ALVMNVS BOOK FVND THE NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF SELBORNE, IN THE COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON. foitl) C^ngrabtngg, 1837. cimwitK PRKSS: C. \\ II 1 1 I IM.IM M, COLI.ECE HOUSK. THE NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF S E L B O R N E.' BY THE REV. GILBERT WHITE, M. THE NATURALIST'S CALENDAR; AND MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS, EXTRACTED FROM HIS PAPERS. WITH NOTES, BY EDWARD TURNER BENNETT, ESQ. F.L.S. ETC. SECRETARY OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY; AND OTHERS. LONDON: PniNTED FOK J. AND A. ARCH J LONGMAN AND CO.; BALDWIN AND CRADOCKJ HATCHARD AND SON; R. SCHOI.F.Y ; J. G. AND F. RIVINGTON ; WIIITTAKF.R AND CO.; J. DUNCAN; J. CAPESJ W. MASON ; E.HODGSON; J. BAIN w.j. AND J. MAYNARD; J. BOHN; J. VANVOORST; AND HOUT.STON AND SON. ADVERTISEMENT. THE Author of the following Letters takes the liberty, with all proper deference, of laying before the Public his idea of parochial history, which, he thinks, ought to con- sist of natural productions and occurrences as well as anti- quities. He is also of opinion that if stationary men would pay some attention to the districts on which they reside, and would publish their thoughts respecting the objects that surround them, from such materials might be drawn the most complete county-histories, which are still wanting in several parts of this kingdom, and in particular in the county of Southampton. And here he seizes the first opportunity, though a late one, of returning his most grateful acknowledgments to the reverend the President and the reverend and worthy the Fellows of Magdalen College, in the University of Oxford, for their liberal behaviour in permitting their archives to be searched by a member of their own society, so far as the evidences therein contained might respect the parish and priory of Selborne. To that gentleman also, and his as- sistant, whose labours and attention could only be equalled by the very kind manner in which they were bestowed, many and great obligations are also due. Of the authenticity of the documents above-mentioned there can be no doubt, since they consist of the identical deeds and records that were removed to the College from the Priory at the time of its dissolution ; and, being care- G VI ADVERTISEMENT. fully copied on the spot, may be depended on as genuine ; and, never having been made public before, may gratify the curiosity of the antiquary, as well as establish the credit of the history. If the writer should at all appear to have induced any of his readers to pay a more ready attention to the wonders of the Creation, too frequently overlooked as common occurrences; or if he should by any means, through his researches, have lent an helping hand towards the enlarge- ment of the boundaries of historical and topographical knowledge ; or if he should have thrown some small light upon ancient customs and manners, and especially on those that were monastic; his purpose will be fully answered. But if he should not have been successful in any of these his intentions, yet there remains this consolation behind that these his pursuits, by keeping the body and mind employed, have, under Providence, contributed to much health and cheerfulness of spirits, even to old age : and, what still adds to his happiness, have led him to the know- ledge of a circle of gentlemen whose intelligent communi- cations, as they have afforded him much pleasing infor- mation, so, could he flatter himself with a continuation of them, would they ever be deemed a matter of singular satisfaction and improvement. SKLBORNE, Jan. 1st, 1788. BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS THE AUTHOR. BACK VIEW OF THE RESIDENCE, AT SELBOIINE, OF THE REV. GILBERT WH1TI GILBERT WHITE was the eldest son of John White of Selborne, Esq. and of Anne the daughter of Thomas Holt, rector of Streatham in Surrey. He was born at Selborne on July 18, 1720; and re- ceived his school-education at Basingstoke, under the Rev. Thomas Warton, vicar of that place, and father of those two distinguished literary characters, Dr. Joseph War ion, master of Win- VIII BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS. Chester School ; and Mr. Thomas Warton, poetry- professor at Oxford. He was admitted at Oriel College, Oxford, in December, 1739, and 'took his degree of bachelor of arts in June, 1743. In March, 1744, he was elected fellow of his college. He became master of arts in October, 1746, and was admitted one of the senior proc- tors of the University in April, 1752. Being of an unambitious temper, and strongly attached to the charms of rural scenery, he early fixed his residence in his native village, where he spent the greater part of his life in literary occu- pations, and especially in the study of nature. This he followed with patient assiduity, and a mind ever open to the lessons of piety and benevolence which such a study is so well calcu- lated to afford. Though several occasions offered of settling upon a college living, he could never persuade himself to quit the beloved spot, which was, indeed, a peculiarly happy situation for an observer. He was much esteemed by a select society of intelligent and worthy friends, to whom he paid occasional visits. Thus his days passed, tranquil and serene, with scarcely any other vicis- situdes than those of the seasons, till they closed at a mature age on June 26, 1793. I. W. PREFACE TO THE PRESENT EDITION. To the "few Biographical Records "'of GILBERT WHITE prefixed by his nephew John to the edition of 1802, and here reprinted, it is quite unnecessary to add. They contain the simple annals of a good man, contented with his station, and unambitious of worldly honour or advantage. His refusal of church preferment, which was so often within his reach, arose from no distaste for the discharge of his clerical functions, for during the last few years of his life he officiated as curate of Selborne, and he had previously done duty in the same capacity in the adjoining parish of Faringdon. The*last entry in the register of burials which precedes his own, and precedes it only by the brief space of three weeks, is attested by his signature; and a baptism registered by him bears date within a fort- night of his dissolution proofs that the illness under which he sank was of short duration, and that he continued to the last zealous in the per- formance of his sacred duties. The inscription on his monument, which has been removed by the pious care of his surviving relatives from the exte- rior to the interior of the chancel, is given at p. 527 of the present edition; and "a slight heave of the turf, ' the fifth from the wall/ with the initials and date,