OF THE UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION EIBH; 63$ ELEMENTARY LESSONS ZOOLOGY A GUIDE IN STUDYING ANIMAL LIFE AND STKUCTUKE IN FIELD AND LABORATORY BY JAMES G. NEEDHAM, M.S. INSTRUCTOR IN ZOOLOGY, KNOX COLLEGE, GALESBURG, ILL. <*>:*I< NEW YORK ... CINCINNATI -.. CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY " The invariable adaptation of an animal to the life it leads is one of nature's most instructive lessons, and can be discovered and appreciated by every pupil, but never through oral teaching or from reading of books. Setter a child should learn to handle one animal, to see and know its structure and how it lives and moves, than to go through the whole animal kingdom with the best text-book under the best teacher, aided by the best charts ever made. The former would have learned what real knowledge is and how to get it, while the latter would have simply learned how to pass at his school examination. " ALPHEUS HYATT. " Therefore I would, in the name of education, urge students to begin naturally with what interests them, with the near at hand, with the practically important. A circuitous course of study, followed with natural eagerness, will lead to better results than the most logical of programs, if that take no root in the life of the student." J. ABTHUR THOMSON, in " The Study of Animal Life," p. 361. EDUCATION MBB7 COPYRIGHT, 1895, 1896, BY AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. NEED. ZOOLOGY. E-P 8 PREFACE. THIS book is intended for that increasing class of moderately equipped schools in which it is desired to make a beginning in the study of zoology after the scientific method. Its aim is to put the student in the way of acquiring for himself a knowledge of animal life and structure. It is not intended to supersede the teacher, but rather to relieve him from doing that part of the work for the stu- dent which the student should do for himself, and to give the teacher a wider opportunity. It is written in the firm belief that the student will receive that benefit which belongs peculiarly to this study in just so far as he comes into touch with nature through actual contact with facts. The plan presented has been adopted after due deliberation and repeated trial. In the belief that the simplest animal structures are best for illustrating the fundamental ideas of zoology, as well as being easiest understood, four simple types are introduced first. These are for microscopic study, from material to be provided by the teacher, and prepared by him for examination. From the study of these the student may learn the purport of the terms cell, protoplasm, tissue, organ, differentiation, sexuality, etc. With these fundamental ideas mastered, he is prepared to study intelligently any of the higher animals. The novelty of the introductory microscopic work will be a sufficient guaranty of interest in it, and the succeeding work is out- lined in accordance with the tastes and in avoidance of the prejudices of the beginner. Insects are taken up next in order, and the most attractive insects are studied first. This is a deliberate but not a purposeless violation of the logical order. Systematic zoology may well be neglected, so long as the student is ignorant of the material to be classified. To start the beginner where the specialist leaves off is an error too often repeated in the teaching of this as of other sciences. Wherever, in the arrangement of the subject-matter of this book, the choice has seemed M577O41 4 PREFACE. to lie between being logical and being serviceable, the author has preferred that the arrangement should be serviceable. The study of animals alive, and in their biological relations to their environment, is made a prominent feature. It is not morphology, or physiology, or natural history alone, that constitutes a proper ele- mentary zoological course, but a comprehensive study of animals, that develops these sciences in their proper relations, and gives the ele- mentary student a general view of the whole field, a correct " zoological perspective." Morphology may, perhaps, like chemistry, be learned in the laboratory alone, but zoology may not. It has been a popular delusion that a term of dissections constitutes a proper ele- mentary course. Such a course was an improvement on former methods : the study of dead animals is infinitely better than no con- tact with animals at all. But to study animals with nature and life left out is to omit a phase of the subject of deepest scientific interest, of highest educational importance, and of greatest pedagogical utility. This book is written primarily for use in the interior : hence forms of life obtainable only at the seashore receive less attention than those found inland. The study of animal life is best begun with forms nearest at hand. The custom of sending to the seashore for specimens with which to begin the study, and neglecting a wealth of material at home, does not deserve to be encouraged. At the sug- gestion of many teachers who live where fresh marine material is available, a study of the starfish is inserted as the last chapter in the book. Believing that it will be used in some cases where material to illustrate it is insufficient, it contains fewer interrogation points, and more of explicit statement, than preceding chapters. A few diagrams of structures are inserted for the same reason. All the work outlined in the following pages has been tested in the classroom, and has been repeatedly performed by the author while drawing up these lessons ; and it is hbped by him that they may prove reasonably free from ambiguity and error. Xo animal is studied exhaustively : each one lends itself to some special purposes of illus- tration, and to such ends only is it used. Care has been taken to introduce no work beyond the capacity of the beginner. The illustra- tions given are intended to guide the student in finding and identify- ing for himself the animals recommended in the text for study. Few drawings are given of things which the student may reasonably be expected to draw for himself. If such are wanted, the reference books recommended are filled with them, and may be consulted with profit. In the material presented herein the author can lay no claim to PREFACE. 5 originality : he only wishes to be given credit for an honest effort at selecting, from the most available materials offered, that best calcu- lated for introducing the beginner to the ideas and principles of zoological science. lie respectfully invites the correspondence of teachers who find difficulty in using the book. Finally, the author would gratefully acknowledge the assistance of many friends and teachers and of books which were teachers. He would speak of the cut on p. 212, which was kindly loaned by Professor Forbes of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History : and he would especially remember the assistance of Dr. E. A. An- drews of Johns Hopkins University, who read the manuscript of the text; of Professor J. H. Comstock of Cornell University, who read the proof sheets of the pages relating to insects ; of Professor E. A. Birge of the University of Wisconsin, who read the proof sheets of the pages relating to crustaceans, mollusks, and vertebrates ; of Mr. Edward Potts of Philadelphia, who read the manuscript of the pages relating to the fresh- water sponge ; of his honored friend and teacher, Professor Hurd of Knox College, who revised the etymological list of technical terms; and, last but not least, of his wife, Anna Taylor Needham, who made pen drawings for most of the illustrations. J. G. N. CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION 9 PROTOZOANS 12 The Amoeba 12 The Slipper Animalcule 18 CCELENTERATES , 22 The Fresh-water Sponge 22 The Hydra 26 INSECTS 34 Hexapod Insects 36 The Butterfly 36 The Dragon Fly 42 The Grasshopper 48 The Squash Bug 67 The Two-year Cicada 69 The Back-Swimmer 61 The Bumblebee 63 ' The Mud Wasp 70 The Paper Wasp 72 The Honeybee 73 The Black Blister Beetle 74 The Bluebottle Fly 80 The Bee Killer 84 The Cabbage Butterfly 86 The Life Process in Insects 93 A Review Exercise 99 A Lesson in Classification 101 Arachnid Insects . . , 105 The Spider 105 8 CONTENTS. PAGE Myriapod Insects 109 The Chilopod or Centiped 109 CRUSTACEANS Ill The Crawfish Ill TheAsellus 125 The Cyclops 126 Further Classification 127 WORMS 130 The Earthworm 130 MOLLUSKS 140 The River Mussel 140 The Pond Snail 154 VERTEBRATES 161 The Catfish 161 The Frog 178 The Turtle 198 The Snake .... 208 The English Sparrow 211 The Rabbit 237 The Life Process in Vertebrates 260 ECHINODERMS 266 The Starfish 266 APPENDIX 275 Prerequisites 275 Reagents 276 Directions for the Preparation of Material for Study .... 278 Accentuated List of Technical Terms 288 Suggestions to the Teacher 302 INDEX . . 305 INTRODUCTION. The Study of Animal Life is begun when we first learn the names of our household pets, and begin to note the differences between them. It is continued so long as our eyes and ears are open to observe the nature and capacities of the animals with which our daily life brings us in con- tact. The horses that draw our carriage, the dogs that answer our call, the birds that delight our ears with their songs from the tree tops, the insects that flit before our eyes among the flowers of the garden, all are continually illustrating phases of animal life, some of which cannot escape the notice of the most casual observer. Every one knows that animals must have food. When they are young, they require food for growth ; and when they are grown, they require food to furnish bodily strength. They require air also, fresh air, containing oxygen, for the oxygen is the essential thing. A bird inclosed in an air-tight box with plenty of food, or a fish placed in a small quantity of clean water, soon dies, because the available supply of oxygen is soon exhausted. Every one knows that, sooner or later, animals die, and that they leave descendants to perpetuate their race upon the earth ; and every one should know that not all their young come to maturity, and that the number of their prog- eny is proportioned to the vicissitudes to which their life is exposed. Every one knows that animals move, that most of them move freely from place to place, and that those which are 9 10 INTRODUCTION. fixed in their location, like the oyster, move freely some parts of their bodies in obtaining their food. Every one knows that animals feel, that they respond to stimuli from without and to impulses from within, and that the most familiar animals exhibit varying degrees of instinct and intelligence. These plain facts are fundamental. All the phenomena of animal life may be grouped under four heads : 1. All those processes which are concerned with feeding and growth, the taking of food, the preparation of it for the use of the body, the carrying of it in solution to the various parts, the building of it into the body structure, the exposure of it to oxygen derived from the air, and the removal of useless portions and of Avaste materials from the body (whether performed by simple means or by com- plex, whether without organs or by means of many separate organs), all may be called phenomena of Nutrition. 2. All the phenomena connected with the reproductive process may be called phenomena of Reproduction. 3. All the phenomena of free and spontaneous move- ment may be called phenomena of Voluntary Motion. 4. All the phenomena of the senses of instinct and of intelligence may be called phenomena of Sensation. It will then need to be borne in mind that this fourfold division is made for convenience ; that the four groups of phenomena are not entirely distinct, but interrelated and interdependent. In the beginning we must distinguish between that which is necessary and that which is only accessory in animal structure. The robin has a beak for eating, and wings for getting about ; but beak and wings are not necessary for animal existence. Eating and moving are necessary, but these might be effected in other ways. The robin is a bird because of its beak and wings, an animal only because it eats and moves at will. INTRODUCTION. 11 In studying each animal, if we ask, (1) What is its food, how obtained and how used ? How does it get oxygen from the air? How does it get rid of waste and worn-out mate- rial from its body? (2) How does it reproduce its kind? How numerous are its progeny and to what danger exposed? (3) How does it move ? What are its specially movable parts ? (4) What powers of sense, of instinct, and of intel- ligence has it, and what sort of a nervous system as the seat of these powers ? and if we follow patiently where Nature leads until we have found satisfactory answers to these questions, we shall arrive at a better comprehension of the animal's activities, and in the end shall have learned many lessons of perennial interest and profit. This four- fold division of animal phenomena will be of service as an outline for our future study, leading us to learn for each animal all we can about I. Nutrition, and its subservient organs. II. Reproduction, and the adaptation of the reproduc- tive process to varying conditions of life. III. Voluntary Motion and motor organs. IV. Sensation, as manifest through a nervous system in senses, instinct, and intelligence. PROTOZOANS. THE AMCEBA. The Amoeba is selected as the first animal for study, because of its extreme simplicity. In it we are dealing with animal life at its lowest terms. It is very small, usually less than a hundredth of an inch in diameter, and can be studied only with the aid of a microscope. Examine one that has been taken up in a drop of water, mounted on a glass slip, covered, and placed in the field of a microscope. 1 First find it. This will be task enough for a moment for a beginner, even if the amoeba be in the field; for it presents so little likeness to familiar animals, that it might as readily be taken to be anything else. It appears like a little drop of jelly spreading out on a flat surface, trans- lucent in its central portion, and very transparent around its border. Reference to the accompanying figure will aid in recognizing it. That it is alive will not be ascertained at the first glance, but may be learned from watching its slowly changing outline for a moment or two. After find- ing it, and after learning by a few trials how, by moving 1 the glass slide, to bring it back into the center of the field when it moves out, and how to keep it in focus by turning the adjustment screws on the microscope, then study its general structure and its movements. 1 If the student be working alone, he will follow the directions given to the teacher (see Appendix, p. 278) for collecting amcebas, and pre- paring them for examination. 12 THE AMCEBA. 13 Observe : 1. A granular, translucent central portion (the endosarc), with something of the appearance of ground glass. 2. A transparent outer border (the ectosarc), so clear it is liable to be overlooked the first time an amoeba is seen, and the endosarc taken for the whole animal. 3. Irregular, blunt projections (pseudopodia, or false feet), which are slowly pushed out from the body wall, or drawn into it. Observe that in all of these there is the AMCEBA (X 500), drawn while moving in the direction of the arrow: nu, nucleus ; v, vacuole ; ps, pseudopodia. same clear border and granular central portion ; and this is true of their appearance when they protrude vertically, as well as when extended laterally. If we can roll an amceba over, we shall see the same arrangement of parts ; so that we must conclude that the ectosarc forms a com- plete outer layer about the whole animal. . Pseudopodia. Watch the formation of pseudopodia. See first a protrusion of the clear ectosarc, then the flowing of the more fluid granular endosarc out into it. * Observe 14 PROTOZOANS. that, while pseudopodia are pushed out in all directions, they grow principally in one direction, and that the direc- tion in which the amoeba is traveling. Observe that about as fast as pseudopodia are formed in one direction, the body follows them, all its granular content flowing into their bases, swelling them, and uniting them. Watch also the withdrawal of pseudopodia, first a flow- ing toward the center of the granular part, leaving an emptied projection of ectosarc, which follows on in the rear. Such is amoeba's primitive method of locomotion. The pseudopodia which are pushed out on one side hold their ground ; and, when the semifluid body begins to follow, they advance, and the whole mass is seen setting forward in an exceedingly slow, flowing or gliding motion. If an active amoeba be watched a short time, it may be seen to change its direction. To do this it does not need to turn around: it simply puts out pseudopodia in the new direction, and follows them. It has neither head nor tail. All parts are alike, and one is as well adapted as another to go first. It may be seen to avoid large objects with which it comes in contact in its course. If it meet a conveniently small object, it may sometimes be seen to encircle it with pseudopodia, and ingulf it into its soft body mass, swallow it, so to speak, after which the object may be seen within the granular endosarc, where it is lodged as food for digestion. If it prove indigestible, it is gotten rid of in a correspondingly simple way. The body mass flows away from it, and it is left behind. If the amoeba be irritated in any way, as by touching the cover glass, it immediately draws in its pseudopodia, and assumes a more or less spherical form. If not injured in any way, it soon resumes activity. Make a series of half a dozen outlines of an amoeba, drawn at intervals of a minute or two, or less if it be moving actively, to show the changes in form. THE AMCEBA. 15 Minute Structures. If the currents in an active amoeba have been watched carefully under high power, certain minute structures will have been discovered within the body. Three of these are normally present, though not always easily made out : 1. A nucleus, a discoid or spherical body slightly more transparent than the surrounding endosarc, and usually located toward the posterior end of a moving amoeba. 2. A contractile vesicle, a round clear spot within the ectosarc. It may sometimes be seen to contract, and dis- appear temporarily, and will then be certainly recog- nized. 3. Ingested food particles. These appear darker than the surrounding endosarc ; or if colored food particles have been taken, microscopic green plants, etc., the color will shine through. These are of various sizes. These structures may be more readily made out in a specimen that is stained with iodine. Place a drop of iodine solution on the slide at one edge of the cover glass, and place a bit of blotting paper at the opposite edge. The blotting paper, by its absorbent action, will draw the iodine solution under the cover glass, where it will pene- trate and stain and kill the amoeba. The nucleus will be more brightly stained than the other parts. Make an enlarged drawing of an amoeba prepared in this way, showing all the points of structure you have been able to see. By mixing some very finely powdered carmine or indigo in the drop of water containing amoebas before covering, their feeding may sometimes be better observed. Occasionally an amoeba may be found dividing into two. Such should be watched carefully. The Life Process. The jelly-like living substance which makes up the body of the amoeba is protoplasm. It is 16 PROTOZOANS. an almost structureless and colorless substance, in chemi- cal composition much like the albumen of an egg. It is the physical basis of life. Neither animal nor vegetable life is known to exist apart from it. It is everywhere present in the growing parts of animals and plants. It is capable, as life's agent, of producing the most complex structures. The nucleus within the amoeba is but a bit of the protoplasm of slightly firmer consistency than the rest ; but it is, perhaps, the most essential part. Simple as the amoeba is, and wanting in parts, it yet leads an animal life, and exercises all the essential animal functions. I. Nutrition. That the amoeba takes food has been seen already. Having neither mouth nor stomach, it ingests and digests its food at the most convenient point. Its proper food consists of the smallest microscopic plants. These, when found within the body of a living amoeba, may, by continued watching, be seen to dissolve away as they are digested. The small amount of mineral food and the larger amount of oxygen necessary for the amoeba are already in solution in the water in which it lives, and need but to be absorbed. These dissolved foods penetrate freely to every part of the protoplasmic mass, and by a process called assimilation they are incorporated into it, and become a part of it. But this process means more than the mere storing of digested food : it means that the food is built up into complex chemical compounds, like those which are the constituents of protoplasm, and that it then becomes a part of the protoplasm, like any other part, in all its properties. The necessary result of this process is that the animal grows. But this process also makes possible the animal's activi- ties. The complex chemical compounds formed in this constructive process are highly charged with potential energy and are very unstable, like a single tier of bricks THE AMCEBA. 17 that is piled too high, or like a train of gunpowder that is ready to be discharged. As a light touch will upset the bricks and cause them to fall with great force, or as a spark will ignite the gunpowder and cause a violent explo- sion, so, in a small way, a slight stimulus to the amoeba will cause some of these complex molecules in the proto- plasm to break up into simpler ones with the liberation of the forces manifested in the animal's activities. The simple compounds (carbonic-acid gas, water, etc.) formed in this destructive process are of no use to the amoeba, and must be removed. The name of the process is excretion. These waste products pass out directly through the body Avail into the surrounding water. It should be noted that there is an important difference between this true process of excretion and the mere egesting of an indi- gestible bit of carmine : the latter does not become a part of the animal's structure at all. Many such particles are ingested in the course of feeding. It shows little choice in the selection of food, ingulfing any object of convenient size with which it may come in contact. II. Reproduction. The common method of reproduc- tion in amoeba is simple division. First the nucleus divides into two. Then the body elongates, and the nuclei move apart toward the ends. A furrow then appears across the body, between the nuclei. This furrow deepens until it entirely separates the body into two pieces, each of which is at once an independent, perfect amoeba. The converse of this process has been observed. Two amoebas have been seen to fuse together into one. It is believed that this process (conjugation) is necessary for the continued existence of amoebas. It has been proved to be necessary in the case of some other microscopic animals which reproduce ordinarily by dividing. III. Voluntary Motion. Protoplasm is contractile, i.e., capable of extending in one direction by shortening in NEED. ZOOL. 2 18 PROTOZOANS. another. But the movements of amoeba, simple as they are, are yet more than the independent automatic contrac- tions of protoplasm ; for they are controlled and coordi- nated to certain ends, to reaction in response to stimuli from without, to locomotion and to securing food in response to impulses from within. IV. Sensation. These latter acts indicate spontaneous activity, and show that the amoeba possesses in a low degree sensibility, the dawning of faculties which are the highest endowment of animal life. The Cell. The cell in biology is a minute mass of pro- toplasm containing a nucleus with or without a cell wall. The amoeba is a single cell that has developed about itself a very delicate and pliant cell wall. The cell is the unit of all organic structure. Every plant and every animal begins its existence as a single cell. This cell grows and divides repeatedly; and the cells thus formed remain together, and with their products compose the bodies of the higher plants and animals. The cellular character of the growing parts of all animals may be easily recognized under the microscope. When the amoeba divides, its parts separate. It there- fore retains this simple condition, never becoming more than a single cell. THE SLIPPER ANIMALCULE. (Paramecium.) Study of Live Specimens. Examine a drop of water containing slipper animalcules. They appear as minute white specks rapidly moving to and fro through the water, just large enough to be seen without a lens. Examine under the microscope a drop that has been mounted on a slide in cotton fibers, or, better, in cherry- THE SLIPPER ANIMALCULE. 19 gum solution, and covered. 1 Use low power at first, and make a general survey of the contents of the drop. Sev- eral kinds of animalcules may be present. The slipper animalcule (Paramecium) may be recognized by its elon- gated, somewhat slipper-shaped form, and by its rapid pro- gression with one end always forward. Study its actions. Observe that paramecium, unlike amoeba, when it reverses its direction of travel, turns around ; that it has anterior and posterior ends. Yet it can and does move backward when cornered, as may be seen when one swims into a narrow space between two cotton fibers, and has to batik out. Find one that may be retained within the center of the field, and examine it, magnified 300 to 500 diameters. Observe : 1. That paramecium has a definite, permanent, though unsym metrical shape. 2. That its body is a single minute mass, without par- titions or divisions ; i.e., that it is a single cell. 3. That its body mass is made up of two layers, (#) An outer, transparent ectosarc. (6) An inner, granular, and more fluid endosarc. 4. That the whole body is covered over with delicate, transparent processes, shaped somewhat like eyelashes, and hence called cilia. In an active paramecium, these cilia are moved so rapidly, they may be seen but dimly, like the spokes of a rapidly revolving wheel. It is by means of these cilia that the paramecium swims. They are used as a boy's arms are used in swimming : they are struck back- ward quickly and forcibly, and are drawn forward again more slowly. It must be noted that they are not hairs, but only delicate projections from the body wall. Observe also, focusing up and down to bring into view the parts at different levels, 1 See Appendix, p. 279. 20 PKOTOZOANS. 5. An oblique groove (peristome) extending from the anterior end halfway along one side of the animal, and so twisted that its edges form an elongated 8-shaped figure when viewed from the side (see cut). 6. A fringe of cilia, longer and stronger than those of the body, all around the edge of this groove. These set up currents in the water, which may be seen, if there be any loose sediment in the water, set- ting to Ward the posterior end of this groove. 7. A funnel-shaped chamber (vestibule, or mouth) in the poste- rior end of this groove. Toward this the currents in the water tend, and into it they drive the particles they sweep along. Near to this chamber, and in the central portion of the body, is an elongated, often spindle-shaped nucleus, often hardly visible with- out staining. In one or two places in the body there is a clear, round spot of con- siderable size (usually one near each end), which regularly ap- pears and quickly disappears sev- eral times a minute. Each of these is a contractile vesicle. If one of these be watched very closely, it will be seen to have minute, radi- ating tubes appearing around it when it contracts. The remaining objects seen in the endosarc are food PARAMEOIUM fx300). The water current is driven in the direction of the large arrow by the lashing ac- tion of the cilia of that re- gion. Food particles pass down the funnel-shaped esophagus (e), and col- lect in little round pellets at the bottom. Then they circulate about the body in the direction of the arrows, and indigestible portions are ejected at . Two contractile vacuoles (t>) are seen near the ends of the body, and an elon- gate nucleus (ri) may be seen after staining. THE SLIPPER ANIMALCULE. 21 balls and minute fat globules, and various foreign bodies that have been swept into the mouth with food. The feed- ing habits of the animal are best studied after putting some finely powdered carmine or indigo into the drop of water with it. Bits of these indigestible substances will be seen swept along the groove by its cilia, through the mouth, if they be small enough, for this is the only entrance requirement, and down a sort of short rudimen- tary esophagus, at the bottom of which they collect into a little pellet before being ingulfed by the protoplasmic mass of the interior. Then they may be seen to circulate slowly about the body, and, after considerable time, to collect at a point about halfway between the mouth and the posterior end of the body, where they are egested directly through the body wall. The Life Process. This is essentially as in amoeba ; but there are some interesting differences in its details. When any part of an animal becomes so modified as to be better fitted for doing some one thing, that part is said to be specialized. Thus in paramecium the cilia are specialized for locomotion. One circlet of cilia that fringing the groove leading to the mouth is still more highly specialized for setting up currents in the water as a means of capturing food. A mouth and short esophagus are specialized for receiving food, and contractile vesicles are specialized for circulating the fluids of the body. Every time a vesicle contracts, it drives its liquid contents out into the surrounding body mass. These specialized parts in the one-celled paramecium foreshadow the locomotor, digest- ive, and circulatory systems of the many-celled animals. Amceba and paramecium are representatives of the Pro- tozoa, a large group of microscopic unicellular animals of wide distribution. CGELENTERATES. THE FRESH-WATER SPONGE. (Myenia fluviatilis.) Study of Live Specimens. Examine fresh specimens. 1 Note: 1. Their form. 2. Their attachment: upon what kind of surfaces they are found growing. 3. Their color. 4. Their odor, pecul- iar, not unpleasant in life, but rapidly becom- ing very disagreeable if any specimens have died. This rapid decomposi- tion of the sponge flesh betrays its animal na- ture. Examine the surface of the sponge with a SPICULES OF FRESH-WATER SPONGE (My- d leng t find th t enia fluviatilis) : a, skeleton spicules ; & the others, gemmule spicules seen sidewise oles (or exlialent open- at 6 and d, endwise at c and e. Qut of life, currents of water are continually flowing. Examine it still more closely to find the minute but multitudinous pores (or inhalent openings) which cover 1 Directions for collecting are given in Appendix, p. 279. 22 THE FRESH-WATER SPONGE. 28 almost the whole surface, and through which the water enters the sponge. The sponge flesh is called sarcode. Press upon it, and note its consistency. Examining it again with a lens, note that it is bristling with the points of very minute spicules, which are arranged somewhat in lines, so as to form a sort of skeleton, running through and supporting the sarcode. These skeleton spic- ules are about ^- of an inch long. The sarcode is permeated everywhere by minute canals, which convey the water, taken in at the pores, to large canals communicating with the osteoles. At certain places in the smaller canals there are enlargements, which are lined with cells bearing cilia. The water currents are believed to be due to the lashing action of these cilia. Gemmules. Imbedded in the sponge flesh, and most abundant near the base of the sponge, observe a large number of small, round, yellowish or brownish seedlike bodies; about the size of the smallest mustard seeds. These are called gemmules. Study gemmules which have been cleared and mounted for examination. 1 Under low power of microscope, ob- serve the thick, yellowish coat of the gemmule opening at one side by a foraminal aperture (called, usually, simply the aperture) . In the outer coat of the gemmule observe spicules which differ markedly from the skeleton spicules in form. These gemmule spicules vary greatly in form in different fresh- water sponges. If the sponge named at the beginning of this section furnished the gemmules now under examination, the spicules found in their outer coat will be of the form of a spool, with the discoidal ends of the spool notched to form radiating points, and with the 1 This preparation and the one following it, the student may make for himself, if desired, by following directions found in Appendix, p. 280. 24 CCELENTERATES. slender axis of the spool produced into a short point (umbonate) at each end. The axes of these spicules are directed toward the center of the gemnmle, so that, on looking at the surface of the gemmule, only the radiate disks on the distal end of the spicules are seen. Looking at the cut edge of the outer coat of a gemmule which has been divided in halves, a lateral view of some of the spicules will be obtained, and their somewhat spool-shaped (birotulate) outline will be recognized. For a better view of both skeleton and gemmule spic- ules, examine some which have been isolated with nitric acid and mounted separately. Draw typical spicules of both kinds. Make an outline drawing of the whole sponge. Fill in the details in a part of the drawing so as to show osteoles, pores, and gemmules. The gemmules are reproductive bodies ; and their outer coats, strengthened with beautiful spicules, however inter- esting in themselves, are of value to the sponge only as they form a protective covering for the protoplasmic con- tents of the gemmule. 1 When, in winter, the old sponge dies down, and the gemmule has been set adrift, the protoplasmic cells of its interior in some favoring situa- tion escape through the aperture, associate and attach themselves in a relatively compact mass, and begin to take food from the surrounding water, and to grow up into a new sponge. In watching the development from gemmules, note the following. 2 1. The protoplasmic contents of the gemmule may be seen to issue by amoeboid efforts, to grow and develop sar- 1 The gemmule is formed (Marshall) by a number of free amoeboid sponge cells which come together at some point in the sarcode, and secrete a thin pellicle about themselves. The surrounding cells secrete the outer coat of the gemmule, with its supporting spicules. 2 For methods of preparation for this, see Appendix, p. 281. THE FRESH-WATER SPONGE. 25 code with its supporting spicules, its pores, osteoles, and communicating canals. The abundant secretion of sili- ceous spicules by this simple protoplasmic mass, and the arrangement of them in definite lines to form a skeletal structure, are easily seen, and are somewhat remarkable phenomena. 2. The sarcode masses produced from few or many separate gemmules may be seen to meet and coalesce to form a single sponge, showing further the aggregate nature of the animal. The Life Process. When the amoeba divides, its cells separate as independent animals ; but when the pr.oto- plasmic mass of .the sponge gemmule divides off new cells, these cells remain aggregated together. Although they arrange themselves so as to inclose water canals when their whole mass becomes too great for contact of all parts with the water, and although they cooperate in the formation of spicules in more or less definite lines, they yet lead in some respects an independent existence, in that each cell lives, eats, assimilates, grows, excretes, and divides for itself. The life process in each cell is therefore not greatly different from that of the single cell of amoeba, save that the sponge cell is more limited in its search for food, being compelled to take such as the water currents bring to it. But this loss of power to the single cell is obviously to the advantage of the sponge as a whole. And just in proportion as the individual cells lose their individuality, and become arranged and ordered for the good of the animal they compose, the animal ceases to be a mere aggregate of cells, and becomes an integrate organism. Differentiation is the term applied to the way cells have of growing different, of becoming unlike in form when 26 CCELENTERATES. combined together to form an animal of more than one cell (a metazoari). Thus the ciliated cells in the water cavities of the sponge have become differentiated from those which possess no cilia. 1 THE HYDRA. (Hydra viridis ?) Study of Live Specimens. In an aquarium or glass jar in which hydras are kept 2 study the creatures alive. Observe : 1. Their shape, elongated, cylindrical, Avith the body attached at its posterior or foot end to some support, free at its anterior end, and crowned with a circle of long, radiating tentacles. 2. Their color. 3. Their position: if all are in the same position; if all are attached to the same kind of a support; in what part of the vessel they are most numerous. 4. Their actions. Note the swaying-about of the long tentacles in the water. These capture food. A minute animal that has been captured may sometimes be seen, before it is carried to the mouth, sticking to one of the tentacles. Touch the tentacles, and see them con- tract. If the hydra jar be so placed that light reaches it strongly from but one side, after some time the hydras which are on the opposite side of the jar will move toward the light, when their slow and very peculiar loop- ing locomotion may be seen. 1 For a further study of this and of related sponges, the student is re- ferred to Potts's Monograph of Fresh-Water Sponges. For a good dis- cussion of the relations and differences between plants and animals, he is referred to Parker's Elementary Biology. 2 See Appendix, p. 282. THE HYDRA. 27 5. Their three methods of reproduction : (a) By buds. These are blunt processes often seen sticking out at right angles to the body of the parent hydra, outgrowths from its sides, destined to become perfect hydras, and, when well grown, to separate, and lead an independent existence. All stages of the budding process may usually be found, from the incipient bud without tentacles, to the fully formed hydra ready to drop away. (5) By true sexual organs, minute cone-shaped or dome-shaped eminences on the sides of the body, just visible without a lens. (c) By a sort of vegetative reproduction, like the starting of a new plant from a slip or cutting taken from an old one. To see this will require a carefully conducted exper- iment, costing a little time and trouble, but worth both. Cut out a piece of leaf with three hydras on it, and place it and them in a separate vessel of water. With a pair of thin, sharp scissors, cut off a tentacle from one of the hydras, to see it reproduced. Cut the second hydra in two crosswise, and slit the third one into two pieces length- wise. If properly done, the pieces will live, and each will develop into a perfect hydra. The progress of these specimens should be watched daily, and as much oftener as is convenient. Detach a hydra from its support, take it up with a dropping tube, and place it in a watch crystal containing water under the microscope, and examine with low power. Observe : 1. The broad or flattened foot by which it was attached. 2. The flexible cylindrical body (often distended in places by food, or extended into buds). 3. The tentacles: their number; their knotted appear- ance ; their action. 4. The cone-shaped prominence (hypostome) at the anterior end, between the bases of the tentacles. 28 CCELENTERATES. 5. The mouth, which is at the top of this prominence, and may be seen in favorable positions; i.e., when it is turned upward and opened. Structure. Mount the hydra alive in a drop of water upon a slide. Place two minute slips of paper or two threads alongside the hydra, and lower a cover glass upon these. Examine first with low, and afterward with higher power, to make out the following points of structure : 1. The body is a hollow tube with but one opening to the exterior, the mouth. The interior of this tube is the gastric cavity. Observe that this cavity extends out into the buds, when present, and into the tentacles. When the tentacles are fully extended, food particles may be seen in them. 2. The body Avail is double. Its outer coat (the ecto- derm) is made up of small transparent cells ; its inner coat (the endoderm), of larger, darker cells. The body is therefore a double-walled sac, both walls of which are pushed outward to form buds and tentacles. 3. In the ectoderm, in parts of the body, and especially in the swollen parts of the tentacles, are certain conspic- uous round or oval cells surrounded by smaller ones. These larger ones are called thread cells, lasso cells, or nettle cells, because they contain a long, spirally coiled thread, which can be thrown out at will, and is used in capturing prey. When the long, swaying tentacles ap- proach some animal suitable for food, as a water flea, these threads are thrown out, and, coming in contact with the flea, they seem to paralyze it. It hangs apparently stunned, adhering to several of these threads, and is quickly swept into the mouth. If a drop of acetic acid, magenta, or methyl green be drawn under the cover glass, and the ten- tacles watched at the same time, the throwing-out of these threads may be seen. Afterward some of these lasso cells THE HYDRA. 29 may be found entirely dislodged from the tentacle, and showing, beside the long stinging filament, a flask-shaped base, with minute retrorse spines at the neck of the flask whence the filament springs. 4. The sexual reproductive elements are developed in low elevations upon the sides of the body. These are of two kinds : (a) Spermariet, conical, pointed elevations near the anterior end of the body, just behind the tentacles, of HYDRA (X 6) : m, mouth; sp, spermaries ; ov, ovary; b, bud. variable number. In the transparent apex of a ripe sper- mary, the sperms may be seen swimming actively about or breaking out into the surrounding water. (6) Ovaries, rounded, obtuse elevations nearer the foot, rather larger than spermaries when ripe, usually fewer in number, and each containing but a single ovum. Both spermaries and ovaries are developed from the ectoderm, as might be inferred from their position and from their transparency. 30 CCELENTERATES. Sexual Reproduction consists in the production of male and female reproductive elements, sperms and ova, and in their union to form oosperms, and in the development of the oosperms into new individuals. At first certain cells are separated off from the other cells of the body, and in certain parts of the body, specialized for the purpose, are developed into sperms and ova. Then the sperms of the hydra escape out into the water, and swim actively about until some of them come into contact with the ova of another hydra. One sperm enters and coalesces with each ovum, changing it into an oosperm. Fertilization is the name for this part of the process. The resultant oosperm hardly differs from the ovum in appearance, yet vitally differs from it, in that the oosperm has the poten- tiality to become, under proper conditions, a new hydra. When both kinds of sexual elements are produced in a single individual, the individual is said to be hermaphro- dite. In the hydra, spermaries are developed first; and not until after they are ripened, and their sperms dis- charged, do the ovaries mature their ova. The ova can- not, therefore, be fertilized by sperms from the same individual, but Avill be fertilized by sperms of a later growth from some other individual. This is called cross fertilization : it seems to be essential to the healthy con- tinuance of most animals. The Life Process. I. Nutrition. In the hydra we have our first example of an animal with a distinct gastric cavity, in which food may be received and retained until digested. We find, also, better means of securing food than in any protozoans. After the food is taken by the tenta- cles and the extensible mouth, it is pressed down into the digestive cavity, and there the endoderm cells do most, if not all, of the work of reducing it to soluble form. These lining cells are large, and capable of considerable amoeboid THE HYDRA. 31 motion, which may be seen in thin transverse sections cut from a living specimen. Their combined motions probably have much to do with comminuting the food. Their secretions probably act on it chemically to digest it; but when it is digested, it must pass out to all parts of the body by simple osmosis from cell to cell, and by the slight propulsion given by the moving of the parts of the body upon one another, for there are no circulating vessels. There being but one external opening to the digestive tract, the indigestible portion of the food must be cast out, as it is taken in, through the mouth. The absorption of free oxygen and of mineral foods in solu- tion in the water, takes place directly through the body wall. The assimilation of these various foods from vari- ous sources, the building of them into the body structure, and the removal of the waste products of activity, these things, in hydra, as in all animals, each cell does for itself. II. Reproduction. That .the hydra is hermaphrodite has already been seen, and also that it reproduces greatly by budding. Did these buds remain perma- nently attached, as in some of the hydra's marine rela- tives, instead of falling away when fully grown, we should have it developing a peculiar treelike form. Hydra does not divide of itself into two equal parts, but, when so divided artificially, the parts may each become a new hydra with all lost parts reproduced. Pieces much smaller than half the animal may grow into perfect hy- dras. It seems to be only necessary that all the essential structures be represented, and probably is most essential that the ectoderm (the reproductive layer) and the erido- derm (the digestive layer) be present and in their proper relations together. III. Voluntary Motion. The hydra is another of the animals that "move without muscles." Yet its move- 32 CCELENTERATES. ments are varied and interesting. They are ceaseless, too, as may be seen by watching its continually changing form. Though all its individual cells have the power of motion, some cells, as those in the tentacles, move more freely than others. The lasso cells are capable of a very sudden and remarkable and highly specialized act, the thro wing-out of their paralyzing filament. IV. Sensation. No nervous system is developed in the hydra; but a few nerve cells, developed between the bases of the ectoderm cells, are known to exist. There is a marked advance in the powers of sensation of this animal over those previously studied, seen in greater reaction from disturbances, in greater skill in securing food and more choice in selecting it, in preference for light, etc. Tissue and Organ. The cells of the ectoderm in hydra, being much alike in form and in the work they have to do, constitute a primitive tissue. The cells of the endoderm constitute another such tissue. A tissue may be defined as an aggregation of similar cells, together with whatever intercellular substance may be developed from the cells. When any part of an animal is set apart for a particular work, that part is called an organ, and the work it has to do is called its function. Thus the tentacles of the hydra are organs, and their function is reaching out after food. Differentiation becomes very evident in the hydra. The thread cells of the tentacles are very unlike the digestive cells of the endoderm in the digestive cavity. In the work they have to do, there is quite as great dif- ference as in their form. The thread cells are given a specific work to do, the capturing of food. Other cells do the digesting, and can do it better for being relieved of the work of capturing the food. This is what is meant by a physiological division of labor. This sort of spe- THE HYDRA. 33 cialization, so evident in the development of animals, has its parallel in the development of civilization or in the development of a trade. For example, the early cobbler tanned his own leather, whittled his own pegs, made his own thread, lasts, etc., and then made the shoe. But, as the trade of shoemaking developed, one man began giving his whole time to making the leather ; another, to making the lasts, etc. ; and another, to making the shoe. To see how much further than this the division of labor in shoe- making has gone in our own time, we need only to visit a modern shoe factory. When the cobbler gave up to the tanner the making of the leather, he became a more skillful shoemaker, but lost his skill at tanning. So, when the thread cell of the hydra becomes differentiated for capturing food, it excels in that one thing, but it loses its capacity for doing other things. Here we come upon the universal principle, that precise adaptation to any one thing involves limitations in other things. Division of labor develops greater skill and better products in a trade, higher powers and capacities in animal life. While there are many things which cells and cobblers may leave to be done by others, to the ad- vantage of all concerned, there are yet other things which each must continue to do individually. For example, the thread cell, though it may be relieved of the work of digesting its food, must continue to absorb the digested food as it is furnished, and assimilate it; must absorb oxygen, and must excrete waste oxidized materials for itself, so long as it continues a living cell. The hydra and the sponge are representations of the Coelenterata, a large and important group of animals, almost exclusively marine. NEED. ZOOL. 3 INSECTS. Collecting. Insects are abundant in nearly all locali- ties throughout the interior of the United States. There need, therefore, be no lack of material at the proper sea- son. And because this group illustrates well the principles of zoology, and furnishes animals of singular beauty, variety, interest, and importance, it may profitably be studied as long as the limitations of time will permit. Three special pieces of apparatus will be needed, a collecting net, a cyanide bottle, and a collecting basket. The net is for catching insects. To make it, get a light, wooden handle two or three feet long, a piece of heavy wire (about No. 8) two feet and a half long, several feet of small wire (broom wire will do), and a square yard of " Swiss " or mosquito netting. Bend the heavy wire in a circle, crossing the ends and bending them parallel. Cut a groove in the end of the handle, and continue it down the sides. Place the crossed ends of the wire in this groove on opposite sides of the handle, and wrap them there securely with the small wire. Make a bag of the netting, of the same diameter as the wire circle, and about two feet deep. Sew this on the wire circle, and the net is complete. With a very little practice, it can be used suc- 34 FRAME FOR INSECT NET: a, loop of wire; b, handle; c, wire and han- dle in place. COLLECTING 35 cessfully. When by a stroke the insect is caught, a quick turn of the hand makes a fold in the net, and prevents its escape. The cyanide bottle is for killing insects that are to be preserved as specimens. Get a wide-mouthed bottle of a capacity of at least a pint, half an ounce of potas- sium cyanide, a handful of plaster of Paris, and a poison label. Break the cyanide into small pieces (avoid its poisonous fumes), and place them in the bottom of the bottle. Pour in just enough water to cover them. Add plaster of Paris until it remains dry over the entire sur- face. The plaster will quickly set, forming a porous poison cake in the bottom. Let the bottle stand uncorked for half a day; then shake out the surplus plaster, wipe clean the sides, cork, affix the poison label, and keep out of the way of children. Most insects, when shut inside, die at once. To transfer a captured insect from the net to the bottle, push the uncorked bottle carefully up inside the folded net. The collecting basket is for carrying insects home alive. A close-woven basket with a netting cover will answer every purpose. Any kind of basket will do, if lined with netting. A place must be fixed at the edge for putting in and taking out the insects. In collecting, always observe the following rules : 1. Collect no more specimens than will probably be used. The taking of more is but the wanton destruction of life. 2. Get for preservation the finest specimens obtainable, and preserve them with utmost care. Fine specimens are always a delight, and poor ones are of no credit to any one. 3. Keep live specimens supplied with food, water, and fresh air. To let an animal die a lingering death for want of either of these common necessities, is extreme cruelty. 4. Make each collecting trip an opportunity for study- ing animal life under natural conditions. Make note of 36 INSECTS. the haunts of each animal, of its animal associates, of its food, of its shelter, of its natural enemies, of its home, in short, of the life it leads. Such study will lead to important general truths relating to all animal life, includ- ing that of man, and is best begun in the field. 5. Remember that fear is inherent in most animals, and that flashy colors, loud noises, and quick and careless move- ments will frighten them, and cause the loss of opportuni- ties for observation. Hence wear quiet colors, avoid noise, avoid haste, and keep your eyes wide open. HEXAPOD INSECTS. THE BUTTERFLY. (A PRELIMINARY LESSON.) Characteristics. The common sulphur butterfly (Eury- mus philodice J ) will serve well for a beginning in the study of insects. It may be known by its yellow wings bordered with black, and by a silvery spot set in a patch of pinkish brown on the lower sur- face of the hind wings. Like other butterflies, it may best be collected about midday. Any clover field or meadow will probably furnish a supply. Any other butterfly that THE SULPHUR BUTTERFLY, Eurymus philodice (natu- can easily be collected will answer ralsize ) the present purpose quite as well. Study of Live Specimens. Collect specimens for imme- diate use and for preservation, 2 and while collecting study the living butterflies and their haunts and habits, noting : 1 Colias philodice of some authors. 2 Observe that all the specimens captured are not in equally good con- THE BUTTERFLY. 37 1. The species of the flowers on which you find them feeding. 2. The manner of their feeding: whether they, like humming birds, obtain their food while on the wing. 3. The kind of food: it is the nectar of the flowers, the raw material for honey. To prove its presence in the flowers, pluck a few corollas from a head of red clover, and press their bases between your lips : you will taste the sweet nectar. 4. The organ used in obtaining this food : its position when in use and when not in use ; its shape; its length. 5. The natural enemies of the butterfly; to what dan- gers its life is commonly exposed. 6. Its animal associates; with what other animals it shares its food. When you get home, liberate a live butterfly before a closed window, and study its motions. Observe: 1. The position of its wings when at rest. 2. The unity of their action when in motion. 3. Its irregular flight. 4. Its jerky walk. 5. The number of its feet; the number moved at a time while walking. Take time to admire the beauty and harmony of its form and coloration, the alertness of its posture, and the exquisite velvet of its wings. It is at once apparent that in its activities and capacities the butterfly far surpasses amoeba, sponge, and hydra. The first few steps up the grade of animal life we took in their proper order; but now, for the sake of convenience, we dition. Some have their wings rubbed and torn. Place such in the bas- ket, and take them home for further study alive. Put the best in the cyanide bottle. It is well to have two cyanide bottles, one to kill and one to carry specimens in, for the fluttering of live specimens put into the bottle may rub and mar the beauty of former captives which have not been removed. See note on mounting insects, in Appendix, p. 283. 38 INSECTS. ant pass by those which would succeed in logical order, to study a group of animals that is highly specialized. Plan of Structure. A superficial study of the external features of the butterfly will give a general idea of the insect plan of 'structure. Examine a butterfly which has been killed in the cyanide bottle, and observe its horny incasement, an outside skeleton covering the whole sur- face, but thickest and hardest on those parts of the body most exposed. This is a very different exterior from that of the sponge or the hydra : such ani- mals, if exposed to the air, would soon die of evaporation, if from no other cause. This hard exterior is an adap- tation to aerial life, as well as a protec- tion against injury. This coat of mail in insects is an out- growth from the skin, and is composed of a horny sub- stance called chitin. It is very light and very tough, two important requisites in the armor of a flying animal. Place the butterfly in its erect position, with the head away from you, and compare the right and left sides with reference to the arrangement of parts. Observe that the parts correspond, that the sides are symmetrical. Bilateral symmetry is the term used in zoology to desig- nate such arrangement of parts. What animals have you seen that are not bilaterally symmetrical ? trn DIAGRAM OF SULPHUR BUTTERFLY (X2), de- nuded of scales, right wings removed: h, head; 1, prothorax; 2, mesothorax; 3, metathorax; a, abdomen; w I, left fore wing; w 2, left hind wing; black 's indi- cate the points of attachment of right wings ; ant, antenna ; e, eye ;p, palpus ; m, "tongue ;" ex, coxae of right legs ; tr, trochanter of right hind leg ; /, femur ; t, tibia ; trs, tarsus or foot. THE BUTTERFLY. 39 Observe that there are three somewhat distinct regions in the body. These are named, in order, head, thorax, and abdomen. Observe that the entire body is made up of rings or seg- ments. How many segments are there in the thorax? In the abdomen? Note now the external parts and appendages. 1. The Head. 1. The long projections on the front of the head are antennae. These also have segmented struc- ture. Study them with the aid of a lens, and count their segments. 2. The large hemispherical prominences on the sides of the head are the eyes, called also facets or compound eyes, because they appear under magnification to be made up of clustered simple eyes placed side by side. 3. The two more or less hairy appendages in front of and below the eyes are the labial palpi. Count their seg- ments, and find their point of attachment to the head. 4. The coiled organ between the palpi is the sucking organ (or proboscis) . Uncoil it : how many turns in it ? Notice the permanent bend near the middle of it. Ob- serving that there is no oral opening on the surface of the head, what structure will you expect to find within this proboscis? With the microscope examine : 1. A cross section of the proboscis. 1 2. A tangential section of the surface (corneal layer) of the eye. 2 Observe that the corneal layer seems to 1 To make the cross section, place the proboscis uncoiled in a split cork or between two pieces of elder or cornstalk pith, and, holding it firmly there, with a razor or a very sharp knife shave off thin sections at the end, shaving the holder and the proboscis together. 2 Cut a section from the surface of- the eye. Holding the section with fofceps by one edge, scrape out the dark-colored pigment from its inner concave surface. Place it on a slide, convex surface uppermost, and it is ready for examination. Use low power. 40 INSECTS. be composed of many hexagonal corneas. Make a draw- ing of a portion of it as seen under the microscope. Count the corneas in a certain visible space. Estimate what part this space is of the whole corneal layer, and calculate the number of corneas in the whole layer. II. The Thorax. Note that the thorax is composed of three segments. 1. The small first segment, to which the first pair of legs is attached, is the prothorax. 2. The large second segment, to which the second pair of legs and the first pair of wings are attached, is the mesothorax. 3. The third segment, to which the third pair of legs and the second pair of wings are attached, is the meta- thorax. Owing to 'the consolidation of meso- and meta- thorax, the boundary between these segments may not be very plainly seen. Observe that the thorax is in cross section more or less quadrangular, showing more or less flattened dorsal, lateral, and ventral surfaces. The dorsal surface is called the notum, each lateral surface a pleurum, and the ventral surface the sternum. The convenience of this notation will be seen in the ease with which, by using it, any part of the thorax may be designated. The upper or lower part of the prothorax may be referred to as pronotum or prosternum ; corresponding parts of the metathorax, as metanotum or metasternum, etc. Examine one of the legs. Note that it, too, is made up of segments, which, like those of the body, have a hard outer shell of chitin. Flex and extend, and study the action of the joints. 1. The first small segment, the one by which the leg articulates with the body, is the coxa. 2. The next is a very small quadrangular segment, not always easily made out, the trochanter. THE BUTTERFLY. 41 3. The next is the largest segment of the leg, the femur. 4. The next is a slender segment about as long as the femur. It is the tibia. 5. The remaining segments comprise the foot (or tarsus). Count these tarsal segments. Note what appendages are present, and on which segments. Examine the lower sur- face of these segments. Discover by what means the butterfly is able to walk on the lower surfaces of leaves. Examine the wings, noting: 1. Their action. 2. Their form. 3. Their overlapping. 4. Their covering of hairs and dust-like scales. 5. Their structure, each a triangular expanse of thin membrane supported by chitinous veins. Find five prin- cipal veins starting outward from the base of a wing. These are named 1 from front to rear, costal, subcostal, median, submedian, and internal. Their branches, when present, are called veinules or veinlets. The subcostal and median are branched in butterflies. The costal and inter- nal are simple. The internal is often very short and inconspicuous in the fore wings. Make a drawing of the butterfly as seen from one side, with wings closed, first arranging antennae and feet in a natural position. Make a drawing of it as seen from above, with wings extended. With the microscope examine : 1. The foot. 2. A cross section of one of the larger veins of the wing. Rub off a few of the dust-like scales of the wing, and examine, first with moderate and then with high power, 1. A bit of the wing with scales attached. 2. A bit of the wing with scales rubbed off. 3. The detached scales. Draw. 1 See footnote, p. 87. 42 INSECTS. III. The Abdomen. Observe the form of the abdomen; its markings; the absence of lateral appendages. Count the abdominal segments, and, by bending slightly, observe how they are fitted together. Observe a longitudinal groove on either side of the abdomen. Just above this groove, in each segment, is the opening (more or less completely covered by scales) of a breathing pore (or spiracle). Make a drawing of the abdomen, lateral view. THE DRAGON FLY. (Diplax.) Haunts and Habits. The young of the dragon fly lives in the water on the bottom of brooks and shallow ponds. The adults live in the air, and may be seen through the day, poised on glistening wings above the water, or darting hither and thither with great swiftness. The adults may be collected with a net, but some little dexterity will be necessary to catch the larger species. A small brown species (T)iplax rubicundula), with amber-tinted wings, is abundant in most places throughout the interior, and is easily captured about wet meadows, and is a good example for class use. It is always well to collect a number of species for comparison. While collecting, observe: 1. The places frequented. 2. The habit of flight. 3. The hours of flight. 4. The food sought. The adult female dragon fly may sometimes be seen hovering low above the water, dipping the end of her abdomen occasionally beneath the surface, there deposit- ing eggs. If captured unhurt, and held gently by the fore wings while the dipping is done artificially in a turn- THE DRAGON FLY. 43 bier of clean water, the eggs will usually be deposited there. They should be collected and taken home in water, and their development studied. The young of the dragon fly are called nymphs. They are commonly found sprawling on the bottom of shallow brooks or ponds, or clinging to submerged trash or to aquatic plants. Easy marks of recognition are the wide head and thorax, very rudimentary wings, and a much- enlarged and armed lower lip, which covers the mouth as a shield. A water net will capture such as cling to sub- merged green plants. Those found in trash fallen in the water's edge may be raked ashore with the trash and picked up by hand, their active efforts to return to the water making them easy to find. All may be carried home in a small pail of water. They live upon aquatic insects ; and a supply of their insect food should be col- lected at the same time, and placed in the pail with them. A few strokes of a water net through a pool will usually catch a supply of suitable food. A few submerged green water plants should also be placed in the water with them, to furnish oxygen. The contents of the pail may be turned out into a bowl or other improvised aquarium at home, and there the nymphs will live and grow, and finally transform into adult dragon flies. Study of the Adult. Liberate a live dragon fly in a closed room (it has no sting, and is in no way hurtful to man), and study its actions. Note: 1. The position of its wings in motion and at rest. 2. The position of its legs. If you can time its passage across the room, make an estimate of its speed in number of times its own length per second. Compare this with the speed of a fast horse reduced to the same terms. Put a live dragon fly into the cyanide bottle, and as 44 INSECTS. soon as it is thoroughly stupefied by the poison, but not killed, turn it out again upon a paper, and study its re- spiratory movements. Note the regular expansion and contraction of its abdomen, and search with a lens for the minute openings of spiracles on each abdominal segment. Two larger spiracle orifices may be found on each side of the thorax. Observe the spin- dle-shaped body; the DRAGON FLY (natural size). rounded head, con- . cave behind; the wide thorax; the angled and tapering abdomen. I. The Head. Note the enormous development of the eyes. Find a minute single eye (ocellus) above the base of each antenna, arid another on the median line slightly farther forward. Remove an antenna entire, and examine with a micro- scope. Compare with the antenna of a butterfly. Draw. Turn to the mouth. Find an upper, movable lip (the labrum) and a larger, two-cleft, lower lip (the labiurn). Turn back the labrum and the labium, and find just beneath the labrum a pair of toothed, horny mandibles. Beneath- these find another pair of jaws, also working horizontally (the maxillce). Remove a maxilla entire, and examine it, first with a lens, and afterward with low power of the microscope. Note that it is a compound organ, made up of a two-jointed basal portion bearing two terminal append- ages. The inner appendage is the cutting or chewing part of the maxilla (the lacinia, or blade); the other append- age, standing behind or beside the lacinia, is the palpus. THE DKAGON FLY. 45 If these parts are difficult to see, compress a maxilla between two glass slips, and examine it under slight magni- fication. Compare this mouth with the mouth of a butter- fly. To what method of feeding is this mouth adapted? II. Thorax and Abdomen. Find in thorax and abdomen all the parts as mentioned for the butterfly, noting these special points : 1. The relative development of the thoracic segments. Which is smallest, and which largest? 2. The approximation of the legs. Why are the three pairs thus bunched together; i.e., what advantage is there to the animal in such arrangement? 3. The richly veined, naked, transparent wings. The costal vein is on the anterior margin of each wing, and the subcostal and median veins are parallel with it as far as the middle of the wing. There a stout cross vein (the nodus) crosses these three, dividing the wing in halves. On the costal margin beyond the nodus is a thickened dark spot (the wing spot, or ptero stigma). The close correspondence between the appendages of the dragon fly and those of the butterfly will have been noticed ere this by every student. That the legs and wings and other parts have essentially the same structure in the two animals, is very apparent. Had the origin of these parts been studied in the developing young of each animal, a similar correspondence would have been noted. When the parts of two animals show correspondence in structure and origin, such parts are said to be homologous; when they correspond merely in use, and not in either structure or origin, they are said to be analogous. The legs of a butterfly are analogous with the cilia of a slipper animalcule, because both structures have similar use as locomotive organs ; but they are not homologous. The wings of the dragon fly and of the butterfly are homol- ogous, although very different in appearance; for they 46 INSECTS. have essentially the same structure, a double fold of membrane supported by chitiiious veins, and they are very similar in development. Study of the Nymph. Place a large nymph in a small dish with just enough water to cover it, and study it alive, with the aid of a good lens. Observe : 1. Its sturdy form. 2. Its large eyes. 3. Its short antennce. 4. Its enormous lower lip, covering the lower and front parts of the head. Seize the edge of it with fine -pointed forceps, and pull it forward for exami- nation. Note that it is so jointed to the head that it can be extended far forward, and quickly retracted. Note that it is two-lobed, that the lobes are triangular, that each bears an incurved hook at the apex, that each is toothed along its inner margin, and that the A DRAGON-FLY NYMPH, whole is a very formidable grasping organ. 5. Its mouth, with well-developed mandibles and max- illse inside the labium. 6. Its rudimentary wings. Compare with those of the adult. 7. Its well-developed legs. Compare them in position with the legs of the adult. 8. The regular expansion and contraction of its abdo- men in respiration. Note the striking unlikeness of the respiratory methods in the adult and in the nymph. The adult lives exclusively in the air ; the nymph, exclu- sively in the water. Both must get oxygen from the air. Internal branching and intercommunicating air tubes, which open exteriorly at the spiracles in the adult, con- THE DRAGON FLY. 47 vey currents of air throughout the body. But the nymph must utilize the air which is in the water, mixed with the water, or held in solution by it. To get this air, the water is alternately drawn into the abdomen at the anal opening, and forced out again. In passing in and out, the water flows over a number of modified air passages, called tracheal gills, which are situated just within the anal opening. 1 These tracheal gills have very thin walls, easily permeable by gases. They contain air to be purified. In respiration, osmosis (or exchange of gases through the thin walls of the tracheal gills) takes place; carbonic-acid and other noxious gases from the body passing out into the water, and oxygen from the air contained in the water passing in. To prove the passage of water into and out of the abdomen, with a small pipette pass a fine stream of red ink or other colored fluid close by the anal opening, and see it alternately drawn and repelled by the water currents. Keep some large nymphs half a day without food. Then put into the water with them an abundance of the insects they feed upon (such small ones as a net will catch in any pond), and observe how they capture, hold, and devour their prey. Development. The egg hatches, and a nymph comes forth. It is at first very small ; but it eats voraciously, and grows rapidly. It develops a delicate chitinous coat; and when this gets too small, it splits down the back, and the nymph crawls out, and grows another of larger size. This molting takes place a number of times before ma- turity is reached. On the bottom of a vessel in which nymphs have been kept for some time, a number of empty nymph skins (exuvice) may usually be found. 1 Some species have external tracheal gills. 48 INSECTS. When the nymph is fully grown, it crawls out of the water upon some convenient rock or reed, and fastens its feet firmly, preparatory to the last and most remarkable transformation of all, the transformation which fits it for an aerial life. Keep some of the largest nymphs, supply them with proper food, and watch their final transformation. Make a series of drawings of the egg, of nymphs of different sizes, and of the adult, of one species. This will be a pictorial life history of the species. The dragon flies constitute the group Odonata. THE GRASSHOPPER. Haunts and Habits. A large gray species, properly called the Carolina locust (Dissosteira Carolina), is abun- dant by every roadside, and will serve well for class use. It may be rec- ognized by its large yel- low-bordered hind wirlgs, exposed in flight. It may THE CAROLINA LOCUST, Dissosteira v tT,.p n w ;fu a ^pf arir l Carolina (natural size). be taken Wltn a net ' anCL killed with a cyanide bot- tle. Nymphs will be found in the same situations as the adults. They resemble the adults quite closely in form, but are smaller, and lack fully developed wings. Collect nymphs in all stages. Collect adults of different species for comparison. Collect for dissection a few of the very largest speci- mens obtainable, of any species. Study in the field (for the Carolina locust) : 1. Its protective coloring. 2. Its several methods of locomotion. THE GRASSHOPPER. 49 3. The sounds (stridulatiori) made by some individuals (males) while on the wing. 4. Its hours of activity. 5. Its natural enemies. 6. The effect of temperature upon its activity. Go out some frosty morning for this purpose. Place a live specimen under a tumbler, and study : 1. Its respiratory movements. Observe the opening and closing of two lips that guard the entrance to a large spiracle just above the base of one of the middle legs. Find other active spiracles. 2. The size and arrangement of its legs in relation to the locomotor habits of the animal; which legs are most serviceable in walking, in leaping. 3. Its manner of feeding. Place some fresh leaves of clover or of lettuce under the tumbler with the insect, and watch it eat. If kept without food for half a day, it will eat greedily. Liberate an active specimen in a warm room, and measure its longest leap in number of times its own length. External Anatomy. Observe the relative development of head, thorax, and abdomen. Examine, as before, the upper parts of the head, eyes, ocelli, and antennae. I. Mouth Parts. Study the mouth parts with especial care ; for in the grasshopper all the typical mouth parts of an insect are present and well developed. Find, pro- ceeding from the front : 1. A large, two-lobed labrum. 2. A pair of toothed, horny mandibles, covered by the labrum. 3. A pair of maxilla, jointed, compound organs, each bearing at its summit three appendages. NEED. ZOOL. 4 50 INSECTS. (a) The lacinia (or blade), the innermost part, the part used in biting. (5) The galea, spoon-shaped, and covering the lacinia externally. (c) The maxillary palpus, a jointed, tactile organ out- side. Count its joints. 4. A two-lobed labium (or lower lip), bearing below a pair of jointed labial palpi. 5. A fleshy tongue, between and below the maxillae. Separate these mouth parts, and examine each with a lens. Draw. II. Thoracic Segments. Note the relative size of the three thoracic segments. Note their peculiarities of form, color, and surface markings. Locate their spiracles. III. Wings. Study the wings. Seize the fore wing by its costal margin, draw it forward, and fasten it at right angles to the body. Then in the same manner draw the hind wing forward. Note how it is folded. Compare the two wings in form, color, size, texture, posi- tion, and use. The dry, horny fore wings of grass- hoppers are called tegmina. Find in one of the tegmina five principal veins, costal, subcostal, median, sub- median, and internal, starting outward from its base. Observe that each of the tegmina is marked off into three areas, the costal, median, and internal areas. The median area lies between the subcostal and submedian veins; the costal area, anterior to the median; the internal area, posterior to it. Make an enlarged and accurate drawing of a tegmen, naming all the veins and areas upon the drawing. It is by rubbing together the lower surfaces of the teg- mina, and the upper surface of the costal vein of the hind wing, that the males of this species produce the sounds called stridulation, in flight. Examine these sur- faces with a lens. THE GRASSHOPPER. 51 IV. Legs. Compare the first and second pairs of legs with the third pair, in color and surface markings, posi- tion, size, and use. Find in one of the hind legs the usual segments, coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, and tarsus. Note : 1. The large club-shaped femur. Within it are the powerful muscles used in leaping. 2. The double row of spines on the sides of the tibia. 3. The two pairs of spurs at its lower end. 4. The tarsus. Examine its lower surface and the hooks at its tip. What is the advantage of all these spines and hooks and pads ? Make an enlarged drawing (lateral view) of one of the hind legs in its natural resting position, naming all the parts in the drawing. V. The Abdomen. Count the segments of the abdo- men as seen on the ventral surface. In the female there are eight, and in the male nine. The abdomen of the female terminates in an ovipositor, having four subequal points, which are used for making holes in the ground for the reception of eggs. The four points are repeat- edly pressed together, pushed into the ground, and there separated, thus pressing the earth aside, until a hole is made of sufficient depth, when the eggs are deposited in the bottom. An elongated, bilobed, subgenital plate at the ventral surface terminates the abdomen of the male. Observe on either side of the abdomen a longitudinal groove, and just above it a row of evident spiracles. Observe on either side of the first abdominal segment a semicircular depression, across which is stretched a thin membrane. This is called the tympanum, and is supposed to be an organ of hearing. 52 INSECTS. Internal Anatomy. Select for dissection large female grasshoppers, the larger the better. On the Western plains the lubber grasshopper (Brachystola magna), and in the South the American locust (Schistocera americana), will be obtainable, and will serve better than the Carolina locust, because larger. Have specimens freshly killed in the cyanide bottle. Do not begin a dissection when tired or nervous, for eager eyes and steady nerves are necessary to success. Should you injure some one organ in the first dissection, and so not see it satisfactorily, make a special dissection to find it in another specimen. Dissect the grasshopper on a shingle or bit of board. 1 Place it back uppermost, and head from you. Spread the wings, and pin them so. Pin the last segment of the abdomen firmly to the shingle. With sharp, fine-pointed scissors, make a shallow cut through the skin of the abdo- men, from the ovipositor forward, keeping some distance to the left of the median line, and continue the cut for- ward to the head along the thorax at the bases of the left wings. Then with forceps gently lift the right-hand edge of the skin above the abdomen, and look beneath it for a delicate, whitish vessel, the dorsal vessel, sometimes improperly called the heart. It is but a series of thin- walled chambers, into which the blood flows through lateral valves, and through which it progresses forward toward the head. You will find the colorless blood bath- ing all the internal organs. A microscopic examination of a drop of it will reveal its white corpuscles. The dorsal vessel lies close to the roof of the abdomen, is very liable to be injured in the opening of the skin, and may sometimes be best approached by a dissection from the ventral side. Make a second cut similar to the first, on the right of the median dorsal line of the body, and 1 Or under water, if preferred. See Appendix, p. 283. THE GRASSHOPPER. 53 carefully remove the roof of skin included between the two cuts. Observe the thin, longitudinal muscle fibers lining the roof of the abdomen, and the heavy wing mus- cles completely filling the upper part of the thorax. I. Tracheae and Ovaries. Press the body walls lightly outward, and observe the numerous white air tubes (tracheae). Observe that the tracheae arise from the spira- cles; that their larger branches unite to form longitudinal passageways along the sides of the body; and that the smaller branches ramify throughout the entire body, con- veying air to all parts. Observe a loose, whitish mass of these smaller branches now lying exposed in the abdomen, on top of other organs. Place a small portion of this mass in a drop of water on a slide. Cover it lightly with a cover slip, and examine with low power to make out : 1. The branching tracheal tubes. 2. The spiral elastic fiber which is coiled around the wall of each to keep it open. Two large and conspicuous yellow egg masses are usually present in the abdomen of the female. These contain many cylindrical eggs, piled like cord wood in ricks or in tierlike masses. Separate the two masses by pushing a dull instrument between them on the median line. Ob- serve that each egg mass (ovary) has a white tube (an oviduct) leading down to the ovipositor. Carefully re- move the egg masses, and pin back securely both free edges of the skin. II. Organs of Digestion. Study the digestive system. The alimentary canal, dark-colored and conspicuous, will be easily seen extending through the body lengthwise. Be- ginning at the mouth, make out the parts of it, together with the accessory organs, as follows : 1. The mouth opens into an esophagus which extends upward into the head, then backward into the thorax, bending at right angles. 54 INSECTS. 2. The esophagus dilates posteriorly to form the inglu- vies (or crop), a large food reservoir, and an important organ of digestion. Its interior surface is furnished with many ridges and conical processes which aid in commi- nuting the food. 3. On the sides of the esophagus lie the delicate, white, branching salivary glands. These communicate with the mouth by means of two salivary ducts that run forward along the sides of the esophagus. 4. The proventriculus (or gizzard) is the portion of the food canal next succeeding the crop. Between the two there is no separating constriction, such as there is in many other insects. The proventriculus has thick, muscular walls, also armed within for the comminution of food. 5. A circle of conspicuous appendages (the gastric cceca) marks the posterior boundary of the proventriculus. These are spindle-shaped appendages extending lengthwise of the food canal, and attached laterally, having both ends free. Each is, in fact, composed of two cone-shaped glands placed base to base. The function of these glands is to secrete a digestive fluid. 6. Posterior to these is the ventriculus (or stomach), hardly distinguished by its external appearance in the grasshopper from adjacent portions of the alimentary canal. 7. At its posterior end arises a circle of long, slender, inconspicuous tubes (the Malpighian vessels') which float free in the body cavity. Their function is urinary. 8. The remainder of the alimentary canal is the intestine. A study of the parts here disclosed will give a general idea of the digestive system for all insects. Let us now review the digestive process. The food is first masticated by the mandibles and by the lacinise of the maxillae in the mouth, is acted upon by the secretions of the salivary glands as it passes from the mouth into the THE GRASSHOPPER. 55 esophagus, is further comminuted and in part digested in the crop and gizzard, is acted upon by the secretions of the gastric caeca as it passes into the stomach, where diges- tion is in the main completed. The digested food passes out through the walls of the alimentary canal directly into the blood, which bathes all the organs, and supplies them with constructive material thus obtained from the food. The Malpighian vessels reach out into the blood and absorb from it noxious waste products of the body, which they pass along out through the intestine, together with the indigestible portion of the food. The blood gets oxygen, necessary for both constructive and destructive processes, by absorption of it (endosmosis) through the tracheal walls. III. Nervous System. Remove carefully the alimen- tary canal and its appendages, and look on the floor of the body cavity for a double nerve cord extending the length of the body, the two threads of it connecting on nearly every segment with a double ganglion (a little, roundish mass of nervous matter). Observe the nerve fibers that radiate from each ganglion. These go to supply nerve force to all parts of the body, and to supply nervous com- munication between the parts. Trace the double nerve cord to the head; then turn the head on one side, and pin it firmly there through the front ; cut away the upper parts until you discover a large ganglion situated above the be- ginning of the esophagus, the cephalic ganglion (or brain) . Observe that the double nerve cord begins here and passes one thread around each side of the esophagus to the first thoracic ganglion, and thence to the others of the system. Development. The development of the Carolina locust may easily be traced, if the specimens of nymphs collected alive are placed under a bell jar or glass dish, kept sup- plied with fresh clover or lettuce leaves and water, and 56 INSECTS. watched. With no more apparatus than this, specimens may be reared from the egg to the adult condition. Since this would require much time, it is better for the student to get developing nymphs in as many sizes as possible, and keep them long enough to see different molts gone through with by different individuals. Study the molting process, and by careful observations get at the answers to such questions as the following : 1. Has the nymph, when first hatched from the egg, any wings? (Use lens in determining.) 2. Where does the nymph skin split open when molt- ing occurs? 3. What part of the insect comes out first? 4. Does the insect have any difficulty in withdrawing any parts of its body from the old skin? 5. What signs that molting is about to occur are dis- coverable in the appearance or actions of the nymph? 6 What is the condition of the insect's exterior before molting, and after? 7. What organs are relatively best developed and what least developed in early stages, and for what organs has the newly hatched nymph most use ? Life-History Box. Make a life-history box for the Carolina locust. Get a neatly lined cigar box, and mount l in it a complete series of specimens from egg to adult, inclusive. The specimens should all be mounted on pins stuck in thin sections of cork glued fast to the bottom of the box. The eggs will need to be fastened with mucilage to a bit of paper, through which the pin may be thrust. The very smallest nymphs will need to be mounted in the same way. The larger ones will have the pins stuck vertically through the middle of the thorax. In addition to nymphs of all sizes, exuviae should be mounted i See note on mounting insects, in Appendix, p. 283. THE SQUASH BUG. 57 separately. One or two nymphs should also be taken while emerging from the exuviae, killed in the cyanide bottle, and mounted in that condition. Then two adults of each sex should be included, one of each mounted with its wings closed ; another, with wings fully spread. All the speci- mens should stand two thirds of the way up the pins. Such a box is easily prepared. It tells the story of the develop- ment of the species. If the Carolina locust is not so easily obtained in full series as another species, any other grasshopper will do as well. All the grasshoppers and locusts belong to the group Orthoptera (or straight- winged insects). Other Orthoptera are crickets, katydids, walking sticks, mantes, cockroaches, etc. Some of these should be stud- ied, and compared with the grasshoppers in size, in relative development of organs, in relative powers of locomotion, in food, in habits, in instincts, and in economic importance. A good general idea of the group will thus be obtained. THE SQUASH BUG. (Anasa tristis.) Haunts and Habits. This insect is an annoying pest of the kitchen garden. Adults, young, and eggs may all be collected from the same vines of squash, cucumber, or pumpkin. The adults are black- ish brown above, and dirty yellow beneath. The nymphs are smaller, and relatively shorter and more rounded, than the adults. The eggs are laid in little clusters on the young leaves. No net will be needed for collecting these SQUASH BuG ' bugs. They may be pushed directly into the cyanide bottle. While collecting, observe the following points. 58 INSECTS. 1. Their position on the leaf while feeding. 2. Their manner of feeding. 3. The effect of their operations on the leaf. 4. Under what conditions one leaf is ordinarily deserted for another. Study of a Live Specimen. Study the adult. Examine the head with a lens. Note the position of its parts. Find eyes, ocelli, and antennae. Observe that the mouth parts are modified into a jointed proboscis (the rostrum). Count its joints. Note its posi- tion. At the base of the rostrum above is the rudimen- tary labrum. Mandibles and maxillae are represented by two pairs of bristles within the sheath of the rostrum. The sheath itself is supposed to be the modified labium consolidated with its palpi. The whole rostrum is well adapted to making punctures, and to sucking up through them the juices of plants. Observe for the thorax its shape and the relative de- velopment of its segments. On the mesosternum at either side, near each middle coxa, find a small pore (an osteole) surrounded by a small granular space (the evaporating surface). From these osteoles is exuded the fluid Avhich gives the squash bug its peculiar odor. This odor is protective, because it makes the bug a less dainty morsel of food for other animals. Examine the legs. For what kind of locomotion are they adapted? Find coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, and tarsus. How many joints in the tarsus ? Examine the wings. Observe carefully the difference between inner and outer halves of the fore wing, the former thickened and horny, the latter membranous and traversed by numerous veins. Compare fore and hind wings in form, size, texture, and position. Draw the wings of one side (enlarged). THE TWO-YEAR CICADA, 59 Make a life-history box for the squash bug. The squash bug is a representative of the group Hemip- tera (or half -winged insects). Other Hemiptera. All the " bugs," properly so called, belong in the order Hemiptera, together with plant lice, bark lice, tree hoppers, cicadas, etc. But two other types will be selected here for study. THE TWO-YEAR CICADA OR DOGDAY HARVEST FLY. (Cicada tibicen.) Haunts. This is the insect commonly but improperly called "locust." It may be found about shade trees in late summer and autumn. Its col- ors are black and green, powdered with white beneath. The adults may be followed by ear to their resting places on the boughs of shade trees, their shrill cries being the most prominent and the best known of the various insect sounds of late summer and of autumn. The nymphs are seldom seen ; but the exuvise which they shed at their last molt are large, and con- spicuous objects of common obser- vation. They are found clinging to weeds, bushes, trees, or fences in early summer. The eggs are laid in slits made in the twigs of trees. When hatched, the young drop to the ground and bury them- selves, and feed upon the juices obtained by puncturing the roots of trees. Two years are required to complete their growth. The second summer following hatching, TWO-YEAR CICADA. 60 INSECTS. the nymph comes above ground, crawls a little way up a convenient reed or board, fastens its feet firmly, and is ready to transform. The skin splits down the back of both head and thorax ; the perfect insect steps out, rests awhile, and expands and dries its wings, and then flies away with a noisy "whirr" to its new home in the tree tops. Study of a Live Specimen. Get an adult specimen for study, and observe : 1. The shape of its body as a whole. 2. The point where the rostrum arises from the head. 3. The position of the eyes and ocelli. 4. The absence of any neck, and the consequent ap- proximation of cheeks and coxae of the anterior pair of legs. 5. The markings on the top of the thorax. 6. The sloping position of the wings. 7. The structure of the fore wings, that they are not half horny and half membranous, but wholly membranous. 8. The musical organs at the base of the abdomen above (found only in the males), two ribbed and plaited parchment bags situated in depressions, one on either side of the median dorsal line, provided with powerful muscles for driving air against the fluted surfaces. This sets up vibrations, producing sounds, which vary in different indi- viduals with the proximity and form of the spaces and ribs. If the large rostrum of the cicada be dissected, the two pairs of punctorial bristles will be easily found within the sheath. Compare adults of cicada and squash bug with refer- ence to shape of head ; place of origin of rostrum ; length of neck ; structure, position, and method of folding, of wings. THE BACK-SWIMMER. 61 Get an exuvia of a cicada, and study it carefully. Do not fail to note how completely the hard, external skeleton, together with its internal pro- jections, is shed. Compare it with the adult in form and rela- tive development of locomotive organs. NYMPH OF HARVEST FLY. THE BACK-SWIMMER. (Notonecta.) Haunts and Habits. This insect is abundant in the pools of brooks and in ponds. It is a little over half an inch in length. It may readily be recognized by its in- verted position in the water. It swims on its back, and rests with its wing tips just touch- ing the surface of the water, and its long hind legs poised forward and ex- tended on either side. When startled, it darts away toward the bottom : but it BACK-SWIMMER, NO- wi U rise again immediately when it stops tonecta (slightly swimming-, unless it holds to some sub- enlarged). , , , merged object; for its body, together with the air inclosed beneath its wings and between its thoracic segments, is much lighter than the water. Back-swimmers are easily taken in a net. All stages will be found together. They may be kept at home in a bowl of water, and their habits studied. Care should be exercised in handling them, for they will sometimes inflict wounds with their sharp and strong rostrum. When it is necessary to take one alive with the fingers, it may safely be picked up by the sides of the body. Back- ris present many interesting adaptations to aquatic 62 INSECTS. life, and are especially worthy to be studied alive. Study them so, either at home or in their native pools. Study of a Live Specimen. Observe : 1. The boat-shaped body. 2. The oarlike position and action of the long hind legs. 3. The winy tips reaching the surface, and admitting beneath the wings a supply of air, which may be breathed when the insect is at the bottom. 4. The thin layer of air surrounding the thorax (easily seen at the joints when the body is bended). Place one on a dry surface : see it walk. Throw an adult up into the air : see it fly. It can arise in flight direct from the water. Study the external features in order, as outlined for other insects, noting especially : 1. The junction of the head with the prothorax. 2. The position of the antennce. 3. The shape, size, and position of the eyes. 4. The absence of ocelli. 5. The sharp, lateral edges of thorax and abdomen. 6. The hairiness of parts. 7. The form, size, and position of the legs. 8. The structure of the tarsi (use a lens). 9. The structure and position of the wings. 10. The relation between the spiracles and the air inclosed beneath the wings. Then answer these questions : 1. What advantages are secured to the back-swimmer by the peculiar shape of its body? 2. Need locomotive organs be more complex for pro- gression in the water, or on the land? Why? 3. What other devices for aquatic respiration have you studied, and what points had each in common with the respiratory method of this insect? THE BUMBLEBEE. 63 THE BUMBLEBEE. Haunts and Habits. A field of blossoming clover, or a fence row grown up with bergamot or other mints, is a good place to observe something of the habits of the bumble- bee, to learn something of its part in the economy of nature, which may not be so well learned anywhere else. A half hour spent in studying the bumblebee among the flowers from which it feeds may be made most profitable. It will not behave normally in confine- . BUMBLEBEE (slightly enlarged) . ment; but it will not resent close scrutiny while free, and feeding from its favorite flowers, if it be approached quietly. Watch a bumblebee on a head of red clover. See how roughly it tramples over the tops of the corollas. Observe that it collects two products of the flowers : 1. Nectar, from the bottom of the corolla tubes, which it stops momentarily to sip as it passes over. Note the position and shape of the organ used in sucking up the nectar. 2. Pollen, the yellow dust which falls from the anthers of the flowers when they are shaken. This is collected into the pollen baskets on the hind legs. The yellowish lumps of pollen will be conspicuous on some of the in- dividuals seen. Note whether the bumblebee visits one species of flower, or several, in a single trip out from the nest. Fol- low one from flower to flower, until you ascertain what is its habit in respect to this. What other insects have you studied that feed upon red clover ? The life of quite a number of very common 64 INSECTS. insects and other animals is more or less dependent on red clover. The bumblebee is an animal 011 which the life of red clover is more or less dependent. The bumble- bee gives value received for all the nectar and pollen it takes from the clover. Clover must produce seed, or soon die out. The flower must be fertilized in order to produce seed. The floAver can be fertilized only by means of pollen carried to its pistil from the anthers of another flower. The bumble- bee is the carrier of the pollen. Its rough-and-tumble manner of feeding is well adapted to dislodging the pol- len, much of which falls on its body, and is scattered over the flowers next visited, securing their fertilization. Thus the insect's wasteful method of gathering the pollen is seen to be exactly adapted to the requirements of the plant. Spray a bumblebee with water, and note the effect on its power of flight. What becomes of one when caught out in a shower? Compare a bumblebee with a butterfly in : 1. Speed and directness of flight. 2. Relative size of body and wings. 3. Rapidity of wing strokes. Catch a bumblebee in a net, and observe that the pitch of its humming when captive is higher by several tones than when free. Why? Collect with net and cyanide bottle a few large specimens for use in studying its anatomy. External Anatomy of the Adult. Study carefully to make out the parts, as mentioned already for other insects. The same parts are present, and in the same relative *posi- tions, but modified to meet the needs of an animal of dif- ferent life and different habits. I. The Head. Make a drawing of the head as seen from above, showing accurately eyes, ocelli, and antennae. THE BUMBLEBEE. 65 Study the mouth parts, observing another modification and arrangement of them, as follows : 1. A short, firm labrum. 2. A pair of strong, horny, biting mandibles. 3. A proboscis (or sucking organ), bent backward at the middle, and resting against the lower surface of the head and thorax when not in use, and composed of (a) A long, hairy, tubular ligula (or central piece) of the labium (centrally). (6) Two margined blades of the maxilla (above). ( abd o me n; fences or in tangled shrubbery, or the c cepnaiothorax ; p, ones which spin their calla-shaped webs on the ground, spreading the free border out over the grass at the edge of a sidewalk or beside the founda- tions of buildings, or the fleet-footed spiders common in should be written of the genus, stating all the points of structure, haunts, habits, economy, and development, which all its local species have in common. This should be concluded with descriptions of each of the species, for which the following outline is suggested : I. Names (scientific, common) . II. Measurements (length, extent of wings, etc.). III. Structure (points not already stated in the account of the genus). IV. Coloration (a detailed description). V. Haunts and habits. VI. Preparatory stages (a full account). There is yet room for pioneer work in this line. VII. Economic importance of the species. 106 INSECTS. long grass, which lay no snares at all, but catch their prey in a fair chase, will serve well for study. There is a large and gayly colored spider very abundant sometimes in stubble fields, and often the one most easily obtainable for class use. It spins a small geometrical web between the Aveeds that overtop the stubble; and when its web is jarred by the shaking of the weeds, it drops to the ground, and feigns death. It may then be picked up with forceps, and dropped into a cyanide bottle or into alcohol. In winter, spiders may be found under the bark of dead trees, or aquatic species may be taken with a net among the green, submerged plants that grow on the borders of brooks and ponds. But in winter there will be scant opportunities for observing their habits or their webs. Specimens are best preserved in alcohol. Habits. Observations on the habits of spiders are best made while out collecting. The following are but meager suggestions of what may be done in field study. 1. To see how its silk is spun, pick up a live spider by a hind leg with forceps, and watch for the formation of a thread from some blunt protuberances (spinnerets) beneath and near the posterior end of the abdomen. Draw this thread out with a pencil, and observe that it is composed of separate strands. Put at least one spinning spider into a vial or pill box, and take it home alive. 2. Various methods of spinning may be easily observed. Certain small spiders will be seen aimlessly trailing a thread after them as they run about over the grass or fences, making, not a web, but a tangle of threads ; but those that make webs of artistic patterns have a uniform and very curious method of procedure, easily seen where such spiders are abundant. 3. On a hot afternoon certain very small spiders may be seen floating in mid-air upon a few gossamer-like THE SPIDER. 107 threads. This spider climbs to the top of some pile of boards or of brick, on which the sun has been shining until a current of hot air is arising from it, elevates its spinnerets, and starts a thread, which is caught up by the rising current of air, and drawn out to a length suffi- cient, by its buoyancy, to support the weight of the spider. The spider then lets go of earth, and sails away. 4. Of webs, and especially of those in which the spiders spend most of their time, the shape, position, location, and construction should be noted. A pair of spiders will often be found on different parts of one web. The male is usually much smaller than the female. Of flat webs not placed vertically, it should be observed whether the spider walks on the upper, or on the lower, side of the web. It should be noted that the webs which show the greatest skill in their construction are made of the fewest threads. 5. That the web is a snare for capturing prey, must not be forgotten. Note the position of the spider on its web while waiting for its prey. Throw a small grass- hopper nymph against the web, and watch the spider's method of securing its prey. Examine such insects as you find entangled in webs, and note whether they are dead or alive. Note the kinds of insects you find snared by spiders. 6. Examine such old and tattered webs as you find clinging to fences, and to rafters in attics, for the exuviae of young spiders. These skins will show the close resem- blance in form of young and adult. 7. The eggs of most spiders are inclosed in a round silken capsule which is hidden beneath the bark of posts and logs, or buried among rubbish, or, in a few species, carried about by the mother attached to her spinnerets. It is often a third of an inch in diameter, and of a gray- ish or dirty yellowish color. Within it the young ones are hatched, and live for a time by eating one another. 108 INSECTS. Structure. Observe that the body is divided into two regions. The anterior one is the cephalothorax. As the name indicates, it corresponds to both head and thorax of insects proper. The posterior region is the abdomen. Observe the relative size and shape of the two divisions, and on the lower side of the body find the pedicel con- necting them. I. Cephalothorax. On the anterior prominence of the cephalothorax find the eyes. With a lens make out their number, kind, and arrangement. Examine the two large mandibles that hang down from the front of the cephalothorax, attached above, and free below. Study their action. Find a strong, incurved poison fang at the lower end of each. These fangs are hollow, and into the wounds they make is poured a poison secreted by glands situated in the bases of the mandibles. Observe (from below) a pair of jointed maxillary palpi arising behind the mandibles, and extending forward, appearing like a pair of dwarfed legs. Observe that their basal segments are movable upon each other, and closely surround the mouth. These, by rubbing together, assist in comminuting food, and are called maxillae. Find, in all, six segments in each palpus. Find eight legs, and in each one seven segments. Ob- serve the size and arrangement and action of the legs. Examine the terminal segment to discover by what means the spider is able to run easily over webs which hopelessly entangle other insects. Find two pectinated claws, and (sometimes) a third, which fits, forceps-like, against them. II. Abdomen. On the under side, just behind the hind- most pair of legs, and on either side of the median ventral line, find two smooth, hard patches covering the openings to a pair of breathing organs. Each breathing organ is a sort of rudimentary lung, through the leaves of which the blood flows for aeration. THE CHILOPOD OR CENTERED, 109 On the median line, usually a little farther back, are the openings of the reproductive organs. Near the posterior end are the spinnerets, usually three pairs of blunt protuberances, each of which, when magni- fied, appears to be covered with hollow, jointed hairs. Through these tubular hairs a fluid substance, secreted by glands within the abdomen, is exuded ; and the fluid is of such a nature that it immediately hardens on expo- sure to the air. When the spider spins its web, it simply exudes this fluid through the hundreds of openings ; and the liquid streams, uniting and hardening, form a silken cord of very many delicate strands. A good way to see these strands is to allow a live spider, brought in from the field, to attach its web, when it begins spinning, to the middle of a glass slip, and then to examine the point of attachment under the microscope. Development. The development of the spider cannot well be traced in the time allotted to a beginning course in zoology; suffice it, therefore, to say, that the young spider, which hatches from the egg and molts a number of times in coming to maturity, shows much resemblance to the adult in both form and habits. Its palpi are pro- portionately longer, more closely resembling true legs, of which they are modifications. MYRIAPOD INSECTS. THE CHILOPOD OR CENTIPED. Haunts and Habits. Overturn boards, logs, or stones that have been lying on the ground for a long time in one place, and you will find beneath them often numbers of elongated, wingless insects, of a brownish color, with linear bodies and numerous laterallv extended feet. Find speci- 110 INSECTS. mens with long antennae and stout feet, mostly a single pair to each body segment. These are popularly known as centipeds. They may be picked up with forceps and put into the cyanide bottle. The seclusive and predatory habits of the live chilopod should be studied, and also the use of its antennae, and the order of moving its feet in walking. Thousand-legs will be found in similar situations, distin- guishable by its smaller size, shorter antennae, two pairs of legs (apparently) to each segment, and by its disposi- tion to curl up when touched. Specimens should be col- lected for comparison. External Features. Write a description of the chilo- pod which shall embody the answers to the following questions : 1. How is the body divided into regions, as compared with other in- sects ? 2. How many segments in the body? 3. How many eyes are there, and of what sort ? 4. What is the shape of an an- tenna, and how many segments in it ? 5. How many appendages has the first segment back of the head, and of what sort ? 6. Where are the poison fangs situated ? 7. Of what character are the mandibles ? 8. Why are not the legs underneath the body ? 9. What adaptations do you discover of the shape and structure of the body to the life the insect leads ? CHILOPOD OR CENTIPED (X2). CRUSTACEANS. THE CRAWFISH. (Cambarus.) Haunts. In warm weather this animal may be found crawling upon the bottom of brooks and natural ponds. The largest specimens will be found in creeks and in ponds which are not dried out in summer. A water net will be of service in securing specimens. Large specimens may often be obtained in abundance under rocks in shallow CRAWFISH, natural size (after Morse). rapids of creeks. A bright light on the bank of a creek at night will attract many to the edge of the water, where they may be taken with a dip net. This is perhaps the easiest way to obtain a supply. It requires only a little waiting and careful watching. The light should be so placed, that, as it shines down into the water, the bottom is visible. Different species will be found in different 111 112 CRUSTACEANS. situations. Some live in holes in the soil ; others do not. Some of the former build chimneys of mud about the entrance to their holes ; others do not. Some live at the surface of ponds, on the floating or submerged leaves of aquatic plants. In many localities throughout the interior the species that live in holes are very abundant. The following questions suggested for field study of their habits may be useful : 1. What are their hours of activity ? 2. At what depth of water do you find them ? 3. Do they live singly, in pairs, or in communities ? 4. Do those that live in holes make the holes for them- selves ? Are their holes ever found sheltered beneath stones and tree roots ? 5. What is the general shape, size, and direction of these holes, and at what level do they terminate below ? 6. In such as build chimneys, how is the chimney con- structed? Is the chimney ever found plugged up with mud, except in very dry weather ? 7. How many species do you find, and what are the haunts of each ? In winter, numbers of certain species may often be found huddled together under the sheltering edge of some loose stone in the bed of a creek. Where the holes of other species are common in the banks of brooks, they may be dug out when the ground is not frozen. Habits. Live specimens may be kept for a long time in any sort of aquarium supplied with food. They will eat snails and insects greedily, and will live on almost any kind of flesh. Startle a crawfish at rest upon the mud, and observe the cloud it raises in the water, behind which to escape. Watch a crawfish walking about in an aquarium, and THE CRAWFISH. 113 see how many feet it walks with, and in what order they are moved. Startle it by thrusting a stick toward its eye, and see its rapid locomotion backward. How is this effected ? Observe its feeding habits. Place a live crawfish in a small dish, and barely cover it with water. Take hold of its body with forceps, and observe its way of defending itself. Observe that its eyes are stalked and capable of pro- trusion outward. Gill Currents. Observe that on each side of the body that portion of the hard crust beneath which the legs are attached is marked off from the rest by a shallow curved groove. Within the portion so marked off at the base of the legs is the gill chamber, containing true gills. This chamber is open at both ends for the passage of currents of water. Determine the direction of the currents by placing a drop of ink or other colored fluid in the water near each end of the chamber, and watching it move. Study the structure of a crawfish which has been a short time in alcohol. Plan of Structure. The body is divided into two regions. The anterior one is the cepTialothorax ; the posterior one, the abdomen. Observe that the body is made up of a series of seg- ments. These segments are very evident in the abdo- men, but not so plain in the head and thorax, where they will have to be looked for on the ventral surface. It will be seen that each pair of legs, at least, is attached to a single segment, though no traces of segments may be dis- coverable on the dorsal surface. Observe that every distinguishable segment, except the hindmost, bears on its lower surface a pair of appendages, NEED. ZOOL. 8 114 CRUSTACKANS. Mild that these appendages vary greatly in si/e on I lie different segments. I. Cephalothorax. - - The hard shell, which entirely -(\ci's I li- cephalothorax in its normal position, is tlie carapace. 'I 'In-, stout beak extending forward from the front of it, between the eyes, is the rostrum. Observe that the whole is divided into portions corresponding l,o head ;ind thorax by a shallow n-n^'rn/ //rm>/v lha! runs transversely across the top of the carapace, and extends obliquely l'or\v;ml along the sides. The two longitudinal grooves on the carapace hack of t he cervical groove, which mark the line of separation of the two gill chambers from the thorax proper, have been noticed already. II. Abdominal Segments. Note the number and form of the abdominal segments. Flex and extend the abdomen, and study their action. Take the third or fourth abdomi- nal segment as a type, and in it locate the parts as named. The convex dorsal plate of the segment is the notwm, or teryum ; the projecting plate that hangs down on either Hide like the eaves of a roof is (he //A-///-/////.; I he ventral transverse bar between the bases of the two appendages is the sternum. The appendages themselves are jointed, and two-parted at the tip. Observe the soft membranous parts connecting the ab- dominal segments, and the pivotal joining of the segments together at their lateral edges, facilitating the ilexion and extension of the abdomen, but preventing lateral motion. At the posterior end of the body is the tail fin, and its central piece is the terminal segment of the body, and the seventh abdominal segment, called the telson. It bears no appendages, and has but slight external resemblance to the other body segments, being much modified to suit a special purpose. The two pairs of similar broad flaps, which, together with the telson, comprise the tail fin, are THE CRAWFISH. 115 the specialized two-parted tips of the appendages of the sixth abdominal segment. Dissection. The remaining parts to he mentioned are best seen upon dissection. The crawfish is best dissected under water. 1 Pin it to the bottom of your dissecting pan, with the right side of the body upward, and the head from you. Fasten one pin through the base of the ros- trum, draw the body out full length, and fasten another pin through the left appendage of the sixth abdominal segment. Cover the specimen with water, dissect slowly and carefully and as directed, and change the water as often as it becomes cloudy. I. Appendages. Begin with the series of appendages, and, for convenience in dissecting, proceed from the pos- terior end forward. Remove each appendage of the right side in order, and be very careful to get each one off entire. Preserve all in their proper order for drawing. The absence of appendages from the terminal segment has already been noted. The broad finlike character and the extension backward of the appendages of the sixth abdominal segment have also been noted. The smaller appendages of the remaining five abdominal segments are extended forward, close under the abdomen, and are called swimmerets. Each consists of a short pedicel of two seg- ments, with a pair of jointed and fringed filaments at the tip. The swimmerets of the fifth, fourth, and third ab- dominal segments are very similar, but those of the second and first segments . are reduced and smaller, or the first entirely wanting in the female, while in the male they are specialized, bent forward strongly under the thorax, and variously forked, hooked, or twisted at the tip. The next five pairs of appendages are the legs, and belong to the thorax. Before removing these, it will be * See Appendix, p. 283. 116 CRUSTACEANS. well to remove that part of the carapace which covers the right gill chamber at their bases. To do this, cut through the carapace with fine-pointed scissors, along the groove that marks the boundary between the branchial chamber and the thorax proper. Begin at the posterior end of the carapace, and cut forward along this groove to the cervi- cal groove, and obliquely forward to its anterior end. Turn down and break away the cover of the gill chamber, and expose the gills. Observe their feathery appearance. Observe that they fill the chamber, and come in contact with all the water that passes through it. Move the legs backward and forward, and note the effect on the gills. Observe that the gills are arranged in vertical series cor- responding in position with the legs. Observe that they are also arranged in longitudinal series, the lower series being attached to basal segments of the legs, and the upper series (a double series) attached to a membrane extending between the wall of the thorax and the legs. Examine with a lens, and compare in structure, the gills of one complete vertical series. Tear a small gill to pieces with needles, under water, to make out its structure. Remove now each leg, with its attached gill, proceeding from the rear. To do this, place a knife blade between the bases of the leg to be removed and the one in front of it, and, by prying, break its hard attachments, and then, with a sharp knife or scalpel, cut its membranous attach- ments. Of the five pairs of legs, the first is used for prehension and defense, and the others for walking. The openings of ducts from the reproductive organs are little pores perforating the inner angles of the basal segments of a pair of legs, in males, the fifth or hindmost pair ; in females, the third pair. Having removed the five legs of the right side, study the foremost. Note its great size. Flex and extend it, and study the structure and action of its joints, esDeciallv THE CRAWFISH. 117 of the powerful forceps at its end. Why are the blades of the forceps roughened on their inner edges ? Is there any part in the foremost leg that is not present in the other four ? There yet remain three pairs of small thoracic appen- dages. These are the maxillipeds (or foot jaws). They cover the mouth, being directed forward. The mouth opens directly upward : probe between the maxillipeds to find it. These maxillipeds, by the rubbing together of their opposed segments, assist in the comminution of the food. Remove the hindmost maxilliped, and compare it in structure with the typical abdominal appendage already studied. Observe that it has a pedicel of two small seg- ments, bearing two branches ; that it has (and the swim- meret has not) a gill on the inner side of the basal segment. Remove the second maxilliped, and find in it all the parts present in the third. Remove the first maxilliped, and find the same parts found in the other two, except the gill. In the place of the gill, there is a broad plate, on the inner side of its basal segment. The vertical series of gills begins with the second maxilliped. Observe that the second and first maxillipeds are much smaller and softer than the third. The remaining appendages are believed to belong to the head. Closely following the maxillipeds, and covered by them, are two pairs of very thin and delicate maxillae. These are small, and closely appressed, and in removing them care must be taken to separate them, and to take them with the forceps by their basal segment. Before removing the maxillye, the gill scoop attached to the second one should be seen in place. It is a curved plate, attached to the outer side of the maxilla ; it plays backward and forward in the anterior opening of the gill chamber, and by a sort of sculling action propels the water 118 CRUSTACEANS, forward, out of the chamber. Watching it closely, pull the maxilla of the opposite side backward and forward, and you will see how it acts. Because it keeps the water moving, it is a very important accessory organ of respira- tion. The water that bathes the gills must continually be renewed, in order that sufficient oxygen may be obtained from it for the needs of the body. In front of the maxillae, find a pair of short, hard, toothed mandibles, each with a small, three- jointed palpus lying in a groove on its anterior surface. Study the action of the mandibles. Find a thin, leaf -like, un jointed plate (the metastoma), fitting closely against the posterior sur- face of the mandible. This is not considered as a true serial appendage, but only as an outgrowth from the border of the mouth. On the front of the head are two very long antennas. Draw one of these downward, and find a large, basal seg- ment, bearing on one side a light-colored, conical process. In this process the duct from an excretory gland in the head terminates. Find, also, a blade-like branch of the antenna beneath the eye. What is it there for ? The evidently two-forked, short appendages above the antennae are the antennules. Beneath the eye, in the base of each antennule, is a so-called ear sac. Compare in structure an antennule with an antenna ; with a mandible ; with a maxilla ; with a maxilliped ; with a leg ; with a swimmeret. Observe that they all exhibit modifications of one type of structure ; and the type is a two-jointed pedicel, bearing (normally) a pair of jointed branches. In the legs, one of the branches is suppressed, and the other is enormously developed to form the part of the leg comprised in the five terminal segments. In all the thoracic appendages, except the first and the last, there is an internal process from the basal segment, forming a gill. THE CRAWFISH. 119 Preserve all these appendages in their proper order until the dissection is finished. II. The Eye. Examine the eye. Pull it outward with forceps, and note the length of its stalk. Its stalk is muscular, and capable of turning the eye, when pro- truded, to look in any direction, an admirable compen- sation for the stiffness of the creature's neck. Examine a section of its cornea with low power, to make out whether it is a compound eye or an ocellus. III. Internal Organs. Now carefully dissect away from the thorax the wall that is uppermost, and cut away all of the carapace as far, at least, as the median dorsal line, taking care not to injure any of the deli- cate organs that lie beneath. Cut away, also, all the part that is uppermost of the notum (tergum) of the abdomen ; also the right pleurum. (1) Organs of Circulation. In the inner wall of the branchial chamber, observe the vertical canals which convey the blood from the gills toward the heart. These canals may sometimes be seen through the wall before dissection of this part. The heart lies in the top of the thorax, under the center of the carapace, in a sort of membranous inclosure called the pericardial sinus. AVhen the carapace is cut away, beneath it should be found the thin, upper wall of this cavity. Cut through this, and expose the heart, a thin transparent, angular sac, suspended normally in the color- less blood that fills the sinus. Find five small arteries starting from its anterior end. Three of these, the central ones, proceed directly forward toward the head ; and the other two, the lateral pair, proceed downward and forward toward the lobes of the liver, which they supply with blood. Find a large artery starting from the posterior end of the heart, and immediately dividing into two branches, one of which continues backward along the upper side of 120 CRUSTACEANS. the abdomen, while the other turns downward toward the ventral surface. All these arteries convey blood out from the heart directly to the tissues, through their many minute branches. The blood has no such channels for return, but finds its way back to the gills by percolating through the interspaces of the tissues and internal organs. It comes back, necessarily, laden with carbonic-acid gas, the product of oxidation in the tissues, and must needs go to the gills to exchange this noxious gas for a fresh supply of oxygen. There is a passageway for the blood up one side of the central supporting portion of the gill, and down the other ; and to get from one into the other, the blood must flow through very delicate capillary tubes that lie out in the most delicate gill filaments, and connect the two passages. In passing through these capillary tubes, the blood currents on the inside of them are sepa- rated from the water currents outside only by very thin membrane, through which the necessary exchange of gases takes place. The blood is then returned from the gills through the vertical canals already noticed in the thoracic wall, to the pericardial sinus. It reenters the heart through six apertures which are guarded by valves iii- side. One of these apertures may be seen on each side of the heart, a pair on its upper surface, and a pair on its lower surface. Find them, using a lens. When the heart is filled with blood, it contracts ; and the blood, being prevented by valves from flowing back into the pericardial sinus, is forced out through the arteries. When the heart relaxes again, the valves fly open, and the blood from the sinus rushes in and fills it, and is driven outward through the arteries at its next contrac- tion. The currents coming up from the gills continually renew the supply in the pericardial sinus. Several delicate fibrous bands may be seen connecting the heart with the walls of the pericardial sinus. THE CRAWFISH. 121 (2) Organs of Reproduction. The reproductive organs will be found just beneath the floor of the pericardial sinus, whitish in the male, and with a pair of very long convoluted tubes or ducts (one on each side), yellowish (sometimes dark colored from the presence of eggs), in the female, and with a pair of short, descending ducts. (3) Organs of Digestion. Study next the organs of digestion, the alimentary canal and its appendages. Dis- sect away all the organs that cover it. In doing this-, observe in the abdomen a thin layer of muscle above the straight intestine, and a thick layer below it. The upper muscle extends to the abdomen, and the lower flexes it. What reason is there for the much greater size of the flexing muscle ? Make a shallow cut along the median line of this lower muscle, and remove the upper half of it. It will separate easily, if taken in a single long roll. A pair of big forceps, three pairs of maxillipeds, two pairs of maxillae, and one pair of mandibles, have already been found to be the external agents for the communica- tion of food. The food passes from the mouth directly upward through a short esophagus, into a large, bag-like stomach, which nearly fills the head cavity, and extends backward a little way into the thorax. It is divided into two chambers by a constriction. On either side of its posterior end are a pair of large yellow or brown glands, which are accessory organs of digestion, called liver. Find the ducts by which they pour their secretions into the alimentary canal. Posterior to these is the straight intestine. The comminution of the food is continued in the stomach, the internal surface of which is armed with hard teeth and ossicles, which make it a grinding organ. Cut it open, and find these hard parts. The food passing out from the stomach is mixed with secretions from the liver, and is digested. It then passes through the walls 122 CRUSTACEANS. of the intestines, directly into the blood, and is ready for distribution, and for use in the cell construction. Tear a bit of liver to pieces in water on a slide, and examine with low power to make out its structure. In the base of the head, in front of the mouth, are two small excretory glands of light-greenish color. The ducts from these open on the basal segments of the antennae, as already noticed. IV. Nervous System. Find now the parts of the nervous system. On the floor of the abdomen a longi- tudinal chain of nervous ganglia will be readily seen. Count the ganglia of the abdomen. Observe the deli- cate white nerve fibers radiating from them. In the thorax, the chain seems to disappear in a sort of canal formed on the ventral surface by the hard plates arising from the floor, and forming a sort of internal skeleton. These plates are for the attachment of the powerful muscles of the legs and of the abdomen. By carefully cutting away the hard parts that hide the nerve chain, it may be followed forward to the head. A large ganglion will be found just behind the esophagus, and a larger cephalic ganglion or brain will be found just behind, and a little above, the bases of the antennules. These two large ganglia are connected by fibers passing on either side of the esophagus, and forming the esophagal nerve collar. From the cephalic ganglion, nerves may be traced to the eyes, antennae, and antennules. V. Concluding Work. If any of the paired organs mentioned have not been found thus far, they may be looked for in what remains of this dissection (the left side), or in another specimen. Finally remove carefully the series of appendages belonging to the left side of the body. Gather together in pairs all the appendages of the body, in order, as follows : THE CRAWFISH. 123 One pair of antennules. One pair of antennae. One pair of mandibles. Two pairs of maxillae. Three pairs of maxillipeds. Five pairs of legs. Six pairs of swimmerets. Draw all these accurately and in order, twice natural size. If the parts of the smaller appendages are not easily made out, place such between two glass slips, and examine with low power of microscope. Make a diagrammatic drawing of a longitudinal section of the body, showing the relative size and position of the principal internal organs. Make a drawing of a crawfish in its natural position, as seen from above. Serial Homology. Observe the striking similarity in structure which underlies the great diversity in size and use in all the appendages. Similar likeness in the arrangement of the parts of the segments which bear the appendages is also evident; and these things, together with a more marked correspondence during the early stages of development, indicate that each segment is homologous with every other. The segments being serially arranged, this is called serial Jiomology. Development. If crawfishes be collected in early spring, the females will be found with large, berry-like clusters of small, round, dark-colored eggs, glued fast to the swimmerets. As these are lashed backward and forward through the water, the eggs are continually washed, and kept free from mud and other impurities. When the eggs hatch, they split in halves, and the emerging young, already armed with well-developed forceps, cling to the 124 CRUSTACEANS, swimmerets. The young, when hatched, are nearly a quarter of an inch long, almost transparent, and in struc- ture show much resemblance to the adults. The points of their forceps are variously hooked, enabling them the better to hang on to the maternal swimmerets. In the process of development, molting takes place several times. The carapace splits down the back, and the animal crawls out limp and defenseless. It has great difficulty in with- drawing its legs, and sometimes breaks them off ; but new ones will grow out from the broken stumps. Specimens will be found occasionally with one forceps smaller than the other : the smaller one is replacing one that has been lost. The time of each molt is a critical period in the life of the animal ; for when its hard coat of mail is gone, its muscles overwrought with the struggle of extrication, and even its defensive weapons soft and pliant, it becomes an easy prey to even its weaker enemies. It therefore seeks the closest seclusion at such times. The exuvia of the crawfish is not broken in molting, except by the one longitudinal slit ; and after the animal emerges, the edges of this slit come together again elas- tically, and the exterior looks much as it did before the molting. The hard parts of the stomach are shed also at every molt. Crawfishes live a number of years. They grow rapidly during the first season, after attaining a length of an inch and a half. They grow more slowly in later years, and rarely attain a length of more than five or six inches. Crawfishes belong to the group Crustacea. Other Crustaceans. Two other very common crusta- ceans are excellent subjects for study here, as they illus- trate important differences in crustacean structure. These are the Asellus and the Cyclops. THE ASELLUS. 125 THE ASELLUS. Haunts. This animal lives amid the submerged plants of our streams and ponds. It is about an inch long, and of a uniform slaty gray or pale-brown color. If plants be drawn out of the water, it will be found clinging to them, and may be picked up with forceps, and dropped into alcohol for preservation. Live specimens should be kept in a glass jar, in water, with aquatic plants, in order that their feeding habits and method of getting about may be studied. External Features. Place a live asellus in a watch crystal with water. Add a few drops of chloroform or ether. Observe as to its general form the following points : 1. A nearly linear body, much flat- tened dorsally. 2. A distinguishable head, with a pair of sessile eyes, and greater and lesser antennae, easily seen from above. 3. A long, distinctly segmented thorax, bearing seven pairs of legs. 4. A short, broad abdomen, with a pair of terminal sty- lets projecting posteriorly. As soon as the animal has become quiet, place the watch glass on the stand of the microscope, and with low power (100 diameters) focus upon various parts of the abdominal stylets. They are sufficiently transparent to permit the blood in them to be seen circulating. Obtain a specimen which has been a short time in alco- ASELLUS. 126 CRUSTACEANS. hol, and examine the gills (which are beneath the abdomen in this crustacean) and the mouth parts. Then remove all the appendages of the body, arrange them in order in glycerine upon a slide, cover with another slide, and make a serial drawing of them as seen, magnified 10 to 25 diameters. Make a larger drawing of the terminal segments of one of the first pair of thoracic legs, and explain the action of these parts. THE CYCLOPS. Haunts and Habits. The water of an aquarium in which aquatic plants have been growing is almost certain to contain this animal. It is large enough to be seen without a lens (about a twenty-fifth of an inch long). It appears as a white speck in the water, is very active, and swims with a peculiar jerky movement. Each large female cyclops will usually carry a pair of egg sacs attached at the sides of the abdomen. * External Features. Take up half a dozen such specimens with a drop- ping tube, place them in a watch glass with water, and add a little ether. Place them under the miscroscope, and, having found one that presents a good dorsal view, study it with low power, to make out the following points as to its general form : 1. An oval body, tapering posteriorly. 2. A dome-shaped carapace, covering the front of the CYCLOPS (X120). FURTHER CLASSIFICATION. 127 cephalothorax, followed by four free thoracic segments of gradually decreasing width. 3. A tapering abdomen terminated by a pair of long, bifurcated stylets. 4. A pair of relatively large egg sacs attached to the first of the four apparent abdominal segments. This first segment is really composed of two segments which have grown together in the development of the female, but which remain distinct in the male (see cut). On the extreme front of the carapace find a pair of eyes so close together that they appear as one under low power. At the front find also two long, conspicuous first an- tennce, and just beneath them a pair of small second antennce. The remaining appendages may be seen in a ventral view of the animal. They are a pair of blunt, dark- colored mandibles, and two pairs of bristling maxillce, surrounding the mouth, and some distance behind these five pairs of thoracic appendages (legs), the fifth pair rudimentary. Note the absence of breathing organs. Respiration takes place through the skin. 1 FURTHER CLASSIFICATION. We have illustrated, by examples, species, genera, fam- ilies, and orders, among animals. We have said that the species is the smallest zoological group, and comprises animals that are essentially alike. We have combined related species into a genus, related genera into a family, and related families into an order. And now we have extended our study far enough to have material for illus- trating the higher groups. Orders are in the same way 1 Read "Anatomy and Metamorphosis of Cyclops," in Brooks's Hand- book of Invertebrate Zoology. 128 CRUSTACEANS. combined into classes. The centiped, spider, and all the orders of six-footed insects already studied, belong to the class Insecta. Make a list of the characters which all these have in common. This will approximately charac- terize the class. The crawfish, asellus, and cyclops represent separate orders, which are included in another class, the class Crus- tacea. Make a list of the characters these have in common. Classes are in like manner combined to form branches. Thus the two classes, Insects and Crustaceans, constitute the branch Arthropoda (or jointed-footed animals). Branches are the primary divisions of the animal kingdom. All animals having the body made up of a definite number of rings or segments with the hard parts outer- most, and with jointed appendages, comprise the branch Arthropoda. All arthropods that breathe by trachese (or tracheal gills) comprise the class Insecta. All insects with scaly wings and complete metamor- phosis comprise the order Lepidoptera, etc. It often happens that the constituent members of one of these groups show different degrees of relationship toward each other. For example, in the class Insecta the orders of six-footed insects show much closer relationship to each other than they show toward the orders to which the spider and the centiped belong. In a case like this it is convenient to recognize intermediate groups. Accord- ingly all the orders of six-footed insects are combined into a subclass, Hexapoda; the spiders are placed in another subclass, Arachnida; and the centiped and thousand-legs, etc., are placed in still another, the subclass Myriapoda (or many-footed insects). So intermediate groups, when found in nature, may be interpolated between any of the other groups. FURTHER CLASSIFICATION. 129 Do not fail to learn that these groupings are but the result of an attempt to represent systematically the like- nesses and differences of animals. The boundaries of the groups were but roughly laid out by the early systematic zoologists. They have had to be changed in the past as the structural and developmental relationships of animals have become better known. They are changing now, and are liable to further change with increasing knowledge in the future. Any proposed system of classification, to be acceptable, must be natural; i.e., founded on existing important relationships. NEED. ZOOL. 9 WORMS. THE EARTHWORM. (Lumbricus.) Haunts and Habits. This animal is familiar enough to the man who tills the soil, and to the boy who goes fishing and digs his own bait. It is common in garden soil every- where. It is strictly nocturnal in its habits. In warm weather it may be observed, with the aid of a lantern at night, extending itself from its burrow, and searching the ground over within a radius of its own length. .XT EARTHWORM (Lumbricus terrestris). It swallows earth in great quantities, and, having extracted from it whatever organic matter it contains, ejects it again in the form of castings. These broken vermiform castings are familiar objects to every observ- ing person, for there is hardly a path in garden or meadow that is not strewn with them. They are often found abundantly, late in autumn, under piles of fallen leaves. The worms in this way bring great quantities of subsoil to the surface, and greatly increase the porosity of the soil by eating holes through it. 130 THE EARTHWORM. 131 Specimens for study may be obtained by digging, and at night by simply picking them up when they are out of their burrows and extended on the ground. At sun- rise they may be seen in the mouths of their burrows, or partly extended, not having retired for the day. This explains why "the early bird catches the worm." Field Study. In the field, observe : 1. The quickness with which they retreat when dis- turbed by a heavy step on the earth near their burrow. 2. The force with which they cling to their burrows when an attempt is made to drag them forth. 3. Their insensibility to sounds, however loud, and their slow sensibility to light. 4. The size, direction, and depth of their burrows. 5. The plugs found stopping the mouths of the bur- rows in the daytime, the materials used, and the skill shown by the worms in their method of plugging. In winter, specimens obtained by digging may be placed in a box, or large flowerpot, of earth, and kept in a warm place, where they will quickly resume activity. They may be fed on bits of raw meat, preferably fat, of onion, celery, cabbage, etc., thrown on the surface of the soil; and when they are feeding at night, their habits may be observed with a lamp. By hiding bits of food beneath the surface of the soil, the student may determine whether worms have anything corresponding to the sense of smell, enabling them to find food with which they would not ordinarily come in contact. Study of a Live Specimen. Place a live worm on a sheet of wet paper, and observe : 1. In its body (a) Definite anterior and posterior ends. (6) Correspondence of right and left sides (bilateral symmetry). 132 WORMS. (c) The numerous similar transverse segments compos- ing the body. (d) The absence of appendages. 2. In its motions (a) Rhythmic contractions and corresponding changes in form of its body. (6) Irregular progression forward. Place the worm on a smooth, clean pane of glass, and observe, that, while its contractions continue, its progres- sion ceases. Draw the worm backward across a finger, to feel the minute setae (or bristles) by means of which it holds its ground on any except the smoothest surfaces. Observe how it crawls backward when touched near the anterior end, performing reflexly the acts which under its ordinary conditions of life would carry it to a safe re- treat within its burrow. Turn it over on its back and observe what follows. Tap the paper, or jar the table, on which it lies, and note the result. External Features. For a study of the general struc- ture of the earthworm, use specimens that have been anaesthetized with chloroform. Select the largest speci- men obtainable, and dissect it under weak alcohol ; but, before dissecting, observe with a lens the following among its external features : 1. The darker color of the dorsal surface. 2. The greater length of the body -segments at the tapering anterior end. 3. The dorsal flattening of the posterior end of the body. 4. The mouth at the anterior end, and the prostomium projecting forward above it, from the dorsal side of the foremost segment. THE EARTHWORM. 133 5. A swollen region (the clitelluni) between the thirti- eth and fortieth segments (counted from the front), em- bracing several segments. Find a pair of small pores on opposite sides of the median ventral line of the fifteenth segment, and another similar but smaller pair on the fourteenth segment. These are the external openings of the reproductive organs. Two other pairs of pores may be made out, sometimes with difficulty, on opposite sides of the median ventral line, a pair on the groove between segments 9 and 10, and another pair on the groove between segments 10 and 11. These are the openings of the seminal receptacles, (accessory organs of reproduction). A row of pores is present on the median dorsal line, one at the anterior edge of each segment, opening directly into the body cavity. These are not very evident. Find two pairs of sette (or locomotor bristles) on each side of each segment, one pair at the edge of the flattened ventral surface ; the other a little higher, on the side of the body. Observe that these are arranged in four longi- tudinal double rows. Pin the specimen down for dissection beneath weak alcohol, with one pin through the prostomium only, and another through the last segment, with the body slightly stretched between the pins. Very great care will be necessary to successfully complete the following dissec- tion. Cut no more than directed. Dissection. With thin, sharp scissors make a shallow, longitudinal cut through the body wall, along the dorsal surface, the entire length of the body, taking care not to injure the organs which lie beneath. At the middle of the body draw the edges of the cut apart, and observe the septa (or partitions) which extend transversely across the body cavity. Observe that these correspond in position 134 WORMS. with the depressions between segments seen on the exte- rior, and show internal segmentation. Observe that each of the septa is perforated at the center for the passage of the alimentary canal and other vessels. Observe, also, that the segmentation of the body extends to the alimen- tary canal, which in this region is somewhat expanded in each segment. Beginning at the anterior end, cut the septa close to the body wall on each side down to the uppermost row of setae, and pin back the flaps, exposing the internal organs. Most conspicuous among these will be the large-lobed, white seminal vesicles, nearly filling the body cavity between the tenth and the fifteenth segments, and the darker-colored alimentary canal extending straight through the center of the body longitudinally. Find a dorsal Hood vessel extended along the upper side of the alimentary canal, with five pairs of aortic arches extending downward from it in segments 7 to 11, and meeting below the alimentary canal in the ventral blood vessel, which extends backwards longitudinally. I. Organs of Digestion. Beginning at the posterior end, lift out the alimentary canal, carefully dissecting it free from the septa, and avoiding disturbing other organs. Make out in the alimentary canal the following parts : 1. A wide pharynx, posterior to the mouth, with many radiating muscle fibers extending from its walls to the outer body walls. When the soft margins of the mouth are applied to any object that is to be seized, these muscle fibers, contracting, dilate the pharynx, creating within it a partial vacuum, and exerting a powerful sucking action upon the object seized. 2. An esophagus, a slender, thin-walled tube, extending backward from the pharynx. 3. Three pairs of minute yellowish white calciferous glands attached to the esophagus in segments 10 to 12. THE EARTHWORM. 135 These secrete a milk-white fluid of unknown function, containing carbonate of lime. 4. The crop, a thin- walled dilatation of the alimentary canal in segments 15 and 16. 5. A muscular gizzard, lined with membranes elevated in chitinous ridges, usually occupying segments 17 to 19. This is the principal organ for grinding and comminuting the food. 6. The remainder of the alimentary canal is the intes- tine. It probably possesses digestive functions through- out its length. II. Organs of Reproduction. Cut the alimentary canal in two at the back of the pharynx. Leave the pharynx in place, but remove the remainder of the digestive tract. After it is lifted out from between the lateral lobes of the seminal vesicles, these organs will be fully exposed. These cover the male reproductive organs ; and a pair of ducts extend backward from them, to open to the exterior at the pores already noticed on segment 15. The earthworm is hermaphrodite, and ovaries will be found (sometimes with difficulty) on the floor of the body, a pair of minute, whitish bodies on either side of, and close to, the median ventral line of segment 13. The disconnected oviducts, posterior to the ovaries, pene- trate the septum between segments 13 and 14, and open to the exterior at the pores already noticed on seg- ment 14. Attached to the septa, between segments 9 and 10 and 10 and 11, are two pairs of minute, whitish sacs, which open, directly downward. These are the seminal receptacles, the accessory organs of reproduction already noticed. In them the sperms from another individual are stored until the time when the eggs are laid ; for, though the earthworm is hermaphrodite, cross-fertilization seems to be the invariable rule. 136 WORMS. III. Nervous System. Remove the seminal vesicles. This will entirely expose the nerve cord which lies -ex- tended along the floor of the body cavity its entire length. Observe the ganglion-like swellings in each seg- ment. Observe the nerves given off from it to each seg- ment. Trace it forward to the pharynx. Observe that it forks, surrounds the pharynx, and unites again above in the cephalic ganglion (or brain). Compare this arrange- ment of the central nervous system with that already seen in crustaceans and insects. IV. Organs of Excretion. Observe the segmented organs (nephridia), little, tangled, thread-like bodies, attached to the posterior side of each septum, one on each side of the body in each segment. Each of these organs opens to the exterior by a minute pore, not here- tofore noticed, and not easily discovered. Each opens internally at the end which floats free within the body cavity, by a minute ciliated orifice (discoverable only by careful microscopic examination). These are excretory organs, and drain out waste and worn-out materials from the body. V. The Body Wall. Spread out the body wall per- fectly flat, and pin it so. Observe its muscular lining. Note that the longitudinal, fibrous bands are discontinu- ous, as such, along the lines occupied by the locomotor setae. These setae are moved by small muscles of their own, not the least in importance in the animal's mechan- ism. Strip up some of the longitudinal muscles, and observe the circular ones that lie beneath. Outside these is a layer of epidermis. VI. The Body Cavity. Cut a clean transverse section of another specimen which has been hardened in alcohol, using a very sharp knife or scalpel, and examine the cut end with a lens. Note that the body is made up of two tubes, one within the other, the inner one, the diges- THE EARTHWORM. 137 tive tract, muscular on its outside ; the outer one, the tube formed by the body wall, muscular on its inside. Note that the body cavity between these two is bridged by the numerous transverse septa. Compare the earthworm with the crawfish and the grasshopper in respect to this structure. Microscopic Examination. Obtain another anaesthe- tized worm. Insert a slender pointed pipette through a puncture into the body cavity, and draw out a drop of the fluid filling that cavity. Place the drop on a slide, cover, and examine with high power of microscope to discover : 1. Chloragogue cells, large and irregular, and yellowish in color. These cells form a layer surrounding the ali- mentary canal for a great part of its length. They are believed to perform the functions which the liver per- forms in higher animals, at least to the extent of secreting a fluid to aid in the digestion of food. 2. Amoeboid blood corpuscles, so transparent they may be overlooked at the first glance. These show pseudo- podia, and, if kept warm, may be seen to be in action, like amoeba, whence the name. It must be borne in mind that these cells do not have an independent existence like amoeba, but that they are constituent cells of a many- celled animal, dependent for their life upon conditions supplied by other parts. 3. Sperms. Lay open the body cavity. P-uncture one of the seminal vesicles, and take from it with a pipette a drop of its fluid contents. Mount, cover, and examine this with high power of microscope. It should contain many minute filiform sperms, some of which may be seen actively swimming about. They may often be better seen (but not in motion) after running a drop of magenta under the cover. 138 WORMS. Mechanical Movements of Blood Vessels. The me- chanical action of the parts concerned in nutrition can best be understood by studying them in a live worm. Small specimens can be found so nearly transparent, that the blood vessels can be seen from the outside, and their pulsations watched with a lens. But it will be found more satisfactory to study these things in a large living specimen that has been stilled with chloroform or ether. Pin the specimen out in the dissecting pan in a |-per-cent salt solution, as before directed, and open it by a longi- tudinal cut a little to one side of the median dorsal line. Expose the blood vessels, and observe their contrac- tions. Note that the contractions pass along the vessels in successive waves, which mark the course of the blood in them. Their red color is due to the blood they con- tain, and the color of the blood is in its liquid part (plasma), and not in its corpuscles. These and other contractions, sometimes observable in the alimentary canal, are performed by the automatic action of muscles within the walls of the organs themselves. These, contracting, push the contents forward, much as water in a rubber tube would be pushed forward if the tube were drawn tightly between the fingers. Development. The eggs of the earthworm are laid in May or June, and may be found at that time, a number together, inclosed within ovate, tough, yellowish or brown capsules, in- loose earth, beneath logs and stones. These capsules are formed in the following peculiar manner : Certain glands of the clitellum become very active at this season, and pour out on the surface of the body a fluid which hardens into a tough membrane, forming a girdle about the body. A thick jelly-like fluid is retained within this girdle, between it and the body. The girdle is gradually worked forward, toward the head. When THE EARTHWORM. 139 it passes the openings of the oviducts on segment 14, ova are discharged into it ; and in passing segments 11 to 9 it receives sperms that have been stored in the seminal receptacles. When it is passed off over the head, it closes elastically at both ends, forming a capsule. Within this capsule fertilization takes place, and the fertilized ova develop, and give rise to little worms, which feed upon the nutrient fluid in which they float, until they are able to make their own way in the world. 1 1 Read Darwin's Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms. MOLLUSKS. THE RIVER MUSSEL. (Unio.) Haunts. This animal is common in all our rivers and small lakes. It is found on the bottom, usually partly buried in sand or mud. As it moves about, it makes a trail through the mud or sand, a shallow groove, with abruptly sloping sides ; and, by observing its track at the edge of the water, it may often be more easily found. Occasional specimens may be picked up at the bank, but usually larger ones will be found farther out. They may be raked ashore with a long-handled garden rake, or drawn up with a long-toothed lawn rake from a boat, or, in warm weather, most rapidly obtained by wading out on a submerged sand bank and picking them up by hand. The dead and empty shells strewing the banks will be a guide to the best places to search for live specimens. When a river is falling after a flood, many mussels will be found close to the banks, and many others may be seen out on the banks, where they have been left high and dry by the receding waters, and where they have died. This is a casualty of a very common kind among the lower animals. Specimens collected in the field may be carried home in a bucket of water, and kept alive in an aquarium impro- vised from a tub or a water-tight box, with a layer of sev- 140 THE RIVER MUSSEL. 141 eral inches of sand in the bottom and several inches of water above the sand. Here something of their habits may be seen. Study of a Live Specimen. Take a live specimen in hand, and note : 1. That the animal has entirely withdrawn itself within its shell. 2. That its shell is composed of two equal pieces called valves. 3. That the valves are hinged together at one side. 4. That they are firmly held together at their free margins. Try pulling them apart. 5. That there is a central prominence in each valve (the beak or umbo) near the hinge. 6. That each umbo is a center of growth, with lines of growth arranged concentrically around it. Now observe one of the mussels that have been placed on the sand in the aquarium, one which, having been left for awhile to itself, has gotten up on edge and started to travel. Observe : 1. That the hinge is up. It is on the back or dorsal margin. 2. That the free margins of the valve are down. They form the ventral margin. 3. That they are slightly separated, and that the animal is partly extended between them. 4. The direction in which the mussel is traveling. Take some measured observations and compute its rate of speed. 5. That the umbones are nearer the forward or anterior end. Looking at the moving mussel from behind, the valve on the right hand is the right valve ; the other, the left valve. 6. That the animal moves by a succession of pulls. Find out what does the pulling. 142 MOLLUSKS. 7. That there are two round fringed openings at the posterior end of the dorsal margin. These are the siphon openings. If the water be shalloAv enough, there may be seen near these a play of wavelets on the surface, indicat- ing currents. Place a drop of india ink or other colored fluid in the water near these openings, and discover the di- rection of the currents in each of them. Record the result. 8. That there is an exserted membrane fringing the free border of each valve all around. This is the edge of the mantle. Touch it in various places, and note its sensi- tiveness. 9. That there is a white, flexible, muscular foot pro- truded downward and forward between the mantle margins into the sand. By quietly placing a finger horizontally in the sand in front of the mussel, and directly in its course, and waiting for the animal to travel over it, you may discover how the foot is used. Pick up an active mussel quickly out of the water, and see how quickly the foot is retracted. Place a sheet of tin or a pane of glass on the sand, and lay a mussel on it at its center. Note how the animal protrudes and uses its foot, in its efforts to rise. Explain its inability to rise on edge and move away. Discover by experiment whether the fringes of the siphons are sensitive to light. Structure. In dissecting a river mussel, the first thing to be done is to get the shell open so as to get at the animal so securely locked inside. The valves are held together by two stout, transverse muscles. Select a live specimen of large size for the first dissection. Place it for a few moments in water as warm as the hand can bear. This will relax the muscles. The valves may then be opened slightly, and a block inserted between them to keep them so. THE RIVER MUSSEL. 143 Observe a soft, whitish membrane, with a narrow, dark- colored, ruffled border lining each valve. It is the mantle. Loosen the edge of the mantle from the edge of one valve by pushing a knife blade between the two, and drawing it entirely around the free border of the valve. Keep the point of the blade close to the shell. Observe that the mantle clings to the valve along a line within and parallel to its margin. Observe that the point of the knife blade meets with an obstruction near the dorsal sur- DIAGRAM OF UNIO: u, umbo; h, hinge; s, siphons; small arrows indicate the direction of the water currents; large arrow indicates direction of travel, and also depth to which the animal is usually found buried in the sand in locomotion ; /, foot ; e, edge of the valves ; I, concentric lines of growth ; m, mantle margins extruded in front. face, at both anterior and posterior ends : it encounters the strong muscles which hold the valves together. Cut these off close to the valve. Notice the valves spring apart when these are severed. Free the one valve from all connection with mantle and muscles, and turn it back like the lid of a watch case. I. The Different Parts. Study the following parts, doing no more dissecting than is absolutely necessary : 1. The mantle. Observe the thinness and transpar- 144 MOLLUSKS. ency of its inner part, and the sensitiveness and mobility of its border. Observe that it consists of two lobes corresponding in size to the two valves of the shell, and that its border is continuous from one to the other. Observe how loosely it infolds the body, and covers it above and on the sides. 2. The siphons. Observe that the siphon orifices are formed from the edge of the mantle, and that the adjacent mantle margins are grown together between the upper and lower orifices, entirely separating them, and that below the lower orifice the mantle margins are free. The upper tube leads out from the cloacal chamber, and is therefore called the cloacal siphon. The lower opening leads into the branchial (or gill) chamber, and is therefore called the branchial siphon. 3. The principal muscles. Observe the severed ends of the two stout, white adductor muscles projecting ver- tically through the mantle. Close beside each of these find the end of a much smaller, oblique muscle, which was also severed in open- ing the shell. These two are the retractor muscles. They retract the foot. Prick the point of the foot, and watch the posterior adductor muscle. Prick the back part of the foot, and watch the anterior adductor muscle. If these were fast to the shell, instead of being drawn down, they would draw the foot up, as may be seen later by pricking the retractors of the other side, near their origin, before severing them from the valve. In the thickened border of the mantle are many muscle fibers, to which its mobility is due, and by which it was attached to the shell along the pallial line. 4. The gills. Turn the loose part of the mantle back upon the dorsal surface, and expose the gills. They hang suspended in the branchial chamber at the posterior part THE RIVER MUSSEL. 145 of the body. Observe that they are thin, ribbed and per- forated folds of membrane extending longitudinally beside the body, a pair on either side. Between the two pairs observe the soft, white, muscular abdomen, extending downward and forward, and terminating insensibly in the retracted and minutely wrinkled foot. Examine the surface of the gills with a lens. Lift with forceps the lower edge of one of the gills (if the outer gill appear dark and distended, lift the inner one), stick a sharp knife or scalpel through it, and make a vertical slit out to the edge. Then look at the cut edge of the piece held in the forceps, and see that the gill membrane is double and V-shaped in cross section, and is suspended by the arms of the V from above. Insert the point of a knife blade into the end of the piece held in the forceps, and split it lengthwise. Then take a small piece of the single gill membrane thus obtained, and mount, and examine it (without cover glass) with low power. Note the shape and arrangement of the openings in the mem- brane, the location and action of the cilia. Pass a bristle or other probe into the cloacal chamber from its siphonal orifice. Observe that this chamber lies entirely above the gills, and that it has no communication with the branchial chamber below, except through the gills. Lay open the cloacal chamber for half an inch by a single cut with scissors through the wall of the cloacal siphon. Observe the minute openings leading from the floor of the cloacal chamber down into the gills. Pass a bristle into one of these, and observe that it ends blindly at the lower edge of the gill. Make a short longitudinal cut through the posterior part of the attachment of both gills to the cloacal cham- ber. Then lift with forceps the cut edge of the outer layer of the outer gill, and observe the numerous septa or partitions extending transversely between the outer NEED. ZOOL. 10 146 MOLLUSKS. and the inner layers, connecting the arms of the V. Observe also that the inner layer of the outer gill is continuous with the outer layer of the inner gill. Having already observed that the water passes in at the branchial and out at the cloacal siphon, give now an explanation of the course it takes, and of the manner in which it is propelled onward in its course. 5. The blood vessels. Turn the free lobe of the mantle down again, and loosen the dorsal portion from both valves. Then pull downward gently on the free lobe so as to bring the dorsal aspect of the body better into view. The dorsal portion of the mantle is very thin and trans- parent, and through it may be seen, in the part that was directly beneath the hinge, an oval or elongated trans- parent vessel regularly but slowly pulsating. This is the ventricle. Pinch up the mantle with forceps, and cut it away from this region, and the parts will be better seen. The blood comes to the ventricle from a pair of auricles located one on either side. Each auricle lies directly between the gills and the ventricle, and is somewhat coni- cal in form, with the apex of the cone toward the ventri- cle. A branchial vein brings the blood from the gills to the lower end of the auricle. The ventricle is emptied principally through a pedal artery which curves forward and downward toward the foot. Observe that the dark-colored intestine runs directly through the ventricle, like a draught pipe through a loco- motive boiler, there being no open communication between the two vessels. Observe the pulsations of the heart. 1 First the auricle 1 A very satisfactory demonstration of the action of the heart may be made by cutting away with bone snips the portion of the shell which immediately surrounds the hinge, and covers the heart, leaving the ani- mal intact within. A thin-shelled specimen should be selected for this. If kept under water, or, better, under f-per-cent salt solution, the pulsa- tions may be observed for a long time. THE RIVER MUSSEL. 147 swells up with limpid transparent blood from the gills, and then it contracts and fills the ventricle, which then contracts in turn, sending the blood out through the pedal artery. II. Digestive System. On either side of the front part of the abdomen observe two soft triangular flaps narrowing toward the front. These are the labial palps. Between them, directly in front, is the mouth, which leads through a short esophagus into the stomach. The stomach is surrounded by a dark brown mass called liver, easily seen when the mantle is removed. The course of the digestive tract is difficult to trace in a fresh speci- men, but may be followed more readily in one that has been hardened in alcohol. Posterior to the stomach there are several turns of the intestine l before it emerges from the abdomen to pass into and through the pericardial cavity, where it has already been noticed running through the ventricle. It terminates in the cloacal chamber. If the heart and the part of the intestine posterior to the abdomen be removed, two dark-colored renal organs will be seen below them. These organs open below into the cloacal chamber, and above into the pericardial cavity, thus connecting the body cavity with the exterior, as do the renal (segmental) organs in the earthworm. III. Nervous System. This will be studied with ex- treme difficulty in a fresh specimen. It will require less time and patience if a specimen which has been hardened in alcohol or by boiling be used. It may best be studied in a specimen which has been soaked for a few days in 10-per-cent nitric acid. Remove the mussel entirely from its shell, and pin it in a dissecting pan, with its dorsal surface down. Sepa- 1 It may be demonstrated by injecting the alimentary canal through the mouth with starch mass (see Appendix, p. 284) colored with lamp- black, and dissecting away the sheet of overlying muscle of one side. 148 MOLLUSKS. rate the two pairs of gills on the median ventral line, and find directly beneath the posterior adductor muscle a pair of yellowish ganglia more or less united. These are the visceral ganglia. Trace from them as a center a pair of lateral nerves to the gills, a pair of posterior nerves to the edges of the two mantle lobes, and a pair of very long commissural nerves forward, to join a pair of cere- bral ganglia which lie near the surface at the bases of the labial palps, on either side of the mouth. From these ganglia trace a pair of nerves downward to the pedal ganglia, which lie deeply imbedded where the foot joins the abdomen. The nerves appear as fine white threads ; the ganglia are usually more easily seen because of their yellowish color. These three pairs of ganglia, with their connecting commissures, constitute the central nervous system of the mussel, and of a large group of animals of which it is a type. IV. Reproductive Organs lie in the posterior part of the abdomen, one on each side, and each opens by a slit on the upper surface just above the long commissural nerve traced forward to the cerebral ganglia. The eggs of the river mussel are passed into the cavity of the outer gill, where they hatch, and where the young are retained for a time. If there be found a specimen in which the outer gills appear swollen and dark colored, open one of them, and mix a little of the contents with a drop of water on a slide. Examine with low power, and look for little mussels. Draw several of them. Notice whether any of them move about. V. The Shell. Remove all muscles from the inside, and dirt from the outside, of the shell, and observe again the concentric lines of growth about the umbones. Hold the shell up toward the light, and observe the fine lines radiating from the umbones. Inside the shell, notice the large adductor muscle scars, THE RIVER MUSSEL. 149 and close beside them the smaller but often deeper scars of the retractor muscles. Observe a narrow linear muscle impression, a curved line marked around the free border of the valve, about half an inch from the edge. This is the line along which the mantle was found clinging. It is therefore called the pallial line. Observe the hinge teeth between the dorsal edges of the two valves. Open and close the valves, and see how these interlock. They hold the valves together very firmly, when closed. The blunt, irregular, serrated ones between the umbones are the cardinal teeth. The long, narrow, shelf -like folds of pearl beneath the hinge are the lateral teeth. Observe that the shell consists of three layers : 1. An outer layer of horny, brownish, or greenish epi- dermis, which was continuous at the edges of the shell with the border of the mantle. The hinge at the back is a modified and very elastic portion of the epidermis. 2. An inner, pearly layer. This is seen, under magnifi- cation, to consist of thin, flat layers of pearl, the edges of which appear as fine, sinuous lines. These cause inter- ference in the light waves that fall upon them, and give rise to all the singularly beautiful colors seen within the fresh shells of some Unios. 3. A darker middle layer, seen, under magnification, to consist of polygonal prisms placed perpendicular to the surface of the shell. Dissolve out the mineral matter from a shell by placing it for a time in dilute acid. What properties has the remaining part ? Burn out the animal matter from a number of shells. Weigh them before throwing them into the fire and after taking them out, and note the proportional loss. Pick a burned shell to pieces, and note the disposition of layers in its thickened part. 150 MOLLUSKS. The Life Process. Since, in connection with each of the organs studied, the work it has to do has been already mentioned, it only remains to summarize these various operations as parts of the process by which the life of the animal is maintained. I. Nutrition. This part of the process is dependent to a marked extent upon the aquiferous system, and the water currents it keeps up. The siphons are the most conspicuous part of this system ; but the cilia lining the openings into the gills, although the least conspicuous, are the most important part of it, for it is by their lash- ing action that the water is drawn into one siphon and driven into and through the gills and out through the other siphon. In the gills the usual exchange of car- bonic-acid gas for oxygen takes place between the water flowing freely over the thin-walled blood vessels distributed throughout the gills and the blood flowing inside those vessels. In other animals that breathe by gills this exchange seems to be the sole purpose of the water currents, but in the mussel these currents also assist in the procuring of food and in excretion. The food con- sists chiefly of low plant organisms found free in the water. These are carried into the branchial chamber by the enter- ing current. The current does not all enter the gills, but a branch of it is driven forward toward the anterior end of the body, and the bits of food carried along by it are directed by the labial palps into the mouth. Excreta are expelled with the current passing through the cloacal siphon. Thus all the operations connected with nutrition are more or less directly dependent on the water currents. For convenience in summarizing, we may say that ru- trition is effected in the river mussel through the agency of the following interdependent systems of organs : 1. A digestive system, comprising the alimentary canal and the large accessory gland called liver. THE RIVER MUSSEL. 151 2. A circulatory system, comprising (1) veins which col- lect blood from all the tissues and convey it to the gills ; (2) other (branchial) veins, which convey the aerated blood from the gills to the heart ; (3) auricles, which receive the blood from the gills, and, contracting, pass it on into (4) the ventricle, which in turn contracts, and drives it through (5) the arteries, out into the tissues again. Four important changes take place in the blood during its course through the body : (a) It is enriched by the digested food, which it receives directly through the walls of the alimentary canal. (6) In the tissues the cells with which it comes in con- tact take from it whatever material they need for growth, and return to it their waste products of oxidation. ( completed net, side ... , , , i i view; N, completed net, from and easily cleaned by a backward above; ^ brace; e> muslin push through the water. band ; /, netting bottom. ACCENTUATED LIST OF THE TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN THIS BOOK, TOGETHER WITH THEIR ETYMOL- OGY AND SYNONYMY. ab-do'-men (Lat. abdomen), belly. ab-o'-ral (Lat. ab, from, and os, oris, mouth). ac-e-tab'-u-lum (Lat. acetabulum, vinegar vessel?). ad-am-bu-la'-cral (Lat. ad, to, and ambulacrum}, next to the ambulacra. ad-duc'-tor (Lat. ad, to or toward, and ducere, to draw). ad'-i-pose (Lat. adeps, adiposus, fat), fatty. a-er-a'-tion (Lat. aer, air), exposure to air; oxygenation. LIST OF TECHNICAL TERMS. 289 ag'-gre-gate (Lat. ad, to or together, and gregare, to collect into a flock), al-i-men'-ta-ry (Lat. alimentarius, from alere, to nourish), al'-u-let (Lat. alula, dim. of a/a, a wing). am-bu-la'-crum, pi. ambulacra (Lat. ambulacrum, an alley), a-moe'-ba, pi. amcebas (Gr. amoibe, a change), the proteus animalcule, a-mce'-boid (Gr. amoibe, change, and eidos, form), like the amoeba, am-pul'-la, pi. ampullce (Lat. ampulla, a flask). a-nab'-o-lisrn (Gr. anabole, something heaped up), constructive metab- olism; assimilation. an-aes'-the-tize (Gr. an, privative, and aisthesis, feeling or sensation), a'-nal (Lat. anus, the posterior opening of the alimentary canal), a-nal'-o-gous (Gr. analogos, according to due ratio), an'-chy-lose (Gr. angkuloun, to stiffen), fuse ; coossify. an-i-mal'-cule (Lat. animal, and dim. ule), an infusorian ; a microscopic animal. an-ten'-na, pi. antennae, (Lat. antenna, a sail yard), the feeler of an insect, an-ten'-nule, dim. of antenna. an-te-or'-bit-al (Lat. ante, before, and orbis, a circle), in front of the orbit, an-te'-ri-or (Lat. anterior, cornp. of ante, before), fore ; front, a'-nus (Lat. anus), vent. a-or'-ta, pi. aortce (Gr. aorte). a'-pex (Lat. apex}, tip or point. a-quif'-er-ous (Lat. aqua, water, and/erre, to carry), conducting water. A-rach'-ni-da (Gr. arachne, a spider), spiders, ar'-te-ry (Lat. arteria). Ar-throp'-o-da (Gr. arthron, joint, and pous, podos, foot), joint-footed animals. a-ryt'-e-noid (Gr. arutaina, a ladle, and eidos, form), as-sim'-i-late (Lat. ad, to, and simllare, to make like), to convert into a like substance. as-sim'-i-la-tion (Lat. assimilatio, from ad, to, and similare, to make like), anabolism; constructive metabolism, at'-las (Gr. Atlas, the god who bears up the pillars of heaven), first vertebra of the neck, sustaining the skull, whence the name, at'-ro-phy (Gr. an, privative, and trephein, to nourish), a wasting-away. au'-di-to-ry (Lat. auditorius, from audire, to hear), pertaining to the sense or organs of hearing, au'-ri-cle (Lat. aura, ear, and dim. suffix). A'-ves (Lat. sing. avis t a bird), birds, ax'-i-al (Lat. axis). ax'-il-lar (Lat. axilla, armpit), bar'-bel (Fr. barbel, dim. of Lat. barbus, a beard)t 19 290 APPENDIX. bar'-bule (Lat. barbula, dim. of barbus, a beard). ba-si-sphe'-noid (compounded of basal and sphenoid, q.v.). Ba-tra'-chi-a (Gr. batrachos, a frog), amphibia. bi'-fid (Lat. bis, twice, and Jindere, fidi, to split), cleft or parted. bi-fur'-ca-ted (Lat. bis, twice, and Eng. furcate, forked). bi-lat'-er-al (Lat. bis, twice, and latus, side), pertaining to two sides. Bi-pin-na'-ri-a (Lat. bis, twice, and pinna, feather). bi-ro'-tu-late (Lat. bis, twice, and rotula, a little wheel). bi'-valve (Lat. bis, twice, and valva, valve). blas'-tu-la (Gr. blastos, a sprout). brach'-i-al (Lat. brachium, arm), pertaining to the fore limb. Brach-i-o-la'-ri-a (Lat. dim. of brachium, arm, and -arid), larva of a starfish. bran'-chi-al (Lat. branchia, a gill), pertaining to the branchiae or gills. bran-chi-os'-te-gal (Gr. brangchion, gill, and stegein, to cover), bron'-chus, pi. bronchi (Gr. brongchos, windpipe), buc'-cal (Lat. bucca, cheek), pertaining to the mouth, cae'-cum, pi. cceca (Lat. ccecus, blind), cal'-a-mus (Lat. calamus, a reed). cal-ca'-re-ous (Lat. calx, lime), containing carbonate of lime, cap'-il-la-ry (Lat. capillus, a hair), car'-a-pace (Fr. carapace}, carapax ; shell ; shield, car'-di-nal (Lat. cardo, a hinge), pertaining to the hinge in the shell of Unio. ca-rot'-id (Gr. karos, heavy sleep), car'-po-met-a-car'-pus (compounded of Gr. karpos, wrist, and meta- karpion, beyond the wrist), the single large bone of the bird's hand, formed by the coossification of carpal and metacarpal bones, car'-pus (Gr. karpos, wrist), car'-ti-lage (Lat. cartilago). cau'-dal (Lat. cauda, tail), pertaining to the tail, cen'-trum, pi. centra (Lat. centrum), the body of a vertebra, ce-phal'-ic (Gr. kephale, head), pertaining to the head or brain, ceph-a-lo-tho'-rax (Gr. kephale, head, and thorax, the chest). cer-e-bel'-lum (Lat. dim. of cerebrum, the brain), cer'-e-brum (Lat. cerebrum), the hemispheres of the forebrain. cer'-vi-cal (Lat. cervix, neck). chi-as'-ma (Gr. chiasma, two lines placed crosswise), optic commissure, chi'-tin (Gr. chiton, a corselet) . chlor'-a-gogue (Gr. chloros, light green, and agein, to lead), chrys'-a-lid, pi. chrysalids > (Gr> cAnj ^ gold)> chrys'-a-lis, pi. chrysalides ) LIST OF TECHNICAL TERMS. 291 cil'-i-a (Lat. sing, cilium, an eyelash). cir-cum-o'-ral (Lat. circum, around, and os, om, mouth). cir-cum-val'-late (Lat. circumvallare, to surround with a wall). clav'-i-cle (Lat. clavicula, a little key), the collar bone. cli-tel'-lum (Lat. clitellce, a pack saddle). clo-a'-ca (Lat. cloaca, a sewer). co-a-lesce' (Lat. con, with, and alescere, to grow up), unite; fuse' join. Cce-len-te-ra'-ta (Gr. koilos, hollow, and enteron, intestine). coe'-li-ac (Gr. koilia, belly), pertaining to the abdomen. Co-le-op'-te-ra (Gr. koleon, a sheath, and pteron, a wing). col-u-mer-la (Lat. dim. of columen, a column) . com'-mis-sure (Lat. cominisura, a joining together). con-cen'-tric (Lat. con, together with, and centrum, center), having a common center. con'-dyle (Lat. condylus, from Gr. kondos, a head or knob). con-ju-ga'-tion (Lat. con, together, and jungere, to join). con-tour' (Fr. contour, outline). con-tract'-ile (Lat. con, together, and trahere, to draw). cor'-a-coid (Gr. korax, a crow, and eidos, form : from a fancied resem- blance of the human coracoid process to a crow's beak). cor'-ne-a (Lat. corneus, horny). cor'-pus-cle (Lat. dim. of corpus, body). cos'-ta (Lat. costa, a rib). cov'-erts (Lat. con, with, and operire, to cover). cox'-a, pi. coxce (Lat. coxa, the hip). cra'-ni-um (Gr. kranion, skull), the brain case. cre-mas'-ter (Gr. kremaster, a suspender) . crib'-ri-form (Lat. cribrum, a sieve, and forma, form). cri'-coid (Gr. krikos, a ring, and eidos, form). cris'-sum (Lat. crisso, to move the haunches), the under tail coverts of a bird ; feathers around the cloaca. crys'-tal-line (Lat. crystallum; Gr. krustallos, ice, crystal). cu'-bi-tus (Lat. cubitus, elbow). cul'-men (Lat. culmen, from celsus, lofty). der'-mis (Gr. derma, skin), cutis. dex'-tral (Gr. dexiteros, pertaining to the right hand) . di'-a-phragm (Gr. dia, through, and phrassein, to fence or inclose). dif-fer-en-ti-a'-tion (Lat. dis, apart, audferre, to carry). di-gest' (Lat. digerere, to separate, to dissolve). dig'-it (Lat. digitus, a finger) . dig'-i-tate (Lat. digitus, a finger), having an arrangement like that of the fingers on the hand. 292 APPENDIX. di-ce'-cious (Gr. dis, twice, and oikos, house), having the two sexual elements produced by two separate individuals of the same species. Dip'-te-ra (Gr. dis, two, and pteron, a wing). dis-ar-tic'-u-late (Lat. dis, apart, and articulus, dim. of artus, a joint), to sunder; to separate at the joint. dis-coid'-al (Gr. diskos, a round plate, and eidos, form), disk-shaped. dis'-tal (Lat. distare, to stand apart), remote from the point of attach- ment. di-ver-tic'-u-lum, pi. diverticula (Lat. diverticulum), a blind tube extend- ing outward from a large tube. dor'-sal (Lat. dorsum, back), tergal ; opposed to ventral. du-o-de'-num (Lat. duodeni, of twelve each : the human duodenum is in length about equal to the breadth of twelve fingers, hence the name), anterior part of small intestine. E-chi-no-der'-ma-ta (Gr. echinos, sea urchin, and derma, skin). ec'-to-derm (Gr. ektos, outside, and derma, skin). ec'-to-sarc (Gr. ektos, outside, and sarx, flesh). e-gest' (Lat. e, out, and gerere, to carry), to void. el'-y-tron, el'-y-trum, pi. elytra (Gr. elutron, a sheath). em'-bry-o (Lat. embryo, Gr. embruon). em-bry-ol'-o-gy (Gr. embruon, embryo, and logos, a discourse), the study of the development of embryos. en'-do-derm (Gr. entos, within, and derma, skin). en'-do-sarc (Gr. entos, within, and sarx, flesh) . en-do-skel'-e-ton (Gr. endon, within, and skeleton, a dry body). en-dos-mo'-sis (Gr. endon, within, and osmos, a thrusting). en-to-mol'-o-gy (Gr. entomon, an insect, and logos, a discourse). ep-i-der'-mis (Gr. epi, upon, and derma, skin), cuticle. ep-i-glot'-tis (Gr. epi, upon, and glotta, a tongue). e-piph'-y-sis, pi. epiphyses (Gr. epi, upon, phuein, to grow). e-soph'-a-gus (Gr. oisophagos), gullet. eth'-moid (Gr. ethmos, a sieve, and eidos, form). Eu-sta'-chi-an, discovered by Eustachius, an Italian physician. ev-o-lu'-tion (Lat. evolvere, to roll out of, to unfold). ex-cre'-tion (Lat. excernere, to sift out, to discharge). ex-o-skel'-e-ton (Gr. exo, outside, and skeleton, a dry body), outside skeleton. ex-sert'-ed (Lat. exserere, to stretch forth), projecting beyond some other part. ex-ten'-si-ble (Lat. ex, out, and tendere, to stretch), capable of being extended. ex-u'-vi-*, pi. exuviae (Lat. exuere, to draw out, to pull off). LIST OF TECHNICAL TERMS. 293 fac'-et (Fr. dim. of face). fau'-na (Lat. Fauni, rural deities), the animals of any place or period taken collectively. fem'-o-ral (Lat./ewwr, thigh), fe'-mur, pi. femora (Lat. femur), thigh. fer-ti-li-za'-tion (L&t.ferre, to bear), fecundation; impregnation, fib'-u-la, pi. fibulce (Lat. fibula, that which binds together; named from the human splint-like fibula), fil'-a-ment (L&t.filum, a thread), fil'-i-form (L&t.jilum, a thread, and/orwa, form), fi'-lo-plume (L&i.filum, a thread, andpZwma, a soft feather), floc'-cu-lar (Lat. flocculus, dim. oifloccus, a lock of wool), fo-li-a'-ta (Lat. from, folium, a leaf), fo-ra'-men, pi. foram'ina (Lat. foramen, a perforation). fos'-sa, pl.fossce (Lat. fossa, a pit, from fodere, to dig), fron'-tal (Lat. frontale, an ornament for the forehead), fur'-cu-lum (Lat. furculum, dim. offurca, a fork), wishbone, ga'-le-a, pi. galece (Lat. galea, a helmet). gan'-gli-on, pi. ganglia (Lat. ganglion, Gr. ganglion, a swelling), gas'-tric (Gr. gaster, stomach). gas-troc-ne'-mi-us (Gr. gastroknemia, calf of the leg), gas-tros'-tege (Gr. gaster, stomach, and siege, roof), gem'-mule (Lat. dim. of gemma, a gem). gle'-noid (Gr. glene, a cavity, and eidos, form), glo-chid'-i-um (Gr. glochis, the point of an arrow), glot'-tis (Gr. from glotta, gldssa, a tongue), go'-nys (Gr. gonia, an angle), hal-te'-res (Gr. halter es, dumb-bells), balancers, ham'-u-li, pi. (Lat. dim. of hamus, a hook), he'-mal (Gr. haima, blood) He-mip'-te-ra (Gr. Jiemi, half> and pteron, a wing), bugs, hem'-i-sphere (Gr. hemi, half, and sphaira, a sphere), hem'-o-lymph (Gr. haima, blood, and lymph). he-pat'-ic (Lat. hepar, the liver), her-maph'-ro-dite (Gr. Hermaphroditos, son of Hermes and Aphrodite [myth]), being of both sexes. Hex-ap'-o-da (Gr. hex, six, and pous, podos, foot), six-footed insects, ho-mol'-o-gous (Gr. homologos, agreeing). ho-mol'-o-gy (Gr. homologia, agreement), correspondence, in structure and origin. hu'-me-rus (Lat. humerus*). hy'-dra, Eng. pi. hydras (Lat. hydra, water). 294 APPENDIX. Hy-me-nop'-te-ra (Gr. Tinmen, membrane, and pteron, a wing), the mem- brane-winged insects. hy'-oid (Gr., the letter v, and eidos, form). hy-pa-poph'-y-sis (Gr. hupo, under, and apophusis, a process of a bone). hy'-po-stome (Gr. hupo, under, and stoma, mouth). il'-i-o-sci-at'-ic (compounded of ilium and sciatic, q.v.). il'-i-um (Lat. ilia, groin, flank, small intestine). i-ma'-go (Lat. imago, an image), the perfect insect ; adult. in-ci'-sor (Lat. in, in, and ccedere, to cut), a gnawing tooth. in-fra-or'-bit-al (Lat. infra, beneath, and orbis, a circle). in-fun-dib'-u-lum (Lat. infundibulum, a funnel). in-gest' (Lat. in, in, and gerere, to bear or carry). in-glu'-vi-s (Lat. ingluvies), crop. in-nom'-i-nate (Lat. in, not, and nominatus, named). in'-sect (Lat. insectus, from insecare, to cut in). in'-te-grate (Lat. integrare, to make whole). in-ter-cos'-tal (Lat. inter, between, and costa, a rib). in-ter-neu'-ral (Lat. inter, between, and Gr. neuron, a nerve), between the neurals. in-ter-or'-bit-al (Lat. inter, between, and orbis, a circle), between the orbits. in-ter-pa-ri'-e-tal (Lat. inter, between, and parietal, q.v.). in-tes'-tine (Lat. intestinus, from intus, the inside). i'-ris (Lat. iris, the rainbow). is'-chi-um, pi. ischia (Gr. ischion, the hip joint). isth'-mus (Lat. isthmus, a narrow neck of land). i'-ter (Lat. iter), a passage. ju'-gal (Lat. jugum, a yoke). ju'-gu-lar (Lat. jugulum, the throat). ka-tab'-o-lism (Gr. kata, down, and ballein, to throw), destructive metabolism. la'-bi-al, pertaining to the lips. la'-bi-um > (Lat laU u } la'-brum ) lach'-ry-mal (Lat. lachryma, a tear). la-cin'-i-a (Lat. lacinia, a lappet or flap). lac'-te-al (Lat. lac, lac t is, milk). lar'-va (Lat. larva, ghost, specter). lar'-ynx (Gr. larungx, the larynx). lat'-er-al (Lat. latus, side), pertaining to the side. Lep-i-dop'-te-ra (Gr. lepis, a scale, and pteron, a wing), scaly-winged insects. LIST OF TECHNICAL TERMS. 295 lig'-a-ment (Lat. ligare, to bind). lig'-u-la (dim. of Lat. lingua, a tongue). lob'-u-late (Gr. lobos, a rounded projection). lore (Lat. lorurn, a strap), space between beak and eye in birds. lum'-bar (Lat. lumbus, loin). mad'-re-po-rite (Lat. mater, mother, and Gr. poros, a soft stone). mag'-num (Lat. magnus), great. ma'-lar (Lat. mala, the cheek). Mal-pi'-ghi-an, discovered by Malpighi. mam'-mal (Lat. mamma, a breast). Mam-ma'-li-a, the animals which nourish their young with milk. mam'-ma-ry (Lat. mamma, a breast, a glandular organ for secreting milk), pertaining to the mammary glands, man'-di-ble (Lat. mandere, to chew), man' -tie (Lat. mantellum, a cloth or cloak), ma-nu'-bri-um (Lat. from manus, hand), ma'-trix, pi. matrices (Lat. matrix, mother), max-il'-la, pi. maxillce (dim. of Lat. mala, a jaw), max'-il-la-ry (Lat. maxilla, a little jaw), max-il'-li-ped (Lat. maxilla, jaw, and pes, pedis, foot), me-a'-tus (Lat. meare, to go), a passage. me'-di-an (Lat. medius, middle), me-di-as-ti'-num (Lat. mediastinus = medius). me-dul'-la (Lat. medulla, marrow), the hindbrain : written also medulla oblongata. mes'-en-ter-y (Gr. mesos, middle, and enteron, intestine). mes-o-ster'-num (Gr. mesos, middle, and sternon, breast), mes-o-tho'-rax (Gr. mesos, middle, arid thorax, chest). me-tab'-o-lism (Gr. metabole, change), the constructive and destruc- tive changes which take place within the cell, a process known only through its results. met-a-car'-pus (Gr. meta, beyond, and Jcarpos, wrist). met-a-mor'-pho-sis, pi. metamorphoses (Gr. meta, beyond, over, and morphe, form, shape), the structural changes which take place in an animal after it emerges from the egg. met-a-no'-tum (Gr. meta, beyond, hind, and notos, back), met-a-ster'-num (Gr. meta, beyond, and sternon, breast), me-tas'-to-ma (Gr. meta, behind, and stoma, mouth), met-a-tar'-sus (Gr. meta, beyond, and tarsos, tarsus), met-a-tho'-rax (Gr. meta, beyond, and thorax, chest). met-a-zo'-an (Gr. meta, beyond, and zoon, animal), one of the "higher" animals ; any animal, not a protozoan ; a many-celled animal. 296 APPENDIX. mo'-lar (Lat. molere, to grind), a grinding tooth. Mol-lus'-ca (Lat. mollis, soft), mollusks. mo'-tile (Lat. movere), having power of motion. mu'-cous (Lat. mucus, mucus). Myr-i-ap'-o-da (Gr. murios, numberless, and pous, podos, foot). na'-sal (Lat. nasus, the nose), pertaining to the nose. ne-phrid'-i-a (Gr. nephros, kidney). neu'-ral (Gr. neuron, a nerve), pertaining to the nervous system or some part of it. nic'-ti-tat-ing (Lat. nictare, to wink). no'-dus (Lat. nodus, a knot). no'-tum (Gr. notos, back). nu'-chal (Lat. nucha, the nape). nu'-cle-us (Lat. dim. of nux, nucis, a nut). nymph (Lat. Nympha [myth.] , goddess of meadows, waters, forests, etc.). ob'-tu-ra-tor (Lat. obturare, to stop up). oc'-ci-put (Lat. ob, against or back of, and caput, head). o-cel'-lus, pi. ocelli (Lat. dim. of oculus, eye). oc-u-lo-mo'-tor (Lat. oculus, the eye, and movere, to move). O-don'-a-ta (Gr. odous, odontos, a tooth). o-don'-toid (Gr. odous, a tooth, and eidos, form). o-lec'-ra-non (Gr. olene, elbow, and kranion, head). ol-fac'-to-ry (Lat. olere, to smell, and facere, to make), pertaining to the sense of smell. o-mo-s'ter'-num (Gr. omos, shoulder, and sternon, breast). o'-b'-sperm (Gr. don, egg, and sperma, seed), the fertilized ovum. o-per'-cu-lum (Lat. from operire, to cover). op'-tic (Gr. optikos, belonging to sight), pertaining to the eye. o'-ral (Lat. os, oris, mouth), pertaining to the mouth. or'-bit (Lat. orbis, a circle). or'-i-fice (Lat. os, mouth, and facere, to make). Or-thop'-te-ra (Gr. orthos, straight, and pteron, a wing), the straight- winged insects. os cru'-ris (Lat. os, bone, and cruris, leg). os-mo'-sis (Gr. osmos, impulse). os'-si-fy (Lat. os, ossis, a bone), to become bone. os'-si-cle (Lat. dim. of os, a bone), a little bone. os'-te-ole (Lat. dim. of ostium, mouth). os-te-ol'-o-gy (Gr. osteon, bone, and logos, discourse). o'-va-ry (Lat. ovarium, from ovum, egg). o'-vate (Lat. ovum, egg), egg-shaped. o'-vi-duct (Lat. ovum, egg, and ductus, duct, tube). LIST OF TECHNICAL TERMS. 297 o-vi-pos'-i-tor (Lat. ovum, egg, audponere, to place). o'-vum (Lat. ovum), egg. pal'-ate (Lat. palatum), the roof of the mouth. pal'-a-tine (Lat. palatum, the roof of the mouth), the bones supporting the palate. pal'-li-al (Lat. pallium, a mantle), pal'-pus, pi. palpi (Lat. palpus), feeler. pan'-cre-as (Gr. pangkreas, pancreas, from pas, all, and kreas, flesh), pa-pil'-la, pi. papillce (Lat. papilla), a pimple-like projection, par-a-me'-ci-um (Gr. para, beside, and mekos, strength). par-a-sphe'-noid (Gr. para, beside, and sphenoid, q.v.). pa-ri'-e-tal (Lat. paries, a wall), pa-rot'-id (Gr. para, beside, and ous, otos, the ear), pa-tel'-la (Lat. dim. of patena, a pan), the kneepan. pec'-ti-na-ted (Lat. pecten, a comb), toothed, like a comb, pec'-to-ral (Lat. pectus, breast), pertaining to the breast. ped'-i-cel (Lat. pediculus, dim. of pes, pedis, foot), ped-i-cel-la'-ri-a, pi. pedicellarice (Lat. pedicellus, pedicel, and -aria). pel'-vis (Lat. pelvis, a basin). per-i-car'-di-um (Gr. peri, around, and kardia, the heart), per'-i-stome (Gr. peri, around, and stoma, mouth), per-i-to-ne'-um (Gr. peri, around, and teinein, to stretch), pha-lan'-ges, pi. of phalanx (Gr. phalangx, phalanx), phar'-ynx (Gr. pharungx). pi'-ne-al (Lat. pinea, the cone of a pine). Pis'-ces (Lat. pi. of piscis, a fish), fishes, pi-tu'-i-ta-ry (Lat. pituita, phlegm, mucus). This body was once erroneously supposed to secrete the mucus of the nostrils, plas'-ma (Gr. plasma). plas'-tron (Fr. plastron, a breastplate). pleu'-rum, pi. pleura (Gr. pleura, the side), plex'-us (Lat. plexus), a twining or twisting; a network, por'-tal (Lat. porta, a gate), the gateway of the liver, the portal vein, post'-ca-va, pi. postcavce (Lat. post, after, and cavus, hollow), posterior vena cava or ascending vena cava. pos-te'-ri-or (Lat. comp. of posterns, coming after), hinder ; opposed to anterior. post-or'-bit-al (Lat. post, after or behind, and orbis, a circle), prae'-ca-va, pi. prcecavce (Lat. prce, before, and cavus, hollow), anterior vena cava or descending vena cava. pre-cor'-a-coid (Lat. pro?, before, and coracoid, q.v.). pre-max'-il-la-rv ( Lat. vrce, before, and maxilla, jaw). 298 APPENDIX. pre-o-per'-cu-lum (Lat. prce, before, and operculum, a covering). pre-sphe'-noid (Lat. prce, before, and sphenoid, q.v.). pri'-ma-ries (Lat. primus, the first). pro-bos'-cis, pi. probos'cides (Gr. pro, before, and boskein, to feed). pro-neph'-ros (Gr. pro, before, and nephros, kidney). pro-no'-tum (Gr. pro, before, and notos, back). pro-6'-tic (Gr. pro, before, and ous, otos, ear). pro-ster'-num (Gr. pro, before, and sternon, breast). pro-sto'-mi-um (Gr. pro, before, and stoma, mouth). pro-tho'-rax (Gr. pro, before, and thorax, thorax). pro'-to-plasm (Gr. protos, first, and plasma, form). Pro-to-zo'-a (Gr. protos, first, and zoon, animal). pro-tract'-or (Lat. pro, forward, and trahere, to draw). pro-ven-tric'-u-lus (Lat. pro, forward, and ventriculus, stomach). prox'-i-mal (Lat. proximus, nearest), nearest the point of attachment, or nearest the median point or plane. pseu-do-po'-di-a (Gr.pseudes, false, and pous, podos, foot), false feet. pter-o-stig'-ma (Gr. pteron, a wing, and stigma, a spot). pter'-y-goid (Gr. pterux, a wing, and eidos, form). pu'-bis, pi. pubes (Lat. pubis). pul-mo-cu-ta'-ne-ous (Lat. pulmo, a lung, and Eng. cutaneous, pertaining to the skin). pul'-mo-na-ry (Lat. pulmo, lung), pertaining to the lungs. pul-vil'-lus, pi. pulvilli (Lat. pulvillus), a little cushion. pu'-pa, pi. pupce (Lat. pupa, a doll, a puppet). pu'-pil (Lat. pupilla, originally dim. of pupa, a girl), the circular open- ing through the iris. py'-gal (Gr. puge, the rump). py'-go-style (Gr. puge, rump, and stulos, a pillar or stylet for writing). py-lo'-rus (Lat. pylorus, a gatekeeper). quad'-rate (Lat. quadratum, quadrangular). ra'-di-us, pi. radii (Lat. radius, a staff or rod). rad'-u-la, pi. radulce (Lat. radula, a scraper, from radere, to scrape) . ra'-mus, pi. rami (Lat. ramus, a branch). rec'-tri-ces (pi. of Lat. rectrix, a governess), tail feathers. re'-nal (Lat. renes, the kidneys), pertaining to the kidneys. Rep-til'-i-a (Lat. reptilis, from, repere, to creep), reptiles. re-tract'-or (Lat. re, back, and trahere, to draw). re-trorse' (Lat. retro, back, and vertere, to turn). rha'-chis (Gr. rachis, a dorsal ridge or spine), shaft. ric'-tus (Lat. ringi, rictus, to open wide the mouth), the gape. ros'-trum (Lat. rostrum, a beak). LIST OF TECHNICAL TERMS. 299 sac'-cu-la-ted (^Lat. sacculus, dim. of saccus, a sack), bearing little sacs. sa'-crum, the Latin name for the anchylosed human sacral vertebrae, sal'-i-va-ry (Lat. saliva, spittle), pertaining to the saliva, sar'-code (Gr. sarx, flesh, and eidos, form). scap'-u-la, pi. scapulce (Lat. scapula}, shoulder blade. sci-at'-ic (Lat. sciaticus), pertaining to the hip. scle-rot'-ic (Gr. skleros, hard). scu-tel'-la, pi. scutellce (Lat. fem. dim. of scutum, a shield). scu'-tel-late (Lat. scutella, a dish or plate), covered with scutella, over- lapping plate-like scales. sec'-ond-a-ries, pi. of secondary (Lat. secundarius, second). seg-men-ta' -tion (Lat. segmentum, segment, from secare, to cut). seg'-ment (Lat. segmentum, from secare, to cut off), somite ; ring ; joint. sep'-tum, pi. septa (Lat. septum, a fence or partition), a partition. ser'-ra-ted (Lat. serra, a saw), toothed, like a saw. ses'-a-moid (Gr. sesamon, a kind of seed, and eidos, form), seedlike (?) bones formed in the tendons. ses'-sile (Lat. sessum, seated, from sedere, to sit). se'-ta, pi. setce (Lat. seta), a bristle. sin'-is-tral (Lat. sinister, the left hand), pertaining to the left-hand side ; turning toward the left. si'-nus, Eng. pi. sinuses (Lat. sinus), a curve ; a hollow. si'-phon (Lat. sipho, Gr. siphon, a bent tube for the transference of water). skel'-e-ton (Gr. skeleton, a dried body). sperm (Lat. sperma, seed), spermatozoa ; the male reproductive element. sper'-ma-ry (Lat. sperma, seed), testicle. sper-mat'-ic (Lat. spermaticus, pertaining to spermatic fluid). sphe'-noid (Gr. sphen, a wedge, and eidos, form). spic'-ule (Lat. dim. of spica, a dart). spir'-a-cle (Lat. spirare, to breathe). spleen (Gr. splen}. spu'-ri-ous (Lat. spurius), false; whence the spurious quills constitute what is sometimes called the " false wing." squa-mo'-sal (Lat. squama, a scale). ster'-num (Lat. from Gr. sternon, breast). stri'-a-ted (Lat. stria, a channel), marked with fine grooves or lines. strid-u-la'-tion (Lat. stridulare, to creak). sty'-let (Lat. stylus, a style [writing instrument]). sub-cla'-vi-an (Lat. sub, under, and clavicle, a little key), beneath the clavicle. sub-cos' -tal (Lat. sub, under, and costa, a rib). 300 APPENDIX. sub-gen'-i-tal (Lat. sub, under, and genitalis, the genital organs), sub-lin'-gual (Lat. sub, under, and lingua, a tongue), sub-max'-il-la-ry (Lat. sub, under, and maxilla, a jaw), sub-me'-di-an (Lat. sub, under, and medius, the middle), sub-quad'-rate (Lat. sub, under, and quadratum, quadrangular), some. what four-angled. suc-to'-ri-al (Lat. sugere, suctum, to suck), adapted for sucking, su'-ture (Lat. sutura, a seam), swim'-mer-et, abdominal swimming appendage, sym'-phy-sis (Gr. sumphuein, to grow together), coalescence; fusion-, coossification. syr'-inx (Gr. suringx, a pipe), tac'-tile (Lat. tangere, tactum, to touch), tar'-so-met-a-tar'-sus (compounded of tarsus and metatarsus; the name for the single bone formed by the fusion of these), tar'-sus, pi. tarsi (Gr. tarsos, the flat of the foot), teg'-mi-na (Lat. pi. of legmen, from tegere, tectum, to cover), tel'-son (Gr. telson, a limit), the terminal joint of the abdomen of Crustacea. ten'-don (Lat. lendere, to stretch), te-nac'-u-lum (Lat. tenere, to hold), ten'-ta-cle (Lat. tentare, to feel). ter'-gum, pi. terga (Lat. tergu?n), back, ter'-mi-nal (Lat. terminare, to put an end to), on the end. ter'-ti-a-ries, pi. of tertiary (Lat. tertius, the third), tes'-tis, pi. testes (Lat. testis), spermary. tho-rac'-ic, pertaining to the thorax, tho'-rax (Gr. thorax, the chest), thy'-mus (Gr. thumos). thy'-roid (Gr. thureos, a shield, and eidos, form), tib'-i-a, pi. tibiae (Lat. tibia, the shin bone, also a pipe or flute which was originally made of bone). tra'-che-a, pi. tracheae, (Lat. trachea}, the windpipe ; also air tubes of insects. trans-verse' (Lat. trans, across, and vertere, to turn), across the long axis. tri-gem'-i-nal (Lat. tri, three, and geminus, a twin), tri-un'-gu-lin (Lat. tri, three, and unguis, a claw), tro-chan'-ter (Gr. trochanter, a runner), trun'-ca-ted (Lat. truncare, to cut short), appearing as if cut off squarely at the tip. tu'-ber-cle (Lat. tuber, from tumere, to swell, and dim. cle, little), a small knob-like prominence. LIST OF TECHNICAL TERMS. 301 tur'-bi-nal (Lat. turbo, a top). tym'-pa-num, pi. tympani (Lat. tympanum, a drum head). typ'-i-cal (Lat. typicus), expressing the essential characteristics of a type. ul'-na (Lat. ulna, the elbow), um-bi-li'-cus (Lat. umbilicus, the navel), an opening into the calamus of a feather. um'-bo, pi. umbo'nes (Lat. umbo), a boss or short beak, un'-ci-nate (Lat. uncus, a hook). u-ni-cel'-lu-lar (Lat. unus, one, and cella, a cell), one-celled, u'-ni-valve (Lat. unus, one, and valva, fold), u-re'-ter (Gr. ouron, urine). u'-ri-na-ry (Lat. urina, urine), pertaining to the urine, u'-ro-stege (Gr. oura, tail, and stege, roof). u'-ro-style (Gr. oura, tail, arid stulos, pillar, style [for writing]), a styliform process at the posterior extremity of the vertebral column. u'-te-rus (Lat. uterus), the womb, vac'-u-ole (Lat. vacuus, empty). va'-gus (Lat. vagus, wandering, called also the pneumo-gastric nerve), vane (O. Eng.fane, a weathercock). vas'-cu-lar (Lat. vasculum, dim. of vas, a vessel), containing vessels. vein (Lat. vena) : veinule and veinlet are its diminutives, ven'-tral (Lat. venter, the belly). ven'-tri-cle (Lat. ventriculus, dim. of venter). ver'-mi-form (Lat. vermis, a worm, and forma, form), shaped like a worm. ver'-te-bra, pi. vertebra (Lat. vertere, to turn), ves'-i-cle (Lat. vesicula, dim. of vesica, a bladder), a cyst, ves'-ti-bule (Lat. vestibulum, a place of entrance), vis'-ce-ra (Lat. pi. of viscus), the entrails ; internal organs, vo'-mer (Lat. vomer). xiph-i-ster'-num (Gr. xiphos, a sword, and sternum, q.v.). xiph'-oid (Gr. xiphos, a sword, and eidos, form), zyg-a-poph'-y-sis, pi. zygapophyses (Gr. zungon, a yoke, and apophysis, process of a bone), one of the articular processes of a vertebra. 302 APPENDIX. SUGGESTIONS TO THE TEACHER. Some knowledge of the difficulties encountered by one who \vould attempt a well-balanced elementary courso in zoology, in some of our secondary schools at the present time, prompts this final word to the teacher. I would recommend the teacher, first of all, to note the amount of work outlined in the foregoing pages, and to consider whether it may all be done in the time at the disposal of his class. Having often found that a particular animal, when wanted alive for study, is not to be had, I have mentioned several types to which each outline may be applied, and have perhaps added more outlines in brief than so ele- mentary a course requires ; yet I trust the advantage of this will be apparent when selections are to be made. For a short course it might be more profitable to study only the part relating to insects or the part relating to vertebrates, rather than to attempt to " go through " the book. I would suggest that the teacher arrange his work so as to have an hour of freedom from teaching preceding the hour for zoology, which may be spent in preparing for the recitation. The hour will be anything but vacant if devoted to the preparation for the hour to follow it. I would suggest that the teacher spend the first hour of the session in familiarizing his pupils with the microscope, with its parts and their use. I would give them each a slide with some object of simple outlines mounted on it, and instruct them in moving the object into the field, in finding it with low and with high powers, and I would require an outline drawing of it. Then I would proceed at once to the study of amoeba, paramecium, sponge, and hydra, passing over this part as rapidly as proved consis- tent with the mastering of the fundamental ideas of zoology which these types are well adapted to introduce. For this part of the study, I would provide all the material, and present it as demonstrations, requiring of the pupils only that they study it and make drawings showing all they are able to make out, naming the parts and explain- ing their action ; and that they make note of the habits and habitat of these animals. Then I would begin, as early as possible in the term (all the mate- rial of this book is arranged with reference to beginning the course in early autumn), the study of insects. And for the remainder of the SUGGESTIONS TO THE TEACHER. 303 course I would require that all the work outlined in the text be done by the student, and that the greater part of it be done by each student for every animal studied. Just how much dissecting and how much field work, etc., should be required, will have to be determined in accordance with the abilities and needs of individual classes. Some of the larger dissections may be made as demonstrations by the teacher or assistants ; but I consider it absolutely necessary that each student should study the structure of every type, and record his observations in some permanent form, notes, drawings, or preparations of illustrative material. While freely acknowledging the great value of original drawings, however crude, I think it should be borne in mind that the student who has no aptitude for this art may find continual drawing as irksome as it is unsatisfactory to him. I have found students, wholly incapable of making a presentable drawing, able to make beautiful preparations of material for demonstrations and for collections. The true ends of scientific instruction will not be promoted by keeping any student long at work which he cannot make pleasant or satisfactory. The field work suggested in this book forms an important feature of it, yet not so important, I am persuaded, as it should be made. I would require of the students, that, in so far as is possible, they collect all their own material for study. The observations made while doing this will not be among the least valuable things learned about animals in the course. And I would not discourage the collection of cabinet specimens. This has its place. There is one benefit to be had from a thorough study of types, and there is another benefit to be had from personal contact with nature in a great variety of forms. I would go out with the students often, and direct their observations in the field. Making use of the haunts of animals most accessible for study, I would assign simple tasks of outdoor observation, requir- ing little time, and I would not limit these to observations on the types studied in the course. Many a teacher neglects abundant oppor- tunity for doing this. Material for such study is at the very doors of a majority of the schools in which elementary zoology is taught. Our higher institutions of learning, located often in the heart of great cities, by establishing seaside and lakeside laboratories, get, at a great expenditure of time and money, that which the secondary schools may have if they choose, without expense, as a part of their daily life. And who shall say that the study of animals in their relation to nature is of more worth in one school or in the other ? I urge as most important, that the teacher maintain strictest super- vision of all work, that there may be no idling in the field, no smat- 304 APPENDIX. tering in the laboratory, and as little as may be of memorized second-hand information in the classroom. Definite results should be required of every excursion made by students to the field. Quiet, careful, and diligent work should be insisted on in the laboratory. Scrupulous neatness should be maintained. Every student should be required to keep his table clean and his specimens fresh, and to entirely remove from the laboratory all materials in his charge that are liable to become offensive. Lastly I would urge the teacher to acquaint himself with the entire fauna of his own locality. Doubtless in many localities other types than those mentioned in this book are better and more available for study: such he is recommended to find and use by his friend and fellow-worker, THE AUTHOR. INDEX. Abdomen, of asellus, 125. of back-swimmer, 62. of beetle, 76. of bumblebee, 65. of butterfly, 42. of cicada, 60. of crawfish, 114. of cyclops, 127. of dragon fly, 45. of fly, 83. of grasshopper, 51. of mussel, 145. of pupa, 92. of rabbit, 243. of sparrow, 216, 221. of spider, 108. Acridium. See Schistocera. Air sac of snail, 156. Alimentary canal. See Digestive organs. Amoeba, 12, 278. Amoeboid blood, 137. Analogy, 45. Anasa, 57. Antenna, of crustacean, 118, 125, 127. of insect, 39. Antennule, 118, 125, 127. Aorta. See Arteries. Aperture. See Sponge gemmules. Arachnida, 105-109. Arm bones, of frog, 192. of rabbit, 257. of turtle, 206. Arteries, of crawfish, 119. of fish, 163, 168. of frog, 182, 184. of mussel, 146. of rabbit, 247. of sparrow, 226. of turtle, 202. Arthropoda, 128. Asellus, 125. Asilus, 85. Asterias, 266, 267. Aves, 211. Backbone. See Spinal column. Back-swimmer, 61. Barbels, 162. Batrachia, 178, 198. Beak, 215. Bee killer, 85. Beetle, 74. blister, 74. Harpalus, 78. larvse, 79. locust borer, 78. red milkweed, 78, soldier, 77. whirligig, 79. Birds, 211, 236. Blastula, 159. Blood, of fish, 163. of insects, 52, 94. of worm, 137. Blood vessel. See Circulatory or- gans. Bluebottle fly, 80. Body cavity j of starfish, 272. of worm, 136. Bone. See Skeleton. Books of reference, 275. Brachystola, 52. Brain. See Nervous system. Branch, 128. Branchial chamber, of crawfish, 113 of fish, 170. of mussel, 144. Budding, 27. Bumblebee, 63. Butterfly, 36. cabbage, 86, 89, 92. clover, 36. egg, 88, 90. larva, 88, 90. milkweed, 104. NEED. ZOOL. 20 305 306 INDEX. Butterfly, pupa, 89, 92. skipper, 103. sulphur, 36. swallow-tail, 102. Cambarus, 111. Cantharidin, 75. Carapace, of crawfish, 144. of cyclops, 126. of turtle, 199. Carolina locust, 48. Catfish, 161. Cell, 18. Centiped, 109. Cephalothorax, of crawfish, 114. of cyclops, 127. of spider, 108. Chauliognathus, 77. Chilopod, 109. Chrysemys, 198. Cicada, 59. Chloragogue cells, 137. Circulation, demonstration of, 125, 163, 179. Circulatory organs, of crustaceans, 119. of fish, 168. of frog, 182. of insects, 52. of mussel, 146. of rabbit, 246. of sparrow, 225. of starfish, 271. of turtle, 201, 202. of worm, 134. Class, 128. Classification, 101, 127. Clitellum, 133. Ccelenterata, 22-33. Coleoptera, 74, 79. Colias. See Eurymus. Collar of snail, 156. Collecting insects, 34. Colony, 69. Columella, 188. See also Shell of snail. Comb, 73. Condyle. See Skull. Conjugation, 17. Cranium. See Skull. Crawfish, 111. Cremaster, 89. Crustaceans, 111-128. Cyanide bottle, 35. Cyclops, 126. Development, of blister beetle, 76. of bumblebee, 68. of cabbage butterfly, 88. of crawfish, 123. of dragon fly, 47. of fly, 83. of frog, 196. of grasshopper, 55. of mussel, 152. of snail, 157. of spider, 109. of sponge gemniules, 24. of turtle, 207. of wasp, 71, 73. of worm, 138. Diaphragm, 244. Differentiation, 25. Digestive organs, of crawfish, 121. of fish, 167. of frog, 181. ' of insect, 53, 94. of mussel, 147. of rabbit, 245. of snake, 210. of sparrow, 223. of starfish, 270. of turtle, 202. of worm, 134. Diplax, 42. Diptera, 80, 86. Directions for preparation of ma- terial for study, 278. Dissosteira, 48. Division of labor, 32. Dorsal vessel, 52, 94. Dragon fly, 42. Ear sac of mussel, 153. Earthworm, 130. Echinodermata, 266-273. Ectoderm, 28. Ectosarc, 13, 19. Egg capsules, of snail, 160. of worm, 139. Egg sacs, 127. Embryology, 158, 160, 196. Endoderm, 28. Endosarc, 13, 19. Endoskeleton, 122, 205. Epicauta, 74. Epiglottis, 243. Esophagus. See Digestive organs. Eurymus, 36. Eustachian tube, 180, 242. Evolution, 264. INDEX. 307 Excretory organs, of crawfish, 122. of fish, 169. of frog, 182. of grasshopper, 54. of mussel, 147. of rabbit, 246. of sparrow, 225. of turtle, 202. of worm, 136. Exoskeleton, 204, 217. Eye, of crawfish, 119. of fish, 172. of insects, 39. of snail, 156. of starfish, 269. Family, 103. Feathers, 218. Feeding, of amoeba, 14, 15. of bumblebee, 63. of butterfly, 37. of crawfish, 112. of dragon fly, 43. of earthworm, 130. of fly, 80. of frog, 180. of grasshopper, 49. of hydra, 26. of paramecium, 21. of rabbit, 238. of sparrow, 213. of squash bug, 58. of starfish, 270. Fertilization, 30. Fins, 162, 166. Fish, 161. Foot, of frog, 192. of insect, 41. of mussel, 142. of rabbit, 240. of snail, 155. of sparrow, 214. of spider, 108. Foramen magnum. See Skull. Fresh- water sponge, 22. Frog, 178. Gastrula. 159. Gemmules, 23, 280, 281. Genus, 102. Gill, of crawfish, 120. of fish, 170. of mussel, 144. Glochidia, 152. Glottis. See Larynx. Grasshopper, 48. Green gland, 122. Harvest fly, 59. Haunts and habits, of amoeba, 278 of asellus, 125. of back-swimmer, 61. of bee killer, 85. of beetles, 77-79. of blister beetle, 74. of bumblebee, 63. of butterfly (cabbage), 86. of butterfly (sulphur), 36. of catfish, 161. of centiped, 109. of cicada, 59. of crawfish, 111. of cyclops, 126. of dragon fly, 42. of earthworm, 131. of fly, 80. of frog, 178. of grasshopper, 48. of hydra, 282. of mussel (river), 140. of paramecium, 279. of rabbit, 237. of snail (pond), 154. of sparrow, 212. of spider, 105. of sponge (fresh- water), 279. of squash bug, 57. of starfish, 266. of turtle, 198. of wasp (mud) , 70. of wasp (paper), 72. Head, of blister beetle, 75. of bumblebee, 64. of butterfly, 39. of dragon fly, 74. of fish, 162. of fly, 81. of grasshopper, 49. of larva, 90. of pupa, 92. of sparrow, 215. of turtle, 199. Heart. See Circulatory organs, Hemiptera, 57, 62. Hermaphroditism, 30. Hinge ligament, 141. Homology, 45, 123. Honeybee, 73. Hydra, 26, 282. Hymenoptera, 63, 74. 308 INDEX. Hyoid bone, 185, 222, 243. Hypostome, 27. Ictalurus, 161. Insects, 34-110. collecting, 34. Intestine. See Digestive organs. Kidney. See Excretory organs. Labial palpi 1 Labru" ' \SeeMouthparts. Lacinia Lacteal system, 250. Larva, 08, 88, 90, 96. Larynx, 222, 243. Lasso cells, 28. Lateral line, 166. Leg bones, of frog, 193. of rabbit, 259. of sparrow, 235. of turtle, 207. Legs, of bird, 217. of crawfish, 116. of frog, 188. of insect, 40. of rabbit, 240. of turtle, 200. Lens. See Eye. Lepidoptera, 36, 42, 86, 93, 102, 104, 128. Lepus, 237. Life history. See Development. Life process, in amoeba, 15. in hydra, 30. in insects, 93. in mussel, 150. in sponge, 25. in starfish, 272. in vertebrates, 260. Limnea, 154. Lizard, 208. Locomotion, in amceba, 14. in crustaceans, 113, 126. in earthworm, 132. in fish, 162. in hydra, 26. in insects, 97. in mussel, 142. in paramecium, 19. in snail, 156. in sparrow, 214. in starfish, 267. Locust, 48. See also Cicada. Lucilia, 80. Lumbricus, 130. Lung. See Respiratory organs. Malpighian tube. See Digestive organs of insect. Mammalia, 237-259. Mantle, 142, 143, 155. Maxilla. See Mouth parts. Maxilliped, 117. Mesentery, 167, 181, 224, 244, 245. Metabolism, 151, 261. Metamorphosis, 69, 96. Metastoma, 118. Mollusca, 140-160. Mouth, of fish, 165. of frog, 179, 180. of hydra, 28. of mussel, 147. of rabbit, 241. of snail, 156. of snake, 209. of starfish, 268. of turtle, 200. of worm, 139. Mouth parts of insects, 39, 44, 49, 65, 82, 91, 108. Mud dauber, 70. Mud wasp, 70. Mucous membrane, 250. Muscles, of crawfish, 121. of fish, 174. of frog, 189. of insects, 97. of mussel, 144. of sparrow, 225. of starfish, 270, 271. of turtle, 203. of worm, 136. Mussel, 140. Myenia, 22. Myriapoda, 109, 110. Neck, of sparrow, 215, 221. of turtle, 200. Nephridium of worm, 136. Nerve collar, of crawfish, 122. of insects, 55. of worm, 136. Nervous system, of crawfish, 122. of fish, 170-173. of frog, 185. of insect, 55, 98. of mussel, 147. of rabbit, 250. INDEX. 309 Nervous system, of sparrow, 235. of starfish, 271. of turtle, 185. of worm, 136. Nest, of bumblebee, 67. of paper wasp, 72. Nucleus, 15, 18, 20. Nutrition, in amoeba, 16. in hydra, 30. in insects, 93. in mussel, 150. in vertebrates, 260. Nymph, 46, 96. Odonata, 42-48. Order, 104. Organ, 32. Orthoptera, 48-57. Ovum, 29. Palate. See Mouth. Pallial line, 149. Pancreas. See Digestive organs. Paper wasp, 72. Paramecium, 18. Passer, 211. Pectoral arch. See Shoulder girdle. Pelvic girdle, of fish, 166. of frog, 193. of rabbit, 258. of sparrow, 234. of turtle, 207. Pericardium. See Circulatory or- gans. Peristome, 20. Pharynx, 165, 242. Piscus, 161, 178. Plastron, 204. Plumage, 218. Proboscis. See Mouth parts. Pronephros, 169. Protozoa, 12, 21. Pseudemys, 198. Rabbit, 237. Radius. See Arm bones. Radula, 157. Rana, 178. Reagents, 276. Reproduction, in amoeba, 17. in hydra, 31. in insects, 96. in starfish, 273. in vertebrates, 262. vegetative, 27. Reproductive organs, of crawfish, 121. of fish, 167. of frog, 182. of grasshopper, 53. of hydra, 27, 29. of mussel, 148. of starfish, 269. of turtle, 202. of worm, 135. Reptilia, 198-211. Respiration, in amoeba, 16. in cyclops, 127. Respiratory organs, of crawfish, 116. of fish, 170. of grasshopper, 53. of insects, 94. of mussel, 151. of rabbit, 249. of snail, 156. of snake, 210. of sparrow, 222, 224. of spider, 108. of turtle, 203. Rib, 176, 205, 231, 254. Robber fly, 85. Rostrum, of bugs, 58. of crawfish, 114. Scapula. See Shoulder girdle. Schistocera, 52. Segmental organ. See Nephridium of worm. Segmentation, of arthropods, 39, 113, 133, 134. of oosperm, 158, 196. Sensation, in amoeba, 18. in hydra, 32. in insect, 98. in mussel, 153. in vertebrates, 263. Serial homology, 123. Setae, 132. Shell, of mussel, 148. of snail, 155. of turtle, 203. Shoulder girdle, of fish, 166. of frog, 192. of rabbit, 257. of sparrow, 233. of turtle, 206. Siphon, 144. Skeleton, of crawfish, 114, 122. of fish, 175. of frog, 191. 310 INDEX. Skeleton, of insect, 38. of rabbit, 253. of sparrow, 227. of turtle, 203. Skin, of fish, 161. of frog, 190. of insect, 38, 92. of rabbit, 239. of sparrow, 217. of turtle, 204. of worm, 136. Skull, of fish, 171. of frog, 194. of rabbit, 255. of sparrow, 227. Snail, 154. Snake, 208. Sparrow, 211. Specialization, 21, 33. Species, 102. Sperms, 29, 137. Spicules, 23, 280. Spider, 105. Spinal column, of fish, 169. of frog, 191. of rabbit, 253. of sparrow, 230. of turtle, 205. Spinal cord. See Nervous system. Spiracle of insect, 42, 51. Spleen, 168, 182, 224, 24(5. Sponge, 22. gemmules, 23, 280, 281 Squash bug, 57. Starfish, 266. Sternum, of frog, 192. of rabbit, 254. of sparrow, 232. Stomach. See Digestive organs. Stylets, 125. Swimmer, 115. Syrinx, 222. Tarsus. See Foot. Teasing, 283. Teeth. See Mouth. Telson, 114. Test of strength of beetle, 79. Tetraopes, 78. Thoracic duct, 250. Thorax, of insects, 40. of rabbit, 243. Thousand-legs, 110. Thymus, 250. Tissue, 32. Tongue. See Mouth. Trachea. See Respiratory organs Tracheal gills, 47, 94. Tracheal tube, 53, 94. Turtle, 198. Ulna. See Arm bones. Umbo, 141. Unio, 140. Uterus, 262. Vacuole (vesicle?), 15, 20 Vegetative reproduction, 27. Veins, of fish, 163, 168. of frog, 183. of mussel, 146. of rabbit, 246. of sparrow, 226. of turtle, 202. Vermiform appendage, 246. Vertebra. See Spinal column. Voluntary motion, in amoeba, 17. in hydra, 31. in insect, 97. in mussel, 152. in vertebrates, 262. Water- vascular system, 270. Wing, 213, 216. Wing bones, 233. Worm, 130. 36075 M577041 QL42 N4 Educ Lib.