UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES W. T. DAYS. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D. C. REGULATIONS FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF EXPLOSIVES AND OTHER DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT AND EXPRESS AND AS BAGGAGE INCLUDING SPECIFICATIONS FOR SHIPPING CONTAINERS PRESCRIBED UNDER THE ACT OF MARCH 4, 1921 BINDING UPON ALL COMMON CARRIERS ENGAGED IN INTERSTATE OR FOREIGN COMMERCE, AND UPON ALL SHIPPERS MAKING SHIPMENTS VIA SUCH CARRIERS BY LAND REVISED, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1923 Superseding regulations revised July 15, 1918, and all amendments thereto (See note p. 1.) WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICB 1922 THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION CHARLES C. McCHORD, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER HENRY C. HALL WINTHROP M. DANIELS CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN MARK W. POTTER JOHN J. ESCH JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL ERNEST I. LEWIS FREDERICK I. COX GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROlf THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 35 CENTS PER COPY \7 Me ORDER. At a General Session of the INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, held at its office in Washington, D. C, on the 3d day of October, A. D. 1922. No. 3666. In the Matter of Regulations for the Transportation of Explosives, Inflammables, and Other Dangerous Articles. It appearing, That by order dated May 20, 1921, the commission entered upon a hearing concerning the propriety of certain suggested amendments to its regulations for the transportation of explosives, inflammables, and other dangerous articles by freight, by express, and as baggage; It further appearing, That a full investigation of the matters and things involved has been had, and that, good cause therefor appearing, certain amendments have been adopted: It is ordered, That the regulations as amended, and hereby referred to and made a part hereof, be, and they are hereby, made effective on January 1, 1923, and shall be observed thereafter until further order of the commission. By the commission. [seal.] George B. McGintt, Secretary. ui CONTENTS. Page. Order of the commiBsion in PART I. Regulations for the Transportation of Explosives and Other Dan- gerous Articles by Freight 1-98 General regulations 1-6 Explosives 6-21 Information and definitions 6 Grouping 6 Group 1. Forbidden explosives 6 Group 2. Acceptable explosives 8 Packing and marking explosives 11-21 Samples 11 Low explosives and black powder 11 High explosives 12 Smokeless powder for cannon 14 Smokeless powder for small arms 15 Fulminates 15 Small-arms ammunition 15 Ammunition for cannon 16 Projectiles, bombs, grenades, etc 16 Blasting caps , . 17 Detonating fuzes 18 Primers, percussion caps, tracer and time fuzes 18 Common fireworks 19 Special fireworks 20 Cordeau detonant, instantaneous fuse, safety fuse, safety squibs, etc. . 21 Dangerous articles other than explosives 21-98 Information and definitions 21 Grouping 21 Group 1. Forbidden articles 21 Group 2. Acceptable articles 22 Definitions 22-23 Inflammable liquids — Red label 22 Inflammable solids — Yellow label 22 Oxidizing materials — Yellow label 22 Corrosive liquids — White label 22 Compressed gases — Red or green (gas) label 23 Poisonous articles 23 Class A — Poison gas label 23 Class B— No label 23 Label, certificate and other exemptions 23-25 Inflammable liquids 23 Inflammable solids and oxidizing materials 24 Corrosive liquids 25 Class B poisonous articles 25 List of principal dangerous articles 25-31 V VI CONTENTS. Regui-ation's kor the Transportation- of Explosives and Other Da.v- GEROi'S Articles by Freight — Continut'd. Page. Preparation and packing dangerous articles other than explosives 32-60 Intlammable liquids — Red label 33 Outage chart for inflammable liquids 34 Inflammable solids — Yellow label 39 Oxidizing materials— Yellow label 46 Corrosive liquids — White label 47 Compressed gases — Red or green (gas) label 52 Poisonous articles 59 Poisonous gases or liquids — Glass A — Poison gas label 59 Poisonous articles — Class B — No label 60 Labels 61-65 Shipping orders, description and marking 65-67 Waybilling 67-70 Selection, preparation, and placarding of cars 70-80 Handling 80-98 Injured, leaking, and astray packages 80 Loading in car 82 Handling cars 86 Leaking tank cars 89 Unloading tank cars 91 Shipments from connecting lines 94 Removal of placards 94 Electric railway and motor car service 94 In case of a wreck 95 Diagram of tank-car discharge valve 97 Loading chart. (Condensed loading and unloading regulations.). .Faces. . 98 PART II. REr,rL.\TIONS FOR THE Tr.AN'SPORTATION OF EXPLOSIVES AND OtHER DAN- GEROUS Articles by Express 99-140 General regulations 99-101 Information and definitions 101 Grouping 101 Group 1 . Forbidden articles 101 Forbidden explosive articles 102 Other forbidden articles 103 Group 2. Acceptable explosives 104 Definitions of acceptable explosives 105 Packing, marking, and labeling of acceptable explosives 106 Samples of explosives 106 Small-arms ammunition, primers, fuzes, safety fuse, safety squibs, etc 107 Fireworks 108 Group 3. Acceptable dangerous articles other than explosives 110 Definitions 110 Inilammable liquids — Red label 110 I nllammable solids — Yellow label 110 Oxidizing materials — Yellow label Ill Corrosive liquids— White label Ill Compressed gases— Red or green (gas) label Ill Poisonous articles — Poison label Ill Cla.s8 .\— Forbidden Ill Class B— Acceptable Ill CONTENTS. VII Regulations for the Transportation op Explosives and Other Dan- gerous Articles by Express — Continued. Grouping — Continued. Groups. Acceptable dangerousarticles other thanexplosives — Con. Page. List of principal dangerous articles 112-117 Packing dangerous articles other than explosives 118-134 Inflammable liquids — Red label 119 Inflammable solids — Yellow label 121 Oxidizing materials — Yellow label 124 Corrosive liquids — -White label 125 Compressed gases — Red or green (gas) label 127 Poisonous articles — Poison label 134 Labels 134-139 Receipts 139 Handling 139-140 PART III. Regulations for the Transportation op Explosives and Other Dan- gerous Articles as Baggage 141-147 General regulations 141 Acceptable articles 142 Packing of acceptable articles 142 Motion-picture films 142 Compressed gases, hydrogen and oxygen 143 Labels 144 Placards 147 Handling 147 PART IV. Specifications for Shipping Containers for Explosives and Other Dan- gerous Articles 149-326 Specification No.: 1 — Boxed carboys 149-154 2 — Metal cans, glass, earthenware, wooden or metal pails or kits, etc., and boxes for outside containers thereof 155-163 3— Steel cylinders 164-170 3A— Steel cylinders 170-176 4— Steel cylinders 176-181 5 — Iron or steel barrels or drums 182-186 5A — Iron or steel barrels or drums 186-190 5B — Iron or steel barrels or drums 190-191 6 — Boxes (wooden, fiber, etc.) (for freight only) 191-202 7— Steel cylinders 202-208 8— Steel cylinders 208-216 9 — Wooden barrels and kegs (tight) (for freight only) 216-218 10 — Wooden barrels and kegs (tipht) (for freight only) 218-219 11— Wooden barrels and kegs (slack) 220-223 12— Wooden boxes 223-225 12A— Wooden boxes 226-228 13— Metal kegs (for freight only) 228-231 14— Wooden boxes (for freight only) 231-233 15— Wooden boxes (for freight only) 233-235 "vrn CONTENTS. Specifications for Phipping Containers for Explosives and Other Dan- GEROis Articles — Continued. Specification No. — Continued. Page. 16_\Vooden boxes (for freight only) 235-237 1 7— Wooden boxes (lined) 237-240 Ig — ^Metal cans and wooden boxes as outside containers thereof .... 240-243 19_Wooden boxes 243-246 20 — Iron or steel barrels or drums 246 20A — Iron or steel barrels or drums 247-251 20B — Iron or steel barrels or drums 251 21— Fiber drums (for freight only) 251-253 22 — Wooden veneer drums (for freight only) 253-254 23 — Metal jacketed cans 254-255 24— Fiber cases 256-264 25— Steel cylinders 264-270 26— Ste6l cylinders 270-277 27— Steel cylinders (for freight only) 277-282 28 — Metal jacketed lead carboys (for freight only) 282-286 29 — Mailing tubes (for express only) 286 30— Metal lined boxes (for freight only) 287-290 31— Jugs in tubs (f'or freight only) 290-291 32 — -Metal cases (for express only) 291 3!JA — Riveted sheet-iron or steel cases (for express only) 291 32B — Welded steel cases (for express only) 293 32C — Cold-drawn steel cases (for express only) 294 32D — Riveted and welded cases (for express only) 296 32 E — Other types of sheet-iron or steel cases (for express only) 297 32F— Baggage trunks 299 32G — Metal cylinders (for express only) 300 33— Steel cylinders (for freight only) 301-308 34— Turned wooden drums (for freight only) 309-310 35 — Wooden barrels \vith removable heads (for freight only) 310-312 36 — Wooden boxes -wdth metal lining (for express only) 312-313 37 — "Peak top " wooden boxes (for express only) 313-315 38— Steel cylinders 316-321 39A — Iron or steel barrels or drums — Single-trip containers (for freight only) 321-323 39B — Iron or steel barrels or drums — Single-trip containers . (for freight only) 324 40— Wooden boxes (for freight only) 324-326 Transportation of explosives act, approved March 4, 1921 327-329 Note. — Special orders amending these regulations which are not rescinded hereby are as follows: Order of June 27, 1921, approving the use of 250 cylinders of specification 27 type; Order of November 5, 1921, approving the use of specially constructed combination flat and tank car; Order of August 17, 1922, approving the transportation of salvaged unserviceable small-arms ammunition; Order of Se[>tember 15, 1922, Special Series A, approving the transportation of salvaged amatol in ammunition boxes, weight not over 165 pounds; and any other orders in docket 3666 designated " Special Series A." PART I. REGULATIONS FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF EXPLOSIVES AND OTHER DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT, AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SHIP- PING CONTAINERS. Prescribed under act of March 4, 1921, and superseding the regulations published July 15, 1918, and all amendments thereto. SECTION 1. GENERAL REGULATIONS. 1. To promote the uniform enforcement of law and to minimize the dangers to hfe and property incident to the transportation by land in interstate or foreign commerce of explosives and other dan- gerous articles, the following regulations are prescribed to define these articles for freight transportation purposes, to state the pre- cautions that must be observed by the shipper in preparing them for shipment, and by the carrier in handling them while in transit. It is the duty of each such carrier and shipper to make the prescribed regulations effective and to thoroughly instruct its employees in rela- tion thereto. 2. Except as otherwise specifically prescribed herein, the term "dangerous articles" will include explosives and other dangerous articles as covered by the act of March 4, 1921. 3. Where the word "package" is used in these regulations it shall be understood to include all outside containers, including tank cars. 4. These regulations make all proper and necessary provisions for the transportation of explosives and other dangerous articles. No person or carrier may under any circumstances ship or carry any high explosive on an}^ passenger car or vehicle in violation of section 232 of the act of March 4, 1921, and no person or carrier may ship or carry any explosive or other dangerous article, as defined herein pur- suant to section 233 of the act, on any such car or vehicle before written notice of the true character of the article is given the carrier, without being subject to the penalties of the act which are referred to in paragraph 7 hereof. 5. The services of the Bureau for the Safe Transportation of Explosives and other Dangerous Articles, hereinafter called Bureau of Explosives, will be utilized by the commission in the execution 1 2 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. of these regulations. This Bureau will make inspections and con- duct investio-ations. and will confer with manufacturers and shippers with a view to determining what regulations will within reasonable limits afl'ord the highest degree of safety in packing and preparing these dangerous articles for shipment and in transporting the same. TIk' commission will avail itself of the expert knowledge thus devel- oped, and in formulating amendments to these regulations, while not bound thereby, will give due weight to the expert opinions thus obtained. 6. Special precautions are necessary in prepai'ing for shipment packages of dangerous articles, and in handling these packages during transit. Any failure of a shipper, or of a carrier, to perform the duties imposed upon them in this respect may be the actual or con- tributory cause not only of destructive fires, but of disastrous explo- sions, since large quantities of explosives are transported frequently through thickly populated districts and in trains containing cars loaded with other dangerous articles. 7. Sections 235 and 236 of the act of March 4, 1921, require the shipper of dangerous articles to describe, pack, and mark his packages properly and to inform the agent of the carrier of the true character of their contents. Heavy penalties are provided for the shipper who knowingly solicits the transportation of dangerous articles without complying with these requirements, as well as for the carrier that knowingly accepts and transports them. 8. (a) As the use of dangerous articles is essential to various busi- ness activities throughout the country, it is the duty of railroad car- riers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce by land to accept and transport them under these regulations. ^'V^len local conditions make the acceptance, transportation, or delivery of explosives unusually hazardous, local restrictions may be imposed by the carrier. (6) All carriers must report to the chief inspector of the Bureau of Explosives for compilation and publication full information as to restrictions which may be imposed against the acceptance, delivery, or transportation of explosives over any portion of their lines. 0. These regulations apply to all shipments of dangerous articles as defined herein, including carrier's material and supplies. 10. Samples of any new explosives must be examined and approved as safe for transportation by the Bureau of Explosives before ship- ments (except samples for this examination not exceeding 5 pounds net in weight) can be ofTered for transportation. For this purpose a new explosive is after notice of arrival has been sent or given to consignee, provided consignor has been notified of nondeliver}^ at expiration of 48-hour period and orders for disposition have not been received. (2) Less-than-carload shipments (a) by return to shipper if notice of nondelivery was requested and given consignor as prescribed by carrier's tariff, and orders for return to shipper have been received ; (h) by storage on carrier's property; (c) by storage on other than carrier's property, if safe storage on carrier's property is not available; or {d) by sale at expiration of 30 calendar days after notice of arrival ha*; been sent or given to consignee, provided consignor has been notified of nondelivery at expiration of 48-hour period and orders for disposition have not been received. SECTION 2. EXPLOSIVES. Information and Definitions. 100. For the purpose of these regulations, explosives are divided into the ff)llowing groups: 1. Forbidden explosives. 2. Acceptable explosives. Group 1. — Forbidden Explosives. 101. Tlic follow irig arc forbidden explosives; (aj Liquid nitroglycerin. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 7 (b) Dynamite containing over 60 per cent of nitroglycerin (except gelatin dynamite). (c) Dynamite having an unsatisfactory absorbent, or one that permits leakage of nitroglycerin under any conditions liable to exist during transportation or storage. (d) Nitrocellulose in a dry and uncompressed condition in quantity greater than 10 pounds net weight in one exterior package. (e) Fulminate of mercury or a fulminate of any other metal, in a dry condition, except as a component of manufactured articles whose transportation is not forbidden herein. (/) Fireworks that combine an explosive and a detonator or blast- ing cap. (g) Explosive compositions, including fireworks that ignite spon- taneously or undergo marked decomposition when subjected for 48 consecutive hours to a temperature of 75° C. (167° F.). (h) Firecrackers whose dimensions exceed 5 inches in length or three-quarters of an inch in diameter or whose explosive charges exceed 45 grains each in weight. {i) Toy torpedoes exceeding li^ inches in diameter; or containing a mixture of potassium chlorate, black antimony, and sulphur, with an average weight of explosive in each torpedo exceeding 7 grains. (See par. 247 (/).) (j) Toy torpedoes containing a cap composed of a mixture of red phosphorus and potassium chlorate exceeding an average of more than one-half (0.5) grain per cap. (k) Toy caps containing more than an average of thirty-five hundredths ot a grain of explosive composition. (Z) Fireworks that can be exploded en masse by a blasting cap placed in one of the units or by the impact of a rifle bullet or other- wise. Note. — Such articles, if found safe for transportation, may be shipped as high explosives when packed, marked, and certified, in accordance with these regulations. (w) Fireworks, such as sparklers, or fusees, containing a match tip or head, or similar igniting point or surface, unless each individual tip, head, or similar igniting point or surface is entirely covered and securely protected from accidental contact or friction with any other surface. (t?) Fireworks or explosives containing an ammonium salt and a chlorate. (o) New explosives (except samples for laboratory examinations) until approved for transportation by the Bureau of Explosives. ip) Explosives properly condemned by the Bureau of Explosives (except properly repacked samples for laboratory examinations). Parties who are dissatisfied with the decision of the Bureau ma}- appeal 8 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. to the commission, and if it is a question of chemical composition the commission will arrange to have a test made by a disinterested Government laboratory. iq) Explosives not properly packed, marked, described, and cer- tified, as prescribed herein. Group 2.— Acceptable Explosives. 102. Low explosives and black powder are general names that may be used to describe all explosives having composition or char- acteristics similar to that of ordinary black powder and that can not be detonated by a commercial blasting cap. Examples are rifle, sporting, cannon, and blasting pow^ders. 103. High explosives are all explosives more pow^erful than low explosives or onUnary black powder, except smokeless powders and fulminates. Their distinguishing characteristic is their susceptibility to detonation by a blasting cap. Examples of high explosives are dynamite, picric acid,' picrates, chlorate powders, nitrate of ammonia powders, trinitrotoluene, dry nitrocellulose (gun cotton) , dry nitro- starch, and fireworks that can be exploded en masse. 104. Smokeless powders^ are those explosives from which there is little or no smoke when fired. They include smokeless powder for cannon and smokeless powder for small arms. Smokeless powder for cannon used in the United States at the present time consists of a nitrocellulose colloid, and is comparatively safe to handle and trans- port. Smokeless powders for small arms may consist of nitrocellulose or nitrocellulose combined with nitroglycerin. Picrate or chlorate mixtures are classed as high explosives. 10.5. Fulminates are fulminates in bulk form, that is, not made up into percussion caps, detonators, blasting caps, toy torpedoes, or ex- ploders. lOG. Small-arms ammunition, such as is used in sporting or fowling pieces, or in rifle or pistol practice, etc., consists usually of a paper or metallic shell, the primer, and the powder charge — with or without shot or bullet— the materials necessary for one hring being all in one piece. 107. Ammunition for cannon includes all fixed or separate-loading amnuinition of 'M mm. (I2 inches) caliber and larger. When the component parts are packed in separate packages they must be 8hipf)ed as prescribed liorcin. Igniters composed of black powder may be included in shipments of smokeless powder for cannon. U'lcrlc acid for medicinal purposes, and not exceeding 4 ounces in one outside package, may be shipped as "medicine" without other restrictions, when in securely closed glass bottles, properly cushioned to prevent breakage. ' Fire-extlnBuishor charges cou'aining not to exceed 50 grains of smokeless powder per unit are exempt from tbe&e regulations. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 9 108. Chemical warfare ammunition includes all kinds of projectiles, such as artillery shells, trench mortar bombs, aviation bombs. Livens projector drums, hand grenades, etc., loaded with toxic gas, smoke or incendiary agents; also such miscellaneous apparatus as cloud gas cylinders, smoke generators, flame projectors, rockets, etc., that may be utilized to project chemicals in warfare. For the purpose of these regulations, chemical warfare ammunition is classified as follows: (1) Ammunition for cannon with chemical projectiles includes fixed or separate-loading ammunition of 37 mm. (1^ inches) caliber and larger, loaded with either toxic gas, smoke, or incendiary agents. Gas projectiles, smoke projectiles, and incendiary projectiles, are filled with toxic gas, phosphorus, or other smoke material, and incendiary or inflammable materials, respectively. (2) Chemical bombs include Stokes mortar projectiles. Livens projector drums, aviation drop bombs, and other special projectiles filled with toxic gas, smoke, or incendiary agents. (3) Chemical grenades include gas, smoke, and incendiary grenades; gas, smoke, and incendiary rockets, and other small chemical warfare devices. 109. (a) Explosive projectiles are metal shells loaded with ex- plosives for use in cannon. They are not liable to be exploded except by fire of considerable intensity, and the flying fragments would then be very dangerous. (h) Grenades are metal or other containers filled with explosive or other material and include hand grenades and rifle grenades. (c) Explosive bombs are metal containers fflled with explosive and provided with a detonating device. They are used in warfare and include aeroplane bombs and depth bombs. The risks in trans- portation are similar to those in the transportation of explosive projectiles. (d) Explosive mines are metal containers filled with a high explosive and are provided with a detonating device. They are used in naval warfare. They contain larger amounts of explosive in each unit than the usual explosive projectiles or bombs. 110. Blasting caps contain from 5 to 50 grains of dry fulminate of mercury or other substance similar to or in combination with ful- minate of mercury, packed in a thin copper shell and fired by a slow-burning safety fuse. When a small " bridge " of fine wire is em- bedded in a suitable priming material and arranged to fire the fulmi- nate by heating the bridge by means of an electric current, the cap is called an "electric blasting cap." They cause explosions of a high order, or "detonations." This means the instantaneous conversion of the entire explosive into gas, instead of the gradual conversion 63020°— 22 2 10 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSIOX. known as "combustion." Dynamite "detonates" and smokeless powder for cannon "burns." 111. Detonating fuzes are used in the military service to detonate the high explosive bursting charges of projectiles, mines, bombs, torpedoes, and grenades. In addition to a powerful detonator they may contain several ounces of a high explosive, such as picric acid or drv nitrocellulose, all assembled in a heavy steel envelope. 112. Primers, percussion and time fuzes are devices used to ignite the powder charges of ammunition or the black-powder bursting charges of projectiles. For small-arms ammunition the primers are usually called "small-arms primers" or "percussion caps." Tracer fuzes consist of a device which is attached to a projectile and contains a slow-burning composition to show the flight of projectiles at night. 113. (a) Cordeau detonant is a fuse containing trinitrotoluene, assembled in a drawn lead tube. (b) Safety fuse consists of a core of granular black powder sur- rounded by 3^arn, tape, pitch, rubber, etc. (c) Safety squibs are small paper tubes containing a small quantity of black powder, one end of each tube being twisted and generally tipped with sulphur. (d) Electric squibs consist of small pasteboard tubes containing a small quantity of ignition compound and a wire bridge embedded in sulphur, and w'ith wires attached. ie) Delay electric igniters consist of small metal tubes containing a wire bridge embedded in sulphur and a small quantity of ignition composition in contact with a piece of safety fuse, and with wires attached. (/) Instantaneous fuse is made from cotton yarns saturated with meal powder. ig) Fuse lighters or fuse igniters consist of small cylindrical hollow pasteboard or metal tubes containing a friction igniting composition in one end, the other end being open to permit it to be placed on safety fuse. 114. Fireworks include everything that is designed and manu- factured primarily for the purpose of producing a visible or an audible pyrotechnic effect by combustion or by explosion. They consist of common fireworks and special fireworks. 115. Common fireworks include all that depend principally upon nitrates to sui)j)()rt (■()inl)ustion and not upon chlorates; that con- tain no phosphorus and no high explosive sensitive to shock and friction; that produce their effect through color display rather than by loud noises. If noise is the principal object, the units must be small and of such nature and manufacture that they will explode separately and harmlessly, if at all, when one unit is ignited in a packing case. They must not be designed for ignition by shock DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 11 or friction. Examples are Chinese firecrackers, Roman candles, pin wheels, colored fires, rockets, serpents, railway fusees, flash powders, flash sheets, sparklers, smoke pots, illuminating projectiles, aeroplane flares, etc. 116. Special fireworks include all that contain any quantity of phosphorus, a fulminate, or other high explosive sensitive to shock or friction, or that contain units of such size that the explosion of one while being handled would produce a serious injury, or that require a special appliance or tool, mortar, holder, etc., for their safe use, or that are designed for ignition by shock or friction. Examples are giant firecrackers, bombs, and salutes (not high explor sives), toy torpedoes and caps, ammunition pellets fired in a special holder, railway torpedoes, aeroplane flares, etc. Note. — Smoke candles, tear gas candles, and tear gas grenades, which may contain emokeless powder, but no poisonous substance, may be accepted and transported when packed and marked in compliance with the regulations for the transportation of special fireworks, provided that shipments are made by or for the War or Navy Department of the United States Government. SECTION 3. PACKING AND MARKING EXPLOSIVES. 200. Unless specifically authorized by these regulations, explo- sives must not be packed in the same outside packages with each other or with other articles. 201. Leaking or damaged packages of explosives must not be offered for shipment. Should any package of high explosives when offered for shipment show excessive dampness or be moldy or show outward signs of any oily stain or other indication that absorption of the liquid part of the explosive is not perfect, or that the amount of the liquid part is greater than the absorbent can carry, it must be refused in every instance. The shipper must substantiate any claim that a stain is due to accidental contact with grease, oil, or similar substance. In case of doubt the package must be rejected. 202. Samples of explosives (except blasting caps) in separate interior containers, may be packed in the sam-C outside package of gross weight not exceeding 50 pounds, provided the weight of any one sample does not exceed 8 ounces, and provided the interior packages are so cushioned and protected as to insure their trans- portation without rupture or leakage of contents. The package must be marked and described with the name of the most dangerous explo- sive included among the samples, such as "HIGH EXPLOSIVE," "BLACK POWDER," etc. Low Explosives and Black Powder. 203. Packing. — Low explosives and black powder in quantities of 12>2 pounds or more, must be packed in metal kegs complying with specification No. 13; or in wooden barrels or kegs complying 12 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. with spocification No. 10. Metal kegs (stove-pipe type with inside paper cartridge) — specification No. 13, paragraph 8 — may be used for carload shipments loaded by consignor and to be unloaded by consignee. 204. (a) Other containers of low explosives and black powder must be packed in wooden boxes complying with specification No. 14 or 16. These containers are (1) metal kegs less than 8 inches in length and containing less than 123^ pounds of powder; (2) fiber or metal containers of not more than 1}^ pounds capacity; (3) tightly closed bags made of not less than 4-ounce cotton duck and of capacity not exceeding 25 pounds. (6) Low explosives other than black powder may also be packed in strong paper bags of capacity not exceeding 25 pounds, in boxes complying with specification No. 14. (c) Inside containers of exceeding 13^2 pounds capacity must be packed with fdling holes up, and boxes must be marked on top "THIS SIDE UP." 205. Weight.— Packages must not weigh over 200 pounds gross. 206. Marking. — Each outside package must be plainly marked, stamped, or stenciled "BLACK POWDER" or "LOW EXPLO- SIVES," and may also show "BLASTING," "RIFLE," etc., as "BLACK BLASTING POWDER," "BLACK RIFLE POWDER," "LOW BLASTING EXPLOSIVE," etc. Additional marks, trade names, etc., may appear, if desired by shipper, but such additional marking must not be more conspicuous than, nor must it obscure, the marking prescribed herein. High Explosives. 207. High explosives consisting of a liquid mixed with an absorbent material must have the absorbent (wood pulp or similar material) in suilioient cjuantity and of satisfactory quality, properly dried at the time of mixing; nitrate of soda must be dried at the time of mLxing to less than 1 per cent of moisture; and the ingredients must be uniformly mixed so that the liquid will remain thoroughly absorbed under the most unfavorable conditions incident to transportation. 208. Explosives containing nitroglycerin must have uniformly mixed with an absorbent material a satisfactory antacid, which must be in quantity sufficient to have the acid neutralizing power of an amount of magnesium carbonate equal to 1 per cent of the nitro- glycerin. 209. (a) Packing. — High explosives containing more than 10 per cent of nitroglycerin (except gelatin dynamite) must be made into cartridges not exceeding 4 inches in diameter or 8 inches in length, and must not be packed in bags or sacks, except that cartridges 5 inches in diameter and not exceeding 10 inches in length may be shipped, pro- DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 13 vided each cartridge of the explosive is completely inclosed in a shell made of strong paraffined paper and thereafter inclosed in another such paper shell, the completed cartridge being dipped in melted paraffin. (b) High explosives containing not more than 10 per cent of nitro- glycerin may be shipped in bags or sacks. Each bag or sack must not contain more than 12}4 pounds of explosive and must be placed in a box with filling end up. These bags or sacks and the coverings of all cartridges must be strong and so treated that they will not absorb the liquid constituent of the explosive. 210. (a) All boxes in which high explosives in cartridges, bags, sacks, or in bulk are packed must be lined with strong paraffined paper or other suitable material. The lining must be without joints or other openings at the bottom or on the sides of the box and must be imper- vious to any liquid ingredient of the explosive. For nitroglycerin explosives, it must be impervious to water. The cover of the box must also be protected from contact with the explosive by lining paper or other suitable material. (6) In packing cartridges of nitroglycerin explosives at least one- quarter of an inch thickness of dry, fine wood pulp or sawdust must be spread over the bottom of the lined box before inserting the car- tridges, and all the vacant space in the top must be filled with this material. (c) All cartridges exceeding 4 inches in length, except gelatin, gelatin dynamite, or high explosives containing not more than 10 per cent of a liquid explosive ingredient, must be placed horizontally in boxes. 211. (a) High explosives containing no explosive liquid ingredient and not having a sensitiveness to percussion greater than that meas- ured by the blow delivered by an 8-pound weight dropping from a distance of 7 inches on a compressed pellet of the explosive three- hundredths of an inch thick and two-tenths of an inch in diameter, confined rigidly between hard steel surfaces, as in the standard impact testing apparatus of the Bureau of Explosives, may be shipped in bulk. These explosives may also be packed in cartridges and must be so packed when their sensitiveness is greater than the above limit. When shipped in bulk they must be packed in boxes complying with specification No. 14, or in wooden kegs complying with specification No. 10. The boxes must be lined as described in paragraph 210 (a). When packed in kegs they must be inclosed in strong cloth bags or in strong paper bags approved b}" the Bureau of Explosives for this service. (6) High ej^losives containing not more than 10 per cent of a liquid explosive ingredient, nor any chlorate, may be packed in 14 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. stronjr bajTs of capacity not cxceodino; 25 pounds, and must be packed with tilling holes up, in boxes complying with specification No. 14. 212. Inside packages containing not more than 1 pound each of dry uncompressed nitrocellulose, wrapped in strong paraffined paper or other suitable spark-proof material, will be accepted for shipment if securely packed in an outside package that complies with specification Xo. 14 and is marked as prescribed in paragraph 215. Outside pack- ages must not contain more than 10 pounds of tlry nitrocellulose. 213. Containers for high explosives must comply with specifica- tions Nos. ]<) and 14, as specified herein. 214. (a) Weights. — Boxes of high explosives containing more than 10 "per cent of a liquid explosive ingredient must not exceed 75 pounds gross weight. (b) Packages of high explosives whose shipment in bulk is author- ized by paragraph 211 must not exceed 140 pounds gross weight: PronxJed, That picric acid, trinitrotoluene, or ammonium picrate wet with not less than 10 pounds of water to each 90 pounds of dry material, may be shipped without bags in wooden barrels or kegs of not over 55 gallons nominal capacity complying with specification No. 10. (c) The gross weight of an outside package containing not exceed- ing 10 pounds net of dr}^ nitrocellulose, not compressed, packed as prescribed in paragraph 212, must not exceed 35 pounds. Com- pressed sticks or blocks of dry nitrocellulose (gun cotton) wrapped in strong paraffined paper may be shipped in outside packages complying with specification No. 14, with a gross weight not exceed- ing 75 pounds. 215. Marking. — Boxes must be plainly marked on top and on one side or end and kegs or barrels must be marked on both ends "HIGH EXPLOSIVE— DANGEROUS," in letters not less than ^^ inch in height. The tops of boxes must be marked "THIS SIDE UP." Smokeless Powder for Cannon. 216. Packing. — Smokeless powder for cannon must be packed in tight wooden boxes free from loose knots and cracks, or in wooden barrels that comply' ^vith specification No. 10, or in metal barrels or kegs that comply with specification No. 13. Smokeless powder for cannon may be j)acked in water in metal barrels complying with specification No. 5, 5A, 5B, 20, 20A, or 20B, or in wooden barrels complying with specification No. 9 or 10. 217. Weight. — Parkages must not weigh over 200 pounds gross unless the f)owder is packed in water. 218. Marking.— Each package must be plainly marked "SMOKE- LESS POWDER FOR CANNON," or "SMOKELESS POWDER FOR CANNON IN WA'I'ER." DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 15 Smokeless Powder for Small Aim.s. 219. Packing. — Smokeless powder for small arms in quantities of 123^ pounds or more must be packed in metal kegs complying with specification No. 13; or in wooden barrels or kegs complying with specification No. 10. Other containers of smokeless powder for small arms must be packed with filling holes up in wooden boxes compljdng with specifi- cation No. 16 and marked "THIS SIDE UP." These containers are: (1) Metal kegs less than 8 inches in length and containing less than 123/^ pounds of powder; (2) fiber or metal containers of not more than 1 pound capacity; (3) tightly closed bags made of not less than 4-ounce cotton duck and of capacity not exceeding 25 pounds. Smokeless powder for small arms in water must be packed in metal barrels complying with specification No. 5, 5A, 5B, 20, 20A, or 20B, or in wooden barrels complying with specification No. 9 or 10. 220. Weight. — Packages must not weigh over 200 pounds gross unless the powder is packed in water. 221. Marking. — Each outside package must be plainly marked "SMOKELESS POWDER FOR SMALL ARMS/' or "SMOKE- LESS POWDER FOR SMALL ARMS IN WATER." Fulminates. 222. Packing. — Fulminate of mercury in bulk must contain when packed not less than 25 per cent of water, and must in this wet condition be placed in a bag made of heavy cotton cloth of close mesh, equal in quality and weight to the cotton twill used for pockets in high-grade clothing. There must be placed inside the bag and over the fulminate a cap of the same cloth and of the diameter of the bag, and the bag must be tied securely and placed in a strong grain bag, which must, in turn, be tied securely and packed in the center of a cask or barrel complying with specification No. 10. The grain bag must not contain more than 150 pounds dry weight of fulminate and it must be surrounded on all sides by tightly packed sawdust not less than 6 inches thick. The cask or barrel must be lined with a heavy, close-fitting jute bag, closed by secure sewing to prevent escape of sawdust. After the barrel is properly coopered it must be filled with water and the bung sealed. The barrel must be inspected carefully and all leaks stopped. 223. Marking. — Each cask or barrel must be plainly marked " WET FULMINATE OF MERCURY— DANGEROUS." Small-arms Ammunition 224. Packing. — Small-arms ammunition must be packed in paste- board or other boxes, and these boxes must be packed in strong outside wooden or metal containers. in INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Small-arms ammunition in pasteboard or other boxes, and in quantity not exceeding a gross weight of 75 pounds, may be packed with nonexplosive and noninflammable articles and with small-arms primers or percussion caps (see par. 240), provided the outside wooden or metal container is marked as prescribed in paragraph 225. 225. Marking.- -Each outside package or case must be plainly marked "SALVLL-ARMS AJ^IMUNITION." 22G. Xo restrictions, other than proper description, packing, and marking, are necessarj^ for the shipment of small-arms ammunition. Anununition for Cannon. 227. Packing. — Ammunition for cannon must be well packed and properly secured in strong wooden or metal containers. 228. Marking. — Each outside package must be plainly marked "AMMUNITION FOR CANNON WITH EXPLOSIVE PRO- JECTILES," "AMMUNITION FOR CANNON WITH EMPTY PROJECTILES," "AMMUNITION FOR CANNON WITH SAND- LOADED PROJECTILES," "AMI^IUNITION FOR CANNON WITH SOLID PROJECTILES," "AMMUNITION FOR CANNON WITH GAS PROJECTILES," "AMIMUNITION FOR CANNON WITH SMOKE PROJECTILES,"*or "AMMUNITION FOR CAN- NON WITH INCENDIARY PROJECTILES," as the case may be. or "A!^CMUNITION FOR CANNON WITHOUT PROJEC- TILES." Boxes containing ammunition for cannon with gas projectiles loaded with a toxic gas must also bear the white "Poison Gas" label prescribed by paragraph 700. Empty cartridge bags having attached black-powder igniters must be marked "EMPTY CARTRIDGE BAGS— BLACK-POW- DER IGNITERS." 229. No restrictions other than proper marking are prescribed for shi|)ments of material relating to ammunition for cannon, but containing no explosive or other dangerous article, such as cartridge cases, "dummy" or "drill" cartridges, etc. Projectiles, Bombs, Grenades, Etc. . 230. (a) Packing. — Explosive projectiles, explosive bombs, or grenades must be packed in strong wooden or metal boxes, and the projectiles, bombs, or grenades must be properly secured. Pro- jectiles or bombs exceeding 90 pounds in weight may be shipped without being boxed if desired. When necessary, detonating fuzes or tracer fuzes of approved types may be assembled in explosive projectiles or explosive bombs. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 17 (h) Explosive mines may be shipped without being boxed if desired. When necessary, detonating fuzes may be assembled in explosive mines. (c) Gas projectiles, smoke projectiles, incendiary projectiles, gas bombs, smoke bombs, incendiary bombs, gas grenades, smoke grenades, and incendiary grenades, must be well packed and properly secured in strong wooden boxes. 231. Weight, — The gross weight of a box containing more than one projectile, mine, grenade, or bomb must not exceed 250 pounds. 232. Marking. — Each exterior package or projectile, bomb, or mine must be plainly marked "EXPLOSIVE PROJECTILE," "SAND-LOADED PROJECTILE," "SOLID PROJECTILE," "EMPTY PROJECTILE," "EXPLOSIVE TORPEDO," "EMPTY TORPEDO," "EXPLOSIVE MINE," "EMPTY MINE," "EX- PLOSIVE BOMB," "SAND-LOADED BOMB," "EMPTY BOMB," "GAS BOMB," "SMOKE BOMB," "INCENDIARY BOMB," "GAS PROJECTILE," "SMOKE PROJECTILE," "INCENDIARY PROJECTILE," "GAS GRENADES," "SMOKE GRENADES," "INCENDIARY GRENADES," "HAND GRE- NADES," or "RIFLE GRENADES," as the case may be. Boxes containing bombs, projectiles, grenades, or other containers, loaded with a toxic gas, must also bear the white "Poison Gas" label prescribed by paragraph 700. 233. No restrictions, other than proper marking, are prescribed for the shipment of sand-loaded projectiles, sand-loaded bombs, empty projectiles, empty mines, empty bombs, solid projectiles, or empty torpedoes. Rotating bands should be protected against deformation by method of packing or loading. Blasting Caps. 234. (a) Packing. — Blasting caps contain such a sensitive and dan- gerous explosive that very efficient packing is necessary, and the outside of all caps must be free from fulminate. (6) Blasting caps must be placed in strong interior packages or containers, in which they must fit snugly, and the caps must be closed securely against leakage of contents by suitable elastic material placed over the caps. Not more than 100 blasting caps may be packed in a single inside container. All inside containers must then be packed snugly in cartons or wrappings made of paper or pasteboard. (c) For not more than 5,000 caps the inside containers, in cartons or wrappings, must be packed in an outside box which must comply with specification No. 15, and they must be separated from the out- side box by at least 1 inch of tightly packed sawdust, excelsior, or equivalent cushioning material. Jg INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. ((?) For more than 5,000 caps the inside containers, in cartons or Nvrappings. must l)e packed in an inside box made of sound lumber or in a hermetically sealed metal box made of not less than 30 gauge United States Standard, and this inside wooden or metal box must then be packed in an outside box made of sound lumber; the wooden boxes must comply with specification No. 15. Tightly packed sawdust, excelsior, or equivalent cushioning material, at least 1 inch thick at all points, must separate the inside box from the outside wooden box. (e) More than 20,000 blasting caps must not be placed in one outside package. (/) Ten or less of the interior containers of not more than 100 blast- ino- caps each may be packed in the same outside container with safety fuse. These inner packages of blasting caps must be placed in the center of a coil of fuse, and so secured and cushioned therein as to prevent movement. The outside box must comply with specification No. 15. . (g) Electric blasting caps must be packed in pasteboard cartons con- taining not more than 50 caps each. These cartons must be packed in a wooden box, compl3'-ing with specification No. 15. 235. Weight. — The gross weight of an outside package containing blasting caps or electric blasting caps must not exceed 150 pounds. 236. Marking. — Each outside package must be plainly marked " (number) ' BLASTING CAPS— HANDLE CAREFULLY," "(number)^ ELECTRIC BLASTING CAPS— HANDLE CARE- FULLY," or " (number) ^ BLASTING CAPS WITH SAFETY FUSE— HANDLE CAREFULLY." In addition, each box must bear the marking '• DO NOT STORE OR LOAD WITH ANY HIGH EXPLOSIVES." Detonating Fuzes. 237. Packing, — Detonating fuzes or "boosters " when shipped sepa- rately must be packed in strong, tight wooden boxes; and each fuze or part thereof containing explosive, must be well secured. 238. Weight. — The gross weight of one outside package must not exceed Kio pounds. 239. Marking. — Each outside package must be plainly marked "DETONATING FUZES— HANDLE CAREFULLY." Primers, Percussion Caps, Percussion, Tracer, and Time Fuzes. 240. (a) Packing. — Primers and percussion, tracer, and time fuzes, must be packed in stn^ng, tight, outside wooden boxes, with special provision for securing individual packages of primers and fuzes against movement in the box. * The number of caps must be showu in the marking. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 19 (b) Small-arms primers containing anvils must be packed in cellular inside packages, with partitions separating the layers and columns of primers, so that the explosion of a portion of the primers in the com- pleted shipping package will not cause the explosion of all the primers. (c) Percussion caps must be packed in metal or other inside boxes containing not more than 500 caps, but the construction of the cap and the kind and quantity of explosives in each must be such that the explosion of a part of the caps in the completed shipping package will not cause the explosion of all of the caps. (d) Small-arms primers and percussion caps may form a part of the gross weight of 75 pounds of small-arms ammunition that may be packed with other articles, as authorized by paragraph 224; or not exceeding 5 pounds of small-arms primers or percussion caps may be packed with nonexplosive and noninflammable articles. 241. Weight. — The gross weight of one outside package must not exceed 150 pounds. 242. Marking. — Each outside box must be plainly marked 'SIVL\LL-ARMS PRIMERS— HANDLE CAREFULLY," ''PER- CUSSION CAPS— HANDLE CAREFULLY," "CANNON PRIM- ERS—HANDLE CAREFULLY," ''COMBINATION PRIMERS- HANDLE CAREFULLY," ''PERCUSSION FUZES— HANDLE CAREFULLY," "COMBINATION FUZES— HANDLE CARE- FULLY," or "TRACER FUZES— HANDLE CAREFULLY," etc. 243. No restrictions other than proper packing and marking are necessary for the shipment of primers and percussion, tracer, and time fuzes. No restrictions other than proper marking, "EMPTY CARTRIDGE SHELLS, PRIMED," are prescribed for the shipment of this article. Common Fireworks. 244. Packing. — Common fireworks must be in a finished state, exclusive of mere ornamentation, as supplied to the retail trade, and must be securely packed in strong, tight, spark-proof, wooden barrels, that comply with specification No. 11, or in boxes complying with specification No. 12 A. Photographic flash powder, in quantity not exceeding 5 pounds, may be packed with nonexplosive, noninflammable, or noncorrosive articles. 245. Weight. — The gross weight of one outside package containing common fireworks must not exceed 325 pounds, except that exhibition set pieces, when specially packed, may weigh not exceeding 400 pounds. 246. Marking. — Each outside package must be plainly marked, in letters not less than ^ inch in height, "COMMON FIREWORKS- KEEP FIRE AWAY." 20 IXTERSTATK COMMERCE COMMISSION. Special Fireworks. 247. (a) Packing. — Special fireworks must be in a finished state, ex- clusive of mere ornamentation, as supplied to the retail trade, and must not contain forbidden fireworks. (6) Special fireworks must be securely packed in strong, spark- proof, wooden barrels, that comply with specification No. 11, or in boxes complying with specification No. 12. (c) Paper-cap ammunition for to}^ pistols in quantity not exceeding 3 gross of inside packages, not to exceed 250 caps each, may be packed with nonoxplosive or noninflammable articles, provided outside pack- ages are marked as prescribed herein. (d) Paper caps may be packed in packages with toy pistols, pro- vided the caps arc packed in a separate compartment of the outside package or inside package, and provided outside packages are marked as prescribed herein. (e) Cap torpedoes must be packed in sawdust, in paper or cardboard cartons; the size of the carton must be not less than 4 cubic inches for each grain of explosive. (f) Unless packed in separate-compartment cartons as described below, toy torpedoes must not contain more than an average of 7 grains each of a mixture of potassium chlorate, black antimony, and sulphur, and not more than 3^ of a gross must be packed in a single inside container of capacity not less than 105 cubic inches. All vacant space in the inside container must be filled with fine saw- dust. The average weight must not exceed 9 grains when not more than 14 gross of the torpedoes are packed in an inside pasteboard carton of capacity not less than 120 cubic inches with partitions that provide for each torpedo a separate compartment in which all vacant space is filled with fine sawdust. (g) Toy torpedoes of any kind must not be packed with other fireworks. 248. Weight. — The gross weight of one outside package con- taining special fireworks must not exceed 200 pounds, and the gross weight of a package containing toy torpedoes must not exceed 65 pounds. 249. Marking. — Each outside package containing special fireworks, or a mi.xture of common and special fireworks, must be plainly marked in letters not less than ^ inch in height, "SPECIAL FIRE- WOKKS-ilANDLE CAREFULLY— KEEP FIRE AWAY." Out- side packages containing toy torpedoes must also be marked "TOY TOKPEDOlvS." DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 21 Cordeau Detonant, Instantaneous Fuse, Safety Fuse, Safety Squibs, etc. 250. Cordeau detonant, instantaneous fuse, safety squibs, electric squibs, delay electric igniters, and fuse lighters or fuse igniters, must be packed in strong wooden boxes or barrels, properly marked with the name of the article packed therein. Cordeau detonant must not be packed in the same package with blasting caps, or with any high explosive. 251. Safety fuse should be packed in strong wooden boxes or bar- rels, or in corrugated strawboard or fiberboard containers, or may be packed in bales (provided the fuse is first wrapped in tarred felt, then sewed in tarpaulin, and inclosed in a strong burlap bag), and may be loaded in any car with any other kind of an explosive or inflammable substance or with other freight. SECTION 4. DANGEBOirS ARTICLES OTHER THAN EXPLOSIVES. Information and Definitions. 300. For the purpose of these regulations, dangerous articles other than explosives are divided into the following groups : 1 . Forbidden articles. 2. Acceptable articles. Group 1. — Forbidden Articles. 301. The following are forbidden articles ; (a) Outside packages containing in the same compartment interior packages, the mixture of whose contents would be liable to cause a dangerous evolution of heat or gas, or produce corrosive materials. (b) Cylinders containing gases capable of combining chemically. (c) Packages containing dangerous articles in a leaking condition, or in such an insecure condition as to make leakage probable during transit. id) Dangerous articles not properly packed, marked, labeled, described, and certified. (e) Rags or cotton waste, oily with more than 5 per cent of vegetable or animal oil; wet rags, wet waste wool, wet textile waste, wet waste paper, wet burlap bags; burnt, wet or damp fiber; wet paper stock; wet jute; or wet hemp. Wet hair must not be shipped except m steel gondola cars. (/) Charcoal screenings from wet charcoal, or wet screenings, or screenings that have been wet. (See par. 459.) (g) Iron sponge that has not been properly oxidized during manu- facture; and spent oxide or spent iron mass, except when loaded in open steel cars. ih) Peanut bran or peanut skins containing more than 12 per cent oil. 22 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION". (r) Acid carboy?!, empty, unless thoroughly drained. if) Rough ammoniate tankages (tankages made from ammoniates such as leather scrap, horns, hoofs, hair, hair waste, felt waste, etc.), containing less than 7 per cent moisture or having a temperature excecdmg 100° F. when loaded. (k) Garbage tankage, tankage fertilizers, etc., containing less than 8 per cent moisture or having a temperature exceeding 100° F. when loaded. (I) Fish scrap containing less than 8 per cent or more than 12 per cent moisture, or having a temperature exceeding 100° F. when loaded. (Does not include wet acidulated fish scrap with moisture 40 to 55 per cent.) (rn) Matches of any kind which ignite spontaneously when sub- jected for 8 hours to a temperature of 200° F., in a properly conducted laboratory test. Group 2. — Acceptable Articles. INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS — RED LABEL. 302. Inflammable liquids include any liquid or liquid mixture that gives off inflammable vapors (as determined by flash point from Tagliabue's open-cup tester, as used for test of bm-ning oils) at or below a temperatm-e of 80° F. Note. — Nonfluid or paste compounds, composed in part of inflammable liquids, which at 100° F.will not liquefy and remain liquid, are not considered as inflammable. INFLAMMABLE SOLIDS — YELLOW LABEL. 30.3. Inflammable solids include all substances other than those classified as explosives that are liable, under conditions incident to transportation, to cause fires by ignition through friction, through absorption of moisture, or through spontaneous chemical changes. OXIDIZING MATERIALS — YELLOW LABEL, 304. Oxidizing materials include all substances, such as chlorates, permanganates, peroxides, and nitrates, that yield oxygen readily to stimulate the combustion of organic matter. CORROSIVE LIQUID.S — WHITE LABEL. 305. Corrosive liquids include the strong mineral acids and other strongly corrosive liquids, that are liable to cause fires when mixed with chemicals or with organic matter, or are liable, in case of leakage from their shipping containers, to damage other freight materially. Note.— Fire extinguishers containing sulphuric acid, packed in cartons as provided in paragraph 530, are exempt from the requirements of these regulations. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 23 COMPRESSED GASES — RED OR GREEN (GAS) LABEL. 306. Compressed gases include all inflammable or noninflammable gases under pressure exceeding 25 pounds per square inch at 70° F., except poisonous gases as covered by paragraph 307 herein: Provided, That such inflammable or noninflammable gases in cylinders or tubes not exceeding seven-eighths inch outside diameter and of not more than 4 fluid ounces water capacity, hand fire extinguishers containing nonliquefied gas for the purpose of expelling fire- extinguishing contents, and machines or apparatus assembled for shipment and containing not more than 15 pounds of gas for their operation, are exempt from the requirements of these regulations. POISONOUS ARTICLES. 307. For the purpose of these regulations, poisonous articles are divided into two classes according to the degree of hazard in trans- portation. CLASS A — POISON GAS LABEL. (a) Poisonous gases or liquids of such nature that a very small proportion of the gas or vapor mixed with air is dangerous to life. This class includes the following: Acid, hydrocyanic (prussic). Bromacetone. Brombenzyl cyanide. Carbonyl chloride (phosgene). Chloracetophenone. Chlorpicrin. Cyanogen. Diphenylammechlorarsine. Diphenylchlorarsine. Mastard gas. Xylyl bromide. Poisonous gases or liquids not otherwise specified. CLASS B — NO LABEL. {V) Poisonous liquids of such nature that they are chiefly dan- gerous by actual contact with the body or by contamination of foods and feeds. The vapors of some of this class of materials are also offensive or dangerous, but to a much less extent than class A. Poisonous solids of such nature that they are chiefly dangerous if taken internally, although having some poisonous effects on the skin. LABEL, CERTIFICATE, AND OTHER EXEMPTIONS. INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. 308. {a) Inflammable liquids, except carbon bisulphide, casinghead gasoline, and nitrocellulose wet with alcohol or solvent, must be 24 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. shipped without labels and marked, and certified "NO LABEL REQUIRED," when packed as follows: (6) When the flash point is 20° F. or lower. — In securely closed glass, earthenware, or metal containers of not exceeding i pint capacity each (ether 1 pound), packed and cushioned in outside packages complying with specification No. 2, 11, 19, or 24. (c) When the flash point is above 20° F. — In securely closed glass, earthenware, or metal containers, of not exceeding 1 quart capacity each, packed and cushioned in outside packages complying with specification No. 2, 11. 19, or 24. (d) Paint, varnish, shellac, wood flller, or wood stain, in glass or earthenware vessels of not exceeding 1 gallon capacity each; or in metal cans, kits, pails, or wood-jacketed cans, of not exceeding 10 gallons capacity each, packed in wooden boxes or barrels comply- ing with specification No. 2, 11, or 19. (e) Automobiles, motor cycles, tractors, or other self-propelled vehicles, equipped with acetylene gas cylinders, or gasoline or other fuel tanks securely closed, are exempt from label, certificate, and placard requirements. (/) Flavoring extracts, in inside containers of not to exceed 4 ounces capacity, are exempt from label, placard, certificate, and packing requirements. INFLAMMABLE SOLIDS AND OXIDIZING MATERIALS. (g) L^nless the notation "No exemption" is shown in column 4 of the list (par. 309), or unless otherwise specified herein, the maximum quantity of inflammable solids or oxidizing materials that can be shipped in one outside package without a label, when certified and marked "NO LABEL REQUIRED," is 25 pounds. (h) Animal charcoal and bone charcoal are exempt from label, cer- tificate, packing, and })hicard requirements. (i) Wood charcoal (except charcoal screenings), when packed in boxes, or barrels, or in bags in less-than-carload shipments of not exceeding 2,000 pounds, and lump charcoal made by the old kiln or pit method, by which long air exposure is provided before shipment, are exempt from placard and label requirements, but must be certi- fied and marked either "NO LABEL REQUIRED" or "NO PLAC- ARD REQUIRED." (j) Crystallized sulphide of sodium or crystallized sulphide of potas- sium are exempt from label, packing, and placard requirements when marked and certified " NO LABEL REQUIRED." (See note, par. 469.) ik) Nitrates of barium, strontia, potash, soda, or ammonia, in boxes, kegs, barrels, or drums, are exempt from label, certificate, placard, and container specificatif)n ref|uiroments. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 25 (Z) Rubber scrap, not ground, is exempt from label, placard, pack- ing, and certificate requirements, when properly so described. CORROSIVE LIQUIDS. (m) Unless the notation "No exemption" is shown in colunm 4 of the list (par. 309) , or unless otherwise specified herein, the maximum quantity of corrosive liquids that can be shipped in one outside pack- age without a label, when marked and certified "NO LABEL RE- QUIRED/' is 5 pints. CLASS B — POISONOUS ARTICLES. (n) Poisonous articles. — Labels will not be required on packages containing poisonous liquids or solids as defined by paragraph 307, Class B. LIST OF PRINCIPAL DANGEROUS ARTICLES OTHER THAN EXPLOSIVES. (See par. 301 for forbidden articles.) 309. (a) The following list shows the names of well-known articles in general use, other than explosives, that are dangerous; and the kind of label required on outside packages, the paragraph references to packing requirements and to quantities that may be shipped in one outside package without a label, when certified and marked "NO LABEL REQUIRED. " (See column 4 of list.) (b) When a shipment described under a name not in the following list is defined as a dangerous one by paragraphs 302 to 307, inclusive, the shipper must inform the carrier of the fact by use of the general group name and the proper label prescribed herein, and the shipping order must show the certificate prescribed by paragraph 707. The maxi- mum quantity of any such article shipped in one outside package with- out label, when certified and marked "NO LABEL REQUIRED," except as specified herein, must not exceed the limit prescribed by paragraph 308 for dangerous articles of similar flash point or other characteristics. (c) A shipment described under a definite and proper name not in the following list, and on a shipping order with no notation as to labels applied and no shipper's certificate, will be assumed by the carrier, in the absence of knowledge to the contrary, to be not danger- ous under these regulations. {d) Articles described under names in the following list marked with (*), may or may not be dangerous under the regulations; and when not dangerous (unless otherwise provided in said list) the shipper must show on his shipping order, as a part of the description 66620"— 22 3 26 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. of such article, for less than carloads, "NO LABEL REQUIRED," and for carloads, "NO PLACARD REQUIRED ''; and must also furnish the certificate prescribed by paragraph 707, and mark the packages "NO LABEL REQUIRED." (e) When several dangerous articles are placed in one outside package without violating these regulations, labels must be applied, when the combined quantity of the articles of any one "group" ex- ceeds the quantity that is exempt from label, as prescribed by para- graph 308. (/) When dangerous articles requiring the red label are shipped in the same outside package with dangerous articles requiring yellow or white labels, the outside package must be labeled with red label only. DANGEKOUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 27 .9.2 .<** »0 lO 05 .5 ^ -^ O ~ g -< f IN » ^'^ - lO'J ^ lo >o Q "C g lo exTocToo oeT o ^"^ OOO OiT. o o .2 Q o 2 ^ 4^ ^ .<»" '^3 15S?5g . .§ .5 . iN x3 X3 "O ■* 55 o 'ii CN '43 o f5SS5^Q5XSooiNSooooSo 2o &.0 a CO o O 00 00 — 00 ^»Z5 . - >*^ .a . . --^ ■" -^ a .a I'Z, 'A\ in" 00 S _; in"? to : f-T.— ( lo — T'^""^ 'i ; 10 *o o Soi o lO 3 Tt< "*-«*< ^ lO '^ "^ ^^ . \% a a a,-:: a a a M H M 5"ooog'ooo ciOooopooooor;cldJJ^flOfli::Jji:dddc°°o^ddde0^a MOOOOPUOOOOOwwMOOSoflOOOtSMM^P-lPMOwMMMMC^flM 0^ o) o :^ fl a:s:25'S.p u u u u. C k^ ^ _o o_o_o o_o o ■3 If "Cot * " •- - ^cft'en'^® © O g III o act: C C^ C © 0) Oi as oo^o^^o^^a^oftftOfi Oft DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 29 00 2 ° oc'oo" oo coco SSS ofrotr o o ■* __j CO KO d 6 d d d d d <5 6 c » «U©»4Ui©©^©©©©kHUiUi©|-i©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©0©©© 2 •^ 'O "CO T! T3 s^ c; t) © ©rr © <1?.S = <1<1 OOO « oooooooooooooooooooo c^.^^^^^ aaaaaaasaaaasaasaes a.^^v;^^^-r;^^^v:^^v;-2^^---:-d^^ ni)^ >>2 "o 05 ^■C5*6g-5S2 WWS 55k§S ♦ » .sg^a§^«>-.S)||- 3 §5 » >>>>s^ ii.S'o'3 ■^-as- j-c-c © iaa? ■3'=' ;tC5d . -.■a © "^ © © O 3 fc- -^ S t- fc- ■ -ti 't S 3 " d © s 05.2 >2 "S © ©"o ^a ^€| +J t-. o O ah "•a° .g © . 3 EO >>>^ S S t? 05 ' S-Sf^-g i S g « « » § o^ o 3 g'g'.^ 05 © iSo * cs •.;3 s -a ^ © "C , qwC g« © 2 S £'*_ = .'§ gzzoco so INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION". •Sc. i lis ioS* £ -• 3^- o o < 00 00 00 00 2 ft ^ ■* o 00 o?5 ; ^ S :3 '5 o ; o Ci.a.C.0 - . .-"..asE*" O O O 9£ ' 0C~'O g oo" o __ _ ^iw^i ^00 5 iQ CI u-0 O) 0> S d p fl ^ o _o _o o o o o.'S.'S.'S.p.o 5 is ^ftoSo-o ft^So aaage;:: . - - -^^ -^^ ^ - -^ « IB o e a>!s o H M w X k5q © 0) 0^ oj a> _^^^ o o o o o g" ZZZZ^ CO if CO COCOCO^COCC W CO CO CO CO CO CO a . o o '■VH-- s a foSgs i-oooTo o 000 a OS fc c g 000 fe&^ «; fe: 6: ^ ^ fc • .;>;»;> •t-i^r'vi^ci'^*-''-' , ^ > ^ ^ ^ ^ , V ^ • *^ i^ ^ V t^ t* t*- t^ f^ I 4 .000 I .000*^0*^000 . -oOOOOO .WO . *ooo .*^ooooo tt4>vajQ>a^a»a)o4>^»tlv^^oo*33®vvaJOvoa>rrvtt®«>v®(i>r:a>c;>a)«o «] sss. <]<1 « ^ II.O.S2 o o r: ^ * 1° :T3 o a/ •''o .S.E c tg o 00c * o - 22 S-^r S-e- ? a a ^ .s 5 '- '-^ t .5 -si""""" fc i C i: t: c c 6/ O' O' c z^ ^XZ 0. 0H Pk Ok PUl Pkl (Li oocccga4aL,ii<0H 2 ^"^ 2 ■K-s-5-i.g. O o 3Q.S 5 .a "^ m'h'k ^(U!U( 1- I . aj Ov^^a - .t3tJ « O o'a • »- I-. .t^ £3-^3 J1-P-SJ3-33 c.a © 3 — ,1-ISH «,*-l ^ '■-o«t2t£.'? ♦ • * © o> a 2 S3 a © <« eg .S^ ^ ISO •-.3 g § o o i£ C s:a "- 03 og il g1 u o 32 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. SECTION 5. PREPARATION AND PACKING DANGEROUS ARTICLES OTHER THAN EXPLOSIVES. 400. Barrels, drums, cylinders, boxes, cans, carboj^s, and other containers, used hereafter for the shipment of dangerous arti- cles other than explosives, must have been made and marked in accordance with the requirements of the approved specifications as prescribed herein, or of the previous issues of these specifications effective at the date of manufacture of the container: Provided, That cj'^linders manufactured previous to the date on which specifi- cations therefor were first made effective may be used if the cylindei»s have been properly tested and otherwise comply with the require- ments of paragraphs 551 to 581 of these regulations: Provided further. That cylinders of foreign manufacture, received from foreign coun- tries for charging with compressed ga-, may be charged and shipped, for export only, if they are known to have been retested and charged in full compliance with the requirements prescribed herein for domestic cylinders: Provided further, That cylinders previously used in any service in accordance with these regulations, may be transferred to a service requiring less strength and for which they are suitable, upon application to the Bureau of Explosives and receipt of advice to change the marking on the cylinders : And 'pro- vided further, That metal barrels and drums manufactured previous to March 31, 1912, and of not to exceed 55 gallons nominal capacity, made of metal of not less than 16 gauge, may be continued in service after each metal barrel or drum has been subjected to and has passed a hydrostatic interior pressure of not less than 30 pounds for at least 5 minutes without bulging either head beyond the chime, or without leakage of liquid contents, and after each such metal barrel or drum passing the test has been plainly and permanently marked by stamping into the metal, or by means of a plate securely attached^ with the date of the re test and also the marking: Mfd. before 3-31-12 I. C. C— 5 Tested (Date.) Tank Cars. 101 . (a) Tank oars used for the shipment of dangerous articles other than explosives must comply with American Railway Association specifications for tank cars; and a tank car that leaks or one that has any defect which would make leakage during transit probable, or that has not been tfested and stenciled in compliance with American Railway Association specifications for tank cars, must not be used for the shipment of any inflammable liquid or corrosive liquid. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 33 (6) The tanks and their fittings must be examined by the shipper to see that they are in proper condition for loading. Tanks must be examined for evidence of previous leaks; safety and outlet valves, dome covers, and outlet valve caps, must be in proper condition before loading; tanks must be loaded with outlet valve caps off. After loading, tanks must not show any dropping of liquid contents at the seams or rivets, outlet valves must not permit more than a dropping of the liquid with valve caps off, and defective valves must be reground and repaired. (c) Dome covers and outlet valve caps must be properly screwed in place before cars are tendered to the carrier. The joint of the dome cover must be made tight against vapor pressure and the joint of the outlet valve cap against escape of liquid. Suitable gaskets must be used to insure this. 402. Loaded tank cars tendered for shipm.ent must be inspected by the carrier before acceptance, to see that they are not leaking; that the air and hand brakes, journal boxes, trucks and safety appliances, are in proper condition for service; and that the car has been tested within limits prescribed by American Railway Association specifi- cations for tank cars. Safety valves on tank cars must not be tested while these cars are loaded with dangerous articles. Whenever this test is due on a loaded car while in transit, the car must be allowed to continue to destination bearing a defect card with the following notice: Safety valves overdue for test. Moving under I. C C. 402. Prompt report of such movements must be made by carriers issuing the defect cards to the chief inspector, Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City. 403. Tests of all tank cars and their safety valves, as made in compliance with American Railway Association specifications for tank cars, must be certified by the party making the tests to the owner of the tank car and to the chief inspector. Bureau of Explosives. This certification must show the initials and number of the tank car, the service for which it is suitable, the date of test, place of test^ and by whom made. Inflammable Liquids — Red Label. 404. Inflammable liquids must be packed as follows (see par. 301 for forbidden articles) : 405. Packages containing inflammable liquids must not be entirely filled. Sufficient interior space must be left vacant to prevent leakage or distortion of containers due to the expansion of the contents from increase of temperature during transit. The proper vacant space or outage in a tank car or other shipping container depends on the coefficient of expansion of the liquid and 34 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. the maximiun increase of temperature to which it will be subjected in transit. Outage must be calculated to the total capacity of the container. In tank cars outage must be calculated to percentage of the total capacity of the tank; i. e., shell and dome capacity combined. If the dome of the tank car does not provide sufficient outage, then vacant space must be left in the shell to make up the required outage. In packages containing alcohol, cologne spirits, high wines, or other distilled spirits of 150 proof or over, the vacant interior space or allowance for wantage or ullage must be the maximum permitted b}' the United States internal revenue regulations. The outage for uninsulated tank cars must not be less than that shown by the following chart: OUTAGE CHART FOR INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS V_oQdiric^ Coafficicn-t Vemperatorc. Oo\a«^«.. ^^ e,xpans\oo, — fto'\oo*F- ^ — I .00040 — TSV 70*F- ©S'P- 60*F 55>*P O'-So'F a.oV 3.0% - 3.57.-^ A-.O^o — E s.o%- .OOOA-5 - .00050 — .00055 — .00060 — .OOO6S — .CO 070 — 13 "00075 — .ooo&o — .0006S — .OOOdO — : • OOOSS — = lOOlOO — Exniiiplc : Supposo the temperature of the liquid at time of loadiug is 70° F. and its coefficient of expansion is .er. (See lists, pars. 704 and 309.) 703. In less-than-carload shipments each package must be marked also to show plainly the name and address of the consignee. This address, the name of contents, and the requbed label or "no label required" marking, should be as near together as practicable. Explosives. 704. (a) Shipper's certificate. — The shipping order for any of the following explosives must show each article under its proper name as specified in this paragraph, and must show the following certificate in the lower left-hand corner, over the written or stamped facsimile signature of the shipper or of his duly authorized agent: This is to certify that the above articles are properly described by name and aie packed and marked and are in proper condition for transportation according to the regulations prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission. List of Shipping Names. Ammunition for cannon with explosive projectiles. Ammunition for cannon with gas projectiles. Ammunition for cannon with smoke projectiles. Ammunition for cannon with incendiary projectiles. Ammunition for cannon with empty projectiles. Ammunition for cannon with sand-loaded projectiles. Ammunition for cannon with solid projectiles. Q5 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Ammunition for cannon without projectiles. Black powder. (Number) blasting caps. (Number) blasting caps with safety fuse. (Number) electric blastmg caps. Common fireworks. Detonating fuzes. Explosive bombs. Explosive mines. Explosive projectiles. Explosive torpedoes. Gas bombs. Gas grenades. Gas projectiles. Hand grenades. High explosives. Incendiary bombs. Incendiary grenades. Incendiary projectiles. Low explosives. Rifle grenades. Smoke bombs. Smoke grenades. Smoke projectiles. Smokeless powder for cannon. Smokeless powder for small arms. Special fireworks. Wet fulminate of mercury. (6) Tlie following must be described under their proper names as given below, but shipper's certificate is not required. Cannon primers. Combination fuzes. Combination primers. Cordeau detonant. Delay electric igniters. P^lectric squibs. Empty cartridge bags — black-powder igniters. Empty cartridge shells, primed. ICmpty bombs. I'^mpty mines. Empty projectiles. Empty torpedoes. Fuse igniters. Fuse lighters. Instantaneous fuse. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 67 Percussion caps. Percussion fuzes. Safety fuse. Safety squibs. Sand-loaded bombs. Sand-loaded projectiles. Small-arms ammunition. Small-arms primers. Solid projectiles. Time fuzes. Tracer fuzes. Dangerous Articles Other than Explosives. 705. Any dangerous article, other than explosives, subject to these regulations, whether label is required or not, must be described on the shipping order under the specific or general "group" name pro- vided herein for the description of such freight, and any additional description not inconsistent therewith may be added if desired by the shipper. (See list, par. 309.) The same description of contents must be marked plainly on the outside of each package. Tank cars must bear thereon a card showing proper name of contents. 706. The shipping order must also show opposite the entry of the article the color or kind of label apphed, or "NO LABEL RE- QUIRED." For carload lots of such articles loaded by the shipper, the shipping order must show the kind of placard applied to the car, or ''NO PLACARD REQUIRED." 707. The shipping order must also show the following certificate in the lower left-hand corner over the written or stamped facsimile signature of the shipper or of his duly authorized agent: This is to certify that the above articles are properly described by name and are packed and marked and are in proper condition for transportation according to the regulations prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission. 708. A shipping order that does not cover the shipment of an article defined as dangerous or doubtful by these regulations must not show thereon the label notation i>r the certificate prescribed for dangerous articles. Unnecessary certificates and label notations on shipping-order blanks must be canceled by the shipper. SECTION 8. WAYBILLING. Explosives. 800. The carrier must see that each shipment of explosives is properly described on the shipping order and on the revenue waybill under one of the names in the ''List of shipping names," paragraph 58 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. 704, and that the correct gross weight is given. Abbreviations must not be used. 801. (a) The revenue waybill or astray waybill for a shipment, and the card waybill and envelope containing waybill when used as a card waybill, or any other billing or ticket for a car containing any of the following explosives: Ammunition for cannon with explosive projectiles, Ammunition for cannon with gas projectiles, Ammunition for cannon with incendiary projectiles, Ammunition for cannon with smoke projectiles, . I In quantity exceeding 1,000 blasting caps B astmg caps, ^^ . ^^^ electric blasting caps (the num- Llectric blastmg caps, i r 4. v u \ ® ^ ' I ber of caps must be showa), Black powder. Detonating fuzes. Explosive bombs, Explosive mines. Explosive projectiles. Explosive torpedoes, Gas bombs. Gas grenades. Gas projectiles. Hand grenades. High explosives. Incendiary bombs, Incendiary grenades, Incendiary projectiles, Low explosives, Rifle grenades, Smoke bombs. Smoke grenades, Smoko projectiles. Wet fulminate of mercury, must have plainly stamped or plainly written on the face and near the car number, in letters not less than three-eighths of an inch high, the word "EXPLOSIVES." (b) The revenue waybill and astray waybill for a shipment, and the card waybill and envelope containing waybill when used as a card waybill, or any other billing or ticket for a car containing: Ammunition for cannon with empty projectiles. Ammunition for cannon with sand-loaded projectiles, Ammunition for cannon with solid projectiles, Ammunition for cannon without projectiles, Common fireworks. Special fireworks. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 69 Smokeless powder for cannon, Smokeless powder for small arms, must have plainly stamped or plainly written on the face and near the car number, in letters not less than three-eighths of an inch high, the word 'INFLAMMABLE." (c) No indorsements are required on revenue waybills, card way- bills, or any other billing for shipments or for cars containing the following : Blasting caps, f In quantity not exceeding 1,000 caps (tho Electric blasting caps, 1 number of caps must be shown) . Blasting caps with safety fuse (number of caps must be shown). Cannon primers. Combination fuzes. Combination primers. Cordeau detonant. Delay electric igniters. Electric squibs. Empty bombs. Empty cartridge bags — black-powder igniters. Empty cartridge shells, primed. Empty mines. Empty projectiles. Empty torpedoes. Fuse igniters. Fuse lighters. Instantaneous fuse. Percussion caps. Percussion fuzes. Safety fuse. Safety squibs. Sand-loaded bombs. Sand-loaded projectiles. Small-arms ammunition. Small-arms primers. Solid projectiles. Time fuzes. Tracer fuzes. Dangerous Articles Other than Explosives. 802. The revenue or any other billing prepared from the shipping order for dangerous articles in list, paragraph 309, and for other articles not in the list but properly offered for shipment as dangerous articles, must properly describe these articles by name as prescribed herein and state for less-than-carload shipments the color or kind of label applied. For carload shipments they must show the kind of 70 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. placard applied, and when the lading is not dangerous but is properly described by one of the doubtful names distinguished by an asterisk in the list, paragraph 309, the billing for the car must be indorsed "NO PLACARD REQUIRED." The shipper's certificate must be in possession of the initial carrier when these indorsements are made on original billing. 803. The revenue waybill for any dangerous article requiring red or yellow labels must also have plainly stamped or plainly written on the face and near the car number, in letters not less than three- eighths of an inch high, the word "INFLAMMABLE"; or for any dangerous article requiring white "Acid" labels the word "ACID"; or for poisonous articles requiring the "Poison Gas" label the words "POISON GAS." No indorsements are required on waybills for articles bearing green labels. 804. (a) The car ticket, the card waybill, the running slip, the envelope containing waybills or any other billing for any loaded car which under these regulations should bear the "Inflammable," "Poison Gas," or "Acid" placard must have plainly stamped or wTitten on the face and near the car number, in letters not less than three-eighths of an inch in height, the words "INFLAMMABLE," "POISON GAS," or "ACID." (h) For tank cars not loaded the billing must show the word "EMPTY." 805. When the initial movement is over a switching line, the switching ticket, and copies thereof, prepared by the sliipper, or by the carrier under the shipper's written authority, must bear the shipper's certificate and the placard notation prescribed by paragraphs 706 and 707; for other switching movement the switching ticket pre- pared by a railway employee must show the kind of placard required. SECTION 9. SELECTION, PREPARATION, AND PLACARDING OF CARS. More Dangerous Explosives. 900. For the transportation of — Ammunition for cannon with explosive projectiles. Ammunition for cannon with gas projectiles, Ammunition for cannon with incendiary projectiles, Ammunition for cannon with smoke projectiles, Black powder. Blasting caps, -j In quantity exceeding 1,000 blasting Electric blasting caps, J caps or electric blasting caps, Detonating fuzes, Explosive bombs. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 71 Explosive mines, Explosive projectiles, Explosive torpedoes, Gas bombs. Gas grenades, Gas projectiles, Hand grenades, High explosives, Incendiarj bombs, Incendiarj gi-enades. Incendiary projectiles, Low explosives, Rifle grenades. Smoke bombs. Smoke grenades, Smoke projectiles, Wet fulminate of mercm-y, only closed cars, certified and placarded "Explosives," may be used. Certified Cars Placarded "Explosives." 901. Certified cars must be inspected inside and outside and must conform to the following specifications : (a) Closed cars not less than 60,000 pounds capacity. Cars with steel underframe and friction draft gear should be used when available. On narrow-gauge and other railroads, all of whose freight cars are of less than 60,000 pounds capacity, explosives may be transported in cars of less than that capacity, provided the available cars of greatest capacity and strength are used for this purpose. (b) Must be equipped with air brakes and hand brakes in condition for service. (c) Must have no loose boards or cracks in the roof, sides, or ends, through which sparks may enter, or unprotected decayed spots liable to hold sparks and start a fire. (d) The doors must shut so closely that no sparks can get in at the joints, and, when necessary, they must be stripped. The strip- ping for doors should be on the inside and be fastened to the door frame where it will form a shoulder against which the closed door is pressed by means of wedges or cleats in door shoes or keepers. The openings under the doors should be similarly closed. The hasp fastenings must be examined with doors closed and fastened, and the doors must be cleated when necessary to prevent door shifting. When the car is opened for any cause, wedges or cleats must be replaced before car containing explosives is permitted to proceed. (e) The journal boxes and trucks must be carefully examined and put in such condition as to reduce to a minimum the danger of hot 72 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. boxes or other failure necessitating the setting out of the car before reaching destination. The Hds or covers of journal boxes must be in place. (/) The car must be carefully swept out before it is loaded. For less-than-carload shipments the space in which the packages are to be loaded must be carefully swept. Holes in the floor or lining must be repaired and special care taken to have no projecting nails or bolts or exposed pieces of metal which may work loose or produce holes in packages of explosives during transit. Protruding nails in the floor or lining which have worked loose must be drawn, and if necessary for the purpose of fastening the floor or lining, new nails must be driven through other parts thereof. [g) Wlien packages of explosives are to be loaded over exposed draft bolts or kingbolts, these bolts must have short pieces of solid, sound wood with beveled ends (2-inch plank) spiked to the floor over them (or empty packages of the same character may be used for this purpose) to prevent possibility of their wearing into the packages of explosives. (Ji) The roof of the car must be carefully inspected from the outside for decayed spots or broken boards, especially under or near the running board, and such spots must be covered or repaired to prevent their holding fire from sparks. A car with a roof generally decayed, even if tight, must not be used. (i) The carrier must have the car examined by a competent employee to see that it is properly prepared, and must have a "car certificate" signed in triplicate upon the prescribed form (see par. 908) before permitting the car to be loaded. ij) Cars not in proper condition, as above specified, must not be furnished to the shipper or used for the transportation of explosives. Less Dangerous Explosives in Car Placarded ''Inflammable." 902. Shipments df — Ammunition for cannon with empty projectiles, Ammunition for cannon with sand-loaded projectiles Ammunition for cannon with solid projectiles, Ammunition for cannon without projectiles, Fireworks (common or special), Smokeless powder for cannon, or Smokeless powder for small arms, may be loaded in any closed car which is in good condition, into which sparks can not enter, and whose roof is not in danger of taking fire through unprotected decayed wood. These cars do no require the car certificate, but must have attached to both side doors and both ends the "Inflammable" placard prescribed by paragraph DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 73 911, and the doors if not tight must be stripped to prevent the entrance of sparks. Relatively Safe Explosives in Car Without Placards. 903. Shipments of — Blasting caps, 1x ^-^ ^ i- , ^„^ Electric blasting caps, r ^^^^'^^>^ ^"^ exceedmg 1,000 caps. Blasting caps with safety fuse, Cannon primers, Combination fuzes, Combination primers, Cordeau detonant, Delay electric igniters, Electric squibs, Empty bombs, Empty cartridge bags — black-powder igniters, Empty cartridge shells, primed, Empty mines, Empty projectiles, Empty torpedoes, Fuse igniters, Fuse lighters. Instantaneous fuse. Percussion caps, Percussion fuzes, Small-arms ammunition, Small-arms primers. Sand-loaded projectiles. Solid projectiles. Safety fuse, Safety squibs, Time fuzes. Tracer fuzes, may be loaded in any box car which is in good condition, without car certificates or placards. 904. When specially authorized by the carrier, explosives in quan- tity not exceeding 150 pounds may be carried in construction or repair cars when the packages of explosives are placed in a "maga- zine" box made of sound lumber not less than 1 inch thick, covered on the exterior with metal, and provided with strong handles. This box must be plainly stenciled on the top, sides, and ends, in letters not less than 2 inches high, " EXPLOSIVES— DANGEROUS- HANDLE CAREFULLY." The box must be provided with strong hinges and with a lock for keeping it securely closed. Vacant space 66620°— 22 6 74 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. in the box must be filled with a cushioning material such as sawdust or excelsior, and the box must be properly stayed in the car to prevent movement. The car, when not occupied by a responsible employee, must be placarded "EXPLOSIVES." Certified Cars. 905. Uniform practice is important and the prescribed forms of car certificates and placards must be used. A car must not be loaded with any of the dangerous explosives named in paragraph 900 until it shall have been thoroughly inspected by a competent employee of the carrier who shall certify as to its proper condition under these regulations and shall sign certificate No. 1 prescribed in paragraph 908. 900. After a certified car as prescribed herein has been furnished by the carrier, the shipper or his authorized employee must before commencing the loading of any such car inspect the interior thereof and after loading certify to the proper condition as specified in paragraph 901, and sign certificate No. 2 of the car certificate pre- scribed by paragraph 908. 907. (a) For all shipments not loaded by the carrier a competent employee of the carrier must inspect the finished load and certify to its compliance with these regulations before the car shall be accepted for transportati3n; and certificate No. 2, as prescribed by paragraph 908, shall be signed before the car is permitted to go forward. When a car is not loaded by the shipper, certificate No. 2 must be signed only by the representative of the carrier. (6) The certificates as prescribed herein must not be signed by the carrier's or shipper's representative unless the condition of any car covered thereby meets the requirements of these regulations. 908. (a) Car certificate. — The following certificate, printed on strong tag board measuring 7 by 7 inches, must be duly executed m triplicate by the carrier, and by the shipper if he loads the shipment. The original must be filed by the carrier at the for- warding station on a separate file; and the other two must be attached to the outside of the car doors, one on each side, the lower edge of the certificate not less than 4J^ feet above the floor level. (b) At stations where explosives are loaded into a properly certi- fied and placarded car received with other shipments of explosives, or carload shipments are reconsigned, a record must be kept of the car, originating point, carrier's name, and date of car certificate. Car Certificate. No. 1. Station, , lU— . I hereby certify that I have this day personally examined car No. and that the rcxjf, hides and ends have no loose boards, holes, or cracks, or unprotected decayed spots liable to hold sparks and start a fire; that the kingbolts and draft bolts DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 75 are properly protected and that therfe are no uncovered pieces of metal or nails pro- jecting from the floor or sides of the car which might injure packages of explosives; also that the floor is in good condition and has this day been cleanly swept before the car was loaded; that I have examined all the axle boxes and that they are properly covered, packed, and oiled, and that the air brakes and hand brakes are in condition for service. Railway employee inspecting car. No. 2. Station, , 19—. I hereby certify that I have this day personally examined the above car; that the floor is in good condition and has been cleanly swept and that the roof, sides, and ends have no loose boards, holes, cracks, or unprotected decayed spots liable to hold sparks and start a fire; that the kingbolts and draft bolts are protected, and that there are no uncovered pieces of metal or nails projecting from the floor or sides of the car which might injure packages of explosives; that the explosives in this car have been loaded and stayed and that the car has been placarded, according to the Regulations for the Transportation of Explosives prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission; that the doors fit or have been stripped so that sparks can not get in at the joints or bottom. Shipper. Railway employee inspecting loading and staying. Note. — Both certificates must be signed; certificate No. 1 by the representative of the carrier. For all shipments loaded by the shipper he or his authorized agent must sign certificate No. 2, and the representative of the carrier must certify as to loading and staying and general condition. When the car is not loaded by shipper, certificate No. 2 must be signed only by the representative of the carrier. A shipper must decline to use a car not in proper condition. 76 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. "EXPLOSIVES" PLACARD. 909. Placard. — A certified car for the dangerous explosives speci- fied in paragraph 900 must be protected by attacliing to each outside t'lid and side door, the k^wer edge not less than 4 1^2 feet above the car Hoof, a standard phicard 12 by 14 inches, on which appears in con- spicuous red and black printing on strong tag board, the following notice: .14 Inohea. R .Company EXPLOSIVES (to ae pRiNTeo in red) HANDLE CAREFULLY KEEP FIRE AWAY (TO BE PRINTEO IN RED) .STATION. .10 — CONDENSED RULES FOR HANDUNG THIS CAR t. Ttui car miut nol be placed io a pawenger train, DOT in a mixed train if avoidable. ■ 2. Cars containing explosive* mutt be near center of train and may be together if desired; must be at least 15 cars from engine and 10 cars from caboose when length of train will permit. 3. This car must not be placed next to cars bearing the inflammable or the acid placard or cars containing lighted heaters. Whenever it is possible to avoid so doing it must not be placed next to tank cars or flat cars or next to carloads of lumber, poles, iron, pipe, or other articles liable to break through end of car from rough handling. 4. The air and hand bnlco on Ait tat niurt be in lerrice. 5. In shifting have a car between diit car and engine whenever possible, and do not c-rt thi« ear off while in motion. 6. Avoid all shocki to this car and ctMple car^ fully. 7. Avoid placing it near a possible source of firtt. 8. Engines on parallel track mutt iMt be allowed to stand oppotite or near this car when it can be avoided. 9. Ilui placard mutt be removed from car when the explosives are unloaded. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. "POISON GAS" PLACARD. 77 910. A placard of rectangular shape measuring 10 by 15 inches, printed in red on strong tag board, must be applied to each side and end of a car containing any of the poisonous gases or liquids, Class A, paragraph 307 (a), or ammunition for cannon with gas projectiles, or gas filled projectiles, bombs, grenades, or other containers requiring the "Poison Gas" label, the placard bearing the following wording: 15 inches- CAUTION This Car Contains POISON GAS Beware of Fumes from Leaking Packages. Note. — "Poison Gas" placards must be applied in addition to "Explosives" placards, to cars which contain poisonous gases or liquids and which under these regulations require "Explosives" placards. 78 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. "INFLAMMABLE" PLACARD. 911. A placard of diamond shape, printed on strong tag board for tacking to wooden cars or to wooden boards of suitable size attached for this purpose to metal closed cars or tank cars, measuring 10% inches on each side, and bearing in red and black letters the following inscription, must be securely attached to each outside end and to each side door of a closed car containing any quantity of smokeless powder, or ammunition for cannon with empty projectiles, or ammu- nition for cannon with sand-loaded projectiles, or ammunition for cannon with solid projectiles, or ammunition for cannon without projectiles, or fireworks, or one or more packages protected by the red or the yellow diamond label, and to each of the four wooden placard boards* located one on each side and end of a tank car containing an inflammable liquid or compresed inflammable gas: Note. — Cars containing compressed noninflammable gases (green label) do not require placards. KEEP LIGHfS AND FiRES AWAY HANDLE CAREFULLY \ -STATION- I— 'Thia car must not be next to a car containing Explosive*. 2 — Do not enter with exposed flame, nor with lighted Ion* tern, until cor lia8 been ventilated and . ***^ vapors allowed to escape. j/^ \ 3— When lading requirin)* this placard is \ unloaded Irom cnrM. THE PLACARDS MCST BE REMOVED. \ INFLAMMABLE PLACARD. (reduced size.) • Until such time a.s taok cars now in service are equipped with placard boards, paper placards may be securely pasted on each side and each end of the tank. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 79 "ACID" PLACARD. 912. A placard of diamond shape, printed on strong white paper for pasting on tank cars, and on strong tag board for tacking on wooden boards of suitable size attached for this purpose to metal box cars or tank cars, measuring 8}4 inches on each side, bearing in black letters the following inscription — / / / ^ R.R.CO. '4, / ACID HANDLE CAREFULLY Wbm Paokages protected by White DUmoiul Libcla ara unlowlail, REMOVE THIS PLftCARO. -Statiin. '\ -192 / / / 'V / ACID PLACARD, (reduced size) must be securely attached to each outside end and to each side door of a closed car containing one or more packages protected by the white diamond label, and to each side and end of a tank car con- taining an acid or corrosive liquid as dejfined herein. 913. ^^Inflammable" and ''Acid" placards must be applied to cars with opposite points of the diamond in vertical and horizontal positions, respectively, and on closed cars placards should be at a height not over A.}/^ feet above the car floor. 914. When dangerous articles requiring the white "Acid" label are properly loaded in a car requiring the ''Inflammable" placard, it will not be necessary to attach acid placards to the car. 80 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. 915. Placards must conform to standards, and samples will be fur- nished by the chief inspector of the Bureau of Explosives on request. 916. Carriers must keep on hand an adequate supply of all placards. "Explosives," "Inflammable," and "Acid" placards will be furnished by carriers to shippers for attachment to cars loaded bv them. SECTION 10. HANDLING. 1000. (a) In handling packages of explosives at stations and in transferring them to and from cars the greatest care must be taken, and shocks or falls liable to injure the containing package must be avoided. Where an inclined chute is employed, such chute shall be constructed of 1-inch planed boards, with side guards 4 inches high extending 3 inches above top face of bottom of chute and throughout its length, fastened with brass screws. D-shaped wooden strips or runners, not more than 6 inches apart and running lengthwise of chute, must be fastened to the upper surface of the bottom board by means of glue and wooden pegs extending through the bottom board and runners. Chutes must be occasionally wiped down with waste moistened with machine oil when dynamite packages are being handled. A stuffed mattress, 4 feet wide by 6 feet long and not less than 4 inches thick, or a heavy jute or hemp mat of like dimensions, must be placed under the discharging end of the chute. (h) In handling packages containing dangerous articles other than explosives at stations, and to and from cars, care must be taken to prevent their falling or being broken. Heavy packages should be trucked, rolled, or moved by use of skids or other satisfactory devices and must not be dropped from trucks, platforms, or cars. Planks for rolling trucks from platforms to cars should have beveled ends. 1001. Careful men must be chosen to handle explosives, the platform and the feet of the men must be as free as possible from grit^ and all possible precautions must be taken against fire. 1002. Unauthorized persons must not have access to dangerous articles at an}- time while such articles are in the custody of the carrier. Disposition of Injured, Leaking, and Astray Packages. 1003. Packages of explosives found injured or broken in transit may be recoopered when lliis is evidently practicable and not dan- gerous. A broken box of high explosives that can not be recoopered should be reinforced by stout wrapping paper and twine, placed in another strong box, and surrounded by dry, fine sawdust or dry and clean cotton waste or elastic wads made from dry newspapers. A rup- DANGEROU-S ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 81 tured can or keg should be inclosed in a grain bag of good quality and boxed. Injured packages thus protected and properly marked may be forwarded. 1004. Packages of explosives showing evidence of leakage of liquid ingredients must (1) be returned immediately to shipper, if at point of shipment; or (2) disposed of to a person who is competent and willing to remove them from railway property, if leakage is discovered while in transit; or (3) removed immediately by consignee, if ship- ment is at destination. When disposition can not be made as above, the leaking boxes must be packed in other boxes large enough to permit inclosure, and the leaking box must be surrounded by at least 2 inches of dry, fine sawdust or dry and clean cotton waste, and be stored in station magazine or other safe place until arrival of an inspector of the Bureau of Explosives or other authorized person to superintend the destruction or disposition of the condemned material. 1005. (a) An astray shipment of explosives must be forwarded immediately to its destination if known, or returned to the shipper by the most practicable route, provided a careful inspection shows the packages to be in proper condition for safe transportation. When a package in an astray shipment is not in proper condition for safe transportation (see par. 1003), or when name and address of consignee or shipper are unknown, disposition must be made as prescribed by paragraph 1004. (b) An astray package of dangerous articles other than explosives, of known destination and in proper condition for safe transportation, must be forwarded immediately on an ''Astray bill," showing the proper label notation and indorsement "INFLAINIMABLE," "POI- SON GAS," or "ACID," as prescribed by paragraphs 802 and 804. \^Tien necessary to replace a label, and doubt exists as to the kind, the red label should be used. 1006. Packages known to contain dangerous articles (see list, pars. 309 and 704), and not properly packed, described, marked, labeled, and certified, must not be accepted by the originating carrier until these regulations are complied with. A careful inspection of the shipping order and of such packages, with, special attention to the discovery and rejection of leaking or insecure packages, must be made to verify this compliance. 1007.® Unless they are leaking, or in a manifestly insecure condi- tion, packages of dangerous articles other than explosives in transit must be forwarded to destination and report made of any violation observed. Leaking packages must not be forwarded. 9 Cars containing packages of inflamraahle liquids in carload lots should not be oflered in inferchange if packages are in lealvins condition. If small leaks have developed in movement to interchange and where short movements are neeessary to make delivery for unloading by consignee and this movement may be safely made, the precautions prescribed by pars. 1044 to 1049 herein must be observed. 82 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION". Loading in Car. 1008. (a) Packages of explosives receive their greatest stresses in a direction parallel to the length of the car and must be loaded so as to offer their greatest resistance in this direction. Boxes of dan- gerous explosives named in paragraph 900 when loaded in the car must rest on their bottoms, and except when provided with end cleats or handles, should be loaded with their long dimension parallel to the length of the car. (6) Dangerous explosives for which a certified and placarded car is prescribed (see par. 900) must not be loaded higher than the permanent car lining unless additional lining is provided as high as the lading. (c) ^Vhen the lading of a car consists of or includes explosives, the weight of the lading should be distributed so that it will be equalized on each side of the car and over the trucks. 1009. Explosives packed in kegs, except when boxed, must be loaded on thoir sides with ends toward ends of the car; and packages of explosives must not be placed in the space opposite the doors unless the doorways are boarded on the inside as high as the lading. Large casks, barrels, or drums, may be loaded on their sides or ends, as wUl best suit the conditions. 1010. Packages containing any of the explosives for the transpor- tation of which a certified and placarded car is prescribed (see par. 900) , and blasting caps or electric blasting caps in any quantity, must be stayed (blocked and braced) by the one who loads the car, by methods not less efficient than those described in Bureau of Explo- sives Pamphlet No. 6, to prevent change of position by the ordinary shocks incident to transportation. Special care must be used to prevent them from falling to the floor or from having anything fall on them or slide against them during transit. 1011. To prevent delays to local freight trains, when there are shipments of explosives for different destinations loaded in a "peddle car" or "way car," the shipments for each destination must be stayed separately. 1012. (a) Forwarding and transfer stations for explosives must be provided with the necessary materials for staying. (6) Shippers must furnish the material for staying packages of dang«3rous articles loaded by them. 1013. Explosives named in paragraph 900 that require a certified car, placarded " Plxplosivos," must not be transported in the same car with, nor stored on railway property near, any of the dangerous articles other than explosives for which red, yellow, green, or white (acid) labels are prescribed heroin, nor with charged electric storage batteries. I DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 83 Explosives must not be loaded together nor with other dangerous articles, except as provided in the Loading Chart (see section 11). 1014. In a car containing explosives all other freight must be so loaded, and if necessary so braced and stayed, as to prevent injury to packages of explosives during transit. When practicable, explo- sives should be loaded so as to avoid transfer at stations. 1015. If shipments of explosives are accepted at nonagency sta- tions, provision must be made for the proper certification and pla- carding of cars, examination of shipments, and loading and staying of packages in cars. Shipments of explosives must not be unloaded at nonagency sta- tions unless the consignee is there to receive them or unless proper storage facilities are provided at that point for their protection. If delivery can not be so made, shipment must be taken to next or nearest agency station for delivery. 1016. Packages protected by labels must be so loaded that they can not fall to the car floor and in such manner that other freight can not fall onto or slide against them. Packages protected by yellow labels must not be loaded in the same end of a car with pack- ages protected by "Acid" labels, nor must "Acid "-labeled packages be stored with or near yellow-labeled packages. Metal barrels or drums containing inflammable liquids may be loaded in steel gondola or flat cars or in stock cars, but must not be loaded in hopper bottom cars. 1017. (a) Carload lots of "strike anywhere" (friction) matches must be loaded as compactly as possible to avoid motion, especially lengthwise of the car. Car doorways should be boarded on the inside to keep packages from contact with the doors, and the inside lining of the car should be supplemented when necessary by strips nailed to the car and close enough together to keep the boxes from being jammed against the studding and broken by high pressures on small areas. The strongest dimension of the box should be loaded lengthwise of the car. (b) When packages are loaded over or near exposed draft bolts or kingbolts the bolts should be covered by boards not less than 1 inch thick, or by empty wooden boxes of proper size, and the ends of these boards should be beveled to prevent the end of a box resting against the end of the board and being crushed by it. Partial layers of boxes should be interlocked with the lower layers as described in Bureau of Explosives Pamphlet No. 6, for loading packages of explosives. The cars used should be made secure against the entrance of sparks or rain and should be the strongest cars available. Under no condition should any car be loaded with more than 48,000 pounds gross weight of "strike anywhere" matches. g4 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. (c) Less-than-carload lots of matches should be carefully loaded so that they can not fall to the car floor and so that other packages of freii^ht can not fall on or injure them. Whenever practicable the packages of matches should be placed to facilitate ready removal from the car in case of fire. A smoking box of matches should not be l)roken open; the fire will cease of itself if air can be kept from it. (d) Carload or less-than-carload lots of "strike anywhere" matches which have been damaged by fire, or by water in extinguishing a fire, in transit or on carrier's property, must be reloaded in properly pre- pared cars, and braced or blocked as required by paragraphs 1017 (a), (h), and (f), before being reforwarded to destination, to freight claim department or claim adjusters, or to original shipper or other parties for salvage. Great care should be taken to carefully examine and repair damaged outside packages before reloading. All loose matches should first be destroyed. Individual interior boxes and paper wrapped cartons or packages, as described in paragraphs 472 and 473, should then be carefully placed in tight outside packages complying, as nearly as circumstances will permit, with shipping container specifi- cation No. 6; but under no condition must the outside package be of less strength than required by specification No. 6, nor of greater capacity than authorized by paragraph 4 of specification No. 6. Charred cases must not be used. Boards used in repairing wooden cases must be so nailed that they will not allow any interior boxes, cartons, or packages to fall out. In the event that the individual boxes or paper wrapped packages do not fit snugly in the outside package, the vacant spaces should be filled tightly with dry and clean cotton waste, or elastic wads from dry newspapers or dry waste paper. 1018. (a) Carboys of acids or other corrosive liquids (except glacial acetic acid) should not be loaded in refrigerator cars. They must be so blocked and braced that they can not change position during transit when being handled with reasonable care. Carboys of nitric acid must not be loaded in box cars more than 2 tiers high. Whenever practicable flat or stock cars should be used for loading carboys of acids. (6) When less-than-carload shipments are loaded with other freight the carboys must be j)Iaced near the doorways and must have wooden strips not less than 1 inch thick nailed to the car floor about 6 inches from the carlroy boxes. These strips must be arranged so that the liquid from a broken carboy will drain toward the doorway and out- side the car. The space between the strips and the floor braces or blocking usfd for staying the carboy boxes must be covered with at least 1 inch thickness of clean and dry sand or earth (not sawdust or other combustible matorial). (c) Nitric acid when loaded in the same car with other acids in car- boys must be separated from the other carboys. A 2 by 6 inch plank, DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 85 set on edge, should be nailed across the car floor at least 12 inches from the nitric acid carboys, and the space between the plank and the carboys of nitric acid should be filled with sand, sifted ashes, or other incombustible absorbent material. 1019. Cylinders containing compressed gases must be loaded on their sides, except when packed in boxes or crates or when placed in suitable permanent racks in cars, or braced as prescribed by para- graph 559 (6). 1020. (a) Carload lots of alfalfa feed, so-called wet mixed feed, crude camphor, cotton, cotton batting, cotton wadding, cotton waste, ex- celsior, fiber, hay, hemp, jute, oakum, oil-well cables, rags, sawdust, sulphur, tow or straw, or other articles liable to be ignited by sparks, as well as unslacked lime and calcium carbide, both of which must be protected from water, should, when practicable, be loaded in tight cars with doors stripped, and this stripping of doors necessary to make cars sparkproof must be applied by the person loading the car. (b) Lime, coke, chipped bone, ashes, or similar substances must not be loaded in cars until thoroughly cooled. (c) Charged electric storage batteries must be well insulated to prevent short circuits and must not be loaded or stored with explosives. 1021. (a) Empty cylinders, barrels, kegs, or drums, previously used for the shipment of an inflammable, poisonous, or corrosive gas or liquid, must have their filling and vent holes properly closed. They may be loaded in open or stock cars when desired. Cars should not be placarded, but lighted lanterns or other open-flame lights should be kept away. (6) Carboys previously used for the shipment of corrosive liquids when presented to carriers for transportation in carload or less-than- carload shipments as "Empty" carboys, must have been thoroughly drained. (See par. 301 (i).) Whenever practicable they should not be loaded in cars containing valuable or perishable freight. (c) Empty bottles previously used for the shipment of nitric acid or nitric-acid mixtures should be securely stoppered. 1022. When necessary to use lights while handling explosives it is recommended that where practicable incandescent electric lights be provided. 1023. A box car placarded ''Inflammable" or known to contain inflammable liquids must not be entered with a lighted lantern, torch, or other fire, until both car doors have been opened and sufficient time allowed for ventilation and escape of any vapors. The presence of these vapors will generally be indicated by character- istic odors. When leakage is continuous, ventilation will not remove the danger. The leaking package should be located and removed, using electric lights or waiting for daylight. 86 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Handling Cars. 1024. The phrase "cars containing explosives, " as used in this and subsequent paragraphs, excepting paragraph 1070, refers to the dangerous explosives specified in paragraph 900, which require a certi- fied car placarded "Explosives." 1025. (a) Under no circumstances must a car known to require cer- tificates and the "Explosives" placards betaken from a station, in- cluding transfer stations or interchange points, a siding, or yard, unless it is properly placarded and certified as per paragraphs 908 and 909, or unless the car is in proper condition. (b) The carrier must see that its representative in charge of a freight train, station, yard, or terminal, from which cars are taken, makes a thorough check and record of the cars bearing "Inflammable," "Acid," "Poison Gas," and " Explosives " placards with the billing, to see that all placards and certificates required are attached, that those not required are removed, and that placarded cars are properly placed in trains as required by these regulations. 1026. Every possible effort must be made to expedite the move- ment of cars containing explosives, and no unnecessary delay must occur at initial, interchange, or transfer stations, nor in yards. It must be the duty of some designated employee to see that in case of fire or accident these cars are moved to a place of safety. 1027. The carrier must make proper provision for notifying the train and engine crew of the presence and location in the train of cars containing explosives. 1028. Cars containing explosives must be frequently inspected to see that the placards and car certificates are intact. Whenever any of these become detached or lost in transit, the employee of the carrier in charge of the train must see that they are replaced on arrival at the next division terminal yard if in through freight train, or at first station stop if in local freight train. 1029. On lines where regular trains are operated for freight service only, cars containing explosives must not be hauled in a train that carries passengers. Where only a mixed train service is operated or where passengers are carried in the caboose car of a freight train, a car containing a freight shipment of explosives may be hauled, but it must not be placed next to a car carrying passengers, and whenever it is practicable to do so, such a car or cars must be placed between freight cars not bearing "Acid" or "Inflammable" placards. Cars containing explosives must have air and hand brakes in service. 1030. (a) Cars placarded "Explosives" must be placed in through freight trains near the middle of the train, and at least 15 car lengths from the engine, electric locomotive, or motor car, and at least 10 car lengths from the caboose, if the length of the train will permit. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 87 (h) To avoid the danger of otherwise unnecessary switching at way- stations, cars placarded "Explosives" may be placed in local freight trains, not closer than one car length from the engine, electric loco- motive, or motor car, or caboose. (c) In either through or local freight trains, cars placarded "Explosives" must be placed next to cars which do not bear the "Inflammable" or "Acid" placard, if such unplacarded cars are in the train. (d) Cars placarded "Explosives" must not be placed in through or local trains next to tank cars, wooden-frame flat or gondola cars, nor next to carloads of pipe, lumber, poles, iron, steel, or similar articles liable to break through end of placarded car from rough handling; nor next to cars containing lighted heaters, stoves, or lanterns. {e) Tank cars placarded "Inflammable" must be placed in trains, if possible, at least five cars from the engine and five cars from the caboose, but must not be placed next to a car placarded "Explosives." When length of train does not permit this they must be placed as near the middle of the train as practicable, and in all cases carriers must see that the train and engine crews are informed of the presence and location in the train of such cars. (/) When it is possible, tank cars placarded "Inflammable" must not be placed next to gondola or flat cars loaded with lading liable to shift, such as logs, lumber, rails, pipe, etc. 1031. (a) When handling cars containing explosives in yards or on sidinge they must be coupled to the engine, electric locomotive, or motor car, protected by a car between. (b) Cars containing explosives must not be handled in switching or in trains with doors open. 1032. Cars containing explosives must not be cut off while in motion. They must be coupled carefully and all unnecessary shocks must be avoided. Other cars must not be cut off and allowed to strike a car containing explosives. They must be so placed in yards or on sidings that they will be subject to as little handling as possible and be removed from all danger of fire. They must not be placed on tracks under bridges and should not be placed in or alongside passenger sheds or stations; and, when avoidable, engines on parallel tracks must not be allowed to stand opposite or near them. 1033. When cars protected by "Explosives" or "Inflammable" placards are received or held in yards, particularly at night, the earner must see that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent acci- dents. These precautions must include provision for quickly remov- ing and isolating them in case of fire. When such cars are held in yards for a period longer than 12 hours, they must be placed where they will be readily accessible for prompt removal in case of fire 88 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. or explosion. A separate track or tracks, when available, must be desigrnated at terminal, classification or receiving yards for such cars, and cars must be coupled at all times during such holding. The carrier's representative in charge must be informed at all times of the presence and location of such cars. 1034. At points where trains stop and time permits, cars containing explosives, and adjacent cars, must be examined to see that they are in good condition and free from hot boxes or other defects liable to cause damage. If care containing explosives are set out short of destination for any cause, the carrier must arrange that proper notice be given to prevent accident. 1035. Whenever a car containing explosives is opened for any purpose . and in every instance after such a car has received rough treatment, inspection must be made of the packages of explosives as soon as practicable without unnecessary disturbance of lading, to see that they are properly loaded and stayed and in good condition. Upon the discovery of leaking or broken packages they must be carefully removed to a safe place. Loose powder or other explosives must be swept up and carefully removed. If the floor is wet with nitroglycerin the car is unsafe to use, and a representative of the Bureau of Explosives should be immediately called to superintend the thorough mopping and washing of the floor with a warm, satu- rated solution of concentrated lye or sodium carbonate. If necessary, the car must be placed on an isolated siding and proper notice given, 1036. (a) The carrier must verify the attachment of the proper placard by the shipper as soon as a car requiring a placard is accepted by the carrier for transportation. (h) A daily record showing the initials and numbers of all loaded placarded cars must be kept on file at originating stations, transfer stations, and interchanging points. 1037. Special care must be taken to avoid rough treatment and unnecessary switching of placarded cars. 1038. A car must not be moved from a station, yard, or siding, if known to require placards, until the proper placards are attached. Placards lost in transit must be replaced by the carrier. 1039. In classification yards and in switching it must be deter- mined by inspection and trial that a car placarded "Inflammable," or a car placarded "Acid," has its brakes in first-class order before a draft containing it is cut; and any car placarded "Inflammable," or "Acid," must not be started down a ladder track, incline, or hump, until all preceding cars have cleared the ladder. They also must dear the ladder before another car is allowed to follow. 1040. Cars bearing "Inflammable" placards and cars adjacent to them must be watched with extra care to discover hot journals. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 89 1041. All available opportunities must be utilized, by noting the odor of inflammable liquids or otherwise, to discover leaks in cars bearing "Inflammable" placards. 1042. Cars containing leaking packages, or leaking tank cars, must be protected against ignition of liquid or vapors by flame of inspectors' lanterns or torches, by burning fusees, by switch lights, by switch-thawing flames, by fires on side of track, by hot coals from locomotives, or otherwise. All unnecessar}^ movement of a tank car discovered in transit in leaking condition must cease until the unsafe condition is remedied. (See pars. 1044 to 1049.) 1043. Tank cars containing inflammable liquids that are to be offered in interchange should be inspected on the track where transfer is assembled for delivery to receiving line. If a tank car is found in leaking condition it must not be offered in interchange. Where actual interchange to receiving line is distant from point of delivery by delivering line, and repair facilities are provided, if such a tank car develops a leak en route to the receiving line interchange track, the receiving line should accept the car, taking every possible pre- caution to prevent ignition of contents and handling the car as indicated in paragraphs 1044 to 1049. Lieaking Tank Cars. 1044. Action in any particular case will depend upon existing conditions, and good judgment will be necessary to avoid disastrous fires on the one hand, and useless sacrifice of valuable property on the other. Volatile, inflammable, and combustible liquids, such as gasoline, naphtha, petroleum oils, etc., in large quantity and spread over a large surface, will form vapors that will ignite at a considerable dis- tance, depending on the kind and quality of liquid and the direction and force of the wind. Many of the liquids, regarded as safe to carry imder ordinary conditions and transported in tank cars without the inflammable placard, should still be treated as dangerous in han- dling a wreck. 1045. When oil cars are leaking, all lights or fires near them that can possibly be dispensed with should be extinguished or removed. Incandescent electric lights or portable electric flash-lights should be used when available. Whenever practicable the work of handling a wrecked oil car should be done during daylight. 1046. Lanterns necessarily used for signaling should be kept on the side from which the wind is blowing and at as high an elevation as can be obtained. The vapors will go with the wind but not against it. The ash pan and fire box of a locomotive or steam derrick, especially on the side of a wrecked or leaking tank car toward 66620°— 22 7 90 INTERSTATF. COM.MERC'E OOMMISSIOF. which the wind is blowing, is a source of danger. Wrecks involving oil cars should in no case be approached with lighted pipes, cigars, or cigarettes, and all spectators should be kept away from the vicinity. 1047. Effort should be made to prevent the spread of oil over a large surface by collecting it in any available vessels or draining it into a hole or depression at a safe distance from the track. When necessary, trenches should be dug for this purpose. It is not safe to drain inflammable oil in large quantities into a sewer, since vapors may thus be carried to distant points and there ignited. Care should be exercised also not to permit oil to drain into streams of water which may be used by irrigation plants or for watering stock. Dry earth over spilled oil will decrease the rate of evaporation and the danger. A stream of oil on the ground should be dammed and dry earth be thrown on the liquid as it collects. 1048. Sudden shocks or jars that might produce sparks or friction should be avoided. When possible, the wrecked cars should be jacked carefully into position after removing other cars and freight that might be injured by fire. Only as a last resort, to meet emergency, should a wrecked car be moved by dragging, and when this is done all persons should be kept at a safe distance. 1049. (a) No unnecessary attempt should be made to transport a damaged tank car from which inflammable lic^uid is leaking. Safety in short movements may be secured by attachmg a vessel under small leaks to prevent spread of inflammable liquid over tracks. Tracks at intervals in rear of a moving car should be covered with fresh earth to prevent fire overtaking the car. Engines should be kept away; also spectators who may be smoking. If wrecked or derailed, and not in a position to obstruct or endanger traffic, leaks should be stopped as far as possible, and the car should be left under guard until another tank car or sufficient vesssls can be provided for the transfer of the liquid, which should be transferred by pumping when practicable. (h) Highly volatile products such as casinghead gasoline can not be transferred in the usual way by a vacuum pump. The pump can only be used when placed so that liquid flows to it from the tank by gravity. (c) Whenever the leaking condition of a tank car is such that transfer of lading is necessary, the car must have stenciled on it, in letters three inches in size, adjacent to the car number, the words "Leaky tank. Do not load until repaired," and the owner must be immediately notified. This stenciling must not be removed until the tank is repaired. Even a tank that is not leaking is liable to be ruptured by use of slings, and slipping of chain slings may produce sparks. Saving of the contents of the tank is not as important as the prevention of fire. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY IRKIGMT. 91 {d) An empty or partially empty tank car, with or without placards, is very liable to contain explosive gases, and lights must not be brought near it. Unloading Tank Cars. 1050.^° In unloading tank cars on railroad property the following rules must be observed : (a) Caution signs must be placed on the track or car so as to give necessary warning and left up until after car is unloaded and dis- coimected. Signs must be at least 12 by 15 inches in size and bear the words, ''STOP— Tank Car Connected," or "STOP— Men at Work," the word "STOP" being in letters at least 4 inches high and the other words in letters at least 2 inches high. The letters must be white on a blue background. If siding is open at both ends, signs must be placed at each end. (6) Safety valve must be raised to see if there is any interior pressure in tank. Dome cover must not be removed while such pressure exists. Where pressure is found it must be reduced by cooling tank with water or relieved by raising safety valve at short intervals. If opening the safety valve shows there is sufficient pressure to cause a dangerous amount of vapor to collect outside of the car, it must be left closed until the pressure is reduced by cooling the car with water, or unloading must be delayed until the following morning after pressure has been reduced by lower temperature during the night. (c) After pressure is released, seal should be broken and dome cover removed as follows: Screw type. — -Cover must be loosened by placing bar between dome cover lug and knob. After two complete turns, so that vent openings are exposed, the operation must be stopped, and if there is any sound of escaping vapor, the cover must be again screwed down and its removal delayed until escape of vapor through the vent openings can not be heard. Hinged and holted type. — All nuts must be unscrewed one complete turn and then sufficiently more to open up cover. Interior manJiole type. — All dirt and cinders must be carefully removed from around cover before yoke is unscrewed. id) Valve rod handle or control in dome must be moved back and forth a few times to see that outlet valve in bottom of tank is properly closed and seated. If valve apparatus is in proper adjustment the closed position of handle will indicate that the valve is closed. w Unloading operations should be performed only by reliable persons properly instructed and made responsible for careful compliance with these regulations. 92 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION". (e) Screw type. — Dome cover must be replaced but not entirely closed so that air may enter tank for venting as follows (dome cover must be replaced directly over dome opening, but the threads must not bo engaged) : Hinged and bolted type. — A small wooden block should be placed under one edge of cover. Inferior manhole. — Screw must be tightened up in yoke so that cover will be brought up within one-half inch of closed position. (/) Valve cap must be removed with suitable wrench, with a pail in position to catch any liquid that may be in outlet nozzle. If large outlet is to be used, reducer must be removed, set screws being first loosoncd. If valve cap or reducer does not unscrew easily, it should bo tapped lightly with mallet or wooden block in an upward direction. If leakage shows upon starting the removal of outlet valve cap, it should not be entirely removed, but sufficient threads should be left engaged and sufficient time allowed to permit escape of any accumulation of liquid from the outlet chamber before valve cap is taken entirely off. If leakage then continues, further efforts should be made to seat the outlet valve as per section (d). If this fails the valve cap should be securely reapplied and tank should be unloaded through the dome. If it is found that the outlet chamber is blocked with frozen liquid, it should be wrapped with burlap or other rags and hot water or steam applied. Careful examination should be made to detect cracks in the outlet chamber. If a crack is found, the tank must be unloaded through the dome. If no crack is found, procedure must be as directed in first section of this paragraph after the frozen liquid has been melted. (g) Unloading connections must be securely attached to nozzle or reducer and outlet valve raised by turning valve rod handle in dome. (h) ^Mien unloading through bottom outlet of cars equipped with interior manhole type of dome covers and in all cases where unloading is done through the dome opening (unless special dome covers are used, provided with safety vent opening and tight con- nection for discharge outlet), the dome openings must be protected against entrance of sparks or other sources of ignition of vapor by being covered and surrounded with wet burlap. This must be kept damp by replacement or the application of water as needed. (i) Seals or other substances should not be thrown into the tank. Also care should be taken to avoid spilling any of the contents over car or tank. (j) After tank is unlnndod, dome cover, valve cap, and reducer must be securely replaced. (ifc) Railroad defect cards must not be removed. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 93 (I) All shipping cards and inflammable and dome placards must be reinoved from the car and railroad agent promptl}?- notified when car is empty. (m) Tank cars must not be allowed to stand with unloadinor con- nections attached after unloading is completed and employees must be in charge throughout the period of unloading. (n) If necessary to disconnect a tank car during unloading, the outlet valve must first be closed and the outlet valve cap must be securely reapplied until unloading is resumed. (o) Ground around connections must be frequently covered with fresh dry sand or dirt, especially if oil or gasoline has been spilled previously. ip) Brakes should be set and w^heels blocked on all cars unloaded on grade. iq) All tools and implements used in connection with unloading should be kept free from oil, dirt, and grit. 1051. lig-lited lanterns. — Many fatal accidents have resulted from using lanterns or lighted matches to examine the interior of empty tank cars or in using hot rivets to repair unsteamed tank cars, which may contain inflammable vapors even when the previous lading was not of flash point below 80° F. Only incandescent electric lights should be used for this examination. Fumes in any empty tank car are liable to be poisonous to the person entering it. 1052. Outlet valve caps and dome covers must be securely placed in proper position on empty tank cars when offered for movement or when transferred to or from connecting lines in interchano;e. 1053. Wlien fire occurs in charcoal in transit, water should not be used if it is practicable to locate and remove the material on fire, since wet charcoal is much more liable to ignite spontaneously, and the fire can not be stopped permanently by the use of water. If fire occurs in ground charcoal or screenings, any material which has become wet in extinguishing fire must be removed from the car, and not reshipped ; the balance of the charcoal must be held under observation in a dry place for at least five days before forwarding. 1054. Whenever a car bearing the acid placard is discovered in transit with packages in leaking condition, all unnecessary movement of the car must cease and at the first opportunity an examination must be made of the lading, and if practicable &ny broken or leaking packages of nitric or mixed acids should be removed promptly to prevent fire. Any acid remaining on the car floor or on surrounding packages should be washed away with a plentiful supply of water, or if not available, cleaned up with a liberal application of sand or earth. Care should be exercised to prevent inhalation of gases liberated through the application of water, but acid spilled on the person should be washed ofi' immediately by a liberal application of water. 94 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Shipments from Connecting Lines. 1055. (a) Cars containing the more dangerous explosives named in paragraph 1)00 which are offered by connecting Hnes, must be carefully inspected by the receiving line on the outside, including the roof; and, if practicable, the lading must also be inspected. These cars must not be forwarded until all discovered violations have been corrected. If the car shows evidence of, or if there is any reason to suspect that it has received, rough treatment, the lading must be inspected and placed in proper condition before the car is permitted to proceed. When interchange occurs and inspection is necessary after daylight hours, electric flash lights or other suitable covered lights should be provided. Naked lights must not be used. (6) Shipments of dangerous articles offered by connecting lines must comply with these regulations, and the revenue waybill, freight bill, manifest of lading, card waybill, switching order, transfer slip ticket, or other billing, must bear label notation and placard indorse- ment prescribed by paragraphs 801 to 805. Removal of Placards. 1056. When the lading requiring "Explosive," "Acid," "Inflam- mable," or "Poison Gas," placard is removed from cars, placards (including car certificates) must be removed by the carrier's repre- sentative in charge of the car, or by the consignee unloading the car. Handling of Dangerous Articles by Electric Railways and Motor Cars. 1060. Dangerous explosives as specified in paragraph 900 must not be transported in any self-propelled car operated by electric or other motive power, if such car is carrying passengers. 1061. Dangerous articles other than explosives, and the less dan- gerous and relatively safe explosives as specified in paragraphs 901 and 902, when transported in self-propelled motor cars, must be car- ried in a compartment of such car in which there shall be no elec- trically operated apparatus, or electric circuits, other than circuits in conduits properly installed in compliance with the National li^lectric Safety Code of the Bureau of Standards. 10G2. When the motor car is used as a freight or baggage car and not as a passenger car not more than 500 pounds net of explosives or not to exceed 5,000 blasting caps or electric blasting caps may be transported. Blasting caps in any quantity must not be carried in the same car with high explosives. The explosives must be placed in a "magazine" box made of sound lumber not less than 1 inch thick, covered on the exterior with metal, and provided with strong bandies. Tliis box must be plamly stenciled on the top, sides, and DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT. 95 ends, in letters not less than 2 inches high, ''EXPLOSIVES— DAN- GEROUS— HANDLE CAREFULLY." The box must be provided with strong hinges and with a lock for keeping it securely closed. Vacant space in the box must be filled with a cushioning material such as sawdust or excelsior, and the box must be properly stayed in the car to prevent movement, 1063. Explosives when transported in trailer or other cars must be securely blocked, braced and stayed so as to prevent movement during transit, by methods not less efficient than those described in B. E. Pamphlet 6, and other freight must not be permitted to fall on or slide against such shipments. 1064. Trailer cars or other cars not occupied by a representative of the carrier must bear the standard placards as prescribed herein. 1065. Explosives and other dangerous articles must not be loaded or transported together, except as permitted by the Loading chart, section 11, Part I. 1066. All the requirements of these regulations as to packing, marking, labeling, description, certification and waybilling, must be complied with for all shipments of dangerous articles transported by electric railways or other self-propelled motor car lines engaged in interstate or foreign commerce. In Case of a Wreck. 1070. (a) In case of a wreck involving a car containing explosives, the first and most important precaution is to prevent fire. Before beginning to clear a wreck in which a car containing explosives is involved, all unbroken packages should be removed to a place of safety and as much of the broken packages as possible gathered up and likewise removed, and the rest saturated with water. Many explosives are readily fired by a blow or by the spark produced when two pieces of metal or a piece of metal and a stone come violently together. In clearmg a wreck, therefore, care must be taken not to strike fire with tools, and in using the crane or locomotive to tear the wreckage in pieces the possibility of producing sparks must be considered. With most explosives thorough wetting with water practically removes all danger of explosion by spark or blow; but with the dynamites wetting does not make them safe from blows. With all explosives, mixing with wet earth renders them safer from either fire, spark, or blow. In case fulminate has been scattered by a wreck, after the wreck has been cleared the wet surface of the ground should be removed, and, after saturating the area with fuel or lubricating oil, be replaced by fresh earth. If this is not done, when the ground and fulminate become dry small explosions may occur when the mixed material is trodden on or struck. gg INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. (h) In casp of a wreck iiiYolving a car containing cliemical ammu- nition every precaution must be taken to prevent fire and to prevent casualties due to gas leakage. Only those persons necessary to clear the wreckage shall be allowed in the vicinity of the wreck, and they should be cautioned to keep as much as possible on the side from which the wind is ])lowing. (c) Inspectors of the Bureau of Explosives will be provided with gas masks and should be called upon to assist in clearing any wreck attended by serious leakage of toxic gases. 1071. In case of a wreck involving a car containing inflammable freight, it should be assumed that packages are broken and that leakage has occurred which may cause fire if lighted lanterns or other flames are taken into or near these cars. As much of the train as possible should be moved to a place of safety. A car containing inflammable freight should be opened for ventilation and packages protected by red labels and cylinders of compressed gases should be removed to a safe place. Substances spilled from broken packages protected by yellow labels should also be carefully removed. Cylin- ders of compressed gases ma}^ be exploded if they are exposed to fire or struck a sharp blow, and the flying fragments would then be dangerous. Inflammable liquids spilled from broken packages or tank cars should be W(>11 covered with dry earth before a lighted lantern, torch, or an engine is used in the vicinity. Acids spilled in cars should be covered with dry earth and the car floor should be thoroughly swept. 1072. All wrecking outfits should be equipped with portable elec- tric lights. 1073. Water will not quench an oil fire. — If the fire can not be smothered by use of earth, steam, or wet blankets, effort should be concentrated on confining it and saving other property. 1074. Sliould a leak occur by the breakage or displacement of the unloading valve and pipe at the bottom of the tank car, it may be stopped by removing the dome cap on the top of the tank and drop- ping the plunger mto the plunger seat, as a shock sufficient to damage the outlet valve and pipes may have unseated also the plunger. The dome cover should be unscrewed by placing a bar between the dome-cover lug and knob. The dome cover should not be hammered, and should not be unscrewed until the absence of vapor pressure in the tank is verified by lifting the safety valve. To ascertain whether the valve is properly seated, the valve-rod haiiflle in the dome should be moved back and forth a few times. The following drawing indicates the general plan covering valve rod and unloading or discharge valve: DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY FREIGHT, 97 oo/yt£ GAs/rer- s^rsry VALVE VALVE C/fP CO \=> o p^ n O M fi t£_0 1:3 CQ rt M H i| w « ?f, M < li" W ■^ s V) 3*^ P$ O c — H s-s O O x 3 C y^ C3 S ^ (U So i ^ 2"^ H c.i^ JH < »^fe ^ js-c^ M lie A 2;g? rt •^|1 O ^•sf H |.2-S a •^g-c d ^^5 ^^•? o O --C o 3 3 2 » fi .3Xg > o a es M'Sg-O S'S'S-S n^r:5|^ .SS&s IJ^ m§g;= ■•?§ SECTION U. 1 1 1 B i 1 i if 1: u jl si i. 1 i I" 'I J- i Is ll 1 1 Is p 1 s 1 1 1 III i i 1 1 1 1 s 1 Jl 1 8 1. =3 p p 1 ? 1 1 s ll t j 6 1 l 1 a 1 1 i 3 ll - i ' ' 3 , 1 ' ' » • ,. ■■ « " loilvcs biwk w 1 t ■ .X X ^ ^■^ '■ ,, i HlfllC IMIVCO — - X 1 1 — W 1 fulmliuil* t ^ _ ; - ^ X a 1 Bloitloi! capa, wHh or wltbout ssa'ty (use (inclui)'' ineolM'Mc blasting capa), iii iguaDiily cxnxxUng projMtlli*. ' — ^ ■ f. X 1 ^ - X X Explosive, BM. smoke, or InwMidlnry proJectUw, Uombs or erpnodet. oxpIosiVK Urpcdoos, or idIum, ^ X X 1 1 — _ ^ X X DMonatlnR fu«a X X X " ! 1 X X X X h ^=S'!,™,5KS''i.r.pXar-'"-i ^ _ _ — •X — 5| te««u™. 1 " Fireworks (common or siKucIal) X X X X ! " ■■ ■ 1 Smnll^rouiammunmon i ' - — ' 1 i ' ' ' Primers tor cannon or sinuU nrnu, cmpiy cwlrldBe b(ie*-bbick.powOpriKnltm, empty carlrldRi'shons primixl. comblaaMun prjinvn or pcrcuKiion caps. 7 ^ — — 1 PprciUHlon ftiica or Ina-t m«* — ^ - — — a Time or combinntlnn (uh« - £ — 1 Cofdmu doioniuu. Hifoty fuse, »foly SQulbg, ru» i 'tiS°S,",Zl°"" "' ""-"»-' '""-"■»■■"' ~ Y ~ ^ - -— 1 "ssr"-" """" " ""'"^^ "»"*'•• """ » - X : ' Adds or corrosive JlnuW* wlUW label X X X X X X X .>. -~ — i? __^_ c„„™.a„»„u,a.„„,.,.™,.,™,„,.„., X X X X X X X 1 Poi«.iio.»spi»sorliqmd.H,liu-yUjiJm.polK.llgo8labttl " ry^mmiinitlon tor nuinonwlth oxplosivo »ro)octUes. gas pi • PART II. REGULATIONS FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF EXPLOSIVES AND OTHER DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS, INCLUDING SPECIFICATIONS FOR SHIPPING CONTAINERS. Prescribed under act of March 4, 1921, and superseding the regulations published July 15, 1918, and all amendments thereto. SECTION 1. GENERAL REGULATIONS. 1. To promote the uniform enforcement of law and to minimize the clangers to life and property incident to the transportation by land, by carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce, of explosives and other dangerous articles, the following regulations are prescribed to define these articles for express transportation purposes, to state the precautions that must be observed by the shipper in preparing them for shipment, and by the carrier in handling them while in transit. It is the duty of each such carrier and shipper to make the prescribed regulations effective and to thoroughly instruct its employees in relation thereto. 2. Except as otherwise specifically prescribed herein, the term "dangerous articles'' will include explosives and other dangerous articles as covered by the act of March 4, 1921. 3. Where the word '^ package" is used in these regulations it shall be understood to include all outside containers. 4. These regulations make all proper and necessary provisions for the transportation of explosives and other dangerous articles. No person or carrier may under any circumstances ship or carry any high explosive on any passenger car or vehicle in violation of section 232 of the act of March 4, 1921, and no person or carrier may ship or carry any explosive or other dangerous article, as defined herein pur- suant to section 233 of the act, on any such car or vehicle before written notice of the true character of the article is given the carrier, without being subject to the penalties of the act which are referred to in paragraph 7 hereof. 5. The services of the Bureau for the Safe Transportation of Explosives and other Dangerous Articles, hereinafter called Bureau of Explosives, will be utilized by the commission in the execution of these regulations. This Bureau will make inspections an,d conduct 99 IQQ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. investigiuions, and will confer with manufacturers and shippers with a view'to determining what specifications and regulations will within reasonahlo limits afford the highest degree of safety in packing and preparing these dangerous articles for shipment and in transporting the same. The commission will avail itself of the expert knowledge thus developed, and in formulating amendments to these regulations, while not bound thereby, will give due weight to the expert opinions thus obtained. 6. Special precautions are necessary in preparing for shipment by express packages of dangerous articles. Any failure of the shipper or of a carrier to perform the duties imposed upon them in this respect may be the actual or contributory cause of a serious accident or fire. 7. Sections 235 and 236 of the act of March 4, 1921, require the shipper of explosives or of other dangerous articles to describe and mark his package properly, and to inform the agent of the carrier of the true character of the contents. Heavy penalties are provided for the shipper who knowingly offers for transportation a dangerous article without complying with these requirements, as well as for the oarrier that knowingly transports it. 8. These regulations apply to all shipments of dangerous articles as defined herein, including carrier's material and supplies. 9. Express carriers must not receive shipments of articles defined as dangerous by these regulations when the shipments are not packed, marked, labeled, described, and certified, as prescribed herein. 10. Dangerous articles, except such as are forbidden (see pars. 21 and 22) , may be offered for transportation to express carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce, provided these regulations are com- plied with, and provided their method of manufacture, packing and storage, so far as it affects safe transportation, is open to inspection by a duly authorized representative of the initial carrier or of the Bureau of Explosives. Shipments that do not comply with these regulations must not be offered or accepted for transportation. 11. Dangerous articles as defined herein, which are packed, marked, labeled, and loaded, in conformity with Regulations for the Trans- portation by Express of Acids, Inflammables, Oxidizing Substances, Samples of Explosives, etc., filed with and approved by the Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada, may be accepted and carried by carriers from point of entry in the United States to their destina- tion in the United States, or through the United States en route to a point in Canada. 12. All shipments of articles subject to these regulations offered for transportation by express carriers engaged in interstate or foreign coinnicrcc. must })e properly described by the shipper, and the proper and definite name of the dangerous article as shown herein must DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. 101 be plainl}^ marked on the outside of the package, in addition to the labels required herein. 13. All shipments of articles defined as dangerous by these regula- tions, and for which detailed instructions for packing are not given herein, must be securely packed in containers strong enough to stand without rupture or leakage of contents all ordinary shocks incident to reasonably careful handling during transit. It is the duty of ship- pers, where leakage from their shipping containers is kno^vn to be a probable source of fire or material damage to other freight, to exercise special care in constructing shipping containers for such articles, even though their names do not appear in the list of dangerous articles, paragraph 76. 14. Whenever orders are placed in foreign countries for the impor- tation of dangerous articles to be forwarded in original packages from port of entry by express, the importer must furnish with the order to the foreign shipper and also to the forwarding agent at the port of entry, full and complete information as to the necessary packing, mark- ing, and labeling required by these regulations. The forwarding agent must see that the packages are properly packed, marked, and labeled. 15. Unless specifically authorized by these regulations, acceptable explosives must not be packed in the same outside package with each other or with other articles. 16. Boxes that have previously been used for high explosives con- taining a liquid explosive ingredient (such as dynamite) are danger- ous, and must not be used for shipments of any character. Containers that have been previously, used for dangerous articles, must have the old marks and labels thoroughly obliterated or removed before being used for the shipment of other articles. Kegs that have contained any chlorate must not be used for the shipment of any other article. 17. Containers used more than once (refilled and reshipped after having been previously emptied) , must be in such condition, including closing devices, cushioning materials, etc., that they will protect their contents during transit as efficiently as a new container. Repairs must be made in an efficient manner and parts that are weak, broken, or otherwise deteriorated, must be replaced. Tests as to efficiency must be made and complied w4th as prescribed herein. SECTION 2. INTORMATION AND DEFINITIONS. Grouping. 20. For the purpose of these regulations, explosives and other dangerous articles are divided into the following groups : 1. Forbidden articles. 2. Acceptable explosives. 3. Acceptable dangerous articles other than explosives. 102 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Group 1.— Forbidden Explosives. 21. Except when shipped by the War or Navy Department of the United States Government in time of war or of threatened war, the following articles must not be shipped by express, except properly packed samples (not including liquid nitroglycerin) for laboratory examination, as provided in section 232 of the act of March 4, 1921 (see par. 23) : (fl) Liquid nitroglycerin. (6) High explosives, including nitroglycerin explosives, dynamite, chlorate powders, nitrate of ammonia powders, picric acid,^ picrates, dry nitrocellulose (gun cotton and negative cotton), dry nitrostarch, trinitrotoluene, and fireworks that can be exploded en masse. (c) .Ammunition for cannon, with or without projectiles, and explo- sive projectiles, explosive bombs, explosive mines, explosive torpedoes, rifle and hand grenades, gas grenades, smoke grenades, incendiary grenades, and chemical v/arfare ammunition. (See paragraph 30.) {d) Fulminate of mercury or of any other metal, except as a component of manufactured articles whose transportation is not forbidden herein. (e) Detonating fuzes. (/) Blasting caps, including electric blasting caps. (g) Low explosives or black powder. (h) Toy torpedoes exceeding l}^ inches in diameter; or containing a mLxture of potassium chlorate, black antimony and sulphur, with an average weight of explosive in each torpedo exceeding 7 grains (see par. 56). Toy caps containing more than an average of thirty-five hundredths of a grain of explosive composition. Toy torpedoes containing a cap composed of a mixture of red phosphorus and potassium chlorate exceeding an average of more than one-half (0.5) grain per cap. (i) Fireworks, such as sparklers, or fusees, containing a match tip or head, or similar igniting point or surface, unless each individual tip, head, or similar igniting point or surface is entirely covered and securely protected from accidental contact or friction with any other surface. ij) Fireworks that ignite spontaneously or undergo marked decomposition when subjected for 48 consecutive hours to the temperature of 75° C. (167° F.). (k) Fireworks containing an ammonium salt and a chlorate. (l) Firecrackers whose dimensions exceed 5 inches in length or three-fourths inch in diameter, or whose explosive charges exceed 45 grains each in weiglit. (m) Fireworks that can be exploded en masse by a blasting cap placed in one of the units, or by impact of a rifle bullet, or otherwise. ' Picric acid (or medicinal purposes, and not excccdinp; 4 ounces in one outside pacl^age, may be shipped without other restrictions when in securely closed glass bottles, properly cushioned to prevent breakage. I i DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. 103 (n) Fireworks that combine an explosive and a detonator or blasting cap. (o) Explosives or other dangerous articles properly condemned by the Bureau of Explosives, except properly repacked samples for laboratory examination. ip) Smokeless powder.^ (See Note, paragraph 30.) (q) Boxes or kegs that have been used for high explosives. Group 1. — Forbidden Other Dangerous Articles. 22. Except when shipped by the War or Navy Department of the United States Government in time of war or of threatened war, the following articles must not be shipped by express, except properly packed samples for laboratory examination: (a) Carbon bisulphide. (b) Pyroxylin plastic scrap. Celluloid scrap. Fiberloid scrap. Pyralin scrap. Viscoloid scrap. Zylonite scrap. (c) Motion-picture film scrap (pieces of exposed or unexposed inflammable motion-picture film). (d) Charcoal screenings. (e) Phosphorus (white or yellow) except as provided in para- graph 99. (/) Poisonous liquids or gases of such nature that a very small proportion of the vapors or gases mixed with air is dangerous to life. This class includes the following: Acid, hydrocyanic (prussic). Bromacetone. Carbonyl chloride (phosgene). Brombenzylcyanide. Chlorpicrin. Chloracetophenone. Cyanogen. Diphenylaminechlorarsine. Diphenylchlorarsine. Mustard gas. Phosgene. Prussic acid. Xylyl bromide. Poison gases or liquids not otherwise specified herein. (g) Outside packages containing in the same compartment interior packages the mixture of whose contents would be liable to cause a dangerous evolution of heat, gas, or corrosive materials. ' Fire-extinguisher charges containing not to exceed 50 grains of smokeless powder per unit are exempt from these regulations. 104 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. {h) Packages containing a dangerous article in a leaky condition or in such an insecure condition as to make leakage probable during transit. (i) Cylinders containing gases capable of combining chemically. (/) Rags or cotton waste oily with more than 5 per cent of vege- table or animal oil, or wet rags, or wet hair, or wet waste wool, or wet textile waste, or wet waste paper, or wet burlap bags, or burnt, wet, or damp fiber, or wet paper stock, or wet jute, or wet hemp. (k) Acid carboys, empty, unless thoroughly drained. (l) Peanut bran or peanut skins containing more than 12 per cent oil. (m) Fish scrap containing less than 8 per cent or more than 12 per cent moisture or having a temperature exceeding 100° F. when loaded. (Does not include wet acidulated fish scrap with moisture 40 to 55 per cent.) (n) Rough ammoniate tankages (tankages made from ammoniatos, such as leather scrap, horns, hoofs, hair, hair waste, felt waste, etc.), containing less than 7 per cent moisture or having a temperature exceeding 100° F. when loaded. (o) Garbage tankage, tankage fertilizers, etc., containing less than 8 per cent moisture or having a temperature exceeding 100° F. when loaded. Group 2. — Acceptable Explosives. 23. The following explosives may be accepted for transportation by express when offered in compliance with these regulations: (a) Samples of explosives for laboratory examination, when prop- erly packed and not exceeding a net weight of one-half pound for each sample, and not exceeding 20 such samples at one time in a single vessel or vehicle. (See pars. 40 to 42.) (b) Small-arms ammunition. (c) Small-arms primers. (d) Cannon primers, (g) Percussion fuzes. (/) Time or combination fuzes. ig) Tracer fuzes. (h) Safety fuse. (i) Cordeau detonant. if) Safety squibs. (]c) Common fireworks and special fireworks, except when for- bidden. (.See pur. 21.) (Z) Instantaneous fuse. (m) Fuse lighters. (n) Fuse igniters, (o) Electric squibs. ip) Delay electric igniters. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS, 105 DEFINITIONS OF ACCEPTABLE EXPLOSIVES. 24. The only samples of explosives (not including liquid nitro- glycerin) that can la\N^ully be shipped by express are those intended for examination in a laboratory and not intended for use or demon- stration. 25. Small-arms ammunition (such as is used in sporting or fowling pieces, or in rifle or pistol practice, etc.) consists usually of a paper or metallic shell, the primer, and the powder charge — with or without shot or bullet, the materials necessary for one firing being all in one piece. 26. Percussion and time fuzes, and primers, are devices used to ignite the black-powder bursting charges of projectiles, or the powder charges of ammunition. For small-arms ammunition the primers are usually called "small-arms primers" or ''percussion caps." Tracer fuzes consist of a device which is attached to a projectile and contains a slow-burning composition, to show the flight of projectiles at night. 27. {a) Safety fuse consists ordinarily of a core of granular black powder, which is surrounded by yarn, tape, pitch, rubber, etc. (h) Safety squibs are small paper tubes containing a small quantity of black powder, one end of each tube being twisted and generally tipped with sulphur. (c) Electric squibs consist of small pasteboard tubes containing a small quantity of ignition compound and a wire bridge embedded in sulphur, and with wires attached. (d) Delay electric igniters consist of small metal tubes containing a wire bridge embedded in sulphur and a small quantity of ignition composition in contact with a piece of safety fuse, and with wires attached. (e) Instantaneous fuse is made from cotton yarns saturated with meal powder. (f) Cordeau detonant is a fuse containing trinitrotoluol, assembled in a draw^n lead tube. (g) Fuse lighters or fuse igniters consist of small cylindrical hollow pasteboard tubes containing a friction igniting composition in one end, the other end being open to permit it to be placed on safety fuse. 28. Fireworks include everything that is designed and manu- factured primarily for the purpose of producing a visible or audible pyrotechnic efi'ect by combustion or by explosion. They consist of common fireworks and special fireworks. 29. Common fireworks include all that depend principally upon nitrates to support combustion and not upon chlorates; that contain no phosphorus and no high explosive sensitive to shock and friction; that produce their efiFect through color display rather than by loud 66620°— 22 8 106 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. noises. If noise is the principal object, the units must be small and of such nature and manufacture that they will explode separately and harmlessly, if at all, when one unit is ignited in a packing case. Theiv must not be designed for ignition by shock or friction. Examples are Chinese firecrackers, Roman candles, pinwheels, col- ored fires, rockets, serpents, railw-sty fusees, flash powders, flash sheets, sparklers, smoke pots, illuminating projectiles, aeroplane flares, etc. 30. Special fireworks include all that contain any quantity of phosphorus, a fulminate, or other high explosive sensitive to shock or friction; or that contain units of such size that the explosion of one while being handled would produce a serious injury; or that require a special appliance or tool, mortar, holder, etc., for their safe use; or that are designed for ignition by shock or friction. Examples are giant firecrackers, bombs, and salutes (not high explosives, see par. 21), toy torpedoes and caps, ammunition pellets fired in a special holder, railway torpedoes, aeroplane flares, etc. Note. — Smoke candles, tear gas candles, and tear gas grenades, which may con- tain smokeless powder, but no poisonous substance may be accepted and trans- ported when packed and marked in compliance with the regulations for the trans- portation of special fireworks, pi'ovided that shipments are made by or for the War or Navy Department of the United States Government. SECTION 3. PACKING, MARKING, AND LABELING OF ACCEPTABLE » EXPLOSIVES. 40. (a) Packing. — Samples of explosives for laboratory examina- tion must be placed in well-secured metal cans or glass bottles, or in strong waterproof paper or cardboard packages; each sample must not consist of more than one-half pound of explosive, and the interior package must be placed in sawdust or similar cushioning material, at least 2 inches thick, in a strong and tight wooden box, with ends not less than I inch thick, and top, bottom, and sides not less than }/2 inch thick when a nailed box is used, or with ends, top, bottom, and sides not less than 3^ inch ^ thick when of lock-cornered con- struction. (6) Whenever these samples of explosives for laboratory examina- tion are contained in a metal envelope or receptacle, this receptacle must be properly cushioned with sawdust or similar cushioning j material in a strong wooden box, and this interior box must be placed in a tight outside wooden box with at least 2 inches of cushion- ing material separating the boxes. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. 107 (c) Not more than 100 blasting caps may be shipped in one outside package for laboratory examination, and they must be packed and cushioned as provided in paragraph 40(6). 41. Weiglit. — Not more than 20 half-pound samples of explosives for laboratory examination may be placed in one outside box or transported at one time. The net weight of the explosive contents must be plainly marked by the shipper on the outside of each box offered for forwarding. 42. Marking. — Each outside package containing samples of explo- sives for laboratory examination must have securely and conspicu- ously attached to it a square, red certificate label, measuring 4 inches on each side, bearing in black letters the following: Sample for Laboratory Examination HANDLE CAREFULLY KEEP FIRE AWAY This is to certify that the above articles are properly described by name and are packed and marked and are in proper condition for transportation^ according to the regulations prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission. (Shipper's Name) RED LABEL FOR SAMPLES OF EXPLOSIVES. (REDUCED SIZE) SMALL-ARMS AMMUNITION, PRIMERS, FUZES, SAFETY FUSE, SAFETY SQUIBS, ETC. No Labels are Required. ' 43. Small-arms ammunition must be packed in pasteboard or other boxes, and these pasteboard or other boxes must be packed in strong outside wooden or metal containers. Small-arms ammunition, in pasteboard or other boxes and in quan- itity not exceeding a gross weight of 75 pounds, may be packed with nonexplosive and noninflammable articles and with small-arms primers or percussion caps, provided the outside wooden or metal package is plainly marked "SMALL-ARMS AMJVIUNITION," 108 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. 44. Primers, and percussion, combination, tracer, and time fuzes, must be packed in strong, tight, wooden, or metal containers, with special provision for securing individual packages of primers and fuzes against movement in container. 45. Small-arms primers containing anvils must be packed in cellu- lar packages, with partitions separating the layers and columns of primers, so that the explosion of a portion of the primers in the com- pleted shipping package will not cause the explosion of all of the primers. 46. Percussion caps must be packed in metal or other boxes con- taining not more than 500 caps, but the construction of the cap and the kind and qilantity of explosives in each must be such that the explosion of a part of the caps in the completed shipping package will not cause the explosion of all of the caps. 47. Small-arms primers and percussion caps may form a part of the gross weight of 75 pounds of small-arms ammunition that may be packed with other articles as authorized by paragraph 43, or not exceeding 5 pounds of small-arms primer or percussion caps may be packed with nonexplosive and noninflammable articles." 48. Safety fuse, cordeau detonant, instantaneous fuse, safety squibs, electric squibs, delay electric igniters, and fuse lighters or fuse igniters, must be ])acked in strong wooden boxes or barrels properly marked with the name of the article packed therein. Safety fuse may also be packed in corrugated strawboard or fiber board containers, or may be packed in bales (provided the fuse is first wraj^ped in tarred felt, then sewed in tarpaulin, and inclosed in a strong l)nrlap bag), properly marked. 49. Weight. — The gross weight of one outside package containing small-arms ammunition, primers, ])ercussion caps, or percussion, tracer or time fuzes, must not exceed 150 pounds. 50. Marking. — Each outside box must be plainly marked " SMALL- ARMS AMMUNITION," "SMALL-ARMS PRIMERS— HANDLE CAREFULLY," "PERCUSSION CAPS— HANDLE CARE- FULLY," "CANNON PRIMERS— HANDLE CAREFULLY," "COMBINATION PRIMERS— HANDLE CAREFULLY," "PERCUSSION FUZES— HANDLE CAREFULLY," "COMBI- NATION FUZES— HANDLE CAREFULLY," TRACER FUZES— HANDLE CAREFULLY," "SAFETY FUSE," "COR- DEAU DETONANT," "SAFETY SQUIBS," "INSTANTANEOUS FUSE," or "TIME FUZES," etc. FIREWORKS. 51. Common fireworks must be in a finished state, exclusive of mere ornamentation, as supplied to the retail trade, and must be securely packed in strong, tight, spark-proof wooden barrels comply- DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. 109 ing %vith specification No. 11, or in wooden boxes complying with specification No. 12 A. Photographic flash powder in quantity not exceeding 5 pounds may be packed with nonexplosive, noninflammable, or noncorrosive articles. 52. Special fireworks must be in a finished state, exclusive of mere ornamentation, as supplied to the retail trade, and must not contain forbidden explosives. (See par. 21.) Special fireworks must be securely packed in strong, spark-proof wooden barrels that comply with specification No. 11, or in wooden boxes that comply with specification No. 12. 53. Paper cap ammunition for toy pistols, in quantity not exceeding 3 gross of inside packages, not to exceed 250 caps each, may be packed with other nonexplosive or noninflammable articles, provided outside packages are marked as prescribed herein. 54. Paper caps may be packed in packages with toy pistols provided the caps are packed in a separate compartment of the outside package or inside package, and provided outside packages are marked and labeled as prescribed herein. 55. Cap torpedoes must be packed in sawdust, in paper or cardboard cartons; the size of the carton must be not less than 4 cubic inches for each grain of explosive. 56. Unless packed in separate-compartment cartons as described below, toy torpedoes must not contain more than an average of 7 grains each of a mixture of potassium chlorate, black antimony, and sulphur, and not more than one-half gross shall be packed in a single inside container of capa:city not less than 105 cubic inches. All vacant space in the inside container must be filled with fine sawdust. The average weight must not exceed 9 grains when not more than one-half gross of the torpedoes are packed in an inside pasteboard carton of capacity not less than 120 cubic inches with partitions that provide for each torpedo a separate compartment in which all vacant space is filled with fine sawdust. 57. Torpedoes of any kind must not be packed with other fireworks. 58. Weight. — The gross weight of one outside package containing common fireworks must not exceed 200 pounds, and the gross weight of one outside package containing special fireworks must not exceed 100 pounds; the gross weight of an outside package containing toy torpedoes must not exceed 65 pounds. 59. Marking. — All outside boxes or barrels containing common fireworks must be plainly marked "COMMON FIREWORKS- KEEP FIRE AWAY," and all outside boxes or barrels containing special fireworks, or a mixture of common and special fireworks, must be plainly marked ''SPECIAL FIREWORKS— HANDLE CARE- FULLY—KEEP FIRE AWAY," in letters not less than -^ inch in no INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. hei<2;lit. Outside packages containing toy torpedoes must also be marked "TOY TORPEDOES." 60. Label. — Each outside package containing common or special fireworks must have securely and conspicuously attached to it a square, red certificate label measuring 4 inches on each side and bear- ing in black letters the following: FIR EWOR KS HANDLE CAREFULLY KEEP FIRE AWAY DO NOT DROP NOR THROW This package must not be loaded or stored near steam pipes or other source of heat This is to certify that the above articles are properly described by name and are packed and marked and are in proper condition for transportation, according to the regulations prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission. {Shipper's Name.) RED LABEL FOR FIREWORKS. (REDUCED SIZE) SECTION 4. CROUP 3.— ACCEPTABLE DANGEROUS ARTICLES OTHER THAN EXPLOSIVES. Definitions. INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS— RED LABEL. 70. Inflammable liquids include any liquid or liquid mixture that gives ofi' inflammable vapors (as determined by flash point from Tagliabue's open-cup tester, as used for test of burning oils) at or below a temperature of 80° F. Note. — Nonfhiid or paste compounds composed in part of inflammable liquids, which at 100° V. will not liquefy and remain liquid are not considered as inflammable. INFLAMMABLE SOLIDS — YELLOW LABEL. 71. Inflammable solids include all substances other than those classified as explosives that are liable under conditions incident to transportation to cause fires by ignition through friction, through absorption of moisture, or through spontaneous chemical changes. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. Ill OXIDIZING MATERIALS — YELLOW LABEL. 72. Oxidizing materials include all substances such as chlorates, permanganates, peroxides, and nitrates, that yield oxygen readily to stimulate the combustion of organic matter. CORROSIVE LIQUIDS — WHITE LABEL. 73. Corrosive liquids include the strong mineral acids, and other strongly corrosive liquids that are liable to cause fires when mixed with chemicals or with organic matter, or are hable in case of leakage from their shipping containers to damage other freight materially. COMPRESSED GASES— RED OR GREEN (GAS) LABEL. t 74. Compressed gases include all inflammable or noninflammable gases under pressure exceeding 25 pounds per square inch at 70° F., except poisonous gases as prohibited by paragraph 228 herein: Provided, That such inflammable or noninflammable gases in cylinders or tubes not exceeding J^ inch outside diameter and of not more than 4 fluid ounces water capacity, and hand fire extinguishers containing nonliquefied gas for the purpose of expelling fire-extinguishing contents; and machines or apparatus assembled for shipment, and containing not more than 15 pounds of gas for their operation, are exempt from the requirements of these regulations. POISONOUS ARTICLES — POISON LABEL. 75. For the purpose of regulations for safe transportation by express, poisonous articles are divided into two classes, according to the degree of hazard in transportation. (See par. 22 (/) for forbidden poisons.) Class A. — Forbidden. (a) Poisonous gases or liquids of such nature that a very small proportion of the gas or vapor mixed with air is dangerous to life. (See par. 22 (/)). Class B. — Acceptable. (6) Poisonous liquids of such nature that they are chiefly dangerous by actual contact with the body or by contamination of foods and feeds. The vapors of some of this class of materials are also offen- sive or dangerous, but to a much less extent than those prohibited by paragraph 22 (/) . Poisonous solids of such nature that they are chiefly dangerous if taken internally, although having some poisonous effects on the skin. 112 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. LIST OF PRINCIPAL DANGEROUS ARTICLES OTHER THAN EXPLOSIVES. (See par. 22 for forbidden articles.) 76. (a) The following list shows the names of well-known articles other than explosives in general use that are dangerous, the kind of label required for outside packages, and the quantities that may be shipped in one outside package by express. (6) Wlien a shipment described by and marked with a definite and proper name not in the following list is defined as a dangerous one by paragraphs 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, and 75 (b), the shipper must inform the express carrier of the fact by use of the proper label, and must give the certificate prescribed herein. (c) Articles described under names in the following list marked with (*) may or may not be dangerous under the regulations, and when not dangerous the shipper must plainly label, mark, or stencil on each outside package containing such articles, the proper and definite name of the article and the words ''NO LABEL REQUIRED." (d) When dangerous articles other than explosives requiring red labels are shipped in the same outside package with dangerous articles requiring yellow or white labels, the outside package must be labeled with the red label only. The marking and description must be that of the inflammable liquid present in largest quantity. («) When several dangerous articles are placed in one outside pack- age without violating these regulations the combined quantity of any one group must not exceed the lowest limit prescribed for any one of the articles of that group that is included. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. 113 a> a ui rt ° °'a o o O M .ft PI 03 JI&2 3 o -' - 03 .a *j o ti « 3 03 (S o! O ftp, -IS '-H GO t-H ^ 00 ^OO oo ^^'S 3 "S to2' C) CM C^ O 2 "-^^ '-''-' ^ ft ^ •-* CV3 -\-ft-=^ 00 00 00 ->v "^00 ^~ oo o ^S S; ^ 00 00 ->v **« „ _ o o OOCC- 00 d S !3 03 « C O , 00 rt_ rf woo oo -•-^ °° ^'^ ^o' o' -^""^ m'^-n"':?'' Co!---. '--^RSo-s^sa.H _. CL 3 So goo o S S S 2 § o5 o o 5 ° £ S^ E ° ° ° 3 3 o' 5 1 1 5 3 § §511 1,S,55 o! c« 03 03 C3 M ft o3— ftft ftcaJiroSftoSeoSo! bo W) he tuO hijJpjhJJJhJhii-iiJjJJ^SSj SSShJjJc„'JJp^' o d o o o o o o o o o o o c a a ii ji a ^' ° r,\' .' .' a i^ im o o'P'^'c'^ o'e • OwOOOOOOOOOOOmh;mOOm^iO^(^^iPLi>i;OOOoOh;£mmOm^i s<«s2«.2.a.2saaabdi T;.3nassc-333««S >i;:^'3 S o) oj oi CO .=; .5 .s +j -^ ^ MnPn(-iH(-'^o3o3a3a3cOo3® 3 .5 I 'is 5n5 114 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION". c-n ° m It e eg . •— _ • C M i ° 8 ?&« a 08 ' _ 3 o «) & p. c8 is ""3 'k 3 e8 3 C8 O ftP. *S5S« S- ^ _if IC OC "^ 00 o o ci5 •- -_r - oc oc .c:> o ^ o SSg ^.s a> 00 *^ w oc — r "-'— 00 l-H MOO--- 00 So6d = sg:3--t;5oot:oogs50oSgoo20ooo § o oss io.2 055255 ^00 00;:; 3 ,00 o 00 s"*^ "3 p. ji:. 3 p. S S • lo vo io 10 ™"' CM ^O ^ (N «D ^ ,-1 CD ^ CD & s o 9 0^ O V a; p.— K B c £ *'3'g 67 5 c c O I. 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O O^ 03 t- t- r ■S C I O O I t;^.2-' <1«1<1 <1S L<1<1 ii . . ^ do'dj^ do'do'ddddddo'dd ^'n' C flj? C a S ID 90 3d S.S6 MP. O O -eg c*C rt^'- o " • ©■;:3't3 m -• ^ ^ ^ o *^ .is" «-> « t, -S M 2o3a3'?-So.£3333g^ddJ=-5";t2 JOKW ^ " 3 WW'3lzgo ^ *-' rt^ ^^ p. g^^ O ffl © =■32 Sf ^s:§:s2s-„ '^'^"lilllllli i: 3 116 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. c-So S f- c |S2g Ec."-3 I & S O ot 55 _- OS _» Q OS ■ "ao j^'^O 3C o2 o> ^ -.^-o S? o C — Q cs a t- o H "- _ C8 CD C „ O to y^ 5 o IC lO JJSOOOO'^00'^„-J5' 00 *SooSc-S*» o- So ^" _S OCi '" 00 '^^ -__- 00 £-oo";^M''=1ir<^'S2- "m « iO iC *-r ».0 to .-*^iO 10 ^^ •o 00 . 'C . • 'OOO .„ s ; fe s s : ". ^ & «■ -c « > : : ^ ^ & O .coo . 'OO^^C^O . 'OOO Q)oa;oc>a^oooiiJQ> Sec g c c St3 6" oS'S-o E5-S5 «!< CO W iJ J (/3 J J J cceccscc ;ss hH HH »-4 K-l HH I— 4 H- 1 1— ( w Vi^ HH hH t— ( M )JM iJ s n «] «] I OH5Sc4HHOOO»i:^^:4>t;>i5oMQMM>5oo O OS e-^ C; M C ;^5 is 5;^ ■^•9 2 :% r3 ^ ■!-■ H cfl'O 05 S .2 iiti _2 -- crSl.'I.S £1 c o ec a ^S-oEg-g - 'O -t^ '^ -^ "^ rt^ ■ >- -r .5 "o := 2; Si ■- ■£ ►J - • M c o M d o o « oj q s«sg-s 1.2 g^ g££ ^? - - E^ "= i o c o o o o I p C:. &, p, p. f o d d d o b Pm Ph Ph pM CM P-( o'o o'l PLlPHf^f DANGEROUS AETICLES BY EXPRESS. 117 — T,-,- 1* 1^' 03 00 X oo 00 'O'" 3S. £-0" p'-TS p" C ^3X3 q O-d ^— ' CD O ^ "^5? S^iO'°11p~^.o'''=^ r^. r*-. ^^ Ca 00 ^ O 00 Oi o> ^ - mcc 00 i-TS 00 00 ^^ ~-' S t: o o c.2ii o C^N^Df-^CCCO «-' ^ (M r-4 r-* CJ hJ hJ b\hi^OMMM.i^ii;oM!Sc'ooMOMMMii:;ooouM>^hi;.5 'g.2 fl iSSgS _~'0 0! C3-S O p o o.SS£c3 g 03 CO c3.:=5.::.3 g P P - . i^i^n is ;3(!3J3Soooooooo * * * * * 'l- O ^r- 03^ oQ oQ 03 E-i E-i E-i 'S'S ^« poo !3 o o * * «■ o 2 00 03 ^« 5 o " '- o ffl ^s <>, ^-g O w "S 03 *-" 4^ o o <; a) p-S T3 3 a £ 3 s d a o C3 BO i O, co-O a o •^-o d o oj y X) t: c i* 4^"^ ■c -^ i^ = 2 a O o WS * .£ s O ■§l X!^ ,d -a^ ■§ CC a> i=8 o « 1* ^-a P-o CO u« 12 O (3 "o § ^H ?!<»- :z:2 D a Xo fl « o5 OT3 ?« «i 1 ° ■;sT3 fi •s^ "^M s^b ^ a s 3 -■3 1 !*> o a 1^ Pfe r^ =* fcr=! trO ■ ^a fiics^ ^ o ^ 118 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. SECTION 5. PACKING DANGEROUS ARTICLES OTHER THAN EXPLOSIVES. 80. Dangerous articles for which the yellow and white labels, respectively, are prescribed, must not be packed in the same package unless the bottle containing the corrosive liquid is cushioned by incombustible absorbent material in tightly closed metal containers as prescribed by paragraph 125. Nitric acid must not be packed in the same outside package with any other article. Cylinders of com- pressed gases must not be packed with other articles. 81. (a) Barrels, drums, cylinders, boxes, cans, carboys, and other containers used hereafter for the shipment of dangerous articles other than explosives must have been made and marked in accord- ance with the requirements of the approved specifications as pre- scribed herein, or of the previous issues of these specifications effective at the date of manufacture of the container: Provided, That cylinders manufactured previous to the date on which specifications therefor were first made effective, may be used if they have been properly tested and otherwise comply with the requirements of paragraphs 136 to 164 of these regulations: Provided further , That cylinders of foreign manufacture received from foreign countries for charging with compressed gas may be charged and shipped, for export only, if they are known to have been retested and charged in full compliance with the requirements prescribed herein for domestic cylinders: And provided further, That cylinders previously used in any service in accordance with these regulations, may be transferred to a service requiring less strength and for which they are suitable, upon application to the Bureau of Explosives and receipt of advice to change the marking on the cylinders. (h) In addition to standing the tests prescribed, the design and construction of packages must be such as to prevent the occurrence in individual packages of defects that permit leakage of their con- tents under the ordinary conditions incident to transportation. The results of experience gained by an examination of damaged or broken packages on arrival at destination, must be reported to and recorded by tlie Bureau of Explosives, to the end that further use of any particular kind of package shown by experience to be inefficient, may be prohibited by the commission. (c) Pending approval and promulgation by the commission of specifications for shipping containers other than those for which specifications are published herein, containers may be used which after investigation made by the Bureau of Explosives, or other competent testing laboratory in the presence of a representative of the Bureau of Explosives, are shown to possess the general efficiency DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. 119 and the protection against leakage of contents afforded by the standard types of corresponding capacity described in the specifica- tions published herein, provided they are labeled or marked to show- compliance with ad interim specifications provided therefor by the Bureau of Explosives. id) Interior packages containing 1 pint or more of an inflammable liquid or any quantity of corrosive liquid must be packed wath their filling holes up, and the outside package must be plainly marked "THIS SIDE UP." Inflanunable Liquids — Red Label. 82. The maximum quantity of any inflammable liquid not other- wise specified herein (see pars. 84 to 89 and column 4 of list, par. 76), packed in one outside container, must not exceed 1 gallon when the flash point is 20° F. or below, and must not exceed 5 gallons when the flash point is above 20° F. and below 80° F. 83. (a) Packages containing inflammable liquids must not be entirely filled. Sufficient interior space must be left vacant to prevent leakage or distortion of containers, due to increase of tem- perature during transit. In all such packages this vacant space must not be less than 2 per cent of the capacity of the container. (6) In packages containing alcohol, cologne spirits, high wines, or other distilled spirits, the vacant interior space, or allowance for wantage or ullage, must conform to the United States internal revenue regulations. 84. Alcohol may be shipped when packed in two 5-gallon metal cans, inclosed in a wooden box complying with specification No. 2; or in two 5-gallon metal cans boxed separately in compliance with specification No. 2, and inclosed in a strong wooden crate; or in metal drums of capacity not exceeding 10 gallons, complying with specification No. 5. 85. Casinghead gasoline, blended or unblended, must be shipped as liquefied petroleum gas, in steel cylinders (paragraphs 136 to 164), when the vapor pressure at 100° F. exceeds 10 pounds per square inch, and as gasoline when the vapor pressure is 10 pounds or less. 86. Liquid cements, including leather cement, roofing cement, rubber cement, etc., with flash point above 20° F., may be shipped in tightly closed metal cans of not exceeding 5 gallons capacity, and in quan- tities not exceeding 6 gallons in one outside package, provided the cans and boxes comply with specification No. 2. If the fiash point is 20° F. or below, the maximum quantity that may be shipped in one outside package is 1 gallon. 87. Ethyl chloride must be shipped in inside containers of not over ^ pint capacity tightly closed and cushioned in outside containers 120 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. complying with specification No. 2 or 24 (or No. 19 for mixed shipments). 88. Paint or varnish with flash point above 20° F. may be shipped in tifjhtly closed metal cans not exceeding 5 gallons capacity, and in quantities not exceeding 12 gallons in one outside package, provided the cans and boxes comply with specification No. 2 ; or in metal barrels or drums of not exceeding 55 gallons capacity complying with speci- fication No. 5. 89. Spirits of nitroglycerin consisting of not to exceed 10 per cent by weight of nitroglycerin in ethyl alcohol must be packed in metal cans hermetically sealed by soldering, and not exceeding 1 gallon may be packed in any single outside box which must comply with specification No. 2, and in addition the box must be lined with strong paraffined paper and the metal can must be entirely surrounded by at least 2 inches of dry fine sawdust or kieselguhr. Spirits of nitroglycerin, U. S. P., consisting of not to exceed 1 per cent by weight of nitroglycerin in ethyl alcohol, may also be placed in securely closed glass bottles of not more than 1 quart capacity^ cushioned by at least 2 inches of dry fine sawdust or kieselguhr in outside wooden boxes complying wdth specification No. 2 or 19. Not more than 1 quart may be shipped in one package. 90. (a) Except where special preparation and packing are pre- scribed in paragraphs 82 to 89, inflammable liquids must be shipped in packages complying with specifications that apply, as follows: ih) In tightly closed metal cans of not exceeding 5 gallons capacity packed in wooden boxes complying w^ith specification No. 2 or cush- ioned in wooden barrels or kegs complying with specification No. 11. (c) In well-stoppered glass or earthenware vessels of not exceeding 1 quart capacity cushioned in wooden boxes complying with speci- fication No. 2 or 19, or cushioned in wooden barrels or kegs com- plying with specification No. 11. (d) In well-stoppered glass, earthenware, or metal vessels of not exceeding 1 pint capacity (ether, 1 pound) when flash point is 20° F. or lower, and 1 quart capacity when flash point is above 20° F., cushioned in fiber board or corrugated strawboard containers com- plying with specification No. 24, and not exceeding 8 quarts in one package, except that when hermetically sealed metal inside con- tainers are used the combined capacity shall not exceed 25 pints. (e) In metal-jacketed cans of not exceeding 5 gallons capacity, complying with specification No. 23. (/) In metal drums of capacity not exceeding 5 gallons, complying with specification No. 5. (g) In securely closed glass or metal containers of not to exceed 1 pint capacity, inloscd in outside containers complying with speci- fication No. 29. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. 121 Inflammable Solids — Yellow Label. 94. The maximum quantity of any inflammable solid not other- wise specified herein (see pars. 95 to 109, and column 4, list, par. 76), placed in one outside package must not exceed 25 pounds. Inflam- mable solids must not be packed in the same outside container with corrosive liquids unless the corrosive liquids are in bottles, cushioned by incombustible absorbent material, in tightly closed metal contain- ers as prescribed by paragraph 125. The net weight in any container must not exceed 25 pounds. 95. Benzoyl peroxide must be wet with not less than 30 per cent of water by weight, and placed in tightly sealed metal cans of not exceeding 5 pounds capacity each; packed in wooden boxes (speci- fication No. 18). Not more than 25 pounds of wet material may be packed in a single box. 96. Sodium picramate must be* wet with not less than 20 per cent of water by weight, and placed in tightly closed bottles of not exceed- ing 1 quart capacity each, cushioned in wooden boxes complying with specification No. 2 or 19. Not more than 25 pounds of wet material may be packed in a single box. 97. Calcium phosphide must be placed in hermetically sealed metal cans inclosed in metal-lined wooden boxes (see specification No. 18). 98. Metallic sodium or potassium, in quantity not greater than 1 pound, must be placed in neutral oil, and this in a well-stoppered bottle, protected by a tin container and boxed: or in hermetically sealed tin cylinders, boxed. Specification No. 18. 99. Yellow or white phosphorus, not to exceed 4 ounces in each sample, provided samples are placed in water in sealed metal cylin- ders or cans inclosed in a wooden box made of lumber not less than % inch thick, may be accepted only when consigned to the Laboratory of the Internal Revenue Bureau or to the Hygienic Laboratory of the Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. 100. Amorphous (red) phosphorus must be packed in sealed metal containers inclosed in wooden boxes complying with specification No. 18. Not more than 11 pounds may be packed in one outside package. 101. (a) For transportation purposes matches are divided into two classes, "strike on box matches" and "strike anywhere matches." Strike on box matches, including book matches, are those matches which are intended to be ignited on a prepared surface. Strike anywhere matches are those matches for the ignition of which a prepared surface is not required. Matches of any kind must not be packed in the same outside package with any other article, except that strike on box and book matches in individual metal or leather holders, are permitted. 66620°— 22 9 122 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. (6) No individual container (not including book matclies, card, or block mutches) shall contain more than 700 matches in any one con- tainer, box, or package. Wlien more than 300 matches are packed in any individual container, box, or package, the matches must be arranged in two nearly equal portions with the heads of the two portions placed in opposite directions. All individual containers con- taining 350 or more matches must have placed over the matches a center holding or protecting strip made of cardboard or wood which can be scored or bent without fracture. This protecting strip shall be not less than 1^ inches wide and shall be flanged down at least five-eighths inch on each end to hold the matches in position when the container is nested into the shuck or cover, or withdrawn there- from. (c) All individual containers of either strike on box or strike any- where matches must be placed in a box complying with specification No. 36. (d) The gross weight of any package containing strike anywhere or strike on box matches must not exceed 50 pounds, and the outside container should have plainlv marked thereon ''STRIKE ANYWHERE MATCHES" or ''STRIKE ON BOX MATCHES," as the case may be. 102. (a) Motion-picture films must be packed in spark-proof metal cases or trunks complying with specification No. 32; not more than eight reels (approximately 1,000 feet each) may be packed in one such outside container; or (b) Motion-picture films must be packed in outside wooden boxes complying with specification No. 19, provided each reel is placed in a tightly closed inside metal container. The gross weight of such a package must not exceed 200 pounds. (c) Unexposed motion-picture film in tight rolls must be packed in interior metal cans not to exceed approximately 3,000 feet in one inside can; the cover of each inside can must fit tightly and be held in place by a strip of adhesive tape or paper; the interior cans must be securely packed in outside wooden boxes complying with specification No. 19. The gross weight of one outside container must not exceed 200 pounds. (d) Slow-burning (noninflammable) motion-picture films may be accepted without other restrictions when securely packed in strong packages of sullioient strength to carry to destination without rupture or leakage of contents; each outside container must be plainly marked "MOTION-PICTURE FILMS" and, in addition, must be marked "NO LABEL REQUIRED," as prescribed by paragraph 76 (c). (e) When noninflammable motion-picture films are packed in the same outside containers with inflammable motion-picture films, the DAXGEROT^S ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. 123 outside packages must bear the yellow label and the total contents of the outside container must not exceed the quantity or gross weight permitted for inflammable films. (/) Siiipments of motion-picture film with advertising matter attached to the outside container must not be offered for shipment. Shippers desiring to include advertising matter with their shipments of motion-picture film must place the advertising matter inside the outside box containing the film. 103. Pyroxylin plastics (celluloid, fiberloid, pyralin, viscoloid, zylonite, etc.) in sheets, rolls, or tubes, must be packed in strong spark-proof wooden boxes; the gross weight of such a package must not exceed 300 pounds; or Sheet pyroxylin must be packed flat in double-faced corrugated strawboard packages, provided^ that the total thickness of sheet material in one package does not exceed one-half inch in thickness, and the sheets do not exceed 21 by 51 inches. The pyroxylin plastic must be wrapped in paper and the box must have not less than two thicknesses of double-faced corrugated strawboard at all points. This strawboard must have a Mullen test of not less than 200 pounds for the box proper and not less than 175 pounds for the lining. When material is rolled it must be placed in fiber or strawboard cylinders having* wall thickness not less than 0.045 inch, and this cylinder must be lined with single-faced corrugated strawboard two-tenths inch thick. The maximum amount of p3Toxylin plastic in one of these cyhnders must not exceed 6 pounds. Manufactured articles made from or containing pyroxylin plastics are not subject to label, marking, or packing requirements. 104. Rubber shoddy, regenerated rubber, or reclaimed rubber, except when in the form of dense, homogeneous, nonporous sheets or rolls, the sheets of thickness of one-eighth inch or greater, packed flat or in rolls, must be packed in tight metal containers complying with specification No. 20B, or in wooden boxes complying with specifica- tion No. 17. 105. Rubber scrap, if ground, powdered, or granulated, whose rubber content exceeds 45 per cent as determined by subtracting the sum of the percentage of ash and the percentage of acetone from 100; and rubber buffings from any grade of rubber, irrespective of the percentage of rubber content, must be packed in tight metal con- tainers, complying with specification No. 20B, or in wooden boxes complying with specification No. 17. 107. Precipitated cobalt resinate must be packed in air-tight interior metal containers in strong outside wooden boxes complying with specification No. IS, 124 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION". 108. Wet nitrocellulose or wet nitrostarch or wet nitroguanidine. — Nitrocellulose or nitrostarch or nitroguanidine uniformly wet with not less than 5 pounds of water to 20 pounds of dry material must be packed in wooden boxes complying with specification No. 17 and marked "WET NITROCELLULOSE— 20 PER CENT WATER," or -WET NITROSTARCH— 20 PER CENT WATER," or "WET NITROGUANIDINE— 20 PER CENT WATER." 109. Sulphides of sodium or potassium must be packed according to condition of material, as follows: (a) Fused or concentrated, but not ground (may be chipped or broken) : In metal cans with tight covers or in bottles of not more than 5 pounds capacity; all cans and bottles in boxes complying with specification No. 18. (h) Fused or concentrated and gfound: In metal cans sealed by soldering; or in glass bottles inclosed in metal cans with tight covers; all cans and bottles packed in boxes complying with specification No. 18 Note. — Crystallized material is nonhazardous and is not subject to these regula- tions when so described and package is marked "No Label Required." 110. Phosphoric anhydride must be packed in hermetically sealed metal cans. The cans must be packed in strong wooden boxes com- plying with specification No. 2 and cushioned with dry, incom- bustible, mineral packing material of such a nature that when mixed with the phosphoric anhydride the mixture will produce no heat or chemical action. 111. Inflammable solids for which detailed instructions for packing are not prescribed herein must be packed in tight and strong outside wooden boxes, kegs, or barrels; the interior packages must be so cushioned and secured tliat no rupture of either can result from the ordinary shocks incident to transportation. Oxidizing Materials — Yellow Label. 115. Oxidizing materials must not be packed in the same outside container with corrosive liquids unless the corrosive liquids are in bottles, cushioned by incombustible absorbent material, in tightly closed metal containers as prescribed by paragraph 125. The maximum quantity of any oxidizing material not otherwise prescribed (see pars. 116 to 118 and column 4 of list, par. 76), placed in one outside package, must not exceed 25 pounds. 110. Barium peroxide must be placed in tight metal vessels packed in wooden l)oxes complying with specification No. 18. 117. Chromic acid must be packed in glass bottles of not greater than 5 pounds capacity each, closed with securely fastened glass stoppers, each bottle to be packed in a separate tight metal container DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. 125 with incombustible mineral packing material between the bottle and metal container. The metal containers must be packed in a wooden box complying with specification No. 18. 118. Peroxide of sodium must be placed in tight metal vessels packed in wooden boxes complying with specification No. 18. 120. (a) Oxidizing materi§ils must be placed in strong and tight metal packages packed in strong outside wooden boxes or barrels, or in strong and tight metal-lined wooden boxes complying with speci- fication No. 2, 11, or 17. (h) It is important to prevent contact of these materials with combustible substances, such as sawdust, shavings, or sweepings that may be present in express cars. Corrosive Liquids — White Label. 125. (a) The maximum quantity of any corrosive liquid not otherwise prescribed herein (see pars. 126 to 135, and column 4, list, par. 76) placed in an outside package must not exceed 1 quart, unless bottles are cushioned by incombustible absorbent material in tightly closed metal containers, and when so packed the maximum quantity in one outside package must not exceed 6 quarts. (6) Outside packages containing corrosive liquids must be plainly marked opposite or immediately under the name of the contents to show the maximum quantity of the corrosive liquid contained therein. 126. Corrosive liquids named in the list, paragraph 76, unless the bottles are cushioned and packed in metal cases as prescribed by paragraph 125, must not be packed in the outside container with any other article, except that sulphuric acid for fire-extinguisher charges may be packed in the same outside package with bicarbonate of soda, when the acid and soda are placed in separate inside compartments. 127. Corrosive liquids, except as specified herein, must be placed in securely closed glass, earthenware, lead, india rubber, or ceresine vessels, of not exceeding 1 quart capacity, and these vessels must be placed in a strong wooden box complying with specification No. 2 and surrounded and covered by suitable porous material that will not be ignited by the liquids, and in quantities sufficient to absorb and to hold all of the liquids in any such vessel. 128. Bromine must be in glass bottles of not more than 6J4 pounds (1 quart) capacity. These inside containers must not be entirely filled, but must have a vacant space above the liquid of not less than 15 per cent of the total capacity of the container; the}^ must be closed by glass, earthenware, or stone stoppers ground to fit and securely fastened. Bottles as provided herein must be packed in strong wooden boxes and securely cushioned on all sides with incombustible packing mate- rial, at least 1 inch in thickness, which will not produce heat when 126 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. mixed with tlio bromine. "Wliiting, mineral wool, infusorial earth (kieselgiihr) , sifted ashes, powdered china clay, or similar material must be used. Ilay, sawdust, excelsior, or other organic material, either treated or untreated, must not be used. Each box must be marked on top "THIS SIDE UP," and not more than 1 quart of bromine may be p^acked in one box. 129. Anhydrous liquid chlorides must be in well-stoppered earthen- ware or glass vessels of not more than 1 quart capacity, packed in strong wooden boxes complying with specification No. 2. The inner containers must be well cushioned by excelsior, hay, straw, or equiva- lent packing material, except that for phosphorus trichloride, phos- phorus oxychloride, and chloride of sulphur, the packing must be incombustible and of such nature that a mixture of the material with the packing will not cause fires or heating. All containers must be absolutely dry before filling. 130. (a) Electrolyte or other battery fluid must be packed in glass or earthenware containers of not exceeding 5 gallons capacity and cushioned in wooden boxes complying with specification No. 1 ; or in interior glass or earthenware containers of not exceeding 1 gallon capacity cushioned in wooden boxes compljnng with specification No. 2 or wooden kegs complying with specification No. 11. Note. — The term "electrolyte" relates to dilute sulphuric acid or corrosive alka- line solutions, used in charging storage batteries. (6) Electric storage batteries, containing liquid, must be packed in wooden boxes complying with specification No. 37. 131. Hydrochloric (muriatic) acid must be in well-stoppered earth- enware or glass vessels of not more than 1 quart capacity, packed in strong wooden boxes complying with specification No. 2. The inner contamers must be well cushioned with excelsior, hay, straw, or equivalent packing material. 132. Hydrofluoric acid must be placed in india rubber, ceresine, or lead, bottles or jugs, of not more than 1 quart capacity, tightly sealed, packed in wooden boxes complying with specification No. 2. 133. Hydrofluosilicic acid must be placed in india rubber or ceresine bottles or jugs, tightly sealed, packed in wooden boxes complying with specification No. 2. 134. (a) Nitric acid, or nitrating acid (mixed njtric and sulphuric) , in any quantity, must not bo packed with any other article. Special attention must be given to the preparation of these acids for shipment. (b) Nitric acid or nitrating acid must be placed in glass bottles with glass stoppers ground to fit, and these stoppers must be held in place by plaster of Paris covered by strong cloth securely tied. Each bottle must be placed in a tightly closed metal container and well cushioned therein on all sides with incombustible mineral packing DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXf»RESS. l2t material, such as whiting, mineral wool, infusorial earth (kieselguhr) , asbestos, sifted ashes, or powdered china clay, etc. The metal con- tainer must be packed in a wooden box complying with specification No. 2, and well cushioned by incombustible mineral packing material as herein described. (c) Not more than 7 pounds (2i^ quarts) of nitric acid, or 33^ pounds (13^ quarts) of nitrating acid may be shipped in one outside package. 135. Sulphuric acid must be in well-stoppered earthenware or glass vessels of not more than 1 gallon capacity, packed in strong wooden boxes complying with specification No. 2. Sulphuric acid, for fire extinguisher charges, in strong bottles of not over 8 fluid ounces capacity filled to approximately 50 per cent of their capacity and securely closed with rubber stoppers, may also be packed by inclosing each bottle in a sealed carton of pasteboard not less than 0.03 inch in thickness and placing each of these cartons with bicarbonate of soda in another sealed carton made of pasteboard not less than 0.08 inch in thickness and then packing these packages in wooden boxes complying with specification No. 19. Compressed Gases — Red or Green (Gas) Label. 136. Compressed gases must be packed as follows (see paragraph 22 for forbidden articles) : 137. Gases that may combine chemically must not be shipped in the same cylinder. All compressed gases must be shipped in metal cylinders and these cylinders must not be packed with other articles. 138. All cylinders used for the shipment of compressed gases must be plainly stamped with the date of last test — for example, "4-21," for April, 1921. Dates of previous tests must not be obliterated. Cylinders that have not been tested and marked as prescribed herein must not be charged and shipped until properly tested and marked. Cylinders made in foreign countries must not be used in domestic traffic until they have been tested in this country and proper report rendered as required by the specifications that apply. 139. Cylinders containing compsressed gases must not be shipped unless they were charged by or with the consent of the owner thereof. 140. Cylinders manufactured after March 31, 1912, and used for the shipment of any compressed gas, must have been made in accordance with the specifications effective at the date of manufacture or with subsequent specifications. 141. Cylinders manufactured before March 31, 1912, and purchased after September 1, 1918, must not be used for the shipment of any compressed gas until the purchaser has filed report with the Bureau 128 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. of Explosives, showing that the purchased cyhnders have passed suc- cessfull}^ the h^-drostatic tests prescribed by the specifications appH- cable to them and effective at the date of purchase: Provided, That this does not apply to the common practice of the retail sale of charged cylinders subject to return and exchange nor to cylinders exempt from retest. MARKING ON CYLINDERS MUST BE KEPT PLAIN. 142. The marking of cylinders to indicate (1) their serial number, (2) the specification under which they were made, (3) the date of manufacture and subsequent hydrostatic tests, (4) any initials or similar markings to indicate ownership or original owner, and (5) the tare weight in case of acetylene cylinders, must all be kept plain in all cases. If, on account of painting or any other reason, the marking can not be kept plain, it will be allowable to use a brass plate brazed or soldered to the cylinders with a reproduction of the cylinder markings plainly stamped thereon. MARKING ON CYLINDERS MUST NOT BE CHANGED. 143. In order that a record for identification of cylinders may be kept, the serial number of the cylinder, the marking to indicate the specification under which it was made, the date of manufacture and subsequent hydrostatic tests, the name or initials or symbol (except trade-marks) indicating the company for which the cylinder was originally manufactured, and the tare weight (in the case of acetylene cylinders), must not be removed, obliterated, added to, or changed (except as provided in pars. 142 and 156), until written application has been made to the Bureau of Explosives, and instructions have been received therefrom; and the Bureau of Explosives must make such record as may be necessary so that the cylinders can be properly traced after the marking has been changed: Provided, That the removal, obliteration, addition to, or change of, the tare weight of acetylene cylinders or the symbol put on them to indicate the com- pany originally putting them in service will not be authorized. SAFETY DEVICES. 144. Each cylinder exceeding 12 inches in length (outside length exclusive of neck), containing liquefied gases, or gases in solution, or other gases under a pressure of more than 300 pounds per square inch at 70° F., except anhydrous ammonia and gases in specification No. 33 cyhnders, must be equipped with one or more safety devices approved by the Bureau of Explosives and found to prevent explo- sion of the normally charged cylinder when it is placed in a fire. DANGEROUS AETICLES BY EXPRESS. 129 VALVE PROTECTION. 145. (a) Cylinders containing inflammable, corrosive, or noxious gases (hydrogen, blaugas, Pintscli gas, coal gas, chlorine, sulphur dioxide, etc.) must have their valves protected by metal caps that can not be detached by rolling the cylinders, and of sufficient strength to protect the valve from injury during transit: Provided, That these caps will not be required (1) if the cylinders are boxed or crated so as to give a proper protection to the valve; (2) if the valves are so recessed into the cylinders that they can not be struck if the cylinder is dropped on a flat surface; (3) if, for cylinders containing nonliquefied gas under pressure not exceeding 300 pounds per square inch, the valves are strong enough to avoid injury during transit. (6) Shipments of cylinders which under these regulations are re- quired to be boxed or crated (and under individual carrier's arrange- ments can be transported without transfer), if loaded by the shipper and to be unloaded by the consignee, may be transported without crating or boxing, provided the cylinders are loaded compactly in an upright position in the end of the car and are securely braced to prevent any relative movement during transit, according to the gen- eral methods described by B. E. Pamphlet No. 6. CYLINDERS EXPOSED TO ACTION OF EIRE. 146. Cylinders which have been in a fire must not again be placed in service until they have been properly heat-treated and retested as prescribed in paragraph 147: Provided, That acetylene cylinders need not be heat-treated if examination shows the porous filling to be unchanged and intact, and they may be used after passing the pressure test prescribed therefor. REHEAT TREATMENT AND RETEST OF CYLINDERS. 147. The reheat treatment of cylinders must be followed by retest and these operations must be carried out, supervised, and reported, as prescribed for the original heat treatment and test by the specifi- tion covering the manufacture of the type of cylinder in question. In the case of cylinders of outside diameter exceeding 4 inches, a permanent expansion of not less than 3 per cent or more than 10 per cent of the total expansion must be shown in the retest: Provided, That if the cylinders can be segregated into lots having practically the same chemical composition, the allowable permanent expansion in the retest may be from zero to 10 per cent of the total expansion, if one cylinder out of each such lot of 100 cyhnders or less is sub- jected to and passes the requirements of the flattening and physical tests as specified by the specification for the manufacture of the type of cylinder in question. 130 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. CHARGING OF CYLINDERS. 14S, (a) Cylinders must not be charged beyond the safe pressure for which they are designed. The amount of gas charged into any cyHnder must not, at a temperature of 130° F., cause an interior pressure that will be injurious to the cylinder. (b) The filling weight of all liquefied gases in all cylinders must be checked by the use of proper scales and not by pressure. (c) The maximum amount of liquefied gas for each 1 pound water capacity of the cylinder must not exceed the following: Anhydrous ammonia, 0.54 pound. Blaugas, 0.37 pound. Chlorine, 1.25 pounds. Sulphur dioxide, 1.25 pounds. Carbonic acid gas, 0.68 pound: Provided, That the total amount with 1 pound allowable variation is 20 pounds for standard cylinders 5}4 inches in diameter by 51 inches long, and 50 pounds for standard cylinders 8}/^ inches in diameter by 51 inches long, and larger: Pro- vided further, That cylinders with interior diameter not over 10 inches, having walls not less than three-eighths inch thick and with capacity not less than 4,200 cubic inches, may be shipped by or for the United States Government when charged with not over 102 pounds of gas. Nitrous oxide, 0.68 pound: Provided, That this may be increased to 0.75 pound for cylinders made previous to February 1, 1917, and of less than 12 pounds water capacity and if known to have passed a test pressure of not less than 3,500 pounds per square inch: Provided further, That the total amount with 1 pound allowable variation sliall not exceed 50 pounds in any cylinder. Methyl chloride, 0.75 pound. Liquefied petroleum gas : This will depend on the characteristics of the pro(hi('t and must be determined under the provisions of paragraph 148 (a). 149. Cylinders containing acetylene gas must be completely filled with a porous material that has been tested with satisfactory results by the Bureau of Explosives, and this material must be charged with acetone, or its equivalent, to an amount dependent upon the porosity of the filling material and not exceeding the following: When the porosity of the filling material is 75 per cent to 80 per cent, the amount of solvent at 70° F. must not exceed 40 per cent by volume of the water capacity of the cylinder shell. Wlien the porosity of the filling material is 70 per cent up to but not including 75 per cent, the amount of solvent at 70° F. must not exceed 37^ per cent by volume of the water caj)acity of the cylinder shell. DANGEROUS AETICLES BY EXPRESS. 131 Wlien the porosity of the filling material is 65 per cent up to but not includiiig 70 per cent, the amount of solvent at 70° F. must not exceed 35 per cent by volume of the water capacity of the cylinder shell. 150. After July 1, 1923, every cylinder used for the shipment of acetylene gas must have been plainly and permanently marked with the tare weight and a report to that effect, together with the nature of the porous filling in the cylinder, made to the Bureau of Explosives. The tare weight is hereby defined as being the combined weight of the cylinder proper, the porous filling, the valve (but without the cap), and the solvent; the weight of solvent used in this determination must not exceed the weight of the maximum allowable volume of a solvent with a specific gravity of 0.796 at 15.5° C. 151. The original solvent put into an acetylene cylinder or any additional solvent to replace losses, must in no case have a specific gravity less than 0.796 at 15.5° C. In putting the solvent into a cylinder originally or replacing losses thereof, the tare weight of the cylinder as marked thereon by the company originally putting it into service must not be exceeded; it is to be noted that this tare weight included the weight of the metal cylinder proper, its porous filling, the solvent, and the valve, but without the cap. 152. The pressure in cylinders containing acetylene gas must not exceed 250 pounds per square inch at 70° F., and in case the cylinders are marked for a lower allowable charging pressure at 70° F., then that pressure must not be exceeded. 153. Cylinders containing acetylene gas must not be shipped unless they were charged by or with the consent of the owner and by a per- son, firm, or company having possession of complete information as to the nature of the porous filling, the kind and quantity of solvent in the cylinders, and the meaning of such markings on the cylinders as are prescribed by the commission's regulations and specifications applying to containers for the transportation of acetylene gas. QUINQUENNIAL RETESTING OP CYLINDERS. 154. Each cylinder in which compressed gases are shipped, except as specified hereinafter, must be subjected, at least once in five years, to a test by interior hydrostatic pressure in a water jacket or other apparatus of suitable form, as approved by the Bureau of Explosives, to furnish reliable data : Provided, That cylinders used for shipping any gas, liquefied or otherwise, will not be required to stand the quin- quennial test if they have an outside diameter of less than 2 inches and a length of less than 2 feet. In this test the pressure must be applied for not less than 30 seconds, and as much longer as may be 132 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. necessary to insure complete expansion of the cylinder. The gauge indicating the expansion of the cylinder under the pressure applied must be such that a permanent expansion of 10 per cent of the total expansion may be easily recognized. The pressure applied in these tests must be as prescribed hereinafter for the various types of cylin- ders: Provided, That for those cylinders requiring a retest of 1,000 pounds or greater pressure, in any quinquennial or other retest, except after reannealing or reheat treatment, the first trial may be made at a pressure 100 pounds less than the test pressure prescribed and the cylinder passed if the results are satisfactory; if any further trials are necessary the pressure must be increased 100 pounds each time. 155. A cylinder must be condemned when it leaks or when the per- manent expansion exceeds 10 per cent of the total expansion. Cyl- inders condemned on account of excessive permanent expansion may be further handled under the provisions of paragraph 147. 156. Records giving data showing the results of the tests made on all cylinders must be kept, and each cylinder passing the test must be marked with the date (month and year) of the test, plainly and perma- nently stamped into the metal of the cylinder. For example, "4-21," for April, 1921. Dates of previous tests must not be oblit- erated. 157. For cylinders manufactured under specification No. 3, and for all cylinders of that type manufactured previous to March 31, 1912, the test pressure must be not less than 3,000 pounds per square inch: Provided, That if a cylinder is marked with a tost pressure it must be retested at that pressure. 158. For cylinders manufactured under specification No. 3A, the test pressure must be not less than one and two-thirds times the charging pressure for which the cylinder was designed; this charging pressure is shown by the number following the marking "3A" on the cylinder; for example, if the C3dinder is marked "I. C. C. — 3A — 1800," it must be tested to a pressure of 3,000 pounds per square inch. For cylinders of this type manufactured previous to March 31, 1912, the test pressure must be not less than 3,000 pounds per square inch: Pro- vided, That if a cylinder is marked with a test pressure it must be retested at that pressure. 159. For cylinders manufactured under specification No. 4, and also for all cylinders of that type manufactured previous to March 31, 1912, the test pressure must be not less than 900 pounds per square inch: Provided, That for cylinders of early manufacture with heads of small or flat curvature that will riot stand a test of 900 pounds without showing more than 10 per cent permanent expansion, and wrought- iron cylinders made before 1895 that have been so annealed as to put them in proper condition, the test pressure may be not less DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. 133 than 500 pounds — the serial numbers of such cyhnders must be reported to the Bureau of Explosives: Provided further, That the 900-pound tests may be made decennially instead of quinquennially: And provided further, That without regard to date of previous test, cylinders of this type that show bad dents or other evidence of rouo-h usage, or that are corroded locally to such extent as to indicate pos- sible weakness, or that have lost as much as 5 per cent of their official tare weight, must be retested before being again charged and shipped; after any retest the actual tare weight for those cylinders passing the tests may be recorded as their new official tare weight. 160. For cylinders manufactured under specification No. 7, and for all cylinders of that type manufactured previous to March 31, 1912, the test pressure must not be less than twice the charging pressure for which the cylinder was designed: Provided, That cylin- ders that have been once so tested will not be required to be quin- quennially tested thereafter. 161. For cylinders manufactured under specification No. 8 and properly reported as required by that specification no quinquennial test is required. For cylinders of these types manufactured previous to March 31, 1912, the test pressure must be not less than twice the pressure at 70° F. to which they are to be charged: Provided, That cylinders manufactured previous to March 31, 1912, that have been once so tested will not be required to be quinquennially tested there- after. 162. For cylinders manufactured under specification No. 25, and cylinders of this type or of the welded type in use for chlorine or sul- phur dioxide before April 20, 1915, the test pressure must be not less than 500 pounds per square inch. 163. For cylinders manufactured under specification No. 26, the test pressure must be the same as prescribed by that specification for the manufacture of the cylinders. 164. For cylinders manufactured under specification No. 38, the test pressure must be not less than 500 pounds per square inch. 165. Compressed gases must be shipped in metal containers com- plying with the following specifications (for details see section 9) : (1) Blaugas,^ carbonic acid gas, and nitrous oxide: Specification No. 3 or 3A. (2) Argon, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrocarbon, Pintsch, and any gas not liquefied and not in solution, when the charging pressure at 70° F. exceeds 300 pounds per square inch: Specification No. 3A: Provided, That specification No. 3 cylinders may be used if charging pressure at 70° F. does not exceed 1,800 pounds per square inch. « If not liquefied and if pressure not over 300 pounds at 70° F., specification No. 7 cylinders may be used. 134 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. (3) Anhydrous ammonia: Specification No. 4, 3, or 3A. (4) Argon, coal gas, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrocarbon, Pintsch, and an}- low-pressure gas not liquefied and not in solution, when the charging pressure at 70° F. does not exceed 300 pounds per square inch: Specification No. 7. (5) Acetylene gas: Specification No. 8. (6) Chlorine : Specification No. 25, 3, or 3A. (7) Sulphur dioxide: Specification No. 25, 38, 3, or 3A. (8) Methyl chloride: Specification No. 25, 4, 3, or 3A. (9) Liquefied petroleum gas: wSpecification No. 26, 3, or 3A. 166. If special provisions are not prescribed herein, compressed gases must not be shipped until definite instructions in regard to proper cylinders and other precautions are issued. Poisonous Articles — Poison Label. 175. All poisonous articles which may be accepted for transporta- tion by express (see paragraph 75(b)) must be packed as follows: Liquids: In iron drums complying with specification No. 5 or 5B; or in securely closed interior glass or earthenware bottles or metal cans, not exceeding 1 gallon capacity, packed in wooden boxes com- plying with specification No. 2, or No. 19 for mixed shipments; or in wooden barrels complying with specification No. 9. Solids : In strong and tight wooden barrels, kegs, or kits, lined or coated on the inside to render them sift-proof; or in metal drums complying with specification No. 20, 20A, or 20B; or in interior glass or metal containers, packed in outside wooden boxes or barrels com- plying with specification No. 2, 19, or 11. Cyanides must be packed in air-tight metal containers. SECTION 6. LABELS. 180. All packages containing samples of explosives for labo- ratory examination, fireworks, or dangerous articles other than explosives, for which labels are prescribed herein, must be conspicu- ously labeled by the shipper. Labels should be applied when prac- ticable to that part of the package bearing the consignee's name and address. Shippers must furnish and attach the labels prescribed for their shipments. 181. (a) Labels must conform to standards as to printing, color, size, and shape, and must be free from advertising or other matter. The prescribed labels must not be printed in with nor form part of any other shipping label or printed matter. Samples will be furnished by the chief inspector of the Bureau of Explosives on request. DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. 135 (b) Combination diamond-shaped label tags of proper color, bearing on one side shipping information and on reverse side the wording prescribed by paragraph 186, will be permitted. 1S2. Containers shipped as ''Empty" must have the old red, yellow, white, or green "Caution" labels removed, destroyed, or cpmpletely covered by a square white label measuring not less than 6 inches on each side and bearing thereon the word "EMPTY" in letters not less than 1 inch high. 183. Labels must not be applied to packages containings articles which under these regulations are not dangerous. 184. Containers that have been previously used for dangerous articles other than explosives, must have the old marks and labels removed before being used for the shipment of other articles. 185. Carriers must keep on hand an adequate supply of labels. Lost or detached labels must be replaced from information given on revenue or other waybilling. 186. (a) Labels for dangerous articles other than explosives must be of diamond shape, with each side 4 inches long. The color is red for inflammable liquids and compressed inflammable gases, yellow for inflammable solids and oxidizmg materials, green for noninflam- mable compressed gases, white with black lettering for corrosive liquids and white with red lettering for poisons. Labels must con- form to standards as to size, printing, and color, and samples will be furnished, on request, by the chief inspector of the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City. Note. — Labels which conform to the requirements of the regulations effective September 1, 1918, may be used until further notice. The carrier's name and stationery form number, or the shipper's name and address, may be printed on the labels, in type not larger than 10 point, if placed within the black line border and in the upper or lower corner of the diamond. (6) The printing on all labels, with the exception of the "Poison" label, must be in black letters inside of a black line border measuring 3}4 inches on each side, and on the "Poison" label it must be in red letters inside of a red line border, and as follows: 136 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. RED LABEL FOR INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS (REDUCED SIZE) YELLOW LABEL FOR INFLAMMABLE SOUDS AND OXIDIZING MATERIALS. (REDUCED SIZE) DANGEROUS AETICLES BY EXPRESS. 137 RED LABEL FOR INFLAMMABLE GASES. (REDUCED SIZE) I GREEN LABEL FOR NON-INFLAMMABLE GASES (REDUCED SIZE) 66620°— 22 10 138 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. VmiTE LABEL FOR ACIDS AND CORROSIVE LIQUIDS. (REDUCED SIZE) y / NA/ARNING ^ KEEP AWAY ff om FEED er TOO D PRODUCTS X \ POISON CAUTION-DO NOT DROP LEAKINQ DON T JStSt^'"'* / ThU In to M^ritfy that the ccntcnta at ar« proftcriy dau«rlb«d by name and k and mdrli«4 and »ri: In proper can ^^ tran-.partiftlon asoofdlng t* th© ^^ li«M prascribed by «he mte ^k Cammarce CammlMlon. this p«ckafl<> sr« pjohed idltlan far a RiUte ^ / ^V i*>lpper*a name ra^vlrcd X, hareanfarbhlB. A V WHITE LABEL (RED LETTERING) FOR POISONS (REDUCED SIZE) DANGEROUS ARTICLES BY EXPRESS. 139 187. The labels prescribed herein arc identical in color, size, and form, and in the instructions printed thereon, with the labels pre- scribed for dangerous articles other than explosives when transported by freight, but for shipments offered for express transportation the shipper must write, stamp, or print his name underneath the certificate printed thereon. SECTION 7. RECEIPTS. 188. (a) A receipt upon the form prescribed by the originating express carrier must be issued to the shipper for each shipment accepted for transportation. Before a receipt is issued the shipper must apply the label prescribed herein to each package containing any article covered by these regulations. (b) Each receipt must show the proper and definite name of commodity, as listed in these regulations, and the color of the label affixed to the package, or ''NO LABEL REQUIRED." 189. The revenue, or other waybilling, prepared for such shipments, and the transfer sheet or interchange record used for transferring such shipments to a connecting carrier, must properly describe the articles by name as shown in these regulations, and should state color of label applied, or "NO LABEL REQUIRED." SECTION 8. RULES FOR HANDLING. 190. In handling packages containing explosives or other dangerous articles care must be taken to prevent them from falling or from being broken. They must not be thrown, dropped, or rolled. 191. Packages containing explosives or other dangerous articles except poisons, when transported in passenger-carrying trains must be loaded in the car occupied by an express employee, and in a place that will permit their ready removal in case of fire. They must not be loaded in cars nor stored in stations near steam pipes or other sources of heat. No placards are required on such cars. Shipments bearing poison label, when practicable, should be loaded in sealed cars; when loaded in car occupied by messenger, care should be taken to prevent any contents sifting or leaking from containers. 192. When an express or baggage car containing any package requir- ing a label prescribed by these regulations is not occupied by an express employee and is handled in a freight train, the proper placards must be attached thereto as required by the regulations for the transporta- tion of explosives, and the regulations for the transportation of danger- ous articles other than explosives, by freight. 140 INTERSTATK COMMERCE COMMISSION. 103. The originating express carrier must, when a shipment is offered to it that is known to contain dangerous articles as defined by these roguhitions, see that the packages are marked and labeled, and that the certificate is furnished as prescribed herein. 194. Packages of dangerous articles offered for shipment and not j)roperly packed, marked, labeled, described, and certified, must not be accepted by the express carrier until these regulations are complied with. 195. Shipments of dangerous articles offered by connecting express or other transportation lines must comply with these regulations. 196. An astray shipment of dangerous articles, or a shipment made in vnolation of these regulations without the knowledge of the carrier, must be forwarded promptly to destination, if known, provided a careful inspection shows the package to be in proper condition for safe transportation. If the package is unlabeled and the exact nature of the contents is unknown, the red label must be applied. 197. Packages containing dangerous articles as defined by these regulations which are refused by the consignees, or which can not be delivered within 48 hours after arrival at destination, must be promptly disposed of (1) by return to the shipper if in proper shipping condition, or (2) by storage provided a suitable storage place for such articles is available off the carrier's property, or (3) by sale provided the statutes permit the sale of the commodity by the carrier, or (4) by destruction: Provided, That charged electric storage batteries may be held for seven (7) days after arrival at destination, pending delivery or disposition. 198. Serious violations of these regulations, facts relating to leaking or broken packages, and accidents or fires in connection with the transportation or storage on express or railway property of dangerous articles, must be reported promptly by the express carrier to the chief inspector of the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York, N. Y. 199. Automobiles, motor cycles, or any self-propelling vehicle, must have all gasoline or naphtha drained from their tanks away from carrier's property before receipt is issued. 200. Unless sealed cars moving on nonpassenger-carrying trains are equipped with a suitable guard or screen to prevent the lading coming in contact with hot steam pipes, or heat exits used in electrically-heated equipment, packages containing explosives or other dangerous articles must not be transported in them. 201. Packages containing dangerous articles, as defined by these regulations, that are loaded in sealed cars for express movement from the point of origin, on trains other than passenger-carrying trains, must be loaded in a place that will permit of their ready removal in case of fire, wreck, or unloading, and near the car door, if possible. PART III. REGULATIONS FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF EXPLOSIVES AND OTHER DANGEROUS ARTICLES AS BAGGAGE. Prescribed under act of March i, 1921. SECTION 1. GENERAL. REGULATIONS. 1. To promote the uniform enforcement of law and to provide for the safe transportation of dangerous articles as baggage on passenger- carrying trains of carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce, the following regulations are prescribed to define these articles for transportation purposes, to state the precautions that must be observed by the shipper in preparing them for shipment and by the carrier in handling them while in transit. 2. Sections 235 and 236 of the act of March 4, 1921, require the shipper of explosives or of other dangerous articles to describe and mark his package properlj', and to inform the agent of the carrier of the true character of the contents. Heavy penalties are provided for the shipper who knowingly offers for transportation a dangerous article without complying with these requirements, as well as for the carrier that knowingly transports it. 3. Special precautions are necessary in preparing for shipment as baggage packages of dangerous articles. Any failm'e of the shipper or of a carrier to perform the duties imposed upon him in this respect may be the actual or contributory cause of a serious accident or fire. 4. These regulations make all proper and necessary provisions for the transportation of explosives and other dangerous articles. No person or carrier may under any circumstances ship or carry any high explosive on any passenger car or vehicle in violation of section 232 of the act of March 4, 1921, and no person or carrier may ship or carry any explosive or other dangerous article, as defined herein pursuant to section 233 of the act, on any such car or vehicle before written notice of the true character of the article is given the carrier, without being subject to the penalties of the act which are referred to in paragraph 2 hereof. 5. The services of the Bureau for the Safe Transportation of Explo- sives and Other Dangerous Articles, hereinafter caUed Bureau of Explosives, will be utilized by the commission in the execution of 141 142 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. these regulations. This Bureau will make inspections and conduct investigations, and will confer with manufacturers and shippers with a view to determining what specifications and regulations will within reasonable limits afford the highest degree of safety in packing and preparing those dangerous articles for shipment and in transporting the same. The commission will avail itself of the expert knowledge thus developed, and in formulating amendments to these regulations or specifications supplemental tkereto, while not bound thereby, will give due weight to the expert opinions thus obtained. 6. These regulations apply to all shipments as baggage of dangerous articles as prescribed herein, including carriers' materials and sup- plies. Shipments of explosives or dangerous articles, except as pro- vided herein, must not be offered or made as baggage. The com- mission will make provision as occasion and safety may require for dangerous articles other tlian those described herein. Carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce, and shippers, must make these regulations effective, and must provide for the thorough instruc- tion of their employees. 7. No shipment as baggage of any dangerous article described by these regulations shall be offered or made, unless the article is packed, marked, and labeled, as follows: SECTION 2. ACCEPTABLE ARTICLES. S. The following articles may be transported as baggage under these regulations: Motion-picture films — Yellow label. Compressed hydrogen gas — Red gas label. Compressed oxygen gas —Green gas label. SECTION 3. PACKING REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCEPTABLE ARTICLES. Motion-Picture Films. 9. (a) Inflammable (nitrocellulose) motion-picture films must be packed as follows: (1) In spark-proof metal boxes or cans, or trunks, complying with spofification No. 32. Not more than eight reels (approximately 1,000 feet each) may be packed in one such outside container; or (2) In outside wooden boxes complying with specification No. 19, provided each reel is phiced in a tightly closed inside metal container. The gross weight of such a package must not exceed 80 pounds. Boxes must be equipped with handles, and covers securely fastened by metal hasp and staj)lc with a strong lock or other efficient device. DANGEROUS ARTICLES AS BAGGAGE. 143 (h) Slow-burning (noninfiammable) motion-picture films must be packed in packages complying with specification No. 19 or 32, and each outside container must be plainly marked "MOTION- PICTURE FILMS" and, in addition, must be marked "NO LABEL REQUIRED." (c) When slow-burning (noninfiammable) motion-picture films are packed in the same outside containers with inflammable motion- picture fihns, the outside packages must bear the yellow label, and the total contents of the outside container must not exceed the quantity or gross weight permitted for inflammable films. (See par. 9 (a).) (d) Shipments of motion-picture films with advertising matter attached to the outside container must not be offered or accepted for transportation. Shippers desiring to include advertising matter with their shipments of motion-picture films must place the adver- tising matter inside the outside box or can containing the films. Compressed Gases. 10. Compressed hydrogen or oxygen gas must be shipped in metal cylinders, as follows: (a) Cylinders complying with specification No. 7. (b) Cylinders manufactured prior to March 31, 1912, which have been once tested as follows: Each cylinder must be subjected to a test by interior hydrostatic pressure in a water jacket or other apparatus of suitable form as approved by the Bureau of Explosives to furnish reliable data; in this test the pressure must be applied for not less than 30 seconds, and as much longer as may be necessary to insure complete expan- sion of the cylinder. The gauge indicating the expansion of the cylinder under the pressure applied must be such that a permanent expansion of 10 per cent of the total expansion may be easily recog- nized. The pressure applied in this test must be not less than twice the charging pressure for which the cylinder was designed. A cylinder must be condemned and not used for shipment when it leaks or when the permanent expansion exceeds 10 per cent of the total expansion. Records giving data showing the results of the tests made on all cylinders must be kept, and each cylinder passing the test must be marked with the date (month and year) of the test, plainly and permanently stamped into the metal of the cylinder; for example, "4-21" for April, 1921. Cyhnders that have once been so tested and marked will not be required to be tested thereafter. (c) Cylinders must not be charged beyond the safe pressure for which they were designed and in no event in excess of 300 pounds per square inch. , 144 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. (d) Cylinders that have been in a fire must not again be placed in baggage service. {e) All cylinders used for the shipment of compressed hydrogen or oxygen gas must be plainly stamped with the date of the last test as provided herein or in specification No. 7. MARKING ON CYLINDERS MUST BE KEPT PLAIN. (/) The marking of cylinders to indicate (1) their serial number, (2) the specification under which they were made, (3) the date of manufacture and subsequent hydrostatic tests, (4) any initials or similar markings to indicate ownership or original owner, must be kept plain in all cases. If, on account of painting, or any other reason, the marking can not be kept plain, it will be allowable to use a brass plate brazed or soldered to the cylinders with a repro- duction of the cylinder markings plainly stamped thereon. MARKING ON CYLINDERS MUST NOT BE CHANGED. ig) In order that a record for identification of cylinders may be kept, the serial number of the cylinder, the marking to indicate the specification under which it was made, the date of manufacture and subsequent hydrostatic tests, the name or initials or symbol (except trade-marks) indicating the company for whom the cylinder Avas originally manufactured, must not be removed, obliterated, added to, or changed, except as provided in paragraph (/) , until written application has been made to the Bureau of Explosives, and instruc- tions have been received therefrom. The Bureau of Explosives must make such record as may be necessary so that the cylinders can be properly traced after the marking has been changed. VALVE PROTECTION. (h) Cylinders containing hydrogen must have their valves pro- tected by metal caps that can not be detached by rolling the cylinders and of sufficient strength to protect the valve from injury during transit: Provided, That these caps wil^not be required if the cylinders are boxed or crated so as to give a proper protection to the valve. SECTION 4. LABELS. 11. (a) All packages containing dangerous articles for which labels are prescribed herein, must be conspicuously labeled by the shipper. Labels should be applied when practicable to that part of the package bearing the consignee's name and address, or baggage DANGEROUS ARTICLES AS BAGGAGE. 145 check. Shippers must furnish and attach the hibcls prescribed for their shipments. (b) Carriers must keep on hand an adequate suppl}- of labels. Lost or detached labels must be replaced. 1^. Labels for dangerous articles must be of diamond shape, with each side 4 inches long. The colors must be red for compressed hydrogen gas, yellow for motion-picture films, and green for com- pressed oxygen gas. The carrier's name and stationery form number, or the shipper's name and address, may be printed on the labels, in type not larger than 10 point, if placed within the black line border and in the upper or lower corner of the diamond. A combination diamond- shaped label tag of proper color, bearing on one side the shipping information and on the reverse side the wording prescribed herein, will be permitted. The printing on all labels must be in black letters inside of a black line border measuring 3^ inches on each side, and as follows: YELLOW LABEL FOR MOTION-PICTURE FILMS (REDUCED SIZE) 146 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. RED LABEL FOR HYDROGEN GAS (KEDUCED SIZE) ./ '^ ^ KEEP COOL CAUTION OXYGEN GAS Non-Inflammable---Coinpressed Gas ^ X DO NOT DROP \. ThU ll lo certify ' \\ according to lh« R«0"'*- Ibcd by th« Intcritate urc* CommlMlon. J / / / \ \^ Bhippe Hb nam* r«qiilr«d V' , r.cntor.nip. X / m.nta »y X EXPRESS • \ N ^ GREEN LABEL FOR OXYGEN GAS (hi;duci;d sizk) The labels prescribed heroin are identical in color, size, and form, and in the instructions printed thereon, with the labels prescribed for dangerous articles other than explosives when transported by freight and express. For shipments offered for transportation as DANGEROUS ARTICLES AS BAGGAGE. 147 baggage the shipper must write, stamp, or print his name underneath the certificate printed thereon. Note. — ^A combination diamond-shaped label tag of proper size and color, bearing on one side the shipping information, and on the reverse side the wording prescribed herein, will be permitted. I SECTION 5. PLACARDS. 13. Placards ordinarily used to indicate the presence in cars of inflammable articles will not be required on baggage cars in charge of a railway employee and moving in passenger trains, or on electric or gasoline motor cars in charge of an employee of the carrier, and which are run independently of cars carrying passengers. SECTION 6. HANDLING. 14. In handling packages containing dangerous articles care must be taken to prevent them from falling or from being broken. They must not be thrown, dropped, or rolled. 15. Packages containing dangerous articles when transported as baggage in passenger-carrying trains must be loaded in the car occupied by a railway employee, and in a place that will permit their ready removal in case of fire. They must not be loaded in cars nor stored in stations near steam pipes or other sources of heat. 16. The originating carrier must, when a shipment is ofi'ered to it that is known to contain dangerous articles, as defined by these regu- lations, see that the packages are marked and labeled as prescribed herein. 17. Shipments of dangerous articles offered by connecting trans- portation lines must comply with these regulations. 18. An astray shipment of dangerous articles, or a shipment made in violation of these regulations without the knowledge of the carrier, must be forwarded promptly to destination, if known, provided a careful inspection shows the package to be in proper condition for safe transportation. 19. Unauthorized persons must not be allowed to have access to dangerous articles in transit at any time while such articles are in the custody of the carrier. PART IV. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 1. BOXED CARBOYS. For the provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. ReAdsed January 1, 1923. INSIDE CONTAINERS. 1. For the purpose of this specification any glass, earthenware, clay, stoneware, or lead container with nominal capacity not less than 5 gallons shall be considered a carboy, and no such carboy shall have a nominal capacity of more than 13 gallons. Carboys manufactured before March 31, 1912, or after that date in accordance with specifications effective at their date of manu- facture, may properly be boxed under these specifications and the boxes marked to show compliance therewith. MARKING ON INSIDE CONTAINERS. 2. An identifying mark must be blown, molded, or otherwise plainly and permanently imprinted in the bottom or neck of each carboy to enable the manufacturer's name and year of manufacture to be determined. A copy of this mark must be filed by the manu- facturer, with the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City. If the carboys are covered with a fiber or other composition, this mark must also be placed on the covering. INSPECTION. 3. Each carboy must be carefully examined and tested to detect any weakness or defect due to variation in thickness of material or to other causes, and all such defective carboys must be rejected. CLOSING DEVICES. 4. Glass or earthenware carboys must be closed (a) by having an earthenware or glass stopper inserted into the mouth of the carboy, sealed in place by clay, plaster of Paris, or similar material in a plastic condition, and securely fastened with burlap or other suit- able material drawn tight and securely tied under the lip of the 149 150 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 1. mouth with strong cord; (b) by a glass or earthenware stopper with gasket, secured by metal fastenings; (c) by a glass stopper ground to fit, secured by burlap or other suitable material; (d) if the contents of the carboy is not corrosive, by a cork or other similar closing device securely fastened in place to prevent leakage. 5. Lead carboys must be closed with stoppers securely fastened in place to prevent leakage. GLASS CARBOYS. 6. A glass carboy with a capacity of 12 gallons must contain a minimum of 17 pounds of glass. A carboy with a capacity of 13 gallons must contain a minimum of 18 pounds of glass. Note. — The glass in the side walls of molded carboys should be as well distributed as practicable and the minimum thickness should be not less than ^ inch. 7. The inside diameter of the largest part of the mouth of the 12-gallon and 13-gallon carboys must be exactly 1% inches (within hmits of commercial manufacture). The taper of the mouth should be kept as small as possible, and 3^2 i^-ch on each side is recommended. 8. Each carboy must be annealed in ovens or lehrs at a tempera- ture of from 1,000° F. to 1,100° F., maintained, as near as possible without melting, at this temperature during the annealing process and then gradually cooled to the necessary finishing temperature required by local conditions; the time of cooling of each carboy must be not less than 30 hours for ovens or 9 hours for lehrs. The temperature of each carbo}^ should be maintained at as high a temperature as possible after molding or blowing and until delivery to the ovens or lehrs, and care should be taken to avoid sudden cooling of the carboy at any time. LEAD CARBOYS. 9. Lead carboys shall be made of commercial sheet lead, cut or formed to shape, with edges lapped and burned to form the seams. wSide and bottom seams must be burned inside and outside. Weight of lead used shall be not less than 8 pounds per square foot for the sides and bottoms and not less than 10 pounds per square foot for the tops. Necks may be made of tubing. 10. Lead carboys must be tested with 5 pounds per square inch internal pressure and must show no leakage under this test. CLAY, STO.NEWARE, OK EARTHENWAHE CARBOYS. 11. The material in the bottom and side walls of these carboys shall be aS evenly distributed as practicable and the minimum thickness shall be not less than % inch. The carboys shall be acid proof. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 151 Spec. 1. OUTSIDE CONTAINERS. 12. The body of the carboy must be completely inclosed in a strong wooden box. 13. The material from which these boxes are made must be good, sound white pine or any wood of equal or superior strength. All lumber must be dry and well seasoned, and must not have loose knots in any part. Minimum, thickness of lumber specified refers to the actual thickness in the finished boxes. 14. The thickness of the top, bottom, ends, and sides of the finished box must be not less than J^ inch for carboys of 7 to 13 gallons Capacity and not less than ^ inch for carboys of 5 to 6 gallons capacity. 15. The inside size of the box should be made dependent on the size of the carboy and the efficiency of the cushioning. (See pars. 21 and 23.) The inside height of the box should be such that the neck of the carboy will not project any more than necessary; it is recommended that the inside height of the box be at least 213^ inches for a 12-gallon 16-inch diameter carboy and 22 >2 inches for a 12-gallon 145^-inch diameter carboy. 16. The hole in the top of the box through which the neck of the carboy projects must be 2 inches larger than the neck of the carboy and must be beveled off on its under edge at an angle of about 45 degrees. 17. The four vertical edges must be reinforced in a suitable manner to secure strength and stiffness. For boxes to contain 5 to 6 gallon carboys these reinforcing pieces must be at least K by 1% inches. For boxes to contain rectangular lead carboys, these reinforcing pieces may be omitted, but two of the sides must be not less than 13^ inches in thickness. 18. The grain of the wood in all four sides of the box must be horizontal. 19. Boxes for 5 to 6 gallon carboys must be nailed with nails not smaller than fivepenny at 1^-inch intervals. Boxes for 7 to 13 gallon carboys must be nailed with nails not smaller than sevenponny at 2-inch intervals, or eightpenny at 23^-inch intervals. The sides and ends of the box must be nailed together and also to the rein- forcing pieces prescribed by paragraph 17. 20. There must be two cleats not less than K by 1^ inches, one placed on each end of the box for carrjnng, and two cleats not less than K by 1^ inches across the ends of the bottom of the box to act as shoes and to protect the bottom of the box. 152 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 1. PACKING AND CUSHIONING. 21. Each carboy must be so cushioned by proper packing material that tlie completed package will withstand the tests prescribed by paragraph 23 of this specification: Provided, That lead carboys are not required to be so cushioned or tested. XoTE. — For carboys cushioned with hay or similar material the space between the aides of the carboy and the box must be at least V/^ inches for 12 or 13 gallon carboys and at least 1 inch for 5 or 6 sjallon carboys. 22. The neck of the carboy must be so centered that it will have at least i-^-inch clearance all around where it projects through the top of the box. TESTS. 23. (a) The completed package when containing a carboy filled with water to the lower edge of the neck must be able to withstand the following type tests: (h) By droppiiig squarely on its bottom onto a solid concrete or brick floor from a height of 16 inches. At least five packages must be tested, or more if desired, and at least 90 per cent of all the packages tested must pass this test without breakage of the carboy. (c) By suspending in a standard swing-test apparatus (see illus- tration — detailed specifications can be obtained from the Bureau of Explosives) , and swinging squarely against a solid concrete or brick wall from a distance of 55 inches, measured horizontally from the wall to the bottom front edge of the carboy box. At least ten packages must be tested, or more if desired, and at least 90 per cent of the packages tested must pass this test, without breakage of the carboy. {d) Type tests, as above described, must be made during each six months of each calendar year by all concerns manufacturing or refilling these packages: Provided, That any company with various branches may have a central testing station to which the necessary samples may be sent for the required tests: Provided further. That any com- pany or filling station may have its packages tested by an outside agency if desired. One of these biannual tests must be supervised by a representative of the Bureau of Explosives and that Bureau must make necessary proariungement to advise those concerned wliich series its representative will witness. (e) The tests, as above described, must be made on samples of used packages and also new or newly cushioned ones; separate tests must be made for carboys difl'ering in material, size (if variation is over 2 gallons) , or cushioning material. If the thickness of cushioning varies the tests must be made on those packages having the least cushioning. (See par. 21.) (/) Reports of the results of the tests must be made to the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City, and that Bureau will SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 153 Spec. I. maintain a record of such reports for the information of the commis- sion. The reports must be rendered in the form as hereinafter shown : Report of Tests of Boxed Carboys. [As required by I. C. C. Regulations and Specification No. 1.] (Place) (Date) Tests made for ' . Results. Description of package. No. of test. 55-inch swing. 16-inch drop. No. of test. 55-inch swing. 16-inch drop. Capacity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Condition ^ Type' Cushioning * Diameter of bottle Size of box (inside) : Remarks and action taken. (Signature) . (per). 1 Give name and address of plant for which the tests were made. ' State whether new; recushioned; old. • state whether glass, balloon; glass, straight-sided; earthenware, etc. * state whether hay; mineral wool; cork; etc. MARKING. 24. Each outside container must be plainly and permanently marked by cutting or burning into the wood as follows: (a) The marking ICC-1. 66620°— 22 11 154 INTEESTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 1. (b) The initials or symbol of the company applying this marking. (This must be recorded with the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City.) (c) The date (month and \'ear) that the package was last cushioned. The letters and figures in all of this marking must be at least % inch high and the marking "I. C. C.-l " shall be understood to certify that the package complies with all the requirements of this specifica- tion: Provided, That for carboy bottles made previously to the date when specifications therefor went into effect, the provisions of par- agraphs 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8 will not be held applicable. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the par- ticular article contained therein. BOXES USED MORE THAN ONCE. J 25. When these containers are used more than once they must be carefully examined before each shipment and any parts broken or decayed or rotted by corrosion must be replaced. The cushioning support must also be in good condition, and when it is found water- logged, frozen, rotted, or broken, or inefficient in any way, it must be replaced or repaired before shipment. 26. If the neck of a glass carboy is less than j^ irich from the edge of the hole in the top of the box, the package must be repacked (see par. 22). 27. Lead carboys must be tested with 5 pounds per square inch internal pressure before each shipment, and must show no leakage under this test; during these tests the carboys must be so supported that the}^ will not be materially distorted from their proper size or shape. 28. Carbo3^s boxed in accordance with requirements of previous issues of this specification may be continued in use if they have the kind and amount of cushioning shown to be able to withstand the swing and drop tests prescribed by paragraph 23 of this* specifica- tion; but when reboxing of the carboys becomes necessary, it must be done according to the requirements of this specification. 29. Tests of these used packages must also be made by all concerns filling such packages, and reported as prescribed. (See par. 23 of this specification.) • Those boxed carboys, boxed previous to the effective date of this specification, that will not with- stand the 5.>iiich swing test, but will withstand the 35-inch swing test in the standard swing-test apparatus as prescribed herein, may bo continued in service for the transportation of dangerous articles, except nitric acid, until further order of the Interstate Commerce Commission. The attention of all concerned is directed to the fact that this concession is made only to avoid a drastic interruption of IratTlc, and that it will be revoked at a reasonably early date. It is the present duty of all shippers usin>; ihi-'^o containers to jjrocccd without delay to rebox and recusbion their old carboys or to obtain complete new packages so that the standard test requirements will be complied with. ^1 I L —I'-!- i'rp I ' J — J..|-^-4 — -' Ij!Tf"..--'4..--i.jX en m>* f«s3 M^* 6'// Ss /^0/V7- ^t,JSt^-^7 -TCSTINS CARBOifS SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 155 SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 2. METAL CANS, GLASS OR EARTHENWARE CONTAINERS, WOODEN OR METAL PAILS OR KITS, ETC., AND BOXES FOR OUTSIDE CON- TAINERS OF SAME. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Note 1.— Packages made under this specification are for liquids only. For mixed shipment of liquids and solids sec specification No. 19. Note 2.— The total amount of liquid in the case, regardless of whether it is dangerous or not, must be used in determinuig the allowable capacity of the outside container. Revised January 1, 1923. CANS. 1. Cans boxed under this specification shall not exceed 10 gallons capacity each. 2. Cans exceeding 1 gallon and not exceeding 10 gallons capacity must be made of metal not lighter than 30 gauge, ^ United States Standard (28 gauge ^ for cans containing carbon bisulphide) . 3. Cans not ex.ceeding 1 gallon capacity may be made of metal iighter than 30 gauge, United States Standard, but it must be such as will provide proper protection against leakage in transit. 4. Each completed can must be tested by its manufacturer and must not leak air when tested under water with interior air pressure of at least 5 pounds per square inch. GLASS AND EARTHENWARE. 5. Glass or earthenware containers boxed under this specification shall not exceed 1 gallon capacity each: Provided, SThat, when the I. C. C. regulations permit larger inside containers for the article being shipped, the capacity of these glass or earthenware inside containers may be increased to not over 3 gallons, if packed with one only in each outside box. 6. Bottles, jars, jugs, etc., made of glass or earthenware, must be strong and must be sufficiently cushioned by excelsior, sawdust, or other suitable packing to provide protection against breakage in transit. They must be securely closed in a manner to prevent leakage. KITS AND PAILS. 7. Kits and pails boxed under this specification shall not exceed 10 gallons capacity each. 8. The construction and method of closing of these containers shall be such as to prevent leakage during transit and if necessary they must be cushioned in the box. > Commercial 107-pouud tin plate is satisfactory. - Commercial 135-pouud tin plale is satisfactory. 156 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, S[M-f. 2. BOXES. 9. Boxes must be made of good, sound white pine, or any wood of equal or superior strength, dr}' and well seasoned and with no loose knots, or knots liable to get loose in any part. 10. Thickness of lumber in any part of the finished box must not be less than required by this specification, except that a variation of ^i inch is allowed for material i\ inch or less in thickness, and a variation of jV inch is allowed for material over -f§ inch in thickness. 11. When the ends are single cleated, the cleats must run across the grain of the wood in the ends. The sides or tops and bottoms must extend out over the cleats and the nailing must be staggered, at It'iist 40 per cent of the nails being driven into the ends and at least 40 per cent into the cleats. 12. When the ends are double-cleated, the sides, top, and bottom must extend out over the cleats and the nailing must be staggered, at least 40 per cent of the nails being driven into the ends and at least 40 per cent into the cleats. 13. Nailed boxes not cleated must have ends of pne-piece material or tongueil and grooved and glued: Provided, That other joints may be used which after investigation made by the Bureau of Explo- sives are shown to possess strength equal to the tongued and grooved and glued joints. Ends of more than one piece, secured with corrugated or other metal fasteners, may be used when equal in strength to good, sound, one-piece ends of the same dimensions. Data on all tests of new types of construction under this provision, shall be submitted in detail to the (^ief inspector. Bureau of Explosives, New York City. 14. All nails driven through sides, tops, or bottoms into ends or cleats, or to fasten cleats to ends, must be at not greater than 2}4- inch centers. 1'). All nails driven through tops or bottoms into sides, must be at not greater than 8-inch centers. IG. Gauge of nails used shall not be less than the following sizes, depending upon the thickness of lumber mto which they are to be driven: 2-pemiy into i^-inch lumber. 3-penny into 3/^-inch lumber. 4-penny into i\ to H inch lumber. 5-penny into ,»ff to ^i inch lumber. 6-pcnny into fj to }| inch lumber. 7-penny into J/^-inch or thicker lumber. For example, nails driven through a one-half inch side into a three-fourths inch end must be 6-penny. Screws of equal efficiency may be used m place of nails. SHIPPING CONTAmER SPECIFICATIONS. 157 Spec. 2. 17. The boxes must cover the inside containers, which must fit tightly in the boxes. The filling hole must be securely closed, and if not entirely covered by the box cover it must be completely protected by it. MARKING OF BOXES. 18. Each box must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle, as follows: I c C-2 The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least Yi ii^ch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- plies with all the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particu- lar article contained therein. 19. BOX FOR SINGLE CONTAINER OF CAPACITY NOT OVER 2 GALLONS. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Single-cleated boxes Double-cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated Inch. 3X ¥2 Inch. Inch. T5 ■h Inch. % by IH 20. BOX FOR SINGLE CONTAINER OF CAPACITY OVER 2 GALLONS BUT NOT OVER 5 GALLONS. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Single-cleated boxes Double-cleated boxes Double-cleated boxes of this size may have ends of J<4-inch material with cleats % by 1J4 inches if cleats are tenoned and fastened to ends with clinched nails. Nailed boxes not cleated Inch. 72 1^ Inch. u Inch. 3/ % V2 Inch. y% by V/i Hby IJ^ 158 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Sp«<. 2. LM. BOX FOR SINCILE CONTAINER OF CAPACITY OVER 5 GALLONS BUT NOT OVER 10 GALLONS. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Single-cleated boxes Double-cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated Ends. Inch. y% Sides. Inch. y. Top and bottom. Inch. Cleats. Inch. yghyVA y2 by VA 22. BOX FOR MORE TIIAN ONE CONTAINER, COMBINED CAPACITY OF ALL CONTAINERS IN BOX NOT OVER 2 GALLONS. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Single-cleated boxes Double-cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated. . . . Ends. Inch. % % s Sides. Inch. A Tg 5 Tg Top and bottom. Inch. Cleats. Inch. ys by iy2 23. HU.\ FOR MORE THAN ONE CONTAINER, COMBINED CAPACITY OF ALL CONTAINERS IN BOX OVER 2 GALLONS BUT NOT OVER 6 GALLONS. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Ix)ck or dovetail corner boxes Inch. 1 A I y2 1 % y2 Inch. H % Inch. y% y y Inch. * Siugle-cleate^bylK Nailed boxes not dt-ated SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 24. 159 Spec. 2. BOX FOR MORE THAN ONE CONTAINER, COMBINED CAPACITY OF ALL CONTAINERS IN BOX OVER 6 GALLONS BUT NOT OVER 12 GALLONS. (Provided that two cans with a capacity not exceeding 5 gallons each may be shipped in a box made according to par. 26.) Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes. Single-cleated boxes Double-cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Inch. Inch. Inch H Yi H Vs ¥2 ¥2 % H ■ H M ¥2 % % W H Inch. 25. BOX FOR MORE THAN ONE CONTAINER, COMBINED CAPACITY OF ALL CONTAINERS IN BOX OVER 12 GALLONS? BUT NOT OVER 20 GALLONS. (Provided that three cans with a capacity not exceeding 5 gallons each may be shipped in a box made according to par. 27.) Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Inch. / Vs I H / Vs I % H Inch. % % H Inch. Vs H Vs M Inch. Single-cleated boxes VshyS Double-cleated boxes Mby3 Mby3 Nailed boxes not cleated 26. BOX FOR TWO CANS WITH A CAPACITY OF NOT OVER 5 GALLONS EACH. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Single-cleated boxes Double-cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated Inch. 5a Inch. 'A Inch. I 2 Inch: H by m ^by 15^ 2(30 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Sp«c. 2. 27. BOX FOR THREE CANS WITH A CAPACITY OF NOT OVER 5 GALLONS EACH. Lock or dovetail comer boxes Single-cleated boxes Double-cleated boxes "Nailed boxes not cleated Ends. Inch. [ H ! 1 Sides. Inch. 5% T6 Top and bottom. 5% Tg Cleats. HhyZ VshyS iibyS WIRE-BOUND BOXES. 28. Wire-bound boxes for outside containers must be made of sound lumber of not less than the following thicknesses and in accord- ance with the following specifications: 29. The boxes must cover the inside containers which must fit tightly in the boxes. The filling hole must be securely closed and if not entirely covered by the box cover it must be completely protected by it. 30. Good, sound white pine or any wood equal or superior in strength is acceptable. All lumber used must be dry and well seasoned, with no loose knots in any part. Minimum thickness of lumber specified refers to the actual thick- in the finished boxes. 31. There must be four cleats at each end of each box not less than IJ by H inch. The binding wire at each end must be firmly stapled to each cleat by staples not less than No. 16 gauge and having legs not less than IH inches long, extending over the wire, through each board, and into the cleats. The other wire or wires must be firmly stapled to each board by staples not less than No. 18 gauge, extending over the wire, through each board, and firmly clinched on the inside. Staf)les shall not be more than 3 inches apart. Kaeh wire shall be continuous with the ends tightly twisted at one sihnll witness (ill hydrostatic and flattening tests. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 167 Spec. 3. The hydrostatic and flattening tests may be made by the manu- facturer, but under the direction and supervision of the inspector or other representative of the purchaser. 16. The inspector shall stamp his initials or his personal sign immediately beneath the serial number on each cylinder which he passes as accepted and shall make a certified report (see par. 19) to the maker, to the purchaser, and to the chief inspector, Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City, showing the serial numbers of all cylinders which are accepted, together with a copy of all data relating to the material and the tests. EXEMPTIONS FOR CYLINDERS OF SMALL DIMENSIONS. 17. (a) Cylinders and other containers which have an outside diameter of less than 2 inches and a length of less than 2 feet shall be accepted without complying with the requirements of paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 19 of this specification under the following conditions (cylinders having an outside diameter not greater than J4 inch and a capacity of not more than 4 fluid ounces are not subject to specifications) : (b) All such containers of whatever size or shape shall be con- sidered and known as cylinders. (c) From each lot of 500 or less a representative finished cylinder must be selected at random and subjected to hydrostatic pressure until it bursts. The bursting pressure must be noted in the report required by paragraph 17 (/) and must not be less than 6,000 pounds per square inch. (d) Each cylinder must be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of not less than 3,000 pounds per square inch without showing any defect. (e) Each cylinder must be plainly and permanently marked by stamping into the metal as follows: X-XX-ICC-3 the X's to be replaced by a date sliowing month and year of manu- facture (for example, 5-21 to indicate May, 1921). (/) A report on all cyUnders placed in service, giving complete data and certif3nng that all requirements of this specification have been complied with, must be made to the chief inspector. Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City. This report may be rendered by the manufacturer instead of by an outside inspector. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 18. The purchasers of cylinders may impose additional require- ments not inconsistent with these specifications. Igg INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. REPORTS. 10. The report required by paragraph 16 must be submitted in the following form : (Place) (Date) Report of inspection of cylinders. Numbered to - , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. The steel ' from which these cylinders were manufactured was made by the ( ompany. Chemical analyses were made from samples representing each melt of steel, as will be observed from the report of ch emical test hereto attached. The (plates)— (tubes) * from which these cylinders were manufactured were in- spected by , and those which were accepted were found free from seams, cracks, laminations, or any defects which might prove injurious to the .'Strength of the cylinder. Each and every cylinder before (necking down)— (closing)^ was inspected inside and outside for surface defects. The thickness of walls was measured at points not more than 8 inches from the open end of the cylinder with a pair of calipers and the mini- mum thickness of wall noted was Each and every cylinder was (necked down) — (closed)^ and was uniformly and properly annealed, and then the cylinders were again inspected in order to discover any defects which might have been caused by this process. One out of each lot of 200 or less finished cylinders was selected by the inspector and Bulijerted in his presence to a flattening test, as required by the Interstate Commerce Commi.ssion specifications. All of the cylinders passed this test satisfactorily. Two longitudinal test pieces were cut from each crushed cylinder and pulled. The record of the physical and flattening tests is attached hereto. Each and every cylinder was subjected to a hydrostatic test of not less than 3,000 poimds per square inch in the presence of the inspector. The record of the hydro- static testa is attached hereto. > H the cylinders are made from drawn seamless tubing under such conditions that it is impossible to trace the various beats of steel through to the finished cylinder (see par. 14), this paragraph should be replaced by the following: "The tubing from which these cylinders were manufactured was made by the Compiiiiy under orders Nos and their cortificate slating that its chemical composition complies with the roqiiireraents is attached hereto. Check analyses were made from samples representing each lot of 'a*) or less cylinders, as will be observed from the report of chemical tests attached hereto." Al.v>, the report must be accompanied by a certificate from the manufacturer of the tubing, as follows: (Place) (Date). ThL5 Is lo certify that the tubing furnished to the Company on orders Nos does not contain more than 0.55 per cent of carbon, nor more than 0.04 per cent of phosphorus, nor more than 0.05 per cent of sulphur. (.Signature of manufacturer of tubing.) Thli form is to be used only when cylinders are made from drawn seamless tubing. (See par. 14.) ' L>raw a line through word not required. SHIPPING CONTAJNER SPECIFICATIONS. Each and every cylinder was plainly and permanently marked as follows:^ 169 Spec. 3. Each and every cylinder was stamped with the personal sign of the inspector, immediately beneath the serial number of the cylinder. I hereby certify that all of these cylinders proved satisfactory in every way and com- ply with the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission specification No. 3. Inspector. (Place) (Date) Record of chemical anylysis of steel for cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. Test No. • Melt No. Cylinders represented by test (serial Nos.). Chemical analysis. Remarks. C P s !• (Signed) (Place) (Date) Record of physical tests of material in cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. » Insert reproduction of marking. See par. 10. Serial numbers and other data that vary for each cylinder may be indicated by words such as "Serial Nos. 100 to 300," etc. 66620°— 22 12 170 Spec 3A. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Tost No. Cylinders represented by test (serial Nos.)- EHastic limit (pounds per square inch). Tensile strength (pounds per square inch). Elongation (per cent in 8 inches). Reduction of area (pero*it). Flattening test. { (Signed) (Place) (Date) Record of tests on cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. Serial Nos. of cylinders tested. Test pressure (pounds). Total expansion ' (c. c). Permanent expansion & (c. c). Per cent ratio of permanent expansion to total expansion.' Tare weight' (pounds and ounces). Test date (month and year). 1 ; 1 (Signed) ' If the tests are made by a method involving the measurement of the amount of liquid forced into the cylinder by the test pressure, then the basic data on which the calculations are made, such as the pump factors, temperature of hquid, coefBcient of compressibility of liquid, etc., must also be given. • Including valve but without cap; also In case of acetylene cylinders includes filling material andSolyent. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 3A. STEEL CYLINDERS. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of those containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. Cylinders must be made seamless, of steel of uniform quality. Cylinders made in foreign countries must not be used in domestic traffic in the United States until a chemical analysis of material and tests, Jis .specified in paragraphs 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, a,nd 9, have been carried out within the limits of the United States and under the supervision of a competent and disinterested inspector approved by the Bureau of Explo.sives. SHIPPING CONTAINEPt SPECIFICATIONS. 171 Spec. 3A. 2. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Per cent. Carbon must not exceed 0. 55 Phosphorus must not exceed 04 Sulphur must not exceed 05 ANNEALING. 3. (a) All cylinders after finishing must be uniformly and properly annealed. All dirt and scale must be removed from both inside and outside of the cylinders. (6) Cylinders rejected, due to failure in the flattening, physical, or hydrostatic tests, may be reannealed. The cylinders must, subse- quent to this reannealing process, be subjected to and pass all of the requirements o the flattening, physical, and hydrostatic tests in order to be accepted: Provided, That, when crop ends or rings are authorized for the original flattening tests, the subsequent tests of this character shall be made on one cylinder out of each lot of 200 or less. FLATTENING TEST. 4. From each lot of 200 or less a representative finished cylinder, after annealing and after having passed the hydrostatic test, must be selected at random and must withstand, without cracking, flattening between rounded knife edges to a thickness of six times the thickness of the wall of the cylinder, this measurement to be made between the outside surfaces of the walls of the cylinder; — Provided, That when, on account of the small number of cylinders in any lot or order, it is impracticable to make the regular crushing test herein prescribed, the physical and crushing tests may, in cases of lots not to exceed 30 cylinders each, be made on a ring not less than 8 inches long, cut from each cylinder and subjected to the same annealing and other heat treatment as the fuiished cylinder. 5. The knife edges must be of wedge shape, converging at an angle of 60 degrees, the points being rounded off with a radius of }4 inch. 6. If any one cylinder from any lot fails to pass this test, two others from the same lot must be selected, and these must pass in order to have the lot accepted. PHYSICAL TEST. 7. One out of each lot of 200 or less finished cylinders after anneal- ing must be selected at random and tests made on test specimens cut longitudinally therefrom to determine the elastic limit, the tensile strength, and the elongation of the material. These test specimens should, when practicable, be taken from the same cylinders as are used for the flattening test. The elongation must be not less than 10 per cent on an 8-inch test specimen. 172 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION". Spec. 3A. The .'laslic limit must not be more than 70 ])er cent of tlie tensile strength. HYDROSTATIC TEST. S. Each finished and annealed cylinder must be subjected to a hydrostatic test in a water jacket, or other apparatus of suitable form to furnish reliable data. The test pressure must be not less than one and two-thirds times the charging pressure corresponding to a temperature of 70° F. for which the cylinder is designed, except that the minimum allowable test pressure shall be 600 pounds per square inch. The permanent volumetric expansion must not exceed 10 per cent of the whole volumetric expansion at this pressure. This test must be made without subjecting the cylinder to any previous internal pressure in excess of one-third of the test pressure. 9. In the hj^drostatic test the water gauge indicating the expansion must be of such interior diameter that the total expansion will cause the water to rise at least 45 centimeters in the gauge, except when this will make the interior diameter less than 4 millimeters; the pressure must be applied for not less than 30 seconds and as much longer as may be necessary to insure complete expansion of the C3dinder. The expansion must be recorded in terms of cubic centimeters. MARKING. 10. Each cylinder must be plainly and permanently marked by stamping on the shoulder as follows: (a) A serial number. (b) The marking ICC — 3A * * * ; the stars to be replaced by figures indicating the charging pressure for which the cylinder is designed, which will be not more than three-fifths of the pressure used in the test prescribed by paragraph 8. This marking must be placed immediately above the serial number. (c) The name or initials of the company or person for whose use the cylinders are being made. (d) The date of maimfacture (month and year) ; for example, 4-21 f defects which might have been caused by this process. One out of each lot of 200 or less finished cylinders was selected by the inspector and subjected in his presence to a flattening test an rociuired by the Interstate Com- merce Commission specifications. All of the cylinders pa^^ed this test satisfactorily. • If the cylinders are made from drawn seamless tubing under such conditions that it is impossible to trace the variofts heats of steel through to the finished cylinder (see par. 14), this paragraph should be replaced by the following: • • The tubinc from which cylinders wore manufactured was made by the ' ■'Jini>any undor onlors Nos and their certificate stating that its chemical compo- tilion complie.s with the rB()iiirements is attached hereto. Check analyses were made from samples repre- ■antini; each lot of 200 or lesscylinders, a.s will be observed from the report of cliemical testsattached hereto." Also, the rr-port miLst be ;ictotnpamed by a certificate from the manufacturer of the tubing, as follows: ( I'lace) (Date) This 1.1 to certify that th<- tubing furnished to the Company on orders .S'o< docs not contain more than 0.55 per cent of carbon, nor more than 0.04 per cent of pbosphonu, nor more than 0.05 per cent of sulphur. (Signature of manufacturer of tubing.) Thi5 form i.s to l>e ased only when cylinders are made from drawn seamless tubing (see par. 14). • Draw a line through word not required. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 175 Spec. 3. Two longitudinal test pieces were cut from each crushed cylinder and pulled. The record of the physical and flattening tests is attached hereto. Each and every cylinder was subjected to a hydrostatic test of pounds per square inch in the presence of the inspector. The record of the hydrostatic tests is Attached hereto. Each and e^•ery cylinder was plainly and permanently marked as follows: ' On shoulder of cylinder. On collar of cylinder. Each and every cylinder was stamped with' the personal sign of the inspector, immediately beneath the serial number of the cylinder. I hereby certify that all of these cylinders pro^^ed satisfactory in every wa}' and comply with the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission specification No. 3A. Inspector. (Place) (Date) Record of chemical analysis of steel for cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. Test No. Melt No. Cylinders represented by test (serial Nos.). Chemical analysis. Remarks. C - P s 1 (Signed) (Place) (Date) Record of physical tests of material in cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. » Insert reproduction of marking. See par. 10. Serial numbers and other data that vary for each cylinder may be indicated by words such as " Serial Nos. 100 to 300," etc. 176 Sp«c. 4. Test No. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Cylinders represented by tost (serial Nos.)- Elastic limit (pounds per square inch). Tensile strength (pounds per square inch). Elongation (per cent in 8 inches). Reduction of area (per cent). Flattening test. (Signed! (Place ) (Date ! Record of tests on cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. SiT-e inches outside (liamotor liy inches long. Made by Company . For Company. Serial Nos. of cylinders tested. Test pressure (pounds). Total expansion 6 (c. c). Permanent expansion ' (c. c). Per cent ratio of permanent expansion to total expansion ' (c. c). Tare weight » (pounds and ounces). Test date (month and year). ' 1 1 1 ■ 1 (Signed) ' If the tests are made by a method involvLnc; the meiisurement of the amount of rtquid forced into the cylinder by the test pressure, then the basic data on which the calculations are made, such as the pump factors, temperature of liquid, coefficient of compressibility of liquid, etc., must also be given. 'Including valve but without cap; also in case of acetylene cylinders includes filling material and solvent. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 4. STEEL CYLINDERS. For provi.sions and re.'itriction.s governing the use of these container.^, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. ReA-ised January 1, 1923. 1. Cvlinder.s must be manufactured from lapwelded pipe, made oi soft steel of the best welding c|u.ility, free from blisters, cracks, oi other injurious defects. Cylinders may l)o made seamless, or of seamless pipe with head^ welded ifi. if all other requirements of this specification are compliec with. 2. Cylinders made in foreign countries must not be used in domes^ tic traffic in the United States until a chemical analysis of materia SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 177 Spec. 4. and tests, as specified in paragraphs 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10, have been car- ried out within the limits of the United States and under the super- vision of a competent and disinterested inspector approved by the Bureau of Explosives. 3. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Per cent. Carbon must not exceed 0. 20 Phosphorus must not exceed 11 Sulphur must not exceed 05 MANUFACTURE OF PIPE. 4. The pipe from which these cylinders are to be made must be manufactured by the best apphances and according to the best modern practice, each length after being cut into lengths for the manu- facture of the cylinders to be inspected separately for defects inside and outside. Each length of pipe must be subjected to an internal hydrostatic pressure of not over 600 pounds per square inch, under which it must not show any signs of leaking. FLATTENING TEST. 5. Each crop end cut from the pipe from which the cylinders are to be made must be subjected to, and must withstand without crack- ing, flattening between rounded knife-edges to a thickness of six times the thickness of the wall of the pipe. This measurement must be made between the outside surfaces of the walls of the pipe and the test must be applied with the weld not more than 45° away from the side which is subjected to the greatest stress. The knife-edges must be of wedge shape, converging at an angle of 60°, the point being rounded off with a radius of 3^ inch. If any crop end fails to pass this test, then another ring cut from the same end of the pipe may be tested. If the cylinders are made seamless or of seamless pipe, then they must be annealed before the testing prescribed by paragraph 8 and, as there will be no crop ends available, the flattening test must be applied to one out of each lot of 200 or less finished cylinders. ANNEALING. 6. (a) Each cylinder after finishing should be uniformly and properly annealed. This may be done after the testing prescribed in para- graph 8. Dirt and scale must be removed before painting. (b) Cylinders rejected due to failure in the flattening, physical, or hydrostatic tests, may be reannealed. The cylinder must, subse- quent to this reannealing process, be subjected to and pass all of the requirements of the flattening, physical, and hydrostatic tests in order to be accepted: Provided, That, when crop ends or rings are author- 178 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSIOIT. Spec. 4. ized for tlie original flattening tests, the subsequent tests of this character shall be made on one cylinder out of each lot of 200 or less. PHYSICAL TEST. 7. One out of each lot of 200 or less finished cylinders after an- nealing must be selected at random and tests made on test speci- mens cut longitudinally therefrom to determine the elastic limit, the tensile strength, and elongation of the material. The elongation must not be less than 20 per cent on an 8-inch test specimen. The elastic limit must not be more than 70 per cent of the tensile strength. HYDROSTATIC TEST. 8. Each finished cylinder must be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure of not less than 1,000 pounds per square inch in a water jacket, or other apparatus of suitable form to furnish reliable data. The permanent volumetric expansion must not exceed 10 per cent of the whole volumetric expansion at this pressure. 9. This test must be made without subjecting the cylinder to any- previous hydrostatic pressure: Provided, however, That a preliminary pressure of not more than 80 per cent of the prescribed test pressure may be applied once only, previous to the official test, for the purpose of rounding out the cylinder. 10. In the hydrostatic test the water gauge indicating the expan- sion must be of such interior diameter that the total expansion will cause the water to rise at least 45 centimeters in the gauge, except when this will make the interior diameter less than 4 millimeters; the pressure must be applied for not less than 30 seconds and as much longer as may be necessary to insure complete expansion of the cylinder. The expansion must be recorded in terms of cubic centi- meters. MARKING. 11. Each cylinder must be plainly and permanently marked by stamping or pressing into or near the heads as follows: (a) A serial number. ih) The marking ICC — 4. This marking must be placed imme- diately above the serial number. (c) The name or initials of the company or person for whose use the cylinders are being made. (d) The date of manufacture (month and year) ; for example, 4-21 for April. 1921 ; this should be applied in such position that the dates of sul)>('(iuent tests may be easily added thereto. («) All of the foregoing marking must be in letters and figures at least % inch high. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 179 I' Spec. 4. 12. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. 13. The manufacture of the cylinders must be completed with the best appliances and according to the best modern methods. All finished cylinders must show reasonably smooth and uniform surface finish, inspection of inside surface being made before putting in the heads and bottoms; the threading of valve seat must be even and without checks and the cylinders must show no defects of workman- ship or material likely to result in any appreciable weakness of the finished cylinder. A close inspection of each completed cyhnder must be made before acceptance to discover any defects. INSPECTIONS. 14. The purchaser must provide for inspection of all material and all tests by a competent and disinterested inspector. 15. The inspector shall make such inspection as may be necessary to see that the requirements of paragraphs 4 and 13 are complied with, shall note the minimum thickness of wall of the pipe used, and shall witness all the hydrostatic tests. 16. The inspector shall obtain from the manufacturer of the cylinders a certificate signed by the manufacturer of the steel from which the cylinders are made (see reports, par. 18, for form of certificate) and submit it with his report. 17. The inspector shall stamp his initials or his personal sign immediately beneath the serial number of each cylinder which he passes as accepted and shall make a certified report (see par. 18) to the maker, to the purchaser, and to the chief inspector, Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City, showing the serial numbers of all cylinders which are accepted, together with a copy of all data relating to the material and the tests. REPORTS. 18. The reports required by paragraphs 16 and 17 must be sub- mitted in the following form : (Place) (Date) Report of inspection of cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by the Company. Inspected for the Company. 1^0 INTERvSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSIOI^. Spec. 4. The steel from whicli tliese cylinders Avere manufactured was made by the Company under orders Nos Their certificate stating that the chemical composition of the steel compliea with the requirements of specification No. 4 is attaclied hereto. Each crop end cut from the pipe from which the cylinders were made was subjected to a flattening test, as required by specification No. 4. All of the crop ends passed this test satisfactorily. Each and every pipe before closing was inspected inside and outside for defects, and those which were accepted were found free from seams, cracks, laminations, or any defects which might prove injurious to the strength of the cylinder. The thickness of walls was measured with a pair of calipers and the minimum thickness of wall noted was Each and every cylinder (was)— (was not)' uniformly and properly annealed, and then the cylinders were again inspected in order to discover any defects which might have been caused by this process. Two longitudinal test pieces were cut from one out of each 200 or less finished cylinders and pulled. The record of the physical tests is hereto attached. Each and every cylinder was subjected to a hydrostatic test of pounds per square inch in the presence of the inspector. A rounding-out pressure of not more than pounds per square inch (was) — (was not)' made. The record of the hydrostatic tests is attached hereto. Each and every cylinder was plainly and permanently marked as follows:^ Onornear valve head of cylinder. On or near other head of cylinder. Each and every cylinder was stamped with the initials of the inspector immediately beneath the serial number of the cylinder. I hereby certify that all of these cyluiders proved satisfactory in every way, and comply with the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission specification No. 4. Inspector. Note. — If any defects are found in completed cylinders, state kind and cause, and that said cylinders were rejected. Certificate of Compositio.v of Steel. (Placei (Date) Tills is to certify that the steel furnished to tlie Cfjmpany on orders Nos does not contain more than U.20 per cent of carbon, nor more than 0.11 jx-r cent of phosphorus, nor more than 0.05 per cent of Bul|)hur. (Signature of manufacturer of steel.) > Draw a line through words not required. Mascrt rcpro Company, For Company. Test No. Cylinders represented by test (serial Nos.). Elastic limit (pounds per square inch). J;-i}f, Elongation square in6h), mSmches). Reduction of area (per cent). Flattening test. 1 1 1 i 1 ( ' i . 1 1 ! i ! (Signed) (Place) (Date) Record of tests on cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. Serial Nos. rp... nressure Total expansion ' (c. c). Permanent expansion ^ (c. c). Per cent ratio of permanent expansion to total expansion. ^ Tare weight « Test date (pounds (month and ounces). and year). 1 1 1 t 1 1 (Signed) =■ If the tests are made by a method involving the measurement of the amount of Uquid forced into the cylinder by the test pressure, then the basic data on which the calculations are made, such as the piunp fectors, temperature of hquid, coefficient of compressibility of Uquid, etc., must also be given. 6 Including valve but without cap; also in case of acetylene cylinders includes filling material and solvent. 182 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 5. IRON OR STEEL BARRELS OR DRTJMS. For provii^ioius and restrictions go^'erning the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Note.— Specification No. 5A covers these containers for the transportation of acids. Revised January i, 1923. MATERIAL. 1. The niiniinum thickness of material in any part of the com- pleted barrel or drimi must not be less than that prescribed in para- graph 2 (a). (Gatige mentioned in this specification refers to United States Standard.) 2. (o) In the interpretation of the minimum thickness of metal allowed for any specified gauge, a variation, due to commercial condi- tions of manufacture, of not more than 2 3^ per cent below the speci- fied standard will be considered satisfactory provided the average weight per square foot is not less than the standard weight for the gauge specified. The standard thicknesses and w^eights prescribed are a.s follows: Nominal capacity. Gauge (United States Minimum Standard thiclcness weight per (2yi per square foot | cent under standard) (inches). ru;. (.pounas). •20 1.500 19 1.750 18 2.000 17 2.250 16 2.500 15 2.812 14 3. 125 13 3.750 10 gallons or less 11 to 35 gallons.. 36 to 55 gallon.«.. 56 to 110 gallons > S«« par. e. 0.037 0.043 0.049 0.055 0.061 0.069 0.076 0.091 ib) The weight of a barrel or drum with a nonfinal capacity of 50 to 55 gallons must be not loss than 70 pounds in the black exclusive of the roHing hoops. (c) The weight of a barrel or diiim with a nominal capacity of 100 to no gallons must be not less than l.iO pounds in the black exclusive of tlic rolHng hoops. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 183 Spec. 5. ROLLING HOOPS. 3. Rolling hoops swedged or rolled into the shell are not per- mitted: Provided, That containers of the cylindrical or straight-side type of not over 55 gallons nominal capacity may have the rolling hoops swedged or rolled into the shell or body if both the shell and heads are made from materials at least two gauges thicker than as prescribed in paragraph 2. 4. Separate rolling hoops as prescribed must be properly secured to the shell, preferably by means of small bead on each side of each rolling hoop or by welding for a length of 3 or 4 inches at several points around the circumference; spot welding or beading under the rolling hoop is not authorized. 5. Containers of the cylindrical or straight-sided type with a nominal capacity of over 10 gallons must be equipped with separate rolling hoops, either of the U-shaped sheet-metal type at least two gauges heavier than the steel in the shell of the container or of the solid I-bar type of not less than commercial % inch by 134 inches, weighing not less than 1.25 pounds per foot; containers of this type are not required to have rolling hoops if of 10 gallons or less nominal capacity. 6. Bilge-type containers need not be equipped with rolling hoops if the minimum thickness of the metal in the shell is 14 gauge at the bilge and 15 gauge at other points for a container of 35 gallons or less nominal capacity, and 13 gauge at the bilge and 14 gauge at other points for a container of over 35 but not over 55 gallons nominal capacity; if lighter material is used or if the container is over 55 gallons nominal capacity, rolling hoops must be attached in accord- ance with the provisions covering the cylindrical or straight-sided container. TESTS. 7. Each barrel or drum must be tested, under water or with all seams covered with soap-suds or heavy oil, by interior compressed air at a pressure of not less than 15 pounds per square inch and must be carefully examined while under this pressure and must stand this test without leaking. 8. The type of barrel or drum must be capable of standing, without leaking, a hydrostatic test pressure of not less than 40 pounds per square inch sustained for not less than five minutes. Any distortion of the heads due to this test must be such that they can be restored approximately to their original position (by hammering with a wooden maul or similar means) without leakage, when subjected to a 15-pound air-pressure test. 9. When filled with water to 98 per cent of its capacity the type of barrel or drum must also be capable of standing without leakage 134 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 5. 1-1 a test by dropping it diagonally on its chime from a height of 4 feet upon a si)lid concrete foundation. 10. Type tests of sample packages must be made, by any com- pany starting production, on each type and size of package in order to insure that the product will comply with paragraphs 8 and 9, and these tests must be repeated at intervals of not more than four months: if the same type and size is to be made of different gauge material the samples must be taken from those of the lighter gauge. Subseciuent production on any type or size of package must not be continued unless further tests have been made within the previous four months; if production has been discontinued and is resumed, this requirement will also apply. Tested packages must be held available for inspection until the next test on the same type and size is made. BUNG CLOSURES. 1 1 . Provision must be made for closing the bung-holes and other openings in such manner as to prevent leakage. Bungs or other closing devices projecting beyond the chime or rolling hoops must be capable of withstanding the same test drop as prescribed by paragraph 9. Threaded metal bungs and plugs must be close-fitting, and threads in the reinforcements and on the plugs must be cut at right angles to the faced surfaces thereof so that when bungs are inserted (without gaskets) the faced surface of the bung will bear squarely on the faced surface of the reinforcement or spud. The spud should have not less than five complete threads and the threading on the bung should be of sufficient length so that, with gasket in place, it will engage in all of the five threads in the spud. Gaskets must be made of lead, vulcanized fiber, leather, or other suitable material, not less than % iiich thick and not less than 34 inch across the face. To insure tight closure of the bung, etc., it is advisable that the gaskets and the flanges of the bung and filling hole be coated with a suitable luting substance, such as gum shellac dissolved in water to about the consistency of molasses, glue, or a rosin and soap com- pound, etc. After applying such luting the bung should be set down tight with a wrench having a handle at least 18 inches long. The. barrel should then be allowed to stand on end for a few hours unti the luting dries, after which the barrel should be placed on its side,J bung down, to test for leakage before being ofi"ered for shipment. Wooden bungs must be compressed tapered bungs, and must b< covered with a suitable coating and have a driving fit into a smootl bung-iiole tapered tlie same as the bung. Wooden bungs should })e long enough to extend about % incl inside of the barrel and .sliould be soaked in hot water or hot, thii SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 185 Spec 5. glue for about a minute before driving into the bung-hole so that the interior of the bung will swell and form a shoulder on tlie inside of the bung-hole. MANUFACTURING METHODS. 12. The method of manufacturing the barrel or drum and the materials used must be well adapted to producing a uniform product. Leaks caused by defective manufacture of a barrel or drum must not be stopped by soldering, but must be repaired by the method used in constructing the barrel or drum. It is recommended that, when nature of contents will permit, each such container should be coated on the inside and outside in such manner and with such materials as will prevent corrosion. 13. All metal barrels or drums having a capacity of 30 United States wine gallons or over, being manufactured with a flanged type of head secured to the body sheet by welding or by a double seam, must have the chime adequately protected by some chime reinforcement. MARKING. 14. Each barrel and drum must be plainly and permanently marked by embossing or stamping on the head as follows : (a) The marking ICC— 5. (6) Marking to show the United States Standard gauge of the metal in its thinnest part, the nominal capacity of the container in gallons, and the year of manufacture. These may be abbreviated and then must appear in the order specified (for example, 16-55-20, which will signify that the container is made of 16 gauge steel, is of 55 gallons capacity, and was made in the year 1920). (c) The name, initials, or symbol of the manufacturer. (This must be recorded with the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City.) The marking I. C. C. — 5 shall be understood to certify that the container complies with all the requirements of this specification. The size of marking, letters, and figures must be a minimum of 1^ inch for 35 gallons or smaller containers, % inch for containers over 35 but not over 55 gallons, and 1 inch for containers over 55 but not over 110 gallons. If the marking as specified in paragraph 14 (b) is not abbreviated as allowed therein, then the gallonage of the container may be placed on a brass plate securely fastened to the container. 15. When offered for shipment the container must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. 66G20°— 22 13 186 Spec. 5A. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. INSPECTION. 16. Wherever practicable the manufacture of these barrels or drums should be subjected to the inspection of a competent and disinterested inspector. REPORTS OF MANUFACTURE. 17. All manufacturers who make metal barrels or di-ums to comply \\'ith this specification must forward to the chief inspector, Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City, a monthly report of all such barrels or drums shipped. Such report must be submitted in the following form : (Place) (Date) BiRE.4.r OF Explosives, SO Vesey Street, New York, N. Y. Gentlemen : Report of metal ' shipped by us from during month of made under requirements of I. C. C. specifications. i.c.c. specifica- tion No. Nominal capacity (gallons). Gauge of materiaKUnited States Standard). Date marked on containers. Number of containers. Minimum weight in theblack (pounds).' Date of last type tests.' Head. Body. j i > Insert "barrels" or "drums." ' Excluding rolling hoops. ' Must be made every four months. Each container was tested under an air pressure of pounds as required and showed no leakage. We hereby certify that these containers are properly marked and comply in all respecta with the requirements of the I. C. C. specifications. (Signed) (Per) SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 6A. IRON OR STEEL. BARRELS OR DRUMS. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Note.— Removable head or removable plate containers not authorized under this specification. Revised, January 1, 1923. MATERIAL. 1 . The niininium thickness of material in any part of the completed barrel «jr drum must not be less than that prescribed in paragraph 2. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECmCATIONS. 187 Spec. 5A. (Gauge mentioned in this specification refers to United States Standard.) 2. In the interpretation of the minumum thickness of metal allowed for any specified gauge, a variation, due to commercial condi- tions of manufacture, of not more than 2}/2 per cent below the speci- fied standard will be considered satisfactory provided the average weight per square foot is not less than the standard weight for the gauge specified. The standard thicknesses and weights prescribed are as follows: Minimum thiickness Nominal canacitv ^umlea weigniper (214 per jNommai capacity. states snnarefoot cent imdef standard) (inches). 29 gallons or less 30 to 55 gallons . 56 to 110 gallons Gauge (United States standard). Standard weight per square foot (pounds). 16 2.500 '15 2.812 14 3. 125 ' 13 3.750 12 4.375 0.061 0.069 0.076 0.091 0.107 1 See par. 6. It is recommended that the materials from which these containers are manufactured shall be of the highest acid-resisting qualities obtainable. ROLLING HOOFS. 3. Rolling hoops or beads swedged or rolled into the shell at any point are not permitted. 4. Separate rolling hoops as prescribed must be properly secured to the shell by welding or brazing for a length of at least 3 or 4 inches at several points around the circumference; spot welding or beading under the rolling hoop is not authorized. 5. Containers of the cylindrical or straight-sided type with a nominal capacity of over 10 gallons must be equipped with separate rolling hoops of the solid I-bar type, not less than commercial % inch by 1 )4 inches, weighing not less than 1.25 pounds per foot for containers not over 55 gallons nominal capacity, and not less than commercial 1 by \}/2 inches, weighing not less than 1.6 pounds per foot for containers over 55 gallons nominal capacity; containers of this type are not required to have rolling hoops if of 10 gallons or less nominal capacity. 6. Bilge- type containers need not be equipped with rolling hoops if the mimimum thickness of the metal in the shell is 14 gauge at the bilge and 15 gauge at other points for a container of 29 gallons or less Jgg INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION". Spec. 5A. nominal capacity, and 13 gauge at the bilge and 14 gauge at other points for a container of over 29, but not over 55 gallons nominal capacity ; if lighter material is used or if the container is over 55 gallons nominal capacity, rolling hoops must be attached in accordance with the provisions covering the cylindrical or straight-sided container. TESTS. 7. Each barrel or drum must be tested, under water or with all scams covered with soap-suds or heavy oil, by interior compressed air at a pressure of not less than 15 pounds per square inch and must be carefully examined while under this pressure and must stand this test without leaking. 8. The type of barrel or drum must be capable of standing, without leaking, a hydrostatic test pressure of not less than 80 pounds per square inch sustained for not less than five minutes. Any distortion of the heads due to this test must be such that they can be restored approximately to their original position (by hammer- ing with a wooden maul or simdar means) without leakage, when sub- jected to a 15-pound air-pressure test. 9. When filled with water to 98 per cent of its capacity the type of barrel or drum must also be capable of standing without leakage a test by dropping it diagonally on its chime from a height of 6 feet upon a solid concrete foundation. 10. Type tests of sample packages must be made, by any company starting production, on each type and size of package, in order to insure that the product will comply with paragraphs 8 and 9, and these tests must be repeated at intervals of not more than four months; if the same type and size is to be made of different gauge material the samples must be taken from those of the lighter gauge. Subsequent production on any type or size of package must not be continued unless further tests have been made within the previous four months; if production has been discontinued and is resumed, this requirement will also apply. Tested packages must be held available for inspec- tion until the next test on the same type and size is made. BUNG closuhes. 1 1 . Provision must be made for closing the bung-holes and other openings in such manner as to prevent leakage. Bungs or other closing devices projecting beyond the chime or rolling hoops must be capable of withstanding the same test drop as prescribed by para- graph 9. Threaded metal bungs and plugs must be close-fitting, and. threuds in the reinforcements and on the plugs must be cut at right angles to the faced surfaces thereof, so that when bungs are inserted (without gaskets) the faced surface of the bung will bear squarely on SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 189 Spec. 5A. the faced surface of the reinforceznent or spud. The spud should have not less than five complete threads and the threading on the bung should be of sufficient length so that, with gasket in place, it will engage in all of the five threads in the spud. Bungs and spuds of over 1 inch diameter must have not more than eight threads per inch. Spuds must be made of a highly acid-resisting metal (monel metal, for example), and must be brazed or welded in place. Gaskets must be made of asbestos or other suitable acid-resistant material not less than 3^8 inch thick and not less than 3^ inch across the face. MANUFACTURING METHODS. 12. The method of manufacturing the barrel or drum and the mate- rials used must be well adapted to producing a uniform product. Leaks caused by defective manufacture of a barrel or drum must not be stopped by soldering, but must be repaired by the method used in constructing the barrel or drum. The use of crimped construction of seam on these containers is prohibited unless they are also welded or brazed. It is recommended that, when nature of contents will pei-mit, each such container should be coated on the inside and outside in such man- ner and with such material as will prevent corrosion. 13. All metal barrels or drums having a capacity of 30 United States wine gallons or over being manufactured with a flanged type of head secured to the body sheet by welding or by a double seam must have the chime adequately protected by some chime reinforcement. MARKING, 14. Each barrel and drum must be plainly and permanently marked by embossing or stamping on the head as follows: "(a) The marking ICC-5A. (b) Marking to show the United States Standard gauge of the metal in its thinnest part, the capacity of the container in gallons, and the year of manufacture. These may be abbreviated and then must appear in the order specified (for example, 16-55-20, which will signify that the container is made of 16-gauge steel, is of 55 gallons capacity, and was made in the year 1920). (c) The name, initials, or symbol of the manufacturer. (This must be recorded with the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City.) The marking I. C. C.-5A shall be understood to certify that the con- tainer complies with all the requirements of this specification. The size of marking, letters, and figures must be a minimum of 3/2 inch for 35 gallons or smaller containers, ^ inch for containers over 35 but not over 55 gallons, and 1 inch for containers over 55 but not over 110 gallons. J 90 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 5B. • 1 T_ v 15. \Yben offered for shipment the container must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. INSPECTION. 10. ^Vherever practicable the manufacture of these barrels or drums should be subjected to the inspection of a competent and disinterested inspector. REPORTS OF MANUFACTURE. 17. All manufacturers who make metal barrels or drums to comply with this specification must forward to the chief inspector, Bureau of Explosives. 30 Vesey Street, New York City, a monthly report of all such barrels or drums shipped. Such report must be submitted in the following form: (Place) (Date) Bureau of Explosives. SO Vesey Street, New York, N. Y. Gentlemen : Report of metal ' shipped by us from during month of made under requirements of I. C. C. specifications. T.C. C. specifica- tion No. Nominal capacity (gal.). Gauge of material (U. S. Standard). Date marked on containers. Number of containers. Minimum weight in the black (pounds).' Date of last type Head. Body. tests.* 1 1 I Insert "barrels" or "drums.' ' Excluding rolling hoops. ' Must be made every four months. Each container was tested under an air pressure of pounds as required and showed no leakpga. We hereby certify that tlieae containers are properly marked and comply in all respectH with the requirements of the I. C. C. specifications. (Signed) (Per) SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. IRON OR STEEL BARRELS OR DRUMS. 5B. For proNisions anever, That the two ends shall consist of scored and flanged solid-fiber millboard not less than 0.08 inch in thickness, having a resistance of not less than 320 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, and each of these heads or ends shall be reinforced by a straight, unflanged piece of solid-fiber millboard of 0.09 inch in thick- ness and a resistance of not less than 375 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test. The reinforcing board shall be secured to the case ends by metal stitching around the edges and through the center spaced not mf)re tlian .'J inches apart. TRANSVERSE UIAPHRAOM. 19. All cases constructed of solid-fiber millboard, which is com- posed of not less than 50 per cent sulphite fiber, that have a total weiglit, case and contents, exceeding 30 pounds, shall have placed transversely in the center of their length a diaphragm or division with scored and flanged connection to the sides, top, and bottom of said SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 197 Spec. 6. case. This intermediate transverse diaphragm shall be composed of solid-fiber millboard not less than 0.08 inch in thickness, having a resistance of not less than 320 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test. CUTTING AND SCORING. 20. The heads of all glued-ply fiber board or pulpboard cases must be formed of four laps of length within ^ inch of short dimension of head. When the short dimension of head is greater than one-half of the long dimension, one of the short-dixnension laps must be cut at center of case and one of the long-dimension laps must be scored in the center to bend over the shortened lap or the short dimension laps may be cut to meet in a close joint near the center of the head. 21. Cases constructed of glued-ply fiber board or pulpboard or of solid-fiber millboard composed of not less than 50 per cent sulphite fiber must be creased, not cut, to produce a reinforcing fillet on the inner side of fold. This requirement will apply alike to flanged ends and flanged intermediate transverse diaphragms as well as to the side members. 22. The side lap of glued-ply fiber board or pulpboard cases must be at least 1}4 inches wide, double stitched, or glued and stitched, with flat wire not less than J^ inch wide and of suitable thickness, with stitches spaced not more than 2}^ inches apart. Machine used must be capable of driving the wire through the fiber board, so that the stitching when completed will be perfect. 23. Cases constructed of solid fiber board composed of not less than 50 per cent sulphite fiber, where the weight of the case and its contents shall not exceed 30 pounds, shall have the side lap not less than 1 inch wide, single-stitched with flat wire not less than 3^ inch wide and of suitable thickness, with stitches spaced not more than 1 }/2 inches apart. Machine used must be capable of driving the wire through the solid-fiber millboard, so that the stitching when completed will be perfect. 24. The cases constructed of solid-fiber millboard composed of not less than 50 per cent sulphite fiber, where the weight of the case and its contents shall exceed 30 pounds, shall have the side lap not less than 1% inches wide, double-stitched with flat wire not less than }/g inch wide and of suitable thickness, with stitches spaced not more than 1 }4 inches apart. Machine used must be capable of driving the wire through the solid-fiber millboard, so that the stitching when completed will be perfect. 25. Rivets, if equal or superior in strength to the wire stitching, may be used. jgg INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 6. CLOSING. 26. The heads of all glued-ply fiber board or pulpboard cases must be closed with animal glue or silicate of soda coated on the entire contact surfaces. 27. Cases constructed of solid-fiber millboard composed of not less than 50 per cent sulphite fiber must have heads flanged out, both flanges being stitched to the case (sides, top, and bottom) with flat wire not less than ^ inch wide and of suitable thickness spaced not more than IK inches apart. The width of flanges on heads and diaphragms must not be less than 1 inch, including the fillet. 28. Rivets, if equal or superior in strength to the wire stitching, may be used. WEIGHT LIMIT, 29. No case constructed of glued-ply fiber board, pulpboard, or solid-fiber millboard composed of not less than 50 per cent sulphite fiber, may be used as a container for the transportation of matches that has an aggregate weight, case and contents, exceeding 60 pounds, or is of such size that the sum of the three dimensions (length, width, and depth) exceeds 60 inches. DOUBLE-FACED CORRUGATED 8TRAWBOARD CASES. MATERIAL. 30. Double-faced corrugated strawboard used in making double- faced strawboard cases must be made of corrugated strawboard with inner and outer facings of fiber board or pulpboard, both facings having proper bending qualities, firmly glued to the corrugated sheet with the outer facings waterproofed. .31. Weight limit 25 pounds, case and contents. — When the outer facing of the double-faced corrugated straw^board is not less than 0.018 inch in thickness, having a resistance of not less than 85 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, and the inner facing is not less than 0.018 inch in thickness, having a resistance of not less than 85 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, the combined board having a resist- ance of not less than 200 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, and the outside (Hmonsions of the case (length, width, and depth) added, do not exceed 45 inches, the gross weight of the case and its contents shall not oxreed 25 pounds 32, Weight limit 40 pounds, case and contents. — When the outer facing of the double-faced corrugated strawboard is not less than 0.018 inch in thickness, having a resistance of not less than 85 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, and the inner facing is not less than 0.018 inch in thickness, having a resistance of not less than 85 poimds to the square inch, Mullen test, the combined board having a resist- SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 199 Spec. 6. ance of not less than 200 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, and an inner liner of double-faced corrugated strawboard is arranged and constructed to closely fit inside the case, this liner having a resistance of not less than 175 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, and the outside dimensions of the case (length, width, and depth) added, do not exceed 55 inches, the gross weight of the case and its contents shall not exceed 40 pounds. The liner shall be made in one piece of double-faced corrugated strawboard, fitting closely inside the case as a lining of those four sides of the case not formed by the closing flaps, with side lap not less than 23^ inches wide; the side lap may be omitted provided the juncture of the two ends of the liner consists of a closely fitted butt joint, which must be located near the center of one of the sides and not along an edge of the case. Four head laps, not less than 1^ inches wide, with mitered corners, shall be fitted to the liner at each end. 33. Weight limit 60 pounds, case and contents. — When the outer facing of the double-faced corrugated strawboard is not less than 0.018 inch in thickness, having a resistance of not less than 85 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, and the inner facing is not less than 0.018 inch in thickness, having a resistance of not less than 85 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, the combined board having a resistance of not less than 200 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, and an inner liner of double-faced corrugated strawboard is arranged and constructed to closely fit inside the case, this liner having a resistance of not less than 200 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, and the outside dimensions of the case (length, width, and depth) added, do not exceed 60 inches, the gross weight of the case and its contents shall not exceed 60 pounds. The liner shall be made in one piece of double-faced corrugated strawboard, fitting closely inside the case as a lining of those four sides of the case not formed by the closing flaps, with side lap not less than 2>^ inches wide; the side lap may be omitted provided the junctm-e of the two ends of the liner consists of a closely fitted butt joint, which must be located near the center of one of the sides and not along an edge of the case. Four head laps, not less than 1 % inches wide, with mitered corners, shall be fitted to the liner at each end. DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION. 34. Each double-faced corrugated strawboard case shall be made out of one piece of material. The edge connection of the side to the end must be close fitting and be secured by a single cloth or sealing strip not less than 2 inches in width and having a resistance of not less than 85 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, extending the entire 200 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 6. length of the seam and secured by animal glue to the box. Double- cloth seaUng strips may be used if the inner strip is made not less than 1 1 -i inches wide and the outer strip not less than 2)4 inches wide, each cloth having a resistance of not less than 60 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, each thickness extending the entire length of the seam, the inner being firmly glued to the case, and the outer being efficiently and firmly glued to the inner cloth and to the case. 35. The heads of all double-faced corrugated strawboard cases with a weight limit not exceeding 25 pounds, case and contents, must be formed with four flaps, each pair of flaps butting at approximately the center lino of the head. Cases with a weight of over 25 pounds but not over 40 pounds, case and contents, must have the two inner flaps butt at the center line of the head and the tw^o outer flaps each cover the entire head. Cases with a weight of over 40 pounds but not over 60 pounds, case and contents, must have both inner and outer flaps cover the entire area of the head: Provided, That cases with a weight of over 25 pounds but not over 60 pounds, case and contents, may consist of two complete double-faced corrugated strawboard cases, one fitted closely inside the other, the inner case made of double- faced corrugated strawboard having a resistance of not less than 175 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, and the outer case made of double-faced corrugated strawboard having a resistance of not less than 200 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, fully complying wath these requirements and specifications, and with the heads of each case formed with four flaps, each pair of flaps butting at the center line of the head : Provided further, That cases with a weight of over 25 pounds but not over 60 pounds, case and contents, having top and bottom pads of double-faced corrugated strawboard having a resist- ance of not less than 175 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, covering the entire top and bottom of the case, may have both inner and outer flaps butting at approximately the center line of the head, * each pair of flaps meeting to form a close joint. 36. Heads must be closed with animal glue or silicate of soda coated on the entire contact surfaces of the top and bottom pads and of all the flaps, WEIGHT LIMIT. 37. No double-faced corrugated strawboard case may be used as a container for the transportation of matches that has an aggregate weight, case and contents, exceeding 00 pounds, or is of such size that the sum f)f its three dimensions (length, width, and depth) exceeds CO inches. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 201 Spec. 6. MISCELLANEOUS TYPES OF CASES. 38. Types of packing cases other than those herein discussed are approved, provided they conform to the following requirements: 39. Wooden nailed cases are approved, provided that they conform to all the requirements before specified for wooden lock-cornered cases with the omission of the lock-corner requirements, and with the fol- lowing exceptions: The heads, top, and bottom to be made ^ inch thicker, and the sides ^ inch thicker than the scantlings before speci- fied for lock-cornered cases. 40. Wooden nailed cases will be approved when they conform to all requirements before specified for wooden lock-cornered cases with the omission of the lock-corner construction and without increasing the thickness of the scantlings, provided the cases are constructed with vertical and horizontal cleats on the ends; cleats to be at least three- quarters as thick as the material specified for the ends of the lock- corner cases and not less than 1]/^ inches wide. 41. All wooden nailed cases having a weight, case and contents, ex- ceeding 55 pounds, must have the connection of the heads to the sides, top, and bottom, metal strapped, the metal bands being ^ inch wide, with nails spaced 5 inches apart. Intermediate nails must be worked connecting the sides, top, and bottom to said heads, making the spacing of fastening not more than 2 ^-inch centers. The nail spacing on cases under 50 pounds shall under no condition exceed 3 inches 42. Wire or metal bonnd cases made with metal or wooden end frames that are securely connected to the sides, top, and bottom, are approved, provided the scantlings are in thickness and strength equal to or in excess of those required for the wire-bound cases before described and the following requirements are complied with: Wire or metal encircling bands must be securely fastened to the sides, top, and bottom of the case as before specified for wire-bound cases, and the tensile strength of said wire or straps and strength of staple shall be at least equal to that specified for wire-bound cases. No fiber board shall be used for the sides, top, bottom, or ends of wire-bound cases unless the resistance of said board, Mullen test, is 50 per cent in excess of the combined fiber board case and its inner liner before described under the designation of " Fiber board cases." 43. Fiber board cases with flanged heads or ends are approved, provided said flanged heads or ends are composed of material having a resistance, Mullen test, 50 per cent in excess of that of the sides, with the inner mantle specified under the heading of "Fiber board cases." All heads or ends must have the flanges project outward, both flanges being metal-sewed to the case sides, top and bottom. The width of the flange shall not be less than 1 inch in the clear, excluding the fillet. 66620°— 22 14 OQO rNTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 7. 44. Fiber board cases may be fitted A^ath wooden frames for the heads or ends, but under these conditions the head frames shall not be loss than those specified for wire-bound cases, and the fiber board shall not be less in thickness and strength than that specified for fiber board cases, with the exception that the heads shall have a resistance^ Mullen test, 50 per cent in excess of that required for the sides, top^ and bottom, including the inner liner, wherever specified. 45. Fiber board cases complying with the requirements of para- graphs 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 17, and 29 of this specification are approved when made as follows: The body of the case shall be made of one piece and shall be closed by a flap, in width not less than one-half the depth of the case, this flap to extend from the top of the case down over the side and to be firmly glued in place with animal glue after filling the case. Each head shall be formed of four flaps fitted to the body by flanges. Material used in the head flap shall be the same thickness and strength as that used for the body. The width of the flanges shall not be less than 1 inch, excluding the fillet. The flanges shall be metal-sewed to the body by stitches of flat wire not less than -^ inch wide, which shall not be less than 1^4 inches apart, center to center. The flaps flanged to the sides of the case shall both be the full size of the end of the case. The flaps flanged to top and bottom of the case may be of general triangular shape, but must extend from the flange not less than ^ inch along the sides of the case. All four head flaps shall be securely fastened together at the center of the end of the case by a 1 3^-inch screw fastener, consisting of metal plug and cap. METAL CANS. 46. Metal cans made of not less than commercial 107-pound tin plate, and of liquid capacity not to exceed 5 gallons, are approved as containers for block, card, or book matches, provided the cans are sound and well soldered at all joints and seams, and provided that after matches are packed therein the cans are securely closed by soldering so as to supply an air-tight package. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 7. STEEL CYLINDERS. For i)roviHions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirementa in Freight, Express, and Baggage Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. MATERIAL. 1. (a) Cylinders must be made of open-hearth steel. Cylind<'rs made in foreign countries must not be used in domestic traffic in the United States until a chemical analysis of material and SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 203 Spec. 7. tests, as specified in paragraphs 1, 2, 5, 10, and 11, have been carried out within the hmits of the United States and under the supervision of a competent and disinterested inspector approved by the Bureau of Explosives. (b) Chemical analysis: Per cent. Carbon 0. 06 to 0. 20 Phosphorus (not to exceed) .04 Sulphur (not to exceed) .05 2. The chemical analysis must be verified by check analyses made on samples taken from 1 out of each order or lot of 200 or less plates, shells, or tubes from which the cylinders are to be made: Provided, That one analysis from any one heat of steel is sufficient: Provided further, That the phosphorus and sulphur content as determined by the check chemical analysis, may be accepted up to but not ex- ceeding 20 per cent more than the amount specified above, but this should not apply to the original mill analysis. INSPECTION OF MATERIAL. 3. All plates, shells, or tubes from which cylinders are to be made must be carefully inspected before being made up into cylinders, and those which show cracks, laminations, or other defects must be rejected. ANNEALING. 4. All seamless cylinders must be uniformly and properly annealed. All steel from which cylinders (not seamless) are to be made must be uniformly and properly annealed after any hot or cold drawing process or after any cold-rolling process. If not drawn or cold roUed, it must be capable of bending on itself cold, without cracking. Cylinders rejected, due to failure in the flattening, physical, or hydrostatic tests, may be reannealed. The cylinders must, subse- quent to this reannealing process, be subjected to and pass all of the requirements of the flattening, physical, and hydrostatic tests in order to be accepted: Provided, That when crop ends or rings are authorized for the original flattening tests, the subsequent tests of this character shall be made on one cylinder out of each lot of 200 or less. PHYSICAL TEST. 5. The material from which the cylinders are made must have an elastic limit of not more than 45,000 pounds per square inch. This must be verified by check tests on specimens cut from 1 out of each order or lot of 200 or less of the plates, tubes, shells, or finished cylinders. If the material has been hot or cold dra\\Ti or cold rolled, tbese tests must be made after the final annealing required by paragraph 4. 204 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spt-r. 7. OPENINGS FOR CONNECTIONS. 6. The length of thread for connections, such as valves, fuse- plugs, gauge, etc., must be equal to the standard lengths specified for different sizes of pipe thread tappings. Standard taper pipe threads must be employed on all threading for connections to cylinder, and these connections must be tapped to gauge with clean-cut threads, so as to insure tight joints. PROTECTION OF CONNECTIONS. 7. When a cylinder to contain inflammable gas is not to be boxed or crated for shipment, the safety and discharge valves and other connections must be made safe from injury during transit: (1) By being set into a recess of the cylinder so that it will be impossible for them to be struck if the cylinder is dropped on a flat surface; or (2) by a cap or collar, fastened to the cylinder (not to the valve or connection), this cap or collar to be capable of withstanding a blow, delivered in an}^ direction, of a 30-pound weight falling 4 feet, and constructed so that this blow will not be transmitted to the valve or connection; or (3) by such construction of the valves and connec- tions that they will withstand a test consisting of standing the cylinder upright on its base and gradually tipping it over, allowing it to fall so that the end of the valve or connection will strike on a block of some unyielding substance, such as stone or iron (not wood). The block must be so arranged that the end of the valve or connec- tion will strike the block just before the side of the cylinder strikes the floor or ground. No leak must develop under this t-est. During the test indicated in (3) above, the cylinder must contain compressed air or gas under a pressure of at least 50 pounds per square inch, and the absence of leakage after the test is completed must be verifled by application of soap-suds, or by other suitable method. MAXIMUM PERMITTED CHARGING PRESSURE. 8. Tlic maximum permitted charging pressure must not exceed 300 poniids per scjuare inch corresponding to a temperature of 70° F. MARKING. 0. iCach cylinder must be plainly marked by etching on the shell, or by means of n plate soldered to the cylinder, or by stamping into the metal of tlic cylinder, as follows: (a) A serial number. ^6) The marking ICC— 7 ***; the stars to be replaced by figures indi.-ating the charging pressure for which the cylinder is designed. This marking must be placed immediately above the serial numbe'r. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 205 Spec. 7. (c) The name or initials of the company or person for whose use the cyUnders are being made. id) The date of manufacture (month and year); for example, 4-21, to indicate April, 1921; this should be applied in such position that the date of subsequent tests may be easily added thereto. (e) If the foregoing marking is applied by etching or by means of a plate, then the marking specified in (a), (c), and {d) must also be per- manently stamped into the metal of the cylinder on or near the head. (/) All of the foregoing marking must be applied in letters and figures at least J^ inch high. The marking I.C.C. — 7 — *** shall be understood to certify that the package complies with all of the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the par- ticular article contained therein, STANDARD PRESSURE TEST. 10. One completed cylinder selected at random out of every lot of 200 or less, must be subjected to a hydrostatic test in a water jacket, or other apparatus of suitable form to furnish reliable data, to an official test pressure of not less than three times the maximum permitted charging pressure per square inch, corresponding to a temperature of 70° F. The permanent volumetric expansion must not exceed 10 per cent of the total volumetric expansion at this pressure. No pressure in excess of 100 pounds per square inch shall be applied to the cylinder previous to this test, except that a pressure of 100 pounds less than the official test pressure may be applied once previous to the official test for the purpose of rounding out the cylinder. In the hydrostatic test the water gauge indicating the expansion must be of such interior diameter that the total expansion will cause the water to rise at least 45 centimeters in the gauge, except when this will make the interior diameter less than 4 millimeters; the pressure must be applied for not less than 30 seconds and as much longer as may be necessary to insure complete expansion of the cylinder. The expansion must be recorded in terms of cubic centimeters. If this cylinder fails to pass this test, two others from the same lot may be selected at random, and these two must pass the test in order to have the lot accepted. If the lot of cylinders is rejected under the above test, the manu- facturer may have the privilege of testing each of the remaining cylinders of the lot in the manner indicated above, and those cylin- ders which pass the test may be accepted. 206 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 7. SERVICE PRESSURE TEST. 11. Each completed cylinder before being put into service must be subjected to a uniform pressure of not less than two times the maximum permitted cliarging pressure per square inch, corre- sponding to a temperature of 70° F., and must not show any defect under this test. INSPECTION. 12. The purchaser must provide for the inspection of all material and all tests by a competent inspector, and a report must be made as provided in paragraph 13 of this specification to the maker, to the purchaser, and to the chief inspector of the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City. FORMS FOR REPORTS. 13. The report required by paragraph 12 must be submitted in the following form: (Place) (Date) Report of inspection of cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Manufactured by the ^ Company. Inspected for the Company. These cylinders were manufactured as follows: ' The steel from which these cylinders were manufactured complies with the require- ments of paragraphs 2 and 5 of specification No. 7 as to chemical analysis and physical characterL (c. c). Permanent e.Tpansion ^ (c. c). Per cent ratio of permanent expansion to total expansion s (c.c). Tare weight « (pounds and ounces). Test date (month and year). ; i ! (Signed) • If the tests arc made by a method involving the measurement of the amount of liquid forced into the cylinder by the te^ pressure, then the basic data on which the calculations are made, such as the pump factors, temperature of liquid, coefficient of compressibiUty of liquid, etc., must also be given. • Including valve but without cap; also in case of acetylene cylinders includes filling material and solvent . SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 8. STEEL CYLINDERS. i For proNaeions and restrictions governing the use of the.«e containers, see packing re- quirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. MATERIAL. 1. fa) Cylinders must be made of open-hearth steel. C'vliiidcrs iiiado in foreign countries must not bo used in domestic traflic in the United States until a chemical analysis of material and teste, as specified in paragraphs 1, 4, 13, and 14, have been carried out within the limits of the United States and under the supervision SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 209 Spec. 8. of a competent and disinterested inspector approved by the Bureau of Explosives. (6) Chemical analysis: Percent. Carbon 0. 06 to 0. 20 Phosphorus (not to exceed) .04 Sulphur (net to exceed) .05 The chemical analysis must be verified by check analyses made on samples taken from one out of each order or lot of 200 or less plates, shells, or tubes from which the cylinders are to be made: Provided, That one analysis of any one heat of steel is sufficient. INSPECTION OF MATERIAL. 2. All plates, shells, or tubes from which cylinders are to be made must be carefully inspected before being made up into cylinders, and those which show cracks, laminations, or other defects must be rejected. ANNEALING. 3. All seamless cylinders must be uniformly and properly annealed. All steel from which cylinders (not seamless) are to be made, must be uniformly and properly annealed after any hot or cold drawing process or after any cold-rolling process. If not drawn or cold rolled it must be capable of bending on itself cold, without cracking. Cylinders rejected due to fa lure in the flattening, physical, or hydrostatic tests may be reannealed. The cylinders must, subse- quent to this reannealing process, be subjected to and pass all of the requirements of the flattening, physical, and hydrostatic tests in order to be accepted: Provided, That when crop ends or rings are authorized for the original flattening tests, the subsequent tests of this character shall be made on one cylinder out of each lot of 200 or less. PHYSICAL TEST. 4. The material from which the cylinders are made must have an elastic limit of not more than 45,000 pounds per square inch. This must be verified by check tests on specimens cut from one out of each order or lot of 200 or less of the plates, tubes, shells, or finished cylinders. If the material has been hot or cold drawn or cold rolled, these tests must be made after the final annealing requii-ed by paragraph 3. OPENINGS FOR CONNECTIONS. 5. The length of thread for connections, such as valves, fuse-plugs, gauge, etc., must be equal to the standard lengths specified for different sizes of pipe-thread tappings. 210 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spft. 8. Standard taper pipe threads must be employed on all threading for connections to cylinder, and these connections must be tapped to gauge with clean-cut threads, so as to insure tight joints. PROTECTION OF CONNECTIONS. 6. When a cylinder to contain inflammable gas is not to be boxed or crated for shipment, the safety and discharge valves and other connections must be made safe from injury during transit: (1) By being set into a recess of the cylinder so that it will be impossible for them to be struck if the cylinder is dropped on a flat surface; or (2) by a ventilated cap or collar, fastened to the cylinder (not to the valve or connection), this cap or collar to be capable of withstanding a blow, delivered in any direction, of a 30-pound weight falling 4 feet, and constructed so that this blow w^ill not be transmitted to the valve or connection; or (3) by such construction of the valves and connec- tions that they will withstand four successive blows delivered by a weight of 30 pounds falling 4 feet, these blows to strike at right angles to the axis of valve or connection, and at points 90 degrees apart, without any leak developing: Provided, That if there is any point or part of the valve or connection which is relatively weak or whose injury by a blow would be liable to cause leakage, then one of the above-mentioned blows must strike on that point and no leak must result. During the test indicated in (3) above, the cylinder must contain compressed air or gas under a pressure of at least 50 pounds per square inch. The blows of the weight must strike as nearly at the end of the valve or connection as may be possible, and the absence of leakage after the test is completed must be verified by application of soap-suds, or by other suitable method. FILLING. 7. Cylinders must be completely filled with a porous material that has been tested with satisfactory results by the Bureau of Explosives. This porous filling must be thoroughly dried before being placed in the cylinders and must be assembled so as to leave no voids within the cylinder: Provided, That a moist filling poured into the cylinder may be used if it is thoroughly dried and made free from water and voids before the cylinder is put into service. The porous filling must be uniform in quality and the porosity of the filling shall not exceed 80 per cent. One cylinder shall be taken at random from each lot of 200 cylinders or less and tested for porosity. If the selected cylinder fails to meet the test, 2 more cylinders may be taken at random from the lot, and these 2 must pass the test in order to have the lot accepted. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 211 Spec. 8. If the lot of cylinders is rejected under the above te»t the manu- facturer may have the privilege of testing each of the remaining cylinders of the lot in the manner indicated above, and those cylin- ders which pass the test may be accepted. In the case of cylinders where the porous material is molded and dried before being placed in the cylinders, the porosity test thereof may be made on a sample block taken at random from the material to be used for filling the cylinders in the lot. If the sample fails to meet the test, two more samples may be taken at random from the lot and these two must pass the test in order to have the lot accepted. The filling must possess such structure as to render impossible any disintegration or sagging when wet with solvent. It must not be possible to explode a charged cylinder by locally applied heat. TARE WEIGHT DETERMINATION. 8. The tare weight of an acetylene cylinder is hereby defined as being the combined weight of the cylinder proper, the porous filling, the valve (but without the cap) , and the necessary amount of solvent. In the determination of the weight of the amount of solvent, the calculations must be based upon a solvent of a specific gravity of 0.796 at 15.5° C, and the maximum amount of the solvent shall be determined as follows: When the porosity of the filling material is 75 to 80 per cent, the amount of solvent at 70° F. must not exceed 40 per cent by volume of the water capacity of the cylinder shell. When the porosity of the filling material is 70 per cent up to but not including 75 per cent, the amount of solvent at 70° F. must not exceed 37.5 per cent by volume of the water capacity of the cylinder shell. When the porosity of the filling material is 65 per cent up to but not including 70 per cent, the amount of solvent at 70° F. must not exceed 35 per cent by volume of the water capacity of the cylinder shell. The original solvent put into an acetylene cylinder must in no case have a specific gravity less than 0.796 at 15.5° C. MAXIMUM PERMITTED CHARGING PRESSURE. 9. The maximum permitted charging pressure must not exceed 250 pounds per square inch corresponding to a temperature of 70° F. SAFETY DEVICES. 10. Each cylinder must be fitted with one or more safety devices of such construction, number, and location as may be approved by the Bureau of Explosives pursuant to the requirements of these regulations. 212 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 8. CONSTRUCTION. 11. Cylinders must be made seamless or from a seamless drawn body with one or both heads welded in: Provided, That side seams made by the forge-lap-weld process are permitted: Provided further, That the brazing in of heads by the dipping process is permitted. The manufacture of the cylinders must be completed with the best appliances and according to the best modern methods. All finished cylinders must show reasonably smooth and uniform p- face finish, inspection of inside surface to be made before closing; the thread of the cylinder nock must be even and without checks and the cylin- ders must show no defects of workmanship or material likely to result in any appreciable weakness of the finished cylinder. A close inspection of each completed cylinder must be made before accept- ance to discover any defects. MARKING. 12. Each completed cylinder must be plainly and permanently marked by stamping into the metal on or near one of the heads in letters and figures, not less than 3^ inch high for cylinders less than 4 inches in diameter and not less than J-^ inch high for cylinders of 4 inches or greater diameter, the following marking:* (a) A serial number. (6) The date of service pressure test made pursuant to the require- ments of paragraph 14 of this specification (month and year; for example, 4-21 to indicate April, 1921). (c) The tare weight of the cylinder in pounds and ounces; this shall include the weight of the cylinder proper with porous material, solvent, and valve, but without cap. {d) A symbol of the company for whose use the cylinder was originally made ; this must not be a trade-mark and it must be recorded with and approved by the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City. (c) The marking I, C. C.-8: Provided, That this marking may be placed on the cylinder by etching or by means of a plate soldered onto the cylinder if so desired. Tlu! marking I. C. C.-8 shall be understood to certify that the package complies wjth all of the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. • II tlM> manufacturer o( the shells and heads does not complete the cylinders to a point including the application of the service pressure test, he may mark them simply with an identifying marlc such that the lots can Ijc idcntincd by those persons compleliug the manufacture. I SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 213 Spec. 8. STANDARD PRESSURE TEST. 13. One completed cylinder selected at random out of e\ erv lot of 200 or less must be subjected to a hydrostatic test in a water jacket, or other apparatus of suitable form to furnish reliable data, to an official test pressure of not less than 750 pounds per square inch. The permanent volumetric expansion must not exceed 10 per cent of the total volumetric expansion at this pressure. No pressure in excess of 650 poimds per square inch shall be applied to the cylinder previous to this test. In the hydrostatic test the water gauge indicating the expansion must be of such interior diameter that the total expansion will cause the water to rise at least 45 centimeters in the gauge, except when this will make the interior diameter less than 4 millimeters ; the pres- sure must be applied for not less than 30 seconds and as much longer as may be necessary to insure complete expansion of the cylinder. The expansion must be recorded in terms of cubic centimeters. If this cylinder fails to pass this test, two others from the same lot may be selected at random, and these two must pass the test in order to have the lot accepted. If the lot of cylinders is rejected under the above test, the manu- facturer may have the privilege of testing each of the remaining cylinders of the lot in the manner indicated above, and those cylinders which pass the test may be accepted. SERVICE PRESSURE TEST. 14. Each completed cylinder, before being put into service, must be subjected to a uniform pressure of not less than 500 pounds per square inch, and must not show any defect under this test. INSPECTION. 15. The purchaser must provide for the inspection of all material and all tests by a competent inspector, and a report must be made, as provided in paragraph 16 of this specification, to the maker, to the purchaser, and to the chief mspector of the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City. FORMS FOR REPORTS. 16. The report required by paragraph 15 must be submitted in the following form: (Place) (Date) Report of inspection of cylinders. Numbered to ' inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inciioa long. Manufactured bv the Company. Inspected for the Company. 214 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 8. These cylinders were manufactured as follows: ' The ftoel irom which these cyliuders were manufactured complies with the reqtiire- ment,s of paragraphs 1 aud 4 of specification No. 8 as to chemical analysis and physical characteristics, as will be observed from the certificate of the manufacturer of the steel attached hereto.* A sample was selected at random from the steel used in the manufacture of each order or lot of 200 or less of these cylinders aud a check chemical analysis was made. The report thereof ie attached hereto. A sample was selected at random from each order or lot of 200 or less of the (plates) — (tubes (—(shells)— (finished cylinders) ^ and a check physical test was made. The report thereof is attached hereto. The (plates)— (tubes)— (shells) ^ from which these cylinders were manufactured were inspected by and those which were accepted were found free from seams, cracks, laminations, or any defects which might prove injurious to the strength of the cylinder. The walbf were measured with a pair of calipers and the minimum thickness of wall noted was One cylinder out of each lot of 200 or less was selected at random and was subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of pounds per square inch, in the presence of the inspector. A rounding-out pressure of pounds per square inch (was) — (was not) ^ applied. The record of these tests is attached hereto. Each and every cylinder was subjected to a uniform pressure of pounds per square inch and showed no defect. Each and every cylinder has been completely filled with in the form of The porosity of the fUling is between per cent and per cent as determined from tests made at random. Each and every cylinder is marked with the date of test and with the tare weight, as per records attached hereto. Each and every cylinder was plainly and permanently marked as follows:* i Stamped into body or head. On plate or etched on body. I hereby certify that these cylinders proved satisfactory in every way and comply with the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission specification No. 8. Inspector. I State a.s to whether seamless, or seamless body with heads brazed in, or brazed throughout, or welded tbrouRhotit, etc. • ThLs certlflcatc may be in any form, but must include a complete, deDiuite statement as to the require- ment.s which the gtoel complies with. • I)raw a line through words not required. • Insert reprwliiction of marking. Serial numbers and other data that vary for each cylinder may be Indicated by wonls such as "Serial Nos. 100 to 300," or "Tare weights various," etc. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. (Place) (Date) Record of chemical analysis of steel for cylinders. Numbered to Size inches outside diameter by Made by 215 Spec. 8. . ., inclusive, -inches long. Company. ^^^ Company Test No. Melt No. Cylinders represented Dy test (serial Nos.). Chemical analysis. C P S Remarks. (Signed) (Place) (Date) Record of physical tests of material in cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. Test No. Cylinders represented by test (serial Nos.). Elastic limit (pounds per square inch). Tensile strength (pounds per square inch). Elongation (per cent in 8 inches). Reduction of area (per cent). Flattening test. , (Signed) (Place) (Date). Record of tests on cylinders. Nimabered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. 216 Spec's. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Serial Noa. of cylinders tested. Test pressure (pounds). Total expansion* Ic. c). Permanent expansion » (c. c). Per cent ratio of permanent expansion to total expansion. 5 Tare weight « (pounds and ounces). Test date (month and year). ! 1 ' 1 (Signed). ' If the t«sts are made by a method involving the measurement of the amoimt of liquid forced into the cylinder by the test pre.ssure, then the basic data on which the calculations are made, such as the pump factors, temperature of liquid, coefTicient of compressibility of liquid, etc., must also be given. • Including valve but without cap; also in case of acetylene cylinders includes filling material and solvent. Note. — The last two colunms shown in the report of tests on cylinders, may be reported on a separate form if desired. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 9. WOODEN BARRELS AND KEGS (TIGHT). For pro^•ieionB and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. MATERIAL. 1. Material from which the barrel, half barrel, or keg is constructed must be white oak of good quality, thoroughly kiln-dried. It must be free from seed holes and rotten sap. THICKNESS OF STAVES AND HEADS. 2. The staves and heads must be as follows: ia) For barrels (capacity over 32 gallons and not over 55 gallons), the staves in the finished barrel must be not less than ^ inch in thick- ness. The heads must be not less than 1 inch thick in the finished barrel. (h) For half barrels and kegs (capacity 18 gallons and not over 32 galloiis), the staves and heads must be not less than 5^ inch in thick- ness in the finished container. ic) For kegs (capacity 5 gallons and not over 18 gallons), the staves and heads must not be less than j\ inch in thickness in the finished keg. id) For kegs (capacity under 5 gallons), the staves and heads must not be less than >^ inch in thickness in the finished keg. HOOPS. 3. The hoops must be made of hoop iron and must be not less in number nor smaller in size than the following: SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 217 Spec. 9. For barrels (capacity over 32 gallons and not over 55 gallons), six hoops: Head hoops, 1^ inches by 16 gauge. Quarter hoops, 13^^ inches by 18 gauge. Bilge hoops, 1^ inches by 17 gauge. For half barrels and kegs (capacity over 18 gallons and not over 32 gallons) , six hoops : Head hoops, Ij^ inches by 19 gauge. Other hoops, 1}4 inches by 19 gauge. For kegs (capacity over 5 gallons and not over 18 gallons) , six hoops: Head hoops, 13^ inches by 19 gauge. Other hoops, 1% inches by 19 gauge. For kegs (capacity not over 5 gallons), four hoops: Head hoops, 1 inch by 20 gauge. Other hoops, J^ inch by 21 gauge. INTERIOR COATING 4. The barrels, half barrels, and kegs must be coated on the inside with glue, asphaltum, or other coating suitable to prevention of leak- age of the contents. When glued, there must be used at least two coats of good commercial glue so as to insure a uniform covering of the inside surface and averaging in total at least one-half pound to each barrel, and for half barrels and kegs an amount proportional to their inside surfaces. OPENINGS. 5. Bung-holes and other openings must be provided with secure closing devices that will not permit leakage through them. Com- pressed tapered wooden bungs must be covered with a suitable coat- ing and must have a driving fit into a tapered hole. They should be soaked in hot water or hot glue for about one minute before driving into the bung-hole. MANUFACTURE. 6. The method of manufacture and the materials used must be well adapted to producing a uniform product. BARRELS USED MORE THAN ONCE. 7. Barrels, half barrels, and kegs which have been used at least once must be thoroughly recoopered when necessary, and must be reglued with at least one coat of glue before each refilling. Badly bulged or warped heads must be replaced. 66620°— 22 15 1>1S INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION". Spec. 10. MARKING. 8. These barrels, half barrels, and kegs must be plainly marked with a symbol as follows: 1 00-9 The letters and figure in this symbol must be at least 3^ inch high This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- plies ^^^th all the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 10. WOODEN BARRELS AND KEGS (TIGHT). For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. MATERIAL. 1. Material from which the barrel, half barrel, or keg is constructed must be oak, or other suitable hardwood, thoroughly kiln-dried; provided that kegs of a capacity not greater than 18 gallons may be constructed of soft wood if the thickness of staves and heads is one- eighth of an inch greater than that required for the oak kegs. THICKNESS OF STAVES AND HEADS. 2. The staves and heads must be not less than the following thick- ness when the barrel, half barrel, or keg is finished: For baiTels (capacity over 32 gallons and not over 55 gallons), f| inch. For half barrels and kegs (capacity over 18 gallons and not over 32 gallons), % inch. For kegs (capacity 5 gallons and not over 18 gallons), -^ inch. For kegs (capacity under 5 gallons), }4 inch. HOOPS. 3. The hoops must bo made of hoop iron and must be not less in number nor smaller in size than the following: For barrels (capacity over 32 gallons and not over 55 gallons), six hoops : Head hoops, 1{^ inches by 17 gauge. Quarter hoops, 1 ,V inches by 18 gauge. Bilge hoops, If^ inches by 17 gauge. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 219 Spec. 10. For half barrels and kegs (capacity over 18 gallons and not over 32 gallons), six hoops: Head hoops, 13^ inches by 19 gauge. Other hoops, 1^ inches by 19 gauge. For kegs (capacity over 5 gallons and not over 18 gallons), six hoops : Head hoops, Ij^ inches by 19 gauge. Other hoops, 13^8 inches by 19 gauge. For kegs (capacity not over 5 gallons), four hoops: Head hoops, 1 inch by 20 gauge. Other hoops, % inch by 21 gauge. OPENINGS. 4. Bung-holes and other openings must be provided ^vith secure closing devices that will not permit leakage through them. Com- pressed, tapered, wooden bungs must be covered with a suitable coating and must have a driving fit into a tapered hole. They should be soaked in hot water or hot glue for about one minute before driving into the bung-hole. MANUFACTURE. 5. The method of manufacture and the materials used must be well adapted to producing a uniform product. CONTAINERS USED MORE THAN ONCE. 6. Barrels, half barrels, and kegs which have been used at least once must be thoroughly recoopered when necessary. Badly bulged or warped heads must be replaced. MARKING. 7. These barrels, half barrels, and kegs must be plainly marked with a symbol as follows : ICC-1 o The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least y^ inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- plies with all the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. OOQ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 11. WOODEN BARRELS AND KEGS (SLACK). For pro\-ision.'5 and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. TYPE. 1. The barrels, half barrels, and kegs may be either "tight" or "slack." "Tight" barrels, half barrels, and kegs of the types prescribed in specifications Nos. 9 and 10 may be used, and in this case they would not have to be glued; but they must be headed up in the usual manner before shipment. CLASSIFICATION. 2. "Slack" barrels, half barrels, and kegs are divided into classes limited both as to capacity and weight of contents as follows: Class A. — Capacity not over 10 gallons, and to contain not over 100 pounds net weight. Class B. — Capacity not more than 17 gallons, and to contain not over 150 pounds net weight. Class C. — Capacity not more than 25 gallons, and to contain not over 200 pounds net weight. Class D. — Capacity not more than 35 gallons, and to contain not over 400 pounds net weight. Class E. — Capacity not more than 45 gallons, and to contain not over 600 pounds net weight. Class F. — Capacity not more than 55 gallons, and to contain not over 750 pounds net weight. MATERIAL. 3. The material from which the barrels, half barrels, and kegs are constructed must be of good hardwood (except when specifically providod otherwise), thoroughly kiln-dried, and must be free from knots. SrAVES. 4. The staves must l)e not less than the following thickness: HARDWOOD. Classes .1, H. and C. — Six staves to 2 inches (cut or sawed). Classes D and E. — y^ inch each (cut) or five staves to 1% inches (sawed). Class F. — -^ incli. I SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 221 Spec. 11. SOFTWOOD, Classes A and B. — j^ inch. Classes C, D, E, and F. — Softwood not allowed. HEADS. 5. The heads must be not less than the following thickness: Oak, beech, maple, and red gum, ^e iiich for all classes. Basswood, Cottonwood, tupelo gum, and other similar woods, J^ inch for all classes. Softwood, 1^ inch for classes A and B. Softwood not allowed for heads of classes C, D, E, and F. The heads of classes D, E, and F must be cleated or battened across the cants with cleats not less than 4 inches by ^ inch. HOOPS. 6. The hoops shall not be less in number than the following: Wooden hoops: Six hoops for classes A and B. Eight hoops for classes C and D. Twelve hoops for classes E and F. Steel hoops: Four hoops for classes A, B, C, and D. Six hoops for classes E and F. The hoops shall not be smaller in size than the following: Wooden hoops: Thickness re to -j^ inch and width 1 Y^ inches, inside measure- ment, for all classes. Steel hoops: For classes A and B — Head hoops, 1 Y^ inches by 23 gauge. Bilge hoops, 1 Ys inches by 23 gauge. For classes C and D — Head hoops, 1^ inches by 21 gauge. Bilge hoops, 1^ inches by 23 gauge. For classes E and F — Head hoops, IY» inches by 21 gauge. Bilge hoops, 1 Y& inches by 23 gauge. Quarter hoops, 1 Ys inches by 23 gauge. Gauge mentioned refers to United States Standard. 7. If desired, half of the wooden hoops may be replaced by steel wire hoops, the wire to be directly under the wooden hoops (between the hoop and the bilge) and to be not less than No. 1 1 gauge for classes A, B, C, and D, and not less than No. 9 gauge for classes E and F. 222 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 11. S. If desired, the standard wooden hoops may be replaced by- oval bark hoops (so-called '' half-round "), three circumferences of which will be required to take the place of one standard hoop. 9. If the Brainerd steel hoop is used, the rolled edge shall be included in measuring the width of the hoops. 10. ^Ul steel hoops must be nailed or bradded in place, except wire hoops, which must be stapled, and all wooden hoops must be nailed or stapled in place, mth at least 4 nails, brads, or staples in classes A. B, C. and D, and 6 nails, brads, or staples in classes E and F. 11. The ends of wooden hoops must be joined together with at least one staple clinched on the inside and with at least two addi- tional nails or staples chnched on the inside. HEADING. 12. Both heads must be headed up in the usual manner before shipment and must not be closed by gunny sacking, boarding, or other like methods. The heads must fit into a croze or notch in the staves, and in addition there must be an outer lining hoop to hold the heads in place. These lining hoops must extend entirely around the inside of the chime and must be held in place by nails at intervals of about 5 inches. MANUFACTUKE. 13. The method of manufacture and the materials used must be well adapted to producing a uniform product. The staves and heads must be well fitted together and the complete package must be sufliciently tight to prevent the escape of any of the contents under ordinary conditions of transportation, and if necessary must be hned to secure tightness. The finished package must be of the grade known generally in the trade as No. 1 grade. LINING. 14. Paper bags required by the regulations to be used as inner containers for articles in these barrels or kegs must be made as follows: 15. The paper must be crimped or craped parallel to the axis of the bag. The crimping must be such that the crimped paper will stretch at least 25 per cent of the original length without tearing. IG. The crimped paper must have a tensile strength not less than 32 pounds parallel to the crimp and not less than 28 pounds across the crimp: these tests to be made on strips 3 inches long and 1 inch wide. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 223 Spec. 12. 17. The crimped paper must be impervious to water at a tem- perature of 80° F.; tests of imperviousness to be made by folding the paper into cones as for filtering purposes. The cones are filled with water at 80° F. to a depth of 2 inches; no water must come through the cone during a period of 24 hours. 18. The bags must be made with seams turned over not less than % inch. The seams must be stitched midway between the inner and outer edges. The length of the stitches must not exceed 14 inch. 19. The bags must be of sufficient diameter to fit sides of keg with- out stretching. The bags must be of sufficient length so that when placed in keg and fUled to capacity of keg, and the end of bag closed by tying, there will be not less than 3 inches length above the tie. 20. Double bags of lighter paper may be used if the total strength of the two bags is equal to the minimum requirements of paragraph 16. The paper of each of the lighter bags must fill other require- ments of paragraphs 15, 17, 18, and 19. CONTAINERS USED MORE THAN ONCE. 21. Barrels, half barrels, and kegs which have been used at least once must be thoroughly recoopered when necessary before using again. MARKING. 22. These barrels, half barrels, and kegs must be plainly marked with a symbol as follows: ICC-II The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least ^ inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- plies with all requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 12. WOODEN BOXES. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. TTiese boxes must comply with the following specifications: 224 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Bpef. 12. CONSTRUCTION. 2. Must be made of good, sound white pine, or any wood of equal or superior strength, dry and well seasoned, and with no loose knots or knots liable to get loose in any part. 3. No box containing special fireworks shall weigh, including contents, more than 200 pounds. 4. Al\ nailed boxes of gross weight, including contents, exceeding 65 pounds must be cleated. 5. Boxes when cleated must have two vertical and two horizontal cleats at each end. 6. In all cleated boxes the sides, top, and bottom must extend out over the cleats and the nailing must be staggered, at least 40 per cent of the nails being driven into the ends and at least 40 per cent into the cleats. 7. Wlion sides, ends, tops, or bottoms are made of more than one piece the pieces must be tongued and grooved, and in making up the boxes the joints must be staggered. 8. All lock or dovetail corners must be glued. 9. Nails driven through sides, top, and bottom into ends must be not greater than 3-inch centers. 10. Nails driven through top and bottom into sides must be at not great-er than 6-inch centers. 11. Gauge of nails used shall be not less than the following sizes, depending upon the thickness of lumber into which they are to be driven : 3-penny into ^-inch lumber. 4-penny into rs" to 3^ inch lumber. o-penny into t^ to % inch lumber. 6-penny into H to fl inch lumber. 7-penny into J^-inch or thicker lumber. For example, nails driven through a i^-inch side into a 5<^-inch end must be 6-penny. Screws of equal efficiency may be used in place of nails. 12. When boxes are set up, the bottoms and lids must fit accurately on the frame. MARKING. 13. Each box must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle, as follows : I ICC-12 The letters and figures in tliis symbol must be at least }4 inch high. This sjTnbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- plies with all the requirements of this specification. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 225 Spec. 12. When offered for shipment the package must also bear the wording required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. 14. The thickness of lumber in the finished box must not be less than the following, except that a variation of -^ ^^ch is allowed: 14 (a). BOX AND CONTENTS NOT OVER 30 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Inch. Inch. % H Inch. Vs % Inch. Cleated boxes Vs^yWz Nailed bosses not cleated 14 (&). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 30 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 65 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Inch. Inch. % Vs ¥2 Inch. H H Inch. Cleated boxes A by 13^ Nailed boxes not cleated 14 (c). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 65 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 125 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Lock or dovetail corner boxes. Cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated Ends. r; Sides. Inch. (') Top and bottom. Inch. U n Cleats. Inch. H by IVs 1 Not authorized. 14 (d). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 125 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 200 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Lock or dovetail corner boxes. Cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated , Ends. Inch. {') Sides. Inch. Top and bottom. Inch. (•) Cleats. Inch. Vs by IJi • Not authorized. 226 INTERSTATE COMMEBCE COMMISSION. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 12A. WOODEN BOXES. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. These boxes must comply with the following specifications: CONSTRUCTION. 2. Must be made of good, sound white pine or any wood of equal or superior strength, dry and well seasoned and with no loose knots or knots liable to get loose in any part. 3. No box containing common fireworks shall weigh, including contents, more than 325 pounds, except that boxes containing "special exhibition set pieces" may weigh, including contents, not to exceed 400 pounds. I 4. All nailed boxes of gross weight, including contents, exceeding 65 pounds must be cleated. 5. Boxes when cleated must have two cleats at each end and the sides or top and bottom must extend out over the cleats and the nailing must be staggered, at least 40 per cent of the nails being driven into the ends and at least 40 per cent into the cleats. 6. When sides, ends, tops, or bottoms are made of more than one piece, the pieces must be tongued and grooved, and in making up the boxes the joints must be staggered. fl 7. All lock or dovetailed corners must be glued. 8. Nails driven through sides, top, and bottom into ends must be not greater than 3-inch centers. 9. Nails driven through top and bottom into sides must be at not greater than 6-inch centers. 10. Gauge of nails used shall be not less than the following sizes, depending upon the thickness of lumber into which they are to be driven: 3-penny into ^-inch lumber. 4-ponny into t& to J^ inch lumber. 5-penny into ^ to ^4 inch lumber. 6-penny into H to f| inch lumber. M 7-penny into ^^-inch or thicker lumber. For example, nails driven through a ^-inch side into a ^-inch end must be 6-penny. Screws of equal efficiency may be used in place of nails. 1 1 . When boxes are set up the bottoms and lids must fit accurately on the frames. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. MARKING. 227 Spec. 12A. 12. Each box must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle as follows: ICC-I2A The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least H inch high. The symbol shall be understood to certify that the package complies with all the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment the package must also bear the wording required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. 13. Imported " Chinese " firecrackers may be packed in the package in which they are imported, provided these packages consist of wooden boxes completely covered with strong matting and do not weigh more than 100 pounds gross. 14. The thickness of lumber in the finished box must not be less than the following, except that a variation of ^ inch is allowed : 14 (a). BOX AND CONTENTS NOT OVER 30 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated Inch. Vs Inch. 3a Inch. 3A Inch. H by 13^ 14 (6). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 30 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 65 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Cleated boxea Nailed boxes not cleated Inch. Inch. Yl H Inch. 3A Vi by VA 223 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Sptc. 13. 14 (c). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 65 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 125 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Lock or dovetail corner boxes. Cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated Inch. 'A Sides. Inch. (•) Top and bottom. Inch. v« 0) Cleats. Inch. 5^ by \H 14 (d). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 125 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 200 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail comer boxes. Cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated Inch. n Inch. {') Inch. Inch. X2 MbylJ^ 0) 14 (e). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 200 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 325 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail comer boxes Inch. % Inch. % 'A Inch. Inch. ("leated boxes Kby3 Nailed boxes not cleated ' Not authorized. 14 (0. Boxes containing "special exhibition set pieces" of com- mon fireworks and weighing, including contents, between 325 and 400 pounds, must be made of lumber not less than J^ inch thick. Nailed boxes of this kind must be double cleated. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 13. METAL KEGS. For proN-i.oionfi and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. NoTE.-Mctal kcR.s rontaininp less than 9 pounds of smokeless powder for small arms, or less than 12Vi ! pounds of low explosives or black powder, must be boxed, and specification No. 16 will apply in this case, i SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 229 Spec. 13. Revised January 1, 1923. CHARACTER AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL. 1. Material must be sheet steel with chemical analysis of: Per rent. Carbon, not more than 0. 14 Sulphur, not more than 05 Phosphorus, not more than \\ and must be box annealed ''dead soft" and adaptable for turning a good double crimp without cracking. THICKNESS OF MATERIAL AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURE OF KEGS. 2. Note. — The dimensions specified in this table are the minimum requirements. Gauge specified isf or commercial plate United States Standard. Gross weight of kegs and contents. Not over 15 pounds. Thickness of material: Body Head Width of lap for side seam Number of corrugations in each end of body. Minimum depth of corrugations 30 gauge 30 gauge A inch 3 A inch Width of laps on body for head seams ' -ryinch Width of laps on head for head seams. Head seams T^inch Double lap 1 Not over 30 pounds. 28 gauge 28 gauge A inch 3 A inch A inch flinch Double lap Over 30 poimds but not over 75 poimds. 24 gauge 28 gauge iVinch 5 A inch ■^inch J^inch Double lap Over 75 pounds but not over 150 pounds. 24 gauge 24 gauge 14 inch 7 A inch ■j^ inch Ji inch Single lap 1 Smokeless powder 32 pounds gross. 3. The corners of the sheet from which the body of the keg is made must be trimmed off slightly to avoid an excess of metal in the head seam at its intersection with the side seam. The amount of this trimming must be regulated accurately, as otherwise a point of weakness will be caused. 4. The double lapping of head seam must be done in a manner to avoid allowing any eccentricity in the fitting of the head to the body. 5. In kegs with gross weight, including contents, of more than 75 pounds, all seams must be welded, soldered, brazed, or riveted. The rivets must be at not greater than 5-inch centers. 6. Each keg having a gross weight, including contents, of more than 30 pounds, must be lined with a cloth bag, and, after filling, the nock of the bag must be securely tied and pushed through the bung-hole into the keg. 230 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 13. METHODS OF CLOSING. 7. The bung-closing device must consist of: (a) A slide holder necked on to the head of the keg and held in place by laps at least -3^ inch wide. A washer of felt paper or other suitable material not less than 0.025 inch thick covering the bung- hole and extending at least -^ inch beyond the sides of the bung-hole. A metal drop with depression to fit into the bung-hole and hold the washer in place. A slide to cover the metal drop, washer, and bung- hole and held in place by laps on the slide holder or slide, or both. These laps must extend throughout all sides of the slide holder or slide, or both, and must be at least -^ inch wide, except in the case of a circular slide and slide holder, in which case the slide or cap must have a depression to fit into the bung-hole and the lap fastenings must consist of not less than four prongs % inch long and at least 3g inch wide along their inside ends. (6) A metal screw-cap holder necked onto the head of the keg and held in place by laps at least ^ inch wide. A metal screw cap. The screw cap and cap holder must be locked together by a positive fastening so that the cap can not become unscrewed in transit. (c) A threaded metal spud cast over the bung-hole and fastened to the head so that it can not turn. A metal screw cap or screw plug. The screw cap or plug must be locked in position by a positive fasten- ing so that the cap or plug can not become unscrewed in transit. " STOVE PIPE " KEGS. 8. Metal kegs of the "stove pipe" (slip cover) type are authorized for carload shipments loaded by the shipper and to be unloaded by the consignee, if they comply with all the provisions of this specifica- tion, except paragraph 7, and in addition comply with the following: (a) Length of keg must be approximately four times its diameter. (For example, 7 inches by 27 inches.) (6) Gross weight of package must not exceed 30 pounds. (c) Keg cap (slip cover) must have a snug fit on body of keg and extend at least 3 inches down on the body. (d) The explosive contents of the package must be inclosed in inside containers consisting of two paper tubes, one inside the other, both with pjisted seams; the diameter of these tubes must not exceed 2} 2 inches; the paper used in making the tubes must be strong, tough manila of weight not less than 50 pounds per 480 sheets, 24 inches by :^(i inches; the outside tube must be, and the inside tube may be, water- proofed by waxing or equally eflicient means. (e) The ends of the tubing, after filling with the explosives, must be folded and tucked between the folds of the tubing to prevent leakage. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 231 Spec. 14. TESTING. 9. The type of keg, when filled with an equal weight of fine dry- sand in place of the explosive, must be capable of withstanding, without leakage, four successive drops on its head onto solid concrete from a height of 4 feet. MARKING. 10. Each package must be plainly and permanently marked by stamping or embossing with a symbol, as follows: ICC-13 This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package complies with all the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment each package must also be marked as required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 14. WOODEN BOXES. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. These boxes must comply with the following specifications: CONSTRUCTION. 2. Must be made of good, sound white pine or any wood of equal or superior strength, dry and well seasoned, and with no loose knots or knots liable to get loose in any part. 3. When sides, ends, tops, or bottoms are made of more than one piece the pieces must be tongued and grooved and glued, and the joints in making up the boxes must be staggered. 4. All lock and dovetail corner joints must be glued. 5. Nails driven through sides, tops, and bottoms into ends must be at not greater than 3-inch centers for boxes not more than 12 inches in width and at not greater than 4-inch centers for boxes of width greater than 12 inches. 6. Nails driven through tops and bottoms into sides must be at not greater than 6-inch centers for boxes not more than 24 inches in length and at not greater than 8-inch centers for boxes of length more than 24 inches. 232 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, Spec. 14. 7. Gauge of nails used shall be not less than the following sizes, depending upon the thickness of lumber into which they are to be driven : 3-penny into ^g-inch lumber. 4-penny into f ^ to H inch lumber. 5-penny into ^^ to % inch lumber. 6-penny into H ^o H ii^ch lumber. 7-penny into J4-'iT^ch. or thicker lumber. For example, nails driven through a 3^-inch side into a ^-inch end must be 6-penny. Screws of equal efficiency may be used in place of nails. 8. When boxes are set up the bottom and lids must fit evenly on the frame. MARKING. 9. Each box must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle, as follows : 100-14 The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least 3^ inch high This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- plies with all the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment the package must also bear the wording prescribed by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. THICKNESS OF LUMBER. 10. Thickness of lumber in the finished box must be not less than the following: It) (a). BOX AND CONTENTS NOT OVER 75 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. For nailed boxes Inch. Inch. Inch. For lock or dovetail corner boxes 10 (6). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 75 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 140 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. For nailed boxcB Inch. Inch. Inch. y& For lock or dovetail corner boxes SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 233 Spec. IS. The thickness of the ends of nailed boxes of over 75 pounds gross weight may be reduced to % inch if they are cleated with two vertical cleats and two horizontal cleats not less than 1% inches wide and ^ inch thick, and in this case the sides, top, and bottom must extend over the cleats and the nailing must be staggered, at least 40 per cent of the nails being driven into the ends and at least 40 per cent into the cleats. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 15. WOODEN BOXES. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1 . These boxes must comply with the following specifications : CONSTRUCTION, 2. Must be made of good, sound white pine or any wood of equal or superior strength, dry, and well seasoned, and with no loose knots or knots liable to get loose in any part. 3. No box containing blasting caps or electric blasting caps shall weigh more than 150 pounds, including contents, or contain more than 20,000 caps. 4. When the sides, ends, tops, or bottoms are made of more than one piece, the pieces must be tongued and grooved and glued, and in making up the boxes the joints must be staggered. 5. All lock and dovetail corners must be glued. 6. Nails driven through tops, bottoms, and sides into the ends must be at not greater than 3-inch centers. 7. Nails driven through tops and bottoms into sides must be at not greater than 6-inch centers. 8. Gauge of nails used shall be not less than the following sizes, depending upon the thickness of lumber into which they are to be driven : 3-penny into ^-inch lumber. 4-penny into re to 3^ inch lumber. 5-penny into t^ to ^^ inch lumber. 6-penny into H to y| inch lumber. 7-penny into J^-inch or thicker lumber. For example, nails driven through a 3^-inch side into a 5^-inch end must be 6-penny. Screws of equal efficiency may be used in place of nails. 66620°— 22 IG 234 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSIOK. Si>«c. 16. • /! 1 9. When boxes are set up, tlie bottoms and lids must fit evenly on the frames. 10. Each box must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle, as follows: ICC-15 The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least H inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- phes ^vith all the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment, the package must also bear the wording prescribed by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. THICKNESS OF LUMBER. 1 1 . Thickness of lumber in the finished box must be not less than the following: For Electric Blasting Caps. 11 (a). BOX CONTAINING NOT MORE THAN 500 CAPS, NOR WEIGHING MORE THAN 75 POUNDS INCLUDING CONTENTS. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. For nailed boxes For lock or dovetail comer boxes. Inch. H Inch. Inch. 11 (6). BOX CONTAINING MORE THAN 500 CAPS, OR WEIGHING MORE THAN 75 POUNDS, INCLUDING CONTENTS. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. For nailed boxes Inch. Inch. Inch. For lock or dovetail comer boxes 11 (c). For Other Blasting Caps, BOX CONTAINING NOT MORE THAN 1,000 CAPS. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. For nailed boxee Inch. H Inch. y% Inch. H For lock or dovetail corner boxes SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 11 (d). BOX CONTAINING MORE THAN 1,000 CAPS BUT NOT MORE THAN 5,000 CAPS. 235 Spec. 16. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. For nailed boxes Inch. Inch. Inch. For lock or dovetail corner boxes . .... 11 (6). BOX CONTAINING MORE THAN 5,000 CAPS BUT NOT MORE THAN 20,000 CAPS. For nailed boxes For lock or dovetail corner boxes. There must be 1 inch of space between inside and outside box for sawdust or other cushioning material. If desired, a hermetically sealed metal box of not less than 30 gauge United States Standard (commercial 107-pound tin plate is satisfac- tory) may be used instead of the ^^-inch wooden box for packages to contain more than 5,000 caps. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 16. WOODEN BOXES. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. These boxes must comply with the following specifications: CONSTEUCTION. 2. Must be made of good, sound white pine, or any wood of equal or superior strength, dry and well seasoned, and with no loose knots or knots liable to get loose in any part. 3. Boxes when cleated must have two vertical and two horizontal cleats at each end; the sides, top, and bottom must extend out over the cleats, and the nailing must be staggered, at least 40 per cent of the nails being driven into the ends and at least 40 per cent into the cleats. 2;3G INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Sper. 16. 4. All lock or dovetail corners must be glued. 5. Nails driven through sides, top, and bottom into end must be at not greater than 3-inch centers. ti. Nails driven through top and bottom into sides must 1 e at not greater than 6-inch centers. 7. Gauge of nails used shall be not less than the following sizes, depending upon the thickness of lumber into which they are to be driven: 3-ponny into Ts-inch lumber. 4-pcnny into rs" to H inch lumber. 5-penny into A to ^ inch lumber. 6-penny into \i to H inch lumber. 7-penny into J^^-inch or thicker lumber. For example, nails driven through a i/2-inch side into a ^-inch end must be 6-penny. Screws of equal efficiency may be used in place of nails. 8. When boxes are set up the bottoms and lids must fit evenly on the frames. MARKING. 9. Each box must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle as follows: ICC-16 The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least 3^ inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- plies with all the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particu- lar article contained therein. THICKNESS OF LUMBER. 10. Thickness of lumber in the finished box must be not less than the following: 10 (a). BOX AND CONTENTS NOT OVER 25 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. I>K-k or dovetail corner boxes Inch. -h 7 Inch. H % Inch. H Inch. < "Icated boxes AbylJ^ Nailed boxes not cleated SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 237 Spec. 17. 10 (6). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 25 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 75 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Inch. Inch. Inch. % Inch. Cleated boxes T^bylJi Nailed boxes not cleated 10 (c). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 75 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 150 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Lock or dovetail corner boxes. Cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated Ends. Inch. Inch. 9 Top and bottom. Inch. T5 rs- 3^ Cleats. Inch. byi; 10 id). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 150 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 200 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Lock or dovetail corner boxes. Cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated Ends. Inch. V. Sides. Inch. Top and bottom. Inch. 3a Cleats. Inch. Vshxlh SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 17. WOODEN BOXES (LINED). For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulation.^. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. These boxes must comply with the following specifications: CONSTRUCTION. 2. Must be made of good, sound white pine or any wood of equal or superior strength, dry and well seasoned, and with no loose knots or knots liable to get loose in any part. 238 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 17. 3. No bo.\ shall weigh, including contents, more than 450 pounds. 4. Each box must be lined with zinc, lead-coated steel (longterne), or other suitable material of equal efficiency and the metal used must not be less than 0.012 inch in thickness (approximately 30 gauge, U. S. Standard). The side, end, and bottom seams must be soldered to prevent leakage. Boxes may also be lined with strong water- proofed paper or other suitable material, folded or so constructed as to prevent joints or openings at the sides, bottoms, or ends, and such lining must completely protect the top of the contents of the box. The top of the box must be tightly closed, and if necessary to prevent leakage, a gasket of suitable material must be provided. 5. Cleated boxes must have two vertical and two horizontal cleats on each end, and the sides, top, and bottom of the box must extend out over these cleats and the nailing must be staggered, at least 40 per cent of the nails being driven into the ends and at least 40 per cent into the cleats. 6. When sides, ends, tops, and bottoms are made of more than one piece, the pieces must be tongued and grooved and glued, and in making up the boxes the joints must be staggered. 7. iUl lock and dovetailed corners must be glued. 8. Nails driven through sides, tops, and bottoms into the ends and cleats must be at not greater than 3-inch centers. 9. Nails driven through tops and bottoms into sides must be at not greater than 6-inch centers. 10. Gauge of nails used shall be not less than the following sizes, depending upon the thickness of lumber into which they are to be driven: 3-penny into ^-inch lumber. 4-penny into it t^o 3^ inch lumber. 5-penny into i^ to ^ inch lumber. 6-penny into fj to f | inch lumber. 7-penny into J^-inch or thicker lumber. For example, nails driven through a J^-inch side into a ^-inch end must be 6-penny. Screws of equal efficieney may be used in place of nails. 11. When boxes are set up the bottoms and lids must fit evenly on the frames. MARKING. 12. Eacli box must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle, as follows: ICC 17 SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 239 Spec. 17. The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least ]4 inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- plies with all the requirements of this specification. Wlien offered for shipment the package must also bear the wording prescribed by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. THICKNESS OF LUMBER. 13. Thickness of lumber in the finished box must be not less than the following: Provided, That cleated boxes made of %-inch lumber throughout are acceptable: 13 (a). BOX AND CONTENTS NOT OVER 25 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. For nailed boxes not cleated Inch. % Inch. H % Inch. Inch. For lock or dovetail corner boxes For cleated boxes H by 1% 13 (6). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 25 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 75 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. For nailed boxes not cleated For lock or dovetaU corner boxes For cleated boxes Inch. 1 s TS Inch. 1^ Inch. H Inch. by IK 13 (c). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 75 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 125 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Inch. For nailed boxes not cleated For lock or dovetail comer boxes For cleated boxes Inch. Inch. H « by VA 240 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, Sp<^. 18. 13 (d). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 125 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 200 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. For nailed boxes not cleated For lock or dovetail corner boxes. For cleated boxes Ends. Inch. 1^ Sides. Inch. H Top and bottom. Inch. Cleats. Inch. by 13 13 ie). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 200 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 300 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. For nailed boxes not cleated For lock or dovetail comer boxes. For cleated boxes Ends. Inch. IH H Sides. Inch. Top and bottom. Inch. Vs H 1 1 Cleats. Inch. iibyS 13 (/). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 300 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 450 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. For nailed boxes not cleated For lock or dovetail corner boxes. For cleated boxes Inch. 1 1 Inch. Inch. Inch. 1 bv3 SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 18. METAL CANS AND WOODEN BOXES AS OUTSIDE CONTAINERS FOR SAME. For j)rovisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Re\dsed January 1, 192.3. 1. Those metal cans and boxes must comply with the following specifications: CANS. 2. Metal vessels as required by regulations must be made of metal not lighter than 80 gauge,' United States Standard. 3. Each can must be tested by its manufacturer and must not leak air when tested under water with interior air pressure of at I Commercial 107-pound tin plate Is satisfactory. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 241 Spec. 18. least 5 pounds per square inch; or this test may be made, after filling, by the application of pressure to the top of the can. There must be no leak under this test, 4. Each can must be hermetically sealed after filling: Provided, That for metallic sodium or potassium, or for sodium or potassium sulphide, fused and ground, packed in well-stoppered bottles, the cans are not required to be hermetically sealed after the bottles are placed therein. 5. Cans must fit tightly in the boxes or be so cushioned as to prevent movement or injury to the cans. BOXES. 6. Must be made of good, sound white pine or any wood of equal or superior strength, dry and well seasoned and with no loose knots or knots liable to get loose in any part: Provided, That for calcium phosphide the boxes must be lined with metal of not less than No. 30 gauge,^ United States Standard. 7. No box made under this specification shall weigh, including contents, more than 275 pounds. 8. Boxes when cleated must have two vertical and two horizontal cleats on each end, and the sides, top, and bottom of the box must extend out over those cleats and the nailing must be staggered, at least 40 per cent of the nails being driven into the ends and at least 40 per cent into the cleats: Provided, That the cleats may be omitted if the boxes are strapped around both ends with strap iron, not less than ^/i inch by 24 gauge, or wire of equal or superior strength, securely nailed or stapled in place. 9. When ends, sides, tops, or bottoms are made of more than one piece, the pieces must be tongued and grooved, and in making up the box the joints must be staggered. 10. All lock and dovetail corners must be glued. 11. Nails driven into the ends must be at not greater than 3-inch centers. Those driven through tops and bottoms into sides must in no case be at greater than 8-inch centers. 12. Gauge of nails used shall be not less than the following sizes, depending upon the thickness of lumber into which they are to be driven : 3-penny into Y^-mch lumber. 4-penny into re to J^ inch lumber. 5-penny into -^ to Y^ inch lumber. 6-penny into li to i| inch lumber. 7-penny into J/^-mch. or thicker lumber. 1 Commercial 107-pouDd tin plate is satisfactory. 242 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 18. For example, nails driven through a i4-inch side into a %-inch end must be 6-penny. Screws of equal efficiency may be used in place,, of nails. ■ 13. When boxes are set up the bottoms and tops must fit accurately on the frames. MARKING. 14. Each box must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle, as follows: ICC-18 The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least 3^ inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package complies with aU the requirements of this specification. When oflfered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. THICKNESS OF LUMBER. 15. Thickness of lumber in the finished box must be not less than the following: 15 (a). BOX AND CONTENTS NOT OVER 25 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. For nailed boxes not cleated Inch. % Inch. Inch. Inch. For lock or dovetail corner boxes For cleated boxes %hyVA 15 (6). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 25 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 75 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. For nailed boxes not cleated Inch. Ineb. % Inch. Inch. For lfK:k or dovetail comer boxes For cleated boxes AbylJi SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 243 Spec. 19. 15 (c). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 75 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 150 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. For nailed boxes not cleated Irtch. Inch. A Inch. A A Inch. For lock or dovetail corner boxes For cleated boxes H by 17^ 15 (d). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 150 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 275 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. For nailed boxes not cleated For lock or dovetail corner boxes. For cleated boxes Inch. Inch. Inch. H M I % by l>g ' Not authorized, but see par. 8. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 19. WOODEN BOXES For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight, Express, and Baggage Regulations. Revised, January 1, 1923. 1. These boxes must comply with these specifications. BOXES. 2. Boxes must be made of good, sound white pine, or any wood of equal or superior strength, dry and well seasoned, and with no loose knots or knots liable to get loose in any part. 3. When the ends are single-cleated, the cleats must run across the grain of the wood in the ends. The sides or tops and bottoms must extend out over the cleats, and the nailing must be staggered, at least 40 per cent of the nails being driven into the ends and at least 40 per cent into the cleats. 4. When the ends are double-cleated, the sides, top, and bottom must extend out over the cleats and the nailing must be staggered, at least 40 per cent of the nails being driven into the ends and at least 40 per cent into the cleats. 244 INTERSTATE COMMEECE COMMISSION. Spec. 19. 5. Nailed boxes not cleated must have ends of one-pieco material or must be tongued and grooved and glued: Provided, That other joints may be used which after investigation made by the Bureau of Explosives are shown to possess strength equal to the tongued and grooved and glued joint. 6. All nails driven through sides, tops, or bottoms into ends or cleats or to fasten cleats to ends must be at not greater than 23^-inch centers. 7. All nails driven through tops or bottoms into sides must be at not greater than S-inch centers. 8. Gauge of nails used shall be not less than the following sizes, depending upon the thickness of lumber into which they are to be driven : 2-penn3- into ^g-inch lumber. 3-penny into ^-inch lumber. 4-penny into -rs to }/^ inch lumber. 5-penny into i^ to ^ inch lumber. 6-penny into W to \^ inch lumber. 7-penny into 3^-inch or thicker luml er. For example, nails driven through a 3^-inch side into a ^-inch end must be 6-penny. Screws of equal efficiency may be used in place of nails. MARKING OF BOXES. 0. Each box must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle, as follows: ICC-19 The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least J^ inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package complies with all the requirements of this specification. ^Yhen off'ered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. THICKNESS OF LUMBER. lU. The thickness of lumber in the finished box must not be less than the following: Provided, That a variation of -^ inch is allowed for material /^ inch in thickness and a variation of ^ inch is allowed for muterial over -/'^ inch in thickness: I SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 10 (a). 245 Spec. 19. BOX AND CONTENTS NOT OVER 25 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Inch. % % -h Inch. A A Inch. 5 TS A A A Inch. Single-cleated boxes Vs by IVa HbylK Double-cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated 10 (6). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 25 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 75 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Inch. 7 TS H Inch. % % Inch. Inch. Single-cleated boxes H by 1% A by 13^ Double-cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated 10 (c). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 75 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 125 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Inch. Vs Vs 'A Inch. H y% Inch. % H Inch. Single-cleated boxes ^byl^ i^bylK Double-cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated 10 (d). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 125 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 200 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Ends. Sides. Top and bottom. Cleats. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Inch. H H Vs 1 Inch. ¥2 H Inch. V2 y& Inch. Single-cleated boxes Vx by \y% H by V/i Double-cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated 246 Spec. 20. 10 (e). INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 200 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 300 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Single-cleated boxes Double-cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated Ends. Inch. 1t^ Sides. Inch. % Vb Top and bottom. iTKh. 3a Cleats. Inch . Kby3 M by :i 10 if). BOX AND CONTENTS OVER 300 POUNDS BUT NOT OVER 400 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT. Lock or dovetail corner boxes Single-cleated boxes Double-cleated boxes Nailed boxes not cleated Ends. Inch. 1 1 K Side.s. Inch. ?4 H H Top and bottom. Inch. 7/^ Cleats. Inch. Iby3 ^by3 SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 20. IRON OR STEEL BARRELS OR DRUMS. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requiremencs in Freight and Express Regulations. Note.— Removable head or removable plate containers are authorized under this specification. Approved, January 1, 1923. 1. These containers must comply in all respects with the require- ments prescribed by shipping container specification No. 20A, except as follows (gauge mentioned in this specification refers to United States Standard) : 2. The thickness of material in the completed container as specified in paragraph 2 must be increased to not less than 16 gauge for con- tainers of 10 gallons or less nominal capacity, not less than 14 gauge for containers of 11 to 29 gallons nominal capacity, and not less than 12 gauge for containers of 30 to 55 gallons nominal capacity. 3. The marking as specified in paragraph 14 (a) must be ICC— 20. 4. The maximum size of any container made under this specification must not exceed 55 gallons nominal capacity. f. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 247 SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 20A. IRON OR STEEL BARRELS OR DRUMS. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Note.— Removable head or removable plate containers are authorized under this specification. Note.— These packages are authorized for inflammable hquids when such liquids have a viscosity not ess than the viscosity as determined by one of the following methods or other equally efficient method approved by the Bureau of Explosives: (a) The viscosity of the liquid must be determined in a Stormer viscosimeter with an actuating weight of 400 grams and with the liquid maintained at a temperature of 28* C. The speed of the cylinder (of the viscosimeter) immersed in the liquid must not exceed 10 revolutions per 45 seconds. (6) For transparent liquids the sample may be tested in a vertical glass tube 1 inch inside diameter by approximately 13 inches long having two marks 10 inches apart engraved thereon, the lower mark being 2 inches above the bottom of the tube; the liquid to be tested shall be poured into the tube until its surface rises ]4 inch above the upper mark and must be maintained at a temperature of 28* C. during the test; a polished steel ball 34 inch in diameter shall be supported H inch above the surface of the Uquid at the center of the tube and dropped therein; the time required for the steel ball to fall the vertical distance between the two lines upon the glass tube must be not less than 14 seconds. Revised, January 1, 1923. MATERIAL. 1. The minimum thickness of material in any part of the com- pleted barrel or drum must not be less than as prescribed herein. (Gauge mentioned in this specification refers to United States Standard.) 2. In the interpretation of the minimum thickness of metal allowed for any specified gauge, a variation due to commercial conditions of manufacture of not more than 2^ per cent below the specified standard will be considered satisfactory, provided the average weight per square foot is not less than the standard weight for the gauge specified. The standard thicknesses and weights pre- scribed are as follows: Nominal capacity (gallons). Minimum thickness of matprial (United States Standard gauge). Standard woiglit per square foot (pounds). Minimum thickness (2)4 per cent under In body. In head. standard) (inches). 20 20 1.500 0.037 19 19 1.750 0.043 18 18 2.000 0.049 17 17 2.250 0.055 29 or less 16 16 »15 2.500 2. 8125 0.061 0.069 'See par. 6. 248 Spec. 20A. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Nominal capacity (gallons). Minimum thickness of material (United States Standard gauge). Standard weight per square foot (poonds). Minimum thickness (2H per cent under In tody In head. standard) (inches). f ^^ 2.500 3.125 3.750 3.125 4.375 5.000 5.625 0.061 30 to 55 14 ' 13 0.076 0.091 I". 0.076 56 to 110 12 ' 11 10 0.107 0.122 0. 137 ' See par. 6. ROLLING HOOPS. 3. Rolling hoops s wedged or rolled into the shell are not author- ized. 4. Separate rolling hoops as prescribed must be properly secured to the shell, preferably by means of small bead on each side of each rolling hoop or by welding for a length of 3 or 4 inches at several points around the circumference; spot welding or beading under the rolling hoop is not authorized. 5. Containers of the cylindrical or straight-sided type with a nominal capacity of over 10 gallons must be equipped with separate rolling hoops either of the U-shaped sheet-metal type at least two gauges heavier than the steel in the shell of the container, or of the solid I-bar type not less than commercial ^ by 13^ inches, weighing not less than 1.25 pounds per foot for containers not over 55 gallons nominal capacity, and not less than commercial 1 by 13^ inches, weighing not less than 1.6 pounds per foot for containers over 55 gallons nominal capacity; containers of this type are not required to have rolling hoops if of 10 gallons or less nominal capacity. 6. Bilge- type containers, of 55 gallons or less nominal capacity, need not be equipped with rolling hoops if the minimum thickness of the metal is at least one gauge thicker at the bilge and at other points not less than the minimum specified; otherwise rolling hoops must be attached in accordance with the provisions covering the cylindrical or straight-sided containers. TESTS. 7. Each barrel or drum must be tested under water or with all seams covered with soap-suds or heavy oil, by interior compressed air at a pressure of not less than 15 pounds per square inch, and SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 249 Spec. 20A. must bft carefully examined while under this pressure, and must stand this test without leaking. 8. The type of barrel or drum must be capable of standing, with- out leaking, a hydrostatic test pressure of not less than 30 pounds per square inch, sustained for not less than five minutes. Leakage past the gasket of head or closing plate shall not be considered a failure in this test. 9. (a) The type of barrel or drum must also be capable of standing the following tests : (h) A sample taken at random shall be filled with water to 98 per cent of its capacity and dropped from a height of 4 feet diagonally onto its bottom chime; a sample shall be filled with sand and dropped from a height of 4 feet diagonally onto its top chime. No leakage shall be shown in any of these tests. 10. Type tests of sample packages must be made, by any company starting production, on each type and size of package in order to insure that the product will comply with paragraphs 8 and 9, and must be repeated at intervals of not more than four months; if the same type and size is to be made of different gauge material the samples must be taken from those of the lighter gauge. Subsequent production on any type or size of package must not be continued unless further tests have been made within the previous four months ; if production has been discontinued and is resumed, this requirement will also apply. If any sample fails to pass any test, then two other samples must be taken and tested and if both pass the tests the results will be considered as satisfactory. Tested packages must be held available for inspection until the next test on the same type and size is made. CLOSUHES. 11. Provision must be made for any necessary gaskets and for closing the barrel or drum in such manner as to prevent leakage in transit. If reinforcing rings are used to stiffen the head or remov- able plate, the inside (or outside) circumference of these rings must be carefully welded to the heads or plates so that warping will not result in possible leakage. MANUFACTUEING METHODS. 12. The method of manufacturing the barrel or drum and the mate- rials used must be well adapted to producing a uniform product. Leaks caused by defective manufacture of a barrel or drum must not be stopped by soldering, but must be repaired by the method used in constructing the barrel or drum. 66620°— 22— 17 250 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSIOIT. Spec. 20A. 13. It is recommended that, when nature of contents will permit, each such container should be coated on the inside and outside in such manner and with such material as will prevent corrosion. MARKING. 14. Each barrel and drum must be plainly and permanently marked by embossing or stamping (preferably on the removable head or plate) as follows: (a) The marking ICC— 20A. (b) Marking to show the United States Standard gauge of the metal in its thinnest part, the capacity of the container in gallons, and the vear of manufacture. These may be abbreviated and then must appear in the order specified (for example, 16-55-20, which will signify that the container is made of 16 gauge steel, is of 55 gallons capacity, and was made in the year 1920). (c) The name, initials, or symbol of the manufacturer. (This must be recorded with the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City.) The marking I.C.C. — 20A shall be understood to certify that the package complies with all the requirements of this specification. All letters and figures in the above marking must be at least 3^ inch high for containers of 29 gallons or less nominal capacity, at least ^ inch high for containers of nominal capacity 30 to 55 gallons, and at least 1 inch high for containers of nominal capacity over 55 gallons. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. INSPECTION. ^ 15. Wherever practicable the manufacture of these barrels or drums should be subjected to the inspection of a competent and dis- interested inspector. REPORTS OF MANUFACTUTtE. 16. All manufacturers who make metal barrels or drums to comply with this specification must forward to the chief inspector, Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City, a monthly report of all such barrels or drums shipped. Such report must be submitted in the following form: (Place) ( Date) BuRKAu OF Explosives, SO Vesey St., New York, N. Y. Gentlkmen: Report of metal ' shipped by us from during month of made under requirements of Intereta^tft CqCI- merce Commission specifications. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 251 Spec. 20B, 21. I. c. c. specification Nominal capacity (gallons). Gauge of material (United States Standard). Date marked on containers. Number of containers. Minimum weight in the black (pounds).' Date of last No. Head. Body. tyjje tests.' i 1 ! 1 ...\.\\[[]\]\\]\\.[[\X.[\...\.\.'. 1 Insert "barrels" or "drums." 2 Excluding rolling hoops. * Must be made every four months. Each container was tested under an air pressure of pounds, as required, and showed no leakage. We hereby certify that these containers are properly marked and comply in all respects with the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission specifications. (Signed) (Per) SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 20B. IRON OR STEEL BARRELS OR DRUMS. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Note. — Removable head or removable plate containers are authorized under this specification. Note.— These packages are not authorized for inflammable liquids except when specific permission is given in these regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. These containers must comply in all respects with the require- ments prescribed by shipping container specification No. 20A, except as follows (gauge mentioned in this specification refers to United States Standard) : 2. The thickness of material in the completed containers as speci- fied in paragraph 2 may be reduced to 20 gauge for a container not over 10 gallons nominal capacity, 18 gauge for a container of 11 to 29 gallons nominal capacity, and 16 gauge for a container of 30 to 55 gallons nominal capacity. 3. The marking as specified in paragraph 14 (a) must be ICC — 20B. 4. The maximum size of any container made under this specifica- tion must not exceed 55 gallons nominal capacit}^ SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 21. FIBER DRUMS. For pro^isions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. Fiber drums or barrels must comply with the following speci- fications. Until more complete specifications are approved, this 252 INTERSTATE COMMEECE COMMISSION. Spec. 21. specification shall apply to drums not larger than 11 inches in diameter or 19 inches long, outside measurement. CONSTRUCTION. 2. The body of the drum must be formed of not less than eight plies of fibrous board reinforced by a sheet of expanded metal. Each ply must be not less than 0.022 inch thick and must have a resistance of not less than 60 pounds to the square inch, by the Mullen test. The reinforcing sheet must be steel of not less than No. 28 gauge United States Standard, and not less than 6 inches wide before being expanded. In expanding this sheet a band ^ inch wide must be left on each side of the sheet, these bands to form a part of the chimes of the drum. 3. The fibrous board and the steel reinforcing sheet must be rolled together into one integral piece, the steel reinforcing sheet being wound between the fifth and sixth plies of the fibrous board and the whole being cemented solidly together by silicate of soda. 4. The heads of the drum must be made of hardwood not less than Y6 i^ch in thickness, and, if they are made of more than one piece, the pieces must be tongued and grooved to prevent leakage. The edges of the heads must be notched to receive a steel collar. This steel collar must be not less than No. 26 gauge United States Standard, and must be flanged and fitted over the chime and into the notches of the head in such manner as to give protection to the edge of the chime and prevent leakage around the head of the drum. 5. The heads must be nailed to the body by not less than 6 nails (size of nails must be not less than 3-penny common) passing through the fiber sides, through the band of the steel reinforcing sheet, through the steel collar, and into the heads. 6. The method of manufacturing the drums and the materials used must be well adapted to producing a uniform product. 7. The type of drum, when filled with fine dry sand, must be capable of withstanding, without leakage, successive drops on its side, end, or chime onto solid concrete from heights of ]2, 18, 24, 30, and 36 inches. MARKING. 8. Each drum must be plainly marked with a symbol, consisting of a rectangle, as follows: 1 ICC-21 The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least H inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package complies with all the requirements of this specification. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 253 ^^ Spec. 22. When offered for shipment, the package must also bear snch other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 22. WOODEN VENEER DRXTMS. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. Wooden veneer drums must comply with the following speci- fications. Until more complete specifications are approved, this specification shall apply to drums not larger than 14 inches in diam- eter or 21 inches long, outside measurement, CONSTRUCTION. 2. The body of the drum must be formed of two or more plies of wood veneer with a total thickness of not less than ^ inch. The grain of the inner and outer plies must be parallel to the axis of the drum, and the joints must be staggered so as to prevent leakage or the possible entrance of sparks. 3. The drum must be held together by at least four wooden hoops not less than 2 inches by -^ inch in size. Two of these hoops must be at the ends of the drum and the other two approximately equally spaced between them. The ends of these hoops must be fastened together by at least one staple clinched on the inside and by at least two additional nails or staples clinched on the inside. All of these hoops must be nailed to the body of the drum by nails spaced at not greater than 5-inch centers and clinched on the inside. The two end hoops must be reenforced by steel hoops not less than % inch wide and 0.025 inch thick, placed around the wooden hoops and securely nailed to them. 4. The heads of the drum must be of wood not less than -^ inch thick and strengthened by a cleat or batten not less than 2 inches by ■^ inch nailed across the grain of the head and extending nearly across the head. 5. The body of the drum must be lined with fiber board or straw- board not less than 0.035 inch in thickness made into a tight cylinder by gluing the edges together. The ends must be lined with fiber board or strawboard not less than 0.055 inch in thickness so formed as to just fit in the end of the drum. If desired, a stout cloth bag securely closed and of a character not to allow sifting of contents may be used in place of the lining. 254 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSiol^. Spec. 23. 6. The heads of the (hniin mast he hobl in place by interior and exterior hning hoops. The interior lining hoops must have gaskets of thick cloth or o^:her suitable material so arranged that the head linings will fit tightly thereon and be held in place by the head to prevent leakage. 7. The method of manufacturing the drums and the materials used must be well adapted to producing a uniform product. 8. This type of drum, when filled with fine dry sand, must be capable of withstanding without leakage, successive drops on its side, end, or chime onto solid concrete from heights of 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 inches. MARKING. 9. Each drum must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle, as follows : ICC— 22 The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least 3^ inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- plies with all the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment the package must bear also such other descriptions as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 23. METAL-JACKETED CANS. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. CANS. 1. Cans jacketed under this specification shall not exceed 10 gallons capacity each. 2. Cans exceeding 1 gallon and not exceeding 10 gallons capacity must be made of metal not lighter than 30 gauge,* United States Standard. 3. Cans not exceeding 1 gallon capacity may be made of metal lighter than 30 gauge. United States Standard, but it must be such as will provide proper protection against leakage in transit. 4. Each completed can must be tested by its manufacturer and must not leak air when tested under water with interior air pressure of at least 5 pounds per square inch. > Commercial 107-pound tin plate is satisfactory. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 255 Spec. 23. JACKETS. 5. Jackets must consist of not more than two pieces, each thor- oughly riveted, welded, or brazed. They must be made of metal the minimum thickness of which is not less than No. 20 gauge, United States Standard. 6. Tops and bottoms of jackets may be made of either wood or metal. Wooden tops and bottoms must be made of good, sound lumber, dry and well seasoned, and must be in not more than two pieces tongued and grooved and glued and nailed to jacket, flush with the top and bottom of the sides of jacket. Nails must be at not greater than 2-inch centers. Thickness of lumber in top and bottom of the finished jacket must be not less than ^e inch for the package of capacity not over 3 gallons and ^ inch for the package with capacity over 3 gallons. Metal tops and bottoms must be made of metal the minimum thickness of which is No. 20 gauge. United States Standard. 7. The can must be completely covered by the jacket and the jacket must be so constructed as to prevent any vertical movement of the can inside the jacket. 8. The upper part of the jacket must be securely and evenly adjusted to the lower part of the jacket with suitable metal lugs or other device so as to make accidental removal of the upper part of the jacket impossible. 9. This type of package must be capable of standing without leakage successive drops on its ends or side onto solid concrete from heights of 1 foot, 2 feet, 3 feet, and 4 feet. MARKING. 10. Each completed package must be plainly and permanently marked with a symbol as follows: I C C-23 The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least J^ inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- plies with all the requirements of this specification. The package when offered for shipment must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. 256 INTERSTATE COMMEECE COMMISSION. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS NO. 24. FIBER CASES. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. Cases made under this specification may be made of fiber board, pulpboard, corrugated strawboard, or solid-fiber millboard as speci- fied herein. MAXIMUM SIZE OF CASE. 2. No case may have an internal volume exceeding that of a 20-inch cube, or 8,000 cubic inches. MAXIMUM AUTHORIZED CAPACITY. 3. The combined capacity of all containers in any case shall not exceed 8 quarts, except that when hermetically sealed metal inside containers are used the combined capacity shall not exceed 25 pints (25 pounds for ether), as provided for in paragraphs 20 and 29. MARKING. 4. The outside container must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle, as follows: I CC-24 The name (or initials) and address of the company applying this marking must also be placed immediately below this symbol. The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least ^ inch high. This symbol will be understood to certify that the package complies with all the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. INSIDE CONTAINERS AND CUSHIONING. 5. Mixed shipments of inflammable and noninflammable liquids in the same outside case must be packed the same as would be required if they were all inflammable liquids. 6. The inside containers must be securely closed in such manner as to prevent leakage of the liquid during transit. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 257 Spec. 24. 7. Inside containers must not exceed 1 pint capacity each for liquids with a flash point at or below 20° F. or 1 quart capacity each for liquids with a flash point above 20° F. up to 80° F. 8. (a) Each inside container of capacity not over 3^ pint must be wrapped separately in single-faced corrugated strawboard wrappers or separated by double-faced corrugated strawboard partitions: Provided, That inside containers of not more than 2 ounces capacity each packed in wooden boxes or double-faced corrugated strawboard cartons and cushioned when necessary to prevent breakage, may be packed in the outside cases without the wrappers or partitions pre- scribed above: Provided further , That inside containers of not more than 2 ounces capacity each, packed separately in chipboard cartons and with not more than 12 of these cartons in other chipboard cartons, may be packed in the outside cases without the wrappers prescribed above if the large cartons are separated by double-faced corrugated strawboard partitions. (6) Each inside container of capacity over 3^ pint must be wrapped separately in single-faced corrugated strawboard wrappers and also separated by double-faced corrugated strawboard partitions: Pro- vided, That such inside containers wrapped separately in single-faced corrugated strawboard wrappers and packed separately in double- faced corrugated strawboard cartons may be packed in the outside cases without the partitions prescribed above: Provided further , That inside metal containers separated by proper double-faced corrugated strawboard partitions need not be wrapped with the single-faced strawboard wrappers : Provided further, That inside containers sep- arated by partitions of two thicknesses of double-faced corrugated strawboard or by partitions of double-wall corrugated strawboard need not be separately wrapped with the single-faced strawboard wrappers. 9. In all cases where there is more than one tier of inside containers the tiers must be separated by double-faced corrugated strawboard pads except when the inside containers are in wooden boxes or double- faced corrugated strawboard cartons. MATERIAL. 10. Fiber board or pulpboard used must be 3-ply or more, all plies firmly glued together, the outer ply waterproofed, and no single ply less than 0.016 inch in thickness. Solid-fiber millboard used must be composed of not less than 50 per cent of sulphite fiber and must be waterproofed throughout. Double-faced corrugated strawboard used must be made of corru- gated strawboard with inner and outer facings of fiber board or pulp- board, both facings having proper bending qualities, firmly glued to 258 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 24. the corrugated sheet. Outer facings must be waterproofed. Both inner and outer facings must be not less than 0.018 inch in thickness and have a resistance of not less than 85 pounds per square inch, Mullen test. Double-wall corrugated strawboard (double-faced corrugated straw- board and single-faced corrugated strawboard glued together so as to make one piece) used, must be made with all facings of fiber board or pulpboard having propc-r bending qualities and firmly glued to the corrugated sheets: each facing must be not less than 0.018 inch in thickness and have a resistance of not less than 85 pounds per square inch, Mullen test; the outer facings must be waterproofed. Thickness and strength of material composing the case proper must be as hereinafter specified for the various cases. 11. Partitions, inside cartons unless otherwise specified, pads and liners, must be made of material having a resistance of not less than 175 pounds per square inch, Mullen test, except that when double- wall corrugated strawboard is used as a partition it must have a resistance of not less than 200 pounds per square inch, Mullen test, and except that the liners for corrugated strawboard cases containing inside containers with a total capacity of over 6 quarts must have a resistance of not less than 200 pounds per square inch, Mullen test. Waterproofing is not required. DETAILS OF COXSTRUCTION FOR FIBER BOARD, PULPBOARD, OR MILL- BOARD CASES. 12. (a) Each glued-ply fiber board or pulpboard case must be made out of one piece of material : Provided, That separate flanged tops and bottoms (heads) are authorized if composed of material having a re- sistance, Mullen test, 50 per cent in excess of the total resistance of the sides and liners specified for the case. The side lap of the case must be at least V/2 inches wide. The tops and bottoms must be formed of four flaps (except as specified above), each pair of flaps meeting to form a close joint and top and bottom pads must be used. (6) The body of each solid-fiber millboard case must be made out of one piece of material and the top and bottom (heads) must be of the flanged type. The side lap must be not less than 1 inch wide for cases containing inside containers with a total capacity of not over 6 quarts and not less than \% inches wide for larger cases. 13. In forming the case the material must be creased, not cut, to produce a fillet. This requirement wifl also apply to flanged ends. Cases with flanged ends must have the flanges project outward and the width of the flange must be not less than 1 inch, including the Hllet. 14. All scams must bo stitched with flat wire not less than Y^ inch wide and of suitable thickness, spaced at intervals of not over \}/2 SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 259 Spec. 24. inches, and the machine used must be capable of driving the wire through the material so that the stitching, when completed, will be perfect: Provided, That rivets may be used if equal or superior in strength to the wire stitching. 15. (a) The side lap of fiber board or pulpboard cases must be double stitched, or glued and single stitched. (6) The side lap of solid-fiber millboard cases must be single stitched for cases containing inside containers with a total capacity of not over 6 quarts and double stitched for larger cases. 16. Flanged tops and bottoms (heads) must be fastened to bodies of cases by single stitching. 17. Separating partitions, when used, must be properly half- slotted and fitted together and of sufficient size to touch sides, top, and bottom of the case. 18. When the combined capacity of all containers in the case does not exceed 4 quarts, the following special requirements must be complied with: (a) If glued-ply fiber board or pulpboard is used it must be not less than 0.08 inch in thickness and have a resistance of not less than 200 pounds per square inch, Mullen test. Top and bottom pads are required (see par. 12a). (6) If solid-fiber millboard is used it must be not less than 0.08 inch in thickness and have a resistance of not less than 240 pounds per square inch, Mullen test. The tops and bottoms (heads) must be of the flanged type, reinforced by an unflanged piece of the same thickness and strength as the tops and bottoms (heads) and secured to them by metal stitching around the edges and through the center at intervals of not over 3 inches. 19. When the combined capacity of all containers in the case exceeds 4 quarts but does not exceed 6 quarts, the following special requirements must be complied with: (a) If glued-ply fiber board or pulpboard is used it must be not less than 0.10 inch in thickness and have a resistance of not less than 275 pounds per square inch, Mullen test. The case must be provided with a liner fitting closely inside the case as a lining of those four sides of the case not formed by the closing flaps; it must be made in one piece with a closely fitted butt joint, which must be located near the center of one of the sides and not along an edge of the case. Top and bottom pads are also required (see par. 12a). (&) If sohd-fiber millboard is used it must be not less than 0.08 inch in thickness and have a resistance of not less than 320 pounds per square inch, Mullen test. The tops and bottoms (heads) must be of the flanged type, reinforced by an unflanged piece of the same thickness and strength as the tops and bottoms (heads) and secured 260 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 24. to them by metal stitching around the edges and through the center at intervals of not over 3 inches. 20. When the combined capacity of all containers in the case exceeds 6 quarts but does not exceed 8 quarts, the following special requirements must be complied with: (a) If glued-ply fiber board or pulpboard is used it must be not less than 0.10 inch in thickness and have a resistance of not less than 275 pounds per square inch, Mullen test. The case must be provided with a liner fitting closely inside the case as a lining of those four sides of the case not formed by the closing flaps ; it must be made in one piece with a closely fitted butt joint, which must be located near the center of one of the sides and not along an edge of the case. Top and bottom pads are also required (see par. 12a). (b) If solid-fiber millboard is used it must be not less than 0.09 inch in thickness and have a resistance of not less than 375 pounds per square inch, Mullen test. The tops and bottoms (heads) must be of the flanged type and must be of material not less than 0.08 inch in thickness and having a resistance of not less than 320 pounds per square inch, Mullen test; they must be reinforced by an unflanged piece, of the same thickness and strength as the body material, secured to them by metal stitching around the edges and through the center at intervals of not over 3 inches. The capacity of this case may be increased to 25 pints (25 pounds for ether) if hermetically sealed inside metal containers are used. CLOSING. 21. The tops and bottoms of all cases closed by flaps must be closed by gluing with animal glue or silicate of soda coated on the entire contact surfaces of the top and bottom pads and of all of the flaps. Cases with flanged heads must be closed by metal stitching. DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION FOR DOUBLE-FACED CORRUGATED STRAW- BOARD CASES. 22. The combined board must have a resistance of not less than 200 pounds per square inch, Mullen test, for double-faced board and 275 pounds per square inch for double-wall board: Provided, That board witli a resistance of only 175 pounds per square inch, Mullen test, may be used if the inside containers are made of metal, are not over }4 pint capacity each, and are separated by double-faced corrugated strawboard partitions or packed separately in double-faced corru- gated strawboard cartons. 23. Each double-faced corrugated strawboard case must be made out of one piece of material and sealing strips must be secured to the case by animal glue. The side seam must be close fitting and be SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 261 Spec. 24. secured by a single cloth sealing strip not less than 2 inches in width and having a resistance, of not less than 85 pounds to the square inch, Mullen test, extending the entire length of the seam. Double cloth sealing strips may be used if the inner strip is made not less than \}/2 inches wide and the outer strip not less than 2)^ inches wide, each cloth having a resistance of not less than 60 pounds per square inch, Mullen test, each thickness extending the entire length of the seam, the inner being firmly glued to the case, and the outer being efficiently and firmly glued to the inner cloth and to the case. 24. Separating partitions, when used, must be properly half- slotted and fitted together and of sufficient size to touch sides, top, and bottom of the case. 25. When the combined capacity of all containers in the case does not exceed 4 quarts the top and bottom of the case must each be formed of four flaps, each pair of flaps meeting to form a close joint. 26. When the combined capacity of all containers in the case exceeds 4 quarts, but does not exceed 6 quarts, the top and bottom of the case must each be formed of four flaps, each pair of flaps meeting to form a close joint, and top and bottom pads must be used. The case must also be provided with a liner fitting closely inside the case as a lining of those four sides of the case not formed by the closing flaps; it must be made in one piece with a closely fitted butt joint which must be located near" the center of one of the sides and not along an edge of the case: Provided, That when the cases are con- structed of double-wall corrugated strawboard the liners are not required. 27. When the combined capacity of all containers in the case exceeds 6 quarts, but does not exceed 8 quarts, the top and bottom of the case must each be formed of four flaps, each pair of flaps meeting to form a close joint, and top and bottom pads must be used. The case must also be provided with a liner fitting closely inside the case as a lining of those four sides of the case not formed by the closing flaps; it must be made in one piece with a closely fitted butt joint which must be located near the center of one of the sides and not along an edge of the case; the material of this liner must have a resistance of not less than 200 pounds per square inch, Mullen test: Provided, That when the cases are constructed of double-wall corru- gated strawboard the liners are not required. The capacity of this case may be increased to 25 pints (25 pounds for ether) if hermetically sealed inside metal containers are used. CLOSING. 28. Tops and bottoms of cases must be closed by gluing with animal glue or silicate of soda coated on the entire contact surfaces of the top and bottom pads and of all of the flaps. 262 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 24. MISCELLANEOUS TYPES OF CASES. FIBER BOARD SCREW CAP CASE. 29. Fiber board cases are approved when made and filled in full compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 1 to 20, inclusive, of these specifications, with the following exceptions: The body of the case shall be made of one piece and shall be closed by a flap, in width not less than one-half of the depth of the case, this flap to extend from the top of the case down over the side and to be firmly glued in place with animal glue or silicate of soda after filling the case. Each head shall be formed of four flaps, fitted to the body by flanges. Material used in the head flaps shall be the same thickness and strength as that used for the body. The flaps flanged to the sides of the case shall be the full size of the end of the case. The flaps flanged to top and bottom of the case may be of general triangular shape but must extend from the flange not less than % inch along the sides of the case. All four head flaps shall be securely fastened together at the center of the end of the case by a 13^ inch screw fastener, consisting of metal plug and cap. CORRUGATED STRAWBOARD TRIPLE SLIDE CASE. 30. Corrugated strawboard cases of triple slide telescopic type are approved when made and filled in full compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 1 to 11, inclusive, of these specifications, and also with the following requirements: Each case must be of the triple slide telescopic type, each slide being made of one-piece material and the slides fitted together so as to give two thicknesses of corrugated strawboard on all sides of the case. The seams of each slide must be secured by single cloth sealing strips not less than 2 inches in width and having a resistance of not less than 85 pounds per square inch, Mullen test, extending the entire length of the seam or closing edge and secured by animal glue to the case. Double cloth sealing strips may be used if the inner strip is made not less than \]4. inches wide and the outer strip not less than 2}/^ inches wide, each cloth having a resistance of not less than 60 pounds per square inch, Mullen test, each thickness extending the entire length of the seam or closing edge, the inner being firmly glued to the case and the outer being efficiently and firmly glued to the inner cloth and to the case. When the combined capacity of all containers in the case does not exceed 4 quarts the double-faced corrugated strawboard used SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 263 Spec. 24. must have both facings not less than 0.016 inch in thickness, having a resistance of not less than 75 pounds per square inch, Mullen test; the combined board having a resistance of not less than 175 pounds per square inch, Mullen test. Both facings must have proper bending quality and be firmly glued to the corrugated sheet. The outer facing must be waterproofed. When the combined capacity of all containers in the case exceeds 4 quarts, but does not exceed 8 quarts, the double-faced corrugated strawboard used must have both facings not less than 0.018 inch in thickness, having a resistance of not less than 85 pounds per square inch, Mullen test, the combined board having a resistance of not less than 200 p(*.unds per square inch, Mullen test. Both facings must have proper bending quality and be firmly glued to the cor- rugated sheet. The outer facing must be waterproofed. The innermost slide may be made of boai-d without outer facing waterproofed, but the material must be of same strength as the outer slides. Triple slide cases, when closed for shipment, must have the top and bottom of the innermost slide, or both sides of the middle slide, ' firmly glued to the outer tube of the case throughout the entire area of contact. FIBER BOARD TWO-PIECE CASE. 31. Fiber board cases of the two-piece full telescope type are approved when made and filled in full compliance with the require- ments of paragraphs 1 to 11, inclusive, of these specifications and also with the following requirements: Cases must be of the two-piece full telescope type, so arranged that one piece will fit snugly into the other to give two thicknesses of fiber board on the four largest sides of the case and one thickness of fiber board on the other two smallest sides of the case. Each part of the case must be made of one piece of board with seams lapped at least 13^ inches, double-stitched, or glued and stitched, with flat wire not less than 3^ inch wide and of suitable thickness spaced at intervals not over 1)4 inches. The case must be provided with a liner as a lining to four sides of the case, two of which must be the two smallest sides; it must be made in one piece with a closely fitted butt joint which must be located near the center of one of the sides and not along an edge of the case. When filled and closed the two pieces of the case must be fastened against coming apart by cloth sealing strips not less than 2 inches in width and having a resistance of not less than 85 pounds per square inch, Mullen test, extending along the entire length of the open edges. 264 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 25. WTien the combined capacity of all containers in the case is not over 4 quarts the cases must be made of fiber board not less than 0.08 inch in thickness and having a resistance of not less than 200 pounds per square inch, Mullen test. When the combined capacity of all containers in the case exceeds 4 quarts but does not exceed 8 quarts the cases must be made of fiber board not less than 0.10 inch in thickness and having a resistance of not less than 275 pounds per square inch, Mullen test. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 25. STEEL CYLINDERS. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in P^reight and Express Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. The maximum size cylinder must be limited to 120 pounds water capacity with tolerance of plus 5 per cent, and must comply with this specification. Cylinders made in foreign countries must not be used in domestic traffic in the United States until a chemical analysis of material and tests, as specified in paragraphs 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, have been car- ried out within the limits of the United States and under the super- vision of a competent and disinterested inspector approved by the Bureau of Explosives. 2. Cylinders must be seamless and must be made of steel of uniform quality with chemical analysis of — - Per cent. Carbon, not more than 0. 55 Phosphorus, not more than 04 Sulphur, not more than 05 ANNEALING. 3. (a) Each cylinder after finishing must be uniformly and properly annealed. Dirt and scale must be removed before painting. (b) Cylinders rejected due to failure in the flattening, physical, or hydrostatic tests, may be reannealed. The cylinders must, subse- quent to this reannealing process, be subjected to and pass all of the requirements of the flattening, physical, and hydrostatic tests in order to be accepted: Provided, That, when crop ends or rings are authorized for the original flattening tests, the subsequent tests of this character shall be made on one cyhnder out of each lot of 200 or less. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 265 Spec. 25. FLATTENING TEST. 4. From each lot of 200 or less a representative finished cylinder, after annealing and after having passed the hydrostatic test, must be selected at random and must withstand, without cracking, flattening between rounded knife edges to a thickness of six times the thickness of the wall of the cylinder, this measurement to be made between the outside surfaces of the walls of the cylinder; — Provided, That when it is impracticable to make the flattening test as herein prescribed on account of the small number of cylinders in any lot or order, the flattening tests may, in case of lots of cylinders not to exceed 30 cylinders each, be made on a ring not less than 4 inches long cut from each cylinder and subjected to the same anneal- ing and other heat treatment as the finished cylinder. The knife edges must be of wedge shape, converging at an angle of 60°, the point being rounded off with a radius of ^2 inch. If any one cylinder from any lot fails to pass this test, two others from the same lot must be selected, and these must pass it in order to have the lot accepted. PHYSICAL TEST. 5. One out of each lot of 200 or less finished cylinders after anneal- ing must be selected at random and two tests made on test specimens cut longitudinally thereform to determine the elastic limit, the tensile strength, and elongation of the material: Provided, That when the flattening test is permitted to be made on a ring cut from each cylin- der the test specimens may be taken from those rings. 6. For steel with a carbon content of more than 0.20 per cent the elongation must not be less than 10 per cent on an 8-inch test speci- men and the elastic limit must not be more than 70 per cent of the tensile strength. If an 8-inch test specimen can not be obtained then elongation of not less than 20 per cent on a 2-inch specimen will be allowed. 7. For steel with a carbon content of not more than 0.20 per cent the elongation must not be less than 20 per cent on an 8-inch test speci- men and the elastic limit not more than 45,000 pounds per square inch. If an 8-inch test specimen can not be obtained then elongation of not less than 40 per cent on a 2-inch specimen will be allowed. HYDROSTATIC TEST. 8. Each finished cylinder must be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure of not less than 1,000 pounds per square inch in a water jacket, or other apparatus of suitable form to furnish reliable data. The permanent volumetric expansion must not exceed 10 per cent of the whole volumetric expansion at this pressure. 66620°— 22 18 266 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 25. This test must be made without subjecting the cyhnder to any- previous hydrostatic pressure: Promded, however, That a prehminary pressure of not more than 80 per cent of the prescribed test pressure may be apphed once only, previous to the ofhcial test, for the purpose of rounding out the cyhnder. 9. In the hydrostatic test the water gauge indicating the expansion must be of such interior diameter that the total expansion will cause the water to rise at least 45 centimeters in the gauge, except when this will make the interior diameter less than 4 millimeters; the pressure must be applied for not less than 30 seconds and as much longer as may be necessary to insure complete expansion of the cylinder. The expansion must be recorded in terms of cubic centimeters. MARKING. 10. Each cylinder must be plainly and permanently marked on the shoulder as follows: (a) A serial number. (6) The marking ICC — 25. This marking must be placed imme- diately above the serial number. (c) The name or initials of the company or person for whose use the cyhnders are being made. (d) The date of manufacture (month and year) ; for example, 4-21, for April, 1921 ; this should be applied in such position that the date of subsequent tests may be easily added thereto. (e) All of the foregoing marking must be applied in letters or figures at least 34 inch high. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. 11. All billets, plates, or tubes from which cylinders are made must be free from seams, cracks, laminations, or any defects which might be injurious to the finished cylinder. 12. The manufacture of the cylinders must be completed with the best appliances and according to the best modern methods. All finished cylinders must show reasonably smooth and uniform surface, inspection of inside surface to be made before closing the ends; the threading of the cylinder neck must be even and without checks and the cylinders must show no defects of workmanship or material likely to result in any appreciable weakness of the finished cylinder. A close inspection of each completed cylinder must be made before acceptance to discover any defect. INSPECTION. 13. The purchaser must provide for inspection of all material and all tests by a competent and disinterested inspector. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 267 Spec. 25. 14. The inspector must keep complete records of the various melts from which the steel is taken for the manufacture of the cylinders. Certified chemical analyses of these melts must be supplied to him by the manufacturer, or, if desired by the purchaser, he must procure samples from each melt from which other chemical analyses may be made. The heat number must be stamped on the plates and billets at the steel mill and the inspector must also stamp his intitials or personal sign on each plate or billet accepted by him, and no plate or billet must be used for the manufacture of cylinders unless so marked: Provided, That when cylinders are to be made from drawn seamless tubing under conditions such that the various heats of steel can not be properly traced through to the finished cylinders a certifi- cate from the manufacturer of the tubing (see note at end of report, par. 18, for form of certificate), together with check analyses of samples taken from one out of each lot of 200 or less cylinders, shall be accepted. 15. The inspector shall make such inspection as may be necessary to see that the requirements of paragraphs 11 and 12 are complied with; shall see that the finished cylinders are properly annealed, and shall witness all hydrostatic and flattening tests. The hydrostatic and flattening tests may be made by the manu- facturer, but under the direction and supervision of the inspector or other representative of the purchaser. 16. The inspector shall stamp his initials or his personal sign immediately beneath the serial number on each cylinder which he passes as accepted, and shall make a certified report (see par. 18) to the maker, to the purchaser, and to the chief inspector. Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City, showing the serial numbers of all cylinders which are accepted, together with all data relating to the material and the tests. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 17. The purchasers of cylinders may impose additional require- ments not inconsistent with these specifications. REPORTS. 18. The report required by paragraph 16 must be submitted in the following form : (Place) (Date) Report of inspection of.....' cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Manufactured by the Company. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. ilaspected for the. • -.■ -Company. 268 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 25. The 8t (c. c). Permanent expansion '■> (c. c). Per cent ratio of permanent expansion to total expansion.5 Tare weight « (potmds and ounces). Test date (month and year). '1 i (Signed) ' If the tests are made by a method involving the measurement of the amount of liquid forced into the cylinder bv the test pressure, then the basic data on which the calculations are made, such as the pump bctors, temperature of liquid, coefficient of compressibility of liquid, etc., must also be given. • Including valve but without cap; also in case of acetylene cylluders includes filling material and solvent. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 28. METAL JACKETED LEAD CARBOYS. A For provisions and restrictions governins? the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Approved January 1, 1923. 1. The maximum permitted size under this specification is 15 f^allons, nominal. Nf)TE. — Reference is hereinafter made to a drawing, which accompanies and is a part of this specification. INSPECTION. 2. P2ach carboy must be carefully inspected for flaws or weak spot in the seams, or other defects, and all such defective carboys must be repaired by the same method as used in original manufacture; otherwise they must be rejected. M.VRKING. 3. An identifying mark must be stamped in the top of the carboy immediately below the neck to enable the manufacturer's name and year of manufacture to be determined. A copy of this mark must be SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 283 Spec. 28. filed with the chief inspector, Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City. TESTING. 4. All lead carboys manufactured under this specification must be tested with 5 pounds per square inch internal pressure before each shipment and must show no leakage under this test. INSIDE CONTAINER. 5. Body. — To be of commercial sheet lead, weighing not less than 8 pounds per square foot, rolled to shape with edges lapped and burned inside and out to form the side seam. The bottom and top edges are to be flanged inwardly to form the respective joints with the bottom and top pieces. 6. Bottom.— To be of commercial sheet lead, weighing not less than 8 pounds per square foot, joined to the body by lapping and burning inside and out. 7. Toy. — To be of commercial sheet lead weighing 10 pounds per square foot, dished as shown and joined to the body by lapping and burning outside. It shall have a circular hole in the center to accom- modate the neck of the container. 8. Neck. — The neck shall be formed of commercial lead of not less than -^ inch thickness. The internal diameter shall be not greater than 4 inches. The lower ends shall be flanged to fit the top and joined thereto by burning outside and it shall be of sufficient length to allow of flanging over the follower ring of the closing device as shown. If made of a sheet of lead rolled to shape the side joint shall be lapped and burned inside and out. 9. (a) Closure. — Shall consist of a follower ring of cast iron bored to fit the neck snugly and machined on the top at right angles to the center hole. The outside diameter of the ring shall be not less than 3 inches larger than the outside diameter of the neck. (6) It shall be provided with four holes tapped for i^-inch stud bolts for small-mouthed containers not over 2 inches diameter, and six holes for larger-mouthed containers, the holes in each case being equally spaced on a circle l]4 inches larger in diameter than the mouth of the container. The top inner edge of the ring is to be rounded off to a radius of approximately M inch and the bottom edge also rounded off slightly. (c) The neck of the inside container shall be flanged over the fol- lower ring and holes cut through corresponding to the stud bolt holes— these stud bolts are then to be screwed in place and riveted over slightly at their lower ends to prevent turnmg. The neck of the lead container may be swaged outward slightly below the follower ring to prevent the latter from di'opping out of place when removmg or replacing the cover. 284 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 28. (d) A gasket of commercial sheet lead weighing not less than 8 pounds per square foot shall be provided of a diameter equal to the outside diameter of the follower ring. It shall have 4 or 6 holes as required ^4^ inches diameter spaced in a circle to accommodate the stud bolts of the follower ring. (e) A closing cap of cast iron of the same outside diameter as the follower ring shall be provided with upper and lower surfaces machined parallel and bo of sufficient thickness to fit snugly between the top of the lead gasket, in place, and the bottom of the steel cover when the latter is fastened in place. It shall be provided with 4 or 6 holes as required, /^^ inch diameter equally spaced on a circle, to accommo- date the stud bolts of the follower ring. (/) There shall be 4 or 6 stud bolts, as required, }4 inch diameter, of sufficient length to extend through the flanged neck, gasket, cap, and steel cover to a distance of ^ to ^ inch above the upper surface of the latter and each stud bolt shall be provided with a 3^-inch cut steel washer and 3^-inch nut as shown in the drawing herein. OUTSIDE CONTACNER. 10. Bodij. — ^To be of No. 14 United States Standard gauge steel, rolled to a cylindrical shape, with side seam lapping at least 1 inch and riveted with soft iron rivets, at least 3^ inch diameter, spaced not over 2^ inches apart. The heads of these rivets are to be countersunk on the inside. If desired, this seam may be welded by any standard method, in which case the amount of lap need only be sufficient to provide a good, substantial joint. 11. Bottom. — To be of No. 14 United States Standard gauge steel, flanged to a depth of 134 inches and riveted to the side with soft iron rivets, at least }4 inch diameter, spaced not over 3 inches apart. If desired, this joint may be welded by any standard method. 12. (a) Top. — To be of No. 14 United States Standard gauge steel, flanged to a depth of 134 inches and of such diameter as to fit loosely into the body, allowing it to be easily removed, and held in place by six machine bolts, ^ inch diameter, spaced equally around the circumference of the flange, as shown in the drawing herein. An efjual number of bayonet fastenings with efficient lock will be permitted. (6) If desired two handles for assisting in its removal may be provided substantially as shown in the drawing herein, but the han- dles should not project above the level of the top edge. (c) The top shall also be pierced with holes ys inch in diameter equally spaced on a circle concentric with it to accommodate the cover clamping bolts. 13. Retaining ring. — There shall be a retaining ring of 134 by ^^ inch angle iron rolled to a complete circle but with the ends not shippi:n^g container specifications. 285 Spec. 28. welded or brazed, or in two half circles, as shown in the drawing herein. The fit between the retaining ring and inside of the steel container shall be such that the space between the ends of the half circles or circle shall not be over -^ inch. The ring shall be clamped Shipping Container Specification No. 28. JWi/ Sc/fs tf/fh Mps/?ers. Oefo//s some as nr naf-r-oty mot/^/? excepr as o/^eriv/se /?o^e/ 6ayooef fasfen/n^J /r/t/7 foc/r- r'j':i'i/a'3o/fs >yM //asters \ I -S/>ee/ £eac^-/0 /6s per j^. f/: /7///o/nts •y///) j/^es a/7ee/ Leo, ^ oo/s/iye i FT?" 6 /ds /oer Jf 7h s/i/es 6 linders were manufactured were inspected by and those which were accepted were found free from seams, cracks, laminations, or any defects which might prove injurious to the strength of the cylinder. Each and every cylinder before (necking down) (closing^^ ^^g inspected inside and outside for surface defects. The thickness of walls was measured at points not more than 8 inches from the open end of the cylinder with a pair of calipers, and the mini- mum thickness of wall noted was Each and every cylinder was (necked down) (closed )2 and was uniformly and properly annealed and then the cylinders were again inspected in order to discover any defects which might have been caused by this process. One out of each lot of 200 or less finished cylinders was selected by the inspector and subjected in his presence to a flattening test as required. All of the cylinders passed this test satisfactorily. Two longitudinal test pieces were cut from opposite sides of each crushed cylinder and pulled. The record of the physical and flattening tests is attached hereto. Each and every cylinder was subjected to a hydrostatic test of pounds in the presence of the inspector. The record of the hydrostatic tests is attached hereto. Each and every cylinder was plainly and permanently marked as follows: ^ On shoulder. On extension. Each and every cylinder was provided with a valve and protection cap manufac- tured by Company on their drawing No and approved by the Bureau of Explosives on date of The threads on cylinder and valves were gauged and found satisfactory. The valves * were assembled into cylinders according to the requirements of paragraph 5. I hereby certify that all of these cylinders proved satisfactory in every way and comply with the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission specification No. 33. Inspector. (Place) (Date) Record of chemical analysis of steel for cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. ' Draw a line through the word not required. •Insert reproduction of marking used. See par. 21. Serial numbers and other data that vary for each cylinder may be indicated by words such as "Serial Nos. 100 to 300," etc. * If valves were not assembled into cylinders then change this sentence to accord with the facts. 308 Spec. 33. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Melt No. Cylinders represented by test (serial Nos.)- Chemical analysis. Remarks Test No. C. P. s. (Signed) (Place) (Date) Record of physical tests of material in cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. Test No. Cylinders represented by test (serial Nos.). Elastic limit (pounds per square ineh). Tensile strength (pounds per square inch). Elongation (per cent in 8 inches). Reduction of area (per cent). Flattening test. 1 1 ; 1 . 1 1 ! (Signed) (Place) (Date) Record of teste on cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For ' Company. Serial Nos. of cylinders tested. Test pressure (pounds). Total expan.sion '' (c. c.). Permanent expansion '' (c. c). Per cent ratio of permanent expansion to lotlll expansion.* Tare weight « (pounds and ounces). Test date (month and year). (Signed) ' If the tests are made by a method involving the measurement of the amount of liquid forced into the cylinder by the test pressure, then the basic data on which the calculations are made, such as the pump factors, temperature of liquid, coefBcient of compressibiUty of liquid, etc., must also be given. ' Including valve but without cap; also in case of acetylene cy Unders includes filling material and solvent. SHIPPING CONTAINEE SPECIFICATIONS. 309 SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 34. TURNED WOODEN DRUMS. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. MAXIMUM CAPACITY. 1. Capacity of drum must not exceed 5 gallons. STAVES. 2. Staves of drum must be tapered so that they will be approxi- mately }/s inch thicker at the middle than at the ends. 3. Staves of drum must be not less than % inch 4n thickness at the middle of the drum and not less than {^ inch in thickness at the ends. HEADS. 4. Heads of the drum must not be less than {^ inch in thickness. If of more than one piece the pieces must be glued together. HOOPS. 5. Hoops of the drum must be not less than four in number. Head hoops must be not less than l}yi inch by 21 gauge United States Standard, or equivalent cross section. Other hoops must not be less than 1 inch by 22 gauge, United States Standard, or equivalent cross section. OPENINGS. 6. Bung-holes and other openings mjjst be provided with secure closing devices that will not permit leakage through them. 7. Tapered wooden bungs must be covered with a suitable coating and must have a driving fit into a tapered hole. MANUFACTURE. 8. The method of manufacture and the materials used must be well adapted to produce a uniform product. DRUMS USED MORE THAN ONCE. 9. Drums which have been used at least once must be thoroughly recoopered when necessary. Badly bulged or warped heads must be replaced. 310 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 35. MARKING. 10. These drums must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle, as follows: 100-34 I The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least 3^ inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package complies with all the requirements of this specification. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 35. WOODEN BARRELS WITH REMOVABLE HEADS. For pro\dsions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Note.— These packages are authorized for nitrocellulose solutions only when such liquids have a viscosity not less than the viscosity as deterrcined by one of the following methods or other equally efficient method approved by the Bureau of Explosives: (a) The viscosity of the liquids must be determined in a Stormer viscosimeter with an actuating weight of 400 grams and with the liquid maintained at a temperature of 2S° C; the speed of the cylinder (of the viscosimeter) immersed in the liquid must not exceed 10 revolutions per 45 seconds; (6) For transparent liquids the sample may be tested in a vertical glass tube 1 inch inside diameter by approximately 13 inches long having two marks 10 inches apart engraved thereon, the lower mark being 2 Inches above the bottom of the tube; the liquid to be tested shall be poured into the tube until its surface rises V^ inch above the upper mark and must be maintained at a temperature of 2S° C. during the test; a polished steel ball H inch in diameter shall be supported '-^ inch above the surface of the liquid at the center of the tube and dropped therein; the time required for the steel ball to fall the vertical distance between the two lines upon the glass tube must be not less than 14 seconds. Approved January 1, 1923. 1. Wooden barrels manufactured under this specification must not be larger than 55-gallon nominal capacity. MATERIAL. 2. Material from which the barrel is constructed must be oak, thoroughly kiln-dried: Provided, That the removable head may be made of any suitable wood as hereinafter described. 3. The staves and the fixed head must be not less than \\ inch in the finished barrel. HOOPS. 4. The hoops must not be less than six in number nor smaller in size than the following: Head hoops, 1 J-^ inches b}^ 17 gauge. Quarter hoops, l-^ inches by 18 gauge. Bilge hoops, 1^ inches by 17 gauge. A SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 311 Spec. 36. KEMOVABLE HEAD. 5. The ends of the staves upon which the removable head is to seat must be planed off perpendicular to the axis of the barrel until a flat smooth surface, not less than the full thickness of the staves is obtained. 6. The removable head must be made of two layers of wood each not less than fl inch thick laid together with the grain at right angles. The lower layer must be of proper diameter to fit fairly closely inside the head of the barrel. The upper layer must be of larger size with its outside rim reinforced by two iron or steel rings )^ by 1 3^ inch cross section, one each on the upper and lower surfaces of proper diameter to fit fairly close around the head of the barrel and securely riveted in place. 7. There must be a sheet of zinc not less than commerical gauge No. 6 (0.012 inch approximately) placed between the two layers in the head and this must be of the full size of the upper layer. 8. The pieces of wood in each layer must be joined by dowel pins and the two layers securely fastened together by screws. 9. Six holes must be bored or slotted through the top layer and its reinforcing rings to receive the top-fastening lugs hereinafter described, CLOSING GASKET. 10. An efficient gasket of rubber or other suitable material must be used; this must be of suitable thickness and of the same width as the groove between the lower layer of wood in the head and its lower reinforcing ring. ' HEAD FASTENING. 11. The fastening for the purpose of securing the removable head during transit must consist of six iron or steel lugs approximately 1 by ^ inch cross section securely bolted to the side of the barrel and terminating in 3^-inch bolts which wall pass through the rem.ova- ble head and its reinforcing rings; nuts screwed down on these bolts will hold the removable head securely in place. These lugs should be spaced at approximately equal distances around the barrel, but each should be so located that the bolts fastening them to the side of the barrel will pass through a stave and not between two staves; the holes bored for these bolts should afford a driving fit to eliminate leakage. MARKING. 12. Each barrel must be plainly and permanently marked by burning or cutting into the top of the removable head (or other equally efficient method) as follows: (a) The marking ICC— 35. 312 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 36. (h) The date of manufacture (month and year). (c) The initials or symbol of the manufacturer. (This must be recorded with the chief inspector, Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City.) The letters and figures in the above marking must be at least }/2 inch high. The marking I. C. C. — 35 shall be understood to certify that the package complies with all the requirements of this specification. \Vlien offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. SECOND-HAND PACKAGES. Containers used more than once must be thoroughly inspected and recoopered and repaired when necessary. Badly bulged or warped staves or heads must be replaced. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 36. WOODEN BOXES WITH METAL LINING. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Express Regulations. Approved January 1, 1923. 1. The gross weight of any package, including contents, must not exceed 50 pounds. CONSTRUCTION. 2. All individual match containers must be placed in a hermeti- cally sealed (air-tight) metal box made of material not less in thick- ness than 30 gauge, United States Standard. 3. This metal box must be placed in a closely fitting box made out of sound lumber; when a nailed box is used the ends must not be loss than 1 inch thick, and the top, bottom, and sides not less than 3^ inch thick; if the box is of lock-corner construction, the ends, top, bottom, and sides must not be less than 3^ inch thick. MARKING. m 4. Each outside box must be plainly marked with a symbol consist- ing of a rectangle, as follows : I c 36 The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least }4 inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package complies with all the requirements of this specification, SHIPPING COKTAINEK SPECIFICATIONS. 313 Spec. S7. When oflFered for shipment the package must also be marked "STRIKE ANYWHERE MATCHES" or "STRIKE ON THE BOX MATCHES," as the case may be. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 37. "PEAK TOP" WOODEN BOXES. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Express Regulations. Approved January 1, 1923. TYPE. 1. Containers made under this specification must be closed boxes of the "peak top" type: Provided, That spaces not over 13^ inches wide are permitted at the juncture of the sides and the top: Provided further, That the box may be made vsdth a fiat top if each end projects well above the top in the form of a triangle, battened when necessar}" to avoid splitting, so that it is impossible for the box to stand on its top. WEIGHT. 2. Packages must not weigh more than 400 pounds, including contents, except as provided in paragraph 13. MATERIAL. 3. The material must be good white pine or any wood of equal or superior strength, dry and well seasoned, sound (free from decay or dote), and free from large knot holes, loose knots, and knots which interfere with proper nailing. CONSTRUCTION. 4. Boxes must be provided with at least two cleats, securely fastened across the grain of each end, of size specified herein: Pro- vided, That boxes of not over 50 pounds gross weight, with ends of thickness 50 per cent in excess of that specified for cleated boxes, may be constructed without cleats. 5. On all boxes equipped with cleats, the sides or bottom, when cleats are horizontal, must extend out flush with the end cleats and be firmly nailed both to the cleats and end boards and the nailing must be staggered, at least 40 per cent of the nails being driven into the ends and at least 40 per cent into the cleats. 66620°— 22 21 314 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec 37. 6. All nails, except those through the tops and bottoms into sides, must be at not greater than 23^-inch centers; there must be at least two nails in each end of each board. 7. Nails must be cement coated, except that those nails driven through top into ends may be plain. The size of nails used shall be not less than the following, depending upon the thickness of lumber into which they are to be driven : 3-penny into ^^s-inch lumber. 4-penny into re to J^ inch lumber. 5-penny into A to ^ inch lumber. 6-penny into H to il inch lumber. 7-penny into J^-inch or thicker lumber. For example, nails driven through a % inch side into a ^-inch end must be 6-penny. Screws of equal efficiency may be used in place of nads. HANDLES. 8. In order that the boxes may be more easily handled and kept right side up they must be equipped with handles having a cross sec- tion not less than that required for the cleats, placed at the top of each side or each end of the box and extending out beyond the ends or sides, respectively, not less than 4 inches. MARKING. 9. Each box must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle, as follows: I 00-37 This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- plies with all the requirements of this specification. The letters and figures of these marks must be at least 3^ inch high. 10. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. PACKING. 11. The cushioning material or packing, if used, must not in any case be placed on top of the cells or batteries. The terminal wires, if removable, must be detached during shipment; if not removable each terminal must be securely taped and fastened to the side of the battery nearest to that terminal. I I SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. THICKNESS OF LUMBER. 315 Sp«c. 37. 12. The tliickuess of lumber in the finished box must be not less than the following, except that a variation of -^ inch may be allowed: Material. weight (pounds). Ends (inoh). Sides, top, and bottom (inch). Cleats (inch). 50 A H ■h^yiVz 100 Vi % HbylJi 200 y% H ^bylJi 300 % H Mby3 400 % M KbyS PACKAGES WEIGHING OVER 400 POUNDS. 13. (a) Packages of gross weight, including contents, over 400 pounds are authorized only when on skids. The material used in the sides, tops, and bottoms of such packages must be not less than % inch thick and the packages must be adequately cleated and otherwise reinforced so as to secure sufficient strength and stiffness to protect the contents during transit. (6) Each package must be equipped with not less than three skids 2 inches by 3 inches or greater cross section placed on edge and having the bottom boards of the package securely attached thereto: Pro- vided, That two skids not less than 3 by 3 inches may be used if the distance from center to center of the skids is not more than 9 inches. (c) The two outside skids must be so placed that the distance be- tween their outside surfaces will be equal to the inside width of the package and the side boards of the package must extend well below the bottom boards and along the skids and be firmly nailed thereto. {d) The skids must project at least 3 inches beyond each end of the box and be beveled on the under side of their ends to facihtate the use of rollers. (e) These packages may be constructed without safety strips and are not required to be of the "peak top" type. 816 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 38. STEEL CYLINDEBS. For pro\'i8ion8 and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight and Express Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. The maximum size cylinder must be limited to 5 pounds water capacity, with tolerance of plus 5 per cent, and must comply with the following specifications : Cylinders made in foreign countries must not be used in domestic traffic in the United States until a chemical analysis of material and tests, as specified in paragraphs 2, 6, and 9, have been carried out within the limits of the United States and under the supervision of a competent and disinterested inspector approved by the Bureau of Explosives. 2. (a) Cylinders must be made of open-hearth steel. (&) Chemical analysis: Per cent. Carbon 0. 06 to 0. 20 Phosphorus (not to exceed) 04 Sulphur (not to exceed) 05 The chemical analysis must be verified by check analyses made on samples taken from 1 out of each order or lot of 200 or less plates, shells, or tubes from which the cylinders are to be made: Provided^ That one analysis of any one heat of steel is sufficient. INSPECTION OF MATERIAL. 3. All plates, shells, or tubes from which cyhnders are to be made must be carefully inspected before being made up into cyhnders, and those which show cracks, laminations, or other defects must be re- jected. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. 4. Cylinders must be made of seamless drawn body with head or heads welded in. The manufacture of the cylinders must be completed with the best appliances and according to the best modern methods. All finished cylinders must show reasonably smooth and uniform surface finish, inspection of inside surface to be made before closing; the] threading of the cylinder neck must be even and without checks,] and the cylinders must show no defects of workmanship or material] likely to result in any appreciable weakness of the finished cylinder. A close inspection of each completed cylinder must be made before] acceptance to discover any defects. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 317 Spec. 38. ANNEALING. 5. Each cylinder after finishing must be uniformly and properly annealed. Dirt and scale must be removed before painting. All steel from which cylinders are to be made, must be uniformly and properly annealed after any hot or cold drawing process, or after any welding process, or after any cold rolling process. Cylinders rejected, due to failure in the flattening, physical, or hydrostatic tests, may be reannealed. The cylinders must, subse- quent to this reannealing process, be subjected to and pass all of the requirements of the flattening, physical, and hydrostatic tests in order to be accepted : Provided, That, when crop ends or rings are author- ized for the original flattening tests, the subsequent tests of this character shall be made on one cylinder out of each lot of 200 or less. PHYSICAL TESTS. 6. The material from which the cylinders are made must have an elastic limit of not more than 45,000 pounds per square inch. This must be verified by check tests on specimens cut from one out of each order or lot of 200 or less finished cylinders, after annealing and after having passed the hydrostatic test, to determine the elastic limit, tensile strength, and elongation of the material; the elongation must be not less than 20 per cent on an 8-inch test specimen and the elastic limit must be not more than 45,000 pounds per square inch. If an 8-inch test specimen can not be obtained then an elongation of not less than 40 per cent on a 2-inch specimen will be accepted. OPENINGS FOR CONNECTIONS. 7. The length of thread for connections, such as valves, must be equal to the standard lengths specified for different sizes of pipe thread tappings. Standard taper pipe threads must be employed on all threading for connections to cylinder, and these connections must be tapped to gauge with clean-cut threads, so as to insure tight joints. PROTECTION OF CONNECTIONS. 8. When a cylinder is not to be crated or boxed for shipment, the safety and discharge valves and other connections must be made safe from injury durmg transit either by being set into a recess of the cylinder so that it will be impossible for them to be struck if the cylinder is dropped on a flat surface, or by a cap or collar fastened to the cylinder (not to the valve or connection). 318 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION". Spec. 38. HYDROSTATIC TEST. 9. (a) Each completed cylinder must be subjected to a test pressure of not less than 500 pounds or more than 600 pounds per square inch and must not show any defect under this test. (b) One completed cylinder taken at random out of every lot of 200 or less cylinders must be subjected to a hj^drostatic test in a water jacket, or other apparatus of suitable form to furnish reliable data, to an official test pressure of not less than 750 pounds. The permanent volumetric expansion must not exceed 10 per cent of the total volumetric expansion at the test pressure. No pressure in excess of 600 pounds per square inch shall be applied to the cylinder previously to the official test. In the hydrostatic test the water gauge indicating the expansion must be of such interior diameter that the total expansion will cause the water to rise at least 45 centimeters in the gauge, except when this will make the interior diameter less than 4 millimeters; the pressure must be applied for not less than 30 seconds and as much longer as may be necessary to insure complete expansion of the cylinder. The expansion must be recorded in terms of cubic centimeters. If this cylinder fails to pass this test, two others from the same lot must be taken at random and these two must pass the test in order to have the lot accepted. If the lot of cylinders is rejected under the above test, the manu- facturer may have the privilege of testing each of the remaining cylinders of the lot in the manner indicated above, and those cylinders which pass the test may be accepted. INSPECTION. 10. The purchaser must provide for the inspection of all material and all tests by a competent inspector. The inspector shall stamp his initials or personal sign immediately beneath the serial number on each cylinder he passes as accepted, and shall make a certified report as provided in paragraph 12 of this specification to the maker, to tlic purchaser, and to the chief inspector, Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City, showing the serial numbers of all cylinders that are accepted, together with all data relating to the material and the tests. MARKING. 11. Each cylinder must be plainly and permanently marked by stumping into the metal of the cyhnder on or near the head, the following: (a) The serial number of the cylinder. I i SHIPPESTG CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 319 Spec 38. (&) The marking ICC — 38. (This must be placed immediately above the serial number.) (c) The date of manufacture (month and year) . (d) The name or initials of the owner or o wnin g company. KEPORTS. 12. The report required by paragraph 10 must be submitted in the following form: (Place) (Date) Report of inspection of cylinders. Numbered t© , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Manufactxired by the Company. For Company. These cylinders were manufactured with drawn seamless body and heads welded in. The steel from which these cylinders were manufactured complies with the require- ments of paragraphs 2 and 6 of specification No. 38 as to chemical analysis and physical characteristics as will be observed from the certificate ' of the manufacturer of the steel attached hereto. A sample was taken at random from the steel need in the manufacture of each order or lot of 200 or less of these cylinders and a check chemical analysis was made. A report thereof is attached hereto. Each and every finished cylinder was properly annealed. A sample was taken at random from each order or lot of 200 or less of the finished cylinders and check physical tests were made. A report thereof is attached hereto. The (plates) (tubes) (shells)^ from which these cylinders were manufactured were inspected by and those which were accepted were found free from seams, cracks, laminations, or any defects which might prove injurious to the strength of the cylinder. The walls were measured with a pair of calipers and the minimiun thickness of wall noted was One cylinder out of each lot of 200 or less was taken at random and was subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of 750 pounds per square inch in the presence of the inspector. A rounding-out pressure of pounds per square inch (was) (was not)^ applied. The record of these tests is attached hereto. Each and every cylinder was subjected to a pressure of at least 500 pounds and not over 600 pounds and showed no defects. Each and every cylinder was plainly and permanently marked as follows: ^ On body. On head. 1 This certificate may be in any form but must include a complete definite statement as to the require. mants which the steel complies with. ' Draw a Ime through the words not required. « Insert reproduction of marking. See par. 11. Serial numbers and other data that vary for each cyl- isder may be indicated by words such as "Serial Nos. 100 to 300," etc. 320 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 38. Each and every cylinder was stamped with the personal sign .^.... of the inspector immediately beneath the serial number of the cylinder. 1 hereby certify that all of these cylinders proved satisfactory in every way and comply with the requirements of Interstate Commerce Commission specification No. 38. Inspector. (Place) (Date) Record of chemical analysis of steel for cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. Melt No. Cylinders represented Dy test (serial Nos.). Chemical analysis. Remarks. Test No. C P S (Signed) (Place) (Date) Record of physical tests of material in cylinders. Numbered to , inclusive. Size inches outside diameter by inches long. Made by Company. For Company. Test No. Cylindera represented by test (serial Nos.). Elastic limit (pounds per square inch). Tensile strength (pounds per square inch). Elongation (percent in 8 inches). Reduction of area (per cent). Flattening test. (Signed) (Place) (Date) Record of teste on cylinders. Numbered to Size inches outside diameter by. Made by For . , inclusive, .inches long. . .Company. ..Company. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 321 Spec. 39A. Serial Nos. of cylinders tested. Test pressure (pounds). Total expansion ' (c. c). Permanent expansion ' (c. c). Per cent ratio of permanent expansion to total expansion.' Tare weight • (pounds and ounces). Test date (month and year). * 1 1 i 1 1 i (Signed) 6 If the tests are made by a method tuvolving the measurement of the amount of liquid forced into the cylinder by the test pressure, then the basic data on which the calculations are made, such as the pump factors, temperature of liquid, coefficient of compressibility of Uquid, etc., must also be given. • Including valve but without cap; also in case of acetylene cylinders includes filling material and solvent. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 39A. IRON OR STEEL BARRELS OR DRUMS. Single Trip Container. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Note. — Removable head or removable plate contamers are authorized under this specification. Note. — These containers are not authorized for inflammable liquids. Note.— Containers, made under this specification, which have been used for the shipment of any article must not be refilled and reshipped. Approved January 1, 1923. MATERIAL. 1. The minimuni thickness of material in any part of the completed barrel or drum must not be less than as prescribed herein. 2. In the interpretation of the minimum thickness of metal allowed for any specified gauge, a variation, due to commercial conditions of manufacture, of not more than 23^ per cent below the specified standard will be considered satisfactory, provided the average weight per square foot is not less than the standard weight for the gauge specified. The standard thicknesses and weights prescribed are as follows : Nominal capacity (gallons). Gauge (United States Standard). Standard weight per square foot (pounds). Maximum thickness (2J^ per cent under In heads. In body. standard) (inches). 10 or less 24 22 21 20 19 18 25 24 23 21 20 19 0.875 1.000 1. 125 1.375 1.500 1.750 0.021 11 to 20 .024 21 to 29 .027 30 to 39 .034 40 to 49 .037 50 to 59 . .043 322 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 39A. TESTS. 3. The package must be capable of being filled with fine sand to a weight equal to the contents for which it is designed and successively dropped diagonally on its chime onto solid concrete from heights of 1 foot, 2 feet, 3 feet, and 4 feet, without leakage. CLOSURES. 4. The containers must be tightly sealed, or have a closing device consisting of a cap or cover fitting closely on a seat in the head with a packing, when necessary, of asbestos, rubber, or other suitable material to insure a tight joint, and the cap must be securely held in place by a fastening which may be locked fast so that it can not jar loose during transit. MANUFACTURING METHODS. 5. The method of manufacturing the barrel or drum and the material used must be well adapted to producing a uniform product. Leaks caused by defective manufacture of a barrel or drum must not be stopped by soldering, but must be repaired by the method used in constructing the barrel or drum. 6. It is recommended that, when nature of contents will permit, each such container should be coated on the inside and outside in such manner and with such material as will prevent corrosion. MARKING. 7. Each barrel and drum must be plainly and permanently marked by embossing or stamping (preferably on the removable head or plate) as follows : (a) The marking ICC— 39A. (6) The marking STC to indicate that it is a single-trip container. This must be placed immediately above or below the marking specified in (a). (c) Marking to show the United States Standard gauge of the metal in its thinnest part, the capacity of the container in gallons, and the year of manufacture — these may be abbreviated and then must appear in the order specified (for example, 16-55-20, which will signify that the container is made of 16 gauge steel, is of 55 gallons capacity, and was made in the year 1920). id) The name, initials, or symbol of the manufacturer. (This must be recorded with the chief inspector, Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City.) The marking I.C.C. — 39 A shall be understood to certify that the packago complies with all the requirements of this specification. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 323 ' Spec. 39A- All letters and figures in the above marking must be at least }4, inch high for containers of 29 gallons or less nominal capacity, at least % inch high for containers of nominal capacity 30 to 55 gallons, and at least 1 inch high for containers of nominal capacity over 55 gallons. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. REPORTS OF MANUFACTURE. 8. All manufacturers who make metal barrels or drums to comply with this specification must forward to the chief inspector, Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City, a monthly report of all such barrels or drums shipped. Such report must be submitted in the following form: (Place) (Date) Bureau of Explosives, SO Vesey Street, New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: Report of metal' shipped by us from during month of made under requirements of Interstate Commerce Commission specifications. l.C.C. specifica- tion No. Nominal capacity (gallons). Gauge of material (United States Standard). Date marked on containers. Number of containers. Minimum weight in the black (pounds).' Date of last type tests.' Head. Body. I Insert "barrels" or •'drums." * Excluding rolling hoops. ' Must be made every four months. Each container was tested under an air pressure of pounds as required and showed no leakage. We hereby certify that these containers are properly marked and comply in all respects \vith the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission specifications. (Signed) (Per) 324 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 39B. mON OR STEEL BARRELS OR DRUMS. Single Trip Container. For provisions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Note.— Removable head or removable plate containers are authorized under this specification. Note. — These containers are not authorized for inflammable liquids. Note.— Containers, made under this specification, which have been used for the shipment of any article must not be refilled and reshipped. Approved January 1, 1923. 1. These containers must comply in all respects with the require- ments prescribed by specification No. 39A, except as follows (gauge mentioned in this specification refers to United States Standard) : 2. The thickness of material in the completed container as specified in paragraph 2 may be reduced to 26 gauge for a container not over 20 gallons nominal capacity, 25 gauge for a container of 21 to 39 gallons nominal capacity, and 24 gauge for a container of 40 to 59 gallons nominal capacity. 3. The test as prescribed in paragraph 3 may consist of a single drop from a height of 4 feet. 4. The marking as specified in paragraph 7 (a) must be ICC— 39B. 5. The maximum size of any container made under this specification must not exceed 59 gallons nominal capacity. SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATION NO. 40. WOODEN BOXES. For proAdflions and restrictions governing the use of these containers, see packing requirements in Freight Regulations. Revised January 1, 1923. 1. Containers made under this specification must comply with all requirements as specified herein. MATERIAL. 2. Wood used must be good, sound white pine or any wood of equal or superior strength, dry and well seasoned, and with no loose knots or knots liable to get loose in any part. 3. Corrugated strawboard used for inside containers, partitions, pads and liners must be double-wall corrugated strawboard (double- faced corrugated strawboard and single-faced corrugated strawboard glued together so as to make one piece) with all facings or fiber board or pulp board having proper bending qualities and firmly SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 325 Spec. 40. glued to the corrugated sheets; each facmg must be not less than 0.18 inch m thickness and have a resistance of not less than 85 pounds per square inch, Mullen test; the strength of the combined board must be not less than 275 pounds per square inch, Mullen test; and the outer facings of the board must be water-proofed. 4. Sealing tape used must be cloth, not less than 2 inches wide and with resistance of not less than 85 pounds per square inch, Mullen test. Adhesive on tape must be animal glue. 5. NaUs used must be cement-coated box nails unless otherwise specified. 6. Metal strapping must be unannealed steel straps not less than ^ by 0.020 inch, or wire of equal strength. The method of fastening this strapping must be such as to develop not less than 75 per cent of the tensile strength of the strap. INSIDE CONTAINER AND CUSHIONING. 7. Each article must be inclosed in an individual inside container consisting of a close-fitting single-lined slide box (or double slide box) made of double-wall corrugated strawboard. Each piece of this box must be made of one piece of board, the outer piece having its side seam secured by a cloth sealing strip. 8. Each outside wooden box must be lined with double- wall corru- gated strawboard made from one piece, accurately fitted to the inside of the box with a close-fitting butt-joint near the center of one of the sides of the box. 9. Separating partitions of double-wall corrugated strawboard must be used and they must be properly half-slotted and fitted together and of sufficient size to touch the sides, top, and bottom of the box; they must be so arranged as to separate each two adjoining inside containers in the same layer. 10. Pads of double-wall corrugated strawboard must be used at the top and bottom of the box and between each horizontal layer of inside containers. 11. Complete double-wall corrugated strawboard boxes, with four closing flaps on each end and with each pair of flaps meeting to form a close joint, may be used instead of the lining and top and bottom pads described in paragraphs 8 and 10. WOODEN BOXES. 12. The ends of the box must be not less than f| inch thick with a permissible variation of ^ inch under. 13. Each box must have two vertical and two horizontal cleats on ■each end. The cleats must be not less than xl inch thick with a 326 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Spec. 40. permissible variation of -^ inch under, and not less than 2)4: inches wide. Cleats must be fastened to ends by naUs driven through cleats and ends and clinched on the inside. Common naUs may be used. 14. The sides, top and bottom of the box must be not less than ^ inch thick with a permissible variation of ^ inch under. They must extend out over the cleats and the nailing must be staggered, at least 40 per cent of the nails being driven into the ends and at least 40 per cent into the cleats. 15. Nails driven through sides, tops, and bottoms into ends and cleats must be 8-penny cement-coated box nails driven at not greater than 23>i-inch centers. Nailing through tops and bottoms into sides is not required. Screws of equal efficiency may be used instead of nails. STRAPPING. 16. Each box must be strapped with two metal straps or wires, one being placed not less than 4 inches nor more than 6 inches from each end. MARKING. 17. Each box must be plainly marked with a symbol consisting of a rectangle, as follows: ICC — 40 The letters and figures in this symbol must be at least J^ inch high. This symbol shall be understood to certify that the package com- plies with all the requirements of this specification. 18. When offered for shipment the package must also bear such other description as may be required by these regulations for the particular article contained therein. APPENDIX. ACT OF MARCH 4, 1921. AN ACT To amend an act entitled "An act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States," approved March 4, 1909 (Thirty-fitth Statutes at Large, page 1134). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That sections 232, 233, 234, 235, and 236 of the act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States, approved March 4, 1909, be amended to read, respectively, as follows : "Sec. 232. It shall be unlawful to transport, carry, or convey, within the limits of the jurisdiction of the United States, any high explosive, such as, and including, dynamite, blasting caps, detonat- ing fuzes, black powder, gimpowder, or other like explosive, on any vessel, car, or vehicle of any description operated in the transporta- tion of passengers by a common carrier engaged in interstate or foreign commerce, which vessel, car, or vehicle is carrying passengers for hire: Provided, That it shall be lawful to transport on any such vessel, car, or vehicle smokeless powder, primers, fuses, not including detonating fuzes, fireworks, or other similar explosives, and properly packed and marked samples of explosives for laboratory examina- tion, not exceeding a net weight of one-haK pound each, and not exceeding twenty samples at one time in a single vessel, car, or vehicle, but such explosives shall not be carried in that part of a ves- sel, car, or vehicle which is being used fur the transportation of pas- sengers for hire : Provided further, That it shall be lawful to transport on any such vessel, car, or vehicle small-arms ammunition in any quantity, and such fusees, torpedoes, rockets, or other signal devices as may be essential to promote safety in operation: And provided further. That nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the transportation of mihtary or naval forces with their accompanying munitions of war on passenger-equipment vessels, cars, or vehicles. "The words ' detonating fuzes,' as used in this section shall be inter- preted to mean fuzes used in naval or mihtary service to detonate the high-explosive bursting charges of projectiles, mines, bombs, or tor- pedoes. The word 'fuses' as used herein shall be interpreted to mean devices used in igniting the bursting charges of projectiles. The word 'primers' as used herein shall be interpreted to mean 327 328 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. devices used in igniting the propelling powder charges of ammuni- tion. The word 'fuses' as used herein shall be interpreted to mean the slow-burning fuses used commercially and intended to convey fire to an explosive or combustible mass slowly or without danger to the person hghting. The word ' fusees ' as used herein shall be inter- preted to mean the fusees ordinarily used on steamboats and rail- roads as night signals. "Sec. 233. The Interstate Commerce Commission shall formulate regulations for the safe transportation within the limits of the juris- diction of the United States of explosives and other dangerous ar- ticles, including inflammable liquids, inflammable solids, oxidizing materials, corrosive liquids, compressed gases, and poisonous sub- stances, which shall be binding upon all common carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce which transport explosives or other dangerous articles by land or water, and upon all shippers making shipments of explosives or other dangerous articles via any common carrier engaged in interstate or foreign commerce by land or water. Said commission, of its own motion, or upon application made by any interested party, may make changes or modifications in such regulations, made desirable by new information or altered conditions. Such regulations shall be in accord with the best-known practicable means for securing safety in transit, covering the packing, marking, loading, handling while in transit, and the precautions necessary to determine whether the material when offered is in proper condition to transport. Such regulations, as well as all changes or modifica- tions thereof, shall, unless a shorter time is authorized by the com- mission, take effect ninety days after their formulation and publica- tion by said commission and shall be in effect until reversed, set aside, or modified. In the execution of the provisions of this act the Interstate Commerce Commission may utilize the services of the bureau for the safe transportation of explosives and other dangerous articles, and may avail itself of the advice and assistance of any de- partment, commission, or board of the Government, but no official or employee of the United States shall receive any additional com- pensation for such service except as now permitted by law. "Sec. 234. It shall be unlawful to transport, carry, or convey within the limits of the jurisdiction of the United States, liquid nitroglycerin, fulminate in bulk in dry condition, or other like ex- plosive, on any vessel, car, or vehicle of any description operated in the transportation of passengers or property by land or water by a common carrier engaged in interstate or foreign commerce. "Sec 235. Every package containing explosives or other dan- gerous articles when presented to a common carrier for shipment ohall have plainly marked on the outside thereof the contents thereof; SHIPPING CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS. 329 and it shall be unlawful for any person to deliver, or cause to be de- livered, to any common carrier engaged in interstate or foreign com- merce by land or water, or to carry upon any vessel, car, or vehicle operated by any common carrier engaged in interstate or foreign commerce by land or water any explosive or other dangerous article, as specified in section 233 of this act, under any false or deceptive marking, description, invoice, shippmg order, or other declaration, or without informing the agent of such carrier in writing of the true character thereof, at or before the time such dehvery or carriage is made. Whoever shall knowingly violate, or cause to be violated, any provision of this section, or of the three sections last preceding, or any regulation made by the Interstate Commerce Commission in pur- suance thereof, shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than eighteen months, or both. "Sec. 236. When the death or bodily injury of any person results from the violation of any of the four sections last preceding, or any regulation made by the Interstate Commerce Commission in pur- suance thereof, the person or persons who shall have so knowingly violated, or caused to be violated, such provision or regulation, shall be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both." Approved, March 4, 1921.* 66620°— 22 22 \ INDEX. [Baggage regulations, included in column headed "Express regulations," are indicated by an asterisk (*).] Subject. Freight regulations, Pt. I, p. 1. Express r^ulations, Pt. II.p.99. supping container specifications, Pt.lV, p. 149. Abbeeviation of shipping names forbidden Acceptable articles as baggage Acceptable dangerous articles Acceptable explosives Defined Acceptance or dangerous articles, duty of carrier Local restrictions , Acceptance of explosives Accidents reported , Acetate, amyl (red label). See Amy] acetate. Acetic anhydride (white label), TnaTimnm quantity one package. Packing Paragraph. 800 300 102-116 8(a) 8 8(a) 11 Acetone (red label), acetylene cylinders contain . Exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing 663 308 (a), (c) Acetyl chloride (white label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing 308,309,405- 408,430,431 308 (m) Acid, carboys of, except glacial acetic, not loaded in refrigera- tor cars. Carboys of, handled carefully and blocked and braced Carboys of, L. C. L., loaded near car doors Carboys of nitric, not over two tiers high in box cars Empty carboys of, forbidden for transportation, when... Glass, earthenware, lead, india-rubber, or ceresine con- tainers for. Leaking in transit; application of water Packages of, damaged in wreck, care of Acidulated fish scrap not forbidden, when Acid, acetic (white label), maximum quantity Packing 308,309,521- 5^3, 531 1018 (0) 1018 (a) 1018 (6) 1018 (0) 1054 1071 301 (I) &.CID, FORMIC (WHITE LABEL), maximum quantity. Packing Acid, glaclal acetic, in refrigerator cars Acid, hydeiodic (white label), exemption . Maximum quantity one package Packing 1018 (a) 308 (m) 308,309,521- 523,540 * Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141. Paragraph. Specification No. *8 20 23 24-30 198 76 76,80,81,126, 127 149 76 76,81,83(8), 90 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10, 11, 19, 23,24,29,34 76 76,80,81,126, 127, 129 1,2,5A,9,11, 19,28 22 (Jf) 127 76 6,80,81, 126, 127 76 6,80,81, 126, 127 76 76,80,81, 126, 127 1,2,5A,9, 11, 19,28 331 332 INDEX. I Subject. Freight regulations , Pt.I,p. 1. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. ■ Shipping container specifications, Pt.IV,p. 149. Acid, hydrobeomic (white label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Paragraph. 308 (m) Packing. Acid, htdeochloric (muriatic) (white label), a corrosive liquid, when. Exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing 308,309,521- 523,540 305 308 (m) Acid, hydrocyanic (prussic) (poison gas label), class A poison, defined. Forbidden for transportation No exemption Packing , 308, 309, 521- 523,532 307 (a) Precautions in shipping Test of filled cylinders for leakage of, maximum pres- sure; gaskets for caps. Acid, hydrofluoric (white label), exemption Maximum quantity one package Not over 30 per cent, packing Pacification or neutralization process for drums for Packing 309 309,591,592, 594 592,594 592, 594 308 (m) Sixty per cent and over, packing Acid, hydrofluosilicic (white label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing 529 527 308,309,521, 522,526,527, 529 527 308 (m) "Acid'' indorsement on car ticket, card waybill, ru nnin g slip and envelope for dangerous articles— Size of letters. On waybill for dangerous articles— Size of letters "Acid" label notation and indorsement for astray ship- ment—Label. Acid, mixed nitric and sulphuric, percentage of mixtures. . . Acid, nitrating (mixed) (white label), maximum quan- tity one package. No exemption Packing 308,309,521, 522,528,529 804(a) 803 1005 (6) 537 Acid, nitric (white label), a corrosive Liquid, when Loaded with other acids, separated by plank, and Incom- bustible material. Maximum quantity one package No exemption Not packed with other articles Packing 308 (m), 309 309,537 305 1018 (c) "Acid ' ' placard described , position of Not necessary if inQammable placard is required. 309 521,533 309,521-523, 533-536 912,913,914 914 Paragraph. Specification No. 76,80,81, 126, 127 73 1, 2, 5A, 9,11, 19,28 76 76,80,81, 126, 131 22 a) 76 76,80,81, 126, 132 76 76,80,81, 126, 127, 133 76, 134 (c) 76,80,81, 126. 134 73 76, 134 (c) 80, 134 (a) 76, 80, 81, 126, 134 1,2,11 33 1,5A,2,9,11, 28 5A 2,9,11 5A 2,6A 1.2,11 INDEX. 333 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipj)ing container specifications. Ft. IV, p. 149. Acid, sulphukic (oil of vitriol), (white label), a corrosive liquid, when. Exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing Paragraph. 305 308 (TO) 308,309,521- 523,530 ACID> SULPHUBIC, m FIRE EXTINGUISHER CHARGES, packing.. Packing— Outage With bicarbonate of soda, when Acids, mineral. See Corrosive liquids. Act, description and marking of packages required by Violations of Additional articles, regulations for Address, name of article and label or notation on package near together. Of consignee on L. C. L. shipments Of consignee on part of package with label Advance notice of explosives shipments Advertising matter on labels forbidden With motion-picture film shipments Aeroplane bombs, defined Aeroplane flares, common fireworks Examples of common and special fireworks Agent, forwarding, of foreign shipments, shipping order filed by. Agent of carrier informed o f contents of packages Alcohol (red label) exemption In crate marked " This side up '' In inside metal cans in wooden boxes In metal cans in boxes and crates, marking Maximum quantity one package Packing 530 521 7 7 17 703 703 700(a) 28 109 (c) 115 115,116 16 308 (a), (c) 409 409 409 308,309,405- 409,430,431 Ten-gallon drums Two 5-galloncansof, boxed, in wooden crate Two 5-gaIlon cans of, in outside box Wantage for, as required by internal revenue regulations. . Alcohol, denatured (red label), exemption Maximum quantity one package ; Packing 405 308 (o), (c) Alcohol, wood (red label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing 308,309,405- 409,430,431 308 (o), (c) Alfalfa feed, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars Alkaline solutions, corrosive, for storage batteries, packing Amendments formulated giving weight to eip«rt opinions of Bureau of Explosives. AMMONLiTE tankage, ROUGH, defined, forbidden, when 308,309,405- 409,430,431 1020 (o) 530 5 301 U) Paragraph, 73 Specification No. 76 76,80,81, 126, 135 126 135 1,2,5A, 11,31 *2,7 *2,7 181 (c) 102 (/) *2,7 76 76,81,83(6), 84 84 83(6) 76 76, 81, 83 (6) 81 76 76,81,83(6), 81 '5,5 1,2,5,11,19, 23,24,29,34 5 2 2 1,2,5,11,19, 23,24,29,34 1,2,5,11,19, 23,24,29,34 ♦Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p 141. 334 INDEX. Subject. Freight reeulations, Ft. I.p.l. AMMONnjM NITRATE (YELLOW LABEL), exempt from label, certificate and packing requirements, when. Maximum quantity one package Packing Ammontum nttkate POWDERS classed as high explosive. Forbidden for transportation Ammonium perchlorate (yellow label) exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing Paragraph. 308 (Jk), 309 308,309,501, 503 103 Ammonium picrate, wet with water, marking Packing weight Aluminum sulphate, flreprooflng by, for cushioning for nitric acid, prohibited. Ammunition, chemical warfare, defined Ammunition for cannon, chemical warfare Defined Forbidden fM- transportation Marking Material related to, marking restrictions only for Packing Ammunition for cannon with empty projectilb3 in cars in good condition placarded "Inflammable." "Inflammable" placard on closed cars of. Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope and car ticket for, show notation "In- flammable." Ammunition for cannon with explosive projectiles in certified and placarded closed cars. Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope and car ticket for, show notation "Ex- plasives." Ammunition for cannon with gas projectiles in certified and placarded closed cars. Named on shipping order, how , "Poison ga.s," placard for Waybill, envelope and car ticket for, show notation "Ex- plosives." Ammunition for cannon with incendiary PROjECTaE.s in certified and placarded closed cars. Named on shipping order, how Waybill, enveloi)e and car ticket for, show notation "Ex- plosives." Ammunition for cannon without projectiles, "In- flammable" placard on closed cars of. In cars in good condition placarded "Inflammable" Marking Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "In- flammable." 308 (?) 308,309,501, 510 215 214 (ft) 536(6) 108 108(f) 107 228 229 227,229 902(0) 911 704(0) 801(6) 900 704(0) 801 (o) 900 704(0) 910 801(0) 900 704(0) 801 (o) 911 902(0) 228 704(0) 801(6) E.xpress regulations, Pt. II,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Paragraph. 76 76,80,81,115, 120 21(6) 76 76,80,81,115, 120 21(c) SpecificatioQ No. 2,9,10,11,17, 18,19,20,20A, 208,21,22,30, 39A,39B 10 INDEX. 335 Subject. Frei^t r^nlatioas, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulations, Pt.n,p.99. Shipping container spedflcatioBs, Pt.rV,p.l49. Ammunttion foe cannon with sand-loaded projectiles in cars in good condition placarded "Inflammable." "Inflammable" placard enclosed cars of Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope and car ticket for, show notation "In- flammable." Ammunition foe cannon with smoke peojectiles in certified and placarded closed cars. Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope and car ticket for, show notation "Ex- plosives." Ammunition foe cannon with soud pbojectiles in cars in good condition placarded "Inflammable." "Inflammable" placard enclosed cars of Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope and car ticket for, show notation "In- flammable." Ammunition, papee-caf, packed with other articles, when — Marking. Ammunition pellets, special fireworks Ammitnition, sm all-aems, acceptable Defined Amyl acetate (red label), exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing Paragraph. 902(a) 911 704(0) 801(6) 900 704(0) 801(0) 902(a) 911 704(0) 801 (6) 247 116 106 308 (6), (c) 308,309,405- 408,430,431 Anaune oil (POISON LABEL), maximum quantity one package. Packing Anhydeous uquid chlorides. See Chlorides. Antacid in nitroglycerin explosives, amount Antimony, black, in toy toepedoes, forbidden, when Packing Antimony in fteewoeks, forbidden for transportation, when. , Antimony pentachloeide (white label), exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing 208 101 (0 247 a) 308 (TO) 308, 522 Appaeatus containing compressed gas exempt from regula- tions, when. Appeoval by bureau of explosives, cloth and paper bags for high explosives. Commission's, of specifications Arsenate of lead (no label), in containers preventing sifting. Arsenate of lead (poison label), maximum quantity one package. Packing 309,521, ,523,531 306 211 (0) 19(c) 631 Arsenic (no label), in containers preventing sifting Aesenic teichloeide (poison label), maximum quantity one package. Packing * Baggage regulations, Pt- III, p. 141 Paragraph. SpecifleatioB No. 11,12 30 23(») 25 76 76,81,83(0), 90 76 76,81,175 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9, 10, 11, 19, 23, 24, 29, 34 2,5,53,9,19 56 21(A) 76 76,80,81, 126, 129 1.2,5A,11 81 (c) 76,81,175 76,81,175 2, 11. 19,20, 20A,20B 2,5,58,9,19 336 INDEX. Subject. ARSENIC, WHTTE (POISON LABEL), TTiaiinniTn quantity one package. Packing • AESENious ACii) (POISON LABEL), maximum quantity one package. Packing AETiCLE, NAME OP, shown on carrier's receipt for package Articles not dangerous, defined Articles not detailed securely packed Articles not named in list, shipment of, maximum quan- tity. Artillery shells as chemical warfare ammunition , Asbestos cushioning for nitric acid Ashes, cushioning for bromine Cushioning for nitric acid In drain around nitric acid carboys. In mixed acid ship- ment. Must be cooled before loading AsHPAN OP engine and all open lights or fires sources of danger in wreck of oil car. "Astray bill" for dangerous articles; label Astray packages in transit, disposition of Astray shipments, as baggage, disposition of Forwarded, when Of explosives, disposition of— Label; billing Authority op inspectoe to repack condemned or leaking dynamite. Automobiles exempt from labels, certificates and placards, when. A VLATiON BOMBS as chemical warfare ammunition Aviation drop bombs, defined Baggage cars, placarded, when Baggage regulations Bags for coconut charcoal , High explosives, when , Lump charcoal Nitrates of sodium or ammonia , Bags, burlap, wet, forbidden for transportation , Bags, cloth and paper, for high explosives in kegs Bags, cotton, inside containers for fulminates , Bags, cotton duck, inside containers for 25 poimds or less, low explosives and black powder, when. Inside containers, 25 pounds or less, smokeless powder for small arms. Bags, cotton or ji;te, for charcoal screenings; airing Bags, empty cartridge, with black powder-Igniters, mark- ing. Bags, empty, nitrate of sodixim (yellow label), no ex- emption. Maximum quantity one package Packing Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Paragraph. 309 (d) 20 309(6) 108 535 524 535 1018 (c) 1020 (6) 1046 1005(6) 1003 Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shippiog container specifications, Pt. rv,p.l4fli. 1005 (a) 23 308 («) 108 108 (2) 466 209 (a), (6) 458 503 211 (a), 213 222 204(a) 219 459 228 309 309,451,490 Paragraph. 76 76,81,175 76 76,81,175 188(6) 134 (6) 128 134 (6) *18 196 192 *1-*19 22 U) Specification No. 2, 11, 19, 20, 20 A, 20B 2,5,53,9,19 76 76,80,81,94, 111 * Baggage regulations, Ft. Ill, p. 141. INDEX. 337 Snbject. Freight regulations, Pt.I.p.l. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Ft. IV, p. 149. Bags, grain, inside containers for fulminates Bags, paper, inside containers for pyroxylin plastic scrap Inside containers for 25 pounds or less, low explosives, when. Bags, jute, for lining containers for fulminates Barium chlorate (yellow label), exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing Paragraph. 222 476 (a) 204(6) 222 308 (J) Barium nitrate (yellow label), exempt from label, certi- ficate and packing requirements, when. Maximum quantity onepaclcage Packing, 308,309,501 308 (fc) Barium peroxide (binoude; dioxide) (yellow label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package , Packing 308,309,501 308 (g) Barrels for coconut charcoal Celluloid scrap Dangerous articles, marking Fiberloid scrap Fulminates HydrofluosUicic acid Lump charcoal Moving-picture film scrap, when Pyralin scrap Pyroxylin scrap , VIscoloid scrap , Zylonite scrap , Barrels, empty, used for dangerous articles, loading Barrels, hardwood, for hydrofluoric acid , HydrofluosUicic acid , Barrels, large, of explosives loaded on sides or ends , Barrels, metal, made previous to Mar. 31, 1912, testing, marking. Of inflammable liquids loaded in steel gondola, in flat or stock cars; not in hopper-bottom cars. One fi^lling only, inflammable solids Barrels, metal, for anhydrous liquid chlorides Barium peroxide Calcium phosphide Carbon bisulphide Casinghead gasoline Casinghead gasoline and gasoline In, red and white cau- tion labels for. Corrosive liquids Ethyl chloride, when Hydrofluoric acid 60 per cent and over, when Inflammable liquids Paragraph. Specification No. 76 76, 80, 81, 115, 120 308,309,501, 504 466 476 (o) 400(0) 476 (a) 222 528 458 476 (o) 476 (a) 476 (a) 476 (o) 476 (a) 1021 (a) 529 529 1009 400 1016 490 531 504 468 410 412 (a) 413 540 411 527 430 76 76,80,81, 115,120 76 76,80,81, 115, 116 81 (a) 2,9.10, 11, 17 18,19,20,20.\, 20B, 21, 22.30, 39A,39B 18,20A 11 10 9,11 11 U 11 11 11 11 39.\,39B 5A 20A 20B 5 5, 5 A 5A 5A 5A 5,5A,.SB,20, 20A 338 INDEX. Subject. Inflammable solids Mixed nitric and sulphuric acid, percentage of mixtures. Oxidizing materials Baeeels, METAL, FOR paint, maximum quantity. Smokeless powder lor cannon in water Smokeless powder for cannon Smokeless powder for small arms in water. Sulphuric acid Varnish, maximum quantity Wet nitrocellulose Wet nitrostarch Barrels, wooden, for anhydrous liquid chlorides Charcoal screenings Common fireworks Cordeau detonant, marking Corrosive liquids Fuse igniters, marking Fuse lighters, marking Hydrochloric (muriatic) acid Hydrofluoric acid Inflammable liquids Inflammable solids Instantaneous fuse, marking Kits and pails of inflammable liquids Low explosive and black powder (over 12J pounds) Nitric acid Oxidising materials Poisonous liquids and solids Safety fuse, marking— loading Safety squibs, marking Smokeless powder for cannon Smokeless powder for small arms in water Smokeless powder for small arms (over 12J pounds) Sodium peroxide Special fireworks Sulphuric acid Wet nitrocellulose Wet nitrostarch Batterie.s, electric storage (white label), held for del v- ery 7 days. Insulated and not loaded or stored with explosives Maximum quantity Packing Battery fluid (white label), maximum quantity one package. Packing , Bknzxne. Su Benzol. Freight regulations, Pt.l,p.l. Paragraph. 490 537 510 216 216 219 530 415, 467 467 531 461 244 250 540 250 250 532 526 430 490 250 408 203 535 510 251 250 216 219 219 502 247 530 415,467 467 1013, 1020 (c) 530 Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Paragraph. 90 (6), (0 111 48 120(a) 175 48 52 76 76,80,81,126, 130 (o), (6) 76 76,80,81,126, 130(a) Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 20,20A,20B 5A 20,20A,20B 39A,39B 5 5,5A,5B,20, 20A,20B 13 5,5A,5B,20, 20A,20B 6A 5 20A,20B 20B 11 INDEX. 339 Subject. Freight regulations, Ptl.p.l. Benzine (bed label), exemption Maximum quantity one package. Packing Benzol (benzene) (rediabel), exemption. Maximum quantity, one package , Packing BENZOTI, peroxide, 'WET WTTH WATER (YELLOW LABEL), no exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing Bicarbon.vte of sodium for fire-extinguisher charges, packing. In fire-extinguisher charges, packing Billing burnt cotton Explosives, permitted by delivery at proper time For car must show dome placards have been attached For dangerous articles delivered to connecting carrier For explosives stamped or written across face "Explo- sives"; size of letters. For explosives stamped or written across face "Inflam- mable"; size of letters. Indorsed when shipper's certificate for dangerous articles received. Name of article and color of label on Bills of lading, description of articles on For foreign shipments of explosives "To order notify" — Black antimont in fireworks, forbidden for transportation, when. In toy torpedoes, packing Black powder certified and placarded closed cars for Classed with low explosives Cotton duck bags, 25 pounds or less, when Forbidden for transportation In safety squibs Inside containers for Marking Metal kegs (stovepipe type) for Named on shipping order, how Over 12i poimds in metal keg Over 12J pounds in wooden barrels or kegs Packing Waybill, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "Ex- plosives. Weight Wooden boxes for, marking Black powder igniters, shipped with smokeless powder. . . Black powder kegs, used without interior package, con- demned, when. Paragraph. 308 (&) 308,309,405- 408, 430, 431 308(6) 308,309,40^ 408,430,431 309 309,451,480 530 475 (6) 28 414 802 801(a) 801(6) 802 702 701 (a) 247 (/) 900 102 204(a) 113 (c) 204 (a) 204 (c), 206 203 704(a) 203 203 203,204 801(0) 205 204(0) 107 24 Express regulations, Pt. II,p.99. Paragraph. 76 76,81,83(0), 90 76 76,81,83(0), 90 76,95 76,80,81,94, 95 135 126 21(A) 56 21 (J^) 27(g) Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 1,2,5,5A,9, 11,19,23,24,29 1,2,5,5A,9, 11,19,23,24,29 13 13 10 10,13,14,16 14,16 340 INDEX. Subject. Blasting caps, any quantity, not shipped "To order notify," except to foreign country. Defined Forbidden for transportation In motor cars, limit 5,000 caps Maximum 100 for laboratory examination Named on shipping order, how Not classed as fulminates Not packed with Cordeau detonant Not with explosives in motor car Over 1,000 in certified and placarded box cars Over 1,000, waybill, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "Explosives." Over 5,000 packing Over 20,000 prohibited, when Packed with safety fuse Special packing necessary for Stayed in car by loader 1,000 or less in cars in good condition without certificate or placard. 1,000 or less, no waybill indorsement for 5,000 or less, packing With safety fuse in cars in good condition without certifi- cate or placard. With safety fuse (number of caps shown), marking With safety fuse named on shipping order, how With safety fuse, no waybill indorsement for Blasting caps and electric blasting caps (nxtmbek of CAPS SHOWN), marking. Weight Blasting caps, electric, defined Packing Blasting explosives, low, marking Blasting powder classed as low explosive Blasting powder, black, marking Blends of condensates. See Casinghead gasoline, Liquefied petroleum gas, and gasoline. Block matches, packing Blocking expix)sives in car Bombs, special fireworks Weight limit for boxes , Without boxing (exceeding 90 pounds) Bombs, aeroplane, defined Bombs, chemical, defined Bomb.s, chemical warfaue ammunition, defined Bombs, depth, defined Bombs, drop, defined Bombs, empty, marking (no other restrictions) Bombs, explosive, defined Forbidden Marking Packing In wooden or metal boxes, marking Freight regulations, Pt. I,p. 1. Paragraph. 701 (a) 110 1062 40(c) 704 (o) 105 250 1062 900 801(a) 234 (d) 234(e) 234 (j) 234(a) 1010 903 801(C) 234(c) 903 236 (note 3) 704(a) 801 (c) 236 (note 3) 235 110 234 ((7) 206 102 206 472 1010 116 231 230(a) 109(c) 108 (2) 108 109(c) 108 (2) 232,233 109(c) 232 230 (a), 232 Express regulations, Pt. II,p.99. Paragraph. 21(/) 21(c) Shipping container specificationg, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 15 15 6,36 INDEX. 341 Subject. Frei^t r^ulations, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipping container specificatioDS, Ft. IV, p. 149. Bombs, gas filled, "Poison gas' 'placard for Marking Packing in wooden boxes Bombs, incendiary, marking ' Packing in wooden boxes Bombs, sand-loaded, marking (no other restrictions) Bombs, smoke, marking Packing in wooden boxes Book matches Included in strike on box type In leather or metal covers, acceptable Boosters classed with detonating fuzes, when, packing Marking Weight Bottles for corrosive liquids, with inflammable solids, when For corrosive hquids with oxidizing materials For dimethyl sulphate For hydrofluosUicic acid For metallic sodium or potassium For spirits of nitroglycerin For spirits of nitroglycerin, maximum quantity Of corrosive Uquids, with other articles, when Of nitric acid in separate compartments in packages Stoppering of, for nitric acid Bottles, boxed, for inflammable liquids Bottles, empty, for nitric acid or nitric acid mixtures- Stoppering. Bottles, glass, inside containebs, poe bromine Chlorpicrin and other class A poisons Chromic acid Corrosive liquids MetaUic sodium or potassium in neutral oil Nitric acid Potassium sulphide, fused and ground Potassium sulphide, fused but not ground Samples of explosives, weight Sodium picramate Sodium picramate, wet with water, quantity Sodium sulphide, fused and ground Sodium sulphide, fused but not ground Sodium sulphide or potassium sulphide (fused or con- centrated and ground), when. Sodium sulphide or potassium sulphide (not ground), out- side boxes. Bottles, glass oe eaethenware, for poisonous Uquids Bottles, indl4.-eubbee, ceeesine, oe lead, for hydro- fluoric acid. Box toe gum (eed label), exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing Paragraph. 910 232 230(c), 232 232 230(c), 232 232,233 232 230 (e), 232 470 237 239 238 451 501 538 528 453 416 535 535 430 1021 (c) 524 591 505 521 534 469 (6) 469 (o) 481 469 (6) 469 (a) 308 (6), (C) 308,309,405- 408,430 Paragraph. Speciflcati(Hi No. 101 (o) 101 (a) 126 134 (6) 117 125(0) 98 134 (6) 109 (6) 109 (o) 40(a) % 96 109 (ft) 109 (o) 109(6) 109(0) 175 132 76 76,81,83(0), 90 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19,23, 24,29,34 342 INDEX. Subject. Boxes for acids or corrosive liquids, maximum quantity one package. Carboys of corrosive liquids Celluloid scrap Coconut charcoal Common fireworks Cylinders or cans containing samples of yellow or white phosphorus. Damaged packages in transit Dangerous articles— Marking Dimethyl sulphate Fiberloid scrap Glass or earthenware vessels for corrosive liquids Half-pint containers ethyl chloride High-explosives in bulk High explosives, lining of Hydrofluosilicic acid Inside containers of matches Lead carboys for hydrofluoric acid Lump charcoal Matches Metallic sodium or potassium , Motion-picture film scrap, when Motion-picture films (unexposed), when, length of film, gross weight. Paint, maximum quantity one package Percussion caps, 500 or less Pyralin scrap Pyroxylin plastic scrap, when Small-arms ammunition Special fireworks Spirits of nitroglycerin Spirits of nitroglycerin, maximum quantity one package. Storage batteries Tin containers inclosing bottles of metallic sodium or potassium. Varnish, maximum quantity one package Viscoloid scrap Zylonite scrap Boxes not required for cylinders, when Of explosives loaded on bottoms and lengthwise of car to withstand greatest stresses, when. Of matches in layers to produce locking in car Of matches loaded strongest dimension lengthwise of car.. With containers of bromine, marking With gas projectiles, marking With two .'>-gallon cans of alcohol in crate Boxes, empty, u.sed for explosives, marks removed from Boxes, fiberboard or .strawboabd for packing inflammable liquids, when — .Maximum quantity. Boxes, FIBER, or metal, inside coktainers for IJ pounds or less, low explosive and black powder, when. For 1 pound or less, smokeless powder for small arms Boxes, hano-up type, for matches Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Paragraph . 540 476 (0) 466 244 1003,1004 400(0) 538 476 (o) 540 211 (a), 213 210 (a) 528 472 526 458 453 476 (0) 240 (c) 476 (a) 476 (a) 224 247 416 476 (0) 476 (a) 559 (6) 1008 (a) 1017 (6) 1017 (a) 525 228 24 204(a) 219 472 Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Paragraph. 127 81(a) 87 133 101 (C) 102 (c) 130 (6) 128 84 Id 90(d) Shippiog container specifications, Ft. IV, p. 149. Specification No. INDEX. 343 Subject. Paragraph. 234(d) 480 490 415 224 591 409 455 531 504 480 468 Boxes, metal. See aUo Containers. For motion-picture films as baggage For motion-picture films, when, length of film Inside, for blasting caps Boxes, metal-uned, for benzoyl peroxide, wet with water}. . . For inflammable solids For oxidizing materials For wet nitrocellulose (alcohol or solvent) Boxes, metal or other, for percussion caps, Tn ^Tim iiTn number. Boxes, pasteboard and other, inside for small-arms am- munition. Boxes previously used for high explosives, forbidden for transportation. Boxes used for high explosives with uQmD ingredient, condemned. Boxes, strawboard (inside;, for chlorpicrin and other class A poisons. Boxes, wooden, for alcohol Amorphorus (red) phosphorus Anhydrous liquid chlorides Barium peroxide Benzoyl peroxide, wet with water Bromine Calcium phosphide Cans and bottles sodium sulphide or potassium sulphide, when. Celluloid plastics in sheets, rolls, or tubes, weight Charcoal screenings, airing Charged storage batteries Chlorpicrin and other class A poisons Chromic acid Common fireworks Containers fire-extinguisher charges Cordeau detonant, marking = Electric blasting caps Electrolyte Fibers or fabrics containing animal or vegetable oils Fiberloid plastics in sheets, roUs, or tubes, weight. Fuse igniters, marking 250 Fuse lighters, marking 250 Hydrochloric (muriatic) acid 532 Hydrofluoric acid 526 Inflammable liquids 430 Inflammable solids 490 Inflammable solids, in bulk or inside containers— mixed 490 shipments. Inside containers of bromine 524 Instantaneous fuse, marking 250 Kits and paUs of inflammable liquids 408 Low explosives and black powder, marking 204 (o) 1 regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. 591 505 530 250 234 (J?) 452 Express" regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Paragraph. *9(a) 102(a) 120(a) 46,47 43 21(?) 16 100 129 116 95 128 97 109 103 130 (6) 117 51 135 48 130 (a) 103 48 48 131 132 90 (6), (c) 111 128 48 Shipping container specifications. Ft. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 344 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p. 1. Express regulations, Ft. U, p. 99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. 535 510 502 595 479 240 (o), 243 230 (c), 232 478 477 251 250 Paragraph Boxes, wooden, foe mixed shipments, oxidizing materials 510 with inflammable liquids or acids. Motion-picture films, when, weight Moving-picture films, as baggage, weight Nitric acid Nitrocellulose, nitroguanidine or nitrostarch, wet with water, quantity. Oxidizing materials Peroxide of sodium Poisonous liquids Police gas grenades, weight Precipitated cobalt resinate Primers, percussion caps, and time fuzes ProjectUes, bombs, and grenades Pyralin plastics in sheets, rolls, or tubes, weight Pyroxylin plastics in sheets, rolls, or tubes, weight Reclaimed rubber Regenerated rubber Rubber scrap (ground, powdered, or granulated) Rubber scrap or rubber buflSngs Rubber shoddy, regenerated or reclaimed rubber Safety fuse, marking, loading Safety squibs, marking Samples of explosives, weight Smokeless powder for cannon Smokeless powder for small arms, marking Sodium peroxide Sodium picramate Sodium picramate, wet with water, weight Special fireworks Sulphuric acid V'lscoloid plastics in sheets, rolls, or tubes, weight Wet nitroscllulose Wet nitrostarch White or yellow phosphorus in water Zylonite plastics in sheets, rolls, or tubes, weight Boxes, wooden, inside, for blasting caps BoxE.s, wooden, zinc lined, for oxidizing materials For inflammable solids Bracing, explosives in car Other freight to prevent damage to packages of explosives. Brakes, air and hand, examination of, by carrier For cars more dangerous explosives Brakes or placarded cars in order, precautions at ladder track, incline or hump Brakes set on tank car unloaded on grade, also wheels blocked Bran, peanut, forbidden, when Brass plate for markings on cylinders Breaking op packages prevented Bridges, car of explosives not placed under 1032 Broken packages in transit, disposition of 1003 Reported 11,12,19 (6) ' Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141. 216 219 502 481 530 467 467 454 234 (d) 510 490 1010 lOlti 402 901(6) 1039 1050 (p) 301 (ft) 556 Paragraph. Speciflcation No. 19 102 (6) *9(o) lOS 120 (o) 118 175 107 103 103 104 104 105 104 48 48 40(6) 96 96 52 135 103 103 142 190 81 (6), 198 INDEX. 345 Subject . Bkomacetone (poison gas label) class A poison, defined (by freight only). Forbidden for transportation No exemption Packing Beombenzylcyanide (poison gas label), class A poison, defined (by freight only). Forbidden for transportation , No exemption Pacting Bromate of potassium. See Potassium bromate. Bkomine (white label), in glass bottles Marking boxes of Maximum quantity one package No exemption Packing Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Paragraph. 307 (o) 309 309,591 307 (o) Bronzing liquid (red label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing Burnt cotton (yellow label) defined, airing, marking No exemption Packing Bulk smPMENTS high explosives in boxes or kegs Lvimp charcoal Bureau foe safe transportation of explosives, services of, utiUzed by Commission. Ad interim, specification of Approval of cloth and paper bags for high explosives Inspection of manufacture, packing, and storage Record of broken and leaking packages by , . Report to, of local restrictions Report to, of violation of regulations Business, dangerous articles essential to Calcium arsenate (no label), in containers preventing sifting. Calcium arsenate (poison label), maximum quantity one package. Packing 309 309, 591 524 525 309 309,521,522, 524,525 308 (6) (c) CALauM CHLORIDE, fireprooflng by, for cushioning for nitric acid, prohibited. Calcium phosphide (yellow label), no exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing Camphor, crude, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars Canadian Regulations 308,309,405- 408, 430 475 (a) 309 309,451,452, 475 211 (a), 213 458 5 19(c) 211 (a) 21 19(6) 8(6) 11,12 8(a) 631 536 (6) 309 309,451,468 1020 15 * Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p 141. Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Paragraph. 22(f) Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 22(f) 128 128 76 76,80,81, 126, 128 76 76,81,83 (a), 90 5,*5 81(e) 33,40 33,40 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19,23, 24,34 10,14 10 81(6) 76,81,175 2,11,19,20, 20A,20B 76 76,81,94,97 18,20B 66620°— 22- -23 346 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt. I,p. 1. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.09. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Cannon, ammunition for, forbidden for transportation Cannon powder classed as low explosive Cannon primers, acceptable In cars in good condition without certificate or placard Marking Named on shipping order, how , No waybill indorsement for Cans for alcohol in boxes and crates, marking Dangerous articles, marking Cans ruptured in transit, disposition of Iron or steel jacketed, for inflammable liquids , Metal, for benzoyl peroxide Carbon bisulphide , Chlorpicrin and other class A poisons , Dimethyl sulphate Inflammable liquids Metallic sodium or potassium Moving-picture films, as baggage Poisonous liquids Potassium sulphide (fused, concentrated, chipped or broken). Samples of yellow or white phosphorus, maximum weight. Sodium sulphide (fused, concentrated, chipped or broken). Spirits of nitroglycerin Metal, inside containers for benzoyl peroxide, wet with water. Calcium phosphide Inflammable liquids Inflammable solids Motion-picture films (unexposed), when, length of fihn. Oxidizing materials, weight Potassium sulphide, fused and ground Potassium sulphide, fused but not groimd Samples of explosives, weight Sodium sulphide, fused and ground Sodium sulphide, fused but not ground Sodium sulphide (fu.sed or concentrated and ground). Metal-jacketed, for inflammable liquids Wood-jacketed, inside containers for inflammable liquids. CAPAaTY or CARS 60,000, if available, for more dangerous explosives. Caps, blasting, deflned Special packing necessary for , Caps, electric blasting, defined Cap.s, metal, for valve protectors in cylinders for compressed gases, when. Cap.s, paper, with other articles, maximum number, marking With toy pistols, marking, labeling With toy pistoLs, when, marking ♦ Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill Paragraph. 102 90.3 242,243 704(6) 801 (c) 409 400(a) 1003 430 480 410 591. 538 430 453 468 490 510 469(6) 469(a) 469 (6) 409(a) 408 901 (a) 110 234(a) 110 559(a) 247 (d) p. 141. Paragraph. 21(c) Specification No. 23(d) 81 (a) *9(o) 175 109 (0) 109 (a) 95 97 90(6) 102 (c) 109 (6) 109(0) 40(0) 109(6) 109 (o) 109 (6) 90(«) 145 (a) INDEX. 347 Subject. Freight resjulations, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Caps, percussion, defined , 600 or less, packing Marking Weight , With other articles With small-arms ammunition, marking Caps, toy, special fireworks Forbidden, when Cap torpedoes, packing Car certificate In triplicate, use of, size Must be used Cab doors, loading explosives opposite, when Car doorways boarded for matches Gar lining as high as explosives lading Car unings for matches, supplementing strips Car ticket for dangerous articles indorsed "Inflammable" or "Acid," size of letters. Explosives stamped or written across face "Explosives," size of letters. Explosives stamped or written across face "Inflamma- ble," size of letters. Carbon bisulphide (red label) forbidden for transportation. Half-gallon containers and less No exemption Not exempt from labels Packing Paragraph. 112 240(c) 242 241 240 (d) 224 116 101 (fc) 247 (e) 908(6) 908 (a) 905 1009 1017 (o) 1008 (6) 1017 (a) 804 (a) 801 (o) 801 (6) Carbon remover, uquid (bed label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing 410 309 308 (a) 309, 406-407, 410,430,431 308 (6) (c) Cabbonyl chloride. See Phosgene. Carboys for anhydrous liquid chlorides Dangerous articles, marking Hydrochloric (muriatic) acid Sulphuric acid Carboys, glass or earthenware stoppers for, contain- ing nitric acid, clips and gaskets. Carboys, acid, except glacial acetic, not loaded in refrigera- tor cars. Handled carefully and blocked and braced L. C. L., loaded near doors of cars Carboys, acid, empty, forbidden, when Carboys, balloon, not used for dangerous acids Carboys, boxed, for corrosive liquids For inflammable liquids Carboys, empty, for corrosive liquids, loading Forbidden, when Carboys, glass, boxed and closed Straight-sided, for nitric or mixed acids Carboys, glass, eabthenwabe, or clay, fornltric acid 308,309,405- 408,430,431 531 400(a) 532 530 536(0) 1018 (0) 1018 (a) 1018 (6) 523 540 430 1021 (6) 301 (!) 523 523 534 Paragraph. 26 Specification No. 30 21 (ft) 11,12 22(0) 76 76,81,83(0), 90 81(0) 22 (fc) 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19,23, 24,29,34 348 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Carboys, lead, for hydrofluoric acid, test Carboys, metai^jacketed, lor hydrofluoric acid Carboys, metal-jacketed lead, for phosphorus trichloride and phosphorus oxychloride. Carboys of nitric acid, not over two tiers high in box cars. Carboys, straight-sided, for nitric acid and nitric acid mix- tures. Card matches, packing Cardboard inside containers for matches Cardboard packages, inside containers for samples of ex- plosives, weight. Care in handling dangeroas articles Carload lots of articles ignitable by sparks, loaded in tight Carload shipments of dangerous articles, shipping orders show kind of placard or no placard notation for. Of dangerous articles, waybills show kind of placard or no placard notation for. Carloads inflammable liquids, leaking, not offered in inter- change, when. More dangerous explosives certified and placarded Carrier, duty of, not to move car not properly placarded, placard replaced if lost in transit. Duty of. to certify to condition of cars for i>:ore dangerous explosives. Failure of, to perform duties cause of fires or explosions . . . Local restrictions of Must examine tank car for defects Must report violations of regulations, accidents, fires, or explosions. Precautions in handling by Supplies shipper with placards To instruct employees To make regulations effective To notify train crew of location of cars of explosives To properly waybill explosives To record placarded cars and place in trains To replace lost labels , To report violations of regulations To see that packages are marked, labeled and certified To transport dangerous articles under regulations To verify attachment of placard Twenty-four hours' notice to, for cars for explosives Violations of act by, penalties Carriers refuse dangerous articles not properly prepared Shipments forwarded by , in 48 hours , Carrier's ceetificate of finished load of dangerous explo- sives. On switching line ticket by authority of shipper Carrier's, connecttno, shipments must meet regulations. . Transfor sheet or interchange record, name of article and color of label oo. ♦ Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141. Paragraph. 526 526 531 1818 (a) 523 472 472 1020 (o) 1007 (note 9) 900 1038 901 (!) 6 8(b) 402 11 1 916 1 1 1027 800 1025(6) 8(a) 1036 (o) 28 7 13 30(a) 907 (o) 805 Express regulations, Pt.U,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Paragraph. 40(a) 190 Specification No. 1 28 28 1 *3,6 1,*1 1,*6 1,*6 185 193, 194 ■►2,7 195 189 INDEX. 349 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Ft. IV, p. 149. Carrier's name and form nitmber or shipper's name and address on labels, when. Carriers' peopeety, violations, accidents, fires, or explo- sions on. Cars, brakes of, in condition for more dangerous explosives.. Certificate for, more dangerous explosives signed in tripli- cate by carrier's representative. Condition of, must meet requirements before being cer- tified. Conditioned before loac&ag more dangerous explosives — Draft bolts and kingbolts covered, roof repaired. Construction and repair, explosives in Doors of, tight for more dangerous explosives— Stripping. . For dangeerous explosives inspected by shipper before loading and certified after loading. For less dangerous explosives placarded "Inflammable". For matches tight and not over 48,000 pounds gross weight. For nitrates of sodium or ammonia, lining, placard For special steel cylinders for chlorine, sulphur dioxide, and methyl chloride. Hasp fastenings for, more dangerous explosives Hot boxes in, for more dangerous explosives, avoided Inspection of, inside and out for more dangerous explosives. Movement of, expedited, in case of fire or accident Of acid leaking in transit — Application of water Of noninflammable compressed gases does not require placards. Removal of loose dangerous articles from, by consignee. . . Selection and preparation of 60,000 pounds capacity, or largest available, for more dan. gerous explosives. Steel underframe and friction draft gear, for more danger- ous explosives. Swept before loading more dangerous explosives Tight for more dangerous explosives Cars, Baggage, placarded, when Closed, certified and placarded for more dangerous ex- sives. Defective, must not be furnished or used for more dan- gerous explosives. Explosives, certified and placarded before movement — Engines must not stand near Further loaded and reconsigned, record of In mixed trains, if no regular freight ser\'ice Inspection of, correction of defects, loose explosives swept up. In transit examined for defects; notice if set out short of destination. Not cut off while in motion; position in yards or on sidings. Not placed next carloads of pipe, lumber, poles, iron, steel, etc., hable to break through. Paragraph. 700C/)(note). 11,12 901(6) 901 («) 907(6) 901(/),(?),(ft) 904 901 (d) 906 902(a) 1017 (6) 503 583 901 (d) 901 (d) 901 1026 1054 911 (note). 12 900-916 901 (o) 901 (a) 901 (/) 901(c) 900 901 (j) 1025 (a) 1032 908 (6) 1029 .1035 1034 1032 1030 id) Paragraph. lS6(a)(note). Specification No. 350 INDEX. Subject. Caes, Explostives, not placed next tank car, flat or gondola cars, etc., or cars of readily ignitable materials. Not placed under bridges or near passenger station or opposite or near engines. Notice to train crew of location of Placement of, in train; in local train Protected in coupling by other car Removal of, in case of fire Switched with doors close 24 hours' notice for With floor wet with nitroglycerin, removal of explo- sive or car. Explosives or inflammables, held over 12 hours, placed for prompt removal in case of fire or accident. In yards on separate tracks, coupled, and location known to carrier's representative. Express, placarded, when Gondola, covered, for sintered or arsenical flue dust — Placarded, daily record of Sealed, for poisons, when Loaded to permit removal of dangerous articles in case of fire, wreck, or unloading. Tank, for sulphuric acid Tank, safety valves of, not tested in transit, defect cards attached. Wooden tank, for hydrofluoric acid For hydrofluosilicic acid Cartons for mside containers cap torpedoes, size Cartridge cases with ammunition for cannon, marking Cartridges, high explosives, horizontal in boxes, when Cases, metal, for motion-picture films, when; length of film Casinghead gasoline (red label), defined; packing , Doors of, tight for more dangerous explosives— Stripping In barrels or drums, red and white caution labels for. In steel cylinders, when Maximum quantity one package No exemption Not exempt from labels Packing Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Paragraph. 1030 (d) 1032 1027 1030,(a),(6), (c) 1031 (o) 1032 1031 (6) 28 1035 1033 1033 192 631 1036 (6) 530 402 529 529 247(e) 229 210 (c) Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Casinghead oas op oil wells. See Casinghead GasoUne, Li- quefied petroleum gas, and Gasoline. Casks for fulminates Casks, large, of explosives loaded on sides or ends Celluloid. See Pyroxylm plastics or pyroxylin scrap. Cement, leather (red label), exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing 412 (a) 309 308 (a) 309, 405-408, 412, 413, 414 222 1009 308 (6) 308, 309, 405- 408, 430, 431 Paragraph. 191,201 201 102 (a) Specification No. 1 32 1,2,3,3A,5, 5A,9, 11, 19, 23, 24, 26 76, 81, 83 (o), 85,90 3,3A,26 1,2,3,3A,6, 5A.9,11, 19, 23, 24, 26 I 76 76, 81, 83 (a), 86,90 1,2,5, 5A,9, 11.19.23, 24 29 IIsTDEX. 351 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulations, Pi II, p. 99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Cement, liquid, n. o. s. (hed label), exemption. Maximum quantity one paclrage Pacldng Paragraph. 308 (6), (c) Cement, roofing (liquid) (red label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Paddng 308, 309, 40.^ 408, 430, 431 308 (6), (c) Cement, rubber (red label), exemption. Maximum quantity one pacliage Packing 308,309,405- 408, 430, 431 308 (6), (c) Ceeesine containers for hydroflouric acid For hydrofluosiUcic acid Certificate, duty of carrier to reqmre For "No label required " articles Of explosives must be proper Of tests of tank cars; details On shipping order On shipping order for dangerous articles not required, canceled. Certificate, cab For explosives before movement In triplicate, use of, size Lost in transit, replaced by carrier Not required for less dangerous explosives Provided before loading Removal of, by carrier or consignee Carrier's, for cars for more dangerous explosives Of finished load of dangerous explosives On switching line ticket by shipper's authority, Certificate, improper, cause for rejection of article Certificate, shipper's, for car of dangerous explosives after loading. On labels On shipping order for dangerous articles; signature On shipping order for explosives; signature O n switchin g line ticket With initial carrier when waybill is indorsed for label or placard. Certified and placarded cars for more dangerous explo- sives. Certified cars Inspected inside and out for more dangerous explosives. . Must meet requirements Placarded for more dangerous explosives Certified label for fireworks Chain slings produce dangerous sparks in handling wreck of tank car. 308, 309, 405- 408, 430, 431 526 528 309 (o), (6) 101 (?) 403 309 (- tOS,430,431 Express regulations, Pt. II,p.99. Paragraph. 21 (e) Shipping container specifications, Ft. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 7t),80,M,120, 127 76 76,81,83(0), 90 83(6) K3(a) 2,5,5A l,2,5,5A.ol3, 9,10,11,19, 23,24,29.34 199 76 76,81,83(0), 90 1,2,5.5.\.5B, 9,10.11,19, 23.21,29.34 76,81,83(0), 90 1,2,5,5A.5B. 9,10.11,19, 23,24,29,34 366 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Drox, cartridges with ammunition for cannon, marking — Dropping of packages forbidden Drugs, corrosive liquids (white label), maximum quan- tity one package. Packing Paragraph. ' Paragraph. 220 ' Specification No. Drugs, n. o. $., inflammable j.iqltds (red label), maxi- mum quantity one package. Packing Drugs, n. o. s. (yellow label), inflammable solids, TTiHTimiiTn quantity one package. Packing Drugs (yellow label), oxidizing materlals, maximum quantity one package. Packing Drlti.s for dangerous articles; marlcing For dimethyl sulphate For 60 per cent hydrofluoric acid not washed with water. Pacification or neutralization process for. to contain hydrofluoric acid. Drums, empty, used for dangerous articles; loading Drums, fiber, for inflammable solids For oxidizmg materials Drxtus, iron, for metallic sodium or potassium Drums, large, ofexplosivesloaded on sides or ends Drums, metal, foe anhydrous liquid chlorides Barium pero.xide Casingheaii gasoline , Casinghead gasoline and gasoline, red and white caution labels for. Corrosive liquids f'th yl chloride, when Hydrolluoric acid, 60 per cent and over, when Inflammable liquids Inflammable liquids; maximum quantity Inflammable solids Mixed nitric and sulphuric acid; percentage of mixtures... Oxidizing materials Packing carbon hLsnlphide Paint; maximum quantity Phosf (horns, white or yellow, in water. Poisonous liquids Poisonous solids Potassium sulphide, fused and ground Potassium sulphide, fused but not ground. Sodium sulphide, fused and ground Sodium sulphide, fused but not ground Sulphuric add 400(a) 538 527 527 1021 (a) 490 510 453 1009 531 504 412(0) 413 540 411 527 430 490 537 510 410 469(6) 469(0) 469(6) 469(0) 530 190 76 76, 80, SI, 126, 127 76 76,81,83(0), 90 76 76,80,81,94,, 111 76 76,80,81,115, 120 81 (a) 2,5,11,19,23, 24 90(/) 2,11,17 5, 5 A 21 21 20B 5A 20A 5,5A 175 175 109 (6) 109 (o) 109(6) 109(0) 5A 6A 5A 5,5A,5B,20, 20A 5 20,20A,20B 5A 20,20A,20B, 39A,39B 5 3 20 6,5B 20,20A,20B 20B 20B,39A,39B 20B 20B,39A,39B SA INDEX. 367 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I.p. 1. Paragraph. Drums, metal, for varnish; maximum quantity Drums, metal, made previous to Mar. 31, 1912; testing; marking. Of inflammable liquids loaded in steel gondola, in flat or stock cars; not in hopper-bottom cars. One filling only; inflanunable solids 10 gallons for alcohol Drums, turned wooden, for inflammableliquids Drums, wooden veneer, for inflammable solids For oxidizing materials Dummy cartridges with ammunition for cannon; marking. . Duty, failure of shipper or carrier to perform, cause of fires or explosions. Duty of carreer not to raove car not properly placarded; placard replaced if lost in transit. To certify to condition of cars for more dangerous explo- sives. To examine tank car for defects To make regulations effective To notify train crew of location of cars of explosives To properly waybill explosives To record placarded cars and place in trains To report violation of regulations, accidents, fires, or explosions. Toreport violations of regulations To see that packages are marked, labeled, and certified To supply shippers with placards To transport dangerous articles under regulations To verify attachment of placard Duty of receiving line to inspect cars; repairs; dectric lights used. Duty of shipper to apply label before obtaining receipt for package. To attach dome placards To examine tank cars for defects To explain stains on packages of explosives; rejection To furnish and attach labels To make regulations effective Tosecurely pack dangerous articles not named Dynamite classed as high explosive Forbidden for transportation Dynamite Boxes, condemned for further use Dynamite, condemned or leaking, repacked „. Dynamite en unsatisfactory condition, forbidden Dynamite, over 60 per cent, forbidden Earth in drain around carboy package, L. C. L. shipment — Spread over oil leaking from car Earthenware, inside containers for inflammable liquids, when. Vessels for inflammable hquids Effective dates of ordees prescribing specifications. • Baggage regulations, Pt. HI, p. 141. 490 430 490 510 229 901 (J) 402 1 1027 800 1025 (6) 11 916 8(0) 1036 (a) 1055(0) 414 401(6) 201 700(e) 1 20 103 24 23 101 (c) 101 (6) 1018 (6) 1047 308 (6) 430 18 Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Paragraph. *3,6 1,*6 198 193, 194 188(a) 1,*6 13 Specification No. 39A,39B 5 34 22 22 21(6) 16 2,11,19,24 1,2,11,19,24 368 INDEX. Subject. Electric blasting caps in motor cars; limit 5,000 caps Named on shipy ing order, how Packing Stayed in car by loader 1,000 or less in cars in good condition witliout certificate or placard. 1,000 or less, no waybill indorsement for Over 1,000, in certified and placarded closed cars Over 1,000, waybill, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "Explosives." Electric igniters, delay, acceptable Defined In cars in pood condition without certificate or placard . . . Indorsement on billing Name on shipping order Packing Electric lights, for wrecking out ;j is , Electric railway service Electric squibs, acceptable Defined In cars in good condition without certificate or placard . . . Indorsement on billinj; Name on shipping order Packing Electrolyte or battery fluid (white label), maximum quantity one package. Defined Packing Freight regulations, Pt. l,p.l. Paragraph. 1062 704(0) 234(oaded with packages on bottoms and lengthwise of car to withstand greatest stress, when. Local restrictions for; report Movement of, essential to business No access to, by unauthorized persons Not packed with other articles except as authorized Not shipped in cars with unguarded heaters Packages specially protected from shock Packages stayed in car by loader Prohibited from passenger trains not offered Protected by staying other freight Record of cars of, further loaded and reconsigned Regular days for L. C. L. shipmehts of Regulations for handling Removal of, from cars in case of fire, when Repackingdamaged shipments of, in transit; storage Return of, to shipper after 48 hours' notice of arrival Saleof, after 48 hours' notice of arrival Separately packed, when Shipments for connect ing lines Shipments separately stayed to prevent delays to local freight trains. Shipper'scertiftcate on shipi)ing order for; signature Storage of, after 4S hours' notice of arrival, at expense of owner. To nonagency stations; delivery at nearest agency station.. Transported through populated districts; precaut ions Violations of regulations for, corrected before forwarding. . . Wrecked car of; fire prevention most important Wrecked car of; water makes safe, except dynamite "KxPLOsivES," as usedinsubsequentparagraphs, defined Indorsement on waybill for explosives I'lacard on cars more dangerous explosives I'lacard described ; position of ExPLo.siVEs, A.sTRAV. SHIPMENTS OF, disposition of ;label:bniing Certified and placarded before movement Held over 12 hours; placed for prompt removal in case of fire or accident. In mixed trains, if no regular freight service Inspection of;correction of defects:looseexplosivesswept up. Explosives car, in transit, examined for defects; notice if set out short of destination . In yards on separate tracks, coupled, and location known to carriers' reprcscntaiive. Not cut off while in motion; position in yards or on sidings. Not placed nextcarloads of pipe, lumber, poles, iron, steel, etc., liable to lireak through. Not placed ne.xt tank car, flat or gondola cars, etc., or cars of readily igniiable materials. I . Specification Paragraph. Paragraph. ! No. 1013 1008 (o) 8(0) 1002 1010 1010 1014 908 (6) 27 1000-1074 1003,1004 200 29 1011 704 (a) 1") 20!) 10 190 to 201 191 197 197 .. . . l'.)7 ' 1015 6 11 , 1070 (a) 1070 (o) 1024 801 (a) 900,901 909 1 1005 (a) 1 1025 (a) 1033 1029 1035 1034 1033 1032 1030(d) 1030 (d) 1 1 INDEX, 373 Subject. Freight j Kxpress regulations, regulations, Pt. l,p. 1. I Pt. Il,p.99. Explosives, car, placement of, In train: in local train. Protected in coupling by other car Switched with doors closed With floor wet with nitroglycerin; removal of explosive or car. Explosives, condemned (except samples) forbidden Explosives containing ammonixim salt and chlorate, forbidden. ExPLOsnEs, dangerous, not shipped "To order notify," except to foreign coimtry. Not transported or stored with other dangerous articles, including storage batteries. Explosive groxjps defined Explosives, high, containers for Defined ExPLO.srvEs lading equally distributed in cars Explosives, loose, removal by consignee Explosives, low, defined Inside containers for over U pounds Packing Explosives, more dangerous, certified and placarded cars for. Explosives, nt;w, defined Explosives, new (except samples) forbidden, when Explosives, nitroglycerin, forbidden for transportation Explosives, samples of, acceptable For laboratory examination For laboratory, packing For laboratory only, acceptable In same package, when Labeling Marking Name for most dangerous on package of Explosives, Samples of new, for examination Weight Express cars, placarded, when Extinguishers, rre, containingsulphuricacid, exempt from regulations, when. Exempt from regulations, when Extracts, flavoring, liquid (red label), exempt frcm labels, certificates, and packing requirements, when. Maximum quantity one package Packing Fabrics containing animal or vegetable oil, packing.. Falung of packages to be prevented | Felt waste ammoniates, tankage from, forbidden, v.'hen. Felt waste, tankage from, forbidden for transportation. [ when. Fertilizers, tankage, forbidden for transportation, when-.J Paragraph. 1030 (a), (6), (c). 1031 (a) 1031 (ft) 1035 101 (p) 101 (n) "01 (a) 1013 100 213 103 1008 (c) 12 102 204(e) 203, 204 900 10 101 (0) 202 10 306 308(0 3i'-,3n9,4n5- :i"l IJ) I. Paragraph. Shipping container specifications, Pt. lV,p. 149. Specification No. 21(0) 21 (fc) 21(6) 23(0) 180 40(0) 24 40 40 (a), 41 192 76 76, 81, 83, 90 10,14 10, 13, 14, 10 1,2, 5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19,23, 24, 29, 34 19.' 301 {,ky 22 (n) 22(0) 374 INDEX. Su)3je«t. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Ft. IV, p. 149. Paragraph. 1020 (a) 301 (e) Fiber, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars , Forbidden, when Fiber, burnt or damp, forbidden for transportation Fiber cylinders for pyroxylin plastics in sheets, rolled Fiber drxjjis for oxidizing materials Fiber board containers for safety fuse For packing inflammable liquids, when; maximum quantity. Fiberloid plastics in sheets, rolls, or tubes, packing; weight FiBERLOiD SCRAP forbidden for transportation , In barrels or kegs; gross weight In wooden boxes Fibers contaimng animal or vegetable oil, packing Fillers of acetylene cylinders must have complete infor- mation, consent of owner. Films. See Motion- picture films. Fire, in case of, removal of car of explosives In charcoal in transit ; airing wet charcoal In cotton before sliipment; airing; marking , In cotton in transit; storage, airing; marking , Precautions taken against, in handling explosives Firebox of engine and all open lights or fires sources of danger in wreck of oil car. Firecrackers forbidden for transportation, when Firecrackers, Chinese, common fireworks Firecrackers, slant, special fireworks Fire-damaged cylinders heat treated and retested Fire-extinguisuer charges, packing Smokeless powder for expelling Sulphuric acid and bicarbonate of .sodium, packing Fire extinguishers coniaining sulphuric acid exempt from regulations, when. Exempt from regulations, when Fireproofed cushioning for nitric acid, prohibited Fires caused by shipper's or carrier's error Report of. Report of, by carrier Fireworks classed as high explosives, when Defined; general Forbidden for transportation, when High explosives, when In cars in good condition placarded "Inflammable" "Inflammable" placard on closed cars of Labels for FiKEWORKS and TORPEDOES Dot packed together Fireworks, common, accept aV)le, when Described Described; packing Labels for Marking Weight; set pieces ♦ Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141 476 (a) 476 (o) 452 567 1032 1053 475 (o) 475 (b) 1001 1046 101 (A) 115 116 560 104 (note 2) 530 305 306 536(6) 6 11 103 114 101 (/•)-(«) 100 (0 902(0) 911 247 (g) Paragraph. Specification No. 22 (j) 103 90(d) 103 22(6) 153 21 (I) 29 30 146 126 180 57 23 (fc) 29 51 60 59 58 135 19 74 *3,6 198 1 28 21(b),21(ft)-(n) 1 1 11,12A INDEX. 375 Subject. Freigiht regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipping container specifications. Ft. IV, p. 149. FlKEWOEKS CONTAINING AMMONIUM SALT AND CHLOEATE, forbidden. FmEWORKs EXPLODING EN MASSE, forbidden FiEE WORKS, SPECIAL, acceptable, when Defined Described; packing FlREWORE^S, SPECIAL (INCLUDING MIXTURE WITH COMMON FiREWOKKs), marking. Fireworks, speclal, labels for Marking; size of letters Weight Fish scrap forbidden for transportation Forbidden, when Fish scrap, acidulated, not forbidden, when Fish scrap, actdulated, wet, not forbidden for transporta- tion, when. Fixed ammunition, chemical warfare, acceptable Fixed AMMUNITION for cannon, defined; caliber Flame projectop.s, chemical warfare, acceptable Flares, aeroplane, common fireworks Examples of common and special fireworks Flash powders, common fireworks Flash powder, photographic, packed with other articles, when. Flash sheets, common fireworks Flash test for inflammable liquids Flat cars for metal barrels and drums of inflammable liquids. Flavoring extracts, liquid. See Extracts. Flue dust, arsenical, shipped between plants in covered gondola cars. Flue dust, sintered, shipped between plants in covered gondola cars. Forbidden articles defined Forwarding agent must file shipping order with carrier Forwarding stations provide materials for staying Foreign made cylinders, test, report Use of Foreign shipments Fowling pieces, use of small-arms ammunition, in Friction matches. See Matches. Friction test for inflammable sohds Fuel oil. See Oil, n. o. s Fulminate in special fireworks Fulminate, wrecked car containing, care of FuLMDSfATE OF MERCURY, forbidden, when In blasting caps Fulminate of mercury, wet, in certified and placarded closed cars. Named on shipping order, how Waybill envelope and car ticket for, show notation " Ex- plosives." Paragraph. 101 (n) 100(0 116 247 249 248 301 (0 301 (0 108(1) 107 108 115 115,116 115 244 115 302 1016 631 100,101,301 16 1012 (a) 551 400 (o) 16 106 303 116 1070 (o) 101 (e) 110 900 704 (a) 801(a) Paragraph. 21 (fc) Specification No. 23 (fc) 30 52 59 60 59 58 22 (m) 22 (m) 20,21,22 138 81(a) 14 25 71 76 (list; note 1) 30 21 (i) 11,12 376 INDEX. Subject. Fulminates defined Marking 25 per cent water, packing Fumes, poisonous, and inflammable vapors in tank cars; open-flame lights dangerous. Fuse igniters, acceptable Defined In boxes or barrels; markiiig In cars in goo 1 condition without certificate or placard. . . Named o;i shijiping order, how No waybill indorsement for Packing Fuse, instantaneous, defined In boxes or barrels; marking Loaded with other freight Fuse lighters, acceptable Defined In bo.xes or barrels, marking In cars in good condition without certificate or placard. . . Loaded with other freight Named on shipping order, how No waybill indorsement for Packing Fuse, safety, defined Described; description and marking only required Loading Packed with blasting caps Fusees, fireworks, forbidden for transportation , when Forbidden, when Fusees, railway, common fireworks Fuzes, combination, aceental le Marking Packing Fuzes, detonating, defined Forbidden for transportation .Marking Packing Weight With explosive mines, packing With projectiles or bombs, packing Fuzes, percussion, acceptable Defined Marking Packing Fuzes, time, acceptable Defined .Marking Packing Weight Fuzes, tracer, acceptable Defined Marking Packing With projectiles or bombs, packing Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Paragraph. 105 223 222 1051 113 (?) 250 9o:j 704(b) 801 (c) 113 (/) 2o0 250 113 (?) 250 903 250 704(6) 801 (c) 113(b) 251 251 234 (/) 101 (to) 115 242 111 239 237 238 230 (b) 2.30 (a) 112 242, 243 240 (a), 243 112 240(0), 243 241 112 242,243 240 fa). 213 230 (0) Express regulation-s, Pt. II,p.99. Paragraph. Shipping container specifications. Pt. IV, p. 149. i-pedflcation No. 23(«) 27(?) 48 27(e) 23 (TO) 27 (g) 48 21 (.) 21 (i) 29 23(/) 50 44 21(e) 23(f) 26 50 44 23(/) 28 50 44 23(!7) 20 50 44 INDEX. 377 Subject. Garbage tankage forbidden for transportation, when Forbidden, when Gas bombs in certified and placarded closed cars Named on shipping order, how , Waybill, envelope and car ticket for, show notation "Ex- plosives." Gas drips, hydrocarbon (red label), exemption Maximum quantity one packaije Packing Gas grenades, defined In certified and placarded closed cars Named on shipping order, how WaybUl, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "Ex- plosives." Gas projectiles, defined In certified and placarded closed cars Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation " Explosives. " Gas projectiles for cannon, marking Gas rockets, defined Gases, acetylene (red gas label), cylinders for, con- tents of. Cylinders for, fillers of, must have complete informa- tion, consent of owner. Cylinders for, not heat treated, when Cylinders for, tare weight on; report Maximum quantity one package .Metal cylinders for No exemption Packing Freight regulations, Pt. I,p. 1. Paragraph. 301 (k) 900 704 (a) 801 (o) 308 (6), (c) Pressure in cylinders; marked pressure governs Air, compressed (green gas label), maximum quan- tity one package. No exemption Packing 581(5) 309 309,551-584 566 Ammonia, anhydrous (green gas label), amount of for each pound water capacity of cylinders. Cylinders not equipped with safety device Metal cylinders for Maximum quantitj' one package No exemption Packing 309 309, 551-584 562(c) 558 581 (3) 309 309,551-584 Express Shipping regulations, ™ntainer Pf IT n QQ I specifications, ft. 11, p. 99. j^tivpi^g- Paragraph. 22 (')) Specification No. 308,309,40.>- 408.4.30.431 108(3)109(6) 900 704(a) 801 (a) 108(1) 900 704 (a) 801 (o) 228 108(3) 563 560 563 76 76, SI,. S3 (a), 90 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,41,19,23, 24,29,34 149 153 146 149 76 165 (5) 76,80,81,136- 156,161,165(5) 152 76 76,80,81,136- 148, 154-158, 160, 165 (2) 148 (c) 76,80,81,136- 14,S, 154-156, 159,165 (3) 3,3A 144 165(3) I 3, 3 A, 4 76 I 3.3A,4 66620°— 22- 378 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulatioas, Pt.ll,p.99. Shipping container specificatioDS, Ft IV, p. 149. G ASES— Conti nued . Argon, (green gas label), metal cylinders for, when. . . Maximum quantity one package No exemption Packing Paragraph. 5S1 (2), (4) Paragraph. 165 (2), (4) 76 Specification No. 3, 3 A, 7 Blaugas (red gas label), in cylinders with protected valves, when. Maximum quantity one package Metal cylinders for 309 309, 551-584 559 (o) No exemption. Packing Blaugas (red gas label), liquefied, amount of, for each pound water capacity of cylinders. Carbonic aqd (green gas label), maximum quantity one package. Metal cylinders for No exemption Packing Carbonic acid (green gas label), uquefied, amount of, for each pound water capacity in cylinders; Govern- ment shipments. Chiorine (green gas label), in cylinders with pro- tected valves, when. In special tank cars; outage Special steel cylinders for Maximum quantity one package Metal cylinders for No exemption Packing 581 (1) (note 5) 309 309.551-584 562(c) 76, 80, 81, 136- 148, 154-158, 160, 165(2)(4) 145 (a) 76 166 (1) (note 5) 3,3A,7 581 (1) 309 309, 551-584 562(c) 76,80,81,136- 148, 154-158, 165 (1) 148 (c) 76 165 (1) 559 (a) 551, 582 583 Chlorine, uquefied (green gas label), amount of, for each pound water capacity of cylinders. Coal gas (red gas label), in cylinders with protected valves, when. Maximum quantity one package Metal cylinders for, when No exemption Packing 581 (6) 309 309,551-584 562(c) 559 (a) 581 (4) 309 309, 551-584 Compressed (bed or green gas label), as baggage. . . Authorized cylinders, only, for Cylinders of, charged by owner or with his consent. Cylinders of, not packed with other articles * Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141, 76,80,81,1.36- 148,154-158, 165 (1) 148 (c) 145 (a) 3,3A,7 3,3A 3,3A ^ 76 165 (6) 76, 80, 81, 136- 148, 154-158, 162, 165 (6) 148 (c) 145 (a) 76 165 (4) 3,3A,25,27 3,3A,25,27 76,80,81,136- 148,154-1.56, 160,165 (4) *10 160 139 80 rNDEX. 379 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Gases — Continued . Compressed, cylinders of, forbidden, when Cylinders of (except boxed or crated), loaded on sides, in racks or braced in car. Cylinders or tubes of, exempt from regulations, when. Defined Metal cylinders for Metal cylinders only for Shipped only under instructions Compressed iktlammable, label for Compressed inflammable, corrosive or noxious, in cylinders with protected valves, when. Compressed liquefied, amount of, for each pound water capacity of cylinder. Weight of, in cylinders measured by scales Compressed noninflammable, label for Compressed, n. o. s. (red or green gas label), maxi- mum quantity one package. No exemption Packing Paragraph. 301 (6) 1019 306 306 581 551 700(e) 559(0) 562 (c) 562 (6) 700(e) 309 309, 551-584 Ethylene (red gas label), maximum quantity one package. No exemption Packing 309 309,551-584 Helium (red gas label) maximum quantity one package , Metal cylinders for, when No exemption Packing 581(2) 309 309,551-584 Hydrocarbon gas (red gas label), maximum quantity one package. Metal cylinders for, when No exemption 581 (2), (4) 309 Packing 309, 551-584 Hydrocyanic acid. (Sec acid). Hydrogen (red gas label), cyUnders of, as baggage. In cylinders with protected valves, when Maximum quantity one package Metal cylinders for, when No exemption Packing 559(0) 581 (2), (4) 309 309,551-584 Paragraph. Specification No. 74 74 165 137 166 186 (o) 145 (o) 148 (c) 148 (6) 186 (a) 76 76,80,81,136- 148, 154-160, 162-166 76 6,80,81,136- 148, 154-158, 165(2) 76 165(2) 76,80,81,136- 148, 154-158, 165(2) 76 165 (2), (4) 76,80,81,136- 148, 154-158, 165 (2), (4) *8,*10 145 (o) 76 165 (2), (4) 76,80,81,136- 148, 154-158, 165 (2), (4) * Baggage regulatious, Pt. Ill, p. 141. 380 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. GASE5 — Continued. Liquefied petroleum gas (red gas label), amount of, for each pound water capacity of cyUnders. In steel cylinders, when Maximum quantity one package Metal cylinders for No exemption Not transferred by vacuum pump Packing Paragraph. 562 (c) Methyl chloride (red gas label), maximum quantity one package. Metal cylinders for , No exemption Packing , 581(9) 309 1049 (6) 309, 412, 551- 5S4 Special steel cylinders for , M ETHYL CUORIDE, LIQUEFIED (RED GAS LABEL), amOUnt Of, for each pound water capacity of cylinders. Nitrogen (green gas label), maximum quantity one package. Metal cylinders for, when No exemption Packing Nitrous oxide (green gas label), maximum quan- tity one package. Metal cylinders for No exemption Packing 581 (8) 309 309,5ol-5S4 583 562(e) 581 (2), (4) 309 309,.').')l-584 Nitrous oxide, liquefied, amount of, for each pound water capacity of cylinders. Oxygen (green gas label) cylinders of as baggage Maximum quantity one package , Metal cylinders for, when No exemption Packing PiNTSCH (red gas label), in cylinders with protected valves, when. Maximum quantity one package Metal cylinders for, when No exemption Packing '. .Wl (1) 309 309, 551-584 .562 (c) 581 (2), (4) 309 309,551-584 5.59 (a) 581 (2), (4) 309 309, 551-584 Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Paragraph. 148 (c) 165(9) Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specifioation No. (•6,80,81,136- 148, 154-158, 163', 165 (9) 76 165(8) 76,80,81,136- 148, 154-159, 162, 165 (8) 148 (c) 166 (2), (4) 76,80,81,136- 148, 1,54-158, 165 (2), (4) 76 165(1) 76,80,81,136- 148, 154- 158, 165 (1) 148 (c) *8, *10 76 165 (2), (4) 76,80,81,136- 148, 154-158, 160, 165(2) (4) 145(a) 76 165 (2), (4) • Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141. •0,80,81,136- 148, 154-158, 160, 165 (2), (4) 3,3.V,4,25 3, 3 A, 7 3.3A,7 3,3A 3,3A 3A,3,7 3,3A,7 3A,3,7 3,3A,7 INDEX. 881 Subject. Gases — Continued. Sulphur dioxide (green gas label), cylinders of, with protected valves, when. Maximum quantity one package Metal cylinders for No exemption Packing Freight regulations, Pt.I,p. 1. Paragraph. 559 (a) 581 (7) .•^09 309, 551-584 Special steel cylinders for Special tank cars for, outage Sulphur dioxide, liquefied, amount of, for each pound water capacity of cylinders. Gases which combine chemically, forbidden for trans- portation. Not shipped in same cylinder Gaskets necessary for dome covers and valves Gaskets, asbestos, for stoppers, carboys of nitric acid Gasoline (red label), exemption , Maximum quantity one package In barrels or drums, red and special caution labels for Packing 413 308, 309, 405- 408, 412-114, 430,431 Gasoline, casinghead. See Casinghead gasoline Gelatin dynamite, packing 209 (o) General regulations 1-31 Giant firecrackers, special fireworks 116 Glass, inside containers for inflammable liqiuds, when 308 (6) Glass vessels for inflammable liquids i 430 Gllting for paper containers for matches 472 Gondola cars for metal barrels and drums of inflammable 1016 liquids. Government shipments forbidden except in time of war Laboratory samples Liquefied carbonic acid gas 562 (c) Of chemical warfare material 116 Of explosives 14 (o) Grease eradicators. See Eradicators. Grenades defined 109 (b) Detonating fuzes for, defined Ill Gross weight boxes of 231 Included in explosive bombs 109 (c) Wooden or metal boxes for, marking 230 (o), 232 Grenades, chemical, defined 108 (3) Grenades, gas, defined 109 (6) Marking 232 Wooden boxes for 230 (c), 232 Grenades, gas filled, "Poison gas" placard for 910 Grenades, hand, chemical warfare ammunition 108 Defined 109(6) In certified and placarded closed cars 900 Marking 232 ♦Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141 583 551,582 562 (c) 5.')1 401 (c) 536(a) 308 (6) Express (shipping regulations, i ^container Pt.n,p.99: f«-'f>.''''t'«f^. Paragraph. 145(a) ., 76 165 (7) Specification No. 3,3.\,2r),38 76,80,81,136- 148, 154-158, 162, 164, 165 (7) :3,-'!.\,25,27,38 27 148 (c) 22(0 167 76,81,83 (o), 8,5,90 1-17, *l-7 *3 21,22 21 148(c) 30 1,2,5,5A,9, 11,19,23,24,29 10,14 1,2,11,19,24 382 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p. 1. Express regulations, Pt. n, p. 99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Paragraph. 704(a) 801(a) 109(6) 232 230(c), 232 595 109(6) 900 232 704(0) 801 (a) Grenades, hand, named on shipping order, Iiow WaybUl, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "Explosives." Geenades, incendiary, defined Marking , Packing in wooden boxes , Geenades, police gas, packing, weight, test Geenades, rifle, defined In certified and placarded closed cars Marking Named on shipping order, how WaybUl, envelope, and ear ticket for, show notation "Explosives." Grenades, rifle, hand, gas, smoke, and incendl\ry, for- bidden. Grenades, smoke, defined Government shipments of In certified and placarded closed cars In wooden boxes Marking Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "E.xplosives. " Geit on feet of handlers of explosives avoided Ground covered with dry earth during unloading of tank car Groups of dangerous articles Of explosives : Gun cotton forbidden for transportation Hajr forliidden, when Tankage from, forbidden for transportation, when Hair .vmmoniates, tankage from, forbidden, when Hair waste, tankage from, forbidden for transportation, when. Hair waste ammonia tes, tankage from, forljidden, when Hajr, wet, forbidden for transportation Handling dangerous articles as baggage Regulations for 113, 1000-1074 108(3), 109(6) 116 900 230(c), 232 232 704 (a) 801 (a) 1001 1050 (0) 300 100 301 (e) 301 (j) 301 (j) Rough and unnecessary; switching of placarded cars avoided. Hay, carload lots of, loadci in tight cars Cushioning for anhydrous liquid chlorides, when Cushioning for hydrochloric (muriatic) acid Cushioning for nitric acid, forbidden Cushioning for sulphuric acid Hay (treated (jr u.vTitEATED) not for cushioning bromine. . Heaters guarded in scaled cars Hemp, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars Hemp forbidden, when , Hemp, wet, forbidden for transportation High explosive in fireworks , In special fireworks , Cartridges horizontal in boxes, when , Containers for , Containing liquid, material and manufacture of 1037 1020 (o) 531 532 535 530 524 1020 (a) 301 (<) 115 116 210 (c) 213 207, 208, 209 Paragraph. Specification No. 21(c) 20 20 21(6) 22(71) 22(71) 22 (j) * 14-19 9,190-201 129 131 128 200 22 (j) 29 30 ♦Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141. INDEX. 383 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p. 1. Express regulations, PtII,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. High explosive cushioning, in boxes... D eflned , Exclusive from passenger cars Forbidden In bags or sacks forbidden, when In bulk and in cartridges, when In bulk, in lined boxes In bulk in wooden kegs, in bags In certified and placarded closed cars. In lined boxes Paragraph. 210 (6) 103 4 Include smokeless powders, when Manufacture, packing, weights, and marking of Marking Named on shipping order, how Not packed with Cordeau detonant Packing of, when over 10 per cent nitroglycerin (not in bags or sacks). Packing of, when 10 percent or less nitroglycerin (in bags or sacks). Size of cartridges Waybill, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "Explosives."' Weight of packages With liquid ingredient, preparation and packing of Without chlorate or more than 10 per cent liquid ingredi- ent, packing. Without liquid ingredient in bulk, test High wines (alcohol) (red label), exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing 209(a) 211 (a) 211 (a), 213 211 (a), 213 900 210 (a), 212 (o) 104 207 to 215 215 704(a) 250 209 (a) 209(6) 209(a) 801 (o) 214 (a), (6) 207-210 211 (6), 213 211 308 (c) 308, 309, 405- 409, 430, 431 Wantage as required by internal revenue regulations 405 Holder necessary for exploding special fireworks 116 Hoofs, ammonlate tankage from, forbidden for transports 301 (j) tion, when. Hopper-bottom cars not for inflammable liquids 1016 Horns, ammoniate tankage from, forbidden for transpor- 301 (j) tation, when. Hump track, precautions at, handling placarded cars 1039 Hydkiodic acid. See Acid. Hydrobromic acid. See Acid. Hydrochloric acid. See Acid. Hydrocyanic acid. See Gases. Hydrofluoric acid. See Acid. Hydrofluosilicic acid. See Acid. Hygienic laboratory of the Public Health Service, samples of yellow and white phosphorus for. Igniters, black-powder, shipped with smokeless powder. .. 107 Igniters, delay electric, defined 113 (e) Indorsement on billing 801 (c) Name on shipping order 704 (6) Pa king 250 ♦ Baggage regulations, Pt III, p. 141. Paragraph. Specification No. *4,4 21(6) 10,14 10,14 10,14 14 76 76,81,83(6), 83(6) 30 22 (to) 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19, 23,24,29,34 22 (n) 99 27(d) 384 INDEX. Subject. Ignition elements removed from explosive articles in experi- ment al stage. iLLUML-^ATrNQ OIL. (See Oil, n. o. s.) Imports, dangerous articles as IxcENDUXY AGENTS, chemical warfare Incendiary bombs in certified and placarded closed cars — Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "Explosives." Incendiary grenades, defined Freight regulations, Pt.I,p. 1. Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Paragraph. 14(6) In certified and placarded closed cars Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "Explosives." Incendiary projectile, defined In certified and placarded closed cars Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "Explosives." Incendiary projectiles for cannon, marking Incendiary rockets, defined Incline track, precautions at, handling placarded cars Incombustible cushioning for nitric acid Indorsement not required on waybills for green label articles Inflammable freight, damaged in wreck, care of Inflam M able gases, compressed, label for "Inflammable" indorsement on car ticket, card waybill, running slip, and envelope for dangerous articles; size of letters. On waybill for dangerous articles, size of letters On waybill for explosives , "Inflammable" label notation and indorsement for astray shipment; label. Inflammable liquids (red label), defined, Tagliabue's test, In glass, earthenware, or metal inside containers, when... Ininterior packages over 1 pint; filling holes up; marking., In open cars Label for , Maximum quantity in one container Loading into tank car domes of, forbidden , Marked "This side up" on exterior pacKages Outage chart for Outage Packing Paste compounds not, when Tank car, safety valves for, operate at 12 pounds, when. 16 108 900 704 (a) 801 (a) 108 (3), 109 (6) 900 704 (fl) 801 (0) lOS (1), 108 (2) 900 704 (a) 801 (a) 228 108 (3) 1039 535 803 1071 700(f) 804 (a) S03 801 (6) 1005 (6) 302 308 (6), (c) 76 (list: note 1). 14 Paragraph. 1016 700 («) 406 407 405 405 404-431 302 431 Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 134(.!)) 186 (a) SI (d) ISti(a) 83(a) 82-90 2,11,19,24 1, 2, o, o\, 5B, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 20A, 23, 24, 34, 35, 29 INDEX. 385 Subject. Ikflammable liquids, tank cars for, A. R. A. speeiflcations.. ' Vapors of, ignite at considerable distance; many liquids regarded as safe, dangerous in wreck. Wood-jacketed cans inside containers for Inflammable liquids, carloads, leaking, not offered in interchange, when. Intlammable liquid, n.o.s. (red label), exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing Inflammable m aterlals projectiles, defined " Inflammable " placard described; position oL On cars containing packages bearing red or yellow label . . On cars of less dangerous explosives On closed or tank cars of inflammable liquids or com- pressed inflammable gases. Removed from tank cars after imloading Inflammable souds (yellow label), cushioning of inside containers for; packing. Defined; tests Label exemptions for Maximum quantity one package Kot specifically mentioned, packing Packed with corrosive liquids, when Packing Inflammable souds, compressed, label for Inflammable solids, n. o. s. (yellow label), exemption.. Maximum quantity one package Packing Inflammable vapors and poisonous fumes in tank cars; open-flame lights dangerous. Inflammables, cars of, held over 12 hours, placed for prompt removal in case of fire or accident. In yards on separate tracks, coupled, and location known to carrier's representative. Infusorial earth, cushioning for bromine , Cushioning for nitric acid Initials of owner on cylinders Injured packages in transit, disposition of Insecticides, dry (poison label), maximum quantity one package. Packing Freight regulations, Pt. I, p. 1. Paragraph. 401 (a) 1044 408 1007 (note 9) 308(a),(6),(c) 308,309, 405-408, 430, 431 108 (1) ,913,914 911 902(a) 911 1050 (Z) 490 303 308 (?) 451 450-490 700 (e) 308 (?) 308,309,451, 452, 490 1051 1033 1033 524 535 556 1003 Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Paragraph. 2,11 76, 81, 83 (a), 90 1, 2, 5, 5A, 53,9,10,11, 19, 20, 20A, 23,24,29, 30.34,35 76,94 111 94 94-111 186 (a) 76 76,80,81,94, 111 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20A, 20B,21,22,30, 39A,39B 9, 10, 11, 17, IS, 19, 20, 20A,20B,21, 22, 30, 39A 39B 12S ; 134(6) ! 142 ,81,175 2, 11, 19, 20, 20A,20B 386 INDEX. Subject. Insecticides, uquid (poison label), maximum quantity one package. Packing Insecticide, uqvtd (vekmin exterminatoe) (red label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing Insecure packages forbiddrn for transportation Not accepted Inspection by carrier of cars for dangerous explosives before loading. By shipper of cars for dangerous explosives before loading: certificate after loading. Explosives, permitted by delivery at proper time Of cars by receiving line; repairs; electric lights used Of cars of explosives; correction of defects Of certified cars inside and out for more dangerous ex- plosives. Of manufact ure, packing, and storage Of packages and shipping order necessary before accept- ance. Inspections by Bureau of Explosives Instantaneous fuse, acceptable Described In boxes or barrels; marking In cars in good condition without certificate or placard Loaded with other freight Marking Named on shipping order, how No waybill indorsement for Packing Interchange of tank car found leaking after delivery Interchange point, shipments must leave, in 48 hours Intercha.nge record, name of article and color of label on. . . Internal revenue BxmEAU laboratory samples of yellow or white phosphoras. Investigations by Bureau of Explosives Of specifications for containers Iron, spent, forbidden, when Iron sponge forbidden, when Japan driers. See Driers. Journal boxes, examination of, by carrier Of ears, more dantjcrous explosives examined for defects. . Journals, hot, In placarded cars, prevented; also cars next.. Jugs, for hydrofluosilicic acid Inside containers for sulphuric acid Jugs, india-rubber, ceresine or lead, for hydrofluoric acid. JU0.S, stone or earthentvare, for bromine Jute, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars Forbidden, when ♦ Baggage regulations, Ft. Ill, Freight regulations. Ft. I,p. 1. Paragraph. 308 (6), (c) 308, 309, 405- 408, 430, 431 1006 905 28 1055 (a) 1035 901 21 1006 113 (/) 250 903 250 704 (b) 801(c) 1043 30(0) 5 18 301 (p) 301 (?) 402 901 (e) 1040 528 630 526 524 1020(a) 301 (e) 141. Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Paragraph. 76 76, 81, 175 76 76,81,83(0), 90 22 (A) 5,*5 23(0 27(e) 189 99 133 132 Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 2,5,oB,9,19 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10, 11, 19, 23,24,29,34 INDEX. 387 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I.p. 1. Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. JXJTE, ■WET, forbidden for transportation Kegs for celluloid scrap Fiberloid scrap Moving-picture film scrap, when Pyroxylin scrap, when Viscoloid scrap Zylonite scrap Kegs, black-powder, used without interior package con- demned, when. Kegs, empty, used for dangerous articles, loading Used for explosives, marks removed from Kegs, metal, for low explosives and black powder (over 12J pounds). For smokeless powder for small arms (over 12| pounds)... Inside containers for 12i pounds or less, low explosives and black powder, when. Inside containers 12J pounds or less smokeless powder for small arms. Kegs, metal (stovepipe type), for low explosives and black powder, when. Kegs of explosives (except boxed) loaded on sides, length- wise of car. Kegs used for chlorate, condemned Kegs used for high explosives, forbidden for transporta- tion. Kegs ruptured in transit, disposition of Kegs, wooden, for corrosive liquids Electrolyte High explosives in Inilk Inflammable liquids Inflammable liquids by express Inflammable solids Low explosive and black powder (over 12 J pounds) Nitric acid Oxidizing materials Poisonous solids Smokeless powder for small arms (over 124 pounds) Wet nitrocellulose Wet nitrostarch Kerosene oil {see Oil, n. o. s.) Paragraph. 47r, (a) 476 (a) 476 (a) 476 (a) 476 (o) 476 (a) 24 1021 (a) 24 203 219 204 (a) 219 203 1009 25 1003 540 211 (o), 213 430 490 203 535 510 219 467 467 KiESELGUHR CUSHIONING FOR bromine Nitric acid Spirits of nitroglycerin Kits for inflammable liquids Kits, avooden, inside containers for inflammable liquids For poisonious solids Kno"wxedge, expert, and opinions of Bureau of Explosives availed of by commission. Label on part of package with consignee's name and address. . . With consignee's name Label and tag combination permitted, when 524 535 416 430 408 700(a) 700 (/) (note) Paragraph. 22(7) Specification No. 16 21(?) 130 (o) 90 (6), (c) 111 76, (list; note 1) 128 134(6) 175 5,*5 180 *11 (a) ♦ Baggage regulations, Pt. HI, p. 141. 388 IXPEX. Subject. Label notations on shipping order for dangerous articles not required, canceled. Label, or notation, address and name of article on packages near together. Label, poison gas, for loaded gas projectiles For poisonous articles Labeling ad interim specification containers Common fireworks Dangerous articles in general Duty of carrier to require Improper, cause for rejection of article Must be proper before acceptance of package Packages of dangerous articles Paper caps ■mth toy pistols Samples of explosives Shipping containers Special fireworks Labels (sec also E xempted articles ) Applied only as required Carriers keep supply of, on hand Carrier's name and stationery form number on; combina- tion label. Color of ink and size of Free from advertising matter Furnished and applied by shipper Kind of , on lulling and transfer Kind of, on carrier's receipt for package Kind of, on shipping order for dangerous articles Kind of, on wayliill for dangerous articles Kinds of, to be applied Lost or detached, reijlaoed Lost , replaced by carriers Missing from packages of doubtful contents Not on articles not dangerous Not required on carload shipments, when Not required, when On mixed sliipments when exempted quantity exceeded. . . On packages of dangerous articles, except as exempted by regulations. Removed from empty containers used for dangerous articles. Remo\ ed from old containers , Required in addition to description and marking of pacKages. Required on carload shipments when for reshipment, L.C. L. Shape, .size, color, and printing of, standard; samples from bureau. Shipper's certificate on Shippers must furnish and attach Supply of, kept by carriers Use of, required Sept. I, 191X .__ * Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141 Freight | Express regulations, ' regulations, Pt.LP-1- Pt.II,p.99. Sliipplng container specifications. Ft. IV, p. 149. Paragraph. 708 703 228 591 19(c) 13 301 ((/) 1006 700 S02 309 (o) 700 (?) 700(6) 308, .309 309(f) 700 (a) 21.25 00(6) 700(e) 700(c) 700 (ff) Paragraph. Specification No. SI (c) 60 9 193. 194 76(c) 54 42 60 180-1 87 *ii (6) ;. *12 I. 186 (a), (6) j. 181(a) . 180 . 1S9 . 188(6) i. 1S5 196 183 184 12 181 (a), (6) 187 *11 (o) 186(0) (note; I INDEX, 389 Subject. Labels, combination, and tags, permitted Labels for baggage ser\'ice, defined Burnt cotton Chemical warfare ammunition required on carload ship- ments; placards. Class A poisonous articles, required on carload shipments: placards. Dangerous articles Mixed shipments Labels, old, used until further notice Labels, poison gas, required on carload shipments: placards. Labels, red. attached to astray shipments when any doubt . . . For mixed shipments requiring red, yellow, and white labels. For packages of doubtful contents Labels, red and white caution, for barrels or drums casing- head gasoline or gasoline. Laboratory examination, maximum 100 blasting caps for. . Of samples, labels Samples of condemned exj ;losi\ es Samples of explosives, packing L.\.boratort samples condemned explosives not forbidden for transportation. Of explosives, acceptable Laboratory specimens in alcohol Laboratory tests for ad interim speciflcations Lacquer (red label), exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing Freight Express regulations, regulations, Pt.I,p. 1. Ft. II, p. 99. Panagruph. 475 (a) 700(6) IWih) 309 309(e) 700 (/) (note) 700(6) 1005 (6) 309 (/) 409 (note) 19(c) 308 (6), (c) Ladder track, precautions at, handling placarded cars Lading of explosives equally distributed in cars Lanterns, lighted, dangerous near empty tank cars which contained inflammable liquids. Lanterns, signal, use of in wreck Law, uniform enforcement of Lead carboys for hydrofluoric acid Lead nitrate (yellow label), exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing Leakage caused by expansion of liquids Caused by unloading valve; seating of plunger Of liquid ingredients from explosives cause for tlieir dis- posal. Of poisonous articles must be prevented Prevented by design and construction of package. 308,309,405- 408,430,431 1039 1008 (c) 1051 1046 1 526 308 (g) 308,309,501, 510 405 1074 1004 630 19(6) Paragraph. 181 (6) *12 Shipping container specifications. Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 76 76(d),(e) 40(c) 180 40(a) 21(0) 23(a) 81(c) 76 76,81,83 (a), 90 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19, 23,24,29,34 1,*1 132 76 76,80,81, 115, 120 83(a) M(6) 2,9,10,11,17, 18, 19, 20, 20A, 20B, 21, 22, 30, 39A.39B. ♦Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 111. 390 INDEX. Subject. Leaking car of inflammable liquid moved only as necessary. Leaking cars or packages in cars placarded " Inflammable"; removal. Leaking containers of acid in transit; application of water. Leaking cylinders condemned for baggage service Leaking DYN.'^MrrE repacked Leaking of poisons from containers to be prevented Leaking on. drainedinto hole by trenches; not into sewer or streams of water. Leaking packages in transit, disposition of Leaking packages not accepted Of dangerous articles, forbidden Of explosive, rejection of Reported Reported by carrier and consignee Reported to Bureau Leaking tank cjlTs.s Action depends on circumstances Offered in interchange Leaks, examination of tank cars for, by carrier Examination of tank cars for, by shipper In tank cars discovered by noting odor Leaky packages forbidden for transportation Leather cement. See Cement. Leather covers for matches acceptable Leather dressing. See Dre-ssing. Leather scrap ammoniates, tankage from, forbidden, when. Leather scrap, tankage from , forbidden for transportation, when. L. C. L. shipments show name and address of consignee L. C. L. shipments of matches loaded so as to prevent falling. Letters, size of, for indorsements on billing Life, dangers to, minimized by regulations Lights, electric, for wrecking outfit Lights, open-flame lantern, dangerous near empty tank cars which contained inflammable liquids. Lights or fires extinguished near leaking oil cars; electric lights used or work delayed until daylight. Lights user in cars placarded" Inflammable" In handling explosives, incandescent recommended Lime cleane01, 503 308 (it) 308, 309, 501 304 115 503 101 (d) 103 111 215 214 (c) Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Paragraph. 76 76,81,83 (a), 90 76 76,81,83 (a) 90 30 30 21,22 21(6) 76 76,80,81,115, 120 76 76,80,81,115, 120 72 29 76 76,81,175 21(6) Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19, 23,24,29,34 1,2,5.5A,5B 9,10,11,19, 23,24,29,34 2,ll,tl7 2,11, tl7 2,5,58,9,19 t For express transportation. INDEX. 397 Subject. NiTROCELLXJLOSE, DRY, UNCOMPRKSSED, packing; marking... Nitrocellulose, wet wtth alcohol or solvent (red la- bel), ma^mum quantity one package. No exemption Not exempt from labels Packing Nitrocellulose, wet with water (yellow label), ex- emption. Maximum quantity one package , Packing Packing; marking Packing; marking; quantity by express , Nitroglycerin explosives, antacid ia; amount Forbidden for transportation Nitroglycerin m ethyl alcohol (spirits of nitrogly- cerin), packing. Nitroglycerin, uquid, forbidden , Not acceptable for laboratory or otlier use Nitroglycerin, spirits of, defined; packing Nitroguanidine, wet (yellow label), exemption Maximum quantity, one package Packing Nitrostarch, dry, classed as high explosive Forbidden for transportation by express Nitrostarch, wet with water (yellow label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing; marking Packing; marking; quantity by express Packing No exemption for corrosive liquids, when , "No LABEL required'' marking for corrosive liquids, maxi- mum quantity, when. Marking on articles subject to regulation but exempt from labels. Marking on noninflamable motion-picture films Marking on packages Marking on packages and shipping order Marking on receipts Marking on sulphides of sodium or potassium Notation on shipping order for dangerous articles NoNAGEKCY STATIONS shipments of explosives to and from; delivery at next agency station. "No PLACARD REQUIRED " marking on shipping order Notation on shipping order for dangerous articles Notation on waybill for dangerous articles Notice for delivery shipments within 48 hours Of arrival of explosives, disposal after 48 hours To train ere w of location of explosives cars 24 hours' for L. C. L. shipments of explosives 24 hours', for L. C. L. shipments of explosives, waived when. Freight re<:ulations, Pt.I,p.l. Paragraph. 212 309 308 (o) 309, 405-408, 415,4.30 308 ig) 308,309,451, 467 467 208 416 101 (o) 308 (g) 308,309,451, 467 103 39S {g ) 467 308,309,451, 467 308 (m) 308 (m) 700 (C) 309 (o), (6), 308 0) 706 1015 309(d) 706 802 30(6) 1027 28 28 Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Paragraph. 76,81,83(0), 90 Shipping container specifications, Pt. I\' , p. 149. Specification No. 20A,20B ,30,35 76, 108 76,80,81,94, 10, 17, 20 B, 35 108 { 108 21(6) 89 76 2,19 2,19 76,80,81,94, I 10,17,206,35 108 21(6) 76, 108 76,80,81,94, |10,17,2DB,35 IDS 102 (d) 76(c) ISS, 189 398 INDEX. Subject. XiMBER, SERIAL, on Cylinders Number, specification, on cylinders Oakum, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars Offering condemned or leaking djniamite for shipment Offering shipments for transportation; refusal Oil, animal, in fibers or fabrics, packing Oil, coal (see Oil, n. o. s.) Oil, crude. See Petroleum. Oil fire, water no use for extinguishing On,, FUEL (see Oil, n. o. s.) Oil, ILLUMINATING (see Oil, n. o. s.) Otl, KEROSENE (see Oil, n. 0. s.) Oil LEAKING from car drained into hole by trenches; not into sewer or streams of water. Oil, unseed (see Oil, n. o. s.) Oil, LUBRICATING (see Oil, n. o. s.) Oil, motor (see Oil, n. o. s.) On,, neutral, for packing metallic sodium or potassium Oil, n. o. s. (red label), exemption Ma.ximum quantity one package Packi ng , On, OF vitriol. See Acid, sulphuric. Oil, sanctuary (see Oil, n. o. s.) Oil-well cables, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars Oily stain cause for rejection of explosives Open cars for lump charcoal from soft wood Orders for specifications for containers Organic material forbidden as cushioning for inside con- tainers of bromine. Outage depends on coefficient of expansion and range of temperature. For bromine containers For chlorpicrin and other class A poisons For ethyl chloride For hydrofluoric ar'id, 60 per cent and over For hydrofluoric and hydrofluosiUeic acids For inflammal le 1 iq uids For special tank cars for chlorine or sulphur dioxide For sulphuric acid in fire extinguisher charge? Required by Internal revenue regulations When dome not sufficient size Outage chart for inflammable liquids Owner of cylinders must charge or give his consent Oxide, spent, forbidden, when Oxidizing materlal (yellow label) defined, tests Label exemptions for Label for Maximum quantity one package Not in contact with combustible materials P'rcight regulations, Ft. I, p. 1. Paragraph. 556 556 1020 23 21 452 1073 1047 308 (6), (c) 308, 309, 405- 408, 430, 431 1020 (a) 201 458 18 524 524 . 591 411 527 529 405 551 530 405 405 405 553 301 (g) 304 30S (g) 700 (e) 76 (list; note 1) 76 (list; notel) 76 (list; note 1) Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Paragraph. 142 142 10 7G(list; notel; 76(list;notel) 76(list;notcl) 76 (Ust;note 1) 76 76, SI, S3 (a), 90 7G(list; notel) S3 (a) 135 83(6) Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19, 23,24,29,34 •139 72 186 (a) 76,115 120 (b) INDEX. 399 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p. 1. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Oxidizing mateeial not packed with corrosive liquids, when. Packing Oxidizing material, n. o. s. (yellow label) exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing Paragraph. 501 308 (g) Pacification process for drums for hydrofluoric acid "Package" defined; includes tank cars Packages, agent of carrier informed contents of Bearing labels must not fall or have other shocks in load- ing. Containing mixture of dangerous articles forbidden, when. Dangerous articles leaked from, removed by consignee Offered for transportation if regulations compUed with Must prevent leakage , Not properly prepared must not be accepted , Special precautions in preparing and handling , With yellow labels not loaded nor stored with white label packages. Use of prohibited by commission Packages, cardboard, inside containers for sampler of explosives; weight. Packages, leaking or broken, reported by carrier and consignee. Reported to bureau Packages, leaking or damaged, of explosives rejected Packages, leaking or insecure, forbidden Forbidden for transportation Not accepted Packages of explosives specially protected from shock Stayed in car by loader Packages, paper, Inside containers for samples of explosives; weight. Packing dangerous articles in general Duty of carrier to require proper Foreign shipments Improper, cause for rejection of article Method of, open to inspection Must be proper before acceptance of package Explosives, must be proper Samples for laboratory examination Secure for articles not detailed Violations of regulations for, reported by carrier Packing regulations 308,309,501, 510 527 3 7 1016 301 (a) 12 21 19(6) 1006 Determined by conferences . For explosives, general 1016 19(6) 11,12 19(6) 201 301 (c) 1006 1010 1010 16 301 (d) 21 1006 101 (?) 22 20 11 400-631 5 200-251 Paragraph. 115 115-120 Specification No. 2,9,10,11,17, 18,19,20,20A, 208,21,22,30, 39A,39B 76,80,81,115, 120 2,9,10,11,17, 18, 19,20,20A, 20B, 21,22,30, 39A,39B 3 *2,7 10 81(6) *3,6 81(6) 40(a) 81(6) 22(A) 40(a) 9 194 14 10 13 *9, ♦10,80- 175 5,*5 40-«) _ ♦ Baggage regulations, Pt. HI, p- 141. 400 INDEX. Subject. Packing specifications prescribed as necessary Pails for inflammable liquids Pails, ■wooden, used for inflammable liquids, except as inside containers. Paint exempt from label and certiflcato, when In metal cans in outside containers Paint, aluminum, bronzing, ob gold (red label), exemp- tion. Maximum quantity one package Packing Paint driers. See Driers. Paint eradicators. See Eradicators. Paint, UQira) (red label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package — Packing Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Paragraph. 18 430 308 (d) 308 (d) 308,309,405- 40S, 430 308 (d) Paint REMO^^NG or reducing compounds (liquid). See Compounds. Painting of cylinders, markings obscured by Paper for match containers Inside containers for blasting caps Inside containers for samples of explosives; weight Inside containers for ' ' strike anywhere " matches, block or card type. Paper-cap ammunition with other articles, when; marking; maximum quantity. With toy pistols, when; marking With toy pistols; marking; labeling Paper-lined cabs for nitrates Paper stock forbidden, when Paper stock, wet, forbidden for transportation Paper wrapping for damaged packages in transit Parafhn on stoppers carboys of nitric acid Pabafkined paper lining for boxes for spirits of nitro- glycerin. Paris gbf.en (no label), in containers preventing sifting Paris green (poison label), maximum quantity one package. Packing Partial loading or unloading of " Stop-ofl" shipments of dangerous explosives prohibited. Pas.sengee carrying trains, employee in charge of car of dangerous articles In. Passenger cars, explosives and dangerous articles ex- cluded from, when. Passenger trains, dangerous articles prohibited from, not oflcrcd. Paste compounds not inflammable liquids, when 308,309,405- 408,430,431 556 472 234(6) 472 247 247 (- 408, 430, 431 307 (0) 309 309,591,592, 593 592, 593 593 Express regulations, Pt. II,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. 309,451,490 115 116 308 ig) 309,451,455 101 (J) 531 308 (m) 308,309,521- 523 309 309,451,490 Paragraph. 76 76,81,83 (a) 90 76,81,83(0), 90 108 (1) 22(/) 76 110 76,80,81,94, 110 29 30 76,100 Specification No. 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19,23, 24,29,34 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19,23, 24,29,34 76,80,81,94, 100 21 (A) 129 76 76,80,81, 126,129 76,80,81,94, HI 2,9,10,11,17, 18, 19, 20, 20 A, 20B,21,22,30, 39A,39B 1,2,5A,11,28 1,2,5A, 11,28 9,10,11,17,18, 19, 20, 20A, 20B,21,22,30, 39A,39B INDEX. 403 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt. I, p. 1. Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Phosphorus trichloride (white label), incombustible cushioning for containers of. Maximum quantity one package No exemption Packing Paragraph. 531 309 309, 521-523, 531 Phosphorus, white or yellow (yellow label), forbidden for transportation (except see par. 99). Maximum quantity one package , No exemption Packing 309 309,451,454 Samples of, maximum weight Phosphorus, white or yellow, in water, packing Photographic flash powder packed with other articles, when. With other articles, weight Picrate mixtures classed as high explosives PiCRATEs classed as high explosive Forbidden for transportation, when Picric acid classed as high explosive For medicinal purposes, no restrictions, when Forbidden for transportation, when In detonating fuzes Picric acid wet with water, marking Packing, weight Pin wheels common fireworks Pistols, use of small-arms ammunition in Placard, "acid," described; position of Not necessary if inflammable placard is required Placard, "explosives," described; position of Placard notation on switching line ticket Placarded cars, hot journals in, prevented; also cars next . . Placarded and certified cars for more dangerous explo- sives. Placarded cars, brakes of, in order; precautions at ladder track, incline, or hump. Placards attached as required and replaced if lost in transit. . Attachment of, verified by carrier For burnt cotton For carload shipments not labeled For cars of explosives before movement For cars of nitrates For motor trailer cars Kind of, for carload shipments of dangerous articles shown on shipping order; or no placard. Kind of, for carload shipments of dangerous articles, shown on waybill; or no placard. Must conform to standard Not required for cars of cylinders of compressed nonin- flammable gases. Not required for relatively safe explosives 454 244 103,104 103 103 (note 1) 103 (note 1) 111 215 214 (6) 115 106 912, 913, 914 914 909 805 1040 900 1039 103S 10.36 (o) 475 (a) 700(6) 1025 (o) 503 1064 706 802 414 911 (note) 902 {b) Paragraph. 129 76 Specification No. 1,2,5A,11,28 76,80,81, 126, 129 22(e) 76 1,2,5A,11,28 76,80,81, 94,99 18,20 18,20 21 (6) 21 (note I) 404 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt. I, p. 1. Bxpress regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Shipping container specificationf!, Pt. IV, p. 149. Placards not required on baggage cars, when Not required on cars of uouiuflamniable compressed gases. Not required, when Obtained by shipper from ■carrier and applied to car " Poison gas" applied, when Removal of, by carrier or consignee Required, when Supplied shippers by carriers PLAC.4.RDS, DOKE, for casuighead gasoUne and gasoline Placards, "Inflammable," on cars of iuflammable solids or oxidizing materials. On closed or tank cars of inflammable liquids or com- pressed inflammable cases. Placards, "Intlammable" and "Dome," removed from tank cars after imloading. Placards, lost, replaced by carrier Placards, paper, pasted on tank cars without placard boards. Placards, standard, samples furnished by Bureau of Ex- plosives. Plate, brass, for markings on cylinders " Poison gas" indorsement on car ticket, card waybill, run- ning sUp and envelope for dangerous articles. On waybUl, size of letters "Poison gas" label notation and indorsement for astray shipment, label. "Poison gas" placard, class A articles In addition to " Explosives" placard, when Poisonous articles, defined Poisonous articles, packing; label Paragraph. 911 (note) 700(6) 910 1056 Poisonous aeticles, no label, class B, defined. In containers preventing sifting Poisonous articles (poison label), defined Packing, hqiiids Packing, solids 916 414 911 911 1050 (0 102S 911 (note 8) 915 556 S04 (a) 803 1005 (6) 910 910 307 590, 591 307 (6) 630,631 Poisonous articles, liquids (gases), poison gas label 591-595 Liquidsand solids, no label 630,631 Poisonous gas, n. o. s. (poison gas label), no exemption. . . 309 Packing (by freight only) 309,591 Poisonous liquids, dangerous by contact, class B, defined... 307 (6) Poisonous liquid, n. o. s. (poison gas label), no exemption. 309 Packing (by freight oniy) 309, 591 Poisonous liquids or oases, dangerous to Ufo, class A, de- 307 (a) fined (by freight only). Forbidden for transportation, including for military use Poisons, fumes of, in tank cars dangerous 1051 Label for 700 (<) Sealed cars for, when Sifting or lenking of, from containers to be prevented Police gas gre.naues (poison gas label), packing, weight; 309, 595 no exemption. * Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141 Paragraph. *13 Specification No. 191 192 142 75 175 2,5,5B,9,11, 19,20,20A, 20B,33,40 75(b) 175 175 2,5,5B,9,19 11,19,20, 20A,20B 33,40 75(6) 33,40 75(a) 22 (/) 186 (a) 191 191 INDEX. 406 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p. 1. Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p, 149. Polishing compounds. See Compounds. Polish, liquid metal (red label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Pacldng Paragraph. 308 (6), (c) Polish, liquid stove (red label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing 308,309,405,- 408.430 308 (6), (c) Populated districts, dangerous articles transported through; precautions. Porosity of porous material in acetylene cylinders Porous material in acetylene cylinders Potassium bromate (yellow label), exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing 308,309,405- 408,430 563 563 308 (g) Potash, chlorate of. See Chlorate of potash. Potassium, metallic, in neutral oil (^^ellow label), ex- emption. In bottle inclosed in tin container boxed Maximum quantity one package Packing 308, 309, 501, 510 308 (!7) Potassium nitrate (yellow label), exempt from label, certificate, and packing requirements, when. Maximum quantity one package Packing ,309,451, 453 308 (fc) Potassium perchlorate. See Perchlorate. Potassium sulphide (yellow l-vbel), exempt from labels or placards, when. Maximum quantity one package. Packing 308,309,501 308 (j) Potassium sulphide, crystalized, nonhazardous, marking , Potassium sulphide, fused and grount), packing POTASSIXTM sulphide, FUSED BUT NOT GROUND, pacMng 308,309,451, 469 469 469 (6) 469(0) Potassium sulphide (fused, concentrated, chipped or BROKEN) in metal cans or bottles. Potassium sulphide (not ground) in bottles, maximum quantity; outside boxes. Pots, smoke, common fireworks Precautions, packing and handling by shipper and carrier. . Precautions, special, for dangerous articles ♦ Baggage regulations, Pt. UI, p. 141. 115 Paragraph. Specification No. 76 76, 81, 83(a), 90 1 ,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19, 23,24,29,34 76 76,81,83(0), 90 1,2,5,5A,.5B, 9,10,11,19, 23,24,29,34 149 149 76 76,80,81,11.5, 120 2,9,10,11,17, 18, 19,20,20A, 20B,21,22, 30, 39A, 39B 76,98 76,80,81,94, 18,20B 76 76,80,81,115, 120 2,9,10,11,17, 18, 19, 20,20.V, 20B,21,22, 30,39A,39B 76 76,80,81,94, 109 18,20B,39A, 39B 109(6) 109(a) 109 (o) 109 (o) 29 1,*1 *3,6 18,20B 18,20B,39A, 39 B 18 18 406 INDEX. Subject. Preparation of dangerous articles, in general Pressure limit for charging cylinders Pressure of acetylene gas in cylinders, marked pressure governs. Primers defined Packing Weight Primers, cannon, acceptable Marking Primers, combination, marking Primers, small-arms, acceptable Defined Marking ■ Packed with other articles Packed with small-arms ammunition; marking Packing Primers, small- arms, with anvils, packing , Printing of labels, standard .^ Prohibited packages subject to commission's order Projectiles, weight limit for boxes Without boxing (exceeding 90 pounds) Projectiles, empty, marking (no other restrictions) , Projectiles, empty, for cannon, marking Projectiles, explosive, defined Fort )idden Marking Packing in wooden or metal boxes; marking Peojectiles, explosive, for cannon, marking Projectiles, gas, marking Packing in wooden boxes Projectiles, gas, for cannon, marking Projectiles, gas filled, " Poison gas' ' placard for Projectiles, illuminating, common fireworks Projectiles, incendiary, marking Packing in wooden boxes Projectiles, incendiary, for cannon, marking F'RojECTiLES, SAND-LOADED, marking (no other restrictions). Projectiles, sand-loaded, for cannon, marking Projectiles, smoke, defined In certified and placarded closed ears In wooden boxes Marking Named on shipping order, how WayV)ill, envelope, and car ticket for; show notation "Explosives." Projectiles, smoke, for cannon, marking Projectiles, soud, marking (ao other restrictions) Projectiles, solid, for cannon, marking Powders, flash, common fireworks Powder, loose, removal by consignee Powder, meal, in instantaneous fuse ,.,.,.,.,..., Freight regulations, Pt. I, p. 1. Paragraph. 13 562 (a) 566 112 240,243 241 242, 243 242, 243 112 242, 243 240(d), 243 224 240(b), 243 700 (c) 19(6) 231 230(0) 232, 233 22S 109 (a) 232 230 (a), 232 228 232 230(c), 232 228 910 115 232 230(c), 232 228 232,233 228 108(1), (2) 900 230 (c), 232 232 704 (o) 801(a) 228 232, 233 228 115 12 113 (/) Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 9a. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Paragraph. 9 148 (a) 152 26 44,45 23(d) 50 50 23(C) 26 44, 45, 47 181 (a) 81(6) 21(c) Specification No. 29 27(e) INDEX. 407 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p. 1. Express regulations, Pt. II, p 99. Shipping container .specifications, Ft. IV, p. 149. Publication of local restrictions, by Bureau of Explo- sives. Promxjlgation ad interim specifications by commission.. Property, carrier's, report of violations of regulations on. . Violations, accidents, fixes, or explosions on Property, dangers to, minimized Property, railroad, removal of loose dangerous articles from, by consignee. Prussic actd. See Gases, hydrocyanic. Pyealin plastics in sheets, rolls, or tubes, packing; weight. . Paralin scrap (yellow label), forbidden for transporta- tion. In barrels or kegs, gross weight In wooden boxes No exemption Packing Pyridine (red label) exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing Paragraph. 8(6) 19(c) 11,12 1 12 476 (o) 476 (a) 309 309,451,476 308 (6), (c) Pyro sulphuryl chloride (white label), exemption. Maximiun quantity one package Packing 308,309,405- 408,430,431 308 (to) 308,309,521- 523, 531 Pyroxylin plastics in sheets, flat, in strawboard packages. In sheets, rolled, in fiber or strawboard cylinders, weight. In sheets, rolls or tubes, yellow label, maximum quantity one package. In sheets, rolls, or tubes, yellow label, packing In sheets, rolls, or tubes, packing; weight Pyroxylin plastic scrap (yellow label), forbidden for transportation. In barrels or kegs In wooden boxes No exemption .\ , Packing Weight Pyroxylin in solution (red label), exemption Maximiun quantity one package Packing 476 (a) 476 (a) 309 309,451,476 476 (a) 308 (6), (c) Pyroxylin solvent, n. o. s. (red label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing 308,309,405- 408, 430, 431 308 (6), (c) 308,309,405- 408, 430, 431 Paragraph. Specification No. 81(c) 198 103 22(6) 76 76, 81, 83 (a), 90 11,17 76 76,80,81,126, 129 103 103 76 76,80,81,94, 103 103 22(6) 76 76,81,83(0), 90 76 76,81,83(0) 1,2,5,5A,6B, 9,10,11,19, 23,24,29,34 1,2,5A,11 11,17 1,2,5,5A.5B, 9,10,11.19, 23,24,29,34 1,2,6,5A,5B. 9,10,11,19, 23,24,29,34 408 INDEX. Subject. Quantities of dangerous articles in one package Of dangerous articles shipped without labels QuANTrrr of dangerous articles to be shipped without label . . Quantity, maximum , of corrosive liquids Of corrosive liquids in one outside package Of inflammable liquids, in one container Of oxidizing materials QtTNQUENNiAL TESTS not required for specification 7 cylin- ders, when. Not required for specification 8 cylinders, when Of cylinders Of cylinders, not required, when Rags, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars Forbidden, when Rags, oily, forbidden for transportation, when Rags, wet, forbidden for transportation Railroad defect cards not removed in unloading tank cars. Railway fusees, common fireworks Railway torpedoes, special fireworks Rate information avaUable to avoid delays in explosives cars. Receipt, carrier's, shows name of article and color of label. . Receipts for packages after shippers apply labels "No label required' ' marking on Reciaimed rubber. See Rubber. Record of broken or Icaldng packages by bureau Of cars of explosives further loaded and reconsigoed Records of tests of cylinders Record, daily, of loaded placarded cars Record, interchange, name of article and color of label on. . Refrigerating machines with gas exempt from regulations, when. Refrigerator cars not used for carboys of acid or other cor- corrosive liquids, except glacial acetic acid. Refusal of shipment cause for disposal Refusal of shipments Regenerated eubbee See Rubber. REGtnATiONs, Canadian Regulations apply toaU shipments Regulations apply to carrier's material and supplies Determined by conferences Duty of carriers to transport dangerous articles under For additional articles For foreign shipments General Penalties for violation of Violations of, reported by carrier and consignee Removal of dangerous articles from cars in case of fire when. Repacking condemned or leaking dynamite Damaged shipments in transit, storage Repair cars, explosives in; marking; placard ♦ Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, Freight regiUations, Pt.I,p. 1. Paragraph. 308, 309 309 (a), (b) 308 (m) 574 575 568 568 1020 (a) 301 (e) 1050 (fc) 115 116 29 19(6) 90S (b) 570 1036 (6) 306 1018 (a) I 21 15 9 9 5 8(0) 17 16 1 to31 7 11,12 23 1003,1004 904 p. 141, Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Paragraph. 76 125 (a) 82 115 160 161 154 (a) 154(a) 22 (j) 22 (j) 188 (6) 188 (o) 188, 189 81(b) 156 189 74 197 10 5,*5 14 1 tol7 *1 to7 *2,7 191 Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. INDEX. 409 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt. I, p. 1. Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Shipping container specifications, Ft. IV, p. 149. Repaies to reused containers , Report of accidents Of broken or leaking packages to bureau Of defect cards on tank cars in transit with safety valves due for retest. Of flres Of local restrictions Of \'iolations of regulations Of violations of regulations by carrier and consignee Resinate, precipitated cobalt. See Cobalt. Restrictions, local, for handling dangerous articles Reported to Bureau of Explosives Retest, charged cylinders exempt from, when Return of explosives to shipper after 48 hours' notice of arrival. Return of shipments not delivered Riple grenades. See Grenades. Rifle powder, black, marking , Classed as low explosive Rifles, use of sraaU-arms ammunition in Rockets, common fireworks Chemical warfare ROLUNG OF PACKAGES forbidden Roman candles, common fireworks , RooFDiG cement. See Cement. Rotating bands, protection for, in packing and loading Rough ammoniate tankage. See Ammoniate. Rough treatment of cars reported by carrier Route of explosives for connecting line known before acceptance. Rubber in sheets or roUs not dangerous, when Rubber buffings, packing Rubber cement. See Cement. Rubber, indla, containers for hydrofluoric acid Containers for hydrofluosiUcic acid Rubber, reclaimed, in metal containers, when In wooden boxes, when Packing , Rubber, regenerated, in metal containers, when In wooden boxes, when Packing Rubber scrap exempt from label and certificate require- ments, w*hen. Rubber scrap (ground, powdered, or granulated) in metal containers. In wooden boxes Packing Rubber shoddy in metal containers, when In wooden boxes, when Packing 66620°— 22 27 Paragraph. 11,19(6) 402 11 8(6) 11,12 Hb) 555 24,30(6), 31(2) 206 102 106 115 108 233 477 478 526 528 477 308 (0 477 Paragraph. 17 198 81(6) Specification No. 198 190 29 132 133 104 104 104 104 104 104 105 105 104 104 410 INDEX. Subject. Rubber, scrap, shoddy, regenerated or reclaimed (YELLOW LABEL), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing Running slip for dangerous articles indorsed "Inflamma- ble" or "Acid," size of letters. Sacks for high explosives, when Safety appliances, tank car, examination of, by carrier Safety devices in cylinders, when In special steel cylinders for chlorine, sulphur dioxide, and methyl chloride. Safety fuse acceptable Defined Described; description and marking only required In cars in good condition without certificate or placard... Loading Marking Named on shipping order, how No waybill indorsement for Packed with blasting caps , Packing , With delay electric igniters Safety squibs, acceptable , Defined In cars in good condition without certificate or placard. . In boxes or barrels; marking Loaded with other freight Marking Named on shipping order, how No waybill indorsement for Packing Sale of charged cylinders exempt from retest Sale of explosives after 48 hours' notice of arrival Sale of shipments not delivered Saltpeter (vellow label), exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing Freight regulations, Pt. I, p. 1. Paragraph. 308 (0 308, 309, 451, 477,478 804(a) 209 (0), (6) 402 558 583 113 (6) 251 903 251 704 (6) 801 (c) 234 a) 113 («) 113 (c) 903 250 250 Salutes, special fireworks Samples, new explosives, cxaminalion of Samples, of explosives, acceptable Condemned, for laboratory examination Condemned, not forbidden for transportation . For laboratory only, acceptable For laboratory, packing In same package, when Labels Name for most dangerous on package of Samples of labels from Bureau of Explosives.. 704 (6) 801 (c) 555 31,30(6) 308 (ff) 308,309,501, 503 116 10 22 202 700(e) Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Paragraph. 76 76,80,81,94, 104,105 Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 23 (ft) 27(a) 23 (j) 27(6) 48 141 197 197 76,80,81,11.5, 9,10,11,17. 18, 120 19, 20, 20A, 20B, 21, 22, 30, 39 A, 39 B 30 40 21,23(0) 21(0) 24 40(a) ISO 186(0) INDEX. 411 Subject. Freight regvdations, Pt. I, p. 1. Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. ShlppinR container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Samples of standard placards furnished by Bureau of Explosives. Samples of yellow or white phosphorus for laboratory of Internal Revenue Bureau or Public Health Service. Sand in drain around carboy package, L. C. L. shipment. . . Around nitric acid carboys, in mixed acid shipment Sajid-loaded bombs named on shipping order, how No waybill indorsement for Sand-loaded prqjectiles for cannon, marking Sand-loaded projectiles in cars in good condition without certificate or placard. Named on shipping order, how No waybill indorsement for Sanctuary oil {see Oil, n. o. s.) Sawdust, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars Cushioning for cap torpedoes, amount of explosive , Cushioning for samples of explosives; weight , Cushioning in boxes high explosive , Forbidden as cushioning for inside containers of bromine. . For packing blasting caps For packing fulminates For packing spirits of nitroglycerin For packing spirits of nitroglycerin For packing torpedoes For repacking damaged shipments in transit Not used around carboy package, L. C. L. shipment Sawdust (treated or untreated) not for cushioning bromine Scrap, acidulated fish, not forbidden, when Scrap celluloid. See PyroxyUn plastics. Scrap, fish, forbidden, when Scrap, leather, ammoniates, tankage from, forbidden, when. Scrap rubber. See Rubber. Seals, tank car, not thrown into tanks Self-igniting fireworks, forbidden, when Separate-loading ammunition, chemical warfare; caliber. . . Separate-loading ammunition for cannon defined; caliber. Serpents, cominon fireworks Shape of labels standard Shellac, liquid (red label), exempt from label and certifi- cate, when. Maximum quantity one package Packing Paragraph. 915 Paragraph. Specification No. 99 lOlS (6) 1018 (c) 704(6) 801 (c) 228 903 704 (6) 801 (c) 1020 (o) 210 (6) 521 234(c) 222 416 "6(list;note 1) 55 40(6) 89 247 (e) 1003, 1004 1018 (6) 524 301 U) 301 (0 301 (j) 1050 (!) 101 (m) 108(1) 107 115 700(e) 308 (d) 308, 309, 405- 408,430,431 21 (0 29 181 (a) Shipper, duty of, to apply label before obtaining receipt for package. Duty of, to instruct employees Duty of, to make regulations effective Failure of, to perform duties cause of fires or explosions Must attach dome placards Must examine tank cars for defects Must explain stains on packages of explosives; rejection . . . Must furnish and attach labels I regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141 1 1 6 414 401(6) 201 700(c) 76 76,81,83 (o), 90 188(0) 1,*G 1,*6 ♦3,6 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9, 10, U, 19, 23,24,29,34 412 II^DEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Paragraph. Shipper, must furnish staying materials for packages he loads . 1012 (6) Precautions in packing by 1 Required to describe and mark packages 7 Solicitation of transportation by, in violation of act or 7 regulation. 24 hours' notice of L. C . L. shipments of explosives by 28 Violation of act by; penalties 7 Shippek's authority for carrier's certificate on switching line 80.5 ticket. Shipper's certificate for explosives on shipping order; signature. On shipping order for dangerous articles; signature On switching line ticket With initial carrier when waybiU is indorsed for label or placard. Shippers' conferences with Bureau of Explosives Shipper's name and address, or carrier's name and sta- tionery form number, on labels, when. Shipping cards removed from tank cars after unloading Shipping containers must conform to specifications Shipping names, abbreviations of, forbidden Shipping orders Certificate and label requirements for Color or kind of label, or no label, notations, on; also placard. Description of articles, on For bui-n t cotton For explosives, shipper's certificate on; signature For foreign shipments Label and certificate notations canceled, when not re- quired. Must be examined before acceptance of packages Must show dome placards have been attached Names of dangerous articles on Names of explosives on Shipper's certificate on, signature Shipments, forwarding, in 48 hours Preparation and handling of, by shipper and carrier Refused Regulations apply to all , Regulations for preparing and transporting, determined by conferences. 24 hours' notice L. C. L. of explosives Shipments, astray, forwarded, when Shipments, defective, reported . . . ; Shipments, explosives, for connecting lines Regular days for L. C. L Shipments for War and Navy Departments Shipments, foreign Shipments from connecting lines must comply with regu- lations. Shipments, l. C l., show name and address of consignee * Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill 704 (a) 707 805 802 700(/)(note) 1050 (0 19 800 701-708 309 (d) 706 702 475 (a) 704 (a) 16 70S 1006 414 705 704, 800 707 30(a) 1 21 9 5 28 12 29 27 14(0) 16 1055 (6) Paragraph. Specification No. *1,1 *2, 7, 12 *2,7 70:3 5,*5 186 (a)(note) 1, "Kl 10 8 21,22 14 p. 141. ENDEX. 413 Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I.p.l. Express regulations, Pt. n, p. 99. Shipping container specifications, Ft. IV, p. 149. Shipments not detailed securely packed Shipments of dangerous explosives consigned to shipper's resident representative. Shoddy rubber. See Rubber. Slfttng of poisons from containers to be prevented Signature of shipper or his agent on shipping order Silicon chloride (white label), exemption Maximum quantit j' one package Packing Paragraph. 20 701 (a) 631 704 (a), 707 308 (m) Signs, track caution, for tank cars being unloaded . Size of labels standard Skids for handling dangerous articles at stations , Skins, peanut, forbidden, when , Small-arms ammunition, acceptable Defined In cars in good condition without certifieate or placard . . Named on shipping order, how No waybill indorsement for Only packing and marking restrictions apply to Packing; marking; weight With other articles, marking; weight SMALL-ARMS PRIMERS, acceptable Defined : In cars in good condition without certificate or placard . . . Marking Named on sliipping order, how No waybill indorsement for , Packing , With other articles, packing With other articles, weight Small-arms primers, with anvils, packing Smoke agents for chemical warfare , Smoke bombs in certified and placarded closed cars Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation, "Explosives." Smoke candles, chemical warfare, as special firework.s Smoke generators, chemical warfare Smoke grenades. See Grenades. Smoke pots, common fireworks Smoke projectiles. See Projectiles. Smoke rockets, defined Smokeless powder classed as high explosives, when Defined For expelling fire-extinguisher charges Forbidden for transportation, when "Inflammable " placard on closed cars of Shipped with black-powder igniters 308,309,521, 522, 523, 531 1050 (o) 700 (e) 1001 (b) 301 (/^) 106 903 704 (6) 801 (c) 226 224, 225, 226 224 112 903 242, 243 704 (6) 801 (c) 240 (rf) 240 (6), 243 108 900 704 (a) 801 (a) IHi 108 115 108 (3) 104 104 104 (note 2) 911 107 Paragraph. 13 Specification No. 76 76,80,81, 126, 129 181 (a) ZHb) 25 43,. 50 43,49,50 23(c) 26 50 44,45,47 47, 4'J 21(p)(note2)' 414 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt. I, p. 1. Smokeless powder for cannon in cars in good condition placarded "Inflammable." Marking Named onshlpping order, how Packing; weight; marking Waybill, envelope, and car ticket for. show notation "Inflammable." Weight of packages Smokeless powder for cannon, in water, in metal barrels In wooden barrels Smokeless powder for cannon, including in water, marking. smokeless powder for small arms (containers 12§ pounds or less) in wooden boxes. In cars, in good condition, placarded "Inflammable" In wooden boxes, marking , Inside containers for Marking Named on shipping order, how Over 12J pounds, in metal kegs Over 12i pounds, in wooden barrels or kegs , Packing; weight; marking , M'aybiU, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "Inflammable." Weight of packages Smokeless powder for small arms in water, in metal barrels. In wooden barrels Soda, chlorate of. See Chlorate of soda. Soda, nitrate of. See Nitrate of soda. Soda, nitrite of (yellow label), exemption ^ Maximum quantity one package Packing Sodium, bicaebonate of, for fire-extinguisher charges, packing. Sodium, metallic (yellow label), maximum weight No exemption , Maximum quantity one package , Packing Sodium, metallic, in neutral oil, in bottle inclosed in tin container, boxed. Packing Sodium peroxide (yellow label), maximum quantity one package. No exemption Packing Paragraph. 902 (o) 218 704 (o) 216-218 801 (6) 217 216 216 218 219 902 (a) 219 219 221 704 (a) 219 219 219-221 801 (6) 220 219 219 308 (g) 3()s, .3a5, 501,510 530 309, 451, 453 309 Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Paragraph. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 119. Specification No. 5,5A, 5B, 9, 10,13,20, 20A. 20B 5C,5A,5B,20, 20A, 20B 9,10 76 76, 80, 81, 115,120 135 76 70, 80, 81, 309, 501, 502 76, SO, 81, 115, I 118 13 10 10,13,16 5, 5A, 5B, 20, 20A, 20B 9,10 2,ll,tl7 (t) 18,203 18 18, 20B 11,18,20B, 39A t For express transportation. INDEX. Subject. Freight regiilatious, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Sodium picramate (yellow label), maximum quantity one package. No exemption Packing Paragraph. Sodium picramate , wet with water, packing Packing; quantity; weight Sodium sulphate, fireprooflng by, for cushioning for nitric acid, prohibited. Sodium sulphide (yellow label) exempt from labels or placards, when. Maximum quantity one package Paclnng 309 309,451,481 481 536 (6) 308 (j) Sodium sulphide, crystallized, nonhazardous, marking. Sodium sulphide, fused and ground, packing Sodium sulphide, fused but not ground, packing 308,309,451, 469 469 469 (6) 460(a) Sodium sulphide (fused, concentrated, chipped, or bro- ken), in metal cans or bottles. Sodium sulpihde (not ground) in bottles, maximum quan- tity; outside boxes. Solicitation of transportation in violation of act or regula- tions. Solids, inflammable, packing SouDS, poisonous. See Poisonous articles. Solid projectiles in oars in good condition without certifi- cate or placard. Named on shipping order, how No waybill indorsement for Solid projectiles for cannon, marking Solvent in acetylene gas cylinders Maximum volume, allowed in acetylene cylinders Replacement of losses in, from acetylene cylinders Solvent, n. o. s. (red label), exemption Maximiun quantity one package Packing 7 450-490 903 704 (6) 801 (c) 228 563 564 565 308 (b), (c) Sparklers, common fireworks Forbidden, when Sparks and friction avoided in handling leaking car of in- flammable liquid; dragging avoided if possible Special fireworks defined Described; packing Including mixture with common fireworks, marking Named on shipping order, how Waybill, envelope, and car ticket for, show notation "Inflammable." Weight 308, 309, 405- 408, 430, 431 115 101 (m) 1048 116 247 249 704 (o) 801(6) 248 Paragraph. 76 76,80,81,94, 96 96 96 76,80,81,94, 109 109 (b) 109 (o) 109 (a) 109 (a) *2,7 94-111 149 150 151 76,81,83 (a), 90 29 21 (0 58 *Baggagc regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141. 41G INDEX. Subject. Specifications, ad interim Det ennincd by conferences For containers prescribed as necessary Specimens, laboratory, in alcohol Spent iron mass forbidden, wiien Spent oxide forbidden, when Spirits of nitroglycerin (red label), defined, packing. . Exemption Maximum quantity one package Packing 113 (c) 250 19 1032 13 1011 1012 (o) 1012 (6) 1014 11,12 Sponge, iron, forbidden, when Sporting pieces, use of small-arms ammunition in Sporting powder classed as low explosive Squibs loaded with other freight Squibs, electric, defined Indorsement on billing Name on shipping order Packing Squibbs, safety, acceptable Defined In boxes or barrels, marking Stamping shipping containers Station, passenger, car of explosives not placed near Staying dangerous articles in general Explosives shipments separately to prevent delays to local freight trains. Materials for, at forwarding and transfer stations Materials for, furnished by shipper Other freight to prevent damage to packages of explosives. . Violations of regulations for, reported by carrier and consignee. Steam pipf,s guarded in sealed cars Stock cars for lump charcoal from soft wood For metal barrels and drums of inflammable liquids Stokes mortar projectiles, defined Stop-off shipments for partial loading or unloading pro- hibited, unless each consignment is blocked and braced. Stoppers for bottles of nitric acid Storage of dangerous articles near steam pipes, etc., for- bidden. Dangerous explosives with other dangerous articles for- bidden. Of explosives after 48 hours' notice of arrival, at expense of owner. Violations, accidents, fires, or explosions in Violations of regulations in, report of Storage batteries, insulated and not loaded or stored with explosives. Held for delivery 7 days Storage batteries, charged, packing Storage battebies cbasged ■with electrolyte, packing. . * Baggage regulations, Ft. Ill, p. 141. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Paragraph. 19(c) 5 18 409 (note) 301 (?) 301 (g) 416 308 (c) 308,309,405- 408, 416 301 (g) 106 102 250 113 (d) 801 (c) 704 (6) 250 458 1016 108 (2) 701 (6) 535 1013 31 (1),30(6) •11 1020 (c) Express regulations, Pt. U, p. 99. Paragraph. 81(c) 5,* 5 76,81,83 (a). 23 (j) 27(6) Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 134 (6) 191 197 197 130 (6) 130 (a), (6) INDEX. 417 Subject. I Storing electric storage batteries Method of, open to inspection Yellow and white label articles together, forbidden Stove polish. See PoUsh. Straw, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars Cushioning for anhydrous liquid chlorides, when Cushioning for hydrochloric (muriatic) acid Cushioning for nitric acid, forbidden Cushioning for sulphuric acid Strawboard containers for safety fuse Cylinders for pyroxylin plastics in sheets, rolled Packages for pyroxylin plastics in sheets, flat; strength For packing inflammable liquids, when; maximum quantity. Strawboaed, corrugated, for inflammable liquids "Strike anywhere" and "strike on box" matches. See Matches. Strontium nitrate. See Nitrate of Strontia. Sulphide of potassium. See Potassium sulphide. Sulphide of sodium. See Sodium sulphide. Sulphur, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars Sulphur in delay electric igniters In electric squibs In fireworks, forbidden for transportation, when In torpedoes, forbidden, when In toy torpedoes, packing Sulphur chloride. See Chloride. Sulphur-tipped safety squibs Sulphuric acid. See Acid. Supplies, carreers', and material, regulations apply to Savitching car of explosives with doors closed Switching line ticket must bear shipper's certificate and placard notation; other switching ticket the placard nota- tion. Switching, unnecessary, and rough handling of placarded cars avoided. Tagliabue open cup tester for inflammable liquids Tags and labels, combination of, permitted Tank car defined as "package" Tank cars, capacity of, includes dome Carrier must examine, for defects Cooled by water before unloading ,when Detached from connections during unloading Dome cover, valve cap and reducer of, replaced after un- loading. Dome placards for, attached by shipper For anhydrous liquid chlorides For casinghead gasoline For chlorine and sulphur dioxide; outage For inflammable liquids flashing atlower than 20° F, when For inflammable liquids, safety valves set at 25 pounds . . . For inflammable liquids with tension 10 pounds or less Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Paragraph. 1020 (c) 21 1010 1020 (a) 531 532 535 530 2,51 430 1020 (a) 113 (6) 113 (d) 101 (0 217 (/) 113 (c) 9 1031 (6) 805 1037 3 405 402 1050 (b) 1050 (n) 1050 u) 414 531 412(a) 582 431 431 431 Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Paragraph. i2y 131 103 103 90(d) 21(A) 56 27(b) 8 70 181 (6) Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 418 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p..l Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Tank cars for inflammable or corrosive liquids must com- ply with A. R. A. specifications. For mixed nitric and sulphuric acid; percentage of mix- tures. For sulphuric acid Mechauical device for closing domes of Of compressed inllammable gas placarded "Inflammable''. Of LnflammaMe liquid placarded " Inflammable' ' Of inflammables not [ilaced in train next gondola or flat cars with lading liable to shift. Of inflammables, placement in trains of; notice to train crews. Offered in interch ange, leaking Outlet valves of, closed before removal of dome cover Railroad defect cards not removed in unloading Removal of dome covers of, regulations for Removal of shipping cards from, after unloading Safety valves of, not tested in transit, defect cards at- tached. Safety valves of, operate at 12 pounds, when Slupper must examine, for defects Suitably lined, for hydrochloric (muriatic) acid Test of, certified; details Unloaded in morning when lower pressure exists Unloaded on grade with brakes set and wheels blocked . . . Unloading connections of, detached after unloading Unloading connections of, securely attached Unloading regulations Unloading, safety precautions in; reliable persons for the service. Unloading tools for, free from oil, dirt, and grit Without placard boards, paper placards pasted on Tank cabs, empty, lights kept away from Waybill must show empty cars Which contained inflammable liquids, outlet valve caps and dome covers in place. Tank car, leaking, marking to prevent loading Tank cars, metal, for carbon bisulphide Tank cars, special, for chlorine or sulphur dioxide; outage. . Tank cars, tested, required Tank cars, uninsulated, outage chart for Tank cars, wooden, for hydrofluoric acid For hydrofluosUicIc acid Tankage fertilizers forbidden for transportation, when... Tankage, garbage, forbidden for transportation, when Ta-nkages, rough AMMONiATE, defined, forbidden for trans- portation, when. Tanks, metal, for natural history or laboratory specimens in alcohol. Tanks, motor vehicles, drainage of Tare weight, acetylene cylinders, defined, marking Not exceeded in replacing losses in solvent Tear gas candles, as special fireworks Paragraph. 401 (a) 537 5.30 431 911 911 1030 (J) 1030 (e) 1043 1050 id) 1050 (t) 1050 (c) 1050 (I) 402 431 401 (b) 532 403 1050 (6) 1050 (p) 1050 (to) 1050 (g) 1050 1050 1050 («) 911, (notes) 1049 (d) 804 (6) 1052 1049 (c) 410 551 402 405 529(a) 529 (a) 301 (fc) 301 (fc) 301 (j) 409 (note) Paragraph. Specification No. 22(0) 22(0) 22(71) 564 565 116 199 150 151 30 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.l,p... Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Tear-gas grenades, police, packing, weight, tests Chemical warfare, as special fireworks Temperature, change of, determines outage Temperature, rise of, cause of expansion of liquid Test and marking on cylinders essential Test dates on cylinders Test, government laboratory, explosives condenmed by Bureau. Test of tank cars prescribed by A. R. A. specifications... Safety valve not tested in transit; defect cards attached. Test pressure specification 3 cylinders Specification 3A cylinders, marking Specification 4 cylinders, marking Specification 25 cylinders, including those made before AprU 20, 1915. Specification 26 cylinders Specification 27 cylinders Specification 33 cylinders Specification 38 cylinders Tester, taguabue open cup, for inflammable liquids Tests, dates of, on cyUnders For sMpping containers Records of, marked on cylinders , Reused containers Tests, decennial, for specification 4 cylinders Tests, pressure, quinquennial, for cylinders Tests, quinquennial, not required fw specification 7 cylin- ders, when. Not required for specification 8 cyUnders, when Textile waste, forbidden, when Textile waste, WET,forbidden for transportation "Tms side up" marking on boxes IJ pounds low explosives.. Marking on contamers of inflammable hquius Marking on containers of inflammable or corrosive Uquids. . Marking on packages low explosives and black powder — Marking on packages smokeless powder for small arms — Throwing of packages forbidden Time fuzes, acceptable ? Defined In cars in good condition without certificate or placard Marking Named on shipping order, how No waybill indorsement for Packing Weight Tin bichloride (tetrachloride) (white label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing Paragraph. 595 116 405 405 552 552 101 (p) 402 402 571 572 573 576 577 578 579 302 556 19(6) 570 26 673 568 574 575 301 (e) 204(c) 407 204(c) 219 112 903 704(6) 801 (c) 240 (a), 243 241 308 (m) Titanium tetra chloride (white label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing 308, 309, .521- 523,531 308 (m) Paragraph. 30 83(a) 138 138 157 158 159 162 104 70 142 81(6) 156 17 159 154(a) 100 101 22 (.J) 81 (d) 190 23(/) 26 308,309,521, 522, 523, 531 76,80,81, 126,129 76,80,81, 126, 129 420 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I, p. 1. Express regulations, Pt. II, p. 99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 141, Toluene. See Toluol. Toluol (toluene) (red label), exemption. Maximum quantity one package Packing Paragraph. 308 (c) 308, 309, 405- 408, 430, 431 "To ORDER notify" shipments of dangerous explosives Tool necessary for exploding special fireworks Tools, unloading, for tank cars, free from oil, dirt and grit Toxic gas, chemical warfare Toxic gas projectiles, defined Torpedoes, average weight of explosive in Not packed with other fireworks Torpedoes, cap, in sawdust, amount of explosive Packing Torpedoes, empty, marking (no other restrictions) Torpedoes, explosive, forbidden Marking Torpedoes, railway, special fireworks Torpedoes, toy, containing potassium chlorate, black anti- mony, and sulphur; packing. Forbidden, when Forbidden for transportation, when Not classed as fulminates Not exceeding 9 grains of explosive Outside packages, marking Special fireworks Weight Tow, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars , Toy caps, special fireworks Tracer fuzes, acceptable , Defined , Gross weight In cars in good condition without certificate or placard Marking Named on shipping order, how No waybill indorsement for , Packing Trade names on packages r , Tractors exempt from labels, certificates and placards, when. Trains, local freight, delays to, prevented by separately stajdng explosives shipments. Transfer of cylinders to service requiring less strength; approval; marking. Transfer sheet, name of article and color of label on Transfer stations provide materials for staying Shipments must leave in 48 hours , Transfers of explosives must be carefully made Transportation of articles in violation of act or regulations; penalties. Of articles under local restrictions Of dangerous articles, duty of carrier Violations, accidents, fires, or explosions in * Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, 701 (a) 116 1050 (g) 108 108 (1), (2) 247 (/) 247 (?) 247(e) 232,233 232 116 247 (/) 101 (i), (j) 105 247 (/) 249 116 248 1020 (a) 116 112 903 242,243 704 (6) 801 (c) 206 308 (€) 1011 400(a) 1012 (a) 30(0) 1000 (o) 4,7 8(0) 11, 12 p. 141. Paragraph. Specification No. 76 76, 81, 83 (a), 90 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19, 23,24,29,34 30 21(c) 30 56 21 (ft) 21(A) 30 23(9) 26 49 81(a) 189 4.7.*2,*4 INDEX. 421 Subject. Trench mortar bombs as chemical warfare ammunition Trinitrotoluene classed as high explosive Forbidden for transportation In Cordeau detonant Trinitrotoluene wet with water, marking Packing; weight Trucks for handling dangerous articles at stations Of cars, more dangerous explosives examined for defects. Trucks, tank car, examination of, by carrier Trunks for moving-picture films, as baggage Tubes of gases exempt from regulations, when Tubs, for sulphuric acid Ullage for bromine containers For hydrofluoric acid, 60 per cent and over For hydrofluoric and hydrofluosihc acids For sulphuric acid in fire extinguisher charges Required by internal revenue regulations Unauthorized persons, no access of, to dangerous articles . . Uncoupling car of explosives, not while in motion Undelivered packages Uniform practice for placarding and certifying cars Unloading connections detached after miloading For tank cars securely attached Unloading regulations for tank cars Unloading tank cars, safety precautions in; reliable per- sons for this service. Valve caps, removal of, for unloading tank cars Valve caps, tank car, off during loading Tight when offered for transportation Valve protectors, metal caps for, cylinders for compressed gases when. VALVE rod, tank CAR, diagram Valve, unloading, leakage caused by, seating of plunger Valve, unloading or discharge, diagram of Valves, acetylene cylinders, included in tare weight Valves, cylinder, protected, when Valves, safety, of tank cars, certificate Of tank cars for inflammable liquids set at 25 pounds Of tank cars not tested in transit, defect cards attached. . Of tank cars, operate at 12 pounds for inflammable liquids, when. Raised to relieve pressure in tank cars Valves, tank car, examination of, by shipper In proper condition before loading Valves, tank car outlet, closed before removal of dome covers. Varnish (shellac). See Shellac. Varnish (red label), exempt from label and certificate, when. Maximum quantity one package In metal cans in outside containers Packing Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Paragraph. 108 103 113 (a) 215 214 (6) 1001 (6) 901 (e) 402 306 530 524 527 529 530 405 1002 1032 30,31 905 1050 (m) 1050 (<7) 1050 1050 1050 (/) 481 (6) 401 (c) 559 (a) 1074 1074 1074 564 403 431 402 431 1050 (6) 401 (6) 401 (h) 1050 (d) 308 (d) 308,309,405- 408, 430, 431 * Baggage regulations, Pt. Ill, p. 141. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Paragraph. 21(6) 27(/) ■9(a) 74 128 135 83(6) 145 (a) 150 * 10(A) Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Specification No. 76 88 76, 81, 83 (a), 88,90 1,2,5,SA,5B, 9,10,11,19,23, 24,29,34 422 INDEX. Subject. Freight regulations, Pt.I,p.l. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipping container S]3ecifioations, Pt. IV, p. 149. Varnish REMOVING OR REDUCTNG compoxtnds (liquid). See Compounds. Vehicles, self-propelling, exempt from labels, certificates and placards, when, Vessels, glass, for inflammable liquids Violations of regulations for explosives corrected before forwarding. Report of VioLATioxs, penalties of act for Reported by carrier and consignee ViscoLom PLASTICS. See Pyroxylin plastics. ViscoLom SCRAPS. See Pyroxylin plastic scrap. Vulcanizing compounds. See Compounds. Wantage for bromine containers For hydrofluoric acid, 60 percent and over For hydrofluoric and hydrofluosilicic acids Required by internal revenue regulations For sulphuric acid in fire extinguisher charges War Department shipments Chemical warfare devices In time of war Waste, cotton, forbidden, when Waste, paper, wet, forbidden for transportation Waste, textile, forbidden, when Waste, textile, wet, forbidden for transportation Waste, wool, forbidden, when Waste wool, wet, forbidden for transportation Water no use for extinguishing oil fires Wat car, explosives shipments loaded in, separately stayed. Waybill and envelope for explosives stamped or written across face "Explosives"; size of letters. For explosives stamped or written across face "Inflam- mable"; size of letters. Waybill for dangerous articles bearing red, yellow, or white labels stamped or written across face "Inflammable" or "Acid"; size of letters. Color or kind of label notations on; also placard Delivered to connecting carrier , Indorsed when shipper's certificate for dangerous articles received. Not on list Names of dangerous articles on Shows when tank car is empty Waybill indorsement for green label articles not required. . Waybill, revenue, description of explosives on Waybill, revenue or other, description of dangerous arti- cles on. W AYBILUNG Name of article and color of label on Paragraph. 308 (e) 430 11 11 4,7 11,12 524 527 529 405 530 14(a) 116 301 (e) 301 (e) 301 (e) 1073 1011 801 (a) 801 (b) 803 802 802 802 802 802 804(b) 803 SOO 802 800-805 189 Paragraph Specification No. 1,2,11,19,24 198 4,7,*2,*4 83(b) 135 30 30 21,22 22 (;•) 22 (i) 22 (j) * Baggage regulations, Pt. in, p. 141. INDEX. 423 Subject. Freight rcRulations, Pt.I.p.l. Express regulations, rt.II,p.99. Shipping container specifications Pt. IV, p. 149. Weight ammonium picrate wet with water Barium peroxide, barrels or drums Benzoyl peroxide Blasting or electric blasting caps Chlorpicrin and other class A poisons , bottle and package . Common fireworks Common fireworks, set pieces Corrosive liquids Dangerous articles shipped without labels Detonating fuzes Dry nitrocellulose High explosive with liquid ingredient High explosive without liquid ingredient Of inflammable solids, wooden bajrels or kegs, specifica- tion 11. Limit for boxes with more than one projectile, mine, grenade, or bomb. Limits for explosives shipments Liquefied gases in cylinders, measurement of Low explosives and black powder Matches; marking Motion-picture films Motion-picture films, mixed shipment Motion-picture films (unexposed) Of explosives lading equally distributed in cars On revenue waybill Oxidizing materials Oxidizing materials, wooden barrels and kegs Oxidizing materials, wooden boxes Percussion caps Percussion fuzes Picric acid, wet with water Primers, percussion caps, and time fuzes Primers Pyroxylin plastic scrap in barrels or kegs Samples of explosives; marking Small-arms ammunition \ Small-arms ammumtioa; marking I Smokeless powder for cannon Smokeless powder for small arms Special fireworks Tare, on cylinders Time fazes .• Toy torpedoes Trinitrotoluene, wet with water Wet nitrocellulose or wet nitrostarch Wet mixed feed, carload lots of, loaded in tight cars Whiting, cushioning for bromine Cushioning for nitric acid Wood for inside containers for strike anywhere matches. .. Paragraph. 214 (6) 504 480 235 591 245 308,309 238 214 (c) 214 (o) 214 (6) 490 231 200-251 562(6) 205 1008 (c) 800 510 610 214 (6) 241 476 (0) 217 220 248 556 248 214 (6) 467 1020 (o) 524 535 472 Paragraph. Specification No. 58 125 (a) 40-60 148 (6) 101 (d) 102 (6) 102 (e) 102 (e) 49 40 (a), 41 49 43,49,50 58 142 49 5S 12S 134 (/;; 424 INDEX. Subject Freight regulations Pt.I.p. 1. Express regulations, Pt.II,p.99. Shipping container specifications, Pt. IV, p. 149. Wood filler, uquid (bed label), exemption. Maximum quantits' one package Packing Paragraph. 308 (d) Wood ptilp cushioning in boxes high explosives. In high explosives Wood stain, liquid (red label), exemption — Maximum quantity one package Packing SOS, 309, 405- 408,430,431 210 (6) 207 308 (d) Wood-jacketed cans, inside containers for inflammable liquids. Wool tvaste forbidden, when Wool, waste, wet, forbidden for transportation ■. . Wreck, car of chemical ammunition; gas masks for bureau inspectors. Car of inflammable liquid Explosives car; fire prevention most important Explosives car; water makes safe, except dynamite Wrecking outfits, electric lights for Xylyl bromide (poison gas label), class A poison (Freight only.) Forbidden for transportation No exemption Packing Yard, shipments must leave, in 48 hours Yards and sidings, positions of cars of explosives as to Yellow label articles damaged in wreck, care of Zylonite plastics. See Pyroxylin plastics. Zylonite scrap. See Pyroxylin plastic scrap. 308,309,405- 408,430,431 408 301 (e) 1070 (6),(c) 1044-1049 1070 (o) 1070 (a) 1072 307 (a) 309 309,591,592 30 (ri) 1032 1071 Paragraph. Specification No. 76 76,81,83 (a), 90 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19,23, 24,29,34 76 76,81,83(0), 90 1,2,5,5A,5B, 9,10,11,19,23, 24,29,34 2,11 22 (j) 22(/) 33 o This book is DUE on the last date stamped below DEC 9 1953 REC'D LD-URD ,^ ^EC'D LD-URL StH 1 5 i9f)' JUN231975 QL S-Ef - £,9„J-575 PF J / KEC'O TE.B m I') £ JUN 8 19(i0 'JULZobbO Form L-9-15wi-7,'32 J 3 1158 00153 5110 AA 001032853