/ THE L ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MECHANIC. COMPRISING A COLLECTION OF Over 3000 Receipts, Rules and Tables, JIMIUJIIO FOB THB USB OF EVERT MECHANIC AND MANUFACTURER. B. FRANK ^AN CLEVE, AUTHOR AKD PUBLISHER, PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. PRICE, $9.80. CLOTH STJTDTNO. The additions made during the year will be mailed to Subscribers on receipt of Fifty Cents in January of each year. Mail the money to above address. Steady Employment given to Good Canvatttrt at Remvnerativt Prica, Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by B. FRANK VAN CLEVE, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. CAXTOH PBESS OP SHESMAN A Co., PHILADA. PREFACE. rPHIS work is offered as a valuable Book of Reference -*- for Mechanics and Manufacturers, trusting they will find information therein that will well repay them. It is the intention of the Author to produce the most disirable information in the most intelligible form for practical application. The mechanic who has studied mathematics but little, will find that by studying some of the brief rules herein, he will get a clear comprehension of things that would otherwise be unintelligible to him. The Author acknowledges his indebtedness to numerous English and American authors for valuable material for tables, etc. B. F. V. THE AMERICAN AND ENGLISH MECHANIC. EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAMS. To find the Circumference of any Diameter. Fig. 1, From the centre C describe a circle A B, having the required diameter ; then place the corner of the square at the centre C, and draw the lines C D and C E ; then draw the chord D E : three times the diameter added to the distance from the middle of the chord D F E to the middle of the subtending arc DOE, will be the cir- cumference sought. To find the Area of the Sector of a Circle. HULK. Multiply the length of the arc DG E by its radius DC, and half the product is the area. The length of the nrc D Q E equal 9} feet, and the radii C D, C E, equal 7 feet, required the area. 9-6X7 = GG-5 -~ 2 = 33-25 the area. PROPORTION OF CIRCLES. Proportion of Circles. Fig- 2. To enable machinists to enlarge or reduce machinery wheels without changing their respective motion. First, describe two circles AB and C D the size of the largest wheels which you wish to change to a large or small machine, with the centre P of the smaller circle C D on the circumference of the large one A B ; then draw two lines L M and N tangent to the circles A B and CD, and a line I K passing through their cen- tres P and R; then if you wish to reduce the machine, describe a circle the size you wish to reduce it to; if one-half, for example, have the centre Q one-half the distance from R to S and describe the circle E F, and on its circumference T as a centre, describe a circle G H, allowing their circumferences to touch the tangent lines TO DESCRIBE AN ELLIPSE. 5 L M and N 0, which will make the circle E F one-half the size of the circle A B, and G H one-half the size of C D ; therefore F and G II are in the same proportion to each other as AB and CD. If you wish to reduce one-third, have the centre Q one-third the distance from R to S; if one-fourth, have the centre Q one-fourth the distance from R to S, and so on. This calculation mny be ap- plied beyond the centre R for enlarging machine wheels, which will enable you to make the alteration without changing their re- spective motion. To describe an Ellipse, or Oval. [Simple Method.] Fig. 3. At a given distance, equal to the required eccentricity of the ellipse, place two pins, A and B, and pass a string, ACB, round them ; keep the string stretched by a pencil or tracer, C, and move the pencil along, keeping the string all the while equally tense, then will the ellipse C G L F H be described. A and B are the foci of the ellipse, D the centre, DA or DB the eccentricity, EF the principal axis or longer diameter, G H the shorter diameter, and if from any point L in the curve a line be drawn perpendicular to the axis, then will L K be an ordinate to the axis corresponding to the point L, and the parts of the axis E K, K F into which LK di- vides it are said to be the abscissae corresponding to that ordinate. NOTE. OVAT.. A curve line, the two diameters of which are of unequal Icii-ih, and is allied in form to the ellipse. An ellipse is that figure which is produced by cutting a cone or cylinder in a direction oblique to its axis, and p:i>"iii'_ r through its sides. An oval may be formed by joining different segments ot'cirrlrs. so that their meeting shall not be perceived, but form a continuous curve line. All elliiiscs are ovals, hut all ovals are not ellipses; for the term oval may be applied to all afMhaped figures, those which are broader at one end than the other, as well as those whose ends are equally curved. TO DESCRIBE AN ELLIPSE, To describe an Ellipse. Fig. 4. To describe an ellipse of any length and width, and by it to describe a pattern for the sides of a vessel of any flare. First draw an indefinite line DE perpendicular to the line AB, and from C, the point of intersection, as a centre, describe a circle FG, having the diameter equal to the length of the ellipse ; from the same centre C describe a circle H J equal to the width ; then TO DESCRIBE AN ELLIPSE. 7 describe the end circles L K' and L K, as much less than the width as the width is less than the length ; then draw the lines M N and M N tangent to the circles K'L, II J and K L ; from the middle of the line M N at erect a perpendicular produced until it intersects the indefinite line D E ; from the point of intersection P as a cen- tre, describe the arc K/II K, and with the same sweep of the divi- ders mark the point R on the line D ; from the point R draw the lines RU and R V through the points K' and K where the arc K' II K touches the end circles K'L and KL; then place one foot of the dividers on the point R and span them to the point H, and de- scribe the arc Q'H Q, which will be equal in length to the arc K' HK; from the same centre R describe the aro U W V the width of the pattern ; then span the dividers the diameter of the end circle K L ; place one foot of the dividers on the line R V, at point Q, and the other at Y as a centre, describe the arc QT the length of the curve line K 0, and with the same sweep of the dividers de- scribe the arc T'Q' from the centre Y' on the line R U ; then span the dividers from Y' to U, and from Y' as a centre, describe the arc U X, and from Y as a centre, describe the arc V X, which com- pletes the description of the pattern. The more flare you wish the pattern to have, the nearer the centre point R must be to H ; and the less flare, the further the centre point R must be from II ; in the same proportion as you move the centre R towards, or from H, you must move the centre Y towards, or from Q, or which would be the same as spanning the dividers lees, or greater, than the diameter of the end circle KL. To find the Circumference of an Ellipse. RULE. Multiply half the sum of the two diameters by 3-1416, and the product will be the circumference. Example. Suppose the longer diameter 6 inches and the shorter diameter 4 inches, then 6 added to 4 equal 10, divided by 2 equal 5, multiplied by 3-1416 equal 15-7080 inches circumference. To find the Area of an Ellipse. RULE. Multiply the longer diameter by the shorter diameter, and by -7854, and the product will be the area. Example. Required the area of an ellipse whose longer diam- eter is inches and shorter diameter 4 inches. 6 X 4 X -7864 = 18-8496, the area. 8 TO DESCRIBE A BIGHT ANGLED ELBOW, To describe a Right Angled Elbow. Fig. 5. First construct a rectangle A DE B equal in width to the diam- eter of the elbow, and (he length equal to the circumference : then from the point J, the middle of the line A B, draw the line J H, and from the point F, the middle of the line AD, draw the line FG; from the point J draw two diagonal lines J D and JE: then .span the dividers so as to divide one of these diagonal lines into six equal parts, viz., J, L, 0, T, 0, V, E : from the point L erect a perpendicular, produced to the line J II ; from the point of contact M, as a centre, describe the arc N J for the top of the elbow, and from the points M' and M' as centres, with the same sweep of the dividers, describe the arcs NO and NO; then draw nn in- definite straight line PQ tangent to the arcs NO and N J. having the points of contact at S and S ; on this tangent line erect a per- pendicular passing through the point N produced until it inter- sects the line BE produced; then place one foot of the dividers on the point of intersection R and span them over the dotted line to the point T, and with the dividers thus spanned describe the arcs TS, TS, TS, and TS; these arcs and the arcs N 0, NJO, and N will be the right angled elbow required. TO DESCRIBE A STBAIGHT ELBOW. 9 To describe a Straight Elbow. [Old Method,] Fig. 6, 1 .--- '' * j S 7 / .1 5 i c ()(! 87360 i 81-808 80-515 4-18678 14-922 17-720 92144 82-201 82-616 449068 15-315 18-665 97058 32-594 84-6-10 4-89608 6 in. 16-708 19-635 1-02102 32-986 66-490 4-60268 1 16-100 20-G29 1.07271 83-379 88664 4-61053 16-493 21-647 1-12564 33-772 90-762 4-71962 16-886 22-690 1 -17988 34-164 92-885 4-82846 17-278 23-758 1-23542 11 n. 84-557 95-033 4-94172 17-671 24-850 1-29220 84-950 97-205 6-05466 18-064 26-967 1-85028 35-343 99-402 5-16890 18-467 27-108 1-40962 85-736 101-623 6*28489 6 in. 18-849 28-274 1-47025 36-128 103-869 6-40119 19-242 Ll'.M'.l 1-53213 86.521 106-139 6-61923 19-635 30-679 1-59531 86-913 108-434 6-63857 20-027 81-919 1-65979 37-300 110-753 5-75916 30 DIAMETERS, ETC., OP CIRCLES. Diameters and Circumferences of Circles, and the Con- tent in Gallons at 1 Foot in Depth. (Continued.) [Area in Feet.] I'i.im. Circ. Area in ft. Gallons. Diam. Clrc. Area in ft (.all..,,.,. Ft In. Ft. In. 1 ft. depth. Ft In. Ft In. 1 ft depth. 3 If 7854 6-8735 6 14 14 15-9043 118-9386 ] 3 4 9217 5-8988 7 14 4| 16-4986 123-8830 g i 8 8 1-0690 7-9944 8 14 7? 17-1041 1279112 3 3 11 1-2271 9-1766 9 14 11 17*7301 L82-62M 4 4 2 1-3962 10-4413 10 15 2 18-3476 6 4 6 1-5761 11-7866 11 15 5J 18-9858 142-0582 6 4 8 1-7671 13-2150 7 4 11 1-9689 14-7241 6 15 81 19-6350 146-8384 8 6 2 2-1816 16-3148 5 1 15 111 20-2947 151-7718 9 6 & 2-4052 17-9870 5 2 16 2| tt-MM 156-7891 10 6 9 2-6398 19-7414 5 8 16 6| 21-6475 161-8886 11 6 2J 2-8852 21-4830 5 4 16 9 22-3400 167-0074 5 6 17 OJ 28-0437 172-3300 2 6 3 3-1410 23-4940 5 6 17 8 23-7583 177*6740 2 1 6 6 3-4087 26-4916 6 7 17 6 24-4835 183-0973 2 2 6 9 8-6869 27-5720 6 8 17 '.' 25-2199 188-6045 2 3 7 8-9760 29-7840 6 9 18 25-9672 194-1930 2 4 7 3 4-2760 82-6976 5 10 18 8 26-7261 199-8610 2 5 7 7 4-6869 34-3027 6 11 18 7 27-4943 205-6133 2 6 7 101 4-9087 36-7092 2 7 8 1* 5-2413 39-1964 6 18 10J 28.2744 211-4472 2 8 8 4} 6-5850 41-7668 6 8 !'. 7'. 80-6796 229-4342 2 9 8 7 5-9395 44-4179 6 6 20 4j 33-1831 248-1564 2 10 8 109 6-3049 47-1505 6 9 21 2f 36-7847 267-6122 2 11 9 l} 6-6813 49-9654 3 3 1 8 2 9 6 9 8} 9 11 7-0686 7-4666 7-8757 62-8618 65-8382 68-8976 7 7 8 7 6 7 9 21 11| 22 9} 23 6J 24 4} 38-4846 41-2825 44-1787 47-1730 287-8032 308-7270 820-3859 I6S-76CI 3 3 10 2, 8-2957 62-0386 3 4 10 6 8-7265 65-2602 8 25 1J 60-2656 875-9062 3 5 10 8 9-1683 68-5198 8 8 25 11 63-4562 399-7668 3 6 10 11 9-6211 73-1504 8 6 _"; s* 56-7451 424-3625 8 7 11 3 10-0846 75-4166 8 9 27 5 60-1321 449-2118 3 8 11 6J 10-5591 78-9652 3 9 'I 91 Vl 1-0446 82-5959 9 28 81 63-6174 476-7MI 3 10 12 54 11-5409 86-3074 9 8 29 Of (7-9007 502-5536 3 11 12 3| 12-0481 90-1004 9 6 _". i<>: 70-8823 630-0861 9 9 30 7* 74-6620 558-3522 4 12 63 12-5664 93-9754 1 12 9i 13-095'J 97-9310 2 13 1 13-6353 101-9701 10 31 5 78-5400 587-3534 3 13 4 14-1862 103-0300 10 8 52 2 2 82-6160 617-0876 4 13 7| 14-7479 110-2907 10 6 32 11J 86-5903 G47-55G8 6 13 10J 15-3206 114-5735 10 9 33 9| 90-7627 678-2797 DIAMETERS, ETC., OF CIRCLES. 31 Diain. Cire. V rt-.i in li (iall-ns. 1 ft. depth. 710-6977 748*8686 77G-774l> 810-9143 Diain. Circ. Area in ft. Gallons. Ft In. 11 11 3 11 6 11 9 Ft In. 34 G 35 4j M i M 104 '...Vu;.:i 99-4021 103-8691 108-4342 Ft. In. _'l 21 8 21 6 21 9 Ft In. 65 111 66 9 67 6A 68 8j 346-8614 354-6571 363-0611 371-5432 i n.iii-|ith. Jo'.MI-2-.".lO 2052-2532 2716-0413 2778-6486 12 12 8 12 6 12 9 37 8f :s H 39 8l l) (i. 18497I 117*6690 rji!-71*7 127-6765 848-1890 B81-89M 917*7896 '.'.,1-1 . 22 22 8 22 6 22 9 69 14 69 10| 70 81 71 6} 3801336 186*8290 197*6067 406-4935 28427910 2907-7GG4 1978^889 3039-9209 13 13 3 13 6 13 9 40 10 41 7i 42 4j 43 2| 182*7881 187*8861 143-1391 148-4890 992-6274 1031-1719 1070-4614 1108-0045 28 23 8 28 6 23 9 72 8 73 OA 73 9J 74 7i 415-4766 424-5677 188*7871 443.0146 3107-1001 3176-0122 (848*6696 018-0406 14 14 3 14 6 14 9 43 11} ti M 46 6| 46 4 163-9384 169-4863 165-1303 170-8736 1161-2129 L192-6940 1234-9104 1277-8616 24 24 8 Jl 24 9 76 4| 76 2| 76 llj 77 9 168*8904 481*1088 3383.1568 1464*0061 1626-6929 8597.9068 II 15 8 15 6 15 9 47 11 17 In; I s 81 I'.i :.. 176-7150 1--J i;.vr 188*699 I'.-i B8BJ 1321-6454 ]:: V'.<.,::i 1407-6165 117. .,.:_ 26 26 8 18 25 9 78 6| 7'.' M 80 11 80 10^ 490-8750 500-7415 ')10-7(Mi3 5207692 70^696 3744-7462 3894-6208 16 16 3 n; 16 9 50 8} 51 51 10 52 7{ 201-OC24 207-394G 213-82'>1 1608-6250 1660*9791 1599-069G 1047-8930 26 M : 26 6 20 9 81 8J 82 6J 83 8 84 Oj 630-9304 641-1896 651-5471 662-0027 8970-5098 KM7-8883 4124 6898 18084610 17 17 3 17 6 17 9 53 U 54 2j 64 11 j 56 9j 2964801 233-7055 240-5287 247-4500 1697-4616 1747-7431 1798-7698 1850-6301 27 27 8 27 6 _: c . 84 91 85 8] 86 41 87 2J 572-6566 U8-806I 598-9687 604-8070 4281-8072 1861*4664 1441*8607 4622-9886 18 18 3 18 6 18 9 56 6) 57 4 58 If 68 10J 2o4-4G9( 261-6872 268-8031 276-1171 1908*0864 1966*2687 2010-2171 2064-9140 28 28 3 28 6 28 9 87 11; B8 9 89 6j 90 3= 615-7536 l2e-798S 637-9411 649-1821 4604-8517 1686-4876 4770-7787 4854-8434 19 19 8 19 6 19 9 59 8} 60 6| 61 8\ 62 Oj 288-6*94 291-0397 298*6481 :n.;. :;:.:,. 2120-3462 2176-5113 2233-2914 2291-0452 29 29 8 29 6 29 9 91 U 91 10| 92 8J 93 5i 660-5214 671-9587 188*4948 695-1280 4939-6432 6086*1769 5111-4487 5198-4451 20 20 3 20 6 20 9 62 9 314-1COO 63 1 322-0630 64 4f 330-0643 65 2JI388-1687 2349-4141 2408-5159 2468-3528 L'.-.:>-'.'i::;:: 30 30 3 30 6 30 9 94 21 95 Of 95 9| 96 7^ 706-86005286-1818 718-69005374-6512 730-61835463-8658 742-644715553-7940 32 CAPACITY OF CANS IN GALLONS. Capacity of Cans One Inch Deep. UTILITY OF THE TABLE. Required the contents of a vessel, diameter 6 7-lOtht inches, depth 10 inch -a? Ity ill.' table a vessel 1 inch deep and 6 and 7-lW/ur inches diameter contains 15 (hundmlllis) of a gallon, then -15 X 10= I'M or 1 gallon and 2 quarto. Required the contents of a can, diameter 19 8-lUfAt inches, depth 30 inches? l:y the tahle a vessel 1 inch deep anil 1'J and &-10/A* inches diameter contain! 1 eallon and -X\ ihundredthsi, then I'.'B X 30 = 30-90 or nearly 40 gallons. K.-qniri-il tli.' id pth of a can whose diameter is 12 and 2-10TA* inches, to con- tain 16 gallons. By the table a vessel 1 inch deep and 12 and 2-10/A* inches diameter contains 60 (hundredth*) of a gallon, then 16 -=-) = 32 inches, the depth required, vix. : 50 ) 16 ( 32 X 'SO =.16 gallons! Itai A A A A A A A ,. A :> 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 -06 4 05 05 05 05 06 06 07 07 07 08 5 08 08 08 09 09 10 10 11 11 11 6 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 7 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 8 21 22 -2-2 23 23 24 25 25 26 26 9 27 28 28 29 30 30 31 11 32 33 10 34 34 3f> 36 36 37 38 38 39 40 11 41 41 4-J 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 12 48 49 50 51 52 53 53 54 55 56 13 57 58 59 60 60 61 62 63 64 65 14 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 15 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 16 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 95 97 17 98 99 1-005 1-017 1-028 1-040 1*051 1-063 1-075 1-086 18 1-101 1-113 1*135 1.138 1-150 1-162 1-17") 1*187 1-200 1-211 19 1-227 1-240 1-253 1-266 1-279 1*299 1-.S04 1-317 1-330 1-343 20 1-360 1-373 1-385 1-400 1-414 1-428 1-411 1-478 1-482 21 1-499 1-513 1-527 1-542 1-556 1-570 1-585 1-600 1-612 1-630 2'2 1-645 1-660 1-075 MM 1-705 1*720 1-750 1-770 1-780 23 1-798 1-M4 1-830 1-845 1-861 1-876 1-892 1-908 1*928 1-940 24 1-958 1-974 1-991 2-007 2-040 2-056 2-072 row 2-105 26 2- 1 _'.-. 2*149 2-159 2-176 2-193 2-210 2-227 2-244 2-261 2-280 26 2*298 2-316 -:;:;:; :':.-. l 2*386 2*4M 2-422 2-440 2-460 27 LM7S 2-515 2-533 2-588 2-607 me 2-643 28 2-665 2-684 2-703 2-722 2-741 -.'-7i;4 2-780 2-800 2*886 29 2-859 2-879 2-898 2-918 2-938 2*968 2-977 2-997 3-017 S-036 30 3-060 3-080 3-100 3-121 3-141 3-162 3-182 3-202 8*828 3-245 31 3-267 8-288 3-309 3-330 3-351 3-372 3-393 ;<-4H 3-436 3-457 32 3-481 3-503 3-524 5-543 3-568 3-690 3-612 3-633 3-655 8-689 S3 3-702 3-725 3-747 3-773 3-795 3-814 3-837 3-860 8*889 3-904 34 3-930 3-953 3-976 4-003 4-022 4*046 1*070 4-092 4-115 4-140 35 4-165 4-188 4-212 4-236 4*260 4-331 4-355 4-380 36 4-406 4-430 4-4,55 4*483 4*609 4-577 4*609 4-626 37 4-654 4-679 4-704 4-730 4-755 4-7- 4-834 4*865 4-880 38 4*909 4*935 4-961 5-012 5-120 ."14L 1 39 5-171 5-197 r.-L'-j-i o-ir.0 5-904 5*330 5-357 5-383 5-410 40 5-440 5-467 5-491 5-521 5-548 5-576 6r03 5-630 5-657 5-684 DEFINITION OP ARITHMETICAL SIGNS. 33 Definition of Arithmetical Signs used in the Work. = When we wish to state that one quantity or number is equal to another quantity or number, the sign of equality = is employed. Thus 8 added to 2 = 6, or 8 added to 2 is equal to 5. -f- When the sum of two quantities or numbers is to be taken, the sign plus -j- is placed between them. Thus 3 -f 2 = 6, that is, the sum of 3 and 2 is 5. This is the sign of Addition. When the difference of two numbers or quantities is to be taken, the sign mi nut is used, and shows that the latter number or quantity is to be taken from the former. Thus 6 2 = 8. This is the sign of Subtraction. X When the product of any two numbers or quantities is to be taken, the sign into x is placed between them. Thus 8 X 2 a* 6. This is the sign of Multiplication. -7- When we are to take the quotient of two quantities, the sign by -T- is placed between them, and shows that the former is to be divided by the latter. Thus 6 -7- 2 = 8. This in the sign of Division. But in some cases in this work, the mode of division has been to place the dividend above a horizontal line, and the divisor below it, in the form of a vulgar fraction, thus : Dividend 6 = Quotient. - = 8. Divisor 2 When the square of any number or quantity is to be taken, this is denoted by placing a small figure 2 above it to the right. Thus 6 s shows that the square of 6 is to be taken, and therefore 6* = 6 X 6 = 36. When we wish to show that the square root of any number or quantity is to be taken, this is denoted by placing the radical sign y before it. Thus y/36 shows that the square root of 86 ought to be taken, hence )/86 = 6. The common marks of proportion are also used, yii., : : : : as 8 : 6 : : 4 : 8, being read 3 is to 6 as 4 is to 8. The application of these signs to the expression of rules is ex- ceedingly simple. Thus, connected with the circle we have the following rules: 1st. The circumference of a circle will be found by multiplying the diameter by 8-1416. 2d. The diameter of a circle may be found by dividing the cir- cumference by 3-1416. 3d. The area of a circle may be found by multiplying the half of the diameter by the half of the circumference, or by multiply- ing together the diameter and circumference, and dividing the product by 4, or by squaring the diameter, and multiplying by 34 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Now all these rules may be thus expressed: 1st. diameter X 3-1416 = circumference. circumference 2d ' 8-1416 diameter circumference 3d. X 2 = area. diameter X circumference or, 7 = area. or, diameter 2 X '7854 = area. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. T)RACTICAL Geometry is an important branch of knowledge _[ to all who are in any way engaged in the art of building. The workman, as well as the designer, requires its aid ; and unless he is acquainted with some of the leading principles of the science, he will frequently feel an uncertainty as to the results he may deduce from the problems which are presented to his notice. PROBLEM I. To inscribe an Equilateral Triangle within a given Circle. Let A B c be a circle ; it is required to draw within it a triangle whose sides are equal to one another. Commencing from any Fig. 30. point A, mark on the circumference of the circle a series of spaces equal to the radius of the circle, of which there will be six, and draw the arcs A D D B, etc. Then join every alternate point as A B, B c, c A, and the several lines will together form an equi- lateral triangle. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 35 PROBLEM II. Within a given Circle to inscribe a Square. Let A B o D be the given circle, it is required to draw a square within it. Draw the diameters A B, o D, at right angles to each Fig. 31, other; or, in other words, draw the diameter A B, and form a per- pendicular bisecting it. Then join the points A c, p B, B D, D A, and the figure A B c D is a square formed within a given circle. PROBLEM III. HUli in a given Circle to inscribe a regular Pentagon,- that it, a Polygon of five AMM. Let A B CD be a circle in which it is required to draw a pentagon. Draw a diameter A D, and perpendicular to it another diameter. Fig, 32, Then divide o B into two equal parts in the point B, and join o ; and with E as a centre, and the radius c E, draw the arc c r, cut- ting A o in F; and, with c as a centre, and the same radius, de- scribe the arc F o ; the arcs c F, o F intersect each other in the point F, and the arc o F intersects the circumference of the circle in the point o. Join the points c and o, and that line will be a side of the pentagon to be drawn. Mark off within the circum- ference the same space, and join the points A H, u i, i K, K c, and the figure that is formed is a pentagon. 36 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. PROBLEM IV. Within a given Circle to describe a regular Hexagon; that is to gay, a Polygon of six equal Sides. Let A B c be the given circle, and o the centre. With the radius of the circle divide it into parts, of which there will be six, and Fig. 33. connect the points A D, D B, etc., and the figure A D B E c v will be a regular hexagon. PROBLEM V. To cut of the Corners of a given Square, to as to form a regular Octagon. Let A B c D be the given square. Draw the two diagonal lines A c, and B D, crossing each other in o. Then, with the radius A o, that is, half the diagonal, and with A as a centre, describe the arc F, cutting the sides of the square in s and r ; then, from B Fig. 34. as a centre, describe the arc o H ; and in like manner from c and D describe the arcs I K and L M. Draw the lines L c, F i, n M, and K B, and these, with the parts of the given square o F, i H, M K, and E L, form the octagon required. PROBLEM VI. To divide a given Iiine into nut/ Utimber of Parts, which I'nrtu shall be in the same Proportion to rnrh otJtt r us t lit- Parts of some other given Iiine, whether those Parts are equal or unequal. Let A B be the given line which it is required to divide in ihe same manner and proportion as the line c D, whether the parts are PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 37 equal or unequal. On the base line c D, form an equilateral tri- angle in the manner already described in a former problem. Then take the distance A B, and with K us a centre, describe the arc r a, and join the points r and o, and F o shall be equal to A B. Now, Fig, 35. if from the points e I K, which are the divisions of the line c, we draw lines to E, as H K, I E, and K K, these lines will cut ro in the points n b c, which will divide the line r a into parts proportionate to the divisions of the line D. PROBLEM VII. On a ylvrn TAne to draw a Polygon of any \innbfr of Side*, o tlt.it th,- ,,,,e Bide of a Polygon ; or, in othrr trortto, t<> 1111,1 the Centre of a t'lrvle which xhull rtrrutnserlbe any JPoly- tftin, the Lenyth of the Side of tlm Polygon being givv*. We shall here show, in a tabular form, the length of the radius of a circle, which shall contain the given line, as a side of the required polygon; and here we will suppose the line to be divided into one thousand equal parts, and the radius into a certain number of like parts. The radius of the circle for different figures will be as follows : For an inscribed Triangle 677 Square 701 Pentagon 860 Hexagon 1000 I I <'}>t II ""nil ....... 1 152 Octagon 1306J Enneagon 1462 Decagon 1618 Endecagon 1776 Dodecagon 1932 By this table the workman may, with a simple proportion, find the radius of a circle which shall contain a polygon, one side being given : thus, if it be required to draw a pentagon, the side given being fifteen inches, we may say as 1000 is to 15, so is 850, the tabular number for a pentagon, to 12 inches and seventy-five hun- 38 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. dredth parts of an inch, or seven-tenths and a half of a tenth of an inch. \\ c may here give another table for the construction of polygons, one in which the radius of the circum.-criliin^ circle is given. If it be required to find the side of the inscribed polygon, the radius being one thousand parts, the sides of the different polygons will be according to the following scale : The Triangle 1732 Square 1414 Pentagon 1176 Hexagon 1000 Heptagon 867 J Octagon 765 Enneagon 684 Decagon 618 Endecagon 563J Dodecagon 517 \ Here, as in the case already mentioned, the law of proportion applies, and the statement may be thus made: as one thousand is to the number of inches contained in the radius of the given cir- cle, so is the tabular number for the required polygon to the length of one of its sides in inches. Thus, let it be supposed that we have a circle whose radius in inches is 30, and that we wish to inscribe an octagon within it; then say as 1000 is to 30 inches, so is 765 to "2'2 inches and 95-100 parts of an inch, the length of the side of the required octagon. Method of Drawing Curved Lines. We will now introduce a few remarks upon the method of draw- ing curved lines, and also give some rules for finding the forms of mouldings when they are to mitre together, that is to say, of raking mouldings, and of bevel work in general. It will also be necessary to make a few remarks upon the form of ribs for domes and groins, a knowledge of which is so necessary to the builder that without it the workman cannot correctly execute his task. It is hardly necessary to state, that all these mechanical operations are founded upon geometrical principles; and, unless he is ac- quainted with these, the workman cannot hope to succeed in his attempt to excel in his art, one which is necessary for the com- fort and convenience of all communities. PROBLEM VIII. To iJrnir tin Ellipsf irith tlif Jliitr and Cntnpn-aiira, the tranvme and cimjuyittr IHitim-ti-ra l-iny given; that ia, the length and width. Let A B be the transverse or longest diameter ; c i> the conjugate or shortest diameter ; and o the point of their intersection, that PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 39 is, the centre of the ellipse. Take the distance o c or o n; and, taking A as one point, mark that distance A E upon the line A o. Divide o E into three equal parts, and take from A F, a distance r, equal to one of those parts. Make o o equal to o F. With the radius r o, and v and o as centres, strike arcs which shall in- tersect each other in the points i and H. Then draw the lines H Fig. 36. j K, H o M, and i F i., i o N With T as a centre, and the radius A F, describe the arc L A K ; and, from a as a centre, with the name radius, describe the arc M N. With the radius H c, and H as a centre, describe the arc K o M ; and, from the point i, with the radius 1 1>, describe the arc L n M. The figure A c B D is an ellipse, formed of four arcs of circles. PROBLEM EX. To draw an Ellipse by mean* of two Co Fig. 37. Let A B be the transverse, and r. r the conjugate diameter, and the centre of an ellipse to be drawn. From o with the radius 40 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. o A, describe the circle A o B D, and from the same centre describe another circle o B H F. Divide the outer circle into any number of equal parts; the greater the number, the more exact will he the ellipse : and they should not be* less than twelve. From each of these divisions draw lines to the centre o, as a o, 6 o, e o. Then, from a, b, c, etc., draw lines perpendicular to A B, and from the corresponding points in the inner circle, that is, from the points marked 1, 2, 3, etc., draw lines parallel to A B. Draw a curve through the points where these lines intersect each other, and it will be an ellipse. In the diagram to which this demonstration refers, only one quarter of the ellipse is lettered, but the process described in re- lation to that must be carried round the circles, as is shown in the dotted and other lines. PROBLEM X. To describe an Ellipse by Means of a Carpenter's Square, or mpieoe ,,f notched Lath. Having drawn two lines to represent the diameters of the ellipse required, fasten the square so that the internal angle or meeting of the blade and stock shall be at the centre of the ellipse. Then take a piece of wood or a lath, and cut it to the length of half the longest diameter, and from one end cut out a piece equal to half the shortest diameter, and there will then be a piece remaining at one end equal to the difference of the half of the two diameters. Place this projecting piece of the lath in such a manner that it may rest against the square, on the ed^e which corresponds to the two diameters; then, turning it round horizontally, the two ends of the projection will slide along the two internal edges of the square, and if a pencil be fixed at the other end of the lath, it will describe one quarter of an ellipse. The square must then be moved for the successive quarters of the ellipse, and the whole figure will thus be easily formed. This method of forming an ellipse is a good substitute for the usual plan, and the figure thus produced is more accurate than that made by passing a pencil round a string moving upon two pins or nails fixed in the foci, for the string is apt to stretch, and the pencil cannot be guided with the accuracy required. There are many other methods of drawing ellipses, or more properly ovals, but we can only notice two of those in common use. 1. By ordinates, or lines drawn perpendicular to the axis. Having formed the two diameters, divide the axis, or larger diam- eter, into any number of equal parts, and erect lines perpendic- ular to the several points. Next draw a semicircle, and divide its diameter into the like number of equal parts; that is, if the larger diameter or axis of the intended ellipse be divided into twenty equal parts, then the semicircle must be divided into the like num- ber. As the diameter of the semicircle is equal to the shorter PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 41 diameter of the ellipse, or conjugate axis, perpendiculars may be railed from these divisions of the diameter, or the semicircle, till they meet the circumference; and the different perpendiculars, which are called ordinates, may be erected Uke perpendiculars, on the axis of ellipse. Joining the several points together, the ellipse is described ; and the more accurately the perpendiculars are formed, the more exact will be the ellipse. 2. By intersecting arches. Take any point in the axis, and with a radius equal to the distance of that point from one extremity of the axis, and with one of the foci as a centre, describe an arc ; then with the distance of the assumed point in the axis from the other end of it, and with the other focus as a centre, describe another arc intersecting the former, and the point of intersection will be a point in the ellipse. By assuming any number of points in the axis, any number of points on the curve may be found, and these united will give the ellipse. This process is founded on the prop- erty of the ellipse ; that if any two lines are drawn from the foci to any point in the curve, the length of these lines added together will be a constant quantity, that is, always the tame in the same ellipse. PROBLEM XI. To find the Centre and the two AJC* of an ftllpse. Lot A B c D be an ellipse, it is required to find its centre. Draw any two lines, as E r and o H, parallel and equal to each other. Fig. 38. Bisect these lines as in the points i and K, and bisect i K as in L. From L, as a centre, draw a circle cutting the ellipse in four points, 1, 2, 3, 4. Now L is the centre of the ellipse. But join the points 1, 3, and 2, 4; and bisect these lines as in M and N. Draw the line M N, and produce it to A and B, and it will be the transverse axis. Draw c D through L, and perpendicular to A B, and it will be the conjugate or shorter axis. 42 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. PROBLEM XII. Tixlrnw a flitt A // !>;/ tin in!, / *< -rlion <>/' J.iin-K, fuirintj the Open- I ny ,in,l Spring or lti*e i/inn. Let A D B be the opening, and c D its spring or rise. In the middle of A B, at D, erect a perpendicular u K, equal to twice c i>, its rise ; and from E draw E A and E B, and divide A E and B E into Fig. 39. D B any number or equal parts, as a, b, e, and 1, 2, 3. Join B a, 3 e, 2 b, and 1 A, and it will form the arch required. The more parts A E and B E are divided into, the greater will be the accuracy of the curve. M my curves maybe made in the same manner, according to the position of the lines A E and E B; and if instead of two lines drawn from A and B, meeting in E, a perpendicular be erected at the same points, and two lines be then drawn from the ends of these perpendiculars meeting in an angle, and these lines be divided into any number of equal parts, the points of the adjacent lines may be joined, and a curve will be formed resembling a Gothic arch. The demonstration already given is therefore very useful to the workman, as he may vary the form of the curve by altering the position of the lines, either with respect to the angles which they make with each other, or their proportional lengths. PROBLEM XIII. /< <>f a tl>l K'itll Fig. 40, To find the Form or Ctir t -ft Octagon 8 1-2071 I -_- 186 46 Nonagon.. . 9 1-8787 6-1818 140 40 Decagon... .. 10 1-6388 7-0049 144 86 Undecagon.. 11 1-TfJs 147 16^ B4* Dodecagon... 12 1-8660 11-1962 160 80 The tabular area of the corresponding polygon multiplied by the square of the side of the given polygon equals the area of the given polygon. Of Ellipses, Cones, Frustums, eto. 1. The square root of half the sum of the squares of the two diameters of an ellipse multiplied by 3-1416 equals its circum- ference. J. The product of the two axes of an tllipte multiplied by -7854 equals its area. 3. The curve surface of a cone is equal to half the product of the circumference of its base multiplied by its slant side, to which, if the area of the base be added, the sum is the whole surface. 4. The solidity of a cone equals one-third of the product of its base multiplied by its altitude or height. 5. The squares of the diameters of the two ends of i]\e frustum of a cone added to the product of the two diameters, and that sum multiplied by its height and by -2618, equals its solidity. 4 48 UTILITY OF THE SLIDE RULE. INSTRUMENTAL ARITHMETIC, OB UTILITY OF THE SLIDE RULE. The slide rule is an instrument by which the greater portion of operations in arithmetic and mensuration may be advanta- geously performed, provided the lines of division and gauge-]. oinis be made properly correct, and their several values familiarly understood. The lines of division are distinguished by the letters A B c n; A B and c being each divided alike, and containing what is a double radius, or double series of logarithmic numbers, each series being supposed to be divided into 1000 equal parts, and distributed along the radius in the following manner : From 1 to 2 contains 301 of those parts, being the log. of 2. 177 " " 8. 4 602 " " 4. 6 699 " " 6. 778 " " 6. 845 " " 7. 903 " ' 8. 954 " 9. 1000 being the whole number. The line D on the improved rules consists of only a single radius ; and although of larger radius, the logarithmic series is the same, and disposed of along the line in a similar proportion, forming exactly a line of square roots to the numbers on the lines B c. Numeration. Numeration teaches us to estimate or properly value the num- bers and divisions on the rule in an arithmetical form. Their values are all entirely governed by the value set upon the first figure, and being decimally reckoned, advance tenfold from the commencement to the termination of each radius: thus, suppose 1 at the joint be one, the 1 in the middle of the rule is ten, and 1 at the end, one hundred ; again, suppose 1 at the joint ten, 1 in the middle is 100, and 1 or 10 at the end is 1000, etc., the intermediate divisions on which complete the whole system of its notation. To Multiply Numbers by the Rule. Set 1 on B opposite to the multiplier on A ; and against the number to be multiplied on B is the product on A. Multiply 6 by 4. Set 1 on B to 4 on A ; and against 6 on B is 24 on A. UTILITY OP THE SLIDE BULE. 49 The slide thus set, against 7 on u is 28 on A. 82 86 40 48 60 100 etc. To Divide Numbers upon the Rale. Set the divisor on B to 1 on A; and against the number to be divided on B is the quotient on A. Divide 63 by 8. Set 8 on B to 1 on A ; and against 68 on B is 21 on A. Proportion, or Rule of Three Direct. HULK. Set the first term on B to the second on A; and against the third upon B is the fourth upon A. 1. If 4 yards of cloth cost 88 cents, what will 80 yards cost at the same rate ? Set 4 on B to 88 on A ; and against 80 on B is 286 cents on A. 2. Suppose I pay 81 dollars 60 cents for 8 cwt. of copper, at what rate is that per ton ? 1 ton = 20 net. Set 8 upon B to 81.5 upon A ; and against 20 upon B is 210 upon A. Rule of Three Inverse. RULK. Invert the slide, and the operation is the same as direct proportion. 1. I know that six men are capable of performing a certain given portion of work in eight days, but I want the same per- formed in three ; how many men must there be employed ? Set 6 upon c to 8 upon A; and against 8 upon o is 16 upon A. 2. The lever of a safety-valve is 20 inches in length, and 5 inches between the fixed end and centre of the valve; what weight must there be placed on the end of the lever to equipoise a force or pressure of 40 Ibs. tending to raise the valve ? Set 5 upon c to 40 upon A ; and against 20 upon c is 10 upon A. 8. If 8} yards of cloth, 1} yard in width, be a sufficient quantity, how much will be required of that which is only Jths in width, to effect the same purpose ? Set 1-5 upon c to 8'75 upon A; and against 8-75 upon c is 15 yards upon A. Square and Cube Roots of Numbers. On the engineer's rule, when the lines c and n are equal at both ends, c is a table of squares, and D a table of roots, as Squares 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 on c. Roots 128 4 5 6 7 8 9 on D. 50 UTILITY OP THE SLIDE RULE. To find the Geometrical mean Proportion between two Numbers. Set one of the numbers upon c to the same number upon D ; and against the other number upon c is the mean number or side of an equal square upon D. Required the mean proportion between 20 and 45. Set 20 upon o to 20 upon D ; and against 45 upon c is 30 upon D. To cube any number, set the number upon c to 1 or 10 upon D; and against the same number upon D is the cube number upon o. Required the cube of 4. Set 4 upon c to 1 or 10 upon D ; and against 4 upon D is 64 upon c. To extract the cube root of any number, invert the slide, and Bet the number upon B to 1 or 10 upon D; and where two numbers of equal value coincide on the lines B D, is the root of the given number. Required the cube root of 64. Set 64 upon B to 1 or 10 upon D ; and against 4 upon B is 4 upon D, or root of the given number. On the common rule, when 1 in the middle of the line c is set opposite to 10 on D, then c is a table of squares, and D a table of roots. To cube any number by this rule, set the number upon c to 10 upon D ; and against the same number upon D is the cube upon o. Mensuration of Surface. 1. Square*, Rectangle*, etc. RULB. When the length is given in feet and the breadth in inches, set the breadth on B to 12 on A; and against the length on A is the content in square feet on B. If the dimensions are all inches, set the breadth on B to 144 upon A ; and against the length upon A is the number of square feet on B. Required the content of aboard 15 inches broad and 14 feet long. Set 15 upon B to 12 upon A; and against 14 upon A is 17*6 square feet on B. 2. Circles, Polygons, etc. RULE. Set -7854 upon c to 1 or 10 upon D; then will the lines c and D be a table of areas and diameters. Areas 3-14 7-06 12-56 19-63 28-27 38-48 50-26 63-61 upon o. Diam. 23456789 upon D. In the common rule, set -7854 on c to 10 on D; then c is a line or table of areas, and D of diameters, as before. Set 7 upon B to 22 upon A ; then B and A form or become a table of diameters and circumferences of circles. Cir. 8-14 6-28 9-42 12-56 15-7 18-85 22 25-13 28-27 upon A. Dia. 123 4 56 78 9 upon B. UTILITY OF THE SLIDE RULE. 51 Polygons from 3 to 12 tides. Set the gauge-point upon o to 1 or 10 upon i> ; and against the length of one aide upon D is the area upon o. Sides 8 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. Gauge-points -438 1-7 2-6 8-63 4-82 6-18 7-69 9-87 11-17. Required the area of an equilateral triangle, each side 12 inches in length. Set -433 upon o to 1 upon D; and against 12 upon D are 62-5 square inches upon c. Table of Gauge-Points for the Engineer's Role. NAMI- F, V, V. F, i, i. i, i, i. T, L 1,1. F. L Cubic inches.. 678 83 1728 106 1273 106 121 Cubic feet 1 144 1 1838 22 121 88 Imp. gallons.. LM 231 277 294 363 806 629 Water in Ibs. 16 23 276 298 362 806 628 Gold 814 1176 141 149 178 166 269 Biker " 15 216 261 276 834 286 6 Mercury " 118 169 m 216 268 226 889 Brass 193 177 838 864 424 369 687 Copper 18 26 819 331 897 846 696 Lead ' 141 m 243 268 81 27 IM Wro't iron ' 207 297 867 838 468 894 682 Cast iron ' 222 82 884 407 489 424 788 Tin 219 816 878 401 481 419 728 Steel 202 Ml 862 872 448 885 671 Coal 127 183 22 88 28 242 42 Marble " 691 86 102 116 18 113 196 Freestone " 632 916 11 1162 14 141 21 For the Common Slide Rule. NAMES. F, F, F. F.I, I. i, i, i. 1 F, I. I.L F. i. Cubic inches.. 36 618 624 ! 660 799 625 118 Cubic feet 625 9. 108 114 138 119 206 Water in Ibs. 10 144 174 184 22 191 829 Gold 607 736 88 > 96 118 939 180 Silver 938 136 167 178 208 173 864 Mercury ' 738 122 127 132 162 141 242 Brass ' 12 174 207 221 266 23 897 Copper " 112 168 196 207 247 214 871 Lead 880 126 162 162 194 169 289 Wro't iron " 129 186 222 236 288 247 423 Cast iron " 139 2 241 254 804 265 458 Tin 137 136 235 25 300 261 454 Steel 136 183 22 233 278 239 418 Coal 796 114 138 146 176 161 262 Marble 370 63 687 725 81 72 121 Freestone " 394 67 69 728 873 755 132 52 UTILITY OF THE SLIDE RULE. Mensuration of Solidity and Capacity. GENERAL RULE. Set the length upon u to the gauge-point upon A; and against the side of the square, or diameter ou D, are the cubic contents, or weight in Ibs. on c. 1. Required the cubic contents of a tree 30 feet in length, and 10 inches quarter girt. Set 30 upon u to 144 (the gauge-point) upon A ; and against 10 upon D is 20-75 feet upon c. 2. In a cylinder 9 inches in length, and 7 inches diameter, bow many cubic inches? Set 9 upon u to 1273 (the gauge-point) upon A; and against 7 on D is 346 inches on c. 8. What is the weight of a bar of cast iron 3 in. square and 6 ft. long ? Set 6 upon B to 32 (the gauge-point) upon A; and against 3 upon D is 108 pounds upon o. BY THE COMMON RULE. 4. Required the weight of s cylinder of wrought iron 10 inches long and 6} diameter. Set 10 upon B to 283 (the gauge-point) upon A; and against 5} upon D is 66-65 pounds on c. 5. What is the weight of a dry rope 25 yards long and 4 inches circumference ? Set 25 upon B to 47 (the gauge-point) upon A; and against 4 on D is 53-16 pounds on c. 6. What is the weight of a short-linked chain 30 yards in length, and -j^ of an inch in diameter ? Set 30 upon B to 52 (the gauge-point) upon A ; and against fl on D is 129-5 pounds on o. Power of Steam Engines. Condensing Engines. RULE. Set 3-5 on c to 10 on D; then D is a line of diameters for cylinders, and o the corresponding number of horses' power; thus, H. Pr. 3$ 4668 10 12 16 20 25 80 40 50 on c. C. D. 10 in. 10J 12 18} 15* 17 18J 21$ 24 2f.f 29$ 33| 37f on D. The same is effected on the common rule by setting 5 on c to 12 on D. Non-condensing Engines. RULE. Set the pressure of steam in pounds per square inch on B to 4 upon A; and against the cylin- der's diameter on D is the number of horses' power upon c. Required the power of an engine, when the cylinder is 20 inches diameter and steam 30 pounds per square inch. Set 30 on B to 4 on A ; and against 20 on D is 30 horses' power on o. The same is effected on the common rule by setting the force of the steam on B to 250 on A. Of Engine Boilers. How many superficial feet are contained in a boiler 23 feet in length and 5$ feet in width ? STEAM-ENGINE HORSE POWER. 53 Set 1 on B to 28 on A ; and against 5 -6 npon B is 126*6 square feet upon A. If 5 square feet of boiler surface be sufficient for each horse- power, how many horses' power of engine is the boiler equal to? Set 5 upon B to 126'5 upon A ; and against 1 upon B is 25-5 npon A. Horse Power. As this is the universal term used to express the capability of first movers, of magnitude, it is essential that the estimate of it should be uniform. Its estimate is the elevation of 88,000 pounds avoirdupois one foot in height in one minute, and it is designated as being Nomi- nal, Indicated, or Actual. The first designation being adopted and referred to by Manu- facturers of steam-engines in order to express the capacity of an engine, the elements thereof being confined to the dimensions of the steam cylinder, and a conventional pressure of steam and speed of piston ; the second to designate the full capacity of an engine, as developed in operation, without any deduction for friction ; and the last referring to its actual power as developed by its operation, involving the elements of the mean pressure upon the piston, its velocity, and a just deduction for the friction of the operation of the machine. In reviewing the various modes for the computation as submitted by Engineers and Manufacturers, there is no proper formula that presents the essential element of being in conformity with any other, and as conformity in a rule for this purpose, if based upon an assimilation to the capacity of an engine, is all that is requisite, it would have been preferable to have adopted an existing formula to the introduction of a new one, had it been practicable to have done so. It occurs, further, that there is not only a want of con- formity in the various rules essayed by authors, but they have neither reached the cases of both condensing and non-condensing engines, nor have they properly approached to the actual power of an engine ; and as the practice of operating engines since the adop- tion of exist ing formula; has materially altered, both in an increase of pressure and velocity of piston, the following rules are submitted. Nominal Horse's Power. CONDENSING ENGINE. tP V - - = horte't power ; d representing diam. of cylinder in inches, and i ) : v tf. e velocity of the piston in feet per minute. This is alike to the rule of the British Admiralty, substituting 3(X'0 for 0000, and it is based upon a uniform steam pressure of 10 bs. per square inch (steam gauge, or above the pressure of the atmosphere), cut off at one-half the stroke, deducting one-fifth* * The friction and losses in a marine engine may be taken at 1-5 to 2 IDS. per squ iiv inch for working the engine, and 5 to 7}^ per cent, upon the remainder for the friction of the load. 54 STEAM ENGINE HORSE POWER. for friction and losses, with a mean velocity of piston of 250 feet per minute for an engine of long stroke, and of 2UO feet for one of short stroke. The rule of the British Admiralty is based upon a uniform and effective pressure of 7 Ibs. per square inch at full stroke, and a mean velocity of piston of 205 feet per minute: viz., 170 feet for a stroke of 2-5 feet, and 240 feet for a stroke of 8 feet. NON-CONDENSING ENGINE. This is based upon a uniform steam pressure of 60 Ibs. per square inch (steam gauge), cut off at one-half the stroke, deduct- ing one sixth for Inctiou and losses, with a mean velocity of pis- ton of 250 feet per second. Nominal Horse Power of several Non-condensing Engines. ; 28 66 26 28-7 10 3-6 41 81-7 16 6-5 29 274-4 28 7- 25 2&8 10 4- 86 82-9 16 6- 27 270-fi 28 7-5 23 32-9 11 2- 70 99-1 18 4-5 84 276-8 28 8- 22 33-3 11 2-5 65 103-7 18 6- 82 279-9 28 8-5 21 33.4 11 3- 46 103-4 18 5-5 29 304-2 30 6-6 26 33.9 11 3-5 40 105- 18 6- 27 816- 80 7- 26 34-9 11 4. 36 128. 20 6- 82 324- 30 7-5 24 39-2 12 2- 68 127.6 20 5-5 29 331-2 30 8- 23 89-6 12 2-5 65 129.6 20 6- 27 (864 30 8-5 22 40-6 12 3- 47 130- 20 6-5 25 M0*2 30 9- 21 41-3 12 3-5 41 134-4 20 7- 24 359-1 30 9-6 21 41-5 12 4. 36 164-9 > 5- '2 360- 30 10 20 STEAM. 55 Indicated Horse Power. This is the gross power exerted by an engine, without any de- duction for friction, the mean pressure upon the piston being determined by an Indicator, or by a computation based upon the actual initial pressure in the cylinder. Mixture of Air and Steam. Water contains a portion of air or other uncondensable gaseous matter, and wh'en it is converted into steam, this air is mixed with it, and when the steam is condensed it is left in a gaseous state. If means were not taken to remove this air or gaseous matter from the condenser of a steam-engine, it would fill it and the cylinder, and obstruct their operation ; but, notwithstanding the ordinary means of removing it (by the air-pump), a certain quantity of it always remains in the condenser. 20 volumes of water absorb 1 volume of air. Steam Aoting Expansively. To Compute the mean Prfnurf> of Strain wpon a Pifton fry //>//.. r- bolie Logarithm*. RULE. Divide the length of the stroke of a piston, added to the clearance in the cylinder at one end, by the length of the stroke at which the steam is cut off, added to the clearance at that end, and the quotient will express the relative expansion of the steam or number. Find in the table the logarithm of the number nearest to that of the quotient, to which add 1. The sum is the ratio of the gain. Multiply the ratio thus obtained by the pressure of the steam (including the atmosphere) at it enters the cylinder, divide the pro- duct by the relative expansion, and the quotient will give the mean pressure required. 56 STEAM. Table of Hyperbolic Logarithms. N... Log- No. Log. No. Log. No. Log. No. Log. 1-05 049 2.65 '.'7.-, 4-25 447 6-8 768 7-4 2-001 1-1 095 2-66 978 4-8 469 686 766 7-45 2-008 1-16 14 2-7 4-83 465 6-9 775 7-6 2015 1-2 182 2-75 1-012 4-35 47 5-95 788 7-55 INi-J-J 1-25 228 2-8 1-03 4-4 482 6- 792 7-6 2-0^8 1-8 262 2-85 1-047 4-45 498 6-06 8 7-66 1-33 286 2-9 1-066 4-5 604 6-1 808 7-60 2-080 1-35 3 2-95 1-082 4-65 516 6-15 816 7-7 2-043 1-4 836 8- 1-099 4-6 1-526 6-2 824 7-75 2-048 1-46 872 3-05 1-115 146 1-537 6-26 833 7-8 2-064 1-6 405 8-1 1-181 4-66 1-54 63 841 7-86 2061 1-65 438 8-15 1-147 4-7 1-648 6-33 846 7-9 8-067 1-6 47 8-2 1-168 4-76 1-658 6-85 848 7-95 2-<>78 1-65 5 3-25 1-179 4-8 1-569 6-4 856 8- 2-079 1-66 506 8-3 1-194 4-86 1 -679 6-46 864 1-7 531 8'33 1-202 4-9 1-689 6-6 878 8-1 2-092 1-75 56 3-35 1-209 4-95 699 6-66 1-879 8-15 2-098 1-8 588 3-4 1-224 6- 609 6-6 L-887 8-2 2-104 1-86 612 3-45 1 218 5-05 619 6-66 1-895 8-26 2-11 1-9 642 8-6 L-268 5-1 629 6-66 1-896 8-8 2-116 1-95 668 8-55 l-L'.T 6-15 639 6-7 1-902 8-33 2 119 2- 693 36 I-2S1 5-2 649 6-76 1-91 8-36 2-122 2-05 718 3-66 1*296 5-25 668 6-8 1-917 8-4 2-128 2-1 742 866 i _.: 5-3 668 686 1-924 8-45 2-134 2-16 766 3-7 1.806 5-33 673 6-9 1-981 8-5 2-14 2-2 788 376 1 -:VJU 6-35 677 6-95 1-989 8-66 2-146 2-25 811 3-8 ].::.::, 6-4 7- 8-6 2-162 2-8 838 8-85 1-348 6-45 -.;;,.; 7^6 1-953 8-65 2-158 2-38 845 8-9 1-861 6-5 7-1 1-96 --..., 2-159 2-35 854 3-95 1-874 6-65 7U 7-15 8-7 2-163 24 875 4- 1-386 5-6 728 7-2 1-974 876 2-169 2-45 405 1-399 5-65 732 7-25 L-981 8-8 2-176 2-5 916 4-1 1-411 5-66 733 7-3 1-988 8-86 2-18 2-55 936 4-15 1-423 6-7 74 7-33 1-991 8-9 2-186 2-6 966 4-2 1-435 6-76 749 7-35 1-996 8-95 2-192 NOTE. The Hyp. Log of any number not in the table may be found by multiplying a common log. by 2-302685053, usually by 28. Example. Assume steam to enter a cylinder at a pressure of 34-7 Ibs. per square inch, and to be cut off at J the length of the stroke of the piston, the stroke being 10 feet ; what will be the mean pressure? 10 feet -)- -5 for clearance = 120 5 in*., stroke 10 -i- 4 -f -5 for clearance = 30-5 in*. Then 120-6 -f- 30-5 =8-95, the relative expantion. Log. of number 3-95 = 1-374, which + 1 = 2-374. ?^X^ = 82 S _8 =20 . 866 ^ STEAM. 57 When the Relative Expansion or Number fall* between two numbers in the Table, proceed as follows: Take the difference between the logs, of the two numbers. Then, as the difference between the numbers is to the difference between these logs., so is the excess of the expansion over the least number, which, added to the least log., will give the log. required. ILLUSTRATION. The expansion is 4*84, the logs, for 4-8 and 4-85 are 1 5G9 and 1-579, and their difference -01. Hence, as 4-85 oo 4-8 = -05 : 1-679 co 1-669 = -01 : : 4-84 4-8 =-04 : -008, and 1-669 + -008 = 1-677 = the log. required. Effect of Expansion with Equal Volumes of Steam. The theoretical economy of using steam expansively is as fol- lows a like volume of steam being expended in each case, and expanded to fill the increased spaces. Point Kipanilon Number. & O.in per Cent. .:. i- m Point of Culling Off. v=^ ! ..'":. ofSlMB. E& 1 ID- 8-802 280- 6 2- 69a 69-8 125 S' 8-079 208- 6 1-66 507 60-7 166 6- 2-791 179- 626 16 47 47- 2 6. 2*008 161- 60Q 1-6 406 40-5 26 4- 2-886 139- 7 1-42 861 86-1 3 8-33 2-208 120- 76 1-88 286 22-8 :::;:', 8- MM 110- 8 1-26 a ; 20-6 876 J.'V, 1-978 97-8 875 1-148 131 18-1 4 2-5 1-916 91-6 9 1-11 104 10-4 In this illustration, no deductions are made for a reduction of the temperature of the steam while expanding or for loss by back pressure. The same relative advantage follows in expansion as above given, whatever may be the initial pressure of the steam. Gain in Fuel, and Initial Pressure of Steam required, when acting Expansively, compared with Non-Ex- pansion or Full Stroke. Point of Cutting Off. Gain in FueL Initial Pressure Required. Pointof Cutting Off. Gain in FueL Initial Pressure Required. Cutting Off. Full Stroke. CutUng Lbs. 1-32 1-67 2-6 Full Stroke. Lbe. 1- 1- 1- Stroke. PerCent 11-7 22-4 82- 41- Lbs. 1-01 1-03 1-09 1-18 Lbe. 1- 1- 1- Btnfct Percent. 49-6 68-2 67-6 58 STEAM ENGINE SLIDE-VALVES The* Relative Effect of Steam during Expansion is obtained from the preceding rule. The Mechanical Effect of Steam in a cylinder is the product of the mean pressure in Ibs., and the distance through which it has passed in feet. The Pressure at the End of a Stroke, or at any Given Point of the Stroke, is obtained by dividing the initial pressure by the portion of the stroke performed when the steam is cut off. Slide- Valve*. All Dimensions in Inches. To Compute, how much Lap mtwt be given on the Steam Side of a Sliili: >/.- ILLUSTRATION. Take the elements of the preceding case. Under is -204, and -204 X 16 == 3-264 inches lap. When the Valve is to have Lead. Subtract half the pro- posed lead from the lap ascertained by the table, and the remainder will be the proper lap to give to the valve. If, therefore, as in the last case, the valve was to have 2 inches lead, then 2 -j- 2 3-264 = 2-264 inchet. STEAM ENGINE SLIDE-VALVES. 59 Portion of the Stroke of a Piston at which the Exhaust- ing Port is closed and opened. Lap on the Exhautt Side of the Valoe in Partt of it throw. Lap. Portion of Stroke at which the Steam is cat off i A i A i i A A A 178 161 148 126 109 3, which x <0, the length of the stroke = 3-18 inches; ami under j in table B, oppo- site to jV, ia -033, which X '>" = I'-' 8 inehet. If the lap on the exhaust side of this valve wan increased, the effect would be to cause the port in advance of the vnlve to be closed sooner, and the port behind it opened later. And if the lap on the exhaust side was removed entirely, the port in advance of the piston would be shut, and the one behind it open, at the same time. The lap on the steam side should always be greater than that on the exhaust side, and the difference greater the higher the Telocity of the piston. In fast-running engines alike to locomotives, it is necessary to open the exhaust valve before the end of the stroke of the piston, in order to give more time for the escape of the steam. To Ancertaln the Breadth of the forts. Half the throw of the valve should be at least equal to the lap on the steam side, added to the breadth of the port. If this 60 STEAM ENGINE SLIDE-VALVES. breadth does not give the required area of port, the throw of the valve must be increased until the required area is attained. To Compute the Stroke of a Slide-ruin: RULE. To twice the lap add twice the width of a steam port in inches, and the sum will give the stroke required. Expansion by lap, with a slide-valve operated by an eccentric alone, cannot be extended beyond of the stroke of a piston without interfering with the efficient operation of the valve; with a link motion, however, this distortion of the valve is soiiu-wliut compensated. When the lap is increased, the throw of the eccen- tric should also be increased. When low expansion is required, a cut-off valve should be re- sorted to in addition to the main valve. To Compute the Lap and Lead of Locomotive Valve*. 32 t = lap in inches, and -07 t = lead in inchu; t reprctenting the ttroke of the valve. Giffard's Injector. Maximum Temperature of the Feed-water Admistible at different Pret- turet of Steam. Pressure per square inch... Temperature of feed Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lba. Lba. 10 20 30 40 60 100 148 138 130 124 120 110 The capacities of injectors are denoted by the diameters of their throats in millimetres; thus No. 4 has a diameter of 4 millimetres = 4 X 'OS 9 * = -1S"6 inchet. The expenditure of steam increases with the proportionate pressure in the boiler. Raising the Safety-Valve of a Boiler will lessen the pres- sure by allowing the steam to escape from the boiler, thus permit- ting the water to rise up and come in contact with the over-heated iron, and probably cause an explosion. The Door and Damper should never be open at the same time, unless it is absolutely necessary, as the cold air, that would other- wise have to pass through the fire and become rarified, ru>lies through the open door above the fire, and impinges on the tube and crown-sheets, and has a tendency to contract the seams and caup them to lenk. Blowing out the Boiler under a high steam pressure, the change is so sudden that it has a tendency to contract the iron, and cause the boiler to leak. BELTS. 61 To heat Rooms, 1 square foot of steam-pipe surface is required for 80 cubic feet of space ; 1 cubic foot of boiler is required for 1500 cubio feet of space. One horse-power boiler is sufficient for 40,000 cubic feet of space. BELTS. The resistance of belts to slipping is independent of their breadth, consequently there is no advantage derived in increasing this di- mension beyond that which is necessary to enable the belt to re- sist the strain it is subjected to. The ratio of friction to pressure for belts over wood drums, is, for leather belts, when worn, -47 ; when new, -5 ; and when over turned cast-iron pulleys, -24 and *27. A leather belt will safely and continuously resist a strain of 850 Ibs. per square inch of section, and a section of -2 of a square inch will transmit the equivalent of a horse's power at a velocity of 1000 feet per minute over a wooden drum, and -4 of a square inch over a turned cast-iron pulley. A vulcanized India-rubber belt will sustain a greater stress than leather, added to which its resistance to slipping is from 50 to 85 per cent, greater. In high speed belting, the tension, or the breadth of the belt, should be increased, in order to prevent the belt from slipping. Long belts are more effective than short ones. To Compute the titreg* a Brit or Cord is capable of transmitting. 4 I . RULE. Multiply the value of C from the following Uble by the stress in pounds. Proportion of Arc mbraoed to the Cir- cumference of the Tain, of Coefficient C. Leather Belu. ConU Compute the Stress which is transmitted to a Belt or Cord. RULE. Divide the power ID pounds transmitted to the periphery of the pulley by the velocity of the surface of the drum. Example. A cast-iron pulley, 4 feet in diameter, driven by a power of four horses, makes 100 revolutions per minute ; what is the stress upon the belt? 33,000 X * = 132,000 Ibt. 1 foot per minute. 4 X 3-1416 X 100 = 1266-64 feet velocity. Then . = 105 Ibt. = difference of the stress upon the belt and ' the resistance of the under tide of it, = S, and S -f = P. P representing the stress transmitted by a belt, s the resistance of its under side, and P the sum of S -f- s, or the stress and resistance. ILLUSTRATION. What should be the resistance of the under side of a leather belt running over the semi-circumference of a cast- iron pulley, 1 foot in diameter, driven by a power of 200 Ibs. ? LIMES, CEMENTS, MORTARS, AND CONCRETES. Turkish Plaster, or Hydraulic Cement. 100 Ibs. fresh lime reduced to powder, 10 quarts linseed-oil, and 1 to 2 ounces cotton. Manipulate the lime, gradually mixing the oil and cotton, in a wooden vessel, until the mixture becomes of the consistency of bread-dough. Dry, and, when required for use, mix with linseed oil to the consistency of paste, and then lay on in coats. Water-pipes of clay or metal, joined or coated with it, resist the effect of humidity for very long periods. Exterior Plaster or Stucco. 1 volume of cement powder to 2 volumes of dry sand. In India, to the water for mixing the plaster is added 1 Ib. of sugar, or molasses, to 8 Imperial gallons of water, for the first coat; and for the second or finishing, 1 Ib. sugar to 2 gallons water. Powdered slaked lime and Smith's forge scales, mixed with blood in suitable proportions, make a moderate hydraulic mortar, which adheres well to masonry previously coated with boiled oil. The plaster should be applied in two coats laid on in one opera- tion, the first coat being thinner than the second. The second coat is applied upon the first while the latter is yet soft, The two coats should form one of about 1J inches in thickness, and when finished it should be kept moist for several days. This process may be modified by substituting for the first coat a wash of thick cream of pure cement, applied with a stiff brush just before the plaster is laid on. LIMES, CEMENTS, ETC. 63 When the cement is of too dark ft color for the desired shade, it may be mixed with white sand in whole or in part, or lime paste may be added until its volume equals that of the cement paste. Khorassar.or Turkish Mortar, used for the construction of buildings requiring great solidity, | powdered brick and tiles, } fine sifted lime. Mix with water to the required consistency, and lay on layers of 5 and inches in thickness between the courses of brick or stones. Interior Plastering. The mortars used for inside plastering are termed Coarse, Fine, Gauge or hard finish, and Stucco. Coarse Stuff. Common lime mortar, as made for brick masonry, with a small quantity of hair; or by volumes, lime paste (30 Ibs. lime) 1 part, sand 2 to UJ parts, hair $ part. When full time for hardening cannot be allowed, substitute from 15 to 20 per cent, of the lime by an equal proportion of hydraulic cement. For the second or brown coat the proportion of hair may be slightly diminished. Fine Stuff (lime putty). Lump lime slaked to a paste with a moderate volume of water, and afterward!' diluted to the consis- tency of cream, and then to harden by evaporation to the required consistency for working. In this state it is used for a slipped coat, and when mixed with sand or plaster of Paris, it is used tor l\n- titnlimy coat. Gauge Stuff, or Hard finish, is composed of from J to 4 volumes fine stuff and 1 volume plaster of Paris, in proportions regulated by the degree of rapidity required in hardening; for cornices, etc., the proporti6ns are equal volumes of each, fine stuff and plaster. Stucco is composed of from 3 to 4 volumes of white sand, to 1 volume of fine stuff, or lime putty. Scratch Coat. The first of three coats when laid upon laths, and is from \ to f of an inch in thickness. One-coat Work. Plastering in one coat without finish, either on masonry or laths that is, rendered or laid. Two-coat Work. Plastering in two coats is done either in a laying coat and set, or in a screed coat and set. The Screed coat is also termed a Floated coat. Laying the first coat in two-coat work is resorted loin common work instead of screed- ing, when the finished surface is not required to be exact to a straight- edge. It is laid in a coat of about j an inch in thickness. The laying coat, except for very common work, should be hand- floated. The firmness and tenacity of plastering is very much increased by hand-floating. Screeds are strips of mortar 6 to 8 inches in width, and of the required thickness of the first coat, applied to the angles of a room, or edge of a wall and parallelly, at intervals of 3 to 5 feet over the surface to be covered. When these have become sufficiently hard to withstand the pressure of a straight-edge, the inter-spaces be- tween the screeds should be filled out flush with them, so as to produce a continuous and straight, even surface. 5 64 LIMES, CEMENTS, ETC. Slipped Coat is the smoothing off of a brown coat with a small quantity of lime putty, mixed with 3 per cent, of white sand, BO as to make a comparatively even surface. This finish answers when the surface is to be finished in dis- temper, or paper. Hard Finish. Fine stuff applied with a trowel to the depth of about | of an inch. Estimate of Materials and Labor for 100 Square Yards of Lath and Plaster. Materials and Labor. :; i .,,-- ll..i 1 I -11,1-1.. Two Coats Slipped. Materials and Labor. SCoaU Hard rWO< ':it.< Lime 4 casks. 31 casks. White sand.. Nails 2i bush. 1 ; [I,, 13 Hs Plast. Paris- Laths Hair Sand I " 2000. 4 bush. 7 loads. 2000. 3 bush. 6 loads. MiiM.na Laborer Cartage 1 " .,: ,,,-y, I Hydraulic. 1J parts unslackcd hydraulic lime, 1 parts sand, 1 part gravel, and 2 parts of a hard broken limestone. This mass contracts one-fifth in volume. Fat lime may be mixed with concrete without serious prejudice to its hydraulic energy. Various Compositions of Concrete. Forts Richmond and Tompkius, TJ. S. Hydraulic. 308 Ibs. ccment = 3-G5 to 3-7 cubic feet of stiff paste. 12 cubic feet of loose sand = 9-75 cubic feet of dense. For Superstructure. 11-75 cubic feet of mortar as above, and 16 cubic feet of stone fragments. In the foundations of Fort Tompkins, about ^ of its volume was composed of stones from J to J of a cubic foot in volume, rammed into the wall as the concri'tc wa-< \\\.\>\. Sea Wall. Boston Harbor. Hydraulic. 308 Ibs. cement, 8 cubic feet of sand, and 30 cubic feet of gravel. The whole pro- ducing 32-3 cubic feet. Superstructure. 308 Ibs. cement, 80 Ibs. lime, and 14-6 cubic feet dense sands. The whole producing 12-825 cubic feet. Cost of labor and materials expended in laying concrete founda- tion at Fort Tompkins, during the year 1849, per cubic yard as laid, $2.26. Transverse Strength Of Concrete*, Cement*. HUnrtnrn. r>i~rin>ltr>iti, ami Trass, , i-i>n,-,,t.i of Vlcnt find ChntoHfy at Clmrbourg, Gen. Gilliimrc, U. S. A., Crystal Palace, London, ,-tr. Weight or Power required to Tear asunder One Square Inch. lUterlalt and MUlurti. Boulogne, 100 parts, water 50 90 days, 100 parts, water 50 Boulogne, 1 year, Portland (natu- ral) En-listi, 1 year, Portland (arti- fi.-Lii. : : Portland, 42 days, cement 1, sand 1 " 135 " '. " English, 320 days, pure... 14 " cement 1, ad i. Miwrl.l. tod MizturM. English, pure, 1 month Roman, 1 year, from Septaria.. 42 days, cement 1, sand 1 u u 1, " 3 Stonemasonry, Roman cement, 5 mos 713 206 393 424 191 284 66 LIMES, CEMENTS, ETC. BRICK AND GRANITE MASONBT, 320 DATS. Pure Cement ... 4 \ Sand 1 / Cement, Delafield and Baxter.. \ Cement... 61 Sittings... 1 / Cement... 1 \ Sittings... 2/ Lawrence Co.. {pull * , {SsEj} (Pure " Newark Lime and Cement Co 1 Cement... 1 ) (Sand 2/ " Brighton and Rosendale Pure " Newark and Rosendale Pure Pure upon bricks " 1, sand 1 pure upon bricks " 1, " 3 " " " Pure upon granite " 1, water -5 " 1, -42 " Pure upon bricks, without mortar, mean Common lime 1 1 " sand 2} J Sand ."!..!.. 8 } up ' Lime paste 1 \ Sand 2/ Lime paste 1 ) Sand 8 I Cement paste ^ b) Crashing Strength of Cements, Stone, etc. (Crystal Palace, London.) Reduced to a uniform Measure of One Square Inch. Portland cement, area 1, height 1 cement > sand / Portland cement 1) sand 4/ ' Roman cement, pure.. LIMES, CEMENTS, ETC. Experiments of GFeneral Oillmore. 67 DeUfleld and Baxter High Falls (N. ?.), 270 days- James Rirer Jam.-s Rier, 59 days ............ Portland(Eng.\ 320 days- Stiff paste Pur* Cement. Sand -in. -nt 4- Water 2-6 Cement 4' Water 1-4 Pure cement....- Cement. 1 Sand 2 11.; i . I i- IN Portland Pure days i:.. -.-,,!,'. H .fV- nian i, 320 days Cement Hi ar Pure Lime ... Stiff paste.. I!:,.' Ail except the Om were i i ef n Ibe. per *qur* Inch. Akron, New York Brighton and Koaendale. CumlK-rland, Md .lam. , Hiver, Va Newark and Itosendale. Portland, Kui?llsh Remington, Conn. N Round Top. Md. Rosendale, H . . , Hoflman.. Sandusky Ohio ...... -li-|.h. nlstown, Va. UUca, I1L NOTE. When the paste ia not subjected to compression during setting, a thin paste produces as strong a mortar as a stiff one. Experiments of General Treussart Puizuolui. and Trui UnrUr. Strasburgh Puzzuolanaf) Sand ......... 1 Udays Trass ......... 1 1 Lime . 1) Sand ......... 1V4 Puzzuolanalj Poxroolua ud True -Mortar. Lime paste. 1 >.,,_. nttirj ..... - Cement paste, 95 days 13-8 " Cement paste i, lime paste 1 4*2 * 1, lime paste J 13-C Fire-brick beam f 2'1 " I, liinin- ished about 28 per cent. For a corresponding proportion of sand the diminution is 68 per cent. 3. The addition of sift ings exercises a less injurious effect upon the cohesive than upon the adhesive property of cement. The converse is true when sand, instead of sittings, is used. 4. In all the mixtures with sittings, even when the latter amounted to 66 per cent, of the whole, the cohesive strength of the mortars exceeded its adhesion to the bricks. The same i-.--uiis appear to exist when the sittings are replaced by sand, until iho volume of the latter exceeds 20 per cent, of the whole, after which the adhesion exceeds the cohesion. 6. At the age of 320 days (and perhaps considerably within that period) the cohesive strength of pure cement mortar exceeds that of Croton front bricks. The converse is true when the mortar contains 50 per cent, or more of sand. 6. When cement is to be used without sand, as may be the case when grouting is resorted to, or when old walls are to be repaired by injections of thin paste, there is no advantage in having it ground to an impalpable powder. 7. For economy it is customary to add lime to cement mortars, and this may be done to a considerable extent when in positions where hydraulic activity and strength are not required iu an emi- nent degree. Slaking. The volume of water required to slake lime will vary with limes'from 2-5 to 3 times the volume of the lime (quick- lime), and it is important that all the water required to reduce the lime to a proper consistency should be given to it before the temperature of the water first given becomes sensibly elevated. Immediately upon the lime being provided \\iili the requisite volume of water, it should be covered, in order to confine the heat, and it should not be stirred while slaking. When the paste is re- quired for grouting or whitewathing, the water required should be given at once, and in larger volume than when the paste is re- quired for mortar, and when slaked the mass should be transferred to tight casks to prevent the loss <.f water. When the character of the limes, as with those of hydraulic energy, will not readily reduce, their reduction, which is an indispensable condition, must be aided by mechanical means, as a mortar mill. The process here given is termed droiening. When the lime is retained in a barrel, or like instrument, immersed in water, and then withdrawn before reduction occurs, it is termed immersion, and when it is reduced by being exposed to the atmosphere, and gradually absorbing moisture therefrom, it is termed air-slakrd. Bricks should be well wetted before use. Sea sand should not be used in the composition of mortar, as it contains salt and its grains are round, being worn by attrition, and consequently having less tenacity than sharp-edged grains. LIMES, CEMENTS, ETC. 69 Pine Clay. The fusibility of clay arises from the presence of impurities, Midi as lime, iron, and manganese. These may be rei.iuveil l>y Mo'jiinjr tho clay in hot muri.-iiic acid, then washing it with water. Crucibles froui common clay may be made in thia manner. Pise* is made of clay or earth rammed in layers of from 8 to 4 ;ii depth. In moist climates), it is necessary to protect the external surface of a wall constructed in thia manner with a coat of mortar. Asphalt Composition. Mineral pitch 1 part, bitumen 11, powdered stone, or wood ashes, 7 parts. 2. Ashes 2 parts, clay 3 parts, and sand 1 part, mixed with a little oil, makes a very fine and durable cement, suitable for external use. Mastic. Pulverized burnt clay l3 parts, litharge ground very fine 7 parts, mixed with a sufficient quantity of pure linseed oil. 8. Silicious sand 14, pulverized calcareous stone 14, litharge 2, and linseed oil 4 parts by weight. The powders to be well dried in an oven, and the surface upon which it is to be applied roust be saturated with oil. 4. For Road*. Bitumen 16-875 parts, asphaltum 225 parts, oil of resin '',-25 parts, and sand 135 parts. Thickness, from 1 } to 1$ inches. Asphaltum 55 llis. and gravel 28*7 Ibs. will cover an area of 10*75 square feet. Notes by General Gillmore, U. 8. A. All the lime neces- sary fur any required quantity or Imtrh of mortar should be slaked at least one day before it is mixed with the sand. All the witter required to slake the lime should be poured on at one time, the lime should be submerged, and the mass should then be covered with a tarpaulin or canvas, and allowed to remain un- disturbed for a period of 21 hours. The ingredients should be thoroughly mixed, and then heaped for use as required. Recent experiments have developed that most American cements will sustain, without any great loss of strength, a dose of lime paste equal to that of the cement paste, while a dose equal to } to f the volume of cement paste may be safely added to any Rosen- dale cement without producing any essential deterioration of the quality of the mortar. Neither is the hydraulic activity of the mortars so far impaired by this limited addition of lime paste as to render them unsuited for concrete under water, or other sub- marine masonry. By the use of lime is secured the double advan- tages of slow setting and economy. Pointing Mortar is composed of a paste of finely-ground cement and clean sharp silicious sand, in such proportions that the volume of cement paste is slightly in excess of the volume of voids or spaces in the sand. The volume of sand varies from 2} to 2| that of the cement paste, or by weight. 1 of cement powder to 3 to 3$ of sand. The mixture should be made under shelter, and in quantities not exceeding from 2 to 8 pints at a time. Before pointing, the joints should be reamed, and in close masonry they must be open to 1 of an inch, then thoroughly satu- rated with water, and maintained in a condition that they will 70 LIMES, CEMENTS, ETC. neither absorb water from the mortar or impart any to it. Masonry should not be allowed to dry rapidly after puinlinj:, but it should be well driveu in by the aid of a caulking iron and hummer. In the pointing of rubble masonry the same general directions are to be observed. Notes by General Totten, U. 8. A. 240 Ibs. lime = l cask, will make from 7-8 to 8-15 cubic feet of stiff paste. 308* Ibs. of finely-ground cement will make from 3-7 to 3-8 cubic feet of stiff paste ; 7'J to 83 Ibs. of cement powder will make 1 cubic foot of stiff paste. 1 cubic foot of dry cement powder, measured when loose, will measure -78 to -8 cubic foot when packed, ns at a manufactory. 100 yards of lath and plaster work, with wagesof masons at $1.75 per day, and Kockland lime at $1 per cask, cost, respectively : 8 Coats hard finish work, $25.50: 2 Coals slipped work, $19.95. Moral Efflorescences. White alkaline efflorescences upon the surface of brick walls laid in mortar, of which natural hy- draulic lime or cement is the basis. The crystallization of these salts within the pores of bricks, into which they have been absorbed from the mortar, causes disinte- gration. Ashphalt Flooring. 8 Ibs. of composition will cover 1 sup. foot, f inch thick. Plastering. 1 bushel, or 1 J cubic foot of cement, mortar, etc., will cover 1J square rods } inch thick. 75 volumes are required upon brick work for 70 upon laths. Cost of Masonry, of various Kinds, per Cubic Yard, and the Volume of Mortar required for each. GEN. UILLMORE, U. 8. A. 3 s CM t. MorUr. 1 P 1 Si f 5 It! 1 ! t Rough, in nibble or gravel, from J^ Cu. Ft. 10*8 Bbli. 665 Bbb. 1-22 $Cu. 90 SCu. 4.10 tcu. 6. Blocks, large and small, not in courses; joints liaimu'T-(lressed.._ h.-aiii-rx :mil .stretchers dovetailed; hammer-dressed; beds and joints laid close 8-1 423 06 92 11 62 08 7. 9 7.63 908 Ordinary ; courses 20 to 32 in rise Onlinury ; courses 12 to 20 in rise.-... Hrirk 1-5 2- 8" 08 1-05 42 17 22 9 12 16 66 5.70 2.19 5 70 610 11* "54 r?5 1 21 2.19 320 9- 41 roe r.". 1.56 221 " inferior 8* 37 97 ! 1 45 205 Rubble, without mortar Cost of materials assumed as follows: Cement, $1.25 per barrel; Lime, $1; Bricks, $4.25 per M; Sand and Gravel, bO cents per ton ; Granite spalls, 55 cents per cubic yard ; Labor, $1 per day. 300 Ibs. net is the standard barrel, but it usually weighs 308 Ibs. 71 ARTIFICERS' RULES AND TABLES, For Computing the Work of Bricklayers, Well Diggers, Masons, Carpenters and Joiners, Slaters, Plasterers, Painters, Glaziers, Pavers, and Plumbers. MEASUREMENT OF BRICKLAYERS' WORK. Brickwork is estimated at the rate of a number of bricks in thickness, estimating a brick at 4 inches thick. The dimensions of a building are usually taken by measuring half round on the outside, and half round on the inside; the sum of these two gives the compass of the wall, to be multiplied by the height, for the content of the materials. Chimneys are by pome measured as if they were solid, deducting only the vacuity from the hearth to the mantle, on account of the trouble of them. And by other* they are girt or measured round for their breadth, and the height of the story is their height, taking the depth of the jambs for their thickness. And in this case, no deduction is made for the vacuity from the floor to the mantle-tree, because of the gathering of the breast and wings, to make room for the hearth in the next story. To measure the chimney shafts, which appear above the building, gird them about with a line for the breadth, to multiply by their height; and account their thickness half a brick more than it really is, in consideration of the plastering and scaffolding. All windows, doors, etc., are to be deducted out of the contents of the walls in which they are placed. But this deduction is made only with regard to materials; for the whole meat-urc is taken for workmanship, and that all outside measure too, namely, measuring quite round the outside of the building, being in consideration of the trouble of the returns or angles. There are also some other allowances, such as double measure for feathered gable ends, etc. EXAMPLE. The end wall of a house is 28 feet long, and 87 feet high to the eaves: 15 feet high is four bricks or 1(3 inches thick, other 12 feet is three bricks or 12 inches thick, and the remaining 10 feet is two bricks or 8 inches thick ; above which is a trian- gular gable 12 feet high and one brick or 4 inches in thickness. What number of bricks are there in the said wall? <4iu. 2d,b20. ThickMHi 28X15=420X4=1680 contents of 1st story. 28X12=336x3=1008 2d " 28X10=280x2= 660 " 8d " -7-2= 6X28=168x1= 168 " gable. 8416 square feet area of whole wall. 7} bricks to square foot. 23,912 By the table. 1,708 8000 suprfi. ft. = 22,500 bricks 400 " "= 8,000 " Answer, 25,620 bricks. 10 " = 75 6 " = 45 " 3416 " " =26, 620 bricks 72 MEASUREMENT OF BRICK WORK, ETC. A Table by which to ascertain the Number of Bricks necessary to Construct any piece of Building, from a four-inch Wall to twenty-four inches in thickness. The utility of the Table can be seen by the following Example. Required the number of bricks to build a wall of 12 inches thick- ness, and containing au area of 6,437 square feet. Square feet 1000 X 6 22,500 bricks See table. 6000= 135,000 400 = 9,000 80 = 675 7= 158 NOTE. 7 J bricks, equal one superficial foot. 6,437 = 144,833 bricks. Superficial feet of Wall Number of Bricks to Thickness of 4-lnch. 8-inch. 12-inch. 16-Inch. 20-inch. 24-inch. 1 8 15 23 30 38 45 2 15 80 45 60 75 90 3 23 45 68 90 113 135 4 80 CO 90 120 150 180 5 38 75 113 150 188 225 6 45 90 135 180 225 270 7 53 105 158 210 263 815 8 60 120 180 240 800 360 9 68 135 203 270 838 405 10 75 150 225 300 875 450 20 160 800 450 600 760 900 80 225 450 675 900 1136 1350 40 800 600 900 1200 1500 1800 50 876 750 1125 1500 1875 2250 60 450 900 1350 1800 2250 2700 70 625 1050 1575 2100 2626 3150 80 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 :;.,IM) 90 675 1350 2025 2700 3376 4050 100 750 1500 2250 8000 3750 4500 200 1500 8000 4500 6000 7800 9000 800 2250 4500 6750 9000 11250 13500 400 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 500 3750 7500 11250 15000 18750 22500 600 4500 9000 13500 18000 22500 27000 700 6250 10500 15750 21000 26250 31500 800 6000 12000 18000 24000 30000 36000 900 6750 13500 20250 27000 33760 40500 1000 7500 15000 22500 30000 37500 45000 MEASUREMENT OP WELLS, ETC. 73 MEASUREMENT OF WELLS AND CISTERNS. There are two methods of estimating the value of excavating. It may be done by allowing so much a day for every man's work, or so much per cubic foot, or yard, for all that is excavated. Well Digging. Suppose a well is 40 feet deep, and 5 feet in diameter, required the number of cubic feet, or yards? 6 X 6 = 26 X -7861 = 19-635 X 40 = 786-4 cubic feet. Suppose a well to be 4 feet 9 inches diameter, and 16} feet from the bottom to the surface of the water; how many gallons are therein contained? 4-75' X 16-5 X5-875 = 2187-162 gallons. Again, suppose the well's diameter the same, and its entire depth 86 feet ; required the quantity in cubic yards of material exca- vated in its formation. 4-76 X 86 X '02909 = 22-972 cubic yards. A cylindrical piece of lead is required 7} inches diameter, and 1G8 Ibs. in weight ; what must be its length in inches ? 7-6 X '3223 = 18, and 168 ~ 18 = 9-3 inches. Digging for Foundations, etc. To find the cubical quantity in a trench, or an excavated area, the length, width and depth must be multiplied together. These are usually givon in feet, and therefore, to reduce the amount into cubic yards it must be divided by 27. Suppose a trench is 40 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet deep, required the number of cubic feet, or yards T 40 X 3 = 120 X 3 = 860 feet -j- 27 = 13$ yards. 24 cubic feet of sand, 17 ditto clay, 18 ditto earth, equal one ton. 1 cubic yard of earth or gravel, before digging, will occupy about 1} cubic yards when dug. MEASUREMENT OF MASONS' WORK. To masonry belongs all sorts of stone-work ; and the measure made use of is a foot, either superficial or solid. Walls, columns, blocks of stone or marble, etc., are measured by the cubic foot; and pavement*, slabs, chimney-pieces, etc., by the superficial or square foot. Cubic or solid measure is used for the materials, and square measure for the workmanship. In the solid measure, the true length, breadth and thickness are taken, and multiplied continually together. In the superficial, there must be taken the length and breadth of every part of the projection, which is seen without the general upright face of the building. EXAMPLE. In a chimney-piece, suppose the length of the man- tle aud slab each 4 feet 6 inches ; breadth of both together 3 feet 74 MEASUREMENT OP 2 inches; lenpth of each jamb 4 feet 4 inches; breadth of both together 1 foot 9 inches. Required the superficial content. Ant. 21 feet 10 inches. 4 ft. 6 in. X 3 ft. 2 in. = 14 ft. 3 in. 1 . f lfl . . 4 " 4 " V 1 " 9 " 7 " 7 " i Ieei *" incnes. Rubble Walls (unhewn stone) are commonly measured by the perch, which is 16J feet long, 1 foot deep, and 1J foot thick, equivalent to 24$ cubic feet. 25 cubic feet is sometimes allowed to the perch, in measuring stone before it is laid, and 22 after it is laid in the wall. This species of work is of two kinds, coursed and uncuursed; in the former the stones are gauged and dressed by tue hammer, and the masonry laid in horizontal courses, but not necessarily confined to the same height. The uncoursed rub- ble wall is formed by laying the stones in the wall as they come to hand, without any previous gauging or working. 27 cubic feet of Mortar require for its preparation 9 bushels of lime and 1 cubic foot of sand. Lime and sand lessen about one-third in bulk when made into mortar; likewise cement and sand. Lime, or cement and sand, to make mortar, require as much water as is equal to one-third of their bulk. All Sandstones ought to be placed on their natural beds ; from inattention to this circumstance, the stones often split off at the joints, and the position of the lamina much sooner admits of the destructive action of air and water. The heaviest stones are most suited for ducks and harbors, breakwaters to bridges, etc. Granite is the most durable species of stone yet known for the purposes of building. It varies in weight according to quality; the heaviest is the most durable. MEASUREMENT OF CARPENTERS' AND JOIN- ERS' WORK. To this branch belongs all the woodwork of a house, such as flooring, partitioning, roofing, etc. Large and plain articles are usually measured by the square foot or yard, etc., but enriched mouldings, and some other articles, are often estimated by run- ning or lineal measures, and some things are rated by the piece. All Joints, Girders, and in fact all the parts of naked flooring, are measured by the cube, and their quantities are found by mul- tiplying the length by the breadth, and the product by the depth. The same rule applies to the measurement of all the timbers of a roof, and also the framed timbers used in the construction of partitions. Flooring, that is to say, the boards which cover the naked floor- ing, is measured by the square. The dimensions nre taken from wall to wall, and the product is divided by 100, which gives the CARPENTERS' AND JOINERS' WORK. 75 number of squares ; but deductions must be made for staircases and chimneys. In measuring of Joists, it is to be observed that only one of (heir dimensions is the same with that of the floor; for the other exceeds the length of the room by the thickness of the wall, and one-third of the same, because each end is let into the wall about two-thirds of its thickness. No deductions are made for Hearths on account of the addi- tional trouble and waste of materials. Partitions are measured from wall to wall for one dimension, and from floor to floor, as far as they extend, for the other. No deduction is made for Doorways on account of the trouble of framing them. In measuring of Joiners' work, the string is made to ply close to every part of the work over which it passes. The measure for centring for Cellars is found by ranking a string pass over the surface of the arch for the breadth, and taking the length of the cellar for the length; but in groin centring, it is usual to allow double measure, ou account of their extraordinary trouble. In Roofing, the length of the house in the inside, together with two-thirds of the thickness of one gable, is to be considered as the length ; and the breadth is equal to double the length of a string which is stretched from the ridge down the rafter, and along the eaves-board, till it meets with the top of the wall. For Staircases, take the breadth of all the steps, by making a line ply close over them, from the top to the bottom, and multiply the length of this line by the length of a step, for the whole area. By the length of a step is meant the length of the front and the returns at the two ends ; and .by the breadth, is to be understood the girth of its two outer surfaces, or the tread and riser. For the Balustrade, take the whole length of the upper part of the handrail, and girt over its end till it meets the top of the newel post, for the length ; and twice the length of the baluster upon the landing, with the girth of the handrail for the breadth. For Wainscoting, take the compass of the room for the length ; and the height from the floor to the ceiling, making the string ply close into all the mouldings, for the breadth. Out of this must be made deductions for windows, doors, chimneys, etc., but work- manship is counted for the whole, on account of the extraordinary trouble. For Doors, it is usual to allow for their thickness, by adding it to both dimensions of length and breadth, and then to multiply them together for the area. If the door be panelled on both sides, take double its measure for the workmanship ; but if the one side only be panelled, take the area and its half for the workmanship. For the surrounding architrave, gird it about the outermost parts for its length ; and measure over it, as far as it can be seen when the door is open, for the breadth. Window-shutters, bases, etc., are measured in the same manner. 76 MEASUREMENT OF SLATERS* WORK. In the measuring of Roofing for workmanship alone, holes for chinmey-shiifts and sky-lights are generally deducted. But in measuring for work and materials, they commonly measure in all sky-lights, lutheran-lights, and holes for the chimney-shafts, on account of their trouble and waste of materials. The Doors and Shutters, being worked on both sides, are reckoned work and half work. Hemlock and Pine Shingles are generally 18 inches long, and of the average width of 4 inches. When nailed to the roof 6 inches are generally left out to the weather, and 6 shingles are therefore required to a square foot. Cedar and Cyprett Shingles are generally 20 inches long and C inches wide, and therefore a less number are required for a "square." On account of waste and defects, 1000 shinnies should be allowed to a square. Two 4-penny Nails are allowed to each shingle, equal to 1200 to a square. The weight of a square of Partitioning may be estimated at from 1500 to 2000 Ibs. ; a square of single-joisted flooring, at from 1200 to 2000 Ibs. ; a square of framed flooring, at from 2700 to 4500 Ibs.; a square of deafening, at about 1600 Ibs. 100 superficial feet make one square of boarding, flooring, etc. In selecting Timber, avoid spongy heart, porous grain, and dead knots; choose the brightest in color, and where the strong red grain appears to rise on the surface. Number of American Iron Machine - Cut Nails in a Pound (by count). Size. Number. Size. Number. Size. Number. 3 penny ... 408 6 penny. 156 12 penny. 52 275 100 20 " . .. 32 6 " 2 '7 10 " 66 80 " n MEASUREMENT OF SLATERS' WORK. In these articles, the content of a roof is found by multiplying the length of the ridge by the girth over from eaves to eaves ; making allowance in this girth for the double row of slates at the bottom, or for how much one row of slates is laid over another. When the roof is of a true pitch, that is. forming a right angle at top, then the breadth of the building, with its half added, i-^ the girth over both sides. In angles formed in a roof, running from the ridge to the eaves, when the angle bends inwards, it is called a valley ; but when outwards, it is called a hip. It is not usual to make deductions for chimney-shafts, sky-lights or other openings. IMPORTED SLATES. 77 Slates. [From the Quarries of Rutland County, Vermont.] i Inch Cora. 1 Inoh Coyer. 3 Inch COT*T. IlDChCoTCT. No. of SIMM No. of SUM* No. of SIMM ICo. of SIMM BliMof S1M>. -A-ar tolfcoSaow* r i ,. suMorsuiM. ., : | - .r* or IM Feet. 24 by 16 24 by 14 86 98 84 93} 18 by 11 18 by 10 174J 192 163} 180 24 by 12 114 109 18 by 9 213 200 22 by 14 108 102J 16 by 12 184 22 by 12 126 120 16 bv 10 221} 22 by 10 162 144 16 by 9 246 20 by 14 20 by 12 129 143 im 1334 16 by 8 14 by 10 277 MS 267 240 20 by 11 146 L46J 14 by 9 IN U61 20 by 10 169J 160 14 by 8 827 800 18 by 12 160 160 14 by 7 874 848 " Each Slate is 8 inches BOHD or COVER. The rule for measur- ing Slating is, to add one foot for all hips and valleys. No deduc- tion is made for Lutheran windows, sky-lights or chimneys, except they are of unusual size; then one-half is deducted." Imported Slates. NamwofShtML SUes. Numlicr of Super- of 1200 will corer. Weight of each IT of 1300 Slatet. Inches. Inches. 24 by 12 1100 60 owt Marchionesses 22 12 1000 65 20 10 760 40 ' Viscountesses 18 ' 10 16 ' 10 86 81 ' 16 ' 8 SMI 25 14 ' 8 400 22 ,4 12 ' 8 8331 181 Plantations 14 12 18 ' 10 600 fttl 88* 25 ,, 12 10 41 A] 23 ' Doubles 18 ' 7 ...,,,-. 171 small 11 7 '.," 141 " School Slates for Blackboards 6 ft. by 2J ft. 6 feet by 3 ft. 78 PLASTERERS' AND PAVERS' WORK. MEASUREMENT OF PLASTERERS' "WORK. Plasterers' work is of two kinds, namely, ceiling which is plastering upon laths and rendering, which is plastering upon walls, which are measured separately. The contents are estimated either by the foot or yard, or square of 100 feet. Enriched mouldings, etc., are rated by running or lineal measure. One foot extra is allowed for each mitre. One-half of the openings, windows, doors, etc., allowed to com- pensate for trouble of finishing returns at top and sides. Cornices and mouldings, if 12 inches or more in girt, are some- times estimated by the square foot; if less than 12 inches, they are usually measured by the lineal foot. 1 bushel of cement will cover I If square yards at 1 inch in thickness. 1 bushel of cement will cover 1} square yards at jths of an inch in thickness. 1 bushel of cement will coyer 2} square yards at } of an inch in thickness. 1 bushel of cement and 1 of sand will cover 2} square yards at 1 inch in thickness. 1 bushel of cement and 1 of sand will cover 3 square yards at fths of an inch in thickness. 1 bushel of cement and 1 of sand will cover 4$ square yards at i of an inch in thickness. 1 bushel of cement and 2 of sand will cover 3J square yards at 1 inch in thickness. 1 bushel of cement and 2 of sand will cover 4} square yards at ths of an inch in thickness. 1 bushel of cement and 2 of sand will cover G j square yards at } of an inch in thickness. 1 cut. of mastic and 1 gallon of oil will cover 1} yards at }, or 2} at } inch. 1 cubic yard of lime, 2 yards of road or drift sand, and ." bushels of hair, will cover 75 yards of render and et on brick, and 70 yards on lath, or Co yards platter, or render, 2 eoatt and tet on brick, and 60 yards on lath; floated work will require about the same as 2 coats and set. Laths are 1J to 1J inches by 4 feet in length, and are usually set Jth of an inch apart. A bundle contains 100. 1 bundle of laths and 500 nails cover about 4} yards. MEASUREMENT OP PAVERS' WORK. Pavers' work is done by the square yard ; and the content is found by multiplying the length by the breadth. Grading for paving is charged by the day. GLAZIERS' AND PAINTERS' WORK. 79 MEASUREMENT OF GLAZIERS' WORK. Glaziers' work is sometimes measured by the square foot, some- times by the piece, or at so much per light; except where the glass is set in metallic frames, when the charge is by the foot. ID estimating by the square foot, it is customary to include the whole sash. Circular or oval windows are measured as if they were square. Table showing the Size and Number of Lights to the 10O Square Feet. Sice. Light*. SUe. Light.. Sire. Light*. Sin. LighU. 6 by 8 800 12 by 14 M 14 by 22 47 20 by 20 86 7 by 9 229 12 by 15 80 14 by 24 48 20 by 22 83 8 by 10 180 12 by 16 76 15 by 16 64 ttfcg 14 80 8 by 11 164 12 by 17 71 15 by 16 60 20 by 25 29 8 by 12 160 12 by 18 67 15 by 18 63 20 by 26 28 9 by 10 160 12 by 19 63 15 by 20 48 20 by 28 26 9 by 11 146 12 by 20 60 15 by 21 46 21 by 27 26 9 by 12 183 12 by 21 67 15 by 22 44 22 by 24 27 9 by 13 123 12 by 22 66 15 by 24 40 22 by 26 36 9 by 14 114 12 by 23 62 16 by 16 66 22 by 28 28 9 by 16 100 12 by 24 60 16 by 17 68 24 by 28 21 10 by 10 144 13 by 14 79 16 by 18 60 24 by 30 20 10 by 12 120 13 by 15 74 16 by 20 46 24 by 82 19 10 by 13 111 13 by 16 69 16 by 21 48 25 by 80 19 10 by 14 103 18 by 17 66 16 by 22 41 M b] M 16 10 by 16 96 13 by 18 61 16 by 24 38 28 by 34 16 10 by 16 90 13 by 19 68 17 by 17 60 30 by 40 12 10 by 17 85 13 by 20 66 17 by 18 47 31 by 36 18 10 by 18 80 13 by 21 63 17 by 20 42 31 by 40 12 11 by 11 119 13 by 22 60 17 by 22 38 81 by 42 12 11 by 12 109 13 by 24 46 17 by 24 86 32 by 42 10 11 by 13 101 14 by 14 73 18 by 18 44 32 by 44 10 11 by 14 94 14 by 15 68 18 by 20 40 33 by 46 10 11 by 15 87 14 by 16 64 18 by 22 86 34 by 46 9 11 by 16 82 14 by 17 60 18 by 24 83 30 by 62 9 Ilhyl7 77 14 by 18 67 19 by 19 40 32 by 60 8 11 by 18 78 14 by 19 64 19 by 20 88 83 by 66 8 12hyl2 100 14 by 20 61 19 by 22 84 36 by 58 7 12 by 13 92 14 by 21 49 19 by 24 32 38 by 58 7 MEASUREMENT OF PAINTERS' WORK. Painters' work is computed in square yards. Every part is measured where the color lies; the measuring line is forced into all the mouldings and corners. 80 SEWERS. Cornices, mouldings, narrow skirtings, reveals to doors and windows, and generally all work not more than nine inches wide, are valued by their length. Sash-frames are charged so much each according to their size, and the squares so much a dozen. Mouldings cut in are charged by the foot run, and the workman always receives an extra price for party-colors. Writing is charged by the inch, and the price given is regulated by the skill and manner in which the work is executed;, the same is true of imi- tations and marbling. The price of painting varies exceedingly, some colors being more expensive and requiring much more labor than others. In measuring open railing, it is customary to take it as flat work, which pays for the extra labor; and as the rails are painted on all sides, the two surfaces are taken. It is cus- tomary to allow all edges and sinkings. MEASUREMENT OF PLUMBERS' WORK. Plumbers' work is rated at so much a pound, or else by the hundredweight of 112 pounds. Sheet lead, used in roofing, guttering, etc., is from 7 to 12 pounds to the square foot. And a pipe of an inch bore is commonly from 6 to 13 pounds to the yard in length. [See Table, " Weight of Lead Pipe per Foot."} SEWERS. Sewers are classed as Drains, Sewers, and Culverts. Drains are the small courses, as from one or more locations leading to a sewer. Sewers are the courses from a series of locations. Culverts are the courses that receive the discharge of sewers. The greatest fall of rain is 2 inches per hour = 64308-6 gallons per acre. Drainage of Lands by Pipes. Soil.. of Pi pet. Distance apart. Boll*. *"?. Diiunoe apart. Ft. In. Feet. Ft In. Fret. Coarse gravel sand Light sand with gravel Light loam Loam with clay 4 6 4 3 6 8 2 60 50 S3 21 Loam with gravel... Sandy loam Soft clay Stiff clay 3 9 2 9 2 6 27 40 21 15 SEWERS. 81 Sewers. Circular. 65 y/z X 2/= t>, and X a = V ; x repruenting area of sewer -7- , and D = 1 D representing height of Fig. 42. Sfwer, w and w' width at bottom and top, and r radius of sides. In culverts less than 6 feet in depth,* the brick-work should be 9 inches thick. When they are above 6 feet and less than 9 feet, it should be 14 inches thick. If the diameter of top arch = 1, the diameter of inverted arch = -5, and the total depth = the sum of the two diameters, or 1-5, then the radius of the arcs which are tangential to the top, and inverted, will be 1*5. From this any two of the elements can be deduced, one being known. Oval. Top and bottom* should be of equal diameters. The diameter -76 depth of culvert; the intersections of the top and bottom circles form the centres for striking the courses connecting the top and bottom circles. The inclination of sewers should not be less than 1 foot in 240. Dimensions, Areas, and Volume of Work per Lineal Foot of Egg-shaped Sewers of different Dimension*. Internal Dimeniiom. Depth. Diameter of Top Arch. Diameter of Inrert. Area. W $ "AS* Feel. Feet. Feet. Sq. Feet. Cab. Feet. Cab. Feet. Cab. Feet. *i 1-5 76 253 2-81 3- 2- 1- 4-5 8-56 ti 2-6 3- 3-6 1-25 1-5 1-76 7-03 10-12 13-78 4-31 6-06 6-81 9-56 10-87 1275 6- 4- 2- 18- 6-56 14-25 6-| 4-6 2-25 22-78 7-81 15-75 24-75 7-J 6- 2-6 28-12 17-06 27- 8-J 6-5 2-75 84-03 18- 28-41 9- 6- 8- 40-5 19-69 30-94 In laying large sewers through quicksands, cast-iron inverts are sometimes employed, and with success, to connect the founda- tion of the whole work together. * Internal dimensions. 82 ARCHES AND ABUTMENTS. Area of Surface from which Circular Sewers will dis- charge "Water equal in Volume to One Inch in Depth upon surface per Hour, including ordinary City Drain- age. Inclination in Feet Diameter of Sewen in Feet. 2 2^ 8 4 6 6 Area. Area. Area. Area. Area. Area. None 38} 67* 120 277 670 loao 1 in 480 48 76 136 308 630 1117 1 in 240 60 87 166 355 735 1318 1 in 160 63 118 203 460 950 1 in 120 78 143 267 690 1200 2180 1 in 80 90 166 295 670 1188 2486 1 in 60 125 182 818 730 1500 2676 ARCHES AND ABUTMENTS. Approximate Rules and Tables for the Depth of Arches and Thickness of Abutments. C i/ r = D. C representing coefficient, r radius of arch at crown, t thickness of abutment, h height of abutment to tpring, and D depth of crown in feet. In single arches, Stone C = -3, Brick -4, and Rubble -45. Depths required for the Crowns of Arches. s* r 8 9 Feet. 42 47 52 56 6 64 67 71 74 8 85 9 reel 56 63 69 75 8 .-,-, 9 94 98 1-06 1-13 1-2 Fret. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 95 I- 1-04 1-06 1-12 1-16 1-2 1-23 1-J7 1-31 1-34 1-41 1-38 144 1-5 I-'.-. 1-6 1 '..-, 1-7 1-74 1-79 1-88 1-47 1-5 1-64 1-78 1-9 2-01 2-12 2-22 m 2-51 1-96 2- 2-19 .-.:: J Ml Tl Feet. 3-58 3-69 3'8 3-9 4- 42 4-38 4-56 4-73 4-9 5-06 5-22 ARCHES AND ABUTMENTS. 83 Minimum Thickness of Abutments for Arches of 120, where their Depth does not exceed 3 Feet. Computed from the formula / i f 8l Y 8r V ^-H^) -2* Height of Abutment to Spring la Feet. Reigbt of Abutment to Spnng U Feet. 1" RtdlM of Area. 5 7-5 10 20 80 7-6 10 SO H r*et. Feet. Feet. Ftc Feet Feet. Feet. Fee*. Fec ~FeeT "F^Z" F> , t 4 8-7 4-2 4-3 4-6 4-7 12- 6-6 6-4 6D' 7-6 7 'J 4-5 8-9 4-4 4-6 4-9 5- 15- 6- 7- 7-5 8-4 - H 5- 4-2 4-9 4-8 5-1 5-2 20- 6-5 7-7 8-4 10 6- 4-5 4-7 5-2 5-6 8-7 25- 6-9 8-2 9-1 10-5 111 7- 4-7 5-2 6-5 6- 6-1 30- 7-2 9-7 9-7 111 U 8- 5-5 5-8 6-4 6-5 85- 7-4 91 10-2 11-8 U'.l 9- 6-1 5-8 6-1 6-7 6-9 40- 9-4 10-6 12-8 IM 10- 5-3 6- 6-4 M 7-3 45- 7-8 11- 13-4 u :< 5-5 6-2 6-6 7-8 7-6 80- T9 10- 11-4 14- It NOTE. The abutments are assumed to be without counterfort* or wing walls. Keystones. To Compute the Depth of Ktyttonei for Srymental Arches of StoM. (TKAUTW1ME.) First Class of Arch, -86 / of the radius at the orown. Second Class of Arch. -4 j/ of the radius at the crown. Brick or Rubble. -45 v / of the radius at the crown. In Viaducts of several Arches. Increase the above units to -42, 46, and-61. Railway Bridge*. For Spans between 25 and 70 feet. Jtisf, | of the Span. Depth of Arch, -055 of the Span. Thickness of Abutments, from \ to of the Span. Matter, 1 inch per foot. Cost of Tunnels prior to 1855. (Major McClettan, U.S.A.) Location. Per Coble Yard. 1 P.rCo. t CU. $ CU. Black Rock, U. S.;greywacke \ slate f 6 60 England, freestone, marble,) clay, etc., lined j 846 Blaislev, France, lined Bli.sworth,En K ., blue clay, lined Blue Ridge U. S 3 18 1 55 4 00 Lehi-h, U.S., haid granite Schuylkill, U. S., slate > Union, U 8. slate ~ 4 38 2 00 2 08 84 IRON WORKS, FLOUR MILLS, ETC, Railway Tunnels. In soft sandstone, U. S., without lining, per lineal yard... $88 00 In loose ground, thick lining, per lineal yard 710 00 Ordinary brick lining, including centring, per cubic yard. 8 60 Shafts. Blaisley Tunnel, clay, chalk, and loose earth, per yard in depth, $139.11. Deepest, 646 feet. Black Rock, 7 feet in diameter and 139 in depth, hard slate, per yard in depth, $79.50, or per cubic yard, $18.72. The time required to drive the heading of the Black Rock Tunnel for 1782-5 feet was 2387 turns of 12 hours each. IRON WORKS (ENGLAND). Temperature of hot blast 600 Density of blast and of refining furnace.... L'A to 3 Ibs. per sq. in. Revolutions of puddling rolls per minute, 60; rail rolls, 100; rail saw, 800. Horse-power (indicated) required for different Processes. Blast furnace 60 Refining furnace 26 Puddling rolls with squeezers and shears 80 Rail rolling train 250 Small bar train 60 Double rail saw 12 Straightening 7 Rolling- Mills. 10 tons bar iron per day 80 | Plates, for each sq. ft rolled. 5 FLOUR MILLS, SAW MILLS, WOOD- WORKING MACHINERY. Flour Mills. For each pair of 4-feet stones, with all the necessary dressing machinery, etc., there is required 15 horses' power. One pair of 4-feet stones will grind about 6 bushels of wheat per hour. Each bushel of wheat so ground per hour requires -87 actual or 1-11 indicated horses' power, exclusive of dressing and other machinery. Stonet, 4 feet diameter, 120 to 140 revolutions per minute. WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY. 85 Dressing Machine*, 21 inches diameter, 450 to 600 revolutions per minute. Creepers, 3J inches pitch, 76 revolutions per minute. Elevator, 18 inches diameter, 40 revolutions per minute. Screen, 1(5 inches diameter, 300 to 350 revolutions per minute. 788 cubio feet of water, discharged at a velocity of 1 foot per second, are necessary to grind and dress 1 bushel of wheat per hour = 1*49 horses' power per bushel. 2000 feet per minute, for the velocity of a stone 4 feet in diam- eter, may be considered a maximum speed. Saw-Millfl. Oang taw, 80 square feet of dry oak, or 45 square feet of dry pine, per hour 1 hone-power. Circular taw, 2-5 feet in diameter, 270 revolutions per minute, 40 square feet of oak, or 70 of dry spruce 1 " 800 revolutions per minute. 1-38 square feet of dry pine per minute, kerf ^ inch and 6 inches deep, requires the power of 1 horse for the saw alone ; and 1 square foot, kerf I inch and 1 foot in depth, requires a like power. 4-5 feet in diameter, kerf \ and 1 foot in depth, requires 1 horse's power for 1-83 feet per minute. Oak requires nearly one- half more power than pine. With a kerf of $ inch, 1 horse's power will saw 2-66 square feet per minute. The speed of the periphery should be about 50 feet per minute. Velocities of "Wood-working Machinery in Feet or Revolutions per Minute. Circular saws, at periphery, 6000 to 7000 feet. Band saw, 2500 feet. Gang saws, 20 inch stroke, 120 strokes per minute. Scroll saws, 300 strokes per minute. Planing-machine cutters at periphery, 4000 to fiOOO feet. Work under planing-machine, Xth of an inch for each cut. Moulding-machine cutters, 3500 to 4000 feet. 8quaring-up-machine cutters, 7000 to 8000 feet. Wood-carving drills, T>000 revolutions. Machine augers, 1J diameter, 900 revolutions. Machine augers, J diameter, 1200 revolutions. Gang saws require for 45 superficial feet of pine per hour, 1 horse power. Circular saws require for 75 superficial feet of pine per hour, 1 horse power. In oak or hard wood, f ths of the above quantity require 1 horse power. 86 MINING AND BLASTING. Sharpening Angles of Machine Cutters. Adzing soft wood across the grain 30 Pluning-machines, ordinary soft wood 35 Gouges and ploughing ma- chines 40 Hard-wood tool cutters 50 to 55 MINING AND BLASTING. Mining. ! In ordinary Soil, = charge of powder in pounds, I representing half the depth of the line of least resistance. In Masonry, / X C = charge in pounds ; C representing a coefficient depending upon the structure. In a plain Wall, C = -16, in one with counterforts = -2. and under a foundation when it is supported upon two sides = *4 to *6. Blasting. In small blasts, 1 pound of powder will loosen about 4} tons. In large blasts, 1 pound of powder will loosen about 2} tons. 60 or 60 pounds of powder, enclosed in a resisting bag, hung or propped up against a gate or barrier, will demolish any ordinary construction. One man can bore, with a bit. 1 inch in diameter, from 60 to 100 inches per day of 10 hours in granite, or 300 to 400 inches per day in limestone. Two strikers and a holder can bore, with a bit 2 inches in di- ameter, 10 feet in a day in rock of medium hardness. PROJECTION OF WATER. Heights to which "Water may be Projected through Engine Pipes under Pressure. 68 102 136 170 132 6 33 25 2 90 105 120 150 Feet. 204 238 272 340 166 198 231 297 17 14 125 WATER-POWER. 87 Power required to raise Water from Wells by a Double- acting Lifting Pump. Depth from which thi. Volume can be raised by each Unit of Power. or Pump. ass;. Man taming a Crank. Donkey working a Gin. Bone working a Gin. One Hone- power Kngln*. Inchee. Gallons. Feet. Feet. reel. Feet. 2 265 80 160 560 880 2* 420 60 100 850 550 8 620 85 70 245 885 i 830 25 50 175 276 4 lOtt) 20 40 140 220 WATER-POWER. To Compute Water-power. eoo rip 00189 V A = horse', power, and y = V ; V representing volume of water, in cubic feet, per minute, and h head of water from race in feet. Effective Horse-power for different Motors. Theoretical power ..................................................... 1- Undershot wheels ......... = -4 Poncelet's un'shot wheel = -6 Breast wheel (high) ...... = -55 (low) Overshot wheel. Reaction wheel. Impact wheel ... Turbines.... Tremont turbine. Hydraulic ram ... ,= -2 = -5 Hydraulic Ram. 882 HP = V, -00113 V A = HP ; V representing volume of water in cubic feet per minute, A head of water in feet, and HP actual horse- power. 88 WAVES. Jet Pump. The greatest effect of a Jet Pump is when the depth from which the water it) drawn through the supply or suction pipe is -y of the height from which the water fell to give the jet. The flow up the suction pipe being -2 of that of the volume of the jet ; hence the effect = -9 x ^ = "18. Imperial Gallons. 6-2355 Gallons in a Cubic Foot. WAVES. The undulations of waves are performed in the same time as the oscillations of a pendulum, the length of which is equal to the breadth of a wave, or to the distance between two neighboring cavities or eminences. ALLOYS AND COMPOSITIONS. 89 SOLDERS. Tin. " coarxe. melts at 500".. " ordinary, melU at 861 Sp.-llcr, soft " hard Lead. St. .! BrsHtt or Copper'!.... Une Brans Pewterera' or Boft... Gold .... " bard Sliver, h*rd " Ml ft Pewter Iron f"l'l"-r.! i 8 8 A PLASTIC METALLIC ALLOT. See Journal of Franklin Institute, vol. xxxix, page 65, for Ita composition and manufacture. Composition for Welding Cast Steel. Borax, 10 parts; sal- ammoniac, 1 part. Grind or pound them roughly together; fuse them in a metal pot over a clear fire, continuing the heat until all spume has dtepMWed from the surface. When the liquid Is clear, pour the rompoMi ion out to cool and concrete, and grind to a fine powder; then it is ready for use. To use this composition, the steel to be welded should be raised to a bright yellow heat; then dip it in the welding powder, and again raise it to a like heat as before; it is then ready to be submitted to the hammer. FUSIBLE COMPOUNDS. Compounds. | 5 1 i 1 1 Rose's fusing at 200 25 25 50 Fusing at less than 2uO 333 333 33.4 N-wton'8, fusing at less than 2I2P i*9 81 50 fusing at 150 to 160 12 25 60 18 Soldering Fluid for use with Soft Solder. To 2 fluid oz. of muriatic acid add small pieces of zinc until bubbles cease to rise. Add % a teaspoonful of sal-ammoniac and 2 fluid oz. of water. 90 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. By the application of this to iron or steel, they may be soldered without their surfaces being previously tinned. FLUXES FOE SOLDEBING OR WELDIN3. Iron Borax. Tinned Iron ll.-iii. Copper and Brass Sal-ammoniac. Zinc Chloride of zinc. Lead Tallow .,f resin. Lead and tin pipes Resin and sweet oiL STEEL. Sal-ammoniac, 1 part; borax, 10 parts. Pound together, and fuse until clear, and, when cool, reduce to powder. Babbitt's Anti-attrition Metal. Molt 4 Ibs. copper: add, by delves, IL' n.s. best Bane* tin; s n. n-^uiiH -if antimony, and li Ibs. iiiniv of tin. After 4 or 5 Ibs. tin have been added, reduce the heat to a dull red, then add the remainder of the metal as above. This composition is termed A-// //*//, for lining, take 1 lb. of this hardtminff, melt with it 2 Ibs. Banca tin, which produces the lining metal for use. Hence, the proportions for lining metal are 4 Ibs. 01 copper, 8 of regulus of antimony, and % of tin. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. DIMENSIONS OF DRAWINGS FOR PATENTS. United States, all of drawing and signature to be within marginal line of 8x13 inches. Leave 1 inch margin, making the paper 10 x 15 inches. SERVICE TRAIN OF A QUARTERMASTER. The Quartermaster's train of an army averages 1 wagon to every _'t men: and a well- equipped army in the field, with artillery, cavalry, and trains, re- quues 1 horse or mule, upon the average, to every 2 men. A LrMixous POINT, to produce a visual circle, must have a velo- city of 10 feet in a second, the diameter not exceeding l>~> inches. All solid bodies become luminous at 800 degrees of heat. TiDEa The difference in time between high water averages about 49 minutes each day. In sandy soil, the greatest force of a pile-driver will not drive a pile over 15 feet. A FALL of .1 of an inch in a mile will produce a current in rivers. MELTED SNOW produces from X to y* of its bulk in water. At the depth of 45 feet, the temperature of the earth is uniform throughout the year. STRKXflTTI OF MATERIALS. 91 A SPERMACETI CANDLE .85 of an Inch in diameter consumes an inch in Icu-tli in 1 hour. Sn.irv is the base of the mineral world, and Carbon of the or- gani/.cd. SOUND passes in water at a velocity of 4,708 feet per second. M 1 1 \ i,s have fi v.- degrees of lustre fplend&U, shining, glistening, ijliiitui. rimj and dull, A MARBLE-SAW requires half a horse's power. WIRE AND HEMP ROPES. A wire rope 3^ ins. in circumference. ami ;i hi-mp -hroii'l s ins. in circumference, parted in the rope at H" tons t .''"> Ibs. per square inch. ENDLESS ROPES. Tlie friction or adhesion of ropes Is from .1 to .07 of their weight. Brief Rules for the Computation of the 'Weights of Cast Iron Pipes and Cast and "Wrought Iron Bolts.--( Horatio Alien.) CAST IRON PIPES. To the inner diameter of the pip- 1 add the thickness of tin- pipe in inches, and multiply the sum by in tim.-s the thickness, and the product will give the weight in pounds per foot. WuoroHT IRON BOLTS. Square the radius of the bolt and multi- ply it by 10, and the product will give the weight in pounds per flor east iron, subtract 2-27, or, .074 of the result MU.I.EABLE OR ALtTMTNmi BRONZE. By weight: Copper, 90: Aluminum, 10. This composition may lx* forged cither when betted or cooled, and becomes extremely dense. Its tensile strength is 100,000 Ibs., and when drawn into wire 128.000 Ibs., and its elasti- city one half that of wrought iron. Specific gravity, 7700. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. ELASTICITY AND STRENGTH. The component parts of a rigid body adhere to each other with a force which is termed cohesion. Elasticity is the resistance which a body opposes to a change of form. "> is the resistance which a body opposes to a permanent separation of its parts. fh, accord inc to th<> manner in which a force to exerted upon a i>o '/.-. or r> -si-tain-.' to tit-Mire; ,'r>i*h- iii'j xtr- n;,'1k. or roUtanc.- to compression; tornional strength, or re- slstauce to torsion; and detru&ve strength; or resistance to shearing. 92 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Tho limit of stiffness is flexure, and the limit of strength or resist- ance is fracture. loneliness of hndi'-s. N -tr'-ngth and flexibility com- bined; hence any material or body which bear- tin- groate.-t load, and bends tin- nio.-t al tin- time ol fracture, i.- the toui;lic.-t. The tp'-rifir firm-it;/ of iron is ascertained to indicate very cor- rectly the relative degree of its strength. The nnilral arts, or line of equilibrium, is the line at which ex- tension terminates and compression be-in-. The 1-,'nistance of cast iron to crushing and tensile strains is, as a mean, as 4, 3 to 1.* English cast iron has a higher resistance to compression, and a lc tensile resistance, than American. Tho mean tensile strength of American cast iron, as determined by Major Wade for th.-' I'. S. Ordnance Corp-, i- :. per square inch of section; the mean of English, as determined by Mr. K. Hodgkinson for the Kailwav Commission, etc., in 1K4!. i- I!t.4.s4 Ita.; and by Col. Wilmot at Woolwich, in 1858, for gun-metal, is 23,257 Ibs The ultimate extension of cast iron is the 500th part of its length. The me,nn tru^-nc xtr'tifjth of American oast iron, also deter- mined by Major Wade, is t!si |bs. per |iiare iii'-h. >n-|>eiidi-d from a bar fixed at one end an to 1 for American: and for Kn-jrlisli, 1"J to 1. Tho mmn tentUe strength of American wrought iron, as dotor- mineil by Prof. Johnson, is "I.IHHI Ibs.. and the mean of English, as determined by Capt. Brown, Barlow, Brunei, and Fairbairn, is 63,900 Ibs. f Tho ultimate extension of wrought iron is the 600th part of its length. The rrsittfincf tofljnire, acting evenly over the surface, is nearly % the tensile resistance. Modulus of Elasticity. Tho modulus or corflirint of the elu*ti-itii of any substance is the mea-Mire of its ela-i'i r<-a<-tion or force, and is tlio height of a column of the same substance, eanable. of producing a ]ires-ure on its ba^e. which is to the weight causing a certain decree of compression, us the length of the >nb>tance is to the diminution of its length. It is computed by this analogy: As tho extension or diminution of the length of any given sobaaUMe is to it> 1-nnth in iii"h.'-. -o is the force that produced that extension or diminution to the modulus of its elasticity. Or, z : P : : l:u> = , x representing the length a substnnce 1 In square z n< -.f Mr. IIiMl-kin-SMii .,u irou of low tensile strength gives a nii'ail of t't.'M I'll. fThe results, as given by Mr. Telford, Included experiments upon Swedish iron ; hence they are omitted in this summary. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 93 ami 1 foot In length would be extended or diminished by the force P and w the weight of the modulus in tbs. To Compute the Weight of the Modulus of Elasticity of a Substance. RULE. As the extension or compression of the length of auy substance is to its length, so is the weight that pro- dmvil that extension or compression to the modulus of elasticity in pounds avoirdupois. EXAMPLE. If a bar of cast-Iron, 1 inch square and 10 feet In length Is extended .008 Inch, with a weight of 1000 Iba., what la the weight of its modulus of elasticity? .OOS : 130 (10X12) : : 1000 : 15.000.000 Bw. NOTE. When the weight of the modulus of elasticity of a substance IB known, the height of it can be readily computed by dividing the weight by the weight of a bar of the substance 1 inch square and I foot in length. Ex. 2. If a wrought-lron chain, 60 feet In length and .2 inch in diam- eter, is subjected to a strain of 150 tt>s., what will it be extended? The modulus of elasticity of iron wire is 26,808,000 fcs., and the area of chain .2x; 7854^.31416. 150 =477,463 tt>s. per square inch, and 60x12=720 ins. 120 843.773 36 Then 477.463X = =.0128 Inch. 2B.808.000 26,808,000 To Compute the Weight when the Height is Given. RULE. Multiply the weight of 1 foot in length of the material by the height of the modulus in feet, and the product will give the weight. To Compute the Height of the Modulus of Elasticity. RULE. Divide the weight of the modulus of elasticity of the material by weight of 1 foot of it and the quotient will give the height in feet. From a series of elaborate experiments by Mr. E. Hodgkinson for the Railway Commission, he deduced the following formulae for the extension and compression of cast and wrought iron: CAST-IRON EXTENSION : 13,934,040 - - 2,907,432,000 - = W. I ft e e CAST-IBON COMPRESSION : 12,931,560 522,979,200 = W, e and e re- l P presenting the extension and compression, and I the length In Inches. IT/LUSTRATION. What weight will extend a bar of cast-iron, 4 inches square and 10 leet in length, to the extent of .2 inch? 13,934,040X-^ - - 2,907,432,000 - = 23223.4 - 8076.2 = 15147.2, which X 4 Ins, 94 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AND WEIGHT OF VAKIOUS SUB- STANCES. SUBSTANCES. 3 ulit I. , t. A-h Br.isa, yellow... wire Copper, cast. Kir, red 4,9.0.000 Gun-meUU Hempen fibre*. Ice li'.n, cast wre ......... 4112,000 4, N,MI, i IK) K,:tH) (MM) 4.1111.1^1 2.71(IOl)0 6 ' 6,0 I 000 5J7W900 560000 M77.000 n; i.i'.:i.-,m l.796>50 7211.000 Limestone Mahogany Mail.le, WbltO... Oak 1'ilie, 1'lK-h " White Steel, cast 44 wire _ Stone, Portland I II), ClUSt W illow Yel. Pin*-, mean /.me I.K.-IO.OOO 2.400,000 4,7.^IIHNI 8,i U.(KX) 8^80,000 ! '." U672.000 tl'.lNIUH) : 1,080,400 !4^08,000 1.710,000 i 2,K)0.(iOO 13,410,1100 The elasticity of Ivory, as compared to Glass, is as .95 to 1. To Compute the Length of a Prism of a Material which would be severed by its own 'Weight when Suspended. RULE. Divide the tensile resistance of the material by the weight of a foot of it in length, and the quotient will give the length. Modulus of Cohesion, or Length in Feet required to Tear assunder the following Substances. Kawhide, 15,375 feet; hemp twine, 7 ..,0(10 feet; Catgut, u'.'.,"iiU feet. Tensile Strength. '/' tance of the fibres or particles of a body to sep;\nition. It is therefore propor- tional to their number, or to" the area of its transverse section. The fibre* of wood are .-strongest near the centre of the trunk or limb of a tree. CAST IRON. Experiments on oast iron barspive a tensile strength of from 4,000 Ibs. to 5,000 Ibs. per square inch of its section, as just sufficient to balance the elasticity of the metal, and as a bar of it is extended the 5500th part of its length for every ton of direct strain per square inch of its section, it is d due d thai its elasticity is fully excited when it is extended less than tbe 3000th part of Its length, and the extension of it at its limit of elasticiy is estimated at the 1-tioth part of its length. The mean tensil* str> tifjth, then, of cast iron being from 16,000 to 20,000 Ibs., the oohuot it. \vh-n su'-.j ct d to a ten.-ile strain, may be safi ly estimated at from }{ to % of this, or of its breaking strain. A bar of cnst iron will contrast or expand .000006173, or the i of its length for eaeh degree of b -at; and a-iiniini,' the ex- treme range of the temperature in this country 140 ( 20 l.'OO), it will contract or expand with this change .MOMtS, or the n.-.7th part of its length. It .shrinks in cooling from .0104 to .0118 of its It follows, then, that as 2240 Ibs. will extend a bar the 6500th STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. 95 part of its length, the contraction or extension for the 1157th part will be equivalent to a force of 10,648 Ibs. (1% tons) per square inch of section. Cast iron (Greenwood) at three successive meltings gave tenaci- ti. -, uf 21,300, 30,100, and 35,700 Ibs. Cast iron at 2.5 tons per square inch will extend the same as wrought iron at 5.6 tons. The mean tensile strength of four kinds of English cast iron, as de- term ined by the Commissioners on the Application of Iron to Railway Struct uivs," was 15,711 Ibs. per square inch (7. 014 tons); and the mean ultimate extension was, for lengths of 10 feet, .1997 inch, IMMII'.: the r,iMth part of its length; and this weight would compress a bur the 775th part of its length. Tensile strength of the strongest piece of cast Iron ever tested 4.v.>7n Ibs. This was a mixture of grades 1, 2, and 3 of Greenwood iron, and at the 3d fusion. WROUGHT IRON. Experiments on wrought Iron bars give a tensile strength of from 18,000 Ibs. to 22,400 Ibs. per square inch of its section, as Just sufficient to balance the elasticitv of the metal, and as a liar of it is extended the 10,000th part of its length for every ton of direct strain per square inch of its section, it is deduced that its elasticity is fully excited when it is extended the 1000th part of its length, and the extension of it at Its limit of elasticity is estimated at the 1520th part of its length. The mean tensile strength of wrought iron being from 55,000 to 65,000 Ibs., the value of it, when subjected to a tensile strain, maybe sat'-iy estimated at from V to % 01 this, or of its breaking strain. A bar of wrought iron will expand or contract .000006614, or the l. r )i.-_'(i(ith part of Its length for each degree of heat; and assuming, n^ liel'ure stated for cast iron, that the extreme range (if temperature in the air in this country is 140, It will contract or expand with this change .inn ><_><>, or the 1080th of its length, which is equivalent to a inn-.- of 20,740 Ibs. (9> tons) per square inch of section. Experiments upon wrought iron, to determine the results from repeated heating and laminating, furnished the following: From 1 to 6 reheating and rollings, the tensile strength increased from 43,904 Ibs. to 61,824 Ibs., and from 6 to 12 it was reduced to 43,904 again. The tensile force of metals varies with their temperature, generally decreasing as the temperature is increased. In silver the tenacity decreases more rapidly than the temperature; in copper, gold, and platinum it decreases less rapidly than the temperature. In iron, the tensile strength at different temperature is as follows: 60. 1; 11*0 1.14; 212, 1.2; 250, 1.32; 270, 1.35: 326, 1.41: 435, 1.4. STIRLING'S MIXED OR TOUGHENED IRON. By the mixture of a portion of malleable iron with cast iron, carefully fused in a cruel- lil'-, a tensile strain of 25,764 Ibs. has been attained. This mixture, when judiciously managed and duly proportioned, increases the resistance of cast iron about one-third; the greatest effect being ob- tained with a proportion of about 30 per cent, of malleable iron. Bronze (gun-metal) varies in tenacity from 23,000 to 54,500 Ibs. 7 96 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. ELEMENTS CONNECTED WITH THE TENSILE RESISTANCE OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES. |i!x Hi 2JJ-* IN StmSTANCKS. Pi Ills IKatioofst to thnt ( inuKup SUBSTANCES. Jill m Beech Lbs. .8 Wrought-iron, Swe. Lbs. Jl HHI .S4 Cast-iron, English... American Oak 4,000 6,000 2)856 J .28 " Eng. j " Am 18,850 ^m 21,000 -'i Steel pi H tea, blue tempered Stool wire Yellow Pine turn 85.700 .62 .6 23 Wrought wire. No. 9. uii.nmealed Wrought wire, No. 9, 47,532 86,300 .49 45 Wrought-lron, or'dy 17,600 J TENSILE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. OK POWER REQUIRED TO TEAR ASUNDER ONE SQUARE INCH. METALS. Lbs. Lbs. Copper, wrought " rolled " cast, American wire 84000 86000 BUM Iron plates.mean, English lengthwise crnvswlse. _ " Inferior, bar 61000 68800 48800 BOOM " bolt ::. ... < 7 i'liW) Iron, cast. Low Moor.No. 2 Clyde No 1 i; I7fl I'.!".', " " ' " lejdiam ." H) 6MM " NO 8 MB Lead, C;IM 1800 Calder No 1 " milltnl MB Stirling, mean " wiro 2580 mean of American mean* of English, Greenwood, Amer'n.. gun-metal, mean wrought wire best Swedish bar. 81829 HUM 87481 108000 72000 68500 Platinum, wire Silver, cast Steel, cast, maximum * 4 ** moan " blistered, soft | 6800B MOOO l:j.x) 88657 188000 104000 11(X)0 English bar rlvots, American bolts 60000 68300 62250 " chrome, mean puddled, extreme... hammered mean of English rivets English 531I13 68900 !.">;. i' " plates, longthwise... " crosswise 96800 88700 I'^XKI) crank shaft turnings plates, boiler, ) 44760 Tin, cast, block " Banca Zinc .".."..'."'."" 6000 2122 3500 American J " sheet lf-000 Lake Superior and Iron Mountain charcoal bloom Iron has resisted 90000 Ibs. per square Inch. By Commissioners on Application of Iron to Railway Structure*. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. MISCELLANEOUS SUBSTANCES. 97 Lbs. | 100 * 80 414 24 HQ li- 2346 8500 140 ,'.':: 830 Lbs. Brick, well burned- flre " inferior .... | Cement, blue stone " li V' 1 rau lt>*.......... . . riarwlch " Portland, 6 mos_ Sheppy " Portland 1, sand 3 Chalk I.illH'StolH* * Marble, Italian ~ 44 white _ Mortar, 12 years old Plaster of Paris ...... 670 S "SS 72 9000 i m .-iTiMiH JK as2 8 8 7600 Rope, Manilla . hemp, tarred _ Sandstone, fine grain Blate Ohms, crown Gutta-percha Stone, bath aa:::::=::-:: " " mortar Ivory .. " Portland... | Whalebone Leather bflts COMPOSITIONS. Lt*. || Lbs. 12000 .H.) .--.Km 11000 48700 Gold 5, Copper 1_ - 50000 Copper 10, Tin 1 42000 r 8. Tin 1. gun-metal 18000 " 8, " 1. small bars 17608 Tin 10, Antimony 1 5678S II Yellow metal " yeliow".".'"!.'. Bronze, least greatest WOODS. Lbs. Lbs. Bet-c'h 14000 ir, " Maple UBOO ll r >()0 " English Itll.dO IViv . .. .. i p .. >. . I "') Cedar 11400 " African UOOO Chestnut, sweet ... Cvpress ~- Deal, Christiana Elm N>oOO MM 12IIK) l:>00 Pear Pine, pitch .... 44 larch _ " American white '88 lLlH.,1 iSS 2VHK) 7000 Llenum-vltse - ll-'"> Hpruoe, white ln--.ll 2>iVX) woo Mahogany 21000 T.ak 11 "<} Spanish uooo avo \Vnlnut Willow & 98 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS ON THE TENSILE STRENGTH OF WROUGHT IRON TIE RODS. Common English Iron, l/ 5 Inches in Diameter. Description of Connection. Weight. Semicircular hook fitted to a circular and welded eye Two semicircular hooks hooked together Lbs. MIHH) J6220 29120 4H160 MOM Right-angled hook or goose-neck fitted into a cylindrical eye Two links or welded eyes connected together Straight rod without any connection articulation. Iron bars when cold rolled are materially stronger than when only hot rolled, the difference being In some cases as great as 3 to 2, WIRE ROPES. RESULT OF EXPERIMENTS ON THE TENSILE STRENGTH OF IRON AND STEEL WIRE ROPES. s PI Ins. if Lbs. il Lbs. 13440 44800 Ins. % Ins. 1 Lbs. Lbs. 33600 56000 EXTENSION OF CAST-IRON BARS WHEN SUSPENDED VERTICALLY. 1 Inch Square and 10 Feet In Length. Weight applied at one end. 1058 2117 Ins. .0014 .0190 Ins. .0000 lf> .OOUUW Ins. am .0871 Ins. .00265 .OOS55 .02555 Steel. The tensile strength of steel increases by reheating and rolling up to the second operation, but decreases after that. The relative resistance of wrought iron and copper to tension and compression is as 100 to 54.5. Transverse Strength. The Transverse or Lateral Strs.ngth of any Bar, J3eam, Rod, etc., is in proportion to the product of its STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. 99 breadth and the square of its depth; in like-sided beams, bars, etc., it is as the cube of the diameter of the section. Wh,n one end is fixed and the other projecting, the strength is in- versrly as tin- distance of the weight from the section acted upon; and tlic strain upon any section is directly as the distance of tlm weight from that section. When both ends are supported only, the strength Is 4 times greater for an equal length, when the weight is applied in the middle be- tween the supports, than if one end only is fixed. When both end art, fixed, the strength Is 6 times greater for an equal length, when the weight is applied in the middle, than if one end only Ts fixed. The strength of any beam, bar, etc., to support a weight in the centre of it, when tha end re*t* merely upon two supports, compared to one when the ends are fixed, is as 2 to 3. When the weight or strain is uniformly distributed, the weight or strain that can be supported, compared with that when the weight or strain is applied at one end or in the middle between the sup- ports, is as 2 to 1. In metals, the less the dimension of the side of a beam, etc., or the diameter of a cylinder, the greater its proportionate transverse strength. This is in consequence of their having a greater propor- tion of chilled or hammered surface compared to their elements of strength, resulting from dimensions alone. The strength of a cylinder, compared to a square of like diame- ter or sides, is as 6.25 to 8. The strength of a holloa cylinder to that of a solid cylinder, of the same length and volume, is as the greater diameter of the former is to the diameter of the latter. Thf strength of an equilateral triangle, fixed at one end and loaded at the other, having an edge up, compared to a square of the same area, is as 22 to 27; and the strength of an eu trilateral triangle, having an edge down, compared to one with an edge up, is as 10 to 7. NOTE. In these comparisons, the beam, bar, etc., Is considered as one end being fixed, the weight suspended from the other. In Barlow and other authors the comparison is made when the beam, etc. , rested upon supports. Hence the stress is contrariwise. Dt'tru*ion is the resistance that the particles or fibres of materials oppose to their sliding upon each other. Punching and shearing are detrusive strains. 7) jl ction. When a bar, beam etc., Is deflected by a cross-strain, the side of the beam, etc., which is bounded by the concave sur. face, is compressed, and the opposite side is extended. In atones and cast metal*, the resistance to compression is greater than tin- resistance to extension. In irt>ds, the resistance to extension is greater than the resistance to compression. The general law regarding d*flfftion is, that it increases, cceteru paribut, directly as the cube of the length of the beam, bar, etc., and inversely as the breadth and cube of the depth. 100 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. The resistance of flexure of a body at its cross-section is very nearly 9-10 of its tensile resistance. The gt-iffcjtt bar or beam that can be cut out of a cylinder is that of which the depth is to the breadth as the square root of 3 to 1 ; the strongest, as the square root of 2 to 1 ; and the most resilient, that which has the breadth and depth equal. RELATIVE STIFFNESS OF MATEEIALS TO RESIST A TRANSVERSE STRAIN. Ash 089 White pine 1 Beech 073 Yellow pine 087 Elm 079 Wrought iron 1.3 Oak 095 Cast iron 1. The strength of a rectangular beam in an inclined portion, to re- sista vertical stress, is to its strength in a liori/.oiital position astho square of radius to the square of the cosine of elevation: that is, as the square of the length of the beam to the square ot the distance between its points of support, measured upon a horizontal plane. Experiments upon bars of cast iron, 1, 2, and 3 inches square, give a result of transverse strength of 447, 348, and 338 Ibs. respectively; being in the ratio of 1, .78, and .756. The strongest rectangular bar or beam that can be cut out of a cyl- inder is one of which the squares of the breadth and depth of it, and the diameter of the cylinder, are as 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The i ratio of the crushing to the tranxwrse strength is nearly the same in glass, stone, and marble, including the hardest and softest kinds. Green sand iron coatings are 6 per cent, stronger than dry, and 30 percent, stronger than chilled; but when the castings are chilled and annealed, a gain of 115 per cent, is attained over those made in green sand. Chilling the under side of cast iron very materially increases its strength. WOODS. Beams of wood, when laid with their annual or annular layers vertical, are stronger than when they are laid horizontal, in the proportion of 8 to 7. Woods are de.n*er at the root* and at the centre of their trunks. Their strength decreases with the decrease of their density. STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. 101 TRANSVERSE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, DEDUCED FROM EXPERIMENTS. Reduced to the uniform Measure of One Inch Square, and one Foot In Length ; Weight suspended from one End. || J MATERIALS. || MATERIALS. If 11 I! P >l METALS. JH Jbt means of Cast iron, fourdivi- 507 125tolflO 6fill55 " 210' WROUGHT IRON. 700 Atnerlcan slons of , -JM American ~... < 650 160to209 grades 772 M - M 600| " mean by MH) Wade BB1 170 " 225, English 400 100 " 130 " West Pt. Foundry, extreme- HO 250 "325 550 1S5 " 180 665 65 "210 Swedish*. _.. M English, Low Moor, cold blast ~ " Ponkey, cold !7'J 110 " HO 1 145 " 1> MIXTUREOFCA8TAND WROUGHT IRON, etc, Cast Iron. Blaenavon. 145 " hot blust, mean 500 l-ii " Ift5|| " lOperctofwr't ... 175 11 cold ** ** - 51ti 1 ',') " 170 " 80 " " 230 " Ystalyfera. cold bl't 77ii lor, 255 60 " " 185 " mean of 05 kinds 600 125 " 16511 " and 2'X per ct "mean of 15 kinds, direct from the of nick el, mean " Stirling. 2d qu. ... 180 154 Pig. cold blast- 641 IflO " 21511 " - 8d 125 M planed bur 518 ISO" 170 Copper " rouich bar Rteel, greatest 1918 M ' 450 STONES (American). Steel, pud.lled (per- manent bend) WOODS. Ash ^. Beech m } ." 170 "225 Flagging, blue freestone, Conn " Dorcliester N. Jersey- 5 IOJ JM 1 17 > 10 Birch.- ,,,, 40 N. York...- .'i. 8 Chestnut. : 53 Granite, bine, coarse.. 6 Deal, Christiana - Hickory '.."....... .*."*.~*. 187 ',-' 45 80 55 " Qulncy. Mass. STONES (Ktigllsh). Adelaide marble- 7- IXK*USt . ..^. .. . 80 Arbroath _ IT/ gvz Maple m tiangor slate :i ' Norwav pine _.. 1 ' : 40 Bath -, > IV Oak, African American white " M live.. M LT> 50 50 65 ( 'alt li ness, paving, 8c. ;*ornlfh granite Cralgleth sandstone... & lo'.T 22* 7 - Canadian 1" 86 Darley sandst., Vlct'a l.'i 4 " Dant _ i H 80 Kentish rag- HJ 12 i Eng . 1 !> 85 Limestone n. " "' superior PUch pine m ;' 45 45 50 Uangollen slate 'Park Hprlng sandst'e Portland oolite- u 1.4 7 Riga fir M ', 30 60 Valentia, paving, Irel Welsh, " r,- .1 va 23 55 Teak White pine " American H M 80 45 Yorkshire, bine landing... HJ Whltewood 114 88 pavlne 10.' 3$ INCREASE IN STRENGTH OF SEVERAL WOODS BY SEASONING. Ash 44.7 percent. I Elm 12.3 per cent, I White plne....9 percent. Beech 01.9 | Oak .26.1 | With 840 Ibs. the deflection was 1 Inch, and the elasticity of the metal destroyed. 102 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CONCBETES, CEMENTS, ETC. MATERIALS. | MATERIALS. ' || CONCRETES (English). l 1 . BRICKS (English). Best stork 11 S " sand, .'{parts; lime, 1 part CKMENT8 (English) .7 Fire-brick Vcw brick 11. 107 - i < )1>I lirirk ' 1 Portland ... { ::7..-> Stock-brick, well burned u Bheppy loj r,. TRANSVERSE STEENGTH OF CAST IRON BAES AND OAK BEAMS OF VARIOUS FIGURES. Reduced to the uniform Measure of One Inch Square of Sectional Area, and One Foot in Length. Fixed at one end, Weight suspended from the other. FORM OF BAR OR BEAM. Breaking Weight. FORM OF BAR OR BEAM. Breaking Weight. I CAST IRON. Lbs A Equilateral triangle, an Lbs 560 Square Square diagonal verti- 678 V Equilateral triangle, an 058 cal 568 fc Cylinder 57. 4 i T2ins. deep X 2 ins. wide X 268 ins depth 2068 O Hollow cylinder; greater diameter twice that of 7JM 2 ins. deep X 2 ins. wide J. X .268 ins. depth. 565 8 Rectangular prism, 2 Ins. deep X 14 in. depth " 3 ins.deep X Xln.depth "4 " XX " 1456 2892 l>ii.3_' A Equilateral triangle, an edge up V Equilateral triangle, an edge down 114 130 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 103 TBANSVEBSE STBENGTH OF SOLID AND HOLLOW CYLINDERS OF VARIOUS MATERIALS. One foot in length. Fired at one end ; Weight suspended from the other. MATERIALS. 1| s 5 Hollow Internal Diameter. Breaking Weight Breaking Weight for I inch external Diameter and pro- port ionate Inter- nal Diameter. WOODS. Ash Ins. 2. Ins. Lbs. 085 Lbs. 88 2. 1. IM 75 Fir* 2. T72 97 White pine ifJBTALa!"*" Cast Iron, cold blast STONE WARE. Rolled pipe of fine clay | 8. 2.87 1.928 75 610 12000 190 a Ml 8 Brick-work. A brick arch, having a rise of 2 feet, and a span of 15 feet 9 inches, and 2 feet in width, with a depth at its crown of 4 inches, bore 358,400 Ibs. laid along its centre. To Compute the Transverse Strength of a Rectangular Beam or Bar.. WHEN A BEAM OR BAR is FIXED AT ONE END, AND LOADED AT THE OTHER. Rule. Multiply the talus of the inai.-i inl in the preceding tables, or as may be ascertained, by the lir.M.iih and square of the depth in inches, and divide the product by the length in feet. NOTE When the beam is loaded uniformly throughout Its length, the result must be doubled. EXAMPLE. What are the weights each that a cast and wrought iron bar, 2 inches square and projecting 80 inches In length, will bear with- out permanent injury? The vnluet for cast and wrought iron in this and the following cal- culat ioiiH are assumed to be 225 and 180. H.-in-o 225X2X2*= 1800, which,--2^=720 Ibs.; and 180x2x2*=l0, which, +2.5=576 Ibs. IP TTTE DIMENSIONS OF A BEAM OR BAR ARE REQJTTREP TO SUPPORT A GIVEN WEIGHT AT ITS END. Rule. Divide the pro- duct of the weight and the length in feet by the valut of the ma- An inch-square batten from the same plank as this specimen broke 104 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. terial, and the quotient will give the product of the breadth and the square of the depth. EXAMPLE. What Is the depth of a wrought-lron beam, 2 Inches broad, necessary to support 576 Ibs. suspended ut 30 inches from the fixed end? =8, whlch,-i-2 Ins. for the breadth=4, and J 4=2 Ins., the 180 breadth. WHEN A BEAM OR BAR is FIXED AT BOTH ENDS, AND LOADED IN THE MIDDLE. Rule. Multiply the value of the material by 6 times the breadth and the square of the depth in inches, and divide the product by the length in feet NOTE. When the beam Is loaded uniformly throughout its length, the result must be doubled. EXAMPLE What weight will a bar of cast iron, 2 inches square and 5 feet In length, support In the middle, without permanent injury? 225X2X6X2*=10800, whlch,-5-5=2160 Ibs. OR, IF THE DIMENSIONS OF A BEAM OR BAR ARE REQUIRED TO SUPPORT A GIVEN \VKIGHT IN THK MIDDI.K. I'.I:T\VI;I:X THE FIXED ENDS. Rule. Divide the product of the weight and the length in feet by 6 times the value, of the material, and the quotient will give the product of the breadth and the square of the depth. EXAMPLE. What dimensions will a cast ir^n square bar 5 feet in length require to support without permanent injury a stress ol 2160 Ibs? 2160X5 10800 = =8, which,-*-2 ins. for the assumed breadth,=4, and J 4=- 225X6 1350 2 ins the depth. WHEN THE BREADTH OR DEPTH is REQUIRED. Rule. Divide the product obtained by the preceding rules by the square of the depth, and the quotient is the breadth; or by the breadth, and the square root of the quotient is the depth. ILLUSTRATION. If 12S Is the product, and the depth is 8: then 128-5-8* =2, the breadth. Also, 123-2=64, and ,J64=8, the depth. WHEN THE WEIGHT is NOT IN THE MIDDLE BETWEEN THK ENDS. Rule. Multiply the i-'ilue of the material by 3 times the length in feet, and the 'breadth and square of the depth in indies, and divide the product by twice the product of the distances of the weight, or stress from either end. EXAMPLE. What is the weight a cost-iron bar. fixed at both ends, 2 ins. square and 5 feet in length, will bear without permanent injury, 2 feet from one end? 225X3X5X2X2* 27000 = =2250 Ibs. 2X2X3 12 WHEN A BEAM OR BAR is SUPPORTED AT BOTH ENDS, AND LOADED IN THE MIDDLE. Rule.. Multiply the value of the ma. terial by 4 times the breadth and the square'of the depth in inches, and divide the product by the length in feet. STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. 105 NOTE. When the beam Is loaded uniformly throughout Its length, the result must be doubled. EXAMPLE. What weight will a cast-Iron bar, 5 feet between the sup- ports, and 2 Ins. square, bear In the middle, without permanent In- jury? 225X2X4X^=7200. which, +5=. 1440 Ibs. OR, IF THE DISTENSIONS ARE REQUIRED TO SUPPORT A GIYEN WEIGHT. Rule. Divide the product of the weight and length in feet by 3 times the vnlue of the material, and the quotient will give the product of the breadth, and the square of the depth. WHEN THE WEIGHT is IN THE MIDDLE BETWEEN THE SUP- PORTS. Rule. Multiply the valu* of the material by the length in feet, and the breadth, and the square of the depth in inches, and divide the product by the product of the distances of the weight, or stress from either support. EXAMPLE. What weight will a cast-iron bar, 2 Ins. square and 5 feet in length, support without permanent Injury, at a distance of 2 feet from one end, or sunport? 225X5X2X2* 9000 -=1500 Ibs. 2x(5-2) 6 To Compnte the Pressure upon the Ends or upon the Supports. Riik.\. Divide the product of the weight and its distance from the nearest end or support by the whole length, and the quotient will give the pressure upon the end or support farthest from the weight. 2. Divide the product of the weight and its distance from the farthest end, or support, by the whole length, and the quotient will give the pressure upon the end or support nearest the weight. EXAMPLE. Whnt is the pressure upon the supports In the case of the pr,.,-..(liug example? 1500X2 1500X8 =600 Ibs. upon support farthest from the weight; 900 Ibs. 5 6 upon support nearest to the weight. WHEN A BEAM OR BAR, FTXED OR SUPPORTED AT BOTH ENDS, BEARS TWO WEIGHTS AT UNEQUAL DISTANCES FROM THE ENDS. Let m and n represent distances of greatest and least weights from their nearest end, W and 10 greatest and least weights, L whole length, I distance from least weight to farthest end, and V distance of greatest weight from farthest end. mXW IX w nxu> TxW Then h pressure at w end, and 1 pressure at W L L Li L end. ILLTTSTRATION. A beam 10 feet In length, having both ends flxed in a wall, bears two weight*, viz., one of 1000 IDA. at 4 feet from one of its ends, and the other of 2000 Ibs. at 4 feet from the other end ; what Is the pressure upon each end? 4X2"00 6X1000 4X1000 6X2000 H =1400 Ibs. pressure upon w end, 1 =1600 Ibs. 10 10 10 10 pressure at W end. 106 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. WHEN THE PLANE OP THE BEAM OR BAR PROJECTS OBLIQUE- LY UPWARD OR DOWNWARD. WHKN FIXKD AT ONI; KND AND LOADED AT THE OTHER. .ftufc. Multiply tin- /-.//'/ <>f the nuite- rial by the breadth and square of the depth in inches, and divide the product by the product of the length m feet and the cosine of the angle of elevation or depression. NOTE. When the weight is laid uniformly along it* length, the re- Bait muM be doubled. EXAMPLE. What is the weight an ash-beam, 5 feet in length, 3 lns square, and projecting upward at an angle of 7 l^, will bear without permanent injury ? 55X3X3=1485, which,-i-5X cos. 7 lo',=1485-=-5x.992=299.39 Ibs. To Compute the Transverse Strength of Cylinders, El- lipses, etc. WHEN A CYUNPKK. Ui-.t TANUI.K (THI. DIAGONAL BEING VERTICAL,) HOLLOW CYLINDER, OR BEAMS HAVING M.r- TION8 OF AN ELLIPSE, ARE KITHKR FIXED AT ONK KXD AND LOADED AT THE OTHER, OR SUPPORTED AT BOTH ENDS, THE LOAD APPLIED IN THE MIDDLE, OR BETWEEN THE SUPI'OKTs. - Ride. Proceed in all cases as if for a rectangular beam, taking for the breaath and depth, and value of the material, as follows: Cylinder, diameter 8 x.6; Rectangle, * side 1 X.7; Hollow Cylinder (dlam.* dlam.*) X-6; Ellipse, transverse diam. veitlcal conj. X trans- verse*, x.6; and Ellipse, conj. diam. vert, transverse X conj.* X.6 of value. When an Equilaterinl Trianffle, or T Beam. RtTLB. Proceed In all cases as if for a rectangular beam, taking the following proportions of the value of the material. Fixed at one or (Eqnllaternl triangle, edge up, 6Xd, X.2 of Value. h /* ^ \ Equilateral triangle, edge down, 6xP. X 34 both end*. ^-p beam or ^ edge down> bx&, X-42 Supported at (Equilateral triangle, edge up, bx&, X.84 " < Equilateral triangle, edge down, 6xd*. X.2 " both ends. r or bar. * edge up. 6Xd, X.42 To Compute the Diameter of a Solid Cylinder to Support a Given Weight. WHEN FIXKD AT ONK END, AND LOADKDAT THE OTHER. Rule. Multiply the weight to be supported in pounds by the length of the cylinder in feet; divide the product by .6 of the value of the material, and the cube root of the quotient will give the diameter. NOTE. When the cylinder is loaded uniformly throughout its length, the cube root of half the quotient will give tbe diameter. EXAMPLE. What should he the diameter of a cast-iron cylindrical beam, 8 ins. in length, to support 1-5000 Ibs. without permanent injury? 15000X.66 8 ins.=.68 feet; -- =74.07; and f 74.07=4.2. . r> WHET* FIXED AT BOTH ENDS, AND LOADED rN THE MIDDLE. Rule. Multiply the weight to be supported in pounds by the length The strength of a Rectangle, the diagonal beint? vertical, compared to that of its circumscribing rectangle, when tbe direction of the strain is parallel to the side of it, is as 2.45 to 1. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 107 of the cylinder between the supports In feet; divide the product by .; of the value of the inatrruil, and the cube root of \ of the quotient will give the diameter. NOTE. When the cylinder Is loaded uniformly along Its length, the cube root of half the quotient will give the diameter. EXAMPLE. What should be the diameter of a cast-iron cylinder, 2 feet between the support*, that will support 1930S Ibs. without per- manent injury? .6X225 WHEN SUPPORTED AT BOTH ENDS, AND LOADED IN THE MID- DLE. Rule. Multiply the weight to be supported in pounds by the length of the cylinder between the supports in feet; divide the product by .6 of the value of material, and the cube root of \ of the quotient will give the diameter. NOTE. When the cylinder Is loaded uniformly along Its length, the cube root of half quotient will give the diameter. EXAMPLE. What should be the diameter of a cast-iron cylinder, 2 feet between the supports, that will support 54000 Ibs. without per- manent injury ? 54000X2 800 - -800, and f =5.85 ins. .X225 4 And what its diameter If loaded uniformly along its length? SOO-i-2 - -100, and f 100=4.64 ins. To Compute the Relative Value of Materials to resist a Transverse Strain. Let V represent this value in a Beam, liar, or Cylinder, one foot in length, and one inch square, side, or in diameter; W the weight; ithe length in feet; 6 the breadth, and d the depth in inches; m the distance of the weight from one end; and n the distance of it from the other in feet NOTE. In cylinders, for 6 d* put d*. IW 1. Fixed at one End, weight suspended from the other, - V. 6 d* I W 2. Fixed at both Ends, weight suspended from the middle. - =V. 664* 8. Supported at both Ends, weight suspended from the middle - =V. 46d* 4. Supported at both Ends, weight suspended at any other point than mn W the middle, - =V. I bet* 5. Fixed at both Ends, weight suspended at any other point than 2m n W the middle, - =V. 108 STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. From which formula;, the weight that may he borne, or any of the dimensions, may be computed by the following: Vdb V6d MV IW 1. =W; =l\ =b: J =d. In rectangular beams, eto / ' W Vd 6V IW 6andd=f . 66dV 66dV IW IW 2. =W- =1; =6; J **d. In rectangular beams, I ' W 6dV *66V IW etc., 6 and d=^ . 46d*V 46dV IW IW 8. =W; =1: =b: J =d. In rectangular beams. I W 4dV 46V IW etc., 6 and d=f . lbd*V mnW mnW mnW 4. =W, =1; =6; J =t In rectangular beams, win 6d*V l&V J6V mnW etc., 6 and d=f . IV 2mnW 2mnW 2mnW =W: =1; =*;J =A In rectangular 86dV 8tdV SffrV 2mnW beams, etc.. 6 and d=^ . When the weight is uniformly distributed, the same formulae will apply, TV representing only half the required or given weight. Girders, Beams, Lintels, etc. The Transverse or Lateral Sknugfk of any Girder, Beam Brest-summer, Lintel, etc., is in pro- portion to the product of its breadth and the square of its depth, and also to the area of its cross-section. The best form of section for cast-iron girders or beams, etc., is de- duced from the experiments of Mr. K. DodgktaMOD, and such as have this form of section i are known as Hodgkinson's. The rule deduced from his experiments directs that the area of the bottom flange should be 6 times that of the top ihin-if flanges coiiiUM ted by u thin vertical \vcb, sufficiently rigid, however, to give the requisite lateral stillness, and tapering both upward and down- ward from the neutral axis: and in order to set aside the risk of an imperfect casting, by any great disproportion between the web and the flanges, it should be tapered so as to connect with them, with a thickness corresponding to that of the flange. As both cast and wrought iron resist ern-Oiing or compression with a greater force than extension, it follows that the flan ire of a girder or beam of either of these metals, which is subjected to a crushing strain, according as the girder or beam is supported at both STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. 109 ends, or fixed at one end, should be of less area than the other flange, which is subjected to extension or a tonsil*- strain. When girders are subjected to impulse*, and are used to sustain vfbntfng l<>;tils, as in bridges, etc., the best proportion between the top and bottom flange is as 1 to 4: as a general rule, they should be as narrow and deep as practicable, and should never be deflected to more than one five-hundredth of their length. In Public Halls, Churches and Buildings where the weight of peo- ple alone is to be provided for, an estimate of 175 Ibs. per square foot of floor surface is sufficient to provide for the weight of floor- ing and the load upon it. In churches, buildings, etc., the weight to be provided for should be estimated at that which may at any time be placed thereon, or which at any time may bear upon any portion of their floors; the usual allowance, however, is for a weight of 280 Ibs. per square foot of floor surface for stores and factories, and 175 Ibs. per square foot when the weight of people-alone is to be provided for. In all uses, such as in buildings and bridges, where the structure is exposed to sudden impulses, the load or stress to be sustained should not exceed from 1-5 to 1-6 of the breaking weight of the material employed; but when the load is uniform or the stress quies- cent, it may be increased to ' ., and ' 4 of the breaking weight. An opn-web girder or bf.am, etc., Is to be estimated in its resist- ance on the same principle as if it had a solid web. In cast metals, allowance is to be made for the loss of strength due to the unequal contraction in cooling of the web and flanges. In cast-iron, the mean resistance to crvthing or ttrttnsion is as 4.3 to 1, and in wrought iron as 1.35 to 1; hence the mass of metal below the neutral axis will be greatest in these proportions when the stress is intermediate between the ends or supports of the girders, etc. Wooden girder* or bfsmu, when sawed in two or more pieces, and have slips set between them, and the whole bolted together, are made stiffer by the operation, and are rendered less liable to decay. Oirders cast with a face up are stronger than when cast on a side, in the proportion to 1 to .96, and they are strongest also when cast with the bottom flange up. The following results of the resistances of metals will show how the material should be distributed in order to obtain the maximum of strength with the minimum of material: To Tension. To Crushing. $21.000 r- ence to attaining the greatest strength with the least material, is as follows: The outline of the top, bottom and sides .shoul 1 l>e a curve of various forms, according M tin- hr-adth or depth throughout is equal, and as the girder or beam i.s loaded oulyat one end, or in the middle, or uniformly throughout To Compute the Dimensions and Form of a Girder or Beam. WHEN A GIRDEU OH HKAM is FIXKD AT ONE KM. AND LOADED AT THE OTHEH. 1. Wh<-n. th d /,th /. uniform, thrani/kmit th , utir ,' I n'jth. The section at every point must be in proportion to the product of the length, breadth Mid square of the depth, and as the s plan- oi the depth is in every point the same, the breadth must vary directly as the length; consequently, each side of the beam must be a vertical plane, tapering gradually to the end. 2. Whin th; breadth is uniform throughout the entire length. The depth must vary as the square root of the length; hence the upper or lower sides, or both, must be determined by a parabolic curve. 3. When the section at every point is similar that is, a Circle, an Ellipse, a Square, or a Rectangle, the sides of which bear a fixed pro- portion to each other. The section at every point being a regular ngure, for a circle, the diameter at every point must be as the cube root of the length; and for an ellipse, or a rectangle, the breadth and depth must vary as the cube root of the length. WHKN A GIRDER OR BEAM is FIXED AT ONE END AND LOADED UNIFORMLY THROUGHOUT ITS LENGTH. 1. Wh n the, depth i* uni- form throughout its entire length. The breadth must increase as the square of the length. 2. When the breadth is uniform throughout its entire length. The depth will vary directly as the length. 3. When the section at every point is similar, as a Circl . Square, and Rectangle. The section at every point being a regular figure, the cube of the depth must be in the ratio of the square of the length. WHEN A GIRDER OR BEAM is SUPPORTED AT BOTH ENDS. 1. When loaded in the middle. The constant of the beam, or the product of the breadth and the square of the depth, must be in pro- portion to the distance from the nearest support; consequently, whether the lines forming the brain are straight or curved, they meet in the centre, and of course the two halves are alike: the beam, therefore, may be considered as one half the length, the supported end corresponding with the free end in the case of beams, one end being fixed, and the middle of the beams similarly corres- ponding with the fixed end. 2. When thf, flspth ii uniform throughout. The breadth must be in the ratio of the length. 3. When the breadth is uniform throughout. The depth will vary as the square root of the length. 4. When the section at every point ts similar, as a Circle, Ellipse, STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. Ill and Rectangle. T\\e section at every point being a regular figure, the cube of the depth will be as the square of the distance from tin- supported .-ml. A GIRDER OR BEAM is SUPPORTED AT BOTH ENDS, AND LOADED UNIFORMLY THROUGHOUT ITS LENGTH. 1. When the depth is uniform. The breadth will be as the product of the length of the beam and the length of it on one side of the given point, less the square of the length on one side of the given point. 2. When thfi breadth is uniform. The depth will be as the square root of the product of the length of the beam and th> length of it on on- siilc of the given point, less the square of the length on one side of the given point 3. Whfn the section at every point i similar, as a Cirde, Ellipse, Square, and Rectangle. The section at every point being a regular figure, the cube of the depth will be as the product of the length of the beam and the length of it on one side of the given point, less the square of the length on one side of the given point. GENERAL DEDUCTIONS FROM THE EXPERIMENTS OF STEPHEN- BON, FAIKHAIIIX, CUIJITT, HUGHES, ETC. Fairbairn shows in his experiments that with a stress of about 12, :?_'<) ll>s. JMT square inch on lit inm, and 28,000 Ibs. on wrought iron, the sets and elonga- tions are nearly equal to each other. A cast-iron beam will be bent to one-third of its breaking weight if the load is laid on gradually, and one-sixth of it, if laid on at one.-, will produce the same effect, if the weight of the beam is small compared with the weight laid on. Hence beams of cast iron should be made capable of bearing more than 6 times the greatest weight which will be laid upon them. In wrought-iron beams, if fixed at both ends, the upper flange should be larger than the lower, in the ratio of 1.32 to 1. The breaking weights in similar beams are to each other as the squares of their like linear dimensions; that is, the breaking weights of beams are computed by multiplying together the area of their section, their depth, and a constant, determined from experiments on beams of the particular form under investigation, and dividing the product by the distance between the supports. Cast and wrought iron beams, having similar resistances, have weights nearly as 2.44 to 1. The range of the comparative strength of girders of the same depth, having a top and bottom flange, and those having bottom flange alone, is from having but a little area of bottom flange to a large proportion of it, from % to \ greater strength. A box beam or girder, constructed of plates- of wrought iron, compared to a sin-jl . rib and flanged beami, of equal weights, has a resistance as 100 to 93. The resistance of beams or girders, where the depth is greater than their breadth, when supported at top, is much increased. In some cases the difference is fully one third When A beam is of equal thickness throughout its depth, the 112 STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. curve should be an ellipse to enable it to support a uniform load with equal resistance in every part; and it' tin- beam is an open one, tho curve of equilibrium, for a uniform load, sin mid be that of a para- bola. Hence, when the middle portion is not wholly removed, the curve should be a compound of an ellipse and a parabola, approach- ing nearer to the latter as the middle part is decreased. Girders of cast iron, up to a span of 40 feet, involve a less cost than of wrought iron. Cast iron beams and girders should not be loaded to exceed one- fifth of their breaking weight; and when the >train is attended with concussion and vibration, this proportion must be incrca>ed. Simple cast iron girders may be made 60 feet in length, and the best form is that of llodgkinson: when subjected to a liv the flange should he as 1 to 6, and when to a concussion, etc., as 1 i< I. The forms of girders for .-dim: the limit of those of simple cast iron are various; the principal ones adopted an- those of the straight or arched cast iron girders in separate pieces, and bolted together the Trussed, the Bow-string, and the wrought iron Box and Tubular. A Straight or Arched Girder is formed of separate castings, and is entirely dependent upon the bolts of connection for its strength. A Trussed or Boro-string Girder is made of one or more castings to a single piece, and its strength depend-;, other than upon tin; depth or area of it, upon the proper adjustment of the tension, or the initial strain, upon the wrought iron truss. A Box or Tubular Girder is made of wrought iron, and is best constructed with east iron tops, in order to n>>ist compression: this form of girder is best adapted to afford lateral stiffness. Floor Beams, Girders, etc. The condition of the stress borne by a floor beam is that of a beam supported at both ends and uniformly loaded; but from the irregularity in its loading and un- loading, and from the necessity of its pOMMBfalg great rigidity, it is impracticable to estimate its capacity other than as a beam having the weight borne upon the middle of its length. To Compute the Depth of a Floor Beam. WHEN THE LENGTH AND BKKAOTH AKE GIVEN, AND THE DISTANCE BKTWI.I N THE CENTRES OF THE BEAM is ONE FOOT. Rule. Divide the product of the square of the length in feet and the weight to be borne in pounds per square foot of floor, by the product of I times the breadth and the value of the material from the Table (page 208,) and the square root of the quotient will give the depth of the beam in inches. EXAMPLE. A white pine beam Is 2 Ins. wide, and 12 fert In length hp- tween the suppora ; what should be the depth of It to support a weight Of 175 Ibs. per square foot? IS* \ IT:, =105, and J 105=10.25 Ins. 2X4X30 WHEN THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE CENTRES OF THE BEAM is GREATEB OR LESS THAN ONE Yom.Rule. Divide the product STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. 113 of the square of tin- depth for n beam, tc Km tJie distance between th centra it one foot, by the distance given in inches by 12, and the square root of' the quotient will give the depth of the beam in inches. EXAMPLE. Assume the beam In the preceding case to be net 15 Ins. from the centres of Its adjoining beams; what should be Its depth ? =131.25, and J 131.26- 11.45 Ins. Header and Trimmer Beams. The conditions of the stress borne or to be provided for by them are as follows: IT !'!' r or Trimmer beams support M of the weight of and upon the tail beams inserted into or attached to them. Trimmer Btanw support, in addition to that borne by them directly as a floor beam, each % the weight on the headers. The stress, therefore, upon a header is due directly to its length, or the number of tail beams it supports; and the stress upon the trimmer beams is that of their own stress as a floor beam, and )4 of the weight upon the header supported by them. NOTK. The distance between the support of the trimmer-beams and the point of connection with the header does not in anywise affect the si ri >< upon the trimmer-beams; for in just proportion as this distance, is increased, and the stress upon them consequently Increased, by the suspension of the header from them nearer to the middle of their length, so is the area of their surface supported by the header reduced, and, consequently, the load to be borne by It Girder. The condition of the stress borne by a Girder* is that of :i beam fixed or supported at both ends, as the case may be, sup- porting the weight borne by all of the beams resting thereon, at the points at which they rest; and its dimensions must be propor- tionate to the stress upon it, and the distance between its points of insertion or support. ILLUSTRATION. It is required to determine the dimensions of ft pitch-pine glnler. l.'i feet between its several points of supports, to sup- port the ends of two lengths of beams each 20 feet In length, having a superincumbent weight, including that of the beams, of 200 IDS. per square foot. The condition of the stress upon such a girder would be that of a number of beams, 40 feet in length (20x2), supported at both ends, and loaded uniformly along their length, witn 200 Ibs. upon every super- ficial foot of their area. Hence the amount of the weight to be borne Is determined by 20y2X 15X200=120,000 Ibs. the product of twice the length of r beam, the dis- tance between the supports of the girder and the weight borne per square foot of area; and the resistance to be provided for is that to be borne by a beam, 15 feet in length, fixed at both ends, and supporting 120,000 Ibs. uniformly laid along its length, equal to 60,000 Ibs. supported at Its centre. 15X00,000 Consequently, - = 3000=quotient of the product of the length 6x50 and weight + the product of 6 times the value of the material : and assuming the girder to be 12 inches wide, then j =15.8 ins. When a girder has four or more supports, its condition as regards a stress upon Its middle Is that of a beam fixed at both ends. 114 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, FORMULJE TO COMPUTE THE VALUES AND THE DIMENSIONS OF BEAMS, BARS, ETC., OF VARIOUS SECTIONS.-(TKtDGOLJ).) For a Square, Rectangle, Rectangle the diagonal being vertical, and Cylinder, they are alike to those already given, substituting in the Rectangles for 6 d 2 . 8 s . For a Grooved or Double-flanged, Open, and Single-flanged Beam they are as follows : Grooved. Open. 1. Fixed at one End,) rW Weight suspended V =V. from the other, ) 6 d (1 q y*) 2. Fixed at both Ends,) IW Weight suspended V =V. from the middle, j 6 d* (1 q y 3 ) 8. Supported at both) , w Ends, Weigh BUS- I _ =v ,,led from **\>*^ t both\ mnW it BUS- | __^____^^^ pended atany other point than the mid- bd?m + n (lq y) ' mnW 5. Fixed at both Ends, Weight suspended = V aw V b d* m + n (1 y 8 ) mnW 6 d TO + n (1 y) f - *a UJl I W 2.) For the other condi- 8. I tlons of a Beam, Bar, =V. 4. [ etc. , use the same for- 5. J mula as the above, mul- tiplying the Value obtained above by 6, 4, 1 and 1.5 respectively, y and q depth of groove whole breadth of beam- representing =y, and whole depth of beam width of web whole breadth of beam TRANSVERSE RESISTANCE FROM END PRESSURE APPLIED HORIZONTALLY. WROUGHT IRON. "7% feet in lencth; flanges, 6x3^ ins. X % depth; area, 5> 2 .square ins. ; 50,000 Ibs. produced no set; 58,240 ibs. produced a set 01 1% ius WHITE OAK. Rectangle 10 feet in length, 11X4U ins. : 33,600 Ibs. gave a deflection of .% in. ; 50,400 Ibs. gave a deflection of A in.; 67,200 Ibs. gave a deflection of .% and with 78,400 it broke. STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. 115 TRANSVERSE STRENGTH OF CAST-IRON GIRDERS AND BEAMS, DE- DUCED FROM EXPERIMENTS IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA. Reduced to a Uniform Measure of One Inrh in Drpth, One Foot in Length. Supported at both End* ; the titreu or Weight applied in the Middle. FUntce*. j jj a 3** SECTION OP >* 1 I !*' !i fl 0- GIRDER OR BEAM. 1 Bottom. ^ 3 i 1 ! a 5 1 Breaking Length of I if Sq. Ins Sq. Ins. In. In. In. Sql. Lbs. LbB Ll.s. Eq. area I of flange at i, i. A- bottom, 1.75X.42 1.77 M .29 5.125 L77 2.82 80150 10768 2100 H <- 2.02X315 2.02X315 =1.045 =1.045 JBL* ifl 2.02 2.59 10276 3952 1900 Area M of see. a of top L&bot. ""- .7-' 6.67X.66 = 4.4 .266 5.128 6.67 6.28 117460 18852 3650 *-lto6,J j 5 -. > i:! JM 136 5. 1.96 7280 8714 2350 j 1 j ' ''i5 .865 1.68 6. 1.96 Mi 1213 760 28.9X8.12 ; ; Ml - r . f = 74.66 (6.1 *.. . 1200 C. ! .--! = .75 .5 4-t L6 1. 19980 199SO 5000 m i ' .f'-' ' .^ .5 It L6 1. 7252 7252 1800 | u -: 4 X2 -8 4. 4. 14 83600 2800 700 1 { 5.1X288 = 11.88 12.1X2.07 KM 2.08 303 11.1 90.8 4798800 m 1700 Rectaniru- } 1 lar Prism, > H 1.0D5X.98 .-. . l. : LOOS M .771X131 1.507X.74 L525X.78 1.005X.99 JS. 77! UJ I. -'7 .71 1325X.78 .994 S .006 .771 607 M 2.012 2.51 i.nl ii04 4.07 2.994 .005 JH .(XVi .771 .607 JH 2.025 .98 .'98 M Z 2^5 9440 UNO -,7."-! teas 80000 6232 771.1 080S 10TO 1640 Ml 2350 2450 M 3100 ^_ Square ' S3 Prism, .11-' 1.01 1,02 .032 2635 2552 2500 " Stress at EOda, Cylinder! J .122 1.122 .122 .989 2370 2396 2150 4JSU 4431 L443 .443 ~tn. .041 2269 2182 1500 1 A ivpresentlng area of secMen. d the depth It the 'breaking weight in pouncU. 116 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CRUSHING STRENGTH OF VARIOUS MATERIALS, DEDUCED FROM EXPERIMENTS IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA. Reduced to a uniform Measure of One Square 1m h. 1 FIGURES AND MATERIAL. ss FIGURES AND MATERIAL. Cm sli ing Weight. Prisms. CAST IRON. American, gun-metal " mean English, LoW ( Moor, No. I..... Clyde, No's.'.'.'.'" Stirling, mean of all " extreme WROUGHT IRON. Lbs. ITNfl 139000 liL'I.Vl B28lo 106060 122396 i.-; in vi 127720 83600 Bsaoo 40000 wri 1170., 2Q600I i/woo 7730 6663 mi -'.'< lasu UK fiW 8811 mat >!!: 88 nog 9500 MM BM :>--:. on 5950 7089 laioo 6645 2000 OK 4000 800 Clay, fine, baked Lbs. 175 400 iO 500 IP -,:!! l'!-j MM mn a a isra 1.5000 ON .>:,.) 1717 KEd me :,:i!) BOM HM 1980Q :.;ID 16800 9087 M'til 28017 l-.'ll L-J702 0080 IflM ni')6 1S2-18 ldl-24 OBM 240 120 1543 iaao 342 L N, K ) am UI7t>2 2177 2228 " rolled and baked Common brick masonry j 'Craigleith Limestone, Eng'h j [Aberdeen granite, " JArbroath " CaithneM " 'Limestone Portland " Portland cement mean " Portland oolite " Fire-brick, stourbridge... Freestone, Bellville " mean English ' ( VARIOUS METALS. Fine brass ^. Cast copper... Cast steel .. Cast tin . .. Lead WOODS. Ash. ... " Connecticut.^ Dorchester " Little Falls. Gneiss Beech Birch. Box Cedar, red , '. Chestnut Elm '...."."" ."._"" Hickory, white.. "...... Locust Granite, Patapsco " Qtiinev Marble, Baltimore, large small " East Chester* Hasting?, N. Y Italian Lee, Mass Montgomery oo.,Pa... " Stockbridgef Symington, large. " fine crvstal " strata h or 1 zon ta 1 " strata vertical Mortar, good Mahogany, Spanish Maple Oak, American white " Canadian white " " live " English j Pine, pitch " white ... 44 yellow ..'.'.. Spruce, white Sycamore " common Normandy Caen Walnut Portland cement, 1 ; sand, 1 STONES, CEMENTS, ETC. Brick, hard j " common j Sandstone, Adelaide.. Acquia Creek! stJkbrick 8 !^::::: Sydney " * Same as that of the General Post Office, Washington. f Same as that of the City Hall. New York. a Same as that of the Smithsonian Institute. r Same as that of the National Washington Monument. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 117 CRUSHING STRENGTH. The crushing strength of any body is in proportion to the area of its section, and inversely as its height. In tapered columns, the strength is determined by the least diameter. When the height of a pri*m or column is not 5 times its side or diameter, the crushing strength is at its maximum. Experiments upon cast-iron born give a crushing stress of 5,000 Ibs. per square inch of section as just sufficient to overcome the elas- ticity of the metal ; and when the height exceeds 3 times the diam- eter, the iron yields by bending. When it is 10 times, it is reduced as 1 to 1.75; when it is 15 times, it is reduced as 1 to 2; when it is 20 times, it is reduced as 1 to 3; when it is 30 times, it is reduced as 1 to 4; and when it is 40 times, it is reduced as 1 to 6. The experiment of Mr. ITodpkinson have determined that an in- crease of strength of about % of the breaking weight is obtained by enlarging the diameter of the column in its middle. In cast iron column* of the snme thickness, the strength Is inversely proportional to the ' power of the length nearly. Thus in solid d* 1 * columns, the ends being flat, the strength is as , I representing the P-i length, and / the diameter. Hollow columns, having a greater diameter at one end than the other, have not any additional strength over that of uniform cylin- drical columns. Kxperiment upon wrought iron give a mean crushing stress of 74. -.'"<) Ibs. per square inch. Cast iron is decreased in length nearly double what wrought iron is by the same weight; but wrought iron will sink to any degree with little more than 26680 Ibs. per square inch, while cast iron will bear 97500 Ibs. to produce the same effect A wrought bar will bear a compression of 1-863 of its length, with- out its utility being destroyed. With cast iron, a pressure beyond 26680 Ibs. per square inch is of little, if any, use in practice. For equal decrements of length, wrought iron will sustain double the pressure of cast iron. a GRatt and the. hardest stones have a crushing strength from 7 to 9 times greater than tensile; hence an approximate value of their crushing strength may be obtained from their tensile, and contrari- wise. Various experiments show that the power of stones, &c., to resist the effects of freezing is a fair exponent of that to resist compres- sion. 118 DAMS AND TUNNELS. WROUGHT IRON PLATES, CYLINDRICAL TTJBES. LENGTH. 1 M B 1 1 Crushing Weight. | PLATES. feet Ins. 2.98 Ins. .497 Ins 1 Lbs. 815 801 766 2.3 3379 HOLLOW CYLINDERS. feet External. 1.495 Internal. 1.292 444 14661 II 249 2- r T5 BM 12)779 II 6.366 6.'l06 2.547 35686 KECTANGULAK TUBES. 4.1 4.1 425 4.1 4.1 425 .504 l.i'-' 2,895 10980 MM flap-riveted, and two Internal) \diaphragm plates J 8.4 8.1 8.1 4.25 8.1 8.1 ti >.( 2.07 3.551 JWsl 13^60 19800 EXPANSION OR DILATATION OF SOLIDS. (FARADAY.) Lineal. At 212, the length of the bar at 32=1. Bismuth .. 1.0013908 Gold 1.001495 Brass 10019062 Granite 1.0007894 Silver 1.00201 Slate 1.0011436 Cast Iron 1.0011112 Lead 1.0028426 Stock brick 1.0005502 Cement 1.001435 Marble 1.001HU1 Mt^el 1.0011899 Coppor 1.00H:55 Pavement* Fire-brick... 1.0004028 Platinum. .. 1.0008645 Sandstone 1.001743 Tin... Zinc.. iRht Iron.... M :ni-j.-,75 . 1.002042 DAMS AND TUNNELS. DAMS (EARTHWORK.) "Width at top In high dams from 7 to 20 ft. I Breast slopes = 3 to 1 Width at top in low dams = height. | Back slopes =2tol Height above surface of water not less than 3.5 feet. PROPORTION OF LABORERS IN BANK. FILLERS, AND WHEELERS IN DIFFERENT SOILS, WHEELERS BEING ESTIMATED FOR A DISTANCE OF FIFTY YARDS. ri j | 1 E i i 5 i ;: Inloose earth, sand He In compact earth In marl i i 2 2 1 2 2 fn hard clav In compact gravel In rock i i 8 i f STRENGTH OF ICE. 119 MASONRY. Width at bottom = .7 height; at middle = .5 height ; and at top = .3 height. TUNNELS. (FROM ACTUAL PRACTICE IN BRICKWORK.) !| . 1 PURPOSE. II 8 ! is If fc,0 33 K BO Feet. Ins. Feet. Ins. Feet. Ins. Canal Various 2 17 1 3 Canal Clay 21 e 20 1 6 Thames Tunnel.... Clay 22 8 :;; ; 2 6 Railway _ Chalk Various -: 27 6 6 27 27 1 10}$ tthale 80 30 i loll 4 ( Jn-i'M siuid 30 6 30 1 :; J Canal ....."""'."'.'!!!." Fret-stone _ Chalk and earth.. 8 36 35 6 2 8 1 2 WESTD-MILLS. (MOLESWORTH.) To Compute the Angles of the Sails. 18 d* 23 = angle of the sail with the plane of motion at any part of r* the sail; r representing radius of sail in feet, and d distance of any part of the sail Jrom the axis. Axis OP SHAFT OF WIXD-MILL WITH HORIZON. 8 upon level ground. Breadth of whip at axis, JL length of whip. Depth ^ Breadth of whip at end, Jl Depth ^ Width of sail " | DivMod bv the whip in the proportion of 5 to 3, the narrowest por- tion being lie iresl to the wind. Width of sail at axis, length of whip; distance of sail from axis, } length of whip. Cross-bars from 16 to 18 Inches apart. STRENGTH OF ICE. Thickness, 2 Ins. will bear infantry. 4 " cavalry or light guns. 6 " heavy field nuns. upon sledges, a weight not exceeding 1000 Ibs. per square foot. 120 SHRINKAGE OP CASTINGS. STIFFNESS OF BEAMS. Stiffness of Beams. (TRKDGOLD.) P W c = d; - = 6; 6 representing breadth, and d depth In Inches 6 (/' I length In feet, and W load In Ibs. upon the middle. C = Pine. .01; Ash, .01; Beech, .013; Elm, .015; Oak, .13; Teak, .008. When the beam Is uniformly loaded, put .i5 W Instead of W. Resistance to Detrusion. When one beam is let in, at an in- clination to tlni depth of another, so as to bear in tin- direction of the lihrt-s of the l)t-;ini that is cut, tin- depth of the cut atriyht i>t tin- pressure. To Compute the Length necessary to resist a given Hori- zontal Thrust, as in the Case of a Rafter let into a Tie- Beam. 4T = 1; b representing the breadth of the beam In Inches, T the hori- be zontal thrust In Ibs., c the cohesive resistance of the material In Ibs. per square Inch, and I the length In inches. REVOLVING DISC. To Compute the Power. RTTLE. Multiply one-half the weight of the disc by the height due to the velocity of its circumference in feet per second. EXAMPLE. A grind-stone S% feet In diameter, weighing 2000 Ibs., Is required to nwke.'iii-J'i revolutions per minute; waul power must be com muni rated to It? Circum. of 3% =10.6 feet, which X 362.25 and -i- 60 = 64 feet per second. Then 2000 -=- 2 X 64 = 61000 ll>s. raised 1 foot, NOTE. If the rev< Iving disc Is not an entire or solid wheel, being a ring or annnlus.lt most first be computed as If n entire disc, and then the portion wanting must be computed and deducted. Power Concentrated in Moving Bodies. Simple power Is force multiplied by its velocity. Power concentrated in a moving body is the weight of the body mvltf/i'ii'l />>/ tk- xgitare of its velocity; and the product divided by the acceleri. Amer. Pine- Ash Beech l>-. Oz. fell 6s. 3 60. Lb* Or. 30.il 60. 686 Cedar Kimlisii Utik Riga Fir 71 10 48.12 Lh.0z. 284 438 858 To Compute the "Weight of Cast Metal by the Weight of the Pattern. WHEN THE PATTERN IB OK WHITK PINE. RULE. Mujtiply tile weight of the pattern in pounds by the following mul- tiplier, and the product will give the weight of the casting: Iron, 14; Brass, 15; Lead, 22; Tin, 14; Zinc, 13.5. 122 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Bar of Iron. The average breaking weight of a Bar of Wrought Iron, 1 inch square, is 25 tons; its elasticity is destroyed, however, by about two-fifths of that weight, or 10 tons. It is ex- tended, within the limits of its elasticity, -000096, or one-ten- thousandth part of an inch for every ton of strain per square inch of sectional area. Hence, the greatest constant load should never exceed one-fifth of its breaking weight, or 5 tons for every square inch of sectional area. The lateral strength of wrought iron, as compared with cast iron, is as 14 to 9. Mr. Barlow finds that wrought iron bars, 3 inches deep, 1J inches thick, and 33 inches between the supports, will carry 4 tons. Bridges. The greatest extraneous load on a square foot is about 120 pounds. Floors. The least load on a square foot is about 160 pounds. Roofs. Covered with slate, on a square foot, 61 J pounds. Beams. When a beam is supported in the middle and loaded at each end, it will bear the same weight as when supported at both ends and loaded in the middle ; that is, each end will bear half the weight. Cast Iron Beams should not be loaded to more than one-fifth of their ultimate strength. The strength of similar beams varies inversely as their lengths; that is, if a beam 10 feet long will support 1000 pounds, a similar beam 20 feet long would support only 500 pounds. A beam supported at one end will sustain only one-fourth part the weight which it would if supported at both ends. When a beam is fixed at both ends, and loaded in the middle, it will bear one-half more than it will when loose at both ends. When the beam is loaded uniformly throughout it will bear double. When the beam is fixed at both ends, and loaded uniformly, it will bear triple the weight. In any beam standing obliquely, or in a sloping direction, its strength or strain will be equal to that of a beam of the same breadth, thickness, and material, but only of the length of the horizontal distance between the points of support. In the construction of beams, it is necessary that their form should be such that they will be equally strong throughout. If a beam be fixed at one end, and loaded at the other, and the breadth uniform throughout, its length, then, that the beam may be equally strong throughout, its form must be that of a parabola. This form is generally used in the beams of steam-engines. When a beam is regularly diminished towards the points that are least strained, so that all the sections are similar figures, whether it be supported at each end and loaded in the middle, or Supported in the middle and loaded at each end, the outline should be a cubic parabola. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 123 When a beam is supported at both ends, and is of the same breadth throughout, then, if the load be uniformly distributed throughout the length of the beam, the line bounding the com- pressed side should be a semi-ellipse. The same form should be made use of for the rails of a wagon- way, where they have to resist the pressure of a load rolling over them. Similar plates of the same thickness, either supported at the ends or all round, will carry the same weight either uniformly distributed or laid on similar points, whatever be their extent. The lateral strength of any beam, or bar of wood, stone, metal, etc., is in proportion to its breadth multiplied by its depth 1 . la square beams the lateral strengths are in proportion to the cubes of the sides, and in general of like-sided beams as the cubes of the similar sides of the section. The lateral strength of any beam or bar, one end being fixed in the wall and the other projecting, is inversely as the distance of the weight from the section acted upon ; and the strain upon any section is directly as the distance of the weight from that section. The absolute strength of ropes or bars, pulled lengthwise, is in proportion to the squares of their diameters. All cylindrical or prismatic rods are equally strong in every part, if they are equally thick, but if not they will break where the thickness is least. The strength of a tube, or hollow cylinder, is to the strength of a solid one as the difference between the fourth powers of the exterior and interior diameters of the tube, divided by the exte- rior diameter, is to the cube of the diameter of a solid cylinder, the quantity of matter in each being the same. Hence, from this it will be found, that a hollow cylinder in one-half stronger than a solid one having the same weight of material. The strength of a column to resist being crushed is directly as the square of the diameter, provided it is not so long as to have a chance of ber.ding. This is true in metals or stone, but in timber the proportion is rather greater than the square. Models Proportioned to Machines. The relation of models to machines, as to strength, deserves the particular attention of the mechanic. A model may be perfectly proportioned in all its parts as a model, yet the machine, if con- structed in the same proportion, will not be sufficiently strong in every part; hence, particular attention should be paid to the kind of strain the different parts are exposed to ; and from the state- ments which follow, the proper dimensions of the structure may be determined. If the strain to draw asunder in the model be 1, and if the structure is 8 times larger than the model, then the stress in the structure will be 8 s equal 512. If the structure is 6 times as large as the model, then the stress on the structure will be 6 3 equal 216, and BO on ; therefore, the structure will be much less firm than 124 MANILLA ROPE. the model; and this the more, as the structure is cube times greater than the model. If we wish to determine the greatest size we can make a machine of which we have a model, we have, The greatest weight which the beam of the model can bear, divided by the weight which it actually sustains equal a quotient which, when multiplied by the size of the beam in the model, will give the greatest possible size of the same beam in the structure. Example. If a beam in the model be 7 inches long, and bear a weight of 4 Ibs., but is capable of bearing a weight of 26 Ibs., what is the greatest length which we can make the corresponding beam in the structure? Here 26 -r 4 = 6-5, therefore, 6-5X7 = 45-5 inches. The strength to resist crushing increases from a model to a structure in proportion to their size, but, as above, the strain in- creases as the cubes ; wherefore, in this case, also, the model will be stronger than the machine, and the greatest size of the struc- ture will be found by employing the square root of the quotient in the last rule, instead of the quotient itself; thus, If the greatest weight which the column in a model can bear is 8 cwt., and if it actually bears 28 Ibs., then, if the column be 18 inches high, we have i) = 3-464 ; wherefore 8-464 X 18 = 62-362 inches, the length of the column in the structure. TABLE OF MANILLA EOPE. Diam. Clrc. Wt. per Breaking load. Diam. Circ. w ibr Breaking load. Ins. ins. Ibs. Tons. Ibs. Ins. Ins. Ibs. Tons. Ibs. 239 I 019 25 660 1-91 6 1-19 11-4 25,536 318 1 033 36 784 2-07 6 * 1-39 13-0 29,120 477 u 074 70 1,568 2-23 7 1-62 14-6 32,704 636 2 132 1-21 2,733 2-39 *i 1-86 16-2 36,288 795 2* 206 1-92 4,278 2-55 8 2-11 17-8 39.872 955 3 297 2-73 6,115 2-86 9 2-67 21-0 47,040 1-11 3* 404 3-81 8,534 8-18 10 3-30 24-2 54.208 1-27 4 528 5-16 11,658 3-50 11 3-99 J7-4 61,376 1-43 4* 668 6-60 14,784 3-82 12 4-75 30-6 68,544 1-59 5 825 8-20 18,368 4-14 13 6-58 33-8 75,712 1-75 5J 998 9-80 21,952 4-45 14 6-47 37-0 82.880 The strength of Manilla ropes, like that of bar iron, is very variable; and so with hemp ones. The above table supposes an average quality. Ropes of good Italian hemp are considerably stronger than Manilla; but their cost excludes them from gen- eral use. The Tarring of ropes is said to lessen their strength ; and, STRENGTH OF WIRE ROPE. 125 when exposed to the weather, their durability also. We believe that the use of it in standing rigging is partly to diminish con- traction and expansion by alternate wet and dry weather. The common rules for finding the strength of rope by mul- tiplying the square of the diameter or circumference by a given coefficient are entirely erroneous. Prices in Philadelphia, in 1873 : Manilla 17 to 18 cents per pound; Italian hemp, 25 cents; American hemp, 15 cents; Sisel hemp, 16 cents; jute (East Indies), 10 cents. TABLE OF WIRE ROPE, MANUFACTURED BY JOHN A. ROEB- LING'S SONS, TRENTON, N. J. Prices in 1873, 10 per cent, more than table. Ron o* 183 Wmn. Ror or 49 Won. 1 i a i a i i 1 f a jn 1 i a i a I ! | III - _ P 1 2 8 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 10! 10} S 1 ? 4 :: .. a \ \ \ 1 20 1 05 91 78 65 63 41 34 28 25 24 23 22 74 00 65 00 64 00 43 60 35 00 27 20 20 20 16 00 11 40 8 64 5 13 4 27 3 48 IP 10} 8 7 6 6 8} 11 12 13 14 15 ir, 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27J 1 i j i 64 47 41 35 29 23 18 15 13 11 9 8 7 } ? 4 36 00 30 00 25 00 20 00 16 00 12 30 8 80 7 60 5 80 4 09 2 83 2 13 1 65 1 38 1 03 81 56 103 10 9 8 7 G 5 6 j Tiller Rope, % in diam., 26 ct*. Ropes from No. 8 to No. 10% are spe- cially adapted for hoisting-rope. 28 29 3 2 Large Sash Cor. Small " Notes on the Use of Wire Rope, by Mr. Roebling. Two kinds of wire rope are manufactured; the larger sizes, as also the most pliable, are composed of 133 wires, and are gen- 126 STRENGTH OF WIRE ROPE. erally used for hoisting or running rope. Those of 49 wires are stiller, and are better adapted for standing rope, guys, and rigging. For safe working load, allow to } of ultimate strength, accord- ing to speed and vibration When substituting Wire Rope for hemp rope, it is good economy to allow for the former the same rate per foot run which experience has approved of for the latter. Wire Rope is as pliable ns new hemp rope of the same strength ; the former will therefore run over the same sized sheaves and pul- leys which are used for the latter. But the greater the diameter of the sheaves, pulleys, or drums, the longer Wire Rope will last. In the construction of machinery for Wire Rope it will be found good economy to make the drums and sheaves as large as possible. The size of drum is as follows: The same figure which expresses the circumference in inches in the second column of the table is also the minimum diameter of drum in feet; doubling that figure will give the maximum. The diameter of drum should be no less than the minimum, nor is it necessary to exceed the maximum. As an example, take a No. 4 rope, circumference 5 inches; there- fore the minimum diameter of drum is 5 feet, and the maximum. 10 feet. Or a No. 10J rope, circumference 2 inches ; therefore minimum diameter is 2 feet; and maximum 4 feet. A smaller diameter of drum may answer, but the short bending will result in a much more rapid wear. In most cases the Rope will wear twice as long on a maximum diameter as on a minimum. Experience has also demonstrated that the wear increases with the speed. It is better to increase the load than the speed. Wire Rope is manufactured either with a wire or hemp centre. The latter is more pliable than the former, and will wear better where there is short bending. Wire Hope must not be coiled or uncoiled like hemp rope. When mounted on a reel the latter should be turned on a spindle to pay off the rope. When forwarded in a coil without reel, roll il over the ground like a wheel, and run off the rope in that way. All un- twisting must be avoided. To preserve Wire Rope apply raw linseed oil with a piece of sheepskin, wool inside ; or mix the oil with equal parts of Spanish brown and lampblack. To preserve Wire Rope under water or under ground, take mineral or vegetable tar, add 1 bushel of fresh slacked lime to 1 barrel of tar, (which will neutralize the acid,) and boil it well, then saturate the rope with the boiling tar. The grooves of cast-iron pulleys and sheaves should be filled with well-seasoned blocks of hard wood, set on end, to be renewed when worn out. This end wood will save the rope and increase adhesion. The small pulleys or rollers which support the ropes on inclined planes should be constructed on the same plan. When large sheaves run with a very great, velocity, the grooves muM be lined either with leather set on eud, with cork, or with India rub- ber. This is done in the case of all sheaves used in the transmit- tion of power between distant points by means of ropes, which STRENGTH OF IRON CHAINS. 127 frequently run at the rate of 4000 feet per minute. Rope } inch diameter will transmit 100 horse power to a great distance. WEIGHT AND STRENGTH OP IRON CHAINS. The links of ordinary iron chains are usually made aa short as is consistent with easy play, in order that they nay not become bent when wound around drums, sheaves, etc. ; and that they may be more easily handled in slinging large blocks of Btonc, etc. When so made, their weight per foot run is quite approximately 8} times that of a single bar of the round iron of which they are composed. Since each link consists of two thicknesses of bar, it might be supposed that a chain would possess about double the strength of a single bar; but the strength of the bar becomes reduced about -f s , by being formed into links; so that the chain really has but about ^ of the strength of two bars. As a thick bar of iron will not sustain as heavy a load in proportion as a thinner one, so of course stout chains are proportionably weaker than slighter ones. In the following table, 20 tons per tyuare inch is assumed as the average breaking strain of a single straight bar of ordinary rolled iron, 1 inch in diameter or 1 inch square; 19 tons, from 1 to 2 inches ; and 18 tons, from 2 to 8 inches. Deduct- ing A from each of these, we have as the breaking strain of the two bars composing each link, as follows: 14 ions per tquare inch, up to 1 inch diameter; 13-3 tons, from 1 to 2 inches ; and 12-ti tons, from 2 to 8 inches diameter ; and upon these assumptions the table is based. 4 TABLE OF STRENGTH OF CHAINS. (Original.) Chains of superior iron will require \ to J more to break them. Diam. of rod or which thelioki Weight of chain per ft. ran. Breaking itrain or UK, chain. Dlam. of rod oT which the llnkt oT'c&n perft-ruu. Breaking itraia ofUwduun. Int. P<1. 325 U31 773 Ina, 1 9^6 PH. TOM. J'J-00 1 679 3,069 1-37 1 11-7 wjat 26-44 JL 904 4,794 2-14 14-5 78,114 3264 a. 1-30 6,922 8-09 17-6 88,801 39-42 f0 pounds. For the weight of spikes of larger dimensions, we may near enough take that of a square bar of the same length. What is saved at the point, suffices for the addi- tion at the head. Size in ins. No. per keg of 150 Ibs. No. per ft). Size in ins. Sfitt? No. perlb. Length. Side. Jlxt 526 400 3-5 2-66 Length. Side. 850 289 2'33 1-93 6x1 705 4-7 51 x s 218 1-46 6 xA 488 3-25 6Xl 810 2-07 6 X t 390 2-6 262 1-76 295 1-97 196 1-30 6 X * 257 1-71 A size in very common use is 5 X & which weighs about J pound per spike. A mile of single-track road, with 2,112 cross- ties, 2J feet apart from centre to centre, and with rails of the ordinary length of 24 feet, or 10 ties to a rail, thus having 440 rail-joints per mile, with 4 spikes to each tie, except at the rail- joints, at each of which there will be 4 Bpikes,f will require, at a neat calculation, 9,328 spikes. But an allowance must be made for rail guards at road-cross- ings, which we may assume to be 24 feet wide, or the length of a rail. A guard will usually consist of 4 extra rails for protecting the track rails, and spiked to the 11 ties by which said track rails are sustained. Consequently, such a crossing requires 11 X^ = 88 spikes. For turnouts, sidings, loss, etc., we may roughly average 584 J spikes more per mile; thus making in all (if we assume one road-crossing per mile) 9328 + 88 + 58410,000 spikes per mile, or 5000 pounds, or 33J kegs of 160 pounds. Adhesion of Spikes. Professor W. R. Johnson found that * The price of spikes, and of cut nails, in Philadelphia, in 1873, about 5 centa per pound. Rivets 16 cents. f This supposes the joint and chair to rest upon a tie; but when long chairs are used, with a view of placing the mil-joint between two ties laid near each other, there will be 8 spikes to a joint; or 1,760 per mile more than above; equal to 880 pounds; making in all, per mile single track, say 12,000 spiki><, or 6,000 pounds, or 40 kegs. | Tola allows that turnouts and sidings amount to about 1 mile of extra track on 15 miles of road. WEIGHT OF NAILS. 129 a plain spike -375, or | inch square, driven 3f inches into seasoned Jersey yellow pine, or unseasoned chestnut, required about 2000 pounds force to extract it; from seasoned white oak, about 4000; and from well-seasoned locust, about 6000 pounds. Bevan found that a 6-penny nail, driven one inch, required the following forces to extract it: Seasoned beech, 667 pounds; oak, 607; elm, 327; pine, 187. Recent careful experiments in Hanover, Germany, by Engineer Funk, give from 2465 to 8940 pounds (mean of many experiments, about 3000 pounds) as the force necessary to extract a plain inch square iron spike, 6 inches long, wedge-pointed for one inch (twice the thickness of the spike), and driven -U inches into white or yellow pine. When driven 5 inches, the force required was about ^ part greater. Similar spikes, ft inch square, 7 inches long, driven 6 inches deep, required from 3700 to 6746 pounds to extract them from pine; the mean of the results being 4878 pounds. In all cases about twice at much force vat required to extract them from oak. The spikes were all driven acrost the grain of the wood. Experience shows that when driven wi'/A the grain, spikes or nails do not hold with much more than half as much force. Jagged spfkes, or twisted ones (like an auger), or those which were either swelled or diminished near the middle of their length, all proved inferior to plain square ones. When the length of the wedge point was increased to 4 times the thickness of the spike, the resistance to drawing out was a trifle less. When the length of the spike is fixed, there is probably no better shape than the plain square cross-section, with a wedge point twice as long as the width of the spike, as per Fig. 44. Boards of oak or pine, nailed together by from 4 to 16 tenpenny common cut nails, and then pulled apart in a direction lengthwise of the boards, and across the nails, tending to break the latter in two by a shearing action, averaged about 800 to 400 pounds per nail to separate them ; as the result of many trials. Fig. 44, I WEIGHT OF NAILS.* Name. LenRth. Inches. No. per ft. 1 Nam* SC: No. per ft. 3 penny 1 667 8 penny 21 101 4 " ... 5 " l\ 353 232 10 .... 12 .... 8 68 54 6 2 175 20 .... 3J 34 7 ' 2* 141 | * Price in Philadelphia, 1873, about 5 cents per pound. Boofing nails of tinned iron, 12 cento. Copper nails, 50 cento. 130 STRENGTH OF CAST IRON BEAMS. The sizes and weights vary considerably with different makers. The above are machine-made, or CUT NAILS, in distinction to the WROUGHT NAILS made by the blacksmith. A TABLE Showing the Weight or Pressure a beam of Cast Iron, 1 inch in breadth, will sustain, without destroying its elastic force, when it it supported at each end, and loaded in the middle of its length, and also the de- flection in the middle which that weight will produce. By Mr. Hodg- kinson, Manchester. length. 6 Feet. 7 Feet. 8 Feet. Feet. 10 Feet. X Weight I Dcfl. In Ibi. 1 ID In. Weight inltu. Den. la ID. Weight lolb*. DeH. into. w? Dett. la In. Drfl. In ID. 3 1278 L't 1089 33 954 42t> 855 54 766 66 3} 1739 205 1 !>_' 28 1298 305 1164 46 1041 67 4 2272 18 1936 L'l.-. 1700 32 1520 405 1360 5 *} 2875 16 2450 217 2146 284 19ii4 36 1721 -441 6 8560 144 3050 196 2050 256 2375 32 2125 4 6 5112 12 4356 163 3816 213 8420 27 8060 33 7 6958 103 6929 14 6194 183 4655 23 4165 29 8 9088 09 7744 123 6784 16 6080 203 6440 25 9 9801 109 8586 142 7695 18 6885 22 10 12100 098 10600 128 9500 162 8600 2 11 12826 117 11496 15 10285 182 12 15264 107 13680 136 12240 17 13 16100 125 14400 154 14 18600 115 16700 143 11 Feet. UFeet. 16 Feet. 18 Feet. Feet. 6 2548 48 2184 65 1912 85 1699 1-08 1530 1-34 7 3471 41 2975 68 2603 73 2314 93 2082 1 14 8 4532 36 3884 49 3396 64 8020 81 2720 1-00 9 5733 32 4914 44 4302 57 3825 72 3438 89 10 7083 28 6071 39 6312 51 4722 64 4250 8 11 8570 26 7346 36 6428 17 6714 69 6142 73 12 10192 24 8736 33 7648 43 6796 54 6120 67 13 11971 22 10260 31 B978 39 7980 49 71^'J 61 14 13883 21 11900 28 10412 36 9^65 46 8330 67 15 15937 19 13660 26 11963 34 10624 43 9562 53 16 18128 18 15536 24 13584 32 12080 40 LOB80 6 17 20500 17 17500 23 15353 30 18647 38 12282 47 18 22932 16 19656 21 17208 28 15700 36 13752 44 NOTE. This table shows the greatest weight that ever ought to be laid upon a beam for permanent load ; and if there be any lia- RESISTANCE OF BODIES. 131 bility to jerks, etc., ample allowance must be made; also, the weight of the beam itself must be included. [See Tablet of Catt /ron.] To find the Weight of a Cast Iron Beam of given Dimensions. RULE. Multiply the sectional area in inches by the length in feet, and by 3-2, the product equal the weight in pounds. Example. Required the weight of a uniform rectangular beam of cast iron, 16 feet in length, 11 inches in breadth, and 1} inch in thickness. 11 X 1-6 X 16 X 3'2 = 844-8 pounds. Resistance of Bodies to Flexure by Vertical Pressure. When a piece of timber is employed as a column or support, its tendency to yielding by compression is different according to the proportion between its length and area of its cross section; and supposing the form that of a cylinder whose length is less than seven or eight times its diameter, it is impossible to bend it by any force applied longitudinally, as it will be destroyed by split- ting before that bending can take place ; but when the length ex- ceeds this, the column will bend under a certain load, and be ultimately destroyed by a similar kind of action to that which has place in the transverse strain. Columns of cast iron and of other bodies are also similarly circumstanced. When the length of a cast iron column with flat ends equals about thirty times its diameter, fracture will be produced wholly by bending of the material. When of less length, fracture takes plac partly by crushing and partly by bending. But, when the column is enlarged in the middle of its length from one and a half to twice its diameter at the ends, by being cast hollow, the strength is greater by one-seventh than in a solid column con- taining the same quantity of material. To determine the Dimensions of a Support or Column to bear, without sensible Curvature, a given Pressure in the Direction of its Axis. RULE. Multiply the pressure to be supported in pounds by the square of the column's length in feet, and divide the product by twenty times the tabular value of ; and the quotient will be equal to the breadth multiplied by the cube of the least thickness, both being expressed in inches. NOTE 1. When the pillar or mpport is a square, its side will be the fourth root of the quotient. NOTE 2. If the pillar or column be a cylinder, multiply the tabular value of by 12, and the fourth root of the quotient equal the diameter. 132 ELASTICITY OF TORSION. Example \. What should be the least dimensions of an oak support, to bear a weight of 2240 pounds, without sensible flexure, its breadth being 3 inches, and its length 5 feet? Tabular value of E = 105, Example 2. Required the side of a square piece of Riga fir, 9 feet in length, to bear a permanent weight of 6000 pounds. Tabular value of E = 90, and ! = V 263 = 4 inches nearly. Elasticity of Torsion, or Resistance of Bodies to Twisting. The angle of flexure by torsion is as the length and extensi- bility of the body directly and inversely as the diameter; hence the length of a bar or shaft being given, the power, and the lever- age the power acts with, being known, and also the number of degrees of torsion that will not affect the action of the machine, to determine the diameter in cast iron with a given angle of flexure. RULE. Multiply the power in pounds by the length of the shaft in feet, and by the leverage in feet; divide the product by fifty- five times the number of degrees in the angle of torsion; and the fourth root of the quotient equal the shaft's diameter in inches. Example. Required the diameters for a series of shafts 35 feet in length, and to transmit a power equal to 1245 pounds, acting at the circumference of a wheel 2J feet radius, so that the twist of the shafts on the application of the power may not exceed one degree. 45 66 V * 2 ^ = V1981 = 6 ' 67 inches in diameter - To determine the Side of a Square Shaft to resist Tor- sion -with a given Flexure. RULE. Multiply the power in pounds by the leverage it acts with in feet, and also by the length of the shaft in feet ; divide this product by 92-5 times the angle of flexure in degrees, and the square root of the quotient equals the area of the shaft in inches. Example. Suppose the length of a shaft to be 12 feet, and to be driven by a power equal to 700 pounds, acting at 1 foot from STRENGTH OF BEAMS. 133 the centre of the shaftrequired the area of cross section, so that it may not exceed 1 degree of flexure. 700X1X12 92-6X1 = V 90-8 = 9-53 inches. Relative Strength of Bodies to resist Torsion, Lead being 1. Tin 1-4 Copper 4-8 Yellow Brass 4-6 Gun Metal 6-0 Cast Iron 9-0 Swedish Iron.... 9-6 English Iron.... 10-1 Blistered Steel.. 16-6 Shear Steel 17-0 STRENGTH OF BEAMS. [From Lowndes' Engineer's Hand-book, Liverpool, I860.] Solid, Rectangular, and Round To find their Strength. Square and rectangular. (Depth ins.) 1 X Thickness ins. Length, ft. tons. X Tabular No. = Breaking weight, Round. Hollow. weight, tons. Thickness not exceeding j I inch for iron. 3 ins. for wood. 2 ins. for iron. 6 ins. for wood. 3 ins. for iron. 12 ins. for wood. Square and Rectangular. Cast and Wrought Iron Teak and greenheart Pitch pine, and Cana- dian oak 1 36 25 85 32 22 7 26 18 Fir, red pine, and Eng- lish oak 18 16 13 134 STRENGTH OF BEAMS. Hound. Cast and Wrought Iron 8 68 56 Teak and greenheart... 28 25 2 Fir and English oak... 14 125 1 To find the Breaking Weight in Ibs. use tJus Tabular No. below. Thickness not exceeding j 1 inch for iron. 3 ins. for wood. 2 ins. for iron. G iiis. for wood. 3 ins. for iron. 12 ins. for wood. Square and Rectangular. Iron 1 2240 1900 1570 Teak 800 710 570 Fir and oak 1 400 855 285 Round. 1 1800 1570 Teak .... 640 670 460 ....| 320 285 230 fwith 1 ton. :: it :: Though wrought and cast iron are represented in these rules as of equal strength, it should be observed that while a cast iron bar 1 inch X 1 ich X 1 foot inch long, of average quality, will break with one ton, a similar bar of wrought iron only loses its elasticity, and deflects J 6 th of an inch, yet as it can only carry a further weight by destroying its shape and increasing the de- flection, it is best to calculate on the above basis: A wrought iron bar 1 in. XI in-Xlft-Oin. ]ongj de The above rule gives the weight that will break the beam if put on the middle. If the weight is laid equally all over, it would re- quire double the weight to break it. A beam should not be loaded with more than of the breaking weight in any case, and as a general rule not with more than 1 for purposes of machinery, not with more than 1 to A, depending on circumstances. To find the proper size for any given purpose. Rectangular. Weight X Length ft. Tabular NoT X 3 or 4 or 6, etc., according to circumstances = B D 2 ins. SOLID COLUMNS, Round. 135 VWeight X I**!* Tabular No. stances = Diam. ins. of of accordiD8 to circum . SOLID COLUMNS. Fail by crushing with length under. 6 diameters. Principally by crushing from 5 to 15 Partly by crushing, partly by bending, from. 15 to 26 " Altogether by bending above ~ 25 " Cast iron of average quality is crushed with 49 tons per sq. in. Wrought iron of average quality is crushed with 10 " " Wrought iron is permanently injured with 12 ' " Oak wrought is crushed with 4 ' " Deal wrought is crushed with 2 " " The comparative strength of different columns, of different lengths, will be seen very clearly from the following table derived from experiments by Mr. llodgkinson : Wrought Iron Bars. Proportion of length to Thickness. GIT a way with Square. Length. ins. ft. ins. 1X1 H 7} tol 21-7 tons per sq inch. I 8 15 to 1 15-4 it 2 6 80 to 1 11-8 M u it 5 60 tol 7-5 u u < 7 6 90 to 1 4-3 II ii IXi 5 120 tol 2-6 II ii 7 6 180 to 1 1- " " To find the Strength of any "Wrought Iron Column with Square Ends. Area of column sq. inches x tons per inch corresponding to pro- portion of length, as per table above = Breaking weight, tons. If the ends are rounded, divide the final result by 3 to find the breaking weight. In columns of oblong section, the narrowest side must always be taken in calculating the proportion of height to width. 136 STRENGTH OF COLUMNS, To find the Strength of Round Columns exceeding 25 Diameters in Length. (Mr. Hodgkinson's Rule.) (Diameter, ins.)" (Length, ft.) 1 -* ' Breaking weight, tons. Square Ends. Rounded or Movable Ends. 77 26 44 15 4-5 1.7 Eed deal 8-3 1-2 A column should not be loaded with more than of the breaking weight in any case, and as a general rule, not with more than \ ; for purposes of machinery, not with more than to -j^, according to circumstances. TABLES OF POWERS FOR THE DIAMETERS AND LENGTHS OF COLUMNS. Diameter. 3-6 Power. Diameter. 3-6 Power. Length. 1-7 Power. 1 in. 1- 7 in. 1102-04 1 1- 2-23 1261- 2 3-25 4-3 1413-3 8 6-47 7-5 1590-3 4 10-566 2 12-1 8 1782-9 5 16-426 t 18-5 27- 38-16 I 1991-7 2217-7 2461-7 6 7 8 21 -031 27-332 34-297 3 62-2 9 2724-4 9 41-9 69-63 * 3006-85 10 60-119 90-9 I 3809-8 11 68-934 . 116-55 ! 3634-3 12 68-329 4 147- 10 8981-07 13 78-289 182-9 4351-2 14 88-8 224-68 4745-6 16 99-86 272-96 5165- 16 111-43 5 328-3 11 5610-7 17 123-53 391-36 6083-4 18 136-13 462-71 6584-3 19 149-24 643-01 7114-4 20 162-84 6 632-91 12 7674-5 21 176-92 733-11 22 191-48 844-28 23 206-51 967-15 24 222. HOLLOW COLUMNS. 137 HOLLOW COLUMNS. Hollow columns fail principally by crushing, provided the length does not exceed 25 diameters ; indeed, the length does not appear to affect the strength much till it exceeds 60 diameters. The comparative strength of different forms and of different thicknesses will appear so distinctly from the experiments below, made by Mr. Hodgkinson, that no difficulty will be found in ascer- taining the strength due to any size or form of column that may be required. SQUABE COLUMNS OF PLATE IBON BIVETED. Column* in frtt O inches long. SlM. Thick- !! M Proportion of Thickness to Width. Proportion of Length to Width. Break'g weight Tons per sq.in. Of flection. 4 in. X 4 > 03 06 J 80 to 1 4-9 8-6 < 1 10- t 2 *"fr 12- 8 in. X 8 in. 06 15tol 6- 14 it 9- 22 1 11-5 ' 25 A it 12- Column 8 feet O inches long. 18 X 18 | -5 practically 5-4 to 1 | 13-6 Column 1O feet O inches long, with cells. 8 in. X 8 in. -06 |^of width of oellsj 15 to 1 8-6 To find the strength of any Hollow "Wrought Iron Column. Tons per inch, corresponding to the Sec. area. sq. ins. X proportions of length and thick- = ness to width as per tables Breaking weight, tons. COLUMNS OF OBLONG SECTION. The strength of these may be ascertained by the same rule aa that of square columns. The smallest width being taken in calcu- lating the proportion of height to width, while the longest side must be taken into consideration in calculating the proportion of thickness to width. 138 CRANE. Column 10f,;tOi,irhfg long. Size. Thick- Proportion of Thickness to : Width. Proportion of truth. Actual Breaking weight I sq. in. of Section. 8 in. X 4 in. 06 Th 30 to 1 6-78 ROUND COLUMNS OF PLATE IEON RIVETED. Columns 1O feet O /-, long. .^'i UK- ( ni >i tn n.i Reduced in L.-,< ; /t/i. Di. Thick- Proportion of thick. Proportion ofli-nirth io Brnklng - " BmklDK WelgbU. Tnos per nquare inch. Diameter. Uiuuftcr. i5. 6ft.01a.kNV. ine ID. long. H 1 & BOtol 6-5 13-9 5-8 2 1 60 to 1 10-35 14-8 16-5 2* 1 2*5 48 to 1 13-3 15-6 16-3 2* 24 .^ 48tol 9-6 15-6 16- 2* 21 T^T 48tol 9-9 IS- 17- 3 15 sV 40 to 1 12-36 IS- 16-5 4 15 "fa 30 to 1 12-34 IB- 6 6 1 18 s 20 to 1 20 to 1 15- 18-6 n- 18-6 It would seem from this that a thickness of ^. or J inch in thickness for every foot in diameter is a good proportion lor this kind of column. . It will be seen from these experiments, that it is the proportion of thickness to the width of cell which regulates the strength within certain limits of height. And that a thickness of ^ or J inch for every 4 inches in width will give the highest result practicable for square columns. CRANE. The strains on the principal parts can be ascertained with great ease in the following manner the strength being proportioned accordingly. To find the Strain on the Post. Weight suspended, tons X Projection, feet _ Strain on top of post, Height of post above ground, feet tous - The post can then be calculated as a beam, twice as long as this height from ground, with twice the weight oa the middle. [Set earns.] COLD WATER PUMP, ETC. 139 COLD WATER PUMP. Usually } of cylinder diameter when the stroke is } that of piston. To find the proper size, under any circumstances, capa- ble of supplying twice the quantity ordinarily used for injection. Cub. ft. water per hour used In cylinder in form of steam . Stroke of pump, ft. X strokes per minute of pump in square feet. PEDESTAL BRACKET. Pedestal. Good proportions. Thickness of cover -4 of diameter of bearing. " of sole plate *8 " " Diameter of bolts -26 " " if 2. " " -18 " ifihereare4. Distance between bolts twice diameter of bearing. Bracket. Solid. Metal round brass equal to J diameter of bearing. General thickness web, etc., equal to j diameter oi bearing. With Feathen. Width at lightest equal to diameter of bearing. Thickness equal to J " " FRICTION. From Mr. Rennie't Experiment*. The friction of metal on metal, without unguents, May be taken at \ of the weight up to 40 Ibs. per square inch. | 100 Brass on cast iron \ " " 800 " Wrought on cast iron J " " 500 " With tallow at & ot the weight. " olive oil atyJy " 800 Ibs. per inch forces out the oil. Friction of journals under ordinary circumstances ,V of weight. " well oiled, sometimes only ^ " CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. 5 per mi in terms of weight. (Revolutions per nin.)X Ka. in ft. X weight = Ccntrifugal force 140 WEIGHTS AND VOLUMES. WEIGHTS AND VOLUMES OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES IN ORDINARY USE. SUBSTANCES. Cubic Foot. si n SUBSTANCES. II Oh HI METALS. Lbs. Lbs. WOODS. Lbs. Brass. / copper 67. ) " (zinc 83.j 488.75 .2829 Pine, yellow 81.25 66.248 71 68 " gun metal. 543.75 .3147 Walnut, bl'k, dry. 31.2") 7L68 sheets 513.6 .297 Willow <;..-,. 12 sun " wire 521.16 .3033 dry 30.375 7o.744 Copper cast 547. L'5 .3179 ' v plates 543.825 .3167 MISCELLANEOUS. Iron, cast 4.VM.-J7 .2607 ' gun Mii-lal 466.5 .27 Air .075291 1 lieavy forging <7M SB Basalt, mean 175. 12.8 1 plates 4M.5 .27K7 Brick, fire 1:17528 16284 " wrought bars. 486.75 .2816 " nil-all 10.'. 21961 Lead, cast. " rolled 709.5 711.75 .4106 .4119 Coal, anthracite, j .71 MU 24.95S 21.854 Mercury, 60 848.7487 .491174 " bitum. mean Ml. 2*. Steel, plates :^7.7.-, ,2833 " Cannel M.-7-, 23609 " soft 480.563 .2833 ' Cumberland 26.451 Tin .2637 " Welsh mean S'.viS 27 569 Zinc, cast. I-J-.SI2 .24s2 Coke ii '"> :%:, ^ i " rolled 440.437 .2601 Cotton, bale, mean 148 154.48 WOODS. Cub. Ft. " " pressd | 20. 25. 114. 89. in a ton. Earth, clav . I'll fi5 18569 Ash 52.812 J2 in " com'n soil.. fr! -. 16 3'i5 Bav _ 51.375 43601 gravel 1'f 4 * 312 20.49 Coik.. . 15. n ;:;; " dry, sand... l.ii! I8.M7 Ce7 Llgnumvitae Logwood Mahog. Hondur's j Oak, Cana l5,7 . Jt,525 Z\ 17.742 I.'! 11 2H .il7 89.6 " English " live, seasoned 58.25 (K7.-> 83..>>8 India rubber ' vulcanized 66437 S9.60 " white, dry 6<.75 41.574 Mmestone 19725 11.355 " upland Pine, pitch " red, 42.937 41.25 :-.-; s?o 52.169 54.*i3 W 745 Marble, mean VIortnr, dry, mean Water fresh it;7.-7.-> 97.98 I8.S48 ."."> * l ' white 84.696 64.fi! " 'salt 61 125 34931 " well seasoned 29..i62 7.5.773 steam.... ...::::; .0 C7J7 TABLES FOR ENGINEERS, ETC. 141 WEIGHT OF ONE FOOT OF FLAT BAR IRON. If a bar of iron be thick* r tuun c<>iiiutnt-d in tl the weight of two numbers, or treble the wt-lght of one number. Wanted the wM>;litof 1 foot of bar iron, 4 inches broad and 2 1-1 In h-s thick. Opposite 4 and under 1 is 13.304, which doubled Is 26.728; add the weight of 1-lth (3.341). equal 30.009 Ibs. Breadth in inches. THICKNESS IN PARTS OF AN INCH. * A i A i * } i lin. 1 .835 1.044 1.253 1.461 1.670 2.088 2.506 2.923 3.340 Ij^ J6B 1.174 1.409 1.644 1.878 2.348 2.818 3.287 B.700 \\ 1.044 1.305 1.566 1.826 2.088 2.609 3.132 3.653 4.176 % 1.148 1.435 1.722 2.009 2.296 2.870 3.444 4.018 4.592 i/ 1.252 i.. -,;,; 1.879 2.192 2.504 3.131 3.758 4.384 6.008 /& 1.358 1.696 2.035 2.374 2.716 3.392 4.070 4.749 5.432 ax 1.462 1.827 2.192 2.557 2.924 3.653 4.384 6.114 5.848 r/ 1.566 1.957 2.348 2.740 3.132 ."..'.Ml 4.696 5.479 6.264 2 1.671 2.088 2.505 2.922 3.342 4.175 5.010 B4M 6.684 2\4 1.775 2.218 2.662 3.105 3.550 4.435 5.324 6.210 7.100 2\ 1.880 2.348 2.818 3.288 3.760 4.696 5.630 6.575 7.520 2% 1.984 2.479 2.975 3.470 3.968 4.957 5.950 6.941 7.936 2/4 2.088 2.609 3.131 3.653 4.176 5.218 6.262 7.306 8.352 2% 2.193 2.740 3.288 3.836 4.386 5.479 6.576 7.671 8.772 2% 2.297 2.870 3.444 4.018 4.594 5.740 6.888 8.036 9.188 1% 2.402 3.001 3.601 4.201 4.804 6.001 7.202 8.402 9.608 3 2.506 3.131 3.758 4.384 5.012 6.262 7.516 8.767 10.024 3^ 2.715 3.392 4.071 4.749 5.430 6.784 8.142 9.498 10.860 3/4 2.923 3.653 4.384 5.114 5.846 7.306 8.768 10. __'* n.c'.tu 3^ 3.132 3.914 4.697 5.479 6.264 7.828 9.394 10.960 12.528 4 3.341 4.175 5.010 5.845 6.682 8.350 10.020 UL690|18JM 41^ 3.549 4.436 5.323 6.210 7.098 8.871 10.646 12.421 14.196 A IS 3.758 4.697 5.636 6.575 7.516 9.393 11.272 13.151 15.032 4% 3.966 4.958 5.949 6.941 7.932 9.915 11.898 13.881 15.864 6 4.175 6.219 6.263 7.306 8.350 10.437 12.526 14.612 16.700 6>/ 4.384 5.479 6.576 7.671 8.768 10.958 13.152 15.343 17.536 8/4 4.593 6.741 B.880 8.037 9.186 1 11.480 13.778 16.073 1 18.372 65^ 4.801 6.001 7.202 8.402 9.602 12.002 14.404 16.804 19.204 6 6.010 6.262 7.515 8.767 1 10.020 12.524 15.030 17.535 20.042 WEIGHT OF ONE SQUARE FOOT OF SHEET IRON, ETC. i Iron.. Cop... enm Thickness by the Birmingham (Eng.) Wire Gauge. 1 1 126012.0011.00 14.50 13.90 12.75 13.75 13.20 12.10 4 1 5 1000 ~874 H.tO 10.10 11. > >...! 6 1 7 | 8 si. 7.50 <;>'; 9.40 8.70 7.90 8.93 8.25 7.54 JiTI 7.20 UN 10 11 1J 5.62'5.00 4.38 0.50 5>0 5.08 6.18:5.50 4.81 13 ITS L84 1.1-2 14 ua 8.60 tM II 2>2 ::.-7 3.10 Thickness by the Wire Gauge. 16 17 | 18 19 | 20 21 22 24 -'> .<> 27 29 M Iron.. ?50 2. IS l.gfl 1.701.54 1.40 1.25 1.12 1 Oil n V 7-. 1 11 .56 n C,p.. Briiss 2.90 2.75 2.52 2.15 2.40:2.04 1.9711.78 1.87 1.69 1.02 1.45 1.54 1.37 1.301 1.16 1.23 1.10 1.1 '-i M JI 36 M .711 .71 .70 .64 .61 M a No. 1 Wire Gauge is 5-10th of an inch : No. 4 Is l-4th : No. 11 is l-8th : No. 13 is 1-12U> ; No. 15 is l-14th ; No. 16 Is l-18th ; No. 17 Is l-18th ; No. 19 IB 1-23; No. 22 is 1-32. 142 WEIGHT OF BAB IRON, ETC, RUSSIA SHEET IRON Measures 56 bv2S Inches, and is ruled by tho \vHfsh t per sheet The nutnbern run from 8 to 18 Ku^i 'ii li>. p. r she, i. s Russian pounds e<|Ual 7.2 KimlMi ,.i, t r -Is; < <.l M>.; 1" 'Jll.s.; 11 --lOll.s.; ll' 11. 'J Ihs. &j. 100 Russian lb-. qu.ii '.o li>-. English. WEIGHT OF ONE SftTJABE FOOT OF PLATE IBON, ETC. 3 s III 1 . . a$a Si 111 | ! 1 1 Iff I M 1 PQ 1 2.5 29 2.7 37 175 203 19.0 259 50 6.8 5.5 7.4 1 200 23.2 21.8 29.6 75 87 82 11.1 | 25.0 288 271 37.0 | 10.0 116 10.9 148 1 30.0 34.7 325 444 ~ff 125 145 136 185 | 35.0 40.4 379 67.8 1 150 174 163 222 1 400 462 433 69.2 WEIGHT ONE FOOT IN LENGTH OF SO.UABE AND BOUND BAB IBON. ^ a .2 g fl c 5 ^ o .5 fi a . K fl . et . r. 1 _j a . Tj.a If ^1 202 6 M a :1 ' ~ o a B*3 -" a a a il o| e'^ ll a , a r: a |l c| ll 3 OD i 11 I o Q5 55 ~a 1 i | .209 ,1(14 Ii 8820 6928 8 \ 46.969 36.895 A .326 .25fi If 10229 8.043 ;; ; 60153 39.390 1 .470 .3K9 1 11.743 9224 4 53.440 41.984 tV .640 5o:> 2 13.360 10496 4 , 56.833 44637 | .835 .656 2i 15.083 11846 4 (j i :\'2\) 47.385 A 1.057 .831 2^ 16908 13283 -J 63930 50.211 1 1305 1.025 2| 18.840 14797 4 67.637 63.132 .u. 1.579 1.241 2J 20.875 16.396 4 71445 66113 ^ 1.879 1.476 ll" 23.115 18146 4 75359 V.) is? i4 2205 1732 2| 2-5.259 19.842 -! 79378 62344 ^. 2558 2.011 2i 27.608 21.C.S4 5 83.510 65585 it 2936 2.306 3 30.070 28.658 r- \ 92459 72.618 1 3340 2624 31 32618 2.5.620 6 , 101.036 79370 n 4.22S 3 321 4 35.279 27.709 110.429 86 7.51 it 5.219 4099 31 38.04n i 11:0243 94.610 if 6.315 7.516 4961 5.913 3. 40916 43 890 '- 1 "' fhewelghl oflMrlroi 34472|i ;; ;; ;; ^, lron " ,-^ WEIGHT OP METALS. 143 CAST IBON. WEIGHT OF A FOOT IN LENGTH OF SQUARE AND ROUND. SQUARE. ROUND. Size. | Weight;! Size. Weight [ Size. Weight | Size. (Weight Inches Siuurr g Pounds .78 1.22 1.75 2.39 3.12 3.95 4.88 5.90 7.03 8.25 m98 12.50 14.11 15.81 17.62 19.53 21.53 23.63 25.83 28.12 80.B 33. 35.59 38. '.'8 41.06 43.94 46.92 50. 53.14 56.44 59.81 63.28 66.84 70.50 Inches Square | 6% 10 Pounds 74.26 78.12 82.08 86.13 90.28 94.53 98.87 103.32 107.86 112.50 122.08 132.03 142.38 158.12 164.25 175.78 187.08 200. 212.56 225.78 239.25 253.12 207.38 282. 297.07 312.50 328.32 344.53 361.13 378.12 395.50 413.28 431.44 450. ' Inches Diam. Pounds .61 .95 1.38 1.87 2.45 3.10 3.83 4.04 5.52 6.48 7.51 8.62 9.81 11.08 12.42 1384 15.33 16.91 18.56 20.28 22.18 23.96 25.92 27.95 30.16 32.25 34.51 36.85 39.27 41.76 44.27 46.97 49.70 52.50 55.37 Inches I Pounds 58.32 61.35 64.46 67.04 70.09 74.24 77.05 81.14 84.71 88.35 95.87 111.8-J 120.26 129. 138.05 147. -41 157-08 167.05 177.10 187.91 198.79 210. 221.50 233.31 245.43 WT.fifl 270.69 ISM;. -.17 824.59 3.-W.85 353.43 STEEL. WEIGHT OF A FOOT IN LENGTH OF FLAT. Size. Thick. 1-4 In. . hi.-k. 3-8ths. Thick. 1-2 in. 181*6. Thid; 1-4 in. Thick, 38ths Thick, 1-2 In. Thl.-k, .3-8th& Inch. Ihs. M.S. RM In^-h. ]h n> ]h Ihs. 1 .852 .958 1.-J7 1.43 1.70 1.91 z.io 2>^' 2.39 I'-; 2.13 8.34 3.20 3.51 4.26 4.'58 5.32 5.85 \\ 1.06 LW 2.13 2.66 3 3.83 5.11 6.39 1% ( 1.17 1.75 2.!'2 3'^ 2.77 4.15 5.53 6.92 1.-J7 L91 2.55 3.19 3U 2.98 4.47 5.98 7.45 1^ 1.49 2.23 2.98 q "1> q/ .V I J tJ^j 3.19 479 6.38 7.98 2 1.70 L55 3.40 4.26 4 3.40 5.10 6.80 8.52 2j^ 1.91 2.87 3.83 4.79 |J 10 144 WEIGHT OF METALS. PATENT IMPEOVED LEAD PIPE. SIZES AND WEIGHT PEK FOOT. Weight per toot 10 12 1 1 8 8 10 12 14 1 Weight ii-.-r ( -i Ibs. oz 1 4 1 1 8 2 2 12 12 14 Calibre Inches. Weight perl . Ibs. oz. 1 4 2 8 3 4 1 8 1 12 2 2 8 3 SHEET LEAD. Weight of a Square Foot, 2*4, 3, 3X, 4, 4}*, 5, 6, 7, 8)*, 9, 10 Ibs., and upwards. BRASS, COPPER, STEEL AND LEAD. WEIGHT OF A FOOT. Diam.& side of Square. BR Weight of Round. VSS. 1 1 COPPER. 8TE Weight of Round. EL. LEAD. wjB Square. Weight Round. WJ* Square. *5= Square. Weight of Round. Weight Square. In. Lbs. Lbs. Lbi. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. .17 .22 .19 .24 .17 .21 % .39 .50 .42 .64 .88 .4S V .70 .90 .75 .96 .67 .85 X 1.10 1.40 1.17 1.50 1.04 LSI H7 1.59 2.02 1.69 2.16 1.60 I.M my 2.16 2.75 2.31 2.94 2.05 2.61 2.83 8.60 Ml 8.S4 2.67 3.40 Ml 4.93 \s 3.58 -4 .-,; s -J 4.86 3.33 4.34 4.90 MB o 4.42 5.*) 4.71 6. 4.18 Ml 6.06 7.71 .1 ' 6.35 6.81 6.71 7.27 6.06 6.44 7.33 9.33 i? 6.36 8.10 6.79 > ,..-, UM 7.67 8.72 11 11 i? 7.47 9.51 7.94 10.15 7.07 9. IftJN 1X.01 K 8.66 1LM 9.21 11.77 8.20 10.14 11.W 15.12 J7Z 9.95 J2.66 10.61 13.52 9.41 11 '..-i i3.a 17.36 2 11.32 14.41 1208 15.:* 10.71 13.63 15.51 10.75 2V^ 12.78 16.27 13.64 17.36 12.05 17 .'.I 2. .29 2 1 ** 14.32 18.24 15.29 19.47 13.51 17.20 19.63 B, 99 15.!6 KM 17.03 21.69 15.05 19.17 21.HO a7.0 2V* 17.68 22.53 i> vr -.'i: 1668 21.21 24.24 30.88 2^7 19.50 21.S3 20.81 26.50 18.39 23.41 2672 31.02 2/4 21.40 27.25 2_'sj 29.08 20.18 25.70 29.: 37.31 2j2 21.89 29.78 24.92 81.79 2206 28.10 S.'.oi 40.81 3 25.47 32.43 27.18 34.61 24.21 80.60 34.90 44.44 CAST IRON. WEIGHT OF A SUPERFICIAL FOOT FROM \i TO 2 INCHES THICK. In. Weight!) SiJ Lbs. 9.37 14.06 18.75 Weight) [ Size. |Weighi Lbs. 23.43 88.13 32.81 . 37.50 42.18 46.87 "Size. iWeighT Lbs. 51..V5 Sire. I Weight In. 2 " 70.31 75. EQUAL-SIDED TIMBER MEASURE. 145 CAST IRON. Weight of a Foot in Length of Flat Cast 1 f0 27 10 30 10:33 4 36 1133 10 41 7 44 47 2 50 52 65 9 B 2/7 M s 936 9 39 10 42 11 46 49 52 2 65 3 53 61 6 302 ;t i; 16 10 40 4 44 8 47 050 41 63 57 60 4 63 67 :?l 36 8 40 4 44 1 47 9 .51 6 55 1 68 62 5 66 1 69 73 5 II 360 40 41 048 >! 56 60 61 63 72 76 80 9 43 4 43 152 1 -..; r, 60 9 65 1 69 5 73 9 78 1 82 5 86 9 4J 2 4611 51 756 4 61 05 870 4 75 79 8 84 4 89 93 8 LT 4.57 .-, s 55 9160 9 (H 10 ;.> n 71! n 81 1 86 2 91 7 M 8 liil 11 49 51 6 59 10,65 4 70 9 78 2 81 7 85 92 6 97 10 '103 3 108 8 536 5S 4 04 2(70 1 7511 81 9 87 7 H .5 99 3 108 1 11211 117 9 M 55 9 62 0,63 3175 81 8 87 6 93 9 100 106 3 112 6 118 9 125 146 LOGS REDUCED TO BOARD MEASURE. LOGS REDUCED TO ONE INCH BOAED MEASURE. If the log is longer than is contained in tin- table, take any two Tin- first column on the left gives the length of the log in feet. The figures under D denote the diameters of the logs in inches. Fractional parts of inches are not given. The diameter of timber is usually taken 120 f.-.-t from the butt. All logs short of 20 feet, take the diameter at the top, or small end. To find the number of feet of boards which a log will produce when sawed, take the length of feet in the first column on the left hand, and the diameter at the top of the page in inches. Suppose a log 12 feet long and 24 inches in diameter; in the left hand column is the length, and opposite 12 under 24 is 300, the number of feet of boards in a log of that length and diameter. D. D. D. D. 1>. D. D. I D. D. D. D. D. D. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I i 20 21 22 23 24 !.-,!( 11.-, 198 188 If, I 146 IU 217 1.11 217 111 21 171 459 S--7 108 I'.T .7.7 42(5 51 'J 4,r, 57<> 57S 71!) S:!4 872 910 I 98*2 9 IS 1023 986 lOW lo.'l IK r> liltij II IK 1100 | 1187 1138 12-28 1176 ! 1269 978 !7K 1 1 )_>.-> 1270 1417 12R6 1116 746 803 861 919 976 1034 10J2 1148 1 06 1264 1310 I 1376 1365 I 1434 14-JO 1550 WEIGHT OF CASTINGS. 147 RELATIVE STRENGTH OF CAST AND MALLE- ABLE IRON. It has been found, in the course of the experiments made by Mr. Hodgkinson and Mr. Fairbairn, that the average strain that oast iron will bear in the way of tension, before breaking, is about seven tons and a half per square inch ; the weakest, in the course of 16 trials on various descriptions, bearing 6 tons, and the strong- est 9} tons. The experiments of Telford and Brown show that malleable iron will bear, on an average, 27 tons; the weakest bearing 24, and the strongest 29 tons. On approaching the break- ing point, cast iron may snap in an instant, without any previous symptom, while wrought iron begins to stretch, with half its breaking weight, and so continues to stretch till it breaks. The experiments of Hodgkinson and Fairbairn show also that cast iron is capable of sustaining compression to the extent of nearly 50 tons on the square inch ; the weakest bearing 36} tons, and the strongest 60 tons. In this respect, malleable iron is much inferior to cast iron. With 12 tons on the square inch it yields, contracts in length, and expands laterally ; though it will bear 27 tons, or more, without actual fracture. WEIGHT. To find the Weight of any Casting. Width in } ins. x Thickness in ins., or rice versa, -f- 10 X Length, ft. = Weight, Ibs. cast iron. For instance: to find the weight of a casting 31 ins. V li ins- X 2 ft. 6 ins. long. 13 X 9 -T- 10 = 11-7 X 2-5 = 29-25 Ibs. This rule is very useful, and can easily be remembered in the following form. Width in J ins. X Thickness in } ins. or vice versa, cut off 1 figure for decimal, the result is Ibs. per foot of length. For wrought iron add .-,',.,' 'i to the result ; for lead add } ; for brass add }th ; for copper add $th. To find the Weight from the Areas. Area, sq. ins. X Length, ft. X 3f = Weight, Ibs. cast iron. Multiplier for Cast iron 3-1-56 or 31. ' Wrought iron 8-312 or 3*. Lead 4-854. " Brass 3-644. " Copper 3-87. Or, Area, sq. ins. X 10 = Ibs. per yard for wrought iron. 148 WHEEL GEARING. To find the "Weight in cwts. Area, aq. ins. X Length, ft. H- 31-9 = Weight, cwts. cast iron. For wrought iron, divide by 33-6. WHEEL GEARING. The Pitch Line of a wheel, is the circle upon which the pitch is measured, and it is the circumference by which the diameter, or the velocity of the wheel, is measured. The Pitch, is the arc of the circle of the pitch line, and is de- termined by the number of the teeth in the wheel. The True Pitch (Chordial), or that by which the dimensions of the tooth of a wheel are alone determined, is a straight line drawn from the centres of two contiguous teeth upon the pitch line. The Line of Centres, is the line between the centres of two wheels. The Radius of a wheel, is the semi-diameter running to the periphery of a tooth. The Pitch Radius, is the semi-diameter running to the pitch line. The Length of a Tooth, is the distance from its base to its extremity. The Breadth of a Tooth, is the length of the face of wheel. A Cog Wheel, is the general term for a wheel having a num- ber of cogs or teeth set upon or radiating from its circumference. A Mortise Wheel, is a wheel constructed for the reception of teeth or cogs, which are fitted into recesses or sockets upon the face of the wheel. Plate Wheels, are wheels without arms. A Rack, is a series of teeth set in a plane. A Sector, is a wheel which reciprocates without forming a full revolution. A Spur Wheel, is a wheel having its teeth perpendicular to its axis. A Bevel Wheel, is a wheel having its teeth at an angle with its axis. A Crown Wheel, is a wheel having its teeth at a right angle with its axis. A Mitre Wheel, is a wheel having its teeth at an angle of 45 with its axis. A Face Wheel, is a wheel having its teeth set upon one of its sides. An Annular or Internal Wheel, is a wheel having its teeth con- vergent to its centre. Spur Gear. Wheels which act upon each other in the same plane. Bevel Gear. Wheels which act upon each other at an angle. When the tooth of a wheel is made of a material different from WHEEL GEARING. 149 that of the wheel, it is termed a Cog; in a pinion it is termed a Leaf, and in a trundle a Stave. A wheel which impels another is termed the Spur, Driver, or Leader ; the one impelled is the Pinion, Driven, or Follower. A series of wheels iti connection with each other is termed a Train. When two wheels act upon one another, the greater is termed the "Wheel and the lesser the Pinion. A Trundle, Lantern, or Wallower is when the teeth of a pinion are constructed of round brass or solid cylinders set into two discs. A Trundle with less than eight staves cannot be operated uniformly by a wheel with any number of teeth. The material of which cogs are made is about one-fourth the strength of cast iron. The product of their bd* should be four times that of iron teeth. Buchanan: Rules that to increase or diminish velocity in a given proportion, and with the lea^t quantity of wheel-work, the number of teeth in each pinion should be to the number of teeth in its wheel as 1 : 3-59. Even to save space and expense, the ratio should never exceed 1 : 6. The least number of teeth that it is practicable to give to a wheel is regulated by the necessity of having at least one pair always in action, in order to provide for the contingency of a tooth breaking. The teeth of wheels should be as small and numerous as is con- sistent with strength. When a Pinion is driven by a wheel, the number of teeth in the pinion should not be less than eight. When a Wheel is driven by a pinion, the number of teeth in the pinion should not be less than ten. The Number of teeth in a wheel should always be prime to the number of the pinion; that is, the number of teeth in the wheel should not be divisible by the number of teeth in the pinion with- out a remainder. This is in order to prevent the same teeth coming together so often as to cause an irregular wear of their faces. An odd tooth introduced into a wheel is termed a hunting tooth or cog. To Compute the Pitch of a "Wheel. RULK. Divide circumference at the pitch-line by the number of teeth. Example. A wheel 40 ins. in diameter requires 75 teeth ; what is its pitch T 8-1416 X 40 = 1 .- 76 To Compute the True or Chordial Pitch. RULE. Divide 180 by the number of teeth, ascertain the sine of the quotient and multiply it by the diameter of the wheel. 150 WHEEL GEARING. Example. The number of teeth is 75, and the diameter 40 inches ; what is the true pitch ? ^2 = 2 24' and fin. of 2 24' = -04188, which X 40 = 1-6752 im. 70 To Compute the Diameter of a Wheel. RULE. Multiply the number of teeih by the pitch, and divide the product by 3-1416. Example. The number of teeth in a wheel is 75, and the pitch 1-675 ins. ; what is the diameter of it? To Compute the Number of Teeth in a Wheel. RULE. Divide the circumference by the pitch. To Compute the Diameter when the True Pitch is given. RULE. Multiply the number of teeth in the wheel by the true pitch, and again by -3184. Example. Take the elements of the preceding case. 75 X 1-6762 X '3184 = 40 ins. To Compute the Number of Teeth in a Pinion or Fol- lower to have a given Velocity. RULB. Multiply the velocity of the driver by its number of teeth, and divide the product by the velocity of the driven. Example. The velocity of a driver is 16 revolutions, the num- ber of its teeth 54, and the velocity of the pinion is 48 ; what is the number of its teeth ? 2. A wheel having 75 teeth is making 16 revolutions per minute ; what is the number of teeth required in the pinion to make 24 revolutions in the same time? To Compute the Proportional Radius of a Wheel or Pinion. RULE. Multiply the length of the line of centres by the number of teeth in the wheel for the wheel, and in the pinion for the pinion, and divide by the number of teeth in both the wheel and pinion. WHEEL GEARING. 151 To Compute the Diameter of a Pinion, when the Di- ameter of the Wheel and Number of Teeth in the Wheel and Pinion are given. RULB. Multiply the diameter of the wheel bj the number of teeth in the pinion, and divide the product by the number of teeth in the wheel. Example. The diameter of a wheel is 25 inches, the number of its teeth 210, and the number of teeth in the pinion 30; what is the diameter of the pinion T 210 To Compute the Number of Teeth required in a Train of Wheels to produce a given Velocity. RULE. Multiply the number of teeth in the driver by its num- ber of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revo- lutions of each pinion, for each driver and pinion. Example. If a driver in a train of three wheels has 90 teeth, and makes 2 revolutions, and the velocities required are 2, 10, and 18, what are the number of teeth in each of the other two? 10 : 90 : : 2 : 18 = teeth in Id wheel. 18: 90 : : 2 : 10 = teeth in Zd wheel. To Compute the Circumference of a Wheel. RCLB. Multiply the number of teeth by their pitch. To Compute the Revolutions of a Wheel or Pinion. . Multiply the diameter or circumference of the wheel or the number of its teeth, as the case may be, by (he number of its revolutions, and divide the product by the diameter, circumfer- ence, or number of teeth in the pinion. Examplf. A pinion 10 inches in diameter is driven by a wheel 2 feet in diameter, making 46 revolutions per minute; what is the number of revolutions of the pinion? To Compute the Velocity of a Pinion. RULE. Divide the diameter, circumference, or number of teeth in the driver, as the case may be, by the diameter, etc., of the pinion. 152 WHEEL GEARING. When there are a Series or Train of Wheels and Pinions. RULE. Divide the continued product of the diameter, circum- ference, or number of teeth in the wheels by the continued pro- duct of the diameter, etc., of the pinions. Example 1. If a wheel of 32 teeth drive a pinion of 10, upon the axis of which there is one of 30 teeth, driving a pinion of 8, what are the revolutions of the last? 32 30 960 Example 2. The diameters of a train of wheels are 6, 9, 9, 10, and 12 inches ; of the pinions, 6, 6, 6, 6, and 6 inches ; and the number of revolutions of the driving shaft or prime mover is 10; what are the revolutions of the last pinion ? To Compute the Proportion that the Velocities of the Wheels in a Train should bear to one another. RULE. Subtract the less velocity from the greater, and divide the remainder by one less than the number of wheels in the train ; the quotient is the number, rising in arithmetical progression from the less to the greater velocity. Example. What should be the velocities of 3 wheels to produce 18 revolutions, the driver making 3 ? . _ _ = 7'5 = number to be added to velocity of the driver = 7-5 + 3 = 10-5, and 10-5 -f 7-5 == 18 revolutions. Hence 3, 10 5, and 18 are the velocities of the three wheels. General Illustrations. 1. A wheel 96 inches in diameter, having 42 revolutions per minute, is to drive a shaft 75 revolutions per minute ; what should be the diameter of the pinion ? = 7o 2. If a pinion is to make 20 revolutions per minute, required the diameter of another to make 68 revolutions in the same time. 68 -7- 20 = 2-9 = the ratio of their diameters. Hence, if one to make 20 revolutions is given a diameter of 30 inches, the other will be 30 -7- 2-9 = 10-345 inches. 3. Required the diameter of a pinion to make 12J revolutions in the same time as one of 32 inches diameter making 26. WHEEL GEARINQ. 153 4. A shaft, having 22 revolutions per minute, is to drive another shaft at the rate of 15, the distance between the two shafts upon the line of centres is 45 inches ; what should be the diameter of the wheels? Then, 1st. 22 -}- 16 : 22 : : 45 : 26-75 = inches in the radius of (he pinion. 2d. 22 + 15 : 15 : : 45 : 18-24 = inches in the radius of the spur. 6. A driving shaft, having 16 revolutions per minute, is to drive a shaft 81 revolutions per minute, the motion to be communicated by two geared wheels and two pulleys, with an intermediate shaft; the driving wheel is to contain 54 teeth, and the driving pulley upon the driven shaft is to be 25 inches in diameter; required the number of teeth in the driven wheel, and the diameter of the driven pulley. Let the driven wheel have a velocity of y/lfi x 81=36, a mean proportional between the extreme velocities 16 and 81. Then, 1st. 86 : 16 : : 54 : 24 = teeth in the driven wheel. 2d. 81 : 36 : : 25 : 11-11 = inches diameter of the driven pulley. 6. If, as in the preceding case, the whole number of revolu- tions of the driving shaft, the number of teeth in its wheel, and the diameters of the pulleys are given, what are the revolutions of the shafts ? Then, 1st. 18 : 16 : : 64 : 48 = revolutions of the intermediate shaft. 2d. 15 : 48 : : 25 : 80 = revolutions of the driven shaft. To Compute the Diameter of a "Wheel for a given Pitch and Number of Teeth. RULE. Multiply the diameter in the following table for the number of teeth by the pitch, and the product will give the diam- eter at the pitch circle. Example. What is the diameter of a wheel to contain 48 teeth of 2-5 inches pitch? 15-29 X 2-5 = 88-225 inches. To Compute the Pitch of a "Wheel for a given Diameter and Number of Teeth. RULE. Divide the diameter of the wheel by the diameter in the table for the number of teeth, and the product will give the pitch. Example. What is the pitch of a wheel when the diameter of it is 50-94 inches, and the number of its teeth 80? 50-94 154 WHEEL GEARING. PITCH OF "WHEELS. A TABLE WHEREBY TO COMPUTE THE DIAMETER OF A WHEEL FOR A GIVEN PITCH, OR THE PITCH FOR A GIVEN DIAMETER. From 8 to 192 feet. No. of Diame- No. of Diame- No. of Diame- No. of Diame- No of Diame- Teeth. ter- Teeth. ter. Teeth. ter. Teeth. ter. Teeth. ter. 8 261 45 14-33 82 26-11 119 37-88 156 49-66 9 2-93 46 14-65 83 26-43 120 38-2 157 49-98 10 3-24 47 14-97 84 26-74 121 38-52 168 603 11 3-65 48 15-29 85 27-06 122 3884 169 50-61 12 3-86 49 15-61 86 27-38 123 39-16 1GO 60-93 13 4-18 50 15-93 87 27-7 124 39-47 161 51-25 14 4-49 51 16-24 88 28-02 125 39-79 162 51-67 15 4-81 52 16-56 89 28-33 126 40-11 163 51-89 16 6-12 53 16-88 90 28-65 127 40-43 164 62-21 17 6-44 54 17-2 91 28-97 128 40-75 165 52-52 18 5-76 65 17-52 92 29-29 129 41-07 166 52-84 19 6-07 56 17-8 93 29-61 130 41-38 167 63-16 20 6-39 57 18-15 94 29-93 131 41-7 168 68-48 21 6-71 58 18-47 95 30-24 132 42-02 169 53-8 22 7-03 59 18-79 96 30-66 133 42-34 170 54-12 23 7-34 60 19-11 97 30-88 134 42-66 171 54-43 24 7-66 61 19-42 98 31-2 135 42-98 172 54-75 25 7-98 62 19-74 99 31-52 136 43-29 178 65-07 26 8-3 63 20-06 100 31-84 137 43-61 174 55-39 27 8-61 64 20-38 101 82-15 138 43-93 175 55-71 28 8-93 65 20-7 102 8247 139 44-25 176 66-02 29 9-25 t;o 21-02 103 82-79 140 44-57 177 56-34 30 9-57 67 21-33 104 33-11 141 44-88 178 56-66 81 9-88 68 21-65 105 33-43 142 462 179 56-98 32 10-2 08 21-97 106 33-74 143 45-62 180 57-23 83 10-52 TO 22-29 107 34-06 144 45-84 181 57-62 34 10-84 71 22-61 108 34-38 145 4616 182 57-93 85 11-16 72 22-92 109 34-7 146 46-48 183 58-25 36 11-47 73 23-24 110 35-02 147 46-79 184 6867 37 11-79 74 23-56 111 35-34 148 47-11 185 58-89 88 12-11 75 23-88 112 35-65 149 47-43 186 59-21 39 1243 76 24-2 113 35-97 150 47-75 187 59-53 40 12-74 77 24-52 114 36-29 161 48-07 '188 59-84 41 13-06 78 24-83 115 36-61 162 48-39 189 60-16 42 13-38 79 25-15 116 36-93 153 48-7 190 60-48 43 13-7 80 25.47 117 37-25 154 49-02 191 60-81 44 14-02 81 25-79 118 37-56 155 49-34 192 61-13 NOTE. The pitch in this table is the true pitch, scribed. before de- WHEEL GEARING. 155 To Compute the Number of Teeth of a Wheel for a given Diameter and Pitch. RULK. Divide the diameter by the pitch, and opposite to the quotient in the table is given the number of teeth. (See p. 154.) Change 'Wheels in Screw-cutting Lathes, yp I = N ; -pj = S. T representing number of teeth in traverse tcrew ; 8 number in stud-wheel gearing in mandril ; t number in wheel upon mandril, and t' number in gearing upon stud pinion, gearing in T ; I number of threads per inch upon traverse screw ; N number to be cut. To determine the Proportion of Wheels for Screw-cut- ting by a Lathe. In a lathe properly adapted, screws to any degree of pitch, or number of threads in a given length, may be cut by means of a leading screw of any given pitch, accompanied with change wheels and pinions; coarse pitches being effected generally hy means of one wheel and one pinion with a carrier, or intermediate wheel, which cause no variation or change of motion to take place. Hence the following RULE. Divide the number of threads in a given length of the screw which is to be cut by the number of threads in the same length of the leading screw attached to the lathe; and the quotient is the ratio that the wheel on the end of the screw must bear to that on the end of the lathe spindle. Example. Let it be required to cut a screw with 5 threads in an inch, the leading screw being of J inch pitch, or containing 2 threads in an inch ; what must be the ratio of wheels applied? 6 -T- 2 = 2-5, the ratio they must bear to each other. Then suppose a pinion of 40 teeth be fixed upon for the spindle. 40 X 2-5 = 100 teeth for the wheel on the end of the screw. But screws of a greater degree of fineness than about 8 threads in an inch are more conveniently cut by an additional wheel and pinion, because of the proper degree of velocity being more effectively attained ; and these, on account of revolving upon a stud, are commonly designated the stud wheels, or stud-wheel and pinion; but the mode of calculation and ratio of screw are the same as in the preceding rule. Hence, all that is further necessary is to fix upon any three wheels at pleasure, as those for the spindle and stud-wheels ; then multiply the number of teeth in the spindle- wheel by the ratio of the screw, and hy the number of teeth in that wheel or pinion which is in contact with the wheel on the end of the screw; divide the product by the stud-wheel in contact with the spindle-wheel; and the quotient is the number of teeth re- quired in the wheel on the end of the leading screw. Example. Suppose a screw is required to be cut containing 25 156 WHEEL GEARING. threads in an inch, and the leading screw, as before, having two threads in an inch, and that a wheel of GO teeth is fixed upon for the end of the spindle, 20 for the pinion in contact with the screw- wheel, and 100 for that in contact with the wheel on the end of the spindle ; required the number of teeth in the wheel for the end of the leading screw. 25 4- 2 = 12-5, and 150 teeth. Or suppose the spindle and screw-wheels to be those fixed upon, also any one of the stud-wheels, to find the number of teeth in the other. 100 teeth. TABLE OF CHANGE WHEELS FOE SCEEW-CTJTTINO. The leading Screw being * inch pitch, or containing 2 threads in an inch. Number of tee thin Number of teeth In Number of teeth In s 1 JL j, 1 li j r ll I Pinion in contact with Krew- wheel. ji Number of thread! in 3* Wheel in contact with spindle wheel. 1 i 1 80 40 8 lo~ 55 20 ~60~ 19 50 95 20 100 H 80 50 8 90 85 20 90 19* 80 120 20 130 1* 80 60 8; 60 70 20 75 20 60 100 20 120 if 80 70 9; 90 90 20 95 20J 40 90 20 90 2 80 90 9' 40 60 20 65 21 SI. 120 20 140 80 90 10 60 75 20 80 22 DO 110 20 120 80 100 10* 60 70 20 75 22* HI 120 20 150 80 110 11 60 55 20 120 22| 80 130 20 140 3 80 120 12 90 90 20 120 23J 40 95 20 100 3J 80 130 12J 60 85 20 90 24 65 120 20 130 3* 80 140 13 90 90 20 130 25 60 100 20 150 3| 40 150 13* 60 90 20 90 25* 30 85 20 90 4 40 80 80 100 20 110 26 70 130 20 140 40 85 14 90 90 20 140 27 40 90 20 120 40 90 14J 60 90 20 95 27* 40 100 20 110 40 95 15 90 90 20 150 28 75 140 20 150 5 40 100 16 60 80 20 120 28* 30 90 20 95 6* 40 110 16J 80 100 20 130 30 70 140 20 150 6 40 120 16* 80 110 20 120 32 30 80 20 120 S* 40 130 17 45 85 20 90 33 40 110 20 120 40 140 17* 80 100 20 140 34 30 85 20 120 7* 40 150 18 40 60 20 120 35 60 140 20 150 8 30 210 18J 80 100 20 150 36 30 190 20 120 WHEELS AND GUDGEONS. 157 Example 1. Required the number of teeth that a wheel of 16 inches diameter will contain of a 10 pitch. 16 X 1= 16 teeth, and the circular pitch = -314 inch. Example 2. What must be the diameter of a wheel for a 9 pitch of 126 teeth ? 126 -~ 9 = 14 inches diameter, circular pitch -349 inch. NOTE. The pitch is reckoned on the diameter of the wheel instead of the circumference, and designated wheels of 8 pitch, 12 pitch, etc. STRENGTH OF THE TEETH OF CAST IRON WHEELS AT A GIVEN VELOCITY. Pitch of teeth in inches. Thickness of teeth in inches. Breadth of teeth in inches. Strength of teeth in horse-power at 3 feet per second. 4 feet per second. 6 feet per second. 8 feet per second. 3-99 1-9 7-6 20-57 27-43 41-14 54-85 8-78 1-8 7-2 17-49 23-32 34-98 46-64 367 1-7 6-8 14-73 19-65 29-46 39-28 3-36 1-6 6-4 12-28 16-38 24-56 82-74 815 1-5 6- 10-12 13-50 20-24 26-98 2-94 1-4 6-6 8-22 10-97 16-44 21-92 2-78 1-8 6-2 6-58 8-78 13 16 17-54 2-52 1-2 4-8 6-18 691 10-36 13-81 2-31 1-1 4-4 399 5-32 7-98 10-64 2-1 1-0 4- 8-00 4-00 6-00 8-00 1-89 9 8-6 2-18 2-91 4-36 6-81 1-68 8 8-2 1-53 2-04 06 8-08 1-47 7 2-8 1-027 1-37 2-04 272 1.26 6 2-4 64 86 1-38 1-84 1-05 6 2- 375 60 75 1-00 WHEELS AND GUDGEONS. To find size of Teeth necessary to Transmit a given Horse Power. (Tredgold.) Horse power X 240 Diameter of wheel, ft. X Revs, per min. / Strength Strength \ = Strength of tooth. Strength readth! ins. (Pitch. = B " adth ' The above rule will be found very suitable for a speed of cir- cumference of about 240 feet per minute. For speeds above, add to 240 half the difference ; for speeds below, deduct half the dif- 158 WHEELS AND GUDGEONS. ference between 240 and the actual speed, the result being a suit- able multiplier. For instance : at 300 feet per minute, 60 being the difference, 240 -f 30 = 270 multiplier. At 160 feet per minute, 80 being the difference, 240 40 = 200 multiplier. The reason being that, with higher speeds, the friction, wear, and liability to shocks is increased, at lower speeds decreased, and the teeth may advantageously be proportioned accordingly. To find the Horse Power that any Wheel will Transmit. (Pitch, ins.)* X Breadth, ins. X Diameter, ft. X Revs, per minute Appropriate No. according to speed, as above = Horse Power. To find the Multiplying Number for any Wheel. (Pitch, ins.)* X Breadth, ins. X Diameter, ft. X R ev. per minute Horse Power = Multiplying No. as above. To find the Size of Teeth to carry a given Load in Founds. Load, Ibs. 1120 = Breaking strength of teeth. Load, Ibs. -f- 280 = Strength for very low speeds, and for steady work ; being 4 times the breaking strength. Load, Ibs. -7- 140 = Strength for ordinary purposes of machinery ; being 8 times the breaking strength. Load, Ibs. 100 = Strength for high speeds and irregular work ; or when the teeth are exposed to shocks. As before, WATER. 159 WATER. To find the Quantity of Water that will be Discharged through an Orifice or Pipe in the Side or Bottom of a Vessel. Are. of .rise., . in. X { N ' = Cubic feet discharged per minute. Height of Hui: . .' .ii- Urifiee. Multiplier. Height at vfc . i .. M OriOoe. Multiplier. 32L&. Orlflot. Multiplier. FeM. Peek Feet. 1 2-25 18 9-5 40 142 2 8-2 20 10- 46 16-1 4 45 22 10-6 60 16- 6 5-44 24 11- 60 17-4 8 6-4 26 11-5 70 18-8 10 7-1 28 12- 80 201 12 7-8 80 128 90 21-8 14 8-4 82 12-7 100 22-6 16 9- 85 18-8 To find the Size of Hole necessary to Discharge a given Quantity of Water under a given Head. Cubic feet water discharged No. corresponding to height, as per table = Area of orifice, sq. in. To find the Height necessary to Discharge a given Quantity through a given Orifice. Cubic feet water discharged Area orifice, sq. inches = No. corresp. to height, as per table. The Velocity of Water issuing from an Orifice in the Side or Bottom of a Vessel being ascertained to be as follows: ,/Height ft. surface above orifice X 6-4 = { Velo j ^^nd"' * j/Height ft. X Area orifice, ft, X 324 = | _ / Cubic feet discharged per minute. eight ft. X Area orifice, ins. X 2 - 2 = Do - D- 11 160 GAUGING OF CASKS. It may be observed that the above rules represent the netual quantities that will be delivered through a hole cut in the plate : if a short pipe be attached, the quantity will be increased, the greatest delivery with a straight pipe being attained with a length equal to 4 diameters, and being more than the delivery through the plain hole; the quantity gradually decreasing as the length of pipe is increased, till, with a length equal to GO diameters, the discharge again equals the discharge through the plain orifice. If a taper pipe be attached, the delivery will be still greater, being 1 times the delivery through the plain orifice; and it is probable that if a pipe with curved decreasing taper were to be tried, the delivery through it would be equal to the theoretical discharge, which is about 1.65 the actual discharge through a plain hole. To find the Quantity of Water that will run through any Orifice, the top of which is level with the Surface of Water as over a Sluice or Dam. /Height, ft. from water surface to > Area of water \/ bottom of orifice or top of dam | X passage.sq.ft. | /* = Cubic feet discharged per minute. Or, Two-thirds area of water passage, sq. ins. X No. corresponding to height as per table = Cubic feet discharged per minute. To find the time in -which a Vessel will empty itself through a given Orifice. y Height, feet surface above orifice X Area water surface, sq. ins. Area orifice, square inch X 3'7 = Time required, seconds. The above rules are founded on Bank's experiments. GAUGING OF CASKS. In taking the dimensions of a Cask, it must be carefully ob- served: 1st, That the bung-hole be in the middle of the cask; 2d, That the bung-stave, and the stave opposite to the bung-hole, are both regular and even within ; 3d. That the heads of the Cask nre equal, and truly circular; if so, the distance between the inside of the chime to the outside of the opposite stave will be the head diameter within the cask, very near. GAUGING OP CASKS. 161 RULK. Take, in inches, the inside diatneters of a cask at the head and the bung, and also the length ; subtract the head-diam- eter from the bung-diameter, and note the difference. If the measure of the Cask is taken outside, with callipers, from head to head, then a deduction must be made of from 1 to 2 inches for the thickness of the heads, according to (he size of the Cask. 1. If the staves of the Cask, between the bung and the head, are con- siderably curved, (the shape of a pipe,) multiply the difference between the bung and head by -7. 2. If the staves be of a medium curve, (the shape of a molasses hogshead,) multiply the difference by -66. 3. If the staves curve very little, (less than a molasses hogshead,) multiply the difference by -6. 4. If the staves are nearly straight, (almost a cylinder,) multiply the difference by -55. 5. Add the product, in each case, to the head-diameter; the sum will be a mean diameter, and thus the Cask is reduced to a cylinder. 6. Multiply the mean diameter by itself, and then by the length, and multiply, if for Wine gallons, by -0034. The difference of dividing by 294, (the usual method,) and multiplying by -0034, (the most expeditious method,) is less than 500ths of a gallon in 100 gallons. Example. Supposing the head-diameter of a Cask to be 24 inches, the bung-diameter 32 inches, and the length of Cask 40 inches, what is the contents in Wine gallons ? First variety. Bung-Diameter, 82 Brought up, 876-16 Head-Diameter, 24 Length, 40 Difference, 8 35046-40 Multiplier, -7 -0034 6-6 14018560 Head-Diam., 24 10513920 29-6 119-157760 Multiply by 29-6 [Carry up] Square, 876-16 Ant. 119 galls. 1 pint. To obtain the contents of a similar Cask in Ale gallons, multiply 35046-40 by -002786, and we get 97-6042, (or 97 gallons 6 pints.) Gauging of Casks in Imperial (British) Gallons, and also in United States Gallons. Having ascertained the variety of the Cask, and its interior dimensions, the following Table will facilitate the calculation of its capacity. 162 GAUGING OF CASKS. TABLE OF THE CAPACITIES OF CASKS, WHOSE BUNG DIAM- ETEKS AND LENGTHS AEE 1 OR UNITY. H.| 1st Var. 2d Var. 1 3(J Var. j 4th Var. H. 1st Var. 2.1 Var. 3<3 Var. 4th Var. 50-0021244 0020300 -0017704 -0.il---23 76 0024337 0024120 -0022343 -00.2071 51-0021340 O020483 O017847 O018718 77 0024482 0022560 -0022310 52 -00211:17 0020681 O01T90B O018006 78 0024445 53 -002153t; 0020702 O018141 O0170B8 79 0024610 0023002 (K 12-27 '.4 64 65 00216:17 0021740 O090888 0020075 00 ls-2'.3' -0017294 001S447 -0017491 80 81 0024 127 0025079 0024776 -00215227 0023038 0024-J42 00234661-0023286 66 0021845 0021114 ooisix>4 -oour.'.io 82 0025110 0023686; -0023533 57 8 0021951 0022080 iH)2i::'J4 0018764 -0017v.il 0018927 -001*094 83 84 0096388 0025046 002.V279 '( 0025449 -di.2 11;.'. 59 0! 1-2-2 17.1 0021588 0019093 0018300 85 0025706 0025021 H0242MI 60 00222s:: 0021670 O010981 001S506 86 0025867 O02670; (N>2J':iS -0024545 61 0022807 0021828 0019433 O018716 S7 O098080 O02690? 00248S3 -0024803 62 0022513 O021088 0019007 0018925 88 0091 L08 0026141 0026181 O096088 63 0029831 0022114 0019784 o-i '.H:;- 89 0096188 O028817 64 0022751 002J2U2 0010084 0010863 80 O096639 00264y4 65 (K)22873 0022410 0)20147 O0106M Hi 0026703 -0026672 cv, 0022907 0022980 O090833 OOIOTM 92 oo2t>7.- 0026150 (Ki-2-.rj) 07 0023122 0022711 0020521 0090008 93 O027060 0027082 O028412 0028260 0022883 0020712 0020228 94 0027227 UI27213 0898077 00223<;i:i 0023898 0021302 0020905 97 O0277M 0027764 DQ2748S 72 00 2377 s 0028489 O09U06 0021186 98 ii 27062 O0279* 0027788 0027763 002:5915 0023640 0021710 O0218M 99 O02818B 0028187 00880M 74 0024o:,4 0028700 O0210U O021690 1-00 0028326 0028326 0028326 DHBfSJ 75 O0241'.i5 0023959 0022129 0021834 Divide the head by the bung diameter, and opposite the quotient in the column H, and under its proper variety, is the tabular number for unity. Multiply the tabular number by the square of the bung diameter of the given cask, and by its length, the product equals its capacity in Imperial gallons. Required the number of gallons in a Cask, (1st variety,) 24 inches head-diameter, 32 bung-diameter, and 40 inches in length? 82) 24-0 (-75 see Table for tabular No. 0024195 tabular No. for unity. 82 X 32 is 1024 square of bung diam. 96780 48390 24195 2-4775680 40 Inches long. rE. Multiply- uperial gallons by id two-tenths (1-2) 99-1027200 Imperial gallons 1-2 NOTE. ing Im e-He an will convert them into U.S. gallons; and U.S. gallons multiplied by 833 equal Imperial gallons. 1982054400 991027200 118-92326400 United States gallons. ULLAGE OF CASKS. 163 To Ullage, or find the Contents in Gallons of a Cask partly filled. To find the contents of the occupied part of a lying cask in gallons. RULE. Divide the depth of the liquid, or wet inches, by the bmi-. and multiply the re- mainder by the whole capacity of the cask ; this product will be the number of gallons in the cask. But if the quotient exceeds -6, add one-fourth of that excess to the quotient, and multiply the sum by the whole capacity of the cask ; this product will be the num- ber of gallons. Example 1. Suppose the bung-diameter of a cask, on its bilge, is 32 inches, and the whole contents of the cask 118-80 U. S. standard gallons ; required the ullage of 15 wet inches. 32) 15.00 (-46875 -5 -46875 = -03125 4 = -0078125 -46876 0078125 = -4609376X118-80 = 64-759376 U. S. gallons. Example 2. Required the ullage of 17 wet inches in a cask of the above capacity. 32)17-00(-53125 -6= -03126 -i- 4= -0078125+ -53125=-6390626 X 11880 = 64-040625 U. S. gallons. PROOF. 64-040625 -f 64-769875 = 1 1 8-80 gallont. To find the ullage of a filled part of a standing Cask, in gallons. Ki I.K. Divide the depth of the liquid, or wet inches, by the length of the cask; then, if the quotient is less than -5, deduct from the quotient one-tenth of what it is less than -5, and multiply the remainder by the whole capacity of the cask; this product will be the number of gallons. But if the quotient exceeds -5, add one- tenth of that excess to the quotient, and multiply the sum by the whole capacity of the cask; this product will be the ullage, or con- tents in U. S. standard gallons. Example. Suppose a cask, 40 inches in length, and the capac- ity 118-80 gallons, as above: required the ullage of 21 wet inches. 40) 21-000 (-526 .5 = -0264- 10 = -0025 + -526 = -5275 XH8-80 = 62-667 U. S. gallons. NOTE. Formerly the British Wine and Ale gallon measures were similar to those now used in the United States and British Colonies. The following Tables exhibit the comparative value between the United States and the present British measures. tJ. S. measure for Britlih (Im.) meunre. wine, spirits, etc. galls, qu. pu. gills. 42 K 'alls.= 1 tierce,= 34 3 1 3 63 " = 1 hogsh.= 52 1 1 3 126 " =lpipe, = 104 3 1 8 252 " =1 tun, = 209 3 1 2 U. 8. mcs.nr* for British am.) measure, ale and beer. galls, qu. pu. gills. 9 galls. = 1 firkin, = 9011 36 " ^ 1 barrel, = 36 2 3 54 " =1 hogsh. = 64 3 1 108 " =lbutt, =109 3 1 3 To convert Imperial gallons into United States Wine gallons, multiply the imperial by 1-2. To convert U. S. gallons into Impe- rial, multiply the U. States Wine gallons by -833. 51 U. S. Ale gallons equal 60 Imperial gallons, therefore to convert one into other add or deduct ^th. 164 ALLOYS AND COMPOSITIONS. ALLOYS AND COMPOSITIONS. ALLOY is the proportion of a baser metal mixed with a fiuer or purer, as when copper is mixed with gold, c. AMALGAM is a compound of mercury and a metal a soft alloy. All compositions of copper contract in the admixture, and all amalgams expand. In the manufacture of alloys and compositions, the more infusible metals should be melted first. In compositions of brass, as the proportion of zinc is increased, BO is the malleability decreased. The tenacity of brass is impaired by the addition of lead or tin. Steel alloyed with T ^th part of platinum, or silver, is rendered harder, more malleable, and better adapted for cutting instruments. Any alloy which is slowly heated and gradually cooled (annealed, that is), is softer than when the compound is suddenly chilled; hence the hardness of chill-cast iron. In moulding, no casting of any kind should be removed until it is cooled down to within a few degrees of the atmosphere; and in open sand castings, a thick covering of sand should be applied to retain the heat. Neglect of this caution is certain to weaken the piece, and fre- quently is the cause of accidents. ALLOYS AND COMPOSITIONS. 165 ALLOYS AND COMPOSITIONS. I N I S Antimony Bismuth. 1 j| 1 Arsenic. I Argentan , . 24 "I ...Z Argentiferous. Babbitt's metal* Brass, common 'hard'.'." " Mathematical Instruments. ' pinchbeck " red tombac " rolled- ' tutenag ' very tenacious.. 1 wheels, valves... " white " wire "',- -;. : n. 7,'.. .:. 74J :,> -v.i '.'. 2.5 2.5 89. 10.5 u _-v, u 52 25. 6.4 20." 11.2 3L 2.8 14.8 7.8 .. . 3.4 IS 8.3 10. ....'.'. = SS* 10 ...... -~ " yellow, nne Britannia metal n. 4. 25 -, When fused, add... -- 18" s -'.->. ... " red M yellow " Cyrn baN -.. "7.".' -.,! 11 1 312 U 16 20 ^ " gun metul.large " " small " Medals Statuary Chinese Kllver Chinese while copper- Church bells_ ".'. -.. 91.4 KJ i .: n. -i 10. 7. 7. ...... JJ EE ~m 55 193 23.4 5.6 1.4 "2.6 10.1 31 18L u..; 1.7 - ^ i.; ~~ '.".'.". T.6 i Clock bells - Cocks, Musical bells.. German sUver ** ** fine -7/. 88 . ; 1.4 i US v ; ,; 12.5 83.4 2.J.4 24. ... . i i: Mi 18 4 -1. " "i 77 23 Lathe bushes V.I 20. Machinery bearings. . ' " hard Metal that expands In cooling 77.-1 125 7. 15.6 7-,. ma .s:; Muntz metal Pewter, best. "" 40. 86 \ t IS. 80 M Printing characters ... 0. -M. ~~ '.'.'."'. Sheathing metal ,' 45. 22. -.". : . .' 21. 29. 33 4 Temp, if Type ami stereotype plates. White im-tal " " hard- Oreide., .. 7.4 BJ -... "7.4 12.3 66.6 28.*4 1.4 }Ma ^sal ^nr- -am -!'.! uu :::: lia 4.4 Crm of tartar 6.5 moninn2.5 Quick-lime ...-1.33 See page 16 i for directions. tFor adding small quantities of copper. 166 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. RARE Am) VALUABLE RECEIPTS AND TABLES FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Yellow Brass, for Turning. (Common article.) Copper, 20 Ibs. ; zinc, 10 Ibs. ; lead from 1 to 5 oz. Put in the lead last before pouring off. Red Brass, for Turning. Copper, 24 Ibs.; zinc, 5 Ibs., lead, 8 oz. Put in the lead last before pouring off. Red Brass, free, for Turning. Copper, 160 Ibs.; zinc, 50 Ibs.; lead, 10 Ibs. ; antimony, 44 oz. Another Brass, for Turning. Copper, 32 Ibs.; zinc, 10 Ibs: lead, 1 Ib. Best Red Brass, for Fine Castings. Copper, 24 Ibs.; zinc, 5 Ibs. ; bismuth, 1 oz. Put in the bismuth last before pouring off. Bronze Metal. Copper, 7 Ibs. ; zinc, 3 Ibs. ; tin, 2 Ibs. Bronze Metal. Copper, 1 Ib.; zinc, 12 Ibs.; tin, 8 Ibs. Bell Metal, for Large Bells. Copper, 100 Ibs.; tin, from 20 to 25 Ibs. Bell Metal, for Small Bells. Copper, 3 Ibs.; tin, 1 Ib. Cock Metal. Copper, 20 Ibs.; lead, 8 Ibs.; litharge, 1 oz.; anti- mony, 3 oz. Hardening for Britannia. (To be mixed separately from the other ingredients.) Copper, 2 Ibs.; tin, 1 Ib. Good Britannia Metal. Tin, 150 Ibs.; copper, 3 Ibs.; antimony. 10 Ibs. Britannia Metal, second Quality. Tin, 140 Ibs.; copper, 3 Ibs.; antimony, i Ibs. Britannia Metal, for Casting. Tin, 210 Ibs.; copper, 4 Ibs.; antimony, li> Ibs. Britannia Metal, for Spinning. Tin, 100 Ibs. ; Britannia har- dening, 4 Ibs.; antimony, 4 Ibs. White Solder, for Raised Britannia Ware. Tin, 100 Ibs.; copper, 3 oz., to make it free; and lead, 3 oz. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 167 Britannia Metal, for Registers. Tin, 100 Ibs.; hardening, 8 Ibs.; antimony, 8 Ibs. Best Britannia, for Spouts. Tin, 140 Ibs.; copper 3 Ibs.; anti- mony, 6 Ibs. Best Britannia, for Spoons. Tin, 100 Ibs.; hardening, 5 Ibs.,- antimony, 10 Ibs. Best Britannia, for Handles. Tin, 140 Ibs. ; copper, 2 Ibs. ; anti- mony 5 Ibs. Best Britannia, for Lamps, Pillars and Spouts. Tin, 30& Ibs.; copper, 4 Ibs.; antimony, 15 Ibs. Casting. Tin, 100 Ibs. ; hardening, 5 Ibs. ; antimony, 5 Ibs. Lining Metal, for Boxes of Railroad Cars. Mix tin, 24 Ibs.; copper, 4 Ibs.; antimony, 8 Ibs. (for a hardening); then add tin, 72 Ibs. Fine Silver Colored Metal. Tin, 100 Ibs.; antimony, 8 Ibs.; copper, 4 Ibs.; bismuth, 1 Ib. German Silver, First Quality, for Casting. Copper, 50 Ibs.: zinc, 25 Ibs: ; nickel, 25 Ibs. German Silver, Second Quality, for Casting. Copper, 60 Ibs.; zinc, -'0 Ibs.; nickel (best pulverized), 10 Ibs. German Silver, for Rolling. Copper, 60 Ibs.; zinc, 20 Ibs.; nickel, 25 Ibs. German Silver, for Bells and other Castings. Cop]er, 60 Ibs.; zinc, 20 Ibs. ; nickel, 20 Ibs. ; lead, 3 Ibs. ; iron (that of tin plate being best,) 2 Ibs. Imitation of Silver. Tin, 3 oz.; copper, 4 Ibs. Pinchbeck. Copper, 5 Ibs. ; zinc, 1 Ib. Tombac. Copper, 16 Ibs.; tin, 1 Ib. ; zinc, 1 Ib. Red Tombac. Copper, 10 Ibs. ; zinc, 1 Ib. Hard White Metal. Sheet brass, 32 oz.; lead, 2 oz.; tin, 2 oz.; zinc, 1 oz. Metal for taking Impressions. Lead, 3 Ibs.; tin, 2 Ibs.; bis- muth, 5 Ibs. Spanish Tutania. Iron or stool, 8 oz.; antimony, 16 oz.; nitre, 3 oz. Melt and harden 8 oz. tin with 1 oz. of the above compound. Rivet Metal. Copper, 32 oz.; tin, 2 oz.; zinc, 1 oz. Rivet Metal, for Hose. Tin, 64 Ibs.; copper, 1 Ib. Fusible Alloy. (Which melts in boiling water). Bismuth, 8 oz.; tin, 3oz.; lead, 5 oz. Fusible Alloy, for Silvering Glass. Tin, 6oz., lead, 10 oz.; bismuth, '-'I oz.; mercury, a small quantity. Best Soft Solder for Cast Britannia Ware. Tin, 8 Ibs. ; lead, 5 Ibs. Yellow Solder, for Brass or Copper. Copper, 32 Ibs. ; zinc, 29 Ibs.; tin, 1 Ib. Brass Solder. 1. Copper, 61.25 parts; zinc, 38.75 parts; 2. (Yel- low and easily fusible) copper, 45 parts; zinc, 55 parts; 3. (White) copper, 57.41 parts, tin, 14.60 parts; zinc, 27.99 parts. 168 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Solder, for Copper, Copper, 10 Ibs. ; ziiv Black Solder. Copper, ~2 Ibs. ; zinc. :; li>s. : tin. '_' 07.. Black Solder. Sheet brass, '20 !!>. /.inc, 1 Ib. Soft Solder. Tin, 15 Ibs. ; lead, 15 Ibs. Pewterer's Soft Solders. 1. Bismuth, 2; lead, 4; tin, 3. 2. Bismuth. 1; lead, 1; till, 2. Plumber's Soldev. Lead, 3 parts; tin, 1 part. Solder. Fon LEAD, the solder is one part tin, 1 to 2 of lead; for TIN, 1 to 2 parts tin to 1 of lead; for ZINC, 1 part tin to 1 to L' of lead; for PEWTER, 1 part tin to 1 of lead, and 1 to 2 parts of bismuth. The surfaces to be joined are made perfectly clean and smooth, and then covered with sal ammoniac, or re>in. or both: th solder is then applied, being melted in, and smoothed over by the soldering iron. Coppersmith's Cement, &c. Bullock's blood thickened with finely-powdered lime. Use as soon as mixed, as it rapidly Lrcts hard. COPPERSMITH'S SOLDKU. Tin 2 parts, lead 1 part. \Vht-n the copper is thick, heat it by a naked fire; if thin, use a tinned nip- per tool. Use muriate or chloride of zinc, or resin, as a flux. The same solder will do for IRON, CAST IRON, or STEEL; if thick, heat by a naked fire, or immerse in the solder. Solder for Gold. Gold, f> dwts.; silver, 1 dwt.; copper, 2 dwts. Soft Gold Solder. Gold, 4 parts; silver, 1 part; copper, 1 part. Solder for Silver. (For the use of jewellers. ) Fine silver, 19 dwts.; copper, 1 dwt., sheet brass, 10 dwts. "White Solder, for Silver. Silver, 1 oz. ; tin, 1 oz. Silver Solder, for Plated Metal. Fine silver, 1 OT;.; brass, 10 dwts. Solders. Fon STEEL JOINTS. Silver, 19 parts; copper, 1 part; brass, 2 parts; melt altogether. HARD SOLDER. Copper, 2 parts; zinc, 1 part; melt together. FOR GOLD. 1. Silver, 1 parts; copper, 1 part, with borax. 2. Gold, '-' parts; silver, 1 part; copper, 1 part. 3. Gold, 3 parts; silver, 3 parts; copper, 1 part; zinc, % part. FOR SILVER. Silver, 2 parts; brass, 1 part, with borax; or, silver, 4 parts; brass, 3 parts; zinc, 1-1G, with borax. FOR BRASS. Copper, 3 parts; zinc, 1 part, with borax. FOR PLATINA. Gold, with borax. Foil IRON. The best solder for iron is good tough brass, with a little borax. FOR COPPER. Brass, 6 parts; zinc, l part; tin, 1 part; melt all together, mix well, and pour out to cool. Gold Solders. 1. Copper, 24.24 parts; silver, 27.57 parts; gold, 48.19 parts. 2. ENAMEL SOLDER Copper, 25 parts; silver, 7.07 parts; gold, 67.93 parts. 3. Copper, 2t>.25 parts: /.inc, 0.25 parts; silver, 31.28 parts; gold, 36.25 parts. 4. ENAMEL SOLDER Silver, 19.57 parts; gold, 80.43 parts. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 169 Solders. FOR 22 CARAT GOLD Gold of 22 carats, 1 dwt. ; silver, 2 gr. ; copper, 1 gr. Foil is CARAT GOLD Gold of 13 carats, 1 dwt. ; silver, 2 gr. ; cop- per, 1 gr. FOR CHEAPER GOLD Gold, 1 dwt.; silver, 10 gr.; copper, 8gr. STILL Fine gold, 1 dwt.; silver, 1 dwt.; copper, 1 dwt. Silver Solders. 1. (hard.) Copper, 30 parts; zinc, 12.85 parts; silver, 57.15 parts. 2. Copper, 23. 33 parts; zinc, 10.00 parts; silver, 66.67 parts. 3, Copper, 26.66 parts; zinc, 10.00 parts; silver, 63.34 parts. 4. (.toft.) Copper, 14.75 parts; zinc, 8.20 parts; silver, 77.05 parts. 5. Copper, 22.34 parts; zinc, 10.48 parts; silver, 67.18 parts. 6. Tin, 63.00 parts; lead, 37 parts. Colored Gold. 1. FTTLT, RED GOLD. Gold, 5 dwt.; copper, 5 dwt. 2. RED GOLD. Gold, 10 dwt.; silver, 1 dwt.; copper, 4 dwt. 3. GREEN GOLD. Gold, 5 dwt. ; silver, 21 gr. 4. GRAY GOLD. Gold, 3 dwt. 15 gr.; silver, 1 dwt. 9 gr. 5. BLUE GOLD. Gold, 5 dwt.; steel filings, 5 dwt. 6. ANTIQUE GOLD, GREENISH-YELLOW. Gold, 18 dwt. 9 gr. ; silver, 21 gr. ; copper, 18 gr. These all require to be submitted to the process of wet-coloring. 7. FACTITIOUS GOLD, VERY BRIGHT. Copper, 16 parts; platina, 7 parts; zinc, 1 part; fused together. Alloys for Gold. 1. RED GOLD. Copper, 66.67 parts; gold 33.33 parts. 2. YELLOW GOLD. Copper, 12.50 parts; silver, 37.50 parts; gold, 50 parts. 3 GREEN GOLD. Silver, 25 parts; gold, 75 parts. 4. YELIX>W GOLD. Silver, 66.67 parts; gold, 33.33, parts; 5. GRAY GOLD. Silver, 5.89 parts; gold, 88.23 parts; iron, 5.89 parts. 6. DENTISTS' GOLD. Silver, 8.34 parts; platinum, 66.67 parts; gold, 24.29 parts. 7. ENGLISH GOLD COIN. Copper, 8.34 parts; gold, 91.66 parts. 8. AMERICAN GOLD COIN. Copper, 10 parts; gold, 90 parts. French gold coin same as American. Alloys for Silver Coin and Plate. 1. ENGLISH STANDARD. Copper, 7.50 parts; silver, 92.50 parts. 2. AMERICAN STANDARD. Copper, 10 parts; silver, 90 parts. French the same. Gilding Metal for common jewelry is made by mixing 4 parts copper with one of calamine brass. Sometimes 1 Ib. copper with 6 oz. of brass. Jeweller's Gold Compositions, Common Gold. Silver, 1 part; Spanish copper, 16 parts; gold, 2 parts; mix. RING GOLD. Spanish copper, 6 parts; silver, 3 parts; gold, 5 parts; mix. MAN- HEIM GOLD Copper, 3 parts; zinc, 1 part; melt, and stir well. MOSAIC GOLD. Copper and zinc, equal parts; melt at the lowest temperature that will fuse the former, then mix by stirring, and add 6 per cent, more zinc. PARKER'S MOSAIC GOLD. Copper, 100 parts; zinc 54 parts; mix. Fou COMMON JEWELRY. Copper, 3 parts; 1 of old brass, and 4 oz. of tin to every pound of copper. Factitious Gold. Copper, 16 parts; platinum, 7 parts; zinc, 1 part; fused together. This alloy resembles gold of 16 carats tine, or %, and will resist the action of nitric acid, unless very concen- trated and boiling. 170 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Harmstadt's True Imitation of Gold is stated not only to resemble gold in color, but also in specific gravity and ductility. Platinum, It! parts; copper, 7 parts; zinc, 1 part; put in a cnicible, cover with charcoal powder, and uiult into a mass. Do. of Silver. Copper, \4 oz.; brass, 2 oz.; pure silver, 3 oz.; bismuth, - <>/..; saltpetre, L' <>/..; connnon salt, 1 oz.; arsenic, 1 oz.; potash, 1 oz.; melt in a crucible with powdered charcoal. This compound was used by a German chemist for unlawful purposes to tne amount of thousands, and is so period that he was never discovered. Artificial Gold. This is a new metallic alloy which is now very extensively used in France as a substitute lor gold. Pure cop- per, 100 parts; zinc, or, preferably, tin, 17 parts; magn-sia, ti parts; sal-a.umoniac, 3-6 parts; quick-lime, % part; tartar of commerce, 9 parts; are mixed as follows: The copper is first melted, and the magnesia, sal-ammoniac, lime, and tartar are then added, sepa- rately, and by degrees, in the form of powder. The whole is now briskly stirred for about half an hour, so as to mix thoroughly: and then the zinc is added in small grains by throwing it on the surface, and stirring till it is entirely fused; the crucible is then covered, and the fusion maintained for about thirty-five minutes. The sur- face is then skimmed, and tin- alloy is ready for casting. It has a fine grain, is malleable, and takes a splendid polish. It does not corrode readily, and, for many purposes, is an excellent substitute for gold. When tarnished, its brilliancy can be restored by a little, acidulated wat T. If tin be employed instead of zinc, the alloy will be more brilliant. It is very much used in France, and must ultimately attain equal popularity here. New French Patent Alloy for Silver. Messieurs DeKuolz A- Font"nay have invented the following alloy, which may be used for almost all purposes for which silver is usually employed: Silver, 20 parts; purified nickel, 28 parts; copper, 52 parts. Melt the cop- per and nickel in the granular state, then introduce the silver. The flux to be employed is charcoal and borax, both in the state of pow- der; and the ingots obtained are to be rendered malleable by an- nealing for a considerable time in powdered charcoal. Alloys for Gold. 22 parts gold, 2 parts copper, is 22 carats fine; 20 parts gold, and 4 parts copper, is 20 carats fine; 18 parts gold, and 6 parts copper, is 18 carats fine. English Standard for Silver. Pure silver, 11 oz. 2 dwts. ; copper, 22 dwts. Melt. Silver Imitations. Copper 1 lb.; tin, ^oz.; melt. This com- position will roll and ring very near to silver. BRITANNIA MKTAL. Copper, 1 IV).; tin, 1 11).; regulus of antim/my, 2 Ibs.: melt to- gether, with or without a little bismuth. GKNU'INK GKIOIAN Sib- VEK. Iron, 2% parts; nickel, 31> parts; zinc, -jr.^ paru. copper, 40^ parts; melt. FINE WHITE GERMAN SILVKU' Iron, 1 part; nickel, 10 parts; zinc, 10 parts; copper, 20 parts; melt. PINCH- RECEIPTS FOR MEQHANICAL PURPOSES. 171 BECK. Copper, 5 parts; zinc, 1 part; melt the copper, then add the zinc. JEWELLER'S METAL. Copper, 30 parts; tin, 7 parts; brass, 10 parts. Mix. French Gold Plate. 1. Gold, 92 parts; copper, 8 parts. 2. Gold, 84 parts; copper, 10 parts. 3. Gold, 75 parts; copper, 25 parts. Bidery. Copper, 48.48 parts; tin, 6.60 parts; zinc, 33.80 parts; lead, 12.12 parts. Best Brass for Clocks. Rose copper, 85 parts; zinc, 14 parts; lead, 1 part. Alloy for Watch Pinion Sockets. Gold, 31 parts; silver, 19 parts; copper, 3D parts; palladium, 1 part. To Reduce Hair-Springs. Immerse the springs about 2 or 3 seconds in nitric arid, 3 drops to one teaspoonful of water. By this means you can reduce them to any extent. It requires very' care- ful manipulation, experience, and good judgment Albata Metal. Nickel, 3 to 4 parts; copper, 20 parts; zinc, 16 parts. Used for plated goods. British Plate. Nickel, 5 to 6 parts; copper, 20 parts; zinc, 8 to 10 parts. Used for plated goods. Chantry's Hard Alloy. Copper, 1 lb.; zinc, 2^ oz.; tin, 2H oz. Razors as hard as tempered steel have been made from this alloy. Hard White Metal for Buttons. Brass, 1 lb.; zinc, 2 oz.; tin, 1 oz. Birmingham Platin. Copper, 8 parts; zinc, 5 parts. German Silver. 1. Copper, 40.02 parts; zinc, 43. 76 parts; nickel, 15.62 parts. 2. Copper, 41.47 parts; zinn, 26.0H parts; nickel, 32.45 rrts. 3. Copper, 55.55 parts; zinc, 5.55 parts; nickel, 38.90 parts. Copper, 53.40 parts: zinc, 29.10 parts; nickel, 17.50 parts. 5. (Alfentd-t contains a trace of iron.) Copper, 59.60 parts; zinc, 30.30 parts; nickel, 10.10 parts. Britannia Metal. 1. Copper, 0.30 parts; tin, 89.70 parts; zinc, 0.30 parts; antimony, 9.70 parts. 2. Copper, 1.85 parts; tin, 81 64 parts; antimony, 16.51 parts. 3. Copper, 0.91 parts; tin, 89.97 parts; antimony, 9.12 parts. 4. Tin, 90.00 parts; antimony, 10 parts. 5. Copper, 1.78 parts; tin; 89.30 parts; antimony, 7.14 parts; bismuth, 1.78 parts. Gun Metal. Copper, 90 parts; tin, 10 parts. Melting Poirt of Metals. Iron fuses nt 2787 Fahr.; pold at 2016; silver, 187:;; copper, 1996O; zinc, 773; antimony, 809; bis- muth, 476 to 5070; nickel, 630; tin, 442; lead, 334; mercury volatilizes at 670. Chinese Gong Metal. Copper, 78.00 parts: tin, 22.00. Alloy for Gun Mountings. Copper, 80 parts; tin, 3; zinc, 17. Bell Metal. 1. Copper, 60 parts; tin, 40 parts. 2. Copper, 80 parts; tin, 20 parts. 3. (Thomson'*) Copper, 80 parts; tin, 10.10 parts; zinc, 5.60 parts; lead, 4.30 parts. 172 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. White Metal for Table Bells. Copper 2.06 parts, tin 97.31 parts, bismuth 0.03 parts. Clock Bell Metal. Copper 75.19 parts, tin 48.81 parts. Socket Metal for Locomotive Axle-trees. 1. Copper sn. 03, tin 13. 97; 2. (FiviK-h) Copper S2 parts, tin 10 parts, zinc s parts; 3. (8t0phenton') Copper 7: parts, tin 8 parts, zinc 5 parts, lead 8 parts; 4. (Belgian) Copper 89.02 parts, tin 2.41 parts, zinc 7.7G parts iron, 0.78 parts; 5. (Ki.'/lixli) Copper, 73.96 puts, tin, 9.49 parts, zinc, 9.03 parts, lead, 7.09 parts, iron, 0.43 parts. . 1. Copper 73 parts, zinc 27 parts; 2. Copper 65 parts, zinc 35 parts; 3. Copper 70 parts; zinc 30 parts. Alloy for Mechanical Instruments. Copper 1 lb., tin 1 oz. Malleable Brass. 1. Copper 70.10 parts, zinc 29.90 parts- 2. ' Copper 60 parts, zinc 40 parts. Button Maker's Metal. 1. Copper 43 parts, zinc 67 parts; 2. Copper 62.22 parts, tin 2.78 parts, zinc 35.00 parts. Metal for Sliding Levers of Locomotives.!. Copper 85.25 parts, tin 12.75 parts, zinc 2.00 parts; 2. (Fknton's) Copper o.iO parts, tin 14.50 parts, zinc 80 parts. Alloy for Cylinders of Locomotives. Copper 88.63 parts, tin 2.38 parts, zinc 6.99 parts. Alloy for Stuffing Boxes of Locomotives. Copper 90.06 parts, tin 3.56 parts, zinc 6.38 parts. Amalgam for Mirrors. 1. Tin 70 parts, mercury 30 parts; 2, (Fur curved mirrors) tin 80 parts, mercury 20 parts; 3. Tin 8.33 parts It-ad s.34 parts, bismuth s.:>:> parts, mercury 7. "> parts; 4. (For spherical mirrors) Bismuth 80 parts, mercury 26 parts. Reflector Metal. 1. (Duppler's) Zinc 20 parts, silver 80 parts, 2. Copper 66.22 parts, tin 33.11 parts, arsenic 0.67 parts; 3. (f'oo/i- er's) Copper 57.86 parts, tin 27.28 parts, zinc 3.30 parts, arsenic 1.65 parts, platinum 9.91 parts; 4. Copper <>4 parts, tin 32.00 parts, arse- nic 4.00 parts; 5. Copper 82. is parts, lead 0 parts; apply heat until they unite into a mass; then cool, and add copper-filings, 15 parts. Well mix, and keep them at & white heat for 20 minutes; then cool, powder, wash and dry. Bronzing Fluid for Guns. Nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.2; nitric ether, alcohol, murate of iron, each 1 part; mix, then add sulphate of copper, 2 parts, dissolved in water, 10 parts. Cannon Metal. Take tin, 10 parts; copper, 90 parts; melt. Statuary Bronze. 1. Copper, 88 parts; tin, 9 parts; zinc, 2 parts; lead", 1 part. 2. Copper, 82*4 parts; tin, 5 parts; zinc, 10}$ parts; lead, 2 parts. 3. Copper, 90 parts; tin, 9 parts; lead, 1 part. Bronze for Medals. Copper, 89 parts; tin, 8 parts; zinc, 3 parts. Bronze for Large Cannon. Copper, 90; tin, 7. Bronze for Small Cannon. Copper, 93; tin, 7. Alloy for Symbals. Copper, 80; tin, 20. Mirrors of Reflecting Telescopes. Copper, 100; tin, 60. "White Argentine. Copper, 8; nickel, 3; zinc, 35. This beauti- ful composition is in imitation of silver. Chinese Silver. Silver, 2.5; copper, 65.24; zinc, 19.52; cobalt of Iron, 0.12; nickel, 13. 174 RECEIPTS FOR MEC-IIANICAL PURPOSES. Tutenag. Copper, 8; nickel, 3; zinc, 6. Printing Characters. Load. 4; antimony, 1. For stereotype plates, lead, 25; antimony, 4; tin, 1. Fine White German Silver. 1. For Coatings. Lead, 3 parts; nicki-1, 20 parts; tine 20 parte; copp-r, (in parts; mix. 2. for Rolling. Nickel, 5 parts; zinc, 4 parts; copper, 12 parts; mix. Imitation Platinum. Melt together 8 parts brass and 5 of zinc. This alloy very closely resembles platinum. Imitation Gold. Platina, 8 parts; silver, 4 parts; copper, 12 parts; melt all together. Imitation Silver. Block-tin, inn parts; antimony, 8 parts; bis- muth, 1 part; copper, 4 parts; melt all together. Tombac, or Red Brass. Melt together, 8 parts of copper and 1 part of zinc. Parisian Bell Metal. Copper, 72 parts; tin, 2fi^ parts; iron, \% parts; used for the bells of small ornamental clocks. Bell Metal. 1. Copper, 25 parts; tin, 5 parts; mix. 2. Copper, 79 parts; tin, 2G parts; mix. 3. Copper, 78 parts; tin, '22 parts; mix. Prince's Metal. 1. Copper, 3 parts; zino, 1 part. 2. Brass, 8 parts; zinc, 1 part. 3. Zinc and copper, equal parts : mix. Queen's Metal. 1. Lead, 1 part; bismuth, 1 part; antimony, 1 part; tin, 9 parts; mix. 2. Tin, 9 parts; bismuth, 1 part; lead, 2 parts; antimony, 1 part, mix by melting. Brass. Copper, 3 parts; melt, then add zinc 1 part. Button-Maker's Fine Brass. Brass, 8 parts; zinc 5 parts. Button-Maker's Common Brass. Button-brass, 6 parts; tin, 1 part; lead, 1 part; mix. Fine Brass. Copper, 2 parts; zinc, 1 part; mix. Organ Pipes consist of lead alloyed with about half its quantity of tin to harden it. The mottled or'crystalline appearance so much admired shows an abundance of tin. Baron Wetterstedt's Patent Sheathing for ships consists of lead, with from 2 to 8 per cent, of antimony; about 3 per cent, is the usual quantity. The alloy is rolled into sheets. Lead Pipes are cast as hollow cylinders, and drawn out upon triblets; they are also cast of any length without drawing. Lead Shot are rast by letting the metal run through a narrow slit into a species of colander at the top of a lolty tower; the metal escapes in drops, which, for the most part, assume the spherical form before they reach the tank of water into which they fall at the foot of the tower, and tin's prevents their being bruised. They are afterwards riddled or sifted for size, and afterwards churned in a barrel with black lead. Metal for Anatomical Injections. Tin, 1fi.4l parts; lead, 9.27 parts; bismuth, 27. SI parts; mercury. 4*1.41 parts. Yellow Dipping Metal. Copper, 32 Ibs.; 6 to 7 oz. zinc to every Ib. of copper. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL, PURPOSES. 176 Quick Bright Dipping Acid, for Brass which has been Ormolued. Sulphuric acid, 1 gal.; nitric acid, 1 gal. Dipping Acid. Sulphuric acid, 12 Ibs. -.nitric acid, 1 pint; nitre, 4 Ibs.; soot, 2 handfuls; brimstone, 2 oz. Pulverize the brimstone, and soak it hi water au hour. Add the nitric acid last. Good Dipping Acid for Cast Brass. Sulphuric acid, 1 qt.; nitre, 1 qt.; water, 1 qt. A little muriatic acid may be added or omitted. Dipping Acid. Sulphuric acid, 4 gals.; nitric acid, 2 gals.: saturated solution of sulphate of iron (copperas,) 1 pint; solution of sulphate of copper, 1 qt. Ormolu Dipping Acid, for Sheet Brass. Sulphuric acid, 2 gals.; nitric acuf, 1 pt. ; muriatic acid, 1 pt.; water, 1 pint.; nitre, 12 Ibs. Put in tin- muriatic acid last, a little at a time, and stir the mixture with a stick. Ormolu Dipping Acid, for Sheet or Cast Brass. Sulphuric acid, 1 gal.; sal ammoniac, 1 oz. ; sulphur (in flour,) 1 oz. ; blue vitriol, 1 oz.; saturated solution of zinc in nitric acid, mixed with an equal quantity of sulphuric acid, 1 gal. To Prepare Brass Work for Ormolu Dipping. If the work Is oily, boil it in lye; and if it is finished work, nit-dor turned, dip it in old acid, and then it is ready to be ormolued; but if it is un- finished, and free from oil, pickle it in strong sulphuric acid, dip in pure nitric acid, and then in the old acid, after which it will be ready for orinoluing. To Repair Old Nitric Acid Ormolu Dips. If the work after dipping appears coarse and spotted, add vitriol till it answers the purpose. If the work after dipping appears too smooth, add muri- atic acid and nitre till it gives the right appearance. The other ormolu dips should be repaired according to the re- ceipts, putting in the proper ingredients, to strengthen them. They should not be allowed to settle, but should be stirred often while using. Tinning Acid, for Brass or Zinc. Muriatic acid, 1 qt.; zinc, 6 oz. To a solution of this, add water, 1 qt; sal ammoniac, 2 oz. Vinegar Bronze, for Brass. Vinegar, 10 gals.; blue vitriol, 3 Ibs.; muriatic acid, 3 Ibs. ; corrosive sublimate, 4 grs.; sal ammoniac, 2 Ibs.; alum, 8 oz. Directions for making Lacquer. Mix the ingredients, and let the vessel containing: them stand in the sun, or in a place slightly warmed, three or four days, shaking it frequently till the gum is dissolved, after which, let it settle from twenty-four to forty-eight hours, when the clear liquor in.iy be poured off for use. Pulverized glass is sometimes used, in making lacquer, to carry down the im- purities. Lacquer, for Dipped Brass. Alcohol, proof specific gravity not l.-ss than 95-lOOths, 2 gals.; seed lac, 1 Ib.; gum copal 1 oz.; English saffron, 1 oz.; aunotto, 1 oz. 12 gal lac 176 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Lacquer for Bronzed Brass. To one pint of the above lacquer, add gamboge, l <>/..; and, after mixing it, add an equal quantity of the first iaequer. Deep Gold-Colored Lacquer. Best alcohol, 40 oz.: Spanish annotto, 8 gr.s.; turmeric, 2 drs.; shellac, % oz.; red sanders, 12 grs.; when dissolved, add spirits of turpentine, 30 drops. Gold-Colored Lacquer, for Brass not Dipped. Alcohol, 4 ls.; turmeric, 3 Ibs.; gamboge, 3 oz.; gum sauderach, 7 Ibs; shel- Ibs.; turpentine varnish, 1 pint. Gold-Colored Lacquer, for Dipped Brass. Alcohol, 36 oz.; B6ed lac, 6 OK.; amber, 2 oz.; gum gutta, L'o/.; red sandal wood, 24 grs.; dragon's blood, 60 grs.; oriental saffron, 36 grs.; pulverized glass, 4 oz. Gold Lacquer, for Brass. Seed lac, 6 oz.; amber or co- pal, 2oz.; best alcohol, 4 gals.; pulverized glass, 4 oz.; dragon's blood, 40 grs.; extract of red sandal wood obtained by water, 30 grains. Lacquer for Dipped Brass. Alcohol, 12 gals.; seed lac, 8 Ibs.; turmeric, 1 Ib.to a gallon of the above mixture; Spanish saffron, 4 oz. The saffron is to be added for bronze work. Good Lacquer. Alcohol, 8 oz.; gamboge, loz.; shellac, 3oz.; annotto, 1 <>/.; solution of 3 oz. of seed lac in 1 pint of alcohol; when dissolved, add ^ oz. Venice turpentine, ^ oz. dragon's blood, will make it dark; keep it in a warm place four or five days. To Bronze Iron Castings. Cleanse thoroughly, and after- wards immerse in a solution of sulphate of copper, when the castings will acquire a coat of the latter metal. They must be then washed in water. Antique Bronze Paint. Sal-ammoniac, 1 oz. ; cream tartar, 3 oz. ; common salt, (5 ox. Dissolve in 1 pint hot water, then add 2 oz. of nitrate of copper dissolved in '.j pint water, mix well, and apply it repeatedly to the article, in a damp situation, with a brush To Fill Holes in Castings. A mixture of putty and black lead is good, but a better method is a metal that expands in cool- ing : Lead, 9 parts; antimony, 2; and bismuth 1. To be melted and poured in. Pale Lacquer for Tin Plate. Best alcohol, 8 oz.; turmeric, 4 drs.; hay saffron, 2 scs.; dragon blood, 4 MS.; red sanders, 1 sc.; shellac, 1 oz. ; gum sanderach, 2 drs. ; gum mastic, 2 drs. ; Canada balsam, 2 drs.; when dissolved, add spirits of turpentine, 80 drops. Red Lacquer, for Brass. Alcohol, 8 gallons; dragon's blood, 4 Ibs.; Spanish annotto, 12 pounds; gum sanderach, 13 pounds; turpentine, 1 gallon. Pale Lacquer, for Brass. Alcohol, 2 gals.; Cape aloes, cut small, 3 oz.; pale shellac, 1 lb.; gamboge, 1 oz. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 177 Bronze Dip. Sal-ammoniac, 1 oz. ; salt of sorrel (binoxolate of potash), >^ <)/.. dissolved in vinegar. Parisian Bronze Dip. Sal-ammoniac, % oz. ; common salt, )^ o/.; spirits of hartshorn, 1 oz. dissolved in an English quart of vinegar. A good result will be obtained by adding % oz. of sal- ammoniac, instead of the spirits of hartshorn. The piece of metal, being well cleaned; is to be rubbed with one of these solu- tions, then dried by friction with a flesh brush. Best Lacquer for Brass. Alcohol, 4 gals.; shellac, 2 Ibs.; am- ber gum, 1 lb.; copal, 20 oz.; seed lac, 3 Ibs.; saffron, to color; pulverized glass, 8 oz. Color for Lacquer. Alcohol, 1 qt.; annotto, 4 oz. Lacquer for Philosophical Instruments. Alcohol, 80 oz.; gum gutta, 3oz.; gum sandarac, 8 oz.; gum elemi, 8 oz.; dragon's blood, 4 oz.; seed lac, 4 oz.; terra merita, 3 oz.; saffron, 8 grs.; pulverized glass, 12 oz. Brown Bronze Dip. Iron scales, 1 lb.; arsenic, 1 oz.; muriatic acid, 1 lb.; zinc (solid), 1 oz. Let the zinc be kept in only while it is in use. Green Bronze Dip. Wine vinegar, 2 qts.; verditer green, 2 oz.; sal ammoniac, 1 oz. ; salt, 2oz.; alum, } oz. French berries, 8 oz. ; boil the ingredients together. Aqua-fortis Bronze Dip. Nitric acid, 8 oz.; muriatic acid, 1 qt. ; sal-ammoniac, 2 oz.; alum, 1 oz.; salt, 2 oz.; wator, 2 gals. Add the salt after boiling the other ingredients, and use it hot. Olive Bronze Dip, for Brass. Nitric acid, 3 oz.; muriatic acid, 2 oz.; add titanium or palladium; when the metal is dissolved, add 2 gals, pure soft water to each pint of the solution. Brown Bronze Paint, for Copper Vessels. Tincture of steel, 4 oz.; spirits of nitre, 4 oz.; essence of dendi, 4 oz. ; blue vitriol, t oz.; water, ^ pint. Mix in a bottle; apply it with a fine brush, the vessel being full of boiling water; varnish after the ap- plication of the bronze. Bronze for All Kinds of Metal. Muriate of ammonia (sal- ammoniac), 4 drs.; oxalic acid, 1 dr.; vinegar, 1 pint. Dissolve the oxalic acid first; let the work be clean; put on the bronze with a brush, repeating the operation as many times as may be neces- sary. Bronze Paint, for Iron or Brass. Chrome green, 2 Ibs.; ivory black, 1 oz. ; chrome yallow, 1 oz.; good Japan, 1 gill: grind all together, and mix with linseed oil. For Tinning Brass. Water, 2 pails full; cream of tartar, } lb. ; salt, y y pint. Shaved or Grained Tin. Boil the work in the mixture, keep- ing it in motion during the time of boiling. Silvering by Heat. Dissolve 1 oz. of silver in nitric acid; add a small quantity of salt; then wash it, and add sal ammoniac, or 6 oz. of salt and white vitriol; also, % oz. of corrosive sublimate; 178 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. rub them together till they form a paste; rub the piece which is to be silvered with the paste; heat it till the silver runs, after which dip it in a weak vitriol pickle to clean it. Mixture for Silvering. Dissolve 2 oz. of silver with 3 grs. of corrosive sublimate; add tartaric acid, 4 Ibs.; salt, 8 qts. Separate Silver from Copper. Mix Sulphuric acid, 1 part; nitric ac-id, 1 part; water, 1 part; boil the metal in the mixture till it is dissolved, and throw in a little salt to cause the silver to subside. Chinese White Copper. Copper, 40.4; nickel, 31.6; zinc, 25.4; and iron, -'.6 parts. Bath Metal. Brass, 32; and zinc, 9 parts. Speculum Metal. Copper, 6; tin, 2; and arsenic, 1 part. Or copper, 7; zinc, 3; and tin, 4 parts. Britannia Metal. Brass, 4; tin, 4 parts; when fused, add bis- ninth, 4; and antimony, 4 parts. This composition is added at dis- cretion to melted tin. Jeweler's Soldering Fluid. Take alcohol, and add to it all the chloride of zinc it will dissolve, and it is ready for use. A good soft aolder for repairing, equal quantities of tin, and lead from tea- boxes. Tinman's Solder. Lead, 1; tin, 1 part. Pewterer's Solder. Tin, 2; lead, 1 part. Common Pewter. Tin, 4; lead, 1 part. Best Pewter. Tin, 100; antimony, 17 parts. Queen's Metal. Tin, 9; antimony, 1; bismuth, 1; lead. 1 part. Tinning Iron. Cleanse the metal to be tinned; and rub with a coarse cloth, previously dipped in hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid,) and then rub on French putty with" the same cloth. French putty is made by mixing tin filings with mercury. Tinning. 1. Plates or vessels of brass or copper boiled with a solution of stannate of potassa, mixed with turnings of tin, heroine, in the course of a few minutes, covered with a firmly attached layer of pure tin. 2. A similar effect is produced by boiling the articles with tin-filings and caustic alkali, or cream of tartar. In the above way, chemical vessels made of copper or brass may be easily and perfectly tinned. New Tinning Process. The articles to be tinned are first cov- ered with dilute sulphuric acid, and, when quite clean, are placed in warm water, then dipped in a solution of muriatic acid, copper, and zinc, and then plunged into a tin bath to which a small quantity of zinc has been added. When the tinning is finished, the articles are taken out and plunged into boiling water. The operation is completed by placing them in a very warm sand-bath. This last process softens the iron. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 179 Kustitien'B Metal for Tinning. Malleable iron, 1 lb., heat to whiteness; add 5 o/.. ragullM of antimony, and Molucca tin, 24 pound*. Watchmaker's Brass. Copper, 1 part; zinc, 2 parts. German Brass. Copper, 1 part; zinc, 1 part. Brass for Heavy Castings. Copper, 6 to 7 parts; tin, 1 part; ziiic, 1 part. Yellow Brass. (FOR CASTTNGS). 1. Copper, 61.6 parts; zinc, 35.3 parts; lead, 2.9 parts; tin, 0.2 parts. 2. BRASS OF JEMAPPES. Copper, 64.6 parts; zinc, 33.7 parts; lead, 1.4 parts; tin, 0.2 parts. 3. SHEET BRASS OF STOLBERG NEAR AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. Copper, 64.8 parts; zinc, 32.8 parts; lead, 2.0 parts; tin, 0.4 parts. 4. D'AR- CET'S HRASS FOR GILDING Copper, 63.70 parts; zinc, 33.65 parts; load, 0.25 parts; tin, 2.50 parts. 5. ANOTHER. Copper, 64. 45j>arts; zinc, 32.44 parts; lead, 2.86 parts; tin, 0.25 parts. 6. SHEET BRASS OF ROMILLY. Copper, 70.1 parts; zinc, 29.9 parts. 7. ENGLISH BRASS WIRE. Copper, 70.29 parts; zinc, 29.26 parts; lead, 0.28 parts; tin, 0.17 parts. 8. AUGSBURG BRASS WIRE. Copper, 71.89 parts; zinc, 27.63 parts; tin, 0.85 parts. Red Brass for Gilt Articles. 1. Copper, 82.0 parts; zinc, 18.0 parts; lead, 1.5 parts; tin, 3.0 parts. 2. ANOTHER. Copper, 82 parts; zinc, 18 parts; lead, 3 parts; tin, 1 part. 3. ANOTHI.H. Copper, 82.3 parts; zinc, 17.5 parts; tin, 0.2 parts. 4. FRENCH TOMBAC FOR SWORD HANDLES. Copper, 80 parts; zinc, 17 parts; tin, 3 parts. 5. FOR PARISIAN ORNAMENTS. Copper, 85 parts; zinc, 15 parts; tin, a trace. 6. USED FOR GERMAN ORNAMENTS. Copper, 85.3 parts; zinc, 14.7 parts. 7. CHRYSOCHALK. Copper, 90.0 parts; zinc, 7.9 parts; lead, 1.6 parts. 8. RED TOMBAC FROM PARIS. Copper, 92 parts; zinc, 8 parts. Compositions. 1. FOR STRONG PUMPS, Ac. Copper, 1 lb. ; zinc, X oz. ; fin, 1% oz. 2. FOR TOOTHED WHEELS. Copper, 1 lb. ; brass, 2oz.; tin, 2 oz. 3. Copper, 1 lb.; brass, 2 oz.; tin, 1% oz. 4 FOR TURNING WORK. Copper, 1 lb.; brass, 1% oz.; tin, 2 oz. 5. FOR NUTS OF COARSE THREADS AND BEARINGS. Copper, 1 lb. ; brass, 1U oz., tin, 2^ oz. 6. FOR BEARINGS TO SUSTAIN GREAT WEIGHTS. Copper, 1 lb.; zinc, X oz.; tin, 2% oz. 7. PEWTKKKK'S TEMPER. Tin, 2 lb.; copper, 1 lb. Used to add in small quantities to tin. 8. HAKD BEARINGS FOR MACHINERY. Copper, 1 lb.; tin, 2oz. 9. VEUY HARD DITTO. Copper, 1 lb.; tin, 2}$ oz. Babbitt Metal. Copper, 4 Ibs.; regulus of antimony, 8 Ibs.; Banca tin, 96 Ibs. Fenton's Anti-Friction Metal. Grain zinc, 7J Ibs.; purified zince, 1]4 Ibs.; antimony, 1 lb. Anti-Friction/Alloy for Journal Boxes. Zinc, 17 parts; per, 1 part; antimony, 1)4 parts. This possesses unsu anti-friction qualities, 'and does not require the protection of outer casings of a-harder metal. Babbitt Metal. Block tin, 8 Ibs.; antimony, 2 Ibs.; copper, 1 lb. If the metal be too hard, it may be softened by adding some lead. 180 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Alloy for Journal Boxes. The best alloy for journal composed of copper, iM ll>s. ; tin, 'J4 Ibs. ; ami antimony, * Ibs. Melt tho copper first, then add the tin, and lastly the 'antimony. It should be first run into ingots, then melted, and cast in the form required for the boxes. To Gild Steel. Pour some of the ethereal solution of gold into a wine glass, and dip into it the blade of a new penknile, ra/or, lancet, Arc.; withdraw the instrument, and allow the ether to evapo- rate. The blade will then be found covered with a beautiful coat Of gold. The blade may be moiMened with a dean ray, or a small piece of very dry sponge, dipped into the ether; and the same effects will be produced. To Weld Cast Iron. Take of good clear white sand, 3 parts; refined solton, 1 part; fosterine, 1 part: roek salt, 1 part: mix all together. Take _' pieces of cast iron, heat them in a moderate char- coal fire, occasionally taking them out while heating, and dipping them into the composition, until they are of a proper heat to weld; then at once lay them on the anvil, and gently hammer them together, and, if done carefully by one who understands welding iron, you will have them nicely welded together. One man prefers heatiim the metal, then cooling it in the water of common beans, and heat it again for welding. To Galvanize Iron. Cleanse the surface of the iron perfectly by the joint action of dilute acid and friction, plunge it into a bath or melted zinc covered with sal-ammoniac, and stir it about till it be alloyed superficially with this metal. AVhen the metal thus pre- pared is exposed to humidity, the xinc oxidizes slowly by a galvanic action, and protects the iron within from rust; whereby the outer surface remains fora long time perfectly white, in drcnmfltanoea under which iron tinned in the usual way would be corroded with rust. Muntz Metal for Ships. Best selected copper, fin pirts; best zinc, 40 parts: melt together in the usual manner, and roll into sheets of suitable thickness. This composition resists oxidation from exposure to sea water, and prevents the adhesion of bar- nacles. Tempering Saws, &c. The visual method of tempering saws is to heat, and then dip them in oil. This process is slow, costly, and laborious. It is also disadvantageous, because the saws become warped, and require to be hammered up straight again by hand. A late improvement consists in tempering and straightening the saws at one operation. This is done by heathm the saw- to the proper degree, and then pressing them wi'th a sudden and powerful stroke between two surfaces of cold iron. A drop press is employed for the purpose. The mechanism is quite simple and inexpensive. Its use effects an important economy in the manufacture of nearly all kinds of saws, and aiso improves their quality. Silvering .Shells. Silver leaf and gum water a sufficient quan- tity; grind to a proper thickness, and cover the inside of the shells. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 18 For a fjold color, grind up gold-leaf with gum water, and apply t the inside of tin- shells. Liquid Foil for Silvering Glass Globes, &c. Lead, part ; tin, 1 part; bismuth, 1 part: melt, and, just before it sets add mercury, 10 parts. Pour this into the globe, and turn it rapidl; round. To Soften Iron or Steel. Either of the following method will make iron or steel as soft as lead: 1. Anoint it all over wit] tallow, temper it in a gentle charcoal fire, and let it cool of itsell 2. Take a little clay, cover your iron with it, temper in a charcoa fire. 3. When the iron or steel is red hot, strew hellebore on H 4. Quench the iron or steel in the juice or water of common beans. Tempering. The article, after being completed, is hardened b; being heated gradually to a bright red, and then plunged into col< water: it is then tempered by being warmed gradually and equably either over a fire, or on a piece of heated metal, till of the color cor responding to the purpose for which it is required, as pe- Mi below; when it is again plunged into water. CORRESPONDING TEMPERATURE. A very pale straw, - 430 Lancets, t Straw, ...... 4.10 Razors. $ Darker Straw - - - 470 Penknives. / All kinds of wood tools. Yellow, ..... 490 Scissors. $ Screw taps. Brown yellow, - - - 600 ) Hatehets, chipping chisels, Slightly tinged purple, 520 $ Saws. Purple, ..... 530 ) All kinds of percussive tools. Dark blue, .... 600 Soft for saws. Cast Iron Cement. Clean borings or turnings of east iron, 16; sal ammoniac, -'; flour of sulphur, 1 part; mix them well togethei in a mortar; and keep them dry. When required for use, take ol the mixture, 1; clean borings, 'JO parts; mix thoroughly, and add a sufficient quantity of water. A little grindstone dust added im- proves the cement. Cement for Steam Pipe Joints, Etc., with Faced Flanges. White lead, mixed, 2; red lead, dry, 1 part; grind. 01 otherwise mix them to a consistence of thin putty; apply interposed layers with one or two thicknesses of canvas, or gauze wire, as the necessity of the case may be. Crucibles. The best crucibles are made from a pure fire clay, mixed with finely ground c filled with milk of lime, made by mixing 1 part of shirked lime with 25 parts of water. A very threat Improvement in the purification of ep in a warm place, aim shake often; shade to suit with finely ground ivory black. Apply with a brush. And it ought to be used on iron exposed to the weather as well as on inside work, desiring a nice appearance or polish. Or: Varnish for Iron. Asphaltum, 8 Ibs.; melt in an iron kettle, slowly adding boiled linseed oil, 5 gals.; litharge, 1 lb., and sulphate of zinc, % lb. ; continuing to boil for 3 hours; then add dark gum amber, \% Ibs.; and continue to boil 2 hours longer. When cool, reduce to a proper consistence to apply with a brush, with spirits of turpentine. To Restore Burnt Steel, and improve Poor Steel. Borax, 3 oz. ; sal ammoniac, 8 o?.. ; prussiate of potash, :$ oz. ; blue clay, 2 oz.: resin, 1^ Ibs.; water, 1 gill; alcohol, 1 gill. Put all on the fire, and simmer till it dries to a powder. The steel is to be heated, and dipped, into this powder, and afterwards hammered. Composition to toughen Steel. Resin, 2 Ibs.; tallow, 2 Ibs.; black pitch, 1 lb.; melt togother, aud dip in the steel when hot. Burglar and Drill Proof Diamond Chill. Take 1 gal. urine, and add to it 1 oz. borax and 1 oz. salt. How to Re-cut Old Piles and Rasps. Dissolve 4 oz. of sal.Tatus in l ed at different times if required. Keep away from children, as it is poisonous. Substitute for Borax. Copperas, 2 oz.; saltpetre, 1 oz.; com- mon salt, (i o/..; black oxide of manganese, 1 oz.; prussiate of pot- ash, 1 o/.; all pulverized and mixed with .'5 Ibs. nice welding >and, and UM- the same as you would sand. High-tempered M.-.-l can be Welded with this at a lower heat than is required for borax. Tempering Liquid. To 6 qts. soft water put in corrosive subli- mate, 1 o/..; common salt, - handl'uls; when dissolved, it is read\ for use. The first gives toughness to the steel, while the latter gives the hardness. Bo careful with this preparation, as it is a dangerous poison. Another. Salt, % tea-cup; saltpetre, % oz., alum, pulverized, 1 teaspoon; soft water, 1 gallon; never heat over a cherry red, nor draw any temper. Another. Saltpetre, sal-ammoniac and alum, of each 2 oz. ; salt, 1% Ibs.; water, 3 gallons, and draw no temper Another. Saltpetre and alum each, 2 oz.; sal-ammoniac, % oz.; salt, JH Ibs.; soft water, L' gallons. Heat to a cherry red, and plunge in, drawing no temper. Another. Water, 3 gallons; salt, 2 qts.; sal-ammoniac and salt- petre, of each L' o/.; a.-.he> from white-a>h bark, 1 shovel, which causes the steel to scale white and smooth as silver. Do not ham- mer too cold, to avoid flaws; do not heat too high, which opens the pores of the steel; and do not heat more than one or two incin-s of the steel at a time while tempering, if you wish the hardness and toughness of the steel to be of the first quality. To Improve Poor Iron. Black oxide of manganese, 1 part; copperas and common salt, 4 pans e.i--h; dissolve in -,olt water, and boil till dry; when cool, pulvcri/.e and mix quite freely with nice welding Band. When you have poor iron which yon cannot afford to throw away, heat it, and -roll it in this mixture; \\orkinglnr a time, reheating, Arc., will soon tree it from all impurities, which is the cause of its rottenness. By this process you can make good horse-nails out of common iron. Case Hardening for Iron. Case iron may be case-hardened by heating to a red heat, and then rolling it in a composition composed of equal parts of prussiate of potash, sal-ammoniac, and saltpetre, all pulverized and thoroughly mixed. This mu.4 be got to every part of the surface; then plunged, while yet hot, into a bath con- taining '2 07.. prussiate of potash, and 4 oz. sal-ammoniac to each gallon of cold water. For Malleable Iron. Put the articles in an iron box, and Stratify them among animal carbon, that is, pieces of horns, hoofs, RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 185 skins or leather, lust sufficiently burned to be reduced to powder. Lulc tln> box with equal parts o'f siind aii'l Hay; then place it in the tin-. and keep at a light red heat for ;i length of time proportioned to the depth of >teel required, when the contents of the box are emptied into water. Another for Wrought Iron. Take the prussfate of potash, finely pahrerlzed. and roll the article in it, if its shape admits of it; if not, sprinkle the powder upon it freely while the iron is hot. To Soften Cast Iron for Drilling. TTeattoacherryred, having It lie level in the fire; then with a pair of cold tongs put on a piece of brimstone, a little, less in size than the hole to be, when drilled, and it softens entirely through the piece; let it lie in the fire until a little cool, when it is ready for drilling. To Temper Springs. For tempering cast-steel trap springs, all that is necessary is to neat them in the dark, just so that you can see that they are red; then cool them in luke-warm water. You can observe a much lower degree of heat in the dark than by day- light, and the low heat and warm water give the desired temper. To Mend Broken Saws. Pure silver, 19 parts; pure copper, 1 part; pure brass, 2 parts; all to be filed into powder, and thoroughly mixed; place the saw level on the anvil, broken edges in contact, and hold them so; now put a small line of the mixture along the soam, covering it with a larger bulk of powdered charcoal; now with a spirit lamp and a jeweller's blow-pipe, hold the coal dust in place, and blow sufficient to melt the solder mixture; then with a hammer set the joint smooth, and lile away any superfluous solder, and you will be surprised at its strength; the neat will not injure the temper of the saw. "Writing Inscriptions on Metals. Take \/ Ib. nitric acfd and 1 m. muriatic acid. Mix, shake well together, and it is ready for use. Cover the place you wish to mark with melted bees- wax; when cold, write your inscription plainly in the, wax clear to the metal with a sharp instrument; then apply the mixed acids with a feather, carefully filling each letter. Let it remain from one to ten minutes, according to appearance desired; then throw on water, which stops the process, and remove the wax. Black Varnish for Iron Work. Asphalhim, 1 Ib. ; lampblack, >^lb.; resin, % Ib.; spirits turpentine, 1 qt.; linseed oil, just suffi- cient to rub up the lampblack with before mixing it with the others. Apply with a camel's hair brush. . To Petrify Wood. Gem salt, rock alum, white vinegar, chalk and peebles powder, of each an equal quantity. Mix well together. If, after the ebullition is over, you throw into this liquid any wood or porous substance, it will petrify it. The Finest Bronze. Put in a clean crucible 7 Ihs. copper, melt, then add 3 Ihs. zinc, afterwards '_> Ib;. tin. In order to gild polished Bteel or polished iron, dip the article into an ethereal solution of 186 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. go th old, withdraw from the solution, and the ether flies off and leaves gold deposited. Soft Cement, for Steam Boilers, Steam Pipes, &c. Red or white lead, in oil, 4; iron borings, '2 to ii parts. Hard Cement. Iron borings and salt water, and a small quan- tity of sal ammoniac with fresh \\ater. Black Varnish, for Coal Buckets. Asphaltum, 1 lb.; lamp- black, >i lb.; resin, % 11).; spirits of turpentine, 1 41. Dissolve the asphaltum ami resin in the turpentine; then rub the lampblack with linseed oil, only sulHcient to form a paste, and mix with the others. Apply with a brush. Soldering Fluid. Take 2 oz. muriatic acid; add zinc till bub- bles eease to rise; add > teaspoonful of sal ammoniac and :.' o/.. of water. Damp the part you wish to solder with this lluid; lay on a small pieee ot solder, and with a piece of hot iron or soldering iron solder the part. Japan Flow for Tin. ALL. COLORS. Gum sandarac, 1 lb.; balsam of tit, balsam of Tolu, and acetate of lead, of each, L'ox.; lin-vi'il oil, ^ pint; spirits of turp.-ntine, -2 qts. Put all into a suitable kettle, except the turpentine, over a slow fire, at first; then rai>e to a higher h'-at till all are metled; now take from the lire, and, when a little cool, stir in the spirits of turpentine, and strain through a fine cloth. This is transparent; but by the fol- lowing modifications any or all the various colors are made from it. 2. BLACK. Prussian blue, 1 oz.; asphaltum, 2 oz.; spirits of tur- pentine, >i pint. Melt the asphaltum in the turpentine; rub up the blue with a little of it; mix well, and strain; then add the whole to 1 pint of thejint, above. 3. BLUE. Indigo, and Prussian blue, both finely pulverized, of each ]4 oz.; spirits of turpentine, 1 pint. Mix well, and strain. Add of this to one pint of theji/vtf until the color suits. 4. RED. Take spirits of turpentine, % pt; add cochineal, % oz.; let stand 1"> hours, and strain. Add ot this to the jir*(in suit the fancy. It earmine is used instead of cochineal, it will make a fine color for watch hands. 5. YELLOW. Take 1 oz. of pulverized root of curcuma, and stir of it into 1 pt. of thejffrt until the color pleases you; let stand a few hours, and strain. 6. GREEN. Mix equal parts of the blue and yellow together, then mix with ttivjirat until it suits the fancy. 7. ORANGE. Mix a little of the red with more of the yellow, and then with the first as heretofore, until pleased. 8. PINK. Mix a little of the blue to more in quantity of the red, and then with thujint until suited. Apply with a brush. Transparent Blue for Iron or Steel. Demar varnish, J gal.; fine MViuiul Prussian blue, y oz.; mix thoroughly. Makes a splen- did appearance. Excellent for blueing watch hands. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 187 To Tin Copper Stew Dishes, etc. Wash the surface of the article to be tinned with sulphuric arid, and ruh the surface well, so a-, to have it smooth ami fro:' of blaeklMM caused by the acid; then sprinkl" calcined and finely pulverized sal-annii'iniae upon the surface, holding it over a fire, when it will be, sufficiently hot to melt a bar of solder which is to be rubbed over the surface: any copper dish or vessel may be tinned in this way. To Copper the Surface of Iron, Steel, or Iron Wire. Have the article perfectly clean, then wash with the following solu- tion, and it presents at once a coppered surface. Rain water, 3 Ibs. ; sulphate of copper, 1 Ib. To Tin Iron for Soldering, Ac. Take any quantity of mu- riatic acid, and dissolve all the zinc in it that it will cut; dilute it with one-fourth as much soft water as of acid, and it is ready for use. Rub this liquid on iron; and no matter how rusty it may be, it will brighten it up so that solder will readily adhere to it; or the above copper solution may be applied, giving it a coat of cop- per. Gold Lacquer for Tin. TRANSPARENT, ALL COLORS. Alco- hol in a flask, ]4 pt. ; add gum shellac, 1 oz.; turmeric, % o/..; red sanders, \ ox. Set the flask in a warm place, shake frequently for 12 hours or more, then strain off the liquor, rinse the bottle, and return it, corking tightly for use. When this varnish is used, it must be applied to the work freely and flowing; and the article must be hot when applied. One or more coats may be laid on, as the color is required more or less light or deep. If any of it should become thick from evaporation, at any time, thin it with alcohol. And by the following modifica- tions, all the various colors are obtained. 2. ROSK COLOR. Proceed as above, substituting \ or., of finely ground best lake in place of the turmeric. 3. BLUE. The blue is made by substituting pulverized Prussian blue, % oz., in place of the turmeric. 4. PURPLE. Add a little of the blue to the/rrt. 5. GREEN. Add a little of the rose-color to the first. Crystallized Tin Plate. The figures are more or less beau- tiful and diversified, according to the degree of heat, and rela- tive dilution of the acid. Place the tin-plate, slightly heated, over a tub of water, and rub its surface with a sponge dipped in a liquor composed of four parts of aquafortis, and two of distilled water, holding one part of common salt or sal ammoniac in solution. Whenever the crystalline spangles seem to be thoroughly brought out, the plate must be imm Tsed in water, 'washed either with a feather or a little cotton (taking ear not to ru!> off the film of tin that, forms the feathering), forthwith dried with a low heat, and coated with a lacker varnish, otherwise it loses its lustre in the air. If the whole surface is not plunged at once in cold water, but if it be partially cooled by sprinkling water on it, the crystallization will be finely variegated with large and small figures. Similar 188 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. results will be obtained by blowing cold air through a pipe on the tinned .-.urfaee, while it is just passing from the fused to the solid state. To Crystallize Tin. Sulphuric acid, 4 oz.; soft water, 2 to 3 07.., according to strength of tin- acid: salt, !'. <)/.; mix; heat the tin hot over a stove, then witli a sponge apply the mixture, then wasli oil' directly with clean water. Dry the tin, and varnish with deuiar varnish. Improved Tinning Pluac. Muriatic acid, lib.; put into it all the /.inc. it will dissolve and 1 oz. sal ammoniac, and it is ready fur use. To Clean and Polish Brass. Oil of vitriol, 1 oz.; sweet oil, 14 gill; pulveri/ed ret ten stone, 1 gill; rain water. I 1 ..: pints: mix all, and shake as used. Apply with a rag, and polish with buck- skin or old woolen. Silvering Powder. Nitrate of silver and common salt, of each, :M grs; cream of tartar, ',% drs. I'ulveri/.e finely, mix thor- oughly, and bottle for use. Unequalled for polishing copper and plated goods. Tin Cans. SIZE OP SHEET, FOR FROM 1 TO 100 GALLONS: For 1 gallon, 7 by 20 inches. For 25 gallons, 30 by 56 inches. 10 by 28 12 by 40 14 by 40 20 by 42 30 by 42 40 " :; by 50 " 40 by 70 75 " 40 by 84 100 " 40 by 98 This includes all the laps, seams, &c., which will be found suffi- ciently correct for all practical purposes. To Mend Tinware. Take a vial two-thirds full of muriatic acid, put into it all the ehippiugs of sheet y.inc it will dissolve, f hen put in a eniml) of >al ammoniac, and fill up with water. Wet the plae" to he mended with this liquid, put a piece of zinc over the hole, and apply a spirit lamp or candle Ivlow it, which melts the solder on the tin and causes the zinc to adhere. Brunswick Black for Grates, &c. Asphaltura, 5 Ibs.; melt, ami add boiled oil, 2 Ibs.; spirits of turpentine, 1 gal. Mix. Gas Fitter's Cement. Mix together rosin, four and a half parts; wax, 1 part; and Venetian red, o parts. Plumber's Cement. Black resin, l part: brick dust. 2 parts; well Incorporated by a melting heat. Boiled linked oil and red lead mixed together into a putty are often used by coppersmiths and engineers to secure joints; the washers of leather or cloth are smeared with tlus mixture in a pa.-ty state. Browning for Gun Barrels. Spirits of nitre. 1 lb.: alcohol, l Ib. ; corrosive sublimate, 1 o/,. ; mix in a bottle, and cork for use. Directions: Polish the barrel perfect; then rub it with quick-lime with a cloth, which removes grease and dirt; now apply the brown- ing lluid with a cl -an white cloth; apply one coat, arid set it in a warm dark place for from 10 to 20 hours until a red rust forms on RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 189 it; then cord it down with a gunmaker's cord, and rub off with a clean doth. Kcpeat the process if you wish a dark shade. Browning for Twist Barrels. Spirits of nitre, ^oz.; tinc- ture of steel, % oz.; or use the unmedicated tincture of iron if the tincture of steel cannot be obtained; black brimstone, >^oz.; blue vitriol, \$ oz.; corrosive sublimate, \ oz.; nitric acid, 1 drachm; copperas, !^oz.; mix with 1'^ pints rain water, and bottle for use. This is to he applied the same as the first. It causes the twist of tin barrel to be visible after application, a quality which the other liquid does not possess. Browning Compositions for Gun Barrels.!. Blue vitriol, 4 oz.; tincture of muriate of iron, 2 oz.; water, 1 quart; dissolve, and acid aquafortis and sweet spirits of nitre, of each, 1 oz. 2. Blue vitriol and sweet spirits of nitre, of each, 1 oz. ; aquafortis, \f oz. ; water, 1 pint. To be used in the same manner as previously described in this work. Varnish and Polish for Gun Stocks. Gum shellac, 10 oz.; gum sandarac, 1 oz.; Venice turpentine, 1 drachm; 98 per cent, alcohol, 1 gallon; shake the jug occasionally for a day or two, and it is ready for use. Apply a few coats of this to your gunstocks, polish by rubbing smooth, and your work is complete. Hardening and Pilling for Fire-proof Safes. Experience has shown that the fire and burglar proof diamond cliill for iron or steel, described in another part of this work, lias no supe- rior as a hardening for security in the construction of safes; and, as a non-conductor of heat, we would recommend a filling of plas- ter of Paris or alum. Tempering Razors, Cutlery, Saws, &c. Razors and pen- knives are too frequently hardened without the removal of the MM!O arising from the forging. Thii -nracticf., whifh i never done with tlw best works, cannot be too mwh aeprecated. The blades are heated in a coke or charcoal fire, and dipped in the water obliquely. In tempering razors, they are laid on their backs upon a clean fire, about half a dozen together, and they are removed one at a time, when the edges, which are as yet thick, come down to a pale straw color. Should the backs accidentally get heated beyond the straw- color, the blades are cooled in water, but not otherwise. Pen- blades are tempered a dozen or two at a time, on a plate of iron or copper, about 12 inches long, 3 or 4 inches wide, and about } of an inch thick. The blades are arranged close together on their backs, and lean at an angle against each other. As they come down to the temper, they are picked out \vitli small pliers and thrown into water, if necessary; other blades are then thrust forward from the cooler parts of the plate to take their place. Axes, adzes, cold clii-i'K and other edge tools, in which the total bulk is considerable compared with the part to be hardened, are only partially dipped; they are afterwards let down by the heat of the remainder of the tool; and, when the color indicative of the temper is attained, they 190 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL, PURPOSES. are entirely quenched. With the view of removing the loose scales, or the oxidation acquired in tin- fin-, some workmen rub the objects hastily in dry salt before plunging tliem in the water, in order to give them a cleaner and brighter face. Oil, or resinous mixtures of oil, tallow, wax, and resin, are used for many thin and ela>tie objects, sucli as needles, fi>hhooks, steel- pens and springs, which require a milder decree of hardness than is given by water. Gunlock springs are sometimes t'rt mfnutes in an earthen pot. After the silver is dissolved, take the mixture off, and mix it in a pint of clean water, then pour it into another vessel, free from sediment; then add a tablespoonl'ul of common salt, and the silver will be precipitated in the form of a white powder or curd; pour off the acid, and mix the curd with 2 oz. salt of tartar, and % oz. whiting, all together, and it is ready for use. To USE. Clean your brass or copper plate with rotten stone and a piece of old hat; rub it with salt and water with your hand. Then take a little or the composition on your finger, and rub it over your plate, and it will firmly adhere and completly silver it. Wash it well with water. When dry, rub it with a clean "rag, and varnish with this VARNISH FOR CLOCK-FACES: Spirits of wine, 1 pt.; divide into 3 parts, mix one part with gum mastic in a bottle by itself; 1 part spirits, and % oz. sandarac in another bottle; and 1 part spirits, and % oz. of whitest gum benjamin, in another bottle; mix and temper to your mind. If too thin, some, mastic; if too soft, some sandarac or ben- jamin. When you use it, warm the silvered plate before the fire, and, with a flat camel's hair pencil, stroke it over till no white streaks appear, and this will preserve the silvering for many years. "Watchmaker's Drills. Drills of the. smallest kind are heated in the blue part of the name of a candle; larger drills are heated with the blow-pipe flame, applied very obliquely, and a little below the point. When very thin, they may be wliisked in the air to RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 191 cool thorn; but they are; generally thrust into the tallow of a candle or the oil of a lamp. They are temjK'ml either hy their own heat, or by immersion in the flame below the point of the tool. To Reduce Metallic Oxides. This may be effected by the dry and the moist processes; but tlie deoxidizing agent of the great- est value to the metallurgist is coal in its several varieties, and the derivative materials yielded by its combustion. When coal is burned in a furnace, the first product of combustion may be considered to be carbonic acid gas; but inasmuch as the latter is readily decom- posod by permeating ignited pieces of solid carbon (coke) losing a portion of its oxygen, and becoming carbonic acid gas, we may say that the product* of the combustion of coal are, firstly, carbonic acid; secondly, carbonic oxide and carbonic acid; and lastly, car- bonic oxide alone. The latter, in combination with heat, is a most powerful deoxidizing agent. Were it not for the production in fur- naces of carbonic oxide gas were it necessary that the solid car- bon of the coke should be alone the deoxidizing body" then it follows that every particle of the ore to be reduced must be brought into intimate contact with the reducing body; a process involving more care and trouble than are compatible with large metallurgic operations. The reducing agent being a gas, there is no longer a necessity for that intimate mixture of fuel and ore which would otherwise be necessary. Provided that the gaseous results of com- bustion are placed under circumstances of readily permeating the ore, the necessities of practice are amply subserved. There is great difference as to the amount of heat at which the reduction of differ- ent metallic oxides can be effected. The oxides of lead, bismuth, antimony, nickel, cobalt, copper, and iron, require a strong red heat in the. furnace, whilst the oxides of manganese, chromium, tin, and zinc, do not lose their oxygen until h< ad d to whiteness. On a large scale, the reduction of oxides is generally effected by mixing charcoal, together with the oxide to be reduced, in a refrac- tory clay crucible, the charcoal furnishing the carbon nece-s;u\ to the proper performance of the work. Some use a cnicihle thickly lined with charcoal, putting in the oxide on the top of the charcoal. It is necessary, however, when using the crucible and charcoal, to use a flux, say a little borax in powder, stewed on the mixture to accelerate the reduction of the oxide. Tiie borax is generally the first to fuse, and, as the metal is eliminated, seems to purify and cleanse it, as it gathers into a button at the bottom of the crucible. It is all the better if you give the crucible a few sharp taps when you take it off the fire. Copper Plates or Rods may be covered with a superficial coat- ing of brass by exposing them to the /VMM! given off bv melted zinc at a light temperature. The coated plates or rods can then be rolled into thin sheets; or drawn into wire. Solution of Copper on Zinc. Dissolve 8 oz. (troy) cyanide of potassium, and 3 oz. cyanide of copper or zinc, in 1 gallon of rainwater. To be used at about 160 F., with a compound battery pf 3 to 12 cells. 13 192 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Brass Solution. Dissolve 1 Ib. (troy) cyanide of potassium, 2 ozs. cyanide of copper, and 1 oz. cyanide of zinc, in 1 gal. of rain- water then add 2 oz. of muriate ammonia. To be used at 160 F for smooth work, with a compound battery of from 3 to 12 cells. Brassing Iron. Iron ornaments are covered with copper or brass bv properly preparing tin- surface so as to remove all organic matter which would prevent adhesion and then plunging them into melted brass. A thin coating is thus spread over the iron, and it admits of being polished or burnished. To Enamel Cast Iron and Hollow "Ware. Calcined flints 6 parts; Cornish stone or MMMtOtM two purls, litharge 9 parts, borax 6 parts, argillaceous earth 1 part, nitre 1 part, calx of tin 6 parts, purified potash 1 part. 2. Calcined flints 8 parts, red lead 8 parts borax 6 parts, calx of tin 5 parts, nitre 1 part. 3. Potter's composition 12 parts, borax 8 pails, white lead 10 parts, nitre 2 parts, white marble calcined 1 part, purified potash 2 parts, calx of fin 5 parts. 4. Calcined flints 4 parts, potter's composition 1 part, nitre 2 parts, borax 8 parts, white marble calcined 1 part, argilla- ceous earth % part, calx of tin 2 parts. Whichever of the above compositions is taken must be finely powdered, mixed and fused. The vitreous mass is to be ground when cold, sifted, and levigated with water; it is then made into a pap with water, or gum-water. This pap is smeared or brushed over the interior of the vessel, dried, and fused with a proper heat in a muffle. Clean the vessels perfectly before applying. Enameled Cast Iron. Clean and brighten the ircn before applying. The enamel consists of two coats the body and the glaze. The body is made by fusing 100 Ibs. ground flints, 75 of borax, and grinding 40 Ibs. of this frit with 5 Ibs. of potter's clay, in water, till it is brought to the consistence of a pap. A coat of this being applied and dried, but not hard, the glaze powder is sifted over it This consists of 100 Ibs. Cornish stone in fine pow- der, 117 of borax, 35 of soda ash, 35 of nitre, 35 of sifted slaked lime, 13 of white sand, and 50 of pounded white glass. These are all fused together; the frit obtained is pulverized. Of this powder, 45 Ibs. are mixed with 1 Ib. of soda ash, in hot water, and the mix- ture dried in a stove is the glaze-powder. After sifting this over the body-coat, the cast iron article, is put into a stove, kept at a temperature of about 212, to dry it hard, after which it is set in a muffle-kiln, to fuse it into a glaze. The inside of pipes is enamelled (after being cleaned) by pouring the above body-composition through them while the pipe is being turned around to insure an equal coating; after the body has become set, the glaze pap is poured in in like manner. The pipe is finally fired m the kiln. To Enamel Copper and other Vessels. Flint glass 6 parts, borax 3 parts, red lead 1 part, oxide of tiu 1 part. Mix all to- RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 193 gether, frit, grind into powder, make into a thin paste with water, apply with a brush to the surface of the vessels (after scaling by he;it and cleaning them"), repeat with a second or even a third coat, afterwards dry, and lastly fuse on by heat of an enamelled Emery "Wheels for Polishing. Coarse emery powder is mixed with about half its weight of pulverized Stourbridge loam, and a little water or other liquid to make a thick paste; this is pressed into a metallic mould by means of a screw-press, and, after being thoroughly dried, is baked or burned in a muffle at a tempera- ture above a red, and below a white heat. This forms an artifi- cial emery-stone, which cuts very greedily, with very little wear to itself. Unequalled for grinding and polishing glass, metals, enamels, stoues, &c. Refining Gold and Silver. The art of assaying gold and silver is founded upon the feeble affinity which these have for oxygen in comparison with copper, tin, and other cheap metals, anil on the tendency which the latter metals have to oxidize rap- idly in contact with lead at a li'-Ji temperature, and sink with it into any porous, earthy vssel in a thin, glassy, vitrified mass. The precious metal hayjfltf'previously been accurately weighed and prepared, the first process is CUPELLATION. The muffle with cupel properly arranged on the " muffle plate," is placed in the fur- nace, and the charcoal added, and lighted at the top by means of a few ignited pieces thrown on last. After the cupels have been ex- posed to a strong white heat for about half an hour, and have be- come white hot, the lead is put into them by means of tongs. As BOOH as this becomes bright red and "circulating," as it is called, the specimen for assay, wrapped in a small piece of paper or lead- foil, is added; the fire is now kept up strongly until the metal en- ters the lead and " circulate* " well, when the heat, slightly di- minished, is so regulated that the assay appears convex and more glowing than the cupel itself, whilst the "vndulationt" circulate in all directions, and the middle of the metel appears smooth-with a margin of litharge, which is freely absorbed by the cupel. When the metal becomes bright and shining, or, in the technical lan- guage, begins to "lighten," and prismatic hues suddenly flash across the globules, and undulate and cross each other, followed by the metal becoming very brilliant and clear, and at length bright and solid (called the brightening), the separation is ended, and the process complete. The cupels are then drawn to the mouth of the " muffle," and allowed to cool slowly. When quite cold, the re- sulting "button," if of SILVER, is removed by the "pliers" or "tongs " from the cupels, and after being flattened on a small anvil of polished stxel, with a polished steel hammer, to detach adhering oxide of lead, and cleaned with a small, hard brush, is very atcu- ratdy weighsd. The weight is that of pure silver, and the differ- ence between the weight before cupellation and that of the pure r.ietal represents the proportion of alloy in the sample examined. In the case of GOLD, the metal has next to undergo the operations of QDAKTATION. The cupelled sample is fused with three times 194 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL, PURPOSES. its weight of pure silver (called the "witness,") and in this sfato may be easily removed by PARTING. The alloy, alter quartation, is hammered or rolled out into a thin strip or leaf, curled into a spiral form, and boiled for a quarter of an hour with about L" : t>:{ ounces of nitric acid (specific gravity, l.:l); and the fluid being poured olr, it is again boiled in a similar manner, with 1^ to 2 Ouncefl more nitric arid (sp. gr., l.l.'); nftiT which tbe gold is care- fully collected, washed in pure water, and dried. When the ope- ration of parting is skilfully conducted, the acid not too strong, the metal preserves its spiral form; otherwise it falls into Hakes or powder. The second boiling is termed the " r. ////*'." The loss of \\vightby parting corresponds to the quantity of SILVEU origi- nally iu the specimen. For Alloys containing Platinum, which usually consist of copp T, silver, platinum, and gold, the method of assaying is as follows: Tlu^ alloy is cupelled in the usual way. the kfeMOl weight expresses the amount of /w r, and the "button," made into a riband and treated with sulphuric acid, indicates by the portion dissolved that also of the xilotir present. By submitting the resi- duum to quartation, the platinum becomes soluble in nitric acid. The loss after digestion in this menstruum expresses the weight of that metal, and the weight of the portion now remaining is that of pure gold. Gold containing PALLADIUM may be assayed in the same manner. Annealing. This consists in putting the pure gold into a small, porous crucible, or cupel, and heating it to redness in the inutile. WEIGHING must be done with the utmost accuracy. The weight in grains troy, doubled or quadrupled as the case may be, give, the number of earattjbu of the alloy examined, without calculation. According to the OLD FRENCH METHOD of assaying gold, the fol- lowing quantities were taken: For the assay pouiul, 12 gr. ; fine silver, SOgrs.; lead, 108 grs. These having been cupelled together, the perfect button is rolled into a leaf (1'^ by r> inches), twisted on a quill, and submitted to parting with 2J4 oz. and l]4. oz. of nitric acid, sp. gr., 1.16 (20 Baume). The remainder of the process is similar to that above described. The usual weight of silver taken for the assay pound, when the fineness is reckoned in lOOOths, is _'> grs., evry real grain of which represents 50-1000ths of lineuess, and so on of smaller divisions. Enamelling on Gold and Copper. The basis of all enamels is a highly transparent and fusible glass, called FRIT, FLUX, or PASTE, which readily receives a color on the addition of the metal- lic oxides. PREPARATION. Red lead, 16 parts ; calcined borax, 3 Krts; pounded flint glass, 12 parts; flints, 4 parts. Fuse j n a ssian crucible for 12 hours, then pour it out into water, and reduce it to powder in a biscuit- ware mortar. The following direc- tions will serve to show how the coloring preparations are made: BLACK enamels are made with peroxide of manganese, or prot- oxide of iron, to which more depth of color is given with a little cobalt. VIOLET enamel of a very fine hue is made from peroxyde RECEIPTS FOB MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 195 of manganese in small qmntity with saline or alkaline fluxes. RED enamel is made, fru-.ii protoxide of copper. Boil a solution of equal parts of sugar anl a-.vtate of copper in four parts of water. The sugar takes possession of a portion of the cupreous oxide, and re- du-vs it to t'ae protoxide; when it may be precipitated in the form of a granular powder of a brilliant red. Alter about two hours of moderate boiling, the liquid is sot aside to settle, decanted off the precipitate, which is washed and dried. By this pure oxido any tint may be obtained from red to orange "by adding a greater or smaller quantity of peroxide of iron. The oxide and purple of cassius are likewise employed to colored enamel. This composition resists a strong fire very well. GUEEN enamel can be produced by a mixture of yellow and blue, but is generally obtained direct from the oxide of copper, or better still with the oxide of chrome, which last will resist a strong heat YELLOW. Take one part of whiti3 oxide of antimony, with from one to three parts of whitit lead, one of alum, and one of sal ammoniac. Each of these substances is to be pulverized, then all are to be exactly mixed, and exposed to a heat adequate to decompose the sal ammoniac. This operation is judged to be finished when the yellow color is well brought out. BLUE. This color is obtained from the oxide of cobalt, or some of its combinations, and it produces it with such intensity that only a very littlo can be used lest the shade should pass into black. A WHITE enamel may be prepared with a calcine formed of 2 parts of tin and 1 of lead, calcined together: of this combined oxide, 1 part is melted with two parts of fine crystal and a very little manganese, all previously ground together. When the fusion is complete, the vitreous matter is to be poured into clear water, and the frit is then dried and melted anew. Repeat the pouring into water three or four times, to insure a perfect combi- nation. Screen the crucible from smoke and flame. The smallest portions of oxide of iron or copper admitted into this enamel will destroy its value. The artist prepares his enamel colors bv pounding them In an agate mortar, with an agate pestle, and grinding them on an agate slab, with oil of lavender rendered viscid by exposure to the sun, in a shallow vessel, loosely covered with gauze or glass. He should have alongside of him a stove, in which a moderate fire is kept up, for drying his work whenever the fignres are finished. It is then passed through the muffle. Silver Plating. File the parts which are to receive the plate very smooth; then apply over the surface the muriate of zinc, which is made by dissolving zinc in muriatic acid: now hold this part over a dish containing hot soft solder, and with a swab apply the solder to the part to which it will adhere; brush off all super- fluous solder, so as to leave the surface smooth; you will now take Xo. 2 fair silver plate, of the right size to cover the prepared sur- face, and lay the plate upon it, and rub down smooth with a cloth moistened with oil; then, with a turned soldering iron, pass slowly over all the surface of the plate, which melts the solder underneath it, causing the plate to adhere as firmly as the solder does to the iron; then polish the surface, and finish with buckskin. 196 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Electro Gold Plating. Take a $2.50 piece of gold, and put it into a mixture of 1 oz. nitric, and 4 oz. muriatic acid (trlass ves- sels only are to be used in this work;) when it is all cut, dissohv i.< oz. of sulphate of potasli in 1 pint of pure rain water, and mix with the gold solution, stirring well; then let it stand, and the gold will be thrown down; then pour off the acid fluid, and wash the gold in two or three waters, or until no acid is tasted by touching the tongue to the gold. Now dissolve 1 oz. of cyanuret of siuiu iu 1 pint of pure rain water, to which add the gold, and it is ready for use. Clean the article to be plated fiom all grease and dirt, with whiting and a good brush; if there are cracks, it may bo necessary to put the article in a solution of caustic potash; at all events clean it perfectly; then suspend it in the cyanuret of gold solution with a small strip of zinc, cut about the width of a com- mon knitting needle, hooking the top over a stick which will reach across the top of the vessel holding the solution. If the zinc is too large, the deposit will be made so fast it will scale off. The slower the plating goes on the better, and this is arranged by the size of the zinc used. When not in use keep it well corked and out of the way of children, for it is very poisonous. Electro Silver Plating is done every way the same as gold (using coin,) except that rock-salt is used instead of the cyanuret of potassium, to hold the silver in solution for use, and wlien it is of the proper strength of salt, it has a thick curdy appearance, or you can add salt until the silver will deposit on the article to bo plated, which is all that is required. This method entails no trouble with using a battery, and is the successful result of a long series of experiments in electro-plating. Elklngton'a Patent Gilding. Fine gold, 5 07. (troy.) nirro- muriatic acid, 52 oz. (avoirdupois;) dissolve by heat, and'continue the heat until red or yellow vapors cease to be evolved; decant the clear liquor into a suitable vessel; add distilled water, 4 gallons; pure bi-carbonate of potassa, 20 Ibs.; and boil for 2 hours. N. B. The nitro-muriatic acid is made with purt nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.4.">.) 21 oz.; pure muriatic acid (sp. gr. 1.15,) 17 oz.; and distilled water, 14 oz. The articles, after being perfectly cleaned from scale or grease, and receiving a proper face, are to be suspended on wires, dipped into the liquid boiliny hot, and moved about therein, when, in from a few seconds to a minute, depending on the newness and strength of the liquid, the requisite coating of gold will be deposited on them. By a little practice the time to withdraw the articles is readily known; the. duration of the immersion required to produce any given effect gradually increases as the liquid weakens by use. When properly gilded, the articles are withdrawn from the solution of gold, washed in clean water and dried; after which they un- dergo the usual operation of coloring, &c. A "dead gold" appfnnm^\ is produced by the application to the articles of a weak solution of nitrttt:', of mermtrjf previously to the immersion in the gilding liquor, or the deadening may be given by applying a solution of the nitrate to the newly gilded surface, and then expelling the mercury by heat. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 197 Gold Silvering on Metals.-Mix 1 part of chloride of silver witli :> parts of pearlsish, l]4 parts common salt, and 1 part whiting; and well nil) tin- mixture on the surface of brass or copper, (pre- viously well eleuiii'd,) liy mean-, of ;i pieee of soft leather, or a cork noMened with water, and dipped in the powder. When pn>)x'rly silvered, the metal should be well washed in hot water, slightly alkalized, then wiped dry. To Heighten the Color of Yellow Gold. Saltpetre, 6 oz.: green copperas, 2 oz.: white vitriol and alnin, of each, 1 oz. If wanted redder, a small quantity of blue vitriol must be added. For Green Gold. Saltpetre, 1 oz. 10 dwts.; sal ammoniac, 1 oz. 4 d\vts. ; Roman vitriol, 1 oz. 4 dwts.; verdigris, 18 dwts. For Red Gold. To 4 oz. melted yellow wax, add, In fine pow- der, 1J^ oz. of red ochre; 1!^ oz. verdigris, calcined till it yields no fumes; and % oz. of calcined borax. Mix them well together. Dissolve either of above mixtures in water, as the color is wanted, and use as required. Coloring of Gliding. Defective colored gilding mny also be Improved by the help of the following mixture: Nitrate of potash, 3oz.; alum, \\$ oz.; sulphate of zinc, 1M oz.; common salt, 1U oz. These ingredients are to l>e put into a small quantity of water to form a sort of paste, which is put upon the articles to be colored; they are then placed upon an iron plate over a clear fire, so that they will attain nearly to a black heat, when they are suddenly plunged into cold water; this gives them a beautiful high color. Different hues may be had by a variation in the mixture. Gold is taken from the surface of silver bv spreading over It a paste made of powdered sal-ammoniac, with aqua fort is, and heating it till the matter smokes, and it is nearly dry; when the gold may be separated by rubbing it with a scratch brush. Moulds and Dies. Copper, zinc, and silver in equal propor- tions, melt together under a coat of powdered charcoal, and mould Into the form you desire. Bring them to nearly a white heat, and lay on the thine; you would take the impression of, press with suffi- cient force, and you will get a perfect and beautiful impression. Polishing Powder for Gold and Silver. Rock alum (burnt and finely po \vderetl,) 5 parts; levigated chalk, Ipart Mix; apply with a dry brush. Silver Plating Fluid. Dissolve 1 ounce of nitrate of silver In crystal, in 12 ounces of soft water; then dissolve in the water 2 oz. cyanuret of potash; shake the whole together, and let it stand till 198 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. it becomes cl-ar. Have ready some half-ounce vi;iK and fill half full of i'aris white, or fin.' whiting; and then fill up the bottles with the liquor, and it is ready for use. The whiting does not in- crease the coating power; it only helps to clean the articles, and save the silver fluid, by half filling the bottles. To Temper Gravers and Drills. TVhen the graver or drill is too hard, which may be known by tin- frequent breaking of the point, temper a-; follows: Heat a poker red hot, and hold the graver to it within an inch of the point, waving it to and fro till the steel changes to a light straw color; then put the point into oil to cool, or hold the graver close to the llame of a candle till it be of the same color, and cool in tallow; but be careful either way not to hold it too long, for then it will be too soft, in which case the point will be blue, and nin^t. be broken off. and whetted and tempered anew. For jewellers' drills, no better tempering liquid can be got than the first-named liquid under the blacksmiths' department, which see. Jeweler's Armenian Cement. Isinglass soaked in water and dissolved in spirit, L' ox. (thick); dissolve in this 10 grains of very pale gum ammonia (in tears) by rubbing them together: then add t> large tears of gum mastic, di^-olved in the l--a-t possible quantity of rectified spirit. When carefully made, this cement resists mois- ture and dries colorless. Keep in a closely stopped vial. Jeweler's Turkish Cement. Put Into a bottle 2 oz. of isinglass d 1 i/.. of the best gum arable; cover them with proof spirits, rk loosely, and place the bottle in a vessel of water, and hoil it and cor till known. .. , cork loosely, and place the bottle in a vessel of water, and hoil it till a thorough solution is effected; then strain for use; host cement known. Reviver of Old Jewelry. Dissolve sal-ammoniac in urine, and put the jewelry in it. for a short, time; tin n take it out, and rub with chamois leather, and it will appear equal to new. To Recover Gold From Gilt Metal. Take a solution of borax water, apply to the pit surface, and sprinkle over it some, finely powdered sulphur; make the article red hot, and quench it in water; then scrape off the gold, and recover it by means of lead. To Separate Gold and Silver from Lace, &c. Cut in pieces the gold or silver lace, tie it tightly, and boil it in soap lye, till the size appears diminished; take the cloth out of the liquid, and, after repeated rinsings in cold water, beat it with a mallet to draw out all the alkali. Open the linen, and the pure metal will be found in ah 1 its beauty. Door Plates TO MAKF.--('ut your glass the right size, and make it perfectly clean with alcohol or soap; then cut 'a strip of tin- foil sufficiently long and wide for the name, and with a piece of RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 199 Ivory or other burnisher rub it length-wise to innko it smooth ; now Wat the glass with tin- tongue (as saliva is the best sticking sub staive,) or if th- glass is very large, use a weak solution of gum arable, or the white of an egg in half a pint of water, and lay on the foil, rubbing it down to Hie glass with a bit of cloth, then also with the burnisher; the more it is burnished the better will it look; now mark the width on the foil which is to be the height of the letter, and put on a straight edge, and hold it firmly to the foil, and with a sharp knife out the foil, and take off the superfluous edges: then cither lay out the, letters on the back of the foil (so they shall read correctly on the front') by your own judgment or by moans of pattern letters, which can be purchased for that purpose; cut with the knife, carefully holding down the pattern or straight edge, whichever you use; then rub down the edge of all the letters with the back of'the knife, or edge of the burnisher, which prevents the black paint or japan which you next put over the bark of the plate fro:u getting under the foil; having put a line above and one below the name, or a border around the whole plate, or not as you bar- gain for the job. The Japan is made by dissolving asnhaltum in just enough turpentine to cut it (see "Asphaltum Vamisn;") apply with a brush, as other paint, over the back of the letters, and over the glass forming a back ground. This is used on the iron plate of the frame, also putting it on when the plate is a little hot; and, as soon as it cools, it is dry. A little lamp-black may be rubbed into it If you desire it any blacker than it is without it. Etching on Glass. Druggist bottles, bar-tumblers, signs, and glassware of every description, can be lettered in a beautiful style of art, by simply giving the article to be engraved, or etched, a thin coat of the engraver's varnish (see next receipt), and the application of fluoric acid. Before doing so, the glass must be thoroughly cleaned and heated, so that it can hardly be held. The varnish is th'-n to he applied lightlv over, and made smooth by dabbing it with a small ball of silk, filled with cotton. When dry and even, the lines may be traced on it bv a sharp steel, cutting clear through the varnish to the glass The varnish must be re- moved clean from each letter, otherwise it will be an imperfect job. When all is ready, pour on or apply the fluoric acid with a feather, filling each letter. Let it remain until it etches to the required depth, tlien wash off with water, and remove the varnish. Etching Varnish. Take of virgin wax and asphalhim each 2 oz.; of black pitch and Burgundy pitch, each % oz.; melt the wax and pitch in a new earthenware glazed pot, and add to them, bv degrees, the asnhaltum, finely ]x>wdered. Let the whole boil, Simmering; gradually, till such time as that, taking a drop upon a Elate, it will break when it is cold, on landing it double two or three mes betwixt the fingers. The varnish, being then boiled enough, must be tak'Mioff th" fire, and, after it eools a little, must be poured into warm water that it may work the more easily with the hands, so as to be formed into balls, which must be kneaded, and put into a piece of taffety for use. 200 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Fluoric Acid, to Make for Etching Purposes. You can make your own fluoric (sometimes called hydro-fluoric) arid, by getting tin' ihior or Derbyshire spar, pulverizing it, ami putting all of it into sulphuric acid which ihe acid will cut or di-solve. Inasmuch as lluoric acid is destructive to glass, it cannot he k--pt iu comiiiou bottles, but must be kept iu lead or gutta percha bottles. Glass-Grinding for Signs, Shades, Etc. Aftrr you have etched a name or other design upon uncoloivd ulass, and wish to liave it show off to a better advantage by permitting the light to pass only through the letters, you can do so by taking a piece of Hat brass sufficiently large not to dip into the letters, but pass over th-.'in when gliding upon the surface of the glass ; then, with Hour of emery, and keeping it wet, you can grind the whole surface, very quickly, to look like the ground glass globes often seen upon lamps, except the letter, which is eaten below the general surface. Gold and Silver Ink. The metal leaf is ground with honey until of a tine powder: it is then washed to remove the honey, and the powder is mixed with gum water lor use. Gold Lustre for Stoneware, China, Etc. Gold, (5 parts; aquaregia. '*> parts. Dissolve, then add tin, 1 part; next add bal- sam of sulphur, .'{ parts; oil of turpentine, 1 part. Mix gradually into a mortar, and rub it until the mixture becomes hard ; then adii oil of turp Mitine, 4 parts. It is then to be applied to a ground pre- pared lor the purpose. Gilding China and Glass. Powdered pold is mixed with borax and gum water, and the solution applied with a camel-hair pencil. Heat is then applied by a stove until the borax fuses, when the gold is fixed and afterwards burnished. Glass Staining. The following colors, after having been pre- pared, and rubbed upon a plate of ground-glass, with the spirit of turpentine or lavender, thickened in the air, are applied with a hair- pencil. IJefore using them, however, it is necessary to try them on small pieces of glas>, and expose them to the fire, to ascertain if the desired tone of color is produced. The artist must be guided by these proof-pieces in using his colors. The glass proper for receiv- tng these pigments should be colorless, uniform and difficult effu- sion. A design must be drawn on paper, and placed beneath the plate of glass. The upper side of the glass, being sponged over with gum-water, affords, when dry, a surface proper for receiving the colors without the risk of their running irregularly, a ; they would otherwise do on the slippery glass. The artist draws on the plate (usually in black), with a fine pencil, all the traces which mark the great outlines or shades of the figures. Afterwards, when it is dry, the vitrifying colors are laid on by means of larger hair- pencils; their selection being regulated by the burnt specimen-tints above mentioned. The following areQ fast colors, which do not run, except the yellow, which must, therefore , be laid on the oppo- site side of the glass. The preparations being all laid on, the glass is ready for being tired in a muffle, in order to fix and bring out the proper colors. The muffle must be made of very refractory fire- RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 201 clay, flat at Its bottom, and only five or six Inches high, with a strong, arched roof, and close on all sides, to exclude smoke and flame. On the bottom, a smooth bed of sifted lime, freed from water, about half an inch thick, must be prepared for receiving the glass. Sometimes, several plates of glass are laid over each other, with a layer of lime-powder between each. The firo is now lighted, and very' gradually raised, lest the glass should be broken; then keep it at a full heat for three or four hours, more or less, according to the indications of the trial slips; the yellow coloring being princi- pally watched, it furnishing the best criterion of the state of the others. When all is right, let the fire die out, so as to anneal the glass. Stained-Glass Pigments. No. 1. Flesh color. Red lead, 1 oz.; red enamel (Venetian glass enamel, from alum and copperas cal- cined together): grind them to a fine powder, and work this up with alcohol upon a hard stone. When slightly baked, this pro- duces a fine flesh color. No. 2. BLACK COLOR. Take 14^ 07. of smithy scales of Iron; mix them with -' or. of white glass; antimony 1 oz.; manganese, ^ oz.: pound and grind these ingredients together, with strong vinegar. No. 3. BROWN COLOR. White glass or enamel, 1 oz.; good man- ganese, % oz. : grind together. No. 4. RED, ROSE AND BROWN COLORS are made from peroxide of iron, prepared by nitric acid. The flux consists of borax, sand and minium, in small quantities. RED COLOR may likewise be obtained from 1 oz. of red chalk, pounded, mixed with 2 oz. of white, hard enamel, and a little per- oxide of copper. A RED may also be composed of rust of iron, glass of antimony, yellow glass of lead, surh as is used by potters (or litharge,) each in equal quantities; to wh'n-h a little s'ulphuret of silver is added. This composition, well ground, produces a very fine red color on glass. No. 5. GREEN. 2 oz. of brass, calcined into an oxide; 2oz.; of minium, and 8 oz. of white sand: reduce them to a fine powder, which is to be enclosed in a well-luted crucible, and heated strongly in an air-furnace for an hour. When the mixture is cold, grind it in a brass mortar. Green may, however, be advantageously pro- duced, by a yellow on one side, and a blue on the other. Oxide of chrome has been also employed to stain glass green. No. 6. A FINE YELLOW STATN. Take fine silver, laminated thin, dissolve in nitric acid, dilute with abundance of water, ami precipi- tate with solution of sea-salt; mix this chloride of silver in a dry powder, with three times its weight of pipe-clay, well burnt and pounded. The back of the glass pane is to be "painted with this powder; for; when painted on the face, it is apt to run into the other colors. 202 KECETPTS FOTC MECHANICAL PURPOSES. A PALE YELLOW can be made by mixing sulphurot of silver with glass of antimony and yellow ochre, previously calcined t> ;: ivd- brown tint, Work all these powders together, and paint (in the back of the glass. Or silver / ';////", melt 'd with sulphur, and ula ;s of antimony, thrown into cold water, and afterwards ground to powder, afford a yellow. A PALE YELLOW may be made with the powder resulting from brass, sulphur and glass <>f antimony, calcin* d together in a cruci- ble till they cease to siuoke, aiid then mixed with a little burnt ochre. THE FrNE YELLOW of M". Meraud is prepared from chloride of silver, (ixide of /inc, and rust of iron. This mixture, simply ground, is applied on the glass. ORANGE COLOR. Take 1 part of silver-powder, as precipitated from the nitrate of that metal, by plates of cupper, and washed; mix with 1 part of red ochre, and 1 of yellow, liy caivful tritura- tion; grind into a thin pap, with oil of turpentine or lavender; apply this with a brush, and burn In. Silvering Locking-Glasses with Pure Silver. Prepare a mixture of :5 grs. > ammonia, (> > grs. nitrate of silver, 90 minims of spirits of wine, 90 minims of water; when the nitrate of silver is dissolved, filter the liquid, and add a small (15 grs.,) dissolved in \y* oz. Put the glass into this mixture, having nlsh, gum, or some substance to prevent the silver being attached to it. Let It remain for a few days, and yon have a most elegant looking-glass; yet it is far more costly than the quicksilver. and add a small quantity of sugar of water and \% oz. spirits of wine, re, having one side covered with var- Another Method. A sheet, of tin-foil corresponding to the size of the plate of glass is evenly spread on a perfectly smooth and solid marble table, and every wrinkle on its surface is carefully rubbed down with a brush; a portion of mercury is then poured on, and rubbed over the foil with a clean piece of soft woolen stuff, after which, two rules are applied to the edges and mercury poured on to the depth Of a crown piece; when any oxide on the surface- is carefully removed, and the sheet of glMB, perfectly clean and dry, is slid along over the surface of the liquid metal, so that no air, dirt, or oxide can possibly either remain or get between them. When the glass has arrived at its proper position, gentle pressure is applied, and the table sloped a little to carry off the waste mer- cury; after which it is covered with flannel, and loaded with heavy weights; in twenty-four hours, it is removed to another table, and further slanted, and this position is progressively increased during a month till it becomes perpendicular. Porcelain Colors. The following are some of the colors used in the celebrat'd poivehrn manufactory of S -vres. and the pro- portions in which they are compounded. Thouch intended for porcelain painting, nearly all are applicable to painting on class. Flux No. 1 minium or red lead, :$ parts; white sand, washed, 1 part. This mixture is melted, by which it is converted into a RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 203 greenish-colored glass. Flux No. 2. GRAY FLUX. Of No. 1, 8 parts; In ! !>'>r:ix in powder, 1 ])art; this mixture, is melted. Flux No. 3. Fou (\\UMINKS AND OREKXS. Melt together fused borax, 5 parts; calcined Hint, 3 parts; pure minium, 1 part. No. 1. INDIGO BUTE. Oxide of cobalt, 1 part; flux No. 3, 2 parts. DEEP AZURE BLUE. Oxide of cobalt, 1 part; oxide of zinc, 2 parts; flux No. 3, 5 parts; No. 2. EMERALD GREEN. Oxide of copper, 1 part; nntimonic acid, 10 parts; flux No. 1, 30 parts; pulverize together, and melt. No. 3. GRASS GUI: i :x. (liven oxide of chromium, 1 part; flux No. 3, 3 parts; triturate and melt No. 4. YELLOW. Antimonic acid, 1 part; subsulphate of the peroxyde of iron, 8 parts; oxide of zinc, 4 parts; flux No. 1,36 parts; rub'together, and melt; if this color is too deep, the salt of iron is diminished. No. 5. FIXED YELLOW FOR TOUCHES. No. 4, 1 part; white, enamel of commerce, 2 parts; HP It and pour out; if not sufficiently fixed, a little sand may be added. No. 6. DEEP NANKIN YELIX>W. Subsulphate of iron, 1 part; oxide of zinc. 2 parts; flux No. 2. 8 parts: triturate without melting. No. 7. DEEP RED. Subsulphate of iron, calcined in a muffle until it becomes of a beautiful capucine red, 1 part; flux No. 2, 3 parts; mix without melting. No. 8. LIVER BROWN. Oxide of Iron made of red brown, and mixed with 3 times its weight of flux. No. 2; a tenth of sienna earth is added to it, if it is not deep enough. No. 9. WHITE. The white enamel of commerce, in cakes. No. 10. DEEP BLACK. Oxide of cobalt, 2 parts; copper, 2 parts; oxide of manganese, 1 part; flux No. 1, 6 parts; fused borax, % part; melt, and add oxide of manganese, 1 part; oxide of copper, 2 parts; triturate without melting. THE APPLICATION Follow the general directions given in another part of this work, in relation to staining glass. Glass and Porcelain Gliding. Dissolve in boiled linseed oil an equal weight either of copal or amber; add as much oil of turpen- tine as will enable you to apply the compound or size thus formed, as thin as possible, to the parts of the glass intended to be gilt. The glass is to be placed in a stove till it will almost burn the fingers when handled; at this temperature the size becomes adhesive, and a piece of gold-leaf, applied in the usual way, will immediately stick. Sweep off the superfluous portions of the leaf, and when ?uite cold it may be burnished; taking care to interpose a piece of ndia paper between the gold and the burnisher. See another pro- cess in a previous part of this work. Soluble Glass. 1 . Silica, 1 part; carbonate of soda, 2 parts; fuse together. 2. Carbonate of soda, (dry.) r.l parts; dry carbonate of potassa, 70 parts; silica, l!>2 parts; soluble in boiling water, yielding a fine transparent, semi-elastic varnish. 3. Carbonate of potassa, (dry,) 10 parts; powdered quartz for sand, free from iron or alumina,) 15 parts; charcoal, 1 part; all fused together. Soluble in 5 or 6 times its weight of oottiiig water. The filtered solution evaportaed to dry ness' yields a transparent glass, permanent in the air. 204 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. To Drill and Ornament Glass. Glass can ho easily drilled by a steel drill, baldened but not drawn, and driven at a high velocity. Ihilis of any size, from the l<3th of an inch upwards, can be drilled, by using spirits of turpentine as a dip; and, easier still, by using camphor with the turpentine. Do not press the glass very hard against the drill. If you require to ornament glass by turning in a lathe, use a good mill file and the turpentine and cam- phor drip, and you will find it an easy matter to produce any shape you choose. Gilding Glass Signs, &c. Cut a piece of thin paper to the size of yourgIMB, draw out your design correctly in black lead-pencil on the paper, then prick through the outline of the letters with a fine needle, tie up a little dry white lead in a piece of ra<_r; this is a n nee-bag. 1'l.uv your de.->iu r n upon the glass, right side up, dust r ith the pounce-bag; and, after taking the paper off, the de>ign will appear in white dots upon the glass; these will guide you in laying on the gold on the opposite side, which must \w icM cleaned, preparatory to laying on the gold. PREPARING THE SIZE. Boil perfectly clean water in an enamelled saucepan, and while boiling, add 2 or 3 shreds of best selected isinglass, after a few minutes strain it through a clean linen rag; when cool it is ready for use. CLEAN THE GLASS PERFECTLY. When this is done, use a flat cauiel's-hair brush for lay ing on the size; and let it drain off when Siu put the gold on. When the gold is laid on and perfectly dry, keaball of the finest cotton wool and gently rub or polish the gold; you can then lay on another coat of gold if desirable; it is now ready for writing. In doing this, mix a little of the best vegetable black japan; thin with turpentine to a proper working consistency: apply this when thoroughly dry; wash off the superfluous gold, and shade as in sign-writing. Gilder's Gold Size. Drying or boiled linseed oil, thickened witli yellow ochre, or calcined red ochre, and carefully reduced to the utmost smoothness by grinding. It is thinned with oil of tur- pentine. To Gild Letters on Wood, &c. When your sign is prepared as smooth as possible, go over it with a sizing made by the white of an egg dissolved in about four times its weight of cold wafer; add- ing a small quantity of fuller's earth; this is to prevent the gold sticking to any part but the letters. When dry, set out the letters and commence writing, laying on the size as thinly as possible, with a sable pencil. Let it stand until you can barely feel a slight stickiness, then go to work with your cold leaf knife and cushion, and gild the letters. Take a leaf up on the point of your knife, after iriving it a slight puff into the back part of your cushion, and spread it on the front part of the cushion as straight as possible, giving it another slight puff with your mouth to flatten it out. Now cut it into the proper size, cutting with the heel of your knife forwards. Now rub the tip lightly on your hair; take up the gold RECEIPTS FOB MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 205 on the point, and place it neatly on the letters; when they are all ctivi-ivil .n-'t some very fine cotton wool, and gently rub the gold until it is smooth and bright. Then wash the sign with clean water to take off the egg size. Compound Colors. LIGHT GRAY is made by mixing white lead with 1 ;i: u i>- black, using more or less of each material, as you wish to obtain a lighter or darker shade. BUFF is made from yel- low ochre and white lead. SILVER OR PEARL GRAY. Mix white lead, indigq. and a very slight portion of black, regulating the quantities you wish to obtain. FLAXEN GRAY is obtained by a mix- ture of white lead and Prussian blue, with a small quantity of lake. BRICK COLOR. Yellow ochre and red lead, with a little white. OAK WOOD COLOR. Three-fourths white lead and one-fourth part umber and yellow ochre, proportions of the last two ingredients being determined by the desired tints. WALNUT-TREE COLOR. Two-thirds white lead, and one-third red ochre, yellow ochre, and umber mixed according to the shade sought. If veining is rrquiivd, use different shades of the same mixture, and for the deepest places, black. JONQUIL. Yellow, pink and white lead. This color is only j>roper for distemper. LKMON YELLOW. Realgar and orpiment. The same color can be obtained by mixing yellow -pink with Naples yellow; but it is then only fit for distemper. ORANGE COLOR. Red lead and yellow ochre. VIOLET COLOR. Vermilion, or red lead, mixed with black or blue, and a small portion of white. Vermilion is far preferable to red lead in mixing this color. PUR- PLE. Dark-red mixed with violet color. CARNATION. Lake and white. GOLD COLOR. Massicot, or Naples yellow, with a small quantity of realgar, and a very little Spanish white. OLIVE COLOR may be obtained by black and a little blue, mixed with yellow. Yellow-pink, with a little verdigris and lamp- a small quantity of white will produce an olive color. For distem- per, indigo and yellow-pink mixed with white lead or Spanish white must be used. " If veined it must be done with umber. LEAD COLOR. Indigo and white. CHfc:sTNur COLOR. Red ochre and black, for a dark chestnut. To make it lighter, employ a mixture of yellow ochre. LIGHT TIMBER COLOR. Spruce ochre, white, and a little umber. FLESH COLOR. Lake, white lead, and a little ver- milion. LIGHT WILLOW GREEN. White mixed with verdigris. GRASS GREEN. Yellow-pink mixed with verdigris. STONE COLOR. White, with a little spruce ochre. DARK LEAD COLOR. Black and white, with a little indigo. FAWN COLOR. White lead, stone ochre, with a little vermilion. CHOCOLATE COLOR. Lamp-black and Spanish brown. On account of the fatness of lamp-black, mix some litharge and red lead. PORTLAND STONE COLOR. Umber, yellow ochre, and white lead. Dyes for Veneers. A FINE BLACK. Put 6 Ibs. of logwood chips into your copper, with as many veneers as it will hold without pressing too tight;- fill it with water, let it boil slowly for about ;> hours, then add H ID. of powdered verdiyri*, % Ib. copperas, bruised mill-nuts, 4o/..; fill the copper up with vinegar, as the water evaporates; let it boil gently two hours each day till the wood is dyed through. A FLNE BLUE. Put oil of vitrol, 1 Ib., and 4 oz. of 206 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. the best powdered indigo, in a glass bottle. Set it in a glazed earthen pan. as it will term 'lit. Now put your veneers into a cop- per or stone trough; fill it rather more than one-third with wat'-r, and add as much of the vitriol ami indigo (stirring it about) as will make line blue, testing it with a piece of whit.- paper or wood. Let the veneers remain till the dye has struck through. Keep the solu- tion of indigo a few weeks before using it; this improves the color. FINK YKLI.OW. Reduce 4 Ibs. of the root of barberry to dust by sawing, which put in a copper or brass trough; add turmeric, 4 oz.; wat-r', 4 gals.; then put in as many white holly veneers as the liquor will cover. Boil them together for three hours, often turn- ing them. When cool, add aquafortis, 2 {>/.., and the dye will strike through much sooner. BRIGHT CJKKKN. 1'roceed as in the pre- vious receipt to produce a yellow; but, instead of aquafortis, add as much of the vitriolated indigo O/e above, under blue dye) as will produce the desired color. BRIGHT RED. Brazil dust, 2 Ibs.; add water, 4 gal.s. Put in as many veneers as the liquid will cover: boil them for 3 hours, then add alum, 2 ox..; aquafortis, 2 oz.; and ket-p it hike-warm until it has struck through. PURPLE. To 2 Ibs. of chip logwood and % Ib. Brazil dust, add 4 gals, of water; and after putting in your veneers, boil for :5 hours; then add pearlash, <5 oz., and alum, 2 oz.; let them boil for 2 or 3 hours every day till the color has struck through. ORANGE. Take the veneers out of the above yellow dye, and while still wet and saturated, transfer them to the bright red dye till the color penetrates throughout. Gilders' Pickle. Alum and common salt, each 1 oz.; nitre, 2 oz.; dissolved in water, % pt. Used to impart a rich yellow color to gold surfaces. It is best used largely diluted with water. To Silver Ivory. Pound a small piece of nitrate of silver in a mortar, add soft water to it, mix them well together, and keep in a phial for use. When you wish to silver any article, immerse it in this solution, let it remain till it turns of a deep yellow; then place it in clear water, and expose it to the rays of the sun. If you wish to depicture a figure, name, or cipher, on your ivory, dip a camel's hair pencil in the solution, and draw the subject on the ivory. After it has turned a deep yellow, wash it welLwith water, and place it in the sunshine, occasionally wetting it with pure water. In a short time it will turn of a deep black color, which, if well rubbed, will change to a brilliant silver. To Improve the Color of Stains.. Xitric acid, 1 oz.; muriatic, ]4 teaspoouful; grain tin, } oz.; rain water, '2 ox.. Mix it at least 2 days before using, and keep your bottle well corked. Strong Glue for Inlaying or Veneering. Select the best light brown glue, tree from clouds and streaks. Dissolve this in water, and to every pint add % a gill of the best vinegar and % oz. of isiuglass. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 207 Compound Iron Paint. Finely pulverized iron filings, 1 part; brick dust, 1 part; and allies, l part. Pour over them glue- water or tin- whole, near the lire, and, when warm, stir them well to^etli.T. With this paint cover all the wood-work which may he in danger; \vhn dry, give a second coat, and the wood will be ren- dered incombustible. Beat "Wash for Barns and Houses. "Water lime, 1 peck; freshly slacked lime, 1 peck; yellow ochre in powder, 4 Ibs. ; burnt umiMT, 4, Ibs. To be dissolved in hot water, and applied with a brush. Durable Outside Paint. Take 2 parts (In bulk) of water lime, ground tine: 1 part (in bulk) of white lead, in oil. Mix them thoroughly, by adding /<>! boiled linseed oil, enough to pre- pare it to pass through a paint mill; alter which, temper with oil till it can be applied with a common paint brush. Make any color to suit It will last 3 times as long as lead paint IT is so* rtauoK. Farmers' Paint. Farmers will find the following profitable for house or fence paint: skim milk, 2 quarts; fresh slacked lime, 8 oz.; linseed oil, 6 oz., white Burgundy pitch, 2 oz.; Spanish white, three pounds. The lime is to be slacked in water, exposed to the air, and then mixed with about one-fourth of the milk; the oil in which (lie pitch is dissolved to be added, a little at a time; then the rest of the milk, and afterwards the Spanish white. Thi is suffi- cient for 27 yards, 2 coats. This is for white paint If desirable, any other color may be produced; thus, if a cream color is desired, in place of part of the Spanish white, use the ochre alone. Painting in Milk. Skimmed milk, \$ gallon; newly slacked lime, 6 oz.; and 4 oz. of poppy, linseed, or nut oil; and 5 Ibs. Spanish white. Put the lime into an earthen vessel or clean bucket: and, having poured on it a sufficient quantity of milk to make it about the thickness of cream, add the oil in small quantities, a little at a time, stirring the mixture well. Then put in the rest of the milk, afterward the Spanish white finely powdered, or any other desired color. For out-door work add 2 oz. each more of od and slacked lime, and 2 oz. of Burgundy pitch dissolved in the oil by a gentle heat Premium Paint, Without Oil or Lead. ;Slack stone lime with boiling water in a tub or barrel to keep in the steam; then pass G quarts through a fine sieve. Now to this quantity add 1 quart of coarse salt, and 1 gallon of water; boil the mixture, and skim it clear. To every 5 gallons of tMs skimmed mixture, add 1 Ib. alum; ^ Ib. copperas; and by slow decrees % Ib. potash, and 4 quarts sifted ashes or line sand; add any coloring desired. A more durable paint was never made. Green Paint for Garden Stands, Blinds, Etc. Take mineral 14 208 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. green, and whit*- lead ground in turpentine; mix up the quantity you wish \vitli a small quantity of turpentine varnish. This serves lor tin' liist coat. For the second, put as much varnish in your mixture as will produce a good gloss. If you desire a brighter given, add a little Prussian blue, which will improve the color. Milk Paint for Barns. ANY COLOR. Mix water lime with skim-milk, to a proper consistence to apply with a brush, and it is ready to use. It will adhere, well to wood, whether smooth or rough, to brick, mortar, or stone, where oil has not been n-ed (in which ca^e it cleaves to some extent,) and forms a very hard sub- stance, as durable as the best oil paint. It is too cheap to estimate, and any one can put it on who can use a brush. Any color may l>e given to it, by using colors of the tinge de>ired. li a red is pre- ferred, mix Venetian-red with milk, not using any lime. It looks well for fifteen years. Paint. To MAKE WITHOUT LEAD OR OIL. Whiting, 5 Ibs.; skimmed milk, _' qts. ; iivsh .slacked lime, _' o/.. Put the lime into a stone- ware vessel, pour upon it a sufficient quantity of the milk to make a mixture resembling en-am; the balance of the milk is then to be added; and lastly, the whiting is to be crumbled upon the surface of the fluid, in which it gradually sinks. At this period, it must be well stirred in, or ground as you would other paint, and it is fit for use. Substitute for "White Lead. TTard cako stoarlne, 100 Ibs.; bleached resin, !Kt Ibs.; fine, potato starch, '2.~> Ibs. Melt and mix well. Then add mucilage, 20 Ibs.; stir well, till nearly cool; then put away for use. Paints, Different Sorts. BLUE. Blue-black, 25 Ibs. ; whiting, 100 Ibs.; road dust, silted, 200 Ibs.; lime-water, 12 gallons. Facti- tious linseed oil to grind. WHITE PAT-NT. Whiting, .wo Ibs.; white-load, 400 Ibs.; lime- water, 20 gallons Factitious linseed-oil to grind. BLACK PAINT. Ivory or lamp-Mark, 100 Ibs.; road-dust, sifted, 200 Ibs. ; liine-water, 18 gallons. Oil to grind. BROWN PAINT. Venetian red, or Spanish brown, 1 cwt.; rond- dust, 3 cwt. ; common soot, 28 Ibs.; lime-water, 15 Ibs. Factitious linseed oil to grind. PARTS OREEN. Take unslacked lime of the best quality, slack it with hot water; then take the finest part of the powder, and add alum-water as strong as it can bo made, sufficient to form a thick paste; then color it with bi-chromate of potash and sulphate of copper until the color suits your fancy, and dry it for use. N. B. The sulphate of copper gives a blue tmgBj the" bi-chromate of pot- ash, a yellow. Observe this, and you will get it right Beautiful Green Paint for Walls. Take 4 Ibs. Roman vit- riol, and pour on it a tea-kettle full of boiling water. When dis- solved, add 2 Ibs. p'-arlash, and stir the mixture well with a stick until the effervescence ceases; then add X H>. pulverized yellow RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 209 arsenic, and stir the whole together. Lay it on with a paint-brush; and, if the wall has not been painted before, two, or even three coats will h- requisite. If a pea jjreen is required, put in less; if an apple tin-en, more of the yellow arsenic. This paint does not cost tlu' quarter of oil-paint, and looks better. Blue Color for Ceilings, &c. Boil slowly for 3 hours 1 Ib. Mm- vitriol and X Ib. of tne best whiting in about 3 qts. water; stir it frequently while boiling, and also on taking it off the fire. When it lias >t(Kvl till quite cold, pour off the blue liquid, then \u\\ the cake of color with good size, and use it with a plasterer's brush in the same manner as whitewash, either for walls or ceil- ings. To Harden Whitewash. With % a pail of common white- wash add ]4 pint of flour. Pour on boiling water in a sufficient quantity to thicken it. Then add 6 gab. of the lime and water, and stir well. Whitewash that will not mb off. Mix up half a pailful of lime and water, ready to put on the wall; then take }^ pt. of flour, mix it up with water, then pour on it the boiling water, a sufficient quantity to thicken it ; then pour it while hot into the whitewash, stir all well together, and it is ready for use. Whitewash. The best method of making a whitewash for outside exposure is to slack half a bushel of lime in a barrel, add one pound of common salt, half a pound of the sulphate of zinc, and a gallon of sweet milk. Substitute for Plaster of Paris. Best whitening, 2 Ibs.; glue, 1 Ib. ; linseed oil, 1 Ib. Ileat all together, and stir thoroughly. Let the compound cool, and then lay it on a stone covered with powdered whitening, and heat it well till it becomes of a tough and firm consistence;then put it by for use, covering with wet cloths to keep it fresh. When wanted for use, it must be cut in pieces adapted to the size of the mould, into which it is forced by a screw press. The ornament may be fixed to the wall, picture-frame, &<., with glue or white lead. It becomes in time as hard as stone itself. Glne. Powdered chalk added to common glue strengthens it. A glue which will resist the action of water is made by boiling 1 Ib. of glue in 2 qts of skimuied milk. Cheap Waterproof Glue. Molt common glue with the small- est possible quantity of water; add, by degrees, linseed oil, ren- dered drying by boiling it with litharge'. While the oil is added, the ingredients must be well stirred, to incorporate them thor- oughly. Fire and Waterproof Glue. Mix a handful of quick-lime with 4 oz. of Unseed oil: thoroughly lixiviate the mixture: boil it to a good thickness, and spread it on tin plates in the shade; it will lie- come very hard, but can be dissolved over a fire, like common glue, aiul is then fit for use. Prepared Liquid Glue. Take of best white glue, 16 oz.; 210 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. white-lead, dry, 4 oz.; rain-water, 2 pts.; alcohol, 4 oz. With constant stirring, dissolve the glue and lead in the water, l.y means of a water-bath. Add the alcoliol, and continue tin- heat for a few minutes. Lastly, pour into bottles, while it is still hot. Prussian Blue. Take nitric acid, any quantity, and as much iron shavings from the lathe as the acfd will dissolve; heat the iron as hot as it can he handled with the hand: then add to it the acid in small quantities as lone; as the acid will dissolve it; then slowly add double the quantity of soft water that there was of acid, and put in iron again as long as the acid will dissolve it. 2. Take prussiate of potash, dissolve it in hot water to make a strong solution, and make sufficient of it with the first to give the depth of tint desired, and the blue is made. Or, Another Method. A very passable Prussian blue is made by taking sulphate of iron (copperas) and prussiate of potash, equal parts of each; and dissolving each separately in water, then mixing the two waters. Chrome Yellow . 1. Take sugar of lead and Paris white, of each 5 Ibs. ; dissolve them in hot water. 1!. Take hi-chromate of potash, 6% oz., and dissolve it in hot water al>o; each article to be dissolved separately; then mix all together, putting in the bi-chro- mate last. Let staud twenty-four hours. Chrome Green. Take Paris white, r>r< Ibs.; sugar of lead, and blue vitriol, of each, 3% Ibs. ; alum, 10'- oz. ; best >olt Prussian blue and chrome yellow, of each, 3'^ Ibs. Mix thoroughly while in fine powder, and add water, 1 gallon, stirring well and let stand three or four hours. Green, Durable and Cheap. Take spruce yellow, and color it with a solution of chrome yellow and Prussian blue, until you give it the shade you wish. Another Method. Blue vitriol, 5 Ibs.; sugar of lead 6^ Ibs.; arsenic, 2% Ibs.; bi-chromate of potash, 1% oz. ; mix them thor- oughly in fine powder, and add water 3 parts, mixing well again, and let stand three or four hours. Pea Brown. 1. Take sulphate of copper any quantity, and dissolve it in hot water. 2. Take prussiate of potash, dissolve it in hot water to make a strong solution; mix of the two solutions, as in the blue, and the color is made. Rose Pink. Brazil wood, 1 lb., and boil It for two hours, having 1 gallon of water at the end; then strain it. and lx.il alum, 1 lb., in the same water until dissolved; when sufficiently cool to admit the hand, add muriate of tin, % oz. Now have Paris white, 12% Ibs.; moisten up to a salvy consistence, and when the first is cool stir them thoroughly together. Let stand twenty- four hours. Patent Yellow. Common salt, 100 Ibs. and litharge, 400 Ibs., are ground together with water, and kept for some time in a gentle heat, water being added to supply the loss hv evaporation; the carbonate of soda is then washed out with more water, and the white residuum heated till it acquires a fine yellow color RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 211 Naples Yellow. No. 1. Metallic antimony, 12 Ibs.; red lead, P Hi-;. : oxide of xine, 4 Ibs. Mix; calcine, triturate well together, :unl t use in a crucible: the fused mass must be ground and elutriated to a fine powder. Cheap Yellow Paint. Wuitincr, 3 cwt.; ochre, 2 cwt.; ground white lead, -'5 Ibs. Factitious linseed oil to grind. Stone Color Paint. T^ond dust, 2 cwt.; ground white lead, ^ cwt,; whiiinu', 1 <-wt.; ground umber, 14 Ibs.; lime water, 6 gals. Factitious linseed oil to grind. Glazier's Putty. Whiting, 70 Ibs.; boiled ofl, 30 Ibs.; water, 2 yuls. Mix; if too thin, add more whiting; if too thick, add more oiL Fish Oil Faints. Dissolve whit* vitriol and litharge, of each 14 Ibs., in vinegar, 32 gals.; add whale, seal, or cod oil, 1 tun, and boil to dryness, continually stirring during the ebullition. The next day, decant the clear portion; add linseed oil, 12 gals., oil of turpentine, 3 gals., mix well together. The sediment left is well agitated with half its quantity of lime water, used for some inferior paints under the name of "prepared residue, oft." This oil is used for various common purposes, as a substitute for linseed oil, of which the following paints are examples: 1. PALE GREEN. Lime water, 6 gals; whiting and road dust, of each, 1 cwt.; blue-black, 30 Ibs.; yellow ochre, 28 Ibs.; wet blue (previously ground in pr>*pard residue, oil,) 20 Ibs.; grind well to- gether. For use, thin with equal parts of prepared residue oil and linseed oil. 2. BRIGHT GREET*. Yellow ochre and wot bine, of each, 1 cwt. : road dust, 1H cwt.; bine-black, 10 Ibs.; limewater, 6 gals.; prepared fish oil, 4 gals.; prepared residue and linseed oils, of each, 7% gals. 3. LEAD COLOR. Whiting, 1 cwt. ; blue-black, 7 Ibs. ; white lead, (ground in oil,) 28 Ibs ; road dust, 56 Ibs.; lime water, 5 gals.; pre- pared residue oil, 2V gals. 4. REDDTSH Bnows. Lime water, 8 gals.; Spanish brown, 1 cwt.; road dust, 2 cwt.; prepared fish, prepared residue and linseed oils, of each, 4 gals. 5. YELLOW. Substitute ochre for Spanish brown in the last re- ceipt. f>. BLACK. Substitute lamp or blue-black for Spanish brown in No. 4. 7. STOXE COLOR. Lime water, 4 gals.; whiting, 1 cwt.; white lead (ground in oil), L'Hlbs.: mul dttK, 56 Ibs.; prepared fish, lin- seed, and prepared residue oils, of each, 3 gals. 8. CHOCOLATE. Nos. 4 and 6 mixed together so as to form a chocolate color. REMARKS. All the above paints require a little ''driers." They are well fitted, by their cheapness, hardness, and durability, for common out-door work. Porcelain Finish, very Hard and White for Parlors. To prepare the wootl for finish, if it be pine, give one or two coats of the " Varnish Transparent for Wood," which prevents the pitch 212 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL, PURPOSES. from oozing out, causing the finish to turn yellow; next, Rive the room at least four coats of pure zinc, which may t>c (pound in only sufficient oil to enable it to grind properly; then mix to a proper consistence with turpentine or naphtha. Give each coat tune to dry. When it is dry ami hard, sandpaper it to a perfectly smooth surface, when it is ready to receive the finish, whi.-h oonaMfl <>t t\\> coats of French zinc ground in, and thinned with Demar varnish, until it works properly under the brush. Japan Drier, BEST QUALITY. Take linseed oil, 1 gallon; put into it gum shellac, % 11).: litharge and burned Turkey umber, -a h ]4 lb.; red lead, ', 11).; sugar of lead, i\ oz. Boil in the oil till nil are dissolved, which will require about four hours; remove from the fire, and stir in spirits turpentine 1 gallon, and it is done. Another. Linseed oil, 5 gallons; add red lead and litharge, each 3% Ibs.; raw umber, l'< Ibs.; .sugar of lead and sulphate of /inc, each % lb.; pulverize all the articles together, and boil in the oil till dissolved; when a little cool, thin with turpentine, 5 gallons. Drying Oil Equal to Patent Driers at One Quarter their Price. Linseed oil, 2 gallons; red lead ami umber, each. 4 o/..; sul- phate of zin , 2 oz.; sn^ir of lead, 2 oz. Boil until it will scorch a leather, when it is ready for use. Prepared Oil for Carriages, &c. To 1 gallon linseed oil add 2 Ibs. gum shellac; litharge, }4 lb.; red lead, ' ; ' lb.; umber. 1 oz. Boil slowly as usual until the gums are dissolved; grind your paints in this (any color,) and reduce with turpentine. Yellow ochre is used in BOOT painting. Drying Oils. 1. Xut or linseed oil, 1 gal.; litharge, 12 oz; sugar of lead and white vitriol, of each 1 oz.; simmer and skim until a pellicle forms; cool, and, when settled, decant the clear. 2. Oil, 1 gal.; litharge, 12 to 16 oz.; as last. 3. Old nut or linseed oil, 1 pint; litharge, 3 oz. Mix; agitate occasionally for 10 days; then decant the clear. 4. Nut oil and water, of each 2 Ibs.; white vitriol, 2 oz.; boil to dryness. 5. Mix oil with powdered snow or ice, and keep it for 2 months without thawing. To reduce Oil Paint with "Water. Take 8 Ibs. of pure nn- slacked lime, add 12 qts. water, stir it ami let it settle, turn it off gently and bottle it, keep it corked till used. This will mix with oil, and in proportion of half will render paint more durable. Oil Paint. To REDUCE WITH WATER. Gum shellac, 1 lb.; sal- soda, K I'M water, 3 parts; boil all together in a kettle, stirring till dissolved. If it does not all dissolve, add a little more sal-sola; when cool, bottle for use; mix up 2 quarts of oil paint as usual, any color desired, using no turpentine; put 1 pint of the gum shellac mixture with the oil paint when it becomes thick; it can then be reduced with water to a proper thickness to lay on with a brush. Another Method. Soft water, 1 gallon; dissolve it in penrlash, 3oz.; bring to a boil, and slowly add shellac, l lb.; when cold it i3 ready to be added to oil paint iu equal proportions. How to build Gravel Houses. This is the best building mate- rial in the world. It is four times cheaper than wood, six times RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 213 cheaper than stone, and superior to either. Proportions for mix- ing: To ei.u'lit barrows of slacked lime, well deluged with water, aild 1.1 barrows <>i sand; mix these to a creamy consistency, then add 60 barrows of coarse gravel, which must be worked well and completely; you can then throw stones into this mixture, of any shape or size, up to ten inches in diameter. Form moulds for the walls of the house by fixing boards horizontally against upright standards which must be immovably braced so that they will not yield to tin- immense pressure outwards as the material settles; set MM standards in pairs around the building where the walls are to stand, from six to eight feet apart, and so wide that the inner space shall form the thickness of the wall, Into the moulds thus formed throw in the concrete material a,s fast as you choose, and the more promiscuously the better. In a short time the gravel will get as hard as the solid rock. Flexible Paint for Canvas. Yellow soap, 2^ Ibs., boiling water, 1 1 4 gals., dissolve; grind the solution while hot with good oil paint, \\/i cwt. Use for canvas. Painter's Cream. Pale nut oil, fl or., mastic, 1 or.., dissolve; add of sugar of lead, ^ oz., previously ground in the least possible ouantity of oil, then add of water q. *., gradually, until it acquires the consistency of cream, working it well all the time. Used to cover the unfinished work of painters. It will wash off with water. Mastic Cement for Covering the Fronts of Houses. Fifty parts, by measure, of clean dry sand, fifty of limestone (not burned) reduced to grains like sand, or marble dust, and ten parts of red lead, mixed with as much boiled linseed oil as will make it slightly moist. The bricks to receive it should be covered with three coats of boiled oil, laid on with a brush, and suffered to dry before the mastic is put on. It is laid on with a trowel like plaster, but it is not so moit. It becomes hard as stone in a few months. Care must be exercised not to use too much oil. Cement for Outside of Brick "Walls. Cement for the outside of brick walls, to imitate stone, is made of clean sand, 90 parts; litharge, 5 parts; plaster of Piiris, 5 parts; moistened with boiled linseed oil. The bricks should receive two or three coats of oil before the cement is applied. Cement for Tile Roofs. Equal parts of whiting and dry sand, and 25 per cent, of litharge, made into the consistency of putty with linseed oil. It is not liable to crack when cold, nor melt, like coal-tar and asphalt, with the heat of the sun. Excellent Cheap Roofing. SHTTOLES SUPERSEDED. Have your roof stiff, rafters made of stuff 11$ by 8 inches, well supported and 6 feet apart, with ribs 1 inch by 2 inches, set edgeways, well na'led to the, rafters, about 18 inches apart. The boards may be thin, but must be well seasoned, and nailed close together; this done, lay down and cover the roof with thin, soft, spongy straw paper used in making paper-boxes, which comes in rolls, and comes 214 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. rery low. Lay in course up and down the roof, and lap over, nail- teg doWQ with common No. 6 tacks, \vitli leather under the In ads like carpet-tacks. Then spread on several coatings (if the following composition, previously boiled, stirred, and mixed together: BOM clean tar, s gals. ; h'omau eemeiit, L' gals, (or in its place very line, clean sand maybe used;) resin, .". Ibs.; tallow, .'( HIS.; apply ho't; anil let a hand follow, and shift on sharp grit sand, praMmgn into the tar composition. If wished fire-proof, go over the above with the following preparation: Slake stone lime under cover with hot water till it falls into a line powder; sift and mix 6 qts. of this with 1 <|t. salt, add 2 gals, water, boil and skim. To 5 gals, of this .add 1 lb. alum, and 1>$ Ibs. of copperas, and slowly, while boiling, 1% Ibs. pota-h, and 4 qts. of clean, sharp sand, and any coloring desired. Apply a thick coat with a brush, and you may nave a roof which no lire can injure from the outside. "Water Lime at Fifty Cents per Barrel. Fine, clean sand, 100 Ibs.; quick lime in powder, 28 IDS.; bone-ashes, 14 Ibs.; for use, beat up with water, and use as quick as possible. To Render "Wood Indestructible. Tionnrxs's PROCFP? This seems to be a process of inestimable value, and destined to produce very important results. The apparatus used e.nsi^t> of a retort or still, which can be made of any size or form, in which resin, coal tar, or other oleaginous substances, together with water, are placed in order to subject them to the action of heat. Fire being applied beneath the retort containing the coal tar, &c., oleagi- nous vapor commences to ris--. and pass out through a connecting pipe into a large iron tank or chamber (which can also be built of any si/.e), containing the timber, &c., to be operated upon. The heat acts at once on the wood, causing the sap to flow from every pore, which, rising in the form of steam, condenses on the body of the chamber, and discharges through an escape pipe in the lower part. In this process a temperature of I'll' to 2BOFahr. Is sufficient to remove th- surface moisture from the wood; but after this the temperature should be raised to 300 or more, in order to completely saturate and permeate the body of the wood with the antiseptic vapors and heavier products of the distillation. The hot vapor coaiuhites the albumen of the wood, and opens the pores, so that a large portion of the oily product or creosote is admitted; the contraction resulting from the cooling process hermetically seals them, and decay seems to be almost impossible. There is a man bole in the retort, used to change or clean out the contents; and the wood chamber is furnished with doors made perfectly tight. The whole op >ration is completed in less than one hour, rendering the wood proof against rot, parasites, and the attacks of the Tcralo tutntis or naval worm. Cement for Seams In Roofs.-Take equal quantities of white lead and white sand, and as much oil as will make it into the consistence of putty. It will in a few weeks become as hard a3 stone. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 215 Roman Cement. Drift sand, 84 parts; unslacked lime, liMbs.; anil 4 HH. of the poorest cheese grated; mix well; add hot (not boil- ing) water to reduce to a proper consistence for plastering. Work well and quick with a thin, smooth coat. Smalt ftoast cobalt ore to drive off the arsenic; make the resiilmiiu into a paste with oil of vitriol, and heat it to redness for sin hour; powder, dissolve in water, and precipitate the oxide of in.ii by carlMHiate of potash, gradually added until a rose-colored ponder begins to fall; then decant the clear, and precipitate by a solution of silicate of potash prepared by fusing together for a hours a mixture of 10 parts of potash, 15 parts of finely ground flints, and 1 part charcoal. The precipitate, when dry, may be fused and powdered very fine. Fictitious Linseed Oil. Fish or vegetable oil, 100 gallons; acetate of lead, 7 Ibs.: litharge, 7 Ibs.; dissolved in vinegar, 2 gal- lons. Well mixed with heat, then add boiled oil, 7 gallons; turpen- tine, 1 gallon. Again well mix. Varnishes. COMMON On, VARNISH. Resin, 4 Ibs.; beeswax, U lb.; boiled oil, 1 gallon; mix with heat; then add spirits turpen- tine, 2 quarts. MABTIC VARNISH. Mastic, 1 lb.; white wax, 1 oz.; spirits tur- pentine, 1 gallon; reduce the gums small; then digest it with heat In a close vessel till dissolved. TURPENTINE VARNISH. Resin, 1 lb. ; boiled oil, 1 lb. ; melt; then add turpentine, 2 Ibs. Mix well. PALE VARNISH. Pale African copal , 1 part; fuse. Then add hot pale oil, 2 parts. Boil the mixture till it is stringy; then cool a little, aud add spirits turpentine, 3 parts. LACQUFR VARNISH. A good lacquer Is made by coloring lacquer varnish with turmeric and annotto. Add as much of these two coloring substances to the varnish as will give it the proper color; then squeeze the varnish through a cotton cloth, when it forma lacquer. Deep Gold-Colored Lacquer. Seed lac, three ounces; tur- meric, one ounce; dragon's blood, one-fourth ounce; alcohol, one pint; digest for a week, frequently shaking; decant, and filter. Lacquers are used upon polished metals and wood to Impart the appearance of gold. If yellow is required, use turmeric, aloes, saf- fron, or gamlioge; for red, use annotto, or dragon's blood, to color. Turmeric, gamboge, and dragon's blood generally afford a sufficient range of colors. Gold Varnish. Digest shellac, sixteen parts gum sandarach mastic, of each three patts; crocus, one part; gum gamboge, two parts; all bruised, with alcohol, one hundred and forty-four parts. Or, digest seedlac, sandarach, mastic, of each eight parts; gam- boge, two parts; dragon's blood, one part; white turpentine, six puts; turmeric, four parts; bruised with alcohol, one hundred and twenty parts. 216 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Gold Lacquer. Put into a clean four-gallon tin 1 pound of ground turmeric, l l < <>/.s. of gamboge, 3J^ Ibs. of powd< r d um:i snndaraeh, *{ of a II). of shellac, ami two gaOOM of spirit- < "When shaken, di- -nlved, and strained, add 1 pint of turpentine varnish, well mixed. Polish for Turner's Work. Dissolve sardarneh, 1 oz., in spirits of wine, % pt. ; next shave bee-wax, 1 <>/. ; and dissolve it in a sufficient quantity of sj>irits turpentine to DUUEeH into a paste; add the former mixture ly degrees to it. then with a woolen cloth apply it to the work while 'it is*m motion in the lathe, and with a soft linen rag polish it. It will appear as if highly varnished. Varnish for Tools. Take tallow, 2 oz.; rosin, 1 07., and molt together. Strain while hot to get rid of specks which are in the, resin; apply a slight coat on your tools with a brush, and it will keep off rust for any length of time. Gold Varnish. Turmeric, 1 dram; gambogo, i dram; tur- pentine, 2 pints; shellac, .-> oz.; sandaraeh. ."> <>/..; dragon's Mood, 8 drams; thin mastic varnish, u 07..; digest with occasional agitation for 14 days; then set it aside to fine, aud pour off the clear. Book-Binder's Varnish. Shellac, eight parts; gum bon- zoin, 3 parts; gum mastic, two parts; bruise, ami digest in alco- hol, 48 parts; oil of lavender, % part. Or, digest ^i--;l.ie, 4 parts; gum mastic, '_' parts; gum dammer and white turpentine, of each 1 part; with alcohol (93 per cent.), 28 parts. Beautiful Pale Amber Varnish. Amber, pale and trans- parent, 6 Ibs.; fuse; add hot clarified linseed oil, -.'gals.: boil till it strings strongly, cool a little, and add oil of turpentine, I gals. This soon becomes very hard, and is the most durable of oil varnishes. When wanted to' dry quicker, drying oil may be substituted for linseed, or '"driers" may be added during the cooling. Black Coach- Varnish. Ambor, 1 lb.; fuse; add hot drying oil, % pt.; powdered black resin and Naples asphaltum, of each "> o?.. W hen properly incorporated and considerably cooled, add oil of turpentine, 1 pt. Body Varnish. Finest African copal, R Ibs.: fuso carefully; add clarified oil, 2 gals.; boil gently for 4% hours, or until quite stringy: cool a little, and thin with oil of turpentine, 3> gals. Drica slowly. Carriage Varnish. Sandnrnch, 19 oz.; pale shollao, 9V oz.; very pale transparent resin, viy^ oz.; turpentine. IK 07..; ." per cent, alcohol, "> pts.; dissolve. Used for the internal parts of car- riages, &c. Dries in ten minutes. Cabinet-Maker's Varnish. Very pale shellac. 5 Ibs.; ma^tlo. 7 oz. ; alcohol, 90 per cent, 5 or (J pts. ; dissolve in the cold with frequent stirring. Used for French polishing, &c. Japanner's Copal Varnish. Pale African copal, 1 Ibs; fuse; RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 217 add clarified linseed oil, K pal.; boil five minutes, remove it into tli- o|Kn air: adit boiling oil of turjtentine, 3 gals.; mix well, strain it into the cistern, and cover it up immediately. Used to varnish furniture, and by japanners, coachmakers, &c. Copal Varnish. Pale, hard copal, 8 Ibs.; add hot and pale drying oil, -' gals.; l>oil till it strings strongly, cool a little, and thin \\ilh hot r.M-tiiifii oil of turpentine, 3 gals.; and strain immediately Into the store can. Very fine. Gold Varnish of Watin, for Gilded Articles. Gumlac in grains, gamlMigr. dragon's blood, and annotto, of each 12J$ oz.; saffron, 3'4 oz. Each resin must be dissolved separately in 5 pts. of 90 per cent, alcohol, and two separate tinctures must be made with the dragon's blood and annotto in a like quantity of spirit; and a proper proportion of each mixed together to produce the re- quired shade. Varnish for Plaster Casts. White soap and white wax, each ]4 oz. ; water, 2 pts. ; boil together in a clean vessel for a short time. This varnish is to be applied when cold with a soft brush. Transparent Varnish for Ploughs, &c. Best alcohol, 1 gal.; gum sandaraeh, 2 Ibs.; gum mastic, '; lb.; place all in a tin can which admits of being corked; cork tight, shake it frequently, occasionally placing the can in hot water. When dissolved, it is ready for use. Fine Black Varnish for Coaches. Melt In an iron pot, amber, 32 o/.,; resin, 6 oz.; asphaltum, 6 oz.; drying linseed oil, 1 pt. ; when partly cooled, add oil of turpentine, warmed, 1 pint Mordant Varnish. Dissolve 1 oz. mastic, 1 oz. sandarach, 14 oz. gum gamboge, and > 4 ' oz. turpentine in 6 oz. spirits turpen- tine. One of th- siuij-!e>t mordants is that procured by dissolving a little honey in thick glue. It has the effect of greatly heighten- ing the color of the gold, and the leaf sticks extremely well. Changing Varnish. To IMITATE GOLD OR SILVER, Ac. Put 4 oz. best gum gamboge into 32 oz. spirits of turpentine; 4 oz. dragon's blood into 32 oz. spirits turpentine, and 1 oz. of annotto into 8 oz. spirits turpentine. Make the 3 three mixtures indiffer- ent vessels. Keep them in a warm place, exposed to the sun as much as possible, tor about 2 weeks, when they will be fit for use. Add together such quantities of each liquor as the nature of the color you are desirous of obtaining will point out. Varnish, Transparent, for "Wood. Best alcohol, 1 gal.; nice gum shell, 2X ibs. Place the jug or bottle in a situation to keep it just a little warm, and it will dissolve quicker than if hot, or left cold. Patent Varnish for "Wood or Canvas. Take spirits of turpentine, Igal.; asphaltum, 2>^lbs. ; put them into an iron kettle which will fit upon a stove, and dissolve the gum by heat. When dissolved and a little cool, add copal varnish, 1 pt.; and boiled lin- seed oil, 1 pt.; when cold it is ready for use. Perhaps a little lamp- black would make it a more perfect black. 218 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Beautiful Varnish for Violins, &c. Rectified spirits of wine, 4 pal.; add t> o/.. mini sandarach, 3 oz. gum mastic, and % pint turpentine varnish; put. the above in a tin can by tin- BtoVCy frequently shaking till well dissolved; strain, and keep for use. ]| you find it harder than you wish, thin with more turpentine- varnish. Crimson Satin for Musical Instruments. Ground Brazil wood, 1 lb.; water, 3 (marts; cochineal, % ounce; boil the Brazil with the water for an hour, strain, add the cochineal, boil gently for half an hour, when it will be fit for use. If you wish a gcarlet tint, l)oil an ounce of saffron in a quart of water, and pass over the work before you stain it. urple Satin. Chipped logwood, 1 lb.; water, 3 quarts; pearl- ash, 4 ounces; powdered indigo, 2 ounces. 15oil the logwood j n the water half an hour, add the pearl-ash and indigo, and when dis- solved you will have a beautiful purple. Green Stain. Strong vinegar, 3 pints; best verdigris, 4 oz. ground fine; sap green, % ounce; mixed together. Black Stains for Wood. 1. Drop a little sulphuric acid into a small quantity of water; brush over the wood, and hold it to the tire; it will lie a line black, and receive a good polish. 2. For a beautiful black on wood, nothing can exceed the black Japan mentioned under Tinsmith's Department. Apply two coats; after which, varnish and polish it. 3. To 1 gallon vinegar, add a quarter of a pound of iron-rust; let it stand for a week; then add a pound of dry lamp-black, and three quarters of a pound of copperas; stir it up for a couple of days. Lay on five or six coats with a sponge, allowing it to dry between each; polish with linseed oil and a suit \\oolen rag, and it will look like ebony. Incomparable for iron work, ships' guns, shot, &c. 4. Vinegar, % gallon; dry lamp- black, % lb.; iron-rust sifted, 3 Ibs.; mix, and let stand for a week. Lay three coats rtf this on hot, and then rub with lins I oil, and you will have a fine deep black. 5. Add to the above stain nut- galls, 1 oz.; logwood chips, }^ lb.; copperas, \4 lb,; lay on three coats; oil well, and you will have a black stain that will stand any kind of weather, and is well adapted for ships' combines, &c. 6. Logwood chips, l lb.; Brazil wood, X lb.; bail for 1% hours in one gallon water. Hrusli the wood with this decoction while hot; make a decoction of nutgalls, by simmering gently, for three or tour days, a quarter of a pound of the galls in 2 quarts water; give the wood three coats, and, while wet, lay on a solution of sulphate of iron (2 oz. to a quart.) and, when dry, oil or varnish. 7. Give thn e coats with a solution of copper-filings in aquafortis, and repeatedly brush over with the logwood decoction until the greenness of the copper is destroyed. S. Boil 'J lb. logwood chips in '_' (marts water; add an ounce of pearl-ash, and apply hot with a brush. Then take 2 quarts of the logwood decoction, and % oz. of verdigris, and the same of copperas; strain, and throw in ^ lb. of iron-rust. Brush the work well with this, and oil. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 219 Rose-wood Stain, Light Shade. Equal parts of logwood and nd-WOOd chips; boil well in water sulnYicnt to make a strong stain; apply it to the furniture while hot, '2 or 3 coats, according to the depth of color desired. Rose Pink Stain and Varnish. Put 1 oz. of potash In 1 qt. water, with red sunders, P.; oz. ; extract the color from the wood, and strain; then add gum shellac, '.;, lit.-, dissolve it by a brisk tire. Used upon logwood stain for rosewood imitation. Blue Stain for Wood. 1. Dissolve copper-filings In aqua- fortis, brush the wood with it, and then go over the work with a hot solution of pearlash (2 oz. to 1 pint water) till it assumes a perfectly blue color. 2. Boil 1 Ib. of indigo, 2 Iks. wood, and 3 oz. alum, in 1 gallon water; brush well over until thoroughly stained. Imitation of Botany Bay Wood. Boil 14 Ib. of French berries (the unripe berries of the ItJuHHniu inftvtorius) in 2 quarts water till of a deep yellow, and, while boiling hot, give two or three coats to the work. If a deejwr color is desired, give a coat of logwood decoction over the yellow. When nearly dry, form the grain with No. 8 black stain, used hot; and, when dry, rust and varnish. Mahogany Color. DARK. 1. Boil % Ib. of madder and 2 oz. logwood chips in a gallon of water, and brush well over while hot; when dry, go over the whole with pearlash solution, 2 drs. to the quart. 2. Put 2 oz. dragon's blood, bruised, into a quart of oil ; of turpentine; let the bottle stand in a warm place; shake fre- quently, and, when dissolvod, steep the work in the mixture. Box "Wood Brown Stain. ITold your work to the fire, that It may receive a gentle warmth; then take aquafortis, and, with a feather, pass it over the work till you find it change to a fine brown (always keeping it near the fixe;) you may then varnish or polish it Light Brown Red. Boil ]4 Ib. madder and X Ib. fustic In 1 gnl. water; brush over the work, when boiling hot, until properly stained. 2. The surface of the work being qufce smooth, brush over with a weak solution of aquafortis, X oz. to the pint; then finish with the following: Put \% oz. dragon's blood and 1 oz. soda, both wtll bruised, to 3 pints spirits of wine; let it stand in a warm place, shake frequently, strain, and lay on with a soft brush, repeating until of a proper color. Polish with linseed oil or var- nish. Purple. Brnsh the work several times with the logwood de- coction used for No. 6 Mack; and, when dry, give a coat of pearl- ash solution, 1 drachm to a quart; lay it on evealy. Red. 1. Boil 1 Ib. Brazil wood and 1 oz. pearlash in 1 gallon water; and, while hot, brush over the work until of a proper color. Dissolve 2 oz. alum in 1 quart water, and brush the solution over the work before it dries. 2. Take a gallon of the. above stain, add 2 oz. more pearlash; use hot, and brush over with the alum solu- tion. 3. Use a cold solution of archil, and brush over with the pearlash solution used for No. 1 dark mahogany. 220 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Ebony Stain. Infuse pall-nuts in vinegar wherein you have soaked rusty nails; then rub your wood with this; lot it dry, polish and burnili. Bright Yellpw Stain. 1. Brush over with the tincture of turmeric. '2. Warm tin- work, and brush it over with weak aqua- fortis; varnish or oil as usual. 3. A very small hit of aloes put into the varnish will give a rich yellow color to the wood. Extra Black Stain for "Wood. Pour 2 qts. boiling water over 1 o/. of powdered extract of logwood, and, when the .solu- tion is effected, 1 dr. of yellow chromate of potash is added, and the whole well stirred. It is then ready for use as a wood-stain, or for writing ink. When rubbed on wood, it produces a pure black. Repeat with two, three, or four applications, till a deep black is produced, which acquires the highest beauty when polished or stained. Imitation of Mahogany. Lot the first coat of painting be white lead; the second, orange; and the last, burnt umber or sienna; imitating the veins according to your taste and practice. To Imitate Wainscot. Lot the first coat he white; the second, half white and half yellow; and the third, yellow ochre only; shadow with umber or sienna. To Imitate Satin Wood. Take white for your first coating, light blue for the second, and dark blue or dark green for the third. Rosewood Satin, very Bright Shade. FPFP COTJV Take alcohol, 1 gal.; camwood, u o/.; set them in a warm place, 24 hours; then add extract of logwood, 3 oz.; aquafortis, 1 oz.; and when dissolved it is ready for use; it makes a very bright ground, like the most beautiful rosewood; one, two, or more coats as you desire, over the whole surface. Varnish for Frames, Etc. Lav the frames over with tfn or silver foil by means of plaster of Paris, or cement of some kind, that the foil mtiy be perfectly adherent to the wood; then apply your gold lacquer varnish, which is made as follows: ground tur- meric, lib.; powdered u r aniboge, P.; ounces; powdered sandarach, 3% Ibs. ; powdered shellac, 3 ; Ib. ; spirits of wine, _' gals.; dissolve, and strain; then add turpentine varnish, 1 pt; and it is ready for use. Cherry Stain. Tain water, 3 qt^ lb.; p -arlasli, .", o/. (dissolved in water, >^ gal., and strained,) boil as last. 4. Yellow wax, It; parts resin, l part; alkanet root, 1 part; turpentine, ti parts; linseed oil, G parts. First steep the aikanet in the oil with heat, and, when well colored, pour off the clear on the other ingredients, and again heat till all are dissolved. Furniture Cream. Beeswax, 1 lb.; soap, 4 soft water, 1 gal., boil together until mixed. oz.; pearlash, 2 oz.; Furniture Oils. 1. Acetic acid, 2 dr.; oil of lavender, X dr.; rectified spirit, 1 dr.; linseed oil, 4 oz. 2. Linseed oil, 1 pt.; aikanet root, 2oz.; heat, strain and add lac varnish, 1 oz. 3. Linseed oil, 1 pt. ; rectified spirit, 2 oz.; butter of antimony, 4 oz. Mosaic Gold Powder for Bronzing. Melt 1 lb. tin in a crucible, and % lb. of purified quicksilver to it; when this is cold, it is reduced to powder, and Around, with % lb. sal-ammoniac and 7 oz. flour of sulphur, till the whole is thoroughly mixed. They are then calcined in a matrass; and the sublimation of the other in- gredients leaves the tin converted into the mosaic gold powder which is found at the bottom of the glass. Remove any black or discolored particles. The sal-ammoniac used mu>t be very white and clear, and the mercury of the utmost purity. When a "deeper red is required, grind a very small quantity of red lead with the above materials. True Gold Powder. Put some gold-leaf, with a little honey, or thick gum-water made with gum arabic, into an earthen mortar, and pound the mixture till the gold is reduced to very small parti- RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 223 rlfs; then wnh out (he honey or gum repeatedly with warm water, and the gold in powder will be left behind. When dry, it is fit for use. Dntch Gold Powder Is made from Dutch gold-leaf, which is sold in hooks at a v-ry low price. Treat in the manner described n!iu\<- fur true gold powder. When this inferior powder is used, o<>\ <: tip- eliding \vitli a coat of clear varnish, otherwise it wili soon kM. Mi bright appearance. Copper Powder Is prepared hy dissolving filing or slips of cop- per with nitrous acid in a receiver. When the acid is saturated, the slips are to be removed; or, if filings be. employed, the, solution is to be poured off from what remains undissolved. Small bars are then put in, which will precipitate the copper powder from the saturated acid; and, the liquid being poured from the powder, this is to be washed clean of the crystals by repeated waters. General Directions for Bronzing. The choice of the above powders is, of course, determined by the degree of brilliancy you wish to obtain. The powder is mixed with strong ram-water or isinglass, and laid on with a brush or pencil; and, when not so dry as to have still a certain clamminess, a piece of soft leather wrapped round the finger is dipped in the powder, and rubbed over the work. When the work has been all covered with the bronze, it must be left to dry, and any loose powder then cleared away by a hair-pencil. The Bronzing of Plaster Casts is effected hy giving them a coat of oil or size varnish, and when this is nearly dry applying with a dabber of cotton or a camel hair-pencil any of the metallic bronze powders; or the powder may be placed fn a little bag of muslin, and dusted over the surface, and afterwards finished with a wad of linen. The surface must be afterwards varnished. Bronzing Iron. The subject should be heated to a greater de- greee than the hand can bear, and German gold, mixed with a small quantity of spirit-of-wino varnish, spread over it with tho pencil; should the iron be already polished, you must heat it well, and moisten it with a linen rag dipped hi vinegar. French Burnished Gilding. EntoUage, or Kj ue coat. To a decoction of wormwood and garlic in water, strained through a cloth, a little common salt and some vinegar are added. This is mixed with as much good glue, and the mixture spread in a hot state with a brush of boar's hair. When plaster or marble is gilded, leave out the salt. The first glue-coating^ is made thinner than tho second. 2. Whits preparation consists in covering the above sur- face with 8, 10, or 12 coats of Spanish white, mixed up with strong size; each well worked on with the brush. 3. Stop up the pores with thick whiting and glue, and smooth the surface with dog-skin. 4. Polish the surface with pumice-stone and very cold water. 5. Re- touch the whole in a skilful manner. 6. Cleanxe with a damp linen rag, and then a soft sponge. 7. Rub with a horse's tail (shave-gran) 15 224 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. the parts to be yellowed, to make thorn softer. 8. Yellow with ytl- low ochre carefully ground in water, and mixed with transparent colorless size. Use the thinner part of tin- mixture with a fine brush. 9. Next rub tlie work with shave-grass to remove any granular appearance. 10. (Jold-wntar &ize consists of Armenian bole, 1 lb.; bloodstone (hematite), '-' 07..; and as much galena, each separately ground in water. Then mix all together with a spoonful of olive oil. ThU is tempered with a white sheepskin glue, clear and well strained. Heat and apply three coats with a fine long- haired brush. 11. Hub \yith a clean, dry linen cloth, except the parts to be burnished, which are to receive other two coats of the gold size, tempered with glue. 12. The surface damped with cold water ("iced in summer), has then the gold-leaf applied to it Gild the hollow ground before the more prominent parts; water being dexterously applied by a soft brush, immediately behind the gold- leaf, before laying it down; removing any excess of water with a dry brush. 13. Burnish with bloodstone. 14. Next pass a thin coat of glue, slightly warmed, over the parts that are not to be bur- nished. 15. Next moisten any broken points with a brush, and apply bits of gold-leaf to them. 16. Apply the vermeil coat very lightly over the gold-leaf with a soft brush. It gives lustre and fire to the gold, and is made as follows: annotto, 2 oz.; gamboge, 1 oz.; vermilion, 1 oz.; dragon's blood, % oz.; salt of tartar, 2 oz.; saffron, 18grs.; boil in 2 English pints of water, over a slow lire, till it is reduced to a fourth; then pass the whole through silk or muslin sieve. 17. Next pass over the dead surfa--e> a s-vond coat of deadening glue, hotter than the first This finishes the work and gives it strength. Bronzing or Gilding Wood. Pipe clay, 2 oz.; Prussian blue, patent yellow, raw umber, lampblack, of each, 1 oz.: grind separ- ately with water on a stone, and as much of them as will make a good color put into a small vessel three-fourths full of si/e. The wood, being previously cleaned and smoothed, and coated with a mixture of clean size and lampblack, receives a new coating twice successively, with the above compound, having allowed the first to dry. Afterwards the bronze powder is to be laid on with a pencil, and the whole burnished or cleaned anew, observing to re- pair the parts which may be injured by this operation; next the work must be coated over" with a thin layer of Castile soap, which will take the glare off the burnishing; and afterwards be carefully rulilied with a woolen cloth. The superfluous powder may be rubbed off when dry. Bronze Powder of a PALE GOLD color is produced from an alloy of 131^ parts of copper, and U% parts zinc, of a CRIMSON METALLIC LUSTRE from copper, of a'pofor color, copper, and a very little zinc; QUEEN bronze with a proportion of verdigris, of a fine ORANGE color, by 14^ parts copper and 1% zince; another ORANGE color, 13% parts copper and 2^ zinc. The alloy is laminated into very fine leaves with careful annealing, and these are levieated into im- palpable powders, along with a film of fine oil, to prevent oxidize- ment, and to favor the levigation. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 225 Reviver for Gilt Frames. White of eggs, 2 oz.; chloride of potash or scbla. l oz.; mix well, blow off the dust from th> frames: then go over them with a soft brush dipped in the mixture, ana tin- y will appear equal to ucw. Gliding on Wood. To gild In oil, the wood after being pro- perly smoothed, is eovered with a coat of gold riae, made of drying DMeed ed off with the cotton. This is by far the easiest mode of gild- ing: any other metallic leaves may be. applied in a similar manner. PALE LEAK GOLD has a greenish yellow color, and is an alloy of gold and silver. Dutch gold leaf is only copper leaf colored with the fumes of zinc; being much cheaper than true gold leaf, it is very useful when large quantities of gilding are required in places where it can be defended from the weather, as it changes color if exposed to moisture; and it should be covered with varnish. SIL- VER LEAF is prepared every way the same as gold leaf; but when applied should be kept well covered with varnish, otherwise it is liable to tarnish; a transparent yellow varnish will give it the ap- pearance of gold. Whenever gold is fixed by means of linseed ou. it will bear washing off, which burnished gold will not Best Color for Boot, Shoe, and Harness Edge. Alcohol. 1 pint; tincture of iron, 1H oz.; extract logwood, 1 oz.; pulverized nutgalls, 1 oz.: soft water, ',; pint; sweet oil, '.: oz. ; put this last Into the alcohol before adding the water. Nothing can exceed the beautiful finish imparted to the leather by this preparation. The only objection is the cost. Cheap Color for the Edge. Soft water, 1 gallon; extract log- wood, 1 oz. ; boil till the extract is dissolved; remove from the fire, and add copperas, 2 oz.; bi-chromate of potash and gum arable, of each, % oz.; all to be pul"erized. Superior Edge Blacking. Soft water, 5 gallons; bring to a boil, and add 8 oz. logwood extract, pulverized; boil 3 minutes, re- move from the fire, and stir in - 1 : oz. gum arable, 1 oz. bi-chromate of potash, and 80 grains prussiateof potash. For a small quantity of this, use water, 2 quarts; extract of log- wood, ft oz. ; gum arable, 96 grains: bi-chromate of potash, 48 grains; prussiate of potash, 8 grains. Boil the extract in the water 2 minutes; remove from the fire, and stir in the others; and it is ready for use. For tanners' surface blacking, which is not required to take on a high polish, the gum arabic may be omitted. Sizing for Boots and Shoes in Treeing Out. Water, 1 quart; dissolve in it by heat, isingiass, 1 oz.; adding more water 226 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. to replace loss by evaporation; when dissolved, add starch, 6 oz.; extract of lOffWOOd, beeswax, and tallow, of eaeh L' oz. Hub the starch up first by pourim,' on sullieient hoiliii-,' water for that pur- pose. It makes ixiots ami shoo soit and pliable, and gives a splen- did appearance to old stock on the shelves. Black Varnish for the Edge. Take 98 per cent, alcohol, 1 pint; shellac, 3 oz.; resin, 2 oz. ; pine turpentine, 1 oz.; lamp-black, ^ oz.; mix; and when the gums :iri . a ll cut, it is ready for use. This preparation makes a most splendid appearance when applied to hoot, shot?, or harness edge, ami is equally applicable to cloth or wood, where a gloss is required after being painted. Best Harness Varnish Extant. Alcohol, 1 gallon; white tur- pentine, l>$lbs.;gum shellac, 1^ Ibs.; Venice turpentine, 1 gill. Let them stand by the stove till the gums are dissolve.!, then add sweet oil, 1 gill; and color if you wish it with lamp-black, 2 oz. This will not crack like the old varnish. Another. Isinglass, or gelatine, and indigo, of each, J^oz.; logwood, 4 oz. ; soft soap, 2 oz ; glue, 4 oz. ; vinegar, 1 pint; mix by heat, and strain. Brilliant French Varnish for Leather. Spirit of wine, % pint; vinegar, 5 pints; gum Senegal in powder, % lb.; loaf suu'ar, 6 oz. ; powdered galls, 2 oz. ; green copperas, 4 oz. Dissolve the gum and sugar in the water: strain, and put on a slow fire, but don't boil; now put in the galls, copperas, and the alcohol; stir well for five minutes; set off; and when nearly cool strain through flan- nel, and bottle for use. It is applied with a pencil brush. Most superior. Liquid Japan for Leather. Molasses, 8 Ibs.; lamp-black, 1 lb.; sweet oil, 1 lb.; gum arabic, 1 lb.; isinglass, 1 lb. Mix well in 32 Ibs. water; apply heat; when cool, add 1 quart alcohol; an ox's gall will improve it Waterproof Oil Blacking. Camphene, 1 pint; add all the India rabbet it will dissolve; currier's oil, 1 pint; tallow, 1 Ibs.' lamp-black, 2 oz. Mix thoroughly by heat Shoemaker's Heel Ball.' Beeswax, 8 07.; tallow, 1 07.; melt, and add powdered gum arabic, 1 oz., and lamp-black to color. Cement for Leather or Rubber Soles and Leather Belt- ing. Gutta perdia, 1 lb.; India rubber, 4 oz.; pitch, 2 oz.; shellac, 1 oz. ; oil, 2 oz.; melt and use hot. Oil Paste Blacking. Ivory black, 4 lhs. ; molasses, 3 Ibs.; sweet oil, 1 lb. ; oil vitriol, 3 Ibs. ; mix, and put in tins. jgwood. y a J 8h --Tunneric, 1 drachm; gamboge, 1 drachm; tur- pentine, 2 pints; shellac, 5 oz.; sandarach, 5 oz.; dragon's blood, 8 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 227 drachms; thin mastic varnish, 8 oz.; digest with occasional agitation fur fourteen days; then set aside to fine, and pour off the clear. Grain Black for Harness Leather. First stain in tallow; then take spirits turpentine, 1 pint; cream of tartar, 1 oz.; soda, 1 oz. ; gum shellac, \$ oz. ; thick paste reduced thin, 2 quarts. Mix well. This will finish 12 sides. Stains for Wood and Leather. RED. Brazil wood, 11 parts: alum, 4 parts; water, 85 parts. Boil. BLUE. Logwood, 7 parts; blue vitriol, 1 part; water, 22 parts- . Logwood, 9 parts; sulphate of Iron, 1 part; water, 25 parts. Boil. GREEN. Verdigris, 1 part; vinegar, 3 parts. Dissolve. YELLOW. French berries, 7 parts; water, 10 parts; alum, 1 part Boil. PURPLE. Logwood, 11 parts; alum, 3 parts; water, 29 parts. Deer Skins. TANNFNO AND BUFFTNO FOR GLOVES. For each skin take a bucket of water, and put into it 1 quart of lime; let the skin or skins lie in from 3 to 4 days; then rinse in clean water, hair, and grain; then soak them in cold water to get out the glue; now scour or pound in good soap-suds for half an hour; after which take white vitriol, alum, and salt, 1 tablespoon of each to a skin; these will be dissolved in sufficient water to cover the skin. and remain in it for 24 hours; wring out as dry as convenient, and spread on with a brush ',' pint of currier's oil, and hang in the sun about two day-;: after which you will scour out the oil with soap- suds, and hang out again until perfectly dry; then pull and work them until they are soft; and if a reasonable time does not make them soft, scour in suds again as before, until complete. The oil may be saved by pouring or taking it from the top of the suds, if left standing for a short time. The buff color is given by spreading yellow ochre evenly over the surface of the skin, when finished, rubbing it in well with a brush. WITH ACTD. After having removed the hair, scouring, soaking, and pounding in the suds, Ac., as in the last recipe, in place of the white vitriol, alum, and salt, as there mentioned, take oil of vitriol (sulphuric acid,) and water, equal parts of each, and thoroughly wet the flesh side of the skin with it, by means of a sponge or cloth upon a stick; then folding up the skin, letting it lie for 20 minutes only, having ready a solution of sal-soda and water, say 1 Ib. to a bucket of water, and soak the skin or skins in that for two hours, when you will wash in clean water, and apply a little dry salt, letting lie in the salt over night, or that length of time; then remove the flesh with a blunt knife, or, if doing business on a large scale, by means of the regular beam and flesh-knife; when dry or nearly so, soften by pulling and rubbing with the hands, and also with a piece of pumice-stone. This, of course, is the quickest 228 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. way of tanning, and by only wetting the skins with the acid, and soaking them out in 20 minutes, they are not rotted. Another Method. Oil of vitriol, ^ oz.; salt, 1 teacup; milk sufficient to handsomely cover tin- skin, not X'-ceding :i qN., \v;inn the milk, then add the' salt and vitriol; stir tin- skin in the liquid 40 minutes, keeping it warm; then dry, and work it as directed in No. 4. Liquid Red. Channellers will find that no better or richer color lor their purposes can hi- got than tin- ivd ink described under the Grocer's Deportment, diluted to the n-qnin-d shade. Fur color for the bottoms of shoes use tincture of red sunders. Bridle Stain. Skimmed milk, 1 pint; spirits of salts, % oz.; spts. of red lavender, $ o/.. ; gum aral>ic, 1 o/..; and the juice of 2 lemons; mix well togMher.and fork I'oriiM-; apply with a a^-onge; when dry, polish with a brush or a piece of tlaiiuel. If wished paler, put in less red lavender. Process of Tanning Calf, Kip, and Harness Leather in from Six to Thirty Days. For a l'_' 11). calf skin, take :? Ibs. of terra japoniea, common salt '2 Ihs. ; alum, 1 !!>.; put them into a copper kettle with sufficient water to dissolve, the whole by boiling. The skin will be limed, haired, and treated everv way as for the old process, when it will be put it into a vessel with sufficient water to cover it, at which time yon will put in 1 pint of the composition stirring it well, adding the same amount each night and morning for 3 days, when you will add the whole, handling 2 or * times daily all the time tanning; you can continue to use the tanning liquid by adding half the quantity each time, l>v keeping these proportions for any amount. If you desire to give a bark color to the leather, you will put in 1 Ib. o'f Sicily sumac; kip skins will require al>out 20 days, light house hides for harness 30 days, calf skins from 6 to 10 days at most. To Tan Raw Hide. When taken from the animal, sprond it flesh side up; then put 2 parts of >altpetre and alum combined, make it fine, sprinkle it evenly over the surface . roll it up. let it alone a few days till dissolved; then takeoff what flesh remains, and nail the skin to the side of a barn in the sun; stretch tight, to make it soft like harness leather, put neat's foot oil on it, fa-ten it up in the sun again; then rub out all the oil you can with a wedge- shaped stick, and it is tanned with the hair on. French Finish for Leather. Take a common wooden pail- ful of scraps (the legs and pates of calf skins are best), and put a handful each of salt and alum upon them, and let them stand 3 days; then boil them until they get a thick paste; in using, you will warm it, and in the fir^t application put a little tallow with it, and for the second time a little soft soap, and use it in the regular way of finishing, and your leather will be soft and pliable, like French leather. French Patent Leather. Work into the skin with appro- priate tools 3 or 1 successive coatings of drying varnish, made by BECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 229 boiling linseed oil with white load and litharge, in the proportion of 1 Ib. of each of the latter to 1 gal. of the former, and adding a portion of chalk or ochre, each coating bring thoroughly dried DefON the application of tin- rest. Ivory black is then substituted for the chalk or ochre, the varnish thinned with spirits of turpentine, and five additional applications mado in the same manner as before, except that it H put on thin and networked in. The leather is rubbed down with pumice stone, in powder, and then placed in a room at 90 degrees, out of the way of dust The last varnish is prepared by boiling \4 Ib. of asphaltum with 10 Ibs. of the drying oil used in the first stage of the process, and then stirring in 5 Ibs. copal varnish and 10 Ibs. of turpentine. It must have 1 mouth's age before using. Cheap Tanning without Bark or Mineral Astringents. The astringent liquor is composed of water, 17 gals.; Aleppo galls, u lb. ; Bengal catochn, !> oz. and 5 Ibs. of tormentil, or septfoil root. Powder the ingredients, and boil in the water 1 hour; men cool, put in the skins (which must be prepared by being plunged into a preparation of bran and water for 2 days pre- viously); handle them frequently during the first 3 days, let thi alone the next 3 days, then handle 3 or 4 times in one day: them lie undisturbed for 25 days more, when the process will be Canadian Process. The Canadians make 4 liquors in using the juponica. The FFRST liquor Is made .by dissolving, for 20 sides of upper, 15 Ibs. of terra laponica in sufficient water to cover the upper being tanned. The SECOND liquor contains the same amount of japonica, and 8 Ibs. of saltpetre also. The THIRD contains 20 Ibs. of japonica, and 4^ Ibs. of alum. The FOURTH liquor contains only 15 Ibs. of japonica, and 1V$ Ibs. of sulphuric acid; nnd the leather remains 4 days in each liquor for upper; and for sole the quantities and time are lx>th doubled. They count 50 calf skins in place of 20 sides of upper, but let them lie in each liquor only 3 days. Fifty Dollar Recipe for Tanning Pur and Other Skins. Remove the legs and useless parts, soak the skin soft, and then remove the fleshy substances, and soak it in warm water one hour. Now take for each skin borax, saltpetre, and Glauber-salt, of each X oz. and dissolve or wet with soft water sufficient to allow it to be spread on the flesh side of the skin. Put it on with a brush, thickest in centre or the thickest part of the skin, and double the skin together, flesh side in; keeping it in a cool place for 24 hours, not allowing it to freeze. Then wash the skin clean, and take sal-soda, 1 oz.; borax, % oz.; refined soap, 2 oz.; melt them slowly together, being careful not to allow them to boil, and apply the mixture to the flesh side as at first. Boil up again, and keep in a warm place for 24 hours; then wash the skin clean again, as above, and have saleratua, 2 oz.; dissolved in hot rain water sufficient to well 230 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. saturate the skin; then take alum, 4 oz.; salt, 8 oz.; and dissolve also in hot rain water; when sufficiently cool to allow the handling of it without, scalding, put in the skin for 12 hours; then wring out the water, and hang up for 12 hours more to dry. Repent this la>t soaking and drying two or three times, according to UP- deMivd softness of the'skin when finished. Lastly, finish by pulling and working, and finally by rubbing with a piece of pumice stone and fine sand paper. This works like a charm on sheep skins, fur skins, dog, wolf, bear skins, &c. French Polish or Dressing for Leather. Mix 2 pints best vinegar with 1 pt soft water; stir into it \^ lb. glue, broken up, l j Ib. logwood chips, ^ oz. of finely powdered indigo, \ oz. of the l>c-t s.il't soap, } 07,. of isinglass; put'the mixture over tiie lire, and let it boil ten minutes or more: then strain, bottle and cork. When cold, it is fit for use. Apply with a sponge. Currier's Size. Take of si7ing, 1 qt.; soft sonp, 1 pill; stuffing, 1 gill; sweet milk, ' ', pt.; boil the si/.ing in water to a proper con- sistenee, strain, and add the other ingredients; and when tho- roughly mixed, it is ready for use. Currier's Paste. FIRST COAT. Take of water, 2 qK ; flour, % pint; Castile soap, 1 oz.: make into paste. SKI o\n Co.vr. Takn of first paste, }/ y pt.; gum ' tragacanth, 1 gill; water, 1 pt.; mix all together. This will finish eighteen sides of upper. Currier's Skirting. This is for finishing skirting and HIP flesh of harness lealher, in imitation of oak tanning. Take of chrome yellow, *f, lb.; yellow ochre, 1 lb. ; cream of tartar, 1 o/.. ; ,-uda, "j oz. ; paste, 5 qts. ; mix well. This will finish twelve sides. Skirting. For the grain to imitate oak tan. Take of chrome yellow, 'i 11).; yellow ochre, i.< lb.; cream of tartar, 1 oz.; soda, 1 oards a little on the centre, using the same method as th.- common marble, having the covers previously pivpaivd. The end of a caudle may be rubbed on diuVient parts ol tin- board to form knots. I iiri :- M AKULE. Color the cover with spirits of wine and t ormerte, then ]>laee on rice in a regular manner, .(lirow on a v<-ry line sprinkle of copperas water till the cover is nearly black, and let it remain till dry. The cover may In- spotted with the red liquid or pota>h water. Very freelv, before the riee is thrown off the boards. Si>orn-:i> MAKHLE FOR BOOKS, ETC. After the fun-ed^e of the book is cut, let it remain in the press, and throw on linseeds in a regular manner, sprinkle the edge with any dark color till the paper is covered, then shake off the seeds. Various colors may be used; the edge may be colored with yellow or red belore throw-in-.: on the seeds, and sprinkling with blue. The seeds will make a tine fancy edge when place 1 very thick on different parts, with a few slightly thrown on the spices between. JAPAN COLORING FOR LEATHER, BOOK-CO vi us KTC. After the book is covered and dry, color the cover with potash water mixed with a little paste; give two Lrood coats of Ura/.il wash, and gla/.e it; put the book between the hands, allowing the boards to slope a little; dash on copperas water, then with a sponge full of red liquid press out on the back and on different parts large drops, which will run down each board and make a line shaded red, when the cover is dry, wash it over two or three times with Brazil wash to give it a bnghter color. See the various dyes for leather under that head. To make Paper into Parchment. To produce this transforma- tion, take unsized paper and plunge it into a solution of two parts of concentrated sulphuric acid combined with 1 part water; with- draw it immediately, and wash it in dean water, and the chan complete. It is now fit for writing; for the acid supplies tV want of size, and it becomes so strong that a strip 2 or 3 inches wide will bear from 60 to 80 Ibs. weight, while a like strio of parchment will bear only about i'5 Ibs. Best Cement for Aquaria. It is the same as that used in con- structing the tanks of the Zoological (iardens. London. One part, by measure, say a gill of litharge; 1 gill of plaster of Paris; 1 gill of dry, white sand; % of a gill of finely powdered resin. Sift, and keep corked tight until required for use, when it is to be made into a putty by mixing in boiled oil (linseed) with a little patent drier added" Never use it after it has been mixed (that is, with the oil) over fifteen hours. This cement can be used for marine as well as fresh-water aquaria, as it resists the action of salt water. The tank can be used iuiuiediately, but it is best to give it three or four hours to dry. Horn in Imitation of Tortoise Shell. First steam and then press the horn into proper shapes, and afterwards lav the following mixture on with a small brush, in imitation of the mottle of tortoise- shell: Take equal parts of quick-lime and litharge, and mix with strong soap-lees; let this remain until it is thoroughly dry; brush off, and repeat two or three times if necessary. Soch para as are required to be of a reddish brown should be covered with a mixture of whiting aud the stain. RECEIPTS FOB MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 233 Dyes for Ivory, Horn, and Bone. BLACK. 1. Lay the articles fOTMTCnU hours in a stmnj: solution of nitrate of silver, and ex- ])(.< t.. tin- liirht. -'. Boil the article for some time in a strained drcoetion of logwood, and then steep it in a solution of per-sulphate or acetate of iron. 3. Immerse frequently in ink until of sufficient depth of color. i'.u i;. 1. Immerse for some time in a dilute solution of sulphate of imlii," 1 . partly saturated with potash, and it will be fully stained. 2. Steep in a strong solution of sulphate of copper. (iuKKN. 1. Dip blue-stained articles for a short time in nitro- hydrochlorate of tin, and then in a hot decoction of fustic. 2. Boil in a solution of verdigris in vim-gar until the desired color is obtained. RED. 1. Dip the articles first in a tin mordant, used in dyeing, and then plunge into a hot decoction of Kra7.il wood half a pouna to a gallon of water or cochineal. 2. Steep in red ink till suffi- ciently stained. SCARLET. Use lac-dye instead of the preceding. VIOLET. Dip in the tin mordant, and then immerse in a decoc- tion of logwood. YELLOW. Boil the articles in a solution of alum, 1 Ib. to X a gallon, then immerse for half an hour in the following mixture: Take a % Ib. of turmeric, and a M Ib. of pearlash; boil in 1 gal. water: when taken from this, the bone muse be again dipped in the alum solution. Etching Fluid for Ivory. Take dilute sulphuric acid, dilute muriatic acid, equal parts: mix. For etching varnish take white wax, 2 parts; tears of mastic, 2 parts: mix. To Gild Ivory. Immerse it in a solution of nitio-muriate of gold, and then expose it to hydrogen gas while damp. Wash it afterwards in clean water. To Soften Ivory. In 3 oz. spirits of nitre, and 15 oz. of spring water, mixed together, put your ivory to soak; and in three or four days it will obey your fingers. To Whiten Ivory. Slack some lime in water; put your ivory in that water, after l>eing decanted from the grounds, and boil it till it looks quite white. To polish it afterwards, set it in the turner's wheel; and, after having worked, take rushes and pumice stones, subtile powder, with water, and rub it till it looks perfectly smooth. Next to that, heat it by turning it against a piece of linen or sheepskin leather; and, when hot, rub it over with a little whitening diluted in oil of olive; then, with a little dry whitening alone; finally with a piece of soft white rag. When all this is per- formed as directed, the ivory will look very white. Another Way to Bleach Ivory. Take 2 handfuls of lime, slake it by sprinkling it with water; then add 3 pints of water, and stir the wnole together; let it settle ten minutes, and pour the water into a pan for your purpose. Then take your ivory and steep it in the lime-water for 24 hours, uft< r which, mil it in a strong alum- water for 1 hour, and dry it in the air. 234 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. To Cut and Polish Marble. Tho marble saw is a thin plate df soft iron, continually supplied, during its sawing motion, with water ami tin- sharped sand. Th" -awing of moderate pieces is performed by liainl; but that of large slabs i, most economically done by a proper mill. The first substance used in the polishing is the sharpest sand, which mu-t be worked with till the surlace becomes perfectly Hat. Then a second, and even a third sand, of Increasing fineness is to be applied. The next substance is emery, of progressive degrees of fineness; after which, tripoli is employed; and the last polMi is given with tin putty. The body with which the sand is rubbed upon the marble is usually a plate of iron; but, for the subsequent process, a plate of lead" is used, with line sand and emery. The polishing rubbers are coarse linen cloths, or bagging, wedged tiuht into an iron planing tool. In every step of the operation, a constant trickling supply of water is required. Alabaster, Marble, or Stone may be stained of a yellow, r. !. given. Line, purple, black, or auyof the compound co'lors, by the stains used for wood. Powerful Cement for Broken Marble. Take gum Arabic, 1 Ib. ; make into a thick mucilage; add to it powdered planter of Paris, \% Ibs.; sifted quick-lime, 5 oz.; mix well; heat the marble, and apply the mixture. Seven Colors for Staining Marble. It is necessary to heat the marble, hot, but not so hot as to injure it, the proper beat being that at which the colors nearly boil. BLUE. Alkaline indigo dye, or turnsole with alkali. RED. Dragon's blood in spirits of wine. YELLOW. Gamboge in spirits of wine. GOLD COLOR. Sal-ammoniac, sulphate of zinc, and verdigris, equal parts. GRKEN. Sap green, in spirits of potash. BROWN. Tincture of logwood. CRIMSON. Alkanet root in turpentine. Marble may be veined according to taste. To stain marble wtll is a difficult operation. Perpetual Ink for Tombstones, Etc. Pitch, 11 Ibs.; lamp- black, 1 Ib. ; turpentine sufficient; mix with heat. To Clean Old Marble. Take a bullock's gall, 1 gill of soap lees, half a gill of turpentine: make into a paste with pipe-Hay, apply it to the marble; let it dry a day or two, then rub it off, aiid it will appear equal to new; if very dirty, repeat the application. To Remove Grease. Aqua ammonia, 2 oz. ; soft water, 1 qt. ; saltpetre, 1 teaspooiiful: shaving soap in shavings, 1 o/.; mix all together; dissolve the soap well, and any grease or dirt that cannot be removed with this preparation nothing else need be tried for it. To Clean Marble. Take two parts of common soda, 1 pnrt pumice stone, anil 1 part of finely powdered chalk: sift it through a fine sieve, and mix it with water: then rub it well all over the marble, and the stains will be removed: then wash the marble over with soap and water, and it will be as clean as it was at first. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 235 To make a Chemical Barometer. Take a long, narrow bottle, and put into it '2^ lrs. of eamphor: spirits of wine, 11 ut do not wring; hang up to drain, and iron while very damp, aud it will look beautiful Potter's Invisible Waterproofing for Clothing. Tmbue the cloth on the wrong side with a solution of isinglass, alum, and soap dissolved in water, forming an emulsion of a milky thick- ness; apply with a brush, rubbing in well. When dry, it is brushed on the wrong side against the grain, and then gone over with a brush dipped In water; afterwards brushed down smooth. To raise a Nap on Cloth. Clean the article, well; soak it In cold water for half an hour; put it on a board, and rub the thread- bare parts with a half-worn hatter's card filled with flocks, or with a teazle or a prickly thistle until a nap is raised; then lay the nap the right way with a hatter's brush, and hang up to dry. Black Reviver for Cloth. Bruised galls, 1 Ib. ; logwood, 2 Ibs.; green vitriol, % Ib.; water, 5 quarts; boil two hours; strain, and it is ready for use. Trapper's and Angler's Secret for Game and Fish. A few drops of oil of anise, or oil rhodium, on any trapper's bait, will entice any wild animal into the snare trap. India cockle mixed with flour dough, and sprinkled on the surface of still water, will intoxicate fish, render them insensible; when coining up to the sur- face, they can be lifted into a tub of fresh water to revive them, when they may be used without fear. Easy Method of Preventing Moths In Purs or Woolens. Sprinkle the furs or woolen stufts, as well as the drawers or boxes in which they are kept, with spirits of turpentine, the unpleasant scent of which will speedily evaporate on exposure of the stuffs to the air. Some persons place sheets of paper, moistened with spirits ntine, over, under, or between pieces of c it a very effectual method. Many woolen drapers put bits of cam- phor, the size of a nutmeg, in 'papers, on different parts of the shelves in their shops; and as they brush their cloths every two, 236 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. three, or four months, this keeps thorn free from moths; and this should be done in boxes where furs, A.-C., ;-re put. A tallow candle is frequently put within each mult when laid by. Clothing Renovator. Soft water, 1 gal.; make a stron tion of logwood by boiling the extract with tin- water. Strain; when cool, add '_' (>'/..; gum arahic in powder; bottle, cork well, and set aside for use; clean the coat well from grease and dirt, and apply the above liquid with a sponge evenly. Dilute to suit the color, and hang in the shade to dry; afterwards brush the nap smooth, and it will look like new. Waterproofing for Porous Cloth. Dissolve 21$ Ihs. alum In 4 gals, water; dissolve also, in a separate vessel the Htm of acetate of load in the same quantity of water. \Vh-n both an; well dissolved, mix the solutions together; and, when the sulphate. of lead resulting from this mixture has been precipitated to the bottom of the vessel in th" form of a powder, pour off the solution, and plunge into it the fabric to be rendered waterproof. Wash and rub it well during a few minutes, and hang it in the air to dry. How to Write on Glass In the Snn. Dissolve chalk in aqua fortis to the consistency of milk, and add to that a sirong solu- tion of silver. Keep this in a glass decanter well stopped. Then cut out from a paper the letters you would have appear, and pa>te the paper on the decanter or jar. which you are to place in the sun in such a manner that its rays may pass throng)) the -paces cut out ot the paper, ami fall on the surface of the liquor. The part of the gla~s through which the rays pass will turn black, while that under the paper will remain white. Do not shake the bottle during the operation. Used for lettering jars. To Transfer Prints, Etc., to Glsss. Take of gum sanrtarnoh, 4oz.; mastic, 1 o/..; Venice turpentine, 1 ox.; alcohol, 15 oz. Digest in a bottle, frequently shaking, and it is ready for use. Direction-,; Vsc, if possible, pood plate -glass of the si/.e of the picture to be transferred, go over it with the above varnish, beginning at one side, press down the picture firmly and evenly as you proceed, so that no air can possibly lodge between; put aside, and let it dry per- fectly, then moisten the paper cautiously with water, and remove it piece-meal by rubbing carefully with the fingers; if managed nicely, a complete transfer of the picture to the glass will be effected. Paper for Photographing. Wash the paper with a solution of nitrate of silver, ~> grs.; distilled water, ]4 oz.; dry the paper, and wash it with iodide of potassium, 5 grs.; distilled water, % 07..; dry with a gentle heat; repeat the wash with the silver solution; and, when dry, the paper is ready for use. The sensitive surface is an iodide of silver, and is easily affected by light. How to Photograph on Glsss. Take dry saltpetre, ^ o?..; strong oil vitriol, ^ o/..; mi:: in a f.r.nbler. ad i -'0 Drains of dry cot- tou wool, stir with a glass rod five minutes, remove the cotton', aud RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 237 wash from all traces of the acid in four or five waters; then drj carefully under li'0. This is gun cotton. To make collodion, dis- solve 20 grs. gun-cotton in 6 oz. sulphuric ether, to which add alcohol, X oz.; let it stand a short time, and pour off the clear intc bottle No. 1 for use. In bottle Xo. 2, put 1 oz. alcohol, and as much 'm h ! of ammonium as it will dissolve; then add as much iodide of silver (made from nitrate of silver and iodide of potassium) as the solution will take up. Get another bottle. No. 3, with a wide mouth; into it put 1 oz. out of No. 1, to which add 15 or 20 drops out of No. 2. The collodion thus formed is call collodio-iodide ol silver. Having well cleaned a plate of glass of the size of the frame in your camera, coat it completely and very evenly on one side, by pouring the collodion on the centre from 'the bottle; pour back any excess of liquid from one corner of the glass, and in this way you coat the plate in a uniform manner. To prepare the plate thus coated for the camera, plunge it carefully and quickly into a bath of the following proportions, then allow it to remain covered in the solution ahout two minutes: Distilled water, 1 oz.; nitrate of silver, HO grs. ; alcohol, 30 drops; dissolve and filter. Obtain a good focus, place the plate iu the frame and the frame in the camera, pull up the slide in front, and expose a proper length of time: hav- ing closed your slide, remove the frame to your dark room, take out the plate, and develop the picture with the following solution, hold- Ing the plate perfectly level, the collodion side upward, and pour- ing enough of it on the plate to cover it; in a short time the picture will be developed: Water, 1 oz. ; copperas, 14 grs. ; saltpetre, 10 grs.; acetic acid, }4 drachm; nitric acid, 2 drops; then wash with water, and pour over it some of the solution of hyposulphite of soda made thus: Water, 1 pt. ; hyposulphate of soda, 4 oz., allow it to remain for two minutes, then wash off thoroughly, and your picture is finished. By this process, a most beautiful picture is obtained in a space of time varying from a fraction of a second up to 15 seconds, with the most perfect detail of ail the parts. Bottle Glass. No. 1. DARK GREEN. Fused glauber-salts, 11 Ibs.; soaper's salts, 12 IDS.; waste soap-ashes, % mishel; silicious sand, %cvit.; glass-skimmings, 22 Ibs.; broken green glass, 1 cwt. to l^ cwt. ; basalt, 25 Ibs. to X cwt No. 2. PALE GREEN. Pale sand, 100 Ibs.; kelp, 35 Ibs.; lixivia- ted wood ashes, \\$ cwt.; fresh, do., 40 Ibs.; pipe-clay, % cwt.; cul- let, or broken glass, \X cwt. No. 3. Yellow or white sand, 120 parts; woodashes, 80 parts; pearlashes, 20 parts; common salt, 15 parts; white arsenic, 1 part; very pale. Crystal Glass. No. 1. Refined pot-ashes, 60 Ibs.; sand, 120 Ibs.: chalk, 24 ll).s.; !iilr> and white arsenic, of each '2 Ibs.; oxide of manganese, 1 to 2 oz. No. 2. Pure white sand, 120 parts; refined ashes, 70 parts; saltpetre; 10 parts; white arsenic, % part; oxide of manganese, *4 part. No. 3. Sand, 120 parts; red lead, 50 parts; purified pearlaah, 40 parts; nitre, 20 parts; manganese, % part. 238 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Flask Glass (/">''. MfcUM.) Pnn -i! : <'i!irls; lime, 21 parts; heavy .-par, J part>; oxide of nianyaue.M', 4. s. Best German Crystal Glass. Take 120 ]bs. of calcined flints or white sail- 1; he^t pearl-ashes, 70 lh..; sa'tpeiiv, I \i lb.; and .", oz. manganese. No. 2. (< H> M-I.K. ) Nmd or Hint, 120 rlash, 4; ll>s.; nitre. 7 li>s.; arsenic, 6 Ibs.; magnesia, 5 oz. This will require a long continuance in the furnace, as do all others when much of the arsenic is used. Plate Glass. No. 1. Pure sand. 40 parts; dry carbonate of soda, 26M parts; lime. 4 parts; nitre, 1'J parts; broken plate parts. N'o. i'. UltE's. Quart/.-saiid, H!> parts; c;i.lein,-(l sulphate of soda, 24 parts; lime, L'O ]>arts; cullet of sod.i-ijhiss, i_' purfs. No. 3. VIENNA. Sand, 100 parts; calcined sulphate of soda. r,n parts; lime, 20 parts; charcoal, i'^ parts. N'o. j. FUKMH. White quart/ sand and cullet, of eaeh 300 parts; dry carbonate of soda, 100 parts; slacked lime, 43 parts. Crown Glass. No. 1. Rand, 300 Ibs.; soda-ash, 200 ;i,s. ; lime, 30 to :r>lls. ; 20.) to :w Ibs. of br..ken ^'l.i->. Nn. 2. (I)oHK- MIAN.) Pure silicious sand, ('< ' parts; jtotash, 22 parts; lime, 12 parts, oxide of manganese, 1 part. No. 3. (Pnop. SCHWI Pure sand, 100 Ibs.; dry sulphate of soda, 50 parts; dry quicklime in powder, 17 to 20 paits; charcoal, 4 parts. PRODUCT White and good. Best Window Glass. No. 1. Tako of white sand, fin Ibs.; purified pearlashes, :;.) lls. ; of saltp.-tiv, \:, Ibs.; of borax, 1 lb.; of arsenic, ' 11). This will be very clear and colorless if the ingre- dients be good, and will not be very dear. No. 2. (CHEAPER.) White sand, GO Ibs.; unpurified pearlashes, 25 Ibs.; of common salt, 10 Ibs.; nitre, 5 lhs. ; arsenic, 2 UK.; manganese, 1% oz. No. 3. COMMON (iur.KN WINDOW-GLASS. White sand, earlashes, 30 Ibs.; common salt, 10 Ibs.; arsenic, 2 Ibs.; man- ganese, 2 oz. Looking Glass Plate. No. 1. Cleansed white sand. r,0 Ibs.; pearlashes, puriti-d, 2.1 Ibs.; saltpetre, i:. H>s. ; borax. 7 ll>->. Tliis coini)ositiou should be continued lonij in th<- fire, which should be sometimes Strong, *nd afterwards, more nio.lerate, that the glass maybe entirely free from bubbles before it be worked. Nn. 2. White sand, GO Ibs.; pearl-ashes. 20 Ibs.; common salt, 10 !!>;.; nitre, 7 Ibs.; borax, 1 lb. This ylass will run with as little heat as the former; but it will be more brittle, and refract the rays of light in a greater decree. No. 3. Washed white sand, (V) Ibs'.; purified pearl-ashes, 2."> Ibs.; nitre, 15 Ibs.; borax, 7 Ibs. If properly man- aged, this glass will be colorless. Window Glass. No. 1. Dried sulphate of soda, 11 Ibs.; BQaper-salt, 10 ibs. ; lixiviated soap-waste, ',; bush.; sand, Ibs.; glass-pot skimmings, 22 Ibs.; brok- :> i lass, i c\vt. No. 2. (PALKR). White sand, GO ll)s. ; pearlashes, 30 Ibs.; com- mon salt, 10 Ibs.; arsenic, 10 Ibs.; oxide of manganese, 2 to 4 oz. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 239 No. 3. (VERT PALE.) White sand, 60 Ibs.; good potashes, 25 Ibs common salt, 10 Ibs.; nitre, 5 Ibs.; arsenic, 2 Ibs.; manganese- 2 to 4 oz. as required; broken ptb window-glass, 14 Ibs. Magic Paper. Take lard oil, or sweet oil, mixed to the consisfenceyof cream, with either of the following paints, the color of which is desired: Prussian blue, lamp-black, Venetian red, or chrome preen, either of which should be rubbed with a knife on a plate or stone until smooth. Use rather thin but firm paper; put on with a sjmnge, and wipe off as dry as convenient; then lay them between uncolored paper, or between newspapers, and press by laying books or some other flat substance upon them until the sur- plus oil is absorbed, when it is ready for use. To Make Grindstones from Common Sand. River sand, 30 Ibs.; shellac, 10 part*; powdered glass, 2 parts; melt in an iron pot, and cast into moulds. Printing Rollers are made of glue and molasses, with somtv times a little Spanish white. The proportions are 1 Ib. glue to 1 pint molasses. Break the glue to pieces, soak for 24 hours is suffi- cient, then melt with the molasses, and cast in a mould previously oiled to prevent it from sticking. When it gets hard after long use remelt it, using a little more molasses. Savage's Printing Ink. Pure balsam of copaiba, 9 oz. ; lamp- black, 3 oz.; indigo and Prussian blue, each 5 drachms; Indian red, % oz.; yellow soap, 3 oz. Miz, and grind to the utmost smooth- ness. Holes in Millstones are filled with melted alum, mixing burr sand with it. If the hole is large, put some pieces of burr-mill stones in it first, and pour in melted alum. These pieces of block should be cut exactly to fit. There should be small joints, and fastened with plaster of Paris. These holes should be cut at least 4 inches deep; there is then no danger of their getting loose. Fitting a New Back in an Old Millstone. Block your stone up with a block of wood, having its face down until it lies even, solid, and perfectly level; then pick and scrape off all the old plaster down to the face blocks, so that none remains but what is in the joints of the face blocks; then wash these blocks, and keep them soaked with water. Keep a number of pieces of burr blocks, at the same time, soaked with water. Take a pail half filled with clean water, and mixed with 2 tablespoon luls of glue water, boiled and dissolved; mix in with your hand plaster of Paris until it bo thick enough that it will not run; and, breaking all the lumps, pour this on the stone, rubbing it in with your hand; the stone being at the same time damped; and place small pieces of stone all over the joints of the face blocks; you then, with more plaster, mixed hi the 16 240 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. same way, but more stiff, with this and pieces of burr stones, build walls roiind the eye and verge 4 or :> inches high, leaving the surface uneven ami the eye larger, as it v.ill be brought to its proper size by the last operation. It is better to build u]> the wall of the running stone round the verge for 3 inch.-* without any spalls, so that the holes may be cut in to balance it. If you \\i-ii to make your stone heavier, you will take small pieee> of i'ron, per- fectly clean and free from grease, ami lay them evenly all around the s'tone in the hollow phuv between the t\\o \\alls just built; and with plaster mixed a little thicker than milk, pour in under and through all the crevices in the iron until the surface is nearly level with the two walls. If the stones do not require additional \\.-ht added, instead of iron use pieces of stone the same way, )ea\ing the surface rough and uneven. Again, as before, build walls round the verge of the stone, and round tin- eye of the stone, until they are within li inches of the thickness you want your stones tube, the wall round the eye being 2 incbei higher than that round the verge, and tilling the space between the walls with stones; and, pouring in planter again, make it nearly level with the walls, but leaving the surface rough and jagged, to make the plaster adhere well to it. Let it stand until the back is dr\ and perfectly s.-t, when you raise the stone upon it< edge, ami, with a trowel, planter round the edge of the stone neatly, giving it a taper of % inch from the face to the back of the stone. When cased round in this way, lay the stone down on the cock-head; it being in the balance ryne, but the driver off, then raise the spindle, and balance the stone as already directed before putting on the remainder of the back. Then have a tin made the .si/..- of the eye, and to n ach from the balance ryne to th- thickm-s-; you want the .stone to be at the eye. This tin should be exaetiy fitted to its place, and made fast; then fit a hoop of wood or iron round the verire. having the upper edge of the thickness from the face you want the stone to be at the verge, and equal all round. This hoop should be greased; and all the cracks round it, and the tin in the eye, being -topped, you pour thin plaster (with more glue water then in previous operations, to prevent it from setting so quickly, and to give time to finish off the back correctly) until it be level with the hoop round the verge. and with a straight edge, one end resting on the hoop, and the other end resting on the tin at the eye; then, by moving it round, and working the plaster with a trowel, make the surface of the back even and smooth between these two points. The hoop is then taken off. and the back and edges planed smooth; then lower the spindle until your runner lies solid, and put your band or hoop on, it being first made nearly red hot, and taking care that it is of suffi- cient size not to require too much driving; if fitting too tightly, it may loosen the back in driving it to its proper place. It 'may be. cooled gently by pouring water on it; and, when cool, it should fit tight Mill Dams. "Wlion building a dam. you should select tho most suitable place. If you can, place it across the stream near a rocky bluff, so that tho ends of the dam may run into the bluff. This will prevent the water running by at the" ends of the dam. Build your dam strong; if this is not done, they are breaking up often, causing ruinous expense in money and loss of time. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 241 Rock Dama are incomparably the best in use, if there is plenty of material at hand for building, and a rock bottom to the stream- If there is not a rock bottom, you should dig a trench in the bottom deep enongh, so that the water cannot undermine it. This should be the same as if you were building the foundation of a large build- ing. The wali to be built should be of a small, circular form, so that the back of the circle should be next to the body of water which may by its pressure tighten it. To secure the water from leaking through at the ends of the dam, dig a ditch deeper than the bottom of the river; then fill this with small pieces of rock, and pour in cement. This cement is made of hydraulic cement, and is made of one part cement to five parts of pure sand. It will effectually stop all crevices. A rock dam, if well built, will be perfectly tight. Use as large rock as you conveniently can move; building this wall 4 to 6 feet thick, according to the length of the dam, with jam or buttresses every place where they are needed to strengthen it. Make true joints to these rocks, especially on the ends, so that they may join close together. When you have the outside walls laid in cement, for every layer fill the middle up with pieces of small rock, pouring in your grout, so that there may not be a crevice but what is filled. If there is any crevice or hole left open, the water will break through, wearing it larger and larger. If the stream is wide and large, it is necessary to build the dam in two sections, which should be divided by a waste way, necessary for the waste or surplus water to run over, to keep the "head in its proper place or height Let each section, next to where the water is to be run over, be abutments, built to strengthen the dam. The last layer of rock, on the top where the waste water runs over, should project 5 or 6 inches over the back of the dam, so that the water may not undermine it. This last layer should be of large rocks, and jointed true; then laid in hydraulic cement, in proportion of 1 of cement to 3 of sand. When the dam is built, the front should be filled up with coarse gravel or clay; this is best done with teams, as the more it is tramped the more durable it becomes. Frame Dams. In building a frame dam commence with a good foundation, laying the first sills in the bottom, of sufficient depth. They should be large square timbers that will last in the water without rotting. Where there is a soft foundation, the bottom should first be made level; then dig trenches for the mud sills, abont 7 or 8 feet apart, lengthways of the stream, and 10 or 12 feet long. Into these first sills other sills must be framed, and put crosswise of tfhe stream, 6 or 8 feet apart, to reach as far across the stream as neces- sary. Then two outside sills should be piled down with 2-inch plank driven down to a depth of 4 or 5 feet. If this can be done conveniently, they are to be jointed as closely as possible. It would be better to line with some stuff 1 inch thick; then with posts their proper length, about 12 or 14 inches square, which should be framed into the uppermost sills, in both sides, and all the way across the dam, from bank to bank, at a distance of 6 feet apart. Then, with braces to each post, to extend two-thirds of the length of the post, where they should be joined together with a lock, in- stead of a mortise and tenon, with an iron bolt of 1 or \% inches in diameter, going through both, and tightened with a screw and 242 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. nut. When mortises and tenons are used, they often become rot- ten and useless in a few days. Tin -e hr.iees should ! set at an angle of 50 or 60 with the 'other end nn.Ttised into tlio mud sill. These braces require to be about > to s indies, and a^ long a- \\i lind necessary; being covered with dirt, it will not decay fora long time, as the air is excluded. Th- ->.ild be capped from one to the other, plate fasliion. The posts should be lined with '2 or 2]4 inch plank on tin- insid". pinned to the plank, and should, in the middle, he Tilled ill with dirt. If the stream is large and wide, the dam should be built in two sections, which should IK' divided by a waste-way for the surplus water, which should be in the centre of the dam, and sufficient for all the waste-water to run over. Let each section of the dam form an abutment next to the waste- way, placinp cells or sills 4 feet apart the length of the waste-way; in each of these sills, posts should be framed with a brace for the sides. The<.- rows ( .f potto, standing across the dam, will form the sectional abutments; the middle one may be constructed by being lengthways of the stream, with -lore braces, so that .they will not be in the way of driftwood UMBtng down the stream; it being necessary fer stio'ni: pfoeefl for a bridpe. Then cover the sills with an apron of 2-inch plank joined perfectly straight, to extend 30 or 40 feet below the dam, to prevent the undermining of the dam. The planks which are used for the pur- pose of lining the posts which form the abutments of each section of the dam and the ends of the waste-way, should be truly pointed. so as to prevent any leakage. The diim b< ing built." the dirt should be filled in with teams; as the more it is tramped the better. Clay or coarse gravel is the best. Then place your gate-, on the upper side of the waste-way, the si/.e that is mY. >>ai \ to a level with low-water mark; which gates are not to be rais'ed except in times of high water, as the proper height of the mill-pond should be regulated by boards placed over the gate for the desired head. as the water should be allowed to pass at all times freelv over them. To strengthen the dam, if you think neccssarv "'-inch plank may be used in lining the front side of the dam, long enough to reach from the bottom of the stream (on an inclined plane, and next to the body of water) to the top of the dam, and filled up nearly to the top of the dam with clay or gravel well tramped down. Brnsh or Log Dams are very often used in small, muddy streams. When the bottom of the stream is of a soft nature; take a flat-boat where you want to fix your dam, and drive piles the whole length of the stream, about 3 or 4 feet apart, as deep as you can. Take young oak saplings, pointed at the end, for the pur- pose. If you can. construct a regular pile-driver, similar to those in use for making trestle-work on the railways. The weight may be pulled up by horses instead of an engine. " When you have fin- ished driving piles, make some boxes or troughs ,,f'o or 3 j nc h plank, about 3 feet wide and as Ion- as the plank is. Sink tlie-e in the water, the length of the dam. dos- to the piles, lv loadino- them with rock, until they are at the bottom of the stream filling in the front part of the dam with dirt and hnnh. n-arlv to the height you want it. This kind of dam will last a loug time. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 243 Whenever there is a small break in the dam or race, cut up some willows anil brash, put them in the break along with some straw and dirt, and ram them down with clay. In regard to the flume, the greatest care must be taken to insure strength and durability, combined with lightness. Every step takrn in its constructiou must be of such a nature as to unite these qualities in the highest possible degree, otherwise the whole is, in a manner, labor lost. To Restore Burnt Steel, and Weld Caat Steel. Borax, 48 oz.; sal .mi MM MI ir. 10 oz. ; prussiate potash, 8 oz.; rosin, 4 oz.; alco- hol, ',. gill; soft water, ',, pint. Put into an iron pan, and hold over a slow fire till it comes to a slow boil, and until the liquid matter evaporates, not letting it l>oil hard, and being careful to stir it well from the bottom all the time. Steel m;i \ and ever. xjel may be burned till it drops apart, and the particles gathered welded together with this composition, making it as durable as Superior Bell Metal. Copper, 100 Ibs.; tin, 23 Ibs. Electrum. Copper, 8 nickel, 4 zinc, 3J4 parts. This compound is unsurpassed for ease of workmanship and beauty of appear- ance. To "Write in Silver. Mix 1 oz. of the finest pewter or block tin. and 2 oz. of quicksilver together till both become fluid, then grind it with gum water, and write with it. The writing will then look as if done with silver. Best Bronze for Brass. Take 1 Ib. muriatic acid, and H K>- white anu-nic. Put them into an earthen vessel, and then proceed in the usual manner. Another Bronze for Brass. One ounce muriate of ammonia, % oz. alum, \i oz. arsenic, dissolved all together hi 1 pint of strong vinegar. Zincing. Copper and brass vessels maybe covered with a firmly adherent Taver of pure zinc by boiling them in contact with a solu- tion of chloride of zinc, pure zinc turnings being at the same time present in considerable excess. Dentist's Emery "Wheels. Emery, 4 Ibs.; shellac, H ^-J m elt the shellac over a slow fireistir in the emery, and pour it into a mould of plaster of Paris. When cold it is ready for use. Incrustation of Boilers.-QELFOSSE's PATENT). -If the boiler be stationary, and fed with fresh vater, the amount of anti-petrily- ing mixture per horse power for 336 hours' consumption may be 244 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. made by mixing together 12 oz. muriate of soda, 2 drs. of dry tan- nie M -allicacid, '2X oz. of hydrate of soda, or 1 or >, o/.. .1 Mb- carbonate of potash. For locomotive boilers travelling an average of 140 mill's per day, the quantity of the mixture per liorsi' p., \\.-r is increased oue-fifth. If the water l>r braekUh, or a mixture of salt and fresh, the muriate of soda is omitted, and in-t. ad of j-j <,/., are used for 2> oz. of hydrate of soda, and .0 di>. in-trad i>i _ ot tin- dry tannic or gallic extract. The mixture is also prepared in this manner when sea water is used in the boiler. The patentee prefers introducing the mixture into stationary boilers in qnai ' two, three, or more days, but locomotive and marine boiler.- ar j to be supplied daily with'a portion of the mixture, corresponding with the amount of duty to be performed. To Lessen Friction In Machinery. Grind together black lead with 4 times its weight of lard or tallow. Camphor is sometimes added (7 Ibs, to the hundred weight. ) Colored Glass. (FraE BLUE). To 10 Ibs. flint class, previ- ously melted and cast into water, add zaflfer, (i drs., }^ oz. of cal- cined copper, prepared by putting sheet copper into a ernciltle, and exposing it to the action of a fire not Mnmg enough to melt the copper, and you will have the copper in scales, which you pound. BRIGHT PURPLE. Use 10 Ibs. flint glass as before; zaffer, 5 drs.; precipitate of calcium, 1 dr. GOLD YELLOW. Twenty-eight pounds flint glass, and a quarter pound of the tartar which is found in urine, purify by putting it in a crucible in the fire till it smoke no more; add 2 oz. ot nianga- To Take a Plaster of Paris Cast from a Person's Face. The person must lie on his back, and his hair lie tied behind, into each nostril put a conical piece of paper op<;n at each end to allow of breathing. The face is to be lightly oiled over, and the planter, being properly prepared, it is to lx; poured over the face, taking particular care that the eyes are shut, till it is a quarter of an IncfS thick. In a few minutes the plaster may be removed. In this a mold is to be formed, from which a second cast is to be taken, that will furnish casts exactly like the original. To Harden and Temper Cast Steel. For saws and springs in general, the following is an excellent liquid: Spermaceti oil, 20 gals.; beef suet rendered, 20 Ibs.; neat's-foot oil, 1 gallon; pitch, 1 Ib.; black resin, 3 Ibs. The last two articles must be previously melted together, and then added to the other ingredients, when the whole must be heated in a proper iron vessel, with a close oovr fitted to it, until all moisture is evaporated, and the compoMtiuii will take fire on a flaming body being presented to its surface. Furniture Oil. Linseed oil, 1 gallon; alkanet root, 3 oz.; rose RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 245 pink, 1 oz. Boil them together ten minutes, and strain so that the oil be quite clear. To Cast Figures in Imitation of Ivory. Make isinglass and brandy into a paste, with powdered egg-shells very finely ground. You may give it what color you choose; but cast it warm into your mould which you previously oil over; leave the figure in the mould till dry. and you will find on taking it out that it bears a very strong resemblance to ivory. To Print a Picture from the Print Itself. The page or picture is soaked in a solution, first of potassa, and then of tartaric acid. This produces a perfect diffusion of crystals of bitartrate of potassa through the texture of the unprinted part of the paper. As this salt resists oil, the ink roller may now be passed over the surface, without transferring any part of its contents except to the printed part. To Clean Old Oil-paintings. Dissolve a small quantity of salt in stale urine; dip a woolen cloth in the mixture, and rub the paintings over with it till they are clean; then wash them with a sponge and clean water; dry them gradually, and rub them over with a clean cloth. Should the dirt r>e not easily removed by the above preparation, add a small quantity of soft soap. Be very careful not to rub the paintings too hard. To Renew Old Oil-paintings. The blackened lights of old pictures may be instantly restored to their original hue by touching them with deutoxide of hydrogen diluted with six or eight times its weight of water. The part must be afterwards washed with a clean sponge and water. To Lengthen Levers of Anchor -escapemenfWatches with- out Hammering or Soldering. Cut square across with a screw- head file, a little back from the point above the fork, and, when you have thus cut into it to a sufficient depth, bend forward the desired distance the piece thus partially detached. In the event of the piece snapping off while bending which, however, rarely happens file down the point level with the fork, and insert a pin, English lever style. Chain Dip Solution, for Brass Chains, &c. Sulphuric acid, 2^ oz; nitric acid, 2 oz.; rain-water, 2 oz.; saltpetre, 1 dr.; mix to- gether in a glass bottle, and let stand a few hours. Apply by dipping the article into the solution quickly, and then at once wash off thor- oughly, and rinse in clean rain-water and dry in saw-dust. Re- moves instantaneously all stains or discolorations, and gives to the article a perfectly bright appearance. Pickle for Frosting and Whitening Silver Goods. Sulphu- ric acid, 1 dr.; water, 4 oz.; heat the pickle, and immerse the silver 246 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. in until frosted as desired; then wash off clean, and dry with a soft liiii'ii doth, or in line clean saw-dust. For whitening only, a smaller proportion of ucid uiny be uocd. Etruscan Gold Coloring. Alum, 1 oz.; fine table-salt, 1 oz.; saltpetre (powdered,) 3 OZ.; hot rain-water, suflicient to make tin- -o- lutioii, when dissolved, about the consistency of thick air; then add .sufficient muriatic arid to produce the color desired. The d give of success niu^t. always depend, in a greater or le-.s decree, upon the skill or judgment of the operator. Tlie article to be .lored should be from fourteen to eighteen carats fine, of purr pi Id and copper only, and be free from coatings of tin or silver solder. The solution la Deri used warm, and when freshly made the principle on which it acts is to cat out the copper alloy irom the surface of the article, leaving thereon purr, fronted gold only. After coloring, wash off, first in rain-water, then in alcohol, and dry without rub- bing, in fine, clean saw-dust. Fine Ktrusean jewelry that ha> been del iced or tarnished by use may be perfectly renewed by the same process. Tarnish on Electro-plated Ware may be removed by immer- sing the article from one to ten or fifteen minutes, or until the tarnish has been removed, but no longer, in the following solution: Rain- water, 2 gals.; cyanuret pota-sa, $ 1!>. ; dissolve, and put into a stone jug or jar and closely cork. After immersion, the articles must be taken out and thoroughly rinsed in two or three waters, then dried with a soft linen cloth, or. if frosted or chased work, with fine, clean saw-dust. Tarnished jewelry may be speedily restored by this process; but make sure work of removing the alkali. otherwise it will corrode the goods. A Bright Gold Tinge may be given to silver hy steeping it for a suitable length of time in a weak solution of sulphuric acid and water strongly impregnated with iron-rust. To Make a Diamond Mill. Make a brass chuck or wheel, suit- able for use on a foot-lathe, with a flat, even surface or face of about \% or 2 inches in diameter; then place a number of the coarsest pieces of your diamond-dust on different parts ot iN face, and with a smooth-faced steel hammer drive the pieces of dust all evnly into the brass to nearly or quite level with the surface. Your mill, thus prepared, is now used for making pallet jewels or lor grinding stone and class of any kind. For polishing, use a bone or boxwood chuck or wheel, of similar form to your mill, and coat it lightly with the finest grade of your diamond-dust and oil; with this a beautiful polish may be given to the hardest stone. To Temper Case and other Springs of "Watches. Draw the temper from the spring, and fit it property in its place in the watch; then take it out and temp -r itl,:rd in rain-water (thr addition <>f n "ttle table-salt to the water will be an improvement:) aft-r which place it in a small sheet-iron ladle or cup and barely cover it with linseed RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 247 oil; then hold he ladle over a lighted lamp until the oil ignites- let it burn until the oil is nearly, not quite all, consumed; then re-cover with oil and burn down as before; and so a third time; at the end of which, plunge it again into water. Main and hair springs may, in like manner, be tempered by the same process: first draw the temper, and properly coil and clamp to keep in position, and then proceed the same as with case springs. To Make Red Watch Hands. 1 oz. carmine, loz. muriate of silver, % oz. tinner's japan; mix together in an earthen vessel, and hold over a spirit-lamp until formed into a paste. Apply this to the watch hand, and then lay it on a copper plate, face side up, and heat the plate sufficiently to produce the color desired. To Drill into Hard Steel. Make your drill oval in form, instead of the usual pointed shape, and tempe'r as hard as it will bear with- out breaking; then roughen the surface where you desire to drill with a little diluted muriatic acid, and, instead of oil, use turpen- tine or kerosene, in which a little gum camphor has been dissolved, with vour drill. In operating, keep the pressure on your drill firm and steady ; and if the bottom of the hole should chance to become burnished, so that the drill will not act, as sometimes happens, again roughen with diluted acid as before; then clean out the hole carefully, and proceed again. To Case-harden Iron. If you desire to harden to any consider- able depth, put the article into a crucible with cyanide of potash, cover over and heat altogether, then plunge into water. This pro- cess will harden perfectly to the depth of two or three inches. To Put Teeth in a Watch or Clock Wheels without Dove- tailing or Soldeiing. Drill a hole somewhat wider than the tooth square through the plate, a little below the base of the tooth; cut from, the edge of the wheel square down to the hole already drilled; then flatten a piece of wire so as to fit snugly into the cut of the saw, and with a light hammer form a head on it like the head of a pin. When thus prepared, press the wire or pin into position in the wheel, the head filling the hole drilled through the plate, and the end projecting out so as to form the tooth; then with a sharp pointed graver cut a small groove each side of the pin from the edge of the wheel down to the hole, and with a blow of yotfr ham- mer spit-ad the face of the pin so as to fill the grooves just cut. Kepeat the same operation on the other side of the wheel, and finish off in the usual way. The tooth will be found perfectly riveted in on every side, and as strong as the original one, while in appearance it will be equal to the best dovetailing. To Tighten a Cannon Pinion on the Centre Arbor when too Loose. Grasp the arbor lightly with a pair of cutting nippers, ami, by a single turn of the nippers around the arbor, cut or raise a small thread thereon. 248 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Jeweller's Alloys. EIGHTEEN CARAT GOLD FOR RINGS. Gold coin, V)% grs.; pure copper, 3 grs.; pure silver, 1>$ grs. CHEAP GOLD, TWELVE CARAT. Gold coin, 25 grs.; pure copper, 13% grs.; pure silver, 7^ grs. VERY CHEAP FOUR CARAT GOLD. Copper, 18 parts; gold, 4 parts; silver, 2 parts. IMITATIONS OF GOLD. 1. Platina, 4 dwt; pure copper, 2'^ taiV, if a lever, or of the scape-wheel, if a cylinder. Then lift out the balance with its bridge or clock, turn it over and >et the ruby-pin directly in the line with the regulator, or the square cut of the cylinder at right angles with it. Your watch will then be in per- fect beat. In case of an American or an English lever, when the ' is placed upon the plate, you will have to proceed diffcrcir the balance into its place," cut off the connection of the train, if the mainspring is not entirely down, by slipping a fine broach into one of the wheels, look between the p'.at'-s and ascertain how the lever stands. If the end furthest from the balance is eqtii-distant be- tween the two brass pins it U ail right if not, change the hair- spring till it becoiii If dealing with a duplex watch, you must see that the roller notch, when the balance is at iv-t is'exa-'tly between the locking tooth and the line of centre that is, a line drawn from the centre of the roller to the centre of the seape-wheel. The balance must start from its rest and move through an arc of about ten de-r. cs before bringing the locking tooth into action. To Prevent a Chain Running off the Fusee. In the first place you must look after and ascertain the cau-.e of the difliculty. If it results from the chain's being too large, the only difficulty "is a new chain. If it is not too large, and yet runs ,.ff' without any apparent cause, change it end for end that will generally make ft BO all right. In cases where the channel in the fiiM e 'has been damaged and is rough, you will be under the nee es>ity of it over with a file the proper si/.e and shape. Sometimes you find the chain naturally inclined to work away from the body of the Hi-- be>t way to remedy a difficulty of this kind is to file off a very little from the outer Tower edge "of the chain the entire length tliis, as you can see. will incline it to work on instead of off. Some workmen, when they have a bad ea-e, and a common watch, change the standing of the fu>e.- > ( > as t.- eaiise the winding end of its arbor to incline a little from the barrel. This, of course, cannot do otherwise than make the chain run tu its place. BECEIPT8 FOB MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 253 To Weaken the Hair-Spring. This is often effected by grind- ing the spring down. You remove the spring from the collet, and place it upon a piece of pivot wood cut to fit the centre coil. A piece of soft steel wire, flattened so as to pass freely between the coils, and armed with a little pulverized oil stone and oil, will eerve as your grinder, and with it you may soon reduce the Mivn-th of the spring. Your operations will, of course, be con- fined to the centre coil, for no other part of the spring will rest Millii-iently against the wood to enable you to grind it, but this will generally suffice. The effect will be more rapid than one would suppose, therefore it will stand you in hand to be careful or you may get the spring too weak before you suspect it To Tighten a Ruby Pin. Set the ruby pin in asphaltum var- nish. It will become hard in a few minutes, and be much firmer and better than gum shellac, as generally used. To Temper Brass or to Draw its Temper. Brass is ren- dered hard by hammering or rolling, therefore when you make a thing of brass, necessary to be in temper, you must prepare the material before shaping the article. Temper may be drawn from brass by heating it to a cherry red, and then simply plunging it into water the same as though you were going to temper steel. To Temper Drills.-pSelect none but the finest and best steel for your drills. In making them never heat higher than a cherry red, and always hammer till nearly cold. Do all your hammering in one way, for if, after you have flattened your piece out, you at- tempt to hammer it back to a square or a round you spoil it. When your drill is in proper shape heat it to a cherry red, and thrust it into a piece of resin, or into quicksilver. Some use a solution of cyanuret potassa and rain water for tem- pering their drills, but for my part I have always found the resin or quicksilver to work best. To Temper Gravers.-^-Gravers and other instruments larger than drills, may be tempered in quicksilver as above; or you may use lead instead of quicksilver. Cut down into the lead, say half an inch; then, having heated your instrument to a light cherry red, press it firmly into the cut. The lead will melt around it, and an excellent temper will be imparted. Other Methods to Temper Case Springs. Having fitted the spring into the case according to your liking, temper it hard by heating and plunging into water. Next polish the small end so that you may be able to see when the color changes; lay it on a piece" of copper or brass plate, and hold the plate over your lamp, with the blaze directly under the largest part of the spring. Watch the polished part of the steel closely, and when you see it turn blue remove the plate from the lamp, letting all cool gradually together. When cool enough to handle polish the end of the spring again, 254 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. place it on the plate an 1 hoi 1 it ever tin- lamp as bef,,re. The third Blueing Of the polished end will leave the spring in proper temper. Any steel article to which you desire to give a spring temper may be treated in the same way. Another process said to bo pood, is to temper the spring as in the fir>t instance; th'-n put it in a >mall iron ladl--. cover it \\ith lin- < d oil and hold over a lamp till the oil take-, lire. Keinove the ladle, but let the oil continue to burn until nearly all consumed, when blow out, re-cover with oil and hold over the lamp a- The third burning out of the oil will leave the spring in the right temper. To Temper Clicks, Ratchets, Ac. Hicks TJntch-K or other steel articles requiring a similar decree of hardness should be tem- pered in mercurial ointment. The \>r 89 cmi-iM^ in Minply heating to a cherry n-d ami plunging into the ointment. No other mode \\ili couibiue toughness and hardness to such an extent. To Draw the Temper from Delicate Steel Pieces without Springing them. I'lac.- the article irom which you desire to draw the temper into a common iron clock key. Fill around it with brass or iron tilings, and then plug up the open end with a sterl. iron or brass plug, 'made to tit closely. Take the handle of the key with your plyers and hold its pipe into the bla/e of a lamp till near hot, then It it cool gradually. When sufficiently cold to handle, re- move the plug, and you will find the article with its temper fully drawn, but in all other respects ju-t as it \va- : You will iMiderstaiid the reason for having the article thus plugged up while passing it through the heating and cooling pro- cess, when we t !! you that spring nt; a! ; Mim the action of changeable currents of atmosphere. Tlie temper may be drawn from cylinders, staffs, pinions, or any other delicate pieces by this mode with perfect safety. To Temper Staffs, Cylinders or Pinions, without Spring- ing them. Prepare the articles as in the preceding proee**, lining a steel plug. Having heated the key-pipe to a cherry red, plunge it into water; then ]*>lish the end of 'your sterl plug." place the kev upon a plate of brass or copper, and hold it over your lamp with tlv bla/e immediately und T the pipe till \\\-> polished part Iwcomes blue. Let cool gradually, th-n polish ag^m- Blue and cool a sec- ond time, and the work will be done. To Draw the Temper from Part of a Small Steel Article. Hold the part from which you wish to draw the temper, with a pair of tweezers, and with your blow-pipe direct the tlame upon thm not the article till sufficient heat is communicated to the article to produce the d -sired effect. To Bine Screws Evenly. Take an old watch barrel and drill as many holes into the head of jt as ymi desire to blue screws at a time. Fill it about one-fourth full of "brass or iron tilings, put in the RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 25* head, and then fit a wire, long enough to bend over for a handle into the arbor holes head of the barrel upwards. Brighten th< heads of your screws, set them, point downwards, into the holes already drilled, and expose the bottom of the barrel to your lami till the screws assume the color you wish. To Remove Blueing from Steel. Immerse in a pickle com pos(d of equal parts muriatic acid and elixir vitriol, liiuse in pun water and dry in tissue paper. To Make Diamond Broaches. Make your broaches of brass the size and shape you desire: then, having oiled them slightly, roll their points into fine diamond dust till entirely covered. Hold them then on the face of your anvil and tap with a light hammer till the grains disappear in the brass. Great caution will be necessary in this operation. Do not tap heavy enough to flatten the broach. Very light blows are all that will be required; the grains will be driven in much sooner than one would imagine. Some roll the broach between two smooth pieces of steel to imbed the diamond dust. It is a very good way, but somewhat more wasteful of the dust. Broaches made on this plan are used for dressing out jewels. To Make Polishing Broaches. These are usually made of ivory, and used with diamond dust, loose, instead of having been driven in. You oil the broach lightly, dip it into the finest diamond dust and proceed to work into the jewel the same as you do the brass broach. Unfortunately, too many watchmakers fail to attach sum- cient importance to the polishing broach. The sluggish motion of watches now-a-days, is more often attributable to rough jewels than to any other cause. To Make Diamond Files. Shape^your file of brass, and charge with diamond dust, as in the case of the mill. Grade the dust In accordance with the coarse or fine character of the file desired. To Make Pivot Piles. Dress up a piece of wood file-fashion, about an inch brood, and glue a piece of fine emery paper upon it. Shape your file then, os you wish it, of the best cast steel, and be- fore tempering pass your emery paper heavily across it several times, diagonally. Temper by heating to a cherry red, and, plung- ing into linseed oil. Old worn pivot files may be made over and made new by this process. At first thought one would be led to regard them too slightly cut to work well, but not so. They dress a pivot more rapidly than any other file. To Make Burnishers. Proceed the same as in making pivot files with the exception that you are to use fine flour of emery on a slip of oiled brass or copper, instead of the emery paper. Bur- nishers which have become too smooth may be improved vastly with the flour of emery as above without drawing the temper. 17 256 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. To Prepare a Burnisher for Polishing. Melt a little bees- wax on the face of your burnisher. Its eilect then, on lua^ or other finer metals will be equal to the best buff. A small bur- nisher prepared in this way is the very tiling with which to polish up watch wheels. Rest them on a piece of pith while polishing. To Clean a Clock. Take the movement of the clock "to- pleces." Brush the wheels and pinions thoroughly with a stiff, coarse brush; also the plates into which the trams'work. Clean the pivots well by turning in a piece of cotton doth held tightly between your thumb and finger, The pivot holes in the plates are generally cleansed by turning a piece of wood in them, but I have always found a strip of cloth or a soft cord drawn lightly through them to act the best. If you use two cords, the first one slightly oiled, and the next dry to ciean the oil out, all the better. Do not use salt or acid to clean your clock it can do no good, but may do a great deal of harm. Boiling the movement in water, as some practice, is also foolishness. To Bush. The hole through which the great arbors or wind- tag axles work, are the only ones that usually require bushing. When they have become too much worn the great wheel on the axle before-named strikes too deeply into the pinions above it, and stop the clock. To remedy this bushing K neces>ary, of course. The most common way of aotof it is to drive a steel pant or punch into the plate just abo've the axle hole, thus forcing the bm ward until the hole is reduced to its original size. Another mode is to solder a piece of bra>s upon the plate in such a position as to hold the axle down to its proper place. If you simply wMi your clock to run, and have no ambition to produce a bush that will look workmanlike, about as good a way as any is to fit a piece of hard wood beetween the post which comes through the top oi the plate and the axle. Make it long enough to hold the axle- to its proper place, and so that the axle will run on the end of the grain. Cut notches where the pivots come through, and secure by wrapping around it and the plate a piece of small wire, or a thread. There is no post coming through above the axle on the striking Bide, but this will rarely require bushing. I have known clocks to run well on this kind of bushing, botchified as it may appear, for ten years. To Remedy Worn Pinions. Turn the leaves or rollers so the worn places upon them will be towards the arbor or shaft, and fasten them in that position. If they are "rolling pinions," and you cannot secure them otherwise, you had better do it with a little soft solder. To Oil Properly. Oil only, and very lightly, the pallets of the verge, the steel pin upon which the verge works, and the point where the loop of the verge wire works over the pendulum wire. Use none but the best watch oil. Though you might be working constantly at the clock repairing busine.-s, - A 'bottle costing you but 25 cents, would last you two years at least. You can buy it at any watch-furnishing establishment. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 257 To Make the Clock Strike Correctly. If not very cautious ID putting up your clock you will get some of the striking-train wheels in wrong, and thus produce, :i derangement in the striking. If this should happen, pry the plates apart on the striking side, slip the pivots of the upper wheels out, and having disconnected them from the train, turn them part around and put them back. If still not right, repeat the experiment. A few efforts at most will get them to working properly. A Defect to Look After. Always examine the pendulum-wire at the point where the loop of the verge wire works over it. You will generally find a small notch, or at least a rough place worn there. Dress it out perfectly smooth, or your clock will not be likely to work well. Small as this defect may seem, it stops a large number of clocks. To Refine Gold. If you desire to refine your gold from the baser metals, swedge or roll it out very thin, then cut into narrow strips and curl up so as to prevent its lying flatly. Drop the pieces thus prepared into a vessel containing good nitric acid, in the pro- portion of acid 2 oz., and pure rain water > oz. Suffer to remain until thoroughly dissolved, which will be the case in ^ hour to 1 hour. Then pour off the liquid carefully and you will find the gold in the form of a yellow powder lying at the bottom of the vessel. Wash this with pure water till it ceases to have an acid taste, after which you may melt and cast into any form you choose. Gold treated in this way may be relied on as perfectly pure. In melting gold use none other than a charcoal fire, and during the process sprinkle saltpetre and potash into the crucible occa- sionally. Do not attempt to melt with stone coal, as it renders the metal brittle and otherwise imperfect. To Refine Silver. Dissolve in nitric acid as in the case of the cold. When the silver has entirely disappeared, add to the water. Sink, then, a sheet of clean copper into it the silver will collect rapidly upon the copper, and you can scrape it off and melt into bulk at pleasure. In the event you were refining gold in accordance with the fore- going formula, and the impurity was silver, the only steps neces- sary to save the latter would be to add the above-named proportion of water to the solution poured from the gold, and then to proceed with your copper plate as just directed. To Refine Copper. This process differs from the one em- ployed to refine silver in no respects save the place to be immersed; you use an iron instead of a copper plate to collect Hw metal. If the impurities of gold refined were both silver and copper, you micht after saving the silver as above directed, sink your iron plate into the solution yet remaining, and take out the copper. The parte of alloyed gold may be separated by these processes, and leave each In a perfectly pure state. 258 RECEIPTS FOB MECHANICAL PURPOSES. To Hard Solder Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, Iron, Steel, or Platina. The solders to b u-"d !<>r gold, silver, copper ana hra-s are given in the preceding part. You commence operations by reducing your solder to small particles and mixing it with pOWdend ni-ammaniM and powdered borax in e<[ual i ened to make il hold tu<'!!i<-r. Having fitti-d up the joint to be soldered, you secure th-- article up-.m a pi !. lay your soldering mixture innneb by moistenini: them with the fluid, and then, having placed a sneet of tin foil between them, holding them pressed firmly together over your lamp till the foil melts. If the surfaces fit nicely a joint may b" made in this way so <-le as to be almost Imperceptible. The brightest looking lead" which comes as a lining to tin boxes works better in the same way than tin foil. To Cleanse Gold Tarnished in Soldering. The old English mode was to expose all parts of the article to a uniform heat, allow it to cool and then boil until bright in urine and sr.l-ammoniac. It is now usually cleansed with diluted sulphuric acid. The pickle is made in about the proportion of one-eighth of an oz. acid to 1 oz. rain water. To Cleanse Silver Tarnished in Soldering. Some expose to a uniform heat, as in the case of gold, ami then boil in strong alum water. Others immcrs" for a considerable length of time in a liquid made of % anoz. of cyanuret potassa to 1 pt. rain water, and then brush off with prepared chalk. To Maks Gold Solution for Electro-Plating. Dissolve five pennyweights gold coin, five grains pure copper and 4 grains pure silver in 3 oz. nitro muriatic acid; which is simply two parti muria- RECEIPTS FOB MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 259 tic acid and one part nitric acid. The silver will not be taken into solution as are the other two metals, but will gather at the bottom of the vessel. Add 1 oz. pulverized sulphate of iron, > oz. pul- verized borax, 25 grs. pure table salt, and 1 qt. hot rain water. Upon this the gold and copper will be thrown to the bottom of the ve&HJl with the silver. Let stand till fully settled, then pour oif the liquid carefully, and refill with boiling rain water as before Con- tinue to repeat this operation until the precipitate is thoroughly washed; or, in other words, fill up, let settle, and pour off so long as the accumulation at the bottom of the vessel is acid to the taste. You now have about an eighteen carat cliloride of gold. Add to it an oz. and an eighth cyanuret potassa, and 1 qt. rain water the latter heated to the boiling point. Shake up well, then let stand about twenty-four hours and it will be ready for use. Some use phitina as an alloy instead of silver, under the impres- sion that plating done with it is harder. I have used both, but never could see much difference. Solution for a darker colored plate to imitate Guinea gold may be made by adding to the above 1 oz. of dragon's blood and five grains of iodide of iron. If you desire an alloyed plate, proceed as first directed, without the stiver or copper, and with an oz. and a half of sulphuret potassa in place of the iron, borax and salt. To Make Silver Solution for Electro-Plating. Put together into a glass vessel, one oz. good silver, made thin and cut into strips; two oz. best nitric acid and % an oz. pure rain water. If solution does not begin at once, add a little more water continue to add a very little at a time till it does. In the event it starts off well, but stops before the silver is fully dissolved, you may generally start it up again all right by adding a little more water. When solution is entirely effected, add 1 qt. warm rain water and a large tablespoonful of table salt. Shake well and let settle, then proceed to pour off and wash through other waters as in the case of the gold preparation. When no longer acid to the taste, put in an. oz. and an eighth cyanuret potassa and a qt. pure rain water; after standing about twenty-four hours it will be ready for use. To Plate with a Battery. If the plate is to be gold, use the gold solution for electroplating; if silver use the silver solution. Prepare the article to be plated bv immersing it for several minutes in a strong Ive made of potash and rain water, polishing off thoroughly at the end of the time with a soft brush and prepared chalk. Care should be taken not to let the fingers come in contact with the article while polishing, as that has a tendency to prevent the plate from adhering it should be held in two or three thick- nesses of tissue paper. Attach the article, when thoroughly cleansed, to the positive pole of your battery, then affix a piece of gold or silver, as the case may be, to the negative pole, and immerse both into the solution in such a way as not to hang in contact with each other. After the article has been exposed to the action of the battery about ten minutes, take it out and wash or polish over with a thick 260 RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. mixture of water and prepared chalk or jeweller's rouge. If, in the (iji.Tat.ioii, you find places win-re tin- plating >eems inclined to peel off, or when it lias not taken well, mix a little of tin- plating solution witli prepared chalk or rouge, ami rub the thoroughly with it. This will be likely to set all right. Ghovern your time of exposing the article to the battery by the desired thickness of the plate. During the time it should be taken out and polished up as just directed about every ten mini! often at least as then: is an indication of a growing dai! any part of its surface. When done, finish with the burnisher on prepared chalk and chamois skin, as best suits your taste and con- venience. In case the article to be plated is iron, steel. It ad, pewter, or block tin, you must, after first cleansing with the lye and chalk, prepare it by applying with a soft brush a camel's hair pencil is best suited a solution made of the following article^ in the pro- portion named: Nitric acid, half an ounce; muriatic acid, one- third of an ounce; sulphuric acid, one-ninth of an ounce; muri- ate of potash, one-seventh of an ounce; sulphate of iron, one- fourth of an ounce; sulphuric ether, one-fifth of an ounce, and as much sheet zinc as it will dissolve. This prepares a foundation, without which the plate would fail to take well, if at all. To Make Gold Amalgam. Eight parts of gold and one of mer- cury are formed into an amalgam for plating, by rendering the gold into thin plates, making it red hot and then potting it into the mercury while the latter is also heated to ebullition. The gold im- mediately disappears in combination with the mercury, after which the mixture may be turned into water to cool. It is then ready for To Plate With Gold Amalgam. Gold amalgam is chiefly used as a plating for silver, copper, or brass. The article to be plated is washed over with diluted nitric acid or potash lye and prepared chalk, to remove any tarnish or rust that niiirht prevent the amal- gam from adhering. After having been polished perfectly bright, the amalgam is applied as evenly as possible, usually with a fine scratch brush. It is then set upon a grate over a charcoal fire, or placed into an oven and heated to that decree at which mercury exhales. The gold, when the mercury has evaporated, presents a dull yellow color. Cover it with a coating of pulverized nitre and alum in equal parts, mixed t.>a paste with water, and beat again till il is thoroughly melted, then plunge into water. Burnish up with a steel or blooustone burnisher. To Make and Apply Gold Plating Solution. Dissolve half an ounce of gold amalgam in one ounce of nitro-muriatic acid. Add two ounces of alcohol, and then, having brightened the article in the usual way, apply the solution with a soft brush. I Muse and dry in saw-dust, or with tissue paper, and polish up with chamois 8km. RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 26] To Make and Apply Gold Plating Powders. Prepare t chloride ot gold the same as for plating with a battery. Add to it When thoroughly washed out, cyanuret potassa in the proportion oi two ounces to five pennyweights of gold. Pour in a pint of clean rair water, shake up well and then let stand till the chloride is dissolved Add then one pound of prepared Spanish whiting and let evapo rate in the open air till dry, after which put away in a tight vesse for use. To apply it you prepare the article in the usual way, anc having made the powder into a paste with water, rub it upon th< surface with a piece of chamois skin or cotton flannel. An old mode of making a gold plating powder was to dip clear linen rags into solution prepared as in the second article preced ing this, and having dried, to fire and burn them into ashes. Th< aslies formed the powder, and were to be applied as above. To Make and Apply Silver Plating Solution. Put tc gether in a glass vessel one ounce nitrate of silver, two ounces cya- nuret potassa, four ounces prepared Spanish whiting, and ten ounce* pure rain water. Cleanse the article to be plated as pel preceding directions, and apply with a soft brush. Finish with the chamois skin or burnisher. To Make and Apply Silver Plating Powder. Dissolve silvei in nitric acid by the aid of heat; put some pieces of copper intc the solution to precipitate the silver; wash the acid out in the usual way; then with fifteen grains of it mix two drachms of tartar, twc drachms of table salt, and half a drachm of pulverized alum, Brighten the article to be plated with Jye and prepared chalk, and rub on the mixture. When it has assumed a white appearance, expose to heat as in the case of plating with gold amalgam, then polish up with the burnisher or soft leather. To Frost Watch Movments. Sink that part of the article tc be frosted for a short time in a compound of nitric acid, muriatic acid and table salt one ounce of each. On removing from the acid, place it in a shallow vessel containing enough sour beer tc merely cover it; then with a fine scratch brush scour thoroughly, letting it remain under the beer during the operation. Next wash off, first in pure water and then in alcohol. Gild or silver in accord- ance with any recipe in the chapter on plating. To Enamel Gold and Silver. Take half a pennyweight o1 silver, two pennyweights and a half of copper, three pennyweights and a half of lead, and two pennyweights and a half of muriate 01 ammonia. Melt together and pour into a crucible with twice a; much pulverized sulphur; the crucible is then to be immediate!} covered that the sulphur may not take fire, and the mixture is t< be calcined over a smelting fire until the superfluous sulphur u burned away. The compound is then to be coarsely pounded, anc 2G2 RECEIPTS FOE MECHANICAL PURPOSES. with a solution of muriate of ammonia to be formed into a paste which is t<> bi' placed upon tin- article it is d.-sVn-'d t.. enamel. Tli- article must then be held over a spirit lamp till tin- oompooad upon it melts and flows. After this it may be smoothed and pol- ished up in safety. This makes the black enamel now so much used on jewelry. To Destroy the Effects of Acid on Clothes. Dampen as soon as possible after exposure to the acid with spirits ammonia. It will destroy the effect immediately. To Wash Silver Ware. Never use a particle of soap on your silverware, as it dulls the lustre, uivinii the article more the ap- pearance of pewter than -liver. When it wants cleaning rub it with a piece .if soft leather ami prepared chalk, tin- latt-r made into a kind of pa-t>- with pure water, for the reason that water not pure might contain gritty particles. To Cleanse Brushes. The best method of cleansing watch- makers' and jewelers' brushes is to wash them out in strong soda water. When the hacks are wood you must favor that part as much as possible, for, being glued, the water might injure them. To Cut Glass Round or Oval Without a Diamond. Scratch the glass around the shape you desire with the corner of a file or graver: thn, having bent a piece of \vir- in the same -.hape. heat it red hot and lay it upon the serateh, sink the glass into cold water just deep enough for the water to come almost upon a level with its upper surface. It will rarely ever fail to break perfectly true. To Re-Black Clock Hands. Fso asphaltum varnish. One coat will make old rusty hands look as good as new, and it dries in a few minutes. Improved Wood Filing Composition. Japan, } pt.; boiled linseed oil, t> pt. ; turpentine, } pt. ; starch, oz. Mix veil together and apply to the wood. On walnut wood add a little burned umber, ou cherry a little Venetian red, to the above mixture. Planing Metals. The first operation about planing is to oil your planer and find out if the lx-d is smooth. If it is not file off the rough places; then cli^ige the do^s to see if they will work well, and find out the movements of the planer. After doing this, bolt your work on to the tx-d, and if it is a lout:, thin piece, plane off a chip, then turn it over and finish the other side, taking two chips, the last of which should be very 1'mht. (Jreat care should be taken in bolting the bed not to spring it. After finishiii<; this side turn it to the other side, and take off a light cut to finish it. Planing Perpendicularly. In planing perpendicularly, it is necessary ~to swivel the bottom of the small hfad around, so It will Stand about three-fourths of an inch inside of square, towards the piece you are to plane. This prevents breaking the tool when the bed runs back. Gear Cutting. In cutting gears, they are reckoned on a certain RECEIPTS FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. 2G3 number of teeth to the inch, measuring across the diameter to a certain line which Is marked on tin- face or sides of the gear with a tool. This linn is one-half the depth of the teeth from the outer diameter. That is, if the teeth of the gear are two-tenths of an inch deep, this line would be one-tenth of an inch from the edge, and is called the pitch line. Depth of Teeth. Every gear cut with a different number of teeth to the inch, should he cut of a depth to the pitch line, to cor- respond with the number of teeth to the inch. This is called pro- portion. Therefore, if you cut a gear eight to the inch, the depth to the pitch line should be one-eighth of an inch, and the whole depth of the tooth would be two-eighths. Again, if you cut a gear twelve to the inch, the depth to pitch line should be one-twelfth of an inch, and the whole depth of tooth two-twelfths. And again, if you cut a gear twenty to the inch, the depth to pitch line should be one-twentieth of an inch, while the whole depth should be two- twentieths, and so on ad iuftnitum. Measuring to find the Number of Teeth. To find the size a certain gear should be, for a certain number of t -eth, is an easy matter if you study carefully these rules. If you want a gear with thirty-two teeth and eight to the inch, it should be four inches, measuring across the diameter to the pitch line, and the two- eighths outside of the pitch line would make it four inches and two-eighths. Again, if you want a gear with forty teeth, and ten to the inch, it should measure across Che diameter to pitch line four Inches, and the two-tenths outside the pitch line would make the whole diameter four inches and two-tenths. And again, if you want a gear with eighty teeth, and twenty to the inch, it should measure to the pitch line, across the diameter, four inches, and the two-twentieths outside the pitch line would make it four inches and two-twentieths, and these examples will form a rule for the meas- urement of all except bevel gears. Bevel Gears. These are turned a certain bevel to correspond with each other, according to the angle upon which the shafts driven by them are set. For instance, if two shafts are set upon an angle of ninety degrees, the surfaces of the faces of these gears will stand at an angle of forty-five degrees. To get the surface of these gears in turning them, put a straight edge across the face, then set your level on an angle of forty-five degrees, and try the face of the teeth by placing the level on a straight edge. After turning the face of the teeth, square the outer diameter by the face of the teeth: and to get the size to which you wish to cut, measure from the centre of the face of the teeth. Thus if a bevel gear is six inches in diameter, and the face of the teeth is one inch, you will measure from the centre of the face, and find it is five inches. On this line you calculate the number of teeth to the inch, and if you want a gear with twenty teeth, and ten to the inch, it should measure two inches across the face to the centre of the surface of the teeth; and if the face of the teeth were one inch in length, the diameter of the gear would be three inches, and the inside of the teeth would measure, only one inch. Again if you want to cut a 264 RECEIPTS FOB MECHANICAL PURPOSES. gear with forty teeth, and ten to the inch, it would measure four inches to the centre of the tn-tl i on the Mirface. And if tin- sur- face of the teeth were one inrh IOHM, tin- diamet-r of th" gear would Iw3 five inches, while it would only III.MMUV three inches inside the teeth. These examples will form a rule for all bevel gear. Draw-Filing and Finishing. To draw-file a piece of work smoothly and quickly, it is be>t to lir-t draw-tile it with a medium fine file," and finish with a superfine til". After doing this, polUh the work with dry emery paper, and then with emery paper and oil. Lining Boxes with Babbitt Metal. To line boxes properly, so as to insure their filling every time, it is MMMUTtohw the box nearly red hot, or at least hot enough to melt the m.-tal. Then smoke the shaft where the metal is U be poured upon it. This in- sures its coming out of the box easily, utter it is cold. After .smoking the shaft, put it into the box or boxes, and draw some putty around the ends of them, for the purpose of stopping them, taking care not to press upon it, for if you do it will go into the box, and fill a place that ought to he filled with metal; and in the mean- time your metal ought to be heated, and after you have poured it, let the box stand till it is nearly cold; drive out your shaft, and it Is done. Making Lining Metal. Molt in a rnHhlo one and a half ponnds of copper, and while the copper is melting, melt in a ladle twenty- five pounds of tin, and three of antimony, nearly red hot, pour the two together, and stir until nearly cool. 'This makes the finest kind of lining metaL Putting Machines Together. In putting machines together no part should be finished except where it is necessary to make a fit, as it is sQmetimes the case that machinery is miscalculated, and by finishing it would he spoiled, while if it were not it might be saved by slight alterations in design. And again, in finishing certain parts before you get a machine together, you are unknowingly finishing part's not necessary to lie finished, ami making them of a pliape anything hut de-irahle. This rule, however, is not intended to apply lo machinery beiug made to detail drawings. To Drill a Hole where yon have no Reamer. Tt is some- times necessary to drill a hole of an exact si/.e to lit a certain shaft, and at the same time have it smooth without reaming it. This may be done, by first drilling a hole, a one-hundredth of an inch smaller than the size desired, and then making a drill the exact si/.e and running it through to finish with. This last drill should have the corners of its lips rounded, like a reamer, and the hole should be finished without holding the drill with a rest. Boring a Hole with a Boring Tool. Tn boring a hoV with a boring tool, it is usually necessary to drill the hole first, and too much cure cannot be taken in finishing. An iron gau-_ r e should be made first; is usually made of a piece of sheet iron or wire. The hole should then be'drilled smaller than the size desired, and then bored to the required size, and it is impossible to bore a hole perfect CEMENTS. 265 without taking two or three light chips, mere scrapings with which to finish. Holes, in this way, may be bored as nicely as they can be reuuied. Squaring or Facing up Cast Iron Surfaces. A round end tool Is best for Mils. A rough chip should first be taken off, over the entire surface to be faced. Then speed your lathe up and taking a light chip, merely enough to take out tlic first tool marks, run over the entire surface again. In turning up surfaces it is always Inrst to begin at the centre and feed out, as the tool cuts f 1 1 . i and will wear twice as long. Boring Holes with Boring Arbor. A boring arbor is a shaft with a sU'e.l set in it, for the purpose of boring holes of great length, and is designed to be, used in a lathe. In doing this pro- perly, you must first see if your latho is set straight. If not, adjust It; having done this, put the piece of work to be bored in the car- riage of your lathe, pass your arbor through the hole to be bored, and put it on the centres of your lathe. Having done this, adjust your work true to the position desired by measuring from the point of the tool, continually turning round the arbor from side to side of the piece to lie bored, while you are bolting it to the carriage, and measure until it is perfectly true. Having done this, bore the hole, and take for the last chip only a hundredth of an inch. This makes a true and smooth hole. It is impossible to make a hole true with any kind of a tool when you are cutting a large chip, for the tool springs so that no dependence can be placed upon it. To make a Boring Arbor and Tool that will not Chat- ter. Boring tools, when used in small arbors, are always liable to chatter and make a rough hole. To prevent this, the tool should be turned in a lathe, while in its position in the arbor, upon the circle of the size of the hole to be bored, and the bearing lengthwise of the arbor should be only as wide as the feed of the lathe; for if the bearing of the tool is on the face, the more it will chatter. CEMENTS. [See other pages also.] Rust Joint. QUICK SETTING. 1 Ib. sal ammoniac in powder, 2 Ibs. of flour of sulphur, 80 Ibs. iron borings. Made to a paste with water. SLOW SETTING. 2 Ibs. sal ammoniac, 1 Ib. of sulphur, 200 Ibs. iron borings. This latter cement is best if the joint is not required for immediate use. For Steam Boilers, Steam Pipes, Etc. SOFT. T?ed or white lead in oil, 4 parts; iron borings, 2 to 3 parts. HARD. Iron borings and salt water, and a small quantity of sal ammoniac with fresh water. Maltha, or Greek Mastic. Lime and sand mixed in the man- ner of mortar, and made into a proper consistency with milk or size without water. 266 BROWNING. For China. Curd of mill;, (Inert and powdered, 10 07.; quick- lime, 1 <)/..; camphor, '_' drachms. Mix, and keep in closely stopped butil'-s. When ns-.-d.a portion is to In; mixed with a little water into a paste. Tor Earthen and Glassware. TTcat the article to bo mended ft little above 313. then apply :i thin coating of mim shellac upon both surfaces of the broken vessel. Or, dissolve jruin shellac in alcohol, apply the solution, and bind the parts firmly together until the cement is dry. Holes in Casting. Sulphur In powder, 1 part; sal ammoniac, 2 parts; powdered iron turnings, 80 parts. Make into a thick paste. The ingredients composing this cement should be kept separate, and not mixed until required for use. For Marble. Planter of Pa^is, in a sattirated solution of alum, baked in an oven, and n-due -d to powder. Mixed with water. It may be mixed with various colors. For Mirble Workers and Coppersmiths. White of egg, mixed with finely sifted quicklime, will unite objects which arc n/.., in .small quantities. Remove from the tire and cool. Or, white glue, 10 >/..; white leail, dry, 4 o/.; rain water, _' pints. Add alcohol, -1 oz., and continue the heat for a few minutes. Marine. Dissolve India-rubber, 4 parts, in ."M parts of coal-tar naphtha; add powdered shellac, (54 part-,. While the mixture is hot it is poured upon metal plates in sheets. When required for iise.it is heated, and then applied with a brush. Or, 1 part India-rubher, 12 parts of coal-tar; heat gently, mix, and add 20 parts of p. shellac. Pour out to cool. When used, heat to about 250. Or, glue, 12 parts; water, sufficient to dissolve; and yellow resin. .'{ parts; and, when melted, add turpentine, 4 parts. Mix thoroughly together. STKONO GLUE. Add powdered chalk to common glue. GUM MUCILAGE. A little oil of cloves poured into a bottle con- taining guui mucilage, prevents it from becoming sour. Glue to Resist Moisture. 5 parts glue, 4 parts rosin, 2 parts red ochre, mixed with the least practicable quantity of water. Or, 4 parts of glue, 1 part of boiled oil by weight, 1 part oxide of iron. Or, 1 Ib. of glue melted in 2 quarts of slummed milk. VARNISHES. [See other pages also.] Waterproof. Flour of sulphur, 1 Ib. ; Linseed-oil, 1 pal.; boil them until they are thoroughly combined. This forms a good varnish for waterproof textile fabrics. Another is made of oxide of lead, 4 Ibs.; lampblack, 2 Ibs. ; sulphur, 5 oz.; and India- rubber dissolved in turpentine, 10 Ibs. Boil together until they are thoroughly combined. To Adhere Engravings or Lithographs upon Wood. Sandarach, _'."() parts: mastic in tears, 64; resin, 125; Venice tur- pentine, 250; and alcohol, 1000 parts by measure. For Harness. India-rubber, }4 Ib.; spirits of turpentine, 1 pal.; dissolve into a jelly; then take hot linseed oil, equal parts with the mass, and incorporate them well over a slow fire. For Fastening Leather on Top Rollers. Gum Arabic. 2|^ oz., dissolved in water, and a like volume of isinglass dissolved in water. To Preserve Glass from the Rays of the Sun. Reduce a quantity of gum tngmeurth to tine powder, and let it dissolve for 24 hours in white ot eggs well beat up. For Water-Color Drawings. Canada balsam, 1 part; oil of turpentine, 2 parts, mixed. Size the drawing before applying the varnish. PAINTING. 269 POT Objects of Natural History, for Shells, Fish, &c.- Mucilace of gum tragacant.h and mucilage of sum arable, each 1 oz. Mix, and add spirit with corrosive sublimate, so as to precipi- tate the more stringy part of the gum. For Articles of Iron and Steel. floar grains of mastic, 10 parts; camphor, 5 parts; sandarach, 15 parts; and elemi, 5 parts. Dissolve In a sufficient quantity of alcohol, and apply without heat. This varnish will retain its transparancy, and the metallic brilliancy of the article will not be obscured. For Gun Barrels, after Browning. Shellac. 1 oz.; Dragon's blood, J^ oz. ; rectified spirit, 1 quart. Dissolve and filter. Black. Heat to boiling, 10 parts of linseed oil varnish with burnt umber, 2 parts, and powdered asphaltum, 1 part. When cooled, dilute with spirits of turpentine as required. Balloon. Melt India-rubber in small pieces with its weight of boiled linseed oil. Thin with oil of turpentine. Transfer. Alcohol, 5 oz. ; pure Venice turpentine, 4 oz. ; mas- tic, 1 oz. To Clean Varnish. Mix a lye of potash, or soda, with a little powdered chalk. Composition for Rendering Canvas Waterproof and Pliable. Yellow soap, 1 lb., boiled in 6 pints of water, add, while hot, to 112 Ibs. of paint Good Painting requires 4 or 6 coals; but usually only 4 are used in principal rooms ; and 3 in inferior ones. Each coat must be allowed to dry perfectly before the next one is put on. One lb. of the keg paint will, after being thinned, cover about 2 sq. yds. of first coat ; 3 yds. of second ; and 4 yds. of each subsequent coat ; or 1 sq. yd. of 3 coats will require in all, 1-08 Ibs. ; of 4 coats, 1 Ibs. ; of 5 coats, 1-58 Ibs. The reason why the first coats require so much more than the subsequent ones, is that the bare surface of the wood absorbs it more. Painting of Brick Work. A square yard of new brick wall requires for the first coat of paint in oil, | lb. ; and for the second, 3; and for the third, -4. 270 MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. To Clean Marble. Chalk, powdered, and pumice-stone, each 1 part; soda. :_' paris. Mix with water. Wa^h tin- spots, then clean and wash off with soap aud water. To Extract Grease from Stone or Marble. Soft soap, 1 part; Fuller's earth, '1 part-; potash, l part. Mix witli boiling water. Lay it upon the spots, and let it remain for a few hours. Paint for Window Glass. Chrome green, ^ oz.; sugar of lead, 1 11).; ground line, in sufficient linked oil to iii.i>ti-n it. Mix to toe consistency of cream, and apply with a soft brush. The glass should be well cleaned before the paint is applied. The above quantity is sufficient for about 200 feet of glues. Durable Paste. Make common flour paste rather thick (by mixing some tlmir with a little <, then p.li>h lightly with silk. To Prevent Iron from Rusting. Warm it; then nib with white wax: put it again to the fire until the wax has pervaded the entire surface. Or, immerse tools or bright work in boiled linseed oil and allow it to dry upon them. Paper for Draughtsmen, &c. Powdered tragacanth, 1 part; water. 10 parts; dissolve, and strain through cl-an gauze, then lav it smoothly upon the paper, previously stretched upon a board. This paper will take either oil or water-colors. To Remove Old Ironmould. Remoisten the part stained with ink. remove this by the use of muriatic acid diluted by 5 or (> times its weight of water, when the old and new stain will'be removed. Pastiles for Fumigating. Gum arable, 2 oz.; charcoal powder, , r >o/.. ; oaacariliabark, po\vdcr-d ^o/.. ; saltpetre, y t drachm. Mix to- gether with water, and make into shape. For "Writing Upon Zinc Labels Horticultural. Dissolve 100 gr. of chloride of platinum in a pin! of water; add ;i little mu- cilage and lamp-black. Or, sal-ammoniac, 1 dr : verdigiis, 1 dr.: lamp-back, % dr.; water, 10 drs. Mix. MISCELLANEOUS. 271 Booth's Grease for Railway Axles. Water, 1 gall,; clean tallow, 3 Ibs.; palm oil, Ibs.; common soda, U lb.; or, tallow, 8 Ibs. ; palm oil, 10 Ibs. To be heated to about 212, and to be well stirred until it cools to 70. Anti-friction Gras. 100 Ibs. tallow, 70 llw. palm oil. Boiled together, and when cooled to 80, strain through a sieve, and mix with 28 Ibs. of Soda and 1M gals, of water. For winter, take 25 Ibs. more oil in place of the tallow. Or black lead, 1 part; lard, 4 Llard. 50 parts of finest rape oil and 1 part of caoutchouc, cut email. Apply beat until it is nearly all dissolved. Stain*. To REMOVE Stains of ladin* are removed by rectified spirit. I a!.- stains by oxalic or superoxalate of potash, tronmoulda by the same; but if obstinate, moisten them with ink, then re- move them in the usual way. RED SPOTS upon black cloth from acids are removed by spirts of hartshorn, or other solutions of ammonia. STAINS of MARKING-INK, OR NITRATE OP SILVER. Wet the stain witli fre.sh solution of cloride. of lime, and utter 10 or 15 minutes, if the marks have become white, dip the part in solution of ammonia or of hyposulphite of soda. In a few minutes wash with clean water. Or stretch tin- stained linen over a basin of hot water, and wet the mark with tincture of iodine. Preservative Paste for Objects of Natural History. White arsenic, 1 lb.; powdered hellebore, 2 Ibs. Paste for Cleaning Metals. Oxalic acid, 1 part; rottenstone, 6 parta. Mix with equal parts of train oil and spirits of turpentine. "Watchmaker's Oil, 'which never Corrodes or Thickens. Place coils of thin sheet lead in a bottle with olive oil. Expose it to the sun for a few weeks, and pour off the clear oil. Blacking, Without Polishing. Molasses, 4 oz. ; lamp-black, $oz.; y east, a tablespoon ful; eggs, 2; oliveoil.ateiwpoontnl; turpentine, ateaapoonful. Mix well. To be applied with aaponge, without brushing. To Preserve Sails. Slacked lime, 2 bushels. Draw off the lime water, and mix it with 120 gallons water, and with blue vitriol, Whitewash. For outside exposure, slack lime, M a bushel, in a barrel: add common salt, 1 lb.; sulphate of zinc, }$ lb.; and sweet milk, 1 gal. To Preserve Woodwork.. Boiled oil and finely powdered charcoal, each 1 pait; mix to the consistence of paint. Lay on 2 or 3 coats with it. This composition is well adapted for casks, water- spouts, Ac. To Polish Wood. Rub surface with pumice stone and water 18 272 MISCELLANEOUS. until the rising of the grain is removed. Then, with powdered tripoli and boiled linseed oil, polish to a bright surface. To Clean Brass Ornaments. Brass ornaments that have not been gilt or lackered may be cleaned, and a very brilliant color given to them, by washing them in alum boiled in strong lye, In the proportion of an ounce to a pint, uucl afterward rubbing them with strong tripoli. Adhesive Cement for Fractures of all Kinds. White load ground with linseed oil varnish, and kept out of contact with the air. It requires a few weeks to harden. When stone or iron an- to be cemented together, use a compound of equal parts of sulphur and pitch. INDEX. Alloy and Compositions, 164, 165. Arches and Abutments, 82. Artiilr.-r*' Rules and Tablet. Bricklayers' work, measurement of, 71. Carpenters' and Joiners' work, measurement of, 74. Glaziers' work, measurement of, 79. Masons' work, measurement of, 73. Pavers' work, measurement of, 78. Painters' work, measurement of, 79. Plasterers' work, measurement of, 78. Plumbers' work, measurement of, 80. Slaters' work, measurement of, 76. Wells and Cisterns, measure- ment of, 73. Jft-iiiHu. Strength and Stiff**** of, 120, 130, 133. Belts, 61. Casks, gauging of, 160. Ullage of, 163. Co* tiny*, wright of, 147. Shrinkage of, 120. Centrifugal Force, 139. Columns, hollow, 137. Solid, 135. Crane, 138. it-mi". 118. Dine, revolving, 120. Epitome of Mensuration, Circles, 44. Cones, 47. Cubes, 45. 8 Cylinder, 44. Ellipses, 47. Frustums, 47. Polygons, 46. Regular, table of areas of, Rectangles, 45. Spheres, 44. Square, 45. Surfaces and solidities of regu- lar bodies, 46. Triangles, 46. Friction, 139. Ice, Strength of, 120. l,,-tr,,,n, ,,t,,l Arithmetic. Gauge points for common slide rule, 51. Gauge points for engineers' rule, 51. Mensuration of solidity and ca- pacity, 62. Mensuration of surface, 50. Numbers, to divide upon the rule, 49. Numbers, to find geometrical and mean proportion between two, 50. Numbers, to multiply by the rule, 48. Numbers, square and cube roots of, 49. Numeration, 48. Proportion, or rule of three di- rect, 49. Rule of three inverse, 49. Slide rule, utility of, 48. Square and cube roots of num- bers, 49. Surface, mensuration of, 50. Iron Chains, 127. Iron Work* (England), 84. 273 274 INDEX. Cements, Mortars and Concretes, 62. Mills, Flour, Saw, Wood Cnttiny, 84. 31 in in ff and Wasting, 86. Notts and Spikes, welyht of, 128, 129. Pedestal Bracket, 139. Practical Geometry. Arch, flat, to draw by the in- tersection of lines, 42. Corners of a given square, to cat off so as to form a regular oc- tagon, 36. Curved lines, method of draw- ing, 38. Ellipse, to describe, by means of a carpenter's square, 40. Ellipse, to draw, by means of two concentric circles, 39. Ellipse, to draw, with rule and compasses. 38. Ellipse, to find centre and two << 4L Equilateral triangle within a given circle, to inscribe, 34. Hexagon, regular, within a given circle, to inscribe, 36. Line, a given, to divide into any number of parts, equal or unequal, etc., 36. Line, a given, to draw a poly- gon of any number of sides on, etc., 37. Lines, curved, method of draw- ing, 38. Moulding, raking, to find form or curvature of, to unite with level one, 42. Pentagon, regular, within a given circle, to inscribe, 35. IMurn, in open or broken pedi- ment, to mid form or curva- ture of, 43. Square, within a given circle, to inscribe, 35. Pump, Cold Water, 139. Receipts for Mechanical Pur- pones. Acid, fluoric. 200. On clothes, to destroy the effects of, 262. Acids, dipping 175. Tinning, for brass or zinc, 175. Alabaster, how to stain, 234. Albata metal, 171. Alloy, anti-friction, for journal boxes, 17!'. Bushing, for pivot holes, etc., in watches, 248. For bronze ornaments, 173. For calico printing blocks, 172. For cylinders of locomo- tives, 17-2. For gold, 169, 170. For gun mountings, 171. For journal boxes 180. For mechanical instra- ments, 17 1'. For silver coin and plate, 169. For silver, French patent, 170. For stuffing -boxes of loco- motives, 172. For symbals, 173. For watch pinion sockets, 171. Fusible, 167. Fusible, for silvering glass, 167. Hard, Chantry's, 171. Jewellers', 248. Amalgam, for electrical ma- chines, 173. For mirrors. 172. Gold, to make, 260. Gold, to plate with, 260. Anatomical injections, metal for, 174. Ancient bronze, 173. Angler's secret for fish, 235. Annealing, 194. Antique bronze paint, 176. Argentine, white, 173. Armenian cement, jewellers', 198 Artificial gold, 170. Assaying gold and silver, 193. Babbitt metal, 170. Lining boxes with, 264. Bath metal, 178. Battery, to plate with a, 259. Bell metal, 166, 171, 172, 174,243. Bevel gears, 263. Bidery, 171. Birmingham platin, 171. Bismuth sohk-r, 17-. Black, having a polish for iron, 183. INDEX. 275 Blacking, for harness, 270. Blacking, oil paste, 226. Water-proof, 226. Blacking without polishing, 271 Blue, transparent, for iron o steel, 186. Blueing from steel, to remove 255. Boilers, incrustation of, 243. Soft cement for, 186. To prevent deposits of limi in, 182. Books or paper, to marble, 231. Boot and shoe edge, best color for 225. Booth's grease, for railway axles, Borax, substitute for, 184. Boring, arbor,. 265. Tool boring a hole with, 264. Botany Bay wood, imitation of, Bottle glass, 237. Brass, 106, 172, 174, 179. Acids for, 175. Best, for fine castings, 166. Buttonmakers', 174. For clocks, 171. For heavy castings, 179. For wire, 173. German, 179. Lacquers for, 175, 176, 177. Malleable, 172. Solder for, 167. Solution, 192. To clean and polish, 188. To hard solder, 258. To temper or draw temper from, 253. Vinegar, bronze for, 175. Watchmakers', 179. Work, to prepare for ormolu dipping, 175. Bridle stain, 228. Britannia metal, 166, 167, 171, 173, 178. Hardening for, 166. British plate, 171. Broaches, diamond, to make, 255. Polishing, to make, 255. Bronze, 173. Dip, 177. Metal, 166. Ornaments, alloy for, 173. Powder, 224. Bronze powder, red, 173. Brass, 243. Cannon, 173. Medals, 173. Medals of all kinds, 177. Bronzing fluid for guns, 173. General directions for, 223. Iron, 223. Liquid, 226. Mosaic, gold powder for, 222. Plaster casts, 223. Wood, 224. Browning for gun barrels, 188, 189, 267. For twist, 189. Liquid 226. Brunswick black, for grates, etc., 188. Brushes, to clean, 202. Burning fluid, the northern light, 248. Burnished gilding, French, 223. Burnishers, to make, 255. To prepare for polishing, Bushing alloy, for pivot holes, etc., in watches, 248. Buttonmakers' metal, 172. Buttons, hard white metal for, 171. Cabinetmakers' varnish, 216. Calico printing blocks, alloy for, 172. Cannon, bronze for, 173. Metal, 173. Cans, tin, 188. Canvas, flexible paint for, 213. Patent varnish for, 217. Carriage varnish, 216. Carriages, prepared oil for, 212. Case-hardening for iron, 184. Cast brass, dipping acid for, 175. Britannia ware, soft solder for, 167. Iron scaling, 182. Surfaces, squaring or facing up, 265. To enamel, 192. To soften, for drilling, 185. To weld, 180. Castings, 167. Heavy brass for, 179. Iron, to bronze, 176. To fill holes in, 176. 276 INDEX. Cast, plaster of Paris, to take from a person's face, 244. Cast steel, to harden and temper, 244. To weld, 243. Ceilings, blue color for, 209. Cements, 181, 186, 188, 198, 213, 214, 226, 232, 234, 265, 266, 272. Chains, brass, chain dip solution for. 245. Chalk for cleaning, to prepare, 250. Chantry's hard alloy, 171. Cherry stain, 220. China gilding, 200. Gold lustre for 200. Chinese gong metal, 171. Silver, 173. White copper, 178. Chrome green, 210. Yellow, 210. Clicks, etc., of watches, to temper, 254. Clock, bell metal, 172. Best brass for, 171. Faces, etc., to silver, 190. Hands, to re-black, 262. To clean, 256. To make strike correctly, 257. To oil properly, 256. Wheels, to put teeth in with- out dovetailing or solder- ing, 247. Clothing renovator, 236. Cock metal, 166. Colored gold, 169. Color for lacquer, 177. Colors, compound, 205. Coloring of gilding, 197. Compositions, 179, 182, 183, 189, Copper, enamelling on, 194. Plates or rods, to coat with brass, 191. Powder. 223. Solder for, 167, 168. Solution of, on zinc, 191. Stew dishes, etc., 187. To hard solder, 258. To refine, 257. Vessel, etc., to enamel, 192. Cream, painters', 213. Crimson, satin, 218. Crucibles, 265, 266, 272. Crystallized tin plate, 187. Curriers' paste, 230. Size, 230. Skirting, 230. Cntlerv, tempering, 189. Cylinders of locomotives, alloy "for. 172. Of watches, to temper, 254. Dams, 240, 241, 242. Deer skins, tanning and buffing, 227. Dentists' emery wheels, 243. Deposits of lime in boilers, to pre- vent, 182. Diamond files, to make, 255. Diamond mill, to make, 246. Dip bronze, 177. Dipped brass, lacquer for, 175, 176. Dipping acids, 175. Door plates, to make, 198. Draughtsmen, paper for, 270. Draw-filing and finishing. Drills, to temper, 198, 253. Watchmakers', 190. Drying oils, 212. Dutch gold powders, 223. Dyes for ivory, horn, and bone, 233. For leather, 230. For veneers, 235. Ebony stain, 220. Edge (boot, shoe, and harness) blacking, 225. Edge (boot, shoe, and harness) varnish, 226. Electrical machine, amalgam for, 173. Electro gold and silver plating, 19* Electro-plating, to make gold solution for, 258. Electro-plating, to make silver solution for, 259. Electrum. 243. Emery wheels, dentists', 243. Emery wheels, for polishing, 193. Enamelled cast iron, 192. Enamelling on gold and copper, 194. English standard for silver, 170. Etching fluid for ivory, 233. On glass, 199. Varnish, 199. Etruscan gold coloring, 246. INDEX. 277 Factitious gold, 169. Farmers' paint, 207. Fenton's anti-friction metal, 179. Fictitious linseed oil, 215. Files, diamond, to make, 255. Glass gilding, 203. Grinding, for signs, etc., How to photograph on, 236. How to write on in the sun, Pivot, 255. 236. And rasps, old, how to recut, Plate, 238. 183. Soluble, 203. Finishing with one coat of var- Staining, 200. nish, 221. Fish, angler's secret for, 235. To cut round or oval without a diamond, 262. Oil paints 211. To drill and ornament, 204. Flask glass, 238. Fluoric acid, 200. To preserve from the rays of the sun, 268. Foil, liquid, for silvering glass To transfer prints, etc., to, globes, 181. 236. Frames, etc.. varnish for, 220. French finish for leather, 228. Transparent for, 266. Window, 238. Gold plate, 171. Paint for, 270. Patent leather, 228. Polish for leather, 230. Glaziers' putty, 211. Globes, glass, liquid foil for sil- Friction in machinery, to lessen, vering, 181. 244. Glues, 206, 209, 267. Frosting and whitening silver goods, pickle for, 245. Fumigating, pastiles for, 270. Furniture, cream, 222. Gold, alloys for, 169. 170. Amalgam to make, 260. To plate with, 260. Artificial, 170. Fillings, 222. Colored, 169. Oils, 244. Common, 169. Polish, 221. Dutch, 223. Game, trapper's secret for, 235. Gas, to purify, 182. German brass, 179. Enamelling on, 194. Factitious, 169. From gilt metal, to recover, Silver, 167, 171, 174. 198. Gear, cutting, 262. From lace, etc., to separate, Gears, bevel. 263. 198. Gilders' gold sice, 204, Green and red, 197. Pickle. 206. Imitation, 174, 248. Gilding china and glass, 200. Ink, 200. Coloring of, 197. Lacquer, 176, 187, 216. Elkington's patent, 196. French burnished, 223. Lustre for stoneware, etc., 200. Glass signs, etc., 204. Letters on wood, etc., 204. Metal, 169. Oroide of, 248. Plate, French, 171. Plating solution, to make Wood, 224, 225. and apply, 260. Gilt frames, reviver for, 225. Wares, metal for, 172. Glass, bottle, 237. Plating powders, to make and apply, 261. Polishing powder for, 197. Colored, 244. Powder, true, 222. Crown 238. Refining, 193. Crystal, 237. Silvering on metals, 197. German, 238. Solders, 168, 248. Etching on, 199. Solution for electro-plating, Flask, 238. to make, 258. 24 278 IXDEX. Gold, tarnished in soldering, to cleanse, 258. Tinge, how to give to silver, 246. To enamel, 261. To hard solder, 258. To refine, 257. Varnish, 216, 217, 226. Gong metal, Chinese, 171. Grain, black, for harness leather, tan. Grained tin, 177. Grates, etc., Brunswick black for, 188. Gravel houses, how to build, 212. Gravers, to temper, 198, 253. Grease, anti-friction, 271. For railway axles, Booth's, L'71. From stone or marble, to extract, 234, 270. Green bronze dip, 177. Grindstones, from common sand, to make, 239. Gun barrels, browning for, 188, 267. Compositions for, 189. Metal, 171. Mountings, alloy for, 171. Stocks, varnish and polish for, 189. Guns, bronzing fluid for, 173. Hair-springs in watches, to re- duce, 171. To weaken, 253. Hard alloy, Chantry's, 171. Solder, 168. Steel, to drill into, 247. White metal, 1(>7. For buttons, 171. Hardening, compound used in Damascus sword blades, 267. For Britannia, 166. And filling for fire-proof safes, 189. Harmstadt's true imitation of gold and silver, 170. Harness, blacking for, 270. Varnish, 226, 268. Fxlge, beat color for, 225. Leather, grain black for, 227. Process of tannin?, in from six to thirty days, 228. Heel ball, shoemakers', 226. Hide, raw, to tan, 228. Hollow ware, to enamel, 192. Horn, dyes for, 233. In imitation of tortoise shell, 232. Hydraulic cewent paint, 266. Imitation of gold, 170, 174. Of ivory, to cast figures in 245. Of mahogany, 220. Of platinum", 174. Of silver, 1. Pigments, stained glass, 201. Pinchbeck, 167. Millstones, holes in, to fill, 239. Old, fitting new back in,239. Mirrors of reflecting telescopes, Pinions, worn, to remedy, 256. Pith for cleaning pinions, 251. Pivot for watches, 2.31. 173. Planing metals, 262. Mixture for silvering, 178. Mordant varnish, 217. Planing perpendicularly, 262. Plaster of Paris cast, from a per- Mosaic gold powder for bronz- son's face, to take, 244. ing, 222. Plaster of Paris, substitute for, Moths in furs or woollens, to pre- 209. vent, 235. Plate, British, 171. Moulds and dies, 197. Glass, 2:18. Naples yellow, 211. Platina, to hard solder, 258. Nap on cloth, to raise. 235. Platin, Birmingham, 171. Nitric acid ormolu dip, old, to Plating powders, to make and repair, 175. applv, 261. Northern light burning fluid, Plumbers' cement, 188. 248. Solder, 168, Oil, drying, 212. Polishes, 18!, 216, 221, 222, 230. Furniture, 222, 244. Linseed, fictitious, 215. Polishing broaches, to make, 255. Porcelain colors, 202. Lubricating, 183. Finish, 211. Paintings, old, to clean and Gilding, 203. renew, 245. Powder, bronze, 224. Watchmakers', 271. Copper, 223. Olive bronze dip for brass, 177. Organ pipes, 174. Ormolu dips and dipping acids, Dutch gold, 223. Polishing, for gold and sil- ver, 197. 175. Red bronze, 173. Oroide of gold, best, 248. Oxide of zinc, to reduce, 248. Oxides, metallic, to reduce, 191. Printing characters, 174. Ink, Savage's, 239. Rollers, 239. INDEX. 281 Prints, etc., to transfer to glass, 236. Prussian blue, 210. Purple satin, 218. Stain, 219. Putty, 211. Queen's metal, 174, 178. Rasps, old, how to recut, 183. Razors, to temper, 189. Red, light brown stain, 219. Sprinkle, bookbinders', 231. Stain, 219. Refining gold and silver, 193. Reflecting telescopes, mirrors of, 173. Reflector, metal, 172. Renovator, clothing. 236. Reviver, block for cloth, 235. Rivet metal, 167. Rollers, printing, 239. Routing, cheap, 213. Bow pink, 210, 219. Rosewood, satin, 220. Ruby pin in watch, to tighten, 253. Rust from iron or steel, to re- move, 249. Safes, fire-proof, hardening and filling for, 188. Satin, crimson, 218. Purple, 218. Rosewood, 220. Wood, to imitate, 220. Saws, etc., to temper. 180, 189. Broken, to mend, 185. Scaling, cast iron, 182. Screws, to blue evenly, 254. Shaved tin, 177. Shells, silvering, 180. Sheathing, patent, Baron Wet- terstedt's, 174. Shot, lead, 174. Metal, 172. Silks, old, to renew, 235. Silver, English standard for, 170 From copper, to- MMMte, 178. From lace, etc., to separate, 198. Imitations, 170, 174. Leaf, spurious, 172. Plating, 195. Fluid, 197. Powder, to make and apply, 261. 24* Silver Plating solution, to make and apply, 261. Solution for electro-plating, to make, 259. Frozen, to restore, 249. Tarnished in soldering, to cleanse, 258. To enamel. 261. To hard solder, 258. To refine, 193, 257. To write in, 243. Ware, to wash, 262. Silvering by heat, 177. Glass globes, etc., liquid foil lass glo for, 181. Powder, 188. Size, curriers', 230. Gold, gilders', 204. Sizing for boots and shoes, in treeing out, 225. Skirting, 230. - Sliding levers for locomotives, metal for, 172. Smalt, 215. Socket metal for locomotive axletrees, 172. Soft solder articles, to, 258. Solders, 166, 167, 168, 169, 172, 178, 248. Soldering fluid, 186. Soluble glass, 203. Spanish tutania, 167. Speculum metal, 178. Springs, to temper, 185. Of watches, to temper, 246, 253. Sprinkle, red 231. Stafls, cylinders, or pinions of watches, to temper without springing them, 254. Stained glass pigments, 201. Statuary bronze, 173. Stains for wood, etc., 218, 219, 220, 221, 227, 228, 234. Color of, to improve, 206. To remove, 271. And spots from furniture, to remove, 221. Steam-boilers, pipes, etc., soft cement for, 186, 265. Stew dishes, copper, to tin, 187. Steel, burnt, to restore, 183, 243, 249. 282 INDEX. Steel composition, to toughen, 183. Poor, to improve, ! Surface of, to copper, 187. Transparent, blue for, 186. To gild, 180. To hard solder. 28ft. To melt as easily as lead, 183. To remove blueing from, To soften, 181. Stone, to extract grease from 270. Stripping liquid, silversmiths', Stuffing-boxes of locomotives, alloy for, 172. Symbals, alloy for, 173. Tannin-, B7, Teeth, depth of, in gear, 263. Teeth, number of, in p Temper from delicate steel pieces of watches, to draw Tempering, 181. Liquid, 184. Tinning, 178. Acid, 175. Flux, improved, 188. Tin cans, size of sheet, 188. Tin plate, crystallized, 187. To crystallize, 188. Ware, to mend, 188. Tombac, I(i7, 174. Transparent blue for iron or steel, 186. Transparent blue for glass, 266. Trapper's secret for game, 235. Tree marble, 231. Tutania, Spanish, 167. Tutena?, 174. Type metal, 173. Varnishes, 183, 189, 215, 216, 217, 218. 220, 226, 231, 268. Veneers, dyes for, 245. Wainscot, to imitate. 220. Wash for barns and nouses, 207. Watch cleaning, 249. Hands, red, to make, -2\7. Movements, to frost, 261. Watches, bushing, alloy for pivot holes, etc., 248. Watches, cannon pinion on cen- tre arbor, to tighteu wheu too loose, 247. Watches, chain running off the , to prevent. I Watches, depth of lever escape- incut, to change, 2.~>1. Wat.-h.-s, hair spring, 171, 235. Watches, in b.-at, to put, 252. Levers of, to Irnirthni, 245. 1'ith for clranin.', _'."> 1. I'ivot V.-.M..I : Kut.y pin, to tighten, 253. TO hush, _:.';. When lever is of proper length, to toll, L'.'.l. Whm pallets are of proper H/c, to trll, _.'. 1. Watchmakers' biuv,, 17:-. Drill-. : . limr, 214. Water-proof glue, 209. Yarni-hrs, 268. Wat.-rpr....iin.' f.. r clothing 235. For ponuis rl.itli. Welding cast steel, composition used in, 182. White, Argentine, 173. White lead, substitute for, 208. Metal for table bells, 172. Hani For buttons, 171. Whitewash, 209. To harden, 209. Window glass, 238. Wood, bronzing or gilding, 224, Wood, stains for, 218, 219, 220, Wood, to gild letters on, 204. To petrify, 185. Wrought iron, case-hardening for, 185. Zinc labels for writing upon, 270. Solution of COJIJKT on, 1'Jl. Tinning acid for, ' nee of Bodies, 131. Rope, 124. Hull's iinil Diar/ram* for ll'nr};- ers in Tin, Sheet Jrow, and . sector obtaining, 21. Arithmetical signs used in this work, definition of, 33. Breasts for cans, 12, 19. Canisters, oil, quantity and quality of tin required, 27. INDEX. Can*, trusts for, 12, 19. Cans, one inch deep, capacity of, Plates, tin, size, length, breadth and width, 26. (table,) 32. Circle and its sections, 14. Pyramid cake set of patterns for, to describe, 15. Area of sector of, t< find, 3. Centre of, to find, 20. Pyramid or cone, contents of, 22. Roofs, hipped, 23. Circles, etc., 28, 29, 30, 31. Circles, proportion of, 4. Circumference of an ellipse, 7. Circumference of any diameter, Sector for obtaining angles, 21. Of a circle, area of, to find 3. Tin plates, size, length, breadth and width, 26. to find, 3. Vessel, cylindrical, contents in Cone, envelope for, 15. Frustum of, 23. gallons of, 25. Vessel, flaring, pattern, to de- Frustum of, to construct, 21. Or frustum, to describe, 16. scribe, 15. Vessel, flaring, to strike the side Rule for striking out, 22. of, 18. Or pyramid, contents of, 22. Covers, bevel, for vessel*, 12, 19. Vessel, square, contents in gal- lons of, 24. Coven, boiler, oval, 13. Knrera, 80. Covers, pitched, for paila, etc., Steam and Steam-Engine*. to describe, 12. Air and steam, mixture of, 55. Cycloid. 17. PtflJT"l equivalents, (table,) 27. Diameter, circumference of any, Boilers, engine, 52. Engines, steam, power of, 52. Expansion with equal volumes to find, 3. of steam, effect of, 57. Elbow, curved, right angled and straight, to describe, 8, 9, 10, Fuel, pain in, etc., 57. Giflard's injector, 60. 11. Horse power, 53. Ellipse, area and circumference Indicated, 55. of, to find 7. Ellipse, to describe an, 5, 6. En velo|ie for cone, to describe,15. Flaring vessel pattern, to de- Nominal, 53. Of several non-condens- ing engines, 54. Hyperbolic logarithms, 56. scribe, 15. Injector, Giflard's, 60. Flaring vessel, to strike the side of, 18. Slide valves, 58. Steam acting expansively, 55. Frustum of cone, contents in Steam-engines, power of, 52. gallons of, 23. Strength of material*, 91, 122. Frustum of cone, to construct, 21. 7,,,-.s;,,ji. elasticity of, 132. Or cone, rule for striking Tunnel*, 118. out, 22. Vernier scale, 121. Frustum or cone, to describe, 16. Water, 159. Heart, to describe a, 17. Power, 87. Hipped roofs, 23. Hopper mill, 23. Lip to a measure, to describe, 14. Projection of, 86. Weight of, 27. Waves, 88. Mill, hopper, 23. Oval, to describe an, 5. Wheel gearing, 148-157. Wheels and gudgeons, 157. Pipes of various metals, weights of, etc., to ascertain, 25. ni,<,l mills, 119. Wire rope, 98, 125. THE END. v> THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW.