GIFT F Harry East Miller A SHORT COURSE IN QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS BY J. M. CRAFTS, FORMERLY PROFESSOR OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY IN THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY. THIRD EDITION. REVISED BY CHARLES A. SCHAEFFER, A.M., PH.D., PROFESSOR OF GENERAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY IN THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS, 15 ASTOR PLACE. 1880. COPYRIGHT, 1879, BY JOHN WILEY & SONS. GIFT OF i-ffo This Book is inscribed by the Author M. ADOLPH WURTZ, AS A TOKEN OF AFFECTIONATE REGARD, TO A FRIEND AND TEACHER, AND AS A TRIBUTE OF RESPECT AND ADMIRATION, TO THE MASTER OF A SCHOOL IN MODERN CHEMISTRY. M81896 PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. IN preparing a new edition of this work, the editor has made no essential alteration of the plan adopted by Professor Crafts in the previous editions. He has endeavored, however, as far as possible, to embody the practical results of the great ad- vance made in both theoretical and practical chemistry within the past ten years. The few important changes thereby ren- dered necessary may be briefly specified. Chapter II., on chemical nomenclature, has been entirely rewritten. The usefulness of the work has been somewhat ex- tended by the introduction of several elements not included in the previous editions, viz. : strontium, cadmium, iodine, and bromine. Further changes have been made in the methods of separa- tion and detection of several of the elements ; more reliable processes being substituted for those which in the hands of students were found not to be entirely satisfactory. The editor desires especially to acknowledge his obligation to his friend and colleague, Dr. G. C. Caldwell, for numerous valuable suggestions of which he has availed himself. ITHACA, December 17, 1879. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. THIS little work was written for the use of a class of stu- dents in the Cornell University, who take a year's course of chemistry, including four hours a week of laboratory practice ; reference was also had to the requirements of the scientific students in Union College, whose course is nearly equivalent to that mentioned. The author is indebted to the kindness of Professor Perkins for many valuable suggestions, and for the compilation of Tables IV. and V. at the end of the book. A considerable portion of the introductory part of this book is devoted to an explanation of the theory of chemical reac- tions and nomenclature. Many of the standard works on an- alytical chemistry still use the old notation, and the formulas to be found in them do not correspond to those used in the best text-books on general chemistry ; and none of the ele- mentary works for the laboratory-student supply the want, often felt by him, of a system of rules, at hand for use at the moment when he most requires them, namely, when he is writing the formula of a reaction at his desk in the laboratory with his tests before him. The author has had these points in view in writing the two introductory chapters. It might be objected that the theory of chemical notation should be found in text-books on general chemistry ; but even when the student has mastered the rudiments of the science, as given in any of the best modern works, he will find the PREFACE. v ii arrangement of many of them inconvenient for reference, although it is excellent for instruction, and, moreover, it is by no means necessary that the study of those works should pre- cede that of analytical chemistry. It is quite feasible to commence a course of experiments in the laboratory concurrently with the study of any of the ele- mentary text-books on general chemistry, or with the attend- ance upon lectures, illustrated with the usual experiments. Chemistry certainly becomes a more attractive study when the practical and the theoretical present themselves side by side, so that while the theory explains the experiment, the ex- periment awakens an interest in the theory ; and no course of study is more apt to interest the beginner in chemistry than that of the admirably simple and delicate tests of qualitative analysis ; tests which illustrate the general laws of the science, while they have a very direct bearing upon some of the prob- lems of every-day life. Analytical chemistry, besides its immediate value as an im- portant branch of knowledge, cannot be too highly prized as affording a convenient introduction to the methods of investi- gation used in an experimental science, and as offering a means of education of many faculties, which are not easily developed by school or university training. The importance of laboratory experiments is awakening every day increased attention, and the time is fast passing by when chemistry is taught to persons, who suppose that they have a vocation for a scientific profession, only by lectures and recitations. The system of analysis, given in Part III., is founded upon that of Fresenius, and includes a minute description of all the steps to be taken in performing tests and directions for pass- viii PREFACE. ing from one test to another ; and since these details, which are required by the beginner, not only become unnecessary, after a certain familiarity with analytical work has been ac- quired, but also render the scheme less convenient for refer- ence, tables similar to those of Will have been added, which indicate the important tests and leave the experience of the student to suggest the proper mode of applying them. The Tables IV. and V. are intended to record a number of facts in analytical chemistry in a compact form, and to give an exact conception of what is meant by the insolubility of a precipitate, and a means of judging of the advantages of dif- ferent methods of precipitation. ITHACA, August 19, 1869. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. A FEW changes have been made in the second edition, which have been suggested by the use of the previous one in the laboratory and some practical directions have been added, which are intended to mark out more closely the course of study which it seems most advisable to follow. One of the principal applications of analytical chemistry is to the investigation of minerals, and it may not be out of place here to recommend to the consideration of instructors and students the combination of mineralogical work with labora- tory practice. A convenient order of study is, first to acquire PREFACE. i x familiarity with the methods of detection and separation of bodies in solution, which are given in Part III., and then, be- fore taking up the analysis of solid bodies, to study their crys- tallographical and general mineralogical characters from any elementary work treating of the subject. Turning again to the general analysis of solid bodies (minerals and technical products of all kinds), the course should be made as varied and extended as possible ; and it will be found that the drill in blowpipe practice and the study of the physical characters of minerals make an excellent preparation for the preliminary testing of solids, Part III., and often afford hints which are of great value in the subsequent performance of the complete analysis in the wet way. It is quite possible for a class to complete a course like the one proposed by working four hours a week for a year in the laboratory. ITHACA, 1870^ A SHORT COURSE IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. PART L INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I THE analytical chemist is not generally required to investi- gate a large range of substances, and the theory of the com- position of those bodies which he usually deals with can be briefly explained. Elements. The ultimate result of the analysis or de- composition of all matter is the discovery of a number of sub- stances which cannot be decomposed, and are therefore called simple or elementary substances. The table on the next page contains the names of thirty-six elements. They are chosen from among the seventy or more elements which have been discovered, because they are more frequently met with than the others, and because they are the only ones treated of in this work.* * Within the past four years ten new elements have been reported by their discoverers. How many of these will be substantiated it is at present impossible to say. On the other hand, very recent investiga- tions seem to show that at least several of our well-known elements are really compound bodies. The exact number of elements is, therefore, especially at the present crisis, very difficult to fix. I . - n N * * * * * ^-^ * fc * fc * m vn 1'"' * : V' : '"'"' Id X C/2 g" w ^ pj _2 E 1 So S ," S 8 T$- M H CO in ci co* Cfl M M Q 'PH' * ^* * j ^* t/T 4j w^S W g| o -5 PH g 5 ^ ill gl < M n in m W M M Cfl * Q g J^* P< PH ( ^ Q i O C/3 ||1| llg^g Illl page 107 (VI.). (71) If no precipitate is formed, pass to page 107 (VI.). (a) If the precipitate is white, it may consist of : Plumbic Chloride. Boil a little of it with water, and test one portion of the solution for LEAD according to (07)) and test another portion for CHLORINE by add- ing nitric acid and argentic nitrate. Plumbic Sulphate. Test according to (140). Argentic Chloride. Test according to (141). (b) If the precipitate is colored it may contain The Sulphides of Arsenic, Antimony, and Tin. Test according to page 109 (VIII.). Sulphur may be precipitated, accompanied by a disengage- ment of sulphydric acid. The precipitated sulphur can be recognized by its appearance, and its insolu- bility in aqua regia. V. CHLORHYDRIC ACID TEST FOR ACIDS. See also Silicic Acid (64). If a solution is acid, many of the following tests, particularly (73), (74), and (7S), can be applied by simply heating the solution. Carbonic Acid is only present in alkaline solutions. CO 2 is evolved with effervescence, when an acid is added, until the solution has an acid reaction. Hold a drop of lime-water on the end of a glass rod in the tube ; if CARBONIC DIOXIDE, CO 2 , is present, a white precipitate forms. (See page 70, foot-note.) The same test can be applied to solid carbonates. See also the sulphuric acid test (41). The following acids need only be looked for when an S ULPH YDRIC A CID TEST. ! o 7 odor can be perceived after heating the solution, or after adding chlorhydric acid and heating. Cyanhydric Add, in its soluble combinations with (73) most metals, is set free by chlorhydric acid. It can be recognized by its smell. See also the prussian blue test (133), Sulphydric Acid is evolved from alkaline solutions (74) (often with effervescence), on the addition of chlorhy- dric acid, when the solution is heated. It can be re- cognized by its smell and by the lead paper test. (See the sulphuric acid test (4#) and the argentic nitrate test (129). SulpJlllTOUS Oxide is evolved from alkaline, neutral, or (7>) slightly acid solutions of sulphites, on the addition of chlorhydric acid. Mix a little potassic ferricyanide and ferric chloride, and hold a drop of the mixture on the end of a glass rod in the tube after chlorhydric acid has been added and the tube heated. If a blue color appears, SULPHUROUS ACID is present. If sul- phydric acid is present add sufficient plumbic acetate to precipitate it before performing the test. See the sulphuric acid test (40). VI. SULPHYDRIC ACID TEST. Metals in acid solutions. (76) Add sulphydric acid solution to a small quantity of the solution to be tested, and warm gently. In case metals of Group VI. are to be tested for, it is better to pass sulphydric acid gas into the dilute solution, made acid with chlorhydric acid. The total precipi- tation of the metals of Group VI. is frequently only effected after one or two days. If no precipitate forms, no metals of Grozips V. and VI. are present. Pass to page 115 (X.). I0 8 PART III. (77) If a precipitate forms observe the color. It may con- sist Of the SULPHIDES OF LEAD, PbS J BISMUTH, Bi 2 S 8 J COPPER, CuS ; MERCURY, HgS ; and GOLD, Au 2 S 3 , when it is black ; ARSENIC, As 2 S 3 ; TIN (BISULPHIDE), SnS 2 ; CADMIUM, Cd$>, yellow j TIN (MONOSULPHIDE), SnS, brown ; ANTIMONY, Sb 2 S 3 or Sb 2 S 5 , orange. The presence of a black sulphide hides the color of the other sulphides, so that all may be present when the precipitate is black. If only a light, fine, white precipitate, which is not de- stroyed by acids, is formed, it consists of sulphur, and is frequently due to the presence of a ferric salt or a chro- mate in the solution. In case only sulphur is precipi- tated, pass to page 115 (X.). (78) If a precipitate forms in a small portion of the solu- tion, a sufficient quantity for use in all the succeeding tests for metals must be treated with sulphydric acid until the metals of Groups V. and VI. are completely precipitated as sulphides ; and the precipitate thus obtained must be washed on a filter quickly, with warm water containing sulphydric acid, until the ad- dition of ammonic hydrate to the filtrate ceases to produce a precipitate, and it must then be treated ac- cording to (79). Test the filtrate for metals of Groups IV., III., II., and I. (See page 115, X., etc.) VII. SOLUBILITY OF THE SULPHYDRIC ACID PRECIPITATE IN AMMONIC SULPHIDE. Add ammonic sulphide to a small quantity of the precipitated sulphides (76), and warm gently. If the precipitate dissolves entirely, it consists of the sulphides of metals of Group VI. Those of Group V. METALS OF GROUP VI. 109 are absent. Test the remainder of the precipitate accord- ing to (82) (a). (80) If a part of the precipitate does not dissolve, add four or five parts of water, and separate the solution by nitration from the undissolved precipitate. The part of the precipitate which is insoluble in ammo- nic sulphide, after being carefully washed, must be tested for sulphides of metals of Group V. (See page 112, IX.) (81) The ammonic sulphide solution obtained in (80) may contain metals of Group VI. Add to it gradually dilute chlorhydric acid until the solution becomes acid, and observe the color and general appearance of the precipitate which is produced. It is well to boil the liquid after the formation of a precipitate. If only a fine white precipitate forms, which remains a long time in suspension in the liquid, even after boiling, it consists of sulphur, and metats of Group VI. are absent, and the tests described in VIII. can be omitted. A flocculent precipitate, or one that becomes so on boil- ing, indicates the presence of metals of Group VI., and the color of the precipitate shows what metals predomi- nate. Pass to the following tests : VIII SEPARATION OF METALS OF GROUP VI. (82) If the test (page 108, VII.) has shown the presence of metals of Group VI., and if the precipitate with sulphydric acid (77) was not entirely soluble in am- monic sulphide, the whole of that precipitate must be treated two or three times with ammonic sulphide, as directed (79), (80), and (81) ; and the sulphides of Group VI. must be precipitated from the solution, and, after careful washing, treated as described in (83). (a) Were the sulphides, precipitated by sulphydric acid, HO PART III. wholly soluble in ammonic sulphide (see 79), it is sufficient to wash and dry the portion of the precipi- tate (77) which was not treated with ammonic sul- phide, and to use it for (83)* (83) Free the precipitate (82) as completely as possible from water by pressing the filter and its contents be- tween several thicknesses of filter-paper, remove the precipitate from the filter and heat it with concen- trated chlorhydric acid. The sulphides of antimony and tin will be dissolved, while the sulphide of arsenic remains undissolved. Collect the residue in a filter, wash, and dry it at 100, and test for arsenic as fol- lows : Arsenic. Place a small portion of the dried residue in a (84:) small tube closed at one end, and put over it about six times its bulk of a mixture of equal parts of sodic car- bonate and potassic cyanide. Heat the portion of the tube above this mixture, and afterwards the mixture itself, gently ; if as the result of this any moisture is deposited in the upper part of the tube, wipe it out carefully with a rolled-up strip of filter-paper. When the whole is thoroughly dry, heat the lower part of the tube with its contents to a red heat. ARSENIC, if present, is sublimed and deposited on a black or brownish ring in the upper and cooler part of the tube. Antimony. Concentrate the solution of the other two sul- (85) phides that was filtered from the arsenious sulphide * By heating the dry precipitate in a glass tube, or with less accuracy, by heating it before it is dry, on a bit of glass or porcelain, an approximate test may be made (see 13) ; and in case arsenic sulphide alone is indicated by the complete volatility of the precipitate, this test is conclusive, and the remaining tests in the separation of metals of Group V. may be omitted. The test has little value except when the pure yellow color of the precipi- tate gives rise to the suspicion that only arsenic sulphide is present. METALS OF GROUP VI. m (S3) in an evaporator, put a small piece of zinc in the concentrated solution, and bring the edge of a piece of platinum foil in contact with the zinc for a minute or two. If ANTIMONY is present the portion of the platinum immersed in the liquid will be stained black by a thin deposit of that metal. Tin. Put the rest of the concentrated solution of the sul- (86) phides in an evaporator with more zinc, collect the precipitated black flakes that may appear after a time on a filter, wash carefully, and pour a little concen- trated chlorhydric acid on the filter. TIN, if present, will be dissolved, and the solution that passes through will give a white precipitate, or perhaps a gray one if much metal is present, with mercuric chloride. (See page 56.) Gold. (The analytical chemist usually knows whether it is (87) necessary to test for gold or not. In ordinary analyses its presence would be improbable.) When gold is present, it will be found accompanying the sulphide of arsenic remaining after treatment with hot chlorhydric acid (83). Heat a portion of this residue in a por- celain crucible or on a piece of a broken evaporator until the arsenic and excess of sulphur have been vol- atilized. Dissolve the portion which remains in a mixture of chlorhydric and nitric acids. Evaporate the solution nearly to dryness, dilute with water, and add ferrous sulphate solution. The formation of a brown or purple precipitate of METALLIC GOLD, either immediately or after heating, indicates the presence of the metal. IT2 PART III. IX. SEPARATION OF METALS OF GROUP V. (SECTION II.) (88) If a portion or the whole of the precipitate obtained with sulphydric acid is insoluble in ammonic sulphide see (80), free it by careful washing from the liquid in which it was formed, or from the ammonic sulphide which was used to dissolve the soluble portion, place it in a porcelain dish, pour upon it pure concentrated nitric acid, and heat it gently, if red fumes are given off, until they cease. In any case, complete the oper- ation by adding a little water, and boiling the contents of the dish for a few minutes. If no part of the precipitate ', or if only yellow particles of sulphur remain insoluble, mercury is absent. Pass to (90). In this test, when the liquid holding sulphur in sus- pension is boiled, the sulphur melts, and may enclose particles of black sulphide, which, then become very difficult to dissolve, and the appearance of the sulphur may, in such a case, lead to an erroneous conclusion that mercuric sulphide is present. It is for this reason that the precipitate is oxiflized with strong nitric acid, as far as possible at 'a- temperature below its boiling point, before the sulphides are finally boiled with a somewhat weaker acid. The same cause makes the confirmatory test for mercury with stannous chloride (89) necessary, when there appears to be an insolu- ble black sulphide. Mercury. If a black sulphide, HgS, remains insoluble (89) after the above treatment (88), a MERCURIC SALT is probably present. Confirmatory test : Boil the black insoluble sulphide with chlorhydric acid and a little potassic chlorate in a porcelain dish, and evaporate until the greater part of the acid is volatilized ; dilute METALS OF GROUP V. (SECTION II.) 113 with water (it is not necessary to filter), and add stan- nous chloride. A white precipitate of MERCUROUS CHLORIDE, Hg 2 Cl 2 , is formed, if mercury is present. If mercury is present, dilute a few drops of the nitric acid solution of the sulphides (S3) with water, and add sulphydric acid. If a black or brown preci- pitate is formed the solution must be tested for LEAD, BISMUTH, COPPER, and CADMIUM. Pass to (90). If the precipitate is yellow, cadmium alone is present (93). If no precipitate is obtained all of these four metals are absent. Pass to page 115, X. LectcL. Add a few drops of strong sulphuric acid to a small (90) portion of the nitric acid solution of the sulphides (88) and evaporate until dense, white fumes of sul- phuric acid appear, and dilute with a considerable quantity of water. If a white precipitate forms, it Consists Of SULPHATE OF LEAD, PbSO 4 . The test can be made more delicate by adding an equal bulk of alcohol to the solution after it has been diluted with water. If lead is discovered, treat the whole of the nitric acid solution of the sulphides in the same way ; filter and use the filtrate for (91). ^Bismuth. Add ammonic hydrate to alkaline reaction, to (91) the nitric acid solution of the sulphides, or to the fil- trate from the lead precipitate, if lead was present. If bismuth is present it is precipitated as the HYDRATE OF BISMUTH, Bi(HO) 8 , white. If bismuth is present, filter and use the filtrate for (92) and (93). Copper. If copper is present it is dissolved by the ammo- (92) nic hydrate, and imparts a blue color to the solution. Cadmium. If the ammoniacal solution obtained in (91) (93) was colorless, copper is absent, but cadmium may be present. In this case add sulphydric acid. A yellow precipitate, CdS, indicates CADMIUM. If copper is present, neutralize the blue ammoniacal 8 114 PART III. solution with chlorhydric acid and add sulphydric acid. This will precipitate both CdS and CuS ; the former is soluble in hot dilute sulphuric acid. After washing the mixed sulphides treat the mass with hot dilute sulphuric acid and filter. Cool the filtrate and pass sulphydric acid again through the liquid. If cadmium is present there will be a yellow precipitate of cadmic sulphide, CdS. METALS OF GROUPS IV. AND III. METALS OF GROUPS IV. AND III. X. AMMONIC SULPHIDE TEST. (94i) To a small portion of the nitrate from, the precipi- tate produced by sulphydric acid, or to a portion of the original solution, if no precipitate is produced in it by sulphydric acid, add sufficient ammonic hydrate (free from carbonate) to make the reaction alkaline, and then, whether a precipitate is formed or not, add ammonic sulphide. If the solution contains no chlor- hydric acid, it is necessary to add a small quantity before neutralizing with ammonic hydrate. If a black precipitate is formed, it may contain the SULPHIDES OF NICKEL, NiS J COBALT, CoS ; IRON, FeS ; MANGANESE, MnS ; and ZINC, ZnS ; and the HYDRATES OF ALUMINIUM, A1 2 (HO) 6 , and CHROMIUM, Cr 2 (HO) 6 . If the precipitate is white, flesh-colored, or light green, it can only consist of the SULPHIDES OF MANGANESE AND ZINC, and the HYDRATES OF ALUMINIUM AND CHROMIUM. In this latter case omit (97), (98), and (101). If no precipitate is formed no members of Groups III. and IV. are present. Pass to page 123, XII. (,9t>) If a precipitate was formed in the above test (94), treat a considerable quantity of the solution in the same way, heat the liquid, filter as quickly as possible, and wash immediately with boiling water, until the nitrate has no longer an alkaline reaction. The filtrate must be tested according to page 123, XII. IT 6 PART III. SULPHIDES INSOLUBLE IN DILUTE CHLOR- HYDRIC ACID. (96) Add to the precipitate (95) cold, dilute chlorhy- dric acid ; if a black residue is insoluble, it consists of the SULPHIDE OF NICKEL or COBALT. Filter and examine the residue on the filter according to (#7) and (98). The filtrate must be tested according to (99). If the precipitate dissolves entirely, or if only a white residue is left, no NICKEL or COBALT are present. Pass to (99). Cobalt* Dissolve a portion of the precipitate, which proved (97) to be insoluble in cold, dilute chlorhydric acid, in the borax bead, and expose the bead to the action of the outer blowpipe flame. If the bead is blue, COBALT is present. If the bead is brown, NICKEL is present in large quantity. The bead is blue even when more nickel than cobalt is present. To test for traces of cobalt in a nickel bead, detach the hot bead from the wire, heat it two.or three minutes on charcoal in a good reduc- ing flame, remove it from the charcoal, and melt it on the platinum wire in the reducing flame. Even if only traces of cobalt are present, the bead will be colored blue. Nickel. When nickel is present, and when it is nearly free (98) from cobalt, it can be discovered by the brown color which it imparts to the borax bead, and the test is conclusive. To discover small quantities of nickel in the pres- ence of considerable quantities of cobalt, dissolve the precipitate, insoluble in cold dilute chlorhydric acid (see 90), in concentrated nitric acid, and neutralize with sodic carbonate. Potassic cyanide is added till the resulting precipitate has dissolved, and then sodic METALS OF GROUPS IV. AND HI. II7 hypochlorite till the liquid smells strongly of it, even after being shaken. It is then boiled. If nickel is present, a black precipitate of the sesquioxide (Ni 2 O 3 ) is obtained. SULPHIDES SOLUBLE IN DILUTE CHLORHYDRIC ACID. (00) Boil in an evaporating dish the solution which was ob- tained by the treatment of the ammonic sulphide pre- cipitate with cold, dilute chlorhydric acid (see 06), until the smell of sulphydric acid has entirely disap- peared ; add a few drops of strong nitric acid, and boil a minute longer, and filter if a precipitate of sulphur has formed. If oxalic, phosphoric, and boracic acids are not known to be absent, pass to page 119, XI. (100) Add sodic hydrate to the solution obtained in (00) until the reaction becomes very strongly alkaline, dilute with water and boil for a few minutes. If a precipitate forms immediately, or after boiling, test it according to (101) and (102) ; it may con- tain the HYDRATES of IRON, Fe 2 (HO) 6 , MANGANESE, Mn(HO) 2 , and CHROMIUM, Cr 2 (HO) 6 . In this case filter and test the filtrate, which may contain ZINC and ALUMINIUM, according to (103) and (104). If no precipitate forms, pass to (103). The solu- tion may contain ZINC and ALUMINIUM. Iron. Put a small quantity of the precipitate (100) on a (101) watch-glass, dissolve it in a single drop of dilute chlor- hydric acid, dilute with water, and add potassic sul- phocyanate. A red color indicates the presence of IRON. Manganese and Chromium. Fuse a portion of the (102) precipitate obtained in (100) on platinum foil with n8 PART III. sodic carbonate and sodic or potassic nitrate. A green mass indicates MANGANESE, owing to the formation of sodic manganate ; a yellow mass, CHROMIUM, from the formation of the sodic chromate. A very small quan- tity of manganese can readily be detected in the pres- ence of a considerable quantity of chromium by the green color imparted to the mass. In case of doubt, however, place the platinum foil in an evaporator, cov- er it with water, add a few drops of alcohol, and boil. The sodic chromate will be entirely dissolved, along with the excess of sodic carbonate, while the sodic man- ganate will be decomposed, yielding brown flakes of manganese sesquioxide. These can be filtered through a small filter, washed thoroughly with hot water, and fused again upon platinum foil, as before, when the green color will appear very distinctly. To detect a small quantity of chromium in presence of excess of manganese, treat the mass as above with boiling water and filter. The appearance of a yellow color in the solution is proof of the presence of CHROMIUM. Acetate of lead may also be added to the solution, acidified with acetic acid, and it then takes a deeper yellow color and becomes turbid, or a yellow precipi- tate is formed if chromium is present. The formation of a white precipitate under these circumstances only indicates that the carbonate of sodium employed con- tained sulphate of sodium as an impurity. Zinc. Add sulphydric acid to a portion of the solution in (103) sodic hydrate, obtained in (100), after it has been filtered, if a precipitate was formed. If a white, floccu- lent precipitate forms, it consists of SULPHIDE OF ZINC, ZnS. If chromium was discovered in (102), zinc may also be present in the precipitate obtained in (100). Therefore, in that case, dissolve a portion of the precip- METALS OF GROUPS IV. AND III. n 9 itate by boiling with a very little dilute chlorhydric acid, add sodic hydrate until the reaction is alkaline, acidify with acetic acid and add sulphydric acid. A white, flocculent precipitate consists of SULPHIDE OF ZINC, ZnS. Aluminium. Add to another portion of the sodic hy- (104) drate solution, obtained in (100), chlorhydric acid until the reaction becomes acid, and then ammonic hydrate until it becomes alkaline, and boil. If a white, flocculent precipitate forms, it consists of ALU- MINIC HYDRATE, A1 2 (HO) 6 . This precipitate is at first gelatinous, and it may easily escape notice ; it is there- fore best to set the test-tube aside, and to wait a quar- ter of an hour for the precipitate to settle. XL AMMONIC SULPHIDE TEST IN CASE PHOS- PHORIC, OXALIC, AND BORACIC ACIDS ARE PRESENT. If PHOSPHORIC, OXALIC, or BORACIC ACID was pres- ent in the original solution, these acids, together with the metals of Group II., may be contained, wholly or in part, in the solution obtained in (99), for the acids would be precipitated with any of the metals of Groups II., III., and IV., during the treatment with ammonic hydrate and ammonic sulphide in (94), and the pre- cipitates would be dissolved during the treatment with dilute chlorhydric acid in (96), and consequently the metals and acids might be contained in the solution (99). The solution (99) must be tested for phos- phoric, oxalic, and boracic acids, and freed from them before the ordinary course of analysis can be pro- ceeded with. PllOSpJioric Acid. Use the test (127) with a small portion of the solution obtained in (99). 120 PART III. If phosphoric acid is present, use (107) and the suc- ceeding tests. If phosphoric acid is absent, use (100) and the suc- ceeding tests. In either case first perform the operation described in the next paragraph. (103) Before testing for OXALIC AND BORACIC ACIDS it is necessary to set them free from their combinations with the metals of Groups II., III., and IV. To effect this end add sodic carbonate to a small quantity of the solution obtained in (99) until the reaction becomes strongly alkaline, and boil for a few minutes and filter. The metals are precipitated, with the exception of a portion of the aluminium, and the acids remain in the solution. [If no precipitate is formed with sodic carbonate it * is unnecessary to test further for these metals or acids, as in that case they cannot be present in the solu- tion (99).] Oxalic Acid. Test a portion of the filtrate obtained after boiling with sodic carbonate for oxalic acid according to (125). Itoracic Acid. Test another portion of the same filtrate for boracic acid according to (128). If one or both these acids are found \ the whole of the remainder of the solution obtained in (99) must be treated with sodic carbonate as in (103), and the precipitate thus obtained must be dissolved in dilute chlorhydric acid. The solution must be used for (107) and the succeeding tests, if phosphoric acid was discovered. If phosphoric acid is absent, the solution must be used for (100) and the succeeding tests. Aluminium. If it was found necessary to treat the solu- (106) tion obtained in (99) with sodic carbonate according to (105), the filtrate from the precipitate produced METALS OF GROUPS IV. AND III. I2I by sodic carbonate may contain a portion of the alumin- ium. Add to the nitrate in (103) chlorhydric acid until the reaction becomes acid, and then ammonic hydrate until the reaction becomes alkaline. If a white, flocculent precipitate forms immediately, or after long standing, it contains aluminium. Iron. Add a few drops of potassic sulphocyanate to the (107) solution obtained in (99) ; a red color indicates the presence of IRON. (108) Add to the remainder of the solution obtained in (99), if phosphoric' acid alone is present, or to the solution obtained in (105), if oxalic or boracic acid is likewise present, ferric chloride, until a few drops, treated with ammonic hydrate on a watch-glass, give a yellow and not & white precipitate ; dilute largely with water, render the solution alkaline with ammonic hydrate, and add a considerable excess ; then add acetic acid until the solution has a slight acid reaction, and boil for a few minutes in a flask. The precipitate contains all the IRON, ALUMINIUM, CHROMIUM, and PHOSPHORIC ACID present in the solu- tion so treated. Test according to (109) and (110). The filtrate contains the MANGANESE, ZINC, and probably part of the BARIUM, CALCIUM, and MAGNE- SIUM which were present in the original solution. The operations described, page 115, X., #;z^page 123, XII., must be repeated with this filtrate, omitting those which relate to the separation of NICKEL and COBALT, and the detection of IRON, CHROMIUM, and ALUMINIUM. Chromium. Test a portion of the precipitate obtained (109) in (108) for chromium according to (102). Aluminium. Boil the remainder of the precipitate ob- (110) tained in (108) with sodic hydrate, and test the solution for aluminium according to (104). I22 PART III. [The method of precipitation by boiling the acetic acid solution used in (10S) can be used in all cases for the separation of aluminium, chromium, and iron (ferric salts) from the metals of all other groups, except the Groups V. and VI., and it is preferable to any other, but it demands more skill in manipulation.] METALS OF GROUP II. METALS OF GROUP II. XII. DETECTION OF BARIUM, STRONTIUM, CAL- CIUM, AND MAGNESIUM. Should the filtrate, after removal of the metals of Groups III. and IV., have a brown color, it can only come from the presence of nickel, a small quantity of the sulphide of that metal having been dissolved in the excess of ammonic hy- drate and ammonic sulphide used. Before proceeding to the detection of metals of Group II., the nickel must be entirely removed, and this can be readily accomplished by boiling for a few minutes and filtering again. (Ill) To a small portion of the solution, to which the previous tests have been applied, or to a solution which has been found to contain no metals of the higher groups, add ammonic hydrate until the reaction be- comes alkaline, and then ammonic carbonate, and boil. (If the solution does not already contain ammonic chloride, this also must be added, to prevent the precip- itation of magnesium.) If a white precipitate forms, it can only consist of BARIC CARBONATE, BaCO 3 , STRONTIUM CARBONATE, SrCO 8 , and CALCIC CARBONATE, CaCO 3 . If no precipitate forms, BARIUM, STRONTIUM, and CALCIUM are absent ; pass to (116). If a precipitate was formed with ammonic carbonate, the whole of the solution must be treated as described I24 PART In ' above. Filter, wash the precipitate, and test the fil- trate according to (116). Dissolve the precipitate by pouring a very little dilute chlorhydric acid on the filter, and use the solution thus obtained for (112), (113), (114), and (115). Barium. To a small portion of the solution in chlorhydric (112) acid add a considerable quantity of calcic sulphate. If a precipitate forms immediately, it consists of BARIC SULPHATE, BaSO 4 . Strontium. If on the addition of calcic sulphate, as (113) in (112), a precipitate appears only after some little time, it consists of STRONTIUM SULPHATE, SrSO 4 . ( 1 14) If BARIUM or STRONTIUM is discovered by means of calcic sulphate, add dilute sulphuric acid to another portion of the chlorhydric acid solution. Boil, filter, and test the filtrate for calcium (11&). Examine the precipitate on platinum wire moistened with chlor- hydric acid in the flame. (See pages 26 and 34.) Barium and strontium can both be detected, even when a small quantity of one is present with a large quantity of the other. After placing a small particle of the precipitate on the loop of the platinum wire the parti- cle should be repeatedly moistened in chlorhydric acid and subjected again to the action of the flame. Where strontium is present in very small proportion the barium color will, after repeated moistening with chlorhydric acid, finally give place to the crimson of strontium. Where, however, the reverse proportion is found, the detection of barium is not so easy by this method. In this case add to a portion of the chlor- hydric acid solution obtained in (111) a solution of strontium sulphate. A faint white cloudiness appear- ing after some time indicates the presence of barium. Calcium. If barium, or strontium, or both, were present in (115) the precipitate obtained on the addition of ammonic METALS OF GROUP II. 125 carbonate, add ammonic hydrate to alkaline reac- tion to the filtrate obtained after precipitation with dilute sulphuric acid (114), and then ammonic oxalate. If a white precipitate forms, it consists of CALCIC OXALATE, CaC 2 O 4 . If neither barium nor strontium was found, the whole of the precipitated carbonate (111) must have con- sisted of calcic carbonate. Confirm by flame reaction, Page 35. It is quite possible that owing to the presence of a large excess of ammonic chloride in the solution, the calcium may have escaped precipitation by ammonic carbonate. In this case it would come down as a floc- culent precipitate in the test for magnesium (116). To detect calcium under these circumstances filter the precipitate obtained in (110) and dissolve it in acetic acid, dilute considerably and add ammonic oxalate. If calcium was contained in the precipitate - obtained by hydric disodic phosphate, it will now be precipitated as the oxalate, which is insoluble in acetic acid. Filter the calcic oxalate, and to the filtrate add ammonic hydrate to alkaline reaction, when the ammo- nio-magnesic phosphate will be re-precipitated. Magnesium. To the filtrate from the precipitate pro- (116) duced by ammonic carbonate (111), or to the solu- tion in which no precipitate was obtained on addition of that reagent, add sodic phosphate. If a white pre- cipitate forms (frequently only after the lapse of some minutes), it consists of the AMMONIO-MAGNESIC PHOS- PHATE, MgNH 4 PO 4 . 126 PART III. METALS OF GROUP I. XIII. DETECTION OF SODIUM, POTASSIUM, AND AMMONIUM. Before testing for sodium and potassium, precipitate the metals of Groups V. and VI. which are present with sulphy- dric acid, and precipitate those of Groups II., III., and IV. with a mixture of ammonic carbonate and sulphide, and use the solution, freed from those metals, for the following tests (117) and (118): Sodium. Evaporate the solution to dryness, and drive off (117) ammonia salts, if any are present, by heat. Sodium, if present, can be distinguished by the yellow color which a small quantity of the solid residue held in the flame of a gas or alcohol lamp imparts to it. See page 26. Frequently sodium can be detected in a solution without evaporation, by dipping a platinum wire in the solution, and then holding it in the flame. Potassium can be recognized by the violet color which it (118) imparts to the flame. The solid residue obtained in (117) can be tested for potassium in the same way that it is tested for sodium. If sodium is also present, its greater coloring power will obscure the potassium flame, but by looking through a piece of blue glass at the flame, the violet color can be distinguished even when sodium is pres- ent. (The color of the potassium flame is almost the same as that of the heated wire, while the sodium METALS OF GROUP I. 127 flame is much more blue, if it is not excluded entirely by the glass.) Add to a portion of the original solution a (HO) few drops of sodic hydrate, and heat. AMMONIA can be recognized by its smell, or by hold- ing a piece of moistened turmeric paper or red litmus paper at the mouth of the test-tube, taking care not to let it touch the sides, which may be moistened with sodic hydrate. The turmeric paper will be turned brown, and the litmus paper blue, if ammonia is present. I2 8 PART III. TESTS FOR ACIDS. IT is usual to take a fresh quantity of the solution to test for acids, and generally the tests for metals precede those for acids, in order that information gained by the first series of ex- periments may point out the most convenient way of detecting the acids. Silicic acid, however, is always first precipitated from a solution as directed, page 101 (64), and the acids no- ticed under the chlorhydric acid test (page 106, V.) are to be looked for while that test is applied to the detection of the metals. Phosphoric, oxalic, and boracic acids interfere with the ordinary methods of testing for the metals of Groups II., III., and IV., and consequently these acids must be tested for as directed, page 119, XL, during the application of the tests for the metals of those groups. In all other cases, when the presence of any metals or acids in the solution interferes with the performance of the test for an acid, directions are given under the head of each acid for removing them. It is obvious that metals and acids which precipitate each other cannot be present together in a solution, and that when certain metals have been found, the number of acids which it becomes necessary to look for is restricted within limits de- termined by this consideration. Therefore the knowledge already acquired of the composition of a solution must be brought to bear upon the problem of testing for acids. First, the reaction which the solution gives with test-paper must be considered, and then the tables IV. and V. must be ACIDS OF GROUP I. 129 consulted to ascertain what acids can exist in a solution pos- sessing the observed reaction, together with the metals which have been discovered. For instance, if a solution contains lead, and is neutral or nearly neutral, the only acids which can be present in it are acetic, chlorhydric, chloric, and nitric. If the reaction is strongly acid the solution may contain all the acids except sulphuric, sulphydric, ferro- and ferricyanhydric. Moreover, the solution cannot contain a large quantity of lead and chlor- hydric acid at the same time, because the chloride of lead is only soluble in 135 parts of water. ACIDS OF GROUP L Arsenious and Arsenic Acids are always detected (120) by the sulphydric acid test in searching for the metals. When these acids are discovered, they must always be precipitated by sulphydric acid before testing further. Chromic Acid cannot be present in a solution to which (121) SULPHYDRIC ACID or AMMONic SULPHIDE has been added (see page 64). If chromic acid is present in a solution, it must be contained in the precipitate ob- tained with baric chloride (122), and can be detected by heating a small portion of the precipitate in the borax bead. If CHROMIC ACID, H 2 CrO 4 , is present, the bead will be colored green. Chromic acid can often be recognized by the yellow color which it im- parts to solutions which contain it, and by the yellow precipitate, PbCrO 4 , which is obtained by adding plumbic acetate to the neutral or slightly acid solu- tion. 9 I3 o PART III. XIV. BARIC CHLORIDE TEST. Baric nitrate and nitric acid should be used instead of baric chloride and chlorhydric acid, when lead, silver, or mercurous salts have been discovered in the solution. (122) Put a piece of litmus paper in the solution, and if the reaction is acid, add ammonic hydrate, drop by drop, until it becomes slightly alkaline. If a precipi- tate is formed in consequence, add dilute chlorhydric acid only in sufficient quantity to dissolve it. Add baric chloride, and if a precipitate forms, it indicates the presence of ARSENIOUS, ARSENIC, CHROMIC, SUL- PHURIC, SULPHUROUS, OXALIC, FLUORHYDRIC, PHOS- PHORIC, BORACIC, CARBONIC, OR SILICIC ACIDS. (Sili- cic acid cannot be present after the operation (04) has been performed). If these acids are absent, pass to the argentic nitrate test (page 132, XVIIL). (The baric chloride test is of little value except when the substance is soluble in water with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction, or in case the reaction is acid, when the metals of Groups II., III., IV., and V. are absent. The following special tests are more ac- curate :) Sulphuric Acid. Acidify (if the solution is not already (123) acid) with dilute chlorhydric acid, in considerable ex- cess, and add baric chloride as long as a precipitate continues to form. (Use nitric acid and baric nitrate if chlorhydric acid produces a precipitate.) If sul- phuric acid is present, it is precipitated as BARIC SUL- PHATE, BaSO 4 , fine white powder. The solution must not be heated when it is intended to use the filtrate for the next test. Sulphurous Acid. To the nitrate from the precipitate (124) produced by baric chloride, or to the acid solution to CALCIC SULPHATE TEST. 131 which baric chloride has been added without produc- ing a precipitate, add potassic dichromate, and boil. If a precipitate forms, it consists of BARIC SULPHATE, BaSO 4 , produced by the oxidation of SULPHUROUS ACID, H 2 SO 3 , contained in the solution. Usually the CHLORHYDRIC ACID TEST (7<>) is more convenient and sufficiently accurate. XV. CALCIC SULPHATE TEST. If the solution contains metals which are precipitated by sulphydric or sulphuric acids, they must first be removed by adding a slight excess of those precipitants and filtering. Add, if the solution is alkaline, add acetic acid until the reaction becomes acid ; if it is acid, add sodic hydrate until the reaction becomes alkaline, and then add acetic acid until it becomes acid, and test as below for oxalic acid. If a precipitate forms and does not dissolve in the acetic acid, add to the original solution a considerable excess of sodic carbonate, boil, fil- ter, add to the filtrate acetic acid until its reaction becomes acid, and test as follows for oxalic acid : Add calcic sulphate in considerable quantity. If a precipitate forms, it consists of CALCIC OXALATE, CaCsO*, white powder. Fluorhydric acid is the only other acid which precipitates calcic sulphate under these circumstances, and as the precipitate is almost transparent and gelatinous, it cannot easily be mistaken for that produced by oxalic acid. Acid can only be present in alkaline solu- (126) tions in glass vessels. If there is reason to suspect the presence of this acid, add calcic chloride and am- monic hydrate to the solution, and if a precipitate forms, collect it on a filter, and examine it for fluorine according to (44). 132 PART III. XVI. AMMONIC MOLYBDATE TEST. Phosphoric Acid. Make the solution strongly acid (if (127) it is not so already) with nitric acid, and add a small portion of it to a considerable quantity of ammonic molybdate solution.* If phosphoric acid is present, PHOSPHO-MOLYBDATE OF AMMONIUM, yellow crystalline powder, is precipitated. If the quantity of phosphoric acid in the solution is very small, the precipitate does not form until after several hours. If sulphydric acid is present, it is necessary to heat the acid solution until it is expelled, before perform- ing the test. See (136) (a) for this test in the pres- ence of ferro- or ferricyanhydric acid. XVII. TURMERIC PAPER TEST. Boradc Add.\ Strongly acidify the solution (if it is not (128) already acid) with dilute chlorhydric acid, dip a piece of turmeric paper in it, and dry the paper by holding it over the lamp-flame, without charring it. If a red or brownish-red stain appears upon the paper when it is dry, it is due to the presence of BORACIC ACID, H 8 BO 8 . ACIDS OF GROUP II. XVIII. ARGENTIC NITRATE TEST. Acidify with nitric acid, if the solution is not already acid, and add argentic nitrate. Sulphydric Acid. If a black precipitate is formed, it (129) must contain ARGENTIC SULPHIDE, Ag 2 S, showing *See foot-note, page 67. f Ibid., page 68. ARGENTIC NITRATE TEST. I33 that sulphydric acid was present in the solution. The precipitate may also contain ARGENTIC CHLORIDE, BROMIDE, IODIDE, CYANIDE, FERRO- and FERRICY- ANIDE. If a precipitate is formed which is not black, it can only be due to presence of CHLORHYDRIC, BROMHY- DRIC, IODHYDRIC, CYANHYDRIC, FERROCYANHYDRIC, and FERRICYANHYDRIC ACIDS. If no precipitate is formed, none of the above acids are present. Pass to (137). Chlorhydric Acid. See also (48). Acidify strongly (130) with concentrated nitric acid, add argentic nitrate in excess, shake thoroughly if a precipitate forms, and allow it to settle, decant the liquid, and pour on the precipitate strong nitric acid, and boil for five minutes ; if a precipitate remains undissolved, it consists of ARGENTIC CHLORIDE, AgCl, if violet. If yellow, of ARGENTIC BROMIDE. See (132) (a). See (136) (a) for this test in the presence of ferro- or ferricyanhydric acid. IBromhydric Add gives with argentic nitrate a white (131) curdy precipitate, which darkens on exposure to light, is insoluble in boiling concentrated nitric acid, and is not so readily soluble in ammonia as the argentic chloride. See also (49). lodliydric Acid gives with argentic nitrate a yellow pre- (132) cipitate of the iodide which is nearly insoluble in am- monia. See also (50). (132) Detection ^/CHLORHYDRIC, BROMHYDRIC, and IODHY- (d) DRIC acids in presence of each other. Mix the liquid to be tested with a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid, then with a little starch paste, and add a few drops of fuming nitric acid, or a solution of hyponitric oxide in sulphuric acid, when the blue color characteristic I34 PART III. of iodine will appear. (See page 74.) Add now chlorine water until that reaction has disappeared. On continuing the gradual addition of chlorine water the bromine will be set free, and will impart a yellow or brownish color to the liquid. (See page 73.) Chlorine in presence of bromine can best be detected by the following method : Evaporate the solution to dryness and mix the residue with a little potassic di- chromate. Place the mixture at the bottom of a clean test-tube and pour on it a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid. On the application of heat dark red drops Of CHROMYL BICHLORIDE, Or CHROMIC OXY- CHLORIDE, CrO 2 Cl 2 , will condense in the upper por- tion of the test-tube. Bromides, under the same treatment, give a similar result ; but in the latter case the distillate consists of bromine, which is instantly . decolorized by a drop of ammonic hydrate. In the case of chlorides, when the CrO 2 Cl 2 is treated with ammonic hydrate, it gives a yellow solution, owing to the formation of ammonic chromate [(NH 4 ) 2 CrOj. Where the substance to be tested for bromine and iodine was not soluble in water it should be fused on platinum foil with sodic carbonate. The mass is then treated with water and the aqueous solution used for the foregoing method of separation. XIX. PRUSSIAN BLUE TEST FOR CYANHYDRIC ACID. Cyanhydric Acid. Add to the solution ferrous sul- (133} phate and a few drops of ferric chloride ; add sodic hydrate until a precipitate forms (unless the solution is alkaline and a precipitate forms without the addition of sodic hydrate), warm for a minute, and add dilute chlorhydric acid until the reaction becomes acid. FERRIC CHLORIDE AND FERRO US SULPHA TE TESTS. 135 The appearance of a blue precipitate or a blue color in the solution is evidence of the presence' of cyanhydric acid. See ( 136) (b) for this test in the presence of ferro- or ferricyanhydric acid. XX. FERRIC CHLORIDE TEST. FerrocyanTiydric Acid. Add a little ferric chloride (134=) to the acid solution. If ferrocyanhydric acid is pres- ent, a precipitate of PRUSSIAN BLUE, Fe 4 (FeCy 6 )3, deep blue, is formed. XXI. FERROUS SULPHATE TEST. Ferricyanhydric Acid. Add a little ferrous sulphate (135) to the acid solution. If ferricyanhydric acid is pres- ent, a precipitate of TURNBULL'S BLUE, Fe 3 (Fe 2 Cyi 2 ), deep blue, is formed. (130) If ferro- or ferricyanhydric acid is present, before (a) performing the tests for PHOSPHORIC ACID (127), and CHLORHYDRIC ACID (130), the following steps must be taken : Add dilute sulphuric acid, dilute with water if the solution is not dilute, add cupric sulphate, and finally add enough baric nitrate * to render the precipitate of a decidedly lighter color ; heat almost to boiling, allow the precipitate to settle for a few minutes, filter, and use the filtrate for the tests (127) and (130). In case the test (51) for nitric acid is to be used take the same preliminary steps ; using baric chloride in place of baric nitrate. * Sulphuric acid and baric nitrate or chloride are only added in order to produce a heavy precipitate of baric sulphate, which carries down with it the lighter particles of the other precipitates, and renders the filtration easier. I3 6 PART III. (136) If ferro- or ferricyanhydric acid is present, the test (b) for CYANHYDRIC ACID (133) is to be modified in the following manner : Dilute with water if the solution is not dilute, add dilute sulphuric acid, then add, accord- ing as ferro- or ferricyanhydric acid is present, ferric chloride or ferrous sulphate, or both, in sufficient quantity to precipitate the ferro- or ferricyanhydric acid or both acids ; finally, add baric chloride * until the color of the precipitate has become decidedly lighter ; shake thoroughly, allow the precipitate to settle for a few minutes, and filter. Add to a portion of the filtrate sodic hydrate until a precipitate forms, warm gently, and add dilute chlorhydric acid until the solution becomes acid. The appearance of a blue precipitate, or of a blue color, is evidence of the pres- ence Of CYANHYDRIC ACID. ACIDS OF GROUP III. ACIDS WHICH ARE NOT PRECIPITATED BY ANY METALS. Chloric Acid. See sulphuric acid test (47). (13V) Nitric Acid. See sulphuric acid test (SI). (138) Acetic Acid. See sulphuric acid test (52). (139) *See note, page 135. INSOLUBLE SUBSTANCES. CLASS III. SUBSTANCES WHICH ARE INSOLUBLE IN WATER AND IN ACIDS. (See page 97.) The only substances which are insoluble after the treat- ment described on page 97 are the following : Plumbic Sulphate (not absolutely insoluble in acids). Argentic Chloride (slightly soluble in chlorhydric acid). Sulphur. Carbon. Baric Sulphate, Silica, and many Silicates, and some Oxides. XXII. SOLUTION IN AMMONIC ACETATE AND POTASSIC CYANIDE. Plumbic Sulphate. Boil a portion of the substance (14=0) with ammonic acetate, and test the solution (after fil- tration, if necessary) with ammonic sulphide. If LEAD is present, a black color, or a black precipitate is formed. Test the solution also for SULPHURIC ACID, accord- ing to (123). If lead is discovered, repeat the treatment with am- monic acetate until no more lead is dissolved. Argentic Chloride. Digest a portion of the substance, free from plumbic sulphate with potassic cyanide, 138 PART III. warm (unless it blackens by warming), and test the so- lution (after nitration, if necessary) with ammonic sulphide. A black precipitate indicates the presence of SILVER. If a black precipitate forms, wash it, dis- solve it in strong nitric acid, and test with chlorhydric acid according to (68) in order to confirm the pres- ence of SILVER. If silver is present, repeat the treatment with potas- sic cyanide until no more silver is dissolved. Sulphur. Test the substance, free from plumbic sulphate (142) and argentic chloride, for sulphur according to (10). If the substance is moist, it must be carefully dried by heating it in a porcelain dish over a water-bath before applying the test. If sulphur is present, heat the substance in a cov- ered porcelain crucible until the sulphur is completely volatilized. Carbon. If the substance has a black or gray color, which it (143) loses when it is heated with the blowpipe on platinum foil, carbon in some form is probably present. If carbon is present, the substance, free from plumbic sulphate, argentic chloride, and sulphur, should be burnt, until as much as possible of the carbon is de- stroyed, by heating it red-hot on platinum foil or in a porcelain crucible. XXIII. FUSION WITH POTASSIC AND SODIC CARBONATES AND SODIC NITRATE. Baric Sulphate, Silicic Acid, and many Sili- (144) cates, and some Oxides. Mix the finely pow- (a) dered substance, free from plumbic sulphate, argentic chloride, and sulphur, and as nearly free from carbon as possible, with two parts of potassic carbonate, two INSOLUBLE SUBSTANCES. 139 parts of sodic carbonate, and one part of sodic nitrate ;* bring as much of the mixture as can be heated at once on the platinum foil, and heat the under side of the foil with a blast-lamp until the whole mass is in a state of quiet fusion. Repeat this operation two or three times, if much substance is required for the ana- lysis. (b) Detach the fused mass from the platinum foil each time by plunging the foil, while it is hot, in distilled water. Boil the product of fusion with water, and if it does not dissolve completely, filter, and wash the precipitate on the filter with distilled water, rejecting the washings. Continue the washing until baric chloride ceases to produce a precipitate in the water which runs through the filter. (143) The first filtrate may contain ARSENIC ACID, see (120), (its occurrence is rare) ; CHROMIC ACID, see (121) ; SULPHURIC ACID (123), (the tests referred to above may be applied successively to a single por- tion of the filtrate) ; FLUORHYDRIC ACID (its occur- rence is rare), see (126) and (44), and PHOSPHORIC ACID (127). The two last tests may be applied suc- cessively to another portion of the filtrate. No com- pound of these acids, except BARIC SULPHATE, is by itself insoluble, but insoluble substances sometimes contain small quantities of the acids. CALCIC FLU- ORIDE is only decomposed completely by the treat- ment with sulphuric acid described in (44). Silicic Add* The principal portion of the filtrate should (140) be tested according to (04) for silicic acid. After * The sodic nitrate is added in order to destroy carbon or other reduc- ing substances. If the substance to be analyzed appears to contain much carbon, increase the quantity of sodic nitrate. If the substance contains no carbon, the use of sodic nitrate is usually unnecessary. 140 PART III. separation of silica the only metals * that can be pres- ent in the chlorhydric acid solution are LEAD, ALU- MINIUM, and ZINC. Test for lead by adding an excess of dilute sulphuric acid and alcohol to the solution. If a precipitate of PLUMBIC SULPHATE forms, filter. Test for ALUMINIUM, in the solution, free from lead, by adding ammonic hydrate in excess. If a precipi- tate of ALUMINIC HYDRATE forms, filter. Test for ZINC in the solution, free from lead and aluminium by adding to the solution containing ammonic hydrate in excess ammonic sulphide. A flocculent, white precip- itate Consists Of SULPHIDE OF ZINC. (14f) If a portion remains insoluble after boiling the fused mass with water (1.44) (&), dissolve it in chlorhydric acid. If much silica was discovered (see 146), it is best to evaporate the chlorhydric acid solution to dryness, and to proceed as directed in (64). Test for metals in the chlorhydric acid solution accord- ing to page 107, VI., etc. * It is evident that sodium and potassium in insoluble silicates cannot be detected by this process. All reliable methods for their detection re- quire the use of platinum vessels and great care in manipulation. Larger works on analysis must be consulted for such methods, EXPLANATION OF TABLES. THE Tables I., II., and III. contain a synopsis of the course of analysis of bodies in solution given in Part III., and they are intended as an index to the methods which are there de- scribed in detail. They may also serve as guides in analytical work to students who have made themselves acquainted with the detailed descriptions of Part III. A skeleton form, similar to that of the tables, should be filled out with the results of an analysis, and the reactions which oc- cur on the application of each test should be noted. The sign ^ placed under the formula of a compound indicates that it is formed as a precipitate during a reaction. This sign is used in the following tables, and it will also be found convenient in noting the results of analyses. The Tables IV. and V. are intended to indicate the degree of solubility in water, and in many cases in alcohol, acids, and alkalies, of the combinations of the metals and acids men- tioned in Part II. The properties of a salt are described in the square formed by the intersection of the column devoted to an acid with that devoted to a metal. The Roman numerals standing after the symbols of the metals indicate their quantivalence, and the formula of a salt is made by putting the symbol of a metal in the place of the symbol of an equivalent number of atoms of hydrogen in an acid. When an acid contains more than one atom of hydro- gen, several classes of salts may be formed, according as one or more atoms of hydrogen are replaced by a metal. The normal or regular salts are those which are formed by the re- 141 142 PART III. placement of the greatest passible number of atoms of hydro- gen by a metal. The descriptions of the tables refer to normal salts, but the following cases are exceptions, because the salts specified are more commonly met with in analysis ; and in using the tables the formulas below must be substituted for those of the normal salts : ARSENATES. MgNH 4 AsO 4 ; MnNH 4 AsO 4 ; (Hg 2 )HAsO 4 ; HgHAs0 4 . PHOSPHATES. (NH 4 ) 2 HP0 4 ; BaHPO 4 ; CaHPO 4 ; MgNH 4 P0 4 ; MnNH 4 P0 4 ; HgHPO 4 ; Na 2 HPO 4 . The ARSENATE OF ALUMINIUM probably contains more acid than the normal salt. The CHROMATES OF ALUMINIUM and of IRON (ferric chro- mate) contain a larger proportion of metal than the normal salts. ARSENITES. The arsenites referred to in the table have only two atoms of hydrogen replaced by a metal, except Mg 3 (AsO 3 ) 2 and Ag 3 AsO 3 . The ARSENITES OF COBALT and MANGANESE contain less than two atoms of hydrogen replaced by the metal. BORATES (NH 4 ) 2 B 4 O 7 ; BaB 2 O 4 ; CuB 4 O 7 ; FeB 4 O 7 ; (Fe 2 ) B 3 O 6 ; PbB 4 O 7 ; CaB 2 O 4 ; MnB 4 O 7 ; NiB 4 O 7 ; K 2 B 2 O 4 ; ; Na 2 B 4 O T ; ZnB 4 O 7 . EXPLANATION OF SIGNS IN TABLES IV. AND V. Numbers = number of parts of water required to dissolve one part of the anhydrous salt * at the ordinary temperature, oo . insolubility.! The sign of infinity indicates that an infinite quantity of water is required to dissolve the salt, s. = soluble to a considerable extent in water, s.s. = slightly soluble, del. = deliquescent, or capable of dissolving by attracting moisture from the air. dec. = decomposed. Examples : dec. = decomposed by water. dec. = decomposed by acids. = acids. Example : s. = soluble in acids. + = sodic or potassic hydrate. Example : + s. = soluble in so- dic or potassic hydrate, am. = ammonic hydrate, am. cl. = ammonic chloride. al. = alcohol. Example : al. 00.= insoluble in alcohol. When no solvent, such as , am., al., etc., is indicated, the signs co., s., s.s., and dec. refer to the action of water on the salt. * The salt without water of crystallization is referred to. t Most of the salts marked insoluble in the table are not really more insoluble than salts like baric sulphate, but they are described as insoluble because they are known to be nearly so, and because the quantity of water required to dissolve them has not been determined. 143 fl . * . ft i SULPHYD Metals of G o ' fi. 1 1 e yf fl 2 I II l! 38 K^ .So 11! S^ ! .3 ceo io io a 28 e l f Is i b-o *8 * O v ffl g M . '.2 C ^O.2 gWa O il u o 3, 111 Ji ) HNO dulate s yello o ^ 3, Sjl SI 3^ W ^ U l ti "l ilS. Me tl S< ll Silicic Acid, Si (64) id ens ^E c-o il 1 U-i Sulphurous Ac (75) gas tu potassi II. bon- of ide. AG- OF GROUP I. arbon als lor M m ini mm O 3 , f.tOil filffi. 1 iil ^"i S-r*c "S3 ^ 1s3 a .a S-o 4 tf *SN Sl'fiJ l Ifw 1M S*lH 2l| S lllS'l ^^,0,-S ^-SsSl L o- 3 $<$ WH SA ,_:; color of fl metals must lor of a blue gl etals mu col h me 111 ^-5 '8~ lution, a H 3 , ammonia ffc .253 b^ I OT a 1 & p. 11 ored ^> ^ w 1^ C 3^3 -, 5" It , freed from H^S by I , is boiled with NaH* ^ * 'J fi l s-g^ ^8 Mn(HO) 2 imparts fused on platinum 08'^ sg so ll 111 o,-i G a ** 2+* Q 5 3 P,S = P C NITRATE TEST : p. 13 of Group II., in acid solut * 1 s a c 5 2 3! o o 93 * .. 3 rSM -'So rt"- 1 * 2 S. I! ^ id 9s & .2 S-H y B o^ 3 d ol 11 = 4 ui if 8 I 8 I 1 . A 8 1 ti , . ui 8 1 'f - at d uf "13 ^T t d 3 T T . ui 8 1 in y C/J i" in 8 "j' 8?. 8 I 1! 13 8 I . "" 8 I j it "3 o d 8- 51 8 't in ? J 8*-o i ll 1 8 I "f . ! ui 34 d -rt 8 *\ 8 f d d d u! d ^ . P C a" CO^M 8* 8 in *? "w 13 . in 8 I ^ "3 "O df 8 T 8 T 8 T it d O . in 8 1 8* f ^ ^ 00 8 1 8 !! c35 rt in | 8 H 8 1 ui I 1 1 1 1 in in 8 d M d 5 i gi 8* in d" 5 in | I'd . in 8 1 in "rt "3 n in 8 1 8 6 rt . 8 8 I 8 P. 8 S I j in ^"rt T3"rt g in .. 8* ui i o "C } " 1 u 8-S 1 s! ui I 1 1 T ! 1 d 3> . . . in ,4 1 * ui 8 1 8 1 8 8 1 S-a S 1 8 1 d d " 13 u? 8 ! d 8 8 ; JM fJJ | U 3 '0 3d 13 f II j't 13 -o It ^ o ui in *i i If S 00 13 it in 8 ! i! J 1 it J ui d d ui B 3 S 1 | . ; n ." "! 1 d t d d "u- : d in in j 8 V." 8 rf V) "rt v ^_. o"- ft 1 " 8 2 u! ^ 8 8', rt CJ g F E " F rt _ ^ rt rt [ -C -H a u; . in 8 1 8 I i . A 8 II It . in 8 | 8 " . 8 8 8* 8 1 d 1 o I 8 " 8 o 1 1 8 8 . u 1 8 1 CCCQ EC S3' ^8 H ^ . . 2 in . d in d .in- 3 1 8- 8 8 ,^ . 3M "rt * 1 - 1 A | I " M 1 "rt j, | n ^a a 78 1 ?' & " 1 jj> 4- 4- -j in 80 Sd o 8 S S 8 1 8 5 o I 8 T 8 ui 1 9 > t- s i i in H 3 M in IT . i . in r 8 8 in ui ui o * SE zz, i 3 ^ ui ui 8 1 8 1 ui . '"" *rt 8 1 ui J y ui E u? ' ui 8 I ui ui 8 8 : I * H tn si ui . 15 8 E rt U? 1 if . 8 ro . 13 i-j y w 'T w l Si! M | a 4 13 . ui 8 1 . ui 8 I ui 8 1 < o ll fff "5 "s rt 5 uT 8 1 . 8 8 1 if ui- 5 ui | i IO it . ui 8 1 8 1 8 1 f TABLE V. EXPLAN Acetic Acid, HC a H 3 O 2 Arsenic Acid, H 3 AsO 4 Arsenious Acid, ) H,As0 8 . S~~ Boracic Acid, H 3 BO 3 . Bromhydric Acid.HBr V^arbonic Acid, H a CO 3 ^XfhlorhydricAcid.HCl. Chloric Acid, HC1O S . Chromic Acid,H 2 CrO 4 Cyanhydric Acid, HCy -U || ^ Fluorhydric Acid, HF. X .g O K y 'B Oxalic Acid, H 2 C 2 O 4 . y If N/Sulphuric Acid, H 2 SO 4 !2 P" ,/Sulphydric Acid, H 2 S. ~1VO 'OOSIONVMd NVS " '!/! .SH3AVSSV ^!AiI^S ( 2H: ilJLSflf .Vki Ci'lOW 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 8 May'GSPSf REC'D LP MAY 8 1963 200ef65CD REC'D LD OC1 6'65-9pM 4 - 1968 LD 8EC1JLQ. 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