This book is DUE on the last date stamped below MyiR 2 7 1925 3 1 1930 JAN 9 194S RECO UMiRQ r Form L-9-15wi-8,'24 Property 1859 — J 920 ^Qu 'est~ce que la propriete? La propriete, c'est le vol." — PROUDHON PROPERTY By Arthur Jerome Eddy Author of "The Law of Combinations," "The New Competition," Etc., Etc. CHICAGO A. C. McCLURG & CO. 1921 58584 Copyright A. C. McCLURG & CO. 1921 Published July, 1921 M. A. DONOHUE a CO., PRINTERS AND BINDERS, CHICAGO J Hf3 CONTENTS PAGE hr \ ^ I Introduction 1 ^v II The Average Fortune 28 vv"^ III An Economic Fiction 35 IV Only for Life 64 V The Russell Sage Fortune 83 ^ VI The Marshall Field Fortune . . . .118 -H. VII The Carnegie Fortune 147 ^ VIII Wealth in Possession ...... 167 IX Land 174 X Luxuries 201 XI A Logical Consequence — Who Pays Taxes ? 245 I3r ^u\)nt gierome €DDr " The Law of Combinations." *' Two Thousand Miles on an Automobile.'- ''Delight, the Soul of Art." ''Recollections and Impressions of James A. McNeill Whistler." "Ganton&Co." "Tales of a Small Town." ' ' The New Competition. ' ' * ' Cubists and Post-Impressionism. ' ' PREFACE The manuscript of the following pages was completed and prepared for publication just before the death of the author, which occurred in New York on July 21, 1920. Any man who is concerned with the funda- mentals of thought in any department — whether in philosophy, morals, politics, religion, the physical sciences, or art — grows weary of the multitude of books which only thresh over again the straw of old ideas, and contribute nothing of vitally new suggestion toward solv- ing the problems of our life. But now and again it happens that one comes upon a book which bears the impress of really independent vision and original thought. Then one knows that one has found a teacher, a leader. Such a teacher and intellectual leader was Arthur Jerome Eddy. The originality of his ideas is as surprising as the ease and clear- ness with which he expressed them, and the number of fields in which he was a master. His leading quality was a certain alert open- ness of soul, a youthful responsiveness to the challenge of new ideas, new experiments, new Preface valuations. His writings are full of tliis spirit of generous acceptance, balanced by a splendid sanity, wliich never allowed the enthusiasm of welcome to overbear a sound critical judgment. So intensely individual is his method of analysis that the reader feels as though he were seeing for the first time the subject of which the author treats. His books on eco- nomic and social problems, and their ethical implications, carry to the mind of every in- structed reader the conviction of their large and lasting significance. In The New Competition, and in this boo"k on Property, Mr. Eddy recognizes many evils that the conservative is usually unwilling to admit. He condemns many existing practices in business as being immoral, inhuman, and at the same time uneconomic, inefficient, and unnecessary. He would probe the conscience of the man of business. He will not tolerate the perpetuation of the standards of the jungle, nor permit men to defend them by the parrot- cry that struggle is the law of life. But instead of counselling the destruction of the entire competitive system and the substitution of some new and inherently unworkable Preface scheme, woven out of the large inexperience of the utopist, Mr. Eddy challenges the existing order to do ivhat it claims to do, and to show its capacity for self-reformation. His remedy for many of the underhanded tricks that still prevail in the industrial world is simply open competition — honorable rivalry on the basis of full exchange of information among the competitors and their customers and employees. He would move in the opposite direction to that which the law so unfortu- nately followed when it undertook, by the Sher- man Act and subsequent legislation, to perpet- uate competition of the jungle type, and prevent, in ordinary businesses, that rational cooperation which the law itself has since been compelled to establish among the railroads. The underlying principle of Mr. Eddy's theo- ries of competition and property is this — that all business exists for the service of the com- munity. Certain great human needs must be met, either by the voluntary labor and cooper- ation of individuals, or by the action of the community through the state. The socialist would have the state do everything. His opponent maintains that the community is bet- Preface ter served by what is called ' ' private enter- prise," because, in tlie latter, those who under^ take the service assume the risk. Their own success or failure is inexorably bound up with that of their undertakings. The blunders and miscarriages of the state do not involve the loss and failure of the officials responsible for them. The money used in state undertakings is not the property of those who handle it. That is why they are, in general, careless, lax, and wasteful in their dealings with it. Mr. Eddy is at his best in dealing with the alleged ' ' natural right ' ' to property. His criticism of Henry George's attempt to estab- lish a distinction between property in land and property in things is, to my thinking, unan- swerable. There is no ' ' natural right ' ' to property of any description. The right to any property whatsoever is conferred by society. Its basis is not in nature, but in social expedi- ency. The community permits each of us to enjoy exclusive control over certain parcels of land and things because — and only because — it gets more efficient service out of such land and things than it otherwise could. Mr. Eddy's strength, and that which con- Preface stitutes his clearest title to a hearing, is the fact that, being an idealist, he was also a man of immense practical experience. A lawyer by\ profession — declared by the highest authorities to have been one of the most brilliant at the American bar — he had devoted years of work , to the organization of great business undertak- / ings. He pointed out the path on which advance is actually taking place. He was no unpractical radical theorist. His finest insight is his clear perception that the evils which afflict society are, after all, due not to external conditions, but to unpurged / defects in human nature itself. He is well' aware that these defects would produce similar or worse evils in any system that could con- ceivably be substituted for the present one. Deceit, unfair competition, stupidity, under- handed dealing, inhuman lack of consideration for one's neighbor — these are faults inher- ent in human nature, not in ' ' capitalism. ' ' They are not produced by the profit-seeking motive, nor are they remedied by merely taking that motive away. Human nature, with its faults and virtues, is vastly independent of its surround- ings. It makes them ; it is not made by them. It Preface can vitiate or ennoble any social, industrial, or political order. Expellas furcd — even the fiirca of communism or socialism — tamen usque recurret. The appreciation of Mr. Eddy's teachings, and his fame as a constructive thinker, will continue to increase as his thought — so far in advance of his time — conquers the attention to which its worth entitles it. To all who knew him, Mr. Eddy's death was an inexpressible personal loss; to his country it was the loss of a great intellectual and moral asset. From such radiant spirits as his we catch the faith that makes progress possible. Horace J. BRmoES. Chicago, June, 1921. Property PROPERTY I INTRODUCTION *' Qu 'est-ce que la proprietef '^ (AMiat is property?) '^ La propriete, c'est le vol." (Prop- erty is theft.) >) Proudhon''s famous question and answer are at tlie basis of modern communistic theories. If it be true that property is theft, then property rights should be abolished. But, the historical fact is that the develop- ment of property rights has steadily accom- panied the progress of mankind. Communities, peoples, nations have attained strength and prosperity precisely to the extent they have extended the rights of the individual to control not only the fruits of his own labors, but — in the sense of guiding and managing — the fruits of the labors of others. If '* property is theft," progress is based on injustice. The extreme socialist, communist, or anar- 1 2 Property chist, does not shrink from this conclusion — that progress and our entire civilization are based upon injustice/ But, how can justice come out of injustice? How can progress come out of wrong? The very terms of the question force the con- clusion that we are deceived regarding either the ivrong or the progress. If there has been true progress its basis has been right; if the fundamental institution of society — property — is really wrong then there has been no true progress. There are three ways out of the dilemma: 1. Property is right and progress real. 2. Property is wrong and progress unreal. 3. Property is both right and wrong; progress is both real and unreal. Most men argue so strongly in favor of the first proposition that property rights are held * It should be noted and conceded in passing that the debate often turns on the definition and conception of the word " progress " — one side taking it in its mere material sense, the other in its more cultural and ideal sense, deny- ing the world has spiritually and ideally progressed not- withstanding its apparent material prosperity; obviously that debate admits of no definite conclusion, it being a conflict of sentiments, opinions, convictions. Introduction S by them to be sacred, almost as sacred as a man's right to his life. Comparatively few men argue in favor of the second proposition ; even Proudlion was obliged to admit that though he considered property theft, still it was an institution that could not be disturbed suddenly. An increasing number of thinkers hold that while the institution of property has been on the whole a vital factor in the progress of man- kind it is by no means perfect, and, like every social institution, is open to criticism and cor- rection, ♦> ♦ ♦ In short, property is not the evil it is said to be, otherwise progress would not be so real as it imdoubtedly has been. On the other hand true progress may have been checked because of imperfect or over- recognition of property rights. All of which leads to the conclusion that the first duty of the man who would reform society is to clear up his ideas regarding property. It is easy enough to say, ** Property is theft," but difficult to prove the assertion. 4 Propertfj It is easy enough to say, ** Property is sacred," but equally difficult to prove it so. The truth probably lies between the two ex- treme positions — property is neither theft nor sacred, it is just human, and, like all things human, imperfect. ♦ ♦ ♦ To say "Property is theft," is like saying ** Law is crime." But every paradox contains some truth. ♦ ♦ ♦ At the very outset of any consideration of the matter of accumulation and distribution of wealth, we are met by prejudices that stand in the way of cool, patient, and thorough investi- gation. The greatest of these prejudices is that of the man who has less against the man who has more simply because Tie has more. The names of Rothschild and Rockefeller are sweet morsels in the mouth of the ranting socialist, communist, and anarcliist; the phdl- osopMcal socialist, communist, and anarchist should be above that sort of thing, but even he cannot refrain from pointing to some huge for- Introduction tune as if mere size of some man's fortmie added force to Ms argument. Logically speaking whether a man has a bil- lion, or a million, or ten thousand matters not so long as he has more than the average. In fact a billion in the United States may mean less to the community than a hundred thousand in a remote colony. The story is told that one day a man rushed up to Rothschild and exclaimed angrily: ** You have a million pounds." **Welir' ** You've no right to so much money." *' Who should have it?" ** The people." *' Of England or the world? " "Of — of the world," the man faltered. *'A11 right, take your share out of this and distribute the balance where it belongs," and the banker handed the man a penny. ♦ ♦ ♦ Rockefeller's alleged billion distributed among the people of the United States would 6 Property give each man, woman, and child, less than ten dollars. That would not go far toward eliminating poverty. Then, too, by what right would the people of the United States exclude other nations and races from participating in the distribution? The money of the Standard Oil Company has been drawn from the four quarters of the globe. And if the people of the United States may exclude other nations and races from partici- pating, why may not the people of Ohio, where the company started, exclude the people of Illinois, Alaska, Hawaii? ♦ ♦ ♦ In the United States some cities and some states are far richer than others. In the world some nations and some lands are far richer than others. If there is to be an equalization of wealth where shall the distribution end? The people of New York State make their money with the aid and cooperation of not only all the other states but of Canada, Europe, and more distant countries. lutrodnction The people of the United States aecumulate wealth by the direct cooperation of all other peoples to the remotest races of darkest Africa. Whatever our v/ealth, it is due to the exer- tions and sacrifices of others as well as our- selves. It follows, therefore, that a perfectly just distribution cannot be made within the con- fines of a single nation, any more than within the confines of a single state, city, or village. The thorough-going communist must be con- sistent; he must urge the white farmers and workmen of the northern states to share their homes and farms with the ten million negroes of the South. Between the existing distribution with all its inequalities and any scheme of distribution that falls short of taking into consideration all mankind the result would be simply a differ- ence in the degree of injustice. »*• <>*• «** The most thorough-going communist is will- ing to divide his neighbor's goods, he may even be willing to divide his own — if he has any, but he is thoroughly selfish when it comes to 8 Propcrtjj sharing his country's goods with the rest of the world, with the millions of Asia and j Africa, not to overlook the Esquimaux and South Sea Islanders, who are also our brothers j in theory if not in law. Communism, and most other projects for re- form, begin and stop at home. ♦ ♦> ♦ While the suggestion to distribute equally the wealth of the United States among the peo- ple of the United States may arouse some — not much as a matter of fact — interest among those who have less than the per capita aver- age, it arouses no enthusiasm whatsoever among those who have more; while the sug- gestion that the distribution should be carried to its logical extreme and the wealth of this country be cast in one common fund for dis- tribution to the entire world, would arouse simply ridicule. In short it may be human nature to like to share the fortunes of others, but it is not human nature to cheerfully relinquish to stran- gers and enemies what we consider our own. Introduction 9 Ask the average farmer if he would favor dividing up Rockefeller's fortune among those who have less, and he might answer, '' Yes." Ask him if he would favor sharing his farm with those who have nothing and he would surely reply, ** No." This human weakness in favor of despoiling the other fellow is illustrated in the provisions of the income tax laws of this and other coim- tries, wherein small incomes are exempt or sub- jected to low taxes, and large incomes are pro- gressively seized by ingeniously devised sur- taxes. Suggestions are made to so increase the sur- taxes on incomes and estate or inheritance taxes as to practically confiscate large incomes and large fortunes. In other words to utilize the taxing power to equalize fortunes. Most of these suggestions are opposed by reasoning that is far more fallacious than that urged in support of them. They are denounced as demagogical, which is true, but that charge is cheap, easily made and has nothing to do with the merits, if any, of the suggestions. 10 Property They are opposed as revolutionary, radical, socialistic, etc., etc., but these epithets simply obscure the real issue ; they settle nothing. Not a few objections are based upon a denial of the government's right to confiscate all or a portion of a man's income, but that position is hopelessly untenable. If the government can collect a graduated income ta,x, increasing from one to sixty per cent, it can mal^e the gradua- tion from one to one hundred per cent. There is no limit to the rigM. Constitutional objections might be urged in this country, but such objections at most would simply mean the amending of constitutions, and the definite assertion of rights denied. The power resides in the people and they may do as they please with laws and constitu- tions.^ * Here again is a generalization that would require a small volume to qualify properly. Profoundly speaking it is far from true to say " the power resides in the people to do as they please with laws and constitutions." It is even truer to say " the people are poiverless to do as they please with laws, constitutions, institutions," as powerless as they are to alter their language, habits, modes of thought, etc., overnight. V/e live under governments and social conditions that have slowly developed through the centuries. We may jostle them by revolutions, we rnay Introduction 11 / The man who asserts his right to hold either all or any part of his property, on the ground the community has no right to interfere with him, destroys the basis of his argument in that he takes away the very foundation of all rights the assent of the conununity. If no better arguments can be urged in favor of large incomes, then those who have them might just as well make up their minds to lose them. But the reason why large incomes have not been confiscated long ago is because there are economic reasons for their existence, and these reasons have controlled throughout the ages, though — curiously enough — they have never been systematically set forth. ♦ ♦ ♦ If ' ' swollen fortunes ' ' — as the phrase goes — are an economic evil it is clumsy and ineffec- tive to attempt to remedy the evil by such crude devices as inheritance and income taxes ; modify them by wise action, but to say they are subject to our will, our caprice, is to say what is obviously not so. However, for the purposes of the argument in this book it may be conceded the people have the power to do as they please with laws, constitutions, institutions, that they may do what they please regarding all so-called property rights. IS Property as clumsy and ineffective as if the state at- tempted to remedy 'piracy, not by suppressing it, but by taking part of the plunder. The " swollen fortune " is a fact in our eco- nomic development. There may be but one hilUonaire but there are any number of millionaires, thousands of Jiundred-thousandaires and hundreds of thou- sands ten-tJiousandaires. From the point of view of the man who has nothing, an American farmer with ten thousand has a " swollen fortune," and it is swollen far beyond the farmer's pro rata share of the country's wealth. The " swollen fortune " is not a thing of ab- solute magnitude, but entirely a matter of com- parative size. ♦ <8» ♦ To repeat: Inequality in the distribution of wealth is a fact, a very stubborn fact, in the economic de- velopment of all mankind. There has never been a time in the history of the human race w^lien some individuals did not have more than others. Introduction 13 To find anyilamg lilve a theoretical holding of | . things in common one must resort to the insect ^ world, and even there and in the animal king- dom there is a more or less well-defined asser- tion of ownership by the individual or the col- ony to the exclusion of others, even to the kill- ing and slaughtering of others. Even a theoretically pure commujiism could not avoid the follo^\dng inequalities in the dis- tributions of the accumulated wealth of the community : A. The wealth of one community as com- \ pared with the wealth of other nations, peoples, and races. B. The greater wealth of some localities j as compared with that of others. C. Inequalities in the distribution of com- munity advantages, such as public buildings, properties, industries neces- sarily localized, railroads, highways, universities, museums, etc., etc. In short the most abstractly ideal conmaunity could not surround each individual with pre- cisely the same convenience and comforts. How to deal with those individuals who do the hard 14 Pro pert]] ^^ and dirty work and place them on a plane of equality with those who do the light and pleas- ant has troubled every philosopher who has ever tried to devise a utopia ; if you give them larger returns inequality immediately results — the adjustment would be impossible. ♦ ♦> ♦!♦ If the ideal community should make its capi- tal or any one city more attractive than an- other, or should indulge in a single expense for the purpose of making life more agreeable in any locality, or more agreeable for one man, woman, or child than for another there is in- equality of distribution of advantages which is practically the same as, and theoretically, more unjust than, inequality in the distribution of private property. All dreams of great and glorious communi- ties, states, commonwealths, wherein private property does not exist, and everything is held in common, involve inequalities in the distribu- tion of advantages and pleasures that are fully as great as any that now exist. That is to say, the greater the glories of the Utopia the greater the concentration of advan- Introduction 15 tages in favored localities — in the spotlights of the dream. A ntopia with no concentration of advantages, no great cities, no great build- ings, monuments, museums, pleasure resorts, theaters, orchestras, etc., etc., would not be a Utopia to fire the imagination. It must not be forgotten that to the man in the coal mine, to the man ploughing the field, to the negro in the cotton fields, to the miner in Alaska, to the sailor, the fisherman, the stoker in the hold, the collector of garbage, all the gorgeous and beautiful buildings, amuse- ments, and enterprises of the Utopian common- wealth would be as remote and unrelated as are the buildings and pleasures of existing states and commonwealths ; they would read of them but never enjoy them. Furthermore it must not be forgotten in this connection that inequality is the law of life. Perfect equality, if attainable, would mean stagnation, death; a placid, rippleless sea; a currentless, motionless air; a still and silent universe. 16 Property The sliglitest action, change, growth, devel- opment, means disturbance of equality. It is idle to talk of equality between youth and age, men and women, race and race, the feeble and the strong, the fool and the wise man. The truth is two human beings cannot be found w^ho are equal in all respects, equal in physical and mental equipment; in desires, emotions, impulses; above all in those subtle qualities that go to make up what we call 'per- sonality. Thinking men who admit this seek refuge from the consequences of the admission by say- ing that what is meant by ''equality" is '' equality before the laiv," a sounding phrase that is used to discourage further inquiry and analysis, but wliich means nothing. Men are no more equal before the law than in other respects, and to the extent the law treats them as equal, recognizes no distinction between the weak and the strong, the stupid and the intelligent, the confiding and the crafty, to that extent is the law both blind and defi- cient. Introduction 17 The law commits its most frightful errors when it fails to take into consideration the per- sonal equation. *** »*• •** The men who are most virulent against in- equality of wealth are usually quite complacent toward inequality of authority; many of them claim and exercise the most despotic authority over their followers; all of them are most in- tolerant of opinions that differ from their own. Karl Marx, for instance, w^as so intolerant of opposition or rivalry that when his control of the International Working-men's Association was threatened he deliberately wrecked the As- sociation. As between inequality measured in dollars and inequality measured in authority, the lat- ter has probably done the world incomparably more harm — and good. The power of the man of money over the man who has none is nothing as compared with the power of the man who has will-power over the man who has none — the latter is the blind and helpless slave of the former, to the doing of murder. 18 Property Of all dogmatic and tyrannical teachers of men, the socialists, anarchists, and radical re- formers generally, have ever been and are the most intolerant and despotic. Leaders of labor unions exercise powers that few generals on a battle field possess, for troops may hang back or run, but unionists seldom fail to strike, fight, and starve at the command of their leaders. ♦ ♦ ♦ The point of all this is that inequality is not confined to the distribution of wealth ; it exists everyivliere^^ in the family, the school, the church, the city, the state; in politics and in every profession ; some men get on faster than others, and the great majority in every walk of life is ever looking up to and following a small minority, and, it is a curious fact, in every walk of life except that of making money, the ma- jority is proud of the achievements of the minority — proud of the inequality that dis- tinguishes the leaders. ^&' The unlmown doctor, lawyer, minister, pro- fessor, does not desire the levelling of the Introduction 19 famous members of his profession ; his one am- bition is to achieve something of their success. The workman in a factory does not desire \ the levelling of the foreman, the superintendent, the men who are above him by reason of their ability to direct; on the contrary he is ambitious to advance to their positions. Government employees range in rank from the president down to the humblest janitor, but not a soul in the employ of the government dreams of the possibility of the levelling of all ranks, of the arbitrary placing of the janitor on the same level of pay and authority with the president ; on the contrary the normal ambition of all is to rise from rank to rank — in short to systematically perpetuate the scheme of in- equality. No socialistic community has ever been sug- gested wherein there would not be the same gradations of office and authority, the same inequalities between man and man, and the same rivalry and strife to advance in rank and authority.^ ^ The late Czar exercised no such despotic power as that wielded by Lenine and Trotsky. And so far from abolishing classes, the Russian revolution hag simply created an interest- 20 Property At most the socialist and communist would simply level some of the inequalities of wealth. Well, inequalities of wealth are among the least of the world's troubles. Inequalities of wealth alone have never pro- duced a revolution, never overturned a govern- ment, never caused a war/ Inequalities of rank, power, privilege, are the inequalities that stir men to revolution and bloodshed. Inequalities of wealth may, and usually do, accompany these other inequalities ; but not always and necessarily, and never as a cause. Inequalities of rank, power, privilege, are inherent in men, in church and state, in labor unions and political parties, in sports and wars,Jand it is this personal equation that leads to inequalities in the distribution of wealth, and not vice versa. In short, were it possible to correct today, by some magic stroke, all the inequalities in the distribution of material things — wealth — those ing assortment of new ones. ' To this generalization — true as regards wealth gen- erally — must be noted the exception of gross inequalities in land ownership, they do cause discontent of revolu- tionary magnitude. Introduction 21 otlier inequalities would instantly begin anew the work of redistribution, the stronger appro- priating more or less of the pro rata share of the weaker; just as the head of any body — say the leader of a labor union — is paid more, and has more than any one of his followers, because Lis services are worth more and it is economy to make it an object to him to devote all his time to the organization. It sometimes happens a great leader is will- ing to devote his energies to the state, to his organization, to a cause for the glory there is in the work and with no greater compensation than that of a day laborer, but these instances are few and as a rule his followers will not per- mit it; they instinctively recognize the truth that the power and efficiency of the leader depends not a little upon appearances, that he can do better work if he does not live as a day laborer, but keeps somewhat aloof. In other words a general's uniform is a time-saving device; without it the general would have to demonstrate his right to leadership to every new recruit. The policeman's badge saves a lot of questions. ^2 Property The American people pride themselves on being democratic, yet they would not consider it wise or economical to have their President live in a three-room shack on the banks of the Potom^ac, or even in a six-room flat on one of the side streets of Washington, though in either case he might be consuming far more than his fro rata share of the wealth of the country. , Perhaps it is fortunate for those who enjoy inequalities of rank, power, privilege, that the minds of the people are diverted to the discus- sion of inequalities of wealth, for so long as only inequalities of wealth are assailed, the unjustly poiverful are safe. It is amusing to see how Congress and political bodies generally are quick to divert public attention from their own shortcomings by springing investigations of rich corpora- tions and individuals. No, the problem is prof ounder than the mere distribution of dollars. ♦ ♦> ♦ The fatal defect of every utopian com- munity devised by philosopher or dreamer is Introduction 23 that it is based on the assumption of physical, I mental and emotional equality of individuals, /' whereas the truth is that men and women are all born helpless and many grow up so helpless and incompetent that as against them the others must assert authority over their food, clothing, property, even their persons. So that in even the ideal community the rights of indi- viduals to participate in the control and distri- bution of property depend first of all upon age; secondly, upon a development of physical, mental and moral strength — three vital fac- tors, concerning which the judgment of the active majority is conclusive. ♦ ♦ ♦ Rights, then, are of practical origin and development rather than of theoretical. . It is easy to lay down abstract propositions » of great beauty and seeming truth, but men differ so widely in their physical, mental and moral attributes that the abstract propositions do not fit. Imagine a community wdierein all persons were of the same physical, mental and moral development, possessed the same rights — equal . 24 Property to no rig'lits at all; wherein there was no need for government, because of no human weak- nesses and shortcomings; wherein there were no strifes, struggles, failures, successes, but life was one long, bright June day — life in such a conmiunity would be so deadly monoto- nous it would not be worth living. ♦ ♦ ♦ But, though we assume that on account of man's imperfections inequality of fortune is an economic condition that is essential to economic progress, it by no means follows that such inequality is a good thing to be encouraged j on the contrary as it is the direct outcome of the weaknesses and imperfections of mankind it should be minimized, or at least confined within as narrow limits as human imperfections admit. Private property, with its resulting inequality in the distribution of wealth, is essentially a ^ human institution in the same sense govern- ( ment is a human institution, and like the degree of government its development depends entirely upon human necessities. There is nothing sacred about it, it is subject to the •will of man, \u and the very fact that man has not abolished it Introducfion 25 long ago, notwithstanding the railings and arguments against it, is proof positive that he knows of no better device to take its place. Private property is not a popular institution from the point of view of the masses, but it is inevitable, and even the masses have their property rights which they would not surrender without a fight. ♦ ♦ ♦ We have, then, this curious condition, one of the basic institutions of society is denounced as responsible for most of the miseries of life. The appeal of the demagogue, of the socialist, of the economist, of the utopian philosopher is based upon a denunciation of private property. To be sure no two of these men agree in their arguments, their conclusions, or their remedies, but all agree in the assertion that there is something wrong with the institution of private ownership. Where so many different thinkers are of one mind regarding a given institution it is only fair to concede there may be some foundation for their con\dction, and if there is anything \y- 26 Property wrong with private ownership that wrong should be discovered and remedied. There is, however, this alternative, the insti- tution of private property may not he tJior- oughly understood; it may be charged with faults that do not exist, with evils for which it is not responsible. ♦ ♦ ♦ The prejudice against private property rests upon the assumption that one man has more than he ought to have, that in some way he owns and makes use of the fruits of the labors of others, for his own benefit or pleasure. It is easy to stir the resentment of men who have nothing against men who have, by telling the former they have been robbed. It is easy to sow hatred in a community by telling those of small means they would have more if the wealth of the few were fairly distributed. Those have been the stock arguments of the demagogue throughout the ages, and it goes without saying, if the arguments were sound, private property would have disappeared long ago — or rather it never would have come into Introduction 27 existence as a normal factor in social evolution. One might just as well argue against the institution of government, of organized society. In spite of the strongest theoretical objections government and organized society are the best devices of the ages to meet and cope with human imperfections and dependencies. ♦ ♦ ♦ Taking private property as it is established and protected in all civilized communities, and especially in the United States, the object of this little book is to try and find out what it really is, and ivhat is ivrong ivith it. II THE AVERAGE FORTUNE Mr. John D. Rockefeller is said to have a fortune of a billion dollars. That is probably an exaggeration, but whether he has a billion or half a billion answers as well for the pur- poses of the argument. According to the Census Bureau the average wealth of each man, woman, and child in the United States in 1910 was $1,300. Mr. Rockefeller $1,000,000,000 Average person 1,300 Such statistical comparisons are easily and often made for the express purpose of arousing discontent and resentment, but — as will be found on analysis — the figures are quite mis- leading. •;♦ ♦;♦ ♦;♦ A distinguished political leader is quoted as having said, ''A man may fairly earn a million dollars." The ideal millionaire $1,000,000 Average person 1,300 28 The Average Fortune 29 What is the difference between Mr. Kocke- feller and the ideal millionaire"? Simply a difference in degree. ♦ ♦ ♦ The political leader referred to is said to have accumulated a fortune of over one hun- dred thousand dollars. Leader $100,000 Average person 1,300 ♦ ♦ ♦ The disparity is still enormous. To recapitulate: Mr. Kockefeller $1,000,000,000 Ideal millionaire 1,000,000 Political leader 100,000 Average person 1,300 It may be said once for all that names are used in this book solely for the purpose of mak- ing the argument more vivid and with no thought of reflecting upon any man. The point of importance here is the simple statistical proposition that to the extent any individual in the country has a fortune of more 30 Property than $1,300, to that extent must others have less — hence the seeming extremes of wealth and poverty. The word "seeming'' is used advisedly for if the extremes of wealth and poverty were actually such as those indicated on the face of the statistics this country would be in the midst of a social upheaval such as the world has never known. Or, to state the matter differently, it is incon- ceivable that a community of intelligent, self- governing people should tolerate social and economic conditions that permit one man to accumulate and absolutely control a million or a thousand times as much as another who is equally industrious and equally honest, but who may lack in executive ability. Granting that executive ability, rare genius for invention or organization, is entitled to its reward, that it pays the community to encour- age the exercise of such ability for the sake of the good reaped by the entire community, the proposition that such reward should be carried to the extent it seemingly is on the face of the statistics violates one's sense of justice. Tlie Average Fortune 31 If the apparent extremes of great wealth and abject poverty sliocli every man's sense of ivhat is fair, why has the community tolerated the development of those seeming extremes'? And why does not the community remedy conditions which on their face seem so out- rageously inequitable? There are two possible answers to those questions : 1. The inequalities are as real as the figures indicate, but the community is too apathetic and slothful to remedy the wrong. 2. Inequalities exist, but by no means to the extent indicated on the face of the figures ; the community is restless and eager for social and economic reform, but is not revolutionary and anarchistic in its demands because it feels without fully comprehending that somehow the figures are misleading and it sees that the actual inequalities between the rich and the poor are not so great as indicated. ♦ ♦ ♦> Of the two hypotheses the first may be dis- missed at once as not in keeping with the intelligence of this or any other civilized 32 Property people. Inequalities in the distribution of wealth anything like those indicated on the face of the statistics would be remedied by revolution. The very fact that nations pursue the fairly even tenor of their ways century after century is proof positive to the social philosopher that while things may be far from right they are not j so wrong as the radical socialist, communist, or anarchist, would have us believe. Therefore it must he that the inequalities complained of are more apparent than real, and to the extent they ought not to exist the community is slowly but surely remedying them. This last hypothesis is the only one that is consistent with our respect for the intelligence of mankind and with any plausible theory of the gradual evolution of all things social. The very fact that social unrest in most coun- tries, conspicuously in the United States, falls short of revolution is proof that the inequali- ties fall short of revolutionary magnitude. Per contra at the present moment the unrest in other countries since the World War, notably The Average Fortune in Russia, has resulted in revolutions wherein the attempt is made to correct the inequalities of both wealth and power. If the inequalities in the distribution of wealth were actually as great as indicated on the face of the figures quoted then Bolshevism not only would be, but should be rampant in the United States. But if the conclusions regarding the real as distinguished from the apparent, or seeming, control and distribution of wealth are sound then it is certain that Bolshevism and the entire revolutionary propaganda — in so far as it attempts a redistribution of property — will subside after turning the limelight on many real evils, and after working many real reforms. The man of philosophic mind watches with unprejudiced eye the spread of Bolshevism — i. e., radicalism — knowing that its vitality is measured by the truth it contains, and when that truth is exhausted — i. e. applied, demon- strated — the revolution, the movement, will necessarily come to an end. The difference between the Bolshevik and the Menshevik — the radical and the moderate 'y 84 Property — lies in the extent to which each would go in overturning existing institutions. The Bolshevik sees little good in laws and institutions as they are and would overturn nearly everything. The Menshevik sees more good and would overturn less. It is idle to attempt to meet the arg-uments of either by denunciation. The only effective way is to listen dispassionately and analyze coolly but searchingly. ^ 4j» <3» So far as inequalities in the distribution of wealth are concerned the Bolshevik — the radi- cal, the revolutionist — would seem to have it all his own way on the face of the statistics. A billion, or a million, or even a hundred thousand to the average of thirteen hundred is not a comfortable comparison; while a billion or a million to nothing is a direct incentive to revolution. ♦ * * Do these figures accurately reflect the true conditions? That is another of the questions we are going to try to answer. Ill AN ECONOMIC FICTION Let us view the distribution of wealth from another angle. Statistically and legally one man is a mil- lionaire while another may have little or nothing. The inequality between a million and one hundred or nothing is enormous, so enormous that only a mind accustomed to large figures can grasp it. ♦ 4> ♦ While the statistical inequality between a million and a few hundred is enormous, is it true that the inequality in real life between the man who ' ' o^,\ais ' ' a million and the man who has but a hundred or even nothing is as enor- mous as the figures indicate? We have already committed ourselves to the proposition that if it were there would be instant revolution; which is equivalent to saying that social conditions would not tolerate the development of such monstrous conditions. 35 36 Property In a profound sense the '^ millionaire " is an economic fiction; one of the illusions incidental to economic progress. He exists in theory rather than in fact ; he is a legal entity, rather than a living and breathing mass of gold, or wheat, or actual wealth of any kind. ♦ * * Take the present instant, the particular moment you — the reader — are reading this paragraph. Pause and think. All the people in the United States are doing something, most of them working hard. Imagine yourself seated on a cloud taking a bird's-eye view of this country of ours. Would it not resemble an ant-hill in activity? Would it not be true that the idlers, the wasters, the fools and criminals, who loom so large and make such an impression when close to us, would be so few they would be lost in the mass of workers'? Look more closely and try to distinguish, if you can, the millionaire from the thousandaire. You do see that some dress better and live better than others, but these differences are An Economic Fiction .IT measured not by millions but by a few hun- dreds annually. The best buildings you find are public build- ings, and some of those who have thousands per year are public servants ; nearly all of the gorgeous uniforms, and many of the most extravagant entertainments, receptions, balls, parades, celebrations, etc., etc., are public func- tions, so that it is apparent the country — i. e., the conmaunity — not only countenances but estahlislies great inequalities in rank, power, office, salaries, comforts, luxuries, appearances, pleasures. If you are of a reflective turn of mind you may ask yourself whether it may not be true that in these respects individuals simply ape the examples of states. ♦ ♦ ♦ Surveying from your seat on the cloud the hiiman ants, who are, as a body, working so hard to accumulate wealth which each genera- tion must leave behind, you notice all the economic inequalities in distribution and enjoy- ments above mentioned, and on the human side you observe physical, moral, intellectual differ- 58584 38 Propertij ences which make certain economic inequalities inevitable. And the closer you look the more surprising it strikes you that individuals who differ so, one from another, in physical, moral and intellectual strength can get along so well together in one community. 4» ♦ * Now turn from the living units to the results of their labors, to the total accumulated wealth of the connnunity from seed in the ground to finest finished products; from a path in the forest to an elaborately developed railway sys- tem ; from a log cabin to the White House. Your first and absolutely correct impression is that all this wealth belongs to the community — to the human ant-hill. You see that indi- viduals are born and die, generations come and go, but the economic progress and accumula- tions of the community go on without inter- ruption; it is all an essentially community proposition, differing only in degree and not in kind from the accumulations of the ant-hill and the beehive; a more complex and elaborate development of the tribal stage of manldnd. An Economic Fiction 39 As a philosopher — particularly if a logical evolutionist — you conclude at once that — whatever the inequalities between individuals, the economic system followed has been well adapted to attain the results achieved. Given any material changes in rights and incentives it goes without sajdng the results would be materially different — whether better or worse no man can say, though the relentless logic of evolution requires you to argue that the results achieved are the best possible with an imper- fect human factor ; as the human factor gains in physical, moral and intellectual strength, material results will vary accordingly. If the intelligence of some of the ants were doubled the proportions of the hill would be changed. ♦ ♦ ♦ On closer study you find that individual mem- bers and groups of the community assert claims to particular portions of the community wealth. First of all the conmaunity itself is broken up into many divisions and subdivisions, political, religious, educational, industrial (such as pub- lic enterprises like gas, waterworks, irrigation schemes, harbors, etc.) and that each of these 40 Propertif divisions asserts a claim to its special portion of the total wealth. This assertion of claims by the community and by its various subdivisions, political and industrial, does not alter the fact that every building is used by and every public enterprise run by individuals. 4> ♦ ♦ By searching the records you ascertain the legal fact that the White House is '' owned'* by the nation, instead of by its occupant, but this legal title does not alter the social fact it is the home and office of an individual, the Presi- dent, just as a house on Fifth Avenue may be the home and office of a well-kno^vn physician. The legal title to the house on Fifth Avenue may be in the physician, or in his father, or in a stranger, or a trust company, or in the City of New York ; it may change any moment with- out the physician knowing or caring, the economic fact remains that the house is a part of the sum total of community wealth and it is occupied by a certain individual unit as a con- venient place to best serve the community. An Economic Fiction 41 After ascertaining the curious — from your bird's-eye point of view — fact that the com- munity as a whole, and many divisions of the community, claim legal title to portions of the community wealth, even to hundreds and hun- dreds of millions of gold stored in public vaults, you probe deeper and find : That, follomng the example of the com- munity, individuals and groups of individuals — from partnerships of two up to corporations with thousands of security holders — claim legal title to particular portions of the total wealth. In short you find that : 1. The all-important and fundamental facts are, the production, use, and control of all ivealth are by individuals ivorhing in harmony. 2. But, there are of record certain documents which give (a) the community, (b) political, religious, educational subdivisions of the com- munity, (c) public corporations and enter- prises, (d) semi-public corporations, (e) cor- porations, (f) associations of all kinds, (g) partnerships, (h) individuals, legal title to such 42 Property portions of the total wealth as they produce or use, or ** own " as the phrase goes. ♦!♦ ♦!♦ ♦» This is a very curious and highly artificial condition for it is at once apparent that if every legal record were burned and no attempt made to ascertain and restore the legal titles not a penny of actual wealth would be affected, and the only occupations of individuals that would be affected would be those which had to do with the preservation of these legal con- ditions and records. Aside from people engaged in these occupations the work of every indi- vidual in the community would remain pre- cisely the same for a time. You naturally ask, * ' Why not, then, wipe out this cumbersome legal machinery, and permit the community to go along simpler economic lines?" The answer is twofold: 1. From the evolutionist's standpoint, it is / p^ain that cumbersome scheme of legal title, of ** o^\^lership " as distinguished from actual use and control, would not have developed unless there was good reason for it. All civilizations An Economic Fiction 43 seem to have progressed in proportion to the extent they recognized and protected these paper property rights ; the more elaborate the scheme of paper property rights the higher the civilization, and vice versa. History proves the truth of this; it also shows that the recognition of rights — par- ticularly political — may be carried so far the system totters and falls either by its own weight or by revolutions. 2. Aside from the cold materialistic conclu- sions of the evolutionist, it is apparent — the more you probe the matter — that this legal notion of ownership is the most powerful incen- tive to individual effort ever devised. Possession is the most powerful incentive known to the brute mind, but the human has made a great advance over the brute in that it separates the idea of oivnership from the hald fact of possession, and thereby multiplies in- definitely incentives to effort. ♦ ♦ ♦ The brute can possess but one or two things at a time; the human can '' own " — have legal title — to many. 44 Property True, the human does not possess — occupy, or physically control — more than one or two, or at most a few, but because the laiv — i. e. the ingenious device of the community — says he may " own *^ more, and gives him the right to take possession (though often under great difficulties and restrictions), he is satisfied and goes on working feverishly to accumulate paper titles to things other individuals possess and use. Were it not for this invention of paper rights, all incentive to production and ac- 1 cumulation would end near the brute level, namely with the production and accumulation of only so much as each individual could physically hold to the exclusion of others. With the recognition — the invention — of paper titles the incentive to produce and ac- cumulate is extended indefinitely. *•* *•* *2* A most ingenious scheme to keep men at ^ work. It is a direct appeal to the speculative instinct which is so powerful in — and peculiar to — mankind. It fosters and encourages the spirit of accumulation, permitting men to think A71 Economic Fiction 45 they accumulate for themselves and their families, whereas in last analysis they simply swell the total accumulations of the community — the ant-hill. It is a great game. ♦ ♦> ♦> The total actual wealth of the community is one thing, the legal or paper wealth is quite another. Take a farm, for instance ; there it is with its improvements and buildings. From your cloud loerch you see every foot of the land, you see a family living in the house and several men working in the fields; it is all quite plain — as plain as an ant dragging food to its hill — these individuals are working a given piece of land for their o"wn living and profit and thereby add- ing to the sum total of the wealth of the com- munity. Adjoining this farm is another, then another and another ; then come forests, and mines, and factories, all worked by individuals who die and are succeeded by other individuals, and meanwhile the improvements go on, the sum total of the community wealth steadily in- 46 Property creases until farms and mines and factories are exhausted then the individuals cannot pro- duce so much during their lifetimes and the total wealth decreases. All this is quite plain, but when you inquire closely why the individuals work so hard, why they try to produce so much more than each one consumes you hear of this scheme of ^' oivnership " this legal device which permits a man to say he ' ' owns ' ' what others actually possess and use. The farm you first looked at is not ** owned " by the family or the men on it, it is ^* owned " by a man two thousand miles away, but while he — A — has the legal title paper; another man, B, has a mortgage paper of ten thousand dollars on the land and buildings; C has a chattel mortgage paper on the macnines used ; D has a contract for purchase paper; while E, the man with the family in the farmhouse, has a lease paper. These are some of the ramifications of paper ownership — all legal creations as distinguished from economic. Add together the various values placed upon An Economic Fiction 4*7 these various interests and the sum total would far exceed the actual value of the farm and its improvements. Theoretically the two totals should coincide, but in practice they do not, as is amply demon- strated in almost every foreclosure where all the legal interests are merged by actual sale of property; there is usually a radical scaling down of paper values, and individuals who thought they were rich find themselves poor. ♦ ♦ ♦ Look at this great railroad running from New York to Chicago with its many tracks, stations, warehouses, cars, locomotives, etc. It is all in the actual possession of the thousands of employees, from president to flagman, who operate it. Not one of those who actually control and operate the road could tell who the ''owners " are, nor do they care so long as the owners do not interfere with efficient operation. ♦ ♦ ♦ On inquiry you find that the road is legally '' owned '' by thousands of stockholders and, ahead of the stockholders, thousands of bond- 48 Property holders, many of whom have never seen any part of the line, and many of whom are women, children, banks, insurance companies, and other corporations, all of whom have pieces of paper which are their evidences of title. All these pieces of paper could be burned without destroying a penny of actual wealth and without affecting in the slightest degree the daily duties of a single man or boy actually engaged in working the road — excepting, of course, those whose duties have to do with the issuing, signing, transferring of the pieces of paper — they would suddenly find themselves with nothing to do — but every other employee would go about his work just the same. Just the same? Not quite, for sooner or later they would all know that private ownership of the property had been abolished, that no more pieces of paper would be issued, and the entire service would take on the atmosphere of state service, an atmosphere of listlessness and indifference, the atmosphere of routine, of work with no expectations save that of slow advancement by seniority. An Economic Fiction 40 When you add together all the issues of stocks, bonds, notes, and other forms of in- debtedness, evidenced by outstanding pieces of paper, the total is so enormous the question at once arises, ''Is it possible the railroad is worth that much?" Probably not, or if it is, it is due to the increased value of its franchise, right of way, terminals — land values — due to increase of population along the line rather than to actual labor and money put into the property, and besides much depends upon how "value" is defined, and by what rule " valuing" is done. But whether the road is worth less or more than all its outstanding pieces of paper, the fact is obvious that there before your eyes is the physical property, the lines of rail, the sta- tions, warehouses, cars, locomotives, etc., and there are the workers in actual possession. In the hands of others, stockholders, bond- holders, banks, etc., are pieces of paper which are bought and sold as valuable. One small stock certificate for two hundred shares may sell for more than a locomotive. And because these pieces of paper do sell at 50 Propcrtij high prices there is a constant temptation to print more and more and more until confidence is shaken and the great structure of credit and inflation collapses. A drastic period of reor- ganization and readjustment follows. For- tunes and savings invested in the pieces of paper are lost. People are impoverished. But the road goes on just the same. Not a wheel ceases to turn, not an employee is laid off. It often happens that during these periods of destruction of paper values the road is reha- bilitated and operated better than ever before. While paper values are tumbling, actual values, represented by labor spent upon the property, are increasing. ♦ ♦ ♦ We are so accustomed to paper evidences of wealth that we habitually confound them with actual wealth. To the farmer the wheat stored in an ele- vator means more than the ivareJiouse receipt issued against it, but to the banker the piece of paper, the receipt, means more than the wheat. The banker could not use a bushel of the wheat, An Economic Fiction 51 but lie will loan thousands of dollars on the piece of paper. ♦ ♦ ♦> So it is with notes, stocks, bonds, mortgages, the pieces of paper take the place of the real properties in all commercial and financial trans- actions, and the world comes to look upon them as if they were actual wealth. ♦ ♦ ♦ THEY ARE EEAL IN THEIR WAY. ♦ ♦ ♦ That is the most important economic truth to get clearly in mind at the very outset of any in- vestigation of real or apparent inequalities in the distribution of wealth. »> ♦!♦ There are enormous inequalities in the dis- tribution of paper wealth. The inequalities in the distribution of actual wealth are slight in comparison. We are getting close to the heart of the prob- lem of the distribution of wealth. The distribution of actual wealth is one thing. 52 Property The distribution of paper wealth is quite a different thing. There are thousands and thousands of paper millionaires. There may be even a paper bil- lionaire. There is not and never has been an actual millionaire — except A. In land B. In luxuries Both of which exceptions are fully consid- ered in chapters ix and x. It is a physical possibility for a man to ''own" and have in his exclusive possession paper representing millions — hence he is a millionaire on paper. It is — with the exception of land and lux- uries — a physical impossibility for a man to "own" and have in his exclusive possession more than a few hundreds of thousands in actual wealth — hence he is not a millionaire when it comes to actual use and control of wealth to the exclusion of others. ♦ ♦ ♦ The cry of the agitator, the argument of the socialist and communist are directed against An Economic Fiction 53 the paper millionaire. Little or no attention is paid to the actual — 1. e., the land or luxury millionaire. It seems to be assumed that if a man is a paper millionaire he will also be a land or luxury (or both) millionaire. It by no means follows. If we exclude land millionaires who are in an economic class by themselves the luxury millionaires are comparatively few in numbers, so few they are very conspicuous in the cities where they live. Most paper millionaires live in modest homes and are kno^\Ti only as exceptionally hard workers. They go on all their lives accumulat- ing these pieces of paper or enlarging their en- terprises, spending little on themselves and their homes. ♦ * ♦ The trouble is not in the distribution of paper wealth but in the distribution of actual. True, inequalities in the distribution of paper wealth may and often do lead to inequalities in the distribution of actual, since paper wealth is power over actual, but this power is not exer- 54< Property cised nearly so often as the agitator and the socialist think. It is exercised so seldom that the cause of social, industrial, and commercial ills must be sought elsewhere. And first of all in human nature itself. That is the first great source of all our troubles — the weaknesses and vices of man- kind. Our institutions are no better than we are. That is not quite true, for happily in a sense they are. Men preach better than they prac- tice. Bad as they seem to be at times public — publicly professed — morals are always bet- ter than private. We profess and upJiold higher standards than we attain. In politics and business we condemn practices we secretly follow. Every community has hundreds of laws it cannot enforce, laws against drunkenness and prostitution, laws against unfair business methods, against cheating, deceiving, and fraud ; pure food laws, laws for safety, hygiene, protection of women and children, and so on endlessly. An Economic Fiction 55 These laws are never enforced as fully as they should be — why ? Because the community cannot triumph over the ingenuity and inherent waywardness of its individual members. '^ 'Sf ^ Every evil known to society has its origin in and derives its strength from the individual. When employers and employees are in violent conflict, each side asserting the rigJitness of its cause and conduct, the thinking man knows that each side is made up of men equally greedy, equally unscrupulous, equally quick to fight, kill, burn — in short of men of the same day and generation, just average human heings; no white and spotless angels among them. ♦ ♦ ♦ Conceding that the great source of all our troubles, ethic as well as economic, is our own imperfect human nature, still it does not follow that we should fold our hands and sit supine. On the contrary w^e have two tasks : First, to hammer away with all our strength at the weaknesses of our nature, and 56 Propertij make ourselves better, so we may live up to our standards — that is the ethic, and, if you please, the physiologic task. Second, to investigate profoundly and impar- tially social and economic conditions with a 2. view to understanding and remedying them in so far as imperfect human beings can remedy inequalities that are so largely due to inherent human imperfections — that is the economic and sociologic task. ♦> ♦ ♦ Inasmuch as these two fundamentally dis- tinct conditions are at the base of all our troubles it goes without saying that the re- former who promises his hearers perfection as the result of the adoption of his economic or social theories is promising something that cannot he. The socialist who draws a picture of social contentment and happiness providing his sug- gestion of state ownership of capital, be adopted ignores completely the human factor, ignores the physical, mental, moral, differences that exist between man and man, nation and nation, race and race. An Econoynic Fiction 57 His argument assumes that the adoption of an economic reform would instantaneously make imperfect men perfect. To bring the argument down to earth, it assumes that the moment the government takes over a given railway every employee instantly becomes an miselfish altruistic being whose sole thought is the welfare of humanity. The hard cold fact is that labor unions in control of government enterprises are more selfish, more militant, more arbitrary, more aggressive than in privately conducted enter- prises — as the recent experiment of govern- ment control of the railroads in this country has convincingly demonstrated. ♦ ♦ ♦ We have reached the conclusion that while the nominal or legal wealth of an individual may be very large,, the actual wealth controlled or consumed by him may be relatively small. A man may be nominally a millionaire or even a billionaire, and actually control and con- sume less wealth than a railroad president who has little besides his salary. In fact the railroad president may actually // 58 Property control and manage 'productively the wealth that is nominally and legally the property of the millionaire. Take the extreme case of the millionaire who belongs to the "idle rich," who does nothing but amuse himself in ways that are productive of no good to the community. This is an extreme hypothesis because even the most worthless and dissolute millionaire may build houses, improve estates, build yachts, buy fine homes or automobiles, and in his very extravagance unintentionally encourage the production of useful and beautiful things. But take the extremest of extreme cases — the man whose very existence is a nuisance to the community and whose death would be a relief to family, friends, and the city in which he lives. The moral harm he does by his mode of life may be great, but that is a consideration by itself and applies to the poor man as well as the rich. His economic cost to the community is the money he wastes on himself and others. It would be interesting to analyze this term ** waste," for it would be found that a certain An Economic Fiction 59 percentage of the money spent in the most wasteful manner is not lost, but directly or indirectly benefits others. The moral evil of the expenditures may far overshadow the inci- dental economic benefit, but the benefit may be there just the same. To state the proposition more baldly; A rich man might take a cargo of wheat and sink ship and cargo in the middle of the ocean. That would be total loss to him and the community — absolute waste. If instead of so doing he spent the value of the ship and wheat — say $200,000 in the wild- est sort of riotous living, the moral example would be so bad the notoriety and shock might result in good; but some of the money would percolate back into productive channels; it would not be all lost as if the wheat were sunk in the ocean. The worst economic effect of the wasteful spending would be to divert men and women for the time being from useful employments to the idle or vicious employments demanded by the spender. There would be, however, at least some sup- 60 Property port and stimulation of occupations, trades, and industries of economic value to the community. The reckless buying of high-priced automobiles would be largely waste, but at the same time this reckless encouragement of automobile makers to exercise all their ingenuity to turn out more perfect, faster, and more elaborate cars, would stimulate the production of better cheap cars, just as the time and money formerly wasted in this country in horse racing was not wholly wasted since it helped perfect the breeds of horses for all purposes. The yearly account of the worthless rich man with the community would stand as follows : To the sum total of all the wealth consumed and spent — say $200,000 By so much of that amount as directly or indirectly advances use- ful employments — say 25,000 Annual cost to the community $175,000 That is the item the community is interested in. He may be "worth" ten million dollars. Suppose he inherited that amount. His in- An Economic Fiction 61 \ come at only five per cent would be $500,000, three hundred thousand dollars of which he invests in more stock and bonds, because he cannot spend more than two hundred thousand dollars. The public disapproves his way of living and rightly looks upon him as a nuisance, and be- cause he is a vicious member of the community and spends lavishly he brings all millionaires into disrepute. The fault of the individual is attributed to his wealth, yet he is not touching a penny of his ten million dollars. Every dol- lar is productively engaged in the hands of others. If his fortune consists of railroad stocks his very existence may be unknov.Ti to the men running the roads; if it consists of government bonds whether he lives or dies is immaterial to the government, all his money is devoted to public uses just the same as if the government confiscated it and stopped interest on its bonds. Not only is the principal of ten million dol- lars productively engaged, but $300,000 of the income goes back into productive uses. Therefore 50 Jong as he continues to squander 62 Property only $200,000 per year, twenty-five thousand dollars of which is not wasted, his economic cost to the commnnity is $175,000 per year; his wealth of ten million dollars is a legal fiction. It is very much as if the community gave him a pension of $175,000 per year to squander. ♦ ♦ ♦ We have taken an extreme case. There are many men and women, young and old, with large incomes who spend viciously and fool- ishly large percentages of their incomes ; men and women who are veritable nuisances to themselves, their families, their cities — to civilization itself. But the number is not actually so large as is commonly supposed; and with those the per- centage of income absolutely wasted is not so great as coimnonly reputed. It is said that one swallow does not make a summer, but it is pretty nearly true that one fool makes a winter. One monl^ey dinner, one dog luncheon, heralded by the press, prejudices the entire country not only against a large class, but against a city. An Economic Fiction 63 The rich — the richer — man is everj^where, the rich farmer, merchant, mannfacturer, banker. And the overwhelming majority of rich men — of men who have more than the average — ■ whether farmers or merchants, and w^hether worth ten thousand or ten millions continue to ivorh in one w^ay or another for the good of the community. If they ' ' retire ' ' from more active work it is to take up something else, some hobb}^, that may be of even greater benefit to the community. IV ONLY FOR LIFE '' We brought nothing into this ivorld and it is certain we can carry nothing out." So said Saint Paul and trul}''. The rich man dies like the poor man, of all his wealth he takes not a penny with him. At most therefore private property is but a life estate. AVhat a man does not actually consume dur- ing his lifetime he must leave behind for others to enjoy. One moment he is said to be ' ' worth ' ' a million dollars, the next he breathes his last and is " worth " nothing. The food we are eating may be said to be our own in the most absolute sense inasmuch as we are actually consuming and absorbing it. The clothes w^e wear may be said to be our own, but in not quite so absolute a sense since our sudden death would leave them behind for others to use. Others have a still greater reversionary in- terest in our houses, and so on. 64 0}tJu for Life 65 The rich man spends a million dollars on a great estate in the country. He is said to '* own " it, and so he does in a legal sense. The law — which is simply the custom of society as at present constituted — sa^^s he may have exclusive possession of the estate^ during his lifetime, may sell it, lease it, dispose of it by will, and if he does not dispose of it by will the law names the heirs to whom the estate shall go on the " owner's " death, and if there are no heirs then the law says the estate shall go to the state, to the community, in which event the legal fiction of that particular private property vanishes in thin air. ♦ ♦ ♦ In tribes it is the custom, and in civilized states it is the laiu, that on a man 's death title to his property shall pass to certain persons, usually members of his family ; if he leaves no famil}^ or relatives the tribe or the state may take his property, and the tribe or the state ^ Always subject to the superior rights of the community such as the right of eminent domain, control for purposes of sanitation, etc., which need not here be enumerated but which very materially modify that absolute control which is popu- larly supposed to go with private property. 66 Property usually takes a portion as a matter of custom or under succession and inheritance tax laws. Furthermore the character of the property makes a great difference in its disposition. Every community recognizes the distinction between ownership of realty and personalty. The land a man owns passes under certain special provisions of the law, while his per- sonal property passes under separate and more or less different provisions. In no two countries and in no two states of this country are the succession laws and in- heritance taxes precisely the same, and in every country and every state these laws are undergoing changes at the will of the com- munity. For instance the laws of England and Scot- land regarding the descent of real property are very different, and again in both countries the distribution of personal property is governed by entirely different regulations. In England as regards lands the Eules of Inheritance apply, while as regards personal property the Statute of Distribution governs. Until 1890 this last named statute provided Only for Life 67 that where a man died without a will, leaving a widow and no children or next of kin, the widow took one-half the personal estate while the other half went to the Crovv^l. In the United States some of the states follow the Roman law, some the Common law, while others like California, Louisiana, and Texas follow French and Spanish law. To add to the confusion it is generally the rule that the descent of real property is gov- erned by the laws of the country or state where the property is situated, the distribution of personal property is governed by the laws of the country or state wherein the owner was domiciled — had his residence. So that a man by buying a residence across a street, if that street happens to mark the line between two countries or states may without knowing it change materially the rights of his widow and relatives in the distribution of his personal estate, he m-ay even limit his own power to dispose of that estate by will. ♦ ♦ ♦ The manner in which tribes from the most primitive states through to the most highly 68 Property civilized have treated succession to property demonstrates clearly the purely human and social character of all property rights, and the community's absolute control over same. <^ ^ r?4 Now why have savage tribes by custom and civilized states by laiv given certain persons, family, and relatives, the right to succeed to — that is enter into possession of — either all or a portion of the dead man's property? ♦ ♦ "> First — for the obvious reason that when a man disappears, or is incapacitated by illness, or dies, someone must take possession of his property. If no parties are designated by custom or law then there will be a scramble and the death of each individual would be awaited — perhaps accelerated — by all near at hand in order that they might seize his possessions. These conditions have actually prevailed in whole or in part with the result that even primitive tribes find it necessary to follow cus- toms whereby either the chief, or the relatives Only for Life 69 of the dead man, quietly assume possession of his property. ♦:♦ ^ ♦:♦ A custom or law of succession is necessary to prevent strife and ivaste. There is no question of abstract right in- volved. A son has no more right to succeed to his father's property than a daughter, or a brother, or a cousin, or a stranger. His right is estab- lished by custom or law and may be curtailed or abolished by custom or law. It is so generally the custom for children and near relatives to inherit that most people labor under the impression they have a peculiar, almost * ' sacred ' ' right. It is highly important to realize that no such abstract right exists. •'' ♦> ♦:« The foundation of the right of succession and inheritance is purely practical. True, the heirs or successors may prove incompetent, but even at the risk, where there is no will, of turning the property of the dead man over to incompetent children or relativeSi } experience has demonstrated it is wiser for the 70 Property community to liave fixed lav;s of succession than it would be for the conuuunit}^ to attempt to investigate in each instance the competency of the heirs and distribute the estate accordingly — a course ideally desirable but 'practically impossible. ♦ ♦ ♦ The entire question of inheritance and suc- cession is therefore a purely economic ques- tion. The sole object of every inheritance or suc- cession law should be to secure to the com- munity the highest degree of efficiency in the management of the property abandoned by the man who has disappeared, died, or become incapacitated by illness or other causes. ♦ ♦ ♦ Yvliether existing inheritance and succession laws accomplish this object is a subject by itself. The points we wish to impress here are ; ' Property is so essentially sl community cre- ation that individuals — poor and rich — come and go without lessening the wealth of the com- '\i munity by so much as a penny. Only for Life If Mr. Rockefeller should die tomorrow tlie wealth of the country and the world would not be increased or decreased by a single farthing. There would be a shifting of titles under the law, but that is all. And if it so happened the law could find no children or relatives to in- herit and no will disposing of the estate, then the community would take it all. We might put the matter this way ; the com- munity would first do all it could to find a will disposing of the estate; failing to find a will I the community would then do all it could to I find relatives to inherit; failing to find rela- ' tives the community would reluctantly take over the vast fortune and try to do the best it could with it. Yvliy do we say " reluctantly, " when most people would say the public vrould be mighty glad to get the fortune % We say ^'reluctantly" because that is the real attitude of the community toward succes- sion generally. This is demonstrated by the fact that every com.munity does provide by law that every effort shall be made to find individuals to take the property and manage it./. 72 Property If experience of both tribes and civilized peoples had not demonstrated that this is the wiser economic course, communities long ago would have established the custom of com- munity succession. " As regards a given fortune the unthinking portion of the public might be glad if no rela- tives could be found, but that would not be the true and logical attitude of the community; the feeling of satisfaction in the particular case would be diametrically opposed to the spirit of the inheritance laws. «s» '•♦ ^ Grovernments the world over are interfering more and more with private control of prop- erty, to the extent of limiting and even abolish- ing it. On one pretext and another govern- ments are appropriating, not to say confiscat- ing, larger and larger percentages of estates (t) j and possessions. From a stamp tax on a deed 2- ' to an inheritance or succession tax ; from a suc- 2- cession tax to the appropriation of the entire estate where there are no heirs and no will, it is but a matter of degree in the assertion of the. superior rights of the community — the asser- Only for Life 73 tion of the real ownershix) as against tlie nominal. In Germany, even prior to the World War, the need of public revenue was so great that imperial right of succession {Reicliserbreclit) was seriously advocated. One form of the proposition was that first of all the tax on inheritance should be heavy; sec- ondly that beyond brothers and sisters no col- lateral relations should inherit unless specifi- cally provided for by will, but that all property now passing by law to such distant relations should pass to the state. It was estimated^ that this change in the laws of succession would yield the state over five hundred millions of marks. If it did not jdeld sufficient revenue, obvi- ously the next step along the same line would be for the state to take the place of brothers and sisters, or take one-half that goes to children, and so on to the taking of all a man leaves. Granting the power and the right of the state • Bernhardi, Germany and the Next War, pp. 269-271, 74 Property so to do, the vital question is the economic expediency. Up to certain limits of appropriation by the state the individual might not be discouraged. Beyond certain limits the incentive to the in- dividual to put forth his best efforts all his life long, would diminish. ♦ ♦ ♦ In the United States the powers of Congress and the various state legislatures to deal arbitrarily with property rights are limited by the federal and state constitutions. The constitutional restrictions upon the powers of legislatures have led the American people to believe there is something sacred in property rights, something that is above and beyond the power of the coimnunity to do with it as it pleases. There is nothing in this notion. / The community as a whole is all-powerful to regulate its internal affairs according to its . best judgment. /' This truth is recognized in the United States by the power in the people to change their con- , stitutions as they please. Only for Life 75 While the present constitutions stand, cer- tain rights — such as certain property rights — are above the powers of legislatures to cur- tail. But in constitutional conventions the people can create and suppress rights to suit themselves. They can abolish constitutions \ and establish any form of socialism or com- munism they desire. They can limit the rights of the individual in any manner they deem best. A man's right to what he has depends wholly upon the attitude of those about him. He has no right beyond social — i. e. commercial recog- nition. If the community wants what the in- dividual has, it will take it away from him, and he will never think of asserting a rigJit against the overwhelming voice of the community. But if the community recognizes the fact that it is better for all that the individual's dominion be recognized within greater or lesser limits, then private property — i. e. private con- trol — begins and is established. For instance a man may " " for miles the land on both sides of a navigable stream, but the community does not permit him to as- sert any ownership over the stream. I 76 Property Again a man may * ' own ' ' a large ranch and all the roads through it. The connnunity de- velops to a point where it wants the roads so it appropriates them, and it may cut others and allow railroads to condemn rights of way, etc., etc. *** *** *♦* Everybody recognizes the right of the com- munity to pass the most stringent law^s affect- ing personal liberty, affecting the right of the individual to do things ; it goes without saying that the right of the community to pass laws affecting the right of the individual to own things is even clearer. It is all a matter of conduct anyway. In one case it is a matter of our conduct w^ith rela- tion to others; in the other case it is a matter of our conduct with relation to things. »> *;« »;* A dog ' ' owns ' ' a bone so long as he is strong enough or fleet enough to prevent other dogs from taking it. Man " owns " a bone in a more highly devel- oped sense because it has come to be the sense, the custom, and so the laiv of the community Only for Life that it is to tlie interest of the community that the individual should not be compelled to light to keep what he has fairly gotten. It is even believed to be to the interest of the community in the long run that the posses- sion of the individual should not be disturbed in many cases where he got control unfairly. The community bars the rightful owmer after a certain length of time by statutes of limita- tion, saying in effect, "Unless you claim your bone within reasonable time, you cannot dis- turb him who has it." ^ In short the recognition of private property is nowhere absolute. It differs in every coun- try. Just noY>^ violent assaults are beinsr made upon private 0A\Tiership ot large estates in / countries so widely different as Eussia, Great Britain, and Mexico. From the land-owners go up cries of hard- ship, injustice, confiscation, robbery, etc., etc. Whether any given proposition of appropria- tion or confiscation is unfair is a nice question and turns upon the extent to which a eommu- 78 Property nity by certain laws lias encouraged tlie in- dividual to do certain things, and then by sud- den reversal of those laws deprived the in- dividual of the fruits of his labors. Precisely this sort of a question arises with every proposed reduction of a protective tariff, every proposed law prohibiting the manufac- ture or sale of alcoholic liquors, and in lesser degrees regarding the enforcement of pure food laws, etc. A community develops along certain lines, under certain laws. Capital and labor are at- tracted to certain industries. Suddenly the community experiences a change of heart, laws are passed that virtually destroy entire industries, possibly entire cities and sections. There is no doubt about the riglit, the power of the community to do these things, the only question is one of economic expediency — will the proposed measures be beneficial to the en- tire community in the long run? If so then the so-called right of the individual must give way ; or rather as against the welfare of the com- munity the individual has no rights. His true Only for Life 79 riglits will be found to coincide with the ad- vancement of the whole. ♦ ♦ ♦ Those who believe in private property and defend it will make more headw^ay if they frankly concede at the outset there is nothing sacred about it and that the community is free to do as it deems best with it — strengthen, modify, or totally abolish it. ^ Starting with those premises the discussion becomes dispassionate and scientific, the sole question being to what extent is the recogni- tion of private rights over things necessary to the advancement of the community? The world is getting restless ; it challenges in a manner it never did before. It will not be silenced by a ^ ' Thou shalt not. ' ' It demands to know the reason why. Men of property are becoming more liberal. True, the great, the overwhelming majority still accept their lands and their wealth — as the Kaiser accepted his throne — as if granted from on High, as possessions so peculiarly and sacredly their own that for others to interfere is sacrilegious. But there is a very intelligent 80 Property minority composed of men who would rather tliinh than make money, who would rather be rigid than rich; this minority are also asking U" / the reason why — why and how private rights I over things have come to be what they are, and whether as they are, they are essential to the economic, intellectual, and spiritual advance- ment of the community, or whether on the other hand some form of socialism or commun- ism would not be better. ♦j» 4» ♦!» A great many teachers, professors, minis- ters, writers, are also asking the reason why. The world is an animated interrogation mark. / Not alone private property, but every social and economic institution is under investigation. Time-honored theories and explanations are going by the board. Men will accept no man's say-so. Authority is challenged. People are bent upon getting to the root of things. That is why the academic notions regarding private property are having such a hard time. That is why the land-owner, and the bond- holder, and the stockholder are worrying. ^ Only for Life 81 They don't know what is about to happen. All they know is that the socialists are increasing in numbers, that communists and anarchists are found on every street corner, and the man , with money is pointed out as a public enemy. / On first impression it would seem as if the cyclone cellar is the place for the unhappy millionaire, but that would be the flight of the coward and moreover he could not take his millions with him. If ever the rich man needed to stand out in the open and justify his economic value he needs to now. It is no time for dillydallying. If the people cannot be convinced that the rich man is at least as important and valuable a factor in the development of the community as the poor man then he will have to go. It is not a question whether lie, as an in- dividual, has a riglit to his wealth; the sole, question is whether it is a good thing for the community to permit him to exercise that right; whether the results in the long run are better than if the community took over in some way part or all of his rights. 82 Property It is precisely this very practical question that has not been fully and fairly considered and answered because the true nature of pri- \\vate property has not been fully understood. It is always assumed that it is a question of the community on the one side with little or no control over the property, and the individual on the other Avith practically absolute powers of disposition. // it were true that a man with a million or ten millions owned it in such a way that the community had little or no enjojTuent thereof, then the argument for private property would be weak indeed — only the sacred theory would sustain it. But if it should be found to be true that the individual ' * owning ' ' a million virtually sim- ply holds the nominal title for life, the real en- joyment of practically the entire fortune being in the community, then a very different aspect to the problem is presented, and it is this as- pect that has not been discussed in the litera- ture on the subject. THE RUSSELL SAGE FORTUKB Kussell Sage was famous in New York for his parsimony and his shrewdness. He lived very simply and devoted his entire time to loaning and investing his money. Because he was not a lavish spender^ and he- cause he loaned and invested always with a view to getting the highest returns for his money, he was not popular. Let us put it more directly, he was not popu- lar because he was thrift^/ and frugal to a marked degree. Curious, is it not? — that men who spend or waste wealth with reckless prodigality are usu- ally popular, even though they go bankrupt and cause losses to thousands, while men who save and carefully invest productively are looked upon as ** closefisted " — miserly — and are unpopular. * When the elevated roads were first operated in New York the fare was ten cents except during the " rush " hours morning and evening, A friend who knew Sage says he often saw him standing in line waiting for the five-cent hour. 83 84i Fropcrtij It is because people do not stop to think whose money is being wasted. The common impression is that the millionaire who spends extravagantly is simply wasting his wealth, that while he may go bankrupt others in the community get some benefit. Whereas the truth is that every dollar wasted is community wealth, the individual simply has the 'power — the legal " right " — to w^aste. It does not matter whether the money is spent on ugly monuments, yachts, worthless pictures, fast horses, castles, dinners, balls, etc. ; every dollar so spent is community ivealth. ♦ ♦ ♦ Why, then, should a man like Eussell Sage, who saves all his life be unpopular while an- other who recklessly spends the fortune he has made or inherited be popular? The obvious ansv/cr is that the public does not understand the economic ivorth of the fru- gal man and the economic worthlessness of the foolish spender. But there is another side — a curious psy- chological side. The public — like the Lord — 'Moveth a cheerful giver." From time im- The Russell Sage Fortune 85 memorial people have thoughtlessly applauded the man who seemed to care so little about money he threw it right and left. His reck- less freedom and generosity have obscured his economic and other sins. ♦ ♦ ♦ The attitude of the public toward spending will surely change as it begins to understand that the wealth wasted is its wealth, made by it, accumxulated by it, though the recognition of certain property rights has given the in- dividual the potver to do with it as he pleases. ♦I* ♦> From an economic point of view Russell Sage should have been highly valued by the people of New York, inasmuch as he was quietly, and at ? loiv cost to the community, loaning, reloaning, and reinvesting many mil- lions of money, and it was a matter of com- ment that he exercised more sagacity and fore- sight than almost any banker in the city. He may have been '' closefisted," '* miser- ly," a hard man to deal w^ith; he may have exacted a high rate of interest ; may have called for his *' pound of flesh " when due; but these 86 Property arc all economic traits, the traits of a relent- less trustee of public funds. He did not permit his sympathies or his imagination to swerve his business judgment. Seemingly his one aim in life was to keep every dollar he could get 'productively em- ployed. ♦ ♦ ♦ While he w^as a rich man in the popular sense 'of the term he lived all his life as simply as many men working on fairly modest salaries. His entire wealth tvas in the possession and control of others. ♦ ♦ ♦ He had no children. When he died in 1906 he left by will $650,000 to some twenty-nine relatives; the entire residue, over $60,000,000, he left to Mrs. Sage to do with as she pleased. ♦ ♦ ♦ His fortune when he died consisted of; Cash — $612,619. This represented, no doubt, his bank bal- ances ; money paid in faster than he could loan it out. But, if in bank, it would be produc- tively engaged through bank loans. The Bussell Sar/e Fortune 87 Forty pieces of real estate — $1,945,500. His investments in real estate were not large. It is worth noting in passing that his \ household furniture in his very unpretentious home, No. 632 Fifth Avenue, was appraised at only $8,052. There were some twenty-three open accounts — money due him from various people; and fourteen mortgages. The bulk of the estate consisted of some 152 loans to bankers, brokers, partnerships, cor- porations, individuals, etc. This was his spe- cialty, loaning money to men in need of it, and the greater their need the greater his oppor- tunity. He would often make loans at times and under conditions when banks hesitated. / Naturally he would exact his compensation for the risk, and the very men benefited would often denounce him as a usurer. But because his fortune was ^' his own," that is to say be- cause he was loaning "his own" money in- stead of the money of depositors he could take risks banks could not take, and it was an eco- nomic advantage to the community to have 88 Projx'rtij Eussell Sage's millions available in emergen- cies. One has simply to look over tlie list of loans outstanding at the time of his death — loans ranging from $500,000 doY\ai — to appreciate the great variety of individuals, partnerships and companies he aided. In addition to his loans he left stocks and bonds of over eighty steam and street rail- roads, and some sixty industrial companies; stocks in six banks ; also city and state bonds. ♦ ♦ ♦ / He performed the functions of a bank except that instead of receiving deposits and loaning the money of others he had quite enough to do loaning and investing his own. That he met an economic need and was a val- uable economic factor in the development of the community was demonstrated by the price the community was glad to pay for his services. He may have had personal characteristics which made him unpopular, but for that matter most banks are not popular institutions — that is there is a popular feeling against bankers as compared with merchants and manufacturers. Tlte Bussell Sage Fortune 89 In the popular mind the manufacturer is looked upon as a 'producer like the farmer; the merchant is looked upon as a necessary and useful factor in distribution; but the popular mind fails to grasp the economic importance of the banker because it looks as if he simply juggled with money, producing nothing, dis- tributing nothing. The thinking man knows the banker per- forms just as useful services as the manufac- turer or the merchant; the banker is an eco- nomic necessity in order that the farmer, the manufacturer, the merchant may develop and make the most of his opportunities. As we approach the utopia the need for bankers and money-loaners as we know them may lessen, but if so it will be because of some more scientific and economical method of per- forming the services they now perform. One thing is certain the economic utopia will be attained — if ever — only along the lines of increasing mobilit}^ of wealth. Economic prog- ress is in direct ratio to the ductility of wealth, to the safety, ease, and rapidity with which it flov/s from point to point, from enterprise to 90 Propertij entGrx)rise. At present tliis ductility depends almost entirely upon the services of bankers and of individuals, like Sage, who perform services akin to those of bankers. *♦* *•* *♦♦ What happened after his death? , The fortune was steadily withdrawn from productive uses and devoted to charitable and philanthropic purposes. Naturally Mrs. Sage had neither the desire nor the ability to go on investing and reinvest- ing in order to accumulate more. That is a man's work. Her interests and inclination were in other directions, in the direction of distribution rather than accumulation. It is as if he and she had formed a life part- nership wherein it was agreed that he should devote all his life to accumulation, and on his death she should undertake the far more diffi- cult task of distribution. He took the hard, economic, unpopular work, leaving to her the generous, philanthropic, popular task. Each may be a valuable factor in the life and development of the community. The liiisseU Sage Fortune 91 But the risk to the commmiity began after his death, when the work of tvitJidrawing and spending the fortune began. ♦ ♦ ♦ During his lifetime he had only pieces of paper, his fortune was a potentiality, it did not exist except on paper. After his death the fortune began to emerge, so to speak, to materialize as piece after piece of paper w^as disposed of, as interest and divi- dends were held and spent instead of being- reinvested productively. Much of the fortune still exists in paper, is still engaged productively, but year by year Mrs. Sage drew out large amounts and spent the same for philanthropic and public objects. So far as the community is concerned it is as if the state had inherited the fortune and was steadily devoting it to the same uses, only the cost -of distribution is very different. The cost to the community of distributing the Sage fortune — up to the date of Mrs. Sage's death — was what Mrs. Sage spent on herself and what she paid her advisers — prob- ably not a large amount all told. 92 Property f If the state had inherited the fortune, every- one knows that a large portion of it would have been wastefully used in the sux^port of offices and office-holders. The public would rather leave the distribu- tion of these millions to a woman and her trusted advisers, people wiiose sole thought is to do all the good they can, than leave it to either the State House in Albany or the City Hall in New York. Mrs. Sage and her advisers may have made mistakes, but they were honest mistakes of heart and judgment. They did not plunder the estate or spend a dollar for political ad- vantages. One of the greatest defects of our governing and administrative mechanism is that the com- munity has practically no machinery for the \ spending of money except political. It is a common knowledge that a man may be a very good legislator and a very poor busi- ness man or philanthropist. It is a fatal defect so far as efliciency and disinterestedness are concerned to permit Con- The Russell Sar/e Fortune 93 gress or any legislative body to have anything to do with the manner in which money shall be spent by the spending departments. A business department such as the post office should not have its headquarters at Washing- ton, The gross impropriety of the railroads of the country maintaining headquarters in Washing-ton has been demonstrated, yet if the government bought the railroads the head- quarters would be at once established within the shadow of the capitoP with the inevitable result, the railroads would become a part of the huge political machine. We are beginning to see why all advanced people instinctively uphold property rights and extend them after the death of the individual. First of all it is because fortunes that exist \) on paper are in reality more efficiently engaged ) in production than if the community had the ;' title. Secondly^ when those who have accumulated or inherited the fortunes begin spending and giving, as a rule they do it with less waste and , less cost, and with finer foresight and imagina- j • As has been the case during the war. / 94 Property Hon than if the community seized and spent the fortunes. ♦ *> ♦ Mrs. Sage died November 4, 1918, leaving a v^ill vrhich made a final distribution of the Sage fortune. During the twelve years she survived her husband she gave away between thirty and forty millions of dollars, in part as follows : rOE CHAKITABLE INSTITUTIONS An endowment fund of $10,000,000 to the Russell Sage Foundation, the income to be used for the betterment of social and living conditions. To the Eussell Sage Institute of Pathology, an endowTuent fund of $300,000. For the Association for Eelief of Respect- able, Aged, Indigent Females, an addition to its building on 104th Street, $25,000. Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium, $25,000. Working Girls' Home on East Twelfth Street, $25,000. To the Young Men's Christian Association, for a new building for the International Committee, on Twenty-eighth Street, New York, $350,000. For addition to Y. M. C. A. Building at Brooklyn Navy Yard, about $340,000. For The Russell Sage Fortune 95 building at Fort McKinley, Philippines, $25,- 000; for Long Island Railroad Branch, new building at Long Island City, $100,000; for new building at Fort Slocum, $50,000. EDUCATIOXAI. INSTITUTIONS Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, $1,- 000,000. Troy Female Seminary, (Emma Willard School), $1,000,000. Harvard University, a new dormitory. Yale Universit}^, the Hillhouse property, con- sisting of thirty acres, at a cost of about $650,000. This constitutes what is now known as the Pierson-Sage Campus. Princeton University, dormitories and tower. New York University, for the purchase of additional land about $300,000. Northfield Seminary, a memorial chapel. Gifts to Syracuse University, Idaho Indus- trial Institute, Lincoln University, Girls' School at Constantinople, and the Berry School at Rome, Georgia. To the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Bolles Collection of American Colonial fur- niture and household art. FOR NATIONAL OR CITY PURPOSES Constitution Island, opposite West Point, purchased and presented to the United States Government. 96 Property The City Hall in New York, as respects the rotunda and the governor's room, restored under the direction of the Art Commission. Large plantations of rhododendrons, at a cost of about $60,000, for Central Park. Libraries of technical books to each of the 258 fire houses in New York City. For Sag Harbor, Long Island, a public li- brary, including land, building, books, and endowment, a new public school, and an ex- tensive playground. A bird refuge in southern Louisiana, known as Marsh Island, consisting of about 70,000 acres. By her will she distributed the balance of the estate. Aside from a bequest of eight millions to her brother and other personal bequests amounting to about two hundred thousand dol- lars the entire fortune then in her hands, esti- mated at over forty millions, was given away. On the face of the will the residue w^ould be distributed approximately as follows: Eussell Sage Foundation $5,600,000 Troy Female Seminary 1,600,000 AVoman's Hospital in the State of New York 1,600,000 Board of Plome Missions of the Presb3i;erian Church of America (Woman's Executive Committee). 1,600,000 The Russell Sage Fortune 97 Woman's Board of Foreign Mis- sions of the Presbyterian Church. 1,600,000 New York City Mission and Tract Society 1,600,000 American Bible Society 1,200,000 New York Bible Society 400,000 Children's Aid Society 1,600,000 Charity Organization Society 1,600,000 Presbyterian Board of Eelief for Disabled Ministers and the Wid- ows and Orphans of Deceased Ministers 800,000 Metropolitan Museum of Art. . . . . 1,600,000 American Museum of Natural His- tory 1,600,000 New York Botanical Garden , 800,000 New York Zoological Society 800,000 New York Public Library 800,000 Troy Polytechnic Institute 800,000 Union College, Schenectady 800,000 Syracuse University 1,600,000 Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y.. . 800,000 New York University 800,000 Yale University 800,000 Amherst College 800,000 Williams College 800,000 Dartmouth College 800,000 Princeton University 800,000 Barnard College 800,000 Bryn Mawr College 800,000 Vassar College 800,000 Smith College 800,000 Wellesley College 800,000 TusKegee Normal and Industrial Institute 800,000 98 Property New York Infirmary for Women and Children 800,000 Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York 800,000 State Charities Aid Association. . . 800,000 Hampton Institute 800,000 Troy Female Seminary 50,000 Association for the Belief of Re- spectable, Aged, Indigent Females in the City of New York 125,000 Woman's Hospital in the State of New York 50,000 Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America (Woman's Ex- ecutive Committee of Home Mis- sions) 25,000 Woman's Board of Foreign Mis- sions of the Presbyterian Church. . 25,000 New York City Mission and Tract Society (Woman's Board) 20,000 New York Female Auxiliary Bible Society 10,000 Children's Aid Society of the City of New York 10,000 Charity Organization Society of the City of New York 20,000 First Presbyterian Church of Syra- cuse 10,000 First Presbyterian Church of Sag Harbor 10,000 Society for the Relief of Half-Or- phan and Destitute Children of the City of New York 25,000 The Russell Sage Fortune 99 New York Institute for the Deaf and Dumb 25,000 Home for the Friendless 100,000 New York Excliano-e for Women's Work 25,000 Woman's National Sabbath Alli- ance 25,000 Ladies' Christian Union of the City of New York 100,000 Working Women 's Protective Union 10,000 Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer 25,000 Salvation Army 25,000 Park College 100,000 Idaho Industrial Institute 200,000 Old Ladies' Home at Syracuse. . . . 25,000 Northlield Schools ( Northfield Seminary and Mount Hermon Boys' School) 100,000 Middlebury College 100,000 Eutgers College 100,000 Y. M. C. A. of the City of New York 100,000 Y. W. C. A. of the City of New York 100,000 Mount Sinai Hospital 100,000 Syracuse Universitv 100,000 Hampton Institute ' 100,000 In the twelve years since the death of Russell Sage the benefactions of Mrs. Sage reached a total estimated to be between $35,000,000 and $40,000,000, so that, during her life and after her death, her gifts for public uses make up a 100 Pyopertij sum between $75,000,000 and $80,000,000. The philanthropies of John D. Rockefeller and An- drew Carnegie are the only ones believed to have been greater. Mrs. Sage had used a part of the capital as well as the income of the estate for her phi- lanthropies, so that the property she leaves is less by several millions than that which was left to her. She received from her husband's estate $64,153,800.91. ♦ ♦ ♦ The first and obvious comment is that a woman of ninety could not possibly have ascer- tained the needs of all the institutions and objects named. She was guided by either her mere impulses or by her advisers. If by her advisers then they and not she distributed the fortune and as they are not named publicly and assume no responsibility the net result is the arbitrary withdrawal of millions from productive em- ployment and the distribution of same by men — her advisers — who are not named and not called upon to justify their judgment. No doubt the institutions and objects named The Bussell Sage Fortune 101 will make good use of the bequests and to the extent they do, the money may be productive of social good in a finer sense than if left in com- merce and industries. The thought we have in mind here is the chance the community runs when it permits and even encourages elderly individuals to arbi- trarily transfer their fortunes from invest- ments — -productive employment — to a long- list of objects, the needs of which cannot be accurately ascertained by them. The community may be immensely benefited by the foresight, the imagination, the construc- tive genius of the giver ; per contra it may be economically injured by the folly, the egotism, the ignorance of the giver. ♦ ♦ ♦ The following editorial from a leading New York daily is a fair sample of the press com- ments on the final distribution of the Sago fortune : It would be difficult to dispose of a great estate more sagaciously and justly than Mrs. Russell Sage has done by her will. She leaves some forty millions for educational, philanthropic and charitable pur- poses. Colleges, libraries, hospitals, the Metropolitan II 102 Property ifuseum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History, the Children's Aid Society, the Charity Or- ganization Societ}^ the Infirmary for "Women and Children, and many other institutions are splendidly remembered. There are specific legacies to many or- ganizations. To name only Mount Sinai Hospital, Hampton Institute, the Salvation Army, the Working Woman's Protective Union, the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, the Home for the Friendless, is to illustrate faintly the scope of Mrs. Sage's bene- factions. The most cynical social sorehead and growler at philanthropy will be pleased by her re- membrance of her old servants. In the twelve years from the time of Mr. Sage's death Mrs. Sage gave for public uses betw^een thirty- five and forty millions. By will she has given away forty millions more. The greater part of the fortune accumulated hy Mr. Sage has been returned to the puhlic. It is the fashion for light-brained, envious folk, amateur socialists or budding Bolsheviki, to abuse "wealth" and gnash tlieir teeth at "the rich." I Yet how swiftly the great fortunes melt; in a genera- tion or two they generally come hack to the public. It took only twelve years to scatter most of Mr. Sage's, or, rather, to invest it forever in trust for good objects. As a rule the Americans who get notably rich make the people their heir. This sort of praise is both thoughtless and mischievous. Attention is called especially to the idea conveyed in the lines italicised by the writer, The Russell Sage Fortune 103 the statement the fortune has at last ''been returned to the 'public," as if in some manner — by inference more or less reprehensible — the public had been deprived of the fortune i during Sage's lifetime. / Almost precisely the reverse was true. It was during the accumulation of the for- tune that the public enjoyed full possession and use, and if Russell Sage the day before his death had burned every note, every bond, every share of stocks, every account-book — in short every piece of paper evidencing his legal title to his fortune so that no one, not even the state, could trace and draw out a dollar of his for- tune, the public would have been far more materially served than by the attempts made to draw out from productive uses his millions and devote them to educational, philanthropic, and charitable uses. .// The question of ultimate value to society would depend upon the balance that would have to be struck between the value of a fortune of sixty or eighty millions continuing undisturbed in industrial, commercial, banking, railroading, and other productive pursuits, and the value of 104 Property the same fortune withdrawn and devoted to educational, charitable, and philanthropic pur- poses. Such a balance can never be straek in figures. The wise and far-seeing expenditure of a mil- lion dollars in some commercially unproduc- tive manner, such as the founding of a library, a school, an art museum, a settlement house, and so on, may be of incomparably greater value spiritually, aesthetically, socially, and ultimately economically, than leaving the mil- lion in a steel plant or a railroad. Everything depends upon the wisdom and, above all, the fine imagination of the giver. ♦ ♦ ♦ The point here is that before the giving ' begins the fortime is unquestionably in the pos- session of the public, and not a dollar can be given away except the dollar is first taken from those using it productively. Whether the pub- lic ever again gets the benefit of the dollar depends upon the wisdom of the donor and the social necessity of the object, philanthropic or otherwise, to which the money is devoted. The Bussell Sage Fortune 105 Mrs. Sage was seventv-eiglit when lier hus- band died. She was ninety when she died. Generally speaking men and women between eighty and ninety are not capable physically or mentally of suddenly undertaking the giving away of large amounts of money. Even if they are mentally quite vigorous they lack the phj^sical strength to make the proper inquiries and investigations, and critically fol- low results. Therefore, generally speaking, laws and insti- tutions w^hicli give the extremely aged such powers call for critical comment to say the least, and indiscriminate praise of such giving as a " return to the public," is hased on a fundamental misconception. These conclusions are so diametrically op- posed to popular impression they will bear restating. ♦♦♦ *:♦ ♦;♦ So long as a man is industriously engaged in accumulating his fortune by fair and honor- able means the community is a gainer, because by his productive efforts he is steadily adding to the sum total of actual wealth, while at the /I 106 Property same time lie is increasing his nominal wealth — i. e., his legal right to withdraiv and divert some to other uses when he pleases. ♦ ♦ ♦ So long as the fortune of an individual is left in a business, the economic effect from year to year is precisely as if the community owned the fortune. The community gets the services of the individual at the cost of what he draws out for living and other personal expenditures. ♦ ♦ ♦ / The danger of loss and interruption of pro- ductive processes begins when the individual begins to assert his ownership — when he begins to withdraw his fortune and devote it to other purposes. ♦> ♦> And the danger lies in the possibility he will spend it or give it away in such a manner that it will do the community less good than if the money were left in the particular business or industry. ♦ ♦ ♦> The general impression is that while a man is accumulating he is engaged in a purely The Russell Sage Fortune 107 selfish pursuit, and that when he stops accumu- lating and begins distributing he is engaged in a noBly unselfish pursuit. ♦ ♦ ♦ In a profound sense the reverse is true. The term ' ^ selfish ' ' is much abused. It suffers a largely undeserved odium. In a fine sense everything we do that is worth doing is done from purely selfish motives. AMien we start out to do things iwofessedly for the benefit of others, we usually make a failure unless at the same time we gratify our- selves in a high degree, and the greater the benefit toothers — the more seemingly unselfish our conduct — the more noble the self-gratifica- tion ; if not then there is something wrong with our conduct. The most unselfish act the mind of man could devise would be at the same time the most purely selfish. *!* *I* *S* The very foundation of faith, hope, charity, love, is selfishness — interest in the gratifica- tion, the development, the future, of one 's own self. 108 Property The familiar test of everyday life is whether a man in what he does thinks first of himself and secondly or remotely of others ; or whether he forgets himself in his efforts to do things that benefit others. Judged by these tests it is quite apparent a man not only may, but usually does, forget himself more when he is absorbed in his work of building np a business or industry; often forgets himself to the undermining of his health and the sacrifice of his life. "When it comes to giving away his money a man rarely forgets himself. Few men sacrifice either their lives or their comfort in the service of charity or philanthropy. So far from forgetting themselves men gen- erally court publicity — love to see their names in print and on buildings and monuments — the really selfish — in an objectionable sense — period of their lives begins. "When a man begins to spend his fortune the community is vitally interested in the question : Is he spending or giving ivisely or foolishly, The Russell Sage Fortune 109 not from liis individual point of view, but from the communitj^'s ? •I* ♦> ♦> The accumulation of wealth is one thing, its consumption is quite diiferent. As a factor in accumulating, a man may be a most valuable citizen. As a director of dis- tribution and consumption he maj^ be a costly failure. During the better part of his life he may be productively engaged in adding to the total wealth of the community, as well as in increas- ing his o'WTi fortune. During the latter portion of his life he may be destructively engaged in withdrawing his fortune from the productive wealth of the com- munity and using that fortune in ways that do the community little or no good. On the other hand he may be constructively engaged in performing an invaluable service in devoting his fortune to works and objects of practical, scientific, aesthetic value which would not be created or encouraged were it not for his taste, his foresight, his imagination, his 110 Pro pert 7j ambition to do something of great and lasting good. ♦ ♦ ♦ The value of the rich man to the community may be twofold; 1, As a producer and an accumulator. 2. As a distributor. ^ As a producer he is so valuable an economic factor that every community that has attained any degree of advancement has found it a good, practical, business proposition to permit men to retain for themselves large control over what they produce as an incentive to work harder. A man may call the wealth he is producing ''his own." The community instinctively knows that both he and his wealth belong to ji the community. ♦ ♦ ♦ As a distributor of his wealth the rich man may prove of even greater value to the com- munity than as a producer. As a producer he may be simply one of tliousands equally industrious and equally efficient. Tlie Fiissell Sage Fortune ill As a distributor he may display both genius and imagination. He may do things for the public that the pub- lic would not do for itself for generations. He may endow educational institutions, establish scientific research bodies, build art galleries, museums, libraries; he may support orchestras, theaters, enrich hospitals — all with the same executive ability that marked the accumulation of his wealth. And all these things he may do long before any city or state would do them, and do them incomparably more brilliantly and efficiently. ♦ ♦> ♦ In the matter of investment and reinvestment the individual performs an economic service that cannot be done as well by public bodies, chiefly for the reason the individual delights in taking rishs no public body is permitted to take. ♦ ♦ ♦ The speculative element is strong in man. The sure thing does not appeal to the man of imagination. The love of danger, of risk, is deeply implanted in human nature. Investing one's money in safe ** gilt-edged '* il2 Property bonds is a cold-blooded proposition that arouses no large degree of enthusiasm. Accumulating wealth in that fashion is a deadly proposition ; it withers the soul. The man who does it is a valuable economic factor, but he is like a timid banker who loans only on gilt-edged collateral — of no use when it comes to financing some business or enterprise the outcome of which is doubtful, but which, if successful, will be of great benefit to the community. The great banker takes chances on the personality of his borrower, on the human equation. The great rich man in reinvesting his money instinctively loves to take chances not only on / men but on the future of the country; he takes long chances in the construction of railways into uninhabited territory because he believes the people v/ill follow and sojne day the roads will pay; and if he never gets his money back he will have had the satisfaction of attempting a big thing for the country. lie builds waterworks, gasworks, electric- light and power plants, street-car lines, long before the to^\^ls would build them. He puts his money into them freely, recklessly. In The Biissell Sage Fortune 113 endeavoring to get his money out, to make a profit, the companies he organizes may do things that exasperate the public, but it must never be forgotten that nearly all of these pub- lic works are started by men who would have accumulated wealth faster by investing in surer things ! Because here and there unprincipled men make millions out of public enterprises by methods that are corrupt and criminal does not alter the fact that individual initiative is back of practically every great work, big and little. Individual initiative built the Suez Canal; individual initiative started the Panama Canal. Into these and other public enterprises rich men and poor men pour their savings like water — why ? Because the investments are safe ? Not at all. Rather because they are unsafe, because there is a vague promise of large profits in return for the great risks. Appeal to the rich man — to any man, for that matter — through his imagination and he is the most gullible person on earth. Whether it is in founding an orchestra, erect- 114 Property ing a library, establishing an art museum, or building a railroad, the enthusiasm that enables him to carry the work to completion depends upon the streng-th of the appeal to his imagi- nation. Without knowing it many of our rich men after working hard for years to accumulate their wealth turn poets and dreamers in spend- ing it, and because they are poets and dreamers they inspire others, even carry the entire pub- lic with them, often to the attempting of some- thing beyond the strength of both themselves and the public. Just as De Lesseps, the poet and dreamer, rather than De Lesseps, the engineer, carried the French public off its feet in the disastrous attempt to build the Panama Canal. A rich man who has gained his wealth by corruption and who is unscrupulous in his methods may also be a poet and a dreamer in his enterprises; he may spend his wealth in ways that almost make the public forget and forgive the manner of its accumulation. The facts and arguments, pro and con, con- tained in this chapter indicate one conclusion The Russell Sage Fortune 115 which should be more clearly outlined, and that is; It is the spending of a fortune that calls for \ supervision. A fortune is accumulated by investing and reinvesting, by keeping it at all times produc- tively employed in the hands of others. The man who ' ' owns ' ' the fortune may confine his activities to a small desk in a small office. As the years go by the pieces of paper in his safety-vault box increase in number. As a mat- ter of fact he does not control or in any way attempt to interfere with the way the proper- ties represented by those pieces of paper are used, the men running the properties probably do not know of his existence. So long as he lives the life of a careful and shrewd investor the community is beyond ques- tion a gainer by his judgment. But when at seventy or eighty, or by will, he takes it into his head to realize on his pieces of ! paper and spend his fortune, the community j should become immediately and vitally inter- ested. And possibly this interest should extend to 116 Property some sort of supervision of the transfer of millions from unquestionably productive uses to uses that may be either far more or far less productive. ' In other words should an old man be per- mitted to spend '' his " fortune capriciously, or take it to a foreign country — in short to do '' as he pleases " with it I The fortune while nominally and legally ** his "is so fundamentally the property of the community where it is productively employed that the ' ' right ' ' of the individual to do what he wills with it, regardless of consequences, is a " right " that calls for consideration and pos- sibly some curtailment of a supervisory char- actor — curtailment that will permit a wide play to the individual imagination, insight, and foresight, but at the same time secure the com- munity against the waste that so often attends mere giving — indiscriminate giving. Perhaps the supervision cannot be exercised without depriving the community of precisely those benefits that result from the individual's impulsive and arbitrary indulgence of his dreams, his aspirations, his beliefs, and in the Tlie Russell Sage Fortune 117 long run it may be better for the community to go along as it does and take the chance referred to, but the subject of supervision is suggested — not advocated — because it must occur to every man who gives the matter serious thousrht. VI THE MARSHALL FIELD FORTUIvrE The late Marshall Field of Chicago started life in a New England town "with nothing. He became the greatest dry-goods merchant the world has known, and died leaving a for- tune officially inventoried as follows: Personal property $58,473,292.55 Real estate 24,985,739.83 Total $83,459,032.38 The real estate consisted of: His home on Prairie Avenue in the city of Chicago, occupying a frontage of 163 feet and improved with a three-story dwelling-house, so quiet and modest in appearance the entire place is hardly distinguishable from that of hun- dreds of men of moderate means. Lots and parcels of land in many different states, some improved, others unimproved; also some farm lands, and some contracts for the purchase of real estate. With the exception of his home all these 118 Tli6 Marshall Field Fortune 119 items of real estate, amounting to twenty-five millions of dollars, were investments for profit, investments made with the expectation that advancing values in the different neighborhoods would yield him a profit, even though he did nothing but hold the pieces and pay taxes on them. This sort of investment is fundamentally different from investments in productive enter- prises, and stress is here laid upon the real estate part of the Field fortune because for- tunes in real estate will be discussed farther on. For the moment we are interested in the per- sonal property he accumulated. The official inventory showed only $58,473,- 292.55, but in this inventory all stocks and bonds were taken at par — at face value. Stocks that had a market — an actual — value of $200 or $300 per share were inventoried at their par value of $100. ^ * It must be understood there was nothing illegal or im- proper in so doing. In making an inventory it is quite correct to list stocks, bonds, notes, etc., and all pieces of property by their description. The official appraisers take the inventory and appraise the actual value regardless of the par or nominal value. / 120 Property For instance he held 34,000 shares of the stock of Marshall Field & Co. — the greatest mercantile firm in the world — and these were taken in the inventory at their par, $100 per share, a nominal total for his controlling inter- est in that great business, of only $3,400,000. No one can estimate the actual value of his interest in that very profitable business, but it would be nearer $50,000,000 than $3,000,000.^ His fortune was probably not less than $150,- 000,000. ♦ ♦ ♦ In addition to his interest in Marshall Field & Co., Mr. Field left the following items : Money in box, $4,134.90. Special attention is directed to this item for — aside from his home and personal belong- ings — it represents practically his entire ivealtJi in possession. ^ He had less than five thousand dollars in cash ' The par value of Mr. Carnegie's stock in the Carnegie Steel Company was $100 per share. He received for it *1,500 per share. ' Even then only in so far as the money was in gold — probably not a dollar. For paper money is simply promises to pay, notes. The Marshall Field Fortune 121 idle. And the astonishing thing is that he had so much. He was not a man to keep a penny idle. Sudden siclmess and death (from pneu- monia, away from home) probably caught him before this cash could be deposited in bank or invested. Money on deposit in various banks — $4,295,- 378.76. This represents the current accumulation of profits and interest from all his investments. Naturally as money poured in from his busi- ness and from various investments he would deposit it in different banks, and invest it as fast as he could in many different ways — as sho^^^l by the inventory of his estate. Money in bank is not idle. As already noted a bank is but a mechanism for keeping the monej'' of individuals invested productively. It takes your money and mine, keeps a small per- centage on hand to honor our checks, and loans the balance to mechanics, farmers, manufac- turers, business men — to anybody who needs money and whose credit or security is good. Deposited in bank Marshall Field's $4,000,- 000 were placed where the community could use 122 Property them by paying to the banks the current rate of interest, which interest the banks would divide with Marshall Field by allowing him probably two per cent on his daily balance. Inasmuch as he could get only two per cent on his daily bank balances the incentive was always strong to get the money out of the banks and into stocks and bonds or other investments that would jdeld more, and that is what he did. He not only ran — personally supervised and huilt up — his great mercantile business until it was literally one of the commercial wonders of this great commercial country, but he also exercised his keen judgment in investing his profits. He would pour all he could back into his own business, then invest the surplus wherever it seemed most needed. ♦ ♦ ♦ The official inventory showed the following items : Stocks of 23 railroads $8,99.3.600.00 Stocks in 5 street railroads 194,700.00 Stocks in 17 banks 781,760.00 Tlie Marshall Field Fortune i^^ Stocks in 27 industrial and mis- cellaneous companies 7,001,950.00 Bonds of 30 railroads 5,659,500.00 Bonds of 9 industrial and mis- cellaneous companies 1,903,500.00 Subscriptions to various enter- prises 1,835,470.00 Notes of industrial companies and others 2,207,971.26 Money loaned Marshall Field & Co 8,486,607.23 It is the character of a man's investments, not their amount, which determines his economic value to the community. Whether the market value of any particular stock is above or below par does not alter the fact that the investment was made for pro- ductive purposes. The market value — i. e. the price — of the stock, on any given day is an index of the opinion of the market regarding the produc- tivity — the earning power — of the industry, and that may be large one year and small the next, or it may fail entirely, thereby discredit- ing the judgment of the men who invested in it. At the time of his death the great majority of Mr. Field's stocks and bonds were above par, and worth more than when he invested, l£4 Property thereby demonstrating his economic value as a factor in wisely distributing his (the com- munity's) wealth where it was most needed for productive purposes. ♦ ♦ ♦ The net result to the community of his life, from a purely economic view, was: 1, The devotion of exceptional executive genius to the development and organization of a great mercantile business, which not only served the public well, but also served as a model for similar establishments the world over. What he did for the country in advancing the science — the art if you please — of merchandising can hardly be overesti- mated in dollars and cents. So perfect and advanced in methods was his organization that in effect it was akin to a revolutionizing invention. The great, the enterprising, the original business man, manufacturer, lawyer, doctor, is as much an inventor as the man who takes out patents on his ideas. In fact the successful man in any walk of life must be an originator, an inventor, through- Til 6 Marshall Field Fortune 125 out his active career, and his success is meas- ured by his originality, his daring, his inno- vations. 2. In addition to his executive ability as a great merchant the community had the benefit of Mr. Field's keenness of judgment in invest- ing his earnings. He not only invested his money in railroads, banks, industries, etc., but he gave of his time and energies; he served as director with many companies, and his serv- ice was never perfunctory. He was not a ' ' straw director. ' ' ♦ ♦ * Now, what did all this cost the community up to the time of his death ? The comparatively small amount he spent on himself. His home was very unpretentious, and he lived so simply and inexpensively it was a matter of comment by those who knew him best. Look at it this way, take every dollar he spent on himself and for his family, double that amount, would not the city of Chicago say the total was a small amount to pay for the 126 Property development of the one mercantile enterprise, Marshall Field & Co.T Is it conceivable that at so low a cost any commission, or any socialistic community could develop so successful and economically valu- able an establishment ? The growth of this great business from small beginnings is one proof of the economic value of the liberal recognition of personal property rights. Without such recognition as an incentive no man would work all his life accumulating. Why should he accumulate if his control, his author- ity over the accumulations are denied 1 His efforts would naturally and inevitably cease at the point where his control ceased. He would consume w^hat he earned from year to year. He would not deny himself a single luxury for the sake of dying and leaving a fortune to the state. His fortune may go to the state if he leaves no relatives and no will, but that possibility does not trouble him for every man expects to leave at least a will, and whether he does or not he labors on that assumption. The Marshall Field Fortune 127 The item in the inventory : ' ' Syndicate sub- scriptions — $1,835,470.00 " leads to an explana- tion how men both rich and poor invest their profits, incomes and savings in productive enterprises. Take an enterprise already estahlished which needs money for further development. It may be a railroad, a coal-mining company, a lumber company, a packing-house, or any other in- dustry. An estimate is made of the amount of money needed and the company proposes to issue stocks, or bonds, or both for the amount. On first impression the simplest and easiest way would seem to be to offer the securities to the public generally, but up to the present time that has not been found the practical and expeditious way in this country, for the reason the public generally has no knowledge of the particular industry and no means of forming an estimate of the value of the securities offered, and there would be few or no sub- scribers. Sometimes issues of bonds or new stock are quickly subscribed by stockholders of the com- 128 Property pany because they know the earning power of the company and have confidence in its future, but the public can know very little about a new enterprise. Hence it is common practice for the men engaged in an industry that needs more money, or who are organizing a new enterprise, such as a street railway, waterworks, electric-light company, etc., etc., to formulate their plans and lay them before bankers and other exj)erts. If the bankers and experts are favorably impressed with the plans, they organize a syndicate to subscribe for all of the new securi- ties, and each member of the syndicate, whether a bank or an individual, signs for the amount opposite his name — just as Mr. Field sub- scribed for certain amounts in the syndicates referred to. This insures the furnishing of the money. After the sjmdicate subscription is filled the next step is to offer the securities to the public. If the public, as often happens, subscribes for the entire issue then the syndicate members get no securities at all on their syndicate subscriptions. The Marshall Field Fortune 129 But if the public, as also often happens, takes only a part of the securities, then the unsold balance must be taken by the s^nidicate mem- bers, distributed in proportion to their sub- scriptions. A syndicate agreement is, therefore, a guar- anty to the new — or old — enterprise that the money it needs will surely be forthcoming at a given date whether or not the public takes any stock or bonds. This guaranty is of value because it enables the men engaged in the industry to go ahead with their plans without waiting the slow and uncertain outcome of a popular subscription. The syndicate has — or rather should have — another value; it signifies to the public that experts have looked into the enterprise and reported favorably, otherwise bankers and keen business men would not take the risk of guar- anteeing the new capital. For this service — this insurance — the syn- dicate usually receives a commission. If the public takes cdl the new securities then the members of the syndicate are relieved of their guaranty, they get no stocks or bonds, but they ISO Property get as compensation the commission agreed upon. The fact that many syndicate transactions and commissions have been of a character to call for condemnation, does not alter the truth that generally speaking the syndicate method of raising new capital is not only useful, but seemingly necessary in many cases. <3» From the foregoing explanation it is plain that the signing of a sj-ndicate subscription involves no immediate investment or expendi- ture. No member of a syndicate invests or puts up a dollar until called upon by the sj^dicate man- agers, and if the public takes the entire issue of securities the syndicate members receive their commission and are released without the investment of a penny. Herein is where men of wealth — like banks — perform a valuable economic service. Their credit is such that their r.iere agree- ment to do certain things is accepted and serves the same purpose as if they actually deposited gold with their subscriptions. Suppose it were necessary for S3mdicate sub- scribers to put up in gold the full amounts of their subscriptions, that would mean the with- dravjvn,g of so much money from productive 1S2 Propertji uses, and holding it idle in vaults until the transaction was brought to a conclusion. It would make the raising of new capital more difficult and therefore more expensive. The result would be a checking of industrial and commercial development, a positive burden on the prosperity of the country. ♦ * ♦ The fact that there are banks, trust compa- nies, insurance companies, etc., and also large numbers of individuals whose credit is such that their mere agreement takes the place and for a time performs the work of actual wealth, means much in the economic development of the community. It enables villages, cities, states, as well as individuals and corporations to go ahead immediately with i)ublic works and improvements as if the actual gold dollars were tied up idle in the treasury, because every- body knows that from time to time as th(-- money is needed it will be forthcoming, and until it is needed it will remain productively employed in other ways. The Marshall Field Fortune 133 The day laborer who has a hundred dollars in a bank is an essential factor in tliis mighty credit machinery. He, too, participates in s^Tidicates. He does not sign the agreement liimself, but it is his deposit together with others that enables the bank to agree to take bonds. A bank and a rich man perform very much the same economic functions. Both are rich, both have credit. The rich man accumulates his wealth by individual savings and investments. The resources of the bank are made up principally of deposits, secondly of profits. Through the operation of the bank wherein he has his small deposit the poor man is a capitalist, a bondholder, a sjmdicate member, and so on. He is doing his share toward the development of the country, he is keeping his surplus earnings productively employed. ♦ ♦ ♦ The law governing postal savings — deposits in post offices — wisely provides that the post offices shall deposit the money in banks. "\Miy? Because while it is easy enough for post- 134 Property masters to receive money it is not practicable for them to loan and invest it. The ivise loaning and investment of money requires expert knowledge and judgment of the highest character, therefore the government re- ceives the money of the people but iimnediately deposits it in banks so that it may be loaned, invested, and kept productively employed. ♦ <> *j On first impression it may not be entirely clear to the casual reader that when a man or a bank buys stocks, bonds, notes, mortgages, that have been first purchased by others the money is invested productively. True the farmer who gave the note or the company that issued the bonds gets no more money as note and bonds are resold and change ow^nership from time to time; the economic effect of the change is that one owner of the securities takes the place of another owner, and the money the seller had invested is released for other purposes; he may invest it produc- tively or waste it, that is a new transaction, the investment in the old remains the same, it is represented by the note or bond, or share of The Marshall Field Fortune 135 stock and whoever oa\tis that is the actual investor in that particular enterprise. »^ <{> <^ All his life Marshall Field did three things : He worked very hard. He spent very little on himself. He invested his savings and income as rap- idly as possible. He was a very efficient human machine for the production of wealth. As such he was an exceedingly valuable member of society, so valuable that any socialistic community could afford to pay him for his services a salary much larger than the amount he annually spent on himself. But it will be urged that, conceding his genius as a merchant and his value to society as an organizer, the fortune he made was out of all proportion to his worth, that a fortune of one hundred and fifty millions is so grossly excessive as to demonstrate on its face that something is w^rong with the machinery of distribution. 136 Property All of which brings us back to where we started, namely an analysis of this fortune to ascertain just how much of it was really his when he died, for it must not be overlooked that when we speak of the death of a rich man we always say, " He left so many millions." *'Left" them where? At the edge of the grave ? In his pocket-book ? Why, no. He left his millions exactly v/here they had been for months or years, in the hands of others who are using them productively. His ownership was the legal right to draw from his business and investments (a) each year his entire income and at any time, (b) the entire principal, and (theoretically) do with both income and principal as he pleased. "When he died he left ten millions to the Field Museum in Chicago and a f ev/ other compara- tively small bequests. Almost his entire for- tune he tied up in trust for many years for his grandsons. In short he did all he could legally to continue his fortune in the same productive enterprises. He did not propose to permit his descendants, relatives, or anyone else to with- Tlie Marshall Field Fortune 137 draw liis fortune; he did not want them to bo in a position where they could exercise any actual oivnership, only legal rights over his investments. The trust he created by will prevents his grandsons from inheriting the property and exercising any real control over the business of Marshall Field & Co. until they are fifty years of age. This successful attempt to " tie up " property so shocked the legislature of the state of Illinois, it immediately passed a law limiting the power of an individual to create by deed or will a trust for longer than the limited period named in the statute. Such a law may be sound, but not for the reasons com- monly urged in support of it. A very good argument could be made in favor of encourag- ing the individual to *' tie up '' his fortune in the productive industries in which it is em- ployed, and curtail the power of his heirs to withdraw it and spend it. Press and public thoughtlessly applauded the disposition of the Sage fortune — its with- drawal from productive uses and devotion to philanthropic; they equally thoughtlessly con- 138 Property denmed the Field will which kept the Field for- tune productively employed. As said in passing the creation of long-time trusts is open to objections from an entirely different angle, but that is a discussion outside the scope of this book. ♦ * ♦ Socialists and communists take the legal proposition that a man may do as he pleases with his own — which proposition as a matter of fact and law has its limitations- — and they base their objections to private ownership of capital upon the assumption that men habit- ually exercise that supposed right and actually withdraw and consume what the law says be- longs to them. If this were true the world would not be where it is, but somewhere back in the Bronze or Stone Age. If men from the very beginning had not been in the habit of leaving most of what they produce in their industries little progress would have been made in wealth or civilization, and the more a man produces, the greater his genius for organization and produc- tion, the more he invests and reinvests his The iMarshall Field Fortune 189 earnings — the smaller and smaller the per- centage he spends on himself. ♦ ♦ ♦ It will be urged that, assuming most men do leave their earnings in their business, and let their wealth accumulate for the most part on paper, drawing out and using very little, the time will come when some son, or relative, ^Aill see fit to exercise his legal rights and spend his income, possibly his principal, so that after "Vi all he proves to be the real owner, not the public. J' No — the conclusion does not follow. If a man arbitrarily shuts down and wipes out of existence the business he owns, destroy- ing everything of value connected with it, he would thereby demonstrate his real ownership, but in so demonstrating his legal right to do as he pleased with his own, it is obvious, he would ipso facto destroy the right itself, since the legal right has no existence theoretically or actually save in connection with the property being destroyed, as that disappears the right disappears. Furthermore, long before he would succeed 140 Property in fully demonstrating liis absolute ow^iership the public vrould intervene either on its own motion or at the request of relatives and appoint guardians or conservators to preserve the property. Only an insane man would set out to demon- strate his absolute ownership of property by destroying it. ♦ ♦ ♦ Ordinarily the demonstration takes one of two forms — sometimes both: 1. The improvident son or relative begins to Y/ithdraw the income and principal and use it in luxurious living, spending recklessly and extravagantly for his o%vn enjojTnent. The industry of business may be cramped, even crippled as capital is withdrawn, it may even fail, but ordinarily it passes into the hands of others and continues. This form of assertion of private ownership is the most obnoxious ; it is, as already noted, the form that does so much to bring private property into disrepute ; it furnishes the social- ist and the communist with striking illustra- tions for arguments that are fundamentally The Marshall Field Fortune 1^1 unsound. And it is this form of assertion of private ownership that will be curbed some day without disturbing rights that are incentives to productive effort and beneficial to the com- munity' . 2. For the most part private ownership of capital is asserted by withdrawing income and principal from one enterprise and investing in another. For instance instead of leaving all its earnings in the dry-goods business, Mr. Field would take a large share of his income from that source and invest it in other enter- prises ; if he bought railroad stocks or bonds it meant that his money was used to develop facilities for transportation, etc. ♦ 4» *> But suppose there comes a time when some- one of less sagacity withdraws income and principal from productive enterprises and in- vests in unproductive — the community is a loser. " The community would not have done that if it had been really the owner," someone urges. Possibly — yet the community is not a loser 142 Property in the sense it is when the money is wasted in riotons living. An entire fortune may be lost in unproductive enterprises, in sinking oil wells that never flow, in opening mines that contain no gold, in starting factories that do not pay; the individual may transfer his hundred mil- lions to others in these different ways, and the community may be the loser to the extent that labor and capital are consumed in ways that ^ield no return ; but it may be a gainer to the extent the vast expenditure teaches certain les- sons, demonstrates the uselessness of doing certain things in certain places or in certain ways. It goes without saying that every pro- gressive community — whether socialistic or individualistic — must spend vast sums in ex- periments that prove unproductive, in develop- ing inventions and ideas that turn out worth- less, in searching for iron, oil, coal, in places where there is none; in starting factories in localities where they will not succeed. Not to do all these things would imply the prescience of the Almighty. As it is, this work is largely done by men whose incomes are so large they are willing to The Marshall Field Fortune 14)3 take chances. The socialistic commimity would have to make the same experiments, take at least some of the same chances, or stand still. The individual is a much better and more reck- less gambler with Fortune than any socialistic community would be, hence the unparalleled exploitation of, the earth, and production of wealth, under private ownership. The fortune a man accumulates by leaving all his earnings in enterprises that are highly productive, may be dissipated in a generation by attempts — and wise attempts at that — to open up new oil fields, new enterprises, that in the end prove unproductive. It is not infrequently the case that these new investments prove unproductive only long enough to bankrupt the man who starts them, but after his millions are all in and lost to him, tlie enterprises in the hands of others and with additional capital prove highly productive. Many a railroad in this country has lost every dollar its first stockholders put in, to make, after foreclosure and reorganization, fortunes for its second lot of owners. 144 Property The wealth of the United States is estimated at one hundred and thirty billions of dollars, most of which is *' private property." I The annual increase is over two billions — ■^ \ $2,000,000,000. That is our net annual income \ — the sum total of the net incomes of all in- \ dividuals. That is the amount the nation is laying up annually after all waste, all foolish and reck- less consumption of wealth is taken care of. It is derived from private enterprises — from the farms, the mines, the factories, the rail- roads, of the country ; nominally it is nearly all privately owned, in reality it is as much engaged in the service of the community as if the legal title were in the community, and the service is far more efficient, far more progres- sive, far more venturesome — because the in- centive to individual initiative and effort is 1 ' ? greater — than if all capital were actually con- trolled by public employees. \ In 1910 there were 210,262 manufacturing \ establishments turning out over fourteen bil- \ lions of dollars worth of products. These establishments are privately owned, The Marshall Field Fortune 145 and theoretically the o\\Tiers have the legal right to shut down every one and stop in a day the production of the fourteen billions of goods, but they never have done that and never will; they never have exercised and never will exer- cise their legal right ; if they attempted to the community would instantly intervene and deny the right, just as it now intervenes in coal strikes and denies the right of coal companies to do as they please, just as in the near future the community will intervene in every threat- ened strike and deny the right of both em- ployers and employees to do as they please. There are over six millions of farms in the United States with a value — land and build- ings — of over thirty-five billions of dollars. All this is nominally owned by individuals, and legally each man is commxOnly supposed to have the right to destroy his buildings and let his farm go to waste, but that is an idle asser- tion of a *' right " that does not exist except in the imagination. It is a ** right" to juggle with in socialistic and communistic denuncia- 146 Property ^— ^^^"^^^^ ■■■ ■ I ■■ ^^»M— I^IM 1 ^^-^^^—^—■— — ■1 ■■■III IM ■■■ I i* ■ III ■ tion, but it is a ' * thing of straw ' ' easily bat- tered to cliaff. One generation of farmers succeeds another, and each works, not to spend on itself, but to accumulate for the succeeding. Here and there a farmer, like a manufac- turer, or a merchant, may assert his private ownership, his ** right to do as he pleases with his OAMi," and spend recklessly until penniless, but these exceptions are so rare they are con- spicuous and attract attention out of all pro- portion to their numbers. The overwhelming majority of farmers, like men in all other walks of life, work for the future, work for the generations to come, work, in short, for the community far more untiringly and unselfishly than they would if all their lands and buildings were owned by the com- \ munity and they were simply so many em- ployees. VII THE CARNEGIE FORTUNE When Andrew Carnegie sold the interests he controlled in the Carnegie Company to the • U. S. Steel Corporation he received $303,000,- 000 in bonds. Assuming the bonds were issued, as usual, in amounts of $1,000, he received three hundred and three thousand pieces of paper. What actually happened at the moment of transfer was that Mr. Carnegie retired from active interest in the steel business and others took his place — let us say he then and there died to the steel business — that was all. Not a dollar of actual Vv^ealth was disturbed. Not a pound of metal was affected. / Whether his successors have operated the business as well and as productively as he did is a practical but entirely different question. We are here interested in the effect of the sale upon the distribution of wealth. Obviously the printing of the bonds created no new tangible wealth. The actual wealth of the Carnegie Company, its mines, its furnaces, 147 148 Property its mills, etc., were not affected by tlie bond issue. But, not long after the transaction things began to happen that did and do affect the community. During his long connection with the Car- negie Company, Mr. Carnegie devoted prac- tically all his time and all his earnings and profits to developing the industry. He was literally a slave to the business. So long as his profits and earnings were reinvested in the industry, the cost to the com- munity of his exceptional services and abilities was simply the comparatively small amount he spent each year upon himself and family. To be sure his fortune was increasing rap- idly ; that is the value of his stock in the com- pany — represented by certificates, pieces of paper — was increasing, but so long as his for- tune remained invested in the business and so long as he drew out only a small amount for living expenses he was ricJi only in the sense that he had the legal right to take his interest Tlie Carnegie Fortune 14-9 — i. e., a certain amount of actual wealth — out of the industry and do with it as he pleased.^ If, instead of selling out, Mr. Carnegie had retired in favor of a son, leaving his interest in the business, and the son had gone on devoting all his energies to the industry, the net result to the country would be first the services of the father, then the services of the son, all at the cost of what both drew out to spend on themselves. And this might go on from generation to gen- eration until the family decided to ivithdraw its investment, whereupon both the industry and the coinmunity would be very materially affected. ♦ ♦ ♦ One reason why so many English firms and companies operate at a low cost and are on such sound footing, is because the families who ' This " as he pleased " is always with certain limitations. As already noted the community at the request of rela- tives, friends, or even on its own initiative is quick to inter- j fere if a man shows a disposition recklessly to squander i his fortune. The interference is always on the ground that ' the man is not competent to manage " his own " affairs — a very distinct assertion of the superior right of the com- munity. 150 Property *' own" them work for them generation after generation, drawing out only sufficient for what an American would consider very meager living expenses. These families say they ** own" the indus- tries. In reality the industries own them. I have in mind one of the large establishments in England that has been in one family many generations. The present generation lives more simply and feels poorer than the last be- cause they pour more and more of their profits into extensions and improvements and draw out less and less. In short the nation is paying this family less and less to manage this one large enterprise. ♦ ♦ * Comparatively few American industries pass through periods so short as ten or twenty years without upheavals and disorganizations due to unexpected and arbitrary withdrawals of capital by either estates or men who ** retire " and spend or invest their money elsewhere. ♦> ♦ ♦ The interest on Mr. Carnegie's $303,000,000 at 5 per cent amounts to $15,150,000 each year. The Carnegie Fortune 151 In addition to the interest the Steel Corpo- ration is obliged by the terms of the bonds to set aside a certain amount each year as a sink- ing fund with which to pay the principal of the bonds at maturity. The total charge on the industry, therefore, is the interest plus sinking fund which must be paid out of earnings on account of Mr. Car- negie's withdrawal before any money is devoted to extensions and improvements.^ ♦ ♦ ♦ From the foregoing it is clear that the immediate effect upon the industry, and there- ' Estimates of Mr. Carnegie's wealth put it at possibly $500,000,000. When he retired in 1901 he sold his securi- ties of the Carnegie Steel Company to the United States Steel Corporation for $303,450,000 in bonds of that com- pany. He was possessed of large interests in addition to those bonds. When he started in 1901 to endow his great benefactions he made inroads into his capital for several years in gifts to libraries, for peace propaganda, and to other philanthropic causes. The fortune of $303,450,000 in 5 per cent bonds, if allowed to increase by the accumulation of interest and reinvestment since 1901, would amount to about a billion dollars today, but his enormous benefactions prevented this according to financial authorities; hov/ever, the iron- master's ambition to die poor was not realized and, despite the number of his philanthropies, it was believed that his fortune was at his death as large as it ever was. — {News- paper report.) 152 Pro pert ij fore upon the community, when an owner re- tires and ivitJidraivs his investment for use elsewhere is hurdensome. There are cases where the individual owner, because unprogressive, on account of age, or for other reasons becomes an actual handicap to the business, and greater progress can be made if he is gotten rid of even at the incon- venience of having him withdraw his invest- ment. While such instances are fairly common they do not affect our argument, inasmuch as the economic effect on the business of the with- drawal of capital is the same irrespective of the reason for the withdrawal. ♦ ♦ * Furthermore whether a man sells his inter- est to his partners, his associates, or to strangers, his capital is ivithdrawn just the same, and the immediate economic effect is the same, though the ultimate result may be to interest '' fresh '* or '' young blood " — as the phrase goes — so that the stimulus resulting from the new energy and enthusiasm more than offsets the temporary loss of capital, but, The Carnegie Fortune 153 again, this result due to the human equation does not alter the economic effects of changes in investment. * * ♦ When a man sells his interest in a business he usually: 1. Invests his money in some other business in wliich he takes a more or less active interest ; or 2. Invests it in securities, such as mort- gages, stocks, and bonds, in order to live out of his income and invest the surplus in more securities. The economic effects upon the community of these two courses are essentially different. In the first case it is simply a transfer of investment from one industry or set of indus- tries to another, together with the investor's active efforts. The loss in the one set of indus- tries may be balanced by the gain in the new; the community may not suffer any loss. Though, as a rule, these more or less arbitrary, often capricious changes, are attended with actual loss to the community because the man's lack of knowledge of the new enterprise may 154 Property lead to foolish expenditures of both time and money, if not actual loss. "When a man retires from active business and devotes himself to the investment and reinvest- ment of his fortune and income the community loses the man's active services in the industry he leaves, but it gains the benefit of his experi- ence and judgment in the distribution of his fortune, i. e., a certain amount of community capital — in other directions. ♦ ♦ ♦ While all men make some foolish invest- ments, and all the investments of some men turn out badly, generally speaking there is no better known way to invest and reinvest the capital of the community than to leave it to the best judgment of individuals who suffer the loss in the first instance if the investments turn out unsound. For instance every advanced community finds it wise to allow bankers pretty wide dis- cretion in the making of loans and selecting investments, and it must not be forgotten that in doing this bankers are simply acting as the economic agents of the community in trans- The Carnegie Fortune 155 f erring capital — i. e., wealth — from one indi- vidual or enterprise to another for productive purposes. The law limits and supervises the discretion of hankers to a certain extent because bankers handle the money of depositors. The community does not limit or supervise to the same extent the individual's discretion in investing ' ' his o\\ti ' ' money, because it is supposed to be in an undefined sense **his o^\Ti," but in the last analysis the individual fortune is just as much community wealth. as are the deposits in a bank, and the individual in losing '*his o^^^l " fortune loses a part of the community fortune just the same as does the banker when he makes a losing investment. So that in time communities may come to exercise some supervision over the discretion of the individual as well as the banker. The disadvantage of state supervision is, of course, the lessening of individual initiative. The state has little imagination. The state bank examiner must check up loans in a heartless manner and reject relentlessly^ While the individual usually derives his great- 156 Property est satisfaction from loans to penniless men who *' make good." ♦ * ♦ Mr. Carnegie did not retire from the Car- negie Company to engage actively in some other business. Neither did he retire for the purpose of in- vesting his fortune and his income productively. He retired with the publicly avowed intention of spending his entire fortune in his lifetime. *i* '%'> *i* " The man ivho dies rich dies disgraced." When Mr. Carnegie made public that statement unthi^iking people applauded it as a great sentiment. In truth it is about as senseless and dema- gogic a combination of seven words as ingenu- ity could devise. ♦♦♦ *J* ♦•* A man does not choose the hour of his death. Suppose Mr. Carnegie had died suddenly while living modestly in Pittsburgh and while he was devoting all his energies to the develop- ment of the iron and steel industry, would lie have '' died disgraced " simply because his The Carnegie Fortune 157 interest in the business was worth ten or twenty or Miy millions ? ♦!♦ »I* Thomas Edison has amassed a fortune from his inventions and by his capacity for work. What he is ''worth" he probably does not know, or care, because he is absorbed in his work and his great aim in life is to invent and devise useful products and processes. If he should die today his estate would prob- ably show a fortune of several millions, but would he ''die disgraced f " On the contrary he would die one of the most honored of men. ♦ *!♦ ♦ It is characteristic of American business men to hury themselves in their industries and enterprises, to work day and night to build up and increase their business — not their for- tunes. The banker wants to make his bank the big- gest in the city. The merchant wants to make his shop the biggest in town. The manufac- turer wishes to surpass all rivals. They accu- mulate fortunes but they pour all their profits 158 Property into their business. Tliey even curtail their household and living expenses. Many a mil- lionaire complains bitterly if his wife buys a new hat. Why? Because he wants to increase his fortune ? Not at all, but because he hates to take money out of his business, because all his life he has been pouring all his earnings, from his first wages, into his business and he has formed the habit of frugality, of saving in order to grow. •> <» ^ Of all the rich men in the country compar- atively few have sold out and retired. The great majority are slaves to their business and the fortunes of the great majority are engaged productively in business. When one dies the public, and often the family, learn for the first time what he was << worth." Does a man ** die disgraced " because he did not sell out, withdraw his fortune from pro- ductive uses, and spend the balance of his life in giving it away ? The Carnegie Fortune 159 AVhether a man dies disgraced depends upon what lie has done in his lifetime, not upon the moment of his death which ordinarily cannot be foreseen. If a man has accumulated his fortune fairly and honorably, there is no disgrace in dying before he spends it. * ♦ ♦ In fact we all know that men are most highly esteemed while they are working day and night in building up their businesses — i. e. accumu- lating their fortunes. They are looked upon with disfavor when they ' ' retire ' ' and live lives of luxury, spend- ing their fortunes. ♦ ♦ 4» "When Mr. Carnegie sold out and retired, his action affected the industry and the community in the following ways: 1. Loss of his personal service in the indus- try. 2. Gradual withdrawal of his fortune from the industry. 160 Property These disadvantages are real. Tliey are equally real in the case of every active man Vv^ho retires and devotes his time and fortune to philanthropic or similar purposes. On the other hand Mr. Carnegie promised the community the following advantages as the result of his retirement and giving : 1. The devotion of his time and ability to the selection of ivorthy objects for which to spend his fortune. 2. The systematic expenditure of his fortune for the objects chosen. ♦ <» 4» As regards the first promised advantage there is obviously the important question whether Mr. Carnegie made as sound and keen a philanthropist as he was a steel man ; in short whether the expenditure of his fortune was as wise and beneficial as was its investment in the iron and steel industry. That is alivays the big economic question when a rich man retires from the business he knows and embarks upon a career of spending for purposes about which he knows little or nothing. ( The Carnegie Fortune 161 As regards the second advantage he devoted a large part of his fortune in three ways; (a) the building of public libraries; (b) certain educational purposes; (c) the promotion of peace by conferences, international tribunals, etc. "What he did in these directions cost him over two hundred millions of dollars. PRTlSrCIPAL BENEFACTIONS Carnegie Corporation (education) .$125,000,000 Libraries (3,000) 65,000,000 Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. . . . 25,000,000 Carnegie foundation for advance- ment of teaching 15,000,000 Carnegie Research Institute, Wash- ington 10,000,000 Carnegie peace endowment 10,000,000 Carnegie educational fund, Scot- land 10,000,000 Carnegie hero fund 5,000,000 Employees' pension and relief fund 4,000,000 Carnegie Music Hall, New York. . . 2,000,000 Allied engineering societies 2,000,000 All are in a high degree ivorthy objects. We say "cost him" two hundred millions. What we should say is, cost the community, for while Mr. Carnegie pays out what is legally his own, he is actually taking from the steel indus- try that much money and spending it on the 162 Property projects named. It is very much as if the government levied a special tax upon the steel industry to do those things. ♦ ♦ ♦ It follows, therefore, that the rich man who is actively and honorably engaged in building up his business runs no risk of "dying dis- graced " if he dies in the midst of his business activity, no matter what his fortune may prove to be. But he does rnn the risk of *' dying dis- graced " through follies or mistakes of judg- ment, if he retires from active work and de- votes his life to spending his fortune on him- self, or in giving it away. Both are primarily selfish objects. Carefully analyzed Mr. Carnegie 's motive in giving his fortune for public libraries was as selfish as that of the rich man who squanders his in riotous living. It was Mr. Carnegie's pleasure to give in the ways he did. It is another rich man's pleasure to spend on race horses, yachts, etc., etc. We are not comparing the two objects, for The C arnegie Fortune 163 the objects of the latter are frivolous and per- haps beneath contempt while the objects of the former are beneficial and praiseworthy, but the moving spirit is fundamentally the same in both men — personal gratification. Both men may have made any number of sacrifices in accumulating their fortunes; neither makes any sacrifices in spending. Mr. Carnegie's taste ran to public works such as libraries and educational foundations. The other man's taste runs to fast horses and yachts. Each spends his hundred millions in the manner that gives him the greatest amount of pleasure. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. Rockefeller's greatest dissipation is a game of golf. He shuns publicity as much as Mr. Carnegie courted it. He, too, is giving away hundreds of millions, but as quietly as possible and in a very systematic way. That is his greatest pleasure. * ♦ ♦ The public ^ is always impressed by the mil- lions given by these very rich men, it overU)oks 164 Property the much larger sum total given by millions of poorer and poor men. Everybody gives something for some pur- pose. Whether the gift is large or small it is nec- essarily a diversion of wealth. That is the point, a diversion of ivealth. "Whether it is the government collecting a tax, or a poor man contributing a dime to char- ity, fundamentally the economic proposition is the same, it is a diversion of wealth from where it is usefully employed to purposes that may or may not be as valuable to the community. That is always the question, whether the objects for w^hich the government spends the money it collects, and those for which Mr. Car- negie and others spend the money they accu- mulate are as valuahle to the community as are the productive enterprises from which the money is withdrawn. ♦ ♦ ♦ That question should be asked and answered with regard to every object for which the gov- ernment or the individual proposes to spend money. The Carnegie Fortune 165 If asked it would be found, first of all, that the government is the most reckless and waste- ,, ful spender of money, that it spends its money // "like a drunken sailor" in ways and on ob-'' jects that will not stand investigation. Secondly it would be found that many char- itable, philanthropic, and other organizations spend wastefully. Thirdly it would be found that many indi- viduals spend extravagantly and viciously. But it would also be found that most indi- viduals who give money for public or philan- thropic purposes do so with greater foresight, sounder judgment, and finer imagination than any government, local or national. Compare, for instance, the shrewd manner in which Mr. Carnegie caused to be erected library buildings all over the country, with the log-rolling methods of Congress in building post offices and other pulilic buildings, where the expenditure of the piihlic money is the prime object and the erection of a suitable building at lowest possible cost is the last thing thought of. In the hands of the government and devoted 166 Property to the same purpose Mr. Carnegie's millions would not have accomplished half the results. Therefore, it follows, that if the country is in need of public library buildings, the com- munity has saved money — literally many mil- lions — by having a Mr. Carnegie instead of the government distribute the money. But the iron and steel industry pays for the libraries, not Mr. Carnegie. VIII WEALTH IN POSSESSION It has been clearly shown that private prop- erty as we find it in all communities that have passed the most primitive stage of develop- ment embraces tivo entirely distinct kinds of oivnersJiip. 1. Wealth in actual possession or enjoy- ment. 2. Wealth not in actual possession or en- joyment. Wealth not in possession is represented by pieces of paper of many and various forms, which are legal evidences of property rights. In highly organized communities, such as the leading nations of today, these legal rights are both numerous and complex. In fact the com- mercial and industrial development of any given nation is measured by — develops with — the variety and complexity of legal titles created and recognized. The actual, the material wealth of a nation increases comparatively slowly, but the paper, the title wealth, may increase rapidly and in 168 Property times of inflation and extraordinary expansion of credit it may increase by leaps and bounds, to decrease equally rapidly in times of defla- tion and panic. Against a certain industry one set of men issues a million dollars in stocks and bonds. The company is reorganized — legiti- mately or speculatively — and another set of men with greater vision, enthusiasm, or reck- lessness, issues five millions in stocks and bonds against precisely the same properties. A farm is worth today fifty dollars an acre and outstanding in the community are, say, two pieces of paper, (a) title deed; (b) a mortgage for a thousand dollars. / Oil is found on the farm, a company is or- ganized, and before any money to speak of is spent in drilling wells, paper is issued against the farm to the extent of hundreds of thou- sands in stocks and bonds. Several com- panies are frequently organized based on the one piece of property : 1. An owning company that takes the title deed and issues millions in stocks and bonds; 2. A leasing company that leases all or parts of the property, and on the strength of Wealth in Possession 169 its lease issues millions in stocks and bonds; 3. A royalty company that actually oper- ates and pays so much per barrel to the leasing company, and this royalty company capitalizes its rights in millions of stocks and bonds — and so on. All these issues and transactions may tnrn out profitably if the farm turns out to be a rich oil field; or they may prove valueless if the field is unproductive. Meanwhile the farm as a farm remains as it was before — less some actual damage in sinking wells. The immense superstructure of paper wealth is based on beliefs and hopes, and made possible only in communities with highly developed financial and commercial organiza- tions. Whether or not the creation of paper wealth should be restricted is a large practical ques- tion that cannot be discussed here. The point in our argument is that the stage of commercial and industrial development of every great modern nation, such as England, or such as the United States, may be gauged by the variety of paper wealth in use. Eng- 170 Property land's supremacy in foreign trade is largely due to the fact that she makes better and more abundant use of certain forms of international paper-credit wealth than do the people of the United States; she offers the people who deal with her easier and cheaper facilities for the paperizing of their resources than we oifer. Crudely speaking we demand more nearly the actual goods, while she accepts the various forms of paper issued against the goods. The distinguishing characteristic of title wealth is — as we have clearly shown — that it leaves the actual possession and control in the hands of others. The legal owner may never see, nor exercise, the slightest control over the property he "owns." Those in pos- session, the real workers, may never see nor know the legal owner. But aside from the pieces of paper a man may own, he may also actually possess, or con- trol to the exclusion of others two distinct forms of wealth: 1. LAND 2. LUXURIES A man's real wealth is measured by the WeaJtli in Possession 171 things — food, clothing, houses, land, etc. — that he controls for hwiself to the exclusion of others. The only inequalities in the distribution of wealth that are of any irritating significance are those of enjoyment to the exclusion of others. That idea must be clearly comprehended. If a multi-millionaire like Eussell Sage lives as simply as a workingman, obviously he is not a millionaire in the sense of a man like William Waldorf Astor who buys estates in England and spends enough money socially and politi- cally to get himself created a peer. Aesthetically and socially Astor may be a useful factor, but economically Sage was in- comparably more valuable. ♦ ♦ ♦ In land and luxuries there is a large control to the exclusion of the masses, and it is this exclusion that furnishes the real basis for whatever discontent there is over the distribu- tion of wealth. The nominal basis is the statistical — that is the enormous disparity there seems to be be- 172 Property tween the man who has only his wages or his salary and the man who has a million or a billion, but the man who has a good salary may spend more on himself than the man who has a million in stocks and bonds. ♦ ♦ ♦ We will proceed now to the consideration of the two forms of wealth that men commonly do control to the exclusion of others, and try to see to what extent this control should be limited. This theoretically true proposition will clear the way: If all control of wealth to the exclusion of others were abolished so that all individuals were on a footing of substantial equality as regards food, clothing, houses, surroundings, advantages, pleasures, etc., no one would have the slightest concern regarding the accumula- tion and distribution of paper titles. A man might have a million or a billion in stocks and bonds, but so far as any material or other ad- vantage to him or his children over the rest of the community is concerned, he would have none. Wealth in Possession 173 The trouble starts when a man begins to turn his paper wealth into forms of property and pleasures that others cannot have or en- joy — concrete inequalities begin to appear. IX LAND Private property in land is an incentive and, like private property in moveables, its only justification is that it is an incentive to pro- duction and progress. In so far as it ceases to be an incentive to precisely that extent does it cease to be justi- fiable. The average man — in fact nearly every writer on the subject — is quick to admit a man's "right" to the fruits of his labor, to what he grows, gathers, or makes with his own hands, while many men and many writers deny a man's ''right" to the exclusive possession of the soil or other natural advantages. They may admit its expediency usually under the excuse of social conditions more or less imper- fect, but they deny the ' ' right. ' ' « « 4» So far as either abstract or concrete ** right " is concerned, there is no distinction between the right to own and hold land and the right to own and hold what one grows on the land, 174 Land 175 or makes from natural products and materials. In both classes of property the " right " is neither more nor less than social convention guarded by law on the theory that such rights best promote social welfare. The "rights" are not precisely the same. Society in its laws and customs recognizes and establishes many distinctions between personal property rights and real property rights. Gen- erally speaking the latter are more restricted — less absolute, so to speak. The two classes of rights are so distinct the law student is obliged to take two courses of study, one de- voted to realty, the other to personalty, and even then he will know little or nothing regard- ing the law of timber, mineral oil, and water power rights — all important variations of land ownership. ♦ * ♦ Land rights are personal-property rights in another important feature. They are evidenced by paper titles, ' One man may occupy and work a piece of land that is " owTied " by another. The so-/ called * ' owner ' ' simply holds the paper titlej7 176 Property The '* absentee " landlord who is so bitterly denounced in many quarters, is the "absentee" stockholder in another guise — or rather the same man holding differently printed pieces of paper. ^ « ♦ Once get and keep clearly in mind that all property rights are recognized and established simply as incentives, simply and solely on the theory that they best promote individual and social welfare, our attitude toward them changes immediately, and we are in a position to discuss each right, not as a burning outrage against mankind, but on its merits as an expedient that may be modified or abandoned at will, and that is certain to undergo modifica- tions in time. Looking at the broad subject of private prop- erty in land and natural resources in a dispas- sionate manner, it does differ in certain impor- tant characteristics from private property in moveables. ♦ * ♦ It is possible under existing laAvs and condi- tions for anv individual to '* own " and hold to Land 177 the exclusion of others, land to the value of many millions. An individual may own and hold without working thousands and thousands of acres of farming, timber, coal, oil, and mineral lands. A man may be an actual millionaire in land, but land is the only form of wealth that may be held to the exclusion of others without deterior- ation in value.* Without any effort on his part a man may become a millionaire by the mere increase in value — the unearned increment — of vacant city property, or of farming land, or of timber, coal, oil, and mineral properties. »♦♦ »:♦ ♦•♦ In so far as private property in land is an 'A man might hoard many thousands in gold, or even in coal or wheat, to the exclusion of others, letting the gold lie idle and the wheat and coal perish, but this course would be so unusual, .his family or the state would inter- fere on the ground he was not sane. Furthermore if any number of rich men did such things laws would be speed- ily passed to prevent the withdrawing of actual wealth from productive uses, and hoarding it; in other words the millionaire is permitted the satisfaction of thinking him- self rich so long as he does not attempt to withdraw his wealth from where it is productively employed by others. He can accumulate his pieces of paper undisturbed so long as others — and through them the community — have the real use and enjoyment of his wealth. 178 Property incentive to greater productive effort it is a benefit, but when it fails to act as such incen- tive it should be limited accordingly. It is significant how often and at how many different angles we come against property in land as the one stuhhorn proposition in every attempt to work out a solution of the problem of the just distribution of wealth. It is the most stuhhorn factor in social economy, and until it is understood and rightly dealt with, it will block every effort toward reform of economic conditions. ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦« The proposition that, aside from land- owners, there are few actual millionaires, may seem startling, but it is true. However widely this little book may be read, not a reader will be able to name a man — aside from land-owners — who has at any given moment the actual and exclusive possession of a million dollars of wealth. If you name a man who ** owns " an immense factory, the factory is in the actual possession and control of his employees, they are oper- ating it primarily for their own benefit, second- Land 179 arily for his, in reality for the coimnunity. If he dies suddenly the factory goes on the same. If the government should buy or confiscate it, work would go right on. If he sells, the em- ployee may not know it for weeks or months. ♦ ♦ ♦ If you point to a rich man's home, it is true it may have cost a million dollars, but in just what sense is it hisf The labor of the community built and fur- nished it, just as it built the public library in the next block. Assume for the sake of the argument the two buildings in outward appearance are exact duplicates and equally ornamental to the street, then so far as improvement of the street is concerned one is as valuable to the community as the other. True the library is incomparably the more useful, but the millionaire does not live alone, nor does he exclude the public entirely. His house is occupied by many servants and employees and it is kept in condition by plumbers, painters, decorators. If there is a lawn it is kept in order almost \ 180 Property wholly for the pleasure of those who pass, just as the park across the street is kept in order to please the public. Of the actual cost of the house itself a large percentage was spent upon the outside, upon its appearance to make it attractive to others. All its costly contents, furniture, rugs, pic- tures, have been gathered from all over the world, not that the " owner " may enjoy them to the exclusion of others, but in order that others may see them. In a sense the house is a small museum. It is not open to the public generally but it is open to a large number. As the '' collection '* of pictures, bric-a-brac, curios, etc., increases, the '* owner " almost invariably seeks to have it seen and enjoyed by larger and larger num- bers; he either throws his house open on cer- tain days, thereby making it for the time being a public museum, or he loans and, often, finally gives his collection to a public institution. ♦ ♦ ♦ / The real incentive to build a costly home is the interest and applause of the public. The owner may have been moved by motives Land 181 of vulgar ostentation, by the desire to " outdo " his neighbors, in short to splurge and display his wealth. But a man cannot be ostentatious, cannot splurge without a public, any more than a the- atrical manager or the governing body of a museum. The nation splurges in its public buildings and makes some sad failures. There is a strong tendency in this country to require that buildings on certain streets shall conform to certain standards of size and beauty. This is in the interest of the community. It means that the individual who builds on the street must build a fifty or a hundred-thousand dollar building, even though he himself would be content to live in a cottage. / If Fifth Avenue is lined with costly resi- dences and business blocks it is because the standards set by the community call for large expenditures on a street so important to the , life of the city. If a man should erect a cheap garage on Fifth Avenue the entire city would resent it. Manufacturing is barred from certain blocks. 182 Property If we keep this proposition clearly in mind — that property in all its forms is neither more nor less than so many different kinds of con- trol, encouraged, permitted, limited by the community for its welfare — we have paved the way for a dispassionate discussion of the ad- vantages and disadvantages of any particular form of property — such, for instance, as that in land. * <► ♦ Land by reason of its more permanent char- acter and definite quantity, is sharply dis- tinguished from all forms of property that are created by human effort. But private property in land developed like all other rights to meet and better conditions. Every attempt to distinguish fundamentally between rights to land and natural resources on the one hand and rights to personal prop- erty on the other, leads to confusion worse con- founded since it necessarily assumes something sacred or indisputable in the latter rights, and this assumption obviously blocks all attempts on the part of the community to limit those rights. Land 183 In fact the assnmption necessarily denies the slow evolution of those rights; for if they evolved to meet community needs, increasing in number and complexity as society advances,^ it is plain they may devolve to meet reverse conditions. «♦ «« The literature of communism, socialism, and radical economics generally is filled with argu- ments to the effect that private ownership of land is in some way fundamentally distinguish- able from private ownership of personal prop- erty, and is an outrage upon mankind. Be it said to the credit of the logical com- munists that is not their contention; they denounce personal property rights as vigor- ously as real. / * ♦ ♦ Henry George^ lays down the following proposition : What constitutes the rightful basis of property? A man belongs to himself, so his labor when put in concrete form belongs to him. For this reason, that which a man makes or pro- duces is his own, as against aU the world — to enjoy, ^Progress and Poverty, Book vii, chap. i. o 184 Property or to destroy, to use, to exchange, or to give. No one else can rightfully claim it, and his exclusive right to it involves no wrong to anyone else. Thus there is to everything produced by human exertion a clear and indisputable title to exclusive possession and enjoyment, which is perfectly consistent with justice, as it descends from the original producer, in whom it vested hy natural law} It would be difficult to embody in so few terse rhetorical lines, more false premises and false logic. As matters of fact : \ 1. A man does not belong to hims-elf. Bio- logically he belongs in part first of all to woman; secondly, to his offspring; thirdly, to his tribe or people. A man no more belongs to himself than a woman belongs to herself, a babe to itself. The proposition is mere sounding rhetoric, but it has worked no end of harm throughout the ages. It is at the basis of the individual's fight against restraint, against the reign of law and order that has made him what he is. / 2. The fruits of a man's labor do not belong \ to him. ' Italics are the writer's. Land 185 They belong to his mate, his offspring, his tribe, without whose cooperation there would be no * ' fruits ' ' or property of any kind. 3. A man's rights to the fruits of his labor are not vested by natural law. As here used "natural law'^ is simply rhetoric. We live in the midst of natural laws, both utilizing and struggling against them, but there is no ' ' natural law ' ' that gives me a right to the pen I hold or the clothes I wear, the house I live in, or the land it stands on. All these rights are established by human laws and institutions, and each one may be modified or abolished; as a matter of fact not one re- mains precisely the same from generation to generation. *> *> *> It would be difficult to condense into the same number of words more inconsequential reason- ing than the following: The pen with which I am writing is justly mine. No other human being can rightfully lay claim to it, for in me is the title of the producers who made it. It has become mine, because transferred to me by the stationer, to whom it was transferred by the importer, who obtained the exclusive right to it by transfer from 186 Property the manufacturer, in whom, by the same process of purchase, vested the rights of those who dug the mate- rial from the ground and shaped it into a pen. Thus, my exclusive right of ownership in the pen springs from the natural right of the individual to the use of his own faculties.^ Here is a description of a series of rights, every one of which is created by, and rests upon, the laws and institutions of a highly organized society, and not one of which is in any sense " vested " by any natural law. The price paid for the pen is distributed back along a long line of individuals from the stationer at the corner, to the miner at the mine. At per- haps every point in the line labor loudly com- plains it does not get its fair share of the re- turn for the immediate process. Theoretically speaking, labor cannot possibly — any more than capital — get its exactly correct share. In what sense, then, do I ** own" a pen in the pro- duction of which any man has put either more or less labor than he was paid for? The simple fact is I have in my possession a pen — it may have been given me; I may have paid half-price at a bankrupt sale; or I may ^Progress and Poverty, Book vii, chap. i. Land 187 have paid an excessive price as the result of a mistake or of extortion on the part of the dealer. The law recognizes and protects my posses- sion; it creates what is called my *'o^vnership/' and it is often quick to cancel or modify that ownership to the extent of my paying over again, if it finds my title is not legal. Or it may compel me to devote a part of the value of the pen (included as it is in the sum total of my wealth) to the support of my wife and children, the lajdng of a walk or a pavement, etc. The community is deaf to my plea that my right to the pen and other personal property is ** vested by natural law." ♦ ♦ ♦ George goes on to say: This right of ownership that springs from labor excludes the possibility of any other right of owner- ship. The right to the produce of labor cannot be enjoyed without the right to the free use of the opportunities offered by nature, and to admit the right of property in these is to deny the right of property in the prod- uce of labor. Whatever may be said for the institution of private ( 188 Property property in land, it is therefore plain that it cannot be defended on the score of justice. The equal right of all men to the use of land is as clear as their equal right to breathe the air^ — it is a right proclaimed by the fact of their existence. ♦ ♦ ♦ These propositions sound convincing, and unhappily they do convince and stir the dis- contented and the superficial to the point of revolution and rebellion against authority. ♦ ♦ ♦ If the matter were so plain as George claims, private property in land M^ould have ended long ago; in fact it is difficult to see how it could have evolved and gained so strong a foothold the world over. Yet here it is, one of the basic institutions of social advancement. The logical economist and social philosopher can reach but one con- clusion, the institution must have been an economic necessity. It may not be perfect; it may call for material modification; but the same may be said of all personal property rights, for like them it is the product of economic and social evolution. George goes on to demonstrate by a long Land 189 revue of primitive societies^ that land and natural resources were the property of the tribe- — precisely as might be expected. The smaller, the simpler, and cruder the social organization, the fewer the rights of all kinds, especially exclusive rights to the occu- pation of tracts of land, large or small. Con- ditions rendered such rights of little value to the individual and possibly inconvenient to the tribe. Fifty years ago in our sparsely settled western territories exclusive rights to vast grazing lands were imperfectly recognized; sheep-owners and cattle-owners would fight over them, since sheep spoil the grazing for cattle. But as the territories became more densely populated rights to the use and occupa- tion of natural resources became more clearly defined and more complex. *i* *tf ^ George rather naively confesses the futility of his labored demonstration in these two sum- mings up: The general course of the development of modern civilization since the feudal period has been to the '^Progress and Poverty, Book VII, chap. iv. 190 Property subversion of these natural and primary ideas of collective ownership. The reason, I take it, that with the extension of the idea of personal freedom has gone on an exten- sion of the idea of private property in land, is that as in the progress of civilization the grosser forms of supremacy connected with land ownership were dropped, or abolished, or became less obvious, atten- tion was diverted from the more insidious, but really more potential forms, and the land-owners were easily enabled to put property in land on the same basis as other property. The importance of this paragraph lies in the admission of fact that with the development of society, private rights in land developed par- allel with rights in other property. George wonld have his readers believe that personal property rights are ** vested by natural law ' ' and are jnst ; while real prop- erty rights are contrary to natural law and unjust, yet both have evolved along the same lines and attained substantially the same de- gree of complexity. ♦ ♦ * With far less heat and rhetoric Herbert Spencer ^ reached the same conclusions regard- ^ Social Statics, chap. ix. Land 191 ing private property in land and printed them when Henry George was a young man of twenty, and thirty years before Progress and Poverty was published. Spencer's reasoning is as follows: 1. Given a race of beings having like claims to pursue the objects of their desires — given a world adapted to the gratification of those desires — a world into which such beings are similarly born, and it unavoidably follows that they have equal rights to the use of this world. For if each of them *'has freedom to do all that he wills provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any other, "^ then each of them is free to use the earth for the satisfac- tion of his wants, provided he allows all others * This purely theoretical proposition is at the basis of Spencer's reasoning and conclusions in Social Statics. It is printed in italics as his first •principle — see chapter ix. It is the fundamental basis of Individualism, of a social philosophy that views society primarily and practically solely from the standpoint of the individual; it starts out with an abstract and hypothetical individual — aloof from all family, tribal, social ties — and assumes that individual possessed certain " natural " rights, which he relinquishes in part as he becomes a member of society. The old Rousseauan — contrat social — state of nature, etc., the- ories over again. 192 Property the same liberty. And conversely, it is mani- fest that no one, or part of them, may use the earth in such a way as to prevent the rest from similarly using it, since that to do this is to assume greater freedom than the rest, and con- sequently to break the law. Equity, therefore, does not permit private property in land. Briefly reviewing the argument, we see that the right of each man to the use of the earth, limited only by the like rights of his f ellowmen, is immediately deducible from the law of equal freedom. We see that the maintenance of this right necessarily forbids private property in land. On examination all existing titles to such property turn out to be invalid, those founded on reclamation, inclusive. It appears that not even an equal apportionment of the earth amongst its inhabitants could generate a legitimate proprietorship. We find that if pushed to its ultimate consequences, a claim to exclusive possession of the soil involves a land- owning despotism.^ We further find that such * Here it is worth while to remark that it is only an abstract and purely theoretical proposition that can " be Land 193 a claim is constantly denied by the enactment of our Legislature.^ And we find lastly, that the theory of the co-heirship of all men to the soil, is consistent with the highest civilization; and that, hovv'ever difficult it may be to embody that theory in fact equity sternly commands it to be done. ♦ ♦ * '\\niat is the remedy Spencer proposed? Ownership by the Nation. / The change required would simply be a change of landlords. Separate ownerships would merge into the joint-stock ownership of the public. Instead of being in the possession of individuals, the country would be held by the great corporate body — society. pushed to its ultimate consequences." As for instance, Henry George's proposition that personal property rights are vested by natural law can be pushed to the most ex- treme and absurd conclusions. The practical proposition that all property rights are in no sense abstract, but wholly the result of human and social relations, develop- ing and changing, with changing social conditions, and at all times subject to the will of the community, cannot be pushed to extreme or absurd conclusions. ' Here Spencer recognizes the practical fact that private property in land is nowhere absolute, that the everyman's right to real estate is at all times subordinate to the will and welfare of the community. Hence the logical infer- ence is that the community considers it to be for the best interests of all to maintain and protect precisely the rights — both real and personal — the law now recognizes. 194 Property Instead of leasing his acres from an isolated pro- prietor, the farmer would lease them from the nation. Exceedingly simple in statement, but in practice ! One objection is sufficient to topple the house of illogical cards. His conclusion and final proposition is to vest the ownership in the nation, but all his premises and reasoning require the ownership to be in mankind irrespective of tribes and nations. The land-o\vners of England are deprived of their titles and required to lease from the state. How about the land-owners of Scotland and Ireland? of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Continent, and so on? Their rights to enjoy the soil of England are as sacred, as " natural," as those of the people of England, and they may object to the terms dictated by the new landlord — the English government, just as Japanese and Chinese object to the exclusion and other restrictive immigration laws made by the American gov- ernments, federal and state. When we begin to talk about the individual's Lnncl 195 inalienable rights to access to the soil, to light, air, etc., one cannot see why those rights should either end or change at the imaginary geo- graphical line that divides one nation from another. Suppose each nation on the Continent takes title to all lands within its boundaries, and does with those lands as it pleases, the result would be as many different landlords as there are nations. Theoretically just and universal distribution and enjojTiient of land privileges would be as far off as ever. George's famous single-tax plan is directly suggested in the paragraph from Social Statics before quoted. •> ♦ ♦ Happily for George his single-tax propo- sition does not stand or fall by his long argu- ment against ownership of land. He says : I do not propose either to purchase or to confiscate private property in land. The first would be unjust ; the second, needless. Let the individuals who now hold it still retain, if they want to, possession of what they are pleased to call their land. Let them continue to call it their land. Let them buy and sell, and 198 Property /bequeath and devise it. We may safely leave them the shell, if we take the kernel. It is not necessary to confiscate land; it is only necessary to confiscate rent. Nor to take rent for public uses is it necessary that the state should bother with the letting of lands, and assume the chances of favoritism, collusion, and corruption that might involve. It is not necessary that any new machinery should be created. The machinery already exists. Instead of extending it, all we have to do is to simplify and reduce it. By leav- ing to land-owners a percentage of rent which would probably be much less than the cost and loss involved in attempting to rent lands through state agency, and by making use of this existing machinery, we may without jar or shock, assert the common right to land by taking rent for public uses.^ ♦ ♦ ♦ Rather a lame and impotent conclusion after the eloquent demonstration of the iniquity and fundamental injustice of any private owner- ship of natural resources. Private ownership is to continue ! Why? Because the state could not fairly, honestly, and efficiently act as landlord ! But the state is to go in partnership with the land-owner and take all of the profits except ^Progress and Poverty, Book viii, chap. ii. ( Land 197 just sufficient to induce the landlord to run the business — Pv sort of partnership that seldom means lower rents for the tenant; any more than heavy income and profit taxes mean that those who pay them will make lower prices on their goods or services. *** *«♦ ♦♦♦ Everything that can be said in favor of a single-tax on land can be said without raising a question regarding the justice or injustice of private ownership of land. Just as the ques- tion of a tax on personal property, or a tax upon incomes does not necessarily, or even incidentally, involve any question regarding the right of a man to own property at all, or his right to earn an income. It is, of course, possible to discuss all these questions in one volume but the attempt would not prove very helpful toward the answering of anyone. As a revenue proposition the writer has a great deal of sympathy with the single-tax plan — almost any definite plan would be an improvement upon the hodge-podge of revenue laws, state and federal, in force in this country. 198 Property And George is right in urging a sclieme of taxation on land so arranged as to discourage the holding of vacant and undeveloped prop- erties to the exclusion of others to reap the unearned increment. Not only tax laws, but inheritance laws, and laws governing conveyances can be used to dis- courage, even prevent altogether, the accumu- lation of fortunes in unoccupied land. Property in land — i. e. individual control of land and natural resources, need not be abol- '■ ished altogether. The end in view is a maximum of welfare to the community at the least cost and inconvenience.^ ♦ ♦ ♦ The only argument that can be logically urged in favor of broad, private, or corporate ownership — control — of land and natural re- sources is that development follows more rapidly. Generally speaking this is true. Limit the ;\ ownership and the incentive is gone. But it is also true that private ownership may be carried so far that the individual is encouraged to gamble on the future, to sit Land 199 ** tight" and wait for the community and others to make his land valuable; this sort of ownership should be restricted to the vanish- ing point. Needless to say it is difficult to draw the line, and still more difficult to devise the ways and means, but the point we are endeavoring to drive home is that nothing can be done until there is a much clearer understanding of the so-called ''rights" of the individual and the real rights of the community. ♦ ♦ ♦ The one great objection to abolishing private ownership and control of landed property in any or all of its forms in favor of the state, is the poor and inefficient use the state makes of its opportunities. State ownership is so wasteful, so inefficient, and often so corrupt that most thinking — and instinctively many unthinking — men are op- posed to it.^l "^ In short the evils of private OAvmeiship are believed to be less than those of the state. The individual may make a poor landlord, but it is notorious that the state or city makes a worse 200 Property so far as getting real value out of the property for the community. The state either does nothing or is badly victimized in trying to utilize its properties. All this may change as people think more on the subject, and there can be no change for the better until they do think more. When they think long enough and hard enough either to abolish or greatly curtail pri- vate oA\Tiership of land, they will probably think far enough to perfect the machinery of state control. ♦> ♦ ♦ At all events the limitation of private owner- ship of land — especially unused land — would probably go further toward pacifying mankind and allaying discontent than any other one social or economic reform. The means ivherehy would require a small volume ; this book must be content to point out the logical whereto — the inevitable end. X LUXURIES Luxuries — a word in everyday use, yet ex- ceedingly difficult to define. What are luxuries to one age are necessaries to another ; what are luxuries to one man, one people, one race, are necessaries to another. All such statements are little more than familiar truisms. They do not help us on our way save as they demonstrate the impossibility of an}^ hard and fast definition of the term.^ Every nation and every age considers everything as superfluous which they do not habitually use. Holinshed, in his chronicle, groans over the ultra- refinement of the English in his times (1577), because they were everywhere introducing chimneys, instead of allowing the smoke to escape through cracks in the roof, and were using vessels of earthenware, or even of tin, in place of the old wooden bowls and jugs. Another author of the same period, Slaney, " On Rural Expenditure," is indignant that oak should be used in building, instead of willow. " Formerly," he exclaims, " houses were of willow and men were of * The Century dictionary quotes Cowper's lines : First Necessity invented stools, Convenience next suggested elbow chairs, And Luxury th' accomplish'd Sofa last. 201 202 Property oak, now-a-days, houses are of oak and men are of willow. ' ' In the IMiddle Ages linen was so rare that princesses would make a present of a shirt to their betrothed, and it was the general custom on going to bed to take off even this first garment. It would be considered today the very extreme of misery to be reduced to dispensing with this. When flowered cot- tons and muslins first were introduced from India, wealthy ladies only could wear them, now, working- men's wives despise them.^ As the luxuries of one generation become the comforts and necessities of the next, new lux- uries are devised, and so on from generation to generation. Each feverishly seeks new things, new pleasures, new sensations, and these new things and pleasures are luxuries so long as they are novel and comparatively rare — that is enjoyed by the comparatively few. This demand for the new, the novel, the rare, the unusual, is inherent in human nature. It is closely allied to, or springs from curiosity. It is part of the primitive love of ostentation, the desire to excel others in strength, achieve- ' Emile de Laveleye, Luxury, pp. 5 and 6. This little book or essay, is more of a sermon than discussion. Luxuries 203 ment, adornment. It is part of tlie natural desire to excel in the eyes of the opposite sex, to do things, wear things, have things that will make the opposite sex take notice and admire. "SVhen we talk of the '* love of luxury," that is only superficially correct. The true phrase would be the "love of the admiration — or envy, or notoriety — that luxuries and luxuri- ous living arouse." It is idle to condemn luxuries or luxurious living as such. If luxuries and luxurious liv- ing are wrong then we must seek and eradicate the instincts and desires that create luxuries. When Vv^e seek these instincts and desires we find we are dealing with the most fundamental impulses of human nature, with the impulses that perpetuate the species and lead to all progress. The impulse to excel is one of the most valu- able to the race. It may appear ruthless in some of its consequences, but without it there can be no progress of any kind — spiritual or material. The impulse to out-do, out-shine, out-talk, out-sing, out-show, out-eat, out-dress, out- 204 Property noise, out-anything, is simply the impulse to excel in its many guises. How tame, stagnant, and impossible the world w^ould be if no man had any desire to do things or have things better than his neighbor. ♦ ♦ •> It will be urged that there are good ways and bad v.^ays of outdoing. Granted, but w^hether a man outdoes, or outowns his neighbor in a good way or a bad way the inequality in pos- session or enjoyment is there just the same; the luxury is, so to speak, statistically the same. So far as the term is concerned the man who pays five thousand dollars for a fine painting, or toward the support of a fine orchestra in- dulges in a '' luxury " as much as the man who spends the same amount for the hideous deco- ration of a room, or the support of a garish and vicious burlesque show, or upon a banquet, or dance. In effect upon the community there is all the difference in the world between the man who, with sure taste, gathers about him beautiful things, and the man who spends his mofiey fool- **^. Lujcurics 205 ishly and lavishly on things that are not elevat- ing. But who is to be the judge, who is to draw the line? More people may — usually do — actually enjoy the poor painting, the poor music, than the good. The poor, the cheap, the ostentatious may actually lift the masses more than the fine, because the appeal is more elemental. The big, showy, tinselly theatrical produc- tion may give real pleasure to hundreds of thousands, where the fine fails to attract more than a few. It is easy enough to condemn luxuries, but it is not so easy to designate just what luxuries any particular people at any particular time should dispense with. It would be difficult to take any people in any particular historical period and designate those luxuries they might have dispensed with to our benefit. Athens and Rome — especially Rome — ^in- dulged in excesses in living no man would attempt to justify, but aside from some of the famous excesses, stories of which have come down to us, the life of the Romans generally 206 Property set high standards as compared with the lives and customs of peoples about them. With all their excesses and shortcomings the modern world is better off for the human experiment of Athens, Rome, Paris, London. ♦ ♦ ♦ So much for the reason, for the justification of luxuries generally. We will now return to our line of argument, to the statement that a man may be a millionaire in luxuries, as in land. And it is because an individual may possess and actually control to the exclusion — if he so desires — of others thousands and millions of dollars worth of rare and beautiful — also of rare and ugly, things that the masses murmur.^ Much of social unrest and discontent, of class envy and hatred, is due to the distribution and enjoyment of so-called luxuries — in short to what may be summed up as luxurious living. It does not matter much to the masses who have little that a man has paper w^ealth to the * We have pointed out — page 180, that men owning luxuries do not, as a matter of fact, hold them to the exclusion of others. In a profound sense a luxury ceases to be a luxury if others do not view it as such. Luxuries 207 extent of a million or a hundred millions, pro- viding they see him working hard and living simply. It is when he begins to realize on a part of his paper wealth and build a costly home, buy costly things, and indulge expensive tastes that the multitude takes notice and murmurs, and all the more so if his lavish expenditures take the form of foolish or vicious extravagances. He may be spending but a fraction of his in- come, leaving the balance and the entire prin- cipal in productive pursuits, yet he arouses dis- content, because he accentuates the great inequalities in the actual enjoyment of wealth. It is safe to say that if every rich man, when he came to assert his ownership of any part of his fortune by spending it for his own gratifica- tion, spent it only on objects the public approved, there would be very little discontent over sta- tistical inequalities in the distribution of wealth, however great they might be. ♦> ♦ ♦ A superficial view of the way ci^^lized peoples live leads irresistibly to the conclusion that in 208 Property their actual possession and enjoyment of things and services some classes and many individuals have altogether too much as compared with others whose lives, surroundings and enjoy- ments are exceedingly poor and mean. This superficial impression is so strong that many earnest men and women become violent social reformers, not a few advocating a the- oretically pure commxmism in which all would be on an equal footing as regards things con- sumed and enjoyed. But may there not be serious practical diffi- culties in the way of attaining anything like that equality? Is it not possible that in the utopian or com- munistic community the inequalities in con- sumption and enjojTnent would still be great? Exact equality in the distribution of com- forts and luxuries is absolutely unattainable, either practically or theoretically. Hence the differences in the distribution of comforts and luxuries between the most mil- lennial state the mind of man can picture, and present conditions of private ownership are differences in degree and not in kind; the Luxuries 209 inequalities are there, but perhaps not so ac- centuated — perhaps more so in some respects. To return to the main line of our argument after this digression regarding luxuries gen- erally. The actual distribution of wealth is measured by consumption — using the word in a large sense, the sense of withdrawal of wealth for personal support and gratification. The actual appropriation of wealth to the exclusion of others begins with (1) the food we eat; (2) the clotlies we wear; (3) the houses we live in. To these three prime necessities must be added (4) the luxuries we indulge in. Luxuries enter into each of the three first items and also constitute a class by themselves. Only savages far down in the scale of devel- opment eat only the raw foods nature pro- vides, or wear only such coverings as are 218 Property absolutely essential to preserve life, or live in caves and Avoods with no attempts at adapta- tion for comfort or adornment for pleasure. In fact no such primitive savages are knoA\Ti. The most degraded prepare their food, cover- ings, and shelters with the exi3enditure of con- siderable labor for physical, religious, cere- monial gratifications, and all such gratifica- tions partake of the nature of luxuries, in pre- cisely the sense a banquet or a cathedral is a luxury. It is impossible to probe the term " luxury '* without seeing how closely it is allied to the term "necessity." To a profoundly religious people a church or a cathedral is the most necessary thing they know, essential to their spiritual life on earth and their eternal salva- tion. To a profoundly ceremonial people robes of state, a crown, a throne, a palace are neces- sary to their national existence, they are sym- bols of authority, of the state itself, just as the elaborate paraphernalia of Freemasonry are essential to its activities. ♦ ♦ ♦ As regards food the inequalities are not and Luxuries 219 cannot be very great between man and man, even though one man drinks only water and another drinks the most expensive wines, one eats very plain food and another very rich. Those inequalities in actual consumption trouble very few — except the individuals themselves who eat and drink too much. As a matter of fact most millionaires live rather simply. Experience teaches them that they work best on simple foods and no stimu- lants. However excesses in eating and drinking are fairly well distributed through all classes, from the humblest wage-earner to the capitalist. One of the greatest sinners in extravagant eat- ing and drinking is the public itself in its pub- lic banquets and entertainments. The point is, that whatever these excesses may be in the consumption of food they are not of revolutionary or even disquieting mag- nitude. ♦I* **♦ *♦♦ As regards the second item clothes, in- equalities in actual consumption are greater, for the simple reasons that clothes can be kept 220 Property longer than food and tliey lend themselves bet- ter to display. Here again the greatest inequalities in clothes and personal adornment are found in community-oivned uniforms, and robes and cos- tumes for public and ceremonial occasions. Individuals, especially women, may have far more clothes than they need or can use, and in this respect the inequalities are marked, but still so insignificant as to occasion little dis- content. The conmiunist is against the mil- lionaire on account of his nominal, his paper wealth not because he has twenty suits of clothes. On the contrary the people, the masses, like to see men, and more particularly women, attractively dressed, just as they like to gaze in shop windows and watch parades and spectacles. There may be a good deal of envy in the breasts of some individuals, but even that envy has its origin in the desire to be in- dividually as gorgeously clothed, and not at all in a desire that the entire community dress alike on one dead level like Quakers, nuns, and priests. And in a sense it is this very envy Luxuries 221 that spurs the envious person to greater e:fforts so he or she may dress as iineiy. ♦ ♦ ♦ Much of what has been said regarding clothes, might be repeated with equal force regarding the third item, homes. Homes are more perm^anent than clothes. Being more permanent and not being limited to the small dimensions of the human frame, much greater opportunity is afforded for ex- penditure of wealth to gratify our tastes and fancies. More money can be spent on an estate than on a suit of clothes, hence the obvious in- equalities in homes are greater than the inequalities in what we wear. But again these inequalities are most con- spicuous in community owned grounds and buildings, and they would become accentuated in a pure communism. It is a part — and a most essential part — of the dream of the thorough-going communist that as the in- dividual is deprived of the opportunity to spend for luxuries beyond the reach of all, the si 222 Property state will more than supply things artistic and beautiful, it will so far outdo the millionaire that the masses will be dazzled by the glory. If conmiunism does not hold out that promise, it holds out nothing. / No theory of social betterment contemplates the abolition of luxurious homes and estates, but in some way the state is to " o\vn ' ' and control them. But if the state builds all houses, all buildings, one thing is certain, the world will lose those infinite variations in style and structure due to individual preferences and taste — or lack of taste. So long as it is conceded that portions of the wealth of the community must be with- drawn, from materially productive use and devoted to houses, factories, hotels, office buildings, etc., etc., may it not be better for the community not only to permit, but encour- age the individual to make the experiments ? The rich man who builds a home on Fifth Avenue and furnishes it at the cost of a mil- lion dollars, or who develops a vast estate in the country like a great park, at the cost of several millions cannot take either with him Luxuries 223 when he dies. If a Mr. Carnegie or a Mr. Frick has simply dra^\^l from the U. S. Steel Corporation funds enongh to do these things — in a sense he has directed the corporation to do it — in a still profounder sense, by reason of his paper title to wealth he has compelled the community to do it. The prime object, let ns assume, is selfish, the house is built, the estate developed for per- sonal gratification, and it all seems like a luxury — one part home, nine parts luxury. But there can be no personal gratification without the cooperation of the public. There must be a public to see, praise, and enjoy, else the house would not have been built. Even if the prime motive is to outdo the house next door, the idea is to outdo it in the estimation of the public. Imagine how we would dress, and the places we would live in, if we knew no living soul would ever see us. The broad question for the communist and social reformer to consider dispassionately is whether the community would in the long run give the public as great variety and perfection 224) Propc7'ty in homes, buildings, estates, as is enjoyed under so-called private ownership. No one can answer that question definitely or authoritatively, and the debate resolves itself into a matter of personal feelings and preferences. My owtl conviction is that, not- withstanding all the waste undeniably inci- dental to the present system, it is better than community control and initiative would be. It is my conviction that community enterprise would be attended with more waste, extrava- gance, and failures, than individual. »> ♦ ♦ The rich man fills his home with beautiful things — or things he thinks beautiful — appar- ently to enjoy them himself, but not so. Every rug, every piece of furniture, every picture, is bought to he seen by others, and this motive is often so conspicuous a man is accused of be- ing ostentatious. The net result of the building of the home is first of all the encouragement of architec- ture and builders; then the encouragement of decorators, craftsmen, and artists ; thirdly the stimulation of guests and visitors. Luxuries 225 The particular house may have failed in every respect save that of pleasing an owner who was without taste or discrimination; it may be an *' eyesore " on the street, but it must ever be borne in mind that without these ex- periments public taste and appreciation would never advance. Under an absolute com- munism the experiments would have to be made unless the conununity was prepared to sink to a most deadly monotony in clothes, homes, buildings, life. In Athens and Rome the public buildings were conspicuously successful, but so were the private buildings in a more modest way. In other countries where despotic rulers could impose their taste on the public the temples and buildings were great monuments. But generally speaking the attractiveness of a city or a country depends upon the oppor- tunity for private initiative and originality. The cities of the world have been built in the main by the individual, now and then, here and there, ornamented, crowned, by the expen- ditures of the community, or some large sec- tion of the community such as a religious body. 226 Property The cities of America are as they are, beau- tiful or otherwise in effect, as the result of individual initiative and effort. Unless the people as a whole are prepared to take from individuals all control over clothing, building, furnishings, then the present system must continue. Imagine the appearance of the streets in any town or city if the community, as a commu- nity proposition, laid out the streets and built all the buildings ! The community could not justify the elaborating of one street, or block, or tene- ment, as compared with others. Why should a home on Fifth Avenue be any larger or better than a home on Second? AVhy should one house have any more bath- rooms or conveniences than another housing the same number? Why should brick, stone, or marble ever be used if the cheapest and average material is cement ? Why should any family be permitted a rug or a carpet unless all can have the same? "W^y should any man be given a picture or Luxuries 22T a piece of sculpture or a piano or a lot of books unless all can have the same, or the equivalent — and what official board could de- termine the equivalence between a painting and a piano 1 And if in some way a city with fairly good buildings did spring up as the capital of the community, or about a seaport, what right would the community have to say to the farmer, the coal miner, and others outside the city, they must forever remain outside and be deprived all their lives of the pleasures, com- forts, and advantages of the city? And the instant any superior right to pleasanter surroundings is recognized in one man or class, that moment distinctions are cre- ated that are precisely akin to those occasioned by the recognition of property rights. The moment the community gives the dwel- ler in the city a right to keep his dwelling for a day, a year, or for lifetime — the length of time matters not — as against all other men either in or out of the city, at that moment a private right is created which is, in effect, a property right. 228 Property ^^ It is impossible to conceive a community, however Utopian, that would not necessarily assert and protect the rights of individuals to the food they must eat, the clothes they are required to wear, and the houses they occupy even though temporarily. And all such rights would be essentially property rights. The community might ** owti " every build- ing, but when it authorizes certain individuals or families to occupy certain buildings to the exclusion of others, for the time being those individuals or families in reality own that building, as absolutely as under existing pri- vate ownership, and the police and tribunals of the community would take the same steps to protect the control and possession. So that the abolition of real private owner- ship as distinguished from nominal is incon- ceivable in any communitj^ And the practical questions are the extent and character of the ownership that will best promote community welfare. ♦ * ♦ One man may be *' rich " in luxuries, an- other **poor" but the distinction is less one Luxuries 229 of ownership tlian of actual control. It is a matter of indifference, not wholly, but practically, to the public, whether a picture gallery is ' ' owned ' ' by the city or by a cor- poration organized to maintain the gallery (the situation in most American cities with art col- lections) or by an individual so long as the public has the same freedom to visit. In no case would the public have entire freedom to do as it pleased. / But it is rare the public can visit a private collection as often as it can a public, or quasi- public, hence the prejudice — such as it may be — against private 0A\Tiership of luxuries. The question, however, is again one of ex- pediency, of incentive. Does the community, the world, gain more in the long run by not only permitting, but encouraging this "private ownership" even to the point of permitting by law the selfish exclusion of the public? The instinct of ownership, of exclusive con- trol is so strong that man will make great sac- S30 Property rifices to gather and control works and products of all kinds. Human effort in any line is powerfully stimulated by this demand from competing individuals. The undeniable fact that unintelligent de- mand leads to the production of many ugly things and to useless, idle, vicious efforts, may call for close scrutiny and revision of laws which may permit too great latitude, but does not necessarily condemn the entire system of private ownership of luxuries and luxury effects. ♦ ««» * The late Henry C. Frick is a case in point. He planned and built his home on Fifth Avenue to leave to the public as a museum. Measured by the cost in dollars and cents the house and all its contents were luxuries to him while he lived and owned them. Under his will they pass eventually to the public. Do they cease to be luxuries the in- stant they pass to the public? Reduce the question to a concrete example. He paid five liundred thousand dollars for a Luxuries 231 painting by Eembrandt — a luxury by every known definition of the term. The painting passes to the public. Does it cease to be a luxury, and if so how and why? The time and labor devoted by Eembrandt to the painting of the picture were and ever remain a fixed quantity. Was the painting a luxury to the community Eembrandt worked in? Every communistic, socialistic, and Utopian dream tries to provide for the production of works of art as essential to the happiness and advancement of mankind, more essential in a sense than wheat or corn. Without the development of literature, music, painting, sculpture, architecture — the adornments and graces of life, life would re- main in primitive barbarism. Hence it is conceded there are more and greater necessities than bare food, clothing, and shelter — those are the least of man's necessities. ♦»♦ ♦•♦ ♦♦♦ It may seem like the wildest extravagance to pay five hundred thousand dollars for a 232 Property painting/ but so far as the world is concerned it is merely the shifting of that much wealth from one country or place to another in return for the painting. Both Frick and Carnegie lived on Fifth Avenue. If Mr. Frick had bought the paint- ing of Mr. Carnegie, the sum total of the wealth of the country would not have been altered one iota. The effect would have been the same as if Mr. Frick had made Mr. Carnegie a present of five hundred thousand dollars in money or in the stock or bonds of the Steel Corporation. The transfer of the painting from the Carnegie home to Mr. Frick 's would have amounted to no more than the passing of a paper receipt for the money. If the painting is bought in England the effect is materially different. Five hundred thousand dollars of American products must ^In the opinion of the writer it is, because it is simply the bidding of rich men for an object that cannot be duplicated, and the price has no relation to the aesthetic value of the object but it is determined wholly by the size of private fortunes at the time. As good and better pictures can be bought for a thousand dollars if buyers will seek out the living Rembrandts who are struggling as he did for recognition. Luxuries 233 ultimately go to England in return for the painting. The sum total of the world's wealth is not increased or diminished ; that could only be done if we had commercial relations with Mars and could send a half million dollars worth of products to Mars in exchange for a painting. ♦ ♦ ♦ It may be argued v/ith a strong show of rea- son that for Americans — which really means America — to pay high prices in American ex- ports to other countries for works of art in those countries, is indulging in useless extrava- gance, in luxuries, that cannot be justified. Why send to England five hundred thousand bushels of American wheat to pay for a paint- ing that is just as well off in England? Why take it from the people of England? A reasonable distribution of the beautiful things of the world is a good thing for mankind. It is a good thing for the Western World to have examples of the art of the East, just as it is important for the Western World to know something of the literature of the East. Hence it follows it is a good thing for every 234 Property country to exchange some of its material products for some of the art works of other countries. America can well afford to export some of its wheat, corn, iron, steel, for beau- tiful things produced in Europe and Asia; it is the quickest way for us to progress intel- lectually and aesthetically — to catch up — so to speak — with older peoples, to accomplish in a generation what would otherwise take centuries to achieve — to go on from where they left off. ♦ ♦ ♦ If it be conceded that it is a good thing for this country to export some of its material wealth for works of art, it matters little, in one sense, whether that exchange is made by individuals or by states. The advantages on the side of the individual are his initiative and willingness to back his judgment and take risks — the personal equa- tion. The state — like governing bodies of art museums — is a slow, conservative buyer, buy- ing only when artists have " arrived." The individual takes chances, supports the unknown, the radical, the struggling artist, Luxuries 236 often when art critics and the entire academic and official world laugh and ridicule. The disadvantage with individual buying lies in his reckless bidding up of prices and his in- satiable desire to " owoi " for the time being a work of art that other men of wealth and national collections covet. Against such com- petition the rich individual bids a half million or more for a painting that may have been sold by the artist for the equivalent of twenty- five dollars. ♦ ♦ ♦ If deemed desirable this reckless bidding for works of art could be checked and controlled eitker by direct prohibition or by prohibitive taxes. ♦I* ♦!♦ ♦!♦ But if all luxuries were kept do^vn in price to a level where they ceased to shock and amaze as extravagances, the problem of "luxuries," as such, would not be solved, for nearly all so-called luxuries are incentives. ♦j» ♦ ♦ The pernicious side of extravagance is not its cost in time, labor, money, or resources, but 236 Property its example. It accentuates and magnifies the gulf that divides the masses who cannot afford those things from the individual who can. Furthermore, as our argument has demon- strated, when an individual spends ten thou- sand dollars on an evening's entertainment, he is nominally spending "his own money;" in reality he is taking that much from productive enterprises and spending it in a few hours on entertainment that may be worse than unpro- ductive-— vicious; or it may he so beautifully and finely done that the community may derive a pleasure and profit. The number of wholly vicious extravagances are comparatively few — so few they are startlingly conspicuous even in our largest cities. Outside of our largest cities there is almost none. ♦ ♦ ♦ Let us approach Luxuries at another angle. So far we have considered them almost en- tirely from the standpoint of the individual possessing or enjojdng them. Let us view them from the standpoint of the community — the state, the nation, the entire civilized world, Luxuries 237 it matters not, the same considerations apply. But for the sake of clarity keep in mind some one nation — say these United States of ours. *•* *** ^2* Men cannot live without 1. Food 2. Clothing 3. Shelter To these three prime essentials may be added very appropriately, 4. Amusements Any one of these four essentials of life may be either a necessity- or a luxury, and it is obvious that the distinction does not lie in the thing itself. If every member of the community has, or can have a woolen suit or a sealskin coat, then woolen suits and sealskin coats are not luxuries. But if only a few of those who want sealskin coats can have them then they are luxuries enjoyed by the few "who have the money or power to secure them. *> ♦ * If every member of the community who wants it can have champagne, then champagne 238 Property is not a luxury. But if only a few have the means, power, or opportunity to secure it then it is a luxury. If all members of the community have pre- cisely equal opportunity to enjoy a particular fine musician, theater, actor, singer, then that form of amusement is not a luxury to any soul in the community; it is a pleasure equally ac- cessible to all, no one pays or gives anything for any special privilege. If all members of the community have equal opportunity to enjoy a particular park, museum, or public building of any kind, then such place is not a luxury, it is part of the daily life and pleasure of all. But if only a few can enjoy it freely and others are obliged to pay, or sacrifice time and money in travel to enjoy it, then as to them it is a luxury main- tained for the benefit of the few in tke vicinity. ♦ ♦ ♦ In short the definition of ' ' Iuxubj ' ' turns less upon the nature of the thing itself than upon the opportunities of all to use or enjoy it. A man or a class may be so accustomed to certain foods, clothing, shelter, amusements, Luxuries 239 that they consider them necessary to their existence, but to the masses who cannot afford them they are in the truest sense of the term, luxuries — luxuries to be enjoyed either rarely or never at all. Pursuing this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion, it follows that if a community would get rid of luxuries it must direct its pro- ductive and distributive efforts in such a way that ALL Food Clothing Shelter Amusements ; shall be equally accessible to ALL. No individual must have any form of food, clothing, shelter, amusement, that is not equally available to every other individual. The nation, the state, the city must build noth- ing, support nothing that gives any particular locality any greater attraction or desirability over other localities. The location of the capitol, the maintenance of a university, or a trade school, the support of a museum in a par- ticular city is a direct discrimination against 240 Property other cities, a direct conferring of advantages on a selected spot, in short the giving to the people of the vicinity a very great luxury. The extension of a railway to a particular place is a great discrimination in favor of that place. The establishing of a nation-owned industry in a particular locality is likewise a discrimination in favor of that locality. The location of a government building, a post office in a particular block in a city is a discrimina- tion in favor of those in the immediate vicin- ity, and against those who have to spend time and money to use the building. *s* ^ ^ To eliminate — theoretically — all luxuries, we are forced to the conclusion that a tlieoreti- cally pure communism which demands absolute equality of enjoyment and opportunity, would be obliged to forbid the production of any kind of food, clothing, shelter, amusements, that can- not be enjoyed by all on a footing of equality. If even the slightest departure from this rule is conceded luxuries appear and inequality re- sults. Consider for a moment what this rigid Luxuries S41 elimination of luxuries would do in — let us say — so productive a country as ours. It would take out of the market all those food-products the production of which is in- sufficient to supply the desires of all. All clothing materials, forms and styles, would be reduced to such as all could have. Forms and styles of shelter would be restricted to such as all could enjoy on conditions of absolute equality. Likewise all forms of recreation and amusements. Neither an orchestra nor a base- ball nine could be supported out of community funds because only a few would be able to enjoy either — even though the attempt were made to give any locality of any size its own orchestra and its own nine. The very attempt to segregate and support a large body of musicians and ball players would make of them a privileged class, and would arouse envy and discontent. Musicians and would-be ball play- ers barred from the state organizations would complain bitterly. ♦ ♦ ♦ But, assuming for the moment, a productive country like the United States, manages to get S42 Property its production and distribution on a tJieoreti- • cally pure communistic basis, so that no forms of food, clothing, shelter, amusements, are pro- duced that are not equally open to all, the re- sults would be a certain even standard of en- joyment in all four essentials. This ideal — theoretical — includes, possibly, white or wheat bread for all — though by no means in un- limited quantities. Now, how about the countries of the world where white bread is a luxury? How about Mexico, for instance, and the peoples of Central and South America? If they are included in one theoretically pure communistic scheme of production and distri- bution, the standard of living in this country would be lowered materially. If the peoples of Japan and China are included the standard would take a drop below that of the poorest families in this country. <» ♦ <> The glamour of the ideal communism disap- pears when the communistic distribution of goods is made to include foreign and poorer peoples. In fact on this test the communistic Luxuries 245 fabric, so fascinating when its vague and glit- tering fancies are confined to us, collapses. It cannot stand the test of thorough-going logical application; at heart it is as supremely selfish as any individualistic scheme. « «> 4» The net result of the foregoing is the con- clusion that luxuries are inevitable in human progress. This is conceded by every utopian dreamer. In fact utopian writers and dream- ers dwell almost entirely upon the pleasures of their Utopias, upon the leisurely lives of their people, and upon the beautiful things all will enjoy. Instead of levelling palaces in some way they are to be made more numerous and more wonderful by the community itself. But no Utopian theorist or communistic writer gets down to hard facts, to details and demonstrates how all this can be done without favoring some as against others; they slur this part of their argument «s» ♦ ♦ If luxuries are not only incidental but essen- tial to human progress, then it is a fairly debat- able question whether the present individual — 244 Property competitive one might say — scheme of pro- duction and distribution does not achieve bet- ter results than any communistic plan, and until the communistic plan gets down to detail and shows how luxuries can be produced and distributed fairly and satisfactorily by the community, the world must be content with the present competitive organization, hut with such modifications and improvements as will dull the sharp corners and smooth the rough places. XI A LOGICAL CONSEQUENCE Who Pays Taxes? Not only the average man, but speakers and writers upon taxation, assume that the burden of taxation rests on the shoulders of the man who pays the taxes. The assumption is false and mischievous be- yond calculation. It is at the basis of more radical and vicious social and economic experi- ments and propaganda than almost any other erroneous economic theory. ♦ ♦ « Taxes are paid, A. By check B. By paper currency C. By coin D. In produce or goods — very rarely in highly civilized communities. But while in advanced communities taxes are seldom paid directly in goods or produce, it is plain on final analysis, that all taxes are paid in services, produce, and goods. 245 246 Property The use of money, or a check, is a mere con- venience — a token handed the government to enable the government to go out and get the services and products it needs. ♦ ♦ ♦ Whether the government issues a billion dol- lars in bonds (or any other form of paper promises to pay), or a billion dollars in paper tax receipts (still paper, but not promises to repay) the result as regards consumption of services and goods is precisely the same. Both bonds and tax receipts are issued to buy services and goods needed noiv. So far as the industrial economy of the country is concerned for both classes of paper it is called upon to furnish within the fiscal year services and products to the value of, say one billion dollars. ♦ ♦ ♦ It is a popular notion — fallacious — that the issuing of bonds instead of a tax levy, some- how shifts both the financial and industrial burden to future generations. The economic burden cannot he shifted. If the government needs a million bushels of A Logical Consequence 247 wheat or a million yards of cloth the supply must he drawn from the wheat and cloth of today; there is no magic whereby it can be drawn from that of a year hence. If the government needs a million men for its armies they must be drawn from the men of today, and be equipped, supported, and paid by the services and products of today. During the World War the several nations issued thousands of tons of paper — paper money, paper bonds, paper promises to pay in many forms. These paper promises and re- ceipts amounted to not simply billions, but hundreds of billions of dollars. But did all this paper shift the burden of the war from the men and women of today to future generations ? Not a single penny's worth.* ^ Except in so far as one country gave its bonds or other promises to pay to another country in return for goods. To that extent one country may receive now the goods it needs today in return for the paper promise to return those goods or their equivalent — twenty or thirty years hence. For the purpose of our argument interna- tional borrowing may be ignored. In immediate economic effect it simply induces the other nation — neutral or allied — to carry a share of the daily war burden, and for the time being the neutral nation is in reality an ally to the 248 Property It was the boast of our government that nearly one-third of every dollar spent on the war was raised by taxes, and only about two- thirds by borrowing. That fooled not only the people but financiers and writers. As a matter of fact every cent of every dollar needed came from the people each year. The government required in services and goods, let us say, twenty-four billions of dol- lars the last year of the war. To get the twenty-four billions it issued eight billions paper tax receipts and sixteen billions paper bonds. In a profound sense the printing of these cleverly worded pieces of paper and giving /them to the people in return for services and goods, is a mere juggling with hard facts, so that the truth may be concealed. Every cent's worth of the twenty-four bil- extent it furnishes services and goods in return for paper promises to pay — promises that may not be kept, depend- ing upon the outcome of the war. Industrially and eco- nomically the people of the United States were the allies of the Allies from the outset of hostilities in 1914, as they would have been economic supporters of Germany if the channels of trade had been open. A Logical Consequence 249 lions of services (men in service and all em- ployees), and goods, is supplied by the men, women, and children of today, and supplied from day to day as needed. If a government had the wisdom and the strength not a single bond or other promise to pay need be issued to carry on any war — only paper tax receipts. But financing a war, or any other large gov- ernment need, is a fine art, a species of legerde- main, whereby billions of paper values are cre- ated to be juggled with for years and perhaps generations to come. Psychologically this legerdemain may be necessary. Without it the people might real- ize just where the burdens of vast expenditures fall, and they might rebel. The average man is quick to vote for a bond issue when he w^ould violently protest if it should be proposed to increase taxes to secure the money. Yet in the end the money and all the cost of borrowing must be covered hy taxes. ♦ ♦ ♦!♦ It matters not how the problem is ap- 250 Property proaclied the fact remains that every dollar collected by the government, whether by issu- ing paper tax receipts, or paper promises to re- pay, comes from the community in the form of services and goods. This being so it follows that the man who (a) pays the taxes, or (b) loans the money, is only a means to an end. He does not in reality render the government either services or goods except his small share as an individual like other individuals similarly situated. To illustrate, a doctor in practice, happens to be a ''rich" man. He has a million dol- lars in bonds which yield him an income of thirty thousand a year. As he earns from his practice more than he spends, he invests each year his entire thirty thousand in other bonds — i. e., loans it and receives more pieces of paper. The government in a war or other emer- gency sees fit to levy a tax taking all unearned incomes. The doctor no longer receives his thirty thousand a year in interest coupons ; or rather he cuts tliem from his bonds and immediately turns them over to the government; in effect A Logical Consequence 251 the goveriiment lias appropriated the interest on the bonds. If the doctor held any railroad bonds the railroad would go on paying the interest just the same but to the government instead of to the doctor; the railroad would not know the difference. Has the government in reality taxed the doctor? Has it called upon him for either goods or services? Not at all. His daily work is not affected in the slightest degree — save as discontent may affect it. His professional income re- mains the same. Not until one of two things happens is he really taxed — i. e., called upon to contribute goods or services. If the government calls upon him for (a) actual services, as it did during the war, or (b) takes from him a part of his professional earnings, as it now does under the income tax, then he is in reality contributing services and goods, and either contribution may seriously affect his productive power, in short his eco- nomic value as a productive factor in the com- munity. 252 Property A farmer may be substituted for a doctor and the argument made still more vivid. ♦ ♦ ♦ f Let us assume the government decides on a capital tax levy. To illustrate lei us assume it confiscates in form of taxation, all ** private fortunes." Who pays the tax? Nominally the individual who has a thousand bonds in his safety-deposit box, but as a mat- ter of fact he has simply handed to the tax collector a thousand pieces of paper, and the government takes those pieces of paper and goes to the railroad and industrial companies that issued them and demands payment of either interest or principal. The entire economic and industrial fabric of the community is disturbed by the shifting of paper titles, because the government is never thrifty, it always wants its money, and always spends it wastefully. Never, like the hypo- thetical doctor, does it carefully invest the in- terest and reinvest the principal. ♦ ♦ ♦ To the socialist, the communist, and to the radical agitator generally the proposition to A Logical Consequence 253 confiscate private fortunes — private property — sounds good, and is received with applause. Men of that class never pause to think far enough to see that the ''private fortune" is largely a myth, a legal fiction, maintained not for the benefit of the individual, but as a de- vice for the advancement of the community. If this ingenious fiction in its many ramifica- tions is unsound then plainly it would be bet- ter to modify or abolish it directly than to en- courage it and at the same time abolish it by confiscation in whole or in part. On the other hand if the legal fiction of ''private property" is an indispensable factor in social progress then society should be ex- ceedingly careful about attacking it indirectly by taxes which confiscate — abolish — in whole or part. * ♦ ♦ In a profound sense a tax on unearned in- come is not a tax on the individual at all, but is rather a deprivation — a cancellation of ''property rights," a modification of the the- ory of private property. A tax on earned income is a tax on the in- ^54 Property dividual — a real demand for a portion of his services or the products of his services. The arguments for and against the one have no logical connection with the arguments for and against the other. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 11 ^^m^^^ HETOlOBUt JUN 71905 JKBDJMn DEC 30198F 315 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 168 133 5 "RN BRANCH, yNIV; OF CAllFOR^ LIBRARY iLOr: