LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE That place that does contain my books, the best companions, is To me a glorious court where hourly I Converse with the old sages and phil- osophers. NOYES REYNOLDS HIS BO OK J frafW IL VENTAGLIO (THE FAN) A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS BY CARLO GOLDONI TRANSLATED FOR THE YALE UNIVERSITY DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) By KENNETH MCKENZIE Assistant Professor of Italian in Yale University WITH AN INTRODUCTION ETNA NATIONAL BANK HARTFORD, CONN. Capital and Surplus Profits, $1,450,000.00 This bank has superior facilities for furnishing and obtaining data concerning investments SMALL, ACCOUNTS INVITED FOREIGN CHEQUES ON ALL COUNTRIES Free Safe Deposit Boxes Visitors Welcome ESTABLISHED 1848 Skinner's Satin (27 and 36 Inches wide) ALWAYS HAS THE NAME WOVEN IN THE SELVAGE AND IS GUARANTEED TO WEAR TWO SEASONS William Skinner & Sons Dept. L, N. W. Cor. Fourth Ave. and 17th St. NEW YORK CITY MILLS, HOLYOKE, MASS. NEW YORK CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA BOSTON FOR SALE Pure Bred and Grade Guernsey Cattle ISLAND FARM ISLAND - - - MINN. G. G. HARTLEY, Owner Address all correspondence to JOHN H. BLACK, Superintendent ISLAND, MINN. Hotel Iroquois Buffalo, New York Hotel Marie Antoinette Broadway and 66th-67th Street New York City Grand Union Hotel Saratoga Springs, New York Under the Management of WOOLLEY & GERRANS THE DUNCAN HOTEL NEW HAVEN, CONN. THE ONLY FIRST CLASS HOTEL James T. Toole, Prop. THE SHOREHAM HOTEL Morris Cove, New Haven, Conn. THE PLACE TO BOOK FOR COMMENCEMENT YALE DINING CLUB ("COMMONS") GROVE AND COLLEGE STREETS Open During Prom Week to all members of the University and their guests, including ladies REGULAR CHARGES y, Durability, Tire Economy and all /$^ ^^^ 'round efficiency are desired, there /ffi/ " is but one tire to choose ; no other I/iJ/ i will stand the test with REPUBLIC STAGGARD TREAD "The Tire Perfect" Dealers and Agencies in the Principal Cities THE REPUBLIC RUBBER CO. Youngstown, Ohio. THE STRATF1EUD BRIDGEPORT, OOIVIV. Main, Golden Hill and Chapel Streets. (Two Blocks from Railway Station) The Largest and Best Equipped Hotel between New York and Boston Unexcelled accommodations for Automobile Parties 275 ROOMS H. C. GRISWOLD, Manager 250 Rooms with Bath F. F. SMALL & CO. fire Insurance 95 Pearl Street Hartford, Conn. Table D'Hote and a la Carte Music for LUNCH, DINNER AND SUPPER 35=37 Center Street NEW HAVEN. CONN. MCMILLAN & VAN NESTE Successors to the firms of MCMILLAN BROTHERS & VAN NESTE TAILORS Paddock Building 101 Tremont Street BOSTON, MASS. ESTABLISHED 189O 248 AND 250 YORK STREET Dormitory Exclusive for Academic Freshmen ELECTRIC LIGHT ELEVATOR PIANOS AND MUSIC Loomis' Temple of Music 837 Chapel Street New Haven, Conn. THE JUNIOR TATTOO A NEAT LITTLE CLOCK FOR STUDENTS inch Nickel Plated Seamless Brass Case. Bell-metal gong on back ALARMS INTERMITTENTLY FOR FIVE MINUTES THE UEW HAVEN pLOCK CO. NEW HAVEN LoNH. FOR CUSTOM SHIRTS that deserve the name for the little things as well as for the big SEE THE VERY MAKERS S. R. ROBERTS & CO. 1091 Chapel Street CUSTOM SHIRT MAKERS New Haven, Conn. S. G. COLBURN, Proprietor R. T. HALL, Manager COLBURN'S YORK PHARMACY Corner York and Elm Streets BELLE MEAD, WHITMAN'S AND ALLEGRETTI'S CANDIES Always fresh and good as the maker intended LET US SERVE YOU CURTISS STUDIO 1OQO CHAPEL, STREET Portraits 4* Frames University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. DATE FEB 8 1971 A 000 518 933 FEB 7 ^gy? JUNl 5 1971 MAY 5 1971 * i GAYLORD PRINTED IN U.S A.