THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES J*. 0. LAv, ; RAM AN ECONOMICAL SYSTEM OF WRITING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE BY PHILIP HENRY SIEVER ALVORD, TEXAS 1907 Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1*)07, by Philip Henry Siever in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Copyrighted in Great Britain. PREFACE In America and Great Britain, where nearly everything moves at a rapid rate, and where econ- omy in time, energy and material has accomplished so much, there is still need for an economical system of writing the English language. This volume is an effort to supply that need. That longhand is not economical is self evident. It is equally evident that economy does not demand the use of more than one system of writing English. A system as old and as well-established as longhand can not be suddenly displaced by any new system, no matter how meritorious that system may be. To bring about the change it will be necessary at first to teach as a shorthand the new system along with the aa old. When it is proven by experience that the new jg writing answers every demand made upon it, the >. old will gradually give way to the new. By the use \ of a rational system, the average speed of writing * can be wonderfully increased without impairing the legibility of what is written. Simple signs are more ^ easily read than complex. No system of writing * has ever made an expert writer. The system has been only an instrument. Some instruments are ^ better adapted than others to accomplish the pur- poses for which they were invented. Much depends on the user of the instrument. In any calling all 1U are not equally proficient. All do not write long- J5 hand with the same rapidity. Perhaps no two shorthand writers would write the same number of words in the same time. In writing, habits ought to be made reservoirs of power. The expert re- porter of 60 ought to be able to utilize the habituated stroke first made when a child of 6. With only one system of writing English this would be possible. PHILIP HENRY SIEVER. 449539 TEXAS PRINTING COMPANY FORT WORTH SIGNS SOUNDS HOW WRITTEN NAM a / down a an / an am ' am b -/ up buh br ^ bur bl ^ bul be > down, before be upward strokes C u c ch >i down chuh chd chud con i up con com \ com d duh dr dur ded . dud dth \ up duth 5 BWUMUB HOW WRITTEN NAME def y down def dif dif dev ^ ^ dev div X 41. ,. div en em eses ex i fr fl fn \ \ up down en em eses SOUNDS gen ^ h , i in JIT) ing mcon i incom \ HOW WRITTEN down up NAME gen huh n m ing ncon ncom J down juh jd ^N jud jen 1 jen k f up kuh kr f " kur kl f kul \ n uhl m down muh -7- SOUNDS HOW WRITTEN NAME man Q mam \^ down man mam men ^. men mem C mem ment \^ ment mash ^ mash mach ^ mach maj N mashd ^N maj mashd machd c ^s machd multi ^ n k. upright curve multi down nuh ness V. ness j > s down, up o on J om J ^ " on ^ " " om SOUNDS HOW WRITTEN NAME ou ( down ou oun (. " oun oi oin / downright oi curve 9' " oin ol ol P puh pr pur Pi - - pul q q qu u upright curve koo r o arc s up es st " est str S, " stur sk C " esk skr (^ " skur Q SOUNDS HOW WRITTEN NAMK squ x- up squh sw C~ ' sue sh > down shuh shun -N " shun shd -^ S h u d sr up sur si ^- " sul se u se sub j sub t - tub down or up 10 un um HOW WRITTEN NAMES down or up un um vuh vr vl vd vur vul vud vn win w wh up wuh whnh partly written x on, preceding sign upright curve, yuh downright curve up zuh 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ^ A f Per cent *- Dollars Cents ^ Pounds / Dozens f Make figures with downward and forward strokes. When not used alone, cardinal numbers must be written about one-eighth of an inch above the line of writ- ing, and ordinals the same dis- tance below. at end of last figure, at end of last figure, up at end of last figure. up at end of last figure. 12 Number Degrees Minutes Seconds Hundred Thousand Million before first figure, across last figure. against left or upper side of last figure. against right or under side of last figure. after last figure. below last figure. above last figure. Decimal Sign Q beginning of first decimal figure. Ten thousandths c. below last figure. Ten millionths above last figure. Sign of Addition 3 Sign of Subtraction t Sign of Multiplication u Sign of Division Sign of Equality = Sign of Ratio Sign of Proportion 13 Year Year after year Year by year Year to year o- Comma Semi-colon Colon Period Interrogation Exclamation Dash Parentheses Brackets Quotations Section Paragraph Caret Asterisk Dagger after last figure. in cardinal number posi- tion. in cardinal number posi- tion. in cardinal number posi- tion. MARKS o a In cardinal number po- sition. In ordinal number po- sition. 14. EXPEDIENTS I do not j. I do not know You do not know K You did not ^ You did not know ^x He does not ^ He does not know < He did not -j He did not know ^x She does not V She does not know V She did not ^ She did not know vl It does not -^_ It does not know -^ It did not -, It did not know ^~~v They do not -^ They do not know -^ They did not -^z_ They did not know "^\ Ascribe ^/ Ascription A Conscript 4 Conscription * Describe ... . Description ~K Inscribe \- Inscription { Prescribe -^p Prescription X Proscribe *-#. Proscription ^ Subscribe i Subscription I Transcribe ~f Transcription s 15 REMARKS 1. Write to read. Practice for speed. 2. Long vowel sounds are represented by shading. 3. To indicate the long sounds of the vowels in an, am, en, em, in, im, on, om, un, um, man, mam, men and maj, shade the combination signs. 4. The broad sound of A is indicated by a very small A sign. 5. The vowel sounds in ape, add, cart, tall, are, pant, pain, gauge, tray, melee, rein, great, prey, pla^d, guard, taunt, heart, square, laud, gawk, broad, thought, fair, bear, there and their are A sounds. 6. The vowel sounds in ten, bead, tree, ceil, feoff, people, key, quay, yield,' says, said, death, friend and guest are E sounds. 7. The vowel sounds in dice, rill, aisle, height, eye, ay, tie, quire, choir, guy, by, dye, been, sieve, quite and busy are I sounds. 8. The vowel sounds in note, rot, beau, se . boat, roe, door, glow, soul, was, what and hougu are O sounds. 9. The vowel sounds in true, club, new, shoe, soon, slough, group, crude, bruit, view, due, lieu, due, dove, does, flood, took, would, wood, wolf, cur, sir, her, birth, berth, earth, herd and heard are U sounds. 10. A downright curve is made with a down- ward movement on the right and an upward move- ment on the left. 11. An upright curve is made with an upward movement on the right and a downward movement on the left. 12. Numerical dots may be used on the line of writing, but when so used they must be written 16 near other signs. The hundred dot may be written before or after ; the thousand, below ; million, above. 13. The signs for degrees, minutes and seconds may be attached to other signs anywhere. 14. The period must be written not less than one-fourth of an inch from any other sign. 15. An enlarged dollar sign a circle may be used on the line of writing, but must not be con- nected with any other sign. 16. E may be omitted after sh, ch and j. 17. The word to may be represented by an un- derhook at the beginning of words commencing with d, g, t or th. 18. After b, br. h, m, n, p. pi. qu, s and z, the sign for.oi may be made with an upright curve. After p and qu the sign for oin may be made with the same kind of curve. 19. When Italian or broad A is followed by R the combination ar should be represented by the sign for R. 20. Omit D after N and T after F. 21. Before b, br, bl, f, fr, fl, p, pr, pi, v and vr, U may be represented by the on sign and urn by the sign for oun. 22. D may be omitted before J, A! or V. 23. When not preceded by F or V, omit I before For V. 24. Italian an and am should be written with greater slant than short an and am. 25. F S may be represented by a very small F sign, and VS a very small V sign. 26. The T S sign may be used for D S. 17 WORDS WRITTEN IN FULL. a acquit ^ ah ' ablaze L^* > acre y^ aid L. able L ' across /~)- ail L ably *^ act ir~ aim 1 abroad L^< - action l^\ air i abstain t-^J actress Az? airy { abuse u acute /^ aisle i abyss u\, add i ale i acclaim rf addle L > alike f accurse ^ address ^ f all L accursed f^y adieu ^ ^ allay t accuse /-y adore i -n alley < ace /. again ^ allow 4 ache h age <^ alloy ff acquaint L ago ^ allude ^ acquire jf ague *-\ allure ^ 18 ally 4 alms / ankle \r anon _y arraign / array / aloe 4 ant Z arrear L alone j any ^ arrest ^ along 4 ape C arrive ^ aloud { apple < ^ arrow art begot \_ blink ^V- bolt * begun >^ bliss ^^ bone 1 belie v. block boost y bell - blot boot j berth -^~ blotch booth r best "v/ blow borrow -9 big ->u blown ^/ bosh y bile -t blue boss 5 bird >^ bluff botch > birth 9~ blur both r 2t bottle T bright -\. bug -^ bough .< brim ^i buggy > bought <- brine 'I bugle r- bout -i_ bring ' burl j boy J> brink ^ burr ^ brace t- brisk ^ burrow -j brag , ^u broth _2~ burst J^- brain _^ brow _^ burt 3- brake _^_ brown a bush J! brash -^ browse ^ buss -J brass < bruise x bust * brat . bruit -s buy -- brave ^ brush _J^ buyer ^ brawl bubble -( y buzz J> brawn -^ buckle -5 bray 1 budge _^ cab rt^ brig - xu buff -T cable /Z^ 22- cake ceil -C chore j came ^ cell ^ chorus O cane V chafe ^ chose j. cant chain y chum ^ cap "^ chance y churl ^ cargo <& cheap ^ chyme 'I case rt- chew ) cite ^L cash /^ chick ^^_ clad cask //" chime ^\ claim f i cast ^ chin j clam cat chink ] clamp ^ catch ^ chints | clan cause chip \ A clang caution ^ choice J' clank cave ^ choir *> clash caw ^ choke /- clasp cease */ choose I- class 23 clause f clog 1* coast /j. clay f close r coat a clean r clot / x " 2 - cob Ox clear / cloth /^ cobble ^ cleat r cleave clothe, /*- clove ' cod coerce ^ clef /^ clown ' ^ cog a clerk /^~ club ^ coil ^ clew / cluck / *^" coin 9 click ' clue coke a climb ' 1 clump cold tr clinch f S chinch ' ^ cologne ^ cling / clung COlt' ^r clink /^ clutch I \ comb cloak f coach O compass r clock coal O complain ^7 clod coarse / ^- 24 comply ^ comport ^ content -? cowl t compose ^ converse **& coy V compress +f convert ^ crack /* comprise * coo O crag ^ compute >-^ cook O^ cram 7 condemn 17- condense i 7- cool O cop Q^ cramp crane 7 condign , , condole , O copy n core ^p crank crash . A condone , ^ conduce r \ cost ^x cot Q crate crave * cone O cough ^ crawl f* conjoin ] <^ conjure A count /7 course Q. craze cream f contain ^ court O crease * contemn ^ contmpt y cove ^ cow /t creep crest /C ^ 25-- crime '\ crude t* cur crimp ' I cruise /^V curd crimple '\ crumb /~\ ^ ' / crow crown cruise / v curdle crinkle S\f crumble /\_^/ cure cripple /"V_x crumple /T^ curl crisp /'V s -' crunch /^\ curry croak //- cruse /O- curse O crock /"V crush /O^ curst ry crone ./O crust /O/ curt 0- crook. /jk- crutch -^S curtain ^ i croon ^) cry /^ curve a. crop f~L cub A^ cut i cross /* cookoo OO cycle ^ crotch /7 cud o_ cyclone v^ cue crowd /T cuff /^ cult dame dance ~7 26 dangle ~J ^ deface ^^ dice LX dash 2^ defame Vs _ die j date z_ defeat V. dig u daw / define V^ dike -^ dawn -? defray V^, dim day 7 defy V^ din 1 daze 1 deign ^ dine 1 deaf v, delay -^ dirt ^ deal -r O dell g- dish 1^ dean ^ delve s: disperse ^ dear 7 fo den ^7- displace v death -^ deplore <^) display v debt ^ derail 75 displease \r deem -r devolve V^O dispute u~^ deep , devote \ s ^jy ditch ^ deeply c_^ devout \. diverse \J? deer dew ^ divert \J>~ 27 divorce V^F dock doze 2 . drag dug duke doe -7 dram -a dull dog __^ drank . ^> dun dole D draw y, dunce dolt _Q_ drawl (/ dusk dome - don - -7 dream ,- dreary dust dye done v dreg ^ doom >. dress ^> each / door -, drink 1> \r eagle dose 7 drip ^> car dot ^ drown ^> earl double , . drug ^^^ early doubt -, dry f earth dove . duck v ease down , due x easy ^ 28^- eat empty H exact ^_ ebb cs end . excess c. echo /? endure /" > excise c eclat v enjoin ^ excite c eel enjoy / exclaim ^V egg ^ ensign Z exclude 6 eh f entice / excuse O, eight /_ entreat /, exempt r eighth / entry ^ exercise ,r >V eke ^- era exert c elate _ err ^ exile <; else ^ essay fr exist c^x embalm Lf estray (s exit <|_ emblaze L * etch ^ expert O- embrace (-<* euchre V^" explain <= employ ' P eve (^ explode ^ j empress ^ ewe ^ exploit 29- explore ^ ^ fag X fee > export ^ fai4 ^ feeble ^ expose O fain ^ feed fc- express <~f faint y feel * expunge <)) faith ^_ feeling extol L> fall ^ feint I extort <^. false \ fill \ extra "-P fame V fellow $ extreme fate ^ few s fact ^_ fawn ^> fie 1 Cade \ fear > fief ^ 30 fife \ fleece > fly N > fig N l*-N fleet ^ foam > fight x flesh ^ fob j, file x flight \ foe 5 fin -N fling- \ fog X fine -s flirt \ foible Si fire ^ float ^ foil y fish \ flock \ foist * fit V flog y fold ^~ fizz ^ flood V folk ^ flag \ floor ^ font 2 flame \ floss N x. food \ flank X flour \ fool v. flash \ flout \ foot \ flat ^ flue ^ fop I flaw \ flush S force > flea \ flute \ ford v 31- forego N fruit \ gas for g e ^> fry Y gash fort ^ fume ^ gasp forth ^) fun "N gate foul ^ fur ^ gauze frame y, furl \ gay frank furrow N gear fraught ^ fnry N. ghost fray y fuse \ gig free ^> fuss Y gird freeze o girdle freight ^ gain 7 girl fret ^o gait ^_ girt fright xp gale ^ girth frisk ^~ game ^ glass frog N gang 2 glaze frown V gap ^ ' gleam ^ 32 * "7 glean ^ -> gobble Q_^ grave ^ glee ^ gold ^ gray -7 glint -^ gong ^ graze r gloat - ^ good Q_._ grease T globe - > ' goose ^ green -r gloom "~ \ gore 9 greet rz- g!ory ^~T) got Q grew gloss ^ -x A gourd x-j grief T glove x- \ gout <^_ grieve "C. glow < ~\ gown ^7 grime -] glue >^ ") grab ' / grin n glut s -; ^ grace ^~z. grip ~v go O grain <^~7 grist v goad Q__ gram ^ grit -> gosh ^ grasp >~ groan "p goat. Q grass - ^ grog ^"^ g b Qy grate '^"2 33 groin 7 groom A e u ^ hash groove > gurgle -^_ haste grope -^ gush -^ hat gross - ^ gust n ^ hatch group ^ Ry S hate grouse gyve L haul grove } hay grow . ^ hack ^ haze grub hail ^ he growth 2_ Tiale Y heal gruff -N halo ^ heap grum ^ >v ham "? hear grunt ^-^\ hank heart gulf ^ harass o 7 heat gull ^ hard t ^~ heath &u!p --^ harrow ^ heave gum -^ harsh f^ heed ) 34 t heel hub impose O height V hue ^ impost & helm hull ^ impress I* help -, hurl ^ improve b hem / hurt V impure U hen } impute IT hence I I in 1 herd ice ^ inch ^ here icy M incline K i-gh ^ idle ' 5 inclose V' hire J idly ' > include ^ hiss \ ill I income ^ hoist ^^ illness l\ incrust \n hold *> illume U incur to host implore kS induce 1 house I imply (^_^ inert L howl V import vSr 35 injure s ink V issue f) jolly 3 inlay i> it u jolt \ fc inquest ^ itch jostle \ inquire d ivy l^ jot ^ inquiry \ joy inroad i_ jam ) joyous (7\. insane ^ jay ) jug \ insure i^ jerk f" juggle > inure \ jig X juice S inverse Ur J in g^ X-> jury ^ invert L^ job ^ just > invoice V jog jut ^ involve La join ^ ire j joint P_ keel * iron ) jointly J^ keen f is * joist keep iC isle l joke ^*- keeping <* 36 key * lake V- lath 2_ kick length (L lisp V-' loom ^k lens e list V loon A less e live V loose \ lest * lo J loot i let a load j2 lop L lick V loaf J . lore 3 lie 1 loam J lose i lieu > loan y loss * light i. loathe 2 lost ^ like v- lobe 1, lot 1 limb 1 lock P- lotion I m 1 log X louse t limp loin ^ 38 love c. low 9 major 0> mend lug X make V mention lull 3 man Q mercy lung \ mansion S mere lurch 9^ mantle t, mew lure 3 many , mine lurk 2- mash ^ mink lute 1 mass V mire lye <} mast V mirth lyre 3 match > miss may s mist mace \ maze s moan mad 2 me V moat magic V meal v mob mail j mean * moist maim C meat v mold main v. menace ^ mole 39- - s S V money ^ much VA nail ^ mood VJ mud \T name V moon xJ mug v5^ nap V moose \5 mule ^5 narrow ^ moot vJ" mum >^ naught V mop vT mump v^y nay s more >S muscle Vj near V morose >3 muse vT neat ^ moss \5 mush v^ neck ^ most \J muss ^^ need ^ mote ^ must >J nerve ^ moth ^ mute vJ" nest ^ motion ^-^ my i net V mount (_ myrrh >3 new ^ mouth L_ myrtle V^ next v - move ^-^ myth v. nice s mow \ nick V 40- niece ^> notice V^ ocean \ nigh ^ night \_ notion v^ noun ^ cxld of 1 nip v now v ^ off i \a null Vj ogle i~ nob \^ numb O ogre ^ noble ^j nun O oh /. nobly \Cr nurse O' oil "f nod \3 nut ^ old noise ^**" ) once 1 none VJ oak y- one nor ^ OSiT -* peel ox ^ pass --7 peep past ^, peer pace ^ paste ^x Peg pack v^ pastry *~}^ pen pad -t pat ^z: pert page ~_? patch ^ pertain pail ^ pate v__ pest pain ^ path ^ pestle 7 42 pick "V plague ^ , pluck v^> pie -f plain -j plug ^ piece 7: plait v 1_ plum o pierce ^ plan * -j plunge o^ pig -^ plane " 1 plus ^ pike *-V plank ^~~~L. plush -> pile n, plant * ^ ply i pin --| plash <, poach s* pine ~| plat v -L_ pod ^~ pink -^ plate ^ -f. point J2 pint ^L_ play ' 7 poise JL pipe x. plea f poke 5 pique >. please v T poll sO pit -t_ plight 1_ pomp ? pitch --t^ plod \>_3 pone J pith n_ plot pool place ^ 1, plow s ~( poor a 43 pop X prince ^t> pulse ^5 porch ^ print v|> punch J port S 1 " prize ^ pure ^5 portray ^ probe. -^ purple ^>- pose o prod ^^~ purse ^ post ^ prone ~~j push pot C3 prong *P puss praise ^f proof -v_> put ^S prance y prop >O^ prank y prose ^-^ quack A prate ^ prove v ^~ quail C pray y> prow ^ quaint i- press ^> prowl vg qualm / prest ^ pry vf quart o^ price vf puff ^ quash ^ prig ^ pug rase 2- rebut d7 racy ^i rash ^ 45 recline P recluse ^X- replace ^ f review C recoil ^P replete ^ revise ^. recourse < reply ^ *-j rheum j recruit ^- reprise ^v rhyme 1 recur ^ reproach -3"N rice *V red C. reprove CJ^ rich *L redress - rule 3 same / room \ rum j 47 sample / sane 7 sea -/' set sap "- seal 'tT settle '-> sauce seam y' shake "^_ save -. sear "^ sheep ~\ saw ** seat < shin ] say ** secure cO shine ~^\ scale (L see xf shingle \^. scan (7 seek sink v- slay . -- shut ^)_ sip t- sleep , - shy ~^ sire d sleeping - -- sick --K sit /L. sleet . sickle *v size t sleeve - ,--- sickly Sy skate c 2 - sleigh ^- .sickness /V\. skim q slew ^-^ slice slick sly "~" smew \J some J son / slight ^~^^- smut v^ song -s slim 1 snow V soon ^ slime -""1 sling snub \j snuff V> soothe 'X- sore ^7 slink ~~"V snug \y sorrow ^ slip ,- '"'L. so 1 sorry ^? slit ^-"" L soak sot 2. slop -^~~^L. soap "X soul slot ^""2. soar o' sour ^ slow "~7 sob ^ sou rce <^ slug - -O^ sod -2 souse 'C sluice -- V soil ^ space ^~t slum - """^ sold span ^7 slur -"~~~3 sole spangle ^~t- slush . "^ solve s*- 50- spear ^ spew t*** spray /)^ staff spice /v ~^ x spree Y 5 stag spike ' V sprig A^ stage spin ^ spring / ^ 1 stale spleen ; r spruce /'^ *" stalk splice /*> \> spur /O stall split /" -\ spurt A^" stanch spoil i+d spy r- 1 starch sponge r*-' } square f stare spool ^P squash ( 1 station spoon /Sw ^ squat I stay sport ^ squaw C T steal spot squawl \ -2 steam spouse ^ squeal ( 7 stew spout / *~~L- squeeze (f ^" stick sprairi ^y 3 squirt C * sting sprawl 'Y stack stitch Y 51 stock X?" strive / surge ^ stole X X^ stroke S swag (~*- stone / ' O stroll /*> swan ^x 7 stove X< 9- strolled / sway x^7 story ' x *f strong ^A sweep -x stout /I- struck x^^ swell - <^Z" stow struggfe /^ "^ swerve ^3. straight X^ strut /^ " L swig ^x v- strain X* sty X 1 swing x- strangle X^~~" style X* 1 sworn ^O ,/7 stray suburb / t^ stream X^ subvert i3~ table _^ street X^' sue tack _^_ strength X t suit 0- tackle j/^" stress X sum j tact -y-' strew X sun ^ tag -Z^ string / sure j tail -7 52 take -7- tense r thing ' talk -^ tent i think "V tall -* tenth L third ->- tame 7 terse > thirst -V tan 7 test T' thirty -^ tangle 7_^ thank > this v tap "_, that -^ thou T task -/" thaw - thought - tastG "^ them ^ three -T tax "71 theme r thrice -t tea T then r throat "^ team 7 thence r throe ^ tear ~g they -? throne 7 tease ^ thick -v throng "1 teeth Z_ thief T through V) ten r thin n throw -^ ten y thine \ -53 thrush ^; thug Xx to ) toss T- thumb \ toad ~2 tot 2 thus y toast y tough -1 thy j thyme n toe ) toil -p town \ toy 1 7 tick -)r toll -Q trace 7f tickle -y tomb ~\ track 7^ tie -j ton "^v tract * tier -g tone -7 trade i tight -i_ tongue ~\ trail r time ~~[ too N train O tin "I tool ^ trait -t tine ~| toot -}_ tram r tingle ~\, ^ tooth -^ trance - tire 3 top y trash ^ tissue ~"V) tore -n tray -f tithe -i tory -7 treat -r -54- tree -f turf -^ van 7 trick -- turtle ^-, vase > trill - twain ^7 vast ^ trim -P trot -A twig _x^T-s twirl -/^ vat veal t trouble ~^_^ type -^ veer 7 trout -_ veil 7 truce oy ug!y ^ vein 7 true ^\ uncle Y* verb -^ trunk -^ unction y-\ verse -3 truss -T* urge X verst / us y vest > truth -o, use ^. vex * try -f vice -> tryst -/ vague ^ vie 1 tube -L/ vail "2 view -) tune -\ vain "^ -55 vile ~x vine --i virtue O~) wake walk weary weather vogue "^ wall -'"""k weave voice \, wane /^~] web void \ ff volley xp want ,^7 was s~~) week weep volume -^ wash /^^ well vote -^ wasp /"">-' welt vow -., waste /^l/ were watch ^2 what wade wave '^^Z. wheat wag ^-7^ wax /^7) wheel wage ^~z way ^"7 when wail ^~i we x-r whey waist s^t/ weal /^Z" whim wait /^~L- wealth /7^- whir waive ^~l^ wean ^y -56- whirl whist X*T with ye c white s^~~ woe X) yea ? whiz X""^ won ^~\ year e why X" 1 woo /") yell e width ^Xj wood /^~) yellow f wig ^^ wool X^ yelp < win x-i word X^} yes e wince XI work X"^- yet e wine """] world X~^ yew wing ^ worry /^) yoke ^ wink >*jr worse / ^ yore ? wire ^ worst X^^ young 1 wise x^V worth X^ youth =1 wish x^l, would X^ zeal i wisp ^ . zebra c- wit x^L- yacht ^ zinc V witch XU yawl /^ zone ; abolish > about u above D absent (-S anger /-^ angler /^ angling /, ^ another {__ bard _9 - barn JL barrel J> barter 3- absolute U answer / be -^ absorb Ls apart ^- before -^ abstract (/ appear ^- >f* clever / ^^ courage (~^ cancer V /^ cloister ( canker ^L~ cluster f / dark canter ^ coinage /^\ darker caper ^_^ cogent O darkly car / collect ^ darkness cart <*~ college f(\ darling _ castor fir compare \-^> darn _ -59 dart o- ether _ ever <^ every B do eager /-* extend =- - economy /n elder G- external =-^, extol =^ gift grJVv ^^ equator extort C-Q- -60 given ' glad high I into L go him itself ^ good govern - \ great grocer , ^ himseli [^ his u hour o house I judge judgment \ just V grovel ') how ( guard ^9 howevei ( keeper ^ gutter ~i_ hunger }_^ had ^ - land half < if language A has ^ 1 impair ^9 laurel ^ have impart (&* legal he f inspect U* letter ^ 2 - heir instant I/ level her v. insult U- lever here 6 inter L 61- life ^ little member ^-^ novel live memory \p local mi^ht object loiter d~ mill ^-> oblige lower J miller ^ observe loyal fr mister ^ of mother offer made ^ much ^ often make ^* murder old manage \ c manner * my myself ^ oiice or marry Y oral mart ^- neither k_ ordain marvel ^-^ never c^ order may no organ me v not ^> other melt vr notary *^5* -62- our ours <5" pillow v3 put ^ ourselves <^ pleast "* " oval ^ , r qualify quality A owner receive * parted ^> present - received r pencil -7'^ propose s^lT regular A people v s_. perfect ^ public \jf publish ^} remember rf \J render / . pill ^ purpose ^-s 63 renter repair ^ shall ^ snare ^ repel ^ share "^ snarl "^ respect ^ shark >~ snell to retort a- she >, snort \o- return ^ sheep >-^ sober 2^ revel <^ short >_ social 2 river i shorter >- spar A-o roster y/ should ->, speak 7^- rover ^ signify ^v spell A- 5 royal ft> sir spelt rural ^ sister spill skill C square \ scar ( sleeper ^-^ squirrel Q 9 sell small \_> stork selling ,* " smart V^. still X 7 series -^ smell ^ stir severed <^ smother \j street / 64 - subject 3 the unless 1) such /> theater * until V suffer J their unto 1 summer A there upon y surd 9 tiger -v^ usher \ swell (~~* till -> utter J- syrup ^ tilt -^ to vanish ^ tar -*> torment -p verbal ^ tarry -p torper -< ^ very ^~ tell -, traitor - vowel i temper 7" trammel ,/ voyage ^ tempest ,/ travel 7^ tender tremor ( we /^ tenor ^ o tutor -^ well x^ term -f what X that under 1 where X* 65 whereas /^"X with i_ yet L which x ^ within ii you ) who v without L -^_ your 3 whom j would ' yours > will s~> wish ^ yes C abbreviation *~~* accordance ^ aberration ^-"' accountability ^0 abomination ^1 accountable ^L/ abstraction ^ accountant t abundant ^ accumulation acceptable G< accusation 1 acceptance O acknowledge ^0 acclamation v/ acknowledged ^b accommodation h acknowedgment /-b accompany accomplish /K acquaintance A acquisition <^^ -66- ^ acquisitiveness annversar adequate adjudication administer administration administrator administratorship* administratrix adulteration - amplification annexation - Dec. Me. ^ Okla. ^ Del. _ . Mich. V Pa ~~f E- r . Minn. V Penn. r Eng. U t Miss. V P.O. ^ Feb. ^ Mo. \>) P.M. *\ Fla. \> Mont. \^ P.S. \ Ga. -> N. ^ R.I. , H.C. ^ .. N-C. ^ .. S. - la. j N.D s.c. - in. v, . Neb. y S.D / Ind. I . Nev. V Tenn. 7 Kan. /-/ N.H. ^ Tex. - La. ? N.J. V .. Tues. ^ LJ. i N.M. V Va. v . M.A. ^ \ N.Y. \J Wash. ^ 68- PHRASES And are i And there was L^f And are not ^ And there was not Ar" And be L, And there were /-#- And be not A. And there were not *6 And bring Ls And was /<-*; And do / And was not r~} And do not L ^ And were /-; And did ^ And were not /^ And did not / ^ And who ( And his / And you { And is / And your ^ And is not ^ As a ^ And that /_ As big as ^ And the L- As dear as L- And their ^ As far as And there L- As fast as -69 As good as *-? As great as As high as As large as From it \- From them W- From the ' He can ^ He can be f He can not be f\j He has He has been (^ He has not f^_ He has not been ^-^ He is f He is not ^ He shall ^ He shall be <^ He shall have *\ He shall not A He shall not be ^ He shall not have He should He should be He should have \ \ He can not *. He should have been^ He should not ^ He should not be *\^ He should not have^ He should not have S been He was He was not He will He will be He will have He will not He will not be He will not have He would He would be He would have He would not be He would not have c He would not have^ been I am I am not C I can (r^ I can be ^I could have been He would not could not 72 I could not be / ^ I may have J. I could not have y ^ I may have been j \ I may not be I may not have 1 I may not have J been v^ I/ I could not have y ^ I may not been I did L. I did have i I did not ^ I did not have ^-\ I must I do not rr I must be 1 do not believe * I must have 1 do not remembenP I must have been I do not see ^ I must not [A I have ^ I must not be [A-' I have born ^ I must not have 1 ha\f n.-i L^ I might [_ 1 have not been L. I might be \__j \ may ) 1 might have L be J^ 1 might have been L-v I might not k I will not be I might not be ^ I will not have I might not have *-i I would I should H I would be I should be t^. I would have u. I would have beeni I would not i I should have I should have I should not u. I would not be u_ I should not be u^ I would not have i__ 1 should not have u If I am I should not have \^ If I am not been v- I was I was not 1 will 1 will be \ will have I will not If 1 can If I can not L If I can be Ir* If I can not be l^ If I could k If I could be 74 If I could have y N If I have not been If I could have beeny ^ If it If I could not ^r-^ If it did If I could not be v U If it did have If I could not have^ ^ If it did not If I could not have,/ "i If it did not have been If I did y If it had ^^ If I did have v If it had been s^ ^ If I did not $- If it had not w If I did not have ^ If it had not been S ^ If I had i If it has ^ If I had been i / If it has been If I had not } . If it has not v. If I had not been >. ^^ If it has not been If I have ^ If it is ^ If 1 have been ^ If it is not u. If I have not ^ If it is necessary ^ -75 If it is possible If we are If we are not If we are to be If we are not to If we can If we had If we had been If we had not If we had not been If we have > *" If we have been ^ If we have not If we can not ^^ If we have not hj If we can not be * In it If we could If we could be If we could not If we could not be. If we did If we did have >^z ^ If we did not v^- May be If we did not havev^x Might be 76 It is not vr 111 11 L In that U In the L In their U It is L Must be VJ^ Not have I May have L No more v Might have \.; Not more \. Must have \j> May have been >^ Of it ^ Might have been \^ Of that . v Must have been Vjs^ Of the __ May not VL Of their ^_ May not be \^ On it 2 Might not be V_^ On that J^ Must not be \J^ On the May not have v. On their Might not have v*i Must not have vX. They arc ~^ Must not have beenv-k^/ They are not ~Z They can Not be ^ They can T>e 77 They can have y\ They may "J They could ~7 They may be "7 They could be ~~lf ' They may have "7 They might have ~7 They did not ~v*- They might have -7 been z_ ^ They did not have ^^ They might not -7 They have -^ They might not be ~7 They have been -^ They might not have~7 They have not -7 They might not have/ v been A / ' ^^ They have not been-z^ They must "7 They must be ~L^ They should not They must have -7^ They should not They must have beeriT^ They should not "X * have V They must not been They must not be 7, They were They must not have "7 They were not They must not have'T, They will been -* They will be They will have They will not -^t They will not be They shall not be -TL They will not have -x They shall not have^z They would -7 They should -z^ They would be -z They should be -7- They would have -z They should have "Z. They would have been hould have *x T been They should have ~z They would not -79- They would not be-t ^/Thou wilt not They would not have^ v^Thou wilt not be They would not have-z . been ^~ Was he Was he not Thou hast T/ Was it Thou has been ~V*" W A as it not Thou hast not \^ We are Thou hast not been-[/\j We are not Thou shalt r We can Thou shalt be ~? We can be Thou shalt not -7 We can have Thou shalt not be-r We can not Thou wast -"V-j^We can not be Thou wast not ""VxvWe can not have Thou wilt -Va- We could Thou wilt be -r^, . We could be We could have ^J v We may not be T We could have beery s^We may not have 'T We could not ^J ^ We must *7 We could not be^/ ^We must be 'T. We could not have/ l^We must have *7 We did ^T , We must have We did have s*" ^ We must not *T We did not ^- We must not be *7 We did not have <-\ We must not x^ We have -~^ We have been '/ e sa e xar We have not ^ We shall have /^r We have not been^tT We shall not ,^r We may We shall not be We may be f We shall not have We may have f We should ^~ We may not '/"" We should be '/"" W C -81- We should have We should have beeii We should not We should not be We should not been We were We were not We will We will be We will have We will not We will not be We will not have We would We would be We would have We would not xZ1 \. We would not be *^ o We would not have~Z We would not have 2 i been ^" What are What are you . What are you doing"q? What can / , . / What can be / y^j What can not ^~~>-^ What can ,not be x >^ 'What can you ^ v-j What can you What could What could be What could We would have bee/r 2 OVhat could have been 82- What did What did youjio What shall What shall be What should What should What was What was it What were What would have, been ^ When are When are you When can /: When can you fa When could When could you When did When did you \Vhat were you/ )s~\ When is it What were you doing When shall What will x v-> When should \Vhat will be / What will you \Vhat would x- What would be. What would have When should we When that When the When their When they -83- L L 4 When was it When will When will you Where are Where were you ' ^~^ Which are ^- ^ Which can x- v W T hich can be \ Where are you x ") Which can not Where can "*'" Which could Where can you Where could Where could you Where did x Where did you Where is Where is it Where is that Where is the Where was it \Vhere were Which could be Which could not ' Which could not ])_/. ^ Which did Which did not Which shall Which shall be - Which shall not * Which shall not be >^ Which should ^ Which should be < 84- Which should not Whch should not Whch was Whch was it Which was not Which were ^ Which were not Who are Who could have f N be^^ Who could have \^ been <^~"V~vWho could not V Who could not be Who could not havev/ l^ ^X Who 3 faa11 S (o Who shall be ^ ^ Who shall have W V Who shall not ^ Who can be *f- Who shall not be *^^ Who can have v^ Who shall not have ^ Who can not (A. Who should Who can not be Who should be Who can not havev/l^ Who should have ^>. Who could have v x Who should have ^-v been > Who could be v/ ' Who should not 85- Who should not be X, Who would not v ^ Who should not have\ Who would not b o Who should not have\^Who would not have~~V. been Who was Who was it Who would not have 1 been are Who was not V^"~K.Why are you Who were WO Why can Who were not v^_ Why can not Who will U Why can you Who will be (S Why can't you Who will have (> Why did Who will not (^ Why did you Who will not be G^, Why have Who will not haveL Why have you Who would v Why haven't Who would be v / Why must Who would have -^ Why should 86 s K Why should you-' I ^ You did have You did not You are j You did not You are not ^ You have ^ You can Y You have been X^ You can be y-* You have not 1 You can not Y\ You have not beenl You can not be y^> You may \ You could y You may be You could be Y You may have You could haveX ^ You may have been) You could have been You may not \ You could not y v. You may not be J You could not be Y ^ You may not have J You could not have You must You could not have You must be been ^ ^ You did ) You must have IA 87 You must have beenj^^ You should not have"! been You must not LV^ You were You must not be V^ You were not You must not have V, You will 1 You will be X., You will have You shall You shall be You shall have You shall not 1* You will not You will not be 1 You will not be } You shall not be S You will not have :) You shall not have ^\ You would 1_ You should 1 You would be 1_ You should be X. You would have 1_ You should have V You would not i- You should have been You should not You should not be You would have been 1 You would not be You would not have You should not haveV You would not have N been 88 SENTENCES 1. A rain came and they all ran away. 9 *1 I ? >// I -7 (, / K^7 2. Be brave and blameless. 3. He charged one dollar for a cheap chart. ^ ^ V- * \ / 4. Our consul complained. \ 5. The dreary day has ended. I 6. The length and width are the same. *3 / 7. Define the difference' between devote and divert. V _ V, 8. He was at the end of an empty express car 9. He wooed her with addresses and caresses. < -i_ , _ . 10. The flame was not far from us. ^~i i \ \ \ 11. He is good and great and I would gladly go with him. 89- 12 Who is it. / - <. U L 13. I saw him in the boat. '^ i , I I _ 5 14. He is inconstant and incompetent. + ft \r 15. She gave the cross clerk a curt answer. " ^ ^ _ ^ f> , O- 16. Let me know on what day you will go home. 17. There was joy when he joined. 18. Please prepare a place for me. 'J ( 19. He shot the quail without a qualm. * f \ - c ^ if 20. Is this State 'Street? 21. They ran across the square. -7 22. He rode in a sleigh. / *^r 23. Shall I ask him what he wrote on that scroll? - v S i /" 24. Make nature subserve your purposes. (f ^ VA. } x3- 25. The deed of trust was dated three days be- i j fore it was executed. 26. That vase was very valuable. 27. Where were you? 28. He bought wax, tacks, picks and an ax. ~ J r -r_ '-"*-* -T, ' f 4 29. Yonder comes the train. 30. He has a yoke of oxen. C Is 31. The yacht is painted yellow. >/ ,-, *=Z * ^t _ f 32. Zeal with knowledge is commendable. *- r - b 33. Keep out of debt. >" ^C L. ^ ~^ 34. There was no reply. 35. What would you do? -91- 36. Order now while you think of it. V 37. A card addressed to us will bring you a sample. 38. Who are you ? ~\J 39. He will not argue. ^ c ^ ^ 4 40. Lot No. 1, in Block No. 15, is worth $300.00. v- ./ - /) ^ 2 1 -5 /^_ 41. His income is 500 pounds a year. v. 42. .The place is 23 5 26 North of the equator. 43 The note bears interest at the rate of ten VS ^ I- <- L ) ' per cent per annum. 5 44. The polls will close in t\vo hours, 33 minutes v\ and 11 seconds. 45. How old are you? ( Jo) 92 46. I will tell you all that I know. 47. Where were you born? V 48. I am glad to see you. t / ^ - u ) 49. It will pay you to see us and it will please k. ; x- <^r > - V / U. /^* -- x us to see you. V - w ) 50. See our display before you buy. i-\ ,, _ v ^__ 7 ^ ) -^ 51 The land is worth $125.00 an acre. 17 ~> '-* I ^ _ f v x^_ / r 52. Low excursion rates will be given on the i- 3 C\ 1 ^ - ^ J 9th inst. v V 53. This land is not high at $500.00 an acre. '^ J -y 7 K V I * I IT 54. School will begui on the same day of the o ^ ^] ^ ~ 7 _ 7 J "- month that it began last year. " 55. They have begun to repair the house. " ' -'- 93 56. The letters of the English alphabet are : O ' &j ) U-^ 6*. o ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTU / _> O r\ * I 1 )^^\.^^-'^0/ ") V W XY Z. 57. The Arabic figures are : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K /- -N ^ M C^ ^-^ 58. What is the sum of 1-2. 2-3 and 3-4? 59. A cargo of eight million dollars in gold goes '< V ' ^ > I out by one steamer. 60. The time was given in minutes, seconds and parts of seconds. -e- > 61. Hundreds of thousands of men die each year. )/ j J ^ -- 1 S 62. One-tenth of an inch is one-thousand times )- 9 .' as long as one-ten thousandths of an inch. 63. If you can use any of those goods send your v ) r \ r J -i ~ f d order by return mail. 64. A meter is one-ten millionth of the distance >v L / I/ S - Vf> from the equator to the north pole. \ _ /" - - Ux- sO 65. Order one dozen, which costs you eight lol- ' ^ , >~ lars, and we will send you one dozen free, and allow / ^ ^ r > > / < you until Nov. 1 to pay the bill. > :X b - v - -> / 66. The Major and a majority of his men crossed the river. - 74. I do not know why that inscription was put C'N tfV / 7\ there. 75. Write one hundred, twelve hundred, twentv- (I /. /-. -I- L five hundred, three thousand, one hundred thousand, two million, nine hundred million, six-tenths, seven- - '^- > e. hundredths. eight thousandths, three hundred and ? ^>- o twenty-five .ten thousandths, four inillionths, and twenty-five ten millionths. \ 76. This is the worst of the lot. 96 77. How often were you driven from home? ) ^ o > * \ 78. Twelve is a multiple of two. 79. Write in shorthand bubble, bubbling, couple, crumble, crumple, cup, double, dub, dubber, dump, /t^ /t_ /C - 1^ - ^ - ^x - 7 dumper, dumpling, dupe, fumble, fumbler, humble, hump, mump, pump, pumper, pupil, rumble, rumple, I i I t ^ ^ C stumble, stump, sup, supper, superb, supply, troop, XL/ x^ ^ <^ / "-S ^ Q-/ 3 r^y ^y _ ^.^- 2L _^ > r^-b Vt >/ C-i . i/C X /Ot_, ">c \\ ~^L t<^-L_^,^ L- 2. v) ' -1 v/ U^J -2 I -v ^ -v t- *" \\ 98- I/ -^ ) I ? V lx ^^L o II n <%--*__ U A. o / ^ v r \ -x c K / a / ) *. ^~ <~^ ^ , _ - ^ ^ IV. - 1 J /?!(*) 1 i - c V I )) <>v -v __ ? */' \2 e X / K 99 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-25m-9,'47(A5618)444 A 000 571 348 2 0. iAW?jR