ov eth T/;r XaXy.idr/.rjv xal Exaatog Tj idvvazo ' '/4&tjvaToi ds zovg ze azQazjiyoig ETTrjzidaavTO ozi drsv avza)v^vvf'^i](jaVj ivofii^ov yccQ dvxQazjjaai zJjg TzoXscogTi i^ovXovzOy aai vazEQOv Enoixovg savzav ETZEfixpav sg zip Uozidaiav xal xazm- xiaav. 5. zavza fisp iv zm x^ifj.avt Eysiszo ' xal zo 8evzeqov szog izsXEvza TQ} noXE^qp zcpds ov Oovxv8idt]g ^vvEygaxps. LXXI. Tov 5' miyiyvouEvov ^EQOvg ol naXo^zovv/jaioi y.al oi ^vfi(ia'/^oi eg [isv zi]v 'Azzixijv ovx iat'^aXov, EGzqdzsvaav 8' inl nXdzaiaV fiysizo ds 'AQyJdafiog 6 Zsv^iddfiov udaxEdai^ortcov ^aaiXsvg. xai xax^iaag zov azQazov sfiEXXs drjaaEiv zijv yTjv' ol ds nXaTaifjg sv&vg TZQEG^Eig TZE^xpavzsg nqog avzov aXsyov zoidde. 2. 'Ag'/^idufiE xai Aay.Edaifionoij ov dixaia ttoieTze ovd^ d^ia outs i'ficov ovzs nazEQOiv cov egze, ig yrp z}]v nXazaiwv aznazavoviEg. Tlavaavtag yag 6 KXeo^^qozov, AaxEdatfionogy iXEv&EQmtjag rz/y ^EXXdda dno zwv M/jdcop fZE^d 'EXXi^vgjv zav s&sXriodvzoav ^vrd- Qaadai tov xivdvvov zrjg fidy7]g ^ nag tjfiiv iysvezOf &v6ag eV zr^ TD.azaimv dyoQa /in eXev&eqico isQd, xal ^vyxaXtaag ndvzag zovg l^vuudxovgj dnsdidov TLXazaisvai yJjv xal noXiv zijv acfSZEqav E)^oym LIB. 11. CAP. LXXII. LXXIII. 103 tac avTovofiovg oiHsTVf aTQarevaaL re fjtijSJva tzots adUcog In avtivg fir^d^ inl dovXsia' ft ds [iij, dfxvvaLV zovg naqovzag ^vfifia* ^ovg y.aza ^vvaixiv. 3. idds (xsv rjiuv nathqeg ol vfxsTSQOi tdoGav aQETrjg trexa nal 7TQod^v[A.iag Tjjg iv iaeivoig loXg ioi net avzwv TzdXiv ij)Mov dnayysk- XovTsg roig sv rri noXsi Toidde ' 3. Ovi iv t4> tzqo zov xqovoi^, co ardgsg TlXaTCiujgy «g/ oif ^vfii,ia)^oi sysvofxsd^a ^A&iivaioi q^aaiv Iv ovdevi rjfidg nQ0E6&ai ddrAOVj-isvovgy ovzs vvv mqioxpsod-ai, ^orj&^- 6EIV ds xaru dvvafiiv. iniayirintoval te vfAiVy nqog 7wv OQ'/.(xiv ovg 01 naxEQEg coficoaav, fir^dsv vecoteqi^eiv tieql zfjv ^vf^tfia/^iav. LXXIV. Toiavza rav tzqeg^ecov dTzayyEiXdvzcov ot nXaraiTJg i^ovlEvaayzo ^A&ijvaiovg fit] TiQodidovai, dlX dvsyja&at ncd y7jv ZEfivofiEvtjv, El dsl, OQmvtag 'Aou dXXo ndaiovtag o, zi dv ^vfi^aivri' i^sX&Eiv ZE fiTjdsva hi, dXX dno zov zsijovg aTTOXQivaa&ai ozi ddvvaza aqjiai noiEiv iaziv a AaxEdaiixovioi nQOxaXovvzai. 2. cjg ds aTiEXQivavzo, evzev&ev dr] ttq^zov fisv ig sm^aQZVQiav aai &ewv Xttf tjQcocov zav iy^^coQioDv 'AQ)^idafiog 6 ^aaiXsvg Haiiuz?], Xsycov wds. 3. Qeoi oooi yHjv zf]v TlXazaiida e^ezs y.ai riQcosg, ^vviazoQEg sazE ozi ovzs zijv dQxh'^ ddixmgy inXmovzcav z^vds ttqozeqov zo ^vvmfiozoVj im ylqv z^rds jjXOo^iEVy iv y oi nazEQsg ijfiav sv^dixsvoi vfiiv M/jdoav ixgdzTjcav, xal naQE^iszE avzrjv EVf-isvij ivayouriana&at zoTg EXXtjciv, ovie vvv, ijv zi tzoiojuev, ddta^aofiEv ' TigoxaXsadfiEvoi yuQ jioXXd xat sixoza oh zvyxdvojiEv. ^vyyvt^fiovsg ds sars zijg fiev ddiaiag y.oXd^sad^ai zoTg vndQiovai TTQorsQOig, Z7jg ds zifio^Qiag zvyy^dvEiv zoig ini(fEQ0vai vofiifimg. LXXV. zoaavza Eni&Eidaag xa&iazr] ig tioXeijiov zov azgazov, xai nqcozov fisv TiEQisazavQcoasv avzovg zoig dsvdQEaiv a sAOxpav, zov fAr^dsva tzi ihsvaiy 'insiza jfco^a E-y^ovv TTQog zijv noXiVy iXni^ovzEg zayjati]v aigsaiv sasa&ai avzcov czQazEVfiaTog zoaovzov igya^OfiEvov. 2. ^vXa nsv ovv zsfA- vovzsg in zov Ki^aiQmvog TzaQavAodofjiovv sxaTEQCodsv, qiOQ^r^dov dvzl zoiycov ziO^EVTEg, oTzcog ^rj diaysoizo im noXv zo yafia,' ecpo- Qovv ds vXrjv ig avzo. xai Xi&ovg xal y7jv xai si zi uX7.o uvvzeiv fitXXoi iTTi^aXXofXEvov. 3. rmiqag ds syovv kpdoiir]xorza xai rvy.zag 'Bvvsyagf dirjQTjfAEvoi xaz dvaTzavXag, aazs zovg fisv qsQEiv zovg dt VTTvov ZE xai. cizov aiQEia&ai ' AaxEdaifioviav zs ot ^svayoi sxuazi]g noXscog ^vvsqiEazmzEg ijvdyxaZov ig zb tqyov. 4. ot ds nXazOQOvvzEg dl vlr^g cfctyMJkovg naQf^aXlov dno zov ^cofxazog ig zb fieza^v ttqwzov toi rsi^ovg y.al ZTJg nQOCj^f^aecogj ray^v 8s nlriQovg yEvofit'vov dia nolv- XEiQiav, ETtinaQEv^oav xac zrjg dXXrjg noXEcog oaov idvvavzo duo zov flEZECOQOV 7zXeI(S70V ETllGIElVf 4. E^^uXoVZEg ds TIVQ ^VV -d^Eifp xal niaa'q i^jpav rriv vXjjv. nal lyivEto (pXo^ Toaavzt] oarjv ovdEig no3 tg yE eaeivov top ^qovov )rEiQ07zoit]zov EldEv ' 7^dr] yaQ iv oqegiv vXrj zQiqs&Eiaa vn dvin^av TiQog avz^v dno tavzof^dzov nvQ xai qiXoya art avzov dvjjxE. 5. zovzo ds fisya ze i^v xai zovg TlXazai- sag zdXXa biacpvyovtag iXa'/^iazov idstjas diaq)&EiQai' ivzog yaQ TToXXov icoQiov zrig noXscog ovx i]v TiEXdaai, nrevfid ze ei inEysvEzo avz^ ETiiqiOQOVj otzeq xai r^Xm^ov oi ivavzioiy ovx av disqwyov. 6. Tvv ds xal rods Xsyszai ^vfi§7Jvai, vdcoQ e^ ovgavov noXv xcd ^Qovzdg ysvofitvag c^taai z;/y q]X6y(x, xai ovtco TTav&rfvai zov xiv- dvrov. LXXVIII. 01 ds IlEXoTTOVVtjfflOl ETlEldr] XOl ZOVZOV dn^fJiaQZOV, fiEQog fiEp 71 xazaXtTiorzEg zov azgazoTttdov, [zo 8s Xomov dq)EvzEg^ TTEQiEXEixi^ov zi]v TToXiv xvxXo^y 8iEX6fiEvoi xazd TToXsig zo I^QIOV' zdqjQog 8s ivzog ze ijv xai e^co&ev i^ ^g snXiv&Evaavzo. 2. xa] iTisiSf] ndv i^EigyaazOj tzeqi aQxzovgov snizoXdg, xazaXmovzEg qjvXaxag zov Tjfiiasog zEi)^ovg, zo 8s ijfiiGv Boicozoi scfvXaaaoVy dvExcoQijaav T^ azQaz^ xal SiEXv&rjaav xazd noXsig. 3. FlXazai^g 8s 7ial8ag ulv xou yvvcuxagf xal zovg nQsa^vzdzovg ze xal TzXtj&og zo dygsiov zav dv&QaTzmv jtqozeqov ExxExofjuafisvoi ijaav ig zdg 'AOrivag, avzol 5' inoXioQxovvzo iyxazaXEXstfifiEvoi ZEZQaxoaioi, Ad^T]vaixov 8s oySorjxovzay yvvaixsg 8e 8sxa xal sxarov aizonoioi. 4. zoaovzoi ijcrav ol ^vfiTiavzEg oze ig ztjv noXiOQxiav xadiazavzo, xal dXXog ovSslg i]v iv tq5 zeix^i ovzs 8ovXog ovzs iXsv&EQog. zoiavzt] fisv ^ TD^azatoJv TioXiogxia xazE6xEvda&rj. LXXIX. Tov 5* avzov -digovgy xal ana zrj zwv UXazaiojr iniazQazEin, 'Ad^rjvaToi 8i(5Xi7Joig bnXizaig savzav xai iTzrzsvai Oiuxoaioig iazgdzsvaav ini XaXxidsag zovg ini Ognxr^g xai Boz- wiaiovg dxiid^ovzog zov aizov ' iazgaz^ysi 8s ^evofpoJv 6 Evqi7ii8ov LIB. 11. CAP. LXXX. 107 tqltog avTog. iX&ovTeg ds vno JEnaQxcKiXov iiiv BozTmjv rot aitov ditqjd^eiQUv, idov.Ei ds xal 7iQ06)^03Qrjaeiv rj TzoXig vno tivcov sv8o&Ev TZQUGaovTcov. 2. 7TQ0G7t8f4,xpdv7O}v ds tg "OXvv&ov 7mv ov ravra ^ovXof^evcov bnXizai tb r^Xd^ov >:ai atQaricc ig qivlaariv * ^g iTie^eX&ovafjg ix T?jg ^^TiaQtaXov ig iidi^v Kad^iaravrai ol 'Ad^tj- vaioi n(Jog aviy zy TZoXei. 3. yicd ol fxev onXizai ziav XaXyudtcov nal ETzrAOVQoi ziveg fXEx avzmv nxavzai vno zav '^d^rjvaicovj xal avaxcoQovaiv ig zrjv ^TzaQZcolov ' ol ds iTtTzijg z^v Xalyudimv xal \piloi pixwai zovg zmv 'A&Tjvaimv Inniag y,ai ipilovg, 4. si^ov ds zivag ov noXXovg nslzaazag in ziqg Kgovaidog yrjg aaXovfiivijg, aqzi ds ztjg f^d^^g ysyevi]fiivTjg iTzi^orjOovaiv alXoi neXzaazai ix ZTJg 'OXvv&ov. 5. nai ol i-A zjjg 2^naQzcoXov \pi7.ol ag tidov, ■Qaqari- aavzeg zoig zs nQoaytyvofievoig xccl ozi ttqozeqov ov)[ rjaamvzOf imzi&evzai av&ig fiezcc zav XaXyjditov Innimv nai zoav nQoa^or}- '&7]advzoov totg 'y4d^yvaioig ' ytai dva)^(OQovai TTQog zdg 8vo zd^stg ag aazeXiTZOv naga zoTg GxsvocpoQoig. 6. 'aoI otzoze (a-sv inioiev ol L4&T]vaioiy ivsdidoGav, d7Z0)(^(OQ0V6i 8s ivixsivzo not iaTjKovzi^ov. ol zs Innrig zmv XaXM8icov TTQoamnsvovzsg, rj 8oxot TZQoai^aXXov^ Tiai 0V1 Tiniaza q}0^fiaavzsgf szQSxpav zovg 'y^&r^vaiovg, xal insdica- l^av irii tzoXv. 7. y,ai ol fisv *^&r]vai0L ig ttjv TIozi8aiav >iazaq)SV' yovGi, aai vgtsqov zovg vsy.QOvg vnoa7i6v8ovg yo^iadfisvoi, ig zag 'u4&rivag dvaY^coQOvai z^ nsQiovzi zov azQazov' dniO^avov 8s avimv TQidxovza yai zszQa-AoaioL y.ai ol GZQazrjyoi ndvzsg. ol 8s XaXxi- 87ig 'Acu ol BozziaToi ZQonalov zs sanjaav, y.ai zovg vexQovg zovg avzojv dvsXofispoi 8tsXv&ri(jav Kazd noXsig. LXXX. Tov 5' avzov '&iQovgj ov tioXXco vgzsqov zovzmr, AfinQayimzai xai Xdovsg^ ^ovXofisvoi "AyaQvaviav ndaav aaza- szQ8\paa&ai y.ai '^&j]vaicov dTzoaztjaai, nsL&ovai Aays8aiuovLovg vavTVAOv zs TzaQaaysvdaaa&ai ix zrjg ^vfA^cip8og, aai bnXizag X'Xiovg nifxipai ig 'AxaQvaviav, Xiyovzsg oz/, r^v vaval xal Tis^m aua ftszd aq;6ov sXd^co6iVf dSvvdzcov ovzcov ^vfi^OTj&sTv zmv dno OaXdaarjg ^AxaQvdvcoVy Qa8ioog dv 'y^xaQvariav Q'fovzsg, xal zrjg Z 'Ad^rivaioig ofxoiog tzsqI ThXonovvriaov ' iXm8a 5' sJvai y.ai NavTiaxiov Xa^eiv. 2. ol 8s AaKs8aiu,6vioi nsia&ivzsg Kvtj- uov iiivy vavaQY^ov szi ovza, y.ai zovg onXizag im vavalr oXiycug 108 oorjcrjjjor ATrrPA^iis. sv&vg nsfiTTOvaij t^ da vavtr^i^ TTSQujyyEtXav nctQaanevaa af4.br cp c6^ idxtata TzXtTv ig Aevadda. 3. riaav ds KoqIv&ioi ^vfiTTQO&vfiOVfier vol fAciXiata roTg '.AnnQaHKoraig dizoiHOig ovai. xat to iisv vavtt Kov £x T£ KoQivx^ov 'Aol ^ixvoovog noi tcov javtrj ^(OQioiv iv nccQa- (jy>evy r^Vj to 5' in Aevxddog xcu 'Avuhtoqiov xat 'AfiTrgamag TiQOTEQOv dgjixof^srov iv Asvyddi TzsQiifXEve. 4. Kv7jfiog da >iai ol HEX avzov iiXioi onXtiai insidt] inEQam&riacf.vXa^ov'teg (liOQ^iicara, hg i]0'/iE tbiv Eixoai vEmv tmv ^Atri'Aav cu tzeqI Navna'Azov iqiqov- QovVj Ev&vg TzaQECXEvd^ovzo rj]v y.ard yr^v GrgaTEiav. 5. y,ai avxca naolqaav 'EXXr^roav fiEv ^AfinQammxai xai ylEvxddioi not ^AvaxTO- Qioif xal ovg avTog k'^oov tjX&E pXioi IJEXoTZOwtjaicoVj ^ccQ^aQoi ds XdovEg ^iXioi d^aaiXEvzoif cov liyovrro id ETr^cFicp TTQoazaGicc in jov dQ)^ixov yivovg ^fcoivog xal NixdvcoQ. iaiQazEvovro ds fiEia X.a6i!Cov xou 0£a7TD(OTol d^aaiXEVToi. 6. MoXoaaovg ds ijys xai Azivrdvag 2Ja^vXiv&ogj iniTQonog av Qdqvnog zov ^aaiXtcogf en naidbg ovxog, Y,a) TIaQavaiovg " Oqoibog ^aaiXEvg cay. 'OQEdzai ds XiXioi, cov i^auiXEVEv 'Avzioyo?, fiEza JlaQavaicov ^vvegzqutevovtc 'OQOidcp 'Avzioyov E7iizQE\pavzog. 7. ETZEfxipE ds xcu IlEQdixxug y.QVQpa zmv 'A&r^vauov ^iXiovg MuHEdovcov, ot vazeqav riX&ov. 8. zovzo^ T^ azgaz^ inoQEVEzo KvTjfiog, ov TZEQifiEivag zo dno KoQiv&ov vavzi'AOV 'A(u dta zijg 'AqyEiag iopzsg Aifivaiav ymfifjv dzEi)(^iazov inoQ&i'iaav. dqiixvovvzai ze im. ^^zgdzov, noXiv fiEyi- Gzrjv zt^g ^AxuQvaviag, voixl^ovzeg, eI zavzriv ttqcoztjv Xu^oieVj Qudicog dp GCflGL ZuXXa 7TQOGX(OQ^GEIV. LXXXI. ^AxaQvdvsg ds, aiGOofAEvoi xazd ze yrjv 7ZoXX)]v GZQUzidv iG^E^XrjxviaVj ex ze d^aXdGGTjg vavGiv afAa zovg noXEfiiovg rzuQEGOfJiivovg, ovze ^vrE^o/^O^ovv iqivXaGGOv ze zee avz^v txaGzoij Tzaqd ZE fDoQfiicova tTiEfiTZOv xtXEvovzEg d[4.vvE(v' 6 da ddvrazog f'qr?/ eh'ai vavzixov ix Koqivx}ov liiXXovzog ixriXElv Navuaxzov iQf'jiuir dnoXmEiv. 2. ol ds IIeXotzovv/jgioi xcu ot ^vfi{za)^oij zqiol ziXt] tzoi- ijGavzEg agpoof avzmv, i'/^mgovv ngog zijv zmv JSzQazicov noXiv, OTzcag iyyvg GZQaZOTTEdEVGaflEVOl, El fli] XoyCp TZEl&OlEVf EQyqt TTEIQCpVZO zov. TEi/ovg. 3. xai fiEGOv ixEV tyovzEg ngoGijEGav Xdoveg xai ol uXXoi Sdg^agoiy ix dE^idg d avzav AEvxddioi xai ^Avaxzogioi xai oi UE7U zovzojVf iv dgiGZEQu 8s KvTjfiog xai ol IIeXotiovv/jGioi xai AangaxiQozai' diET^ov ds tzoXv art dXXr}.oi}v xai egziv ote ohda LIB. II. CAP. LXXXII. LXXXIII. 109 tcoQmvzo. 4. 'Aal ol ftsv EXXrjvsg rsTayfisvoi re nQOC'^saav not diot qivXay.rjs iy^ovreg, twg iatQaiOTztdevaavro iv ETZiTTjdeico ' ot ds Xdoveg, aqjiui 18 avToTg TZiaTEvovzsgj aai d^iovfi.evoi vno loov ixuivij tjtteiqco- lav {laii^mtaroi eivaif ovz Iniaiov to atQatoTzsdov xaTaXa^sTv, XooQrjaarit'g te QVfiri fiEict fmv aXkmv ^aq^aQcoVj ivoftiaav avzo^oEi (Iv TTjv noXiv sXeTv, xai avzmv to tQyov yEvtad^ai. 5. yvovreg 8* iivtovg ol ^tQanoi hi nQoaiovtag Kai rjyt^adfiEvoi, fiEfiova)[A.tvcov (I xQat^aeiar, om dv hi aqjiai jovg EXXTjvag ofioioyg nQoaEX&EXf, TTQoXoyi^ovat id TiEQi tt]v TZoXiv ivtdQaig, nai ETZSidt] iyyvg tjaar, ex TS Tijg TzoXsayg ofioas loiQriaavtEg xa« eh zav ivsdQav nQoaninTOVGi. 6. yioi Eg cpc^ov HazaGTavtcov diaq^&siQOvtai re noXXoi rav Xao- v(0Vy xa« ot dXXoi ^dq^aqoi cog eT,8ov avtovg ivdovrag, ovxhi vtzs- ueivavj dXX ig qivytjv nazEGzijijav. 7. zoov ds 'EXXijnxav azQaro- Tztdcov ovdhsQov ^a&ezo zijg iidpigy did to tioXv ttqoeXOeiv avzovg y,al OTQaTOTZEdov oir^&r^vai xaTaX^xpOfxe'vovg ETTEiyEa&ai. 8. etzeI 88 ivexeivTO (pevyoviEg ot ^aQ^agoi, dveXdfi^avov te avtovg nai ^vvayayovTEg Ta OTQatoTZEda rjavyal^ov avzov Ttjv 7]fiE'Qav, ig ^E^Qag fxlv ova iovTcov ooflai t^v 2^TQajLcov 8id to iirinco Tovg dXXovg ^aaqvdvag ^vfi^E^07]{)^7]xErai, anod^Ev Ss G(pEv8ov(6vTcav itai ig dnoQiav y^ad^iatavzoav ' ' ov yaQ tjv dvEv otiXoov mvrjd^ijvat. Soxovai 8' 01 'u4xaQvdvEg aqdziaioi eJvai tovto tzoieTv. LXXXII^ inei- 8t] 8s 'Pv^ iyivETOy dva]^<0Qi]6ag 6 Kvri^og Ty atgaTid y.UTa td^og ETzl TOP "Avanov noza^ov, hg dnifsi aia8iovg oydo^xovza ^zqdzoVf TOvg TE fEXQOvg HOfiL^ETUi Tg vczsQaio. v7toGnov8ovgy aat Oinadav l^v{i7TaQayEvoiiEV(ov aazd qiiXiav dvaxcoQcT naq aviovg ttqIv zijv ^vf-t^oi^Otiav iXdeiv. xdHSiOsv in oihov dnrjX&ov Exaaroi. ot 88 ^TQazioi ZQonaiov sarrjaav zrjg fidy^g Tljg TZQog TOvg ^aQ^dqovg LXXXIII. To 5' in Trig KoQiv&ov y.ai Tmv dXXcov ^vfx(id](^03v zav ix Tov Kgiuaiov xoXnov vavTixov^ o e8ei TiaQayEvio&ai Tcp Kv/jjicp, oTTcog ixrj ^vfi^OTj&ojaiv ot dno '&aXd6atjg dvm AxaQvdvsg^ ov naqayiyvEzaij dXX Tjiayyidadriaav jteqI zdg avzdg 7]^EQag zijg ep Sigdzcp fJidyrig vaviiairiaai nqog ^^OQfiiojva xai zdg sixoat vavg zav 'A&ijvaiojv cu icfqovqovv iv Navndxzca. 2. 6 ydq ^OQixian naganXEovzag avzovg £|ca zov xoXttov izrjqei, ^ovXofiSvog iv zy sif qv^Giqia iTZi&Ead^ai. 3. ot 8s KoqivOioi xac ot ^vfXfiaxoi 'inXsof •JLEV ovx t»? «^< vavfiaxiavj dXXd azqazicoziKcozEqov naqsaxEvaafii- 110 eoTKrJiJor AxrrPAfbHs. 901 eg 77jif *A}iaQvaviaVf xa? ovx av oiofisroi TiQog stztcc y.Ui rsaaa gd'AOPza ravg tag acfer^Qag toI^i^gcu zovg 'A&tivalovg ei'-Aoat zaig eavTcop vavnailoLV noti^oaa&ai' Ineidq fi^zoi avtmaQanXbovzug re amQwv avtovg^ Ttaqk ytjv Gq)mv xofii^ofiEro}!'^ koI in TlaTQmv zijg ^Af^diag TZQog ttjv avrintqag ^tteiqov dia^aXXovrcov im "Anaqva- viag^ y.aTEidov rovg 'A&rjvaiovg ano trig Xa7.xidog xul tov Ev/jvov TioTUfiov nQoanliovzag aqjici, xat ovx s)m&ov rvxtog icpoQuiadfis- vol J ovt(o 8r] dvayadl^ovTai vavfiax^Tv xaza jusaov tov noQdfiov. 4. aiQarriyoi ds rjaav fisv yicu xaTu TZoXeig sxdcjt'wv o* naQSuasvd^ t.ovro, KoQiv&LCov ds Ma^dcav aal '/.Goy.QdTTjg xat 'Ayad^aQii8ag. 5. ^ai 01 iiBv T1e7,0710vvti6ioi ird^avTO hvhXov tmv Tsmv cog fiiyiarov oioi T r^aav fir] didovtsg diexriXovv, rag nQooqag fxsv e^ay, eiao) ds rag TTQVfivag, xai rd rs XsTzrd nloia a. ^vvsnXu ivrog noiovvrai xceJ TZEvrs vavg rag dqicra nleovaagy oTZcog ixnXsoiEV did ^ga^Eog na- oayiyvofiEvoi, si nrj nqooninroiEv oi ivavzioi. L XXXIV. oi 5* ^A&rivaXoi Tiara fiiav vavv rerayiiivoi nEQiinlEov avrovg amXco xal ^vvrjyov ig oXiyoVy iv /(icp dsi naQanXiovrsg y.ai doyrjaiv TTaQbjovreg avzina E/j^aXEiV tjqoeiqviZO 5' ahzoTg vno (PoQfiimvog fxtj ETzr/^EiQeip TiQiv av avzog GrjfAijvri. 2. ijXni^s ydq avrmv oh fj-EvsTv rijv rd^iv, wGrteg iv /^ Tis^rjv, dXXd ^vfiTieaEiG&ai TiQog dXXriXag rag vavg x«t rd TzXoTa raga/^rjv Tzagi^Eiv, ei r ixTivEvaai in rov xoXnov ro nvEVfia, OTZSQ dvafAEvcov rs tteqietzXei itai eicoO^ei yiyvEU&ai im rj]v e(o, ovdiva yqovov riav^dasiv avrovg ' nai rijv iniyEiQijGiv i(^ savzq) rs ivofii^EV Eivai, bnozav ^ovXj]raiy rmv vEOiv dfASivov TrXeovGcoVy na) roze xaXXi- Gzr^v yiyvEC&ai. 3. ag ds ro rs nvEVfia nazijei y.ai at vT/sg iv oXiyco ildi] ovaai vn dfiCfOZEQcov, rov rs dvifiov rav rs tzXoicov, dfAa nqoa- y.EifiEvcov iraQacraovzOf nai vavg rs viji nQOGETzmrs Ha\ roTg aovroig hco&ovvro, ^ori rs )^Qc6fiEvoi nai TZQog dXXr^^ovg dvziq)vXaxi] rs yal loidonta, ovdsv yanqyovov ovzs rcSv TiaQayyeXXofit'voJVj ovzs rmv HsXevazav, yai rag yajzag ddvvazoi ovzsg iv yXvdoovup draqiSQEiv dv&Qmnoi dnsiQoi, roig xv^EQvrjraig aTzsi&sarsQag rag vavg TtaqEt- lovy roze di] Kara rov nai^ov rovzov cruiaivsi, xa« ol 'A&rjvaioi nQoaTieaovzsg ttqcdtov fisv yazadvovai roov GZQarrjyidcov vemv ftiav, ^Tzsira ds yal ndaag rj i^QiiGEiav diiqj&siQOv, yal yarsarrjaav ig dXy.rjv fiEv fit]d£va rQinsad^ai avzmv vno rrjg raqaxf/gy (fsvysiv d^ sg Tldrqag xat JvfiTjv r^ig ^A^aiag. 4. ot ds 'AO^tivaioi x«r«5/«Ja»- LIB. 11. CAP. LXXXV. LXXXVI. HI g^t; xai vavg dcodena Xa^ovreg zovg ze avdQag e^ avtap zovg tiXu- aiovg avsXofieroi ig MoXv-aqeiov antTiXeov, aai TQonaiov czriaavTeg m\ tcp 'Piq> aal ravv dvaO^tvTeg tqi Uoottdavi ave^MqriGav fg NcivnaY.TOV. 5, naQtTiltvaav 8s iioi ol ritloTTOvvriaioi ev&vg tali TTBQiloinoig xmv vemv I'/, zijg /Ivfxrjg nat HazQcav ig KvXXrjvrjv to 'HXeicov ETJivEiov' xcu OLTTO ^Evxadog Kvijfxog nal al ixEid^Ev v7]tg, ag edsi tavraig ^vi^fii^ai, acpmvovvzai ^etdc Trjv iv ^Jiqccto} fid'/^tp ig Tiiv KvXXijvrjv. LXXXV. Il8f47Z0V(j(, ds xai ol ^axEdaif^onoi z(p Kvr^ficp |t>p 8ovXovg ini rag vavg Tifioy.QaTTjv xai Bqaaidav nal ^dvAoq^QOvaj xsXEvovtEg dXXj]v vav(ia^iav ^eXtico TraQacjxEvd^EG&ai y.a\ {xr] vn oXiymv TEOJV EiQyEa&ai tijg d^aXdoorig. 2. idoxsi yccQ avzoTg, dXXcog 7£ y>al TTQ^Tov vaviia^iag TiEiQaaaiiivoig noXvg b naQaXoyog shaif nal oh TOGOvTcp (^ovTO 6q)6jv to vavzixov XEiTiEG&ai, ysyEVTJa&ai di ziva [AaXaniav, ovk dvziziOtvzEg Ttiv 'Ad^rivamv ix noXXov ifiTTEi- Qiav Ttjg aqjEzsQag di' bXiyov fXEXizi]g. oQy-^ ovv dniazEXXov. 3. ol ds dcpoio^Evoi fiEza Kvijiiov vavg zs TZEQiTJyysXXov nazd noXEig yal zdg TTQovnaQ'iovaag E^rjozvovzo cog ini vavfiaxiav. 4. nifxnEi bl y.a\ 6 (DoQfit'mv ig zag 'Ax^t^vag zijv te TzaQaexEVTjv avzmv dyys- Xovvzagj aal tzeqi zlqg vav}iaiiag r^v ivUriaav cpqaGOvzag, xat x€- Xevcov avz^ vavg ozi nXEiGzag did zd^ovg dnoazEiXai, ag naif ilfiiQav ixdaztjv iXnidog ovorjg dsi vavf4.a)(^?]GEiv. 5. ol ds dnonE^- Txovaiv EiHOGL vovg avzm, z^ ds youi^ovzi avzdg nQOOEniazEiXav ig Kqi]Z7jv ttqcjzov dcpiy-iadai. NixUtg ydg KQrjg FoQzvviog, nqo^Evog cor, TTEid^Ei avzovg ini Kvdcaviav nXEvoai, qjdGxccv nQoanoiriGEiv u,vz)]v, ovaav noXEfiiav ' sm/yE ds UoXiivizaig )^aQi^6fiEvog, ofAOQOig rmv Kvdconazav. 6. aai 6 fxsv Xa^mv zdg vavg ft>/€TO ig Kq/jztjv, Kai (isza zcov TloXrjfvizav idrjov zi]v yTjv zav Kv8coviazav, y.al vno dvt'fxmv xal vno dnXoiag ivdiizQixpsv ovh oXiyov )[o6vov. LXXXVI. 01 5' iv zrj KvXX?]vr} IlEXonovv^aioi, iv zovzco iv m ol 'A&Tjvaioi nsql Kq)]Z7]v Kazsi'^ovzOj naQEGHEvaGfiivoi mg in\ ravfia^iaVj naQsnXEVGav ig IldvoQfiov zov 'Aya'ixoVj ovtteq avzoTg yazd y?jv Gzgazog zoov UsXonovvrjGioav nQOG^s^orjO-tjxEi. 2. na- [iinX-EVGE ds xai 6 (DoQfiicov ini zb 'Piov zb MoXvxQiyiov, xai (anui- ^azo t'S,(o avzov vavGiv eixogiv, aiGnsQ Ha\ ivavfiuxrjGE4^. 3. ijv ds tovzo IX8V 70 'Pnv (fiXiov zoTg ^A&tjvaioigj zo d' ezeqov Plov SGih 112 eorKTJi^OT ZTrrPAfpH^. avjimqag to h TJJ IleXoTiofrt'jGcp' dif^erov ds an aH/J^ooj' jrot' blovi; fiahaza iirza jrjg ■&aX(xa(jf]g, rov ds Kgiaaiov y.6).7iov aTOfxa lovTO i<7Tiv. 4. ETii ovv 7^ 'Ptft> T(p L^^focixQ) ol neXoTzovp^aioij v.7ihiovTi oh nolv lov TlavoQixoVj iv oj avzoig 6 Tis^og r^v, (x>q[jii- javzo aal avzoi vavaiv snza xai s^do/xtjxovzaf iiiEidrj nal zovg 'AOjjvaiovg sldor. 5. xat stii ^Iv i^ tj sttzcc rifiiqag dvO^aQfxow cD.hjXoig fieXezojvztg ze y.ai TiaQaaxeva^ousvoi ztjv vavfiaxiav, yvco- fir^v tiovzEg ol fiev //^ iy.7i7.eiv e^oD zav 'Piwv ig zijv EVQV'ioiQiav, qo^ovfjievoi to ttqozsqov nddogj ol ds firj ianXeiv ig zd azEvd, vofii- ^ovzEg TTQog iymojv elvai zr/v iv oXiyq) vavfjiaiiav. 6. sTieiza 6 KvTjfjiog y.ai 6 BQccaidag xai ol dXXot zmv IleXonovvTjGicov azQazij- yoi, ^ovlofieroi iv zd'/Ei zi]v vavnayiav Tzoujaai, nqiv zi ^ai dnh zav '^&rivai(x)v iTzi^orj&Tjaafj ^vveydXeGav zovg azQazmzag Trgm- zov, xa« oQOJvzeg aizojv zovg TioXXovg 8id rijv nQOziqav ijaaav qo^fOVfisvovgj xai ov TTQO&vfiovg ovzag, TzaQsysXemavzo xai tXs^av zoidde. LX XXVII. 'H fisv y8vo{A.EV7] vavfiayia, w dvdQsg HaXoTZOvvrj- Gioi, £1 zig uga di^ avzrjv vpimv q)0^£izai zr/v fiiXXovaav, ov^i di- y.aiav E)[ei ziyfiagaiv zo ixcpo^J^aai. 2. zy ze yuQ TzaQaaaEvij ivdE7]g iyivEzOj (aaTTEQ i'azE, nul ovyl ig ravf4.a)^iav fidXXov rj im ozgazEiav inXiofiEv' ^vrt'^J] ds xal zd dnh zJjg zvitjg ovx oXiya ivavzim&ijvah xai nov zi xai t} dnsiQia ngmzov vavixayovvzag Eaq}r]XEv. 3. coaza ov aazd tjjv rjfiEziQav yayiav zo J^aalja&ai nQoceyivEzo, ovds 8i- yaiov zrjg yvcoixrjg zo fii] yazd yodzog fiyrj&ivy vfov ds ziva iv avzc^ dvziXoyiav, zr;g ^vfi(f0Qdg z^ dno^dvzi dfA^XvvEaO^ai, vofiiaai ds zaig fisv zv'/aig ivdtjEcO^ai acpdXXeaO'ai zovg dv&Qconovg, zaig ds yrcofiaig zovg avzovg del dvdQsiovg og&ag elvaiy xat itq dnsiQiav zov dvdQEiov nagovzog nQO^uXXofiEvovg Eiyozag dv 'iv zivi yayovg yevia&ai. 4. vfxav ds ovd' rj dnsiQia zoaovzov Xsinszai oaov zoX^Jtij nQoiiEZE' zmvds ds t} iniffz^fit], 7]v ^idXiaza qjo^eia&E, drdgsiav fifp syiovca yai fiv/jfiriv i^st iv to) dsivc^ inizsXEiv a sfxa&eVf avEv ds Evxpvyiag ovdefiia ziyrvij noog zovg ^iirdvvovg laxvsi. q)0^og yag ^vrifiriv iynX^GGEif zip>ri ds dvEv dXyrig ovd^v oogpeP.fr. 5. ngog ftsv oiv zo ifinEigozsgov avzwv zo zoX^rigozsgov dvzizd^aaO^Sy ngog ds zo dic:t zt]v jjacav dsdiivai zo dnagdaxsvoi zoas zvj^eiv. 6. nsgi- riyvEzai ds i}uv nXi^d^og ze rs^av ya\ ngog z^ ^ri^ oiysla ovarjf onXi LIB. 11. CAP. LXXXVIII. LXXXIX. 113 rcoi' naqovtcov vavaaieXv ' ia 8s ttoIXcc zdjv tiXeiovcov y,al afxeirov 7TaQE6KEva ^t] dij avzav zijv zoXjxav dsiGtjzE. noXv 114 OOTKTjIJOr STrrPA^HS. ds vfitii^ i'AHvoig TzXico q^o^ov TTaQs^sTS hoi niaroreQOv, xatd re to TZQOveviy.p^xtvaL xai on ovy. av 7jyolrzaij fti] ^illovidg ti a^iov rov naqa noXv TiQci^eiVj dr&iaraa&ai vfi:ig. 6. dvzinaloi fih ydg ol TiXeiovgf ooaTZEQ ovtoIj zy dvvdfisi to nXtov nicvvoi tj zy Yvooi:iri etis'q- ^ovTai' 01 5' BH 7TolX(^ v7zod£EaT8Q03V, y.ul ufiu ovx dvayxal^ofisvoif fisya Ti TTJg diavoiag to §t^atoi^ s^ovTEg avTiroX^aciv. a Xoyi^o- fiEvoi ovTOi T(p ovH sixozt TiXb'ov TiEXfo^rjvzai 7]fidg ^ TTj aaza loyov TTaQCiGXEvij. 7. TTolXa ds y.ai azQazoTTsda i^dtj etiegev vtt iXaaao- v(ov T^ dneiQift. Ban ds d y.al tq dzoX^in ' cov ovdszEQOv ?]fiEig vvv fiETE^OfiEV. 8. Tov ds dymva ova iv t^ xoXTzqi ixmv ehai noiriijo^aiy olds iffTzXEvaofjiai. ig avzov. oqw ydg ozi nqog TzoXXdg vavQ dvs- TiiazT^fiovag oXijaig vavaiv E^nEiQOig nai dfisivov nXsoixjaig ?/ azi- voicoola oh ^v/^ioptQei. ovzs ydq dv iniTTXevGEiE Tig cog )[Q)] Eg EfA^o- Xrjv fA,)j t'j^av Tijv TiQoaoipiv Tav TzoXe/xiCov ex tzoXXov, ovze dv «;ro;^a)- Q7]aEi£v iv dtovzi niEt,6^Evog ' dit'y.TzXoi ts ovk slaiv ovds dvaazQO- cpai, dnEQ vemv d^iEivov TiXEovcav sgya iaziv, dXX dvdyxj] dv sit] ti]v vaviiityiav TTE^Ofxaxiav y,a\)^iazaa&ai, xai iv TOvzq> at nXsiovg vr^eg yQEiaaovg yiyvovzai. v. tovtcov (iev ovv syco e^(o Tijv TZQOvoiav yazcc TO dvvazov ' vfAEig ds Evzay.Toi tzuqu Toig vavai ^Evovrsg tu te net- QayyE7.X6fiEva 6^8(og dr/EG&E, dXXcog te y.ai di' oXiyov T^g iq)OQfir^- aeayg ovarig^ xcu iv ro) sQyo^ xocfiov xai aiyTjv tieqi tzXeigtov riyElade^ Eg TE Ttt 7To7.Xd TQov TZoXEfitxmv ^vfiq)SQei y.ai vaviioLfin ov^ i^Maza^ ufivv(x.(j&£ ds Tovads d^iojg Tav TTgoeioyafffiEvcov. 10. 6 ds dycov uiyag vficv, i] aazaXvaai TlEXonowTjaicov Ttjv iXTZidcc tov vavzr/.ovj 7] iyyvTEQco xaTaazJ^dcu 'A&rivaioig tov q.6^ov tieqi Tijg -O^aXdaar^g. 11. dva{xi{xv^ay,co 5' av vfidg ozi rEviy.tjy>aTE avzoov Tovg noXXovg. T]aar]f*EvcovD£ drdgmv ova iO^iXovaip at yvmfxai TZQog Tovg avzovg yuvdvvovg ofxoiai eivau XC. Toiavza ds xal 6 (PoQ^icov naQEysXEVEzo. ol ds TIeXo- novviiGioi, insid]] avzoTg ol ^Ai^TjvaToi ovx ininXsov ig tov y.oXnov y.a\ TU GTEvd, ^ovXofASvoi dxovrag e(J(o nQoayaysiv avzovg, dvayo- fiEvoi dfia ECO etiXeoVj ini Tsaadgoov Tat,dfjiEvoi Tag vavg, ini tk/v sav- Tcov yrjv saw in] tov yoXfzoVj ds^uo xEQa riyovfiivM, wansQ xai coq- ftovV 2. im 5' avz^ eixogl ha^av Tag dniaTa nXsovaagj onmg eI una vofiiaag im t)]v Navizaxzov avzovg nXsiv 6 (I^oquicov aai avzog ini^07iOwv TUi'TTi naoanXioij lu] diacfvyoisv nXiovza tov ininXovf LIB. 11. CAP. XCI. XCII. 115 aqioov 01 'Ad^rivaToi e^co tov iavrav x^Qcctgy aXX avzai ai rljsg ne Qixlriuaiav. 3. 6 ds, on^Q 8-ahvoi TTQoJsdtyovzo qjo^ijdeig 7T8Qi z^ X^Qi'fp ^Q^ifico ovTi cog iooQa arayofitvovg avzovg, ayxov 'xat >:atk OTTOvdtjv Bfi^i^daag ettXei naqa zrjv yfiv ' xoct 6 7ZEt,6g a}ta toov Msa- (T)iriojv naQ£^o/]d^si. 4. IdovTsg ds ot UakonovvrifJioi xaia [iiav ijil xtQcog TzaQanXiovTag y.ai i]8ri ovrag ivtog lov xoXnov re y,ai }7Qog T^ yy, otzbq b^ovXovzo fxdXiara, ot.no ai][A.8iov ivog aqjvco btii- GTQtxpavteg tag vavg fieTOJTzrjdov etiXeov cag er/^E tdiovg txa^rog im Tovg ^Ad^r]vaiovgy kol i]X7ti^op ndaag tag vavg dizoXrixpEG&ai 5. rmv ds tvdsyia [xev ameq jjyovvro vTzexqievyovai to atQag rav TJaXonovvriaimv xal rrjv ETZiatqoqiijv eg tijv evQV/^coQiav . tag ds aXXag enmataXa^ovteg e^ecoudv te TZQog trjv y'ljv vnocpevyovaag xal 8ieq)&eiQaVf drdqag ts tmv 'Ad^rivaicov dntmeivav ogoi fitj e^tvev- (jav avtojv. 6. xal tcov vemv tivag dvadov{xevoL eiXxov aerdg, fiiav ds avtoig dwdqaaiv elXov ' tag ds tivag ot Meaaijvioi, TzaQa^oi^O^/j- aavteg, 'aoi eneo^aivovteg ^vv toTg OTzXoig ig trjv ^dXaaaav y.ai t7Zi[idvteg, cctzo tmv ^tataatQOj^dtojv iiaionevoi acpeiXovzo sXxofit- vag lidrj. XCI. tavtrj ^Iv olv oi TleXonovvijaioi ixQdtovv te xal eqi&eiQav tag 'Attixdg vavg ' at ds erAOOi prjeg avzmv at dno tov de^iov xtQCog idicoxov tag evde^a vavg tcov 'A^^Tjvaiojv, aineQ vne^- scpvyov tTjv STZiGtQOiffjv ig trjv evQv^caQiav. y,ai cp&dvovGiv avzovg TzXrjv iiidg vsojg nQoaatacpvyovaai eg trjv Navna'Atov, v.aA, ig^ovgui dvtiTTQcoQOi >iata to ' AnoXXmnov TzaQSG'Aevd^ovto dfivvovfievoij Tjv eg trjv ytjv eui G(jdg ttXeodgiv. 2. ot ds TzaQayevofievoi vGteqov, enamvit,6v te d^ia nXeovteg, cog venAi^Koteg, aai, t7jv fxlav vavv tcov * Ad^rjvaicov tijv vnoXomov idicoHE Asvuadia vavg fiia tzoXv ttqo tmv aXXcov. 3. stvj^s ds oXxag oQiiovGa iistecooog^ tzeqi 7]v rj ^Attiar] vavg cf&dGaGa t^ Aevaadia dicoAOVGri ifi^dXXsi [isGri aat y>atadvei. 4. toTg fisv olv TleXonovvTiGioig yevof^evov tovtov dnqoGdoHritov te xccf Ttaqd Xoyov (jio^og e(A,7Zi7ztei ' aac afxa dtdxzcog dicoAOvteg did to yqatsTvy at fisv tivsg tav veav xa&stGai tag xcoTzag STzt'GtfjGav 70V TzXov, d^vfi.(poQOv dQoovzeg TZQog ti]v «| oXiyov dvts^oqfir^GiVy ^ovXofiEvoi tag nXeiovg rzsqifieivai, at ds nal eg ^qa^ea dneiqia ^ooqicav SiieiXav. XCII. tovg 5' 'A{}i]vaiovg Idovtag tavta yi' yvofieva 'OdqGog te eXa^e, y^ai dno svog neXevGfiazog e^i^OTJGavtsg en avtovg (SqpniGav. ot ds, did td vudq^ovta dfiaqTi^fxaia aal tJ^v 116 eoTKTAiAOT ZTrrvAa>ji2. naqovaav ata^lav, oXfyov fi8v '/qovov vniiiEivav, tTZeira da izQa' novro h '^ov IIuvoquov, o&svttsq avijydyovio. 2. iTzidicoHOvzEg da ol 'u4\}7]vaioi, rag ts eyyvg ovaag iidhara vavg sXa^ov t'|, xal rag eavTcoy d(peiXorTOj ag ixeivoi TTQog iri yij 8ia(pi^ai{)avTeg to ttqcStov artdrjoavTO' dvdQagzs tovg f^h dniy.reivaVt rirdg ds aal E^myQrjaav. 3. am 8s TTJg Jtsvuadiag ve(6g, ^ tzeqi ttjv oXxdda xaie'dvy Tipioxgd' rr^g 6 uda'^edaipionog ttXscov, ag tj vavg discp&eiQSTO, EC(fa^Ev savior xai i^sTTsaev ig thv NavnaKzimv Xifisva. 4. dvaycoQi^GavTsg ds ol A&i]vaioi TQonaiov saitjaav oOsv dvayo^sroi ixgdirjaav, xai lovs vexQOvg aai to, vavdyia oca TTQog ry iavzav ^v dvsilovTo, koI toig svavTioig ra i-ksil'cov vnoGTzovda aTztdoaav. 5. sanjaav ds aal oi TIslonovvr>aioi TQonaTov ojg vsviHTjxoTEgj tfjg TQOTzrjg, ag ngog ry yy ravg dis(p&siQav ' xal rivnsQ sla^ov vavv, dvid^saav am to ^Plov to ^'/^almv Tzaqd to TQOTzaTov. 6. fASTa ds Tavza, qjo^ovfiavoi tijv dno Tav ' ^^r^vaioov ^oi^&siav, vno vv'/aa iaaTzXsvaav ag tov 'aoXttov KqiaaTov xai Kogivd^ov ndvzag nXi]v ^svHadmv. 7. yal ol ix Tijg Kg/jiT^g '^&i]vaioi Taig alxoat vavaiv, aig tdsi ttqo trjg vavfxa)^iag Tw (poQfiiojvi TzaQayEvta&ai, oh noXXt^ vazsgov r^g dva'/cogriaEcag Tmv rsav dq/ixvovvTai ag ttjv NainaxTOv. y.al to d^agog IzaXEVza. XCIII. Hgiv ds diaXvaai to ag Kogiv&ov te aai tov KgiaaTor xoXttov uvaxcogricrav vavziHOv, 6 Kvijfiog xai 6 Bgaaidag y.al ol aXXoi dg^ovzag tg)v JJaXoTzovvriaiwVf dg^ofiavov tov yufjimvogj E^ovXovTO dida^dvTcov Mayagacov dnonEigdoai tov IlEigaimg tov Xi^tfog Tmv ^ u4&rivaicov. i]v ds dq:vXaKTog xal axXfjazog ahozag, did TO anixgazaXv noXv tq^ vavzixm. 2. adoxEi da Xa^ovTa zc5>' fav- rmv axaazov tj^v xmnriv xai to v7Tt]gaaiov xai tov TgoTzcozr^ga Tza^y itrai SK KogivO^ov anl tj]v ngog ^ A&rivag -d^dXaoaaVy xal dciixoiis- vovg xaTa zd-fog ag Mtyaga, xaO^aXxvcravzag ax Nicaiag tov raoD- giov avzav TaaoagdxovTa vavg, ai azvyov avzod^i ovaai, nXavaai sv&vg anl tov Ilaigaid ' 3. ovze ydg vavzr/.ov //*• Tzgoq^vXdaaov av avTO) oldav, ovzs ngoadoxia ovdafjila fi?] dv tzote ol TzoXatuoi a^a- nivaioag ovTcog aniTzXavaaiar, anal ovd^ dno tov Ttgoqiavovg ToXfiT]- aai dv xa^ riavyjav, ovds ai diivoovvzo, fit] ovx dv ngoaia&aa&ai. 4. (ag ds ado^av avzoTg, xai. ay^cogovv avOvg' xai dcfixoftavoi vvxtoq xal xai^aXxvaavTag ax Trjg Niaaiag zdg ravg anXaov am fisp tov TJaigaid ovxazi, manag diEvoovrzo, xaTadsiaavzsg tov xivdwov, xai LIB. II. CAP. XCIV. XCV. 117 Tis xai afSjiog Xiyetai avzovg ^iwlvaai^ im ds tlqg ^aXajuipog to axQcoTijQiov 10 TTQog Msyaqa oqoqv ' y>ai q)QOVQiov eti avzov r^p aal Tsav jQiav q)v).ax}] tov fxy IcnXeiv Meyagavai U7]d' IhtzXeTv fi7jdt'v. 7q5 Tfi q!QOVQiqt nooat^aXov aai tag TQiijQEig aqjEiXavaav nEvag^ ii]v TS uXXtjv ^aXafxTva aTigoadoxijioig IninEaovtEg Inoq- '&OVV. XCIV. 4' ^s Tag ^^d-^vag g)Qvxtoi is ygovio tioXe^ioi, yioi EHTiXTj^tg iyEVETO ovdEfiiag loov yiazcc ihv tzoXeiiov iXdaamv. 01 iiEv yaQ Ev 70) aciEi Ig lov UsiQaia ^ovio lovg noXEfiiovg iarre- TzXEV'AEvai r^dt], ol d' ev i^ TlEiQaiEL ir^v is 2JaXafiiva riQ7J6&ai iwfii^ov xal TiaQtt aqjag oaov ovx EanXsTv avzovg' otzeq aVj si i^ovX^&i]6av fi7]-iiaiOiivljaaif (yadicog av iysrszoj yiai ovx av avEfxog ixcaXvas. 2. ^oTj^tjaavzEg ds afi ^jf^^Qff TtavdtjfiEi ot ' Ad^rivaXoi ig 10V TlEiQaia ravg is 'Aad^EiX'AOv xal Eo^dvzsg aaza afzovdrjv aal noXXw d^ogv^cp laig [xsv vavaiv mi ir^v ^aXauiva etzXeov, rep 7te1^(^ ds q)vXaxag lOv UsiQaioog Ha&iazavio. 3. ol ds TIeXottovv?]- 6101 cog ijadovzo it]v ^ori&siavy 'AaiadQafiovzsg iTJg 2^aXa^lvog ia TToXXa y.a\ dv&Qoanovg aal Xsiav Xa^ovzsg nal lag igsTg ravg eu zov BovdoQov 10V (fQOVQiov 'Aaia id'fog Ini irjg Niaaiag 'inXsov' sail ydo o, ii y.ai. at vTJsg aviovg dia ^qovov xa&sXava&ETaai y.a\ ovdsv aztyovaai icpo^ovv. dcfixofisvoi 8s ig ia Msyaqa ndXiv in\ iijg KoQiv&ov d7TE)^mQt]aav tie^oi' 4. ol 5' ^y4x}rjvaToi ovheii yiaza- Xa^ovisg rzQog iy 2iaXafiivL dmnXsvaav ytai avzoi' aai fASTa tovio q)vXanTjv afia zov TiEiQamg fiaXXov io Xoinhv inoiovvio Xifiivmv IS nXi^asi xai iy aXXy imixEXsia, XCV. '^Tno 8s zovg avzovg y^qovovg, zov ^^sifimvog zovzov dg- yo[A,£Vov, JSizdXxTjg 6 TiJqeco, ^OSQvarjg, QQay.mv ^amXsvg, iazqdzEv- CEv im IlEQSi'Axav zov ^AXs^dvSQov, MaxE8oviag ^aaiXsa, Kai im XaX'Aidiag zovg im OgdxTjg, 8vo VTZOGxiastg, zt]v fxsv ^ovXo^svog dvaTZQa^ai, zijv 8s avzog d7io8ovvai. 2. o is ydg TlEgSixxag avz^ vnoaxoi^Evog, el 'y^&i]vaioig zs SiaXXd^sisv savzov, yai dg'/dg i^ 7ioXe{xo^ niE^ofiSvoVj xal (PiXititzov zov d8EXq)ov avzov, noXifnov opza^ fxri aazaydyot im ^aaiXEia, a vnE8E^azo ova insziXsi ' loTg is 'Adrivaioig aviog couoXoy^xsij ois it]v ^vfA-fia^iav inoislzo, zov im OQaHTjg XaXxidixov tzoXejiov 'AazaXvusiv. 3. dficpozsQcov ovv eveao. ztjv Ecpo8ov inoiEizo, xai zov zs (IhXltztzov vlov 'Afxvvzav (og im ^auiXsia zojv MaAsdovoov 7jys, xai zmv 'Ad^ijvaccnv nQsa^sig, ot 118 OOTKTJIJOT ATrrPA(PII2. tTV'fov TtagovTsg Tovtcov ivE'Aa^ v,ai rj£fi6va Ayvoava. ' edsi yaQ aa: Tohg ^A&r^vaiovg vavai le y>at aiQaTia cog Tileiazy ini rovg XaA- y.idaag naQayevtaOai. XCVI. uvlazriaiv ovv £x zav 'OdQvamv OQficojiEvogf TTQcozov fisv TOvg ivTog Tov Aifiov 7£ oQOvg y.ai trig 'PodoTZTjg OgccAag, oooov iiqib f^^XQ^ d^aldaarig, ig jov E'v^eivov te TzovTov 'Aoi TOV 'EXXijffnovioVj ETTSira 7ovg vtzeq^uvzi AiiAOv FsTagj >tal OGa aXka fiEQrj irzog tov "Ictqov Tzozafiov TZQog '&alaaaav liaXXov Ttjv TOV Ev^Eivov TTOVTOV y.aTCpxr]T0' Eiol d' ol rkzai ^ai at Tavzrj, ofiOQOi te TOig ^xv&aig xai ofiooaEvoiy ndvTEg Ititioto^o- Tai. 2. 7TaQExd).Ei ds nai tmv oqeivoSv Qqaamv TZoXlovg twv av- Tovo^icov 'AOLi fiaxoLiQOCfoqav, 01 /Jioi yaXovvTai, ttiv 'PodoTZtjv ol ftlEiaToi oiy.ovvTEg' yai Tovg fJiEV fiia&cp sTtEidEVj ol 5' i&EXovTul ^vvriHoXov&ovv. 3. dviaTt] de aai ^Ayqidvag ^ai Aaiaiovg yai alia oaa e&vtj Tlaiovixa, cov v^q'/^e ' y>ai Ea^aTOi TTjg dgyjig ovzoi tiaav fiEXQi FQaaioov Tlaiovcof nai tov ^TqvfJiovog Tzozafiov, og ek TOV 2^xoi.iiov oQOvg 8ia FQaaixov y.ai Aaiaicov qeTj ov coqi'I^eto ?/ aQyJ] TO, TTQog TIaiorag amovo^iovg ijdi]. 4. to. ds TZQog Tqi^aXXovg^ Koct TOVTOvg avTorofiovg, TQ7]QEg (aQit,ov nai TikaTaloi' oixovai 5' ovzoi TTQog ^OQEav TOV 2^}iOfiiov OQOvg y.ai TzaQi^'AOvcri TTQog i]).iov duaiv fiE^Qi TOV 'Ooyuov Tzotafiov. qei 5' oviog ix tov oQOvg o&sv- fTEQ y.ai 6 N^EffTog nal 6 E^Qog ' e6ti 8s EQr]fiOV to OQog yal fiEya, iyofiEvov TTqg 'Podonrig. XCVII. iysvETO ds tj dgyrj ij 'OdQvaav fiEyEx^og, BTz] fisv d^dXaaaav Ka&7'iiiovaa, dno 'A[idi]Qcov noXsag Eg TOV Ev^EiVOV TZOVTOV TOV f^E/Ql ' IgZQOV TZOZaflOV' aVTTJ TZEQlTzXovg EaT)v ij y'tj TO, ^vvTOficoTaTa,, rjv dsi yaza TZQVfivav laiT/Tai to TzvEvfia, V7fi OTQoyyvXrj Tsaadgoiv ijuEQcov y.ai iacov vvhzojV 6d^ ds TO, ^vvTO^coTaTa E^ A^drjgcov hg 'Igtqov dvfjQ Ev^mvog ErdExazaTog teXeT. 2. TO, nEv TZQog '&dXa(j(Tav ToaavTi] tjv ' ig ^tzeiqov ds dno BvtavTiov ig Aaiaiovg y.ai inl tov ^ZQvi^wva, TavTri yaQ dia tiKeictov drzo -O-aXdaarig dvco iyiyvszo, rifiEoav drdQi Ev^avcn tqimv xal ds'aa dvvaai. 3. (^oQog te ex ndaijg Trig ^aQ^dqov y.ai t^v 'EXXrividoav noXEcxiv, oaov TzgoaTi^av inl 2^ev0^ov, og vgteqov ^izdX- xov ^aaiXsvaag nXsiCTOv drj inoirias, TETgaxoaimv TaXdvTcov dgyv- Qiov fidXiGta dvvafzig, a XQvaog y.ai ctgyvgog s'lri' xal dcoga ovx iXdaum tovzcov ygvaov te xai dgyvgov ngoasq^igETO, ycoglg ds oca vcfavTa TE xai Xsiaj xai ri aXXri xaraaxEv^j xal ov fiovov avz(^, LIB. II. CAP. XCVIII. XCIX 119 aXXa nal toig naQa^vvaarsvoval zs xa/ yEvvaioig *OdQva6ov. 4. i(aT£aT7]6avzo yaq tovvavxlov trig UeQCcov ^aailsiag rbv fofiop, ovra }ilv 'Aoi roig alloig Qqo^i, Xafx^dveiv f^allov ^ didovai, xal mcsfiov Tiy alirjd^tvta ixij dovvai r; aiir^aavta firj 7V)[8iv' Oficog da xuTDC TO dvvaG&ai ini nllov avt^ i^QriaavTO ' ov yaq iiV Tzga^at ovdsv (ifj didopia dcjQa. 5. coaze ini fitya r^k&ev t] ^aaiXaia la'^vog Z(av ycLQ £v zy EvQConri ouai [XEza^h zov 'Iovlov koXtzov y.a\ zot Ev^ELVov novzov ^syiazT] iytvszo iQruidzcov TZQoaodcp aai zy alXri EvdaifiovioCf ial zovzov zo fisv nXiov 7ZEt,ov r^v, ZQizyfxoQiov ds (Jid- Xiaza iTTTTixov. zov 5' iTTTZixov zo ttXeigzov avzoL 'OdQvuai TiaQEl- 10VZ0 '/.ai (.lEz avzovg Fezai. zov ds tzeI^ov oi fiay^aiQoqjOQOi fia)[i- iiwzazoi fisv j](jav oi ea zijg 'Podomjg avzovofxoi :iaza^dvzeg, 6 ds dXXog ofiilog ^viifi.iy,zog 7tXi]&£i q,o§£Qc6zazog ti'AoXov&Ei. XCIX. ^vv?]\)^Qoi^ovzo ovv iv zi] /Jo^^qoj ■Hat TzaQsaHEvd^ovzOy oTTcog xarce xoQvq)yv iaPaXovGiv ig Zi]v xdzco Maxedoviav, 7]g 6 IlEQdtxy.ag t]QyE. 2. zoov ydg Maxedovmv siai aai ^vyxj]azai :ia\ vnr^yod, ^ccoiXeiag 5' ey^ei 'Aa&^ avzd. 3. zijv ds naqd ddXaaaav vvv Ma- mdovlav '' AXi^avdqoc, 6 Usgdixyiov TiazjJQ, 'aoI oi TTQoyovot avzov 120 eoTKrJiJOT ATrrPAfPH^. Tijfzsndaif TO agxc^iov ovTsg f| ''^gyovg, TtQmtov i'Az^aavTo, xa] f^aailEvaar, draoTfjaavTEg fid'/ri iy. fih TIiEQiag UieQagj ol vctts- Qov V710 70 ndyyaiov ntQav 2JTQVf4.6vog (x^xr^aav 0dyQ7jTa y.ai dXXa XcoQLO. ' nai ezi xat vvv UiEQiHog noXnog y.a).Elzai ?] vno iw Tlay- yaioi TiQog {^dXaaaav y7j ' in ds xrjg Bortiag xaXovfi£i>j]g Bozriai- ovgj ol vvv 0IA.0Q01 XaXy.idaoov oiHOvai' 4. Ti]g ds Tlaioviag naqa zov ^A^ihv fzoTafihv gtev/^v Tiva xa&rixovaav dvco&Ev f^tjQt IltXXrjg y.al '&aXdaa?]g ixrtjaavTOj yat niqav '^^lov he'^qi ^TQVfiovog tjjv Mvy- doviav xaXovfxEVT^v 'Hdavag i^EXdaavTsg vEfiovrai. 5. dvtarrjaav ds xal ix zrjg vvv 'Eogdiag xaXovfiEvt^g ''EoQdovg, ojv ot fisv tzoXXoI Icp&dqriaaVj ^Qctyv ds ti avrmv nsgi 0vay.av yaror/.r^Tai, xal i^ ' AXfJieoniag ' udX^mnag. 6. syQaTtjaav ds xai lav dXXcav i&vav 01 MaxEdovsg ovtoi, a yai vvv hi siovai^ rov js 'u^v&sfiovvza y.al rgjjGTOJViav y.al BiaaXziav xal Maysdorcop avicov noXXiiv. to da ^vfiTzav Mayedovia yaXsirai yai TlEgdixyag ' ^Xe^dvdQOv ^aaiXavg avzmv t]v ozs ^irdXxrjg In^si. C. Kai ol fisv MaxEdovsg ovzoi Iniovzog noXXov azgazov, ddvvazoi ovreg dfxvvEG&ai, sg zs zd xaozEod xai zd zei)^t], oaa r^v Ev zy X^Q^f iaEyopiia&t]Gav. 2. tjv ds oh noXXd, dXXd vqzeqov ^y^QXsXaog 6 Usgdixxov vlog ^aaiXsvg yEvojiEvog, zd vvv ovza iv ti] ymqa cpKodo/j-r^aE, xai odovg svdEiag szEfiE xai zdXXa diExoafxr^dE, zd zs xazd zov noXsfiov innoig xai onXoig xai zy aXXy Tzagaaxsv^ XQEiGGovi 1] ^vfinavzEg ol aXXoi ^aaiX?]g oxzco ol tzqo avzov ysvofis- vol. 3. 6 ds GZQazog zav Qqciymv ix zrjg jdo^/jgov iat'^aXs tzq^- zov fisv eg zriv ^ii7.innov ttqozeqov ovaav aQpjv, xai siXsv Eido[4tvr^v fisv xaza xgdzog, Fogzwiav ds xai '^zaXdvzr]v xai aXXa dzza ;fa)()ta hfJioXoyia, did zrjv ^ud^ivvzov cpiliav ngoay^cogovv- za zov fDiXlnnov vliog Ttagovzog ' Ehgmnhv ds inoXiogxriaav fitv, sXeiv ds ovx idvvavzo. 4. snsiza ds xai eg zrjv dXXrjv Maxsdoviap ngovi^ogEi zr^v ev dgiazEgd ritXXrjg xai Kvogov. earn ds zovzcov eg zr^v Bozziaiav xai Uisgiav ovx dcpixovzo, dXXd zjjv zs Mvy doviav xai fgrjGzcoviav xai 'Av&Euovvta ed^ovv. 5. ol ds Maxs- dovsg 7isll,oo fiev ovds disvoovvzo dfivvsad^ai, mnovg ds ngoafis- va7tE{i\pd{iEvoi dno zoov dvoa ^vfifid^mv, ottt} doxoi, hXiyoi ngog TToXXovg eat'§aXXov eg zb azgdzsvixa zav Qgnxmv. 6. xai i] nev TTgocTitaoiEVy ovdslg vTisfiEVEv dvdgag Innsag zs dyaOovg xat LIB. 11. CAP. CI. CII. 121 TEd^aQamofispovgy vno ds nXri&ovg TzsQtahjofiEvoi avtovg Tzolla' nXaaiq) rep ofiilco ig y.irdvvov 'Aadioraaav ' coazs zt'Xog ij^viiav '7JY0V, oh vofiiXovTtg ixavoi shai noog zo nltov mrdweveip. CI. 6 ds ^iidXxrig nqog zs zov IleQdix'Aav loyovg tnoitito ooi* hey.a iaTQcizevas y.ai iiieidij ol 'vdd^7]vaToi ov naqliuav zaig vavaivj aniazovvzeg avzov fit] ii^eiv, dcoQci zs y,ai TTQs'a^sig tTzsfi- xpav avT^, eg ze zovg XaXxidtag itai Bozziaiovg fitQog zi zov GZQa- zov TZEfXTiEij i ovdsv ettquggezo (OV EVExa SGE^aXs nai ij azQazia gizov zs ovk slysv avzco xal vno yEi^ua^yog izaXaiTzcoQEi, dvanEidEzai vtzo 2!iEvdov zov ^TzaQddxoVf ddEXcfidov ovzog nai ntyusiov iiExf avzov dvvafxEvov, wgt ev zdysi dnEX&Elv. zov ds 2JEv{)r^v 'AQvqja nEgdixaag vnooy^o^Evog ddEXq^^rjv savzov dc6aeiv,Hat yj^)]^aza eti avzy TTQOGnoiEizai. 6. y^ai 6 ijev TiEiG&Eig nai [lEtvag ZQidxovza zag nduag ijfxtQag, zovzcov ds oy.zco iv XaXyudEVGiv, dvE^WQfjGf zo) Gzgazcp yaza zdyog etz oiaov ' riEQdixKag ds vgteqov ^ZQazoviyjjv ztjv savzov ddsXcpriv didcoai 2^Ev&ij, C0G7ZEQ V7T8(;^8Z0. ZO, (Jisv ovv xazu zijv ^izdXyov GZQazEiav ovzcog iysvEzo. CII. 01 ds EV Navnd'AZO^ 'Ad^rivaioi zovds zov ysificovogy ETZEidq zo zmv TlEXonovvr^Gmv ravzixov diEXvOi], (hoQfiimvog ijyovfiEvov EGz^dzEVGav, naQanXEVGavzEg In ^AGzayov xal dno- ^dvzsgj ig Tt]v fiEGnyeiav zl]g ^Ayaqvaviag zEzoayoGioig usv bnXl- zaig A&riraioiv zmv dno zcov veojv, ZEzgaaoaioig ds MEGGr^vicoVj EX zs HzQCiTOV 'Aai KoQovzcov yat dXXcov yojQicov dvdQag ov doxovv- rag ^s^aiovg shaiy i^ijXaGav, xal Kvvijza zov OsoXvzov ig KoQovza xazayayoizsg, dvE'ioonriGav ndXiv inl zdg vavg. 2. ig 6 -* 122 ooTKTjiJor ATrrPAfUHy. yao Olviadag, aei tzotb TzoX^fiiovg ovrag ^ovovg ^^aaQvaroof ovx iSoyiSi dvvatov ehai ^stfioSvog vvtog UTQazsvEiv ' 3, 6 yccQ *yi)^sX(pog notcifwg Qtwv ix Ilivdov oqovg 5ta AoXoniag y.al ^A^Qacav nai '^fiq)i7.6y(ov y.ai dia rov 'AnagvavrAOv ntdiov, av(o&sv fiey naqa ^rQoizov nokiv, Ig {^dXaooav 5* i^teig tzuq' OiridSag aai r^y tzoXiv avzoTg nsgiXifivd^cop, anoQOv TzoieT VTts Tov vdaTog iv yi^eiiimvt aTQatsvEiv. nEivrai ds xal rav vriocov twv *Eyjvdd(xiv al noXXal xaravnxQv Oinad^v, rov 'udyeXooov tmt ix^oXwv ovdav aTisyovaai, coare fx^yag mv 6 noraiiog ttqogioI aEi aat ehi rcov vTJccav ai TjneiQODvraif iXnig ds y>ac ndaag ovk h noX7,(^ rivi av XQOvo^ rovzo na&eXv. 4. ro re yciQ Qevfid Ian fitya xai tzoXv xal '&o7.eq6v, ai ts vi] zs ^vvovATiaiv yai zt^v rraQaaxsvijv diaXvsiVj Ssicjavzeg nqoxazaXa- ^eTv (( ovX^vzo. 2. yal ns^Tzovaiv e^anivauog zsadagdy.ovza vavg^ at tzv)^ov neqi TleXoTzorvijaov TiaQsayevaafisvai nXeiV KXeinnidqg ds 6 /Isiviov ZQiTog avzog eezQaz^ysi. 3. EOjyytX&r] yag avzoTg (og siq ^AnoXXmvog MaXosvzog s^co zrjg noXscog soqzjJj ev y navdri- usi MviiXjivaioi ioQzd^ovai, aai eXnida ehai eneii&svzag eninsasif 124 ooTiCTJiJor ATrrPAams. acpvco, nai rjv (isv ^vy^^ rj TZSiQa, d ds fxi\y MvTihjvaiotg sinsTv vavg IE fzaQadovpai y.al tei'/jj y.adeluv, fxi] TtEi&Ofitrcav ds 7io7,£fiEiv 4. -AUf. at (JLtv r7]sg chyovzo ' zag ds rmv MvzilrivaiGJV dexa TQu'-QSigy ac 'Irvyov ^ori&oi naqa acpug 'Aaia to ^vi^i[iayr/.ov naQOvaai, xazt- ayov ol 'A&i]vaioi 'Aai xovg ardgag i^ aviav ig q)vXay.i^v bttoi^- (javio. 5. JoTg 8s Mvnlr^vaioig avr^g in zav 'A&tjvav dia^ag ig Ev^oiav, nod tts^i] btzI FsQaiGzov sXd^mv, olxddog avayofJiEVJjg im- Tvycov, ttAqj ■)^Qijadix£i'ogj xai ZQizaiog iy. zojv 'A&^vav ig MvziX^vr^p u(prA6fi£rogf dyyEXXsi zov iTiinXovv. 6. ol 8s ovze ig zov BlaXoEvza Et,ri)Mov, zd ZE aXXa zav zeixojv koi Xijxepcov tzeqI za qfiiz iXsaT a q'Qa^dfXEVOL iifvXaaGor. IV. xal ol 'A&rjvaioi ov ttoXv vgzeqov yazanlEvaavzEg cog icogoaVf dTztjyyEiXav fxsv ol azqazrjyol za iizE- GzaXfiEva, ovx iaanovovzcov 8s zav MvziXijvaimv ig TzoXEfiov ya\}i- Gzavzo, 2. dnaQdoy^Evoi 8e ol Mvzi7.7]vaioi nal i'^aicpvrjg dvayy.a- a&EvzEg noXEfzEiv, eatiXovv [j.ep ziva inoi'qGavzo zmv ve^v cog inl rai'i-iayia oXiyov nqo zov Xifxivog, msiza yazadicoy&Evzsg vno 7o5> \4xziy.mv i>E^v Xoyovg ?j8r] nQOGE(^EQOv zoig azgazr^yoig, ^ovXofJiE- roi zag vavg zo TraQavzixa, ei 8vvaivzo, hfioXoyln zivi iniEtxEL dno- TiEfxxpaa&ai. 3. y.ai ol azgazr^yoi. zav 'A&r^vaicov d7ZE8t%avTO, aal avToi cpo^oviiEvoi 111] oil l^^'^oi coat yfta^cp Tidaij 7toXE(iEiv. 4, y,a\ dvay,coyJ]v nonjadfiEvoif nifinovGiv ig zag 'A&tjvag ol MvTiXtjvaioi zav ZE 8ia§aXX6vT(ov Eva, cp fxEzs^EXsv 7]8t]j ya\ dXXovg, ei nag ttel- tsEiav zag vavg (ItzeI.&elp, cog cqwv ov8sp fscozEQiovvzcov. 5. i.n zovzcp 8e dnoazEXXovoi y,ai ig zj]v jiay.E8aiu.ovd nQsa^Eig zqu'^qei, Xad^opzsg zo zap 'A&tjvaicop ravziyov, ol coQf^ovv iv z\] Malta TXQog ^OQEav z7jg noXscog' ov yag iniazEvov zoTg aTzo zap ^Ax}tj~ vaicov Tigoyoag/j^EiP. 6. yai ol fisr ig zi]v AayE8aiiiOpa zaXamco- Qcog 8ia zov TZEXdyovg yofiiad^EPTEg avzoig sngaaGov onag zig ^oi]- x}Eia Ji^Ei. V. ol 5' in zojv ^AOrivav ngEG^Eig cog ov8ep riXOov fzgd^apzEg, ig 7t6Xe[xop yad^iGzarzo ol MvnXr]vaioi yal ij dXXri AtG^og TzXr^v Mi]x)vfA.PTjg' ovzoi 8e zoTg ^ A^i}vaLOig i^E^OTjOrjxEGai yai "Jp^giot y.al Aijfirioi y.al zav dXXav oXiyoi zivlg ^vfi^idycop. 2. yai tho8ov ^itp zipa Tzavdtj^Ei inou]Gavzo ol MvziXr^vaToi ini zo zav ' A&iipaicop Gzgazonsdov^ 'Aai fidyi] iyipsTJ, ip rj ovx sXaa- GOV 'iyovzEg ol MvziXj'^paToi ovte E7n]vXiGavzo ovze etzigzevgccv G(fi' Hv avzoTg, dXX dvsycogrjGav ' 3. 'inEiza ol fih ijGvya^oVf ex IJeXo' LIB. III. CAP. VI — VIII. 125 Tzorrrjaov y.ai fiEi aXXrjg TzaQaaHSVTJg ^ovXofzsvoi, el TtQoayivoiro ri, aivdvvsvEiv. 4. nai yaq avzoTg MeXtag Adacov aqjiavEiTai not 'Eq f.iaic6v8ag Qri^aiog, ol nQoanEarakriGav [iEv trig arzoGTciaEcogf qid^d' aai ds oh dvvdfiEvoi rov rmv ^ A&rivaicov ImnXovv HQvqja fierce trjv fid)^i]v vGTEQOv hanXEOvoi tqitiqei, y^ai naqr^vovv nt'iinEiv TQiri^rj dX- Xrjv nal TJQEG^Eig }iEif iavTOJv' aai kxTtsfiTZOvaiv. YI. ot ds'A&tj- vaioi noXv ETziQocoo&EvtEg did rriv tmv WlvtiXrivaicov iiGvyiav ^vfi- fid'/^OVg 7S TTQOGEiidXoVVy ol TToXv dd(J(JOV TZaQTJaaV OQODVTSg ovdEV laXVQOv dno lav Aec^lguv, v.ai TZEQiOQfiiadfXEvoi to TZQog votov trig TtoXscog EtEiiiaav aTQCizoTZEda dvo ExaTEQcoOsv ztjg noXEfog, xc«« rovg hq:6Qfxovg iri dixqjottQOig roTg Xifiiaiv etzoiovvto. 2. aai Ttjg fxsv ■&aXdaa7]g EiQyov fit] '^Qljadai rovg Mvti7.7]vaiovgj Tjjg de yljg Tjjg usv dXXr/g hy^Qdrovv ol MvziXrjvaToL Tiui ot dXXoi Aia^ioi ttqog^e- ^OTjd^rjKozEg i]dt], zo ds tteqI zd azgazoTZEda ov noXv xazEr/^ov ol ^A&7]vaToi, vavozad^ixov ds [idXXov yv avzoTg nXoicov y,aL dyoqdg ij BlaXta. aai zd filv tzeqI M.vziXi^vj]v ovzoig h^oXEfisTto. VII. Kazd ds 7 0V avzov iqovov zov d^sQOvg zovzov ^AO-r^raToi y.ou eg TIeXottovvtigov ravg dnEGZEiXav ZQidxovza xal ^ Agcotziov zov QiQQlumvog GZQaz7]y6vy nEXEVGavzayv 'AxaQvdvosv zmv (PoQfuoovog ziva oqjiGi. 7Z8fi\pai rj vlbv t] ^vyyEvrj aQ^orza. 2. nai naQanXsovGai at vrjeg ztjg AaaoDviHTJg zd mi&aXdGGia x^Qia. inogd^riGav. 3. etiei- za zdg [xsv TiXsiovg dnonsiinEi zav vsmv ndXiv In oikov 6 'Agojtti- og, avzog 5' t/av dadsaa dcprAvsTzai ig NavTzaHZOVy 4. xat vgzeqov ^A'Aaqvavag dvaGzrJGag Travdrj^iEi, GZQazEVEi ett Oinddag, aal zaig zs vavGl y.azd zhv 'Ay^EXmov etiXevge y.ai 6 xazd yHjv Gzqazog idiQOv zijv ji^coqav. 5. mg 5' ov jiQOGEicoQovVy zov fisv tte^ov dqiitjGiv, av- zog 8s nXsvaag ig Asv^dda, xa) dno^aGiv ig N^qixov 7toi7]GdfiEvog, dva^coQav diacpx^EiQEzai avzog zs aai zljg Gzgazidg zi fiSQog vno zcjv avzod^Ev ZE ^vii^or]&T]Gdvz(x}v y.ai cpQOVQav zivcov oXiyoDv. 6. aal VGZEQOV vnoanovdovg zovg vsyQOvg dnonXEVGavzEg ol 'A&r^vaioi Tzagd zoov Asv^adicov iaofxiGavzo. YIII. Ol ds im zTjg nqcozTjg vEojg ixTZEfiqjd^Evzsg MvziX7]vaio!)v noEG^Eig, (og avzoTg ol AaHsdaifiovioi eittov ^OXvfiTzial^e TzaqEivaif OTiojg xai ol dXXoi ^vfifia^oi daovGavzeg ^ovXsvGcovzaij dcpixvovV' zai is tr^v 'OXvfiTriav ' 7jv ds 'OXvunidg rj JcyiQiEvg 'Podiog zo dsv* 126 ooTKrjiJor ATrrPA^ms. tBQOv hUct. x«t ETiaidrj nerk t^v iooTtjv ^aTioT^cat sg loyovi klnov joidde. IX. T^ fASv xaOeaTog tolg "EU.r^at v6iA.ifxov, co cadQeg ^ane batjAovioi y>a\ ^vfifiaxoi, lafiev rovg yag acfiataiiiiovg iv toTq 7io)JfAOis y.al ^vfijiaiiav rtjv tzqIv anoXEinovTag ol de^ufievoi 'AaO- oaov 118V mq^^sXovviaiy iv rjdovTi ex^vai, vofiii^ovzeg 8s thai TZQodo- Tag Twv 7TQ0 Txrv (fiXcov y^eiQOvg ijyovvrai. 2. icai ova ud:' ZCp 7TQ0a&EfA.EV0V, 'Aivdv- vov acpiai naqdai^ ' 5. za ds xal dno ■^Eqansiag zov zs noivov avzcQV nal zav dsl nQOsazcozcav nEQiEyiyvoiAsOa. ov fxivzoi sni nolv y dv idoxovfiEV dvv7]&r]va(, si fir] 6 nolsfxog ods yiazsaztjj naqadsiyiiaai ^^QcofiEvoi zoTg ig zovg dllovg. XII. zig ovv avzij rj q)ilia iyiyvEZO ^ ilEV-&EQia niGzriy iv y naqa yvafji^v dllrilovg VTZEdsxofiS&a, >tal ol (isv Tjfxdg iv zco Tzolifiq) dsdiozEg i&EQdnEvoVy fjfiEig ds ixsivovg iv zy rjav)(^ia zo avzo inoioviiEv ' o zs zoig alloig fidhaza Evvoia niaziv §£^aioTj rjfxiv zovzo 6 cpo^og iyvQov TzaQsTis' dhi zs zo Tileov i} cpilia y.azEi6ixEvoi ^vfiixa)(^oi ijfiev ' jioi, oTtoztQCig •ddaaov TraQaa'/^ot, daq)dlEia d^agaog, ovzoi tiqozeqol zi xai Tzaqa- pi^asa&aL Efisllov. 2. coazs si zcp doxovfisv ddixEiv nqoanoazdv- zsg did zr^v iyMvcov fxtllrjaiv zmv ig rjfidg dsivav, avzol ovx dvzavafXEivavzEg aaqiojg sldtvat si zi avzav kazai, ov>i oq&wg 6y.07iEi. 3. El ydq dvvazo\ ijfxsv in zov iaov aai dvzEni^ovlEvaai xcc/ dvzijisllijaai, zi Edsi f]fidg in zov ofioiov in' insivoig slvai; in insivoig ds ovzog dsl zov imisiqEXv aai iq) TjfiTv slvai dsl zo Tiqoa- {ivvaa&ai. XIII. Toiavzag 'ij^ovzEg nqoqidaEig aai alziag^ co Aay.Edatfx6' noi v,a\ ^vfjifxaxoi, dnsozTjfisv, caqtEig fisv zoig dnovovai yvmvai mg EiKOZtog idqdaafisv, laavdg ds 7]fidg i'Ac^o^ljaai aal nqog daqidlsidv ziva zqiipai, ^ovloiiivovg fisv y,ai ndlaij ozs hi iv zy uqi^vrj i7iE[A.\pa[iEv oo^ v[idg nsqi dnoazdascog, vfxoov ds ov nqoa' 128 eoTKTJiJor ^rrrPA(i>H2'. dsl^aficvcov acoXvO^htag ' vvv 5« in:Eid)] Boicoroi nQOVHaXiaavTOj sv -O^vg v7T}]xovGafi£v, aai ivo^iXo^sp aizoGT^Gsa&ai diTiXT^v anoaiaaiVi ano te rav 'EXX/jvcov firj ^vv Ka'AoJg Tzomv avzovg fXEz '^&7jpai(0Vf aXXa ^vnXev&EQOvv, and te '^&i]vaicov fxrj avzol diaqj&aQijvai vn EHeivcav iv vcteqcOj alXa nQonoilqaai. 2. 7/ fiEvioi anoGTaaig Tlliav -daaaov yByivrirai xat anaQccT/.svog ' ^ yial ^mXXov XQh ^^t*' fid'/^ovg ds^afXEvovg ij^ag dice ja/Jcop ^oij^Eiav aTzouTtXXEir, ha qaivrio&E u[A,vvovT£g zs olg d£t aal iv tq) avzm rovg noXEiiiovg ^XaTTTOvTEg. 3. xaigog ds mg ovttco ttqoteqov. voacp ie yccQ Eqj&aQaTai ^A&rivaioi y.ai XQ^f^o^Tcov daTzdrri, vije'g ts avrolg at ^Iv TTEQl TtJV VfXETt'QaV ElGlVf at d' fQp' r^fllV tETCCyaTai, 4. COdTf ovx eiKog avzovg nEQiovaiav ve^v e/eiv, riv vfXEig iv tq) ^eqei T^ds vavai TE y.al nE^^ afxa iTiEa^dXr^TS to dEviEQOv' dXX jj v^tdg ovu dfivvovvrai E7iin7.EOvrag ij an df^qjOTEQcav dnoy(xiqii(SOvtai. 5. vofiiay rs [xr^dEig dXXozQiag yrjg tzeqi oIxeiov mvdvvov e^eiv. q> yaQ doHEi (jiay.Qav dnEivai 7} Aia^og, zijv aKfiXEiav avzai iyyv&Ev naQE^Ei. ov yag iv 7^ '^zzmy Eozai 7i6XE[A,og wg zig oiEzaiy d7JXa di' Tjv 7] ^ydzztxt] (aqiEXElzai. 6. 'iazi dl zav )rQrjfxdzcov dno z^v ^viAfidyojv 7) TTQOGodog, 'Aol EZi [AEi^mv sazai, el Tjfjidg xaza- azQExpovzai' ovze yuQ dnoiSzr^aEzai dXXog zd ze Tji^izEQa Tzgoays- vriaEzaij nd&oijiiv z dv dEivozsQa ?} 01 nqiv dovXEvovzEg. 7. ^or]- {^riodvzcov ds vfiav Tzgo&vixojg noXiv ze nqooXrixpEa&E ravzi-AOV Eyovaav nhyuy ovtzeq vfxTv [idXiaza TzgoadEif ytai '^Or^vaiovg gdov xa&aiQ^6EZE vqjatQovvzsg avzav zovg ^vjufidyovg ' ■&QaavzEQOv yuQ Tzdg zig nQoaycogricsEzai' zriv zs aiiiav aTzoq^Ev^EG&E r^v ei'^ezs urj ^oi]&ETv zoig dqjiazafit'roig. 7]v 5' iXEv&EQOvvzEg cfaivtia^E, zo y.qdzog zov noXmov ^E^aiozEQOv e^eze. XIY. aiayvr&ivzEg ov* rdg TE zav ^EXX7]V(av ig vfidg iXTiidag nal /lia zov 'OXvfXTnoVj iv ov z(p lEQ^ laa i] aQ^o^evov Tla'/jiza zov 'Ettixovqov azgazrjyoVj xat i^liovg bnXlzag savzav. 4. ol ds avzegszai nXev- cavzEg z(hv veiav dq)txvovvzai xal nEQiTeixlt,ovai MvziXrivT^v iv xv- xXci) dnX^ ZHxW q)QOVQia ds saziv ol im zmv xaQzsQcov iyxazcpxo- dofATjzai. 5. xal 71 fisv MvziXijvrj xazd xqdzog ridij dfxq)OTtQ(o&Ev xal ix yjjg xal ix d-aXdaar^g sigyszo, xal 6 x^iji^v riQiszo yiyvsc&at. XIX. TlQoadsoiiSvoi ds ol 'A&r]vaioi ygr^fidzcov ig zi/v tzoXioo- xiavj xal avzol iasvsyxovzsg zozs ttqoozov ioqjoqdv diaxoaia zdXav- zay i^tTTSfixpav xai ini zovg ^vfAf^dyovg dgyvgoXoyovg ravg dcodsxaj xai AvcixXia, nsfinzov avzov azgazijyov. 2. 6 ds dXXa zs ijgyv- QoXoysi xal TTsgiinXsi, xal ztjg Kagiag ix Mvovvzog dva^ag dice zov Maidrdgov nsdiov f^sygi zov J^ardiov X6q:ov, ini&siisvmv zav Kagav xal ^Avaaz^Vj avzog zs diaqj&sigezai, xal zjjg dXXrjg azga- zidg TToXXoi. XX. Tov 5' avzov yeifiarog ol UXazaitjg, sti yag iTToXiog- xovvzo vno zap IIsXoTiovvTjaicov xa] Boimzav, insid)] zw zs cizc* iniXmovzi inist,ovzo, xal dno zmv 'A&t]vav ovdsfiia iXnlg j]v zi- ficogiag, ovds dXXij acozr]gia icpaivszo, ini^ovXsvovGiv avzoi zs xa} 'Ad^ijvaicov ol ^vfi7Zo7uogxovfisvoi ngazov fiav ndvzsg i^sX&siv xa] V7zsg§7]vai za zsiy?] zmv TzoXsfiimv, 7]v dvpcovzai ^iduaad^ai, iarjyij' aafisvov zr^v nsTgav avzoig Qsaivtzov zs zov ToXfiidov drdgog /xdv^ zeojg xal Emofinidov tov /iai'fidyov, og xal iazgazriysi ' 2. snsiza LIB. III. CAP. XXI. XXII. 131 01 (i€v tjfiiOEis a7T(6y,v7jaav TToog rov aivdvvov, [isyav ijyTjddfiSvoi, eg da avdQag SiaHOciovg nai eixoai fidXiaTa ivsfiaivav ty s'^odc^ i&e- Xovtai TQonq^ roimde. 3. iiX([ucvAag ETzoujaavzo laag rep teiiei row noXeiiicov ' ^vvafxEZQ^aavro ds raig im^olalg r^v nXivd^mv, y tTv^s rrgog aqjdg ova i^aXT^Xififxtvov rb rer/^og aviojv. 7]Qi0^fiovvro ds noXXoi afia rag ini^oXdg, aai tixsXXov ol fisp rivsg dfiaQzi'^aeaO^aij 01 ds nXsLovg rsv^Ea&at rov dXr^d^ovg XoyiaiioVy dXXmg rs aai noX- Xdxig dQiO(A.ovvrEg, xal dfia ov noXv dniyovrEg, dXXd Qadiag xcc^o- QOJf^evov Eg o e^ovXovzo rov rsi^ovg. rj]v [4,ev ovv ^vfi[iEtQi]aiv rojv aXtfidnoov ovrcag tXa^ov, ex rov Tzd/^ovg rtjg ttXiv&ov Eixdaavrsg ro IxEZQov. XXI. ro ds rEiyog 7]v rojv IlEXoTiovvj^aioiv roiovds ry olxodo^/jGEL Ei)^s fisv dv^o rovg TZEQi^oXovg, TTQog rs nXaraiojv aai si rig E^co&Ev an ^y^d^?]v6jv inioi, diEiyov ds ol tzeqI^oXoi say.aidEna Tzodag /jidXiara dri dXXriXcav. 2. ro ovv fisra^v rovro, ot ixxai- Ssxa Tzodsgj roTg q)vXa^iv oiti^fiara diavEVEfxruAEva (axodofiyro, aai r^v ^vrE)(^ij aars ev qjaivsa&ai rsT^og na'p ETzdX^sig ejov dfiqiortQco- dsv. 3. did dtxa ds ETzdX^EOJv nvQyoi r^aav fisydXoi aat iaonXarEig T^) rsr/^Eij di^xovrsg sg rs rb Eam fiETOJTZOv avrov aai ol avroi xai ig rb t^fti, (aars ndqodov {xy sJvai naqa Tzvqyov, dXXa dC avrojv [iS- tscov diysaav. 4. rag ovv vvxrag, bnors y^Enimv euj vorsgog, rag fiEv ETtdX^Eig dnsXEinov, ek ds rav nvQymv bvrcov dt' oXtyov xai di'coOEv GTsyavaw, rijv gjvXay.riv etzoiovvto. ro fisv ovv rsT'^og (ji TTEQiEcpQOVQOvvzo ol IIXaTaitjg roiovrov r^v. XXII. ot d\ ETiEidij TiaQEOKEvaaro avroTg, rr^Qrjaavrsg vvxra ^ehjieqiov vdari aai avEfiqi xai afia das'Xijvov i^ysaav' ijyovvro ds oItteq nai ryg TZSiQag airioi Tjaav. y.al Tzgarov fisv ryv rd^qov diE^r^aav y tteqieTiev avrovg, ETZEira fTgoGEfxi^av tq) rsr/^Ei r^v noXs^icov Xa&ovrsg rovg cpvXaxag^ did rb GHorEivbv fiev ov nQoidovzcov aviaVy 'ipocfcp ds r^ eh rov TiQoaibvai avrovg dvrinarayovvrog rov dvsfiov ov 'AaraxovaavrmV 2. d^a ds ical diE'/^ovtsg ttoXv ysaav, onoag rd onXa fxr] nQovofXEva HQog dXXyXa aiad^Tjaiv naQEyoi. ijaav ds svaraXsig rs ry onXiasi, not rov dqiarEgbv noda fxovov vnodsdEiiEvoi, daqiaXsiag Evsaa rrjg 'TTQog rop 7i7]X6v. 3. xard ovv (jiEranvgyiov TrgocEfiiayov ngbg rag indX^Eig, EidoTsg on tQijfxoi slaiy TTQoorov [xsv ol rdg y>Xi\uayag qis- QOVTsg Kol TZQoatd^saav' tizEira xpiXol doidsxa ^vv ^ufid-im aai x^w- qaxi dvE^aivov, wv r^ysTto ^Au^mg 6 Koqoi§ov y.ai nqoirog dvt§q, 132 eOTKTzilJOT ATrrPA^JI2. usTcc 6« ciVTOv ol inofiEvoi f | i(p txdreQov zav nvQycav av^j^aivop meaa xpiXoi aXloi fisia rovrovg ^vv doQUTioig i^caQOvVj oig eiEQOi xazoTTiv Tag aanidag eqjSQOv, OTZCog inuvoi qaov TZQoa^aivoiEV, aai SfislXov d(6GEiv 0710 TE Tzoog ToTg Tioleixioig Eii]6av. 4. cog ds avco TrXsiovg iyEvovTO, ria&ovTO ol en rav nvQymv qjvXaxEg' y.aie^als yuQ tig lav nXazaiav avzilafA^avofiEvog ano rav etzcH^ecov xequ- (ii8a, 7] TTEaovan dovnov EuolriaE. 5. xat aviixcc ^ot] 7jVj to 5« (TTQaTOTTEdoV ETZl TO TEl/^Og (OQfXrjUEV' OV yOLQ ydsi 0,71 TjV 70 8eIV0V G)i07smjg vv>i7og aai '/^Ei^mvog ov7og, aai cifia ol iv t^ tzoXei 7wv nXa7aiav vTzoXEXEifAfitvoi i^EX&6v7Eg nQoat^aXov 7^ 7ei)^Ei tmv nsXoTiovvrjaicov in 70vn7iaXiv tj ol avdgE^g avtav vTZEQE^aivov, oncog iiy.iara nqog avtovg 7ov vovv e)[Oiev. 6. e&oqv^ovvto fisv ovv y.UTa 1(OQav [A.8vov7eg, ^orj&tTv ds ovdslg izoXfia eh zrjg iavTcov (fvXax-ijg, dX)^ iv dnoQoi riaav Eixdaai to yiyvofXEvov. 7. not ol 7QiaH6aioi avTOJVj oig EiE7ay,70 7TaQa^07]&Eiv ei 7i dsoi, e'^wqovv e^oh zov zei- lovg fiQog 7t]v ^oijv. cpQVHToi 7£ yQOVTO Eg tag Oij^ag tzoXeixioi' naoavlay^ov ds y.ai ol ex ztjg noXscog THatairig dno tov zsixovg qiQvxrovg noXXovg, ttqoxeqov naQEGXEvaG^ivovg ig avzo tovto, oTzcog daaqfri tcc 6t]^Eia zrjg qsQVAZOQiag 7oTg noXsuloig ij xai fitj ^ori&OLEv, dXXo 71 voiii(jav7£g to yiyvofiEvov ehai t] ro ov, tzqiv aqim ol dvdQEg ol i^i6v7Eg diaqjvyoisv nai 70v dacpaXovg dvziXd^oivzo XXIII. ol 5' vTiEQ^aivovzEg zav TlXazaimv iv zovzcp, cog ol TiQm- 701 avzcov dvadE^ijyEaav yai zov nvQyov sxazEQOV zovg cpvXaxag dia- q){^EiQavzEg EXEyQaztjxsaaVj zdg ze di68ovg zmv nvQyav ivazdvzsg avzol iq}vXaaaov fitjdtva 8i' amojv im^ori^EiVj xai yXifxaxag ttqog- {^tvzsg dno zov ZEi^ovg zoTg nvQyoig xai inava^i^daavzEg dvdQug nXsLOvg, ol fisv dno zojv nvQycov zovg Ent^o7]\}ovvzag nai xdzoorycv xai dvco&Ev Eioyov ^dXXovzsg, ol 5' iv zovzca, ol nXsiovg, noXXcxg nQoaOivzEg yXi^axag dfxu, xai zdg indX^Eig dncaaavTsg, dia zov uEzanvQyiov vnEQt^aivov. 2. 6 ds diayo^i^oiievog ati lazazo etii zov '^EiXovg ZTjg zdqiQOV, yai iv7Ev&Ev izcl^svov zs xai rjycvzi^cv, ti zig naQa^ot]&ojv nagd zo zsT^og xcoXvzrjg yiyvoizo zijg dta^aaEoyg. 3. ins] ds ndvzsg dtsnEnEQaicovzo, ol dno z^v nvgymvy istXs'img oi zsXevzaToi, xaza^aivovzEg i)(^c6Qovv inl zr/v zuq:Q0v, yci' f^ zovrqi ol zQiaxouioi avzoig insqjtgovzo XufA.nddag r/ovzEg. 4. a/, fisv ovf nXazaujg ixsivovg scopoiv fxuXXov in zov axozovg, ifjzoc a.g sni zot LIB. III. CAP. XXIV. XXV. 133 IstXovg trjg tdqQOVj yiai sto^svov ts xat ii7ZE{^7Z£zai 2JdXai&og 6 Aa-nsdaiiJioviog ig MvTiXiivriv zQirj- QEi. aai TzXsvaag ig UvoQav, aai i^ avi?jg ns^y xazd yagddgav zivd, 7/ VTTEQ^azbv yv TO TIEQLTEl^lGfXay diaXa&d)V icEQ'J^EZai Ig TIJV MvTi- X^vijVj xal 'iXsys ToTg TtQoidQoig ozi ha^oXtj ts afxa Ig zriv ^Azzmriv 'iazaij aai al TEUGaQdxovTa vjjsg naQsaovzai dg 'idsi ^ori&ijaai ah toTg, nQOanonEixcf&rivai ze avzog zovzoav svEHa^ aal df^a zmv dX- X(ov imiiEXiiaofXEvog. 2. yai ol fisv MvziXiivaioi i&dgaovv ze, kou HQog Tovg A&tivaiovg riaoov eJiov t^v yvc6[iiiv cacrrfi l^vn^aivEiv. o 134 eorKTJiJOT srrrPA 5' dv ndXiv tX&coaij Tld^riza fii^zs dljaai BIvziXTjvaioov firjdEvaf [xi]zs dv- dQanodiaai, fii^ze dno-azEivau 7] fisv ^vfji^aaig avztj iytrszo. ^ C" $8 fZQd^avzEg TZQog zovg AaxEdaifioviovg fxdXiaza zcov MvziKijt'\i.%(Of neQidsEig ovzegf cog t] czqazid iai^X&sv, ovu r^vka^ovzot dXX im zovg LIB. III. CAP. XXIX— XXXI. 135 ^mfj^ivg oiimg aa&i^ovai' Hdj^i^g 5' avaar^aag avTOvg mars firj ddtxtjaaij nazarid^eTai eg Tirsdov fii'/Qi ov joig 'A&r^vaioig ti dolrj. 3. ni^ixpag ds aal ig ttjv "Aviiaaav tQUjQEig 7TQOOExz7]Gato y,a\ taXXa ret ttsqI to arQaronndov xaOiazazo ri avT^ idoxei. XXIX. 01 5' iv raig zsaauQcixovra vavol JJf^Xonovvriaioi, ovg tdsi iv zd^Ei TzaqayEviod^aij nXiovzeg tieqI zs avzrjv ztjv ntXoTTorvTiaov ipditzQiipav, xai aaza zov aXkov nXovv Giolaioi nofiia&evzeg, zovg [isv va zr^g nolecog ^Ax^ipaLOvg "kav&dvovGi, TTQiv 8)] zy /Ji]Xcp sax^^f') ^QOOfii^avzeg 5' utz avzijg zri 'laccQCp aal Mvxovcp nvv\)(ivovzai tzqcozov ozi rj MvzOJjvri idXco'AS. 2. ^ovXofieroi ds zb Gaqjsg eidevai xateTzXtvaav ig "E^^azov z?jg E()Vx}Qaiag ' ijiiEQai ds fxccXiGza rjaav zy MvziX^vr} saXooxvia snzk oz ig zo ' E[A^azov xaztTrlEVGav. nvd^oiisvoi ds zb aaq^sg i^ovlevovzo in zcop naqovzoov ' aai e-Xe^ev avzoTg TEvzianXog avrjQ 'HXsiog zaSs. XXX. ^AXmda nai nEXo7iovvrj(Jico4> oaoi naQEGfisv uQXOvTEg zijg ozQazidgy ifioi doy^Ei nXsTv tjiiag ini 3IvziXtJv7]v 7tq(v i'ATTvazovg yEviadai monEQ tjofisv. 2. yaza yaQ zb Eixog dvdQOov veoogzi noXiv i)^6vzo3v ttoXv zb dqjvXaxzov evQT^GO[A,EVj v.azk \ikv d^uXaaGav aai Tidvv, rj iaEiPol ze dviXniGzoi imyEVEG&ai dv ziva Gq:iGi ttoXe'^ioVj nai rjfxav '/] dXa?] zvy^dvEi udXiGza ovGa ' Eixbg ds aal zb Tzs^bv avzav xaz oiyJag dfiEXtGze- Qov cog xE:inaz7]x6zcov diEGTtdQ&at. 3. ei ovv xQOGTzt'GoifiEv dq)V(o ze Tioi vvyaog, iXntXoo [isza zcop 'ivdov, si zig ccQa ijf^uv egzip vnoXomog evrovg, y.araXricfdijvai dv zd nQdyfjiaza. xccf fji\ d7ZOHV7]Gco[iEv ZOV nipdvpov, pofiiGavzEg OVA dXXo zi slvai zo naivbv zov noXh(xov ?] zb zoiovzov, o si zig Gzgaztjybg 'iv ze avzc^ (pvXdGGOizo aai. zoig noXsixioig Ipoqcov iniiEiQau], tiXeXgz dv oQx^oTro. XXXI. 6 fASP zoGavza eItzcov ova sttei&e zov ^AXai- 8av. dXXoi di zivEg zcov dn 'Icoviag q)vyddcov aal ot Aeg^loi ^v^iTiXiovzsg naQ'QPOvVf inEidri zovtov zbp Aivdvvov qio^Eizat, zwv iv 'Icoria ttoXecov AazaXa^Eiv ziva t] Kvfirjv zi]v AioXida, oncog ix TToXscog oQficofAEroi zijv 'Icoviav aTZOGz^GooGiv. iXnidcc 6' slvai* ovdsvl ydq aAOVGrng dqii'j^&ai* xai zijv TiQOGodov zavz?]v fi£yiGZ7]v ovGav 'u4drjvaLcov tjv vqjsXcoGi aai afia ijv icpoQixcoGiv avzoTg, daadvj] Gqjioi yiyr7]zai, tzeigeiv ze otEG&ai acu TItGG0v{^viiv coGzt ^vfiTZ^XsixEiv. 2. 6 ds olds zavza ivEdi'/^szo, dXXd zh nXsiGZOf 136 eoTKTJiJCT zrrrPA0ii2. Tijg yvmfiijg ^/er, iTzstdrj zT^g MvnXriVTjg vgteq/^xei, on td^iata «5 llsXoTzovrijacp ndXiv nQoafil^ai. XXXII. dgag ds ix zott EfA^uTOv TiaQtnXei' xai nQoc^wv MvovvTJaco jy Tijicov tovg ai^fiaXmrovg ovg aaza nXovv eiXrjqiEi dTisaqia^s zovg noXXovg. 2. nai ig zfjv ''EqjEaov na&oQfiiaafitvov avrov, ^aulmv toov «| ^Avaicov dqiVAOfAEvoi TZQta^Eig tXEyov oh '/.aXmg tjjv 'EXXdda eXev&s- Qovv ai'toVf El urdgag ditq)d^£iQEv ovis ^ETqag dvtaiQOfi.Evovg ovts noXEiiiovg, Ad^tivaicov ds vn dvdyxTjg ^vfifjid^ovg ' ei te fxt] Tzav- GEtaif bXiyovg ftsv avrov tmv i'l&QOJv eg qjiXiav nQoad^EG&aif noXv ds nXEiovg r^v q:iXa}V TZoXEfuovg e^eiv. 3. aal 6 fi£v etiel- G&t] re xai Xicor dvdQug oGovg eJ^ev eii aqp^xs xal zmv dXXcov Tivdg' OQ^vTEg yccQ rug vavg ol dvO^QcoTzoi ovu EcpEvyoVj dXXa TiQOGFjaQOvv fJidXXov (og ^ArriKCug nai iXnidcx, ov8l rijv iXayiGrtjv e7'/0Vj firj noiEy AOriraitov rt]g {yaXd6Gt]g nQarovvrcaVj vavg IIeXo- Tzovvr^Giav elg ^Itaviav TzaQa^aXEiv. XXXIII. drro ds rijg EqiEGOv 6 'AXxidag etzXei itard rdfog y.ai (fvyt^v InoiEiro' aqjOt] yuQ vTio rrig 2^aXafiiviag nai HuQdXov eti tteqI "I^aQov oQfiaVy at 5' aTZ 'Ai^t]ro3V etv^ov n7JovGat, y,a\ dEdtojg rrjv dioj^iv etiXei did 'tov TiEXdyovg cog yij sxovGiog ov Gj^rJGcov aXXtj /} TiEXonovvriGda. 2. T(p ds ndxT^ri xal roTg '^{ytjvatoig yX&E fiEV xa\ dno rtjg 'EQvOQaiag dyyEXia, d(pixvEiro ds xal navrayjo&EV drEt^iGrov ydq ovGt]g rljg 'Jmviag^ iiiya ro dtog lyEVErOj fit] nananXtovrEg ol TlEXoTTOvvriGioi, El nui ag fit] diEvoovpro fJitvEiv^ 7IOQ&(og(v dfia TTQOGTzhrovrEg rag noXEig. avzdyyEXoi d* avrov IdovGai iv ri] JxdQCp 1] rs UdQaXog xai t] ^aXafiivia tq)QaGav. 3. 6 8s imo onovdqg inoiEiro rt]v dico^iv xal fajQi f*Ev Ildrfiov zl^g vr^GOv e.TiEdim^Ev, dtg d' ovyJzi iv xaraXijipEi s^aivsro, EnavEycoQEi, heq- dog ds ivofiiGEVf ETiEidij ov fisrEcoQOig TZEQiEZv^EVy on ovdafiov iyxa- zaXr^cpO^ETaai 7]vayxd6&i]Gav ozQazonsdov noiEiadaty aal cfvXay.)]v G(fiai 'Aai E(j)6Qfxr]Giv nanaG'/ETv. XXXIV. TTUQanXtoDV ds ndXiv EGfE Y.ai Eg Noziov zo KoXocpwviwVy ov xazo^HtjVTO KoXoqicortoif Ttjg avoj TZoXscog saXojxviag vno 'Irafidvovg nal rmv ^aQ^idQcxtr xazd GzdGiv Idiav ETzaxO^EVzcov idXco ds fidXiGza avrt] ozs t] dEVZEQ'X nEX07I0Vrt]Gl(OV EG^oXt] Sg ZT]V *y4zZl'At]V iyiyVEZO, 2. Ef ovv 7ft; Norixxi ol xara^pvyovzEg x«) yazoix/]GavrEg avzoO^i, av&ig vzaaidaavzEgj ol lisv, naqd TIiggovi^vov inrAOVQOvg ^yiqxd.don' te LIB. III. CAP. XXXV. XXXVI. 137 x«j tcov ^an^aQOJV aTrayofitvoi, tv diaTEi)[(6fia7i d^ov^ i^cu 7(ov ix jTJg avco TzolEojg Ko).oq:covio}v ol fzr^diaavtsg ^vvEueXx^ovTsg Itzo- XiTEvov, ol ds vns^sXdovTsg tovzovg y.ai ovTsg qjvyddsg rov Tla-^riTa Indyovtai. 3. o ds TZQOxaXsduixevog ig loyovg Unniav rov iv 7(p diaTEr/^i6fiari ^Qxddcov aQiovray ojote, 7]v fzyjdsv aQECxov /vt'j'?/, ndXiv avTov xaiaGtijaEiv ig to JEi'/^og amv y.ai vpa, 6 {xsv i^7jX&s nuQ avtov, 6 d' iy.Eivov fxsv iv q)vlaHr} ddiafico eJ'/eVj avTog ds TTQoo^aloov rop ZEi^iafiazi i^anivaiojg xul oh TTQOodeyo-' fiivcov aloEi, tovg rs ^.Agyddag yai ratv ^an^dQwv oaoi iftjaap diacfdEiQEi' nal TOP 'Inniav vgteqov iaayayojv aoTiEQ iaTTEiaaro, ijTEidf) Evdov rjVj ^vXlafi^dvEi yal aaTaro^EVEi. 4. KoXoq^mvioig de Noriov fzaQadidcoai, nXtjv tojv fi7]d(advT03v. 'aoI vgteqov 'A^q- tcuoi olxKytdg Tzt'fiipavzEg yaza rovg savtav vofiovg yazmyiGav zh Noziov, ^vvayayovzEg ndvzag ix zoov ttoXecov ei nov zig ijv KoXo- gjcovicov. XXXV. '0 ds Udx^g dq)tx6fiEvog ig zjjv MvztXt]vtjv ztjv zs IJi'QQav xai "Eqeguov 7TaQE6T}]aazo, xca 2^dXca&ov Xa^cjv iv zy ttoXei zov AaxEdaivLonov xEXQVfif.iivoVj UTTOTZt'fZTTEi ig zdg ^A^qvag, xat zovg ix z^g TeveSov MvziXrivcucov drdgag aua ovg xaziO^STO, y.ui El zig aXXog avz(a aiziog idoxsi slvai zTjg dnoazdaEcog ' dno- TiifxriEi ds xal ztjg azqazidg zo nXiov. 2. zoig ds XoiTioTg vnofxivfov y.a&i(jzaT0 zd tteqI tt]v MvziX7]V7]v xai ztjv uXXtjv Aia^ov rj avzco idoxEi. XXXVI. dquxoiiivcov ds zav drdg^v xai zov ^aXai&ov, 01 'Adr^raToi zov fxsv 2!dXcud^ov Ev&vg dn&xzEirav, egiiv a naQE- y^ofXEvoVj zd z dXXa xai dno IlXazaiaVf hi yaq inoXwQxovvzOj dnd^eiv riEXoTTorvjjaiovg ' 2. tteqI ds zoov dvdQav yvcofxag inoiovvzOj xal vno OQyTjg tdo^Ev avzoTg ov zovg naQovzag fiovov dnoxzEivaty dXXd xai zovg dnavzag Mvzihivaiovg oaoi fj^ooaiy Tzaidag ds xai yvvaixag dvdQanodiaai, inixaXovvzEg zqv zs aXXrjv aTZoazaaiv ozi ovx uQ/^opiEvoi, aarzEQ ol dXXoij iizoi^aavzo, xai nQOo^vvE^aXszo ovx iXd'jiiazov ZTJg OQfi'tjg al IJEXoTTOvvr^Gioiv viqEg ig 'laviav ixEivotg ^O7]0ol zoXfirjaaaai naQaxivdwEvcai' ov ydq &no ^qay^&iag dta- roiag idoxovv zrjv dnoazaaiv Tzou.aaa^ai. 3. m(i7iovaiv ovv ZQirj- Qij ag ndyiriza dyysXov zoiv dEdoyfiivav, xaza zdjpg xsXsvovzsg dia^ ■HJijaaad^ai Mvzih]val,ovg. 4. xa\ ztj vazsQairt ^szdvoid zig svOvg iiv avzois, y-cu draXoyicixog co[>ioy zo ^ovXei'na xal fiiya iyvmax^ai 133 oorKTJiJOT zrrrPA' 7jfiEQav ddEEg nal dvEni^ovXEvzov nqog dXXtjXovg xai ig zovg ^v(i{xdyovg to avzo 'iiEZEy xccf o,Tt dv ?} Xoycp TZEiadEvzeg viz avzmv d^dQZ7]TE i] oixzcp ivdoQZEj ovx iTzixivdvvcog 7]yEi6&s ig vftdg 'aoi ovx ig 'ZJ]v zoov ^v{Xfid)[(ov xdQiv fiaXayjL,Ea&aii oh GKOTiovrzEg ozi rvgavvida e^ezs z?jv aQy/iv ^a\ TiQog i7n^ov7,Evovzag avzovg y,cd uxovzag aQ'^ofiirovg, ol ovx f'J cov dv x^Qil^ijo^E ^XanzofiEvoi avzo), dnQomzai vficov, dXX i^ (av dv la'/vi fjidXXov rj zy ixEivoov evvoia nEQiyivrjaQE. 3. navzmv ds dsivozazov £i ^t'^aiov ?)fiTv {4.r^d€v xa&eazr^^si mv dv do^H TZEQlf fiTids yvC066f4E\}(X. OZI XElQQ(Sl VOflOig dydv/jTOtg yaCOfiElJ] noXig xQEiaatav iaziv // xaXag e'iovqiv dxtgoig, dfiaOia ze fXEzd ffcoq:Qoavvr]g aq^EXifiazEQOv ?/ dE^i6z7]g fAEzd dxoXaaiag, ol ze qavXo- ZEQOi zmv avdQionrov nQog zovg ^vvEzoozinovg cog in\ zo tzXeiov uuEivov oixovai rug noXcig. 4. ol fiEv yag zav ze fofioov cocfmzE- got ^ovXovtai (faivEaxxai zav ze «« XEyofisvcov ig zo xoivov tieqi- yiypEa&ai, cog iv dXXoig [xeiXoatv ovx dv drjXcoaavzsg ztjv yvco^r^v, xcu EX zov zoiovzov zd TzoXXd a(ffdXXovaL zdg noXEig' ol d' dni- azouvzEg zij savzcov ^vvecel djuax^EGZEQOi filv zojv vv^cov d^iovoii Eivaij ddvrazcozEQoi ds zov xaXwg Einovzog fitfiipaaOai Xoyor, y.Qi- zai ds ovzEg ano zov laov [zuXXov ?] dycoviazai oqOovvzcu zd ttXeico. 5. wg ovv XQ^J ^'^^ tjfidg noiovvzag fiij, dEivozrjzi xai ^vveoecoc uyan iTzaiQOfiivovgy nc^yd do^av z^ vfiEzigcp ttXi'j&ei 7iaganEh\, XXXVIII. iyco fiiv ovv 6 avzog Eifii zij yrco^uri xai %}avfidi^co fiEt rav TigoOt'vzcov avOig tteqI MvziXtjvaicov XtysiVj xul ygovov diuz^* LIB. 111. CAP. XXXIX. 139 Stjr e(Anoir^adyT(oVj o Ian tngog toov r^diHrfAuzcov ficiXXov' 6 yag nadmv lio dqaaavri d[A^Xvi8()a ry OQyrj Int^tQyeiaiy dfivvaaO^xi ds zw TiadHV oTi eyyvTiiico '/mixevov, uvjinaXov hv, fidXifza ir^v iif.icoQiav dvalafi^dvtL' 'Oavixd^oj ds xai oazig eazai 6 dvtSQooVj xa< d^iaacav dTioqjaiPSiv, tag fisv MvjiX?jvaicov ddiHiag Tjfilv (x)Cf£XifA.ovg ovaag, zccg 5' ij^etiqag ^vfi(poQccg toTg ^vfA-ixdy^oig pid^ag nad^iataiiEvag. 2, xal drjXov on. ^ T(p XtjEiv Tiiaitvaag to ndvv doxovv dvtanocpijvai cog om Eyvcoaiai dyoiviaaiT ar, 'q xt()dei iTzaiQOfisrog to evTiQEnlg tov Xoyov ixTZOvrjaag Tzagdytiv neiqdGEjai. 3. ij ds noXig in toov toiards dyavoov td fxsv uOXoc STE'Qoig didcoaiVj avrtj ds tovg nivdvvovg dvaqitQSi. 4. amoi d vfiEig naxag dymvoQEtovvtEg, olnvEg Eioo&azs '&Earai fitv tmv Xoycov yiyvsa&ai, dnQoatai ds tcov tQywv^ td fisv fiiXXovta EQyoe. dno tcov £v Einovtcov cMnovvtsg cog dvrata yiyread^ai, ta ds TiETZQayiAEva. 7]df], oh to dQaa&sv ttictoteqov oxpEi Xot^ovTsg ?] to dxovadEV, dno toiv Xoyco 'AaXoog iTzitifiJjadvTcov 5. xai fistd xai- voTTitog fisv Xoyov dnatdaOai dqiazoi, fiszd dEdo'Aifia6fA.Evov ds firj ^vviTTsaOai sdiXsiv ' dovXoi ovTsg tav dsi dzoncov^ vnEQontai ds zmv Eicod^ozoov ' 6. nai (xaXiGza (xsv aviog eItieIv snaazog ^ovXojis- vog dvvaaOaij si ds firj, dvzaycovil^6}iEvoi toig toiavzcc Xsyovai fiij vazEQOi dxoXovx^tjaai doxEiv ty yv(6(Ari, o^toog ds ti Xsyovzog ttqos- naivEcaij aai nQoaiGdiad^ai ts nqod^viioi Eivai td Xsyofisvay 'Aixt TTQOvotjaat ^QadsTg td f| avzav dno^t^Go^Eva' 7. ^t]zovrtt'g ts dXXo ti, cog EiTiEiv, '^ Ev olg ^oo/xfj', qQOVovvzsg ds ovds nsqi tmv TzagovTcov Uavag ' UTiXag ts aKorjg rjdovy rjaacafisvoi :ial aocpiazoov &Eazaig ioixozsg }{a&r^{i,Evoig fxdXXov i] tieqi noXsoog BovXEvofisvoig. XXXIX. cov iyoo TTEiQcofiEvog dnotQETTEiv vfidg dTzocpairco Mvn- Xrjvaiovg [xdXiata dt] fiiav noXiv jjdixTjHotag vfidg. 2. syco yuQ, dlzivsg (AEV fxt] dvvazol cpSQSiv tTjv viiszEQav dgyjiv ?} oliivsg vno tMv TzoXsfiloov dvayxaa&svzsg aTzsazTjaar, ^vyyvoofirjv tjoo ' vrpov ds olzivsg ty^ovzsg fiszd tsuycav aai aazd -ddXaaaav (xovov cpo^ovfis- voi tovg TjiASZEQOvg noXsiiiovgj ev c^ nai avzol tQirigmv TraQaaxsvri ow dqiQatizoi ijaav nQog avzovg, avzovofiol ts oixovvzsg yiai Titto^fiEvoi Eg td TTQCota vq) tjixoov totavza EiQydaavzo, ti dXXo ovzoi 7] ETiE^ovXsvadv ts Hat ETiaviazriaav fidXXov fj dnEczricav, ^Tioczaaig fitv ys t^v §iai6v n nau^ovzcov iaziv, i^tjztiadv zs uszd 140 oorKTzii/jorATrrPA^HS. lav TzoXeiuoazdrcov ?)fxug aTarreg diaq^&eiQai ; xairoi deirozsQot eariv ?/ ei xaO^ avrovg dvraiuv KzojfiEvoi dvTSTZoXtfupav. 3. na- Qadeiyfia ds avzoTg ovzs at -z^v niXag ^vficpoQui iyt'vovzo oaoi unoazavTEg ijdrj rifiav ixEiQcaOt^aav, ovzs rj naQovaa Evdaifiovia TzaQEGx^v oxvov fit] iX&Eiv ig zd 8eivot.' yEvoixEvoi ds TTQog zb fisXlov \>QaGtTg y.ai EXniaavzEg fiay^gozEQa fAsv rtjg dvvdfiEoog, iXdaaoy de rJ^g ^ovXtjaEcog, tzoXejxov rjQavzo, la^vv d^maavzEg rov dixaiov nQO&Eivai' Ev (p yaQ q)t]{^}jGav TZEQitdEO&aiy ehe&evzo tjiaTv ovh ddixuvfiEvoi. 4. Ei(o&E ds tojv noXsoov alg dv fidXiaza xal di' iXaiiazov dnQoadoHrjzog EVTZQa^ia sXOri, ig v^qiv tqetzeiv ' rd ds noXXa xaza Xoyov zoTg dv&QmTzoig svzviovvza dacpaXiazEQa ?] Tzaqd do^av y.al xa'AOTTQctyiav, cog EinElv, naov dnoo&ovvzai ^ Evdaifioriav diaaco^ovzai. 5. 'j^qTjv ds MvziXrjaiovg yal ndXai fir^dsv dtaq)EQOvzag zoov dXXcov vcp ijfi^v ZEzifxijaOai, yuu ov>t dr ig rods i^v^niaav Tzicpvxe yuQ y.ai dXXcog uvOQOJTzog to fisv '&EQa' nsvov vnEQq^QOVEiv, to ds (juj vtzeThov -Oavfid^Eiv. y.oXaa&i^TG)6av 8s yiai vvv d^icog zTJg ddixiug, xal fii] rolg fih oXiyoig ?/ alzia TTQoazEdri, zov ds drjuov dnoXvarize. 6. Tzdvzsg ydq 7]^Tv ye ofioicog iTZE&Evzo, oig y' i^tjv cog i)fidg TQsnofiEvoig vvv ndXiv iv zy noXsi Eivai. aXXii. zcr fiEza tcov oXiycov xivdwov i^yr^cafXEroi ^e^cuozeqov ^vvantazrioav. 7. zav re ^vfifid)^(oVj axsipaa&s, el toTg zs dray- KaG&Eiaiv V7Z0 zcjv tzoXeiiicov xai zoTg sxovaiv dnoazdai tag avzag ^rmiag 7TQoaOr^(S£TS, riva 0(£cri>£ ovziva oh ^qaisla TTQocpdasi dTzoaz7]aE6&cu, ozuv ij yazoQ&cocravzi iXEv&tQoxjig y tj otfaXivzi fxrjdsy nadEiv artjxsazov ; 8. 7jf^iv ds nqog sy.dazi]v noXiv dnoxe- xivdvvEvaszai rd ts lorifxaza xai ai \pv'^aL xai zvyovzsg fisv noXiv Eqi&aofXEvr^v TzaQaXa^orrsg zijg etteizu Tzgoaodovy di* t^v lO'/vo- fisv, zo Xoinov 6ZEQt]GEGd^Ej Gt^ciXivzEg ds TzoXsfAiovg TTQog zoTg vnaQ'/^ovGiv E^ofiEV xal ov XQOvov roig vvv xa&sGzr^xoai dti i'^dQoTg dv&iGzaG&aij roTg oiy.Eioig ^vfiud^^oig TzoXsin/jGOfiEv, XL. ovxovv dn 7iQ0\}Eivai EXnida ovzs X6yq> nicziiv ovzs XQW^^'^' f^vriziiv, cos ^vyyi-c6fi7]r dfiaQZEiv dv&QcoTztvcag Xtjipovzai. dxorzsg filv ydq ovx E^XaxpaVf Eidozeg ds inE^ovXsvGuv ' ^vyyroofiov 5' iffzl to dxovGiov. 2. tyo} fASv ovv xai tozs tzqwzov xal vvv diafidyo^ai firj ^szayvwvat vfidg T« 7T()od£doyfiEva, fi7]ds tqigI TOig d^vpiq:OQ03Tdzoig zy dqiXi, oixzcp xal r^dorij Xoycov xal imstxEia, dfiaQzdvEiv. 3. tXsog te yaQ LIB. III. CAP. XLI. XLII. 141 ago^ Tovg ofioiovg dixaiog avrididoa&ai, xac (iij ngog rovg ovz avicixTiovvzag f| ardynTjg rs y.ax^eaiojiag aei 7zo7.£}iiovg' ol ra rtQTJOvreg Xoyco Q/jzoQsg t^ovai y.ai iv ulXoig iXccaaoaiv dyava, xal fitj iv cp 7] fi£v TzoXtg ^Qaita. tja&EiEi d^vrerog fitv, si dlXco ttvl riytliai tzeqi tov fi^XXovTog dvvazov thai y.ai fit] f{X(f.avovg q^Qaaaij 8(aq)tQ£i d' avTWf ei ^ovX6f4,8v6g ri ala'^QOv Ttuaca ev fih eiTzeiv ovx av riynrai tteqi zov firj xaXov dvvaa&ai, ev 8s 8ia^aXoiv ixnXij^ai av Tovg re dvTEQOvvzag nai \ovg dxovaoixtvovg. 3. y^aXeTzcozazoi ds Kcu 01 £711 XQW'^'^^'' TTQOGxazTjyonoi'vzeg snidEi^LV riva. el fisv yccQ dixad^iav aazrjzioovzo, 6 fi)] nsiaag d^vvEzoozEQog dv do^ag Eivai rj ddrA(6zEQog dnE^coQEi. ddixiag 5' ImqEQOiih^g nsiaag re vnonrog yiyvEzai, nai fit] tvfjoiv iiEzd d^vvEGiag aal ddixog. 4. ?] zs noXig ov'A cocfEXeTzai ev T(p zoi^8e' qio^co yaQ dnoGZEQEXzai zcoy ^vfA^oV' X(ov. y.ai ttXeigt dv oq&oTzo ddvvdzovg 7.EyEiv E)^ovaa zovg 'Zo\ ovrovg zav tioXizojv' eXd/^iaza yaQ dv TTEia&Eir^aav dfiaQzdyE'v. 5. '/^Qij ds zov ixsv dyadov noXixiiv jte/} E'Aq)0^ovvza zovg dvzEQOvvzag dX)^ duo zov iaov qiaivEaOai d^iEivov Xtyovza, zrjv ds ampQova ao- Xiv T

ial v7i07izEvt]zai usQdovg fuv evexu, zd ^tXztaza fi' oficog XtyEiVj qOoviqaavzEg zlqg oh ^s^a^lov donrjaEoig zojv y.SQdcoVj zr]v cpavEQdv (xx^iXsiav zr^g noXscog dcpaiQovfXE&a. 2. aa&tazr^xE ds zdyaO^dj dnb zov EvOtog XsyofXEray ni]dsv dvvnonzozEncc thai « zmv xaxcoa', cocjzfi dsiv ofioioag zov zs zd dsivozaza ^ovXofisvov tteT- aaij dndzri TiQoauyEG&ai to nXTjOog, aal zov zd dfzsivoa XtyovzXj \pEvad(A.EV0Vy TTiazov yEvsa&ai. 3. fi6vf]v is noXiv did tag TZEotvoiag EV noujaai ek tov TZQoqjavovg fi)] i^anazijijavza ddvvazov ' b ydq didovg qiavEQOjg ri dyadov dvd^vnonzEvEzai dq)avoog nr] nXsov t^eiv. 4. y^Qrj ds TiQog zd fxtyiaza, y,ai ev zcq zoirnds d^iovvzi, fjf^dg nsQai- TEQCO TT^ovoovvzag Xsysiv vucov zmv 5t' oXiyov Gyonovvzcov^ aXXojg zs xai vTTEvd'vvov ztjv naQaivEciv lyovzag nQog dvsvd^vvov r/jv {\ue- ztQuv dy.Qoaaiv. 5. ft yaQ o ze nslaag y.ai 6 snianofiEvog bfioiojg sBXdnzovzo, GOiCfQOVtazEQOv dv Ihqivezs. vvv de ^Qog oQyTjv tjvziva LIB. III. CAP. XLIV. XLV. 143 rv)^rirs Eaziv ore ag^aXe^'Teg 7r]v rov nEiaavrog fiiav yvcoii7]v ^yfii' ovrSj aai oh tag vfxeTtQag avzav, at noXXai ovaai ^vrE^ijfiaQTov. XLIV. /j'co ds naQijl&ov ovis artEQ^v ttsqI ]\IvTi7.jjvaicov ovrs }iaTT]yoQi^acov. ov yag tibqi ryg iaeivoDv ddiniag 7jfiiv 6 ayar, al Ga>- q.iQOvovf^Ev, aXla tisqi zljg fifiersQag ev^ovXiag. 2. r^v rs ykq ano- qnivco navv ddixovptag aviovg, ov dia tovzo aat aTroxreivai aeXev^ (Tco, ei fiij ^vfA(feQOv' ijv ts xal iiovTag ri ^vyyvcofirjg eJeVj si rj noXs: uf] dya&ov giaiPoiTO. 3. vofiit^co ds nsQi lov fisXXovzog Tjfidg fidX- Xov §ovXsvs(j&a4 ij jov naqovTog. x«t tovro o fxdXiara KXscov loiv- Qi^srai ig rb Xoitzov ^vficpsQOv sasa&ai TTQog to ijcaov dqn'aracj&ai ■&dvaTovQ)]fuav TZQO&slai, vioi avzog nsQi tov ig to f^sXXov yiaXaig s'j[ovTog dvTi(j)[VQi^6fisvog rdvavria yiyvvv vfASZSQav OQyrjv ig MvTiXr]vaiovg zd/a dv iniandaaiTO ' ijixsTg ds ov dixa^o- fis&a TiQog aviovg, ojgts rmv diaaimv dsiVf dXXd ^ovXsvoixsO^a nsQi avzcov, oTzcog j^Qijuificog s%ovaiv. XLV. iv ovv zaig ttoXsgi noX- X&v davazov ^rjfiia nQO'ASitai y.ai ov'a lacov rmds dXX iXarjGorcov ufxciQTTjfidzcov ofxag ds, 71] iXnldi dnaiQoixsvoiy mvdvrsvovai not ovdsig 7T(o, aazayrovg savzov jxij 7isQisasa{)ai T(p ini^ovXsvfiaTij i]Xx^sv ig to dsirov. 2. TZoXig rs dcpiazafitv)] zig nm ^(jcjoo tiq do- 7ir^asl s/^ovaa rijv TzaQaGHSvrjv /} oiasiav ?] dXXcov ^vfifiapa lovzo^ ETTSXEiQi^as ; 3. nscpv'Aaai zs dnavzsg nai Idia ^ai dr^^ioaia dficiQ- zdvEiv, xal ovx Edzi vo^iog 06Zig dnEiQ^Ei zovrov, ins] dis^sXr^Xv- {^aai ys did nacjav zav ^ijfiiav ot uvOqcottoi TTQoazL&ivzsgy siTZCog ijaaov ddrAoivzo vno zmv naaovQycov. xui siy.bg zb ndXai zoiv fxs- yiatoav ddixrjfidzcov ixaXaaoiZEQag usia&ai avrdg, TzaQa^aivofttrcov ds TQj ;f«o»'Qi ig zbv ddvazov at noXXai av?]KOvai ' xai zovzo ofxosg naQa^alvEzai. 4. ?} zoivvv dsivozsgov zi zovrov diog evqetsov i(jz]v 7] zods ys ovdsv inlaisiy d7X rj iisv nsvia drdyy.rj zt]v zcXfiav naQSiovua, rj 5' i^ovoia v^qei zriv nXsovs^lav ytai (fQorrjfiazi, ai d' dXXai ^wzvpai ogyrj zojv dvO^Q^^nuiv, wg sxaazt] zig aazi'^szai V7Z dvjixiazov zivhg y,Qsi66ovog, i^dyovaiv ig zovg mvdvvovg. 5. rj 7S iXTilg aal 6 SQOig in\ navzlj o ^sv riyovixsrog, rj 5' icpsnofiivriy x«f 6 iilv zr]v im^oXriv inqiQOvzil^cov, rj ds zijv svnoQiav zrjg zi)^}^g VTTori&sTaa nXsXma ^Xdmovaij "aoi ovza dcpavri y.osiaaco iozi tw» 14^ • ooTKTJiJor :E:rrrPA^rUY. GQcofisvcov deivoov. 6. ii]]r(X)g yaQ tariv ore TzaQiGzaiiivri aai i>i tav vTiodsEGttQCov y.Lvdvvsveiv iiva TTQodyeij aai ov'/^ riaaov rag no- Xsig, oaqi TztQi rav fX8yi6icoVj il£v{}eQiag ?] dXXcov cLQfjigy nat jM£t« 9ICCVTC0V Exaatog aXoyiazcog ini nXtov ti avtov ido^acev. 7. dnXag re dbvvatov y.al noXXrig eirjd^eiag, oazig oierai zrjg dvO^Qconeiag q^vdEcog 6pfxoo^Evt]g TZQO&vfioag ti Tzgd^ai dTtotQomqv ziva e)^eiv ij poHcov iGivi 1] dXXo^ TCf) dEiv^. XLYI. ovxovv XQV oi^7£ 70V d^a- vdrov Ty t,ri^icc cog EX^yyvqi maTEmavTag, x^^Q^^ ^ovXEvaaa&aif ovts dvEXniarov i^araazriaai zoTg dnoazccGiv^ cog ova iazai fisza- yvwvai^ aai ozi iv [iQaxvzdzqi zr^v d^iaQziav aazaXvaai, 2. oas- xpccG&s ydq on vvv jU^V, //y zig xai aTZoazdacx, noXig yvc^ [irj tzsqi- sao/xEVT], eXO^oi dv ig ^vu^aaiv 8vvaz7] ovaa tzi zijv daTzdvrjv dno- dovpai xa« to Xomov vtzozeXeiv ' inEivcog dt ziva oiEa&s i]VTiva ovy, dfiEivov iiEv 7] vvv TiaQaoKEvdaaa&ai, noXioQma ze TzaQazEVEi- a&ai ig zovaxctzov, si zo avzo dvvazai (J/oIg x«f taxv ^vf.(§JjvaL ; 3. nuTv ZE Tzmg oh §Xd§ri banavdv na&t]fiEvoig did zo d^vfi^azoVj KOL rjv sXcofiEv noXiVj iqj&aQfiEvrjv naqaXa^Eiv aai ZTJg TiQoaodov zo Xomov an alzr^g azEQEGd^ai ; lOXVOfXEv ds nqog zovg TToXsfiiovg Twds. 4. aazs oh dtnaazag ovzag dst 7]fidg fidXXov zav i^af^aQ- tavovzcov duQi^Eig ^XdnzEad^ai, 7] bqav OTZcog ig zov etzeizu xqovov fXEz-gimg TtoXd^ovzsg, zaig tioXeglv s^ofisv ig XQVH'^^^'^ Xoyov la^v- ovaaig ^f^^ct^ar, xai zrjv q)vXayJ]v fit] dm zmv vofioav zijg 8Eiv6z7]Tog d^iovv noiEiG&aif dXX dTzo zav eQycov ZTJg STZifiEXEiag. 5. ov vvv zdvavzia bqavzEg, ^v ziva iXEv&sQOv y.al §in dQXOfisvov, slxozcag TiQog ahzovo^iav dnoazdvza, ;fff(>ca(Ta)/i£0'a, ;fa?.«;ra5? olofiEd'a XQV' vai zijicoQEia&ai. XQ^ ^^ "^ovg iXsv&EQOvg ohit, dqjiazafiivovgj cgpo- dQa noXd^Eiv, dXXd ttqiv dnoazTJvai aqiodQa cpvXdacEiv ^ai fZQOHata' Xafi^dvEiv, oTioog fi7j8^ ig inivoiav zovzov imffiy ygazTJaavzdg zs ozt in iXdxKJtov Z7]v aliiav iniqisQEiv. XLVII. vf^iETg ds aH8\paa{^f. oaov dv Ka\ zovzo d^agzdvoizs KXicovi nsi&ofiEvot. 2. vvv fisv yuQ vfuv b d^fiog iv ndaaig zaTg noXsaiv Evvovg iazi, yal y ov ^vvacpi- Gzazai zoTg oXiyoig, 7] idv ^laa&rj vnaQXEi zoTg dnoazyaaai noXsftiog sh&vg, not z^g dvzixa&iazafi8Vi]g noXsojg zo nXij&og ^vfifiaxov 'iyov- zeg ig noXEfiov iniQXEO&E. 3. eI 8s diaq)O^EQETzE zov dJ^fiov zov Mv- ziXtjvaioov, og ovzs HEziaxE zJjg dnoazdasmg^ insidrj ze onXoov i/oa- LIB. III. CAP. XLVIII — L. 145 rr^asv, ixoov TzaQtdcoxs tj]v noXiv, ttq^tov iisv adixr^asze rovg f.leQys- rag nzeivovT^g, trtHza y.araaTijaeie zoTg dvraTOig toov av&QcoTrmv c ^ovlovtai fidXi6Ta' dqiKJtdvjeg yaQ tag noleig, zov dqtiov EvOvg ^vutxayov t'^ovai, nqodei^dvicov vf.icov ttjv avzTjv ^r^fiiav roTg is ddi- Y,ovaiv oiioicog usTc&ai aai toTg fiiq. 4. beX ds nai ei fiduTjauv ^u// 7TQ067ToieiaO-aif oncog o ^lovov Tjpuv 'hi ^vfi^a^ov ian (xtj TioXe^iov ysrijTai. 5. nai rovto tzoXIo) ^vi^cpOQcozsQOv yyovfiai ig tr^v y,d- •&E^iv 77Jg dQiijg, t'AOvzag r^idg ddixj^d^ijvai i] dmaicog ovg iiij del diaqj\}eTQai' xal to KXtcovog to avib dixaiov nal ^v{xq)OQOv TTJg TifiOjQiag ovyi svQiansTat iv avz^ dvvazov ov d/xa ylyvEad^ai. XLVIII. viiEig bs yvovzsg d^Eivoa zdds thai aa] fxrjzs oixzco nXi- ov vEifiarzEg firjz' EniEiKEia^ o'lg ovds iyo) i(5 TTgoffdysadai, an av- zoJv de zoov TzaQaivovi^iEvcoVy nEi&EadE [loi Mvziljjvaioov ovg fiEv nd)^r}g aTZETTEfxipEv cog ddtxovvzag ■Hqlvai itaO^ ijaviiavy zovg 5' aklovg idv olkeTv. 2. zdds ydq tg ze zo fitllov dya^d y.ai zoTg TioXEfiioig Tjdr] cpo^Eqd' oazig ydq ev §ovXEVEzai nqog zovg Ivavzi- ovg KQEiaamv egziv tj [a.ez tgycov iaivog dvoia etzicov. XLIX. Toiavza ds 6 /Jiodozog eJjze. qtj&eioojv ds zoov yvGJ- [imv Z0VZO3V fidXiaza dvzmdXcav TZQog dXXijXag ol ^Ad^iivaioi tiX&ov fisv ig dyojpa ofimg zijg do^ijg y>ai iysvovzo iv zy x^fQOZovia dyfca- HaXoi, ixQdzTjds ds ?/ zov /iiodorov. 2. xat zqiriqij svx^vg dXh]v dniaiEXXov aaza anovdriv, OTZcog [xij q)d'aadayg z^g dEvziqag sv- QC061 di£q}\}aQfi8t7jv ztjv noXiv ' ttqoeIj^e ds rili^Qo, koc/ vvail fidXi- cza. 3. 7TaQa6X£vaadvzo3v ds zav MvziXrjvaimv nQsa^Eoav zri vijl olvov y.ai dXcpiza yai fisydXa vnoaiOfAsvcov, el cpddaaisv, iytvEZO O7T0vd)j zov 7t7.ov zotavzri, cocjze riU\)i6v ze, ajjia iXavvovrsg, onqi :tal iXaicp aXqiiza 7TEq)VQa{A,Eva, nai ol fxsv vtzvov tiqovvto ^azd fit'Qogj at ds riXavvov. 4. yazd zvy^v ds nvEVfjiaTog ovdsvog ivav- ziwi^ivzogy y.ai ztjg [a.ev nqoziqag vscog ov 67iovd^ nXEOvarig im Tzqayfia dXX6y,ozor, zavzr^g ds zoiovzw zqotzco i7ZEiyofi£vr]g, rj [xev 8(p&aaE zoaovzov oaov IIdir]za dvEyvcoaivai zo ifj^qucfxa, nal fiiX- Xsiv dqdasiv zd dsdoyfiivaf tj 5' vaziqa avzijg inmazdyEzai -aai diExcoXvas fxi] diaqt&EiQaL naqd zoaovzov fisv rj MvziXrivi] i]Xd-s y.ivdvvov. L. rot;? 5' dXXovg dvdgag ovg 6 Tld'/rig dninEiixpEv cog jtizicazdzovg ovzag z7jg dnoaidaEcog KXicovog yvcofxri diiq)d^EiQav ol *j4&7]vaioi' ijaav ds oXi'yq) nlEiovg iiXlcov. y.a\ MvziXr^vaicov "zsix^ 7 146 ooTKTJiJor ZTrrPA^iHS. Ha&CiXoy y,at fovg naQiXa^ov. 2. vazeQov ds qoQov [ilr ova hu" iE,av udsa§ioig, ali'^QOvg ds noiriaavzeg jlqg yjjgy nliiv zijg M^^v- p.vaioav, TQiayi7.iovg TQiaxoGiovg fitv zoig '&eoTg tsoovg i^EiXov, etzI ct« zovg u).}.ovg aqjav avzcjv y^Xr^Qov^^ovg jovg Xafoviag aninm- xpav' oig aQyvQiov Aia^ioi ra^dixevot rov xXtJqov saccgtov rov Ivi- avzov dvo fxvag qjiqeiv, avzol siQyd^ovTO tijv yfjy. 3. naqila^ov ds xai la iv 7ij '^tzsiqcij noXiafiara ol 'AOrivaXoi oaoav Mviikr^vaXoi fXQaTOvr, y.ai vtzijxovov vcteqov ^AO^t^vaioov, rd fisv xazd AtG^ov ovtcog lytvstQ. LI. 'Ev bs TO) avTQ) d^sQEi ^std Trjv Atu^ov dXcoaiv ^A&iivaloiy Ni'AiQV Tov NmriQazov azQazT^yovvzog, lazQazsvaav IttI Blirmav Ttjv vjjaov, 7/ xeTzai tzqo MsyuQcov iygoovzo 8s avt'^ Tzvgyov Ivoi- 'Aodofi/faaPTsg ol MsyaQTJg q)QOVQiq>. 2. i^ovXsTO ds Ni'Aiag rrv (fvXay.)jv avzo&ev di* sXaaaovog roTg 'Ad^r^vaioig, xal firj dno tov BovdoQOv yal ri^g JSaXaf-dvog eivai, zovg rs ntXonorvr^aiovg, OTzcog iirj noio^'zai ay.TzXovg avzo&sv XavOdvovzsg zqijiqcov zSy o'lov yal zo TTQiv yarouEvov, yai Xrjazcov Ey,noiiTtaigy zoTg zs MsyaQEvaiv u^ua ^tjdsv EGTzXtiv, 3. sXo3v ovv duo zijg Ni6aiag tzqojzov dvo ni'Qyca TZQOtjovze fxiiiavaig ix 'daXdaai]g, nai zov sanXovv ig zo f^sza^v zi^g T^aov iXevx^EQcoaagj d7TEZEi)[its y.ai zo ek zijg tjtieiqov, jj yazd yscpvqav did zsrdyovg Im^ori&Eia jjv zy fjjacp, ov noXh disyovarj zr^g ijnEiQOv. 4. ag ds zoyzo i^EiQydaavzo iv ijiugaig oXt'yaig, vars- Qov dq yai ev zJi viqaop ZEiyog iyxazaXiTTOJV xai qgovgdv dvsycoQr^as ZM 6ZQazm. LII. 'Ttio ds zovg avzovg yijovovg zov ■i}EQOvg zovzov yai oi nXazairigy ovhezi tyovzeg oizov, ovds-'dvvdfiEroi TioXiOQyEiad^aij ^v- vE^rjaav zoTg nsXonovvj^aLOig zoioyds zQomp. 2. nQoaa^aXov uv- zmv z^ TEiyEij ol ds ovx idvravzo dfivvEdO^ai. yvovg ds 6 Aaxs- dai^onog aQycov zrjv daOivEiav avzmv ^in ^sv ovu e^ovXezo sXtXv' eiQrifitvov yuQ ijv avz^ ek Aaxsdai^oyog, onmgy si anovdai yiyvoiv- zo 7Z0ZS TTQog 'AOr^vaiovg, y.ai ^vyymnoTEv oaa TZoXs'fico ywQia syov- aiv sy.dzEQOi dnodldoaOai, luj dvddozog sit] rj UXdzaia chg avzcop SAOPZcov TTQoaycofirjadi'zcjv ' TZQoaTitfiTiEt ds avzoTg yriQvua Xayorzaf El ^ov)jovzai TZccQadovrai zi;v noXiv sy.orzEg zoTl, AaAEdai^ioriotg x«i diaaazaTg ixshoig y^QYiaaoOaij zovg zs ddlnovg 'AoXdi^Eiv^ naqd diytjf 5« ovdt'va. 3. zoaavza fJih 6 xi^qv^ eItiev' ol dt', ijcjav yuQ jjdrf if LIB. Hi. CAP. LIII. LIV. 147 tcp «o-L^iri'(Tr«Trp, nciQedoaav 7r]v noXiv. 'Aai zovg nXaraitag trQs- qov ol TliiloTTOvv^Gioi rifAbQag mvag, Iv oo(o ol in rijg ^a-AedaifAorog di'Aaaraiy Tzevie avdQsg, aqirAOVTO. 4. il&ovTOiv ds avroiv y.azijyo- Qia fdv ovdsfiia TiQoeit&i], v^Qcotcov ds avzovg iTziaalEadfiEvoi togov- zov fiopov, El 11 ylaxEdaiuoviovg aal tovg ^vfxfidxovg iy t^ noh'i^cp TO) Ha&EaTOjri dya&ov ri Eigyaaiiivoi elaiv. 5. ol 5' tleyoVf aliri- 6u}JLevoi fjiaxQOTSQa eitieIv, nal TrQord^avTsg acjpcav avz^v ^Aarv^a- fov 78 70V 'AacoTZoXdov aal Ad'Acova rov 'AsifivrjazoVf tiqo^evov ovza AaxEdaifion'oov. yiai STZEl&ovzeg tleyov roiads. LIII. Triv {xsv TzaQadoaiv zijg noXEoag, oj Aa-AEdaifionoi, ni- rzEvaavzEg vfiTv irzoiTjadfiExya, oh roidvde dixi^v oiofisvoi vcpt%EiVi vofiifiaztQav ds ziva EaEa&ai, aai ip diaaazaTg ova ev dXloig de- ^df.iEvo(, aanEQ aai iafiEv, yEvic&ai r/ vfuvy rjov/xEvoi zb iaov fid- Xiaz dv q]tQsa{)ai. 2. vvv ds q)0^ovfiE&a fit] dfiqioTtQcov aua f]{iaQ- ztjxafiEV' 70V 7E yaQ dyoava tteqi 7^v dsivozdzcov elvai Eiaozayg VTIOTZZEVOflEV HOI Vfi.dg flT] OV XOlVol d7Z0^7]ZEy ZE'AfiaiQOflEVOl 7TQ0- •narriyoQiag 78 rifJimv oh nQoy8yEvr]f4Evtjg ri )^Qt] dvzEinEiVy dl)! ah70t Xoyov yzijad^Ed^a, to rs EnEQcozruxa §QC^X^ ^^f ^ "^^ f^^^ dXi]Ori dno'AQivaod^ai Ivavzia yiyvEzai, ra ds \pEvdq slsy^ov syEi. 3. nav- za'/^o&Ev ds dnoQOi y>a&E6zojz£g dvayxa^o^Ex^a :iai dacfaltazsQov donEi slvai EiTzovzag 7i -AivdvvEVEiv ' xai yccQ 6 fit] Qr]{yEig Xoyog 7oTg oad' tyovaiv alziav dv naqdayoi ag el iXty&t^f aa)7j]Qiog dv rjv, 4. yaXsncjg ds sysi rj[ATv TZQog 7oTg dXloig xai rj TZEiOoi. dyvrnzsg fisp yuQ oprsg dXlrjlmv ETZEiaevEyxdiiEvoi [xaQivQia cop dnsiQOi 7]ts cocpElovfisO^ dp' vvp ds TZQog Eidozag ndvza Xsli'^ETaij 'aoI dtdifXEv GV'/l fXT] TTQOKazaypopzEg rjfimp 7dg aQEzdg ipaovg slvai 7ap vj^szs- QCx>v synXr^fia avzb TTOitjzs, dXXd fxrj dXXoig x^Qtv cpsoovzEg im di8- yraafitvriv agiaiv ^adiazco^E&a. LIV. naQE'piiEvoi ds ofimg a fj[0^£v di'y.aia TZQog 7S t« 0)]^ai(x)y didqjOQ/z nal ig vfidg hoi 70vg alXovg EXXjjvag 7av ev dEdQaafxtvcov VTZofivyaiv noiriao^Eda xat TTEidsiv TZEiQaaofiE&a. 2. (pafisp ydg nqog to EQCDzr^fia to ^Qctyv, El Ti AaxEdaifioviovg xiu zovg ^vfifidyovg ep tw noXEfiqi 7q)ds dya- dhv 7i£7TOi^AafA.Ev, El fisp cog TzoXeftiovg FQcozdzEj ovK ddrAEi'aOai I'Udg fxri ev Tza&ovzag, qjiXovg ds vof^iXopzag avzovg dixaozdvEiv udXXov zovg ijfup ETZiaTQCiZEvaapzag. 3. zd 5' ep zy EiQip'y xai jTQog 70P Mi'jdov dyadoi yEysvtjfiEda, T//r fih' oh Xvaavrsg vvv 148 eoTKrJiJor srrrPA0H2. TiQotEQoiy TO) be ^vvETTi&efiSvoi TOTS BQ iXevd^SQiav Tjjg ^EXXddog fiovoi BoicoT(^v. 4. aai yccQ iiTieigojTat re bvzeg ivav^a](^Tiaa^ief ill 'Aqtbhioic^, f^^XV ^^ ^5 ^y '^Xi J?iM«7i(>« yxi yevofisvy TzaQsyevo- fisO^a vf4iv 7E nai JJcLvaavia' ei zt 7i alio v-ax ixeivov top yQO- fov iytpeio iTiimrdwov zoTg '^EXXtjgIj Ttdvtcov naqa dvvafiiv fisit- axofASV- 5. xa« vfiTv, ca Aa'Aebaifiovioii idia, ote tzeq 8f] fxbyiarog q)6§og fttQiiffir] tz/j' JEnaqxriv- fisza tov aEiauov rav ig ^I&wuVfV FA- Xtoimv 0.71061 dvscov J to tqiiov fXEQog ijfiav avzojv i^ETiEfixpafiEv ig ETZinovQiaV (xtv ovTc Eixog df^v?]fiovEiv. LV. ytal za fisv naXaik xai fiEyiaza zmovzoi rj^icoaafiEv ehai, nolt^ioi ds iyEvofiE&a vuzE' gov. vfiEig ds a^^/or dsofAtvcov yag ^vfi[Aa)[iag ots Qrj^aioi rjiidg E^idaavzOj vfisii diTEaaaa&s x«« ngog 'A&r^vaLOvg ekeXeveze zga- nsGy^ai ojg iyyvg 4vzag, vfjLwv ds fiangav dnorAOvvzcov. 2. Iv {itv- rOl T^ TloXEfiqi tvdsv ixTZgETZEatEgOV VnO TJlimV OVtS ETzd^EZE ovis ifiEXhjaazE. 3. el 5' dnoazTJvai'A&tjvaLov ovk ij^sXijaafiEv vfiav nsXEvadpzoov, ova ijdi'AOVfiEv ' aal yag eheivoi i^ori&ovv rjfAiv ivavria Orj^aioig ozs i'^s^g aTZcoxrEiTEj y.ai ngodovvai avrovg ovy.sti ?]v y.uXov, dXXcog rs y.QU o'vg sv Tza&cov ztg y.ai aviog dsofisvog TTgoatj- ydyszo ^v^fid^ovg 'aoi noXizsiag iisztXa^Ev, livai 8s ig za nagay- ysXXofXEva siHog 7]v Tzgo&vficag. a ds SKdzsgoi i^riyEia&E zoTg ^vfi- fxd'/^oigy 0V1 01 STZOiitvoi al'zioi ei zi [x?] aaXag idgdzs, dXX ol uyovzsg im za fit] ogOoog sy^ovza. LVI. Qrj^cdoi ds jzoXXa (aev xal dXXa Tjfidg TjdiHTjaav, zo ds zeXevzolov avzoi ^vnaza^ di* ansg yai zdds ndaioiiEv. 2. noXiv yag avzovg zjjv ruiEzsgav aazaXafi^ydvovzag iv GTZOvdaig, y>al Ttgoaszi iEgo{xr]via, og&ag izifji(og7]GdfiE&a, naza zov naai fouov aaOscFzaza, zhv iniovza TZoXtfiiov oaiov shai dfiv- vsa&aij aal vvv ova av sixozcog 5t' avzovg ^XanzoifXE&a. 3. slyag r^ avzUa XQ^^^f-^ vficjv ze aal iasivcov TZoXsixiq) zo diaaiov Xr>- \psax}Ej zov fiEv ogdov qjavslaOE ova dXrj&Eig agizal ovTsg, zo da ^vfiq)Egov fxaXXov ■&sga7TEvovz£g. 4. aaizot si vvv vfXLV cocptXiixoi doaomiv slvai, tzoXv aal ijfJLElg aal ol aXXoi '^EXXr^vsg fxaXXov zozs ozE iv fXEiXovi aivdvvq) ?]ze. tvv fxsv yag szt'goig vfisTg inigyiEaO^s dsivoi' iv iasivq) ds z(p aaigco, oze ndai dovXsiav inscpEgEV 6 §ag- §agog, olds fXEz avzov i^aav. 5. aal diaaiov j]fAav zJjg vvv afiag' Tiagy El dga ruidgzrizai, dvziOsTvai zyv zozs Tigod^vniaVj aai fui^ai ze ngog iXdaato evg^aeze aal iv aaigoXg olg ondviov r^v zoov 'EXXq- LIB. III. CAP. LVII. LVIII. 149 .mv tifcc uQETtjv 77] BtQ^ov dvvdfisi avTiid^aaO^at, imjvovvTo ta uttXXov 01 fj-fj Tcc ^vjiCfOQCi n()og Tt]v ecpodov avzoTg daqialeia nqda- 60VTEg, i&tXovTsg ds ToXfidv fXEza yirdvvoiv tcc ^tXriata. 6. cav tjfitig Ysvofievoij aai 7ifi7]{)^i'vTsg ig id tiq^tu, vvv Ini tolg avtoig dtdifxsv fit] dtaq)daQafiev, 'A&7]vaiovg iXofXEvoi dmaimg fidXXov ?] Vfidg xEQdaXicog. 7. aaiioi iqij ravrd tteqi ra)v avrmv of^oicog q)UivE(j&ai yiyvcoaxovragj xai lo ^vf^q)EQOv fxrj dXXo ti i>o[A,iaai, ?/ twv ^vfifidxonv ToTg dya&oTg, ozav aEi ^t'^aiov zriv i<^Qiv rTjg aQSTijg Eimai Koi to naqavtUa nov rjfuv aqjEXifiov nad^iai'fjTai. LVII. nQoa'AExpaadi ze oti vvv fisv naQd^Eiyfia toTg noXXoig tcov 'EXXtj- i>o)v dvdQaya&iag vo(il^eg&e ' el ds tzeqi ijix^v yvcoasad^E fi?] za Elx6\;a, ov ydq dqjavi] ^qiveTzs rijv dixTjv TTjvdSf ETzaivoviAEvoi ds tteqi. ovd^ rjfiojv fXE(i7itmVj OQCCTS OTicog fiTj ovH dno^E^oavtai afdQojv aya- ■&av TZEQi avtovg dfiEivovg ovtag dnqETTEg t« iTziyvoovai, ov8s TZQ^^g lEQOig toTg noivoTg aavXa dno Tjfioov toov EvsQyerojv TTJg 'EXXadog dvaze&tjvaL 2. 8eivov bs 86i,Ei Eivai TlXdzaiav udanEdaifioviovg fioQ&tjaai, xcce lovg f-iEv nazEQag dvayqdxpai ig tov ZQiTZoda top iv /JsXcpoTg 5t' aQEZTjv zrjv noXiv, vfidg ds nai in navzog tov 'EX- Xrjvmov Tzavoiarjaia did Ori^aiovg i^aXsTipai. 3. ig tovzo ydq drj ^vfiqiOQug 7rQoxE)[^coQ^}(afiEVj ohivsg Mi'idcov re KQaztiadvrmv dnoX- XvfiE&ay 'Aoi, vvv iv viuv roTg nqiv qiXzdzoig Qri^aicov TjcacofiEd^cc, nai dvo dymvag zovg fisyiazovg VTZEarrjfAEv, zozs fisvy ttjv noXiv «* uri naqidofXEVf Xifi^ diacpdaQjjvaij vvv ds d^avdzov y.QivEa&(x.i. 4. xa« 7TEQiE(6GfA.Ed^a £x Tzdvzcov llXazaiijg 01 naqd dvvafiiv TtQO&Vfioi ig zovg "EXXrivag sQTjfioi nal dzificoQTjzoi' y>ai ovze zav zozs ^vfi- ud^cov (aq^sXEi ovdsig, vfXEXg ze, (a udaHsdaifiovioi, rj [lovtj iXnig, didifiEv [XTj ov ^t^aioi ijze. LYIII. naizoi d^iovfiEV ys, aai -Oeojv EVEna zoov ^vfifia^iHoov tiozs yEvofiEvoav, ytai ZTJg aQETijg trig eg zovg "EXXrivag xaixq)d^rivai vfidg nai fiEzayv^vai ei ti vno Orj^aiojv iTTEiaOrjZE, z?jv ts dcoQsdv avzanaizTJaai avzovg fit] hzeiveiv ovg fit] vfxiv TiQETZEi, Gc6q)Qovd ts dvzl aiaxQdg nofiiaaa&ai ^dqiVj aai fit] rjdovT]v dovzag dXXoig aamav avzovg dvziXa^Eiv' 2. ^Qct^v yaQ zo zd fifitzEQa acofiaza diacp&EiQaiy Ittitzovov ds zrjv dvaaXsiav avzov dqaviaa-i. otx ijd^Qohg ydq ijfidg EiHOzcog zificoQriH2. f£ iXd^STS Kcu yeiQag 7TQol'(7)[Ofitvovgy 6 ds vo^iog 7oTg '^Eklr^ai f4\ XTsivsiv TOv^oi'Sy hi ds }icu evsQyttag ytyEvrnxhovg 8ia navjog. 4. anopAxpate yaQ ig naxtQmv zmv v/astsqcov d^/jxag, ovgj oltto^ ^avovrag vno Mtjdcov aai jaq)svzag iv zy rj^eitQa, izifjiafitp xara hog Exaazov drjfxoGia ia&/ifA,a(Ti zs not zoig alloig vofii- fioig, oaa zs 7] y7] T/fimv avsdidov coQaTaf Tzdvrmv anaQiag eni- q^tQdvzEgj avvoi fih in q'lXiag i^Qag, ^v^jiaioi 8s Ofiai'xfioig tiots ysrofitvoig. cov vfjieig zovvavziov av dQaaaize, fi?] oQO^^g yvovtsg. 5. Gxtipaad^s ds' Uavaaviag fisv yuQ 'i&anzsv avzovg ro^i^cov iv y7j z£ qiilia zi&svai nai Ttag ardQccGi zoiovroig ' v[isTg 8s el v.zs- vsizs 7]fiag y.al ycoQav zr/v JlXazauSa Qri§ai8a noi^aEzSy zi aXlo 1] iv nolsfxia ze xai TzaQcc zoTg av&svzaig TzaztQug zovg vfxizs- Qovg aai ^vyyspaigy azifj-ovg ysQOJv cov vvv loxovai, ^{azaXaiipsze ; TTQog 8s 'Aal ytjv iv y rjX£v{^SQc60rjaav ol "EXXrivsg SovXojgsze, IsQa zs 'dsodv oig sv^dfiEvoi MfjScov iy.Qdzijaav igt^fiouzs, xal O^valag zag TzazQiovg zav kaaa^ivoav y.a\ 'aziguptcov dcfaiQiiasad^E. LIX. ov TiQog zTjg vfiszbQag 86^7jg, co ytansSaiixoi'ioi, zdSs, ovie ig za aoiva zav EXXijvcov rofiifia nai ig zovg TZQoyovovg dfiaQzdvEiVf ovzs Tj^dg zovg EVEQyhag, dXXozQiag tvsxa syO-Qag, /.o/ avzovg d8rAr^{^kvzag, 8ta(p&ETQai,, qjEicaa&ai Ss yial iTzixXaaOJjvni, zy yrco- ^H oiiizq-> G^qiQovi Xa^ovzag, [irj ojv TiEiaofiE&a fiovov 8£iv6zr^za :uizavoovvzagy uXX oioi ze uv bvzsg 7zdOoi[.iEv aal cog aGzd&fxi]-, zov zo zijg ^vf^qiOQcig, wzivi noz dr x«« dva^icp l^viinmoi. 2. riiiEig zSy cog ttqetiov ijfiiv y.ai dtg i) XQsla ngodysi, aizov^s&a vfidg, '&Eovg zovg ofiO^afAiovg aal noivovg zav 'EXXrivmv ini^o- mfiEvoi, TTEiaat za8sj TZQoqjEQOfiEvoi vQxovg ovg ol TzazsQsg i'//c5> MfioaaVy fxi] dfiV7]fiovEiv, ixhai yiyvousx^a vficov zmv TzazQcocov zd- q)a}Vj xat. iniviaXovixE&a zovg nE'Afyijjazag fxij yEvsa&ai vno Qi}- §aiotg ^ir^ds zoTg iyOiazoig cpiXzazoi ovzsg TzaQaSoO^Tjvai. ijfiiQag ZE uvafitfAVijaxofiEv ixEivrjgy rj zd XafinQOzaza fXEz* avzwv nod'^av- Tts, 7>vv iv zr^8e zd 8Eiv6zaza mv8vvevoiaev Tza&siv. 3. otzeq 8s dvayaouov ze aai yaXsTicozazov zoTg m8e ijovaiy Xdyov zEXsvzuVy 8i6n yai zov piov 6 y.ivSvvog iyyvg fiEz avzov, nav6f.iEvoi Xtyofisr I'^dfj ozi ov Orj^aioig naQsSofxev zijv noXiv, EiXofiEOa yuQ dv ttqo }'{•• zoviov zcp aiayiGTCp oX^Oocn Xiji^ zsXEvzJjaai, Vfup 8e ntazEvaav- Tsg TTQooi'iXyyofiuv yai 8rAaiov, si fxi^ 7tei&0{iev, ig zd avzd naza LIB. III. CAP. LX— LXII. 161 OT^carzas ^ov ^vvTviovia y.ivdvvov iaaat rjfiag avrovg 8)Jad^ai.t 4. i7zia}i7j7zzof.itv TS afia fx^, TIlaTauig ovtEg, ol TiQodviioraxoi mQi tovg "EXX7]vag yEvofxevoi, Of]^aioig, zoig rjfiiv ix^d^iazoig, in Tmv vfiSTSQCov "^EiQOiV noi TTJg vfisrtQag nicFTEcogj ixszai ovzag, oo /iaxadaifzovioi, maQadod^rjvai, yevtcOat ds Gcazygag Tj(i,oov nai fit] zovg aV.ovg "EXXr^vag iXev&SQOvvzag Tjfxag diolsaai. LX. Toiavza fisv ol Illazaiijg elnov. ol ds Qi]^aToi dsiaav- zeg TTQog zov Xoyov avzoov [A.rj ol udaKsdaifionoi zi ivdaai, TTaQsl- dovzeg 'iqiaaav aal avzol ^ovleai^ai EineXvy eTzsidr] xai iy.sivoig Ttaga yvmfiTjv zr]v avzcov f^axQozEQog loyog id6\)'7j zijg nqog zo tQCozii(Jia aTTOHQiGEcog. mg 5' ixtXevaaVf elEyov zoiddE. LXI. Tovg fjiEV 7,6yovg ovit av rizijadfiEd^a eitteTv, ei xai avzoi BQa^Emg z6 EQmzT^d^sv dTtEXQivavzo^ xat fi?] etzi ijiiag zqanouEvoi xazTjyoQlav iTzoujaavzo, xai tieqi avzcov e^oj zmv TiQO'AEiiAEvcoVy aai afia olds ^TtafxtvmVj TTolXtjv rtjv anoloyiav, Koi Enaivov cav '()vdE}g EfiEfixpazo. vvv ds TZQog fisv za dvzEinEiv SeT, zojv ds 'iXEy^ov noi-q-' caa&ai, Iva juijzs tj rjfiEZEQa avzovg y>ama (ocpsly fxr^zs rj zovzmv do^a, zo 5' dXi^Osg tieqi d^cpozEQcav daovffavzEg nQivrjiE. 2. rjfiETg ds avzoTg didqjogoi iysvoiiE&a ttqojzov, ozi, r^fiav aziadrzcov TI)A- zaiav vazEQOv zrjg dXkrig Boimziag^ aai aXXa x^Q^^ i"^^' avztjgj a ^viAfAiKzovg dv&QcoTTovg i^EXdaavzEg saxofiEv, om tj^iovv ovzoi, (aaTTSQ izdx^i] zo tiqo^zov, rjysixovEVSG&ai vcp rjfxav, s^ott ds zav aXXcov Boicozav naqa^alvovzEg za TzdzQia, ETTEid)] TTQoatjvayadl^ov- zo, TZQOGEiaQriGav TTQog 'A&rivaiovg y.ai {.iez avzav noXXd rjfidg E^XaTzzoVj dv\^ cov y.ai avzina^xov. LXII. iuEid)] ds y.ai 6 ^d.Q- SaQog r^X&Ev etzi ztjv 'EXXdda, (^aai fiovoi Boicoz^v ov fitjdiaai, y,ai zovzcp fidXiaza avzoi zs dydXXovzai y,ai Tjfidg XoidoQovaiv. 2. fjfiEig ds [X7]di6ai fiEV avzovg ov cfafisv diozi ovd^ '^&t]vaiovgj zy fisvzoi avzi] idea vgzeqov lovzcov "Ad^rivaicov sni zovg "EXXrivag fiovovg av BoiGizcov azzimaai. yiaizoi aatxpaaOa ev oicp eioei SHCCzsQOi r^fimv zovzo EUQa^av. 3. rjiuv ^sv ydg tj TioXig zoze szvyx^vEV ovzE y.az hXiya^x^av laovofxov TioXizsvovaa ovzs xaza dijixoxga- ziav ' OTZEQ ds EGZi vofioig fiEv Hat z^ ocoqjQovEGzdzq) ivavzimzazov, iyyvzdzoD ds zvQdvrov, dwaazsia oXiycov dvdq^v eI^e za TtQay uaza. 4. ttat ovzoi idiag dwdfisig iXTziGavzEg iizi [xuXXov (T/?/(T£«', SI '»■« zov M?jdov yQaz7JGE(s, xazt^ovzEg tV/vi zo TiX'ijO^og mriydyorV' 152 eOTKTAlAOT ATrrPAfJ^IIS. TO avTov ' x«< 7j ^vixTzaaa nohg ovh avTOXQarooQ ovaa iavzrjg rovt STTQii^sv, old' iiliov avTy ovetdiaai cap fxtj fisTO, vo^mv ijfUiQTev 5. lmid)i yovv o zs Mrfiog antjl&E xai jovg vofiovg eXa§s, aatxpa- G&ai yQti, l^'&Tjvaimv vategov imovKov, t)]v ts uV.tjv 'EXldda xai TTiv TifzereQav /ro^ccj; TZEiQcofttvcov vcp avToTg noieia&ai, xat* y^aicc ardaiv ifirj i^j^ovzcov aviTJg ik noXXd, eI ^layofJiEroi iv Koqco- vEia xaf vi'ATiaavTEg avrovg ■rjXEv&EQcoaaf.tEv zfjv BoicoTiav, xal Tohg aXXovg vvv TTQO&vfioog ^vvEXEv&EQovfisv, mnovg te naqEyovtEg x«< TZUQacxEVTjv oGtjv ov'A dXXoi rcov ^vf^ixdycov. 6. xal to, fisv ig tov fir]diafxov toaavTa dnoXoyovfiE&a. LXIII. w? 8e vfiEig fxaXXov -E rjdmtjy^aTE Tovg 'EXX7]vag K«t d^tmtEQoi iazE ^Tzdajjg ^tjfiiagj 7TEiQaa6fXE&a aTZOcpaivEiv. 2. iytvEG&E etu rfi ij^eteqci TifKOQia^ wg QpaiSy 'A&rivaioav^vfiiiayoi xai noXlzai. omovv yQijv ta Tigog riiidg ^lovov v(idg EndyEG&ai avrovg, nai firj ^vvETiievai fXEz avToJy aXXoig, vnaqyov ys vfAiv, ei zi xal axovzEg 7TQoaT]yE60s vn ^Ad^rivaicav, rijg zmv AaiiEdaiuiovmv zmdE Tq^ij Im t^ ^hjdcp Jt-^- fiu'/iag yEyEvri^Evr^g, riv avzol fidXiaza Tiqo^dXXEa&E ' ly^avrj yE 1]V flfiag ZE v/nav dnozQETZEiv 'Aoi zo fityiazov, ddsmg TzaQeyEiv ^ovXev- Ecd^ai. d7X EHOvzEg iiai oh ^la^ofiEvo^ hi eiXeo&e fxdXXov za "^O^j^vaimv. 3. xai XtyEZE cog aia)[Qbv ijv nqodovvai zovg svEQyszag ' noXv ds yE aiaxiov Kai adixcoTEQOv zovg ndvzag '^EXXT^vag aaza- 'TTQodovvaiy olg ^vvco[A,6aazE, rj 'A&rjvaiovg fiovovg, zovg fxlv xaza- dovXovfi&vovg zt]v 'EXXada, zovg ds iXEv&EQOvvzag. 4. aal ovh larjv avzoig zi]v y^dqiv dvzantdozE olds alayyvyjg aTiTjXXay^svrjv. vfiEig [A.EV yaQ ddixGVfXEvoi avzovg, cog cpazE, EnrjydyEa&E, zotg ds ddmovaiy dXXovg ^vvEQyoi aaztazjjzE. xaizoi zag ofxoiag idgizag iirj dvzi- didovai alaiQov fiaXXov tj zag fiEza dixaioGvvrjg fisv ocpEiXrj&Eiaagy ig adiMav ds aTzodiSo^svag. LXIV. dJjXov ze inoiriCjazE ovds TOTS zcov 'EXXtjvcav evEna fiovoi ov ^rjdiaavzEgj dXX oti ovd' *A&r]vaioi, v^Eig ds zoig filv zavza ^ovXofiEvoi noiEiVy zoTg ds zdvavTia. 2. ^ai vvv d^iovzE, dcp oov dt^ STtQovg fyt'vEax}8 aya&oiy ano zovrcov aopEXEiad^ai. dlX ovx Eixog, mgtteq da ^AQrivaiovg eiXeg&e, zovzoig ^vvaymvi^Ea&E. 3. y.al firj 7iQ0(fEQETE Ti]v zozE yEvofiE'r7]v ^vvcoij.oaiav cog j^qt] dii avzTJg vvv 6c6t,Eadai. auEXiTiEZE yaQ avtrjv aai na.qa^dvzEg ^vyxazEdovXovoOE fxdXXop Alyivrizag y.ai dXXovg zivag zcov ^vvofiocrdvzoov tJ diE'AcoXvEzs^ LIB. III. CAP. LXV. LXVI. 153 xai tavTU 0V7S axorreg 'iiovTug ts xovg vofxovg ovutzeq fit^rgi tov 8evQ0 xai ovdevog vfxdg ^laaafxtvov coaTZSQ rjfxag. tijv zelsvzaiav IS TiQiv 7Z8QizE(iit,ea&ai TTQoxlijarv eg ijovpav v(i6oVf (oars ixrjdaTs- QOig ufivvEiv, ova idtjea&s. 4. tiveg av vfxoQv 8iy:at6teQOv nuai Toig '^E).Xt]cn fiiaoivro, otzivEg stzi t^ ixEi'vcov y.aMp avdgaya&iav TiQoviyEG&E ; >ca^ k [.dv tzots ^QrjGTOi lyivEG&E, cog qjari, ov TZQoa- rixovza vvv ETZEdEi^ars, a ds t] cpvGig cle] e^ovXeto, E^rfkiy^O^i] ig to dXfjx^eg. [AETcc yaQ ^^dr^vaicov adtxor odov lovtoov ixcoQtjaazE. 5. Tct fxsv ovv ig tov yfiEiEQov T8 ay.ovaiov fiTjdiaf^ov xai tov vfiETEQOv 8K0VG10V atTiMaiiov TOiavTcc a7zoq)aivofiEv. LXV. a ds TElEvzatd q)azs ddixrjd^ijvai, noqavoixcog ydg eXOeiv j)fA,dg iv (JTTovdalg xai lEQOixijviaig ini tt/v v^etequv noXiv, ov vofiiZof^ev ovd' iv Tovzoig Vfxmv fidXXov dixagzEiv. 2. ei [aev yccQ r^fXEig avTOi TTQog T£ TTjv TzoXtv iXd^ovTEg ifA.a)(^6fi£&a '/cai Ttjv ytjv ibrjovfiEv aig TToXifiioi, ddiaovfiEV el ds avdQEg vfioov ol ttqojzol aai ^^QTjfiaai nal yivEi, ^iovXofiEvoi Tijg fiEV t^oa ^viifiu'ilag vfi-dg Tzavaai, ig ds TO, xoivd Tmv Tidvzoov Boimioov ndzQia yaiacTtjaai, iTZExaXiaavzo E'AOVTeg, Ti ddmoviiEV ; ol ydq dyovzEg naQavo^ovGi fiuXXov Tmv STiOfiivcov. 3. dXX ovx ixEivoi, cog ijfXEig hqivoixeVj ov\f r^fiEig' noXizai 88 ovtEg^ aaTZSQ vfiEigj xal tzXeico TzuQa^aXXofiEvoif to iavToov TETiog dvoi^avzEg itai ig ti]v avzojv tzoXiv qjiXioogj ov TToXEfiicogj aojiiaavTEgf i^ovXovzo Tovg te vfimv x^iQovg fij^Htzi uaXXov yEvia&aij TOvg ts dfisivovg tcc d^ia tx^iv, acoqiQOviGToc ovTEg T^g yvc6[i7]g Kai tcov GcofidTcov zrjv noXiv ova dXXozQiovvzEg, dXX ig Trjv ^vyyivEiav olxEiovvTEg, ijOgovg oldsvl xad^iGTdvTEg, dnaoi 5' ofioicog ivGTzovdovg. LXYI. TSXfi^Qiov ds cog ov noXsi-dcog in^dGGoixEV ' ovte ydg r^dix^GUfiEv ovdiva, tzqoeltioiiev te TOV ^ovXofJiEvov Ttaid Ta ndvTcov Boicozojv TzdzQicc tzoXiteveiv itvai TZQog ij^ag. 2. xai v^iEig aG^Evoi ^(^coQrJGavTEg aal ^vfi^aGiP noiriod^Evoi to [xsv nqcozov rjGvy^d^EzSj vgteqov ds HUTavorJGavjEg Tjfxdg bXiyovg ovzag^ si agcc xai idoxovfj,iv ti dvsniEVAEGTEQOV TTQu^ai ov ixsTo. TOV nXiq&ovg v^cov iGsX&ovTEg, to. ^iev ofxoia ova dvzanidoTS rifiTv, firJTS vEcoTsqiGai EQycpy Xoyoig ts tzeigeiv cogts e^eXOeiv, ini&efAEvoi ds naQa tijv ^vfi^aGiv, ovg {.isv iv .x^qgIv UTZEazEivaTEy ov^ ofioicog aXyovfASV aazd v6[xov yuQ d^ Tira tTrauxov' ovg ds x^lqag TTQoi'Gy^Ofiirovg aai ^coyQtjGavTsg V7Toox6f^i8- 154 eoTKTJiJor ATrrPA^nz. poi 78 TjfiTv vGTEQOv fiij xTEveTv TTaQavoficog di8q&£iQazs, Ticog 09 dtira EtnyaaOe ; 3. xai javza tqeTq adixiag iv hliyco TTnd^avTsgj rr^v 78 Xv0^8i6av ofioXoyiav aai 7av avdqmv 7ov vazfQOv {^dvaiof xat Tfiv 7I8QI avtav rjfiiv fitj yasivEiv xfjEva&ETaav vTzo&saiVy fjv ta er 7oTg dyQolg vfiTv (xtj ddixafiev, Ofxoag g;«7« Jjf^cig TzaQarofxJjaai xat alio] d^iov7S fij] dvzidovvai diHfjv. 4. ovHj tjv ys ovtoi za oqira yiyvcoG'ACoai' ndvTWv ds avzwv tvEna aoXaad^ijiJSods, [jXVII. yai ravTa, co ^anEdaif^ovioij 70vtov 8V8y.cc iTi8^tjX\yo^£Vf aai V718Q vfz^v nai ^jucoy, iva v/xsTg fisv 8idtjts dmaimg avimv xaza- yvcoa6ii8voif rjfi8Tg ds hi oaicozsQOV 787i[A.(OQ7jfisvoi, 2. xal firjTiaXai- ag aQsrag, 8i tig uqu y.ai 8y8V8T0, dacvovzsg i7ii>:laad?jT8y dg ^qij ToTg filv ddty.ovf^troig STzixovQovg 8haij 70ig ds alo'/qov 7i 5(jo5v3i diTzXaaiag ^r^fiiagj 07i ovk in 7iQoai]y.6vtmv d^aqzavovai. fDjds oXocpvQfio} xai oixtcp (Xi(f8l8ia&ajcciVj nmtQmv ts jdq)Ovg zmv vfiSTtQCov £7TiPoc6{ji8roi iiai 77jv c^fSttQav iQTjfiiav. 3. xai ydg ijfisTg drzaTTocpaiPOfiSv " noX).^ dsivozsQa 7za{}ovcrav zijv vno zovzav tjXiyuav Tjfimv Bisqi&aQfib'vriV, cov nuzsQsg ot fisv ngog vfidg tijv BoiojTiav ayovzsg d/is'&mov iv KoQmvsicCj ol ds nosa^vzai XeXei^- uivoi aai olmai sqtjixoi tzoIX^ drAaioziqav vfiwv [y.szsiav noiovvzai vovads zifimQi'jaaaO^UL. 4. oixzov zs d^mzsQoi zvyidvtiv oi dnqs- nsg 71 ndaxovzsg zmv drd^QcoTiosv ' ol ds dixaimg, aansg otds, zd ivavzia iniyaQzoi slvai. 5. yiai ztjv vvv igvifiiav di iavzovg siovai' xovg yuQ dfisivovg ^vfifid)[Ovg inovzsg aTzscoaavzo. TzantjvofitjCJdv €8 oh jiQona&ovzsg vq) ?)fimv, fiiasi ds nXiov i] dixy y.qivavzsg y.ai ova dvzanodovzsg fvv 7tjv lariv 7if^a}Qiav, 'ivvo^a yuQ nsiaoviai, icai ohyi in f^d)^t]g x^^Q^S TTQo'i'axofisvoi, ojaTzsQ q}aaiv, dXX dno ^vfi^dasajg ig dixT]v cqdg avzovg Tzaqadovjsg. 6. d^vvazs ovVy w AaxsdaifJiovioi, xai zo} zmv 'EXXr^voov voficp vno zcovds naoa^a- &8VZI, y.ai TjfxTv uvoficc na&ovciv dvranodozs y^Qiv dtxaiav coy iTQo&vfioi ysysvi^fisO^ay xal fi)] zoTg 7cjvds Xoyoig TisQicoa&mfisv iv VfiTv, TTOiijaazE ds zoTg "EXXriai nagddsiyfia oh Xoymv zovg dyavag TTQod^riaovzEg dXX sgycov, cov dyaO^mv fxsv ovzcov ^Qa^sia ij dnay- ysXia d^xsi, dfiaQzavofjis'vcov ds Xoyoi 'insai 'AoafA,r^&8vzsg TTQOxaXvfi- Hdza yiyvovzai. 7. dXX rjv ol rjysfiong, aansQ rvv vfisigy ysqw Xaicoaavtsg TZQog zovg ^vunarzag diayvmiiag 7iGUj(jtja08j i^aaov zig iri ddUoig SQyotg Xoyovg xaXovg ^i^z^asi. LIB. III. CAP. LXVIII. LXIX. 155 LXYIII. Toiavza ds ol 0f]^aToi dnov. ol 8s Aaaedaiiiovioi oi'Aaaiai. rofiiQovres to ^tteqcottkao, aqiiaiv oqucag e^EWy si ti sv tq> TtoXtfiqj vTi amav ayax^ov nenovdaait dioTi jcv ts aXlov ^novof i)^iovv dJ^d^ev avTovg xara rag naXaiag Uavaaviov fist a tov Mlq- dov anovdag ^6vj(^ci^eiv, xac ore vnregov, a tzqo tov TieQizEi^i^E- aOai nqoEiiovTO avioTgj xoipovg eivai xai iyma, cog ova idt- ^avTOy tjyovfiavoi t\] savTOJV dixaia ^ovltjaei Exffnovdoi i\8ri vn avTOJV HCiKcog rtETiovO^tvai, av&ig to avro ava Exaurov naqayayov- teg xai EQcoTmvTEg ei ti Aay.E.dat^wviovg xal zovg ^vf4fzd](_ovg aya&ov ev tq> 7Zol8fA.cp dEdgaxoTEg Eiaiv, quote nq q)aTEv, and' yovTEg aTttxTEivov xa\ e^iqetov ETTOujuavzo ovdtva. 2. diEq,&Ei' Qav ds IlkaTaimv fisv avrav ovx iXdaaovg diaxooicov, "A&rivalmv ds TiEVTS xai Euoaiv, o7 ^vvEfioXtOQXovvTO • yvvaixag de ritdQano- diaav. 3. rr^p 8s noXiv inavTov [up Tipa Q/^^aioi Msyaqsmp av8Qaai xaTa CTaaiv IxnEnTrnxoai xai oaoi to. cq^ETEQa g)Q0- vovpTsg TIXaTaimp nsQiriaaPy sdoGap evoixeTp' v6teqov 5t', xax^E- XoPTsg avTriP ig tSaqjog ndoap ex t^p 'OEfiEXimPy mxo86fiT]aav TZQog 7Q) 'HQaiqt xazaycayiop diaxoaicop noSmVj navTay/i xvxX^ olxrifiaTa s/^op xdicodsp xa\ dpa&sPj xal OQoqaig xai '&VQ(6^a(ji Toig Tear nXaraioop £)[07jaapTO, xai roig dXXoig a ijp ep t^ tel'iei bTiiTzXa, r^aXxog xai gi8i]qoCj xXlvag xaraaxEvdaaPTEg dpe&Eaap Tij Hqa, xai veo)P sxazofiTzoSop Xl&irop mxo86iA.r^aap avTy. tijp 8s yJjP 8)j^oaic6aaPTEg aTiEixia&oaaap im 8txa sri], xai epe^opto * Qri^aioi. 4. (jie8op 8s ti xai to ^vfiTzap tteqI TlXaraimp ol Aaxs- 8aifi6pioi ovToog dnoTETQafiiiEPOi EyipoPTO Qij^aioiP spsxay pofti- ^ovTEg Eg TOP TZoXsfiop avTovg aqri tots xad^iardfiEPOP caqpfP.t- {.lovg Eipai. 5. xai Ta \iep xazd nXdraiap etei TQirop xai irs- vrjxoaTM E7iEi8ij '^d'ljpaicop ^vfifia)^oi iyepopTO ovTcag eteXevtj]gep. LXIX. At 8s TsaoaqdxovTa vlJEg twp TIeXo710ppi](5io:)P «t Aso^ioig ^oTj&ol iXdovaai, cog tots cpEvyovcsai 8id tov naXdyovg, EX TS Tmv 'Adrjpaicov E7n8iaii\}Eiaai xai TZQog ry KQrJTri lEifAa- adEiaaiy xai an avTijg onoQCidEg, noog t?]p IlEXoTzovprjaop xarrj- pt2&r]<7ap, xaraXafi^dpovciP ep Ty KvXXijpri TQiaxaiSsxa TQirjQEig AsvAadioop xai ^A^iTZQaxicotcop xai BQaoiSav top 2''tXXi8og it'/*' §ovXop ^AXxida inE7.t]Xv&6Ta. 2. e^ovXopto yaQ oi AaxE8a(ii6vioiy log Tijg Ata^ov ijuaQTi^xEaav, nXtop to pavri'AOP noiTjGaPTcg Eg 156 QOTKTAIAOT ATrrPAa>II2. Vi]v KtQuvgav nlEvaai araaidl^ovaav, dadsxa fih faval fioruri naQovTcov 'A&r^vaicov tteqI Navnavaov, ttqIv ds jrltov ti im^otj- d^ijaai 8x 7WV ^A&rivmv vavrmov^ onwg TZQOop&dacoai' aal TzaQS- aasvdl^ovTO o te Bqaaidag yioi 6 'AhAidag ttqo? tavTa. LXX. 01 yaq KeQHVQaToL iaraaia^ov, STieidr] ol aixf^dXcotot yj7.&ov avToTg ol ex tcop tteqI 'Enidafivov vav/xaxicoVf vno Koqiv- Oiojv aqjEx^Evieg, T(p (aev Xoyqj OHtay.oaimv Talavzcav roTg ttqo'^e- voig di7jyyv7]U8vof, k'gycp 8s TiETiEiGfiEvoi KoQiv&iotg KtQ-AVQav ttqoj- Tioiljaai. aai STiQaoaov ovzoi, Exaazov tmv nohi^v fxETtovTEgy oTzmg anoczriacoGiv ^AOrjvaiojv Trjv Tzohv. 2. y.ai dquxofit'vr^g Aiti'Arig IE vEojg y,ai Kogiv&iag nQto^eig dyovaojv xal ig loyovg XdTaaidvtoDv, Eipr]qiiaavTO Keqxvqoioi 'A&Tjraioig fisv ^vfifia'j^oi ELvai ta ^vyxEifJLEvay JJElonovvriaioig 5« cpiloi, cjgtteq xal tzqote' Qov. 3. xai tjv yuQ IlEi&iag iOElonQo^Evog is zav "Adijvalmv y.ai 70V dtjfiov TTQOEiaT^xEi, vndyovaiv avzov ovtoi ol dvdQEg ig di-A7]Vy XtyovTEg A&Tjvaioig tijv Keq-avquv naTabovXovv. 4. 6 81 a7zoq:vyo3v uv&vndyEi avToav rovg TrXovaicordiovg tzevie dpSQag, q;aaHcov ttfivEiv y^aQanag ek zov re /Jiog zEfiEvovg nai tov AIm- pov ' ^rjfiia 88 y.a(f ixdazjjv j^dgaxa etzexeito aratriQ. 5. oqiXov- 7C0V 8s avTcjv xal nqog ta ieqo. tuEzav 'Aa&E^ofisvoDV 8ia 7zXri&og '^^i>* Kw^^^i OTzcog ra^d/JEvoi dnoSaGiv, 6 IlEid^iag, IxvyfavE yaq aai ^ovXljg coy, ttei&ei ojute rep wfiq) )^Qriaaff&ai. 6. ol 8' E;rE[8i] Tcp TE TOfiqf E^Eiqyovro aai a/xa mvv&dvovro xov Thid^iav, tcog ETi ^ovXrjg EGTi, (ieXXeiv to TiXjjOog dvansiaEiv zovg avxovg Ad^rivaioig q)iXovg zs Tiai ix&Qovg roiii^siVf ^vviazavzo r£, aai Xa^ovzsg Ey)^EiQi8ia E^anivaioag ig zi]v ^ovXrjv EGEX{^6vzEgy zov zs IlEi&iav xzEivovGi, aat aXXovg zcov ze ^ovXevzoov xai i8imzav eg E^riAOvza. ol 8e zivsg zi]g avzfjg yvmfitjg z(p IJsi&ia oXLyoi. ig zr^v Azzi'a\v ZQi^QT] xazsqivyov hi naqovGav. LXXI. 8QdGav- Tsg 88 zovzo aal ^vyxaXsGavzEg KsQAVQaiovg eJtzov on zavia KOI ^sXziGza EiTj y,ai rjHiGt av 8ovX(o&eiev vn Ad^r^vaicov, z6 ze Xotnov iJiii8ETEQ0vg 88iEG&ai aXX ^ fiia viji ijai^d^ovzag, zo 88 nXsov TToXsfxiov rjyETG&ai. ag 88 slnov, -Aai ETZixvQcoGai rjvdyAa- oav z)iv yvc6^7]v. 2. niiAnovGi 8s y.at eg zag ^AQ{]vag svQvg noEG^Eig TiEQi ZE zoov TZETiQayfxtvcov 8i8d^ovzagy cog ^vv8q:EQE, xm Tovg ixEi aazaTiEqiEvyozag nEioovzag fA.r]88v dvEmT7]8uov TiQaGGtiv, LIB. III. CAP. LXXII— LXXV. 157 OTZtag fJLTi rig tmaiQO^pq ytvi^rai. LXXII. iX&ovToav ds, oi *u4&ijvaiOL zovg re nqta^eig cog recoTEQi^ovTag ^vlla^ovzegj nai oGOvg 87i£i6av, xaT8&evTo ig Alyivav. 2. Iv da toviq) tmr Keq- xvQaicov 01 s'lOVTEg to, TZQayfiata lld^ovaqg TQir^QOvg KoQiv&iag xat yiaxsdaifiovicov ttqso^sojv miTid^Eviai T(p 8i]fAcp, aai {la^^Of^evoi hUvaav. 3. dqimofie'vrjg ds vvvaog, 6 filv dr/fxog ig Z7]v axQOTiohv y.al TO, fiETtcoQa zijg Tiolsmg aajacpevyEij 'aoI avzov ^vXleyeig IdQv&T], nal zov 'TlXahov Xifiavoc el/^ov ot ds zrjv zs dyoQav naztXa^oVj ovtzsq ot tioXXoI (^xovv avzcofj y.al zov XijAtva zov nQog avzy nal TtQog zijv /jtzeiqov. LXXIII. zy 5' vozeqaia ijxQO^oli- aavzo ze oXiya^ nal ig zovg dyQOvg 7teqie71e(A710v dfiqjOZEQOi, zovg dovXovg naqanaXovvzEg zs nal iXEvOEQiav vniGyvovixEvoi' nal z^ ulv drjficx) zav oinEzmv zo nXri&og TiaQEytvEZO ^viAfia)(^ov, zoig d* iztQOig in zr/g tjtzeiqov inlnovqoi onzanoGioi. LXXIV. diaXmov- 67^g 5' Tifiigag f^dyj] avi^ig yiyvEzai, nal nna 6 dt]fiog, yoiQicov ZE iaivL nai TzXrjdsi TiQOtyojv' al zs yvvainsg avzoig zoXixrjQOjg ^vrsTiEXd^ovzo ^dXXovaai dno zav oinmv z^ nEgdfiqt nal Tzaqa (fvaiv VTZOfiEvovaai zov Ooqv^ov. 2. ysvoiiivrig ds zijg ZQonijg tzeqI dsiXTjv oipiav, dsiaavzEg ol oXiyoi firj avzo^osl 6 dijfj.og zov zs vEcoQiov nQaz/jasiEv, insXdmv nal ccpdg diaqj&EiQEiEv, ifiniTiQaai Tag oiniag zag ev nvnXcp z'tjg ayogdg nat zdg ^vvoiyJag, OTZcog firj n sqiodog, qjEtdofj^svoi ovzs oinsiag ovzs dXXozQiag ' cjcts nal ^q^\iaza noXXd ifiTTOQmv nazsnav&T] nai tj noXig inivdvvEvas ndaa diaqiOagT^vai, £i dvs^og iuEyivszo zri cpXoyl iniq^OQog ig avT7]v, 3. nal ol fiEv TzavadfxEPoi ztjg l^dyrrig mg sndzsQOi rjavxdaavzsg zr^v fvnza iv cpvXany ijaav' nai ?] Kogiv&ia vavg zov dfifjiov nEnQazy nozog, VTZE^avriyszo, nai zoov ininovQcov ol noXXoi ig z?]v jjtteiqov Xa&ovzsg di£no(Aia&riaav. LXXV. zy d^ iniyiyvoiiivy ^f^tQos, NmoazQazog 6 /luzqicpovg, ^Ad^rivaimv azQaz7]y6gf naqayiyvszai ^oijO^v in NavTzdnzov doodsna vavai nai Megct^vicov nEvzanoaioig bnXizaig' ^v^i^aoiv zs ETzqaaoSy nai nsid^Ei wazs ^vy'j^(oq7]6ai dXXr^Xoig, dinu fxsv dvdqag zovg aiziojzdzovg nqivai, ol ovn&zi tfiEivaVf zovg d' aXXovg oiaeTv, anovdag nqog dXXijXovg 7ion]aa[X8' vovg nai Tiqog A&tjvaiovg, aazs zovg avzovg i/^&qovg nal q)iXovg pofii^Eiv. 2. nai 6 [xev zavza nqd^ag EfXEXXsv dnonXsvasad'ai' oi de zov djfiov TTQOCTazai 7tei&ov<^iv avzov nivzs ixsv vavg ziav 153 oorKTJiJOT ATrrPAfi*ii2. avtov acpiai xazahTzeTv, otzojq r^aaov ri iv air^aei (^clp ol ivaviioi, taag de avtoi TiXr^Qcoaavieg in ccpmv avToov ^vfxTrtfAiptiv. 3. yul o (Aev ^vv£X(6Qj]a£v, ol ds 70vg ix&Qohg xaj^Xayov ig rag vavg. dsi cavisg ds ixeivoi fii] sg tag ''Aiyiivag aTzoTzeixqiOmoi xad^i^ovffiv eg 70 rmv /JioaxovQOJv leQor. 4. NixooTQarog 8s aviovg artaTrj re acu TzaQEfiv&siTO. cog 5' ovu 'insii^ev, 6 d7j[xog bnho&tig im ry n()0(f,aaEi ravTij, cog ovdtv avioov vyisg diaroovfAtvcov zy zov fiTj ^vuTzXsTv aTTiaTia, td ts on).a avzmv ix rmv oiximv tJ.a^s xal avioop Tivag oig stiszv^^oVj ei ^// AhxoarQazog ixaXvae, di8(f&£iQav av. OQavieg d' ol aXXoi ta yiypofisva xad^i^ovaiv ig to 'Hqcliov Ixszai xai yiyvovtai ovx iXdaaovg zezgaxoaicov. 6 ds dJjfiogf dsiaag fii] zi vsmzBQiamaiv, dviGzrjat zs avzovg, nsioagj xai diaxo- fii^ai eg zrjv nqo zov 'Hqalov vr^aov, xal za STiiz^deia ixEias aVZOig dlETtt'^TTEZO. LXXVI. T/jg ds GzdaEcog iv zovzq) ov(J)]g, ZEzaQzy y nifiTizij i]fiEQa fiEza zTjv zav dvdQOJV ig zijv fijaov d(ay.o^(8i]v, al ix zT^g KvXlrjvrjg nsXoTiovrTjaioJV vrisgy fXEza zov ix zTjg 'Jcoviag nlovv E(pOQiioi ovaaiy naQayiyvovzai ZQsTg xai TiEvzi^xovza ' iiqie ds avzoSv ^AXxidag^ 03(j7iEQ xal ttqozeqov, xal Bqaaidag avzqj ^vf([iovXog ink' tzXei. oQfiiadfiEvoi ds ig 2^v^oza Xi^iva zt^g titzeIqov kfia i'o) ini- tiXeov zy Keqxvqk. LXXYII. ol ds noXXco d^0Qv[iq>, xal TisqiO' Bf]f4.Evoi zd % iv zy noXei xal zov ininXovv, naQsaxevd^ovzo za afia i^t]xovta vavg, xal zag dsl nXriQov^Evag i^sneuTtov TiQog zovg ivavzLOvg^ Tzagaivovvzcov AOr^vaicov aq)dg zs idaai ttqcozov ixjiXsv- craiy xal vazsQOv ndaaig dfia ixeivovg imyEvia&ai. 2. wg ds av- zoig TiQog zoXg fioXEfiioig Jjaav GTTOQddsg al vrjsgy dvo filv ev&vg r]vzofi6X7]aav, iv izigaig ds dXXTjXoig ol ifxTzXeovzEg ifid/^ovzo • t^v ds oldslg xoaiAog zmv noiovfiEVCov. 3. idovzsg ds ol HtXonovvxiaioi rl]v zaQapjv eixoai yilv vavcl nqog zovg KsQ^vqaiovg ezd^avzo, raig ds Xoinaig nqog zdg dcodsxcc vavg zmv ^y4&r^vaio)Vf cov tjaav al dvo J^aXafima xal UdgaXog. LXXYIII. xai ol fisv Keqxv- oaToi xaxojg zs xal xaz oXiyag nQOGninzovzsg izaXainmQovvTO yiaOr avzovg" ol d* 'A&tivaioi, q}o[iovfi£voi zo nXij&og xai zijv TZEQixvxXcoaiv, dOQoaig filv ov nQoainmzov, ovds xaza iitaov zaig i(p savzovg zEzay[A,tvaig, nQOG^aXovzsg ds xaza xigag, xazadvovai uiav vavv, xai fiEza zavza xwXov za^afiivmv avzav mQitTiXeop LIB. III. CAP. LXXIX — LXXXI. 159 Mcl iTTEiQOdvro d^oQi'^ecv. 2. povTsg ds ot TTQog roTg KegxvQaCotg xai deiGCiVTsg fit] ontQ h Navndxzcp yivouo eTTi^orjx^ovai' xai yEvoiierai dOQoai at vijeg aficc tov etzitzXovp loTg u4&i]vaioig moi- ovvto. 3. 01 5' V7TEX03QOVV ijdi] TTQVfivav xQOVOfxevoi ' aai txua Tag TcSv KsQxvQaicov f^ovXovto TTQOxaraqjvyEiVj on fA^dhcra savzav G^oXy T£ vTio'/^ojQOvvTcov, xai TiQog Gq)dg zETayf^Evoov rcoy Efavzicov. 4. Tj fiEV ovv vavfiaxicij toiavzT] yEvo^Evt], iiEXEvza ig ijliov dvaiv LXXIX. Kal 01 KEOKVQaioi, dsiaavTEg fxr] a(fic!iv etzitzXev' cavzEg ETil ZTjv TzoXiv, c6g nQazovvzEgy ol TToXtfiioi, t] zovg in zijg vijaov dvald^mGiVj ^ Kal dXlo ri vEtazEQiacoai, zovg ze ex zlijg vijGOv ndXiv ig zo 'Ilqaiov diExofiiaav xai zfjv noXiv EcpvXaaoov. 2. ol 5' ETzl fiEV zr^v noXiv ovx izoXfiTjuav TzXEvaai xqazovvzEg zrj vavfiaxia, ZQEig ds xal dExa vavg E^ovzEg zav KEQxvgaicov umetiXev- 6av ig ztjv titteiqov o&evtteq dvriydyovzo. 3. zy 5' vazEQain ini fiEV zi]v TzoXtv ovdiv fxdXXov inETzXEOv, xaiTZEQ iv noXXy zaQaiy xai qjo^op ovrag xai Bgaaidov TzaQaivovrzog, wg XiyEzai, 'AXy.ida, lao- xp/l(j!0V ds ov'A bvzog' ini 8e zsjv yllEvxi^vT^v zo dxQonfjQiov dno- fidvzEg inoQd^ovv zovg dygovg. LXXX. 6 ds d7ifA.og zav Keqxv- gaicov iv zovzcp, TTEQidstjg ysrofiEvog fJU] iTiinXEvaoioiv at njEg, zoTg zs IxEzaig ysaav ig Xoyovg xal zoTg dXXoig, oncog a(a&rja£zai tj tzo- Xig. xal zirag avzojv ETiEiaav ig zdg vavg ia^r^vai' inXriQtoaav yctQ oficog zgidxovza [^nQoadsyofjiEvoi zbv ininXovv]. 2. ol ds Us- XoTTOvvjjaiOL f^EjQi fxiaov Tji^iEQag drjcoaaTZsg ziiv y7]v, dninXsvaaVf Mat vno vvxza avzoig iqsQVxzcoQriO^riaav s^r^xovza vlqEg 'AO^yvaicov rzQoanXtovaai dno Asvxdhog ' dg ol ^Ad^ijvaioi, nvv&avoiiEvoi ztjv azaaiv xai zag [xez 'AXxidov vavg ini KtQxvgav iisXXovaag nXsiVj dTZEGTEiXav, xal EvQVfxidopza zbv QovxXiovg GZQazrjyov. LXXXI. ol fiEV ovv riEXonovpriGioi zrjg vvxzbg svOvg xazd zdy^pg (xofAL^ovzo in o'lxov nagd zijv yrjv xal vnEQEVEyxovzsg zbv Aev- xadicov iG&fxbv zdg vavg, onmg fit] nsQinXiovzEg 6(Ji&6jg(v, dnoxo- fii^ovzai. 2. KEQxvQaioi ds, aiG{}6ftEP0i zdg ze ^^zzixdg vavg nQOGnXsovaag, zag ze zoov noXEf^icov oixofiivag, Xa^ovzsg zovg zs MEGGijviovg ig zrjv noXiv r'lyayov nqozEQOv e^od bvzag, xal zdg vavg TZEQinXEVGai xEXsmavzEg dg inXijQooGav ig zbv 'TXXal'xov Xifitray hv oGcp nEQiExofxi^ovTOj zojv i/&Qmv El ziva Xd^oiEV, dnt'xTEirov' y.ai EX z(hv vE^v oaovg snEiGav iG^qvai ix§(^d^orzEg dnEyi^mQ^GaVt 160 ooTKr/liJor ATrrpAH2. sg TO HQaiov re iX&ovTsg rmv ixstcjv cog nevnq^ovra ardQag 81- y.7]v VTToaxtTv sizeiaav aal xareyvcoGav navtcov d^dvarov. 3. ol dd nolXoi 7WV iHETcoVj 0001 ovh eTiEitj&Tjaav, cog scoqcov ra yiypofieva, ditcfO^siQav avTov iv rep tegm dXXfjlovg itcu ix todv dndgcov rivsg amiyyovxOj ol 5' cog exaatoi idvvavTO avt^Xovvto. 4. rjiitQag tt STTicij ag dcpiy.ofisvog 6 EvQVfisdcov raig i^i^xovza vavai TzaQtfieivs, KeQxvgaioi 6q)av avrojv rovg i^&QOvg doHOvvrag dvai iq:6vevov. z)]v fiEv aiiiav emcp^Qovzeg roTg top dJjfAOv xaTaXvovaiv, d^rt&avop ds Tivsg y.ai idiag tjOgag fVfxa, nal dlXoi )[Qi]fidiTcov acpiaiv ocpei- Xoutvcov vno T{£>v la^ovTcov' 5. ndcd te idsa aaTEGTi] ^avdrov, KOI oiov (fiXeTiv t^ roiovrqi yiyvEaO^ai, ovdh o, rt ov ^vvE^t] xat 8Tl TlEQaiTEQCO. 'AUl ycCQ TZatlJQ TZUlda dnE'ATElVE XOLl duO Tchv lEQOOP dnEaucovTo ycii ngog avroTg ekteivovto, ol Se Tivsg xal tzeqioi'ao- dofii^d^EVTEg iv zov Jiovvaov rqi Isq(^ dnE&avov. 6. ovzcog cafju] ardaig tiqovicoqtice ' xai edo^s fidXXov, diori iv roTg ttqcottj iysvs- TO, LXXXII. iTiEi vGTEQov ys xcu ndv, cog eiheTv, to 'EXXtjvi'aov iy.ivri&i]j diacpoQoov ovamv SAaoTa)^ov roTg te twv dijiiojv ttqo- ctdTCug Tovg ^uid^rivaiovg indysa&ai you roTg 6/Jyoig rovg yiay.s- Saifioviovgj ycti iv [asv Eigrjvri ov-a dv i^ovtcov ngocfaaiVy ovd' izoi- [icov 7zagaya).8iV avrovg' nolEfiovfiEvcov ds, yal ^viiiiaiiag ufia iyazegoig Ty Tmv ivavricov xaxcoaEiy xal acpiaiv avzoTg in rov av- Tov TigocjTzoiijaEi, gadicog al inaycoyal roTg vscozEgi^eiv ti ^ovXo- fiEvoig iTiogit,ovTO. 2. yai inknEaE noXXa. yai ^aXEnd yuTa azd- CIV TOig tioXegi, yiyvofisva fisv yal dsl iaofiEva, twg dv ij avrt] cpvaig dv&gconcov tj, fxaXXov ds yai. Tjav^aitEga yai ToTg Eideai dir]X- Xayi^Evay cog dv Exuarai al uETa^oXal twv ^vvtvxioov iqnatrnvTai. iv filv ydg elg^vrj yal dya&oTg ngdyfjiaaiv ai te noXeig yai ol Idim- zai dfiEivovg rdg yvco/xag t)^ov(ji did to [xtj ig dxovaiovg dvdyyag TTiTZTEiV 6 ds noXefxog, vcpEXoov TTjv Evnogiav tov yaxf TjjjiEgav, di- alog diduayaXog yai ngog Td nagovTa rdg bgydg Tav noXXwv ofiOioT. 3. iazaaia^E te ovv rd tcov tioXecoVj 'aoi rd iq>vajEgit,ovTa 7Z0V, nv6TEi Toov TzgoyEvofiEvcoVy TzoXv ineqiEgE Tt]v vnEg^oXijv tov ^uivovffd^ai idg diavoiag tcov t iniyEig^aEcov nEgiTEp/ijaEi you rmv rificogiwv uTonia. 4. yai ri]v EicodvTav d^loocyiv Tmv ovofidzcov ig rd f'gya avrriXXa^av zjj diyatcoGEi. roXf^ia fXEv ydg aXoyiazog dv- dgeia cfiXktaigog ivofAiaOrj, utXXjjatg ds ngofiridijg deiXia evngEnrfg^ LIB. III. CAP. LXXXII. 161 TO ds coJcpQOv rov dvdvdQOV TTQoaxrjfAa, y.ai to ttqoq anav ^vvetof 87zt Tidv aQyov' to 5' iiA,7zh]xzojg o^v dtdgog f^oiQa nQoaEttdri^ doqidXeia ds to eTn^ovlevaaa&aiy dnozQonrig TTQoqjaaig evXoyog. 5. xaf 6 ixsv '/^akE7iaiv(av niozog deiy 6 5' dvzilaycov avzm vnontog. BTTi^ovXEvaag ds rig rv^oav ^vverog aac vTzovorjaag sn deivoreQog' nQo^ovXevaag ds, onmg fit]dsv avimv ds^asi, Trig "^^ STaiQiag diaXv- Tijg xai Tovg ivavtiovg iHTZSTzXtjyfievog. dTzXag ds 6 cpO^daag tov fitXXorta aaxov ti dqav snrivsitOj y.ai o STZixeXevaag tov f^rj diavo- ovfiEvov, 6. aai {.iriv nat to ^vyyevsg tov STaiQiaov dXXoTQixoTSQov iytvETo did to szoifioTSQOv elvai dnQOopaalatodg ToXfidv ov ydo lisrd Tmv yiEijisvoov vofxcov mqjsXeiag at Toiavtai ^vvodoi, dXXd naqd TOvg xad^eoTooiag TiXsovs^ia. aui Tag eg aqiUg aviovg niCTstg ov Tcp d^eicp v6(xcp fidXXov inQazvvovTO y Tcp y.oivri ti naQavOfxri- ocu. 7. Td TS dno tcov ivavTicov >iaXoog Xsyof^sva ivsdtjovio sq- ycov (fvXany, el TZQOv/^oisr, itai ov ysvvaioTtjTi. dvTiTi(4.coQtj6aa{)^ai ts Tiva TtEQi TzXsiovog 7jv 1] avTOV [At] 7ZQ07ia&£iv. y.ai oq'aoi si' nov dqa ytvoivzo ^vvaXXayijg, iv tm avzUa nqog to dnoQOv s-AaTtQqy didofisvoi io)[vov ova IfovT^xiv uXXod^sv divafiiv iv ds Toj naqaTV- yovTi qj&d^ag d^aQaHjuai, si idoi dq^^QaxTov, ijdiov did Ttjv tzigtiv STifi(y)QsiT0 1] duo TOV TTQoqjavovg, aai to ts dacfaXsg sXoyi^sto 'Aoi on dnaTxi nsQiysvoiisvog ^vvsascog dyconaficc TiQoaeXdfi^avs. QCiov 5' 01 noXXoL naxoi'Qyoi ovTsg ds^ioi aexXr^vTai rj df^ad^sTg dyad^oi, xal t^ [isv ala)(^vvovTai, sni ds to) dydXXovrai. 8. Tidv- TCOV 5' avTOJV aiziov dQXi] */ did TiXsove^iav aai qiiloTiiiiav' sa d' avTay xal ig to (piXovsixsiv ita&i(jTa[xsrcov to nQO&viJLOv. oi ydg iv TaXg noXsai nqoaTavTsg fisz orofxazog sadTsqoi svTTQsnovg, nXri- d^ovg TS horofitag noXiTixijg xai dQiaToxQaziag ococfQovog tzqoti- ftriast, Td [xsv xoivd Xoyqi &SQansvovzsg ad^Xa snoiovvTo, navTi ds TQomx) dycovi^oiisvoi dXX^Xcov nsQiyiyvsa&ai izoXfujadv ts Td dsi- voraza sTishjeadv ts, zdg TificoQiag szi fisi^ovg, ov fitjgi tov di- aaiov aal Ty noXsi ^vpKpoQOv Tzoozidsvzsg, ig ds to sxazsQOig nov ds\ ridovj]V s^ov ogii^ovTsg, aal rj fiszd \p}jq)0v ddiKOv xazayvmas- oag, 1] isiQi, azcafiSvoL to hqutsiv, sToi^ioi r^aav Triv avTiy>a qsiXovsi- y.iav iy.7zifA.7iXdvai. coazs evas^ic^ [isv ovdiztgoi svofxi^ov, svTTQsnsin OS Xoyov olg ^vu^air] inicp&ovcog zi diuTTQa^aa&ai, dixsivov ijxovov, x« ds [xeaa tojv noXizmv vn d[iq)0TiQC0Vf ij ozi ov ^vvT^youvil^orTO r. 102 ooTiirJiJOT ATrrPAfiijiz. cp&6v(p 70V mqmvai discp&efQovTo. LXXXIII. ovtco naaa idJa y,aTt'(JT)] y.axoTQOTZLag dice jag (jTauEig Tcp 'Ellijviy.m, y.a\ to evr]- Oegy ov TO yevraiov nltunov ^isr^jei, naTayElaaOh jjCfaviaO?], to 8s avTiTETax&at alhjloig TJ yrojuri aniGTwg inl nolv dujvEyxep' 2. ov '^ccQ ijv 6 dia).vaG)v ovts Xoyog fx^'Qog ovis oQ'Aog qo^EQogj yQEiaaovg ds ovzEg aizavteg Xoyiaficp ig to aveXmcTov tov §E^ai- ov, fii] Tiad^ELV ficiXXov TZQOEay.drtovv ij niazevaai idvvavTO. 3, xal 01 qjCivXoTEQOi yvc6fi7]v (ag ra tiXeig) TiSQiEyiyrovzo' toj yaQ dtdit- vat TO TE avTmv irdEtg aal to tco*' ivavTioov ^vvetov, fi)j Xoyotg ts rjaaovg caa/, yal ix tov ttoXvtqotzov avtmv Tfjg yrc6ut]g q^d^uaoocji rTQOEm^ovXEvo^Evoi, ToXfir^Qwg TZQog ra tQya e/ojqovv. 4. ol ds naTaq^QorovpTsg xav 7tQoaia&E6d^ai ya\ sQyqi ovdev cqiag dsiv Xafi- BoLVEiv a yroofiYj e^egtiv aqjQanToi fxaXXov di£q)&EiQ0VT0. LXXXIV. 'Ev 5' ovv Trj KsQyvQa tol noXXk avTOjp ttqoetoX- |MJy{^/7, y.al bnouci v^qei {xev dQx6f4£voi to ttXeov ?/ aojcfQoovrri vno T&)v Tijv Tiy.03Qiav 7iaQaai6vT(ov ol dvTafAVvofiEvoi dgdaEiaVj Tzsvtag ds Ttjg Eiaiiyviag dnaXXa^EiovTsg TtvEg, fidXiaTU 5' dv did nd&ovg iTzi&vfiovvTsg Ta rcay niXag Eysiv, naqd dixrjv yiyvoja'AOiEV, ot re utj im nXsovE^icc dno laov ds fidXtdTa smovzEg, drzaidEVGin oQyjjg nXsiaTOV ixq^EQOfisrot wfimg nal dTiaQaiTi^zcog etze'X&oiep. 2. ^vv- TaQax&EVTog te tov ^lov ig tov yaiQOv tovtov tij tzoXei, -accI too*' toficav nQazjjaaaa ^ dvO^Qmnsia cpvaig, Eim&via y.a\ naQk Tovg vofiovg ddiHEiv, daiiEvij Ed)]XcoaEv dyouTT^g fisv OQvijg ovaa, xqeig- (jcov ds TOV dinaioVj noXsnia ds tov TiQov'/^ovTog ' ov ydq dv tov TS oaiov TO TificoQEia&ai nqovTi&EGav tov ts fiij ddiKsTv to xeq- daivsiv, iv (j) fxij ^XdnTovuav la^vv eI^e to q}&ovElv. d^iovai ts TOvg aoivovg nsQi twv toiovtcov ol av&Qconoi rofiovg, dap av dna- Giv iXmg vnoyEirai GopaXElGi Kav avxovg diaGc6^£Gx}ai, iv dXXcov Ti^iaQiaig nQoyciTaXvsiv xul /i^ i/^oXsiTZEG&ai, si tzots aqa Tig atv- dvvEVGag Tivog dEijUSTai. avzav. LXXXV. 01 fisv ovv Kazd Ttjv noXiv Keq'avqcuoi TOiavraig onyaig Taig ttqcotcu^ ig dXX/jXovg iy(^Qi]aavjo, yai 6 EvQVfiidcav aal ol 'Ad^rivaioi dninXtvGav Taig vavGi'v ' 2. vgteqov ds ol cfSvyorzEg •xav K8Qy.vQaio:)Vf diEGco&Tjaav yaQ avTcov ig TiEvzaxoGiovg, Tsf^f] 7« Xa§6vTSg, d i^v iv tIq tjtteiqo), iyqdTOvv TTjg mqav oixsiag yTjg xai fj avTtjg oQiicoftEvoi iXrji^ovzo Tovg iv rj ri'JGcp xal noXXd 'ipMTTTOv, LIB. III. CAP. LXXXVI. LXXXVIL 163 yai XifAog la^vnog iytvEzo iv zij Tzolei. 3. Ittqsg^evovto ds xal eg Ttjv yfuy.edaiiA.ov a aal K6q(v&ov n(Qi >ia&6dov aai cog ovdsp ai'ToTg fTznaaasTO, voteqov xQ^^^P TzXoTa hoi imKOvqovg nccQa- axEvaadfieroi diEj^rjaav ig Tt]v fjjaor, e^ay.oaioi fxdXiaia ol ndviEg^ 4. 'Aoi TO. TzXoia EfiTrg/jGavTEgj OTZCog aTzoyvoia y lov aXXo 7i ^ vqcczeTv Tjjg y7]g, dva^dviEg ig to oQog zriv ^Igtcov^v TEi^og iror/.o- dofi?](sdiiEroi iqjdEiQOV tovg iv zy tzoXei xal zrjg yqg i-AQdiovv. LXXXVI. Tov 5' aviov dEQOvg ZEXEvzoJviog 'yl&rjvaioi tiAoai vavg sazEiXav ig 2JiKEXiav xal Ad^rira tov MeXuvcotiov GiQazriyov avtcov 'Aai XaQOiddrjv tov Evq^iXritov. 2. ol yaq ^v qa'Aoaioi ^ai AeovzIvoi ig ttoXejuov dXXrjXoig xaOiaraaav, ^vf*- [Accvoi ds ToTg fiEv 2ivQaxoaioig rjaav^ nXtjv Ka^aoivaicov, at dXXat AcoQidEg TzoXEigj clitieq zai TZQog rtjv tcov AaaEdaifAOvi'av xo tzqoJ- tov, aQ^of^ivov TOV noXifiov ^vf/fxa^iav izd'/^&riaav, ov fxsvTOi ^vvETToXifiJjadv ys ' toTg ds AeovTivoig at XaXxidinal noXEig x«t Ka^dQiva' Tijg ds 'IiaXiag Aohqoi fxlv ^vQaxoamv r^aav, *P/]yivoi ds •Aaxk to ^vyyEvsg Aeoviivoov. 3. ig ovv Tag ^Adrjvag TzifxipavTsg ol twv Aeovtivcov ^vfifxa'/^oi, aard ts naXaiav ^vfif^a- ^lav 'Acu on "Icovsg iiaav, tzeiO^ovoi zovg 'Ad^r^vaiovg Tiifiipai cq}iai vavg ' vno yag tojv ^vQaxoaioov Ttjg ts yqg slgyovto v.a\ Tjjg ■&aXdGar]g. 4. nal snEiixpav ol 'Adt^vaioi Tr^g fisv orAEiozijiog TiQoqidaEi, §ovX6^£voi ds ^nqzE cXzov ig tIjv IltXoTTovvrjaov uyEa&ai avzo&EVj TiQonEiQav ts Tzoiovfxsvoi El GCfLGi dvvaza Eit] TO, iv Ty 2^i'AE7.ia TTQayfiaTU vnoisiQia ysvEGOai. 5. y.azaGzdvzEg ovv ig 'P/jyiov Trig ^ItaXiag tov 7z67.E(aov inoiovvzo iisza tk>v ^vf-ifid^mv. aal TO '&EQog izsXEvza. LXXXVII. Tov 5' iniyiyvouEvov i^i}i(ovog ^ voGog to dsv- TEQOv ininEGS ToTg ^yi&iivaioigy ixXmovGa fuv ovdiva 'f()6vov to navTdnaGiVy iyivszo ds Tig ofiag dia'Amx^' 2. naQs^Eivs ds to fiSV VGTEQOV OV'A sXaGGOV iviaVTOV, TO ds TTQOTEQOV X«« dvO EZJ], ODGZE ^u4^rivai(ov ys f^rj slvai o,Ti fiuXXov ixdy.ooGS t\v dvva^iv. 3. TEZQay.oGiojv yag onXizmv vai TSzgamGyilicov ovx iXdGCOvg dnsdavov iy, tojv zd^smv xai TgiaxoGimv Ititzewv, tov ds dXXov oy}.ov dvE^Evgszog dgidfiog. 4. iyivovzo ds y^a). ol noXXoi tots GEtG{A.o} zTJg yijg, 'iv ts 'Adijvaig nal iv Ev^oia via\ iv BoKazoig Kot fidXiGTii iv 'Og^OfiEv^j toi Boiazicp. 164 OOTKTJIJOT zrrrPA^iii^. LXXXVIII. Kat 01 fisv Ev 2^iy,sh'a ^A^r^vaToi aal 'Pi]yTv\A rov aviov ^etftcovog TQidxovTa vava] CTQaTEvovaiv Ini 7ag AloXov v/jGovg xaXovfitrag ' -O^tgovg yag di^ awdgiav advvaza ijv btji- CToarevEiv. 2. vE'^ovzai ds AinaQaioi avrdgj Kndicov uTzoixot oviEg. orAOvai d^ iv ma rmv ^)](jcov ov fUEydli^, aalEizai da AiTZOLQCt.' Tag ds aXkag ix zavtTjg oQficofXEVOL yEcoQyovoi /Jidvii7]v xal ^TQoyyvlTjv y.ai 'fEgdv. 3. vofii^ovai ds ol ixEivn av&Qoa- noL EV 7Yi 'Ieqk cog 6 Hqiaiarog ^^aXxsvEi, on ttjv vixza qjuivs- rat fzvQ dvadidovau tzoIv xai zr]v rjfis'Qav xanvov. asivzai ds ai vTjaoi avzai xaza zrjv J^ixsXav y.ai Meggt^vicov yriv, ^vfifia)(^oi 5' 7jaav ^VQa-AOGicov. 4. TEfiovzsg 5' at ^A&rjvaToi ttjv yjjvy mg ov nqoa- eiooQOvVj dnmlEvaav ig zo 'PrjyiGv. aai 6 ysifimv IzslEvza nat jiEfiTTZov Ezog ezeXevzo. zcp 7zo}Jficp zwds ov OovHvdi8}]g ^vvt'yQaxpEv. LXXXIX. Tov d' imyiyvoixEvov -Osgovg neXoTzovvrjaioi xai 01 ^vfinay^oi iis^qi ^ev zov la&fiov fjld^ov, cog ig ttjv '^zzmfjv ic^alovvTsg, "ydyidog rov ^Agy^iddiiov Tjyovfxtvov, ylaxEdaifioviojv ^aailt'cog, asiGfi^v ds ysvofitvav noXXav dnEzgdnovzo ndXiv xai ovx lyEVEZO ia^oXri. 2. xal tieqi zovzovg zovg yqovovg zav gei- Cfimv xazExovzoDV, zHig Ev^oiag iv 'Ogo^iaig i] -O^dXaGGa insX- •&ovGa dno zijg zozs ovGtjg ylqg xa\ xvfiazmxyEiGa im^Xx^s z?jg TioXsmg (iEQog zi, xal to fisv xazixXvGS, to d' vttevogztjge, xai •&dXaGGa vvv iGzi ttqozeqov ovoa y^' xal dv&QOJTiovg dtt'(fO£iQEv, OGOi firj idvvavzo gi&ijvai ngog zd fXETtcoQa dvadgafiovzEg. 3. xal tTEQi 'AzaXdvzriv tj]v inl AoxQOig zoTg "Onovvzioig vJjgov naga- TzXTjGia ylyvEzai iTZixXvGig, xal tov ts q:govgiov twv 'A&ijvaimv nagsiXs, xal dvo vsav dvEiXxvGfJiEvcov ttiv sztgav xazia^sv. 4. iyivEzo ds xal iv FlETzagi^&m xvfiazog inavai^oijGig zig, ov liEvzoi intxXvGs ys ' xal GsiGfiog tov TSixovg zi xazi^aXs xal zo /ZQvzavEiov xal dXXag olxiag bXiyag. 5. aiziov d' eywye vo^i^o) tov TOiovzoVf J iGxvgozazog 6 GEiG^og iytvEzo, xaza tovzo dno- GziXXsiv ZE zt]v ddXaGGav xal i^amvJ]g ndXiv iTziGTZCofiivJiv piaio- Tsgov rr^v inixXvGiv^ noiEiv ' dvsv ds GeiGfiov ovx av [loi doxsT zo zoiovTO ^vfi^rjvai yEVEO&ai. XC. Tov 5' avzov -O^'govg inoXEjxovv filv xal dXXoif ag ixd' CTOig ^vvt'^aivEv iv zj I^ixEXia, xal avzol ol ^ixEXmzai etz iXXtjXovg GzgazEvovzsg, xal ol 'AOr^vaioi ^vv zoig ocpsr^'goie LIB. III. CAP. XCI. XCII. 165 ^v^fjid)[^oig ' a ds Xoyov fiaXiara a^ia rj fxEra tojv ^Ad^rivaitav ot ^vfifxa'/oi tTTQu^av y nqog rovg ^Ad^rivaiovg ol drn77o)Jfxioi, tov~ 7C0V (.iv)]a&r^aotx,at. 2. XaQoiddov yccQ i^drj lov '^drjvaiojv GTQazTjyov TeOvtjHotog vno ^vga'Aoaixov 7zo)Jf4.op,-^dj(^ijg dnaoav (^mv zojv remf rtjv dgyJiVy iaiQdtevas fisTa zoov ^vufid'^cov etzI MvXdg Tag tojp Meaaijvioov. 8tv)^ov ds dvo q)vXai, iv joig Mv- Xaig Tmv Meaarjvioov qjQOVQOvaaij nai tiva :]liovg ovzag vt^aicorag aal ov>c E&sXovTag VTzaxovEiv ovds ig 70 avT(av ^vf^fiaxmov Itvai e^ovXovio TZQoaayayscF&ai. 3. cog ds avzotg dijovfxsvTjg zr^g yTjg ov TTQoaE^^coQovv, dgavzEg eh zijg Mrikov avzoi [iev ETzlsvaav ig 'SigooTibv zijg niqav ytjg, vno vvHza ds <5fpvzEgy EvOvg etzoqevovzo ol onlizai duo zk>v ve^v TTE^y ig Tdvayqav zrjg Boitoziag. 4. ot 5' eh ZTJg nolEoag navdtjfiEi ^A&7]vawi 'Itttzovihov zs zov KaXliov azgazriyovvzog Hai EvQVfiidovzog zov OovyJJovg dno 67][ieiov ig zo avzo nazd yi]v dnrivzcov. 5. nai czQazonEdsvadfiEvoi zavzr^v ztjv rjf^tQav iv Z7J Tavdyga, idr^ovv hoi ivr^vXiaavto. hui zy vazEgain f^d'/y HQazi^aavzEg zovg inE^sXdovzag zav Tavayqaioiv, hoi Qij^aicov zivdg 7ZQO(T^E^or^d^i]H6zagy nal onXa Xa^ovzsg hoi ZQonalov azri- aavzEgy dysxcogr^aaVf ol fxsv ig zijv noXiv, ol ds inl zdg vavg, 6. Hai TzaqanXEvcag 6 NiHiag zaig s^r^xovza^vavai, ZTjg Aonqidog zd ini&aXdETEQ(ov vEooVt ai ydo TZEvzEyaiSsya 168 eOTKrJIJOT ZTTTPA^HS, t^v KsQ'AVQaicov cc7zrj).{^ov fTJsg, iaTQUTSvaev m AnodXovg, 3. GiQuaro ds f| OlvEwvog Tljg ytoxQiSog. oi ds 'O^oXai ovioi Ao'AQOi ^vfifia"j(Oi i^aaVf viai tdei avTovg TzararQcnia anavrlqaai loig "A&iivaloig ig lijv fiEaoyecav' ovzag yaq ofxoQoi jolg u4lz(o- ).oTg y.ai 6}i6(5y.evoi fisydX?] (acfileia idoxovv eivai ^vatQaTevovreg udxrig re ifXTzeiQin TTJg ixeivcav xai ^coqicov. XCVl. avXiadfiEiog ds Tw aTQUK^ Iv 70V /fiog Tov Neheiov rep i£Q^y Iv oj 'Haiodog 6 7JOitjT7]g )JyeTai vtzo tihv ravzr} aTZO&aveiv, y^Qr^a&lv avzqj iv Nefita Tovzo Tzad^elvy afj.a ry aqt dgag ettoqevezo ig jfjv Aizcoliav. 2. xai aiQEi ty ngcozy rifit'ga Ilozidaviav xai ty dEvztQa Kqo'av- "Keiov aai ry TQirrj Tei'xiov, EfXEvi te avzov xai zrjv Xeiuv ig EvTzd- Xiov trig AoxQidog dninEfixpE ' rr/v yag yvc6fir]v eI/^e zaXXa aaza- GTQEXpdfiEvog ovzcog inl 'Oqiioriag, eI fjuj ^ovXoivio !S,vyi(OQEiVt ig NavncLY.rov inavayaqr^GOLg azgazEmai vaiEQov. 3. zovg ds AlzwXovg ovx iXdv&avEv avty ij naQaaxEvy ovze ozs to tzq^- zov ette^ovXevezOj ETZEidi] TS 6 6ZQ(x.z6g ioE^E^XTjUEi, TzoXXy x^(qI i7ZE^oi]&ovv ndvzEg, ojuze xou at iaiazoi ^Ocpiovicav ol Ttqog zov Mi]XiaKov xoXnov xux^ijxovzEgj Boiiiujg xai KaXXitjgy i^oijd^yaav. XCVII. zq) OS /lt]{A0G&ivEi TOiordE zi 01 MEaGi]noi. TzaQtjrovr, otzeq xal TO ngmzov dradiddoxovTEg avzov zav AIzcoXmv cog eiij gadia ij aiQECig itvai e-aeXevov on rd'j^iGTa ini Tag xafiag xa] fit] (isrEiv Ecog av ^vfiTzavTEg d&goia&t'pTEg dpzizd^oovTai, t/jv 5' iv Tzoaiv aEc nsigda&ai aigEiv. 2. 6 ds Tovzoig te TZEia&Elg xal zy rvxn iXniaaSj ozi ovdev avzcp rivavTiovzOy Tovg Aoxgovg ovx dvafXELvag ovg avzcp eSei 7igoa^oj]&7iaai, xpiXcov yag dxovziazcov ivdEyg i]v [idXiataf i'l^Q^f' i^ii Aiyiziov, xal xaza xgdzog aigsi inicov. vTZECfEvyov yag ol av&gconoi xai ixd&ijvzo inl zmv Xocpcop zmv vTzsg TTJg TzoXscog' ijv yag aqp' vxptjXmv '/^cogicov dniyovaa zijg -d^aXdaayg 6ydo7]xovza azadiovg iidXiaza. 3. vl ds AizooXoi, ^E^oriOyxozEg yag ijdi] ijcav inl to Aiyiziov, ngoai^aXXov ToXg AO^yvaioig xal ToTg ^vufidyoig xarax^iovTEg dno Tav Xocpcav dXXoi uXXodEV xai iaijxovTi^ov, xai ozs fisv inioi to tojv 'A\}r]vaicov yzgatonEdoVf vnEycogovv, dvaycogovai ds inixEivzo ' xai r^v int noXv Toiavzt] ij fidytj^ dtco^sig te xai vnaycayai, iv oig dixcpozigoig fjaaovg tjaav ol 'A&yvaToi. XCVIII. fit'ygi fisv ovv ol zo^ozai ilyov te to, ^eXi} avzoTg xal oloi te i^aav XQ^ifj^^^h ol ds dvTEi)^0f' LIB. III. CAP. XCIX. C. 169 folevoueyoi yccQ ol ^iicoXoiy avdQconoi xpiXoi, avecjTtXXovTO' BTieidrj ds tov 78 ro'^ctQiov a7TO&av6vTog ovioi diEaaedda&riaav xai avtoi ixexf^i/'ixeaav [xal] im nolv im avzcp ttovc^ ^vvtyofievoi ol ts j4lro!)Xoi ivtxEivTo y>al ia^'Aovri^oVj ovico di] tQanoixEvoi tg)SvyoVj y.al BGTiiTiTOvreg tg ts yuQcidQag uvex^dtovg >tui ycoQia (ov ovx ijauv e^TzeiQoi diecpd^eiQOVTO' y.al yag 6 Tjyefiav avioig tav odrnv, XQOfxmv 6 ]\l£aai]viog, izvy^avs ze&vtjHcog. 2. ol ds AlicoXot iaaxorzil^ovzsg noXlovg fisv avzov iv zy- ZQony xaza nodag aiQOvvzsg dv&Qnonoi Tzodcoasig ncti xpiXol ditq)&£iQov, zovg ds nXsiovg zav odoov dixaqzavovzag aai ig zrjv vXtjv iaq)SQOfi8vovgy o&sv dit^odoi ov'A r^aaVj ttvq y.ofiiaafiSvoL nsQisniixTiQaaav' 3. naad ZE Idsa aaztazt] ztjg q)vyrig aat zov oXeO^qov zcp azgazoTZEdcp zmv *^{}f]vaicov, fioXig zs inl ztjv x^dXaacccv xai zov Oivsmva zr/g Ao- •nQidog, 0&EV7TEQ nai ^Qfnqd^riaav, ol TzsQiyEvofievoi aaztqjvyov. 4. dnE&avov ds zoov zs ^vf^ndymv noXXoi aai avzojv 'Ad^ijvaimv OTzXizai TzsQi srAOCJi fidXiaza xal snazoVj toaovzoi fisv zo nXrj&og nai 7]Xinia ^ avzij ' ovzoi ^tXziazoi dt] uvdQsg iv z^ TToXtf-icp z^ds en z)jg 'u4d^7]vai(x)v noXscog diECfO^dgtjGav. 5. dnsdavs ds aac 6 tzEQog azQazT^yog TlQOaXijg. zovg ds vsyQovg vnocTiovdovg dvsXo- fiEvoi TTctQcc z^v u4izcoX6jv xai dva'/ojQtjaavzsg ig Navnav-zov vazEQov ig zag 'AO^r^vag zaTg vavaiv iy,o{iia&riaciv. /Ji]fioa&ivr]g ds nsQi NavnccAZOv xai za x^Qice. zavza VTzsXsiqidj], zoTg nsTiQay- fiivoig q)0^ovfiEvog zovg 'u40^rjvcciovg. A-^IA.. Kazcc os zovg avzovg yQovovg nac oi tzsqi 2,iy.skiav Adiivcuoi nXEvaavzsg ig zt]v AoyQidn iv ano^daei zs zivi zovg 7TQoa^oi]d'7j(yavzag AoyQoov ixQuzijGav y.a} nsqiTzoXiov algovaiv o 7^v inl ZO) AXj]xi Tiozaixcp. C. Tov 5' avzov "dsQOvg AizoXoi, nQoniixxpavzsg tiqozsqov sg _ <■« KoQiv&ov yai ig Aansdaifwva TZQio^sig^ ToXoq^ov zs zov ^Ocpi- opta, yuu BoQiddriv zov EvQvzava, xai Tlaardqov zov ^Anodcozov, TTSidovaiv o)6zs cq:iai Tziixxpui GZQaziav ini Navnav.zov dia ztjv zodv 'A&rjvaicov iTzayojyi^v. 2. 'Aai i^insfixpav AaKsdaijiovioi tzeqI TO cpOitoTicoQov zQiay^iXiovg onXizag z^v 'S,v\i\id'fjiQv . zovzoov r^aav ntvzay.GGioi i'^ 'HQaxXsiag z7^g iv TQayivi TzoXecog zozs fsoxziazov ovatjg' ZnaQzidzrig 5' ijoysv EvQvXoyog ztjg azQariag nal ^vvrixo- lovOovv avza Maxdniog yul Msvtdaiog ol ^naQTUuai. CI, |t;>l- 8 170 eoTKrJi/ior ZTrrPA^ns. XeyevTog 88 tov arqaTsyfiarog eg JeXqjovg InEK^QvuEvero EvpvXo^og ^OHQOig ToTg 'O^oXaig ' dice zovicov yaQ ?] odog 7jv eg NavnoLvaov^ nai Ufxa xoiv ^Adj]vai(ov e^ovXeTo UTzoaTt^aai avzovg. 2. ^vve- TZQaaaor ds fidXi6Ta avic^ tmv yloxQoov '^i^(fi(sa7jgj dia to trnv 0coyie(»v £'j(Oog deSiozsg' xai avrol ttq^ozov dovreg ofit'jQovg yal rovg aXXovg ineiaav 8ovvai cpo^ovfie'vovg jov ernovra OTQaiop, TTQ^TOv fi&v ovv tovg oi^oQuvg avToTg Mvovtag, ravzri yag dvaea^o- Xwiaiog rj Aa'AQig^ eneiza 'Inviag nai Meaaaniovg y.ai Tqizai- iag Koi XaXaiovg nal ToXoopmviovg xa\ 'Haaiovg xal Oiav&eag. ovtoi Koi ^vveaTQCiTEvov ndvieg. 'OXnaloi dl ofir^Qovg filv edoaav^ riHoXov&ovv ds ov' itai 'Taloi ovx edooav opiQovg nqiv avzav tl- Xov awfiTjv UoXiv ovofA.a e/^ovaav. CII. eTZEidf] ds TraQsaxevaaro ndvra aai zovg ourjgovg y.aze&ETO eg Kvtiviov to /!(oqix6v, iyojQei 7^5 GTQCCT^ ETZl TK^V A^aVTZaHTOV dlU tCOV uioY.QaVy iiCU TlOQEVOfiE- vog OlvEwva atQEi avzav aa] EvndXiov ov yaQ Tzgoas'/^aQr^aav. 2. ysvofiEvoi 5' iv zy NavTzaxzia, xal ot AltooXol afia 7jdi] tiqog- ^e^07]&i]K6zEg, idyovv zt]v yrjv xal zo nQodaiEiov, dzeiyiazov ov, EiXov ETZl z£ MoXvHQEiov iX&ovzEg Z7jv KoQtv&icov fiEV dnoiy.lav 'A&tjvaicov ds V7i^y,oov aigovai. 3. /Ir^^ioG&EVTjg 8s 6 'AOr^vaTog, Ell yuQ hvyyavEv ojv fisza za ex ZTJg AfizcoXiag tteqI NavTzaxzoVf TTQoaiu&ofiEvog zov azQCtzov xal Seiaag tzeqI avzTjg, iX&cov tzeiO^ei 'AxaQvdvag, yaXsTimg 8ia zi]v ex zrjg AevxdSog dvayaQ^aiv, ^ojj- OT^uai Navndxzcp. 4. xai neiinovai iiEz avzov em zav remv yi- Xiovg hnXizag^ ol EasX-OovzEg nEQiE7T0U]Gav zo ycaqiov. 8eiiov yaq r^v fit] [xEydXov ovzog zov zEiyovg, oXiyojv 8£ zcov d^vvofitiwi', ovx avziaycoaiv. 5. EvQvXoyog 8e xcu ol fisz avzov cog ija&orro zi]v czqaziav ioeXtjXv&vTaVy xai dSvvazov ov zijv noXiv ^in sXtiVy dvE- jl^aQtjaaVj ovx em JleXonovv^aoVy dXX eg zijv AioXida zr]v rvv xaXovfievrjv KaXv8mva xai nXsvQOJva xai ig za zavzrj ycoQia xa\ eg TlQoayiov z7]g AlzmXiag. 6. ol yaQ AfiTiQaxi^zai, eX&ovzeg TiQog avzovg, nsi&ovaiv oaazs fxeza acpmv "Agysi ze z^ 'AfiqiXoyixw xai Af(q;iXoyifc Z7j oiXXri ETZiyeiQr^Gat, xai 'AxaQvavia afia, Xtyov- zeg ozi Tjv zovzcoy XQazi'faooar, nav zo ^HneiQcazixov AaxEdaifiovi- oig ^vfAfiayov xaO£Gzr,^E(. 7. xa\ 6 ^ev EvQvXoyog TZEia&eig xai fovg AizooXovg u(ft]g 7]avy(il^E zco azQazco tzeqi zovg ycoQovg zov LIB. III. CAP. CIIL CIV. 171 Tovg, E(og Toig u^fiTTQamcoraig snatQarEvaafi8i>o(g negi to "Aqyog dsoi ^ojjd-eTv. nul to d^^^Qog bteXevtcx. cm. 01 6' iv ry ^iHsUa ^Adrivaioi tov iniyiyvof^tvov lEi- umvog STteX&ovTeg fxaza rav ^EXXiqvcov ^vfi[id)(^03V ii&v Tig ETTr/^dovlcov dv&QcoTzmv ivO^dd^ dvEiQijTai raXanEiQiog dXXog etzeXx^cop' fl aovQaij Tig d' vfifiiv dvt]Q TjdiCTog doidmv ivO^dds ttcoXeltcu aai tecq TEQirsads [xaXiaza; vfiEig d' Ev fidXa ndaai vTZoxnivaa^^ svqi/jfxcog ' TvcpXog dvrJQ, oI'aeT ds Xico ivl namaXosaari. 6. Toaavia fisv OfirjQog izE^fxt^nicoasv on ?/y xai to ndXai fisydXrj ^vvodog y.ai soqti] iv ti] Ar^Xc^' voteqov ds Tovg fisv x^Q^^^ o* vr^Gicotai yea ol '/4&t]vaToi ^sd^ tsgrnv tns^TioVy to. dk tteqI Tovg dy^vag yai za 7TXEi6za yarEXv^rj vno ^vfKfOQOJVj cog siyog^ ttqIv dr] ol "A&rivouoi TOTS Tov dywva inoujaav yai innodQoiJLiag, o ttqozs* Qov ovy I'lV. CY. Tov 5' avTou x^ifi^vog 'Af4,7iQayiaza(, (oansq vnocxofis- voi EvQvXoxcp Ti]v GZQaziav yazsa^oVj ixczgazEvovzai im "Aqyog zo AnqjiXoiiyov TQiG)[iXioig 07i7.izaigy yau ia^aXovzsg ig z?]v "'AgyEiav yazaXaf/§drov6ii' "OXnoLgy zsvfog ini Xoc^ov layvgov TZQog zrj i>a- Xdaaijf nozs ^AyaQvavsg TSiiicdnsvoi yoivco diyacTr^Qia) ijQOJVTO' dntjEi ds dno zr^g 'Agysicov TzoXsag, iiriOaXaaaiag ovatjg, ntvzs yai Eiyoai Gzadiovg ndXiaza. 2. ol ds 'AyaQvdvsg ol fisv ig "Agyog ^vrE^oi'jOovVf ol ds TTJg ^Aiiquloylag iv Tovzcp t^ X^Q^^ ® Kqrivai ya.XEizaij cpvXdaaovzsg zovg fisza EvqvXo^ov TlEXoTzovvijaiovg fAj] Xu&coai TTQog zovg 'AuTiQayicozag diEXd^ovzEg, iazQazonEdsvaavzo. 3. Tihunovai ds yai ini /J)]fi0G&iv}]v tov ig Ti]V AlzcoXiav 'AOtj- vaicov GTQazriyrjGarza, oncog ocplaiv i]yE{iojp yiyvrjzai, yai ini zag Ety.OGi ravg 'AO^Jjvaiojy ai hvyov tieqi TlEXon6vvi]GOv ovGai, cov //o- ysv ^AQiGToriX^g zs 6 TijioyQUTOvg ya\ lEQoqjav 6 'ApzifxrrjGzov. 4. dnsGTEiXav ds ya\ dyysXov ol tieqi zdg ^OXnag 'AfiTZQayiMiat ig ziiv TioXiv KEXsvovTsg oqx'ui ^oi^d^Eiv navdimsi, dsdioTsg fuj ot LIB. III. CAP. CVI. CVII. 172 ft«r EuQvXoxov ov bvvmvzai dieXdaip zovg ^AnaQvavag jal Tag nQolskoiiaiiivag Ividqag Siscp&eiQOVTO. 7. aai, ig naaav idtav ^(oqriaavTsg 77Jg q^vyrig siqanovTo zivsg not ig tjiv -O-dXaa- aav ov noXv aniyov^OLV, nal cog eldov tag ^ AxxiKag vavg naqa- TzXsovaag afia zov sQyov ry ^vvtv)^i(z, nqoaivEvaaVj rjytiad^svoi iv T^ avTixa cpo^q) y,QEi6aov thai aqjiaiv vno rcjv iv laig vavaiv, el 8tT, diaq)&aQt]vai j] vtzo tcov ^aq^dqcov na\ iy^&iGTKiv 'AfiqjiXoxo^v. 8. 01 fiev ovv ' A(inQamKizai zoiovzcp TQOTZcp yMxoo&tVTsg oXiyoi ano noXXwv iaooO-rjaav ig ttjv noXiv ' ^ Ay.aqvdveg ds GxvXevaav- Tsg Tovg vsygov-g xai zqonaia az^aavTeg aTzexcoQrjGav ig "Aqyog, CXIII. yai avzoig zy vazegaia ^Xd'e y^QV^ ano zcov ig 'Ayqai- ovg yazacpvyovztav in ZTJg "OXnrig ' AiiuQaHicDzav, dvaiQeaiv aizij' 6(ov zmv vEHQmv ovg dneyzeivav vazeqov ZTJg TrgmzTjg iid'/rigf ozb ueza zcov Mavzivioav ya\ zav vnoanovdcov ^vve^xieoav danovdoi. 2. idojv d' 6 y^Qv^ za onXa zmv dno ZTJg noXecog 'AfiTTQanicozojv i&avfiat,e zo !nXi]-&og ' ov yccQ '^dei zo nd&og, dXX aiezo zmv iJteza Gcpmv slvai. 3. yai zig avzov ijqszo o,zi ^avfid^oi yai oTwaoi avzav zs&vaaiv, olousvog av 6 igmzav thai zov yi^QVxa dno zoiv iv ^Ido[A,evaig. 4. o 5' sq)i] diaxoaiovg fidXiaza. vTzoXa^mv d' 6 iqcazcov eJnev, Ovxovv za onXa zavzl q^aivezai, dXXa nXeov y yi- Xicov. av&ig ds elnev iyeivog, Ovk dqa zmv fisd^ ijiimv iiaiofxevcov iaziv. 6 5* dneyQivavzOy E'lneq ys vf^eTg iv 'Ido[xiv7i y^&sg ii4,dxsa&e. ^AXX riiieig ye ovdsvl i{xa)(^6[ie&a xd^ig, aD,a ttqojtjv iv zy dnoiu)- QTJaei. Kal fiev d)] zovzoig ys ^fisig y^d^sg aTzo zrjg noXeoog §0?]- {^rjaaai ZTJg ^ AiinQayicozmv inayo^e&a. 5. 6 ds y^QV^ cog 7]yova8 yai iyvoo ozi tj drzo zrjg noXeoog ^o^&eia di8q)x)-aQTai, dvoifioo- lE,ag ya\ iynXaye]g z(^ fieyid^ei zmv naQovzoov yaycov anriX&ev ev&vg dnqayzog yai ovyezi dnrjzei zovg veyqovg. 6. na&og yaq tovzo Ilia noXei 'EXXi]vidi iv laaig ij^iqaig fisyiazov d/j zav yaza <:ov TtoXeuov zovds iyevszo. yai dqid^(A,ov ovx eyqatpa zwv dnox^a' LIB. III. CAP. CXIV. cxv. 177 vovTmVf dioti aniarov to TzXtjd^og Xtyerai anoXiad^ai coc n{)og 10 ^iiye&og ttjq TioXscog. ' ud^nqamav fXEvroi oi8a oti d £§ovX7]&Ti6ap ' AnaQvarsg %a\ 'udlfiqjiXoxoi ^ A&rivaioig nai /Ji]{io6d€VEi neiO^o-' fisvoi t^EX&etv, avto^oel av elXoV vvv 5* sdsiaav fit] ol ' A^rivaloi £)^ov7sg avTTjv ^aXsTzcazegoi aqjici naQOVAOi 061. CXIV. lAEza ds zavta TQiTOv f^sgog vsifiavrsg T(av cxvXoov joTg '^Oijvaioig ru aXXa aaza zag TioXsig dieiXovzo. aai za f^isv zmv 'u^&rjvaiav tzXe- ovza edXojj za ds vvv avaHsiiisvcc hv zoTg '^zzixoTg lEQoTg Jrnio- aO^ivsi i^riQe&ijaav ZQiay,6aiai navonXiai, 'Aai aycxiv avzag naze- TzXEvaa' aai lykvEZO «/<« avzm [lEza Z7]v ZTJg ^izcoXiag ^vficpogav anh zavztjg zijg TTQcc^soog adsEazEQa ri nd&odog. 2. dTtrjX&ov ds xal 01 iv zaXg sixoai vavaiv '^&7]vaioi ig NavTraxzov. 'AiiaQvavsg 8s Kix] 'u4fiqjiXoxoi dnsXy^ovzcov 'Ad^rjvaimv aal /Jrjixoa&tvovg zoTg cjg I^aXvvd^iov aou 'Ayqaiovg aazagjvyovGiv 'A(inQay.i(Dzaig xai TIe- XoTTOvvJjaioig OLvaxoogrjaiv icTZSiaavzo f| Oivixd^v, oltzeq aal fiEza- V8az7i(jav Tzaga ^aXvvdiov. 3. xal ig zov 'insiza ^qovov anovdag aai ^vfjtfiaxiocv snoi'qaavzo sxazov eztj 'Ayiagvavsg nal 'AfK^iXo^oi TTQog ^Af^Tzgamcozag etzI zoT6ds coazs ii^zs ^AptTzgaxKazag fisza ^ uiyicuivavcov azgazEVEiv sni TIbXonovvriGiOvg ^rjzs ^Axagvdvag uEza 'AfATtganKozav in ' Ad^rivaiovg, ^otj&eTv ds zy aXXijXoav, y,ai dnodovvat 'Afinga'Aicozag oTzoaa y xcogia i] ofxi^govg 'A[xq)iX6)^C)3v «;fOi;' XEijim' VOL 70V70V iyEys70. xai extop hog 7(p noXifitg STsXevTa 7^ds op Govxvdidrjg ^vpeyQUxptp, 5 0TES. NOTES. BOOK I. The Preface of this history, which is supposed to have been written by ITiucydides after the termination of the war (see K on I. 1. § 1), extends to chap. 24, and may be divided into three parts: 1, the reason why the history was composed (chap. 1); 2, the magnitude of the Peloponnesian war, evinced by a comparison of the ancient state and condition of Greece (chaps. 2-19); 3, the nature of Grecian history and especially of the work now in hand (chaps. 20-23). The second of these portions may be subject also to a threefold division : 1, the times which preceded the Trojan war (chaps. 2-8) ; 2, the Trojan war (chaps. 9-11) ; 3, the times which succeed ed that war (chaps. 12-19). Ct Poppo ad loc. CHAPTER I. Tlje historian alleges as the reason why ho composed a history of the Peloponnesian war, that it was greater and more memorable than any war in Greece which had preceded it (§ 1) ; it is impossible to arrive at any certain knowledge of the nature and importance of the preceding wars, yet the probability Is strong that they were not very great (§ 2). 1. QovKv^ldrjs. This is the form of a patronymic without the sigmfication, as MtXrtaSjys-, 'Apto-reifij;?, etc. Of. Mt. § 429, 3. A^r]vaios. Some think that the words tov '0\6pov have been left out by copyists, inasmuch as they are found in IV. 104. § 4, and elsewhere. But, as Poppo remarks, our historian so distinguished liimself, that there was no danger of his being confounded with others of the same name. There is no need with some critics ot supplying the article with 'ASTyi/atos-, as no emphasis is intended. ^vveypa-\lr€ tov TroXcjuor, composed a history of the war. The Scholi- ast says, that ypdyp-aL is used of one thing, ^vyypd^at, of several. Hence reference may be had to the documents or narratives upon 182 NOTES. [BookL whicli the history was founded. Thucydides is called (kut i^oxrjv) 6 ^vyypa(f)evs. as inoXefjiTja-av, as they carried it on. Supply avTov. Some are disposed to read ov instead of wr, but without sufficient authority to justify the change. dp^dfievos ev'^vs /v = Kol on iCopa^ the construc- tion having been changed from on with the verb to the participle. KOI here refers to re after aKpd^ovres., and introduces another reason for the conjecture expressed in TeKp^ip6p,€vos. t6 pkv — r6 8e, partly — and partly. diavoovpevov (sc. ^vvlaraa'^ai from the pre- ceding clause). "/cZ in animo hadejis^ id moliens." Bothe. 2. KLVTjo-is. . . .^ap^dpcop, for this was the greatest commotion which ever tools place amon^ the GreeTcs^ and a considerable portion of the iarharians. Kivrja-is does not take the article, because it is the pre dicate, and the pronoun avrr] the subject. Cf. K. § 246, E. 1 ; Kr. § 61. 7. bf) strengthens /xryio-r?;, ly far the greatest. Some confine peylcTTT] df) to rot? ''EXXr]v TpaiKatp. ov^ TJKKrra = /ndXtora. Thucydides is fond of the litotes. rav TpaiKcov, the Trojan icar. Of. Mt. § 445. 6. d. (^alverai — epyaarafiivr]. See N. on I. 2. § 1. doKel 8e fioi — elx^v- By the omission of ort, the dependent clause here assumes the form of a principal clause. Great vivacity and strength is im- parted in such cases, by the omission of the word denoting the dependent relation. Cf. Jelf's Kiihn. § 798. 1. a; Xr. § 55. 4. N. 8. In ra fxev trpb "EXXt^ws (in the times defore Sellen\ the article is joined in the same manner as in the phrases to anb Tovde^ TO irpb tovtov, etc. Some prefer, however, to make tu fiev — 8e = Ta fjLep — to. de, po/rtim — et partim. koL rrdw ouSe, TWt at all. Koi increases the force of Trdw, as our word very, in the phrases very much, very little, etc. Cf. Kr. § 69. 32. N. 18. ehai fj eni- KKTjarcs. Notice the change of construction from elx^v, the nomina- tive being here used with the infinitive, which construction is raried again by the accusative with the infinitive in /caXacrSat "EXKrjvas. The reason for this last change, seems to be the employment of the preceding accusatives with prepositions, KaTo. e^im], and /ca3' cVdo-rour, which are really subjects of Trapexecr^ai, and Kd\e7(r?iai. Cf. Mt. § 427. i. Obs. 2; Jelf's Kiihn. 372. Ois. 2. aXXa re /cat, and especially. d(j) eavTuiv, from themselves, i. e. they themselves gave the name to their respective districts. 2. "eXXt^i/oj, Sellen was the king of Phthia in Thessaly, and was the mythical ancestor of the Greeks, in contradistinction from the more ancient Pelasgians. Cf. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Eom. Mythol. p. 378, tVxvo-drrcoi/, ha/cing 'become powerful. Cf. I. 9. § 2. cVayo- UHAP. ill. J ^ NOTES. 187 fievcDi/ (middle), sc. dvSpcozrcoj/ elicited from es ras SXXas TroKeis Which follows. avTovs refers to Hellen and his sons. eV w^eXem, Jbr aid^ i. e. of the cities which invited them. /v TpcoLv), even. 4. ovde ^ap^dpovs f'lprjKe. "Non negat Thucydides, vocem jSdp- 8apos Honaeri sotate et fuisse et peregrini quid indicasse (II. 2. 867, KapSiv ^ap^apo(])avo>v) ; negat, earn omnes exteros, tamquam Helleni- bus oppositos, complexam esse. Cf. Odyss. 8. 294." Haack. fiiq TO firjbe "EXktjvas irto — dnoKeKpta'^ai^ decause the GreeJcs were not yet distinguished. 5. ot . . . . KXiySeWep, these several {iKaoToC) Hellenistic communities^ having heen first called Hellenists l)y separate cities^ (i. e.) such as understood one another'^s language., and afterwards all 'being called "by that general appellation. There are other ways of translating this passage which for the sake of brevity I must omit. Some verbal ex- planations, however, are needful. o\ d' is put for ovtoi hL ovv is resumptive, and takes up the assertion made at the beginning of the chapter, Txpo twv TpuiLKau. . . .'EXXdy. As Arnold well remarks, what is there 17 'EXXdy, is now 01 cos eicaorroi "EXXrjves, and the follow- ing words are si sort of explanation of the term^ which properly speaking is an anachronism, oa-oi^ in the parenthetical clause oo-ot dXkTjXuiv ^vvUa-av^ takes the gender implied in TrdXeiy, ^vvieaav is the imperf. 8 plur. of ^wltjui. Tor its construction with the genitive, of K. § 273. 5. e. d/Lti^iav dWrjXcov^ want of intercourse with one Another. errpa^av refers to "EXXrjves for its subject. dXXa . . . . ^ui/JJXSoj/, nay^ it was only because (K. § 312. 8. b.) th^y were better acquainted with nautical affairs (literally, the sea) that they united in that expedition. This sentence introduces the remarks, which Thu- cydides now proceeds to make, on the origin of maritime affairs and the practice of piracy. It is unnecessary with Haack to supply is or KaTo. before o-TpaTeiav, as it is the cognate accusative after ^vvrjX^ov (K. § 278). 188 ^ NOTES. [Book L CHAPTER lY. Minos was the most ancient possessor of a navy, and having brought the Cyclades andcK his dominion and expelled the Carians, began to clear the sea of pirates (§ 1). 1. yap is here inchoative and explanatory. In such instances it may be rendered now. " The Schol. remarks, tliat by three compari- sons Thucydides shows the slender power of the times which preced- ed the Peloponnesian war ; (1) by comparison with the period beforo Minos, (2) with that from his age np to the Trojan war, (3) from thence to his own times." Bloomf. TroKatTaros — vavriKov eKTrjo-aro^ was the most ancient possessor of a navy. Similar to this use of the superlative is the Latin jprimus hoc facit =^ primus fuit^ qui faceret. Ziu =■ iK€iva>v ZiV. vvv 'EXXtji/i/ciJs '^akaa-crr]^. " irporepov yap 'RapiKT] eKoXeiro." Schol. It is now called the Archipelago. Kv K\dda>v. These islands received this name, because they formed a kind of circle around Delos. oIklo-ttjs, colonizer. Kapas c'^e- Xda-as. Herodotus (I. 171) says that the Carians were expelled by the Athenians. It is probable, that the Dorian and Ionian colonies wholly extirpated those old Carian inhabitants, many of whom, doubtless, had been suffered to remain and enjoy equal privileges with the colony of Cretan settlers planted there by Minos. In this way, the apparently conflicting accounts of Herodotus and our author may be reconciled. icji oa-ov r^bvvaro^ as far as he was able. — — — rov — Uvai (S. § 222. 2 ; K. § 308. 2. b), in order that greater revenues might accrue to him. CHAPTER V. The Greeks and Barbarians anciently were much addicted to piracy, which, so far from being deemed unlawful or dishonourable, was regarded as in some measure conferring glory upon those who engaged in it (§ 1) ; this is seen in the traces of the custom stil] remaining in certain parts of tho continent, and from the testimony of the old poet* (§ 2) ; robbery by land was also practised, which custom still prevails in some of the Grsci&n states (§ 3). 1. yap serves here to introduce the origin and cause of the piracy, referred to in the close of the preceding chapter. ov ra)v ddwaTcoTaTcov. A litotcs for, the most powerful. See JT. on I, 8. Chap, v.] NOTES. 189 § 1. KepSot;?. .. .rpo^r]?, lotTi for their own gain and to supply food to their poor, tols da'^eveari literally signifies, tJie weaJc^ infrm^ but as these persons are generally possessed of slender means of sub- sistence, we may render it as above, roi^ da'SeveaL Tpotprjs is put for €V€Ka Tpo(^ris r^ff rdv dcrSfi'ecui'. By attending to sucli passages the reader will see, in a manner, how Thucydides compressed his style. Kara Koufxas oiKovjievais^ deing inhabited liTce milages^ i. e. in a scattering manner like Sparta, Mantinea, Tegea, etc. t6v TikeiuTov .... inoLovvTo^ derived thence the greatest part of their livelihood. Tov "TrkelcTTOv rov j3/lov=t6 nXe'icrTou rov ^lov. See l!^. on I. 2. § 3. ovK — TTo), not yet. ^epovros. . . ./xaXXov, dut ratJier bringing something (ri) of glory even. 2. offf. . . .Spaj/, to whom it is an honour to do this cleverly^ in good style. Koo-p.os'^ an adjective in the predicate. Some take koXms in the sense of humanely., but this is a signification wholly unsuitable to the passage. As Bloomf, remarks, there is no word which better expresses the exact idea, than our English word handsomely., in the acceptation dexterously . ol Tvakaioi tcov ttoitjtcov = ol naXaLoi Troi-qraL Bloomf. I prefer, however, with Bothe, to refer ol naXaiol to the persons spoken of by the poets, inasmuch as it was not the poets themselves who asked the questions here referred to. Thus also it may be opposed to rives eVt vvv. ras Trva-reis — €pa>Ta>VTeSi " i- ®* interrogari advenas cd) hospitibus facentes., nam non ipsi poeta3 per- contari poterant." Goeller. irvareLs depends upon epcoroiVTes as its cognate accusative. Of. K. § 278. 1 ; S. § 182. 2. oiv nw^dvovrai •== €/ceii-v evdaiuovcov^ the older men of the opulent class. avTois (-= e^ avTcov), of them., among them. Mt. §387; Crosby, 616. 1. bia TO a^pohlaiTov., on account of their luxurious hahits^ as Arnold well remarks, explains why they wore the linen di*ess, not why they took it off. Hence these words are to be taken with v 'icb^/o)!/ Karecrxov f^^ cncevrjv ravrrjv, Bauer. 4. ixerpiq^ simple^ modest. es (before t6v vvv), conformed to. K. § 290. 2. (3) b. is ra aWa, i7i otJier .respects. irpbs rovs TToWovs is to be construed after la-ohlaLroi^ which the Schol. ex- plains, op-oblaiToi. ol TO. fxel^co K€KTr}p.ivoL. This shows that in the estimation of Thucydides, equality of property was not a feature of the Lacedsemonian institutions. Grote (Hist. Greece II. pp. 520- 525) exposes most admirably the dreams of Plutarch, in respect to the alleged redivision of landed property by Lycurgus, and his banishment of gold and silver from Sparta. 5. eyviiva'^Tja-av. The practice of contending naked in the Olym- pic games, which, as we are here informed, arose from the Spartans, was adopted in the 14th Olympiad, as it appears from an epigram on Orsippus the Megarean. Gottl. says that Trparoi is not to ba pressed too far, since the Lacedaamonians derived this custom from the Cretans. Cf. Plat. Repub. Y. p. 452. A reference, however, to this passage in Plato, wUl show that the dyaves are not referred to, but the games themselves. es to (pavepov. There seems to b« an ellipsis of TrpoeXSoVre?, exutis 'cestihus in conspectum progressi. So Bauer, GoeUer, and Poppo. Haack makes is to ^avepov = ip tS (pavepa or (j)av€pS)s. Arnold's and Bloomfield's translation, for all to see^ making is denote either the designed or natural result of the action, is inadmissible, since the former was not true, and to notice the latter, as though the reader would need to be informed, that a combatant who exercised naked would be seen by all, does not cjmport with the brevity of Thucydides, who never turns aside to inform his reader of any thing, which he may be supposed to know. XtVa is an abridged dative for XiTra'i^ XiVa, from to XiTra. K. § 68. 9. jjkei-^avTo^ i. e. irpooToi. rols ^apjSdpots i'a-TLV ols '^Ta)v ^ap^dpoau eaTiv ols (== ivioLs. . K. § 331. R. 4). vvv is tO be constructed immediately after €ti Se Kai Kriig. remarks with reason that a'^\a T'C^^Tai should properly have been aSXooi/ Ti'^ep.epav^ 392 NOTES. [BooKl and tlie following koL omitted, since the difference between the Greeks and Barbarians, in the time of Thncydides, was not in the institution of prizes for wrestling and pugilism, but in the barbarian custom of contending with girdles around the loins. tovto refers to TO TTvyfiaxe^v Koi TroXaieii', elicited from the preceding substan- tives TTvyfirjs and Trakrjs. 6. Kriig. constructs ttoXXo with ofxoLOTpoTra, but Bldomf. supplies Kara with ttoWo. and takes oixoiorpona adverbially. CHAPTER VII. For the sake of security against the pirates, the more ancient towns Tvcro built some dis- tance from the sea, while such as were more recently founded were built on the very sea-coast, or on isthmuses for the more convenient pursuits of coftimerco (§ 1). 1. rjbr) nXo'iixarepoiv oirajj/, navigation 'being now more advanced^ " wlien things 'began to admit more of navigation^ Arnold. n\a>'ijxa)- repcov is found in the editions of GoeL, Haack, Poppo, and Bloomf. The plural is here used for the singular. eV airoTs- to7s alyuiXols^ vpon the very sea-coast. S. § 160. 4. a. drreXap^avov^ occupied. In other places, as IV. 45. § 2 ; 102. § 4, it is more fully written la'^p.ov aiTokaf^ovra ret;)^i^fiv, Teix^aiv uTToXap^dvetv. The verb therefore may be safely rendered, they icaUed off, enclosed with walls. Cf. Betant sub voce. Bloomf. illustrates the choice of commanding positions as the site of these towns, by referring to Corinth and Potideea. eVl •noKv dvTta-xovcrav, for a long time prevalent, '■'■diu obduranteni'^ diu- turnam." Bothe. Cf. II. 64. § 5. otto in 0776 ^aXda-cnj^ denotes distance from a place, the verb of the proposition being one of rest. K. § 288. 1. b. Eeference is had to such cities as Sparta, Thebes, Del- phi, Argos, etc. €(j)epov, they (i. e. the pirates) laid waste, ravaged. ^epQ) in this sense is usually joined v/ith aya. rcov. . . .Skovv, as many of the others as lived on tJie coast {Kara cokow), although unac- quainted with maritime affairs. Haack supplies iKeivovs before So-oi, on account of the preceding dWrjXovs. The participle ovres is here concessive, and may be translated as a verb preceded by although. Cf. K. § 312. 4. d; S. §225.6; cv ^aXda(rLOL=^ ovk epTveipoi ttjs 3a- Xda-arjs. Koi p^xpi Tovbe k. t. X. resumes the narration, which was interrupted by the parenthesis Z(\)(pov. . . .cokow. dvaKio-pevoi fl(j\ (= auo) oiKovo-i), are built at a distance from the coast. The gender by constructio ad sensum is put in the masculine, altliorgh the verb properly refers to cities. See N. on I. § 136. 1. Chat, via] NOTES. 193 CHAPTEK VIII. Piracy was also practised by the islanders, whom the purification of Delos showed to have been mostly Carians and Phoenicians (§ 1) ; but when Minos expelled the pirates from the islands, the sea became more open to navigation (§ 2) ; for which reason, the re- souroes and power of those who dwelt on the sea-coast increased, and their mode of life becoming more settled, they surrounded their cities with walls, some of which cities obtaining the pre-eminence over smaller ones, attained to considerable consequence, and thus the way was prepared for the Trojan expedition (§§ 3, 4). 1. Poppo thinks that this section belongs to the preceding chapter, inasmuch as it illustrates the subject matter of that chapter, ov^ rj(T(Tov — = nakXov. oWcff, who were. The participle may sometimes bo rendered by the relative and verb. Cf. K. § 309. 8. b ; S. § 225. 2. ovTOL. . . .aKiaap (colonized). Cf. Herodot. I. 171 ; lY. 147; VI. 44. [lapTvpiov 8e. See TrapaSety/xa, I. 2. § 5. The full form is found in Herodot. II. 58. reKfiripiov de fxoi tovtov rode (iari). Cf. Mt. § 628. 2./; Butt. § 151. 6. Ka'^aipofievrjs. After this purifica- tion of Delos by the Athenians on the advice of an oracle, they suf- fered no person to die on the island, but carried those whose end was approaching over into Khenaea. rwSe tv "^ richer than they were Icfore. yap " causam reddit verborum ^aiorepov aKovv et Teixq TrepijSaXXoi/To." Poppo. K€pB(ov depends on i^up.evoi. K. § 273. 2. b —-—01 — rjcraovs^ ths poorer. S. § 65. irpoa-enoiovvro 9 194 NOTES'. [BookL . . , .TToXet?, they icon over and made obedient to th^m the smaller cities. Two phrases are here blended into one. 4. naXkov Tj8r} ovres, leing now in a letter state than formerly, i a naving now become powerful and rich. Bauer interprets this pas- sage: magis est, nt tali conditione jam fuerint, quam nt in ilia prisca." voTcpov xpo'^9 "^ vcTTepa xP^^^t ^ former reading, but now con sidered a gloss. CHAPTER IX. The expedition against Troy was set on foot, not so mncli by the suitor's oath to T}ti(1*- rus, as the superior power and Influence which Agamemnon had to any of the princes of his time (§ 1); for Pelops, by the wealth which ho brought from Asia, became pow- erful in Peloponnesus (which took its name from him), which power was increased by Atreus, who obtained the sovereignty of Mycente and some other states on the death of Eurystheus (§ 2); all which wealth and power Agamemnon possessing, he drew to- gether the armament against Troy, more through the influence of fear than attach- ment (§ 3) ; for he fitted out the greatest number of ships for that expedition, accord- ing to Homer, who also speaks of his extensive sway (§ 4) ; from this expedition may be coryectured the nature and importance of those which preceded it (§ 5). 1. Tciiv t6t€ 8ui/a/iet 7rpovx<^v, hj teing superior in power to the princes of that time. The genitive, depends on Trpovxav (S. § 198. 2), which participle denotes means (K. § 312. 4. e ; S. § 225. 8), and is opposed to TOLs opKOLs in the next clause. These clauses are inverted, the natural order being : doKel ov too-ovtov — ayoov (ocrov) rcov t6t€ dwdfiei TTpovx'^v. KaT€Lkr]p,}i€vovs (obstrictos). The oaths referred to are those which, at the advice of Ulysses, were imposed upon the suitors of Helen by Tyndarus, to approve of the cho''co which she might make, and defend her from any violence which might subse- quently be offered to her. Of. Apollod. III. 10. § 9. 2. oi TO. (ra(pe(7TaTa k. t. X. The order is : oi dtf3ey;AeVot (cf. I. 20. § 1) TO. o-a^earara ILiKoTvovvrjo-loav, those of the FtCoponnesians who Jiave received the clearest accounts. I prefer this to the interpretation which makes Uekoirovvr^aloiv depend on to. a-acfyea-rara : tlwse who hav6 received the clearest accounts of tlie affairs of PeloponnesiLs, inas- much as in such a case, we should have expected it to have been writ- ten ra HeXonowTjcriaKaiv. a . . . . e^cov, which he draught with him from Asia, a depends on €xa>v. rfjv incavvixiav — o-xfti', firiiish- ed the Tiawe; literally, had the naming.^ i. e. had it named after him- Belf. ofX(i)s belongs to inrjkvTriv ovra, although he was a foreign- er. rotff. . . ,^vv€Vf)^rivai. IJaack, Poppo, and others render : to his posterity still greater j)ower accrued^ taking /iei'^o) for a neuter Chap. IX.] NOTES. 195 plural, or supplying hvvaynv from the preceding context. Bloomf. translates : with posterity attained unto still greater estimation. In this case the construction would be : koI (Xeyova-iv) vo-repov '4tl fiel^co ^vuevex^rjvai (yei/ecrSat) rots eKyouois. I prefer this rendering, because it seems to harmonize better with the context, it being the design of the author to exalt in this place the fame of Pelops, and to give his posterity (i. e. Atreus and Agamemnon) their meed of praise in the subsequent context. vno 'HpaKkcidav. Eurystheus was slain by Ilyllus and lolaus, assisted by Theseus. Kara to ot/ceioi^, on ac- count of his relationship. rvyxaveiv depends on \eyovai at the commencement of the section. avrov^ i. e. Atreus. The clause Tvyxdi^eiv avTov would have followed prjTpbs. . . .avra far more natu- rally as a genitive absolute : koI c^euyovros rbv Trarepa k. t. X. The structure of the sentence, as Kriiger remarks, would have been im- proved, had ovTos been a primary verb. bia t6v Xpva-lmrov Sam- Tov. The Schol. says that Pelops killed Ohrysippus, and Atreus fear- ing the same treatment fled from home. According to another tradi- tion, his step-mother Hippodameia hated him, and prevailed on her sons Atreus and Thyestes to kill him, on which account Atreus fled away from the auger of his father. boKovvra elvai^ hy appearing to he (see IST. on 7rpovx(ovi I. 9. § 1), is connected to cf)6^a by koI ap.a. MvKqvaloiV and oaoiv depend on rr]V (Bacrikeiav. ivapaXafSelv and KaTaa-TTJvai have the same construction as rvyxdvetv. tcov Jlepaeidcov depends on jxei^ovs. Sthenelus the father of Eurystheus was the son of Perseus. 3. a '^ which wealth and power. Similar to this is the use of raCra, Xen. Anab. I. 6. § 9. Cf. I. 18. § 2. kcli vuvvlkS re, and in naval power also. On koI — re, cf. S. § 236. N. 3. eVl 7rXeoi/=« paXkov. la-xvo-as. See N. on I. 8. § 2. ov 0o^«, not S6 much ly affection as hy fear ; literally, not "by affection more (to Trkelov^ paXkov) than hy fear. 4. (paiveTOt — dcfiiKopevos. See "N. on I. 2. § 1. —— €t ro) Ikovos T€KprjpLco(TaL, if his testimony^ he regarded valid. It is here meant, not that the testimony of Homer is to be distrusted, but that some allow- ance is to be made for poetical exaggeration. iv..,.Tfj Trapw SoVei. Cf. II. 2. 108. Tov (TKrjiTTpov. This sceptre was a lance, which the Cheroneans venerated as a god. Cf. Pausan. 9. 40, p. 795^ cited by Gottl. vrja-cov depends on cKpaTei. e^co — x^P^^t prcBter. TjTreLpooTrjs <3»', inasmuch as he was an inhabitant of the continent. See N. on 1. 5. § 3. The participle here denotes the reason or cause. Cf. K. § 312. 4. b ; S. § 225. 4. See also N. on P. 20. § 2. 5. ola ^v TO. TTpo avTTJs'^how powerful were the armaments before it 196 NOTES. [Book I CHAPTER X. It is no reason why the poetic account of the greatness of the armament against Trcf should be discredited, because Mycenae was apparently a small city (§ 1) ; this will ai>- pear evident, if, Lacedaemon having been overturned, any one should attempt to ascer- tain its power from its ruins (§ 2) ; the Trojan expedition ought therefore to be re garded as greater than any which preceded it, but inferior to those of the present age (§ 3) ; for Homer makes the number of the ships 1200, the largest containing 120, the smallest 50 men (§ 4) ; which number cannot be considered great, when regarded as tho combined force of the whole of Greece (§ 5). 1. oTi ^f, decause Myceiim loas a small city. See N. on las /3e- /Saioi/ oi/, I. 2. § 5. Haack and Poppo supply irokia-yLa from the fol- lowing clause. Mycenso was destroyed by the Argives, in the Y8th Olympiad, a. o. 468, thirty-seven years before the Peloponnesian war. rj €L TL. ,. .dual, or if any of the cities of those times, etc. Bloomf. makes this clause parenthetical, and renders : and which of the cities of those times does not now appear inconsiderable ? But I think this to be unnecessary, as the commonly received signification makes apposite sense, a^Loxpeoav, icorthy of notice. ovk ^Ipx]- Kaai, no one using this (i. e. on MvK^vai yuKpbv k. t. X.) as a certain proof should disbelieve that this armament was as great as the poets represent, av belongs to ^pcafxevos and gives the sense no one using etc. (if any one should peradventure use it as a pi'oof). prj is added to the infinitive because preceded by dTria-rolr), a verb of denial. Cf. Mt. §534. Obs.4:', K. § 318. 8; S. §230. 8. Sometimes on ov and ois ov are used in this construction with the indicative or optative. Karex^i, prevails, obtains. 2. Sparta and Athens are now brought forward as illustrative of what has just been said, yap (illustrantis) may therefore be rendered, for example. r?}? Karao-Keurjff TO, iddipT}, the foundations of the edifices. KaraaKevf] signifies fio^ed or permanent furniture, and hence, as here, is put for buildings, especially public edifices and large man-- sious. TToWrjv — dnto-Tiav ttjs dvvdpecos — Trpos to kX/os avrcov, much doubt of their power in comparison with (Trpos) their fame, i. e. with what their fame represented it to be. npoeX'^ovros noWov xp^^^ov, in a long lapse of time. to2s eneiTa, to p)Osteinty (S, § 169. 1), limits elvai, which has for its subject, dma-Tlav. liekoTvowriaov ,,,.[xotpas. The five divisions of Peloponnesus were, Laconia, Mes- senia (which was subject to Lacedcemon), Argolis, Achaia, and Arca- dia (which included Elis). In Argolis were included tlie Epidaurians, T^'oezenians^ Oorintl\ians, and Sycionians. Ta>v e^co ^vp.p.dxa>v ttoX* Chap X.] NOTES. 197 \a)v. This was true after the Pelopoimesiaii war, when Thucydides composed the history. Before the war, the Spartans had few if any subject states out of Peloponnesus. ovre ^woiKia-'^ei.a-qs^ ''^not compactly duiUy Bloomf. -rroXecos. For the omission of tlie article, cf. K. § 244. K. 3. Kara Aco/Ltay, in milages. Miiller (Do- rians, II. p. 48-50) says, that the names of these hamlets or villages were Pitana, Messoa, LimnoB,. and Cynosura, which lay on all sides around the city (ttoXls) properly so called, and were divided from one another by intervals, until at a later period (in the time of the Mace- donian power), they were enclosed with walls and united and incor- porated together. Niebuhr supposes that such was the early state of Kome, to which Arnold adds the Borghi of Florence, and some of the Italian towns. (paimiT^ sc. ttoXis from the preceding rroXecos. A Schol. supplies fivVa/ziy from the foregoing ttjs dwaneas. 'ASt;- vaioiv . . . .naUiovTaiv is put for et Se ol \\?ir]vatoi 7ra3otfi/, and responds to the preceding members, el iprj^oi'^eir]^ X-qc^'^ielrj be. etKa^eo-Sat depends on olfiai^ the words Kairoi .viroheea-Tepa being parenthetic. rj ea-Tiv^ instead of a noun in the regimen, is uncommon after words implying the idea of comparison, like biTrXaaiav. 8. ovKovv aTn(TTeiv cIkos., Jience it is not proper to doubts we oiiglit not to doubt. rrjv o-Tparelav, i. e. the armament fitted out against Troy. Tci)v in rcov npo avrrjs depends on p.eyL(TTrjv. Xenrope- vrjv de rav vvv^ but falling short of those at the present time. KavravJia (i. e. koL evrav^a) " has the same sense as if Thucydides had written kuI tvepX ravrrjs rJ)? (TTpaTeias Xeyovri. Therefore the relative fjv is in the feminine gender." Arnold. eVi to pfi^ov — Koa-prja-ai, to exaggerate for the saJce of embellishment.^ ''''in majus celebrare.^'* Poppo. KCLi ourcoy, i. e. even with all the embellishment of Homer. 4. ;yiXiv^ so also we may say neTrolrjKe ras vavs (yavs) cKarov dvbpav. aXXav yovv. , . .napearKevaapeva is generally regarded as paren- thetic, the main subject being resumed by ovu in rrpos ras fxeyiarras ovv. avreperai (sc. j/ecoj/, cf. III. 18. § 5), themselves rowers. I have put a comma after Trdvres, because ip rais ^lXokttjtov vaval is by no means to be joined with ^a-av. but is to be taken in the sense 198 NOTES. [BooKl of, in what 7ie has said of the ships of Philoctetes. cTepiVecoff, sit^ pernumeraries, i. e. those wlio are merely passengers, and take no part in the management of the ship. rwv. . . .reXci, those particularly in office'^ the chiefs. Cf. to. reXr}, I. 58. § 1. fxeXKovras should properly be /leXXoj/rwi/, but as in that case it would have referred to flaoriXc'tov, and not as it does to the whole armament of the Greeks, the accusative was adopted, the subject being partly contained in the subject of the primary verb, Trepipecos ttoXKovs ^vfinXelv^ as Arnold remarks, having exactly the same meaning, as if Thucydides had written Trepiveois ttoXKovs fiera cr(})a)v ayetv. The subject of /ic'XXoi/- ray is therefore ''eXXt;^^ to be supplied. KardcPpaKTa^ decked,, icith decks. Their ships were covered only in the prow and stern, which covering Homer calls iKpla vqos (cf. Odyss. 12. 229). Even in the time of the Persian war, the ships were not entirely covered (cf. I. l-i. § 3, avrai .... KaracrT pea para). Cf. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Eom. Antiq. p. 58. XT^o-TiKcbrepcoj/, rather after the piratical fashion. 5. irpos.. . . o-KOTTouj/ri, in reference to the greatest and the smallest ships, if we looTc at the medium = if we look at the medium detween the greatest and the smallest ships, irpos here denotes fitness, con- formity to. Cf. K. § 298. III. 3. b. ovv=I say then, or accordingly. a-KOTTovvTi limits ipaivovrai. as — Trepnopcvoi, l)eing regarded as sent. K. § 312. 6. CHAPTEE XI. 5Tio want of means to support an army, was a reason why tho armament against Troy was no larger; and so limited were they in their resources, that they were obliged to engage in expeditions into the surrounding regions, in order to obtain subsistence for the aruty, which fact shows why the siege was so long protracted (§ 1) ; for if they had pressed the siege vigorously with their whole force, they might easily have taken the place (§ 2) ; but want of pecuniary resources made the military operations prior to thia expedition feeble, and even this was inferior to its fame as celebrated by the poets (§ S). 1. aiTiov, the reason of this paucity. dxprjpMTia, want of money. r^? yap rpos av^rj'irjvai which makes no material difference in the sense, since ovrcoi refers to a state of rest, which is denied in firj rja-u- Xaaao-a. Not much different from this is the translation of Bloom- field : so as to enjoy too little quiet to malce any progress in power. Tjcrvxao-acra is put in the nominative (for riavxacraa-av) by attraction with rj 'EXXds, the subject of the principal verb. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 863. Ohs. 5; Kr. § 55. 2. Ns. 1, 4. Goeller commences the apodosis to errel. . . .av^rj'irjvai, with fxaXis re eV ttoXXw ac. r. X., §4 ^^ infra. All the intervening words, both he and Bloomf. enclose in a ^^X^ parenthesis. 2. ;^poi'ia yevofxevrj, taJdng place after so long a time. Cf. Odyss. \* 17. 112. noXka belongs to €j/eo;f/xa)o-f, made many changes. — — . %. oTao-ets-, factions. as eVi ttoXv, for the most part, generally. ^ a<^' Ziv, 'by which (see N. on otto iroXenov, I. 24. § 4), sc. arda-ecov, and not TToXf (ov, which would either be without the preposition or else take €K. eKTrinTovTes — €kti^ov. The subject is oi TroXtrai elicited from the preceding TrdXeo-i. ras TroXetp. The use of the article Poppo (Proleg. I. p. 200) thus gives: ^'-claras urles, quas inde novimm extjtisse.^'' See N. on ra Se'/ca er?;, I. 11. § 1. The chiefs who are here spoken of as being expelled from their country, were Teucer, Philoctetes, Diomedes, Menestheus, Pyrrhus, Idomeneus, etc. 8. "Apinjs. The Thessalian Arne is here intended. The Boeotian Arne which was thus colonized was afterwards called Cheronsea ^Coroneia^ Leake). apaordi/rep, being expelled. The aorist active Oeap. xil] notes. 201 has here a passive sense. S. § 207. IsT. 3. S)v in dtp* av is plural because dTroSacr/Mof, to which it refers, has a collectiTe idea. Miiller says, that the writer added this through deference to the authority of Homer. But in the catalogue of the ships, the Boeotians are repre- sented as possessing the whole of what was afterwards called Boeotia, and could not therefore have been a portion only of its inhabitants. Grote (Hist, of Greece, U. p. 22) says that Thucydides has not re- moved the discrepancy between himself and Homer by this statement, but only made it less strikingly obvious. The subject is involved in difficulty. Aa)pii]s. . . .eaxov. During their exile from Peloponne- sus, the Heraclidae took up their abode in Doris, ^gimius having be- queathed to Hyllus his dominions, in gratitude to Hercules for having reinstated him in his government which he had lost. It was thus that eighty years after the capture of Troy, they planned the recovery of their ancient possessions, the traditionary name of which expedi- tion is '' tJie return of the descendants of HermilesP Of. Cramer's Greece, Vol. H. p. 101 ; Miiller's Dorians, I. p. 50 seq. The invasion was successful, and all Peloponnesus, except Arcadia and Achaia, fell into their power. Grote (Hist, of Greece, II. p. 18) thinks that Thu- cydides or some previous author, computed this epoch of eighty years by the generations in the line of Hercules, the first generation after Hercules commencing with the siege of Troy, which, reckoning thirty years for a generation, would bring the fourth generation to coincide with the ninetieth year after that period, or the eightieth year after the city was taken. This would agree with the distance in which Tlepolemus, Temenus, Oresphontes, and Aristodemus stand removed from Hercules. oyborjKoo-rS erei. Repeat fiera 'iXlov aXcoaiv. 4. fj.6Xis^ scarcely^ not at lengthy as that idea is contained in iv TToWa XP'^^V' dviaTafxevT]^ leing unsettled^ migratory. See the use of this word in the previous section and in I. 8. § 2. i^eirefxylre. I prefer with Haack, Goeller, Poppo, and others, the imperfect i^eTreixne, because the writer is here speaking of colonization in gen- eral and not of any specific colonies. 'IraXiay, i. e. the southern part of Italy, in which were many Grecian colonies, and which was called by later writers Magna Graecia. — ^ eariv a x'^p'^^ (—ma X'opia). See N. m 1. 65. § 3. 202 NOTES. [Boox 1 CHAPTER XIII. As Greece increased in power and wealth, tyrannies began to be established, and increasing attention was given to maritime affairs (§ 1) ; in which Corinth led the way, triremes being said to have been built first there (§ 2) ; and at the same time Aminocles the Corinthian constructed four for the Samians (§ 3) ; the earliest sea-fight took place be- tween the Corinthians and the Corcyraeans (§ 4) ; Corinth, by its favorable position for the land trade between Peloponnesus and the rest of Greece, and also for its maritime advantages, after the suppression of piracy, became a double emporium and arose to great opulence (§ 5) ; the lonians also, in the times of Cyrus and Cambyses, possessed a considerable navy, as did also Polycrates and the Phocaeans (§ 6). 1. r^v KTTJa-Lv — 7roiov[jL£vr]s, having obtained the possession of. • fxaXKov is here employed as an adjective. ra rroWa is to be taken adverbially (= eVi to ttoXu), for tJie most part^ tery generally (K. § 279. R. 8), i. e. in most of tlie states. rvpawlbes^ absolute sove^ reignties. Reference is bad in this term to the mode, in wbicb ab- solute power was obtained, rather than the manner in which it was exercised. As opposed to the Jcingship spoken of below, it signified power usurped and unlimited, in distinction from that which was legitimate, hereditary, and limited by constitutional restrictions. eni prjTols yepao-i, with defined j^rerogatives^ i. e. such as had been long established by usage and common consent, iirl here denotes condition^ K. § 296. 11. 3. b. narpLKai, ancestral^ hereditary, Goeller thinks that Trarpi/cai /Sao-iXeiat does not signify, dominion re- ceived from one's father^ but rather to naTpiKov et t6 kuto. v6p.ov ehai naTpiop, and that the word naTpiKoi is used, because it includes the signification of paterni et patrum ex institutis administrati regiminis. But his reasoning in support of this is by no means satisfactory. vavTiKo. re i^rjpTveTo^ began to ft out for himself navies. avTe'f XovTo (sc. ot '''EX\r]V€s from 17 'EXXas in the previous clause), began t^ apply themselves. So Betant in hoc loco. 2. Tpoirov depends on iyyvTara. S. § 19o. 1. pcTaxcipta-ai, to change in the structure. A Schol. says that the alteration consisted in converting vessels of fifty oars into trireihes. Thucydides uses fxeraxftpiVat here in the sense of the middle /xeraxf tpiVao-Sai. A sim- ilar usage may be found in SovXovi/, I. 16. § 1 ; III. 37. § 4, and /cara- Xuo-ai, III. 46. §1. ra Trepi tus vavs=the structure of ships; literally, th^se things pertaining to ships. K. § 295. III. 8. ttjs 'EXXaSos- is added, says Poppo, because triremes had before this been In use among the Phoenicians. 3. 2a/xiois, for the Samians., depends on Troi^o-ar. For the con Chap. XHL] NOTES. 203. stniction of ^orrai — noirjaas, see IST. on I. 2. § 1. /xaXtora, about, in round nunibers. Goeller prefers the sense oi ferme instead of cir~ citer. Tov noXeiJLov, i. e. the Peloponnesian war. This shows that Thucydides wrote the preface of his work, at least, after the war had terminated. 4. ojv = eK€iv(ov a?, of which equivalent, the antecedent depends on TrakaiTaTT], and the relative is governed hy la-fiev. Kopij/Si'coK Trpos KepKvpaiovs. Between the Corinthians and Corcyraeans there existed the most inveterate enmity, although the latter people were a colony of the former. The expedition here referred to was the one conducted by Periander to avenge the death of his son Lycophron, whom he had driven from his home and banished to Corcyra, but afterwards recalled in his old age, and whom through fear of Perian- ler, who was to take the place of his son, the Corcyraeans murdered. Cf. Ilerodot. III. 50-53. ravrr] (sc. fidxri), from the time of that battle. For this use of the dative, cf. Mt. § 388. c. V^^XP^ ''ou avrov Xpovov^ i. e. the ciose of tli PeJoponnesian war. 5. yap, now. See jST. cjl I. 4. §1. del is strengthened by drj TTOTc = always at all times: —— innopiov^ a "place of traffic^ a com- mercial town. This name was generally applied to maritime places, where articles of merchandise were imported and exported. 'EX- Xr)va)v is in the genitive absolute with enipia-yovToiv. to TrdXat, in olden time. to, TrXeio), more. Std. .... ivLfiiarjoprcov^ having intercourse with one another through their territory. tois Trakaiois 7Toir]raLs. Keference is had to Homer, who says (II. 2. 570) : Ot de yivKrivas el^ou ivKTifievov ivoku'iipov, *A(f)V€i6v T€ Kopiv'^ov.. fjidWov €Tr\d)L^ov, began to attend more to navigation ; literally, began to sail more. inXaL^ov is a poetic word. Ka?i^povv. I con- cur with Poppo, Goeller, and others, in referring this verb to the Corin- thians, inasmuch as rds vavs evidently means, the ships just mentioned (i. e. the Corinthian ships), and the following context shows a change of subject. Poppo notes a similar variation of the subject in II. 3. §4 III. 16 (init.); 52 (init.). Such abrupt changes are not wonderful in a writer like Thucydides, who makes every thing subordinate to brevity. a/i(^orepa, both ways^ i. e. Corinth became an emporium for traffic by sea as well as by land (K. § 279. R. 10 ; Butt. § 115. 5). It is remarked by critics that diK^orepa may be taken in three senses, 1, by sea and by land ; 2, to the Greeks both within and without the isthmus ; 3, to the two ports of Corinth, viz. Cenchrea and Lechssum. The first is the only interpretation which has claims to be considered as the true one. xPW'^''^^'^ depends on Tvpoaoba. 204 NOTES. ' [Book 1 6. "loicnv limits yiyveTai, of which vuvtikov \iiavy) is the subject. iiri Kvpov, in the time of Cyrus. K. § 296. II. 2. ttjs — /caS' eavrovs ^aXd(Tv refers to the first invasion of Greece by Darius. {jLerd., after. irepi T€ SiKeXtai/, around Sicily (K. § 295. III. 1. b), i. e. on the Sicil- ian coasts. If however nepl 2i/v ^ap^dpav., as in Latin Eomanus is put for Romani. Keference is had to the second Persian invasion, which had been threatening Greece ever since the battle at Marathon and did not therefore come unexpectedly. bid nda-Tjs (sc. j/ecoy), throughout the ship. Poppo understands did Trdo-rjs to mean, in every sJiip^ i. e. nondum omnes tectas fuisse. Some reject as harsh the ellipsis of i/ecos, and take did ndarjs in the adverbial sense omnijio, as Sia K€vrjs (Athen. 442. a), frustra^ and otto r^? i'o-jyy, I. 15. § 3. But see N. on that passage. CHAPTER XV. The states which gave their attention to the formation of a navy, greatly increased their power (§ 1) ; for no wars by land, except border hostilities, were yet carried on, nor were any distant enterprises undertaken (§ 2) ; combinations of smaller with greater cities were not formed for common expeditions, except in the war between the Chalci- deans and Eretrians, when the rest of the states separated into parties on the one or the other side (§ 8). 1. 8c — opas, however. ovk eXaxLo-rrjv = very great. A litotes. See N. on I. 8. § 1. ol Trpoaxovres avrols (sc. to7s vavrtKois), those paying attention to their navies, \. e. making it an object to form and 206 NOTES. [Book J. establish a navy. Trpoo-oSw and apxij are datives of meam. Kal fiaXi(rra ocroi (= iKelvoi ocroi) [irj diapKr] eixov x^apav^ and espe- cially as many as had a territory inefficient for their sustenance. Bloomf. refers this especially to the Athenians. It was also true of tlie Corinthians. 2. o3t-i/, toTience^ refers to Tro'Xe/ioy. /cat in rh koI appears to us to be pleonastic, but the Attics employ it frequently after tip, to nonnect the thought more closely. Trape-yei/ero, accrued (= migJit accrue). This use of the moods in adverbial sentences of place (K. § 336), is the same as in adjective sentences (K. § 333), the indicative being used when the attributive qualification is to be represented as actual or real. iravres. . . .eKaarois. The order is : ivavrcs he (sc. 7roXf/ioi) oaoL Koi (even) iyivovro rjcrav iKacrTOis Trpos Sp-opovs (border- ers) Tovs a(f)eTepovs. (TTpare'ias — i^^ea-av. K. § 278. 1. ttoXu OTTO rris iavTcov is bracketed by Poppo and Goeller, on the ground that the idea contained in iK8r)povs is repeated. But, as Bloomf. well observes, eKbrjpovs merely signifies, abroad^ foreign^ without defining the distance, and hence the clause in question is by no means superflu- ous. Of. II. 10. § 1. eV uXKcov Karao-TpocPf}^ for the subjugation of others. 3. ov yap ^vpeaTTjKcaav — ttoXcis virrjKooi. The Schol. says, that the lesser cities did not associate in war with the larger cities, as sub- ject to them, ov yap vnrjKooi. Hence Poppo makes vtttjkooi = as vnrjKooi^ and with it supplies oi "EXKr/ves instead of Tro'Xets. au, on the other hand. Bothe reads av. avrol does not refer to vTv-qKooi, but to all the Greeks, especially to those implied in peyiarrai iroXeis. dno T^s la-T)s (sc. p.oipas\ on equal terms, i. e. the expenses being justly apportioned. The Schol. supplies crwreXelas. But of. III. 40. § 6. iiroiovvTo, " solebant suscipere.'''' las eKaa-roi oi dOKl CHAPTER XIX. Ttie LacedaemoniaTis levied no tribute from their allies, but took care by conciliatory measures to establish oligarchical forms of government among them ; the Athenians, on the contrarj', deprived their allies of their ships and made them tributaries, by which means they became highly prepared for war (§ 1). 1. Here begins an account of the respective policy of the two lead- ing states of Greece, which is given more at length in the process of the history. ovx • • • • rj-yoiivro is opposed to XPW^"^^ • • • • erhaps, it will be hard to be credited, from the proneness of men to catch at Hying reports of past events without due examina- tion (§ 1) ; thus the Athenians in general believe that Ilipparchus was slain by IIarmodiu3 and Aristogiton, because he was the tyrant, whereas Ilippias, who by right of primogeni- ture held the government, was the object of their conspiracy, and Ilipparchus was slain as the result of a disarrangement in their plan (§ 2) ; thus also the opinion of the rest of Greece, in respect to the suffrage of the Lacedaemonian kings and the existence of tho Pitanatan band, is incorrect (§ 3). 1. ra /leV ovv. Tlie corresponding particle to jxev is 5e in the be- ginning of tho next chapter, all between being properly a parenthesis. XaXena. . . .TTio-revo-aL is difficult of interpretation on account of its great brevity. Bloomf. with Bauer makes Tna-reiJo-ai = Trio-reuSi^mt and translates : however hardly it may Jind credit^ even ichen estah- lished 'by a regular chain of proofs. iravTaX reK/iT/pio), every argument necessary to proof " Omni (i. e. omnis temporis) testimonio ex ordine conjirmata.'''' Bothe. Goeller by a sort of grammatical attraction makes the passage = roiavra evpov^ (oare nav e^rjs TeKurjpLop ovtcov xdXenov elvat Tria-Tevarai^ and remarks : " non solum Travrl reKfirjpiiM dixit, sed TjavTi e^^s TeKfirjpia, quia in tanta vetustatis obscuritate non simplex argumentum sufficit, sed modo aliam rem ex alia colligendo et -ongiorem demum post conclusionem ad sententiam probabilem perve- niri potest." Of tliis explanation Poppo remarks : " hunc sensum noa 214 NOTES. [Book I e verbis elicimus." These interpretations agree in the main point, viz., that iravTi i^qs TeKixrjplco signifies, established on the most thorough and protracted investigation. I am less pleased with Arnold's interpreta- tion: being hard for believing every alignment one after another ; i. e. the general statement might not be questioned, but each particular argument which he has used, might not equally obtain credit. The word TCKixriptov^ I apprehend, cannot be made to refer to particular facts or arguments, and the ground which Arnold gives for this render- ing, viz., that the parenthesis contains the reason why the specific de- tails of the narration may lie open to suspicion, applies equally as well to the interpretation of Blooraf., or Goeller. The facts of the history may have been based on the most incontrovertible evidence, and yet those who remember how readily reports of past actions are caught up and circulated, may be disposed after all to doubt whether the true picture of affairs in times so remote is given. Such I believe to be the sense of this much disputed passage. yap introduces the reason foi what has just been stated. koL fjv, even if. ofxoioos =just as if t^^y '^^^'^ events in the history of another country, ofioicos is often used elliptically. d^acravicrTcos, without question, '■'• sine disquisi- tione.''^ Betant. 2. TO ttXtjSos — o'lovrai. The verb is put in the plural, because reference is had to the individuals implied in the subject (K. § 241. 1). Tvpavvov oVra, as being the tyrant. The participle here denotes an assumed cause. Of. K. § 312. 6 ; S. § 225. 4. See also N. on I. 9. § 4. It was in respect to the supposition of his being the tyrant, tliat Thucydides says the Athenians were mistaken. npeo-^vTaros &v rjpx^ K. r. X. The order is : Trpecr^vraTos lov tcov UcKna-rpaTov vltoov rjpx^ (sc. tS)v \\'^r]vaLcov). "imrapxcs avTov is parenthetic and does not depend on the preceding on. eKeivr] rrj r]p.epa fixed upon to slay Hippias. Km irapaxpw^i ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ '^^^^V i^'^^^i i« e. just as they were about to perpetrate the deed. w? TrpoeiSdros,-, as f-om one forewarned and therefore prepared. Bloomf. cites the proverb : '"'■ forewarned, forearmed.'''' dpdaavres n koX Kivbweva-ai, to en- counter (= meet death) after having done something worthy of note; or, to even {6 sufficiently well made out. The subject of this infinitive is Chap. XXIL] NOTES. 217 easily elicited from a Si^XSoi/ supra. cos TraXaia eJvai^ for things se ancient ; 1. e. considering their great antiquity (Of. K. § 841. R. 3; S. § 223. 2). This clause, which Poppo makes = «? Trakaia evi inKpavrj elvai^ quantum testimonia de rebus priscis clara esse possunt^ qualifies anoxpoavTcos. 2. 6 TTo'Xf/ios is the subject of drjKaaret (icill appear). iv J, sc. xpovco. aei. See N. on I. 11. § 1 (end). Trava-anevav = avTcov rravaauevcov cltto tov TroXe/icTi/ (from TroXe/ioio-i). avrcov (sc. Tcov apxaloiv) depends on ixel^cov. CHAPTER XXII. Whilo the exact words of the speeches uttered in this war are not pretended to have been given, yet the orations have been made to conform as nearly as possible to the general sense of what was really spoken (§ 1) ; as to the deeds, such only are narrated as fell under the observation of the historian, or were received on good authority from others (§ 2) ; this, however, was a task of extreme difficulty, from the conflicting accounts often given by those who were eye-witnesses of the same affair (§ 3) ; severe adherence to trutli to the neglect of all mere embellishment may be less agreeable, but cannot but be more useful to the reader, and will render the history worthy of being an everlasting possession (§ 4). 1. Koi €Kaa-Toiy and as to the several (eKacrroi. See N". on I. 3. % h) speeches which were made. Xoyo) is antithetic to ra §' epya rcov TTpax^ivTODV., § 2 infra. Bothe edits o(ra Xoyau = oaovs Xoyovs. ' iu avTco, i. e. iv rco TroXe/xeti/. ttjv oKpi^eiav avrrjP tcov Xe- X^evTcov (a changed construction for tovtcov ttjv aKpi^eiav) ■=. ravra ra Xe;^3eWa uKpi^cos. e/xoi limits ;(aXe7rdv. oov = eKeivoov a, of which equivalent, tfie antecedent (referring to tcov Xex'^ivTcov) de- pends on Tr]v aKpi^eiav, to be supplied from the preceding clause. Tols aWo'^tv TToSev — dnayyeWovaiv is opposed to ifxoi .... fJKovaa. av belongs to dnelv. to. heovra fiaXcaTa^ those things most espe- cially needed = most to the purpose. ixop-eva. . . .Xe;^3«Vra)i', keep- ing as close as possible to the general {^vnndarjs) sense of what was actually spoTcen. On the construction of yvoofxrjs.) cf. K. § 273. R. 6. b; S. §192. 1. ovTcos responds to as b' av edoKovv. "It thus appears that the speeches recorded by Thucydides are genuine as to their substance, although the style, the arrangement, and many of the particular arguments are altogether his own. They ar,e like the speeches written by Johnson tor the parliamentary debates in the Gentleman's Magazine; the substance of the debate was reported to him, and he then enlarged and embellished it. in order to set it off to the best advantage." Arnold. 10 218 NOTES [Book! 2. TO. §*.. . .TToXf/xo), "but as to the deeds wliich were actually per- formed in the war. In order to avoid a pleonasm, Goeller, on the suggestion of Kriiger, connects rap npax'^evTcdv with iv tw TroXf/xo). But this is unnecessary, since the manifest design of the author was to give emphasis to the actuality of the deeds spoken of, and hence he departed from the usual mode of expression to. epya ra irpa-x^ivra. Haack remarks : ad to. iv ra rrokefia irpax^evra non solum to. tpya pertinent sed etiam ra \c)(^evTa. oIk .... eTre^eXScbv. Construct (as Poppo directs) : ovk ck rov naparuxovros Trvi/Sai/o/ievoff, ovb^ as €fjio\ eSo/cet, aXX' (j]^La)v aXkcov^ and hence TTVP^avofifvos may be easily supplied from the preceding context. eVe^fXScbi/ implies great thoroughness of investigation, and hence with oa-ov dvparop aKpi^eia (= aKpi^earara Mt. § 461. Ol)S.) is highly emphatic. 3. ov. .. .Tkeyop^ did not give the same account of the same actions. aXX' (OS,.. . (x^h literally, as any one might ie in respect of good will to either party ^ or of his memoiy =■■ as any one was inclined to le partial to either 2)^^'^yt ^^' ^^ ^^^ memory served him. To the phrase u>s €xet the genitive is added, to show in what tespect the sense of the verb is to be taken. _K. § 274. 3. b. eKarepcop depends on evpolas^ as expressive of the cause whence the feeling of good will or partial- ity arose (K. §274; Kr. §47. 7. N. 5). ^vpoia tipos = evpoia npos rtpa. 4. p,ep refers forward to 6e in oo-ot be ^ov\r]oropTai. In this way aTeprrecTTcpop is opposed to ax^tXt/xa infra. to prj p.v'^cobes avrcop^ their deing free from myths. The negative pt] is used, because the clause may be resolved into : quia nullcB in iis exstent faiulw instead of exstant^ which would express actuality without reference to any supposition, and would therefore demand to ov pv^cobes. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 475. Ods. 3. rcov re. . . .eo-fcrSai. Construct r crKonelp to (ra(f)es (the truth) tchp yepopepcop (*:ai to cacfies} tChp peXkoPToap iroTf avails K. r. X. On KaTUTo dp?5poi7reiop, according to the course of human affairs., in all human prolahility (ap^pcoTrelcos), cf. K. § 292. II. 3. b. KpiPfiv (sc, TovTQvs referring to oo-oi), for them to judge^ is tlio (^AP. XXIIL] NOTES. 219 subject of €^€t (S. § 159. 2). The pronoun to be supplied here refers probably to political men, who endeavor to acquire a knowledge ol the future by the study of the past, and to whom such a history as this would be preeminently useful. After apKovvrats c^ei, Poppo, with several other critics, supplies tovtois or avTo7s referring to oaroi. But it is far better with Wolf, Haack, Arnold, and Bloomf., to supply efioi^ which is omitted dignitatis vel modestim gratia. KTrjfid re — ^vyK€iTai = ^vyKciTai cos Kr^fid re es ae/, t7ds (i. e. his history) is com- posed as an eveelasting possession, ey del = to our old for aye. Bloomf. dyavta-fia, prize composition^ a trial of literary sTcill. Eeference is here supposed to be had also to Herodotus, but the doubt, which now hangs over the statement of Lucian in respect to the recitation at Olympia (see N. on I. 20. § 3), makes such a reference in this place to an equal extent uncertain. Besides, those critics, who are continually spying out references to Herodotus of the kind here and previously referred to, should remember that it does not add to the praise of Thucydides, to represent him as indulging in these covert and petty allusions, the designed object of which, must have been to disparage the credibility, and thus undermine the reputation of his great predecessor and rival for coming ages. es rb napa- XPW^ denotes the object or purpose of dycovia-fxa (K. § 290. 2. 3. a). dKoveiv^ sc. Tipd. Cf. S. 222. 6. The sentiment of thi3 passage is noble, and worthy of the man, who by common consent is justly styled Princeps Histop.icoeum. The subject of ^vyKeirai is pro- perly avra to be supplied from d)(f>€\ifia avrd. CHAPTER XXIII. The importance of the Peloponnesian war is again insisted on, by a brief comparison of It with the Persian war, which was shown to have been brought to a termination in two sea-fights and as many engagements by land, but this war was lasting (§ 1) ; and in tho amount of blood shed, the capture of cities, the change of inhabitants by tho war and the accompanying seditions, was never equalled (§ 2) ; to which things were added what before had only been heard o^ viz. earthquakes, eclipses of the sun, droughts, famines, pestilence, and the like (§ 3) ; the causes of the war are introduced as next claiming at- tention, among which the veritable cause was the fear with which tho Lacedaemonians regarded the growing power of tho Athenians, but the ostensible one is detailed in th© narration which fallows (§ 4, 6). 1. Tcov 5e Tvporepov. Tliis chapter, although belonging to the pre- face, is more immediately introductory to the history which commences in the next chapter. hvelv vavpax'iap, i. e. the sea-fights at Arts* 220 NOTES. [BooKl misiurr. and Salamis. The land engagements were those at Pylae and Platea. dvelv is in the genitive (K. § 99. 5) and depends on Kpiaiv^ had its decision of tico sea-Jights =. found its decision in, two sea-fights. Poppo, Haack, and Goeller read bvoiv^ but the reading of Dindorf is supported by that of Bekker, Arnold, etc. and by the authority also of almost all the MSS. TovTov....'rzpov^r). A varied form of expression for 6 trokcixos (i. e. the Peloponnesian war) Trpov^r} es fieya IJLTJKos.) or (with Bloomf.) tovtov Se tov noKefiov (to) firJKos (is) /xey irpov^r]. ^vvriv€)(pr] yevea^ai^ happened tO 1)6 = hejell. erepa refers to 7ra?ifjp,aTa to be mentally supplied from the preceding mem- ber. iu Xaca xP^^^i ^- ^- '^^ twenty-seven years. 2. ovre yap... .r]pr]fidi)'^T)(rav. The sentiment is as though it had been written : TrXeTorat yap TroXeiy iu repSe tw rroXe/xw XT^c^Selo-ai tjprj- fia>?iT](rav (icere taJcen and made desolate. Butt. § 144. N. V end), since the construction is continued with ai p.ev — at fie — eiVt fie a?, whereas the words as they now stand would require to be followed by ovre xmo l^ap^dpcov, ov8e vtto (t^coj/, etc. The negative form given by ovre yap TToXeis- Toaaide, adds much to the vivacity and strength of the passage. "With T]pr]^a}?iT}aav we may mentally supply nporepov iv 'iaa Xpova. VTTO ^ap^dpoiv. Reference is had to Mycalessus. Of. YII. 30. invb a &v, on account of which. 222 NOTES. [BookL CHAPTERS XXIV.— LXVI. "We are now to enter upon the history of the Avar, which Thucydidea ehows to liave avowedly risen out of the contest between the Corinthians and Corcjrrcans (chaps. 24-55), and the affair at Potidaea (chaps. 56-66). Tliis portion may be regarded, therefore, in its relation to the main history, fts a detail of the pi*etended causes of this long and ruinous war. It is well worth the perusal of the student, as laying open in a most lucid manner, the genius and policy of the states representing the two great forms of gov- ernment, aristocratical and democratical, which were about to engage in a mighty and finjjl struggle for the mastery. It should be regarded as a bea- con light of the past, serving to warn against the most distant approach towards civil war, and showing to what extent the passions of men will carry them, and how ruinous their measures, when, overlooking the welfare of the whole, they seek to aggrandize and make powerful one state upon the ruins of otheiu The reader will find much that is reprehensible in the Athenian line of conduct, yet not more than in that of the Lacedaemonians, who, with a cold and selfish policy, were aiming at power not less eagerly than their more active and excitable rivals. A grasping and overbearing spirit had taken possession of both states, under different forms, it is true, but equally pernicious to their own best interests and those of Greece in general. CHAPTER XXIY. - Cpidamnus, tbe situation (§ 1), and founders (§ 2), and gro>vth (§ 3) of which are described, had become a^tated by internal dissensions (§ 4) ; the result of which was, that the common people banished those in higlier life, who uniting with the Barbarians, carried on war by land and by sea against the party which had expelled them {§ 5) ; in conse- quence of which, the citizens sent to Corcyra their parent city for aid (§ 6) ; but failed in obtaining it (§ 7). 1. ^Emdafivos. Epidamnus^ afterwards called Dyrrachium and now Durazzo, is said by Euseb. Ohron. to have been founded 188 years before tliis. iv de^ia .... koXttov, on the right to one sailing (K. § 284. 10. a; S. § 201. 4) into the Ionian gulf. By 'idwas koKttos is not meant the Ionian sea, but the southern part of that portion of it, which was afterwards called the Adriatic. npoo-oiKova-i^ hordered oUy dwelt near to. The accusative which follows this verb, depends on tho preposition. Tavkdimoi. Miiller places the Taulantii nortfc CuAT. XXIV.] NOTES. 223 of Epidfimnus, but Bloomf. contends that their country lay betwecD Epidaranus and Apollonia. 2. T(ov d>P''Ov is a parenthesis, and is so marked in most of the editions before me. ta-3ju6s (= dp.cf)i'^aXd(Tcnos. Schol.) means here a peninsula, or an isthmus on a peninsula. Notice the position of to-Sjuos between the subject and the verb. CHAPTER XXVII. The Corinthians prepare to send out a fleet for the relief of Epidamnus (§ 1) ; ships, money, and troops are furnished at their request by their allies (§ 2). iroXiopKovvrai, sc. 01 'ETrtSa/xi/ioi. The indicative is here employed because the statement is given in the messenger's own words, on in such cases serving as a mark of quotation = (announcing) " the Epidamnians are lesieged:'' Cf. K. § 329. E. 3 ; S. § 213. 1. Some may prefer, however, in this and similar cases, to regard the indicative tis supplying the i^laco of the optative (S. § 213. N. 1), for the sake o\ ;iaAP. XXVIL] ^OTES. 22S r.vacity : (announcing) iliat the Epidarrmians^ etc. ajroiKlav , » , , fKrjpvaa-ov = proclaimed that a colony was about to lie sent to Epidam- nus. (See N. on dieKpbrja-av npos, I. 18, § 2). es in its use here is much Hke our for, in such expressions as, the expedition is for Oregon. So here: proclaimed a colony for Epidamnus. cVl rrj 'larri koI onoia (sc. fioipa or rififj)^ having equal and similar ranh and privi- leges with the old colonists and with one another. Not, as Goeller supposes, equal to the citizens of the parent state, but equal to one another, whatever distinctions may have existed among them at Corinth. Haack supplies coo-re before Uvau Of. K. § 306. E. 3 ; S. § 223. 1. fxrj eSeXot — ^ovXerai. A shade of uncertainty is given to the first verb by the optative = should perhaps le unwilling • — and yet wished (as a matter of fact). For this intermingling of the optative and indicative, cf. Mt. § 529. 5 ; Kost, § 122. I. 7 ; Jelf 's Kiihn. § 855. Obs. 4. The apodosis is contained in jxeveiv^ which is constructed like the preceding Uvai. nevri^Kovra dpaxp^as Kara'^ev Ta Kopiv'^las^ by paying fifty Corinthian drachmce^ towards defraying the expenses of sending out the colony. The .Corinthian drachma was equal in value to the j3]lginetan, which was worth ten oboli. Fifty of these would amount, therefore, t* something more than eighty-three Attic drachma) (see N. on III. 17. § 3). Some translate Kopti/SSiay, at Corinth^ but aro divided in opinion, whether it is to be taken with Kara^cvra or with fxeveiv. Many of the MSS. have Kopiv Slots'. fxevetv depends on eKrjpvo-aov. 2. TQ)v Meyapecav. Megara, with the states here named, formed a part of the ancient Peloponnesian confederacy, and were bound to Cor- inth by the ties of consanguinity, amity, and unity of political views. The aid which Megara received from Corinth, when it revolted from Athens, is spoken of, I. 114. § 1. ^vfxnpo7rep.yl/€Lv^ to convoy, to at- tend for the sake of defence. el apa, if perchance. Kaikvoivro —nXelv. K. § 306. 1. a. UaX^s (Att. for HaXety. S. §48. K 2. b), the inhabitants of Pale, one of the four cities of Cephallenia, and as some think, a Corinthian colony. But cf. Miill. Dorians, I. p. 130, N. m. 'Em^avpicov. The Epidaurus here spoken of, was a city of Argolis, on the western coast of the Saronic Gulf, over against ^gina. 'Epfxiov^s, the inhabitants of Hermione, wliich was also a city of Argolis, south of Epidaurus and opposite Hydrea. Tpot- (rivLoi. Troezen lay about midway between Epidaurus and Hermione, somewhat east of a direct line between the two cities. Qrj^aiovi .... ^Xiao-Lovs. These being wealthy, but not maritime states, furnish- ed money doubtless in the way of a loan. The Eleans, in addition tc money, furnished empty ships, not having seamen to man them. 230 NOTES. rCcoicl CHAPTER XXVIII. The Corcyrajans hearing of this extensive armament send am bassadoi'S to Ccriutb; charging them to -withdraw their garrison and colonists from Epidamnus (§ 1) ; pro- fessing their willingness to submit the whole affair to the arbitration, either of othei states, or of the oracle at Delphi (§ 2) ; but if war was resolved upon, they should look for aid from some powerful quarter (§ 3) ; to this the Corintbians reply, that they would consider their proposals, whenever they should withdraw their fleet and barbarian aux- iUaries from Epidamnus (§ 4) ; the Corcyraians consent to do this, provided the Cor- inthians will take upon themselves the same conditions (§ 5). 1. ovs TrapeXa^ov to be witnesses (says the Scliol.), or to ensure to the CorcyroBans more respect from the Corinthians. It is probable that the Corcyra^ans began to be aharmed at the powerful confedera- cy which was formed against them, and had recourse to the media- tion of the Lacedaamonians and the Sycionians. ©y. . . .'ETriSa- jjivov^ as tliey had no concern icith Epidamnus. For the construction of 0)5 — iiiTov (from fxeTeLfit)^ cf. K. §312. 6. c; S. § 226. a. avrols may be referred to S. § 201. 3 ; and 'Em^d^vov to S. § 191. 2. 2. et de rt avriTroiovvTai, (sc. 'ETrtSa/xwu), laij any claim to Epi- damnus. ai/TtTroteio-Sat, " vindicare sibi.'''' Betant. biKas — bovvai, " to submit the quarrel to a fair discussion.'''' Arnold. I would rather say, subm.it the matter to arbitration^ or to a judicial investigation. The expression is a forensic one. Trapa noKeaiv aly, i. e. napa TToXeaLv nap' als. K. § 300. 5. b. |u/x/3c5crij^, sc. dUas didovai. oTTOTepcov depends on elvai (to belong). S. § 190. Kparclv is constructed in the same manner as Uvm and fiiveiv, I. 27. § 1. It is wortliy of note, that the Corcyraeans did not offer to refer the subject to a congress of the Peloponnesian states, lest, as Miiller ^Dorians, I. p. 202) justly remarks, by the preponderance of Sparta, their liberty might have been endangered, but it was to be referred to arbitrators ghosen by both states, or to the Delphic oracle. This last offer was very generous on the part of the Corcyra^ans, inasmuch as the Del phic oracle had countenanced the proposal of the Epidamnians, to pu themselves under the protection of Corinth, and might be inclined therefore to favor their interests. Trokeixov 5e ovk elav ttouIv^ but they were unwilling to malce war ; literally, they would not permit etc. Mt. § 608. 1. 3. ei be fny, but otherwise, i. e. if the Corinthians would not con- sent to an amicable adjustment of the difficulties. alroi, they themselves (as the Corinthians had done). eKeivav /Sia^o/xeVo)* (taken transitively), t?iey compelling, at their compulsion. ttoici- Chap. XXVIIL] NOTES. 231 o-3at, to maJce for tliemseUes. Haack refers (piKovs to the Spar- tans or Athenians. The latter doubtless are meant. ^ovkovrai refers to the Corcyrseans and not to the Corinthians. The meaning is, that tlie Oorcyra3ans did not wish to be obliged to pursue the course here spoken of. irepovs as an expression of difference is followed by the genitive (K. §271. 3; S. §,198. 2). It is here qualified by MaXXoj/, fa?' other tJian, i. e. of a very different nature than. twv vvv ovToav^ i. e. the exiles and the Illyrians (cf. 1. 26. § 4), who were at this time aiding the Corcyroaans, for this state had not yet confed- erated itself with any Grecian power (cf. I. 81. § 2). The Schol. ex- plains TWV vvv ovTOiv by Toiv VVV laxvovTcov^ and therefore MatthiaQ conjectures eKarepovs rcov vvv ix.^vT(ov fiaXXov^ taking e^^eiv fxaWov in the sense of potiorem esse. 4. Tas re vavs, i. e. the forty ships with which they were now blockading Epidamnus (I. 26. § 4). rovs ^apjSdpov^^ i. e. the Illy- rians. ^ovXeva-ea^ai, tJieTj would deliberate uiion the thing. npoTepov the withdrawal of the ships and Barbarians. ov TToXtopKeicrSai, it would not le well for those (i. e. the Epidamnians) to he sustaining a siege. The particles p.€v and 8e are here employed to connect two propositions, which are strongly contrasted with each other. The ov koKios ex^iv^ cf. Butt. § 150. p. 445, was predicated of neither of the actions taken by itself, but of the incongruity of carry- ing on hostilities while arbitrating for peace. avrovs refers to both the Corcyreeans and Corinthians. Goeller refers it to the Cor- inthians alone, but as Poppo remarks, why then was it not written a(f)as ? SiKo^ecrSat, to ie litigating^ to be at issue in a suit. 5. aj/rt'Xeyoz/, rcfjlied. rovs iv *E7rt5a/xi/(>), i. e. the colonists and troops sent to Epidamnus by the Corinthians (I. 26. § 1). noiTjo-eiv ravra^ i. e. ras vavs kcll tovs ^ap^apovs dird^dv. iTo7fxoi Se elvat k. t. X. There is some diversity in the translation of this passage. One class of interpreters, among whom are Poppo and Ilaack, make 770117 o-ao-Sac to depend on eVoi/xot, and construct &(tt€ (in the sense of hac conditione ut. Mt. § 479. a; S. § 223. 1) after Kara x^p(^^- The sense then would be : they were also ready to malce a truce on this condition^ that both parties should remain as they were (literally, in their place\ until the cause should be decided. Arnold and Bloomf., on the other hand, construct p.eveiv (defined more spe- cifically by wore) in direct dependence on €To7fxoi, and retain be after anovbas (which is omitted or bracketed by all the recent editors), thus connecting Troifja-aa'^ai. with fieveiv. This would give the sense : " they were also ready to agree that both parties should remain where they icerc^ and a truce be made^ to continue until the cause should be do- 232 NOTES. [Book 1 cidedy ' Bloomf. This strikes me as the more natural interpretation, and one, which avoids the harsh transposition of words upon which the other is based, although the interposition of cocT-re between eroT/zoi and /levftr, is somewhat troublesome to account for. In respect to the mood which ewy takes, Kiihner lays down the rule (Gram. § 337. 3. 5), that when the point of time expressed by it is past, and the statement is to be represented as a fact, the indicative is used ; when present or future, the subjunctive. CHAPTER XXIX. The Corinthians reject the proposals of the Corcyraeans, and sail for Epidamnus with seventy-five sliips under Aristeus and other leaders (§§ 1, 2); the Corcyraeans send a herald to Actium to forbid their further approach, and meanwhile busy themselves in preparing their fleet for action (§ 3) ; the mission of the herald proving unsuccessful, they come to action with the Corinthian fleet and destroy fifteen of their sliips (§ 4) ; and on the same day get possession of Epidamnus (§ 5). 1. irXrjpeis^ i. e. full of sailors, well manned. nporepov^ i. e. in advance of the armament. irpo^povvra. S. § 225. 5. The Schol. regards this act of the Corinthians as done by the way of insult, but it was a ceremony of general usage. apavres^ having weighed an- chor^ put to sea. Sio-xiXtoiff. Three thousand hoplites are spoken of (I. 27. § 2). There may have been some mistake in the text, or perhaps the whole number could not be got in readiness to embark in season. The Schol. thinks that through contempt of the Corcyraeans, one thousand were left behind. But this is very unlikely. Kep- Kvpaiois. S. § 202. 1. evavTia is used adverbially (cf.'III. 55. § 3) and strengthens TroXf/xTyo-oKrey, to jight against-. S. § 225. 5. 2. iaTparrjyei conforms in number to the first subject which fol- lows it. Cf. K. § 242. R. 1. veS>p. S. § 189. 3. iu 'Aktio).. . .-y^f, m Actium in tTie country of Anactorium. The genitive denotes the whole, the city or town being a part. See N. on I. 114. § 2. Actium was afterwards celebrated for the naval fight between Augustus and Mark Antony. ev tt/car/w, in a slciff. The Schol. says that this was done to show their peaceful intention. anepovvra (jlt) nXelv. See N. on I. 10 § 1 (end). enXrjpovv. See N. on nXrjpeis^ § 1 supra. C^v^avres. There is much doubt in what consisted the repairs, which all commentators agree that this word denotes. The only views which seem capable of justification are, (1) that of Passow, Goeller, and Arnold : undergirdin^ with rope*^ Chap. XXIX.] NOTES. . 233 i. e. passing under-girths under tlie ship and so binding it together. Arnold says that the Kussian ships taken in the Tagus in 1808, were kept together in this manner, in consequence of their age and unsound condition. He also refers to Acts 29 : 19. But Poppo denies that wo^cbwu/xt, which is there found, has the same meaning as ^evywfxi^ or that the signification of vno^oifxaTa in Plato, Kepub. X. p. 616. C (cited by Goeller, and Arnold) is parallel; (2) the interpretation dopted by Portus, Haack, and others : furnishing with tenches^ oars^ etc. ; (3) the interpretation of Bloomf., who refers it to the inner Nocks^ heams^ and stays^ by which the frame of the ship is held togeth- er, and which need to be repaired or renewed whenever it is refitted. I am inclined to adopt this view, although far from being certain as to its correctness. The general definition repairing (cf. Betant sub voce\ is perhaps all that w^e can give with our present knowledge of the word, and the ancient structure of ships. ima-Kcvda-avres refers, probably, to such minor repairs and equipments as all vessels occasionally require. 4. yap in Teo-a-apaKovra yap implies an ellipsis : the number (i. e. eighty) was all they could oppose to the Corinthians, for forty ^ etc. ivUrja-av. Leake thinks that the action took place between Paxd and Cape Yarlam. napa ttoXv, hy far. Phav. quotes this in the adverbial form napairoXv. Sie^Seipai/, disabled^ put hors de com- l)at. avTo7s refers to the Corey rseans. tovs — rroXiopKovvras refers to those of the Oorcyra^ans who were besieging Epidamnus. Haack well observes that this is shown by the change of case, since otherwise the construction might have been continued by the dative, TTju 'EniSafxvov TroXiopKovai. Trapao'TTja-ao-'^aL o/xoXoyia, forced to a capitulation^ brought to agree to terms of surrender. This use of 7rapiaTr}iJ.L is easily derived from its literal signification in the middle : to cause a person to stand by one''s side, and hence to compel to be on one's side. coo-re, on condition that. See K. on I. 28. § 4. eTrjyXvSas-, 7iew comers, the same that were called ^evoi (I. 26. § 5), i. e. the Ambraciots and Leucadians (I. 26. § 5). dnodoa^ai " est in sermtutem 'cendere.^^ Goeller. — — Kopiv'^lovs de dfjcravras ^xeiv^ but having bound the Corinthians they should Tceep them = should retain the Corinthians in custodv. 234 ' NOTES. [BooKl CHAPTEE XXX. The Corcyrseans having erected a trophy, put the rest of the captives to death, but ro tain the Corinthians in custody (§ 1) ; the fleet of the latter retking homewards, the Corcyrseans remain masters of the sea in those parts, ravage the territory of Leucaa and burn Cyllene (§ 2) ; the Corinthians send out a new fleet to sustain the cause of their allies, which takes its station at Actium and about Chimerium (§ 3) ; the Corcy- ra;an fleet takes its station opposite at Leucimne (§ 4) ; but neither party attempt to b"ing on an engagement, and on the approach of winter retire homeward (§ 5). 1. AevKifivT]. Arnold prefers AevKifxixr), as tlie reading of the best MSS. and confirmed by the name Leukimmo, which the place still bears. Of. Dod well's Class. Tour. I. p. 39. Col. Leake (Travels in J!^orth. Greece, I. p. 94) by the name Alef kemo identifies it with the low cape advancing into the channel at Corfu, eight miles to the northward of Cape Bianco. tovs aniKTuvav. This was done contrary to the terms of surrender, probably in the excitement occa- sioned by the erection of the trophy, or at the suggestion of the democratical leaders, in order to cut off all hope of accommodation with the aristocracy. aWovs than the Corinthians. They were called inrfKvdes in the preceding chapter. 2. T](ja~r]fX€voi^ worsted. eV* oikov, Tiomeward. em with the genitive marks the aim, object, or direction of the action, as nXelp cVt 2a/xou, to sail towards Samos, but eVi 'Edfxov^ to Samos; eV oikoj/, to their home. Cf. K. §§ 273. K. 8 ; 296. 1. b ; S. § 231. iKparovp is the apodosis of eVetSj? — dv€xa>pT](rav. ttjs kot €Ke7va to. ;(a)pia, i. e. the sea adjacent to Corcyra. Tr)v — dTroiKiav. This has been mentioned before (I. 27. § 2), and hence the article is attached to it. Tris y^s Zreixov^ ravaged a part of the country. For the genitive, cf. Mt. § 325. 1 ; K. § 273. 8. a; S. 191. 1. The same expression we find in II. 56. § 4. iirU eiov, naval arsenal^ sea-port., where the navy of the state lay. Such was the Piraeus, Nisa3a, Gytheum, etc. napiaxov refers to the Eleans. Cf. I. 28. § 2. 3. Tre puovTt T(p Sepet, when the summer was drawing to a close^ ahout the end of summer. Poppo and Ilaack read nfpiovri raJ Se'pet (a'statis reliqua parte)., which reading is found in almost all tho MSS. and also in Bekker's edition. But Arnold shows pretty conclu- sively, that this would demand the reading rw Trepiovn tov ^epov^, or Tw Se'pei rw irepiovTi. Some render it (as did Bloomf in his earlier edition), until the return of (the next) summer., on the ground that the sea-fight could not have taken place before the last of July, which Chap. XXXI.] NOTES. 235 would have left too little time for the Corinthians to return home, refit their fleet, which must have been roughly handled in the engagement, and station it at Actium and about Ohimerium, in season to make ap- plicable the words which follow (§ 5 infra), dWa to Sepos tovto dvriKa- ^eCoH-^voi K. r. X., after remaining in opposite stations this whole smiv- mer. But may we not assign to tlie time of the battle, an earlier date in the summer than this interpretation assumes ? Goeller thinks that it took place in the beginning of the summer, and perhaps even in th spring. If so, there would remain ample time for the transactions here spoken of. Besides, if ahXa to ^epos tovto dvTies Karaarfjaovai = aa(f)es (clear) TToirjaovcn. /xjj opyi^ea^icu depends on biKaiov. 2. KepKvpatoL. . , jjfias. Construct: Kepicvpaioi a.7r((TT€i\au r]p.as TTicrTevoirreSi {kto. t?}? aiTrjcreois ttJs ^vp.pa)(Las Trape'^ftrSai ravra e^vpa v/iti/, tJie Corcyrceans ham sent us^ trusting that while we ask the alli- ance (literally, with the ashing of the alliance\ we shall establish these points to your satisfaction (literally, sJiall maJce these points sure to you), rjp.lv is the dat. commodi. K. § 284. 3. E. 4. 3. T€Ti)xr]<^" • -^^^H-^opov, but it lias happened (= it is our for- tune) that the same custom^ (when considered) in relation to {is^ K. § 290. 2. 3. c) our present request is irrational in your view (npos vfxas, K. § 298. III. 3. e), and prejudiciul to the present posture of our affairs. The (TnTr]8(vp.a here spoken of, was that of making no allies, and ot minding their own interests only. This appears from the following section, introduced by yap (epexegetical). ov is often omitted after Tvyxavo). K. § 311. R. 5; Mt. § 553. d. Ohs. 1. Ttpos vpas is to be joined with aXo-yoj/, and not with is ttjv ;(peiaj/ Jjpiv, iclien viewed with reference to our interests as it regards you^ as some interpret the passage. xP^'*-°^ ^^ ^ request resulting from necessity. xipXv = rjpwv^ i. e. rjpfTepav. Some, with Arnold, may prefer to make rjplv depend upon TCTvxnue. The sense would not be altered. cs toe t}p.eTepa avriov^ in reference to our interest. 4. ^vp.paxoL. . . .TJxopev explains oKoyov in the preceding section, and KOI ap.a Ka'^earapev is exegetical of a^vp(l>opov. Some refer both clauses to each of the above mentioned adjectives. iv rS npo Tov, i. e. eV T(o irpb tov xP°^^ (fully written in II. 58. § 2 ; T3. § 3), in the time before this ■= aforetime. Uovaioi., voluntarily. TovTO^ i. e. ^vpp.axoi cJvai. eprjpoi of helpers. di avTo^ .. e. because they had formed no alliances. The subject of nepie- (nrjKev is 17. . . .aco(f)poavin] (prudent moderation. Poppo), with which TO. . . . ^vyKivBvpevcLv is in ipexegetical apposition (K. § 226. R. 3). TTj TOV niXas yvoiprj, " aliorum arbitratu." Poppo. a^ovXia is thought to refer to uXoyov^ and daSeVem to d^vpc})opov. (f)ai- Chap. XXXH.] NOTES. 239 vofxevrj depends on TZf pua-TtjKav in the sense of els t6 iJ.ev. Poppo refers fiera KaKias and 86^t]s . , . .afxapTia to ToXncofieu, and constructs and explains: el (ort) rrj Trporepov uTrpaypLOcrvvy] evavria bpa>pev, {etnep rovro noLovpeu) prj pera KUKias (= KaKOL ovres) bo^rjs he paXXov apapria (= aXX on 86^r]s rjpdp- ropev). On the reference of el and p.rj to different words, cf. Hoog. Or. Particles, p. 56. IV. I prefer, however, with some of the most able of the recent commentators, to refer pera KUKias. .. .dp,apT[a to dirpaypoa-vvr], because the main design of this exordium was to remove unfavorable impressions in respect to the past conduct of the Oorcy- ra3ans, rather than to apologize for their present temerity in applying to the Athenians for aid. pera KUKias (= KaKio), with evil intention, bo^Tjs dpaoTia, ly an error of judgment 240 NOTES. [Book I CHAPTEE XXXIIL Having flnislied his exordium, the orator proceeds to shoAV tliat it •will be for the interest of the Athenians to famish aid to the Corcyraeans, -who being the injured party, will be less likely to forget the favor, than those to whom they are opposed, and -who besides have a powerful navy (§ 1); the Athenians are reminded, that they now enjoy the rare fortune of receiving, as voluntary allies, the very power whose accession to their interests they would have valued above much treasure (§ 2) ; and this alliance Is rendered timely by the war with the Lacedaemonians which now threatens the Athenians, a sure premoni- tion of which was the Corinthian invasion, designed as it was to break down the Corcy- riean power, and thus deprive the Athenians of their aid in the approaching stru^e (1 3) ; wherefore these plans should be anticipated and frustrated (§ 4). 1. T] ^vvTvxia — rris Tjfierepas, the occurrence (der zufall. Poppo after Bredow) of our request. Bauer very strangely connects ^vvtv- Xta with Kara TToXXa. nparov. . . .noLrjaea^e. TLie justice of their cause is here slightly alluded to, but is fully argued in chaps. 34, 35. Its introduction served to show that the orator was by no means disposed to overlook so important a point, or to place the t6 s av fiaXiara — /caraSeTo-Se = /caraSfiorSe av ws av fiaXiaTa Kora- SeTo-3e, or /caraST/o-ecrSe ws av [xaXia-Ta KaraSeto-Sf , if the future indica- tive be preferred as corresponding better with noLTjo-ea^e. Poppo (Suppl. Adnot. p. 116) gives up the reading Kara'^TJa^e, which he pre- viously had adopted and defended. Goeller well remarks, that the metaphor in ^araSeTo-Se is taken from depositing money with some one, from whom it may be received afterwards witli interest. mvTLKou re. A third reason is here introduced why the request of the Corcyraeans should be granted, and in order to express it with delicacy, it is made by the connective re a part of the preceding proposition. /ceKrjj/LieSa is here used as a present. nXrjv rov Trap* vjxlv^ except yours. nXelaTov. The article is omitted for the same reason, probably, that re was employed as a connective instead of eireiTa. 2. Tis ivTTpa^ia o-navLoiTepa {what more rare good fortune) — ov8fixia fvirpa^la a-Travicorepa = avrr] t] evTrpa^la (xizavLoaraTT]. Cf. Mt. § 450. Ohs. 2 (end). Haack would mentally supply tj iKclvrj after \vnrjpo- repa, referring forward to d fjv aurtTrayyeXror, which would con Chap. XXXIH.] NOTES. 241 tain the explanation of the pronoun. Both he and Poppo place a comma after et, to connect it more plainly with avri] ndpea-riv avre- TrdyyeXros. ^v — BvvafXLv — avrr]. The relative clause is frequently put before the proposition containing the antecedent, for the sake of emphasis (S. § 173). hvvafjLiv belongs properly to avT-q {this same power\ but is put after the relative by attraction (S. § 175. 2 ; C. § 525). The design of this attraction, as well as the inversion of the clauses, is to give the adjectival sentences a substantival character, while the substantive clause deprived of its principal word, becomes subordinate to the adjectival sentence. av rrpo — iTifx^cra(r?ie^ would have value teyond. The object of iriiiria-aa'^e is rjv — bvvaynv vfiiu npoa-yevia'^at (to de added). avTeTrdyyeXros^ Jreely^ spontaneously. rovs TToWovs is explained by Poppo, as referring to mankind at large ivulgus)^ but perhaps it is better to refer it to the other states of Greece. — ^ dperrjv^ reputation for virtue (evdo^Lo). The sentiment is, that if the Athenians accepted the alliance thus voluntarily sought by the Corcyrasans, they would secure for themselves a high reputa- tion among all the states of Greece. oh = iKeivois ovy, of which equivalent the antecedent limits (j^epovaa supplied from the preceding clause. a — dfia Travra, all which advantages together (i. e. at the same time). iv ra iravrX xP^^Vi " ^^^ omni tempore quod novi- mus=iex omnia memoria^ quum iv Travrl XP^^^ ^i^® articulo esset omni tempore?'' Goeller. Cf. K. § 246. 5. ^. brj strengthens oXi'yoiy, very few. oh = eKelvois ovy, the antecedent limiting bidovres. daffidXeiav refers back to laxvv^ and Koo-fiov to dpeTTjv* olx r]craov — 7, not less — than = as well as. 3. Tov be TrdXe/xoi/, dut as to the war^ is properly in apposition with Tovrov the omitted subject of eVeo-Sat. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 581. 1. yvQ)pr]s apaprdpei, he errs in judgment. Bloomf. says that tlie meta- phor is taken from archery. ola'^dveTaL rovs AaKebatfiovLovs — TToXenTja-eiouTas (a desiderative word, S. § 143). See JST. on I. 26. § 3 (init.). Trap' avrols^ in their (i. e. the Lacedaemonian) estimation (K. § 297. II. 2). Cf. II. 29. § 1 ; YI. 59. § 3. We find the varied expressions /xe3' avrbv in II. 101. § 5, and iv toIs TrpotTois in IV. 105. § 1. tf rfjv vfierepav (S. §162) inixclprjo-iv. "Port, recte vertit ad vos invadendos?'' Poppo. The object of the orator is to show, that the plan of the Corinthians and their allies, is, first to break down the power of the Corcyraaans, and then to attack the Athenians, thus pre- venting them from an union against the encroachments of the Com- mon enemy. This will serve to explain Iva.. .. aTcofj-ev which follows. — — nr]be bvolu, . . .^e^aioioraa-'^ai. Various interpretations have been given to this passage, which for brevity's sake I must omit, and con- 11 242 NOTES. [BooKl tent myself with giving the one which, on the whole, appears to me to be encompassed with the fewest difficulties. Hermann de Ellip. et Pleon. p. 142 explains it: ^ rod (^^da-ai rjfias KOKcoaai, rj Tov o-cfids avTovs ^e^aiaxraa'^ai, and supposes that to avoid this repetition, (p'^da-ai was put once in the preceding clause. This, as I . conceive, unfolds the true sense. The construction would then be : firjbe 8voip dfidpraai (= that they may certainly attain to one of the two ohjects)^ (fi'^daai (aurd), rj KOKaaai — ^ ^e^aLwaaa'^aL (=: t; (^^da-ai KaKoxrai rj ^Sdcrai ^e^aiai(ra(r^ai\ either to he hefarehand^ in humbling ics^ or in strengthening their own 'power, cji^idveiv is usually constructed with a participle. 4. r]fi€Tepov S' av epyov TrpoTeprjcrai^ it is our business then to anti- cipate them. TU)v p,ev bibovroiv^ sc. rjfjLcop referring to the Corcy- rseans. irpoeinfiovXevcLv and dvreTri/SouXeJeii/, Bloomf. well renders foreplot and counterplot. CHAPTER XXXIV. The orator now passes from a consideration of the advantages resulting from the pro- posed alliance, to a discussion of the justice of their suit, against which it is no argu- ment that they were colonists of the Corinthians, since their alienation has resulted from the ill-usage which they have received from the parent state (§ 1) ; this is tacitly admitted by the Corinthians, in their declining to submit the diflaculties to a judicial investigation (§ 2) ; the conduct of the Corinthians towards those connected to them by the ties of consanguinity, should admonish the Athenians of what they may expect, _f they enter into a league with them (§ 3). 1. XiyoicTLv refers to the Corinthian deputies. pa'^ertoa-av^ let tJiem learn from experience. Trdo-xovtra, sc. vno rrjs prjrponoXecos. This appears from npa rrjv pr^rpoiTokiv which follows. eVi rw — ehai^ with a'mew to he. eVt here denotes condition. Cf. K. § 296. 11. 3. b. bovkoi and 6/xoToi are in the nominative after timt, because its subject is the same as the principal subject of the sentence. K. § 305. 2 ; S. § 224. rois Xeiiropevois^ i. e. the citizens of the parent state. 2. 0)$- fie rjbiKovv^ SC. ol KopiVSiot. The course of reasoning made use of by the speaker, may be reduced to a syllogism: The state which ill-treats its colonies, can make no objection, on the score of justice, to their putting themselves under the protection of another state — the Corinthians have ill-treated us — therefore they can make no objection, etc. The minor term of this syllogism the orator proves, from the virtual confession of ill-doing made by the Corinthi- ans, in their refusal to submit the affair to arbitration. 7rpoK\r}- t}evT€s yap TTcpl 'Embdfivoy^ is Kpicrip. Of. I. 28. § 2. tao) as op- OnAP. XXXV.] NOTES. 243 posed to TTo'Xefico signifies fair and peaceful measures. /AereXScTi/, to^ prosecute. 3. vfi7p is the dat. commodi. reKixrjptouj sign^ here warning. coo-re denotes the result of vfxlv. . . .reKfxrjpLov. "When the effect is to be represented as conceived merely, the infinitive is employed after wore, otherwise the indicative or optative. Of. Mt. §§531. N. 2; 341. 2. 3 ; S. § 217. 3. — — aTrar?;, fraud^ triclcery^ here sopMstry. Opposed to this is Ik toO cuSeos, in a straight-forward manner^ openly. These last words are to be joined to beoyLevois^ and not to /x?) vnovp- yetj/, in the sense of immediately ^ at once^ as is done by some interpre- ters. A little reflection on the passage must convince any one, that the antithesis lies in arrdrT/ and ck tov euSeo?, and not in the infini- tives, which in such a case would be the mere repetition of the same idea varied in words only. 6 yap iXaxia-ras ras fierafxekeias — Xaix^ducov (= fierafieXarat), for lie who repents the seldomest. The Schol. says that this is put for 6 /zt^S' oXtus {not at all) Xafx^dvav fierafieXecav. d(r(paXe(rTaTos, sc. wv, which is sometimes omitted Hfter biaTeXelp. K. § 311. K. 5. CHAPTER XXXV. .\n alliance with the Corcyraeans would be no infringement, on the part of the Athenians, of any treaty with the Lacedaemonians (§ 1); for states, which (like Corcyra) have entered into no confederation, may select whomsoever they please as allies (§ 2) ; and it would be unjust for the Corcyrceans not to have the same privilege as the Corinthians, who were summoning auxiliaries to their aid from ail parts of Greece (§§ 3, 4) ; allusion is again made to the advantages of the proposed alliance, especially to the accession of naval power, which the Athenians would thus obtain (§ 6). 1. Xvarere (nrovBds. Miiller (Dorians I. p. 214) says that the de- fensive treaty with Corcyra, engaged in a war with its mother country, was, according to ancient Greek principles, wholly unlawful and unjust. 2. ip dtiraiy, i. e. in the thirty years' truce. Of. I. 115. § 1. rJTis = et ris (S. § 215. N. 7), and is therefore accompanied by fxr]dafxo£ instead of ovSa/xoO. K. § 318. 3. e'leTmi, Butt. (§ 150. p. 442) remarks that "eWori refers to the physical possibility, it is possible; €^€(TTip^ to the moral, it is lawful, one may ; Zo-tl stands indefinite between the two, it may or can he done.'''' Sometimes these meanings are interchanged for rhetorical purposes. ivap .... eX^elp. Fully written it would be : eXSeli/ Trap' eKeiPovs Trap* orrorepovs (eXSfii') au apeo-KrjTai. In respect to this article in the thirty years' truce, Miiller 1. p. 214. N.) says that its meaning can only be : states not include^ 244 NOTES. [BookV in the alliance may join whichever side they please, by which means they come within the treaty, and the alliance guarantees their safety. But if a state already at war with another state, party to the treaty (ej/o-TToi/Sof), is assisted, a war of this description is Uke one undertaken by the confederacy of the assisting state. 3. Koi deivou el Totade fxev—rjixas be. The construction of deivbv is only suited to the second of these clauses, the other being thrown in to heighten by contrast the effect of the second. It was not el rotcrSe .... VTrqKoutv which was bewov^ but ^/xay Se . . . . oj(f)e\eias (i. 6. that the privilege just spoken of should not be granted to the Corcyrseans). Of. Mt. § 622. 4 ; Butt. § 149. p. 426. dno tS>v evan6p8a>v, from thi itates confederate with then\ from tJieir confederates. eo-rat. See N. on i^elvai^ § 1 supra. v7n]K6a>p. The Schol. says that the Pa- lians of Cephallenia are meant, as they were subjects of the Atheni- ans. Cf. I. 27. § 2. irpoKeLfxevrjr, proposed^ i. e. the one now under consideration. Some render it, present, in hand. elra. The old commentators and editors place a period after uxpeXeias^ Poppo and Bloomf. a colon. In either case elra is used in the way ot reproach and may be rendered, and yet, and nevertheless. See Arnold's Gr. Prose Compos, p. 140. Sj^o-ovrat has here a transitive signification. 4. TToXv he iv nXeiovL is for iv 8e ttoXv TrXeLovt,. alria — e^ofiev = aiTicofie^ia. ovx orras (= oox ottcos ov) — aXka Kal, not only not — l)ut even, is a formula by which antithetic clauses are strongly op- posed to each other. K. § 321. 3. b ; Kr. § 67. 14. N. 3. ex^p5>v. The Corinthians had taken it ill, that the Athenians supported the Me- gareans in a war which arose between these two states subsequent to the Persian war. eniopTcov (sc. Ka3' rjfi5>v) is opposed to Kivdwev- oPTos in the preceding proposition. 7r«pio\//'ecr3e. See N. on nepto- pav, I. 24. § 6. ^p ov dUaiop, sc. npoaXajSelp Kopip^iovs. d\X rj. Supply hiKaiop eoTL from the preceding context. KaKeipoop depends on /xio-So^dpovff, and not upon kcoXvclp, the sense being, to prohibit their mercenaries from being raised out of your country, and not to prohibit your mercenaries from them. /caS' o,ti, {as far as) av TTcio-S^Tf, " quatenus wbis persuasum fuerit. Poterant enim modice, poterant clanculum, non aperte, nee magnis viribus Corcyrajis opitula- ri." Haack. otto tov 7rpo(f)apovs^ openly. This shows that a secret mode of assistance was hinted at in the preceding clause, and hence between diro tov 'npo(\>apovs and koS' o,ti, there is a sort of antithesis. 5. TToXXa — TO. ^vp.<^epoPTa (SC. opra. Cf. K. § 310. R. 5) dirobeiKPV aep, we shoio (= have to show, can shoic) that the advantages are many. See N. on beUpvyn, I. 26. § 2. ip dpxfi of the oration, especially in chap. 33. rnup, i. e. the Corcyrieans and the Athenians. Chap. XXXVL] NOTES. 245 ^a-av. The tense conforms to vTretVo/xev instead of dTrobeiKWfiev. So Arnold correctly explains : " TT^ sap, as we said defore^ that we have doth the same enemies. Thucydides has expressed it a little diiferently ' we say what ice said defore, (viz.) that we had hoth the same enemies.'^ onep (==id quod) refers to the idea contained in ot re. . . .rjtrav and oTrep a-a^ecTrdTr] Tvlaris {pigniis jidei) is to he regarded as a sub- stantival adjective sentence. Of. Jelf's Kiihn. § 836. 2. \i^ra- sTTavras, deserters (when considered in relation to the Corcyrasans), and seceders, if the Athenians he considered as referred to. That it might refer to the latter as well as to the former state is evident, for to with- draw from one confederacy and to pass over to another, was an avow- al of hostility, followed almost necessarily*hy war. Haack makes iav to depend on diacfyepet {^vficfiepcc. Arnold), elicited from ovx ofioia in the preceding proposition. Goeller makes dWa stand in the place of KQL, and refers the infinitive back to dXXa diKaiov fj in dXX ^ (§ 4 supra). I prefer with Kiihner (Jelf's edit. § 671. 3) to supply SeT or Xpr]. In such cases, it becomes a general expression of necessity or of something to be done. ei de prj, hut if otherwise, i. e. if what has just been said is impossible. ixvpoararos in respect to a navy. CHAPTER XXXVI. The argument in favor of the utility of the proposed alliance is continued. If the Athe- nians fear a rupture with theLacedaemonians, such a fear, accompanied with strength, will intimidate the foe more than courage or confidence, unaccompanied by so powerful an ally as is now offered to them (§ 1) ; the argument is strengtliened by a reference to the favorable situation of Corcyra, in respect to hindering the approach to Peloponnesus of any navy from Italy or Sicily (§ 2) ; in brief, if the Corcyrasan navy is not united to that of the Athenians, it will be seized upon by the only other naval force in Greece (viz. the Corinthian), and thus in the end be opposed to the Athenians (§ 3). 1. TO — SeStoy avTov, his fear ; literally, his hein^ afraid in respect to breaking the treaty, ro 8e8t6s = to beduvai. So to ?iaparovv = TO '^apaelv (K. § 263. a. y), and refers to such confidence of the Athe- nians in the observance of the treaty, and in their own resources, as would lead them to reject the proffered alliance of the Corcyra3ans, and enter single-handed into the contest which was evidently ap- proaching. This would be an object of less dread to their powerful enemies (iV^voi/ray tovs €x^povs\ than a fear on the part of the Athe- nians of breaking the treaty, overbalanced by the desire to unite to their arms so powerful an ally as the Corcyrsean state. It must bo 246 NOTES. [Bock borne in mind, that the fear here spoken of is, lest the treaty should bo broken, and the conjidence^ that it would not be broken and that war would not ensue. From the second member of the antithesis (jb Se Saptrovj/... •eVo/icwj'), Bloomf. WOuld supply with TO bebib^ avTov laxvp Zxov in the first member, the words de^afiivov j]fias. For the construction of (fio^rjaov with yj/corco, see N". on I. 25. § 1 (init.) ' ^f] de^afxevov^ if he does not receive us. fxr} is used with the participle, when it can be resolved into a conditional clause. K. §318. 5; S. |§ 225. 6 ; 229. 3. oo-Sevey, i. e. comparatively weak in conse- quence of the rejection of a powerful ally. ddeearepov, non far^ midandum^ or as Goeller translates, minus formidandum. ^ovXev- 6fi€uos. Repeat yvcbrc*. » orav. . . .TroXe/iov, wJien in reference to an ajjproacliing and almost present war. oa-ov ou, all iut. to avTUa. S. §169. 1. Tvepia-KOTTOiv^ Tyy surveying. 6 . . . . TroXe/ioCrot, which is made a friend or an enemy at the most critical time; or perhaps, whose friendship or enmity is of the highest moment. '2i. yap introduces the proof of what was asserted in o TroXe/xoi)- rai. 'iraXi'as and liK^Xlas depend on irapaTrkov. Of. Jelf 's Xiihn. § 502. KoKws napdirXov /ceirai, is well situated in respect to the coast- ing along. For Ka\a>s constructed with the genitive, cf. K. § 274. 3. b; Mt. § 338; S. § 195. 1. Trapdirkov is employed, because the voyage to Italy was made by coasting along the shores of Greece as far as the promontory of lapygia, at which place they crossed over to Taros. exeiSer, i. e. from Italy and Sicily. to re ivJilvbe (sc. vavTi- Kov) Trpos TOKcl TTapanepylrai^ and to send on their course (= convoy) any riavy sailing hence and to those countries. eVSeVSe refers to Greece in general, although a special reference to Athens may here be easily understood, since that state, probably, was well known to the Oorcyrseans, as having an eye on those western regions as a field for their ambitious plans. 3. ^paxuraTco S' av Acec^aXaio), dut to SUM up all in the shortest compass, av KecpoKaicp is repeated in toS' av, in consequence of the intervening clause, toIs, . . .evi- {■eo-Sat, you icill J)e alle to contend. TrXeioo-i, sc. tcov IleXoTrowT;- a-icov. Poppo, Goeller, and Haack edit rais fjiieTepais, with (= by the accession of) our ships^ making it depend on nXeioa-i^ as ttoXXcS does in the x^hrase noWS TrXeLoves. So Kriig. calls it the dative of differ- ence, although he retains with Bekker the old reading vaval tols ifxe' T€pais. But may not this dative be constructed with oytaz/i'^eo-Sat, as the dative of the means? oi de rocddej after them the Corin- thians sjialce as follows. CHAPTERS XXXVIL— XLIII. These chapters contain the reply of the Corinthians to the foregoing speech of the Corcyraeans. After a brief exordium (chap. 37. § 1), in which the charges, that the Corinthians had treated the Corcyraeans unjustly, and were now oppressing them with an unjust war, are alluded to as topics which ought first to be considered, the orator proceeds to a refutation of these charges (chap. ST. § 2 to chap. 39). He then shows that it would be a breach of the treaty with the Peloponnesians, to assist the Corcyraeans in this war (chap. 40), and having urged upon the Athenians a remembrance of the former services of the Corinthians, in assisting them against the Mginetdd, admonishes them that they should not be induced by motives of interest to commit an act of injustice (chaps. 41, 42). The speech is thcai closed with a brief peroration (chap. 43). The argumentative portion of this oration, is founded on considerations of justice and equity, rather than what will be for the policy of the party addressed. In this it differs from the oration of the Corcyraeans, the princi- pal object of which was to show, that the alliance would conduce to the interests of the Athenian state. It will readily be apprehended how appeals of this latter sort would influence an assembly like the one here addressed, composed of men whose whole thoughts were engrossed with the aggran- dizement of the state and the extension of its sway. In strong invective, biting sarcasm, bold and striking antitheses, vehement and passionate appeals to the moral sense of the audience, the oration of the Corinthians far sur- passes the preceding one, which is rather a specimen of calm, earnest reason- ing, than of the stormy wrath, which characterizes the one which followed. 248 NOTES. [Book I CHAPTER XXXVII. After a brief exordium (§ 1), the orator proceeds to show, that it was not from any houo able motive, but from their bad character and ill nature, that the Corcyrseans had formed no alliance (§ 2) ; for which neutrality the situation of their city was highly favorable, inas- much as they could be their own judges, in cases where they had done injury (§ 3) ; the real groimd, therefore, of their standing aloof from alliances, was that they might commit njustice apart and alone, and escape detection (§ 4) ; had they been what they profess to be, in proportion to their being less amenable in consequence of their position, would have been their desire to interchange mutual offices of justice and kindness with others (§ 5). 1. Tovbe here expresses contempt, like tlie Latin iste. Some may prefer, however, to take it in the sense of eWaCSa (see N. on I. 53. § 2). Tov \6yov = ov iTvoir](ravTO Xoyov, tov avrSiV \6yov. Poppo. dXX' 0\.a noXepioi. The juxtaposition i>f evcrnovdoip and TToXepioi imparts great energy and vivacity to the expression. Supply rjp7v with amy/c?;, or i7fias' with dpvvea'^ai. el tre per avrav^ i. e. if you side with them. pr) livev vpwv = with you^ only a httle softer. tovtovs is the object of dpvvea'^aL. 4. biKaioi y eVre — aTrjvai, = h'lKawv y coTi vpus (TTTJvai. The Greeks were fond of changing the impersonal to the personal construction, the object being elevated into a subject, and the proposition made more compact thereby. Cf. K. §§ 307. E. 6 ; 310. 4. Pv. 3 ; Mt. § 297; S. § 225. 7. €K TToSo)!/ (away from the feet^ out of the way) is isually followed by the genitive, but hero takes dpiporepois as the Chap. XL.] NOTES. 257 JDat. incominodi. Cf. Jelf s Kiihn. § 601. 2. eZ be fi^ (seo !N". on I. 35. § 5), i. e. 'f you determine to side with one of the parties. Tovvdriov to whau the Oorcyra3ans ask. livai. Repeat here biKaLoi y iark from the preceding context, and also with Ka^naravai infra,. 8l dvaKcoxrjs^ at truce. The genitive with bia is called by Kiih- ner (§ 291. 1. 3. b) the possessive genitive, e. g. bi.a ^o/3ou etrnt, to be in fear = to have fear ; bi ex'^pas yiyvea^ai rivt, to de hostile to some ne =x to have hostility, etc. bia gives intensity, as if one were pass- ng through the idea represented by the substantive. koI t6v vofxov K. T. X. is to be connected with teVat, the words Kopiv'^lois eyeVeo-Se being parenthetical, w'/ioi/ takes the article, because coore ^^x^' crSat referring to it follows, the rule that you should receive = the rule of receiving. Bloomf. calls this the anticipative use of the article. 5. Sa/xicoy dnoarTavTcov, when the Samians revolted (S. § 226). See N". on I. 39. § 3. An account of this revolt is given in L 115-117. Tcov. . . .€-\}AT]eXK€iv, " tro- here post se. Pass, allici.'''' Betant. exvpa>T€pa, firmer^ better estaUished. Of. I. 32. § 2 ; III. 12. § 1 ; 83^. § 2. tS avrUa (}>avep£y (JHAP. XLIILJ NOTES. 261 i. e. Tjj Bvvdfi€L Tcov KepKvpaioiv. The word avrUa (= quod est j>r(B' sens) is opposed to t6 fieWov (§ 2 supra). Cf. Steph. Notes on the Schol. This critic remarks : " raJ avriKa cfiavep^ tacite opponi rrjv 6« 360)1' ^oipeiav qu80 est KpviTrr} Koi dcpavrjs. Quasi videlicet, dicentes dia KLvdvvcov, illud innuerent." enap^ievTas^ sc. rtmy, as the senti- ment is general. 8ia KLvbvvoiv belongs to to nXeov e^eiv (= vrXeoj/- €KT€7v\ which is opposed to the preceding to fifj ddiKelv tovs 6p.oiovs ■=. TO fieTpiou Koi Xcrov CLVai. CHAPTER XLIII. The peroration now follows, in which the orator, alluding to the friendly vote of the Corinthians in the Peloponnesian council, again asks that his state shall receive a suitable return for that act of friendship (§§ 1, 2) ; and exhorts them not to grant the Corcyrseana their suit (§ 3) ; for thus they would consult both their duty and interest (§ 4). 1. TreptTreTTTCDKores ols (= eKctvois o)? ^<^^^'^^ fallen into these cir- cumstances. The relative a in the equivalent may be rendered, in reference to wMcJi^ and is to be taken with irpoelnop.ev. In respect to the transaction alluded to in the words, iv Tfj Aaiie8aip,ovt avrol npoei- TTopev, cf. I. 40. § 5. oiCpeXrj'^evTas — ^Xdylrai. The subject is hero changed to the Athenians, as Kop-iCea^ai refers to the Corinthians. Tfj vpeTepa. Kepeat ^T](f)(p. 2. ypovTes — dvai. See N". on I. 25. § 1. Construct iKeivov with Tov Kaipov. iv J. . . .e'xSpoy. Of. (^'Ckov re yap (^iikos ajv, I. 41. § 3. 3. Sex^o"^^- Thiersch. (§ 295. 10) defends the reading bixw'^^- But cf. Poppo's Proleg. I. p. 139. jSm ijpSiv, against our will, in defiance of us. /i^re dfivvcTc airoT?, nor Iring aid to them (cf. I. 40. § 5 ; 50. § 5 ; 105. 3, et sa3pe al.). The dative after this verb is the dat. commodi. 4. 'noiovvTis., see !N". on I. 9. § 1 (init.). v\uv avTots^ for your* tel'ces. Dat. commodi. 262 NOTES. fBooKl CHAPTERS XLIV.— LV. In these chapters we are informed, how the Athenians became embroiled in the war between the Corinthians and Corcyrseans, and the part which they took in it The style is much the same as that of the orations, but less compressed and irregular. Although the narrative portions are charac- terized by great brevity, yet the prominent events are selected and arranged with such judgment, and related with such perspicuity, that a reasonable amount of study will lead to a clear understanding of almost eveiy histo- rical detail. ISTo author furnishes so fine a model of a clear and vigorous style as does Thucydides, and hence his writings should be read with a continual reference to this trait of excellence. CHAPTER XLIV. The Athenians at first are inclined to favor tlie suit of the Corinthians, bat having extended their deliberations to a second meeting, resolve to make a defensive league with tho Corcyrseans (§ 1), in order to prevent the junction of the Corcyrsean and Corinthian navies, and to weaken the power of the latter, before the commencement of the struggle with the Peloponnesians, which now seemed inevitable (§ 2) ; another reason for the league, was tho commanding position of the island of Corcyra (§ S). 1. KOI dis. This shows that a previous deliberation had taken place (cf. TTj fjLev TT pore pa). ovx yjo-crov {= paXXov by litotes), not less than tliey were on the second thought inclined to the side of the Corcyrseans. dnebe^avro^ approved^ not so decidedly, however, but that they came together the second time for deliberation. ficreyvaxrav is here used in a pregnant sense = pcTeyvcoarav koL €yva>- crai/, thei/ changed their mind and determined. K. § 346. 3. This species of brachylogy is quite common among the Greek writers. Cf. Plat. Gorg. p. 493. C ; Xen. Cyr. I. 1. § 3, et al. ^vfipaxlav. This term, Bauer observes, denotes properly a defensive alliance^ in opposition to eirifxaxia^ (in offensive alliance. But in use, the former came to denote the genus, embracing leagues and treaties of every sort both for offence and defence ; the latter, the species or form (= c7rt)8oT;3eta), the condition of which was that succors should be granted against an invading enemy, but not so as to involve the state, thus rendering aid, with the invaders. Here then lu/i/ia^ta is an Chap XLV.] NOTES. 263 alliance offensive and defensive^ and iTrtfiaxia (infra) is a defensive alliance. aare . . . .vofxi^eiv explains ^vyniaxlov fi€v firj 770117 o-ao-Sai. Tovs avTovs (se. avrots), the same with them, or the same as they have. S. § 202. N". 1. el yap introduces the reason, why the Athenians came to this determination. cr^tcrtj/ is made by Mt. (§ 382. 1) to depend upon eKeXevov, and to refer to the Athenians. But Poppo and Goel. contend that eKeXevov crcjiLaiv for cKeXevov o-cjias s not Thucydidean. As auroTs-, referring to the Athenians, follows mmediately in the next clause, they make o-^iVii' (=: avrois) to de- pend on ^vfi-nXe'iu and refer to the Corcyrseans. This interpretation, which seems on the whole to be preferable, and which Kriiger adopts, implies an omitted subject of ^vimXelv referring to the Athenians. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 589. 3. Ols. 3. T7, sc. yfj. Cf. Mt. § 282. 2. 2. Koi coy, even thus, i. e. kcu eav jxtj de^covrai tovs KepKvpalovs. TrpoeVSai = irpobovvai. roo-oCroj/, i. e. SO great. ^vyKpovetp .... dXXrjXois, hut as much as possible to wear them out one against the other. Kopiv^ilois belongs to is noXepov Ka'^Lo-rSiVTai, might put themselves in a position for icar with the Corinthians (dat. incommodi). aXXois-, i. e. the Peloponnesians. Poppo with Bek- ker prefers rois aXXois ro7s. The article can hardly be dispensed with, and I am inclined to the suggestion of Bloomf., that the text may be emended by the transposition aXXois to7s. 3. dpa Se, and together with this = and moreover. These particles serve to introduce an additional inducement, for the course which the Athenians concluded to adopt. eu napa-nXa. Of. I. 36. § 2, where it is written napdnXov. CHAPTER XLV. n alliP.nce being thus formed with the Corcyrseans, the Athenians send ten ships to their aid (§ 1) ; charging them, however, to assist the Corcyrseans only when acting on tho defensive (§ 2) ; they arrive at Corcyra (§ 3). 1. yvoipf) is the dative denoting circumstance. va-repov tlie departure of the Corinthians. 8eKa vavs. The smallness of this force is attributed by Plutarch, to a design to show contempt for the Corinthians, but Bloomf. more naturally attributes it to the fact, that Pericles did not enter heartily into the cause. 2. is.*, •x^ptw*' ^^ (('^y of the places belonging to them. The arti- 264 NOTES. [Book I cle belongs to x^^p'^^v. Cf. Mt. § 279. Ods. 4. The Scliol. tliinks that Epidamnns is referred to. 3. ouro), i. e. if the Corinthians invaded Corcyra or any of ita dependencies. Kara dvvaixLv, according to their power = as far as their power would admit. tov anovMs^iii order that they might not Irealc the treaty. K. § 308. 2. b; S. § 222. 2. The infini- tive with the article is often found without eveKa. ^lev §jJ, so then. This took place, a. o. 432. Olymp. 87. 1. CHAPTER XLYl. The Corinthians and their allies sail against Corcyra with 150 ships under Xenoclides and others (§§ 1, 2) ; they came to anchor at the Chimerium of Thesprotia (§ 3) ; the geo- graphical situation of Ephyra, the Acherusian lake, and the river Thyamis is described (§ 4) ; the Corinthians encamp (§ 5). 1. be in ol Se refers to fiev in the beginning of the preceding chap- ter. avTois nap€(TK€va(TTo. " The verb which should be referred to a subject is changed into the passive, and is used impersonally with the dative of the subject." Mt. § 227. Ohs. 2 ; S. § 208. N. 2. rjcrav Se 'UXeicov k. t. X. In this list of auxiliaries it will be seen, that the Epidamnians, Hermionians, and Troezenians, who in a former expedition (I. 27. § 2) contributed eight ships, now appear to have sent none. Bloomf. thinks that their ships are here included in the number of the Corinthian ships. The Megareans, Eleans, and Ambra- ciots increased upon their former number. 2. rrefxTTTos avTos = he heing general with four colleagiies ; literally, himself the fifth. See K. § 303. R. 4; Crosby, § 511. 5. Cf.II.13.§l. 3. 7rpo(r€[ii^av^ arrived at. Cf. Liddell and Scott. ano Afu- •cdSoff TrXeovres is to be construed before Trpoa-ejii^av. — opyLi^ovrai^ anchored.^ came to anchor. 4. vTvep avTov.1 oboce it in respect to situation. aTro, removed from. 'Ev (riTia, provisions for three days. Some think that a contrast with the Athenians is here intended, who made no such provision when on the point of engaging with the enemy. Dr. Bloomf. thinks that it was done here on the supposition, that the Cor- cyrsBans would retreat to Corcyra or Leucimne, in which case their provisions would be very serviceable. aj/jy-yoj/ro, put to sea. AYith this verb, wktos is to be taken. i)posed to the Athenians. Chap. XLIX.1 NOTES. 267 CHAPTER XLIX. At tlie given signal the fleets, with crowded decks, come to a fierce engagement, which resembles a land-fight rather than a sea-fight (§§ 1, 2) ; the chief reliance being placed on bravery, since the ships were so close together as to render them motionless (§ 3) ; the Athenians at first abstain from battle, but seeing the Corcyraeans hard pressed, come to their assistance and keep the enemy in check (§ 4) ; the Corcyraeans are victorious on their left wing (§ 5) ; but on their right, the Corinthians gain a decided advantage (§ 0) ; upon this the Athenians engage warmly in the battle (§ T). 1. iTreidf) TO. oTz/xeia iKarepois ^p^rj. Arnold compares. I. 63 ; YII. 34 ; VIII. 95. ra napea-Kevaa-fievoi, having even yet their ships fitted out very unskilfully^ according to the ancient manner. Some refer this to the equipments of the soldiers, but as exovres refers really to the ships, although grammatically to the sailors^ irapaa-Keva- a-jxevoL must be made to conform to it in sense. 2. Koprepd^ fierce^ obstinate. This word is to be repeated with ovx Sfjiotoos, in the sense of well-fought or well-maintained. to irkiov^ to a higher degree^ more. 3. TTpoalSaXkoiev. The optative is here employed to express indefi- nite frequency : ichen, or, as often as they ran foul of one another. K. § 337. 7 ; S. § 217. 2. ov paBicos anekcvovTo^ they icere not easily separated. vtvo is causal, on account of T)y reason of. TTia-Tevovres, because (see N. on I. 9. § 4) they trusted., contains another reason why the ships were suffered to remain alongside. It will be seen how in irpoa^aKkoiev and anekevovro^ things are attributed to the crews, which properly can be predicated only of the ships ;J3ut in 7:ia-T€vovT€s is expressed what can only be said of sentient beings. oX Karaa-TavTcs epdxovro, " mcantained a pugna stataria." Bloomf. rjavxaC'^vo'ap^ lying still (Of. II. 84. § 2), i. e. performing no nau- tical evolutions. So the Schol. interprets : prj vavfiaxovvrcov. SteKTrXoi. " The diecplus was a breaking through the enemy's line, in order, by a rapid turn of the vessel, to strike the enemy's ship on the side or stern, where it was most defenceless, and so to sink it." See II. 83. 89 ; YII. 36. 70." Arnold. This naval manoeuvre is remarked by Bloomf. as having been revived by Eodney, JSTelson, and other naval commanders of Britain. The same critic, more correctly than Arnold, makes the design of this breaking through the enemy's line, to separate one part from the other (as well as to attack it in the rear), and thus to cut it up in detail. 3u/iw, with vehemence of spirit, pcoprj refers to 'bodily strength. 4. ovv^ \. e. in consequence of the decision of the fight depending 268 NOTES. [Book 1. upon brute force, rather than upon nautical science. rapaxcoSj;?, disturbed^ disordered, iv jy, during idMcIi engagement. roU KepKVpaiois depends upon Trapayiyvofxepai. VPX^^ ^^^ "^ 'Am/cat VTJes {=^ol 'AS/T^mioi) for its subject, Bediores ol arpaT-qyoi^ which is contained as a part under the principal subject (ai * Am/cat vrjes), taking in the same verb (rjpxov) in reality, although the participle is apparently put for the verb. Cf. K. § 313. E. 1 ; Butt. § 145. K 6; Mt. § 562. N ; C. § 333. 5. Poppo, in his notes on the Schol., refers vsrith Duk. a-rpaTrjyol immediately to rjp^^ov. So also does Dindorf, in whose edition no punctuation mark is placed after rjpxpv. T^^ iTp6pprj(riv. Cf. I. 45. § 3. 6. enovei, was pressed, is here nearly equivalent to inu^ero. a-TTopabas, scattered in the fight, agrees with avrovs (i. e. the Corinthi- ans), although it properly refers to the ships. p-^XP*- '"o^ a-Tparone- Sou begins the apodosis, and therefore does not require, as some think, to be preceded by the connective kuL i-rreK^avrcs^ disemlarMng. ipTjfiovs (see N. on II. 4. § 4.) =c7r« eprjpoi ^a-av. K. § 245. 3. b. TO. xP^ipciTa, ih^ ^o^QCiQ^' 6. ravTr], i. e. on the Corinthian right wing. ovv {then) is not here illative, but denotes the result of what has just been said. ot Kopiv^iioL — Tjaa-iovTo re, i. e. ol re KopiVStot — rja-acouTO Kai. " Trans- positura est re sicut ssepe." Poppo. eVl rw tvavCpa defines the preceding ^. to7s KepKvpalois limits rrapovcrcov, or perhaps may be put for the adnominal genitive after veu>v. rav (Ikoo-i veStv. The article is employed, because reference is Jiad to the ships spoken of in ot yap. . . .Tp€-^dpevoi (§ 5 supra). dno iXdcra-ovos ttXt^Sou?, out of a lesser nmiiber. The Corey rseans had only 110 shi])s (I. 47. § 1) besides the ten Athenian vessels, while the Corinthians had 150 ships (I. 46. § 1). i< rrjs dtoi^eccs is to be constructed after Trapovacov. 7. p.a\Xov belongs to dnpocjiacria-Tcos^ more openly. bna-Te firj ip-^dWdp TLvi, from charging any ships with the 'brazen bealc ; literally, $0 as not to charge, etc. For prj with the infinitive, see IST. on I. 10. 1 1. e/i/SdXXo) is employed of a ship, which falls upon another with its ep^oXos. See Liddell and Scott, sub wee. Xapnpcos^ clear, rp,anifest. epyou ttcls e^x^ro, every one laid hold of the worlc, i. e. engaged heartily in the battle. 8i€KeKpLTo ovdeu tn, there was no longer any distinction between the Corcyrajans and Athenians, i. e. it could not be determined from their zeal in battle, wliicli had come to defend, and which to engage in the offensive. h rovra dvdyK-qi, to this degree of necessity. K. § 264. K. 5. b; Mt. § 341. 4; S. § 187. 1. Chap. L.1 NOTES. 260 CHAPTER L. The CorcjTseans being routed, the Corinthians slaughter all whom they can leach, and, without knowing it, kill some even of their own men (§ 1), inasmuch aa in so extensive an engagement, it was not easy to discriminate between the victors and the vanquished (§ 2) ; and after pursuing them to th« shore, succeeded in bringing into Sybota the greater part of the wrecks ijlf their ships and their slain (§3) ; after which they sail out to meet the Corcyrjeans, who, together with their Athenian allies, were again advancing to give them battle (§ 4) ; as the battle was about to be commenced, a reinforcement of twenty Athenian ships heave in sight (§ 5). 1. TO. (TKd(j)T] . , . .dvadovnevoL (cf. II. 90. § 6), did not taJce in tow the hulls; literally, haul off ^ lashing to them. The two expressions may always be translated as one word. Notice the use of to. arKd(f>r} Ta>p v€a>v, literally, the trough or tui of the shijos^ i. e. the hulls. This shows their disabled condition. ay KaraSuo-eiai', which they might hapiien to have disabled. It is very evident that Karabvo) does not here mean to sinTc to the bottom^ for how could a ship in this condition be towed off? ISTor is the interpretation, which they might have sunlc if they had chosen (Mt. §§ 514. 2 ; 515. Ols.)^ apposite, for who would think of such an expression as, they did not tow off the vessels which they could have sunk if they pleased ? I concur, therefore, with those commentators, who take KaraBveiv vavv An the sense of to make a ship water-logged^ so that it shall appear in part above water. In Ilerodot. YIII. 90, it appears, that the crew of a ship thus partially sunk, were able to throw their darts with such effect, as finally to capture the ship which had thus disabled them. Goeller refers to the battle of Arginusso (Xen. Hellen. I. 6. § 36), where the Athenian commanders, after the action, propose irXelv in\ ras KarabedvKvlas vavs mi rovs eV* avTuiv di/SpcoTTous. "We might have expected av instead of as (S. § 175. 1), but sometimes the Attics neglected this kind of attraction. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 822. Ohs. 5. The optative generally dispenses with &v in relative sentences, where the antecedent is indefinite. Cf. S. § 217. 2 ; K. § 333. 4. rrpos be tovs k. t. X. Construct : eTpdnovro (reflexive) irpbs rovs dv?ipa>7ruvs liieKTrXeovres (})ovevciv fidWov rj ^ayypeiv sc. avTovs. The infinitives denote the purpose or object of dieKTrXe- oirey, as though they were preceded by coo-re (S. § 223). Matthice (§ 532. c) makes them epexegetical of irpbs rovs dv^pccnrovs irpaTrovro^ but in citing the passage, he has strangely omitted duKTrkeovres, an error which Poppo (Suppl. Adnot. p. 122) says he has now corrected. Goeller cites him approvingly, but the position of duKirXcovres clearly 270 NOTES. [BookL marks it as the "word, wLich the infinitives are designed to follow The sense, however, is not materially changed by Matthice's interpre- tation, (f)iXovs is the object of eKreivov, and refers to the Mega- reans and Ambraciots on the right wing, who had been worsted by the Corcyrasans, and who were now floating about in their disabled ships, or on fragments of such as had been shattered to pieces. dyvoovvres, through ignormwe. S. § 225. 3. 2. -^ap introduces the cause of the ignorance just spoken of. cVi TioKv TTJi ^aXdacrrjs fnexpvawv. See !N^. o:a I. 23. § 3. ov pqbluis TTjv didyvcocriv inoiovvTo^ they made it not easy to decide; lit- erally, made the deciding not easy. yap after vavixaxla is yap con- Jirmantis = and no wonder, for this sea-fight. In such a use yap may be rendered, indeed^ truly. "EWrjo-t npos "EXkrjvas^ for Greeks against GreeJcs. In the war with the Persians, greater fleets had engaged, but never before in the internal wars of Greece. "^eXXt^o-i is to be referred to Mt. § 388. vT€s oTt T€ v^€s 7rpo(rcyeygvT)VTo. The participle after certain verbs is to be rendered frequently by a finite verb preceded by otu Cf. K. § 310. 4. a; S. § 225. 2. ex twv 'A'^rjvav. Haack adopts 'AS/^i/aicoj/, wliicli is the reading of the majority of the MSS. Cf. Mt. § 429. 2. TToXXa, in consequence of the position of the article (K. § 245. 8. b), is to be taken in the predicative sense with anopa^ difficulties in great abundance. K. § 246. 8. c. alxp-dka)- rcov limits (jivXaKrjs^ and is the antecedent of ovs. ima-Kevf^v ovk ova-av should have been eniarKevrjs ovk ovcrrjs^ to correspond to the construction of the preceding clause, but by a varied syntax Spavrcs is repeated from the foregoing context. ema-Kev^v is rejlciendarum navium copiam^ materials for repairing their ships. 3. rov 8e oiKade ttXou depends on bua-Konovp^ as the object about which their thoughts were occupied (K. § 274. 1. b). Tliis relation is often denoted by nepl with the genitive. Cf. Mt. § 589. onrj (in what way) KOfxia^rjo-ovrai defines more particularly rov oixaSe nXov. deSiores fir] — ovk €co(n^ fearing lest — might not permit, dedcores takes the time of diea-Koirovv, and hence should have been followed properly by the optative. But see N. on KcoXva-covrai^ I. 26. § 2. is x^'P^s', to hlows^ to a close engagement. CHAPTEE LIII. The Oorintbians send persons to sound the intention of tlie Athenians (§ 1) ; the deputes accuse the Athenians of injustice in -withstanding the Corinthians, and demand to be themselves treated as enemies, in case they intend to hinder the Corinthians from pro- ceeding wherever they please (§ 2) ; upon this the Corcyraeang cry out, that the messen- gers shall be put to death ; bat the Athenians reply, that they will hinder the Corinthi- ans from proceeding nowhera except against the Corcyraeans (§§ 3, 4). 1. KeXfjTLov^ a small loat^ a sMff^ is a diminutive of kcXt^s-, literally, courser^ a race-horse^ and secondly, a fast-sailing boat., a yacht. • avev KTjpvKeiov^ without the herald's wand (i. e. the caduceus). This was done, either to show that they did not consider themselves ene- mies, or the better to learn the intentions of the Athenians, by thus depriving themselves of heraldic protection, and relying for safety solely upon the good disposition of those to whom they were sent. 2. dSiKeiTe — TToXc/iou clpxovres, you do wrong in beginning (see N. on I. 37. § 5) war. a-nopdds^ although referring to the thirty years' truce, is often employed without the article. Cf. I. 07. § 1 ; 71. 274 NOTES. [BookI § 5 ; 78. § 4. yap (conjlrmantis) introduces a sentence, confirma- tory of the charge expressed in a-irovbas Xvovres. rjfuu limits enTTodoiv^ in our way. rifiapovfievois denotes time, when we take 'cengeance upon (see N. on I. 13. § 6). The whole clause may he briefly and idiomatically rendered, for you stand in the way of our taking vengeance upon. oTrXa dvraipoixeuot^ hy tahing up (see N. on I. 9. § 4) a7":m against us. el — eari. The protasis takes the in- dicative, when the condition is considered by the speaker a reality or fact (K. § 339. I. a ; S. § 215. 1). The apodosis begins at koL rhs a-TTovbas Xvere. — — — r]p.as rovabe^ we who are here. Cf. Kr. § 60. 11. N. 22; S. § 163. N. 2. XajSdin-es — xpV"o-3e, taJce and use. Par- ticiples are to be rendered as verbs, when they are necessarily con- nected with, or presupposed by the following verb. Cf. Butt. § 144. K 7; K. § 312. R. 10 ; Herm. ad Yig. N. 224, and also p. 343. This seemingly pleonastic use of the participle, gives life to the description, and is in conformity with our own usage. 3. Tcov Se. . . .errfjKova-ev^ hut on the Gorcyrman side, as much of the fleet as was within hearing. I have followed the suggestion of Arnold, in making rwi/ KepKvpaicov a general term for all on the Corcyrsean side, both Oorcyrseans and Athenians. t6 /aeV oTparonebov (referring to the Corcyra3an division), and ol Be ^A'^rjvaioL (as constituting a part of the Oorcyraean fleet), would thus be opposed to each other (r6 ixiv — oi be). This is better than Dindorf 's conjecture, that KepKvpalav should be erased, or Fritzoch's reading, ratv be, KepKvpalcov t6 fiep arpaTOTrebov. ev?ivs belongs to the following verb. 4. Toicrbe. See N. on rova-be, § 2 supra. ^vp.pdxoLs overt, who are (see N. on I. 8. § 1) our auxiliaries. ov TrepLoyj/ofie^ia (see N. 019 nepLopdu, I. 24. § 6) = will prevent, the opposite signification be- ing given by ov. Of. K. § 318. R. 1. Kara to bvvarop, pro virihus^ to the utmost of our power. Qi. II. 89. § 2 ; V. 23. § 1. CHAPTER LIV. Having received this answer from the Athenians, the Corinthians prepare to return home, but first set up a trophy on the contineotal Sybota, as do the Corcyraeans also on the insu* lar Sybota (§ 1) ; the grounds are given on which the two parties claim the victory (§ 2), 1. en oXkov. See N. on I. 30. § 2. ev rfj Tjneipcp as opposed to the insular (eV rfj vfjo-ai) Sybota. to. in ra kuto, ar(})ds refers m gender to vavdyia, to which a prominence is thus given. Cf. Jelf 's Chap. LIV.] NOTES. 276 Kiihn. § 391. Obs. yevofievos ttjs wktos^ rising in tlie night. -- — o)? veviKrjKores, OS if they had deen victorious. The participle hero denotes an assumed cause. Of. S. § 225. 4. 2. yuodfjLTj . . . .npocrenoirja-avTo, now each party claiined tlie victory^ for the following reasons. f^^XP* rv/crdy, until night. Although the Corinthians had been defeated on their right with the loss of thirty ships, yet, as their left wing and centre were so decidedly vic- torious as to destroy seventy ships, the battle, as a whole, terminated decidedly in their favor.— — wore. . . .Trpoa-Ko/xiVafrSat defines more fully KpaTrjo-avres. As it respects the collecting together of the wrecks, Bloomf. very justly remarks, that after a sea-fight, this, like the removal of the dead for burial in a land engagement, usually de- cided who had been victors. ovk. iXdaa-ovs x'^'W' It appears from I. 56. § 1, that the Oorcyraoan captives amounted to one thou- sand and fifty. /caraSuo-ai/res-, hecause they had disabled (see N. on I. 50. § 1). Bloomf. thinks that all which is meant is, that this num- ber of sliips were more or less shattered, since if they had been sunk, it could hardly be said, that the Oorcyra3ans made head with the re- maining ships and those which were sea- worthy. But Karabva-avTes must certainly mean the sinking of a ship to such a degree as to render it unfit for immediate use ; and if, in addition to the loss of seventy, ten others were so crippled as to be put hors de coanbat.^ there would still be thirty left. To these add ten (the number of their remaining ships, cf. I. 50. § 4), and the thirty Athenian ships, and there is a sum total of seventy ships, the Athenian division of which (at least the recent reinforcement) was fresh for the encounter. On the other hand, tlie Corinthians had suffered a total loss of thirty ships on their right wing, which left them one hundred and twenty (cf. I. 46. § 1). Of these we may suppose some were so disabled, as not to be fit to take their station in the line of battle, so that in round numbers, their fleet may bo estimated at one hundred ships. It is easy to see, that the sound condition of the Athenian vessels would make the Corcyra)- an fleet, even with this disparity of numbers, more than a match for the Corinthian fleet. /zdXtcrra belongs to rptaKovra in the sense of about, in round numbers. Cf. Butt. § 150. p. 437. eneidrj ^X^oi/ oi 'AS^vaioi. The reading here has caused some difiiculty, from the apparent inappositeness of making oi " K'^rfvaioi the su\)ject of rjK^ov. Haack rejects ol ^A^rjuaioi, entirely. Poppo and Bloomf. enclose these words in brackets. Goeller concurs with Steph. that KepKvpaloi should be put in the place of ^A'^tjvoioi. Bloomf. refers ^X3oi/ to avTois for its nominative, on the ground that this pronoun, in the nat- ural order, is nearest to the verb. I am of the opinion, however, 276 NOTEP, [Bduk? that Bekker, Dindorf, and Arnold are right in receiving oi *A?irjm7vt as genuine, since the idea thus advanced, corresponds well with th^ facts of the case. When the Corinthians first descried the Atheni^ an ships, they pulled astern (cf. I. 51. § 5) and thus gradually re- tired. On the next day, the principal reason why they declined th€ fight, was the appearance of the Athenian ships in the Corcyraear line (cf. opavres .... aKpaL3erted by Strabo, an?* Bloomf. thinks that the Sinus Ambrac. has a double entrance, on th^ second of which Anactorium was situated. la this conjecture he if supported by Kiepert, on whose map of " Hellas zu Anfang des pelo- ponnesischen Krieges," Anactorium is placed in the inner entrance j short distance east of Actium. dndTT]^ ly artifice. It is thought that, being received as friends they seized upon the place. kolvot KepKvpaiayv Koi e/ceiVtav, a common possession of the Corcyrceans and of theirs. That their sympathies were with the CojcWthians appear-^ from the fact, that they contributed one ship to the Corinthian fleet (I. 46. § 1). KoLvbs is more usually followed by the dative. S. § 187. 3. oLKTjTopas = eTroiKrjTopas, nonnullos novos colonos. Perhap*" Thucydides wished to show by a brief expression, that the Corcy- raeans living there were expelled, and their place supplied by ney- colonists. ol rjaav bovkoi. It appears from this, that the Corey- rsean fleet was manned in no small degree by slaves. This practice of employing slaves in their navies, was common to all the Grcciat Chap. LVI.] NOTES. 2T7 states. dnedouTo (2 aor. mid. of aTroSiSw/xi), they sold. h 3epa7reia elxop =- cSepuTreuoi/. Kriig. ottws — Trpocnroirjo-dav. Kost (§ 122. 9. N. 4) cites this passage in illustration of his remark, that the optative stands after intentional particles (such as ii/a, 07ra>s, o<^pa, coy, etc.), when the writer expresses his own view of the intention of the agent, otherwise the use of the subjunctive is frequent and common. Cf. K. § 830. E. 2. b. avrols refers to the Corinthians, and is the dat. commodi after Trpoo-Troiijo-eiav. The intrigues, tumults, and dread- ful excesses, which followed on the return of these captives to Cor- cyra, are narrated in III. 70, et seq. irvyxavov. . . .TroXewy, for it chanced^ that the most of them were the first of the city in power ; or, for the greater part (pi TrXeiovs), hai^pened to he among the most pow- erful of the city. For the construction, cf. S. § 225. 8; 201. 4. 2. Trepiyiyverai (see N. on II. 65. § 13) tw TToXe/iO) tS>v Koptv^icov., got the upper hand of the Corinthians in the war (K. § 275. 1). The Corinthians had been foiled in the main object of their expedition (viz. the reduction of Corcyra), and therefore I have adopted the interpretation, which makes twv Kopiv'^icop depend on Trepiytyverai^ in preference to that of Matthia) (§ 402. d)^ who makes the verb to be followed by rw TroXZ/iGj, emersit a dello (Arnold : outlived the war). So Poppo and Goeller : " Corinthios dello superat^ non e dello Corin^ thiorum emergit.^^ e^ ovttjs^ i. e. Corcyra. tov noXefiov de- pends on airi'a. ev cnrovdais^ tempore foideris^ in time of peace, pLira^ wit\ on the side of. CHAPTER LVI. Tho historian now proceeds, in chaps. 56-G6 (compare the general summary of chaps. 24^66), to narrate the second avowed cause of the war, viz, the affair of Potida?a (§ 1) ; the Athenians, fearing lest the Corinthians might revenge themselves by inducing tho Poti- daeans to revolt, order that city to pull down the wall facing PaUene, to give hostages, and no longer to receive magistrates from the Corinthians (§ 2). 1. raOra, i. e. the events of the Corcyrcean war, which have just been related. >cai, also^ in addition to the Corcyrsean affair. €s TO TToXejueii^, tending to war. 2. 7rpa(T(r6vT(ov oTrcoy (= orw rpoTrco) TijxcoprjcrovTai avTovs., contriving how they might tahe vengeance upon them (i. e. the Athenians). The future indicative here takes the place of the subjunctive after oTrcus-, to express more definitely the realization of the proposed end. Cf. S. 13 278 NOTES. [Book! § 214. 1. b ; El § 330. G. sttI tw tV^/iw. This istlimus was the entrance into the peninsula of Pallene (the ancient Phlegra), and is now called the Gate of Kassandhra (»? Tiopra rns KacradvSpas). Gf. Leake's North. Greece, III. p. 152. ^vni^axovs dpov vKoreXets, allies paying tribute, tributary allies. Some of the allies paid an equivalent in money, for the troops or ships which they were to fur- nish. £j IlaWfivriv. Thc Wall facing Pallene was ordered to be demolished, in order that they might not be able to defend themselves from the Athenians attacking them by sea. The other wall (rd ck tuv ia^fjiov TeTxos) was erected as a defence against the Barbarians, and therefore was suffered to remain undisturbed. tovs re tmSriixinvp- yovs. Miiller (Dorians, II. p. 144. N. h) says that these were upper de- miurgi, as the emaTpamYol in Egypt, in the time of the Ptolemies, were upper or superior crparriYoi. Goeller (to whose opinion Bloomf. in- clines) thinks that £^t- here means an additional or extra magistrate, sent out by the mother country, to act as a colleague to the demiurgi appointed by the colonists themselves. The Schol. says that Asclepia- des (an ancient grammarian) thought etj- to be superfluous. There is, however, no doubt as to the genuineness of the word as here com- pounded. These magistrates received this name, because their chief duty was to transact business for the people ( — Athenian demarchi or the Latin tribuni). Yi.cp6UKov, Perdiccas II., the son and suc- cessor of Alexander I., and the eighth from the founder Perdiccas I. (of. II. 100. § 2). In the Peloponnesian war, he acted a very dishon- orable part, sometimes siding with the Athenians, and sometimes with the Lacedaemonians. For the line of the Macedonian kings, cf. Hero- dot. VIII. 139. TOVS £7ri QpiiKTi:, " the people Thrace-ward, or lying in the direction of Thrace, a general term apphed to the Greek states which Uiied the northern coast of the JEgean from Thessaly to the llellespont." Arnold. For the genitive after int, cf N. on I. 30. § 2. IvvaTTooT/yffWfft, caiose to revolt, or draw into a revolt with them. XO'^s^Wl^^ of the Athenians. Chap. JiVIL] NOTES. 279 CHAPTER LVII. fho Athenians take these precautionary measures immediately after the Coroyraean vf&i\ for in addition to the hostility of the Corinthians, Perdiccas had now become their enemy, because they had formed an alliance with his brother Philip (§§ 1-3) ; and he was managing to set the Peloponnesians at variance with them (§ 4), and taking measures to organize against Athens a confederacy of the states adjacent to him (§ 5) ; and therefore It was that the Athenians demanded hostages from the Potidffians, and commanded tlio wall next to the sea to be demolished (§ 6). 1. TTpbs Tovs IlortSatdraf, against the Potidoeans. Poppo, Haack, ahd Goeller read Tr^pX tovs IlortSaiara?, concerning the Potidceans^ as Dfeing more consistent with the fact, that the measures spoken of were not intended to be adverse to the Potidsean^, but to the Corinthians. The expedition, however, was to all intents against the Potidaoans, and if not, Trpbs could be translated, i/i respect tOj concerning. Cf. K. § 298. III. 3. e. 2. eVfTroXejucaro, had decome inimical. Trporcpov — wv, ^cJio had he^re heen. For the participial construction, see IT. on I. 8. § 1. 8. de here serves to introduce a cause, and is nearly equivalent to yap. ^iKimrto .... Aepda. Perdiccas was to have divided his kingdom with his brother Philip, and also with Derdas his cousin, but instead of doing this, he attempted to deprive them of their provinces. The Athenians seem to have taken part with these princes. Koivrj .... €vavTiov[ji€vois^ '• engaged in common hostilities against him.'''' Bloorafield. 4. en-paa-o-ev (== exerted himself^ plotted). See TV. 89. § 2. oTTcos — yevr)Tai. See IST. on I. 55. § 1. Tre'/iTTcai/, ly sending. Cf. IST. on I. 9. § 1. avTois refers to the Athenians. As this pronoun would be referred more naturally to the Lacedaemonians elicited from AaAceSai'/xom, some are very much disposed to substitute ^A^rjvaiovs for JleKoTrovvTjariovs. Trpoa-enoielTo, endeavored to win over to himself (see N. on I. 38. § 6). The imperfect is here used de conatu^ i. e. to denote an endeavor or purpose. Cf. Butt. § 137. K 10; S. § 211. N". 12. Notice the transition from the construction of the participle (jvepTTOiv) to that of the finite verb. A similar change of construction is found in lY. 4. § 2 ; YIII. 45. § 4. evcKa denotes the end or purpose, on account of = in order to Iring about. 5. 7rpo(re(f)€pe — Xoyovs^ he was treating with^ maTcing proposals. ^okKibivaL. The Chalcidians are said by Leake (llTorth. Greece, III. p. 454) to have occupied, in the meridian period of Greek history. 280 NOTES. [BooKl the whole of the great peninsula lying southward of the ridge of Mount Khortiutzi, although the original Chalcidice was far more restricted in its limits. The Bottia3ans, after Olynthus passed into the hands of the Chalcidians (through the instrumentality of Artabazus, who subjected it after Xerxes' retreat from Greece), became the hum- ble allies of that people, and are found joined with them on this occa- sion, and the one spoken of, II. 79. § 1. ofxopa to Macedon. — — TOP TToXefiov against his brother Philip and the Athenians. 6. ^ovXo^evoi., . .dnoa-Tcio-eis^ i. e. wishing, by measures taken be- forehand, to prevent the revolt of these cities. -^ — eruxov, . . .o-rparrj yovvTos is a parenthesis, and is so marked in all the editions before rae, except those of Dindorf, Kr'ug., and Goel. (tvxov — aTroo-reXXoKrey, they happened to he fitting out. auroi), i. e. Perdiccas. Of. I, 59. § 2. /ier aXXcov hUa. Eleven generals being so unusual and large a number to be sent with only 1000 men, the conjecture of Krug. in Seebod. Bibl. Grit. a. 1828. p. 8 (cited by Poppo and Goel- ler), is worthy of consideration, viz. that we should read /xer aXKav §', witJi four others. It is said by those who adhere to the reading /ier akXcov deica, that Pericles departed to the Samian war with nine colleagues (I. 116. § 1), but as Poppo remarks, it does not say in that place, that Pericles departed to the war with nine colleagues, but that he the tenth general (i. e. one of the ten generals) commanded the armament. The idea of Schoemann (Antiq. p. 252) that extraordinary oflBcers were created for this occasion is highly improbable. eVi- areWova-i. The Schol. explains this by evreXXovrai^ for the fleet had not yet set sail, as in that case it would have been dTroa-TeiXavres instead of dnooTeXXovTes. —— ttXtjo-Iov to Potidsea. cf)vXaKfjv fX^iv, as we say, to Tc^ep an eye vpon^ to le or, the watch. CHAPTER LVIII. Tlie Potidaeana send an embassy to induce the Athenians to change their policy, but meet with no success, whereupon being encouraged to hope for assistance from the Lacedaemo- * nians, in coiyunction with the Chalcidians and the Bottioeans, they seize this opportunity to revolt (§ 1) ; at the advice of Perdiccas, the Chalcidians destroy their maritime cities and remove to Olynthus, a part of Mygdonia being assigned to them also for their habita- tion (§ 2). 1. €1 TTcos. Supply (TKOTvctv ov nfipda?5ai, (to see) whether they could persuade. Of. K. § 344. R. 9 ; Mt. § 526 ; Pvost, § 121. N. 3. vetorepiCeip jxrjdev^ to attempt no political change^ i. e. to make no Chap. LYIILj NOTES. 281 change in the polity of Potidasa. Cf. I. 115. § 2. 0Tr(jii,.,,8er] must depend on eX3oj/res es Tr]V AaKcbaifiova^ jUst as el ncos . . . . firj^h depends on Trefx-^aures nap* 'A^r}vaiovs npea-^eis. The verb enpaa-crov, therefore, is with good reason bracketed in the best editions. « TToXXoO rrpda-a-ovres^ after negotiating a long time. The participle here denotes time. See N. on I. 13. § 6. -qvpovro. All the editions before me, except Bekker's and Dindorf 's, have evpovro. al vijes li (7t\ MaKe8oviav — enXeov = ai vrjes ai eVi MaKeboviav TrXeovcrai eVi MaKedoviav enXcov. 6p.olois^ i. e. just as though the Potidsoans had sent no embassy to Athens. rh reX?;, the cTiief magistracy^ or a3 we say, the government. " to. riXrj sunt Ephori." Goeller. vrri- ax^To is found in the plural in some MSS. Ktihner (Jelf 's edit. § 385. a) says that to. reX?/ with a singular verb signifies the magistrates^ with a plural verb the cabinet. The use of the plural or singular depends on the manner in which it lies in the speaker's mind (animo loquentis). So Mt. (§ 300) remarks that the verb is put in the plural, when the neuter plural signifies living persons. t6t€ . . . .tovtov^ then indeed at that very time. In order to avoid a redundancy, Bauer renders roVf Sr}, his de causis. But roVf is used of time (cf. II. 84. § 2), and the addition of Kara rov Kaipov tovtov is by no means pleonastic, but gives emphasis = without any delay., immediately. 5. ras. ...(KkLTTovras. The Athenian supremacy at sea, enabled them to ravage the sea-coast of those countries with which they were at war. avoiKia-acr^aL is here used of a removal from the sea-coast up into the interior. See I. 7. § 1 ; YIII. 31. § 2. "oXw'iiov. This city gradually rose in importance, until it subsequently became ono of the greatest cities in Greece, and carried on a successful war with Macedonia. It was, however, taken by Phihp II., who gave it up iof plunder, reduced the inhabitants to slavery, and razed its walls to the ground. Cf. Cramer's Greece, I. p. 252 ; Leake's North. Greece, III. p. 459. ravTTjv is the object, and fiiau re nokiv laxvpav the predi- cate of TToirja-aa^ai. S. § 185. N". 1. rrjs yrjs depends upon Tvepl rrjv BoX^rjv \tp.vT]v. Kriig. Cousin says that nepl in irepl. . . .Xifxvrjp ^oes not here signify circum., but prope. Cf. K. § 295. III. 1 . a. The waters of lake Bolbe, which lay E. of Thessalonica and IsT. of Apollonia, communicated with the Strymonicus Sinus. vep-eo-Jiai here denotes a temporary possession. etoy, as long as. ai/, which usually accompanies the subjunctive mood after ecos (cf. S. § 217. 2), increases the notion of duration by making it more indefinite (= however long a may le). 282 NOTES. [Book t CHAPTER LIX. ITio Athenian fleet finding that the Potidaeans have revolted (§ 1), turn their course to Macedonia to assist Philip and the brothers of Derdas (§ 2). 1. is ra cVt QpaKTjs (sc. x<^P'°)- ^^^ ^* ^^ ^- ^^- § 2- The partB of Thrace here spoken of, embraced the three peninsulas, Pallene, Chalcidice, and Acte, and extended north as far as AmphipoUs. In this region the Greeks had planted colonies and founded flourishing cities. KaToKafx^dvovcn .... cicfieaTrjKOTa (= on a.(f}€aTr]Kaai. See N. on I. 52. § 2), Jind that Fotidwa and the other places have already revolted. 2. ddiivara. . . .xcapla. The order is: nvai dbvvaTa TroXe/xeij/ rfj TrapovcTT] Sura/iet re npos UepbiKKav Koi to. ^vvacjieaTiOTa xaypla. icp'-'oTTcp refers to rpeTrovrai em t^v MaKeboviap, and therefore is = enl TO rperrecr'^ai, or enl to nXelv. In respect to the primary design of the Athenian fleet, cf. I. 57. § 6. KaraorraKrey, stationing themselves^ tuTcing their position in the place referred to, i. e. in upper Macedonia. This wiU show why dva>'^€v is employed in the next member. CHAPTER LX. The Corinthians, apprehensive for the safety of Potidoea, send thither a body of 2000 volunteers and mercenaries (§ 1) ; these troops commanded by Aristeus, a warm friend of the Potidieans, reach the city forty days after its revolt (§§ 2, 8). 1. eV TovTco (sc. xp6v(o)^ in the meanwhile. t^? Tloribaias d(f)€- (TTqKvlas^ toTien Potidcea had revolted from the Athenians. S. § 226. Trepi before t many volunteered under Aristeus, viz. because he was friendly (eniTTj- deios) to the Potidajans, which would be a sufficient reason why his admirers should feel a similar regard for them, and march for their defence. 3. eVt QpqKTjs, to Thrace. The genitive is frequently found in an- swer to the question ' whither' (cf. Mt. § 584. jS; Butt. § 147. p. 412), although direction towards is most commonly denoted. See N. on I. 30. § 2. §. In consequence of the harsh ellipsis of dno eKeivrjs (sc. fjiiepas) as the antecedent of §, Poppo, Goeller, Arnold, and Bloomfield read varepov — 7, after that. Bekker is said by Poppo (Suppl. Adnot. p. 126) now to have adopted rj. His edition before me has 17. The Schol. defines y by iv ^ w^P'}'t or a^' ov. CHAPTER LXI. The Athenians hearing of the defection of Potidaea, and the assistance sent thither by the Corinthians, despatch Callias with 2000 hoplites and forty ships against the revolted provinces (§ 1) ; a junction is formed in Upper Macedonia between these forces and those previously sent out, who having taken Therme, were then besieging Pydna (§ 2) ; having made a composition with Perdiccas they depart from Macedonia (§ 8) ; on their march, they make an unsuccessful attack upon Bercea, after which they proceed on their way to Potidsea (§ 4), and on the third day they reach Gigonas (§ 5), 1. T] dyyeXia tcov noXeav otl d<^€(TTacn., the report of the defection of the cities ; literally, the report concerning the cities, that they had revolted. The subject of the subordinate clause is here attracted to the principal clause, and made to depend upon its substantive. This usually takes place, when the subordinate clause depends on the sub- stantive of the principal clause. Cf. K. § 347. 3; Mt. § 296. 3. See N. on I. 72. § 1. ^cr^ovTo — i-nnrapovTas. Cf. N. on I. 26. § 3 (init.). irep.TVTOV avTov (TTpaTrjyov. See N. on I. 46. § 2. 2. TOVS rrpoTepovs p^iXiovy. Cf. I. 57. § 6. Qepixrjv aprt fjp-qKOTas^ had already captured Therme. The construction will be understood by a refyrence to N. on 6pS>vT€s Trpoa-yeyevrjfxivas^ I. 52. § 2. Therm© 284 IfOTES [Book L was subsequently called Thessalonica, in honor of Thessalonica the wife of Cassandra, and daughter of Philip. It was to the church here, that Paul wrote his two epistles to the Thessalonians. Its mod- ern name is Saloniki. IlvBvav, Pydna. This place was situated on the western shore of the Thermaicus Sinus, S. "W. of Therme, and was famous for the battle gained in its vicinity, by Paulus -^miliu3 over the Macedonian army under Perseus, which terminated the em- pire. 3. 7rpo(TKa^€^6fX€voi. Cf. N. on I. 26. § 5. /cat avrot, they also i. e. tlie reinforcement. ^vii^acnv^ an agreement^ treaty, avay- Kulov. The position of their affairs was such, as to make a suspension of hostilities with Perdiccas highly necessary. KarrjTreiyfv, urged on^ compelled to hasten. HoTibaia Ka\ 6 ^Apiarevs napcXTjXv^icos (— the coming of Aristeus) is a form of expression, somewhat similar to Kvpos Koi T} Uepa-iKrj ^aaiXeia (I. 16. § 1). anavlaTavTai^ do- parted from^ evacuated. Cf. I. 139. § 1. 4. d(f)iK6ii€vot is Bepoiav k. t. \. This passage has perplexed com- mentators not a little, and as is usual in such cases has received a great diversity of interpretations. Bauer would distinguish between Bercca and the district of the same name, and thinks that in passing through the district (a \(f^\Lov. The article is rarely omitted be- fore this word, except when it refers to the isthmus of Corinth. The article t^i* belongs to limov and not to SiaKoaiav^ since no men- tion has been made previously of any number. Ittitov^ cavalry. In the same sense we employ the term horse. cVl (T(l>as = eVt tjjv TLoTl^aiav. Schol. Kara j/corou, in the rear. ^orfiovvras Aris- teus and his troops. iv /xeVo) TroteZi/, to place between. This manoeuvre, had it been successful, would have compelled the Atheni- ans to have fought with the Corinthians and Potidasans in front, w^hile their rear was at the same time attacked by the Chalcidians, who were to sally forth from Olynthus. rovi TroXe/xtovs refers to the Athenians. 4. S' au, hut on the other hand. lAaKebovas has the force of an adjective. elpyaxri — iin^orpeiv. The negation after verbs of hin- dering, denying, refusing, etc. is more usually strengthened by iirj with the infinitive (see I^T. on I. 80. § 1). tovs iKel'iev = rovs 6/cet eicersej/. Cf. Butt. § 151. 8. p. 446 ; Mtt. § 596. c (end) ; K. § 300. Pw. 8. See also YIII. 107. § 2. The clause may be translated, that tJiey might hinder tlwse^ who were there^ from sallying forth to bring as- sistance. avroi 8\ i. e. Callias and his colleagues. dvaorr}- o-avres to o-rparoTreSoj/, having caused the army to decamp = having broken up the encamp>ment. eVi ttjv ILoTidaiav. This shows that the Corinthian army had stationed themselves close to tlie walls of Potidsea. See N. on § 1 supra. 5. Trpos — iyevovTo^ came to. See N. on BicKpi'^rja-au Trpoy, I. 18. § 2. as is fidxwy *^ order for battle, as here denotes purpose. . KOI avToi., they themselves also. ov ttoKv varepovj not long after = very soon. This battle was fought a. c. 432. Olymp. 87. 1, the same year (" ineunto quinto mense Attico." Poppo) in which the sea- fight at Ccrcyra took i)lace. 6. avTo gives emphasis to nepas (see N. on I. 38. § 2) = tJie wing where lay the chief strength^ or, the strength of the army (viz.) tJis Chap. LXllL] NOTES 281 toing commanded hy Aristeus. Opposed to this is to 5' aXKo a-Tparo- Tvebov infra. KaX oaoi XoyaSey, doth he and as many Corinth- ians as were with him^ and of the rest, the picJced men. This sentence is epexegetical of Kepas. eVflJJXSov dioiKovres eVt TToXv, advanced in pursuit a long distance. The participle here contains the leading idea, advanced pursuing z= pursued. Of. K. § SIO. 4. 1; S. § 225. 8 relxoy of Potida3a. CHAPTER LXIII. Aristeus having returned from the pursuit, forces his way with much difficulty into Poti daea (§ 1) ; at the commencement of the fight, the Potidrean auxiliaries in Olynthus issue forth to aid their friends, but perceiving them to be defeated retire within the walla (g 2) ; the Athenians erect a trophy (§ 3). 1. o)? opq, when he sees. Historical present. S. § 211. N. 4. r)7r6pr}(re . . . .x(opr](Tas^ he wos in doubt in which direction (i. e. whether towards Potidsoa or Olynthus) he should run the hazard of proceeding. Between him and Olynthus were the Macedonian cavalry and a de- tachment of the Athenian allies (1. 62. § 4), and investing Potida^a were the 3000 Athenian hoplites and the main body of their allies. Both directions were therefore fall of danger. eVt rjjs- 'OXvVSov. See N. on I. 30. § 2. S' ovv, Itut however, ovv serves here as a particle of reference =: hut as to that matter (i. e. the danger of re- treating in either direction). ^wayayovrL x^P^^^^) '^^^^ (see ISr. on I. 13. § 6) he had contracted his forces into as smaU a com- pass as possible (w? k t^dxK^rov for « wj cXdxiar-roi')^ in order tc cut their way in a dense body through the enemy. Some join ws ts i\a.xt(^rov x^P'^o^ to ^»o/,(cj /JtaVaff^ui and render it tamguam proxi- mum lotum et minimi intervaUi. But the notion of space or distance can hardly exist in ^wpioi/. Por wf with the superlative, cf. K. § 239. R. 2 ; S. § 159. 5. Sponoy Ptaaacr^at, running to force their way (-= to make a rush). S. § 206. 1. naf,a rhv x^^^^> along the hreahwaier ; literally, the claw, a name given from the form in which it stretched out. The Corinthians could not enter the gate on the side towards Olynthus, for then the Athenians would have rushed into the town with them ; they, therefore, clambered along the pro- jecting stone-work, wliich served to protect the walls next to the sea from the force of the waves, and thus entered by one of the gates on 288 NOTES. [Book I the side towards Pellene. In doing this they were exposed to the enemy's missiles (cast probably from the blockading ships, of. I. 61. § 5), and thus sustained some loss. See Arnold's note on this passage, and cf. Xen. Anab. YII. 1. § 17. Poppo suggests an entrance to the town on the side towards the water. dia tjjs ^oKda-aTjs, i. e. through the water between the pier and the walls, which was doubt- less quite shallow. It is strange that any one should connect these words with ^dWofievos (being shot at\ as though the missiles were thrown over the interval of water. Yet such is the exposition of Bened. cited b}'^ Haack. okiyovs fiev rii/ap, some few. nvas adds to the indefiniteness of the number. S. § 165. N. 2. 2. ol d' — ftoTj^oi^ i. e. the Macedonian horse and the Chalcidians, etc. Cf. I. 62. § 3. dnexd refers to Olynthus. §e is causal (= yap). KaTa(Paves, in sight^ Hsible, " vyj/ifKov yap to x<^P^ov 6 "OXvi'So?." Schol. oT/zieta TpS^, the standard was raised as a signal to commence battle. The proper position of these words is, therefore, before tj p-axq eyiyvero. ^paxv pev ri, some little dis- tance. See N. on § 1 (end). tW^s of Philip and Pausanias. Cf. I. 61. § 4. MaKedopes. See N. on I. 62. § 4. bia rdxovs = rax^ais. Mt. § 309. c. An adverb in the predicate is frequently to be rendered as an adjective. Here it may be translated speedy, as though in agreement with rj vUrj. is t6 relxos of Olynthus. ov8e- repois (dative for the adnominal genitive), i. e. of neither party. irapeyevovro in the battle. 3. vTToa-n-ovdovs (= vno ajrovbals), under a truce. It was an ac- knowledgment of defeat, to demand a truce for burying the dead. For the idiom by which an adjective denotes the way or manner, cf. K. § 264. 3. c; S. § 158. 3. Sklyco iXda-aovs rpiaKoo-iav, a little less than three hundred. The comparative is frequently attended by words denoting quantity, to show how much more or less of the quality expressed by the adjective is intended. Cf. K. § 239. K. 1. 'AST^vaiwi/ 5e avroiv. In the plain of the Academy near Athens, was found the inscription in honor of the Athenians who fell in this battle. It was brought to England by Lord Elgin, and is now in the British Museum. The first four lines have been lost, with the excep- tion of a word or two at the beginning of each line, and the endings of the remaining eight are broken off, but have been restored conjec- turally by Thiersch and Bcickh. This epitaph may be found in the appendix of Sophocles's Greek Yerbs, p. 289. In this battle and in tht Eubsequent siege of Potidcea, Socrates greatly distinguished himself. CiiAP. LXIV.l NOTES. 289 CHAPTEK LXIY. Tho Athenians invest Potidaea, and circumvallate the side facing the isthrcms (§ 1) ; the Athenians at home, on the receipt of this intelligence, send out fresh troops, who com- plete the inv&stment on the side towards Pallene, and thus surround the place on every side (§§ 2, 3). 1. TO S' eK Tov icrS/Aoi) reixos", the wall on the side of the isthmus. €K implies that the stand-point of observation was from the side towards Olynthus. So below, we have to 8' is ttjv UaWrjvrjv (so. Tflxos), and in § 2 (end), t6 ck ttjs UaWrjvrjs t€7xos, the former of which refers to a point of observation within the city with the eye towards Pallene, tlie latter, to a position in which the eye was directed towards the city from Pallene, or from the side towards Pallene. Arnold says that " eK corresponds with our of, and denotes of or belonging to,''^ of which Poppo says " male interpretatur Arn. exempla diversissima miscens." aTroTcix^o'avTes, walling off, i. e. drawing a line of circumvallation. Of. § 2. infra ; III. 51. § 3 ; 94. § 2, et saepe al. is ttjv UoKXrjvrjp, i. e. either a city by this name, or the peninsula itself. Probably the latter is meant, as Thucydides makes no mention of such a city. uTeixi-o-Tov = ovk. dnoTelxi-o-Tov. So in § 2, Teixi^^^iv = diroTeLxtCfi-v- yLyvofiepois Si'x"? l)eing divided. Potidaea occupied this whole isthmus from sea to sea, so that between those investing it on the two sides, there could be no communication, except through the town or by water. Cf. Herodot. YIII. 129 (cited by Arnold), where it is said that " the Persians, when besieging the place on the side towards Olynthus, endeavored to get across into tho peninsula of Pallene, by passing over the usual bed of the sea, which an extraordinary efflux of the water had left for some time dry," 2. TTvv^avofxevoL — ovarav. Constructed with the participle, nvv'^d- vea'^ai implies an immediate perception, or if indirect, sure and well grounded ; constructed with the infinitive, it implies a perception not immediate but derived by hearsay. Cf. K. § 311. 6 ; Post, § 129. 4. c. iv TTJ TToXf i, i. e. Athens. XP^^^ va-Tepov, in time afterwards = afterwards. iavTcop has here its exclusive force, of their own. S. § 161. 1 (end). ^opfxlcova. This general, whose name is first mentioned here, was one of the most skilful and successful of the Athenian commanders, and shone no less by his eminent private vir- tues. Pausanias says that he saw the statue of this general, among others, in a sanctuary of Diana Brauronia (so called from the town of 13 290 NOTEa [BookI Brauron). Cf. Leake's Athens, I. p. 146. e^ 'A(^ilrios op/xw/xej/o?, i. e. lie made Apliytis, a small town below Potidasa where he landed, the point from which he sallied forth to the seat of the war. Kara ^paxvi iy little and little^ leisurely. Kcipcov^ 7'avaging. This word is usually applied to the cutting down of trees, and hence in general to the laying waste of a country. 3. ovro)?, i. e. in the manner just mentioned. Kara Kpdros, with II their force^ or perhaps here, closely, acerrime as Steph. interprets. vavcrXv is the dative of the agent or instrument. S. § 206. 1. ecfiopp-ovo-ais,, blockading. icpopp.e'Lv, " stationem adversam tenerey Betant. CHAPTER LXV. A listens advises that all but 500 men should sail away, in order that the provisions in liie city may hold out the longer, but this advice being rejected, he himself, the better to subserve the Potidffian cause, eludes the vigilance of the besiegers and escapes by se» (§ 1) ; he performs several exploits, and with the Chalcidians lays a successful ambush at Sermyla, at the same time sending to Peloponnesus for aid (§ 2) ; meanwhile Phormio, having completed the investment of Potidiea, ravages the coimtry of the Chalcidians and the Bottiaeans (§ 8). 1. Kcu here connects a genitive absolute with the nominative. craTTipias of the Potida^ans. aWo {= uWo^ev) gives this sense to the passage in which it stands : unless some aid should arrive from Peloponnesus, or something unexpected (napaXoyov, deyond calculation) from some other quarter. Poppo, Goel., and Bloomf. edit irapa \6yov as a more primitive form. avepov Trjprjaacri, having watched for a favorable wind. The participle takes the case of rois aXKois., which would have been properly in the accusative, but is put in the dative by apposition with avrols, the omitted object of ^vve^ovXeve. oirws has here its telio (reXiKcos) signification, i. e. it denotes the final end or purpose ; when the result or upshot is denoted, the sense is said to be ecbatic (jK^arLKoai). eVl TrXe'oi' {the longer) 6 o-Itos dr/ricrxu- See N. on oTTcos — Trpoanoirjaeiav, I. 55. § 1. rSiv pev6vT(ov eivai, to he of the numler of those remaining, 1. e. one of those who remained to defend the city. The genitive is employed, because the sense of ^hai is limited to a part. K. § 273. 3. a; S. § 191. ^ovKopevos to. eVi TovTois 7rapaaK€va^€Lv, wishing to effect that which seemed to le next in importance, em rovrois denotes a succession of things in time and space (K. § 296. II. 1. b). Hence it is used tropically of what is next to Chap. LXVI] N Q.T E S . 291 te done^ next in importance. oTrcoy ra e^co^sev e^cL a>s apiara, in order that tlie affairs outside (Potidaia) may "be in as good a condition as 2^ossible. This sentence expresses the design of eKTrXow 'ASr;- vaicov. For the future indicative, see N. on I. 56. § 2. XaSwi/ ttjv cf)v\aKr]v^ unknown to the guard. 2. rd re aXKa cVoXefiet, he performed other (i. e. other than the one here mentioned) warliTce exploits. The construction is like that of TToXefxov TToXefielv. S. § 181. 2. — "ZepfivXicov limits rfj TToXet, and TToWovs refers to its citizens, since it cannot well be referred to the Athenians, who have not been mentioned in the connection. Krlig- constructs ^epfivXlcov with noXXovs. The sense remains unchanged by this construction. es re eirpaa-a-ev. "A condensed expression for is TTjv UeXonovvrjo-ov iripi^as eTTpaacrev.'''' Arnold. The construc- tion is explained in Ns. on I. 18. § 2 ; 51. § 3. 3. fxera aTTordxia-iv^ i. e. after the investment of the city had been completed. kol. . . . elXe, and some towns he also tooTc. On tlie phrase eorii/ a {some), cf. K. § 331. K. 4 ; Mt. 482 ; S. § 172. N. 2 ; 0. § 523. CHAPTEE LXVI. The Corinthians and Athenians mutually accuse, each other in respect to the affair ol Potidaea, the dispute not having yet led to open war (§ 1). 1. 'ASj;i/otois and UeXonovvrja-iois limit Trpoayeyevrjvro. alriai (see N". on I. 69. § 7) fieu avrai. The article is omitted, when the pro- noun stands as the subject, and the substantive as the predicate of the sentence. Of. K. § 246. E, 1. a. to7s /xeV Kopiv^lois. Eepeat men- tally TrpoayeyevrjvTO alrlai is ^ A.'^rjvaLOLS. eavriov ovaav dnoLKiav^ which was (see N. on oWey, I. 8. § 1) their colony. inoXLopKovp refers to the Athenians. rois 5' responds to the preceding toIs p.iv. TToXif, i. e. Potidtea. aTreaTTjcrav., had caused to revolt. In respect to the tense, see N, on I. 62. § 1. For the verb used causa- tively, cf. S. §§ 207. 2 ; 183 {larrjfii), and see I. 81. § 3 ; 104. § 1 ; IT. 80. § 1 ; III. 31. § 1, et sa3pe al. o-^io-ii/ follows ifxaxovro. ■- OTTO Tov 'n-po(f)avovs = Trpocjiavcos. ov. . . .^vveppcayeL (from avp pr}yvvp.i\ nevertheless the war had not yet droJaen out, i. e. the Pelo- ponnesian war had not actually begun, these acts of hostility being only introductory to it. /xeVroi — ye, nevertheless indeed, is used when in reference to what precedes, a thing could not have been expected, 292 NOTES. [BooKl but yet is so. Cf. Jelf 's Klihn. §§ Y30. a ; 735. 6. Idia, i. e. in their private capacity, and not as membere of the Peloponnesian confederacy. CHAPTERS LXVII.— LXXXYIL These chapters contain the debates in the congress of allies at Sparta, iu respect to the complaints made against the Athenians, and are entitled ^vAXoyos Twv ^v^ndxo}v iv AaK^^ai^iovi, which Poppo would alter to ^vXXoyos tS>v AaKedaljjLovav Trept twv iyKXrjfidTcov ruv ^v/x/xaxcov. After an introduction (chap. 6*7) the speech of the Corinthians is given (chaps. 6Y-'72); after which the historian briefly accounts for the presence of the Athenian embassy at Sparta (chap. 7 3), and reports their speech (chaps. 74-78); the Lacedaemoni- ans then deliberate by themselves (chap. 79), and are addressed by Archi- damus (chaps. 80-85), and by the Ephor Sthenelaidas (chap. 86), after which, the vote is taken, and the treaty decided to have been broken (chap. 87). This portion contains some of the choicest specimens of a condensed and vigorous style, that are to be found in any language. The orations, although alike fervid, energetic, and pointed, are yet in perfect keeping with the position and design of those who uttered them, the Corinthian speech being full of burning invective and sarcasm, the Athenian, eminently soothing and pacific, while the oration of king Archidamus is replete with maxims of profound political sagacity and experience, and that of Sthenelaidas is blunt and laconic, almost beyond what might be expected even of a Spartan. These characteristics will be more particularly noticed, in the analysis and general divisions of the respective orations CHAPTEE LXY.TT. The Corinthians, enraged at the blockade of Potidsea, exhort the allies to go to Lacedtemon, whither they also repair and criminate the Athenians as truce-breakers and unjust (§ 1); the -^ginetae also secretly foment the disturbance (§ 2) ; the Lacedaemonians, therefore, summon an assembly of the allies, and all -n-ho have any cause of complaint against tho Atlicnians (§ 3); various accusations are made by the allies, and especially do the Mega- reaiis complain, because they have been excluded from the Athenian ports and market (§ 4) ; after which the Corinthians come forward and address the Msembly (§ 5). 1. 7r6\LopKovfi€VT]s Be TTJs noTtSatar, dut when Potidoea- was besieged. Uf. S. § 226. dvbpcov. . . .SeSioVss-, their own men leirig in it^ a7id Chap. LXVIL] NOTES. 293 they also fea/ring for the safety of the place ■= fearing for the safety of the place and of their countrymen in it. TrapcKakow = ex- horted them to go. The verb receives this fulness of signification from fj, the preposition of motion which follows. See N. on I. 18. § 2. Kare^ocov — 'AST/miwi/, clamored against the Athenians. For the genitive after Kara in composition, cf. K. § 292. K. ; S. § 194. N. 3. XeXvKores ehv. A participle with €i[xt (or its compounds), and exo), Kvpeat^ etc. is sonietimes used instead of the verb of the participle or the sake of emphasis. Cf. Yig. p. 117. IX. ; S. § 89. 1. For the optative in the oratio oMiqua., cf. S. § 213. 2. 2. ScStoVes, lecause they feared. See N. on I. 9. § 4. Kpv<^a Se. Ilaack and Goel. place a comma after the words, and thus refer theia ^to TrpetT/Seuo/xei/oi, sending ambassadors not openly but secretly. So Krlig. also exjplains it. Hermann ad Soph. El. 1059 thinks that ixev— fie in this place are employed, as though it had been written ov fiep (pavepcos enpea^evovTO.) Kpv(f)a de Trpea^evofxevoi ivrjyov. Bauer refers ivrjyov to Trpea^evoixevot and renders it: suaserunt bellum non [a-perte] per legatos sed occulte. But, as Poppo remarks, in that case we should have expected the collocation, ov fxev (})avepS>s 7rp€(r^€v6p,€voi. I prefer to make Kpv^a qualify ivriyov : they did not openly send ambassadors^ but secretly did much to urge on the war. jxev and 5e are used to con- nect different sorts of words, as may be seen in the examples cited by m. § 622. 3. Cf. Jelf 's Ktihn. § Y65. 2. avrovo^oi {having their oicn laws independent). See N. on hovkoi^ I. 34. § 1. KaTo. ras (tttov- bds. There is considerable doubt in the minds of interpreters, to what treaty reference is here made, or in what way the independence of the uEginetSQ was guaranteed. The Schol., whom Bloomf. is inclined to follow, thinks that those states whose names were not subscribed to the treaty, were regarded as independent, and gives to Kara ras crnov- das the sense, according to the spirit of the treaty. But it should be remembered, that -^gina was conquered by the Athenians six years before that treaty (viz. the thirty years' truce), and from this fact, together with the secrecy with which, through fear of the Athenians, they excited the Lacedaemonians to war, it is very evident, that they were included in the treaty as evanovdot (see N. on I. 40. § 2) of the Athenians, and therefore were not airovopoi. Od. Muller (^gin. p. 180) thinks that reference is had to a treaty of alliance, made through the influence of the Lacedaemonians, in which the liberty of the Gre- cian states was guaranteed by mutual stipulations. Goeller also seems to incline to the opinion, that reference is had to that mutual arrange- ment of previous jars and discords, which took place at the suggestion of Themistocles, before the second Persian invasion, and by which 294 NOTES. [Boor I independence would of course be secured to the -^Egiuetea. The best solution of the difficulty, which I have met witli, is that of Ej'lig, in Stud. Hist. p. 192 (cited by Poppo, Suppl. Adnot. p. 127), " quum cnrovbai^ nisi quid accedat, ubi de belli Pelop. causis agatur, semper sint foedera tricennalia, horum lege aliqua Lacedaemonios ^ginetarum avTovofxia putat prospexisse." In this thirty years' peace, which I cannot doubt is referred to here, some provision, doubtless, had been made for the independence of -^gina, although in what manner it does not clearly appear. 8. TrpoanapaKoKeaavTes rav ^vpudxtov^ Tiaving summoned tTieir al- ius. S. § 191. 1. The re after ^vpfiaxcav is omitted by almost all the recent editors, which makes kol epexegetical (= 7iempe^ etiam^ Poppo), i. e. serving to introduce ei ns {whoeter). , . .''A'iTjvaicov^ as explanatory of tcop ^vfxfxaxcov. If re is retained, then et ns refers to other states than those in league with the Lacedsemonians. But waving the consideration, that the Lacedaemonians had nothing to do with the grievances of other states than those which belonged to the confederacy, the suggestion of Haack, that the presence of re would lead us to expect ci' tI tls «XXor, or ct ns aXXos, makes me prefer its omission in the text. tI ak\o — TjdiKTja^iat. In the active aStKe'o) governs two cases, the latter of which is retained in the passive. Cf. S. § ITY. 3. ^vXXoyov — Tov ela^ioTa^ the ordinary assemlly. Some- times a smaller and more select assembly {r] yuKpa eKKXrjo-La), Xen. Hellen. III. 8. § 8), consisting probably of the equals (oi opoioi^ ^;cers), was convened, and as Mtiller (Dor. II. p. 89) thinks, was chiefly occu- pied with the state of the constitution, and to distinguish it from that assembly, the one here spoken of has the epithet top ftcoSoVa. To this common or general assembly, all the citizens above thirty years of age were admitted. The place of meeting was west of the city of Sparta, between the brook Cracion (i. e. Saffron river) and the bridge Babyea, and the assembly was held in the open air. The Schol. on this passage says, that the regular time of meeting vfas each full moon. Extraor- dinary meetings might, however, be called at any time in cases of emergency. Cf. Mtiller's Dorians, II. p. 90. 4. ojy (KacTToi^ severally (see N. on I. 8. § 5), each in succession. icat, and especially. See Jelf 's Kuhn. (§ 759. 4) on the incressive force of Kat, when preceded by koX aXXoi re, or similar words. ovk oXiya = many. paXiora Se, and particularly. Xi/neVooi/ depends on etpyea^ai according to S. § 197. 2. Why the Megareans were excluded from all commercial intercourse with the Athenians, we are not in- formed. The words of the decree are found in the Schol. on Aristoph. Ban. 273. D. Chap. LXVIILl KOTES. 295 CHAPTERS LXYIII.— LXXL These cliaptera comprise the speech of the Corinthians, at the congress of the allies in Sparta. The exordium extends to chap. 68. § 2 ; then follows the argumentative portion, which extends to chap, 71. § 4, at which place the peroration begins. In the argumentative part is, (1) a complaint Ox the systematic ambition of the Athenians (chap. 68), and (2) of the supine- ness of the Lacedaemonians, which suffered the evil to remain unchecked (chap. 69) ; (3) a comparison between the Athenian and Laoedaemonian character (chap. 70); (4) an urgent appeal to the Lacedaemonians to bestir themselves (chap. 7L § 3). This speech is spirited, pointed, abounding in the most bitter sarcasm, mingled with delicate strokes of flattery, and admi- rably adapted to the pm'pose for which it was delivered, viz. to exasperate the Lacedaemonians against the Athenians. - CHAPTER LXYIII. The Corinthians begin their oration, by a kind of complimentary complaint of the good faith {rd iriaTov) of the Lacedfemonians towards one another, -which rendered them blind to whatever might be said to the prejudice of others, and ignorant also of affairs abroad (§ 1) ; on which account, the previous complaints of the Corinthians had been disregarded, as though arising from selflsh interests ; and no council had been called until they them- selves had suffered wrong, whereas none had been so deeply injured as the Corinthians (§ 2) ; a long exposition of the unjust acts and ambitious policy of the Athenians is unnecessary, since they make no concealment of their deeds, and there are present in the assembly those, who are either already enslaved by the Athenians, or threatened with the loss of their liberty (§ 3) ; Corcyra and Potidaua are alluded to, as examples in proof of the aggressive jwlicy of the Athenians (§ 4). 1. TO -jna-Tov Ka'^Lo-TTjo-i^ the good faith^ which characterizes the management of your internal affairs^ and your private intercourse, renders you more incredulous in respect to otJiers (i. e. the other Greeks), whene'ver any thing is said (to their prejudice) ; literally, if we say any thing, but as Bloomf. (cited approvingly by Poppo) re- marks, ^V rt Xeycofiev is nearly equivalent to in whatever is said, the change of person accommodating the dictum generale to the speakers themselves, and promoting brevity of expression, to Tncrrov denotes an abstract idea, and is employed with the article for the substantive (K. § 263. y ; Mt. § 269 ; S. § 158. 2 ; 0. § 449. a. See N. on L 42. § 2). t[js KaS' vixas avrovs TToXireias is opposed tO ra e^ay Trpdyuara at the 296 NOTES. [BooKl close of the section. Poppo, Goeller, and Bloomf., with Kistem., place a comma after aTriororepovy, and connect es tovs aXXovs with the following words : more incredulous in respect to what is said against others. But the hrevity of the construction, as well as the sentiment, is marred by such a method of punctuation, and the charge of indefi- niteness, which is brought against the common pointing, is removed by supplying from the context kut avriov with Xeyancv. avrov refers to the characteristic of the Lacedasmonians just alluded to. aoacPpo- a~uvT]v^ moderation.^ wise caution. Some interpret it here, the demeanor of a just and upright character. dfia'^ia xPW^^^ ^"^ V^'^ ^^^ the more ignorant of affairs abroad (i. e. out of Lacedsemon) = you labor under greater ignorance in respect to the affairs of other states. 2. a. . . .^XdnTea^ai., in ichdt respect we were about to be injured by the Athenians = what injuries we were about to receive from the Athe- nians. For the construction of a — ^Xdnrea-^ai^ cf. N. on ri aX\o— i^StKjJcrSat, I. 67. § 3. 776/31 a)V = Trepl eKcivcov a. rfjv fia^rjcriv eTrocela^ie = ifxav^dv€T€ (Mt. § 421. Obs. 4) only a little stronger, you did not mahe the improvement (which you ought). dXKd vttc- yoetre, but you rather suspected the speakers. Poppo and Goeller make Toav \iy6vT(i)V depend on the latter part of the sentence, the formula cby Xeyovcrt being the same as if it had been written aKka tcov Xeyovrcov to \eyiiu €V€K€P t5>v avTois Ibia diacjiopcov VTrei'oeTrf, you suspected that the speahing of the speakers arose from private interests., or, as our idiom would demand, you suspected the speakers., that they spake from private interest. But there is no difficulty in constructing Ta>v Xeyovrcov with vTrei/oflre. Of. K. § 273. 5. f ; Mt. §§ 342. 3 ; 296. 3. eV/ca rS>p avTois I8ia bia(}i6pa>v, on account of those things^ which are advantage- ous to them apart from others {=for their private advantage). Idia is used adverbially and may be translated by an adjective. irdax'^t-v-, SC. -fjixas. eneibfj iv rco epyo) icrjiev = " eneidrj fjbr] ra ovtl ndar)(0[J.€Vy quo tempore jam injuriam accipimus.'''' Poppo. eV tw 'dpyca =, in ipso articulo perpessionis. Trpoo-r'jKei. . . .exop.€v, we have the greater right {ovx fJKLo-ra = fidXtcrra) to speak^ by as much as we have the greater charges to make. When two superlatives in two different propositions, are compared with each other by means of roaovra — oo-o), the former of these words is sometimes omitted, especially when the proposition with oo-o) follows. Cf. Mt. § 462 ; Jelf 's Ktihn. § 870. Obs. 1. 3. d<^aveis irov opres^ being in anyiDise concealed from 'view = in a clandestine manner. hv belongs to Trpoo-eSet, there would be need of. u>s (= utpote) ovK tiSoo-i (sc. v/xTv), for you who did not know it. Cf. S. § 201. N. 4. hv refers to tovtovs or rjpids the omitted Chap. LXIX] ' K T E S . 297 subject of ixaKp]yope7v. Keference appears to be had in SeSovXo)- fievovs to the JEginetso, and in ro7s 5' em^ovXevovras avrovs (a varied construction for rovs S' eVtiSouXeuo/zeVouf), to tlie Potidaeans and Mega- reans. avrovs refers to the Athenians. ovk ^Kiara. See N. on § 2 supra. ^vixfidxcis is in apposition with toIs Se. cic rroXKov npoTrapeo-Kevaa-fievovs (sc. Spare from the context) ' cos crvveidoras ras lavrcov afxaprias, Ka\ yiyvuxTKOvras cos Traz/ro)?, ovk dve^op-eta, dXka tto- Xeixfjo-op-ev. Schol. ei nore 7to\ep.r]v. dpxofievrjv rfjv av^Tjcriv, " the incipient increase.'''' Bloonif. dnrXaaiov^eirqv belongs to rfjv av^rjcnv in the modified sense of strength. It is not easy to find a specimen of more bitter sarcasm, liianis contained in this section. Its effect rtn the Lacedsamonians must have been highly exasperating. 5. /catVoi . . . . cKparet, and yet (notwithstanding yonr remissness) you were spolcen of as ieing sure (i. e. firm and trusty friends), dut then the report of this (u>v = tov ao-^aXets ehai) exceeds the thing itself i. e. the fact as it reaUy is. " apa is used to denote something which has come suddenly and unexpectedly upon the mind, so as to produce sur- prise and wonder thereat." Jelf 's Ktlhn. § 789. 4. Bauer and Poppo, however, take apa in the sense of ut nunc aj^paret^ and cov (i. e. nepl Ziv. Mt. § 342. 1) 6 Xdyoy, they render, fama de tolls. Goeller also refers it to the Lacedsemonians. But cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 820. Ols. ; Mt. § 439, where examples are cited to show, that av is a neuter relative referring to a previous sentence, rov tpyov eKparei. Kiihner (§ 275. c) ranks this with the causal genitive, inasmuch as a ruler necessarily supposes a subject, and a subject a ruler. But I prefer with Matthias (§ 859. Obs. 1) to take Kpareiv in the sense of Kpficra-oi elvat^ and thus to refer the genitive to the idea of comparison contained in the verb. S. § 198. 2. yap introduces two examples of the procrastinating spirit of the Lacedaemonians. It is therefore -yap confrmantis. Cf. N. on I. 53. § 2. rov — M^Sov, the hing of the Persians.^ just as 6 *Apfi€PLos and 6 ^Aa-avpios in Xen. Cyrop. are put for the Armenian king., and the Assyrian king. That Xerxes instead of Darius Hystas- pis is referred to, is evident from eVi ttjv HeXonovvrjo-ov, which could not be applied to the first Persian invasion, as that was directed against Athens. eK nepdrav yrjs, from the extremities of the earth. A similar hyperbole is found in Matt. 12 : 42. d^ias is added, because of the inadequacy in numbers of the forces first raised and sent out under Leonidas to Thermopylso. TTpoanavrrjcrai is put after nporepov — 7. S. § 223. 3. eKelvov refers to the Persian king. Trepiopdre. See N. on I. 24. § 6. dvrt tov eVeXSeti' avroi^ in- stead of you yourselves invading. K. § 308. 2. b. For the nominative with the infinitive, cf. Mt. § 586. iniovras depends on dp.vvea-'iai. €s Tvxas KaTaa-TTJvai, to expose yourselves to fortune (= the chances of war) h/ contending with them., when they are much stronger (than they were at first). For the conijtruction of dycBj/i^o/zewt, see N. on I. 9. § 4. eVio-rd/xei/ot (see 1^. on oVrey, I. 7. § 1) — a(f)a\(VTa. When followed by the participle eTriarTaa-^iai and eldevai signify to know, by the infinitive, to know Jiow to do something, to he ahle. Cf. K. I 311, 2. rreot avra, l)y himself i. e. by his own fault. The SchoL Cnu' LXX.] NOTES. 301 refers this particu.ai'ly to the battle at Salamis. ra TrXt'o), for the most part. Trpos avrovs tovs ' A'iiTjvalovs = eV ra noken^a tm irpbs avTovs TOVS 'A'^Tjvaiovs. noWa = TroXXaKis. ^M"?! i- C. the Corinthians and their allies. toIs afiaprrjfxaaiv^ hy their errors, dlunders. Trepiyeyevrjiievovs depends on iTrLardfxevoL. a(/)' rjfjLMV. Bekker, Poppo, Goeller, and Arnold edit d(/)' t-jMcov, referring it to the Lacedsomonians, who were not included in the preceding 17/Liay. *7ret. See N". on I. 12. § 1. at ye vfierepai eXTriSey, the hopes placed in you. On these words Haack remarks : brevius et obscurius dic- tum' pro at eXnides Tipiopias tivos dcf> vp-Siv. The possessive pronoun stands here for the objective genitive. Of. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 652. Ohs. 6 ; S. § 162. TLvas "fortasse ad Euboeenses, I. 114. spectat, saltem ad Potida3atas, I. 58. Idem postea accidit Mytileneois, III. 2, et seq." Poppo. Sta TO Tna-Tcvaac is to be taken with dnapao-Kevovs. 6. firjdch vpwv = vopiar], let no one of you thinJc. S. § 218. 8. i-TT ex^pa, from enmity. to nXeov 77 aiVi'a = and not rather in the way of remonstrance. aiVia in the sense of reprehension, dlame, is here opposed to KaTT]yopia, accusation, criminal charge. (fitXa>v dvdpo)v. The Schol. supplies Kara, but there is no necessity, as it is the objective genitive after airt'a. dpapTavovTcov, who have erred (see N. on I. 8. § 1), is opposed to ddiKrjo-dvTosv. CHAPTEK LXX. The orator, after slightly apologizing for the tone of rebuke in which the Corinthians in- dulged, on the ground that they had been the greatest suflTerers, charges the Lacedsenion- ians with being ignorant of what sort of people the Athenians are, and how widely different from themselves (§ 1) ; the Athenians are fond of innovations, quick to invent and execute, the Lacedsemonians are content with present things, slow to plan, and ac- complish only what is absolutely necessary (§ 2) ; those are bold and confident, these cautious and distrustful (§ 3) ; those are restless and continually roaming abroad in order to gain something more, these are procrastinators and timid in respect to the enlargement of their possessions ; they pursue their advantages to the utmost, and maintain their con- fidence even in defeat (§ 4) ; their bodies are employed in the service of the state, as if they belonged wholly to others, but their minds they use as most peculiarly their own, to promote her welfare (§ 5) ; while they regard themselves as deprived of what is their own, by failing to secure the object of their aim, their ambition to acquire is never sat- isfied with present gain, and every loss is repaired by the confident expectation of some- thing else in its place (§ 6) ; of all men, they have the least enjoyment in what they nossess, and deem it a great evil to be inactive (§ 7); in short, they neither enjoy rest iJiemselves, nor sufiier others to enjoy it (§ 8). 1. Koi apa, moreover, besides. etVep tlvIs Ka\ aWoi, if any fillers =:if any lody else. Benedic, in order to rid the Corinthi 302 NOTES. [BookL ans of the charge of too much arrogance, separates rot? neXas by a comma fi-om yp-6yov (blame) eireveyKelp^ and supplies vfxlv. But upon what then can vols ttcXos depend? It is evident that under the in- definite term rois Tre'Xay, the Lacedaamonians are referred to. (iWcos. . . . KaSf o-rcorcof, especially when such great interests are involved. Tcov 8ia(})ep6vTa)v. Cf. II. 43. § 5 ; YI. 92. § 5. "Loquitur de ingeni- orum morumque discrimine, quod inter Athenienses et Lacedsemoziios obtinebat." Haack. But such an anticipation of what is just about to be brought forward in so natural and easy a way, is certainly very unlike what might be expected from such a writer as Thucydides. And besides, we should have expected bia^6pa>v instead of diacfiepov- roji/, and also the explanatory adjunct vp,a)v koI tcov ^ A'^rjvaloiv. riixiv yf, to US at least (however you may have appeared to others). ISTotice this restrictive use of ye. ovS' .... earai, nor ever to have considered what sort of persons the Athenians are^ against whojn you will have to contend^ and how much^ yes (koi), how entirely tliey differ from you. olovs — ^K^-qvalovs ovras = oloi elatv *A'^Tjvaioi rrpos ovs^ by attraction of the relative. K. § 332. 7 ; S. § 175. d. vixlv is to be con- structed with 6 dya)u earai. 2. ye in ol fiev ye denotes the reason of what has just been said. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 735. 4, The comparison between the Athenians and Lacedemonians, which now follows, has ever been regarded as a masterpiece of its kind, and has been often imitated by subsequent writers. The antitheses are all pointed and well balanced, the com- parisons are bold and striking, and the delineation of these rival states is so accurate and well drawn, that it needs only to be once looked at, to be forever impressed upon the mind. veareporroLoi^ '•'' projectors vf novelty.'''' Bloomf.; ^'■revolutionary.''' Liddell and Scott. Cf. Miiller's Dorians, II. p. 4. iinvorja-ai o^eiy, qidch to devise.^ of quich invention. See !N". on I. 60. § 5 (end). eTvireXeaai epya, to accomp)lish indeed = to ca/rry into execution. 6 = e/celi/o o. vp.els be. Supply Uavoi^ or some such adjective from the preceding 6^e2s. iniyvcovai uTjdev^ to devise nothing new (" excogitare non aliquid novi.^' Betant) literally, nothing in addition to the present. This expression is op posed to the preceding einvoria-ai. So also epyco — i^iKea'^ai {to accom- plish.^ execute) is antithetic to the foregoing eniTeXeaai epya. S. Kol napa dvmp.iv, even deyond their strength, " supra «^V^s." Betant. irapa yva>p.rjv, " heyond the limits of prudence.'''' Bloomf. ; ''''prceter animi voluntatem.''^ Poppo. eveXmbes, of good Jiope, cheerful. to 8e vpeTepov, it is your method. "The possessive pronoun in the neuter is sometimes put for the personal pronoun.'' Wi. § 46G. 3. Hero it stands with irpa^ai, for vpels with the finite Chai. lxx.] notes. 303 verb. Of. Jelf's Kiihn. §\436. Ols. 1. r^y re. . . .Trpa^ai, ^^ not to act up to your powers^ Liddell and Scott. Poppo thinks that the idea of comparison lies in eVSea, so that it may be translated, to acMem less than you have the dbility to do. tj^s- re yva>iir}s — roTy ^e^alois = TTJ ^e^aia yvMfjLTj. Of. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 442. a. rcov re deiuau depends on a7roXu37jo-eo-3ai (so. u/ios), you will he released from. This clause answers to eVl rots beivois eveXnides supra. 4. Koi fi^v Ka'i^ and furthermore.^ and indeed also^ is often used when some new point in the discourse is taken up. npos v}xa.s fj^XKrjTas^ in comparison with you lingerers. Cf. I. 69. § 4. dno- drjfjiaTai, roamers.^ peregrinators. To this ivbrjiiorarovs is opposed. TT] anovcria civ tl /cracrSai, that hy their absence they may acquire some- thing. Absence on military expeditions is here referred to, inasmuch as TT] airovaia is opposed to rw iirek'^eiv^ hj invading (others). v/zeTy. Supply oteo-Set from the context. ra irolfia (= to, vTvapxovra) refers to that which is ready at hand (see N. on I. 20. § 3), and hence is easily applied to possessions already acquired. rcdv ex^P^^ depends on Kparovvres. i^ip^ovrai. Abresch supplies rb Kparelv, longissime victoriam persequuntw\ or avrovs^ hostcs ulciscuntur. Bauer, Avhom Poppo follows, more correctly takes e^epxovrai in a neuter sense, lon- gissime progrediuntur^ i. e. they push forward and occupy much terri- tory, and thus enjoy the fruit of victory. eV eXaxio-rou (= ovde eXdxia-Tov. Schol.) belongs to dvanlnTovaiv. This verb signifies to de dispirited., dejected^ the metaphor being taken from the motion of a rower, who inclines backwards as he pulls the oar (Xen. CEconom. VIII. § 8), or from a man falling backward from a chariot (Soph. Elect. 729), and hence by an easy transition it is applied to mental de- pression. Some, however, take the verb here in the sense of recedunt. 5, en Se', and moreover., and besides, dWoTpLoirdTOLs, as if he^ longing wholly to others., so insensible to pain do they seem, and so regardless of hardship. aKkoTpKOTdTots = wcrre uvai dWoTpitaTara, or (oa-Tvep ovaiv dWoTpicoTdrois. The commentators cite Greg. Naz. p. 41, where he says, that the martyrs bore with cheerfulness their suffer- ings, coaTrep iv dWoTpiois (rafiacTiv ; and Isocrat. . ap. Plut. de Glor. Athen. rovs iv MnpaScoj't TrpoKivdwevovrai^ coanrep dWorpiais ■yj/^vxf^i'S (f)T](ras ivayooviaaa'^at. To which citations Bloomf. adds Joseph. 1253. 10. Koi ray A//'i;;^ay ;)(a)picrain-ey 0776 Ta>v crciip-dTai, dp(poTipois ojy aXXo- rpioLs i'xpavTo. By the force of the antithesis rfj yvotpr] be olKeiordTTj has this sense, hut they use their mind as most especiallg their own^ i, e. they employ their mind with the most perfect independence, in projecting new plans for the aggrandizement of their state. The gen- eral argument is, that although the Athenians yielded up their bodies 304 NOTES. - [Book i to the service of their country, as freely as if they did not belong to them, yet in the exercise of their judgment, they were free and inde- pendent, and invented each for himself new modes of advancing the interests of their city. 6. a fxeu nV, whatever, av with the relative and subjunctive be- longs to the relative, to wliich it gives indefiniteness. Cf. Jelf's Kiihn. § 828. 2. For the construction of the relative, cf. Mt. § 481. 01)s. 1. (Is €K(7ua is omitted after e^eXScoo-ii/, and is the antecedent of a. oiKela orepeo-Sai. Some editions have oiKeioiv. But (TTTjpe'ip often takes two accusatives. Cf. K. 280. K. 3 ; Mt. § 418 ; S. § 184. N. 2. oXiya. . . .7rpd^avT€s, they think {rjyovvrai^ to be supplied from the preceding context) that what they have chanced to perform is small, compared with whut they are about to achieve (npos to. fxeXKovra). Con- struct Tvx^'iv with Ttpa^avTcs (S. § 225, 8), and consider the omitted object of npd^avTes as the antecedent of a. Some take npd^avres as an infinitive after fjyovvrat, and make to. p-eWovra tvx^^v (or eKetva Siv fieWovcTL Tvx^^v) equivalent to ra p-eWovra yevrjaea^iai or ^vp(3a'ivciv. But i7yeto-Sai is not among the verbs which are followed by a partici- ple in place of the infinitive (cf. Mt, § 534. b ; K, § 310) ; and besides, neither of these equivalents can be put for ra fieWovra rvx^lv. Kai, even. tov, i. e, nvos. Trelpa limits acj^aXcocnv. diatXTrt- cravT€s aXKcL, l)y hoping (see IsT. on I. 0. § 1) other things in its stead, i. e. as a compensation for their misfortune. eTrXTjpaxrav has the sense of the present to express customary action. Cf. K. § 256. 4. b ; S, § 211, N. 2. exovai. . . .€7rtuorj(Ta)(ri, they have and hope for what- ever they are planning in like manner, i. e. they possess as soon as tliey wish ; they have and wish at the same time, so rapid are they in the execution of what they have determined upon (5ia to rax^lav k. r. X,). The Schol. notices, as the order of the states of mind and acts here spoken of, plan, expectation, action, possession. a:=iK€'iva a. So av (in the next clause) = eKeivcov a, the antecedent depending on iirXx^iprjaiv. 7. Koi . . . . po^ovai, and through all their lives, they toil at all these things with labor and danger, iiox^oxxn is here followed by ravra as its cognate accusative. See N. on I. 5, § 2. Sia t6 del KTacrtai. furnishes the reason, why the Athenians have little en- joyment in their possessions, viz, because they are continually busy in acquiring more. kcu. . . .irpa^ai, and they consider nothing else a festive day, tlian to do something necessary ; or more freely, they re- gard no day as a festive one, but that in which they are engaged in some necessary business, i. e. they make it their highest amusement, to be occupied in the business which they have on hand. The Schol. says that allusion is had to the opposite conduct of the Spartans, who CuAT. LXXL] NOTES. 305 in tlie time of their festivals (e. g. at the Hy&,v = in\ likiov rmv vixcov^ Or eVi ttXcoj/ rj to. v/xmi', since ra Tutv 'A^rjpaicov precedes. Goeller. 4. fie'vpt. . . ./SpaSurJ]?, thus far (and no further) let your sluggish- ness go ; " let your sluggishness hate reached its full limits^ Crosby, § 577. Arnold puts /xe;^pt fx^v ovv rovbe u>pl(T^(o for ix^xP'- TovSe irpo- eX^ovo-a iu^iavra wpio-3&). The Ohalcidians, Bottiseans, etc. are referred to in rois re aXkois. Kara rdxos eV/3aXoj^es, dy maJcmg a. speedy irruption. See N. on I. 9. § 1. Krlig. constructs Kara rdxos with j3o7/377crare. iva has here its telic sense. See IST. on I. 65. § 1. ^vyyevels. The Potidseans were a colony of Corinthians, and, as belonging to the great Doric family, were also kinsmen of the Lace- dcsmonians. jrpos irepau riva ^vp.fxaxiav^ i. ©• the alliance of the Argives, who were hostile to the Lacedaemonians. 5. 8pwp.€v S' au. The optative with av is used per modestiam. So in English, we should do (in case we performed the act) is a less offen- sive mode of expression, than we shall do^ assuming that the thing is to be certainly done (cf. K. § 260. 4. a ; S. § 215. 3). The protasis is here contained in the adverb ovTa)s^ which may be mentally supplied from the context. Cf. K. § 840. 1. irpbs Sewv, in the estimation of the gods. Cf. Xen. Anab. 11. 5. § 20. rav SpKicov = who preside oxer oaths. So we find the god of war, the god of eloquence, meaning the deities who preside over war and eloquence. ala'^avop.ivoiv is generally taken in the sense of ala'^rjaLv ixovrmv = v {who are capahle of feeling and observing. Arnold), inasmuch as it would be very harsh to supply a pronoun referring to oaths, which have only been incidentally alluded to in Sewi/ roiv opKiav. Xvovcri has its subject in ol — irpoaiovres = cKelvoi ot Tvpoo-iacTLV. S. § 225. 1. bi iprip.iav, through desertion, iy reason of their abandoned estate. ol fixi ^orpovvT€S. Repeat \vovcn. oXs = eKelvois ois. 6. ^ovK6p.evo»v (if you are willing) contains the protasis, as does also /xera/3aXXo/i6j/oi in the next clause. The protasis is often thus found in the participial clause. Cf. S. § 225. 6. fxevovp-eu in your alliance. oaia. " This word, like sacer, in Latin, has two appa- rently Opposite significations : to oaiov kol to dtKaiov, what is pious towards heaven and just towards men, and again, oaia koI Upa, things profane and things sacred. The first is the original sense of the word ; and its second signification arises from this, that those things which 308 NOTES. [Bock may piously be touched or used, are those which are not sacred ; i. t\ which are profane." Arnold. ^vvrp^crrepovs^ more congenial (to us) in habits. 7. TLekoTTovvT^aov . . . .irapiboaav., '"'' studete Peloponneso ita prceesse^ lit ea non minor »it quam^ etc." Poppo. Keil. thinks that eXda-fraj e^T/yfto-Sai is briefly spoken for iXda-aca KaraoTTJaai i^rf/ovyiivovs. Miiller (Dorians, I. p. 198. N.) translates e^T^yeto-Sai, ad Jinem (f^-) vrcBsitis^ i. e. (as Goeller thinks) porro facite^ ut prcesitis. To Haack the sense appears to be, " expedire Peloponnesum ex eo discrimine^ quo nunc implicata est^ sociis quibusdam propter metum ad aliam socie- tatem defecere conantibusy But it does not appear that any of the confederated states were attempting to revolt at this time, and Thucy- dides has nowhere, to my knowledge, employed e'lj^yeTo-Sai in this sense. I prefer, therefore, Poppo's explanation, as best answering the verbal demands, as well as those of the context. The general guidance and direction was not exercised, as Duk. supposes, over all Greece, but only over Peloponnesus. CHAPTEE LXXII. An Athenian embassy happening to be at Sparta, and hearing the charges bronght against their state by the Corinthians, judge it proper to respond a few things concerning the power and resources of their city, that thus the Peloponnesians might be less inclined to war (§ 1) ; presenting themselves, therefore, to the Lacedaemonians for this purpose, and leave being granted, they commence their oration (§§ 2, 3). 1. Ta>p 8e 'AST/micoi/ eTv^f yap Trpea^eia. The construction is some- what irregular, there being no governing word of tcov "A^rjvaicov^ which stands first for the sake of emphasis. The word, therefore, is thrown for dependence on the explanatory clause, or rather, as Kiihn. (Jelf 's edit. § 786. Obs. 5) remarks, the two clauses are so compressed toge- ther, that the subject of the former is placed in the latter, and even follows the government thereof. The regular construction, according to Goeller, would be : tols de 'AST/i/aiou, ervx^ yap (= as) npea^eia (avTCJv) — napovaa^ koI cos — eSo^e napiTrjTea ; or as Arnold constructs and explains : Ta>v Oe 'A^T]vaia)v toIs npea^ecrL TrapaTvxovarL Tore •napa rois AaKcbatpovLOLS kol tcop Xoyoav alcr'^opivoLs^ eSo^e Trapn-qria elvai^ in -Eng- lish running thus: but the Athenians happening at that time to have an embassy at Lacedcemon^ and hearing what wa^ said^ resolved to address themselves to the Lacedmnonian government. Examples of a similar construction may be found in I. 115. § 3 ; VIII. 30. § 1. The principle, according to Goeller, is, that the subject of a proposition is always put CiiAP. LXXILJ NOTES. 309 by the Greeks, as near the beginning of the sentence as possible, when a transition is made from one subject to another. The new subject being thus placed first, the reason of the predicate immediately follows, before the predicate itself, and the subject is made to depend gramma- tically upon this reason, rather than on the predicate. See Arnold's note, from which this rule of Goel. is cited. See also Mt. § 615. The confusion of the present passage is increased by the presence of /cat, in KoX cos ^a?i€To Tcop Xd-ywi/, which connects the principal sentence to th explanatory or subordinate one, and thus carries on its construction. Of. Mt, § 631. 2. Kriig. makes ^A'^Tjvaiav depend on TrpecrjSeia, and compares I. 115. § 4; YIII. 80. § 1. ervxe — wapova-a^ chanced to 1)6 present. ciWcov than the business of replying to the Corinthi- ans. irepiTTjTea is followed by dnokoyrjcrofjLevovs in the accusative, because it is equivalent to napievai heiv (S. § 178. 2), tliey must go. Cf. Mt. § 447. 4; Butt. § 134. 10. N. 4. It will be seen, that the construc- tion changes from the future participle into the infinitive, at hrjkanrai he (cf Mt. § 532. c). The incorporation of the dependent with the participial clause by the infinitive, is less close than by the participle. Cf. Crosby, § 614. b. tovs AaKedaifiovlovs refers probably to the Ephori, as it is opposed to to ttXtjSos in § 2 infra. -* — cav follows ive- KoXovv as a genitive of the crime. S. § 194. 4. nepl tov jravTos, in a general way. as — ctjy. The indicatiye in this substantival sentence after SrjXaxrai^ would have communicated absolute certainty, instead of probability, to the thing spoken of. Cf. K. § 329. Accord- ing to Mt. § 529. 2, the optative is employed because the time of the action is future. eV nXelovt. Supply xP^'^Vi since irKeiovL is op- posed to Tax€a>s. Acai afia introduces another reason why the Athe- nians made no reply to the charges of the Corinthians, viz. because they preferred to employ the occasion in descanting upon the great power of their city, in order thus to dampen the ardor of those who might otherwise be fierce for war. ttoXip is properly the subject of 617/, but is transferred for the sake of emphasis into the principal clause, and made the object of o-r)p.j]vai. So the Latins say: nosti Marcellum quam tardus sit = quam tardus sit Marcellus. See N". on I. 61. § 1. hvuap.iv is the accusative synecdochical. hv = eKel- vav a, of which equivalent, the antecedent limits vnopvqa-iv. So the next Ziv = iKeivoav q>v^ the relative taking the genitive after aneipoi. Mt. § 346. a ; S. § 187. 2. ck rav Xoycov^from these representations. 2. To7s AaKchaipoviois. See N. on § 1 supra. is to ttX^Sos", to the assembly^ i. e. the same which the Corinthians had addressed. — »- 61 Ti pr] dnoKcokvoi^ unless there should de some Jiinderance. Poppo from several MSS. edits dnoKcokvci. 310 NOTES. [Book L 3. oi 8\ i. e. tlie Ephori. 7rapeX3oj/rey, coming forward as an orator to speak. No difference in sense should here be sought be- tween liruvai and TrapeXSoKres-. CHAPTERS LXXIII.— LXXYIII. « In these chaptei's we have the speech of the Athenians. The exordium b brief, being contained in chap. TS. § 1. The argumentative part is com- prised in chap. '73. § 2 — chap. '7'7, and is divided into, 1, an enumeration of the great services of the Athenian state, especially in the Persian wars (chap. •73. § 2 to chap. '74) ; 2, a defence against the charge of ambition and unlaw- ful means to increase their power, which was brought against them by the Corinthians (chaps. '75-'7'7). The remaining chapter (78) contains the perora- tion, in which the Lacedaemonians are urged not to engage precipitately in war, but to obtain a redress of grievances by negotiation. This speech is admirably adapted to remove the impression made by the grave charges of the Corinthians, being a calm vindication of the conduct and policy of the Athenians, intersper^d with sundry references to their general pati'iotism, and remarks upon their good treatment of the allies. There is, however, throughout the whole oration a tone of firmness, indicative of the xmaltera- ble determination of the Athenians to adhere to the policy, upon which they had hitherto acted, and to make no concession, which would abridge their authority, or hinder the enlargement of their power and dominion. CHAPTER LXXIII. The Athenians (Vjmmence by stating that they came to Sparta on other business, but feel constrained, in view of the outcry raised against their state, to come forward, not to reply to the charges of the Corinthians, inasmuch as the tribunal was not competent to try the Athenians, but to show that their power was lawfully possessed, and that their Eervices entitled them to praise and honor (§ 1) ; without referring to things more remote, they w'ould recur to the Persian war, a reference which, however unpleasant to make so fre- quently, they deemed necessary, because they, if any, ought to be entitled to whatever good might result from a recapitulation of their services in this war (§2); this they should do, not in the way of deprecation, but to show against what a city war was now in contemplation (§ 3) ; at Marathon they engaged singly with the Persians, and in the battle of Salamis were present with all their forces, and thus helped to save the Peloponneslaa cities from being destroyed in detail (§ 4) ; of which the strongest proof was furnished by the Persian king, who hastily retreated, after the battle, with the greater part of his army (§5). 1. avTikoyiav here takes the dative roi^ Ifierepoig, because allied in signification to dvriXeyeiv rm. Of. Mt. § 390 ; Jelf s Kuhn. § 602. OlfS. Chap. LXXIIL] NOTES. 311 2. THe reading rjucTepois, found in some editions, is evidently erro- neous, for the Athenians were never the allies of the Corinthians, Imt were only at peace with them. nepl a>v = nepl iKeivav rrepl Si/, or nepl €K€LVQiv a, of which the relative is used synecdochically. ala'^o- fxevoi — ovaav. See N". on I. 20. § 3. Kara^orjv is also a verbal noun (like uvTtXoyiavX and, after the analogy of its verb, takes rjiicov in the genitive. See N. on I. 67. § 1. 7rapr}\?iofj.ev is followed by the sub- junctive (jSovXeuo-T^o-Se), because the act, although past in its perform- ance, is present in its purpose = we have come forward and now address you in order that, etc. Cf. Kost, § 122. 9. N. 4; S. § 214. N. 1. ov — avT€povvT€s {jiot to answer to. S. § 225. 5) is to be taken with aXX' oTTwy K. r. X., the intervening words being parenthetical. ovre r]p.a)v .... Xdyot is briefly put for ovre rjp.a)v npos tovtovs., ovre tovtcov npos mas oi Xoyoi. For illustrations of this sort of brachylogy, cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 876. Bloomf. makes fjiicop and tovtcov depend on diKaa-Tois, with which he supplies ovariv. av ylyvoivTo. The protasis is to be supplied from the context. See N. on I. 71. § 5. oncas — ^ovXevarj- o-Sie is referred to by several grammarians, to show that Dawes's canon is erroneous, viz. that oncds is never followed by the subj. aor. 1, act. or mid. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 812. 1 ; Mt. § 519.'7. p. 885. See N. on I. 82. § 5. firj pa^ias belongs to x^^^pov /SovXeuo-Tjo-Sf, in the sense of may not rasJily (literally, easily, readily) adopt tad counsels. Trti- Sdjuei/oi denotes the means. See N. on I. 9. § 1. koI ap.a intro- duces another reason why the Athenians came forward to address the Lacedaemonians. Hence ^ovX6p.evoi may be rendered, tecause we wished. See N. on I. 9. § 4 (end). oure aTretKoVtas', not unreasona- l)ly, not without cause. d^ia \6yov = d^ienaivos. Schol. 2. rrdvv noKaid is referred by the Schol. to the Amazons, Thracians, and Ileraclidas. tI bel = there is no necessity. cov (i. e. ra TraXaia) depends on ixdprvpes, and cKoai — Xoycoj/, may be rendered hearsay (Xdyoi dKova'^evres. Goel.), as Hier. Miill. interprets. Duk. takes Xoyoav in the sense of la-ropLcov, and makes dKoai \6ya>v = ck rrjs la-Topias napaboaLS. tcov dKOVo-ofxevoiP = of our auditors. ei Koi irpo^aXkop-evoLs, '■''although it he rather irTcsome to us, to he forever hringing this suhject forward.^^ Arnold. This is essentially the inter- pretation of Haack, Poppo, and Goeller. Some respectable critics, howover, place a comma after earai, which gives the sense, although it is rather irJcsome to you, (yet) we must iring these things, etc. But besides the objection advanced by Poppo, that perspicuity in that case would have demanded irpo^aXkopievovs, we have another more decisive one, viz. that it would have been a needless utterance of a sentiment highly offensive to the Lacedoemonians, whereas if i)[j.'iv be supplied 312 . N-OTES. [Book I after Bi 6x\ov — ea-rai, as it must be according to the pointing of Dindorf, it becomes a modest disavowal of any other reason than necessity, for the utterance of that which had become stale with the Athenians themselves. kol yap, and truly. Bloomf. supplies the ellipsis : and (reason is there that we should) far wJien, etc. iKLvbvvevero, tJiey were hazarded, i. e. they were achieved with danger. ^s.. . ./xfTeo-;(€re, a substantial part of xiihich (^y referring to oicfteXeia) you Tiave shared. This is far preferable to the sense given by some annotators, the actual doing of which you have shared (i. e. you have shared in the labors and perils, which attended the achieve- ment of Grecian liberty), for the object of the speaker was to show that Greece was mainly indebted to the Athenians for its liberty. The argument then is : if the Lacedaemonians shared in the liberty, which the devotion and heroism of the Athenians had secured, they ought surely to leave to the Athenians their share of the glory of the transaction. In this way the antithesis is clear : you share in the result, let us share in the glory of the achievement. But I cannot understand why it should be brought forward as a reason for the meed of glory claimed by the Athenians, and made the basis of their demand upon the gratitude of the Peloponnesians, that the Lacedae- monians had a principal share in the dangers and labors of the war. It was true in itself, yet such a prominence given to the Lacedaemo- nian services, would not only have been foreign to the design of the speaker, but would have rendered the argument perfectly worthless. For the construction of epyov fiepos /xereo-^fT-e, cf. S. § 191. !N^. 3. (»pr]v ra>v rracrcdv rpirjpecov ras diaKoalas tj ttoXis Trape- (T)(CTo, they would change from rpiaKoo-iMV into reTpaKoa-ioiv, and thus harmonize the conflicting passages. But would it not have been more natural for Thucydides to have written ras rjixiaeias or to {jpia-v ? I know of no way to remove the difficulty, except by the change of reading proposed by Bloomf. and Poppo, for the statement is too dis- proportionate to the truth to be attributed to the exaggeration natural to orators, who, before so grave and discriminating an audience as the one here addressed, would find it necessary to adhere in some degree to the statement of things as they really were. Col. Leake (Athens, 11. p. 251) I find comes also to the conclusion, that rpta/coo-tay is the Chap. LXXIV.] NOTES. 315 true reading in the passage before ns. vavfiaxw^'- depends on alTLoiTaros — eyeVfTo, wa^ the most instrumental in causing the sea-fight to talce lilace in the narrows. Cf. K. § 306. 1. c; Mt. § 542. Obs. 1. ^8; S. § 222. 6. oTrep refers to Iv t« arreva (= eV rrj 'SaXafuvi) vav- fj.axw^''- ^^"' • "^TifiTjcraTe. Of. Plut. in Themist. eh. 17, wliero it is said that the Lacedaemonians presented Themistocles with an olive branch and a chariot, the best in the city, besides bestowing upon him many other marks of honor. t&v — eX3ovra)i/ is to bo constructed after fiaXicrra. o)?, to. See N. on I. 31. § 2. 2. ot ye — Tj^iaicrafiev^ inasmuch as we determined. The relative here introduces the ground or reason of what has just been said, re* specting the boldness and alacrity of the Athenians. Cf. K. § 334. 2. TOiP uWoiv is referred by the Schol. to the Macedonians, Thessa- lians, Locrians, Boeotians, and Phocians. H-^XP'' W^^ =^ H-^XP'- '''V^ TToKecos Tjixcov. — — eKXiTTOUTes. See N. on ovTeSf I. 7. § 1. ra olKela 8ia(f)'ieipavTes. A Schol. says that the Athenians destroyed w:th their own hands all the goods which could not be removed, and the cattle which could not be driven away. Another Schol. says that they destroyed the city, in order that it might not be used by the Barbarians as a military station against Greece. ixrjb' ws (= ovtoos), not even tJius, 1. e. in so distressed a condition. irpoKntelv depends on rj^iaiaafiev. o-iceSacrSei/res' into other countries. avrols, i. e. ToU ^vfjLfidxois. dXX' responds to /xt^S' as. 3. ovx rjo-aov. Bloomf. is doubtless correct in considering this as put by Attic urbanity for [xaXkov. rovrou, i. e. tov ox^eXeto-Sat or TTjs oxpeXeias. yap in ifxels p.ev yap introduces the proof of what immediately precedes. eVi tw — veixea-^ai is taken by Didot in the sense of eV eXntdL tov vepea'^ai^ in consequence of the antithetic vnep ovarjs which follows. The common rendering is ut in posterum incoleretur. Kal ovx r]p,a}v to TrXeov. Mt. (§ 455. OI)s. 3. b) says, " a comparison with ' more^ implies an opposition, and two modes of speech are therefore combined." Here we have not for us. and rather than for us conjoined, so as to read literally, aiid not rather than for us, a fulness of expression employed evidently for the sake of empha- sis. TTJs ovK ova-rjs, " sc. rjfuv, qucB nodis jam nulla esset, non, qu(B esse desiisset.^^ " Hoc potius indicat sequentibus verbis : iv ^pax^q iXTTidi ov(rr}s." Haack. But inasmuch as r^y ovk ovarjs is opposed to the preceding dno olKovjih-cov Ta>v TroXeeoi', I prefer the interpretation of GottL, qu(E jam nulla est., i. e. ipT)(r€, would have gone on for him (see N on I. 109. § 3). avra> is the dat. commx)di. CHAPTER LXXV. H&ving performed such signal services, the Athenians ought not to be envied on accoont of their dominion (§ 1) ; for this had come to them, because they had been left by the Lacedaemonians to finish the Barbarian vrar (§ 2); the sway which they held had been increased, first through the natural influence of fear, and then for the sake of honor and interest (§ 3) ; being hated by many and suspected by the Lacedaemonians, it seemed unsafe to relax their authority, and give opportunity for the disaflfected states to revolt (4), and for this regard to their own interests no one could justly blame them (§ 5). 1. ap a^ioi ia-fxfp. To these words belongs the pf] before ovtcos^ 50 that the order is: apa prj a^ioi eapev — ovTcos ciyav eVK^Sdyo)? Sia- AceTaSai, is it just then — that we should lie under such a load of envy f ov is joined with apa when an affirmative, and pr] when a negative answer is expected (cf. K. § 344. 5. d; S. § 219. 4). Thus apa ovk a^ioi ia-pev would signify, do we not deserve ? rdrf, i. e. in the Persian war. yvaprjs ^vueaecos^ tlie wisdom of our counsel ; " our good sense in counsel^ Arnold. Reference is had to wliat is said of The- mistocles in I. 74. § 1. apx^^ depends on iincfi^oucos diaKela'^ai = (|)3oi/eio-25at, which in the active voice is followed by the dative of the person and genitive of the thing. Cf. K. § 274. e. ye is here Chap. LXXV.] NOTES. 317 limitive, at least on account of the rule. rjs is put in the geDitive by attraction with apxrjs^ the accusative being properly demanded after expyav. 2. avTrjv refers to dpxr]s. ^lao-afxevoi^ ly force. See N. on I. 9. § 1. ra vTToKoiTra tov ^ap^dpov^ i. e. the termination of the war with the Barbarians. The supineness of the Lacedflemonians was most undoubtedly a principal cause of the ascendency of the Atheni- ans in maritime affairs. Their continuance in the war would have placed them at the head of the confederacy, as their withdrawal ele- vated the Athenians to that station. avrcov .... Karacrr^i/ai, them- selves entreating us td l)ecome their leaders. 3. e^ avTov Se tov epyov, from the nature of the thing itself So the Schol. explains e'/c tyjs ^vaecos avrrjs tov irpdypaTos. The thing referred to, is the dominion enjoyed by the Athenians, and on the principle laid down by the Schol., that the ruler is always hated (6 apxoiv del fxecrelTai), it would be necessary for them, by strengthening their power, to protect themselves against the effect of this hatred. is To^e^ i. e. to what it now is ; to its present height of power. Seouy, not of the Barbarians, as Haack supposes, but as a Schol. remarks, 8eovs tChv KaKms 7ra3ovra)i/ iv Tjj dpxjj vtttjkocov^ for this seems evident from ova. da-cfiaXes en — Kivdvveveiv which follows. 4. e'Soicet has for its subject dvevTas Kivdweveiv with which do-(fia\€s agrees. dm^x^w^vovs (see N. on I. 76. § 1) belongs to rjpds^ the omitted subject of Kivhweveiv. tIvcop . . , . KaTea-Tpapfiepcov, some even who had already revolted having deen suMued. Of. I. 98, et seq. opoicds as before. dvevras (by relaxing our authority) be- longs to KLvbvvfveiv as the participle of means. See N. on I. 9. § 1. yap iyiyvovTo^ for (if we had let go the reins) the desertions would have been to you = (by constructio prajgnans. See N. on I. 18. § 2) the deserters would have gone over and remained with you^ i. e. been on your side. 5. Tzda-i depends on dvenicfi'^ovov (so. iari), as the dat. incommodi. Render, it is not a matter of censure to any = none can be censured. The subject is ev Ti'^ea-'^ai. Tav fxeyiaTcov nepi kivSvvcov = Upa p.^ tpnearj eis peyicrTovs Kivdvvovs. Schol. irepi is put by anastrophe for irept. S. § 231. N. 2 (a). 313 NOTES. [BooKl CHAPTER LXXYI *TKe 9p©«kcr jitw retotts upon the JLacedjemonians, that they are doing the same things In f eloponnesus -which they charge upon the Athenians, and the superiority, which would cave been theirs had they remalnea until the close of the war (see N. on I. 75. § 2), must & like manner have been maintained by a strong and vigorous government (§ 1) ; in ac- cepting and maintaining the dominion voluntarily bestowed upon them, they had done nothing strange or discordant with established customs, and so the Lacedx-monians thought, until swayed by motives of self-interest they began to talk of justice (§2); in ruling so just and equitably, the Athenians deemed themselves worthy of commenda- tion (§ 3) ; and the mildnesa of their rule, for which they were now the subject of obloquy, would be manifest if theit power should pass to other hands (§ 4). 1. ras — TTokeis depends on Karacm/o-a/ieroi, and avTa>v is to be sup- plied after e^rjyela-^e. Haack erroneously makes the accusative to depend on this verb, im t6 vixTv ax^iXifiov is referred by the Schol. to tlie utility resulting from the oligarchical form of govern- ment. TOTf^ i. e. after the battle of Mycale. bia navros^ i. e. through the whole war. dTrrjxpija'^e, Jiad hecome odious. On this word, as on e| avrov Se Tov epyou, the Schol. remarks, oi yap apxov- T€s fiKTovvrai • ^iXeXevSepoi/ yap to av'^poainvov. la-fiev av — vfj.as — ■yej/o/xe'i/ous, we Tcnow that you would ie. av belongs to the participle (see N. on I. 73. § 4). For the construction of eldevai with the parti- ciple, see N. on I. 69. § 5. ^cro-op than we. 2. ourojy, 80 that, wJiere/ore. otto, out of, away^rom. d . . . (de^dfie'^a. Of. I. 75. § 2. The vulgar reading for bibofiivqv is biabidop.€VT]v, per manus traditum, which is inapplicable here. dvelfiev (see llf. on dvevras, I. 75. § 4) is opposed tO apx^iv eyKparcos, § 1 supra. TLfiTjs. . . . ox^eXetap. Cf. I. 75. § 3. ovS' av. . . , vndp^avres introduces another circumstance, viz. established usage, to justify the acceptance and vigorous maintenance of power by the Athenians, toiovtov refers to . the supremacy just spoken of, and therefore takes the article. Ka?i€(rTci)Tos = vop.lp,ov ovtos, vopn^opi- vov. Schol. The subject is properly rov. . . .Karcipyea'iai. a^ioi re. afia K. T. X. Their acknowledged fitness to rule, is here brought for- ward as an additional (dfia) reason why the Athenians were not deserv- ing of censure in receiving and exercising their authority as they had done. The participles vopLi^ovTcs and boKovvr^s denote cause. See N. on I. 9. § 4 (end). "With a^tot, the words tov apx^iv or ttjs dpxrjs may be mentally supplied. vpTiv, SoKovvres. Cf. I. 95. § 7. /Lie;(pt. ...xp^o-^f? t^ntil the present time (vvv), when, thinking it con- diLcive to your interest, you make use of the argument of justice, '"''to BiKaiO) Xoyo), intellige rc3 Xoyo) rw nepl ttJs eXevSept'as rcoi/ 'EXX^i/coi/." Chap. LXXVIL] NOTES. 3I9 (Joel. TTapuTvxov^ ii heing in his power = whilst it uas in his power. Tlie accusative absolute is employed, when time parallel to or coincident with another action is to be designated. Cf. Jelf s Kiihn. § YOO. 2 ; S. § 226. b. TrpoSfiV, preferring. The object is 01/, re- ferring to the idea of justice or a just policy, implied in ra diKuia X6ya>. /xj) — exeip. See N. on I. 10. § 1 (end). 3. €7raive7(r^ai re a|ioi otrii/es-, the2/ also are worthy to de praised who. Cf. S. § 172. 4. Ti] ai/SpcBTreta (fivaei^ human nature = the dictate of nature^ the natural desire of man. Arnold translates diKaiorepoi .... dvvaniv^ less careless of justice than our actual power enabled us to de. I prefer Bloomfield's translation : have deen more observant of justice than according to their power (to commit injustice). Kara here denotes conformity, and may be rendered, in accordance with, and implies that their moderation was greater than might have been expected from the extent of their power. 4. y av — (iv. We frequently find one of these particles joined to the principal verb, to denote the conditional nature of the whole sen- tence, and also to that part of the sentence which it immediately modifies. Sometimes the repetition results from an intervening clause. Of. Jelf's Kiihn. § 432. a; Mt. § 600 ; S. § 215. N. 5. SeT^ai ^ p.akL(TTa by the severity of their government. ^/xii/ §e — nepua-rr] is nearly equivalent to 77/xTi/ hk eyeVero {has happened to us), the verb Trepieo-TT/, has come around to vs, being a more lively form of expres- sion. Tor the dative, cf. Mt. § 402. d. to ivkiov rj, more than. CHAPTER LXXVII. The orator proceeds to prove what he has just affirmed (I. 76. § 4), by showing that the Athenians are called litigious, when instead of compelling their allies to redress any real or supposed wrong, they are willing to have the points in dispxite fairly tried and de- termined by civil tribunals, from which reproach those who exercise arbitrary power in respect to these things are exempt (§§ 1, 2) ; this leniency is made, however, a ground of complaint by their allies, whenever they feel aggrieved by a judicial sentence, or by any decision of the state, even more so than though they had been stripped by the hand of violence of all their possessions (§ 3) ; for men more highly resent acts of injustice than acts of violence, as is seen from a comparison of the patience with which these states bore the Median yoke, with their restiveness under the Athenian rule (§§ 4, 5) ; the same feelings of hostility would be entertained towards the Lacedaemonians, if they took the dominion, especially as their customs were so different from those of the other states (§ 6). 1. Koi is to be referred to the koI below, yap being here the gen- eral connective. iXaa-o-ovfi^voi, = although (see N". on I. 7. § 1) we 320 NOTES. [Book! lose our suits = are cast in suits. This interpretation seems to accord better with the meaning of the word, and with the context, than Arnold's interpretation, not standing upon our rights i. e. condescend- ing to let our disputes Avith them be fairly tried, instead of deciding, as we might, by our sovereign power. For the purpose is not here to show the CQudescension of the Athenians in suffering matters of dis- pute to be adjusted by civil tribunals, when they might settle them by an act of their sovereign will, inasmuch as that was asserted in § 3 of the preceding chapter. The design now is to illustrate and confirm the remark, made at the close of the foregoing chapter, that the mod- eration of the Athenians seemed to bring upon them an increase of odium. This is shown by the fact here asserted, that even in suits at law, in which the Athenians are worsted, and that too before their own tribunals, the only return they receive from this impartial ad- ministration of justice, is to be called litigious. yap {illustrantis. See N. on I. 53. § 2). See the preceding remarks on iXaa-trovixevou iv rais .... diKais^ in actions hrought against our allies for 'breaches of contract. Cf. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Eom. Antiq. p. 918. Trap rjplv avrois, hefore ourselves^ is introduced to show their re- gard for justice, that even in their own courts at Athens, decisions were given in favor of their allies. Boeckh (Pub. Econ. Ath. p. 404) denies that all the small suits at law were tried at Athens, as no per- son living at Ehodes or Byzantium would come to Athens to bring a suit for 50 or 100 drachmae. The simple fact was, that the supreme jurisdiction belonged to Athens, and cases could be carried there by appeal from the inferior courts. eV, in conformity to, according to. 6/xoiots in respect to the parties to the suit. (f)tXo8iKe7u 8okov- uep is the apodosis of eXaa-a-ovp-euoi (S. § 225. 6). 2. avTcov refers to the persons, who charged the Athenians with oppression and injustice in their treatment of the allies. roTs — exova-i depends on oreiSi^erat. The Schol. says that reference is had to the Persians and Scythians. Siort, why, for what reason. TovTo refers back to ^o-crov. . . .txovai.. yap in this place has fur- nished some difficulty to interpreters. Poppo calls it yap declarativum (Lat. scilicet). Haack refers it to rovro ovk oveibiCeraL qua3 sine diori^ tamquam peculiaris sententia, cogitatione repetenda sunt : ov yap av- Tois 6u€i8L^€Tai TOVTO ' /Sia^ccrSat yap, etc. Goel. supplies the ellipsis OVK oveiSt'^erai, ort ^id^ovTai • /Sia^ecrSai yap, etc., which I think is the correct explanation, inasmuch as it best meets the demands of the context. TTpoarBeovTai, sc. ovrot, the antecedent of oh in the pre- ceding clause. 3. Poppo correctly disjoins ol 8e from el'^iapevoi, and interprets, Chap. LXXYIL] NOTES. 321 illi vero (socii nostri) quum sint assueti. The usual interpretation is, hut they loho are accustomed. But if this were the meaning, we should suppose that aXXovs^ or some other general word, would have oeen employed instead of r]iJLds. otto tov ia-ov, on equal footing^ on terms of equality. > /xjj accompanies oiecrSat, because Trapa has a negative sense (see N". on I. 10. § 1), 'beyond what {^otherwise than) t-hey thinTc is right. With xP^""* supply from the main clause eXaor- irixr) rj dwdnei rfj 8ia ttju a.pxr]v'^. iXaa- o-faSaJo-ii', are worsted. This meaning, which is inevitable here, shows that Arnold is mistaken in the sense, which he assigns to iXao-aovfievoi in § 1 supra. ov. . . , exova-iv, they feel no gratitude that tJiey are not deprived of the greater part. For the use of the article with TrKiovoSf cf. K. § 246. 8. c. arepia-KOfievoi denotes the cause. See N. on I. 9. § 4. TOV ivdeovs (= TOV eXdaa-ovos), the part lacMng, in opposition to the part which remained. For the article, see the re- ference on TOV nXeopos supra. ;^aXe7ra)repoi/ (f)epovcriv^ they are more indignant. In this combination, the signification of the adjec- tive predominates, and hence takes the genitive. Cf. Mt. § 368. 5. a. cLTTo'^ep.ivoi TOV vofxov, putting aside the law = paying no regard to law. eKftVcos, ''Hllo modo.'''' Betant. de z=ydp. dvreXe' yov implies negation, and hence is followed by as ov with p^pewi/ (sc. cVri). See N. on I. 10. § 1. Cf. also S. § 230. 3 ; Mt. § 534. Ois. 4 2 ; K. § 318. 9. Kender the passage, not even they themselves (i. e. the persons aggrieved) can deny that the weaJcer must yield to tlie stronger. 4. ddiKovfievoi^ when treated unjustly. See N. on I. 13. § 6. TO fxev referring to ddiKovp.euoi^ and to S' to ^la^oyavoi^ are both the subjects of the propositions in which they stand, the other words composing the predicates. dirb tov 'iaov Bloomf. regards as a neuter, and translates, on a footing of equal justice. Others inter- pret it, pro equali conditione. I' prefer, as the most natural mode of interpretation, to take dno in the sense of vtto (K. § 288. 3. c), and 322 NOTES. [Book I la-ov as a masculine, 7>y one w7io is an equal. In this way, it harmO' nizes with vno rov MjjSov, which is varied from otto tov. In respect to the sentiment, commentators cite many kindred examples. Among others, the one quoted by Goel. from Plut. Yit. Timol., is very much in point : ovrcos vno \6ya}V fxaXkov tj Trpa^eayu 7rovr]pa>v dviacr^ai ireffyv' KacTLV ol TToWoL ' ■)(ake7v6iT€pov yap vfSpLV T] ^Xd^rjv (fiepov(ri. See also ovdels yap opyi^erat rois rroXv vnep avrbv ttj fium/iet, Aristot. Rhet. L 11, cited by Arnold. 5. yovv introduces an example confirmatory of the assertion just made. Trda-xovres rjveixovTo^ they endured suffering. S. § 225. 8. eiKoTcoff, as might de expected^ naturally enough. The next clause illustrates this, and is therefore introduced by yap. to rrapou^ the present^ i. e. their present lot. Supply doKcl from the preceding con- text. Bloomf. aptly remarks on the misery of those who live under a system of unequal confederation, cheated as they often are by the shadow of liberty, while the substance ever eludes their grasp. 6. ye in v/jlcIs y gives emphasis to the pronoun, as though it were spoken in an elevated tone of voice, or written in italics. S. § 68. n. 8. ovv is here a particle of reference, as to this matter. icaSe- \6uT€^. The Schol. adds TrpoixavreveTai • /caSeiXoi/ yap avrav to. t^^xV oi AaKedatfiouioi. f]p.er€pov fieos, your fear of us. See N. on al ye vnerepai eXnides, I. 69. § 5. ola Ka\ rore — opoia Ka\ vvv, such as then — now also. The Ka\ before roVe serves to connect more closely, but is unsusceptible of translation into English. Tjyrjo-dpevoi, when (see N. on I. 13. § 6) you had the lead, defines roVe. vnedei^are, you gave indications of. This reading, adopted by all the recent com- mentators . for drredei^aTe, gives a better sense, since, as Arnold re- marks, the Lacedaemonians had not fully manifested (dnedei^av) their tyrannical spirit, but had shown symptoms (vnedei^av) of it, during the command of Pausanias. opoTa — yvSo-co-'^e = Spoiais yt'co/xat? XPW^(t'^^' KaS', amongst. rois aXkois (Greeks) limits apiKxa, which adjective forcibly expresses the unsocial (or as Bloomf. says, the anti-social) spirit of the Lacedaemonian institutions, in permitting no foreigners to reside among them, and in adopting customs, unique, and in many respects quite offensive to the neighboring states. Of. Miill. Dor. II. p. 194. i^icov, sc. is TrdXepov. The more general sense of going into foreign parts on business of any sort, is perhaps the true one. oh = iKeivois oh, of which the antecedent depends on popi^ei = xPW'^<^'- vopi^ei (Kr. § 55. 4. N". 11), is in the habit of using. Of. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 591. Ols. ; K. § 285. 1. (2). 17 tiWrf ''^XKas^ the rest of Greece. Chap LXXYIIL] NOTES. 323 CHAPTEH LXXVIII. rhe Lacedsemoniana are exhorted, finally, not to engage precipitously in war, on the charge* brought by others against the Athenians (§ 1), and are admonished of the uncertainty and the calamities of war (§ 2), in which men oftentimes engage thoughtlessly, and are only brought to reason by some calamity (§ 3); and in conclusion, they are solemnly charged not to violate the treaty, but to submit the differences to a judicial investigation, and are reminded, that if they resort to arms, the Athenians will repel their attacks with the utmost vigor and resolution (§ 4). 1. ^pabecos — ^paxfoov. There is here a slight paronomasia = v 'A3j;z/aia)z/ depends on rJKova-av (S. § 192), and not as some think on a eXe^av (= tovs \6yovs). peTao-Tijo-dpevoi ndvras^ hav- ing caused all (i. e. both their allies and the Athenians) to withdraw. S. § 209. 2. Cf. Xen. Anab. II. 3. § 8. Kara acjids avrovs^ among themselves. 2. eVt e(f)€pov, the opinions inclined to the' same point. The metaphor is taken from roads meeting in a common centre. dhiKilv. . . .ra^ft explains^ro avro. noXepTjTea ehai^ they should gtf to war. See 1^, on Tre-pirT^reo, I. 72. § 1. "Apx^^apos. Archidamu3 II. succeeded his grandfather (a. o. 469), his father Zeuxidamus having died some time previous. A brief but judicious estimate of his moral worth, and the eminent services which he rendered to his state. Cbap, lxxx.] notes. 325 may be found in Smith's Diet. Gr. and Eora. Biog. and Mythol. I. p. 267. The Peloponnesian war for the first ten years, is frequently called the Archidamian war. doKap elvai does not imply doubt, but that which was a matter of general repute. CHAPTERS LXXX.— LXXXV. The speech of king Archidamus, comprised in these chapters, has for its main object> the postponement of hostilities until negotiation has been tried, and the Lacedaemonians have increased their resources. He urges the wealth, the high state of preparation for war, and the naval supremacy of the Athenians, as a reason why, with their present resources, the Lacedaemo- nians could not hope to be victorious (chaps. 80, 81). He does not oppose the war, if the Athenians refuse to listen to their terms, but advises that they should first set forth calmly and with firmness their grounds of com- plaint, at the same time making all preparations for war (chap. 82). He cautions his auditors against regarding this advice as pusillanimous, or being influenced by the charges of tardiness and dilatoriness wliich may be brought against them, for to such a wise and deliberate policy the Lacedae- monians had been indebted for their glory and independence (chaps. 82, 83). In conclusion, he urges them not to hazard their institutions by a precipitous declaration of war, which must cost many lives, much treasure, and much honor, but to submit the matter, as the Athenians profess their willingness to do, to a judicial investigation (chap. 85). The speech is grave, dignified, full of sound wisdom and statesman-like views, and worthy of the man who pronounced it, and the occasion which called it forth. CH-APTER LXXX. The speaker commences with a modest reference to his military experience, and that of many around hiu), which rendered tliem free from the desire of war entertained by the inexperienced (§ 1) ; as to the war in respect to which they were consulting, it would be very momentous (§ 2), for against the Peloponnesians war could be waged on equal terms, and with dispatch, but should not lightly be declared against a people of such power, resources, and naval experience as the Athenians (§ 3), especially as the Lacedae- luonians in wealth and maritime resources were so much inferior (§ 4). 1. TToWcov rjhr) Troke/jLcov. Archidamus must have been at this time qmiQ an old man, as he is supiA)sed to have died in the fifth year of 820 NOTES [BookL the war, in the forty-second year of his reign (see K. on III. 89. § 1). royy, SO. ifineipovs from the preceding context. /ni^re — fViSv fxTja-ai — fir]T€ — vofxia-avra. The change to the participial constr^iction is somewhat harsh. Cf. Mt. § 397. 3. Both clauses denote the end or effect of the skill and experience, which the speaker claims for himself and many of his auditors. 2. Tovbe^ sc. T9P noXefiov. ovk — iXdxt-(rTou is a litotes for great- est^ most momentous. The Schol. refers iXdxia-Tov to time, but that, as Bloomf. remarks, is judging by the event. Archidamus might easily predict the severity of the struggle between two such states as Sparta and Athens, and yet be profoundly ignorant of the length of time, in which it would be carried on. ei rij — iKXoyl^oiTo = el eKkoyl^oLcrJie. So we frequently use one, some one, etc. for the personal pronouns. Cf. S. § 165. b ; Mt. § 487. 3 ; K. § 303. R. 6. 3. yap introduces an explanation of ovk eXdxioTov. koI before darvyeiTovas is epexegetical, especially/, even. Poppo refers ao-rvyei- Tovas to the Argives, and some of the Arcadians with whom the Lacedaemonians waged frequent and bloody wars. napopoLos, of the so/me description, i. e. military rather than naval. So Arnold explains with the Schol. Didot takes oXict) in the sense of ipar], on the ground that the common explanation (vires, stretigth) conflicts with the beginning of the next chapter, where superiority in strength and numbers over the Athenians is claimed. But if trapop-oLos refers to the hind rather than the degree of power, that objection will be of no force. olov re refers to e'XSeTi', and is therefore in the neuter. Literally, to proceed against each one is possible. "When spoken of persons, olds re means aMe. i^ eKaara. Duk. supplies rii _\;copia with the Schol. e/cay Peloponnesus. Ihia koL drjpoalcp, pri- vate and public. IN'otice the distinctness and emphasis given to the nouns in this sentence by the frequent use of the conjunction, hi ye x^p'^^i ^* leo^1> *^ o^ny one ploLce. Athens, in the height of her prosperity, contained at least 200,000 inhabitants. Cf Leake's Athens, I. p. 440 ; Appendix XXIII. ^dpov viroTeXets. See N". on I. 19 § 1. npos TovTovs refers to avbpas, which is repeated by the pro noun, in consequence of the words which intervene between it and the verb apaa^ai. S. § 160. N. 5. Tnareva-avra^ agrees with r^pds the omitted subject of iTreix^rjvai. Repeat xp^ f^oni the preceding clause. ^- 4. vavaiv depends on ■jriarreva-avTas to be mentally supplied from the preceding context. ijaaovs in ships. XP^^°^ evearai, time loill intervene, i. e. before the thing spoken of can be done, time will *>} required. xphp-^^'-^ i^ joined in construction with vavcriv. Chap. LXXXI.] NOTES. g27 ttoXXm .... eXXf iVo/xei/, in tliis (i. e. wealth) we are stiU more deficient. The comparative is here strengthened by ttoXXw Zti. Cf. K. § 239. R. 1 ; S. § 159. 4. For the construction of tovtov^ cf. S. § 200. 8. The singular is employed although referring to a plural noun, because the noun is regarded in the abstract as a thing. Cf. Mt. § 439. iv Koiva (sc. rafXLeia. Cf. Bos. Gr. Ellip. p. 127), in the common treasury. eK Tcov l8i(ov, from our private resources. The Lacedaemonians were poor, as is remarked by the Schol. on this passage. (pepofxev is employed here in the sense to contribute. CHAPTER LXXXI. It would be of little avail to invade and plunder the Athenian territory, since from other states they could import whatever was wanted (§§ 1, 2) ; any attempt also to induce their allies to revolt would require a fleet, on account of their insular position (§ 3) ; unless they overcame the Athenians by sea, or cut off the revenues by which their navy was supported, they themselves would sustain the greatest injury in the war (§ 4) ; and to abandon the contest at such a time, would be dishonorable to them, especially if they should be regarded as the authors of the war (§ 5) ; no one should think that the war would be brought to a speedy close, by an inroad into the enemy's country, for the Athe- nians were not the men to succumb, merely because their territory was invaded (§ 6). 1. To7s oirXots = rois oTrXiVats. But Bloomf. thinks that the word refers to the use of arms, in which the Lacedsemonians particularly excelled. avTcov depends on VTrepcPepofxev. S. § 189. rs eTTLTpe-^Ojiev^ or Koi brfkovvras ws ovk eTTiTpexIrofxev.) where for «s eVtrpe^/ro/Liev SOme such word as dfieXiav should stand. av in kuv (i. e. koL av) belongs to e^aprvea^ai. tovtco (sc. xpov<»), in the meantime. rrpoo-- ayayrj^ hy a bringing over^ dy an accession. 66 TroSei/, if from any quarter.^ from whatever quarter. In respect to the punctuation of this passage, I am inclined to follow that which is adopted by Haack, and partially by Arnold, i. e. to place a comma after TTpo(jkr]^6p.e'^a and eKnopL^cope^Sa, inclosing dvenicp'^ovov. . . .bia(rcc'^r]vai in the marks of a parenthesis. In this way koI in koI .... eKTvopi^afieJia responds to T€ before Trpoa-ayayyij, the two propositions containing the mode of effecting the object, expressed in ra rnxirepa avrap i^aprvetr'^ai. • du€7rL(f)^ovov (see N. on I. T5. § 5) belongs to Stao-wS^mt, which is the subject of the sentence. S. § 153. Se =: yap. ocrot oaa-ivep . . , ,i7ri^ov\€v6fX€?ia = if the best scholars and critics. Cf. Jeif's Kiihn. § 821. 1. See. K on 1. 73. § 1. The reading of Dindorf is that of Bekker, to whose tact in respect to the use or rejection of the indicative, Arnold expresses him- self disoosed to defer and therefore follows him here in the employ- Chap. LXXXin.] NOTES. 331 ment of the indicative. Poppo, Goeller, Haack, and Bloomf. edit Trpd^- tofiev, to which reading I am inclined. 6. olov re. See N. on I. 80. § 3. tS>v l8icov. , The Schol. refers this to the Corinthians, but there were others who complained of the Athenians, as the Megareans (I. 67. § 4), and in § 5 snpra, we have Tols ratv ^vfifxaxo^v iyKKrjixaa-iP erreix^^vTes. There is JlO doubt, however, that the Corinthians are more especially referred to. ovx imapxci, it is not ^possible. Ka3' otl x'^PW^h "^^<^^ issue i will liax)eP Bloomf. CHAPTER LXXXIII. It slioukl not be deemed the result of cowardice, that so many states did not immediately attack a single state (§ 1), for the Athenians have many allies and much tribute, and war demands treasures no less than arms (§ 2) ; means therefore for carrying on the war should be provided, and as the greatest share of responsibility would fall to the Lacedaj- monians in the war, they ought to deliberate well as to what would be its most probable issue (§3). 1. avavhpla. is the predicate, and ttoXXov? . . . . eTreXSeiv the subject of the proposition. 2. yap introduces a reason why pusillanimity should not be charged upon the allies for not declaring war immediately. Kal^ also. eXaa-aovs refers only to ^vfifxaxoi : allies not less in number (than our own), and who bring tliem tribute. The allies of the Lacedaemonians were exempt from paying tribute. tcrnv SoTrdwys, literally, inar is not of arms the more but of treasures = war does not require arms so much as treasure. The full construction would be t6 nXeov (so. ^ darrdvTjs), dWa dandpTjs (sc. to ifKiov rj ottXcov). Cf. Jelf's Kiihn. § 774. Obs. 5. The genitives may be referred to Mt. § 316 ; ^. § 190. di rjv^ by means of which (i. e. of treasure), not on account of which. (iXXcos .... SaXao-criovs-, especially in the case of inland- ers at wa/r with a maritime power. This use of the dative is quite unusual. Bloomf. jBinds another example in rois Trparois — x^'-P°'''^X^^''^'> VI. 72. § 2. 3. nopia-difie'^a. S. § 218. 2. olnep de koI k. t. X. The order 53 : oiTrep de e^ojxev to TrXeov Trjs alrias tu)U dTvo^aivoiTcov in dfxcfioTepa (i. e. whether the result be prosperous or the contrary). The words TO TrXeov TTJs alTias may be rendered, the greater share of responsibility, Betant classes aWias with I. 39. § 3 ; II. 18. § 3 ; 60. § 7 ; III. 13. § 7, in which places it must be rendered blame. But as tS^v d-no^aivov- 332 NOTES. [Book 1 rcov eir d{x(})6T€pa looks to the alternative of a successful as "well as a disastrous issue, in which case no blame would accrue to the Lacedae- monians, it is better to take alrias in the more general sense of cmise- whether of good or evil. ovtoi is the antecedent of olnep. avTcov^' sc. Toiu aTTo^aivopTcov. Notice the change of person in Trpot- boafxev^ by which an application of the general sentiment is made to the case in hand. CHAPTER LXXXIY. It should cause no shame to be reproached with delay, since haste would in the end pro- crastinate the war (§ 1) ; their moderation was prudence, which neither prosperity nor adversity, praise or reproach could disturb (§ 2) ; this rendered them both brave and wise, because a sedate and orderly temper inspired them with a keen sense of shame, and also a due regard to the laws, and they had been so educated as not to be sagacious in useless matters, nor to utter eloquent censures on the measures of the enemy, to which their deeds did not correspond ; but to regard the plans of others as very similar to iheir own, and beyond the power of eloquence to unfold (§ 3) ; presuming the measures of tLo enemy to be wisely taken, they should place no dependence upon their blunders, bat upon their own cours^e and wisdom, not imagining any great difference to be among men, but that he is best, who has been trained up in what is most needful (§ 4). 1. TO Ppabv Koi ixeXKov. See N. on TO TTio-Tov, I. 68. § 1. Respect- ing the charge of tardiness and dilatoriness to which Archidamus here replies, cf. I. 69. § 4 ; 70. §§ 2-4. Indeed no small portion of the Co- rinthian speech consisted in upbraiding the Lacedaamonians for their slow and procrastinating temper. 6.. . .f]fj,a>v^ which most espe- cially they Mame in us. ixaXio-Ta is to be taken with 6 =: which more than any other thing. In respect to T]p.a)v, which Kiihner (§ 273. 5. f) ranks with the genitive of material, I prefer with Crosby (§ 391. (3) to regard it as a possessive genitive, in dependence upon the neuter nronoun, which in connection with verbs of praise, blame, or wonder, takes such a genitive. Cf. Mt. § 317. o-TreuSoin-ty, if you were to Jiasten (to the war). S. § 225. 6. The apodosis is av navama^e. Bloomf. regards this as a sort of adage like our ' to make more haste than good speed,' and 'the furthest way round is the surest way home.' Compare the Latin proverb, festina Untc. Acai dfia in- troduces another reason why the Laced ajmonians should not be ashamed of the charge here responded to. There is no need with Bloomf. of supplying 8ia tovto, since, as Haack observes, the speaker employs the argumentum ah effectu. The fact that the Lacedajmoni- ans had always enjoyed a free city, is adduced as proof that their habits were not deemed worthy of reprehension. Chap. LXXXIV.] NOTES. 333 2. dvvaraL — tovt eivai^ '■''in this consists: Bloomf. Perhaps the expression = can he regarded as. tovto refers to to ^pa8v koL fxiXkop (§ 1 supra), as does also avro in the next clause. evnpayiais, on account of success (Mt. § 398. b), or in prosperity (K. § 283. 3). It is well remarked by Bloomf., that Archidaraus now proceeds to give a sort of sketch of the Lacedaemonian character, in opposition to that given of the Athenians :,j the Corinthians. roiv — e^orpwovrcov depends on rjbovfj^ in the sense of rj8ovf} rjv Trapexovaiv ol e^oTpvuovres ovbeu belongs to both the participle and the verb. Cf. I. 12. § 1 , 85. § 1. Betant interprets dveneia'^rjpev^ we would de persuaded^ as though it were the simple iivila'^-qp.cv. Poppo also (Proleg. I. p. 203) considers ava- as pleonastic. But Bloorafield more correctly makes it stand for p.eTejreio-'^rjpev^ we would de persuaded to change (our determination). The aorist here denotes customary action. See N. on I. 70. § 6. 3. TO evKoarfiop (good order) = rr)v o-(o(})po(TvvT]v, which for the sake of variety is substituted for it in the next sentence. to pkv. . . . evylrvxi-a.-, the one., because a sense of shame is the main element of an orderly temper, and from a sense of shame arises a manly spirit. The reasoning is syllogistical : a sense of shame is always attendant upon moderation and discretion; but a sense of shame begets a manly spirit ; therefore a manly spirit is the result of moderation and discre- tion. TO p.kv refers to rroXepiKoi, which is repeated in ev-^vxla as albois is in alax^^s. The difficulty in interpreting this passage, has resulted from overlooking the synonymous words. araKppoavvrjs nXelcTTOp peTex^h shares most largely in moderation of temper. S. § 191. N. cv^ovXoL de responds to to pev (cf. Vig. p. 2. IV.) and refers back to ev^ovXoi — yiyvopi^a. dpa'^ea-Tepov .... naibevopevoi (a varied construction for oti dpa'^ea-Tepov 7rai5evo/xe3a), hecause we are too unlearned (spoken sarcastically) to despise the laws. dpa^eaTepov is taken adverbially with Traidevopevoi. The genitive njs xmcpo^'ias depends on dpaZea-Tepov (S. § 195. 1) in the sense of ^ wore tovs vopovs vTifpopdv. Of. Mt. § 451 ; S. 223. 1. This passage refers to the re- proaches cast upon the Lacedaemonians in the speech of the Corinthi- ans (I. 68). (rai(f)pov€'^^pose or intention in respect to the carrying on of war, which a skilful general will oftentimes divine, by considering what he Jiimself would do, if placed in the situation of his enemy. 4. del 8e — epy&) is Opposed to ov \6yco dtaiperds, the construction being changed from the infinitive to the finite verb TrapaaK^va^op.e'^a. COS. .. . .ivavTLOVs is put for Trpos rovi ivavrlovs oas npos ev jSovXevo- fxevovs. The preposition, when it should stand twice with two dif- ferent nouns, is often put only once, and then not with the principal noun, but with the substantive in apposition, if that precedes. Of. Mt. § 595. 4. cos duapTrja-opevoiv, on the supposition that they will commit Munders. K. § 312. 6 ; S. § 226. a. ojy f}p.odv irpovoov- fjievcov. The construction is, dXX' (ex^iu Sei rds iXTrlSas i^) fjpcov avr&v o>s d(T(f)a\(bs irpovoovp-evoiv. Ttokv re ... . av'^poinov. The sentiment is similar to that contained in vofii^eiv .... eluai (§ 3 supra), as given by Haack and Poppo, only more general, av'^pconov is the subject of dia(p€p€Lv upon which dj/3pa)7rou depends (S. § 198. 2). eV to7s dvayKaiordroLs^ in things tliat are necessary, opposed to ra dxp^la in § 3 supra. CHAPTER LXXXV. In short, since they had been prosperons under the institutions handed down by their fore- fathers, they should not cast them aside, and act -with precipitation in an affair of such moment (§ 1) ; but should send an embassy to Athens on the affairs complained of, and meanwhile make preparations for war (§ 2). Archidamus having closed his speech, Sthe nelaidas, one of the cphors, rises to reply (§ 3). 1. fieXeras, institutions, referring more particularly to the educa tion of children and youth, according to the laws of Lycurgus. a}ix€v = Tvpohi.hcbp.ev^ only stronger. ^vv rois ^€oisi^fiv = i//'^^oi/ npoJieivaL. Cf. Mt / Chap. LXXXVIL] .NOTES. g^t § 402. Ols. €(f}opos a>v. On the powers and duties of the ephorp, cf. Mtill. Dorians, II. pp. 114-132. 2. ov yj/'r]Tvxi-^r]s^ Leotychides the grandfather of Archidamus II. (see N. on I. 79. § 2), after the battle of Mycale, was sent into Thessaly, where, after several successes obtained over those who had joined the Barbarians in the Persian war, he yielded to the bribes of the Aleuadae, for which he was brought to trial on his return home, and went into exile to Tegea, a. c. 469, where he died. Cf. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Eom. Biog. and Mythol. St^o-toV, Sestos, lay on the Thracian side of the Hellespont. Its possession was deemed of importance, because it commanded in a great measure the channel. Here Xerxes crossed the Hellespont on bridges of boats. imx^i- fjid(Tovr€s, having remained through the winter. iicKcnovTcov, having abandoned. ws eKacrrot, = o)s eKacrroi erv^ov. 3. TO Koivov, the commonwealth.^ contains the idea of plurality, and hence takes a plural verb (SieKo/xt^oin-o), and has avrois referring to it in the plural (cf. Mt. § 302). The pronoun avrois follows aTr^XSoi', as showing to whom the action expressed in the verb has reference 340 I NOTES. [Book L (cf. Jelf' s Kiilin. § 600. 2), or it may depend on x'^P"^? i^ the sense of the adnominal genitive. Cf. S. § 201. 5. 6?iev = ivrev'^iv ov {ubi). For the attraet-ion of relative adverbs, cf. K. § 332. E. 7; S. § 175. 1. vire^e^ein-o^ had removed them for safety. Notice the force of vno and €K in this verb, the latter communicating the idea, out of danger, and the former, removal to a secret or retired situation. ttjv TTokiv as distinguished from to. Telxn-, is to be taken in the sense of houses. ai fiev TToXXai and oXt'yai Be are in partitive apposition with otKi'ai, which should properly be put in the genitive denoting the whole (cf. K. § 206. 3 ; S. § 156. 8). Eender : the greater part of the houses had fallen, and hut few remained standing. CHAPTER XC. The Lacedfemonians, "when they hear that the Athenians are about to rebuild their walls, partly of their own accord, and partly instigated by their allies, send an embassy to Athens (§ 1), and under pretence that the enemy, if they should return, should have no fortified place whence to sally forth, desire the Athenians to desist from their erection (§ 2) ; but Themistocles advises his fellow-citizens to dismiss the Lacedasmonian embassy, with the promise that they would send envoys to Sparta concerning the matter in hand, of whom he being one would repair immediately to Sparta, while they, remaining at Athens his associates in the embassy, should apply themselves to the work of fortifying the city with all their energies and resources (§ 8); after the giving of which advice, he takes his departure (§ 4) ; having arrived at Sparta he defers bis attendance on the authorities, under the pretence that he is waiting for his colleagues (§ 5). 1. TO iieWov (see !N^. on I. 68. § 1), what was about to he done, i. e. that the city was about to be fortified. ^XSov irpear^elq, went by embassy z= sent an einbassy. to. fiev opaures, partly because (see N. on I. 9. §,4) they would (av) have been more glad to see. TO Se responds to to. /xeV, the singular being employed for the sake of emphasis. i^oTpwovroav denotes cause. 6 irpXv ovx vTrrjp^^e^ which formerly did not exist. 6 refers to TrX^Soy, and therefore it is not denied that there was any shipping, but only that the fleet was not numerous, which was true, for previous to the Persian war the Athenians had comparatively no navy. Cf. 1. 14. § 8. 2. avTovs, i. e. the Athenians. aWa xat, but rather. oo-ott elaTtjKct (sc. TCLxr) cognate to tovs nepi^oXovs, the enclosures, walls), as many as had walls standing, oo-ois refers to Ta>v e|a) nekoTrowrjaov (of those cities without Peloponnesus), and limits elaTrjKei. Arnold prefers ^weLo-TrjKei, stood or held together, i. e. existed unruined. — €hAP. XC] iNUliLS. 341 ^uyKaSeXfij/ depends on tj^lovv. cr(^a)i/, i. e. the Lacedaemonians. TO ^ovXofieuou = Tf}v ^ovkqcTLv^ their wish^' desire. See IsT. on I. G8. § 1. is Tovs 'A?ir}vat.ovs depends on vttotttov. cos be — qvk au exovTos = (fidaKOVTes 8e, on {el fxrj TeixiCot'^v) ovk av exoi. For this use of ©$•, see N. on I. 73. § 5. In respect to the employment of the participle instead of the substantive sentence (i. e. as followed by a finite verb), cf. K. § 329. 6. R. 5. The difference between the two modes of construction is only in form. dno ixvpov no^iev^ from any fortijled place whatever. dvaxoiprja-iv^ place of retreat. d(f)opfiT]v^ a, sallying place; '■''locus unde fit impetusP Betant. It is like our military phrase, liase of operations. The duplicity and mean- ness of the Lacedaemonians in this affair, was effectually counteracted by the firmness and sagacity of Themistocles, as we shall see in the sequel. 3. -yi/co/i?;, "by the advice.^ suggestion. tovs AaKebaifioviovs de- pends on dTTTjXka^av. The natural order of construction would have placed dTTOKpivdpevoL . Xeyovaip immediately after yvo)prj. as avTovs. See N. on I. 34. § 2. irepX a>v = nepl eKeivcov a. Trpos eavT(p^ besides himself. eKTrepneiv. Repeat eKeXevev. P^XP'- . . . .apaxTiv^ until they should have raised the wall (to a height) sujffl- cient. In respect to the subjunctive, see N. on KcoXiJcai/rai, I. 26. § 2. ware d':Topdx'^(T'^cLt explains Ikovov. Ik. , , . vyJAovs., the height which was darely necessary^ i. e. to a height, less than whicl^i would be useless for purposes of defence. Travbrjpel is rendered stiU more emphatic, by koL avTovs. . . .naidas which follows. Cor. 'Nep. includes also the servants in the number of those who engaged in raising the walls and repairing the fortifications. t\s co^eXeia, any thing of service for the work. 4. vneiTTOiv ToXXa ort is put by attraction for vnenrcbv otl ToXXa. Haack places a comma after inenrcov. rdKei, i. e. at Sparta. 5. Tas dpxdsy the magistrates. Goel. says that the ephors are meant. ^'■vy^i ^^' "^^^ xP^^°^' irpol^acrl^eTo^ made excuses, Frontinus says that he feigned sickness. t^v iv TeXei ovtcov, of those who were in office. The same persons are here referred to as in Tas dpxds. otl is here put for SioVt. Cf. Mt. § 488. 8. Blooraf supplies Tt ea-Tiv. TO Koivhv refers to the common assembly, befcre addressing which, as Bloomf. remarks, it was necessary to obtain the permission of the dpxo.1. daxoXlas he twos oiia-qsy on account of some engagement 342 NOTES [Bocil CHAPTER XCI. The confidence of the Lacedaemonians in the declarations of Tliemistocles, is somewhat ehaken by the counter-statement of others, -who report that the -walls are building (§ 1) they are persuaded by him, however, to send persons to Athens to ascertain the truth of his assertions (§ 2) ; while at the same time he gives private instructions to the Atheni- ans, to detain the Spartan messengers until he and his colleagues (who had then arrived) should return home (§ 3) ; this they do, after which Themistocles annomices to the Lace- daemonians, that the city is fortified sufficiently for purposes of defence, and that the Athenians know what is for their own and the common good (§ 4) ; that their prudeu'ce had been manifested, both when through necessity they abandoned their city and embarked on board of their ships, and when they were consulted on matters of common moment (§ 5) ; that it would be for their own interest, and that of the allies in general, to have their city in such a state of defence, that they would not be deterred from ofiering fi-ee and impartial counsel in the common assembly (§§ 6, 7). 1. ol Se daovovres. . . .iTrebovTo, dut wTien they lieard this^ they Ijelieved Themistocles ; not those who heard^ etc. avrov is the objective genitive, for or towards Mm. In respect to the high repute in which the Lacedosmonians held Themistocles, cf. I. 74. § 1. Ta>v be ciWav does not refer to the Lacedremonian ambassadors, as they had returned to Sparta before the arrival of Themistocles (cf. I. 90. § 3), nor to the colleagues of Themistocles, since their arrival is particularly mentioned in § 3 infra, but to those who had come from Athens in the way of common business. Haack conjectures, that the article is employed to denote all who came^ and that the following koi may be taken in the sense of vel or adeo. In his German translation of the passage he seems, however, to have given ta koI the significa- tion, which it has before jtxdXa and ttoi/u, which Poppo (Suppl. Adnot. p. 136) says is approved by Sintenis in Ephem. Scholast. 1831. p. 1140. In the place of aXXav (which is suspected by Dobree), Poppo conjec- tures from the words of Plutarch, that Aiyii^rcoj/ should be substituted. In view of all that has been said, I am disposed to retain the article* and give the passage the translation, tJie others (as we would say every other arrival^ aXXav being employed in contradistinction to Themisto- cles) who ca?ne^ declaring very openly. As it is probable that Themis- tocles had denied that the construction of the walls was going forward the declaration of these comers from Athens was a contradiction of Ms assertions, yet the verb in itself has not the signification given it by Bloomfield, contradicting 7iis representatioris. v\//-os Xan^dvci^ BC. TO relx^s elicited from reixiC^rai. ovk elxov (mentally) oirois XpT] uTToo-T^o-at, they did not Mow how they were to discredit the thing. Chap. XCL] NOTES. 343 XP^ is a gloss, but cf. ovk rjTria-TavTO irpos o ri xph X^PW^h ^H* 44. § 3. Seo also Xen. Cyr. I. 4. § 24 ; IV. 5. § 19. 2. ^7; nep-yp-ai^ not to be led away 'by reports^ but to send ratJier ; literally, not rather to be led away — tlian to send, "Ex nostra di- cendi ratione pro /xi) pJoKKov — r\ magis /x?) rotrovTov — ocrov sen \i.r] — oKKa fxaXXov exspectes." Poppo. atpwv avTcov shows that the re presentations, adverse to the declarations of Themistocles, had not been made by the Lacedsemonians. xPW'^'-) respectable^ of good standing. 3. aTToo-reXXovortj/ ovv. According to Cor. Kep., they sent three men functos summis honoribus. Diod. calls them rovs iTricjiavea-TdTovs, but does not state their number. cbs rJKio-Ta €Tn(})ava>s = as secretly as possible. rrplv (always accompanied by av) is followed by the subjunctive or optative when a negative clause precedes, and when reference is had to future time, i. e. when its translation is before. "When it refers to time past (its translation being until)^ it takes the indicative. Of. Jelf 's Kuhn. § 848 ; K. § 337. 9. a ; S. § 220. 2. The subjunctive, KOfXKr^iSxnv, is here employed according to the general rule, that it depends on a primary tense, KeXevtou taking the time of neixnei. S. § 212. 2. avrol refers to Themistocles and his col- leagues. rjdT] relx^s is a parenthesis, thrown in to explain why the plural avrol was used. 'AjSpooi/i^^or, Abronychus. It was he who commanded the ship stationed at Thermopylao, to communi- cate between Leonidas and the fleet at Artimesium. 'AptoTetS/ys-, Aristides, surnamed the Just, the rival of Themistocles. For an inter- esting sketch of his life, see Smith's Diet. Gr. and Eom. Biog. and Mythol. yap after io^a.To introduces the reason why Themisto- cles gave the direction contained in ws rfKia-ra Kop-io-^saxriv. It resumes the narration which was interrupted by the parenthesis ^drj ....ret^os-. acfias^ them. Cf. Butt. §127. 3. oirore aacjias uKovaeiav^ when they should perchance (cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 844. a) obtain certain intelligence that the walls were erected. 4. cos irpos .... Uvai. The order is : to Xoltvov uvai a>s rrpbs diayi- yvQ)a-KovTas. The infinitive levai depends on eiTrev, to be repeated from the preceding member, where it was followed by on with the indicative. to. ^v/xcfiopa and ra kolvo. (sc. ^v/xcfyopa taken as a Bubstantive) depend on diayLyvaa-Kovras. These remarks of Themisto- cles are very spirited and patriotic. 5. avev iKeivcov — yvovres^ hamng determined (on this thing) without them (i. e. without asking advice of them). oaa /3oi;Xeveo-3at, as to any plans which loere determined on in conjunction with them (i. e. in joint council with th'e Lacedaemonians). For the construction 344 NOTES. [Book! of the accusative with the infinitive in the oratio obliqna, and depend- ing on a verb of saying, declaring, etc., expressed or implied (here €(j)ao-av), cf. Jelf 's Kuhn. § 889. a ; Mt. § 538. ov^eubs varepoi, inferior to no one. S. § 198. 1. 6. boKeiv is constructed the same as leVat, § 4 supra. koI vvv^ now also. The subject of flvM is the proposition Tr)v. .. .exeiv, which is also the subject of Zaea'^ai. is rovs iravras ^vmidxovs is a varied construction for iraa-i rols ^vnfjAxotSy which would regularly have followed rois rroXtVats-. 7. ov yap. . . .0ov\€V€a^ai^ for it is impossible for any one^ without (jifj diro) preparation for defence equal [to that of tlie other members of the confederacy], to give similar and equal (i. e. independent and impartial) advice in respect to the common weal, to that which is given by the more powerful confederates. Arnold paraphrases, for no one could enter heartily into the counsels of a confederacy, unless he had as much at stalce as the other members of it. But he appears not to have caught the idea, which is not equality of interests at stake, but of the means of defence, such equalities being necessary to give eacli mem- ber of a confederacy freedom of deliberation in the common council. In respect to the general construction, elvai depends on oX6u t (S. § 222. 6), and /SouXeueo-Sai is the subject of the proposition (S. § 222. 1). ^. . . .ex^tv, or to consider tliat this thing (i. e. the construction of the walls at Athens) was just and proper, rabe = rdSe. -* CHAPTER XCII. The Lacedsemonians exhibit no appearance of resentment at the speech of Themist-^lea, but nevertheless hold a secret grudge against the Athenians. The ambassadors on both sides return home unblamed (§ 1). 1. opyrjv . . . . irroiovvTo, manifested no resentment. KoiKvp^r} =^ Ka>\vp,aTi. S^Se;/, forsooth, indeed, expresses irony, and therefore := they pretended. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 726. 2. a. rw koivw is ren- dered by Portus, ad eorum (i. e. the Athenians) rempublicam: So Haack takes the dative for is with the accusative. Valla (cited ap- provingly by Goeller) makes rw Koiva depend on Trapaiveaei, tlio v^erbal being followed by the case of its verb, for the giving counsel to the state. I am inclined, although with some hesitation, to follow the explanation of ttie Schol. r&J kolvco = vnep rov koivov. Cf. Mt C5ap. XCm.] NOTES. 345 § 387. afia 8e Koi.. . .irvyxavov I take to he a continuation of the avowed sentiments of the Lacedaomonians, rrjs fievrot ^ovXrjcreccs being the resumption of the subject from enoiovvro rois 'A^irjvaioLs. The participle owes is to be constructed with irvyxavov. S. 225. 8. €v TM Tore, at that time. S. § 228. 1. avrols limits 7rpo(r(}n\els and refers to the Athenians. CHAPTEE XCIII. The Athenians thus surround their city with walls, the hasty construction of which was manifest even in the times of Thucydides (§§ 1, Y) ; at the advice of Themistocles, they fortify the Piraeus, on account of its fine situation for a naval station (§ 3) ; he also excites and directs their aim to be masters of the sea (§ 4), and to this end, the Piraeus was en- closed with a wall of great thickness, although its height was much less than Themis- tocles intended (§ 5) ; this was done with the view that it might be defended by a few persons, and the rest spared to man the fleet (§ 6) ; for the navy occupied his chief atten- tion, as being the most efficient means of defence against the Persian king, and he therefore judged the Piraeus to be of more utility than the upper city, and rather to be defended (§ 7) ; thus the city was rebuilt and fortified (§ 8). 1. Poppo thinks that this and the following section should consti- tute a chapter by themselves, as with § 3 commences the account of the fortification, and the incipient steps of the Athenians to obtain tho naval ascendency. 2. 8f]\r] — i(7Tiv. The impersonal is changed into the personal con- struction, and olKoSofiia is transferred from the substantive sentence into the principal one. The impersonal construction would have been. KoX drjXov €TL Kol vvv €(TTiv oTt 7] oiKobofiia Kara anovdfju iyevcro. Of. K. § 529. R. 4; Mt. § 297; "S. § 225. 7. ol— Se/xeXtoi (sc. \boi\ the foundation-stones, foundations. Of. Mt. § 95. navroioiv. There is some difference of opinion whether this refers to stones of all sorts., or .of all shapes and sizes. Perhaps, however, both ideas are in- cluded. In their haste, they laid stones of aU sorts and shapes pro- miscuously together. kol. ...{]., and in some places (see E". on I. 65. § 2) not wrought and made to fit together. Some may prefer to take ov — eariv ^ in the sense, in no manner whatever (cf. K. § 331. R. 5). But it is hardly to be supposed that the thing spoken of was true of the whole foundation, and hence I think it better to take fi in ^the sense of 'place., than of manner or way. cmo o-rjfiaTojv, from sepulchral monuments. In the northern wall, which was called the Pelasgian, and which was probably rebuilt about the same time with 346 NOTES. [Book! the peribolus of tlie Asty, Leake says (Topog. of Athens, I. p. 312X " entu'e courses of masonry are formed of pieces of Doric columns, which were almost as large as those of the Pai'thenon, and there are other courses consisting of tlie composite blocks of Doric entablature of corresponding dimensions. The ruins of former buildings were much employed for this purpose, the devastations of the Persians having left an abundance of materials of this kind." yap intro- duces the reason why monumental and other wrought stones were worked into the wall, viz. because of its increased extension and the consequent deficiency of materials. iravra both common and sacred {kol koivo. kclI lepd. Schol.). ^ 3. Tov Iletpatajy. Their former port was Phalerus, which Cor. Nep. (Yit. Themist. VI.; says, was neither a large nor a good one. vTTTJpKTo S' avTov, foT « beginning had lyeen made of it (= they Tiad begun it). "If an active or middle, which has no object, is changed to a passive, it becomes of course impersonal, and it may be- come so with an indirect object." Crosby, § 564. 3. vTrrjpKTo r/p^e is a parenthesis, explanatory of to. Xoma in the preceding context, and hence 8' = ydp, enl rrjs fKelvov (i. e. Themistocles) dpxns. This was A. 0. 493. Olymp. 74. 4. r]s, in which. S. § 196. 'AS?;- vaiovs is made by some to depend on ^p|e (cf Mt. § 360. «), but Pop- po more correctly makes 'ASt^i/oiois apxcLv simply written for "Apxovra 'A^T^vaioLs etmi. avTocfivels^ natural opposed to that which is arti- Jicial. For the termination eiy instead of as, cf. Butt. § 53. N". 4. The three ports here spoken of, were named Cantharus, Aphrodisius, and Zea. koI. . . .bvvaniv. There are various ways in wJiich this passage is translated, of which I shall specify but two ; (1) their hav- ing become a naval people icould be a great hslp towards their acquir- ing power ; literally, by having become a naval people they., etc. This is Arnold's interpretation, to which he adds, " the adjective and parti- ciple form a more important part of the subject than the pronoun sub- stantive ; as in those Latin expressions, where the passive participle precedes the substantive with which it agrees, to show that it is the more important word of the two, as ' captum oppidum multum rebus nostris profait,' th^e tahing of the town was of much use.'''' The objec- tion to this is that it leaves out to x^pt^^v^ which is evidently to bo continued as the subject from the preceding clause, and thus makes what is compact and harmonious, disjointed and feeble. It is also unsafe to reason against the obvious construction of a sentence, by au- thorities drawn from the Latin mode of construction. (2) et illmro locum (to x^pJ°^ supplied from the preceding context) se nauticos fac- ias valde promoturum esse ad pot^ntiam consequendam (and that the Chap. XCIIL] NOTES. 347 place would advance them to the attaining of power^ lotien they should lecome a nautical people). This is the interpretation of Osiand. (Ob- serv. in Thucyd. fasc. II. p. 9), which Poppo and Goeller adopt. In order to make to x<»ptoi' the subject of irpocjiepeiv, Poppo supposes a transposition of re in the former member, so that it should be to x^^' xiov KaXov T€ ehai. The only objection which I would make to this interpretation, which in its main features is correct, is noticed by Bloomfield. It supposes that the Athenians had not yet become a naval people, whereas the very opposite was the case. If then the participle be translated, inasmuch as they had iecome (see N. on I. 9. § 4), this objection would be removed, and the true interpretation would I think be reached. The transposition of re is not harsh or unusual, and that 7rpo(j)epeiv (used without av for the future infinitive, cf. S. § 222. 4. b) may have the signification here given it, every good lexicon will show. 4. For a long time I was inclined, by the use of yap in this section, to adopt Arnold's interpretation of the preceding sentence koI 8v- va[xiv. But much examination and reflection has satisfied me, that yap does not serve to confirm the idea that their naval supremacy would help to augment their power, but is rather to be taken with i'neiae 6 ee/ito-roKX^s-, as strengthening the idea intended to be conveyed, that Themistocles was the sole projector of the plan to make Athens a maritime power, yap may therefore be rendered indeed. dv^sKTea (from dj/re'^ca) eVrt. See N. on I. 72. § 1. It is followed by the genitive '^aXdo-arjs (S. § 192. 1). ev?ivs after the Persian war. Goeller interprets it : statim postquam archon fuit. It is probable that at this time, if ever, Themistocles made the proposal narrated by Plutarch (rb veapiov epTrprjo-ai tcov 'EXKr]vcov). 5. cKcivov refers to Themistocles. onep vvv ert SjJXoV iaru The waUs were destroyed by the Lacedaemonians, at the close of the Peloponnesian war, yet enough of the foundations were left to enable some judgment to be formed of their thickness. Arnold argues from Xen. Hellen. II. 4. § 11, that the destruction could only have been partial, affecting chiefly the fortifications on the side of the sea. bvo yap. . . .eirrjyop^ i. e. the wall was so broad, that two heavy wagons or wains could meet and pass one another, as they were conveying stones for its construction. x^^'^ii small stone gravely with which the ancients filled up the interior of very thick walls, and which was made adhesive and solid by clay (7r77Xoy). This whole passage is illus- trated by the following extract from Leake's Topog. of Athens, 1. p. 411. " On the side of Munychia, towards the open sea, the remains are best preserved. Here three or four courses of masonry, both of 348 NOTES. [BooKl walls and square towers, are in many places to be seen ; and there are some situations, where we still find the wall built in the manner de- scribed by Thucydides ; that is to say, not filled up in the middle with a mixture of broken stones and mortar in the usual manner of the Greeks, but constructed throughout the whole thickness, of large stones, either quadrangular or irregularly-sided, but fitted together without cement, and the exterior stones cramped together with metal. This we may suppose to have belonged to the original work of The- mistocles, which has thus survived the lapse of twenty-three centu- ries." This helps to decide the meaning of iv rofif} eyycowoi, cut square; literally, made square in cutting ; '•''cut into an angular form^ made angular in cutting^ Arnold, iv to/jlt} is interpreted by Goel. '"'•locis quibus incisi su7it^''^ which Poppo (Suppl. Adnot. p. 136) seems to cite approvingly. ^waKobofirjfxevoi^ duilt up close, i. e. having no interstices between them to be filled up with gravel and clay. ^(rav is to be supplied from the preceding rjv. npos dXkrjXovs follows 8e8e^€Voi. ra e^coSev, on the outside. TJfxia-v — ov die- voelroj (only) the half of that which he intended (ov = ckcivov ov). 6. /xeycSet here signifies height. iin^ovkds, hostile pluns^ " vel a consilio portum oppugnandi." Haack. The reading iinftoXds^ hostile attacJos, is adopted by Bloomf. and Didot. See N. on III. 45. § 5. KOI T&v dxpeioTciTcov, and that too the most useless, i. e. those who were disabled so as not to perform active service, or were ex- cused on account of their age. dpKeacLv to defend the place. The subject is ttjv cjivXaKrjv. 7. irpoareKeiTo, devoted his attention to, ^ I8v ixovTav^ the Medes possessing it = it deing in the possession of the Medes. iv r^de rfi fjyeixovia is considered by Steph., Haack, and Goel., as belonging to the follow- ing chapter, 5e after Tjdt] being omitted. But may not its use, in the present connexion, have been to show that Byzantium was taken in the time of Pausanias's command, although near its close ? So Arnold thinks, and with good reason. It was not until the capture of that place, and the release of the Persian captives taken in it, that the proposal to betray Greece was made by Pausanias. This proposal being favorably received, and an answer from the king at Susa having been returned, Pausanias became arrogant to such a degree, as to excite the ill-will of the Asiatic Greeks, and cause them to put them- selves under the protection of Athens. CHAPTER XCV. The insolence of Pausanias having become intolerable, the Asiatic Greeks request the Athenians to become their leaders, which request is complied with (§§ 1, 2) ; the Lacedffi- monians, in the meantime, had recalled Pausanias to answer to the charges of a tyrannical and arbitrary command preferred against him (§ 3) ; und at this time the allies through hatred of him passed over to the Athenians (§ 4) ; Pausanias on his return home is found guilty of the private charges, but is acquitted of the most serious of the public accusations (§ 5) ; Dorcis is sent out in his place, to whom the allies refuse obedience (§ 6) ; upon which lie and the leaders associated with him withdraw, and the Laceda;monians, fearing that their generals will be corrupted, and thinking that the Athenians are better adapted to carry on the war than themselves, send out no more commanders into Asia (§ 7). 1. jSiai'ou, tyrannical in the exercise of his command. cXXot thi.a the Peloponnesians, especially the Lacedaemonians. oi/x 350 Is'OTES. [BookI TJKiarTa^ most especially. vewa-Ti^ lately. Reference is had in this place to the Greeks, who had been liberated from the Persian yoke by the battles of Plataea and Mycale. Kara t6 ^yyyei/ey, iy virtue of the relationship between them. These words are to be constructed with Tj^lovv (= thought it Jit^ becoming). The lonians, having been driven out of Peloponnesus by the Achaians (who had been dispos- sessed of Argolis and Laconia by the Dorians and the Heraclidse), came to Athens and there for a time resided, not as citizens, or those who could possess land, but enjoying the protection of the laws, and supporting themselves by mechanical arts. After a while, under the X^rotection of Athens, they migrated to Asia Minor, from which state a number of citizens was sent as leaders (jjyefioves) of the colony. These carried with them the sacred fire for the new settlement, taken from the prytaneum of Athens, and thus were entitled to the appellation of fjLT]Tp67r6\Ls (mother-city) to the lonians. See Arnold's note on this passage. firj . . . . ^id^Tjrai {= fiT) fniTpeTreiv j3iaffcr3at). The sub- junctive is employed, because the condition is assumed as something probable but not certain. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 854. 1 ; S. § 215. 1. 2. ol Se 'A^jrjvaioi ibi^avro K. r. X. If Plutarch is to be believed, the Athenians did not grant their request, untU after the alhes had offended Pausanias by their movements. Trpoaelxov rrjv yvajixrjv^ directed their attention = attended to their request. avTols (i. e. rois \6yois) may be mentally supplied after these words. ©s (= with the pur- pose) ov nepioyp'oiiepoi. See Notes on wy, I. 73. § 4, and on nepiopav^ I. 24. § G. TaXXa. Their affairs had now reached so important and delicate a crisis, that many other things, besides a redress of the immediate wrongs complained of, w^re to be attended to, and hence I am inclined to refer avrols in this clause to both the Athenians and the Asiatic allies, rather than to either party taken separately. A union, like the one here proposed, was to be effected with great pru- dence and precaution, in order not to draw upon the parties the en- mity of the Lacedaemonians and the rest of the Peloponnesians, whose acquiescence in such an accession of strength to the Athenians, could hardly at that time have been hoped for. Hence it was important to look at the subject in all its aspects, and to establish matters on a 'good basis in reference to the alliance about to be formed. 3. dvaKptvoZvres^ in order to examine into. S. § 225. 5. av nepi = iKeiva rrepl wv. See N. on I. 75. § 5 (end). ddiKia. . . .avrov, much injustice was charged upon him z=z lie was accused of much injus- Mce. In the active voice dbiKia would have been the accusative, after the formula KarayopeTi/ ri nvos. Cf S. § 194. 4; Mt. §378. p. COS. — - Toiv d(^iKvovp.iv(i>v into Lacedaimon. rvpaupidos — fiiprja-i^y an Chap. XCV.] NOTES. 351 imitation of tyranny, ^ o-rpaTrjyia, rather than a military com- mand (cf. I. 94. § 1, where Pausanias is called a arpaT-qyoi). Ilaack and Poppo read t) a-Tpar-qyia^ and make it the subject of the verb. Ilaack gives as a reason, " quia aloqui subjectum huic loco aptum de- sideratur." But the subject can readily be supplied from the context. 4. /caXeicrSat . . . »/Li6raTa^aa-3ai, at the same time in which he wad recalled^ the allies through enmity of him (objective genitive) \cent over to the Athenians. Notice how a/ixa unites these propositions in respect to time. 5. rajv. . . .et^Suj/S?;, he was found guilty of the injuries privately committed against individuals (npos rim.) For the construction, cf. S. § 194. 4. ev^vu^T] — dnoXveTai. This interchange of the aorist and the historic present, imparts beauty and force to the passage, by keeping before us the continued action of the verb of acquittal, and suffering the momentary one designating the conviction of Pausanias's guilt to pass rapidly by in the aorist. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 401. 5 ; Mt. § 504, 1. ra de peytara^ in respect to the greatest charges (Mt. § 421, Ods. 2), is to be referred to Mrjdia-pos^ Medism. See N. on I. 135. § 1. pr] abLKelv. See N. on I. 10. § 1. iboKci (Tacpea-raTOP elvai (sc. TO TTpdypa)^ and the matter seemed to de most manifest {to the other Greeks), i. e. public opinion pronounced him guilty of this charge. Had his treason been as manifest to the Lacedaemonians as ' to others, there is no reason to believe that he would have escaped immediate punishment, since no leniency was shown him, when sub- sequently convicted of the same crime. 6. eKelvov. . . .apxovra shows that the term of his command had not expired, when he was recalled by the Laceda3monians. lie re- turned afterwards of his own accord to the Hellespont, but not by public authority. Cf. I. 128. § 2. A6pv = (kclvcov a, of which the antecedent is put in the genitive after dfivvaa'^ai^ to denote that on account of which the feeling of revenge arose. K. § 274. 2 ; S. § 194. 1. dr]ovvTas<, dy laying waste (see N. on I. 9. § 1), agrees with avTovs^ the omitted subject of a/xvmo-Sai. Some erroneously regard it as an accusative absolute. 2. ^EWrjvoTafitai, receivers of taxes, treasurers appointed to receive the moneys collected from the allied states, and to take charge f)f them Chai'. xcvil] notes. 353 when deposited in the treasury at Delos, and afterwards at Athens, Boeckh concludes from certain inscriptions, that their number was ten, and that, like the treasurers of the gods, they were chosen by lot, out of the pentacosiomedimni (i. e. the first class of citizens, who possessed land producing 500 medimni yearly), and that they did not enter upon their office at the beginning of the year, but after the Pan- athensea (i. e. the festival in honor of Minerva), and the first prytanea, i. e. periods of thirty-five or thirty-six days, in which the prytanes (n-pvTaveis) of each (pvXrj in turn presided in the ^ovXrj and eKKkfjaia Cf. Boeckh's Pub. Econ. Athens, pp. 176-180 ; Smith's Diet. Gr. and Eom. Antiq. p. 469. 'EXXiyi'ora/itat is in apposition with dpKrj ; lite- rally, and Tiellenotamice, the office (= the office of hellenotamim) was then first established. Cf. S. § 156. N". 2. oX idexovro, who re- ceived. These officers did not collect the tribute. After the funds were removed from Delos, they acted only as treasurers, the apodectoo (receivers) being a distinct office, Cf. Boeckh, 1. c. (^opoi/. On account of the odium which became attached to this word, it was exchanged for o-vvra^is. raXavra is in apposition with (j)6pos. ArjXoa was the place chosen for the treasury, because the temple of Delos was greatly venerated, not only by the Greeks, but also by the Barbarians, and the treasures would therefore be unmolested. at ^vvo8oi^ " the returns, contributions.^'' Pickering. I prefer with Poppo and Bloomf. (in his latest edition) to affix to it the signification, the common councils of the allies. The presence of the article is no objec- tion to this rendering, since the councils are referred to as a well known fact (S. § 167), and no place would be more likely to be selected for holding these councils, than one so secure as Delos, where also their treasures were deposited. Cf. Boeckh's Pub. Econ. Athens, p. 397. CHAPTER XCYII. Here commences the second division of the summaty of Grecian history contained In chaps. S9-11S (see general remarks, p. 838). In this chapter Thucydides, after remarking that the Athenians increased their dominion thus acquired, by carrying on war and by politi- cal management (§ 1), states the reasons why he digresses from the main history, viz. the imperfection in which the history of the time between the Persian and Peloponnesian wars had been left by his predecessors, and the immediate bearing which the increase of Athenian power had on tho declaration of war by the Lacedaemonians (§ 2). 1. avrovoficov. See N. on I. 67. § 2. to irpwrov. In process of time, as the defection of the allies or political considerations gave oc- 354 NOTES. [^BooK I casion, the Athenians became more arbitrary, and exercised authority over the alhes as over vassal states. dno koivcov ^wo^cov in com- mon assemblies, dno here denotes the mediate instrument. See N. on I. 81. § 4. Toa-dde refers to the rising power of the Athenians, which is about to be the subject of the narration. diaxfiplaei Trpayndroiv^ dy the administration of things. d refers to irpaypdroiv and not to rocrdbe as some imagine. It also embraces as a prominent idea the notion of war, from n6\ep.YO victories in one day. rag Trdaas is ras diaKoalas, in all to the nuniber of {is) two hundred. The second ras is omitted by Goeller and Haack, and bracketed by Poppo. Cf. Mt. § 268. 2. xpo'j^fi) Se va-Tcpov. This defection of the Thasians took place the next year, i. e. a. c. 465. Olymp. 78. 4. avrtiiv (S. § 197. 2) refers to the Athenians. iixnopicov. See 'N. on I. 13. § 5. tov fieraXKov' in Thrace. Reference is probably had to the gold mine in Scapte-Hyle, where Thucydides had an interest and resided during his banishment. a refers to both ifXTropicov and /leroXXou. eVe- fiovTo refers to the Thasians. vavp.axia iKparrja-av. Plutarcli (Cimon, qji. 14:) says that thirty-three of the Thasian ships were taken. 3. nep-ylraures — a>s oiKiovvres — avToi iKparqcrav — TrpoiKtovrcs. Haack finds a difficulty in this passage, inasmuch as avroX cannot refer to TTep-^avres QK^r,va1oi)^ but to the ten thousand colonists which had been sent out. He therefore thinks that nep-'^dpTcov is demanded by the construction. There is no necessity, however, inasmuch as Mat- thias (§562. ]sr,)has shown that the participle is put in the nominative, when its subject is contained in part in the principal subject, or this latter in the other. Here avroi is the principal subject, and consti- tutes a part of the whole contained in the subject of TTf/i^aj/rey (i. e. ol 'A^T]vaioi). See K on I. 49. § 4. Cf. also Xen. Anab. I. 8. § 27. VTTO Toi)s avTovs xP°^^^^t ^^out the same time. as olKiovvres^ in order to colonize. For the form of the future, cf. S. § 109. I^T. 2. *Evvia 68ovs, Nine-ways^ so called, probably, because there were nine roads leading to it. 'HdavoL The Edoni were a people of Thrace occupying the left bank of the Strymon. TrpoeXSoWes — pLca-oyeiav. Mitford conjectures that this was done, in order, by one bold and vigorous movement, to put an end to the hostilities with which they Jiad long been harassed by the Edoni ; but advancing incau- tiously into the heart of the country, and drawn perhaps into ambush by the art of the retreating enemy, they were attacked to disadvan- tage and cut off. iv Apa^rjcrKco. " With the names of places, iv ia nsed when proximity only is implied." Mt. § 577. 2. ^vfiTravrcov, i. e. with all their forces united. Poppo would read ^vfnravres, on the ground that all the Thracians, so separated and so at enmity among themselves, could hardly be expected to have united to make war upon the colony. But it was very natural, that all the Thracians of those parts should look with an unfavorable eye upon a colony plants ed in so advantageous a place as Amphipolis, and which once before, when attempted by Aristagoras of Miletus, had been defeated by the natives. Compare Arnold's note on this passage. CJhap CLl NOTES. 359 CHAPTER CI. • The Thasians iu their extremity call upon the Lacediemonians to assist them by invadmg Attica (§ 1) ; this they secretly promise to do, but are hindered by an earthquake, which furnishes occasion for the Helots to revolt (§ 2) ; the Thasiana therefore in the third year of the siege capitulate on conditions (§ 3). 1. fidxais. As only one battle has been spoken of (I. 101. § 2), Pbppo and Goeller after several MSS. are disposed to read naxn- But it is highly probable that several inconsiderable battles had been fought, which Thucydides for the sake of brevity has omitted. Bloomf. thinks that there vp'as a land engagement, after the Athenians disembarked to besiege the city. TroXiopKovfxevoi. The name of the capital thus besieged was the same as that of the island. ecr^aXouTas denotes the means. See N. on I. 9. § 1. 2. Kpv^a Tfov 'A3;;i/ata)j/, unbeknown to the Athenians. S. § 187. 4. e/ieXXoi', SC. €7Tafivvat or icr^aXelv. rov yevoyavov (xeicrfiovj the earthquake. The article is added, because the areiaubs was so great and destructive, as to be well known to all those living in the time of Thucydides (S. § 167). It was said that there were only five houses in Laceda^mon which were not thrown down, and that twenty thousand human beings perished. "But this is doubtless an exaggera- tion. eV (M, in which time^ on which. avrois = adnominal genitive. ncpio'iKav. "When the Dorians invaded Laconia, a part of the original inhabitants fled, while others placed themselves under the conquerors in a relation very similar, as Arnold observes, to that which the Saxons sustained to the Normans in the reign of "William the Conqueror. But being defeated in an attempt to regain their free- dom, they were deprived of many of the rights first granted to them, and reduced to the condition of subjects. In this abject state they continued, until at their request Augustus Ca)sar restored them to the full enjoyment of their civil rights. The word nepioiKoi is a term given to those old AchseaQ inhabitants of the soil, who dwelt in towns about Sparta, of which in round numbers there were said to be one Imndred. Cf. Hiiller's Dorians, II. p. 17, et seq. QovpLarai, the Thurians near Calamaa. The towns of Thuria and ^Ethea (AtSeety, JEtheans) were situated inland, in what had formerly been Messenia. Col. Leake (Travels in Morea, I. p. 471) conjectures that these people occupied the valleys, watered by the branches of the Bias to the south- westward of the modern Andrussa, which may possibly stand on th« 360 NOTES. [BookL site of -^thrum, this district being about the same distance from Itliome as Thuria is in the opposite direction. nXe^aroi Se rcov EiKdtiTcov K. r. X. After the Messenians had been reduced to servitude, forming as they did a considerable portion of the Helots, they gave their name to these bondmen, so that they were all called at times Messenians. rore SovXcoSe'j/rcoi', at that time ieing subjugated. Tore refers emphatically to the well-known time, when the thing spoken of took place. Steph. and Miiller conjecture nore as the true reading, but this is rejected by the best of the recent editors. Didot would construct : rap rore SouXcoSej/rcoj/ EiKaTcov. But such a trans- position is wholly unauthorized and unnecessary. 3. iv 'I3a)/X7^. Of. is 'T^cufiTjv dneo-TTjaav^ § 2 supra. Qdcnoi Be. The story is here resumed from § 1, the intermediate passage being parenthetically introduced, to show why the Lacedaemonians could furnish the Thasians no aid. — ^ — relxds re /caSeXdj/rey k. t. X. are the conditions on which the Thasians were obliged to surrender. The capitulation took place a. o. 463. Olymp. 79. 2. xRW*^"^"^ to- ^dfxfvoL = xpT]fiaTd re uTTobovvaL avTiKa ra^d^cvoL {agreeing to pay im- mediately) . ocra eSei dnobovvai. The Schol. explains oaa ebci as em- bracing the expenses incurred in the war. This is not probable, inas- much as the money was paid immediately, which could hardly have been done, if any thing besides the arrears had been demanded. CHAPTER CII. Tlie siege of Itliome being protracted, the LacediEmonians call to their aid their allies anfl the Athenians (§ 1), the latter, on account of their skill in attacking fortiQed places (§ 2) ; but becoming jealous of them the LacediEmonians dismiss them (§ 3), at which the Athenians are greatly irritated and enter into an alliance with the Argives, who are at enmity with the Lacedajmonians (§ 4). 1. The events in this chapter took place a. o. 461. Olymp. 79. 4. fiXXovs — ^v^fxdxovs^ i. e. the jEginetse, Plataenses, Mantinenses, etc. ol b\ i. e. the Athenians. TrXrj^et ovk oXiya are datives of accompaniment. S. § 206. 5 ; K. § 283. 2. b. 2. recx^^axelv — Sumroi, skilled in conducting sieves. S. § 222. 6. Toh Se\ . . .e^atVero, of this they seemed to stand in need on ac- count of the long continuance of the siege, roly Se is edited r?}? bk by Haack and Poppo, on the ground that TrokiopKias needs the article. But is not roTs Se necessary to denote a change of the subject, which Chjlp. CIL] NOTES. 361 in the preceding clause was the Athenians ? tovtov i. e. tov ret- XOfiax^lv. Supply rrpdyixara with ev8ea. /3ta. . . .;;^a)pioi/, Jbr (otherwise) they could have talcen the place ly force. Haack most strangely refers fVkov to the Athenians, and places j3ta in antithesis with aTropla or Xi/lioj, denoting the other mode of taking a city. 3. cj)avepa eyevero, hecame opei\ undisguised. ^[a ovx r)XlcTKeTo. The unsuccessful attempt to take the place by assault, no doubt con- tributed to bring to an open rupture two states of such different habits and tastes, that they could not come in contact without being dis- pleased if not disgusted with each other. vecoTepoirouau, fondness for innovations, revolutionary spirit. See N. on I. TO. § 2. Bloomf. thinks that a plan is here alluded to, of taking part with the Helots, and restoring Messenia to its independence. d\Xo(Pii\ovs (see N. on I. 2. § 4). The Athenians were of the Ionic, the Lacedsomonians of the Doric race. " The ties of race were, in that unsettled state of society in Greece, stronger than those of alliance." Bloomf. fjLovovs tS)u ^viifidxcav. It increased the indignation of the Athenians, that they alone of the allies were sent away. ov8ev — eVt, no longer. The position of en gives it great emphasis. avratv. S. § 200. 3. The conduct of the Lacedssmonians in this affair, does not appear in a very favorable light. They seized the occasion of a failure to carry the place by storm, to turn the siege into a blockade, and thus gave a color to their dismissal of the Athenians, by announcing that they had no further need of them. 4. eyvoiaav — aTTOTre/xTrojuei'oi, they perceived that they were sent away (see N". on I. 25. § 1). The participle takes the nominative form, be- cause its subject is the same as that of the principal verb. Cf. S. § 225. 7. ovK. . . .Xoyo), not for any good reason, as we say, not with the lest intention. Arnold, however, takes the expression in a less playful sense, and renders it : not upon the more creditable reason that was assigned. So Haack and Goeller also interpret. eVi here denotes counsel or purpose. K. § 296. II. 3. c. For the use of the comparative, cf. Mt. § 457 ; S. § 159. 3. nvos vtvotvtov yevo^ievov denotes the cause. S. § 226. beivov Tronja-dixevot, esteeming it had usage, tahing it as an affront. tovto na'^elv, to receive such treatment. eV- In eVi r« MijSo) is used in a hostile sense, against. K. § 296. II. 3. d. Cf. III. 63. § 2. TTpos avrovs depends on ^vp.p.axiav. iKeivcop refers to the Lacedaemonians. olavroi, the same (S. § 160. 5) a3 the oaths with which the treaty with the Argives had been ratified. 16 362 NOTES. [Book! CHAPTER CIII. In the tenth year of the siege Ithome is snrrendered on the condition that its defenders shall leave Lacedijemon and never set foot in it again (§ 1); the Lacedaemonians are inclined to this leniency from a response, which they had received aforetime from the Pythian oracle (§ 2) ; the vanquished Helots are received by the Athenians, and settled at Naupactus (§ 3) ; the Megareans forsake the Lacedaemonian alliance, and come over to the Athenians by whom their city is fortified and garrisoned (§ 4). 1. SfKaro) eret, i. e. A. 0. 455. Olymp. Si. 2. The order of events is not strictly pursued in this summary, otherwise this termination of the siege would have been related at tlie beginning of chap. 111. This anticipiition makes the narration clearer, by grouping togetlier all the events and incidents pertaining to the siege and capture of Ithome. The length of the siege shows, that either the Lacediemoni- ans were very unskilful in conducting it (see I. 102, § 2), or that the place was by nature quite impregnable. €(fi a re (generally fol- lowed by the infinitive. Cf. Jelf 's Kuhn. § 805. 2 ; Mt. § 479. a), on condition that. The antecedent is eVi tovtco implied in the preceding clause. Cf. K. § 341. E. 5. e^iaatv has the future signification (S. § 211. N. 4). The Schol. calls this use of the future after €<^' w, an idiom of Thucydides. But cf. Jelf's Kiihn. 1. c, where examples of the same usage are cited from Herodotus. im^rjcrovTai avrrjs. This genitive may be referred to S. § 192. 1. 2. /cat, also^ implies that there were other reasons, to which that derived from the Pythian oracle was added, why the Helots were sufiered to depart on these terms. 7rp6 rov. See N. on I. 32. § 4. Tov Alos tov 'l^cofiTjTa. The mountain-fortress in which the Messenians made their last stand for freedom, is said to have derived its name from Ithome, one of the nymphs who nourished Jupiter. On the summit of the mountain was a temple dedicated to Jupiter Itho- matas. a^icVat, to dismiss^ to let go. I cannot find any instance where this word is used in the sense of to manumit^ Avhich Bloomf. affixes to it. 3. KaT tx^os rjbrj to AaKe^aifiovicov^ through hatred now to the Lacedmmonians. The genitive is here objective, as in bia to Ilouo-a- viov fxia-os (I. 96. § 1), and bia to e'x'^os 'A'^rjvaicov (II. 11. § 2). Cf. III. 101. § 2 ; IV. 1. § 2 ; YII. 5T. § 7. NavTra/croi/, N'aupactiui, now Lepanto^ was situated on the Sinus Corinthiacus, north-east of Antir- rhium. Its commanding position showed with what sagacity the Athenians selected places for their colonies and those of their allies. Chap. CIV.] NOTES. 363 In the Peloponnesian war, this Messenian colony jepuid with interest the wrongs which they had suffered at the hands of the Lacedaemoni- ans. Cf. II. 90. §§ 4-6. AoKpav tS)v 'O^oXwi/, the Ozelian Locri' ans^ one of the divisions of the Locrians in Greece, or perhaps a colony of the eastern Locrians, since Homer makes no mention of the Ozolae. In the Peloponnesian war they sided with the Athenians, partly through hatred of the -^tolians, and partly because the Athe- nians had possession of their principal town and harbor. 4 rrpoaexaypw^^ ^^ '^"'^ Meyaprjs. Thucydides no^ returns to the narrative of events in their proper series (see N. on § 1 supra). Me- gara united with the Athenian confederacy, according to Mtiller (Chron. Tab. Dorians, II. p. 464), a. o. 461, or six years before the reduction of Ithome. Another chronologist fixes the date at a. o. 464, which is undoubtedly too early. Trepl Kare^xov. The Megare- ans and Corinthians were engaged almost continually in border hos- tilities. ra fiOKpa t€lx>] — drro rrjs noXecos es l^iaraiav. These walls connected Megara with the port of Nisasa on the Sinus Saronicus, and were eight stadia in length (cf. IV. 66. § 4), or eighteen stadia accord- ing to Strabo (391). Meyapevo-i, for the Megareans^ is the dat. commodi. ovx .... rjp^aro^ from which in no small degree that violent hatred degan. The Corinthians avowed their displeasure at this transaction, in their speech to the Athenians (I. 42. § 2), and the war spoken of in I. 105, owed its origin to the same cause. CHAPTER CIV. Inarus having revolted from the king of Persia calls to his aid the Athenians, who happoi at that time to be laying siege to Cyprus ; these sailing up the Nile to Memphis, posses themselves of two parts of the town and besiege the third (§§ 1, 2). 1. Tcov TTpos AiyvTrro), those hordering on Egypt. These Libyaii tribes occupied the district of country west of Egypt, probably what was afterwards called Libya Marraorica. oppafievos €k Mapelay. See N". on I. 64. § 2. Marea was situated on the western part of the narrow strip of land, separating Lake Mareotis from the sea. I find that it is placed by Kiepert on the inland shore of the south-western part of that lake. Thus commencing hostilities at the western ex- tremity of the Delta, Inarus extended them eastward until all Egypt was engaged in the revolt. According to Diodorus (XI. 71), this. 364 NOTES. [BookL defection of luarus took place a. c. 461, and it was one year after- wards that he called in the Athenians. vwefj ^dpov^ oxe?' against Pharos. This was a small island in front of Alexandria, on which stood the celebrated lighthouse. 'Apra^ep^ov, i. e. Artaxerxes Longimanus. Bekker reads ^Apro^ep^ov. apxcav of the Egyptians. eVj/yayero, called in as allies. 3. ervxov Iv/xpa^coj/ is a parenthesis (and so marked in some editions), thro-\vn in to show the proximity of the Athenian ships to the scene of operations in Egypt. rjX^iov to Egypt. dTroXnrov- Tfs Trjv KvTT pov. Ealeigh censures them for leaving Cyprus, while Mitford justifies them for the act. dva7r\evcravT€s — is tov NeiXoi/, sailing ii'p the Nile. rov re Trorap-oi', i. e. the parts bordering on the river, viz. the Delta. kcli r^y. . . .pepav. This was probably preceded by the great battle recorded by Ctesias and Diodorus, in which the Persians were defeated, and Achaemenes the brother of king Artaxerxes fell by the hand of Inarus. Acvkov relx^s^ t^^ White Fortress. The Schol. says that it was so called, to distinguish it from the other two fortified places which were built of brick. It was probably the head-quarters of the Persian army in Egypt, which amounted in the time of Herodotus to 120,000 men. Hepaoav koX Mi^So)!/. This distinction is rather singular, as these people had long before become one. By the Greek writers, as Poppo observes, they are very frequently called Medes alone, as in MjySi/coy jroXf/ios, pr]bi- ^fij/, prjdLcrpos^ etc. 1/ CHx^PTER CV. m a sea-fight ^vith the Corinthians and Epidamnians, the Athenians are defeated, bnt ia a subsequent one fought near Cecryphalela are victorious (§ 1) ; they also conquer the JSginetae in a great naval engagement, and having landed upon tlie island lay siege to the city (§ 2) ; in order to make a diversion in favor of the city, the Corinthians take posses- sion of the heights of Geranea and invade the Megarean territory, supposing that no assistance could be furnished by the Athenians, unless they raised the siege of -Xia (see N. on 1. 105. § 7), was the one here spoken of. J depends on ervx^v = ervx^v op. Jelf constructs it as a local dative, and refers it to § 605 of his edition of Kuhner. Trepielpyov (sc. avro referring to X^fapiop, enclosed it all around. Chap. CYIL] NOTES. 367 2. Kara irpoaconov^ in front^ i. e. at the entrance of the field. The hoplites were stationed here, because it was the only place where those hemmed in could escape. KareXeva-av, stoned to death. This was done by the slingers, who constituted a considerable portion of the light-armed. Bloomf. remarks that the Athenians afterwards tasted the bitter fruits of this unsparing cruelty. avrols stands for the adnominal genitive. Kiihner (Jelf s edit. § 597) ranks this with the dat. commodi, the thing possessed being conceived of as being for the owner's benefit. CHAPTER CVII. The Athenians begin to build the Long Walls (§ 1) ; the Lacedaemonians and their allies having gone to assist the Dorians against the Phocians, their return home is impeded by the Athenians (§§ 2, 3) ; whereupon they resolve to remain in Boeotia and watch their opportunity to return home, being privately importuned also by certain Athenians, to assist in abolishing democracy in their city, and to put a stop to the erection of the Long Walls (§ 4) ; the Athenians and their allies sally forth against thPem, partly on the supposition that they would be embarrassed in effecting a return home, and partly through apprehension of their intrigues to put down democracy (§§ 5, 6) ; some Thessa- lian horse join the Athenians, who, however, desert them in the time of action (§ 7). 1. ^p^avTo — otKoSo/AtTi/. The infinitive follows apx^cr^iai, when the notion of the dependent verb is only in intention not in act ; but the participle, when it is actually begun. Of. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 688. Obs. Kara rovs xp^^^^s tovtovs, in these times, i. e. in the time of these occurrences which have just been related. to re ^aXrjpovSe. See K on II. 13. § 7. 2. p.7]Tp67r6kiv is in apposition with Ampias (== Aoopida. Mt. § 429. 2), as are also BotoV, Kvtlvov, and 'Epti/foV, showing its parts or divi- sions (Mt. § 432. 3). NLKop,rj8ovs is to be constructed with rj-yovne- vov. Nicomedes is supposed to have been the uncle of Pleistoanax and brother of Pausanias, for Oleombrotus is often mentioned as the father of Pausanias. Dukas makes Leonidas to have been a brother to Nicomedes and Pausanias. But he was a son of Anaxandrides and brother (some say twin-brother) to Oleombrotus. vnep TiXeKTTodva- KTos, in the stead of Pleistoanax. Nicomedes was tutor of the young king, and acted as regent. ^aaiXecos is referred by most commen- tators to Pleistoanax, since Pausanias was only regent, although called king (as he virtually was) by Demosthenes, Aristotle, Plutarch, etc. It is written in I. 114. § 2 with equal ambiguity, ILXeiaroduaKTos rov Havaaulov /SacriXecos AaK€datp.ovlcou r}yovp,ivov. —— veov ovtos crt, &e- ing yet a youth. i^oipna-av rot? Aco/jteOo-ti'. Miiller fixes the date 368 NOTES. [Book! of this expedition at a. o. 457. Olymp. 80. 4, and very correctly sup- poses that they returned the following year. eavrSiv^ of their own. oTrkirais is the dative of accompaniment (S. § 206. 5). onoXoyia^ on terms of surrender. 8. Kara ^aXaa-aav^ iy sea. ei ^ovXolvto — efxeXKov. There is an ellipsis of av in the apodosis, that x)article being seldom added to the verb fieWco. Kptaalov koXttou, the Criscean gulf This bay was south of Phocis, and belonged to the Sinus Corinthiacus to which it sometimes gave its name. TrepaioCo-Sat on their way home. TrepnrXeva-avres, having sailed around Peloponnesus. This they would be under the necessity of doing, in order to enter the Corinthian gulf. Meyapa Koi Urjyds. Cf. 1. 103. § 4. Suo-oSoy, transitu difficilis. yap introduces as the reason why it would be unsafe to go by Geranea, that the Athenians had possession of Megara and Pegaa. Tore^ i. e. at the time when they were wishing to return. lyo-Sai/oin-o — p.eXKovTas. See N. on I. 26. § 3. ravrrj^ there^ i. e, in the defiles of Geranea, through which lay the road to Lacedasmon by the way of the Isthmus. 4. tbo^£ — oro) TpoTva — diairopevcrovTai. Notice the change from the oblique to the direct discourse, the action belonging to the past being transferred to the present time of the speaker. Cf. K. § 345. 5. BoioTols. Boeotia lay west of Phocis, and in this state the Lacede- monians took up their quarters and spent the winter. to de n KUL, ^'•partim etiam.^^ Bauer. ikrricravTcs olKo8op.ovfxeva^ hoping to put down democracy and put a stop to huilding the Long Walls. The student will notice the dilogia in KaTaTravo-eiv. See N. on I. 26. § 3. The popular leaders, who were aiming to secure for Athens the sovereignty of the sea, urged the erection of the Long Walls as a measure most beneficial to the state. As a project, therefore, of the democratical party, and as rendering Athens independent of the Lace- daemonians, the building of these walls was opposed by the aristocracy. 5. iravdrjfjLcL " Haud dubie qui militari erant a^tate ; hos enim paulo post tredecim millia Athenis eflTecisse 11. 13. cognoscemus." Poppo. 'Apyeicoi/ ;!(iXioi. Cf. I. 102. § 4. a>s eKao-roi (so ^XSoi/), '•'■singuli pro rata parte.'''' Poppo. See N. on L 3. § 5. ^vfjLiravres, i. e. the Athenians and their allies. Mitford says that with the cavalry and the attending slaves, the whole number could be scarcely less than 80,000 men, 6. vofiia-avres, hecause they thought. See 1^. on I. 9. § 4. dieX- Scoo-tv in their return home. kqi ti kui, and partly. Didot reads Kairoi Kai. rov drjuov KaToKva-eojSf of the subversion of the demo- vacy (cf. § 4 supra). Notice the chaugo of construction from vofii* Chap. CVin.] ' NOTES. 369 aavres^ with which Poppo compares Sxrre fxfjri aTreipia — vofiia-avra^ I. 80. § 1. 7. iTnrrjs. Attic for tTrTreis-. Kara ro ^vfXfxaxKop, according tQ the treaty of alliance. Cf. I. 102. §4. ixereaTrjorav = ixeTerd^avro^ changed sides (see N. on II. 67. § 1). Bloomf. ev rco epya (at Tanagra). See N. on I. 105. § 6. CHAPTER CVIII. The Athenians and Lacedaemonians come to an engagement at Tanagra, in which the latter come oflf victorious (§ 1), after Avhich they return homo by the way of Geranea and tho Isthmus. The Athenians afterwards invade and conquer Boeotia, and throw down tlio walls of Tanagra (§§ 2, 3) ; the ^ginetse surrender to the Athenians on conditions (§ 4), after which the Athenians cruise around the Peloponnesian coast, burn tho dock of the Lacedfemonians, take Chalcis, and defeat the Sicyonians (§ 5). 1. ficixv^- According to Diod. this battle lasted two days, no de- cided advantage being gained by either party. It is evident, however, that the fruit of victory was enjoyed by the Laced£emonians, inasmuch as they returned unimpeded to their home. €v= in the mcinity of. The city of Tanagra was situated on a lofty and rugged eminence, on the north bank of the Asopus near the junction of the Thermodon (cf. Kiepert's Map of Boeotia), and was remarkable for the thrift and orderly character of its inhabitants. Cf. Cramer's Greece, II. pp. 267-269. 2. dev8poToixr](ravT€s. This was a common method of inflicting injury upon a hostile territory. Cf. Xen. Anab. I. 4. § 10. The trees selected to be cut down or girdled, were doubtless such as bore fruit, or served for shade or ornament. ttoXlv diri^X^ov eV oXkov (see N. on I. 30. § 2). Diod. says that a truce of four months was entered upon after the battle, which is highly probable, as in no other way can we account for the unimpeded passage of the Lacedasmonians over Geranea, 3. OlvocfivTOLs^ (Enophyta^ "was not a town but a plot of gi'ound forming one farm, planted with olive-trees." Bloomf. The reason why the Boeotians were thus invaded, was the assistance which they had rendered the Lacedeemonians in the battle at Tanagra (cf. koI oi ^ufifiaxoi^ § 1 supra). rrjs Boicorias except Thebes. Cf. III. 62. nepielXov, demolished all around^ or rather, demolished the wall which was around the city. Cf. Liddell and Scott sub voce. Bloomf. renders the word, dismantled^ viz. by removing the battlements of the wall, and lowering it to a height practicable to be scaled by an invad- 370 KOTES. • [BooKl ing force. AoKpa>v — eXa^ov. Afterwards Myronides, aciiording to Diodorus, penetrated into Thessaly to punish that people for their de- sertion in the battle of Tanagra, but failing in his attempt upon the town of Pharsalia, he returned to Athens. But compare I. 111. § 1 (on which see jSTote), where it appears that the Thessalian expedition was later, probably a. o. 454. rd re. . . .eneTeXeo-av. "When two or more attributives are joined to a substantive, each of which has a peculiar force, the article is used with each. This is more rare when the attributives follow the substantive." Jelf 's Kiihn. § 459. 5. As the foundations of these walls were laid by Ciraon, when the spoils of the victory of the Eurymedon were applied by the Athenians to the im- provement of the city, and as Cimon, after a banishment of five years, was recalled (a. o. 456) the same year in which the two walls were finished, Col. Leake (Athens, I. p. 425) thinks that the year 462 is the latest to which the commencement of the walls can be ascribed. If so, the words Kara tovs xpovovs tovtovs (I. 107. § 1) must be received with some latitude. 4. a)ix6X6yr](Tav Se KoL AlyivrjTai after they had stood a siege of nine months. Miiller fixes the date of this event, a. c. 457, but I pre- fer with other chronologists to assign to it the date of a. c. 456. nepLeXovres (see N". on nepielXov^ § 3 supra), Trapabovres^ and ra^cipe- voL denote the conditions on which the capitulation was made. 5. wepunXeva-av. This cruise took place the next year after tlie surrender of ^gina, i. e. a. o. 455. Olymp. 81. 2. to veapiov refers to the naval arsenal or docks at Gytheum. XaX/ct'Sa, Chalcis in ^tolia which was a Corinthian colony. diro^daei, rris yrjs = aTTOjSdo-ei eVi rrjs yrjs. the genitive being objective and supplying the place of the preposition and its case. CHAPTER GIX. The Persians having been vanquished in Egypt by the Athenians and their allies, Arta- xerxes sends Megabazus to Lacedsemon inviting that people to create a diversion by in- vading Attica (§§ 1, 2) ; but being unsuccessful in his mission he returns to Asia, where- upon the king despatches a largo force to Memphis, by which the Egyptians and their allies are defeated, and the Greeks shut up in the island of Prosopis, where after hold- ing out for ono and a half years, they are finally overcome by the Persians (§§ 3, 4). 1. The narration of the Egyptian war is here resumed from I. 104. avTOLs. . . . KaT€(TTr](rav = carried on the war with Darioics incidents^ I. e. various and diverse fortunes befell them in the prosecution of the war. These are narrated by Diod. Sic. XI. 77. OiiAP. CIX.] ^ NOTES. 371 2. TO fiiv yap itpaTov^ for in the first place, yap is epexegei;ical, i. e. it serves to explain ttoXXoI Ibeac 7roXep.a>v in the preceding section. eKpdrovv refers to the victory spoken of in I. 104. § 2. ^acrt- Xeyy, i. e. Artaxerxes Longimanus. Meya^aCov. Smith thinks that this may be the same person with the one of that name, who held a command in the fleet of Xerxes. Cf. Herod. YII. 97. fivdpa Ueparjv. This is not to be considered as an appellation of rank or dignity, but rather as serving to distinguish the person here spoken of, from Megabyzus the son of Zopyrus, a Persian, who was sent as commander of the army in Egypt (cf. § 3 infra). This is rendered probable by the fact that Meyafta^os and MeydlBv^os are so interming- led in Herodotus, Otesias, and other writers, that it is quite certain they are only different forms of the same name. The use of this ap- pellation may be seen in a form of expression like the following : a Persia?! dy the name of Megabazus — another Persian also of the name of Megabyzus (the same name as the preceding although slightly varied in form) the son of Zopyrus (cf. § 3). ottcos is used here in its telic sense. See N. on I. 65. § 1. TretcrSieVrcoi' twv lickonovvr]- cricov denotes the means. 3. 0)9 7rpot/x<»pet, iut when he met with no success; literally, when tilings (Trpdyfiara supplied from the context. K. § 238. K. 3. c) did not turn out well for him. aXXcoy, otherwise (than to advan- tage) = in vain. dvaXovro. For the omission of the augment, see K. § 122. 1. Mey d^vCov. As this general was one of the com- manders of the laud forces of Xerxes, when he invaded Greece, and also commanded the army which was defeated by Cimon on the Eu- rymedon, he must have been at this time somewhat advanced in years and have had much military experience. Zanvpov^ Zopyrus. He was the one through whose self-devotion Babylon was taken by Darius. Of. Herod. HI. 160. arpaTids TrokXrjs. Diodorus says that the num- ber was 300,000 ; Otesias, 200,000. The latter author, however, adds the troops which remained in Egypt, thus making a total of 500,000 men. According to Diodorus, a fleet of 300 ships accompanied them. 4. Tovs ^vfiiMaxovs^ i. e. the Athenians. ILpocrcoTririda. The island Prosopis was formed probably by two branches of the Nile, or perhaps as Bloomf. thinks, by the Nile and a wide and deep canal. The Schol. says that it is the same as that called- Nicion. p.7]vas €|, i. e. e| fxrjvas. H-^XP'' ^^■) '^^ti^- rfjv dicapvxa in which lay the Athenian triremes. "XXn, another tcay, in another direction. rds re. . . .eiroirja-e^ he caused the ships to ground. ttc^^ is to ;.. he constructed with dia^ds. 872 NOTES [Book! CHAPTER ex. A small remnajt only of tbe Greeks escape from Egypt, •which country again passes under the dominio:i of the Persians (§§ 1, 2) ; Inarus is treacherously taken and crucified (§ 3) ; fifty Athenian triremes having come to the relief of the fleet in Egypt, are attacked by the Persians and most of them destroyed (§ 4), and thus terminates the Egyptian expe- dition (§ 5). 1. TToXeixTja-avra belongs in sense to 'EXkrjvcov^ but in grammatical form to Trpdyfiara, "wbich is the principal "word in the periphrasis to, rcbv ''EXKT]va)P Trpdyfiara. oKiyoi. . . .icra'^rjaav. Diod. savs that the Persians, through admiration of the valor of the Athenians, al- lowed them to evacuate Egypt and return home unmolested. But this is hardly reconcilable with the closing words of the preceding chapter (elXe ttjv vrjaov), and then, as Bloomf. inquires, why did they not leave Egypt by the way of the Mle, if they were suffered to de- part in peace ? Kvprjvrjv^ Gyrene. This was a flourishing city of Libya Cyrenaica, situated a few miles from the Mediterranean coast, directly opposite Greece. In making this retreat (which was a kind of archetype of the Anabasis), the Greeks unquestionably took the route by Parsetonium, and so along the •sea-coast, where were numer- ous Greek settlements. 2. 'A/ivprai'ov. This Amyrtceus must not be confounded with the Saite of the same name, who revolted from the Persians in the reign of Darius ISTothus, as that event took place a. o. 414, or upwards of forty years after the termination of the revolt here spoken of. This Amyrtaeus, according to Herodotus, was reduced to submission by the Persians, and his son Pausiris suffered to reign over the fen district of the Delta, by their favor ; whereas the AmyrtfBus who revolted from Darius is'othus, was succeeded by four successive kings, nor did tho Persians recover their ascendency over the country, until the reign of Ochus, nearly sixty years afterwards. Cf. Arnold's note on this pas- sage, to which I am indebted for the substance of these remarks. In Smith's Diet. Gr. and Eom. Biog. and MythoL, there is mention made of only one Amyrtaeus who revolted, and he is said to have reigned in the marshy districts from the time of his revolt from Artaxerxes, until about A. c. 414, when the Egyptians expelled the Persians, and Amyr- ti^ius reigned over Egypt six years, being the only king of the twenty- eighth dynasty. eXecrt, loio grounds^ marshes^ lying between the Canopic and the Tanitic mouths of the Nile, and comprising the most of what was called the Delta. Ka\ afxa eXeiot is a varied con- struction for Koi apa 8ui to jxaxip-oirdTovs eiuai twv AlyvTma>v rovf ikiiovs demanded by the preceding member. Chap. CXI.] NOTES. 373 3. TTpo^oaia \T](j)?i€Ls. According to Ctesias (c. 84), he made an agreement with Megabyzns to surrender 6^'

vyd8es. Pausanias says, that Tolmidea had previously led Athenian settlers into Eubcea, at which time proba- bly these exiles left their country. avTrjs yi/co/x?;? ^o-ai/, were of the same mind (cf. K. § 273. 2; S. § 190). yvdifxrjs refers to the feeling of hostility towards the Athenians. rovs fieu hu'^€i,pav. Among the slain were Tolmides the leader of the expedition, and Clinias the father of Alcibiades. tovs de (avras eXa^ou. The desire to re- deem these prisoners, may have had some influence in disposing the Athenians to withdraw from Boeotia, and make no further attempts to subjugate it. 3. €0' u Se 2a- ulav, the Samian exiles^ inasmuch as they were those ot ecjivyop is ttjv fJTieLpov. iv Tjj TToXei of the Samians. toIs SuvarcoTarois, i, e. the aristocratical party. 6s elxe 2apSet? roVe. Pissuthnes is call- ed satrap by Diod. iniKovpovs. Bloomf. thinks that these were mercenaries sent by Pissuthnes, but paid by the Samian exiles. bii^-qo-av refers to the subject contained in rwv 8e 'Zap.iav. vtto vvKxa in order to conceal their movements. 5. rw br)p.(o inave(rTr](rav, they rose up against the democratical party. iKparrjcrav twv irXelaTdiV. Diod. sa^'S pablios iKparrjcrav rrjs 2a/iov, Ka\ rovs dvrnrpaTTOirras avrois i^i^aXov e< rrjs noXeoos. iKKXiyjravTfs^ bringing away 'by stratagem^ removing by stealth. anicrrqo-av., SC. t5>v 'A?ir}vaicov. rovs . . . .crc^icnv^ i.e. the officers having command of the garrison. eVt. . . .arpaTeveiv in order to put down democracy in that city also. Bv^dvrLoi. Byzantium fell under the Athenian control, after the Lacedaemonians retired from the command of the-allies (cf. I. 96. § 1), but still retained its Doric customs and laws, and hence its readiness to unite in the support of the aristocratical form of government. Chap. CXVI] NOTES. 381 CHAPTER CXVI. The Athenians sail to Samos with 60 ships, sixteen of which being detached from tte fleet with the remainder they obtain a victory over the Samian fleet consisting of 70 shipa (§1); afterwards being reinforced by 40 ships from Athens, and 25 from Lesbos an Chios, they malie a descent upon Samos, and invest the city with a triple wall and block- ade it by sea (§ 2) ; Pericles taking 60 ships from the blockading fleet sails for the Carian coast, having received intelligence of the approach of the Phoenician fleet (§ 3). 1. fVt 2a/xou. See N. on I. 30. § 2. is TrpoaKonrjv, foT a re- connoitering. TrepiayyeXXouo-ai. Repeat ervxov olxofxevai from the preceding clause. The present participle instead of the future is some- times put after verbs of motion, when the action of the participle is contemporaneous with that of the finite verb. Of. Mt. § 566. 6; S. § 225. 5. nepiayyeWovo-ai corresponds to es TrpoaKonrjv in the first 'nember. TlepiKXeovs SeKarov (rTparrjyovvTos (see N. on I. 46. § 2). j.^mong these was Sophocles the tragic poet. Cf. MiiU. Lit. Anc. Greece, p. 338. Tpayta, Tragia^ an island near Lesbos, and prob- ably so called from having once abounded in goats. arpaTLcoTibes^ military transports^ employed solely for the purpose of conveying troops from one place to another, and from their inefficiency never used in battle, except in emergencies. Cf; Smith's Diet. Gr. and Rom. Antiq. p. 878. 2. Xiav. . . .e'lKOcri. See at 8'. . . .j8or;3etj/, § 1 SUpra. relx^ai. I am disposed to explain this, fortijications^ forts, since it is hardly conceivable that the Athenians threw up these walls all around tho city, when two would have answered all the purposes of circumvalla- tion and contravallation. So the Schol. explains reixfo-i by Teixia-fxaai. 3. dno rSiv ic{}oppovcra>v, from the hlockading squadron. The parti- tive genitive is here defined more distinctly by otto. Cf. Mt. § 822. Ohs. 1. This use of the preposition is however quite rare. eVi . . . .Kapt'as-, towards Caunus and Carta, "towards Caunus as the spot where he especially expected to fall in with the enemy ; but also to- wards Caria generally, because he could not be certain at what par- ticular place he might find them." Arnold. iaayy^k'^lvraiv (so, Tav Trpayp-dTcav), information deing received. See N. on I. 74. § 1 (init.). ^TTja-ayopas. This was a Samian, which fact furnishes a key to the sentence. eVl ras ^oivla-a-as, for the Phoenician fleet, i. e. to bring it to the assistance of the Samians. The preposition here de- notes purpose, design. Cf. K. § 296. IIL 3. a. 382 NOTiiS. [Book 1 CHAPTER CXVII. la the absence of tliis part of the blockading fleet, the Samians make a snccessfal sally, and remain masters of their own seas for fourteen days (§ 1) ; but Pericles returning and a fresh reinforcement arriving from Athens, they agaiu suffer a blockade (§ 2), and in th ninth month are forced to surrender and give up their fleet to the Athenians (§ 3). 1. iv Tovra, at this time^ i. e. during the absence of Pericles (1. 116. 8). eKTvKovv from their port. d(f>pdKTco ra oTpaToirehco^ the unguarded camp^ refers to the naval camp pitched on the shore in front of the ships which were drawn up on the land. This camp was usually fortified, but seems here to have been left unguarded. The consequence was, as Arnold justly remarks, that when the look-out ships were taken, the enemy landed and attacked the ships drawn up on the shore, without being opposed by any artificial defence. rds T€ 7rpo(})v\aKLdas vavs^ the guard-ships, i. e. vessels moored at a distance from the main fleet, and ready manned to check any sudden attack, until the other ships could be launched and prepared for action. Arnold remarks that " when the look-out ships were taken, the Athenians had no other resource but to launch their ships in haste, and endeavor to meet them before they could land ; and this being done in confusion, and the ships being launched and brought into action separately and in small^ parties, they were successively over- powered and defeated." rrjs koS' iavrovs, that which was near tf them = neighdoring. icreKOfitaavro koL e^eKofiiaaPTo, i. e. they had in respect to their port, free ingress and egress. 2. eX'iovTos be UepiicKeovs. Cf. I. 116. § 3. QovKv^ldov. Kot Thucydides the historian, but the son of Milesias and rival of Pericles. 3. vavfiaxiav fiev riva ^pax^lav. "Perliaps that in which Aristot. ap. Plut. says Fericles was defeated." Bloomf. e^enoXiopKrj^ijaav, were taTcen. It is said by Diod. that Pericles reduced this place by means of battering rams and other warlike machines, which he first invented and used. It is generally conceded, however, that Artemon of Clazomena) was the inventor of these warlike machines. Bloomf. thinks that the city was taken by famine, and that Pericles employed his leisure time in making experiments upon military machines, and that thus the story of his invention of these, and his taking the city by means of them, took its rise. xpht^^"^^ "^^ ai/aXcoSeVra, amounting, according to Diodorus, to 200 talents. But this estimate must have been far too small, since the greater part of the time, there were era Chap. CXVIIL] ^ NOTES. 383 ployed accordiug to this account of Thucydides not less than 199 tri remes ; and Isocrates (de Antidosi, p. 69) and Nepos (Timoth. 1) say that 1200 talents were expended on this war. kuto. xpovovs, at stated times. The plural is used with certain abstracts considered in the plurality of their parts. K. § 243. 3 (3). Kara is here used dis- tributively. K. § 292. II. 3. d. CHAPTER CXVIII. The rising power of tlie Atlienians remained nnchecked by the Lacedaemonians, partly on account of their natural slowness of action, and partly on account of their domestic dis- sensions (§§ 1, 2) ; after they decide that the treaty is broken, they consult the Delphic oracle from which they receive a favorable response (§ 3). 1. The thread of the history is now resumed from I. 88. ov noX- Xots erea-iv (S. § 204). The thirty years' truce was entered upon a. c. 445 ; and the dispute between the Corinthians and Corcyrasans arose A. c. 436. This would make it about four years after the reduction of Samos that the events (rd re KepKvpa'iKo) narrated in chaps. 24-55, took place, and eight years before the Potidaean war (chaps. 66-66). oa-a irpoipacns. The Schol. says that reference is had to the pro- fanity of Cylon (I. 126), and the treason of Pausanias (I. 128 et seq.). 2. ravra. . . .'^EWtjvrjs — iyevero^ l)ut all these things which the Greeks did — toolc place. iv off, i. e. in the fifty years. /na- Xiora. See N. on I. 54. § 2. iyKparea-Tepav Karea-TrjaravTo^ had es- tablished more firmly. avro\ Sumjuew?, they themselves had reached a high degree of power = had 'become very poicerful. For the construction of eVl p.iya — hvvaixeoas^ see N". on is tovto dvdyKtjs, I. 49. § 7. atVSo'/iei/oi, although they perceived (see N. on I. 7. § 1) the increase of Athenian power. ouVe — re, neque — et^ not — and. K. § 321. 2. d. ei p.r] iivX ^paxv-, except for a short time^ '-'-for short intervals.'''' Bloomf. — *^ rb nXeov tov xpdvov. " Magis Thucydideum videtur t6v nXeova sen irXect) rov xpdvov. Nostrum tamen non falsum." Poppo. Cf. m. § 442. 3. 7rp6 rov. See K on I. 32. § 4. ufj raxels (cf. Mt. § 608. 5. e) i? defined by Uvai is rovf TroXepovs^ not hasty to go^ etc. ovres taxes the time of r](TvxaCov (S. § 211. 1), and hence is followed by dvayKd^oivro in the optative (S. § 212. 3). which here denotes indefinite frequency (see N. on I. 49. § 3), except when they were compelled ly necessity. to i^eipyopevoi^ arid in 384 NOTES. . [Book! some measure leing pre'cented ly wars at Jiome. One of these domes- tic wars was the Messenian (I. 101-103), and that carried on with tho Arcadians. Cf. Miill. Dorians, I. p. 212. %p\v S77, until at length (Jelf' s Kiihn. § 720. 2. d), is to be constructed after i]a-vxaCov. . . .xP^' vov, the words ovres e^eipyofxevoL being parenthetic. ttjs |u/i- fiaxias = raiv ^vfifxaxcov, the abstract being put for the concrete. Cf. Mt. § 429. 1. avTci)V = 'A'ir]vaici>v. ovKeri dvatrx^Tov iiroiovvro^ they thought it no longer endurable. imx^Lprjrea. We should have ex pected the singular, but cf. Mt. §443. 1. After emxeiprjTea elvai supply avTols referring to the Athenians, that they should de taTcen in hand = should go to war with them. koX Ka^aiperia tj Icrxvs, and that their power must he put down. dpapivots depends on avrois un- derstood, which pronoun depends on edoKci and refers to the Lacedae- monians. 3. buyvoiOTo {it was decided) cnrovbas. Cf. I. 87. §§ 2, 4, . et (sc. avTois) TroXefiovcriv afietvov ea-rai^ whether it would be for their advantage to go to war. The participle is used as a complement after certain expressions (mostly impersonal), e. g. it is Jit, useful, projlta- Me, good, etc., although the infinitive might be employed with equal correctness. Cf. K. § 310. 4. i ; Mt. § 555. Ohs. 2. apieivop has the force of the positive. See N. on ;(6ipous', I. 95. § 7. Kara Kpdros, with all their might. Ka\- avros aKkrjros. How in their judgment the god fulfilled his promise appears in II. 54. CHAPTER CXIX. 1*lie Lacedaemonians refer to the assembled allies the question, whether there shall be an immediate declaration of war against the Athenians, to which a majority reply in the affirmative, after which the Corinthians address tho assembly in favor of that measure (§ 1). 1. av^is TrapaKokea-avres. Cf. I. 87. §4. t^s ^vp-p-axias. See K. on I. 118. §2. cIttov a i^ovkovro = spolce their minds; literally, spoTce what they chose. ol nXeiovs, the majority, is in par- titive apposition with ot re aXXoi (see N. on I. 89. § 3). Notice that it is here accompanied by a participle. Cf. Xen. Cyr. III. 1. § 25. Sc??3ej/rey— coo-re -^rjcfiLa-acr^Sai. See N. on I. 34. § 3. Kara TToXets, city after city. Reference is had of course to the deputies of these cities. iS/a, apart from. koX rore Ka\ reXeuraiot, thsse also last at this time as before. Cf. I. 67. § 5. Chap, CXX.1 NOTES. 3B5 CHAPTERS CXX.— CXXIV. The oration of the Corinthians, which is given to us in these chapters, has four general divisions; 1, the justice of the proposed war (chaps. 120, 121. § 1) ; 2, the probability of a successful issue (chaps. 121. § 2 — 122. § 1) ; 3, its utility and consentaneousness with the previous customs and habits of the Peloponnesians (chap. 122. §§ 2-4); 4, the necessity of speedy and vigorous action (chaps. 123, 124). In the manner of the Greek rhetoricians, it may be said that the rh SiKaLou, rb Swardv, and rb ffvfKp^pov are proved, and then is added the -rrapaiuea-eis. The oration has strong points of re- semblance to the preceding one spoken by the Corinthians (I. 68-71), beingf vehement, exciting, full of hostility to the Athenians, and breathing the spirit of war. CHAPTER CXX. The Corinthians praise the Lacedsemonians for their determination to go to war, and thus acting as became the ruling state in the confederacy (§ 1) ; the necessity of going to war, which presses upon the maritime states, bears with equal force upon the inland districts, because the interchange of commodities will suffer interruption, and the war itself will soon reach those states (| 2) ; wherefore war ought to be declared, since it is tbo part of prudent men to remain at peace, unless when wronged, and of brave men suflfering wrong to go to war (§ 8) ; indolence in repelling injury and insolence on account of suc- cess are alike injurious (§ 4) ; for many things turn out diflPerent from what was expect- ed, inasmuch as the confidence and energy with which plans are formed, are not equalled in their execution (§ 5). 1. ovK av en alTia(rai[X€?ia. This they had done in their first ora- tion (cf. I. 68, et seq.). cos ^wrj-yayov, as if (= as we should censure them if) they had not decreed the war, and convened usjbr this very purpose (viz. that we should declare war). This use of as ou, although unusual, is quite natural, and disencumbers the sentence of all difficulty. xPl 7"P- The ellipsis may be supplied : had they done otherwise we could rightly have blamed them, for it is the duty, etc. to. viyLovras, conducting their private affairs on an equality (with their inferiors), i. e. in the administration of their pri- vate aflfairs, being on an equal footing with others, and showing their pre-eminence by providing for the public welfare (to. koivo. irpoa-KOTrflv). (ocrnep. . . .TrpoTifioovTai. In addition to the parallel sentiment, which Abresch finds in the words of Sarpedon (Hom. U. 12. 315), Bloomf. very aptly cites Xen. Anab. III. 1. § 37. ev oXKols, in 17 386 NOTES. [BookI other things. The Schol. says iv Trpoedpla koI rois toiovtols. eV TtavToiv = VTTcp navras. Schol. 2. T]iiv. . . .KaTa)p?ia>?irj, have turned out successful iy being formed against (literally, meeting icith) enemies more ill-advised. Haack, Bothe, and Goeller retain the vulgar reading ruxoira, but Bekker, Poppo, Arnold, and Bloomf. (in his last edition) adopt tvxovtcov as the genu- ine reading. The MS. authority is divided equall}^, but the Schol. reads Tvxovra. "With tuxovtohv as the reading, it will be necessary to supply ovTcov. See IST. on I. 32. § 3. koI a, and there are still more which. Supply iarl after TrXeco. "Si a abesset, concinnior esset oratio." Haack. ey tovvuvtIov — TrepteoT?;, " in contrariam partem conversa sunt.'''' Gottl. cited by Poppo. ev'^vfielrai. ... iire^ipX^TaL^ for the activity with which plans are carried into execu- tion, is not equal to the confidence with which they are formed :=for the confidence in one's plans and their actual execution are very dis- 388 ^ KOTES [Book I similar; literally, for no one plans with x^^jUmmcc in like manner as he in fact executes. The antithesis of thiu diffi/iult and much discussed clause, lies evidently in iu?ivfielTai t^ TriVret and epyco ene^ep^^eTai^ and not as Poppo and Goeller suppose, in iv^vjifiTaL and epyw e-n-e^ep' X^Tai^ the words rrj nla-Td pertaining to both members. The order of the words hardly admits of this, nor is any argument furnished, as they suppose, from the following context, aKKa .... iWeLTropev, but the very contrary. The comparison lies between the confidence of sue cess with which plans are formed, and their realization. dXka. ...eX XeiiToixev denotes the reason or ground of the dissimilarity spoken of, viz. that plans are devised in a state of security (jier d(ry teaching = even if they are instructed. For the construction of o (= eVeti/o 6) — Trpou'xovo-i, cf. S. § 182; of ^/xZj/, cf. S. § 206. 4. 5. is avrd, for these purposes, i. e. for equipping a fleet, hiring mercenaries, etc. ota-o^ev. Cf. ovre .... (pepoixev at the close of the speech of Archidamus (I. 80. § 4), and also the assertion of Peri- cles Koi ovT€. . . .avTois, I. 141. § 3. 7, otherwise. cKeivcop refers to the Athenians. eVi. . . .avrcov, to promote their own servitude = to rivet their own chains. See N. on 1. 116. § 3 (end). (fiepovres ovK dnepovaiv^ do not refuse to contribute. S. § 225. 8. Of the propositions €t ol fiev — fjnels fi*, the latter only is to be taken witli deivop ^p e'lT], since it was not the contribution of the Athenian confederates which was beipop, but the refusal of the Peloponnesians to do the same for a nobler purpose. Cf. Butt. § 149. p. 446 ; Mt. § 622. 4. rifKopov- Chap. CXXH.] NOTES. 391 fxevoL by attraction with i7jLteT? is put for rificofjcvfjievovs. The same is true of avToi. KOI Tratrxeii', and in order that we may not^ ly heing deprived of this very property (avTo) dy them, suffer hy means of it, i. e. that our possessions being wrested from us by the enemy, may not become the means and instrument of our ruin. After repeated examinations of this passage, I am quite satisfied that this is the true meaning. Arnold translates avrois tovtois kukcos Trdcrx^i'V^ to snuffer in that part in which we are the most sensitive, namely, in our property. But this seems to me to be less forcible, as well as less harmonious with the scope of the argument. The allies of the Athenians are sJcl in the previous context, to be forward in making contributions even eVi dovXeia rfj aiiTcov. Now the orator says, that it would be bfivov, if the Peloponnesians should grudge to contribute in order to save themselves from suffering — not the loss of property (for then the antithesis would be destroyed) — but the same catastrophe for which the Athenian allies were said to be laboring, viz. slavery, and which would be effected by the means which the possession of their property, wrested from them in war, would give their victorious enemy, im rc5 iir], therefore, belongs to Trdax^i-v, and vtt cKelvcov avra dcpaipe'^ev- res is a participial clause denoting the means (see IST. on I. 9. § 1). CHAPTER CXXII. The orator proceeds to show other ways of annoying and reducing the power of the enemy, to whicli will be suggested many expedients in the prosecution of the war (§ 1) ; if the controversy was between equally matched states about territorial limits, that were to be borne, but the Athenians were a match for their united forces, and unless they wished to become slaves, they must engage in the war with all their strength (§ 2) ; that so many states should be oppressed by one was highly disgraceful, since evidence was thus furnished that they suffered deservedly, or that their spirit was degenerated from that of their ancestors, who gave liberty to Greece (§ 3) ; such conduct in suffering a single state to play the tyrant among them, was referable to stupidity, cowardice, or indifference, three most pernicious faults (§ 4). 1. (ikXai than the ways just mentioned. 68oi, ways, expedients. TroXefxov =^for carrying on war. dTroaracns is in apposition with 68oi, and is to be taken actively = to d^La-rdvai, the exciting to revolt. In respect to the feasibility of causing the Athenian allies to revolt, Archidamus thought otherwise. Of. I. SI. § 8. ovaa, which is. See N. on I. 8. § 1. Icrxvovcn refers to the Athenians. imTeixcaixos rfj x^P9- Some think that this is put into the mouth of the Corinthian orator by the historian, since Alcibiades suggested it to the Lacedsamonians when he revolted from his country. But the 392 NOTES. [BookL declaration of Thucydides (I. 22. § 1) forbids any sncli supposition, and there is nothing wonderful that the suggestion should have been made, and yet overlooked, until proposed in a subsequent stage of the war, from another source. For the construction of rrj x^P9 (of the Athe- nians), cf. Mt. § 390. akXa. . . .TrpotSot, and many other devices such as one cannot now foresee. eVt p-qroh^ on set terms^Jixed plan^. avTos. . . .Traparvyxavov^ l)ut this of itself contains many things to suit he emergency^ i. e. in the process of war many things will be suggested y the occasion, which cannot possibly be foreknown or predeter- mined. TTpos denotes fitness or conformity. K. § 298. III. 3. b. iv a = 816 (wherefore). Schol. The interpretation of Haack is prefer- able, qiui in re, unter diesen Umstdnden^ in these circumstances. evopyrjTds^ literally, in good temper. Here as opposed to opyio-^eisj coolly, with deliberate resolution. The speaker takes great pains to avoid the imputation of uttering these vehement appeals for immedi- ate war, in a state of undue excitement. He therefore disclaims here, as in the former part of his oration (1. 120. §§ 4, 5), that he acts under the influence of passion. nepl avrbv belongs to opyio-Seir, and thus the expression responds to evopyr]Ta>s avra 7rpocropn\r}(ras. ovk eXacro-o) = fiaXXop. Bloomf. constructs Trepl avrbv with nraUi, and with Bekker (2d edit.) edits avrov. 2. f)p.S)p eKcia-Tois, 1. e. to individual states of our confederacy. ola-Tov av rjv, it would le endurable, might be borne, i. e. the contest would be such, that the individual state engaged in it could endure the struggle, and perhaps maintain it successfully. rrpos ^vp-Travras T€ J) pas depends on iKavol (a match). Kara noKiv (= iKaanjs TroKecos in dependence on 8vvaTa>Tepoi) is opposed to ^vpTravrds re Tjpas. a.?ip6oi.. . .yvapr]. This gi'ouping of terms, expressive of united and vigorous action, is exceedingly forcible, and seems to have been sug- gested by the previous antithesis between the states taken collectively and individually. pia yvaprj is to be constructed with apwovp^^a. TTfv rjaaav — taTO) ovk oXKo ri t^tpovcrav. Construct ttrro) Tr]V rjacrap (jiepovaav ovk aXXo rt. For the construction of toro) with the parti- ciple, see N. on I. 69. § 5. el Ka\ beipov ra aKoiicrai, though this may be hard for any one even to hear. The idea is that defeat, so unwelcome a word to one's ears, is still more to be deplored, yrhen its effects are taken into account. avriKpvs, right on, direct, and hence, certain, open, " aperte." Betant. 3. o Koi Xoyw ivboiaa'^rivat.. Poppo and Goel. approve of Hiack's explanation ; " sensus igitur est : turpe est Peloponnesiis de servituto tamquam de re, qujB possit ex clade ipsis accidere, vel oratione ambi- gere, i. e. dubitanter loqui." This explanation refers o not to bovXfiav^ Chap. CXXH.] NOTES. 392 but to TTjv rja-a-av (pepovcrap dovXeiav. Arnold paraphrases: it is ap affront to Peloponnesus, that the very name of slavery should be pro- nounced as within possibility applicable to it ; much more, when it is not only the name but the actual evil itself, which is directly falling on us." Bloomf. refers 6 to rjo-a-av. It appears to me that Arnold has reached more truly the idea in his explanation. koL Trokeis..., KaKOTToZelv is added as an aggravating circumstance, and is therefore to be connected with alaxpov. doKolfxev av — (Palvea'^ai. Goel. says that we should expect SoKoT/xei/ av — ical (fyaivoifie^ia. A similar conjunc- tion of these verbs is found, I believe, nowhere else in Thucydides, yet Born, (ad Xen. Mem. II. 1. § 22), taking ^atVecrSai in the sense ot esse^ does not regard it as an unusual construction. — — r^Xev^iepoxrav. "Maxime Lacedajmonii. Vide supra, c. 18." Haack. avrb in gen- der refers ad sensum to ttjv iXev^iepiav implied in rfKiv^ipoaaav. Cf Jelf's Kiihn. § 373. Obs. 1. rvpavvov is employed as an adjective. iyKa'^eo-rdvai, to he constituted^ to establish itself (amongst us). cV /iia, SC. TToKei. fiovdpxovs = rvpavvovs. a.^Lov}X€v Kora- Xveip. From the former conduct of Sparta in ridding the Grecian states of tyrants (cf. I. 18. § 1), is shown the inconsistency of now suffering a single state to lord it over the rest, as did the Athenians. 4. The consequences of such an abject submission to a single state, are still further descanted upon in this section, ovk .... dnrjXKaKTai, we do not Tcnow Jiow such conduct can de cleared of three of the greatest faults. For the construction of the genitive, cf. S. § 197. 2. ou . . . . K€X(i>pr}KaTe^ for you have not avoided these faults when you have come (literally, for not having avoided these faults you have come) to a con- tempt (of the enemy), which has already (bf]) proved injurious to many. Poppo refers yap to rav fxeyia-nov ^vp.(f)opwv as introducing the proof of their being the greatest evils, viz. because they beget a contempt of the enemy, which is productive of the most fatal consequences. But why not make yap explicative of the general thouglit in the preceding sentence ? The argument would then be : our conduct shows that we have fallen into three very great faults — and from this imputation we cannot be screened by the contempt for the enemy into which we have come, since that, by its ruinous tendency, is itself folly. e'fc . . . crc^aXXeii/, from its having ruined many. dcppoavvr]. In the quotation of a name the nominative is used with ovofia, although sometimes the accusative is found in apposition. Cf. K. § 269. E. 3 ; Mt. § 424. 1 (end). There is a sort of play on the words Kara^povi-jdLv and d(f)poa-vvT), which Arnold has hit in a measure in his paraphrase : "A sense of your adversary's inferiority is so fatal a feeling to those who entertain it, that it more fitly deserves to be called non^ense.''^ a94 NOTES [Book! CHAPTEE CXXIII. Kegret for the past is of no avail, only as it lends assistance to the aflfjirs in hand ; the main business is to take care of the present, provide for the future, and forsake not hereditary customs ; the oracle promises success, and the sympathies of Greece are with Uiem, foi they are not violators of the treaty, but the avengers of its infraction (§§ 1, 2). 1. fxaKpoTepov. . . .^v/i^epei, further than (literally, further than so far as) it may conduce to the service of j^resent affairs. napovai'' ^orpovvras^ l>y a watchful defence f)/ (literally, ty bringing aid to) the present, " Cum e prjaesentibus futura gignantur, illis operam dare oportet, ut bene comparata sint." Haack. ndTpiov yap Tjpiv^ for it is hereditary with us. irdrpiop qualifies /crao-Sat the subject of the sentence, yap is explicative of xPl (TnTaKainajpfiv^ since it introduces the reason why the labor spoken of was not to be shunned. ras dperds^ the reputation for glory. pera^dWeiv. Eepeat xP'7- TO eSoy refers to ck. . . .Krao-Sai. Trpo(j)€peTe, SC. rcov irarepav. & = eK€7va a. iKTrf^r) has the passive signification, were acquired. K. § 252. R. Uvai has the same construction as nera^dWciv. — « — Kara TToXXa, on many accounts^ refers to '^apa-owrds. rov re SeoO XpT](ravy}s. Of. I. 118. § 3 (end). Ka\ Tijs aXKr]^ 'EXXdSos is an oratorical exaggeration, unless, as Bloomf. suggests, the supposition was indulged that the allies of the Athenians would speedily desert them. (po^co of being enslaved by the Athenians. 2. crirovbds re ov Xutrere npoTepot,. Cf. I. 67. § 1, where the Corin- thians Kare^ocov tS>p 'ASj/J/aicoy, on crnovdds XeXv/corey eUv. ais^yt . . . .napalBe^da'^ai. The idea is, that the god would not have recom- mended the war, unless he regarded the treaty as broken. 6 Seos KeXevcov TToXe/xeTv vop.l^€(. is therefore equivalent to, the god T)y com- manding to go to war showed that he considered. 7rapa^e^d(r?iai is the infin. perf. pass, of 7rapal3aiva>. Cf. K. § 252. R. G ; Mt. § 226. 1. - - oi nporepoL cTnoPTes ' oi ap^avres dbiKcav xi^ipaiv. Schol. CHAPTER CXXIY. In conclusion, they ought not to delay to render assistance to the Potidteans, atd to vindi- cate the liberty of the other Grecian states (§ 1) ; despising present danger, and looking for a more lasting peace as the result of it, they should decree war (§ 2), and break down the power of that state, which is aiming to subjugate all the rest (§ 3). 1. Traio-axoSei', on all sides, i. e. in every respect. AcaXw?..., troXf/xeii', inasmuch as you can go to icar lionorably. vTrdpxov-, quum Chap. CXXIY.] NOTES. 395 liceat. See K. on iraparvxov^ !• *^^- § 2. Td'Se refers to TroXe/xeiMj after the analogy of adjectives in the neuter plural, although referring only to one thing. Cf. Mt. § 482. 5. Koivfi^ in common^ unitedly. eiVep fimt, if indeed (as is the fact). Cf. Hoog. Gr. Part. p. 5G. II.) that cities and individuals sJwuld de alihe profited 'by these things^ is the most stable of all grounds of reliance. eVrt is to be supphed as the copula (S. § 150. 4), the subject of which is ro-ehai. The pronoun ravra may be referred to TvoXcfiuv as was raSe, or with Goel., we may perhaps better refer it prospectively to Troieio-Sai rt/xco- piap and /[iereXSeli/ ttjv eXev'^epiav. The clause ciVep . , . . eo/ai denotes the reason why the speaker exhorts to these things. For the con- struction of TrdXecrt and tSicoraiy, cf. S. § 201. 1. /xj) /xeXXere (S. § 218. 2). The protasis is contained in vndpxov. . . .Trapaivovvrcov. ovo-t Acopievai because they were a Corinthian colony (cf. I. 66. § 2). vwo 'loivoiv to which race the Athenians belonged. Nothing was more common than for the Dorians to reproach the lonians with effeminacy. Cf. VI. Y7. § 1 ; VII. 5. § 3 ; VIII. 25. § 5. TroXtop- Kovfxevois. Cf. I. 64. § 1. Tcov ciXXciV states. /xereXServ, to sceh for^ '•'' vindicate. '''' Bloomf. 2. lis ^XdnT€&^ai^ for (<»s) it is not befitting (eVSep^erat, it may be, it is lawful)^ that while waiting (for our aid) sojne should be suffer- ing injury at the present time {rjhr]). Trepi/xevovras denotes time (see N. on I. 13. § 6) and refers to the whole, rovs fiev and rovs de being put in partitive apposition. See N. on I. 80. § 3 end. rovs p.kv refers to the Potidasans, and rovs Se to the Peloponnesians and their other allies. yi/coo-Ssryo-d/ieSa ^ui/eXSoVrey (cf. I. 69. § 3, end), shall be known to ha/oe come together. See N. on I. 25. § 1 (init.). t6 avTo as that which the Potidaeans were suffering. dXXa stands opposed to fx^ jueXXere, § 1, and introduces the course which the speaker advises the assembly to adopt. eV dudyKTjv. The only edition which thus reads besides Dindorf 's is Haack's. All the rest which are before me have is. d(fnx^^'-) ^^- '"" Trpdynara. koi afxa rdSe (sc. a ("nvop.ev) apiara Xe'yeo-Sai, and that the counsel we have given is the best ; more literally, what we have said is spohen as the best. See N. on I. 42. § 1. to avrUa Seti^oV, the immediate evil^ which is of short duration. "With this is contrasted bia ttXcIopos in the following sentence, which serves to heighten the value of the peace resulting from bold and vigorous measures. d0' rjo-vxtus^ on account of ease^ or perhaps for the saJce of p)€ace^ to correspond with elpr]vq in the preceding member. ovx opoitos dK'ivhvvov., is not in nice Tnanner removed from danger., i. e. is more dangerous than to obtain peace by a vigorous and well conducted war. 896 NOTES. [BookI 8. TToKiv Tvpavpov. Kotice the repetition of this odious epithet (cf. I. 122. § 3), which must have tingled in the ears of all, especially of the Lacedjemonians who were the avowed enemies of tyrants. 7)yr](Tdfievoi refers to T}fxe1s the omitted subject of napaaTT]crfji€?ia. enl nda-tu, i. e. to the injury of all. See N. on eVl rw Mj^Sw, I. 102. § 4. u)a-Te .... apx^iv defines eVi .... Ka'^eoTavai. rSiv de SiaweTaSat, SO. TO apx^LP from the preceding context. Trapaorrjo-oifK^a cVeXSoi/- Tey, let us go forth and overcome it. There is great energy in these words. Kat, and thus. CHAPTER CXXV. After this speech of the Corinthians, the Lacedaemonians pnt the question, and the majority vote for war (§ 1) ; whereupon they commence preparations for its prosecution (§ 2). 1. a(^' aTvdvTOiv — yvu)p.r]v^ an opinion from all = the opinions of all. Cf. Mt. § 373. 3. y^ri^ov €7rT]yayov^ put the question^ called on tJi4 assenibly to give its vote. This was done by the presiding officer. Cf, Smith's Diet. Gr. and Rom. Antiq. p. 804. koI. . . .noXei. It ap- pears from this that the states voted in order, according to the rank of each. t6 ttX^Soj, the majority. Cf. Mtill. Dorians, I. p. 200. N. e. See also V. 30. § 1, where it is written t6 ttX^Sos Ta>v ^vp-fidxcov. 2. dedoypievov 8e, dut although (see N. on I. 7. § 1) it was decreed. See N. on napaTuxdv, I- T6. § 2. avTois is to be constructed with bedoypevov. S. § 206. 4. dnapao-Kevon ovcriv^ inasmuch as (see N. on I. 9. § 4, end) they were unprepared. The dative depends on dbv- vara, a = iKclva a, of w^hich the antecedent is the subject of itavopl- ^ea^ai. o/xwy be refers back to evJivs /neV, and is employed because the time consumed in preparing for so great a war, was much less than might have been anticipated. Ka'Siiorapevois wp ebei, for the arranging of those things which were necessary. CHAPTERS CXXYI.— CXXXIX. The mutual recriminations of the belligerent parties, and the pretexts for engaging in the war are comprised in tliese chaptei-a. First in order jh Chap CXXVL] NOTES. 397 lution of Cylon (chaps. 126, 127); then follow the affair of Tsenanis and Chalcicecus (128. §§ 1, 2), the ti-eason and death of Paiisanias (128. § 8 — 135. § 1), the flight, exile, and death of Themistocles (135. § 2 — chap. 138), and in conclusion, other charges and demands of the Laceda3monian3 (chap. 1 39). These stories and sketches should by no means be regarded as un- meaning digressions, inasmuch as they show the ostensible ground of the commencement of the hostilities. They are drawn with great life and spirit, and are deservedly celebrated as models of their kind. The story of Cylon nas such an air of playfulness, that it was said by the ancients that here thi lion laughed, referring to the departure of Thucydides from his usually se- vere and sober mood. But it might better have been said 'that the lion grimly smiled, as there is only a gleam of pleasantry now and then discerni- ble in the story, a slight relaxation of the rigid and sober features^ which every where else in the history look sternly upon us. The account of the closing fortunes of Pausanias and Themistocles, is to the highest degree graphic and interesting. No superfluity remains to be pruned off — ^no incident wanting to give completeness to the narration. In the most concise and artless manner the story proceeds, nor are we conscious, until ita close, of the mighty power which it has to stir up the deepest emo- tions of the soul. We rise from its perusal with a feeling of sadness at the avarice and ambition, which brought one of these heroes to die the misera- ble death of a traitor ; and at the envy and ingratitude, which drove the other into exile, far away from the land he had so nobly defended. CHAPTER CXXYI. The Lacedaemonians make various charges against the Athenians, in order to obtain the strongest pretext for going to war (§ 1) ; they demand that the Athenians shall drive away " the pollution of the goddess," which had happened after this sort (§ 2) ; Cylon, a noble Athenian of former days, at the advice of the oracle at Delphi to seize upon the citadel on the greatest festival of Jupiter (§§ 3, 4), did this by the aid of his friends, on the day when the Olympic games commenced (§ 5), not thinking to what great festival of Jupiter the oracle had reference (§ 6) ; the Athenians run together and besiege him in the citadel (§ 7) ; but the siege being protracted, the most of them depart and leave the business of guarding the place to the nine archons (§ 8) ; the besieged suffering from tho want of water and food, Cylon and his brother secretly escape, and the rest dying with hun- ger seat themselves as suppliants by the altar of tho citadel (§§ 9, 10) ; by false promises the Athenians on guard induce them to come forth, after which they slay them, some even at the altars ol the goddesses where they had seated themselves (§ 11) ; for which Impiety they are expelled from their country (§ 12). 1. iv TovTcd — ra xP^^Vi ^' ®- ^- ^- ^^2- Olymp. 87. 1. orrcos is ; here employed ^eXiKcos. See N. on I. G5. § 1. on /ieyt'crrT?, at f great as possible. 398 NOTES. [BcckL 2. Koi irpa>Tov fxev. Their next demand is given in I. 139, et seq. TO ayos i\avv€Lv rrjs Seou, to drive away the pollution of the goddess = to expel those (i. e. the descendants of those) who had pol- luted the teJYiple of Minerva, ayos iXavveiv = dyrjXaTelv, to drive out an ciyos^ i. e. one who is guilty of polluting a sacred place, or of sacri- lege. "What tliis ciyos was is told in the sequel. 8. 'OXv[i7rioviKT]s, a conqueror in the Olympic games. He won the prize for the double course (diavXos. Cf. Smith's Diet. Antiq. p. 895) A, 0. 640. Tcov TTokai depends upon dvrjp. 4. ;(/3co/ieV&) de ro) KvXoovt k. t. X. His ambitious designs were en- gendered most likely by his success in the Olympic games, his advan- tages of birtli and fortune, and his alliance with Theagenes ; and he consulted the oracle to ascertain his probabilities of success and the •way to secure it. eV ttj ^oprfj is put for eV Tjj tov Alos ioprjj TTj neyio-TT}. For the repetition of the article, cf. K. § 245. E. 7 ; Mt. § 277. a. 5. 6 de napd re k. t. X. This took place, as Corsini conjectures, A. c. 612. Cf. Miiller's Chron. Tab. (Hist. Dorians, II. p. 453). Others fix the date at a. C. 620. eVetS)) eirriX'^eu 'OXvpma^ irlien the Olympic games came on. Kiihn. (Jelf 's edit. § 385. b) reads eiTTiX'^ov, and cites this passage as illustrative of his rule, that the idea of plu- rality is signified by plural verbs. The same reading is adopted by Poppo and Goeller. But Arnold has pretty conclusively showm that oTT^XSjfj/ is the best reading. eV UeXoTrowrjcrco is added, says the Schol., because there were other games of the same name both in Attica and in Macedonia. ws eVl rvpavvlbi = in order to hecome a Tvpavvos. A preposition and its case following as is often put for a participle, as cbsu eVi vavp-a^^lav = o)? vavfiaxrjo-cov. See jST. on I. 48. § 1. KOL. . . .veviKTjKOTL, and that it had something to do with him^ inasmuch as he had deen victor in the Olympic games. For the con- struction of 'OXu/iTTio, cf. S. § 181. 2. See IST. on I. 70. § 7. 6. el de — 7, hut whether — or. Poppo expresses great doubt whether en signifies, ad illud usque tempus {= prius quam rem ag grederetur), or jam. In his Suppl. Adnot. he adds, " fort. rt. An es prceterea^ i, e. ad oraculum ?" It may be translated yet. Cylon after- wards learned by bitter experience the true import of the oracle, which, as usual, was couched in ambiguous language. Amo-ta. This was a great festival celebrated at Athens in honor of Jupiter, in which all the people took part. Cf. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Rom. Antiq. p. 383. It took place without the walls of the city, a circum- stance favorable to Cylon, as those who would have opposed him were thus drawn out of the city. 'NleCXix^ov (jxeiXlxiosy mild^ gracious) Ch ^p. CXXVI. j NOTES. 39g was an epithet given to Jupiter, because he protected those who in- voked him with propitiatory sacrifices. Hence fxeiXixia Upd, % ropitia- tory offerings. ttoXXoI .... i-mx^pia^ many [olFered] not 'victims hut sacrijices peculiar to the country. This passage has caused mucli trouble to the commentators. noWoX evidently refers to the poorer class, who were unable to offer Upda (i. e. bloody sacrifices). Hence, with the best editors, I have placed a comma after ^vovcri. It is also evident by the antithesis, that ^ivpara cmx^pia denotes a leSs costly kind of sacrifices than Upela^ viz. such as were bloodless, i. e. the fruits of the earth. Arnold and Bloomf. concur with the Schol., who explains it, caJces made in the shape of animals. Schmitz (Smith's Diet. Antiq. p. 333) says that this explanation of the Schol. is errone- ous, and refers it #3 the incense which the poorer class furnished. But I am unable to see on what argument he bases this idea, and certainly It would^ be very natural for those, whose means did not enable them to bring an animal, to bring of the fruits of the earth, either in a raw or unprepared state, such as cakes, fruit, wine, etc. Arnold cites He- rodot. II. 47, where it is said, that on a certain festival in Egypt, in which swine were necessarily sacrificed, the poorer people offered little figures of dough or paste, made into the shape of swine and baked. yiyuoyaKeiv the oracle. ra epyo), i. e. the taking pos- session of the acropolis. 8. xp^vov de eTTtyiyvofievov^ hut after some time had elapsed z=z in process of time. rpvxop-evoi tjj rrpoaedpela^ being worn down hy the siege, Trpoa-eBpeia refers to the labors, watchings, and anxieties of those who were conducting the siege. avroKparopai, with full powers. Cf. Y. 27. § 2 ; 45. § 1 ; YI. 8. § 2, where this word is used in a similar sense. roVe Se, for then. The power of the archons was much abridged after the time of Solon. 9. ol Se pera rov KvXcovos^ i. e. Oylon and his party. ^\avp(o\ eiXoi/, were in a had condition. 10. €K8idpd(7Kov(nv, escaped hy stealth. Cf. YI. 7. § 2. See N. on 1. 128. 5 (end). Kai rives Kai^ and some even. eVi t6v /Sco/zoV, at the altar of Minerva. iKerai^ as suppliants. 11. dvaaTTjaavres be avrovs, " having raised them., i. e. induced them to rise." Bloomf. oi rwj/. . . .(f)v\aKrjv, those of the Atheni- cms (partitive genitive) who had heen intrusted with the guard, rrjv (j)v\aKT]v is the accusative of the thing after eniTerpappevoi^ according to the formula rpeVco nvi tl. Cf. K. § 281. 3; S. § 184. 3. as UpS. They thought the sacred ground would be polluted by the bodies of the dead, and hence, by false promises of protection, they prevailed on the suppliants to quit the place. icfi* J (on condition 400 NOTES. [BookL that) firjbip KaKou iroirjo-ova-iv (sc. avrovs) is to be constructed with dvaoTr}(ravT€s Se avrovs. aTreKreivav. The subject is contained in ol — eniTCTpaiifxevoL. eVt. . . .^(ojjLois^ " ad aros in conspectu Eume- nidumy Abresch. whom Goel. follows in his last edition. tQ>v a-t[xvcov SeoJi' is euphemistically put for tJie Erinnyes, The temple of these goddesses was between the citadel and the Areopagus, which illustrates the use of iv rfj Trapoda. ivayels — ti]s Seov, accu7'sed of the goddess. r6 yevos of the Alcmseonidse. 12. (rraaia{^6vTa>v, divided into factions. This was when Isagoras was leader of the ohgarchy in Athens, in opposition to Cleisthenes. Between Isagoras and Cleomenes there had been previously formed a connection of friendship and hospitality, and hence the Spartan king came to the aid of his friend. Cf. Herodot. V. 70, et seq. "icar^X- 3oz/ refers to those who had been driven out. ert, i. e. in the time of Thucydides. CHAPTER CXXVII. ■i'he object of the Lacedaemonians In requiring the Athenians to remove the pollution, was to excite odium against Pericles, who belonged to the family of the Alcmjeonids, and who was the most powerful man at Athens, and opposed in all respects to the Lacedae- monians (§§ 1-3). 1. iXavveiv eKeXevov • fifra top YXeop.evr)V. Schol. S^3fi/, for- sooth (see N. on I. 92. § 1), belongs to Tifxcopovures. npooTov = de- fore all things else. ^Ibores de UepiKXea — npotrexopcvov avra^ Tcnowing that Pericles was implicated in it (see N. on eldevai. I. 69. I 5). /i^Tcpa, i. e. Agariste, the granddaughter of Megacles the son of Alcmseon, a du'ect descendant of Alcmaion the founder of the family, who flourished a. c. 1100. eKirccrovros auroO, if he were exiled. Trpoxcopelv. See N. on I. 109. § 3 (init.). 2. ToaovTov — 00-01', so much — as. tovto, i. e. banishment. oiaeiv refers to the subject of ffhrn^ov. cbs. . . .6 nokepos^ as though the war were in part occasioned l)y his misfortune. The Lacedaemoni- ans knew well that the Athenians would refuse to banish Pericles, and by making this one of the grounds of the war, they hoped to place him in the odious position of being, in a manner, the author of all the calamities which would result from it. The article in to pepos^ aa Arnold remarks, is employed in reference to the relative term, to o\ov, or TO Trav, the part being opposed to tTie whole. 8. Ta>v Ka3' eavTov^ of those in his time ■= of his contemporaries. K. % 292. II. 2. aycDj/, while conducting. See N. on I. 13. § G. Chap. CXXYIII] NOTES. 401 ndvra, in all respects. wpfia tovs ^A?ir]vaiovs. This opposition of Pericles to the Laceda3monians, is ascribed by the Athenian comic writers to the influence of Aspasia. But the bitterness of spirit with which the charge was made, shows its falsehood, or at least its gross exaggeration. The reasons which Pericles himself assigns for per- suading the Athenians to go to war with the Laceda3monians, may be eeen in his speech (1. 140 144). CHAPTEE CXXVIII. The Athenians retort upon the Lacednemonians, that they shall put away the pollution of which they had been guilty in profaning the sanctuary of T?enarus (§§ 1, 2), and also thai of Minerva, by the death of Pausanias. This leads the historian to narrate the circum- stances of the treason and death of Pausanias, who, when he had been recalled from his command at the Hellespont and brought to trial, was acquitted, and returned to the Hellespont in a private capacity (§ 3) ; the first step in his treasonable career had been the sending back some of the king's relations who had been taken prisoners (§§ 4, 5), whicli thing he had effected by the aid of Gongylus an Eretrian, who had also carried a letter of Pausanias to the king (§ 6), in which an offer was made to betray to Xerxes ttu) ■whole of Greece (§ 7). 1. dva(TTr](TavT€s. See IsT. on I. 126. § 11. rrore, formerly. cK Taivdpov, from the temj^le of Neptune at Tcenarus. diraya- yovTfs 8u(f>'^eipav. It was probably the memory of this outrage, which occasioned in part the third Messenian war. koI before tr^/o-ti/ belongs to the whole sentence. Kriig. vofxi^ovcn refers to the Athenians. t6v fxeyav a-eLo-fxov. Cf. I. 101. § 2. If the opinion Dbtained currency, that this earthquake was sent as a judgment for the outrage here spoken of, it will readily be seen how this apparent interposition of the gods in their behalf, must have excited the Helots to strike once more for freedom. 2. XoXkioikov^ dwelling in a 'brazen house., was an epithet of Miner- va at Sparta. 3. fieTa7r€iJ.(j)'^e\s. . . .'EXKr](T7r6vTa. Cf. I. 95. § 3. This event took place A. 0. 478. Olymp. 75. 3. dneXv^r} fxr) d8iKe7v. "Accuratius res supra I. 95. § 5 relata." Poppo. drjuoo-ia, dy public authority^ opposed to I8ia in the next member. 'Epfxiovi8a. Some with Hudson regard this as the name of the ship, but it is better to refer it to the place to which the trireme belonged. aj/ev, i. e. without the authority of. rw p-ev Xoyw, in pretence^ is opposed to rw Se epyo) in the next clause. irpdaareiv {to transact) depends on d^i^ nmrat. S. § 222. 5. to Trpcorov iTrexeiprjcrev^ i. e. before his recall tO 402 NOTES. ^ [BookL Sparta from his command at the Hellespont. The historian now goes back, and furnishes us with the reason of this recall. This explana- tory parenthesis extends to the end of chap. 130, where the history is resumed from his return to the Hellespont as a private person. e0te/xet -r apxrjs. S. § 192. 1. 4. evepyeaiav — is /SacrtXea /careSero, he laid the hing under obliga- tion; literally, he laid up a fawr with the Mng (see N. on 1. 129. § 3), the metaphor being taken from a deposit of money or any valuable, for safe-keeping in the hands of another. airo rovde relates to the circumstance about to be mentioned. Trpdyparos, i. e. the treason. 5. BvCdvTtov yap eXcbv k. r. X. Cf. I. 94. rfj nporepa Trapovfrlq^ on his first arrival. Bloomf. renders, on his first approach but for what reason it does not appear. The dative denotes time when (S. § 204). ^aa-iXeois TrpocrTjKovres^ relations of the Icing. The parti- ciple here has the force of a substantive. Cf. Mt. § 570. ^vyy^vfis refers to relationship by consanguinity, as opposed to npoarjKovrfs, which denotes relationship by aflSnity. Poppo suggests that the words are placed together kere with no difference of signification, in order that the idea of relationship may be more forcibly expressed. ioKaxrav. S. § 207. N. 2. avrS^ i. e. Byzantium. aXkcop than Gongylus to whom Pausanias had confided his secret. ^vp.p.dx(^v. S. § 195. 1. rw be Xoyo). See N. on § 3 supra. diredpaaav avTov, had escaped from him. This verb signifies to escape so as not to be found (cf. Xen. Anab. I. 4. § 8), and in prose is often followed by the accusative. 6. ToyyvXov. After the apprehension of Pausanias, Gongylus set- tled in Mysia, where the king bestowed upon him several towns, as the reward of his treachery. Xenophon, on his arrival in Mysia with the Cyrean forces (a. c. 399), found the widow of Gongylus still living and in tlie vigor of age. She must therefore have been much younger than her husband. His sons, Gorgion and Gongylus, on Thibron's arrival with the Lacedaemonian forces, surrendered their towns to him and joined the Greeks. enepi-^e ToyyvXov. It is probable that Gongylus left Byzantium soon after the pretended escape of the pri- soners, although some think that "he went in company with them. As he was their keeper, he could better connive at their escape by re- maining behind and continuing in command, than though he had left with them. He could easily overtake them, after they had got beyond the reach of the Greeks. avrS, i. e. the Persian king. 7. Tovo-de refers to the captives as being present when the letter was read to the king. See K on I. 53. § 2. According to Dahl. this negotiation took place a. c. 477. Cf. Class. Mus. I. p. 188. 8op Chap CXXIX.] NOTES. 403 is a poetic form for dopan^ and is retained by the Attic prose writers in tlie phrase, 8op\ eXeii/, to taJce a prisoner of war. Cf. K. § 68. 3 ; S. § 56. yvco[xr]v TToiovfiai^ I have it in mind = it is my intention. Notice the change from the third to the first person. o-e — dpea-Kei. The dative construction 4s the more common. Of. K. § 279. 1. fTTi SaXacro-ai/ est in Asiam Minorem. Goel. tovs Xoyovs^ iroirjcro- p.c'^a^ we may in future correspond. CHAPTER CXXIX. Xerxes joyfully receives the proposal of Pausanias, and sends Artabazus to him with a letter (§ 1) ; in which the king expresses his obligations to him for the return of the captives, accedes to his proposals, and exhorts him to spare no pains to bring the affair to a pros- perous issue (§§ 2, 3). 1. 'AprajBa^ov, Artdbazu^. He was the son of Pharnaces, and one of the most faithful and distinguished of the generals of Xerxes. He accompanied the king in his retreat, as far as the Hellespont, and then returned to PaUene, took Olynthus, and laid siege to Potidcea. Being unsuccessful in his attempt to take the place, he joined Mardonius, and after the battle at Platcea, which was fought contrary to his advice, he fled with 40,000 men across the Hellespont into Asia. Tho king could not have intrusted to better hands this important and deli- cate negotiation with Pausanias. Tf]v re Aao-KvXTrti/ o-aTpaTrelav, the satrapy of Dascy litis. " The satrapy of Dascylium comprehended the cities of the Hellespont, Bithynia, and Paphlagonia, extending along the southern shore of the Hellespont, the Propontis, and the Euxine. It took its name from Dascylium, an inconsiderable town on the shore of the Propontis, where the satrap resided and had a castle surrounded by a park or chase, such as was commonly possessed by the Persian governors. This was the province of which Pharnabazus was after- wards satrap." Arnold. MeyajSarT/i/, Megadates is thought by many to be the same as the person of that name, belonging to the royal family of the Achsemenidee, and cousin of Darius and Artapher- nes, and whose daughter Pausanias designed to marry. Of. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Rom. Biog. and Mythol. II. p. 1006. dnaXXd^avr .^ hav^g dismissed from the government. eTna-Tokfjv avrmeTi^ei, ga/ce a letter in reply. avr«, i. e. Artabazus. hiam^p-^ai depends on ain-eTrertSei which has in it the sense of exeXeve. We might construct €7n(rT6kr)v in dependence on dLanffi-^ai^ as it belongs in sense to both verbs. tt}v a^payiba is here taken in the sense of o-cf)pdyi(Tfia.f the 404 NOTES. [Book I impression of the signet^ which was affixed to letters giving them the stamp of royal authority. Of course the king would not intrust his signet to be carried to such a distance, and which might be used for purposes prejudicial to his interests. The Schol. says that the seal of the Persian king had the image of the king, or of Cyrus the founder of the empire, or of the horse of Darius by whose neighing he obtained the kingdom. aTroSel^ai to Pausanias. irapayyeXKr} is here employed for the optative. See N. on I. 26. § 2 ; 52. § 3. Trpda- acLV depends on avreneri^iei. 2i. TO. re aWa eTroLTjaev, i. e. he dismissed Megabates and assumed his government. 3. Side, . . .Uavaavia. In respect to the simplicity of this exordium, Bloomf. remarks, that it is of the most remote antiquity, and such as occurs not unfrequently in the Scriptures of the Old Testament. Cf. Herodot. III. 40. tcop dvbpcov may depend on ovs (cf. Mt. 442. 1), whomsoever of the men = the men whom. Perhaps it is better with Poppo to regard it as the objective genitive after evepyeala. /teTrai .... o'lKcp^ your good deeds are laid up in our house. Those Avho had done the king a service were called Orosanga) (i. e. evepyeVat), and their names were recorded in a book (cf. Esth. 6 : 1), which Haack thinks to have been the historical annals, whence Ctesias derived the materials of his history. /xrjre vv^ p-rpi^ rjpepa k. t. X., i. e. labor incessantly, making no distinctidn between day and night. The ex- pression is probably adagial, like our he labored day and night. toore avfivai (from dvirjpi,) TrpdcraeLv^ so that you shall de remiss to per- form^ gives emphasis to the foregoing proposition, by showing its effect. Cf. K. § 341. 3. n hv = tl eKelvoiv d. bandm] in al- most all the editions before me is dairdvij^ which seems to conform better to TrXjySci which follows. Kc/ccoXvcrSa). The imperative 3 pers. perf. pass, (if the reading be haTydvrj) is employed to denote the complete termination of the action. Cf. S. § 211. N. T ; Mt. § 500. p. 841. Bloomf. with Poppo and Krtlg. supplies n hv epoi vmcrxviji and Goel. directs us to understand ro irapayiyvea^ai. The former of these criticisms is based on the assumption, that handvr} is the true reading. Goel. follows the reading of Dindorf, and of course treats . the verb as active. ei Trot, if any where. dyd^ov^ l)rat6 and j faithful. oTTiy, in what way, how, qualifies e^et. Chap. CXXX.] NOTES. 405 CHAPTER CXXX. On the receipt of the king's letter, Pausanias becomes vain and arrogant, and adopts the Median dress (§ 1) ; his imitation of the Persian habits, and extreme haughtiness, betray his ambitious purposes and alienate the allied forces (§ 2). 1. ra ypayniara. This letter is said to have been accompanied with 500 talents of gold. (ov 'EXXtji/coi'. The noun d^LMfxan^ being derived from the verb d^ioo)^ is taken in a passive sense, and is there- fore followed by viro with the genitive. The same construction occurs in YI. 15. Of. Mt. § 496. 3. See also Xen. Cyr. III. 3. § 2, with my note. TToXXo) t6t€ fidWov rjpTo shows that before this time Pau- sanias had begun to manifest his arrogance. eV tw Ka'^eo-TTjicoTt Tp6n(o^ i. e. in the Lacedaemonian manner. aKevds re Mr]8iKas evbvo- fievos. The Median robe was much more splendid than the Persian. Allusion is here made to the Kdv8vs. Of. Xen. Cyr. I. 3. § 2, with my note. See Also Xen. Anab. I. 5. § 8. Perhaps he put on the dva^vpl- des and other Median articles of dress, yet it is quite unlikely that he should have so far outraged the feelings of the Greeks, as to have adopted in this stage of the proceedings the entire Persian dress. To have imitated the Persian manners in the least, at a time when he ought to have appeared plain in his dress and affable in his deport- ment, shows him to have been a weak-minded man, wholly unequal to the achievement of his ambitious designs. ck tov BvCapriov. This Journey was probably undertaken to further his treasonable plans. ' avTQV — idopv(f)6povv = 8opvs is an adverb formed from the comparative adjective (S. § 134. 3), and qualiiies Trpd^civ. dvcnrpoo-odov^ difficult of access. ISTepos thus translates, '■'' aditum patentilus non ddbat.'''' Pollux (1. 42) places SvCT-Trpdo-oSos among the epithets of tyrants. opyfj — x^^^'^n-i ^^^ temper.^ violent passion. coo-re responds to ovtco. SiOTrep, on which account. ovx ^Kiara. The frequency of the litotes in the writings of Thucydides has been noticed in N. on I. 3. § 1. ^ tvfiiiaxia /xereVr); (see F. on I. 107. § 7). Of. I. 95. § 4. 406 IfOTES. [Book L CHAPTEK CXXXI In consequence of these things the Lacedsemonians had recalled Pausanias, and when, on his return to Byzantium, he was found pursuing the same line of conduct, they again summoned him to Sparta (§ 1) ; this mandate he oheys in order to shun suspicion, at tho same time trusting that he could free himself from condemnation by bribery (§ 2). 1. TO re TTpcoTov. Of. I. 95. § 3. koI iTreibr]. The narrative is now resumed from I. 128. § 4. The apodosis begins with ovra Bfj in- fra. Toiavra^ i. e. tlie same misdemeanors which caused his first recall. /3ta — eWoXtopxT^Sieiy. Bloomf. thinks it not improbable that a scene took place, similar to that recorded between Charles XII. and the Turks at Bender. Tpaddas is put adjectively as 'EXXas for 'EXXt^i/iko'?. Cf. Mt. § 429. 4;'s. § 136. IST. 3. npdaacov re eo-T/yyeXXero, he was announced as practising. " dyyeXKeiv with a par- ticiple is used of the annunciation of actual events ; with an infinitive, of the annunciation of things still uncertain." K. § 311. 10; Cf. Mt. § 555. Ods. 2 (end). eV dyaSo), for the public good. aKvraK-qv, scytale. " When a king or a general left Sparta, the ephors gave him a staff of a definite length and thickness, and retained for themselves another of precisely the same size. When they had any communica- tion to make to him, they cut the material, upon which they intended to write, into the shape of a narrow riband, wound it round the staff, and then wrote upon it the message which they had to end him. When the strip of writing material was taken from the staff, nothing but single letters appeared, and in this state the strip was sent to tho general, who after having wound it around his staff, was able to read the communication." Smith's Diet. Gr. and Eom. Antiq. p. 846. Tov KrjpvKos pr) XeiTrecrSai, i. e. that he should return with the herald to Sparta. iroXepov. . . ,7rpoayopeveiv = that he should be judged an enemy. 2. xpi7/*ao-t = dy dribery. It was probably by this means, that he escaped condemnation when recalled and tried before. Had he teen possessed of the sagacity of Themistocles, he would never have adven- tured liimself the second time in Sparta. icnvlnTCL — vno rav icf>6- pa>v. Intransitive verbs are used as passives, when they are com- bined with vTTo and npos with the genitive. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 359. 3. diarrpa^dpevos (sc. to e^eXSeli/) implies some underhand manage- ment in the transaction. Trepl avTov iXeyxa-v. " Usitatius quidem est cXey^eij/ Tiia quam nepi rii/a." Haack. Didot would either ex- Chap. CXXXIL] NOTES. 407 punge Trepi or read avrov. But the correctness of the text as it now stands, is proved from Trepi UavcraPLav eXeyxcov^ I. 135. § 2. In respect to the construction of this sentence, toIs ^ovKoixevois hmits Ka^ilaTTjaii^ and is hmited by eXeyxeiv. CHAPTER CXXXII. The Lacedaemonians had not yet evidence sufficient to convict a person of such high dignity (§ 1) ; but bis imitation of the barbarian customs, and bis arrogance, especially as evinced in the inscription which he caused to be made upon the tripod at Delphi, excited suspi- cion that he would not remain quiet (§ 2) ; the Lacedemonians had effaced the inscrip- tion, but yet it was remembered as a delinquency of Pausanias (§ 3) ; reports too were in circulation, that he was tampering with the Helots (§ 4) ; but even thus, the ephors thought it not proper to proceed to extreme severity against him, until one of his emis- saries betrayed him, and presented to the ephors his last letter to the king (§ 5). 1. o-T/zxeioi/, proofs evidence. 1 have followed Kriig. in con- structing /3e/3aia)s with niaTevaavTes. yevovs re rod ^acriKeiov^ of the royal family. UXelarTapxov — eneTponevev^ was guardian to PleietarcTius. Cf. K. § 279. 1. tn belongs to ovra — veov. avey irs a>v. "For the following genealogical table I am indebted to Goel'er. Anaxandridas. ex priori nxore ex posteriori uxore * X Cleomenes. Cleombrotus, Leonidas, Dorieus. Pleistarchus. Isicomedes, Pausanias. Pleistoanax. 2. /xj) TTapovai, Tie was unwilling to le an equal (as lie was) in the present state of things = he wished to de superior to all., i. e. to be a king in his own right. eirt ttov, if in any way whatever. elfSeSt/yrj/ro . . . .vofiifxcov^ he had departed in his manner of living from 408 NOTES. [Book I, the custons of his country. The meaning of this verb will readily be seen in its composition. dpe^eaav, consecrated, dedicated. See K on I. 13. § 6. uKpo^iiviov, as the first fruits. ZSi'a, of his own authority. r6 Ikeyeiov robe, this distich. It contains an hexame ter and a pentameter, which is the metre of elegy. 8. e^eKoXayjrav, erased. According to Demosthenes (Kara Neatpar, 1378), the Lacedaemonians were compelled to do this, being cited before the Amphictyons by the Platreans. In addition, they were fined 1000 talents, and ordered to engrave in the place of the effaced inscription, the names of the states taking part in the battle. TOTfy i. e. immediately after it was written. oaai... .dvd^irjfAo, as inany as haung united in the defeat of the 'barbarian presented the offering. rovr refers to the inscription of the distich by Pansanias. Iv rovra = in the present situation. Trapofioiov corresponding with, is Hmited by diavoia. The subject of icl)aiv€7o is TOVTO. 4. KoL — 8e, and also, and even. Cf. Herm. ad Yig. p. 847. ovTws, thus in reality. iXev^epaaiv, enfranchisement. 5. Tcov. . . .Tna-reva-avres, on any testimony of the Helots ; literally hy believing any informers of the Helots. v€u>T€p6v ^-i noidv, tc take any new step in the prosecution. For the comparative instead of the positive, see N. on I. 95. § 7. firj Tax€7s elvai k. t. X. explains Ta rpona in the preceding member. /SovXeCo-at (depending on raxels) Ti dvTjKea-Tov, " to take such a step as cannot be recalled, a euphemism for capital punishment." Bloomf. nplv ye drj, until at last. avTols depends on firjwTrjs ylyverai, becomes their informer. eirKTToKds., although in the plural, refers only to one letter. Kopnelv, see N. on 1. 100. § 3. 'ApyiXtoy, an Argilian. Argilius was a town in Macedonia. TraibiKo. is here to be taken in its worst sense. Cf. Nepos c. 4, " quem puerum Pausanias amore venereo dilexerat." Poppo and Goel., however, maintain that the term is to be taken in a good sense (= epap-evoi), but I am not satisfied with their reasons for this. TTiaToraTos eKelvtp. If irore is to be repeated, then the idea is that the Argilian was faithful formerly to him, but not at the time here spoken of. But if, as I suppose, it is not to be repeated, then nc impeachment is to be made of the fidelity of this man, but his betrayal of his master is to be attributed to the danger, which threatened him if he conveyed the letter to Artabazus. I disapprove there- fore of Haack's explanation, " cui ille fidem maxirae habebat, quern fidelissimum putabat." deiaras. . . .on, upon refection becoming alarmed because. irapanoi-qadpevos^ having counterfeited. Xva (t^lic. See N. on I. 65. § 1) /i^ imyva, in order that he (Paasanias) Chap. CXXXIIL] NOTES. 409 miglit not hnow that the letter had been opened. For the subjunctive, see N. on I. 20. § 2; 52. § 3. ^v 8o^?7?, if Tie was deceived in his opinion respecting the reason, why none of the former messengers to Artabazus had returned. 6/ . . . .KT€iv€iu, he found himself written therein to te put to death, Mu (§ 277. p. 511) says that the construction is 'ApyiXtos iveyiypaivTo ktcI V€ip for iveyiypaTVTo 'ApytXioi/ Krdveiv. So Bloomf. explains the con struction : evpev iyyeypap.pivov (avTov^ i. e. ^ Kpra^a^ov) Kol avTov kt^ veil', that Artubazus should put to death hiin also. CHAPTER CXXXIII. In order that Pausanias may be convicted from his own mouth, the ephors contrive an interview between the accuser and the accused at Taenarus, where the former had been directed to take sanctuary. In this interview Pausanias acknowledges the truth of the accusation in the hearing of the ephors, who had concealed themselves in an adjoining apartment (§ 1). 1. avTTjKooL^ ear-witnesses. eVt, yet, in addition. Against so great a man, nothing short of a confession made in the hearing of the ephors seemed to justify them in proceeding. otto irapaaKcvrjs^ lyy an arrangement.^ a contrivance. crKrjvrja-afievov .... KaXvjSrjv, having formed for himself a hut double hy a partition wall. Suppliants, in- stead of taking up their abode in the temple, oftentimes chose to con- struct for themselves a hut in the repevos or sacred precincts, which surrounded the temple and which was included in the jus asyli. See Bloomfield's note. koKv^tjv is what Kiihn. (see Jelf 's edit. §§ 548. b ; 569) calls ' the accusative of cognate notion,' defining the particular nature of the production. is ^v — eKpv\lre, into which he brought %nd concealed. For the constructio pregnans, see N. on I. 18. § 2. The particle re in rcov re ecfiopoiv has caused much trouble. Haack, Poppo, and Goeller have bracketed it, and Hart, (de part. I. p. 152) would expunge it, but it is said to be found in every MS. The sense certainly requires its omission, unless with Arnold we supposed a confused construction, and that after rSiv re €(p6p(ov nvas cKpv^e there should be added the words, koL Uavo-avias cos avrov rjX^ev, ttjp 'n-p6(pa(nv rrjs UeTeias epcoTrja-cov, or else that re may be rendered, also^ moreover, and the clause be considered an interjectional one. In that case ija'^ovTo can be joined, as it should be, with avrrjKooi, . . .yeve- crSai. TTjV 7rp6(lia(nv, occasion, cause. rd re. . . .ypacpevra. Cf. 1 Q 410 NOTES. [Book I. T. 132. § 5. ypa(f)ipTa is the 2 aor. of ypacf)(o. Sophocles (Greek Verbs, p. 47) says the 1 aor. pass, iypatj/^-qv does not occur, at least in good Greek. Ka3* eKacrrov^ severally, one hy one. ovbev — tto- pct,3d\oiTo, had never endangered him, risked Ms safety. This is the interpretation of Poppo, Goel., and Arnold, and seems on the whole preferable to the usual rendering, had never deceived him. /3ao-iXea of Persia. TrpoTifirj^eLrj, is spoken ironically. eV taa rois ttoX- Xot? tS)v diaKovav, just lilce the mass of his servants. airo'Havciv dejtends on irpoTifirj^ieLr] as denoting the manner in which he was about to be honored. S. § 222. 6. KaKcivov refers to Pausanias. nUmp .... dvaaracrfoos. The order is : di^oiTos Triariv (jrepl) rrjs dva- (ndcrecDs e/c rov lepov, having pledged his faith that no danger should be incurred hy his removal from the altar. to. Trpaa-a-ofieva = t7ie business in Jiand. CHAPTEK CXXXIV. Having thus obtained ample evidence of his guilt, the ephors proceed to apprehend Pausan ias, but at the private intimation of one of them, he takes refuge in the temple of Miner va (§ 1), where he is starved to death (§ 2) ; just as he is about to expire, they carry him out of the sacred enclosure, after which he immediately dies (§ 3) ; at the command of the oracle his body, which has been buried elsewhere, is interred in the place where he died (§ 4). 1. oTT^XSoj/ into the city. irroLovvTo. The imperfect is here! used de conatu, as in I. 57. § 4. Bloomf. thinks that the reason why' they did not apprehend him at Taenarus, was that he had many assist- ants, who would be likely to make a desperate resistance. iv rrj oSw, in the street, or as some render it, on his way. So Nepos trans- lates, ill itinere. ivos .... eiSe. The order is : cas dde t6 np6a-u>- nov evos ratv €(})6pcop rrpocriovTos. e^' «p, for what purpose. vevpart d(j)ave7, a secret sign made by nodding or beckoning. drj- XacravTos, sc. to epyov avra. • to. . . .XoXkioikou. See N. on I. 128. § 2. dpofia, running, upon the run. S. § 206. 1. npo- in 'jrpoKaTa(l>vyclv signifies before his pursuers could overtake him. TO Tip-evos. See N. on I. 133. § 1. 6 rjv tov Upov, which belonged to the temple. See N. on II. 4. § 5. Inabptos, in the open air', has the sense of an adverb of place. K. § 264. 3. a; S. § 158. 3. 2. TO TrapavrUa, for the moment. va-Teprjcrav. The Schol. ex- plains this by i^pdbvvav. But Poppo saj's, " rectius verbo XetVeo-Sat vel vTToXeiTrea'^ai, quod a tergo relinqui^ non eadem celeritate qua, alte* rum 'progredi^ ideoque, assequi non posse significat, explicasset " --— . Chap. CXXXV.] K T E S . 41) St/jas- depends on drraxobofjirjcrav, they 'barricaded the doors. eVSo the temple. aTroXa^oures eiVo), shutting him within. 3. fxeWovTos avTov dnoylrvxeiv^ when he was about to expire. axTTj-ep elx^v^ ^^ ^^ '^(^■% i- 6- " ^o habitu, quo hoc in tempore erat.' Poppo. Perhaps it simply means, blocked up as he was in the temple. en efXTTvovv ovra, being just alive ; literally, while yet breathing 4. Tov KataSai/, the Cceadas. Bloomf. conjectures that this wat originally a huge fissure into which dead bodies were thrown, an^ which was subsequently enlarged and converted into a subterranear prison. The Barathrum at Athens, and the Lithotomiaa at Syracuse may serve to illustrate its nature and use. ovrrep, where. in^aXXetv depends on efxeWrja-av. The context will readily show what words are to be supplied with tovs KCKovpyovs. Haack and Bloomf., edit from what they conceive to be good MS. authority, rovs KaKovpyovs etcoSao-tj/, efx^aXkeiv. Bloomf. however brackets it. — — ttXj/o-ioi/. There is much difficulty in determining the limiting word. The Schol. says, near to the Cceadas. With this, which appears to be the true interpretation, Bloomf., Goel., and Poppo accord. If, a? Haack in his second edition supposes, we are to consider it as refer- ring to the place where Pausaniag died, then a new substantive mus<. be introduced, since Kaiddav was last mentioned. Besides, if he was buried near to the place of his death, why did the oracle give any di- rection for the removal of the body? iv ra npoTepevLo-paTi^ in the precinct or entrance way to the repevos. So Arnold. Bloomf. refers 6 brikova-i to pcreveyKe'iv ovnep drre^ave. But it is better to refer it to the words immediately preceding. cos. . . .ircrrpaypevov., inas- much as a pollution had been perpetrated by them ■= as they had been guilty of a pollution. The participle in the accusative often follows lis instead of the genitive. Cf. Mt. § 568. 8 ; S. § 226. a. a>s dvrX Uava-aviov, in the stead of Pausanias. Cf. K. § 290. E. 2. CHAPTER CXXXV. The Athenians request the Lacedaemonians to put away this pollution (§ 1) ; the Lacedse- monians, on the Medism of Pausanias, criminate Themistocles in the same affair, and de- mand that he shall be punished in like manner (§ 2) ; to this the Athenians assent, and take measures in concert with the Lacedaemonians to apprehend Themistocles (§ 3). 1. This is a repetition of what was asserted in I. 128. § 2. las ~, « ,KpivavTos. S. § 226. a. 412 NOTES. [Book I 2. The account of the banishment of Themistocles, is not inserted here, because it has any immediate connection with the Peloponnesian war, but from its close relation to what has just been nai-rated of Pausanias. The fate of so illustrious a personage as Themistocles, was also worthy of a place in a history, which, though confined to the Pel- oponnesian war, had yet in its plan embraced the most prominent events that had transpired from the time of the Persian invasion under Xerxes. rov — Isl-qdta-^ov (cf. I. 95. § 5), tJie Medism. This term was need to designate a leaning towards the Median interest, or a partiality for the manners, customs, and dress of the Medes. The charge made against Themistocles followed immediately upon the con- viction and death of Pausanias. The Laced£emonians were stimulated to this, most likely, by a remembrance of the successful manoeuvre of Themistocles in respect to the fortification of Athens (cf. I. 90, 91) ; or by a selfish desire to involve the Athenians in the disgrace, which tliey had incurred in the defection of their most eminent citizen, Km, also. €K. Twv. . . ,€\eyx(>>v. "Ex epistolis apud Pausaniam in- ventis." Poppo. to7s avrols, in the same manner, i. e. by death. 3. €Tvx^ yap a)(TTpaKi(rfi€vos, for he happened to de suffering hanish- inent by ost7'acism. biairav, residence, abode. fxerd, in con- nection with. eTOijxav ovTODv ^vvBia)K€iv, icho were (see N. on ovtcs, I. 8. § 1) ready to join with them in the pursuit. ottov av rrepiru- XaxTLv, wherever they might find him. K. § 336. CHAPTER CXXXVI. Themistocles, being informed of his danger, takes refuge with the Corcyrseans, by whom he is conveyed to the continent (§ 1) ; thither being pursued by his enemies, he is forced to throw himself upon the protection of Admetus king of the Molossi, who for certain reasons was hostile to him (§ 2) ; at the direction of the king's Avife, he takes her child by the hand, and sitting upon the hearth awaits the coming in of Admetus, from whom be successfully entreats protection in this time of peril (§ 3). 1. avTciiv by constructio Kara o-vvecnv (cf. K. 241. 1 ; S. § 157. N. 1. b) refers to KepKvpaicop implied in KepKvpap which precedes. wore — aTre'xSfo-Sat, SO OS to incur the hatred of, become hateful to. AaKedaLpovLois and ^A'iTjvaiois follow as Dativi incommodi. axTxe refers to exeiv, and not to the whole sentence deBumi. .. .avrov, as then it would have been fifj — aTrexSoiJo-o. es rrjv TJiTcipov, i. e. into Thes- protia. KaravTiKpi, Qver against Corey ra. CsAP.CXXXVL] NOTES. 4l3 2, dicoKofXfvos . . . .x^poirj^ leing pursued hy those who were appoint^ ed (to follow liim) for the purpose of inquiring where he might go^ i. e. being tracked thither by those who were sent to find out his place of retreat. Bloomf. renders Kara nvanv § x^P^'-^i " (directed) ly inquiry whither he had gone.'''' Similar to this is the sense given by Bauer : " simpliciter pro 7ru3o/xej/ot, quum audissent.'''' Goel. renders it ex per- cunctatione^ and this appears to be the sense which Haack by hi* punctuation attaches to the words. Against such eminent authoritioii I would be slow to adopt an opinion, yet I cannot but think that tht sense I have given is the true one. Of. Liddell and Scott sub voct TTva-TLi. The optative is explained in N. on I. 49. § 3. Kara n aTTopov, in his great strait. Jacobs explains it by eV y^^yakr] dnopia yei^ofxevos. Mo\op€i(ylsai referring to Admetus depends upon d^tot. Ka\ yap •nda-x'^f'V', for that he could de ill treated^ at the present time^ dy one far less powerful than him (i. e. Admetus). Most of the editors and crit- ics prefer the reading da^avea-repos (conforming to avros both before and after), although against almost all MS. authority. This would 414 NOTES, [Book I give the sense : for lie would receive injury (from Admetus) now when he was far his inferior in power. Both readings imply the same general idea, viz. the abject condition of Themistocles. yewaiov be- longs to Ti[j.(M)p€l(r^ai the subject of eivai. UTro tov 'laov = roiis oWai dno TOV 'lctov, who are on equal terms. kol a^a, and at the same time. avTos. . . .ivavTiat'^TJvaif he liad opposed him (i. e. Admetus) in a matt&r of interest (only), a7id not in that which pertained to the saving of his life, xp^^^^ tipos depends on ivavrito'irjvai (=z elpyeiv) as the genitive of separation. Of. K. § 271. 2. Some commentators supply jrepi or cj/eica. Of. Mt. § 368. 5. Bloomf. cites Xen. Anab. VII. 6. § 5. ivavTiaxreTai ttjs aTraycoy^y, will he opposed to the leading away. At crafia Bloomf. unnecessarily supplies Kara. Poppo and Goel. consider the article to be taken twice with acofia and o-co^eo-Sat, and refer to Vig. p. 720. 20. av in cKelvov S' av belongs to dnoa-re- p^aai^ the second being a repetition in consequence of the parenthesis ctTTo)!/. . . .8ia)Kcrai. Of. Mt. § 600. icf)" J, for what reason. (Tconjplas, '-^ means of preserving.'^'' Bloomf, 6 he aKovcras. Poppo and some others make tjliis the beginning of chap. 137. coanep .... TovTo is enclosed by Poppo, Goeller, and Arnold, in the marks of parenthesis, and thus they connect dvio-Trjo-i re and koL — ovk eKbldao-iv. bxTTrep. . . .e/caSeXfro, " in the way that he Imd sat himself down., i. e. with hands joined." Bloomf. " Nos sic intelligimus : ut puerum tenens sederat, ita cum puero surgere eum jussit." Poppo (Suppl, Adnot. p. 151). Koi peyicTTov with the Molossians. CHAPTER OXXXVII. Adraetus refuses to give up Themistocles to his pursuers and sends him to Pydna (§ I) ; tlience embarking on board a merchant-ship bound for Ionia, on his passage he narrowly escapes the Athenian fleet lying before Naxos, and finally lands at Ephesus (§ 2) ; hav- ing rewarded the shipmaster, he proceeds into the interior and sends a letter to Arta- xerxes (§ 3) ; in which letter he excuses the necessity he was under of opposing the Per- sian invasion, refers to the benefits he has conferred upon Xerxes, and promises to render to the king good service in return for his protection (§ 4). 1. TToXXa elnova-iv = uttering many threats. ^aaiXea of Persia. Trjv irepav ^dXaa-aav^ i. e. the jEgean sea. Trefjy, ly land. Hvbvav. See iST. on I. 61. § 2. ttjv 'AXe^avSpov, belonging to Alex- ander (I., the tenth king of Macedonia). 2. cV ri^ where., i. e. in Pydna. oX/caSor, a ship of lurden^ a merchant-ship. These ships were oval with broad bottoms. Of. Smitli's Diet. Gr. and Eom. Antiq. p. 877. dmyop.evT]s. See N. Chap. CXXXVIL] NOTES. 415 on I. 48. § 1. eTTokiopKeL Na^oi'. Of. I. 98. § 4. Qcrrts iarri. See IST. on os eVn, 1. 186. § 3, which would have been more in point for Matthias to have cited than this passage. xphi^^^'- Treio-Sety = leing hrihed. ttjv. . . .eimt, and that it would ie for his safety^ or his only (Tf)v) safety would consist in. The subject of eluai is firjbem, ,. . . yeurjrai. l^^XP'- ttXoOs yeurjTai, until there should de a fair wind for sailing. Cf. Xen. Anab. YI. 1. § 22. Some erroneously translate, as long as the voyage should last. The object of this direction was to prevent any of the crew, who might happen to recognize him, from communicating with his enemies. TretSo/xeVo) S' avrw^ to him being 2'>ersuaded = if he consented to the proposal. dirofivrjo-ca^ai. Re- peat (j)pa.^€i. aiToa-akivcras^ having rode at anchor in the open sea. vn€p = off^ probably as far to the windward as possible, in order that no one should board the vessel from the Athenian fleet. Nepos translates vrrep, procul. In reading this account of the perilous posi- tion of Themistocles, in full sight of his enemies, we are reminded of those beautiful lines of Sir Walter Scott, in his Lord of the Isles : So bore they on with mirth and pride, And if that laboring bark they spied, 'Twa3 with such idle eye As nobles cast on lowly boor, When, toiling in his task obscure, They pass him careless by. Let them sweep on with heedless eyes ! But had they known what mighty prize In that frail vessel lay, The famished wolf that prowls the wold Had scatliless passed the unguarded fold, Ere, drifting by these galleys bold, Unchallenged were her way 1 3. eSfpaTreuo-e, rewarded. Port, renders liber aliter prosequi. yap explains how it was that Themistocles had money to reward the shipmaster. a = ra xPW<^'^^ ^i ^^ which the antecedent is the subject of rj\?i€. uTre^eKf iro, he had put safely away. Perhaps vtto- imparts the idea of privately or secretly to the verb. After his con- demnation at Athens, his property to the amount of 100 talents was seized and confiscated. pero nvos^ with one of the Persians dwelling on the coast. According to Diod. his name was Lysithides, but Plutarch calls him Nicogenes. av)i» t(Txvv T^s v(r€oi5. Scliol. " Accuratius Schol. es to ^, • t5>v rore, of tlie cities of that time. S. § 169. 1. 6. TO. 5e . . . . oiKoSe. The order is: oi TrpoarfjKovTes (ftaai to. dard avTov Koiiio-^rivat o'Uade. yap explains why his bones were con- veyed to Attica unbeknown to the Athenians (jcpixpa ^ A^-qvalcav). T. Ta fxev Kara Havcraviav, ^''res FausanicB.''^ Mt. § 272. 4. h. — — ovTv in dependence on aXXo implying comparison, and ren- der, nothing different from the demands formerly made. But this is less natural, and does not harmonize with avra 5e rdde (sc. Xeyovrav), which is adversative = hut saying these things only. on. See N. on 1. 137. § 4 (init.). r^v clprjvrjv = the peace which now is. e^rj 6' av, sc. (Iprjvr). The protasis is ft . . . . dcpelTe, with which the quotation ends. The general construction is Trpea^ecav dcfjiKopivccv — koI Xeyovrcov — 7T0ir)(ravTes — ol 'AST/vaToi — rrpovTi'^eaav. The quotation AaKedaLpovioi .... dcpelre is properly in apposition with aura de rd8e. yvapas . . . . TrpovriSeo-ai/, they freely exchanged their sentiments. oTra^, once for all. diravrcov the demands of the Laced semonians and the points of dispute. These words are to be taken with diroKplvaa^ai. 4. cV dp(f)6Tepa. Bloomf. supplies pepi], and remarks that the phrase is a very rare one. rais yvapais. S. § 202. 4. koI ojs Xpr] .... elpr]VT]s contains the two conflicting opinions of the assembly, and is to be constructed with eXeyov. I have therefore followed Bek- ker, Poppo, Haack, and Aracld in placing a comma after yi/w/zaif, which Dindorf and Goel. omit. — ^ - to yj/rjcfjia-pa concerning Megara. Cf . § 1 supra. elpTjVTjs depends on ip.-rr68i.ov. Ka^eXelp. Repeat mentally t6 yl/T}L(rp.a Ka'^aipiiv. Cf. I. 139. § 1. The geni- tive denotes the relation in respect to. Cf. Mt. § 342. 1 ; S. § 196. 1. 01 Se rJKOvres. Cf. I. 139. § 3. 7rpoayopevov(riv is a stronger term than iceXevovcn. dtpUvai has for its object tovs "EXXtjvos. Chap. CXLI.] NOTES. 42S 4. TTfpi fipax^os^ for a trifling matter. This is referred to in rb ^paxv Ti TovTo, this small something (n), tJiis tripling affair (i. e. what some consider of small importance). Snep belongs to Trpovxovrai by attraction, the natural construction being onep el Ka'^aipe'^el-q fiaXia-Ta npovxovrai (= Trpo^aXkovTai. Schol.) fxr] — TroXefxov. pT]b' , . . .eVo- XefiTjcrare is an emphatic repetition of v[i.a>v TroXejueTv, the course of thought being interrupted by the intermediate clauses. 5. vfic!)p — irelpav t^s yva}p,r]s, a trial of your spirit, a test of your resolution. ols. Arnold says that this relative has no regular an- tecedent, and is to be resolved in English into the demonstrative pro- noun. But, as Bloomf. remarks, there is an antecedent to it in the subject of Trpov^oi/rat, i. 6. KaKehaip.6vioi found in § 2. The remote- ness of the antecedent, in such sentences as Thucydides constructs, should cause no one to stumble. oKKo n p.ii^ov depends on cVt- Ta;(3^(reo-3e as the accusative of the thing, the dative of the person having become the subject in the passive construction. Cf. K. § 281. 3. In respect to the sentiment we are reminded of the remark of James Otis, in his celebrated speech at the commencement of the American revolution : " But the right to take ten pounds, implies the right to take a thousand, and what must be the wealth, that avarice, aided by power, cannot exhaust." koL tovto is referred by Poppo, Haack, and Goeller, to rb ^paxv tovto, as if you yielded this even (small as it is) throv^h fear. dTno-xvpia-dixevoi, hy giving a firm denial. p.aK\ou belongs to 7rpo(rv o/xoicoj/, sc. dv?ipo)ncou. npb .... €TnTacr(Toixevq^ made upon their neighbors before a judicial decision. 2. Here the orator enters upon the consideration of the means and resources of the two parties, and replies to what was brought forward by the Corinthians in the second division of their oration (I. 121. § 2, et seq.). to.. . . .virapxovrcov^ now as to what pertains to the war and the means for carrying it on which each party possesses. rcov eKUTepois vTrapxovToiv is a varied construction for ra is. See IT. on I. 65. § 1), denotes the result of the thing just before spoken of. Xai/Sdi/eii/ — (fi'Seipopevov, is insensibly brought to ruin. to Kotvov aSpo'oi/, the common interest taken collectively^ or the eamnon- iDcalth as a whole. ^ Chap. CXLIL] NOTES. 427 CHAPTER CXLII. The operations of the Peloponnesians -will be retarded for the want of funds (§ t) ; na apprehension need he entertained of their occupying posts or building a navy, t.he former of which they could hardly do in the time of peace (§§ 2, 3) ; and even if they Succeeded in constructing a fortress in Attica, it would not prevent the Athenians from retaliation by ravaging their coasts with a fleet (§ 4) ; the Athenians are better fitted for land service by their naval skill, than are the Lacedaemonians for naval warfare by their experience in land engagements (§ 5) ; nautical skill they will not easily acquire, since the Athenians, although practised in it from the time of the Persian war, are by no means perfect in it, and how too can it be acquired by husbandmen, hindered from going to sea by a blockading fleet (§§ 6, T) ; a few of the blockading ships they may dare to encounter, yet will be held in awe by a superior fleet (§ 8) ; thus they can acquire no skill in nautical affairs by prac- tice, and will remain ignorant of that species of warfare, and to an equal degree without courage in respect to it (§ 9). 1. fieyia-Tov 8e, dut what is greatest (cf. Xen. Anab. II. 5. § Y), is in apposition with the proposition with which it is connected (cf. Mt. § 432. 6. p. 710). In such cases the article is rarely omitted. Of. Jelf 's Ktihn. § 580. Obs. 2. Kcokvaovrai has a passive signification. Cf. Soph. Gr. Verbs, p. 37 ; K. § 251. R. 1. axoXfj = ^padecos. Schol. Per- haps the signification wgi^e which Portus gives would suit the passage better, as the sense given it by the Schol. would require to be followed by nothing but iropl^ovrai. Ilaack interprets o-xoXj}^ in otio, which is unsuitable to the context, since it is no argument against a liberal and cheerful contribution of funds to carry on a popular war, that they are furnished slowly and reluctantly in time of peace. aira nopi- ^ofievoi. "SciJ. dno rrjs VTzapxovcrrjs re iKacTTOis ovaias (qU89 sunt ai Blaioi iacf}opai, I. 141. § 5), kol dno rap iv AcXcfiols koX '0Xv/u,7r/a XPV fiaTwv, I. 121. § 3." Poppo. rov. . . .neveroi^ for the opportunities (i. e. the right points of time) of war will not wait, i. e. in war things must be done in the very nick of time, or the favorable opportunity will slip away and be lost for ever. Cf. Xen. Cyr. YIII. 5. § 7. 2. T} iTnTeixLcriis (sc. eVrt). Compare the threat of the Corinthians, I. 122. § 1). (}io^r]^r}vai is to be taken passively. Cf. Mt. § 535 b. Ols. 3. ttoKlv clvtIttclKov. The following note of Arnold (abridged by Bloomf.) fully illustrates the use of this term in connection with jj eVt- Tei;(i(ns. "Our author is here distinguishing between two different modes of fortifying {eTnreixKns) — the one by founding a city (so eVot- Ki'^eti/, YII. 27) in the neighborhood of Athens, strong enough tp be a check upon her power (nokiv avr'ntaKov^ a city equal in power to another. Cf. III. 9)— the other by erecting forts in Attica, aa strong. 428 NOTES. [Book 1. holds for plundering parties to issue forth from and alarm or ravage the country. Of the former sort of eTrirei'xto-iy, instances are found in the cas'e of Megara, founded by the Dorians as a check on the Athe- nians, and of Heraclea in Trachinia built to curb the Thessalonians (cf III. 92 ; V. 31) ; of the latter, Decelea forms an example." Ar- nold also remarks that iroKiv avriiraKov is the accusative after napa- aKevdaaa^ai^ the construction being rfjv fiev yap {eniTeixi-o-Lv) ;(aXe7roi'' Koi iv elprjvT] Trapao-Kevdo-aa'^ai. ^nov 8t]^ certainly^ indeed, much more. Mt. § 604. cKeivois is the dat. incommodi. din-eTrireret- Xicrpevcov, " occupying ground with forts in return.'''' Liddell and Scott. The perf. pass, has here a middle signification. Cf. Mt. § 493. d. 4. (ppovpiov S\ See Arnold's note on ttoXiv dvTlrraKov. y^r limits pipos. KaTabpopais kol avTopoXlais, iby inroads (made from the fort) and iy desertions, i. e. by furnishing a refuge for fugitive slaves and deserters. This was fully verified in the case of Decelea. ov pevToi iicavov ye k. t. X. Bloomf. makes iiTLTeixi-C^t-v the sub- ject of earai, by removing the following re (which he thinks was interpolated by editors, who wished to make the sentence Mynenibris)^ and by prefixing to to the infinitive. But it is better to make iniTci' x'^C^iv depend on KwXveii/, and to supply s hr)y how then. '^akdaaioi. See N. on I. 7. § 1. 7rpo(T€Ti .... iaa-opevoi, in addition not teing suffered tc practise and thus acquire skill. The Corinthians said (1. 121. § 4) : peXcTrjcropev . , , . ra vavTLKa. Cf. also I. 80. § 4, where Archidamus says : el de peXer^- KTopev. . . .cWorat. ' dpaev refers to av8pes as its subject. 8. oXiyay, SC vavs from vavaiu e(boppe7€vy€iv. The Schol. supplies KaroiKlav^ which Bloomf. pronounces to be harsh, and understands y^i/, not in the sense of country^ but of the French sejour (Engl, sojourn^ temporary residence). koi responds to Te, and is strengthened by apa. rjfiepcov depends on pia^ov^ and boo-ecos (a giving) is governed by evcKa. This succession of geni- tives is rather unusual in Thucydides. iKclvois refers to the Peloponnesians. 3. Toiavra koL TrapaTrXrjcna. See !N^. on I. 140. § 1. ra fie fjpfTepa (sc. SoKft) drrrjXXdx^at, dut our affairs seem to le free from the disadvantages (S. § 197. 2), icith which I have charged them, avnep eKCLvois epepyJAdpiju. Verbs of blaming are followed by the accusative of the thing in which the reproof consists, and the dative of the person who is blamed, covnep is therefore put in the genitive by attraction with its antecedent roircov. Cf. K. § 284. 3 (6) ; Mt. § 384. 3. Some may prefer to regard covrrep as the genitive denoting the cause of blame (Mt. § 368. 5), and then there will be no occasion of construct- ing it as the genitive by attraction. The orator having discussed the condition of the Peloponnesians in relation to the approaching war, now proceeds to set forth, by way of contrast, the superior advantages of the Athenians, which he proposed to do, I. 141. § 2. aXXa advantages. ovk dno rov ta-ov^ " non ex aque ^sed longe magis)." Poppo. 4. cVt rrjv eKeti/o)!/, SC. ;^a)pai'. e'lc rov Sfiolov, the same thing (= equally disastrous), is a predicate adjective-phrase in agreement with TliXoTzovvr]v dwarcov, according to their aMIity^ or perhaps, according to their means would better suit this passage. irolfia is here employed in an absolute sense. (f)v\d^avTes . . . .ne- piop?ipov^ icaiting for ju^t the beginning of dawn ; literally, waiting for the time when it was yet night and the day was just dawning. This was a time most favorable for surprise. Trpoa-cfiepojvTat (see N". on I. 13. § 5, and Poppo's Proleg. I. p. 282) refers to the Platssans, and yiyvcovToi to the Thebans. ck tov 'ia-ov = icroi. 0. 449. /3. (pojSepdiyTepoi, in greater consternation. The adjective ^6v. The gate was fastened on the inside by a bar (nox\6s)^ which was kept in its i)roper position by a cylindrical piece of iron {a pin^ iolt, ^akavos), passing through the bar perpendicularly and entering a hole in the gate, so that, unless it was taken out, the bar could not be removed and the gate opened. To extract this bolt another piece of iron, fitted to it and caUed fiakavdypa {a thing to catch the holt of a ^dXavos), was deployed. Cf. Smith's Diet. Antiq. p. 776. Bloomf. finds an obscu- rity in es TOV /xoxXoj/, which he would remove by supplying koi airro eji^oKoiv before these words. firjbe — en^ no longer. 4. ey TO 6^0), over the outside. ol nXeiovs of those who leaped from the wall. eprjpovs^ i. e. unguarded. XaSovrep koI biaKo^ yjravTes = eXaSoi/ dLaKoyj^avTes Kal. As the words noAV stand Port. renders, clam et effracto vecte. ov ttoWoL The reason is given in the next sentence introduced by yap (explicantis). aXXoi.... oTTtoXXvi^o, hut others scattered about in different parts of the city perished. OitAP. v.] NOTES. 439 5. TO Se TrXeTcrroi' of those who "were left, oa-ov fxaXiara, most especially such as. earTrlTrrovcnv is put in the plural because r^ TrXflo-roj/ is taken collectively. Mt. § 302 ; 0. § 548 ; S. § 151. 2. 6 rjv Tov reixovs (see N. on I. 134. § 1). Bloomf. with Port, translates, which was contiguous to the wall. But eix^ro instead of rjv would in that case have been employed, and it seems unwarrantable to supply €x6fM€Pov. at nXrja-iov (to the Thebans) ^vpai. For this inter change of the relative and the demonstrative, in the continuation of a proposition, cf. Mt. § 472. 3. p. 782. In consequence of this change, Haack encloses ai. . . . airov in a parenthesis. The same critic re- marks : " ai Trkijalou ^vpai nihil amplius est, quam propinqucB januos [qus9] sane in adversa asdificii, quod ad murum pertinebat, parte erant." oUjicvoi .... f fj/at, thinhing that the doors of the edifice were the city gates (nvXas). avriKpvs, straight^ plain. 6. f^ovXevojrro e'lre KaraKaxxraxriv acrnep exova-iv — eire — ^;^pj)(r(«)i^rai. The use of the indicative instead of the optative in the dependent clause, gives life and energy to ,the narrative, and makes the subordi- nate proposition emphatic. Of. K. § 327. K. 2. 7. xP'7o-«o-^at'«« '/SovXcoi/rat, to le treated as they (the Plateaus) might please^ i. e. they surrendered at discretion. For the passive signification of xRW^^'^^h ^^' ^^' § ^^2. a. CHAPTER V. A Tbeban reinforcement which should have reached Plataea in the night, now arrives (§ 1), but, in consequence of the rain and the difficulty of crossing the Asopus, too late to assist their companions (§§ 2, 3) ; -the Thebans meditate retaliation upon such of the Platajans as lived in the country, but the Platasans in the city anticipating this, threaten to put the Theban prisoners to death, in ease any injury is done to those without, but promise to restore the prisoners, if the Thebans will evacuate their territory (§§ 4, 5) ; which promise the Platajans deny that they ever made (§ 6) ; the Thebans retire from the territory, whereupon the Plataeans remove their friends from the country into the city, and put all the prisoners to death (§ 7). 1. ovs e§ei — Tvapayevea^ai., who were to come according to previous arrangement. r^? vvktos is the genitive of time, and TravarpaTia is the dative of accompaniment. eui apa ixtj Trpoxopoir] (sc. ra npaypara)^ if perchance success should not attend. The apodosis takes the indicative (eSet) because the assertion is positive, but the protasis is put in the optative to denote the possible occurrence of the thing spoken of. Cf. Mt. § 524. 3. eVe/So^Souj/, came to their aid. The imperfect is here employed de.conatu (see IsT. on I. 57. § 4), as no aid 44G NOTES. [Book 11 was really furnished. Poppo however remarks, that /3oi?3eii/ fre* quently has the signification auxilio prqficisci^ im ronov tiva being sometimes added. 2. rav erj^Hiv. S. § 197. 2. to vScop, the rain. Cf. II. 4. § 2. ippvT} fieyaSf flowed deep ■=. was swollen. 3. TTopevofievoi. . . .Trapeyevovro^ iy their marching in the rain,, and the difficulty with which they crossed the river, they arrived too late. ^Si;, already. dvdpcbv limits rwv /ueV and rav de taken par- titively. 4. Tois. . . .nXaraicoj/, against such of the Platceans as were without the city (i. e. living in the country), rav TlXaraLoov depends on rots e^o). rja-ap yap k. r. X. explains rots e^o), and i^ovXovro yap ia epexegetical of ine^ovXevov at the beginning of the section. ola , . . .yevop-evov, inasmuch as the evil came upon the7n unexpectedly (it being) in a time of peace. Of. S. § 226. a; 0. § 662. et nva Xd- Bouv — Tjv apa Tvxoia-i rives i^oiyprjpevoL, " could they succeed in taking any prisoner — should any happen to have heen taken alive^ Arnold. This translation is based on the distinction which he lays down in the nse of the moods, that the optative expresses uncertainty, with no intimation on the part of the speaker or actor in respect to the proba- bility or improbability of the event ; whereas the subjunctive shows that an impression is entertained of its probability, although the thing is yet uncertain. See N. on I. 95. § 1 (end). But Mt. (§ 525. 6) seems to regard the moods as used together here in an equivalent sense. vTrapx^i'V depends on i^ovXovro. 5. oi ptv is opposed to oi de in the next sentence. ert.... avTa>v, while they were yet deliberating. jrepi rois e^to, i. e. for tlie safety of those without the city. on dpdaeiav, that they had acted unjustly in what they had done, ra neTvoirjueva is the accusative denoting the abstract of the verb. S. § 181. 2. For the optative, cf. S. § 213. 2. neipa'^evTes has an active signification. to re c^o) is written as though Stl oi, and not on ovre, had preceded. tXeyov is to be connected with e^enepyJAap. avroU refers to the Thebans. ci Be prj = et Se, otherwise, inasmuch as it follows a negative sentence (cf Jelf' s. Kiihn. § 860. 5). There is properly a partial ellipsis in this phrase, to be mentally supphed : hut if they did not abstain from doing injury, they said, etc. ots exovan ^oovras = whom they held prisoners. dvaxfopTjo-dvrav contains the protasis (see N. on I. Yl. § 6). dnoboxreiv. Repeat ecjiaa-av. 6. eiropocrai v noXecop. Bloomf. with Kistem. regards vavs as the subject (cf. Jelf's Kiihn. § 898. Ods. 2). Poppo finds the subject in ol ^vufxaxoi, supplied from ol AaKcdaifiovioi Koi ol ^vfj-naxoi, or from noXcLs re ^v/x/xaxiSas (§ 1 supra), which on the whole I prefer as the most natural and simple. top ndpra dpi^fiov refers to the Italian and Sicilian ships, those on hand and those which were to be built. Bloomf. unnecessarily adds those of the home alli- ance. In respect to the greatness of the number (jTCPTaKocrltop), Bloomf. well explains it by the immane quantum, the /xeya x^^H-^i between human plans and their execution. dpyvpiop prjrop. " The highest amount (among the Peloponnesians) which each state could be called on to supply, was fixed once for all, and it was only on particular occasions to be determined what part was required. In like manner, the supplies in money and stores were regularly appointed, so that an army, with all its equipments, could be collected by a single summons." Mtill. Dor. I. p. 198. iroipd^etv, SC. irrerax'^r]. rd r aXXa, in other respects. The participles rjavxdCoPTas and Sexopipovs conform to the infinitive iroipdCeip. pid prji With more than one ship, it might be presumed that they came with a hostile intention. 3. 5e in 'AST^miot be responds to pep in the beginning of § 2. yLoKkop — diligentius. Poppo. KepKvpap. It will be seen by those who have read I. 24-55, why the Corcyraeans took part with the Athenians. KecpaXXTjpiap. Cf. I. 30. d — c'lrj. This is not the optative of the oratio olliqua, but is used to designate uncertainty as opposed to the certainty of the indicative. Cf. Jelf's Kiihn. § 885 2 (end). KarairoXepriaopTes, is here equivalent to peXXopres with the infinitive (Jelf's Kiihn. § 681. Ohs.), and depends on Spapres (viden- tes, i. e. intelligentes. Bothe). 444 NOTES [BookIL CHAPTER VIII. Both sides prepare for Tvar -with the utmost ardor (§ 1) ; many predictions are atlereu Dy oracle-moDgers (§ 2), and the great earthquake which happened in Delos seemed to prognosticate the coming events (§ 8); the generality of Greece take sides with tha Lacedsemonians, and, on account of their great animosity towards the Athenians, assist them to their utmost ability (§§ 4, 5). 1. okiyov, , . .aii^oTcpoL^ loth parties contemplated nothing small^ i. e. tbey anticipated a severe struggle. eppavTo is tlie pluperf. with the signification of the imperf. Bloomf. finds in this word an agonistic metaphor, its signification being to string one's nerves to an undertaking. dpxop^voi^ in the beginning. yap explains ovk dneiKOTcos (see N. on I. 73. § 1). de kgi, and also. vno dnei- pms, from inexperience. The Schol. quotes the proverb : yXvKvs dneipco irdXe/xoff. pereoopos ^v, was aroused to the height of expectation. TrpoiTcov in power and influence. 2. Xdyta, oracles. ;)(p?;o-/ioXdyoi, fortune-tellers^ oraclcr-dards^ who sang their prophecies composed in verse, " oracle-mongers.''^ Lid- dell and Scott. Against this worthless class of impostors, who were regarded as nuisances by the better portion of the community, Aristo- phanes directed the severest shafts of ridicule and satire. Cf. Aves. 960. €v re rots peXKovo-i — noXea-iv. The masculine form is used in the first member, reference being had to the inhabitants of the cities. Cf. S. § 158. 3. b. 3. en de ArjXos eKLvrj^i]. Herodotus says (YI. 98) that the earth- quake which shook Delos a little before the battle at Marathon, had never been repeated in his memory. As Herodotus lived to see at least the commencement of the Peloponnesian war, it is singular that he should have had no acquaintance with the earthquake to which Thucydides here alludes. The historians are usually reconciled in this apparent contradiction, by supposing that Thucydides refers to the same earthquake as the one spoken of by Herodotus, and that oXlyov TTpb TovTcop Trporepop is to be taken with considerable latitude. But we cannot think that Thucydides would have expressed himself so loosely, or that he would have referred to the event at all as being prognostic of this war, if it took place some seventy years before. I think, therefore, that the event referred to by Herodotus either never really took place (it resting solely on the authority of the Delians), or that the one here spoken of happened after Herodotus had finished his history. idoKei seems to show that Thucydides himself had little faith in these prognostics. aj/e^T/retro, were inquired into. Chat. IX.] NOTES. 445 4. rrapa ttoXu, hy far^ belongs to ^lahXov. Trpofinovroiv (sc. A.aKe8aipLovicov). The genitive absolute is here put for the accusative in agreement with AaKedaifxovlovs. on rrju 'EXXdSa iXev'iepovcnv. In respect to this war, Miill. (Dor. I. p. 215) says that it was the union of the free Greeks against the evil ambition of one state. But see 'N. on I. 121. § 4. avTols refers to the Lacedaemonians. « 77a- pearai, where any one Tiimself was not present, J refers to iv rovra. 5. ovTois opyfj elxov., were so enraged. Of. Mt. § 577. p. 1003. • ol p.eu and oi be are in apposition with nXeiovs. ^ovkouevoi, Seo N. on I. 37. § 2. napaa-Kcvrj denotes the manner. CHAPTER IX. ttiis cliapter contains a list of the confederates of the two great and powerful states, whicL were about to engage in a struggle for the supremacy. 1. 'Apyeiojj/. Next to the Lacedaimonians the Argives were the rrost powerful people in Peloponnesus ; and through rivalry and dif- ference in the form of government these states were at perpetual vari- ance. This will account for the neutrality of the Argives in the first years of the war. tovtols^ i. e. the Ai-gives and Achseans. aTravres the Achceans. Cf. VIII. 34. AoKpol Opuntii, not the OzolEe. See N. on I. 103. § 3; 113. § 2. ^cok^s. " Aut crravit scriptor, aut mox ad adversaries transierunt." Poppo, Proleg. I. 2. p. 297. 2. TovToiv is the partitive genitive. 3. Xloi^ Aecr^toi. These were the only islanders in the ^gseau sea not subject to the Athenians. Samos is not mentioned, because it had surrendered its fleet and become a tributary (cf. I. 117. § 3). 'AKapvdvwv oi irXeiovs. The (Eniada3 are the ones particularly excepted. Cf. II. 102. § 2. It appears from this that the Arcarnauians were not a people joined closely together, but composed of separate dis- tricts. aXXat .... ova-ai, some otTier states which, were tributa/ry ; not, some other tributary states^ which would imply that the states previously mentioned were tributary. The position of the article would also forbid the latter translation. Kapi'a, Acopt^ff, etc. are nouns employed in specification, and hence are put in the nominative, the dative being regularly demanded by iv eSveo-i roo-oTo-Sc. Cf. 0. 446 NOTES. [Book U § 344. 2. Kapal TrpoaoiKoi^ adjacent to tTie Carians. In its most extensive signification Oaria included Doris, which refers here, as the Schol. remarks, to the islands of Khodes, Cos, and the peninsula of Cnidus. Trpoff r)\Lov dviaxovTa. The Ojclades and Sporades were not directly between Peloponnesus and Crete, but in an easterly direc- tion. nacrai al aXKat KvKkddes, i. e. besides those lying between Peloponnesus and Crete, viz. Andros, Scyros, and the islands on the Thessalian coast. M17X0V koI Qrjpas. These belonged to the Lace- dasmonian interest. CHAPTEPv X. The Lacedaemonians send orders to the Peloponnesian states to get their forces in a state of readiness, with a view to an expedition into Attica (§ 1) ; all things being in order, the troops assemble at the Isthmus, where the officers and commanders of the allies are ad- dressed hy king Archidamus (§§ 2, 3). 1. 7repir]yyeX\ov. . . .iTTLTTjBeLa. The order is: nepiriyyeXKov rais noXecri Kara rrjv UeXonovvrjo-op kol ttjv e^a> (without Peloponnesus) ^vp.p.axiav (abstract for concrete. See N. on I. 118. § 2) napaa-Kevd- ^ea-3at (rrpaTiav rd re iiriTrjdeia. ola. . . .e'x^LV. The period for which supplies were to be furnished was forty days. Sbs eV/Sa- Xovvres^ in order to make an irruption. 2. eKda-TOLs (= v(^^ eKdarcov) of the confederated states. iroTp-a. See N. on II. 3. § 4. ytyi/oiro, sc. Trdvra. ilpr]p,ivov by the Lacedaimonians, who were the leading people in the confederacy. rd 8vo fjLepr]^ the two thirds (cf. I. 74. §1). "For expeditions without Peloponnesus, ra hvo piepr] (i. e. two thirds of the whole) ap- pears to have been the common proportion required from each state." MliU. Dor. 1. 199. N. 5. • 3. 'Apx^^apos. The first ten years of this war was called 'Apxidd uLos ndXep-os after this king. rot's — eV TeXet, those in command^ the commanders. See N. on I. 10. § 4. TrapeTmt depends on $xh yAcoXcVas. Chap. Xl.] NOTES. 447 CHAPTER XI. This chapter contains the speech of king Archidamus to the officers of the alh'ed forces as- sembled at the Isthmus. He begins by reminding them of the strength of their forces now in the field, admonishing them at the same time, that they are advancing against a powerful state (§ 1) ; their behavior should correspond therefore to their former glory, especially as the eyes of all Greece were upon them (§ 2) ; they should by no means relax their vigilance on account of their powerful and well-organized force, but be in a con- stant state of readiness to encounter danger (§ 3) ; for the events of war are doubtful, and attacks are oftentimes suddenly made, and want of caution has resulted in the defeat of forces far superior to those opposed to them (§ 4) ; in a hostile country, they should be bold in their plans and cautious in action, for thus their security from any attack would inspire them with courage (§ 5) ; they ought to expect from so powerful a state as Athens the most determined resistance, especially when they see their country invaded and rav- aged (§ 6) ; for all men are excited when they see themselves suffering injury, and espe- cially will this be true of persons so impulsive as the Athenians (§ 7), who, while they think it right for them to ravage the territory of others, will not wish to see their own thus dealt with (§ 8) ; in a war with such a state, it behooves the invading army to be obedient to orders, and conform to discipline as the surest ground of success (§ 9), 1. ol ^vinxaxoi^ sc. v/ifis. Of. Xen. Anab. IT. 5. § 39. tt/o-Sc depends on neiCova. 6XXa ep^oixe^a^ l)ut [as we have a very large force] so also we are now marching against a most powerful state. (TTparevovTes. Poppo sajs, " in participio o-TpaTevovres singulare quiddam temere qua^rit Matth. § 556. N. 1." See K on I. 7. § 1. 2. ixf)T€. . . .evdeearepovs, nor inferior to our own glory. enrjp- rat = p.€Te(op6s ((ttlv (II. 8. § 1). *A.^r]vaia)v is the objective geni- tive. irpa^ai Tjjxas, that we may accomplish^ depends upon evuoiav €xovG-a^ to be mentally repeated in the sense of wishing^ desiring. Such a dilogia is quite common in so compressed a style as that of Thucydides. 3. T(u (i. e. Tivi) belongs to TTkrfiei^ and supplies the place of our indefinite article (S. § 165). In such a use it generally follows its sub- stantive. da(f)aXeLa ttoXXt) cIvul = to feel much certainty. av cXSeii/ — dia pdxy]s, will come to lattle. For av with the infinitive, cf. S. § 215. 5 ; for the use of bia^ cf. K. § 291. I. 1. 5. tovtov refers to the preceding clause et ra. . . . p-dxr}s. dneXea-repov re, any the less cautious. Mt. § 457. r6 fcaS' ahrov^ as far as pertains to himself for Ms part. Matthia) (§ 283) says that the article is redun- dant in these phrases, which must be rendered as if they were paren- thetical. 4. e^. . . .yiyvovrai, oftentimes attacTcs are made suddenly (e^ oklyov) and through passion. behtbs = " siM cavens^ jprc.spiczV??^." Poppo. — ap-eivov. Supply mentally rj ol nXioves to Tkaao-ov zrX^Slos'. 448 NOTES. [Book II dia... .yej/eVSat, 071 account of their being through contempt (of their adversaries) unprepared. For the nse of the participle, see N. on I. 9.§1. 5. iv rfj TTokefxia, in a hostile country. rrj — yvcaur] by its anti- thesis with rS epyco (in the execution) must have the sense, in council^ in planning. dedioras. See N. on Sedtdy, § 4. — ■_ — npos {in re ference to^ in) .... ivavriois hmits eii\//-u;(orarot. 6. ddvparov — ouro), thus unable. rois naanv refers to the meana of resistance possessed by the enemy, and Hmits 7rap€(TK.€vacrixevr)v. S. § 20G. 2. In respect to the thing spoken of, cf. I. 80. § 3. koI Tvdvv (see N. on I. 3. § 1) ekni^eLv^ fully to expect. bia fidx^js Uvai. See N. on § 3 supra. iv a responds to vvv. Trdpeo-jxev in the Athenian country referred to in iv rfj yrj. aXX' Bravy yet (they wiU be in motion) when. 7. Trda-L . . . .Trpoa-TTLTrrei, for all are angry (literally, anger comes upon all) to see themselves with their own eyes^ and at the present mo- ment suffering some unusual injury. For the construction of ird- axovras^ cf. S. § 255. 7 ; 0. § 633. Xoyta-/xa), reason^ reflection. ^vp,a Ka^iaravTai^ " are the most hurried into action by 2>cissio7i.''^ Bloomfield. 8. nXeov Ti = pdXkov Ti. Kriig. rav (iXkcov depends on ttX/ok elKos is the predicate and ^ A.'^-qvaiovs — tovto hpda-at is the subject of the sentence, eVri being understood (S. § 150. 4). apx^^-v de- pends on d^ioixTi. Srjovv depends on imovres. rr^v iavrcov^ SC. bTjovp.ivr}v elicited from the preceding br^ovv. Cf. K. § 346. 2. a. 9. &)s ovv^ since then^ introduces the conclusion of the speech. eV dpcjiorepa = as they shall turn either way., i. e. be prosperous or adverse. This phrase is epexegetical of ho^av., which has in this place the sense of good or evil report., according as the contest should termi- nate. eVt denotes ' conformity to' (K. § 276. III. 3. b). o-m] = eKelae ottt/, into the place where. av tls (one) TjyrjTai. For the use of the subjunctive in adverbial sentences of place, cf. K. § 336; Mt. § 527. 1. Trept rravros noiovfievot^ regarding it of the high- est imp)ortance. Matthias (§ 589. 5) says that the idea of avri, seems here to be implied in Trepu Cf. Yig. p. 253. III. ra hcxdp^voi. Bloomf. gives to bexdp-evoi the double sense of hearing and obeying: ^uich to hear and prompt to obey your orders. rdSe refers forward k) TTohXovi .... (j)atV€(T?5ai. CbAP. XII.] I NOTES. 449 CHAPTER XII. Archidamus sends Melesippus to see whether the Athenians are disposed to give way (§ 1) ; they refuse to admit Lim into the city, and order his immediate departure, aiJirming that they will receive no message from the Lacedaemonians, until they first retire to their own country (§ 2) ; at the same time they take measures to prevent Melesippus from having intercourse with any one (§ 3) ; upon his return, Archidamus breaks up his encampment, and marches forward into the Athenian territory (§ 4) ; the Boeotians ravage the Plataian territory (§ 5). 1. aTrocrreXXet — d tl. Supply o-Ki-^oyLevov^ or some such word. See N". on I. 58. § 1. n depends on ivhoUv. fxaXXov than at the time when the last embassy was sent (I. 189. § 8). eVSoTei/, would give in. This is like our usage of the phrase. eV 6Sm ovras. The Peloponnesians were now at the Isthmus, on their way to Attica. Cf. U. 10. § 2. 2. oi Se, i. e. the Athenians. avrop refers to Melesippus. TO KOLvov. See N. on I. 90. §^5. KrjpvKa. . . .npoa-bexea^iai is epex- egetical of yvaixrj^ or perhaps some would construct it as the subject of ^Vj in which case the sense would remain the same. dKovaai. his message. cktos. . . .av'^rjixepov^ to withdraw from their bounda- ries that very day (as Arist. I. 250 explains it, npo tjXiov dvpovros., be- fore sunset). eKTos opau elvai is something like our brief expression, ie off with yourself. The order here given was by no means an un- common one. dmx(opT](ravTas refers to the Lacedaemonians. avToyv agrees with the genitive implied in a(f)€T€pa. 0. § 454. 8. aywyovff, as escort. oncos has the tehc sense. See N. on I. 65. § 1. 3. Toa-opde refers to rjde ap^ei (is the beginning of). The pre- diction in this passage (of which many imitations exist) was most fearfully verified, ore is here the sign of a direct quotation. 4. ovbep TTO)^ not yet (although threatened by so powerful an inva^ gion). ovTv^ visiMe to the eye. KoKXip- porj, i. e. beautifully flowing. a^ia^ so. es. See is aXXa infra. Cf. Mt. § 409. 6 ; K. § 278. 4. Or if it is thought preferable, Ta—a^ia may denote the result or purpose of the verb ixpS)VTo. Cf, C. § 432. 3. (XP^vTo-i sc. 'AST/i/aioi from *A^r}vai(op in the preceding context. • vop-iCeTaL — xPW^f^h *'* ^^ customary to use. See N. on I. 77. § 6. 6. oKponoXis is the subject and ttoXls is the predicate of this sen* tence. 156 NOTES. [BooKn CHAPTER XVI. I'liis rural and unconstrained manner of living the Athenians are reluctant to give up, and with much grief they abandon their dwellings, being as it were their ancestral temples, and quit their cities (§§ 1, 2), 1. ovp resumes the train of thought from §§ 1, 2 of the preceding chapter, which was interrupted by the digression in §§ 3-6. The para- graph as far as ^waKia-'^Tjaiv is a repetition of the arguments of these two sections. The historian then shows that the union under one political metropolis, did not win the affections of the Athenians from their country residences. At ov paStcos Ittoiovvto^ he returns to XaXeTToys. . . .iyiyvero (II. 14. § 2), which words gave rise to the digres- sion in chap. 15. fxere'tx^v = used^ " clung toy Jelf 's Kuhn. § 360. For the dative after this verb instead of the more usual genitive, cf. Jelf's Kiihu. §§ 686. II. a; 642. &. iv rois aypois follows yei/o/xei/ot {degentes). navoiK^qcrla^ with fhe whole family. aprt does not refer to the times immediately preceding. Its force may be seen in the translation, soon after the Persian war. dveikrjcfioTfs, having recovered^ with the additional idea of repairing and rebuilding, when their habitations had been injured or destroyed by the enemy. 2. ;(aXe7ra)s ecfiepov — /caraXtTroVrfr, felt it hard to leave. K. § 310. 4. c. a — rjv avTOLs — TrdrpLa, which were their hereditary fanes. Arnold has an excellent note on this passage, in which he shows how local was the religion of the ancients, the gods being supposed to have their own homes, where only they could be worshipped with acceptance. In contrast with this notion, he aptly cites John 4 : 21, 23, 24. ovdev .... auroG, nothing else than his own city (= his own city. Mt. § 488. 11). The use of SKko is here prospective. C. § 541. /3. Bothe supplies with Ka\ ovdh aXko the verb ejBapvvovTo from the preceding context. CHAPTER XVII. These who come in from the country, with few exceptions, are obliged to take tip their abode in the vacant places, temples, and chapels of the citj-, and even to occupy the place called Pelasgicum, to inhabit which was laid under a curse (§ 1) ; the denunciation of the oracle, however, was to be interpreted far otherwise than it was apprehended by the people, for tha calamity which it foretold resulted from the necessity of its being inhabited, rather thun its being sacrilegious to do so (§ 2) ; many constructed huts for themselves upon th towers of the walls, and at last partitioned out and made huts adjacent to the Long Walls, and in a great part of the Piragua (§ 8) ; at the same time they apply themselves vigor- ously to the war, draw together their auxiliaries, and equip a fleet of 100 sail (§ 4). 1. Karacjivyrj. The verb is to bo supplied from vnrjpxov. ot 5c ... . wKTjo-av. Temporary dwellings were probably erected in thia Chat XVILJ NOTES. 457 noj them and uninhabited portion of the city. t6 re UeXaa-yiKov, Haack supplies reT;^o$', and says that it refers to a place adjacent to the Pelasgic wall, and deserted from the time that the Pelasgians there conspired against the Athenians. Col. Leake (Topog. Ath. I. p. 313) says, " the word Pelasgioum was applied not only to a part ot the wall of the Acropolis, but also to a space of ground below the rocks of the Acropolis." He also refers to this passage in proof, that it was an enclosed space and not merely a wall. This is the opinion, as far as I am able to discover, of all the best commentators. 6 . . . .oiVeTv, and loJMh it was forbidden &cen {kclC) ty a curse to inhabit; literally, to inhabit which was laid even under a curse. For /xj) with the infinitive, see N. on I. 10. § 1. — — rt — aKporeXeurtoz/ rotoVfie, a certain verse-ending after this sort ; some such fag-end (Bloomf.) of a verse as this. 2. ToivavTiov. . . .TTpocrebexovTo^ to have been fulfilled in a differ- ent manner from what they expected = to have had a different meaning than the one usually supposed. ov yap dia k. t. X. In this place Thucydides betrays his disbelief in the oracle. Calamities did indeed result from inhabiting the Pelasgicum, not however from the curse pronounced upon it, but from the great necessity, which compelled the Athenians in face of such a prohibitory oracle to in- habit it, and which necessity, whenever it came, might bo predicted as disastrous without any great claim to foreknowledge. The ambig- uous replies of the oracle are referred to in I. 126. §§ 4-6, in a way which shows that our author had little confidence in them. at ^y/x^opai yevea^ai. Supply doKovai from doKel in the preceding pro- position. Mt. § 556. Obs. 1. bv refers to noXenov^ and avrb to IleXacryiKov. —z — to jiaprelov with ovofxa^ov has the sense of the oracle^ but with Trpo^'Sft, the one who uttered the oracle. 3. /careo-Keuacrai/ro, made themselves huts., '"''settled^ quartered^ or established themselves.'''' Arnold. Cf. Xen. Cyr. VII. 5. § 37. Kara- veijidfievoi^ dividing among themselves. The huts are said by the Schol. to have been built on the walls, but it is more natural to sup- pose with Bloomf., that they were built along the base of the walls so as to be supported by them. rov JJeipaicos, of the Firceus^ not of tlie walls of the Pirceus^ as Bloomf. supposes. 4. ofia Se, but at the same time with the removal of these persons into the city. rav tj-tttovto. S. § 192. 1. dyeipovT€s belongs to TJnTovTo as the participle of manner. See N". on I. 37. § 5. rrj JJeXoTTovurjo-co^ agaiiist Peloponnesus. Dat. incommodi. 5. iv TovT(o Trapaa-Kevrjs^ in this state of preparation. See N. on I. 49. § 6 (end). 20 458 NOTES. [BookH CHAPTER XVIII. The Peloponnesian army reaches CEnoe, and making preparations to take it by storm ar« for some time delayed (§§ 1, 2) ; which delay and his tardiness in other respects bring much censure upon Archidamus, for during the siege of CEnoe the Athenians efltected their removal into the city (§§ 3, 4) ; the alleged reason for this slowness of movement, was the expectation that the Athenians would make some concession (§ 5). 1. d(f)iKeTo.,..7rpa)rop^ '■'■came upon Attica first at CEnoey C. § 361. a. See N. on I. 114. § 2. CEnoe lay on me ronte from the Isthmus to Boeotia, nnder Oythseron, and on the Eleusinian Cephissus. 7TapevTo, lised it for a fortress. " "With ;^p^(rSat a second dative often stands by means of attraction, so as to express the aim or designy K. § 285. 1. (2). avra refers to OtVo'?;, but con- forms in gender to (f)povpiage. evbaxreiv ri. Sco IST aa II. 12. § 1. * CuAi'. XIX.] , NOTES. 459 CHAPTER XIX. ThC' Peloponnesians not succeeding in taking CEnoe, and receiving no proposals of peace from the Athenians, break up the siege, and marching forward into Attica, lay waste the country (§ 1) ; after defeating a detachment of Athenian cavalry at Eheiti, they proceed to Acharnse, and ravage the surrounding country (§ 2). 1. nao-av Ideav depends on Treipda-avres. Poppo professes himself in doubt between this construction, and that of the explanatory accu- sative (cf. Mt. § 435. 5 ; K. § 279. 7). If the latter construction be the true one, avTrjs referring to CEnoe must be supplied with neipd- aavres. ovto drj {then indeed) responds to inetd^. Spfirja-av^ res = departing. drr avrrj?^ i. e. from CEnoe. /xera. . . .yevo- fiiva is to be construed after ^fxepa. ra — yevopeua has the sense of a substantive (= the event)^ and is therefore followed by the genitive Orj^aicov. Cf. Mt. § 375. Obs. 1. eV JlXarata depends upon ra — yei/o/xej/a, and not upon tcov eo-eXSoVrcoi/ Qrj^aicov. tov Sepov?.... aK/xaCovTos, in midsummer and when the harvest was ripe; literally, in the height of summer and of harvest. Arnold says that the commence- ment of this ravage of Attica could not be later than the end of June. Goel. refers tov airov aKixd^ovros to the time when the corn is in flower, and Leake says that the harvest in Peloponnesus begins about June 10th, and does not end before July 20th, or the beginning of August. 2. 'EXeucrii/a . . . . TreSioj/. Eleusis was situated on the bay of the same name, about midway between Megara and Athens. Its modern name is Lcpsina. North of the town was the Eleusinian plate, in which was Thria, about three miles north-east from Eleusis, which gave its name to the greater part of the plain. rponrfv — enotr}- aavTo^ put to flight. tlvo. — Imrecov = a detachment of Athenian horse. It is not to be supposed that the whole of the invading army marched to Eheiti, for this repulse of the Athenians was doubtless effected by a detachment of the Peloponnesian horse. nepl tovs 'PeiTovs, at Eheiti, These were two salt lakes on the eastern margin of the bay of Eleusis, at the entrance of the plain, and forming the boundary between the Athenians and Eleusinians. Cf. Leake's Topog. Ath. II. pp. 138-141. TO KlydXeoiv. . . .'A^api^a?. From the Thri- asian plain .the invading army passed on until they came to the moun- tain Q*- summit of the mountain.'''' Arnold) Corydallus, where they appear to have left the Sacred Way, and with the mountain on their right, pursued their march to Acharna^, a town sixty stadia (cf. I. 31. I 2) north of Athens. DodweU, cited approvingly by Poppo (Proleg. 400 NOTES [Book 11. II. p. 259), thinks that Corydallus and ^galeos are one and the same mountain. If so, the main difficulty in the passage is removed. The reason why the Peloponnesians changed the direction of their march e>ppears in the next chapter. CHAPTER XX. Archidamus refrained from entering the Athenian plain, in the expectation that the Athe- nians would sally forth to prevent their country from being ravaged (§§ 1, 2) ; but when they neither met him at Eleusis nor at the Thriasian plain, he marched to Acharnae (§ 3), it being a place suitable for an army to encamp in, and his design being to provoke the Acharnians to come forth and defend their lands from devastation ; if however they should not do this, the plain might then be ravaged and the city of Athens approached, with the advantage, that the zeal of the Acharnians to defend Athens would be diminished by the fact that their own lands were already ravaged (§§ 4, 5). 1. cos ra^dnevov^ with his army arranged for dattle. as es fidxrjs = on the supposition that there would te a dattle. Cf. K. § 290. H. 2. See N. on I. 73. § 5. neBiou of Attica. Col. Leake thinks that the district of Acharnaa was so separate from the plain of Athens, or at least was such a distinct portion of it, as to alford a good defen- sive position for an invading army (Topog. Ath. II. p. 36). cKeivij TTj €(r^o\^ denotes time (S. § 204), or perhaps it may be regarded as the dative of means (by that irruption)^ which would account for the omission of eV, which is usually joined witJi words not in tliexuaclves expressive of time. The plain was ravaged in the second expedition of the Peloponnesians (II. 55. § 1). 2. yap introduces the explanation of yvdoixj] roiade in the previous section. aKfj-a^ovras noWij, abounding in young men. wy ovna> TrpoTcpov, as never before = better than ever before. • lo-o), perhaps. au eW ^eXSai/ = on ine^eX'^oiev av. S. §215. 5. TTfpuSeTj/ (see N. on nepiopav^ I. 24. § 6) is here followed by the infini tive, because it refers to the permission of something which may ex ist hereafter, and not of something already existing. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 687. Obs. 3. ft €Tr( ^iaariv, (to see) whether they would meet him in battle. See N. on ec nm, I. 58. § 1. 4. apLa ptv yap introduces another reason why Archidamus re- mained about Acharnoe. 6 x^P°^- • • 'evarpaTorrfdevaai (= fniTri' beiop €(f)aLveTO arparoTredeva-ai iv rw X^P^' ^®® ■^* ^^ ■"■* ^^' '^ iiiit.), tlie place seemed convenient to encamp in. For i<^alvcTo with the in- Chap. XXL] NOTES. 461 finitive, see N. on I. 2. § 1). /xeya. . . .TroXeor, who constituted (see N. on I. 8. § 1) a considerable portion of the state. yap in Tpicr- xOCe. See N. on I. 114. § 2. orparoJ. S. § 206. 5. is.... 462 NOTES. [Book 1L TrpoeXScoi;, Tiaving advanced no further. ttKclov is here used of space by way of accommodation with TrpoeX'^Qiv. do^avrt dvaxo>pr)(nv^ hecaiise (see N. on I. 9. § 4) he seemed to have teen induced to this re- treat by 'bribery. TTfia-'^rjvai in the active is followed by two accusa- tives. The more usual construction, however, would have been ch TTjv av^x'^p-qcnv. Cf. K. § 2y8. 4. 2. avTois depends on iiKpavel as an adnorainal genitive. S. § 197. N. 4. as etKOff refers not to yrjs. . . .ipfpavel, but to delvov ((^al- vero. ol TTpea^vTepoi. Repeat mentally icopaKecrav. 7rXr)i/ ra MT^SiKa, except in the Median wars. Kara ^vcrTaa-eLS re yiyvopeuoi. See K on III. 27. § 3. e'win-es-, sc. i^uvai. 3. ;(;p7;o-/xoXo'yot. See N". on II. 8. § 2. hv. . . .apy-qro. Most of the critics supply the ellipsis which is evidently here, by repeating the last verb. So Arnold translates : ''''whicli they were eager to listen to as each was eager ; which they were severally eager to listen to.'''' Cf. K. § 344. Prof. Crosby is disposed to govern a.Kpoaa'^ai by copyrjro, it being placed before ©y, in order to avoid the awkward collocation S)u COS. He would then supply rjKpocovro or rjKpoaro and render: ichicJi to listen to according as each one was eager., so they listened = which they listened to., each according to the excitement of his feelings. The correctness of this ingenious solution will of course depend much on the validity of the assumption in respect to the position of wy. I see no objection to this transposition, but unless it is made, must con- cur in the explanation of Poppo, Arnold, and Bloomf. oIojjlcvoi . . . .'A'^Tjvaiiov^ thinMng that they formed no small part of the Athe- nians ; literally, that no small part of the Athenians was with them. Cf. II. 20. § 4. In respect to Trapa acfilaiv, see N. on Trap' vfxiv^ 1. 38. § 1. &)y, when. ivriyov^ urged on. Z>v = eKeivcov a, of which the antecedent depends on ovdev. • irporepov belongs to 'n-ap^veae. cKaKiCov. Conspicuous among those who reviled him was Cleon. eVe^dyoi. The optative is employed because ort. . . . €7ve^dyot is quoted as what was said or thought by the persons here spoken of: Cf. Jelf 's Kuhn. § 885. Obs. ; Mt. § 529. &i/ is put for & by attraction with its antecedent. S. § 175. 1. CiiAP. xxn 1 NOTES. 463 CHAPTER XXII. Pericles seeing^the Athenians so highly exasperated, and being satisfied of the wisdom ol his councils, convenes no public assembly, lest in such a state of excitement unwiso measures should be adopted, but contents himself with keeping the city as tranquil as possible (§ 1) ; he sends out detachments of horse, however, to check the enemy when extending their ravages too near the city, on one of which occasions an engagement takes place between the Athenian and Thessalian cavalry, atd. the Boeotian horse (§ 2) ; a list is given of the Thessalian auxiliaries (§ 3). , 1. TTpbs TO napov^ in reference to the present posture of things. ov TO. apiara (f)povox)vTa9 (by litotes) = judging T)adly. TrepX tov fir] ene^uvai^ in not leading them forth to battle. iKKXrja-iav signi- fies a public meeting^ ^vXkoyov^ a gathering or an assemdly of a more private nature. tov .... i^apapTeiv., lest coming together under the influence of passion rather than reason^ they should err in their re- solves. This genitive clause denotes the reason why Pericles did not convene an assembly. C. § 622. N. A similar use of tov with the infinitive is found in I. 4. re in Tr]v re responds to re after €kkXt]- aiav. pd\i(TTa ocrov idvvaro. See N. on I. 17. § 1. 2. TOV pr). . . .KaKovpyelv is constructed like tov. . . .i^apapTeiv in § 1. Trpobpopovs ^= '\ln\ovs (III. 1. § 1). crTpaTias of the Pelo- ponnesians. ^pax^'ia = piK'pa.. Cf. I. 78. § 1. iv ^pvytois-, at Phrygia. This place was in Attica near the Boeotian line, but its exact locality cannot now be determined. reXet limits eVeyeVero. A reXos of cavalry was 2048 men. peT avTcov^ i. e. on their side. Trpd?, against. ovk eXaaa-ov = the better of it. For the lito- tes, see N. on I. 3. § 1. H'^XP'- °^ (= ''"^^ XP^^^'^i °'^^- ^- § ^^^- ^)i until. avTcov refers to the Athenians and Thessalians. dcnrov- 8ovs. See N. on I. 63. § 3 (init.). It shows that the Athenians were not conquered, that they were able (aanovboL) to bring away the bodies of their slain. r^^ va-Tepaia. Bloomf. thinks that they were afraid to do this on the day of the fight, lest the same scene should take place as is recorded in I. 105. § 7. 3. f] Sc . . . . Qea-a-aXavj this aid of theirs furnished ty the Thessa- lians. avTT] is reflexive and refers to the Athenians. Kara .... ^vppaxiKov. Of. I. 107. § 7. Uapdo-ioi. If this word should be written Uvpda-ioi, Fyrasii, it refers to the inhabitants of Pyrasus a sea-port of Pthiotis, otherwise it is not known what people are re- ferred to. uTTo. . . . cKdrepos^ each from his own faction. The article has tlie force of a possessive pronoun by the influence of cKdrepo^^ 464 NOTES. tBooK IL after tlie analogy of a substantive with the article followed by a verb in the middle voice. It is unnecessary to suppose that the two parties here spoken of were aristocratical and democratical, since the former would not have helped the Athenians. Keference is doubtless had to family dissensions or local divisions. CHAPTER XXIII. The Peloponnesians being tmable to bring the Athenians to a general engagement, break up their encampment at Acharnse, and ravage other portions of Attica (§ 1) ; in the meanwhile the Athenians send their fleet to cruise around Peloponnesus (§ 2) ; the Pelo- ponnesians having remained in Attica until they had exhausted their provisions, return home through Bceotia and disband their forces (§ 3). 1. apavres. See N. on II. 12. § 4: (end). IIdpvr]?sos^ Mount Parnes lay 60 stadia north of Acharnse, and was the loftiest mountain in Attica, being 4700 feet high. Between this and Mount Brilessus on the south-east, flowed the Athenian Cephissus. 2. y^ of Attica. ras eKarov vavs — aanep irapccrKcva^ovro^ the Tiundred ships which they were getting ready (i. e. when the historian last mentioned them, II. 17. § 4). So Arnold explains the use of the imperfect, which is preferable to making it stand for the pluperfect {had got ready\ a use quite questionable. irepieTrXeov, cruised around Peloponnesus. 3. oaov flx^v TO. eVtTJjSeta, as long a time (literally, as much) as they had supplies for. C. § 390. ov^ w^p eo-e^aXovy not dy the way in which they came in. Bloomf. attributes this to the fact, that they had devastated the country and could find nothing to subsist on. But he forgets that they had taken provisions with them for forty days. I prefer therefore the reason given by the Schol. ottcds koI raXXa brjaa-av- res fioKKov Xvirrjo-coaiv. Trapiovres., while passing hy. ^Stpaivov. Col. Leake (Topog. of Athens, II. p. 112) says that this name is now given to a small village on the right bank of tlie Yourieni (/3ov/)tcVt), anciently the Asopus. It was situated at the mouth of this river nearly cast of Tanagra (cf. Kiepert's map). Cf. III. 91. § 3. The Peloponnesians might have crossed at Tanagra, but chose this more northern and circuitous route, for the same reason that they returned by a difierent way than that by which they entered Attica. - — JJfipa'iKTju seems to have been a district on the Oropian frontier of Attica. Some editions have VpdiKriv. Chap. XXV.] NOTES. . 405 CHAPTEE XXIV. After the departure of the Peloponnesians, the Athenians establish permanent guards both by land and sea, and set apart out of the treasures in the citadel 1000 talents, Xo bo expended In nothing else than the defence of the city, in oase it should be attacked by naval force (§ 1) ; 100 triremes are also decreed to be reserved yearly for the same emer geucy (§ 2). 1. uxrirep. . . .^vXa^eii/, = just as they were to continue through the whole war ; literally, were to Jceep guard. e^aipera noirjarafxevois, having taTcen out. x^P'^ SeVSai, to set apart. is oKKo ti, for any other purpose than what is mentioned in the following sentence. is by constructio prsegnans gives to Kivelv the sense of to apply as well as to remove. See N. on I. 18. § 2. JiavaTov is in apposition with ^Tjixlav. 2. fxer avTojv, with them^ i. e. as being embraced in the same re- servation for an emergency. The idea is that from the ships ready for sea, they were yearly to select 100 of the best, which were to be laid aside for the purpose here specified. wv depends on firjdefita, and fxeTo. Ta>v xp-qixaToiv is to be constructed after Trept tqv alrov klv- 8vvov. With xPW'^^^ supply eSo^ev avrois from the preceding section. CHAPTER XXV. fab Athenian fleet, reinforced by 50 ships of the Corcyraeans, ravage the Peloponnesiast coast &iid attack Methone (§ 1) ; but Brasidas, who happens to be in that quarter, forcea his way into the place and prevents its capture (§ 2) ; the Athenians then sailing along lay waste the country around Phia, and defeat a body of troops who come to relieve the place (§ 3) ; a storm arising they embark in their ships and put in at the port of Phia, which the Messenians and others proceeding across by land have taken (§ 4) ; these troops are then taken on board, and the ships weigh anchor, a superior force having assembled to succor the place (§ 5). 1. iv rais eKarou vavai. Cf. II. 23. § 2. aXKot rtvcs, i. e. the Messenians of Naupactus (cf. I. 103. § 3), Acarnanians, and the Za- cynthians (cf. II. 9. § 1). e/,) for a considerable 2)ortion (of the country) remained free. In respect to these independent states, cf. II. 96. § 2, et seq. 3. TT^peT limits rrpoarjKei, and is defined by tS — axovri^ the one who had (S. § 225. 1). Kender irpoo-rjKei — ouSeV, has tw connection with, has no relation to. olhk lyevovro, nor did they belong to the same part of Thrace. For the genitive, cf. S. § 190. 6 pikv — • 6 Trjpevs. The noun sometimes appears in this formula, to give em- phasis to the distinction intended, or perhaps here to show the differ- ence in the names of the two persons. Cf. Mt. § 288. Obs. 5. Oppos- ed to this is Tr]pr]g de infra. AavXla. This was a town or for- tress near Parnassus, which, according to Dodwell, still retains its name and has about seventy houses. ro epyov at yvvalKcs (i. e. Procne and Philomela). The story is, that, in revenge for the base and inhuman conduct of Teres towards Philomela, her sister Procne killed and served up on his father's table Itys, who was about six years of age. It is remarked by Smith, that this chapter contains th« Chap. XXX.] NOTES. 47i only story told by Thucydides in his whole liistory, but Haack finds another in II. 102. Poppo, Arnold, and some others enclose kiu to epyoi/.. . .'OSpvo-as odov in the marks of a parenthesis. AavXias T] 6pvts<) the Daulian Mrd. cIkos be koI k. t. X. is introduced to confirm the position, that tfte husband of Procne was not the Thra- cian prince who reigned over Odrysse. /c^Soy, marriage connec- tion^ affinity ly marriage. bia too-ovtov (with which nakXov is to be taken) = at so much nearer a distance^ is opposed to dia noWcov ^[lepuiv — 68ov in the next member. excov should have been a verb, or T€ after ^aaiXevs omitted to make the construction regular. — — €v KpdreL = of any power. 4. oil — oi/ra, deing his son. acpia-i — ^vveXelv^ would help them to subdue. avrbv is the subject of ^vvikelv. 5. Ka\. . . .'AST^i/aioi/, and caused (repeat iirolrja-e) that his son should he made an Athenian citizen (S. § 207. 2). avrov refers to Sitalces. KarakvaeLv^ would bring to a close. The next clause is confirma- tory of this, and is therefore introduced by yap. neiaeip depends on vnebexeTo to be supplied from the preceding clause. 6. avra refers to Pei;diccas. aTrodovvai. The Athenians had taken Therme. Cf. I. 64. § 2. eVl XakKideas .... ^opfxloivos. Cf. I. Co. § 3. JHAPTER XXX. The Athenian fleet continuing their cruise around Peloponnesus, take Solium and Astacoa (§ 1); tbey then sail to Cephallenia, which they bring over to the Athenian alliance with- out employing force, after which they return to Athena (§ 2). 1. ^oXiov. Ool. Leake (who adopts the orthography "SoXXiov^ Sol- Hum) fixes the situation of this town on the western coast of Acarna- nia, between Leucas and the (Eniadge. On the same coast further north was also Palserus (cf. North. Greece, IV. p. 18). But Kiepert puts Solium on his map opposite the northern extremity of Leucas, and Palajrus south of it. It will be seen by this, that the Athenian fleet coasted northward from Phia (cf. II. 25. § 5 end). Trapadido- acTL, . . .vepe(T?iai. See N. on tdocrav — oikcTi', II. 27. § 2. "AaraKou. '•'' Astacus was the chief maritime city northward of the (Eniadee near the Echinades." Leake's North. Greece, IV. p. 4. As this place lay south of Solium, the fleet was probably on its homeward course when it was taken. From this place they sailed directly across to Cephallenia. avrov.^ i. e. Evarchus. 472 NOTES. [Book H 2. Kara, over against^ opposite to. K. § 292. II. 1. c. rerpd' jToXts ova-a = having four cities. In respect to the situation of these towns, cf. Leake's North. Greece, III. pp. 56-68 ; Kiepert's Map of Greece at the time of this war. IlaX^? is in apposition with rroKeis implied in TeTpdnoXis. Cf. 0. § 332. 4. CHAPTER XXXI. In the antumn of this year, Pericles leads an army into the Megarcan country, to which expedition the homeward-bo and fleet from the coasts of Peloponnesus join themselves (§ 1) ; the army was then larger than any with which the Athenians had before taken the field, for their power was then at its height, and the pestilence had not thinned their numbers (§ 2) ; having laid waste much of the Megarean territory the army returns home (§ 3). 1. nepi Se to (f>?iiv67ra>pov, about tTie close of autumn. Gottl. fixes the time at the end of October. ol. . . .'A37/i/aTot, tlie Athenians who had heen cruising around Peloponnesns (cf. II. 25. § 1). ervxov dvaKopLi^oficvoij for they happened tote now at ^gina on their voyage home (see N". on I. 30. § 2). These words are enclosed in a parenthesis by Bekker, Haack, Bothe, and Arnold. In Poppo's edition the parenthesis is erroneously made to close with ovres. ^(T^ovTo — ovras. See N. on I. 36. § 3. ^vvcfxix^rjo-avy more usually ^vvefxi^av. Kriig. 2. dSpo'oj/, collected together. The assertion here made must refer to the times preceding this expedition, as afterwards they appear to have taken the field with more numerous forces. In the battle at Delium, the Athenian forces are said (lY. 94. § 1) not to be inferior in number to the enemy, and these in the previous chapter are said to have been 17,000. In the siege of Syracuse, the naval and land forces combined must have exceeded the number here referred to. If there- fore the assertion is not limited, as was said, to the times preceding this expedition, the excess must have consisted in the light-armed troops (xa)p\s oXtyos), the most of which at Delium had gone home. In the enumeration here made, those engaged in the siege of Potidasa are included, to make the whole number correspond to that given in II. 13. § 6. 'AS^mt'coi/ without their allies. 3. Koi aXKai. Cf. IV. 66, § 1. Kara eros eKacrrov^ each year, " Ex decreto publico (Charini) jurabant Atheniensiura o-rpaTrjyoly oti Koi b\s dva ndu eros els tt)v MeyapiKrjv e/:t/3aXoi5o't," Haack (2d edit), NiVaia idXco. Cf. IV. 66- -69. Chap. XXXIIL] NOTES. 473 CHAPTER XXXII. The island Atalante is fortified by the Athenians, as a post for the.defence of Euboea against privateers from Opus and other Locrian ports (§§ 1, 2). 1. 'AraXa'i/rj;, Atalante was a small island near the Locrian coast, off against Opus. (f)povpiop = coare eivai (f)povpiov. Stepli. •■ Tov-^KaKovpyelv. See N. on Tov. . . . i^afiaprelvj II. 22. § 1. CHAPTER XXXIII. At the request of Evarchus, the Corinthians fit out a fleet of 40 sail with 1500 h»plites, and reinstate him in the possession of Astacus (§ 1) ; the expedition, however, in ansuccess- ful in the attempt to reduce other maritime towns in Acarnania and sail homeward (§ 2) ; touching at Cephallenia, they disembark on the territory of the Cranians, and while ia a state of security from a truce, are suddenly attacked, lose some of their men, and are compelled to retreat to their ships, after which they resume their voyage homewards (§ 3). 1. 'Evapxos. Cf. II. 30. §1. Koi avros. . . .npiftrepia^axraTO^ and he himself hired some auxiliaries. In the active voice Trpoafxi" o-Soo) signifies to let out for hire. 2. Karrj-yayov Evarchus. ttjs aXkrjs ^AKapvavlut depends on ea-TLv a (see N. on 11. 26. § 2) ;^<»/)ia. 3. (r)(6vTes. See N. on II. 25. § 3. is rfjv Kpavlcov yrjp. Of. II. 30. § 2. avTcov^ i. e. the Oranians. e^ ofioXoyias^ " per compositionem quum se in deditionem ventures estse simulassent." Poppo. (r(})5)v avTcov (= eavriov. S. § 69), themselves^ i. e. the very persons who had assembled to arrange the terms of the pretend- ed surrender. These words are in apposition with tSjv Kpavlav. dirpoa-doKTjTOLs has an active sense, not expecting. Of. II. 93. § 4; lY. 72. § 2. ^laiorepov dvayayofxevoi, l)eing forced to put out to sea^ or perhaps better, emharTcing in great precipitation^ ^taiorepov (com- parative of ^talcos. Of. Betant's Lex. Thucyd.) having the sense of in a forced, compulsory manner. 474 NOTES. [Book II CHAPTER XXXIV. In the following winter the Athenians perform funeral obsequies, in honor of those who have first fallen in the war (§ 1) ; three days the bones are exposed to view, and such oflFeriugs are brought as each one chooses for his own dead (§ 2) ; the bones are then placed in cars, one being left empty for such of the fallen as had not been found for re- moval (§ 3) ; the procession is then accompanied by those who please, and the female relatives follow it with lamentations for the dead (§ 4) ; the bones are then deposited in the public sepulchre in the most beautiful suburb of the city, where lie all who fall in war, except the heroes of Marathon, who are especially honored by a sepulchre in the place where they fell (§ 5) ; when covered with earth, a person eminent for his abilities and station pronounces a funeral oration, which closes the ceremonies (§ 6) ; this order was observed on the present occasion, and Pericles was chosen orator, who advancing to an elevated platform, pronounces tlie funeral oration which follows (§§ 7, 8). 1. drjfioaia racfias €7roLrj(ravTo^ solemnized the funeral in a public manner. The plural racfias is used, because the rites pertained to each of the slain. irpcoTov^ i. e. in the first year of the war. 2. TO. fi€v oa-ra. The flesh had been previously removed by burn- ing. 7TpoTi?i€VTai, they exposed to mew. ruiP dnoyevoixevcov^ of the departed. This word is employed in the same sense, in II. 51. §5. nporpLTa^ the third day before. iirLCJiepeL .... ^ovXrjToi, each brings whatever (offerings) he pleases for his own dead (sc. veKpai). Reference is had to flowers, garlands, and costly ornaments, with which the relics of the departed were honored. 3. (jiv\iis eKCKTTqs fiiav, one (cofiin) for each trihe. evea-ri, . . . (f)v\r]s = ei/eoTi be to. ocrra (f)vKT]s t]s (KadTos rjv. On the attraction of cfivXrjs, see N. on dvvapiv, I. 33. § 2. rjs depends on ^v according to S. § 190; C. § 390. ia-Tpcopevr], ^''covered with apalV Bloomf. Toiv a(f)ava)Vy the genitive of possession after kXiV/;, is explained by oi dvaipeo-iv. For the subjunctive with au in this relative sen- tence, cf. S. § 217. 2 ; 0. § 606. For the omission of av in the employ- ment of the optative, see N. on I. 50. § 1. 4. ^vvcKc^ipci^ attends the funeral procession., accompanies the pro- cession. 6Xo(})vp6p.€vai, with lamentations. Cf. S. § 225. 3. 5. oyv, there. eVt. . . .Trpoaoretov, in the most beautiful subtirb^ ■viz. Ceramicus, roiis ck tojv noXipcov (sc. drro^avovTas) = those toho fall in battle. So tovs iv MapaSiri signifies those slain at Mar- athon. tiXxpf is usually followed by the genitive (K. § 271. 3), but here tovs depends on 3a7rrovo-i. eKelvav refers to those who fell at . Marathon. auroO, thei^e^ i. e. where they fell. The Greeks regard-^ ed the battle at Marathon, as we regard that of Bunker Hill, wliich , Chap. XXXY.] IfO-TES. 475 in its consequences as well as the desperate valor displayed by undis- ciplined militia, is by common consent looked upon as the battle ot the American revolution. 6. Kpi/ylrcoai. See N. on evpe'^coaiv. The accompanying av is found in the connective iTveiddv. jxt) d^vveros == of distinguished ahility. elvai, depends on boKfj (has the reputation of). TrporjKrj^ is superioi^ is the first. \eyei. . . .np^novTa, pronounces a suitable panegyric over them. In respect to ctt/, cf. Mt. § 586. e. 8. ovv. See N. on § 5. Kaipov. Poppo, Ilaack, and Arnold read Acatpo's, which I am disposed to adopt : when the time (of speak- ing) came. Kaipov would require, when he obtained the tbne of speaJcing, which certainly, as putting Pericles in the attitude of one desirous to speak, is not so well as to represent the occasion as offer- ing itself to him. v-^rjXov Tvfnoir]p.ivov^ having been made high. Tov ofiiXov depends on im nXeio-rov. CHAPTERS XXXV.— XLVI. These chapters contain the celebrated funeral oration of Pericles, which has ever been considered a masterpiece of eloquence, whether regard be had to the grandeur of the theme, the patriotic and liberal sentiments advanced, or the simplicity and dignity of its style. The exordium is contained in chap. 35 ; then having briefly announced tlie subject-matter of his discourse (chap. 36), he passes to a consideration of the internal policy, habits, cus- toms, refinement, learning, liberality of the Athenians, for the existence and perpetuity of which the departed worthies had fought and died (chaps. 3Y-41). He then eulogizes more directly the persons whose funeral rites they are celebrating, and exhorts the Athenians to imitate their virtues, bravery, and patriotism (chaps. 42, 43) ; the parents and relatives of the deceased are then addressed in words of sympathy and encouragement, after which the orator closes with a brief peroration (chaps. 44-46). No adequate justice can be done in a brief abstract to this noble effort of fine of the greatest minds which Greece or any other country ever produced, and it is commended, therefore, without further remark to the student, as well worthy of his careful and frequent perusal. The more it is read and studied the more prominent will be its grand and towering dimensions, the more impressive the noble sentiments with which it abounds. Let no one who would put himself under its full influence, cease his eflbrts to master it, until he can read it fluently at a sitting without the aid of grammars, lexicons, or annotations. Then as he reads, he will find his sympathies with 476 NOTES. [Book U the theme and the occasion awakened, his emotionB enkii\dled, his soul inspired with high and generons sentiments, and he will rise from its perusal with a more ardent love of country, more liberal, enlightened, and exalted views of what constitutes the true glory of a state, and better quali- fied to act the part of a good citizen in whatever sphere of action he may be called to move. CHAPTEB XXXV. The orator begins by remarking, that those who have preceded him on occasions like this, have eulogized the legislator \\ ho appointed this service, but in his estimation the deeds of the departed together with the public funeral are a suflBcient honor to them, without hazarding their praise by intrusting it to the keeping of a panegyrist, who may do well or otherwise in the execution of his task (§ 1) ; for in an oration of this sort, it is difficult to give general satisfaction, since dlflferent judgments will be formed on many points, by those personally acquainted Avith the transactions alluded to, and those who are ignorant of the affairs spoken of, will consider every thing beyond their own reach, an exaggera- tion (§ 2) ; yet as law and custom so demand, he will endeavor to the best of his ability to perform the service assigned him (§ 3). 1. Tov TTpoa'^evTa roi/Se, t?ie one who added this oration to the (other) legal oljsertances. The Scbol. refers this to Solon, but the cus- tom is thought by many to be of an earlier date. cby koKov. The participle ov is here omitted. Cf. Mt. § 568. Ols. — — eVi. See N". on I. 34. § 6. cK ra)v noXefiav. See N. on I. 34. § 5. Bloomf. however, finds a prsegnans constructio (s^ N. on 1. 18. § 2) in €k, ^aTTTOfxevoi^^ removed from the Jield of dattle and drought hither. avTov referring to \6yov is in the accusative absolute after cos. See N. on I. 134. § 4. Some perhaps will prefer to make avrbv the subject of ayopeveo-Sai, and koKou the predicate. The sense will remain un- changed, as will be seen by the corresponding idiom of our own lan- guage, inasmuch as it is honorable to de s^JoTcen^ and inasmuch as for this to 1)6 spolcen is honorable. av iboKci, it would seem, is opposed to €7r«Si7 ex6ii/ (§ 3 infra). Pericles modestly opposes his judg- ment to that of the supporters of the custom. Haack and Goel. erro- neously refer av to elvai, it seems — that it would be. dpdptov. . . . Tt/iaff, inasmuch as (S. § 225. 4) these men showed their valor (literally, were brave) in deeds, that their honor should be illustrated by deeds. Kai, also, belongs to epy depends on eTvr)v^i]crapev {hate enlarged). There is no real contradiction between this and o(Tr\v exopev in the preceding section, as the empire had not been essentially enlarged, but rather strengthened and reduced to a settled policy of government by Peri- cles and those of his age. avTol rjpels otSe, we ourselves who are here. S. §103. 1. Bloomf, finds here a blending of two phrases, we ourselves and those persons who are here present, but I can see no necessity for this. There is great emphasis, however, in the sequence of the pronouns. ol vvv. . . .j/Xiki'o, " w7w are yet for the mostpfart Chap. XXXVL] NOTES. 479 in the mgor of life. Literally, in the settled or set time of life^ -vvlien the system has in a manner reached its perfection, and rests from the work of growth." Arnold. rots Tracri is to be constructed with Trapea-Kevdaajxev^ although it may be mentally repeated with avrapKc- a-Tarrjv (= SO that it is independent in its resources). is rrdXf/xoi* and €s elpr]vr]v depend on TrapeaKevda-afxev. 4. S)v limits epya (the object of eacrco), and refers grammatically to avTol rjfiets in the preceding section, although it virtually includes the dea of their immediate forefathers (pi Trarepes, § 2), to whom Athens was principally indebted for the enlargement of its empire, and to whom, therefore, oJs cKaa-ra iKxipr) (used as a passive) is especially applicable. It cannot be referred, however, to the oi izpoyovoi (§ 1), for they did not acquire territory, but only bequeathed to their pos- terity free and independent what they already had. There is no opposition in hv and avroX rj ol rrarepes rjpatv, but ois eKaara eKrif^r) is set over against rjpwdpe^a. ^dp^apou rj "EXkrjva = whether waged 'by barbarians or GreeTcs. Arnold remarks that the use of '^EXX?;!', as a masculine adjective, is very rare. Cf. S. § 156. N. 4. clbocnv^ 3C. vplv. cLTTo be olas k. t. X. The subject is here announced upon which the orator intends to enlarge. eVtrT^Sevcrecos = civil and educational institutions. eV avra = eVl rrjv dpxrjv. Cf. oarjv e^o- fi€v dpxrjv, § 2. Haack is doubtful whether p.e^i' olas TroXirems is to be constructed with rjX^opev or peyaka lykvero {= peyakr] iyevero dpxrj. Goel.). The sense is not materially changed by either con- struction, yet I prefer the latter. rpoVcoi/ is more emphatic than though the collocation had been e^ otcov rpoTrcov. ravra SjjXoxras irpSiTov. As Poppo remarks, the topics eTnTT^devais^ TroXtreia, and rpoTTOL (to which words ravra refers) are neither discussed in order nor separately, for the noXiTeia is briefly touched upon (I. 37. § 1), and then the iiriT-qhevpaTa (37. § 2), and soon with both these is blended the TpuTTOL. elpi, I am going = / will proceed. 0. § 231. a; S. § 211. N. 1. rcoi/Se refers to the dead whose funeral was then solemnized, the orator probably pointing with his finger to the place where their bones were deposited. Of. S. § 163. 1. Xex^^vai has avra for its subject. " The construction may be represented tolerably well by rendering, thinJcing that on the present occasion they would ba s^ioTcen without inappropriateness.^'' Prof. Hadley. t6v irdwa k. t. X. The order is : koL ^vpcpopov elvai, rbv Trdvra opikov — eTraKovcrai avrcau. The Schol. says that t6v Trdvra opikov is constructed for iravrl Ta 6/Li/Xo), Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 674. 480 NOTES. [Boob n CHAPTER XXXYII. The government of the Athenians is not modeled after other governments, but is itself a model, and because established for the benefit of the mass, is called democracy ; all enjoy alike the protection of its laws, and in its administration all may share, the qualification for oflice being personal merit and not rank (§ 1) ; in regard to their social habits, they are kind, courteous, not censuiing others for diversity of taste, nor giving pain by manifesta- tions of displeasure (§ 2) ; yet in all this freedom from restraint, there is the most pro- found regard for established laws and customs, especially for those designed to benefit the injured, and for such as being violated would bring disgrace on the offender (§ 3). 1. ov ^TjXovoTj^ not imitating. The following Trapdbetyfia {a pattern, a model) shoAVs that the rendering not envying is incorrect. avroi 6vT€s (sc. Tjfjins). The construction is carried on as thougli ov Cv^ovv- res instead of ov ^t/Xovo-j/ had preceded, which required napa^eiyixan ovcTTj — fiifiovfxevT]. Tivi. See N. on III. 46. § 5. ovofxa — KeKkrjTai (= it is named). See K on 1. 122. § 4. Cf. Mt. § 420. 2. 1. Sm oiKeiv does not seem to admit of any interpretation wholly free from ob- jections. The two which appear most plausible are, 1, hecause the gov- eminent is not administered for the tenejit of the few iut of the many {plKelv = oiK6t(r3at) ; 2, decause the administration of government is not in the hand^ of the few hut of tlie many. The former of these inter- pretations, which Arnold adopts after Steph. and Gail, seems to do the least violence to the phraseology ; but the latter harmonizes far better with the following context, and is adopted by Poppo and Goel. (in hia 2d edit.). The former of these critics says : " jj TroXireia oifcel es oXt- youff pro 17 TToXireia ourcas oXku, (ovtch SioiKeirat) coore oXiyovs flvai tovs dioiKovvras avTrjv positum yidetur." This it must be confessed is rather a violent extraction of the sense of the passage, and yet I am inclined to adopt it, as transgressing no grammatical law, and answering so well the demands of the context. fxeream — rraai to lo-ov, equality (of laws and privileges) is shared in ly all. Cf. Mt. § 325. Ohs. 1. de in fxeTcoTi Sc responds to ovofia /xeV, not antithetically but connec- tively, i. e. it introduces facts to show, that after all there was an aristocracy resulting from the grade, to which his own merits might raise an individual. wpos to. tSta didipopa, in respect to (= for the settlement of) private differences, i. e. suits between private individuals. This is an adjective clause belonging to v6p.ovs. Kara be ttjv d^icoaiv, and according to the estimation in which a citizen is held. This clause follows in construction nporifxaTai (is distin- guished). ovK OTTO fifpovs, not from a class, i. e. not from a privi- leged body, with nothing to recommend them to office except that they belonged to the higher caste. This is evidently said in reference to the Lacedsomonians, among whom the affairs of government were Chap. XXXVIL] ITOTES 481 managed by a privileged few. a;r' df^J^rjs is antithetic of otto nepovs. J. Price in a brief criticism on this passage in the Class. Mus. III. p. 211, translates: not on the ground of mere individuality dut of (rela- tive) merit. But I see no good reason to depart from the usual and obvious interpretation. Se in e^coi/ be is employed as though oi-S' av TTfirqs fiep S)p had preceded. exo)v = being able. a^tco/xaros d(f)av€La^ by the obscurity of his condition or ranJc. The student will readily see how d^i«/xa obtains this sense from its more usual one, reputation^ honor., the effect being put for the cause. KeiccbXurat, sc. ruiv Koivuiv. 2. eXevSepcoff, liberally. eV, in respect to. npos dWrjXovs is opposed to npos to kolvov^ as the speaker now passes from a con- sideration of the liberality and impartiality with which the govern- ment is administered, to the unrestrained and cheerful intercourse of the citizens in their private capacity. rajj/. . . .eTriTTySeu/idToai/, in our daily intercourse. This genitive depends on viro^lav. expvres and TTpoa-Ti'^eiJLevoc are erroneously translated by some as verbs. Poppo suggests the repetition of nokircvopev after vtvo^'lov., and Arnold, some analogous verb as Stairco/xeSia. ovhk is to be taken with npoo-Ti'iepeuoi^ and d^rjuiovs translated actively, not punishing^ inflicting no injury (= harmless). Liddell and Scott give as its meaning here, not amounting to punishment. rfj o-^ei — TrpoarL- 3e/zej/oi, displaying in our looTcs^ wearing a countenance of. Kriig. refers rfj oyj/ei to Xvmjpds^ acerbos visu. But it is better to take XvTTTjpas in an absolute sense. Eeference is undoubtedly had to the austerity, moroseness, and jealousy of the Spartans, in contrast with the cheerfulness, good-nature, and affability of the Athenians. This will account for the apparent abruptness with which koL es-.... vnoyJAiav was introduced. The drift of such keen side-thrusts at their unrefined neighbors would be readily seen by the Athenians, and in their present hostile attitude to the Lacedaemonians must have been highly grateful and inspiriting. 3. dv€7rax^S>s. . . .irpoaofiiXovvres^ but while without molestation (from the source just mentioned) we mingle in private intercourse, TO. tSta is opposed to rd dTjp.6cna. 8ca 8eo9., through reverence =z customary respect for law and authority. dei^ for the time being. — — iv dpxjj) if^ office. pakia-ra auTcdV ocroL (sc. tovtcov) =■ et ex iis^ maxime earum. Cf. Mt. § 4G9. 8. aypa^ot, unwritten. The Schol. explains this by*rd iHr]. These usages and customs, in every well-regulated community, are scarcely less potent than the formal enactments of government. ala-xvv-qv. . . .cfyepovo-i, bring achiow' ledged disgrace upon those who violate them. Here lies the secret of the power of custom and usage. 21 482 * NOTES [BookD CHAPTER XXXVIII. The Athenians recreate the public mind by games and social entertainments (§ 1), and into their city flow all the luxuries and delicacies of other regions (§ 2). 1. KOI iirjp, and furthermore. tiovaiv depends on ai/aTravXar, recreations^ reliefs. r^ yva>\i.rj is to be taken as a dat. commodi, for the mind {rrj yjrvx^i for tlie spirits. SchoL). bieTrjo-iois, all the year around^ through the lohole year. vofiL^ovres, See IsT. on 1. 77. § G. /ca3' rjfiepav rj rep-yj/is for rj /caS' ^fiepav rip-^is. Prof. Hadley "well remarks, however, that " KaS' f^fiipav standing as it does in the text, is not a mere adjunct of the noun, but qualifies the sen- tence, whereof day l)y day the enjoyment drives away vexation.'''' 2. eneiaepxerai, " are imported.''^ Bloomf. 6< ndo-rjs y?]s. The hyperbole results from a very common use of the words all., every., in the sense of many. The subject of ^vpifiaivet. is to. ayaSa. avrov^ here (in Athens), as is clearly shown by the antithesis ro. . . avtpiiiroiv. t)v follows the comparative oLKeiorepa. In respect to the abundance and variety of foreign commodities to be found at Athens, ef. Boeckh's Pub. Econ. Ath. pp. 46-48. CHAPTER XXXIX. Ifj war the Athenians differ from their enemies, in that they rely less on secrecy and strat- agem to secure victory than on courage in action, and although their youth are not train- ed in the severe discipline of Spartan education, yet they are not less intrepid in time of danger (§1); a proof of this is seen in the invasion of Attica by tbe united forces of the enemy, whereas the Athenians singly and alone, usually conquer with little difficulty those even who are fighting for their own soil (§ 2) ; at no time have the united forces of ♦he Athenians been arrayed against the enemy, and yet the defeat of a detachment is given out as a defeat of the whole, and if on the contrary they sustain a reverse, the as- sertion is made that it was effected by the combined forces of the Athenians (§ 3) ; if with much relaxation from care and toil, and by natural rather than acquired courage, the Athenians promptly meet danger, they have in this an evident superiority, since they are not rendered gloomy or despondent by the anticipation of calamities, and when they come, meet them with a courage not inferior to that of ttose, who are wearing them selves out with toil (§ 4). 1. TOLo-be^ in these respects. This dative denotes that wliercin tho 'Jifference consists, and is ranked by Kiihn. (Jelf's edit. § 909. 1) as Chap XXXIX.] NOTES. 483 the instrumental dative. Koivfju to all persons. oi< eanv ore, never at any time. ^evTjXaaiais dnelpyofxfv k. t. X. Grote says (Hist. Greece, IV. p. 94) that "Sparta seems to have formed an ex- ception to the remaining states, in keeping her festivals for herself alone, and in her general rudeness towards other Greeks, which was not materially softened even at the Karneia, and Hyakinthia, or Gym- nopoedia." fiaSjy/Ltaro?. S. § 197. 2. 6 — Kpv(f)?i€P depends on I8a)v, and av is to be referred to w^eXT^Seij;. Cf. Mt. § 528. 2. t« . . . . eti\//"u;^a). The genitive here takes otto, because the quality of courage is considered as proceeding from the one in whom it is found. Cf^ Mt. § 316. d. Ols. oi fiev refers to the Lacedaemonians and is opposed to rjij.e'is 8e. €v?ivs veot ovresj as soon as they are yotith = in their earliest youth. dvctfievcos SmtTw/zei/ot, notwithstanding tlmt we Ike without restraint. See IST. on I. 6. § 3. IcroTraKels, equal to dangers which the Lacedasmonians are ready to encounter. 2. T€Kfjir]piov 8e, See N. on II. 15. § 4. yap introduces the proof of what was asserted in ov8ev rja-a-ov (= fiaXKov. Kriig.) ^((opov- nev, § 1. KoS' eKcia-Tovs, singly, 1. e. by single states of the alli- ance, since AaKedaipovioi is here put as the leading state for the whole Peloponnesian confederacy. avroi, we alone (S. § 160. a) by our- selves. oi) ;(aX67ra)s qualifies KpaTovp.cv. p-axofiepoi, although toe fight. See N. on I. 7. § 1. to TrXeLco, for the most part. 3. eV tP] yfj is opposed to rov vavriKov. Tr]v — iTrlTTepyj/ip de- pends on Sm. eVi TToXXd, upon many (enterprises). The general idea is that the Athenians could form no union of their forces like the Lacedsemonians, because some were detached to man tlie navy, and the land forces were necessarily divided in the various expeditions which were undertaken. fxopico nvl of the Athenian forces, Cf. rivas r)p.S)v in the next clause. dneooa-'iat, is to be taken actively, the construction appearing to demand the same subject for dneaxr'^ai and Tjara-rjcr'^ai. 4. KaiToi et paSu/xta k. t. X. The subject is resumed from the close of § 1, the two following sentences being parenthetic. fxrj jLtera . . . . di/5pf tay, '"'' with a courage arising from disposition and not from laws and institutions.'''' Arnold. T^epiyiyverai ^fupf there ac- crues to us (see N. on I. 44. § 3). The subject is /lij) npoKap^ip. peWovaip {future, in prospect) dXyeipoh is the dative of n?e«is and belongs to 7rpoicap.peiP. is avrd, SC. dXyeipd. eX'^ovai r&t'^T< to fjfxip, and droXpoTepovs conforms in case to *he omitted subjeoJ of (jbat'j/eo-Sat. tcop del po-)^ovPTOiP refers to the Lacedsemonians. 484 NOTES 'Book II CHAPTEH XL. The Athenians combine elegance with frugality, cultivate philosophy without eflfeminacy, apply wealth to purposes of utility rather than of ostentation, and esteem poverty no dis- grace, provided that efforts are made to avoid it (§ 1) ; the same persons attend to private and public affairs, and political knowledge is found in those engaged in the humblest pur- suits of life, a free and full discussion of measures being in no wise prejudicial to their success (§ 2) ; courage in the Athenians results from a cautious prudence and foresight, whereas others are made bold by ignotanco, who upon reflection become cowards (§ 3) ; the Athe- nians make friends by conferring not by receiving benefits (§ 4) ; and their beneficence is not the result of selfishness but of true liberality (§ 5). 1. €P re TovTovs, i. e. in the respects just mentioned. So eVt ev aXXoLSj in other respects also^ refers to things about to be mentioned. (f)L\o(To(l)ovii€v fivev ndXaKias. It has usually been the impression of ignorant persons, that mental cultivation is attended with a corres- ponding effeminacy of body. -nkovrco xP^F-^^'^- The true ex- position seems to be that of Goeller after the SchoL, rw likovra xP^~ fie^a [eV r oh (= TovTcov i(f) ols) vvv \iya>. See N. on cVi, II. 34. § 6. 2. e'lprjTat avr^s to. jxeyiarTa^ that which most especially estadliihes this (i. e. their eulogy) has deen said in the preceding remarks. a = eVetm a, of which the antecedent depends on cKoo-fxrjaav, and the relative upon u/ii/jyo-a which is followed by two accusatives. S. § 184. 1 ; 0. § 435. laoppoTfos — rav epycoj/, in equipoise with their deeds. The general idea is that the panegyric in most cases exceeds the actions, but in reference to those whose achievements are now cele- brated, it wiU be found otherwise. rwi/Se. See N. on II. 36. § 4. dvdpos dpcTr]v^ manly courage. fxrjvvovara and ^e^aiovo-a de- note means. See IsT. on I. 9. § 1. The sense seems to be that which is adopted by Goel. and Arnold : " it is a proof both where it is first to give us information of their worth (i. e. where nothing had before been known of them), and where it comes at the last to confirm the testi- mony already borne by a life of virtue." Karaarpocfir) = death. 3. rots — x'^'^P^^'- ^^^ ^^^® force of the adnominal genitive after tLvhpayaJilav. raXKa^ in Other respects, dUaiop belongs to rrpo- 488 NOTES, [Book EL WSf cr2ai (= TTpoTifiaa'^ai. Schol.) the subject of the sentence. dya' 3ft), i. e. by their useful and glorious death. kukov of tlieir private Hfe. Some of those, over whom lie was pronouncing this eulogium, may have been in bad repute as private citizens. The orator, how- ever, with great skill removes every unfavorable impression to which the recollection of this may have given rise, by referring to the last and crowning act of their lives, the merit of which was sufficient to efface all previous delinquencies. 4. ttXovtov depends on d7ro\ava-iv. Poppo, Goel,, Haack, Krug., and Arnold read TrXourw, and construct it with ijiakaKLa^r]. nevias iXnibi, hope in relation to Ms poverty^ i. e. the hope of being freed from poverty and becoming rich. This is expressed in the dependent clause a)s-. . . .TrXovrTjo-etei/, in which airi]v refers to Treviav attracted into the principal clause. K. § 347. 8. aircov (the genitive after tlie comparative), i. e. the present enjoyment of wealth, or the hopo of its future possession. Xa^ovres = vTroXa^ovres. Gottl. cited by Poppo. iieT avTov^ sc. KLvdvvov. rcov 8e refers to the objects expressed in avroov. to KaTop'^coaeiv = the uncertainty of a successful issue. epyo) is taken by the Schol. in the sense of pugna. avTw in the next sentence refers to this word. Trepl rov ^8rj opcope- vov stands opposed to to dcpaves. fidXXov T]yr)adp.€voL has furnished much trouble to commentators. Arnold .takes the participle in a prsegnant sense = thinhing it good^ and ynth. fxdXXov, heing minded rather. It is evident that the notion cequum censendi resides in this verb, as may be seen in the examples cited by Mt. § 531. p. 914, fj TO. Goel. and Kiihn. in his citation of this passage (Jelf 's edit. § 678. 3. c) edit 1] ro), but Dindorf 's reading, which is the same as Bekker's, is supported b^ the best MS. authority. h^ovres stands for the accusative, it being put in ihQ nominative by attraction. Of. Jelf 's Ktihn. § 678. 3. c. to S' €pyov refers to to ttu'^clv (:= aTroSai/eTv), in the sense of deadly contest. St' riixv^^ ^^ ^^^ Iriefest moment of fortune = in the critical 2)oint of the iattle^ i. e. when the fortune of the battle was at its most critical point, their desperate valor to turn it in favor of their state brought them to speedy death. In order to get rid of this expression, which he terms unintelligible, Arnold con- nects Tvxns with dpLa dW^- CHAPTER XLVI. Raving now performed the duty which custom has demanded, the speaker announces that provision is made for the maintenance and education of the children of the deceased, and clo3es with a brief request, that all shall retire after this expression of their grief (§§ 1, 2). 1. epol is the dative of the agent. 0. § 417. X6ya is added to €ipT]Tai^ on account of the antithetic epyco which follows. to. pep — TO, Se, partly— partly. 0. § 441. H-^XP'' V^V^^ until man- Jiood, i. e. according to tlie Schol., when they were eighteen years of age. Toiabe refers to the deceased, and rots Xeiiropepois to their surviving children. So Dobr. cited by Poppo (Suppl. Adnot.). dyoipccp depends on o-recfiapov. ols — roTo-Se = wherever — there. ms is a sort of dat. commodi after Ketrai. 2. pvp. . . .amre^ but now having ceased bewailing each hit relative (of 7rpo(TTjK€t, cKacrros) depart. 494 NOTES. [Book IL CHAPTERS XLYII.— LIV. The description of the plague at Athens, contained in these chaptei-s, is no less celebrated as a master-piece of its kind, than the funeral oration which it so immediately follows. The subjects are diverse, yet the historian shows himself a master of the tender and pathetic no less than of the ener- getic and sublime. The origin, progress, and results of this dreadful scourge, are detailed in a style singularly clear, chaste, and simple. "We seem to be at once transported to the crowded city, to stand amidst the dead and dying, to hear the groans of the sufferers, and to watch the sure progress of the disease to its fatal termination. "We turn away with disgust from the selfishness and coward fear, which leave the nearest and dearest friends to die alone ; and we are horror-stricken at the excesses in which, with death before their eyes, they so recklessly and wickedly indulge. So dis- tinctly and impressively are these and other circumstances of the calamity related, that no one who has once read it with care, will ever forget its soul- liarrowing and sickening details. Even to the man of gray haii*s, the Plague OF Athens, as a college exercise unique and interesting, comes up with a freshness and vividness, which is true of no other subject in his whole course of study. Something of this may be attributed to its extreme diffi- culty, but more, I apprehend, to its power to engrave indelibly upon the youthful mind the horrors of the dreadful scourge, and the scenes of suf- fering which it produced. CHAPTER XLVII. The first year of the war closes with the funeral solemnities just related (§ 1) ; in the bo ginning of the spring, the Peloponnesians make another irruption into Attica and lay waste the country (§ 2) ; not long afterwards the plague commences its ravages, against •which no human aid is efficacious, and supplications at the temples and other religious observances prove alike vain and useless (§§ 3, 4). 1. TLiKoTTOvvrja-ioi . . . .fte/j?; = rav IleXoTrovvr] cr icov . . . .[xepj]. As it now stands, to. 8vo iieprj (two thirds. Of. II. 10. § 2) is in apposition with the preceding nominative. Cf. Jelf s Kiihn. § 478 ; 0. § 3G0. 3. See N. also on I. 89. § 3 (end). 3. ovTOiv. . . /ATTLKrj^ and when they had not heen many days yet in Attica. 17 i/oVos-, the pestilence. The article is added because this plague was so well known. \ey6p.cvov. It is better (with Poppo and Kriig. after Camerarius) to take this in an absolute sense (as elpT]- y.€vov, I. 140. § 2), than to refer it with the older critics to voa-Tjfia con- Ch4p. XLVinj NOTEb. 495 tained in voo-os (cf. 0. § 453. S), or to the idea in general denoted by the word thing. ovras is to be constructed after yci/eVSat, in the sense of to such a degree, by the force of the preceding toctovtos. 4. ovT€ .... dyvoiq, for the physicians could furnish no assistance when first through ignorance (of the disease) they attempted to effect a cure. There are other ways of translating this sentence, the most usual of which is to construct the participle with the verb (S. § 225. 8), for the physicians were unable at first to furnish any remedy through ignorance of the disease. This implies that afterwards the physicians 80 understood the disease, as to cure those who were afflicted with it, which was not so. But the explanation, which I have adopted after Goel., implies that the physicians, when they became aware of the unyielding malignity of the disease, gave up and did not pretend to any ability to prescribe for it. Indeed most of them, as appears from tlie following context, fell victims to their professional duty of attend- ance upon the sick. oo-o) = rocrovra oaco. See N. on I. 68. § 2 (end). Tex*"? (s^' TP'^fO- The Schol. adds oXov [xavTiKi], eTrabr]^ in reference to which Poppo says, " hue fortasse ars musica referenda." The explanation of the Schol. would suit better the words fxavrelais Koi Tois ToiovTOis wMch follow. oara re. . . .iKeTeva-av., ichatever supijlications they offered at the temples. Baa to which Travra refers is properly an accusative synecdochical. [xavTelais (Poppo and Kriig. fjLauTeiois), prophesyings. If rois tolovtols (such liJce things) refers to incantations, as is generally supposed, the indefiniteness with which it is referred to, shows that Thucydides had very little confi- dence in them. Cf. N. on II. 8. § 3. TeXeuraJi/Tcs-, at lasi, finally. K. §812. E. 3. j3. avTwv QTre o-TT/o-az/, they abstained from these things. The reason is contained in vtto rov KaKov vcKafievoi. CHAPTER XLVIII. The local origin of the plague is said to have been in Jilthiopia, whence it pervaded the greater part of the Persian dominions, and suddenly appeared at Athens in the Pirieus and afterwards in the upper city (§§ 1, 2) ; the historian, having himself been sick with it and witnessed its effects on others, expresses his intention to relate merely tlie manner of its attack, leaving it for others to investigate its origin, and the cause of its being able to produce such an entire change in the human body (§§ 3, 4). 1. TTJs vnep AlyvTTTov, the part lying above Egypt^ i. e. the region of country now called Nubia, Sennaar, including a part of Abyssinia. Kure^T] is here tropically used of an inanimate subject. jSa- vc\€cos of Persia. rfju TroWrjv, the greatest part. K. § 246. 8. c. 496 NOTES. [Book II 2. iveireae is an expression of common use, to denote the sudden breaking out or attack of malignant diseases. rjyj/^aro^ it attacked. S. § 192. 1. coore refers back to i^amvata^. is to. (jipeaTa^ into the cisterns or water-taiiks used for receiving and containing the rain-water, as appears from the explanatory sentence which follows. avTo'ii^ i. e. in the Piraeus. — — h rfjv avco ttoXiv, into the upper city^ so called in distinction from 17 Kara ttoXis-, the lower city^ or that which was built upon the plain. ttoXXw jiaXkov, in far greater numbers than when it was confined to the Piraeus. 3. avTov^ i. e. the disease. — ^- a>s cKaa-Tos yiyvaxxKei, each as he thinks. See N. on II. 21. § 3. d(j) .. . .avro, from ichat cause it most likely arose = what was its prohahle cause. This is a substantive clause depending upon XcyeVo), as does also ras alrlas. fieTa^oKTjs depends on aarivas in the sense, which in so great a change. Poppo says that the sentence written in full would be : koI ras alrlas (sc. XeyeVo)) aarivas iKavas aiTias Toaavrrjs fieTa^oXrjs vo[jli^€i eLvai. But the government of /lerajSoX^s is less natural in this mode of construc- tion. hvvaiiLv follows o-xeli' which depends upon iKavas (S. § 222. 6). d0' oiv depends in construction upon ravra (sc. to. arjfxela) brfkao-cd. /xaXto-T av dyvoeTv =1 may not te wholly ignorant of the disease (in consequence of) having some previous knowledge (rt TrpoetScbff) of it. The optative here depends on a future verb (St^Xcoo-w), and denotes a conditional supposition or conjecture. Of. K. § 333. 6. CHAPTER XLIX. The season in which the plague broke out was in all respects healthy (§ 1) ; the disorder first showed itself in the head, which became violently heated, the eyes being inflamed, after which the gullet and tongue became affected and fetid to a great degree (§ 2) ; this was followed by sneezing and hoarseness, and soon the disease descended into the breast and stomach, and produced vomitings and bilious discharges with great suffering (§.3); hiccoughs, convulsions, and spasms of longer or shorter duration then followed (§ 4) ; the skin was not hot to the touch, but livid, and covered with small pimples and sores; internally, however, the heat was so great that the slightest' covering of the body could not be endured, and many threw themselves into wells to quench their raging thirst (§ 5) ; the patients were also restless and wakeful, yet retained their strength in a gi-eat degree, until the crisis of the disease, which was in nine or seven days ; if they escaped this, the malady passing down to their bowels produced there ulcerations and diarrhoea which carried them off (§ 6) ; for the disease beginning with the head passed through the whole system, and left its marks in the very extremities of the body, and some who survived it were in a state ef utter forgetfulness (§§ 7, 8). 1. yap often commences a narration, the subject of which lias been previously introduced to the reader's attention. In such cases it may Chap. XLIX] NOTES. 497 be rendered now. See E". on I. 4. § 1. Ik iravrcav^ abo^e all. See N. on I. 120. § 1. auoa-ov, free from siclcness^ healthy. es, in respect to. irvyxavev ov. S. § 225. 8. es tovto navra dneKpi* S?;, every illness determined in this. The English expression, "a de- termination of blood to the bead," as Arnold remarks, appears very nearly to correspond to this passage. 2. Tovs S' aXKovs., the others., i. e. those who were not ill of other diseases, when they were seized with this malady. an ovdefnas irpo^ao-eoay, from no apparent cause. ra eWoy, within = the in- ternal pai'ts^ referring, as is evident from what folloAvs, to the mouth. aroTTov Koi Suo-wSes-, disagreeable and fetid ; or perhaps better, strange and fetid, i. e. fetid to an unusual degree. So Arnold. 3. ficTo. ^T]xos lo-xvpou, with a violent cough. oTrore.... aTTjpi^ai, when it had fixed itself (= settled) in the stomach. See N. on I. 49. § 3 (init.). avea-rpecpi tl avrrju, it disturbed it (i. e. the stomach) ; literally, turned it upside down. aTroKa^idpo-eis .... iTTTjearav, and that which (literally, all those which) is called hy physi- cians, discharges of Mle, supervened (by the vomiting). 4. \vy^ — KevT], a hiccough. This is not an unusual consequence of the straining and irritation produced by excessive vomitings. Arnold takes \vy^ in the sense of retching, and \vy^ Kevrj of ineffectual o^etching, when nothing is brought oif from the stomach. /ucra ravra, immediately. So the Schol. Opposed to this is ttoXXw varepop in the next clause. 5. ra pel/ e^co^eu {externally) stands opposed to ra he euros infra. aivTopevco (sc. avrov), to one touching it (= if any one touched it. Mt. § 338. I)) externally. This of course refers to "^eppop alone, since xXcapov refers to the sense of sight. prjb^ (for prjv) aX\o n fj (sc. ovres) yvpvoi, nor any tiling else than being naTced {= nor being otherwise than nalced). yvppoX is here put in the nominative mascu- line because, as Arnold remarks, ra be iprbs ovtcos eKciero = ra evros ovTcos eKCLOPTo (sc. 01 KapvovTes), and the adjective is put in the case in which the omitted subject of the infinitive has thus virtually ap- peared. TJdt(TTa. .. .pLTTTeiv, and would most gladly have thrown {av — piiTTeLP =eppnrTOP ap, SC. ei r^bvpouro. K. § 341. R. 1) themselves into cold water. Instead of the protasis el rjdvpaPTo, Poppo would supply el r]pe\ovPTo from the following context. roOro, so. ebpaa-ap from the following verb. Of. K. § 346. 2. d. KaX ip ttotop^ and it was the same thing (i. e. equally unavailing), whether they drank much or little ; literally, more copious or diminished draughts tended to the same result. 6. rov pr\ TjavxaC^tv is epexegetical of tj diropla^ the impossibility 498 NOTES. [BookU of composing themselves ; literally, tJie not Tcnowing what to do on ac- count of their inability to rest, fxr} is not here to be referred to th« fir) after a word denoting a negative idea (see N. on I. 10. § 1), for tbe reason that the clause is separate and explanatory. ocrovTrep, . . . d/cfia^oi, as long as the disease was at its height. In adverbial sen- tences the temporal adverb is followed by the optative, when that which is said is something merely imagined or thought of. napa do^av^ beyond expectation. bu(^JieipovTo — vtto tov ivros Kavfiaros, died of the internal heat (i. e. the fever). ert €xpvT€s tl dwdfiecos, while they yet had (see litotes on I. 13. § 6 ; 51. § 4) some strength. This clause belongs to diecfy'^eipouTo. Sia^uyoiej/ that crisis. avTjj refers to ttjv KoiXtav. uKparov^ excessive^ violent. dt avTTjv, i. e. the diarrhoea. 7. yap introduces the reason why the disorder was said to descend (eViTriTrrovo-?;?, § 6) into the bowels. to — kukov is the subject of Si6^,i/6t. iSpvSeV, being seated, an expression often employed when a disease remains settled in some part of the body. ixeyiarcov dangers. rav iTrearjfiaive, its seizure of the extremities left its marh This refers airov to .toO kukov. Kriiger, however, refers it to riV, and makes it depend on dKpcoTrjpicov. ye, i. e. however the patient may have lived through the greatest dangers, the thing here spoken of at least happened. 8. Kareo-KrjTTTe. This word happily expresses the violence and rapidity of the attack, it being used of the descent of lightning, storms, etc. aldola. The parts of the body are often put without the article. Kriig. ela-l S' oi koi rav ocp'iaXfxcov, and some were deprived even of their eyes. dvacrravras, i. e. when they recovered (literally, rose up) from the disease. ra)v navrav limits Xtj^t]. CHAPTER L. That this disease was different from all other maladies is seen in the fact, that neither birds nor beasts preyed on the unburied corpses, or if they did they perished (§ 1), a proof of which was the disappearance of the birds of prey, and especially of the dogs (§ 2). 1. Kpfia-crov Xoyou, exceeding description, greater than can be de scribed. K. § 323. 6 ; C. § 463. 1. — ;— to dbos r^s voaov, the hind of the disease. tu ts. . . .(Pvaip, and in other respects more griev ous than human nature can endure ; literally, than is pivj^ortionate to human nature. iv rwSe is explained in to. yap opvea k. t. \. eS/jXcoo-e — OI/, showed itself to be. See N". on I. 11. § 3. rav ^vvTo6<^(ov, the ordinary (diseases). aTTTerat = devour, feed Chap. LI.] NOTES. 499 upon. TToXXcoj/ drdcficov ytyvo^evcov^ although (seo N. CD. I. 7. § 1) there icere many uriburied corpses. tj yevcrdixeva 8ie(^3etp6ro, or if (see N. on I. 71. § 6) they tasted (of the dead bodies) they perished. 2. TeKfjLjjpiov is not, as some think, a predicate nominative, but is a proposition by itself, as in II. 39. § 2, where Dindorf puts a colon after it, as he should have done in this place. roiovrav 6pvL?ia>v, i. e. birds of prey referred to in the preceding section. nepl roiovrov ovSei/ = "rrepc to. aTa(f)a (ra)/xara." Jacobs. aia'^Tjcriv. . . .dno^ai" vovTos^ furnished a full understanding of the affair.^ i. e. showed that death was the res'Jit of eating the dead bodies. Some render, made the event observable^ i. e. brought the thing more to the attention of men. CHAPTER LI. Such was the nature of the disease in which all other disorders terminated, and for which nc certain or universal remedy could be found, and against which no constitution could bear lip (§§ 1-3); an excessive depression of sjnrits also attended the malady from its first commencement, and caused the patient to give up without a struggle (§ 4) ; the infection which resulted from attendance upon the sick increased the mortality, for either through fear of this they were not visited, or if any ventured to approach them, they in turn became the victims of the disease, which was the fate of the more virtuous and compas- sionate (§ 5) ; much care and attention was, however, bestowed uix)n the sick by those who had recovered from the plague, since they knew by experience its dreadful nature, and were not afraid of its recurrence, because it never attacked the same person twice (§6). 1, rrapaXiTTovTi = to pass by. This dative may be constructed aftei rotovTov rjv^ as the dat. commodi. 0. 410. droTri'ay, of an unusual nature. irvyxave — yiyvofxcvov^ happeJied to be. npos erepov belongs to Siac^epoj/rtos-, irepco {= m) being in apposition with eKdarw. Koi aWo. . ..ireXevra. This is an explanatory repetition of what was said II. 49. § 1, although that seems to refer to the time immedi- ately preceding the pestilence, and this to the time when it was raging. 2. cos eliT€7v, so to speaTc (S. § 223. 3), is to be constructed with €v T€ ovdev. TO . . . . e/3Xa7rre, for that which relieved one injured another. 8. arcofxa. . . .avro^ no body showed itself strong enough for it (i. e. the disease). This is explained still further by Icrxvos ivipi (i. c. n€p\ laxvos) TJ da'^eveias. For the construction of ov — but^dvr}^ see N". on I. 2. § 1. TrdvTa.^ sc. ra (ToijJiaTa. trdo-r] BiaLTj] refers not only to proper food, but to the care and attention proper to be bestowed upon the sick. 500 NOTES. [Book U 4. deivoTCTov. The subject being an inanimate thing, the adjective in the predicate is put in the neuter. S. § 157. c. aSu^iia, dejeo tion^ anxiety. ala'ioiTQ ko/xi/coj^, perceixed that Tie was side with it. See N. on I. 26. § 3. For the use of the optative, see N. on L 49. § 1 (init.). TvpoUvTo acjias avrovs^ gave themselves up (to the disease). erepos. . . .€?svr](rKov, Jilled with infection one from the care of another., tliey died lilce sheep. dvanifjiTrXdfievot. " This a favorite terni of Plato to express defilement or pollution, from the notion of a body overloaded or surfeited with food, and so becoming disordered or un- sound. Thus Thucydides seems to use it as signifying, becoming fully charged with infection.'''' Arnold. tovto^ i. e. the contagious na- ture of the disease. 5. SeStoVef, through fear. eprjfxoi =for want of care. The subject is av'^pconoi understood, referring to the sick persons. ol dpeTTJs TL /ieraTToioL'/xei'oi, those who made any pretensions to virtue (C. § 373. 1). I prefer with the Schol. to take dpcTTj here in the sense of ^iKav^ponia Kai dydivrj. So Kriiger understands it, although Bauer and Haack attach to it the sense oi frmness. iaiovres (=i?i at- tending upon) denotes the manner in which rjcfieidovv atpav avTwv. See ISS. on I. 33. § 1 ; II. 34. § 4. ras oXocfivpaeis ruiv dTroyiyvofxevcov — e^eKapivov^ greio weary of the moans of the dying. The naturalness and exquisite pathos of this passage are such, that I cannot bring myself to adopt the sense given by some, were tired out with lament- ing for the dying. Besides it seems strange, if this latter meaning is the true one, that the dying rather than the dead should be the subject of lamentation, rds oXofjivpaei^ is what Ktihn. (Jelf 's edit. § 549. c) calls the accusative of equivalent notion. ttoXXou, vast^ huge. 6. Se opas ol diaTTccjievyoTe^^ l)ut notwithstanding [that the sick were deserted by their relatives] yet those who had escaped (death from the disorder). Arnold supplies the ellipsis and paraphrases thus : " Still, whatever were the particular instances of intrepid humanity, visiting the sick and dying without any consideration of its own safety, yet the sufferers met with the liveliest compassion and the greatest attention, from those who had themselves had the plague, and had recovered from it." tov irovovpevov. So we speak of one laboring under a disease. bih ffrai, because fhey had experi- enced [the disease] and were of good courage as to their safety. These persons had two essential qualifications for visiting and taking care of the sick, viz. sympathy in their sufferings, SLud freedom from all fear of personal exposure. The reason for the last is contained in the next Bcntence beginning with yap (explicantis). Ta>v aXXcov, i. e. botir the well and sick. tv. The article is omitted before the attributive, where it is placed after a noun denoting action in the abstract. Cf. K. § 245. K. 2. olx w^^^ = '"^^^^ especially. 2. oIkicov yap ovx vnap^ovacov. Cf. II. 17. § 3. wpa erovy, i. e. in the midst of summer. ovdevl Koap-a = irdvv aKoapois. Jacobs. These words are constructed by Haack with diaiToopevcov, but it is bet- ter to refer them to 6 cji^opos eyiyvero^ which gives a sense still further explained by the following context. v€Kpo\. . . .eKcivro. Jacobs, with the approbation of the best critics, thus constructs this sentence : " eV dWrjXois dno'^vrjCTKovTes eKeivro veKpoi^ ut veKpol consequens sit vocabulis in dXkrfKots diro'^vrjo-KovTes.^'' eKaXtudovvTo^ lay rolling ahout^ being too weak to walk or stand. rjpi'^vriTes, half dead. Tov vdaros iin'^vpia contains the reason why they lay around the fountains, and is not therefore to be constructed with rjpi^vrJTes. 3. avTov, i. e. in the temples. ivano'^vrjaKovTaiv (sc. dp^ipanTcov) is the genitive absolute. ovk. . . . yeVcui/rat, '"''not hnowing what to Iiave recourse to.''"' Bloomf., whom Arnold cites approvingly. But not hnowing what was to become of them appears to me a better render- ing. Cf. Mt. § 488. 5. Upwv Koi oaicov. See N. on I. 71. § C. 4. ?ir]Kas refers here to the disposal of the dead bodies, which from the following context appears to have been by burning. Why the epithet dvaicrxvvTovs is added to ?i^Kas is seen in eVi irvpds yap k. t. X, dia.....o-(l>i(Tiv^ on account of so many previous deaths in their 502 NOTES. [Book H families {acfiiaiv)^ or "because so many of their friends had already died. (f)'2d(TavT€s rovy vi](Tavras^ anticipating those who were rais- ing the pile. 6v ^epoiei/, " which they happened to ie carrying,'''^ Ai-nold. Cf. 0. § 606. CHAPTER LIII. Many other acts of licentiousness resulted from the pestilence, men beiiig desirous, from the sudden changes of fortune -which they saw, and the precarious tenure of their own lives, to enjoy the present to the highest degree possible (§§ 1, 2) ; no labor or pursuit for the attainment of any useful or honorable object was engaged in, pleasure being the ruling principle of action (§ 3) ; neither the fear of the gods nor human laws had any restraining influence, since it appeared that those who reverenced the gods were no safer than others from the plague, and each expected deafli before he could be convicted of hit misdemeanors at a civil tribunal, such conviction too having little terror, while a more awful calamity was hanging over them (§ 4). 1. ^p^e, gate rise to., is followed by dvofilas. C. § 350. R. TftXXa, in other resptects than the excesses spoken of at the close of the preceding chapter. iroXfia by the force of the antithetic aireKpv- nreTo refers to open daring. fif] — noulv. See N. on 1. 10. § 1 (end). Some critics erroneously construct kqS* f]8ovf]v (cf. II. 37. § 2) with iroXfia. dyxtcTTpocfiov^ sudden. opcoinres refers to ris taken col- lectively. tS)v t evdaifiovoiv depends on ttjv ixeTa^oXrjv. TaKei- va>p^ 1. e. the possessions of the rich. 2. (ocTTe has here the ecbatic sense. See N. on I. 65. § 1. nposj having reference to. fjyovpevoi denotes the cause (see N. on I. 9. § 4) of their desire for immediate and unrestrained enjoyment. 3. TO fiev ^f, no one was zealous to labor after that which was esteemed honorable. Trpoa-ToKanrcopuv takes the article by way of em- phasis, TO being used, although the infinitive regarded as a substantive depending upon 7rpo3v/xof, should properly have taken roO. Cf. K. § 308. R. 1 ; Mt. § 543. Obs. 2. roJ So'^airt Koka is the dat. commodi. adTJXov vofj.iCiv has the same construction as Kplvovres. M^'xP* .... ^loiis. The order is : ^lovs p-^XP^ ''^^ bLKj]v yevea'^ai. di/rtSou- ai depends on iXTri^oiV. p^tC^-) sc. Tipatplav. iniKpepao-'^rjvat depends on Kplvcov or vopi^cov, to be supplied from iXniCcov upon which the verb properly depends, but the sense of which without modifica- tion would be inappropriate here. ^v rrplv epneae^v^ J)efore it fell. A similar effect upon the morals was witnessed in the great plague of Milan in 1680. Cf. Lond. Quart. Kev. Oct. 1844. CHAPTER LIV. The Athenians in their affliction remember an old prediction, which had been quite obscure, but now seemed to be made clear by the calamity (§§ 1-8) ; they also call to mind the oracle given to the Lacedtemonians, in which the god had promised to be on their side (§ 4) ; the severity with which the pestilence fell on Athens, and the exemption of Pelo- ponnesus from its ravages, seemed to be in keeping with the oracle (§ 5). 1. ToiovT(o fx€u TrdSct — TreptTreo-dz/res, having fallen in with such a calamity = such a calamity having come upon them. y^s. Cf. II. 21. §2. 2. rovbe rov errovs^ tJie following Oracle. iJLT]V^ II. 65. § 1. For to opyt^o/ne k-oy, see N. on t6 fiiXkov^ I. 42. § 2. CHAPTERS LX.— LXIV. The speech of Pericles, comprised in these chapters, is a bold and ani- mated defence of the policy recommended by him in the prosecution of the war. He triumphantly justifies himself from the accusations and re- proaches, which his fellow-citizens, in their distress, were heaping upon him, and arouses them to manly courage and endurance by showing the trivial value of the houses, villas, and luxuries of which they were for a time deprived, when compared with liberty, the most inestimable of all blessings. In its high-toned and generous sentiments, its profound and statesman -like views, its appropriateness to the occasion, which demanded something to arouse the courage and cheer the minds of the Athenians, de- pressed as they were by invasion without and pestilence within their walls, this speech is every way worthy of the great man who pi'onounced it, and who was soon to be removed by death from the government which he had so long and ably administered. The excessive brevity of its style ren- ders many places obscure, yet the general scope is so clear, that it may be readily apprehended, and thus aid is furnished by which the verbal diffi- culties may in general be satisfactorily elucidated. The oration begins somewhat abruptly, and in the spint of reproof. This however will not appear strange or unsuitable, when the high stand- ing and commanding talents of the speaker, and the dejection, timid coun- sels, and unworthy conduct of his audience are considered. It would do in such a posture of things for him to speak with authority, while othera would be obliged to employ the language of deprecation. The position of Pericles was not unlike that of the Earl of Chatham, when, inspired with patriotism and hatred of oppression, he hurled those terrible bolts of warn- ing and reproof upon the heads of the ministry, who were forging the chains of slavery for these American colonies. From no other man than him, who had so long and ably held the reins of government^ would such language as he frequently used have been deemed endurable. There is therefore nothing inappropriate or unbecoming in the bold and manly com- meneement of the speech before us, but is rather to be regarded as the cui- 508 NOTES. - [BookII buist of generous indignation at the fickle, effeminate, and short-sighted policy of the Athenians whom he rose to address. The general divisions of the speech are not so strongly marked, as in his more deliberate orations. He first exculpates himself from the unjust cen- sures under which he suffered (chap. 60) ; he then enters upon a defence of his policy, by holding forth the encouraging prospects before them, by showing the worthlessness of houses or lands when compared with freedom, and by portraying the degradation which would result from submission and defeat (chaps. 61-63); he then recurs to the pestilence as something unforeseen, and I'especting which no one could be justly blamed, and closes with a stirring appeal to the courage, patriotism, and love of glory, which should animate the breast of every true Athenian in this great and mo- mentous struggle for liberty and dominion (chap. 64). CHAPTER LX. The speaker commences by frankly acknowledging, that his object in convening the assem- bly is to administer reproof for their fault-finding and pusillanimous spirit (§ 1) ; he lays down a political axiom, that to the individual members of a state nothing can be more advantageous, than to have the body politic in a prosperous condition (§ 2) ; every citizen should aim, therefore, to promote the public welfare, unaffected by private calamities, and casting no blame on the adviser of the measures which they have adopted (§ 4); in the present instance, their anger is directed against one who is not inferior to them in political sagacity, eloquence, pati-iotism, and incorruptible integrity (§ 4); in which quali- fications and virtues whoever is deficient can never be useful to the state, and therefore he ought not to be censured, who, possessing them in a moderate degree even, has in- duced his fellow-citizens to undertake the war (§§ 6, 7). 1. Koi = yes, indeed. To this corresponds the koI before eKKk-qaiav. Cf. I. 80. § 1. Tcpoahexoyiiva. . . .yeyevTjrai, I have expected these expressions of your lorath ; literally, tliese expressions of your anger (to. Tr]s opyrjs vyLcov) have happened to me expecting them. See IsT. on r« yap. . . .dcf)ia-Ta(r?iai, II. 3. § 2. Mt. (§ 285. 2) makes ra rrjs opyrjs = T) opyf], but the other rendering is equally as grammatical and far more pointed. tovtov refers forward to oncos vTrofj-vrja-co k. t. X. The verbs vnofivrjo-co ^nd p.ep.'^onai are put in the indicative after oTTcof, to represent the idea of the verbs as definitely occurring and abiding. Cf. K. § 330. 6 ; Mt. § 519. 7 (end). Arnold contends that oTTcos {in order that) takes the aorist subjunctive, and thus he (with Poppo, Goel., and Krijg.) edits the passage. 2. TrXeto) belongs to axpeXelv. • ^vfinaaav dp'^ovnevrjv, heing prosperous as a whole = enjoying public prosperity. j} . . . . crcfyaX- \op.ivr)v, than one lohich is flourishing in respect to its citizens individr ually considered, l)ut collectively is in a ruined condition. CHAP.LX.J NOTES. 609 3. Ka\a>s. . . .iavTopy for a man who is prosperous in Ms private affairs. kuXcos (f)€p6fJL€vos is analogous to koKcos irpaao-oiu. ovbtv Tja-a-ov than if bis own affairs were in a bad condition. ^vv (in ^vvanoXXvTai) = together with the state. evTvxovcrTj^ so. TrarpiBi. fiaXXov than a prosperous citizen in a state brought to ruin. The political wisdom of these remarks is worthy of being engraved on the mind of every statesman. No individual can hope to enjoy perma- nent prosperity, independent of the sound and healthful condition of the state in which he dwells ; and he legislates badly who overlooks the public good in his desire to benefit private interests, whether in reference to individuals or to particular sections of the country. 4. ras Idias ^vpcfiopas^ i. e. ras KaS' cKaarov dv^paircov. ota re (f)ep€iv^ al)le to support. Ka\ fxrj b vvv Ip-els Spare for Koi prj 8pav 6 vvv vfiels 8paT€. rats' Kar oIkov KaKoitpayiais^ at domestic ca- lamities. a0t6(r3e is accommodated to v/zety, and is epexegetical of bpare. The regular construction would have been dcf)i€a-?iai {to desert), in connection with dp-vveiv. Cf. Mt. § 631. 4:. For the con- struction of this verb with the genitive, cf. S. § 197. 2. e/xe — 5t' alrias e'xere, you dlame me. ol ^vveyvcoTc, who jointly (with m?) decreed it, 5. KaiToi, and yet. 6s refers to e/zo/, and tlierefore takes oio/xat in the first person. yvavat and epurjveva-ai belong to rjcraoiV as accusatives of specification: inferior in respect to Icnowing, etc. Xpr]p.dT(ov Kpeiaaoov = superior to the influence of wealth, incapa- l)le of heing driied. 6. o re eVeSu/ij^S?/, for he who has Tcnowledge and does not ex- press it clearly is (sc. eVrii/) in the same condition {iv 'ura), as if he had given no thought on the subject in hand. 6/aoicos as if he was (jiiXoTToXcs. roGSf, sc. tov evvov rfj ttoXci elicited from tj} TToXet dvo-vovs which precedes. Kriig. Eeisk. supplies tov olKeicos ep^eti/ rfj noXei. VLKoap-evov, SC avTov. rovrov ivos is the gen- itive of price and refers to xp^f^^"^^- ttcoXo^to is passive. The qualities of a good statesman are here briefly given, viz. knowledge, eloquence, patriotism, and integrity. Of. Aristot. Ehet. II. 1. § 3, where a somewhat similar division of the qualifications of a states- man is made, viz. (ppoprjais, dperr], and eiivoia. 7. fiea-oas = fierplcos. Schol. pdXXov erepav. See N^. On I. 85. § 1. aira, these qualifications, i. e. knowledge, eloqu^snce, etc. d — eVeiVST/re — ovk av — (f)€potpT]v. The actual denial of the con- sequent would have required the indicative, but the speaker employs the optative as a more modest form of denial. Of. K. § 339. 3. a; Mt. § 524. 2. 510 NOTES. [Book IL CHAPTER LXI. Vhen war can bo declined without detriment, it is folly to undertake it, but wher. it is necessary for the defence of rights, he is blameworthy who refuses to meet danger with boldness (§ 1) ; the speaker claims the merit of not having changed his sentiments, but charges his auditors with want of firmness to persevere in their former resolves, as soon as they feel the pressure of adversity (§ 2) ; the mind is easily weighed down with that which is sudden and unexpected, and this was true of the Athenians in respect to tho pestilence (§ 3) ; but as citizens of so powerful and well-regulated a state, they ought to bear afflictions with fortitude, and come to the aid of the state, for by fjalling short of their previous glory they would incur censure (§ 4). 1. yap introduces the reason or proof of ov< av — alrlav ipol}ir}v^ at the close of the preceding chapter. atpea-is^ a choice between peace and war. raXXa evTvxovai, " in other respects fortunately circumstancedy Bloomf. raWa except that for the attainment of which war was necessary. Goel. well explains this expression : dum ceterum liheri manentes de sua jure nihil cedunt. Nam fvrvx'^'iv^ €vdaip,ova elvai huio scriptori est liberum esse. Kriig. expresses some doubt Avhether TaWa ivrvxovcn may not be connected with the words which follow. noXefirjaai has for its subject e/cfiVoty the omitted antecedent of on. tuSus is to be taken with {maKovaat and not with ft^avras as Keisk. supposes, for the participle denotes cause {iy submission)., and is opposed to Kivhwevcravras. Pericles refers here to the demands made by the Laceda)monians (cf. I. 139), to which he said (I. 141. § 1) avTo'^ev dt] diavorj'^TjTe rj vnaKOveiv npiv tl ^Xa^rjvai (i. e. vTruKoveiv ev^vs). Poppo. 2. 6 avTos (sc. r^ yva>fiTj. Cf. III. 38. § 1), of the same opinion that I was formerly, ovk i^lo-rafxai (sc. r^y yva>prjs) is added for the sake of explanation and emphasis. cVeiS^ introduces the proof of the charge made in v/xets Se inTa^aJCK^Te. Treto-S^rai to go to war. aKfpaioii is opposed to KaKovp,ivois, the general idea being, that as soon as trials and dangers came, they changed their views in re- spect to the war which they had decreed while in a state of security. Kal TOP ip.bv \6yov. Repeat eneibf} ^vve^rj. iv. . . .yvaprjs con- tains the reason why the counsel of Pericles now appeared wrong to them, and dion t6 p.kv \vt:ovv (= fj Xvnrf) K. r. X. sliows why they had changed their views (jierapeXdv). e^fi = Karex^i. «7r€- OTW', is remote = out of the reach of observation., it being opposed to e^ft — 7-171' aio-Sj^o-tf in the preceding member. e^ oKiyov. See N. on II. 11. §4. raneivf} — iyKapTepfiv=too downcast to persevere. See K on I. 50. § 5 (end). a (= tovtois a) eyvwre, in what you have resolved = in your resolution Chap. LXIL] NOTES. 511 3. dovXo7^ ensluves^ renders adject. yap introduces an apolo- getic sentence, intended to soften the cutting reproof just given. Com pare with this the apology made by Ulysses (11. 2. 291-298), after he had inveighed against the Greeks for wishing to retm-n home before the object of the war had been accomplished. ^poj/jy/xa, higJi spirit^ intrepidity of mind. Of. II. 62. § 3. TrXeto-rw TrapaXd-yw, most espe- cially heyond calculation. "6 interpretamur to hovkoxxf^ai cfypovrj- fia.'''' Poppo. aXKois in respect to the pestilence which is particu- larly mentioned. ovx rfKiara belongs to the words which follow. 4. dvTLTraXois airrj, corresponding to it. XP^^^i *^ ^ necessary. K. § 73. 1. c. ^v(i(f)opais depends on ixpiaraa'^ai^ to endure^ to sustain. K. § 284. 3 (2). This verb more frequently takes the accu- sative. Of. Mt. § 401. 4. rf)v d^Lcoatv. See N. on I. 69. § 1. cV lo-o), equally^ belongs to alnda'^ai. rrjs re vTrapxoxiarjs Sd^j;?, " his proper and natural character or reputation.'''' Arnold. In sup- port of this he cites ttjs vnapxova-qs (pvcreoas (II. 45. § 2). But I prefer the common rendering, glory already acquired^ as better suited to the context. The genitive depends on iWeinet. S. § 197. 2. rrjs — TrpoarjKovcTTjs follows opeyopevov (who reaches after^ who arrogates to himself). S. § 192. 1. The words iv Xa-(o.. . .opeyopevov are enclosed, in most of the editions before me, in the marks of a parenthesis. dTrdKyT}(TavTas Se ra iSta, suppressing their grief on account of private calamities. The construction is here resumed from optcs — XP^^^ — cSeXeiv v(f)io-raa?iai at the commencement of the section. CHAPTER LXII. One remark respecting the attainment of empire has been alluded to, nor would the speaker now give utterance to it, but for the groundless alarm of his fellow-citizens (§ 1) ; tlie Athenian dominion is not limited to their subject allies but extends over the whole sea, one of the two parts i^ which the world is divided (§ 2) ; it is not therefore to bo compared Avith the possession of towns or villas, and the loss of these should not bo lamented, but they sliould rather be regarded as the decorations of wealth and dominion, easily recovered if they remain free, but the enjoyment of which is hopeless if they succumb to others; wherefore, showing themselves not inferior to their ancestors who acquired this dominion, nor being insensible to the great disgrace, which would attend tlie loss of that in which they have been put in possession, they should go against their enemies with disdain (§ 3), such as inspires those who feel their superiority to theu- foe in counsel and prudence (§ 4) ; for this begets firmness of daring, and is a far surer ground of confi- dence than hope, which is only exercised in times of extremity (§ 5). 1. rbv Se TTovop is the accusative of specification, d^it as to the labor 'cf. 0. 438. y), or perhaps it more properly depends on dnibei^a^ the 512 NOTES. [BookE prononn avrov being repeated (see N. on I. 80. § 3). Cf. Jelf s Kiihn. , Mt. § 472. 1. /ij) 7reptyei/a)/xeSa depends upon vTroTn-evofx^pov. Foi the use of imt), see N. on II. 13. § 1. dnedei^a. . . .vnonrevo^ievov^ J have shown that this is wrongly regarded with suspicion. Kriig remarks that we can say in the passive vnoTrreveTai. 6 irovos /x?;, as well as in the active vTroTTTevco rbv ttovov ij,fj. For the construction of dni- dci^a with the participle, see N. on I. 25. § 2. dTJXaa-a Se koI ro'Se. Eender the expression, dut I will Iring forward a thought. The orator shows soon (cHea^e fiev yap k. t. X., § 2) what this thought is, to which, as he avers, utterance is now given for the first time in order to allay their fears. In the general construction of the very difficult sentence which follows, it is evident that ovt e'yo) eV rots 7rp\v \6yois is to be constructed with SoKelre. .. .eVSv/iT^S^mt, which you yourselves seem never to have thought of nor have I made mention of it in my former speeches. With ovt iya> repeat eve^vfirj^rjv with a modified signification, or supply expw^M^ from the following context. The main difficulty lies in the words vndpxov . . . . dpxrjv. Goel. constructs ev^v^rj'^rjvai fxeye^ovs nepi es tt)V dpx^jv (i. e. r^s dpx^^)-, vndpxov vpXv {quamquam vodis sujppeditat). Bloomf. in his last edition adopts this order, and translates is rfjv dpxrjv, «s to empire^ and vndpxov vpTiv^ though the means for attaining it are in your power. I am disposed on the whole to render it thus : which you seem never to have reflected upon although telonging to you., i. e. so connected with your condition and policy as a maritime state, that one cannot see how you could avoid thinking of it. The words p.eye'^ovs nepi is ttjv dpxrjv may then be taken as ex- planatory of o. cxoiTi refers to the subject about to be introduced, and to which rode referred. TrpoairoiTjaiv^ pretension, claim. 2. -yap introduces the explanation of rdSe in the previous section, and may be rendered, namely, to wit. pepav depends on tov ere- pov, and is explained by yr^s Ka\ SoXao-o-T/s in apposition with it. Tcov. .. .cjiavepoiv = evidently given for man''s use. vp.ds — oiTus depends on diTo(^alva>, I o/ffirm that you are. e^' ocror, as far as. Koi. . . ./SouXT^S^re, a7id more if you wish. koL ovk. , . .Ka)kvut on a level of comparison with. The idea is that the empire of the sea is of immeasurably more value, than the objects of their regard to which reference is here made. This gives great point to hv /neyoXo)!/ vop.i^€T€ iaTcprjaJiai, = of which oeing deprived you thini Chap. LXn.] NOTES. 513 yourselves deprived of great tilings. fieyaXccv is here in the predicate, and was probably uttered by the orator in a tone of irony. Eor the use of Kara to denote comparison, cf. K. § 292. II. 3. b. x^^^'^^^^ (fiepeip avratv^ to he despondent on account of these things. Cf. Mt. § 368. 5. a. ov follows fjLaXKov rj^ which implies a negative idea. The general principle is referred to in N. on I. 10. § 1 (end). Cf. K. § 318. B. 7; Mt. § 455. d. Kriiger explains ^ ov by avrl tov aXXa. k^ttiov Kol ey/caXXcoTrKr/xa are used in a tropical sense, as they refer literally to the pleasure-gardens surrounding Athens, or perhaps, as Poppo suggests, to the ornamental gardens which pertained to the houses of Athens. npos ravTTjv (sc. rfjp bvvafxiv), in comparison with this power (i. e. the empire of the sea). K. § 298. III. 3. d. aiiTrjs de- pends upon dvTikan^caf6fX€vot, clinging to it^ holding fast upon it. The pronoun is to be mentally repeated after diaa-axTcoficv. ravra refers to KTjTnov,. . .nXovTov, and dvaXrjyj/ofievrjv is constructed after yvcovai. See Is. on yvovres — ovaavy I. 25. § 1. vnaKovaadi is the dat. in- COmmodi after cXao-croCo-Sat. ra npoa-eKTi^ixeva (sc. ttj eXeuSepta), whatever has been acquired in addition to freedom, i. e. not only is freedom gone, but every thing else, which may have been enjoyed in addition to freedom. p.ri denotes the respect in which npoex^ip is taken. A discrimination is here made between physical force and brute courage, and that which is guided and con- trolled by prudence. Allusion seems indirectly to have been made to the difierent character of the Spartan and Athenian valor. 5. Koi TTjv. . . .napex^Tai, and prudence arising from a lofty spirit with (oTrd. See N. on I. 91. § 7) equal fortune (i. e. if fortune be im- partial), renders a daring courage more sure. Mt. (§ 574) incorrectly 514 NOTES. [BookIL translates ck in c/c toO vnep(})povosy ly means of, in coiisequence of. Arnold says that " e/c here is with, as it expresses the circnmst&nces attending an action, or that state from or with which an action sets out." iXiridi re TJcraov maTeveL — yvoiiirj he anb Ta>v vjrapxovrcov, and triists not in hope (literally, less to hope), dut in counsel according to (cf. Mt. § 573. p. 995) existing circumstances. rjs..* .la-xvs. The general idea of this sentence is that hope is only exercised in times of extremity, or is, as Arnold expresses it, the coin/art of the des])erate. Hence those whose measures and actions result from wisdom and good counsel, will never trust to the influence of hope to excite courage, since its existence presupposes a state of difficulty and embar- rassment, tending to diminish rather than increase true boldness, irpovoia, forethought, forecast. What a prestige of success, resulting from confidence in the military wisdom of their commander, al\vay« inspired the armies of Napoleon Bonaparte. CHAPTER LXIII. The honor of dominion they should either decline, or else sustain with all its attendant tolls, nor should they foi^et that freedom or servitude is not the only alt«mative for which tlioy are contending, but that they are threatened with danger from the odium, which they have incurred in the exercise of their power (§ 1), a power which tliey cannot decline, even if through fear they should aflfect to he very good men (§ 2) ; for even an unjust assumption of power cannot be laid aside with safety, nor can inactivity be indulged in by a dominant state (§ 3). 1. Tr]s re TToXecos depends on rw riiiafxeva {the honor. See N. on to fxeXkov, 1. 42. § 2), which participle follows ^orffieiv, to sustain, to defend. Cf. 1. 123. §§1,2; 140. § 1. a-nd, resulting from. ^n^p refers to rov apx^iv. TTovovi to obtain and secure empire. vop.iaai continues the construction commenced in cIkos — ^orpfiv. ivbs is explained by the appositional clause bovkfias avr eXev'^cplas, and as referring to the thing therein contained is put in the neuter. Cf. Mt. § 439. Ois. 1 ; S. § 157. 2. a. Kivbvvov l)v (= €K€ivu)v ols) iv r^ ^PXTi dTrrjx^eo-^e = danger resulting from the enmity of those whose odium you have incurred in the exercise of your dominion. Krug. makes hv = TovT(ov a, from those enmities which you have incurred. Cf. Eost, § 104. N. 7. Arnold adopts this interpretation, but it gives no better sense, and is by no means the construction which is usual to the verb. 2. r^s refers to dpp^JJy. vpXv ta-nv, it is in your power. ct vts. . . .avbpaya^l^erai, if any one of you at the present, through fear Chap. LXIV.] NOTES. 515 and a desire of ease^ should in this (rdSe, i. e. t6 iKa-rrjvat Tr,5 apxrjs) play the honest man. robe is to be constructed with dj/SpayaStXerai as an accusative synecdochical. Some refer it to kipSwov^ and govern it by SeStcbs or aTrex^eo-Sat, elicited from dnrjx^ea-'^e. But Sefiicbs is to be taken absolutely, and a.Trrjx^ea'ie is too remote to have any direct governing power in this sentence. a>s avTrjv^ for as a tyranny you now hold this (government over your allies). Less mildly was the same sentiment expressed by Cleon, III. 37. § 2. riv iniKlvdv- POP. The assumption of this dominion might be deemed unjust, yet to relinquish it would be attended with peril, and hence the truth is confirmed of what was said in jjs ov8\ . . .dv8paya?ii^eTai. 3. rdxio-T dv. . . .oUrjaeiav, such men as these (i. e. ol to. roiavra afS/jayaSi^o/nej/oi. Kriig.), if they could persuade others^ or lived any inhere hy themsehes in a state of independence (" velut in coloniam de- ducti." Poppo), would quichly destroy the state. This is substantially the interpretation given to this passage by Poppo, Goel., Arnold, and others. nelcravTes and olKTjo-eiav are connected by re — /cai, and contain the protasis. The variation of construction in the use of the participle and the verb, instead of two participles or two verbs, is not uncommon in Thucydides. For the use of eVi, cf. Mt. § 584. 3. Some think that Pericles refers here to the peace party headed by Nicias. to dnpayyiov^ otium. Betant. da(f)aXa)s bovXeveis de- notes the respect in which quietness is beneficial to a subject state, viz. tJiat it may serve in safety. CHAPTER LXIV. The speaker exhorts his fellow-citizens not to be influenced hy sucn persons, nor he angry ftl him on account of the inroads of the enemy or the visitation of the pestilence (§ 1) ; for it has ever been their custom to regard afflictions divinely sent as unavoidable evils, and to meet courageously those brought upon them by the enemy (§ 2) ; this has given the state the highest reputation, both in respect to its extensive sway in the Grecian confederacy, and its great and wealthy metropolis (§ 3) ; although the inactive may disapprove of this, yet it will be emulated by those who aim at distinction, and envied, as is natural, by those who attain not their object (§§ 4, 5) ; wherefore, mindful of the future to gain renown, and of the present to shun disgrace, they should zealously pursue both objects, and send no more suppliant embassies to tlie Lacedaemonians, nor be impatient under their calamities (§ 6). 1. rail/ ToiavBe refers to those persons against whom he had directed his remarks in the preceding chapter. Oleon probably belonged to Che number. w iroXeixelv. Cf. koI vfxds e^cTf, II. 60. § 4. avrep, sc. dpdv. firj. . . . vnaKoveiv^ in consequence of your un* 516 NOTES. [BookU willingness to submit. iripa av {= cKelucov a) 77/30 o-eSe^oVf^a, be* yond what we expected. ivpayyia is in apposition with voaos. iXrridos Kpclcraov^ beyond expectation^ i. e. surpassing in malignancy any thing which could have been expected. p.€pos rt, in some measure^ may be ranked with the explanatory accusative referred to in K. § 279. E. 10 ; S. § 182. p.aKkov quam ob terras devastatio- nem. Poppo. uapa \6yov. See N. on I. 65. § 1. ip.o\ dmSjj- crere, you will attribute it to me. Of. VIII. 51. § 3. 2. ra re — to. t€. In prose re — re is rarely found, unless whole sen- tences or complete portions are to be connected. Of. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 754. 3 ; Eost, § 134. 4. a. ra daifxouia, tilings divinely sent =. evils inflicted by the gods. dmyicaicos-, '■'■ necessario, i. e. velut ne- cessaria nee evitanda." Poppo. ravra koAv^tj^ these have been hereto/ore the habitual feelings in this city, and let them not now be hindered through you. Krtig. says that iv c3et is like ev rovra ra rpontd — 6pt€s, I. 8. § 4. Some render eV v/xTi/, in your case. But cf. Mt. § 577. 7 ; K. § 289. 3. a. Kriig. supplies eV eSet ehai with kcoXv^t}. 3. yi/core — avTijv (i. e. Tr)V ttoXlv) e^ovo-av. See N. on I. 25. § 1. — — dva\(OK€vai is connected by de to eiVeii/, and is therefore governed by bid. "With aoajxara it signifies to be prodigal of their life., to shed their blood. P'^XP'' TouSe, until the present time. KeKTrjpevrjv like €Xov(TaVj depends on yvcore. ^s follows pufjprj. is dtdiov, in perpetuum. riv, .. .Trore', even if we should now once succumb. KaraXcXeLylrerai, will remain, is put in the 3 fut. to show the perma- nency of the thing spoken of. Of. Mt. § 498. a; S. § 211. 4. 'EWrjvoiv. . . .rjp^apev. The exercise of supremacy over the Barbarians was an honor enjoyed in common by many ; but to be the leading state of Greece was enough to confer everlasting renown. Bloomf. thinks that reference is had to the period about twenty-seven years previous, when the Athenians had attained to their greatest power and dominion. But I see no necessity for this conjecture, since the sway of the Athenians was never greater or more extensive than at the be- ginning of the Peloponnesian war. Nor is the reason which he gives for this, viz. the employment of the verb (ijp^ap^v) in the past tense, of any weight, since the past tense is used in reference to the time expressed in KaraXeXeiyf/'eTai. Trpbs .... eKao-rovs is epexegetical of noXepois peyiarois. The words Ka^' eKaarovs are to be taken as a noun depending upon npos. Of. Butt. Ind. ad Demosth. Mid. cited by Poppo. rots ndaiv, with all things, belongs to evTropaTdTTjv. pieyio-TTjv. Of. Xen. Anab. YII. 3. § 19. According to Xen. Memorab. III. 6. § 14, Athens contained 10,000 houses, but the estimate that each house averaged twelve persons is doubtless too large. Chap. LXIV.] NOTES. 517 4. KULToi, and ye% \. e. the argument is not affected by the disap- proval of the inactive, since that might be expected. For this con- cessive use of KaiVot, cf. Jelf's Kiihn. § 772. 1. ravra refers to the glory and power of the Athenian state, to which the speaker adverted in the previous section. /ie/x\//>air civ. See N. on I. 71. § 5. bpav Ti = to do any thing worthy of note. KfKTijrai, '■'■ possidet.^^ Popp'o. 5. TO fxi(T€'i(r?iai. . . .eJvai IS the subject of virrjp^e^ which verb is imited by naai the antecedent of oo-ot. erepoi eripoiv^ the one the other., is somewhat similar to 'eXXt^i/coi/ re 6tl "EXXT/vey, as GreeJcs over Greeks, trepoi conforms grammatically to ocroi., and erepoiv de- pends on apx^iv. eVt fxeyiaroif^ "o5 summas res et utilissimas actiones.'''' Haack. ptcros. . . .aurex^i (cf. N. on I. 7. § 1), i.e. hatred ends with the life of the person who is the object of it. When compared with the succeeding ages, in which justice will be done to the one who was vilified and hated, it will be therefore of short dura- tion (pvK iTTL TToXv). 6. es T€. , , .TTpoyvovTcs, looMng forward in your decision (literally, "knowing beforehand) to your future glory. r6 avrUa stands op- posed to TO p.eWov. pr) alcrxpov. Eepeat npoyvovrcs in the mod- ified sense of resolving, determining. dpcfioTepa refers to to peX- Xov Kokbv and to avTiKa prj al(rxp6v. prjTe. . . .^apvvopepoc^ nor he evidently durdened with your present calamities z= nor let it appear that you are weighed down, etc. In respect to the use of the personal instead of the impersonal construction, see N. on I. 40. § 4. o>s = cVci. Schol. oliTives refers to ovtqi for its antecedent. 518 NOTES. [Book I] CHAPTEE LXV. ^'hus did Pericles endeavor to allay the resentment of the Athenians towards him, and tun awiy their thoughts from their calamities (§ 1) ; but though they adopted tlie public mea- sures which he recommended, yet in private they grievftd not the less over their afflictions (§ 2) ; nor did they cease from their anger until they had imposed a fine on Pericles (§ 3) ; yet it was not long afterwards that they conferred the supreme command upon him, as one to whom the guidance of the state could be the most safely intrusted (§ 4) ; for during his administration, while there was peace, he raised the state to the highest power, and when the war began, evinced his foresight in declaring its ability to sustain the contest (§5) ; this •was more fully seen after his death (§ 6) ; for in all things they acted contrary to his advice and pursued measures, which if successful benefitted private persons only, and if unsuc- cessful injured the whole state (§ 7) ; whereas such were his talents, station, and integrity, that he was proof against corruption and popular dictation, and could even venture to con- tradict the Athenians (§ 8) ; when he saw them too confident, he played upon their fears, when too apprehensive, he aroused their courage, there being a democracy only in namo as he was the chief ruler (§ 9) ; but his successors being more on an equality, and striving each to be first, became demagogues (§ 10) ; this gave rise, among many other ill-judged measures, to the disastrous Sicilian expedition, which was badly planned and conducted with great remissness (§ 11) ; and yet after this great defeat, their resources were seen in their ability for three years to maintain the war against overwhelming odds (§ 12) ; nor did they yield until internal dissensions efi'ected their ruin. Thus was manifested the foresight of Pericles, in reference to their ability to withstand the Peloponnesian confederacy (§ 13). 1. Toifs *A?ir]vaLovs ti]s — opyijs irapaXvciv^ to appease the anger of the Athenians ; literally, to remove the Athenians from anger. Of. Mt. § 855. 4; S. § 197. 2. andyeiv^ to turn off. 2. ai/eTTfiSoj/ro, " i. e. fxeTenei^iopro, ejus rationibus in aliam senten- tiam adducehantur.'''' Gottl. cited by Poppo. ovre. . ..(irffinov. See II. 59. § 2. {xaXKov = more ardently^ with more spirit and energy. Ibla stands opposed to drjixoala. It was by no means sin- gular that, while listening to the eloquent and patriotic sentiments of Pericles, they should be ready to sacrifice every thing to the welfare of their countr}^, but when left to the contemplation of their private calamities, they should relapse into a state of dejection, and renew their complaints against the supposed author of their sufferings. 6 fiep drjfxos^ the common people^ and ol fie bwaroi (sc. t^ 7rXovr<»), are in partitive apposition with ol fie at the beginning of the section. oTi. . . .TovTcov^ because going forth (to the war) with less resources (than the rich) they were deprived even of these, an iXaa-aopoiv, lit- erally, from less resources^ the preposition conforming to the idea of motion contained in 6p/ito/iei/os. TroXwcXeai Karao-Kevals.) expensive furniture^ i. e. the general establishment of the houses, comprising both the useful and ornamental. Some of this furniture was removed o Athens, but doubtless much was left behind, which with the fix- CsAV. LXV.] NOTES. 519 tures of tlie dwellings, such as colonnades, ornameiltal shade-trees, flower-gardens, fountains, statuary, etc., were destroyed by the enemy. Gail and Kriig. construct these datives with KaXd, but it seems better to refer them to what Kiihn. (Jelf 's edit. § 604. 1) calls the accessory dative, i. e. that whereby any thing is accompanied. to Se fiiyi- o-Tov. See N. on I. 142. § 1. ■8. ov jxepToi. I agree witli Poppo tliat these words should have their usual signification, non tamen^ as they respond to drjuoaia fxev rots Xoyois dv^nei'^ovTo (although I8ia .... iXvrrovvTo is also opposed to this member), they were persuaded ly Ms words — notwithstanding they did not cease^ etc. oi ^vfxnavTes^ i. e. both the classes of citizens referred to. iirava-avro — e^ovres. S. § 225. 7. npiv t^rjfiicoarav. See N. on I. 91. § 3. xPW^^'-^i ^^ denoting the punishment, is to be referred to the dative of manner. Of. Mt. § 400. 5; K. § 285. 1. (3). d. Diod. says that the fine was 80 talents. Plut. says that some reckoned it as high as 50 talents, and others brought it down as low as 15. Bloomf. suggests that 80 talents was the fine imposed, and 15 the sum finally received after mitigation. 4. oirep. . . .TToielv shows that the fine had been decreed by or with the consent of the populace, and that Aristides (3. 300) is not correct in ascribing it to the judges, onep refers to what is detailed in the next sentence. o-Tparriyov eCkovro. He had been deprived, doubt- less, of his command when he was fined, and so Plutarch relates. Tvavra . . . . eTTeTpeyjrav. He thus became in fact dictator {avTOKparap). 0)1/ = TovTcov a, of which the antecedent depends on dp^Xvrepot, (S. § 195. 1). Kiihn. (Jelf's edit. § 488) constructs TJXyet with the genitive, in which case the equivalent would be tovtcov cov. Botli constructions are admissible. Of, Mt. §§ 368. a; 414. p. 664. cov (in o)v Se) = ravra (i. e. ra xP^H^^t^) ^''j the antecedent being the synccdochical accusative with nXeicrTov li^iov referring to Pericles. Ivriiger unnecessarily supplies Kara. 5. iu Trj elpfjVT]^ i. e. the thirty years' truce. Cf. I. 115. § 1. nerp'tcos €^7;yeTro, 7ie Tided with moderation. do-^aXoas^ safely., cautiously. Cf. II. 63. § 8. 6 TrdXe/xo? stands opposed to iv rrj eipr]vrj. TOur&), i. e. the war. rrjv hvvapiv^ SC. r^s tvoXcohs. 6. Suo €Tr] Koi prjuas e^ from the commencement of the war. He died in the autumn of a. o. 429, after the plague had carried off his nearest connections, including his two sons Xanthippus and Paralus. Tlie sickness of which he died was probably a mitig^ed form of the same disease. A brighter name has hardly ever adorned the pages of history. As a statesman, an orator, a general, and a patron of the ine arts, he shines resplendent among the most gifted of his country- 620 NOTES. [BookH men ; yet his greatest glory is comprised in his dying declaration, that no Athenian had through his means been made to put on mourning. 7. rjo-vxaCovras and the participles which follow contain the prota- sis, (see N. on I. 75. § 6), if they Tcept stilly i. e. risked no general en- gagement on land. The apodosis lies in irepuareo-^ai. SfpoTrfvoi/- ras^ if they gave attention to^ is here used in a tropical sense. In re- spect to this advice of Pericles, cf. 1. 143 ; II, 13. apxr]v iirj.... noXefia). See N. on dpxfjv re /xj) eTriKTacr^ai^ I. 144. § 1. oi 8e (opposed to 6 fi€p) .... enpa^av. This line of policy, so different from that pursued by Pericles, may be attributed in part at least to Oleon, who was violently opposed to his prudent measures, and took every means to annoy him in the latter part of his administration. — — koI aXka is opposed to ravrd rf, and depends on enokiTevcrav, in other respects they administered the state. e^a tov TroXe/xou, i. e. foreign to the true object and interests of the war. Eeference is had to such expeditions as that against Crete (II. 85), the attempt made on Oydonia, the uDJustifiable attack upon Melos, and above all the disas- trous expedition into Sicily, preceded, as Arnold remarks, by petty expeditions to that island before the great invasion, in which not only were their forces wasted, but the Doric states were estranged from Athens. I have placed a comma after elvai and KepS/y, to break up the long sentence, which in Dindorf 's edition is Avithout these punctuation-marks. xard, on account of through. K. § 292. IT. 3. b. Bloomf. thinks that there is an allusion in Kara .... Kepdrj to Cleon, and Alcibiades, and partly to Demosthenes. a refers to the mea- sures alluded to in aXXa e^co tov TroXepov. ldia>Tais = TToXiTais, inasmuch as it stands opposed to rroXei. pdXXop than to the state. ac^dXivra^ " if they miscarried^ as in the case of Oleon in Thrace and Nicias in Sicily." Bloomf. 8. airiov S' 71/, sc. tovtov referring to the difference between the prudent measures of Pericles and the course pursued by his successors. eKuvos refers to Pericles. xPH^droiv — dboiporaTos = of incor- ruptible integrity ; more literally, proof against hrihery. /carelxf TO TtX^Soff eXevSe'pcoff, i. e. he administered the government with energy, and yet not so as to encroach upon the liberty of any of its citizens. ovk — pdXXov — 7, not more — than z^ not so much as. The negative pr] belongs both to KToopevos and to Xeyeiv. See JST. on I. 12. § 1. The participle KTojpevos denotes cause, since he Jiad not acquired. See N. on I. 9. § 4. i^ ov npoarjKouToiv^ hy means not 'befitting. ex(ov in d^tworet, being able by Ms high reputation. Tvpos dpyf]v Tt, " somewhat warmly. ^^ Bloomf. I prefer Arnold's interpretation, so as to excite their anger^ inasmuch as these words are Chap LXY.] NOTES. 621 antithetic to Trpos rjbourju ti, which evidently signifies, for their plea- sure^ 80 as to please them. Instead of this being a jejune interpreta- tion as Bloomf. avers, it is much more pointed and forcible, inasmucn as it embraces the more extensive idea, viz. that he spoke so vehe- mently and plainly as to excite their anger. 9. napa Kaipbv v^pei ^apaovvras^ puffed up with unseasonable con- Jide?iee, i. e. a boldness which was untimely and unsuitable. /carc- }s^ on the other hand un- reasonably alarmed. \6yco — epyw, in name — in reality (see N. on II. 40. § 2). So the Latins employ verlo et re. vtto. See !N". on I. 130. § 1. 10. The historian now proceeds to contrast with these features of the administration of Pericles, the policy and conduct of his suc- cessors. npos ak\r]kovs follows 'icroi. For the emphatic avroX before the reflexive ak\r]\ovs {themselves with one another)^ cf. 0. § 511. 8. opeyopevoi. . . ,yiyvea^ai^ striving after the pre-eminence (literally, each to le first). Of. K. § 273. 3. b. S; S. § 192. irpd- 7TOVTO .... ivbihovai. has received a variety of interpretations, according as the words are connected in construction. Bloomf. adopts the order : irpaivovTo ra drjptp /caS' rjdovds, they turned to the people for their gratification == they applied themselves to gratify the people. At ivbibovai he supplies alr^ from Sjj/xw, and understands by to. Ttpdypara the administration of affairs. Haack refers koS' ribovas to ivbibovai which depends on irpdirovTo. From rco drjpat he supplies avTov^ and thus is given the sense : they turned to the people to gratify them with (literally, to give them for their pleasure) even the administration of pudlic affairs^ i. e. not only in their speeches but in their public measures, they had principal reference to what would be agreeable to the people. This I conceive to be the sense of the pas- sage, and so it is understood by Arnold. There is no necessity of making the sentence Mmembris^ resulting from Acai, inasmuch as it often has the signification even^ the corresponding sentence being easily supplied mentally from the context. Cf. K. § 321. E. 5. 11. aXKa re noWci — f]papTr)?irj^ many other errors were committed. aXKa in reference to the Sicilian expedition, which is particularly mentioned (6 es ^iKeXiav ttXoOs', sc. r]papTrj?ir)). COS relates to TroWd, OS ov.,,,€Tapdx^T}a-ap. This passage is in some respects very obscure and has received various interpretations. "With Haack, Goel., 522 NOTES. [BookD Poppo, and other eminent critics, I am disposed to refer ots to the Syracusians, supplying the ellipsis nepl cKcivtov irpos ovs. As the sen- tence is commonly interpreted, ots is referred to the Leontines, ta aid whom the Athenians were induced to engage in the expedition. But as Poppo remarks, inuvai npos riva is always taken in a hostile sense for inuvai tlvL ov. . . .iinyiyvoia-KovTcs^ not Tcnowing what was requisite for the armament^ i. e. through ignorance the expedition was ill-furnished with the proper requisites, and hence proved un- successful. This will be fully illustrated in the account of that unfor- tunate enterprise. Dukas and Goeller say that on account of oKka which follows, iTnyiyvaxTKovres should have been (neylyvaxTKov. But Poppo constructs thus : oa-ov ol iKivip.'^avTes to. iv T(3 arparoTr^bco a/x- ^\vT€pa i-nolovv^ ov to. TTpocrcPopa tois olxop-^vois iniyiyvaxTKovres., aXka (iTTiyiyvoiXTKovT^s) Kara — TrpoaTacrias. Properly ocrop ol iic7rep.ylravT€s should have been oa-ov twv eKTrefX-^dvTcav (sc. dfxdpTrjfxa)^ ot ou, in order to conform to the construction which precedes. §taj8oXas refers to such calumnious charges as were brought against Aicibiades, and which caused his removal from the command of the Sicilian ex- pedition. inoiovv and irapdx'^Tja-av are both to be referred to ol iKTTep.^avT€s^ the connectives being re — KaL Trepi Tr]v TToKiv stands opposed to eV T« uTpaTOTvebw. wpcoTov. Arnold says "/or the first time after the expulsion of the Pisistratidse ;" but Bloomf. inter- prets, " then first during the Peloponnesian war," which seems to be the true sense. irapax'^Tjcrav is limited by ra re taken synecdo- chically, were in a state of disorder in respect to the affairs. 12. a-cf)dk€VT€s fi' — o/icos-, hut although they were defeated — notwith- standing. For the concessive use of the participle, see N. on I. 7. § 1. rov vavTiKov refers to the whole Athenian navy, the greatest part of which was destroyed at Syracuse. rpla p.kv err] dvreTxov. It is quite diflScult to determine what particular period of the war in here referred to. Haack (in his second edition) and Goel. would read 5ei *vould have been improper and offensive. 3. €[xiKXov — Trepaia>/0 public commiseration, as in the case of the Mitylenians (Hi. <^5. § 4), should be interested in their favor. is (f)dpayyas^ into fits^ i. e. into some place where there were pits, the plural form hcing used to give indefiniteness to the expression. This disposition of the bodies was even more contumeli- ous than to cast them out p.Bburied into the fields. biKaiovvrfs vTTTJp^av^ thinlcing tt p/st to inflict the same punishment (upon them), which the Lacedcemonions had first employed, rots avrois (dative of means) dp.vvea'iai —- r^v la-qv ripcopiav Xa^elv. With inrrjp^av supply dpvvopevoc to whi^b -ola-Trep is to be referred, as rots avrois is taken with dpvvea-^ai . rovs ipnopovs ovs eXa^ov — dnoKTeivavres, dy put- ting to death the merchants whom they tooTc. This belongs to vnrjp^ap as denoting the way or manner (see Ns. on I. 33. § 1 ; II. 34. § 4) in which the I^acedsBmonians set the example of cruelty. oaovs Xa- jSotfr, whomsoever they might tahe (see N. on I. 50. § 1). The optative denotes indefinite frequency (see N. on I. 49, § 3), and hence the verb of the principal clause is in the imperfect (ducp^ieipov). K. § 333. 4„ Koi Toiis — KoX Tovs SXYQ IB. apposition with oaovs. firjde /xeS' irepcov (repeat ^vpLnoXepLovvTas)., allied with neither., i. e. remaining neutral. CHAPTER LXVIIl. The Ambraciots undertake an expedition against Argos in Amphilochia (§ 1) ; their hostility to the Argives arose from this : naany generations after the country was settled by Amphi- lochus, they called in as joint colonists the Ambraciots, from whom they learned the Greek language, and by whom they were after^vards driven out (§§ 2-6) ; they then in conjunc- tion with the Acamanians, under whose protection they had put themselves, call in to tlieir aid the Athenians, who take Argos, and make slaves of the Ambraciots (§§ 7, 8); tho enmity thence conceived was the cause of the present expedition of the Ambraciots (§ 9). 1. Tov ?iepovs TcKevTcovTOS. See N. on II. 67. § 1. 'AprrpaKiioTai. The countrv of the Ambraciots lay north of the Ambracicus Sinui 526 1^0 TES. [Book n and nortli-west of Amphilochia. Its capital of tlie same name was situated on the river Aracthus, a few stadia from its mouth. TToXkovs dvaa-TTjaavTes = with many wliom they had raised. "Apycs was situated on the eastern extremity of the Ambracian gulf, at the mouth of the Inachus, so called from a river in Argolis. Col. Leake (ISTorth. Greece, IV. p. 238) identifies it with the ruins of an ancient city at Neokhori, on the Ariadka. t6 'A/x0tXo;^i»c6;/ is added to distinguish this place from that of the same name in Argolis. Amphi lochia lay along the eastern shore of the Ambracian gulf. 3. fiera to. Tpcot/ca, after the Trojan war. dvaxcaprja-as . . . .Kara- a-Tacrei, having returned home and heing dissatisfied with the condition of things in Argos. The Schol. gives as the reason of his dissatisfac- tion, that he found his mother Eriphyle slain by his brother Alcmaeou. The accounts of the doings of Amphilochus, after his return from the Trojan war, are quite conflicting, on which see Smith's Diet. Gr. and Rom. Mythol. I. p. 149. For the construction of dpeo-Kofjievos — Kara- ardcrei, cf. Mt. § 411. 5. Ois. 2. 5. TToWais y€V€ais vaTepov, many generations after. S. § 204. o/xopou?.. . .'A/it^iXoxif.v, ^ordering (literally, l)eing borderei's) upon Amphilochia. ^woUovs is the second accusative after irr-qyayovro^ called in as joint colonists. S. § 185. iXKrjvia-^rjarap ttjv vvv ykaxr- aav, were taught the use of the Greeh language which they now speak; literally, were made the Greelcs they now are in respect to language. The original colonists from Argos were so few in number, that their language in process of time became lost, and they now learned it again from the Ambracians. Perhaps the conjecture of Arnold is correct, that the Hellenian language took the place of the language spoken by the chiefs in the Trojan expedition and their followers, which as being Pelasgian bore a greater resemblance to the Latin. In respect to the construction, yXcoo-o-av may be regarded as the accusa- tive synecdochical, or as the equivalent accusative defining more fully the notion contained in the verb. Cf. Jelf 's Kuhn. §§ 548. c ; 579. 1. ^dp^apoi in respect to their language. 6. 'Apyeiouy, i. e. the Amphilochians who had invited them to reside in Argos. xP"^Vj '•''progressu temporis.'''* Port. 7. bu^oacrav eavTovs^ gave themselves up = put themselves under the protection. koL TrpocnrapaKaXeo-avres k. t. X. The common read- ing is TrpoaeKaXeaavTo^ but the MS. authority vastly predominates in favor of the participial form. Critics are not agreed, however, as to the construction. Poppo and Goeller's method of punctuation and construction seems on the whole to be preferable to any other. Tliey place a comma instead of a period after rpidKovra^ and make alpovai Chat. LXX.] NOTES. 527 the verb to which npoa-TrapaKaXea-avres belongs, the intermediate words 01 avTois. » . .eneiMylrav = nefiyJAavTaiv re tovtcou avToiis ^opfxicova. aKTja-av, See N. on I. 8. § 1. 'Afx(pi\oxot who had been driven out by the Ambraciots. ^AKapvaves whose protection had been invoked by the Amphilochians. 8. rj ^vppaxta. Cf. 11. 9. § 4. 9. fs Tovs = Kara Ta)V. Schol. eV tS TroXe/xo), i. e. the Pelopon- nesians. Xaovcov. The Ohaonians bordered on the Thesprotians to the north-west, both countries lying on the sea-coast. x^P^^ depends on iKparow. Trpoa^aKovreSi ly storm. CHAPTEK LXIX. An Athenian fleet under Phonnio saCs around Peloponnesus, and takes its station at Nau pactus in order to guard the entrance of the Cris«an gulf; another fleet is sent to Lycia and Oaria, the forces of which disembarking are defeated and their commander slain (§§ 1, 2). 1. ^opp.la)va. Cf. II. 58. § 2. "When this commander left Chalcidia he probably returned direct to Athens. p.rir iKiiKelv — fxrjSeva prjr eo-TrXeii/, that no one might sail in or out. These infinitives denote the object or purpose of cf)vXaKriv eJx^. o7ra>s .... dpyvpoXoyaxri^ in order to lay these places under contribution. For the same construc- tion of this verb with the accusative of the thing, cf. III. 19. § 2; VIII. 8. § 1. CHAPTEK LXX. The Potidajans, finding that they derived no benefit from the irruptions of the Peloponne • sians into Attica, and being sorely pressed with famine, make proposals of surrender to the Athenian generals (§ 1) ; which being accepted, they are suffered to depart with their families to Chalcidia and other places which they may choose (§§ 2, 3) ; the Athenians blame their generals for concluding this treaty, and send out colonists of their own to people Potidsea (§ 4) ; thus end the events of the second year (§ 5). 1. 7ro\iopKovp.evoi dvTexeiv^ to hold out being besieged = to sustain the siege. ovhkv 'ASr^i/aiovy, did not the more cause (S. § 207. 2) the Athenians to raise the siege. ^paaecos nepi dvayKaias^ in respect to obtaining their necessary food ; perhaps, in respect to the things which they were forced to eat. aK\y]\ rrpo tov XPoVo) — iv ovbevi^ at no time whatever before this. Some take iv ovbevX in the sense of in 'ho respect. a(^' ov = since. hl^^^i TrpoecrSat ddiKovfievovs., have they permitted us to be injured. Goel. edits vp.ds^ which Krijg. says is inadmissible, inas- much as the Platseans as well as the Athenians are referred to in iysvop.e'^a. 7rfpio\//'ecr3ai (sc. ddtKovfievovs). See N. on nepiopdv^ I. 24. § 6. 532 NOTES. [Book U CHAPTER LXXIV. The Flatseans resolve to remain true to the Athenians, and announce this determination U the Lacedaemonians (§ 1) ; Archidamus invokes the gods to be witnesses of the justice of the invasion, and implores their aid in bringing the Plataeans to punishment (§§ 2, 3). 1. dpe^fa'iai. . . .opoiVTas^ would dear even to see their country rav- aged^ if it must needs ie. -y^v depends upon opcouras, wliich pro- perly should have been 6pS>vT€s^ but is put in the accusative to con- form to the construction which ft del would have demanded. aXKo in respect to yr]v Tep.vo{xevT)v. 2. ewevSev, then. ——— is enifxapTvpiav — ^€a)V — Karean], called the gods to witness ; literally, proceeded to an attestation of the gods. Poppo explains the words by iiv€p.aprvpaTo (contestatus est) ^eovs, Cf. Xen. Cyr. III. 3. § 22 ; Livy, I. 22. 3. Tcoj/Se refers to the Plataeans. avrr]v is put for rjv. -^ — tvpevrj €vay(ovi(Tae consenting) that those who first hegan to act unjustly may he pun- ished for their iniquity, t^s abtKlas belongs both to vndpxovcn and Ko\d^€cr'iaL (= KoXdaeois Tvyxdvctv), according to the formula KoXd^eiv Tivd Tivos. In respect to toIs virdpxova-i with the infinitive, if the leading verb by itself governs another case than the accusative, either that case or the accusative may accompany it,, when the infinitive fol- lows. Cf. Mt. § 537 ; K. § 307. 1 ; S. § 224. t^s be.,. .voiiLfioa = Tois St eTiK^epovai i/o/xi'/xws Tr]V riiiapiat Tvyxdveiv avrrjs. CHAPTER LXXV. Archidamus commences the siege of PlataMi by palisading it so as to prevent all egress (§ 1) he then constructs a mound protected from falling away by timber brought from Citlimron, the army working in relief-parties incessantly ujwn it for 70 days (§§ 2, 3) ; the Platseans by counter works raise their wall to a height corresponding to that of the mound (§§ 4, 5); they also devise a method to draw away the earth from the opposing mound (§ 6). 1. Toaavra iin'^eidcras, when he had thus involved the gods, or called tltc gods to witness. rois hevbpeonv. There were trees in the Chap. LXXV.] NOTES. 533 vicinity of the city, such as fruit-trees, and those left for ornament or shade. It was for the construction of the mound that timber was supplied from the heavy trees of Citheeron. rod firjdeva ert e^ievai^ in order that no one might afterwards go forth = that all further egress might de cut off. x^M^ ^xovv. The object of raising a mound, was to enable the besiegers, by filling up the interval between the mound and the wall, or connecting them by a bridge, to ascend the wall and thus get possession of the city. avToav refers to rav nXaraiwj/ implied in t:6\lv which precedes. Kistem, refers it to bh- 8po)v^ and translates alpeaiv^ carrying or conveying them from the place where they were felled to the city. But this is flat and trifling. 2. ouv, therefore, i. e. in order to build the mound just spoken of. €< Tov Ki?iaipwvos. Mount Cithgsron, which was 3500 feet high, lay to the south of Plataaa, a distance of only three or four miles. In- deed the southern angle of an enclosure, which Leake thinks to be as old as the Persian war, is only separated by a level of a few yards from the great rocky slope of Cithjeron. Cf. Leake's North. Greece, II. p. 825. e/carepcoSei', on doth Sides of the mound. The reason is given in ottcos x^^^^' ^op/xj/SoV, crosswise liJce mat-worlc, i. e. at right angles, thus, bin. This timber framework was only on the right and left side of the mound, the front being left sloping so that an army could be marched up, when things were in a state of readi- ness to scale the walls of the enemy. On the opposite side, the earth and other materials were suffered to slide down unobstructed, except by the wall against which the mound was raised. et n — fxeWoi. The oratio obliqua is used, because reference is had to the notion of the verb as it passed in the mind, not of the writer, but of the actors in the affair. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 885. Ois. 3. dirjprjijLevoi Kar avairavKas, being divided into relief -par ties. oi ^emyoij i. e. Spartan oflficers placed over the quotas furnished by the auxiliary states, and to whom the generals of the allies were sub- ordinate. Of. Smith's Diet. Antiq, p. 1065. ^vi'e(/>fo-ro)re$', ''''una prmpositi, i. e. una cum propriis ducibus praepositi." Kistera. 4. fi npoa-exovTo, where the mound was raised against (the wall). The object of this wooden framework was to secure for the wall a higher elevation than the mound raised by the enemy. iarcoKobo- ixovv es avTo TrXiVSous, " they tuilt up into it (in the interstices of the wood- work) dric'ks.'''' Bloomf. ck oIkicov is to be constructed with TrXti/Sovs-. Ka'^aipovvres = having pulled them down for this purpose. 6. TOV oiKobopTjixa, in order that the structure, "being high, might not be weaTc. ct^e. Supply olKobSp-qfia or relxos. dtppeis koi 634 NOTES [Book II ti(j)?iepasy hides and leather. 7rvp(f)6pois olarols. Sometimes ar- rows were so constructed as to carry fire (lighted tow and other com* bustibles being attached to them), and became very formidable when thrown into a town or into sliips. iv dcr^aXe/a re elvai is referred by many critics to the workmen, and /ui^re — /3dXXeo-3ai to the wood- work. But I see no good reason for such an artificial arrangement of the members of the sentence. 6. avravrjet auroj, went up against it^ 1. e. the mound rose equally with the wall, and thus the counter operations of the parties left them in the same relative situation as when they commenced. biiKovns Tov T€Lxovs, opening the part of the wall. The genitive is partitive. Cf. Mt. § 321. 5 ; Jelf 's Kuhn. § 538. 3. CHAPTEE LXXVI. The Peloponnesians by a counter device render the last mentioned contrivance of the Platas- ans ineffectual (§ 1) ; the besieged then dig a trench to the bottom of the mound, and thus draw away the earth from the bottom of it (§ 2) ; they also raise an inner wall as an addi- tional defence in case the main wall is taken (§ 3) ; the Peloponnesians bring up their bat- tering rams against the wall, but these are rendered useless by a device of the Plataeans (§ 4). 1. €v eVei'XXoj/rey, inclosing clay in wicTcer-lasTcets^ '-''thrusting in clay into large wattled cases made of reed.'''' Arnold. Buttraann (Lexil. No. 44) by a long and labored criticism endeavors to prove, that elkeiv does not signify to turn round^ as some suppose, but al- ways has essentially the same sense, to press, to shut, etc., and that here it is used with eV, because the action described is that of press- ing in firmly and tying up. is to diijprjfxevov, i. e. into the open- ing made in the wall by the besieged. diaxeopevov is put in the neuter as being referable not only to 7rJ)X6j/ but also to rapaois. 2. oi Se, i. e. the Plataeans. tovto — ineaxov, desisted from this. This verb is followed by the accusative also in Y. 46. § 1 ; 63. § 4. vTvovopLov, a passage underground, a mine. ^vvreKprjpd- fifvoL vTTo TO x^f^a- Bloomf. remarks that this is a condensed form of expression for, making their way hy conjecture to the part under tha mound. But may we not with Krlig. consider vno to x^l^"-) ^^ ^^" longing rather to opv^ames than to ^wTCKpr^papevoi'i IcpelXKov . . . •xoi^i') ^^^y secretly (vtto-) drew the (earth of the) mound to them- selves^ i. e. within the wall. inayopevov .... x^^h-^tos, in conse- quence of their (avrols for the adnominai genitive) mound leing Chap. LXXVL] NOTES. 535 drawn aicay from lelow. The genitive absolute here denotes cause. S. § 226. l^dvovTos is used intransitively. 8. ouro), i. e. by this contrivance. The disparity of their numbers convinced them, that they could not remove the earth from beneath as fast as it was heaped up above. Hence they invented an additional contrivance (Trpoa-eTre^evpov robe). ev'^ev Se Koi ev^iev. Cf. Xen. Anab. IV. 8. § 28. airov depends on eVSei/, and refers to oiKobo' fiT]fxa. OTTO rov ^pax^os reixovs^ from the lower part of the wall^ 1. e. at the point on each side, vrhere the wall which had been elevated against the mound returned to its original elevation. A construction of the inner wall beyond these extremities would have been unneces- sary, since the breach or entrance would be made, if any where, from the mound, and against this point only it would be necessary to build counter works of defence, anb rov ^pax^os reixovs serves therefore to designate at what points on either end {ev?iev de koI ep'^ev) the inner wall joined to the old town-wall. ex. . . .TrdXiv, on the inside in the form of a crescent towards the city. A wall thus shaped would enable the besieged to half inclose a force brought up against it. /xe'ya relx^s^ i- ^- the wall whose height had been increased to overtop the mound. dnrXdcnov re nouov^ a twofold trouble^ resulting from having another wall to pass. iv ytyi/eo-Sat, le more exjposed to missiles on loth sides. It will readily be seen that in approaching a wall bending inward and having two projecting angles, as this new wall would have, the besiegers would be exposed to missiles discharged on either side as well as in front. 4. prjxavds. The following context shows that battering-rams are referred to in this word. tov p.eydXov olKodovprjparos depends on eVt /tieya, a consideratU part of the great wall, i. e. the wall raised against the mound. Some translate, sAo6>^ the large superstructure very considerably. It is evident that the battering-ram was directed against that portion of the wall which had been recently built up to overtop the mound, as the engine was worked from the top of the mound. Kara rb x«/^a Trpocrax^ela-a, being brought up upon the mounds aXkas 8e responds to fxiav jueV, and is in partitive apposi- tion with p.r)xavds at the commencement of the section. aXKrj tov reixovy, in other parts of the wall. dveKkav, drew upwards, i. e. diverted them from a direct blow against the wall. koI connects eveKkcav and d^Uaav. boKovs .... iyKapcrias, suspending huge beams by long iron chains at each end, and drawing them up in a slanting direction by two cranes placed obliquely and stretching over the wall, Topx] refers to the end of the beam where it was cut off. dtrb Kepaiwu is to be joined with dveKKva-avres . Notice the omission of the copula/ 536 NOTES. [Book a tive between the participles dpTrjo-avres and dveXKvo-avre^. d^ie- (TUP TT)v doKQp — aTreKavXi^e. Regularity of construction -would Lave required dcfiePTes ttjp doKov — dvcKavXi^ov^ since ay, by the force of re, refers also to the last member beginning with kol Bokovs. On account of the intervening words, and because the writer wished to explain Avhat sort of a machine it was, which they used to break off the head of the battering engine, the construction was changed. x«^"po*s . . ^ . €xoPT€Si with slacTcened chain and not holding it in their hands^ 1. e. letting it go through (Sta) their hands. CHAPTEE LXXVII. Being bafQed in all their efforts to take the city, the Peloponnesians make preparations to completely invest it (§ 1) ; they determine to try, however, first to bum the city, being unMilling to undergo the expense of a blockade (§ 2) ; for tliis purpose they heap up combustibles between the mound and the wall, and from this elevation toss them into the city (§ 3); with these they make a great fire, and are only kept from effecting their purpose by tlio want of a sutecient breeze, and by a heavy ram which is reported to have come on (§§ 4-€). 1. TO dpTLrelxio-na refers to the crescent-shaped wall. Cf. II. 76. § 3. Kriig. refers it also to the newly constructed portion of the old wall. Cf. II. 75. § 4. dno. . . .decpap^ hy the present means of terror. Eeference is had to the mound and to the battering-rams. npos TTjp TrepiTcixio-iv in order to reduce the place by famine. 2. 61 7ro3S — TTpoaax^eiTj. See N. on et ncos neiaeiap^ I. 58. § 1. SandpTjs Koi TroXiopKias is put by hendiadys for dandprjs rijy TroXiopKias. The expense of besieging a city is seen in the investment of Potida^a. See K on II. 70. § 2. 8. is. ., .TTpoax^o'^ois^ first into the space detween the mound and the wall. The mound on the side towards the wall sloped down, so that while the base touched the wall, there would be quite a space left open at the summit. The necessity of fiUing this will be obvious to all. yevo/xeVou, SC. rov fxera^v. iniirapivrja-ap . . . .pereoypov. The order is : imTTapevqa-ap Qieaped up side dy side) koI ttjs aXX-qs no' Xecos ocTOP nXelaTOP ibvpapTo imcrx^'^v {to reacJi) dno rov pcrewpov {from the height of the mound). TroXews depends on TrXeto-roy, and is em- ployed as though the wall against which the fagots ((pdKfXXoi) were thrown was a part of the city, rrjs aXXrjs noXeois refers to the space between the old wall and the lunar-shaped one newly built, for it is evident that beyond the last-mentioned one, fagots could not bo thrown otherwise than by machines. Chap. LXXVIH. ] NOTES. 537 4. ^vv Set'o) Koi TTio-o-T] in order to make the fire take more readily and burn more surely. cjAo^. , . .ddev, so great a fire as no one ever until that time saw IcindUd J)y merCs hands. ^'5?;, already^ heretofore. vkx] rpi^SJeio-a — npbs avrrjv^ the branches of the forest "being rubbed one against the other. ott' at^Tov, i. e. from this attri- tion of the branches. This allusion to fire upon the mountains is a kind of reply to an anticipated objection, in respect to the greatness of this fire in the city compared with other conflagrations. The train of thought is: the fire in Platsea was greater than any which had ever yet been kindled with hands, for the mountain-fires which have burned so fiercely and extensively, were enkindled not by human agency but by the mutual action of the forest branches agitated by high winds. The words otto ravroficiTov are therefore highly emphatic. 5. TaWa disasters and dangers. iXax^a-Tov i^erjo-e dia(})^e7pai, wanted but little of destroying (=well 7iigh destroyed). eXap^iorou is the genitive of separation. K. § 271. 2. iderjo-e^ sc. roOro, i. e. ro TTvp. €vt6s TreXao-at, for within a large space of the city it was impossible to approach on account of the flames. Some without sufii- cient reason make x<^P^ov to depend on neXdarai^ for it was impossible to approach a large part of the city within. nvevfia. . . .ivavrloi furnishes the r.eason for the collection of such a mass of combustibles. The besiegers hoped that the high wind would carry the flames and burning materials such a distance as to reach the dwellings. avTTJ i. e. TTJ (pXoyi. eVii^opor, favorable. 6. vbatp — (T/SeVat is epexegetical of robe ^vp^rjvai: CPIAPTER LXXVIII. Being disappointed in tlieir attempt to leave tlie city, the Peloponnesians proceed to draw the lines of investment (§ 1) ; after which, dividing the duty of watching the place between a detachment of their own forces and the Boeotians, they depart to their respective cities (§ 2) ; the Platseans who stand this siege number 400, besides 80 Athenian auxiliaries, and some women who are left to prepare their food, all the rest having been sent to Athens (§§ 3, 4). 1. TO de XoiTTov dv^ i. e. t5)V eVl ?iaXdacrr) 'AKapvdvav dnb 'SaXda-arjS', the prepo- sition dno being nsed by way of accommodation with ^vp^otpeiv^ as denoting whence the assistance proceeded. See N. on 1. 18. § 1. av belongs to Kparrja-ovo-i^ and denotes the existence of a condition on which the verb may be supposed to depend. Cf. Jelf 's Klihn. § 424. 8. Some may prefer to construct av with axdvres = rjv o-x^iart. Kparr]- a-ovcrtrrrr-eaoiTo. Such an interchange of moods in dependence upon the same verb is quite frequent, as the writer wishes to express cer- tainty or probability only. Of. Jelf 's Klihn. § 802. S. d; Mt. § 529. 5. o/MoToy, the same as before. iXni8a 8' elvai. The construction is here varied from on with the indicative, and then with the opta- tive, to the accusative with the infinitive. 2. ert ovra. The office of admiral was with the Spartans limited to a definite period. Thus in VIII. 20. 85, it appears that the com- mand was limited to one year. In the beginning of the war, when Sparta was ignorant of maritime afiairs, there were obvious reasons why the term of command should have been somewhat longer. cVt vava-lv. " Earius dictum pro cttI veav sen eV vavo-iv.'''' Poppo. rw vavTiKa^ the fleet is here put for the sailors who manned it. as rdxio'Ta belongs to TrapaarKevda-ao-^ai re as rdxia-ra koL n\e7v. 3. dnoiKois ova-L, hecause they loere their colonists (see N. on I. 9. § 4) The Ambraciot colony was one of the earliest of the Corinthiar 540 NOTES. [BookII colonies, being founded by the Heraclidao. Cf. Millkr's Dorians, I. p 130. iu TrapacTKevfj ^v ■= TrapacrKevd^fTO. npoTepov d(^t/cd/xcvo> because tbey were nearer to the place of rendezvous. 4. OS. . . .i(f>poi)povv. Cf. II. 69. § 1. 5. Xdoves. See N. on II. 68. § 9. a/Sgo-iXeurot, not ruled over hy Mngs. ck tov apx^Kov yevovs, of tlw family eligible to the magistracy. 6. MoXocraoiis — Koi ^Arivravas. The former of these people occu- pied the district north of Ambracia (see N. on I. 136. § 2), and the latter bordered on the Molossians to the north-west, embracing the upper streams of the south-eastern branch of the Aous (cf. Kiepert's Map), and, according to Leake (North. Greece, p. 118), the moun- tainous country between the Apsus and the Aous. Uapavalovs. This people seem to have occupied a district north-east of Atintania, on the upper streams of the north-eastern branch of the Aous. 'Ope'o-Tai. The location-of this tribe is involved in obscurity. Some place them in the north-west part of Epirus, and others regard them as occupying a more easterly position. 7. Kpv(f)a t5)v 'A?iT}vala)v. Cf. II. 29. § 7, where it appears that Perdiccas formed an alliance with the Athenians. See N. on I. 56. § 2. va-TepGv (= v(TT€poi)^ too late^ i. e. after the fight was over. -8. ^Apyelas of Amphilochia. Aifxvaiav^ now according to Leake (North. Gr. lY. p. 244) Kervasara. It was the nearest harbor to Stratus, on the southern shore of the Ambracian gulf. ^rpdrov^ Stratus lay S. E. from Limna^a, on the right bank of the Achelous, and was a place of much importance, being situated where the valley? of Lipuni and Achelous meet, and open into the great ^tolian plain. av gives to 7rpo(rx(oprj(T€iv the idea of probability. Cf. S. § 215. 5 ; Mt. §1)99. d. See also Xen. Anab. 11. 8. § 18. CHAPTER LXXXI. riio Acamanians act on the defensive, and send to Phormio for assistance (§ 1) ; the Pelo- ponncsians marcli towards Stratus in order, if necessary, to force it to submission (§ 2) ; the order of march (§ 8) ; the Greeks proceed with due caution, but the Cliaonians and other Barbarians with foolhardy confidence press forward in order to take the place and bear off the honor (§ 4) ; the Stratians i)erceiving this, and forming ambuscades, attack the Chaonians, slay many, and compel the rest to flee back to the Grecian camp (§§ 5-7); ■where they still continue to annoy them with their slings (§ 8). 1. al(T^6pcvot — io-^e^XrjKvlav. See N. on I. 20. § 3. ^vv(fioi)' Sow (see N. en II. 80. § 1). The suddenness of the invasion gave Chap. LXXXI.] If T E S . 541 them no time to concert measures of defence. ^opiimva. Of. 11. 69. § 1. vavTiKov. . . .eKXTrelv. Cf. II. 80. § 3. 2. rpia TeXrj. See IsT. on I. 48. § 2. These divisions had respect to the breadth, not the length of the array. Xo'yo. All the editions before me except Dindorf 's have Xoyois. The singular corresponds the best with epyo). In respect to the use of these tvyo words, see N. on II. 40. § 2. ' 3. jicaov ixev exovres because they were the weakest portion of the army. The article is omitted with iieo-ov, because the expression in military language is already suflBciently definite. ol {xera tovtcov. Haack thinks that these were the (Eniada3, but it appears from the following chapter, that this people joined them after the retreat from Stratus. Auxiliary forces of theirs is doubtless referred to, unless with Arnold wo consider them the Perioeci of the Leucadian peninsula, which sort of inhabitants almost every town in Greece had in greater or less numbers. eariv ore ov8e iapavro^ sometimes icere out of one anotlier's siglit. See N. on I. 65. 3 (end). 4. bia (fivXaicrjs exovres (sc. iavTovs) deing on their guard. ini- Trjbc'ico. See N. on II. 20. § 4. • d^iovixevoL — p,axi-p-^TaTOL clvai^ 1)6- ing esteemed the most warlike. ovt iirio-xov-, sc. cavrous. ro orparoVeSoi/ which they had been directed, or were expected to occupy. p^y^Vi ^*^^* ^ rush^ with headlong speed. avro^oet, '''-prima clamore atque impetus Betant. At the first onset, hv — i\eiv. See ]Sr. on II. 80. § 8. ro epyov = the honor of the vic- tory. 5. ert Trpoo-ioVrar, yet advancing. So Haack: antequam cursum al)solmssent. pepovcopevcov^ while thus alone, i. e. separated from the other forces. • oixoias, i. e. with as much alacrity and boldness as before. TrpoXox^C^vcn — ivedpais, leset — with amduscades. There is a partial pleonasm in these words, in respect to which, cf Mt. § 636. p. 1144. e/c re rrjs. . . .TrpoariTLTrrovcn^ they joined battle with those from the city^ and fell upon them from the ambuscades. 6. avTovs^ i. e. the Chaonians. 7. Tciiv. . . .o-rparoTredrnv^ i. e. the right and left wings which were encamped at this time. ^a'^^ro r^y f "X'?'^* ^* § l^^- !• §ta inelyear'^ai, because tJiey (i. e. the Barbarians) were far in ad- vance^ and they (i. e. the Greeks) thought that they had hurried on to occupy some encampment. The true reason for the disorderly advance of the Chaonians was unknown to them. 8. €V€K€LVTo (})€vyovT€s., prcsscd upou them (i. e. the Greeks) in their fiight. eyKeipai is more usually employed of a pursuing army. avTovs^ i. e. the Chaonians. e'y x^'P^s — Iovtcov, coming to an en- 542 NOTES. [Book 11 gagement. /x^tto), not yet, implies that efforts were making to rally the surrounding country to follow up the victory which the Stra- tians had gained over the Chaonians. onXoov. Some take this word in the sense of ottXitcov (cf. Jelf's Kiihn. § 353. 1). I prefer, however, with Poppo, Arnold, and Bloomfield to take it in its usual sense, armor, especially their shields and defensive armor. kivtj- i^pai to obtain their necessary supplies. tovto, i. e. to a^^vbovav. CHAPTER LXXXII. Caemus retreats by night to the river Anapus, and thence to CEniadae, from whence his alli*« return to their respective honaes (§ 1). 1. Tov^Kvanov TroTafiov. This was a small stream flowing from the north-west into the Achelous, some distance below Stratus. The object of Cnemus, whose retreat Bloomf. pronounces to have been very able, was to place this stream between, his army and the pursu- ing enemy. ttj vcrrepala, the next day. Olviaboiv. The re- treat had brought the Peloponnesians near this people, who lived at the mouth of the Achelous, and who were at enmity with the Athe- nians. Cf. I. 111. § 3. TT]v ^vyi^orpnav (of the Acarnanians). Seo N. on II. 80. § 1. CHAPTER LXXXIII. At the same time with the battle at Stratus, the Corinthian fleet and that of their allies are compelleil to come to an engagement with Phormio, who has been watching their voyage (§§ 1> 2) ; not supposing that the Athenians would hazard an engagement with a superior force, they are not well prepared for a sea-fight, and therefore, when they perceive the threatening demonstrations of the enemy, endeavor to cross over to the continent by night, but are compelled about midway in the passage to come to an engagement (§ 3) ; the Pelo- ponnesian order of battlo (§§ 4^ 5). 1. Tho narrative is here resumed from 11. 80. § 3. ottws. . . . 'KKapvaviq by attraction (see N". on II. 80. § 1) for oiras firj oi irapa ^aXda-arj 'Axapvaves diro ?iaKd(roT]s avco ^vp,^or}^coaiv (see N. on II. 80. § 1). Tho word apco refers to motion from the coast up into the in- terior. See N. on II. 67. § 1. 2. 6 yaQ ....irfjpe^. There is some obscurity in this passage re- sulting from e^co Tov koXttov, which, if connected with errjpei, as Uaack supposes, and which the natural order of the words seems to justify, would make Phormio to have left Naupactus, aM to have CiRp. LXXXIIL] NOTES. 543 sailed into the open sea, while the enemy was yet within the gulf, which seems to me to be incredible. Goel. gives to napaTrXeovras — e^co — €Tr}pei the pregnant sense napaTrXeovras koI TrXtovras e^co tov koXttov €TT}p€i, and supposes that it was the design of Pliormio to pre- vent the egress of the enemy's fleet from the Oris^an gulf, which they were coasting along the southern shore to effect. But why then did Phormio suffer them to pass, as they did, through the straits into the open sea ? Poppo would cut the Gordian knot by substituting eo-o) for e^co. It seems to me that the general sense is clear, and that from this we may evolve the meaning of the parts which are obscure. The Corinthian fleet coasted along the southern shore of the gulf, sailed through the narrows, and still continued to hug (as the sailors say) the same shore until they reached Patrse. As they passed along by Naupactus, the Athenians weighed anchor and sailed along the north-western shore, opposite to them, in order to watch their mo- tions and seize a favorable opportunity to attack them, when they reached the open sea (Jv rfj evpvxcopia cViSseVSai). Thus they passed through the narrows, and were outside of the inner gulf, coasting along opposite to each other, the Athenians keeping a close eye on their adversaries. Now instead of repeating all this, the historian has given us the relative position of the two fleets in the outer gulf, as descriptive of their movements and relative position from the time the Athenians left Naupactus. e^a rov koXttov belongs then in sense to both napanXeovras and errjpei. The evidence that the Athenians were coasting along the north-western shore is contained in § 8, ovf eXaZov wKTos v(j)opixi(Tap.evoi^ by which it appears that the object was to conceal the place of their anchorage, and thus prevent the Atheni- ans from knowing where to stop, so as to be opposite to them. 8ovX6p.evos eirC^ia^ai. He desired sea-room on account of the nu- merical inferiority of his fleet. Of. II. 89. § 8. 3. (OS cVi vavixax_iav^=ioith the expectation of a sea-fight. o-rpartcoriKcurepoi/, " rather as troop-ships.'''' Liddell and Scott. av belongs to ToXfxrjarai. avrovs refers to the Athenians. o-0cov Koixi^opivoiv. Instead of this genitive absolute, we should have ex- pected the nominative, inasmuch as it refers to the subject of ecopwy (i. e. the Corinthians), but emphasis is promoted by the present con- struction (cf. K. § 313. 2). Eender, while they themselves were sailing along the shore. Ilarpcov, Patrce^ was an important port of Achaia, at the south-eastern shore of the outer gulf, nearly opposite Chalcis. It appears that the Corinthian fleet had coasted along as far as this place, and were passing over {dia^aXXovrcov) to Acarnania, when they descried the Athenian fleet approaching them from Chalcis and the 544 NOTES. [Book II river Evenus. A little reflection "will enable any one to see hovr the fleets came into this position. While the Corinthians anchored at PatrsB, the Athenians, instead of proceeding further westward, an^ thus leaving the sea open to the enemy for a passage across to Acar nania, stopped at Chalcis, and thus were in readiness to oppose them in the manner here described. That the Corinthians expected the Athenian fleet to have sailed further, is evident from the words, oiik . , . .v(l>opfj.L(Tdfi€Voi. • icopoiv avTovs is repeated in Kareldov Tovf *A?ir]vaiov5 on account of the intervening words. ovTa 5^, so tJien^ i. e. in consequence of the state of things just mentioned. The prot- asis began with erreibr]. See N. on I. 131. § 1. 4. irapecTKevd^ovTo. See N. on II. 23. § 2. 5. o)s. . . .Tjcrav, as large as they were able. huKirknw. See 'S. on SieKTrXot, I. 49. § 3. to. Xevrra TrXoTa, the small craft. Tioiovvrai, = Iroughty put. Cf. III. 3. § 4, TreVre vavs. Supply ird^aro from the preceding ird^avro. Sm ^pax^os, from a short distance. It is difficult to see any sense in the translation adopted by some, at intervals. The design of these fast-sailing ships was to give aid wherever and whenever required. We can readily see how their being so stationed as to be near at hand would subserve this object. CHAPTER LXXXIY. The Athenians ija. a single line keep sailing around the enemy, and gradually hem them into a smaller space (§ 1), being ordered by Phormio not to commence the attack until he gave the signal, for he expected that the nautical manoeuvre, which they were practising, would soon throw them into disorder, especially when the usual wind sprung up from the gulf (§ 2) ; it happened as he expected, and the Corinthian ships being thrown into the utmost confusion, he gives the signal for the attack, which is in every way successful (§ 8) ; the Athenians having erected a trophy return to Naupactus (§ 4), and the Pelojxinnesiana sail to Cyllene, where they are joined by Cnemus and his force (§ 5). 1. Kara. , . .Terayfiepoi, drawn up in a single Une^ i.e. the ships sailed one after another, as appears from TrcpunXeov avrovs kvkXco. Goel. adopts the notion of Ilaack, that the ships first approached tlio enemy in a line abreast^ and then changed into a line ahead^ and thus sailed around the enemy. Cf. II. 90. § 4. ^wriyov is oKiyov, crowded them into a smaller space. How this was done is contained in ev xpw o.€\ TrapanXeoPTes, sailing continually along by so as to graze the enemy's vessels. This bold manoeuvre not only disturbed the order of the enemy, but must have greatly depressed their courage and ardor, while at the same time it inspirited the Athenians. Chat. LXXXIY.] NOTES. 545 2. ^'XTTiff, lie expected. to. nXoia, i. e. the small craft spoken of in II. 83. § 5. orrep dvaixepcov^ icaiting for wMcJi^ denotes an- other reason why he kept sailing around the enemy instead of imme- diately attacking them. ovdeva. . . .avrovs^ they would remain still (i. e. in their respective positions) no time at all. These "words and ra rrkoia — jrape^eiv are connected by re in etV* . In respect to taking the advantage of the wind, Bloomf. remarks that a similarly adroit ma- noeuvre was practised by Themistocles at the battle of Salamis. Cf. Plut. Thcmist. ch. 14. rore, then, when the wind arose. KaXkia-TTjv for the Athenians, because their ships being more skilfully manned and better constructed, would be less affected by the waves. 3. as. . . .KUT^ei is well rendered by Arnold, -i^ A en the wind came down upon them and caught them. tcop t€ ttXolcov refers to the transports and small craft which lay in the centre. tols kovtoIs Sta)So{!j/ro, and were continually pushing each other^s vessels off with poles. ^ofj re ;Ypa)/xe»/ot — ovbev KaTTjKovov, hy the iioise of their shouting — they were unable to hear. twu TrapayyeXXofxevcov refers to the orders of the officers, who had the general command of the ships, while rcov Kekevarcov relates to the inferior officers, whose business / it was to superintend the rowers, mark the time by the beating of a pole or hammer, and cheer them on by songs and words of exhorta- tion. Of. Smith's Diet. Antiq. p. 7Y8. ovres hy heing, denotes the reason or cause. ami^fpeiz/ depends on ddvvaroi. av?5pa>- TToi aneipoi, teing men of inexperience. dmC^^a-Tipas, less manage- ahle. rore. . . .tovtov. See N. on I. 58. § 1. roTe dfj begins the apodosis, the protasis having commenced with as Se at the beginning of the section, o-qpaipei refers to Phormio. x^PW^^'^^^ i* ^- the Athenians. duvTes^ practising. yvcofiijv e;^oi/re?, having it in their mind^ determining. ol fiev refers to the Peloponnesians, d be to the Athenians. The reason why it was for the advantage of the for- mer to fight in the gulf, and for the latter to come to an engagement in the open sea, we learn from the speech of Phormio (II. 89. § 8). • TTpos iKeivcov =for their advantage. 6. dno Twv ^A'^i]vat(ov =/rom Athens. Cf. Mt. § 429. CHAPTER LXXXVII. The speaker commences -with remarking that the result of the late battle should excite no alarm (§ 1) ; for it was the result of adverse circumstances combined with the inexperi- ence of the party defeated (§2); this should not daunt men of courage, for whatever may be their reverses and disappointments the brave are always the same (§ 3) ; the skill of tho foe unaccompanied by bravery will be useless amidst the terrors and alarms of battle (§ 4) ; to their skill must therefore be opposed valor (§ 5) ; moreover the Peloponnesians are su- I)erior in the number of their ships, are near a friendly coast where are their heavy-armed, 80 that in no respect does there appear to be any danger of defeat (§§ 6, 7) ; every one should therefore do his duty with alacrity and with full confidence that the commanders will plan well the battle, and administer suitable rewards and punishments (§§ 8, 9). 1. ovxi. . . . iK(^o^rj(Tai^ fumishes nx> just ground to fear. Matthic© (§ 541) makes to cKcfio^TJa-ai the subject of c^ei, of which Poppo says : ^^recte ut videtur^ Herm. (ad Soph. Aj. 114) makes it stand for coo-re €Kcl)o^^crai. This mode of construction is adopted by Haack, Goel., and Arnold, and is probably the true one. The infinitive is explana- tory of TfKpapa-iVy showing what it is in respect to which there is no ground of fear. It properly has the relation to reKpapcriv of a sub- stantive in tiie genitive. Cf. Jelf's Kiihn. § 670. 2. ovxi — fiaWov 7, n^ot — rather th^nz=not — hit rather, not so much — as. es. . . . inXeoficv. Cf. arpaTiccTiKdiTepov TrapccrKevacrpevoi, II. 83. § 3. TO. dno ttjs Tvxr)s and therefore not the subject of human foresight or control. Preference is had to the effect of the wind upon the close and circular order of the ships, spoken of in II, Chap. LXXXVIL] NOTES. 549 84. § 3. Koi TTov rt, i. e. in some small degree. It would liave been foreign to the ends of the speaker, to have admitted any great inferiority in the naval skill of the Peloponnesians. 3. ovde bUaLov k. t. X. This difficult passage has received many different interpretations. Poppo constructs ttjs yvcofnjs with dfi^Xv- vea'^aij and refers to II. 65. § 4. But Goel. denies that these passages are parallel, and says that the sense to be given here to dfi^Xvvea-'^ai demands the construction with the dative. Bloomf. thinks that rrjs yvafjLTjs is an error of the scribes for rfj yvafiTj or rrjv yva>fX7]v. Arnold makes rrjs yvd>firjs to fj-r] — viKtj'^ev answer to rrjs ^vfx,(j)opds rw dno^dp- riy nor should our spirWs unvanquishedness and confidence he dulled ly the issue of the event. In this ij:iterpretation ro — viKrpev is taken like TO debios and ro "^apaovv, I. 36. § 1. But I prefer on the whole to take TO viKtpev in the sense of tovs viKTpevTas (cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 442. b), and to render it those unbeaten in spirit^ unvanquished in mind, the genitive denoting that in respect of which the notion of to viKrpkv is affirmed. Of. S. § 195. 1. dvTLkoylav is taken by Arnold in the sense of defiance, but may it not be rendered plea, ground of defence, in respect to their recent defeat by the enemy? dii^Xvvear^ai finds its subject in to viKxpiev (i. e. tovs viKrfiivTas). voixiaai. Eepeat dUaiov. ivbexea^iai is here employed imperson- ally (cf. I. 124. § 2 ; 140. § 1 ; 142. § 9 ; IV. 18. § 5), and Toi>s du^pa>- TTovs is the subject of o-^aXXeo-Sat. Kender, that men are liahle to le disappointed. tovs avTovs, the same. op^as is opposed to etKorcos in the sense of oaamcp op'^ios ex^f- {cbs is right). — — /lit) in /cat fjLj] belongs to yeveo-^ai which depends upon vopiaai. irpo^aWo- fjiivovs, ly pretending. 4. vp.aiv — T] dneipia XelireTac is put by a varied construction for vfiels XeiVeo-Se dneipiq, you do not fall so much (roaovrov) below them in your want of sMll. Ta>v8€, i. e. the Athenians. p.vr]pr]v, ^''presence of mind.''"' Bloomf. iniTeX^^v depends on p.vr]p.r)v e^ei. Kriig. compares /xf/xvjJaSco dvfjp dya^ios elvai, Xen. Anab. III. 2. § 39. 5. dvTiTd^aa^e, set off, balance against. to — tv^'^'iv (sc. ovres) is the object of ai/rtra^ao-Se to be repeated from the preceding member. 6. oTrXiroii' napovTwv. Cf. II. 86. § 1. vavp.axe'iv (the article being omitted. Cf. Mt. § 542. p. 938) is the subject of nepiyLyverai, being connected to TrXjjSoy by re — kuI. tu di noXXd. See N. on I. 13. § 1. ' rail/ — 7rap€a-Kevaap.€va}P — iarlv. S. § 190; 0. § 390. 7. wo-re. . . . a^cpaXXoixepovs, SO that in no one particular do we find any probability that we can fail. For av with the participle, cf. N". on I. 73. § 4. oo-a is the accusative synedochical. avTo. tovto^ i. e. the knowledge and correction of these faults. Trpoa-y^vofifva, 550 NOTES. [Book U leing added, i. e. the defect being remedied. Arnold quotes the pro- verb, TO. ira^rjixaTa fxa^iTjfiaTa^ as illustrative of the sentiment of this passage. 8. Kv^epvTJTai and vavrat are in apposition with v/LieTy, the omitted subject of 67760-36. TO KaS' iavTov. See N. on II. 11. § 3. 9. ra>v — fjyeixovoiv depends on x^^pov. The words ov x^^pov {=^Kpc2a- a-ov) are used per modestiam^ or perhaps, as Dukas thinks, out of regard to the feelings of the previous commanders. koL before Qov\Tprj gives it emphasis, which as Arnold happily remarks, is like the emphasis which we lay upon the auxiliary verb : if any should choose to leJiave so. Ttiirja-ovrai has the force of a passive. Cf, Soph. Gr. Verbs, p. 38. CHAPTER LXXXVIII. Phormio seeing his men in danger of being dejected ftnd losing tlieir confidence in their su- periority over the enemy, calls them together and encourages them with an address (§§1-S). 1. oTi . . . . ecfjo^ovvro. The Order is: on Kara crtpas avroi/s ^vvi- ardfifvoi (see N. on Kara ^vcrraatis re yiyvofievoi, II. 21. § 2) i(f)o^ovv TO TO ttX^Sos Ta>v vecbv of the enemy. eV rw Trapovri^ on the pre- sent occasion^ or in tJie present circumstances^ in reference to TrpoTcpov in the next section. 2. as depends on eX6y6, the words koI yvoop.as being in a man- ner parenthetic. ov8ev — ttX^Sos — roo-oCroi/, no number so great. Of. Mt. § 483. p. 805. o,rt .... ia-Ti^ which (== whose attack) could not te sustained by them, o^tl refers to ttX^Soj. For the construction of the verbal, cf. S. § 178. N". ttjv d^lcoa-iv is explained by firjdeva .... vnoxoipe'Lv. The verb vTroxoipelv here takes the accusative, from its sense to ahun, to avoid (see Jelf 's Kiihn. § 548. Obs. 2) derived from its original sense, to retire from^ to give place to, which takes tlie geni- tive. 'A'Hrjvaioi ovTes, inasmuch as they were Athenians = as Athen- ians. This sense of naval supremacy had been fostered and strength- ened ever since the time of Themistocles. 8. oyj/iv, aspect of things. vTrofiurja-iv . . . .^apcrelv, to remind them of being courageous, i. e. to excite their courage by reminding them of the things which promise victory. Ch4p. lxxxix.] notes. 651 CHAPTER LXXXIX. The speaker begins by saying, that the Athenians have no just grounds of alarm neither on account of the numerical superiority of the enemy, nor their reputed bravery, since in the latter they are equal, and the Lacedaemonian allies are brought into battle, after so signal a defeat, against their wills (§§ 1^) ; the confidence, which the Athenians exhibit in their readiness to fight the enemy when so greatly superior in numbers, is adapted to inspire them with fear (§§ 5, 6), and many armies have been defeated by an inferior force (§ 7) ; the speaker gives his reasons for preferring a battle in the open sea (§ 8) ; and professing hia determination to take the most prudent measures, eshoi-ts his men to maintain strict dis- cipline, to stand firm, and charge bravely, inasmuch aa tlio combat is one on which de- pends momentous results (§§ 10, 11). 1. ovK d^iS)v. See N. on I. 36. § 3. ev 6pp ipLneiplav^ which is Kriiger's solution. to avro is to be referred to rb Karop'iovv elici- ted from KOTop'^ovvres. 3. Kriig. after Bloomf. in his earlier edition refers to 8' to to ku- Top^ovv in TO avTo^ but Goel. with the approbation of Poppo, Arnold, and Bloomf. in his later edition, refers it to w. . . .Trpoa-cpxovrai, on the ground that if it had referred to t6 Karop'^ovv^ it would have been followed by iic tov eiAcdrcos and not ck tov SiKaiov. nepuarai. See N. on 1. 144. § 3. toutois refers to the Lacedsemonians, anc" iv iKcivcp =z iv tS rre^a. The verb Trepiea-TL is to be supplied in thia 552 NOTES. [BookU clause from Tnpua-rai. r« . . . . cVfiei/ = tw 5e, ort eKorepol ti efi' rreipoTepoL i(rp.€v^ ?ipacrvT€poi ia-fxev. Goel. efiTretporepoL is in the nominative by attraction. See N. on II. 42. § 4. The argument of this whole passage may be thus stated : we have juster grounds of confidence now (i. e. on the eve of a naval battle) than they have, just as they might be expected to excel us in confidence if the approach- ing battle was a land-engagement, inasmuch as they do not excel us in natural bravery, and in whatever we both (i. e. Athenians and Lacedaemonians) are the more skilful, in that we are the more brave. As the Athenians were confessedly the more skilful and experienced in naval warfare, it followed from the reasoning here adopted, that they would be the bravest in sea-fights. 4. dia. . . ,b6^av is to be constructed with npocrdyovai^ and not with ^yovfievoij which would be very flat and inapposite. The design is to show that the Lacedaemonian allies could not be expected to fight bravely, being dragged into battle, as they were, to uphold the glory of the leading power. eVfi, since otherwise. In the idea of uX\cos thus residing in cTre/, lies the omitted protasis, el /xr) aKovras ol Aaxe- daifiovLoi TrpoiTTJyov. rrapa ttoXv is to be taken with rjcro-rpivres. 5. p.rj — b€i(Tr]T€. S. § 218. 3. av belongs to ai/Siorao-Sat. [XT], . . .npa^eiv^ unless deing about to do something very great (literally, something equivalent to what is very great). This explanation regards Tov*napa ttoXv as a substantive, which seems to me better than with Poppo to supply TTpdacretv^ or with Goel. and Bloomf. TrpoveviKijK^vai^ or to read ci^iov tov. Cf. K. § 244. 11 ; S. § 169. 1. 6. dpTiTraXoc. . . .ovToi. Goel. constructs ol nXeiovs avTiirakoi {pv- T€s) (oanep ovtoi. 1 prefer, however, with Poppo, to construct aarrep ovTOL with the following words, which gives this sense, for most men, wlien equally matched (even), relying as these do (who are greatly our superior in numbers) upon their physical power^ rather than upon their sMll and prudence (tjj yvaprj)^ come to an engagement. ol b\ so. eTrepxdpevoi^ hut those who come. ck ttoXXq) vnodeea-Tcpcov^ with greatly inferior forces (as we do now), is opposed to avrliraKqi. [liya ^e^aiov, some very great firmness of mind. a, i. e. on ol iic TToXXco vnobeeaTepav — dvTiTo\p,cocnv. ovtoi refers to the Laco- daamonians. tu ovk eiKOTi = on account of the improbability that we should advance against them with such a force. Kara \6yov were in proportion to the present exigency. 7. rjbt]. See N. on 11. 77. § 4. hv pLcrexoixev. Poppo re- marks that the argument to have been in point, should have been utrumque autem vitium in illos (Peloponnesios) cadit. But is not this implied in the words taken in tlieir connection ? Chap.xcj notes. 553 8. e/ccbv elvai^ Willingly^ if I Md my choice. Cf. S. § 223. 9. vavcriv limits ^vfx(j)ep€i. av imTrXevaeie^ could sail up. Opposed to this is av dnoxoiprjo-eieu. The protasis is /xeV exv fieyas, the contest is great — hut again (cf. § 2) / will remind you. dvbpSiv limits ai yvatp-ai. ovK. ifiiXova-iv, are not accustomed ■=. cannot. onoiai in respect to their former bravery and confidence. CHAPTER XC. The Pelopoimesians sail towards their territory within the gulf, with their right wing in advance in order to inclose Phormio (§§ 1, 2), who fearing that their design is to attack Naupactus, coasts along his own shore (§ 3) ; the Peloponnesians suddenly turn npon the Athenian fleet, hoping to inclose the whole (§ 4) ; eleven, however, make their escape, and the rest are run ashore and their crews in part slaughtered (§ 5) ; some of their ships the Pelojwnnesians succeed in drawing off (§ 6). 1. OVK.. . . orem. In respect to the position of the Athenian fleet, cf. II. 86. § 2 ; and of the Peloponnesian, cf. II. 86. § 4. rh areva refers to the straits between Khium and Antirrhium, by which the Crisasan gulf was connected with the sea, or rather the inner with the outer gult. aKovras. See II. 89. § 8. dvay6p.€voi. See N. on dv^- yovTo, I. 48. § 1. eVi reo-a-dpcov, with four ships abreast. Matthias (§ 584. S) translates four deep, which is evidently incorrect. cVl 24 554 NOTES [BookU rr]v eavTcov y^u. The Peloponnesians sailed along the Achaian shore, •which, as Acha^a sided with the Peloponnesians and furnished v/ith the Corinthians many of the ships, might well be called t^v iavrciv yrjv. Phormio feared that when opposite JSTaupactus they would turn suddenly, sail across, and take the place, and hence he coasted along, to be in readiness to repel the attack. There is therefore no need of changing the reading iavroiiv to avrav^ referring it to the Athenians or to the Naupactians. I prefer with Arnold to take this preposition in the twofold sense of towards and along It/, the former denoting that the general direction was towards Corinth, Sicyon, and Pallene, where the greater part of the fleet belonged, and the latter, that they kept along their own shore instead of sailing over to the opposite coast. Their direction is still further defined by ecrw eVt rov koKttov, to within the gulf. Se^tw xepa Tjyovixeva, the right wing leading the icay, is the circumstantial or modal dative. Had the direction been west- ward, the left wing would have taken the lead. ©o-Trep koL Sip fxovv, i. e. in the same relative position in which they lay at anchor. 2. cVi d' avro), i. e. upon the right wing. rav-nj, i. e. in the direction towards Naupactus. vofiiaas. . . .irK^^v shows that the Peloponnesians were not sailing directly towards Naupactus, as then their course and design would have been a matter of certain know- ledge. See N. on § 1. jir). , . .Kcpcos, in order that the Athenians might not escape their charge [by sailing] leyond their wing. nXeovra rov eirinXovv is not pleonastic, but an emphatic fulness of expression, the charge made with full sail, the fierce onset. Poppo compares it with the 'belli impetus namgatit of Cic. pro Manil. § 34. 3. 6 §€, 1. e. Phormio. X'^P^V? i- ®- Naupactus. ^PWV' ^^^ N. on II. 4. § 4. dvayopevovs. See N. on § 1 supra. okcov .... a-irovhj]v, unwillingly and with speed, i. e. Phormio was unwilling to leave his advantageous position and sail into the gulf, but he was obliged to do it, and that too in great haste. tu>v Mea-a-qvloav of Kaupactus. Cf. I. 103. § 3. 4. Koj-a .... Kf'pcoff, in column one hy one, i. e. one ship sailing after another in single line. See N. on II. 84. § 1. Trpos rfj yjj, near to the land. peTair-qhov, in line, as opposed to eVi Kepcos, in column. — — o)ff. . . .(Kaaros, as quiclc as each one could. For the construction, cf. K. § 274. 3. b ; Mt. § 337. 5. Ta>v 6e refers to the Athenian ships. is ttjv elpvxf^piav (i. e. into a wider part of the gulf near Kaupactus) depends upon inreKCJievyovaL. c^e'cocrar. . . .y^i/, drove them upon the shore. ^U(j)'ieipav. Cf. I. 29. § 4; II. 84. § 3. oa-oi. . . .avrav, as many of them as did not sicim away from the ships to the shore. Chap. XCI] NOTES. ' 555 6. dvadovficvoi. See N. on I. 50. § 1. kcvus of men, since av- T(ns dvdpdaiv is opposed to it. ras de rivas^ hut some. A part only of the ships captured by the enemy were at this time recovered, as appears from I. 92. § 2. iXKOfxevas fjbrj^ when they were already deing towed away by the Lacedssmonians. This brave and daring act of the Messenians is worthy of all praise, as it was performed in circumstances where the odds were entirely in favor of the enemy. Their ancient wrongs from the hands of the Lacedsemonians were no doubt remembered, when they plunged into the water, boarded the «hips, and fought with such fury from the decks. CHAPTER XCI. The right wing of the Peloponnesians gives chase to tlie Athenian ships which had escaped, but they all with one exception reach Naupactus, and form in line to resist the enemy (§ 1); these coming up too late, sing notwithstanding the paean of victory, when the Athe- nian vessel which had fallen behind, by a bold and skilful manoeuvre sinks the pursuing vessel (§§ 2, 8) ; by which unexpected occurrence the Peloponnesians are thrown into a state of consternation and consequent confusion (§ 4). 1. ravTTj^ hae parte. at avrcov. Cf. II. 90. § 2. vne^- €(pvyov. . . .evpvx<>>piav (see N". on 11. 90. § 5). There is a prsegnans constructio in is (see IT. on I. 18. § 2) = they escaped the wheel (of the Lacedemonian ships) and reached the wide part of the gulf (see N. on II. 90. § 5). (p'^dvovcnv avrovs — TrpoKaracfivyovarai is rfjv NavndKTOv^ i. e. the Athenian ships outsailed their pursuers and reached Naupac- tns first. pLids veois referred to in § 2 infra. laxovcrai .... dfiv- vovp.evoi, lying at anchor under the temple of Apollo with their prows towards [the enemy], they made preparations to defend themselves. The participle after ivapaaKevd^oi is frequently accompanied by as. 2. vo-repov^ too late to cut off the retreat of the Athenians to Nau- pactus, or to reach them before they came to anchor under the town. — — iiraidivi^ov re dp.a nXiovTes, degan to sing the pcean while they were Bailing. How prematurely this was done will appear in the sequel. rr]v fjLiav spoken of in § 1. TroXu.Trpd, far lefore. rutv aXkoiv of the Lacedasmonian ships. 8. peT€(opos, in the sea^ in the deep water just outside of the haven. repl riv is to be taken with e/xjSdXXet, although some may prefer to construct it with ^'^do-aa-a.^ around which the Athenian ships sailing first. In some editions we find c^lida-acra koI TrepLTrXeva-aaa, but th© 656 NOTES. [Book II. reading of Dindorf seems preferable, as more accordant with tlie brevity of Thucydides, and the full idea may be elicited easily from (ji'Sida-aa-a taken as a wx prcegnans. rj ^Kttlkt] vavs. According to Poly sen. III. 4. § 3, this ship belonged to Phormio and was the Para- lus. The manoeuvre was certainly executed by a master spirit. eViSaXXet. . . ./caraSuet, strikes in the midst (i. e. midship) and sinTcs it. The position of the ships in relation to the merchantman is not easily understood from this passage. It seems to me, however, that the Leucadian ship was struck while in the act of doubling the merchant- vessel in pursuit of the Athenian ship. The latter, instead of continu- ing to sweep in a circle around the stationary vessel, turned short, and by the impetus obtained from the previous sweep, struck the Leu- cadian ship on the side, as it was turning in the wake of the retreating ship. The following diagram will explain the manner in which the manoeuvre was executed : L Merchantman. 2. Peloponnesian ship. 8. Athenian ship. 4. aTaKTcas 8ia)KovT€s. Deeming their victory secure, the Pelopon- nesian ships were pursuing in a somewhat disorderly manner, when this sudden reverse happened to them. eTrecrrrjcrav tov ttXov. S. § 197. 2 ; K. § 271. 2. d^vficfiopov dure^opurjo-iv, thus doing a 'cery prejudicial thing ^ on account v ^A^rjvatoav. See 1^. on II. 86. § 6. 7. ol — ^A'iiTjvaloL (cf. II. 85. §§ 5-6) is the subject of d(})iKvovprai ais eSei. The accusative was employed in II. 83. § 1. Here however we may supply alrovs with napayevea'^ai^ which is the more natural construction. Of. Mt. § 891. 2. 658 NOTES. PookH CHAPTER XCIII. The Peloponnesians plan an attack upon Pineus by proceeding from Corinth acniss to ln« Athenian sea, and -with the ships lying at Nysaea, sailing to Piraeus which was unguarded, there being no apprehension of any attack (§§ 1-3) ; the plan is in part carried into execu- tion, but no attack is made upon Piraeus (§ 4). 1. dioKvaai is to be taken actively, the subject alrovs referring to the commanders being supplied. dia,,,. vavriKa, on account of their great natal superiority. They had no apprehension of an attack from those who could hardly keep the sea in their own parts. 2. XajSoVra. . . .KcnTrrjv. Arnold cites this in proof that the oar was worked only by one man, and not by several, as some imagine. TO vTrrjpecriovj the diisMon^ or seat-cover^ on which the rower sat, to prevent himself from sliding, as he would, on the bare seat made smooth by long use. Cf. Bloomf. rbv TpontoTTJpa^ the leathern loop^ or thong^ by which the oars were kept in their place in the sides of the ship. avTav refers to the Megareans. 3. av in fxr) av implies a condition not expressed, as /iij, el (mnXcv- aeiav, i^aTrifaioos ovtoos eTTinXevcreiav av. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. §§ 810. 814. c; Mt. § 520. p. 888. roXfi^crai depends on irpoadoKta in the pre- ceding member, from which it is easy to elicit npoa-eSoKcov or Trpoo-eSe- XovTo. Cf. Mt. § 537. p. 932 ; Jelf's Kiihu. § 889. koS' rjavxiav, deliberately. dievovvTo, sc. irokefxioi. Commentators generally feel the want of ovre \d?ipa in the place of oiSe, as being opposed to ovS' OTTO Tov Tzpocfiavovs, and Dukas does not hesitate to supply with d dte- voovvro^ the words Xd^pa koX i^ainvaiais ovrccs innrXevaai. But this is too harsh an ellipsis, and one which could not well be conceived from the preceding context. It seems to me that the difficulty may be removed by conceiving the sense to be this: a sudden attack of tJie enemy was not to be expected, since a force adequate to take such a place could not be brought against it secretly or suddenly; and a deliberate and concerted attack could not be made, without its being known by the Athenians long enough beforehand to enable them to be ready to meet and repel it. Trpoaio-SeVSai I would then take in the sense, to Tcnow "beforehand^ so that adequate preparations for the defence of the place might be made. 4. a)S.. . .euSuf, i. e. lis Koi edo^ev avTois c'x'^pow euSus, OS SOOn OS they had determined on this they forthwith set out. For this transpo- Bi^ion of Kai^ cf. Jelf *s Ktlhn. § 761. 3. cVl 5e "njs 2dkaplvos. Repeat Chap. XCIV.] NOTE S. 559 €7r\eov. TO dKp 2) ; for these reasons he resolves upon the invasion in question, and takes vrith him Amyntas the son of Philip to place upon the Macedonian throne (§ 3). 1. "SitoKki^s 6 T^peo), See the genealogical table of the royal family of Odrysse, II. 29. § 2. UepdlKKau. See N. on I. 57. § 3. dvo vTTocrx^o'eis conforms in case to t^v fi€P — rrjv Se, on the prin- ciple that the noun denoting the whole, is sometimes put in the same case as its parts. Cf. Mt. §§289. Ods. 8; 319. Ods.; K. §266. 3. Hence there is no grammatical necessity of retaining did, -which is found in some editions before 8vo vn-oa-x^creLs. dvaupa^ai, to exact, enforce the fuljilment of. This refers to the promise made to Sitalces, and not to the one made by him. 2. yap introduces an explanation of the two promises referred to in the preceding section. vTrocrxoii^vos. "We are not told what this promise made by Perdiccas was, but the conjecture of the Schol. is perhaps the true one, xP'7/*c""« oti/c oKlya. StoXXa^ftei/ iavrov. Cf. II. 29. § 6. ^iKmrrov — p.ri Karaydyoi. See N. on I. 57. § 3. avTos, i. e. Sitalces. ore.., .KaraKvafLv (cf. II. 29. § 5). ' This is the promise which lie himself was now to fulfil. 3. ^iKlmrov viov ^Anvvrav. It would seem from this, that Philip was now dead, and that his son followed up his claims to the appan- age of Upper Macedonia. The following genealogical table will help to explain the two branches of the royal family of Macedonia. Alexander I. I A Perdiccas II. Philip. Archelaus. Amyntas II. Philip n. Alexander the Great. — — a»s em /SaonXfta, in order to place him upon the throne. eSft, 1. e. it was so engaged on their part. ois TrXetor/;, an large as possible. Chap.xcvlj notes. 561 CHAPTER XCVI. This chapter contahis a list of the tribes, which were under the sway of Sitalces, and fol* lowed him on this expedition. It is an interesting geographical sketch, yet replete with difficulties, inasmuch as the boundaries of these people were perpetually shifting, as con- quest or defeat enlarged or diminished their respective territories. This will account in part for the apparently conflicting statements of those who have undertaken to define the limits of these states and countries. Some of these tribes too, were so migratory and un- settled in their places of abode, that it were as easy a task, to establish the exact locality and boundaries of our most uncivilized Indian tribes. The most which can be done in such cases is to give the general locality, and leave the specific boundaries to be deter- mined, if ever, when the light of the splendid geographical researches, which are now being made, shall shine back upon the dark points of ancient geography, and enable us to discover in part at least what now lies hidden from our view. 1. dvia-rqcriv, Tie summoned to the expedition. ivrhs 'PoSd- jn/?, between Mount Hsemus and Mount Rhodope. This valley was drained by the Hebrus, now called Marissa. oo-coi/ ■^px^-, <^^ many as were subject to him. H-^XP'- ^akacro-rjs is explained-by es.... 'EWrjairovTov. rovs. . . .ttovtov. The country here spoken of is what is now called Bulgaria, lying between the Balkan (i. e. Mount Hsemus) and the Danube (i. e. the Ister). vnep^dpTi, to one going over = over. The use of fxoKXov will appear in the translation, and as many other parts as are inhabited within the Ister (and Mount Ha)- mus) and more (ixaXKov) toicards the Euxine sea (than those parts in the interior). It seems from this that the Get89 did not touch upon the Euxine. They occupied the country north and south of the Ister, the northern division being by far the more uncivilized. Although they are particularized by another name, from their having acquired a character different from the rest of the nation, yet they belonged to the Thracian race. Of. Miill, Dor. I. p. 473. rr]v tov Ev^elvov iroPTov is annexed to SaXao-crai', because ttovtos with Ev^eivos is often taken for the region bordering on the sea, and the expression is here = the sea [viz.] that of the Pontus Euxinus country = the Euxine sea. Bloomf. however, takes ^akaa-aav in the sense of sea-coast^ which is a use of the expression quite common, even in our language. Still 1 prefer the other explanation. KaraKrjTo. See N. on 1. 120. § 2. — — - o( TavTT) ofiopoi refers also to So-a aXXa p-epr}. Tois S^vSats-. The Scythians here referred to are those beyond the Ister, although I formerly thought that reference was had to a tribe of that people, living in the region made by the great bend of that river, as it flows northward and then eastward into the sea. 2. tS)v 6p€ip5>v...,avTov6ixo)v. Poppo (Proleg. II. p. 406) gives aa 662 NOTES. [Book II the names of some of these independent monntaineers, the Dii, Bes" B89, Satr39, Odemanti, and Derssei. fxaxaipoc})6pa)v (cf. VII. 27. § 1). Bloomf. remarks that the long sword (= Highland locTimore) was the usual weapon of the Asiatic mountaineers. rovs fj-ev /xia-3a> €7Tei?i€v, Like the Swiss of Europe, these mountaineers seem to have been ready to enter any one's service for pay. In VII. 27. § 1, we find that 1300 of these mercenaries accompanied the army of Demosthenes into Sicily. 3. 'Aypiavas Koi Aaiaiovs. The Agrianes were the most northerly of all the Pasonian tribes, and dwelt in the country about Mount Eho- dope and the sources of the Strymon. The Lseaeans lived farther down the Strymon, by which river their territory was divided. Those on the east bank were subject to the Odrysian power, while those on the west bank were independent. Thus the Strymon here formed the western boundary of Odrysia. There is a difficulty, however, if by §ia Tpaalcov is meant through the territories of the Graceans, for as these people are declared to be independent (cf. ccrxaToi. . . .Uaiovav), the Strymon could not have been the western boundary of Odrysia, as Thucydides asserts in ov dpxr}. But 8m. . . .pet may signify, Jloios letween the territory of the Graceans and the Lceceans^ and then all is clear, the eastern bank being inhabited by the subjected Lseceans, and the western bank by the Laaaeans (not subject), and by the Graaans. If, however, bia is to be taken, as Poppo contends, in the sense of through the territories of the GracRans and the Losmans^ then the only way to reconcile the conflicting statements, is to regard the Strymon as forming the western boundary of Odrysia as far as pertains to the country of the former. Arnold on the authority of certain MSS. reads p.^xP'- y^P Tpaaicoi' koL Aaiatcov Tlaiovcov^ but not to say that the reading is quite conjectural, I cannot see that the difficulty is removed thereby. ov is referred by some to Trorapov, but Poppo refers it in the sense of udi^ to the Grassans and Lajceans. If 8ia is to be ren- dered between it is better to refer ov to norapovy but if the preposition signifies throu^\ then Poppo's reference is the correct one. to. jrpos^ on the side towards. rjh-q. See N. on III. 96. § 1. 4. Tpi^aXXovs. According to Gatterer (who is cited largely by Poppo in his Proleg., and tx) whom I am indebted for many of the views here given), the Tribelli formed a part of the western boundary of the Odrysians, beginning from tlie river Oscius, and extending as far" west as Illyria, along the right bank of the Ister. ^ This great terri- tory was probably inhabited, in part, by other nations subject to them or else independent. TpTjpes — TiXaraioi. These people formed the aorth-western portion of the Odrysian empire, as appears from what Chap. XCVIl] NOTES. 563 follows. It may here be remarked, that the Mount Scomias or Scom- bros (as some read ^Kofi^pov instead of Sko/xiov) of Thucydides be- longs to the great range of H^mus as one of its summits, and which as Col. Leake says (North. Greece, III. p. 474) sends tributaries to aU the great rivers of the northern part of European Turkey, being the most central part of the continent, and nearly equidistant from the Euxine, the ^gaean, the Adriatic, and the Danube. It may be re- marked also that here the four great mountain-ranges meet in a cen- tre, forming, as Arnold remarks, nearly a St. George's cross. The Oscius, now called Morava, flows from the south into the Danube a little below Belgrade. Necj-ros. This river, now called Karasou, is east of the Strymon, and rising in the Ehodope mountains, flows into the sea nearly opposite Thasos. 6 "EjSpos-, the Hebrus. See W. on § 1 supra. c'/c tov opovs^ i. e. Scomius. CHAPTER XCVII. In this chapter the historian proceeds to give an idea of the power of Sitalces; from the ex- tent of his dominions, and the revenue and military resources at his command. 1. eVt . . . . Ka3j7Koi;cra, extending along the sea-coast. ^A^8r}pa>v. Abdera was on the western boundary of Thrace, at the mouth of the Nestus (cf. II. 96. § 4). It was noted for the stupidity of its inhabit- ants, although it was the birth-place of some distinguished men. TOV. , . .noTafxov. The article gives the sense, as far along the sea as the river Ister = to where the Ister flows into the sea. irep'nikovs (adjective) eVnV, can de sailed around. t) yrj refers to the coast from Abdera to the Ister. ra ^vuTonoirara^ ly the nearest way. riv. . . .7rv€vfxa, if the wind Mows continually upon the stern = if the wind is constantly fair. i/?/! a-rpoyyijXr], iy a ship of durthen These ships had flat bottoms and were propelled mainly by sails. Cf. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Eora. Antiq. p. 877. According to Herodot. IV. 86, a day's voyage of one of these vessels was 700 stadia, and a night's voyage was 600 stadia. This would make the distance here spoken of 5200 stadia, or about 566 English miles. The distance from the mouth of the Ister to that of the Bosphorus is fuU three degrees or 221 miles. The length of the Bosphorus is 16 miles, of the Pro- pontis 120 miles, and of the Hellespont 60 miles, to which if 90 miles be added, the distance from the mouth of the Hellespont to Abdera, it 564 NOTES. [BookU makes 286 miles, and this added to 210 gives the whole distance 496 miles. As no vessel could coast along in a direction entirely straight, this estimated distance may be safely increased by 50 miles, and as much allowance must be made for the inaccuracy of a calculation based on so uncertain a thing as the sailing of a ship, the estimate is as near to that made by Thucydides as could be expected. For the substance of this note, I am indebted to Arnold. For the construc- tion of Tea-adpoiv . . . .wktShv^ cf. S. § 196. 6S©, hy land^ is oppos- ed to TTep'niKovs^ and is the dative of manner. ivdeKaraios reXft. The distance travelled in a day by a person on foot, is set down by Herodot. IV. 101, at 200 stadia, or 21.75 miles. This would make the distance from Abdera, across the country to the mouth of the Ister, 239.25 miles. The actual distance, however, is upwards of 280. Some allowance, as Arnold remarks, is to be made for the epithet ev^tovos^ which shows that something more than ordinary speed was intended. 2. ra fiev npbs ^aXaaaav. See IST. on cVt. . . .fcaSjjjKovcra, § 1. OTTO .... "STpvfjLova, i. e. from the eastern to the western extremity of the country. ravrrj^ i. e. in the direction just mentioned. &vv Koi Sexa. "Why the number of days' journey should be larger, when the distance was far less between the places here mentioned, than between Abdera and the mouth of the Ister, is not easily seen, unless they were shorter in consequence of the diffi- culties of the way. 3. 6(Tov 7rpo(r7]^av ini 2eu3ou (cf. II. 29. § 2), as much as accrued (literally, as they drought in) in the reign of Seuthes. The form npoa-- ^^a is rare. Of. Soph. Gr. Verbs, p. 76. dvvapis^ worthy value^ is the predicate of eWi to be supplied with (})6pos. a. , . .ei?;, as much of it as might he gold or silver. The optative is employed be- cause the annual revenue is spoken of, and not that of any particular year. Cf. Mt. § 527 ; R. § 333. 4. d^pa 7rpoae(j>€peTo. In the oriental nations much of the revenue was made up of gifts. Diodo- rus says that the revenue of Sitalces (he should have said Seuthes) was 1000 talents. This harmonizes with the statement of Thucydides, that the revenue of Seuthes in gold and silver was 400 talents, his gifts in gold and silver as much more, and the remaining 200 talents ma}'^ be included in the Icfyavrd re koL Xeta. rols Trapadvvaarevovai^ those who ruled with (= held power under) the Jcing^ those who were in authority. I like this better than the usual translation, those who had influence zcith the Icing. 4. TovvavTiov T^s Uepcrwv /Sao-tXeias, the contrary to that of the Chap. XCVn,] NOTES. 565 Persian Mngdom. The contrariety consisted in the habit of giving rather than receiving presents, the former being the custom of the Per- sian the latter of the Thracian kings. o/xcos. . . .exprja-avro, iut not- withstanding [that all the Thracians practise this] tJieT/ (i. e. the Odry- eians) practise it more on account of their power (bia rrjv hvvaixiv. Schol. "Eecte." Poppo). o^kos fie responds to ovra fx€v. ov .... Sojpa, for unless one gave presents it was impossible to effect any thing. Cf. Xen. Anab. YII. 3. § 16. 5. coore, SO that (ecbatic. See N. on I. 65. § 1), denotes the result of their extent of country and great revenue, and must not be limited to what Avas said about the Thracian custom of receiving gifts, since that could not have raised the kingdom to great power. eVl jne'ya — IfTx^os. See N. on I. 118. § 2. laxui- Se (^"^XV^i '^^ military strength ; literally, in strength of 'battle (i. e. pertaining to battle). TToXu . . . . 2/ut deing shut in dy superior numbers^ they exposed ihemselves to danger hy encountering a multitude so many limes more numerous than themselves. CHAPTER CI. The Athenians being tardy in furnishing their promised aid, Sitalces opens a correspondence with Perdiccas (§ 1) ; the countries south of Macedonia as far as Thermopyla), are under apprehension that he will invade them, and prepare to make resistance (§ 2) ; the Thra- - cians beyond the Strymon and the Greeks who are enemies of the Athenians, have the same apprehension (§§ 3, 4) ; but disappointed in the object of his expedition, and being in want of provisions, Sitalces is induced by Seuthes to depart home, after which Perdic- cas fulfils his promise made to Sitalces (§§ 5, 6). 1. \6yovs iTToulTo^ entered into negotiation = degan to treat with. ov vavarlv according to their engagement (cf. II. 95. § 3 end). aTria-TovvTes (causal. See N". on I. 37. § 2). fif] rj^eiv. See ]Sr. on I. 15. § 1 ; 29. § 3. re in es- re looks forward to koL before Teixfjpeis irotrja-as (having shut them up in the strongholds'). 2. Mayi/T/rey, Magnesians. Their country was a narrow strip of land lying between Mount Ossa and the sea. They formed at one time a part of the Amphictyonic body (cf Cramer's Anc. Greece, I. p. 420). They appear at this time to have been subject to the Thes- salians. ic^o^rftr^crav — x^ph^' ^^r the subjunctive after an his- torical tense, see N. on I. 26. § 2. 6 arparos of Sitalces. 3. IJavaioi Kol ^Odopavroi k. t. X. Little is known about these people, except that they lived east of the Strymon, in the more northern parts of the champaign country, and that they were inde- pendent. 4. eVl rovs — "'EXkrivas. The more usual construction after TrapeVxc \6yov would have been roTs "'EXkqcnv. v-n avrtov^ i. e. by the Athenians. dyofxevoi refers to the Thracians, as oi OpuKes ia Siaturally suggested by iraptax^ referring to their king Sitalces, CHAP.cn.] NOTES. 571 Kara to ^vfifxaxiKov is to be constructed with x^'^PW^^^^i ^^^ '^<*'' signifies even^ also. 6. dfjia iirixoiVi loMle staying there^ or perhaps wJiile having posses- sion of it. avra is the dative of the agent. o-TpaTia — auroJ, his army. S. § 201. 5. /xeS' avroi/, next to himself. dneX'^e'iu. See N. on 1. 119. § 1. — iiT avTrj^ with her^ i. e. as a dowry with her. 6. 6 /ieV, i. e. Sitalces. rpiaKovra .... fjixepas^ thirty days in all. " When navres stands between the article and the substantive, or after both, the notion of the whole is expressed." Jelf 's Kuhn. § 454. 1. /3. TovTcov, i. e. of the thirty days. rrju iavrov dSeX^j^i/, 7iis sister. The pronoun here loses its exclusive power. Cf. K. § 302. R. 4. b. CHAPTER CII. The Athenians under Phormio make an expedition into the interior of Acamania (§ 1), but are hindered by the season from proceeding against Q^niadse (§ 2) ; the historian describes the situation of that place and tlie formation of the Ecliinades from the deposit made by tlie Achelous (§§ 8, 4), and relates the story of Alcmajon, who first inhabited these islands (§§ 5, 6). 1. 01 Se 'A3?/mTot. Of. II. 92. § 7. eVeiSi) SieXuS?;, i. e. after the expedition against Salamis. Cf. II. 93. 'Ao-ra/cou. Cf. II. 30. § 1. €s TTjp [xeaoyeiav I have constructed with ia-TpaTeva-ap by adopting Arnold's punctuation, thus making TrapanXeva-avres .... aTTo^avres a sort of parenthesis. This is the pointing also of Kruger, Goeller, and Bloomf. Dindorf puts a period after 'AaraKoi), in which I case aTTo^avres must be taken in the pregnant sense of diseml)arTcing and proceeding. e/c re. In some editions we find Km €k re, which would be inadmissible if Dindorf 's punctuation is retained. Ko- povra. Poppo (Proleg. II. p. 150) cites Poqueville, who identifies with this place some ruins, shown to him in the way from Yustri to Catuna. ^e^aiovs to the Athenian interest. 2. is yap Olviddas (see N. on I. 111. § 3) is to be constructed after a-rpareveip. dei rrore = always in all times. This is more em- phatic than del alone. ovk idoicei dvvarop. The reason is given in the next sentence. ;^ei/xajws opros, while it was winter. See N. on I. 51. § 4. 3. 6 — ^'A;^eXMOff Trora/xoy. So we say, the Hudson river ^ the Merri- macTc river., as well as the river Hudson^ etc. Cf. K. § 244. R. 6. ILlpbov opovs. Pindus is the range which separates Thessaly from Epirus. avco'^ep = apco^ " high up the river.''^ Arnold. S' i$ie\s 572 NOTES. [Book H is commonly edited Bie^icis. rrjv,.. .nepiXifivdCoiv. Col, Leake (North. Greece, III. p. 570) says, that on the northern side of (EniadsQ there is a great expanse of lake or marsh, which lias no connection with the Achelons, bnt is formed by subterranean springs, and by superficial torrents from the hills, and has an outlet distinct from the Achelous. There has not been that filling up of the mouth, which Thucydides anticipated, the increase of soil being slower than at the mouths of many other rivers of Greece. rau e/cjSoXeoi/ — dnexovaau S. § 197. 2. 4. al T€., , .yiyvovrai^ and these islands are thicMy set and connect the depositions (of the river), so that they are not dispersed into the sea. TTpoo-x^io-eoos depends on cruvSecr/xoi, Mndings together of the de- posits, ra fxf] o-KcSawvo-Sai. I prefer with Poppo the reading roO fx^ o-/cf SarworSat, and have translated it accordingly. "With this too Arnold substantially agrees. Bloomf. however, constructs and explains : koL yiyvovrai ^vvbcafxoi dXKr]\ais (5ia) t^s rrpoaxaxreas ra ht] (rK€8dvw(Tiv^ the rubMsh. He also takes rm pr] for Sm r^ /xjy. 7rapaXXa|, in quincuncial rows^ thus .*.•.*. and not Kara crroixov^ in rows^ thus : : : : : It will readily be seen that in %e alternate order, the channels to the sea would suffer obstruction far more than in the other order. 5. 'AXKpaicovt — Tov 'AttoXXg) . . . . oiKeTv. The order is, t6v 'AttoXXo) XP^o"at 'AX/c/iaicoj/i ravrrju rrjv yrjv otKeTi/, that Apollo provided this land to Alcmceon to inhalit. ore S^ aXavKa(T(rov, they stationed guards around. (jypa^dpevoi. With ra rjpiTeXeaTa Bloomf. supplies avra referring to fi€pT] understood. CHAPTER IV. The Athenian commanders, receiving no satisfactory reply to the demands which they were ordered to make upon the Mytilenians, commence hostilities; whereupon the Mytlleniane ask and obtain a suspension of arms, until they can send ambassadors to Athens (§§ 1-4) ; meanwhile, they secretly send to Lacedsemon for aid (§§ 5, 6). 1. oi ^A'irjvaioL — cos ioopcov, i. e. coy ol 'A37;mToi icopav. The apodosis is dTrfjyyeikav (sc. to7s MvTiXrjvalois) pev oi (TTpar-qyoX k. t. X. 2. eKTrXovv pev riva eTroirjaravTo — oXiyou, sailed some little distance. as cVi vavpaxia^ for the purpose (see K. on I. 95. %^) of a naval engagement. tireiTa = eTreira he. See. N. on I. 98. § 2. ^ov Xopevoi, . , ,d7ro7rep\lra(T^ai, wishing, if possible, to rid themselves of the fleet for the present (i. e. until they were in a better state of readiness to carry on war) on some moderate conditions. 3. avToX (po^ovpevoi, being themselves afraid. Chap, v.] NOTES. 577 4. t5>v re 8ia^a\\6uTcov em, one of the informers. Cf. III. 2. § 3. w fierefxeXev rjhr]^ who had now re^pentcd that he gave informa- tion to the Athenians of the intentions of the Mytilenians. el' ttcos .... OTreXSetJ/ = (TKOireLV (see N. on I. 58. § 1) ei irois Treicreiau rovs 'ASj;- vaiovs dnayaye'iv ras vavs. Cf. Poppo's Proleg. I. p. 259, where are cited numerous examples of this metonymy. as... .vearepiovvTcov^ how that they were not going to engage in (i. e. had. given up) revolu- tionary movements. I agree with Bloomfield, that this individual did not mean to retract his former statement, but only to say that the Mytilenians had now abandoned their revolutionary designs. 5. eV rovro), at this same time. XaSo'j/rey. . . .vavriKov^ escaping the notice of the Athenian feet. o2 lopnovv. . . .ttoXccos^ who lay at anchor off Malea to the north of the city. Strabo describes the promontorj'- of Malea (now Cape Zeitoun\ as lying in the south- eastern part of the island, seventy stadia from Mytilene. But the expression e^co tjjs TroXews (§ 3) could hardly be used of a place seventy stadia distant, nor can we well suppose that the Athenians would have had their market in Malea (as we find they did. III. 6. § 2), while laying siege to the city, if it was so far oif. I prefer, therefore, with all the best modern commentators, to suppose the Malea of Thucydides a different place from that of Strabo, lying much nearer to the city on the north side of it. oX refers ad sensum to vavriKov. See N". on the constructio koto, crvvea-iv, 1. 136. § 1. ov yap.. . .Trpoxcoprjaeiv, '"''non e^riim confidebant., legatis Athenas missis ah Atheniensibus aliquid pro- cessurum.'''' Poppo. This translation is founded on the use of aTro^ as denoting, by a sort of praagnans constructio, previous motion to Athens. Of. Poppo's Proleg. I. p. 176. This explanation seems to me to be far-fetched, and I concur, therefore, in the one proposed by Goel., and adopted by Bloomf., and in substance by Arnold, non enim fidebant iis^ {jols neuter,) quoe, db Atheniensibus expectabant^ fore ut bene cedant. The subject of iTpox?idcrai iivLTvKovv, i. e. they were not able to reach the place before the Athenian fleet. p-ira rrjv pdxrjv. Cf. § 2. '^P'-'^PV "^^^w- Cf. m. 4. § 5. CHAPTER VI. rhe Athenians summon to tbeir aid their allies, and proceed to blockade the city by sea, but are imable to cut off its communication by land (§§ 1, 2). 1. ^acra-ov than if the Mytilenians had been more powerful. opuiVTcs^ when they saw (see N. on 1. 13. § 6). Treptoppia-dpevoL . . . . TToXfo)?, bringing round their ships to anchorage on the south side of the city. The fleet had hitherto had its station on the north of the place (cf. III. 4. § 5). o-rparoTreSa, i. e. naval camps. One of these was on the north side where the fleet was first moored; and the other, on the south side, to which place the fleet had removed its anchorage. 2. rrjs. . . .MvTLkT]vaiovs, they kept the Mytilenians from the use of the sea. Jiakdcrcrris properly depends on xPW'^^h ^^* i^ attracted into the principal sentence as the object of dpyov (S. § 197. 2), pi] xPW'^"'- being added epexegetically. Cf. K. § 347. 3 ; Mt. § 532. d. The u^e of prj is explained in IST. on I. 10. § 1. — : — a\\rj9 in reference to ro St rrepl ra aTparoncda ov noKv which the Athenians had possession of. -^"^ vav(rTa.?ipov , . . , MaXe'a, for (Se causal) Malea was rather a road- Chap. VIIL] NOTES. 579 stead for their (S. § 201. 5) ships and a receptacle for their supplies. It is evident, as Poppo observes (Proleg. I. pp. 210, 282), that a word of more extensive signification is to be repeated from vav(TTd'^nov before ayopas. CHAPTER VII. The Athenians fit out an expedition nnder Asopius, who ravages the Laconian coast and proceeds to Nanpactus, having previously sent all his ships Jiome except twelve (§§ 1-3); he makes an unsuccessful attempt on CEniadaj and Leucaa, in the retreat from the latter of which places he is slain (§§ 4r-6). 1. The scene now changes to Western Greece, from whence Phor- mio had sailed home (PI. 103). ^opuicovos. . . .apxovra. Phormio had either died soon after his return with the captives in the spring (cf. II, 103. § 1), or had become so enfeebled by age or disease, as to be unable to endure the fatigue and hardship of another expedition. The request here made by the Acarnanians shows the high estimation in which he was held in Western Greece. 4. dvao-TTjo-as^ having raised^ or summoned. See N. on 11. 96. § 1. in OlvLabas. The repeated efforts to take this place show that it occupied an important position in relation to the war. Kara TOP 'AxfXwoi', " on the side of the Achelous^ opposed to Kara yrjv, on the lmonians thought their plans impracticable. rjyyeWovTo — Tvop'^ova-ai^ were announced as ravaging. See N". on I. 131. § 1. j/J/ey. Cf. III. 7. § 1. ttju rrepcoiKida. Several cities of the Perioeci lay on the coast, which ac- counts for the name TrepwiKis (sc. yrj or x<^pf^) being given to the whole coast. dvex^pw^^ is t^® apodosis, the protasis lying in vopi^ovres. 4. eKeipovs etSoj/ = eKeivovs dvaxcoprjaavTas eldov. Arnold. CHAPTER XVII. / The Athenian navy was now in a state of the greatest perfection and power, but its mainte- nance tended greatly to exhaust the treasury (§ 1) ; an ilhistration of the magnitude of the sum necessary to carry on the war is furnished from the siege of Potidsea (§§ 2, 3), 1. ov depends here and in III. 18. § 1 upon Kara repeated from the previous context. See N. on Trapa noXea-iv als, I. 28. § 2. eV rots gives emphasis to TrXelo-rat by calling attention to it, and is to be taken as a neuter demonstrative. See N. on I. 6. § 3. Bloomf. doubts its intensive force (as the superlative has drj intensive after it), and regaids it as qualifying the superlative = some of the most numerous. The clause eV kykvovro is very difficult of translation. lam dis- posed on the whole to construct koKk^i in dependence on ivepyol^ and to take ap.a as denoting time, making avrois depend on iyivovro. The sense would then be, at this time the Athenians had the greatest num- ber of ships in an effective state from their deautiful (= good) condi- tion. There are other modes of construction, which I forbear to bring forward, being continually admonished of the necessity of brevity. 2. rrjv re yap ^Attlkt^v k. t. X. There seems to be an incongruity between this statement and the one made in II. 13. § 8 ; 24. §2, where Lhe number of ships is put down at 300, one third of which were to remain as a defence at home. This would leave 200 sail to cruise about. Now it is said that 250 ships were in active service. Perhaps, as Arnold suggests, in the process of the war, more than two thirds 590 NOTES. [BookIIL were in the service abroad, it being found unnecessary to reserve so large a force for the home defence. If, however, the one hundred ships, spoken of as being on guard around Attica, Euboea, and Salamis, are the same as the one hundred which were to be put iiside for au emergency (II. 24. § 2), then the whole number w^ould be only 250. But this apparent contradiction of numbers might be removed by bearing in mind that the ships here spoken of were ivepyoi^ in a con- dition for active service. ojore — iyiyvovro. See N. on I. 34. § 3. 3. ra xP^H-'^Tci. Cf. II. 13. § 3. vTravaXtoo-e^ gradually exhaust- ed. dibpaxfioi oTrXtrat, Tioplites whose pay was two drachmas. The old Attic dpaxM = 17 cents 5-93 mills; the later dpaxM=:lQ cents 5-22 mills. Hussey (Ancient "Weights, etc. pp. 47, 48) makes the drachma = 9.72 pence or about 18 cents 0-55 mills. iXafi^ave, SC. 6 ottXiVj;?. — — rpi(r;(iXioi. Cf. I. 61. § 4. vrjes re al 7rd(rai = all the sailors. rov avrov p.ii'^ov^ i. e. one drachma, for as they were not attended by servants, the drachma allowed for these in the land-service, was here omitted. CHAPTER XYIII. The Mytilcnians make an ineffectual eflfort to get possession of Methymna, after whicli they proceed to put several smaller cities in a posture of defence (§ 1) ; one of these the Me- thymnians endeavor afterwards to take, but are defeated (§ 2) ; the Athenians send out 1000 hoplitcs under Paches, who arrive at Mytilene, and draw a line of circumvallation around the place, and thus closely invest it by sea and by land (§§ 3-5). 1. ois TrpoSiSo/ieV/;!/, thinlcing (see N. on I. 73. § 5) tliat it woulu he surrendered up to them. The participle has here the signification of the future. K. § 255. R. 3. ol imKovpoi, i. e. the archers summoned from Pontus. Cf. III. 2. § 2. npovx^pet. See N. on I. 109. § 3. eV "AvTL(ro-r}s^ for Antissa. See Ns. on I. 30. § 2; III. 28. § 3. 2. aurwi/, i. e. the Mytilenians. cV/Soj^Seia?, a sally. rrX?;- •yeVrey, heing leaten. 3. TTVP^avofxevoL — Kparovvras. See IST. on I. 64. § 2. ravra re- fers forward to rovs re elpyetv, for which propositions it serveo to prepare the way. Cf. Mt. § 472. c. irepl to (fi'^LvoTrcopov. See N. on II. 31. § 1. 4. tS>p vecov depends on avTcperai. See K on I. 10. § 4. The ex- amples cited by Poppo (Proleg. II. p. 61) show, that the troops frO' q[ucntly f.>^sisted in rowing the ships. — ^ — anXa relx^i^ with a single Chap. XX.] NOTES. 591 wall. Their forces were not adequate to the drawing of a hne of con- travallation. Nor was it in this instance very necessary, as the <^pov- pia (forts)^ which they erected in commanding positions (eVi rav Kaprepcov), answered every purpose. eyKaTv TTvpyoiv) is used for eV, it being employed to de- note the direction whence. See N. on I. 18. § 1. avrLXan^avofievosy laying hold of. 5. cVi TO Tcixos^ i. e. to their respective stations upon the wall. ou. . . .biivov, for they did not Tcnow what was the cause of the alarm = what the matter was. afxa refers to time. ol iv rfj jToXct refers to those who remained in the place, their courage not being equal to so desperate an adventure (cf. III. 20. § 2). These now created a diversion in favor of their friends who were trying to escape. T(op nXaratcoi/ depends on ol — uTroXfXei/i/xeVot. Cf. I. 126. § 11 ; III. 65. § 3. eK Tov/x7raXtv. . . .vTrepe/Satvoi/, on the side Opposite to that where their men were attempting (see N. on I. 57. § 4) to pass oxer (the walls). rbv vovp exoiev, might turn their attention. Without the article vovv ^x'^iv signifies, to have intelligence, to ie Tcnow- ing or cleder. 6. i?iopvl3ovvTo..,.fj.evovT€s, therefore they were in confusion re- maining in the same place = they were so confused they knew not which way to turn themselves. povv — obov. S. § 181. '2. xfiepovcrav^ leading, to. . . . T}p6ov, the temple of the hero Androcrates. He was an ancient Plata3ar general of great fame. a-cjias refers to the Platasans, and avrovi to the Peloponnesians. The same may be said of the subjects o/ viroTOTrijaai and Tpairea^ai. Tavrrjv^ SC. 686v. np6s Ki^aipoyva towards Cithceron. This mountain lay south of Plata^a, and the Pelo ponnesians supposed that as a matter of course, the fugitives woulc Chap. XXV.] NOTES. 597 flee thither in order to reach by the nearest way the Eleusinian plain, on their route to Athens, whereas they were pursuing for the time being their course to the north towards Thebes. 2. Trjv npbs . . . .'Yaids,, the road leading to tlie mountain towards Erythrcs and Hysice. From Erythrse a road passes between the The- ban Cithseron and Mount Oithaeron down into the Eleusinian plain, and also into the plain of Megara. Whether the Platasans took this road, or passed along the more unfrequented mountain-paths, is of course a matter of mere conjecture. If Thucydides named the places Erythraa and Hysise, in the order of their position to one going from Plataea, it is thought that their location on our maps should be re- versed. Their place on Kiepert's Map seems to be more consistent with the account here given of the flight of the Plataeans, than that which is assigned them on the other maps which I have seen. For it must, be remembered that their course was first, north, after which they turned off and took a south-easterly direction, which would bring them to these places in the order here mentioned. Xa/3o/xe- i/of, having reached. airb Trkeiovatv. Cf. III. 20. § 2. cis. . . . i\r)(ji'ir]. It is truly wonderful that only one man was lost in this enterprise. Every thing appears to have been well planned, and exe- cuted also with great courage and self-possession. 3. Kara x'^P^^ cyeVoj/ro, came hacTc to their station and there re- mained. See N. on I. 18. § 2 (constructio prcegnans). tSuu di diro'' TpaTTofievav. Cf. rives avrav ot aTrerpaTTOvro, § 2 supra. as ovb€\s Trepiea-Ti^ how that 7io one survived. rots veKpols is the dat. corn- modi after dvaipeo-iv. iiraixravTo shows that ecrnevdovTo is used of an action begun but not completed = they tooTc measures to obtain a truce., '•pacisci in animo haiedant.^'' Gottl. CHAPTER XXV. Salsethuft a Lacedsemonian contrives to effect an entrance into Mytilenc, and by the promise of aid from the Peloponnesians, arouses the drooping spirits of the Mytilenians, and rea- ders them less inclined to listen to any proposals from the Athenians (§§ 1, 2), 1. Kara xopaSpaj/ rti/d, at a certain dry led of a torrent., at a ra- vine. StaXaScoi/, eluding observation. rois itpoibpoisy the ma- gistracy., undoubtedly chosen from the aristocracy. So the Schoi, tols (ipxovai Toov MvTtXT]vaip. on — earai — irapeaovrai — TvpoanoTreacfi'^TJ* vai. See N. on as ftrj — iXnida etmi, III. 3. § 3. ai rea-a-apixovrci, Cf. III. 16. § 3. as... .airols, which were to help them. 598 NOTES. [BookHL 2. irpbs Tovs. . . .yv&fir]v, were less inclined to the Athenians ; liter- ally, had their minds less to the Athenians. On the use of the article in rr]v yvafirjv, see N. on III. 22. § 5. CHAPTER XXYI. The Peloponnegians despatch Alcldas witli a fleet to the aid of the Mytilenians, and also tinder the command of Cleomenes make an irruption into Attica (§§ 1, 2) ; the Athenian territory is laid waste with unusual severity, until the failure of their provisions compels the invading army to return home (§§ 3, 4). 1. Tov.. ..?iepovs. The events of this fifth year of the war are detailed in chaps. 26-39, and the transactions of the summer are com- prised in chaps. 26-36. ras vavs. In III. 16. § 3 ; 25. § 1 ; 29. § 1 ; 69. § 1, the number of these ships is stated to be forty. Probably in those places the ronnd number is given ; or forty was the designated number, to which two more were added, and these last are overlooked by the historian, who still continues to speak of the number originally assigned to this enterprise. j/aCs.. ..'AX/ciSaj/. The construction is, aTTcVreiXav 'AXfci'Sai/ txovra ras vav^. The existence of the two par- ticiples txovra and Trpoa-Ta^avres^ is somewhat troublesome to critics, as one of them appears to be redundant. Poppo compares Xen. Anab. I. 2. § 21, on Tpirjpeis. . . .Kvpov, as an instance of a similar confusion of construction. Bloomf. however makes Trpoard^avres (sc. avrbv av- Tois) explanatory of exovra = having in charge forty-two ships as commander. ^o-aov im^orj'^fja-ova-iv^ might the less send assist- ance against the fleet which had sailed to Mytilene. 2. KX€op.€in]s, Cleomenes, was the second son of Pausanias, his elder brother being Pleistoanax the father of the young king, who had been exiled from Spal'ta (II. 21. § 1). vearepov Xtl, leing yet too young to govern. See IsT. on I. 107. § 2. 3. ei ri €^e^\a(rTr}KeLy whatever had sprouted out or sprung up again. Reference is had to sprouts from the stumps of trees, blades of grain from seed accidentally scattered, and whatever else sprouted out, or grew up spontaneously from the soil. pLera rrjv bevrepav. Cf. II. 55-57. 4. eTTipevovres . . . .ireTrepaLcopLevasv, for waiting in continual expecta- tion of hearing something from Lesbos, (viz.) tliat their fleet had achieved something, del belougs to TreucrctrSat, and ri is explained by rav. . . .n^nepaKOfievav. (kAP. XXVIIL] NOTES. 699 CHAPTER XXVII. The Mytilenians are compelled to come to terms with the Athenians (§ 1) ; for Salaethaa himself despairing of the arrival of the Peloponneslan fleet, armed the common people for a sally, who on receiving their arms reftised obedience to the magistracy (§§ 2, 3). 1. dia rdde^ for the following reasons. 2. nporepou -v/x-iXoi/ ovra^ heing tefore light-armed^ not without arms, as Hobbes strangely renders it. The oligarchical party in Mytilene had withheld the heavy armor from the common people, in order the more effectually to keep them in a state of subordination. As soon, however, as Salaethus distributed arms among them, with the design of leading them against the enemy, they shook off the yoke of their superiors, and assumed themselves the functions of government. 3. Kara ^vWoyovs re yiyvofievoi^ deing collected in groups, as is usual in seditious gatherings, where plans of action are discussed and matured. Cf. Xen. Anab. V. 7. § 1. "We find ^uo-rao-ft? instead of ^vXXoyovs in II. 21. § 2. CHAPTER XXVIII. The magiiitracy are therefore comi)elled In these circumstances to capitulate to the Atherj..aj:s, to be treated as it might be determined at Athens (§ 1) ; those who had been in correspond- ence with the Lacedaemonians flee to tlie temples, but being induced to c^me forth, are sent to Tenedos to await the decision of tlie Athenians respecting them (§§ 2, 3). 1. ol iv Tols Trpdyixaa-LV, those in power = the magistrates. — — ovT€s depends on yvopres. See N. on I. 25. § 1. ttjs ^vfi^ao-ecos, the agreement, the terms, on which the commons were about to surrender themselves up to the Athenians. Kivdwevarovres is dependent upon yvovres. ^ore = on condition that. Cf. Mt. §§ 479. a; 629. ^ovXevaai . . . . ^ovXcovrai, to determine as they please concerning the Mytilenians. avrovs — 'M.vrCKrivaiovs. The more natural order would have been MvTiXr]vaiovs — avrovs. iu. . . .eXScuo-t, iut in the meanwhile until they should return. Reference is had to the Mytile-' nian embassy to Athens. 2. ol 8e . . . . AaKcSaifiovlovs, hut those who had held communication with the Lacedaemonians. TrfptSeely, in great fear, principally ol the Athenians, but in part, perhaps, of their own citizens, who would be disposed to blame them as the authors of the present calamity. ia^X'^ev the city. • ovk rivicrxovro^ " they could not restrain 600 NOTES. [Book in. themselves.'''' Bloomf. o/xcoy, i. e. althongli assurances of safety had been given to them by Paches, yet they Jied to the temples and sat, etc. The preposition gives to the verb the idea of previous mo- tion. See N. on I. 18. § 2. dvaarfja-as avrovs. See N. on I. 126. § 11. axxre fir] d8iKrj(Tai, on condition of doing them no injury. 3. "AvTiaaav. Antissa lay on the v^est side of the island. TrpocreKTrjcraTO. See N. on I. 114. § 3. KaSioraro ^ avr^ iboKciy he adjusted in the icay he thought dest. CHAPTER XXIX. In consequence of their inaction, the Peloponnesians in the forty ships do not reach the Asiatic coast until some days after the capitulation of Mytilene (§ 1) ; at which time they hold a consultation in respect to their future movements (§ 2). 1. nXeopTcs. . . .ivhuTpi^av, wasted time in sailing about Peloponne- sus.^ They ought to have crossed the iEgean without any delay. Tov aWov ttKovv, the rest of the voyage. o-xoXaTot is taken adverbi- ally. See N. on I. 134. § 1. e/c t^s TroXeca?, i. e. in Athens. For the use of ck (= eV), see N. on III. 22. § 4. ea-xov (= Trpocreaxov). See ]Sr. on II. 25. § 3. an avr^s, i. e. from Delos. 'iKapa koL MvKoua. The relative position of these islands is inverted, since to one sailing from Peloponnesus to Lesbos, Myconus comes first. caXcoKf, was taTcen, is the Att. perf. of aXiaKop.ai. 2. T§ MvTi\f}vr] iaXcoKvia, from the time of the capture of Mytilene. See N. on ravTrj, I. 13. § 4. ex twv napovTcav, in the j^jr^eTii cir- cumstances. CHAPTER XXX. Teutiaplus an Eleian urges upon Alcidas the attempt to retake Mytilene by a sudden assault (§ 1), on the ground that the usual negligence with which a place just captured is guarded, renders it easy to be retaken by a sudden attack, and such an achievement would exem- plify what are called the unexpected turns of war (§§ 2, 3). 1. Trdpeo-fiev. The first person is used here to include the speaker himself in the number of those who are addressed. 7rp\v cWu- (TTovs yei/cVSai, before we are heard of i. e. before it is known that we are in this quarter. axrirep exop.ev, just as ice are, i. e. without any delay. Cf. Xen. Anab. IV. 1. § 19. These words belong to nXflv ^fids. The speaker had doubtless in his eye the usual dilatoriness of Chap. XXXI.] NOTES. 601 the Spartans, which rendered them incapable of making a rapid move- ment, such as would enable them to surprise an enemy. 2. Kara evprjo-ofiev^ for it is lihely that we shall find great want of watchfulness (literally, much unguardedness)^ such as is natural to men who have just taken a city. I have with Goel. and Kriig. made avhpoav to depend on ro dcfyvXaKTov. Cf. Poppo, Suppl. Adnot. p. 190. Kara fxeu fiaXaaraav. The corresponding sentence is tUbs de /cat TO ne^bv avrav. 3. fj.€Ta Tcov eVSoj/, with the aid of those within, i. e. of the Mytileni- ans, who espoused the Peloponnesian cause, as appears from the next clause, €1 TLS. . . .evvovs. nrj dTTOKvrja-cofxev. S. 213. § 2. vofii- aavre?. . . .roiovrov, thinlcing tJiat (what is called) the unexpected turn of war is nothing else than some such thing as this. 6 refers to rb kul- v6v, and is dependent on (jivXdo-o-oiTo. The various interpretations of this passage I must pass over for the sake of brevity, having adopted the one which on the whole seems to be least liable to objections. ei TLS. . . .av op^oLTO. Cf. S. § 215. 1. tols TTokefiLOis ivopoov = iu TOLs TroXefJiiois opSuv. CHAPTER XXXI. This advice of Teutiaplus is rejected by Alcidas, whereupon others urge Lim to make a descent upon Ionia, and to endeavor to bring about its revolt, or at least to diminish the revenue and increase the expense of tlie Athenian state (§ 1) ; but this advice he also rejects and determines to sail back to Peloponnesus (§ 2). 1. aXkoi Se TLvcs K. r. X. Bloomf, rightly supposes that these refu- gees were favorers of the aristocracy, whp had been driven out on that account by the Athenians and the democratical party. They were evidently persons of rank, or they would not have been admitted to this council of war. The Lesbians here mentioned were most likely the ambassadors spoken of in III. 5. § 4 ; 8. § 1, who were now on their return from Peloponnesus. eVeiS/) <^o^a,Tai = since he feared this as too dangerous. " There is something pointed, not to say pungent, in the turn ; it being almost tantamount to calling Alci- das coward.'''' Bloomf. 6/c irokeas opixafieroi, i. e. making a city the base of operations. See IsT. on I. 64. § 2. ov8ev\ yap dKova-'ioas d(j)lx'^ai K. T. X. This exceedingly obscure passage probably will never be interpreted in a way free from objections, since the MSS. differ much, and the exceeding brevity renders it necessary to supply some words, which cannot be elicited readily from the context. There is no iifficulty with the construction of ovdepl .... d^t;t3at, for his arrival 26 602 NOTES. [Book m had been unwelcome to no one^ the yap serving to introduce the clause as a reason for eXnida S' elvai (sc. €(f)a(Tav)^ and they said that there was hope (of success). In the words following, I am of the opinion, (1) that the reading of Dindorf {avrovs only being changed to avrois) is sustained by the best authority and makes the best sense, which is no small evidence in its favor ; and (2) that the apodosis commences with neia-eiv re otcorSai, unless some words are lost from the passage, which of course we can never know with certainty. From this read- ing and construction we may derive the following translation : and if they could deprive the Athenians of this revenue (viz. the revenue derived from Ionia), which was the greatest they possessed^ and if at the same time tliey (i. e. the Lacedoamonians, Lesbians, and lonians) could oMain (from Ionia) the means (literally, the expense) necessary to carry on the war against them (i. e. the Athenians), tliey thought that they could persuade^ etc. ((popnaaiv agrees with cropfiovatv (participle of i^opp.ea)) avrois., and render, if they (i. e. the Athenians) might le at expense while watching them (i. e. the Peloponnesians). But this idea would be implied in the loss of the revenue, which is referred to in the previous clause, and would seem therefore like a repetition of the same sentiment, whereas in addition to the loss of their revenue, and the increase of expenditure in maintaining the war in those parts, their enemies would be all the while deriving their resources from the countries (which had been tributary to Athens), and thus there would be a twofold inducement for the Persian satrap to take part in the war. It would be presump- tion in me to suppose that this interpretation will receive the assent of all. Yet on the whole, I cannot but think that it is the least objectionable of any which has yet been given to the passage. The reading and pointing of Goel. and Kriig. is worth citing: rjv i(f)opfxoi' (Tiv., avrois ^airavq [(7(^iVi] yiyvrjrai. Uio-aov'^vrjv. See N. on I. 115. § 4. 3. ro TrXelarov rrjs yvcojxrjs eix^''? f^^^ most inclined. In respect to the construction, some govern ro ivkelarov by Kara understood, and make r^s yvap.r]s depend on elx^v, he was mostly of the mind. Bnt there is no necessity for this, for rb ifKela-rov rf}v yva)fir)s = rfjv 7rX«i- (rrr]v yvoaprjv. on, . . .rrpoap-l^at. This Alcidas was evidently a most inefficient commander. Had he possessed the energy and tact of Brasidas, a very different result might have been expected from this expedition. Chap. XXXni.] NOTES. 603 CHAPTER XXXII. On his way home Alcidas touches at Myonnesus, and there puts to death the greater portion of his prisoners (§ 1) ; putting in at Ephesus he is expostulated with by the Samian ambassadors for this cruel and impolitic act, and is prevailed upon to liberate the rest of the prisoners (§§ 2, 3). 1. TrapeVXet, Jie sailed along tlie Ionian coast. npoa-x^v. See N". on III. 29. § 1. Mvoi'j/)7o-a), Myonnesus^ lay about midway between Teios and Lebedos, on a small rocky peninsula, which would be very easy to touch at in a coasting vo3^age from Erythrse to Ephesus. Tovs alxfJ-dkoiTovs — arreo-^a^e Toiis TToXXovy, he l)utchered the captives^ the most (of them). There is no need of constructing tovs alxiiak<^Tovs according to the formula quod attinet ad^ as rovs ttoWovs is in parti- tive apposition with it, and both are dependent upon the verb. In respect to this cruel massacre, cf. II. 67. § 4 (end). 2. ou KaXa>s avTou. The Lacedsomonians had given themselves out as the liberators of Greece. Cf. II. 8. § 4. ovt€ x^'pas dvrai- pofi€vov9, not lifting up their hands against, i. e. having performed no hostile act. They were not voluntary enemies of the Peloponnesians. 3. opoiVTcs yap k. t. X. The manner in which Alcidas came by his prisoners is here explained. The men had approached the ships under the impression that it was an Athenian fleet, as nothing was more remote from their thought, than the idea that Lacedsemonian vessels would venture into those parts. pir] ttotc — jrapa^aXdv. See N. on I. 10. § 1 (end). CHAPTER XXXIII. Alcidas sails homeward with all speed for fear of being intercepted by the Athenian fleet (§ 1) ; and this fear was not groundless, for intelligence having been received by Pachcs the Athenian admiral, that the Ionian cities were in danger, he sailed forthmth in pursuit of the Peloponnesian fleet, but did not succeed in overtaking it (§§ 2, 3). 1. 2a\apLvias koL Uapakov. These ships seem to have been em- ployed in the collecting of tribute, in carrying ambassadors to and fro, in conveying those who went to Delos or other places for religious purposes, in watching the motions of the enemy, and in any state- service where expedition w^as required. They were manned by free- born citizens of Athens, and when employed (as they sometimes were) in sea-fights, carried the admiral of the fleet. en. .. . Sppcbv, while yet lying at Icarus. On the conjecture of Poppo (Observ. in Thucyd. 604 NOTES. [BookIIL c. 14. p. 229), Trepi "Uapov has been adopted by all the leading editora for nepi EXapou, wliicli Arnold and Krtlger still retain as the true read- ing. Sico^tv by Paches. TreXdyovs, i. e. the jEgean sea. Q)s neXoTTowj^o-w, with the intention of touching (Mt. § 568; S. § 225. t) at no other land than Peloponnesus. eKovaios (= iKovaiaSy S. § 134. 1), of his own will^ i. e. unless compelled by necessity. 2. /cm cLTTo TYjs 'Evp^paias^ even from Erythrm. ei Ka\ a»s, if even thus. &s has reference to dTeixiarov. . . ,'la>vias. rrop^iciiaiv. . . . TToXeir, should assault and destroy the cities ; literally, should destroy at the same time that they attaclced the cities. Tbe rapidity and complete- ness of the destruction is expressed in this employment of the verb and the participle preceded by ap.a. Of. S. § 225. N. 1. avrdyy^Xoi 8' avTov Ibova-ai^ themselves who had seen him bringing the tidings. 3. 6 Se, i. e. Paches. vno o-novbrjs = a-novbrj. iv KaTokij^ei, within reach. — ; — eii6v, sc. thai. This ellipsis of the infinitive is rare. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 376. Obs. (end). fxlya seems to be joined to wpibv by a sort of hendia- dys = cruel beyond measure, " enormously cruel.'^ Bloomf. fidXXoi fj ov. See N. on II. 62. § 3. 5. rot;? ev reXet may refer to the prytanes or to the ten generals of the state, who on extraordinary occasions pertaining especially to war, had the power of convening an assembly. -; evdrjXop rji Bouk6» ^wov TO irXcop = evdrjXov ^r on to irXeov e^ovXero. Chap. XXXVn.] NOTES. 607 6. a(^' tKao-rcoi/, i. e. by each party, according as they took sides with or against the Mytilenians. ware dTroKTelvai. See N. pn I^ 34, g 3. 7-<5 T€. ,. .TTtSai/wraroy, and hy far the most influential, at that time, with the common people. CHAPTERS XXXVII.— XL. In these chapters we have the speech of Cleon in the assembly, which was convened to decide whether the murderous decree of the previous as- sembly, respecting the Mytilenians, should be carried into effect or re- scinded. The speech is characterized by all the beauties and defects of the Thucydidean style, being nervous, pointed, compressed, and as a natural result of this last quality, in many places confused and obscure. But in its sentiment and moral features it is very unlike any speech, which has yet been introduced to our notice in this history. It is just what we might expect from a violent, boastful, arrogant, shallow demagogue like Cleon, and for all the qualities of fierce denunciation, malicious inuendoes, biting sarcasm, and malignant cruelty, in my judgment, has no parallel in this whole history. If I were to characterize its great and leading idea, I would name it a most bitter onset upon the enlightened and conservative policy which marked the administration of Pericles, and which after his death was advocated and defended by others. The mad schemes of such turbulent and short-sighted politicians as Cleon had already been foisted upon the body politic, in the time of the great orator and statesman just mentioned, and had embittered his closing life, and now their ruinous in- fluence began to be seen and felt in bad-planned expeditions, impolitic se- verity towards their allies, and a forfeiture of the honor of the state, whenever it seemed necessary to promote its immediate and temporary aggrandizement. A policy so prejudicial to the real welfare of the state, could not but awaken the most determined opposition from the wise and patriotic, and hence Cleon seizes this occasion to inveigh in the coarsest and most virulent terms against these political opponents, who were as fa? above him in all statesmanlike qualities, as they were in real worth and patriotism. It is unnecessary to say more of the character of Cleon in this place, as the reader will be made well acquainted with it by the masterly delin- eation of our historian. Sufiice it to say, that such bustling, noisy, £,nd selfish demagogues have been common in every republic, and may be re- garded as the weeds, which spring up with rank spontaneous growth from the soil of freedom, serving to show its richness, and depth, and Lo'vr abundant a harvest of the choicest productions may be expectsd from pr.»- per cultTire and attention. 608 NOTES. [BooKia CHAPTER XXXVII. Jleon begins his speech by repeating his conviction of the ineflBciency of democracy to gov- ern others (§ 1) ; he upbraids the easiness, freedom from suspicion, and magnanimity of the Athenians, as means adopted to secure the obedience of the alies, who, it sliould be remembered, are only submissive so far as they are made to feel the superior power of the governing state (§ 2) ; bad laws carried into effect are to be preferred to good ones which are never put in force (§ 3) ; he blames the readiness with which they listen to their ora- tors, who, arrogantly assuming to be wiser than the laws, seize upon every occasion to show off their rhetorical lowers, whereas those of modest worth, who bow to the suprem- acy of law, are the men whose judgment is to be relied on (§§ 4, 5). 1. eyvcov. . . .apx^iVj i. e. eyvcov on ddiivarov eVri dTjfXOKparlav irepoiv apx^iv. The subject of apx^iv is br]p.oKpaTLav^ wliich by a very com- mon species of attraction is made-tbe object of Zyvcav. See N. on I. 72. § 1. 2. bia. .. .exfre, for on account of your security in your daily in-' ter course, and freedom from treoAihery toicards one anotlier, you tJiinTc that the same disposition exists in your allies (towards you), to airro refers to aSee? koI dvem^ovXevTov. The same disposition is attributed to the Athenians in II. 37. § 2, and to the Lacedtiemomans in I. 68. §1. — ^ — €udcoT€. Eegularity of construction would have been better pre- served by €vd6vT€s. ovK iniKLvbvvais K. T. X. Construct, ovx vy^^~ 0"3e p.aXaKi^ca'^aL (y/ias) iTTiKivhvvoos es vjjids Koi ovk is — x^P*-^- I^^ respect to koI ovk, cf. Mt. § 608 (end), ^vp-p-dxcov is the objective genitive. on rvpawlba k. t. X. See N. on II. 63. § 2. koL rrpos. . . .dpxop.evovs, and over those lolio are themselves plotting against [you] and are governed reluctantly, i. e. submit with reluctance to your dominion. The oi which follows is omitted in many MSS., but how the sentence can then be constructed is beyond my knowledge. 6^ hv = e^ eKeivoiV (= Si' eKnva) a. The participle /SXaTrro- fi€voi (with which avroi is to be joined) is to be taken with x^P'-Ot o-Se, and not with oKpoSiVTaiy as the Schol. teaches, for this clause is responsive to iniKivbiivas .... /zaXa/c/^f o-3at supra. e^ o)v = e^ iKeivoav a, of which the relative limits TTepiyevrja'^e as the accusative synecdochical. 3. S)v — ne'pt, i. e. TTfpi oiv. dKivT)Tois, undisturhed, i. e. suffer- ed to remain in force. The question before the assembly had no re- ference to a change of laws, but simply of a decree which had been passed without due deliberation. It was the reconsideration of a vote which had been just taken, and therefore the remarks of Cleon about the injurious consequence of a change of laws were wholly inapplica- ble. 7r/3os, in comparison with. See N. on II. 62. § 3. Chap. XXXYIH.] NOTES. 609 4. ot [xiv (i. e. 01 ^vveroiTepoi) yap tS>p k. t. X. In this fling upon men of superior education and ability, as though they of all others were least observant of law, and placed their own understanding above it, the speaker betrays the real demagogue, paying homage to ignorance, and pandering to the lowest classes of the community, by attributing to them alone love of country, and the impartiality necer.r sary to a right judgment in respect to public measures. tcov Trepiyiyvea-^ai^ and to surpass every thing that is at any time {aeX) said for the public good^ i. e. to get the upper hand in whatever is said, and secure the adoption of their own plans and counsels, however wise and salutary may have been those advanced and defended by others. as yvSprjv. Interpreters are divided in respect to the meaning of o)$-, some taking it in the sense of are, quippe quod^ inas- much as they could not evince their talent in matters of greater conse- quence ; others giving it the sense of quasi^ as if they could not show off ' in other weightier matters, i. e. displaying their abilities on every occasion, as if they were never to have another and a better oppor- tunity. This comports better with the tone of irony (or I might rather say the abusive slang), indulged by the speaker in reference to his political opponents, ws — ovk av drfKaxravres = cos el ovk av brjKai- creLav. Cf. Mt. § 596. 5 ; S. §§ 215. 5 ; 225. § 4. KpiTal—dnb tov 'lorov, impartial judges. 5. &s = ovTCDs. ^vv€(re(os dyaivt, " a rivalry or ^prizefighting in talenty Bloomf. irapa bo^av, contrary to our 'belief CHAPTER XXXVIII. rhe speaker professes his adherence to his former opinion in respect to the Mytilenian decree, and wonders at the proposal for a second debate, which cannot but be beneficial to tho Mytilenians rather than to themselves, and the advocates for which must either prove that injuries brought upon the state are beneficial, or gain their ends by misleading and blind- ing the people (§§ 1, 2) ; of this state of things so injurious to the commonwealth the peo- ple are themselves the cause, who listen with eager pleasure to the harangues of their ora- tors, and judge of things by their representations rather than in the light of facts and sober reason (§§ 3, 4) ; each one is willing to be deceived, and if he cannot aspire to oratory him- self, strives to show his high relish and appreciation of it by blindly assenting to every thing which is said, and thus sitting rather as a spectator of sophists than as a judge of what will be the best for the state (§§ 5-7). 1. 6 avTos — r,7 yvaixTj. See N. on II. 61. § 2. The construction is varied from that employed in I. 140. § 1. Sau/xa^o) fieu tSov npo- SeWo)!/, / wonder at those who have proposed. S. § 193. N. 2. rrpos t5)v rjdLKrjKoTcov. See N. on II. 86.. § 5 (end). ixaXKov than 610 NOTES. [BooKin. of us who are the injured party. This omitted clause of the compar- ison would be implied in the emphasis with which ^SiK^/cdrcov was spoken. 6 yap. . . . eVf |ep;^era{, for lie who suffers (wrong) visits it upon the doer with a more 'blunted resentment^ i. e. a resentment molli- fied by time. a/xvmcrSat is the subject of dvoKafx^dvei. For the omission of the article, see N. on II. 87. § 5. ra na'^elv depends on iyyxrraTco Keifxevov^ which Arnold makes equivalent to iyyvs aKo- Xov^ovv^ just as in Homer, eyyvSev cXSeTi/ is followed by the dative, because it is taken as one word iyyl^oo. dvTLTTakov^ equally 'bal- anced (with the injury), belongs to ajuvmo-Sai. Some would erase ov and join clvtIttoKov to n/xcopmi/. tus. . . .KatiLcrraiiivas^ that our rr.vifortunes are an injury to the allies^ i. e. that the prosperity of the allies is so bound up in ours, that no example of terror like the one now decreed, is necessary to hold them attached to our interest. The absurdity of such a view was manifest, as the interest of the Atheni- ans and that of their allies were vastly dissimilar. Hence this para- dox, to be proved by the gainsayers of the decree which had just been passed, is joined to the previous one, viz. that the injuries done to the Athenians by the Mytilenians were beneficial to the party in- jured. AcaStorapeVas' depends on diroc^alveLV. See 2*5". on II. 20. § 4. 2. TM \iyeiv. .. .dytavlaaLT civ, Inlying upo7i his eloquence, he must strive to show, that what has been positively decreed (referring to the Mytilenian decree) has not in the least been determined on. The argu- ment here advances from the proof of what is absurd to that of an ab- solute falsehood, as being necessary to the support of the views of the opposite party. The next clause, 17 ... . 7rf ipacrerai, coiitains the only remaining way of nullifying the decree just made, viz. to lead the peo- ple astray by false and specious arguments. iKnovrjaras, having elaborated. The object is to cvTrpenes. 3. dyavav. Notice the agonistical terms made use of by the speaker. In the previous section we had dycovia-aLTo, and here we meet with dyaivcov and a?i\a, while in the next section is dycovo'^eTovvres. irepoLs refers covertly to the orators. avrrj, i. e. t] ttoXis. duacpepei, carries off, as one bears away a prize. Cf. Bloomf. The word conforms to the metaphor contained in dya)vcov and a'^Xa. 4. KUKcos dyoi]/o?!erovvTes, " qui malos arbitros talium certaminum VOS prwstatis.^^ Poppo. ^iearal p.ev tcov X6ya>v — dKpoarai de tcov Zpyoiv, sjjectators of the words and hearers of the deeds, i. e. you place such confidence in the orators, that their assertions are to you as the very sight of the deeds, while the acts which come under your own knowledge, you regard as the objects of mere hearsay. This sense iccords with to. ix(v,..,€7riTifiT]advT(ov, which is cpexegctical of tin Chap. XXXVIIL] NOTES. 611 preceding proposition. as dwara ytyi/eorSot, as to the possibility of their taking place^ is to be taken with ra ^pya^ to wliich ra bt 7r€7rpayfX€va ^'8rj (depending on o-Konovvres. Cf. Mt. § 427. Ois. 3) ia opposed. TO dpaa^ep. In some editions we iind to SeaSeV, and so it is cited in Jelf 's Kiilm. § 368. 5. oyjrei is to be taken with to Spao-SeV, in the sense of a fact which is witnessed dy one''s own eyes^ and Xa^ovTes (which belongs also to the second proposition) may liave tlie sense of viroXa^ovTes. Gottl. and some others construct oi/ret V7ith Xa^ouTcs in the sense of perceiviiig^ seeing with the mind's eye. But this seems to be a far-fetched explanation, and makes oyjrei of little use, whereas by constructing it with to dpaa^ev it has great em- phasis. TO uKovo-^ev is opposed to to bpaa'^iv. 5. airaTaa^ai apicrToi^ easiest to l)e deceived, deboKifiaafxcvov. Supply Xoyov^ as the antithesis clearly teaches. /x?) lui/eVco-Sat tZeXeiv depends on apio-Toi^ which with firj may be rendered inost re- luctant^ very hacJoward. twv del aToncou =: of every paradox which may de advanced. 6. eljrclv — SuVaaSat, to have the adility to speah (as an orator). dvTay(x)vi^6p.€voi . . . .yva>iirj^ contending with those who speaTc tJius [so far as] not to appear to de following in the rear of the sentiment (utter- ed by them). The idea seems to be that, while they had not the fac- ulty of giving utterance to their sentiments, yet they were unwilling to appear to have less quickness of parts to investigate and see the bearings of the points of discussion than the speakers themselves. Thus in their eagerness to avoid the appearance of receiving facts and theories second-hand from their orators, they assented without any consideration or reflection to every thing which was advanced. By ToiavTa Kriiger would understand aTona from dToiroiv^ in § 5 ; but I am inclined to refer it to the eloquence to which the persons liere spoken of could not attain. The plural dvTayavi^opLevoi. follows /3ov- Xo/zewy, because cKao-Tos is taken collectively. These participles are all to be referred back to amot vficls or ohLves eZcoSare, § 4. boKelv depends on avTayoivi^op-evoi^ and Trj yvafirj follows dKoXov'^TJa-ai. o^e'cos. . . .npoenaiveaai^ and to ie quicJo to assert what is said^ even before the speaker has fully announced his position. I fully agree with Bloomf., that '6^€a>s is to be constructed with the infinitives, and that \iyovTos (sc. Tivbs) depends on the irpo- in composition. This gives an apt sense, and is certainly in accordance with the extreme brevity of the author. Goel., Poppo, and Arnold, take 6^ea>s with Xeyoi/ro?, in the sense of cleverly^ pointedly^ as opposed to what is in accord- ance with a sound judgment. Trpoma-'^eaJiai follows TrpoSu/xot which depends on (BovXoixevoL to be supplied from the preceding con- 612 NOTES. [Book in text. TrpovoTJa-ai (SpaBels. As the Athenians could not wish to be Blow in foreseeing the consequences of events, the participle ^ov\6- p.€voi^ supplied in the preceding proposition, is to be displaced here for one signifying apt or inclined to foresee slowly. This whole passage is fraught with difficulties, and it would require more space than my limits will allow, to bring forward the various interpretations which it has received. 7. Cv^ovjrres. . . .C^jj.€v^ sceTcing after sometJiing ehe^ so to speah, tJian what pertains to common life, rj ev ols = rj iKelvo iu to. Gottl. Poppo refers to Mt. § 437. Obs. 3, to which I would add Jelf 's Kiihn. § 820. 2. ^, as giving the best solution of the construction. Bloomf. says that the plural is employed, because the Athenian form of gov- ernment is often designated by the plural Trpay/xara, to which the rel- ative is here accommodated in number. rSiv napoirrcov refers to the same things as eV ols C^fxev. dnXa>s — Tja-ac^fievoi^ heing abso- lutely overcome. Betant gives to an\a>s here the sense iit paucis com- plectiB^ but I doubt whether it is the true one in this passage. — — a-ocl)iaTS)v Searaiy, spectators of sophists^ i. e. auditors of those who made it their business to teach rhetoric. * CHAPTER XXXIX. The !MytiIenians are eliarged with having injured the Athenians more than any other city, and that too, when they had no occasion to revolt (§§ 1, 2) ; regardless of the example of their neighbors, who had revolted and were punished for so doing, actuated by ambition and presumption and inflated by their good fortune, they seized what appeared to them the most favorable opportunity, and attacked the Athenians (§§ 3, 4); had they received, as they ought, no better treatment than the other allies, they would never have become so insolent, and therefore the most signal punishment should now be inflicted upon them all (§§ 5, 6) ; a discrimination ought to be made between the allies who revolt from compul- sion, and such as do so voluntarily, or all will seek occasion to revolt (§ 7), and the Athe- nian interest in each city will be put in jeopai-dy, and an additional war will have to bo maintained with their allies (§ 8). 1. g)j/ depends upon aTrorpeVeiv, and refers to the habits against which the speaker has just been inveighing. filav ttoXii/, for one city. This idiom is quite frequently found, Bloomf. is erroneous, I think, in attributing to ely, in such cases, a limitive rather than an in- tensive force. 2. The position of v?]aov before olnves renders it highly emphatic, and serves to fix as the chief reason of their ill-desert of forgiveness, that the Mytilenians were islanders out of the enemy's reach. f >

v rreXas. See N. on I. 32. § 1. okvou contains a negative idea, and hence ixrj accompanies eXSetj/. See N. on I. 10. § 1. rrposTo /xeXXov, in respect to the future. fxaKporepa. . . ./SovXj^o-ecoy, beyond their power but less than their will, i. e. their wishes far ex- ceeded their ability to do mischief. An exceedingly bitter remark. to-^w. .. .TrpoSetrat. Bloomf. cites the common adage "to sot might above right." eV J, when. 4. ctcoSe. . . .rpeVeij/. Goel. constructs and explains: cTcoSe 8e 17 evTTpa^ia eKelyas ras TToXeij es v^piv TpeneLV, uls av p-aXiara dnpoo-bo- KtjTos cXSt/. Poppo regards Si' iXaxia-rov (sc. Kaipov) as an additional circumstance interposed, quibus maxime, et quidem minima intervallo^ insjyerata, i. e. quibus maxime insperata, et quidem nuperrime. Ta de TToXXa So'^ai/, it is often the case, that good fortune, which happens to men in accordance with reasonaMe expectation, is more sure than that which is beyond calculation. I am disposed with Bloomf. to refer the to. before ttoWo. to evTvxovvra, and make TroXXa refer to evTvxovvra in the sense of many such evrvx'^ai = it often happens, etc. Some may however prefer to construct ra iroWa as an accusative = iiri TO 7To\v. 5. Ka\ aXkcos = not only in this but in other cases, i. e. generally. - TO fxev ^epaTrevou vTvepc^tpoveiv, to looTc down upon studiousness to serve and oblige. The use of the neuter participle as an abstract noun has been referred to Q^. on I. 41. § 2), and is much less offensive than the masculine would have been. 6. Kol p-T) rots K. T. X. It shows the cruelty of Cleon, that he would involve in his merciless decree all the citizens of Mytilene, many of whom he must have known had no hand in the revolt. Kotice the variation of construction in Trpoo-reS!?/ — dTroXi'cn^re. oh 614 Is^OTES. [Book IIL refers to 8^/xov whicli is a collective noun. Kivdwov Qe^aiore- pov, " thinhing the hazard of joining the oligarchy more to te de- pended upon in its result.'''' Bloomf. rwi/ oXiyoiv = twv dwaroov. 7. Tci)v ^vfifxdxoiv depends on toIs uvayKaa^elo-LP (sc. dn-oo-Taai) — rois eKovariv dTroa-rdai^ and is therefore placed at the beginning of the sen- tence. Tiva oUcr^e ovriva is an instance of what Is called inverse attraction, rtW, which should properly be in the nominative, being attracted to the case of its relative. Of. S. § 175. 2. /Spa^eia jrpo(^ao-et, on some slight pretence. [xij^ep na'^elp dvrjKearov is euphe- mistically spoken for death or slavery. 8. 17^111' is the dat. incommodi after dTvoKeKLvhwda-eTai (used as a common future. Cf. Kost, § 113. 12. N. 8), or it may be considered as standing for the adnominal genitive after xpw^^"^"- S. § 201. 5. TTpoo-o'Sou depends on a-Tepfjaea'^e. I know not why Bloomf. should regard the change from this verb to the first person e^opev^ as any more harsh than those of the same kind, which are so frequently recurring in Thucydides; The orator in his vehemence uses the sec- ond person, but recollecting himself, he recurs to the first person, as a softer form, especially as the thing supposed must have been very ungrateful to the ears of an Athenian audience (cf. Poppo's Proleg. I. p. 276). This change of person is quite common in all harangues in which invective and argument are mingled together. CHAPTER XL. No Lope of freedom should therefore be held out to the Mytilenians, nor §ljould the decree be altered at the instigation of the orators (§§ 1,2); for pity should be exercised towards those "who have kindred and friendly feelings, and not to most virulent enemies, and the orators should choose some occasion, in which their rhetorical powers may be displayed with less barm than in the present instance (§ 3) ; both justice and expediency demant* that signal punishment shall be inflicted on these offenders (§§ 4, 5) ; for the conscious- ness that the Athenians, as the injured party, can never be other than tlieir enemies, will ever excite them to the most deadly hatred (§ 6) ; therefore tlie Athenians should be firm, and by a timely severity furnish a salutary lesson to all the other allies (§ 7). 1. TrpoSeti/at. So Bekker, Bloomf., Arnold, and Kruger read, on the ground that to Jiold out a hope is a more natural expression than to gite a hope. Xoyw, oratory. ina-Trjv =z. founded upon. &)s. . . .Xjj^oi/rai denotes the object of eXnida: hope that they shall receive, etc. dv^pconivcas belongs to apapreiv, and the clause is well rendered by Poppo, xeniam humanities peccandi accipient, i. e. Chap. XL.] NOTES. 615 veniam peccandi ideo accipient., quia peccare Jiumanum sit. Tlie same critic refers to Xen. Oyr. VI. 1. § 37, which citation aptly illustrates the present passage. to clkovo-iov^ the involuntary^ 1. e. an error committed involuntarily. 2. vvv diaixdxofxai^ still contend (in argument) ; literally, fight throuyh^ do not yield the contest. yLerayvavai — to. TrpoSeSoy/ieVa, through a change of mind to repeal the decrees. I see no reason why TO. Trpodcboyfxfva is to be made dependent on a preposition understood, as Bloomf. suggests, since the verb has evidently a transitive sense in this place. Of. Liddell and Scott suh voce. Arnold discriminates betAveen oUtco and iiruLK^'ia^ the former being a feeling of the mind exercised by such as are not possessed of the latter, which refers rather to a habit of the mind, gentleiiess^ mildness. Betant translates cTTteiKeia^ dementia^ which is doubtless its meaning here. 3. irpbs Tovs ofjLOLovs, towards those who are of the same mind (with us) = who sympathize with us. l^ di/ay/c/^y, necessarily. fV aXXots iXaa-aoaiv^ in other matters of less moment. ^pax^a Tja'^ela-a^ deing pleased for a short tiine. Of. Mt. § 414. 12. p.eyaXa Cip-io)' o-erai, shall suffer great loss. For the use of the middle voice, cf. K. § 251. R. 1 ; for the construction, cf. Mt. § 415. Ois. 3. to na'^e'lv €v refers to bribes from the Mytilenians, which Cleon intimates as influencing the orators. Cf. ^ Kepdei inaipopLevos^ III. 38. § 2. The student will notice the pointed antithesis between e/c tov ev elnuv and TO TraSfTi' ev, which is rendered more piquant by their juxtaposition. €TTiTT]deiovs = (pikovs. See N. on I. 60. § 2. Trpos tovs 6}xol-> ovs.. . .vnoXecnoixevovs^ towards those who will remain the same in disposition (see N. on § 3), and he not the less our enemies than before tliey were pardoned. 4. h de ^vveXcov Xeyo). See IN", on I. 70. § 8. ev depends on Xeyw. TO. ^vfji^opa to yourselves. aXXcos be yvovTcs, iut dy deciding otJiericise, i. e. by exercising clemency towards the Mytilenians. ov xaptf '0"^^, you will confer no favor upon them, lay them under no obligation, i. e. they will feel no obligations to you for your clemency. So the Schol. interprets it, ovx e^ovaiv t}[xlv X'^P'-^' vpas. . . .Sixat- joo-6es (see IST. on I. 71. § 6) a far Mtterer enemy., than one who is so from reciprocity {pi injury), i. e. Avhere the parties have received, in fair and open contest, equal injury. This sentence, which is exceedingly compressed, con- tains the reason of the preceding assertion, and is therefore introduced by yap. Of. iv^vprpivTcs . . . .dSiKt'a?, § 5. 7. Here commences the peroration. yevonsvoi. . . .ndo-x^i'V', ''<^- calling as far as possible the feelings you experienced when suffering (from their defection) ; literally, deing as near as possible in your mind (i. e. in your thoughts) to the time of suffering, tov frdax^iv depends on iyyvrara. S. § 187. 1. The construction proceeds by koi a)j — av €Tifjir](raa^€, because yevop-evoi — -nj yvcapirj may be mentally sup- plied in the modified sense of bLavorpevres^ which we find in I. 143. § 5, a passage very analogous to this. irpb ttovtos, above every thing. npos to napov auriKa, i7i reference to what is immediately before you., i. e. the miserable condition of the Mytilenians. This is antithetic to the subject of thought recommended in yevopL^voL , . . , ndu-xei-v. The speaker exhorts them to act under the influence of the memory of past injuries, and not to give place to the emotions of pity, Inspired by the present distress of the Mytilenians. avrUa gives in- ' tensity to the idea contained in rb rrapov. 8. d^to)?, SC. TTJs ddiKias. Toii. . . .KaTaarfja-aTe^ malce a con- pieuous example to the other confederates. Goeller says that ^r]pt(0(r6pevov does not depend on napd^eiypa^ since thus it should have been ^rjp.iaxrca'^ai^ or ^T]pLd)a€Tai^ but is in apposition with it, as though it had been KaraarriaaTe TrapdSeiy/ia, KaTaarfjaraTef os clv dcfyv rrrirat, 'Siavdra ^T]piai(T6fi€vov. Chat. XUL] NOTES. 617 CHAPTERS XLII.— XLYIIL Tbueydides no\y gives us the speech of Diodotus, who in the first discus- eion had ai-gued against the decree to slay the Mytilenians (cf. III. 41). This oration is in grateful and beautiful contrast with the one which precedes it, being mild, conciliatory, liberal, humane, and eminently adapted to soothe the angry feelings excited by the speech of Cleon. The truthfulness of its statements, the candor and good sense which pervade it, and the skilful arrangement of the points to be illustrated and enforced, worked such a change in the sentiments of the meeting, that the bloody decree was revoked and the Mytilenians saved from utter destruction. One cannot but wish to know more of the man, who so nobly vindicated wise and enlightened principles of legislation, and the interests of humanity. It will be seen that this oration, like that of Cleon, has no exordium, yet its commencement is well adapted to conciliate the audience, and bespeak for the orator their favorable attention. After a few preliminary remarks^ he gradually and skilfully turns the mind of his hearers from the justice to the expediency of the decree just passed. He shows that the extremest se- verity would not prevent the existence of revolts, while it would drive those engaged in them to the most desperate and prolonged defence. He speaks of the bad policy of confounding in this decree the slaughter of both friends and foes, since it would ever after drive the populace to take sides in every revolt with the aristocracy. Thus he argues almost solely the question of expediency, being aware, probably, that the minds of the majority of those present were disposed already to compassion, and only needed something upon which they might repose, as a reasonable ground for the reversal of the decree. CHAPTER XLII. The orator commences by disclaiming all intention to censure or praise any one in respect to this second deliberation, and avows bis belief that anger and haste are the two greatest Linderanccs to wise counsel (§ 1) ; they are foolish or dishonest who deny the power of words over actions, and still more those who impute such unworthy motives to the speakers (§ 2) ; to wrongfully attribute ignorance to them might be accounted folly, but to charge upon them bribery unsustained by proof, shows that the accuser is both a dunce and a knave (§ 3) ; such conduct is injurious -also to the state, for it drives from public life all who have the ability to counsel or direct (§ 4) ; no citizen should use bis eloquence to intimidate his opponent, but should fairly gain his point, and no state should detract from ine honor of its counsellors or punish those who err (§ 5), for then they would have no Inducement to give other than an honest advice in respect to matters of deliberation (§ 6). 1. av^is is to be constrncted with irpo^ivras. Eeference is had to Sav/xa^a).,..Xeyetj/ uttered by Cleon (III. 88. § 1). 8t,afyv6)fxr]Vf 618 NOTES [Book lU. decree. fxciJL(f)oixevovs implies a negative, and hence is followed bj /i?) with the infinitive. See N. on I. 10. § 1. vofxiCo) be dvo k. t. X. refers to /cat xP^vov diarpi^rjv efXTroiija-dvrav in Cleon's speech (III. 38, § 1). opyi'jv, passion^ such as Oleon doubtless had manifested in his speech. rb [xev refers to rdxos^ and to Se to opyrju. /3pa- XVTTjTos yvoofjLT]s^ deficiency of judgment. 2. didaa-KoXovs^ teachers^ directors. tj Ihlq re avra biacpepei^ or Tie 7ms some private interest involved. See N. on I. 68. § 2. This must have been keenly felt by Cleon. The sentences commencing "with d^vveros fiev and dta(j)€p€i 8" avra^ are epexegetical of fj d^vveros .... Sia^epf I in which lies the general assertion. aWa than by the use of words, i. e. by discussion. cu. . . .dvvaa'^ai. he thinks that he could not speaTc well in a had cause, av belongs to bvvaG^ai. €v in ev be bia^aXo)}/ is to be taken in the sense of copiose^ vehementer. It is employed to give point to the antithesis in ev fxev elne'iu and €v be biafiaXwv. "VTe employ the word good in a similar use, when we say, he is good at slandering^ good at spreading falsehoods^ and the like. 3. ;(aX67ro)rarot, the most dangerous. koL .Tiva, loho also {Ka\) in addition (to opposing the speech) impute to the sp>ealcers a display (= a showing off) for the saJce of gain. Such is essentially the interpretation of Arnold, and seems to harmonize best with the context. Eeference is had to the charge made by Cleon, III. 38. § 2 (end), koi in this interpretation belongs to Trpoa-KaTTjyopovvres. Construct enl xP^H-^'^'- "^i^^ enibei^iv (sc. Ta>v prjTopcov). d^vveTO)-- Tepos — jj aStKcorepos, a MocTchead rather than a Tcnave., i. e. foolish to a higher degree than wicked. See N. on I. 21. § 1. axrep^copet refers to tl^e place occupied by the speaker, and from which ho retired at the close of his speech. Hence it signifies here, departs from the debate or controversy. vTroTrros, suspected of acting from improper motives. Kai responds to re. p-erh. d^vvea-'ias = koL d^vveros. abiKos. Repeat yiyverai. 4. iv ra Toiabe. See ]Sr. on II. 36. § 1. Cf. III. 43. § 5. <^o'/3a), through fear that their motives would be impeached, as had been done by Cleon on the present occasion. This passage wiU be better under- stood by referring tcov ^vp^ovKav to the persons accused in ot cV/- bei^LP Tiva^ and Toiis tolovtovs tSuv TvoKirSiv to the accusers. From kcX ttXcTo-t . . . .TvoKiroiv it seems fair to infer, that Cleon was admitted to be eloquent, though as Bloomf. remarks, the hind is not determined. 5. tiTTo Toi) tcrov^ (squa conditioner on equal footing^ stands opposed to eK^o^ovvra^ l)y intimidating. rr]v be aacfipova introduces tho duty which a state owes to good counsellors. prj Tvpocm^evM TipLTjv, not to confer additional honor. dXKa pT]b\ hut (on tho other Chap. XLm.] NOTES. 619 hand) not. rov ixt} rvxovra yvafxrjs refers to a counsellor whose advice the state has not followed. ovx oncos — dXka [irjb\ not only 7iot — l)ut not even. This is a formula which we meet with frequently in the Greek authors. 6. ovToi yap introduces the reason why the state should protect the reputation of its counsellors from the aspersion of demagogues eVi cl^iouo-Sai, dy the expectation of greater honors. ope- yoLTo. Eepeat ^Kia-ra av from the preceding context. tm avrw^ in the same way^ i. e. by speaking contrary to his judgment and to acquire favor. x"P*C"M^^os n koL airos is epexegetical of tw avra. CHAPTER XLIII. Through such undue suspicion of venality even good counsel is rejected (§ 1), and deceit bo- comes alike necessary to the success of measures proposed by the good and the bad (§ 2), and the state becomes the only body which cannot be benefited without artifice (§ 3) ; hence those who give advice in such a state of things should bo far more long-sighted than those who follow it, as they are held so much more strictly accountable (§ 4) ; far better would it be to make both responsible, than as now is the practice, to visit the ill-success of a measure solely upon the adviser (§ 5). 1. 0)1/ depends on rdvavTia, and refers to the things which have just been declared as befitting a wise state to do. (fi^ovrja-avres . . . .Kepbav, refusing through envy [to listen to him] on account of a groundless suspicion of his venality ; or perhaps, envying the gain which he is suspected of having ohtained, although the ground of sus- picion is very slight. Cf. Kt. § 336. a. Opposed to ov ^e^alov is Tr]V (j)avepdv. 2. OTTO Tov €v?i€os. Sco N. ou I. 34. § 3. dirdTT} is opposed to yjreva-dp.^vov^ hy falsehood, deception. The general idea is that the wretched policy hero declaimed against, renders it necessary for the good and the bad alike to practise deceit in order to carry their mea- sures. 3. neptvoias, " over-wiseness.''^ Liddell and Scott. " Extreme sur- mises.''^ Bloomf. eu noirja-ai eK tov Trpocfyavovs (see N. on I. 35. § 4), to openly ieneft. The object is ixoi/rjv re ttoXiv, the state alone in opposition to private individuals. dv^ivTronTeverat f l^f i»', ^ sus- pected of having a secret view to his own interest. Abresch explains dv'ivTTOiTTeveTat by dvri tov do'^evTos dya'^ov virorrTeveTai. 4. The orator now begins to apply these general reflections on the unwise course of the state, to the position into which it places the 620 NOTES. [Book III orators and counsellors. Trpbs ra /xeyicrTa, in reference to the high- est interests. eV tco rotwde (see N. on III. 42. § 4) a^iovvri {= iv TOL^be d^iaa-ei. Jelf's Kiihn. § 436. a. -y), '■'■while such notions prevail on ytiur partP Arnold. In respect to d|toi;in-t, see N. on fieXeroiVTi, I. 142. § 7. Kriig. edits d^iovu ri, and constructs n with Xeycii/ 17/xaff, i. e. the statesmen, political leaders. vnwv depends on Trepairepa Trpovoovvras, forecasting further than you. Opposed to this is bC okiyov (sc. xpovov) aKonovvTcov^ referring to the ease and rapidity with which the people could come to a conclusion, which the leaders had to reach by a long and laborious process of reasoning and reflection. vnev^vvov. . , .txovras^ being responsible for our advice. Trpos, in comparison with. 5. TTpbs dpyfjv TJuTiva k. t. X. This passage has received various in- terpretations according to the manner of arranging and pointing the words. Herm., Haack, and Poppo place a comma after rvxrjTe^ and supply (TjjjLiovirrcs, which gives tlie sense, you punish according to the passion which may chance to influence you at the time of the punish- ment. This interpretation is disapproved of by Arnold, because the speaker is not discoursing about punishment which varies according to the ebb and flow of the people's resentment, but of one which is certain and severe. He therefore follows the construction adopted by Bekker and Goeller, (r(f)a\evTes ecmv ore npos opyrjv rjvTLva rvx^Te (or<^aXei/Ter), meeting from time to time with some disaster^ according to the various passions which may have lured you to incur disasters. Both these constructions are pronounced by Bloomf. to give a forced and jejune sense. This critic joins irpos opyrjv — ^-qpnovTe^ and at rjvTiva supplies irapalvecnv from the preceding context, through anger at whatsoever counsel ye have proposed amiss^ ye visit with punishment^ etc. Of these modes of interpretation I am disposed to adopt the first, as being more in accordance with the order of the words in the toxt, and yielding a good and appropriate sense. Kriiger, whose prac- tical scholarship and sound judgment generally lead him to the right sense, supplies ^r^piovvres with Tvxnre (after Hermann), and joins iiTTiv ore with ^Tjp.iovr€. It may be referred, however, to acftdkevrts, Chap. XLIV.] NOTES. 621 CHAPTER XLIV. DIodotus, disclaiming all intention of accastng any one in relation to the aifair in hand, pro- ceeds to lay down the principle upon which the question before them is to ha dccldsd, Avhich is one of expediency and not of justice (§§ 1, 2) ; this being so, he maij2.lii:a?, in opposition to the opinion of Cleon, that the proposed decree will be highly prejudioiul to the Athenian interests (§§ 3, 4). 1. Having now replied to the criminations whicli Cleon had heapei upon the orators, and marked out the course which a well-regulated state ought to pursue in reference to those at the head of public affairs, the orator comes more directly to the consideration of the sub- ject for which they had been summoned together. The opening words of the section are similar to those in which the oration was commenced, a disclaimer being made of all intention to blame any one, as the question is not one concerning the desert of the Mytileni- ans, but the true policy of the Athenians in respect to them. KaTTj-yoprjaaiv the Mytilenians. 6 aycoi/, the question. 2. el fXT] ^vfi(})epov (sc. eVri), unless it is conducive to our interest. ^v re Koi. ...(^alvoLTo. The apodosis may be readily supplied from the context, for of the alternatives, one with its consequence is given, by which is known the consequence which belongs to the other, and which is suppressed for a rhetorical purpose. Translate then the clause 971/ . . . . eiev, and even if they Jiad some claim to for- giveness [I ^Dould not advise to spare them\. Bloomf. prefers the read- ing exovras — eai/, which Dindorf with apparent approbation cites, in his notes on the text, as the correction of G. Burges. 3. TtepX Tov fieXKovTos^ concerning the future^ i. e. what pertains to our future welfare. tov rrapovTos. Supply nepl from the cor- responding member. tovto .... la-xvpl^erai^ as it respects thojt which Cleon so positively affirms, roiiro depends upon avrtcrxvpi^rjiie- vos^ and refers forward to es to Xonrov. . . .TrpoSeTo-t which explains it. Trpo'y, with respect to^ follows ^vp-^ipov^ and Samroy (op.iav npo'^elcn (if we hold out death as the penalty) is the protasis of ^vp,- rone are men to err, that punishment has been inflicted with increased s tverity, until capital puaishnient has been tried and found an unsuccessful remedy (§ 3) ; for the extremes of povert;y and wealth, and indeed all the middle stations furnish incitements to evil, which, strengthened by hope and desire, hurry men on in defiance of all the terrors of penal enact- ments (§§ 4, 5) ; fortune also by her unexpected favors impels men and especially stattfl to deeds of daring and great hazard, so that it is impossible to restrain human nature from following any object of its desire (§§ 6, T). 1. ovK. , . .afiapTTjixaTau^ of offences not equal to ^Ais (of the Myti- lenians), tut of much less turpitude. Punishment by death is here as- serted to be no certain prevention of even smaller crimes than that chargeable upon the Mytilenians, and hence, if inflicted npon that peo- ple, would serve to no purpose in deterring the other allies from re- volting. I see no necessity of taking with Bloomf. ol in the sense of ov (xovov. Korayj/ov? . . . . eVijSouXev/iart, judging of himself that he shall 7iot pass through the enterprise with safety. See I^. on 11. 13. §T. 2. r\(ra-a> than was absolutely necessary. rfj boKfjaei = Kara rfju hoKqaiv. ^vnfiaxio. like olKciav belongs to irapao-Kevrjv^ the con- struction being varied, rovra^ i. e. rw d^iVrao-Sat. 3. necfivKacn — dfiapraveLv^ are naturally prone to err. tovtov^ 1. e. afiaprdveiv. SieleXjyXvSao-t, have 7'un through, i. e. have had recourse to. Trpoa-TC^evres^ adding to them, i. e. increasing the number of punishments and adding to their severity. citto)? (see N. on I. 58. § 1) KaKovpyoiv. This shows that suppression of crime was the principal if not the only object of punishment. ddiKrjfxd- Ttop depends on avrds, i. e. ras ^Tjplas. p.a\aKa>T€pas than the punishments which have since been added. irapa^aivoyiivaiv, sc. roiv voficov, the idea being readily suggested by avras referring to the punishments enjoined by the laws. dvr}Kov(n = dvepxovrai. Schol. roCro, i. e. punishment by death. The application of this argu- ment of the insufficiency of severe punishment to prevent crime, to the case of the Mytilenians, will be seen by every reader. 4. TovTov, i. e. Tov Sai/arov. dvdyKrj, v^pei, cf)povfjp.aTty and oiryrj are datives of the instrument. i^iovaia. Supply napfxova-a from the preceding clause. ^vvrvxidi- = situations of life in which men chance to be placed. eKda-rr] (sc. ^vvrvxla) is put here for the person occupying the situation. i^dyovaiv es tovs kiv8vvovs^ lead on into dangers. The expression is exceedingly forcible, tho veib signifying to excite, rouse, hurry on. Chap. XLVL] NOTES. 62S 5. e\n\s and epcos are the subjects of ^XaTTTova-i. 6 flip refers to 6 epcos, and rj B' to fj iXnis. im^o\r]v^ " rationem rei aggrediendmy Betant. See N. on I. 93. § 6. koL deivav, and although unseen are more powerful (in their influence) than manifest dangers. How graphic a description of the sway exercised by these master passions over the human soul ! 6. in avTois (i. e. iXnis and epca?), in addition to these. in Ta)u vTTodeecTTepcov^ '"'■with insufficient resources.'''' Blooraf. ov^ rio-a-ov Tas noXeis. The way is preparing, by this application of the argument to states as well as individuals, for the appeal which the orator is soon to make in behalf of the Mytilenians. Sara. See N. on I. 68. § 2. Trepi tcov /xeyio-rcoi/, sc. KLvbvvevovcrt elicited from the context. ixera Trdprau, 1. e. with the community at large. em edo^aa-ev, thinlcs of himself somewhat too highly = conceives too high an idea of himself The MS. reading is in favor of avrccv^ which is preferred, though not so edited, by Arnold and Poppo. In that case we should supply mentally iXev'^cpias koi apx^s. 7. noXKrjs evTj'^eias (S. § 190), oarcs o'Urai, "a manner of speaking confused between evrj'^eLas tan to o'Uo-'^ai^ and evlj'^rjs^ oa-ns oUrai.^^ Arnold. (f)v(r€(os opfxoDfiivTjs is a genitive absolute, or perhaps it depends on dTroTponfjv. Tvpa^ai depends on 6ppa>p,€vr]s. CHAPTER XLVI. The adoption of punwbmcnt by death as the penalty of revolt, would prevent those who had defected from returning to their duty, while yet they could make reparation for their fault, and give to them the courage of despair (§§ 1-8) ; whereas the allies will be kept from revolting far more eflfectually by previous care and watchfulness, than by the terror of bloody decrees (§§ 4-6). - 1. cos e'xfyyvG), as a security against the defection of the allies. dveXnLaTov " accusativus praadicati est, sicut as ovk earat pera- yvcovai pro accusativo object! posita sunt, ut si dveXmo-Tov Karaarriaai (i. e. TTotrja-ai.) to peTayvcovai legeretur." Poppo. The negative ovk in as OVK ea-Toi is employed on account of the negation contained in dveXma-Tov. See N. on I. 77. § 3. on iv ^paxoTUTco is put for iv on PpaxvTdTco. See N. on I. 63. § 1, KaTaXvaai (see Is. on I. 13. § 2), to maJce an end of to efface. Supply mentally ttj p€Tayva>a-ei. 2. The speaker now proceeds to show the advantage of a mild and generous treatment of revolted states. vvv pev = as things now are^ i. e. under the lenient system now pursued. ko/, even. yya p^ 7repi€o-o/x€M;, should find that it could not succeed in its plans. 624 .. NOTES. [BooKin dvvar^ odaa crt, while (see N. on 1. 13. § 6) it was yet able. Sa- TTciwyi/, i. 0. the expenses incurred in putting down the revolt. vTroreXeli/, to pay tribute. The verb is here taken absolutely. iKcivas (see N. on I. 77. § 3), i. e. in the manner now proposed by Cleon. fx€v — re here correspond like fiiu — Se. Cf. K. § 322. R. 3. 7rapaT€V€7a?iai (s tovctx^tov^ Tiold out to the last. rb avro dvvarai, is the same thing, malces no difference. Cf. I. 141. § 1. 3. banavav Ka?ir]fievoif, i. e. " in obsidione urbis." Haack. kq' ijv eXcofiep tvokiv k. t. X. This is spoken in opposition to what Cleon said in III. 30. § 8. rabe, i. e. by the revenue. 4. coare. ottcos, SO that we ought not, by being severe judges of the offenders, to suffer injury (ourselves), but rather see how. ov — fxaXXov — 7. See N. on II. 87. § 2. Bloomf. supplies aarre before ^Xdirre- a'iai. is. . . . l(rxvou(rais<, in a good condition in respect to (es Xoyov) the payment of money. Arnold renders is xp^y/^arwi; \6yov, on the score of money, and refers the origin of the phrase to the ex- pression, if tee come to talk about money. Cf. Liddell and Scott, sub voce Xoyos. rS)v epycov, our proceedings. 5. ov refers to the practice just recommended. dpS>vT€s is to be constructed with oid/xeSia, and fjpas is to be supplied with xP^^^'" Tivd, some, any. In iXcv^epov Koi ^ia apxap-evov there is no real contradiction, since the independence of these states was merely nominal. Cf. rjp.e7s....6v6jj.aTi, III. 10. §6. cIkotcos is to be taken with anoo-Tavra. 6. Tovs iXev^epovs is the object of KoXd^eiv. acjioBpa — (x^obpOf excessively — very much. Poppo refers this repetition to the figure of speech st^'led iraplacocrts. tovtov, i. e. tov dcpiaraa'^ai. Schol. oTt eV iXdxi-a-Tov, to as few as possible, which interpretation agrees better with what follows in the next chapter, than that which refers it to the degree of punishment, as light as possible. Reference is had to the words of Cleon, p-f) toIs dTroXixnjTe, III. 39. § 6. CHAPTER XLYII. rue conrse recommended by Cleoa will alienate the minds of the common people, who are now favorable to the Athenian interests (§§ 1, 2) ; for inasmuch as they are certain of bo- - Ing punished, whether guilty or innocent, they will take sides with the leaders of the re^ volt (§ 3) ; whereas the true policy would be to take no apparent notice of their defection, and thus secure their continued good will (§§ 4, 5). 1. ooov apaprdvoLTe, how much you would err also in this thing, Tovro refers to what follows in vvv plv yap vixlv k. t. X. Chap. XLVIIL] NOTES. 625 2. Tols oXtyoiff, i. e. the aristocracy in these cities. koi ttjs. . . . inepx^a-'^e^ and you enter into the war, having as your allies the popu- lace of the city which is opposed to you (see N". on I. Yl. § 1). Duker takes irrepxea-'^e in a future sense, which Poppo has successfully refuted in his Proleg. I. p. 155. 3. ottXo)!/. . . .eKparrjaeu. Cf. III. 27. §§ 2, 3. KaTaarTr](T€T€ . . . . ^dXicTTa, you will estahlish for the aristocracy that which they most especially desire. rots hwaTots (= rots oXlyois, § 2), Bloomf. well internrets, the higher classes. a^ioraj/res, having caused to r&volt. Cf. I. 66. § 1 ; 81. § 3 ; II. 80. § 1. Kela^iai, is determined, ordained. 4. rjdiKrja-av refers to the commonality of the Mytilenians (6 drjuos 6 MvTi\rjvai(ov, § 3). fir] npoo-TToie^a^ai, to maJoe as if it were not 80, to appear not to de conscious of it. Arnold illustrates the position of the negative by the careless and common expression, you must not seem to notice it, for you must seem not to notice it. Of. Yig. p. 167. YII. 5. TovTo refers forward to eKovras 5ta03etpat, tJiat we should ie willing to suffer injury rather than to destroy, altJcuugh justly, those whom it is for our interest to spare. Set = ^u/x^e'pei {rfj TroXct 8ia- (^SeTpat). Koi to KXecavos K. r. X., and that which was said ty Cleon (cf. m. 40. § 4), that justice and iiiterest in punishment are the same. iv avrS. Goel. supplies eV rw rcfxcopelaJiai.. CHAPTER XLVIII. Diodotus concludes by advising the Athenians to pass judgment, at their leisure, upon such of the Mytilenians as had been instigators and abettors of the revolt, and suffer the rest to dwell in peace in their country (§§1, 2), 1. This chapter contains the epiloguo. rdSe refers to the items of advice given by Diodotus in the body of his oration. o'lktco .... fTrieiKeia is opposed to dn avrcou 8e tcov Trapaivovfjievcov. — olde eyo) any more than Cleon. This idea would be conveyed by pronouncing eyoj with a sl'ght stress of voice. ovs = cKelvovs ovs, of which the antecedent depends on Kplvai. Udxrjs drriivefi^ev. Cf. III. 28. § 2. Ka3* Tja-vxiav, at your leisure, perhaps euphemistically spoken for, in a calm and dispassionate manner. oIkc^p, to dwell in their own country. This is opposed to the decree which had just been passed, that the male adults should all be put to death, and the women and children sold for slaves (cf. III. 36. § 2). 27 626 NOTES. [Book KI, 2. Tois TToXf/iiois-, i. e. the Peloponnesians. 7rp6s tovs havrlovi (referring to the Peloponnesians) is to be constructed with fZ /3ouXev- vrai^ and not with Kpeicro-cov iarlv, as some suppose. /xcr ep-yco* lo-xvos, with deeds of strength^ i. e. by mere force. CHAPTER XLIX. The Athenians by a small majority adopt the advice of Diodotos, and despatch with fiU speed a second trireme to countermand the orders sent out by the first one (§§ 1, 2) ; the sailors making the most intense and unremitted exertions, the ship reaches Mytilene barely in time to save its inhabitants from destruction (§§ 3, 4). 1. fxakiarra avrnvakav Trpos aXXT^Xay, most especially matched against each otlier. This is a predicate, the expression being as though writ- ten at yvcofiai epprj^rjaau dvrtVaXot. Arnold understands by this, that the real contest was between the motion of Oleon and that of Diodo- tus, and that the modifications of either party were merged in the views of these two leaders. But, as Poppo remarks, we should have then expected the article tS>v after tovtcdj/. Spcos^ i. e. notwitli- standing the majority of the people had voted for a reconsideration of the subject, yet when the main question was put, the vote to rescind the decree Avas not carried without a struggle. If this reference of ofias to what is related in III. 39. §§ 4, 5, be considered too far-fetched, we may refer it to paXia-ra dXXj^Xas, and thus paraphrase it : not- withstanding the opinions and sentiments were so equally balanced, yet the supporters of the new measure ventured to put the question to vote (rjX'iov is dycova — t^s ^o^'/s", came into a conflict of opinion). rj Tov Alo86tov^ SC. yvoipr]. 2. O77C0? pr] — evpaai^ in order that they might not find = lest they should find. (^^ao-aarqs Trjs devrepas. It is difiicult to elicit any sense from this reading, and I therefore concur with the best of the recent editors, such as Goel., Poppo, Kriig., Arnold, and Bloomfield, that we should read irepas or nporepas. Reference is had to the ship, which had been despatched with the decree to put the Mytilenians to death (cf. III. 36, § 3). To this ship irpofix^ in the next sentence refers. It had the start of the second ship twenty-four hours, the two ships having sailed on the evenings of the days in which the respective decrees had been passed, or the mornings of the next days. 8. raiv MuriXTyi/aicov Trpea^ecov. Cf. III. 28. § 1. rja^iov re apa iXavvopres^ they ate while rowing. From this it appears that the progress of ships, so far as it depended on the oarsmen, was suspended duj'ing the meals. Kara pepos, ly turns. Chap. L.] NOTES. 627 4. KOI TTJs . . . .aXKoKOTov, and the first ship not sailing with haste upon so monstrous an affair^ i. e. an errand of such unheard-of cruelty. ravTTjs^ i. e. the last ship. 17 fiep refers to the first ship, and is responded to by 17 S' in the following sentence. roa-ovrov. . . . \f/^Tj(f)icrfia^ so long a time as for Paches to read the decree = just enough time for Paches^ etc. See N. on I. 2. § 2. Trapa Kivbvvov, into such great danger did Mytilene come. Trapa, along^ along 5y, shows the proximity of the Mytilenians to the danger here spoken of. Bloomf. unnecessarily supposes a blending of two modes of expression, €9 TO(TOVTOV KlvbvVOV^ and TTapO. TOaOVTOV oki^pOV OVK aiToikcTO. , CHAPTER L. The leaders ia the Mytilenian revolt are put to death (§ 1) ; the walls of the city are demol- ished, the ships given up, and the land assigned to Athenian shareholders to whom the Lesbians thenceforth pay rent (§ 2) ; their continental towns are also made subject to the Athenians (§ 8). 1. KXecBws- yvoifirj^ ty the decree of Cleon. That decree had only been rescinded, so far as it related to the inhabitants on the island. Against those who had been removed by Paches to Tenedos it was suffered to remain in full force. T^lxq- This word is found in this connection without the article in 1. 101. § 3, but takes it in 1. 108. § 3. 2. rptcrxiXiouff. Arrowsmith makes the area of Lesbos to have been 566 square miles, which, on the supposition that Methymna embraced one-fifth of the island, would leave for division 453 square miles = 289,920 acres, which divided by 3000 would give 96.64 acres for each lot or share. Three hundred of these shares being dedicated to the gods, there were left 2700 shares to be divided by lot {tovs Xa- Xovras^ among the Athenians. Arnold observes, that these sharehold- ers went out to Lesbos only to see their land, for it is quite evident from the subsequent history of the island, that no Athenian population was residing there. Bloomfield, however, thinks that quite a number of them remained, most of whom may have died off before the subse- quent revolt, which took place some fifteen years after. Cf. VIII. 22. 23. Ta^dp-evoL — (pepeiv. See N. on I. 99. § 3. Tov KX-fjpov eKa- arov^ for each share. S. § 200. 4. 8vo pvas, i. e. 200 drachma:s, or $35.18, according to the old Attic value of the 8paxpr} (see N. on III. 17. § 3), or $33.04, according to the later value. 3. iv rfj ineipa opposite to Lesbos. o(r(ov MvnXrjvaioi cKparovVf as many as the Mytilenians had command of. 628 NOTES. [BooKin CHAPTER LI. The Athenians send out an expedition under Nicias against Jliiioa, in order to prevent the Peloi)onnesians from the use of Megara as a port for their shipping (§§ 1, 2) ; to this end h« constructs a wall on the side towards the continent, and having thus cut off all communi cation with the main land, and left a garrison in the place, retires from the island (§§ 3, 4) 1. cV de TM avra ?i€p€i. The scene is now shifted to the Saronio gulf. In the next chapter, the history of the siege of Plataea is re- sumed from III. 24. Great praise is due to the writer for the admira- ble order and clearness of these details of the war. Ntxiov. This celebrated Athenian, whose name is henceforth found so often in the pages of this history, is now first introduced to the reader. In his public and private character he was irreproachable, but was timid and cautious to a fault. Hence the play on his name in the verb fieXKoviKido). A fine sketch of his character may be found in Smith's Diet. Gr. and Eom. Biog. and Mythol. Mti/coav, Minoa. Col. Leake (j!^orth. Gr. 11. pp. 401-3) says that this could not have been the nearest island opposite to Megara, which is too small and too distant from the shore, but the peninsula, a mile farther to the east, at the entrance of the strait of Salamis. 2. e^ovXero. , . .eJvai. The order of construction is to make t-^p cjivKaKTju (i. e. the station for the ships which blockaded Ilfisea) the subject of cfi/ai, and limit the verb by rois ^A^rjvalois. With dno tov Bovbopov repeat ttjv cf)vkaKT]v from the first member, avro^ev = dno rrjs Mivaas. For the construction of 8l eXda-aovos, cf. N. on 11. 29. § 3. Tovs T€. . . .cKirXovs = ejSovXero (repeated from the preceding context) oncos oi UcXoTrovvrjaLot. fir) noicovTai eKTrXovs. Some prefer to supply (^uXacrcreo-Sat, but as e^ovXero is tO be supplied at Tois re.... fCTTrXfii/, I see no reason why it may not be understood here. ^r]bev icrnXelvj " that TiotTimg should he imported. Neuter for passive, as not unfrequently in this verb." Bloomf. 3. dno rrji Niaaias (on the side towards I^isaa) follows npoexovrc^ jutting out. fxrjxavais denotes the instrument. €< SoXao-o-Tys belongs to eXcov = taking dy an assault from the sea. So we speak of assaulting a place by sea, as opposed to a land-attack. a7reret;^t^« . . . ^Trei'pou, he walled off that part which faced the continent. Sea N". on I. G4. § 1. fi Kara ye^vpav., where l)y means of a Iridge. Chat. LH] NOTES. 6.29 CHAPTER LII. The Plateeans being pressed by famine surrender to the Lacedaemonians, stipulating that a fair trial shall be granted tliem (§§ 1-3) ; the Lacedaemonians send five commissioners, to whose question of their guilt or innocence, put without any formal accusation, the riataeans reply as follows (§§ 4, 5). 1. iroXiopKeTa^ai^ to stand a siege; literally, to he tesieged. Cf. III. 109. § 1. 2. npoaeftaXov refers to the Peloponnesians, and alrcov to the Pla- tseans. clprjfxivov yap rjv avrS^ for he had deen commanded (not to take the place by force). So Goel. supplies from the preceding context pr} ^la eXeTi/. el (movdal ylyvoivro. The apodosis is /xi) avdboTos etr]. avTcov refers to the Plataeans implied in t) UXdraia which precedes. el ^ovXovrac. The same mood is here used which the speaker would have employed, the person however being the same as though the indirect oration had been employed. re corresponds with the following §e, and connects /coXa^eti/ (sc. tovs AaKe^aipovlovs) with xPW^^^°-'- Arnold remarks that the tense is changed in Koka^eiv^ probably to show that the subject is changed. Ilaack finds the apodosis in tovs re ddUovs KoXd^eij^, if they are willing (el ^ovXovrai) — they (the Lacedaemonians) will punish^ etc. This is less natural than the construction, by which the infinitive KokdCuv is made to depend on /SouXoi/rat, whether they are willing — that the Lacedcemonians may punish^ etc. 8. ria-av ao-Sei/eoraro), '"''nam ad ultimum inopicB jam venerant.^'' Poppo. SiKoo-rat, judges^ or rather commissioners^ for the doom of the Platoeans had been already determined. — — eTriKaXeadp-evot. " Recte, Port, accessitos explanat." Poppo. 4. eirt — dya'^ov rt, whether in any respect — any good. Arnold says that tl is used twice here by the Lacedaemonians to make the question as strong as possible, and only once by the Platssans (IIL 54. § 2), in order that the force of the interrogation may be diminished. 5. ol S' ekeyov is repeated in eXeyov rocdde^ on account of the in- termediate words aiTTjadpevoi AaKebaipoviccv^ which form a sort of parenthesis Render then, they spoJce when they had requested, etc. 6aO NOTES LBoOKin CHAPTERS LIII.— LIX. AVe come now to the speech of the Platseans, which has been regarded bj every critic, from Dionys. Hal. down to the present time, as one of the ablest orations which can be found in any language. In logical acuteness and vehement argumentation it is doiibtless equalled, if not surpassed, by other speeches in this history. But in the beauty and force of its diction, its lofty and soul-stirring appeals to justice, patriotism, gratitude, the memory of the past — -the glorious past, when Plataea stood side by side with her more powerful sisters in the confederacy, Athens and Sparta, and nobly battled in the cause of freedom — and above all in the earnest, thrilling pathos with which the speaker in the deep anguish of his heart pleads for the life of himself and associates, it has no parallel. Well did Philip Melancthon say of its peroration, " non est pulchrior nee illustrior epilogus quam hie est, neque apud omnes Graecos vel Latinos scriptores." With equal beauty and truth also has Heilmann closed his admirable criticism on this oration, by reverting in words of praise to the great historian, who shows himself to be such a master of eloquence: "quam pra^clarus orator Thucydides esset, si haec facultas ei in suis causis, et in quarum partem et societatem venisset^ esset exercenda. Mehercle Demosthenes merito novies ejus scripta perlegit et edidicit." The general divisions of this oration are so distinct as to be easily per- ceived. 1, The exordium, in which the speaker reverts to the summary and illegal trial to which they were subjected, and declares his only hope of safety from the foreshadowing doom which awaits them, to consist in saying something to move the judges in their behalf (chap. 53) ; 2, an examination of their former services, and a justification of their adherence to the Athenian alliance (chaps. 54, 55) ; 3, a crimination of the Thebans for their conduct in the Persian war, and their treacherous attempt upon Plataea in the time of peace (chap. 56) ; 4, an appeal to the honor and mag- nanimity of the Lacedaemonians, which will be tarnished by dooming a city to destruction, to which Greece is under such high and lasting obligations (chap. 5*7) ; 5, earnest and passionate entreaties for life, drawn from all the considerations which are calculated to influence the mind (chaps. 58, 59. I 2) ; 6, the peroration (chap. 59. §§ 3, 4). Chap. LIU] NOTES. 631 CHAPTER LIII. The orator commences by complaining of the want of good faith, in thus bringing them to a summary tiial contrary to the terms of capitulation (§ 1) ; the informality and undue haste of this trial fills them with apprehension that their doom is sealed, and that they can expect no impartial justice at the hands of their judges (§ 2) ; they feel, however, that their only hope is to respond to the question which has been proposed to them, and mako their plea (§ 3) ; but they fear that all they can say will be fruitless in averting their prede- termined fate (§ 4). 1. Toidvbe StKT/i', such a Tcind of trial. Eeference is had to tho brief and informal question proposed to them by the judges (III. 52. § 4), which showed that a legal trial was not to be expected by the accused. koI iv biKaarais k. t. X. The order is, kcll eV biKaa-Tois de^dfxevoi yei/eVSai, ovk iv aWois rj vixiv. The preposition iv has here the signification hefore^ and is the usual one employed in such a con- nection. T]yov^€voL is connected with olofievoi^ and de^afxevoi is related to tj-yovixevoi as tlie cause. The equivalent is iirel ide^dfie^ia fjyovfievoi k. t. X. 2. fXT) — fjfjLapTrjKanev. The use of the indicative shows that, in the speaker's estimation, the idea expressed by the verb had an actual ex- istence. Cf. Jelfs Kiihn. 814. a. dficfjoTepcov. "Intellige 8ikt]s vofiiporepas et rov 'laov.^^ Bothe. Trepi rcov deivordrcov, about the most fearful things = about life and death. The speaker intimates a suspicion of their dreadful situation as criminals already condemned. ufca?, sc. v7ro7rT€vofjL€v. In [xrj ou, the first negative may be rendered lest (the verb vnonrevoiiev implying fear or anxiety), and tho last belongs to koivoX dno^rJTe. S. § 230. N. 2. reKfxaipdixevoi in- troduces the reason why the Platseans indulged the suspicion to which they had just given utterance. In order to avoid the pleonasm in. npoKarrjyopias and Trpoysyevrjfiivrjs^ Bothe would read, npos (prcBterea) Kar-qyopias. But see N. on I. 23. § 4. a depends on ivavrla. ra aXj/S^ dnoKplvatr'^ai is the subject of yiyverai^ and ivavrla refers to ra dXrpri^ as though it had been written €p6vT/ne3a, or else that verb should have been KaSttrr^re. See N. on III. 59. § 5. CHAPTER LIV. Notwithstanding their fears that it will prove unavailing, the Platseans will yet try to persuade their judges (§ 1); and in reply to the question proposed to them they will say, that if they were enemies to the Peloppnnesians, no assistance could be expected from them, and if friends, wrong was done them by those who made war upon them (§ 2) ; their good be- havior in time of peace was manifested in their not being the first to break the peace, and in war, by the service they did to Greece in the time of tlie Persian invasion, and to the Lacedasmonians at the time when the Helots revolted (§§ 3-6). 1. o/ioy, i. e. notwithstanding these difficulties in the way of per- suading the judges. bUaia {=8iKaici)paTa), justifx:atory pleas. Trpoy, in reference to. Bloomf. remarks that h is used in the next clause, as expressing a milder shade of signification. rav. . . . TToiTjaope^a, we will make mention of our good sermces. 8pd(o makes dedpapai and Bedpaarpai. 2. as TToXepiovs^ OS enemies, i. e. regarding us as enemies. vvk .... 7ra3dj/ra?, you ho/oe not ieen wronged in having received no good from us, i. e. if the Platseans were enemies to the Peloponnesians, they could not be blamed for having done them no service. No one can rationally expect acts of kindness from an enemy. (filXovs di vopi^ovras is a varied construction for et be cfiiKovs vopi^ere, avrovs z=zyou yourselves. paXXov than we. rjfuv iTnaTpareva-avTcs, in having made war upon us. This participle denotes in what tlie srror spoken of in dpaprdveiv consists. See IsT. on I. 37. § 5. 3. €v rfj elpTjvrj, i. e. in the time of the peace before and after the Persian war. ov... .Trporepoi refers to the treacherous assault of the Thebans narrated in II. 2. ru 8e ^weTrei'^fpevoi, attacTcing Chap.lv.] notes. 633 Mm (i. e. tlie Mede) conjointly with you. It will be seen in III. 62, § 2, how the Thebans reply to this claim of merit put forth by the Platseans. /xoVot Bolcotcov. This boast is not altogether true, for while the Boeotians in the main were guilty of medism^ yet besides the Platoeans, there were found on the side of Greece the Thespians (cf. Herodot. VIII. 50), and the Haliartians (Pausan. IX. 32). fxovoi must therefore be considered as rhetorically put for chiefly^ princi- pally. The Thebans must have keenly felt this allusion to their base abandonment of the Grecian cause in those days of peril. 4. ivaviiaxr](TayL€v. The Plataeans having no ships of their own fought on board of the Athenian triremes at Artemisium. I^^XV denotes time (see IST. on I. 128. 5), or it may be regarded as a sort of dative absolute with yevofievT]. Cf. S. § 226. N. 3. 5. Trepuo-TT], encompassed. — — aeia-fiov. Cf. I. 101. § 2. EtXco- ToDv depends on (fio^os. rjfxav avrav, of ourselves (not our servants or alHes). See N. on II. 39. § 2. CHAPTER LV. In respect to the subsequent hostility the Peloponnesians -were themselves to blame, Inas- much as, when the Platseans applied to them for aid against the Thebans, they were di- rected to have recourse to the Athenians as being in their vicinity (§ 1); they had done the Peloponnesians no serious injury in the war, nor should they in its continuance, but felt it to be dishonorable and unjust to abandon the Athenians, from whom they had re- ceived great favors (§§ 2, 3). 1. TO. fxev TraXaia Koi fxiyiara is the accusative synecdochical. roiovToi T)^i,(jj(ra^ev elvat, such we approved ourselves to he. deone- v(cv (sc. fiixayv from riiias. See N. on I. 74. § 1) is in the genitive ab- solute for deoixivovs {rjfias) dneaaaa'^^. vfiwv. . . . aTroLKovvTayv, but you dwelling far avmy (from us), fie responds to /xei/ implied in as iyyvs. The idea of separation imparted to the verb by dno- is strengthened by fiaKpdv. Perhaps, however, that diroiKco in this con- nection is nearly equivalent to oIkS). 2. ovdev eKirpeirearTepov — eVaSfTe, you suffered no very monstrous injury (= you were scarcely injured at all), Cf. I. 38. § 6. ifieX- Xfjaare^ SC TraSeti/ from the preceding verb. 3. vp.S)P KeXevcrdvTcov, Cf. II. 72. ivavrla Qrj^alois (S. § 202. 1). Cf. ISr. on I. 29. § 1. aXXcoff re kol ovs = aX\(os re Koi ore cvrovs. Goel. €u . . . . Seo/zei/os-. Two things are here referred to ts flaiming the gratitude of the Platseans, (1) that they had received 634 NOTES. [Booitlll favors from the Athenians ; (2) that these favors had been conferred at their solicitation. In respect to the force of the latter considera- tion, cf. Xen. Anab. II. 3. § 22 (end). rls is here put for fjneis. So in English, one is often put {per modestiam) for the speaker. Cf. N". on I. 80. § 2. TToXtreias fiereXa^ev, We find the Thebans refer- ring to this in III. 63. § 2. Uvai Se is ra TrapayeXkofxeva. See N. on I. 121. § 2. levat 5e is connected to koL npodovvai^ the words l\\a>s fjLereXa^ev being parenthetic. a, as to what. e/ca- repot c^jyyeio-Se. The Plataeans appeal to the well-known relation sub- sisting between the leading states and their allies, by which it was made obligatory on the latter to obey the former, and hence the use of the 2 pers. plural to include the Laceda3monians in the proposition. ol ayovresj SO. tovs enofievovs. Cf. III. 65. § 2, where it will be seen that the Thebans refer to this excuse of the Plataaans. CHAPTER LVI. The gross injustice of seizing Plataea in the time of peace rendered tlie Thebans deserving of the punishment they received (§§ 1, 2) ; and in deciding this point, the judges ought to regard the claims of j ustice without any reference to their own interest (§ 3), and even in this point of view, if the Thebans now appear to be of great use, there was a time when the Platieans were so also (§ 4) ; and indeed it will be seen that the service rendered by them far exceeds their present fault (if they have committed any), yet now they are ra danger from the same just and independent course, which in former times secured for them such high honor (§§ 5-7). 1. 7ToX\a....^diKrj(rav. Mt. §415. jS; K. §280. 2. Bloomf. thinks that di anep is put in the plural after t6 8e reXevraioj/, because it refers not only to the last and greatest injury which the Platteans had received from the Thebans, but to all the previous ones. Poppo with more propriety places it after t6 8e reXcvToiov^ in the same way as fj ip oh is put after aXKo n in III. 38. § 7. 2. UpofXTjvia^ on a festival ; literally, on a holy-moon. Sometimes the term is applied to a whole month (cf. Smith's Diet. Antiq. p. 662), and at other times to particular days in the month. It is sometimes taken in the sense of vovixrjvia^ but not here, for the Thebans took possession of Plataea at the end of the month (reXevTcovTos tov fxrjvos II. 4. § 2). naai limits Ka'^eaTeora. rov. . . . a/zvi/eo-Sat, tJiat it is just to repel an invading enemy ^ is in epexegetical apposition with TOV iraai v6p.ov Ka^earcora. 3. yap introduces the proof of ovk Av etKorws which precedes, — — - Repeat rw with rroXc/xio), and translate it as a noun, rjp.'ip being Chap. LVL] NOTES. 635 understood, ly the enmity of them tousz=ly the enmity which they dear to us. Botbe reads TroXcfilcov^ and Kriig. rroXefiicos. ro diKai- ov XTy-v^eo-Sf, " if you understand or interpret justice.'''^ Bloomf. fiuXXov^ rather. 4. Tore (i. e. in the Persian war), sc. ax^eXt/xot rjixev from the pre- ceding clause. Cf. Kr. § 62. 4. N. 1. ev fxei^ovc Ktvbvva than you now are. vvv. . . .rjcrav enforces the assertion just made, in respect to the comparative danger of the Lacedcemonians in the Persian and Peloponnesian wars. In the former war they were in danger of re- ceiving the yoke of slavery, while in this war they are themselves the dreaded foes of others. The clause otSe (i. e. the Boeotians) /xer avTov (i. e. the Mede) ^crav is thrown in by way of enhancing the guilt of the Thebans, who in a time of such peril took sides with the enemy. 5. r^ff vvv djxapTias — avri'^elvai rfjv rore Trpo^ivfiiav. For the con- struction, see N". on II. 85. § 2. The subject of tlie sentence is dvri- Seij/at. fiei^ft) refers to their former services, and ikda-ao) to the present demerits with which they are charged. v — ntpu Chap. LVIIL] NOTES. 63T i. e. Trept dvdpcov. S. § 231. 1!^. 2. avrovs afielvovs ovra?^ you your- selves teing Iraver. A compliment both delicate and well-timed. avTovs agrees with v/^iay the omitted subject of eViyvcovat (see N. on I. YO. § 2). ov8s. Kepeat dnobe^covrai. -rrpos Upois rois Koivois at Olympia and Delphi. otto = taken from. 2. Aa/ceSai/Aoi/Zovy, tlie Lacedcemonians^ the well-known defenders of Grecian rights. So erj^aiovs (infra), Thedans^ who have disgraced themselves by deserting the Greeks in their great struggle for freedom. There is much beauty and force in the juxtaposition of UXdraiav and AaKeSat/xoviory, states which battled side by side in the cause of free- dom, but now, the one being on the brink of ruin, and waiting to receive the sentence of life or death at the hand of the other. rp'moba. Of. 1. 132. § 2. TravoLKrjaLq. See K on II. 16. § 1. e^akelylrai. This verb is used of the erasure of names from a book, or the striking off of a name from a list, and is very expressive in this place. 3. is TovTo — ^vix(l)opd5. See N. on I. 49. § 7. otrives. . . .tiTToX- Xvp.e'^a^ " qui^ quum Medi mcissent^ periimmy Poppo. The Platas- ans were only saved from absolute ruin by the battle at Platasa. €V vfxiv — Qr]^ala>v rj(To-a>p.€?ia = VoMs judicidus (Jv vpXv biKaaTois^ cf. III. 53. § 1) a Tliebanis swperamur^ i. e. Thebanis viliores sumus, post- ponimur." Poppo. rore p.eu {= a little while ago). See N. on Tore, I. 101. § 2. Xt/x« dLa(ji^ap?jvai. Cf. III. 52. § 1. 4. Km nepiea)arp.e?ia k. t. X. Nothing can be more pathetic than this allusion to their fallen and friendless condition. Trdvrcov tho Greeks. CHAPTEE LYIIl. Tho speaker goes on In the most pathetic terms to entreat the Lacedaemonians to spare the Plataeans, inasmuch as the work of destruction is easy and of quick accomplishment, but the disgrace of the act cannot be easily or quickly effaced (§§ 1, 2) ; the Plataeans volunta- rily surrendered themselves, and this together with their former services should ensure their safety (§ 3) ; wherefore they call upon their judges to look upon the tombs of theif uncestors, which are so highly honored by the Plataeans, and which will hereafter be aban- doned to traitors, if Plataea is giveli up to the unjust demands of Thebes (§§ 4, 5). 1. TTjv T€ TrpeVet, and to ash this favor of them (i. e. the The- ';ans) in return, that you must not he odliged to destroy those whom it is not becoming in you (to kill). This appears to be the meaning of this controverted sentence, avrovs seems evidently to refer to tho Thebans, although Krtiger, Bothe, and some others refer it to the Lacedaemonians, and make it the subject of KTeivnv, supplying r]pas 638 NOTES. [BookIIL as the subject, and vixas as the object of avraTraiT^a-ai (depending on d^iovnev) = and that we should ash in return (for our services) this boon that you should not Mil us. The change in the subject of the infinitive is too abrupt to admit of this mode of interpretation, al- though the sense is preferable to the other, unless a shade of irony is intended in the asking back of the Thebans the lives of the Plateeans. There is, however, to balance against the abrupt change of subject in Kriiger's mode of construction, the more natural employment by him of avTovs (referring to the Lacedaamonians), as the subject of Kveiveiv^ than to refer avrovs to the Thebans, and supply viias as the subject of the verb. Arnold, who refers the subject of KreiveLv to the Thebans, finds an allusion here to bebifxev. . . . (^epoi/res, III. 53. § 4. a-Scfipova . . . •x'^pi'V', (^nd to receive an honorable instead of a base return. 2. yap before f}p.as introduces the reason for the use of tt}v dv- aKXciav. So yap at the commencement of § 4 infra, introduces the proof that the Plataeans were deserving of the epithet evepyeras^ the thing being attested by the tombs of their forefathers, who fell and were buried in the territory of the Plataeans. 3. ;^eT/3af TTpoVo-xo/xeVouy, Stretching forth our hands in the manner of suppliants. 4. ea^fjixaa-L.^ Arnold says that no reference is had here to the practice of wrapping bodies for burial in a rich and costly dress, but to the annual offering of garments at the tombs of the dead, from the same superstitious feeling which prompted offerings of meat and drink, as if the dead were cold in their disembodied state, and still required those reliefs to the necessities of human nature, which they had needed when alive. 5. Tols av?ievTais. This is said because the Thebans took part with the Persians. 7rp6s be Kai, and in addition. eo-o-ap-evoovy 1 aor. mid. part, of 'EQ, used transitively, having instituted. CHAPTER LIX. It ill becomes the Lacedaemonians to sacrifice the Plataeans to the implacable hatred of the Thebans (§ 1) ; the speaker urges them by the common and mutual oaths of their fathers, by the tombs and the spirits of the departed heroes who fell and were there buried, not to yield them up to the Thebans, and closes the oration by referring to the fact, that thity delivered themselves up to the Lacedaemonians, and would have died by famine sooner than to have surrendered to the Thebans (§§ 2-4). 1. is vo'/ii/ta, against the common institutions of Greece. aXKorpiasy i. e. of the Thebans against the Platajaus. cVtKXao-3^i/a» Chap. LIX.] NOTES. 639 TJ] yvafiT], to te inclined^ to le won over. With this and the preceding verb oiKTa (rui(l>povL (hy a discreet pity) is to be taken, although properly it should be in the accusative with XajSorras. The full con- struction according to Goel. would be ^eiaaa'^aL — olKva^ Xa^ovras (&C. avTov^ i. e. Tov oTktov)^ to spare us in pity^ having talcen it upon you. Cf. Jelf s Klihn. § 898. 1. a. oXo'i re... .nd'^oifiev^ and what sort of persons we are who would suffer^ i. e. upon what worthy persons the punishment would fall. as.. . . ^vfxnea-oi^ how uncertain is the nature (to) of misfortune [it being uncertain] upon whom it may fall even (kui) without his deserving it. This last clause is epexegetical of the former one. 2. a)£ npenov Tjfxiv in our present danger. rj xp^'« = ^ ovdyKr) (Schol,). Cf. I. 32. § 3. alrovixe'^a.. . . TrapaSoS^mt, Goeller con- structs and explains this passage as follows : alrovfie^a Ifias nelarai Tilde — alTovfX€?ia vixas firj duvqixoveiv — iKcrat -yiyj/o/ieSa kcu €TriKaKovfXf?ia fir) -yei/eVSat, fxrjbe — Trapado^TJvau Cum priori alTOV[xe'^a vfids juncta est per participium sententia e7rt/3oa)/x«j>ot ^eovs tovs ofio^cofxiovs kol koivovs Tcov 'eWt]U(ov, cum altero alTovp.e'^a vfids item per participium juncta hcec sunt : npocfiepoiJievoL o/j/couy, ovs ol nuTepes vp-av a)p.oarav. Verba autem ixerat yiyvope'^a vpoav tS>u TraTpacup Tacfxov Koi cTTtKaXovjueSa tovs KeKprjoiTas jungenda sunt cum prj yevea'^ai virb Grj^alois et sequentibus vel propter ea, quss extremo capite proximo orator dixerat : a■/ce^//■a(r3e Se • Uava-avias K. r. X. This elucidates very well the general construc- tion. Some verbal explanations, however, seem necessary to be added. opo^copiovs, having one altar^ i. e. being worshipped at the same altar. An association of this sort was founded upon some common charac- teristics, which gave fitness and propriety to the union, e. g. Ceres and Proserpine, Jupiter and Hercules. In such relations they were called Dii communes. Cf. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Eom. Antiq. p. 68. Tacjicov is in the genitive with Iicerat, on the general principle that verbs of praying or vowing, are joined with a genitive of the person or thing, by whom or by which the supplication is made, the person who prays being considered as touching the knees of the divinity. Cf. Jelf 's Ktihn, § 536. Ohs. 6. tovs KCKpr^wTas^ the dead. Thi« word here is euphemistically used. Butt. (Lexil. No. 68. p. 873) con- tends that KCKpijKOTus is the true reading. It is found in one of the Paris manuscripts, and is the only one acknowledged by the Scholi- asts or Pollux in quoting the passage. 3. onep refers forward to Xoyou reXeurai/. (S. § 197. 2.) dioTt .... avTov. How natural and pathetic is this sentence ! The speaker IS reluctant to stop, although its necessity is acknowledged, because with the termination of the speech end all the arguments and induce 640 NOTES. [Book HI ments, wMch they can bring forward to move the minds of their judges, and there remains nothing in the way of an immediate sen* tence which they are well persuaded will be pronounced against them. aiVxio-rw in comparison with death in battle. es to. aird, in the same situation which we were in previous to surrendering our selves. Tov ^vvTvxovra Kivbvvov depends on ek^cr'^ai. 4. iina-KriirTOjxev (cf. II. 73. § 3), we solemnly enjoin. Trapabo- ^rivai. Kegularity of construction would have required Trapadidovat ^fxas. See K. on III. 53. § 4. CHAPTER LX. Tho Thebans, fearing the effect of this speech of the Plataeans, ask and obtain leave to b« heard in reply. 1. npos TOV \6yov is taken by Bloomf. with SetWi/rey, ieing appre- hensive at their speech^ but it is better to construct it with ivdaxri, should relent somewhat at this appeal. ec^ao-ai/. . . .etVelv, they also said that they (= they said that they also) wished^ to speak. fxcKporepos drroKpio-ecos^ a longer speech was granted than what was necessary for a reply to the question. aTroKptVfcos depends on p,aKp6- repos. CHAPTERS LXI.— LXYII. The speech of the Thebans, which is comprised in these chapters, is a fine specimen of an attempt to support an unrighteous cause by misre pre- sentation, fallacious reasoning, and exaggerated statements. Its fierce and rancorous invective, and malignant denunciations of men who stood before their unrelenting judges in all the helplessness of predoomed criminals, contrast finely with the pathos and earnestness of appeal with which the Plataeans had pleaded for their lives. As that speech was pre-eminent for its power to excite the tender emotions, so this is equally potent in arousing the fiercer passions, and in steeling the mind to pity or forgiveness. Both are masterpieces of their kind, and should be read consecutively, not only becaiise the second is a reply to the first, but in order to enjoy the contrast of sentiment and diction furnished by the two speeches. Chap. LXIL] NOTES. 641 CHAPTEE LXI. The Thebans ofler as the ground of their desire to speak, the long and criiniriatiug speech of the Plataeans (§ 1) ; they give as the cause of the enmity of the Platajans, the compulsion which was used to bring them into the Boeotian confederacy, to which from the first they were averse, and to avoid which they had formed an alliance with the Athenians (§ 2). 1. el Kal^ if in liTce manner. ^pax^cos. Cf. fiaKporepos Xoyos — uTvoKplaeoii^ III. 60. § 1. to ipcoTrf^ev aTvcKplvavTo^ Tiad answe7'ed to the question. Cf. Mt. § 410. 6 ; Kr. § 46. 6. N. 3. Trepi avT5>v is to be constructed with ttoWtjv ttju aTzokoylav^ and ^rtaixevcov depends on dnoXoyiap. Render, had made a long defence of themselves^ in respect to things foreign to the matter in hand^ and of which they have not deen accused. Bloomf. refers ^nafxevcop to avrcov, making it paren- thetic, and withal they teing not even accused (of any offence). For the passive signification of alnacr'^ai, cf. Mt. § 495. d ; Soph. Gr. Yerbs, p. 81. Trpos- ixev to. is for npos ra fiev. Cf. Mt. § 288. Ohs. 3. avTeinelu^ to reply to^ to maJce a counter-statement. eXeyxov rroir}- a-aa^ai^ to refute^ to show the utter falsehood of ekeyxov is limited by Toov Se. Cf. S. § 187. 1. KaKia^ i. e. what the Platseans call KUKia. "With some such qualification 86^a is also to be taken. 2. avT^s^ i. e. Plataea. ^vp-fiiKTovs dv^ipuTrovs^ a heterogeneous mass. Arnold supposes them to be the Hyantians, Thracians, Pelas- gians, and other early inhabitants of Boeotia. Cf. Strabo, IX. 2. § 3. aiCTTTep... .TjfjLSiv. The position of Thebes in the Boeotian con- federacy was at first merely that of a leading city, but in process of time it exercised a sway no less despotic than that of the Athenians over their allies. See the note of Arnold on this passage, who notices the use of f]y€fjLov€vcr?iai instead of apx'^cr^a.i. Cf. Poppo's Proleg. II. ^. 292, et seq. aWcov. . . .Trdrpia. See IST. on II. 2. § 4. CHAPTER LXII. The speaker now proceeds to reply to the charge of defection la the Persian war, which waa made against them by the Plataeans. He charges upon the Platajans that they followed the Athenians then in opposing the Medes, as they since have done in the efforts of that state to enslave Greece (§§1, 2); whereas the Boeotians were on the side of the Medes, not through fault of the people at large, but of a few individuals who ruled them with despotic sway (§§ 3, 4) ; but since the departure of the Medes, by their opposition to the ambitioua designs of Athens, the Boeotians had made ample amends for their former fault (§§ 5, 6). 1. ov accompanies fxrjBia-ai^ because the act spoken of is assumed as certain. S. § 229. 3. tovt<^ — dydXKovraij in this they exult, B. § 203. 642 NOTES. [Book IU 2. *A'ir]vaiovs is put in the accusative by attraction, the regular construction being ' A^vaioi, sc. efirjdiaav. Of. K. § 3-12. R. 3 ; Kr. § 62. 4. § 3. The sophistry and injustice of this attempt to defame the Platasaus, is so obvious as to need scarcely a passing remark. . TTJ — avTT] iSe'a, in the same way. drriKiaai. There is a play on this word as opposed to firjbicrai = if they alone of the Boeotians did not Medise^ they certainly are the only ones who have Atticised. 3. ep oiv (= vofiovs ov XP^H-^^' Haack), sc. ovaa. Cf. the use of firj dno, I. 91. § 7. 5. Tovs vopLovs eXajSe, '"''recovered their laws, i. e. their legitimate constitution which had been overturned by the oligarchs." Bloomf. — — el ixaxofievoL — rjkcvJiepaxTayiev depends on crKe\j/aa^ai xPVj V^'^ ought to consider — whether we fighting— freed (=i whether we hy fight- ing did not free). iv Kopcopela. Cf. I. 113. § 2. CHAPTER LXIII. rhe alliance of the Plateans with the Athenians, professedly made for protectiou against the Boeotians, gave them no right to join that state in its attempt on the liberties of Greece, as they voluntarily had done, and from which, had compulsory measures been employed by Athena, they might have been protected by the confederacy entered into against the Medea (§§ Ij 2) ; as to their plea that it would have been disgraceful to betray their benefactors, It was far more dishonorable and unjust to assist in enslaving Greece (§§ 3, 4). 1. o)s 8e vfxe7s k. t. X. Uaving thus replied to the charge of medism brought against them, the Boeotians proceed to examine the policy Chap. LXIU.] NOTES. 643 and conduct of the Plataaans, and by detraction and misrepresentation endeavor to make their recent offence preponderate over all their for- mer services, just as they had magnified their own services since the Persian war above their misconduct in that war. In this way by un- duly amplifying their own merits and the Platsean demerits, and lightly passing over their respective conduct in the Median war, they reverse the position of the two states, and make the Platoeans worthy of the highest censure, and themselves of unqualified praise. d^cQ}Tepoi. . . .^Tjfiias, you rather (than we) are worthy of all punish- ment. This expression by no means implies that the Thebans thought themselves worthy of punishment. But as mutual accusations had been made, the comparative is employed to give force to the charge of guilt, which the Thebans were now hurling back at their accusers, 2. eyeVecrSe. Kriiger pronounces this to be a somewhat harsh asyndeton. ra rrpos rjfias^ as far as it respected us = against ils. avTovs^ i. e. the Athenians. vndpxov. Repeat to fxrj ^vveni' evai. TTJs. . . .yeyevrjfxevrjs shows, as Bloomf. remarks, how it was in the power of the Plataeans not to have united with the Athenians to the prejudice of others {^weTnevai. . , .aXXois)^ viz. by the confed- eracy of the Laced£emonians against the Medes, upon the protection of which they might have thrown themselves, when pressed by the Athenians to the commission of deeds which were unjust. em ra Mr)8(o. See jS". on I. 102. § 4. to ixiyio-Tov^ what is greatest. • 7rape;^fij/, sc. v[Miv. ov ^la^ofievoi €Ti, leing no longer compelled hy necessity^ as formerly when oppressed by the Thebans. jiaXKov, rather. 3. Tovs fiev refers to the Athenians, and tovs de to the other Greeks. 4. avTolsj i. e. the Athenians. nia-xvvrjs dTTrjXKayfiivqv^ free from disgrace. S. § 197. 2. How the reiarn which they made to the Athenians was disgraceful is shown in vjxeis fieu yap k. r. X. The law of reciprocity demanded that they should assist the Athenians when suffering injury, but not when doing wrong to others. Ka'tToi. . . . 6(})ei\r)^€i(ra9. The sense of this difficult passage becomes clear and apposite by repeating, with all the best recent commentators, fxf} avTi- 86vat in both clauses of the sentence, and giving to ala-xpov p.aKkov the sense which alcrxiov has in II. 40. § 1, this rather is disgraceful and not. The general idea is, that it is base not to return honorable fa- vors in an honorable way, but not so, to refuse to return a kindness by the commission of acts of injustice. 644 NOTES. [Book III CHAPTER LXIY. The course taken by the Plataeans in the Persian war is again attributed to their desire t« act in concert witli the Athenians (§ 1) ; wherefore their claim of merit on that score ia unreasonable (§ 2) ; and much more so is it by their voluntary adherence to the Athenians in their aggression upon the liberties of Greece (§ 3) ; by thus showing what are their real principles, they have forfeited all the claims to which their services in the Persian war might have entitled them (§ 4). 1. 8j]\6p t€ €7roLr](TaT€ — firj^Lo-avTfs^ you have made it plain that not on, account of the Greeks you alone (of tlie Boeotians) did not medise. fiTjbi(ravT€s depends on dt]\ov eiroifjaaTe as though it were brjXovv. See N. on I. 11. § 3. 'ASTymTot, SC. i^rjbiorav. vfxels de. Supply from the context ovk tfxrjdicraTe. rols fiev refers to the Athenians, Tois be to the Greeks in general. By this opposition, the Athenians are invidiously regarded as not belonging to the Greeks. 2. a probata sunt., i. e. ita comperta sunt, ut vera voluntatis vestraa ratio appareret." Poppo (Proleg. I. p. 292). is to aXr^Ses, according to Bloomfield, cor- responds to our expression, of a truth, or for a truth. Bothe makoa it equivalent to dXrj^as. abiKov odov ioirrav, pursuing an unjust course. Cf. Mt. § 409. 4 ; S. § 181. 2. Chap. LXV.] NOTES. 645 5. Tov ^fierepov re aKOxxriov fJLr]8i(Tfi6v is opposed tO top vp-irepov eKovcriov aTTLKLo-fiov^ the antithesis being a condensed epitome of the whole argument of the last two chapters. CHAPTER LXY. The attempt of tlie Thebans to enter Plataea was made at the express solicitation of some of its best citizens (§§ 1, 2) ; and the design of it was nothing more than to restore the Platae- an state to the Boeotian confederacy (§ 3). 1. The Thebans having responded to the charge of medism ad- vanced against them by the Platseans, now proceed to vindicate their attempt to enter Platasa. a. . . .d8iKrj'^TJvai. Cf. III. 56. § 2. yap serves to introduce an explanation of ddiKrj'^rjvai, and may be ren- dered, to wit^ for example. Upofxrjviais. Arnold says that the plural form is used, because the festival was of several days' continu- ance. ovd' — v/iooj/ paXKov, not more than you = not so much as you. 2. ai'Tol =: of our own accord. Mt. § 468. 4. d ipLuxope^a Ka\ — edTjovfxev, if we had fought against — and ravaged — we had teen guilty of injustice^ literally, are guilty^ etc. Bloomf. explains this sequence of tenses as not having reference to time at all, but only as it regards the agents, and that hypothetically. Of the thing thus hy- pothetically put, the assertion is, ' if that were the case, then we are guilty.' This is the true solution, although in strictness the idea of time is not absent from the expression, the apodosis taking the present tense in order to show that the guilt of the transaction, if the protasis -was true, rested upon them to the present time. Cf. K. § 339. 3. d. Kriig. attributes to dhiKovpev the notion of the perfect, but this is questionable. It is the remark of Poppo, that r^biKovfxev av was pro- perly required, but that d8i.Kovp,€v was employed for the sake of con- cinnity. ttjs.. ..^vfifxaxias depends on navcrai (cause to cease). S. § 197. 2. Reference is had to their alliance with the Athenians, ra KOLva — Tvarpia. See N. on II. 2. § 4. rl ddiKov/ieu. Here the tense, in Poppo's estimation, is rightly employed, because the protasis contains a supposition which was the true one. ol yap ayovres .... eTTo/xeVcoi/. Allusion is sneeringly made to what the Plateeans said, IIL 55. § 3 (end). 3. eKelpoL — 17/xeTs'. The verb is to be supplied from the preceding Trapavopovdi. TrXei'o) irapa^aWonevoi (cf. II. 44. § 3), having greatef interests (in the country) at stalce. Cf. ol TrpSrot /cat xp^H'^o'^ koI yeVet, 046 NOTES. [Book III § 2, supra. i^ovXopro.. . .yeyeVSat, they wished that those of you who were less worthy^ should no longer have the lead (in the manage- ment of political affairs). The meaning of ^aWov yevea^ai is quite obscure in itself, but is satisfactorily unfolded by the antithetic clause Tovs Tc... ex^tv^ o^nd that the better portion (of citizens) should have their deserts (i. e. the station and influence which of right belong to them). The sense elicited by Poppo, and adopted by most of tlie German commentators, viz. should become worse (supplying x^'^povs with fiaXXov)^ is very flat and inapposite. Nor has Arnold mended tlie matter by extending the ellipsis to ;^e/pouff ^ dya'iovs^ should de- come worse rather than better, vfiStv is the partitive genitive. See Ns. on I. 126. § 11 ; III. 22. § 5. ■» a-cocfipovKrTai. . . .dWoTpiovvres. This is a very obscure sentence, but after repeated examinations of it, I am disposed to adopt the explanation of Goeller, who constructs (rcofjidTcov with dWoTpiovvres, and takes the clause in the sense of al> urde cives non aialienantes^ not depriving the city of its citizens (i. e. not banishing them). The general sense then would be, being correc- tors of your minds (i. e. teaching you better politics), but not inter- fering with your personal rights. Arnold translates, or rather para- phrases (according to his usual custom) thus : " and as for your per- sons (or, your outward condition), not giving up your city to foreign- ers, but bringing it home to a natural union with men of your own blood and race." In respect to the use of o-w/xarcoi', see N". on I. 17. § 1. is TTjv ^vyyevcLav refers to the Boeotian confederacy CHAPTER LXVI. The Plataeans are chained with having first acceded to these peaceful overtures, but after- wards witli having treacherously butchered the Thebans (§§ 1, 2), thus perpetrating a threefold crime, the violation of a covenant, the massacre of the Thebans, and the breaking of their engagement not to kill these mem, if their country possessions were left uninjured by the Thebans (§ 3) ; for these atrocities they shall now receive their merited punish- ment (§ 4), 1. TCKfifipiov Se. See N. on II. 39. § 2. Kara. . . .ndrpia. See "N^. on II. 2. § 4. TToXiTeveiv, to live under a form of government. Uuai. The subject is top ^ovkojievov. 2. x^PW^^"^^^"! sc. TTpbs Tjixds from the preceding context. e: upa Koi {even though. Cf. III. 67. § 2) cVeX^oVey is a parentheti- cal sentence to be taken with the following context, ov. ... vp.a}v = without the consent of a majority of your citizens. It will be remem- bered, that the Boeotians were called in by a few of the principal citi- Chap. LXVIL] NOTES. 647 zens. ov fiera is a varied expression for avev. Of. I. 91. § 5. This use of jieTa is of quite frequent occurrence. • Sfiola, like in kind. The Boeotians had offered no violence to the Platseans, but had only attempted to persuade them by words, whereas the return for this in- terference was made in deeds of blood. recoreptVat (sc. wore) ex- plains TO. oyioia. In respect to the engagement referred to, cf. II. 3. § 1. e^eXSeTv from the city of Platsea. eViSe'/iei/oi is accommo- dated in case to a7re/iJ.ev is to be supplied in the latter clause from the preceding one, with the modified sense, that ice may ie fully con- firmed in our 'belief for, as Bloomf. remarks, explanations were not needed to communicate to themselves knowledge, or the lawfulness of their revenge. rerificopijiievoi = KoXda-avres avrovs. Schol. The construction of this and the preceding participle is explained in N. on I. 76. § 1. 2. ei ris apa Kai. See IST. on III. 66. § 2. iiTiKovpovs has the force of an adjective. dinXacrias CvH-'^^^ (sc ffmi), ought (xpy) re- peated) to be double penalties. Arnold thinks that the singular num^ 648 NOTES. [BooElII Ler is required, and that im4>epciu should be supplied, but the laws of ellipsis are best met by the subaudition of ctmt, and the sense is not materially changed. ovk €k 7rpoar]K6vTa)v^ '•'-inodo Us (eorum natura3) non convenientey Poppo. Cf. III. 64 § 4. Bloomf. justly censures Arnold's translation, contrary to what we have a right to ex- pect of them. oko^vpfx^ (their) — oXktco (your). eprjfilav. Allusion is made to what the Platseans had said about their deserted condition, III. 57. § 3. 3. VIVO TovTcov is to be constructed after biecji'^appevrjv. The hyper baton promotes emphasis by bringing in juxtaposition rovrcav and T]\LKiap rjp.a)v. rjXiKiav^ youth, i. e. young men. Cf. Lat. juventus =juvenes. wi/ naripes oi p.ev — ol Se, the fathers of whom, some — others. For this kind of partitive apposition, see N. on I. 89. § 3. ayon-es-, in 'bringing over. npeo-^vTai is the predicate, being left old men (= in old ago). ' olKiai €pT)p.oL (repeat hv), whose be- reaved families. 4. ol — TU)v dv^ipancov, those men. The genitive is partitive. oi 5e biKaia>s. Repeat 7rd(TX0VTes Ti. to. ivauria is to be taken adverbially, on the contrary. Cf. Bernh. Synt. p. 130. eTTixaprot eiuai, SC. d^iatrepoi elai. 5. TTjv vvu eprju'iav. Reference is again made to the complaint of tho Plataians, III. 57. §3. dia in 8l iavrovs denotes the means, through their own agency. E. § 291. II. 3. b. avraTrohovres — TrelcrovTai. The aorist of the participle seems here to be used for the future by ■way of anticipation, in order to show the confidence of the speaker that the Platc^ans would be punished. Cf. K. § 256. 4. f ; Mt. § 506. 2 ; S. § 211. !N". 3. As it respects punishment by death not being an Tot; TCfxcapia, Bloomf. aptly illustrates the idea by our familiar expres- sion, death is too good for him. yap in ewopa yap neio-ovTai seems to be used for the purpose of answering an anticipated objection, that the punishment of the Platceans would not be in accordance with law or usage. •npo'io-xop.evoi and napabovres depend on irdaovrai., re- ference being had to what was said by the Platsaans, III. 68. § 8, tho words e< p-dxqs being added by the Boeotian speaker. Ka\ ovx^ Repeat mentally neia-ovrai. aXX' napadovT^s. Cf. III. 52. § 2. The trial, however, which the Plateeans had in mind, was to be a legal one. 6. Twvde, i. e. the Platseans. avop.a ira^iovcriv, who have suffer* ed unlawfully (see N. on I. 39. § 3). There is an antithetical refer- ence to the preceding Zwopa Treia-ovrai. Bloomf. also finds the same correspondence between ain-a7roSore x^P*" diKaiav, and the words of the Platajans eaxjjpova — Kop.icraa'iai X^P''^i ^^^- ^^' § ■^* hvz=z Chap. LXVIIL] NOTES. 649 eKelvcov a, of "whicli the antecedent depends on x^P'-^i ^^^ ^^^ relative limits npo'^vfxoi as a synecdochical accnsative. dfiapravonevoav . . . . ylyvovrai^ iut teing evil^ speeches embellished with fine expressions (literally, words) are a covering (for what is wrong). An emphasis is to be given to 'iTrea-i^ as opposed to ovk epyois which may be mentally supplied. 7. K€c})aKaL6iia-avT€s^ having summed up^ stated 'briefly. Troiiy aTj{T'^€ conforms to v/ieTy, although it properly be]^ngs to ol rjyefxoves. This is done to give prominence to the application to the case in hand, of what was intended to be advanced as a general principle. A verb for ol f}y€fx6ves may be supplied from the dependent clause (cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 895. 3), or it may be considered as merged into the new sub- ject v/zeTy. See E". on eViiSouXevo/zeSJa, I. 82. § 1. CHAPTER LXYIII. The Lacedaemonian judges adhering to the legality of their question, again propose it to each of the Platseans, and upon receiving a negative answer, put all the men to death, and sell the -women as slaves (§§ 1, 2) ; the city and country are given up to the Thebans, who soon confiscate and lease out the lands, and destroy the city to its very foundations, and erect near the temple of Juno a large building for tl»e entertainment of travellers (§ 3) ; and thus was Platsea destroyed for the sake of the Thebans (§ 4). 1. diKaa-Toi belongs to the verbs aneKTuvov and iTroifjaavTo. a(f)iarip belongs to enepojTTjfxa in the sense of the subjective genitive, their question. Bloomfield, however, constructs it with opScos e^eti/, would be right (i. e. advantageous) for them. Poppo with Bauer, thinks that e^eiv is the true reading. et n. . . . nenov^aai explains appositionally rb iTreparTjixa. top re aXXov xP^^°^i i« ®- ^^i® time between the Median invasion and the Peloponnesian war. S^Sev is employed to show that this was the ground assumed by the judges, but not the historian's opinion or belief. Kara ray iraXaias Uav&a- vlov — cnrovhas. Cf. II. 71. § 2. rov M^Soi/ refers to the second Persian invasion. ore vo-repov .... avroU. After repeated exam- inations of this passage, I am led to adopt, as the most simple and natural explication, that which repeats Tvpoelxovro and constructs thus : a)ff OVK ibe^avTo (the second reason why the question proposed to the Platseans was proper, 8l6ti, tj^lovv being the first) ore va-repov npoel- XovTo^ a irpb rov 7repir€i;(i^ecr3at Trpoeixovro avTo7s. The conjecture of Bloomfield is worthy of attention, viz. that the author, as often for orevity's sake, and to prevent the repetition of the same phrase ovk 28 650 NOTES. [Book m. (Be^avTo, has written as ovk eSe^avro, though by doing this he broke np the parenthesis, and let it run into the portion extra parenthesin. KaT iKeiva refers to Tas rraXaias Uavcraviov cnrovdds. rjyovnepot , . . .nenov'^evaL is a virtual repetition of vofiiCovTcs. . . .e^eiv at the b^inning of the section, and may be rendered, thinking themselves released from all covenant obligations {eKanovboi) hy this just offer (which had not been received), and that they had been evil-treated hy them. TO avTo^ (sc. eTrepayTrjixa) depends on €p(i)Ta>vT€s. eva €KaaTov irapayayovres, having led them up (i. e. caused them to be led up) one by one (to be interrogated). oTrore pr] (^ater, when they said NO (to the question). i^aiperov inoirja-avTo ovbeva. A cold- blooded and savage deed, for which no palliation can be found, except perhaps in the act of the Platseans spoken of in II. 6. § 7. It appears that the Athenians who formed part of the garrison (cf. II. 6. § 4) shared the same fate, as did also Laco, though a irpo^epos of the Lace- daemonians (cf. III. 62. § 5). 2. GVK eXdaraovs SiaKoaicov. The garrison of Platsea consisted of 400 Platseans and 80 Athenians (cf. II. 78. § 3), making a total of 480. There escaped by the successful attempt to scale the walls 212, and one was lost (cf. III. 24. § 2), which diminished the garrison by 213. Now we find that there were put to death by the Lacedsamonians 200 Platgeans and 25 Athenians, making a total of 438. The number 42 which is required to make 480, may be set down as comprising, those who perished in the siege by famine, exhaustion from labor, and other casualties. 3. iviavTov peu Tiva^ aboVft a year. Similar to this use of r/y, is our expression some^ when it is applied to a number above one. ra v(f)€Tepa (Ppovovvres^ ^''who had favored their party. ^'^ Bloomf, hiaKoal(jiv TTobiov, two hundred feet square as it appears from Travraxri kvkX(o^ which simply means around, not in a circle as some translate it. This inn was built evidently for the accommodation of those who might come to worship in the temple of Juno. eV tq) rei^^ei, in the wall, not ijitra mo&nia (i. e. in urbe), as Poppo after Heilm. and Haack translates it. veav €KaT6p.irobov. Arnold says that this was \ additional vaos or chapel, to the one already existing in the 'Upaiov , sacred precinct of Juno, and that it was built by the Thebans »> propitiate the Plataean goddess, whoso natural worshippers they i*,d just exterminated. aTTf/iio-SJcoa-ai/, they hired out, leased for hire. 4. UpTl t6t€. Cf. III. 3. § 1. 5. erei rpiTco koL ivemjKocTTcS. According to this the alliance com- menced A. 0. 519, but Grote (Hist, of Greece, IV. p, 222), by a com- Chap.lxx.] notes. 651 parison of the circumstances (as recomited by Herodotus) which brought it about, reckons its commencement as late as a. o. 510, after the expulsion of Hippias. CHAPTEE LXIX. The Peloponnesian fleet, -which had gone to the assistance of the Lesbians, returns In • dispersed condition to Peloponnesus, and at Cyllene finds Brasidas, who is deputed bylthe Lacedemonians as counsellor to Alcidas, in an expedition against Corcyra which is now on foot (§§ 1, 2). 1. The narrative is here resumed from III. 83. al. . . .vrjes is the subject of KaToKafx^dvova-iv^ the words a>s KaTrjve^'^rja-au being an adverbial clause denoting time. The participles, (fievyovaai^ tnidioi- X^elaai^ ;(ei/i,ao-3eto-at, and the adjective a-nopades denote in graphic order the adventures of this unsuccessful and badlj-commanded fleet. ^vfjL^ovXov. See N. on 11. 85. § 1. 2. There is some obscurity in this section, as to what onas may depend upon. But a proper attention to fiev — Se will remove the difficulty. There were two reasons why the Lacedaemonians wished to sail to Corcyra, viz. the smallness of the Athenian fleet stationed at Naupactus, and the desire to take the place before the Athenian fleet could be reinforced. This last reason, which logically has reference to speeding on the expedition, rather than whether it shaU be set on foot at all, is introduced by oncos. CHAPTERS LXX.— LXXXV. These chapters contain what Bloomfield justly calls, one of the most soul-harrowing narratives ever penned. It is worthy of deep attention, aa displaying in a most graphic style, the demoniacal lengths to which men will go, when blinded and infuriated by passion, prejudice, and the fierce- ness of party spuit. Especially are chaps. 82, 83 worthy of being read again and again, as detailing the causes, progress, and dreadful results both moral and physical, of this factious and seditious spirit, this terrific collision between masses of the same community, which brought all Greece nearly to ruin, and from the effect of which it had not fully recovered at the time when subjugated by Philip of Macedon. 652 NOTES. [BooKlU CHAPTER LXX. The Corcyiseans who had been taken prisoners by the Corinthians, on their return homs endeavor to withdraw the state from the Athenian to the Corintliian interests (§ 1) ; but the citizens in an assembly declare in favor of Athens (§ 2) ; whereupon those same per- sons proceed to imj^eacla Peithias of attempting to enslave Corcyra to Athens (§ 3) ; but he being acquitted charges them in turn with a violation of the sacred enclosure of Jupiter and Alcinous (§ 4) ; they are found guilty but plead for a mitigation of the sentence, in which they are successfully opposed by Peithias (§ 5) ; they determine, therefore, to get rid of him, and bursting into the senate-house they kill him and sixty other senators and private persons (§ 6). 1. 01 alxfJ-aXcoToi. Cf. I. 54. § 2 ; 55. § 1. Trepi, ahout^ on ac- vmnf of. K. § 295. III. 3. rw fxev Xo'yw — epya Sc. See N. on IL 65. § 9. oKTaKoa-loiv roKavrav (S. § 200. 4). Bloomf. thinks this Bum too high, and would read with Yalla SydorjKovra. But that num- her would be equally objectionable on account of its smallness. Tois irpo^evois dir^yyvrjuevoi^ deing iailed dy their proxeni. eKacrrov . . . .fx€Ti6pTes, going to ea^h one of the citizem. 2. ayova-aiv is in the plural, because it refers to both ships. Karacrra'Tcov, SO. Tav Trpea^ecov rois KepKvpaiots. Some would supply KfpKvpaicov^ the genitive absolute being used for the nominative. Cf. Jelf's Kiihu. § 710. a. ^vpp.axoi. See N. on ^vpfiax'ta^ I. 44. § 1. UeXoTTovvrjaiois. . . .irporepov. This revival of the old system of neutrality, shows that the intrigues of the persons just spoken of were successful in part at least. 3. ^u yap (cf. I. 31. § 2) introduces the reason why Peithias was impeached. The clauses are inverted for the sake of emphasis, the natural order being, as Goel. remarks, kqI Uei^lap vndyova-iv ovtol ot av8pes is 8iKr]v^ rjv yap i'^iKoTvpo^evos re ratu ^A^Tjvaicop teat rov drjfiov npo€icrTT]K€i. e'^eXonpo^evos, a voluntary proxenos. See N. on II. 29. § 1. rov bT)p.ov 7rpo€t(rrf]K€i. Some render this, he was leader of the democratical party ; but I think with Poppo that it means, he was a leading man among the people. ovtoi oi apSpes^ i. e. oi otto KoptVSov eVai/eXSoiTf y, ol Trpodorai. Schol. 4. d7ro(f)vyciiv^ ieing acquitted. x°-P^'^^^i ^icik^^i vine-props. C^jpta o-rarrjp. As this was undoubtedly the silver stater of four drachmas, there must have been a prodigious number of these stakes cut, to have rained rich persons like the ones here spoken of. It is not necessary to suppose that the trees were cut down in these sacred inclosures, the young saplings and boughs of the trees being doubtless referred to. In cutting these, the persons accused might not suppose that they were violating any law, especially if, as Arnold thinks, they Chap. LXXI.] NOTES. 653 were tenants of tlie sacred grounds, and had inherited the possession of it from their ancestors. 5. 6(f)\6vTa)v 8e avrav, these leing found guilty^ and of course sen- tenced to pay the fine. oncos raxdixevoi aTroBwariv, that they might pay hy, instalments (sc. Kara xp^vovs. Cf. I. 117. § 3), depends on irpos .... KaZe^ofX€V' IXT)S (sc. oPTes). See K. on I. 113. § 2. CHAPTER LXXI. After this deed of violence the aristocratical party assemble the people, endeavor to justify their doings, and eifect by compulsory measures the passage of a law, that only one ship of either of the belligerents shall be admitted at a time into the harbor (§ 1) ; after which they send ambassadors to Athens to justify their change of policy (§ 2). 1. raCra refers to the acts of violence which had just b^en perpe- trated. Koi rJKiaT. . , .''A'^ijvaicov^ and (those by which) they would least de enslaved (= escape the danger of being enslaved) dy the Athe- nians. Se;^eo-3at. Eepeat clirov in the sense of e/ctXeuoi/. Cf. Kr. § 55. 3. N. 13. aXV 7y', except, otherwise than. Cf. K. § 322. K. 10. f](TvxaCovTas belongs to the subject of dex^a^ai (cf. II. 7. § 2), although some construct it with fiia vrjL This seems to be unneces- sary, for a single ship would hardly venture into such a harbor in any other than a peaceful manner. The construction which I have given Is the one adopted by Poppo, Goeller, and Kriiger. 2. cos = oTTcos. e/cel (i. e. at Athens). Goel. says that the full construction is tovs e/cet, iKelcre KaTarrecfievyoTas. dveTrirrjdeiop to Corcyra. e7rt(rrpo<^]7, punishment. '■' Castigatio exulum, si novis rebus studerent." Bothe. Some render it, revolution, or counter-revo- lution. 654 NOTES [BooKin. CHAPTER LXXII. TLe CorcjTsean ambassadors are apprehended by the Athenians (§ 1) ; the arrival of a Gorin thian trireme encourages the aristocratical party to attack the democratical, in -which they come off victorious (§ 2) ; the latter, however, in the night seize upon the citadel and occupy the Hyllaic port, the other party taking possession of the market place and the harbor contiguous to it (§ 3). 1. iX^ovTcov is put in the genitive because to rovs re 7rpeV/3ety, to ■which it properly belongs, there is added koI oaovs. eVeio-aj/ to unite "with the aristocratical party at Corcyra. 2. €X?iov(rT]s rpirjpovs Kopiv'^las. This shows the hollowness of the neutrality to which the aristocratical party pretended, and their subsequent conduct renders them less the object of our sympathy in the horrible massacre, which thinned their numbers for seven suc- cessive days (cf. III. 81. § 4). 3. Tov 'YXXaiKov Xt/xem. Col. Leake in a communication to Dr. Bloomfield cited in his notes, gives it as his opinion that the Hyllaic port here mentioned is the same as the port Xalikiopulo, in the front of which is the rock of Ulysses. On the other side of the peninsula, on the north, is the harbor fronting Epirus (npos rrjv ^neipov). This accords with the description Xctttt] S' elai^ifjir] k. r. X. given it in Odyss. 6. 264, from which it appears that ships were drawn up on each side of thia narrow strip of land. ol be, i. e. the aristocratical party. CHAPTER LXXIII. The slaves are invited to join the factions, whereupon the greater portion of them side with the democrats, and the other party are reinforced by some barbarians from the continent. 1. T)Kpo^6\i(TavTo^ they sMrmished. tcS p.h. . . .^vp-ixaxov. This was to have been expected, as in the aristocratical party were doubt- less many who had oppressed and maltreated the slaves, and now was the time for revenge. ^nUovpoi. Supply napfytvovTo from the preceding clause. These were auxiliaries. Cf. I. 47. § 3. QiAP.LXXV.] NOTES. 655 CHAPTER LXXIV. A. battle soon ensues, in which the democratical party are victorious (§ 1) ; the other party in self-protection set fire to the houses around the market-place, by which much property is consumed. The Corinthian ship sails away, and the barbarian auxiliaries secretly leave for the continent (§ 2). 1. dia\nrovs . . . . dinaTia explains inl. . . .Tavri]. vyiis., sound, right. TTJ.. . .aTno-Tia is put in the dative to denote that by which the judg- ment in the case in hand was formed. p.T] ^vfirrXelv dnicrTia. See l!?". onl. 10. §1. 5. is TO 'Hpalov. It appears that for some reason the refugees, who had taken sanctuary in the temple of the Dioscuri, had now tak- en refuge in the temple of Juno. Probably they thought the latter to be the more inviolate place, or it afforded better accommodations for so many as now had gathered into the sacred precincts. vrjo-ov. The island here referred to is Ptychia (now Yido) mentioned in lY. 46. § 3. It lay a short distance north of the peninsula. Sieirew iTfTo is passive. CHAPTER LXXYI. Several days after the removal of these men to the island, the Peloponnesian fleet appears cflf the city. 1. al....vrjes. Cf. III. 69. §2. ((popfioi ovcrai=€(j) opfxto ovarai, iv KvWrjvr) opfiovo-ai. Poppo. es. . . .rjneipov. See N. on I. 50. § 3. ofia eo). Seldom unless compelled by necessity did tho ancients sail by night. Chap. LXXVni] NOTES. 65T CHAPTER XXXVII. Tlie Corcyweans in much confusion equip a fleet of 60 sail, but contrary to the advice of the Athenians send them out against the enemy as fast as they are manned (§ 1) ; oi these some desert, and in others the crews iight among themselves, and thus present so feeble a front, that the Peloponnesians are enabled to direct their main force against the Athenian ships (§§ 1, 2). 1. oi 8e refers to the Corcyraaans. The accusatives ra and t6v ircLTiXovv are properly speaking synecdochical. ras aei TrXT/pov/ze- vas^ as they were successively manned. A more unwise course could hardly have been adopted, than thus to meet the enemy in detached portions. Indeed the whole conduct of the Oorcyr^ans seems to have been marked with infatuation, and can only be accounted for, in the spirit of faction which distracted their counsels and impaired all their energies. irda-ais afxa^ all together. 2. aXKrjXois ifjLaxovTo. This quarrel undoubtedly arose between the different factions, many being in the ships, who openly or secretly belonged to the aristocratical party, as appears from their desertion to the enemy. 3. cov. . . .IlapaXoy, of which nurriber were the two (ships) the Sal- minia and the Paralus. The article, according to Blume, expresses the idea, the tioo well-hnown ships. It will be seen that thirty-three ships of the Peloponnesians were opposed to the twelve Athenian ships, and nothing shows more clearly the superior skill and confi- dence of the latter, than that with such a disparity of force they should engage with their adversaries. CHAPTEK LXXYIII Whlb the Corcyraeans with difficulty maintain the combat, the Athenians by skilful ma- noeuvring sink one of the enemy's ships, and endeavor to throw the rest into confusion, but the ships opposed to the Corcyraeans coming to their aid, the Athenians are obliged to retreat before their united force, which they do in good order, covering at the same timo the retreat of the Corcyraeans (§§ 1-4). 1. Kar ok'iyas (sc. vavi)^ with a few ships at a time. iroKat ircopovvTo KaSj' avrovs^ were in a lad condition of themselves, i. e. by their own mismanagement. So Arnold explains the passage. d'^poais^ the thickest part of the enemy's fleet. To refer this, as somo 658 NOTES. [BookIIL do, to the Athenian ships is perfectly absurd, for if ever they would hold ships in compact order, and thus make their attack, it would be on this occasion. Kara fiea-ov, at the centre, is opposed to Kara Kepas^ on the wings. Hence the interpretation longo ordine given to Kara Kepas by Levesq. is evidently erroneous. /uera ravra 3o- pv^eTv. This was the same manoeuvre which had been practised so successfully by Phormio (II. 84. § 2), but probably the enemy had profited by the lesson taught them on that occasion, and were not so easily thrown into disorder. This appears from what follows, in the next section, avrau refers to the Peloponnesians. 2. 01 rrpbs rois KcpKvpaiois refers to the twenty ships opposed to the Corcyraian fleet. oTre/j, sc. eyevero. 3. oi 8', i. e. the Athenians. 7vpvp.vav Kpov6p,€voi. See N". on I. 50. § 5. Koi afia. Cf. I. 110. § 2. iavT5)V = (T£ Kparovvres, as conquerors. Toi/s eK T^s vj]arov. Cf. III. 75. § 5 (end). 2. ol S* . . . . Kparovvres rrj vavp-axta (although victors in the sea- Jight). Mitford remarks that " the inability of the Spartan command- er-in-chief, and apparently his cowardice, uncommon as that defect was in a Spartan, were the best security of the Corcyraoans." 3. ovras refers ad sensum to Tro'Xtv = TroXtVoff. See N. on I. 136. § 1 (init.). l(ro-^r](f)ov, having an equal vote = leing equal in a^^■ thority. CHAPTER LXXX. Tlie democratical party, through apprehension of an attack by the flee ; enter into temA with the suppliants and others of the opposite party (§ 1) ; but the enemy beii;g apprised of the approach of an Athenian fleet, sail away (§ 2). 1. rois aXXois, the rest, i. e. the portion of the oligarchical party not included in the four hundred who had taken sanctuary. oTrwy €5hap.LXXXL] notes. (J59 depends on is Xoyou?, to a deliberation Aow the city may be saved^ oficos. The ellipsis is easily supplied : notwithstanding their dis- asters and the confusion of affairs. 2. icf)pvKTo}pr]?ir)(rav — prjes — Trpo(T7r\eov(rat, sMps sailing towards them were signaled by the alarm-fires^ i. e. the approach of ships was sig- naled, etc. Of. K. § 309. 3. a. This mode of telegraphic communica- tion appears to have been brought to considerable perfection, since, as Bredow remarks, not the appearance only of the enemy in those parts was communicated, but the number of their ships, and the di- rection whence they were approaching. otto AfUAcaSos-, as Didot well observes, is to be constructed with i(f)pvKTaipr]?irj(rav, and not with rrpoo-TrXeova-a, for in that case the Athenian fleet would have reached Ooroyra in season to have intercepted the Peloponnesian fleet. CHAPTER LXXXI. •yiie Peloponnesians hastily proceed homeward (§ 1) ; upon -which the democratical party being relieved from danger and encouraged by the approach of the Athenian fleet, com- mence, a most horrible butchery of their adversaries, which continues seven days, and is attended with a total disregard of all laws both human and divine (§§ 2-6). 1. vTrepeveyKovTcs . . . .vavs. The canal which had been cut through the isthmus, or the natural channel (if, as some think, there was such a channel. Cf. Leake's North. Greece, III. p. 19), which separates Leucas from the mainland, must have become in the time of this war unserviceable, as the ships were several times dragged across. t6v to-Sl/xoi/ depends on vTrep-, and ras vavs upon ipeyKovres. TrepirrXe- ovT€s the promontory or island. 2. ala'^opevoi — TrpocrTrKeovaas. See N. on I. 26. § 3. Xa^ovres — fjyayov^ talcing — they led = they toolz and led. See N". on I. 53. § 2. 'YXXatKoi/ Xtfxeva. This port was a sort of head-quarters for the democratic party. Cf. III. 72. § 3. rmv. , . AireKT^Lvov. This mas- sacre took place in the city, while the ships were sailing around the Hyllaic port. After they had butchered all they met with, they went forth to meet the fleet at the Hyllaic port, in order there to continue the work of death. Bloomfield, to whom I am under obligation for much light on this obscure passage, reads aivexpoiVTo for amx^'^W^^-i and refers this and the preceding verb eVewrai', to the ol iv ttj TroXet, find not to the ol TrepiKop.i^op.evoi, This construction is evident from 660 NOTES. [BookHL the general scope and wants of the passage, which point to KepKvpaioi as constituting the main subject of the sentence. I cannot see any good sense in the reading airex'^PW^i ^^^ I ^^^ therefore disposed to adopt the reading of Bloomf., which is that of Poppo and Goeller. The readmg of Ai-nold is dvexprja-^^o^ while that of Bekker, Haack, and Kriiger is the same as that of Dindorf 's. The sense, if we read drrexp^vTo, is, having caused the7n to embark^ they made way with them = murdered them). Bothe reads aTrexcopto-ai/, " seclmerunt, abduxe- rant in secretum locum custodiendos." 3. cos iapcov^ when they learned, received intelligence. The slaugh- ter of the tifty, who had submitted to trial, could not have taken place before the eyes of those who remained in the temple. airov iv Tco iepm, there in the temple, in the very temple. dKKrj\ois, one another. Matthias (§ 489. III.) without reason puts the reciprocal pronoun here for the reflexive iavrovs. e< Ta>v dev8pa>v. These trees seem to have been in the main court of the temple. They pro- bably surrounded it in rows. 4. rjpepas re eTrra is the time ' how long.' Tr]v pev alriav k. t. X. The sense is that while they pretended to put to death only such as had conspired against the democracy, private revenge and interest also actuated many in the work of destruction, (Tcf>Q)v avrav. See N. on I. 25. § 2. vTTo TQ)v XajSoj/rojv, sc. ra xPVf^<^'''^ from the paren- thetic words ;(p;7/xaro)J/ crv. 5. Trda-d re. . . .^iavdrovy every sort of death toolc place, i. e. death appeared in every form and image. Of. Virg. jEn. 2. 36. koX otoj/. . . .^uW/Sj; = Kai Tvdv olov 0iXeT eV rw roiovra -yej/eo-Sat, /cat ert Trepairepo) tovtcov ^vve^rj. Goel. drro ratv ifpatv, from the altars. So Trpoff auroiy, ly them, i. e. the altai's. If UpSiv signified temples, it would have been c'k tSuv Upav and iv avrois. irfpioiKoboprpievTes. Of. 1. 134. § 2. 6. paiCkov. Repeat atpr]. eV roif (see K. on III. 17. § 1 ) frown;, first of all, • Chap. LXXXn.] NOTES. 661 CHAPTER LXXXII. These horrible excesses seemed the worse from their being the first which, happened in the war, for afterwards similar commotions raged throughout all Greece (§ 1) ; the war fur- nished favorable opportunities to the factions for mutual revenge (§ 2), and as the discord- ant state of things progressed and became general, excesses were committed each more atrocious than tlie preceding (§ 3) ; rashness was esteemed valor, prudent delay cowardice, every thing was reversed in respect to the estimation in which it was formerly held, and the most glaring vices were regarded as cardinal virtues (§§ 4-7) ; the source of all these disorders and excesses was the lust of power, each party pretending to be actuated by the purest patriotism, but bending all their efforts to overpower each other, so that there was no outrage which they hesitated to commit, no atrocity to which they did not freely aban- don themselves, while the moderate and virtuous portion of the citizens were the victims of both parties (§ 8). 1. The grammatical difficulties of tliis chapter are very numerous, but I am compelled by the brevity of the limits to which I must confine myself, to be contented with merely stating what on the whole seems to be the best solution, without entering very extensively into the reasons. eVayeo-Sai denotes the consequence, or perhaps the aim (as Bloomf. thinks) of 8ta(liopa>v ovcrwv. rois oXiyois has the same construction as rols — ■n-poardraLs. koL before eV connects diap. ovk av ixovTcov. . . . inopl^ovTo. The construction is irregular, inasmuch as it should have been ovk av exdvrcov — rcov iTrayaycov — Tropi^ofxevcov^ Or ovk av cTxov — • enopl^ovTo. The genitive absolute is here employed to denote cause, the proper case after inopl^ovTo being the dative. The same remarks apply to 7roX€p.ov[xevoiv (sc. avrav)^ when they were pressed in war. ^vfip-axias is to be constructed with al eVaycoyai, the opportunities for Iringing in an alliance^ unless, as Arnold "suggests, vnapxovarjs is supplied from noXefiovfiivcav^ an alliance heing at hand for the injury of either party. Uarepois is used for the adnominal genitive after rols — ^ovXoixevois^ and KaKoxrei and Trpoo-noLrja-ei are datives of ' cause.' €K Tov avTov\, from the same alliance. The dative rols — j3ov\op.€vois depends on iiropl^ovTo. There are other ways of con- structing this sentence, which in the estimation of some may be preferable to the one which I have adopted. 2. ca)s aV, as long as. /laXkov (= xaXeTrcorepa. Goel.) refers to yiyvofieva Ka\ del ea-ofieva. a)S. . . . ecfua-Toovrai, '"'■pvout singulce cven- tuum, seufortunarum^ mutationes acciderint.^^ Bothe. ^vvrvxioov. See N, on III. 45. § 4. roO xaS' ^fiipav^ of each day = daily. htddo-KaXos. Of. Xen. Oyr. II. 3. § 13. 3. ra Tcov TToXecov = rroXeis. Of. Mt. § 285. 2. ttjv vnep^oXriv 662 NOTES. [Book DX .... diavolas = TO /caS' vnep^oXfjv Kairovar^ai ras diavoias. Arnold. — — TirepLTexvrjaet denotes that in which the superiority just spoken of consisted. 4. Ka\ rfjv cicoSvTai' k. t. X. Goel. constructs thus : rrjv d^icocrtj) ovofiaTcov {ttjv) eicoSutay es to. epya. He also takes is to. epya for em To7s epyois or rav epycov^ and with eiwSuiai/ supplies elvai (tcov epycov) or Xeyea-'^ai (eVi Tois epyois). ip.nXr]KTa>s, '''' dementer^ temej'e.'^ Be- tant. This section contains a most energetic and graphic description of the frightful anarchy and discord, into which the Grecian states had fallen during the time of this war. 5. Kol. . . .deivorepos = and he who was quicTc in suspecting a plot was deemed more clever. avrwp^ i. e. tov eTn^ovXeveiv koI vTropoelu. Krug. TTJs diaXvrfjs^ a dissolver of his party (for such I think is the sense to be given eraipias in this place). "We see that the chains of party have been the chains of liberty in every age and country. Indeed we can conceive of nothing more certainly disastrous to a state, than a preference of the interests of party to sound and w^holesome principles. tov p,r} diavoovpevov, one who had no thought (of doing it). 5Vhat this refers to depends upon the signification given to the preceding sentence. Arnold paraphrases it thus: "it was thought a worthy deed if any man could enlist into his party, and fully inoculate with its unscrupulous spirit, any one wlio before had abstained from joining it, and had no thought of entering into its violences." I prefer on the whole, as more consonant with the letter and scope of the passage, the translation of Bloomfield : " in a word, he that would be beforehand witli another, who was about to do him wrong, was commended, as was also ho who set another on doing so, that thought not of it." 6. bia TO. . . .ToXpav^ decaiLse it (i. e. the party) was more ready to perform unscrupulous acts of daring (in behalf of their friends) ; liter- ally, to dare without any hesitation. Notice the varied construction, p.€Ta — &)0eXetas — a^a — nXeove^ia. Goeller renders tcov .... ax^eXeias-, utilitatis quam leges concedunt. ras . . . . Tr/orety, the pledges of faith toioards each other. ov. . . .'napovop.r](rai. Arnold cites Ma chiavelli, Istoria Fiorentina, lib. III. 7. epycoj/ (pvXaKfi^ with a close watch upon their actions. Opposed to this is ov yevvaioTTjTi^ not with generosity of soul, magnanimity. ev anopov, for the present through want of all other resources. exovTav (sc. avrav) is in the plural because it refers to the two par- ties included in cKaTepa. ev. . . .^apa-rja-ai, tut when an opportu- nity offered, he who first tooh courage. 77S10J/ irpoaeXapf^ave. It is difficult to conceive of a more detestable state of aflairs than is Chap. LXXXIL] NOTES. (Jgg here described. rw fiiv refers to diia^iels dya^iol, and Be t« (i. e. ra Se) to KaKovpyoL otncs de^toi. The subject of both ala-xyvovTat and dydWovTai. is ckcIvoi to be supplied from ol ttoXXoI. 8. TrdiTo)^. . . .cjuX&rifiiav. In this clause avrcov refers, as the Schol. remarks, to the evils before mentioned (jav upr}\ieva>v kukwv)^ and dpxrj is to be taken in the sense of lust of rule (Jj eVtSv/xia tov ^ovXea-^iai apxeiv. Schol). eK 8\ . . .7rp6'^v[xov. The order and construction is, €K S' avTcov (i. e. covetousness and ambition) rju to irpo'^vp.op tSuv Ka?iiv depends on irepiyiyuea^saL. Dindorf places a comma after deivoTaTa and pei^ovs^ thus making eToXprjo-dv re to. Setj/drara and ene^^eadv re rds Ttpoopias ctl pei^ovs opposed to each other. But, as Arnold remarks, we should then have expected ine^rjeaav Tipoapiais. I have therefore altered Dindorf 's punctuation, so as to throw Tipapias in dependence upon npoTC^ivTes. This gives the translation, they dared (to commit) the most horrible atrocities^ and revenged them (when they had suffered them from others) by a retaliation of still more horrible atrocities. €tl pel^ovs in reference to ra Seij/drara is hyperbolical. ov ^vpcfiopov shows that in doing thus, they paid no regard to justice or the welfare of the state. is Spi^om-es, but always limiting them (i. e. their acts of aggression and revenge) according (is) to what was anywise {ttov) pleasing to either party. (fnXoveiKiav, desire of revenge. ivopi^ov is put here for xpw'^^h with the addi- tional idea of what is habitually done (see N. on I. 77. § 6 end), and is therefore followed by the dative. Cf. K. § 285. 1. (1). evizpc- Treia is to be taken with diaTrpd^aa'^ai^ and not with apeivov tjkovov^ since evTrpeTreia — rt dtanpa^ao-^Sai responds to the preceding evcre^eia ivopiCov. imcfi^ovas is here taken in a bad sense, nefariously (invidiose. Betant), so as to excite odium. apeivov rJKovov^ were in greater estimation ; literally, heard themselves called better. ra .... noXiTcov refers to those who occupied a middle perdition- Vetween ihc factions, the neutrals in politics^ the conservatives. 664 NOTES. [Book in V CHAPTER LXXXIII. Thus was every species of -wickedness prevalent in Greece, and all the qualities of a generous nature disappeared (§§ 1, 2) ; in this contest, the men of inferior talents almost always had the advantage, since they relied upon boldness and promptitude of action, and crushed their adversaries while off their guard (§§ 3, 4). 1. ouro), i. e. in the manner mentioned in the previous chapter. 8ia TCis crracreiff, hy these factions. Bloomf. cites Schiller's remarks on the thirty years' war in Germany, " that in the long confusion of that war, all bonds of order were dissolved; all regard for human right, or fear of the laws, all purity of morals, was lost. Truth and faith sunk powerless, while force alone ruled with an iron sceptre. Vices of all kinds grew with a rank luxuriance under the shelter of anarchy and impunity ; and men fell into the same wildness as the rapined countries they inhabited. Ko condition was too venerable for insult, no property sacred against want and rapine." ov. . . . fxerex^L^ of which a nodle nature has so great a share. S. § 191. 2. /carayeXao-SeV, deing ridiculed^ scouted^ as we say, laughed down. T^ yvoijxrj is to be constructed with to avTiT^Ta^ai. dnia-Tcos^ With- out confidence in one another. dirjueyKev = Kpelcraov eyevero. 2. yap implies an ellipsis : and with good reason for. ovre \6yos — ovre opKos., '"'' neither promise nor oath.'''' Arnold. Kpda-crovs be ovT€s K. T. X. Arnold says of this passage, that if it is not corrupt, it seems to be at least untranslatable. The exposition of Dobree is adopted by some eminent critics : sensus est, argumentis et jureju- rando minime moti (Angl. steeled against)^ ut mox^ chap. 84. § 2. Ho would supply from the preceding context rov \6yov Ka\ tov opKov. Arnold says that these genitives cannot be thus understood, nor can Kpeicrarovs simply signify Kpeiarcrovs rcov Xoycov. Poppo approves of the explanation of the Schol., peirovres Be oi av^pcanoi rots Xoyio-fiols irpos TO fXTj eXniC^LV Tiva tticttiv kcu ^e^aioTrjTo^ irpoevoovvTo fxaXXov^ tva firf Trd^ooa-iv avTol kukws (cf. Bekker's Schol.). For my part, I see no better solution than that of Dobree, Xoyto-ftw being translated, as a matter of calculation^ opposed to what is done under a sudden im- pulse. fiT]. . . . edvvavTo^ they were provident against suffering (any thing) ratJier than disposed (literally, aNe) to have confidence (in promises or oaths). 3. yvojfxrjv if tho accusative synecdochical. ojs ra TrXeico, fo? *Jie most part. to re avTav eVSeey, tJieir own mental deficiency Chap. LXXXV.] NOTES. QQS To this firj.,. .acri responds, as koI ck. , . .npoef^i^ooktvefievoi answers to Koi TO, ... ^vu€t6v. Construct to eVSees as tli« object of tw SeSteVat. 4. ol be refers to the persons whose talents were of a higher order. Trpoaia^ea'^ai. Supply olofxevoi elicited from KaTa(j)povovvT€s. Kol epya . . . .e^ea-Tiv^ and that there was no 7U2ed of their talcing ty force what they could gain ly management. CHAPTER LXXXIY. These excesses were for the most part first committed at Corcyra, where through desiie of plunder or revenge, or to promote party interests, men proceeded to the most horrible atrocities, and the whole manner of life was confounded for a season (§§ 1, 2) ; the evil also pei-petuated itself, one act of violence preparing the way for another, and serving as a pretext for farther atrocities (§ 3). 1. iv S' ovv K. T. X. The historian now returns to a consideration of these acts of violence as they took place in Corcyra. avTb>v refers to to. epya in III. 83. § 3 (end). TrpoeroX/ij^S?; kol oTvoaa K. r. X. The construction, according to Arnold, is npoeToXprj^r] — orroa-a — dpdaeiav — yiyvSaKoiev — eVeXSoiei/. Cf. Mt. § 527. Kriig. connects koi oTToaa with to ttoXXo. Construct viro tcov — TrapacrxovToov with dp- Xoixevoi. Sta TraSSouy, passionately. ol re — dno 'urov Se fxaXia-Ta emovTes, those who entered upon the contest on an equality with their opponents. 2. /3iou = method or manner of life: ibrjXcoa-ep — ova-a. See N. on 1. 11. § 3. Kpeiaa-oiv de tov diKaiov. See IST. on III. 83. § 2. — Tov npovxovTos is to be considered as a neuter, and corresponds to tov diicaLov going before. eV J refers to to Kepdaiveiv. As it respects fxr] in eV a fxr], see N. on oaTis, I. 40. § 3. TO (p'^ovelu = 6 cf)^6vos. Cf. Jelf 's klihn. § 678. 3. a. o-^aXelo-i. See Jelf 's Kiihn. § 675. &. VTroXeiVeaSai. Kepeat d^iova-L. CHAPTER LXXXV. The Athenian fleet departs from Corcyra (§ 1) ; a remnant of the aristocratical party seizo upon some forts on the opposite continent, whence they carry on a war of plunder with those on tha island, and so cut oflf their supplies as to produce a famine (§ 2) ; they also Kcnd ambassadors to Lacedaemon, but not receiving any assistance they cross over to tho island, take possession of Mount Istone, and thence make depredations upon the country (§§3,4). 1. ot jLieV ovp K. T. X. The thread of the narration is here resumed from chap. 81. Trpwrai? in reference to the subsequent acts of 66Q NOTES. [Book in violence, detailed in this chapter and in IV. 46-48. 6 Evpvfxedcov The conduct of this commander was far different from that of Nico- stratus, who with a small force acted the part of a mediator, and prevented the excesses to which the Oorcyraeans afterwards abandoned themselves. 2. TTJs....yr]s^ i. e. the mainland opposite to Corcyra. Most of tnese powerful islanders had continental possessions opposite to them. 3. Trepl AcaSoSou, respecting their return (from exile), their restora- tion. du^rjo-av is ttjv vrjaov. Mitford remarks upon this as an ill-judged measure, since they could have founded a powerful city on the continent. But it should be remembered that this step was taken for the recovery of what belonged to them, and of which they had been unjustly deprived. 4. oTTOis . . . .yrjs^ in order that they might despair of doing any thing else than conquering the country. The reader will be re- minded of the course pursued by Hernando Cortez, who destroyed his fleet at Vera Cruz in order to compel his troops to conquer or die. After aWo re supply npa^ai. Cf. Mt. § 488. 11. ttjv 'larcovTjv. Bloomfield thinks that this was a lofty eminence situated at the head of the rivulet Santa Barbara, directly in view of the Old Port, not more than two miles from the situation, which Col. Leake supposes to be the one occupied by the ancient city. CHAPTER LXXXYI. The Athenians send a fleet to Sicily, in consequence of a war wliicb had sprung up between the Syracusians and Leontines, the fonner of which people were considered as belonging to the Peloponnesian confederacy (§§ 1, 2) ; the Leontines, on the ground that they were lonians, ask aid of the Athenians, which is granted them (§§ S-5). 1. €s StKcXiaj/. We have in this place the beginning of the inter- meddling of the Athenians in the Sicilian affairs, which in 'the end proved so disastrous to them. 2. yap introduces the origin of this expedition. ainep — eVa- )(pT](ravj which had deen recTconed in the alliance (npos ttjv — ^u/x/za- 3. ot rS)v AeovTivcdv ^vfxfiaxoi. " He says the allies of the Leontines, sather than the Leontines and their allies, because the argument of an old alliance already subsisting could only, so far as we know, be used by the Rhegians, and not by the Leontines themselves." Arnold. Chap. LXXXVIH.] NOTES. 667 Gorgias Leontiiins was said to have been the chief of the embassy here sent to Athens. 4. ^ovXofievot 8e firjTe. " Ita orditur, quasi postea sit dicturus rrpo- ireipdv re TToteto-Sat, sed perinde pergit, ao si scripserit to 8' aXrj'^es ovT€ ^oyXofievoi.^^ Poppo. ayeo-3at, fo de imported. irponeipav, a previous exijeriment, et, whether. ra. . . .yez/eVSai is the subject of i'ir]. apovu refers to the islanders, and dneTrXeva-av to thd Athenians. 668 NOTES. [Book in CHAPTER LXXXIX. The usual summer-incursion of the Peloponnesians into Attica is prevented by the earth- quakes (§ 1) ; the earthquakes and inundations of the sea, which occurred in Orobise, Ata- lante, and Peparethus, are noticed, and their physical causes considered (§§ 2-4). 1. "Aytdos Tov 'Apxi^di^ov. Archidamus died about a. o. 427. Cf. Clint. Fast. Att. See N. on I. 80. § 1. 2. I have followed Poppo, Krug., Bloomf., and Arnold, in putting a comma after Karexovrcov, because the author does not mean to say, that the earthquakes were particularly prevalent at OrobijB, but that, while they were prevalent elsewhere, the convulsion here spoken of took place in Euboea. ineX'^ovo-a. The best of our modern crit- ics are unanimous in the belief that eVai/cXSsoOo-a is the true reading. Eender then eVeXSovcra . . . .vTrevooTrjare, having retired from what was then land, and rising in a towering wave, it came upon a part of the city, and the one portion (of the invading flood) washed the land away (so as to form a permanent inundation), and the other portion subsided (so that the land reappeared). For the sense here given to /careicXucre, cf. Liddell and Scott. •4. KVfxaTos iiravaxoaprjals Tis, a retiring dacJs of the sea. ov ... .ye, yet it did not overflow =. there was no inundation. 5. avev (reiaixov (= el fifj o-6icr/x6ff ^u) contains the protasis. ov< — yeveVSat, it does not seem to me that such a thing could happen. For av with the infinitive, cf. S. § 215. 6. CHAPTER XC. Among other operations of the Athenians in Sicily, they undertake an expedition agaijst Myla3 (§§ 1, 2), which they soon compel to surrender and join the confederacy (§ 3) ; aftor« wards the Messenians are also brought to terms and give hostages (§ 4). 1. aXXoi than those in which the Athenians engaged. koI av- To\ oi l,LKiKia>Tai, even the Siciliots themselves. The words are in ap- position with aXXoi. Xoyou, of notice. 2. MuXfiy. Myl£e was situated on tho neck of a peninsula on the Chap. XCL] NOTES. 669 northern coast of Sicily, nearly west of Messene. ^vXat', compa' nies. Trerrotrjixepai, who Jiad made. For this middle signification of the verb, cf. Mt. § 493. d. ro7s depends on ivebpav. See N", on avTikoylav Tois viJertpois, I. 73. § 1. 4. TaXXa TTtcrra TrapaaxofJ-evoi^ fumisliiiig other pledges (of good behavior) ; literally, the other (securities) as pledges^ etc., inasmuch as TTicrra is th« predicate, like ^xPP^t !• ^^<' § 2. HAPTER XCI. The Athfti^fns send a fleet under Demosthenes to cruise around Peloponnesus, and another under Nicias against Melus (§ 1) ; this latter fleet failing in their attempt to subjugate tho Melians, proceed to Oropus, where the hoplites disembark, and marching to Tanagra rav- age the territory, after which they return to the ships (§§ 2-5) ; Nicias then after ravaging the maritime parts of Locris returns home (§ 6). 1. A7;/xoo-3ei/r;$-, Demosthenes^ was one of the most celebrated com- manders in the Peloponnesian war, and figures largely in the subse- quent history. His fortune, however, did not equal his abilities. NtKi'ay. See K on III. 51. § 1. 2. yap introduces the reason why the Melians were invaded. They were islanders, and yet (koI) were unwilling to render obedience to the Athenians or join the confederacy. 3. ^QpcoTTov. See IST. on II, 23. § 3. It was not in reference to this situation of Oropus opposite the Euboean coast, that rrjs irepav yr^s (which some would change to rrjs Ueipa'LKrjs) is added. 4. 'Ittttovlkov. He was the father-in-law of Alcibiades, and one of the richest men in Greece. Evpvp.e8ovTos. The same person who commanded at Corcyra (cf. HI. 80. § 2 ; 85. § 1), from which Bloomf. thinks his conduct there was not displeasing to the Athenians. d7r6 (TTjixiov. Cf. II. 90. § 4. t6 avT6. Cf. Xen. Anab. I. 8. § 14. 5. oTrXa of those who had fallen in the engagement. 6. 01 Se refers to those who had sallied forth from the city (under the command of Hipponicus), and oi 8i to the hoplites who belonged to the ships. 670 NOTES. [BooKin. CHAPTER XCII. The Lacedaemonians, in order to render assistance to the Trachinians and Dorians, and ob tain a favorable 'baso of naval operations against Athens, set about founding the colony of Heraclea'in Trachinia (§§ 1-3) ; they first consult the Delphic oracle, and having received a favorable response send out colonists, who rebuild the place and construct docks (§§ dt-6). 1. OiTaiav. Miill. (Dorians, I. p. 49) thinks that these were jEni- anes. There is not, however, sufficient reason to suppose this. Cf. Poppo's Proleg. II. p. 303 ; Leake's North. Greece, 11. p. 27. 2. Trpoa-^elvai (Tcfjas avrovs^ to join themselves. beiaavres . . . . S)ari^ i. e. they feared that they afterwards would be deprived of the liberty, which was secured to them by the terms of the alliance. 8. Aopiijs AaKcbaifjiovicov (cf. L 12. § 3). See N. on I. 107. § 2. 4. yvo>ixT]v elxov, tooTc counsel. See N. on II. 86. § 5. xal. . . . KaSiorao-Sat, and at the same time the city seemed to he favorably sit- uated in respect to the war with the Athenians. For the construction of noKefiov, see N. on koXcos irapdnXov /ceirai, I. 36. § 2. 6. Ta>v TTcpiolKoiv. It appears from this that the Perioeci took part in the Spartan colonies, although they were undoubtedly the oi noX- \oL^ and not the leading men in the colonies. ecrnu a)v = iulcov. See N. on I. 65. § 3. 'AX/ciSay. "A decent way of laying on the shelf, an officer who had so evinced his unfitness for great affairs." Bloomf. 6. €K KaLvrjs^ de integro. a7r«xouo-a QepnorrvXav. It lay nearly west of ThermopylaB. eu^uXa/cra. For the neut. plur. of the adjective in the predicate. Instead of the neut. sing., cf. Mt. § 443. 1. CHAPTER XCIII. The Athenians, supposing that the colony was established for operations against Euboea, &t first view it with alarm (§ 1), but without cause, for the Thessalians so harassed the colo- ny that it gradually wasted away (§ 2) ; and the harsh and imperious conduct of the Lace* dsemonian directors, also impeded its prosperity (§ 8). 1. TTJs.,..^vvoiKi^op.epr}s., when the city was thus jointly colonized, against (in a hostile sense). to Krivaiov. This was th« western extremity of Euboea, and nearest to Ileraclea. Chap. XCIV.] NOTES. 671 2. aXriov Se tjv • oi re Gecro-aXoi k. t. X. The construction, as it was begun, demanded (ft'^eipovres koL — 7ro\e[xovvTes, since ainov is pro- perly the predicate. The distance of the participles from ol re Qea-- o-akoi^ and the intervention of other participles, caused the writer to change the construction and employ verbs. Thus ahtou be rjv be- comes a phrase like TeKurjpiop Se, arjiielop de. Cf. Mt. § 309. h. Tais ^vfipaxois. Eeference is had especially to the Acarnanians and the Araphilochians. es Kvtiviop to Aa)piK6v. Cytenium lay on or near the Pindus, one of the npper streams of the Oephissus, and was nearly south of Heraclea (III. 92. § 1). Demos- thenes chose the northern route, because the southern, which placed Parnassus on his left, would have led him through the country of the Delphians, who always favored the Lacedaemonians. aKovrcov *AKapvdva>v. It will be recollected that the Arcarnanians wished De- mosthenes to invest Leucas (cf. III. 94. § 2), and therefore they were averse to this expedition against the u^tolians. ^drj has here the local signification of immediately after ^ from this point. Cf. Jelf 's Kiihn. § 720. 4. a. ovv in apas ovv is resumptive, tlie thread of the narrative being interrupted by, the parenthesis. Cf. Mt. § 625. 2. rriv OV rr€piT€ixi-cnv. Cf. I. 137. § 3. — — — to7s im^drais. These troops correspond to our marines. Tt appears from this and several other passages, that ten marines were the usual complement to each vessel. 3. Olveavos. Col. Leake (North. Greece, 11. p. 616) thinks that their territory bordered on Naupactus, from which it was separated by the river Morno, i. e. the Hyla3thus. CnAP. XCVILl NOTES. , 673 CHAPTER XCVI. Demosthenes passes the night in the precincts of the temple where Hesiod died (§ 1) ; he marches into jEtolia, and takes Potidania, Crocylium and Tichium, with tlie intention afterwards of attacking the Ophioneans (§ 2) ; but the jEtolians in view of this expedition, which had not escaped their notice, all unite in the common defence (§ 3). 1. i7rop€V€To refers to Hesiod. His object appears to have been to go as far as possible from Nemea. Bloomf. 2. EvnaXiov. Ool. Leake (North. Greece, H. p. 618) fixes the loca- tion of this place a little inland from Erythrae, which formed, as ho supposes, its harbor. Inland and bordering upon this was Potidania, although first reached in the march of Demosthenes. Still farther in the same direction and lying in the valley of the Morno (see N". on HI. 95. § 8), were Crocylium and Tichium. In Kiepert's map of ^tolia, Eupalion lies south of the line of the towns Potidania, Crocylium, and Tichium. — — eVi *Ocf)Loveas (see N". on III. 94. § 3) depends upon arpareva-ai. is NavTraxroi' iTravaxoaprjaas^ after having retreated upon IsTaupactus. CHAPTER XCVII. At the advice of the Messenians, Demosthenes does not wait for the Locrians, but marches agamst ^gitium and takes it by storm (§§ 1, 2) ; but the ^tolians rally for its defence and attack the Athenians from all quarters (§ 3). 1. OTTcp Koi TO 7rpa>Tov. Cf. III. 94. § 4. TTju S' eV iroa-h (so. Koijx-qv)^ the town which lay in his way. 2. rfi Tvxrj. Cf. Mt. § 399. C. i'dei irpoa^orj^aai. Cf. III. 95. i 3. AlyiTLov. ^gitium is placed by Kiepert on the right bank of the ]kforn6, north of Potidania. -v/^tXwj/ is taken adjectively by Kriiger. yap after inecpevyov introduces the reason why the place was taken at the first attack. The men had deserted it for a higher and stronger position. 3 Sta)^ets and virayayal are in apposition with roiavrtf ^ fidxrj. 29 C74 - NOTES. [BooKin CHAPTEE XCVIII. The commandei of the archers being slain, that body is dispersed, whereupon the hopUte^ wearied out and hard pressed, retreat (§ 1) ; being unacquainted with the way many oT them are slain, and those who survive with great difficulty reach (Eneou whence they had set out (§§ 2, 3) ; the Athenians bury their slain by treaty and return to Athens (§§ 4, 5). 1. avTois is regarded by Blooraf. as a dat. commodi, arrows for their use. But why not regard it as put for the adnominal genitive, their arrows ? Cf. Kr. § 48. 12. N. 2. ol de refers to the Atheni- ans, inasmuch as ol ro^orat is a subordinate subject. ovtoi refers to the archers, and avToi to the Attic hoplites. x^P'^^P^^^ ravines^ leds of torrents. avrots. See N. on avrois supra. 2. TToScoKeif, swift-footed^ is a poetic word. 4. rjXiKia T) avTT]^ the very flower. The men who fell constituted the strength and flower of the army. 5. 6 €T€pos. S. § 77. 2. ILpoKk^i. Of. III. 91. § 1. A7?^o- a^evTjs be nepl 'SavrraKTov k. t. X. This is the first instance given in this history, of a general fearing to return to Athens after an unsuc- cessful expedition. CHAPTER XCIX. The Athenians sail to Locris, and take a fort situated on the Hales. 1. ot* Trepi 2iKe\iav 'A'irjvaioi. Cf. III. 86. § 1 ; 88. § 1 ; 90. § 2. AoKpiba. These Locrians were a people of Magna Gra^cia, being a colony of the Locri Opuntii from Greece. They were distinguished by the appellation of Epizephyrii. TrepnroXLou = <^povpiov. Schol. "AXrjKi. The Halex was a small stream in the most southern part of Magna Grsocia, a little west of the promontory of Heracleum, Chap. CL] NOTES. 676 CHAPTER C. /t the request of the -^tolians, the Lacedaemonians fit out an expedition against Naapactua (§§ 1, 2). 1. TTpo'repoi/, the expedition of the Athenians against ^tolia, of fv^hich the relation has just been given. Sm. . . .eVaycoy^v, i.e. * propterea quod [Naupactii contra ipsos] adduxerant Athenienses." ilaack. 2. 'Upaickeias rrjs eV Tpaxivi- Cf. III. 92. 1. ol ^Trapriarai. Arnold suggests that the design of the appointment of two associate crommanders, was that they might succeed to the command one after uhe other, upon the death of their superior. If so then ol ^TrapTiarat frould signify the other two Spartans, who together with Eurylochus, «iiade up the number of Spartan citizens usually employed in foreign wcnmands. CHAPTER CI. The army being collected at Delphi, the Spartan commander succeeds, through the terror of his approach, in detaching most of the Ozolian Locrians from the Athenian interest (§§ 1, 2). 2. ^coKeaiv e'x^os, l e. the hatred borne to them by the Phocians. As the Athenians were the powerful friends of the Phocians, so these Amphisseans wished to secure the favor and protection of the Lace- daemonians. It is to be remarked that between the Locrians and Phocians there had existed an enmity from the time of the Persian war. Suoreo-jSoXcoraros, most difficult of approach. eneira *Iirv€as K. T. X. The tribes whose names follow belonged to the Ozolian Locrians. 676 . NOTES [BooKia CHAPTER CII. All things being ready Eurylochus marches against Naupactua, and being joined I y the jEtolians, ravages the territory and takes Molycrium (§§ 1, 2) ; but Demosthenes with the Acamanians whom he had summoned to his aid, throws himself into Naupactus and de- fends the place (§§ 3, 4) ; whereupon Eurylochus turns away and concerts with the Am braciots a combined invasion of Acamania and Argos Amphilochium (§§ 5-7). 1. avTav = lelonging to them (i. e. the Locrians). Cf. Kr. § 47. 5. N. 5. 2. Koi oi is employed in reference to the subject, ol fxera EvpvXo- Xov implied in yevofievoi S\ MoXvKpciov. See N. on II. 84. § 4. 3. /Liera. . . .AlroiKlas. The preposition eV, by the constructio praeg- nans (see K. on I. 18. § 2), gives to this passage the sense, qfter the events which happened in ^tolia^ and tJie retreat from that country. npoaia^ofxevos tov crrpaTov. Cf. a>j/ . . . . aio-So'/xeyot, I. 57. § 6. 4. tS^u pea>v. Cf. III. 94. § 1 ; 105. § 3. 5. is TTjv AioXi'Sa. Poppo and Goel. think that this was the an- cient name of the town of Calydon. Others think that it was the name of the district, which afterwards took its name from its chief towns Calydon and Pleuron. CHAPTER CIII. The Athenians in Sicily attack Inessa, but are unable to take it (§ 1) ; as they depart from the place their rear-guard is attacked and suifers much loss (§ 2) ; Laches afterwards de- feats the Locrians and despoils them of their arms (§ 8). 1. Ol 8' 61/ TTJ 2tKeXta. The scene now changes to Sicily, where some inconsiderable operations of the Athenians were described in III. 99. § 1. Kara Kpdros dpxopieuoi = ieing governed with harsh- ness and severity. avrols depends on ^vvenoXepovv. in "Ivrja-' aap is to be constructed after eVeXSoi/rer. Inessa lay north-west of Catana about midway between that place and JEtna. 2. *A^T]vaicov depends upon varepois = the rear of the Atheniam, 8. AoKpiba. Cf. III. 99. Chap. CV"] NOTES. 677 CHAPTER CIV. The Athenians purify Delos, by digging xip all the coffins, and forbidding that any persons shall be suffered to die there, after which they institute the festival called Delia (§§ 1, 2); it is evident from the Hymn on Apollo, that anciently there were games and musical con- tests in tiie island (§§ 3-5) ; but the games had long been suspended, until they were at this time restored by the Athenians (§ 6). 1. Bfj is employed here in an ironical sense (forsooth\ to show that this was a mere pretence on the part of the Athenians, and that no such oracle was given. vtjo-ov depends on oaov. 3. irepiKTLovav injo-KOToju refers to the inhabitants of the circumja- cent islands. 4. npooiixiov = vfxvov. dXX' ore. Arnold follows Haack and Poppo in editing ciXkore. It will be seen that as Thucydides cites these lines, there are many discrepancies between his text and that of the existing MSS. of Homer. The fact is all to which I have space to call the attention of the reader. 6. /xeS' Upav eVefiTToi/, "sent the choral bands of dancers with eacrifices." Arnold. CHAPTER CV. The Ambraciots make an expedition as they had agreed, against the Amphilocliian Argos, and lay siege to Olpte (§ 1) ; part of the Acamanlans go to the relief of Argos, and part watch the motions of Eurymachus (§ 2) ; they confer the chief command on Demosthe- nes, and call in to their aid the Athenian fleet which was cruising around Peloponnesus (§ 3) ; the Ambraciots also send to their city for aid (§ 4). 1. coa-irep. . . .Kariaxov =z as they had promised to Eurylochus when they detained his army. "'0X770?. This place lay a short distance Qortli-west of Argos. Cf. Kiepert's map. TroVe is to be taken with Teixtcrdp-epoi. 2. Kp^vai, Crenm (i. e. TTeZZs), is placed by Kiepert a short dis- tance south-west of Argos and south-east of Olpoa. Some, however, suppose that it lay some distance inland, east of Argos Amphilochium. But in tliis case, I do not see how it could be selected as a favorable 678 NOTES. [BookDI place, to watch the motions of Euryloclms and prevent his junction with the Ambraciots. 3. TTfjUTrovo-i . . . .Ar]fxo(r?ievT]v. This was honorable alike to the char- acter and talents of Demosthenes, and gave him a fine opportunity to retrieve his credit, which had suffered from the failure of his enter- prise against the -^tolians. CHAPTER CVI. The Peloponnesians succeed by a rapid march in forming a junction with the Ambraciots at 01pa3 (§§ 1-3). 1. iu in ev "OX-n-acs following a verb of motion (rJKovTas) involves the idea of rest, which followed the motion of the troops to Olpao, Cf. K. §300. 3. a. Upoo-x^ov. This town lay east of the Achelous, on the route from Molycrion to Actium. It will be seen that the Pelo- ponnesians turned off from this road, and took a northern route, which led direct to Argos, through the towns Phytia (which Col. Leake regards as the present JPorta), Medeon, and Limnso. They probably passed along the eastern borders of the territory belonging to the two last-mentioned towns, as they turned to the right and crossed Mount Thyamis, in order to enter the valley of a small stream which flowed between Argos and Crense towards Olpae. 3. vvKTos ^dr). This march seems to have been performed in one day. If so, it must have been accomplished with the obstruction of little or no baggage. CHAPTER CVII. Having thus united their forces, the Peloponnesians and their allies encamp at Metropolis soon after which the Athenian forces enter the gulf(§l); the ships blockade Olpae, and Demosthenes, who is chosen general-in-chief, makes preparation for an engagement Mitli the enemy (§ 2); the forces being drawn out against each other, Demosthenes places iu ambuscade 400 men (§ 3), after whicli the battle commences (§ 4). 1. MrjTporroKis. This place on Kiepcrt's map is put N. "W. of Argos, and N. E. of Olpa), about equidistant from the two places — — — rats etKoiTi vavcriu. Cf. III. 105. § 3. Chap. CIX.] NOTES. 679 2. v7r6...,KaT€LxovTOj "aut domi retinebantur ab hoste, qui fines eorum transgressus erat, quo minus Argivis subsidio -venirent; aut AmbraciaB, tanquam obsides." Haack. Cf. III. 114. 3. Koi nei^ov yap. See N. on III. 70. § 3. Trepuax^ (= virepe- TeiV€P. SchoL), SC. avTovs. 4. TrapeaKevaaro. See N. On I. 46. § 1. as eKaaroi rerayixevoiy " ranged in separate corps^ i. e. each tribe or town by itself in contra- distinction to dvap,\$ just after." Bloomf. See N. on I. 3. § 5. \ CHAPTER CVIII. The Peloponnesians falling into the ambuscade are thrown into confusion, and betake them- selves to flight (§ 1) ; also the Ambraciots, after defeating those opposed to them, are charged by the victorious division of the enemy and routed with great slaughter (§§ 2, 3). 1. TO) K€pa^ i. e. with their left wing. to — o. Cf. Kr. § 43. 4. :^r. 17. Ueaarjvioi. See N". on I. 103. § 4. 2. Trpbs TO "Kpyos dneSico^av = they pursued them from the field of 'battle to Argos. The student should notice the force of the prepo- sitions. 3. S^eo■cb^oI/ro is tcls "OXnas^ ^'■reached Olpoi in safety. There is a pra3gnans constructio in Is. See N. on I. 18. § 2, Olpa) here refers to the hiU of that name. Cf. III. 107. § 2. o-TpuTov depends on fidXitTTa. €//-iXcoo-ai, to lay lare (of all support from the Peloponnesians) = to render defenceless. ^eviKov in reference to the Peloponnesians. to iavTcov = their interest, Trpovpyiairepou = TrpoTip-orepov. Schol. According to Kruger the other member of the comparison is fj to toov iK^Lvr] 'eXXt)' j/cov^ elicited from the preceding context. 3. coo-nep vnqpxe = as well as their circumstances would permit (ois rjv avTols BvvaTov. Bothe). CHAPTER ex. Deinostlieneo hearing of the approach of a body of Ambraciots to reiuforce Olptc, forms ambuscades and preoccupies the strong positions in the line of their approach, and then prepares to meet them Avith his army (§§ 1, 2). 1. ayyeXiav, Cf. III. 105. § 4. Ta>v yey€vr]p.ev(ov^ i. e. the defeat oi the Peloponnesians and the Ambraciots (III. 108). 2. TTpoXoxiovvTas refers to /xepos re by the constructio ad sensum. See K on I. 136. § 1. Of. Xen. Anab. II. 1. § 6. ' CHAPTER CXI. The Peloponnesians, under pretence of going forth for food and fuel, steal away, and Laving gone some distance from Olpaj quicken their pace (§ 1) ; the Ambraciots who were with them follow on (§ 2) ; these the Acamanians kill but permit the Peloponnesians to go away (§ 8) ; such of the Ambraciots as escaped repair to Agraea, where they are kindly received by king Salynthius (§ 4). g 1. Koi oh €(T7r€i(TTo, ''^ and those with whom the covenant Jiad ieen made.'''' Bloomf. npocfyaa-iv is to be taken adverbially. 2. oi v. CHAPTER CXIII. A herald having been sent by the Ambraciots at Olpse to obtain leave to remove the dead slain in the first battle, conveys the intelligence of this second defeat to those at Olpse (§§ 1-5) ; some remarks are made by the historian on the greatness of this calamity (§ 6). 1. cK. . . ,*AfX7rpaKLa>Ta)v, i. e. those who had survived the first bat- tle (ttjs TrpwTTjs P'dxqs. Cf, III. 108), and were at 01pa3. koI tS>p 1= Ka\ T(ov aX\(ov Ta>v. 082 NOTES. [Book m 2. Ta>v dno ttjs TToXf cor, sc. ^vve^iovrcov from the preceding ^vve^^ €(rap. Bloomf. a(j>a)v^ i. e. the Ambraciots in whose behalf the herald had been sent. eimt, sc. ra onXa. Schol. 3. ^avfid^oi — reSmo-ii'. This change to the direct oration imparts great vivacity to the narration. Cf. Xen. Anab. I. 9. § 28; 11. 1. § 3. €v 'iSo/zeVaty, i. e. those who had been defeated at Idomene. The clause olofxepos. . . .'Ibofievais is parenthetic. 4. TavTi = these here. (Paiverai^ sc. biaKO(TL(ov elvai. e/cei- vos refers to the herald. ovk. . . .ea-TLv, then indeed they (i. e. the arms) do riot ielong to those who fought with us (i. e. on our side). aXX' rjnels, , . .d7Tox