UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO 3 1822 02122 0843 C LIBI^AW V. UNIVt^RSlTY OP CALIFORNIA SAN OIEGO j'lllliri'rmiii,9im9*'i'''°f'NIA, SAN DIEGO 3 1822 02122 0843 ;2L h^' >tiZ 1^ " THE BIBLIOGRAPHER'S MANUAL ENGLISH LITERATURE. VOL. I. THE BIBLIOGRAPHER'S MANUAL ENGLISH LITERATURE, CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF RARE, CURIOUS, AND USEFUL BOOKS, PUBLISHED IN OR RELATING TO GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, FROM THE INVENTION OF PRINTING ; WITH BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL NOTICES, COLLATIONS OF THE RARER ARTICLES, AND THE PRICES AT WHICH THEV HAVE BEEN SOLD. BY WILLIAM THOMAS LOWNDES. NEW EDITION, REVISED, CORRECTED AND ENLARGED ; WITH AN APPENDIX RELATING TO THE BOOKS OF LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. BY HENRY G. BOHN. IN SIX VOLUMES. VOL. I. A— C. LONDON: BELL AND DALDY, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN, 1 869. I'ltrNTKD BT WIM.IVM CI.iW KS AND SOXS, AND CirAltlNC. CROSS. MR. LOWiNDES' PREFACE, DATED JANUAIIY 1, 1834. In proportion to the advancement and general diffusion of litera- ture ought to be the publication of references to, and accounts of, the multifarious works with which the genius of past and of the present times has enlightened and benefited mankind. BiB- LioGRAPnr, or a knowledge of particular books, the peculiarities of editions, their value, and what may be termed an intimate acquaintance with the liistory and chai-acter of a work, has, how- ever, been singularly neglected in this country ; and rich as our literature is in most departments, that particular class, on which all others are in a great degree dependent, is confessedly defi- cient. In Prance, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Holland, nume- rous volumes have been wi'itten on the literary history of those several countries, together with others on universal literature ; but in England, excepting a few catalogues of books on particu- lar subjects, no general Bibliographical work deserving the name was ever published until the appearance of the " Bibliotheca Britannica" by Watt, which will be again alluded to. It is not intended to explain the cause of the low state of Bibliographical knowledge in England ; but it may, perhaps, be partly ascribed to the folly of acquiring, at enormous prices, works which are no otherwise valuable than for their rarity, consisting, as that rarity sometimes does, in a colophon or the name of a printer, the tex- ture or colour of the paper, the width of the margin, the occur- rence or omission of a date, or even in an obvious defect. Man- kind are disposed to remember the abuse rather than tlie utilliy of pursuits in which few are deeply interested ; and in the ridi- cule which the enthusiastic zeal of bibliomaniacs has cast on Bib- liography, they lose sight of the fact, that all accurate knowledge is in a greater or less degree absolutely dependent thereon. The accumulated wisdom of ages is deposited in Books ; can there, then, be more useful information than that by which these repositories of knowledge are rendered available to the world by proper classification, separating the valuable fi'om the worthless, and presenting the student with a convenient and trustworthy VI PUEFACE. guide to the respective sources ? Bibliography is, in truth, the mariner's compass of learning ; for without it the student m ould be floating on the immense ocean of literature, with no other means than what chance afforded of attaining the object of his voyage. To pursue the simile, it may be said that the art of navigation is not more indispensable to a mariner than is a cer- tain acquaintance with Bibliography to him who passes any part of his life in intellectual pursuits. Dr. Johnson has observed, with his usual elegance and pro- priety, " by the means of ^Catalogues only can be known what has been written on every part of learning, and the hazard avoided of encountering difficulties wliich have already been cleared, discussing questions which have already been decided, and digging in mines of litei-ature which former ages have ex- hausted;" but a bare Catalogue, though the most laborious, is the humblest part of a Bibliographer's duty. Mere industry may enable him to copy titles, names, and dates ; but to classify and arrange works into the several divisions and subdivisions, which a student requires -to describe the merits of each work, and the peculiarity of each edition — to point out the true from the spu- rious edition— and to give such a collation of works which do not either by signatures, pagination, or otherwise, present the means of ascertaining whether it be complete or imperfect — to trace rare works from library to library, in order that those who wish to considt them may know where they are deposited — and to give the different prices at which books have at various times been sold, that an idea may be formed of their value — require a combination of talent, research, and industry, which entitle the labours of a Bibliographer to much more respect than has hitherto been conceded to them. In thus stating the acquirements necessary for a Bibliographer, tlie Editor has in view rather to deprecate severity of ci'iticisni on whatever defects may be found in this work, tlian, with un- seemly presumption, to exaggerate the merit of its compilation, !No one can be insensible to the errors which are incidental to the first edition of a work of this nature ; for, as it is well re- marked by Monsieur K^nouard, whose reputation as a Biblio- grajihcr proves that he must be well aware of the difficulties incidental to the pursuit : — " Si bien prepare soit on, et quclques Boins que Ton apporte h la composiliou d'un ouvrage bibliogra- pliique, il est encore presque impossible de ne pas laisscr dans sa premiere publication une multitude d'erreurs, de lacunes, de ssip- positions, de mensongcs involuntaires." After these imperfect observations on the utility and dilScidties of iJdjliography, the Editor will proceed to allude, in as few words as possible, to the plan and contents of Watt's " Bibliotheca Britannica," to show in what points these volumes supply information which is not contained in that valuable compilation. In speaking of the Bib- liotheca Britannica, no praise can be too high; for, notwith- standing its imperfections, it contains a mass of most valuable matter, disposed in such form as to be of great assistance to persons desirous of ascertaining what works have been written on a particular subject, or by a particular author. It is obvious, however, that, from the very extensive plan adopted by Watt, his work must necessarily be incomplete in various points, which, though of minor detail, are of great importance. Thus, for in- stance, he gives neither the collation nor prices of books ; nor does he afford a guide to the best authors on any particular sub- ject, or to the best editions — information of the highest value to foreigners and students- The Bibliogeapher's Manual was undertaken to svipply a desideratum in English Literature, by presenting the Collector, the Author, and the Bookseller with a notice, in alphabetical order, under the names of their respective authors, of the prin- cipal works in the various departments of Divinity, Ecclesiastical and Civil History, more particularly of Great Britain, Biography, Voyages and Travels, Antiquities, Heraldry, Jurisprudence, Sciences, the Arts and Belles Lettres, &c. It was stated in the prospectus that these notices would exceed tiventij thousand ; but as the Editor proceeded, he was insensibly compelled to extend the limits which he had prescribed to him- self ; and the work does, in fact, contain notices of upwards of fifty thousand distinct books, published in, or relating to. Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing to the pre- sent time. "He deceives himsel-f, if this fact will not be deemed a sufficient apology for the work having exceeded what was originally contemplated. To these notices are annexed. First. A concise account of the mei'its of the work, taken Vlll rEEFACE. occasionally from lieviews, but more generally from writers ol established reputation. Secondly. Its peculiar hihUograpldeal character, such as the mode in which it was originally published, its contents, limited number printed, rarity, whether the name of the author was real or fictitious, and occasionally supplying the name of the author of a work published anonymously ; if an early work, to whom dedicated ; the merits and variations of the different edi- tions ; where and when printed ; also notices of reprints of rare works, and of tracts, wliether in the Somers and Harleian Mis- cellanies, or similar publications, and likewise of those early Voyages and Travels which appear in Pinkerton's, ChurchiU's, the Harleian and other Collections : — in a word, all the points which belong to the '* history" of a book are stated. Thirdly. Collations of the contents of the rarer and more im- portant articles, including a list of the plates. Fourthly. References to the number in the catalogues of cele- brated sales, specifying the price for which the work was sold. Upon the utility of such information it is scarcely necessary to insist : without a Manual of this nature the collector may in- deed, as is happily remarked by a French Bibliographer, form a collection, but not a lihrary, since the one consists simply of a mass of books purchased without knowledge or discrimination of subjects or editions ; but a lihrary, by which is meant a selec- tion of the best writers, and of the best editions, depends more upon the erudition, judgment, and taste of the possessor, than upon his wealth or liberality. No doubt can be entertained of the utility of attaching to the title of a book the opinion entertained of its merits by those who have undertaken to pronounce a critical opinion upon tliem, either in reference to the collector or to the student : to both they serve as a guide. But with respect to the various criticisms which will be found scattered throughout the work, the Editor wishes to be understood, that when no authority is given, he states the general character of the works, rather than offers an opinion of his own. In the case of works of a religious natun-, the criticism will of course be understood as expressing the esti- mation in which the work is held by the particular sect to whicb tlie author beloii'^cd. PltEFACE. IX The importance of knowing the exact character of, and the difference between the editions of any work, is well understood by authors and literary persons, but to more {general readers it may be necessary to remark, that in each edition an author is presumed to have availed himself of the additional information, and to have corrected the errors, which the suggestions of critical journals, or of his friends, or his own studies, may have supplied. It is not, perhaps, too much to say, with respect to works on history, or consisting of a condensation of, or criticisms founded upon, mere facts, that wo fcrst edition is so perfect as its author is capable of rendering it. Until his labours are before him in print, and time has cooled the fervour of mind incidental to com- position, he is scarcely competent to estimate, calmly and dis- passionately, the value and bearing of the materials of which history is composed. A single additional fact, derived possibly from an obscure volume, or a manuscript, which escaped his re- searches when his work Avas written, may overturn or confirm his most ingenious hypotheses. To works of imagination, novels, poetry, and the drama, the value of revision is almost as great — they supply as it were the last touches of the master ; and in the second edition the author introduces those improvements which, (in an age when the Horatian precept has ceased to apply, either in principle or practice) are rarely to be found in the first impression ; whilst every subsequent reprint affords him the opportunity of imparting greater accuracy, more abundant in- formation, and more elaborate polish to his lucubrations. Hence arises the immense superiority of a second edition over the first, of a third over a second, and thus in numerical progression of each over its predecessor. The claims which a first sometimes possesses over a later edition of a work, consists chiefly of re- marks which prudence or justice may have induced an author to cancel. A reference to the first edition of an early writer is, however, often essential in restoring the correct reading of a line or passage. If a typographical error is made in the second edi- tion, it is almost certain to be perpetuated in succeeding im- pressions, from its being the practice to print each edition from the one which immediately preceded it. Moreover, there is a peculiarity about every edition of every work, which renders it imperative that it should be carefully referred to by an editor of X PEE FACE. such work : it may also happen that a first edition contains valu- able extraneous matter, which a desire to impart more con- sistency to his labours, caused the author afterwards to omit. To those who to rite books, a knowledge of such peculiarities in editions is indispensable ; and by those who only read them, but who are interested in the curiosities and technicalities of litera- ture, the mformation will not be despised. It is the duty of an author to know the history of a work which he considts : by making tlie statements it contains his authority, he, in some measure, adopts them as his own ; and a Manual, which enables him to form an idea of the degree of credit that ought to be attached to the book before him, cannot fad to facihtate and benefit his labours. A critical examiner of his authorities, knows that the slightest fact — the date, the dedi- cation, whether a private work or one intended for general circu- lation, for example — are points by which the credibility of a writer may, possibly, be impugned or conlirmed. By the Collations the buyer and seller are alike enabled to judge whether a book is perfect ; hence disputes may, with slight trouble, be avoided ; and although at first sight this may seem but a very trifling recommendation to a bibhographical work, where they are for i\ie first time given, those who have collated even a single vokime wiU at once believe that much time has been con- sumed in this object ; and it is hoped they will agree with the Editor in thinking that it has not been thrown away. The utility of stating the prices at which books have sold at public auctions, and thereby to give the public the means of judging of their value, must be sufficiently obvious. Although no conclusion can be safely drawn from those prices, nor can they by any means be depended upon as a certain guide, stiU, the sums which books have produced at public sales will be referred to as authorities, and the variations in their value must prove a source of amusement from their indicating the changes which have taken place in caprice or taste. It not unfrcquently happens, that for some literary purpose, a person wishes to consult a particular book of great rarity, but is wholly at a loss to discover where a copy is to be found. In the inslanocs of \incommon works, the editor has stated if it is in the British Muhcum, in I he Bodlcinn. or oUior ])ublio Library ; and slioiild a copy have boon sold by auction witliiu the present cen- tury, a reference is usually given to the number in the catalogue in wliich it is mentioned, thus affording a clue to its present possessor. It is due to liis own labours that the Editor should state tliat this is the^rs^ attempt in England to supply these various points of Bibliographical information in one work ; and though the cele- brated " Manuel du Libraire " of Brunet has served as his model, that valuable compilation is extremely imperfect in relation to Bntish literature. The Editor is aware of an objection to which his work is liable from the circumstance of many books, whith may be considered worthless, beiug noticed, merely because they have occasionally brought large prices at public sales ; but, as he might have in- curred still greater blame, had he omitted them, he has preferred admitting a few whose claim to a place might be disputed, than leaving out any work to which an ideal value has been attached, remembering the remark of Johnson, " that no book is so worth, less as not to contain something good." It is also to be remem- bered, that scarcely any two persons agree in their estimation of a book, and that their taste and judgment are influenced by their -attachment to particular pursuits. On the other hand, he is sen- sible that he may unconsciously have omitted articles of import- ance, more especially very recent publications, from the difHculty of keeping pace with the daily productions of the press. For these, and all other omissions, he trusts to the candour of his readers : all who have had occasion to search for information on a particu- lar subject, must be aware that much valuable matter has escaped them, notwithstanding the most careful inquiries. It would be a waste of time to name the particular sources which have been consvilted. A single glance will, the Editor flatters himself, ensure credence to his statement, that many hun- dreds of volumes have been constantly referred to, and that, in numerous instances, the books noticed have been carefully ex- amined. The merit of indef;itigable industry will not, he hopes, be denied him ; and though his labours have not rec^uired either genius or splendid talents, he, nevertlieless, trusts that he may be deemed a safe and useful pioneer to flie present and future explorers of the inexhaustible inines of British Literature. The xii I'KJii'ACE. traveller well kuows the iiiiportauee of a road-book and direction posts ; the marluer is equally sensible of the value of charts and beacons ; and the youthful and ardent literary husbandman, on entering the immeasurable Isolds of knowledge, will soon learn from the assurances of the veteran labourer, as well as from his own experience, that his x^rogress will be painful, his success uncertain, without the assistance which, the Editor hiimbly hopes, these volumes will supply. The little that remains to be said is an acknowledfj;ment, the sincerity of which must supply its deficiency in expression, of the Editor's gratitude to the numerous friends by whose kind assist- ance and advice his labours have been at once cheered and bene- fited ; more particularly To the Eight Honourable Thomas Geenville, who is no less the master of the contents, than of the property of his books, and who, in the most obliging manner, tendered him the use of his splendid library, as well as of his interesting catalogues, with which, it may be hoped, he may be induced to favour the public. In common with most persons interested in literary pursuits, the Editor is under many obligations to Philip Augustus Han- liOTT, Esq., to whose late curious and extensive library liberal access was always afforded him. To Messrs. Payne and Foss, Mr. Cochran, Mr. Pickering, and especially Mr, Eodd, for their constant advice and most useful suggestions, he is eminently obliged. To Mr. R. H. Evans he is particularly indebted for many valuable hiuts, and for the loan of the sale catalogues of the nu- merous important libraries which have passed through his hands, which exhibit a profound knowledge of his profession. — To Messrs. SoTHEBY he begs to return his thanks for access to their extensive series of catalogues. Gratitude demands a strong acknowledgment to the late Wil- liam Meredith, Esq., u^nder whose hospitable roof this Manual was commenced in the year 1820. By the late Eichard Heber, Esq., (who, as a collector, imited the judgment of a Cotton with the princely munificence of a Ilarlcy,) ho was honoured with ap- probation and encouragement, and with the offer of access to his immense literary treasures. W. T. L. Itl January, 183i. PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. In offering to tho public a large-paper reprint of Mr. Bohn's edition of Lowndes' " Bibliographer's Manual," the Publishers desire to point out the obligation which all literary people are under to Mr. Bohn for the great labour and care which he expended on his revised edition of the original work. For some tnne befoi'e the first part of this revised edition ap- peared (1857) the " Bibliographer's Manual " had been a somewhat scarce and expensive work ; and Mr. Bohn, ri'^htly judging that its re-issue in a cheap and popular form would bo a service to book collectors and the literary world in general, purchased the copyright and proceeded to issue it in a series of carefully edited and elaborated parts. His first design was limited to the elimination of all errors and the addition of such matter as had chanced to become known to him ; but this was eventually much amplified, as will be evident on comparing the articles, whose titles are given below, with the columns of the original work. The republication of the Manual extended over a period of six years, the first part making its appearance at the end of 1857, and the tenth in March, 1864. An appendix volume was also published in Nov., 1864, which, to a certain extent, may be looked upon as an independent work. It contains a complete list of books published by the Literary and Scientific Societies of Great Britain, up to that time, and much other information not included in Lowndes' original scheme. The merits and utility of this valuable work have been univer- sally acknowledged and proved by the reception it has met with from literary men, book-collectors, and the public; and although the Publishers know from experience the impossibility of making such a work perfect, they are very anxious to avail themselvefi of any corrections that may be sent to them ; and they are also g'-adually XIV PUEFACE. collecting additions which may iiltimatelj' ajjpear ia a supplemenfcil volume. The followiug is a List of the principal articles which were enlarged, entirely re-written, or added by Mr. Bohn. Some of these, but by no means all, are indicated by brackets : — Bible, Blake (William), Breviakies, British Museum, Britton, Brougham, Brydges (Sir Egerton), Bunyan, Butler (Sam.), Byron, Caxtox, Chaucer, Coleridge, Costume, Cook (Capt.), Cooke (W. B.), Cowper, Crabbe, Crichton, Dallaway, Uaniell, Dakte, Decker, Dlbdin, Digby, D'Israeli, Domesday, Donovan, Drake, Drayton, Drolleries, Drummond, Dugdale, Dunton, Edgeworth, Epi- taphs, Euclid, Eusebius, Euripides, Faber, Fielding, Fisher (Payne), Fox, Franklin, Freemasons, Fuller, Galleries, Gibbon, Gilpin, Goethe, Goldsmith, Gould, Gray, Greene, Gregson, Haliburton, Hall, Halle, Hallam, Hamilton, Hearne, Herbert, Herodotus, Heywood, Hoare, Hobbes, Hogarth, Holinshed, Holland's Basiliologia, Homer, Hone, Hood, Hook, HoKiE, Horace, Hume, Hunt, Hunter, Hutton, Ireland, Irving (Washington), James (G. P. E.), Jests, Johnson (Dr. S.), Junius, Klopstock, Knight (Charles), Kolmann, Kotzebue, Lamartine, Landor, Laedner (Dr.), Lamb (Charles), Landon (L. E. L.), Lewis, Lindley, Linn^us, Lodge, London, Loudon, Luther, Lysons, M'Culloch (J. K.), Macgregor (Jolm), Mackintosh (Sir James), Malcolm (Sir John), Mantell (Dr.), Manuale ad usum Sarum, Markham (Gervase), Marryat (Capt.), Martin (R. M.), Mary Stuart, Massachusetts, Mather (Cotton and Increase), Mendham (Jos.), MiLMAN (Rev. H.), Milton (John), Missale, MiTFORD (Miss), Montgomery (James and Robert), Moohe (Thos.), More (Hannah), Morgan (Lady), Mormon (Book of), Murray (Lindley), Napoleon, Newman (J. H.), Newton (Sir Isaac), Nichols (John), Nicholson (Peter), Nicolas (Sir Harris), Norton (Hon. Mrs.), Nowell (Alexander), Oliver (Rev. George), Ordnance Surveys, Ormerod (George), Ossian, Ottley (W. G.), Ovid, Owi:n (Rich.), Paine (Thomas), Paley (William), Palgrave (Sir Francis), Panizzi (Antonio), Parliament, Parr (Dr. Samuel), Parsons (Robert), Pascal (P)laise), Patrick (Symon), Pearson (John), Pennant (Thomas), Pentateuch, Percivall (William), Petrarch, Petty (Sir William), Phillips (Sir Thomas), Pindar, Piato, Plays, Plutauc ii, 1'oets, Polwhelk (Richard), Pope, PREFACE, XV Prayer, Priestley (Joseph), Primer, Processionale, Puovincial Slang, Prynne, Psalms, Pugin, Purchas, Pusey (E. B.), Quakers, QuARLES, QuiNCEY (De), Paffaello, PiALEiGH (Sir Walter), Eapin, Eay (John), Pecords (Public), Pitson, Eochester, Egyal Society, Schiller, Scotland, Scott (Sir Walter), Shaw (Henry), Shelley, Sheridan, Shirley, Short-hand, Sibbald, Sidney (Sir Philip), Shakespeare, Skelton (John), Smith (Adam, Horace, Capt. Jolni, and Sjalney), Smollett, Snelling, Songs, Sophocles, Southey, SowERBY, Spenser, State Papers, Statutes, Steele, Stewart (the Walking), Sterne, Strutt, Strype, Stukeley, Surrey (Earl of), Swain SON, Swedenborg, Sweet, ■ Swift, Tacitus, Tasso, Taylor (Isaac, Jeremy, and Thomas the Water-Poet), Terence, Testament (the New), Thomson (James), Thorpe (Ben- jamin), Thucydides, Todd (H, J.), Tooke (J. Horne), Tucker (Dean), Trussler, Turner (J. M. W.), Tytler, Ussiier (A lip.), Virgil, Voltaike, Walpole (Horace), Walton (Isaac), War- burton (Bp.), Ward (Ned), Ware (Sir James), Washington, Webster (Noah), Wesleys (The), Whateley (Abp.), Whewell (William), White (Gilbert), White (Pichard), Whittington (Robert), Wight (Eobert), Wild (Charles), Wilkinson (Sir Gardner), Wilson (Alexander), Wit, Witchcraft, Wither (George), Woman, Wood (Anthony), Woodward (Dr. John), Wordsworth (Christopher), Xenophon, Young (Arthur), Young (Edward). In conclusion, the Publishers wish again to place on record the valuable assistance which the Editor received from Mr. David Laing, of Edinburgh, by whom all the Scottish articles were ably revised ; and from Mr. Henry Stevens, Mr. Francis Fry. and Mr. Geo. Offor, of Hackney, who most readily and kindly communi- cated the results of their extensive investigations in the Bibliography of the Holy Scriptures. THE 33il)Ucisrapl)tr's JNanual B. — See Anteo- Bus, Benj. A.F.— A. Let- ter sent by F. A. touching the Proceedings in a private Quarell and V n k i n d- negse, between Arthur Hall and Melcliisedech Mallerie, Gentlemen, to his vei-y Friend L. B. being in Italy. With an admonition by the Father of F. A. to hun, being a Bui^esse of the ParHament, for his better Behaviour therein. (London, by Henry Bynneman, 1579-80.) 4to. 'Black letter, 16 sheets (128 pages). For this publication, which was adjudged a false aud seditious libel by the House of C'ouinions.Hall was imprisoned six months, fiued 500 marks and expelled the house. It presents a curious view of the habits and manners of the young men of family aud fashion in the reign of Elizabeth. It is ^reprinted in the Miscellanea Antiqua Au- glicana. A. H.— Partheneia Sacra, or the mysterious Garden of the Sacred Parthenis. Paris, by Jolni Coustu- ricr, 1633. 8vo. Written by an English Catholic. The engravings are neat, and the poetry above mediocrity Bindley, Pt. ii. No. I., '2414, 1?. lis. 6d. Lloyd, U. 12s. White Knights, 3008, mor. 21. 14s." Fonthill Library, 3146, 31. 9s. Towneley, 1^. ISs. A. H. — Scoui'ge of Venus. See Venus. vox.. I. A. J. — See Allen, J. — - See Andrews, John. — See AsKE, Ja. A. P. — Eubulus ; or, a Dialogue wherein a rugged Romish Ryme (inscrybed Cathohcke Questions to the Protestant) is confuted, aud the Questions thereof answered by P. A. Aberdene by Edward Kaban, 1627. 4to. Attributed to Patrick Forbes, Bishop of Aberdeen. Inglis, ISo. 548, U. lis. 6d. A. E. — See Allot, Eobcrt. — See Arm IN, Robert. — See Atlet, Robert. A. T. — The Maasacre of Money, by T. A. London, 1602. 4to. In verse, probably written by Thomas .Vcheley. Koxburghe, 3342. Heber, p. 4. 112. 21. A. T. — History of the Azores, or Western Islands' Lond. 1813. 4to. With maps and other t-ngravings. De- dicated to the Karl of .Vloini, by T. A., Cap- tain of Light Dragoons, 7s. A miserable compilation. A. W. — A speciall remedie against the forious force of lawless love ; and also a description of the same with other dehghtfidl devices of daintie dehghts to passe av.ay idle time with pleasm-e and profit, newly compiled in English verse by W. A . Imprinted at London by Richd. Jones, 1579. 4to. Blac/c letter. A. W. — Vee AtJEKELL, Wm. ABB ABB Abauzit, Firmin. — .Reflections prelates appointed by Jamea I. to traus- ou the Eucharist, on Idolatiy, on the Mysteries of Religion, with Pa- raphrases and Explanations of sun- di^ parts of Scripture, &c. &c. ; translated fi-om the French, by E. Harwood, D.D. Lond. 1770. 8vo. 48. The author of this work, by profession an Arian, was the conespondeiit and fiiend of Sir Isaac Newton. Another edi- tion, entitled ' Miscellanies,' appeared in 1774, 8vo. Abauzit likewise wrote an Essay on the Apocalypse, which was ably answered by Dr. Twells. Abbadie, James. Vindication of the Truth of the Christian Rehgion, translated fi"om the French, by H Lussan. London, 1694-8. Svo. 2 vols. Bs. An excellent work. Several other trea- tises of this learned Protestant Divine have been translated Into English. Abbaye of the Holy Ghost. See AicocK, John, Bishop of Ely, Abbot of evyU profytes. The Copy of the Commaundement ge- neral! by the. London by me Peter Trererys. 4to. Black letter. Four leaves. Abbot, — . Jesus prcefigured, or a Poeme of the holy Name of Jesus. PermisBU Superiorum, 1623. 4to. Nassau, 136. 163. — Charles, D.D. Flora Bed- fordiensis— an-anged according to the System of Linnaeus, with oc- casional Remarks. Bedford, 1798. 8to. pp. 370, with six plates, 5s. — George, (successively Bishop of Lichfield and London, after- wards Archbishop of Canterbury.) Quaestiones sex, totidem Prselcctio- nibus in Schola Theologica Oxoniae, pro Forma habitis, discussae et dis- ccptatsD Anno 1597. Oxonise, 1598. 4to. pp. 224, and an index, 7s. 6d. Reprinted at Frankfort, 1616, 4to. by Abr. Scultetus. — Exposition upon the Prophet Jonah. Lond. by Richard Field, 1600. 4to. 5n. Dedicated "I'o Thomas Baron of Buck- hurst, Lord Treasurer,' 638 pages, Ke- ;>riQted in 1C13. Abbot was one of the late part of the New Testament into En- glish. Treatise of the perpetual Vi- sibility and Succession of the true Chiu-ch in all Ages. Lond. 1624. 4to. With Abbot's arms impaled with thosa belonging to the see of Canterbury. Pub- lished anonymously. — Briefe Description of the whole World. Lond. 1634. 12mo. With a frontispiece, containing the au- thor's portrait, by W. Marshall, 5s. Nas- sau pt. i. No. 1, lOs. Of this work, which, according to Ant. k Wood, was commonly called ' Abbot's Geography,' there have been many editions, viz. 1599, 1600, 1603, 1608, 1613, 1617 (the ninth), 1620, 1624, 1634, 1635, 1636, 1642, 1656, 1664. Abbot. — The Life of Dr. George Abbot, Lord Ai'chbishop of Canter- bury. To which are added the Lives of his two Brothers, Dr. Ro- bert Abbot, Lord Bishop of Sahs- bmy ; and Sir Morris Abbot, Knt. Lord Mayor of the City of London. Guildford, 1797. Svo. with four plates. In this will be found an account of the hospital at Guildford, founded by this Archbishop, with copies of the charter and statutes. Heath, 1589, 9s. 6d. Nassau, Pt. i. 2, 10s. — Jolm. The natural History of the rarer Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia.— Edited by Sir J. E. Smith, M.D. London,' 1797. foho. 2 vols. pp. 208, with 104 coloured plates. A sumptuous work. Edwards, No. 742, morocco, \Sl. 10s. Saunders in 1818, mo- rocco, 14?. (Some copies are very indiffe- rently coloured, and not worth half these prices.) — , Robert, Bishop of Salisbury. A Min'or of Popish Subtilties. Lond. by Tho. Creede, 1594. 4to. pp. 226, besides dedication, &c. 7s. 6d. This learned prelate, who was considered one of the first polemical divines of the age, likewise published several other con- troversial treatises which are held in some estimation. Abbotsford Club Books. See /ipiiendi:e ABD A, B, C, Tlie, with the Paternos- ter, Aue, Crede, and ten Coin- maundementes in Englysshe, newly translated and set forth at the Kyngcs most gracyous Commauude- ment. London, by R. Lant. 8vo. Black letter. Printed on one side, to be folded so that tlie blank leaves may be pasted together, and form one leaf of two, or four small leaves of the whole sheet. Several other editions are noticed in Ames' Typographical Antiquities. A, 13, C, The Surfeit to. Lon- don, 1656. 12mo. Abdalla. — Arrivall and Enter- tainemeuta of the Embassador Al- kaid Yaurar Ben Abdalla, with his Associate Mr. Eobert Blake, from Muley Mohammed Sheque, Empe- ror of Morocco, &c. London, 1637. 4to. With a portrait of the ambassador by Glover. Sotheby's, in Dec. 18^2, 21. lis. Gordonstoun, 129, il. 18s. Abdias. See Obadiah. Abdollatlph. AbdoUatiphi Historise jEgypti Compendium, Ai'abiee et LatLne. Oxon. 8vo. In the British Museum. ' Hie Liber inter rarissimos numerandus est, a Thoma Hyde edi caeptus est, sed morte erepto, nun- quam perfectus desinit Pagiua 96.' Bibl. Askev. No. 802, m. 3s. — AbdoUatiphi Historise JEgypti Compendium, Arabice et Latine. Partim ipse vertit, partim a Po- cockio Versum edendimi curavit, Notisque illustravit, J. White. Oxon. 1800. 4to. IL Is. An edition of the Arabic only, 10s. 6d. A translation of this valuable work will be found in vol. xv. of IMnkerton's Collection of Voyages and Travels, and in Part ii. of White's ^gyptiaca. — AbdoUatiphi Bagdadensis Vita, Auctore Ibn Abi Osaiba, e Codd. MSS. Bodleianis descripsit et Latine vertit Johannes Mousley. Oxon. 1808. 4to. pp. viii. and 78, 63. This volume should accompany the Com- pendium. Abdidkurreem. The Memoirs of Khojek Abdulkurreem, who accom- panied NacUr Shah, on his Return from Hindostan to Persia ; &e. translated from Ibe original Persian, by Francis Oludwiu, Esq. Calcutta, 1788. 8vo. pp. 219, 5s. Abel, Clarke. Narrative of a Joiu-ncy in the Interior of China, and of a Voyage to and fi-om that Country, in the Years 1816 and 1817. London, 1818. 4to. with maps and other engravings. Abel held an official appointment in Lord Amherst's Embassy. Drury, 127, 1/. 15s. Abel and Kilvert, 1641. See Wine. Abeiaed, Peter. — Petri Absclardi et Heloissee Epistolfe, a prioris editionis erroribus jiurgata;, et cum Cod. MS. coUatic, cura Ricardi RawUnson. Lond. 1718. 8vo. pp. viii. and 279, besides the title and dedication to Dr. Mead. The best edition of Abelaid's letters. Bishop of Ely, 41, 7s. 6d. large papek. Driiry, No. 1, russia, II. 2s. Williams, No. 1, morocco, M. 14s. — Letters written by Abelard and Eloisa, with a succmct Account of their Lives and Misfortmies, by John Hughes, Esq. To which are subjoined seven Poems by varioTis Authors. London, 1808. Svo. With 7 plates, 5s. Another translation of these letters will be found in the Rev. Jos. Berington's Lives of these unfortunate Lovers. Abendana, Isaac. Discourses ot the ecclesiastical and civil PoUty 01 the Jews. London 1709, 8vo. 3s. 6d. A sensible and judicious selection from the works of Abendana. Aberceombt, David. Academia Scientiarium, or the Academy of Sciences, with the Names of those famous Authors that have vn-itten on every particular Science in Enghsh and Latin. Lond. 1687. 8vo. 5s. This writer likewise published a Dis- course on W^it. London, 1685. 12mo. 3.s. Protestancy to be embraced. London, 1682, Svo. 5s. — Patrick, M.D. The martial Atchievements of the Scots Nation. Edinb. 1711-15. fol. 2 vols. i;. 15a. lo 2/. 2s. B 2 A-BE ABS The first volume abounds in the marvel- lous, but the second is valuable on account of its accurate information respecting the British history in the 14th and 15th Cen- turies. Roxhurghe, 8771, ol. 7s. 6d. An edition was publislid 1762, 8vo. 4 vols. Abercromby likewise publislietl two tracts, in answer to Defoe's History of tlie Union. Aberdeen, George, Earl of. An Inqiiiiy into the Principles of Beauty in Grecian Ai-chitecture. London, 1822. post 8vo. pp. 217. PiibHshed at 7s. (Also prefixed to the ' Ionian Antiquities,' vol. 2.) Drury, No. 2, lis. Aberdeen, An Account of the Antiquity of, -with the Price of Grain and Cattle from 1435 to 1591 Edinb. 12mo. Inglis, No. 1, 18s. Abergavenny, Barony of. See Bird, W. Abernetht, John, Bishop of Caithness. A christian and heaven- ly Treatise, containing Physicke for the Soule ; newly corrected and en- larged by the Author. Lond. 1622. 4to. With a portrait of the author. Reprinted 1630. The edition 1622, G ordonstoun, 30, 6s. — John, M.A. Discourses con- cerning the Being and natiu'al Per- fections of God, 2 vols. Sei'mons on various Subjects, 4 vols, and Bcarce and valuable Tracts and Ser- mons, 1 vol. Lond. 1740-51. 8vo. 7 vols. 11. lis. 6d. The works of this eminent presbyterian divine are held in considerable estimation, particularly his discourses on the Divine Attributes. — Jolin. Surgical Works and Physiological Lectures, London, 182G, etc. 8vo. 4 vols. 21. 2s. — Thomas. Abjuration of Po- perie, by Thomas Abernethio : sometime Jesuite, but now peni- tent Sinner, &c. A Warning to come out of Babylon, in a Sermon preached by Master Andrew Ramsay a(. the Receiving of Mr. Tliomas Ahcmethie into the Societie of the truely reformed Church of Scotland. Edinb. 1638. 4to. Two Tracts, 10s. 6d. Aberwick. — A true Report of a straunge and monsterous Child, born at Aberwick, in the Pai'ish of EgUngham, m the County of Noi'- thumberland, this fiftli of January, 1580. Lond. for Tho. Gosson. 8vo'. Black letter. One sheet, with a wood cut of the child in the title-page, by ' Raphe Cooke, Paynter in Barwick upon Tweed.' This monstrous child, the offspring of Eli- nor Urine, was of the male sex, and shaped like two children from the shoulders up- wards ; one ear of each head was shaped like that of a horse, the other like a hog's. Abingdon, or Habington, Tho- mas. The Antiquities of the Cathe- di'al Church of Worcester : to which are added the Antiquities of the Cathedi-al Chm'ches of Chichester and Lichfield. London, 1717 or 1737, 8vo. Worcester, pp. xxxv. 240, and Index, 8 pp. with title-page, also preface and en'ata, 2 pp. : Lichtield, pp. xlviii. and 62, ending with the catch-word 'An.' Roxburghe, 8601, 16s. 6d. Heath, 4698, 16s. 6d. Dent, Ft. i. 2, 11. AsEABAN^EL, Isaac. Proemium Commentariorum in Leviticum, ex Heb. in Lat. cum Notis per L. C. de Veil. Loud. 1683. foho. The works of this writer are held in con- siderable estimation by Rabbinical writers. ABHENETHiEiTS, Adam. Ecloga rcgalis de Matrimonio Caroh Regis et Henriettse Marise. Lutet. 1625, 4to. In the British Museum. Abridgment (A general) of Cases in Equity. Lond. 1793, 1769. fol. 2 vols. Vol. i. 5th edition, pp. 417, 1793. Vol. 2, 2nd edition, 1769. "The best edition of an esteemed work. Sotheby's in 1821, 21. 12s. 6d. Abstract (An) of certain Acts of Parliament of certaiue of her Ma- iesties Iniunctions, &c. Witliout Place, about 1584. 4to. Black letter, pp. 266, besides a short Epistle to the Christian Reader, 10s. 6d. — A Counter-poyson modestly jUBV AOA written for the Time to make An- 1 — Specimen Historiae Arabam, swere to the Abstract. (London, by accessit Historia veterum Arabum R. Waldegrave, 1581.) 4to. Black letter, pp. 195, with two epistles pietixed, 6s. — An Answer to An Abstract of certeine Acts of Parhament, &c. Loud, bj H. Denham, 1584. 4to. Ulack letter, pp. 350, besides the preface, 6s. By Archb. Whitgift. Abudacnus, seuBarbatus, Joseph. Historia Jacobitarum,seu Coptorum m ^gypto, Lybia, Nubia, iEthiopia tota, et Parte-Cypri Insuloe habitan- tium. Edita per Tho. Mareschallum. Ox. 1675. ito. 6s. A translation by Sir Edward Sadleir was published 1692 & 3. 4to. 5s. Abu Ismael. See Tograi. Abulfazel. See Ayeen Akbeiy. Abulfeda, Ismael. Chorasmise et Mawarahiahrae, hoc est Regionum extra Eluvium Oxvmi Descriptio, ex Tabuhs Abulfedse, Ai-ab. et Lat. a J. Gravio. Lond. 1650. 4to. 64 pp. 5s. Also in the Geograph. Min. edited by Hudson. — De Vita et Eebus gestis Mo- hamedis Ai-abictmi primus edidit, Latine vertit, Prsefatione et Notis iUustravit Joan. Gagnier. Oxou. 1723. foho. A curious and important work. Heath, 2667, 11. In Rivington and Cochran's Ca- talogue, No. 735, was a copy corrected throughout for a new edition by Simon Ockley. Gagnier began to publish the ' Takweem al Boldara,' but died when the 72nd page was printed off. Abul-Phaeajius, Greg. Excerp- tum de Rebus gestis Richardi Anghse Regis in Palsestina : Syriac. et Lat. a Paido Jac. Bruns. Oxon. 1780. 4to. 3s. 6d. — Specimen Historiae Arabum, sive Grcgorii AbuKarajii de Origine et Moribus Arabum succincta Nar ratio, in Linguam Latinam conversa ; Opera et Studio Edv. Pocockii. Oxon. 1650. 4to. 9s. Arabic Text, 30 pp. Notes, date 1648, pp. 390. Golius in the preface to his Lexi- con Arabicuin calls this book ' opus prpe- claruui,' and the author ' doctissiuius.' ex Abu'l Feda ; Cm-a Ant. Is. Sil- vestre de Sacy. Edidit Josephus Wliite. Oxonii, 1806. 4to. With a portrait of the author by W. N. Gardiner, 1/. Is. — Historia Dynastiarmn Orien- tahum, Arabice edita et Latine versa ab Edv. Pocockio. Oxon. 1663. 4to. 2 vols. 18s. Vol. 1. Arabics, pp. 565, with two titles, and a dedication to Gilbert, Bishop of Lou- don, together four leaves. Vol. 2, Latin, B to K k k, in fours, with title ; dedication to Charles IL and Preface to the Reader, 6 leaves. A curious and very interesting work. Of volume 2 some copies have a new title-page, ' Historia Orientalis,' 1672, with an addition of ' Praifatio ad Lecto- rein,' 5 pages. Abu Taleb Khan, Mirza. Travels ui Asia, Africa, and Europe, in the years 1799-1802, translated from the Persian by Charles Stewart. Lon- don, 1810. 8vo. 2 vols. pp. 738, 16s. This work, according to the Quarterly Review, is ' not only a curious, but a very agreeable present to the western world, lieprinted 1814. 12ino. 3 vols. The ori- ginal was published at Calcutta in 1812, in royal 8vo. 11. 5s. AcA, Anthony of. The Historic, Life, and Mu'acles of the blessed Virgm, Sister Joane of the Crosse. St. Omers, 1625. 12mo. A notice of this absurd production will be found in Beloe's Anecdotes, iii. 110-11. Academie. — Choix des Memoires de I'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. London, 1777. 4to. 3 torn. 12s. A tolerable selection. Bishop of Ely, 670. i;. 5s. Academy of Comphments, en- riched with many witty Poems, and pleasant Songs, excellent Simih- tudes. Comparisons, Fancies, De- vices, and dehghtful Fictions. Lon- don, 1655, 12mo. 10s. to 15s. An edit. 1670, Stanley, No. 678, 16s. 1713. White Knights, No. 6, morocco, 30s. 1680. Ireland, in 1801. No. 54, 13s. 6d. Academy of Comphments, (A new) with an exact coUectiou of the 6 newest and choisest Songs a la Mode, both amorous and jovial. London, 1669. 12nio. With frontis- piece, 10s. to 158. Frequently reprinted. Edition 1671, Nassau, Pt. i. 6, Us. 1681. Stanley, 679, 11. Is. Academy of CompUments, or •M hole Art of Courtship, being the rarest and most exact way of wooing a Maid or Widow, by the way of Dialogue or complimental Expres- sions. London, 12mo. An abridgment of tlie ' Jardin d'Aniour.' White Knights, No. 7, 5s. Academy 'of Pleasure, fluTiishecl with all kinds of complimental Letters, Discourses, and Dialogues, with a variety of new Songs, Son- nets, and witty Inventions. Lon- don, 1656. 12mo. A rare work, with engraved title, by Vaughan, cont.^iniug portraits of Drayton, Quarles, 'Wither,and Jonson, ani} a portrait of the author ? in the dress of a book chap- man. Nassau, Pt. i. 3. russia, 81. 18s. 6d Townley, 1665, 21. 5s. Accedence (Latin). Printed in Caxon's Hous by W. de Word' at Westmynstre. 4to. (No date, but before 1497.) Contains A viij. B vi. Ur. Dibdin says W. de Worde printed an edition of ' The l^ong Accydence' in 1513, 4to. Heber, 5/. 58. Accedence. (Eng.) Pynson,n.d.4to, Heber, Grenville, Magd. Coll. Camb. AccUM, Frederic. System of theoretical and practical Chemistry Loud. 1803. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s ACHAEYA, Bhascara. Lilawati : , a Treatise on Arithmetic and Geometry, translated from the San- scrit by John Tavlor, M.D. Bom- bay, 1816. 4to. AcHELTE. See Atchelte. AcHERLEY, Eoger. The Bri- tannic Constitution, or the funda- mental Form of GTovernment in Britain, demonstrating the original Contract entered into by King aad People. London, 1727 or 1741. fol. IDs. 6d.— L. P. 183. This writer likewise published, "Tlie Free Parliament," 1731, 8vo. 3s. 6d., and in 1780 appeared : ' Reasons for Unifonnity in the State, being a Supplement to the Bri- tannic Constitution,' 8vo. AcHESONE, James. The Mihtarie Garden, or Instructions for aU young Souldiers. Edinb. 1629. 4to. with a folding plan. Gordonstoun, 72, 13s. Inglis, 97, 17s. Achilles Tatius. The History of Clitophon and Leucip])e, from the Greek, by W. B. [urtou]. Lond. by Tho. Crcede, 1597. 4to. A trr. Kennett on the same siilj.ject. This eminent scholar, who was rector of tho High School of Edinburgh, likewise pub- lished several other elementary books particularly a Latin Dictionary, which is liiglily esteemed, and has been frequently reprinted. — Robert. TIic Religiou.s World displayed. To ■which is subjoined a view of Deism and Atlicism. Edinb. 1809. 8vo. \} vols. 18.S. ADA A new edititon appeared in London, 182.3. Svo. 2 vols. ; and an Abridgment in 1824, r2mo. — Robert. Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Dioclesian at Sj^alatro in Daluiatia. London, 17G3 or 4. Atlas fol. VFith 71 plates. A splendid work. Koxl)urghe,9062,rus- sia, 3Z. 13s. 6d. Nassau, Pt. ii. 1655, russia, 3?. 13s. 6d. Gough, 218, 4i. 4s. Baker,265, ■U. 10s. Dent, Pt. i. 138, riissia, il. 18s. Willet, 109, 51. 15s 6d. Marq. of Towns- hend, 189, 61. 6s. — Robert and James. Works in Arcliitecture. London, 1773- 1822. imperial folio. 3 vols, with 105 plates, 7/. 7s. A highly valuable work, containing plans, elevations, sections, and details of the principal buildings erected in Great Britain during the reign of King George III., with designs for interior and exterior decoration, (some copies have the ceilings coloured.) Fonthill, 3218, (vols. 1 and 2.; 101. — Thomas, of Wintringham. The Works. London, 1822. 8vo. 3 vols. PubUshed at 1/. 7s. The works of this author are not critical but doctrinal. His private thoughts on Religion have been frequently printed. Adamites. — A Nest of Serpents discovered, or a Knot of old Here- tiques revived, called the Adamites. The Adamites Sermon. — A new Sect of Religion called the Adam- ites. London, 1641. 4to. Three Tracts, each with a wood cnt. King and Lochee in March, 1810, 11. 5s. Adamo, Anthony de. An Ana- tomi as well of the Mass as of the Mass Soke. 1556. With a Ser- mon of the Sacrament. 1556. 8vo. Black letter. In all 264 leaves, and two of the faults. Mainisell mentions an edi- tion of the date of 1555. Bright, 45, 2i. 12s. Adams, Eraimcis. Writing Ta- bles, with a Kalendar for XXIIII. Years, v.ith siuidry uecessarye Rules. 1594. Oblong 16mo. 21. 2s! In this work is the following sentence, ' Printing was found out at Meutz 1459, and first brought to London by William C'ax- lon, uiercer.' — George. Essays on tho ADA ADA Microscope. ITie second Edition, with coiusiderable Additions and Tmin'ovemcnts, by Frederick Kan- r.iacher, P.L.S. Lond. 1798. 4to. with 32 foho plates. An estcemod work. Earl of Kerry, 181, IZ. 15s. The former edition 1787, 4to. Wil- let, 65, U. lis. 6d. — Lectures on natural and ex- perimental Philosophy, with Addi- tions by Wm. Jones. London, 1799. 8vo. 5 vols. The former edition appeared in 1794. Willet, 2, 11. 19s. Earl of Kerry, 17, 21. 2s. This writer, who was instrument maker to his Majesty, published some other useful works, several of which have been re- printed, witli Additions by W. Jones. — J., LL.D. Reports of cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts. London, 1826. 8vo. 2 vols. 21. 10s. — Eev. James. The Pronun- ciation of the English Language vindicated from imputed Anomaly and Caprice ; in two Parts, with an Appendix. Edinb. 1799. 8vo. pp. 164., 5s. This work, according to Park, contains 'many ingenious remarks on languages and dialects, tliough the style of the writer is cliaracterized by much whimsical eccentri- city.' A former work, entitled Euphonolo- gia Linguie Anglicanse, appeared in 1794, 8vo. 5s. — Jolin. Index Villaris ; or, an exact Register, alphabetically digested, of all the Cities, &c., in England and Wales. The third Edition. London, 1700. foho, with a map, 12s. ' His large map,' says Bishop Nicolson, 'witli the contractions of it afterwards, nnist be acknowledged to be done wi tli good pains, judgment, and exactness.' The for- mer editions, 1680 and 1690, 5s. each, large PAPER. Edwards (Edition 1680) 62. moroc- co, 11. Is. Heath (Edition 1700) 4530, 11. lis. 6d. — John. The renowned City of London ; surveyed and illustra- ted in a Latine Poem — translated into Enghsh by W. F., of Gray's Inn. Loudon; 1677 ? 4to. Fourteen leaves. This poem, unnoticed by (iough in his Anecdotes, is reprinted in the tenth volume of the Harleian Miscel- lany. — John, LL.D. History of the ])rincipal RepubUcs in the World. A new Edition. London, 1794. 8vo. 3 vols. 15s. The former edition of this work, entitled ' A Defence of the Constitution of the Uni- ted States of America, appeared in 8vo. 3 vols. 1787-8. Adams lilcewise published ■ An Essay on Canon and Feudal Law,' 1782, 8vo. (5s.) and took an active part in modelling the constitution of the United States, of which he was vice-president un- der Washington. — Rev. John. View of L'^ni- versal History, from the Creation to the present Time. London, 1795. 8vo. 3 vols. 12s. to 15s. Tliis writer published many other useful works, well calculated for the improvement and entertainment of youth. — Captain Jolm. Sketches taken during two Voyages to Africa, between the years 1786 and 1800 ; including Observations on the Country between Cape Palmas and the River Congo, &c. &c. &c. Lon- don, 1823. 8vo. pp. 265. Pub- hshed at 7s. 6d. A valuable little work. — John Quincy. Letters on Silesia, written during a Tour thi'ough that Country m the Yeare 1800, 1801. London 1804. Svo. pp. 400, with a map, 7s. A work containing some interesting in- formation, especially on the manufactures of Silesia. 'This writer has likewise pub- lished a curious and interesting work on our ancient weights and measures, printed at Washington, 1821. — Joseph, M.D. Memoirs of the Life and Doctrines of the late Jolm Hunter. London, 1816. Svo. 9s. This able physician has likewise pub- lished some valuable works, particularly 'Observations on Morbid Poisons." Lon don, 1807, 4to. 11. Is. — Robert. Expeditionis Hispa- norimi ia Angham vera Descriptio, anno 1588. Roberto Adamo, Au- thore. 1589. 4to. Accompanied with eleven maps. ' Au- gustinus Kytlier sculpsit.' The Queen's arms are on the last map. These maps will also be found in ' A Discourse concerning the Spanish Fleet in 1588, by Tetricir, 10 ADA Ubaldlno,' 1589. Copies of both works are in tlie British Museum. Adams Eobei-t. Tlie Narratiye of Robert Adams, a Sailor, who was wrecked in the year 1810, on the Western Coast of Afi-ica, was de- tained three jears in Slavery by the Arabs of the G-reat Desert, and re- sided several months of that period in the City of Tombuctoo ; with a Map, Notes, and an Appendix. London, 1816. 4to. lOs. 6d. A curious, marvellona, but authentic nar- rative. The Notes by Mr. Dupuis, the British Vice-Consul at Mogadore, will, says the Quarterly Review, be read with inter- est, and may be consulted with advantage Drury, 130, 12s. Fonthill Library, 3689, 11. 10s. — T. History of the ancient Town of Shaftesbury, from the Founder, Alfred the Great. Sher- borne, (1809) 12mo. Contains pp. 221, (B— Ee 5.) with title, a list of subsci-ibers, pp. 5, and portrait of Alfred the Great, by T. J. Woodman. — Thomas. Commentary upon the second Epistle of Saint Pe- ter. London, 1633. folio. lOs to 15s. — "Workes, viz. The White Devil, the Fatal Banket, the Sinner's Pass- ing Bell, &c. London, 1629. foho. 10s. to 15s. — William, M. A. Complete History of the Civil Wars in Scotland, 1644-6. Second Edition, witli considerable Additions. Edinb. 172 k 9s. The tirst edition, with a new title-page, — William, D.D. An Essay on Mr. Hume's Essay on Miracles. London, 1752. 8vo. 2s. 6d. An adrairaMe answer to Hume, reprinted 1754. This able writer likewise published several volumes of Sennons, &c. — William. Yitruvius Scoticus, a Collection of Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Pubhc Buildings, &c. &c. in Scotland. Edinburgh, (1750) folio, with 160 plates by Cooper. 638. Fonthill, 1921, fi?. — Sir WLUiam. A practical Inquiry into the Causes of the frequent Fadure of the Operations of Depression, and of the extraction of the Cataract, as usually perform- ed, &c. London, 1817. 8vo. 16s. A valuable accession to the chirurgical library. This celebrated oculist has like- wise published several other works on the same subject. — See BoDBUGAN (Nicholas). Adamson, Henry. The Muses Threnodie, or Mu-thful Moiu-nings on the Death of Mr. GaU, with a Description of Perth, and an Account of Gowrie's Conspiracy. Edinburgh, 1638. 4to. Lloyd, 205, 61. 8s. 6d. This work was reprinted at Perth, 1774, 8vo. 2 vols, with Notes, by James Cant, 9s. to 123. — John. The Muses' Wel- come to King James YI. at liis return to Scotland, anno 1617. Echnb. 1618. foho. With portrait. A copy is In the British Museum. All the speeches are reprinted in Nichols' Progresses of King .James. Dowdeswell, 618, 21. 53. Nassau, Pt. i. 200, 21. 14s. Bindley, Pt. ii. 1055, 61. 2s. 6d. Sotheby's, in April, 1822, 51. 5s. Constable, 262, 71. — The Traveller's Joy ; to which is added, The Ark, a Poem. 1623. 12mo. Perry, 11. 33. — Dioptra Glorias Divince ; seu, Enarratio Psalmi xix, et in eundem Meditationes. Edinb. 1637. 4to. This writer likewise published ' Metho- dus Religionis Christiana;.' Edinb. 1637, 8vo. — John. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Luis de Camoens. Lond. 1820. cro-mi 8vo. 2 vols, with a portrait of Ignez de Castro, 1/. 4s. An elegant, amusing, and elaborate per- formance, for which the author was elected an honorary member of the Royal Aca- demy of Portugal. Large paper, 11. 16s. — Patrick, Archbishop of Saint Andrews, The Recantation of, also his Answcrc and Refutation of the Buke falshc called the King's De- claration. 1598. 8vo. ADD ADD 11 Adamson, Poemata sacra, et alia, Opera, Stuclio T. Voluseni. Lon- dini, 1619. 4to. Koxburghe, 2753, 7s. 6(1. Gonlonstoun, ai, 10s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 5'26, 12s. This writer, wlio was one of tlie comniis- Bioners for settling the constitution of the Church of Scotland, likewise publislied' De Sacro Pastoris Munere Tractatus,' Lond. 1619, 8vo. ' Refutatio Libelli de KcKiniine Ecclesias Scoticanje,' Loud. 16'.iO, 8vo. and Sermons, 1623, 8vo. — Catecliismus, Edin. 1581. See Catechismus. — Vita et Palinodia, 1620. See Melvin, a. Adanson, Micliael. Voyage to Senegal, the Isle of Goree, and the River Gambia. Translated from the French. London, 1759. 8vo. 6s. An interesting work, chiefly relating to Conchology, reprinted in vol. xvi. of Pin- kerton's Collection of Voyages and Travels. Fonthill Library, 2851, 16s. Addxngton, Stephen, D.D. A Dissertation on the religious know- ledge of the ancient Jews and Pa- triarchs ; to which is added, a Spe- cimen of a Greek and EngUsh Con- cordance. Lond. 1757. 4to. 3s. 6d. This work, written by a dissenting mi- nister of considerable learning, contains, according to Onue, some sensible reasoning and biblical illustration. He likewise pub- lished ' The Life of St. Paul,' 1784, 3s. 6d., and several other works. — Sir William. An Abridge- ment of Penal Statutes. The fourth edition, with Additions. By Sir WiUiam Addington. To wliich is added a Continuation of the Statutes to the 51st. Geo. III. London, 1812. 4to. 2,1. 2s. The former editions of this work appear- ed 1775. 1786. 1795. Addison, Joseph. The "Works, edited by TickeU. Lond. 1721, 4to. 4 vols, with portrait and plates. Koxburghe, 6958, 21. 4s. Marquis of Townshend, 127, 3^. Large paper. Willet, 68, il. — The Woi'ks. Birmingham, BaskeiTille, 1761. 4to. 4 vols, with portrait and plates, by Griguion after Hay man. A beautiful and esteemed edition. Copies of tills, as well as the other works, printed by IJaskerviile, are seldom found free from stains. Koxburghe, 6960, &;. 15s. Cd. Wil- lett, 69, 6^. 12b. 6d. Heath, 1666, til. 15s. Drury, 131, 71. Marquis of Townshend, 129, morocco, 81. 83. Baker, 141, with plates, proofs and etchings, 91. 5s. Wil- liams, 105, morocco, by Derome, HI. Ha. Addison, Joseph. The Works. Lond. 1804. 8vo. 6 vols. Large paper. Sotheby's in 1820, 21. 8s. Earl of Kerry, 626, russia, 41. 4s. — Works, with Notes by Bishop Hurd. Lond. 1811. 8vo. 6 vols, portrait, 3/. 12s. Large paper, 5/. 8s. (RcpubUshed entii'e, with large Ad- ditions, in Bohn's British Classics.) Di\ Johnson observed of Addison, ' Who- ever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the volumes of Addisou.' — The Miscellaneous Works in Verse and Prose, and Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c. in 1701, 1702, 1703, with Liie by Tickell. London, 1765. 8vo. 4 vols, with portrait. Grave, No. 2, 21. 10s. Roscoe, 1407, 31. lis. Frequently reprinted in 12mo. — Evidences of the Clmstian Religion, with Notes, by G. Seig- neux de Correvon, ' translated by Purdy. London, 1807. 8vo. 7s. This valuable jjosthumous treatise, much esteemed both at home and abroad, has been frequently reprinted, and is inserted by Bishop Watson in his Collection of The- ological Tracts. — Dialogues upon the Useful- ness of Ancient Medals, especially in relation to the Latin and Greek Poets. London, 1726. 12mo. 33. Addisoniana. Lond. 1804. 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. A collection of anecdotes and facts con- nected with the life, times, and contemjio- raries of this celebrated writer, (by Sir Kichard Phillips.; Addison, Lancelot, D.D. West Barbary ; a short Narrative of the Revolutions of Morocco and Fez, with their Customs, Oxf. 1671. 8to. 53. Reprinted in vul. xv. of Pinkerton's Col lection of Voyages and Travels, Tlus 1 4^ ADM ADO learned divine, the fatlier of Joseph Addi- son, likewise published a life of Mahomet, an account of the Jews, &c., which are held in some estimation. Addison [Mr. a pseudonyme]. Collection of interesting Anecdotes, Memoirs, Allegories, Essays and poetical Fragments, tending to amuse the Fancy and inculcate Morality. 1794-97. 8vo. 16 vols. (Rarely found complete.) Addition to the Sea Joiynall ; or Navigation of the Hollanders into Java, vs^ith a Vocabulary of Words used at St. Latu-ence. Imprmted by Wolfe, 1598. 4to. Black letter, with cuts. Jadis, 267, 31. 19s. Addresses. — The genuine rejected Addi-esses, j)resented to the Com- mittee of Management for Drury Lane Theatre ; preceded by that ^vritteu. by Lord Byron, and adopted by the Committee. London, 1812. 8vo. 4s. — Rejected Addresses ; or the New Theatrum Poetarum. Lond. 1812. 12mo. 5s. A jeu d'esprit, by Horace and James Smith, comprising a number of parodies on living poets, executed with great humour discrimination, and good taste. It has been frequently reprinted. Abdy, Wilham. Stenographia, or the Art of Short Writing, com- pleted m a far more compendious method than any yet extant. Lon- don, 1695. 8vo. with portrait, by J. Sturt, 5a. More remarkable for the accuracy and elegance of its graphical execution, than for any considerable improvement in the art. Adleefeld, Gustavus. Mili- tary Memoirs of Charles XII. King of Sweden. London, 1740. 8vo. 3 vols, with plana of the battles and sieges, 12s. Written with great fidelity, by the gen- tleman of the bedchamber to Charles XII. Admiralty. — Laws, Ordinances, and Inslitutions of the Admiralty of Great Britain, Civil and Militai-y. London, 17 1(), <>!• ]7(>7. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Admibalty. Statutes relating to the Acbniralty, Navy, and Ships of War, &c. Lond. 1768, 4to. 10s. The edition of 1742 or 1755, 5s. Admonition, A faithful, of a cer- tain true Pastor or Prophete, sent into the Germanes at such time as certain great Princes went about to biyng Ahenes into Germany, and to restore the Papacy, the Kingdom of Antichrist, Now translated into EngUsh, with a Preface of M. Phi- hp Melancthou. Greenwich, 1554, 4to. At the end of this curious treatise, is ' A Praier to be said of all true Christians against the Pope, and al the Enemies of Christ and hys Gospel,' wliich is reprinted in Morgan's Phoenix Britannicus, p. 95. Dr. Dibdin, in his edition of Ames, men- tions a copy of this treatise, printed by K. Kele. Admonition (Ane) to the Auti- christian Ministers of the Kirk of Scotland, (a poem). 12mo. 1581. Perry, 21. ISs. 6d. Admonition to the Bishoppes of Winchester, London, and others, &c. Roane by Michael Wood, 1553. 16mo. 15 pp. Black letter. This treatise begins on the back of the title-page. Admonition to the Parhament. See Caetweight, Thomas. Admonition to the People of England. .See Cooper, Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln. Adolphus, John. The British Cabinet ; containing Portraits of illustrious personages, engraved from Original Pictures ; with Bio- grajihical Mcmou's, by John Adol- phus. London, 1799-1800, 4to. In little estimation. Lloyd, 206, U. 5s. Bindley, pt. i. 117, 11. 8s. Bishop of Ely, 163, II,. 10s. LARGE PAPER, in foUo : Rox- burghe, 8591, 31. 18s. The History of England, fi-om the Accession of K. George III. to 1783. Fourth Edition. London, 1817. 8vo. 3 vols, 1/. Is. Tlu; former editions appeared in 1802, 1S'05. This work is intended as a contiuu- atK'U of Hume and Smollett. iELF iEllO 13 — Jolin. The rolitical Stsite of the British Empire. London, 1818. 8vo. 4 vols. 18s. Tliis author, a barrister of considerable pi'ofessional reputation, likewise publish- ed Hiographical Memoirs of the Freucli Revolution, 1799, 8vo. 2 vols. 9s., and a History of France, 1790—1802, 1803, 8vo. 2 vols. 9s. Adventurer, The, a periodical paper, commencing Nov. 7, 1752, to March 9, 1754, folio. One hundred and forty Nos. in 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Duke of Grafton, 409, 21. 4s. This periodical was conducted by Dr. John Hawkesworth, with the assistance of Drs. Kichard Hathurst, Sam. Johnson, and Jos. Warton, reprinted 1754, &c. 12mo. 4 vols., and 8vo. 3 vols., and inserted in the various editions of the Essayists. An elegant edi- tion was published by Sharpe, 1806, 12s. Advocates, Catalogue of the Li- brary of the Faculty of. See Scot- land. Ady, Thomas. A Candle in the Dark, or a Treatise concerning the Nature of Witches and Witchcraft. London, 1656, 4to. An excellent article on Witchcraft will be found in the Ketrospective Keview, vol. v. 87—136. Adye, Stephen Payne. A Trea- tise on Courts Martial ; also an Essay on Military Punishments and Rewards. Eighth Edition. London, 1810. 12mo. 5s. The former editions of this treatise ap- peared 1769, 1785, 1801, 1805. iEoiDiTTS Columna. Tractatus solennis Eratris Egidij de Ordine Fratrum Augustinensium de Pecca- ^o OrigiiiaU. Oxonise, mcccclxxix. Ito. A copy is in the Bodleian Library. Alfred. See Alfred. ..(Elfric, successively Bishop of Wilton and Archbishop of Canter- bury. A Sason Treatise concerning the Old and New Testaments now fu'st ptiblished in print with Eng- lish of our Times, by Wilhani L'isle of Wilburgham. London, 1623. 4to. 10s. 6d. Contains A — V 3, with title and prefa- tory matter 30 leaves. Nassau, pt. i. 149, I5s. In this work will be foui>d a veiy leam- o.d r.pistle, by \V. L'isle, and reprints of (1) 'A Testimony of Antiquity, toiicliing the Sacrament,' witli a Preface by Josselin. (2) The Words of IClfric, written to Wulf- liue, Bishop of Scyrburne, &c. (3) 'The Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and Ten Com- mandments, in the Saxon and English Tongue.' These articles were previously printed by John Day. ^Eleric Society, ^e Appendix. jElianus, Claudius. De Natura Animalium Libri xvii. Gr. et Lat. curante Abr. Grronovio. Londiiii •1744. 4to. 2 vols.— vol. i. pp. 603. Vol. ii. pp. 605 — 1128. An excellent and ample edition. Gossett, 244, U. lis. 6d. Willett, 72, U. 15s. Large paper, Drury, 133, morocco, Zl. 4s. Dent, pt. i. 116, (with the Varla His- toria, Lug. Bat. 1731, 2 vols.) in morocco, III. In the Classical Journal, No. 28, are J. Stackhousii Emendationes in Jilianuni. iELiANUS, Claudius. A Registre of Hystories in English, by Abr. Fleming. London, for Thomas Woodcock, 1576. 4to. Black letter, pp. 176, with a dedication to Dr. Goodman, and commendatory verses. Sn- M. M. Sykes, 109, 11. 6s. — Various Histories, translated by T. Stanley. London, 1665. Bvo. 5s. This translation is by the son of the learned editor of .aLschvlus, and was re- printed 1670, 1677. — Tactics, or the Art of Em- battelling an Army, translated by John Bingliam. London, 1616-31. foho, 2 vols. 1/. Is. ^LREDi, OiJera, opera et studio, R. J. Gibboni, additi anonymi rithmi de laude Yirginitatis, 4to. Duaei 1631. \l. lis. 6d. .^NEAS Sylvius. See Piccolo- MINI. yENiGMAS. Thesaurus ^nigmati- cus, or a Collection of the most ingenious and diverting Enigmas or Riddles. Lond. 1725. 8vo. 4 parts in 1 vol. White Knights, Pt. i. 15, 9s. jErodius, or Ayraidt, Peter. A Discourse for Parents' Honour and Authoritie. Translated by Jolin 14 ^sc MSC Budden, LL.D. London, 1614 12ino. 53. Occasioned by the author's son, having been seduced by tlie Jesuits. JiSCHACius, Major. Rationis et Adpetitus Pugna : hoc est, de Amore Edvardi iij Regis Anglite. 1592. 18mo. 11. lOs. An edition Hafn. 1612, Ito., of which a copy is in tlie British JIuaeum. Bindley, pt. ii. 743, 1?. 6s. ^SCHINES. -^schinis Oratio in Ctesiphontem ; et Demosthenis Ora- tio pro Corona, Gr. et Lat. cum' Notia P. Foidkes et T. Freind. Oxon. 1695. 8vo. Best edition, with portraits of the orators, 53. to 7s. Large papeb. Dent, pt. i. 13, morocco, U. 6s. Steevens, 194, li 10s. Williams, 11, morocco, 11. lis. Reprinted 1715, 1726, 1732. Of the edition 1715 there are copies on large paper. Williams, 12, morocco, 11. 13s. — Ibid. Greece, cum Delectu An- notationum. Oxon. 1801. 8vo. Large paper, lOs. 6d. Reprinted, Oxon, 1807, 1814, and 1820, 870., of which editions there are likewise copies on large paper, 3s. — The Orations of ^schines against Ctesiphon and Demosthenes de Corona. Translated and illus- trated with Notes bj- Andrew Portal. Oxford, 1755, 8vo. 5s. A correct and almost verbal translation, reprinted 1814, 12mo. Dr Thomas Leland likewise published an excellent transla- tion, with very learned and useful notes. — See Demosthenes. ./EscHYLUS. Tragoedife, cum ScholiisGr8ecis,Fragmenti8,Ver8ione et Comment. T. Stanleii. Londini, 1663 or 1661, foHo. An edition of pre-eminent excellence. Some copies want the dedicatory epistle, and the privilege. Dent, pt. i. 139, raor. it. 2s. Steevens, 451, 4i. 5s. Duke of Graf ton, 652, russia, il. 10s. Williams, 113, ferroneously described as L. P.,) morocco, 51. Drury, 177, morocco, 5M0s. Roxburghe, 3555, 61. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. laS, mo- rocco, 71. 7s. Heath, 3514, russia, 9^ 9s. Fonthill. .3.355, 111. Us. (There is no Larr/K Paper, althoiigli so announced inWilliams's Cat.) — Tragcjediffl, Greece, cum variis Lectionibus. Gla,sg. 1746. 4to. A most correct edition of Stanley's Text, elegantly printed. Drury, 137, 9b, Finh PAPEB. Heath, 3516, 15s. — Ibid. Gr. Cum Versione Latina et Lectionibus variantibus. Glasgufe, 1746, small Svo. 2 vols. 163.6d. Fine paper, 15s. A neat edition, though not so correct as the 4to. edition of the same date. — Ibid. Gr. cum Versione Latina. GlasguEB, 1794, veneunt Londini, 1806. Svo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Printed from a copy of Pauw's edition (Hag. Com. 1745), corrected by tlie celebra- ted Porson ; witlioiit the Professor's con- sent or knowledge. Large paper. Wil- liams, 20, morocco, il. 8s. — Ibid. Greece, cum Emenda- tionibus et novis Lectionibus. Glas- guffi, Foulis, 1795. folio, published at 4:1. 4s. A handsome edition, printed from the text of Stanley, corrected by Professor Por- son. 52 copies were printed on small, and 11 or 12 on large paper. Flaxmau's designs are freq\iently inserted. I^arge paper. Sir .M. M. Sykes, Pt. i. 137, with Flaxman's plates, in morocco, 141. 10s. Dent, Pt. i. 140, mor., by Roger Payne, 61. 6s. — Ibid. Grf3ece, recens. C G. Scliutz. Oxon. 1806. Svo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. large paper, 16s. Reprinted 1810 and 1815, of which there are likewise copies on large paper. In 1819, Stanley's Latin version appeared, Svo. 6s. — Ibid. Qrs£ce, ex Editione C. G. Schiitz. Oxon. 1809. 32mo. A neat little edition, 3s. 6d. — Tragoedise quse supersunt de- perditarum Fabularuin Fragmenta et Schoha Grseca, ex editione Tho- mae Stanleii, cum Versione Latina. :Vcccdunt varisE Lectiones et Nota; VV. DD. Criticffi et Pliilologicse, quibus suas passim intertexuit Samuel. Butler. Cantab. 1809-15. Svo. 8 vols, or 4to. 4 vols. Combe, 14, il. 19s. large paper, in 4to. 4 vols. Drury, 138, russia, 61. 15s. Shortly after the publication of the first volume of this edition, the following appeared : A Letter to C. .1. Blomfield, containing Remarks on the Kdinburgh Review of the Cambridge /EschyUis. By Samuel Butler, Bishop of St. Asaph, Camb. ISIO, 3vo. A Letter to the Rev. S. Butler, from the Rev J H. Monk, Greek Professor in tlt« University of Cambridge, with Mr. Dutler's Reply. Camb. Iblo, 8vo. — Tragipdiffi, GriEce ex recensionu C. G. Scliutzii, cum Scholiis GrsDcis ofc Notis. Londuii, 1823. 8vo. 3 vols. A neat edition, published at 2J. 2s. An edition Gr. et Lat.ex Edit. Schutz. Lond. 1H23, small 8vo. 2 voIb, 14s., and another Gricce, cum Notis Wellauer, 8vo. 2 vols. Cantab. 1827, 163. — Novffi Editionis Tragcedi- arum ^schyli Specimen, curante Aiitonio Askew. 1746. 4to. A pamphlet of very rare occurrence. — Prometheus vinctus, cimi Stan- leiana Versione, Scholiis a, /3, (et y ineditis) ampUssimisque Variorum Notis ; quibus suas adjecit, necnon Scholia de Metro, Anghcanum Inter- pretationem T. Morell. Londini, 1773. 4to. 5s. — Prometheus Vinctus, ad Fidem MSS. eraendavit, Notas et Glossa- rium adjecit C. J. Blomfield. Editio quarta. Cantab. 1825. 8vo. 6s. The former editions of this admirably rdited play appeared in 1810, 1812, 1817. Bp. Blomfield likewise edited tlie following: Choephoras. Cantab. 1824. Septem contra Thebas. lb. 1812, 1817, 1824. I'ersie. lb. 1814, 1818. Agamemnon. lb. 1818, 1822. — Eumenides, Gr. recensuit Geo. Bui-gess. Lond. 1822. Bvo. Drury, 33, nissia, 6s. 6d. Burgess like- wise published tlie Supplices, 1821, 3s. 6d, — The Tragedies, translated by R. Potter, with Notes. London, 1777-8. 4to. 9s. The second edition, corrected, with Notes, London, 1779, 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. A correct elegant, and most beautiful version, re- printed in 1 vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1808. Lon- don, 1809, 1812. — Translated into English Prose. Oxford, 1822. 8vo. Published at 12s. In 1824, two translations of the Aga- memnon appeared, one by John Symons, the other by Hugh Stuart Boyd. ^SOPTJS. iEsopicarumFabularum Delectus, Gr. et Lat. item Fabula? Hebraicae, et Arabicae selectte, ex recensione A. Alsop. Oxonii. 1698. 8vo. 4s. to 5s. Warton says this is a valuable and es- teemed edition, not sufficiently known. In the preface, Alsop took the side of Boyle iESO 15 against Bentley. Large pipsn. Dent, pt. 1. mor. 16s. Drury, 39. nior. 19s. Williams, 22, morocco, li. 9s. White Knights, pt. i. 19, mor. by Koger Payne, 11. 138. .Stanley, 437, mor. by Koger Payne, 21. 18s. — Fabularum ..^ilsopicarum Col- lectio qUiOtquot Greece reperiuntur. Accedit interpretatio Latina. Oxon. 1718. 8vo. The text of tliis edition, edited by John Hudson, under the name of Marianus, is said to be incorrect, but the notes are va- luable, 48. to 6s. Large papek. White Knights, pt. i. 20, morocco, 1/. 183. Wil- liams, 23, morocco, 21. 5s. Stanley, 438, morocco, by Roger Payne, 31. 13s. 6d. — Fabidse metrice, ciun Com- mento. London, ap. W. de Worde, 1503. " It may be questioned," says Dr. Dib- din, "whether a perfect copy of this book be in existence." An imperfect one is in the British Museum. — ^sopi et Vita ex maximo Planude desumpta et Fabellse iucun- dissimse, Lond. apud W. de Worde, 1535, 8vo. Contains m 4 in eights, besides the life and inde.x. This is considered a great cu- riosity, being printed in Italic. jEsopi Pabulse. Londini, apud Tho. Marsh. 1580. From this edition, W. BuUoker made his translation. — JEsopi Fabulfe, Versibus de- seriptse, per Humf. Eoydonum. Londhii, H. Jackson, 1596. 8to. An edition not noticed by Ames, Herbert, or Dr. Dibdin. Inglis, No. 6, morocco, 41. — .iEsopi Fabulge. Glasg. 1754. Dent, Pt. i. 19, mor. 8s. — The Bubtyl Historyes and Fables of Esope. Ti-anslated in to Englysshe, by WiUiam Caxton, &c. Emprynted by me WiUiani Caxton at Westmynatre, M.CCCC.LXXXiiii, folio. Black letter, with wood cuts. The Fables of .<£8op end on the reverse of fol cv ; at fol. cvi begin those of ' Avian,' and con- clude at fol. CSX ; and on the reverse of the same leaf begin those of ' Alfonce.' Those of ' Poge the Florentyn,' begin at fol. cxxxviii, and end at fol. cxlii, where Cax- ton takes leave of hia work, ' Now then I will finish, &c.' The volume coutaina 142 leaves, as far as sign, s 6 in octaves. A copious account of this edition will be found in Dr. Dibdin's edition of Ames, i. 16 j;so ^so 208 20. A perfect copy is in the llljniry ol' K. George III. iEsoP. The Fables of Esope. En- prented by me Richard Pynson, folio. Black letter, containing sign. G in Oc- taves. Printed from Caxton's edition, with tlie omission of ^sop's life. An imperfect copy of an edition printed by Laurence Andrewe was formei-ly in the possession of Mr. Herbert. Rodd, 49, (wanting title, sheets A 1? and Eiiij,) but extending to sig. Sv, on the reverse of whicli is Colophon, with Pynson's device underneath. lU. 15.s. — The Fables of Esope in Eng- lishe with all his Lyfe and Fortune, 8vo. Black letter, pp. cLxi. A copy, wanting the imprint and part of the title, is in the possession of F. Uouce, Esq. — The morall Fables of ^sop the Phi'ygian, eompyled into elo- quent and ornamental Meter, by Robert Hem-ison, Schoolemaster of Diimfermling. Edinburgh, 8vo. Black letter. Of this edition, only one copy is at present known. Constable, 412, 19/. 10s. — The Fables of .Esope in Eng- iishe, with all his Life and Fortime ; — whereimto is added, the Fables of Auian, and also the Fables of Poge the FlorcntjTie, very plea- saunte to read. London, by Hem-y Wykes for John Waley, 8vo. Black letter. Containing 134 leaves and a table. Perry, Part i. 109, 11. 13s. White Knights, 24, 4/. 4s. — ^sop's Fables, in true Orto- graphy, with grammar Notz. Her- unto ar also coioned the shorte Scntencez of the wyz Cato, im- prynted with lyke form and order : both of which Authorz are trans- lated out of Latin intoo English, by William Bulloker. London, by Edmund Bollifant, 1585. 8vo. Black letter. The Fables on 319 pages and a table ; the Cato 31 pages. Sotheby's in July, 1821, Ml. 10s. — The Fabulist metamorphosed and mythologyzed, or the Fables of Esop translated out of Latino into English Verse, by R. A. Gentleman. Loudon, 1031., 8vo. Lloyd, 18, 5J, 5s. — .Esop's Fables, with the Fables of Phoedrus moralized. Pub- Ushed by H. P. Lond. 16 16. 12mo. — The Fables of Esop in Eng- lish, wheremito are added, the Fables of Avian and of Poge the Flo- rentine. Lond. 1647, 8vo. 12s. Black letter. Caxton's translation, though not a faithful reprint. — Fables with their morals in verse, front, and woodcuts. Camb. 1650. Southgate, 1818, il. — The Plii-ygian Fabulist, or the Fables of ^sop extracted from the Latine copie, and moralized by Leon. WiUan. Lond., 1050, 8vo. Bindley, Pt. iii. 2197, 3i. 1.3s. 6d. — Fables paraphrased in verse, by John Ogilby. Lond. 1651, 4to. With cuts by Hollar. First edition. Nassau, Pt. i. 152, uior. 11. 7s. Bindley, Pt. iii. 972, 11. 15s. Inglis, No. 99, 1/. 19s. — The Fables of Esop in Eng- hsh ; with all his Life and Fortvme ; whereimto tire added the Fables of Avian, &c. Loudon, 1658. 12rao. — The Fables paraplu-as'd in verse, adorned with sculpture, and illustrated with annotations, by John Ogilby. Lond. 1665, foUo. The plates mostly by Hollar. A trans- lation still in estimation. Fonthill, 2476, 31. 10s. White Knights, Pt. i. 185. morocco, 4^. 14s.6d. Republished folio, 1668. Bind- ley, Pt. ii. 1714, U. lis. — .^Esop's Fables, with lus Life in English, French, and Latin. The English by Tho. Phihpott ; the French and Latin by Rob. Codi-ing- ton. London, 1666, folio. With 112 sculptures, by F. Barlow. The greater part of the impression of this edition was burnt in the tire of London. Bindley, Pt. i. 166, 21. 9s. Large paper, 10/. 10s. — iEsop explained in Enghsh and Latin verse. Lond. 1672, 8vo. Nassau, Pt. i. 15, 16s. — • The Fables paraphrased in verse, adorned with scudptuves, and illustrated with annotations, by John Ogilby. Lond. 1672-3. 8vo. 2 vols. JESO JESO 17 Nassau, Part i. U, 16s.— Vol. 2, cntitlfid .^sopics, 1073. Uoyd, 20, 7s. Terry, Pt. ii. 917, 8s. 6(t. — jEsop explained in English and Latin verse, with a collection of English Proverbs and Sayings. London, 1G82. 12mo. 10s. to 12s. — ^sop's Fables, with his Life in English, French, and Latin, newly translated, illnstrated with one hundi'ed and twelve sculptures, and thii'ty-one new figures, repre- senting his life, by Francis Barlow. London, 1687. foUo. Nassau, Part i. 202, 21. 12s. 6d. W. KniKlit's Lib. Part i. 186, 31. 3s. Grave, 156, morocco, 41. 14s. 6d. Large paper. Sotheby's in 1825, 4Z. 4s. Fontliill 3349, 8/. Stanley, 439, russi.a. 81. 8s. Reprinted 1703, in folio, 21. 2s. This work is much admired for the accurate de- lineationof the animals,and for the freedom with which the subjects are etched. The verses under the sculptures in the life are by Mrs. Aphra Behn; plate 17 (which is indecent) is frequently wanting. — Tkree centuries of ^sopian Fables in English prose, done from 7Esop, Phsedrus, Camerarius, and others, by Philip Ayres, Esq. Lon- don, 1689. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Reprinted 1702. — Fables of JEsop and other eminent Mythologists, with Morals and Reflections by Sir Roger L'Es- trange. London, 1692-4. folio. 2 vols. 9s. This version was reprinted in folio, vol. i. 1694, and n. d. vol. ii. 1699 and 1704, also frequently in 8vo. 2 vols., viz. 1703, 8, 14, 15, 24, 38. — J<]sop's Fables, with the Mo- ral Reflections of Mons. Baudoin, translated from the French, with tlie Life of ^sop, by Jolm Toland. London, 1704. 8vo. 5s. — Truth in Fiction, or Morality in Masquerade ; a collection of Fables from ^sop and others, done into English verse, by Edmmid ."Irwaker. Lond. 1708, 8vo. pp. 350, 4s. Bibl. Anglo -Poet. No. 6, 10s. 6d. — Fables of J^^sop and others. Translated into English, with an VOL. I. A]))ilicatIon to eacli Fable, bv Sa- muel Croxall, D.D. London, 1722. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Often reprinted. The celebrated novelist, Samuel Richardson, likewise published au edition of iEsop's Fables, with Reflections. — Fables, in English and Latin interlineary, by John Locke. Lon- don, 1723. 8vo. second edition, with scidptures, 1/. Is. This book, by the celebrated Locke, is little known, and is not included in tiio editions of his works. — Select Fables of ^Esop and other Fabulists, byDodsley, printed by Bastei-ville, Birmingham, 1704. small 8vo. plates. This is considered the best translation of yEsop. The first edition appeared in 1701, and of late years it has been frequently re- printed. Gossat, 1857 (date 1761), 17s. 6d. nindley, Pt. iii. 1562 (date 1761), 15s. B.aker, 646 (date 1764), with proof plates and ori- ginal drawings, il. 14s. 6d. — Fables, with Life. London, Stockdale, 1793. . Royal 8vo. 2 vols, with 112 engravings. White Kniglits, I'art i. 25, morocco, n. 19s. — Fables. Lond. 1797. 12mo. A beautiful edition, published by Hep- tinstall, with copper-plate engravings to each fable, reprinted by Whittingham and others with the same plates. Bindlev, Pt. i. 18, 12s. — The Fables of ^sop and others, with Designs on Wood by Thomas Bewick. Newcastle, 1818, 8vo. 1/. Is. Royal, 11. 5s. Imperial. 1/. lis. 6d. Of this work there is a second edition, printed 1823, both in demy and royal, but not in imperial 8vo. Of yEsop there have been several other translations, viz., one by 11. Steers, 1804, 8vo. 3s. 6d. Another by Jefferys Taylor, of Ongar, 1821, 12mo. 4s. — Some Observations on the Fa- bles of YEsop, as commented upon by Sir Roger L'Estrange. By a Divine of the Church of Scotland (James Gordon, Bisliop of Aber^ deen.) Edin. 1700. 8vo. 5s. — ^sop in Select Fables, viz. at Tunbridge, at Bathe, at Ejjsom, at C IS AGA AGR Wliitehalle, fi-om Tiinbi'iflge, at Am- sterdam. London, 1698. 8vo. LIoyd> No. 19, 1-t^. iEsop. — JEsop's Fables bm-- lesqued. London, Bro. with a fron- tispiece. Dent, Pt. i. 20, 10s. Afi'ica. Western Afi-ica ; being a Description of the Manners, Cus- toms, Dresses, and Character of its Inhabitants. London, 1821. 12mo. 4 Tols. with 47 engi-avings, 1/. Is. — Proceedings of the Associa- tion for promoting the Discoveiy of the interior parts of Africa. Lon- don, 1790-1803. 4to. 2 vols, with maps. Printed for the use of the members of the association. Roxburghe, 7331, il. 15s. An edition was afterwards published in 8 vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. — Reports (18) of the Directors of the African Institution. Lon- doia, 1807-1824. 8vo. Agapetus. The Preceptes teacli- yng a Prynce of a noble Estate liis Duetie, translated into Englysshe by Thomas Paynell. London, bv Tho. Berthelet. 16mo. Black letter. Reprinted in 1563, with Lud. Vives' Introduction to Wisdom, by Ri. Morisine. Agas or Aggas, Eadolph. Pre parative to Platting of Landes and Tenements, for Surueigh. London, by Tho. Scarlet, 1596. 4to. BIkcIc letter. On 20 pages. This cele- brated surveyor published tlie first map of London in 1560, republished in 1618, and in 1737. AgATHAECHIDIS et MEiIN0^"I3 Iliatorieorum, quae supersunt omnia, e Grseco iam recens in LatLnum tra- ducta, per Rich. Brettum. Oxoniae, ex Officina typographical Joseplii Banies, 1597. ' 16mo. 10s. l*p. 110, besides dedication to ' D. Thoma; Rgertone'. It is also contained in the Geojjraphi Minores, edited by Hudson. Agathocles. — The Sicilian Tyrant, or the Life of Agathocles. London, 1678. 8vo. with portrait of Agatho- cles (i. e. O. CromweU) inscribed 'Tyrannus,' Ss. This work, intended as a parallel to O. Cromwell, was written by Richard PerriD- chief. Nassau, Pt. ii. 479, 5s. 1661. Aa edition was published in 1661. Lloyd, 1162. Large paper, 10s. 6d. A poem on the subject was publi.shed 1683, by Thos. Hoy, M.D. Age. — The cheatmg Age found out, 4to. A collection of wood-cuts, with verses. Bindley, pt. i. 2192, 16s. Ages. — The Four Ages of Eng- land ; or, the Iron Age, with other select Poems : written in the Year 1648. London, 1675. 8vo. pp. 94. Bibl. Anglo.-Poet, No. 715, 12s. Perry, pt. i. 1614, 4s. — Ages of Sinn, or Sinnes Birth and Grrowth, with the Stepps and Degrees of Sin, from Thought to final Impenitence. London, circa 1656. 4to. Nine engravings with English verses un- derneath each of them, published by T. Jenuer. Bindley, pt. i. 154, 61. 15s. 6d. Perry, 61. 10s. Aggeus. See Haggai. Aglioxby, WiLham. Painting il- lustrated in thi'ee Dialogues ; with the Lives of the most eminent Paint- ers ii'om Crinaibue to Raphael and Michael Angelo. Lond. 1685. 4to. This gentleman lilsewise published an- other work 'On Painting.' London,1719.4to. Agnesi, Donna Maria Gaetana. Analytical Institutions, translated into EngHsh by the Rev. 'John Col- son. London, 1802. 4to. 2 vols. 21. 2s. An excellent translation of a very useful work, published at the e.xpense of Baron Maseres, under the care of the Rev. John Ilellins. Agnew. — Sketch of a genealogical and historical Account of the Fa- mily of Yaux, Yans, or De Yalli- bus ; now represented in Scotland by Yans Agnew, of Barnbarrow, &c. in the County of Wigton, Scot- land. Pembroke, 1800. 4to. pp. 36. Privately printed. A copy is in the Royal Institution. Agriculture. Communications to the Board of Agricidt lu-e, on Sub- jects relative to the Husbandry and Internal Iinprovcinent of the Couu« AaR try. London, 1797-1811. 4-to. 7 vols, plates: Agriculture. — The Sub.'^tauce of a Lectiu'e on the Advantages which have resulted from the Establish ment of the Board of Agriciiltui'e By the Secretary of the Board (Ai'thur Young). Loud. 180'J. 8vo. 3s. 6d. — Review and complete Abstract of the Reports of the Board of Agriculture from the several De- partments of England, by Wm. Marshall. London, 1817. ' 8vo. 5 vols. 1^. Is. These reviews were published separately, viz., tlie Northern Department, 1808 ; tlie Western, 1810; tlie Eastern, lbl2; tlie Midlaiul, 1815, and the Southern and Pe- ninsular, 1817. Agricultural Sui'vejs of Great Britain and Ireland. ENOLAND. Bedfordshire', by Thos. Stone, 4to. 1794 by Thos. BiUchelor, Svo. 1808 or 1813 Berkshire, by W Pearce, 4to. 1794 by Will. Mavor, LL.D., 8vo. 1809 or 1813 Biiclcinghanishire, by Wm. James and Jacob Malcolm, 4to. 1794 by the Kev. St John Priest, 8vo 1810 or 1813 Cambridgeshire,byC.Vancouver,4to.l794 by the Rev. W. Gooch, Svo. 1811 or 1813 Cheshire, by Thomas Wedge, with an Appendix, 4to. 1794 H. Holland, Svo. 1808 or 1813 Cornwall, by Robert Fraser, 4to. 1794 by a. B. Worgan, Svo. 1811 Cumberland, by J. Bailey and G. Culley, 4to. 1794 Cumberland. See Northumberland. Derbyshire, by Tho. Brown, 4to. 1794 J. Farey, Svo. 3 vols. ISU, 13, 17 Devonshire, by Robert Fraser, 4to. 1794 C. Vancouver, Svo. 1808 or 1813 Dorsetshire, by Jolin Claridge, 4to. 1793 W. Stevenson, Svo. 1815 Durham, by Jos. Granger, 4to. 1794 John Bailey, Svo. 1810 or 1813 Essex, by Messrs. Griggs, 4to. 1794 C. Vancouver, 4to. 1795 A. Young, Svo. 2 vols. 1S07 Gloucester, by Geo. Turner, 4to. 1724 Tho. Rudge, Svo. 1807 or 1813 Hampshire, by A. and W. Driver; to which is added, the Isle of Wight, by the Rev. Mr. Wamer, 4to. 1794 AOIl 19 Agricultural Surveys : Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight, by C. Vancouver, Svo. 1810 or 1813 Hereloidshire, by John Clark, 4to. 1794 Duncumb, A. M., Svo. l.siis Hertfordshire, by D. Walker, 4to. 1795 A. Young, Svo. 1804 Huntingdonshire, by Thomas Stone, 4to. 1793 Geo. Maxwell, 4to. 1793 R. Parkinson, Svo. 1811 or 1813 Kent, by John Bovs, 4to. Brentford, 1794, Svo. 1796 or 1805 Lancashire, by John Holt, 4to. 1794 from the Communications of Jlr. John Holt, &c. Svo. 1795 by Dr. Dickson, revised by Steven- son, Svo. 1806 Leicestershire, by John Monk, 4to. 1794 Leicestershire, by Wm. Pitt, and Rut- landshire, by R. Parkinson, Svo. ISCJor 1813 Lincolnshire, by Tho. Stone, 4to. 1794 A. Young, Svo. 1799 Second Edition, 18— A Review of Young's Survey, by Tho. Stone. Second Edition, Svo. 1800 Man, Isle of, by Basil Quayle, 4to. 1794 Not published for sale. Middlesex, by Tho. Baird, 4to. 1793 Peter Foot, 4to. 1794 J. Middleton, Svo. 1798, 1807 Monmouthshire, by John Fox, 4to. Brentford, 1794 Monmouthshire, by C. Hass.^11, Svo. 1S12 Norfolk, by N. Kent, 4to. 1793, Svo. 1794 by A. Young, 8vo. 1804 Northamptonshire, by J. Donaldson, 4tn. Edinb. 1794 by W. Pitt, Svo. 1809 Northumberland, by J. Bailey and G. Culley, 4to. 1794 Northumberland and Cumberland, by J. Bailey and G. Culley ; and Westmore- land, by A. Pringle. The Third Edi- tion, Svo. 1S05 Nottinghamshire, by Rob. Lowe, 4to. 1794, Svo. 179S Oxfordshire, by R. Davis, 4to 1794 by A. Young, Svo. 1809 or 1813 Rutlandshire, by J. Crutchley, 4to. 1794 by Rich. Parkinson. See Leicester- shire. Shropshire, by J. Bishton. 4to. Brent 1794 Jos. Plymley, Svo. 1803 Somersetshire, by John Billingsley, 4to, 1794, Svo. Bath, 1798 Staffordshire, bv W. Pitt, 4to. 1796 Svo. 1794 Suffolk, by A. Young, 4to. 1794. Svo. 1798. 3804. Surrey, by W. James and J. Malcolm, 4to. 1794 Stevenson, Svo. 18'J9 2 20 AGE AGE Agricultural Siurevs : Sussex, by A. Young, 4to. 1793, 8vo. 1S08 Warwickshire, by J. Wedge, 4to. 1794 by A. Murray, 8vo. 1815 Westmoreland, by A. Pringle, 4to. Edinb. 1794 Sp^ Northumberland. Wiltshire, by Tho. Davis, 4to. 1794 Svo. 1811 or 1813 Worcestershire, by W. T. Pomeroy, 4to, 1794 W. Pitt, Svo. 1813 Yorkshire, East Riding, by I. Leathain 4to. 1794 by H. E. Strickland, Svo. York, 1812 Yorkshire, North Kidiug, by John Tuke, 4to. 1794, Svo. 180(J West Eiding, by Messrs. Eeunie Brun, and Shirreff, 4to. 1794 by R. Brown, Svo. Edinb. 171 WAXES Wales, by Walter Davies, Svo. 3 vols. 1810-15 (North), by George Kay, 4to. Edinb. 1794 Brecknockshire, by John Clark, 4to. 1794 Caermartheushire, by C. Hassall, 4to. 1794 Cardiganshire, from the Communications of Tho. Lloyd, Esq., and the Eev. Mr. Turner, 4to. 1794 Glamorganshire, by John Fox, 4to. 1796 Pembrokeshire, by C. Hassal, 4to. 1794 Radnorshire, by John Clark, 4to. 1794 SCOTLAND. Northern Counties and Islands, by Sir John Sinclair, Bart. 4to. 1794 Central Highlands of Scotland, by Mar- shall, 4to. 1794 Aberdeenshire, by James Anderson, LL.D. 4to. Edinb. 1794 Aberdeenshire, by Geo. Skene Keith, Svo. Aberdeen, 1811 Angus, or Forfarshire, by the Rev. Roger, 4to. Edinb. 1794 by the Rev. J. Headrick, Svo. 1831 Argyleshire, by James Robson, 4to. 1794 by John Smith, D.D. Svo. 1605, 1812 and Western part of Invemesshire, by James Robson, 4to. 1794 Ayrshire, by Col. FuUartou, Edinb. 1793 VV. Alton, Svo. Glas. 1811 Banffshire, by Souter, Svo. by James Donaldson, 4to. Edinb. 1794 Berwickshire, by Alex. Lowe, 4to. 1794 by Rob. Kerr, Svo. 1806 or 1809, or 1613 Bute, by W. Alton, Svo. Glas. 1816 Caithness, by J. Henderson, Svo. 1812 Clackmannanshire, by J. F. Erskine, 4to. Edinb. 1795 OlylCNdale, by John Nai.smith, 4to. 1794. Svo. 1798. 18061 Agriciiltitral Surveys : Dumbartonshire, by the Rev. David Ur« 4to. 1794 by the Rev. A. White and Duncan Macfarlane, D.D. 8vo. Glas. 1811 Dumfriesshire, by Bryce Johnston, D.D., an Appendix, 4to. 1794 by Dr. Singer, Svo. Edinb. 1S12 Elgin, or Moray, by James Donaldson, 4to. 1794 Fifeshire, by R. Beatson, 4to. 1794 by J. Thomson, D.D. Svo. Edinb. 1800 Galloway, by J. Webster, 4to. Edinb. 1794 by the Rev. S. Smith, Svo. 1813 Hebridas, or Hebrides, by Rob. Heron, 4to. Edinb. 1794 Hebrides, by James Macdonald,8vo. 1811 by Walker, Svo. 2 vols. Inverness, by James Robertson, D. D. 8vo. 1808 Kincardineshire, by T. Donaldson, 4to. 1794 by J. Robertson, D.D. Svo. 1810 Kinrosshire, by the Rev. D. Ure, 4to. 1794 Lothian (East), by G. B. Hepburn, 4to. 1794 (East), by R. Somei-ville, Svo. 1805 (Mid-), by George Robertson, 4to. Edinb. 1793, Svo. Edinb. 1795 (Mid-), by Rob. Bald, Svo. 1812 (West), by James Trotter, 4to. Edinb. 1794, with an Appendix, Svo. 1812 (Mid-), Abridged Report, 4to. 1795 Nairn, &c., by James Donaldson, 4to. 1794 and Moray, by the Rev. W. Leslie, 8vo. 1811 Peebles, by the Rev. Charles Finlater, Svo. Edinb. 1802, 1814 Perth, Banff, Northampton, and Mearns, or Kincardine, by James Donaldson, 4to. 1794 Perth, by James Robertson, D.D. Svo. Perth, 1799 Pei-thshire (Southern Districts of), by James Robertson, D.D. 4to. 1794 Perthshire, Carse of Gowrie in, by James Donaldson, 4to. 1794 Renfrewshire, by John Wilson. by Alex. Martin, 4to. 1794 Ross and Cromarty, by Sir George Stuart Mackenzie, Svo. 1813 Eoxburghe atul Selkirk, by Eobert Dou- glas, D.D. Svo. Edinb. 1798. 1802 Roxburghshire, by the Rev. D. Ure, 4to. 1794 Stulingshire, by R. Belsches, 4to. by Graham, 8vo. Sutherland, by J. Henderson, Svo. 1815 Selkirk, by Thomas Johnston, 4to. 1794 Tweeddale, by Thomas Johnston, 4to. 1794 Orkney Islands, by John Shirreff, Svo. Edinb. 1614 AGU AIK 21 Agricultural Svu'veys : IRELAND. Antrim, by tlie Uev. John Dubourdieu 8vo. 2 vols. Dublin, 1812 Armagh, by Sir Charles Coote, Bart. 8vo. ibid. 18()4 Cavan, by Sir Charles Cootc, Bart. 8\o. ibid. 1802 Cork, by the Rev. Horatio Townsend, 8vo. ibid. 1810 Clare, by Hely Dutton, 8vo. ibid. 1808 Donegal, by James M'Pharlan, M.D. 8vo. ibid. 1802 Down, by the Rev. John Dubourdieu, 8vo. ibid. 1802 Dublin, by Lieutenant Joseph Archer, 8vo. ibid. 1802 ObservationB on Archer's Statisti- cal Survey, by Hely Dutton, 8vo. ibid. 1802 Galloway, by the Rev. Sam. Smith, 8vo. London, 1810 Kilkenny, by Wm.Tighe, 8vo. Dublin, 1802 King's and Queen's Coiinties, by Sir Charles Coote, 8vo. 2 vols. ibid. 1801 Kildare, by Tlio. Jas. Rawson, 8vo. ibid, 1807 Leitrim, Mayo, and Sligo, by James M'Pharlan, M.D. 8vo. 3 vols. ibid. 1802 Londonderry, by the Rev. Geo. Vaughan Sampson, 8vo. ibid. 1802 Meath, by Robert Thompson, ibid. 1802 Monaghan, by Sir Charles Coote, Bart. 8vo. ibid. 1801 Roscommon, by J. Weld. ibid. 1832 Tyrone, by John M'Evoy. Svo. ibid. 1802 Wexford, by Robert Frazer, 8vo. ib. 1801 Wicklow, by Robert Fraser, Svo. ib. 1801 Aqeippa, Henry Cornelius. Of the Vanitie and Uncertaintie of Artes and Sciences, englislied by Ja.(mes) Sa.(nford), Gent. Lond. by Henry Wykes, 1569. 4to. 9s. Black Letter. Reprinted 1575. An excel- lent article on this work will be found in the Retrospective Review, vol. xiv., 181-206. — The Vanity of Ai'ts and Sci- ences. London, 1676. or 1684. Svo. with portrait, 5s. — Three Books of Occult Plii- losophy, translated by J. F(reake). Lond. 1651. 4to. with portrait. Fonthill, 407, 10s. Sotheby's in April, 1822, U. 4s. Roxburghe, (4 books, 1651-65) 12s. 6d. Inglis, No. 102, (4 bks., 1651-65) 13s. — Fourth Book of Occidt Phi- losophy, translated by Kobert Tui"- ner. London, 1665. 4to. 5s. This book is spurious. Another version appeared iu 1783, 8vo. 4s. Ageippa. — Treatise of Nobility, and the Excellency of Woman-kind, translated by David Clapluun. London, 1542. Svo. Black Letter. Composed in compliment to Margaret of Austria. — The Praise of Matrimony, translated by David Clapham. Lon- don, by Tho. Berthelet, 1545. Svo. Black Letter. Bright, 1845, fine, 31. 4s. Bindley, date 1540. — The Glory of Women, trans- lated by Edward Fleetwood. Lon- don, 1652. 4to. — Female Pre-eminence, trans- lated from the Latin, by Henry Care. London, 1670. With a fulsome dedication to Queen Catherine. Ahmad Bin Abubeker, Bin Wah- shih. See Hammer (Jos.) AiCKiN. Siege of Londonderry in verse. Dublin, 1699. Svo. Nassau, pt. i. 19, lis. AiKlN, Arthur. — Jom-nal of a Toixr through North Wales and Part of Shropsliire ; with observations in Mineralogy and other branches of Natural History. London, 1797 or 1798. Svo. pp. 231. 4s. An admirable specimen of a mineralogi- cal and geological tour. Fonthill, 2148, 9s. — Ai'thur and C. R. Dictionary of Chemisti-y and Mineralogy. Lond. 1807. 4to. 2 vols, with an Appendix, 1814. 4to. 51. 15s. 6d. An invaluable condensation of Chemical and Minei'alogical science, the most com- prehensive in the English language. — Edmund. Designs for Villas, and other Rural Buildings. Lond. 1808. 4to. With 31 plates, ISs. — Essay on the Doric Order of Architecture. London, 1810. im- perial folio, 15s. — Plans, Elevation, Section, and View of the Cathecb-al Chiu-ch of St. Paul, London; engraved by J. Le Keux from Drawings by James Elmes, architect ; with an histoi-ical and descriptive accoxmt by Edmund Aikin, architect. London, 1813. Elephant 4to. 22 AIK AIN Five plates, with an Essay of 18 pages, (B — F.) also title and preface of 2 pages, signed J. B. (John Britton.) Some copies were printed in Atlas 4to. This publication originally appeared In the first volume of ' ' The Fine Arts of the English School.' — John, M. D. Essays on Song Writing, with a coUection oflPl^y 5 or Lives of the most eminent — England DeUneated. London, 1818, 8vo. 14s. The former editions of this useful work, chiefly designed fur the use of j'oung per- sons, appeared in 1788, 1795, 1803. — and others. Greneral Biosira- siich EngUsh songs as are most emi iient for poetical merit. To which are added some original pieces. Lon don, 1772. 8vo. 3s. 6d. A much esteemed and elegant collection, reprinted at Warrington, 1774, and Dublin, 1777. — New edition, with addition and corrections, and a supplement by R. H. Evans. Loudon, 1810. crown Svo. pp. 380. 9s. The best edition. — Vocal poetry, or a select Col- lection of EngUsh Songs. To which is prefixed, an Essay on Song Writing. Lond. 1810. post Svo. pp. 304. 9s. This edition, as well as thiit of K. H. Evans, is considerably enlarged. Dr. Aikin likewise published ' An Essay on Application of Natural History to Poetry,' 1777, small Svo. 2s. 6d.; and ' Letters on a Course of English Poetry,' 1804, 12mo. 3s. — Letters fi'om a Father to his Son, on various Topics relative to Literature and the Conduct of Life. London, 1793-1800. Svo. 2 vols. 9s. — Descrijition of the Countiy fi'om thu-ty to forty miles i-ound Manchester. London, 1795. 4to. Contains pp. xvi. 624, with list of sub- scribers, and 73 plates, 21. 2s. Large paper 3/. 13s. 6d. The large map is frequently wanting Willett, 74, russia, 2Z. 5s. Edwards, 647, russia, 21. 10s. Beckford, 1817. No. 144, russia, 21. 15s — Lives of John Seldcn, and Archbp. Usher, with Notices of the principal English Men of Letters with wliom they wore connected. London, 1811, Svo. 6s. — Annals of the reign of King George III. from its commence- ment in 1760 to his death in 1820. Third edition. London, 1825, Svo. 2 vols. 1/. An abridgement in 12nio. 4s. 6d. persons, arranged according to al- phabetical order. London, 1799- 1815, 4to. 10 Yols. ' A woitliless compilation,' according to Gifford. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 122, 31. 10s. Holli.s, 172, 121. — Lucy. Memou-s of the Court of Queen EHzabeth. Lond. 1818, Svo. 2 vols, with portrait of the Queen, 1/. 5s. Reprinted 1823. — Memoirs of the Court of King James the Fu-st. London, 1822, Svo. 2 vols. 11. 4s. Reprinted 1826. Vol. L pp. 444, with portrait. Vol.11, pp. 408, iL 4s. An admirable historical work, ' nearly,' says the Ediub. Review, ' as entertaining as a novel, and far more instructive than most histories.' — Life of Joseph Addison, 2 vols, small Svo. London, 1843. 10s. 6d. Severely reviewed by Macaulay in the Edmhuryh Review, July, 1843. — Memou-s of John Aikin, M.D., with a selection of his miscellaneous Pieces, biographical, moral, and cri- tical. London, 1824, Svo. 2 vols. 1/. 4s. AiLMEH, John, LL.D. Musse Sacrse : seu Jonas, Jeremiee Threni, et Daniel, Grgeco redditi Carmine. Oxonise, 1652, 12nio. 5s. According to Ant. a Wood, Ailmer was 'accounted an excellent Grecian, and a good Greek and Latin poet, as appears by this book, which he composed when a young man.' AiLMEE. See Aylmee. AiNSLiE, John. Ti-eatise on Laud Surveying. Edinb. 1812, 4to. with plates, ISs. AiNSWORTH, Hcm-y. Annota- tions on the five books of Moses, the Psalms, and the Song of Solo- mon. Lond. 1639, folio, 1/. Is. to 1/. 7s. Best edition of a laboriuus and useful work, containing a literal translation of all AIT the books mentioned, as well as annotations on them. The substance is given in the Latin Synopsis of I'oole. — Two Treatises. The first of the Communion of Sauits ; the se- cond, entitled an Arrow against Idol- atry. To tliis edition is prefixed some Account of the Life and Writ- ings of the Author. Edinburgh, 171)2. 8vo. pp. 311. 3s. 6d. The other writings of tliis eminent Non- conformist Divine of the sect called Hrownists, who died 1622, are in some es- timation. — Robert. Dictionary of the Latin Tongue. London, 1752. folio, 2 vols. 3/. 3s. The tirst edition of this work was pub- lished 1736, 4to. Reprinted with addi- tions by Patrick, 1746, 4to. 2 vols. 25s. Large paper, 35s. 1751, 4to. 28s., 1761, 4to. A very correct edition, 11. lis. 6d. By Thomas Morell, 1773. 1778. 1783. 1796. 1808. 11. lis, 6d. to 21. 2s. each. The edition, 1752, in folio. Willett, 112, il. 4s. (This folio edition, which is considered tlie best, was reprinted without abridgment, but with considerable additions by the Rev. B. W. Reatson and Wm. Ellis, in one vol. im- perial 8vo. Lond. 1840, and since, 15s.) — Another Edition, revised by Dr. Carey. London, 1816. 4to. 2L 15s. Reprinted 1823. There have been abridge- ments of this work by Young, Thomas, Morell, and Jamieson. — Wm. Marrow of the Bible in Yerse. London, 1652. 12mo. 7s. Nassau, pt. i. 25, 17s. Air Bank. — An Account of the Fall of the Air Bank. 1778. 4to Roxb. 0352, 11. 3s. AiRAT, Heniy. Lectui'es upon the whole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians. Loudon, 1618. 4to. Tlie work of a rigid Calvinist. Au'es and Dialogues, Select, com- posed by Jolm Wilson, C. Coleman, H. and W. Lawes, &c. London, 1653. folio, 21. 2s. A valuable and esteemed collection. Re- printed 1659. 1669. Bindley, pt. iii. 1250, date 1669, 31. 5s. AiTON, Wilham. Hortus Kew- ensis ; or a Catalogue of the Plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew. London, 1789. 8vo. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. ALA 23 A mostcurious,instrnctive, and excellent botanical work, which for scientilic ar- rangement and execution has never been surpassed. — Hortus Kewensis. New edition, enlarged by his Son, W. T. Alton. London, 1810-1811. 8vo. 5 vols. 31. 3s. An Epitome of this edition was pulilished 1814, 8vo. 12s. Some copies were printed witli references to where the plants are figured, 16s. Ajax Ills Speech to the Grecian Knabbs ; fi-om Ovid's Metam. Lib. xiii. Consedere duces, et vidgi stante corona, &c., attempted in broad Buchans, by R(obert) F(orbes), Gent. To which is added a Jom'nal to Portsmouth, and a Shop-Bill, in the same Dialect ; with a Key. Edinb. 1765, 12mo. 5s. To this edition the Folemo Middinia is subjoined. An edition, Edinb. 1754. Rox- burghe, 3461, 9s. Akbar, or Akber. See Ayeen Ak- bery. Akbur of Betlis. Fragments, con- taining Reflections on the Laws, Manners, Customs, and Religions, of certain Asiatic, Afric, and Euro- pean Nations. London, 1784-5. 8vo. 3 vols. Akenside, Mark. Poems. Lon- don, 1772, 4to. With portrait, setat. 35. Profile by E. Fisher, 12s. Copies on fme writing-paper, IBs. An elegant edition. Akenside's Poeraa are Inserted in Anderson, Chalmers, and every subsequent Collection of British I'oets Heath, 1764, 1^. 3s. On fine writing |)aper, Hollis, 173, 11. lis. 6d. Roscoe, 1419, 11. 17s. — Works. New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1808, 12mo. 2 vols. 7s. 6d. This edition contains some pieces never before printed. In 1796 was published his Pleasures of Imagination, with a critical Essay, by Mrs. Barbauld, 12mo, with plates after Stothard, 5s. Akerby, George. Life of Mr. James Spiller, the late Comedian. London, 1729. 8vo. portrait. At, ATI ASTER, Wilham. Roxana Tragoedia a Plagiarii Unguibus vin- dicta, aucta et recognita ab Authore. Loudmi. 1632. 12mo. with fi'ont. by 24 ALB ALB Gay wood, containing an interior view of the theatre. Praised by Dr. Johuson as a composition equal to the Latin Poetry of Milton. Bos- well, 31, 5s. 6d. Inglis, No. 9, 6.s. Keed, 8469, 8s. Nassau, pt. i. 26, morocco, 1^. A surreptitious edition was published the same year. — Lexicon Pentaglotton, Hebra- iciun, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Tal- niudieo — Eabbiniciim et Arabiciim. Londini, 1637. folio, 6s. This writer likewise published several other works, and is styled by Ant. i Wood, ' the rarest poet and Grecian tliat any one age or nation produced.' He attended as cluiplain on Kobert, Earl of Essex, in thr Cadiz voyage, where he changed his reli- gion, and wrote ' Seven Motives' for what lie had done, answered by John Kacster, 1.598, and by Roger Fenton, 1599. A TAX , William, Cardinal. See Allen. Alane or Alantts. See Hales. Alarnm for London ; or, the Siege of Antwerp ; witli tlie ventrons Aetcs and valorous Deeds of the lame Soldier. Acted by the Lord Chamberlain's servants. London, 1602. -Ito. The jilot is taken from ' The tragical History of the City of Antwei-p.' Rhodes, 5, U. 19s. Inglis' Old Flays, 133, il. 10s. Alazono-Mastix ; or, the Charac- ter of a Cockney : in a Satyricall Poem. DecUcatcd (as a New-Year's- Grift) to the Apprentices of London. By Jimius Anonymns, a London Apprentice. Lond. 1651. 4to. pp. 16. An account of this curious satirical poem will be found in the Uetrosp. Keview, viii. 328-a5. Alban, St. — De inclyti et gloriosi Protomartyris Anghe Albaui quern in Germania et Galha Albiiium vocant , Conversione, Passione, Traus- latione, ex IVIiraculorum Chorusca- tione. (Colonia-, 1502.) dto. black letter, 31. 3s. This very rare life of the English Saint and protoniartyr, St. Alban, is diHlicatod to K. Henry viii. by the Abbot and Jloiiks of the Monastery of St. Pantaleon, in Cologne. — See Albon. Alb .ns, St. Some Account of the Chvu'ch of St. Alban, Illustrative of, the Plans, Elevation, and Sections of that Building. London, 1813. atlas foUo. Published by the Society of Antiquaries. North, pt. i. 137, 11. 17s. Albemaele, Duke of. See Monk. Alberius Trencurianus, Claudius. A Demonstrative Oration of the Resurrection oftheDeade. London, by Hugh Singleton, 8vo. Black Letter. 15 leaves. Dedicated to the ' Draper's Societie,' by W. M. the trans- lator. Albeeoxi, Juhus, Cardinal. The pohtical Testament ; exhibiting a general View of the Pohtics and Interests of the several Courts of Eui'ope. Ti-anslated from the Ita- lian. London, 1753. 8vo. 5s. A compilation of no authority, written by Maubert de Gouvest. A life of the Car- dinal by G. Moore, appeared in 1808, 8vo., likewise a publication entitled ' Cardinal Alberoni's Scheme for reducing the Turk- ish Empire to the Obedience of Christian Princes,' without date. Albeeti, Leon Battista. Delia Architettm-a, della Pittura, deUa Statua, &c. in Itahan and Enghsh, by James Leoni. Lond. 1739. foho. 3 vols, with plates, 1/. lis. 6d. Fonthill, 877, 21. Is. An edition, Lon- don, 1726, 3 vols. Albeetus ]\LiGNUS. Liber Ag- gregationis seu Liber Secretorum Alberti Magni de yh'tutibus Her- barimi, Lapidum et Anunahum quo- rundam. In Civit. London, per Willi, de Mechlinia. 4to. Letter. A to D. in eights, E. six, and four without catch words or pagination. A 1, is blank. The most elegant specimen of Machlinia's press, according to Dr. Dib- din. A copy is in Earl Spenser's Library. White Knights, pt. i. 134, morocco, 71. 10s. — The Booke of Secretes, , of the Vertues of Hcrbes, Stones, and certame Beastes. Also a Booke of the same author of the maruaylous thinges of the world, and of certain ellertes caused of certnyne Beastes. London, by Wm. Copland. 16mo. 10s. 6d. Black Letter. A. to L.4. in eightis. The last leaf blank. An edition of Albertus' ALB ALB 25 Secrets was published 1637, 12mo. in black letter, 5s. Alisertus Magnus. De Secrelis Miilierum : or the Mysteries of Human Generation fully revealed, faitlifully rendered into English, with explanatory Notes, and approved of 1759, and Edinb. 1776. by the late John Qiiincy, M.D. Lon- don, 1725. 8vo. 5s. A publication by Edmund Curll. Albeettjs, Sigandus. Liber Mo- donun Significandi Alberti. Apud ViUam Sancti Albani, 1480. 4to. Black letter. 46 leaves, a. b. c. d. e. in eights, and f. in sixes. Tlie text begins on tlie recto of a. 1. A copy is in the Royal Ijibrary at I'aris. Dr. Dibdin notices two other editions of this work, one without date, the other 1515, both printed by W. de Worde. AiBiis, Th. de. i. e. Thomas White. AiBiN, Eleazar. Natural History of Enghsh Insects. London, 1720. 4to. With 100 plates coloured, 1/. lis. 6d. Sotheby's in 1826, ntssia, 11. 13s. Wil- lott, 79, date 1724, 5^. 10s. — Natvu-al Histoiy of English Insects, with Notes and Observa- tions by W. Derham. London, 1749. 4to. 100 coloured plates, with a page of the text to each, 21. 2s. — Insectoriun Anghse Naturahs Historia, cum Annotat. Gul Der- ham. Lond. 1731. 4to. veith 100 coloured plates. — Natiu-al History of Bu-ds. London. 1731-4-8, 4to. 3 vols. 21. 12s. 6d. Vol. i. pp. 96, and 101 coloured plates. Vol. ii. pp. 92, and 104 coloured plates. Vol. lii. pp. 95, and 101 coloured plates. Willett, 81, SI. i8s. 6d. A French transla- tion, with Derham's Notes, &c., was pub- lished, a la Haye. 1750, 4to. 3 vols. — Natiu-al Histoi-y of Spiders and other curious Insects. Loud. 1736. 4to. 11. Is. pp. 7R, with 53 coloured plates, and a portrait of Albin on horseback, by J. Sco- tin. The principal parts of this well-known work are inserted.iu the ' .\ranei of Thomas Martyn,' 1793, 4to. Willett. 80, 31. 73. M. of Towushend, No. 138. IJirds, Insects, and Spiders, 1736-49, 4to. 5 vols. 161. 16s. — Natm-al History of English Song-Birds ; a new edition, cor- rected, with several Improvements under the article of Canary Birds. London, 1779. 8vo. With plates, plain, 3s. coloured, 7s. The former editions, London, 1737, 1747, History of Esculent Fish, with North's Essay on Fish and Fisli Ponds. Lond. 1794. 4to. pp. 80, with 18 coloured plates, 16s. In little estimation. — John. A History of the Isle of Wight, from the earUest times of authentic information to the pre- sent period. Newjoort, 1795, 8vo. With a sheet map. Ss. Fonthill, 2140, 11. 12s. Albine, called De Seres, John de. A notable Discourse, discussing who are the right ministers of the Catho- hke Church : with an Offer made by a Catholike to a learned Protestant, wherein shall appere the difierence betwixte the open knowen Church of the Cathohkes, from the hid un- knowen Congregation of the Protes- tantcs. Duaci per Johannem BeUe- rum, 1575, 16mo. The work, the running title of which is ' A notable Discourse against Heresies,' is introduced by a preface, and consists of 98 leaves, numbered. The ' Offer' C. in eights, the last leaf blank. This work, written against Calvin and his Disciples, was an- swered by Thomas Spark and Kobert Crowley. Albinoyanus, C. Pedo. The Elegies, with an English version, by J. Pliimtre, D.D. Kidderminster, 1807. 12mo. pp. 127, 4s. fine PAPEE, 5s. 6d. The original will also be found in Mait- taire's Corpus Poetarunj Latinorum. Albinus, Bernard Siegfred. Ana- tomical Tables of the Skeleton and Muscles of the Human Body. Lon don, 1749-50. impl. foho. 29 Nos. in 1 vol. 3/. 3s. A complete anatomical description of tire human skeleton and muscles, very accu- rately engraved. The following should accompany this much-esteemed work. 1. Three whole-length anatomical tables, re- presenting a man, and a woman, 5s. 2. A J6 ALC ALC compleat system of the blood vessels on four sheets, with tables of explanation on seven sheets, 7s. 6d. 3. A complete system of the nerves, on foursheets, with tables of explanation, 7s. 6d. Willett, 114, (com plete) 6?. — Another Edition, 1777. folio with explanations in 4to. 21. 2s. Albion's Queene. Tlie famous Historic of. London, 1601. 4to Black letter. Of this romance, (of which only one copy is known, wanting sheet A.) Queen Katlierine is the heroine Albon and Amphabel. — The glo- rious Lyfe and Passion of Seint Albon, Prothomartyr of Englande, and also the Lyfe and Passion of Saint Amphabel, translated out of Frenche and Laten in to Enghshe, by John Lydgate, Monke of Bury. Saynt Albon, 1534. 4to. The whole contains y, in fours. In seven line stanzas, four on a page. \ copy of tliis extremely rare work is in tlie British Museum. Alborow. — The Life of the holy and blessed Virgin, Sauite Alborow. (Richard Pynson) 4to. From Maunsell's Catal. p. 67, col. 2. Albccasis. De Chirurgia, Arab, et Lat. ciu'a Johannis Channing. Oxon. 1778. 4to. 2 vols. 11. 5s. XAEGE PAPEB, \l. Ifis. A valuable work. In Dr. Freind's His- tory of Physic is a very elaborate analysis of Albucasis's works and practice. Alcantara's (P.) Grolden treatise of Mental prayer, by Giles Wd- loughby. 12mo. port, and front. Bruxelies, 1632, 10s. 6d. Alc^us. Tlie purest text of this poet will be found in the Museum Criticum, vol. 1, pp. 4-21-41, edited by Bishop Blomfield. Alcedo, Don Ant. de. Geo- graphical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies, with large additions and Compila- tions, by G. A. Thompson. Lon- don, 1 81 2-15. 4to. 5to1s. Tli(iin|)S(]n's edition for its additions, &c. iiilnfinitelv more valuable than the original. Sir M. Sykes, pt. i. 125, 61. 5s. Duke of York, 2;», r>l. 5s. Alchemy. — Marrow of Alchemy, a Poem. London, 1654. 4to. Nassau, pt. i. 2197, 19s. Sir P. Thomp- son, 463, 17s. 6d. Alciatus, Andrew. Emblemata. See WiLLET, Andi-ew. To this work, first published Paris, 1585, subsequent writers, particularly George Wither, have been greatly indebted. Alcidalis and Zelida, History of, a Tale of the fourteenth century. Lond. 1789. 8yo. Some copies have a fictitious title, pur- porting to have been printed at Strawberry- liill, MDCCI.XXXIX., and have produced con- siderable prices, viz. Sotheby's in June, 1827, U. 6s. Brockett, 2947, U. 13s. Golds- mid, 373, '21. 5s. Aledia : Philoparthens loving FoUy. 4to. K. Hawkins, 1G18. Bright, 45, (two leaves wanting) M. 10s. — Pliiloparthens louing Folly. With the Love of Amos and Laiu-a, by S. P. [Samuel Page.] Lond. for Richard Hawkias, 1619. 12mo. The poem of Amos and Laura is dedi- cated to the celebrated Izaak Walton. — Wlicremito is added Pigma- hon's image, with the loves of Amos and Laura, and also Epigrammes by Sir J. H. [Harrington] R. Hawkms, 1628, 4to. Lloyd, 208, lOl. Freeling, 101. 5s. Chal- mers, lOZ. Jolly, 43, l'2l. 5s. Alcinous, in Platonicam Plulo- sopliiam Introductio, Gr. et Lat. (ediderimt Jo. Langbsenius et Jo. Fellus.) Oxon. 1667. 8vo. 2s. 6d. An excellent edition. A translation of the introduction to the Platonic Philosophy will be found in Stanley's History of Phi- losophy. Alcipheon's Epistles, in which are described the domestic Manners, the Courtesans, and Parasites of Greece, (translated from the Greek by the Rev. Mr. Monro and the Rev. Wm. Beloe.) Loudon, 1791. 8vo. 4s. This work is in general (says Dr. A. Clarke) well done ; and is accompanied by very useful notes. AicocK, John. Successively Bishop of Rochester, Worcester, and Eli, Spousage of a Vii'gin to Christ. 4to. 1486. QaUicantus et Cofratres suos curatos in Sinodo apud Beni' ALD ALK 27 well, XXV. die mensis Septembris, 1498. (Lond. per E. Pynsou) folio. The work consisting of 26 leaves, (A^D vi. in eights,) is divided into xvi cliapters. A copy is in the libniry of Karl Spencer._ — Sermo Johis Alcok, Epi Elieii. Enprinted atWestmestre bi Wynkin tlie Wordc. 'ito. Black letter, extends to d viij. In this sermon tlie Hishop directs his hearers to obtain full knowledge of all proclamations as registered in the Court of Chancery. Two short extracts from this work to con- firm the elucidation of the well-known line in Hamlet — ' Unhnuseld, disappointed, unanel'd,' will he found in the British Bibliographer, ii. 632-3. — Mon8 Perfectionis, otherwyce (railed in Englyssh, the Hylle of Perfection. Emprynted by Ryeharde Pynson, in the xiii yere of K. Henry the vii. (1497.) 4to. Black letter, e iij. An exhortation to the Carthusians, recommending prayer, obedience, and the solitude of the cell Willett, 1629, (with the Abbaye of the tecture, translated by the Rot. Pliilip Smyth. Lond. 1789, royal 8vo. with 55 plates, and a portrait of Aldrich, after Kncller, 12s. to 15s. According to the Rev. J. C. Eustace, ' a very clear and concise treatise on the gene- riil principles, proportions, and terms of this art, and may be recommended as a good work of the kind for the use of be- ginners.' A third edition was published at Oxford, in 1821. Unpublished editions of the Elera. Archit. and Instit. Geom. at liindley's Sale, pt. i. No. 204, brought 11. Is. Aldus. Vide Manutius, Aldus. Alector, the Cock, 1590. Hee Aneau, Bart. Aleman, Mateo. The Life of Guzman d'Alfarache ; or, the Spa- nish Rogue : to which is added the celebrated Tragi-Comedy, Celestina. Done into English from the new French Version, and compar'd with the original (Spanish). By several Hands. Lond. 1708. 8vo. 2 vols. With sculptures, by Graspar Bout- Holy Ghost,) 9i. 19s. 6d. Dr. Dibdin, inltats. his much improved edition of Ames, notices 1 Roxburghe, 6347, IZ. lOs. Of this very three editions, one by Pynson, 1497, andlpopular Novel, or Romance, there have two by W. de Worde, 1497 and 1501. ibeen several translations, in folio, 1623. — The Abbaye of the Holy I 1B30, 1634, 1656, IDs. to 15s. each. The Ghost. Westmestre, by W. deilf'^f translation is by Brady. Lond 1822 „, , ,. 'J ' 3 vols, post 8vo. 11. lis. 6d. An edition Worde, 4to. Black letter, 18 leaves printed in double columns. Willett, 1629. (with Mons Per- fectionis,) 91. 19a. 6d. Mauusell mentions an edition of the date of 1531. Alcoran. See Mahomet. Alcoran of the Franciscans. See Francis, St. Aldini, John. An Account of the late Improvements in Galvan- ism, &c. London, 1803. 4to. with plates, 9s. In 1819 was published another work by this author, entitled ' General Views on the Application of Galvanism to Medical Purposes.' 6s. Aldrich, Henrj', D.D. Artis Logicse Compendium. Oxou. 1691. large Svo. Six sheets. With Aris- totle's portrait in the title page, 3s. Reprinted, with variations and additions, 1696, 1704, 1750, and still used as a text Isook at Oxford. A translation, with Ques- tions, appeared in 1825, 12mo. 3s. 6d. — The Elements of Civil Ai-chi- post 8vo. 11. lis. 6d. An edition epitomiz'd into English, by A. S. Gent,' appeared in 1655, Svo. In the Retrospec- tive Review, vol. v. 189-205, is an excellent notice of this work, which contains a fund of acute and comprehensive observations on almost every rank in society. Alemand, Louis Augustine. 'Histoire Monastique d'Irlande. Paris, 1690. 12mo. 5s. This work was afterwards enlarged by Captain Stevens, and published under the title of Monasticon Hibernicum. Set Akchdall. Alen. See Allen. Ales, or Alesius. See Hales. Alexander de Alexandria, in iii Libros AristoteUs de Anima. Tin- pressum per me Theodoric Rood de Colonia in alma Vniu'sitate Oxon. M.cccc.LXXXi. Small folio. Printed in double columns. G 6 and Y 8 are blank leaves. A copy wanting the title page is in the British Museum. — de Vnia Dei. Textus Alex- andi"i cum Sentcntiis Construct!- 28 ALU oiiibus. Lond. Rich. Pyiison, 1505. 4to. Black letter, 50 leaves. Reprinted 1513, 4to. This work was for some centuries the most favourite manual of grammar used in schools. Dr. Dibdin mentions an edition of 1503, printed by W. de Worde, but questions its existence; and in the Uibl. Llwyd. No. 452, was a copy printed by Pynson, 1516, which produced 11. lis. Alexander Apkrodisiensis ad Im- peratoresdeFatoetdeeo quod nostrse Potestatis est. Ammoiiius Hemieie iuLibriAi-istotelisdeluterpretatione Sectionem secuudam, Grr. at Lat. Londini, 1658, small 8vo. 3s. 6d. to 5s. Alexaxdee, James Edward. Tra- vels from India to England, 1825-6. London, 1827. 4to. witli maps and plates, pubUslied at 1/. lis. 6d. , ' A performance,' says tlie Quarterly Re- view, 'obviously very juvenile, but con- taining many lively and interesting de-l Kcriptions, more particularly of scenes in Burmah and Asia Minor.' i — John. Paraj)hrase upon the Fifteenth Chapter of the Fu'st Epistle to the Corinthians, with critical Notes and Obsei-vations, and a PreHniinaiy Dissertation. A Commentary, ^vitli critical Remarks upon the sixth, seventh, and part of! Ilie eighth Chapters of the Romans. To which is added a Sermou on Ecclesiastcs ix. 10, composed by the Author the day preceding his Death. Lond. 1766. 4to. 5s. The work of an Unitarian, containing a few good critical remarks. Hollls, 174, 12s. 6d. — "WiU. See Stebline, Earl of. — William. Medidla Historise Scotiae, being a History of the Lives and Reigns of the Kings of Scot- land, from Fergus I. to Charles II. Loud. 1685. 12mo. 53. — A short Survey of the Lineal Descent of the Sovereign Princes ia Europe. Edinh. 1701. 8vo. Constable, No. 1.'!, 7h. — WilHam, M.D. 'J'lie History (if Woiuon, from the earliest Anti- ALE quity to the present Time. Lou- don, 1779. 4to. 2 vols. 12s. Reprinted 1782, 8vo. 2 vols. Heath, 1420, 12s. 6d. — William. Sketches from Na- ture, made in China. London, 1797. royal 8vo. This ingenious artist was draftsman to Earl Macartney during his embassy to China, and afterwards in the print depart- ment of the British Museum. See Combe, Taylor, and Costume of China. — Obsei-vations on the construc- tion and Fitting up of Meeting Houses, &c. for Public Worship, Loud. 1820. 4to. with plans, &c. 9s. Alexander, a Romance. See No. 46 Bannatyne Club. Inserted by Weber in his Collection of Metrical Romances, vol. i. In the Library of the Hon. W. Maule of Ranniure is a translation (probably unique) of this ro- mance into Scotish verse, printed by Alex- ander Arbuthnot. Alexander and tlie Kmg of Egypt. A mock Play, as it is acted by the Mummers eveiy Christmas. New- castle, 1788. 4to. Rhodes, No. 7, lis. Alexis of Piedmont. The Se- crets, in Fom* Parts, translated by William Warde. London, by H. Eynuemau, 1568. 4to. Black letter. This work, which has been translated and published in every Euro- pean language, is by Haller attributed to HieronvmoRosello. Inglis, 106, 15s. Re- printed' 1595, 10s. 6d. and 1615, 7s. 6d. The following is a list of the separate editions of the four parts. Part i. 1559, 1562, 1563, 1569, 1580. Part ii. 1563, n. d., 1.567, 1580. Part. iii. 1566, 1578. Part iv. (translated by Rich. Ambrose) 1569, 1578. Aletn, Charles. The Battaiks of Crescey and Poictiers. London, 1633. 8vo. pp. 138. Second edition. White Knights, pt. i. 55, 11. Lloyd, 23*, 11. 4s. Nassau, pt. i. 27, 11. lis. 6d. Garrick, No. 12, (with the Historie of Henrie the Seventh) 21. 5s. liibl. Anglo-Poet. No. 555. The former edition appeared in 1631. — The Historic of Henrie, of that name the Seventh King of England. With that famed Bat- faile upon Rechnore, near Bosworth. Loiulon, 1638. bvo. ALF AM 29 Contains pp. IfiO. (A, 2 leaves, B -K, in eijjhts, and L, 6 heaves) with portrait of tli(t Kin^', by Marsliall. Strettell, 10, 17s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 39, 178. pt. ii. 1, 11. Is. Lloyd, '24, 18s. Jadis, 95, 18s. Bibl. An- glo-Foet. No. 10, morocco, 11. 16s. Nassau, pt. i. 28, 21. 2s. Dowdeswell, 3, 2Z. 12s. 6d. Aleyn likewise published the History of Euryalus and Lucretia, translated from tlii> Latin epistles of .(Eneas Sylvius. Aleyn, Jokn. Select Cases in B.E. 22, 23, and 2-i K. Charles I. with the Names of the learned Counsel who argued the same. London, 1681 or 1688. folio. 89. Allagus and Ai'chelaus. A no- table history of two faithful lovers, named Allagus and Archehius, wherein is declared the true figures of Amitie and Fi-eyndshyp. Imp. bv ColweU, 157-i. 4to. Black letter, Roxburghe, 101. IDs. Sothe- by, May, 1856, 301. AxFiEHi, Vittorio. Quindici Tra- gedie, dedicate all' Autore medesimo ed agguntevi sue Memorie letterarie, con la Merope di Maftei, e TAi-isto- demo di Monti ; daU' Editore il Uott. Antonio Montucei. Edin- borgo, 1805-6. 12mo. 3 vols. 1/. Is. A very neat and correct edition. Zotti publi.sbed an edition of ' Tragedie scelte.' 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. — The Ti'agedies, translated by Charles Lloyd. London, 1815. 12mo. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. An excellent translation. — Vita di Vittorio Alfieri. Lon- di-a, 1806. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. An English translation of this poet's Life appeared in 1810. Svo. 2 vols. 10s. Alfoedus (M.) Britannia iUus- trata sive Lucii, Helena; Constantini, Patria et Fides. Ito. Antv. 1641. Horner, 1854, SI. 5s. Alfoedxts, M. Vide Geiffith, Michael. Alfeed the Great. The Will of King Alfred, with Notes by Thos. Astle. Oxford, 1787. 4to. 5s. This work was superintended by Sir H. Croft, and contains the illustrations of Mr. Manning. Dr. Johnson observed, that the noteo are 'very judicious and accurate, but, they are too few.' Roscoe, 461, 6s. Od. This illustriou.'S monarch likewise was translator of Bede's Ecclesiastical History, Boethius' Consolation of I'hilosophy, and a I'ortion of thu liistorian Orosius. For the Lives of Uim, .««e Assek, Menevensis; BiCKNELT,, Alex.; Spelman, Sir John; Powell, Robert. Algaeotti, Francis. Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy, explained for the Use of the Ladies ; in six Dia- logues of Light and Colours. From the Italian, by Eliz. Carter. Lon- don, 1739. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. Reprinted 1742. Several other pieces of Algarotti's have been translated into En- glish, viz. Letters containing the State of the Persian Empire, 1769. 12nio. 2 vols. 5s. Essays on Painting and on the Opera, 1764. 1767. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. &c. Algiers Voyage, in a Joiuniall, or briefe Reportary of all Occurrents hapning iti the Fleet of Ships sent out by the Kinge his most excellent Majestie,a8 weU. against the Pirates of Algiers as others. London, 1621. 4to. North, pt. Hi. 597, 19s. Gordonstoun, 128, 11. 5.S. Algorisme. •S'ee Arithmetic. AxHACEN. The History of Tamer- lane the Great, by his Favourite Alliacen, a learned Arabian. Trans- lated iuto English, with Notes, by L. Vane. London, 1753. Svo. 4s. Reprinted 1783, 12mo. 2s. 6d. Ali Bet. TVavcls of AJi Bey in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, between the years 1803 and 1807, written by himself. London, 1816. 4to. 2 vols, with plates. This traveller, whose original name was Domingo Badia y Leblich, was a native of Spain. He, under his assumed charac- ter, procured access to many places, to which Christians were not permitted to go ; from this cause his travels are instructive and curious, but they certainly disappointed the expectations of the public. Drury, 147, russia, 31. 5s. Ali Ebn Abi Talebi. Sententiae, Arab, et Lat. e Codd. MSS. des- cripsit, Latine vertit, et Annota- tionibus illustravit Cornelius van Waenen. Oxonii, 1806. 4to. pp. xvi. and 428, 1/. A correct and valuable editiou. 30 ALL Am. Sentences of AH, Son-in- Law of Mahomet, translated from an Arabick MS. in the Bodleian, by Simon Ockley. London, 1717 or 1718. 8vo. 3s.' 6d. Likewise to be found in Ockley's History of the Saracens, third edition. Alien Priories. See GouGH, Richard. Alimony, Lady, or the Alimony Lady, an excellent pleasant new Comedy. London, 1659. 4to. Attributed by Ant. i Wood to Thomas Lodge and Robert Greene. Rhodes, 225, 14s. Keed, 7485, 11. 2s. All Pacha of Janina, Vizier of Epirus, The Life of, including a com- pendious History of modern Greece. London, 1823. 8vo. with portrait and plates, 10s. 6d. Alsiaunder, Kyng. See Alexander, a Romance. Alison, Archibald. Essays on the Xature and Principles of Taste. Fourth Edition. Edmb. 1816. 8vo. 2 vols. ids. An excellent and highly pleasing work, first published 1790, 4to. 1 vol. 10s. 6d. — Sermons, chiefly on particular occasions. Edinb. 1814-15. 8vo. 2 vols. 16a. Frequently reprinted. According to Dr. Dibdin, the beautiful and refined fancy and melodious style of this writer render his works deserving of a conspicuous place in every well-chosen library. — Richard. An Hoiu-es Recrea- tion in Musicke, apt for Instruments and Voyces. Lon. 1606. 4to. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. No. 116. Alitliinologia, 1664-1667. Vide LxNCn, John. Allan, George, of Darlington. Collections relating to Slicrburn Hospital, in Durliam. Printed in the year 1771. 4to. Fifty copies printed without signatures or paging, consisting of 1.% leaves, and 4 plates. Bindley, i)t. i. IfilO, 21. 9s. l:)ent, pt. ii. 1037. U. 15k. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. L 1003. 31. — Collect aiiea Dunclinonsia. ALL Tracts relating to the County of Dm'ham, 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 1641. 51. 7s. 6d. Leigh and Sotheby's in Nov. 1800. 51. 15s. 6d. Sotheby's in Dec. 1822. 51. 15s. 6d. Allan in March, 1822, no. 623. 19«. A tract, en- titled ' Address and Queries relative to a History of Durham ' Darlington, 1774. Brocket, 217, U. fis. — Catalogue ofBooks and Tracts, printed at the private press of G. Allan, Esq. Newcastle, 1818. 8vo. 7s. One hundred copies printed At the sale of the library of Mr. Brockett (Cat. No. 231) a collection of the tracts printed at the Darlington private press, was sold ftir 521. 10s. — Robert. Dictionary of the ancient Language of Scotland. Edinb. 1804. 4to. No. 1, 3s. — A Treatise on the Operation of Lithotomy. Edinb. 1808. folio, with plates, 1/. Is. This eminent surgeon likewise published an esteemed work, entitled ' A System of pathological and operative Surgery,founded on Anatomy,' 8vo. vol. i. 1819, 12s. 6d. vol. ii. 1822, 12s. 6d, vol. iii. pt. i. 1824. 8s, 6d. AiLASON, Thomas. Picturesque Views of the celebrated Antiquities of Pola in Istria. London, 1819. folio. This work was printed in super-royal folio, pp. 67, with 10 plates and 4 vignettes, engraved by the Cookes, H. and C. Armstrong, 21. 2s. imperial folio, corre- sponding in size.with Stuart's Athens, witli proof plates on French paper, 3?. The same witli plates on India paper, proofs, 3L 10s. Alldat, John. A complamte of the poor husbandmen. Imp. T. Hackett. Black letter (Ritson Bib. Poet). Aldridge, W. T. Goldsmith's Repository : containing a concise elementary Treatise on the Art of assaying Metals, &c. London, 1789. 8vo. pp. 382. 9s. A useful work. Alleine, Joseph. Alarm to un- converted Sinners and other Works. Edinb. 1752. 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. The writings of this nonconformist Di- vine are in some estimation, particularly his Alarm to unconverted Sinners, which has been often reprinted His life wa» ALL published by Rich. Baxter, 1672 and 1677, 8vo., and also by Ceoi-ge Nnwtoii, 1673,8vo. S'-e Dr. Bliss's Wood's Allien, Oxoa. iii. 819-22. — Eicliard. Works, in four Parts. London, 1671. 8vo. The writings of this zealous non-confor ALL 31 ing of God unto man, &c. London, 1G03. 8vo. Collation, 242 pages, besides Epistle dedicatory 8 pages, a general inscription 2 pages, and Errata 1 leaf. Thomas. Chain of Scripture The writings of this zealous non-confor- Chronology, from the Creation to mist(of_which the .above only forms a i^art) ., j...^-'- nu-, ■ ,^^^„ p^,.i„,],. are much admired by those of Calvinistic sentiments, particularly his Vindicije Pie- tatis, 1664-6, 3 pts. A list of his writings will be found in Bliss's edition of Wood's Athenas Oxon. Iv. 13-15. Allen, Benjamin. Natural His- tory of the Chalybeate and Purging Waters of England, with their Essays and Uses. Lond. 1699. 8vo. Dent, pt. i. 29, morocco, 15s. 6d. Allen also published the Natural History of the Mineral Waters of Great Britain, 1711. Svo. Dent, pt. i. 30. mor. 12s. — Edmond. Catechisme, that is to sajf a Christen Instruccion of the principaR Poiates of Cliristes reh- giou. London, 1551. Svo. Black letter. White Knights, pt. i. 53. morocco. IL 4s. A former edition, according to Dr. Dibdin, appeared in 1548. — J. The younger Brother, his Apologie, or a Father's fi-ee Power disputed, for the Disposition of his Lands, &e. Oxf. 1624. 4to. A notice of this work will be found in Oldys' British Librarian, 210—212. Gor- donstoun, 39, 13s. Reed, 6517, 16s. — Jolm. Eoyal Spu-itual Maga- zine, or Christian's Grand Treasm-e. Lond. 1V61. Svo. 3 vols, with plates, 15s. Reprinted 1809. Svo. 3 vols. — Spu-itual Exposition of the Bible, or the Clu'istian's Gospel Trea- sure. Lond. 1765. fol. 2 vols. 21. 2s. Reprinted lately in Svo. 4 vols. 21. 10s. FINE PAPER, 31. 3s. — Modern Judaism, or a brief account of the Opinions, Traditions, Rites, and Ceremonies of the Jews in modern Times. London, 1816. Svo. lOs. 6d. The best work on modern Judaism in our language. — Robert." The oderiiferous garden of charitie, the most heaven- lyest and holyest beatitude or bless- tlie Death of Christ, in seven Periods. London, 1659. 4to. 5s. The most esteemed of this celebrated Non-confomiist's works, with a frontis- piece by Hollar, reprinted 1668. — Thomas. Histoiy and An- tiquities of the Parish and Palace of Lambeth. London, 1824-7. Svo. 1/. 16s. 4to. 3/. 12s. Mr. Allen has since published a His- tory of London, 5 vols. Svo. Yorkshire, 6 vols. Svo. Lincolnshire, 2 vols. 4to. and other Topographical works. AiiLEN (or Alan), William, styled Cardtnalof England. Defense and De- claration of the CathoHke Churches Doctrine touching Purgatory, and Prayers for the Soules departed. Antwerp, by John Latins, 1565. Svo. 10s. Containing O o 7 in eights. This, accord- ing to Warton, ' was the basis of Alleyn's polemical reputation. It abounds, though, more in rhetoric tlian argument, and con- tains much ingenious declamation and sophistry.' — Treatise made in Defence of the lauful Power and Authoritie of Priesthood to remitte Sinnes : of the Peoples Duetie for Confession of their I Sinnes to Gods Ministers: and of I the Chm-ches Meanmg concerning Indulgences, commonly called Pope' s Pardos. Lovanii, apud Joannem Foiderimi, 1567. 16mo. Contains pp. 412, with an index, besides an address and preface. Answered by Dr. Will. Fulke of Cambridge. — Apologie and true Declaration of the Institution and Endeuours of the two EngUsh Colleges, the one in Rome, the other now resident in Rhemes. Mons in Henault, 1581. Svo. 10s. 6d. Contains 122 leaves. The running title of this book (which, according to Bolton la liis Hypercritica, is 'a princely, grave, »nd flourishing piece of natural and exquUit* 32 ALL Etij^lisli') is 'An Apology for the English Seminaries.' — An Admonition to the No- bility and People of England and Ireland eonceminge the present Wares made for the Execution of liis Hohnes Sentence, by the liigh and mightie Eing Cat laolike of Spain. By the Cardinal of Englande. 1588 8vo. Contains 60 pages, including the title. This work, together with A Declaration of the Sentence of Pope Sixtus the 5th, were printed at .Vntwerp, in order to be dispersed in England, when the Spaniard should arrive there. For a further notice of this work, see Nicolas's edition of Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 1. Ixxiv. and Lingard's England, 8vo. viii. 535—9. I — Cardinal Alan. Justification pour le Cathohque Chevalier, le Sietu* Guillaiuue Stanley stir la rendition de la ville de Deventer. Paris 1588. Bright, 45. 4J. 4s. — Gvl. Ad persecutores An- glos pro Cathohcis domi focisque persecutionem sufferentibus, contra fulsum libeUum inscriptiun Justitia Britannia, vera responsio 8vo. sine loco aut anno. An answer to Cecil, Lord Burleigh's Exe- cution of Justice in England, (at Doway in 1584.) Thorpe, 1838, mor. 2?. 2s. Sotheby, 1824, 11. 10s. • — • styled Cardinal of England. A Defence of EngUsli Catholiqucs against a slanderous Libel, in- tituled. The Execution of Justice in England. (Ingolst. about 1584) 8vo. 7s. Contains 218 pages, besides preface, con-| tents, and 'the faultes' corrected. This book, published anonymously, but confi- dently attributed to Cardinal Allen by Ant. u Wood, was answered by Dr. Tho. Bilson in 'The true Difference between Christian subiection and vnchristian Rebellion.' ().\f. 1583. The running title of Allen's treatise is ' An Answere to the Libel of English Justice.' — 6'ee Titus. Col. Silas. — D. D. Works, with a Preface by Bp. Williams, and a Sermon ;it the Funeral of Allen, by Bp. Kid- der. Lond. 1707. Folio", 10s. 6d. Allesteee, Richard, D. D. XL Sennons preached before the King, and on solemn occasions. Oxford, 1684. foUo, with portrait by D. Loggan, 10s. 6d. Best edition, with a life of Allestree pub- lislied by Bishop Fell. To Bishop Fell and Dr. Allestree have been attributed the works written by the author of the Whole Duty of Man. Alley, Rev. Jerome. Yindicife Christians ; a comparative Esti- mate of the Genius and Temper of tlie Greek, the Roman, the Hindu, the Mahometan, and the Cliristian Religions. Loud. 1826. 8vo. 16s. — Wilham, Bishop of Exeter. nTQXOMYSEION, the poore Man's Librarie. London, by John*Day, 1565. foKo, 2 tomes. Black letter. This work consists of lec- tures (7 and 5) upon the first epistle of St. Peter, with ' Miscellanea,' that is, many curious anecdotes and explanations of per- sons, places, &c., which, says Dr. Dibdin, manifest the author's extensive reading. Tome 1, fol. 292, the prefixes consist of some Latin verses of four pages, and an epistle dedicatory to ' Lorde Russel, Eaiie of Bed- forde.' Tome 2, without any title-page, contains fol. 140, after which, tables for both tomes, on fourteen leaves more — Another edition, faithfully cor- rected and amended. London, by John Dave, 1571. foho. in 2 tomes. 1/. lis. 6d. Black letter. Tome 1 ends on folio 217, having the same prefixes as the edition of 1.565. Tome 2 contains 110 leaves, with a title, and two indexes at the end. Allibond, John, D. D. Rustica Academise Oxoniensis nuper refor- mataj Descriptio, in Visitatione Fanatica Octobris sexto, &c. A.D. 1648, ciun Comitius ibidem anno sequente : et aliis Notatu cum ludig- nis. FoHo. A Latin poem of exquisite humour, twice printed in 164S; reprinted 1705. fol., and again with an lludibrastic translation, by Edward Ward, in the fifth volume of the Somers collection of Tracts. A very curious copy with a complete key in MS. is to be found in Wood's study, No. 423. .Am.iso.nt, Thomas. Voyage from ALL ALP 33 Archangel in Russia, in the year 1697, with au Account of tlie iShi]) and Company wintering near the North Cape, in the latitude of 71. London, 1699. 8vo. 5s. Hepriiited in the fiist volume of Pinker- ton's Collection of Voyages and Travels. Allix, Peter, D.D. Eellexions upon the Books of the Holy Scrip- lure to establish the Truth of the Cliristian Religion. London, 1688. 8vo. 2 vols. 7s. Reprinted in one volume, London, 1809, and Oxford, 182'2, and also in vol.1 of Hishop Watson's Collection of Theological Tracts, who states this work has been always held in great repute for the plainness and erudi- tion with which it is written. — Remarks upon the History of the Chiu'ches of Piedmont. London, 1690, 4to. 7s. Reprinted Oxford, 1821, 8vo. 7s. — Remai'ks upon the History of the Albigenses. London, 1692. 410. 7s. Reprinted Oxford, 1821, 8vo. 6s. 6d. — Judgment of the Ancient Jewish Church against the Unitarians. Lon- don, 1699. Svo. 10s. A curious and interesting work, publish- ed anonymously. Gossett, 71, 1?. Is. Re- printed Oxford, 1821, Svo. 7s. 6d. — Diatriba de Auno et Mense Natah Jesvi Chi-isti. London, 1710. Svo. 3s. 6d. An erudite work, in which Ailix endea- vours to shew that the Messiah was born not in winter, but In the spring. Reprinted 1722, 12nio. A catalogue of the elaborate writings of this learned divine of the Church of I'.ng- land will be found in Watt's Bibliotheca Critannica. Allot, Robert. England's Par- nassus, or the choicest Flowers of ourmodern Poets, with their poeticitll Comparisons, &c. whereunto are annexed other various Discourses both pleasamit and profitable. Lon- don. N. L. C. B. and Th. Haves. 1600. SmaH 8vo. Of this work, reprinted by Park in the Heliconia, Warton observes, that the me- thod is judicious, the extracts copious, and made with a degree of taste. The volume consists of title, dedication to Syr Thomas VOL. I. Mounson, Knt. to the reader, and errata six leaves: work B— Kk (51fy pp ) afterwards a leaf, frequently wanting, containing 10 lines, coninioncing ' Fame's windy truniji, &c. (It is believed that this leaf belongs to another book.) Lloyd, 429, 2i. White Knights, pt. i. 61,mor. 2i. 12s. 6d. Sir M. -M.Sykes, 41, mor. il. 16s. Strettell, 11. russia, 3?, 3ri. Boswell, 898, 3/. 7s. Inglis, 14,32. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 2108, il. IGs. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 1, 20«. Roxburghe, 3171, 21?. Col. Stanley, \Zl. 13s. Brand, U. 13s. Perry, 11. 16s. North, il. Allwood, Rev. Pliihp. Literary Antiquities of Greece. Also, Re- marks on some Obsei-vations in the British Critic. London, 1799, 1801. 4to. 15s. • — Twelve Lectures on the Pro- phecies relating to the Christian Church, beuig the ninth portion of those fomidedby Bishop Warburtou, with a sup23lement. London, 181 5, 1819. Svo. 3 vols. 18s. Ahnanac, a spiritual, whei-ein every Christen man and woman, may se what they ought daily to do, or leave undone, &c., &c. Impr. by R. Kele, n.d. 10s. 6d. Almanac, The Owles, prognosti- cating, 4to. 1618. See Owls. Almon, John. Biograpliical, Literary, and Political Anecdotes of several of themost eminent persons of the present age, with an Appendix. London, 1797. Svo. 3 vols. This work, though partial, is interesting, as containing many curious particulars of the political charactei'S and contests of the day. Reed, 3496, 12s. Sotheby's in 1827, U 4s. An edition, 1790, Svo. Almond for a Parrat. See Mar- tin Maepeelate. Alphabetum Latino Anghcum ; Institutiocompcndiaria totius Gram- matics) quam — Rex noster hoc no- mine cvulgari iussit, &c. Londini, (in offic. T. Berthelet.) 4to. 1542. The first part has 41 leaves, the last 40 leaves. Dr. Dibdin in his edition of Ames, mentions a copy on vellum, curiously illu- minated. Alphabetic Writing. Conjectural Observations on the Origin and D 34 ALT Progress of Alphabetic Writing. London, 1772. 8vo. 3s. Written by the Rev. Charles Davy. Aisop, Antony. Odaruni Libri duo. Londini, 1752. 4to. 5s. These odes have been mucli admired, as breathing at once the ease aud festivity of Horace, at the same time preserving his remarkable felicity of diction, without ser- vility. — George. The character of the Province of Maryland. London, 1666. 16mo. A rare work, with a map, and a portrait of Alsop, set. 28, six English verses. Lloyd. 27, 21. Is. Sotheby's in December, 18'2'2, 21. 2s. Bliss, 41. 10s. Another work en- titled ' An Orthodox Plea,' 1669, with a portrait by W. Sherwin, 9s. — Vincent. Anti Sozzo : an An- swer to W. Sherlock's Discoiu'se on Clu-ist. London, 1675. 8vo. 7s. A witty book, written by a celebrated non-conformist divine, who likewise pub- lished several other works which are held in some estimation. AxSTEDiTTS, John Henry. The beloved City, or the Saints' Eeign on Earth, a thousand Yeaa-s. Lon don, 1643. 4to. In this work Alstedius asserts, that the faithful shall reign with Jesus Christ 1000 years; after whicli will be the general re surrection, and the last judgment. — Templum Musicum, or the Musical Synopsis. Translated from the Latin by John Birchensha. Lon- don, 1664. 8vo. with frontispiece by Chantry, 5s. Alston, Charles, M.D. Lectures on the Materia Medica ; also Direc- tions for the Study, and an Appen- dix on the method of Prescribing. London, 1770. 4to. 2 vols. 12s. In little estimation. This writer likewise published several other medical and botani- cal works. Altham, Roger, D.D. Sermons on several occasions. London, 1732 Svo. 2 vols. 63. Williams, 35, U. 6s. AlTlKRi, Ferchn. Itahan and English Dictionary, corrected and improved by Evangehst Palermo. Lend., 1750 or 1751. 4to. 2 vols. 15s. Best edition. The former one of 1726, Willett, 82, 21. 7s. Alubedus Beverlacensis. Vide Heame, Thomas. Alvaeus, Eman. De Syllabarum Quantitate, Ai's JMetrica, et Lusus Poetices. London, 1730. Svo. 6s. A % i.luable grammatical treatise, larob PAPER. Dent, part i. 32, russia, 16s. Wil- liams, 37, russia, 11. 19s. Alves, Robert. Sketches of the History of Literature. Edinb. 1794, Svo. pp. 298, 3s. 6d. Alykton, Robert. LibeUus So- phistarum. London, per W. de Worde, 1525. 4to. IJr. Dibdin in his edition of Ames, no- tices fiveeditionsof this work; three by W. de Worde, and two by Pynson. Amadis of Gaul. — The Treasurie of Amadis of Fratmce, translated from the French. Imprinted by Hen. Bvuneman, 4to. Black letter. Not mentioned by Herbert. North, pt. iii. 736, U. 7s. Inglis, 110, 11. 193. Gold- smid, 266, 5Z. — The History of Amadis de Gaule (Foiu- Books) written in French by the Lord of Essars, Ni- cholas de Herberay. TransLated by Anthony Munday. Lond. 1619. folio. In this translation, says Dr. Southey, every trait of manners, which were foreign to Herberay, or obsolete in his time, are omitted, and all the foolish anachronisms and abominable obscenities of the French- men are retained. Parts iii. and iv. have separate title pages of the date of 1618. Steevens. 1153. 21. 3s. Hibbert, 51. 12s. 6d. Bennett, 71. — The Fifth Book of the History of AiuacUs de Gaule, bv J. J(ohnson). London, 1664. 4to. 10s. 6d. Black letter. The Sixth Book of the Histoiy of Amadis de Gaule, translated by Francis Kirkman. London, 1652. 4to. 10s. 6d. — The History of Amadis of Greece, together with the Enterprisea of his Cozen Lucencio. London, 1694. small 4to. 15s. Black letter, pp. 220. A translation from the seventh book of the Amadis de Gaul. AMB AMiO 3j Nassau, pt. i. 157, riissia, 19.s. Roxbui'glie, 6363. 1/. «s. Goldsmid, No. 407, date 1693, U. Us. 6d. — Amadis of G-aiil, by Vasco Lobeira, from the Spanish Version of Garc'iordonez de Montalvo, by Robert Soiithey. London, 1803, 12mo. 4 vols. 11. 16s. An esteemed translation. — A Poem in Three Books ; fi'eely translated from the first Part of the French Version of Nicholas de Herberay, Sieiir des Essars ; witli Notes : by William Stewart Rose, Esq. London, 1803. crown 8vo. pp. 220. 6s. Drury, 56, 8s. 6d. Ambassador (The) his Behaviour, Charge, Privileges and Familie. Lon- don, 1603. 12mo. 5s. Dedicated to Wm. Kavle of Penibi-oke. Another work on thi.s subject.entitled 'The perfect Ambassador,' was published 1651, by Fi'ancis Thynne. Ambler, Charles. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Com-t of Chancery, with soine few in other Courts. London, 1790, folio, pp. 783, 1/. 5s. to 1/. 10s. This volume consists of cases in Lord Ilai'dwicke's time, with a few later deter- minations in the Court of Chancery, and fills up the time between Lord llardwicke and Lord Thurlow. An Edition, Dublin, 1790, 8vo. 12s. Amboyna. A true Relation of the Proceedings against the Enghsh at Ambdvna, in the East Indies, by the Netherlandish Goveriiour and Coim ell there. Lond. 162 1, 4to. with front. 12s. Frequently reprinted. In the Britisli Museum are many ti-acts relative to this cruel massacre, and in the second volume of the Oxford Collection of Voyages and Travels, six tracts relative to tlie affair will be found. North, pt. iii. .579. Three Tracts, 2^. Ambrose, Isaac. The whole Works. London, 1701. folio, with portrait, 1^. The works of this noted presbyterian teacher are much esteemed by tlie Calvi- nists, particularly his' Looking unto Jesus,' first published, London, 165S, -tto. and fre- quently since reprinted both in 4to. and 8vo. Editions of the works were published 1674. 1682. 1689. 1769. in folio. Glasgow, 1796. 8vo. 4 vols. Manchester, 1799. 8vo. 2 vols. Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan. St. Ambrose of Oppression ; trans- lated by John Oswen. Worcester, by John Oswen, 1550. 16mo. Mentioned by Maunsell, p. 2. A devout Praier, expeilient for those that prepare themselves to say Masse, &c. translated by Tho. Pay- 11. London, by John Cawood, 1555. 16mo. Black letter. Two books of the Vocation and CaUyng of all Nations ; newly translated by Henry Beclier. Lond. R Watkins, 1561. 'Svo. Black let7ter, contains T 4 in eights. So- theby, June 1856. 1?. Christian Offices Cristal Glass, in tlrree Books, translated into En- glish, by R. Humphrey. London, 1637, 4to. Humphrey likewise translated two letters concerning the restoring tlie altars to the victorious senate, written by St. Ambrose, 1637, 4to. Amdeoss, Miss. The Life and Memou's of the late Miss Ann Cat- ley the celebrated actress : with Bio- graphical Sketches of Sir Francis Blake Delaval, and the Hon. Isabella Pawlet, Daughter of the Earl of Thanet. London, 1790. Svo. pp. 56. with portrait, 5s. Amera Singha. See Colebeooke. America.— Voyages and Discove- ries in South America, the fii'st up the River of Amazons to Quito, in Peru, and back again to Brazil, by Christopher D'Acima. The second lip the River of Plata, and thence by Laud to the Mines of Potozi, by M. Acarete. The third from Cayenne into Guiana, in Search of the Lake of Parima, by M. Grillet and Be- cliamel. Done into English from the originals. London, 1698. 8vo with maps. D 2 36 A ME Heath, 2749, 5s. Nassau, pt. ii. 885, 7s. Roxbnrghe, 7353, 1-is. America. An Account of the Eu- ropean Settlements in America. In Six Parts. London, 1758. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. This excellent irorkjfrequently reprinted, has been confidently attributed to the cele- brated Edmund Burke, but he never ac- knowled^'ed himself the author. — Travels through the Interior Parts of America. In a Series of Letters. By an Officer (Thomas Anbiirey). Loudon, 1789, or 1791. Svo. 2 vols. Dent. pt. 47, 11. Drury, 57, 11. 3s. Font- hill, 2779, 11. 14s. — Smumary Yiew of America, coutauiing a Description of the Face of the Coimtry, and of several of the principal Cities : and Remarks on the social, moral and pohtical Cha- racter of the People. By an English- man. London, 1824. Svo. pp. 503. pubhshed at 10s. 6d. A valuable work, written in a luminous and candid manner. — BibhotliecsE Americans Pri- mordia. See Kennet, Bishop of Peterborough. — Bibhotheca Americana ; or, a Chronological Catalogue of Books &c. &c. upon the Subject of North and South America, with an Intro duetory Discoiu-se on the present State of Literatiu-e in those Coun- tries. Lond. 1789. 4to. pp. 271. Bindley, pt. i. 926, 4s. 6d. Fonthill, 850, 93. , — Laws of the United States of America, past at the first Session of the first Congress ; continued by the Acts of Congress to 1801. Phila- delphia, 1796-1801. Svo. 5 vols. 21. 2s. American Atlas, or Guide to the History of North and South Ame- rica, and the West Indies. Phila- delphia, by Carey and Lea. Small Atlas foho, 5/. Coiisistint,' of 53 charts, coloured American Philosoi)liical Society. Transactions of Die Society held at AHE Philadelpliia, 5 vols. 1789-1802- New Series, Vol. i. 1804. Phila- delphia. 4to. 6 vols. For Transactions of various other Socie- ties, see Fhiladelphia. Boston. American Preacher. — Discourses selected fi-om the ikmerican Preacher Edmb. 1796. Svo. 2 vols. Williams, 591, IL Us. 6d. American Traveller, by an old and experienced Trader. London, 1769. 4to. 5s. A valuable work by Alexandei Cluni. published, it is said, under the auspices and at the command of Lord Chatham. Amerie, Robert. Chester's Tri- lunph ui Honor of her Prince, as it was performed upon St. George's Day, 1610, in the foresaid Citie. London, 1610. 4to. Dent. pt. i. 985, 71. 10s. Khodes, 462, SI. 12s. Ames, Joseph. Catalogue of Enghsh Heads, or an Account of about 2000 Prmts, describing what is peculiar to each, &c. Lond. 1748, Svo. The Fothergill Collection. The first attempt at giving a list of portraits, since followed up by Granger, Noble, Bromley, Walpole,&c. i.35,5s.6d. Bindley pt. i. 76. 8s. Dowdeswell, 6, 8s. Strettell,5 10s. 6d. — Typograpliical Antiquities ; beino- an Historical Account of Prhiting in England, &c. Lond. 1749. 4to. Contains pp. 589, besides dedication, preface, list of subscribers 5 leaves, and in- dex, 13 leaves. Bindley, pt. i.l21, 13s. 6d. Willett, 77, 11. lis. 6d. Ames likewise published a ' Catalogue of English Printers from 1471 to 1600,' 4to. 2 leaves. — A new Edition, considerably augmented by William Herbert. London, 1785, 8, 90. 4to. 3 vols. Of this edition 500 copies were printed on small, and 50 on large paper, small PAPER.— Bp. of Ely, 158, 2«. 8s. Bindley, pt. i. 122, 21. 12s. 6d. Willett, 78, 41. 8s. LARGE PAPER. — Edwards, 22, 'M. 6s. Dent, pt. i. 124, russia, 31 7s. Towueley, pt. ii. 1061, rus.sia, 41. 17s, Koxburghc, 65.30. Gl. 10s. — A new Edition greatly en- larged, with copious Notes, by T. F. AMN Dibdin, D.D. Loudon, 1810, 12, 16, 19. 4to. vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. An invahiabk work, wliich it is much to be regretted has not been completed, for want of sufficient encouragement. Sir M. M. Sykes, 877, 3 vols. bl. 5s. Bindley, pt. ii. 383, 3 vols. bl. 12s. 6d. Brockett, 103. 4 vols. 71. 17s. 6c. LARGE PAPER, ouly 66 copies printed, with additional portraits. White Knights, pt. i. 142, 2 vols. 131. 13s. Towneley, pt. i. 505, 2 vols. 31Z. 10s. Beck- ford, 1817. No. 186, 3 vols. 26i. 5s. Perry, pt. i. 1485, 4 vols. 22/. lis. 6d. Dowdeswell,. 311, 4 vols. 231. 10s. Strettell, 817,4 vols. with duplicate proof impressions, 3il. 13s. — WiUiam, D.D. Fresh Suit against Roman Ceremonies in God's Worship ; or a Triplication to Dr. Burgess's Eejomder lor Dr. Morton. London, 1633. 4to. with a portrait by W. MarshaU, 6s. — Exposition of both the Epis ties of the Apostle Peter, illustrated by Doctrines out of every Text London, 1641. 4to. 6s. This work was originally published in Latin at Amsterdam,in 1625-8-35. Mosheim acknowledges, that ' the productions of Ames are not void of merit, considering the times in which they were written.' — Piu-itanismusAnghcanus. Lon- don, 1641. 4to. This work, containing the chief doc- trines of the Puritans, was originally pub- lished in Latin at Francfort, 1610. 8vo. A copious list of the casuistical and con- troversial writings of this eminent puritan divine, who was born in 1576, and died in 1633, will be found in Watt's Bibliotlieca Britanniea. Amherst's, Lord, Embassy to China. See Abel, Clarke. Ellis, Henry. Hall, BasU. M'Leod, Jolm. Amilec ; or, the Seeds of Man- kuid, translated fi'om the French. London, 1753. 12mo. 4s. An ingenious philosophico satirical ro- mance, shewing tlie analogy between the propagation of animals, and that of vege- tables. Ammiaxtjs. Vide ]VLa.rcellinus. Amner, John. Sacred Hymns of three, fom', five, and six Parts, for Voices and Viols. London, 1615. 4to. — Richard. Essay towards tlie Interpretation of the Prophecies AM8 37 of Daniel, with occasional Rcmarkfl upon some of the most celebrated Commentaries ou them. London, 1776. 8vo. 58. An ingenious though unconvincing work, written by an Unitarian. The author like- wise published ' An Account of tlie posi- tive Institutions of Christianity.' 1774. 8vo. 2s. 6d. and ' Considerations on a future State,' &c. 1797. 8vo. 5s. Amory, Thomas. Memoirs of several Ladies of Great Britain. London, 1769. 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. Ilollis, 828, 12s. 6d. The former edition of this work appeared in 1755. 8vo. with two letters to the reviewers. An e.xcellent notice of this Unitarian romance will be found in the Retrosp. Keview, vi. 100 — 13. — Life of John Buncle, Esq. London, 1825. 8vo. 3 vols. The fonner editions of this amusing and singular work, which is a .sort of sketch of his own life, appeared in 1756-66. 2 vols. 8vo. and 12mo. 4 vols. Edition, 1766, HoUis, 768, 2 vols. 17s. Amos, WiUiam. Minutes in Agri- cidtm'c and Planting, illustrated with di'ied Specimens of natural Grasses. Boston and London, 1810. oyal 4to. 6s. This author likewise published, ' The Theory and Principles of the Drill Hus- bandry.' London, 1794. 4to. 7s. 6d. and 'Minutes of Agriculture and Planting.' London, 1804, 7s. 6d. Amos and Laura, by S. P. See Page, S., and Alcilia. Amours of Enghsh Gallantry, in several Poems. London, 1675. 8vo. Perry, pt. i. 131, U. lis. Bindley, pt. i. 58, il. ISs. Amours of Messaluia, late Queen of England, (Mary of Este, Queen of James II.) London, 1689. 12mo. Perry, pt.i. 44,8s. 6d. Editions in French appeared in 12mo. in Cologne, 1689, and Ville-Franche, 1691. Amsinck, Paul. Tmibridge Wells and its Neighbourhood, illustrated by a Series of Etcliings and Histo- rical Descriptions. By Paid Am- siuck, Esq. The Etchuigs executed by Letitia Byrne. Lond. 1810. royal 4to. 1/. 'Ss. large PArER, 1/. 15s. Contains pp. 183 (B— to 3 A— 2.) with 38 ANA ANA title, adveitisciiient 1 page, list of subscri- bers 3 pajjes, list of plates 2 pages, and 31 plates. Aiuurath. — Most fare and straunge Discoiu'ses of Amiu'atlie the Turkish Emperor that now is, of the Wai'res between him and tlie Persians, and also of the Tartars and Muscovites. London, for Hackett, 4to. Not noticed by Ames, Herbert, or Dr. Dibdiii. Nassau, pt. ii. 188. 21. 2s. Amygdala Britamiica, 1647. Sec WiTHEE, George. Amyealdus, Moses. Discoiu'se conceruiug divine Dreams mention'd in Scripture, translated from tlie French, by James Lowde. Lon- don, 1676. 8vo. 5s. A curious work by an eminent French Protestant Divine. A translation of his ' Treatise concerning Religions' apjjeared in 1660. 12mo. 4s. Anabaptists anatomized and si- lenced in a Public Dispute. Lon- don, 1654. 8vo. with front, by Cross. Nassau, pt. i. 34, 15s. In the British Museum Catalogue are many tracts, &c. relating to the Anabaptists. Anackeon. Odas, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis et variis Accessionibus, Opera et Studio Josuaj Barnes. Cantab. 1705. 13mo. with three portraits, vi/. of Anacreon, the Duke of Marlborough, and Barnes, 6s. Reprinted C^antab. 1721, and Lond. 1734. The edition of 1721 is preferred, that of 1734 is incorrect. I'.dition 1705. Gosset, 101, 10s. Heath, 3451, 16s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 208. 16s. 6d. Williams, 40, morocco, 1?. lis. Edition 1721. White Knights, 105, 8s Deut, pt. i. 39, morocco, 19s. — Cannula Gr. et Lat. Mendis piirgavit, Notasque cum nova In- terpretatione Utterali adjecit Will. Baxter. Londini, 1710. 12mo. An excellent edition according to Uar- wood. Uosset, 102, 7s. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 38, nior. lis. 6d. A former edition appeared iu 1695. Dent, pt. i. 37, 8s. — Carinina, Gi". et Lat. cum Notis et Indice (edente Midi. Mait- taire). Loud. 1725. 4to. 15s. One hundred copies printed. ItimlK'y, pt. i. 522, russia, 11. Duke of Gralton, 439, U. 10s. — Carmina, Gr. cimi Novis Ver- sionibus, Scholiis, et Notis (edente Mich. Maittaire). Lond. 1740. 4to. One hundred copies printed on common, and six copies on tine writing paper, 51. 5s. This edition contains the notes of Buthille- rius, which are not in that of 1725. Drury, 2S0U, russia, I'Js. Willett, 83, U. 2s. Bp. of Ely, 170, i;. 6s. — Carmina Gr. cimi Notis perpe- tuis. Accedvmtejusdcm utperhiben- tur Fragmenta et Poetrise Sapphus, qute supersunt. Lond. 1742. 12mo. 5s. An elegant edition edited by Trapp. Heath, 3453, lis. Roscoe, 840, 178. ■->- Carmina, cum Sapphonis et Alcfei Fragmentis, Greece. Glasg. 1751. 32mo. An elegant little edition. Dent, pt. i. 40, mor. 9s. 6d. Drury, 72, raor. 5s. Some copies were printed upon silk. A neat edition of Anacreon and Sappho, Gr. et Lat. was published at Glasgow, 1744. 12mo. 4s. — Carmina, Grsece. Glasg. 1757. 12mo. 5s. 6d. This edition, says Dr. Harwood, does credit to the University of Glasgow, both in regard to splendour and correctness. A neat and correct edition of Anacreon, Gr. et Lat. by Gail, Dublin, 1801, 8vo. 6s.; also another containing Anacreon, Sappho, and Alcfeus, Gr. et Lat. Glasg. 1801. small 8vo. 3s. 6d. — Odaria, ad Textus Barnesiani Fidem emendata. Accedmit Varise Lectiones cura Edwardi lorster. Londini, 1802. small Svo. An elegant edition, ornamented with vignettes. Bindley, pt. i. 221, 5s. lakge PAPER. Brockett, 29, 10s. 6d. White Knights, 109, mor. 15s. Drury, 78, mor. U. 2s. A few copies were printed on vellum, 51. 5s. to 101. 10s. — Anacreontica, Grsece ; recen- suit Notisque criticis instruxit Fi'ed. Henr. Bothe. Oxonii, 1809. 8vo. 5s. LAEGE PAPER, 8s. Printed for N. Bliss, who likewise pub- lished an edition, Oxon. 1812. 24mo. 3s. — Anacreon. Bion. Moschus. Kisses, by Secundus. Cvpido cru- cificied by Ausonius. Venvs Vigils, inccrto Autliore. Excitations. Syl- via's Park, by Thcophilc. Acauthua ANA ANA 39 Complaint, by Tristan. Oronta, by Preti. Echo, by Marino. Love's Embassy, by Boscan. The Solitvde, by Gongora. A Platonick Discourse upon Love, wi'itten in Italian by John Picus Mirandula in Explica- tion of a Sonnet, by Hieronimo Benivieni. Printed in the year 1651. 8vo. An elegant and much-esteemed version by the learned Stanley, of which a reprint, consisting of 150 copies, appeared in 1815. — Anacreon done into Enghsh out of the original Greek, (by T. Wood, A. Cowley, Oldham, and Francis Willis.) "Oxou, 1683. Svo. 3s. to 5s. Another translation of Anacreon and Sappho, by Sewell, 1713, 12mo. 2s. 6d. — translated into English Terse ; with Notes explanatory and poetical. To which are added, the Odes, &c. of Sappho. By John Addison. London, 1735. 12mo. A good translation, with the Greek Text, and useful notes. White Knights, 110, 6s. Fonthill, 3548, 8s. — Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus, and Musseus, translated by a Gentleman of Cambridge, (Ei-ancis Fawkes, M.A.) London, 1760. 12mo. An esteemed translation, reprinted 1789, 12mo. and inserted in Anderson and Chal- mers' Collections of the Poets. Dent., pt. i. 45, 5s. 6d. Fonthill, 3549, 9s. — Anacreon and Sappho, with Pieces from ancient Authors, &c. (by E. B. Greene.) London, 1768. 12mo. In little estimation. Garrick, 56, 7s. 6d. and 57, 7s. A literal translation of Anacreon, was also published by the Kev D. H. Urquhart, 1787. I'Jmo. 2s. 6d. — Odes, translated into E mlish Verse, with Notes by Thomas Mooi-e. London, 1800. 4to. pp. 280, with three plates, 15s. An elegant, spirited, and highly poetical version, frequently reprinted in 12mo. The edition 1802. 12mo. 2 vols, on large papee, Dent, pt. i. 46, mor. 11. 2s. — The Odes translated into En- glish Measure, by Lord Thurlow. Lond. 1823. 8vo. 5s. of Anacreon there have been other translations, viz. by the Rev. Hercules Younge, 1802, 12mo. ; by Thomas Girdle- stone, M.T)., 1803, crown Svo. 3s. 6d. ; by the Rev. Thomas Gilpin, 1807, 12mo. 3s.; by T. Orger, L.L.U. 1825, 12mo. 3s. 6d. Analecta Grseea Majora et Mi- nora. Vide Dalzel, A. Analogia Honorum. See Lo- gan, J. Analytical Keview from the Com- mencement in 1788 to 1798 inclu- sive ; also vol i. of a New Series, for 1799. London, Svo. 29 vols. Dr. Geddes was a principal contributoi to this periodical. Hollis, 28, 29, 31. Is. Anastasii Sinaitse Anagogicarum Contemplationiun in Hexameron, Lib. xii. hactenas desideratus ; cui prsemissa est Expostulatio Pet. AUix de S. Chrysostomi Epistolam ad Ccesarium Monachtmi adversns ApoUinarii Hseresin. Londini, 1682. 4to. 5s. Published by the celebrated French critic And. Dacier. Anas. Selections from the French Anas : containing Remarks of emi- nent Scholars on Men and Books ; together with Anecdotes and Apoph- thegms of illustrious Persons. Lou- don, 1797. 12mo. 2 vols. 7s. Reprinted by Sir R.PhillipsinS vols. 1805. Anastasius. See Hope. Anatomic of a Woman's Tongue, divided into five Parts ; Medicine, a Poison, a Serpent, Fire, and Thunder. London, 1638. 4to. A scarce poetical tract. Anatomie of the World, with its Frailtie and Decay, a Poem. Lond. 1621. Svo. Two Parts. Perry, pt. i. 132, 11. 8s. Anatomy of a Hande in the Manner of a DyaU, necessary for aU People. Imprented at Holy Well, by Wyllyam Folhngham for Richarde Bankcs. 154A. 12mo. Black letter. Anaya, a. Essay on Spanish Literature, followed by a History 40 AND AND of the Spanish Dramn, and Speci- mens of the Writers of tlio different Ages. London, 1818. 12mo. 5s. Anderson, Adam. Deduction of the Origm of Commerce from the earliest Accounts. Carcfidly re- vised, corrected and continued to the present Time. London, 1801. 4to. 4 vols. A justly celebrated and valuable work, replete with useful information, though in stmie measure superseded by Uavid Mac- pherson's Annals of Commerce. The first edition appeared 1764, folio. 2 vols. 15s Heath, 1408, 11. 15s. Another edition 1789, 4to. 4 vols. — ^5]neas. Narrative of the Eritish Embassy to Chma, in 1792, 1793, and 1791. Lond. 1795. 12s. This narrative of Earl Macartney's Em- bassy is of little value in comparison with that of Sir G. L. Staunton, Bart. Fonthill, S086, 21. An abridgment (in Svo.) also ap- peared ill 1795. — Journal of the Forces wliich sailed fi'om the Downs in April, 1800, on a secret Expedition imder tlie command of Lieut. Gen. Pigot, till their arrival in Minorca, and continued tlu'ough aU the suhse- quent transactions of the Army to tlie surrender of Alexandi'ia : with a particular account of Malta. Lond. 1802. 4to. with engravings, 10s. to 15s. Fonthill, 3106, 21. 4s. — Sir Edminid. Reports in the Common Pleas, chiefly in the reign of Q. EUzabctli, in French. London, 16G4, 5. folio. 3 parts, with portrait by W. Faithonie, 10s. large PAPER, 15s. Sotheby's in 1824. U. Among the MS. Karl. 4S17, are ' Les Keportes de ScMfrnior Edni. Anderson, senr. chiefc Justice de ('omnion I'.anc.' — Henry. The Court Convert) or a sincere Sorrow for Sin, faitli- fully traversed, ex]ircssing the Dig- nity of a true Penitent. Printed for tlio Autlior, ] 81110. 5s. Contiiiiis |i|). 9 to 32, witli a title and epistle dedicatory. Sonic copies of this poem have the name of Audley as tho author. — James. Ane godly Treatis, calit the first and second Gum- ming of Clirist, with the Tone of the Wintersnyclit. 1595. Edin- burgh, be Robert Smyth. 16mo. A poem in seven-line stanzas consisting of 16 leaves. Another edition was printed at Edinburgh by Andro Hart. ■ — Ess.iy showing tliat the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland is impe- rial and mdependent. Edinburgh, 1705. Svo. 5s. For this work, written to confute the mistakes of Drake, and niisiepresentatioiis of Atwood, the parliament of Scotland ordered the author a reward, and thanks to be delivered to him by the Lord Chan- cellor. — Collections relating to the History of Mary Queen of Scotland : with an explanatory Index of the obsolete words, and a Preface. Edinb. 1727-8. 4to. 4 vols. 21. 2s. LARGE PAPER, 3^. 3s. — Royal Grenealogies, or the genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings, and Princes, from Adam to these Times. Lond. 1732. folio. The most useful and valuable work of the kind, and probably the most difficult and laboriousone ever undertaken by author or printer. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 14fi, LAKOK PAPKR, russia, 6^. 5s. Some copies bear the date of 1736, with new addenda and corrigenda after tlie preface. Bindley, pt. i. 159, ni. 3s. Nassau, pt.i. 203, 21. 8s. — Selectus Diplomatum et Nu- mismatum Scotite Thesaurus, auxit et locupletavit TliomasRuddimanus. Edinb. 1739. folio. 81. 8s. A highly valuable and useful work, with plates engraved by Sturt Dent, pt. i. 146, 6/. 6s. Towiieley, pt. i. 72. 61. 15s. Nas- sau, pt. i. 204, 71. 12s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes. pt. i. 145, 71. 17s. 6d. Brockett, 268, 101. 10s, It is said some copies were printed upon fine paper. The introduction by Ruddi- miiii was afterwards inadequately trans- lated and published with notes. Edinb. 1773. 12UI0. 2s. 6d. Brockett, 2653, 9s. — A Genealogical Histoi-y of the House of Yvery : in its different Branches of Yvery, IjuvcI, Perceval and Gourimy. London, 1742. royal Svo. 2 volij. AND AND 41 ThiB work, written principally by the Rt. Hon. John Perceval, first Earl of iif,'- inont, was privately jirinted. Collation.— Vol. I. Title, Dedication, and Contents, pp. i— xii; Epitome of the Work, pp. I— SO (this is not in all copies) ; Introduc- tion, xiii — xxxvii. (misprinted x.\ix.) Title to book 1. pp. 1.— 457 (misprinted 455). The Titles to Books ii. iii. iv. v. are reckoned in the paf^ing. N.B. In some copies p. xxxvii. is cancel- led, and additional matter extended to xli. | Detached Genealogical Tables in Vol. I. Auberie de Bellomonte, p. 196. XII Table.s of the eldest Branch of the House of Yvery, on 7 leaves, p. 220. i Table to Book 111. p. 22.3. 1 Descent by the Female line from the Barons of Kary, p. 24(i. j Table to Book IV., p. 249. ! Table the first of the fifth book ; and at the back the (piarterinss of Sir Richd. de Perceval, first of that name, p. 305. Table the second of the fifth book, p. 324. Plates in Vol. I. 1 ' Orate pro Anima Rye. Perceval,' p. 311. 1 The Manor of Weston-in-Gordano, p. 360. Tomb of ' Rycliarde Percy vale — M.ccco Ixxxiii.' p. 406. j Vol. II. Title, ' To the Reader,' 2 leaves. Title to Book vi.- pp. i— 533. The title to Book vii. is reckoned in the paging. Pp. 446 and 447 are cancelled in some copies, and in these between pp. 452-3, are duplicate pages 453 to 460. , Detached Genealogical Tables in Vol. II. \ Table to the sixth book, p. 1. Sydenham, Cave, Tilly, Kitsford, Peck- stone, and Redmere, p. 18. House of De la Hlore, p. 28. Earls of Flanders, &c. p. 46. The 32 Quarterings of the Children of John, Eord Vise. Perceval, and the Lady Cath. Cecil his wife, after p. 470. Table to Book 7, p. 473. Pl.\tes in Vol. II. The Manor of Sydenham, p. 24. Loghort Castle, near Mallow, p. 192. Castle of Liscarrol, Co. Cork, p. 215. The Castle of Kanturk, p. 3,'35. Map of Part of the Estate of the Right Hon. Jolin Perceval, Earl of Egmont, occasionall;/ inserted. A Monument, p, 386. Mount Pleasant, Tunbridge Wells, p. 461. Beverstan Castle, co. Gloster, p. 496. Portraits engraved by Faber. 1, Sir Philip Parker, K"'., knighted by Q. Eliz'ii. 1578, p. 296, of Vol. i., or 444 of Vol. ii. . 2, Catherine, Wife to Sir Philip Parker, Knt. p. 296 of Vol. i., or 444 of Vol. ii. 3. Rich. Perceval, ob. 1620, p. 120. vol. ii. All tlm following are in Vol. II. 4. Alice, Wife to Rich. Perceval, Esq. living 1599. p. 138. •■j. The Right Hon. Sir Philip Perceval, Knt. died 1647, p. 144. 6. Catharine, Wife to Sir Philip Perce- val, died 2 Jan, 1681-2, p. 151 or .320. 7. George Perceval, Esq. ob. 25 March, 1675, p. 322. 8. The Rt. Hon. Sir In" Perceval, Bart, ob. 1665, p. 3,30. 9. Catharine, Wife to S' lohn Perceval, Bart, died 17 Aug. 1679, p. 361 or 364. 10. Robert Perceval, Esq. dyed 5 of June, 1677, p. 368. 11. Sir Philip Perceval, Bart, dyed ll'i' of Sep'. 1680, p. 376. 12. Sir In-. Perceval, Bt. ob. 1686, p. 389. 13. Catharine, Wife to S' In" Perceval, Bar', died 2'' of Feb'v 1691-2, p. 392. 14. The Ilon''l^ Pliilip Perceval, Esq born 13"' of Nov 1686, p. 400. 15. The Right Hon''i'= lolin Perceval, E. of Egmont, born July 12,1683, p. 403. 16. The Right Hon Catlinrine, Wife to J. Perceval,E.of Egmont.born 16.S9,p 444. 17. Catharine. Wife to John, I.'i Vise. Per- ceval, niarr'' 15 Feb. 1736-7, p. 457 or 464. 18. The Right Hon. John, L-i. Vise. Perceval, born 24of Feb. 1710-11, (some. times wanting) p. 455. 19. The Right Hon. Sir Philip Perceval, K"'. died 1647. Engraved by W. 11. Toms, after Vandyke, 1738, p. 145 (a duplicate of th:it engraved by Faber, not essentially part of the series). Four portraits of THE Ra vv DONS, engraved for an intended History of that family, are sometimes inserted, but form no part of the work ; and so too a plate of Enmore Castle in vol. ii. Fonthill, 2210, 14«. 14s. M. of Towns- hend, 33, russia, 202. Biockett, 33, niur. 23/. White Knights, pt. i. 113, mor. 14/. Bindley, pt. i. 34, 15/. Evans in Mar. 1814, 18/. 18s. Duke of Grafton, 906, 16/. 5s. 6d. Nassau, pt. 1. 37, mor. 22/. Dent, pt. i. 48, russ. 21/. 10s. Maddison, 29/. Baker, No. 13 (with the arms emblazoned, ruled with red lines, and bound in morocco), 31/. 10s. Gough, No. 64 (without portraits;, 4/. 10s. Andkkson, James, LL.J). Ac- count of the present State of the He- brides and Western Coasts of Scot- land. Edinb. 1786. 8vo. map, 5s. — The Bee, or Literary Weekly' Intelligencer. Lond. 1790-4. Small 8vo. 18 vols, with portraits. 3/. 3s. Dr. Anderson received material assist- ance from men of learning. Complete sets are scarce. It was printed on three papers, coarse, common, and fine. — Essays relating to Agriculture and Eiiral Affairs. Eifth Edilion, en- larged, Lond.lBOOSvo. 3vols. lO.s.Gd. — Eecreations in AgricultuiT 42 AND AND and Natural History, Arts and Miscellaneous Literatui'e, London, 1799-1802. 8vo. 6 vols. 1/. 10s. EOYAl PAPEE, 21. 2%, A copious list of this eminent Agricul- tural writer's works, will be found in Watt's Bibliotlieca Britanuica. Andeeson, James, M.D. Letters to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart, on tlie Cochineal Insects discovered at Ma- dras. Jladi-as, 1788-9-90. 4to. with plates, 10s. 6d. This writer likewise published ' An Ac- count of the Importation of American Co- chineal Insects into Hindostan.' Madras, 1795. — John, M.A. Defence of the Chiu-ch, Government, Faith, Wor- ship and Spu'it of the Presbyterians. Glasg. 1714. 4to. — Jolm. Obsei'vations on Ro- man Antiquities discovered between theForthandClvde.Eclinb.1804.4to. Koxburghe, 8777, 5s. 6d. — Account of a Mission to the East Coast of Sumatra in 1823, under the Direction of the Govern- ment of Prince of Wales's Island. London, 1826. 8vo. with maps and plates, 16s. A critique on this work appeared in the Quarterly Review, xxxiv. 99 — 110. — Patrick, M.D. The Colde Spring of Kinghorae Craig, his ad mu'able and new tryed Properties, so far foorth as yet are found true by Experience. Echnb. 1618. 4to With wuod-cut view of the ' Colde Spring,' on back of title. Gordonstoun, 60, II. lis. 6d. Another work of rare occur rence by tins author is entitled ' Grana Angelica.' Edinb. 1635. 12rao. — R. Rudiments of Tamid Grammar ; combining with the Rules of Kodun Tamul, or the ordinary Dialect, an Introduction to Shen Tamid, or the elegant Dia- lect of the Language. Lond. 1821. 4to. 18s. — Walter, D.D. History of France during the Reigns of Francis I. and Charles TX. To which is . ■• I vue oiiy oi uonuiin. i»r. j^iuaiii states, mat prehxcti, a Review ot the gcncral|acopy of this work, wanting two leaves at History of the Monarchy, from its Origin to that Period. London, 1769. 4to. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. — History of France, from the Commencement of the Reign of Hemy III. to the general Peace of Munster. London, 1775-82. 4to. 5 vols. 1/. lis. 6d. This writer's French histories are in no estimation. — Philosophy of Ancient Greece Investigated ; with Remarks on the delineated Systems of their Fotmd- ers ; and some Accomit of their Lives and Characters, and those of their most eminent Disciples. Edin- burgh, 1791. 4to. pp. 585. 15s. A work of much learning, writteii with a view to supply the deticiencies of Stanley's History of Philosophy. — W. A pittilesse mother that most unnaturally mixrthered two of Iier own children at Acton, upon Holy Thm-sday 1616. Black letter, 4to. n.d. Jolley, 1843, '21. 18s. — WiUiam. London Commercial Dictionary and General Sea-Port Gazetteer ; with the Duties of Cus- toms and Excise brought down to the present time. A new edition. London, 1826. 8vo. 1/. Is. A useful work. Andeada, Jacintho Freire of. Life of Don John de Castro, Viceroy of India, wherein are seen the Por- tuguese Voyage in the East Indies, their Discoveries and Conqtiests there, &c. translated by Su- Peter Wyche, EJit. Loudon, 1664. foho, with a head by Faithorne and cuts. The work from which this is translated is esteemed one of the best written books in the Portuguese langruage. Roxburghe, 9217, 7s. M. of Townshend, 196, lis. Andeeas, Anthony. Anthonii Andreae super duodecim Libros Me- taphysiciB Quocstiones, per Thomam Penketh. Per me Johannem Let- tou, 1480. folio. Supposed to be the lirst book printed in the City of London. Dr. Djbdiii states, that AND ANJJ 43 the beginning,is iiitlie library of Magdalen College, Oxford. Several other editions were published abroad in the 15th Century. — Bartimeiis. Certaine Sermous upon the lil'th Cliapiter of the Song.s of Solomon. London, 1583. IGnio. Black letter. 140 leaves, paged from Introduction. Dedicated to Lorde lleiirie Earl of H untington, Lorde Hastings, &c. White Knights, 115, inor. 11. Is. An edi- tion, 1595. Inglis, 19, 10s. Andrewe, Laurence. The won- derful Shape and Nature of Man, Beastes, Serpentes, Fowles, Fishes, and Monsters, translated out of diners Authors, by Laur. Anch'ew, of Cahs, and printed at Antuerpe, with Pictures, by Joh. Doesborow (1510), foho. Black letter. Laurence Andrewe like wise published ' The Valuation of Golde and Siluer,' and a translation of ' The Boke of Distyllacion, by Jherora Brunswyke.' — Thomas. The Unmasking of a feminine Machiav ell. Lend. 1604. 4to Contains 22 leaves. Dedicated to M. D, Langworth, Archdeacon of Wells. A poetical tract of little merit, contain- ing a descriptiori of the Battle at Newport, in Flanders, 22nd June, 1600. Inglis, Old Plays, 4to. No. 2, 31. Nassau, pt. i. 164, ei. 6s. Bright, line, 5^. 15s. 6d. Andeewes, George. Dictionary of the Slang and Cant Languages. London. 12mo. 5s. Andrews, Saint, Ai'chbisliop of See Hamilton, John, D.D. — Capt. Journey fi-om Buenos Ayres, through the Provinces of Cordova, Tueuman, and Salta, to Potosi, thence by the Deserts of Caranja to Arica, and subsequently to Santiago de Chih and Coquimbo. Lond. 1827. post 8vo. 2 vols. pp. 665. A clear and sensible work, containing much valuable information. — George. Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench, m the 11 and 12 years of King George III. withadditional Notes and References, &c. by G. .W. Vernon. London, 1792. 8vo. IDs. 6d. Best edition. The former edition 1754. in folio, 7s. 6d. — H. C. Botanist's Reposi- tory for new and rai-e Plants, con- taining colunred i'igiuv.s of such Plants as have not liilherto appeared in any similar Publication, with De- scri))tions in English and Latin. Loud. 1797—1815. 4to. 10 vols. G61. plates. Kdwards, 730, 6 vols. ibl. 15s. White Knights, pt. i. 156, 8 vols. iOl. 9s. 6d. Koscoe, 1767, 9 vols. 30«. 19s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 255, 10 vols, morocco, 39Z. 7s. 6d. Andkews,H.C. Coloured Engrav- ings of Heaths, the Drawuigs taken from hving Plants only, with the ap- propriate specific character, full De- scription, &c. Lond. 1802-9. foUo, 4 vols, with 288 coloured plates. The fourth volume, published like the others in numbers, not having been com- pleted till about 1830, is often wanting. Beckford, 1817, No. 198, 3 vols, only, \bl. 4s. 6d. White Knights, No. 191, dedication copy, 3 vols., morocco, 21/. 3 Os. 6d. Koscoe, No. 1768, 3 vols. 2«. 5s. — Heathery, or a Monograph of the Genus Erica, with the Descrip- tions in Latin and English. London, 1804-12, 6 vols, royal 8vo. 300 co- loured plates, pub. at 13Z. 10s. Mr. Andrews likewise published a work on Roses, 2 vols. 4to. 1805-28, 129 coloured plates, at 13/., and another on Geraniums, 2 vols. 4to. 1805, 124 coloured plates, at 9/. 9s. — James Pettit. Anecdotes, &c. ancient and modern, with observar tious. London, 1789-90. 8vo. 6s. Contains pp. 470. Addenda, pp. 106, with a front, representing a man distilling from an alembic. This amusing and humorous collection has been several times reprinted. — Histoiy of Great Britain (from the Landing of Juhus Csesar to the Accession of Edward VI.) connected with the Chronology of Europe, with Notes, &c. London, 1794-5. 4to. 2 vols, with Vignette title. Contains pp. 477 and 366. The notes to this valuable historical work contain a great variety of curious and amusing par- ticulars. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 254, U. 1.53. Heath, 4374, 21. 2s. Fonthill, 651, il. 13s. — John. Anatomie of Basenesse ; or the foure Quarters of a Knaue. Flatterie, Ingratitude, Enuie, Do" traction. Lond. 1615. 4to. 44 AND ANE Five Klieets, dedicated to Sir Robert Syd- ney, by J. A. Besides this poetical tract (a copy of which is in the Bodleian) this ' painful preacher of God's work' published other things on religious subjpcts, a list of which will be found in Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. ii. 493-5. Andeews, Plans of tbcmost capital Cities of Eiu'ope, and some remarka- ble Cities in the other tliree parts of the world; with a descrijitiou of their most remarkable Buildings, &c. &c. London, 1792. -4to. with 42 folding coloiu'ed plans, 15s. Tills map-seller and engraver also pub- lished An Historical Atlas of England, 1797, in folio, 12s. — John, L.L.U. History of the War with America, Prance, Sj)ain and HoUand, 1775 — 83. London, 1786. 8vo. 4 vols. 12s. A judicious compilation. Andrews like- wise published 'The History of the Revo- lutions of Denmark,' 1774. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. — Lancelot, successively Bishop of Ely, Chichester, and Winchester. Opuscula quoedam posthiuna. Lon- dmi, 1629. 4to. 10s. 6d. — Prseces Privatse, Gr. et Lat. Oxon, 1828. 18mo. (Ed. P. HaU, Pickering, 1839, 1848, &c.) This manual of devotions, formed of sen- tences from the sacred scriptures, and the writings of the fathers, was compiled by this learned prelate for his own private use. It was found after his decease ' worn in pieces by his fingers and wet with his tears.' The tirst edition was printed at Oxford, 1674, 18mo. with a portrait by D. Loggan, 15s. A translation by N. Drake appeared 1675, ISmo. 3s , and another by George Stanhope, D.D. 1730, 8vo. 4s., which latter has been frequently reprinted. (A new translation by P. Hall, Pickerin/j, 1839.) — XCYI Sermons, published by )iis Majesties Special Commandment. Lend. 1631. folio, withportrait, 1/. Is. Reprinted 1635. 1641. 1661, Some of this eminent divine's sermons were published in 1589. without his consent. — Patern of Catechistical Doc- trine, or Exposition of the Ten Com- niandnients. London, 1642. folio, witli jtortriiit, 9.s. Reprinted Ifi.W. 1675. each with aportrait. — Collection of Postliiiiiioiis and Orphan Lectures deUvered at St- Paul's and St. Giles's. Lond. 1657- fol. with a portrait by Vaughan, 15s- The most popular of all his productions. A foiTuer edition 1649. folio. l'2s. — Seventeen Sermons modcra- ised by the Rev. Charles Daubeuy, Archdeacon of Sarum. London, 1821. 8vo. 10s. 6d. This learned and eminent divine pub- lished several other works, chiefly contro- versial, particularly Tortura Torti, 1609, 4to. and Responsio ad Apologiain Card. IJellarmini, 1610, 4to. both of which are considered unanswerable. — y^. Eusebius. Review of Fox's Book of Martyrs, 3 vols. 8vo. 1826. Audroboros, a Biographical Farce in tkree acts, viz. the Senate, the Consistory, and the Apotheosis, printed at Moropolis (i. e. Moipof TToXte) since August. (1709.) 4to. A copy of this whimsical piece, by C'ox- eter, attributed to Governor Hunter, is in the Kemble Collection of Plays. Andromeda Liberata. 1614. See Chapman, George. Andeonicus, a Tragedy. Im- pieties long Successe, or Heaven's late Revenge. London, 1661. 8vo. A copy is in the British Museum. AKDEONicusRHODius.Ethicorum Xicomacheormn Paraphrasis, Gr. cum Interpretatione Dan. Heinsii. Cantab. 1679. 8vo. 3s. 6d. The variorum Edition, not equal to that of Leyden, 1617, 8vo. Copies of the Cam- bridge edition of 1679, on fine p.\per, are very rare. — Editio altera. Subjungitur Andronici Libellus Trtpi ttuOov (edente Th. Gaisford). Oxou. 1809. 8vo. 8s. A valuable critical edition, - — Paraplu'ase on the Kicomachean Ethics of Aristotle, translated by William Bridgman. London, 1807. Ito. 18s. In this translation Bridgman was greatly assisted by Thomas Taylor, the translator of Plato, Aristotle, &c. Aneau, Bart. A A K K TOP. llic Cock. Containing the first Part of the most excellent and niytheologi- ANO ANG -ir> call Histovie of the valorous Squire Alector ; Sonne to (he renownecl Prince Maerobius Franc-Gal ; and to the Peerelesse Princesse Priscar- axe, Queene of High Tartary. Lon- don, 1590. 4to. Black letter. A copy in Longman and Co.'s Catalogue for 1816, No. 5482, (sup- posed unique) was marked iol. 15s. Anecdotes of PoUte Literatui'e. London, iTGi. 12nio. 5 vols. An amusing and judicious selection, very neatly piinted. Steevens, 944, 16s. 6d. Hollis, 30, U. 2s. Angel. — The Life of the 'Rev. Fa. Angel, of Joyeuse, Capuchin Preacher. Douay, 1623. 8vo. with three portraits. A copy is in the British Museum. Nas- sau, pt. i. 1987, russia, 1?. 10s. Lloyd, 112, II. 19s. Inglis, 872, 21. 15s. Brand, 31. 3s. Angel, John. History of Ire- laud. Dubhn, 1781. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. Angell, Christ. Chi-ist. AngeU a Grecian, who tasted of many Stripes and Torments inflicted by the Turkes, his Account of the Cru- elties he endured ; also his Epistle in eommendation of England, par- ticvxlarly Oxford and Cambridge, where he resided for some years. Oxford, 1617. 4to. with wood cuts. In Greek and English. Marq. of Towns- hend, 145, 1^. 6s. Inglis, 112, U. lis. Nassau, pt. i. 166, 21. Sotheby's, 1813. 41. 4s. — Encomion of the famous Kmg- dom of Great Britain, and the two flourishing sister Universities, Cam- brige and Oxford. Camb. 1619. 4to. A copy is in the Bodleian Library. — Enchiridion de Institutis Grse- corum Gr. et Lat. Cantab. 1619. 4to. 15s. A Latin copy of this work 'learnedly noted' by George Fhelavius, according to Ant. a Wood, appeared at Francof. 1655. 8vo. entitled Status et Ritus Eeclesin^ Griecffi. Copies of both editions are in the British Museum. Angell likewise published ' De Antichristo,' 1624, 4to. — Joliu. Stenography, or Short Hand unproved. London, 1758. Bvo. 4s. The preface or dedication to this system, wliich is complex and difliciilt, was written by \)i: Sannul .Johnson. Angelo, Dominico. L'Ecole des ^b-mes. Lonch'cs, 1763. oblong folio. Roxburghe, 1713, 7s. 6d. Duke of York, 273, 11. lis. — Michael. A Selection of Twelve Heads from the Last Judgment of Michael Angelo, by R. Dup])a, F.S.A. London, 1801. imperial folio. Of this work, very few copies were printed ; the copper plates have been destroyed. It was published at 41. 4s. Angeloni, Battista. Letters on the Enghsh Nation, translated from the original Itahan. London, 1755 or 6. 8vo. 2 vols. 3s. 6d. A libellous work, written by Dr. Sheb- beare, under the feigned name of a Jesuit. Willett, 23, 6s. AxGELUs, Anglice Angel or An- gell. ANGELrs a S. Francisco. Certa- men Seraphicum Provincise Anghae pro Sancta Dei Ecclesia, Opera et Lahore Angeli a S. Francisco. Duaci, 1649. 4to. with portraits, 3/. 3s. Written by N. Mason. A copy is in the British Museum. Sotheby's in 1816, 17^ 17s. Evans in 1817, 9Z. 9s. Gardner, 1854, 21. 4s. Sotlieby's, 1856, Zl. 15s. — Apologia pro Scoto-Anglo. Duaci. 1656. 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum. Angler. — The Angler : a Poem in six Cantos : by Piscator. (by T. P. Lathey.) London, 1819. 12mo. pp. 234. 6s. Copies on thick papee (20 printed) 10s. On VELLUM (unique) Sotheby's in 1823, \l. 12s. (Republished with a new title, 1820) — The experienced Angler, 1662. See Venables, Eobert. — The Gentleman Angler. Lon- don, 1726. 8to. 5s. Reprinted 1736, n. d. and in 17S6, as a novel publication. — The North Country Angler ; or, the Art of Anghng as practised in the Northern Counties of Eng- land. Leeds, 1800. 8vo. The iirst edition of this treatise was published London, 1786. Svo. 46 XNG Angler. — The Universal Angler, or that Ai't improved in all its Parts, especially iu Fly-flsliing. London, 1766. 8vo. — The Angler's Magazine, by a Lover of that healthfid and inno- cent Diversion, (by Geo. Smith). London, 1754. 12mo. 3s. Haworth, 791, 10s. 6d. — The Angler's Manual : or, concise Lessons of Experience. Li- verpool, 1808. oblong 8vo. with Etchings by Howitt. Some copies were printed in 4to. — The Angler's Vade Mecum. London, 1681. 12mo. 5s Reprinted 1689, 1700, ANG An gleterre, D i seourse des Troubles noii\'eUement advenuz du Koyaurae d'Angleterre au IMoys d' Octobre, 1569 ; avec una Declaration, faicte par le Comte de Northumberland, et autres gi'and Seigneurs d'Angle- terre. Lyon, 1570. 8vo. — Annales des Choses memora- bles d'Angleterre sous Henry Pai-is, 164-7. 4to. Towneley, pt. 1. 313, in morocco, 11. 18s. — Description des Gruerres d' Angleterre et de France. Amst. VIII. 1668. 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 785, 13s. 6d. — Histoire des Evenemens tra- Igiques d'Angleterre, et des derniers — The Anglers, eight Dialogues [Troubles d'Ecosse, contenant une Verse, with Notes. London, 1758. 12mo. 3s. 6d. A well-written little work, (ironical — ascribed to Dr. Scott), consisting of 56 pp. with an address to the reader. Haworth, 787, 9s. — See Angling. Anglesey, Arthm- Annesley, Earl of. Memou's, intermixed with mo- ral, pohtical, and liistorieal Obser- vations, by way of Discourse, in a Letter (to Su- Peter Pett) : to which is prefixed, a Letter written by liis Lordship during his Retu'cment from Court. London, 1693. 8vo. 5s. Published by Sir Pet. Pett, Knight. An answer to this work by Sir Peter T homp- Kon, Bart, will be found appended to ' Tlie Karl of Anglesey's State of the Govern- ment and Kingdom,' &c. London, 1694. 4to. 4s. — Privileges of the House of Lords and Commons. London, 1702. 8vo. pp. 172. Heath, 4409, 8s. 6d. An account of this noblonmn, with a list of his writings, will be found in Dr. Bliss' Edition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. iv. 181-7, 579. Anglesey. — The History of the Island of Anglesey, with the Me- moirs and genealogical account o( Owen Glendour. London, 1775. 4to. 58. Intended as a supplement to Rowland's Mona Autiqua Restaurata. Angleterre. — Les Chroniqucs. I'oyf'Z BorciIAKD, Allain. Relation des Conspirations contre les Rois Charles II. et Jacques II. Cologne, 1686. 12mo. Constable, 424, 5s. Towneley, pt. ii. 443, with .portraits, 18s. Histoire d'Angleterre, repre- sentee par Figiu'es par F. A. David, accompagnees d'un Precis historique (par le Tournem- et autres). Paris, 1784-1800. 4to. 3 vols. 21. 2s. In very little estimation. Some copicR are printed on vellum paper. De la Constitution de I'An- gleterre et des Changemens qu'elle a eprouves dans son Esprit que dans ses Formes, depuis son Origine jusqu' a nos Jours : avec juelques Remarques siu* I'ancienne Constitution de France. Par im Anglois, (M. FriseU). Seconde Echtion. Paris, 1820. 8vo. 99 pp. A valuable little work. Angha. — De Persecutione Angh- cana Epistola, 1582. Vide Paesons, Robert. — Descriptiones quoedam iUius inhiunanse et multipUcis Persecu- tionis quam in Anglia ]iropter fideni sustinent Catholice Christiani. folio. Six pages, witli prints. In a sale at Sotheby'.s in 1824, the f(jllowing, ' De Per- secutione Anglicana Libollus, 6 plates, Roma?, 1582,' was sold for 'M. 15s. — Relatio felicis Agon is, queni pro Religione Calholica gloriosc ANG 47 pubierunt aliquot e Sock'late Jesii Sacerdotum in ultima Aiiglia; I'it- secutione. PragiB, 1683. 4to. with portraits, 21. 2s. — Regni Anglite sub Elizabetha Religio et Gubernatio Ecclesiastica. Lond. 1729. dto. 5s. Angling. — A Catalogue of books on Angling, with some brief notices of several of tlieu" authors. London, 1811. 8vo. pp. 21. By Sir Henry EiUis, originally printed in the British Bibliographer, of which fifty copies were taken off separately. Sotlieby's in June, 1827. 13.s. (Reprinted with addi- tions by Mr. Pickering, and again by Mr. Russell Smith, Is. Bd.) — The Art of Anghng. 1653. 4to. See Barker, Thomas. — New and excellent Experi- ments and Secrets in the art of Angling. London, 1675. 12mo. with frontispiece and cuts, 6s. Sotheby's in 1823, 11. Is. Reprinted 1677 and 1684. — The true Art of Angling. Lond. for Ustonson, 1770. 12rao. Haworth, 782, 12s. — An Essay on the right of Angling in the River Thames, and in all the other navigable rivers. Reading, n. d. 8vo. (Reprinted, 1787.) Haworth, 777, 14s. — See Angler. Anglorum, Metamorphoses, or Reflections upon the late changes of Government in England. 1660. 8vo. Lloyd, 858, 4s. — Metamorphosis, sive Muta- tiones varise Regiun, Regni, Rerimi- que Anglise. Anno. 1653. 12mo. 5s. Principally taken from Clement Walker's History of Independency, by M. Z. Box- hornius. — Speculum, or the Wortliies of England in Church and State, alj^liabetically digested into the several Shires and Counties therein contained, &e. Lond. 1684. 8vo. pp. 974. 6s. ■ An abridgment of Fuller's Worthies of England, with a continuation. The pre face is signed G. S. Nassau, pt. i. 39, 10s Bp. of Ely, 25, 14s. 6d. Gough, 69, 11. Is. Angus, W. Seats of the No' bility and Gent it in Great Britain and Wales, in a collection of select Views engraved by W. Angus, from Pictures and Drawings by the most eminent Masters, with Descriptions of each View. Lond. 1787-1810. oblong Ito. 63 plates. Prints, n. 2s. Proofs, hi. 5s. In little estimation except the impres- sions be good. Bindley, pt. i. 126, 3/. l.')S. Fonthill, 1311, 5?. 58. Graves, 97 (Proofs).5i. 12s. 6d. "The copper plates of this work were lately in existence, and many copies have been struck off under the old date. Annalia Dvbrensia : Vpon the yeerely Celebration of Mr. Robert Dover's Olympick Games vpon Cotwold Hills. London, 1636. 4to. Contains pp. 72, A — K 2, with a frontis- piece, in the lower part of which is Captain Dover on horseback. (Very rare.) In Dr. Bliss's edition of Ant. k Wood's Athense Oxonienses, iv. 222-3, will be found an ac- count of this curious work. — Orio. Edit. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 891, 11. 7s. Bindlev, pt. i. 152, 12i. 12s. Saunders in 1818, 13^. 2s. 6d. Thoi-pe, 10?. 10s. Midgley,8i!. Ss.Repkint. Boswell, 918, 21. 10s. Nassau, pt, i. 168, russia,2/.lls. Towneley,pt. 1.302,3/'. 13s. 6d. Annals of the Fine Arts, (Edited bv Jas. Ehiies and B. R. Hay don). Lond. 1816-20. 8vo. 17 Kos. in 5 vols, with plates, 1/. lis. 6d. — See Fine Arts. Anne Bullen, Queen of K. Henry VIII. Epistre contenant le Proces criminel faict a FEucontre de la Royne Anne Boullant d'An- gleterre, en Vers par Carles Aulmos- nier du Daulphin. Lyon, 1545. 12mo. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. 'i. 243, 11. 10s. In Nichols' Progresses of Q. Elizabeth, will be found the Ceremonial of Marriage and Verses and Ditties made at her Coronation. In the Household Book of Henry VIII. are many curious facts relating to Anne Boleyn. Anne, Queen of King James I. Academise Oxoniensis Funebria sacra AnnsD Reginoe. Oxon. 1619. 4to. 6s. Another ' Lachryma; Cantabrigienses.' Cantab. 1619, 4to.6s. — Fifth Child of K. Charles I. S^NQAIA, sive Musarum Can- tab. Concentus et Cougratnlatio ad Regem Carolum de quinta Sobolo 48 ANN clarissima Principe, sibi nupei- feli- cissime nata. Cantab. 1637. 4to. Bindley, pt. iii. 581, 5s. Anke, Queen of Grreat Britain. The Life of Queen Anne. London, 1721. 8vo. 2 vols. 5s. See Boyee, A. Ajs'Xesox, Jas. i.e. Max^vell, jas. AsNET, Peter. The Free En- quirer. London, 1762. foho. For this deistical publication the author was pilloried, and imprisoned. Annet was probably author of the following, for the most part published without his name : Judging for ourselves ; or, Free-thinlcing the great Duty of Religion, 1739, 1794. The History of Joseph considered, by Menclus Philalethes 1744. The Conception of Jesus considered, 1744. The Resurrection of Jesus considered, in Answer to the Tryal of the Witnesses. 1744. 1st Edition, n. d. 2d. spurious. 3d. with great amendments, 1744. The Resurrection reconsidered, 1744. The Resurrection of Jesus demonstrated to have no Proof. (The History of Man after God's own heart. Replkd to hy Dr. Chandler.) The Resurrection Defenders stript of all Defence, 1745. The Sequel of the Resurrection of Jesus considered, (1745). Observations on the Life of St Paul. The History and Character of Paul ex- amined. A Letter to Gilbert West, Esq. and to the Author of the Observations on St. Paul's Conversion, 1748. Supernaturals examined. Social Bliss considered, 1749. A Collection of the Tracts of a certain free Enquirer, noted by his sufferings for his opinions, 176G. Lectures, 17G8, with a portrait of Annet, by Darling. Short Hand. Three Editions. AxxiLO, Orosius. Dissertatio de Bello Dano-AngUco, 4to. 6s. Annual Biography and Obituary from 1817 to 1837, inclusive, 8vo. 21 vols. 5/. OS. Published at 15s. each. Annual Register, from its com- mencement in 1758 to 1790 inclu- sive, 32 vols. Continuation pub- lished by Otridge, Baldwin, and others, 1^91-1827 inclusive, 37 vols., and Index from 1758 to 1819, 1 vol. London, 8vo. 70 vols. (Since con- tinued to 1856, and still proceeding.) K-xburgho, 7151, (1758— 1801J 16/. 16s. Earl of Kerry, 23. (1758—1817) 29Z. 8s. Fontliill, 1139, (1758—1819) i\l. Duke of York, 111, (1758-1823) 211. Drury, 89, (1758—1825) 4H. 10s. This valuable publication originatea with Robert Dodsley, at the suggestion of Edmund Burlce, who was for some years editor and principal contributor. Some time after the year 1791, the copy- right and stock from 1758 to 1790, were pur- chased by Otridge and otlu-r booksellers. Afterwhich period Messrs. Rivingtous, who had for a short time previously (during the illness of Mr. Dodsley) been agents for the work, published a rival continuation, which lasted from 1791 to 18! 2, and again from 1820 to 1824, when tlie two merged by ar- rangement into one . Some sets of the work have been made up by substituting Rivingtou's continua- tion, with fictitious titles. How to distin- guish the substitution may he ascertained by referring to the preface of the General Index published by Baldwin & Co. in. 1S2G, 8vo. price U. 4s. A general index, 1758 — 80, was published by Dodsley, inl783 ; another, 1781—90, by the Rivingtous, in 1799; (and a third, super- seding the previous ones, from the com- mencement to 1819, In 1826. And, as this complete Index is only applicable to the original, or Dodsley series, the volumes published by Rivingtous arc generally re- jected.) Annual Register. A Continua- tion, 1791—1800, 11 vols. 1801— 1812, 12 vols. 1820—4, 5 vols. Published by Messrs. Rivingtous. London, 8vo. This contiuiuation. though not generally adopted,forthe reasonstated above, has tlie character of being carefully compiled. ■ — • The New Annital Register from its commencement in 1780, to 1825, inclusive. Lond., Svo. 46 vols. Andrew Kippi.s, D.D. was many years editor of this Annual, (and Dr. Gregory and Alex. Chalmers were large contribu- tors). Drurv, 90, (1780-1825, 46 vols.) 7^. Sotheby's in 1827, (1780—1806, 27 vols.) Zl. [ Annual Register. The Edinburgh 'Annual Register, from the com- i mencement in 1808 to 1827. Edinb. Svo. Sir Walter Scott 5'as the ostensible editor of this work. Drury, No. 1285,(1805 —2.3, 22 vols.) ol. Annual Review, from the com- mencement in 1802, to its finish in 1808, by Art Inn- Aikin. London, royal Svo. 7 vols. II. Is. Axa ^19 An excellent periodical, which met with but little encouragement. Annus Mirabilis. Lond. 1660, &c. 4to. An annual publication, much censured by Ant. & Wood. Anonymiana. See Peoge, Sa- muel. Anquetil, Louis Peter. Sum- mary of Universal History ; exhi- biting the Rise, Decline, and Re- volutions of the different Nations of the World, fi-om the Creation to the present Time. Translated from the French. London, 1800. 8vo. 9 vols. 21. 10s. Said to be an abridgment of the English Universal Hi-story. Earl of Kerry, 22, bound in vellum, 41. 5s. A translation of Anquetil's Memoirs of the Court of France during the reign of Louis XIV., and the Regency of the Duke of Orleans, was pub- lished 1791, 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Anson, G-eorge, Lord. A Voyage round the World, 1740 — 4, com- piled from Papers, and other Mate- rials of the Right Hon. George, Lord Anson, by Richard Walter, •M.A. (Benj. Robins,) London, 1V48. ito. vrith 42 plates. In Davis' Olio, pp. 1—4, is an article as to who was tlie compiler of this voyage. Heath, 2806, U. IBs. Willett, SB, 21. 2g. LARGE PAPER. Gough, 183, 21. 4s. Nassau, pt. i. 169, 21. 5s. Baker, 145, with a draw- ing of Lord Anson, by Wale, 31. 8s. Rox- hnrghe, 7160, 32 10s. Marq. of Townshend, 146, 31. 16s. Reprinted 1749, 4to. 1748, Svo. 1767, 4to. 1776, 4to. Also in Callan- der's Voyages, vol. iii., in Harris, and other collections. — A Supplement to Lord Anson's Voyage round the Woi-ld, contain- ing a Discovei-y and Description of the Island of Frivola. By the Abbe CoTEE.-- To which is prefixed an introductory Preface by the Translator. Lond. 1752. Svo. 2s. 6d. A satirical romance on the Frencli nation. Anspach, Lewis Amedeu.*. Sum- mary of the Laws of Commerce and Navigation, adapted to the Island of Newfoiuidland. Lond. 1809. 8vo. This author likewise published a His- tory of the Island of Newfoundland, Lou- don, 1819, Svo. pp. 512, with two maps. \ OL. I. — Lady- Craven, Margravine of. The Sleep-walker. Stivawberrv-IIill. 1771. Svo. A translation from the Ficncli of Pont de Vile, of which only 75 copies wera printed. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. iii. 891, IJ. 4s. Strettell, 1609, mor. U. 5s. Jloxburghe, 4374, \l. 10s. Brockett, 2950, 21. Utterson, 1852, 21. 3s. Lady Craven likewise pub- lished ' The Miniature Pict'ire,' 1781, 8vo. Koxburghe, 4.373,7s. 6d., Nourjad, Hammer. smith, 180.3, 5s., and others. — Joiu'ney through the Crimea to Constantinople. In a Series of Letters from the Right Hon. Eliza- beth, Lady Craven, to the Margrave of Brandebourg Anspach and Ba- reith. Lond. 1789. 4to. pp. 332, 15s. Fonthill,361, U. 3s. — Pleasant Passethne for Christ- mas Evenings, or the Predictions oi Cosmopolitus Occultarius, &c. Lon- don, 1795. 12mo. Privately printed. A copy on vellum at the sale of the Mac-Carthy library brought 63 fi-. — Letters from Lady Ci'aven to tlie Margrave of Anspach, during hei> Travels through France, Ger- many, Russia, &c. in 17S5 and 1787. Second Edition, including a variety of Letters not before pub- lished. London, 1814. 4to. — Memoirs of the Margravine of Anspach, written by herself. London, 1826. Svo. 2 vols, with portraits, 28s. Anstey, Christopher. Poetical Works, with some Account of his Life and Writings, by his Son. Lon- don, 1808. 4to. with plates. Nassau, pt. i. 170, li. 14s. The writings of this celebrated person have been much admired, partic\ilarly the New Bath Guide, which has gone through many editions. His ' Election Ball,' 1776, 4to. had cuts after the manner of Hogarth. C. Anstey, in 1774, published a poem in 4to. entitled ' The Priest dissected,' which he afterwards suppressed. Anstis, John, Garter King of Arms. Ciu'ia Militaris, or a Ti-ea- tise of the Court of Chivalry. Lon- don, 1702. Svo. 4s. This curious Tract (never published) E 50 ANT eontaius only the introduction, and contents of the treatise, pages xli. Anstis, John. Letters to a Peer concerning the Honour of Earl Mar- shall. Loud. 1706. 8vo. pp. 52, bs. An enlarged and amended edition. The original was published in 1703, 8vo. pp. 35. — The Register of the most noble Order of the Garter, usually called the Black Book ; with Notes and an Introduction. London, 1724. folio. 2 vols. Vol. i. pp. 470. Editor's Appendix, &c. pp. 72, besides a preface, &c. pp. 34, and an allegorical frontispiece by J. Sympson. V'ol. ii. pp. 500, with an introduction, 59 pages. Dent. pt. i. 150, morocco, 21. 12s. 6d. Marq. of Townshend, 198, 31. 13s. 6i LARGE PAPER. Nassau, pt. i. 205, russ. 3^. 3s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 147, mor. 31. 5s. Heath, 1618. russia, 31. 17s. Willett, 127, russia, 71. 7s. Fonthill, 2427, 101. — Observations introductory to an historical Essay upon the Knighthood of the Bath. London, 1725. 4to. Contains pp. 88. At the end ' A Collec- tion of Authorities referred to in the Intro- duction.' Bindley, pt. i. 135, 7s. This work contains all which could be collected on the Order of the Bath, from the earliest period to the time when its learned author wrote, and exhibits proofs of great industry and research. An account of tlie changes which took place in the Order in 1815, with observations on the subject, will be found in the Retrospective Review, N. S. vol. i. Anstettthee, Alexander. Re- ports of Cases ia the Com't of Exchequer, from Easter Term 32 Geo. III. to Trinity Term, 37 Geo. III. London, 18i7. royal 8vo. 3 vols. 21. 5s. The former edition 1796-7. royal 8vo. 3 vols. 15s. Answere, An, to a Papystycall Exhortacyon to avoyde false Doc- tiyne, under that Colour to mayn- tayne the same. Without place or date. Bvo. Black letter. In verse, the Exhortation and Answer being printed alternately : the first in six line stanzas, the latter in Skel- tonical doggrcl. Answere, An, to the proclama- tion of the Rebels in the north. Imp. by Seres, 1569. Black letter, 8vo. in verse. Bib. Aug, Poet. 201. Answere, An, to a Romisli rime lately printed, wherein are contayned CathoUck questions to the Protes- tants. 1602. 4to. Bindley, 703, 21. 12s. 6d. Longman, 1819, date, 1608, 21. 12s. 6d. . Antar. See Hamilton, Terrick. Antenor. Travels in Greece. See Lantiee, E. F. Antes, John. Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Egyptians. London, 1800. 4to. with a map. Reprinted Dublin, 1655. See Fullee, Fonthill, 432, 1801. 12mo. Anthologia, Thomas, D.D. Anthing, Fred. History of the Campaigns of Count Alex. Suworow Rymnikski, translated from the German. London, 1799. 8vo. 2 vols. 8s. Anthologia, seu selecta qusedam Poemata Italorum qui Latine scrip- serunt. Lond. 1684. 12mo. 5s. Publislied by Bp. Atterbury, with an elegant preface. Anthologia Hibemica. See Ire- land. Anthologise Grtecis a Constantino Cephala conditfe Libri tres : edidit J. J. Reiske. Oxoii. 1766. 8vo. 5s. Published witli an elegant Latin preface, by Tho. Warton, editor of Theocritus. LARGE PAPER. Heath, 3355, lOs. Dent, pt. i. 54, 11. Anthology. A Selection of Greek Epigrams from Brunek's Aiitliology, with an Enghsh translation. Oxon. 1791. 12mo. 2s. 6d — Translations chiefly from the Greek Anthology, with Tales and miscellaneous Poems, by Bland and Merivale. Lend. 1806. 8vo. 7s. A volume of considerable merit, in which will be found a beautiful translationof some noble lines from the Medea of Euripides, and a Greek epigram by Dr. Johnson. Drury, 472, mor. lOs. — Collections from the Greek Anthology, and from the pas- total, eh'giac and dramatic Poets of ANT ANT 51 Greece, oy the Kev. R. Bland and others Lond 1813. 8vo. pp. 525. I2s. (Repablislied with omissions and addi- tions in 18:^3, 8to.) A valuable poetic version, lakoe p.\per. Drury, 913, nis.sia, 1?. 9s. — The English. See Ritson, Jo- seph. Anthony. — The Lyfe of Saynte Anthonye. Impr. by Julyan Notaiy (1520) 4to. Black letter. Anthony, King of Portugal. — The Explanation of the Right and Tytle of Anthonie the Fii-st, King of Por- tugal!, concerning liis Warres for the Recouerie of his Kingdome. Leyden, in the Printing House of Christopher Plantyn. 1585. 4to. Contains pp. 54, .and ' A Pedigree or Table of Genealogie,' &c. Bindley, pt. ii. 1206,5s. Lloyd, 509, IGs. Sir P. Tlionip- •son, 232, U. lis. 6d. Anthony, Francis, M.D. Me- dicinsB Chymicse et veri potabihs Auri Assertio, ex Lucubrationibus Era. Anthonii Londiaensis in Me- dicina Doctoris. Cantab. 1610. 4to. 5s. This defence is divided into seven chap- Ion;, the last enumerates the several dis- tempers whicli his aureni potabile cures ; among which is the plague itself. — Apologia Veritatis Ulusces- centis pro Auro Potabih, &c. Lond. 1616. 5s. Tlie Apology and Defence w^re likewise published in English, 1616. 4to. In answer to this noted empiric, Dr. Gwinne pub- lished 'Aurum non Aurum.' Lond. 1611. 4to. and Dr. Cotta 'The Ami- Apology.' Oxford, 1623. 4to. — John. Lucas Redivivus, or the Grospcl Pliysician, prescribing (by Way of Sleditation) Divine Physic, &c. London, 1656. 4to. with portrait by T. Ci-oss. This wiiter was the son of thi' noted em- piric, and likewise published ■ The Com- fort of the Soul,' 1654. 4to. Antichrist. — Downfol of Anti- chi-istes Mas. 1546. A poem of thirty octave stanzas, in which, says Warton, the muneless satirist is unjustly severe on the distresses of that class of mechanics who get their living by writing and ornamenting .service-books for the old papistic worship, — A short description of Anti- Christ with ;r Warning. (About 1548) 8vo. Hlack letter. White Knights, 12.1, mor. U 15s. Antidote against Melancholy, made up in Pills, compounded of witty Ballads, jovial Songs, and merry Catches. London and West- minster, 1661. 4to. with a plate. Lloyd, 216, 21. 12s. 6d. Jolley, 1843, mor. n. d. U. 6s. — A collection of merry Songs, with Music. 1749. 12nno. Nassau, pt. i. 46, IDs." Dent, pt. i. 60, 12s. Boswell, 72, 12s. Sotheby's in 1825, li. 7s. Antidotharius, The. Imprynted by me, R. Wyer, 16mo. Black letter. Contains sign. E in fours, lialf sheets. ' It seems to have been,' says Herbert, 'from these little cheap physical treatises, which perhaps sold for an half- penny, or at most for a penny, that the old women were furnished with their nos- trums.' There were several editions by Wyer, differing here and there in the spell- ing of a few words. Two will be found in the British Museum. Inglis, No.'23, IL Anti-Dvello, or a Treatise in which is discussed the Lawfulness and Vnlawfulness of single Com- bats : together with . the Forme of seyerall Dvells performed in this Kingdom upon sundiy Occasions. London, 1632. 4to. pp. 63, with plate of Guiye of Warwick. Keed, 3.304, II. 138. Reprinted in 1818. See Kendall. Selden. Anti-Spaniard, 1590. 4to. Black letter. Keed, 3305, 14s. 6d. Antigua. — Collect, of Exotics from the Island of Antigua. By a Lady. Lond. 1800. fol. 2/. 2s. coloiu'ed. — Laws of Antigua, consisting of the Acts of the Leeward Islands, from Nov. 1690 to April, 1798 ; and the Acts of Antigua, from Aprd, 1668, to May, 1804 ; with analytical Tables of the Act?, and an Index. 1805—18. 4to. 3 vols. 11. 7s. Anti-Jacobin. — The Anti-Jaco- bin, or Weekly Exnminer, from Nov. E 2 52 ANT 20, 1797, to July 9, 1798. London, 4to. 36 Nos. with a Prospectus. All that was published in 4to. Anti-Jacobin, or Weekly Exam- iner. Lond. 1799. 8vo. 2 vols. Said to have been tdittd by Wm. Gifford, Esq. Roxburghe,7008, 9s. Unuy, 101, U. lb. Anti-jacobin Review and Maga- zine, or Monthly Pohtical and Lite- rary Censor, from the Commence- ment in 1798, to the Conclusion in 1821. 8vo. Giffovd, Frere, and Canning, were con- tributors to this periodical. In the early volumes are caricatures by Gillray. Heath, 4491, 30 vols. 71. 17s. tid. Duke of York, 115, 61 vol. 1799—1821, 41. 4s. — The Poetry of the Anti-Jaco- bin [by Giiford, Canning, Pi-ere, Ellis]. London, 1801. 4to. 15s. Frequently reprinted in 12mo. Antiochenus, Joan. Vide Ma- LALA. Antipus. — The Comparison be- twene the Antipus and the Anti- graphe, or Auswere thereunto, with Apology or Defense of the same An- tipus and Reprehence of the An- tigraphe. (Lond. by John Daye) 4to. n. d; Black letter, six leaves. In doggrel metre. Roxburghe, 3290, mor. 61. 6s. Antiquarian Repertory : a Mis- cellany intended to preserve and illustrate several valuable remains of old Times. Lond. 1775-84. 4to. 4 vols, with plates. This valuable work was compiled by, or under the direction of, Francis Grose, Thomas Astle, and other eraiuent anti- quaries. Dent, pt. i. 279, russia, 31. 4s. Bindley, pt. i. 109, 31. 8s. Towneley, pt. u. 105, russia, 41. 14s. 6d. Reed, 3302, 51. Fonthill, 1865, Gl. 5s. — A new edition, with many va- luable additions. Lond. 1807-9. 4to. 4 vols. Published and edited by Jeflfery the bookseller. The very able preface to this edition was written by Edmund Lodj^e, Esq. (The fourth vol. contains the ' Nor- thumberland Houseliold book,' edited by Bp. Percy.) Dent, pt.i.280, russia, 5'. 2s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 110, HI. 8s. i.arue papkr. Dent. pt. i. 281, hds. 71. 7s. Nassau, pt i. 173, i>t. Tonthill, 1155, 91. Brockett, 238, russia, 131. 12s. (id. Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet, and Itinerary. &ee Sto- REE and Geeig. Antiquaries of London. — Archse- ologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts re- lating to Antiquity. London, 1770 — 1856. -ito. 36 vols. Lrdex to vols. 1—15. 1809. 4to. and Index to vols. 16—30. 1844. 4to. The fourth and eighth volumes are of rnie occurrence. Steeven.s, 1737, 12 vols. 1-21. Edwards, 70, 12 vols. 171. 6s. 6d. Roxburghe, 8573, 13 vols, in russia, 39^. Towneley, pt. ii. 104, 14 vols. 221. Reed, 1768, 15 vols, with Ordinances and Liber Quotid. 221. 10s. Willett, 95, 16 vols, with Liber Quotid. Ordinances, and Index, 301. Baker, 148, 16 vols, with Index, 211. 10s. Dent, pt. i. 290, 16 vols. Index and Liber Quotid. 291. Duke of York, 25.5, 17 vols, and Index, 211. 10s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i 106, 18 vols and Index, 321. 10s. Nassau, pt. i. 181, 19 vols. Index, Ordinances, and Liber Quotid. russia, 351. Combe, 139, 19 vols, and Index, 21i!. Drury, 338, 20 vols, pt. i. of vol. 21, Ordinances and Lib. Quotid. 331. 12s. — Queries proposed to gentlemen in the several parts of Great Britain. Lond. 1754. 8vo. 3s. — Three Chronological Tables of the Members. By Sir John Eenn. London, 1784. 4to. — Liber Quotidianus Contraro- tidatoris Garderobae, Anno Regni Regis Edwardi I. vicesimo octavo. A.D. 1299 and 1300. 1787. 4to. 12s. This volume, (edited by John Top- ham^, says Mr. Nicolas, ' abounds in highly interesting information, Illustra- tive of the history, manners, expenses, army, navy, provisions, costume, &c. or the 13th century, and as an adjunct to his- torical and antiquarian inquiries, it cannot be too highly estimated. Few MSS. have been so well edited ; but amidst much ground for praise, it is to be regretted that it does not contain an index, an omission which considerably lessens its utility.' — Collection of Ordinances and Regidations for the Government of the Royal Household, made in di- vers Reigns, fi'om Edward III. to William and Maiy, and also Receipts in Anticnt Cookeiy, 1790, 4to. 12s. ' This collection contains many curious illustrations of the manners of our ances- tors, and especially of tlie royal house* ANT 63 holdSi prices of provisions, &c., and maybe deemed one of the few text books for anti- quarian inquiries.' — List of the Members of the Society of Antiquaries fi'om 1717 to 1796; 1798. 4to. By Uicliard Gougb. — Copy of the Royal Charter and Statutes, and of Orders and Regu- lations estabhshed by the Council of the Society. London, 1800. 4to. The charter, &c. of this society were liliewise printed in 8vo. 1752, 1759, 1764, 1790. Five Dissertations, viz : Webb (P. C.) on Domesday Book and Danegeld. Webb (P. C.) and Dr. Pettingall, two Disserta- tions on the Heraclean Table. Pettingall (Dr.) on the Tascia, 4to. 7s. Magni Rotuli Scaccai-ii Nomiannise sub Uegibiis Anglife: the Norman Rolls of the times of Henry 11. and Kichard I. Ed. by Thos. Stapleton, 1840^4. 2 vols. 8vo. 15s. — A Catalogue of the pi'inted Books and MSS. in the Library of the Society. London, 1816. 4to. The society have likewise published the following Prints, viz. : — Le Champ de Drap d'Or. The inter- view of Henry VIII. and Francis I. between Guines and Ardres in June 1520. From the original Picture in Windsor Castle. With an liistorical Description by Sir Joseph Ayloffe, Bt. 4to. pp. 45, 1771. folio. 21. 2s. Encampment of the English Forces near Portsmouth, mdxlv. from a coeval Painting at Cowdray in Sussex. With an historical Description, by Sir Joseph Ayloffe, Bart. 4to. pp. 20, 1778. folio 11. 5s. The embarkation of K. Henry VIII. at Dover, May xxxi. mdxx. From the original Picture in Windsor Castle. With a Description by John Topham, Esq., 4to. pp. 42, with two etchings, 1781. folio. 11. lis. 6d. The procession of K. Edward VI. Feb. xix. MDXLVii. previous to his Corona- tion. Engraved from a coeval Paint- ing at Cowdray, in Sussex, by James Basire. With an Account, in 4to. pp. 20, 1787. folio. 11. lis. 6d. The Departure of K. Henry VIII. from Calais, July xxv. mdxliv. The En- campment of K. Henry \ III. at Mar- quison, July mdxliv. The Siege of Boulogne by K. Henry Vlll. mdxliv Three Prints from coeval Paintings at Cowdra}', in Sussex. With a Descrip- tion. 4to. pp. 32. 1788. folio. 21. 2s. A set of the above prints with the Cathe- drals of Exeter, Bath, and Durham, and St. Stephen's Chapel, in 1 vol. Kox- burghe, 8603, 211. 10s. 6d. Prints engraved by George Vertue, viz. : Plan of London and Westminster, as it was near the Beginning of the Reign of Q. Elizabeth, by R. Agas. 1748. Eight plates, 10s. Views of the Chappel of St. Thomas on London Bridge. 1747-8. Two plates, 48. An exact Surveigh of the Streets, Lanes, and Churches comprehended within the Ruins of the City of London, by John Leake. 1723. Two plates, 3s. Two Views of St. Martin's Church in the Fields, with the Plan. Three plates, 2s. 6d. The tesselated Pavement at Stunsfield, in Oxfordshire One plate. Is. Views of Mr. Lethiullier's Mummy. 1724. Two plates. Is. Nine historical Prints representing Kings, Queen.s, Princes, &c. of the Tudor family, with a Description of 21 pp. Republished by the Society, 1766. 21. 7 s. Portraits of K- Charles I. and hisQueen. One plate, 5s. Plan and elevation of the Petty Canons' Houses at Windsor. Is. Lincoln's Inn Chapel, with the Ambula- tory, 1751. 2s. 6d. A Survey and Ground Plot of the Royal Palace at Whitehall, 1747, 2s. The Market Cross at Chichester, 1749. 2s. The View of the Charity Children in the Strand upon the vii of July, MDCCXiii, 1715. Two sheets 7s. 6d. Portrait of Sir John Hawkwood (Joannes Acutus Eques Britannicus) 1771. Is. 6d. Views of the Ruins of Stanton Harcourt, in Oxfordshire, drawn and etched by Earl Harcoui't. Four plates, 11. Is. For other Publications by this Society, see CONYBEAEE, J. J. C^DMON, FOLKES, Martin. Vetusta Monument a. Rot, William. Bath, Westminster, Exeter, Dui-ham, Gloucester, \ Albans, St. -^ The last six articles in one volume. Drury, 200, 81. 18s. 6d. Strettell, 1045, russia. 111. 5s. Dent, pt. i. 509, 121. 12b. ^ Cathedrals &c. 54 ANT ANT Antiquities. — Essay on the Study of Antiquities. See Burgess, Tho- mas, Bishop of St. Davids. — Miscellaneous Antiquities, A'ep Walpole, Horace, Earl of Oribi'd. Anti-Theatre from Feb. 15, 171'J- 20, to April 4, 1720. London, 15 numbers complete. [Reprinted by Nichols iu 1791, 8vo.J Written in opposition to the popular paper of Sir Kichard Steele, entitled The Theatre. Anton, Robert. Philosophers' Satyrs. London, 1616. 4to. 15s. These dull satires are entitled from f'.e seven planets. Some copies bear tlie datf of 1617, and the title of ' Vices Anatoinie.' Bindley, pt. i. 156, 11. Is. Constable, 188, morocco, 31. 3s. Autonie (The tragedie of), done into English by the Countesse of Pembroke, 18mo. 1599 ; a copy in Edin. Collection. Antoninus, Marcus AureHus. De Seipso, seu Vita sua, Libri xii. Gr. ct Lat. cum Annotationibus M. Casauboni. Lond. 1643. 8vo. 5s. A neat and accurate edition. — De Seipso, stu^lio, operaque Thomse Gatakeri. Cantab. 1652. 4to. 68. A valuable edition. Copies on large paper are rare. A n elegant little edition was printed Oxou. lo>0. 12mo. 3s. — Editio alter.i, aucta et idoneis Script, vcterum Tostuuoniis firmata, a Geo. Stanliopc. Lond. 1697, 4to. 5s .4 good edition. Copies on large paper are very rare. Aske«.2^. 2s. — Eecogniti et Kotis iUustrati, a Nic. Ibbetsou. Oxon. 1704. 8vo. 3s. 6d. An excellent edition, accorling to Ur. Harwood, with some epistles at the end, attributed to Antoninus. LAiitiE paper. Sotheby's in 1824, 1/. Is. Drury, lii-J, mo- rocco, by Roger Payne, 1/. {)s. Dent, pt. i. 62, morocco, by Roger Payne, 1/. 16s. \\ il- liaras, 48, 49, morocco, H.'6s. and U. 19s. — cum Comment. Th. Gatakeri, necnon M. Antonini Vita, a Geo. Slaiihupo. Londini, 1707. 4to. 6s. A Hrprint of tlie edition of 1697. The (JlasgMW editions of 1714 and 1751. .'ts.,oron FlHE I'Ai-i R, 4s. The edition 1744, on riNB fAPER, Williams, 60, morocco, 15b. Antoninus. The golden Boke o/ Marcus Aurehus, Emperour and Oratour, translated out of Frcnclie into Euglishe by John Boiu'chier Knyghte Lorde Earners. London the House of Tho. Berthelet (1534) 16mo. 1/. Is. Plack letter. (Joiitains Oo vij, in eights. Tlie first ir.ii.;essii)n of this popular work. K« printe.l 1536, 1537. 1542, 1546, 1553, 1554, 1556, 1557, 1559, 1566, 1576, 1586, 1587, in 4to. and 16mo. — Meditations, translated with Notes by Meric Casaubon, D.D. Fifth edition, with the Life of An- toninus translated fi'om the French of Dacier, by W. King. London, 1692. 8vo. 53. Reprinted 1694 and 1702. The editions of 1634, 1635, 1664, and 1673, are of the same value. There is a copy of the edi- tion of 1634 in the British Museum, with the MS. notes and additions of the editor. • — Conversations with liimself, liis Life by M. Dacier, and the Mytho- logical Picture of Cebes the Theban, translated by Jeremy Colher. Lou- don, 1701. 8vo. 5s. An inelegant translation, abounding with vulgar and ludicrous expressions, reprinted 1708. 1726. — Commentaries, translated by James Thompson. London, 1747. 8vo. Edwards, 222, 4s. — Meditations newly translated out of the Greek, with Notes and a Life of the Author by Jas. Thomson. Glasgow, 1749, 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. ' Correct in the main, but deficient in point of elegance ' — Monthly Rev. An edition 1764, 4th. Edit. Reed, 1665, 10s. 6d. Williams, 51, morocco, 15s. — Mechtations. A new transla- tion by R. Graves, M. A. Bath, 1792. 8vo. 5s. The best English version of Antoninus, remk red particularly valuable by the judi- cious notes of the translator. Antoninlo Pius. Antonini Iter Rritanniarinu, Commentariis illus- tratum Tliomse Gale. Opus pos- fluunum, i-evisit, auxit, edidit R. G(ale). Acceseit Anonymi Rav& ANT APO 55 nantis Britannisp Cliorographica. Londini, 1709. 4(o. 5s. A good eilition. ileath, 4520, 9s. 6d. Sanndcr.s in 1818, 71, 148. Anotlier cclition will be found in Lelaud's Itiuenuy, vol. iii. 1711. — Iter Britanniarum, with a new Comment, by the Eev. Thomas Rey- nolds, A.M.' Cambridge, 1799. 4to. with two maps. Dent, pt. i. S83, 10s. 6d. Towneley, pt. ii. 109, 10s. 6d. I.ABGE paper, 11. lis. 6d. For CoDfiraentaries See Burton, and Gibbon. Antonio and Melhda (The history of), 1602. 4to. Bindley, SI. 3s. Antoniotto, Giorgio. L'Arte Armonica : or, a Treatise on the Composition of Music, in three books ; with an Introduction on the History and Progress of Music, from its beginning to this time, translated into English. London, 1760. foho. 2 vols. 12s. A tolerable translation of a very elabo- rate and skilful performance. Anteobus, Benjamin. Buds and Blossoms of Piety, with some Fruit of the Spu-it of Love. Loudon, 1691. 8vo. Nassau, pt. i. 360, 3s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet 897, U. 5s. Antwerp. — Antwerp's Unytie. An Accord or Peace in Eehgion and Government, concluded by his Highness, &c. London, 1679. 8vo. Black letter. A copy is in the British llusenm. — Newes from Antwerp, 10 Aug. 1580. Translated partly out of French and partly out of Lattin. London, 4to. Black letter. E 2 in fours. Herbert mentions another work relating to this city, printed 1576, entitled ' The Spoile of Antwarpe.' — Entertainment of Frauncis the Frenche Kings Brother at Antwerp. London, 1582. 16mo. Black letter. — Historic of the Gitie of Ant- werpe since the Departure of PhiUip King of Spain out of Netherland, ill 1586. Lond. 1586. 41o. Black letter. 27 leaves. Llovd, 749, 17s. HoUis, 658, 16s. Bindley, pt. ii 1882, i;. 7s. Ape-Gcntlc-woman, or the Cha- racter of an Exchange Wench, 1675. 4to. Strettell, 173, lO.s. White Knights, pt i. 162, 21. Aphthonii Sophistse Prseexerci- tamenta Fabtda, interprete viro doc- tissimo [Gentiano Hei-veto] dedicat. ad Jacobum Bernardum Londini- ensi. S. P. Lond. R. Pynson, 1521. 12mo. Apicius Cselius. Vide C^Lius. Apocalypse. See St. John. Apocrypha. — The Vohniie of the Bokes called Apocripha. London, by John Day and Wylliam Seres. (1549) 16mo. Black letter. A. — Yy. iii. A full page contains 33 lines. Copies are in the British Museum and Lambeth Libraries. Inglis, 26 (sheet B. wanting) 15s. "V^^ith critical Observations by Charles Wdson. Edinb. 1801. 8vo. 3s. 6d. In the British Museum is an Essay con- cerning the Books commonly called Apo- crypha. London, 1740. 8vo. — See Bible. Apollinaeiits. — Interpretatio Psalm orum Versibus Heroicis : Ex Bibhotheca Ecgia. Londini, 1590. 16mo. 4s. Contains pp. 202, and errata. Elegantly printed in pica Greek. ApoUo.— The British Apollo ; or curious Amusements for the Inge- nious. London, 1708 — 10. folio. 3 vols. II. Is. [And a few nimibers of a fourth vol.] An abridgment of this curious periodical work, ' containing 2CW0 Answers to Ques- tions in most Arts and Sciences,' was pub- lished 1726 and 1740, 12mo. 3 vols. Edi- tion, 1740, Cosset. 883 16s. 6d. Roxbnrghe, 6708, 12s. Nassau, pt. i. 330. 15s. — Apollo Christian or HeHcon Reformed. London, 1617. 8vo. Six Poems, dedicated to Algernon Lord Percie. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. mor. 201. — Apollo shroving, 1627. See Hawkins, William. — Apollo's Cabinet, or the Muse's oG APO Deliglit. A Collection of English and Italian Songs, Cantatas and Duets, with the Music. Liverpool, 1756. Nassau, pt. i. 52, 11. Apollo. — Apollo's Feast, pleasant Intrigues, Old Tales, Witty Poems &c. London, 1703. 8vo. Perry, date 1718, 11. 18s. Bindley, pt. i. 24, 11. Is. Apollodoetjs. — ATToWoSuipov Toil AOtjvaiov rpafifiarticov, Bij3\i oOrjKtjg, 1] ntpi @euiv Bi/3A(oj' d. In usum scholse Westmonasteriensis Londini, 1686. 8vo. Kdited by Thomas Knipe, cliief master Ml" Westminster School. Apolloxii, Gruil. Consider a tio quanindam Controversiaruni, ad Re- gimeni Eclesise spectantum quie in Anglise Regno hodie agitantur ; ex Mandate et Jussu Classis Wala- chrianse conscripta. Loud. 16-14. 8vo. An Englisli translatlcn published 16-45, and in lfi47, appeared ' The supreme Power of Chi'istian States vindicated .against Gulielnius ApoUonii.' 4to. Apollonius Pekg^us.— de Sec tione Eationis Libri ii. ex Arabico MS. Latine rorsi. Accedimt de Sectione Spatii Libri ii. restitui : prsernittuutur Pappi Lemmata et Pra?fatio ad Septimum Colleetionis Matliematica; Gra?cse, Opera et Stu- dio Edm.Halley. Oxon.l706.8vo.5s. An eiUtion of the Conica, Lat. will be found in Barrow's edition of Archimedes. — Conicorum Libri octo et Sereni Autissensis de Sectione Cylindri et Coni Libri duo, Gr. et Lat. edente Edin. Ilalley. Oxon. 1710. foHo. 1/. Is. A very correct and elegant edition. LARGE PAPER. Roxburghe, 1449, 30s. Heath, 1305, russia, 4?. 4s. — Locorura planorum Libri duo, restituti a Rob. Simsou, M.D. Glas- guae, 1749. 4to. 7s. 6d. A valuable edition. — Inclinationum Libri duo Res- tituebat S. Ilorslev. Oxon. 1790. 4to. 18s. A valuable edition, edited by Bishop Horsley. — The Two Books concerning Tangencies, &c. by John Lawson, B.D. second edition, with two sup- plements, &c. Lond. 1771. 4to. 6s. In this work Lawson has proved himself a faithful translator, and an able geometri- cian. The former edition was published at Cambridge, 1764, 4to. ' A Restitution of the Geometrical Treatise of Apollonius Pergfeus on Inclinations,' by Reuben Bur- row, 1779. 4 to. 2s. 6d. Apollonius Rhodius. Argonau- ticorimi Libri IV. Gr. edidit, nova fere Interpretatione iUustravit, &c. Joan. Shaw. Oxonii. 1777. 4to. 2 vols. An edition more beautiful than correct. Heath, 3483, russia, 11. 12s. Drury, 330, russia, 1/. lis. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 268, russia, 21. — Ibid. Gr. et Lat. edidit, &c. Joan. Shaw. Oxon. 1779. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 68, morocco, 18s. Williams, 56, morocco, 11. 15s. — Ai-gonautics, in fom* Books, by Francis Fawkes. The whole re- vised, corrected and completed by liis coadjutor and editor, (the Rev. H. Meen) who has annexed a trans- lation of Coluthus' Greek Poem on the Rape of Helen, with Notes. London, 1780. 8vo. 5s. An easy, fluent and perspicuous transla- tion, according to the Monthly Review. An excellent translation of ' The Loves of Medea and Ja.son,' was published by the Rev. J. Ekinii, 1771. 4to. 1772. 12mo. 2s. 6d. — Argonautic Expedition, trans- lated into Enghsh Verse. (By Ed- ward Bm-naby Greene.) London, 1780. 8vo. 2 vols. 5s. Inferior to Fawkes's translation. — Argonautics, translated into Enghsh Verse, with Notes critical, historical, and explanatory : and Dissertations by W. Preston, Esq. Dublin, 1803. 12mo. 3 vols. 12mo. 12s. (Reprinted hy Skarpeinliis edition of the Poets, 4 vols. ISmo. frontispieces, lOs.) This version, according to Dr. Nathan Drake, is greatly superior to those of his predecessors, accompanied by interesting notes and observations. Apollonius of T'yre. Kynge Ap- APO polyn of Thyre, translated by Rob. Copland. London, by W. de Worde, 1510. 4to. Hlack letter. This romance foiins the 153d cliapter of an edition of the Gesta Romanonini, printed in 1488, and is consi- dered by Mr. Douce as the probable ori- ginal of the play of Pericles. Koxburghe. 6353, nOl. Apollonius, Lueina and Tharsia. The Patterne of Paineful Adven- tures, containing the most excellent, })lcasant, and variable Historie of Prince Appollonius, the Lady Lueina his wife, and Tharsia his Daughter, translated by T. Twme. London, 1607. 4to. Black letter. Steevens, 1195, 21. 2s. Utter.son, 1852. An edition printed by Va- lentine Siiumes, n. d. 71. 7s. Apology, Royal, with a Parallel of Doleman, Bradshaw, Sidney, &c. London, 1684. 4to. Nassau, pt. 11. 983, 21. 5s. Apologia sanctse sedis Apostolicse quodmoduni procedeudi circa Regi- men Catliolicorimi AngHjB, tempore persecutionis. 8vo. 1631. Thorpe, 1838. mor. II. lis. 6d. Apophthegms, Witty, delivered at several times and upon several oc- casions, by King James I. the Mar- quis of Worcester, Francis Lord Bacon, and Su- Thomas More. Lon- don, 1658. 12mo. With a frontispiece by Marshall, con- taining tlieir portraits. Lloyd, 1253, lis. White Knights, 4500, morocco, 15s. Nas- sau, pt. ii. 1274, IZ. An edition 1671. Perry, pt. 1. 2812, 12s. Apostles Creed, the History of the. See King, Sir Peter. Apostolical Epistles. A new literal Translation, from the original Greek, of all the ApostoUcal Epistles ; with a Conmientary and Notes, phi- lological, critical, explanatory and practical. To which is added a History of the Life of the Apostle Paul. By Jas. Macknight, D.D. Edinburgh, 1795. 4to. 4 vols. 8^. 8s. Without tiie Greek Text, 3 vols. According to Mr. Orme, ' This is one of the most ii.scful, and of the most dangerou.s APP :>7 books on the New Testament, which has thrown considerable light on the Epistles, and, at the same time, has propagated most pernicious views of their leading doc trines.' Gosset, 3419. 3 vols. 51. 5s. — Anotlier Edition. Lond. 1S16. 8vo. 6 vols. Without Ihe Greek Text, 4 vols. Drury, 2518, 6 vols. 21. 10s. — Fathers. See Wake, Archb. of Canterbury. Apparel. — Advertisements, partly for due Order in the publick Admi- nistration of the Holy Sacrament, and pai'tly for the Apparel of all Persons Ecclesiastical, &c. Lond. 1564. Keprinted in Sparrow's Collection of Ar- ticles, &c. Dr. Dibdin in his edition of Ames, notices a broadside on the subject of Apparel, printed by Jugge and Cawood, entitled 'A Decree of the Priuye Counsel! at Westminster. Anno 15.59.' Besides which, the foUowingtracts, printed in black letter, have appeared. A brief Discourse against the outwarde Apparell and ministring Garraentes of the Popishe Church, 1566. 16mo. 15s. Contains C. in eights. The introduc- tion is in verse. Reprinted 1578. Horner, 1854. mor. 16s. A briefe examination for the Tyme, of a certain Declaration lately put in print in the Name and Defence of certain Ministers in London, refusing to weare the Apparell prescribed. London, [1566], 4to. The examination contains *»»*»»» 2, in fours ; the letters annexed, D. in fours. Bindley, pt. ii. 1210, 9s. 6d. Inglis, 117, 11. 3s. Con- stable, 238, 1^ 6s. An Answere for the Tyme to the Exami- nation put in Print, without the Au- thoursName,pretenilingtomayntayne the Apparell prescribed. 1566. 16mo. 15s. Contains 153 pages, and a folding table after p. 18; also, an additional paragraph to come in at p. 23, after these words, ' to render our reasones.' The 16 first pages are not numbered. Sotheby, June 1856, 11. Is. To my louynge Brethren, that is trou- blyd about the Popishe Apparrell, two short comfortable Epistles. [1566.] 16mo. 15s. Contains C, in fours. On the first leaf of Herbert's copy was in MS. 'Gylbyes Epistell.' Horner, 1864. morocco, 11. 8s. \a Answere to a Question, that was mouyd, whi the godly Men wold not weare a Surples. [1566.] 16mo. 168 Contains C. in fours. 58 APT APU Judgement of M. Henry Bullinger, de- claring it lawfull for tlie Ministers of the Churcli to weare tlie Apparell pre- scribed by the Laws. London, 1566. 16mo. 15s. Apparitions. Aa Essay on. See MoRETOX, Andrew, and Defoe. About 1640—60, many tracts were pub- lished concerning Apparitions, which liave sometimes produced considerable sums, viz. 15s. to 20s. at auctions. Several of thera may be seen in the British Museum. Appert. Art of preserving all kinds of Animal and Vegetable Sub- stances ' for several years, translated from the French. Loudon, 1811. 12mo. OS, Published by order of the French Minis- ter of the Interior, on the report of the Board of Arts and Manufactures. Appian. The avncient Historie and exquisite Chronicle of the Eo- inane Warres, with a contmuation. London, 1578. 4to. Black letter. Contain ; pp. 44.5, then a table in double columns, on four leaves. .According to Herbert there were two edi- tions of Appian, 1578. Bindley, pt. i. 146, 10s. Home Tooke, I'J, U. Is. — Histoi-y in Two Books. Trans- lated into English by J. D. (John Davies). London, 1679. foho. 5s. Other editions were published, London, 1696, 1703, in folio. The work is dedicated to the Earl of Ossory. Appius and Virginia. See P (E.) Appreece, J. See Ehese, John. Apprius. The History of King Apprius, {i. e. Priapus). Loudon, 1728. 8vo. One of Curll's publications. Perry, pt. i. 20&4, 7s. Apsley, Sir Allen, Knt. Order and Disorder ; or the World made and undone. Being Meditations upon the Creation and the EaU, as it is recorded in the beginning of Genesis. London, 1679. A poem in five cantos. Apthorp, East, D.D. Letters oii the Prevalence of Cliristianity before its civil establisliment : with observations on a late (Gibbon's) History of 1 lie Decline of the Eoman Empire. Loudon, 1778. 8vo. 5s. ' The author has enriched his work with many learned remarks.and especially with a catalogue of civil and ecclesiastical his- torians, which the reader will find to be very useful.' — Bishop Watson. — Discourses on Prophecy ; read in the Chapel of Liucoln's-Inn, at the Lecture founded by Wm. War- burton, late Lord Bishop of Glou- cester. Lond. 1788. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. A most excellent and highly esteemed work. ApTTLEins, Lucius. The xi Bookes of the Golden Asse, trans- lated out of Latine into English, by Will. Adliugton. Lond. 1566. 4to. Black letter. Dedicated ' To Thomas Earl of Sussex, (from) Vniuersity. Coll. Oxon 18 Septemb. 1.566.' Reprinted, 1571, 4 to. 1582, 8 vo. 1596, 4to. 1600, 4to. 1639, 4to. That of 1582 is the most rare. Edition, 1596, Forster, 113, mor. 21. 3s. Nassau, pt. i. 176, 51. 7s. 6d. Edition, 1596, White Knights, 165, russia, 21. ISs. Edition, 1639, Bindley, pt. i. 145, 11. 8s. White Knights, 166, morocco, 22. lis. Edit. 1582. Triphook, 61. 6s. — Metamorphosis, or Golden Ass, and Philosopliical Works, trans- lated by Thomas Taylor. London, 1822. 8vo. 15s. Large paper, 1/. lOs. An esteemed version by the translator of Plato and Aristotle. Some copies of the small, and all the large paper copies, have suppressed passages, generally placed at the end of the volume. Bishop Warburton supposed that this work was intended, not only as a satire upon the vices of the times, but as a labour- ed attempt to recommend the mysteries of the Pagan Religion, in opposition to Chris- tianity, to which he represents him as an inveterate enemy. This opinion, however, has been contested by Dr. Lardner. — Metamorphoses and other works. See BoLii\s Classical Library . — Fable of Cupid and Psyche : to which are added a poetical Para- phrase on the Speech of Diotima, in the Banquet of Plato, &c. &c., with an Introduction, in which the meaning of i\\:- Fable is unfolded, [by Thomas Tavlor.] London, 1795. 8vo. 4s. A translation of the Loves of Cupid and Psyche, by Lockman, will be found in Fontaine's Loves of Cupid and Psvchs, 1744, 8vo. ABA. 59 — Cupid and Psyche, translated bv Hudson Giu-nej', Esq. Lond. 1799. 8vo. 58., 7s. 6d. An oxeellent poetical transliition of the niotit beautiful ntory which antiquity has left us. Third edition, 1801. Goldsmid, 152, 8s. An edition, 1814. (Jieprinted in Bohu's ed.) — The now Metamorphosis : be- ing the Golden Ass, alter'd and im- proTed to the modern time and manners. Written in Itahan by Carlo Monte Socio, and translated from tlio Vatican MS. London, 1708, 9, 8vo. 2 vols. Koxburghe, 6.574, 12s. 6d. Fonthill, 490, 15s. Bindley, pt. iii. 835, 18s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 53, II. Reprinted 1821, 8vo. 2 vols. with a fraudulent view of passing It ofif as a translation of Apuleius. — Ajiother Edition. Lond. 1724. 12mo. 2 vols, with plates by Hogarth. Ireland,lS01,No.77,l?.ls. Baker, 19,2?. 6s. Aqtjepontantjs, Joannes. An- glice, Bridgwater, John. Aquino, Charles de. Sacra Exe- quiaha in Fimere Jacobi II. Regis. Rom®, 1702. foho. l^s. Printed at the charge of Cardinal Barhe- rini. Gough, 2034, U. 2s. Ara, Jehan. See OuSELET, Sir Wm. Arabian Nights' Entertainments, translated from the French. Lon- don, 1724. 12mo. 6 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 10, 18s. 6d. This old translation is not only incorrect, but cuarse and vulgar in its diction. It lias, however, been frequently reprinted in 12mo. 4 vols. A valuable edition was published in 1798, by Richard Gough, considerably enlarged from the Paris edition, with notes of illus- tration, and a preface, in which the sup- plementary tales publishedby Dora Chavis are proved to be a palpable forgery. — Translated by the Rev. Edward Forster. Lond. 1802. 8vo. 5 vols, with plates after Smirke's designs. A very elegant translation. Demy 8vo. Duke of York, 125, 21. Us. Saunders' in 1818, 'il. Royal 8vo. with proof plates, Nassau, pt. i. 54„russia, 3/. 9s. Sotheby's in 1824, morocco, il. 9s. Quarto, with proofs before the letters. Sir M. M. Svkes, pt. i. 271, bds. 5/. 12s. 6d. Sotheby's in May, 1823, 71. 17s. 6d. Drury, 533, mo- rocco, I'U. 15s. Two copies were printed liitU proof plates oii satin. 15rockett, 243j morocco, IS/. 7s. fid. An edition of For- ster's translation has been published in 12mo. 4 vols., and on large paper, in 8vo. — Translated by William Beau- mont. Lond. 1811. royal 12mo. 4 vols. \l. A most entertaining volume in elucida- tion of these oriental fictions, was published by the Rev. Richard Hole, 1797. 8vo. 5s. — To which is added, a Selection of now Tales, now first translated fi-om the Arabic Originals ; also an Introduction and Notes, by Jona- than Scott, LL.D. Lond. 1811. royal 18mo. with frontispieces, 6 vols. This edition was carefully revised and occasionally corrected from the Arabic. The introduction and notes are valuable, as illustrative of the religion, manners, and customs of the Mahominedans. Post octavo, with plates by Smirke. Sotheby's in May 1823, 21. 5s. Demy octavo, with plates. Earl of Ken-y, 625, il. 8s. The original has been printed at Calcutta, edit- ed by Mc. Naghten, 4 vols, royal 8vo. 1839- 42. Ql. — With plates after the Designs of Rich. WestaU. London, 1819. 12mo. 4 vols. 1/. 8s. An elegant edition. In 1814 was pub- lished the Adventures of Hunchback, with prints by Daniell, from drawings by Smirke. Imperial 4to. North, pt. i. ?>?>, (proofs on India papbuj bl. 12s. 6d. [There have been many new editions oi the Arabian Nights since this period, in- cluding Lane's translation, which must be reserved for an appendix.] — New Arabian Nights' Enter- tainments ; selected from the original Oriental MS. by Jos. Von Hammer, and now first translated into En- gUsh by the Rev. Gr. Lambe. Loud. 1826. icp. 8vo. 3 vols. 18s. Arabian Tales, translated from the original Arabic into French ; and from the French into Enghsh, by Robert Heron. Edinbm-gh, 1792. 12mo. 4 vols. 10s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 74, 12s. Fonthill, 1982, 13s. Arabic and Persian Tales. See Scott, Jonathan, LL.D. Ara GO, J. Narrative of a Voyage round the World, by Captain Frey- ciuet during the Years 1817, 18, 19, and 20, on a scientific expedition 60 AllB AliC undertaken by order of the French Grovernment. Lond. 1822. 4to. map and plates. A frivolous and worthless narrative, full of ridiculous blunders. Quarterly Review. Duke of York, 253, 19s. Brockett, 1292, 11. lis. 6d. Aeattjs. Phaenomena et Diose- meia, cum Theonis Scholiis et Era- tosthenis Catasterismis, etc. Greece. Accesserunt Annotationea in Era- tosthenem et Hymnos Dionysii. (Ciu-ante Jo. FeU.) Oxon. 1672. 8vo. 5s. An excellent critical edition. Gossett, 158, morocco, lis. Williams, 64, mor. 18s. Dent, pt. i. 74, morocco, by Roger Payne, 11. 15s. Dr. Bliss observes, ' In the copy of Aratus, in Mr. Dodwell's study, there is a printed letter prefixed to the notes upon the hymns, from Dr. Bernard to Mr. Dod- well, which I never saw in any other copy.' — Diosemeia, notis et collatione scriplorum illustravit Tho. Forster. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Translations from Aratus ■will be found in Jabez Hughes' Miscellanies, 1737, 8vo. AEBtTTHXOT, Alexander. Ora- tiones de Origine et Dignitate Juris. Edinb. 1572. 4to. The author of this learned and elegant performance published Buchanan's His- torv of Scotland. A life of him will be found in Irving's Scottish Poets, vol. ii. — Ai'chib. Life and Adventm'es of Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat. Lou- don, 1746. 12mo. with portrait by W. Hogarth, 6s. — Life and Adventiu-es of Miss Jenny Cameron. London, 1746. 12mo. 4s. Brockett, 44, lis. Reprinted Boston, 1750, 8vo. — John, M.D. Tables of ancient Coins, Weights and Measui-es, ex- plained and exemplify' d in several Dissertations. London, 1727. 4to 10s. 6d. A standard work of great learning and value, though not wholly free from inaccu- racies. H.-ath, 14.3.5, 11 2s. Drury, 33G, ( with Langwith's Observations, 1747) 11. 6i. Stanfey, 77, russia, 11. 18s. In ' Literw do Re Nummarid,' 1729, 8vo. written by Smith, will be found Re- marks on these Tables. In the year 1747, were piiblislied Observations on them by the Rev. Benj. Laugworth, DD 4to. 63 Gosset, 3187, iOs. 6d. — Tables. To which is added an Appendix, containing Observations by Benj. Langwith, D.D. London, 1754. 4to. Best edition. Brockett, 244, 11. Is. Dent, pt. i. 288, 11. 5s. pt. ii. 1074, 17s. Sir P. Thompson, 95, 1?. lis. 6d. Willett, 93, 21. These valuable Tables were translated into Latin bv Daniel Koenig, and published at Utrecht 1756. — The Miscellaneous Works. Grlasgow, 1750, or 1751. 8vo. 2 vols. These volumes were pronounced by the Doctor's son not to be the works of his father, but a gross imposition on the pub- lic. Willett, 35, lOfi. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 75, 16s. Reprinted 1770, 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. In the Retrospective Review, viii. 285 — 304, will be found an account of the Ufa and writings of Dr. Arbuthnot. Aecajs'dam. Booke to fmd the fatall Destiny, Constellation, Com- plexion, and natm-all Inclination of euery Man and Childe by his Bu'th. With an Addition of Phisiognomy, toiu'ued out of French into our vidgar Tongue by Wilham Warde. Lond. 1578. 4!o. IOs. 6d. Black letter, with wood cuts, contains Q 4, in eights. Reprinted 1592, 1617, 1652, and 1674. Edition 1617, North, pt. i. 75, 11. IOs. Edition 1652, Roxburghe, (Supplem. No. 648) 5s. White Knights, 4366, 5s. Aeceus, Fi-anciscus, M.D. Me- thod of curing AVoundes with other Precepts of the same Arte, trans- lated into Enghsh by John Eead, Cliinu-geon. WTiereimto is added the exact Cure of the Carbimcle, translated out of Johanes Ardem : &c. Imprinted by Thomas East, 1588. 4to. IOs. 6d. Black letter. In this work will be found ' A Complaint of the Abuse of the noble Arte of Chirurgerie,' by John Read, in metre. Arch^OLOGIA. See Antiquaries of London. Archseologia JEliana, Tracts pub- hshed by the Society of Antiquaries at Newcastle. Newcastle, 1816 — 27. 4to. vol. i. in 2 pts. 1/. IOs. ; vol. ii. in 3 pts. ; vol. iii. in 2 pts, ; vol. iv. in 2 pts. ; each part at 15s. ATfO AKC 61 Archseological Association Jour- nal, vol. 1--12. 1844--1856, and con- tinued qnar/erli/. See Appendix. Archaeological Institute of Great Britain. S'ee Appendix. Archaica, containing a Keprint ol' scarce old English Prose Tracts, with Prefaces critical and biogra- phical, by Sir E. Brydges, Bart. London, 1815. 4to. 2 vols. This work was publislietl with the Heli- conia by Mr. Park, (fonii ing together 5 vols.) of which 200 copies only were printed. Contents :— Greene's Philomela— Greene's Arcadia— South well's Triumphs over Death ^Breton's Characters and his Good and the Bad — Nash's Christ's Tears over Je rusalem — Harvey's Four Letters and Son- nets, touching Robert Greene — Harvey's Pierce's Supererogation — New Letter of Notable Contents — Brathwayte's Essays upon the Five Senses. Strettell, 171, 21. 2s. Nassau, pt. i. 179, 2Z. 4s. Saunders' in 1818, 21. 12s. 6d. Archbishops. — The Forme and Maner of makyug and consecratyug of Archebishoppes, Bishoppes, Priestes and Deacons, m.d.xlix. Eich. Grrafton excudw 1549. 4to. Black letter. Contains K, in fours. Marq. of Townshend, 156, 3s. 6d. Bindley, pt. ii. 1023, 11. 10s. [Reprinted in the works of Francis Mason.J — A short Treatise of Arch-Bi- shops Lords Spiritual. Printed in the year 1641. 4to. Reprinted in the 6th number of Morgan's Phcenis Britannicus. Archdale, John. A new De- fscription of the fertile and pleasant Province of Carolina. London, 1707. 4to. North, pt. ili. 599, 8s. Abchdall, Mervyn, A.M. Mo- nasticon Hibernicum : or, an History of the Abbies, Priories, and other Rehgious Houses in Ireland. Dub- Im, 1786. 4to. A valuable and esteemed work, contain- ing pp. 820, besides title, dedication, list of subscribers, and introduction, xv. pp. an inde.x and errata, 4 leaves ; also a map of Ireland, 1786, and 18 plates of costume. Dent, pt. i. 289, russia, IZ. 13s. Fonthill, 1819, 11. 16s. Marq. of Townshend, 155, U. 17s. Nassau, pt. i. 180, 21. 6s. AecHDEKIN, Richai'd. Of Mi- racles, and the new Miracles dono by tlie iielicks of St. Francis Xa- vier, in the Jesuits' CoUego at Mechlin. Louvanii, 1667. 8vo. — Vitaj et Miraculorum Sancti Patricii, Hibemiae Apostoli Ei)i- tome : cum brevi Notitia Hiberniae, et ProjDhetia S.MalachisB, &c. Lovan. 1671. 8vo. Aechee, or Aechy. See Abm- STEONG, Arcliibald. Aechenholz, M. d'. Picture of England, translated from tlie French. London, 1790. 12mo. 2 vols. 4s. A wretched translation. Archenholz published the following work relating to Great Britain — ' Annalen der Brittischen Geschichte.' Tubingen, 1789-98. 8vo. 20 vols. Aechee, Rev. James. Sermons for every Sunday in the Year. 1st and 2d Series. London, 1817, 22. 8vo. 4 vols. 21. 2s. These excellent Roman Catholic Ser- mons have passed through several editions. — John, M.D. Eveiy Man his oven Doctor : to which is added, an Herbal. London, 1673. 8vo. with portrait. White Knights, pt. i. 219, lOs. The foiTner edition appeared in 1671. In Beloe's Anecdotes, i. 199-200, is a list ot inventions by this celebrated physician. Archers. Aim for. 12mo. 1638. with Plan of Finsbm-ie, and port. Brand, 21 4s. Archery. — Ai-t of Archerie. Lon- don, 1634. 8vo. with a fi'ontispiece. Nassau, pt. i. 63, 8s. Bindley, pt. i. 72, 14s. North, russia, 2!. 2s. — Poems in Enghsh and Latin on the Ai'chers and Royal-Com- pany of Archers, by several Hands. Echnb. 1726. 12mo! 5s. — See Hansard's Book of. Aechimedes. Quae supersunt omnia, cum Eutochii Commentariis (Grfcce). Ex recensione Josephi ToreUi, cum nova Versione Latina. Accedunt Lectiones variantes ex Codd. Mediceo et Parisiensibus, Oxon. 1792. foho The most complete and magnificent edi- 62 AHC tlon of this author's works. Willett, 134, U. 15s. LARGE PAPER. Dfllt, pt. i. 154, morocco. Drury, 382, russia, 21. 19s. Archimedes. Arenarius, et Di- mensio Cii-culi : Eutocii Ascalonitse in hanc Comment. Grr. cum Yersione et Notis Joh. Wallis. Oxonii. 1676. 12mo. 33. A former edition appeared 166G. — Opera, Apollonii Pergaei Coni- corum Libri IV. Tlieodosii Sphoe- rica, methodo nova illustrata per Is. Barrow. London, 1675. 4to. 69. A neat edition, highly praised by Mon- tucla. — Arenarius, translated from the G-reek, with Notes and illustrations (by G-. Anderson). To which is added, the Dissertation of Christo- pher Clavius on the same Subject, from the Latin. Loud. 1784. 8vo. Ss. A masterly translation, witli curious and pertinent notes and illustrations. Por- tions of the Theorems of Archimedes will be found in Whiston and Barrow's versions of Euclid. Architecture. — The Grecian Or- ders of Architecture delineated and explained from the Antiquities of Athens, also Parallels of the Orders of Palladio, Scammozzi and "\'^ig- nola, to which are added Remarks concerning public and private Edi- fices ; with Designs. London, 1768. folio. II. 5s. — Rudiments of ancient Archi- tecture, with a Dictionary of Terms. The second Edition, much enlarged. London, 179i, royal 8vo. with 11 plates, and a portrait of James Stu- art on the title page, 6s. A very useful work, reprinted 1804, 1810. Tlie first edition appeared in 1789 — Essays on Gothic Architecture, by the Rev. T. Warton, Rev. J. Ben- tham. Captain Grose, and the Rev. J. MUner, with a Letter to the Pub Usher. The second Edition, to which is added a List of the Cathedrals of England, with their Dimensions. London, 1802. 8vo. with twelve plates, lOs. 6d. A valuable and esteemed work, reprinted 1808, lOs. fid. Tlifi first edition appeared in 1798, es. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. iii. lOC'l, 14s. Fonthili, 1088, 17s. AncHTTAS, &c. Political Frag- ments of Archytas, Charondas, Za- leucus, and other ancient Pythago- reans, and Ethical Fragments of Hi- ei'ocles, translated from the Greek, bv Thomas Taylor. Lond. 1822. Svo. 6^. Fragments of Archytas will be found in Gale's Opuscula Mvtliologica, &c. Cantab. 1670. Amst. 1688.' Ardai Vfraf Nameh, or the Reve- lations of Ardai Vfraf ; translated from the Persian and Guzeratee Versions, by J. A. Pope. London, 1816. 8vo. 5s. Arden of Feversham. — The la- mentable and ti'ue Ti'agedie of M. Arden of Feversham in Kent. Print- ed for Edward ^\Tiite, 1592. 4to. This black letter play, from which Lillo has not nnfrequently copied whole lines, was reprinted 1599, 4to., 1633, 4to., and lastly 1770, 8vo., witli a ridiculous preface imputing it to Sliakespeare, 3s. 6d. large PApifR, 6s. Edition 1599, Forster, 1144, 31. Edition 1633, Rhodes, 1/. Sotheby's in Nov. 1826, 1?. 7s. Roxburgh!', 4049, 11. 7s. Forster, 1127, 11. 14s. Bindley, pt. i. 157, •21. 2s. JoUey, 1843, (2 leaves MS.) 11. 13s. AeetjETJs of Cappadocia. ^tio- logica, Semeiotica et Therapeutica, Gr. et Lat. ex Recensione et cum Notis Joannis Wigan. Oxonii. 1723. foHo. 10s. 6d. Laege papee, 1/. Is. Of this beautiful and correct edition 300 copies were printed. — Ai'etneus : consisting of eight Books on the Causes, Symptoms and Cure of acute and chronic Dis- eases, translated from the original Greek, by John Moffat, M.D. liOii- don, 1785. 8vo. 5s. a translation, according to the Monthly Reviewers, generally correct, and which gives pretty nearly the sense of the ori- ginal. [A new translation by Reynolds, 8vo. 1837.] Aeetinus, Leonard. Vide Aris- toteles. Phalaeis. — Tlie Historic of Leonard Are- tine, concerning the Warres betwene file ]m])erialU and the Gothes for the possession of Italy, translated AKO A EI 63 by Arthur Goldyng. London, 1563.' 16mo. I Black letter. 180 leaves, besides an epiptle and preface. Sotheby's in 1825, 21. 8s. White Knights, 227, morocco, 3/. 4s. Aeetius, Bencdictus. A short History of Valentinus Gentihs, the Tritheist, translated mto Enghsh (with a Preface by Dr. South). Lon- don, 1696. 8vo. 3s. Gosset, 160, 6s. — Jacob. Primula Veris, seu Panegyrica ad exceU. Principem Palatinuni. In Regis Jacobi Inau- giu'ationem Carmen. In Nuptias il- lustr. Principis Prederfci et Eliza- bethse Meletemata. Lond. 1613. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Arfeyille, Nicolay d'. La Na- vigation du Roy d'Escosse Jacques cinquiesiiie du Nom, autoui' de son Royaume, et Isles Hebrides et Or- chades, soubz la Conduite d'Alex- andre Lyndsay, excellent Pilot Es- cossois. Paris, 1583. 4to. with a map. A copy is in the British Museum. [An English translation of it is contained in Miscellanea Hajtica.'] Aegall, John. Introductio ad Artem Dialecticam. Lond. 1605. 8vo. A ' very facets and pleasant' book, ac- cording to Ant a Wood. — Rich. The Bride's Orna- ment ; poetical Essays upon a divine Subject. London, 1621. 4to. This poet, who was patronised by Bishop King, published a version of Solomon's Song. See Solomon. Bindley, with tlie Song of Songs, 533, U. 7s. 6d. Perry, •il. 12s. — Funeral Elegy, consecrated to Uie Memory of hia ever honoui-ed Lord John King, late B. of London &c. 1621. These two poems were issued with the Song of Songs in 1621. Aeoall ; in the British Museum Cata- logue Leigh's Accedens of Armory is er- roneously attributed to Richard Argall. Argensola (Barth. Leon. de). Tlie Discovery and Conquest of the Molucco and Philippine Islands ; translated from the Spanish, [by Capt. Jno. Stevens.] London, 1708. 4to. witli 4 plates. Dent, pt. i. 291, 7s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 183, 8s. Towncley, pt. ii. 1 15, 10s. 6d. Argumcntum Anti-Normanicuin : a seasonable Treatise, wherein is proved that William the Conqueror did not get the imperial Crown of England by the sword, but by the election and consent of the people. London, 1689. 8vo. 5s. This publication, occasioned by a work of William Pettyt's, entitlod ' Antient Rights of the Commons of England,' 1680, was answered by Dr. Brady in his Intro- duction to Old English History. It is by some attributed to Atwood, and by others to Cooke 01- Johnson. Argtle, Archibald Campbell, Marquis of. Instructions to a Son, and Maxims of State. London, 1661. 12mo. with scarce portrait. Lloyd, 34, 19s. Roxburghc, Supplement, 541, II. 3s. Bindley, pt. i. 51, U. 4s. Stan- ley, No. 18, russia, by Roger Payne, 'M. 12s. 6d. Glasgow, 1743, (spurious) 4s. 6d. The author was beheaded in 1661, and his son in 1685. — The Chai'ge of High Treason against the Marquess of Argyle and his Comphces, Jan. 23, 1661. Lon- don, 1661. 4to. In the Roxburglie Library was a copy of the above, with the Marquis's answer, &c. Seven Tracts, no. 1080, IZ. lis. Gd. A similarcoUectionisin the British Museum. — Duke of. Catalogus Librorum, A.C.D.A. (Ai-chib. CampbeU Ducis Argatheliaj.) Glasguse, 1758. 4to. Privately printed. Reed, 184, 7s. 6d. Brockett, 747, Us. Dibdin, 2, Us. Ariosto, Lodovico. Orlando Fu- rioso. Bu'mmgham, 1773. 8vo. and 4to. 4 vols, with plates by Barto- lozzi and others. The last production of Baskerville'g press. Brunei in his Manuel du Libraire mentions, tliat the plates in the 4to. are not so good as tliose in the Bvo. edition, and likewise that some sheets in the first volume seem to have been reprinted. Octavo, Willett, 41, 6Z. Strettell, 41, mo. rocco, hi. Baker, 153, morocco, (with fha addition of several proofs.) Vll. 15s. Quarto, Drury, 339, morocco, lOi. lOa. Fonthill, 2418, morocco, lOJ. 6s. Dent, pt. 64 AKI ART i. 292, morocco, 121. Stanley, 2G8, morocco, 211. Heath, 2042, morocco, 22^. Is. Aeiosto, Lodovico. Orlando Fu- rioso, with an explanation of equi- vocal words, and poetical figures, and an elucidation of aU the passages concerning history and fable. By Agostino Isola. Camb. 1789. 8vo. 4 vols. A very correct edition of the original. Steevens, 588, 17s. — Orlando Furioso, con note, castigato da Leonardo Nardini, ad uso degli Studiosi della Lingua Ita- hana. Londra, 1801. 12mo. 4 torn. 14s. A neat edition. Drury, 220, 11. 10s. Other editions by Romualdo Zotti, London, 1814. 12mo. 4 vols. 16s. ; by Boschini, 1815, 18mo. 6 vols. 8s. — Orlando Fm-ioso in English Heroical Verse, by (Sir) John Ha- rington. London, by Richard Field, 1591. FoHo, pp. 450, 1/. 5s. The title containing port, of Sir John H. engraved by W. Rogers. First edition. According to the Quarterly Review, a translation of considerable merit, written in sterling English ; on the contrary by Ellis termed an inaccurate and feeble ver- sion, liibl. .Anglo-Poet, 316, 31. 3s. Jadis, 204, IZ. 16s. Christie, May 5, 1839. Large P4PER, old calf, gilt, ruled with red lines. 4 leaves inlaid, lOZ. 5s. — Orlando Furioso, now secondly imprinted. London, 1607. foho, pp. 450. Garrick, 267, 11. Is. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 317, 21. 12s. 6d. — Orlando Furioso, now thirdly revised and amended, with the ad- dition of the author's (t. e. Haring- ton's) Epigrams, (4 Books.) Lon- don, 1634. foho, pp. 496. The title page is engraved, and has Ha- rington's portrait at the bottom, by Cock- son. Towneley, pt. ii. 15.5, 21. Nassau, pt. i. 206, 21. Is. Bindley, pt. i. 167, 2^. 5s. Rox burghe, 2973, 21. 16s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 312, mor. 3?. 3s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet No. 318, 31. 13s. 6d. Heath, 2043, mor. SI. 13s. 6d. — Orlando Furioso in Italian and Enghsh, by Temple Heni-y Croker, London, 1755. 4to. 2 vols. 11. 5s. In some copies of this edition (which is In no estimation,) the name of Tempi Henry Croker is given, in others (erron'- ously) that of William Huggins appears as the translator. It is said that many copies were destroyed by fire. — Orlando Furioso, translated, with notes, by John Hoole. Lon- don, 1783. 8vo. 5 vols, with port, of Hoole. According to the Quarterly Review Hoole is the most contemptible of trans- lators, and grossly ignorant of the Italian language. Rep inted 1799, 8vo. 5 vols, (some on large t>per). 1807, royal ISma 5 vols. &c. and irierted in Chalmers' Col- lection of Poeti Edition 1783. Heath, 2044, i;. 10s. V/illiams, 66, 11. 7s. Edi- tion 1799. LARQfc PAPER, Nassau, pt. i. 57, U. 18s. Fontkih, 1316, with proof plates, il. 10s. A first ^folume of this translation was published, ■« ith vignettes, after Morti- mer, 1773. 8vo. tiarrick, 32, 9s. — The Orlando reduced to twenty-four books, tlie narrative con- nected, and the stories disposed in a regular series, by John Hoole. London, 1791. 8vo. 2 vols. In little estimation. Reed, 6535, 7s. Edwards, 154, morocco, 11. 7s. — Orlando Furioso, translated into Enghsh verse by WiUiani Stew- art Rose. London, 1825—31. 8 vols, post 8vo. published at 3Z. 16s. A spirited and faithful translation, says T. Moore. A translation in English prose, with notes, by Christopher Johnson, 8vo. vol. 1, has just appeared. (DiscontinueA.) — An Abregement of Roland Fu- rious, translait out of Aiiost ; toge- ther with some Rhapsodies of the author's youtliful Braine : and last, ane Schersing out of true Fehcete, composit in Scottesh Meiter be Stewart of Baldyneis. For an account of this MS. in Advocates' Library, see the Restituta, vol. i. pp. 313^ 17. — Le Satu-e ed altre Rime, Lib. ii. con le Annotazioni di Paolo Rolh. Londra, 1716. 8vo. 3s. Large paper, D. of Grafton, 628, 5s. — Satyres, in English, by Gei-vis Markham. London, 1608. 4to. pp. 108. This version is claimed by Roljert Tofte in a note (p. 6) of his translation of Bened. Varchi's Blazon of Jealousie. Perry, pt. iv. .396. 13s. Bindlev, pt. i. 341, 16s. Gor- AUI ARI f)5 donstoiin, 100, 11. 10s. Sotheby's in Maj-, 1823, 2/. 12s. 6d. Perry, Zl. — Seven planets gouerning Italie, with a new addition of three most ex- cellent Elegies, written by the same Lodovico Ariosto. Lond. 1611. 4to. The edition of 1608 with a new titlc-pa.Lfc, and the addition of the three elegies witli a separate pagination. — Satires, (five translated by the Rev. — H — rt — n, the second and last by the editor, the Eev. T. H. Croker.) London, 1759. 8vo. 3s. 6d. — Two Tales, the one in Dis- praise of men, the other in Disgrace of Women ; with certain other Ita- han Stanzas and Proverbs. By R.(obert) T.(ofte) Gentleman. Lon- don, 151)7. 4to. Fai-mer, lis. 6d. — Comedie, Scholastica, del Sup- positi, e la Lena. Lonch'a, 1737-9. l2mo. 3 vols. 7s. 6d. A translation of the Svppositi by Geo. Gascoyne appeared in 1560i, and is re- printed in the third volume of Hawkins's Origin of the Drama. See Gascoyne. ARISTJ5NETUS. Love Epistles, translated from the Greek into En- glish Metre, (by Richard Brinsley Sheridan and N. B. Hallied.) Lond. 1771. 8vo. 5s. A much esteemed version. A former version, entitled ' Letters of Love and Gal- lantry,' 1750, 8vo. 4s. and translations, or rather imitations, of some of the epistles will be found in Tom Brown's Works. Akistaecutts. De Magnitudini- bus et Distantiis SoHs et Lunse li- ber. Bappi Alex. Fragment um e set-undo Libro CoUectionis Mathe- raaticse. Gr. et Lat. Notis Job. Wal- hs. Oson. 1668, 8vo. 4s. Also inserted in the Opera Mathematica of Wallis. 0.\on. 1699, in folio. — or the Principles of Compo- sition. London, 1791. 8vo. pp. 132, 10s. 6d. (Reprinted. Lond. 1822.) This work, written by the ingenious and learned Dr. Withers, was originally pub- lished in numbers'. At the end, are lie- marks on Dr. Jolmson's Dictionary, with proposals for a new English Dictionary. Aeisteas. Historia LXXII. Interpretima, Gr. et Lat. Accessere VOL. I. Vetermn Testimonia de eorum Ver- sione. Oxonii, 1692. 8vo. 4 s. A spurious woi'k. lauge papkk. Drury, 221, \l. Williams, 70, morocco, \l. 10s. Reprinted by Aichdeacon llody, with a confutation in ' De Bihliorum Te.xtibus ori- ginalibus,' Oxon. 1705, folio. — History of the Septuagiiit written by Ai'isteas 1900 years since. Newly done into English by J. Donne. The second edition revised and very much corrected from the original. London, 1685, 8vo. 5s. The first edition of this translation was published in 1633, 12mo. 3s. large paper, 6s. — History of the seventy-two Interpreters : to which is added, the History of the Angels, and their Gallantry with tlie daiighters of Men, written by Enoch, the Patri- arch. Pubhshed in Greek, by Dr. Grabe, made Enghsh by Eel. Lewis, of C.C.C. Oxford. London, 1715. 12mo. 4s. Another translation of Aristeas will be found in Wm. Whiston's Authentic Re- cords, pt. ii. 8vo. 1727. The celebrated poet Thomas Moore is said to have been greatly indebted to Enoch's History in his poem entitled the Loves of the Angels. AeistideS, .^lius. Opera om- nia, Gr. et Ijat. cum Notis et Emen- dationibus Gul. Canteri, &c. Ad- junctis insuiier Vetermn SchoUis, et Prolcgomenis Sopatri Apameensis. Ex Recensione Sam. Jebb. Oxonii, 1722-30. 4to. 2 vols. 'Editio longe prsestantissima,' Gosset, 224, 3^. 5s. large paper. Drury, 340, Ql. 16s. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 293, morocco, 8J. 2s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 276, mo- rocco, 8Z. 15s. Willett, 97, %l. Heath, 3603, russia, lOL 15s. Aeistophanes. — Comoedise, Grsece, ex optimis Exempl. emen- datee ; cum Latina Versione, variis Lectionibus, Notis et Emendation- ibus : accedunt deperditarum Co- moediarum Fragmenta, et Indei Verborum, Nominum propriorum, &c. a Rich. Fr. Phil. Brunck. Ox- onii. 1810. 8vo. 4 vols. 18s. A reprint of the edition Argentor 1781-3. 8vo. 4 vols, with the notes at tli'" 66 AEI foot of the text. Royal octavo, 1/. 7s. Quarto, published at 101. 10s. Drury, 344, russia, il 14s. ARTSTOPHANEg. — Comoediae, Gr. ex Edit. R P. P. Bininck. Oxon. 1814. 32mo. 3 vols. A neat edition. Drury, 231, mor. 18s. — Comoedise, &c. Or. et Lat, vai'iis Lectionibus, «&:c. cum R. F. P. Brimck. Lond. 1823. 8vo. 3 vols, published at 21. 2s. An edition, without Notes, small 8vo. 3 vols. IMls. 6d. — Comoedi£e cum Scholiis et Va- rietate Lectionis, recensuit Imm. Bekkerus. Accedunt Versio La- tina, deperditarum Fragmenta, In- dex locupletissimus, Notseque Rei- sigii, Beckii, Dindorfii, Schutzii, Bentleii, Dobreii, Porsoni, Ehnsleii, Hermanni, Fisclieri, Hemsterhusii, &c. &c. Lond. 1828, 8vo. 5 vols. 3/. 15s. A highly valuable edition, large paper, 5^. 1.5s. 6d. The ' Annotationes,' 3 vols, may be had separately, 21. 5s. Several of the plays, viz. Aves, Nubes, Plutus, and Ranae, were also published separately. — Plutus et Nubes, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Joh. Lengii. London, 1732. 8vo. In this beautiful and correct edition ' in usum studiosiE juventutis,' the Scholia are placed beneath the text: it also contains two useful indexes, and a life of Aristo- phanes by Frischlinus. Heath, 3574, 6s. 6d. The former editionappeared in 1695, 2s. 6d. An edition of the Plutus, by Dobree, is annexed to 'R. Porsoni Notse in Aristo- phanem.' Cant. 1820, 8vo. — Nubes, Greece, ex Editione Kusteri. Glasg. 1744, 12mo. Williams, 73, lis. Another edition, 1755. 3s. — Equites, Grsece. Oxon. 1593. 4to. — Achamenses, Gr. cum Amio- tatiombus (P. Ehnsley.) Oxonii. 1809. 8vo. This edition was suppressed by its learned editor. — Comedies, (5) translated by T. MitcheU, A.M. Lond. 1820-22. 8vo. vols. i. and ii. A highly vahiable and classical version. — Four Comedies translated into English, (viz. the Clouds, by R. Ciunberland ; Plutus by H. Field- ing and Wm. Young ; the Frogs by C. Dunster, and the Birds by — ). Lond. 1812. 8vo. 78. — The Clouds, now first entirely translated into English, with the principal Scholia, and Notes critical and explanatory, by James White. London, 1759. i2rao. 3s. 6d. An admirable version done in a species of easy blank verse, with learned and judicious notes. Roxburghe, 4376, 2s. 6d. Reed, 8011, 21. 3s. A translation of the Clouds, will be found in Stanley's History of Phi- losophy. — A pleasant Comedie entitu- led Hey for Honesty, down with Knavery. Translated out of Aris- tophanes his Plutus, by Thomas Randolph ; augmented and jDub- hshcd by F. J. Lond. 1651. 4to. 4s. In thisplay the celebrated architect Sir Christopher Wren performed the charac- ter of Nsnias. Rhodes, 1932, 5s. 6d. Rox- burghe, 5687, 4s. — The World's Idol ; or Plutus the God of Wealth, from the Greek, by H. H. B. together with his Notes and a short Discom^e upon it. London, 1659, 4to. Roxburghe, 4378, 8s. Rhodes, 447, 16s. There is a translation of the Plutus, by E. F. J. Carrington, Esq. 8vo. 1826, and of the Birds, by the Rev. H. F. Gary, 8vo. 1824, 5s. likewise a literal translation with notes of Plutus and the Frogs. Oxford, 1822, 8vo. 89. Aristoteles. De Vitiis et Vir- tutibus, cum Georgii Gemisti Ple- thonis LibeUo de Vu'tutibus, Gr. et Lat. ex Recensione Edv. Falconer. Oxon. 1752. 8vo. 3s. 6d. — Aristotehs Ethicorum Nico- macheorum Libri X. Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Gid. Wdkinson. Oxon, 1716. 8vo. A highly valuable and esteemed edition. Roxburghe, 1209, 5s. 6d. Williams, 76, morocco, \f. 12s. large paper. Heath, 1269, II. 5s. Drury, 249, morocco, by Roger Payne, 1/. 6s. Dent, pt. i. 89, mor. \l. 15s. D. of Grafton, 141, morocco, 21. 8s. Williams, 77, mor. 21. 9s. Reprinted Oxon. 1803, 1809, 1818, of which editions there are copies on large paper. (Small paper, 8s. large paper, 14s.) — Aristotelis Ethicorum Textua AIM AllI 67 per Leotiardu Arotinu lucidissime translatus, eorreotissimeq ; impres- sus Oxoniis. m.cccc.lxxix. 'Wo. The second proiliiction of tlio Oxford Press, contains A— Y (i, in eiglits. A I blanlt. A copy is in tlie Uodleian, All Souls, and Pembroke Libraries, Oxford, and also in Lord Spencer's Collection. — Ethieorura ad Nicomacluun Libri decern per Qusestiones expo- siti, per Sam. Heilandum. Ex Offi- cina Henr. Byiinemaii. 1581. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. — Politica et QCconomica, ex Edit. Sylbiu'gii, cumVersione Lam- biiii efc Synopsi Analytica Duvallii. Oxon. 1810. 8vo. 2 torn. A neat and correct edition, Drury, 254, russia, U. Is. — De Rhetorica seu Arte Dicendi Libri tres, Grrecolat. (edidit Tlieod. Goulston). London, 1619, 4to. 5s. Contains 239 pp. witli title, dedication to Prince Charles, preface, &c. 3 leaves, also table, index of authors, and errata, 3 leaves. Copies on large paper are ex- tremely rare. Goulston' s, according to Dr. Dibdin, was the most popular of the ver- sions of Aristotle's Rhetoric in our country during the 17th century. Reprinted Lond. 1696, 4to. and Canib. 1728, 8vo. — Ibid. Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Varioriim (Cura Gul. Battle.) Cant. 1728. 8vo. 5s. A very excellent edition. — Ibid. Gr. cum variis Lectio- nibiis et Notis (edente W. Holwell). Oxon. 1759. 8to. 12s. A very correct and beautiful edition, printed without accents. Heath, 3627, il. Is. LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 88, mo- rocco, I . 7s. Williams, 80 mor. \l. 8k. Sir M. M. Syker, pt. i. 87, morocco, \l. 1.5s. Drury, 250, morocco, H. 3s. — De Rbetorica Libri iii. ad Fidem MSS. i-eeogniti, cum Versi- one Latina. Oxon. 1805. 8yo. 6s. A very useful as well as elegant edition 'inusura juventutisacademicae.' Reprinted In 1809 aiid 1820. — Animadvcrsiones Variorum in Arist. de Rhetovica Libros iii. Oxon. 1820. 8Td. lis. Williams, 81, morocco, \l. Is. — De Mundo Liber, Gra?ce, cvmi Vci'sione Latina Gul. Buda^i. Glasg. 1745. 12mo. 3s. — De Poetica Liber, Latinc con- versus "et analytica Methodo illua- tratus, a Thcod. Goulston. Lond. 1623. 4to. 5s. Goulston is styled by Ant. a Wood, 'an excellent Latinist and a noted Grsecian.' Goulston's edition was reprinted Cant. 1696. 8vo. with additional notes, 2s. 6d. ; and at Glasg. 1745 8vo. 4s. — Ibid. Gr. et Lat. cum Notis. Oxonii, 1760. 8vo. 4s. A very good edition ' J. Chelsume Done amicimi. EditoriK,J. P.' MS. nnte. labor PAPER. Sir M.M.Sykes,pt. i. 86,mor. 18s. Dent, mor. il. Williams, 66, mor. 19s. — Ibid, ex Versione Theod. Goulstoni. Lectionis Varietateni, Verborum, Indicem, et Observati- oncs suas adjunxit T. Winstanlev, A.M. Oxon. 1780. 8vo. 6s. Tliis excellent edition, says Dr. Ilar- wood, will ever be a monument of the edi- tor's learning and industry; but it is more calculated for the ci'itic than the student. large PAPER. Heath, 4362, 10s. Drury, 24 1, morocco, 13s. Dent, pt. i. 86, mo- rocco, \l. 5s. Williams, 79, morocco, \l. lOs. — Ibid. Textu Gulstoniano ; cvun Prrelectionc, Versione et Notis Edi- toris, Gul. Cooke. Acccdit Elegia Grayiana, Gra^ce. Cantab. 1785. 8vo. 3s. 6d. A respectable edition, large paper. Dent, pt. i. 87, morocco, \l. lis. 6d. Drury, 245, morocco, 2?. 1 5s. — Ibid. Grace et Latine. Lecti- onem constituit, Versionem refinxit, Animadversionibus iUustravit Tho- mas Tyrwhitt. Oxon. 1794. 4to. A very elegant and accurate edition. Stecvens, 171, \l. 8s. Drurv, 346, mor. ]/. 9s. Dent. pt. i. 296, morocco, i;. 10s. Roscoe, 148, morocco, \l. 14s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 282, russia, \l.. 15s. large paper, in folio, 30 copies printed, which were reserved by the delegates of the University press as presents to eminent persons. Bp. Randolph, 181, morocco, 37/. 16s. — Ibid. Gr. a Tho. Tyrwhitt, cm-ante T.Bm'gess. Oxon. 1794. 8to. 4s. FINE PAPEE, 5s. Reprinted Oxon. 1806 and 1817, of which editions there are copies on large paper. — Peph Fragmentum, phiribus auctum Epitaphiis, partim nuper editis, partira nunc primum p Co F 2 68 AHI dice Harleiano (Curante T. Bur- gess.) Diuiclmiae, 1798. 8yo. AsiSTOTELES. Logica, seu Intro- ductio in totani Aristotelis Philo- sophiam ab Ai-menico Idiomate in Latinum versa; Adjicitiu' Oratio Dominica qua a Christo prolata aperti erant Cocli. Luc. 3. 21, e Sy- riaco versa. Dublin. 1657. 12mo. — Exeerjita ex Aristotelis Or- gano : de Simplicibus Terminis, de Propositioiie, et de Syllogismo. Ac- jedunt Pselli de quiiaque Vocibus Liber, et Simplicii in Categorias Prolegomena. Oxon. 1802, 8vo. 4s. Aeistotle. Works, translated and dlustrated with copious Eluci- dations, by Thomas Taylor. Lou- don, 1806-12. 4to. 10 vols. Of this valuable ti-anslation, the only complete one extant in the English lan- guage, fifty copies only were printed, at the expense of William Meredith, Esq. The volumes (of some of which a few extra copies were printed, of all excepting the two marked with an asterisk) appeared as follows : ♦The Physics (pp. six. and 575) 1806. The Organon (pp. &44) 1807. "The Treatises on the Heavens, on Gene- ration, and CoiTuption, and on Meteor^ (pp. viii. and 1608, witli a plate of ma thematical figures) 1807. The Treatises ou the Soul, on Sense and Sensibles, &c. (pp. xlv. and 520, with a plate of mathematical figures) 1808. The History of Animals and Treatise on Physiognomy (pp. xxii. and 487) 1809. The Treatises on the Parts, and progres Bive Motion of Animals, Problems; and his Treatise on indivisible lines (pp. vii. 607. viii. and &>) 1810. The Rhetoric, Poetic, and Nlcomachean Ethics (pp. xxviii. and 604) 1811. The Great and Eudemian Ethics, the Politics and Economics (pp. viii. and 5.35) 1811. The Metaphysics, &c. (second edition) (pp. xxix, and 68ii) 1812. (A first edition was published in 1801, and contains an elaborate IntroduUion,a.mi an Essay on Nullities, not republished in the se- cond.) A dissertation on the Philosophy of Aris- totle, by Thomas Taylor (pp. xxviii. and 577) 1812. Copies arc in the Bodleian Library and London Institution. Watson Taylor, ^nl. 15s. North, i)t. i. 280, 30^. 9s, — Ethiques,now newly translated into English, from the Italian by John Wylkinson. London, Rich. Grafton, 1547. 16mo. Hlack letter. Contains L 3 in eights, li.ilf sheets, with a preface, dedicated to Edward, Earl of Derby. Sotlieby, 1856, U. 9s. — Politique?, translated out of Grreeke into French, with Exposi- tions, by Loys Le Roy, called Re- gius, translated out of Fi'ench into EngUsh. London, 1597. foho. 78. Contains 393 pages and a table. Dedi- cated to ' Sir Robert Sidney Knight,' by I. 1>. • To tlie courteous Reader.' 'To llenrie King of Fiaunce and Poleland, the third of that name,' by Loys Le Roy. ' Inter- pres ad Lectorem,' in ten Latin hexame- ters. The genuine work, according to Warton. Again 1598. Roxburghe, 1220,3s. — Etliics and PoHtics, compris- ing his practical Philosophy, trans- lated from the Greek. Illustrated by Introductions and Notes, the critical History of his Life, and a new Analysis of his speculative Works, by John Gillies, LL.D. &c. London, 1797. 4to. 2 vols. 15s. A translation executed with strict fide- lity and great classical taste. Reprinted 1804, 1813. 8vo. 2 vols. each. Edition 1804. Earl of Kerry, 13, II. 4s. ; and 1813. Drury, 255, 25s. Thomas Taylor published an .mswer to Dr. Gillies' Supplement to bis Analysis of Aristotle's Works, 1804, 8vo. 3s. 6d. — New Translation of the Nico- machean Etliics of Aristotle, by a Member of the University. Oxford, 1818. 8vo. 8s. — Treatise on Government, trans- lated from the Greek, by Wdham EUis, M.A. London, 1776. 4to. 15s. A faitliful and perspicuous version. Re- printed 4to. London, 1778. — Rhctorick, made English by the Translators of the Ai-t of Think- ing. London, 1686. 8vo. 3s. Reprinted 1693, 8vo. and Oxford, 1816. 12mo. — Rhetoric, translated with Notes, by D. M. Crimmin. Loiulon, 1812. 8vo. 8s. — Rhetoric, translated, willi an Introduction and Appendix, by Jolm ABI AUI 69 Gillies, LL.D. 12s. Loiul. 1823. 8vo. 12s. An excellent translation. Aristotle's Rhetoric, literally trans- lated from the Greek ; with Notes, by a Graduate of the University. To which is added, an Analysis of Aristotle's Rhetoric, by Thomas Ilobbes, of Malmsbm-y. Oxford, 1823. 8vo. 12s. — Rhetoric, Poetic and Nico- machean Ethics, translated by Thomas Taylor. London, 1818. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Drury, 253, 20s. — Metaphysics, translated with copious Notes, &c. by Thomas Tay- lor. London, 1801, 4to. 1/. Is. This edition contains some valuable mat- ter by the translator, not reprinted in the and eucry Mancr of Estate, with Rules of Ifelth for Body and Soul, newly translated out of Frencli, by Robert Co))land. Loudon, printed by Robert Copland, 1528. 4to. Black letter. A to I, in fours. A for- ge ry, according to Warton, consecrated with tlie name of Aristotle. Weber says it was composed in verse by Pierre de Vernon in the 12th century. — De Cursione Lunse. The Cotirse and Disjiosition of the Dayes of the Moone in Laten and in En^ glishe, whiclie be good and whiche be badde, after the Influences of the Moone. Drawen out of a Boke of Aristoteles de Astronoraiis, &c. (London, by Richard Fakes.) 16mo. Black letter. A kind of astrological for- tune telling treatise, in which the autlior descants on each particular day, in old En- ninth volume of his complete translation of glish verse. Aristotle's works. | — The Natiu'e and Dysposycion Art of Poetry, translated from of the vij Dayes in the AVeke, and .riginal Greek, with Dacier's sheweth what the Thondre in eueiy Month in the Yere, chaunsynge, doth protende and sygnyfye. With the Com'se and Dysposycion, of the the or Notes. London, 1705, 8vo. 2s. 6d A translation of Dacier's French version, reprinted 1709 and 1714. — Poetics, translated from the Greek uito Enghsh. London, 1775. 8vo. 2s. 6d. ' So very literal,' says Mr. Pye, ' as to be absolutely unintelligible to any person not acquainted with the original.' — Treatise on Poetry, translated with Notes on the Ti-anslation and on the Original ; and two Disserta- tions on poetical and musical Imi Dayes of the Moone whiche ben good, and whiche ben bad, after the Influences of the Moone. Drawen out of a Laten Booke of Aristotiles Astronimis. Imprinted by me Ro- bert Wyer. 16mo. Black letter. Contains B in eights. — The Problems of Ai-istotle with other Philosophers and Physitions ; tations, by Thomas Twining, M.A. I wherein are cbntained divers Ques- Oxford, 1789. 4to. IZ. Is. itions, with their Answers, touching Contains pp. ,567 Of this translation all ^j^^ -^^^^ f -^^^^ ^odie. Lond. the literary journals have spoken in terms I .. of very high and justly-merited praise, j 15 J5. Ibnio. 10s. bd. Dmiy, 347, V. A Second Edition, im- Black letter. After the problems of Aris- proved by D. Twining, MA. Lond. 1812. i totla, are those of Marcus Antonius Zima- 8vo. 2 vols. Drury, 248, lis. ras Sanctipetrinas, 97 in number. Then x)„„(.-,„ J-, 1 4- 1 £. J-^ those of Alexander Aphrodisevs, 142 in — Poetics, translated from the!„„„,ber. The work was frequently re- Greek, with Notes by Heni-y James printed in the 17th century. Pye Esq. London 'l792 4to i Many other works have been published. An edition far superior to that of 1788.'*° ■*^''"<"V"^,°?"'° 5 ^"'''°^'*' has been 4to. According to the Monthly Review- f'^l^ely aflixed, but they are of no value or ers, 'Mr. P. has executed the difficult and *^^'""''^*^°"- laborious task with elegance, force, and pre- Aeithmetjs, V alens. Mausoloa cision,' Koscoe, 150, li. Is. iRegum, Rcginarum, Dynastarum, — The Secret of Secrets of Aris- Nobiliimi, sumptuosissima, ai'tifici- totyle, with tlie Governale of Princes osissima, maguiflecntissiuia, Londini 70 AEM Angloriim, in Ocuidentali Urbis An- giilo structa, h. e. eonuidem Inscrip- tioiies omnes in Lueem reclactijc. Ciu'a Valentis Arithmsei, Professoris Academici. Literis et Sumptibus Joamiis Eic-h^jrn. Fraucof. Mar- cliion. 1618. 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum. Ai'ithmetic. — Au Introduction for to Icme to reken with the Pen and v»-ith the Counters, after the true Cast of Arismetyke or Awgrym in hole Numbers, and also in broken ; newly corrected and eertayne Eides and Ensamples added thereunto, in Reprinted in fac-simile, 1811, 4to. 5s 1536. Imprented 1537. 8vo. a.. .„„„„„ tt and tliroo — The valiant Welchniau ; or, the Chronicle History of the Life and vahant Deeds of Caradoc the Great, King of Cambria, now called Wales. Loud. 1615. 4to. Reprinted 1663. 4to. Edition, 1615. Eliodes, 468, 18s. luglis' Old Plays, 1615. No. 10, 21. 7s. Date 1663, with front. Itoxburghe, 4355, 6s. 6d. Rhodes, 471, 12s. Kecd, 8451, 1?. 2s. Sotheby's in Feb. 1821. 11. 7s. Brand, 11. 16s. — Italian Taylor and his Boy. London, 1609. 4to. K.xtends to H 2. Inglis, 122, 61. Sotheby's in 1S23, 71. King and Lochee's in March 1810, 101. 10s. Gordonstoun, 101, \2l. 12s. Ulack letter. Contains S. v blank leaves: Numbers to the end. This work was reprinted 1539, 1546, 1671, 1581, and 1595. Arlington, Earl of. Letters to Sir William Temple, Bart. 1665-70. to Su- Rich. Fanshaw, the Earl of Sandwich, the Earl of Sunderland, and Su" Wm. Godolphiu, durmg theu- respectiye Embassies in Spam, 1664-74: as also to Sir Robert Southwell in Portugal. London, 1701. Svo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Contain pp. 454 and ISO. These letters afl'ord an insight into the secret and ob- scure management of affairs during the above interesting period. Willett, 42, U. 10s. Koxburglie, 8489, 9s. Armada (Spanisli). See Spanish. Aemin, Robert. Discourse of Ehzabeth CaldwcU, who, with some other Complices, attempted to poison her Husband. Loud. 1604. 4to. One of the original actors in Shake- speare's Plays. Arminian Heresie, 1628. See R.J. Arminian Nimnery ; or, a briefe Desci'iption and Relation of a late erected monasticaU Place, called the Ai'minian Nimnery, at Little Gid- ding, in Huntingdonshire. Pi'inted by Thomas UnderhiU, 1641. 4to. Contains pp. 10, with a view of the nun- nery and the whole-length iigur^' of a nun, as a vignette, in the title page. Gougli, 416, \l. 3s. King and Lochee's in Marcli 1810, 11. 2s. Nassau, pt. 1. 186, 21. 2s. Re- printed by Heanie in the first volume of Peter Langtoft's Chronicle. Arminius, James, D. D. The Works, translated fi'om the Latin. To which are prefixed, the Life of the Author, Extracts from liis Let- ters, &c. By James Nichols. Lon- don, 1825. 3 vols. Svo. with port. 21. 8s. An excellent translation, ' with import- ant matter in the prolegomena and notes.' — The Life and Death of James Armmius and Simon Episcopius. Now published in the English Nest of Ninnies, smiply of. Tongue. London, 1672. 12mo. 5s Ihemselves, without Compoimds.j Arms borne by Families of Great Loud. 1608. 4to. Caldecott, ■"■ tille,9^Britain and Ireland. (The principal Hlack letter. (Reprinted by the Shake-|j;^j^ ^^^j allusive) with their ! Society. .SV,« Appendix). i ,. ,.,-.• -^ ,,, i , speare Society. .SV,« Appendix). i a .i -^^ n i. i u Hu-toi7 of the Two Maids of|i-^->^PCctive Authorities, coUectcd by Clacke. London, 1609. 4to. a^i Authority, with a Representation More See Maid The title contains a portrait of thnautlior ill his stage dress. Ithodes, 468, MS. title li 5s. Kced, 7690,2/. lOs. Sotheby's in Nov. 1826. 21. 12s. Inglis' Old Plays, 9, 3/. 3s. of the Ai'ins on copper-plates. Lon- don, 1808. 4to. Contains pp. viii. and 552 This useles.s, and in many ))laccs nonsensical, compila- tion is usually attributed to Col. Do la Sotheby's in 1823. 7'. 17s. 6d. jolley, 1813,1 Motte. The luajcir part of the impreiision il. lOi;. llalliwell, May, 1856, 51. 12b. 6d. •' was destroyed in the lire atNichol.s' Print- ABM Ing Office. SirM. M. Sykes, 1493, U. 7s. Roxburgho, 8675, U. Is. Armstkong, Archibald. Arcliy's Dream, sometimo Jester to bis Ma- jestie but exiled the Court by Can- terburies Malice. Witb a Relation for whom an odd Chaii'e stood void in HeU. 1641. 4to. One Sheet. The frontispiece represents Arclibishop Laud in bed with a cloven foot at the bed side, a great sword in the win- dow, and Archy standing by. White Knights, pt. i. 171, il. 4s. Brand, \l. 13s. — Arehee's Banquet of Jests, or change of cheare. 8vo. Portrait of Arcbee. Brand, date 1689, fac simile port. il. 10s. — Arehee's Banquet of Jests, new and old. Loud. 1657. 12nio. with a portrait of Archce whole length, and foui* verses, by T. Cecill. North, 41. 7s. Gardner 1854, mor. 101 Inglis, 30, morocco, 51. 15s. 6d. 1665, with port. Sotheby's in May 1823, mor. 1^ Is. Rodd, 1821, date 1636, 71. 7s. in 1824 il. I4s. 6d. — Jests foimd in liis Closet after his decease. London, 1660, with portrait engraved by Gaywood, in- scribed 'This is no Muckle John nor Soinmers WiUiam.' In Ireland's Catalogue 1801, No. 482, was ' Life of Archee, Jester to James and Charles the First, with portrait by Cecill.' 4to. 7s. — John, Col. History of the Navigation of tbe Port of King's Lyn and of Cambridge, and the rest of the trading Towns in those Parts ; and of the navigable Rivers that have their Coui-se tlu-ougb tbe Bed- ford Level. London, 1725. foUo. Contains pp. 148, besides preface, errata, and list of subscribers' names, eiglit pages, also seven maps and plates. In 1766, the old title, preface and contents were can- celled, and new ones printed, and after the ■,able of contents is an addition of ' An Abstract, consisting of two pages. — John. History of tbe Island of Minorca. Second Edition. Lon- don, 1756. 8vo. Contains pp.26C with five plates. Dent, pt. i. 91, 5s. 6d. Towneley, pt. i. 269, 7s. Fonthill, 2696, 14s. The first edition ap- peared in 1752. — John, M.P. Miscellanies. London, 1770. 12mo. 2 vols. ABK 71 Nassau, pt. 1. 60, 7s. In 1744 was pub- lislied Tlie Art of preserving Health. I5y Joliti Armstrong, M.D. A new edition, witli a critical Essay on tiie Poem, by J. Aikin, M.D. 1795, 5s. [lie published the ' (Economy of Love' in 1738, which edition was considered obscene, and suppressed. It was modified in 1768 and all subsequent editions.] — R. A., A.M. Gaelic Diction- ary, in two Parts ; 1. Gaelic and Enghsb; 2. English and Gaehc. Lond. 1825. 4to. Pub. 3/. 13s. 6d. Armstrong. — Tbe pleasant His- tory of Jonny Armstrong, 4to. 8s. Aenald, Richard. Critical Com- mentary upon the Apocrypha. Lond. 1744, 8, 52. Fobo, 3 Parts, 21. 2s. Tliis judicious and valuable worlc usually accompanies tlie commentaries of Patrick, Lowth, and Whitby, and is tlie scarcest volume of the set. It has been reprinted 1806, 1809, 1822, 4to. ]l. Is. each. Edition 1744, Gough 2729, with MS. notes by- Jer. Markland, 71. 7s. Arnalte and Lucenda, entitled tbe evil entreated lover or the melan- choly knight, translated into Engbsb verse by Lawrence. 4to. 1639. Keed, 2650, 21. 5s. Bindley, 161. 16s. Jolley, 51. 5s,, resold 11. 18s. Arnalte and Lucenda. See Hoi- LTBAND, Claudius ; Lawrence, Leon. Aenaud, Henri. History of tbe glorious Return of the Vaudois to their valleys in 1689. Translated from the original by Hugh Dyke Acland, Esq. with sketches of the cormtry, engraved by Finden. Lon- don, 1826. 8vo. 1/. 10s. AJiNDTirs, Johannes. De vero Christianismo Libri IV. cum Judi- ciis ejus de Theologia Polemica, Lat. ex Versione A. W. Boemi. Lond. 1708. 8vo. 2 vols. The most esteemed work of all those written by this celebrated Protestant di- vine. Roxburghe, 401, 7s. 6d. It has been translated into English 1712-44, 8vo. 2 vols, and again, by W. Jacques, 1815, 8vo. 2 vols. 9s. each. An edition of the transla- tion by W. H. Boehm. Lond. 1720. Svo. 8 vols. Williams, 82, 1/. 19s. Arno Miscellany : a Collection of fugitive pieces by a Society called the Oziosi, Florence, 1784. Svo. 7s. 6d. Privately printed. 72 AIlN Arnold, John. An Account kept! (liu'Lug thirteen months in the Royal j Obsei-vatory at Greenwich, of the! ^oing of a pocket Chi-onometer. 1 A Letter from Mr. Christian Meyer, 1 Astronomer to the Elector Palatine. On the Longitude, in a Letter to the Commissioners of that Board. An Answer to an anonymous letter on tlie Longitude. Lond. 1780-2. 4to. Foui" Tracts, 10s. 6d. — Richard. Chronicle. In this Eooke is conteyned the Names of the Balyfs, Gustos, Mayres, and Shercfs of y* Cite of London from the Tyme of Kynge Richard the first, caUed Cure de Lyon, which was crowned y iii day of Septebre y^ yere of our Lorde Grod xi"=Lxxxix. Small foUo. (Antwerp, John Doesbrowe, 1502). First edition. Black letter. Fc.l. cxviii. with a 'Kaleiider' commencing on A ii. It is described in tlie Censura Litteraria, vi. U3-9. White Knights, 322. Pick- ering ]8.i4, russia, 15?. lOs. — Tlie Names of the Baylyfs, Custose, Mayers, and Sherefs of the Cyte of London, &c. (1521.) folio. Black letter. A 4 haves, A I blank. |{ i_c 4, 12 leaves, then B 1— U 5, 120 leaves. A fnll description of this edition, (in which according to Ilearae, the history comes ranch lower than the first,) will be found in Oldys' British Librarian, pp. 22-26. — The Names of y* Baylifs, Gustos, Maiors, and Sherefs of the Cyte of Londo, &c. folio. Black letter. The signatures are irre- gular, A containing the table of contents. 4 leaves, the first of wliich is blank, then another sign. A with 8 leaves ; B 4, on the first leaf of which begins the numbering of the leaves; C 8— E 8; F 6 -Q 6; R 8; 5 6; T 6; V 5, the last page of which is blank. A very full description of this edi- tion will be found in Herbert's Ames iii. \7A(>-r)\. Copies of the various editions have been sold asunder: Mason, 15i. l.'js Brand, ISl. I8s. Lansdowne, 71. 17s. 6d Sir P. Thompson, 147, 18?. Uo.xburghe 8.35.5, 221. Is. Nassau, pt. i. 207, 71. Sir M. M. Sykes, 4.54, 12?. 123. Dent, pt. i. loi), mor. 5/. 5s. Caldccott, C>1. 10s. — Tlie Customs of London, other- u-iso (•ailed Arnold's Chronielc ; con taining among divers other matters the original of the celebrated Poem of the Nut-brown ]\Iaid. Reprinted from the first edition, with the Addi- tions included in the second. Lond 1811. 4to. pp. Iii and 300, 1/. Is. A faithful reprint, with a judicious in troduction, by Francis Douce, Esq. War ton observes of this work, that it is per haps the most heterogeneous and multi farious miscellany that ever existed. Arnold de Nona ViUa. The De- fence of Age and Recouery of Youtfe Im]5r. by me Robert Wyer, 16ino. Itlack letter. Contains B, in fours. In lis 32, U. 10s. — Thomas. M.D. Observations on the Nature, Kinds, Causes, and Prevention of Insanity. Lond. 1800. 8vo. 2 vols. 9s. A very entertaining work, containing the opinions both of ancients and modems upon this subject, illustrated by a variety of curious facts. A former edition ap- peared 1782-6. 8yo. 2 vols. Aenot, Hugo. Collection and Abridgement of celebrated crimina. Trials in Scotland, from A.D. 1536 to 1784, with historical and critica. remarks. Edinb. 1812. 8vo. 10s. 6d. The former edition, 1785, 4to. Ro.x- burghe, 1079, lis. Bindley, pt. i. 118, 6s. — History of Edinburgh, from the earUest accounts to the present time. To which is added an Appen- chx. Second Edition. Edinb. 1789. 4to. pp. 674, with large plan and 20 engravings. Best edition of an useful and entertaining work. Roxburghe, 8785, 1?. 3s. The former edition appeared in 1779. Nassau, 188, 9s. Heath, 4725, 1?. lOs. Aenw.4lY, John, D.D. Tablet, or Moderation of Charles the Fu'st, MartjT, with an Alarum to the sub- jects of England. Hague, 1650. small 8vo. of this edition, accoi-ding to Ant h Wood, a few copies only were printed. It was reprinted at London, 1661, with port, of Charles I. 8vo. by the care of Will. Rider, who married the authoi''s near kinswoman. The edition 1661. Dowdcswell, 18, 5s. 6d. Town.'ley, pt. i. 263, 10s. (id. Ari-aigniug and indicting of Sir A.KB AKT r3 Jolui Barleycorn and J. Robins the author, 1575. 4to. Aerian's History of Alexander's Expedition, tninsl. from the Greek, with notes, historical, geographical, and critical, by John Rooke. To instructing the Infant Deaf and Dumb. Loud. 8vo. In thisiiiterestiiiK little vdluiiie the plan of tlie celebrated Abbfe De I'Ep^e is re- print«d. Arrowsmith and Hcrst. A true and exact relation of the death of which is prefixed Le Clerc's Criti-jt^-o Catholics [Edmund Arrow- ■ - upon Q.. Curtius. Arrian'sjg,^iitli and Richard Herst] who cisni Indian History. His Account of the division of the Euijiire after Alexander's death. Raderus's Talcs. A Catalogue of the Authors who have wrote his history. A Chrono- logy of the whole, and a complete Index. Lond. 1729. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. to 14s. [Reprinted 2 vols. 8vo. 1814. lOs.] A very useful and valuable work, faith- fully and accurately executed. Edwards, 215, 15s. GouRh, 132, 1/. 4s. Roxburghe, 7532, U 8s. Constable, 28, nior. 21. 2s. Reprinted 1814, Svo. 2 vols. 12s. — Voyage roimd the Euxine Sea, accompanied with a G-cographical Dissertation and M:tp. To which are added three Discourses. By Wil- Uam Vincent, D.D. Lond. 1805. 4to. The original will be found in llm. son's Geographiie veteris Scriptores. — See Vincent. Aerowsmith, a. General Atlas, constructed from the latest authori- ties. Lond. 1827. royal 4to. with 53 maps, 1/. 16s. Coloured, 21. 12s. 6d. This celebrated hydrographer has pub- lished a variety of maps, highly valued for their accuracy. [Since this period, the Arrowsmiths have published many Atlases. Their best in large folio, of recent date, 67 coloured maps, ni. 17s.] — Jolm, D.D. Armilla Cate- suii'ered for theu* religion at the Smr^mer Assizes, held at Lancaster ia 1628. ReinibUshed with addi- tions. Lond. 1737. Svo. with th u- portraits, 5s. Aesanes. Orations of Arsanea against Philip, the trecherous Kyng of Macedone : of the Embassadors of Venice against the prince that vn- der a crafty league with Scanderbeg, layed snares for Christendome ; and of Scandci'beg, praying ayde of Christian Princes agaynst peritu'ous murdering Mahumet, and agaynst the old false Chi'istian Duke Mahu- metes confederate. With a notable example of God's vengeance vppon a faithlesse Kyng, Qiiene, and her chil- dren. Lond. by John Daye. 16mo. Black letter. Contains V 2," in fours, liaU sheets. 'A notaljle example,' &c. Then A in eights, including the title and a blank leaf prefixed. Day printed three editions without date. The work is by Tanner (I?ibl. Brit.551,) ascribed to Thomas Norton. Nassau, pt. i. 2468, U. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 577, V. 15s. Aetemi. Memoirs of the Life oi Artemi, of Wagarschapat, near Mount Ararat, in Armenia, fi-om the original Ai'menian. Written by himself. Lond. 1822. 8vo. pp. 374,7s. , ,. n, . c -D • • 1 Aetemidoeijs. Interpretation ol ciictica: a Cham oi Principles, or t-. -,. ^ i • *„ i; „ -p^„i-,. , , ,^ . .• {■ mi 'Dreams, digested mto live Books, an ordcriv Concatenation ot iheo- rm m .i -& Vi- „ +„,i k„ „^ ,.,■•, • IT, •, ,• 1 The Tenth Edition, con-ected bv an logical Ai>iiorisms and Exercitatious, ■ ■ ^ vi iu t vr ^r *i „ r • ii \- c\ 1 rni • i^- origmal copy, with the Lite ot the wlierein the chiei heads ot Chnstian , », c'-^t iit-nnno -p ,. . , , , . ''^'°'t I Author, &c. Lond. 1690. 12mo. Rehgion are asserted and improved. ^ ^ formerly in considerable estima Camb. 1659. 4to. 10s. 6d. Williams, 111. morocco, 2?, 8s. Re- printed Edinb. 1822. 8vo. 8s. This work, and likewise the author's Tactica Sacra, 1657. 4to. and other publications, rank high among the Puritanical writings. Tac- lica Sacra. William.s. 110, 1/. 10s. tion, as will appear from the numerous edi- tions published. An edition of the date of 1644, (by Barnard Alsop) is in the British Museum. An edition, 1669. Inglis, 37, Us. Akthington, Henry. Principall Points of Holy Profession, touchinf John Pauncefort. The Art uf| these tJu-cc estates of Mankind. 1 74 AET ART Their Creatiou. 2. Their Subversion. 3. Their Kestoratiou, &c. Com- posed in Verse, bv H. A. Printed by Tho. Pavyer, 1607. 4to. Biiglit, 1845, cut, 21. 3s. An account of Arthingtou will be fouud in Weever's Funeral Monuments. — The seduction of Arthington bv Hackett. Printed bv R. B. for T. Man, 4to. (n. d.) 1592. Joiley, 1&43,, 1?. 19s. Aethtje, King of Great Britain. Assertio Arturij Regis Britaunise, 1544 and 1554, 4to. -with the trans- lation by Rich. Robinson. 1582 or 1583. 4to. See Leland, John. — King of Great Britain. A Book of the noble Hystoryes ofl Kynge Ai'thur, and ofcerteyn of his' Knyghtes, reduced into Englysshe by Syr Thomas Malory, Knyght,and by me William Caxton, deuyded into xxi. Bookes, chapytred and em- j prynted and fynyshed va. th' abbey Westmestre, 1485. foho. Black letter. The proheme commences on the recto of sign A ij, and terminates on the recto of sign iiij,and is succeeded by the table, which occupies the 14 subse- quent leaves. The first chapter begins on the recto of sign a j ; and the entire volume extends to three leaves after sign ee iij. in eights; the latter having but six leaves. A perfect copy of this edition is in the library at Osterley Park, belonging to the Earl of Jersey. Another (unfortunately defective) is in Earl Spencer's library. [l'"rom the Wygfair Collection, 4 haves tuantiiig, 3i0l.] See Ames by Dr. Dibdin, i. 241—55. Brit. Bibliogr. i. 49. Bibl. Spencer, iv. 403—9. — The Booke of Kynge Ai'tlim- and of his noble Knyztes of the round Table. Westmestre, by Wynkynde Worde, 1498, foho. Black letter. The signatures run in three sets exclusive of a table of eight leaves. First a to v, in eights and sixes, alternately ; v has eiglit leaves. Next A, B, C, in sixes ; D, eight ; E, six ; F, G, H, in eights, I to V, inclusively, in sixes; X, four, Y, five. As the third set, A, B, C, D, E, in sixes, E vj being blank. Of thi.s edi- tion, a reprint of Caxton's, only one copy is known, which is in the possession of Earl S|)eMcer. In Dr. Dibdin's Edition of Ames, vol. i. 218 -52. the variations in this edi- tion from that of ('a.xton's are given; and 1 very copioua description, with specimen."! of the wood cuts, will be found in the Bibl Spencer, iv. 403-0. — The Booke of Kynge Arthiu", &c. Lond., by Wynkyn de Worde, 1529. foho. Black letter, with cuts. A notice of Arcli- deacon Wrangham's copy, said to be unique, will be found in Cole's Bibliographical and Descriptive Tour, 1824, 1—9. Archd. Wrangliam, 75. Table impft. 511. — The Stoiy of Kynge Arthur, and also of his Knyghtes of the Rounde Table. London, by W. Copland, 1557, foho. Black letter. Each of the 21 books has a wood-cut prefixed. The last leaf con- tains the device of the printer. Dent, pt. i. 162, morocco, 201. 9s. Utterson, 252. Impft. 101. ■ — • King of Great Britain. — The Stoiy of Kuig Arthiu- ; and also of his Knights of the Rounde Table. Lond., by Thomas East, foho. Black letter. Oo 6, in eights. This edi- tion difl'ers in a few phrases (but not ma- terially) from Caxton's. Dent, pt. i. 163. morocco, by Roger I'avne, 13^. Koxburghe, 6356, 271. 6s. Goldsmid, 1816, 156, i2l. Pickering, (Title fac-simile, and mended) mor. 131. 10s. ■ — An edition, Lond. T. East. 4to. no date. — The History of the renowned Pr ince Arthvr. As also all the noble Acts and heroicke Deeds of his vahant Knights of the Rovnd Table. Lond. Stansby, 1634. 4to. Black letter, with three titles and three frontispieces. This edition is probably a reprint from East's edition, and is the last of any value in the estimation of collectors. Bindley, pt. i. 340, 2?. 3s. Llovd, 224, 2Z 9s. Nassau, pt. i. 190, 3?. Deiit, pt. i. 298, rnssia, 4?. Inglis, 123, 4Z. 4s. Sir M. iM. Sykes, pt. i. 287, morocco, 51. 7s. 6d. White Knights, pt. i. 327, russia, Gl. 6s. Reed, 2655, 71. 10s. Garrick, 221, SI. North, pt. iii. 737, russia, SI. 10s. Towneley, pt. i. 835, 121. 5s. Koxburghe, 6357, russia, 12/. 12s. Stanley, 746, russia, Wl. Longman, 1814, 81. 8s. Thorpe, 1820, 71. 7s. Trip- hook, 1815, 91. 9s. Gardner, 1854, morocco, il. 8s. — The History of the renowned Prince Arthur, &c. Lond. 1816. 24mo. 3 vols, with frontispieces. A correct reprint of the edition of 1634. (edited by Jos. Haslewood). Another edition was published, 24ino. 2 vols, about the samo time. ART AUT 75 — I'lie Byrlli, Lyfe aud Actes of Kyug Ai'tluu-; of his noble Kuyglites of the rouude Table, &- micus : Chymical Collections ex- 80 ASH ASH pressing the Ingress, Progress, and Egress of the secret Hermetic- Science out of the choicest and most famous Authors, by James Hasolle [_i e. Ehas Ashmole'.] Lond. 1654. 12mo. with a front, containing Ashmole's portrait, inscribed ' Mer- curiophQus Anghcus.' 5s. Prefixed are prolegomena, according to Ant. k Wood, ' farc'd with Rosy-crucian language.' — Theatrum Cliemicum Britan- nicum, contaming several poetical Pieces of oui* famous Philosophers who have wTitten the Hernietique Mysteries in their own ancient Lan- guage. Lond. 1652. 4to. Contains pp. 510, with plates printed on the letter-press, witli the exception of one at p. 117, frequently wanting. Koscoe, 1437, 1/. 3s. Inglis, 128, mor. 11. 8s. Nassau, pt. i. 195, russia, 11. lOs. North, pt. iii. 761, mor. 11. 13s. Gordonstoun, 61, 11. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 141, morocco, 21. l'2s. 6d. Uibl. Anglo-Poet 4, 31. lO.i. This work gained Ashmole great repu tation, and was the means of extending his acquaintance in the literary world. To some copies a portrait (abu.stbyFaithorneJ is added. [T/ie portrait helonijs to the next article.] — The Way to Bhss, in three Books. Lond. 1658. 4to. 4s. With Portrait by Faithorne. An attempt to prove the possibility of sMcli a tiling as the pliilosopher's stone. According to Ant. a \Vo()d. ' pen'd by an Miiknown author living in the reign of Qu. Klizabeth.' — The Ltstitution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the most noble Order of the Garter. Lond. 1672. foHo. Contains A to 4 U, in fours, with title and imprimatur, 2 leaves ; Appendix, a to c c, two Ifaves each, c c 2, containing the errata [there are no printed pages 131-134, 137-U9J: portrait of K. Charles II. by Sherwin, and 30 plates mostly engraved by Hollar, pp. 61, 86, 94, 131, 132, 134, 137, 1.39, 140, 142, 144, 146, 147, 202, 223, 224, 220. 2;J4, 235, 247, 404, 515, 576. 593, 642, 708-9, 710-11, 712-13, 714-15, 716-17. h laborious and highly valuable work, drawn up with great persiiicuity and care. A copious analysis will be found in (Mdys. liritish Librarian, 119-26. I.lovd, 255, 4/. 12s. Marq. ofTownMhend,20.5,5i. 1,5s. 6d. iJowdeswell, 1.35, russia, 6/. Towneley, pt ii. 148. (it. 5s. Heath, 1()17. 11. Willett, 144, 71. Ms. 6il. Bindley, pt. i. 160, y. 18». Gd. i.AFKiK I'.M'ioii. iMnitliill, .3677,1 19!. Dent, pt. i 164, morocco. 21 /. Nassau, pt. i. 209, 24A .3s. .Sir M. M. Svkes, 319, mor. 25Z. 14s. 6d. Edwards, 587, mor. 42«. Some copies have a reprinted title of the date of 1693, with the catalogue of knights- companions continued to that time. .\n abridgment, with a continuation of the list of the Knights, &c. was published London, 1715, 8vo. pp. 565, with a portrait of George Augustus Prince of Wales, to whom it is dedicated, and plates, 7s. 6d. L.-VRGB PAPER, 12s. WiUctt, 48, 21. 53. — Antiquities of Berkshire, with a large Appendix, &c. Lond. 1719 or 1723. 8vo. 3 vols. Vol. i. pp. cxxviii. and 194, also a portrait of Ashmole, byM.Vdr. Guclit, and a sheet map, containing a view of Windsor Castle, by W. Hollar. Vol. li. pp. 195—580, with Errata, 2 pages. Vol. iii. pp. 42.3, with two plates, pp. 210 and 331. This scarce work by no means supplies the place of an history for that county; as it contains little more than epitaphs and some pedi- grees. White Kniglits. pt. i. 249, morocco, bl. 2s. 6d. Heath, 4692, 51. 5s. Townelev, pt. ii. 25, 6Z. 6s. Sir P. Thompson, 20, 61. 12s. 6d. Willett, 49, 111 lis. large PAPER. Nassau, pt. i. 70, 101. 5s, Dent, pt. i. 99, 211. — History and Antiquities of Berksliire. Reading, 1736. small folio. Contains pp. 17 — 340, and index, 2 pages, besides the life, consisting of S pages, and a map, by H. Moll. Dent, pt. i. 165,32. 5s. Jlarq. of Townshend, 204, 3/. 16s. Nassau, pt. i. 10, russia, bl. Sir M. M. Sykcs, pt. i. 318, 0,1. 8s. 6d. — Memou's of the Life of Elias Ashmole, Esq. drawn up by himself by way of Diary : with an Appendix of original Letters. Lond. 1717. small 8vo. 3s. 6d to 5s. Reprinted 1774. See Burmav, Charles. AsHMOEE, John. Certain selected Odes of Horace enghshed, and their arguments annexed ; with Poems, ancient and modern, of divers sub- eets, translated. Whereunto are added, both in Latin and En- glish, sundry newEpigram', Ana- ranimes, Epitaphes, &c. Lond. 1621. 4to. (lontaina pp. 102. Nassau, pt. i. 196, raor. 11. 10.S. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 890, 4/. 4s. AsuwELL, John. The Letters wliyche Johan AslivveU Piiour of Newnliam Abbey bcsydes Be.lfordo, ASI 81 sente secretly to the Bishop of Lyu cokie,M.D. XXVII. \Miere in tiie sayde Pryoui' accuseth George Joye, that Tyme beyiig Felow of Peter College in Cambrydge, of fower Opinions with tlie answere of the saydi George nnto the same Opinyons. (At the end.) At Straszbnrge 10 Daye of Jnne. H Tliys lytell Boke be delyuered to Jolian Ashwel, Priour of Newnha Abbey, besydes Bedford, with spede. IGino. Black letter. Contains I> 4, in eights. Sotheby's in 1825. n. 4s. Horner, 1854. raor. 11. Bright, 21. A notice of this curious work will be found in tlie Retrosp. Review, N. S. vol. ii. 96—102. Asia. — Dissertations and miseel- laneous Pieces relating to the His tory and Antiquities, &c. of Asis Lend. 1792-G. 8vo. 3 vols. 12s. A selection of essays from the Asiatic Researches. — Asiatic Annual Registei" from 1799 to 1810-11 inclusive. Lond 8vo. vols. i. to xii. Lawrence Dnndas C;imphell was editor till 1809. Fonthill, 2701,(12 vols.) tii 16s. 6d. — Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British India and its Dependencies, iVom its Commence- ment in Jan. 1816 to the present Time. Lond. 8vo. A number is published on the tirst of eveiy month, 3s. 6d. each. [Discontinued May, 1845, up to whicli period the series forms 59 vols., 6?. 6s. to HI. 8s.] — Asiatic Miscellany, consisting of original Productions, Transla- tions, Fugitive Pieces, &c. Calcutta, 1785-6. royal 12rao. 2 vols. To this work Sir \Vm. Jones was a large contributor. [All his contributions are in- corpor.atPd in the Supplement to tlie Quarto editionof hisworks.] Fonthill, 12.35,1?. Ano- ther work entitled • The New Asiatic Mi.s- cellauy.' Calcutta, 1788. 8vo. 3 vols, and 'The New Asiatic .Miscellanv.' Calcutta, 1789. 4to. 1 vol. — Asiatic Eesearches ; or, Trans- actions of the Society instituted in Bengal, for enquiring into the His- tory and Antiquities, the Ai'ts, Science, and Literatxu-e of Asia. Calcutta and Serampore, 1788-1839, TOL, I. 4t9. [with Index to the first 18 vols.] 21 vols, with plates, 42/. Sir JNI. M. Sykes, pt. i. 295, 11 vols, rns- sia, 22i. Us. 6d. — Another Edition. Lond. 1799- 1807, 12 vols. 4to. &. 6s. Reprinted in 12 vols. 8vo. 1806. &c., 3/. 3s., — both discontinued. Ruxburglie, 8877, 6 vols 4t(i. 3/. 13s. 6d. — Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Lond. 1824-34. 4to. 3 vols, (or 9 parts), pub. 8/". — Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1832-56, 25 vols. 8vo. and stiU. proceeding at the rate of 7 Nos. annually. (Theearlyyols. are scarce.) — Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1834-56, 16vols.8vo. Lond. Parker. Pub. in parts, very irregu- larly, mostly at 6s. each. Vols. 11, 14, & 15, are not yet completed. 9'. 2s. Asmus Onustus. The Asse over- laden. To liis loving and deare Mistresse, Elizabeth the blessed Queene of England [1589.] 4to. This book was I'eprinted in 1642, with this additional anecdote, ' Tliis book was delivered to Queene Eliz: being at None- such Jul. 27. Anno 1589.' AsKE, James. EUzabetha Tri- umphans : conteyning the damned Practizes that the diveUsh Popes of Rome have used ever sithence her Highnesse (Q. Elizabeth) first coming to the Crowne, Avith a Declaration of the Manner, how her exceUeney was entertained by her Soiddycrs into her Campe Royall at Tdbery in Essex ; and of the Over- throw had against the Spanish Flcete. London, 1588. 4to. Black letter, pp. 44, dedicated ' To Julius CsBsai', Doctor of the Civill Law.' A Poem in blank verse, reprinted in the second volume of Nichols' Progresses, &c. of Q. Elizabeth, Dent, pt. i. 301, 21. 93. Forster, 916, 21. 12s. 6d. Inglis, 129, 71. Goi'donstoun, 103, 71. 7s. Bindley, jit. iv. 337, 8?. ISs. 6d. Saunders in 1818, 13?. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 2, 15?. Askew, Anne. See Bai.e, John. Ceowlet, E.ibert. AsMA, T. De Divortio Henrici 82 AST VIII. Regis Augliee cum Catharina xlrragoniea Dissertatio. Lug. Bat. 1787. 4to. 7s. Aspedeu Church.— Sm-vey of the iDreseiit State of Aspeden Church, Herts, June 1793. Load. 17\)6. 4to. 3s. 61. Contains pp. 13, with four plates. AsPiN, J. Systematic Analysis of Uuiversal History to the Death of Alexander. Lond.1826. 4to.2 vols. Published in parts at 5s. each. Assembly-man, The. See Bir- kenhead, Su- John. AssEii Menevensis. Annales Re- rum gestariim ^l&'edi Magni, re- censuit Franc. Wise, A.M. Oxonii. 1722. 8vo. Contains pp. xxx. and 181, besides title, and a port, of Alfred, by Vertue ; to the reader, 4 pages ; a second title and sub- scribers' names. At p. 137, is a specimen of Asser's Life of Alfred, in the Saxon character. Roxburghe, 8532», 7s. Towne- lev, pt. i. 162, 9s. large paper. Heath, 4291, 19s. Nassau, pt. i. 72, 11. 2s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1594, U. 3s. Dent, pt. i. 105, mor. U. 15s. Williams, 90, mor., 2^. 10^. This life was first published by Arclili. Parker, in the old Saxon character at the end of his edition of Thomas of Walsing- ham's History, Lond. 1574, folio ; and it is likewise to be found in Camdeni Anglica, &c. Francof. 1603. folio. Assisarum Liber. (Lond. apud Rich. Pynson) 16mo. Black letter. Contains c.liiii. leaves. A table is prefixed. This book is without either title or colophon, but has Pynson's device on the last page. Assisarum et Placitorum Corone (Liber.) (Lond. by John Rastel, 1516.) foho. Black letter. Contains sign. S 8, in the second alphabet; a and b, in the first al- phabet have eight leaves each, all the rest sixes. Prefixed is a table, with an En- glish prologue by John Rastel. This valu- able work, according to Ur. Dibdin, is in the Norman or Law French, and contains the assizes and pleas of the crown for the whole reign of K.Kdw.IU. ISp.of Ely, 223,8s. Assize of Bread. — The Boke named the Assise of Bread, &c. lra})i-yutcd by me T. Colwell, in the House of Rob. Wyer. 4to. Black letter. At the sale of Nassau's Library, pt. i. 197, this edition was sold for 1?. 10s. A great variety of editions &r» noticed in Herbert and Ur. I»ibdiu8 edi- tions of Ames, Gough's British Topo- graphy, and likewise in Clarke's Bibl. Legum. An edition in black letter, 1626, with wood cuts. Nassau, pt. i. 198, 16s. Assises, the Great, holden in Parnassus. See WiTUt:!;, Gfeorge. AsTiE, Thomas. An Account of the Seals of the Kings, Royal Bo- roughs, and Magnates of Scotland. Printed in the year 1792. imper. fol. Contains pp. 44, with 5 plates. Dedi- cated to the Earl of Leicester. This forms a portion of the third volume of the Vetusta Monumenta. Some copies were printed as a separate publication. Fonthill, 1918, 2Z 6s. — Origin and Progress of Writ- ing, as well hieroglyyjhic as elemen- tary ; menu/ plates. Sec. ed. improved. Lond. 1803. 4to. [& large paper, fol.] The completest work on the subject of writing extant in this or any other lan- guage. Inglis, 258, \l. 17s. LARGE PAPER in royal folio. Baker, 267, K. 15s. Dent, pt. i. 166, 2?. 14s. Nassau, pt. i. 211, 21. 9s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt i. ?21, russia, il. 4s. The former edition 1784, 41o. Bindley, pt. i. 136, 17s. 6d. Willett, 101, U. 14s. Stanley, 75, 21. 18s. AsTLEY, Thomas. Collection of Voyages and Ti-avels. Ste Voyages and Travels. Aston, Anthony, commonly called Tony. See Cibber, Colley. Astrea, or the grove of beatitudes, represented iti emblems and by the art of memory. Cuts, 12mo. 1665. 10s. 6d. Astrea's Tears. See Beathwaite, Richard. Astronomy. — Memoirs of the As- tronomical Society of Lou don. Loud. 1822-57. 4to. 25 vols. — Montlily Notices. Vols. 1—17, 8vo. — The Dyfference of Astronomy, with the Gouernayle to kepe Mans Body in Helth, all the fom-c Seasons of the Yeare. Impr. by me Robert Wyer. 16ino. Black letter. Contains E in fours, Dr. Dibdin notices two other works on this sub- ject, printed without date by Wyer. Asylum for fugitive Pieces in ATII Prose and Verse, not in any other Collection : with several Pieces never before published. Lond. 1785-9. 12mo. 4 vols. 7s. 6d. Chiefly of a political iiatiue, collected by John A.liiion, the publislier. Atalantis, The new. See Manlet, Mrs. Atchievements. — The Martial A- chicvcments of Great Britain and her AlUes, fi-om 1799 to 1815. Lond. Elephant 4to. 3/. 3s. With fil'ty-one coloured plates. Duke of York, 2884, SI. 5s. lai;ge papkr, Uent, pt. ii. 758, morocco, 101. 10s. — The Naval Atchievements of Great Britain and her Allies, from 1793 to 1817. Lond. Elephant 4to. With coloured pl.ites. [Uniform witli the Martial Achievements, and of tlie same value.] Athenseum, The, a Magazine of literary and miscellaneous Informa- tion from the commencement m 1807 to the finish in 1809. Lond 8vo. 5 vols. 1/. Is. A valuable miscellany edited by Joliu Aikin. AxHANASius. Eour Orations against the Greeks, and his Oration | against the Gentiles. Translated) from the Greek, by Mr. S. Parker ; with a Confutation of Mr. Whiston's impioiis Doctrine. Oxford, 1712. Svo. 2 vols. In Whiston's Collection of ancient mo- numents, Svo. 1713, are translations of Athanasius' Life of Anthony the Monk, and on the Incarnation of the World. — Life and actions of St. Atha- nasius, together with the Eise, Growth, and Downfall of'the Arian Heresie : collected from primitive ! Writers, by N. B. P. C. Lond.' 1664. Svo. 5s. Atcheleys, Thomas. Most la- mentable and tragical historic con- teyning the tjTaiinie which a Spanish gentlewoman na-med Violenta exe- cuted upon her lover Didaco. J. Charlewood, for J. Butter, 1576. I2ino. (Ritson Bib. Poet.) AxHENAGOitAS, Opera, Gr. ct ATM HH Lilt, cura Fell. Oxon. 1G82. 18mo. 3s. 6d. A good edition, large paper. Wil- liams, Ul, morocco, \l. 8s. — Legatio pro Christianis et de Mortuorum ResuiTectione, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis variorum. Studio Edw. Dechair. Oxon. 170G. 8vo. 5s. According to Dr. Ilanvood, tliisisavery elaborate edition of Athenagoras, and does f; reat honour to the learning and industry of tlie editor, large paper. Heath, 4257, 8s. 6d. Williams, 92 nior. ]?. 19s. — The Apologetics. 1. For the Chi'istian Religion. 2. For the truth of the Resurrection. With two Fragments, one attributed to Jose- phus, and the other to Methodius, concerning the State of the Dead. Witli the original Greek printed in the Appendix. Done into English, with Notes and Dissertations by David Humphreys, B.D. Lond. 1711.. 8vo. 6s. In 1573 was published ' The Discourse of Atlienagoias touching the Kesurrection of tlie Dead, by Kichard Porder.' Atlienian Gazette. See Dunton, John. Atlienian Letters : or the Epis- tolary Correspondence of an Agent to the King of Persia residing at Alliens during the Peloponnesian War. Lond. 1741-3. 8vo. 4 vols. Of this edition twelve copies only were printed, at the expense of the authors, viz. the lion. Mr. Yorke (late Earl of H.ard- wicke), the lion. C. Yorke, Kev. Dr. Rooke, Rev. Dr. Green, Bishop of Lincoln, Daniel Wray, Esq., Rev. J. Heaton, H. Coventry, Esq., Rev. Mr. Lawry, Mrs. Kath. Talbot, I.'ev. Dr. Birch, and the Rev. Dr. Salter. One letter on the life, &c. of Hippocrates, was written by Dr. Heberden. — A new edition. Lond. 1781. 4to. One hundred copies printed for presents. Subsequent to this, the following pirated edition appeared in Dublin, under a Lon- don imprint. — A new Edition. Loud. (Dub lin) 1792. Svo. 2 vols. With a front, to vol. i. A very neat edition. Bindley, pt. i. 1, 17s. 6d. Ano- ther edition was'published at Basil, 1600, in 3 vols. Svo. 10s. 6d. — A new Edition, to which ia a 2 84 ATK AlK cmy, J cle, f rt. S 5fe DlTNTON, Jolm. ]Drefised a Geographical Index. Loud. 1798. 4to. 2 vols, with eii- gravuigs, and a map of ancient Greece. Brockett, 261, 4Z. is. Strettell, 168, '21. 6s. Bindley, pt. i. 3, 21. 6.s. lakge paper, printed for presents. Earl of Kerry, 178, russia, 31. 15s. Fonthill, 3892, boards, •21. 2s. An edition, 1810. Hollis, 182, 21. 14 Mercmy, Oracle. Spor Athens. — Ruins of Athens, with Remains and other valuable Anti- quities in Greece. Lond. 1759. hn- perial foho. Dniry, 405, 21. Atherton, Bishop of Watevford. The Life and Death of John Ather- ton, Bishop of Waterford, who for incest, b — • y, and many other enormous crimes, after having Hved a vicious life, dyed a shamefid death ; and was, on the 5th of December last past, hanged on the Gallows Green at Dublin, and his man John Childe, being his Proctor, &e. 16-41. 4to. With wood-cut on back of title. Gor- donstoun, 126, U. 3s. Nassau, pt. i. 2379, n. 13s. S'>theby's in Dec. 1822, 2i. 3s. For other works respecting this prelate, See Bernard, D.D. Nicholas, and Kino, D.D. John. Atkins, John. Relation of a Voyage to Guinea, Brazil, and the West Indies. Lond. 1737. 8vo. 3s. 6d. This volume, which chiefly consists of the personal ail ventures of the author, will, however, afford some insiglit into t)ie niau- uers and habits of the people. Willett, 51, 10s. Atkinson, James. Account of the State of Agricultui-e and Grazing in New South Wales. Lond. 1827. Svo. 7s. or with a map, 14s. ' A useful little work.' — John. Compendium of the Ornithology of Great Britain. Lond. 1820. 8vo. "Published at 8s. — John Augustus. See Cos- tumes. — John Augustus and James Walker. A picturesque Representa- tion of the Manners, &c. of the Russians, illustrated by 100 copper- plates, beautifully coloured, with an explanation of each in English and French. Lond. 1803-5, or 1812. foho, 3 vols. Dent, pt, i. 168, in 1 vol. russia, SI. lis. Nassau, pt. i. 212, 31. 16s. D. of York, 1502, 51. 5s. — WiUiam. Views of Picturesque Cottages, with Plans. Lond. 1805. 4to. 15s. Duke of York, 479 11. Atktns, John Tracy. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, in the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. The tliird edition revised and cor- rected, witli Notes and References by F. W. Sanders. Lond. 1794. royal 8vo. 3 vols. iiest edition of a very valuable collection of reports. Sotheby's in 1821 and 1824. 51. 15s. 6d. and 51. 10s. The former edi- tions 1765—8. folio, 3 vols. 11. Is. 1781-2. 8vo. 3 vols. 21. — Richard. Original and Growth of Printing. Lond. 1664. 4to. Contains 4 sheets, with front, by D. Loggan, containing portraits of King Charles II., Archb. Sheldon, the Earl of Clarendon .and the Duke of Albeniarle. The falsity of Atkyns' arguments in fa- vour of Corsellis as the first printer in England, in opposition to Caxton, are ably exposed by Dr. Middleton. Sir P. Thomp- son, 103, 31. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 123, 31. 15s. Horner, 1854, 51. Gardner, 1854. 21. 3s. — Su" Robert, Knt. The ancient and present State of Glocestershire. Lond. 1712, folio, [best edition.] History 859 pages, and index 7 pages, besides title, preface, and advertisement 7 pages, and the author's epitaph. The work contains 74 plates (including a portrait of the author), the whole engraved by T. Kip, excepting the first ten. Some copies of this work were destroyed by fire in the printing olfice of Bowyer's father, in White Friars. [And many of those in commerce are scorched or stained.] According to Bishop Nicolson, ' many of tlie materials were gathered by Dr. l{(>- b(trt I'arsons, Charicellor of the diocese.' jiickford, 1817. 95, 13^ 2s. ed. Marq. of Townshend, 200, 13/. 10s. Dent, pt. i. 169, ATT AUB 85 mor. 14?. 14s. Willett, 145, 15?. Nassau, pt. 1. 213, russia, lo?. 15s. Sii- M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 323'. riissia, 16?. — The second Edition. Lond. 1768. foUo. History 452 pages, and index 6 pages, besides title, preface, and advertisement, 6 pages, the autlior's epitaph and direc- tions for placing the T.S plates, 2 pages. This edition has not the autlior's jmr- trait. Republished by Wm. Herbert, the editor of Ames' Typographical Antiqui- ties. Great part of this second editiou was likewise destroyed by tire. M. of Townshend, 207, 2?. 15s. large p.\pf.r. Lloyd, 256, russia, 3?. 9s. Heath, 4693, russia, 4?. 14s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 158, 6?. 10s. — Parliamentary and Political Tracts. Lond. 173 i or 1741, 8vo 6s. These tracts are valued as a treasure of legal knowledge. M. of Townshend, 2324, ys. 6d. Heath, 4413, 18s. 6d. ' The true and ancient Jurisdiction of the House of Peers,' 1699, folio, 5s. and 'The Case of Sir Robert Atkyns/ are uot included in this volume. Atlas. — The English Atlas. Oxon. 1680, 1, 2, 3. royal folio, 4 vols. 11. 58. Publislied by Moses Pitt, and highly commended by Ant. a Wood, in whose Athens Oxonienses an account of the va- rious contributors will be found Atteksol, William. Counucn- tarie on the Bouke of Niuubers. Lond. 1618. folio, 7s. 6d. This writer likewise published a Com- mentary upon the Epistles of .St. Paul to Pliilemon, 1618 and 1633, 7s. 6d., and other works. Atwood, George. Treatise on the Rectilinear Motion and Rotation of Bodies, with a Description of original Experiments relative to the subject. Lond. 1784. royal 8vo. U. "is. A highly valuable work. This eminent mathematician likewise publislied ' An Analysis of a course of Lectures on the Principles of Natural Philosophy,' 1784. 8vo. 5s. and ' A Dissertation on the Con- struction and Properties of Arches,' with a Supplement, 1801-4, 4to, 18s. — W. Superiority and direct Dominion of the imperial Crown of England over the Crown and King- dom of Scotland, &c. Lond. 1704. 8vo. 5s. Tliis hook, which was replied to by An- derson in 1705, was, by the Parliament of Scotland, ordered to be burnt by the hands of the common hangman. A'^'ALE, Lemeke. A Commemo- ration or Du-ge of Bastarde Ed- Atterbfry, Francis, Bishop of monde Boner, ahas Sauage, vsurped Rochester. Sermons and Discoiu-ses complete. Lond. 174-0. 8vo. 4 vols, with portrait, 11. 4s. Willett, 6'2 (4 vols, with portrait, 1730-4). 1?. 17s. Gosset, 260, dale 1761, 1?. 5s. Re- printetl in 1820. 8vo. in 2 vols, with por- trait, 18s. Williams, 2 vols. 1743, 1?. 9s. — Miscellaneous Works, with liistorical Notes, by John Nichols. Lond. 1789-98. 8vo. 5 vols. 21. 10s. This collection contains all Atterbury's correspondence and tracts, and a vast mass of curious and interesting ecclesiastical history. An edition entitled ' The Epistolary Con-espondence and Miscellanies,' 1783-98. 8vo. 5 vols. The 5th volume, which is the same in both editions, is very scarce, aiid often deficient in sets. His [jrivate corre- spondence was published by SirD. iJalryni- ple, afterwards Lord Uailes, 1768.4to.2s.0d Bisshoppe of London. Compiled by Lemeke Auale, 1569. Imprinted by P. O. 8vo. Black letter, c vj in eights, twenty-two leaves. A most virulent piece of personal invective, written in the Skeltonic mea- sure, in wliich the descent of Bonner is pretended to be traced from a juggler, a cutpnrse, and a Tom o'Bedlam. Bindley, pt. i. 1357, 3?. 15s. AUBER. — Analysis of the Consti- tution of the East IncUa Company, and of the Laws passed by Parha- ment for the Government of their Affairs. Lond. 1826. royal 8vo. 1/. lis. 6d. A valuable and useful publication. AuBREX, Joljn. Natural History and Antiquities of the County of I, atterwaras ijora riaues, t(bs.4io.-is.uu.i j^ Ti-,rv o c i Atterburyana ; being Miscellanies '^""'ey- London, 1/19. 8vo. 5 vols 1 ii 1 i n- 1 !• X) 1 i ' Vol. I. consisting ot title, licence ti'om by the late Bishop ot Rochester, f^gij^y^ account of the work. pp. xlviii &C. Lond. 1727. 8vo. 5s. Evelyn's letter to Aubrey, 9 p.Tges,' to the One of Curll's publiralions. ^Reader,' 2 pages, title, the history 268 pp. 86 AUD index 6 pages, witli a portrait of tiie autlior, folding map of the county, and view ot Riclimond Palace. Vol. il. pp. 307, witli Index, p. i— viii. Vol. iii. pp. 368, with index. 8 pages. Vol. iv. jip. 279, and index 8 pages, witii a west view of Albmy, and a genealogy of the family of Evelyn. Vol. V. pp. 420. (pp. 417 to 420, not nnm- bered), with 8 plates of marljles. Sotheljy's in 1826, morocco, 7L 12s. 6d. Sir P. Thomp- son, 21, 9;. 16s. 6d. L.\RGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 103, russia, 19/. 53. Willett, 54, 22?. Is. Towneley, pt. ii. 26, russia, 261. 5s. Nassau, pt. i. 77, 26/. 15s. 6d. Beckford, (1817), 125, mor. 29/. 8s. Payne and Foss, 1850, mor. ex. lei. 15s. — Miscellanies upon various Sub- jects. A new Edition with con.-,i- derable impi-ovements. To which is prefixed some Account of his Lite. Lond. 1784. 8vo. 5s. A very curious work, treating of 1 )ay- fatality. Omens, Dreams, Apparitions, &c. The former editions appeared 169t), 1714, 1721, 1723, 1731. The first edition cnhtains an oval portrait, pasted as a vignette on title-page. See Bodleian. Brittoh, God. AUBEY, M. Oxonu Dux. poeti- cus, sive Lathiis Versibas hexa- nietris et pentametris Descriptio Oxonii, 1795. 8vo. pp. 64. A poetical trauslalion entitled ' The Beauties of Oxford,' by William Wills, A.M. Louth, u. d. pp. 78. AuDLEY (Lord). Tlie arraign- ment and conviction of, 1642, 4to. Rare port. Towneley, 3/. 13s. 6d. — Lady Eleanor. Strange and wonderfidl Prophecies. Lond. 1649. 4to. Bindley, pt. iv. 5SS, with six tracts by the same, 1/. 10s. Fanner, 1/. 3s. AuDLEY. — The Way to be Rich, according to the practice of the great Audley, who begun with two hundred pounds, in the year 1605, and dyed worth four huuth'ed thou- sand pounds this instant Novem- ha-, 1662. Lond. 1662. 4to. pp. 38. Thin tract may justly be called tlie Miser's Magazine, being fnll of precepts and precedents in the great art and mys- tery of thriving lloxburghe, 9289, 14s. Bindley, pt. ii. 2531, 21. 6s. AcDOKM'S, Joannes. Sec 0\vj;.\. AUG AuELA, Don Lewes de. The Coniiiieutaries of Don Lewes de Auela and Suniga, of the great Wars in Germany by Charles tlie Fifth agamst Jolm 'Frederike Duke of Saxon, and Philip the Lantgraue of Hesson, with other gret Princes and Cities of the Lutherans, translated out of Spanibh into English, An. Do. 1555. Londini, in iEdibus Richardi Tottoh. 16mo. Black letter. Contains U 6, in eights. The dedication to ' Edwarde Earle of Uarby,' is signed .John Wilkinson. AuERELL, William. A wonder- full and strauuge Newes which hap- pened hi the Countye of Suffolke and Essex, the first of February, being Fryday, where it rayned AVheat, the space of vi or vii Miles Compas. London, for Edward White, 1583. 16mo. Black letter. 14 leaves. — A maruailous Combat of Con- trarieties, mahgnantlie working in the Members of Humaine Creatui-es, by W. A. Lond. by Th. Hacket, 1588. 4to. Black letter. Dedicated ' to Maister George Bond, Lord Mayor of London. — Foiu" notable Histories, ap- plyed to foure worthy Examples : as 1. A Diall for Damtie Darhngs. 2. A Spectacle for neghgent Parents. 3. A Glass for disobedient Sonnes. 4. And a Myrrour for vu-tuous Maydes. W^heremito is added a Dialogue expressuig the Corruptions of this age. Written by W. A. Lond. for Tho. Hacket, 1590. 4to. Black letter. An edition of the date of 1584, 4to. unknown to Ames, Herbert, or Dr. Dibdiu. Inglis, No. 4331, il. 6s. Augustine, or Austin, St. De n.'eresibus, cum Notis Welcliman. 0x011. 1721. 8vo. 5s. — The Rule of Saynt Augustyue, bothe in Latyn and Englysslie, with two Exjiosycyons. And also y* same Rule agayn onely in Englysslie witlioul Lalyu or Exi)osycyon (by Ava AUG s; Rychardu Wliytforde). Lond. by W. de Worde, 1525. 4to. Black letter. Contains folios Ix.xxviij with title and last leaf containing tlie printer's device. Dr. Dibdin notices a re- print of tliis edition in 1527, also the Rule ' in Englysshe alone' (1525). — The MyiTOur of the Church, made by Saynt Austyn of Abyudon. Lond. by W. de Worde, 1521. 4to. Black letter, 36 leaves, with 26 woodcuts An edition, W. de Worde, 1527. 4to. An edition, ' Sothwarke, by Peter Tre- neris,' Inglis, 132, il. 4s. The following translations of portions of St. Augustine appeared in the sixteenth century. Two Sokes, thone entitled of the Predes- tination of Saintes ; thother of Perseue- rance vnto thende ; whei-vnto are annexed the Detei'minacions of two auncient gene- rail Councelles, by John Scory, the late B. of Chichester (about 1548. 16mo). A Woorke concernyng adulterous Ma- nages. Lond. 1550. 16mo. S. Austine's twelve Steppes of Abuses, by Nich. Lesse. 1550. 16mo. Bindley, pt. i. 48, 17s. Twelve Sermons, by me Tho. Paynell, 1555, IGnio. An Introduction to the Loue of God, by Edm. [Freke] Bishop of Rochester. Lond. 1564. lUmo. Certalne select Prayers gathered out o' S. Augustine's Meditations, also his Ma- nuell. 1574, 1577, 1586, and no date. IBmo. An edition 1580, Nassau, pt. i. 79, 13s. An Introduction to the Loue of God, by Edmund [Freke] Bishop of Norwich, turned into English Meter by Robt. Fletcher, 1581. Lond. 16rao. S. Augustlnes Ladder to Paradlce, by T. W. Lond. 1581. 16mo. A pretiovs Booke of heavenlie Medita tions, by Thomas Rogers, Lond. 1581, 24mo. S. Avgvstines Manvel, by Tho. Rogers, 1581, 1586, 1591. 16mo. 7s. to 10s. 6d. each. S. Augnstines Praiers, by Tho. Rogers Wherevnto is annexed S. Augustines Psal- ter, 1581, 1591. 16mo. A Glasse of vaine Glory, by W. Prid. Doct. of the Lawes, witli certaine Prayers added thereto, 1593, 1600. 12mo. 1585, JoUey, 1843, mor. 31. — St. Augustine of the Citie of God, with the Comments of Lu- dovicus Vives.- Enghshed by J. Healey. Loud. 1620. foho. 18s. Second and best edition : the fornier was published in 1610. 9s. — S. Austin's Confessions, trans- lated by Sir Tobie Matthew. Lond. 162i, 16nio. A catli >lic translation sold, according to Ant. il Wood, for sixteen shillings a copy, though, as John Gee saith, it might have been afforded for 2s. 6d. — S. Augustin's Confessions, translated by WiUiam Watts. Lond. 1631. 18mo. with a front, by Vaughan, 5s. — The Life of S. Augustine. The first Part. Written by himself in the first ten Books of his Confes- sions. Lond. 1660. Svo. — St. Augustin's Confessions, with the Continuation of liis Life to the End thereof, extracted out of Possidius, and the Father's own unquestion'd Works, by Abr. Wood- head. Lond. 1679. Svo. — Meditations, and Treatise of the Love of God, translated by Geo. Stanhope, D.D. Lond. 1701. Svo. 4s. Reprinted 1708, 1714, 1720, 1728, 1745; the edition 1708 on large paper. Wil- liams, 96, morocco, 21. 12s. — A goodly Narration how S. Augustine, the Apostle of England, raysed two dead Bodies at Long- comjjto, Warwickshire, collected out of clivers authors. Ti'anslated by John Lidgate, Monke of Biu-y. Printed at S. Austens at Canter- burie (1525). 4to. From Maunsell's Catalogue, p. 6. — St. Augustin's Religion col- lected from his own Writings, by John Brierly or Brerely, (i. e. James Anderson of Lancashu'e). Lond. 1620. Svo. 4s. J. Brierly was apoplshpriest, and wrote his book to prove tliat St. Augustin held the Popish doctrine. This was answered in two otiier books with the same title; the first anonymously, 4lo. Lond. 1624. 3s. the second by Wm. Crompton, 4to. Lond. 1625, and again by the same in a work entitled St. Augustin's Sums, 4to. Lond. 1625. 5s. — The Keraell of the historical Part of S. Augustin's Confessions. Paris, 1638. Svo. 88 ALS AUT Townelev, pt. i. 461, 1?. lis. 6d. In the ISibl. Moiia'st. Fleetwood, No. 416, is ' The Kernell of St. Augustiii's Confessions,' 1538. 8vo. AuLUs G-ELLitrs. Vide Gellius, Aldus. Atjngell, John. The Agreement of the holy Fathers and Doctors of the Churche vpoii the cluefest arti- cles of the Christian Religion. Lond. by William Harforde(1555). 16mo. Black letter. C'nntains P. 4, in eights. Dedicated to • Q. JIai ye, wyfe to Phillip ' AUXGERVILLE, Riciiavd de. Vide BuET, Ric de. AuEELiAXUs. Vide C^lius Avu-c- lianus. AuEELio. The History of Aure- lio and of Isabell, Daughter of the Kinge of Schotlaude, nyewly trans- latede in foure languages, Frenche, Italien, S2)amshe, and Inglishe. Im- pressa en Anuers, 1556 12mo. Written by Jean de Flores. It has been erroneonsly stated, that Shakspeare's Tem- pest was formed on this fa vourite romance- the scene of which is laid in Scotland. Nassau, pt. i 1570, II. Is. Gordonstoim, 925, 11. Is. An edition also in four lan- guages, liruxelle.s, 1608. Bindley, pt. ii. 926, n. lis. Atjrelius, Abrali In Tsuptias Frederici V. Comiti S. Palatini ad Rheinim, &c. et Elizabethje Magni Rrit Regis Filiie, Epithalaniiuni. Lond. 1613. Ito Ss. — Marcus. Vide Antoxinus, Marcus Aurt-lius. — YiCTOK, Sextus. The Lives of the illustrious Romans, translated by several young gentlemen edu- cated by M. MacdoweU. Lond. 1693. 8vo. An edition of the original will be found with Justinus. Lond. 1586. 8vo. AuRELLio,Oio Batlista. ]'-\amine (h varii Giudicii de i Politic!, c delta DoUrina e dc i Fatti de i Pro- testanti vcri e de iCattoliciRomani. Loudra uclla Stampcria di Gouaimi Woliio, 1587. Ito. Austen, or Austin, D. Aurelius. See AuGUSiiNE, St. AusTlx, Gilbert, A.M. Chiro- nomia, or a Ti-eatise on Rltetorical Delivery ; together veith an Investi- gation of the Elements of Gesture, and a new Method of the Notation thereof. Lond. 1806. 4to. with plates, 1^. Is. Williams, 112, morocco, 31. 3s. — Samuel. L^rania ; or the hea- venly, in a Poem full of Medi- tations f(;r the Comfort of all Souls at all Times. Lond. 1629. small 8vo. 10s. 6d. Sotheby's in 1821, 1/. 10s. — Naps upon Parnassus : a sleepy Muse nipt and pincht, though not awakened. Lond. 1658. Svo. Sir M. M. Sykes, 171, 1?. Is. Nassau, pt. 1. S3, U. Is. Strettell, 971. il. 5s. Bind- ley, pt. i. 98, 3Z. 5s. Pt. iii. 2193, U. 18s. IJ'oyd, 884, 21. 12s. 6d. Perry, 1/. 13s. Austin likewise wrote a Panegyric on K. Charles II. Lond. 1661. 8vo. — William. Certaine devout, godly, and learned Meditations. Lond. 1635, folio, with port, and frontispiece by G. Glover. 10s. 6d. This work gives us a favourable idea of the piety of tlie author. — Atlas under Olympus, an lie- roick poem. Lond. 1664, Svo. Bindlev, pt. i. 44, 11. Is. Llovd, 41, 17s. Sir M. M, Sykes, pt. i. 170, i9s. Perrv. 11. 8s. — The Anatomy of the Pesti- lence, a Poem, in three parts. Lond 1666, Svo. with a portrait. Bindley, pt. i. 45, 61. 16s. 6d. — Steps of Abuse. Daie, 1550. Bindley, 17s. — Hrec Homo, Avherein the ex cellency of the creation of Woman is described by way of an essay. Lond. 1637. 12mo. Taken in some degree from Agrippa l>e Xobilitate et Praecellentia Foerainei Srx- Hs. Prefi.xed are a portrait of Mary Griflitli. with a watcli, by Cr. Glover, also an engraved title by Glover, containing the author's portrait. Bindley, pt. i. 88, 14s I'ontliill, 1516, 18s. Nassau, pt. i. 82, 1/. Towneley. pt. i. '-'(ifi, 1/. 4s. Aiitograi>hy, "British Set TiiANE, ATI/ Autjmathes. The Case uf. See KiRKBT, John AvAUX. The Negocialions of Count d'Avaux, Ambassador from Lewis XIV. to the States-General of the United Provinecs. Lend. 175 1-5. 12mo. 4 vols. 10s. 6d. Interesting a^ containing the secret his- tory of the rise and motives of tlie Duke of Monmoutli's rehellion, and the intrigues of the Court of France in favour of K. JairaeB II. against the Prince of Orange. AVELLANEDA, A. F. de. Sir CeEV ANTES, M. AvisBURT, Rob. de. See Heakxe, Thomas. AvisoN, Charles. Essay on Mu- sical Expression. Lend. 1775. 12mo. 4s. Best edition of an amusing and ingenious performance, written with a view of exalt ing Gemiuiani, Marcello, and Rameau, at the expense of llaudel. The first edition was in 1753. shortly after appeared Re- marks (by Hayes), to which Avisou replied. Ayeen Akbery ; or the Institutes of the Emperor' Akber. Translated from the original Persian (of Abul- Fazel), by Erancis Gladwin. Cal- cutta, 1783—6. 3 vols. 21. 28. The best edition. Willett, 226, russia. 2^ 10s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 301, 21. 3s Fonthill, 3351. 9?. 9s. Reprinted London, 1800, 4to. 2 vols. 16s., 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. The edition in 1772, 4to. 1 vol. is of no value. Atlet, Robert, LL.D. Susanna ; or the Arraignment of the two Elders, m verse. Loud. 1622. 8vo. Sir M. M. Sykes, 172, 11. 10s. — Peace, with her foure Garders : Tlu'ift's Equipage: Susanna: Joseph, or Pharaoh's Favotirite. Loud. 1622. 8vo. Mentioned in the Restituta, iv. 39. — A Wife not ready made but bespoken, by Dic\is the Batehelor, and made iip for him by his fellow shepheard Tityrus : in four pastorall Eclogues. The second edition, wliere- in are some tilings addetl, but no- thing amended. Loud. 1653. 8vo. pp. 26. AYI> 89 A poetical pleading for and against mar- riage. JoUey, 1843, (2 leaves tornj. It. 148. Divine and Moral Specula- tions, in Metrical Numbers, upon various subjects. Lond. 1654. 8vo. with portrait by T. Cross. Nassau, 84, 11. 2s. Bindley, pt. i. 80 (with the Wifenot ready made, 1653,) 2i.7s| — Devotions ; viz. 1. a good woman's prayer. 2. The humble an's prayer, by R. A. D. L. Lond. 1655. 8vo. Contains pp. 15, with a front, by Cross, representing a female figure at prayer. Each part of these devotional exercises i.s preceded by a short poem. Very rare. Atliffe, John, LL.D. The antient and present State of the University of Oxford. Lond. I7ll' or 23. 8vo. 2 vols. Vol i. B— Mm, besides title, dedication, preface, and list of subscribers. Vol. ii. A — Y 4, and a— ni 8, besides title. Ordered to be burnt bv the common hangman. Bindley, pt. i. 5, 7s. 6d. I5p. of Ely, 22, 8s. Nassau, pt. i. 78, 8s.— large papek, Heath, 4687, 11. Is. Dent, pt. i. 107, 1?. lis. Od. Williams, 104, morocco, 3/. 10s. — Case of Dr. Ayliife, at Oxford. Lond. 1716. 8vo. 5s. Contains pp. i— xxvi. 27—98, and Ap- pendix, pp. i — xiv. This tract is somp- times found with the author's History of Oxford. Parergon Juris Canonici An- gheani ; or a Commentaiy by way of supplement to the Canons and Constitutions of the Chm'ch of England. Lond. 1726 or 1734. fol. Brockett, 3565, 5s. Sotheby's in 1824, 10s. Ayliffe likewise published 'New Pandects of tlie Roman Civil Law.' Lond. 1734. folio, 8.^. Atlmek, John, Bishop of Lon- don. An Harborowe for faitlil'ull and trewe subiectes against the late blowne Blaste, concerning the Go- uernemet of Wemen. Anno 1559. At Strasborowe, the 26 of Aprill. 4to. 1829, 4/. 10s. Roman letter. R 3, in fours, dedicated 'To Francis Erie of Bed- ford and the Lord Robert Duddeley.' Accorduig to Bishop Nicolson, ' an able answer to .John Knox, published anony- mously.' A life of Aylmer was published by Strype. 9n ATS B. C. Ayloffe, Sir Joseph, Bart. Ca- lendars of the ancient Charters, &c. and of the Welch and Scottish EoUs, now remaining in the Tower of London, &c. &c, Lond. 1772 or 1774. 4to. This work vi'a.s begun by the Rev. P. Morant. Heath, 4392, 14s. 6d. Atmox. The Hystorv of the four Sonnes of Ai^nnon. Empiynted the 8th day of May, 1504. folio. Ulack letter. From the colophon to Copland's edition we are assured that an edition was printed by W. de Worde. — The foure Sonnes of Aimon Empiynted by W. Copland, 1554. folio. Black letter, with wood cuts. Contains Clxxvii. folios. Of this highly interestin, romance some copes are printed for Tho- mas Petyt, others for Robert Toye. Rox burghe, 6361, morocco, 55?. Brunet, ir his 'Manuel du Libraire,' Paris, 182ii vol. iii. p. 175-6, notices several Frencl editions of this romance. Ayee, "William. Memoii's of the Life and "Writings of Alexander Pope. Lond. 1745. 8vo. 2 vols, with portraits. Atees, Philip. Emblems of Love, in four Languages. Dedicated to the Ladyes. Lond. 8vo. Contains pp. 180. The plates engraved by Nicholls. Wliite Knights, pt. i. 267, 6s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 9, U. Is. — An edition of the date 1683, White Knights, pt. i.268, 5s. Bindley, pt. i. 52, 9s. Sir M. M. Sykes, 174, lis. — Lyric Poems, made in Imita- tion of the Italians. Of whicli many are Translations from other Lan- guages. Lond. 1687. 8vo. Contains pp. 190, with frontispiece. Sir M. M. Sykes, 173, 2s. Keed, 6517, 3s. 6d. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 8, 12s. Atscough, Rev. Samuel. An Index to the remarkable Passages and Words made use of by Shake- speare, calctdated to point out the different Meanings to wliich the words are applied. Lond. 1790. royal 8vo. 15s. to 20s. A work of great labour, highly valuable and useful. Reprinted Dublin, 1791, and London, 1827, in demy 8vo. 15s., so as to rango with the editions of Shakespeare. — Catalogue of the MSS. pre- served in the British Museum, hi- therto uudescribed. Lond. 1782. 4to. 2 vols. An elaborate and highly useful catalogue. Bindley, pt. i. 120, 14s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 306, 19s. — LARGE PAPER, Stcevens, 84, 1?. 13s. Ayscu, Edward. Historie, con- tayning the Warres, Treaties, Mar- i-iages, and other Occurrents between England a"^d Scotland, from K. Wiiliam the Conqueror vntiU the hapi^y Vuion. Lond. 1607. 4to. 15s. AYTOtr», Sir Eobert. Basia sivo Strena Cal. Jan. Lond. 1605. 4to. Several poetical pieces of Ayton's will be found in the Delitiie Poetarum Scoto- rum. Amst. 1637. Azores. A Report of the Truth of the Fight about the Isles of A^orees, this last Summer ; betwixt the Revenge and an Armada of the King of Spaine. Printed for W. Ponsonbie, 1591. 4to. Black letter, 14 leaves. This tract, said to he ' penned by the honorable Sir AValter Raleigh,' is reprinted in Hakluyt, vol. ii. A copy of the tract is in the British Mu- B. A. See Brome, Alexan- der. — Heinsius. B. A. D.— Coiu't of James the First, King of Great Britain and Ireland; with di- vers Rules, most pure Precepts, and selected Definitions, Hvely delineated. Lond. 1620. 4to. with port, of James, by "V^aughan. Dowdeswell, 257, 8s. 6d. Gordonstoun, 251, 11. 5s. 13. C. — (Barksdale, Clement) Lusus Amatorius : sive Musiei Poema, &c. Cui alise (tres scilicet) iiccrdunt Nugre Poeticse. Londini, 1694. 4to. The first of these 'Niigo: I'oeticap' is B. J. U. T. 91 ■ Fraf,'iiiciitiim Libri qiiiiiti I'ocuiiatis V(Mv divii.i quod Pariiilisus Aiuissa iiiscribitiu'. B.E. — See Bolton, Edinund (and Benlowes, E.) B. G. — A newe Booke called the Siiippe of Safcgiiarde. Loudon, by W. Seres, 1569, 16nio. I?Iack letter. Extends to F ij ineights. An allegorical poem on the life of man, extending to 219 octave stanzis. B. Or. — Beware the Cat. Lon don, by Edw. Alldo. 158 k 8vo. Black letter. F 4, in eights. Dedicated to John Young, Esq. by Or, B. The subject of this curious book is the presumed power of conversation in birds, wliich is denied by some, and asserted by others. It is satirical of the Romish Church. Kox- burghe, 6651, 1^ 5s. Loscombe, 1854 (title wanting), 5/. B. G.— 6>e Chess. B. G. Knight. — See Buc, Sh- George. B.H. — iS'eeBLOUNT, Henry. Bold, Henry. Burnell, Henry. B. I.— A brife and faylhfiiU Decla- ration of the true Fayth of Christ, made by certeyne Men susspected of Heresye. — Per me J. B. 1547 16mo. Black letter. Contain.s B, in eights Probably written by John Bale. Inglis, 223, 10s. B. I. — Letter, sent by I. B. imto his very freeude, K. C, wherein is conteined a large Discourse of the peopling and inhabiting the Coun- trie called the Ardes and other adja- cent in the North of Ireland, and taken in hand by Sir Thomas Smith, one of the Queenes Maiesties Priuie Counsel, and Thomas Smith, Esquire, his Sonne. Lond. by Hem-y Bmne- man (1572), 16mo. Black letter. 31 leaves, folded in fours. Copious extracts from this interesting his- torical tract will be found iu the Censura Liter, vii. 20—6, 236 — 44. A copy is in the British Museum. White Knights, 2397, 101. Hain-ott. B. I. — See Bi^ADFOED, John. B. J. — Caveat against Fortuiu% with divers Histories approvhig tlie same. Lond. by A. Jeffes. 12mo. Not mentioned by Herbert. Gordonstoun. S23. {U. lis. 6d.) B. J. — The Drudge, a Piece of Gallantry. Lond. 1G73. Bvo. Lloyd, 43, 7s. 6d. B.J. — [Bulteel, John.] London's Triumph. Kobert Titchburn, Mayor. At the expense of the Skinners' Com- pany. Lond. 1656. 4to. Very rare. B. M. G. — See Buchanan, George, B. N. — Sec BiLLiNGSLEY, Nicho- las. Bketon, Nicholas. B. N. — Discom'se of Trade. Lond. 1690. Bvo. Marq. of Townshend, 3153, lis. B. O. — Questions of profitable and pleasant Concemings, called by the Reporter the Display of vaine Life, together with a Panccea or suppling Plaister to cure if it were possible the priueipall Diseases wherewith tliis present Time is espe- cially vexed. Lond. 1594. 4to. Dedicated ' To Robert Earle of Essex, &c.— 0. B. The Epittli^ to the Reader,' 34 leaves. Then ' The Argument,' 4 leaves more. B. P. — Juvenilia sacra, or divine youtlifull Meditations. Loud. 1664. 8vo. Lloyd, 44, 4s. B. R. — The difference betweene the amicient and later Phisicke. Lond. Robert Walley, 1585. 8vo. Black letter. Sotheby, June 1856, 16s. B. R. — The Plo«^nans Complaint of smidry wicked Liners, and espe- cally of the bad Bringing up of Children, ^vritten in verse by R. B. Lond. for Hughe Come, 1580. 8vo. From Maunsell's Catalogue, p. 81. B. R. — Greens Fuuerals in xiv Sonnets. Loud. 1604. 4to. R. B., says Kitson, is supposed to be Richard Barnlield. B. R. — Adagia Scotica, or a Col- lection cf Scotch Proverbs, &c. Col lected b'.- R. B. Very usefull and dchghtful. Lond. 1668. 12mo. B. R. — See Baron, Robert. Brathwait, Rich. Brome, Richard. Burton, R. B. T.— Life and Death of the 92 merry Devil of Edmonton, with the pleasant Prancks of Smug the Smith, Sir John, and mine Host of the George, about the Stealmg of Vene- son, by T. B. [Thomas Boewer.] Lond.'l632. 4to. Black letter, woodcut on title. Sfee- vens, 833, 2?. 6s This tiact been re- printed by C'iUilfield. — See ]\Ierry. B. T. — A newe dialogue betweene the Angel of God and the Shep- herdes in the Felde, concerning the nativitie and birth of Jesus Christe, &c. 8vo. John Daye, n. d. Heber, 61. 6s. B. T. — Lorve will find out the "Way. A Comedy by T. B. Lend. 1661 . 4to. Shirley's Constant Maid with anew title. Roxburghe, 4393, \l. Its. 6d. B. T. — See Bastaed, Thomas. Bayly, Thomas. Brewer, Anthony. B. V. — See Bourse, Vincent. B. W. — That which seemes best is worst, exprest in a paraphrastical Transcript of Juvenals tenth Satyre, together with the tragieall Narra- tion of Vu'giuias Death interserted. Lond. 1617. 8vo. Pei-ry, 31. 4s. Lloyd, 699. 41. 10s. B. W. — See Bagwell, William. Babbage, Charles, M.A. Com- parative View of the vai'ious Insti- tutions for the Assxu'ance of Lives. Lond. 1826, 8vo. 10s. 6d. A Iiook well calculated to convey impor- tant information on a subject in which numbers are interested. Mr. Itabbatje has published a Table of 1-uKarilhnis of the natural Numbers from 1 to 10800U, 1827. royal 8vo. 12s., and a Ninth liri.lf^wati'r Treatise. Babbler, The. Lond. 1767. 12mo. 2 vols. These essays originally appeared in Owen's Weekly Chronicle. Gosset, 279, 4s. ronthill, 1398, 16s. Balier. — Memoirs of Zehir-eddin ^ruhauuued Baber, Em])cror of Hin- (lu,-t:ni, written by liiniself, in tlic tIa;.'li:ilaiTurki,anrl tran.slated iiarlly h\ tlie lute .Jfiliii l,rv(lcn,Ks<]. M.l3. partly by William Erskine, Esq. With notes and geographical and historical introduction ; together with a map of the comitries between the Oxus and Jaxartes, and a Me- moir regarding its Construction, by Charles Waddington, Esq. Lond. 1826. 4to. A very curious and admirablj' edited work, according to the Edinb. Review, xlvi. 39. Babes m the Wood. — The cruel Uncle, or the hard-hearted Executor. Woodcut, black letter. 18mo. C. Crouch for F. Coles, 1670. I Sotheby, 1856, 3?. 17s. (uncut.) j Babington, Benjamin. Adven- tm-es of the Gooroo Paramatan : a Tale in the Tamul language : accom- panied by a Translation and Vocabu- lary, together with an Analysis of the first Stoiy. Lond. 1822. '4to. pp.243, 18s. — Gervase, successively Bishop of Llandalf, Exeter, and Worcester. Works containing comfortable Notes upon the Five Books of Moses, &c. Lond. 1615. foho, -ndth portrait by R. Elstracke. Reprinted 1637, folio, 9s. Many of the works of Jhis learned English prelate were published separately, 1583 — 1604. — John. Pyrotechnia, a Trea- tise on Fii-e works. Lond. 163.'). folio, with portrait, a small oval, by J. Droeshout, in the title, 10s. 6d. Babrias. Vide Ttrwhitt, Thos. Babylon. — Inscriptions copied from Stones and Bricks, and other Antiquities, discovered among the Ruins of ancient Babylon. Lond. 1803. five sheets, 1/. Is. Ba^an, Don Albaro de, Mar- quis of Santa Cruz. Discourse of that which happened m the Battell fouglite betweene the two Navies of Spaine and Portugall, at the Islands of Azores, Anno Dom. 1582. Loml. 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum, — Relation of the expougnablo Atteiiijit and Conquest of the Ylandi- BAC BAG 93 of Tercora, and all the Ylautls thereto adjoyning : don by Don Albaro de Ba9an. Lond. (1583) 12mo. A copy Is 111 the liiitisli Museum. Bacchus Bountie ; describing the debounaire dutie of his bountiful godliead by Philip Foul face of Ale- ford. Eyckha)!!, 1594. 4to. bib. Ang. Poet, 61. Brand, date 1,593, 'II. 2s. [Reprinted in Harln. Miscellany.] Bacchus and Venus, or a select Collection of Songs, &c. to which is added a Collection of Songs, in the Canting Dialect, with a Dictionary explaining all the biu-lesque and canting terms used by the several tribes of Grypsies, Beggars, &c. Lond. 1737. 12mo. Inglis, 46, 13s. Sotheby's in 1824, 16s. Nassau, pt. 1. 87, U. 18s. Bachelor. See Batchelor. Bachilee, Samuel. Discom'se proving by many and forcible Rea- sons, what great Dangers will hang over our Heads of England and France, &c. Printed 1626. 4to. Gordonstoun,-205, 12s. Backus, Isaac. History of New England, with particular reference to the Baptists. Boston, New Eng- land, 1777. 8vo. 2 vols. 15s. Bacon, Francis, Baron of Veru- 1am, Viscoiuit St. Albans. Works Lond. 1730. folio, 4 vols, with por- trait by Vertue. Published by John Blackbourne. Rox- burghe, 6964, 2(. 1.5s. lakge paper, printed on writing paper, ijl. 6s. A few copies of Mallet's life, and the additional pieces contained in the edition of 1740, were printed to complete this edition at 10s. 6d. the small, and 15s. the large paper. — Works, with several additional Pieces ; to which is prefixed a new Life of the Author, by David Mallet. Lond. 1740. foHo, 4 vols. A few copies printed on a supei-fine LABOR PAPER, Sotheby's in Dec. 1822, 61. 5k. Mallet's life was published separately in 1740. 8vo. 4s. — Works, with a Life of the Au- thor, by Mallet. Lond. 1753. folio, 3 vols, with portrait by ^'crtue. An edition more methodical, more ele- gant, and every way more complete, than iiny preceding. Roscoe, 719, 31. Ss. — LA HOB PAPEE, Williams, 116, morocco, lH.0s.6d. Bacon. Works. Lond. 1765. 4to. 5 vols, with portrait by Vertue. This beautiful and accurate edition was conected tliroughout by the Rev. John Gambold, and the Latin volumes revised by W. Bowyer. Brockett, 462, 81. 8s. Nas- sau, pt. i. 367, russia, 101. 15s. Heath, 1671, 131. 13s. Williams, 213, morocco, W. 16s. — Another Edition. Lond. 1778. 4to. 5 vols, with portrait. A reprint of the edition of 1765. Dent, pt. i. 307, russia, 6/. 6s. Ilollis, 184, 91. — Works. Lond. 1803. 8vo. 10 vols. The first complete edition in 8vo. — LARGE PAPER. Saundcrs in 1818, russia, 9/. 9s. Drnry, 306, russia, 101. lOs. Re- printed 1819, 1826, 10 vols, of which edi- tion there were likewise copies on large paper. _ — Works. Edited by Basil Mon- tagu, Esq. with a new Life, Lond. 1825-3 k 17 vols. 8vo. 8/. 18s. 6d. or LARGE PAPER, 26/. 5s. This edition has been carefully collated with the original editions and translations, and contains numerous letters, portraits, and fac-similes, which are not to be found in any other, large paper, imperial 8vo. (60 copies printed) 11. lis. 6d. each volume. — Philosopliical Works metho- dized and made English fi-om the Originals ; with occasional Notes, by Peter Shaw, M.D. Lond. 1733. 4to. 3 vols. This edition does not contain the whole of Lord Bacon's works. [The translator has extensively altered Loi-d Bacon's ar- rangement by way of improving it.] — Works. A new Edition. Lond. 1815. 12mo. 12 vols. 3/. 3s. A reprint of Dr. Shaw's edition. — Essayes (10). Religious Medi- tations. Places of Perswasion and Disswasion. Lond. by John Windet, for Humfrey Hooper, 1597. 16n)o. A 4, B— G, 'in eigbts(A 1 and G 8 blank). First edition dedicated to Mr. Anthony Bacon. The Meditationes Sacrte are in Latin. Perry, pt. i. 560, 31. 3s. Bindlejr, pt. i. 672, 31. 6s. Jadis, 6, 51. I2s, 6d. 9-1 BAG BAG Bacon, Francis. Essaies. Eeligiou Meditatious. Places of Perswasiou aud Disswasion. Lond. by John Windet, for Humfrey Hooper, 1598. 24mo. Second Edition, in wliich the Medita- tiones Sacrse are translated into English. A to E 4, in twelves. Bindley, pt. i. 673, 11. 83. Inglis, 47, morocco, 21. 9s. — Thii'd Edition. Lond. for John Jaggard, 1606. 16mo. This appears to be a pirated reprint of the second edition. A to G in eights. (A 1 and G 8 blank.) Nassan, pt. i. 88. 5s. — Foui'th Edition. Lond. by John Beale, 1612. small 8vo. An enlarged edition, dedicated to his brother Sir John Constable, Knight, con- taining, according to the table of contents, 40 essays, but the two last are not printed in the work. A to Q, in eights. (A 1 and Q 8 blank.) Lloyd, 45, lis. Keed, 1684, 1?. 2s. Jadis, 7, 1?. — Fifth Echtion. Lond. for Jolm Jaggard, 1612. 16mo. Contains A — in eights. (G only sixes, and A 1 blank.) Anotiier pirated edition, divided into two parts : the first a reprint of that of 1606 : the second the additional Essays from the former edition of 1612, bnt the ptiblisher was not aware that Bacon had enlarged some of the Essays in the former part. It, however, contains the Religious Meditations and Places of Per- swasion and Disswasion, not to be found in the former one of 1612. Boswell, 128, 9s. — - Sixth Edition. Lond. for Jolm Jaggard, 1613. 16mo. This edition contains, according to the table, 41 Essays, thougti 39 and 40 are not to be found in the volume. It likewise contains the Religions Meditations and I Places of Perswasion and Disswasion. A -P 3, in eights. A 1 blank. — Another Edition. Edinb. by Andi-o Hart, 1614. small 8vo. This appears to be a reprint of the edi- tion of 1613. A to K 6, in eights. Jadis, 7, 21. 2s.— Editions, Lond. 1619, and 1622. Reed, 1683 and 1772, 16s. each. — Another edition. Lond. by J. D. for Elizabeth Jaggard, 1624. small 8vo. This edition likewise contains the Reli- gious Meditations and Places of Perswasion and Disswasion. A — P 3 in eights, A 1 blank. — Essayes or Counsels, civil and morall, newly enlarged. Lond. 1625. Briiall Ito. The first cditiou containing .58 E^nys, the only one publisln d in Bacon's life-time B— X2infours, witli title, dtdication to the Duke of Biickingliam, and table, 5 leaves. Boswell, 264, with MS. notes by Malone, 11. 5s. Reprinted 1625, 1629, 1632, 1639, 1664, 1668, 1673, &c. &c. • — Essays, translated from the Latin, by Wm. Willvniott, LL.D. Lond. 1720. 8vo. 2 toIs. 14s. Tlie second volume is a translation of ■ De Angmeutis Scientianim.' — large I'ArEK, Williams, 129, morocco, 21. 3s. — Essays moral, economical and pohtical. Lond. Benslev, 1798. fcap. 8to. LARGE p KPER, in folio, 6 copies printed, one of which is in the British Museum, another in Earl Spencer's library, a third in the Duke of Devonshire's, and a fourth appeared in Pay ne's Catalogue, 1823, at 8^.8."!. — Essays echted by Basil Mon- tagu, 12mo. 1815. Pickering, 1.S54, on vellum, (only 2 printed.) 71. — Saggi JMorali, con vu altro suo Trattato della Sapienza degh Antichi, tradotti in Italiano (da Tobia Mathei.) Lond. 1618. 12mo. A to G 3, with title, 5 leaves of dedica- tion, • a Don Cosimo de Medici, Gran Duca di Toscana," by ' Tobia Matliei,' and table of contents. Delia S;ipienza degli Antichi, A toK 4, in eights. iK 4, containing the errata.) Singer, 3i. 4s. Bindley, pt.i. 877, 21. 4s. — Essays moraux : trad, en Fran- cois par le Sieur Arthiu* Grorges, Chev.Anglois. Lond. 1619. 16mo. A copy is in the British Museum. — Twoo Bookes of the Proficience andAduancement of Learning, diuine andliumane. Lond. 1605. 4to. lOs.Bd. Contains 118 haves, and the title. Ro3- coe, 157. with Dr. Jos. Warton's MS. re- marks, 1?. 2s Lord Bacon enlarged this work into ix. books, and caused it to be translated into Latin — it was afterwards re-translated into English, by Gilbert Wats — Second Edition. Lond. 1629. 4to. Cimtains A to Tt, pp. 335. aud the title. — Third Edition. Oxford, 1633, 4to. Contains pp. 335, aud the tiilr. — Another Edition, with the quotations translated. Lond. Piek- ci'iiv^ 182.5, crown 8vo. ICs. 6d. BAC The preface and analysis to this edition were written by Hasil Montagu, Esq. Bacon. Opera. Tonivs primvs, qui continet de Dignitate & Augineii- tis Scientiai-vm Libros IX. (Cura et Fide Gul. Kawley). Lond. 1623, folio. First edition, exceedingly scarce, and ac- cording; to Archbishop Tenison, the 'fairest and most correct edition.' A copy is in the British Museum. — Of the Advancement and Pro- ficience of Learning, or the Parti- tions of Sciences, IX. Bookes. In- terpreted by Gilbert Wats. Oxford, 1640. foUo. Contains A— Rrr 2, in fo\irs, besides 54 leaves of introductoiy matter. It has also a title and portrait, engraved by Marshall. — Another Edition. London. 1674. foHo. — De Sapientia Veteiiim Liber. Lond. 1609. 12mo. Contains pp. 129, besides title and intro- ductory matter, 11 leaves. Jadis, 10, 8s. Reprinted 1617, 12mo. 1634. 12mo. All three editions are in the British Museum. — Wisedome of the Ancients, done into English by Sir Arthvu' Gorges Knight. Lond. 1619. 12mo. Contains pp. 175, besides title and intro- ductory matter, 12 leaves. Nassau, pt. i. 89, 5s. — Instauratio Magna (i. e. No- viun Organum, sive Indicia vera de Interpretatione Natm-te.) Londini, BiU. 1620. foUo. First edition, pp. 360. Parasceve ad Hist^r^am Natnralem et Experimentalem, pp. 37, besides an engraved title by Sim. Pass, and 4 leaves, containing preface and dedication to K. James. An epitome in English, by M. D., appeared 1676, folio. — Editio altera, cum ludice Re- rum. Oxonii, 1813. 8vo. 8s. This edition does not contain the ' Pa- rasceve.' An account of Lord Bacon's No- vum Organum Scientiarura has been pub- lished in 2 parts, Svo. by tlie Society for the Ditfusion of Useful Knowledge. [And a translation of the work itself in Bohn's Scientific Library.] — Historia naturalis et experi- nientaUs ad condendani Philoso- phiara, sive, Phcenomena Yniversi, qua est Instaurationis Jlagnse Pars tertia. Lond. 1622. Svo. BAC 95 — Historia Vita; et Mortis, quse est Instavratiouis Magnte Pars ter- tia. Lond. 1623. small Svo. Contains pp. 454, besides title and ' Vi- ventibvs et I'osteris Salutem,' 3 leaves. — The Historic of Life and Death ; with Obsei-vations naturall and experimental! for the Prolong- uig of Life. London, 1633, 12mo. — Another Edition, by William Rawley, D.D. Lond. 1638. 12mo. Contains pp. 32,3, besides title, dedication to Sir Edward Mosley, Knight, by Hum- phrey Mosloy, and to the Reader, 5 leaves. There is likewise an engraved title, with his portrait, by G. Glover. — Another Edition. Lond. 1650. foHo. Contains pp. 64, besides title, ' To the Header,' ' to the present Age and Posterity greeting,' and preface, 4 leaves. An ex- cellent article on this work, will be found ia the Retrosp. Rev. vii. 64—87. Historic of the Raigne of K. Heurv VII. Lond. 1622. foho, 10s. 6d. Contains pp. 248. Dedicated to ' Charles Piince of \Vales,' with a portrait of the King by J. Payne. Bindley, pt. i. 570, with Lord Bacon's autograpli, 6^. 8s. 6d. Reprinted 1629, folio: 1641, folio, pp. 248, with dedication to P. Charles and a taljle, also a portrait of Bacon, by W. Marsliall, 1640: 1676, with Godwins Lives of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Q.Mary, folio, 7s. 6d. This admirable historiciil work is inserted in the first volume of Kcnnet's History of England ; and in 1786, appeared an edition of the life ' now first new writti^n,' in which the native simplicity and genuine dignity of Bacon are totally destroyed. — Sylva Sylvarum, or a Natm-all Historie, in ten Centm-ies. Pub- hshed by William Rawlev, D.D. Lond. 1627. foKo. Pi-efixed is a portrait of Bacon, and also an engraved title, by T. Cecill. Reprinted 1635, 1639, 1658, 1670, 1676 (the tenth edi- tion), 1677. — Discourse of the happy Union of England and Scotland. Lond. 1603. 12mo. — Sir Francis Bacon his Apo- logie, in certain Imputations con- cerning the late Earle of Essex. Lond. 1601. 12mo. First edition, containing pp. 72, includ- ing the title. Jadis, 61, 11. la. 96 BAC Bacon's Apologie. Anotlier Edi- tion. Lond. 1605. 12rao. Contains pp. 72. Said to be unique. Jadis, 6-2. 1/. 10s. Reprinted 1642, 4to. — Cliai'ge touching Duels, with the Decree of the Star-Chamber in the same cause. Lond. 1614. 4to. — Certaine Psahnes, in Verse, by Francis Lord Yerulam. Lond. 1625. 4to. Dr. Cotton mentions two editions of this work, one 'for Street and Whit.aker,' the otlier 'for Hannah Barrett andR.Whitaker.' Tlie Psalms are, Psalm i. xii. xc. civ. c-xxvi. cxxxvii. cxlix. — Apophthegmes, new and old. Lond. 1625, 12nio. Contains pp. 307, (B to X 2, in eights,) besides title. Jadis, 9, 13s. — Certaine Miscellany Works, published by William Eawley, D.D. Lond. 1629! 4to. — Operum moralium et civilium Tomus, Cura et Fide Gruil. Rawley, Lond. 1638. fol. With a portrait of Bacon (by S. Pass). Contents*: Historia Henrici VII. Ser- mones Fideles, sive Interiora Reruni. De Sapientia Veterum Liber. Dialogus de Bello Sacro. Nova Atlantis. Tractatus de DigQitate et AugmentisSci.'ntiaruui. His- toria Ventorum. Historia Vitse et Mortis. — Considerations touching a Warre with Spaine. 1629. 4to. ^ New Atlantis. A Worke un- finished. (1635) foUo. Reprinted (1639) folio. (1662) folio. 1660, 8vo. coiitinued bv R. H. wherein is s.t forth a Platform of Monarchical Governuient. — Certaine Considerations, touch- ing the better Pacification and EtU- fi<-ation of the Church of England. 1640. 4to. Reprinted with a new preface, Lond., 1689, 4to. — Three Speeches concerning the Post Nati, Naturalization of the Scotch in England, Vnion of the Lawes of England and Scotland. Lond. 1641. 4to. Contains pp. 1--28, 55—8, and 57—88, with a title. — Discourse concerning Cliurch Affairs. Imprinted 1641. 4to. Pabliiihed without the aiitliur's name. — Kssav of a King. Lond. 1642. 4to. — XVI Pi-opositions concerning the Reign and Government of a King. Lond. 1647. 4to. — Remaines, being Essaies and severall Letters, &c. Lond. 1648. 4to. Contains pp. 103, with title and table, 3 leaves. — Mirrour of State and Elo- quence. Lond. 1656. 4to. Contains pp. 103, with title and contents, 3 leaves. The running title is ' Bacon's Remaines.' — Felicity of Queen Elizabeth ; and her Times, with other things. Lond. 1651, 12mo. Contains A, 6 leaves, B— H, in twelves. — Relation of the Poysoning of Sir Thomas Overbury. Lond. 1651. 8vo. with portrait, by Laur. Lisle. Lloyd, 46, lOs. 6d. — ■ History of Winds, translated by R. G. Lond. 1653. 12mo. with portrait by T. Cross. — Resuscitatio, or Bringing into pubUek Light scveraU Pieces of the Works, hitherto sleeping ; together with liis Lordship's Life, by WiUiam Rawley, D.D. Lond. 1657. folio, with a portrait of Bacon. Reprinted 1661, 1671. — Opuscula varia Posthuma, Pliilosophiea, Civilia et Theologica. Nunc primum edita, cura et Fide Guihelmi Rawley, una cum nobilis- simi Auctoris Vita. Londini, 1658. small 8vo. pp. 216, besides 18 leaves, containing title, &c. — Articles of Enqiury touching Metals and Minerals. Lond. 1662. folio. — • Baconiana ; or certain genuine Remains of SirFrancisBacon. Lond. 1679. 8vo. An Ivlilioii 1674. 4to. with portrait. — Letters written dui'ing the Reign of King James the First. (Collected by Robert Stephens)' Lond. 1702. 4to. 10s. 6d. BAC ij7 Bac'OX (Lord), mains, eolleeted by Robert Stephens. Lond. 1731. Ito. with port, by Ver- tiic, lO.s. — Original Letters, Memoirs, Parliamentary Afiairs, State Papers, kC: pubhshed by Rob. Stephens, with an Account of the Life of Lord Bacon. Lond. 1736. 4to. — Letters, Speeches, Charges, Advices, &c. now first published by Thomas Bu-ch, D.D. with a Supple- ment. Lond. 17(53-4. 8vo. 4s. liiudley, pt. i. 679, 10s. — Law Tracts, viz. 1. Proposi- tion for compihng an Amendment of our laws. 2. Oifer of a Digest of the Laws. 3. Elements of the Com- mon Law of England. 4. Use of the Law. 5. Cases of Treason. 6. Arguments in Law in certain great and diiScidt Cases. 7. Ordinances in Chancerv. 8. Reading on the Statute of Uses. Lond. 1736, 7, or 1741, Svo. 7s. Nos. 3 and 4 were printed 1630, 1636, 1030.— No. 5, Ifitl, 4to. also reprinted in till! fifth voluMit! of tlie Miscellany. —No. 7, 1623, 1640, 1642, 1656.— No. 8, 1642, 4tr). also 1804, with notes by \V. U. liowe. Svo. 10s. — ]\Iiscellaueous Writings on Philosophy, Morality, and Religion, now first collected into one volume. Lond. 1802. Svo. 6s. 6d. — Exemplum Tractatus de Fon- tibus Juris, and other Latin Pieces of Lord Bacon ; ti-anslated by James Gla«sford, Esq. Advocate. Edin- burgh, 1823. 12mo. — Verulamiana ; or Opinions on Men, Manners, Litei-atm'e, Politics, Letters and Re- ' '^ tract, 17 leaves, of very rare occurrence, reprinted in the llarleian Miscellany. A copy if; in the British Mnseiira. Bacon, John. Liber Regis, vel Tliosaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum, with an Appendix, containing pro- per Directions and Precedents re- lating to Presentations, Institu- tions, Inductions, Dispensations, &c. Lond. 1786. 4to. A very valuable and useful work, which has entirely superceded that by Ecton, [and is itself now out of use.) Nassau, pt. 1. 368, russia, 21. IDs. — Matthew. Abridgment of the Law. Sixth Edition, with con- siderable additions bv Sir Henry Grtillim. Lond. 180'7. royal 8vo. 7 vols. 7/. 7s. A luminous, scientiiic iind niuch-esteenied work. An edition lias siiue been published by C. E. Dodd, Esq., 8 vols. Svo. 1832, 12^. First edition, 1736—59, folio. 5 vols. U. l.s. Second edition, 1762, fol. 5 vols. U. lis. 6d. 'i'hird edition. 1768—70. fol. 5 vols. 11. 15s. Fourth edition, 1778, 5 vols, and Supplement by Cunningham, 1786, 21. 12s. 6d. Fifth edition, with consider- able additions by Henry Gwillim, 1798, royal 8vo. 7 vols. Sotheby's in 1821, 61. An edition, Dublin, 1786, Svo. 5 vols. Sotheby's in 1827, 11. 4s. Bacon likewise published a treatise on leases and terms for years, 1798, royal Svo. 7s. — Nathaniel. Discourse of the Uniformity of the Government of England, from the first Times till the End of the Reigne of Q. Elizabeth. Lond. 1647-51. 4to. 2 vols, with frontispiece by Marshall. 10s. 6d. This work is highly praised by the Earl of Chatham in his Le'tters to his Nephew It was secretly reprinted m 1672, and again in 1682, for which editions the publishers wei'e prosecuted 5s. each. Fourth edition, with an advertisement, 1739, folio. 7s. and Theology, bv Francis Bacon, ! Fifth edition corrected, &c. 1760, 4to. I2s Baron of Yerulam, &c. &c. To Heath, 4395, 11. Is. which is prefixed a Life of the Au- — Sir Nicholas. Rigltt of Suc- thor, by the Editor (P. L. Coui-tier) . i cession to tlie Crown of England in Lond. 1803. 12mo. 4s. 6d. Sthe Family of the Stuarts, exclusive — Memorise honoratissimi Do-^of Mary Queen of Scots, learnedly mini Francisci, Baronis de Yeru- assei-ted against Sir Anthony Browm; lamio, Vice-Comitis Sancti Albani, faithfully published by Nat h.Boothe, sacrum. Lond. 1626. 4to. |Lond. 1723. Svo. VOL. I. ' H 9b BAll BAG BaCOX. a Remembrance of the worthie Sir Nicholas Bacon. 4to. BosM-ell, 324'2, 15s. — John, of Baconthorp. Ojjus super quatuor &ententiarum libros. 4 vols, folio. Mediolani, 1510, 5/. 5s. — Roger. Libellus de retardan- tis Seneetutis Accidentibus et de Sensibus Conservaudis, &c. Oxon. 1590, 8vo. pp. 134. — Ciu'C of old Age, and Pre- seiTation of Youth, translated by Richard Browne ; also a physical Account of the Tree of Life, bj Edw. Madeira Arrais ; translated from the Latin. Lond. 1683. 8vo. 5s. .An excellent article on this, and several other works of the same description, will be found in the Retr. Rev. vu. 64—87. — Mu-ror of Alchimy. Also a most excellent Discourse of the ad- mu'able Force and Efficacies of Art and Nature (3 pts.) . Lond. 1597, 4to. Contains pp. 84. Reed, 894, lis. 6d. — Discovery of the Miracles of Art, Nature and ]Magick ; faithfully translated out of Dr. Dee's own Copy, by T. M. Lond. 1659, 12mo. — Opus Majus, ad Clemeutem Quartum Pontiff. Rom., primum edidit S. Jebb, M.D. Lond. 1733. foho. 1/. Is. LAEGE PAPEK, 1/. 16s. Reprinted Venice, 1750, folio ment of the life of this celebrated actress appeared 1787. 12nio. 2s. Gd. Badelly, John, M.D. Narra- tive of the extraordinary Cure per- formed by Prince Alexander Ho- lienlohe on Miss Barbara O'Connor, a Nun, in the Convent of New Hall, near Chelmsford ; with a fuU Refu- tation of the numerous false Reports and Misrepresentations. Third edition. Lond. 1823. 8vo. Baeet, . Tableau de la Grande Bretagne et de I'lrlaude. Paris, 1801. 8vo. 4 vols. 10s. 6d. An edition, 1796, Earl of Kerry, 62, 11. 5s. Eaglet, George. Guide to the Tongues ancient and modern, being short and comprehensive Grammars of the EngUsh, French, ItaUan, Spanish, German, Latm, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Clialdaic, and Sy- riac Languages, each at one view. Second edition. Shrewsbury, 1809. foUo. 12s. Bagnal's Ghost. See Gattox, Edmund. Bagot, Lewis, successively Bishop of Bristol, Norwich, and St. Asaph. Twelve Discourses on tlie Prophecies, concerning the first Estabhslunent and subsequent HistoiT of Christi- Several anity, preached at the Warburtonian of Roger liacon's pieces still remain in MS.| LectlU-e, in Lincohl's Inn. Oxford, The famous Historic of Ery^r^j^ygQ gyg gg Bacon, containing the wonderful Things that he did in his Life ; also the Manner of his Death ; with the Lives and Deaths of the two Con- jurors Bungye and Yandermast. Lond. 4to. Black letter. Reprinted entire in the Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana. and in Thoms's Early English Fictions. White Knishts, .342, mor. 2^. 123. 6d. Sotheby's in Dec. 1820, 31. Biudlev, pt. ii. 1888, date 1655, 2/. 7s. Fonthill, 32.38, date 1661,32. 16s. Tlie later Impressions were much abridped. Baddeley. Memoirs of Mrs. Sophia Baddeley, by Mrs. Steele, [said to be really compiled by A. Bickiull.] Lond. 1787, 12mo.6vols. Duke of Vork, 3475, 158. An nbridf<-( Bagshaw, WilUam. De Spiritu- ahbus Pecci, or Notes concerning the Work of God, and some that have been Workers together with God, in the High Peak of Derby- shire. Lond. 1702. 12mo. A cnrious work, partly of a biigraphical kind, written by a nonconformist minister. Bagwell, William. The Mer- chant distressed, his Obsei-vations when he was a ]irisoncr for debt in London in 1637. Lond. 1641. 4to. Bindley, pt. iv. 1080, 12s. Inglis, 134, with port, of Bagwell inserted, it. Us. In the British Museum will be found 'The liistressed Mercliant, and the Prisoner's- Comfort in Distressi-.' London, 1645, 4to. BAI' BAl 99 likewise anotlier tract relating to Bagwell, entitled ' A full Discovery of a foul Con- ceiilment,' 1652, folio. — AVits Extraction, conveyed to the Ingenious in Riddles, Obsei-va- t'ions, and Morals. By W. B. Truth's servant. Lond. 1664, 12mo. A curious work, with a portrait ' ^Et. 66, 1659 ;' at tlie back of whicli is printed a family group seated at table at an evening party ; with an explanation, engraved by J. (Jliantiy. Nassau, pt. i. 91, 11. Nassau, pt. ii. 1470, (front, wanting, but port, of, Bagwell inserted.) '/l. 9s. Tills writer likewise published Sphynx Thebanus ; an Arithmetical Description of both the Globes ; and the Mystery of Astronomy. 1655, 8vo. with frontispiece by Gaywood, Towneley, pt. i. 288, 6s. 6d. Bahar-Danush. Hee Scott, Jona- than. Baildon, J. Wonder of the world. Jrto. 1656. port, by Marshall. Rodd, 1824, 2?. 12s. 6d. Bailey, Eev. — . History of New- castle upon Tyne, and its Vicinity. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1801. 8vo. j)p. 612, wdth 5 plates. Published anonymously, by subscription. — James, M.A. Hicroglyjihico rum Origo et Natura. Cantab. 1816. Svo. 38. — Nath. Etymological English Dictionary. Lond. 1737. Svo. 2 vols. 15s. Best 8vo. edition, containing many words omitted in the previous folio editions. Edit, 1726, Svo. 2 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 311. 14s. 6d. — Another edition, by Jos. Nicol Scott. Lond. 1764. foho. Best edition of this valuable work, for- merly in the greatest repute. Dent, pt. i 318, russia, il. An edition 1736, folio, Roscoe, 146, 21. 2s. — Walter, M.D. Discours of certain Batlies or Mcdicinall Waters in the Countie of Wai'wicke, neere vnto a Village called Newnham Regis. 1587. 16mo. A copy of this rare work, with several others written by Bailey, who was physi- cian to Q. Elizabeth, will be found in the liritish Museum. — WiUiam. Advancement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce; or Descriptions of the usefid Ma- chines and Models contained in tlie Repository of the Society for llie Encouragement of Arts, Manufac- tures, &c. Lond. 1772-9. royal 4to. j2 vols. 105 plates, folio. Baillie, Joanna. Series of Plays to deUneate the stronger Passions of the Mind, 3 vols., and Miscellaneous Plays, 1 vol. Lond. 1798, 1802, 1812, 1804, Svo. 4 vols. 1/. lOs. Drury, 310, russia, 21. Fifth edition, 1806-12. 4 vols. n. 10s. — Dramas. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. i;. 16s. This may be said to form a sequel to the Plays on the Passions. — Metrical Legends, Svo. 7s. 6d. Lond. 1821. — Dramatic and Poetical Works, with Life, in one volume, Svo. Lond. 1853. 1/. Is. — John. Sixty Tables eluci- datory of the first part of a Com-se of Lectures on the Grammar of the Arabic Language. Calcutta, 1801. . foho, 11. Is. — Lieut. J. Meeut Amel, etc. or Five Books upon Grammar, to- gether with the PrinciiDles of In- flection in the Arabic Language ; collated from ancient MSS. Cal- cutta, 1802-5. 3 vols. 4to. Dr. AdamClarkeobserves, 'Of all the pub- lications in this department of Literature, these are the most useful and important." — Digest of Mahummedan Law, according to the Tenets of the twelve Imams, compiled under the Super- intendence of Sir W. Jones. Cal- cutta, 1805. 4to. 4 vols. 10/. 10s. A highly valuable work. — Marianne. Sketch of the Man- ners and Customs of Portugal and Lisbon, dm*ing a residence in 1821, 2, 3. Lond. 1825. 12mo. 2 vols. la.s. A verj' faithful and agreeable book. — Mattliew, M.D Works, to which is prefixed an Account of his Life, by James Wardrop. Lond. 1825. Svo. 2 vols. 11. 5s. The fifth edition of this physician's treatise on Morbid Anatomy waspublished H 2 100 BAI 1818, 8vo. 10s. fid., and the second edifur; of a series of Engravings, illustrating.' Morbid Anatomy, 1812, 4to. at 82. Ss. — Eobert. Letters and Journals, containing an impartial account of public Transactions in England and Scotland, from 1637 to 1662 : with an account of the Author's Life, and a Glossai-y. Edinb. 1775. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. A valuable work, published at the re- commendation of Dr. Robertson and David Hume. Roxburghe, 7845, 19s. [A new edition, much enlarged, edited by I). Laing. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. 11. 8s. Edinb. 1841 ; large paper, 3 vols. 4to. printed fur the Bannatyne Club.]l Bailly, J. S. Letters upon the Atlantis of Plato, and the Ancient History of Asia : intended as a Con- tinuation of Letters upon the Origin of the Sciences, addressed to Vol- taire. Lond. 1801. 2 vols. 8vo. 14s. Bailt, Francis. Doctrine of In- terest and Annuities, and of Life Annuities and Assurances, with an appendix. Lond. 1809, 10, 13. 8vo. 2 vols. 21. 2s. Copies of this valuable work have brought M. 3s. to 4.1. 14s. 6d. [There has lately been a surreptitious reprint, under the old date ; full of en-ors.] — On Leases. 8vo. Lond. 1807. — Epitome of Universal History, Ancient and Modern. Lond. 1813. 8vo. 2 vols. 11. Is. Bainbeidgt:, G-. C. Fly-Fisher's Guide. Liverpool, 1816. 8vo. 15s. Twelve copies, coloured with great care, not intended for sale, 4to. 21. 2s. — John. Canicularia, una ciun Demonstratione Ortus Sirii hehaci, pro Parallelo inferioris iEgypti. — Quihns accesseinint insiguiorum ali- quot Stellarum Longitudines et Lati- tudines, ex asti'onomicis Obscrvati- onibusUhigBeigi. Oxon.l648.12nio. This eminent physician and astronomer likewise publislied another work, entithd ' Anastronomicall Description of the late Comet, 1616.' Lond. 1619. 4to. Baines, Edward. History, Ga- zetteer, Direct orj', &c. of Lancashire. Liverpool, 1825. 8vo. 2 vols. [Mr. Baines has since published a His- tory of the County, 4 vols. 4to. ia36.8Z.8s.] Bakee, F. Aug. Sancta Sophia ; or Directions for tlie Prayer of Con- templation, &c. extracted out of the Treatises written by F. Aug. Baker, by S. Cressy, Doway, 1657. 8vo. 2 vols, with portrait of Baker. Riixburghe. Supplement, 545. I9s. Lloyd, 1117, \l. Is. Towneley, pt. i. 673, morocco, 21. 8s. — Dan. Poems. — Hicathrift ; Duellum, sive Pugna singularis inter Juvenem quendam fortissimtim, cui Nomen Hicathrift, et Gigantem fero- cissimum, Lond. 1697. 8vo. 5s. — David Erskine. Biographia Dramatica, or a Companion to the, with Additions and Im- provements by Is. Eeed and Stephen Jones. Lond. 1812. 8vo. 3 vols, in 4. A severe cntique from the pen of Octa- vius Gilchrist appeared in the Quarterly Review, vii. 2S2 — 93 ; to which Jones re- plied in a pamphlet entitled Hypeicriti- cism Exposed, 1812. Svo. Brockett, 316, U. 8s. Nassau, pt. i. 255, U. Is. The for- mer editions cf 1764 and 1762, are of very little value. — George. Catalogue of Books, &c.., printed at Strawberry Hill. Lond. 1810. 4to. Twenty copies printed for presents. — History and Antiquities ol the County of Northampton. Lond. 1822—38." foUo. 5 parts forming 2 vols. pub. at 13Z. 138. x. P. 27/. 6s. One of the most valuable topographical works ever published, displaying great industry and research. Unfortun.ately it is left incomplete. — Henry. Medulla Poetarum Romanorum ; or the most beautiful and instructive Passages of the Ro- man Poets, with translations iii verse. Lond. 1737. Svo. 2 vols. 7s. Reed, 6551, 8s. 6d.—i,.\RGEPAPKR. Drury, 312, 14s. Williams, 132, morocco, 21. 3s. — The Microscope made Easy, and Employment for the Micro.s- cope. Lond. 1748—53. Svo. 2 vols, witli plates, 7s. The first volume of this valuable and pleasing work lias been frequently re- printed. Edwards, 351, 17s. liaker like- BaK BAL 101 wlBe published 'A natural Histuiy of tlie Polype,' 1743, 8vo. 4s. Bakee, J. Lectures on xii. Articles of Clu-istiau Faitli. 1581. 12mo. Black letter. Sotheby, June 1855,mor. U_.2s. — J. History of the luqmsition in Portugal, Spain, the East and West Indies, in all its Branches, from the origin of it in the year 1163, to its present state. West- minster, 1736. 4to. Marq. of Townshend, 1708, 8s. — James. Pictm-esque Guide through Wales, 1795. 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 730, 4 parts, 11. iCiH. Towneley, pt. ii. 283, 3 vols, russia, 2?. 12s. 6d. — Sii' Richard. Meditations and Disquisitions upon the Lord's Prayer. Lond. 1637. 4to ■Williams, 211, lis. A life of Baker, and a list of his writings, will be found in Dr. Bliss's edition of Ant. a Wood's Athen. Oxon. lii. 148—51. — Su- Richard. Chronicle of the Kings of England, with two Cou- tiauations. 1/. 10s. The best edition, though the earlier ones, particularly that of 1641, contain many curious documents, and several intere.sting particulars omitted by Phillips and his followers. First edition, 1641, with front. by Mar.shall, 15s. Fonthill, 3360, with port, of Charles, 51. 17s. .6d. Second edi- tion, 1653, 10s, Third edition, (with a con- tinuation by Edw. Phillips,) 1660. Drury, 692, 14s. Fourth edition, 1665, 10s. Fifth edition, 1670. Bindley, pt. i. 393, 10s. 6d. Animadversions were published on this edition by Tho. Blount. Oxford, 1672, 8vo. Towneley, p. i. 264, 9s. Sixth edition, 1674, 69. Seventh edition, 1679, 6s. Ei-htli edi- tion, 1684, 6s. Ninth edition, 1696, 6s. — Richard. Theatruui Redivi- Best edition of a very ingenious work, at ic time one of the most popular books in our language. Memoirs of the Life and Writ- )gs of Thomas Baker, from the Papers of Dr. Zacliary Grey. With a Catalogue of his MS. Collections, by R. Masters. Lond. 178-4. 8vo. 4s. Bakewell, Robert. Introduc- tion to Geology. Third edition, en- larged. Lond.1828.8vo. 18s. The former editions 1813, 1815. This writer likewise published an Introduction to Mineralogy and Crystallography, 1819, 8vo. — Observations made dm-ing a Residence in the Tarentaise and various Parts of the Grecian and Penurno Alps, m Savoy, and in Switzerland and Auvergne, in the Years 1820, 21, and 22. Lond. 1823. 8vo. 2 vols, with plates, 14s. Bakhtyar Nameh; or. Story of Prince Bakhtyar and the Ten Vi- ziers : a series of Persian Tales, Loud. 1730 or 3. foHo, | from aMS. m the Collection of Sir W. Ouseley. Lond. 1800. royal 8vo. 16s. Another edition was published with an English Translation. Lond. 1601, roya^ 8% o. 18s. Balbulo and Rosina. — Beware the Beare : the strange but pleasing History of Balbido and Rosina. Lond. 1650. 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum. Balcakeas, Colin Lindesay, Earle of. Account of the Affairs of Scot- land relating to the Revolution in 1688. Lond. 1714. 8vo. with a Key, 168. I A valuable historical document. Re- printed Edinb. 1754, 12nio. Also inserted in the eleventli volume of the Somers Col- vum, or the Theatre vindicated, in answer to Mr. Pryn's Hist riomastix. j lection of Tracts. Lond. 1662. 8vo. | Baldovini, Francesco. Cecco's Nassau, pt. i. 9.5, 16s. Baker also pub- 'Complaint, translated from II La- lishedTl.eatrum triumphans; or a W^^^ ^j- q . ^^^ Yarlungo, by course of Plays. Lond. Ib/O, 12mo. Reed, ^ ^^ . t j n on?v o 8016, 6s. 6d. Boswell, 131, 9s. 6d. John Htmter. Lond. 1800. 8vo. — Thomas. Reflexions upon 2s. 6d. Learning, wherein is shewii the InsuiEciency thereof in its several Pai'ticiUars, in order to evince tlie Usefulness and Necessity of Reve- lation. Lond. 1706. 8vo. 6s. LARUE rAi'ER, ill 4tn. (eight copies printed,) 5s. Reprinted 1805, 8vo. of which edition twenty-five copies were printed on thick paper. Baldwin, Ai-chbishop of Canter- bury. De vencrabili ac divinis.'simo 102 BAL UALE Altaris Sacram snto Sevmo. Ex praeclara Cantabi-igiensi Academia, 1521. 4to. One of the first books printed at Cam- bridge. Ill the dedication to Nicholas West, Bishoji of Ely. the printer styles himself ' lohaiines Siberch, primus utriusqne Lin- guae in Anglica Inipressor.' Baldwin's works were collected and published by Ber- trand Tissier in 1662. For an account of his itinerary through Wales, see Giraldus CiMBRENSIS. Baldwin, G-eorge. Political Ee- collections relative to Egypt ; with a Narrative of the ever memorable British campaign in the Spring of 1801. Lend. 1801. 8vo. 6s Fonthill, 2865, 18s 371. ( ante 1553 ?j4i. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, 393. 111. Its. Saunders, in 1818, russia, 151. 15s. Towneley, pt. ii. 1556, 181. 18b. Bindley, pt. 1. 752, (with a single leaf, 'imprynted by Copland,' containing a prayer for K. Edward VI.) 18?. 18s. Perry, the same, lil. 14s. Roxburghe, 3309, 191. 19s. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 28, russia, '2bl. — Another edition. Lond. 1817. 4to. Presented to the Members of the Ro.\- burghe Club by the Kev. J. W. Dodd Dent, pt. ii. 1201, 1/. 10s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. Iri23, 11. 16s. Strettell, 364, 21. 4s. Bindley, pt. iii. 1725, 31. 19s. Boswell, .^038, 31. 19s. Another reprint appeared in 4to. 10s. 6d. Baxe, John, Bishop of Ossory. r^^ r\ -n> i- i , Illvstrivm maloris Britannioe Scrip- — Ire (Jpere Urammatiche prese . o • -tr t -irtn „ ^. . H.,.^„. -r n 4^,-, toriim Simimanum. Yesahse, 1549. neUe Visioni di Dafini. Lond. 1811. 4to. Privately printed. — La Prima Musica. Investigation into Principles, &c. in Enghsh and Italian. Lond. 4to. [1801.] 11. Is. Privately primed. — Thomas. Aeropaidia ; con- taining the Narrative of a Balloon Exciu'sion from Chester, in 1785. Hints on the Improvement of Bal- loons, &c. Lond. 1786. 8vo. 7s. 6d. A curious treatise. Fonthill, 2163, 13s. — "VVniiam. Treatise of moral Philosophie, contaynyng the Say- inges of the Wyse. Lond. by Edw. Wliytchurch. 1547. 16mo. Black letter. Dedicated to ' Edwarde lieauchampe, Earle of Hertforde,' then, a prologue to the reader. Contains besides, sign. R in eights. .\ treatise formerly in considerable reputation, reprinted 1550, .nnd n. d. (two editions, one by E. Whit- church, the other by John Wayland.) En- larged bv T. Paifreyman, and printed 1564, 1575, 1579, 15S1, 1587, 1596, n. d. (bv Tho. Snodham) 160(.i, 1610. 1651. Edition 1550, Reed, 2630, 1/. 2s. 1579, Sir M. M. Sykes, 201, morocco, 16s. White Knights, 317, mor. ISs. 1596, Nassau, pt. 1. 127, 5s. — Funerallcs of King Edward the Sixt. 1553. Wherin are declared the Causers and Causes of his Death. Lond. by Thomas Marshe, 15()0. Ito. Bla'k letter, pp. 24. On the title is the portrait of the King, which is repeated on the recto of the last leaf. Nassau, pt. i. I (In fine) Gippeswici in Anglia per loaunem Ouerton, 1548. 4to. 11. Is. A to Sss 3, besides title, dedicatory epis- tle, alphabetical index, and complimentary verses 11 leaves Rrr and Ssg, consisting of ' additio,' are not found in all copies. First edition, containing 5 centuries. (Supposed to be the first book printed at Ipswich.) This work may be considered as the foiradation of English biography, and as such, valuable. Dibdin, 200, russia, 11. 9s. Bindley, pt. i. 1461, in fine old bind- ing. 51 5s. in the title page is a wood-cut portrait of Bale presenting his book to Edward V'l., and at the end of the table of contents is a wood-cut portrait of Wicliffe. (The whole of this volume is incorporated in the next article.) — Scriptorvm illustrium maioris Brvtannife Catalogus. Basil. 1557-9. foho. 31. 3s. Pars prior, a — z, A — Z, aa to zz, A a to .\aa, in fours, besides title, «Src. — leaves. Pars posterior, pp. 250, with title, &c. 10 leaves, and two indexes, 42 leaves. The last leaf of the work contains the colophon of Uporinus, 1559. large paper, Dibdir., 201, 4Z. 5s. Best edition containing 14 cen- turies. On the back of the title-pages to each part, is a wood-cut portrait of Bale, ol which a fac-simile is given in the Biblio- mania. This work, says Warton, ' perhaps originally undertaken by Bale as a vehicle of his sentiments in religion, is not only full of misrepresentations and partialities, arising from his ivligious prejudices, but of general inaccuracies, proceeding from negligence or misinfonnation.' In the British Musevim is a copy, with MS. notes by the author, and in the Koyal Institution BALE BALE 103 Is another with MS. notes hy Archb. Parker and Dr. T. Gale. Bale. Comedy concernynge thre Lawes of Nature, Moses, and Christ, corrupted by the Sodomytes, Plia risees and Papystes most wycked M.D.xxxviii. and lately imprented per Nicolaum Bamburgensem. 8vo lilack letter. Contains G 4, in eight.s. A copy is in the Malone CoUectiou at Oxford Jolley, 1843 (Brand's copy, wanting title) 81. — Another edition. Lend, by Thomas Colwel, 1562. 4to. Black letter. A satirical play against popery, probably, says Warton, the first of the kind in our language. Forster, 1165, 21. 7s. Rhodes, 499,(sheet A wanting,)4Z.6s. — Tragedye or Enterlude many- festing the chefe Prorayses of God vnto Man by all Ages in the olde Lawe, — M.D.xxxviii. 4to. Black letter. A copy of this interlude is in the British Musf uni. It is reprinted in Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays. — Another edition. Imprynted by John Charlewood, 1577. 4to. Black letter. 16 leaves. Koxburghe. 4405, 121. Steevens, 1221, V2l. 15s. Resold. Jolley, 1843. 201. 10s. — Brefe Comedy or Enterlude of Johan Baptystes preachynge in the Wyldernesse. — Compiled Anno M.D.XXXVIII. 4fo. Black letter. 18 pages. Repi'inted in thefirst volume of the Harleian Miscellany. — Brefe Comedy or Enterlude, concerning the Temptatyon of our Lorde and Saver Jesus Christ by Sathan in the Desart. Compyled by Johan Bale, Anno 1538. Svo. Black letter. — Chronycle concernyngge the Examinacyon and Death of Syr Johan Oldecastell, the Lord Cob- ham, 1554. Svo. Black letter. With whole Unfith portrait of Lord Cobbani. According to llearne, ' a lying book, not really in itself worth above twopence.' Hollis, 52, 2?. 9s. Bind- ley, pt. i. 441, 3^ I'K. — Another edition. London, by Anthonv Scoloker and Wyllya Seres. Svo. 1548. Black letter. Contains G. in eights. Reprinted in the second volume of the Harleian Miscellany. NassHU, pt. i. 100, U. 10s. Inglis,.53, U. 14s. White Knif,'lits, •^81, russia, 3;. 3s. KoxtnirKhe,8421, [U. 4s. Strettell, 123, 31. 4s. Dcny.r, 1, 3/. 13s. Gd. — Another edition. London, 1729. royal 8vo. with port, of Lord Cob- ham. Kdited by Archdeacon Blackboiirne. Nassau, pt. i. 101, 12s. Koxburghe, 8422, 14s. Bindley, pt. i. 442, 163. Williams, 1.36, in pig-skin, i;. 4s. Heath, 4309, II. 9s. Duke of Grafton, 879, 11. iis. Ox V- i.LUM, (of which a copy is in the British Museum.) Dent, pt. i. 177, (with portraits mounted upon vellum inserted,) 61. 6s. Williams, 135, morocco, 91. 12s. — Mysteryeof Iniquytecontayned within the heretycaU Genealogye of Ponce Pantolabus, is here both dyclosed and confuted by Johan Bale, An. M.D.xhj. Geneva, by Mi- chael Woode, 1545. 16mo. Black letter. Contain ; M, in eights. A copy is in the British Museum. White Knights, 280, ruFsia, 21. 18s. Inglis, 50, 3^. 13s. 6d. Horner, 1851, russia, 2t. 2s. — Vide Pantolabus. — A Disclosynge of the Maime of Synne, &c. 12mo. Ziu'ik. O. Ja- cobson, 1543. Horner, 1854, mor. 2Z.2s. — Actes of Englysh Votaiyes, comprehendynge their vnchast Prac- tyses and Examples by all Ages, from the Worldes Begynnynge to thys present Yeare, collected out of their owne Legendes and Chronycles. Wesel, 1546. Svo. Black letter. A copy is in the British Museum. White Knights, 277, with pt. 2, Lond. 1551, russia, 31. 9s. — Actes of Englysh Votaryes. Lond. by Thos. Raynalde, 1548. 8vo- Black letter. Contains 86 leaves. — The First two Partes of the Actes, or unchast Examples of the English Votaryes. Lond. by Abra- liam Vele, 1550-1. 16mo. Black letter. 79 leaves, besides the de- dication. Nassau, pt. i. 98, 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 464, 11. las. — Another edition. Lond. by John Tysdale, 1560. 16mo. Black letter. The first part contains N 1, in eights, besides the dedication. The BALE BALE ^^'io1,^,'"^''/.''^\^'l — Auothcr edition. Loud, by s, 52, 11. Is. G(JU!rh.rni . i;- . , „ •' Lond. by Tl- Jugge. ISmo. Black letter. Nassau, pt. i. 9t», Kia. — Apology of Jolian Bale, against a I'anke Papyst, Auno Do. M.cccc.t. A brefe Exposicyon also upon the xxs Chapter of js'uineri, which was the fyrst Occasion of thys pi-esent Vanauce. Lond. by John Daye. 8vo. n.d. (Also an edition 1552.) Black letter. Yocacvon of John Bale to the Recond, V in eiglit.'i. ruRSia, 1/. Is. Iiiglis, ,52, i;. Is. G(iUgh,!rn, L~T'Vo" " 2511, 1?. 2s. Denver, 6, i;. Ss. HonieTooke, M-'^^- ^^^^- loiQO. .■^7, 1/. lis. Black letter. Bale. First Exammacyon ofl — Another edition. Anne Askewe, lately martyred in Smythfelde by the Roraysh Popes Ypholders, with the Elueydacyon of Johan Bale. Marp. in Hessen 1546. 12mo. See Confutations. Black letter. In the British Museum. Whit-e Knights, 283, nior. 13s. White Knights, 281, (both parts) 31. 13s. 6d. anil 282, 21. 12s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 463, (both parts') 31. 13s. 6d. Horner, 1854, both parts, 21. 14s. — Lattre Exauiinacron of Ann Askewe, lately martyred in Smvth-j^i^l^oprick of Ossory in Irelande,his fclde by the wycked Srnagoge ofi];'6Ysecucions in the same, and finaU Anticlu'ist, with the Elueydacyon of Johan Bale. Marj). in nesyen, 1547. 12mo. Black letter. In the Britisli Museum Inglis, 51, 21. 3s. White Knigli ts, 21. 12s. 6d. — Confession of the iSynner after the sacred Scriptures. Collected by John Bale, 1549. 8vo. — Dialogue or Comunyeacyon to be had at a table betwene two Chyl- dren, gatliered out of the holy Scrip- tures, by Johan Bali\ !or the 2yonge Sonnes,Jo!ian andP,ude,15J9.12mo. — Laboryouse Journey, and Serche of John Lcylande for Eng- landes Antiquitees. Lond. 1549. 12mo. See Leland. Dent, pt. i. 1218, niur. 21. 2s. Reprinted at Oxford in the Lives of Leland, Hearns, end Wood, in 1772 : at the same time some copies were printed separntely. — Ymage of botli Churches after the Reuelaeion of Saincte John the Euangdvst. London by me John Wyer", 1550. 4to. 11. lis'. 6d. Black letter. The first part contains 84, the second 88, and tlie third 83 Ir-.ives. — Another edition. Impr. by me Ryeharde Wyer, 1550. 12mo. — Another edition. Lond. by John Daye and Wm. Seres, 16mo." Black letter. In three parts, introduced with a pieface, and adorned witli ciit.s. Fart i. contains T in eights. Tart ii. con- tains t 4, in eights. Pari iii. Rr, in eights, all double signaturcF. White Knights, 270, riissia, 19s. Inglis,.')!, 1/. i:(s. Brand, I.")... Delyueraunce. Rome, 1553. 8vo. Black letter. Reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. vi. A copy is in the British Museum. — A Declaraticn of Edmonde Bonner's Articles, concerning the Clergie of London Dyocese. Basil, 1554. 12mo. A portion of this work, ' A Testimony geuen forth by Fraunces Baldwin Atreba- tius, concerning the baudy Behaviour and lecherous Life of Doctor Thomas Martyn,' is reprinted in the fourth number of Mor- gan's Phoenix Britannicus. — Another edition. Loud, by Jolni Tysdale, 1561. 16mo. Black letter. Contains folio 70, besides the preface. A copy is in the Bodleian library. Inglis, 56, il. 15s. — Historye of the Christen De- partynge of tlie reverede Man D. Martyne Luther, translated into En- ghshe by Johan Bale. (At end.) Thus endeth the Oracyo or Processe rehearcedofi'Phihppe Melanchton at the Buryall of the Reuerende Man, Doctor Martyne Luther, Translated by Johan Bale. Anno m.d.lxvi. Sto. Black letter. Contains folio 21. The date is evidently a misprint for 1546. Bile died in 1563. — Pageant of Popes. English, with simdry Additions by J(ohni S(tudlcy). Lond. b^' The. Marshe, 1574, 4to. Black letter. Nassau, pt. i. 372, 16s. Bindley, pt. i. 1079, 17s. 6d. Sotheby's in 182,'), II. 2s. North, pt. iii. 722, morocco, BMi BAL lOi il. 4.S. Iiiglis, 137, illustrated and bound in inuixicco, 41- Ss. Bale. Expostulation oi* Com- playute agayiiat the Blaspliemyes oi a i'raiiticke Papyst of Hamshyre. Lond. by Jolm Uaye, IGmo. Black letter. Contains V, in eight.s, the last leaf blank. Dedicated to ' Johan Duke of Northumberland.' Bright 1845, 3?. 8s. — Catcchisme, with Dialogue betweeueHusbande and Wvfe. Imp. at Wesell, 1545. 8vo. Brand, 10s. 6d. — See Harrison, John. Leland, John. Mantuanus, Bapt. Stalbrtde, Henry. Weaghton, William. Baies, Peter. Writing Schoole- master ; conteining three Bookes in one ; the fii'st, teaching swift Writing : the second, true W^riting ; the third, faire Writing. Lond. by Thomas Orwin, 1590. 4to. Black letter. Dedicated ' To Sir Chris- topher Hatton, Kniglit.' R 3, in fours. An edition, ' with sundry new editions,' 1597, 12mo. An account of this celebrated per- son, who was one of the first wlio intro- duced short-hand writing into this country, will be found in Dr. Bliss's valuable edi- tion of Wood's Athen. Oxon. 1. 655-7. Balet. See Bailet. Balfour, Sir James. Practicks, or a System of the more ancient Law of Scotland. Edinb. 1754. folio. With a preface and a life of the author, by Goodal. Roxburghe, 1054, 10s. 6d. — Su" Andrew. See Sibbald, Sir Robert, M.D. — Sir James, Bart. Historical Works, (viz. The Auuales of Scot- land, from MLA'ii — MDCXL and Me- morialls and Passages of Chiu'ch and State, ii'om mdcxli — mdclii, &c.) Published from the original MSS. preseiTed in tlie Library of the Facultj' of Advocates (bv James Haig.)' Edinb. 182 1, or Lond. 1825. 4 vols. 8vo. Portrait by Lizars, 1/. Is. Balguy, John, D.U. Twenty Sermons on various occasions. Lend. 1750. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. The writings of this eminent divine of the church of England are held in con- siderable estimation, particularly his Essay on Redemption. — Thomas, D.D. Works, edited by James Drake. Cambridge, 1822. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Sensible and excellent His work on divine benevolence is a most able answer to ancient and modern sceptics. Balista. Chr. Ouerthrow of the Gowte, written in Latin verse by Chr. Balista, translated by B. (arnaby) Gr.(ooge). Lond. for Abr. Veale, 1577. 8vo. Ball, John. TVeatise concern- ing all the principal Grounds of the Christian Religion. Lond. 4to. 5s. The moat popular of all this Puritan Divine's works. It was fourteen times printed before the year 1632, and has been translated into Turkish, by Wm. Seaman. Oxford, 1660. 8vo. — Thomas, and F. Beatty. Re- ports of Cases in the High Com't of Chancery, Ireland, 1807-14. Dub- hn, 1821-3. royal 8vo. 2 vols. 21. 19s. 6d. [Second edit. 1823-4.] Ballad. — An Answere to a Ro- mish Rime, lately printed and enti- tuled, A j)roper new Ballad. — Writ- ten by that Protestant and Catho- Kke J. R.(hodes). Lond. 1602. 4to. The Ballad is given in 24 stanzas, Ro- man type, and the answer by J . R. in 46 stanzas, black letter. 20 leaves. Perry, pt. i. 209, 11. 2s. According to the author's address, there was an answer in prose by Crowley, in 1588. — A Ballad Book. Edinb. 1824. 12mo. Thirty copies printed for private distri- bution, iiv the editor, C. K. Sharpe, Esq. BaUads.— A Collection of Old Ballads, corrected from the best and most autient Copies extant, with Introductions liistorical and critical. Lond. 1726-38. 12mo. 3 vols, with 47 plates. This collection is, by Dr. Farmer, as- cribed to Ambrose Phillips. [The plate of the Swimming Lady at p. 133, in vol. ii. is often wanting.] Dent, pt. i. 178, 4<. Duke of York, .^S37, il. White Knights, pt. i. 285, a. OS. Roxburghe. 3220, 41. 14s. 6d. Penv, pt. xi. 882. 5/. Dibdin, 714, 51. 10s. Ciough, 2.i4, 6?. 17s. 6d. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. oOP, 7/. 7:;. Sirettcll, 988, morocco^ 7?. 7s. 106 BAL Nassau, pt. 1. 104, 7?. 12s. 6d. Sotl.eby's in|bled Man should seek Eefuge in May, 1823, 7?. 17s. 6d. L-, -, -rij- u ^c:o^ o A n„ii i--^ ^f n^A x> 11 1 trod, iidinb. 1584. 8ro. — A Collection ot Old Ballads. „,.., „ „.„/•»„, ,„;„.i„ <• t„i,„ ^, .^.^^ -„ I With a prefatory opistle irora John trlasgOW, l/oo. 12mo. |Knox. Rosburghe, 489, 3?. 6s. Balnaves — Scarce ancient Ballads many likewise published a Treatise concerning Aberdeen •'"■'^''fication. Edinb. 1550, 1584. 'I Baxthaepe, J. The Straights never before published 182"' 12mo -The Common Place Book ofljloyage, or St. Dayid's Poem. Lend. ancient and modern Ballads, andj il;^, 49,' 6M2s. 6d. Perry, 3^. 10s. Metric^al Legendary Tales, an ori-| Baltimoee, Fred. Calvert, Lord. ginal Selection, many never before pubHshed. Edinburgh, 1824. 12mo. The ballads in this selection, 'many never before published,' are all modem. — The Book of British Ballads, edited by Sam. Carter Hall, 2 vols, imperial 8vo. several hunch'ed wood engravings by the best artists. Lond. 1842-4. Kew edition in 1 vol. Bohn, 1853. 1?. 5s. Bailaed, George. Memoii's of several Ladies of Great Britain, who have been celebi'ated for then- Writings or Learning. Oxford, 1752. 4to. An entertaining work, comprising no- tices of the lives and writings of 62 ladies, commencing with Juliana of Norwich, and ending with CoiistantiaGrierson. Bindlev, pt. i. 902, 17s. Sir P. Thompson, 127, lZ.8s. Williams, 215, morocco, 11. 14s. Reprinted in LoTidon, 1775, 8vo. 10s. 6d. A very large collection of IJallard'.s epistolary corre- spondence is in the Bodleian Library. — G. The History of Susanna, compiled according to the prophet Daniel, amplified with convenient meditations. Sung by the devoted honourer of the divine muses, G. B. T. Harper, for Wm. Hope, 1638. Dedicated to Ann, Countess of Northum- berland, Coll. B to I, in eights; K, two leaves, besides title, &c., nine leaves. Sotheby, May, 1&56, 121. 15s. Balmfoed, James. Dialogue concerning the Unlawfidness of playing at Cards or Tables, or any other Game consisting in Chance. Lond. for Richard Boile. 12mo. Contains 8 leaves. Addressed to ' Master Llonal Maddlson, &c. The dedication is dated 1.593. In the British Museum arc two editions, one with the date of 162.3. Balnaves, Henry. Confession of Faith concern!)!'' how tlic trou- Toiir to the East, in the Years 1753 and 1764. With Remarks on the City of Constantinople and the Turks. Also select Pieces of Ori- ental Wit, Poetry, and Wisdom. Lond. 1767. 8vo. 5s. Roxburghe, 7256, 3s. 6d. Baker, 23, (with plates) red morocco, 2Z. 9s. An edition was printed at Dublin, 1768. ■ — • Gaudia Poetica, Latina, An- ghca, et Gallica, Lingua composita, Anno 1769. Augustije, 1770. 4to. with plates. Privately printed for presents. It is said that onlv ten copies were printed. Strettell, 3G6, 31. 3s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 397, morocco, 41. Randolph, 51. 15s. 6d. Reed, 6682, ei. 10s. Bindley, pt. i. 748, morocco, 71. 7s. — Coelestis et Inferi. Venet. 1771. 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 349, 6s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 749, U. 18s. Reed, 6683, 10s. 6d. Balzac, J. L. Guez de. Letters and Remaines. Ti-ans. by Sir R. Baker. Lond. 1655 8. 8vo. 2 vols. These letters were fonnerly in much re- quest. Bambiu'gh. A Catalogue of the Library at Bamburgh Castle, in Northumberland. 4to. [1799.] (Privately printed.) A catalogue of a curious and valuable library, collected by Dr. The. Sharp, who died in 1792. Bishop of Ely, 450, 21. 15s. Sotheby's In 1826, 6s. 6d. Bamfield (Col. Joseph, Royalist Commander in tlie reign of Charles I.). Apology, written by himself. 4to. Privately printed (in Holland) 1687. One of the rarest memoirs relating to the civil war. Bright, 1845, 4/. Bampfyij)E, John. Sixteen Son- nets. Lond. 1778. small 4to. BAM BAN lo; Tliese sonnetb nic higlily praised by Dr. Soutliey, in liis specimens, mid by the Quarterly Review : they are reprinted in Park's Collectiiin of the I'oets. Bampfield, Francis. All useful ypieiices and profitable Ai'ts in one Book of Jehovah iElokim. Printed, 1677. foHo. In two Parts. Gordonstoun, 808, Ss. Most of the works of Ihis singular cliaracter are in the Uritish Museum, and a life of him will be found in Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Athense Oxon. iv. 126-8. Bamptox, Lord. See M'Douall, Anch-ew, Lord Bampton. Bampton Lecture. A Collection of the Sermons preached at the Lec- lure, founded by the Rev. Jolm Bampton, from its foundation iu 1780 to the year 1856. Oxford and London, 8vo. 77 toIs. This collection of Sermons is seldom met with complete. Those by Cobb and Tatham were for many years exceedingly scarce, butthelatterhasbeen reprinted. Williams, 138, 1780—1821. 44 vols, with some contro- versial tracts inserted, relating to White's Hampton Lecture, 39/. 1780, J. Handintl. 1813, J. Collinson. 1781, T. Neve. 1814, W. Van Mildert. 1782, R. Holmes. 1815, R. Ileber. 1783, J. Cobb. 1816, J. H. Spry. 1784, J. White. 1817, J. Jliller. 1785, R. Churton. 1818, C. A. Movsey. 1786, G. Croft. 1819, H. D.Morgan. 1787, W. Hawkins. 1820, G. Faussett. 1788, R. Shepherd. 1821, J. Jones. 1789, E. T.itham, 2 v. 1822, R. Whately. reprinted, 1840.1823, C. Goddard. 1790, H. Kett. 1824, J. J.Conybeare. 1791, R. Morres. 182.5, G. Chandler. 1792, .1. Eveleigh. 1826, W. Vaux. 1793, J. Williamson. 1827, H. H. Milman. 1794, T. Wintle. 1 795, D. Vevsie. 1796, R.Grav. 1797, W. Kiiich. 1798, C.H. Hall. I7;i9. W. Barrow. ■ IHOO, G. Richards. 1801,G.S.Faber,2v. 1828, T. Home 1829, E. Burton. 1830, H. Soames. 1831, T.W.Lancaster. 1832, R. D.Hampden. 1833, F. Nolan. 1834-183.5, Nolectures delivered. 1802, G. F. Noit. 1836, C. A. Ogilvie. 1803, J. Farrer. 1837, T. S. L. Vogan. 1804, K. Laurence. 18,38,H.A. Woodgate. 1805, E. Nares. ]S39,W.D.Conybeare. 1806, J. Browne. 1840, K. Hawkins. ! 1807, T. Le Mesuricr.-lS41, No lectures de- j 1808, J. Penrose. livered. 1809, J. B. S. Carwi- 1842, J.Garbett. then. 1843, A.Grant. 1810, T. Falconer. 1844, R. W. Jelf. 1811, ,!. IJidlake. 1845, C. A. Heartlev. 1812,R. Mant. 1846, A. Short. ' 1847, Wa. Shirley. 18-)3, W. Thomson. 1848, E. G. Marsh. 1854, Hon. S. Walde- 1849, K.Michell. grave. 1850, E.M.Goulbourn.18.5.5, J. E. Hode. 1.851, H. B. Wilson. 1856, E. A. Litton. 1852, J. E. Riddle. 1857, W. E. Jelf. Banbiu-y, Tlie Shepherd of. Rules to know of the Change of the Wea- ther. Bv John Claridge. Lond. 1744. 8vo. 3s. 6d. A small work of great popularity among the lower orders of the people, said to have been written by John Campbell, LL.D. Reprinted 1827. 8vo. Bancks, J. Miscellaneous Works in Verse and Prose. Lond. 1738-9, 8vo. 2 vols, with plates after Ho- garth, 14s. Bancroft, D. A brief Disco- verie of the Untruthes and Slanders against the true Government of the Church of Christ, in a Sermon. Fe- bruary 8, 1588. 12mo. No name or place. Horner, 18.54, mor. 11. 4s. — Edward, M.D. Essay on the Natm*al History of Guiana, in South America. Lond. 1769. 8vo. with a plate. 5s. Besides natural histnry, this work may be con.sulted with advantage on the man- ners, &c. of the natives. Heath, 2753, 7s. fid. Willett, 61, 15s. — Experimental Researches con- cerning the Philosophy of permanent Coloiu's, and the best Means of pro- ducing them by Dyeing, Cahco Printing, &c. Lond.' 1813, 8vo. 2 vols. The most scientific work on the subject. The first edition of vol. i. 1794, is now of little value. • — Richard, Ashp. of Canterbury. Survay of the pretended holy Disci- phne."^ Lond. 1593. 4to. 15s. Prefixed is an epistle to the reader, con- tents, &c. 464 pp. and the errata. Re- printed 1663. 4to. From this and the fol- lowing work much information respecting the Puritans may be obtained. — Daungerous Positions and Pro- ceedings, pubhshed and practised withm this Hand of Brytaiue, vnder Pretence of Reformation, and for the Prcsbvteriall Discipline. Lond. 1593. Itol 108 BAX BAN Prefixed are ' An Advertiiiemeiit to the gieall Historic, which a Spanishe Header. -The Contents.' Then a coUec- "s- - ' . __ . i tion of sentences from the scriptures and the fathers. 183 pp. White Knii'Ceoft, Thos. Two Booke.s of Epigrammes and Epitaphs. (-181 in number.) Lend. 1639. 4to. Contains pp. 86. A copious account of this volume will be found in the Kestitutn. ii. 490—6. Nassau, pt. i. 374, mor. 11. lis. Sir M. M. Svkes, pt. i. 399, 21. luglis, 1.39, mor. 21. 19s. Roxburghe, 3375, ^Z. 38. Towueley, pt. i. 391, il. 14s. 6d. Strettell, 36.3, mor. il. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 744, 4i.l7s. Lloyd, 226, 101. 10s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. SO, 201. afterwards 51. 5s. — Glutton's FeaTer. Lond. 1817. 4to. Presented to the meinbers of the Rox- burghe Club, by J. D. Phelps, Esq. Dent, pt. ii. 1204, 12s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1626, IMOs. Boswell, 3037. 4^. Bindley,! gfj pt. iii. 1796, 9?. lis. 6d. (Original edition, 1633, sold 18.i4, 5?. 2s. 6d.) — Heroical Lover. Lond. 1658. Reed, 6554, 11. lis. 6d. Gentlewoman named Violenta ex- ecuted upon her Louer Didaco, be- cause he espoused another beying first betrothed vnter her. Newlj translated into Enghsh Meeter, by T. A. (Thomas Acheley.) Lond. by JoJm Charlewood for Thomas Butter, 1576. 12mo. Black letter. Not noticed by Ames or Herbert. It is mentioned by Ritson in his Bibliographia Poetica, under Thomas Acheley. A copy was sold at Steevens' sale. No. 1102, with other articles. Bakdinel, Bulkley, D.D. Cata- logue of Books relatmg to British Topography and Saxon and Northeni Literatm'e, bequeathed to the Bod- leian Library by Richard Gough. Oxford, 1814. 4to. pp. 459, 1/. lis. Bandello aiatteo. La prima, [ ^.^'^ji^i^e^ f^.^^ History-, la secouda, la terza, e la quarta j -^yg^^ j^^^q g^Q_ ^ ,^^^^3 j^^ The most complete catalogue of English topography extant. Baniee, Abbe Antoine. Mytho- logy and Fables of the Ancients Lond. Pai-te de le Novelle del Bandello.'^ a wol^k contlinliiganTmmense store of Lond. per S. HarcUilg, 1740. 4to. important information. Vv'lUiams, 140, 4 vols, m 3. I morocco, 4^. An elegant reprint of the edition of Lucca j Baxistee, John. Historie of Man 1554 and Lione 1573, parte i. 368 leaves ;« sucked from the Sap of the most parte ii. 391 leaves, including one contain- 1 approved Anatomists, &C. Lond. ing the register; partem. 231 leaves; parte i, t i -r> i-tq ^l• iv. 1321eave3, and 4of introductorymatter, "J Jomi i>aye, lo/a. toiio. including the title. A copy on large i"''ck letter, with cuts. Home Tooke, PAPER at the sale of the Mac Carthv library; •'^8' 1-ls. Banister likewise published se- produced 326 fr. ' I veral other chiruigical works. — The tragicaU Historve of Eo-' — John, and Thomas Low. New meus and Juliet, written first iu^^Ji'cs and Dialogues composed for Itahan by Baudell, and uowe in Voices and Viols of two, thi-ee, and English by Ar.[thnr] Br.[oke] Lon j lo^U" 'P^rt^ ■ together with Lesson.s don, by Richard Tottill, 1562. 4to. ^r Viols or Viohns. Lond. 1678. Black letter. In fours extends to fol.84, 8vo. besides four leaves of introduction. This' BaNKES, Henry. Civil and Con- edition, with the title of 1587, is reprinted „i:i^„i:„„„i TT;,4-„tL, ^e ■D„,„„ * in Malone-s Supplement to Shakespeare, ^t^t^i^tlO^^l History of Rome, from 1780; of which reprint about 12copies were its Foimdation to the Age of Au- faken off, with new paging, for private gustus. Lond. 1818. 8vo. 2 vols, distribution. In the British Bibliographer An excellent article on the early History rvol. 11. 11.3— 16j will be found the pretuce of Rome, with a notice of this work, will be to the edition of 1562, omitted in that of fo„„^( in the Quarterly Review, xxvii. 273— 1587, and also in -Malone s reprint. ;308. Drury, 316, extra bound, 1^.48. — Matteo. Anotbor edition, l.vkge paper, Combe, 99, bds. I8.s. Lond. by Rob. Robinson, 1587. 4to. I Bankes His Bay Horse in a — A most lamentable and tra-; Trance. >S'ee Marocus Extaticus. BAN Banks, John. Critical Review of the Life of Oliver Cromwell. Lond. 1760. 12nio. with port. 4s Upon tlie whole, an impartial work, often reprinted. — Sir Joseph, Bart. Catalogus Bibhothecffi historico-naturahs Jo- seph! Banks, Baroneti, &c. Auetore Jona Dryander. Londini, 1798 — 1800. Svo. 5 vols. An excellent and admirably arranj^ed catalogue, certainly the most comprehen- sive of the kind ever published. It con- tains a collation of all the articles in the library, and is illustrated with much curi- ous and important information. 250 copies printed. Vol. i. pp. vii. and 309, and index. Vol. ii. pp. XX. 578, and index. Vol. iii. pp xxiii. 656, and index. Vol. iv. pp. ix. and 390. Vol. v. pp. 531. Dibdin, 20, 51. 12s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 993, 51. 17s. — Thomas C. Dormant and Extinct Baronage of England, from BAN luy Table, as the printed cases, whence it was compihui, may not be easily procured. — Thomas C. Stemmata Angli- cana ; or, a miscellaneous Collection of Genealogy. Lond. 1825. 4to. [Afterwards pubhshed under the title of Genealogical and Heraldic Gleanings, and as Dormant and Ex- tinct Baronage, vol. iv. 1837.] 4to. 15s. L. P. i;. Is. This volume commences with a treatise on the various dignities of Peerage, and the manner of establishing claiujs to tbem. The only valuable part of the work is that entitled 'Barones liejecti,' being an account of individuals who appear to have held the rank of Barons,, but who are not noticed by other writers, which in many instances exhibit proofs of considerable re- search. The appendix contains ' Addi- tions and Emendations to the author's Domiant and E.xtinct Haronage, with In- dices to the whole work.' History of the ancient noble the Norman Conquest to the year ^^^^ ^f Marmyun ; their office of 1809. Lond. 1807—9. 4to. 3 vols. A work of no merit. The greater part of its contents was copied from Dugdale's Ijaronage, but as many of that writer's most important statements, and all hi references to his authoiities are omitted, it is of infinitely less value. The account of titles created since Dugdale wrote, is chiefly taken from Collins. An appendix is annexed to the Stemmata Anglicana. Brockett, 466, 3/. 4s. Duke of York, 48S, 31. lis.— LARGE PAPER, 51. 5s. — Genealogical and Biographi- cal History of the Dormant and Extinct Peerage of England, from the Norman Conquest ; including the Regal Families anterior to the House of Brimswick. Lond. 1812. 8vo. Vol. i. 10s. This volume is the only one which ap- peared of an intended new edition in sl.\ oct;ivovolnmes,of theDoiTiiant and K.xtliirt Bai-onage. It commences (p. Ito 145j witli ;< genealogical account of the Extinct Koyal Families of England, which is a useful compilation from Sandford, and other ex- pensive works, though by no means remark- able for accuracy or research. The titles of Peerage treated of,, extend in alphabetical order from Abergavenny to B.anbur}-, (p. 148 to the end.) and present the best of the various specimens of the author's genea- logical abilities. The elaborate notice of the singular claim to the P.anbnry Peerage would alone render thi<: volume of some King's Champion, &c. Lond. 1817. Svo. 10s. 6d. 4to. 1/. Is. A very imperfect work. Mr. Banks is the author of some other publications of a similar nature, but they are unworthy of being particularly mentioned. Bannattne, Richard. Joiu'nal of the Transactions in Scotland, during the Contest between the Adherents of Queen Mary and those of her Son in 1570-71-72-73 Edinb. 180G. 8vo. 12s. Bannatyne was secretary to John Knox, Bannatjne MS. Ancient Scottish Poems. Pubhshed from the MS. of George Bannatyne, 1568. Edinb. 1770. 12mo. 4s. Edited by Sir David Dalrymple, after- wards Lord Hailes. Heath, 1879, 10s. 6a. Roxburghe, 3195, 12s. Strettell, 1006, russia, 17s. A reprint, Leeds, 1815. Svo Two bundled copies printed ou common paper; and thirty-one on coloured paper. Baxxattne Club Books. See AjDjicncUx. Hanquett of Dainties ; for all suche Gestes that loue moderatt Dyate. Lond. by Tho. Hackett. 1566. 8vo. Black letter, contains pp.42. This poeti- cal banquet is not noticed by Ames, Her- no BAlt BAB. bert, or Dr. Dibdiu, but an account fmni au imperfect copy will be found in tlie Censiira Literaria, vol. vii. 55-7. Bibl. Anglo-i'oet. 42, morocco (title MS.) V)l. 10s. Re-sold bv Saunders in 1818, 61. 16s. 6d. Re-sold Bright, 41. 15s. — Jests. See Armstrong, Archee. — Daiutie Conceits. See Miui- day, Antony. Banslet, Charles. Rhyming Satire on the Pride and Vices of Women now a days. Lond. by Tho- mas Raynalde (about 1540). i2mo. Rlack letter, commencing, ' Bo peep, what have we spied.' [Re- printed, but never issued, by the Percy So- ciety, 8vo. 1841, 15S.J Baptism. Sacra Institutio Bap- tizandi, Matrimonimn celebrandi, Tnfermos imgendi, Mortuos sepe- liendi, acahi nonniilli Ritus Eccle- siastici, jiixta usum insignis Eccle- sise Sarisburiensis. Duaci, 1604. 4to. 10s. 6d. — Of Baptisme, 1646. See Law- rence, Henry. — Ordo Baptizandi, ahaque Sa- cramenta administrandi, et OfBeia qiipedam Ecclesiastica rite pnra- gendi, Jussu Pauli V. pro Angha, Hibernia et Scotia. Paris, 1657. 12rao. 78. — Ordo Baptizandi ahaqiie Sa- cramenta administrandi, &c. pro Angha, Hibernia et Scotia. Lond. 1686. 12mo. 10s. This book was printed by the special command of -James II. in order to form the standard of what he considered the true Catholic religion in this country. Baratariana ; aCollection of Pieces, pubhshed during the Administration of Lord Townshend in Ireland, with Supplement. Dublin, 1772-3. 8vo. 3 vols, in 2, with plates. Nassau, pt. i. 109, 8s. Garrick. 106, 9s. Baeatti, Giacomo. Travels into the remote countries of the Abissins or Ethiopia interior, translated by G. D. Lond. 1670. 12mo. Constable, 39, 6s. 6d. Heath, 2699, 8s. Bauba, Alvarez Alonzo. Art of ]\I(tals, translated by Edward Montagu, Earl of Sandwicli. Lond. 1674. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Reprinted in ' A Collection of valuable Treatises upon Metals, Mines, and Mine- rals.' 1740. 12mo The sale of Barba'* book was prohibited in Spain, under the penalty of the Inquisition. Barbadillo, Don Alonso Ge- ronimo de Salas. Fortunate Fool, translated (from the Spanish) by Philip Ayres. Lond. 1670. 12mo. 5s. Barbadoes. — Laws of Barbadoes, from 1643 to 1762, by Richard HaU, 1762, 4to. 21. 12s. 6d. — Pubhc Acts in Force, passed by the Legislature of Barbadoes, from May 11, 1762, to April 8, 1800. By Samuel Moore. 1801. royal 8vo. "Barbara. The Life of St. Bar- bara. Lond. By Jidvan Notary (1518). 4to. Black letter. Four leaves. Baebaeo, Daniel. Relazione dell' illustrissimo Daniel Barbaro, fatta nel serenissimo Senato doppo la sua Legazione d' Inghilterra ove fu Am- basciatore per la serenissima Repub- lica in Tempo del Re Edvardo VI. nel 1551. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Barbary. History of Barbary. Lond. 1609. 4to. luglis. 140, 3Z. 2s. — Three Miseries of Barbary : Plague, Famine, ciudl Warre. With a Relation of the Death of Mahamet the late Emperoiu' : and a briefe Report of the now present Wars betweene the three Brothers. Lond. 4to. A copy is in the British Musetim. — Late Newes out of Barbarv. Lond. 1613. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. — Voyage to Barbary, for tlie Redemption of Captives in 1720, by the Mathuriii-Tfinitarian Fa- thers, 1735. 8vo. With map and plates, 7s. — Several Voyages to Barbary, with Notes, historical and critical. BAI? BAR 111 The secoudEditiou corrected. Lond. 1736. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Contains, pp. 146, with Contents. Also Appendix, pp. 158, with six Maps, &c. de- bigned by Captain Henry Boyde. Baebauld, Anna Letitia. Se- lections from the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, and Freeholder. With a prehminary Essay. Lond. 1804. 12mo. 3 vols. 9s. [New edition, 2 vols. 12mo. 1849. 7s.] An excellent selection. — Poetical Works, the Corre epondence and other Prose Pieces, with a Memoir. By Lucy Aikm Lond. 1826. 8vo. 2 vols. 24s. Barber, J. T. Tour tln-ough Soutli Wales and Monmouthshii-e. Lond. 1803. 8vo. 15s. This work is chiefly picturesque, and descriptive of manners. It contains pp. 359, with a Map and twenty Views, en- graved from drawings, by the author. Font- hill, 2799, PROOFS, 11. 12s. Copies are printed in an inferior manner, without plates. — WiUiara. Farm Buildings ; oir, Eiiral Economy. Lond; 1805. 4to. with six plates. 10s. 6d. Barber likewise published a Description of the Mode of Building in Fise. 1806. 4to. — T. Picturesque Guide to the Isle of Wight, 8vo. 40 plates. Lond. Bohn,1834. [New edition, completed to 1850, 45 plates, 10s. 6d.] Barberinus, Maffffius, i.e. Urban VIII. Poemata, cum Vita Auctoris et Annotationibus adjectis, edidit Jos. Brown. Oxon. 1726. 8vo. Dent, pt. i. 179, nissia, 6s. 6d.— large PAPER. Williams, 141, morocco, 11. Barbier, John. Janua Lingua- rum quadrilinguis, or a Messe of Tongues, Latine, English, French, and Spanish. Londiui, 1617. 4to. Inglis, 52.3, morocco, 3^ 3s. — Jos. Game of Chesse-play, being a princely Exercise, whereby the Learner may profit more by reading of tliis small Book than by playing of a thousand Mates. Lond. 1672. 12mo. with wood cuts. A Treatise of no merit. Towneley, pt. i. 287, 18s. Marq. of Townshend, 85, 18s. 6d. White Knights, pt. 1. 292, morocco, U. 2s. Barbour, John. The Actes and Life of Robert Bruce. Edinb. 1620. 8vo. Black letter, pp. 444. According to Pinkerton the first edition was piiblifihed in 1616. (?) Reprinted 1648, 1665, 1670, 1671 1672, 1737,1758. Edition 1620, Bibl. Anglo- Poet 21, morocco, 4i. 4s. — 1670, Roxburghe, 3242, 21. 5s. Utterson, 1852, morocco, hi. 12s. 6d.— 1672, Bindley, pt. i. 56, 31. 18s. —1758, Nassau, pt. i. 376, 9s. ii. 138. 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 747, 16s. — The Bruce ; or the History of Robert I. King of Scotland. Written in Scottish Verse by John Barbour. The first genuine Edition, pubUshed from a MS. dated 1489 ; with Notes and a Glossarv, by J. Pinkerton. Lond. 1790. 12mo."3 vols. 15s. Lloyd, 51, 11. Is. Roxburglie,3243.1i.7s, — The Bruce, published from a MS. dated 1489, with Notes and a Life of the Author, &c. To which is added, Wallace, or the Life of Sir Wm. Wallace of Ellerslie, from a MS. of 1488, by John WaUace Ja- mieson. Edinb. 1820. 2 vols. 4to. Two hundred and fifty copies printed. Brockett, 467, 21. Hibbert, 11. 18. — See Spalding Club, Appendix. Barbtit, James. Genera Insec- torum of LinuEeus exemplified by va- n'ous Specimens of English Insects, with Descriptions in English and French. Lond. 1781. 4to. with plates, 1^. Is., or coloui'ed, 2/. 12s. 6d. Contains pp. 371, and 22 plates. — The original drawings. Beckford, 1817, 138, morocco, 71. 17s. 6d. Genera Vermium, with Expla- nations in English and French. Lond. 1783-8. 4to. Two Parts, with plates, plain, 18s. coloured, 21. 2s. Part i. pp. 101, and 11 plates. Part ii. (Testacea.) pp. 76, and 14 plates. Bakckley. See Barclay. Barclay, Alexander. Alex. Bark- ley his Figure of our Mother Holy ChurcJ;!, oppressed by the French King. (Rich. Pynson.) 4to. From Maunsell's Catal. p. 7. — Egloges of Alexader Barclay, 112 UAH BAR Priest, &c. Loud by Riehardf Pyii- soii. folio. Black liitler. Contains 22 leaves with cuts. Dent, pt. i. 312, with the 'Fyfte Eglog; printed by \V. de Worde, 36/. Barclay. Eglogesof Alex. Barclay, Priest, whereof the first three con- taineth the Miseries of Courters and Coiirte. Lond. by John Herford. 4to. n. d. Black letter. — Egloges of Alexander Barclay, Priest. Lond. by Humphi'ey Powell (about 1548). 4to. Black letter. Contains P. 2, in fours, pp 116. Inglis, 143, 61. 2s. 6d. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 894, \5l. Bright, 101. 10s. — Certayne Egloges. Lond. by John Cawood. folio. Black letter. D in sixes. Appended to Biant's Stultifera Navis. — The fyfte Eglog of Alexandi-e Barclay of the Cytezen and Vplon- dyshman. Loud, by W. deWorde.4to. Black letter. Contains E in sixes. Wood- hoiise. 5 parts complete, iol. Dent, pt. i. .112, with the Egloges printed by Pynson, 361. Heber, 2il. 10s. — The Introductory to wi'ite and to pronounce Frenche, compyled by Alexander Barcley, at the com- rnaundement of Thomas, Duke of Norfolke. Lond. by Robert Copland. 1521. folio. Black letter. Contains C 4, in sixes. — See Braxdt, Sebastian. Castle of Labour. Manctn, Domiuecke. Sallust. A veiy elaborate account of this elegant writer's productions is given in the 29th section of Warton's History (if English I'oetry. Further notices, &c. will also be found in Bliss's Wood's A.O. i. 205— 9, and Ellis' Specimens, i. 406—9. — John. Granimatica Latina Johannis Barkley. (Eich. Pynsou, 1516.) 4to. — John Barclay his Argenis, or the Loves of PoHarcluis and Argcnis, Iranslated by Kingsuiill Long. Lond. 1(525, folio. • A political allegory, pronounced by the poet Cowper, the most amusing romance ever written. J!indh y, pt. i. 195, 5s. — Argenis, translated by Sir Robert Le Grrys, Knight ; the Terse.-j by Thomas May, Esq. Lond. 1628-9. 4to. 1628, Gordonstoun, 311, 5s. Gd.— 1629, Bindley, pt. i. 1088, russia, 6s. 6d. — Argenis, translated by Kings- mill Long, Esq. The second edi- tion beautified with pictures, toge- ther with a key prsefixed to unlock the whole story. Lond. 1636, 4to. Contains A— Bhb 2 in eights. The cuts are on the letter press. Un the back of A 4, is a portrait of Barclay. Koxburghe, 6087, 5s. Nassau, pt. i. 378, 9s. — The Phoenix, or the History of Polyarchus and Argenis. Trans- latedfrom the Latin, [by Clara Reeve.] Lond. 1771, 12mo. 4 vols. 12s. Barclay published an acconntof the Gun- powder plot, which will be found at the end of his Satyricon and likewise several controversial works relative to England in the reign of James I. — Icon Animanun ; the Mirror ofMindes, translated by T. May. Lond. 1631. 12mo. 5s. A masterly description of the manners of the several nations of Europe in the beginning of the ISth century, with re- marks moral and philosophical on the various tempers of men. — Description of the Roman Cathohck Chiu'ch, written in the year 1679. (in verse.) Edinb. 1741. 8vo. (Nonstable, 41, 6s. — Sketch of the Life of John Barclay of Urie, 1786. 4to. Published by Sir David Dalrymple Lord Hailes. — Sir Richard, Knt. Discourse of the FeUcitieof Man : or liis Summum Bonum. Written by Sir Richard Harkley, Knight. Lond. 1598. 4to. Keprinted 1603, 1631. 'J'his work 'is in fact a garner filled with the most amusing and best histories, and little nan-ations, told in tlie author's own words, and occa- sionally enlarged, but in perfect keeping and consistency.' Ketrospect. Review. Edition 15(18, Reed, 1774, 6s.— 1603, Inglis, 142, OS.— 1631, Nassau, pt. i. 377. lis. — Robert. Works. Lond. 1692. folio. 1718. 8vo. 3 vols. .ISs. Tlie celebrated apologist for the Quakers, and one of the ablest writers of that sect : his works are much esteemed. BA.It BAR 113 - Apology for the true Clirisliaii Divinity, as the same is held forth and preached by the People, called in scorn, Quakers. liii-minghaiu, 17G5. Ito. 18s. An elHKant edition printed by Baskev- viUo. liimiley, pt. i. 920, nissia, 11. 2.s. Tlie lirst edition, 1G76, 4to. dedicated t(j Cliaiies II., has been frequently repiinted, and translated into most European lan- guages. — G-enealogical Account of the Barclays of Urie, 1110—1731, with Memoirs of Colonel David Barclay, and his son Robert Barclay, author of the ' Apology for the Quakers.' Lond. 1812. 8vo. 4s. Edited by Henry Mill. The original edition appeared Alierdeen, 1740, Svo. — WiUiani. De Regno et regali Potestate adversus Buchananum, Brutum, Boucherium et reliquos Monarchomachos, Libri sex. Paris, 1600. 4to. A celebrated treatise denying the au- thority of the Pope over Soveieigns in Tcanporals. This learned civilian pub- lished several other controversial works. — Callu-rhoe, or the Well of the Spavv. Aberd. 1615, 1670. Svo. — Barclaii Guliehni ex Vita Julii Agricolw, Auctore Genero, Prscmatia. Bareith. — Memoires de Frederi- qne Sophie Williehnine de Prusse, IVIargrave de Bareith Soeur de Frederic-le-Grand,eerits de sa Main Lond. 1812. Svo. 2 vols 12s. An Englisli translation of these amusing memoirs appeared 1812, Svo. 2 vols. Baeet, Jolm. Alvearie or Quad- ruple Dictiouarie, Enghsh, Latine. Greeke, and French. Lond. 1580, folio, 10s. 6d. Dedicated to Lord I'nnlcigh. A foiTner edition, containing three languages, K.n- glish, Latin, and rrencli. appeared in 1573, folio. 1580. Perry, pt. i. 436, 'Ji. -is. Hindley, pt. i. 575, 14s. Home Tooke, 40, 21. 5s. — 1573, Ko.\burghe, 2161, li'. Is. — Michael. Hippononiie, or the Vineyard of Horsemanship. Lond. 1618. Baretti, Joseph. Italian Li- brary, containing an accoimt of the VOL. I. Lives and Works of the most valua- ble Autliors of Italy. With a Pre- face, exhibiting the changes of the Tuscan language, from the barbarous ages to the present time. Lond. 1757. Svo. 6s. — Account of the Manners and Customs of Italy ; with an Appen- dix. Lond, 1768-9. 8vo. 2 vols. 6s. \ very entertaining book.' L) r . J oh itson . Bindley, pt.i. 314, 13s. Journey from London to Ge- noa, through England, Portugal, Spain and France. Lond. 1770. Svo. 4 vols. 10s. 6d. An entertaining work. Funthill. 2087, 30s.— 4to. 2 vols. Drury, 374, 16s. Fonthill, 418, U 13s. Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages. Lond. 17(J0. 4to. 2 vols ISs. The dedication to tliis dictionary was written by Dr. Jolmson. Keprinted 1778, 1790, 4to., and 1820, 8vo. 2 vols. [Repub- lished with large additions, by Oavonport and Comelati,2 vols.Svo. Lond. 1854.1^. 10s.] — Dictionary of the English and Spanish Languages. Lond. 1778. foho. Reprinted 1794, 1800, in 4to. and 1807, Svo. 2 vols. Edition 1794, Dent, pt. i. 313, 11. 6s.— 1800, White Knights, pt. i. 3.52, nissia, i;. 14s. [Republished with large additions and corrections, by Prof. Seoane, Lond.l&S7,2 vols. Svo. li.Ss., and frequently reprinted.] Tliis writer likewise published many other works, chiefly grammatical. Baeham, Henry. Hortus Ame- ricanus. Kingston, Jamaica, 1794. Svo. pjj. 212. OS. Bakkeh, Andrew. Report of the two famous Pirates, Capt. Ward and Danseter. Lond. 1609. 4to. DaboiTie took the plot of ' A Christian turn'd Turk,' from tlie above. Nassau, pt. ii. 372. — Edmund Henry. Classical and Biblical Recreations. Lond. 1812. 8v:\ vol. i. (all published) 8s. 6d. [This laborioiis scholar edited the 'Clas- sical Journal,' tlie ' Delphinand Variorum Classics,' ' Stephani Thc-sauru.s LinguK GneciB,' and many classical school books for Valpy ; and wrote Parriana, Letters on Junius, &c. &C.1 114 BAR Barker, Thomas. Art of Angling. Lond. ir>51. 12mo. All edition, 1653, 4to. without the au- thor's name. [It is sometimes adjoined to the Countiymaii's Recreations, 4to. It554.j A reprint of the edition of 1651, appeared 1820, and that of 1653 was reprinted at liOeds, 1817, of which one copy was struck off in 4to. Edition 165.3. Bindley, pt. iv. 524 6s. White Knights, pt. i. 158, 8s. Haworth, 919, 11. 2s. — Barker's Deliglit ; or, the Art of AngUug. The second edition, ranch enlarged. Lond. 1657 or 1659. 12mo. Contains pp. iv. and 27. Haworth, 921, date 1659, 17s. Reprinted 1820, of which four copies were printed on yellow paper, and one on vellum. Barkley. See Barclay. Baresdaxe, Clement. Nympha Libethris : or the Cotswold Muse presenting some extempore verses to the Imitation of yong Scholars : in four parts. Lond.1651.12mo.pp.96. Perry, pt. iv. 316, 21. Is. Dent, pt. i.l82, raor. ei. 15s. Saunders in 1818, 151. 15s. Bihl. Anglo-Poet. &3,20Z. Gardner, 1854, mor.4?. Brand, 4L 10s. A reprint, consist- ing of 40 copies, was puhlished 1816, by Sir Egerton Urydges. Nassau, pt. i. 117, 15s. Eindley, pt. i. 643, 17s. Strettell, 129, 19s. — Memorials of worthy Persons. Two Decads, 12mo. Lond. 1661. A third Decad, Oxford, 1662. A fourth Decad, Oxford, 1663. A fifth Decad, entitled ' A Remembrance of excellent Men.' Lond. 1670. 8vo. 21. Anthony k Wood says, this work is ' scribled from the sermons preached at their funerals, their lives, and characters occasionally given of them, in public aiitliors.' Nassau, pt. li. 1465, 2 vols. 1661-3, 11. Ill Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Athense Oxonienses, iv. 221—5, will be found a bio- graphy, with a list of the writings of Barksdale. Barkshire. — Bubhcation of Guia- nas Plantation, newly undertaken by the Earl of Barksliire. Lond. 1632. 4to. Barkstead, or Barkstcd, WiU. Myrrha, the Mother of Adonis, or Lusls Prodigies, a Poem. Lond. 1607. Hvo. — Ilirern, or the Fair Crreek, a Poem. Lond. ] Oil. 8vo. BAB Bariaamus Monachus. Barla- ami de Papae Princiijatu LibeUus. Nunc primum Greece et Latine cdi- tus, opera Johannis Luidii. Oxonise, 1592. 4to. 19 leaves, 6s. Barlace, G. Sketch of t) e Pro- gress of Knowledge in England, with notices of learned men. Lond. 1820. 4to. [Of no present value.] Barl.s:us, Caspar. Britannia Trimnphans, sive in inaugurationem Caroli I. Mag. Brit. Francis et Hi- bernioB Regis, Fidei Defensoris, Po- emation. Lugd. Bat. 1626. folio. A copy is in the British Museum. Barley-Breake. scientific labours, was professor ot inathe- raatics at the military academy at Woc^l- wich. lie wrote several other valual)le treatises. — Stephen. History of Ireland from the earhest period to the pre- sent tune. Lond. 1814. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. — Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln. Several Cases of Conscience learn- edly and judiciously resolved. Lond. 1692. 8vo. with portrait hy R. Wliite. 4s. — Geniiine Remains, contain- ing divers Discoui-ses, theological,- philosopliical, historical, &c. Lond. 1693. Svo. 4s. Published by Sir Peter Pett. In 1694, Re- flections on this work, by Henry Brougliam, appeared in 4to. — Directions for the Choice of Books in the Study of Divinity. Oxford, 1699. 4to. 6s. • A life of this eminent prelate, with alist of his works, will bo found in Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Athense Oxonienses, iv. 333-41. — William, successively Bishop of Rochester and Lincoln. Vita et Obitus Richardi Cosin, Legum Doc- toris, &c. Excudebant Deputati Clir. Barker. 15.98. 4to. 3s. 6d. — Sermon preached at Paulcs Ci'osse on the first Sunday in Lent, Martii 1, 1600. With a short Dis- course of the late Earle of Essex, his Confession and Penitence, be- fore and at the time of his Death. Whercunto is annexed, a ti'uc Co- pie, iu Substance, of the HehaviouT, Speachc, and Prayer of the said P^arle, at the Time of his Execution. 1601. 8vo. Contains 39 leaves. Nassau, pt. i. 118, 11. 2s. — Sum and Substance of the Conference at Hampton Court, Jan. 14, 1603. Loud. 1604. 4to. 10s. 6d. Iteprinted 1625, 1638, and also in the first volume of the Phoenix, 1707. Svo. — William, Bishop ' of Bath. Dialogue describing the originall Ground of these Lutheran Faccions and many of their Abuses, com- pyled by Syr WLlliam Barlowe Cha- non, late Byshop of Bathe. Anno 1553. Lond by John Cawoode. 16mo. Black letter. Contains L, in eiglits, half sheets. According to Ant. a VVood, ' thought to havebeenforged under his name.' Llovd, 52, (MS. title) lis. Inglis, 62, 19s. White Knights, 298, mor. 11. 8s. Honier, 1854, 11. 6s. Sotheby, Dec. 1854, mor. 21. 12s. 6d. Brand, 11. 8s. — ■ William. Navigators Supply. Lond. 1597. 4to. lOs. 6d. Contains L 2, in fours, besides dedication to the Earl of Essex and commendatory verses. This eminent mathematician and divine discovered many uses of the magnrt and loadstone which were unknown before his time, and was the first inventor of the compass-bo.'f, as it is now used at sea. — Magnetical Advertisements : or divers pertinent Observations and approved Esperinicnts concerning the Nature and Properties of the Loadstone, &c. Lond. 1616. 4to. This hook was animadverted upon by Mark Kidley, a physician, in 1617. in an- swer to which Barlowe published ' A brief Discovery,' Lond. 1618. 4to. Barmudas. See Bermudas. Baenabas. pp. App. Bamab.'B et Hermee Opera, Gr. et Lat. Oxon. 1685. 12mo. 4s. ' A good edition ' — Dr. Harwood. The editio princeps of this most ancient of all the fatliers, waspulilished by Archb. Usher, 1643, 4to. with tlie Epistles of Igna^ 1 2 llf. BAIl BAR tins. A trauslatioii will be found in Arclib. Wake'8 Epistles of tlie Apostolical Fathers. Barnaby, Dnmlien. See BiiATii- WAiT, Eichard. Barnard. — Protestant Beadsman. 1822. 12mo. Only tuelve copies printed. Sir M. M. Sykes, 330. Baexard, John, D.D. Tlieolo- go-Historicus, or the true Life of Peter Heylyn, D.D. Lond. 1683. 12mo. with portrait of Heylyn. 5s. Written in opposition to Vernon's Life of that author. Bamar^^ Family.— Copy of a ge- nealogical Accoiuit of the Barnard Family, now in the possession of Mr. John Barnard, of Nicoll's Square, Loud. Silver-Flatter. Privately printed in 1816. Baenaedine, of Escalanta. Dis- course of the Navigation wliich the Portugales do make to the Realms and Provinces of the East Parts of the World. 1579. 4to. Black letter. Reprinted in the Oxford Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. ii. Barnardiston, Thomas. Reports of Cases in Chancery, 17-iO-l. Lond. 174-2. folio, 15s. Lord Mansfield absolutely forbid the citing of HarnardiBton's Reports in the Court of Chancery. — Reports of Cases in the Com-t of King's Bench, from 12 Geo. I. to 7 Geo. II. Lond. 1744. foho. 30s. Barnaediston. Suffolk's Tears : or Elegies on that renowned Knight, Su* Nathaniel Barnardiston. Lond. 1053. 4to. pp. 70. 1/. 7s. Nassau, pt. ii. 1175, (with two portraits of him and the plate) 21. l'2s. Saunders in 1818, il. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 685, 1-21. 12s. A Sennon of the funeral at Harnardiston was published by Samuel Fairclough, Lond. 1653, 4to. Barnefeilde or Barnefield. See Barnfield. Barnes, Bamabee. Praise of .Musike. Oxenfordc, 1586. 8vo. Hlack letter. White Knights, 'M. — Divine Centurie of Spiritual Sonnets. Loud. John Windet, 1595. 4to. Contains pp, 62. Dfidicated lo ' Tobie (Matthew.s) Bishop and Comte Palatine of Duresme p.nd Hailberge.' Print<'d in tho Italic letter, with borders round each page, .Sir M. M. Sykes, 403, 121. P.ibl. Anglo- Poet. 78, 3C?. lleber, 71. Reprinted in the second volume of the Ileliconia. — Fom-e Bookes of Offices ; ena- bhng privat Persons for the speciall Service of aU good Princes and Po- hcies. Lond. 1606. foho. Contains pp. 210. Dedicated to K. ames. Some copies have commendatory verses. A copious description of these volumes will be found in the Kestituta, iv. 127—35. Gordonstoun, 248, 7s. 6d. 249, 13s. — Devil's Charter ; a Tragajdie, conteining the Life and Death of Pope Alexander the Sixt. Lond. 1607. 4to. Roxburglie, 4421, 15s. Reed, 769S, 1?. Bindley, pt. i. 1098, 11. Rhodes, 514, 11. 4s. Inglis' Old Plays, 11, 3?. 5s. Bright, mor. 21. — Pavthenophiland Parthenophe. Sonnettes, Madrigals, Elegies and Odes. 4to. Lond. A brief description of this volume (sup- posed unique), taken from a copy wanting part of the title, will be found in Ueloe's Anecdote.^ii. 777-9. Thepriuter's address is dated 1593. — Hemy. Notes of Cases of Practice in the Common Pleas, from Michaelmas Term 1732 to Hilary Term 1756 inclusive. Thii-d Edi- tion. Lond. 1790. royal 8vo. 18s. — John. Cathohco-Romanus Pacificus. Oxon. 1680. 8vo. Remitted into Browne's 'Fasciculus Re- rum expeteudarum et fugiendaruni.' An account of this persecuted individual will be found in Wood's Athenie Oxon. by Dr. Bliss, ii. 500—2. — Joshua, B.D. Gerania: anew Discovery of a httle Sort of People, anciently discoursed of, called Pig- mies. Lond. 1675. 12mo. 5s. — The History of Edward III., together with that of Edward the Black Prince. Cambridge, 1688. folio, with 4 portraits, li'. Is. An elaborate collection of facts, inter- mixed with long S|ieeches from I5arnes' imagination. In imitation of Thucydides. Dent, pt. i. 322, 1/. 13s. Bindley, pt. i.568, 21. 2s. Drury, ,'i95, 21. 2s. I'uttick's, 1852, rich old uioiocco, gilt edges, W. 10s. BAH BAE 117 liamps edited valuable editions of Ana;i reoii and Euripidi'.s. Barnes, Beenes, or Beenees Juliana. The Bokys of Haukyng and lluntyug, and also of Cootar- miii'is at St. Albons, 1486. folio. Ulack letter, 88 leaves. Tlie signatures nin a to f in eights, a i being blank and D only 4 leaves. The treatise upon Coat- Armour, &c. begins on a i and e.xtends to f .\ in eights, a lias six, b five, c, d, and e, eight, and f, 10 leaves. Perfect copies of this work arc in the possession of Karl Spencer and the Earl of Pembroke. A per- fect copy is estimated by Dr. Dibdin at 4'JO^., and a very imperfect one at the Ros- burghe sale produced 147?., resold at the sale of the White Knights' Library, 394, for 8il. A copy very nearly perfect is in the library of Mr. Phelps of Lincoln's Inn. — Treaty seperteynjnge to Hawk- ynge, Iluntynge, and Fysshynge with an Angle : and also a ryght noble Treatise of the Lygnage of Cot Armours, endynge with a Trea- tise wliich specyfyeth of Blasynge of Annys. Westmestre, by Wyn- kyn the Worde, 1496. foHo. Black letter, with wood cuts. The varia- tions of this from tlie former edition, inde- pendent of tlie orthograpliy, consist of tlie additions of two wood-cuts upon the first leaf of the ballad of ' Ever gramercy myn owne purse ;' the ' treatyse of fysshynge witli an angle ;' and a substitution on tlie last leaf, of the arms of England, in place of those of Saint Albans. White Knights. 305, morocco, 601. 18s. resold, wanting C ii and iii, for iGl. 43. Dent, pt. i. 1.39. mo- rocco, 131. 10s. A perfect copy on vellum with the arms emtdazoned is in the Gren- ville libraiy, now in the British Museum. Another,lIawortb,966,41eavesMS.39Z.lSs. Tlie treatise on armory has been incorrectly reprinted in the Appendix to Dallaway's Inquiries into the Science of Heraldry. Oloucester, 1793. 4to. — Booke of Hanking, Huntyng, aiid Fysshyng, with all the Proper- ties and MedccjTies that are neces- sary to be kept. Lond. by Wyl- liani Coplande. 4to. Black letter, with wood cuts, contains m iiij, pp. 96. It is said only one perfect copy of this edition i.s known. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 27, 3ol. — Booke of Hauking, Ilimtyng, and Fysshyng, with all the Proper- ties and Medecynes that are neces- sary to be kept. Part i. Lond. by Kobert Toye. Part IL Lond. by Wyllyam Copland for Robert Toye, Part iii. Lond. by Wyllyam Cop- land. 4to. Black letter. The signatures go regu- larly through all three. Sotheby's in May^ 1823, 3Sl. 17s. Dent, pt. ii. 107(j, 101. 10s. — Booke of Hauking, Huntyng, and Fysshyng, witli all the Proper- ties and Medecynes that are neces- sary to be kept. Lond. by Abra- ham Vele. 4to. The wood-cuts, folios, &c. similar to that printed by W. Copland. At the end of the Treatise of Hunting, Lond. by Wyllyam Copland, for Robert Toye. Mason, 111. 16s. A copy is in the British Museum, wanting the title page, and the two leaves of mea- sures of blowing.' — Booke of Haukyng, Huntyng, and Fyshyng, with all the Proper- ties and Medecynes that are neces- sary to be kept. Lond. by William Coplande, for Rychard Tottell. 4to. Black letter. Probably the same edition as that with the name of Toye. Inglis, 144, 121. — Boke of Hawkynge, Huntynge, and Fysshynge, with all the Pro- pertys and Medecynes that arc ne- cessary to be kepte. Lond. by me, Hery Tab. 4to. Black letter. Contains 46 leaves, not numbered, extending to sign. M iiij., sign. J having only two leaves. The text liegins on sign, a ij. and eacli treatise liasa distinc' colophon. A copy of this edition, supposed unique, is among Cryne's books in the Bod- leian Library. — Boke of Hawkynge, Huntynge, and Fysshynge, with all the Pro- pertyes and Medecynes that are ne- essaiyto be kepte. Lond. by Jolin Waley. 4to. Black letter, with wood-cuts. In this edition the original reading of St. Thomas of Canterbury was restored, it was there- fore, probably, published during the short reign of Queen Mary, supposed to bo the same edition as that jirinted by Henry Tab. Ilaworth, 958, 8/. — Boke of Haukyng, Huntynge, and Fysliing, with all the Proper- ties and Medecynes that are neces- sary to be kepte, by Dame Juliana IS BAU Berues. Lond. by Wyilyam Pow- ell. 4to. Ulack letter. Bibl. Pearson, 202. Ila- worth, 9.59, 7?. 5s. Baenks. Bote of Haukynge, iriuityuge, and Fyshiug, with all the Properties and Medecyiies that are necessary to be kepte. Lond. by WUliam Powell. 1550. Svo. Dr. Dibdin, in his Bibliovci-aphical Deca- inoron, notices an edition 1586, 4to. printed by E. AUde. — The Grentleman's Academie, or the Booke of St. Alban's ; con- taining three Bookes : the first of Hawking, the second of Hunting, and the last of Armorie, reduced into a better method by Gr.(er\'ase) ]VI.(arkliam) Lond. (by Valentine Simmes) for Humfrey Lowne5, 1595. 4to. Ulack letter. Contains D d, in fours, (fol. 95) inscribed 'To the Gentlemen of England : and all the good fellowship of Huntsmen and Kalcouers.' The Treatises of Hunting and Armory have separate title- pages. A garbled reprint of the Book of St. Albau's, much altered in the language. Roxburghe, 1733, russia, 9/. 19s. 6d. — Book containing the Treatises of Hawking ; Hunting ; Coat-ar- moui' ; Fishing ; and Biasing of Armes, as printed at Westminster, by Wynkyn de Worde, 1496. Lond. 1810. small fuho. (or rather 4to.) 5('. 5s. A 'verbatim, literatim, et punctuatim' reprint rrader flie editorial care of Jo- seph llaslewood, who has prefixed a very interesting introduction, both biographical and bibliographical, full of curious research. One hundred and liftv copies were printed Hindley,pti.l8.5,4/. Tovvn;ley,pt.i. 8MSs, •id. Brocket, 503, morocco, 10?. A few copies of the Bibliographical Introduction were published separately. Bindley, 429, 16s. — Treatyse of Fysshyngc with an Angle. AVynkyn de Worde. (1532) 4to. Black letter. A to D iiij. supposed to be unique. Uawortli, 963, 19^. 19s. — Treatise of Fysshynge with an Anglo. Lond. 1827, crown 8to. 5s. Printed witli Baskerville's types, and cnibi^Uished with fac-siniile wood cuts. This is not only the earliest, but by far the most curious essay upon angling whicb has ever appeared in tlie English, or pet- haps in any other language. In the most important featui'es, Walton has closely fol- lowed this production. In piety and virtue — in the inculcation of morality — in an ar- dent love for their art, and still more, in that placid and Christian spirit for which the amiable Walton was so conspicuous, the early writer was scarcely inferior to his or her more celebrated successor. Robert, D.D. Supplicacion vnto Prince H. the viii. The Cause of my Condempnation. — The hole Disputacion betwene the Byshops and Doctour Barnes. Lond. by me, Johan Byddell, 1534. 4to. Black letter. The whole X 2, in fours, commencing on B 1. Inglis, 64 (no (itle^, 7s. 6d. Horner, 1854 (uo title, mor.) l^.ls. — Supphcation vnto Kynge Hen- rye the eyght, with the Declaration of His Articles condeued for Heresy by the Byshops. Lond. by Hugli Syngelton. 8vo. Black letter. — See TiNDAi, Feith, & Baenes. Bae>t:staple, Obertus. Maria Stuarta Eegma Scotiae, Dotaria Francise, Hteres Anghne, Hybernia:', Martyr. Ecclesie, mnocens a Csede Darleana : Yiudice Oberto Barne- stapoho- Ingolst. 1588. 12mo. A copv is in tlie British Museum. luglis, 898, 11. iVs. Nassau, pt. i. 120, with a por- trait, also ' Suramarinm de Morte Maria* Stuartse.' Ingolst. 1588. 8?. — Editio altera. Colon. 1627. Svo. 16s. In this account Q. Mary is representeil as having been persecuted entirely on ac- count of her adherence to the Catholic religion. Reprinted by Jebb in ' De Vita et Rebus gestis Mariiu Scotorum Regina;.' Baexewall, R. v., and E. H. Aldeeson. Reports of Cases i i the Court of King's Bench, from Mich. 58 Geo. III. to Trin. Term, 3 Geo. lY. 1822. Lond. 1818-22. rovid 8vo. 5 vols, reduced to l?.5s. A C(.ntinnation of Maulo and Selwyn's Reports. — and C. Ceessv^'ell. Ec])orts of Cases in (he King's Bencli, from Mich. 3 Geo. IV. 1822, to East. 11 Geo. \y. 1830. Lond. 1823-35. royal 8vo. 10 vols. 5?. i7s. Cd. — and J. L. Adolphus. Ee- ports of Cases in the K. B. from Trin. T. 11 Geo. IV. to Ilil. T. 4 WiU. IV., 1834, 5 vols.roy.8vo. 1831-5, re- duced to 1/. 10s. Baenfield, Richard. Affection- ate Shepherd : containing the Com- plaint of Daphnis for the Love ol G-anymede. Lond. by John Ban- ter, 1594. 4to. Very rare. Contains pp. .56. Inscribed in a metrical dedication to tlie 'Ladie Pene- lope Ritcli.' Keed, 66S5, 161. 10s. Heber, lil. 14s. A copy, accoi-ding to Beloe, is in Sion College Library. .\n edition 1595 is noticed in the Theatrum Poetarum. ISOO p. 3"23, and one of 1596, in Kitson's Biblio- graphia Poetica, p. 124-5. — Cynthia, vritli certaine Son- nets, and the Legend of Cassandra. Lond. Ilumfrey Lownes, 1595. 12mo. Dedicated to William Stanley, Earl of Darby. Keed, 6777, 121. ^s. lleber, 69, Wl. An account of this volume will be found in the Kestituta, iv. 493—6. It is also appended to the tliird edition of the Affectionate Shepherd, 1596. — Encomion of Lady Pecmiia ; or the Praise of Money ; the Com- i)laint of Poetrie for the Death of Liberahtic : i. e. The Combat be tweene Conscience and Covetous uess, in the Minde of Man : with Poems in Divers Humors. Lond. 1598. 4to. ToJd, in his edition of Spenser, notices an edition dated 1605. — Poems. Auchinleck Press, 1816. 4to. Presented to the Members of the Rox Imrghe Club by James Ungwell, Esq. Thirty-four or tive copies printed. Sir M. M.Svkes, pt. i. 1619, 11. 6s. Dent, pt. ii 1197, 11 10s. Boswell. 3028, il. 6s. Bind- ley, pt. iii. 1793, Gl. 16s. 6d. Warton speaks highly of Barnfield as a poet, and amoni; his poems will be found that beautiful ode, commoucing 'As it fell upon a day ' In the merry month of May/ which has been attributed to Shakespeare Baro, Bonaventure. ObsiiUo et Expugnatio ib-cis Dmicannou in Hi- bernia sub Thoma Prostono. (1660.) — Peter, D.D. In Jonam Pro- UAH 119 phetam Prfelectiones xxxix : Con- ioncs trcs ad Clerum Cantabrigien- simi, habitce in Templo B. Marian : Theses ptiblieoe in Scholis perorata) et disputata; : Precationes quibus usus est Autlior in suis Prcelectioni- bus inchoandis et finiendis. Lond. 1579. folio. 12s. Baronis, Petri. Stempani de Prsestantia et Dignitate Divina; Legis, Libri duo. Adjectus est ahus Tractatus eiiisdem Authoris. Lond. ex Officina H. Middeltoni. 8vo. — De Fide, ej usque Ortu et Na- tura, plana ac dilucida Explicatio. Adjecta sunt aUa quedam ejusdem authoris de eodem Argumento. Lond. apud Eich. Dayima, 1580. 16mo. 5s. — Treatise of God's Prouidence and of Comforts against aU kinds of Crosses, &c. EngUshed by John L.(udham). Lond. by John Wolfe, 1590. 8vo. pp. 541. Also without date by the same printer. Inglis, 66, lOs. 6d. A life of this learned divine, with a list of his works, will be found in Wood's Fasti, edited by Dr. liliss, 1, 203-4. Baron, Eichard. See Cordial for low spirits. Pillars of Priestcraft and Orthodoxy shaken. — Eobert, of Aberdeen. Phi- losopliia Theologife AnciUans, seu Explicatio Qiiestionum Philosoj^lii- arum in Dispj^. Tlieologicis occur- reutium. Andreap. 1621. 8vo. 12s. In Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica will be found several other rare pieces by this author, printed at .\berdeen. — Eobert, of Grays Inn. Mirza, a Tragedie, really acted at Persia, in the last Age, illusti-atcd with histori- caU Annotations. Lond. 8vo. A— S (4) in eights. According to War- ton, a copy of Jonson's Catiline. Rhodes, 516, 5s. 6d. Bindley, pt.iii. 57, 7s. Bind- ley, pt. ii. 1969, 13s. 6d. — EP0T0[lAirN10N, or the Cyprian Academy. Lond. 1647. 8vo. Contains pp. 61, also title, dedication to James Howell, to the Ladies and Gentle- women of England, and complimentarv verses, 12 leaves. Piefixed is a frontis- 120 BAH BAR piecp, also a portrait by iMaisIiall. Ac- cording to Warton, a sort of poetical ro- mance, formed on tlie plan of Sidney's Arcadia. Saunders in 1818, 6?. 16s. 6d. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 32, lOl. Some copies are dated 1648. Grave, 8, Nassau, pt. i. 121, (and Mirza) 21. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 453, 31. 5s. To\TOeley, pt. ii. 547, 31. 10s. Uriglit, 2?. 2s. Midgley, il. 4s. Perry, port, and front 21. 15s. Copies wanting front, and portrait have been sold for 7s. or 8s. Baron, Eobert. Apologie for Paris for rejecting of Jimo and Pallas, and ]jresenting of Ates Golden Ball to Venus. With a Discussion of the Reasons that might induce him to favoiu" either of the three. Lond. 16 i9. IGino. 15s. Contains A to G, in eiglits. (A 1 blank.) Written by the author when eigliteei years of age. Sotlieby, June, 1856, 1/. — Pocula Castalia. TheAutlior's Motto. Fortune's Tenuis-Ball. Ehza. Poems. Epigrams, &c. by R. B. Gent. Lond. 1650. 8vo (Jontaius pp. 156, with poi t ' ^-Etat. suae 17,' bv Marshall. Nassau, pt. i. 122, U. 12s. White Knights, pt. i 3u5, 2?. 2s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 33, 21. 2s. Midgley, 4/. 4s. The imitations, or rather open plagia- risms of this writer are given in the ap- peudi.x to Todd's edition of Milton's Poeti- cal works. — Stephen. Sennoues declamati cora alma Yniuersitate Catibrigiesi per venerandum Patrem Fratrem Stephanum Baronis Fratrinn Mi- norum de Obseruatia Nucupatoru, &c. Tractatidus de Reguuiue Prin- cipu. Lond. per Wynandiun [de Words.] 4to. Black letter. To G iiij in octaves; the latter tract B 8, both in double columns. Biiuiley, pt. i. 875, 1/. 5s. Inglis, 67, 1^ 19s. Likewise printed at Paris in 12]no. Baronetage, The Enghsh, 1741. See Wotton, Thomas. Baronetage of England. See Col- Lins, Arthur. Barouetage of England, A new. Lond. 176'J. 12mo. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. Published by J. Almon. Baronetage of England, The new Baronets. 1. His Majesties Com- mi.ssiou touching the Creation oi Baronets ; whereunto are annexed divers instructions, &c. Lond. 1611. — 2. The Decree and Establisliment of the King's Maiestie, upon a Con- trouersie of Precedence, &c. Lond. 1612. — 3. Three Patents coucemmg the honovrable Degree and Dignitie of Baronets, (pp. 39.) Lond. 1617. 4to. Three Tracts. Coiiies are In the British Museum. Gor- donstuun, 1277, fNos. 1 and 3.) U. Is. No. 3 is reprinted in the second volume of tlie .Souurs Collection of Tracts. — A Catalogue of the Baronets of this kingdom of England, from the first erection of that Dignity until the 4th of July, 1681, inclusive. Lond. 1681. 12mo!' Contains pp. 148, and 8 pages added in continuation of the catalogue to 1696. Compiled from the Docquet books of the patents. BAEONitrs,*Annales Ecclesiastic! — A new Essay towards a true Ec- clesiastical History, which may serve as a Key to the Annals of Baronius. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Barret, Rev. B. Life of Cardinal Ximenes. Lond. 1813. 8vo. 9s. Phineas. Tables of the several Eiu-opean Exchanges, &c. Lond. 1772. 4to. 11. Is. — Eobert. Theorike and Prac- tike of Modern Warres, discoursed in Dialoguewise. Lond. 1598. foho. Mr. George Chalmers says that Shake- speare evidently alludes to this work in his All's Well that ends Well. stoun, 282, 13s. Barrett, Francis. Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer, being a com- plete System of occult Pliilosophy. Lond. 1801. 4to. with enoravinjis, 2L 12s. 6d. ^ This professor, as he styles himself, of Cliemistry, Natural and Occult Philosophy, Lond. 180 !•. 12mo. 2 vols, withl&c. pubH.slied Lives of Alchemisticliiph plates l)y F. Adolpho. losophers, 1815. 8vo. 6s. Kdlt'cd |py tlie Itev. W. Hcd.ani. | — WiUiaitl. Jlistory and Auii- BAU 121 (|uilies of the City oC Bri>(he Year.s 1792 and 1793 : to which is annexed an Aeeoinit of a Journey made in the Years 1801 and 1802 to the residence of the Chief of the Booshuana Nation. Lond. 1806. 4to. Perhaps the most valuable of all Mr. Harrow's travels, as it relates to a coiinlry not previously known, except by the ac- count of the missionaries. Contains pp.450, with 21 engravings by Medland, coloured after tlie original drawings by Alexander anil Uanifcl. Bindley, pf. i. 500, K. 8s. Stret- tell, .347, 11. 17s. Urury, 376, 21. 16s. Earl of Kerry, 197, 31. 17s. In 1809, a pretended French translation by Malte Brnn appeared, in which the text of Barrow was completely perverted and corrupted. — Some Account of the pubHc Life, and a Selection from the un- jMiblished Writings of the Earl of Macartney. The latter consistinij of Extracts from an A ccount of the Rus- sian Empu-e : a Sketch of the politi- cal History of Ireland ; and a Jour- nal of an Embassy from the King of Great Britam to the Emperor of China : with an Appendix to each volume. Lond. 1807. 4to. 2 vols. 1/. Is. This work forms an excellent accompa- niment to Sir G. Staunton's account of Lord Macartuey's embassy to (Miina. According to the Quarterly Kev'iew, the ' short sketch relating to Kussia contains more informa- tion than is to be met with in many 4to. volumes.' Bindley, pt. i. 561, 11. Urury, 878, 11. 13s. — Chi'onological History ol' Voyages into the Polar Regions. To which are added a Narrative of Captain Biichan's Expedition into the interior of Newfoundland, and a Relation of the discovery cf tlie >^trait of Anian, made by Captain L. F. Maldonado, in tlie year 1588, with an original map of the Arctic Regions. Lond. 1818. 8vo. Several articles by this writeron the pos- sibility of a North-West Passage, have ap- peared in the Quarterly Review. Drurv, 408, lis. Barrowe, Henj-y. Brief Dis- coverie of the false Church. As is the Mother such the Daughter is. 1590. 4to. 6s. Contains 263 pages. Reprinted in 1707. In the British Museum is ' .\Ir. Henry Uarrowe's I'latforiiie,' 1M!3. 8vo. Barruel, L'Abbe. Memoires pour servir a I'Histoirc du Jacobi- nisme. Lond. 1797-8. 8vo. 4 vols. A translation by tlie Hon. Robert Clif- ford appeared 1798, Svo. 4 vols. Ear! ol Kerry, 32, 11. Is. Williams, 147, 11. 10s. An abridgment was likewise published in 8vo. 1 vol. Barry, Sir Edward, Bart. Ob- servations on the Wines of the An- cients. Loud. 1775. 4to. 15s. The substance of this work will be found in Dr. Alex. Henderson's History of Wines, [and more practically inRediling's History of Wines.] Drury, 534, 13s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 927, 11. Is. Dent. pt. i. 311, 11. 13s. Fonthill, 1256, 21. 2s. — George, D.D. Histoi^ of the Orkney Islands. Second Edition, by the Rev. James Ileadrick. Edin- biu'gh, 1808. 4to. with a map and 12 plates, 188. The former edition of this highly valu- able work appeared at Edinb. 1805, 4to. The additions are of very little moment. — Captaine Gerat. Discourse of MiUtary DiseipUne, divided into three Boockes. BruxeUs,1684. small folio. 15s. Tills singular and extremely curious work is not noticed by Grose in his history of the English army. Contains pp. 21 i, exclusive of dedication, &c. There is also an engraved title-page, tontaiuing the arms of the Barry family, iVc. — Bishop of Saint David's, Gi- rald. Vide Gikaldus Canibrensis. — James. Works of James Barry, Esq., Historical Painter : with some account of his Life and 121 BAR Fryer. Wnlings. Edited by Di Lond. 180U. 4to. 2 vofs. Bindlev, pt. i. 733, 1.'. 5s. Duke of York, 499, n. 5s. j3AEST0^^, John. Safeguard of Soeiete : describing the Institution of Lawes, and PoUcies to preserue exierv Felowsliip of People by De- gree's of Ciuil Grouernmeute. Lond. 1576. 16mo. Baetas. Vide Du Baetas. Baeteil, Edmund, Jun. Cro- mer considered as a Watering Place. The second Edition, much enlarged. Lond. 1806. 8vo. Contains pp. xiv. and 124, with 3 plates. Fontliill, 797, 16s. The first edition was printed at Holt in 1800. — Hints for Pictm-esque Im- proTements m Ornamental Cot- tages, and their Scenery ; including some obsei-vations on the Labom^er and his Cottage. Illustrated by Sketches. Lond. 1804. royal Svo. 10s. 6d. Barthelemv, Abbe Barthlkt, Jolni. Pedegrewe of Heretiqucs. Wherein is truely and plainely set out, the first Roote of Heretiques begon m the Church since the Time and Passage of the Gospell, together with an Example of the Ofspring of the same. Lond. by Henry Denham, 1566. 4to. Black letter. 90 leaves, besides title, epistle to the Earl of Leicester, and Latin verses, 4 leaves. Opposite tlie title of tlii:> curious work is a folio wood-cut of a tree, representing the errois, crimes and fanati- cism of the Church of Rome. Sotlieby, iao3. IMls. In a recent catalogue it is marked at bl. 5s. Baetholom^tts Anglicus. Vide GlAXVILLA. Bartholomew. The Ordre of the Hospital of S. Bartholomews in Westsmvthfielde in London. Lond. by R. G'rafton, 1552. 16mo. Black letter. Contains A— J, in eights. Sir M. M. Sykes. pt. ii. 579, 3/. 5s. Repnnted the following year. [And again, a fac-simile^ about 1750, but under the original date, 7s.] Reflections | _ Orders and Ordinances for the on the ancient Alphabet and i^au- (^^^^^.^^^g^^^ ^^ Bartholomew Ho guage of Palmyra. Lond. 175o. i ■ -- - - foho, with plates, 3s. 6d. Printed on imperial paper, in order to bind up with Wood's Rums of Palmyra. — Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece, during the Mid- dle of the fom-th century before the Christian yEra : translated from the French [by Wm. lieamnont.] Lond. 1791. 8vo. 7 vols, with a volume in 4to. containing maps, plates, views and coins. A faithful and elegant translation of a most interesting work. Hollis. 63, il. 12s. Anedition 1807, Svo. 7 vols. and 4to. atlas— another 1817, Svo. 6 vols, and atlas in 4to.— 1796, 8vn. 3 vols, and atlas. Drury, 409, 163. An abridgment 1797, Svo. 1 voL — Travels in Italy, with an Ap- pendix, containing several Pieces by the Abbe Winkelmami, Father Jac- quier, the Abbe ZariUo, and other liiarned men. Translated from the French. Lond. 1802. Svo. pp. 420. 8s. A higlily interesting and attractive vo- lume of travels. pitall. Orders for Orphan's Por- tions, &c. with Discourse of the laudable Customs of Loudon. Lond. 1652. 4to. 5s. Contains pp. 82, including the title and preface. Bartholomew Faire, or Variety of Fancies, where you may finde a Faii'o of Wares, and al to please the Miude. Lond. 1641. 4to. with wood cut on title. This tract was reprinted about 1816, 2s.6il. The original. King and Lochee's in March, 1810. U. 7s. — Bartholomew Faire, with tlie severaU Enormities and Misde- meanors, which are there scene and acted. Lond. 1641. 4to. Nassau, pt. i. 382, lis. — A I3artholomew Fairing, new, new, new, &c. Lond. 1649. 4to. A mere p;uly pamphlet, in five ishort acts, never pe.rfonniid. liindley, pt. i. 1091, 21. In the British Museum are se- veral other tracts witli the title of Bartho- lomew Fair, most of which have a political tendency. BAB BAR 125 Bar'IXett, Benjaoiin. Miindu- csseduin RomiiDorum : bciiiij tlie Hislory and Antiqiuties of the Pa- rish of Manceter (mcluding the J Faralcts of Hartshill, Oldbury, and Atherstone) and also of the adjacent Parish of Ansley in the County of Warwick. Lond. 1791. Ito. This volume fonns the first portion of the contiTuiation of Nichols' Bibliotheca Topog. Britaunica. — On the Episcopal Coins of Dur- ham. Newcastle, 1817. 8vo. 5s. 6d. One liundred and five copies printed. Brockett, 2170. — • Episcopal Coins of Durham, and IMonastic Coins of Reading. Darlington. Brockett, 229, l^.lls. Gd. [This tract was first printed in the Archaeologia, vol. 5.] Baetolomeo, Era. Pad. da San. Voyage to the East Indies, with Notes and Illustrations by John Eeinhold Forster, LL.D. Lond. 1802. 8vo. 6s. There are few works which throw more liglit tliau this does on the religious anti- quities of India. Bartolonieo resided there thirteen years, viz. 1776—89. fontliill, 2891, 11. Is. Baetolus, P. Daniel. TheLearned Monk defended and reformed. In two parts. Translated from the Italian bv The. Salusbm-y. Lond. 1660. 8vo\ A curious work, with a frontispiece con- taining the arms of Salusbury quartered with those of Clement, and portrait of the Alonk, [rarely found in the book.] Bind- ley, pt. i. 518, lis. Baeton, Benj. Smith, M.D. Fragments of the natural Histoi-y of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1799. folio. Part i. pp. xviii. and 24:. — Collections for an Essay to- wards a Materia Medica of the United States. Philadelphia, 1798 8vo. pp. 49. — Elements of Botany. Lond 1801. royal 8vo. 10s. Contains pp.344 and 35, with 30 coloured plates. All edition was published at Phi- ladelphia in 1803. 8vo. — Charles. Elements of Con- veyancing, in Theory and Practice. Second Edition, ,'arefully revised, &e. Lond. 1810-22. royal 8vo. 5 vols. 5/. A highly esteemed work. The former '■dition, 1802-5," royal 8vo. C vols. Brocket, .3523, 11. 18s. Mr. Barton likewise published ' Historical Treatise of a Suit in Equity,' 1796. 8vo. — Modern Precedents in Con- veyancing, with Explauatoiy and Practical Notes. 3rd edition, 7 vols, roy. 8vo. 1821. — Supplement to Modern Prece- dents, by S. F. T. Wilde, 3 vols, roy. 8vo. 1826. — Richard. Lectiu-es (6) in Na- tural Philosophy, designed to be a Foundation for reasoning perti- nently upon the Petrifactions, Gems, Chi-ystals, and Sanative Quality of Lough Neagh in Ireland ; and ia- tended to be an Introduction to the Natiu'al History of several Coun- tries contiguous to that Lake. Dub- Kn, 1751. 4to. 15s. A curious work consisting of 209 pp. be- sides title, dedication to the learned Uni- versities of Great Britain and Ireland, list of subscribers, the author his friendly ad- dress to his countrymen, 12 leaves ; also 7 plates (no plate 3, but 2 of 6). lieath, 4786, 21. 6s. — Dialogue concerning some Things of Importance to Ireland, particularly to the County of Ai'd- niagh. Some remarks towards a full Description of Upper and Lower LoughLcne, near KiUarney. Dublin, 1751. 4to. — WUliam. View of many Er- rors and som gross Absurdities in the old translation of the Psalms in English Metre, as also in som other TransLitions lately published. Lond. 1655. 4to. 6s. Not noticed in the AtheniB O.-coulen ses. A copy is in the British Museum, 'A Century of select Hymns.' London, 1059. 12iuo. and ' A brief Relation of the Life and Death of William Barton, of Slircwsbury.' Lond. 1664. 12ino. Dr. Cotton, in his List of the various editions of tha Bible, notices several editions of Barton's I'salms and Hymns. — William, P.C, M.D. Vege- 126 BAR I5AS taLie Materia Medica of tho United States, or Medical Botany, with co- loured engi-avings. 1821. 4to. 2 vols. 61. 6s. ijARTON,John. Observations madt in his Travels from Pensylvania to Onondago, &c. with an Account o. the Cataracts of Niagara, by P. Kalm. Lond. 1751. 8vo. 3s. 6d. FouthiU, 2784, 10s. Bartram'.s valuable Journal kept upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the Kiver St. Jolm's, will be found with Stork's Accountof East Florida. — Wilham. Travels through N. and S. Carohna, Georgia, E. and Vf. Florida, the Cherokee Country, the extensive Territories of the I\lusco- gulges or Creek Confederacy, and the Comitry of the Chactaws. i'hilad. or Lond. 1792. 8vo. vrith plates, 5s. A most interesting work to lovers of na- there are likewise copies on lauof. papbb, 7s. Cd. Heath, 4297, 10s. 6d. Williams, 1007, 12s. John Barwick published a Life of Bishop Morton, 16C0. 4to. with portrait of Morton, by Faithome. Williams, 218, russia, lis. Bas, WiUiam. Sword and Buck- lei', or serving Man's Defence. Lond. 1602. 4to. Title and 15 leaves. In six line stanzas. Steevens, 767, U. 19s. Sotheby,May 1856 (wanting title), 101. 10s. — G-reat Brittaines summer set bewailed with a shower of tears. A Poem on the Death of Prince Hen- ly, in eight hue stanzas, dedicated to Sir E.. Wenman. Oxford, 1613. 8vo. Only four leaves knowTi to exist. — Three Pastoral Elegies, Lond. 1602. 4to. Only one copy known, and that is in the Winchester College Library. Las was the turalhistory,especiallybotany. Anaccountiauthor of an Epitaph ou Shakespere, and of Mr. Bartram will be found in the rican Fanner's Letters. Baktram. See Beetbam. BAEvnCK, Edward. Ti-eatise on the Churcli, chiefly with resi^ect to its Govei-nmeut. Second Edition, considerablv enlarged and improved. Lond. ISlo". 8vo. 123. The former edition appeared at Belfast, in 1813. — Humfrey. Discom'se con- eeriimg the Force and Efi'ect of all j by John Cawood, 1557. 8vo, manual Weapons of Fire, and the ^^'''^'^ ^'^"'^' verses in Walton's Angler. Basil, St. the Great. Letter to Gregory Nazaanzen, translated by Richard Shei-rie. Lond, by John Day. 16mo. Black letter. From Maunsell's Cata- logue, p. 7. — Exhortation to his Kinsmen to the Study of the Scriptui'cs, translated by Will. Berker. Lnpr. Disabihty of tlie Long Bowe or Ar- chery, in respect of others of greater force now in use. &c. Lond. for E. Oliife, 4to. Wiitten in answer to 'Certain Discourses written by Sir John Smythe,Knt. concern- ing Weapons,' &c. 1590. Gordonstouu, 283, 18s. 6d. — Peter. Vita Joh. Barwick, S. T. P. in qua non pauea Arcaun Studia pro Regno Britannico, Mo- tibus intestmis, in Luceni jjrofervintm-. Lond. 1721. 8vo. 4^. LAliOE PAPER, 7s. 6d. A work of great interest and amusement, particularly of the period of tlie restoration (if King Charles II. Prefixed are portraits of John and Peter Barwick, by Vertiie. .\n English translation, with notes by llilkiali Bedford, appeared in 1724. 8vo. Is. ofwhicli — Homel\"e, howe yoiuige Men ought to read Poetes and Oratours. Translated out of Greke. Anno M.D.i Tii. Imprinted by Jolui Ca- wood. 8vo. Black letter. A sennon of St. Basil on fasting, is ani\exed to Cardinal Pole's Trea- tise on J Mstification. Lovanii, 1569. And Basil on Solitude, will be found with some tracts of St Cyprian, 1675. See also Boyd, and Stocker. tiaaiKiKa Atopa, seu SyUoge Epis- tolarum, Oraiionum, et Caruiinum, regalium, qu;e quos Britannise Mo- narchal Authores, quos ctiam Edi- tores antehac habuerint, inspicienti statim cons'tabit. Lond. 1640. 8vo, 5.-;. rulilislicd by 'J'liomas Wykes BAS BAT 127 Basille, Tlieodorc. Becon. i;asiucllo, Triumphs of the Vene- tian. 1658. 12rao. Bindley, 11. 10s. Basinstochius, i. e. White, R. Basike, Isaac, D.D. Ancient Liberty of tlie Britannic Church, and the legitimate Exemption there- of fi'om the Roman Patriarchate, discoursed in four Positions. Ti"ans- lated by Richard Watson. Lond. 1661. 8vo. 6s. The original Latin appeared at Bruges, 1656. Svo. Basnage, James de Fraquener. Thomas — Sermons. (Five and Twelve.) Lond. 1615. 4to. 2 vols. For writing a i)Hsqiiiiia(le entitled Jlar- prelate's Bastardini, to expose the amours in tlie University and Town of Oxford, Bastard was expelled tlie University. An account of him will be found in Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. ii. 227-9. Bastard, The, a Tragedy. Lond. 1652. 4to. 9s. Coxeter attributes this play to Cosmo Manuclie. Bastinuius, Jeremias. Exposi- tion or Commentarie vpon the Ca- techisme of Christian Religion, vrliich is taught in the Low Coun- tries, and the Countie Palatme, History of the Jews fi"om Jesus i translated out of Latinc info En- Christ to the present Time, trans- 1 ghsh, with tlu'ee Tables. Cambridge, Thomas Taylor. Lond. 1 1595. Svo. 17(18. folio. 2/. 2s. Inglis, 71, 16s. Herbert mentions other Intended as a continuation of Josephus'j^'''''°os. History. Gough, 243, 18s Hoiiis, 231, Bastwick, John,M.lJ. Letany. 4 iMOs. Dent, pt i. 323, russia, U. 14s. j parts, Anno 1637. rSecretlyprinted.] An abridgment by Cinill, 1708. 8vo. 2 ^<.„ in, "- •"■ Bassompiekhe, Marshal de. Me- moirs of his Embassy to the Coiu-t of England in 1626, translated [by J. W. Ci'oker], with Notes [by Su" II. Nicolas.] Lond. 1818. Svo. 6s. 4to. 10s. This very singular and once celebrated performance, for which the author was much persecuted, is reprinted in the fifth volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. An elaborate notice of the work is in the Retrosp. Review, x. 181-98. — FlageUtim Pontilicis et Epis- Notice of these curio\is and interesting '^t.-i- T r^-nA trai memoirs will be found in the Retrospective coporum Latiahiun. Lond. Ib41 Review, xiv. 69 spectiv -9S. Fonthill, 16.o9, 9s. Bastabd, Thomas. Chrestoleros. Seven Bookes of Epigrames: vsritten bv T. B. Lond. by R. Bradocke, 1598. 12nio. Contains pp. 184, dedicated to Sir Chas. Blount, Knt. Lord Mountjoy. A copy is in the British Museum, and a notice of it will be found in the Censura Literaria. Steevens, 768, 21 3s. Ferry, pt. i. 529, 10/. 10s. Bindley, pt. i. 450, lol. 4s. 6d. White Knights, pt i. 312, mor. 17/. 17s. Bright, 71. 7s. i-titson mentions an edition with the date of 1684. — Serenissimo potentissimoque MonarchsD Jacobo Magnao iiritan- 11 ia.^ Francis; ct Hibernioe, regi Mag nam Britanniam. (Poema) Lond. 1605. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. War- ton speaks of Bastard as an elegant classic scholar, and better qualified fur occasional pointed Latin epigram, than foraty sortof English versitication. Bright, 1^ Is, 18mo. with portrait. For this work, in which the author was supposed to have had the bishops of Eng- land in view, Bastwick vi-as thrown into the Gatehouse prison Bindley, pt. i. 835, 5s. 6d. Bastwick likewise published ' New Discovery of the Frelates Tyranny,' 1641, with his portrait, with four English verses, 10s. 6d. ' The utter Routing the whole Ai-my of Independents and Sectaries.' 1646. with frontispiece by Cros.s, contain- ing portrait of the author in complete armour. Lloyd, 228, il. Batchelor. — The Bacheler's Ban- quet ; or a Banquet for Bachelers : wherein is prepared sundry daintie dishes to fm-nish then- tables, curi- ously drest, and seriously served in. Pleasantly discoursing the variable humors of women ; then* quicknesse of wittes, and unsearchable deceits. 1604. 4to. Black letter, 39 pages. Probably written [by Thomas Decker. An edition, 1G03, 128 BAT BAT Roxburghe, 6678, '21. 15s. Nassau, pt. i. 1086, 41. 16s. Reprinted 1660, with a frontispiece. — Essays from the Batclif lor ; in Prose and Yerse. By the Authors of the Ejjistle to Gorges Erlinond Howard, Esq. Loud. 1773. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. A collection of humorous and witty essays, written during Lord Townshend's memorable viceroyalty in Ireland, by Jeph- son, Courtenay, the Rev. Mr. IJorouglis. &c., and originally published at Dublin. The Dublin edition, Reed, 1691, 8ss. 6d. Fonthill, 1398, 16s. Batchilee, John. Virgin's Pat- tern : in tlie exemplary Life and lamented Death of iVL-s. Susannah Perwich, of Hackney. Loud. 1661. 12mo. Prefixed is a portrait of Mrs. Perv. icli, by T. Cross. Bindley, pt. i. 519, lis. Bate, George, M.D. Eleuchus Motuiuu uuperorum in Angha, simul ac Juris Eegii et Parliameutariis breris Enarratio. Paris, 1649. 12mo. 5s. A work ' worth reading,' says Bishop Warburton. Reprinted with additions to 1660. Loud. 1661. 8vo. ; again with further additions to 1663, Svo. and with a third part, 1676, Svo. 4s. It was answered by Rob. Pugh ' Elenchus Elenchi, sive Aiii- madversiones in Elenchum M. Aiiglise,' Paris. 1664. Svo. — Accoimt of the Rise and Pro gress of the Troubles in England, translated by A. Lovel. Loud. 1685. Svo. 3 parts in 1 vol. with a frontis- piece, 5s. 13ate in this work is said to lean too much to the side of the Puritans. — Lives, Actions, and Execution of the prime Actors and principal Contrivers of the horrid Miu-der of King Charles the Pu-st. Lond. 1661. 12mo. 4s. Not written by the physician Bate, but by ' another far inferior to him in all re- spects.' Ant. h Wood. — John. Portraitiu-e of Hypo- crisie, liuelyand ])itliilie pictvired in her colours. Lond. for John Dal- derne, 1589. 16mo. Black letter. Dedicated to ' Sir An- thoilie Therold,' and ' To the Christian Reader,' 192 pages. (18'2, mispaged 192; The lunning title, ' A Dialogue between a Christian and an Atheist.' — John. Mysteries of Nature and Art in foure severall Parts. 1. Of Water Works. 2. Of Fh-e Works. 3. Of DravTOig, Washing, Limmiiig, Pamting, and Engraving. 4. Of sunchy Experiments. The second Edition, with many Addi- tions unto every Part. [Lond.] 1635. 4to. A curious treatise. Title, w ith engraved border ; to the reader, a leaf, then compli- mentary versus and work A — Qq. in fours. Prefixed is a portrait (scarce) of the author, by G. Gilford, at p. 61 is a separate wood- cut representing the horses at work to the engine for a Tyde-water, and at p. 65 another marked D, representing the wheel of an engine. Gordonstoun. 286, 7s. Towne- ley, pt. i. 400. 1/. 5s. The first edition appeared in 1634, and it was reprinted 1638, and in 1654. Koxburghe, 1768, 7s. 6d. — Julius. Critica Hebrsea : or, a Hebrew-Enghsh Dictionary, with- out Points. Lond. 1767. 4to. 11. 5s. This learned divine of the Ilutchinsonian persuasion, published a translation of the Pentateuch, 1783, 'An Hebrew Grammar,' 1751. Svo. also several valuable tracts chiefly controversial. Batemax, Stephen. ClmstU Glasse for Christian Reformation. Lond. by Jolin Day. 1569. 4to. Black letter. A — X 4, with many very curious wo(^ cuts. A copy of this work, which treats on the seven deadly sins, is in the British Museum. An imperfect copy was priced lately in a bookseller'.s catalogue, 5/. 5s. — Golden Booke of the Leaden Goddes, wherein is described the vayne Imaginations of Heathe Pagans and comiterfaict Christians : wyth a Description of their seueral Tables, what ech of their Pictures signified. Lond. by Thomas Marshe, 1577. 4to. Dedicated to Lord Henry Cary, Baron of Iluusdou, &c. 72 pages. Shakespeare is supposed to have consulted this book, which may be considered as the first attempt towards a Pantheon, or description of the Heathen Gods. A copy is in the British Museum. Inglis, 148, lis. Nassau, pt. i 388, 21. Is. Bindley, pt. i. 1281, 21. 6s. — Travayled Pilgrcme, ' brmging BAT 1 29 Newes froui all Vnvls of the Wurlde, Kuch like scarec harde before. [Loud. ' by John Denhani] 1569. 4to. Black letter, with 20 wood-cuts. An al-l legdrical-thcological romance of the life of' mail, in verses of 14 sylUibles, in which are] introduced characters and historical inci- dents relative to tlie reignsof Henry VIII., Edward VI., Queens Mary and Elizabeth. Sotheby's in April 1821, 2!!Z. 18s. 6d. resold,! Perry, pt. i. (il8, '2GI. 15s. 6d. j • — Of the Arrivall of the 3 Graces in AngUa, lamenting the Abuses of the present Age. W. Norton. 4to. Five sheets. Noticed in Herbert's Ames, ii. 882, who also at p. 1021, has the following entry, ' Tlie new Arriual of the three Graces into Anglia, lamenting the Abuses of the present Age/ as printed by Thomas East. 4to. — Dooine warning all Men to .Fudgement : in maner of a generall Chronicle. Impr. by R. Nubery. 1581. 4to. Mhick letter. Contains 4.37 pages, be- sides dedication to ' Sir Thomas Bromley, Knt.' ' To the gentle Keader,' commenda- tory verses, a catalogue of authors, the an- tiquity of England, and the author's coat of arms, with many cuts of prodigies, mon- stei-s, &c. Roxburghe, 491, 9s. and Supple- ment, 659. 11. 10s. Nassau, pt. i. 389, 21. 16s. Knight, 1847, mor. 21. 2s. — JoyfuU Newes out of Helvetia, from Theophr. Paracelsum, declar- ing the ruinate Fall of the Papall Dignitie : also a Treatise against Vsnrie. By Stephen Batman. Lond. for John AUde, 1575. 8vo. — Thomas, M.D. Delineations of Cutaneous Diseases, comprised in the Classification of the late Dr. Willan, with a new Series. Lond. 1817. 4to. 12 parts published at 1/. Is. each. [New edition with 72 coloured plates, the colouring sujjer- intended by Prof. Carswell, 4to. Lond. Bohn, 1849. 5'. 5s.] This eminent pliysiciau published a valuable Synopsis of (iutaneous Diseasps, 8th edition, revised by A. T.Thomson,1836 audoilier works; and in 18'26 appeared some Account of I lis Life and Charactei',Svo.7s.6d. — Atlas of Delineations of Cu- f iineous Eruptions, iUustratiTe of the ' Piai tical Synopsis,' bj' A. Todd VOL. I. Thomson, imp. Svo. 27 coloured plates. Lond. 1829. 31. 3s. A a abridgment of the previous work. Bates, Ely. Ob.scrvations ou sonic important Points of Divinity, chiefly those in Controversy between the Arminians and Calvinists. Ex- tracted from an Autlior of tlie I7th century. Second Edition, with Ad- cUtions Lond. 1811. Svo. Os. Bates likewise published Kiiral Philoso- phy, 1805. Christian Politics, in four parts, 1802—6, and other works. — Gr. See Bate, George. — William, D.D. Vitae selec- toriun aliquot Virorimi, qui Doc- Irina, Dignitate, aut Pietate, iucla- ruere. Lond. 1681. 4to. A valuable collection of lives, amounting to thirty-two, mostly taken from scarce tracts. Bp. of Ely, 423,5s. Heath, 1584, 12s. — Works, containing some Ser- mons on the everlasting Rest of the Saints, with a Sermon at his Fu- neral, by John Howe. Lond. 17W. folio, with portrait by R. White, after KneUer, 1/. Is. The works of this eminent nonconformist divine were pnbliihed separately, 1C6;5 99. Another edition of his works. Lend, 1723, folio, with portrait, 1^. 5s. — Works. A new Edition, by the Rev. W. Farmer. Lond. 1815. Svo. 4 vols, with a portrait, 11. 16s. Farmer likewise edited an edition or Bates' Harmony of the Divine Attributes, 181.5. 8vo. 5s. Bateson, Thomas. The first and second set of English MadrigaUs, to 3, 4, 5, and 6 Voices. Newly com- posed by Thomas Bateson. Lond. 1604-18. 4to. 2 vols. See Hawkins' Music, iii. 376. Burney's Music, ili. 347. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 116. Bath. — The Manner of Creating the Knights of the Order of the Bath. iond. 1661. 4to. Reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. I. The Statutes of tlie Order were published 1725, 1744, 1772, 1787, 1812. — Les Armes des Chevaliers de i'Ordre du Bain, creez le 17"'^ jour de Juin, 1725. J. Sympson, Junr. deUu. et sculp, royal i'ol. 21. 12s. 6d. K 130 BAT A series of one hundred and forty im- pressions from the plates now fixed at the sUiUs in Henry Vllth's Chapelj rarely found complete. Bath. — Plan, Elevations, Sections, and Specimens of the Arcliiteeture of the Abbey Church of Bath (10 plates), engraved by James Basire, from Drawings by John Carter. With some Account of the Abbey Chm-ch (8 pages). Lond. 1798. atlas foho. Published bv the Society of Antiquaries. North, pt. i. 138, 1/. 18s. Steevens, 1942, 1?. 16s. il. of Toivnsheiid, 219, 21. 5s. — Bath illustrated by a Se- ries of Yiews, from the Drawings of John Claude Nattes ; with descrip- tions to each Plate. Lond. 1806. fol. Published at 71. 7s. Nas ;au, pt. i. 220, 1?. ISs. The Views coloured, Duke of York, 3933, 11. 8s. — Letters and Papers on Agri- cidture. Planting, &c. selected fi-om the Correspondence Book of the Society instituted at Bath, for the Encoui'agement of Agriculture, Ai-ts, Manuiiictures, and Commerce. Lond. 1780-182— 8vo. 14 vols. An abridgment of the first uine volumes appeared in 1803, 8vo 2 vols. Bathe, William. lutroductiou to the true Arte of Musicke. Lond. by Abel Jeffes, 1584. 4to. Fifth edition, totally different from the foUowinj;. — Briefe Introduction to the Skill of Song. Lond. by Thomas Este. 8vo. 1?. Is. Eodd, 1824, 31. 3s. A copy of this edition is in the British Museum. Sir John Haw- kins has given extracts from both these productions, but they have little merit. Bathurst, Ralph, M.D. Life and Literaiy Remains, by Thomas Warton, M.A. Lond. 1761. 8vo. 5s. Batman. See Bateman and Glanyilla. Battely, John. Opera posthu- ma ; viz. Antiquitates Rutupinse et Antiquitates S. Edmundi Burgi ad annum 1272, perductse. Oxonise, 1745. 4to. with 16 maps and plates, 58. An elegant posthumous discourse, says Bishop Nicolson. lakgk i'APKR, 8s. Na.s- sail, pt. i. 390, 11. 14s. A former edition of the Antiquitates Rutupinse, Oxon. 1711, 8vo. 3s. LARGE PAPER, 5s. Williams, 152, morocco, 18s. An English translation ap- peared, Lond. 1774, 8vo. 3s. Battetjx, Abbe. Course of the Belles Lettres : or, the Principles of Literature, translated from the French. Lond.l761.12mo.4 vols. 9s. The best edition of tlie original appeared at Paris, 1774, 8vo. 5 vols. Battle.— Copye of the Letter fol- owing whiche specifyeth of the greatest and meruelous visyoned Batayle, that euer was sene or herde of. And also of the Letter y' was sent from the great Turke vnto our holy Fad' y* Pope of Rome. Andwarpe by me Johan of Dousborowe. 4to. Four leaves, without signatures. The former letter was written by Bartholomeus de Clereville, ' in y castell of ville clere, in y« yere of our lorde m.ccccc.xvij. in the Month of Januarij.' The latter is reprint- ed in Ames, by Herbert, lii. pp. 1531-2. — Batayil of Egynge Covirte, and the great Sege of Rone. Impr. by John Skot. 4to. Black letter. 6 leaves — The trewe Encountre or Ba- tayle lately don betwene Englade and Scotlande. In whiche Batayle the Scottsshe Kynge was slayne. Empr. by me Richarde Faques. 4to. Ulack letter, 4 leaves. White Knights, 1720, 131. 13s. A reprint of this interesting historical account of the Battle of Flodden Field, in fac-siraile, 1809, 4to. 4s. Another reprint, Newcastle, 1822, crown 8vo. 4s. ox VELLUM, six copies printed. Brockett, 472, 11. 15s. — Flodden Field, in nine Fits, lioud. 1664. smaU 8yo. Steevens, 8lj0, russia, 11. 8s. Bindley, pt. iii. 1554, 5?. 7s. 6d. Perry, 27. 15s. — Famous old Ballad of Flodden Field. York, Tho. Gent. n. d. 12rao. Nassau, pt. i. 1207, 7s. • — ; The same, Notes by Jos. Ben- son, 12mo. Preston, 1773. — History of the Battle of Flod- don, in Yerse. PubHshed with Notes by Robert Lambe. Berwick upon Tvvced, 1774. 12mo. 4s. laege X'ArER, 6s. — Battle of Flodden Field, with BAT Notes and Illustrations by Henry Weber. .Edinb. 1808. 8vo'. 10s. I'est edition. Notes and Illustrations to the liiittle of Floddeu Field, 8vo. IGcopii'S ))rinted, 3s. 6d. An edition of the work, Newcastle, 1819. Urockett, 1758, 4s. 6d. Battle. — Reporte of the Skirmish fought betweene the States of Flaun- ders and Don Joan, Duke of Austria, with the luuuber of all them that were slayne on both sides, which Eattle was fought 1 August, being Lammas Day. Impr. by William Bartlet, 1578. 16mo. Black letter. — D.olorous Discourse of a bloudy Battel fought in Barbaric, 4 Aug. 1578. Impr. by lohn Charlcwood for Tho. Man. 16mo. Black lettei-. Towneley, pt. i. 344, 1?. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 981, U. lis. 6d. — Discoui'se of a Battaile fought neere to Cracouia in Pologne, the 25 of December last, betweene Maxa- mihan. Archduke of Austrich, the Emperoiu's Brother, and Sigismimd Sonne to the King of Sweden, each pretending to be the elect King of Pologne. Ti'anslated out of the French. Lond. by Thomas Orwin, 1588. 16mo. Black letter. — The Battle of Alcazar, 1594. See Peele, George. — The Battaile fought betweene Count Mam-ice and the Archduke of Austria, nere Newport, in Flan- ders. 16O0. 4to. Black letter, with a plate. Nassau, pt. i. 865. — Wonderful Battel of Starlings : fought at the City of Cork, in Ire- land, the 12th and 14th of October, 1621. Lond. 1622. 4to. Reprinted in the third nunibtT of Mor- gan's Pha?nix Britannicus. — The great and famous Battle of Lutzen, fought between the re- nowned King of Sweden and Wal- stein. Here is also inserted an Abridgment of the King's Life, and Relation of the King of Bohemia's BAT 131 Death, faithfully translated out of the French Copy. Printed 1633. 4to. 78. 6d. Contains 45 pages. Reprinted in the fourth volume of the Ilarleian Misci^Hany. — Relation of the Battle of Maxen, witli a Treatise on Profiles, the manner of attacking and defend- ing vmfortified Heights and Moun- tains, and positions taken for the defence of Maxen. Translated by an Officer. Lond. 1785. 4to. witli plans, 10s. 6d. — The Battle of Waterloo, also of Ligny and Quatre-Bras, in 1815, illustrated with portraits of Welling- ton and Blucher, maps and enlarged plans, view of the Field of Waterloo, and 34 etchings from sketches by Capt. Joius. Tenth edition, enlarged and corrected (by John Booth). Lond. 1817. 4to. 4/. 4s. Best edit. Many of the particulars in this valuable account were furnished by regimental messes, and commanding ofticers of parti- cular arms of the service, besides all public accounts, both Englisli and Foreign, and communications of privates and non-com- missioned officers. At the end is a list of the officers engaged, furnished by autho- rity. India paper proofs, bl. 5s. Battels, All the famous, that have been fought in our age, through- out the Worlde, as well by Sea as Lande. Lond. by Henrye Byuue- man. 4to. Black letter. Written by John Polmou. Reed, 3315, II. 5s. Towneley, pt. i. 303, HI. ■ — Second Part of the Booke of Battailes, fought in our Age ; taken out of the best Avithors, and Writers in sundrie Languages. Loud, for Gabriel Cawood, 1587. 4to. Black letter. A copy is in the British -Musoum. Inglis, 150, (with the former ar- ticle,) 11. 5s. — The two famous pitcht Battells of Lypsich and Lutzen, with an Elegie upon the Death of Gustavus the Great, composed in heroick verse by John KusseU. Cambridge, 1634. 4to. 18s. B.\TTT (Barth. of Alost.) Cliristian iv 2 132 BAX BAX Man's Closet, the Dutie of Pareiifes towards their Children, and of Chil- dren towards their Parentes. En- glished by W. Lowth. By Thomas Dawson and Grregoir Seton, 1581. Blark letter, interspersed with poetrj*. Sotheby, June 185G, 1^. 12s Batty, Captain. Campaign of the left Wing of the Allied Army in the Western Pyi'enees and South of France in the years 1813-14, un- der Field Marshal the Marquis of Wellington. Lond. 1823. 4to. 21. Contains pp. 185, with a plan and plates drawn and etched by Captain Hatty. For the other publications of this gentleman, see Scenery. Baudiee, Mich. History of the Calamities of Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England. Lond. 1737. 8vo. 5s. A valuable work, with a preface by the eminent English historian Thomas Carte. The work under the above title, 1755, 12rao. 2 vols, is a translation of the fictitious nar- rative written by the Abb6 Prevost. BArDius, Dominicus. Monvmen- tiunconsecratum Honoriet Memorise seren. Britanniarum Principis Hen- rici Frederici. Lugd. Bat. 1612. 4to. A copy is in the Biitish Museum. Battdwin or Bauldwin. See Baldwin. Batter, Francis, F.R.S. Deli neations of exotick JPlants cultivated in the Eoyal Garden at Kew, di-awn and coloured, and the characters displayed according to the Linnsean System. Lond. 1796. folio. 'Nos. I. and II., with 20 coloured plates, published by \V. T. Alton. — Illustrationes Florse Novae HoUandfB sive Icones Grenerum qua; in Prodrome Florffi Nov. Hoi. et Insidffi Van-Diemen, descripsit Rob Brown, 1813. pars I. \_See Brown.] Bawd. — The London Bawd, with her Character and Life : discovering the various and subtile Intrigues of lewd Women. Lond. 1711. 12mo. 10s. fid. Baxter, Andrew. Inquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul, wlicrein its Immateriality is evinced from the Principles of Reason and Philosophy. Lond. 1745, 8vo. 2 vols. Appendix, 1750. 1 vol. IBs. Third and best edition. The appendix is of rare occurrence. ' He who would see the justest and pre- cisest notions of God, and the soul, may read this book ; one of the most finished of the kind, in my humble opinion, that tlie present times, greatly advanced in true philosophy, have produced.' — Bishop War- burton. — Matho, or the Cosmotheoria Puerilis, in ten Dialogues ; wherein from the Phenomena of the Material World, briefly explained, the Princi- ples of Natural Religion are deduced and demonstrated. Lond. 1745. 8vo 2 vols. 6s. This work was originally published in Latin, 1740, 8vo. 2 vols. 3s. ' The third edi- tion 'corrected and enlarged,' was publisli- ed 1765, 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. Anotlier, ' accom- modated to the capacities and in.struction of the vouth of both sexes,' by Samuel "Whyte," Dublin, 1776, 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. Another work of tliis autlior's was pub- lished from his MSS. liy the Rev. Dr. Dun- can of South Warnborough, entitled ' Tlie Evidence of Reason in Proof of the Immor- tality of the Soul,' 1779, 8vo. Gosset, 354, 8s. 6d. — Richard. Practical Works. Lond. 1707. foUo, 4 vols, with front, and portrait, 10/. 10s. A ricli treasure of controversial, casuis- tical, positive, and practical divinity. Wil- liams, 121, russia, 2U. — Woi'ks. A new edition, with a Life of the Author bv the Rev. W. Orme, 23 vols. 8vo. Load. 1827— 1830. 10/. 10s. — Practical Works, with an Essay on his Genius, Works, and Times. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond. Bohn, 1838. 2/. 12s. 6d. [Frequently re- printed.] Saint's Everlasting Rest, Lond. 16.0.3, 4to. with front. 10s. Frequently reprinted. Confession of Faith, 1655. 4to. 6s. Refoi-med Pastor, 1656, 8vo. 5s. Reprint- ed 1657, 1825. Reasons of the Christian Religion, 1667, 4to. portrait, with eiglit English verses, 9s. Life of Faith, 1670. 4to. front, and port, by White, 10s. 6d. Reprinted 1803, 1817. BAX BAT 13.'? Christian Directory, 1675, folio, witli port, and frontispiece, II. 8s. An abridg- ment by Adam Clarke. Liverpool, 1802, Svo. 2 vols. 10s. Breviate of the life of Margaret, wife of Richard Baxter, IfiSl, 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. '2518, n. 7s. Hrlght, 11. l'2s. Treatise of Episcopacy, 1681, 4to. 9s Paraphrase on the New Testament, 1685, 8vo. with portrait, 6s. Keprinted 1695, 1810. Catholick Theologie, 1675, folio, with por- trait, 15s. Chinch History of the Government of r.islionp, and their Councils abbreviated, 1G8(), 4to. 6s. Bindley, pt. i. 918, I'is. Poetical Fragments, 1681, small 8vo. pp. 1.50. Nassau, pt. 1. 129, 4s. Bibl. Anglo. Poet. 66, 3?. 3s. Reprinted 1821, 12rao. 4s. Methodus Theologiaj Christianie, 1G81, folio, with portrait, 15s. Certainty of the World of Spirits, 1691. 8vo. 3s. A notice of this work will be found in the Retrosp. Rev. v. 87-136. A copious list of the works of this emi- nent nonconformist divine will be found in Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica. — Keliquiae Baxterianse. A Nar- rative of his Life and Times, piib- lislied by Matthew Sylvester. Lond. 1696. foUo, with portrait by E. White, 1/. 163. The life extracted from this narrative is reprinted in the fifth volume of Words- worth's Ecclesiastical Biography. — Abridgment of Baxter's His- tory of his Life and Times, and an Account of the Ministers, &c. ejected after the Restam-ation, by Edm. Calamy, D.D.with the Continuation. Lond. 1713, 27. 8vo. 4 vols. 1/. 16s. Replete with much useful matter, and many valuable particulars of the history of the times of Chailes I. In this second edi- tion of 1713, Baxter's reformed liturgy is iiLserted. Calamy, in answer to some objections made to this work, published 'A Defence of moderate Nonconformity, in answer to the Reflections of OUyffe and Hoadly.' Lond. 1703, 4, 5. 8vo. 3 vols. 12s. — Thomas. Illustrations of the Egyptian, Grecian, aiVl Roman Cos- tume, in 40 outlines, selected, drawn, and engraved by T. Baxter. Lond. 1810. imp. Bvo. An edition in 4to. Fonthill, 692, 15s. — Will. Glossarium Antiquita- tiim Britannicarum, accedunt Edv. Luidii de Eluvioriun, Montium, Urbium, &c. in Britannia Nomini- bus, Adversaria posthuma. Lond. 1733. 8vo. witli portrait by Vertue, 6s. LAHGE PAPER, 12s. A 'curious' work, according to Bp. Ni- colson. The first edition, consisting of 3.0O copies, appeared in 1719, 8vo. 4s. LAKi;K PAPER. Dent, pt. ii. 19.3, morocco, LCis. White Knights, pt. i. 318, russia, 1/. Nas- sau, pt. i. 130, (with the Reliq. Baxter, 1726) russia, '21. 5s. — Glossanum Antiquitatum Ro- manarum, (edente Mos. Williams). Lond. 1731. 8vo. with portrait by Vertue, 4s. of this work 250 copies on small, and 120 on large paper, were printed. Some are entitled Reliquiffi Baxteriauw, 1726. LAKOEPAPF.R, lOs. 6d. Heath, 4315, 21. In some copies will be found ' A View of a Book, entitled Reliquise Baxteriana;. In a Letter to a Friend.' Written by Wm. Bowyer, and reprinted in the first volume of Nichols' Liter. Anecd. Batard. The right joyous and pleasant History of the Feats, Gests, and Prowesses of the Chevalier Bayard, the good Knight without Fear and without Reproach. By the Loyal Servant. Lond. 1825. small 8vo. 2 vols. 16s. An excellent translation (by Miss Cole- ridge) of a woik curious in itself, and in its whole tendency uuexceptionably good. Bayfield, Robert. Enclm-idion Medicum. Lond. 1655. 8vo. with a portrait, ' iEt. 27,' by Faithorne. The portrait, for which this work alone is esteemed, was prefixed to the author's subsequent works. Grave, No. 11, 14s. Bayle, Peter. Dictionary, His- torical and Critical. Lond. 1710. foho, 4 vols. 3^. 3s. ' Bayle's Dictionary is a very useful work for those to consult who love the biogra- phical part of literature, which is what 1 love most.' — Dr. Johnson. Marquis of Townshend, 400, 1/. 168. LAKOK PAPER, Roxburghe, 9275, 3?. 9s. Bos- well, 337, 3i!. 10s. — The second Edition, carefully collated, &o. To wliich is prefixed a Life of the Author, by Des Mai- zeaux. Lond. 1734-7. folio, 5vols. with port, by James Smith. 6/. 6s. Marq. of Townshend, 401, il. 7s. Bind- ley, pt. i. 375, il. 10s. Home Tooke, 43 134 BA.Y 51. lOs. Sir P. Tliompson, 160, 71. 10s. ^AEGE PAPER, in 10 Vols. Dent, pt. i.324,7Z. Tills much-esteemed work is included in ' A General Diction.'wv Historical and Criti cal.' Lond. 1734-41, fo'lio.lOvols-. Anabridg- ment in 12rao. 4 vols, appeared in 1826. — Commentary on these words oi the Gospel, Luke xiv. 23, ' Comptl them to come in, that my House may be full.' In four Parts. LoncL 1708. 8vo. 2 vols. 6s. A very shrewd e.\posure of the folly and M-ickedness of persecution. When first printed in French, it was pretended to be translated from the English, as the anthor wished to disguise himself. Batley, John, F.R.S. History •and Antiquities of the Tower of London. Lond. 1821-5. 4to. 2 vol-^. with plates. Pubhshed at 6?. 16s. 6d. A very valuable work, lakge taper, V2l. 12s. [These prices now much reduced.] Bayly. See Bailey. Bayly, Anselm, LL.D. Alliance of IMusic, Poetry, and Oratory, Lond. 1789, 8vo. pp. 390, 6s. This writer likewise piiblislied several other works, including an Hebrew and Knglish Bible, witli Keniarks. &c. — Lewis, Bishop of Bangor. Pi-actice of Piety. The eleventh Edition. Lond. 1619. Svo. Upwards of forty editions of this once esteemed work have been publislied, and it has also been translated into Welsh, Freuch, and other European Languages. — Thomas, D.D. Koyal Charter granted unto Kings by God himself, &c. A Treatise wherem is proved that Episcopacy is Jtire Divino. Lond. 164-9. 12mo. with port, of Charles II. by Van. Hove, 5s. Keprinted 1656 and 16S0. For tliis work the aiitlior was committed to Newgate. — Certamen Rehgiosum, or a Conference between Charles, Kuig of England, and Henry, late Mar- quess and Earl of Worcester, con- cerning Religion ; at his Majesties being at Raglan Castle. Lond. 1649. Svo. 'I'o this work, which is considered iicti- tioiis, two answers were publislied, oik; by Jlarn. I/Estrango,, 1651, 12ino. ; the other by C. C. (Christopher Carturiglit,; Uioi. 4to. It is likewise commented upon by BEA Dr. Pet. Heylin, in his epi^tle to the Bib- liotheca Kegia. — Herba Parietis : or the WaU- Flower, as it grew out of the Stone- Chamber belonging to Newgate. Lond. 1650. fol. with a frontispiece. Nassau, pt. i. 434, 53. White Kiiiglits, pt. i. 390, 16s. — End to Controversie between the Roman Catholick and Protestant Rehgions. Doway, 1654. 4to. — Life and Death of John IJisher, Bishop of Rochester. Lond. 1655. 12mo. with portrait by R. Vaughau, 10s. 6d. This life, written by Kichard Hall, D.D. of Christ Church, Cambridge, was repub- lished by Tho. Coxeter, 1739. 12mo. with portrait, 5s. — Wilham. Astronomical Ob- servations. See Cook, Capt. James. Baymont. See Beaumont. Bayne, Paul. Commentai-y on the Epistle to the Ephesians. Lond. 1643. folio, 9s. This English divine, of considerable emi- nence at Cambridge, published a commen- tary on tlie Colossians, several sei"mons ami otlier religions works, 1618-37. Bayjs'es, Roger. Praise of Solita- rinesse, set down in the Form of a Dialogue : wherein is conteyned, a Discoiu-sc philosophical of the Lyfe active and contemplative. Lond. Byuneman, 1577. 4to. 'Ulack letter. Gordonstoun, 328, il. 19s. — The Baynes of Aqvisgrane, the one Part and one Yoliime, entitvled Variety : contayning tlrree Bookes, in the Forme of Dialogues, vnder the Titles following, viz. Profit, Pleasure, Honour. Augusta m Ger- many, 1617. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Bayning. — Death repealed by a thankfvd Meaiorial sent from Ch. Ch. in Oxon, celebrating the noble Deserts of the Rt. Hon. Paid Vis- count Bayning. Oxon. 1638. 4to. Perry, pt. i. 1681, 9s. Bindley, pt. ii. 576, 15s. BaziH«;logia. See Holland, H. Beacon, Richard. Solon liis FoUic, or a politique Discouree, BKA » I ■. A 1,S5 touphinjT the Reformation of Coni- lUon-Weales conquered, dedined or corrupted. Oxford, 159i. 4to. DedicatRd 'To her Mniostie— The author to tlie reader— Tlie booke vnto the reader,' Besides 114 pages. Steevens, 769, 6s. Perry, i)t. i. 641, russia, 8s. — T. See Becon, Thomas. Beadle of Bridewell' s Answer to the Behnan of London. Lond. 1610. 4to. Black letter. Roxburghe, 6680, 11. 5s. Beague, J. de. History of the Campagnes 1548 and 1549, with an introductory Preface by the Trans- lator (Patrick Abercromby) 1707. 8vo. 7s. Jadis, 78, morocco, U. The original was published at Paris, 1556. Sie Beauoue. Bearcroft, Philip, D.D. Ac- count of Thomas Sutton, Esq. and of his Foundation in Charter House. Lond. 1737. Bvo. 10s. 6d. Contains pp. xvi. and 276, with three plates. LAUGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 194, morocco, 11. Is. Towueley, pt. ii. 41, mo- rocco, 11. Baker, 29, morocco, 21. 6s. Heath, 4643, 11. 6s. Beard, Tli. Tlieatre of God's Judgements. Lond. 1597. 4to. 6s. [First edition, containing ' An acconnt of C liristopher Marlowe, and his tragical end.' ] Granger says ' Dr. Thos. Taylor was a joint compiler of this volume.' In the third "edition, 1631, 4to. from p. 542 to the end is for the first time added. The fourth and generally esteemed best edition, appeared in 1648, small folio, 15s. — Pedantius, Comoedia olim Can- tabrig. acta in Coll. Trin. nunquam antehac Typis evulgata, 1631. 12mo. 7s. 6d. Prefixed is a small wliole-length portrait of the author with a rod and a label from his mouth, inscribed 'As in presenti.' Dr. Beard was Oliver Cromwell's schoolmaster. Beaton and Wischart. The tra- gicall Death of Dauid Beaton, Bishop of St. Andrewes ; with the Martyr- dome of George Wischart, Gent. Lond. 1546. Bvo. Roxburghe, 8736, no date, HI. 53. Same copy, Heber, pt. ix. 191. Beatson, Alexander. Tracts re- lating to the Island of St. Helena ; written dm-ing a Residence of five Years. Loud. 1816. 4to. This work contains little else than sta- tistical, meti^orological, iind .'igricnlinral ol)serviLtions on tlie island, and plans for its better administration and cultivation. Konthill. 535, 18s. lieatson likewise pub- lished A View of the War with Tippoo Snltaiin. London, 1800. 4to. Drnry, 536, IDs. 6d. Roxburghe, 8873, lis. — Robert, LL.D. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from tlic Year 1727 to the present Time. Lond.1804. 8vo.6vol8.i;.10s. A former edition .appeared in 1790, 8vo. 3 vols. Beatsoii likewise published a Chro- nological Register of botli Houses of the British Parltiiment, 1708-1807. Lond. 1808. 8vo. 3 vols. Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland, third edition, corrected and much enlarged. Lond. 1806. 8vo. 3 vols. 11. 4s. Best edition of a very useful book, com- piled from Sir W. Dugdale's Summons to Parliament, the Historical Register, and a variety of Chronicles and Peerages. Earl of Kerry, 30, 21. 2s. [Since condensed and continued, but with omissions, by Haydn, in his Book of Dignities.] — • Chronological Register of both Houses of Parliament, from the Union in 1708 till 1807. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807. 1/. 4s. Beattie, James, LL.D. Minsti-cl, with other Poems. To which are prefixed, Memoirs of the Life of the Author, by Alex. Chalmers. Lond. 1811. 12mo. with portrait by Heath and 4 plates. Many of the poems in this are not to be found in former editions. The first edition of Beattic's poems appeared in 1760 ; the second, with variations and omissions, in 1766; notices of both will be found in the Censura Literaria. An elegant edition, with plates from the designs of Rich. Westall, appeared in 1816. A tliird Book of the Minstrel was written by Mr. Meri- vale, and published 1808. 4to. 4s. — Account of the Life and Writ- ings of James Beattie, LL.D. includ- ing many of his original Letters. By iSirW. Forbes. Edinb. 1806. 4to. j2 vols, with portrait after Sir Jos. Reynolds, 11. lis. 6d. large paper, 3;. '3s. Reprinted 1807, Svo. 3 vols, and 1824 in 2 vols. The following works written by Dr. Beattie, whom Bishop Warburton pro- 136 BEA liEA nouiiced superior to the wliole crew of Scotch metaphysicians, are in great re- quest : — Essays on Poetry and JIusic, &c, Edinb. 1776. 8vo. Frequpntly reprinted. The first edi- tion appeared 1776. 4to. with the Author's Essay on Truth. Dissertations moral and critical. Lond. 1786. Svo. 2 vols. A former edition appeared 1783, 4to. Evidences of the Christian Religion. London, 1786. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. Reprinted 1788, 2 vols. 1814, 1 vol. Theory of Language, in two Parts, 1788. Svo. The first edition appeared with his Dissertations. Elements of Moral Science, 1790-3. Svo. 2 vols. Edinb. 1807. Svo. 2 vols. 16s. 1817. Svo. 2 vols. An Essay on Truth, the seventli edition; to which is now added, a Slcetch of tlie Origin and Progress of the Work. Lond. 1807. Svo. The edition appeared iu 1770. Beaitchesxe, John de, and Jolm Baldon. Booke containing divers Sortes of Hands, as -well the English as French Secretary, with the Itahan, Chancery, and Court Hands : also the Proportio of the Capitall of Romae. Lond. 1570. broad 4to.l/.ls. ' lappreliend tlieni,' says Herbert,' to have been written by Mr. Beauchesne, a school- master in Blaclifriars, and cut on wood by Mr. Baldon.' Again 1574, 1590, 1602. Beaufort, Daniel Augustus, LL.D. Memoir of a Map of Ire- land. Lond. 1792. 4to. 1/. Is. Contains pp. 218 An e.xceedingly valu- able worlc. containing a succinct account of the civil and ecclesiastical state of Ireland, and an Inde.^ nf all tlio places which ap- pear on the author's map. The map was published by Faden. Marquis of Towns- hend, 356, with the map coloured, on can- vas, in a case, 21 6s. Dent, pt. i. 454, with the map col. mor. 11. 12s. — Francis. Karamania, or a brief Description of the South Coast of .\sia Minor, and of the Remams of .Vntiquity. Lond. 1818. Svo. with plate?, lis. A valuable addition to the maritime geography and antiquities of a part of Asia not described hitherto. BeaugH"E, Jan de. Histou-e do la G-uerre d'Ecosse, traittant comnu'lc lloyaume fut assailly et en grande Partie occupee par les Anglois, et depuis rendu paisible a sa Reyne, et reduit en son ancieii Estats et Dig- nite. Paris, pour Gilles Corrozet, 1556. Svo. .According to Bishop Nicolson, the author was present at many of the skirmishe«. &c. mentioned in this work. A copy is in the British Museum. Lloyd, 58, 4i So- tlieby's in July, 1821, U. 6s. Bright, U. 16s. A translation by P. Abercromby was pub- lished 1707. Sec Beague. Beaulieu, Luke de. Vie de S. Thomas (a Becket) Archevesquo de Cantorberv et Martyr. Paris, 1G74.. 4to. 1/. Is. A copy is in' the British Museum. Beaulne, Renauld de. Archeves- que de Bourges. Oraison funebre de la Royne d'Escosse. Imp. 1588. Reprinted by Jebb in ' De Vita et Rebus gestis Marise Scotonam Reginpe.' Beaumoxt, Francis. Poems. Lond. 1640. 4tQ. Nassau, pt. i. 393, russia, 9s. Bindley, pt. i. 754, M. r2s. Reprinted in Chalmers' Collection of the Poets, and iu Weber's edition of the works of Beaumont and Fletcher. — Poems, viz. the Hermaphrodite, the Remedy of Love ; Elegies ; Sonnets, with other Poems. Lond. 1653. Svo. In tliis collection, made by the printer Blacklock, some pieces are inserted not written by this author. Roxtjurghe, 3369, 10s. Lloyd, 59. 13s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 206,14s. White Knights, pt. i. 326, 18s. Bindley, pt. i. 631, '21. 5s. Beaumoxt, Francis, and John Fletcher. Poems. The Golden Remains of Francis Beaimiont and John Fletcher. Tlie second edition, with the Addition of other Drolleries by severaU ~\\'its of these present times. Loud. 1660. Svo. 1^. lis. 6d. — Comedies and Tragedies, pub- lished by the Author's origiuaU Copies. Lond. 1647. folio, with portrait of Fletclier, by Marshall. First colleittil edition, containing — Plays dedicated by ten comedians to Philij- Karl of Pembroke and Montgomery. It this edition, edtted by John Shirley, are 36 play.s, priiUed for the first time. Rccdj BEA BKA 137 StJT)'), 17s Marquis of Townslieiul, 402, 18s. Khodes, 2665, It. lis. Koacoe, 1351, il. 5.S. Prury, 603, (with the Wild Goose Chase, 1652J nissia, 61. 6s. — Fifty Comedies and Tragedies. Loud. 1679. folio, with portrait of Fletcher by Marshall. Field, 117, lis. BiiuUey, pt. i. 181, U. Roxbui-Khe, 3896, lZ.3s. Cianick, 521, 11. 3s Reed, 86,-)5*, 11. 5s. White Knights, pt. i. 3SJ1, 11. 16s. aoldsinid, 164, 21. 5s. Hurne Tooke, 46, with his MS. notes, 6«. 16s. 6d. — Comedies andTragedies. Lond. 1711. 8vo. 7 vols. Dowdeswell, 44, 11. 5s. — Works, with Notes, by Theo- bald, Seward, andSjmipson. Lond. 1750. 8vo. 10 vols, with two ports. Steevens, 1225, 1/. 14s. Keed, 8020. 1/. 19s. Garrick, 128, 2«. 8;>. KoxhurKhe, 3897, 31. 13s. 6d. Marquis of Townshend, 102, 41. 4s. — Dramatic Works, with Notes critical and explanatory, by various Commentators. Loud. 1778. 8vo. 10 vols, with portraits of Beaumont and Fletcher, and 54 engravings. Edited by George Colnian. Druiy, 422, 21. Is. Bindley, pt. i. 295. 21. 2s. Dent, pt. i. 195, 21. 2s. Garrick, 127, 21. 15s. Nassau, pt. 1. 1.34, 31. 3s. Steevens, 1226. 51. 10s. Heed, 8021 (with a double set of' plates), 6?. 8s. 6d. — Works, with an Introduction and explanatory Notes, by Henry Weber. Lond. 1812. 8vo. 14 vols. with portraits. This edition was severely censured by Gifford and dct. Gilchrist. Brockett, 96, bl. 2s. 6d. Sir M, M. Sykes, pt. i. 208, 71. 126. 6d. Drury, 42.3, 71. 12s. 6d. Stret- tell, 78, 81. Ss. A wretched edition, gene- rally accompanied by I'en Jonson, and forming together 4 vols., royal Svo. printed in double columns, for Stockdale, appeared 1811. [The best edition is now that edited by the Kev. Ale.\. Dyce, 11 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843, £4 4s.] Original Editions of the Plays. The Woman Hater. Lond. 1607, 4to. Rhodes, 525, 11. 2s. The Masque of tlie Inner Temple and Grayes Inn, 1612. ib. n. d. 4to. Re- printed in Nichols' Progresses of King James I. Towneley, pt. i. 702. The Knight of the Binning Festle. ib. 1613. 4to. Rliodes, 528, 16s. Reprint- ed ll).3.^ 4(o Is. Cupid's Revenge, ib. 1615. 4to. Rhodes, I 531, U. Is. Reprinted, lO.W. 1G35, 4to. The Scornfvi Ladie. ib. 1616. 4to. Rhodes, 533, 1/. Is. Field, 98, 1^. Is. A King and no King. ib. 1619. 4to. with frontispiece. Keed, 7703, 21. 12s. 6d. An edition 1625. Rhodes, 537, 13s. The Maid's Tragedy, ib. 1619. 4to. Re- printed 1622, 16.30. Rhodes, 542, 18s. 16,38, 1641, 1650, and 1661, 4to. Philaster. ib.l620. 4to. with frontispiece. JoUey, 1843 (wood-cut on title), 8/. 10s. Reed, 7705, 2il. Sotheby's in April, 1821, 8^ 8s. no front. Thierry and Theodoret. ib. 1621 . 4to. 1622. JoUv, 184.3, 11. 9s. Boswell,1701, 5s. Rhodes, 547, 15-i. Field,102, 17s. The faithful Shepheardesse. ib no date. 4to. 21. 2s. Second edition (1629) 4to. Rhodes, 554, 18s. Third, 1634, 4to. The two noble Kinsmen, ib. 1634. 4to. Rhodes, 558, 3s. 6d. Koxburghe, 4916, 6s. 6d. The Elder Brother, ib. 16.37. 4to. Rhodes, 559, 4s. Roxmirghe, 4913, 2s. 6d. Monsieur Thomas, ib. 1639. 4to. Rhodes, 563, 4s. Wit without Money, ib. H 39. 4to Rhodes, 564, 4s. Roxburghe, 4436, ls.6d. The Coronation, ib. 1640. 4to. Claimed by Sliirley. The Bloody Brother, ib. 1639. 4to. Rhodes, 566, 5s. 6d. RoUo, Duke of Normandy. O.Kford, 1640. 4to. The Bloody Brother, with a new title. Rhodes, 567, 3s. Roxburghe, 6915, 2s. 6d. Rule a Wife and have a Wife. Lond. 1640. 4to. Rhodes. 568, 3s. Tlie Niglit Walker, ib. 1640. 4to. Rhodes, 569, 3s. Roxburghe, 4914.4s.6d. The Wild Goose Chase, ib. 1652. fol.4s. The Beggar's Bush. ib. 1661. 4to. Rliodes, 572,5s. This edition appears to have bei-n printed from the original MS., and contains many superior read- ings to the folio of 1647, whic-h have escaped Beaumont and Fletcher Edi- tors. Beaumont, Sir Harry. A name assumed by Joseph SrENCE. — J. F. Albanis. Travels through the Ehpetian Alps, in the year 1782. Lond. 1792. unpcrial foho, 21. 2s. Contains pp. 82, with aquatinta engrav- ings. Witll CoLUUKEn PLATES, 6^ 6s. Saunders in 1818, morocco, 8/. — Select Views in the South of France, with topographical and his- torical d>^scrij)tions. Lond. 1794. folio, 1/. lis. od. lieckford, 1817, 307, morocco, 3/. 8s. 138 BEA BEA Dent, pt. i. 326, morocco, 3i. 5s. Foiitliill, 2441, Bl. 13s. 6d. Beaumont, Travels through the Maritune iVlps. Lond. 1795. foHo, 3/. 3s. Beckford, 1317, 306, mor. 3?. 10s. Rox- buiglie, 7255, (with the Rhietian Alps), 7/. 7s. With COLOURED PLATES, Sauiiders in 1818, mor. 8?. 8s. — Travels from Prance to Italy, tlirough the Lepontine Alps. Loud. 1800. folio. Saunders in 1818, 2?. lOs. With colocrkd PLATES, 71. 7s. An inferior edition appear- ed 1S06, folio, 11. 10s. Beaumont also published Voyage pitto- resque aus Alpes-pennines. Geneve, 1787, folio, with 12 coloured plates, 11. 10s. Voy- age du Conite de Nice. Geneve, 1787, folio, with 12 coloured plates, 1?. 10s. Descrip- tion des Alpes Grecques et Cottie.nnes. Paris, 1802-6, 4to. 4 vols, with a folio -s'ol. of plates. — Sir John, Bart. Bosworth Field, with a variety of other Poems. Lond. 1629. small 8vo. Title, dedication to the King, Elegy, &c. 11 leaves. Poems, B— 0, 208 pp. pages] 181 and 182 are missing in all copies. Re-' printed in Chahners' Edition of the Poets. I Nassau, pt. i. 221, 7s. Sir M.M. Sykes,; pt. li. 21.15s. Reed. 6,560. 1?. Jadis, 34. 11. Is. White Knights, 324, morocco,' 1/.14S. Binulev,pt.i.46.5, l?.19s. Towneley,; pt. 1.289,2?. 2s'. Lloyd, 60, 2i. 3s, Bib. An- i glo-Poet. 25, 2?. 6s. The poem of Bosworth Field was reprinted 1710, 8vo. In the Censura Literaria, will be found a poetical epistle 'To his late Maiesty (James I.) concerning the true Forme of English Poetry,' written by Sir John Beaumont. [which is also found in the above volume.] — John. Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions, Witchcrafts, and other Magical Practices. Lond. 1705. 8vo. Written to prove the real existence of witches and apparitions. Roxburghe, 1986, 7s. Heath, 1497, 8s. — Grleanings of Antiquities. Lond. 1724. 8vo. 4s. Contains additions to the treatise of spirits, &c. — Joseph, D.D. Psyclie, or Love's Mystery, in 24 Cantos. The second Edition, with Corrections througliout, and four new Cantos, never before printed. Cambridge, 1702. folio, with portrait by White, 10s. fid. Pope 1b reported to have said of this work, ' that there are in it a great many flowers well worth gathering ; and a man who has the art of stealing wisely, will find his account in it.' An Edition, Cam- bridge, 1648, folio, 7s. A notice, with copious extracts, will be found in the Re- trosp. Review, xi. 288-307, xii. 229-48. — Poems in Enghsh and Latin, with an Appendix, containing some Dissertations and Remarks on the Epistle to the Colossians. Lond. 1749. 4to. 5s. Prefixed to this collection of Poems, is an account of the author's life. — Robert. Love's Missives to Virtue, with Essaies. Lond. 1660. small 8vo. Contains pp. 120. A notice of this work will be found in the Restituta, iii. 278-81. Reed, 1695, 5s. Lloyd, 61, 5s. Nassau, pt. 1. 222, 7s. Beatjsobee, Isaac. Histoiy of the Reformation, from the French of M. de Beausobre, by John Ma- caulay. Lond. 1802. Svo. vol. i. Contains pp. 414. The original of this work, written by an eminent Calvinistic divine, was published at Berlin, 1784, Svo. 4 vols. — and James Lenfant. Intro- duction to the Reading of the Holy Scriptures, intended chiefly for [young Students in Divinity. Camb. !i779. 8vo. Inserted in Bishop Watson's Collection of Theological Tracts, who observes, 'This is a work of extraordinary merit ; the au- thors have left scarcely any topick un- touched, of which the young student in divinity may be supposed to want inform- ation.' An edition, Loudon, 1806, Svo. 6s. Beauties of Cambria. See Cam- bria. Beauties of England, A new Dis- play of the. Loud. 1772. Svo. 2- vols, with plates. Nassau, pt. i. 1141, russia, IZ. 5s. The first edition appeared 1767, Svo. Third edition, 1776, Svo. 2 vols. Towneley, pt. ii, 50, russia, 15s. An edition, 1787, Svo. 2 vols. 10s. Beauties of England and Wales, or Delmeations topographical, liis- torical, and descriptive of each county ; embellished with Engrav- BKA 1.39 ings. Loud. 1801-lG. 8vo. 18 vols, in 26. The Introduction, by J. N. Brewer, 1818. 1 vol. Sotheby's, in 1826. in Nos. 151. 15s. So- tlichy'.s in 18-25, 26 vula. 111. Sotheby's ill March, 1824,20 vols, hf.-bd., 231. So- theby's in 1819, 25 vols, half-bound rus- siii, '251. [Of late years at niiicli lower prices.] larue i',\i>eh, in royal 8vo. with proof plates. Drury, 424, with Brewer's Introduction, and the Beauties of Scotland, in :V2 vols, morocco, 602. 18s. Williams, lUO, 26 vols, morocco, 68^ 5s. Earl of Kerry, 33, 26 vols, extra bound, 38^. 17s. Sotheby's in 1824, 26 v.ils. bds. 26/. 15s. 6d. Sir M . M. Sykes, 1070, 18 vols, in 25, 36/. 15s. Uent, pt. 1. 258. I'roof Impressions, with numerous duplicates, proofs before the letters, on ivdia paper, in russia, 56/. 14s. CoUntion. Introduction, by J. Noriis Brewer, 1818, pp. xl. 676, and two maps. Vol. I. Bedfordsbibe, Berkshire, and BucKiNOHAMsHiBE, by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley, 1801, pp. 400, besides t.tle, advertisement, list of boolis, ntaining much valuable iufor- mation. Fonthill, 1024, \l. lis. 6(1. 1. pp. — History of France from the most early Records to the Death of Louis XVI. Lond. 1794. Svo. 4 vols. 248. Beckmann, .John. History of Inventions and Discoveries. Trans- lated from the German by Wilham Johnston. Lond. 1815. 8vo. 4 vols. •21. 2s. A most interesting and valuable work. The foimer edition appeared in 1797, Svo. 3 vols, to which a fourth was added in 1S14. [A new edition, revised and continued by Drs. Francis and Griffith, and H. G. Bohn, 2 vols. 1846. 7s.] Becon, Thomas. The Worckes, dUigently perused, corrected, and amended. Lond. by John Dav, 1563-4. foho. Black letter. In 3 parts. Part i. ends on folio DCLXXviii., the preli.xes are ' The names of Authors,' and 'The Preface,' dated 1.564. Part ii. on ful. cclxxxxix. Part iii. on fol. cccccxiii. Each part has a separate title. Williams, 124, 61. 12s. 6d. Horner, 1854, morocco, 15?. Contents and List nf Editions. PART 1. The Newes out of Heauen, 1541, Svo. The Christmas Banket. J. Mayles, 1542, Svo. Inglis, 69, II. 6s. Bibl. Llwyd. 49," 21. 12s. The Potation for Lent, 1542, 8vo. 1543, Svo. The Pathwaye unto Prayer, 1542, Svo. 1543, Svo. Inglis, 70, 5s. The Nosegaye. The Poli-ie of Wan-e, 1543, entitled, ' The true Defence of Peace.' Svo. Dauid's Harpe, 1542. Svo. Pickering, 1854. mor. 9/. 10s. 1543. Svo. The New Yeare's Gift, 1543, 8vo. Reed, 486. 9s. 1560, folio. The Inuectiue against Swearyng, 154^ Svo. The Gouernaunce of Vertue, 1550, Svo, 1566, Svo. 1574, Svo. 157S, Svo. 1586. Svo. The Catechisme. The Boke of Matrimonv, 1542, 1543, fine, 1848,2?. 2s. 1546,8vo' See Bci.linoer. P.ART II. The Jewel of .Joy. The Principbs of Christen Religion, no date, 12mo. The fruitful Treatise of F:> = tyn.:. The Castell of Comfort, no date, Svo. Goldsmid, 95, 7s. 6d. Inglis, 76, 13s. The Solace of the Soul, 1.'548, Svo. 1549, entitled 'The Plivsioke of the Soule,' Svo. BEC BKl) 143 Tli« Fortres of the Faythfull, 1560, 12mo. 10s. 6d. The Cliristen Knight. Homely against Whordome. The Floure of Godly Prayers, no date, 16mo. Tlie Pdmaunder of Prayer. 1532, King and Lochde's, in 1814, 51. 15s. 1558, 16.56, I nglis, 76,9s. 1578, no date. In- glis, 77, 11. l.s. The Sicke Man's Salue, 1561, 8vo. Sir M. M. Sykei;, pt. i. 211, raor. 21. 1574, 1579, 1582, 1587, no date, 1610, 1613, 1619. Inglis, 78, 3s. Thi.s calvinisticaldevotional tract was, says Gifford, a frequent suhject of ridicule with the wits of those days. The Dialoge of Chrystes Birth. The Inuective against Whordome (in verse). No date, 12mo. PAHT III. A comfortable Epistle to the afflicted People of God. Strasburgh, 1554, 8vo. Bindley, pt. i. 1364. An humble Supplication unto God for the restoryng of his Worde. The Displayiiigof the Popish Masse. In Latin. Basil. 1559, 8vo. In English. Lond. 1637, 12mo. 2s. 6d. The common Places of the holy Scrip- ture. A Comparison hetwene the Lord's Sup- per and the Pope"s Masse. Certayne Articles of Christen Religion, proued and confirmed with the Testi- monies and Authorities of the aun- eient Fathers. Tlie monstrous Marchandise of the Ro- mish Byshops. The Ueliques of Rome, 1553, 8vo. Sothe bv's in 1824, 8s. 6d. 1560, 8vo. Inglis, 74, 10s. 6d. 1563, 8vo. White Knights 3630, raor. 12s. Denyer, 8, 21. 2s. no date, 8vo. North, pt. i. 215, russia, 9s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 202, 13s. The Diuersitie betwene God's Worde and Man's Iniuncion. No date, Svo, en- titled ' Antithesis.' The Aetes of Christ and of Antichrist 1577, 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum. Christe's Chronicle. The Summarye of the New Testament, The Demaundes of Holy Scripture. The glorious Triumphe of God's most blessed Worde. The Prayse of Death. [Several of Becon's Works have been republished by the Parker Society. See Appendix.'] Becon, Thomas. A new Postil oonteinjng Sermons vpon the Gros- pells. Lond. 1566. 4to. 10s. 6d. Repriut€d 1567, 9s. Inglis, 152, 17s Beddoes, Thomas, M.D. Hy- ^eia; or Essays moral and medical, on the Causes affecting the personal State of otir middling and aflhient classes. Lond. 1801-2, Svo. 3 vols, i;. Is. A sensible and excellent work. A co- pious list of this eminent physician's va- rious publications will be found in Watt'.s Hibliotheca Britannica. A Life of him was published by Stock, 1811, 4to. Bede, Venerabihs, Opera omni.a. Colon. Agrip. 1612. vel 1688. foho, 8 torn, in 4, 5/. 5s. .According to Dr. Henry, the only com- plete edition. [In 1843 Dr. Giles edited Bedaj Opera Latina, 12 vols. Svo. 4i. 4s. ] — Opera qusedam theologica, nec- non historica. Accesserimt Egbert! Areliiep. Ebor. Dialogus de Ecelo- siastica Institutione, et Aldhehiii Liber de Virginitate. Lond. 16U3. Ito. 10s. 6d. Edited by H. Wharton. — Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglormn. Sine Loco aut Anno, foho. [Sed Argent. Eggesteyn, circa 1473.] First edition, according to Brnnet con- sisting of 97 leaves, printed in double co- lumns, 40 lines each. Vide Panzer, Annal. Typog. 1. 83, no. 445. Heber, 45?. In Bohn's Cat. 1841, 51. 5s. (nher Editions, Argent. 1513. folio. Gough, 247, 14s. Ant v. 1550. folio, 12s. Lovan. 1566. 12mo. 5s. Heidelb. 1587. 12mo. 4s. Col. Agrip. 1601. 12mo. 3s. — Ecclesiasticaj Historic^ Genti Anglorum Libri V. tribus prtecipiie MSS. Latinis a Mendis liaud paucis repm-gati: &c.&c. (Per Abrah. Wlie- locum.) Cantab. 1643. folio, 21. 2s. An excellent edition, in which will be found King Alfred's Saxon Version, nume- rous notes, and a Saxon Chronology. Dent, pt. i. 393, morocco, 21. 8s. The latter por- tion of the work, dated 1643, consisting of the Anglo-Saxon laws, is sometimes found separately, 1?. Is. An edition was pub- lished at Paris, 1681. 4to. 7s. 6d. — Hislorise Ecclesiasticae Gentis Anglorum Libri V. una cum rehquis ejus Operibus liistoricis in unam Vo- lumen eollectis : cura et studio Joh. Smith. Cantabr. 1722. foho. 3/. 3.^. 141 IS Ell BKD The beat edition, witli leanii'd notes ami dissertations. King Alfred's Siixoii version is also inserted in this edition. Heath. 4503, 3;. 3s. LARGE PAPER, SI. 13s (jd. to il. 4s. Hecle's Histoi-y of the Clim-cli of Englande, translated by Thomas Stapleton. Antwerp, 1565. 4to. According to Bishop Nicolsnn, ' A par- tial translation by a doctor of divinity, in tlie university of Lovain.' Reed, 3318, raor. '^l. 14s. Nassau, pt. i. 395. russia, SI. 16s. — Ilistorie of the Chm-ch of Eng- land. St. Omers, 1622. 8vo. 12s. Dent, pt. i. 200, 13s. 'History of the Church of Sc<.lland.' St. Omers, 1622. Nas- sau, pt. i. 225, U. 2s. — Ecclesiastical History of the Enghsh Nation from the Coming of Julius Caesar till the Year of oiu- Lord 731, translated mto English from Dr. Smith's Edition. To which is added the Life of the Author, also explanatory Notes (by Capt. John Stevens). Lond, 1723". 8vo. Tills work, says Dr. .\dam Clarke, is scarce— the translation is, in the main, well done, and the notes verv useful. Sotheby's in 1826, 20s. Brockett, 104, 11. Is. \S'illiams, 161, morocco, II. 14s. — History of the primitive Chm'ch of England, translated by Hm-st ; to which are added, a Life of the Saint, and an Appendix of Notes from Stapleton, Cressy, Smith, and Stevens. Lond. I8II! 8vo. 12s. — England's Old Religion faith- fully gathered out of Bede, by H. B. Antwerp, 1658. 12mo. 5s. — Epistolte duie, nccnon Yita? Abbatum Wiremuthensium et Ger- wiensium. Accessit Egberti Ai-ch. Ebor. Bedse sequahs Dialogvis de Ecclesiastica Institutione. Ex an- tiquis Codd. MSS. in lucem emisit ct notis illustravit Jac. Warteus. Dublin, 166i. 8vo. 5s. — Lives of the Abbots of Wear- mouth, translated by Wilcoek. Sun- derland, 8vo. 1818.' Brockett, 3260, 6s. — Axiomata philosophiea. Studio M. Joaiinis Kroeselie. Impcnsis R. Oiifi; 1592. 8vo. Bedell, William, Bp. of Kilmore. A Protestant Memorial, or the Sliep- herd's Tale of the Powder Plot, a Poem in Spenser's Style, published from the original MS. found among the Papers of the late Dr. Dilling- ham. Lond. 1713. 8vo. 15s. Hoswell, 174, IL 10s. A life of this pious and exemplaiy divine was published by Bishop Burnet, 16S5, 8vo. Bishop of Ely, 76, 5s. 6d. Reprinted 1692, and Dnblin, 1736, 1758. The edition 1736 on imcK WRITING PAPEii. Williams, 313, morocco, U. lis. 6d. — Some Original Letters, con- cerning the Steps taken towards a Reformation of Rehgion at Venice, on the Quarrel between that State and Pope Paul V. DubUn, 1742. 12mo. A copy is in the British Jluseum. Reed, 1700, lis. Among the Lambeth MSS. no. 772, is one bv Bishop Bedell in answer to Alabaster, 1604. Bed FOKD, Arthur. Scripture Chro- nology demonstrated by astronomi- cal Caleidatious ; as also by the Year of Jubilee, and the Sabbatical Year among the Jews. Lond. 1730. foho, IBs. LAJtGE PAPEll, 1/. 4s. The hypothesis on wliich this elaborate Work is formed, has been set aside by the valuable publication of Dr. Hales. This learned and pious divine publisiied various sennons and treatises, several of which were against Play-houses and music. His Serious Remonstrance, 1709, Svo. Wil- liams, 162. morocco, 16s. — Hilkiah. Ilereditan' Right of the Crown of England asserted, &e. Lond. 1713. folio, 5s. The real author of this work was George Harbin, a nonjuring clergyman, and Mr. I'.edford was fined 1000 marks, and im- prisoned three years for writing, printing, and publishing the same. Bindley, pt. i. Bedford. The Epitaph of the most noble and valiant Jasper, late Duke of Bedford. Lond. by W. de Worde. 4to. C-nisisting of eight pages. A copy is in the Pepysian library of M.igdaien College, Cambridge. An account of the Knssells, Earls of Bed- ford, was published Svo. by A. L. 16 — : a Life of Francis Earle of Betll'nrd, by Qeorge Whetstone, 1535. 4to. and a Sermon at his BED 1-4.1 Funeral, by Tlio. Spnrke, D.D. Oxon, 1585 I61110. — Anecdotes of the House of Bedford, from the Norman Conquest to the present period. Lond. (1796) 8vo. 3s. I Written in answer to 'A. Letter to a| Noble Lord,' from the pen of the Kigbtj Hon. Edmund lUirke. — See Wiflen's House of Russell. Bedford Level. — Collection of; Laws, together with an introductoiy History thereof, by Charles Nalson Cole. Second Edition, with Addi- tions. Lond. 1803. 8vo. 10s. 6d. The edition of 1761 is less complete. An account of a considerable number of tracts written on the subject of the surveys of tlie fens in this part of the country, and the disputes arising thereupon, may be seen in Gough's Brit Topog.i. 195, &c. Many of the tracts are in the British Museum and Lon- don Institution Libraries. See also Wells. Bedford Marbles — Outlme En- gravings of the Woburn Abbey Marbles. Lond. 1822. folio. 180 copies, P.P. 201. Containing 48 engravings in outline, 28 from llie antique, tlie otiiers from inarbli-s by Chan trey. Westmacott, Thorwalrt sen and Canova, after drawings by Corbould ; witli an appendix containing a dissertation on the Lanti Vase, by Mr. Christie, and on an ancient hymn to tlie graces by Ugo Foscolo. Bedford Missal. See Gough, Rich. Bedloe, Captain "William. The Life and Deatli of Captaui William Bedloe. Loud. 1681. 8vo. ■with a portrait by R. White. 18s. Bedloe's gallantries and rogueries re- corded in this volume beggar description. Bindley, pt. ii. 1173. U. IGs. A Narrative of the Popish Plot, Lond. 1679, folio, pp. 35, 3s. 6d. ; and a tragedy. ' The excommunicated Prince,' according to tlie title, written by Bedloe, was pub- lished 1679, folio, 33, 6d. See Wood's Fasti, ii. 373. Bedwell, William. Ealenda- rium Yiatorivm generale. The Tra- vellei-'s Kalendar, seiTiug generally for all Parts of the World. Lond. 1614. 8vo. A copy is in the British Museum. — Mohammedis Imposturse ; whereimto is annexed the Ai'abian Trvdgraan. Lond, 161.5. 4to. 6«. VOL. I. Another, entitled 'Mahomet unmasked,' 1642, 4to. — William. A brief Description of the Towne of Tottenham High Crosse, in Middlesex. To which is added the Tvrnament of Tottenham, by Mr. Gilbert Pilkington. Lond. 1631. 4to. White Knights, 3362, morocco, H. 6s. Nassau, pt. i. 396, russia, ISs. Reprinted witli Butcher's Stamford, 1717, 8vo. An account of Pilkinglon's Tournament of Tottenham, will be found in the forty-third section of Warton's History of Poetry. Bee, Jacob. Diaiy from 1682- 1706. Dm-ham, 1819. 8vo. Twentv-five copies privately printed by Sir Cuth'. Sharp. P.rockett, 1685, 4s. Gd. — Jon. — A (Slang) Dictionary of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, the Pit, the Bon-ton, and the Varieties of Life, forming the completest and most authentic Lexicon Balatroni- cum hitherto offered to the no ice of the Sporting World, by Jon. Bee, (/. e. John Badcock) Esq. Editor of tlie Fancy, Fancy Gazette, Living Picture of London, and the like of jthat. Lond. 1823. 12mo. I [This author published books on Stable Economy, &c., in the name of Hinds.] Bee, Tlie, or Universal AVeekiy Pamphlet, by a Society of Gentle- men and Booksellers. Lond. 1733-4. 8vo. 8 vols, consisting of 100 Nos. i Edited by Eustace Budgell. Bindley, pt. i. 293, 9s. For another periodical pub- lication entitled The Bee, see Anderson, .James, LL.D, ; and in 1759, 8 Nos. 12mo. ap- peared with the same title, written by Oliver Goldsmith. Beearde, Richard. A godly Psalm of Mary Queen, which brought us Comfort all. Thro God whom we of Deuty pnuse that give her Foes a Fall. Lond. 1557. 8vo. A celebration of the accession of Queen Mary. With psalm-tunes, in four parts. Beearde likewise published a poeticarl broadside, entitled ' .Alphabetum Heeardi,' printe'Ham, John. Belzoni, G. Narrative of the Operations and recent Discoveries withm the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs, and Excavations in Egypt and Nubia. Lond. 1820. 4to. with a portrait. A much esteemed and highly valuable work. Dent, pt. i. 457, 11. 7s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 415, 1^ Is. In illustration ot this narrative a series of 44 plates, fol- lowed by a Supplement containing 6, was published. Duke of York, 718, with the co- loured plates, 6'. 2s. 6d. Drury, 540, russia, with the coloured plates, bl. 2s. 6d. A third edition of the narrative was pub- lished 1822, 8vo. 2 vols. 11. 8s. Bemetzrieder, . Music made easy to every Capacity, in a Series of Dialogues, translated by Giffard Bernard. Lond. 1778. 4to. 3s. 6d. Anotlier work by Bemetzrieder, entitled Compendium of a new Method of Music, 1783, Svo. also, A complete Treatise of Music, 1800, 4to. Bendish, Sir Thomas. Newes from Tvrkie, or a true Relation of the Passages of Su- Thomas Bendish, Ambassador, vs'ith the grand Seig- nieur at Constantinople. Lond. 1648. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Bendloe. See Benloe. Benedict. See Bennet. Benedictus, Abbas Petrobiu-- gensis. Vide Hearne, Thomas. Benese, Sir Richard de. Boke of Measm-ynge of Lande. Lond. by Thomas Colwell [1562]. 16mo. Black letter, G in eigiits, introduced with ' The Preface of Tho.Paynell, Chanon of Marton.' Bindley, pt. iv. 1059, .3s. Ac- cording to the British Museum Catalogue there were two editions printed by Tho. Colwell. An edition, imprinted by R. VVyer, 16mo. Inglis, 82, 9s. 6d. White Kuights, pt. i. 41.5, russia, lis. Another edition, South wark, by .lames Nicholson. Kiuio, BEN BEK 153 K.>.,r.1Ii' '^t.lwr.tiniie wifti Trans- In this edition there is a vacancy, viz. Beugah helectious wiUi liaiis ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^l^_ ^ ^^^^^ preceding 44 lations and a Vocabiilary, by U. O. ^^^^ wi-ongly nmnhered, Haughtou. Lond. 1822. 4to. l^.lOs.^ —and WilUam DaUson. Re- Bengelius, Joliu Albert. Intro- ports des divers Pleadings et Cases duction to his Exposition of the ^n ^g Court del Common-bank, tn Apocalypse ; with his Preface, and jy Regnes de les Eoys Henry Vll., the greatest part of the Conclusion Henry VIII., Edward YI., et Its of it : and also his marginal Kotes Heiucs Mary et EHzabeth. Loud. on the Text, wliich are a Summary iggO. foho, 15s. of the whole Exposition, translated| Bkxlowes, Edward. Sphinx from the Higli-Dutch, by John Theologica, sevi Musica Temph, ubi Robertson, M.D. Loud. 1757. 8vo. ~ - 5s. .\n esteemed worlc. Bengek, Miss. Memoirs of Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 2 vols. 16s. — Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots, with Anecdotes of the Court of Henry 11. Lond. 1822. Svo. 2 vols. 24s. Talcen principally from Chalmers' Life of this unfortunate Princess. — Memou's of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, Daughter of King James I. Lond. 1825. post Svo. 2 vols. 1/. 4s. This authoress has likewise published Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, Svo. 2 vols. 11. Is. and of Mr. John Tobin, 1820, Svo. 12s. Her historical memoirs are of no great value. (These prices are all now considerably lower.) Ben Gorion. Vide Joseph Ben Gorion. , Benjamin, Rabbi. Travels of Rabbi Benjamin, Son of Jonah of Tudela ; tlirough Europe, Asia, and Africa, from the ancient Kingdom of Navarre, to the Frontiers of China. Translated from the Hebrew, with a Dissertation and Notes, by the Rev. B. Gerrans. Lond. 1783. 12mo. 5s. A very faitliful translation of a curious but fictitious narrative, written to lift up the sinking spirits of his countrymen. It will be found in Harris and Pinkerton's Collections of Voyages and Travels, [and in Bohu's ' Early Travels in Palestine.'] Benioe, Wm. Reports en les Regnes de Hem-y VIII., Edwart VI., Philip et Mary, et EHzabeth. 1661. 5s. Discordia Concors. Cantab. 1626. [also 1628] 8vo. — A Buckler against the fear of Death, or pious and profitable Meditations and Consolations, front. Cambridge, 1610. 12mo. Jolley, 1843, 21. 14s. — Honorifica Armortim Cessatio, sive Pacis et Fidei Associatio Feb. 11. An. 1643. Svo. — Theophila, or Love's Sacrifice, a Divine Poem. Lond. 1652. folio. This very extraordinary and rare Book is seldom found complete. Collation. Title. A. 2 leaves. ^ 2 leaves. ^^[ 2 leaves. *},^% 2 leaves. B 6 leaves. C 6 leaves — but between C and C 2 should be inserted (c) 2 leaves, and (d) one leaf. It will be found by this arrangement, that all tlie catchwords agree. C — N, 6 leaves each ; sheet O, seven leaves, pages 123, 124, being double ; the first set not con- taining engraved verses at the bottom of page 123, and the second set cojitaining them ; the latter very rare. P — V, 6 leaves ; X— Nn, 2 leaves each. The paging 1 —268 commences on sheet V. Enrjraviiiys and Decorations. 1. Portrait of Benlowes, surrounded by a wreath of laurel, beautifully etched (by Barlow). 2. Opposite A 2. A Lady in a Winter habit, with a mask on, engraved by Hollar. 3. Canto I. The Prelibation to the Sa- crifice (sig. D, p. 1.) an engraving with eight verses at the bottom, Commencing " The Author musing, here survay." 4. Canto 2. The Humiliation, with eight verses, commencing " Satan caused Eves, Eve Adams fall." 5. At page 25. A wood-cut, (size of the page) Adam and Eve, and the Tree of Knowledge. This cut first occurs in Barkers Bible, 1633, folio. 154 B£N KKN 6. P. 37, Canto 3, The Restauration, x^ with eight verses, commencing " Here Angels tender from the Skie." 7. P. 50, Canto 4. The Inamoration, >* with eight verses, commencing " The Soule against Temptation fights." y 8. P. 67, Canto 5. The Kepresentation, y^ with eiglit verses, commencing " View here the Author's higli Designe." This plate is printed at the hack of the letter-press of p. 65. 9. Canto 6. The Association, with eight verses, commencing, ■• Here Abraham, David, Daniel stand." 10. Canto 7. The Contemiilation, without verses. (An angel, with an emblem •^ of eternity in his hand, Theopliila looking upwards in an attitude of adoration.) 11. Canto S. The Admiration, without verses. (Theopliila supported by two ^ Angels ascending.) The other half of the Engraving representing the Fall of tlie Wicked into Hell. 12. P. 122-3. An Emblematical Female '■ Figure of Astronomy. 13. Canto 9. The Recapitulation, (A Por- / ' trait of Theophila treading on a ser- ■" pent ; a palm-branch and book in her right hand, &c.) This plate is larger than the others, and is very rare. 14. P. 161. Ludus LiterariusChristianus, Anthreno-Tripsis sen Crabronum tri- tur Edw. Benlosii. An Engraving surrounded by a border of flowers, with seve 11 verses at bottom,very rare. 15. Canto 10. The Abnegation. The Author looking up to the Heavens, from which a hand, with au emblem of Eternity, surmounted by a Crown, also a figiu'e in armour, with a cloak, in the foreground. 16. Canto 11, at the End, p. 206. The Spring, an Engraving by Hollar, on the Letter-press. 17. P. 209. Typus Orbis Terrarum, (the two Hemispheres,) on the Letter-press. • 18 and 19. P. 210, 212. Two small En- gravings on the Letter-press. 20. Canto 12. The Segregation, a faint Etching, very rare. The author in the country, discoursing with a shep- herd, &c. 21. Canto 13. The Re -invitation. A *^ Female Figure, in an attitude of Prayer. In the comer, on a scroll, Theophila's Love Sacrifice, by Edw. Benlowes, Esq. Lombart sculp, with six Latin and six English verses, signed Jer. Collier. , 22. On p. 245. A wood-cut of Q. Eliza- ^ beth praying. Ji&, 24. At end of the volume, two singu- y' lar Engravings, one by T. Cecill, a.d 1632, the otlier with a Monogram. The above collation was made from a copy supposed perfect, but on comparing it with another, formerly Mr. Inglis's, the following additional engravings were found. This copy, it is said, cost the propiietor 60<. 1. An Etching. Subject; St Matthew ch.21, verse 28. 2, 3, 4, 5. The Four Seasons, by Hollar, 3 quarter lengtli ; the regular set. 6. An Engraving ; the day of Judgment. In the corner at bottom " Vanitas va- nitat omnia Vanitas," &c. 7. The author in the Country conversing with a Shepherd. The same subject as in plate 20, but a different engrav- ing. 8. A curious emblematical engraving al- lusive to the vanity of the world; be- ing the bust of a female, a Cupid issuing from the forehead, the breast formed by globes, &c. very rare. 9. An Engraving with a legend in the left corner, at the top, " the Extrava- gant Shepherd." 10. A folded Engraving, at the left cor- ner at bottom, " lanbattest laspers In, et Fe." 11. An Engraving intituled " A curious piece of antiquity on the Crucifixion of our Saviour and the two Thieves." luglis, 198, morocco, 4?.18s. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 18, 8^. 19, 8^.8s. Bindley, pt. ii. 189, Vll. 5s. Nassau, pt. i. 437, (said to be tlie most perfect copy in existence) 26Z.5s. [Several of the plates which occur in .Jno. Uavies's Extravagant Shepherd, folio, 1654, are sometimes found in Benlowe's Theophila.] Benlowes, E. Summary of divine Wisedome. Lond. 1657. 4to. In verse. Bindley, pt. iv. 1076. — Oxonii Encomium. Oxon. 1672. foHo. Four sheets, mostly in Latin verse. — • Quarleidis. Vide Qiiarle's Emblems, 1635. A life of Benlowes, with a list of his works, will be found in Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Fasti, ii. 358-9. Bennet, Saint. The Kule of Seynt Benet. Imprhited by Rich- ards Pynson, 1516. foho. Black letter, contains sign. G 7. A Treatise relating to the rule of St. Bennet will be found in • Diners fruytful Ghostly Maters,' printed by Caxton. — Rule of St. Benedict, by C. F. Douay. 1638. Dedicated to ' Mrs. Anne Carie, daugh- ter to the Lord Viscount Faukland.' An- other work, entitled ' Life and Miracles of St. Benedict,' l(i38, 12mo. with plates. Heath, 1601, 9s. 6d BKN 155 Bennet, Beiiiamin. Memorial ofi Hodk-inn Library. See Dr. Bliss's Edition the Reforiaation, and of Britain'.s Deliverances from Popery and arbi- trary Power, witli a Defence. Lend. 1721-3. 8vo. 2 vols. 9s. — Christian Oratory ; or the Devotion of the Closet displayed. Lond. 1725. 8vo. with portrait, by J. Pine, 6s. The work of a dissenting raini.ster of con- siderable note, frequently reprinted. An edition 1732, 8vo. 2 vols. Williams, KS, 2(;. A new edition, with an Appendix, 18U, 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. — Clir. Theatri Tabidomm Vestibuluin et Tabidoriim Thea- trum. Lond. 1654-6. 8vo. 2 vols, with portrait by Lombart, 7s. — George. 01am Haneskanioth ; or a View of the Intermediate state. Carlisle, 1800. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Highly commended by Bp. Horsley, who pronounces it 'a work of various erudition and deep research.' — H. Treasiuy of Wit : being a methodical Selection of about twelve hiuiclred, the best. Apoph- thegms and Jests ; from Books in several Languages. Lond. 1786. 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Nassau, pt.i. 235,9s. [A compilation by John Pinkerton.] — John. Madrigalls to fovre Voyces, newly pvbhshed by John Bennett, his fu'st Works. Loud. 1599. 15s. This volume, dedicated to Ralph Ashe- tou, Esq. contains xvii songs. — Thomas. Paraphrase, with Annotations upon the Book of Common Prayer. Lond. 1708. Svo. 3s. 6d. This eminent English divine likewise published an Essay on the sxxix Articles, 1715, Svo. 4s., and many other religious treatises, chiefly controversial. His His- tory of Forms of Prayer, C'amb. 1708, Svo. Williams, 164, 17. 15s. Benno, Cardinal. Life of Hdde- brand, called Gregory the 7th, translated by Thomas Swinerton, under the name of Joh. Roberts. Lond. by W. de Worde, 1533. 4to. Reprinted in 12mo. for .John Byddeil, the same year. A copy of whicli is in the of Wood's A then. Oxon. Bense, Peter. Analogo-Diapho- ra, scu Concordia discrepans, et Discrepantia concordans triiun Lin- guarmn GaUica^, Ifahcse et Hispa- nicw. Oxon. 1637. Svo. Benson, George, D.D. Para- phrase and Notes on six of the Epistles of St. Paid, and on the seven Catholic Epistles ; to which are annexed several critical Dissei-- tations. London, 1752-6. 4to. 2 vols. ?J. 2b. Best edition of a work written in conti- nuation of Locke's attempt to illustrate the Epistles, and with Pierce's work,compIete.s the design. HoUis, 189, 11. 5s. Gosset, 714, U. 16s. Williams, 221, 31. 9s. — History of the First Planticg of tlie Chi'istian Rehgion. London, 1756. 4to. 3 vols. I Best edition of a work of very consider- able research, full of important matter. Gosset, 715, 11. 4s. The first edition ap- peared in 1735, 4to. 2 vols. Hollis, 188, 10s. — Reasonableness of the Cliris- tian Rehgion as delivered in the Scriptures. The third Edition. Lond. 1759. Svo. 2 vols. ' The author not only advances many ar- guments in proof of the truth of the Chris- tian Religion, but obviates in a familiar way the chief objections of the Anti-reve- lationists.' — Binliop Watson. An edition, 1743. Williams, 167, 8s. — History of the Life of Jesus Christ, taken from the New Testa- ment : to which is added. Memoirs of the Author. London, 1764. 4to. with port, by J. McAi-dell, 11. Is. The creed of this learned writer, which was Arian, verging to Socinian, prevented him, says Mr. Urme, from doing justice to liis subject. Williams, 222, 21. 12s. 6d. — Thomas. VocabularimnAnglo- Saxonicmn, Lexico Gul. Somneri magna parte auctius. Osonia;, 1701. Svo. 15s. Bishop of Ely, 103, 11. — Wm. Letters concerning Po- etical Ti-anslations, and VirgU's and Milton's Arts of Verse. Lond. 1739. Svo. 4s. Published without the author's name. 15G BEN BEN Bexsox, Robert, M. a. Sketches of Corsica, a Jom-nal written during a "Visit to that Island in 1823, with an Oiithne of its Histoi-y and Specimens of the Lajjguage and Poetry of the People. Lond. 1825. 8vo. I'Os. 6d. This interesting wurk is spoken of with much approbation by Sir Walter Scott in his life of Napoleon. Bext, William. Meteorological Joiu'nals and Extracts, from 1786 to 1808, kejit in London. 8vo. — Literarj Advertiser, or List of, New Pubhcations fi'om tlje Com- mencement in January, 1802, to the present tLme. Lond. 4to. Published monthly. [Mr. Bent is also editor and publisher of the London Cata- logue.] Bentham, Edward. Reflections upon the Study of Divinity, to which are subjoined, Heads of a Course of Lectures. Oxford, 1774. 8vo. 4s. A work containing many judicious ob- servations-: the heads of lectures exhibit, perhaps, as complete a plan of Theological studies as was ever delivered. — Orationes Fuuebres, Grsece. Oxon. 1746. 8vo. liest edition. A very elegant work, with an index and valuable notes. Dent, pt. ii. 47, rnssia, lis. Frequently reprinted. — • George. Outline of a New System of Logic. Lond. 1827. 8vo. — James, M.A. History and Antiquities of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely, 673—1771. Cambridge, 1771. roval 4to. Vol. i. A— Ee 4, pp. 224, besides title ; dedication two pages, list of subscribers, four pages; preface, five pages; contents and errata, three pages. — Vol. ii. Ff— Oo 2, pp.225 — 92. Appendix and index '70pages besides the title page, and an inventory of two pages. The list of plates with direc- tions to the binder form pages 290, 291, 292. In Davis' Olio, will be found Cole's Notes on this work. Nassau, pt. i. 399, rnssia, 41. 4s. Towneley, p. ii. 272, 41. 10s. Bindley, pt. i. 722, russia, 41. 18s. Heath, 4632, russia, 51. Baker, 169, morocco, 61. 16s. 6d. Towneshend, 3(51, russia, 8?. 15s. Fonthill, 3308, morocco, 8/. 17s. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 458, with the Supplement, 1817, 2 vols, russia, 7i!. 15h. Drury, 543, with the Sup- plement, 2 vols, ill hogskin,8/. 15s. A few copies were taken oft' on large paper. — Supplement to the first edition of Mr. Bentham's Ely, by William Stevenson. Norwich, 1817. imperial 4to. One hundred and eighty copies were printed in imperial and twenty-five on elephant paper, with proofs on India paper. Imperial 4to. Fonthill, 590, 31. Title, de- dication, preface, contents, and list of sul> scribers xii. pp. Memoirs of Bentham, 20 pages. Addenda, half-title. An acknow- ledgment, &c. two pages ; addenda, 28 pages ; supplement, 92 pages ; notes, &c. preceded by a half-title, 154 pages (sign. Tand U are repeated with asterisks); ap- pendix, &c. *54 pages ; catalogue of the plates and errata, 1 page. — History of Ely. The second edition, edited by W. Stevenson. Lond. 1812. imperial 4to. Of this edition, 250 copies were printed on imperial, and 25 on elephant paper. Vol. i. Title, dedication, advertisement, original dedication, preface, and contents, memoirs of Bentham, with the pedigree (folded) after which the work, 224 pp. Vol. ii. title, an inventory, then the work, pp. 225—92, after which appendix, *70 pages. Addenda, Title, the Editor's thanks, and contents, then the addenda 28 pages, with directions to the binder, and errata on a separate slip. This edition has also seve- ral plates more than the former one. — Sup]5lement to the second edition, by WiUiam Stevenson. Nor- wich, 1817. imperial 4to. The variations in the supplement to the second edition, consist of a slight alteration in the title, and the omission of the me- moirs of Mr. Bentham, the addenda and plates 2 and 15; in other respects the work is the same. Only 84 copies of this supple- mentary volume were printed. — Jeremy. Works pubhshed under the superintendence of his executor, John Bowring. 11 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1843, &c. 51. 5s. — Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. A new edition, corrected by the Author. Lond. 1823. 2 vols. 8vo. with port, by Worthington, 1/. Is. ' In this work the author has given to the public hi.s enlarged and enlightened views, and has laboured for all nations, and for all ages yet to come.'— £<;;«/>. Ituview. The first edition was printed in 4to. 1780, and repulilishcd in 1789. BEN BEN 157 Lht of (some of) Mr. Bent ham's IJ 'orks. Fragment on Government, being a. Cri- tique on Ulackstone's Commentarios, 1776, 8vo. Second edition enlarged 1823, 8vo. 8.S. View of tlie Hard Labour Bill, 177S, 8vo. 3s. Defence of Usury, 1787, 3s. 6d. Second edition, Dublin, 1791. Tliird edition, with a protest against Law Taxes, 1816, 12mn. 7s. An Essay on the usefulness of Chemis- try, ti-anslated from the Swedish of Bergman, 1783. 8vo. Drauglit of a Code for the Organisation of tlie Judical Establishment in France, 1791, 8vo. pp. '242. Panopticon, or the Inspection House, 1791, 12mo. 3 parts in 2 vols. 14s. The 3 plates are seldom found in tlie worli. Essay on Political Tactics, 1791, 4to. 5s. To the Natiuual Convention of France, ' Emancipate your Colonies,' 1793, 8vo. pp. 48. Supply without Burden, or Escheat vice Taxation, with a Protest against Law Taxes, 1796, 12mo. Ss. Pauper Management, 1797, 8vo. pp. 288 Published in Young's Annals of Agriculture. Letters (Two) to Lord Pelham, 1802, 8vo. pp. 80 and 72. Plea for theConstitution, 1803, 8vo. 3s, 6d. Scotcli Reform, 1808, 8vo. 6s. Chrestomathia, 1816-7, 8vo. 2parts, 15s. Parliamentary Reform Catechism, 1817, 8vo. 8s. IJitto, with Additions, by Wooler, Svo 4s. On Codification and Public Instruction, 1817, 8vo. 8s. ' Swear not at all,' 1817, 8vo. 3s. 6d. A Table of tlie Springs of Action, 1817, Svo. 3s. 6d. Church of Engliindism and its Catechism examined. 1818, 8vo. II. Radical Reform Bill, 1819, 8vo. 4s. The King against Sir C. Wolesley, Bart &c. 1820, Svo. Is. The King against Edmonds, &c. 1820, Svo. Is. Observations on the restrictive and pro- hibitory commercial System, 1821, Svo, 2s. Art of pacliing special Juries, 1821, 8vo 10s. 6d. On the Liberty of the Press, 1821, Svo. Is Three Tracts relative to Spanisli and Portuguese Affairs, 1821, Svo. Is. 6d Letter to Count Toreno, on the Spanish Penal Code, 1822, Svo. 5s. Not Paul but Jesus, by Gamaliel Smitli 1823, Svo. 12s. Truth versus Ashurst, 1823, Svo. 6d. Book of Fallacies. 1824, Svo. 12s. Observations on Peel's Police Magis- trate.s' Salarv Raising Bill, 1825, f^vo. 2s. Gd. Motlier Church ivlicvod bv Bleeding, 1825, Svo. Is. Rationale of Reward, 1825, Svo. 12s. Indications respecting Lord Eldon, 1825, Svo. .3s. Postscript to ditto, 1826, 8vo. Is. Rationale of Judicial Evidence, 1827, Svo. 5 vols. Zl. Introduction to the Rationale of Evi- dence, Svo. pp. 148. Defence of Economy against Burke, lu Pamphleteer, No. XVI. Defence of Economy against Rose. In Pamplileteer. No. XX. Leading Principles of a con.stitutional Code for any State. In Pamphleteer, No.XLIV. Codification proposal, 1827, Svo. Apologia de I'Usure. Paris, 1790, Svo. Lettres sur la liberty du taux de rint(5ret de I'argent publi^es par De Lessert Paris, 1790. Svo. Panoptique, Memoire sur un nonveau principe pour construir des maisons d'inspection et noram^nient des mai- sons de force. Paris, 1792. Svo. Esqnisse d'un ouvrage en faveur des Pauvres, publiee par Ad. Unquesnoy. Paris, An. X, Svo. Traites de Legislation civile et penale, publics par Et. Dumont. Paris, 1802. Svo 3 vols. Second edition. Par. 1820. 8vo. 3 vols. Spanish translation, with Commentaries by Ramon de Salas, iSIadrid, 1821. 8vo. 3 vols. Second edition, Paris, 1825. 18mo. 6 vols. Two Russian translations and ^n translation. Theorie des Peines et des Recompenses, publiee par Et. Dumont. Londres. 1811. Svo. 2 vols. Second edition, Paris, 181S. Svo. 2 vols. Third edition, Paris, 1826. Svo. 2 vols. Spanish trans- lation, Paris. 18mo. 4 vols. Tactique des Assemblees Legislatives, publiee par Et. Dumont. Geneve, 1815, Svo. 2 vols. Second edition, Paris, 1822, Svo. 2 vols. Spanish translation, Paris. Essais de JiJr^mie Bentham sur la situ- ation politique de I'Espagne. Paris, 1823. Svo. Essai sur la classification des principales branches d'art et science, publie par G. Bentham. Paris, 1823. Svo. Traite des Preuves Judiciaires, publie par Et. Dumont. Paris, 1823. Svo. 2 vol ^ Spanish translation, Paris, 1825. ISmo. 4 vols. English translation, London, 1825. Svo. De rOrganisation Judiciaiie et de la Codification, publiee par Et. Dumont. Paris, 1828. Svo. 158 BEX Bextivoglio, Guido, Cardinal. Historical! Relations of the United Provinces and of Flanders, rendered into Englisli by Henry [Carey] Earle of Monmonth. Lon'd. 1652. fol. 6s. Prefixed is a portrait by Faithome, of the Earl of Monmouth. — History of theWars of Flanders, Englished by Hem-y [Carey] Earle of Monmouth. Lend. 1678. foUo, 6s. Contains pp. 26 and 3S7, with a map of tlie 17 provinces and above 20 figures. To this edition is a continuation from 1671 to 1675. Roxburghe, 7945, lis. The fonner edition appeared 1654, to which is prefi.xed a portrait of the Earl. — Collection of Letters to divers Persons of eminence, during his ^Cimciatiu'e in France and Flanders. In Itahan and English. Lond. 12mo. Bextlet, John. Halifax. See Bextlt, WiUiam. — Genealogical Table of the Royal Families of England fi-om tlie Norman Conquest to the year 1790. Lond. 1790. foUo, 8s. — Historical View of the Hindu Astronomy. Lond. 1825. 8vo. with plates, 14s. — Richard, D.D. Emendationes inMenandri etPhilemonis Reliquias, ex nupera Editione Joannis Clerici. Accedit Epistola de Johanne Malela -Ajitiocheno. Cantab. 1713. 8vo. Combe, 662, 5s. 6d. D. of Grafton, 329. 8s. Williams, 169, 9s. — Proposals for printing a new edition of the Greek Testament, and St. Hierom's Latin Version. Lond. 1721. 4to. I'.indley, pt. i. 917, with tracts relating to the proposals, 10s. 6d. — Remarks upon a late Discourse of Free Thinking, (by CoUins) in a Letter to F[rancis] H[are,] D.D. by Phileleuthenis Lipsiensis. Camb. 1743, 8vo. 6s. Best edition of a most valuable work whicli should bB studied by every man who is desirous of forming just notions of bibli- cal criticism. The edition 17.37. Williams. 169, 9.S. Bentley's remarks on Free Thinking are reprinted in Hishop li:in- dolph's Endiiridion Theologicum. — Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, witli an Answer to the Objections of the Hon.Charles Boyle, to which are added Dr. Bentley's Dissertation on the Epistles of The- mistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and others, and the Fables of JEsop ; as originally printed, with occasional Remai-ks on the whole. Lond. 1777. 8vo. 10s. 6d. A highly esteemed work. Drury, 436, 16s. Heath, 194. 19s. Edwards iii. 1?. 8s. Williams, 170, V. lis. 6d. Keprinted 1816, 8vo. [and again in 1836, under tlie superin- tendence of Mr. Dyce,in connection with his Boyle Lecture, &c. In all 3 vols. 8vo. being the commencement of an edition of Bent- ley's Works, never completed.] For the various tracts published on this controversy, see Phalaris. — Eight Sermons preached at the Hon. R. Bovle's Lecture. Oxford, 1809. Svo. 7s. 6d. The first Bovle Lecture preached. An edition, Camb. 1724. Williams, 168,10s 6d. 1735, Bindley, pt. i. 434, 10s. — Beutleii et doctorumVirorum Epistolas, partun mutuse. Accedit Richarch Dawesii ad Joannem Tay- lorum Epistola singidaris. Londini, 1807. 4to. Edited by the late Dr. C.Bumey. One hundred and fifty copies were struck off on large and fifty on small paper, all for pri- vate distribution. Prefixed are portraits and facsimile autographs of Bentley and Gruevius. large paper, Drury, 544, russia, 21. 19s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt.'i. 418,21. 19s. Gough,640,S?.lSs.6d. Combe,333,lMls.6d. Sotheby's in 1825, 31. 6s. Reprinted Lips. 1825, Svo. Drury, 435, lis. In the British Museum is a very large collection of tracts written by, and against this celebrated critic, many of which are of very rare occurrence. [Bentley's Cor- respondence, Including these letters, was, in 1842, edited by Dr. Wordsworth ; ordt/ 250 copies printed, 21. 10s.] — Life of, by Bp. Monk. 4to. port. 1/. Is. Second edition, 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1833, 1/. Is. — Thomas. Monvment of Ma- trones : containmg seuen seueral Lamps of Virginitie, or distinct Treatises ; whereof the first fine concerne Praier and Meditation, the other two last. Precepts and Ex- am})les, as the woorthie works, BKN 150 pavtlie of Men, partlie of Women. Printed by II. Denham [1582] 4to. 3 TOls. Brand, 8M8s. 6(1. WoodhousG,1803, lOZ.Ss. Hawtrey, 1853, in 1 vol. 8;. 18s. 6d. resold Sotheby, June 1855, 191. 19s. Inglis, 15G, supposed to be the only perfect copy in existence, 15/. [now in the Grenville Li- brary, British Museum.] Each of tliese lamps has a distinct title- page. On the back of tlie first, or general title-page, is 'A Praier upon the poesic prefixed,' then follow in order ' To Queen Elizabeth. — Lampas Virginitatis. — To the Christian Reader. — Facies militantis Ec- clesife. — Rob. Marbeck ad lectorcm. — .\r- gumentum libri. — The names of sundrie famous Queens, &c. — Wliat coremonie euerie woman ought by God's woi'd to vse in the time of praier, publike or priuate." Then 'The first Lauipe of Viginitie,' on 49 pages. ' The second Lampe,' on 252 pages. ' The third Lampe,' continued from the second to p. 362. At the end is a neat cut of the last judgment, on the back of which begins a table for tlie three lamps. ' The fourth Lampe ' continued from thi third to p. 1000, with the same cut of tlie last judgment and a table. ' The fiftli Lampe,' on 213 pages, with a table at the end. 'The sixt Lampe' on 115 pages. 'The seuenth Lampe,' continued from the sixth, to p. 331. Bently, William. Hallifax and its Gibbet-Law placed in a true Light, together with a Description of the Town : to wliich are added, the imparaUel'd Tragedies commit- ted by Sir John Eland and his grand Antagonists. Lond. 1708. 8vo. 5s. This work was written by ilr. Samuel Midgley, when in prison for debt; but published after his death by Bently, who aflBxed his name as the author. An edition 1712, 12mo. with frontispiece. Heath, 4588, 15s. [1761J with a frontispiece. Fonthlll, 2552, 11. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 219, russia, 10s. Benwel Village. — A most pleasant Description of Benwel Village in the Coitnty of Northiunberland, by Q. Z. [Dr. EUison] Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1726. 12mo. A ludicrous performance, written by Dr. Ellison, pp. 582, with two indexes and errata, 4 leaves. Bindley, pt. ii. 2229. 12. 13s. PeiTy, pt. i. 1369, morocco, 11. 13s. Brockett, 124, morocco, U. 13s. Nassau, pt. i. 956, russia, 1?. 17s. Towneley, pt. ii. 211, 11. 17s. White Knights, pt. i. 1297, 21. Thorpe, 1838, 21. 2s. Benyowskt, Manritins Augustus Count de. Memoirs and Travels, consisting of his military Operations in Poland, his Exile into Kamschat- ka, his Escape and Voyage from that Peninsula through the Northern I'a- cific Ocean touching at Japan and Formosa, to Canton in Cliina, witli an Account of the French Settle- ment he was appointed to form upon the Island of Madagascar. Lond. 1790. 4to. 2 vols, with port, and pits. Amidst much that is trifling, and more that is doubtful, this work contains some curious and authentic information relating to Kamschatka and Madagascar; what lie states on the subject of his communications with Japan, is very suspicious. Roxburghe, 7170, 11. 13s. Fonthill, 3076, 5?. 7s. 6d. Beracoth. — Massaceth Beracoth, Titulus Tahuudicus, m quo agitin* de Benedictionibus, Precibus & Gratianun Actionibus, adjecta Ver- sione Latina. Oxon. 1667. 8vo. Published by Sam. Clarke ' in usum stii- diosorum literarum Talmudicarum InyEde Christi.' Beecheefs, GuHehnus. Epitaphia et Inscriptiones lugubres. Lond. 1566. 4to. (domains E in fours. A copy is in the British Museum. Dr. Dibdin mentions an edition of the date of 15.54. Beechtold, Count Leopold. Es- say to chrect and extend the Inquhies of patriotic Travellers. To which is annexed, a List of Enghsh and Fo- reign Works intended for the In- struction and Benefit of Travellers ; and a Catalogue of the most interest- ing Eiu'opean Travels which have been pttbhshed, in different Lan- guages, from the earliest Times down to September 8th, 1787. Loncl. 1789. 8vo. 2 vols. 7s. Beedmore, Samuel, D.D. Spe- cimens of Literary Resemblance in the AVorks of Pope, Gray, and other celebrated Writers, with critical Ob- servations. Lond. 1801. 8vo. 4s. Beeenger, Richard. History of the Art of Horsemansliip. Lond. 1771. 4to. 2 vols, in 1. plates. 160 BEB BKK Dent, pt. i. 459, 14s. 6d 721. moi'occo, 11. 10s. Bergeeac, Cyrano de. Satyrical Characters and Handsome Descrip- tions in Letters, translated from the French, by a Person of Honor. Lond. 1658. 8vo. An account of tiiis sinsniarand amusing work will be found in the Retrosp. Review, i. 279-87. Nassau, pt. i, 242, 4s. — History of the World in the Sun and Moon, done into Enghsh by Tho. St. Serf, Gent. Lond.1659.12mo. Towneley, pt. i. 291, 6s. 6d. — Comical Histoi-y of the States and Empu*es of the Worlds of the Moon and Smi ; newly enghshed by A. Lovell. Lond. 1687. 8vo. 5s. Pretixed is a front, by Van Hove. An interesting analysis of this curious produc- tion will be found in Dunlop's History of Fiction, iii. 334. Duke of York, |lard and Heloisa ; comprising a pe- riod of eighty-four years, from 1079 to 1163 : with their genuine Letters, from the Collection at Amboise. The 2nd edition. Birm. 1788. 4to. 1/. Is. A valuable and accurate work, composed from authentic materials. — History of the Eeign of Henry 11. and of Richard and John his Sons ; with the Events of this Pe- riod, from 1154 to 1216. In which the Character of Thomas a Becket is vindicated from the Attacks of George Lord Lvttelton. BuTning- ham, 1790. 4to. 1/. Is. Roscoe, 485, 11. 6s. — Literary History of the Middle Ages. Lond. 1814, 4to. Hollis, 191, 11. 2s. Urury,547, mor. i;.7s. Brockett, 484, U. 3s. - — Simon. Dissertations on the — Voyage to the Moon, withJMosaical Creation, Deluge, Build- some Account of the Solar World, ling of Babel, and Confusion of done fi'om the French, by S. Derrick. [ Tongues. Lond. 1750. 8vo. 5s. Lond. 1753. 12mo. 4s. The production of a Roman Catholic To this philosophical romance on the system of Descartes, Swift is supposed to have been greatly indebted ; the journey to the moon being the origin of Swift's Brobdignag, and that to the sun suggest- ing the voyage to Laputa. Beegjian, Torbern. Physical and Chemical Essays, translated from the Latin, with Notes and Illusti'a- tions, by Edm. Cullen, M.D. Lond. 1788-91. 8vo. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. An excellent work. Several otber trea- tises by this celebrated Swedish chemist and natural philosopher have been ti'ans- lated into English, viz. Outlines of Mine- ralogy, by William Withering, M.D. Birm. 1783. 8vo. A Dissertation of Elective At- tractions. Lond. 1785, 8vo &c. Beeingtok, Rev. Joseph. Me- rfioirs of Gregorio Panzani ; givmg an Account of liis Agency in Eng- land, 1634-6, translated from the Italian original, with an Introduc- tion and a Supplement. Lond. 1793. 8vo. 1/. lls.6d. [The Supplement, beginning after page 261. is often deficient] Bindley, pt. i. 429, Us. The Rev. C. Plowden published Remarks on this work. Liege, 1794, Svo. 5s. — History of the Lives of Abeil- writer, displaying considerable research, though held in little estimation. Beekelet, George, Earl of His- torical AppHcations, and occasional Meditations upon several Subjects, written bv a Person of Honour. Lond. 1670. 12mo. 10s. 6d. A little book, valuable for its merit, as well as its rarity. A third edition appeared in 1680, Svo. — Geo. Bishop of Cloyne. Works; to which is added, an Account of his Life, and several of his Letters to Thomas Prior, Esq., Dean Gervais, and Mr. Pope. Lond. 1784. 4to. 2 vols, with port, by Cooke. Nassau, pt. i. 400, russia. 21. 18s. Heath, 1674, russia, 3/. 13s. 6d. An edition 1820, Svo. 3 vols. Drury, 438, 21. 2s. — Alciphron, or the minut« Phi- losopher, in seven Dialogues ; con- taining an Apology for the Christian Religion against Free-Thinkers. Lond. 1732. 8vo. 2 vols. An argumentative dialogue, containing a powerful refutatiou of the doctrines of Atheism, Fatalism, and the Disbelief of Revelation. Bindlev, pt. i. 294, 9s. Wil- liams, 171, 11. Is. — Siris, a Chain of philosophical JJKR 11KB l(il Reflections and Inquiries respecting the Virtues of Tar Water in the Plague ; Fartlier Thoughts on Tar Water. Lond. 17i7, 52. 8vo. These tracts exciti-d at the time of their publication much interest, and gave rise to various publications on tlie subject, some siipiiorting the Bishop's tenets, otliers re- luting them. An excellent notice of tlie work will be found in the Retrosp. Review, xi. 239-52. — George. Principles of Human Knowledge. Lond. 1776. 8vo. A truly original and masterly work. Gosset, 438, 17s. Reprinted 1820,7s. The first edition appeared in 1734. — Memoirs of George Berkeley, D.D. late Bishop of Cloyne, in Ire- land. The second Edition, with Im- provements. Lond. 1784. 8vo. 3s. 6d. The former edition appeared in 1776. — George Monck. Poems, with a Preface by the Editor (his Mo- ther), consisting of some Anecdotes of Geo. Monck Berkeley, and several of his Friends. Lond. 1797. 4to. Privately printed, with a portrait of Berkeley, from a painting by the Kev. W. Peters. Bindley, pt. i. 737, 11. 3s. — Literary Relies, containing original Letters from King Charles II., King James II., the Queen of Bohemia, Swift, Berkeley, Addison, Steele, Congreve, tlie Duke of Or- mond, and Bishop Bundle ; towliich is prefixed, an Inquiry into the Life of Dean Swift. Lond. 1789. 8vo. 6s. — John. CoUectanea Historica complexa ipsius Negotiationem Anni 1647, cum Olivario Cromwel, Ireton, & aliis Exercitus Prsefectis pro Revo- catione Caroli I. in Regni Adminis- trationem. Lond. 1699. 8vo. — Memoirs of Sir John Berkley, containing an Account of his Nego- tiation for restoring King Charles the First. Lond. 1702. 8vo. Eoxburshe, 8479, 12s. An edition ap- peared 1699, 8vo. pp. 93. 5s. which is re- printed in the ninth volume of the Vlarleian Miscellany. Berkeley Peerage — AnAddi-ess to the Peers of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, from VOL. I. Mary, Countess of Berkeley. Lond. 1811. 8vo. 3s. 6d. On this claim the following have ap- peared :— 1. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee for Privileges, on tlie Earl of Berkeley's Pedigree, in the Year 1799; ordered to be reprinted 8th March, 1811 folio, pp. 85. 2. Case of William Fitzhardinge Berke- ley, on his Petition to the King, to be summoned to Parliament for the Earl- dom of Bei'keley, Feb. 1811. folio, pp. 4, with a pedigree of the Earldom of Berkeley. 3. Minutes of Evidence given before the Committee of Privileges, to whom the Petition of William Fitzliardinge Berkeley, claiming as of Right to be Earl of Berkeley, was referred. Or- dered to be printed 8th March, 1811. folio, pp. 876. 4. Appendix to tlie Minutes of the Com- mittee of Privileges on the Berkeley Peerage of the 7th June, 1811. Or- dered to be printed 7th June, 1811. folio, pp. 6. 5. Index of the Names of Witnesses ex- amined, folio, pp. 3. The above five, Marq. of Townshend, 2628, U. 7s. 6. A Narrative of the Minutes of Evi- dence respecting the Claim to the Berkeley Peerage, as taken before the Committee of Privileges in 1811; to- gether with the entire evidence of the Persons principally concerned ; to which are added, fac-similes of the Banns, and Register of the Marriage ; extracted from the Parish Books of Berkeley. To the whole is prefixed, a Sketch of the Proceedings of the Committee on the Earl of Berkeley's Pedigree, in the year 1799. Lond. 1811. 8vo. pp. 276, with a preface and Introduction, pp. 13, 5s. Berkeley. — Pedigree and Descent of Norborne Berkeley, Esq. from John Lord Botetourt, who was sum- moned to Pari. 23 Edw. I.— The Case of Norborne Berkeley, Esq. in Relation to the Barony of Botetourt. foHo. Copies are in the British Museum, — Abstracts and Extracts of Smyth's Lives of the Berkeleys, illustrative of ancient Manners, and the Constitution ; including all the Pedigrees in tliat ancient Manu- script. To which are annexed, a copious History of the Castle and M [62 Pai'ish of Berkeley, consisting of Matter never before published. By Thomas Dudley Fosbrooke, M.A. F.E.S. Lond. 1820. 4to. 10s. 6d. Berkenhoxjt, John, M.D. Synop- sis of the natiu'al History of G-reat Britain and Ireland. Lond. 1795. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. The fonner»editions appeared 1767-70, 8vo. 3 vols.; 1789, Svo. 2 vols. — Biographia Literaria ; or a Biographical History of Literatiu-e ; containing the Lives of Enghsh, Scottish, and Irish Authors, from the Dawn of Letters in these King- doms to the present Time, chrono- logically and classically arranged. Vol. I. From the Beginning of the fifth to the End of the sixth Centmy Lond. 1777. 4to. IBs. Of this judicious and useful compilation, only one, out of three volumes, was pub- lished. Beeelet, Hon. Capt. George. Naval History of Britain, from the earliest Periods of wliicli there are any Accounts in Histoiy to the Conclusion of the Year 1756. Lond. 1757. foho, 12s. Written by Sir John Hill, M.D. — Su- Wilham. The lost Lady a Tragy-comedy. Lond. 1639. foUo. Reprinted in th'efirstedition of Dodslev's Collection of Old Plays. Rhodes, 2668. 3s. Berkley likewise published ' A Discourse and View of Virginia,' folio. Particulars respecting him will be found in Dr. Bliss' edition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. iii. 1111-12 Berkshire. — Looke up and see Wonders : a miraculous Apparition in the Ayre, lately seen in Barkshu'e at Bawlkin Green near Hatford, April 9, 1628. Lond. 1628. 4to. with vrood cut. 18s. A copy is in the British Museum. Bermuda. A plaine Description of the Barmvdas,now called Sommer Hands. Lond. 1613. 4to. .Jadis, 260, morocco, bl. 5s. A copy is in the British Museum, also Orders and Constitvtions ordained by the Goiiernour and Company, 6 Feb. 1621., 1622. 4to. — Bermuda or Summer Mands, Acts of Assembly passed m, from 1690 to 1713. Lond. 1719. folio. — Laws of Bermuda, from 1690 to 1736. 1719, 37, 2 parts. Beenaed, Saint. Medytacons. Westmester by Wynkyn de Worde, 1496. 4to. Loscombe, 18.54, il. 8s. A copy is in the Royal Collection. Dr. Dibdin notices another edition by W. de Worde, 1545. 4to. — A goodly Treatyse called a Notable Lesson, otherwise the Gold- en Pystle. Impressus Anno Dom. 1530. 4to. The last leaf has the marks of W.C. and Wynkyn de Worde. Dr. Dibdin notices several other editions of the translation of S. Bernard's Kpistle, viz. by Worde, no date ; by Thomas Godfray, no date ; Sothebv, June, 1856, mor. 11. 5s. and by Robert' Wyer, 1531. Horner, 1854, 42. 6s. — Treatyse of wellLiuynge, trans- lated by Thomas Paynell. Lond. by Thomas Petji:. 8vo.' Contains fol. cxcviii, besides dedication to Mary, daughter of K. Heniy viii.and a table. "Another edition by John Byddell. n. d. 12mo. — Hive of sacred Honiecombes, translated by Ajitonie Batt, Monke. Doway, 1631. 18mo. with front. Towneley, pt. i. 450, 6s. — Complamt or Dialogue, betwixt the Soule and Bodie of a damned Man. See Crashaw, AY. Beenaed, Jean. Discours des plus memorables Faictz des Roys et Grands-Seigneurs d'Angleterre de- puis 500 Ans ; avec les Genealogies des Rojnies d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse; plus vine Guide des Chemins d'An- gleterre. Paris, 1579, or 1587. Sotheby's in July, 1821. U. 2s. — Edward. De Mensuris et Pon- deribus antiquis Libri tres. Editio altera purior, et duplo locupletior. Oxon. 1688. Svo. 5s. A useful work, originally published with Dr. Pocock's Commentary on Hosea. — Libroriim MSS. Academia- rum Oxoniensis et Cantabrigiensis, et celebrium per Angliam, Hiber- niamque Bihliothccarum Catalogu.s, « E II 163 cum Tiidice alyhabetico. Oxon. 1696-7. folio, 2 pts. in 1 vol. 15^. Prefixed is a very learned preface and copious inde-^c. Anaccountof Hernard will be found in Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. iv. 701—10. Bernard, John. Oratio de vera AnimiTranquilitate. Lond.1568.4to. Dedicated 'Petro Osburno.' Contains 118 leaves, besides prefixes commendatory. A translation by A nth. Marten. 1570. 8vo. — Nicholas, D.D. Penitent Death of John Atherton, late Bisliop of Watcrford in Ireland, who was exe- cuted at Dublin, 5 Dee. 16 10. Lond. 1641. 4to. Ueprinted Dublin, 1641. 4to. Lond. 1642. 12mo. Nassau, pt. i. 119, 7s. Inglis,61, 8s. Fonthill, 613, 18s. Lond. 1651, 12mo. Lond. 1709, 8vo. — Life and Death of Dr. James Usher, late Archbishop of Ar)nagli. Lond. 1656. 4to. with port. 3s. 6d. An account of Bernard, with a list of his writings, will be found in Wood's Fasti fixoniensis. — Eichard. Key of Knowledge for the Opening of "the secret Mys- teries of St. John's mysticall Reve- lation. Lond. 1617. 4to. with a frontispiece, 8s. — Looke beyond Luther : or an Answere to that Question, where this our Rehgion was before Lu- ther's Time. Lond. 1623. 4to. Bernard likewise publislied ' A Guide to Grand Jurymen.' Lond. 1627. 12mo. — The Isle of Man, or the legal Proceeding in Man-shu-e against Sin. Lond. 1627. 18mo. A religious allegorv, frequently reprint- ed. 1629, Nassau, pt. i. 243, 17s. 1663, Bind- ley, pt. i. 605, 4s. 6d. Bristol, 1808, 12mo. 2s. — The Bible Battels, or the sacred Art Mihtary. Lond. 1629. 12mo. — Thes'am'us Biblicus, sive Promptuarium Sacrum. Lond. 4to. with portrait by W. Hollar. An enlarged edition waspiiblished,Lond. 1664, folio, 12s. Bernard published other works, a list of which will be seen in Watt's Pibliotheca Britannica. — Su- T. Life of Sir F. Bernard. Lond. 1790, 8vo. Privately printed. Bludlev, pt. i. 431, 11. Is. Bernaudi, Major John. Life of Major John Bernardi. Lond. 1729. 8vo. with porti-ait by G. vr. Gucht. Lloyd, 1 13, 4s. Towneley, pt. i. 472, 9s., or Bernes. See Barnes* — John Bourchier Lord. Sre Antoninus. Ai'thur of Little Bri- tain ; Castle of Love ; Froissart ; Iluon of Bourdeaux. Bernier, Francis. History of the late Revolution of the Empire of the Q-reat Mogul, and concerning the extent of Hindostan. Lond. 1671-2. 8vo. 4 vols, in 2. A notice of this excellent work will be found in the Retrosp. Review, N. S. i. 243 —68. Dent, pt. i. 207 russia, 18s. Bindley, pt. i. 506, li!.5s. Wliito Kniglits, 424, U.58. Koxburglie, 7289, 21. — Travels in the Mogul Empire, translated from the French by Ir- ving Brock. Lond. 1826. 8vo. 2 vols. 18s. ' A good translation of this excellent old traveller.' — Quart. Rev. ' A more curioii.s and entertaining work than Beriiier's Tra- vels can hardly be imagined ; the lively style of the author, combined with his in- telligence, and the extraordinary nature of the scenes of which he was an eye-witness, render his work altogether more like a glowing romance than a detail of real events.' Hernier's Voyage to the East Indies is also reprinted in tlie Oxford Col- lection of Voyages and Travels, vol.ii. and in Pinkerton's Collection, vol. viii. Bernoulli, James. Doctrine of Permutations and Combinations, and some other usefid Mathemati- cal Tracts. Published by Francis Maseres, Esq. Lond. 1795. 8vo. pp. 606. 12s. • — John. Sexcentenary Table Lond. 1779. 4to. 5s. Published by the Board of Longitude. Berriman, John. Critical Dis- sertation upon 1 Tim. iii. 16. Lond. 1741. 8vo. 4s, In this work are noticed several glaring and unpardonable blunders in the impres- sions of the Bible during the seventeenth century. A copy is in the British Museum, with the author's MS. notes. — WiUiam, D.D. Christian Doc- M 2 164 BER trines and Duties explained and re- commended, in forty Sermons, &c. Lond. 1751. 8vo. 2 vols. lOs. In considerable estimation. Dr. Berri- inan published several other works. Berry, William. Introduction to Heraldi-y. Lond. 1810. Bvo. 9s. Contains pp. 158, besides preface, pp. 3. — History of the Island of Guern- sey, with Particulars of the neigh- boui'ing Islands of Alderney, Serk, and Jersey. Lond. 1815. 4to. with a map and plates. Fonthill, 244, 14s. Drury, 551, russia, 11. 9s. — Genealogia Antiqua, or My- thological and Classical Tables ; compiled from the best A\ithors on fabulous and ancient History. Lond. 1816. foUo. Contains pp. 87, besides index, pp. 10. Dedicated to Lord Grenville. — Encyclopedia Heraldica, or Complete Dictionary of Heraldry. Lond. 1828. 4to. 3 vols, with plates, 4Z. 4s. or LARGE ]?APER, 51. 5s. [A Supplementary or 4th volume was published in 1810, at 21. 2s ] A valuable Heraldic work, as it embraces the greater part of the contents of Edraond- son and otherwriters, with original matter. [Mr. Berry also published the following County Genealogies, in small folio, some at 5 or 6 guineas per volume ; but all now reduced to the annexed prices : — Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and Surrey, folio, 18.37, ■21. 2s. Essex,folio, 1841,1?. Is. Hampshire, folio, 1833,2?. 'is. Hertfordshire, folio, 1844, 11. Is. Kent.folio, 1830, 3?. 3s. Sussex, folio, 1830, 21. 2s.i Bert, Edmund. Treatise of Hawkes and Hawkmg, diuided into three Bookes. Lond. 1619. 4to Contains pp. 109, besides the title. Haworth, 933, 13s. Inglis, 157, 11. Sir M. M. Sykes, 11. Best, 11. 10s. Berthelsone, Ajidreas. English and Danish Dictionary. Lond. 1754 4to. 10s. 6d. Wolff in 1779 published a Danish and English Dictionary. Bertholdus, Andr. Vcrtues and strange Vse of a new Terra sigUlata, lately found in Germanic, translated by B. G. Lond. 1587. 8vo. A copy is in the British Museum. Re Minted 1589. BER Berthollet, C. L., M.D. Ele- ments of the Art of Dyeing, trans- lated from the French bv William HamUton, M D. Lond. 1791. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Another translation, by Dr. Ure, with a Description of the Art of Bleaching, was published 1824, Bvo. 2 vols. i;.4s. The fol- lowing have likewise appeared : An Essay on Chemical Statics, translated by B. Lam- bert. Lond.l804,8vo.2vols.l0s. Researclies into the Laws of Chemical Affinity. Lond. 1804, 8vo. 4s. Essay on the new Methods of Bleaching by means of oxygenated muria- tic acid, translated by Rob. KeiT. Edin- burgh, 1790, 12mo. 2s. 6d. Beetin, — -. China, its Costumes, Arts, and ]\Ianufactures, edited from the Collections of M. Berlin, with additions, &c. Lond. 1812. 8vo. 4 vols, with plates, plain, 37. 3s. coloured, 41 48. Bertix, Ca])taui Joseph. G^me of Chess. Lond. 1735. 12mo. 48. Captain Bertin is entitled to the praise of having invented the three pawns' gambit usually ascribed to Cunningham. Bertram or Eatrajm, Monk of Corby in the Ninth Century. De Corpore et Sanguine Domini Liber. Lond. 1688. 8vo. 5s. Best edition, with a new trans- lation by Wm. Hopkins, and an historical dissertation and appendix by Dr. Peter AUix. A former edition appeared 1686. 4s. — Boke of Bartlira Priest, in- treatinge of thee Bodye and Bloude of Christe, wrytten to greate Charles the Emperoure, and set forth vii. C. Yeares agoo, and imprinted An. Dni. M.D.SLIX. Lond. by Thomas Raynalde. 8vo. 10s. iflack letter. Contains C in eights. On the back of the title is ' The Lyfe of Bar- thram Pryesteby Johannes Thiytherayus.' Dr. Dibdin notices anotheredition by Anth. Kytson, 1.549. 8vo. An edition 1548, Inglis, 85J 12s. Horner, 1854, mor. 11. 13s. — Booke of Bertram the Priest, first translated and printed in En- glish 1546, and nowe newly reuiued, corrected, and pubhshed by T(ho- mas)W(Llcox)1581. Lond. 1582. 8vo. — Another translation by Sir Humphrey Lynde. Lond. 1623. 8vo. Bepiiuted with additions 1686. 12mo. B£Q 165 with a portrait of Charles the Great, King of France. Is. — Another translation, by Wil- iiam Guild. Aberdeen, 1624. 12mo. A copy is in tlie British Museum Beeteam, Car. Britannicarum Gen- tium Ilistorise antiquse Scrip tores tres — Ricardus Corinensis — Gildas Ba- donicus — Nennius Banchorensis — recensuit, Notisque et Indice auxit Car. Bertramus. llaunisc, 1757. 8vo. with a frontispiece and map. Bindley, pt. i. 834, lis. White Knights, pt. i. 429, 19s. Niissau, pt. i. 329, 11. 6s. Constable, 51, 1^ 8s. Towneley, pt. ii. 55, 11. 7s. Bishop of Ely, 102, 1^. 16s. Font- hill, 3014, 21. 4s. Beeteand, M. Historical Eela- tion of the Plagtie at Marseilles in the Year 1720. Translated from the French MS. by Anne Plimitre. Lend. 1805. Svo. 6s. A notice of tliis excellent history, and of the writers on the Plague, will be found in the Ketrosp. Review, vii. 219—39. — de MolevUle, A. F. Histoii'e d'Angleterre depuis la premiere In- yasiou des Eomains jusqu' a la Paix de 1763. Paris, 1815. 8vo. 6 vols. — Clu'onological Abridgment of the History of Great Britain. Lond. 1811. Svo. 4 vols. 163. Earl of Kerry, 28, IZ. 16s. — Private Memoirs relative to the last Year of the Reign of Lewis XVI. late King of France. Lond. 1797. Svo. 3 vols, with five portraits, 10s. 6d. Earl of Kerry, 28, 11. 4s. — Annals of the French Revolu- tion, translated by R. C. Dallas. Lond. 1800. Svo. Two Parts, in 9 vols. Earl of Kerry, 26, 31. Is. Fouthill, 1425, with the private Memoirs of Lewis XVI. 12 vols, morocco, 71. IDs. — Costume of Austria. See Cos- taimes. Beewick, Marshal Duke of, Me- moirs of the, written by himself, with a Continuation, 1716-34, &c. Trans- lated from the French. Lond. 1779. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. — Rev. Edw. Lives of Marcus Valerius Messala Corvinus, Titus Pomponius Atticus, Caius Asiuius PoUio, Marcus Terentius Varro, and Cneius Cornelius Galliis, with I*Jotes and Illustrations. Lond. 1813-14. small Svo. 7s. Mr. Berwick has likewise publislicd Me- moirs of the Life of tlie elder Scipio .\ fric:!- nus, 1H18, small Svo. 7s. And the Life of ApoUonius of Tyanteus, Svo. 1810, 5s. Besaedus, John Bapt. Obser- vations on Lute Playing. Lond. IGIO. foHo. Besse, Joseph. Collection of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers, for the Testimony of a good Conscience. Lond. 1753. folio, 2 vols. IZ. 10s. Best, George. Discovrse of the (three) late Voyages of Discouerie for the finding of a Passage to Ca- thaya by the Northweast, vnder the Conduct of Martin Frobisher, Generall. With a particular Card therevuto . adioyned of Meta incog- nita. Lond. 1578. 4to. Dedication to ' Sir Christopher Hatton, Knight,' then the printers preface. The first voyage on 52 pages ; the second on 39 pages ; and the third on 68 pages. Jadis, 270, witli fac-simile drawings of the two niaps,8?. 10s. Steevens, 1877,2?, 18s. North, pt. iii. 585. The third and last Voyage into Meta Incognita was also printed in 16mo. See Ellis, T. — Thomas. Art of Angling. To which is added, the complete Fly- Fisher. Loud. 1787. 12mo. Fii-st edition. 5s. Frequently reprinted. Beswick. — Life of Lavinia Bes- wick, aUas Fenton, alias Polly Peachum. Lond. 1728. Svo. 10s. 6d. A copy is in the British Museum. Betagh, William. Voyage round the World. Lond. 1728. Svo. 4s. Reprinted in the first volume of Harris's Collection of Voyages and Travels. The Account of Peru will likewise be found in the fourteenth volume of Pinkerton's Col- lection. Betham, MatUda. Biogi'aphical Dictionary of the celebrated Women of every Age and Countiy. Lond. 1804. Svo. with a frontispiece con- taining five portraits, 78. 6d. 166 BEV Betham, Peter. , 12mo. \l. Its. 6d. Bible (The) in the Arabio Lan- guage. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1811. 4to. 18s. This edition was superintended by the late Arabic professor, the Rev. J. B. Car- lyle. Twelve copies were printed in large folio, for presents ; one of these is deposited in the British Museum. Adam Clarke, 18Z. ISs. Another elegant edition, New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1816, 4to. BibhaVetusTestamentiun Syriace, edidit Samuel Lee, A.M. Lond. 1823. 4to. This edition was printed under the pa- tronage of the Church Missftnary Society, and at the expense of the British and Fo- reign Bible Society. Three MSS. were collated for this edition, viz. one brought by the Rev. Dr. Buchanan from Travan- core, in the East Indies ; another belong- ing to the Rev. Dr. Adam Clarke ; and the Syriac Pentateuch, in the Library of New ( ollege, Oxford. — Vetus Testamentum Grsecuin, ex Versione LXX. Interpretum. In S. Biblia Grreca Schoha, &c. Novi Testamenti Libri omnes Greece. Lond. 1653. 4to. 3 vols, in 1. 10s. 6d. This edition, printed l)y Roger Daniel,; which professes to follow accurately the Roman edition of 1586, has been severely handled byWalton, Bos, Masch,and Harles. According to Mr. Home, tlie editors have altered and interpolated the text in several places, in order to bring it nearer to the Hebrew text, and the modem versions. Drary, 557, 15s. Heath, 427, 28s. large PAPEit. MacCarthy, 47 fr. Reprinted, Cam- bridge, 16.53, 8vo. — Yetus Testamentum Grtecum, juxta Exemplar Vaticanum. Can- tab. 1665. 12mo. This Cambridge edition was twice printed, first by John Field in 1665, and then by John Hayes in 1684, with the original date of 1665. Prefixed is a learned preface of 19 pages, written by the celebrated Bishop Pearson. Drury, 444, with the Greek Testament, Apocrypha, and Liturgy. 19s. — Vetus Testamentum Greece, ex antiquiss. Codice MS. Alexan- drino deseriptmn, Ciira et Studio Joan. Ernesti Grabe. Oxonii. 1707 — 19. foho, 4 torn, in 2 vols. 1?. lis 6d. ' Editio omnium editionum splendidissi- raa, emaculatissima, commendatissima ob Tj'porum Elegantiam,' &c. Reimannus. LARGE PAPER. 3^ 3s. An edition in 8vo. 4 vols, in 8. 11. lis. 6d. — Vetus Testamentum Grsecum, cum variis Lectionibus, edente Bob. Holmes, et Jac. Parsons. Oxon. 1798—1827, foUo, 5 vols. A truly valuable and splendid edition of the Septuagint version. Vol. i. consisting of 3 parts, was published 1798, 1801, 1804. Vol. ii. comprising all the historical books from Joshua to the second book of Chroni- cles inclusively ; the several fasciculi of which were published in the following order, viz. : Joshua in 1810; Judges and Ruth in 1812; 1 Kings in 1813; and the five remaining books in the four succeed- ing years. The third and fourth volumes, containing the book of Job to the Prophet Jeremiah, wei'e published 1819 — 25; and the remaining, or fifth volume, which con- tains the ApociTphal books, between the years 1825 and 1827. For critiques on this magnificent undertaking see BishopMarsh's twelfth Lecture ; Eclectic Review, ii. part i. 85—90, 214—21, 267—74,337-^8; Classi- cal Journal, ix. 475—9, xix. 367 — 72; Home's Introduction to the Scriptures, ii. appendix, 37 — 8. Vetus Testamentum Gra>cum, juxta Exemplar Vaticanum, ex Edi- tioue Lamb. Bos. Oxon. 1805. 8vo. 5 vols. BIB UIB 173 An elegant, accurate, and comniolious antliorised KngliHli version on the opposite edition, printed in columns. page, 1/. 16s. — Vetus Testameutum e Codice — Vetus Testamentum juxta Ex- MS. Alexandrino. qui Loiidini in emplar Vaticanum. Glasguae, 1822. Bibliotheca Musei Britaniiici asser- ' 18mo. 3 vols. 18s. and Lond. 1 vol. vatur, Typis ad similitudiiiem ipsius Codicis Scripturse lideliter descrip- tum, Cura et Lahore Henrici Ilcr- veii Baber, A.M. Lond. 181C-28. imperial folio, 4 vols Tliis edition exliibits a faitlifnl fac- simile of the celebrated Alexandrian manuscript, the earliest existing of the Scriptures ; it was printed at the public expense, under the control of the Trustees of tlie IJritish Museum. The three first volumes com- prise the entire text of the septnagint ; and the fourth contains the notes and the pro- legomena. On PAPKR, 250 copies were printed, and on VELLUM ten copies, and which are thus disposed: The library of King George III. The Imperial library at Vienna. The Bib- liothfque du Roi at I'.aris. The Abp. of Canterbury. The Duke of Devonshire This copy is five inches taller tlian any of the others. Earl Spencer. John Dent, Esq. Sir M. M. Sykes, Bart. Archdeacon Usher. Rev. H.H. Baber. The publication price ef the work complete upon vellum, is 184 guineas, and on paper, 3iil. 15s. The New Testament, which completes thiseditionof theScriptures, was published by VVoide, vick Test. Nov. Ur. Woide. 1786. — Yetus Testamentum Grcecum, seevindum Exemplar Vaticanum Accedunt varise Lectiones e Codice Alexandrino, nee non Introductio J. B. Carpzovii. Oxon. 1817. 8vo. 6 vols. 1/. 7s. A handsomely printed and accurate edi- tion. The introduction is extracted from the second and third chapters of Carpzo- vins' Critica Sacra. Part iil. large paper, 41. is. Drury, 446, russia, 8Z.8s. Williams, 186, with Griesbach's Testament, morocco, 161. 5s. 6d. — Vetus Testamentum Grsecum. Lond. 1819. 8vo. An elegantly executed volume, correctly printed after the editions of Holmes and Bos. 12mo. 1827. 18s. This very neat edition was printed at the university press, at Glasgow. Biblia Latina. — Sacrse Biblise To- mus. Lond. Excudebat Thomas Bartholetus. 1535. 4to. The first Latin Bible printed in England. Copies are in tlie British Museum and Bodleian libraries. [It is not the whole of the Bihle; for contents, see Ames, by Dibdin, vol. iii. p. 291.J — Testament! Veteris Biblia Sa- cra, Latini reeens ex Hehrseo lacti, brevibusque Scholiis illustrati ab Imm. Treniellio et Franc. Junio : accesseruht Libri Apocrvphi, Latini redditi et Notis quibusdam aucti, a Fr. Junio. Lond. 1580. 8vo. 10s. 6d. First London edition of this version was made under the direction of the Elector Palatine, Frederick III. Reprinted with Beza's Testament, 1581, 8vo. 1585. 8vo 1593, fnlio, 12s. 1640, with an en- graved title page, by Marshall, 12mo. 5s. 1650, 12mo. 1661, 8vo. 1680, 12mo. Biblia Sacra ex Sebastian! Castel- lionis Interpretatione ejusque pos- trema Recognitione. Lond. 1724. 12nio. 4 vols. 15s. This edition of Castalio's Bible is printed without the notes usually accompanying the work. This version was attacked both by Ca- tholics and Protestants. Castalio published a defence of himself and his work in 1562, 12mo. Biblia Sacra Vulgata. Lond. 1826. 12mo. 18s. Bagster's esteemed edition. — Annotationes in Vetus Testa- mentum, et !n Epistolam ad Ephe- sios, incerto Autore : e Bibliotheca jJoliannis Archiep. Eboracensis in — Vetus ac Novum Testamentum I Lucem eruta?. Cantab. 1653. 8vo. Gl-fficum, cum variis LectionibllS A copy is ,n the British Museum. Lond. 1826. MUli! et G-riesbachii. 12mo. 1/. 68. Copies of this edition, published by Mr. Bngster, have also beeii printed with the' 5s. Disquisitiones criticaj de variis per diversa Loca et Tempora Biblio' rum Editionibus. Lond. 1684. 4ta '.74 BIB Bible (Holy) — Englhh versionn. — (Wtcliffe). Holy Bible, con- taining the Old andXew Testaments, with the Apocryphal Books, in the earliest Enghsh versions, made fi-om the Latin vulgate, by John Wychfie and his followers (-vrith a glossary), edited by the Eev Josiah Forshall and Su* Frederick Madden. 4 vols. royal 4to. 1850. Oxford University Press. 51. 15s. 6d. Particularly valuable as a specimen of the Englisli language in the fourteenth century. — (Coteedale). Biblia. The Bible, that is, the holy Scriptiu'eof the Okie and Kew Testament, faitlifiilly & truly translated out of Doiiche andLatynintoEnglishe. 1535. folio. Black letter, printed in double colitmns, in a foreign secretary-gotliic type, vrith wood-cuts, by Haus Sebald Behaui. This first Protestant translation of the whole Bible is considered as the joint production of Tyndal and Coverdale. [It is not satis- factorily settled where this volume was printed; some say, hj Froschover, at Zurich ; others by Egenkolf, at Frankfort; while others suggest Cologne, or Lubec. There is no perfect copy yet (1S57) known to exist. Copies, nearly perfect, are in the Earl of Leicester's libraiy (no map) ; Earl Spencer's, with the map, but no title; Earl of Jersey's (map\ title faulty; Bodleian (no map) ; Trin. Coll., Dublin (no map) ; British Museum (no map), the title faulty. Another, in the CJrenville Coll., of which the title, 4 leaves, and also the map, are in fac-simile by Harris. Mr. Dunn Gar- diner's copy, formerly Lea Wilson's, toith the original map, bat the title and first leaf in fac-simile bv Harris, sold, in 1854, for 365?. ; Dent, part i. 630, title and two fol- lowing leaves in fac-simile, 89Z. 5.->. ; Sothe- by (llawtrey), .fuly, 1853, 16 leaves in fac- simile, IIU. ; another, Sotheby, Aug., 1S57, the map, title, preliminary leaves, six leaves in Genesis and last seven of Reve- lations in fac-simile by Hams, lOOi. ; Duke of Sussex, in 1844, pt' i. No. 1425, the map and title in fiic-simile by Harris, but want- ing the whole of the preliminary matter ; the copy damaged and stained, 130?. Other copies, more or less imperfect, have been sold at sums varying from 30?. to 60?.] Collation. Wood-cut title ; dedication to K. Henry VIII. 5 pp. 'Aprologe to the reader,' 6pp.; 'The bokeaoftlic hole Byble,' 2 pp. ' The contentes of the boke of Genesi.s,' I 1 page. The first bonk of, &c.fol.i.— ; xc. (then should follow a map, headed ' The descrlpcion of the londe of prorrus, called Palestina. Canaan, or the holy londe). ' The second parte of the Olde Testament,' .Tosua, &c. to Hester, fol.ii—cxx. Job, &c. to ' Salomon's balettes,' fol. 1 — lii. ' All the Prophetes in Englishe,' fol. ii — cii. ' Apo- cripha,' fol. ii.— Ixxxiii. falsely numbered Ixxxi. Then follows a blank leaf. ' The Xewe Testamenle,' fol. ii--cxiii. on the re- verse of the last is ' Prynted in the yeare of oure Lorde m.d.xxxv. and fynished the fourth daye of October.' A full page con- tains 57 lines. — The dedication, prologue, and contents of Genesis are printed in a different type ; there are separate title pages to the five portions formed of the woodcuts which decorate the book, ex- clusive of the general title. For an account of this version, the varia- tions in the Dedication, &c., .9«e Lea Wil- sons List of his Collection of Bibles. &c. 4to. privately printed, 1845. No. 1. Dr. Cotton's List of Editions of the Bible. 8vo. Oxford, 1852, pp, 8, and 274. Ames' Typ. Antiq. by Herbert, iii. 1544—5. Bibl. Harleiana, i. no. 155. Bibl. Spencer, i. 78—81. Abp. Xew- come's Histor. View, 29—33. Lewis' His- tory of the English Translations of the ISihle. 91—104. Home's Introduction to the Scriptures. Anderson's Annals of the English Bible, 2 vols. Svo. 1845. Preface to Bishop Wilson's edit, of the Bible, 1785. Bagster's Reprint of the volume, &c. &c. Mr. Bagster, in 1838, issued a reprint (in the Roman letter) of this edition, 4to., copies on lakge paper in folio. Mr. Eyton's copy, most superbly bound in mo- rocco, with clasps, sold, Pickering, 231, JIarch, 1854. 31?. 10s. — (Coverdajle). Biblia, the Byble : that is the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, fayth- fully translated in to Englyshe, 1536. folio. This is the same as that of 1535, vrith a different title. Two copies known : Glou- cester Cathedral and Earl of Jersey, with themap. .Ses Cotton, p. 11, 275. — (Coterdaie), liiBLiA, The Byble, that is the holy Scrypture of the Olde and Xewe Testamet fayth- fidly translated in Englysh, and new- 1}^ oversene and corrected. South- vv-arke, for Jas. Xycolson. 1537. foUo. Collation. Title. 'Epistle unto the King, by Coverdale, (with name of Queen Jane), 5 p. Prologue, 6 p. The bokesof the Holy Bible, 2 p. Contents of Genesis, 1 p. Ge- nesis to Ruth, i— cxvi (for cxvii). Title to Second part, 1 I. 1 Sam. to Hester, ii— c. Job to Canticles, i-If. Title, 'All the BIB Prophetes in Eiiglishe.' Isaiah to Malachi, ii— ciii. Title to Apocripha. Ivsdras ti) Maccabees, ii — Ixxxix. Blank leaf. Title to New Test. St. Matthew to Kevelation, ii— cxix. Tables of Epistles, &c. 4 p. A full page contains 57 lines. This edition is rarer than tlie first (1535). Copies are in the Rodleian, Baptist Museum Bristol and Lincoln Cathedral li- braries. Sf.e L. Wilson, no. 2. (Jotton, pp. 12—276. Knight, 1847, very imperfect (a fragment), 31. 18s. — (Coveedale) The Byble, tliat is the holye Scryptiire of the Okie and Newe Testamente, faythfully translated in Englysh, and newly oversene and correcte. Southwarke, by James Nycolson, 1537. 4to. Collation. Title, in red and black, com- prehending 20 lines enclosed within an ara- besque border; contents, 2 pages; Cover- dale's address to the King and 'unto the Christen reader', 9 p. Almanac and Calen- dar,4p. The text, fol. i — xcvii. Title. The second part, c.wiii (for xcviiij — ccxxvii. Title. The thyrde part of the olde Tes- tament, &c. Job to Malachi, fol. ii — clxxix. 'The new Testament,' with a fret^h set of numerals, concluding at fol. cxxiiii., then two leaves of a table, closing the volume at cxxvi. A full page contains 59 lines. &e Lea Wilson, no. 3. Cotton, p. 12, 276 Anderson. Ames, by Dibdin, iii. 51, 52. Bibl. Harl. no. 288. iEdes Althorp. i. 61-2. A copy is in the Douce Collection, now in the Bodleian. It is stated that Nicolson printed an- other edition in 1541, of which the Uuke of Sussex possessed an imperfect copy. Vide Sale Cat Pt. I. No. 516. 41. — (Matthew). The Byble, which is all the holy Scripture : in wliich are contayned the Olde and Newe Testament truely and pui-ely translated into Englysh by Thomas Matthew. 1537. foHo! Black letter, with marginal annotations and wood-cuts in several parts. The Can- ticles are printed in red and black ; the running titles, signatures, marginal notes, &c. are all in the Gothic letter. This Bible, evidently ot foreign workmanship, was printed by Grafton and Whitchurch either at Hamburgh, Lubec, Malborow, or Paris. It varies but little from Tyndale's and Co- verdale's translation; and the few emen- dations and additions which it contains were supplied by John Rogers (the first martyr in Queen Mary's reign), who super- intended the publication, assuming the name of Matthew. Copies are in the BIB i;.-) British Museum, Lambeth, Bodleian, .St. Paul's, and other libraries. Sotheby's in June, 1822, 191. 19s. Deuyer, 18, front, and concluding leaf, MS.) 331. 12s. Sir M. M. Sykes. pt. i. 613, 781. 15s. Duke of Sussex fimperfect), 22?. 10s. Fletcher, May, 1845 (2 leaves of table and imprint MS., other leaves mended, 105^ Gardner, 1854 (Lea Wilson's copy), 150^ Sotheby's, Aug. 1857, 231. Collation. Title, in red and black, within a wood engraving, at the bottom in large characters ' Set fortli with the Kinges most gracyou.s licence;' ' A calendar and alma- nac for 18 years, beginnmg 1538,' 4 pages; ' An exhortation to the study of the holy Scripture,' 1 page ; ' The summe and con- tent of all the holy Scripture,' 2 pages; de- dication to K. Henry VIIL, 3 pages; 'To theChrysten readers,' and a 'Table of the pryncipal matters,' together 26 pages ; 'The Names of all the bokes of the I'.yblo,' &c. dated mdxxxvii. 1 page, on the reverse of which is a wood engraving of Adam and Eve in Paradise. Genesis to Salomon's Bal- let, fol. i^ccxlvii. A title, 'The Pro- phetes in Englysh, in black and red, be- tween 16 wood cuts ; on the reverse, a large wood cut between R. G. & E. W. [Kichard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch]. ' Esay,' &c. to Malachy, fel. i — xciv. ;' at the end W. T. [William Tyndale]. ' The volume of the bokes called Apocri- pha,' &c. in red and black, between 15 wood cuts ; 'Esdras,' &c. to 2 Maccabees, fol. ii — Ixxxi. One blank leaf. ' The Newe Tes- tament— M.D.XXXVII.' in red and black, within the same wood-engraving as that to the O.T. St. Matthew" to Kevelations, with tables of the Epistles, &c. fol. ii — cxi. On the next and last leaf is the imprint with the date of m.d.xxxvii. A full page contains 60 lines. See Lea Wilson, no. 4. Cotton, 12. 277. Bibl. Harl. no. 156. Ames by Dibdin, iii. 434—6. Dibdin's Libr. Comp. 30—1. Dib- din's jEdes Althorp. i. 62-3. Bp. Tomline's Chr. Theol. ii. 9. Abp Newcome's Hist. View, 34 — 42. Lewis's History, 105—12. Home's Introd. ii. appendix, 60—1. — (Matthew). The Bible, bv Thomas Matthew (1538), foho. A reprint of the edition of 1537, with some variation. [&'« Lewis's History. Dr. Cotton says, no such edition of this year lias yet been ascertained. A copy of this presumed edition, but wanting the title, was in the library of S. Ev er of Hackney, sold by Sotheby, Nov. 24, 1808]. — (Tavernee). The most sa- cred Bible, translated into Englyshe and newly recognised with great di- ligence after most faythful exem- plar.*, by Eichard Taverner. Lend. 176 BIB by Jolm Byddell for Thomas Bar- thlet, 1539. foHo. Hlack letter. First edition of Taverner's Bible. Copies are to be found in the Bri- tish Museum, Bodleian, and other libraries. Denyer, 19, (title wanting, and ending with the second boke of the Maccabees) 81. 8s. Sotheby (Steevens), Aug. 1&57, 36?. Pic- kering, 1854, wanting title and 5 leaves, 211. Collation. Title. A dedication to the king. An exhortation to the study of the holy Scripture, 2 p. The summe and con- tent of all the holv Scripture, 2 p. The names of all the bokes, &c. A briefe re- hearsall declarvnge how long the world hath endured, &c. 2 p. A Table of the prin- cipal matters, 22 p. Genesis to Solo- mon's song, fol. i.-ccxxi. Then follows on a separate leaf, ' The boke of the Pro- phetes, Esaye,' &c. Esaye to Malachy, fol. ii— Ixxxxi. ; on a separate leaf, 'The volume of the bokes called Apocripha.' Esdras, &c. folio i— Ixxv. A blank leaf. After which the title of the new Tes- tament, within an architectural compart- ment. St. Matthew, &c. fol. ii—ci. Tables of Epistles, &c. 3 leaves, not numbered; on the last is the date of m.d.xxxix. This edition has no wood cuts. In the margin are notes, references, and pointing hands; the running titles, and titles of chapters, are in Roman letters. A full page con- tains 68 lines. See Lea Wilson, no. 5. Cotton, 15. 278. Ames, by Dibdin, iii. 394-5. Bibl. Harl. no. 160. Beloe's Anecdotes, ii. 313. Dib- din's Lib. Conip. 30-1. Abp. Newcome's hist. View, 46—8. Lewis' History, 130-4. Home's Introduction, ii. appendi.x, 63 — 4. Anderson's Annals. Dr. Cotton thus briefly notices, 'Bible recognised by Richard Taverner. London, by John Bydell, for Tho. Berthelet, 1539, 4to. and an imperfect copy of the Bible, as set forth by Abp. Cranmer. Southwark, by J. Nicolson, 1539? 4to. is described in Dr. Dibdin's edition of Ames' Typographi- cal Antiquities, iii. 57-8. — ("The Great," or Ceum- ■well's). The Byble in Englyshe, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by y* dylygent study e of dyuerse excel lent "learned men, expert in the for^ sayde tonges. Prynted by Eychard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch, [Paris and Lond.], ApryU, 1539. fol Black letter, with wood cuts, printed under the correction of Coverdale and auspices of Thomas, Lord Ciuniwell, (whose ai-ms are on the Title), containing some improve- nii-nt of Matthew's translation. It is ge- uiM-ally called the Great Bible, and i.s Kup- BIB jiosed to be the same which Grafton and Whitchurch were secretly printing at Paris in 1538, when, being interrupted by the Inquisition, they finished it in London, 1539. [This edition has been styled the first edition of Cranmer's Bible, but erro- ncously]. Copies are in the British Mu- seum," Lambeth, St. Paul's, and other libra- ries, and one on vellum is in the library of St. John's Coll. Cambridge, specially printed for Lord Crumwell. Lea "Wilson's copy was fine and perfect, as is the Gren- ville copy. Sotheby (Pickering), Aug. m54, (imperfect), 121. Gardner (Lea Wil- son's copy), 12U. Collation. Title in red and black, on the reverse ' the names of all the books ;' ' Ka- lendar and almanac' (beginning 1539) four pages; 'An exhortacyon,'&c. Ipage; 'The summe and contente,'2pages; 'A Prologue,' &e., 1 page; 'A description,' &c. 2 pages; Genesis, fol. i — Ixxxiiii ; 'The second part of the Byble,' &c. in black and red, between 16 wood cuts. Joshua, &c. fol. ii — cxxiii. blank leaf. ' The thirde parte.' &c. be- tween 16 different wood cuts. Psalms to Malachi, fol. ii— cxxxiiii.; 'Tlie volume of the bookes, called Ilagiographa,' in black and red, within the same title as at the begiiming, on the reverse is an address to the reader; Esdras, &c. fol. ii— Ixxx. falsely numbered Ixi ; ' The Kewe Testa- ment,' &c. in black and red, between nine larger wood cuts; St. Matthew, &c. fol.ii — ciiii, the last two containing tables of the epistles and gospels. On the last is ' — Fy- nisshed in Apryll, anno M.cccc.xxxix.' A full page has 62 lines. The engraved title pages are said to have been designed by Hans Holbein. This edition Is readily distinguished from the six succeeding ones, by having the Holbein frontispiece to the Apocripliii, and not to the New Tes- tament; and by the several wood cuts having on each side of them a pillar or border, which were omitted in the subse- quent editions. See Lea Wilson, no. 6. Cotton, 15, 279. Bibl. Harl. i. no. 159. Ames by Dibdin, iii. 438-40. Beloe's Anecdotes, ii, 313. Bp. Tomlins's Chr. Theol. ii. 11. Abp. New- come's hist. View, 43 — 5. Lewis' History, 122 — 9. Home's Introduction ii. appen- dix, 62-3. Auderson's Annals. — (" The Geeat," or Cetjm- whI/L's). The Byble in Englyshe, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke Textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excel- lent lerned men, experte in the fore saide Tongues. Lond. by Thomas Petyt and Eoberte Eedman, for Thos. Bertliclet, Apnll, 1510. foho. BllJ Dili // |Tliis voliiiiij is a reprint or sccoml I'di- ti'jii of tliiitof April, 1539, errouconsli/ call eil tlio First of Cranmcr's.] Copies arc in the Hritisli MuBeuni, St. Paul's, Kmanuol Collef.;e Cambridge, and otlicr libraries. Cullatlon. — Titl(^, and the t'ollowinf< \n-v li.xes, viz. an almaiiacke i'or .\.\.\. ycres, :i Icalendar for the 12 months, 2 1. ; tho name,'- of tlie bokes, and contents of tliech.iptcis, and a short prologue, 1 1.; Genesis to Job, fol. i — ccxiiii. ; The Psalter of David to tlic end of the books called Hagiograplia, fol. i — COxxvij. (folio C Ltii is omitted.) The new Testament ends on fol. C.ij. then fol- lows a table, 2 I. See Lea Wilson, no. 13. Cotton, 17-280. Ames by Dibdin, lii. 233, 309-11. Oibdin's Lib. comp. 31. Lewis' History, 139-40. An- dei'son. — (Matthew). The Bible, in Five Parts or Volumes. Lend, by Rob. Redman, 1540. 16mo. Imperfect copy at St. Paul's, London. See Ames by Dibdin, iii. 235, iv. 58-9. Dr. Cot- ton, 17. Anderson, Annals. — (Ceanmee, ' The Great.') The Byble in Englyshe, — with a pro- logs thereinto, made by Thomas [Cranmer] arehbysshop of Cantor- bury. Printed by Edward Wliyt- cliurche, or R. Grafton, Apry 11, 1540. Iblio ' l'"ir,ST nniTiON OP Ceanmeu's Bibi.k.— Tlie preface is reprinted in the third vo- linne of ' The Fathers of the English Church.' A copy is in the British Mu- seum, printed on vellum, which formerly belonged to King Henry VIII., liaving been a presentation copy from Antony Marlar, a citizen of London, who bore all the expense of the six folio editions of the Bible, printed by Grafton and Whitchurch in 15-10 and 1541. See Anderson's An- nals, ii. 131, 142, 152. For other copies, see Cotton, p. 17. Collation.— TMq, with the arms of Criim- well, red and black. Kalendar and Al- manack, 4 p. An exhortacyon, 1 p. The summe and content, 2 p. A prologe, 1 p. A descripsion, 2 p. The prologe, 6 p. Karnes of the books, 2 p. In all, 10 1. Genesis to Dent, ii — Ixxxviiii. Seconde part, ii — cxxiii. Third part, ii — cxx.xiii (called 132). Hagiographa, ii — Ixxx. The Now Testament, ii^civ. A full page COU' tains 62 lines. Some copies have the name of Richai'd Grafton in place of Edward Whytchurche, bnt haveno other ditl'erence. See Lea Wilson, no. 7. — Dr. Cotton, IG. [Mr. Lea Wilson possessed five otiiei editions, printed by Grafton and Whit- church, of which he gives the collation and their variations ; also to be found in Dr. VOI-. I. Cotton's List, '2S0 4, who gives, on p. 285, a synoptical talile of the variations of the 7 folio editions between 1539 to Dec. 1541.1 — (Cranmer). The I'.yble in Englyshe, &e. (is he/ore. liychard Grafton. .Inly, 1510. folio. ' CoUiiltoii, — Title, naiiu's of the books, 1 p. ('alonilar and Aluianno, 4 p. Prologue, 6 ]i. Te.xt, pt. 1, i — Ixxxiiij. Pt. 2, ii — c^.\iij. Pt. 3, ii — cxxxij. Pt. 4, ii — Ixxx. New Testament, ii— cii. Tables of Epistles, 2 p. 62 lilies in a full page. (Ceanmee). Edwarde W'hit- chm-ch, 28 May, 1541. foUo. CoUatimi. — Title, Calendar, &c. 4 p. Pro- logue, 6 p. Text, pt. 1., i — Ixxxiiij. Pt.2, ii— cx.xiij. Pt. 3, ii— cxxxiii (for 132). Pt. 4, ii — Ixxx. New Testament, ii— ciiij (for 103). Tables of Epistles, 1 p. 62 lines in a full page. — (Cranmee). Rycharde Graf- ton. O. T title 1540, end Decem- ber, 1541. folio. Cnllntinn. — Title, names of the Books, 1 p. Calendar, 4 p. Exhortation, 1 p. Summe and content, 2 p. Prologue, 1 p. Descrip- tion, 2 p. Prologue, 6 p. Text, pt. 1, i— Ixxxiiij. Pt. 2, ii — cxxiij. Pt. 3, ii- cxxxij (for 133). Ft. 4, ii— Ixxx, New Test, ii— cij. Tables of Epistles, 2 p. 62 lines in a full page. — (Ceanmee). ' Oversene and perused by CtUhbert (Tunstal) by- skoj} of Duresrne, and Nicolas (Heath) bisshoj) of Rochester.' Ed- warde Whitchurch, O. T. title 1541, end November, 1540. folio. C«?/fi((Vwi.— Title, Calendar, &c.,4p. Pro- logue, 6 p. Text, pt. 1, i— Ixxij. Pt. 2, ii — cviij. Pt. 3, ii— cxvi. Pt. 4, ii— lxxij.(for 70). New Test. ii.— X cij. (for 93). Tablesof Epistles, 1 p. 65 lines in a full page. Sothe- by, 1857, 90?. Wanting Kal. .and Prol. Ul. — (Ceanmee). Edwarde Wliit- ch'.u-ch. November, 1541. foUo. {Same title as Nov. 15-10, hut a distinct edi- tion). See Cotton, 284. 6'oZ?aa;,'C lliKt. p. ISJ. contains .-sa lin..s, occasionally .54. | _ (CoVEEDALE). The whole Sue Lea Wilson, no. 14. Cotton, 21- t>..i i /., .if ,, , i . i • . t, 287. Bibl. Harl. no. 108. Ames, by Dib- ^> °f^ laythfully translated into Ln- din, iii. 570. Dibdin's Lib. Coiiip. 32. Lewis' glyshe, by Myles Covcrdalo, and Hi.story. 180-1. Anderson's Annals. iiewlv over.sone'and foriTfte. M D L — (Tateener). The Bible, in'pr^Qted for Andrewe Hester (Zu- Fivc Parts or Volumes. Lond. hy y[^,\^^ Froschover) 16 Aug. 1550. 4to. Jhon Day and Wylliam Seres, 151-9. ) In Skipton'sTraveLs, amonK tbe Chnrch- 16mO. (ill Collection, vol. vl. 462, this edition Is This edition is thus divided: 1. Tl,e'*'''J'<' *" I'e 'printed at Zurich, by Christo- Pentateuch. 2. The Boke of .Josua to the p'"'"" I' orsliower, 16 August, 1550.' Dr. Cot- Boke of Iliob. 3. 'i'lie Psalter— The Hoke *"" observes that' perhaps the preliminary oftheProphetMalachi. 4. TlieHokes called P'Rces were printed in London: but the the Apocrypha— The thvrd Ik.oke of tlie "°"y "' *''« '•'■^^'^ >s unquestionably of fo- Machabees. fl'be first translation of that '"•^'"" typography.' [Mr. Anderson has book in English.) 5. The new Testament.! 1"?^'"' l'>e place where this book was Each part has a title pape and a colophon. jP""'*'") »y adducing a copy preserved iu See Ames, by Dibdin. iv. OS-9. The second "'*' I'nblic Library at Znricli. which bears and fourth part Williams, 194, morocco, 71. 2s. 6d. Part 2. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 223, Zl. 13s. 6d. There exists doubts as to whether more than one edition of thisBible was printed in parts, in r2mo. — no perfect set being known to exist. Mr. Wilson has examined a copy of vol. 1, containing the Pentateuch, dated 1551, and from which be reprinted tlie pre- face. (List,p. 131*.) He possessed vols. 2 and tlie title page, 'Imprinted at Zu- rich, bey Christuplier Froschover,' in the printers' autograph]. HoUis, 1S3, title MS. morocco, 9Z. 5s. Kniglit, 1847, (title MS. and short) 30/. Puttick, 1852, (title to Almk. Calendar, and Tables wanting), 312. Sotheby (Gardner), 18.54. (Lea Wilson's copy), 38^. Sotheby (Stevens), Aug. 1857. Preliminary pieces, fac-simile, 28/. 10s. CoUation. Title, witliiu an architectural 4,datedl549; ( 17, and pp. 129'aud:''"™P'»!'tment; 'The bokes of the hole 130')— also vol. 3, dated 1550. Parts 2 and , "y ole, 1 P^ge ; dedication to King Edward 4 are in the British Museum. Part 4 is in: ^,f-. ^ pages; ' Myles Coverdal* to the the Bodleian, and at Lambeth. The Duke I p''"*"^™ reader,' 5 pages; almanac for of Sussex, pts. 2 and 4. toui-teen years, beginning 1550, and calen- Dr. Cotton, p. 21; he also notices two''J*l'"' ^ pages. Genesis to ii. Maccabees, other editions of the Bible in 1549, 4to. one!™'- >— ccccvciv; St. Matthew, &c. fol. i— printed for John Cawood, the other by ^^.^^ ! Tables, 3 leaves, not numbered. Kichard Grafton. A copy of the latter is in the Baptist Museum, Bristol. — (Ceaj^thee). The Bible in En glishe, accordinge to the translacion that is appointed to be rede in the Churches. Prynted by Ed. Whyt churche, 1550. 4to, The Apocrypha begins on fol. cccc. and a full page contains 50 lines. See Lea AVilsou, no. 19. Cotton, p. 23- 289. Ames by Dibdin, iii. 535-6. Lewis' History, 182-3. Anders contents of this useful compilation are comprised in three particu- lars, viz. 1. The Chronology, in which Dr. Blayney is followed, his being deemed the best fitted for general utility. 2. The Various Readings, in the giving of which great care has been bestowed. And 3. The BIB BIB 199 Scripture References— a laborious compila- tion of lialf a million of scriiituro refer- ences, chiefly from Canno, Brown, Scott, Dr. Blayney, and the Latin Vulgate, and otiier Writers, who have devoted tlieir ser- vices to this useful mode of illustrating the Scriptures.' An edition of the Scripture Harmony is printed in 4to. 1?. 4s. royal 8vo. 11. 4s. or with the text on opposite pages, 1?. 16s. — Au Index to the Bible, in wliich tlie subjects are alphabetically arranged This very useful index, by some attri- buted to the Rev. Mr. Simeon, is printed in 8 forms, viz. royal 4to. 2s. Demy 4to. 2s. Royal 8vo. 2s. Demy 8vo. 2s. Fools- cap 8vo. Is. 6d. Demv 12nio. ls.6d. l^oval 18mo. Is. 6d. Small size 24mo. Is 6d. the first edition appeared in 1811. — Reasons why a new Translation of the Bible should be published. 1819. 8vo. Of no great value. — Scripture Atlas. 4to. This atlas, published by Mr. Leigh, is, according to Mr. Home, 'executed in a superiorstyle,and has had a very extensive sale. Mr. Wyld's Scripture Atlas (30 cold, maps) is a neat publication.' 10s. 6d. — The Bible, in various Foreign Languages. Those marked * were printed for the Fo- reiyn and British Bihle Society. *Amharic, 4to. *Arabic,8vo. 'Chinese. 'Danish, 8vo. 'Dutch, 8vo. *French,24mo. sm. 8vo., royal 8vo. Bagster, (J. F. Oster- vald), 9s. An edition, 1819, royal 24nio. 'German, 24mo. 18mo. and 8vo. Bagster (Luther), 9s. Greek, Septuagint. Bngs-'er. bmall8vo.9s. 'Greek, modern, 8vo. He- biew, 12mo.and8vo. Bagster, MiiallSvo. 18s. 'Italian (Diodati), 24mo. 16mo. and 8vo. Bagster (Diodati), small 8vo. 9s. Latin. Bagster (Vulgate), small Svo. 9s. Malay, in Roman Cliaracter, 8vo. 'Persian, Svo. "Portuguese (Pereira), 8vo. (D'Almeida)Svo. Bagster, small Svo. 9s. 'Raratongan, Svo. 'Spanish, Svo. and 12mo. Bagster. (Philipe Sciode S.Miguel). small 8vo. 9s. 'Swedish, 24mo. andSvo. 'Syriac, small 4to. »Ta- hitian, Svo. 'Turkish, 4to.; an edition by Wra. Seaman. Oxford, 1666. 4to. For other versions printed at the expense of the society abroad and by affiliated insti- tutions, see the Reports and brief A'iews, published by the British and Foreign Bible Society. — The Images of the Old Testa- ment, lately expressed, set fortlie in Ynglishe and Frenche, with a playn and brief Expor^ition. Ljoiis by Johan Frellon, 1549. small 4lo. The cuts are from the designs of Holbein. A copy is in tlie Hritish Museum. Oor- donstoun, 1264, morocco, 2Z. 3s. — Tcones Veteris Testament!. Il- lustrations of the Old Testament, engraved on wood from designs by Holbein, with introduction by T. F. Dibdin. Pickering, 1830. 90 cuts by John and Mary Byfield. — The true and lyuely historyke Pvrtreatvres of the woll Bible (with the Arguments of eche Figure, translated into Enghsh Metre by Peter Derendel). Lyons by Jean of Tournes, 1553. Svo. One hundred and four leaves, with wood- cut.? by ISeinard Salomon (le Petit Ber- nard). A collection of well-finished wood cuts, witli four lines to each in explanation of the subjoet, written in a barbarous and almost unintelligible jargon. White Knights, 453, morocco, bl. 5s. Bindley, pt. iii. 154-',G?.()S. Rogers, 1856, vellum, 3?. 159. — A volume of Plates to the Bible, with Descriptions by Slatyer. 4to. Bindley, pt. iv. 150, \l. 53. — 8' ries of Engravings from Scripture. Are to be sould by R. Peake. Bindley, pt. ii. 1221, with MS. English verses opposite to each plate, 1^ 13s. — Pictures of the Old and New Testaments, shewing the most no- table Histories, in 150 Copper plates, by most famous and princi- pal Masters. The text in French and Enghsh. Amsterdam, 4to. — Scriptm-e illustrated by En- gravings referrmg to Natural Sci- ence, Customs, Manners, &c. By the editor of Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible. (C. Taylor), 1802. 4to. ' Many otherwise obscure passages of the Bihle are in this work happily elucidated from natural science, &c. Though it does not profess to be a complete natural history of the Scriptures, yet it illustrates that in- teresting subject in very many instances.' — Home. — A Series of Eighty-one De- 200 BIB BIB signs, by Thurston and Craig, en- graved on wood by Bewick. Lond. 1810. royal 4to. — A Set of Engravings, from the Designs of Corbould and Eiley, adapted to illustrate the Old and New Testaments. Loud. 1818. royal 4to. 11. Is. — Scripture Costume exhibited in a Series of Engravings, di-awn imder the Superintendance of Ben- jamin West, P.E.A. by E. Satch- well, with biogi-apliical Sketches and historical Remarks on the Man- ners and Customs of eastern Na- tions. Lond. 1819. elephant 4to. — Sixty Illustrations and Em- bellishments of the Holy Scriptures, fr-om siiperior designs by eminent Masters, engraved in outUne and tinted, with Descriptions in French and Enghsh. Lond. 1824. 12mo. 7s. 6d. Published by Bagster. Bible Society. — Twenty -three Re- ports of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Lond. 1805-7. 8vo. ■ — Memorial for the Bible So- cieties in Scotland : containing Re- marks on the Complaint of his Ma- jesty's Printers against the Marquis of Himtley and others. With an Appendix, consisting of many ori- ginal Papers. Edinbixrgh, 1824. 8vo. 12s. Contains pp. xxxii. 256 & 96. The sale of this book, written by Dr. Lee, was pro- hibited by the Court of Session in Scotl.and. In it will be found much curious biblio- f^aphical information relating to the early literature of Scotland. BiBLiANDER, Thcod. Cousidta- tion, by what Meanes the crueU power of the Turks both maye and ought for to be repelled of the Christian People [translated from the Latin]. BasiU, 1542. 16mo. P-lack letter. Contains V in eights. White Knights, pt. i. 457. lis. A copy of the date of 1513? is in the British Mu- seum. Bibliographical Dictionary and Miscellany. See Clarke, Adam, LL.D. Bibliographical Memoranda ; in Illustration of old English Litera- ture. Bristol, 1816. 4to. One hundred copies printed. Edited by J. Fry. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1195, 1?. 8s. Strettell, 1018, U. 5s. Bibliographical Miscellanies ; be- ing a Selection of curious Pieces in Verse and Prose. Oxf 1813. 4to. One hundred copies printed. Edited by Philip Bliss, D.D. Nassau, pt. i. 414, 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 742, 10s. 6d. Bibhosophia ; or Book Wisdom. Lond. 1810. 12mo. An anonymous and vapid attempt at wit, by the Rev. James Beresford. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 221, 2s. Strettell, 120, 6s. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica ; or. a descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of early English Poetry, in the pos- session of Longman and Co. illus- trated by occasional Extracts and Remarks critical and bibhographi- cal, compiled by A. F. Griffiths. Lond. 1805. royal 8vo. This extremely nsefnl catalogue of the rare and curious collection, made by T. Park, and added to by Tho. Hill, is deserv- ing of a place in every good libraiy, from the interesting information which it affords of the works of our early poets. Nassau, pt. i. 2052, 11. 5s. Sir M. M. Svkes, pt. iii. 750, 1?. 13s. Brockett, 313, 11. 9s.— laeqe PAPER. (50 printed.) Nassau, pt. i. 2053, 31. 5s. Dent, pt. i. 1350, russia. II. 16s. — Annua, or the Annual Cata- logue for 1699, &c. Lond. 1700-1. 4to. 3 Nos. A copy of Nos. 1 and 3 is in the British Museum. — BibUca. See Parkee, Samupl. — Fanatica ; or the Phanatique Library. 1660. 4to. Contains pp. 8. A ridiculous attack on the republicans and commonwealth men, reprinted in the eighth volume of the Har- leian Miscellany. — Litteraria ; a Collection of In- scriptions, Medals, Dissertations, &c. Lond. 1722-4. 4to. 10 nos. in 1 vol. 10s. 6d. A very valuable literary journal publish- ed by I)r Jebb, Mr. Wasse, Dr. Wotton, BIS BIC 201 Dr. Jortin, Dr. Pearce, and others. Brock- otf, 491, 14s. Bibliotheca Milituin ; or, the Souldiers Publick Library. Lond. 1659. 7s. Contains pp. 6. A cutting satire against tlic republicans, reprinted in tlie .seventli volume of the llarleiiin Miscellany, and in the fiftli number of Morgan's Phoenix Uri- tannicus. — Parliamenti ; Libri Theologi, Politici, Historici, qui prostant vc- nales in Vico vvUgo vocato Little- Britain. Done into English for the Assembly of Divines. Anno Do- mini, 1653. 8vo. 6s. Contains pp. 12. A bold and pertinent attack on the hjpocritical leaders during the time of the commonwealth. Reprinted in the seventh volume of the Somers' Col- lection of Tracts. — Parliamenti : Classis secunda. Done into English for the Assembly of Divines. Anno Domini, 1653. 4to. A copy of this and the former tract are in the British Museum. — Regia. See Chaeles I. — Topographica Britannica. •S'ee Nichols, John. — Universalis, oi" an historical Accompt of Books, and Transac- tions of the learn d World, begun A.D. M.DC.LXXXViii. Edinburgh, 1688. ISmo. A copy is in the British Museum. Bibliotheque Angloise, ou His- toire Litteraire de la Grande Bre- tagne. Amst. 1717-27. 18mo. 15 vols. 11. Is. A species of review edited by Michael de la Roche and Arnaud de la Chapelle — Angloise, Nouvelle, par M. de Joncourt. A la Haye, 1756-7. 12mo. 3 vols. 5s. — Britannique, ou Histoire des Ouvrages des Savans de la Grande Bretagne, 1733-46, avec la Table. A la Haye, 1733, &c. 12mo. 25 vols. 11. Is. — Britannique, redigee par Au- Euste Pictet et F. G. Mam-ice. Geneve, 1796-1845. 8vo. 140 vols. Tables jusqu'en 1815. 4 vols. Each year of this journal is divided into 7 vols. viz. Litt^rature, 3 vols. ; Scienceset Arts, 3 vols. ; Agriculture, 1 vol. BiCiTAT, Xavier. Physiological Researches on Life and Dcatli, translated from the French, by P. Gold. Lond. 1815. 8vo. 99. The works of this celebrated French phy- sician are much esteemed. BiCKEESTAFF, Isaac. /. e. Sir Richard Steele. BiCKEESTETH, Rev. Edward. Scripture Help, designed to assist in reading the Bible profitably. Tenth Edition. Lond. 1823. 8vo. ' A practical introduction to the reading ofthe Scriptures,frequentlyreprinted. The sale of upwards of 15,000 copies ofthe large editions, and of more than 100,000 copies of the 18mo. abridgment, sufliciently attest the high estimation in which this manual is deservedly held.' — Horw-. This excellent author has published many other works, a list of which will be found in the London Catalogue. BiCKHAM, George. First Princi- ples of Heraldry. Lond. (1742) 8vo. A work of no value, consisting of pp. 12. The title as well as the whole book is en graved. — Universal Penman. Lond. 1743. folio. A neatly engraved work, with numerous head and tail pieces. Bindley, pt. i. 586, 17s. 6d. — British Monarchy, or a new chorographical Description of all the Dominions subject to the King of Great Britain. Lond. 1748. folio. 15s. Consisting of 190 plates. Nassau, pt. i. 440, U. 13s. Dent, pt. i. 334, date 1734, russia, 21. — Delicia; Britannicte ; or, the Curiosities of Kensington, Hamp- ton Coui't, and Windsor Castle de- Uueated. The second edition, with additions. Lond. 1742. 12mo. Contains pp. viii. and 184 (B— N4), with 9 plates. — Musical Entertainer, a Collec- tion of Songs set to Music, with en- graved Head pieces. 2 vols, folio. The engraved head-pieces consist of hu- 202 BID lllG morous, fanciful, and local views. Sothe- by's in 1825, 2?. 2s. BiCKNELL, Alexander. Life of Alfred the Great, Kmg of the An- glo-Saxons. Lond. 1777. 8vo. 5s. Edwards, 39, 7s. — Histoiy of Edward the Black Prince, with a short Yiew of the Reigns of Edward I. II. and III. and a summary Account of the In- stitution of the Order of the Gar- ter. Lond. 1777. 8vo. with Por- trait of the Black Prince, 5s. This writPr published several other his- torical compilations, of little value, and less reputation. Bick:noll, Edmund. Swoorde against Swaryng. Lond. for Wil- liam Towi-eolde. 8vo. Black letter. Inglis, 89, 9s. 6d. BiDDLE, John. Confession of Faith, touching the Holy Trinity, accoi'ding to Scripture. Lond. 1658. Svo. A life of this celebrated Socinian writer, with a list of his works, will be found in Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. iii. 593— G03. — Joannis Bidclli Vita. Lond. 1682. 12mo. 'The author was, as I have been informed, one Joh. Farrington, J. C. T. of the Inner Temple.'— Ant. a Wood. BiDDULPH, Rev. Thomas T. Bap- tism a Seal of the Cliristian Cove- nant ; or Remarks on Dr. Mant's Tract on Regeneration. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Contains pp. 255. A notice of this work will be found in the Quarterly Review, xv. 475—511. — Practical Essays on the Li- turgy of the Church of England. Lond. 1822. Svo. 3 vols. 1/. 5s. .4ccordin.^ to the Quarterly Review, ' These Essays have been read with plea- sure and improvement, by many, whose opinions do not altogether accord with those of Mr. Biddulph.' The former editions 1799, 12mo. 5 vols. 1810, Svo. 3 vols. — Divine Influence ; or the ope- ration of the Holy Spirit traced from the Creation of Man to the Consummation of all things. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Contains pp. 263. According to tha Quarterly Ueview,this essay is principally taken from Dr. Vices. Knox's Christian Philosophy. — Theology of the early Patri- archs, illustrated by an Appeal to subsequent Parts of the Holy Scrip- tiu-es. Bristol, 1825. Svo. 2 vols. 1^. Is. — William. Vide Lavender, (T.) BiDLAKE, Jolin, D.D. Sennons on various Subjects. Lond. 1808. Svo. 3 vols. 18s. Dr. Bidlake published several very pleas- g volumes of poems, which are recom- mended by Dr. N. Drake. BiDPAl. Kalila and Dimna, or the Fables of Bidpai, translated from the Arabic, by Knatchbull. Ox- ford, 1819. Svo. 10s. 6d. BiELEELD, Baron de. Elements of universal Erudition, containing an analytical Abridgment of the Sci- ences, Polite Arts, ahd BeUes Let- tres, translated from the German by WilUam Hooper, M.D. Lond. 1770. 8vo. 3 vols. 9s. Dr. Hooper translated Letters contain- ing original Anecdotes of the Prussian Court, 1761-70. 12mo. 4 vols. 7s. 6d. Bienville, T. de, M.D. Nym- phomania ; or a Dissertation on the Furor Uterinus, &c. translated from the French, bv E. S. Wilmot, M.D. Lond. 1775. 8vo. 5s. BiESTON, Roger. Bayte and Snare of Fortime. Lond. by John Wayland, foho. Black letter. Sometimes found attached to ' Lydgate's Siege of Troy.' Contains 10 leaves. Written in the oc- tave stanza. On the last leaf is an acrostic of the author's name Rogervs Bieston. Inglis, 200, 17s, Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 617, 31. 10s. BiGELOW, Dr. American Medical Botany. Boston, 1817. royal Svo. 3 vols. (6 parts) ,with 60 coloured plates. BiGLAND, John. Geographical and Historical View of the World. Lond. 1810. Svo. 5 vols. Published at 3/. 13s. 6d. BIL 203 A highly iiset'ul work for juvenile stu- dents. This writer likewise published His- tory of Spain, 1810, 8vo. 2 vols. Sketch of the History of Europe, 1783—1810, 1811, Svo. 2 vols. History of England, 1815, 8vo. 2 vols, and various other works. — Ealpli. Observations on Mar- riages, Baptisms and Burials, as preserved in Parochial Registers. Lond. 1764. 4to. 58. Contains pp. Ofi. A very curious book, containing much valuable information for the genealogist. — Historical, monumental, and genealogical Collections, relative to the County of Gloucester. Lond. 1791-2. folio. 2 vols. 3^. 3s. Tliis work is not completed. Bindley, pt. i. 378, 6?. 5s. Vol. i —Title; half sheet, with a quota- tion from Warton; dedication to the Duke of Norfolk; preface, 2 pages ; history, &c. 631 pages ; and directions for placing the 23 detached plates in vol. i. "Vol. ii. — Title ; quotation as in vol. 1. ; history, 252 pages, ending with the catchwords ' clxx.xi. Newington.' In this volume, consisting of ten numbers, there are 11 detached plates. [As this work was never completed, and the 'City of Gloucester' is one of its de- flciciices, it is desirable to add 'Fosbrooke's City of Gloucester,' which was compiled from Biglaud's papers and printed in folio for the express purpose. Sen Fosbrooke.] BiGOD or Btgod, Su' Francis. Treatise concerning Impropriation of Benefices. Lond. 1571. 4to. ' Written after the breach which K. Henry 8 made with the Pope, his marriage with Anne Bolleyn, and the birth of Q. Elizabeth, as 'tis conjectured by circum- stances. The epistle, dedicated to K. Henry 8, is reprinted at the end of Sir Henry Spelman's work on Tithes.'— ^«<. a Wood. Bija Gannita. Set Steachey, Edward. Bijou, The, or Annual of Litera- ture and the Arts, 12mo. 2 vols. Lond. 1828-30. 12s. each, with the engravings oil India paper, \l. Is. Those volumes are embellished with En- gravings after Sir Thomas Lawrence, P. K. A. Stothard, Wilkie, and others. They contain translations of two letters of Cicero, one by his Majesty, and the otlier by the late Duke of York — also an interest- ing letter by Sir Walter Scott, Bart., de- scriptive of a family picture by Wilkie. Bill, Anna. Mirror of Mo- destie. Lond. 1621. 8vo. Pi-efixed is a portrait of krm Bill, with ornaments of Music, &c. Then follows ' Monument of Mortalitie, with front, by S. Pass. Mirror of Modestie, with portraitof Anna Bill, 1621. Vaile of Modesty, Verses to the Memory of Anna Bill, with the plate 1621.' Bindley, pt. ii. 1719, 3?. 16s. Billings, Joseph. See Sauer, Martin. — Peter. Folly predominant, or the Town taken in with the palpable Deceptions and frothy Orations of fom* public Orators, three of which suddenly springing up like Mush- roontp, must as soon decay. Lond. 1755. foho. A very uncommon tract, with portraits of Henley, Foote, Macklin, and Stevens. Reed, 904, \l. 4s. BiLLiNGSLET, Martin. Pens Ex- ceUencie, or the Secretary's Dehght. Lond. 1618. 4to. with portrait by W. Hole, 7s. This writer likewise published a Copy Book, 4to. with portrait, ' ajt. 27, 1623,' by J. Goddard. BiLLiNGSLY, Nicholas. Brachy- Martyrologia : or a Breviary of all the greatest Persecutions which have befallen the Saints and People of God from the Creation to our pre- sent times ; paraphrased (in verse). Lond. 1657. 8vo. Contains pp. 228. Dedicated to Jeremy Martin, M.D. A notice of this work wiU be found in the Restituta, iv. 454-7. Bind- ley, pt. i. 449, 11. lis. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 52, iU. 3s. Nassau, pt. i. 250, Zl. 3s. Midgley, 2?. 18s. Perry, 'II. — KOSMOBPEIA, or the In- fancy of the World. Lond. 1658. 8vo. Contains pp. 206. Dedicated to Francis Rous. A notice of the work will be found in the Brit. Bibl. ii. 643-6, and Restituta iv 458-62. Bindley, pt. i. 448, 2/. 7s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 53, 3«. 33. Midgley, 22. 16s. Perry, 11. 8s. — IVeasurv of Divine Raptures. Lond. 1667. 8vo. This little work consisting of pp. 240, was intended as the first portion of an ex- tensive alphabetical collection, but no more ever appeared. Nassau, pt. i. 351, russia, U. 13s. Bibl. Anglo.-Poet. 54, Zl. 10s. Midgley, 21. Zc. 204 BIL BiLiiNGTON, Mrs. Memoii's of Mrs. Billington, from her Birth. Lond. 1792. 8vo. with a portrait, a small oval, by A. v. Assen. 10s. 6d. An infamous' attack on this celebrated vocalist, published with a view, it is sup- posed, of extorting money. Perry, pt. iv. 533, 13s. An answer, with the life and ad- ventures of Richard Daly, Esq. and an account of the Irish Tlieatre, appeared in 1792, 8vo. Bills of MortaUty.— Collection of the yearly Bills of" MortaUty, with Graunt's Obsei-rations. Su" W. Petty on the Growth of the City of London. Corbyn Morris on the past Growth and present State of the City of London. Lond. 1759. 4to. Edited by Birch. D.D In XCm appeared ' Reflections on the Weekly Bills of Mortality, for the Cities of Loudon and Westminster-,' 4to. in 24 leaves. BiLLTNS, Wm. Five Wounds of Christ, a Poem from an ancient Parchment Roll. Published by W. Bateman. Manchester, 1814. 4to. Black letter, with fac-similes. Forty copies printed. Saunders in 1818, with a duplicate set of the ijlates in colours, mo- rocco, 3^. 5s. BiLSON, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester. Difference betweeue Christian Subiection and vnchris- tian RebeUion. Oxford, 1585. 4to. 9s. Reprinted Lond. 1586, 16mo. Certain Observations collected out of this treatise, 1641, will be foiinrt reprinted in the fourth volume of the Soniers' Collection of Tracts. — Perpetval Government of Christes Church. Lond. 1593. 4to. 58. Black letter, contains pp. 414. Reprinted 1610, 4to. A Latin translation appeared 1611. 4to. — Treatise of the Sufferings and Victory of Christ in the Worke of our Redemption. Lond. 1598. 8vo. 5s. 'These sermons preached at Paul's Cross made great alarms among the puritanical brethren.' — Ant. a Wood. This eminent divine likewise published ' A Survey of Christ's Sufferings and Descent into Hell.' Lond. 1604. folio. Gordonstoun, 141. 6s. 6d Bilson. — The Boy of Bilson. See FowLES, Susanna. Pehry, William. BIN BiNET, F. Stephen. Lives aaid singular Virtues of the Saints, Ele- azar Count of Safran, and Delphina, his wife ; both Virgins and married. Lond. 1630. 8vo. BiNFiELD, William. Travels and Adventm-es, with an accurate Ac- count of the Dog-Bird. Lond. 1753. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. BiNGnAJi, Jos. A.M. Works, containing the Origines Ecclesias- ticse, or Antiquities of the Cliristian Chm-ch ; a Scholastical History of Lay Baptism ; the French Chui'ches' Apology for the Church of Eng- land ; a Discom'se concerning the Mercy of God to penitent Sinners. Lond. 1726. foho. 2 vols. An invaluable treasure of Christian anti- quities. Gosset, 788, U. 15s. Bp. of Ely, 231, i;. 16s. — Origines Ecclesiasticse ; or the ^Antiquities of the Christian Church. Lond. 1710-22. 8vo. 10 vols. A Latin edition was published at Halle, 1724-9, in 10 vols. 4to. with a preface by the learned Budteus. An abridgment of this work, by A. Blackmore. Lond. 1722. 8vo. 2 vols. Ss. — Origines Ecclesiasticse. Edited by his grandson, the Rev. Rd. Bing- ham. Lond. 1829. 8 vols. 8vo. New edition, with his other works ; an account of the author, by the Rev. Rd. Bingham, and the quotations at length in the original languages, and index. Edited by the Rev. J. R. Pitman. Loud. 1810. 9 vols. 8vo. 61. 8s. 1855, 10 vols. 8vo. bl. 5s. An edition, 2 vols, imperial Svo. Bohn, i;. lis. 6d. ' Bingham is a writer who does equal honour to the English clergy, and to the English nation, and whose learning is only to be equalled by his moderation and im- partiality.' — Quarterly Review. — P. Reports in the Court of Common Pleas, from Trinity Term 3 Geo. IV. 1822, to Trin. Term, 4 Will. IV. Lond. 1824-1834. royal 8vo. 10 vcfls. 21. 5s. New cases in the Common Pleas and other Courts, Trin. T. 4 Will. IV. to Mich. T. 4 Vict. 1840. roy. 8vo. 6 vols. 2?. BiNGLEY, Rev. Wm. Tour roimd North Wales. Lond. 1800. BIO BTO 205 8vo. 2 vols, with views in aquatinta Drury, 797, 21. 9s. Brockett, 288, 2!. .3s. hv Altpii Duke of York, 2700, 31. 3s. Sir M. M. •'f .1 ■ WW I Sykes, pt. i. G118, 3i. 15s. Steeveiis, 1802, lu th.swoi-k the languaKe, manners, cus-U.7g'6d. Roscoe, 271, 5/. 5s. Edward. toms antiquities, and botany are parti- 37 rus.sia, 61. A portion of a sixtli volume R!lr,nL''"*'w^> %'" t'IIIm!!!^ T» "^' (t'eatley to Foster) was prtnted, of whicli, ''"""' ° "'""" "" " ■' jj. j^ said, only two copies exist. Biographia Classica. A new Edi- Bindley, pt. i. 482, 13s. Towneley, pt. ii. 37, 9s. Fontliill, 2192, 21. 2s. Anotlier edition, 1804. 8vo. 2 vols. Towneley, pt. ii. 38, 12s. — Animal Biography, or Anec- dotes of the Animal Creation ; ar- ranged according to the System of Linnaeus. Lond. 1803. Svo. 3 vols. 15s. One of the most entertaining books in the English language, frequently re- printed. — Memoirs of British Quadru- peds. Lond. 1809. 8vo. 2 vols, with 70 plates. At the sale of Nassau's library, pt. i. 253, a copy on large paper, with coloured plates, produced 1^. lis. 6d. This author has published several other works. Binning, Hugh. Works; viz. Sermons on the Catechism, &c. Edinb. 1735. 4to. 8s. Best edition. Williams, 233, 11. 3s. BiOCHiMO, — . Eoyall Game of Chesse Play, illustrated with almost an hundred Grambetts. Lond. 1656 12mo. with portrait of Charles I. by Stent. A translation of Greco, by Dr. Budden Nassan, pt. 1. 132, no portrait, 13s. Stan- ley, 91, 11. 7s. White Knights, 463, uior. 11. 7s. Biographia Britanniea : or the Lives of the most eminent Persons of Great Britain and Ireland. Lona. 1747-66. foho, 7 vols. vol. 6 being in two parts. An indispensable work in every English historical libraiy. Steevens, 1801, 71. 10s. Bindley, pt. i. 376, 81. 12s. Dent, pt. i. 338, mssia, 71. 10s. Heath. 1524, 101. HoUis, 234, lOMOs. Brockett,287, russia, Marquis of Townshend, 412, 12Z. 5s. Ed- wards, 36, mssia, 171. large paper — Stanley, 52, 271. 16s. 6d. Roxburghe, 9277, 231. — enlarged by Andrew Kippis, D.D. and others. Lond. 1777-93. foho. Vols. 1 to 5. An exceedingly valuable work, which it is necessary to possess, as well as the former edition. Bindley, pt. i. 377, 2Z. 9s tion corrected and enlarged by Ed- ward Harwood, D.D. Lond. 1778. 12mo. 2 vols. Nassau, pt. i. 256, 15s. A former edition appeared 1740. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. Biographia Ecclesiastica ; or, the Lives of the most eminent Fathers of the Christian Chm-ch. Lond. 1704. 8vo. 2 vols. 9s. Williams, 2,53, 11. 16s. Biographia Gallica ; or, the Lives of the eminent French Writers of both Sexes, from the Restoration of Learning under Francis I. to the present Time. Lond. 1752. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. An entertaining collection of anecdotes (not lives) relating to most of the noted writers of the French nation. Biographical Collections ; or. Lives and Characters, from the Works of the Bev. Mr. Baxter and Dr. Bates ; with various Additions interspersed. Together with Ab- stracts of their Funeral Sermons. Lond. 1767. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. Memoirs of a considerable number of eminent divines (chiefly among the puri- tans) of the last age. Biographical Dictionary, A new and general. Lond. 1798. 8vo. 15 vols. Steevens, 1595, il. White Kuiglits, pt. i. 464, russia, 51. 5s. An edition 1784, Svo. 12 vols. 11. 16s. — See Chalmers, Alexander. 1 iiographical Dictionaiy of the Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. (A to C by Win. Up- cott, tlie remainder by Fred. Sho- berl.) Lond. 1816. Svo. 6s. As .accurate a list of the works of the authors living in 1816, as could possibly be compiled. Biographical Magazine, or his- torical Library. Lond. 1776. 4to. with portraits. Nassau, pt. ii. 1,560, 11. 6s. Another 206 BIO BIR work, entitk-d Biographical Magazine, containing 140 portraits, 1791, 8vo. Sothe- by's in 1825. 15s. Biographical Magazine, containing Portraits, with Lives and Characters of eminent Persons, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Tvventv-four Nos. complete. Brockett, 318, 11. 16,s. Biographical Mirrovir. See Haed- tXG. Biographic Modeme : Lives of •emarkable Characters during the French Revolution. Lond. 1811. Svo. 3 vols. 12s. Two editions of this work, one in 1801, the othei- with alterations, &c. in 1806, were published at Paris, but immediately suppressed. This is a translation of the edition of 1806. Earl of Kerr)-, 74, U. 6s. Biogi'aphium Fceniineum ; the Fe- male Wortliies. Lond. 1766. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. Biography. — Contemporary Bio- graphy. Lond. 1824. 3 vols, post Svo. with 150 engraved portraits, 21. 2s. BiON. Bionis et Moschi quse supersimt, Crr. et Lat. ciun Notis Jo. Heskin. Oxon. 1748. 8vo. 4s. A very elegant and correct edition. Heath, 3458, 7s. 6d. Williams, 254, mor. 11. Is. BiON, Nic. Construction and Uses of Mathematical Instruments, by Edm. Stone. Lond. 1758. foUo, 183. A very excellent and esteemed work. The .second Edition contains au Appendix, which makes it greatly preferable to that of 1723, folio. Bio>'Di, Gio. Franc. Storia della Gruerre civih d'Inghilterra. Yenezia, 1637, 41, 47. 4to. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. — History of the civill Warres of England, betweene the Houses of Lancaster and Yorke, enghshed by Henry, Earl of Monmouth. Lond. 16 il-6. folio, 2 parts in 1 vol. with fi-ont. by Elstracke. lOs- 6d. An 'elegant history.' — Bp. Nicolsmi. — Eromena, or Love and Revenge, englished by John Hayward. Lond. 1632. folio.' Gordonstoun, 316, 7s. 6d. — Banished Yirgin, englished by John Hayward. Lond. 1635. folio. Gordonstoun, 317, 5s. Bindley, pt. i. 396, new Romance. — Coralbo, a Lond. 1655. folio. Prefi.xed is a portrait of the Duke of Newcastle on horseback. Sotheby's in Bionis et Moschi Idvllia, GrJ December, 1822, lOs. 6d iUustrabat et emendabat Gilbertus Wakefield. Lond. 1795. Svo. A beautiful and correct edition, printed without accents, fc. 8vo. demy 8vo. and royal 8vo. large paper in 4to. Drury, 462, mor. 15s. 6d. Sir M. M. Svkes, pt. i. 230, 11. Williams, 255, mor. V. 7s. Brock- ett, 494, morocco, 11. lis. 6d. Birch, Thomas, D.D. Life of the Hon. Robert Boyle. Lond. 1741. Svo. 5s. Reprinted 1744, of which a copy, with MS. notes by the author, is in the Britisli Museum. Edition 1714, Bindlev, pt. i. 423, 7s. Heads of illustrious Persons — Bionis, Moschi ct 'I'yrtsei qure of Great liritain, engraven by Hou- supersunt, Gr. et Lat. Edinb. 1807. braken and Yertue, with their Lives ISmo. and Characters, by Thomas Birch. A beautifully printed edition, -^^.^^^ 1743-52. foHo, 2 vols. — The IdyUia, and other Poems that are extant of Bion and Mos- chus ; transl. from the Greek into English verse. To which are added a few other Translations, witli Notes I'ritical and explanatory. 12mo. 6s. 6d. For other editions and tran.slation.s of Bion see Anaciieos, Mt;s,T,fS, Poelps Mi- noresGrajci, Thkocritits. Vol. i. pp. 160, with title and contents, 2 leaves, and 80 portraits, of which 71 are by Houbraken. Vol. ii. pp. 56, with title and contents, 2 leaves, and 28 portraits, of which 23 are by Houbraken. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1533, SI. 8s. large paper, (200 copies struck off, 100 befoie, 100 after the small paper copies.) Dent, pt. i.340, russia, m. Konthill. 1484, 181. 18s. Rox- burghe, 9282, 25/. 4s. Nassau, pt. i. 1964, russia, 'IGl. 153.6d. Edwards, 47. russia. 27/. 6.S. Heath, 1526. 34?. 1.3s. An edition, UIU 207 with retouched impressions of the plates, appeared 1813, on small and large paper Birch (T.) Inquiry into the Share which K. Charles 1. had in the Trans- actions of the Earl of Glamorgan, afterwards Marquis of Worcester, for bringing over a Body of Irish Eebels to assist that King in the Years 1645 and 1646. Lond. 1747. 8vo. Reprinted 1756, with an Appendix. Heath, 44(a, 5s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 328, 4s. — View of the Negotiations be- tween the Courts of England, France, and Brussels, from 1592 to 1617, extracted chiefly from the MS. State Papers of Sir Thomas Edmondes, Knt. Lond. 1749. 8vo. 5s. Heath, 4438, 9s. 6d. — Life of the Kev. John Tillot son, Archb. of Canterbury. Lond 1752. 8vo. 5s. A copy is in the British Museum, with a few MS. notes by the author, large PAPER, Keed, 4819, i?. 2s. Williams, 2,5(! raor. 21. Second edition, corrected and en- larged, 1753, 8vo. Bindley, pt. i. 331, 71. Williams, 257, mor. 1/. 6s. In 17.')5 appear ed Kemarks upon this Life, 8vo. Is. 6d. — Memoirs of the Eeign of Queen Elizabeth, from the Year 1581 till her Death. Lond. 1754. 4to. 2 vol; Dr. Birch has formed his narrative of the most striking facts in the numerous letters of the Bacon family, though, as might be expected, the letters are much abbreviated. Bindley, pt. i. 903, 2i. 5s. Heath, 4432, 31. 9s. Nassau, pt. i. 408, 21 15s. Fonthill, 854, 21. 2s. Marq. of Townshend, 175, 31. 3s. Reed, 3329, 21. 3s. — History of the Royal Society of London. Lond. 1756. 4to. 4 vols. Reviewed by Dr. S, Johnson in the Lite- rary Magazine. Drury, 562, 21. 8s. Sir P. Thompson, 13.5, 18s. — Life of Henry, Prince of Wales. Lond. 1760. 8vo. 6s. An excellent and just account of this book will be found in Lodge's Memoir of Prince Henry. Fonthill, 2257, 18s. thick TAPER. Williams, 258, mor. II. 17s. Re- printed at Dublin. 17G0,8vo. Birch like- wise published a Life of John Ward, LL.D. Lond. 1766, 8vo. — WiUiam. DeUcee de la G-rande Bretagne : a Series of Views (3(3 in number) with Descriptions. Lond. 1791. oblong 4to. In little estimation. Rovburghe, 8568, 11. 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 728, first impres.sions, 3^. 5s. BiECH(Wm.). Songebetwenethe Queue's Majestic and Englande. Lond. by WiUiam Pickeringe. Iteprinted in the tenth volume of the Harleian Miscellany, from a copy, sup- posed unique, in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries, London. BiECHEDUS. Anylice Biekheau. BiiiCKBEK, Simon. The Protes- tant's Evidence. Lond. 1657. folio. This book was valued by Selden and other learned men, says Ant. h Wood. A foi-mer edition appeared 1634, 4to. Bird, John. Ostenta CaroHna : or the late Calamities of England, with the Authors of them. Lond. 1661. 4to. 6s. — Samuel. Lectui-es vpon the 8th and 9th chapters of the second Epistle to the Cormthians, and upon the 11th Chapter of the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes, and upon the 38th Psahne. Cambridge, 1598. 16mo. 2 vols, in 1. Nassau, pt. i. 259, 13s. Bird likewise published a ' Dialogue between Paule and Demas.' Lond. 1580, 8vo. 80 leaves, with au epistle to the reader. — William. Magazine of Ho- nour, or a Treatise on the seve- ral Degrees of the Nobility of this Kingdom. Printed for William Sheares, 1642. 8vo. pp. 158. 2s. 6d. Although this treatise contains little more than the argument of Mr. Serg. Dod- dridge in the disputed question regarding the Barony of Abergavenny, it is well de serving of perusal by persons interested in the history of the peerage. Towneley, pt.i. 286, 9s. The volume has had several title- pages. Bird. See Eyed. Birds. — A proper new Boke of the Armony of Byrdes. Lond. by John Wyght. 12mo. This curious little volume, consisting of 8 leaves, written in the Skeltonic manner, is reprinted in the fourth volume of Dr. Dibdin's edition of .\mes, p. 379-84. — Ornilhologia Nova : the His- 208 BIR BIS tory of Bii-ds. Binn. 1743. 12mo. 2 vols. This work is adorned witli 400 figures of birds, very ueatly engraved on wood, in a style superior to any other work of the period. Nassau, pt. i. 2471, 11. 10s. Dent, pt. i. 1077, russia, 11. 8s. Some copies bear the imprint of Loudon, 1745. Bind- ley, pt. ii. 309, 1?. Stanley, 101, mor. il. 5s. BiEKBECK, Morris. Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Vii'ginia to the Territory of Illinois. Lond. 1818. 8vo. A notice of this work, and likewise of the author's Letters from Illinois, will he found in the Quarterly Keview, xlx. 54-78. BiEKEXHEAD, Sir John. The Assembly Man, written in the year 1647. Lond. 1662-3. 4to. Contains pp. 22, with a front, by Fai- thorne, supposed to have been intended for Hugh Peters, or some active zealot of that period. Towneley. pt. ii. 1558, 15s. 6d. This once admired character of an As- sembly Man, meant to be the representa- tive of that celebrated body of divineswho met at Westminster for the establishment of church discipline upon the Presbyterian plan, was reprinted 168J. 1704, and in the fifth volume of the Harleian Miscellany — Paid's Chm-eh Yard. Libri Theologici, &c. 4to. Centuria prima, 8 pages. Ceuturia se- cunda, 8 pages. A cutting satire against the repuljlicans during 0. Cromwell's Pro tectorate. Eeed, 5383, 9s. — Two Centuries of Paul's Church- Yard, 12nio. This second edition, to which was added ' Bibliotlieca Parliamenti,' is reprinted in the ninth volume of the Harleian Miscel- lany. Paterson observed that ' tlie spirited humour of tliis little book was admirable, and worthy the pen of a Butler.' Towneley, pt. ii. 53, 16s. Inglis, 91, 17s. Birkenliead's News from Pembroke and Montgomery will be found in the iifth volume of the Harleian Miscellany, and according to Ant. h Wood, this wit and royalist wrote an anniver.sary poem on the nuptials of John, Earl of Bridgwater, 22 July, 1652. BlKKHE.\D, Henry. Poemata in Elegiaca, larabica, Polymetra Anti tecluiemata et Metaphrases, mem- bratim qvadripertita. Oxon. 1656 12mo. Birkhcad, according to Ant. a Wood, ' was accounted an excellent Latin poet, a good Grecian, and well vcrs'd in all human learning.' Nassau, pt. i. 258, 11. — & Hen. Stubbe. Otium Lite- rarum ; sive MisceUauea qusedam Poemata, &c. Oxon. 1656. 8vo. 4s. Stubbe's DeliciiS Poetarum Anglicano- rum were reprinted 1658, 8vo. and liad at the end added to them Elogise Romse et Venetiarum. — Oxford Verses on the Death of Sir BevOl QrenviUe. 1684. 4to. Prefixed is a portrait by Faitliornc. Reed, 6688, 1^. 8s. Bu-mingham. Views (Eight in aquatint, after P. H. Witton, jun. by W. EUis) of the Euins of the principal Houses destroyed during the Riots of liirmingham, 1791, with Letter-press Descriptions in Enghsh and French. Lond. 1792. oblong 4to. BiBNiE, WiUiam. The Blame of Kirkburial, tending to persuade Cemiterial Civility. Edinb. 1606. 4to. [A new edition by W. B. D. Turnbull, 4to. Edinb. 1833.] Eyton, 1848, printed on vellum, unique, 21. 5s. Bu-th of Mankind. See Eatnald, Thomas. Births. — Two most strange Births. Lond. 1608. 4to. An account of this curious black letter tract of eight leaves will be found inOldys' catalogue of pamplilets affixed to the Har- leian Miscellany, no. 529. BiSANi, Alexander. Picturesque Tour through Part of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Lond. 1793. 8vo. In this work will be found plates after Athenian Stuart's designs. Nassau, pt. ii. 1172, 6s. Dtnt, pt. ii. 1069, mor. 9s. BiSACCioxT, El Conde Mayohno. Gverras civiles de Inglaterra tragica Muerte de su Rey Carlos. Escrita en Toscano — trad, en Lengva Cas- tellana por Don Diego Felipe de Albornoz. Barcelona, 1678. 4to. 4s. BiscoE, Richard, D.D. History of the Acts of the lioly Apostles confirmed from other authors, and considered as full Evidence of the Bid BIS 209 Truth of Christianity. Lond. 171'2. 8vo. 2 voL?. 15s. [In 1 vol. 8vo. Ox. 1810, 9s.] ' This learned and elaborate vrnrk cnn- tains the substance of \)r. Hiscoe's Ser- mons preached at Mr. Boyle's Lecture be- tween the years 1736 and 1738. Dr. Dod- dridge frequently refers to it as a work of great utility, and as showing, in the most convincing manner, how incontest.ably tlie Acts of tlie Apostles demonstrate the truth of Christianity.' — Honii;. Bishop, John. Beautiful! Blos- somes gathered by John liyshop, from the best Trees of all Kyndes. Lond. for Henrie Cockyn, 1577, 4to. Contains 154 leaves, and the eiTata. Prefixed are The Autlior vnto his I'ooke, the Authonr vnto the Reader, and a Table. At page 51 is tlie remarkable story on which Walpole's Mysterious Mother is founded. Reed, 41. 16s. Brand, 41. 10s. North, 81. 8s. — Grardcn of Recreation, col- lected out of the most auncient and best Writers in all Ages by John Bishoppe, Gentleman. Lond. for Henrie Cockin, 1578. 4to. The former book, with a new title-page. — Matthew. The Life and Ad- ventm-es of Matthew Bishop, of Doddington, in Oxfordshire, con- taining an account of several Ac- tions by Sea, Battles, and Sieges by Land, m which he was present, from 1701 to 1711, interspersed with many ciu'ious Incidents, entertain- ing Conversations, and judicious Reflections ; written by himself Lond. 1744. 8vo. 6s. An amusing piece of autobiography, written by a common sailor, ably noticed in the Retrosp. Rev. N. S. ii. 42, &c. — Samuel, Poetical Works, with Life by the Rev. Thomas Clare. Lond. 1796. 4to. 2 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 738, 7s. This writer like- wise published SeiTnons, chiefly Upon prac- tical subjects, 1798, 8vo. 4s. — William. Reformation of a CathoHc deformed, by Will. Perkins. Printed 1604—7. 4t6. 2 vols. A life, with a list of the works of this Roman Catholic priest, wlio was in 1622 created Bishop of Chalcedon by the Pope, VOL. I. will be found in Dr. Bliss' edition of Wood's Athenaj Oxoniensis, iii. .3,i6-7. Bishop. —The Boke of the De- sci'vpcyon of the Images of a very Chrystcn Bysshop and of a counter- fayte Bysshop. Impr. by Wyllyam Marsliall. 8vo. Contains v vij. in eights. The preface consists of ten unnumbered pages. This book, whicli is quoted by Prynne in his Lordly Prelacie, pp. 337-8, as ' a veiy rare one,' is a biting and coarse satire against the Roman Catholic Bishops — certain texts of scripture being chosen and commented upon. — The Forme and Maner of makyngand consecrating Bishoppea, Priestes, and Deacons. Lond. 1552. folio. Reprinted 1559, &c. The first edition appeared 1549. Wilkes, 1847, 15?. Horner, 1854. mor. 41. 14s. 6d. S-e Archbishops. An edition 1629, reprinted in Sparrow's Collection of Articles, &c. 1671, and fre- quently since separately. [Included in some editions of the Common Prayer Book.] — The sum of the Actes & De- crees made by dyuers Byshopes of Rome, 1538. Translated out of Latyn uito Englyshe, and imprinted in ye House of Thomas Gybson. 12mo. 16 leaves. Black letter. Bindley, pt. iii. 852, 16s. ed. Inglis, 444, 17s. White Knights, 3737, v.. 2s. — Lord Bishops none of the Lord's Bishops. Lond. 1640. 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 2528, lis. In the British Museum is a very large collection of Tracts relating to the Bishops, 1640, &c. — All Apology for the ancient Power of the Bishops to sit and vote in Parliaments. Lond. 1660. 4to. Written by the Rev. Jeremiah Stephens, the learned coadjutor of Sir Henry Spel- man, in his Collection of the Councils. In Moule's Bibl. Heraldica will be found a list of the tracts, &c. on this celebrated contro- versy. — The proceedings and Trial ol' the Bishops in the Court of King's Bench, Anno Dom. 1688. Lond. 1689. folio, 6s. Prefixed is a frontispiece, containing their portraits, by White. — See Salmon, N. BiSMARK, Coimt von. Lectures P 210 BLA. on the Tactics of Cavalry. Trans- lated from the Q-erman, with Notes. By Major N. Ludlow Beamish. Lond. 1827. 8vo. pp. 402, with plates. This translation is considered superior to that of Major Fred. Johnston's. BiSPHAM, Thomas. Iter Aus- trale, a Eeginensibus Oxon, An. 1658 expeditum. Oxon. 1660. -ito. 'An ingenious Latin poem, dedicated to Tho. Barlow, provost of Qu. Coll. Oxford.'— Ant. it Wood. BisSE, Thomas, D.D. Beauty of Holiness in the Common Prayer Lond. 1721. Bvo. 3s. 6d. A copy on large paper, Williams, 2o9, morocco, IZ. 9s. Anotlier work, 'Decency and Order in Piiblick Worship,' 1723, 8vo. LARGE P.\PER, ruled with red lines, Wil- liams, '260, morocco, 11. 2s. BissELiJS, Jo. Mariee Stuartse vivientis et morientis, acta, Svo. Ambergse, 1675. port. Sotheby, 1829, II. 163. BissETT, Kobert, LL.D. History of the Reign of George III. A new Edition completed (to liis deatii). Lond. 1825. 8vo. 6 vols. The edition 1803, 8vo. 6 vols. Earl of Kerry, 29, 21. 9s. Dr. Bissett likewise pub- lished'a life of Edmund Burke, 1798. Svo. 1 vol. and 1800, 8vo. 2 vols. BiTAL-Bfe, P. J. Joseph, a Poem, translated from the French, (by the Eev. W. Beloe.) Lond. 1783. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. BizZAEi, Petri. Varia opuscida ac Poemata, Svo. Ven. Aldi, 1565. The first tract is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, the second to Mary Queen of Scots, the third to the Duke of Bedford; poems to tlie nobility and gentry of that period are interspersed. Sykes, il. 10s. Hibbert, HI. 4s. Renouard, il. 4s. Black, John. Life of Torquato Tasso, with an account of liis Writ- ings. Edinb, 1810. 4to. 2 vols, with port, by Raimbach. A very valuable and elaborate work. Drury, 5&t, U. 2s. Roscoe, 274, 2i. 4s. — Joseph, M.D. Lectm-es on the Elements of Chemistry, pub- BLA lished by Jolin Robinson, LL.D. Edinb. 1803. 4to. 2 vols. 1/. 10s. Or. Black, as a chemist, opened that path of discovery which has since been prose- cuted with such splendid success. Black, W., M.D. An Historical Sketch of Medicine and Surgery, from their Origin to the present Time ; and of the principal Authors, Discoveries, Improvements, Imper- fections, and Errors. Lond. l782. 8vo. 5s. — William. Privileges of the Royal Burrows. Eduib. 1707. 12mo. 5s. Blackaddee, J. Life and Diary of Lieut, -Col. J. Blackadder, of the Cameronian Regiment, &c., who served under the Duke of Marl- borough, and afterwards in the Re- bellion of 1715, in Scotland. By Ancb-ew Crichton. Edinburgh, 1824. 12mo. with portrait, 5s. 6d. Blackall, Offspring, Bishop of Exeter. Works, with a Preface by Archbishop Dawes. Lond. 1723. foho, 2 vols, with portrait by Yertue, 15s. — Discourses on our Lord's Ser- mon on the Moimt. Lond. 1717. 8vo. 8 vols, vrith portrait by Y. Gucht. Drury, 466, 11. Is. Williams, 262, mo- rocco, ol. 18s. Blackjiore, a. Ecclesite Primi- tivse Kotitia ; or, a Summary of Christian Antiquities, Index Heere- ticus, and an Account of the first eight Councils. Lond. 1722. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. Blackbuene, Francis, Archdea- con of Cleveland. Works Theological . and Miscellaneous, with Life by his Son. Cambridge, 1804. Svo. 7 vols, with portrait, 1/. 4s. — The Confessional ; or a full and free Inquiry into the Right, Utility, Edification, and success of establishing systematical Confessions of Faith and Doctrine in Protestant BLA BLA. 211 Churches. Tlih-d Edition. Lotid. 1770. 8vo. 5s. 'The author of this work, who is well known to be a very learned clergyman of the Church of England, takes so much no- tice of all the writers who oppo.sed his sen- timents, that there is no need to give a particular enumeration of the several pam- phlets which were written against it.' — /?/: Watson. Williams. 263, 15s. Blackbuene, Francis. Historical View of the Controversy concerning an intermediate state. Lond. 1772 8vo. 7s. 6d. — Eemarks on Johnson's Life of Milton ; to which are added, Mil- ton's Tractate of Edvcation and Areopagitica. Lond. 1780. 12mo. 6s. Privately printed, at the e.'cpense of Archd. Blackljurae, without his name. Blacker, Valentine. IMenioirof the Operations of the British Army in India during the Mahratta War of 1817, 18, 19. Lond. 1821. 4to. with an atlas 0^45 plates. Published at 4/. t4s. 6d. Duke of York, 734, 2 vols. mor. 3/. 3s. Black-Pi-iars. 1. The doleful Even Song, or a true Narration of that Calamity which befell Mr. Drurye, a Jesuite, and the greater Part of his Auditory-, by tlie Downe- fall of the Floore of an Assembly in the Black-friers on Sunday, the 26 ofOctob. last. 2. Sometliing written by occasion of that Accident in the Black Friers. 3. A Word of Com- fort, by I. R. P. Lond. 1623. 4to. Three Tracts. Copies are in the British Museum, The first tract, Nassau, pt. i. 411, 21. 3s. The second, King and Loch^e's, in March. IRIO, 6s. The three tracts. Bindk'y,pt.ii.761,13s. Blacket, Joseph. Remains, with Life by Pratt. Loud. 1811, Svo. 2 vols. lOs. Blackett, Su" W. Memoirs of Sir W. Blackett, cr. Svo. Newcastle, 1819. Two hundred and sixty copies printed. Brockett, '.ilTO. Blackguardiana ; or. Dictionary of Rogues, Bawds, &c. 8to. (by Jas. Caulfield) Lond. 1795, with por- traits. Lloyd, 179, 12s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 422. 2/. 2s. Blacklock, Thomas, D.D. Poems, witli an Essay on the Education of the Blind. To which is p refixed an Account of his Life and Writings, by Henry Mackenzie,- 1793. 4to. 10s. 6d. Incorporated in Chalmers' Collection of the British Poets. BiACKMAN, John. CoUectarium Mansuetudinum et bonorum Riorum Regis Henrici VI. ex Collecti e Magistri Joannis Blakman. [Lond. by Robert Copland.] 4to. Black letter, with wood cuts, consisting of ten leaves. Goiigh, 1106, 3?. 8s. Ke- printed by Heanie in his edition of Otter- t)Onrne. Black^oee, Su- Richard, M.D. A Paraphrase on the Book of Job, the Songs of Moses, Deborah, and David, and on four select Psalms, some Chapters of Isaiah, and the thu'd Chapter of Habakkuk. Lond. 1700. foho. 1716. 12mo. A metrical translation of some little merit as poetry, but little as a version of the original text. The edition 1716, on large paper. Nassau, pt. i. 263, 10s. — Creation, a Philosophical Poem in seven Books. Lond. 1712. 8vo. 4s. Addison observes, ' This work was un- dertaken with so good an intention, and executed with so great a mastery, that it deserves to be looked upon as one of the most useful and noble productions in our English verse :' and Dr. .Johnson says, ' If he had written nothing else it would have transmitted him to posterity among the first favourites of the English Muse.' Sir Richard Blackmore likewise pub- lished other Poems, viz. Prince Arthur, Alfred, King Arthur, a Satire on Wit, Eliza, &c., and several Medical works. His poem of the Creation, with life by Dr. Johnson, is Inserted in Chalmers' Collec- tion of the Poets. Blackstoxe, Henry. Reports of Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, from Easter Term, 28^Geo. III. 1788, to Hilary Term, 36 Geo. III. inclusive, P 2 212 BLA The third Edition, coiTected, with additional Notes and improved Indexes. Lond. 1801. royal 8vo. 2 vols. [4th edition, Lond. 1827, 2 vols, royal 8vo.] 21. 16s. Best edition. The former editions ap- peared in folio, 1791, U. lOs. and 1796, 2 vols. each. BLACKSTOJfE,Jo. Specimen Botani- cum quoPlantarum pku-iumrarionim Anglise iudigenarum Loci natales illustrantnr. Lond. 1746. 8vo. 3s. This writer likewise published ' Fasci eulus Plantarmn circa Harefield sponte nascentium.' Lond. 1737, 8vo. — Sir William, Knt. LL.D. Great Charter, and Charter of the Forest, with other authentic Instru- ments ; to wliich is prefixed an introductory Discourse conceruing the History of the Charters. Ox- ford, 1759. royal 4to. * Bindley, pt. i. 924. 8s. Dent. pt. i. 466, 14s. 6d. Steevens, 1752, U. 2s. Gough, \l. 5s. Marquis of Towushend, U, 10s. — Commentaries on the Laws of England. Of these Commentaries Sir Wm. Jones observed, ' they are the most correct and beautiful outline that ever was exhibited in any human science.' List of Editions. 1st Edition. Oxford, 1765-9. 4to. 4 vols. il. 2s. [Sundry passages, strongly advo- cating the liberty of the subject, were ex- punged in subsequent editions.] 2d Edition. Oxford, 1768, 4to. 4 vols. Home Tooke, 66, with MS. notes by Tooke, &l. 18s. 6d. 3d Edition, and 4th Edition, each 4 vols. 8vo. 5th Edition. Oxford, 1773, 8vo. 4 vols. 6th Edition. Lond. 1774, 4to. 4 vols, with port, by Hall. Heath, 1661, i;. lis. 6d. 7th Edition. Oxford, 1775. 8vo. 4 vols. 8th Edition. Oxford, 1778, 8vo. 4 vols. Continued by Ki. Burn, LL.D. Lond. 1783, 8vo. 4 vols. By Ri. Burn, LL.D. and John Williams. Lond. 1787, 8vo. 4 vols. Edwards, 602, 16s. By the same. Lond. 1791, 8vo. 4 vols. With Notes and Additions by Edw. Christian. Loud. 1793-4, 8vo. 4 vols, with portraits of the Judges. By Ed. Christian, 1800, 8vo. 4 vols. By Ed. Christian, 1803, 8vo. 4 vols. By E. Christian. Lond. 1809, 8vo. 4 vols. By J. F. Archbold. Lond. 1811, royal 8vo. 4 vols. By J. Williams. Lond. 1822, 8vo. 4 vols. BLA By J. T. Coleridge. Lond. 1825, 8vo. 4 vols, with a portrait. By J. Chitty. Lond. 1826, royal 8vo. 4 vols. By Lee, Hovenden, and Ryland, Lond. 1829, 8vo. 4 vols. By Hovenden and, Ryland, Lond. 1836, 8vo. 4 vols. By Hargrave, Sweet, Couch, andWelsby, Lond. 1844, 8vo. 4 vols. By Stewart, Lond. 1844-9, 8vo 4 vols. By Mr. Sergt. Stephen, Lond. 1848-9, 8vo. 5 vols. 23i-d Edition, by James Stewart, Lond. 1854, 8vo. 4 vols. By Robert Malcolm Kerr, Lond. 1857, 8vo. 4 vols. 21. 2s. An Abridgment, by William Curry, 8vo. 1796, 5s. 1809, 10s. An Abridgment, by John Gifford, 1821, 8vo. 15s. An Analysis, by Baron Field, 1811, 8vo. An Epitome for the Use of Schools, by N. Wanobtrocht, LL.D. 12mo. 10s. 6d. A translation of all the Greek, Latin, French, and Italian sentences and quota- tions in Blackstone's Commentaries, and also those in the notes of Christian, Arch- bold and Williams, 8v8. Lond. 1823. Tracts on the subject of Blackstone's Com- ine.ntarie.s. Remarks, by James Sedgwick, 1800, 4to. 12s. 1804, 8vo. 7s. Vindication of, against Sedgwick, by Wm. Hen. Rowe, 1806. 8vo. 6s. A Reply to Dr. Priestley. Remarks on the fourth volume of the Commentaries, 1769, 8vo. Letters by Philip Fumeaux, D.D. The second edition, with Additions and an Ap- pendix, 1771, 8vo. 4s. Fragment on Government, by Jeremy Bentham, 1776, 8vo. 3s. 1823, 8vo. 8s. A Letter to Dr. lUackstone, occasioned by a Passage in his Commentaries con- cerning the Chaiacter of the Ecclesiastics of the present Age. 8vo. 6d. — Tracts, chiefly relating to the Antiquities and liaws of England. Lond. 1771. 4to. \l. Is. Best edition. Contents. — An analysis of the Law of England. An essay on collateral consan- guinity. Considerations on copyholders. Observations on the Oxford press. An introduction to the great charter. Magna charta, charta de foresta. The former edi- tion, 1762, 8vo. 2 vols. An argument of Sir W. Blackstone in the Exchequer Chamber, in the case of Perrin and Blake, will be found in Har- 213 gi-ave's Law Tracts, and his Memoir con-lliams, 372, lakge papeh, with coloured ceniiug the authenticity of Dr. Littleton's plate«, 5i. 158. 6d. roll, containing an ancient copy of magna in Gutch's Collectanea charta, is printed Curiosa. — Reports of Cases determined in the several Courts of Westmin- ster Hall, from 174G to 1779. Lond. 1781. folio, 2 vols. 3/. 3s. These reports were not generally received by the profession witli that approbation which has followed all the otiier writings of this great author. An edition, Diiljlin, 1781, 8vo. 2. vols. 21. 2s. [An edition with additional notes, &c., by C. H. Elsley, Lond. 1828, 2 vols, royal 8vo.] — Biographical Ilistory of Sir Wm Blaekstoiie. Lond. 1782. 8vo. 4s. A compilation stolen principally from the account given by Mr. Clitherow, in his preface to the learned Judge's reports. Blackwall, Anthony. Intro- duction to the Classics. Lond. 1740. 12mo. 2s. 6d. A valuable little book — The Sacred Classics defended and illustrated. Lond. 1727-31. 8vo 2 vols, with portrait by Vertue, Gs. Williams, 264, morocco, II. 9s. A second edition, 1737, 8vo. 2 vols. This work, according to Dr. Doddrid ' gives many well-chosen instances of pas- sages in the classics, which may justify many of those in Scripture that have been accounted solecisms. They illustrate the beauty of many others, and contain good observations on the divisions of chapters and verses, by which the sense of scripture is often absurd.' ' Blackwall was a strenuous advocate for the purity of the Greek style of the New Testament, which he vindicates in his lirst volume. "The second volume, which is most valuable, contains many excellent observations on the division of the New Testament into chapters and verses, and also on various readings. The work was translated into Latin by Christopher VV^oIl, and published at Leipsic in 1736, 4to.' — Ih-rrne. Blackwell,- Elizabeth. Herbal containing 500 Cuts of the most usefid Plants which are now used in the Practice of Physick. Lond. 1737. folio, 2 vols, plain, 25s. coloured, 3^. 3s. This work, which in its day was highly esteemed, is now in little request. Some copies are dated 1739 or 1751. 1739, Wil- — George, Arcli-priest of Eng- land. A large Examination taken at Lambeth, according to his Majes- tie's Direction, Point by Point, of George BlackwcU. Lond. 1607. 4to. Gordonstoun, 193, 7s. — Answers upon sundry his Examinations, together with his Ajiprobation, &c. Lond. 1607. 4to. Consisting of 21 leaves. A life of this divine will be found in Dr. Bliss's Edition of Wood's Athenae O.xon. ii. 122-4, and most of his writings will be found in the British Museum. Examination de M. Geo. Blackwell, faicte ii Lambeth, avec lettre aux Catholiques Romains d'Angleterrc, &c., 12mo. Amst. 1609. 15s. — Qiifestio in G. Blacvellum AngUsB Archipresbyterum a Papa designatum. 1609. 4to. Bindley, pt. iii. 1440, lis. — John. Compendium of Mili- tary Discipline. Lond. 1726 or 9. With plates by Hogarth. Baker, 41, mor. lis. Yates in 1827, 11. 12s. — Su- Ralph. The Honour of Merchant Tailors. Lond. 4to. Black letter, with a portrait of Black- well. A work of the same class, if not written by the same hand, with the well- known history of Sir Richard Whittington. — Thomas. Enquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer. Lond. 1735. 8vo. 5s. A production which displays more eru- dition than genius, and more affectation than elegance. Koxburghe, 9163, lis. LARGE PAPER. FontliiU, 644. 16s. Heath, 1541, 11. Is. Bakei', 41, with the proofs, 1747, 21. 4s. Williams, 205, mor. Ul. 8s. Reprinted 1736, and in 1747, 8vo. appeared I'roofs of the Enquiry translated into En- glish. The third edition of the work ap- peared in 1757. Ivetters concerning Mythology. Lond. 1748. 8vo. 4s. A pompons trifle, of which a second edition,or rather a new title-page, appeared in 1757. Memoirs of the Court of Augustus. Edinb. and Lond. 1753—63, 4to. 3 vols. 214 BLA BLA This work was most ably reviewed by Dr. Johnson in the Literary Magazine. EarlofKenx 192, 3M8s. Sir P.Thomp- son. 134, 21. LAEGE TAPER, Roxburglie, 7774, il. 8s. An edition appeared Basil, 1794, 8vo. 7 vols. Blackwood's Ediubui'gh Maga- zine, from the Commencement in 1817 to 1857 inclusive, 82 vols. Edinb. 8vo. Published monthly. Some copies of October, 1817, contain Hogg's Chaldee Manuscript, which was afterwards sup- pressed. Blackwood, Adam. De Con- jmictione Rebgionis et Imperii ad illustriss. Principem D. Mariam Scotise Eeginam. Paris. 1575. Svo. 10s. 6d. Blackwood, Adami Blacuodsei adversus Geo. Buchanani Dialogum de Jm-e Eegni apud Scotos pro Eegi- bus Apologia. Pictav. 1581 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 1475, 9s. 6d. — Editio secuuda, per Auctorem recognita. Paris. 1588. 8vo. — Sanctoriun Precatiomim Pro- cemia, qiiibus addita sunt ejusdem Argumenti varii Greneris Odte cum abiis quibusdem Poematus. August. Pictav. 1598. 12mo. Gordonstoun, 176, U. Is. — Martyre de la Eeyne d' Es- cosse. Edinb. 1587. 8vo. Anvers. 1588. Svo. ' a most virulent Invective against Queen Elizabeth.' — Bishop Nicolson. Black- wood's works, with his portrait by J. Pi- cart, appeared at Paris, 1644. 4to. from which edition this tract is reprinted in the second volume of Jebb de Vita, &c.Marise. — Christopher. Expositions and Sermons upon the ten th'st Chapters of St. Matthew. Lond. 1659. 4to. Blaoow, Eichard. Letter to William King, LL.D. Principal of St. Mary Hall, in Oxford ; contain- ing a particular Account of the treasonable Eiot in Februarv 1747. Lond. 1823. Svo. Is. 6d. BLACFOD^, Anglice, BLACK WOOD. Blagdon, Francis Wm. Modern Discoveries ; translated, &c., from the Works of the most eminent Authors. Loud. 1802-3. 18mo. 8 vols. 11. Is. — Brief Histoi-y of ancient and modern India, from the earliest Periods to the Termination of the Maratta War. Lond. 1805. atlas foHo, with coloured plates by DanieU. Sotheby's in June, 1822. il. Us. Font- hill, 768, ai. 5s. — The European in India, from Drawuigs by C. Doyley, Esq. with Preface and History by T. W. Blagdon and Capt. WUhamson. Lond. 1813. royal 4to. — Flowers of Literature. Lond. 1802—9. 7 vols. 12mo. 11. 10s. Blage, Thomas. Schole of Wise Conceytes. 4to. 1569. a book of JEsopian fables. Rltson'a Bibl. Poet. 132. 1572. Sotheby, 1851, il. 4s. Jolley, 1844, 8Z. 8s. Blageate, John. Mathematical Jewel. Loud. 15S5. foho. A veiy curious work with wood-cuts by the author. A copy of this work, as well as Blagrave's Baculum familliare, 1596, and Astrolabium Vranicuni, 1566, are in the British Museum. A life of him will be found in Dr.Bliss'sedition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. ii. 96-8. — Jos. Planispheriimi Catho- hcimi. Londini, 1658. 4to. In the title are portraits of Blagrave and Palmer by D. L(oggan). — Epitome of the Art of Hus- bandry. Lond. 1669. 12mo. 5s. Repnnted 1679 and 1685. In this work will be found brief experimental directions for the right use of the angle. Blaine, Delabere P. Outhnes of the Yeterinary Art. New Edition. Lond. 1816. Svo. 2 vols. This writer has likewise published seve- ral other esteemed works, [especially an Encyclopedia of Rural Sports, 8vo. 1852, 21. 10s.] Blaina^ille, M. de. Travels through Holland, Grermany, Swit- zerland and otlier Parts of Europe, but especially Italy. Ti'anslated BLA from the French, by Turnbull and Guthrie. Lond. 1743 or 1757. 4to. 3 vols, with maps, &c. These travels, though praised by Dr. Johnson, are now held in little estimation. Reed, 3332, 11. 2s. Blair, Ai-n. See Wallace, Sir William. — Hugh, D.D. Sermons, with Life, by James Finlaysou, D.D. Edinb. and Lond. 1777-1801. Svo. 5 vols. These excellent sermons have through innumerable editions. — Lectiu'es on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. Lond. 1798. 8vo. 3 vols. Frequently reprinted. The first edition appeared 1783, 4to 2 vols, with a portrait Henth, 134, II. lis. Rd. Williams, 234, 11. 8s. An acount of Blair's Life and Writ- ings was published by John Hill, LL.D. 1807. 8vo. 6s. — James. Our Savioiu-'s divine Sennon on the Mount, contained in the Yth, Vlth, and Vllth Chapters of St. Matthew's Gospel, explained; and the Practice of it recommended in diverse Sermons and Discom-ses. To which is prefixed a Paraphrase on the whole Sermon on the Mount. Lond. 1740. 8vo. 4 vols. 1/. 5s. Best edition of these valuable .Sermons, with a recommendatory preface by Dr. Waterland. Williams, 2fi0. 21. 267, mor. 21. 9s. The former edition appeared 1722, 8vo. 5 vols. — John, LL.D. Lectures on the Canon of the Scriptures. Lond. 1785. 4to. 6s. A work of considerable learning and re- eearch. — John. The Life and Acts of Sir WilUara Wallace, maintainer of the liberty of Scotland, in verse. Glasgow, 1713 16rao. II. Is. [3 vols. 12mo. Perth, 1790.] — Chronology and History of the BLA 215 and Supplement, 707, 163. An edition. 1779, Drury, 798, russia, 31. 15s. C)»her editions with continuations have appeared 1790, 1803, 181.5, 1820. The fourteen maps were published separately, [A now edition in royal 8vo., prepared by Mr. John Sharpe with tlie ussistunce of !Sir Henry Ellis, was published in 1644, 21. 2s.; and another, considerably en- larged and improved, and continiitd to its date, by Mr. J. W. Rosse, was published in 1857 by Henry G. BoUn, 10s.] — Patrick. Botanical Essays in two Parts. Lond. 1720. 8vo. 4s. A most ingenious work, relatinfc chiefly to the sexes of plants, with 4 plates. This writer likewise published Pharra.icn-Bota- nologia. Lond. 1723-8, 4to. extending only to the letter H. — Robert. The Grave, a Poem, with 12 plates by Schiavonetti, after lake, Lond. 1808. large 4to. port. Duke of York, 738, U. some copies were printed in folio. This much esteemed poem has passed through numerous edi- tions, and is reprinted in Chalmers and other Collections of the Poets. Blake, Robert. Arrivale and en- tertainment of the Ambassador Alkard and his associate Mr. Rob. Blake from the Emperonof Morocco. 1637. 4to. port. Gordonstoun, 41. 18s. — Wm. Silver Drops, or serious Things ; with Letters concerning the Lady's Charity School, at High- gate. 12mo. Contains pp. 293 (A— T 3) with 4 plates Nassau, pt. i. 267, 8s. Wm. Artist. Poetical Sketches, by W. B. 70 pages, 8vo. 1783. Ve7-y scarce, written between his twelfth and twentieth year. Songs of Experience, 17 plates, 12mo. n. d. Songs of Innocence and of Ex- perience, 2 vols, Svo. 1789-94. Sotheby, 1855, mor. 12Z. 5s. — The Same. 1 vol., imp. 4to., coloured by the artist, 54 engraved World, illustrated in LVI Tables, pages, Bolm's Cat. 101. 10s. with 14 Maps, and a Dissertation of — Book of Thiel, 8 engraved the Rise and Progress of Geography Lond. 1768. folio. Heath, 2143, il. 10s. The first edition of this valuable and highly useful work appeared 1766. Roxburghe, 7360, 11. 15s. pages. 1789. 4to. Sotheby, 1854, 31. 2s. — America, a Prophecy, 18 (If signs. Folio. Lambeth, 1793. Sotheby, 1855, 21. 7s 216 BLA Blake, Wm. Grates of Paradise, 16 engravings for children, 12mo. Lambeth, 1793. — Vision of the Daughters of Aibion, in verse, 6 leaves. 1793. BinaU foUo. — BookofAhania, 3 designs. 1795. Sotheby, 1855, \l. 13s. — Eui'ope, a Prophecy. Lambeth, 1794. Folio. 17 'i^lates, including title and front. — Marriage of Heaven and HeU. 27 pages, 1800. Sotheby, Dec. 1854, 41. 16s. — Jerusalem, the emanation of the Griant Albion. 100 engraved pages, foho. Sotheby, Dec. 1854, il. 16s. — A Descriptive Catalogue of Pictures painted by himself. 1809 12mo. — Illustrations to the Book of Job. 21 plates, foho. 1826. 31. 3s. Proofs, 51. 5s. Sotheby, Dec. 1854,'2Z. 8s. — Illustrations to Comus. 8 original designs. Sotheby, 1855, 4?. 6s. — IVIilton, a poem, in 12 books, 50 engraved pages, coloured by the artist, 4to. 1804. Bohn's Cat. 10/. 10s. — Illustrations to Dante. 7 plates, imp. fol., India proofs, 1/. 16s. — See Blau''s Grave ; Young's Ifight Thoughts ; and Malkin's Life of a Child. Blanchaed, W. T. Complete Instructor of Short-Hand. 1786. 4to. Best edition of a valuable treatise. The former appeared 1779. Blanchardin and Eglantine. — The Hystorye of Kynge Blanchardyn and Queen Eglantjiie his Wyfe. Impr. by Caxton, 1485, fol. This work consists of 54 chapters, with a table. Only one copy of this curious romance, and that imperfect, is known to exist. It was purchased by Earl Spencer at the sale of the Roxburghe Library, 6360, for 215«. 5s. — The most pleasaunt historye of Blanchardinc, sonne to the King of Friz and the faii-e lady Eglantine, Queene of Tormadav. By P. T. G-. Gent. Lond. Wm. Blakewall, 1595. 4to. Heber, 71. ITs. 6d. Blancouet, Handiequer de Art of making Glass, translated from the French. Lond. 1699. 8vo. A useful treatise. Dent, pt. i. 227, 8s. Bland, Wood, Brewster, and Pennant. Discovery of New Britaine, in August, 1650, from Fort Henry to the Falls of Blan- diana (vnth large map and one plate), 4to. 1651. Sotheby, May, 1846, 51. 17s. 6d. Sotheby, June, 1856 (no map or plate), 61. 15s. — Rev. Miles. Algebraical Pro- blems, producing simple and qua- dratic Equations, with their Solu- tions. Lond. 1812. royal 8vo. 15s. A work of considerable utility, fre- quently reprinted. A key was published 1827, 8vo. 9s. — Eevd. Robert. Translations cliiefly from the Greek Anthology, with tales and miscellaneous poems , Lond. 1806. small 8vo. 5s. — Collections from the Greek An- thology, and from the pastoral, ele- giac, and dramatic poets of Greece. Lond. 1813. Svo. 10s. This is an enlarged edition of the pre- vious work. — New edition by J. H. Merirale. Lond. 1833. Svo. ids. Each of these three editions contain matter not common to the others. — Robt. M.D. Proverbs chiefly taken fi-om the Adagia of Erasmus, with Explanations ; and illustrated by Examples from the Spanish, Ital- ian, French and Enghsh Languages. Lond 1814. crown Svo. 2 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 467, with a few MS. re- marks by the author, 11. 2s. — Tobie. Baite for Momus, so called upon Occasion of a Sermon at Bedford, injuriously ti-aduced by the factious. Lond. 1589. 4to. Black letter. Contains pp. 38, with an epistle to the reader, and a wood-cut of St. George killing the dragon, on the back of the title. Inglis, 164, 7s. 6d. Gordonstoun, 157, lOs. Gd. BLA BLB 217 BiiANDFOKD, Marquis of. Cata^ logus Librorum qui in Bibliotheca Blandfordiensi reperiuntur, cum duobus Supplementis (by Rob Triphook). Londini, 1812. 4to. The privately printed catalogue of tlie White Knights Collection, since sold by auction, by Mr. Evans. IJrockett, 747, 11. 6s. Blandy, Mary, Trial of Mary Blandy, for the Murder of her Father. Lond. 1752. folio. Reprinted 1752, in 8vo. The following Tracts on this unhappy affair . have appeared : The Tryals and History of Mary Blandy and Eliz. Jeffreyes. 1752. 4to. with ports. Koxburghe, 1025, 19s. Miss Maiy Blandy's own Acconnt of the Affair between her and Mr. Cranstoun. 1752. 8vo. A candid Appeal to the Publick, by a Gentleman at O.xford. 1752. 8vo. A Letter from a Gentleman to Miss Mary Blandy, with her Answer thereto, 1752. 8vo. The secret History of Miss Blandy, from her first Appearance at Bath, to her Execution at Oxford. 1752. 8vo. Memoirs of William Henry Cranstoun, Esq. 1752. 8vo. portrait. An Impartial Enquiry into the Case of Blaudy, with Reflections on her Trial, Defence, Repentance, Denial and Death. 1753. 8vo. The fair Parricide, a Tragedy of three Acts, founded on the late melancholy Event. 1752. 8vo. Captain Cranstoun's Account of the Poi- soning the late Mr. Blandy, declared solemnly by him before he died at Fumes, in Flanders, on the 30th of November last. 1753. 8vo. The genuine Lives of Capt. Cranstoun and Miss Mary Blandy. By a Gentle- man, who was a Spectator at her Trial and Death, and afterwards ac- companied the Captain in his Travels through France. 1753. 8vo. with a print. The female Parricide, a Tragedy, by Edward Crane, of Manchester. 1761. 8vo. Roxburghe, 1026. Nine Tracts, 17s. Baker, 42, Six Tracts, 11. 10s. — WUliam. Castle, or Picture of PoUicy. Lond. Dave. 1581. 4to. Black le'ttei', 30 leaves, besides 4 of pre- fixes, including the title. This curious tract contains an account of the exploits of 'M.John Noris, Geuerall of the army of the States in Friseland.' A copy is in the British Museum. Chalmers, 692, 21. lOs. Blaquieee, Edward. Letters from the Mediterranean. Lond. 1824. 8vo. 2 vols. These volumes chiefly relate to the civil and political state of Sicily, Malta, Tunis and Tripoli, and contain much valuable infonnation. The autlior has likewise pub- lished several works on Greece, in support of the attempts to rescue it from the Otto- man power. B LAXTON, John. English Usurer, or UsLU'y condemned by the most learned and famous Divines of the Chiu'ch of England, &c. Lond. 1634. 4to. with a frontispiece. At the end are verses by George Wither. Nassau, pt. i. 41.3, 10s. Gordonstoun, 219, 19s. Towneley, pt. i. 389, 11. Is. Blatnet, AUan. Eestonun Me- tropohs. The metropohtaine Feast of the Birth-day of our Saviour Jesus Christ, annually to be kept holy by them that call upun him in aU Nations. Lond. 1654. small 8vo- A copy is in the Brit. Mus. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 260. First edit. M. Simmons, 1652. — Benjamin, D.D. Dissertation, by Way of Inquiry, into the true Imjiort and Application of the Vision related Dan. ix. 20. to the End. Oxford, 1775. 4to. A learned tract, in which some of Pro- fessor Michaelis'opinions are controverted. — on Jeremiah. See Jeeemiah. — Lord. Narrative of a forced Jovu'ney thi'ough Spain and France, with a Sequel. Lond. 1815-16. 8vo. 3 vols. A severe critique on this work appeared in the Quart. Rev. xiv. 112 — 20, and xv. 183—7. Blazon of Coloures in Armoryes and Ensignes mUitary, translated (oute of a httle Frenche Booke printed at Parys, 1546) by me R(icliard) E(obinson). Lond. by R. I. for John Wolfe (1583). A long description of this very rare book will be found in the British Bibliographer, i. 125—32. Blenekhassett, revelation of the l.^homas. A true Minerva. 218 BLO BLO the Island of Jamaica, with the other Isles and Territories of Ame- rica to which the EngUsh are related, with the State of Algiers. Lond. 1672. 12mo. with maps. White Knights, pt. i. 472, 19s. Nassau, pt. i. 271, 7s. The edition 1678, 8vo. with port. Roxl)urghe,7349, 8s. Blome, K. Britannia, or a Greo- grapliical Description of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Isles and Territories thereto belonging. Lond. 1673. folio with anns of sub- scribers and maps, also a plan of Lon- don before the fire, by W. HoUar. A ' most entire piece of theft out of Camden and Speed.' — Bp. Nicolson. Ro.fburghe, 8654, 5s. large paper, Dent, pt. i. 342, with maps and arms coloured, II. Towneley, pt. 11. 177, with the plates co- loured, II. 3s. — Alphabetical Account of the Xobihty and Grentry of England and Wales. Lond. 1673. folio. This useful list, consisting of pp. 120, occurs at the end of Camden's Britannia. 1673. The arms are in number eight hun- dred and twelve. — Essay to Heraldry ; in two Parts. Lond. 1684. 8vo'. pp. 259. Contains pp. 259, with a dedication to George Earl of Berkeley, a table and plates. An edition, entitled Art of Heraldry, 1685, 1693. 12mo. — G-entleman's Recreation, con- sisting of Horsemanship, Hawking, East Indies. Written bv Lieut.; Hunting, Fowling, Fishing, &c. WiUiam Bligh. Lond. 1790. 4tc. Lond. 1710. foho, with plates, with pbavtti 7=1 Marquis of Townshend, 418, 2?. Edition wiLU marts, is. i^ggg (pj-gferable on account of the im- FonthiIl,t;ehassett, Thomas. A Direction for the Plantation of Ul- ster, 1610. 4to. Blenerhassett was one of the writers in the Mirror for Magistrates. BLESE^*SIS, Peter. Bathoniensis Archidyaconi. Epistolse qnorura primum pertinet ad regem Auglise. Foho. edit, prima, n.d. 21. 2s. (Reprinted in his works.) Eleteexe, J. p. R. de la. Life of Julian the Apostate. Lond. 1746. 8vo. A curious and well written performance. Bligh, Richard. Reports of Cases heard in the House of Lords on Appeals and Writs of Error in 1819-20. Lond. 1823-5. royal 8yo. 3 vols, and vol. iv.,pt. 1. New Series, 1827-36, royal 8to. 10 vols. vol. si. pts. 1, 2, and 3. These reports are in continuation of those by Mr. Dow, and are still in the course of publication. — WiUiam. Narrative of the Mutiny on Board the Bounty ; and the subsequent Voyage of Part of the Grew in the Sliip's Boat from Tofoa, one of the Friendly Islands, to Timor, a Dutch Settlement in the Roxburghe, 7172, \l. Is. 21. Us. Blith, Walter. English Im- prover, or a new Survey of Hus- bandry, &c. Lond. 1649. 4to. 'A well known and very ingenious work.' — Quart. Ileview. Subsequent editions, with additions, were entitled ' The Improver Improved.' The third impression, 16.52, with portrait and plates, 10s. Bloisse. See Blosius. and to get contributions of noblemen.'- Ant. a M'ood. Blomefield, Rev. Francis. His- tory of the ancient City and Burgh of Thetford. Fersfield, 1739. 4to. Title; dedication, 2 pages; contents, 2 pages: history. A— Zz, 184 pages; appen- dix, 12 pages. This work is inserted in Blome, Richard. Description offihe author's first volume of his history of BLO Norfolk. Towiieley, pt. ii. 273, 5s. Bindley, pt. 1. 1292, 11. Is. Nassau, pt. i. 415, 12s. Blomefield, Rev. Francis. Col- lectanea Cantabrigiensia ; or, Col- lections relating to Cambridge Uni- rersity, Town, and County. Norwich 1750. 4to. 'Contains 2G8 pages, besides the title. The author began liis Collectanea witli an ac- count of Kly Roll, Luton, and Caddington Churches in Bedfordshire, and Atwood Church, in liuckingliamahire, which were printed in 28 quarto pages, including Ger- ton in this county, which forms p. 6 of the present edition ; but choosing to confine himself to Cambridgesliire, he cancelled these pages, and added Cantabrigiensia to his title.' — Gough. Towneley, pt. 11. 274, il. 10s. Heath, 4634, 14s. Nassau, pt. i. 416, 15s. Marq. of Townshend, 374, 'M. Some copies bear the date of 1751. Bp. of Ely, 206, 7s. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 467, 8s. Keed, 3334, 10s. 6d. Bindley, pt.i. 1114, lis. 6d. — Essay towards a Topograpliical History of the County of Norfolk, continued by the Rev. Charles Parkin. Fersfield,&c., 1739—75. fol., 5 vols. Dowdeswell, 146, russia, lil. 5s. Dent, pt. i. 344, russia, 14Z. 14s. Marquis of Townsheud, 419, 111. 10s. Towneley, pt.ii. 321, russia, ISl. 18s. Heath, 4618, russia, ISl. 18s. Coitation.— Vol.i.l739,Title ; listof subscri- bers, 4 pages {scarce); introduction,3 pages ; History, A— 9 K, 771 pages; indexes, pp. 772 — 808. Plates, besides those on tlie let- terpress. 1. Monumental figures at p. 68. 2. Thepro.spect of Bukenham Castle, p. 261. 3. Monument, with the portrait of Thomas Lord Kichardson, at p. 683. also separate pedigrees of the family of Blomefield, at p. 74 {scarce); of Holland, p. 232; of Wright, p. 368; of Jernegan, on 4 pages, between pp. 660 and 661; of William, Lord Richard- son, p. 684. Pages 765 to 770 contain the pedigree of the family of Wodehouse, and in some copies pp. 33 to 48 inclusive, are wanting. Vol. ii. Fersfield, 1741, or Norwich, 1745. Title; dedication to John Nuthall, Esq.; (scrt?-ce) the history, &c. 913 pages— pages 770 to780omitted. Plates. 1. Apian of Norwich, with references on a separate folded sheet at p. 1, (6o(fe scarce). 2. Monument of Bp. Hall, p. 414. (This plate is positively no part of the book. The error has been per- petuated from Dawson Turner's illustrated copy, collated by Upcott.) 3. The Ich- nography of Norwich Cathedral, p. 489. 4. The Seals of Norwich Cathedral, p, 5;J4. 5. Monument of Aug. Briggs, Esq p. 641. 6. Monument of Edmond Hobart, BLO 219 Esq. p. 643. 7. Monument of Richard Manby, p. 749. 8. Fac-simile of a Grant of the Town of Hexham, p. 848. A Pedi- gree of the family of Briggs faces p. 640. Vol. iii. Lynn, 1769. Title, preface, and enata, 8 pages ; the history, A — 10. K 2, 870 pages; indexes, 8 pages. Plates. 1. Portrait of Sir Henry Spelman, Knt. p. 464. 2. Brass of the Kountaine Family, p. 522. 3. Monument of Erasmus Earle, p. 532. 4. Monument of Thomas Marsham, Esq. p. 593. 5. Effigies of Catherine Schuldham, p. 661. 6. Portrait of James Calthorpe, p. 762. 7-8. The East and West Fronts of Houghton Hall, p. 798. Pedigree of the Family of Bedingfield, at p. 482. Vol. iv. Lynn, 1775. Title; list of sub- scribers, 2 pages ; the history, &c. pp. 794. Plates, i. Fortr-three shields of arras, at p. 60. 2. Portrait of John Uethick, p- 217. .S. The south-east prospect of Cromere Church, p. 304. 4. Monument of Robert Wiggett, p. 3S3. 5. Monument of Rice Wiggett, p. 383. 6. Monument of Wil- liam Bulwar, p. 459. 7. Plan of the town of King's Lynn, p. 574. 8. A south-east view of King's Lynn, p. 576. 9. A chro- nological table of the Mayors of Lynn Regis, p. 586. 10. A view of Lynn Market Cross, p. 594. 11. A map of Marsh Land in Norfolk, p. 691. 12. St. Peter's Church at Walpole, p. 716. 13. Tomb of Thomas Winde, Esq.j). 780. Vol. v. Lynn, 177.5. Title; the history, &c. pp. 783—1709. Plates. 1. View of the seat of Richard Milles, p. 996. 2. North view of North Ehnham Church, p. 1000. 3. South-west prospect of Snettisham Church, p. 1315. . 4. Arms and seals in the Prioi-y Church of Horsham St. Faith's, p. 1358. 5. View of Yarmouth, p. 1589. The pedigree of the family of L'Estrange, on two folded sheets, faces p. 1265. Some sets have reprinted titles, dated alike. — Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk, continued by the Rev. Charles Parkin. Lond. 1805— 10. royal 8vo. 11 vols. Duke of York, 744, 51. 5s Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 427, 51. 7s. large paper in 4to. Collation.— \o\. i. pp. xvi. and 548 ; index, 2 pages, and 9 plates, and pedigrees. Vol. ii. pp. 559, index, 3 pages, and 4 pedigrees and plates. Vol. iii. pp. viii. and 672, not including index, with a folded sheet plan of the City of Norwich, and an explanation to face the plan. Vol. iv. 580 pp. besides two titles, con- tents, index, and 7 plates and pedigrees. Vol. v. pp. 527, besides title, and an index of three pages. 220 BLO Vol. vi. Title; preface, 7 pages ; histoi-y, 521 pp. not including the index, and 6 plates and pedigrees. Vol. vii. pp. 520, besides title, an index of 3 pages, and 6 plates and pedigrees. Vol. viii. pp. 548, besides title, an index of 4 pages, and 9 plates and pedigrees. At p. 533 is a chronological table of the Mayors of Lynn Regis. Vol. ix. pp. 527, besides the title, an index of 4 pages, and 5 plates. Vol. X. pp. 479, besides the title, an index of 4 pages, and a pedigree and two plates. Vol. xi. Two titles ; history, 402 pages ; indexes, 60 pages ; some remarkable occur- rences, &c. 3 pages ; list of subscribers, 11 pages ; directions to the binder, 3 pages ; and a view of Yannouth at p. 255. BiOMFiELD, Charles James, Bishop of Chester (late Bishop of London). Dissertation upon the traditional Knowledge of a promised Redeemer, which subsisted before the Advent of our Savioiu*. Cambridge, 1819. 8vo. 4s. 6d. — Twelve Lectiu-es on the Acts of the Apostles ; to which is added a new Edition of Five Lectures on the Grospel of St. John, as bearing Tes- timony to Jesus Clu'ist. Lond. 1828. 8vo. lbs. 6d. The former edition of the Lectures on Saint John appeared 1823, 12mo. 2s. Blondel, David. Treatise of the Sibyls, translated by J. Davies. Lond. 1661. folio, 5s. Roxburghe, 670, 9s. 6d. — Pindar and Hoi'ace compared, translated by J. Davies. Lond. 1680. 8vo. 4s' Another translation by Sir Edward Sher- burne, 1696, Svo. 4s. BXONDEVILLE. See Blunde- VIILE. BlOOD, Thomas. Remarks on the Life and Death of the famed Mr. Blood. Lond. 1680. folio. Reprinted in the eighth volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts, and in Smee- ton's Collection, 4to, lilood for Blood ; or, Miirthers revenged, briefly set forth in thirty tragical Histories, to which are added five more, being the sad Product of our own Times, viz., Charles the Martyr, and four others. Lond. 1661. 8vo. with front. Sotheby's in May, 1823, 15s. Bloomfield, Ezekiel. Lectures on the Pliilosophy of History, ac- companied with Notes and illustra- trative Engravings. Lond. 1820. 4to. 20s. — Robert. Farmer's Boy, a rural Poem. Lond. 1805. 12mo. 5s. Frequently reprinted. An elegant edi- tion, 1800, 4to. with wood cuts by Bewick, 5s. LARGE PAPER, lOs. 6d. In illustration of this poem, a selection of views was published by Messrs. Storor and Greig, 1806, 8vo. 4s. — Riu-al Tales, Ballads, and Songs. Lond. 1802. 12mo. 4s. An elegant edition in Svo. was published 1802, with wood cuts by Bewick, 5s. large PAPER, 4to. 8s. This celebrated poet has likewise published Wild Flowers, 1806. Miscellaneous Poems, 1806. The Banks of Wye. May Day with the Muses, 1822. 12nio. Remains in Poetry and Prose, 1824. fscap, 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. — Rev. S. T. Recensio synop- tica Annotationis sacrae, being a critical Digest and synoj^tical Ar- rangement of the most important Annotations on the New Testament, exegetical, pliilological, and doctri- nal. Lond. 1827. Svo. 8 vols. ' One of the most important works in sacred literature which has been offered to the attention of Bible students for many years.' — Home. Bloee, Edward. Monumental Remains of noble and eminent English Persons. Lond. 1825. impe- rial Svo. 5 pts. with 30 plates, 3Z.15s. An elegant work, which it is to be re- gretted did not meet with sufficient encou- ragement. Quarto, 6?. 6s. india paper proofs, 9/. (Since much reduced.) — Tliomas. History and Anti- quities of the County of Rutland. Stamford (1811). royal folio, vol. 1, part ii. 3/. 3s. Large Paper, 4Z. 4s. This work merits great praise, and de- servedly ranks very high among such pub- lications. Only this part has beenpnblishod. — History of the Manor and ]\fanor House of South Winfield, in Derbyshire. Lond. 17'J3. 4to. No. iii. of the Miscellaneous AntiquitiuiJ, BLO BLO 221 m continuation of tlie Biblioth. Topogr. ] 1660. Hintlloy, pt. i. 616, 13s. Towneley, Brit. Bindley, pt. i. 909, 6s. Drury, 568,lpt. ii. 52, 16s. Williams, 270, with por- 7s. I traits of Cliarlps 11., Mrs. Jane Lane, BiOEE.Eobert. Account of the R.'". V<1 P'^"i'ere^'' ?.'!'' *'"', plj'^v "^?™';';°' Public Schools, Hosjiitals, and other charitable Foundations in the Borough of Stamford. Stamford, 1813. 8vo. B— 3 A 3, besides title, introduction and contents. Blosius, F. Mirrour for Monkes. Paris, 1676. 18mo. with front, and plates. Wliite Knights, pt. i. 473, mor. 1/. 5s. Blount, Charles. Miscellaneous Works. Lond. 169'). 12nio. 4s. The works of tliis writer are held in some little estimation with the Ueists. — Edward. Ars AuUca, the Courtier's Arte. Lond. 1607. 16mo. 5s. — Horse Subsescivaj. ObseiTa- tion and Discovrses. Lond. 1626. Svo. 6s. — See CoNESTAGGio, Jerome. Gaezoni. Earle, John, Bishop of Salisbury. — Sir Henry. Voyage into the Levant. Third Edition. Lond. 1638. 4to. 5s. Of little value or authority ; reprinted in the Oxford and Pinkertun's Collections of Voyages and Travels. Nassau, pt. i. 419, 7s. The first edition appeared 1636, 4to. Fonthill, 2612, 1^.; reprinted 1637, 1650, 1669, Nassau, pt. i. 276, 5s. — Tho. Journey to Jerusalem in 1669. 12rao. 1672. 10s. 6d. — EngHshAcademie of Eloquence. Lond. 1654'. 12mo. The title engraved by W.Faitliorne con- tains portraits of Lord Bacon and Sir P. Sidney. 1656. Nassau, pt. i. 273. 11. — Boscobel, or the compleat His- tory of his sacred Majesties most miraculous Preservation after the Battle of Worcester. The tliird edi- tion, with Additions. Lond. 1680. Best edition. Part i. 81 jip. Part ii. 90 pp. five plates. 'Pen'd,' says A. a Wood, ' with great truth and fidelity.' Baker, 44, russia, 21. 3s. A notice of tlie work and its various editions will be found in the iletrosp. Review, ,xiv.47— 68. The edition il. 14s. 6d.— 1662. with port, of Charles II. ground plot aud plan, .ladis, 72, morocco, 21. 8s.— 1692. Nassau, pt. i. 290, 178.— 1725. Roxburghe, 8475, U. 16s.— 1746. White Knights, pt. i. 511, 9s. — Glossographia, or Dictionary of hard words. Lond. 1719. Svo. 5s. The best edition. It was first printed in 1656; reprinted 1670, 1671, 1674, 1679, 1691, 1707. — Law Dictionary and Glossary of obscure Words and Terms, in ancient Law, Eecords, &c., by W. Nelson. Lond. 1717. folio, 5s. Best edition. The former editions, 1670, 1691. — A world of Errors discovered in the New World of Words, folio. 1673. See Phillips (Ed.) — Fragmenta Antiquitatis ; or, ancient Tenures of Land, and jocular Customs of Manors, with consider- able Additions, by H. M. Beckwith. iLond. 1815. 4to. 2/. 12s. 6d. Best edition of a very popular work. FINE PAPER, 3^. 3s. The original edition, Lond. 1679, Svo. Heatli, 4558, 7s. New Edition, with Alterations, Additions, &c. by Josiah Beckwith. York, 1784. 8vo. Roxburghe, 977, 1^. 10s. Supplement, 553, 16s. Dent, pt. i. 229, russia, lis. Nassau, pt. i. 275, i;. — Art of making Devises. See ESTIENNE (Hem-y). — Thomas Pope. Censura cele- brium Authorum ; sive Tractatus in quo varia Virorum doctorum de clarissimis cvij usque Secidi Scripto- ribus Judicia tradvmtur. Lond. 1690. fol. 10s. 6d. Heath, 222, 18s. An erudite work, much esteemed by the curious, reprinted at Gene- va, 1694, 4to. and again 1710 and 1718. — Natural History : containing many not common Observations : extracted out of the best modern Writers. Lond. 1693. Svo. 3s. 6d. — De Ee Poetica ; or Eenaarks upon Poetry, with Characters and Censm-es of the most considerable Poets, whether antient or modern. Lond. 1694. Ito. 222 BLU BLtJ Contains pp 392. Ribl. Anglo-Poet. 73, 11. 5s. Heatli,221. 3s. 6d. Reed, 6G90, with MS. additions by Mr. Wni. Oldys, 31. lis. — Essays. Loud. 1697, 8vo. 5s. Mr. Chalniprs observes, that 'in point of learning, judgment, and freedom of thought, these essayes are in no way inferior to those of the celebrated Montaigne.' Blow, JohD . Ampliion Anglicus. Lond. 1700. folio, with portrait by R. Wliite. Nassau, pt. i. 445, 6s. Towneley, pt. ii. 339, 11. Is. Blue Blanket. — Historical Ac- count of the Blue Blanket, or Crafts- men Banner, with the Prerogatives of the Crafts of Edmbvu-gh. Edinb. 1780. small Svo. with cuts. Nassau, pt. i. 1576, 6s. Blumenbach, J. F. Manual of the Elements of Natm-al History : translated from the tenth German Edition, by R. T. Gore. New EcU- tion. Loiid. 1826. Svo. 14s. A transhition of tlie autlior's system of comparative Anatomy, witli additions by W. Lawrence, appeared 1S07. Svo. 12s. Blumenthal, Mme. de. Life of General de Zieten, translated from the German by the Rev. B. Bcres- ford. Berlhi, iSOS. Svo. 2 vols. 9s. BJundeU (or Ince) Gallery. — En- gravings and Etchings of the princi- pal Statues, Busts, Bas-Reliefs, Sepulchral Monuments, Cinerary Urns, &c., in the Collection of Henry BlundeU, Esq., at Ince. 158 plates 1809. imperial folio. Privately piinted. Fifty copies were struck off for presents. (Sometimes bound in 2 vols., vol. i. 77 plates, vol. ii. 81 plates. Acopyisinthe British Museum. Combe, 1052, with a M S. memorandum of the plates, morocco, .33^. 12s. 6d.) Bltjndell, H. Account of the Statues, Busts, Bas-Reliefs, Cine- rary Urns, and Paintings at Ince. Liverpool, 1803. 4to., privately printed, front, and six plates. 21. 28. Blundeville, Thomas. Three Treatises, the one called the learned Prince, the other the Fruites of Foes, the thyrde the Porte of Rest. Lond. bv WyUyara Seres, 1561. small -ito. Th(! first is written in four-lined stanzaHi and contains C 3, in fours ; the second, likewise in four-lined stanzas, with a sepa- rate title page, contains E 2 in fours; the third tract, wliich also has a separate title- page, is in prose, and contains K in fours. The whole are taken from Plutarch. Bibl. Anglo-Poet 51, 121. 12s. resold by Saun- ders in 1818, for 51. 15s. 6d. Reprinted, according to Herbert, 1568, 1580, Svo. and n.d. 1609. — Treatise declaring howe many Counsels, and what Maner of Coun- selers a Prince that will gouerne well ought to haue. Lond. by Wil' Ham Seres (1570). 16mo. This treatise, dedicated to the '"Erie of Leycester,' contains Q in fours. It was first written in Spanish by Federigo Furio, and afterwards translated into Italian, by Alfonso D'UUoa. Sotheby, June, 1856, fine copy, 21. lis. — Methode of wryting and read- ing Hysterics, according to the Pre- cepts of Francisco Patritio, an Ac- contio Tridentino. Lond. 1574. 16mo. , This treatise, dedicated to the ' Erie or Leycester,' contains H in fours. Bright, 1845, 21. 2s. — Briefe Desci'iption of vniuersal Mappes and Cardes, and of their Vse ; and also the Vse of Pthole- mey liis Tables. Lond. 1589. 4to. Black letter. Dedicated to Mr. Francis Windam. F 2, in fours, with the mariner's quadrant to fold. Inglis, 167, lis. — His Exercises contaiaiag sixe Treatises. Lond. 1594. 4to. 10s. 6d. Eacli tract has a separate title-page, but the folios are continued to 350, with tables and projections. Reprinted 1597, 4to. with the addition of ' A briefe Description of vniversal Maps and Cards,' &c. — Art of Logike. Lond. 1599. 4to. 10s. 6d. Contains, Preface ' To the Reader. A Postscript. The Contents,' 170 pages. — Booke containing the ryding and breakinge greate Horses. Lond. by William Seres. 4to. Contains besides prefixes, F 4 in eights. At the end are 50 wood-cuts of the haltei and various sorts of bitts. — The foure chiefest Offices be- longuig to Horsemanship. In four Parts. Lond. W. Serres, 1580, 4to. 130A BOC 223 The last three parts have distinct title pages, &c. The first treatise contains 22 leaves; the second, 80 ; the third, 22; the last, 86; besides their several pretixes. Ke- printed 1597 and 1609. First edition, 1565-6. In^lis. 165, imperfect, 10s. Edition, 1597. Gardner, 1854. nior. 21. 7s. Blundeville, Thos. The The- oriques of the seven Planets. Lond. 1602. 4to. 10s. 6d. Hlundeville likewise published 'The Making, Description and Use of the Two Instruments for Sea-men to find out the La- titude.' Lond. 1602. 4to. Blunt, Charles. Essay on Me- chanical Drawing. Lond. 1811. royal 4to. 3/. 3s. j — H. See Blount, Henry. — Rer. J. J. Vestiges of an- cient Manners and Customs disco- verable in modern Italy and Sicily. Lond. 1823. 8vo. 9s. 6d. Contains pp. 293. Drury, 476, ISs. — Veracity of the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, argued from the undersigned Coincidences to be found in them, when compared, 1. with each other, and 2. with Jose- phus. Lond. 1828. 8vo. An admirable supplement to Dr. Lard Memoirs of Mrs. Jordan, 2 vols. 8vo. 1831. port. BOARDMAN, Thomas. Dictionary of the Veterinary Art. Lond. 1805. 4to. with 39 plates, II. Is. BOATE, Gerard. Ireland's Natu- ral History, publislicd by Samuel Hartlib. Lond. 1652. 12mo. 38. 6d. A work excellent in its kind ; as not only full of truth and certainty, but written with much judgment, order and exnctness.' — Nicolson. liindley, pt. i. 600, 5s. Gd. Natui'al History of Ireland, in three parts, by Dr. Gerard Boate, Thomas Molineaux,M.D. and others. Dublin, 1726. Towneley, pt. ii. 143, lis. Bindley, pt. i. 729, 15s. Heath, 4778, 18s. An edition, Dublin, 1755. 4to. Marquis of Townshend, 375, II. lls.6d. Another, Dublin, 1799, 4to. BOAYSTUAU, Peter. Theatrum Muudi, whereunto is added aWorke of the ExceUencie of Mankynd. En- glished by John Alday. Lond. 1574. 16mo. Black letter. Contains 287 pages, be- sides title, dedication to Sir Wm. Chester, Knt. the printer to the reader; Peter Boaystuau to the reader; and table. Burton was probably acquainted with this work. ner's Credibility of the Gospel History, as there are many passages in his Anatomy and to Dr. Paley's Hora; Paulinie. A list of Melancholy which bear a strong resem- of various other worlis of this able divine Iblance. Boswell, 227, 3s. 6d. Bindley, pt. will be f(/und in the London Catalogue. U- 461, 4s.— An edition witliout date, Stee- — Leonard. Asse upon Asse, ah'!'"«- ^73, 4s. 6d Inglis, 93, 8s. Another, Tj rj '■ 1581. Sotheby s in 1824, 19s. l-oem, »vo. Bobbin, Tim. See Collier, John. feteevens, 1047. .-, /-< • • ti -rv BoADEN, James. Inquh-y into Boccaccio, Giovanni II De- the Authenticity of various Pictures c^'^erone. Londra 1725. 4to. 14s. IT-,., 1 • 1 J- ii T-v An accurate edition. Uistampatosecondo and Prmts, which, from the Decease ipEdizione dell' Anno 1527, da P. Rolli.' of the Poet to our own Times, have Drury, 570, morocco, \l. 7s. large paper, been offered to the Public as Por- i",fol'0' !'• ll.«- ^d. stiuiley,488, red mor. . ., (. oi 1 T t -iccA 15^. An edition of the Decamerone, Lond. traits ot Shakspeai-e. Lond. 1824. 1727, l2mo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Svo. with five portraits, 15s. laege — Decamerone (da Vincenzio paper, in 4to. 1/. lis. 6d. 1 MartmeUi, coUa Prefazione dell' — Memoirs of the Life of JohnjEditore, e Vita di Boccaccio, Tavola Philip Ivemble, Esq., including a'ed Osservazioni). Lond. 1762. royal Histoiy of the Stage from the Time 4to. 18s. of Garrick to the present Period.: A fine edition, containing pp. xvi. and Lond. 1825. Svo. 2 vols, with por-! 574, 'Tavola,' 8 pages, and 'Os.servazioni' i. -i Ti. a- rr T 00 1 35 pp. also a port, of MartmeUi, engraved trait after Sir T. Lawrence. 28s. ^^by F. Bartolozzi. Mr. Boaden likewise published Memoirs Tl T~>or.amovr^no T r^nrl T7q9 ofMis.Siddons,8vo. 2 vols, with a por-] — ^1 Decameione. Lond. 17yl. with Plates. Plain, 11. 5s. ; coloured, 21. 2s. CATALOGUE of the Manuscripts be- queathed unto the University of Oxford by Elias Ashmole, Esq. M.D., &c. By W. H. Black. 1845. 4to. 11. lOs. — See Oxoniana. — Letters writter. by eminent Persons in the I7th and 18th Cen- turies: to wltichare added, Hearne's Journies to Reading and to Whad- don Hall, and Lives of eminent Men, by John Aubrey, Esq. The whole now first published from the Originals in the Bodleian Library and Ashmolean Museum ; withbio- graj^hical and literary Illustrations by Jno. Walker. Lond. 1813. 8vo. 2 vols, in 3. Vol. i. pp. xxiii. and 304. Vol. ii. pt. i. pp. 352. Vol. ii. pt. ii. pp. 3.53—668. Strettell, 779, 11 7s. Brockett, 1881, 11. 23. BoDMEE, Jno. Jas. Noah : at- tempted fi-om the German, m twelve Books. By Joseph Collyer. Lond. 1767. 12nio. 2 vols. 5s. A miserable translation. BoDErGAN, Nicholas, otherwise AnAMS. An epitome of the Title that the Kynges Maiestie of Eng- land hath to the Souereigntie of Scotlande, continued vpon the aim- cient Writers of both Nations from the Begmyng. Lond. by Richard Grafton, 1548. 12mo. Collation h in 8's ; preface 7 pp. .address- ed to K. Edward 6th. Black letter. A copy is in the British Museum AVhite Knights, 492, HI. 15s. BoECE. See Boethius. BoEMUS, Joannes. Manners and ?'2'EE, Edmund, Bishop of London. The Declaration of the Bishop of London, to be i^ublished to the Lay People of his Diocese, concerning the Reconcihation. A broadside dated Lond. 12 Feb. 1554. — Commyssion sent to the bloody butcher (Bishop of London) and to all Fryars by H. M. H. Prince Satan. 12mo. Black letter. Brand, 163. 173. — Commemoration or Dirige of Bastard 1 Conner, usm-ped Bishop of London, 1569. 12mo. Bindley, 3?. 13s. Heber, pt. iv. No. 43. lOl. — Ai'ticles (37) to be enquired of in his general Visitation, exercised by him in the City and Dioc. of Lond. an. 1554. On these articles, reprinted by Bishop Burnet in his Histoiy of the Reformation, •Jo. Bale 'has commented with a great deal of raillery.' — Jniunctions geuen in the Visi- tatio of Edmunde, Bishop of London. liond. by John Cawood, 1555. 4to. Nine leaves. — Homelies not onely promised before in his Boke, intituled, A ne- cessary Doctrine, but also now of late adioyned, &c. Anno. M.D.LV. Lond. by John Cawood. 4to. T 2, in fours. — A profitable and necessary Doctrine, with certayne Homelies, adioyned thei-vnto. Lond. in iEdi- bus Joannis Cawodi, 1555. 4to. C'cc, in fours. ' This doctrine or cate BON BOO 235 chlsm l« nald to have been composed by his chaplaiiH, John Ilarpcistiekl and Henry Pendleton, and to be taken out of the In- ntitution of a Christian Man, set out by K. Hen. 8, only varied in some points.' — Ant. it Wood. Bindley, pt. i. li)97 (Doctrine and Homelies), 31. 16s. Williams, 2.37, both parts, morocco, il. lO.s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. iii. 708. ttotlieby, 1848, tine old mor. 61. 6s. llrirner, 1854, 2 vo'.s. mor. (M. 6s. Other editions, witliout date Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 442, 1/. 18s. Wilkes, 1847. mor. 51. 15s. Another edition, at the end of which is a 'Totrastichon, in immodicam prmsentis temporis plimiam.' Also, ' A Dialojjne be- twene man and the Ayre of lyke efl'ecte.' Then 'Domine salue fac' &c. 4to. Dr. Dibdin notices other of Bonner's Works. Also liis Catechism, 4to. See catalogue of Dr. Lort's books, 1086. Bishop Bonner's Catecliism, 1555. 4to. In I'ox's Acts and Mon. of the Church, and Bp. Burnet's Uistoi-y of the Keforma- tion, will be found much by and relating 'to Bishop Bonner. See AuALE, Lemeke. Bale, John. Brookk, T. Harpesfield, John. Knell, T. BoNNOH, T. Views of the inte- rior and exterior of Gloucester Cathedral : drawn and engraved by T. Bonnor, in 1796, and reprinted in 1815. 8vo. Contains pp. 37, witli 12 plates. Tlia ichnography of the catliedral accompanies tlie letter-press. Some impressions of tlio plates were taken oft' in quarto, and a small number of tlie same size on India papei'. — Interior and exterior Views of Goodrich Castle, on the Banks of the Wye, drawn and engraved by T. Bonnor, 1798, and reprinted in 1815. 8vo. Contains pp. 57, with an engraved page, and 13 plates. Some copies of the plates were taken off in quarto; and a limited number of tlie same size on India paper. BoNNYCASTLE, John. Treatise on Algebra. Second Edition. Lond. 1823. 8vo. 2 vols. 1/. 5s. Bonnycastle likewise published several other excellent elementary treatises, which have been frequently reprinted. See R. H. Spanish America. Bon'/er Richard. Treatise of the ^^''^- I^IS- 8vo. 2 vols, with maps. 12s. BoNWiCKE, Ambrose. Pattern for young Students in the University, set forth in the Life of Mr. Ambrose Bonwicke, sometime Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge. Lond. 1729. 12mo. 4s. This little volume was generally as cribed to Bowyer, the learned printer, though it was in reality the production of Ambrose's father. The preface was writ- ten by Bowyer. Book.^Book of St. Albans. See Baknes. — The Book of good Maners, translated out of the Frensshe into right Worshipping of Christ in the Sacrament. Lond. for Gualther Linne, 1548. 8vo. From Maunsell's Catalogue, p. 22. Strype's Eccl. Mem. ii. 146. 150NNET, Charles. Philosophical and critical Inquiries concerning Christianity, translated by J. L. Boissier. Lond. 1787. 8vo. 5s. Several other works by this eminent na- tural philosopher, have been translated into English. BoNNEVAii. Memou's of the Ba- shaw Count Bonneval, from his Birth to his Death. Lond. 1750. Svo. 6s. An entertaining work, containing much secret history of Europe, told after the manner of romance. Bonnet, Henry Kaye, D.J). Life of Jeremy Taylor, Bishop of Do^vn, Connor and Dromore. Loud. 1815. Svo. with portrait, 7s Enghsshe. (Imprinted by William Caxton, 1487.) foho. The prologue begins on sign, a 1. and on the last leaf (the fifth after sign, h v.) we have Explicit & hie est tinis per Ca.tton, &c. &c. Laus Deo. .See Ames by Dibdin, i, 263-6. The same, printed by Wynkyn deWorde, 1507, 4to. Dr. Bonney likewise published Memoirs! 'fi'jg same, translated in 1486, and impiyn of T. F. Middleton, Bishop of Calcutta, and j^gf} ^y k. Pynson, 1494, folio, only Mr. He also Historic Notices ofFotheringay. Oun-|^,gJ.>g copy known. Sold imperfect for il. 43 die, 1821. Svo. Brockett, 348, 5s. 6d. 349, ' LABOE PAPER, 6s. 6d. — A Boke of diuers ghostly 236 BOO BOO Maters. Emprynted at Westmyn- stre, folio. This volume, printed by Caxton, con- sists of three trf^atises: tlie first(A— M, in eights) is entitled ' The Treatyse of the vij Poyntes of true Loue and euerlastyng Wysdoni drawenof the Boke that iswTyten in Laten named Orologiu Sapiecie.' The second (A — D, in eights) ' A Treatyse sheivynge the xij Proffites of Tribulacyon.' The third [20 leaves, a and b in eights, c in fours] relates to the Rule of St. Bennet. The whole volume consists of 148 leaves. Willett, 1777. 194/. 5s. A copy is in Eail Spencer's library. Also at Ham House. See Ames, by Dibdin, i. 330—2. Bibl. Spencer, iv. 329—31. — Book of the citye of Ladyes. Imp. by Henry Pe]3well, 1521. 4to. Bindlev, MS. title, and wanting the three first chapters, 3?. 19s. — Booke of Canons concerning some pai:te of the discipline of the clim-ch of England. Dave, 1571. 4to. Black letter, 16 leaves. — Book of Christian Prayers, Q. EUsabeth. See Pe.4.yees. — Book, The, whicli is called the body of the pohcie. Imp. by J. Skot, 1575. 4to. Ulack letter. Woodhouse, 1803, 61. 7s. 6d. — The Booke of Death, or howe a Cliristian Man onght to behane liimselfe in the Danger of Death : and how they are to be comforted whose deare Fi'ends are departed out of this World. Translated out of High Dutch, by Miles Couerdale. Lond. 1579. 16mo. From Maunsell's Catalogue, p. 42. — The Blacke Booke. Printed by T(homas) C(reede). 1604. 4to. 'Black letter. Steevens, 770, \l. 8s. Ro.\biirghe, 6671, 3?. 13s. 6d. Reed, 1779, il. 14s. 6d. Bindlev, pt. i. 897, 6/ 8s. 6d. Saunders in 181S, 11. 17s. 6d. — Book of Kings. See Holland . — The first and second Booke of Disciphne ; together with some Acts of the gcnerall Assemblies, clearing and confirming the same : and an Act of Parliament. 1621. 4to. Gordonstoun, 161, 13s. — The Booke of Bulls, baited with two Centiu'ics of bold Jests and nimble Lies. Lond. 1636. 12mo. — A Book of the Continuation of Forreign Passages, that is of Peace between the Common-wealth and the Netherlands, England and France, from General! Blake's Fleet, the Turks in Argier consent to de- liver up all the Enghsh Slaves, and desire for Peace, with Account of the battering their Castle, setting then' Fleet on Fire, Attempt on the Island of Jamaica, with Narrative of various Engagements, with the Spaniards, &c. Lond. for T. Jenner, 1657. 4to. \l. Is. A curious historical tract, with plates, by Pass, of the taking the Spanish West India Fleet, Map of the Island of Jamaica, Blake's Engagement with the Turks of Tunis, Portraits of the Queen of Swe- den, Alexander VII., Lewis XIII., &c. IloUis, 203, 6s. Towneley, pt. i. 318, U. .5s * Saunders in 1818, bl. 5s. Longman, mor. 6;. 6s. — Book of Fortime. 1672. folio. Perry, pt. i. 651, 4?. 4s. — Book of Rates now used in the Sin Custom House of the Church and Com't of Rome, with the Par- dons for all Manner of Villardes and Sums to be paid. 1674. 4to. Dent, pt. i. 346, 13s. — The Book of Fun, or the Quintessence of Wit and Mirth, with froUcsome Stuff fi-om all the joUiest Authors, &c. Lond. 1759. 12mo. 6s. — The Book of Life, a biblio- graphical Melody, dedicated to the Rosburghe Club^ 1820. 8vo. Fifty-five copies privately printed foi presents, by R. Thomson. Sir M.M.Sykes, pt. i. 242, 7s. Booker, John. The Bloody Al- manack, to whicliEngland is directed to foreknow what shall come to passe. Lond. 1643. 4to. Nassau, pt. ii. 807, 8s. King and Lo- chije's, in March, 1810, 16s. 6d. — No Mercurius Aquaticus, but a Cable Rope double twisted for John Taylor the Water Poet. 1644. 4to. Nassau, pt. i. 425, U. Is. Hooker like- wise published another tract against the BOO Water Poet, entitled ' A Rope treble twisted for Jolin Taylor.' London, 16-14, 4to. — Bloody Irish Almanack. Lond. 1646. 4to. This piece, which contains some memo rable particulars relative to tlie war in Ireland, is the only work of Hooker worth the reader's notice. Towneley, pt. 1. 315, 5s. Many of Booker's publications are in the British Museum. — Dutch Fortune Teller, dis- covering XXXVI Questions, which old and young, married Men and Women, Bachelors and Maids, d^ light to be resolved of. 1677. folio. Nassau, pt. 1. 448, 15s. An edition, no date, 8vo. — L. Historical Account of Dudley Castle. 8vo. 7s. 6d. large PAPER, 15s. Books. — Critical Observations on Books, Ancient and Modern, Nos. 1 to 16, with several appendixes, forming 5 vols. 8vo. 1776 and 1813, rare, 21. 2s. (Bohn's Cat. 1847.) Dr. Parr ascribes this work to John Howes of Norwich. Boone, Eev. T. C. Book of Churches and Sects ; or the Opinions of all Denominations of Christians differing from the Church of Eng- land, traced to then- Source. Lond. 1826. 8vo. 14s. — J. S. Essay on the Study of modern History. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 8s. A spirited and luminous work. BooEDE. See Borde. Boot, Arnold, M.D. Animad- versiones sacrse ad Textum Hebrai- cum veteris Testamenti. Lond. 1644. 4to. 6s. A learned work. — Ger. et Arnold. Philosopliia naturahs reformata ; id est, Philoso- phise Aristotelicse Examinatio et Confutatio, et novee ac verioris In- troductio. Dubhn, 1641. 4to. BooTE, E. Historical Treatise of an Action or Sviit at Law. Sixth Edition, with considerable additions, BOO 237 by John Adams, Serjeant at Law. Lond. 1823. 8vo. 9s. 6d. The former editions of this valuable and esteemed work appeared 1766, 1781, 1795, 1805, and 1814. Booth, Abraham. Works, with his Life. Lond. 1813. 8vo. 3 vols, with portrait, 18s. The writing.s of this popular Baptist minister are much esteemed by those of his sect. His IVdobaptism E.xamined is considered by them as unanswerable. — Barton. Memoirs of the Life of Barton Bootli, with his Charac- ter. Lond. 1733. 8vo. with portrait by Vander Grucht, 4s. Other lives of this celebrated actor were published by Theophilus Cibber, 8vo. 4s and by Benjamin Victor, 8vo. 4s. — David. Analytical Dictionary of the English Language. New edition, to which is added an intro- duction and an index, with an Ap- pendix. Lond. 1836, 4to. 11. Is. The introduction to this dictionaiy was fiist published Eclinb. 1806, 8vo. Home Tooke, 81, 8s. 6d. — George. Natiu'e and Practice of real Actions in their Writs and Process, both original and judicial. Second Edition corrected, with the Notes of Serjeant Hill. Lond. 1811. royal 8vo. 16s. Tlie first edition appeared London, 1701, folio, some of which have the date of 1704. — John. Lexicon of the primi- tive Words of the Greek Language. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 9s. — Robert. Encomivm Herovm, Carmine AXPOSTIKQ tentatvm. Lond. 1620. -Ito. A copy is in the British Museum. BoOTHBT, Sir Brooke. Tears of Penelope. Lond. 1795. small folio, with engravings after the designs of Fuseh. — SoiTows sacred to the Memorj' of Penelope. Lond. 1796. folio. Towneley, pt. ii. 345, 7s. Fonthill, 1735, U. — Fables and Satires, with a Preface on the jEsopean Fable. Edinb. 1809. post 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. 238 BOB BOH BOOTHBY, Richard. Description of Madagascar. Lond. 1646. 4to. Blndlev, pt. i. 1274, 18s. Jadis, 278, 2i. 6s. Inglis, 176,3Z. 15s. North, pt. iii. 587, russia, 1?. 8s. Keprinted iu the Oxford Collection of Voyages and Travels, %ol. ii. In the British Museum is a tract entitled 'A true Declaration of the Intollerable wrongs done to Richard lioothby,Mercliant of India, by two lewd Servants to the lion. East India'Coinpany.' London, 1644, 4to. BoOTHOrSE, Samuel. Remon- strance of several national Injuries and Indignities perpetrated by the Dev of Tunis, in Barbary. Lond, 16-53. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. BooTHROiTD, B. The History of the ancient Borough of Pontefract. Pontefract, 1807. 8\'o. in two parts. 15s. Pp. xvi. 496, and xxiv. with a frontis- piece, and five plates, viz. at p. 162, 166, ■317, 364, and 443. BoQUiNE, Peter [of Heidelberg]. Defence of the old and true Profes- sion of Christianitie, agamst the new counterfeite Sect of lesuites, tranS' lated by T. G. Lond. 1581. 8vo. Dedicated to F. Russell, Earl of Bedford BoEDE, Andrew, M.D. Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge. Lond. by W. Copland. 4to. with wood cuts. A curious and interesting work, divided Into 37 chapters, containing many genuine traits and characteristic notices of various countries. Bindley, pt. i. 895, 13i!. 13s. Opland printed two editions,one extending to Niiij, printed at the sign of the Rose Garland in FleteStrete,7?.2s.6d.Heber; the other printed in Lothbury. \ — Bb 2 leaves each, and Cc, with 3 leaves. From this last the reprint of 1814 was made. S'-e Ames by Dibdin, iii 158— 60. British Bibliographer, iv. 19-30. Ritson's Bibl. Popt. 1.36. Warton's Poetrv, 8vo. iii. 351 -01. — Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge. Lond. 1814. 4to. Edited by W. Upcott. of this reprint 100 copies were printed. Biockett, 604, 9s. on vellum, (four copies printed). Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 444, 7?. 7s. — Pryncyples of Astronomye. Lond. by Robert Copland. 16mo. A treatise on Astrohr/i/, In xiii chaptprs. A copy is afiiong Bishop Moore's books In the public library at Cambridge. — Breviarie of Health. Lond. by W. Middleton, 1547. 4to. 'The first written of that faculty in En- glish,' says Fuller. Herbert is of opinion that Middleton printed an edition before 1547, in 12mo. Keprinted 1.548, 1552. Towneley, pt. i. 402, 11. 4s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 415, U. 3s. Inglis, 17.5, 153. 1556, Nassau, pt. i. 426, 2 pts. 1556-7, 15s. 1557, 1.575, 1587, Goldsmid, 142, 153. 1598. — Regimente, or Dietary of Health. Imprinted by me Thomas Colwel, 1562. 16mo. Inglis, 210, 4s. 6d. 1.564, White Knights, .507, mor. 9s. 1567, Perrv, pt. i. 468. 9s. Bindley, pt. i. 460, lis. 1576. Two editions by Robert Wyer, without dates, are in the British Museum. ' Of Borde's numerous books the only one that can afford any degree of enter- tainment to the modern reader is the Die- tarie of Helthe ; where, giving directions as a physician, concerning the choice of houses, diet, and apparel, and not suspect- ing how little he should instruct, and how much he might amuse a curious posterity, be has preserved many anecdotes of the private life, customs, and arts of our an- cestors.' — Warton. — Merie Tales of the Madmen of Q-otham, gathered together by A. B. of Physick Doctour. According to Ant. k Wood, 'Printed at Loudon in the time of K. Hen. 8, in whose reign and after, it was accounted a book full of wit and mirth by scholars and gentlemen. Afterwards, being often print- ed, is now sold only on the stalls of ballad- singers.' An edition, London, 1630, 12mo. is in the Bodleian library. This physi- cian has the reputation of being the ori- ginal Merry Andrew ; to him is ascribed ' A Historie of tlie Mylner of Abyngton,' 4to. and John Scogin's Jests. See Warton's Poetry, section XLI. Wood's Ath. Oxon. by Dr. Bliss, i. 170-82. Border Antiquities. See ScOTT, Su- Walter, Bart. BoEEMAX, Robert, D.D. natSiia Bpuifi€og, the Triumphs of Learning over Ignorance, and of Truth over Falsehood. Lond. 1653. 4to. Reprinted iu the first volume of the Har- leian Miscellany. — MiiTour of Mercy and Judge- ment, or an exact and true Narrative BOR BOB 239 of the Life and Death of Freeman Sonds. Lond. 1655. 4to. Kepiinted with Sir George Sondes' own account at Evesliam (1792), small 8vo. and In the tenth vohime of the Havleian Mis- cellany. Kob. Boreman likewise published TheChuichraan's Catechism, London, 1651, 4to. A Mirrour of Christianity and a Blirrour of Charitv ; or a true and exact Narrative of the Life and Death of Alice Dutchess Dudley, &c. London, 1(509. 4to. Sermon on Philip iii. 20; London, 1669. 4to. A Panegyrick and Sermon at the Funeral of Dr. Comber. London, 1654. 4to. An Antidote against Swearing. London, 1662. 8vo. Borgia, Cardinal. Letters from the Cardinal Borgia and the Cardi- nal York. Lond. 1801. 4fo. Privately printed by Sir J. C. Hippisley, Bart. Duice of York, 2922, lis. BoEFET, Abiel. Postliminia Caroli II. The Palmgenesy, or Second-Birth of Charles the Second to his Kingly Life ; upon the Day of his first, M'ay 29. Lond. 1660. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. BoEiNGDON, Lord. Some Ac- count of Lord Boringdon's Acci- dent and Death. Lond. 1818. 4to. with portrait, 5s. Privately printed. Dent. pt. 1. 472, with portrait on India paper, 15s. BORLACE, Edmund, M.D. Latham Spaw, in Lancasliire ; with some remarkable Cases and Cures affected by it. Lond. 1670. 8vo. 3s. 6d. — Reduction of Ireland to the Crown of England. Loud. 1675. Bvo. 4s. ' A short but instructive work.' Nkolson. Roxburghe, 8816, \l. 5s. Dent, pt. ii. 1313, 12s. Bindley, pt. i. 653, 3s. 6d. — History of the execrable Irish RebeUion. Lond. 1680. folio. Bp. of Kly, 237, lis. 6d. Heath, 4765. 19s. 6d. According to Ant. i Wood, 'much of this book is taken from another entitled The Irish Rebellion. London, 1646, 4to. written by Sir John Temple, Knt.' Dr. Borlase also wrote Brief Reflections on the Earl of Castlehaven's Memoirs. London, 1682. Svo. 3s. 6d. BoELASE, WiUiam, LL.D. Obser- vations on the Antiquities of the County of Cornwall. Oxford, 1754. folio, with 24 plates, 15s. Title ; dedication to Sir John St. Anbyn of Clowance, Bart. 2 pages ; to the reader, list of subscribers, particular antiquities where e.\phiined, 8 pages ; table of con- tents, 4 pages ; history, &c. pp. 1 — 414. — The same. The second edition revised, with several Additions by the Author ; to wliich is added a Map of Cornwall, and two new plates. Lond. 1769. folio. Lloyd, 259, II. 2s. Bingley, pt. i. .380, 1^ lis. 6d. Title ; dedication, to Sir John St. Anbyn, Bart.; to the reader, 5 pages i contents, 6 pages; history, &c. [B — 6B2] 464 pages. Plates. New Map, p. 1 ; Map, p. 11; PI. vii. p. 117; PI. x. p. 164; PI. xi. p. 173; Fig. i. The Wringcheese, &c p. 173 ; PI. xiii. p. 174 ; PI. xi v. p. 177 ; PI. XV. p. 198; PI. xvi. p. 199; PI. xvii. p. 206; PI. xviii. p. 208; PI. xx. p. 219; PI. xxi. p. 223 ; PI. xxii. p.224; Pl.xxiii. p. 259; PL xxiv. p. 287 ; PI. xxv. p. 293 ; PI. xxviii. p. 316 ; PLxxix. p. 346 ; p. 352; PI. xxxi. p.354; I'l. xxxii. p.3.56; PI. xxxiii. p. 358; PI. xxxiv. p. 379; PI. XXXV. p. 391 ; PI. xxxvi. 396. The other plates are on the letter press. The new map, pi xxii. & xxviii. are not in the edition of 1754. See Savage's Librarian, ii. 193—225. — Natural History of Cornwall. Oxford, 1758. folio, with a map and 28 plates. This volume is much scarcer than the Antiquities of Cornwall, there having been only one edition of it. Title; dedication, 4 pages; an introductory explanation, 6 pages; list of subscribers, 4 pages; table of contents, 3 pages ; natural history, [B— 40] 326 pages ; errata, and directions for placing the plates, 2 pages. See Savage's Librarian, iii. 241 — 64. Copies of the Na- tural History and Antiquities, 1758—69. 2 vols. Sir P. Thompson, 162, 4?. 53. Drury, 809, russia, 4/. 4s. Heath, 4708, al. 15s. 6d. Beckfonl, in 1817. 83, mor. 7?. 17s. 6L Dent, pt. i. 480, russia. 81. 8s. Of the Natural History some copies were struck oif on large paper. — Observations on theantieut and present State of the Island of ScUly. Oxford, 1756. 4to. 8s. This work was reviewed by Dr. Johnson in the Literarv Magazine. Heath. 4711, 21. 3s. Reed, 3338, 21. Marquis of Towns- hend, 385, 21. 4s. Bindley, pt. i. 726, IDs. BoEN, Baron Inigo. TraveLs through the Bannat of Temeswar, Transylvania and Hungary, in 1770. By Baron Inigo Born. To which 240 BOR is added, J. J. Ferber's Mineralo- gical History of Bohemia. Trans- lated from the Grerman, with some explanatoi-y Notes, and a Preface on the Mechanical Arts, the Art of Mining and its present State and future Improvement, by R. E. Easpe. Lond. 1777. 8vo. 5s. A very valuable mineralogical tour, like- wise containing some curious notices re- specting the tribes inhabiting Transylvania and the adjacent districts. — New Process of Amalgama- tion of Gold and Silver Ores, and other metallic Mixtm-es, translated by R. E. Easpe. To which are added, a'Supplement and an Adch-ess to the Subscribers. Lond. 1791. 4to. A valuable work, consisting of pp. 290, with twenty-two copper plates. Borough, WiUiam. Diseovrs of the Variation of the Cumpas, or magneticall Needle. Lond. 1581. 4to. 73. Black letter, reprinted 15S5, 1596, 4to. BoEOUGHS, John. Impetus Ju- veniles et quaedam sedatioris ali- quantulum Animi Epistolae. Oxon. 1613. Svo. Most of the epistles are written to Philip Bacon, Sir Francis Bacon afterwards Lord Venilam, Tho. Farnabie, Tho. Coppin, Sir H. Spelman, &c. — Su- John. Soveraignty of the British Seas, proved by Eecords, History, and the municipall Lawes of the Kingdom. Written in the Year 1633. Lond. 1651. 12mo. Ss. Dent, pt. i.237, 10s. 6d. _ Boroughs of Great Britain. See Oldfield, T. H. B. BoRTHWiCK, WiEiam. Inquiry into the Origin and Lmiitations of (he Feudal Dignities of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1775. Svo. This tract is intended to exbibit a view of the limitations of the ancient dignities of Scotland. Brockett, 354, 9s. — Eemarks on British Antiqui- ties, viz. 1. Tlie Origin and Cere- mony of judicial Combats. 2. The Solemnities of ancient Writs. 3. Tlie ancient and modern Use of BOS Armorial Figures. 4. Tlie Form of Funeral Service. Edinburgh, 1776. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Brockett, 355, 8s. 6d. BoRirvriASKi. — Memoirs of tho celebrated Dwarf, Joseph Boruw- laski, a Polish Gentleman. Written by hunself. Lond. 1788. Svo. with portrait by W. Hincks. 43. — Memoirs of the Life and Travels of Count Boruwlaski. Durham, 1820. Svo. Brockett, 357, 5s. Bos, Lambert. Ellipses Grsecae, ex Edit. G. H. Schaeferi. Subjici- untur B. Weiskii Pleonasm! Linguae Grsecse, necnon G. Hermanni Dis- sertatio de Ellipsi et Pleonasmo in Grseca Lingua. Lond. 1825. Svo. Drury, 470, morocco, 11. 3s. An edition Glasg. 1813, Svo. 0.xon. 1813, Svo. Drury, 489, 6s. 6d. [Greek Ellipses abridged and translated into English from Schafl'er's edition by Seager. London, 1830, 8vo. 7s.] — Antiquities of Greece, with the Notes of Frederick Leisner, trans- lated by Percival Stockdale. Lond. 1772. Svo. 6s. A work intended principally for the use of schools. Heath, 2195, 15s. 6d. Bos, L. V. Het Leven van Maria Stuart Koninginne van Schotland. Amst. 1647, 12mo. BosANQUET and Puliee. Ee- ]")orts in the Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, and in the House of Lords, 36 Geo. III. to 44 Geo. III. Lond. 1800-4. foho. 3 vols. 1/. Is. An edition 1814. royal Svo. 3 vols. 11. Is. New reports in the C. P. 44 Geo. III. to 47 Geo. in. Lond. 1806-8, 2 vols. roy. Svo. i;. Is. [New edition of the two series, 5 vols, royal Svo. Lond. 1826, 21. 2s.] For Continuations of these Reports, see Taunton, Broderip, and liingham. Boscobel. -See Blount, Thomas. BosMAN, William. Description of Guinea. Lond. 1705. Svo. 58. Roxburglie, 7322, 6s. Foiithill, 2848, 15s. Reprinted 1721, Svo. Dent, pt. i. 239, 5s. and also in Pinkerton's C'ollection >( Voyages and Travels, vol. xvi. uos 241 BosSET, C. p. cle. Essai sui' Ics Medailles antiques des lies de Ce- phaloiiie et d'lthaque. Loud. 1815. 4to. 15s. — Proceedings in Parga, and tlie Ionian Islands. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 6s. Excellentarticles on Parga will bo found in the Edinburgh and Quarterly Ueviews. BosSEWELL. See Boswell. Bossu, M. Travels through Louisiana, transl. by J. R. Forster, with Notes. To which is added a systematic Catalogue of all the known Plants of English North- America, together with an Absti-act of Ai'ticles contained in Peter Loe- fling's Travels through Spain and Cumana in South America. Lond. 1771. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. This work forms a portion of the Linnean Voyages. BossUET, J. B. Eveque de Meaux. Le veritable Genie du Christianisme, ou (Euvres choisies. Lond. 1802-4 8vo. 3 vols. — Discours sur I'Histoire Uni- verselle, a Monseigneur le Dauphm. Lond. 1807. 8vo. avec port, par Audinet. An elegant edition of this valuable epi tome of Ancient History. A correspond- ing edition of the Oraisons Kunebres et Discours. Lond. 1807. 8vo. — ■ Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholick Church. Lond. 1685. 4to. 4s. This translation is attributed, on very slight grounds, to Dryden. — History of the Variations of the Protestant Chm'ches. Antwerp. 1742. 8vo. 2 vols. [Reprinted, Dublin, 1829, 2 vols. 8vo.l4s.] This work was refuted by several able writers. — History of France, fi-om Pha- ramond to Charles IX. translated fi'om the French, Edinburgh, 1762. 12mo. 4 vols. 7s. 6d. — View of Universal History, translated by James Elphinston. Lond. 1778. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. Another entitled Introduction to Univer- sal Histmv, in two Parts, by Richard Spen- cer. Lond. 1729 30. 8vo. VOL. I. — Select Sermons and funeral Orations, with an Essay on Pul])it Eloquence. Lond. 1801, 8vo. 5s. A life of Hossuot has been published by Charles Huthn-. Lond. 1S12. 8vo. 7s. BossiTT, John. General History of Mathematics, from the earliest Times to the Middle of the eigh- teenth Century, ti'anslated from the French : to which is aflixed a chro- nological Table of the most eminent Mathematicians. Lond. 1803.8vo.6s. BOSTOCK, John, M.D. Treatise on Phvsiology. 1824-7. 8vo. 3 vols. [Second edition, 1828-30, 8vo. 3 vols. Fourth edition, 1844. 8vo. 10s. 6d.] Boston, Thomas. Whole Works ; to which is subjoined the Marrow of modern Divinity illustrated, with many valuable Notes. Edinburgli, 1767. foHo. 1^. 5s. The works of this popular .and learned Scotch divine were published separately, and some of them have been frequently re- printed, particularly his 'Human Nature in its fourfold state.' — Memoii's of his Life, Time and Writings. Edinb. 1776. 8vo. Reprinted Edinb. 1813. 8vo. An abridg- ment by Pritchard appeared 1811, 12mo. 2s. 6d. Boston. — Transactions of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston, 1785-1818. 4to. 4 vols. New Series, 1833-48. 3 vols. 4to. Boswell, Sir Alexander. Clan- Alpin's Vow, 8vo. Edinb. 1811. Lond. 1817. Bindley, pt. i. 683, lis. — Edward. Civil Division of the Comity of Dorset. Sherborne (1795). 8vo. Title ; advertisement, errata and addenda, 2 pages ; dedication to George Lord Rivers; list of subscribers, 3 pages ; the civil divi- sion, &c. pp. i — xxii ; list of fees, 6 pages ; preliminary observations, &c. 4 pages; the names, &c. pp. 1—107 ; appendix, 64 pages; index, 3 pages ; and general index, 22 p.ages. Between pp. 8 and 9 of the appen- di.x are 4 pages of opinions on the Kingston case. Prefixed is a folded map of Dorset- shire. HoUis, 118, 6s. 6d. H. Description of a Collection of picturesque Views and Repre- R 242 HOT sentations of the Antiquities of Eng- land and Wales. Lond. fol. (1785) . with plates, copied from Grose. BoswELi, J. Method of Study ; or, an useful Library. Lond. 1738. 8vo. 2 vols. In little estimation. Gosset, 846, 6s. 6d. — James. Account of Corsica. Glasgow, 1768. 8vo. First and uiicastrated edition. Drury, 491, 7s. 6d. Heath, 2311, 14s. — Journal of a Tour to the He- brides, with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Lond. 1785. 8vo. Bindley, pt. i. 307, 8s. Fonthill, 71, 11?. Roxburghe, 7215, 15s. Second Edition, re- vised and corrected, 1785, 8vo. Reprinted 1807, 1813. — Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. with additional Notes and Illustrations, by F. P. Walesby, Esq., of Wadham College. Oxford, 1826. 8vo. 4 vols. 11. 12s. Of this edition 50 copies were printed on LARGE PAPER, at il. 4s' First edition, 1791, 4to. 2 vols, with port, after Sir Joslma Reynolds. Roxburghe, 9314, 11. lis. 6d. Ma'rq.ofTownshend,3S0,2«. 10s. Williams, 240, 21. 12s. 6d.— A supplement to the first edition, 4to. was published in 1793, at one guinea I Second edition, 1793, 8vo. 3 vols. Bindley,pt. i. 301,15s. Uent,pt. i. 242. 1/. Is. Fonthill, 79, 11. 14s.— Third edition with additions, 1799, 8vo. 4 vols. Bindley, pt. iii. 16, 11. Is. Stanley. 59, 2Z. 16s.-lS04, 8vo. 4 vols. Bindlev, pt. i. 302, 11. 23. Urury, 492, v. 10s.— 1807, 8vo. 4 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 303, 1?. Is.— 1811, 8vo. 4 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 304, 11. 3s. Of late there have been innumerable editions in 8vo. 12mo. 18mo. &c. An edition edited by J. W. Croker, Lond. 1831. 5 vols. 8vo. 21. 12s. 6d.; repub- lished with additions and corrections, in 10 vols. fcap. 8vo. Lond. 1835, 11. 10s. — James, Jun. Memoir of the late Edmond Malone, Esq. Lond. 1814. 8vo. 5s. This sketch originally appeared in the Gentleman's Magazine. A few copies, with some additions, were afterwards printed for private distribution. — John. Workes of Armorie, dewded into three Bookes. In iEd'ibus Richardi ToteUi, 1572. 4to. The first book contains 17 leaves ; the second 136 ; and the third, 30 leaves or folios; with numerous cuts. Dedicated to Sir W. Cecil, Baron of Burghleigh. Sir M. .M. Syk.s, pt. i. 447,»12s. White Knights, 572, mor. 1/. The dedication copy, on LARGE PAPER, is in the library of Wm. Cun-ie, Esq. This deservedly valued work wan reprinted 1597. Boswell, 302, 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 1275, 11. luglis, 179, 11. 3s. Marq. of Townshend, 3465, 21. 2s. An edition 1610, Hoswell, 299, 8s. 6d. BoswoETH, Rev. J. Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, with copious Notes. Lond. 1823. 8vo. An excellent work, intended to divest 1 the Saxon Grammar of the useless Latin I incumbrances adopted by preceding wri- Iters. I [This author also published a Dictionary I of the Anglo-Saxon Language. Lond. 1838, roy. 8vo. 11. 10s. ; or with a philological I preface on the connection of the Germanic I tongues, 21. 2s.] i — WiUiam. The chast and lost ! Lovers hvely shadowed in the Per- sons of Arcadius and Seplia, &c. &c. Lond. 1651. 8vo. Contains pp. 127, without introduction, &e. Prefixed is an anonymous portrait, a!t. 30, 1637, by G. Glover. Inglis, 212, 11. 9s. Bindley, pt, i. 466, 11. 13s. Nassau, pt. i. 294. 11. 16s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 65, ■61. 13s. 6d. Botanist's Guide tlu'ough the Counties of Northumb ;land and Durliam. Newcastle - upon - Tyne, 1805. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. The following anonyrao i ^ lotanical pub- lications are held in siinw c: timation, viz. Botanist's Calendar .'!:id 1 . cket Flora's, Lond. 1797, 12mo. 2 vols. 10s Tract, rela- tive to Botany, translated from different languages, 1805, 8vo. 5s. Elements of the Science of Botany, as established by Lin- nisus. 1809, 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. Conversa- tions on Botany. 1817, 12mo. The Botanist's Companion, 1820, 12rao. 2 vols. 10s. BoTERO, Giov. Of the Great- ness and Magnificence of Cities, translated by Robert Peterson. Lond. 1606. 4to. 58. BoTT, Ednnmd. See Const, Francis. BoTTAEEiLi, p. Italian, Enghsh, and Fi'ench Pocket Dictionary. To which is prefixed a new compen- dious Italian Grammar. Lond. 1777. 3 vols. 12.S. [Koprinted as Bottarelli and Polidoii. Lond. 1826, 11. Is.] Bottom the Weaver. The merry BOU J30U 243 conceited Humors of Bottom the Weaver. Loud, n.d., 4to. An inteiludo taken from Shakespeare's Jlidsumnier Niglit's Dream, by sume attri- buted to Robert (Jox, Comedian. An edi- tion 1661. Sotheby's in November, 18:i(), 12. 4s. BoTJCHAED, Alain. Clironiqiies et Annales des Pays d'Angleterre et Bretaigne. Paris, 1531. folio. Best edition of a work classed by Dii Fresnoy and Debure among romances. Willett, 417. riissia, 211. First edition, published anonymously. Paris, 1514. folio. White Knights, 41. 14s. Reprinted Caen, withoutdate, folio. Caen, 1518. folio. Parii, 1528. folio. Caeu, 1532. folio. Paris, 1541. 4to. Boucher, Kev. Jonatlian. Viewj of the Causes and Consequences of| the American Revolution, in thirteen Discourses. Lond. 1797. 8vo. 4s. This writer likewise published a valua- ble supplement to Dr. Johnson's Dictionary. A to U, 1807. 4to. 5s. Bottchet, Jean. Annales d'Aqui- taine, Faits et Gestes des Eois de France et d'Angleterre, &c. augmen- tees de plusieiu's Pieces rai-es et liis- toriques, recueiUies par Abraham Mouuin. Poitiers, 1644. folio. Best and most complete edition. First edition, Poitiers, 1525. folio. Reprinted Poict. 1531. folio. Poict. \hS5. folio. Paris, 1537. folio. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i, 627, morocco, 11. 3s. Paris, 1540. folio. Poict. 1557. folio. BotiCHETTE, Jos. Topograpliical Description of Lower Canada. Lond. 1815. Svo. [Dictionary of Lower Canada, 1832 4to. 1?. 8s. British Dominions in North America, 2 vols. 4to. 18.32, 21. 12s..6d.] BoroAiNYiLLE, Lewis de. Voyage round the World, 1766—9. Lond. 1773. 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 566, 7s. Roxburghe,7161, 16.S. — History of a Voyage (to the Malouine) or Falkland Islands, made in 1763 and 1764, under the command of M. de Bougainville : and of two voyages to the Streights of Magellan, with an account of the Patagonians. Translated from Dom Pernety'.s historical Journal, written in French. Lond. 1773. 4to. 7s. BouHOURS, Dominiok. Life of St. Francis Xavicr, of the Society of Jesus, translated by Dryden. Lond. 1688. 8vo. 5s. Fonthill, 1609, 18s. Bouillon, Jean. Histou-e de la Vie et dv Pvrgatoiro de St. Patrice, Arcliev. et Primat d'Hybernie. Lyon, 1674. 12mo. 15s. A copy is in the British Museum. BouLAiNViLLiEES, Henri Comte de. Etat de la France. Lond. 1727-8. foUo, 3 vols, avec une carte. 15s. Willett, 419, i;. 2s. Heath, 2329, H. 6s. Towneley, pt. ii. 500, 11.7a. Boulainvilliors likewise published 'Ilistoire des aniicns Parlements de France.' Lond. 1737. folio, of whicli an English translation appeared 1739. Svo. 2 vols. 5s. and Vie de Mahomed, Lond. 1730. Svo. 3s. BouLANGEB, N. A. Recherchcs sur' rOrigine du Despotisme Orien- tal. Lond. 1763. 12mo. 5.s. An English translation, Amst. 1761. 12mo. 5s. Botii editions were printed at the private press set up by John Wilkes at his residence in Great George Street, Westminster. BouLAY de la Mem-the. Tableau Pohtique des Regnes de Charles II. et de Jacques II., derniers Rois de la Maison de Stuart. Paris, 1822. Svo. 2 tom. This work (according to the preface) was surreptitiously printed at La Haye. M. Boulay also published ' Essai sur les Causes qui, en 1649, amen^rent en Angle- terre I'Etablissement de la Republique ; sur celles qui devaient I'y consolider ; sur celles qui I'y firent p^rir. 1799.' BoTTLTEE, Hugh, D.D., Lord Primate of all Ireland. Letters, containing an Account of the most interesting Transactions which passed in Ireland from 1724 to 1738. Oxford, 1769-70. 8vo. 2 vols. lOs. 6d. BouLXON, Samuel. Medicina magica tamen Physica. Lond. 1665. 12mo. 4s. A foi-mer edition of this curious work ap- peared 1656. 12mo. r2 244 BOU Bouquet, Henry. Account of the Expedition against the Ohio In- dians, in the year 1764. Lend. 1766. 4to. -with plates by Benj. West, 5s. BouECHiEE, Thomas. Historia Ecclesiastica de Martyrio Fratrum Ordinis D. Fi-ancisci, qui partini in Angha sub Henrico VIII, partim in Belgio, partim et in Hybernia, Tem- pore Elizabethse regnantis Reginse passi sunt, 1536-82. Paris, 1582. Svo. IZ. Is. Copies are in the British Jlnseum and in the Bodleian libraries. Reprinted Ingolst. 1583. 12mo. Paris, 1.585, 158G. 8vo. BoTJEDALOTJE, Louis. Practical Divinity. 12mo. 4 vols. 11. 4s. A translation of some select sermons written by this celebrated Jesuit, was pub- lished in 8vo. 7s. 6d. Bouede' de ViUehuet. Manoeu- verer or Skilfid Seaman, translated by the Chevaher de Sauseuil. Lond. 1788. 4to. mth 13 plates, 10s. 6d. BoUEGET, Dom. Jolin. History of the Royal Abbey of Bee, near Eouen in Normandy, translated from the French (by Dr. Ducarel). Lond, 1779. Svo. with plates, 5s. This work is usually appended toGoiigh's Alien Priories. BouEGH, John Lord. The most horrible and ti-agicaU Murther of John Lord Bourgh, Baron of Cas- teU Comiell ; committed by Arnold Cosby, the 14 of January, l^rinted by R. R. 1591. 4to. Bindley, pt. iv. 598, 51. 18s. BouEGOANNE, Chev. de. Travels in Spain, to which are added, co- pious Extracts from the Essays on Spain of M. Peyi'on. Translated from the French. Lond. 1789. Svo. 3 vols, with 12 plates, 15s. An accurate .ind correct picture, written in a clear and distinct manner. It is re- printed in the fifth volume of Pinkerton's Collection of Voyages and Travels. BoTTEGOiNG, J. F. Modern State of Spain, translated fi'om the Frencli. Lond. 1808. Svo. 4 vols, witli atlas in 4to. An excellent work, treating fully of the manufactures, the civil, political, and reli- gious state of Spain, manners, literature, &c.. BouEiGNON, Antonia. Apology for M. Antonia Bourignon, in four Parts. Lond. 1699. Svo. 4s. At the end of the volume is a list of the works of this female enthusiast. The fol- lowing translations have been published. Light of the World, 1696. Svo. On Solid Virtue, 1699. Svo. Light risen in Dark- ness, 1703. Svo. Gospel Spirit, 1707. Svo. Warning against the Quakers, 170S. Svo. Academy of learned Divines, 1708. Svo. BoTJEKE, Thomas. History of the Moors in Spain, from their In- vasion of that Country till their final Expulsion from it. Lond. 1811. 4to. 21s. BoTTEN, Samuel, of Norwich. Sermons and Discourses. Lond. 1760, 3, 77. Svo. 6 vols. 18s. Recommended by Job Orton as a speci- men ' of a good style for sermons.' .Ser- mons on the Christian Religiou. Lond. 1755. Svo. Williams, 285. 15s. — Thomas. Gazetteer of the most remarkable Places in the World, with brief Notices of the principal liistorical Events, and the most ce- lebrated Persons connected with them. Third Edition. Lond. 1822. Svo. 18s. The first edition appeared in 1807. BoUENE, Rev. Henry. History of Newcastle upon Tyne. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1736. foho, 12s. Contains pp. viii, not including list of subscribers, 3 pages and 246 (B-Rrr.) The last paged leaf was reprinted in 1757, but is bound only in a few copies. Appendix, 5 pages. A folded plan of Newcastle faces the title. Towneley, pt. ii. 322, 1?. Is. Nassau, pt. i. 450, 1?. Heath, 4577, 11. 7s. Sir P. Thompson, 172, 31. 4s. large paper, very rare. The dedication copy, exten- sively illustrated, sold at Brockett's sale for 5il. 12s. — Henry. Antiquitates vulgares : or, the Antiquities of the Common People. Newcastle, 1725. Svo. Roxburghe,8587, 8s. Reprinted with ad- ditions, by .John Brand, Newcastle, 1777, Svo. [and afterwards incorpoi'ated in Brand's Popular Antiquities, 2 vols. 4to. or 3 vols, post Svo.] — Vincent. Miscellaneous Poems; BOU BOW 245 consisting of Originals and Transla- tions. Lond. 1772. 4fo. 10s. Roscoe, 1427, 10s. f,d. Uent, pt. i. 471, morocco, 15s. 1734. 1743. Editio terti.t. 17.50. Heath, 1771, 8s. Oxford, (with lii.^ Letters 1 1808. 2 vols. 12mo. 7s. 6d. Ox- ford, 1826, crown 8vo. 9s. [Cambridge, 18;^8, 18mo. 2s. 6d., or i.aroe paper, 3s. (hI, with Life by Jas. Mitford. Lond. 184G, 12mo. 5s.] Cowper thinks Bourne 'a better Latin poet than TibuUiis, I'ropertius, Ausonius, or any of the writers in his way, except Ovid, and not at all inferior to him.' — William. Eegiinent for tlif Sea. Lond. by Tho. Hac-kct (1571). •Ito. 10s. 6d. rirst edition. Inglis, 184, 17s. Re- printed (1.577.) 1584. 1587. Biudley, pt. i. 1121, 21. 12s. 1592. and 1596. — Inuentions or Deuices very necessary for all Greneralleis and Captaines, or Leaders of Men, as well by Sea as by Land. Lond. 1578. 4to. Inglis, 298, 3s. — Ti'easure for Traueilers, in five Boots. Lond. 1578. 4to. A curious work, containing ' very iiLces- Bary matters for all sorts of travellers by sea or land.' Inglis, 184, 21. 15s. Towneley, pt. i. 387, russia, il. 4s., tine copy. — Arte of Shooting in great Ord- iiaunce. Lond. 1587. 4to. 4s. BouENON, M. Le Coiute de. Traite de Mineralogie. Lond. 1808. 4to. 3 vols. In 1813 appeared Catalogue de la Col- lection miueralogique dii Conite de Bour- non. 8vo. with a folio volume of plates, U. Is. — Count de. Descriptive Cata- logue of Diamonds in the Cabinet of Su- A. Hume, Bart. 1815. 4to. 1/. Is. BouKKiT, M. T. Eelation of a Journey to the Glaciers in the Dutchy of Savoy, translated from the French, by C. and F. Davy. Norwich, 1775. 8vo. 6s. BouTcnER, William. Treatise on Forest Trees. Edinb. 1775. 7s. 6d. BouTEEWEK, Fred. Histoi-y of Spanish and Portuguese Literature Lond. 1823. 8vo. 2 vols. 1/. Is. [The Spanish Literatiu'e rejirinted in Bogue's Kuropean Library, r2mo. 3s. 6d.] BouVET, Father J. Life of Cang- hy, the present Emperor of China, Lond. 1699. 8vo. 3s. 6d. lionvet likewise wrote ' The present Condition of the Muscovite Empire till the Year 1699.' Lond. 1699. 8vo. Heath, 2544, 3s. BovET, Richard. Pandemonium, or the Devil's Cloyster, being a fur- tlier Blow to modern Sadducism, [iroving the Existence of Witches and Spirits. Lond. 1684. 8vo. with front, by Sturt. Nassau, pt. i. 297, 10s. BouEGES. Voyez Beatjlne. BowACK, John. The Antiquities of Middlesex. Lond. 1705-6. foho. Part I. title; dedication to Hans Slo.ine, M.D. ; to the reader, errata and advertise- ment, 4 pages ; the antiquities, [B — G] 22 pages. Part II. Title to the second part ; title as before ; dedication to Henry Lord Bishop of London ; the antiquities [II — Q 2] pp. 25— .59; advertisement and errata, 1 page. Part III. was announced, but never published. Dent, pt. i. 348, 21. Bow^DEN, John. Epitaph Writer; consisting of upwards of 600 original Epitaphs. To which is prefixed, an Essay on Epitaph Writing. Chester, 1791. 12mo. 3s. 6d. BowDiCH, T. Edward. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, with a statistical Account of that Kingdom, and geographical Notices of other Parts of the Interior of Africa. Loud. 1819. 4to. with plates. Of little value or interest. Drury, 737, 1?. 13s. Mr. Bowdich likewise published An Analysis of the natural Classification of Mammalia, for the Use of Students and Travellers. Paris, 1821. 8vo. pp. 115, with 15 plates, 15s. Introduction to the Ornithology of Cuvier. Paris, 1821. 8vo. pp. 86, and 17 plates, 16s. Elements of Conchologj-. Paris, 1821-2, 8vo. Part. i. pp. 74, with 19 plates. Partii. pp. 38, with 9 plates, 1/. lis. 6d. Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo, during the Autumn of 1823, while on his third Voyage to Africa. Lond. 1825. 4to. 21. 2s. — Mrs. Fresh- Water Fishes of Great Britain, rOyal Ito. with 47 coloured di-awings beautifully exe- 246 BOW cuted. Lond. 1828. Published by subscription in 12 parts at 11. Is. each. BoWDLER, John, Jun. Select Pieces in Prose and Yerse. Lond 1816. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. • The peculiar value of these volumes, i., the combination of talent, of taste, and of piety which they exhibit.'— Quarter.!^ He- view. — Thomas. Sermons on the Nature, Offices, and Character of Jesus Christ. Lond. 1818. 8vo. 2 vols. 1/. Is. — Mrs. Practical Observations on the Revelation of Saint John, ^vritten in the year 1775. Second Edition. Bath, 1800. 12mo. 5s. This -work is expressly designed for those who have not leisure or inclination to examine the prophetical meaning of the apocalypse. The first edition was puljlished anonymously in 1787. Several other es- teemed works by this lady have appeared, particularly a volume of Sermons on the Doctrines and Duties of Christianity, which has gone through upwards of twenty edi- tions. BowoEN, Thomas. Accoimt of the Origin, Progress, and present State of Bethlehem Hospital. Lond. 1783. 4to. 5s. Bowie, Alexander. Life of Lu ther, with an Account of the early Progress of the Eeformation. Lond. 1813. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Bower likewise published a life of Dr. James Beattie. Lond. 1804. cr. 8vo. — History of the University of Eduibm-gh. ' Edinb. 1817. 8vo. 2 vols. 1^. 4s. — Ai'chibald. History of the Popes, fi'om the Foimdation of the See of Eome to the i^resent Time. Lond. 1748-66. 4to. 7 vols. 41. 4s. lAEGE PAPEE, 61. 6s. The publication of this work gave rise to much controversy. Most of the tracts pro and con will be found in the British Mu- .seum. Dairy, 738, 31. — Edmoud. Dr. Lamb revived, or Witchcraft condemned in Aim Bodenham. Dr. Lambs Darhng ; an exact Relation of the Contract and Engagement made between the BOW Devil and Mistris Anne Bodenliam. Lond. 1653. 4to. Two Tracts. First tract. Koxburghe, i;.'93, lis. Bindley, pt. iv. 173, 13s. — John. Description of tlie Abbeys of Meh-ose and Old Mel- rose, vnth then- Traditions. 1813. 8vo. 5s. Bowes. — True Report of the hor- rible Murther committed in the House of Sir Jerome Bowes, 20th Feb. 1606. Lond. 1606. 4to. 1^. lis. 6d. [Life of Andrew Robinson Bowes and the Countess of Strathmore, by Jesse Foote. Lond.Svo. n.d. — Bowes Correspondence, see Surtees So- ciety Appendix^ BowLE, John. Letter to Bishop Percy, concerning a new and classi- cal Edition of Don Quixotte. Lond. 1777. 4to. 3s. 6d. Bowles, Rev. Wm. Lisle. Pau- lus Parochiahs; or, a plain and practical Yiew of the Object, Ar- guments, and Connection of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans : in a Series of Sermons, adapted to Country Congregations. Bath, 1826. 8vo. This writer edited an edition of Pope's Works, and published several volumes of sonnets and poems. [Also a History of Brenihill, Wilts. Lond. 1828, 8vo. Life of Bishop Ken. Lond. 1830, 2 vols. 8vo.] BowLKEE, Richard. Art of Ang- ling improved in all its Parts, es- pecially Fly Fisliing. Worcester (1746), 12mo. First edition. Haworth, 795, i-ussia, Frequently reprinted. The Third Edition was printed at Birmingham with Basker- ville's types. Bowman, Hildebrand. Ti-avels into Carnovii-ria, Taupincera Olfac- taria, and Auditante, in New Zea- land, &c. Lond. 1778. 8vo. 5s. An imitation of Gulliver's Travels. Font- hill, 2771, 10s. BowREY, Tho. Dictionary En- ghsh and Malayo, Jlalayo and En- glish. Lond. 1701. 4to. with a map. Towneley, pt. ii. 2S1. russia, 1/. 12s- Dent, pt. i. 475, U. 2s. BOW BOV 247 — Dictionary of the Hudson's Bay Indian Language. 1701. folio. — Grammar of the Malay Tongue, compiled from Bowrey's Dictionary, and other authentic Documents. Lond. 1800. 4to. with a map, 7s. 6d. B0WEIN&, John, and Harry S. Van Dtk. Batavian Anthology ; or Sjjecimens of the Dutch Poets ; "with Remarks on the poetical Lite- ratiu'C and Language of the Ne- therlands. Lond. 1824. fcap. 8vo. 78. 6d. Mr. Bowring (now Sir John) has also pub- lished Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain, 1824. fcap. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Servian Popu- lar Poetry, 1827. fcap. 8vo. 8s. Specimens of the Polish Poets. 1827, 8s. Specimens of the Russian Poets, 2 vols. 15s. Poetry of the Magyars, fcap. 8vo. 1830, 10s. 6d. Cheskian Anthology, History of the Poetry of Bohemia, fcap. 8vo. 1832, 7s. German Lyric Poets, fcap. 8vo. 1822. 5s. Minor Morals for Young People, 3 vols. fcap. 8vo. with plates by Cruikshank, 1839, 18s. Bowyer. — The gallant Caualiero Dicke Bowyer, newly acted. Lond. 1605. 4to. The running title of this dramatic piece Is ' The History of the Tryal of Cheualry.' BowTEE, WiUiam. Origm of Printing. Second and much im- proved Edition. To wliich was afterwards added a Supplement. Lond. 1776, 81. 8vo. 10s. 6d. The first edition appeared in 1774, to wliich an appendix was added in 1776. — Miscellaneous Tracts, by the late WdUam Bowyer, and several of his learned Friends ; including Let- ters on hterary Subjects, by Mr. Markland, Mr. Clarke, &c. &c. col- lected and illustrated with occasional Notes by John Nichols. Lond. 1785. 4to. port. 1/. Is. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i 451, U. 13s. — Critical Conjectures and Ob- servations on the New Testament, collected from various Authors. Lond. 1812. 4to. 1/. 10s. Best edition of this valuable work, in- tended as a companion to the author's edi- tion of the Greek Testament. Edition, 1772, Svo. 4s. Third edition, 1782, 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 916, li. 11.'5. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 451, 16s. Heath, S()o, 11. 138. — Anecdotes. -See Nichols, John. BoxHORNius, Mar Zuirius. Ori- ginum Gallicarum Liber : accedit antiqufe Linguse Britanuicaj Lexicon Britannico-latinum, cum adjectis et insertis Adagiis liritaunicis Sapicn- tiae Veterum Druidum Rehquiis. Amst. 1654. 4to. 18s. A copy is in the British Museum. Boy Bishop. In Die Innocen- cium Sermo pro Episcopo Puero- rum. [Lond. by Wynkin de Worde.] Tliis contains about 25 pages in black letter, double columns. At the end is a wood-cut of the crucifixion, and the mark of W. C. and W. de Worde. — E2;)iscopus Puerorum in Die lunocentium ; or Discoverie of an antient Custom in the Church of Sarum, of making an anniversarie Bishop among the Choristers. By Dr. John Gregoi-y. Lond. 1649. 4to. with cuts. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1018, 5s. Nassau, pt. i. 1477, russia, 4s. An edition, 1671, White Knights, 1551, 5s. Tliis tract, wliich forms the fiftli of his opera posthiima, and is included in his works, published 1684 (see Gkegoey), was written in ex- planation of a stone monument still re- maining in Salisbury -cathedral, repre- senting a little boy habited in episcopal robes, with a mitre upon his head, a cro- sier in his hand, &c., and the explana- tion was derived from a chapter in the ancient statutes of tliat church entitled De Episcopo Choristaruni. A long account of the lioy Bishop will be found in Hawkins' History of Music, vol. ii. BoYCE, Samuel. Poems on se- veral Occasions. Lond. 1757. Svo. 5s. L^GE PAPER. Garrick, 292, 12s. 6d. — William, Mus. D. Anthems. Lond. 1788. folio, with portrait by J. K. Sherwin, 1775. [Also Cathedral Music, 3 vols, folio.] An account of Dr. Boyce will be found in Burney's Music, iii. 619—21. BoYCE. See Boethius. Boyd, And. Ad avgvstissimvm Monarcham Carolum in Scotiam redeuntem, Carmen panegyricuni. Edinb. 1633. 4to. A copy is in the Britisli Jliiseuni. 248 BOY Boyd, Hugh. Miscellaneous Works, with an Account of liis Life and AVritings by L. D. Campbell. Lond. 1800. 8to. 2 vols. 9s, Boyd is one of the reputed authors of the Kettei-s of Junius. Fonthill, 2896, i;. lis. A copy of this writer's Indian Observer. Calcutta, 1795. Bindley, pt. i. 641, 13s. 6d — Hugh Stuart. Select Passages from the A^'ritings of St. Chrysos- tom, St. G-regory, Xazianzen and St. Basil: translated from the Greek. Lond. 1810. royal Svo. 10s. — Mark Alex. Sketch of the Life of Mark Alexander Boyd. 1787. 4to. By Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes. — Eobert. Bodii in Epistolam Pauh Apostoli ad Ephesios Prselec- 1 tionea supra CC. Loud. 1652. fol 11. Is. It consists of pp. 1236, with life by An- drew Rivet, preface by Principal Baillie, and Latin verses by D.avid Leech, Zachary Boyd and others. Reprinted Geneva, 1660, folio. An English translation of these Prffilections, which contain some good critical remarks, as well as many eloquent passages, was published in 4to. by the author's son. — Monita de Filii sui primoge- uiti Institutione. Accessit Heca- tombe Clu-istiana. Ediub. 1701. Svo. An edition of the Hecatombe Christiana was published, Edinb. 1627, Svo. — R., Dr. Office, Powers and Jurisdiction of his Majesty's Jus- tices of the Peace and Commis- sioners of Supply. Edinb. 1787. 4to. 2 vols. Boyd also published Judicial Proceed- ings before the Court of Admiralty and Supreme Consistorial or Commissars Court of Scotland. Edinb. 1779. 4to. — Zachary. Garden of Zion. Q-lasgow, 1644. 4to. Roxburghe, 3339, 3/. 3s. Pickering, 1854, S;. 7s. 6d. Boyd Ukewise published The Battle of the Soul in Death. Edinb. 1619, 1629, Svo. Oratio panegyrica ad Carohun Regem, pridie quam in Scotia coronatur. Edinb. 1633. 4to. Crosses, Comforts, Coun- sels. Glasg. 1643. Svo. Two Oriental Pearls, Grace and Glory, the godly Man's Choice, and a Cordial of Comforts for a wearied Soul. Edinbur^jh, 1718, 12mo. BOY BoYDE, H. Voyage to Barbary. Lond. 1736. Svo. Heath, 2723, 83. 6d. BoYDELL, John. Collection of Prints, engraved after the most capi- tal Paintmgs in England, pubhshed by J. Boydell, with a Description of each pictm-e in Enghsh and French. Lond. 1769. atlas foUo. 9 vols. Vol. i. contains 50 plates.— Vol. ii. 64 plates.— Vol. iii. 78 plates.— Vol. iv. 87 plates.— Vol. V. 60 plates.— Vol. vi. 60 plates.— Vol. vii. 52 plates.— Vol. viii. 60 plates.— Vol. ix. 50 plates, making in the whole 571 prints. Fonthill, 3774, half- bound russia, 75i guineas. — Yiews of Seats, Castles, and romantick Places in North Wales. 1792. folio. Proofs. Dent, pt. i. 350. 11. 5s. — The History of the Eiver Thames. (By William Coombe.) Lond. 1794-6. foho. 2 vols. These volumes contain coloured plates, from drawings by J. Farington, R.A. en- graved by J. E. Stadler. Vol. i. Title, and dedication to Horace Earl of Orford ; preface, table, and list of plates, 8 pages; the historical part, 312 pages.— Vol. ii. Title; list of plates and table, 2 pages ; history, 294 pages. Dent, pt. ii. 145, russia, 3^. 16s. Baker, 271, 41. lOs. Beckford, in 1817. 197, 61. 8s. 6d. Nassau , pt. i. 657, russia, 71. 17s. 6d. Roxburghe, 8640, russia, 81. 18s. 6d. Font- bill, 568, russia, 16?. 16s. 1734, 51. Many copies of the plates were taken off in bistre, and are of less value than those in colours. — Pictui-esqiie Scenery of Nor- way. 1820. folio. 2 vols, with colotired I plates, 51. 5s. Sotheby's in 1823.3?. lis. — Illustrations of holy Writ, de- signed and engraved by Isaac Taylor, royal 4to. 61. 6s. Some copies in imperial 4to. Proofs on INDIA PAPER, 81. 8s. — Thirty-nine Views in London and its Envu'ous, drawn and en- graved by John and Thomas Boy- deU. Size 174 by lOf inches. — Catalogueraisonned'un Recueil d'Estampes, d'apres les plus Tab- leaux qui soient en Angleterrc. Lond. 1779. 4to. 6s. BOY 219 BoYDELL. See Gitercino. Gallery at Hougliton. BoYEE, Abel. Political Slate oi' Great Britain, 1711-40. Lond. 8vo. 60 vols. A monthly publication containing a his- tory of all parties, eccleKiastical and civil, with abstracts of pamphlets, &e. relative to Great Britain and Europe. A copy is in the British Museum. Marquis of Towns- heiul, 264, (vol. .39 wanting), V2l. 12s. Wil- lett, 1920. ■251. Heath, 4105, 431. Is. — Theater of Honour and No- bility, both in English and French. Lond. 1729. 4to. 12s. Contains pp. 259, with a front, engraved by P. Fourdrinier, and plates. — History of Queen Anne. Lond. 1735. foho. with portrait of the Queen by V. Gucht, plans and medals. 10s. 6d. This work is esteemed a very good chro- nicle of this period of English history. Another entitled 'The History of the Reign of Q. Anne digested into Annals.' Lond. 1703-1.3. 8vo. 11 vols. 10s. 6d. Boyer likewise published a History of William III. 1702. 8vo. 3 vols, and a Life of Sir W. Temple, 1714. 8vo. with portrait. — French andEnglish Dictionary. Lond. 1816. 4to. 2 vols. 1^. 168. Best edition of this esteemed work. An abridgment in 8vo. (frequently reprinted) and now united to Deletanville, 12s. — Peter. History of the Yaudois. Lond. 1690-2. 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Boyle, Cliarles. See Oeeery, Earl of. — Robert. Works, to wliich is prefixed tlie Life of the Author [by Thomas Birch, D.D.] Lond. 1744. folio. 5 vols. Fonthill, 1.347, 31. Is. Willett, 423, 51. 5s. LARGE PAPER. Gan'ick, 529, 3^. 3s. Dr. Birch's Life of Boyle was likewise pub- lished separately, 1744. in 8vo. — Another Edition. Lond. 1772. 4to. 6 vols. Best edition. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i, 450, russia, il. 10s. Dent, pt. i. 477, russia, 41. lis. Nassau, pt. 1. 589, russia, Gl. Duke of Grafton, 405, 6?. 10s. Drury, 743, 71. 7s. Heath, 1677, 91. 9s. — Philosophical Works abridged, by Dr. Shaw. Lond. 1725. 4to. 3 Tols. 11. Is. 1738. 4to. 3 vols. — Theological Works epitomiz'd by Richard Boidton. Lond. 1715. 8vo. 3 vols. 12s. — Captain Robert. Voyages and Adventures in several Parts of the World. Lond. 1728. Svo. A fictitious narrative, written by W.K. Chetwood, frequently reprinted. Fonthill, 2598, date 1728. 10s. Boyle Lecture. — A Defence of natural and revealed Religion, being a Collection of the Sermons preached at the Lecture founded by tlie Hon. Robert Boyle (1691-1732), with the Additions and Amendments of the several Authors and general In- dexes. Lond. 1739. folio. 3 vols. 21. 12s. 6d. ' If all other defences of religion were lost, there is solid reasoning enough (if pro- perly weighed) in these three volumes to remove the scruples of most unbelievers.' — Bp. Watson. List. 1692. By Richard Bentley, 4to. fre- quently reprinted in 8vo. 1693-4. by Richard Kidder, folio. 18s. 8vo. 3 vols. 16s. 1695-6. by John Williams. 4to. 4s. 1697. by F. Gastrell, 8vo. 2 vols. 6s. 1698. by J. Harris, 4to. 43. 1699. by Sam. Bradford, 4to. 4s. 1700. by Offspring Blackall, 8vo. 3s. 6d. 1701. by George Stanhope, 4to. 4s. 6d. 1704-5. by Samuel Clarke, 8vo. 2 vols. 4s. 1706. by John Hancock, Svo. 2s. 6d. 1707. by W. Whiston, Svo. 3s. 1708. by John Turner, 8vo. 3s. 6d. 1709. by Lilly Butler, Svo. 3s. 1710. by Josiah Woodward, Svo. 3s. 1711-12. by William Derham,8vo. 4s. 1713-14. by Benj. Ibbot, 8vo. 2 vols. 5s. 1717-18. by John Leng, Svo. .3s. 1719-20. by John Clarke, Svo. 2 vols. 5s. 1721-2. by Robert Gurdon, 8vo. 3s. 1724-5. by Thomas Burnett, Svo. 2 vols. 7s. 1730-2. by William Berriman, Svo. 2 vols. 6s. 1736-8. by Richard Biscoe, Svo, 2 vols. 15s. 1739-41. by Leonard Twells, Svo. 2 vols. 5s. 1747-9. by Henry Stebbing, Svo. 3s. 6d. 1763. by Ralph Ileathcote. 1766-8. by William Worthington, Svo. 2 vols. 7s. 1769-71. by Henry Owen, Svo. 2 vols. 7s. Bindley, pt. ii. 2031, 9s. 6d. 1778-80. by Jauies Williamson, Svo. 3s. 6d. 250 BOY 1802-4. by William Van Mildert, 8vo. 2 vols. 1^ 4s. 1621. by William Harness, 2 vols. 8vo. 1846-7. by F. D. Maurice, 8vo. Only those printed before 1736, are com- prised in the collection in 3 vols, folio. [These Lectures are only printed occa- sionally, and at long intervals.] BoTiE Lectures, by the Rev. Gil- bert Bm-net. Lond. 1737. 8vo. 4 vols. 11. 4s. Boys, Edward. Sermons. Lond. 16 — . 4to. with port. set. 66. (by Faithome) 7s. — John, (Dean of Canterbury). Workes ; containing an Exposition of aU. the Scriptures used in our Littu-gy, &c. Lond. 1622, [also 1630], foho,with a doubtful portrait by J. Payne. 10s. 6d. Another work entitled Remains. Lond. 1631. 4to. — John. Veteris luterpretis cum Baza aliisque recentioribus CoUatio in quatuor Evangeliis et in Actis Apostolorum. Lond. 1655. 8vo. An ingenious and learned work, by one of the translators of the Bible, temp. James I. — Jolm, (of Hode-court). ^neas his Descent into Hell. Lond. 1661. 4to. Contains pp. 248. Bindley, pt. i. 1297, 2s. 6d. 1820. 7s. 6d. Nassau, pt. ii. 158S, 6s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 896, 31. 3s. large PAPEB. Nassau, pt. i. 590, morocco, 19s. — Thomas, A.M. Taetica sacra : an Attempt to develope, and to ex- hibit to the Eye, by tabular Arrange- ment, a general Rule of Composition prevailing in the holy Scriptures. Lond. 1824. 4to. 10s. 6d. ' An ingenious attempt to extend to the epistolatory writings of the new Testament the princijjles of composition so ably illus- trated by Bishop Jebb. The work consists of two parts : the tirst contains the neces- sary explanations ; and the second com- prises four ofthe epistles arranged atlength in Greek and English examples.' — Home. Mr. Boys likewise published A Key to the Book of Psalms, 1825. 8vo. 8s. 6d. — William. Testacea ininuta rariora : a Collection of the minute and rare Shells lately discovered in the Sand ofthe Sea Shore near Sand- wich, considerably augmented, and all their Figures accurately drawn, as magnified with the Microscope, by Geo. Walker. Lond. (1784.) 4to. 15s. Contains pp. 33, including title, dedica- tion, and introduction, with 3 plates. — Collections for a History of Sandwich, in Kent, with Notices of the other Cinque Ports and Mem- bers, and of Richborough. Canter- bury, 1792. 4to. 11. 16s. Contains pp. viii and 877, besides list of subscri bens, withanaddition.illist,5 pages; list of plates and contents, 2 pages, also an index, &c. 4 pages, and a second errata and addenda, 1 leaf. ' The editor has collated a copy witli four additional pages, contain- ing the original list of subscribers, with a notice respecting the aiTangement of the volume, headed ' Collections for a History of Sandwich, Part the First ;' but he be- lieves that it was generally cancelled, when the volume was completed.' — Ujicott. There are copies on large paper, 2Z. 12s. 6d. BoTSE, Rev. Joseph, of Dublin. Works ; bemg a complete Collection of his Discourses, Sermons, and other Tracts. Lond. 1728. foho. 2 vols, in 1. 11. Is. 'Boyse has been called the dissenting Scott, but much more polite. His language is plain, animated, and nervous ; his matter is excellently digested.' — Doddridge. Brabant andFlanders. — Discourse on the Husbandry of Brabant and Flanders. Lond. 1645. 4to. 5s. This discourse, which has always been looked upon as an excellent work in hus- bandry, was published by Hartlib. It was written by Sir R. Weston, and reprinted 1655. It is remarked in the Philosophical Transactions, that England has profited in agriculture to the amount of many millions by following the directions in this little treatise. Beackeneidge, H. M. Voyage to South America, in 1817-18. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 2 vols. 14s. In the Edinburgli Review, xxxii. 231-48, is a notice of this author's Views of Louisi- ana. Pittsburgh. Beactox, Henr. de. De Legibus et Consuetudiuibus AngUie Libri quiaque. Lond. 1569. folio. According to Sir Wm. Jones, ' the best of judicial classics.' Fol. 444, besides title, ' T. N. Candido lectori. S." next ' Varietates IJEA BUA 251 lectionis,' then an index. Willett, 427, IZ. 18s. Towncley, pt. ii. 508, '21. 12s. 6d I/AUUE PAi'EK. Nassau, pt. i. 6.'38, 4?. lis, Duke of Grafton, 126, 31. 13.s. 6d. Sothe- by's in 1823, russia, 6i. Kepriiited Lond, 1G40. 4to. Mavq. of Townshend, 1869, 11. 3s. IJrockett 508, 11. 13s. Bradbury, Jolui. Travels in the Interior of America, in 1809-10-11 ; including a Description of Upper Louisiana, Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 6s. — Thomas. Works, consisting of LIV Sermons. Lond. 1762. 8vo. 3 vols. Williams, 287, 1?. 17s. These sermons, chiefly political, written by a facetious preacher among the dissenters, were re- printed 1772, 8vo. 3 vols. 15s. Beaddon, Lawrence. Essex's Innocency and Honour vindicated Lond. 1690. 4to. with a plate. White Knights, 1562, 5s. Braddon like wise published An Enquiry into, and De- tection of the barbarous Murtber of the late Earl of Essex. 1684. 4to. The Tryal of Laurence Braddon and Ilugli Speke Gent, upon an Information of High misde- meanor, Subornation, and spreading false Reports. 1684. folio. Bishop Burnet's late History charg'd with great Partiality and Misrepresentatious. 1725. 8vo. Towneley, pt. i. 283, 5s. 6d. Bkadpord, John. Copy 5 of a Letter sent to the Erles of Ai'undel, Darbie, Shrewsbury, and Pembroke declarig the Nature of Spaniardes and discouering the most detestable Treasons, whiche they haue pre- tended moste falselye against Eng- lande. Whereunto isadded a tragical Blast of the papistical Tropet for Mayntenaunce of the Popes King- dome in Englande, by T. E. (1555). 16mo. ' Tlie title-page and preface seem to have been prefixed after the work was printed, for there is another title, without mention- ing 'The Tragical Blast,' and a preface signed 'Thy louinge freude John Brade- forte.' The author, John Bradford, tells us that in King Edward's time he served Sir William Skipewithe, in Lincolnshire, and writes as from abroad.' — Herbert. — Hurt of hearing Masse. Lond. by Wyllyam Copland. 16ino. Contains Fii, in eights. Repriuted 1580, 16mo. F 4, in eights. With Two notable sermons on Repentance, 15.55, in 1 vol. So- theby, 1853, 2i. 5s. This protestaut Martyr likewise pub- lished — A Letter sent to Master A. B. from I. B. in which is set forth the Authoritie of Barentes vpon their Children; with an Ad- dition of a Sei-mon of Repentance. Anno 1548. 8vo. The letter consists of nine leaves, the sennon of leaves. Couiplaynt of Veritie, an exhortation of Mathewe Rogers unto his children, &c.,&c., in verse. Lond. 1659. 8vo. See Wood's Atheu. 0-xoa by Dr. Bliss, i, 59. Bright, 1845. 17^. A godly Meditacion of John Bradforth. By Coplande, 1560. Towneley, pt. i. 357. In Maunsell's catalogue, p. 84, is Jo. Brad- ford, his godly Jleditations, which he vsed being in prison, entituled his Beades.' All the Examinacions of M. John Brad- forde ; wherevnto is annexed his priuate Talk and Conflicte in Prison after his Con- demnacion. Anno Domini, 1561, 8vo. IDs. 6d. It is introduced with ' The t)ryginal of his Lyfe,' 114 leaves. Godlie Meditations upon the Lordes Prayer, the Boleefe and ten Commaiiude- mentes, with other comfortable Mtdita- tions, l'raier.s, and Exercises. Whereunto is annexed a Defence of the Doctrine of God's eternal Election and Predestination. Lond. 1562 16mo. 10s. 6d. Contains Q 6, in eights. The treatise on Election and Predestination was also published sepa- rately, 1562. Godly Meditations vppou the ten Com- maundements, the Articles of the Faj'th, and the Lords Prayer. Whervnto is ioyned a Treatise against the Feare of Death : also a Comparison betweene the old Man and the new ; the Lawe and the Gosple, &c. 1567. Lond. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Con- tains 96 leaves, besides the preface. Two notable Sermons, the one of Repent- ance, and the other of the Lordes Supper. Lond. 1574. 8vo 5s. Reprinted 1581, 1599. The sennon on repentance was likewise published sepaiately, 1553. Roxburghe, supplement, 597. ■Treatise against the Feai'e of Death ; whereunto are annexed certaine sweete Meditations of the Kingdom of Christ, of Life everlasting, and of the blessed State and Felicity of the same. Lond. 1583, 24mo. Two other editions without date, one printed by W. Powell, the other for H. Singleton. An Answer to a Letter, whether it be lawfull to be present at the Popisli Masse, and other superstitious Church Seruice. Lond. 16H10. The Life, Martyrdom, and Selections from the Writings of John Bradford will be found in vol. vi. of the Father.s of the English Church, and many of his letters, 252 BEA BHA &c. are printed in Fox, and other martyr- ologies. [See Parker Society Appendix, Bradford.] Bbadfoed, Rev, Wm. Sketches of the Country, Character, and Cos- tume, made dm-ing the Campaign, and on the Eoute of the British Ai"my, in Portugal and Spain, in 1808 and 1809 ; accompanied with incidental Illustration and Descrip- tion on each Subject. Lond. 1809. foUo, with 56 colom-ed plates. Duke of York, 1000, 31. 7s. 1497, 21. 16s. Dent, pt. i. 481, '2?. 2s. White Knights, 778, ei. 16s. 6d. This work was published in 24 Numbers at 10s. 6d. small, and 16s. large paper. Beabley, Charles. Sermons preaclied in the Parish Church of High Wycombe. Lond. 1819. 8vo. [I>"or several other volumes of this author's Sermons, see Loudon Catalogue.] — James, D.D. Astronomical Obsei-vations made at the Royal Ob- servatoiy at Greenwich, 1750 — 62, with a Continuation by the Rev. N. Bliss. Oxford, 1798, 1805. foUo. 2 vols. 21. In 1795 was printed Proceedings of the Board of Longitude, in Regard to the Re- covery of the late Dr. Bradley's Observa- tions ; with some otlier Papers relative thereto, folio, pp. 22. See for continuations, Grknwich Observatorv. [His Astronomical Observations, by Busch,4to. Oxford, 1838. 4s. 6d. Works and CorrcspoL'dence, by Rigaud, 4to. O.xford, 1832, 11. 12s.] — John. View of the Truth of Christianity, with the History of the Life of Apollonius Tyanseus, &c. Lond. (Printed for Michael John- son, in Lichfield, father of Dr. Sam. Johnson,) 1699. small 8vo. — Richard. Historia Plautarum succidentarum (Anglice et Latine). Lond. 1716—27. 4to. An unfinished work, consisting of five Decades, with 50 plates. — Philosophical Account of the Worksof Nature. Lond.l721.4to. 5s. I'p. 194, with 28plates. Fouthill, 275, 14s. — Survey of the ancient Hus- bandry and Gardening, collected from Cato, Varro, Columella, Virgil, and others, the most eniiueut Writ- ers among the Greeks and Romans ; wherein many of the most dilUcult Passages in those Authors are ex- plauied. Lond. 1725. 8vo. with cuts. 5s. This writer, who was Professor of Botany in the University of Cambiidge, published many other woi-ks on Agriculture, Botany, &c. His Dictionarum Botanicura, 1728, 8vo. 2 vols, is said to be the first attempt of the kind in this country. Beahshaw, Henry. Holy Lyfe and History of Saynt Werburge, very frutefuU for all Christen Peo- ple to rede. Imprinted by Rich- arde Pynson. 1521. 4to. Black letter, containing pp. 224, s iv. in fours and eights alternately, beginning with ^ iiij. then a viij. Two copies are in the Bodleian. Reed. 6972, ISl. Woodhouse, 311. 10s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 895, 631. resold by Saunders in 1818, for 421. Heber, 19i. 5s. — Lyfe of Saynt Radegunde. Impr. by Richard Pynson, 4to. n. d. Black letter, containing by signatures e 6, eights and fours alternately. W^ood- house, in 1803, 851, 111. 17s. Heber, 21?. 10s. For further particulars respecting this writer, *ee Warton's History of Poetry, 8vo. iii. 13—24. Wood's Athen. Oxon. by Dr. Bliss, i. 13 — 19. Savage's Librarian, ii. 75—9. Ames, by Dr. Dibdin, ii. 491—9. — John. The President of Presi- dents ; or an Elegie on the Death of John Bradshaw (1659), foho. In the British Museum are several tracts relating to Bradshaw, President of the Regicides. — Thomas. Shepherds Starre, now of late scene and at this Hower to be observed meiTeilous orient in the East, which bring glad Tydings to all that may behold her Bright- ness. Lond. by Robert Robinson, 1591. 4to. pp. 60. In verse. Dedicated to ' Robert Deuerex, Earle of Essex, and unto Thomas, Lord Burgh.' Unknown to Ames or Herbert, but mentioned by Ritson in his Bibliographia Poetica. Bibl. Anglo.-Poet. 34, morocco, 301. Resold by Sannders in 1818 for 10/. 10s. and again by Bright, 91. 5s. — William. English Puritan- ism, containing the main Opinions BRA BHA 2;-)3 of the rigidest Sort of those that went by that Name in England. Lond. 1605. This is valuable, as showing the differ- ence between tlie principles of the ancient and modern nonconformists. This eminent puritan divine published several other works. Bkadstreet, Anne. The tenth Muse lately sprung up in America. Lond. 1650. small 8vo. Consisting of p|). 222. Nassau, pt. i.302, 93. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 67, 11. 6s. Perry, pt. 1. 639, U. 6s. Bindley, pt. i. 1544, 11. 15s. Towneley, pt. i. 679, morocco, 31. 15s. Fra- .ser, 18.52, 21. 3s. [Second edition, Boston, U.S. 1678.] — Captain. Life and uncommon Adventures of Captain Dudley Brad- street. Dublin, 1755. 8vo. A copy is in the British Museum. Nas- sau, pt. i. 1990, morocco, 11, Is. Bradwaedine, Thomas, Arch- bishop of Canterbury. De Causa Dei, contra Pelagivm, et do Virtute Cavsarvm ad suos Mertoncnses, Libri tres : Opera et studio D. Henr. Savihi. Lond. 1618. foHo, 1/. lis. 6d. This scarce and curious work is, says Dr. Adam Clarke, ' accused by tlie Catho lies as holding out the same doctrine which has since been termed Protestantism.' Bradwardine, who was nearly contempo- rary witli Chaucer, published several skil- ful mathematical works. Bbadwell, Stephen. Watchman for the Pest. Lond. 1625. 4to. This writer likewise published Helps for svddain Accidents endangering Life, 1633, 12mo. and Physick for the Siclcnesse com nunly called the Plague, 16.S6, 4to. Beady, John. Clavis Calendaria, 01- Analysis of the Calendar, illus trated with ecclesiastical History and classical Anecdotes. Lond 1812. [third edition, 1816.] 8vo. 2 vols. 1/. Is. An abridgment of this useful work ap peared 1814, 12mo. 10a. Brady likewise published Varieties of Literature, post 8vo. 8s. — Nicholas, D.D. Sermons, chiefly upon practical Subjects Lond. 1730. 8vo. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. Brady was the translator, in conjunction with Tate, of the present ver.sion of the PsalraB. He likewise translated the Vlineid of Virgil into English verse, 4 vols. 8vo. — Robert, M.D. Introduction to the old Enghsh Histoiy, com- prehended in three several Tracts. Lond. 1681.. fol. 10s. 6d. This volume generally accompanies the author's history of England, labge paper. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt i. 630, morocco, 3/. Dr. Brady had previously pul)lislied A full and clear Answer to a Book written by Wm. Pe- tit, Esq. with some Animadversions upon Jani Anglorium Facies nova. Lond. 16H1, 8vo. 3s. — History of England, from tiie first Entrance of tlie Romans (o the Death of Richard the Second, with an Appendix of Official Docu- ments, Lond. 1685, 1700. foho, 3 vols, in 2, 21. 2s. [Or with the In- troductory Volume, 4 vols, in 3, 31. 3s.] This Tory history is commended by Lord- keeper Guildford and the Historiiin llume ; the latter of whom is said to have been chiefly indebted to Brady for the facts and principles of his celebrated work. — Historical Treatise of Cities and Burghs or Boroughs. Lond. 1690. foho, 5s. Reprinted 1704, folio, 1777, 8vo. Heath, 4407, 12s. Beagge, Francis. Practical Dis- courses on the Parables of our Sa- viour. Lond. 1706. 8vo. 2 vols. 7s. These discourses, frequently reprinted, are still in estimation. Bragge likewise publislied a work on the Miracles, 1706, &c. 8vo. 2 vols. 7s. [His works were published collectively at Oxford, 1833, 5 vols. 8vo. 11. 12s. 6d.] — The Passion of our Saviour, to which is added a Pindarick Ode on the sufltring God, 12mo. Engraved by Sturt. Nassau, pt. i.2506, 11. 10s. Beahe, Tycho. Propheticall Con- clusion of the new and much admired Starre of the North, 1572. Lond. 1632. 4to. 10s. 6d. A curious tract relating to Gustiivus .\dolphus, consisting of 18 leaves (A — E 2) with portraits of Brahe and Gustavus Adol- pluis, and plate. Another tract entitled AstroDomicall Conjectur, 1C32, 4to. is in llie British Museum. 254 BRA BRiL B[raiclsiiaigh] (J. A.). Yirgini-| Branche, T. Principia Legia alia, or Spii-itual Sonnets in praise et Equitatis. Fourth Edition, with of the most glorious Virgin Marie, | Additions, and the Latin Rules and printed %Tith Licence, 1632. 4to. Bright, russia, fine, 61. 6s. Beaixeed, Dayid. Life of D. Brainerd, ]\Iissionary fi'om Scotland to the Indians. 1765. 8vo. Bindley, pt. ii. 1310, 10s. BEAITffR'AIT, R. See Beath- WAIT, Richard. Beaithvtaite, John. History of the Revolutions in the Empire of Morocco upon the Death of the Maxims translated by John Rich- ardson. Lond. 1824. 12mo. 6s. This work contains more law and more useful matter than any one book of the same size which can be put into tlie hands of the student. See Preston on Abstracts, i. 214. Beand, Adam. Journal of the Embassy from the Emperors oi Muscovy, &c. over Land unto China, by Everard Isbrand, theu- Secretary in the years 1693, 1694 and 1695, late Emperor Muly Ishmael. Lond. 'translated from the High-Dutch 1729. royal 8vo. Lond. 1698. 8vo. See Ides (E. Y.) A work containing valuable information on the physical and moral state of the people, written by one who was an eyewit- ness of the events he describes. Heath 2721, 4s. Dent, pt. i. 250, russia, 10s. 6d Fonthill, 2252, 1^. lis. 6d. Bbamhall, John, Archbishop of Ai'magh. Works (with Life by Dr. Yesey, Bishop of Limerick, after- wards Archbishop of Tuam). Dublin, 1677. foho, 1/. Is. Williams, 373, 2?. reprinted by the Li- brary ot Anglo-Cath. Theology in 5 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1842-45. Many of this eminent prelate's works were published separately. ' The Consecration and Succession of Pro- testant Bishops justified,' &c Crravenhagh, 1658, Svo. Brockett, 376, 2/. Beaai'well, George. Analytical Table of the private Acts, 1 Geo. II 1727, to 5 Will. IV. 1834. Lond 1812-34. royal 8vo. 2 vols. IZ. 10s. Branch, Lady Helen. Epice- divra, a funeraU Song, vpon the vertuous Life and godly Death of the Lady Helen Branch (by Sh William Harbert). A Commemo- ration of the Life and Deatli of Dame Helen Branch (by I. P.). — An Epitaph of the vertuous Life and Deatli of Dame Helen Branch. Lond. Thomas Creede, 1594. 4to. Three tracts in 1 vol. a notice of this work, believed to be unique, will be found in tlie Restituta, iii. 297—300. Bibl, AngloPoet. 246, 601. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1159, Ul. 5s. Heber, lOJ. See Silvester (Josli.). Roxburghe, 8890, 9s. — John. Description of Orkney, Zetland, Pightland, Firth and Caith- ness. Edinb. 1701 or 3. Svo. A curious and interesting account. Jadis, 85, 9s. Baker, 49, 17s. Bindlev, pt. i. 510, 1?. Is. Heath, 4728, IZ. Us. 6d. Roxburghe, 8780, 11. Us. 6d. Reprinted in the third volume of Pinkerton's Collection of Voyages and Travels. Beand, John, M.A. History and Antiquities of the Town and County of Newcastle vipon Tyne. Lond. 1789. 4to. 2 vols. Vol. I. engraved title ; pp. xvl. and 676 ; index, errata, and list of plates, 24 in num- ber, 4 pages. Vol. II. engraved title ; the history continued, with an appendix and addenda. 724 pages; index, omissions, er- rata, and list of plates, 10 in number, 8 pp. Roxburghe. 8642, russia, U. 13s. Bindlev, pt. i. 723, 21. 6s. Towneley, pt. ii. 275, rus- sia, 21. 6s. Nassau, pt. i. 592, russia, 2/. 12s 6d. Beckford in 1817, 156, russia, 21. 6s.. Brockett, 512, with printed additions, rus- sia, 31. 16s. — Observations on Popular An- tiquities, chiefly illustrating the Ori- gin of our viJgar Customs, Ceremo- nies and Superstitions. Arranged and revised, with Additions, by HenijEUis. Lond. 1813. 4to. 2 vols. An able article on this entertaining and instructive work, will be found in the Quar- terly Rev. xi. 259-85. Brockett, 513, rus- sia, 3L13s. 6d. i.AKGE PAPER. Drury,4685, russia, 51. 7s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 453, ii. Strettell, 359. russia, 41. 7s. [Republished, with considerable addi- tions, in Bohn's Antiquarian Library, 3 vols. [post 8vo. 1848, 153.] 2o5 Beande, William Thomas. Ma- nual of Chemistry. Second Edition. Lond 1821.- 8vo. 3 vols. [Sixth edition, 2 vols. 8vo. 1848. 21. 5s.] Drury, 503, 21. Is. The first edition ap- peared 1819, 8V0. 1 vol. LARGE PAPEK. Sotheby's in 1823, 1?. 2s. Mr. Brande has likewise published Descriptive Catalogue of the British Specimens deposited in the Geological Collection of the Royal Institu- tion. Lond. 181G. 8vo. 9s. Outlines of Geology, being the Substance of a Course of Lectures at the Koyal Institution in 1816. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Tables, in Illustration of the Theoiy of definite Proportionals. Lond. 1828. 8vo. pp. xix. and 88. [Brande's Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. Lond. 1853. royal 8vo. 3^. For his many other works, see London Catalogue.] Beandee, Gustavus. See British Museum. Beaitoon, Saint. — The Lyfe of Saynt Brandon. Lond. by W. de Worde. 4to. A copy of this life of the Irish Saint, sup- posed unique, is in the Rt. Hon. Thomas Granville's library. It consists of 10 leaves, without numbers, signatures, or catch- words, having 33 lines on a full page. — H. and C. Dukes of Suffolk. Vita et Obitus dvorvm Fratrum Suffolciensiiun Henriei et Caroli Brandon Ducum illustrissimorimi. Addimtur Epitaphia, &c. Lond. R. Grafton, s.a. (1552). 4to. Copies of this piece of English biography, published by Tho. Wilson, LL.D. are in the Bodleian Library, British Museum, the Grenville Library, and in Earl Spen- cer's Collection at Althorp. Bright, 6078, 51. 2s. 6d. — Richard. Confession of Ri- chard Brandon, the Hangman, con- cerning his beheading Charles the First (with frontispiece). 1649. — Last WiU and Testament of Richard Brandon, Headsman and Hangman to the pretended Parliament. 1649. 4to. Copies of both these tracts are in the Museum, Nassau, pt. i. 594, 1/. 13s. Dent, pt. i. 800. (The Confession with King Charles his Speech on the Scaffold) 1/. 7s. — Sam. Ti-agicomoedi of the ver- tuous Octavia. Lond. 1598. 12mo. Annexed is an epistle from Octavia to M. Antony, and his answer. Roxburghe, 4506. 3^ 17s. JoUey, 1S43. 12/. 15s. Brandon Cause. — A true Narra- tive of the Proceedings in the seve- ral Suits in Law that have been be- tween the Rt. Hon. C'-harles Lord Gerard of Brandon, and Alexander Fitton, Esq. Hague, printed 1663. 4to. pp. 46. Beandt, Gerard. History of the Reformation, and other Ecclesias- tical Matters, in and about the Low Countries. Lond. 1720-3. folio, 4 vols, vyith portraits. Lord Hardwicke said that the Dutch language was worth acquiring, if it were only to enjoy the pleasure of reading this history. Marq. of Townshend, 428, 2/. r2s. 6d. I'.ishop of Ely, 229. 2/. 12s. 6d. Sothe- by's in 1824, 4?. 5s. Willett, 11. 10s. large PAPER. .■Vn abridgment was published 1725. 8vo. 2 vols. 8s. Beant, Sebastian. Shyp of Fo- lys of the Woi'lde, translated out of Laten Frenclie and Doche into Englysshe Tonge, by Alexander Barclay Preste. Lond. by Rycharde Pynson, 1509. folio. Black letter, with numerous cuts, 277 leaves, numbered i to cCLXsiiil folios, [folios 57, 58, 59, 67, and 68 are repeated, and folio 58 again repeated ; folios 132, 174, 238 are omitted] besides dedication, and table, four leaves. The Latin is unifonnly printed in the Roman type, and the English in the Gothic. A copy is in the Grenville Library. Inglis, 196, (two leaves MS.) fil. 16s. 6d. Sir P. Thompson, 176 (no title), 16?. Sotheby's in 1821, 28?. Dent, pt. i. 321, morocco, date 1508? 30?. 9s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 15, 105?. — Another Edition. Iiond. by Jolin Cawood, 1570. folio. Black letter, pp. 676, with cuts. This second edition contains some of Barcla)-'s smaller pieces, and is, on that account, to be greatly preferred to the more rare one fromPynson's press,[buthasnot the Balade to the Virgin Maiy, which is in the edi- tion 1509]. A copy is in the Grenville Library. Townelev, pt. ii. 324, 4?. Nas- sau, pt. i. 659, 5?. Roscoe, 1336, 5?. 12s. 6J. Constable, 282, 6?. Gordonstoun, 298, 6?. 6s. Perry, pt. i. 859, 8?. 5s. White Knights, 386, SI. 12s. Roxburghe, 3294, 9?. 19s. 6d. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 16, 12?. 12s. resold by 256 BEA BRA Saunders in 1818, bl. 5s. Fontliill, 3248, 13/. 138. Knight, 1847, fine, 11?. 5s. Craw- furd, 1854, mor. 8/. 10s. This work was first written in Gemian, thence translated into Latin, and then into French. The design was to ridicule the prevailing follies and vices of every rank and profession, under the allegory of a ship freighted with fools, and in his metrical translation, Barclay has given a variety of characters drawn exclusively from his own countrymen, and added his advice to the various fools, which possesses at least, the merits of good sense and sound morality. Beant, Sebastian. The grete Shrjipe of Fooles of this Worlde (translated by H. Watson). Lond. by W. de Worde, 1517. 4to. with ■wood cuts. In prose. A to GG 6, fours and eights alternately, besides 6 leaves with the pro- logue, prolude and table before sign. A. A copy is in the possession of Francis Douce, Esq. Koxburghe,3293,64?.Heber. Dr. Dib- din in his To\ir, ii. 249-50. notices a copy ox VELLUM, of ' The Shyppe of Fooles, Lond. by Wynkyn de Worde, 1509.' 8vo. with cuts, as being in the Royal Library at Paris. Bkasbeidge, Joseph. Fniits of Experience, or Memoir of Joseph Brasbridge : ■written m his eightieth and eighty-first years. Lond. 1824'. 8vo. ■with portrait. The auto-biography of a silversmith of Fleet-street, severely handled in Black- wood's Edinburgh Magazine. — Thomas. Poore Man's Je'well, that is to say, a Treatise of the Pestilence : rnto wliich is annexed a Declaration of the Vertues of the Hearbes Carduus Benedictu^s, and Angelica. Lond. 1578. 8vo. Reprinted 1580, 1591. Br.asbridge like- wise published Quaestiones in Officia JI.T. Ciceronis. Oxon. 1615. 8vo. and an Inter- pretation oT Abdias the Prophet. 1574. 8vo. Beasier, Rich. Last Will and Confession of the Christian Faith, made in the 4 Yeare of the Raigne of King Edward the 6. Lond. by John Day. 8vo. From Maunsell's Catalogue, p. 23. Brasse, Rev. J. Greek G-radus ; or a Greek, Latin, and English Pro- sodial Lexicon. Lond. 1827. 8vo. Revised bv the Rev. F. E. J. Valpy, 8vo. 1842! 15s. — Samuel. Ship of Arms vseful for all Sorts of People in this woful Time of War, fashioned by a plaui Comttrj'-Farmer. Lond. 1653. 12mo. A privately printed volume consisting of 240 pages, dedicated to the Lady Elwes, Wife to Sir Jervace Elwes, Knight, after which is an address to the Commons of England, another to the Header, and some commendatory verses. The author states that having lavisht out 80 years in jollity and pleasure, he was induced, during a long illness, to write this book chiefly lor the use of himself and familiar friends. Beathwait, Richard. Golden Fleece. Whereunto bee annexed two Elegies, entitled Narcissvs Change and ^son's Dotage, with Sonnets, &c. Lond. 1611. sm- 8vo. Pp. 112, dedicated to M. Robert Bind- losse. Esquire. At sign. E3, is the follow- ing title, ' Sonnets or Madrigals. 'W'^ith the Art of Poesie annexed thereunto by the same Author.' The Art of Poesie, how- ever, is wanting, and no copy has yet been discovered extending beyond G 8, which ends witli the catchword ' The.' Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 45, 21. 2s. Heber, pt. 4. 204. — Poets WiUow : or the passionate Shepheard : with sundry deUghtfull and no lesse passionate Sonnets : &c. Lond. 1614. sm. 8vo. A copy of this work, written in lyric and anacreontic measures, consisting of 48 leaves (pp. 83, and 12 of title, dedication, &c.), is in the Bodleian library. Heber, pt. 4, 205. — The Prodigals Teares : or his Fare-well to Yanity, &c. Lond. 1614. small 8vo. An excellent tract, written in good .style, and abounding with sound morality, con- sisting of 138 pp. besides title, dedication, and last leaf to the reader, 6 more. A copy is in the Bodleian library. — Schollers Medley, or an inter- mixt Discovrse ■vpon Historicall and Poeticall Relations. Lond. 1614. 4to. 1?. 10s. The running title of this work, which consists of 63 leaves (pp. 118), title, &c. 8 more, is ' A Survey of History.' A copy is in the Bodleian library. — - Survey of History ; or, a Nm*- sery for Gentry. Lond. 1638. 4to. !t>econd edition, consisthig of 221 leaves : the title containing a portrait of the author in the centre, is from the burin of \Vm. Marshall. Roxburghe, 7369, 13s. Stanley, BRA 17, 16b. Lloyd, 439, 16s. 6d. Dowdcswell, III. 179. Bindley, pt. i. llOfi, 19s. Nassau, pt.i. 598, U. 1b. Accoiding to Ant. & Wood, some copies bear the date of 1652. Towne- ley, pt. 1. 398, date 1651, 21. 5s. Beathwait, K. Strappado for t ho Diuell. Epigrams and Satyres allud- ing to the Time, with diuers Measures of no lesse Delight. By Mt(To<7i;Kot,', to his Friend itXoKpciTfg. Lond. 1615. 12mo. The second part of the volume is entitled Loves Labyrinth : or the True-Louers Knot;&c. By Richard Brathwayte. The whole consists of 182 leaves. Bibl. Anslo- Poet- 47, 81. 8s. Strettell, 127, 21. 17s. Whito Knights, 597, .3M9s. Inglis, 216, 2?. 12s.6d. Ro.\burghe, 3372, 21. 12s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 312, 51. 10s. RoxbiirRhe Supplement, 554, 11. 5s. Midgley, 2 parts, with whole-length port. Gl. Utterson, 1852, 21. 12s. 6d. liright, mor. 31. 4s. — Solemne loviall Disputation, Theoreticte and Practicke briel'ely shadovring the Law of Drinking, &c. &c. Oenozythopolis, at the Signe of Eed-eye's, 1617.— The Smoaking Age, or the Man in the Mist ; with the Life & Death of Tobacco, &c. Oenozythopolis. At the Signe of Teare-Nose, 1617. 8vo. Prefixed are two curious engraved titles by Marshall, with leaves explanatory. The late Mr. Bindley considered this work as one of the scarcest books in England, and the plates by Marshall are the earliest pro- duction of that engraver. Gordonstoun, 1423, il. 10s. Nassau, pt. i. 1881, morocco, 91. Bindley, pt. ii. 1345, 61. 6s. Towneley, pt. i. 475, 31. 16s. Hibbert, same copy, 81. 8s. Bright. 31. — The good Wife : or a rare one amongst Women. Wliereto is an- nexed an exquisite Discourse of Epi- taphs ; including the choicest thereof ancient or moderne. Lond. 1618 small Svo. Containing 156 page.s. At sign. C 2 is a fresh title-page, ' Remains after Death :' 1618. — 'Taking this volume altogetlier, I think it one of the most curious as well as one of the scarcest books of the period to which it belongs.'—/?;-. Bliss. The Remains after Death, 1618. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 48, (13 pages MS.). 101. 10s. Midgley (13 leaves MS.). 4?. 17s. 6d. Perry, same copy, 21. 18s. (Malone's, now in the Bodleian Librarv, the only perfect copy known.) Brj'dges' Restituta, iii. 196- 203. VOL. I. — Description of a good Wife; or, a rare one amongst Womeu. Lond. 1619. small Svo. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 46. Midgley (MS. title), 41. 8s. See Hannat, Patrick. — A new Spring shadowed in simdry Pithie Poems. Mvsophilvs. Lond. G. Eld for F. BayUe, 1619. 4to. Contains E in fours, last leaf blank. Jol ley,1843, 3/. 12s. resold Utteison, il. 6s. mor Essaies vpon the Five Senses, with a pithie one vpon Detraction, &c. Lond. 1620. 12mo. The Character of " a Shrew" at the end of the volume, which consists of 76 loaves, is omitted in the second ediiion. Gordon- stoun, 330, 16s. 6d. Essaies vpon the Five Senses, revived by a new Supplement ; &c. The second Edition revised and en- larged by the Author. Lond. 163^. 12mo. 12s. After the Essays on the five senses, end- ng p. 81, is a second title, ' A Continuation of these Essayes,' &c. ; and after p. 229, a third title, as ''The Distinct Titles of these Contemplations,' &c. Tlie whole consists of 167 leaves. Nassa\i, pt. i. 313, 11. 1.3s, Reprinted in the Archaiea from an incom- plete cop3'. The omissions, &c. however, will 1-e found stated in Brathwait's Barna- bees Journal, 1820, i. 168-74, 322-9. Shepheards Tales. Lond. 1621. Svo. Consisting of 25 leaves. A continuation of these Tales or Eclogues was printed with Natures Embassie.' — Natvres Embassie : or, the Wilde mans Measvres : Danced na- ked by twelve Satyres, with sundry others continued in the next Section. Lond. Eichard Whitaker, 1621. Svo. Containing pp. 264, title, &c. 8 more. At p. 73, is another title, ' The Second Section of Divine and Morall Satyres ;' at p. 173, 'The Shepheards Tales;' at p. 215, 'Om- phale,or, the Inconstant Shepheardesse ;' at p. 237, ' His Odes : or Philomels Teares,' [pages 79 and 80 are repeated, 95, 96, 191, and 192 are omitted]. A copy is in the Bodleian Library, and the Grenville Li- brary. Steevens, 782, 11. 3s. Lloyd, 197, 61. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 43, 8i. 8s. Midglev, MS. title, 51. 15s. 6d. Bright, 2?. 4s. ' His Odes : or Philomels Tears,' were reprinted at Lee Priory, 1815, Svo. 3s. 6d. — Times Cvrtaine drawne, or tho 258 BRA BllA. Anatomie of Vanitie. With other clioice Poems, entitiiled : Health from HeUcon. Lond. 1621. 8vo. Consisting of pp. 214, dedicated to the univ. of Oxford; to John Eail of Bridge- water. At sign. I 'Panedone; or Healtli from Helicon : Ded. to Sir Thomas Gains- ford, Knight.' A copy is in the Bodleian Library. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 49, 121. Midg- ley, 61. Utterson (mended), 2L 2s. Beathwait, E. Britain's Bath. 1625. Mention is made of this work in a mar- ginal note attached to the dedication of the Snrvey of History, 1638, and anotlier 'The Hunts-mans Raunge,' is noticed in tlie mar- gin of the English Gentleman, 1630, p. 198. — Eughsh Geiitlemaii. Lond. 1630. 4to. This volume has a fine frontispiece by Ro. Vaughan, with a folding broad-side as an explanatory draught. After p. 456, is a sheet without pagination, Nnu* (4th leaf blank) : then follows a new title, ' Three choice Characters of marriage ;' &c. The whole volume consists of p. 487, without the dedication toTho. ViscountWentworth. Strettell, 360, 15s. Dowdeswell, 113, 11. 4s. Nassau,pt. i. 596, 11. 13s. Inglis, 299, 11. 14s. North, pt. iii. 632, russia, 11. 17s. — Enghsh Gentleman. The se- cond Echtion : revised, corrected, and enlarged. Lofld. 1633. 4to. Frontispiece by Yaughan. Nearly a paginary reprint of the first edition, with the text revised and corrected, but not enlarged. It consists of 240 leaves, and has the frontispiece by Vaughan. Lloyd, 438, 6s. Towneley, pt. i. 397, 21. 5s. — English Gentleman ; and Gentlewoman, with a Ladies Love- Lectvre and a Svpplement lately annexed, and entituled the Tva-tles Trivmph. The Thu-d Edition re- vised, corrected, and enlarged. Lond. 1641. foho, II. 10s. Ei-ontis- piece by Mai'shaU. This volume has an engraved title-page by W. Marshall, with a broadside expla- natory. Each of the Four Articles, The English Gentleman, the English Gentle- woman, a Ladies Love Lecture, and the Turtles Triumph, have distinct titles. The three choice characters in the preceding editions are omitted in this. Bindley, pt. i. 395, 11. 6s. — Times Treasiuy ; or Academy for Gentry. Lond. 1652. foho. This is the English Gentleman, 1641, with a new title-page, and a few additioiin or alterations. The volume is dedicated to William Earle of Stafford, instead of Phi- lip Eurle of Pembroke, and has also a de- dicatory address to Elizabeth (Uowager) Covntesse of StraiTord, together making 4 leaves, (the general title, and that to the English Gentleman, 1641, being cancelled). At the end of the volume will be found ' A Character of Honour,' of 4 leaves only, a head title. In other respects the editiouB are the same. Nassau, pt. i. 660, 12s. — Enghsh Gentlewoman, drawne out to the full Body. Lond. 1631. 4to. This volume has a frontisp. by Will. Marshall, with a folding broadside expla- natory. After the printed title are 22 leaves of dedications and a table. After J). 221 of the work, is 'the Character of A Gentlewoman,' 4 leaves, not paged, the ' Embleme,' and ' Vpon the Errata,' 2 more, then an ' Appendix vpon a former supposed Impression of this title,' Sleaves. Dowdes- well, 112, 11. 2s. Nassau, pt. i. 596, 21. 8s. Stanley, 16, with the English Gentleman, 1630, 41. 4s. Another edition will be found with the English Gentleman, 1641, fol. — Wliimzies : or, a new Cast of Characters. Lond. 1631. 12mo. The dedication to Sir Alex. Radcliffe, is signed Clitus Alexandrinus. In the work occurs a second title, viz. ' A Cater Cha- racter throwne out of a Boxe by an expe- rienc'd Gamester.' The whole volume con- sists of 117 leaves. Bindley, pt. iv.864, 123. Reed, 3362, 19s. — Amiiversaries upon his Pana- rete (Mrs. Frances Brathwait). Lond. 1634. 8vo. Contains sign. A, B, C, 24 leaves, or 48 pages. In 1635 appeared Anniversaries upon his Panarete continued. Bright (un- cut), 21. 2s. — Eaglands Niobe : or Elizas Elegie. Imprinted by E, K. 1635. 12mo. An Elegy to the Memory of Lady Eliza- beth Herbert, wife of Edward Somerset Lord Herbert, &c. consisting of 14 leaves. — Arcachan Princesse; or, the Ti'iumph of Ivstice : Prescribing excellent Eides of Physicke, for a sicke lustice. Digested into fowi-e Bookes, and faithftilly rendred to the original! Itahan copy, by Ei. Brathwait, Esq. Lond. 1635. 18mo. A translation from Mariano Silesio, a Flo- rentine, interspersed with various Poesies. Collation. — Front, by Marshall, verses upon, Title, Epistle dedicat. to H, Somer- BRA set, F.arle of Worcester, &c. Testimonies . Bremond,' 1678. "White Knights, 599, mor. 9s. Beemont, S. Hattige oil les Amoiu'S dv Roy de Tamarin, Xou velle. Cologne, 1676. 12mo. 6s. Tlie secret history of the amours of Charles II. and the Duchess of Cleveland. Beentius, John. Exposition vpon the syxte Chapter of Saynte John, transl. into English by Eich- ard Shirrye. Lond. 1550. 8to. Sotheby,'l855, mor. 11. 2s. The followinfj works written by this re- former have been published in England : Homelye of the IJesurrectiou of Christe, transl. by Tho. Sampson. 1550. Svo. Treatise of the Argumentes of the old and new Testament, by John Calcaskie. 15.50. 8vo. Newes from Ninive to Englande brought by the Prophete Jonas, transl. by Tho. Timme. 1570. Svo. Exposition on Hester, transl. by John Btockwood. 1584 Svo. Beentox, Edward Pelham. Naval History of Great Britain fi'om 1783 to 1822. Lond. 1823. Svo. 5 vols. with portraits, views, &c. Published at 41. 10s. [New edition in 2 Tols. 8vo. U. Us. 6d., 18.36.] ' Arefutation of the Statements of Admiral SirOeorgc Mon- tagu.' 1823. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Beeeelt, John. The Protestants Apologie for the Koman Church. 1608. 8vo. 6s. This work was written by James Ander- son of Lancashire, under the assumed name of Brerely. See St. Augustin's Religion. 1620. — Life of Luther. St. Omers, 1624. 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 1284, 11. 8s. Beeeeton, Henry. Newes of the present Miseries of Eushia, occa- sioned by the late Warre in that Couutrey. Lond. 1614. 4to. A copy of this black letter tract is in the British Museum. In it will be found, ' memorable occurrences of our owne na- tionall forces English and Scottes, under the pay of the now King of Swethland.' Gordonstoun, 379, V. 19s. — Jolm. Relation of the Dis- coverie of the north Part of Virgi- nia. Lond. 1602. 4to. Twelve leaves. A copy is in the British Museum. Bindley, pt. i. 1293. Jadis, ol. 15s. 6d. Beeeewood, Edward. De Pon- deribus et Pretiis vetervm Nuni- moi'\-m, eorumq ; cum recentioribus Collatione, Liber imvs. Lond. 1614. 4to. Heath, 2, 5s. 6d. Republished by Wal- ton, in the preliminary Dissertations to the Polyglott. — Enquu-ies touching the Di- versity of Languages and Rehgions tlu-oughthe chief Parts of the World. Lond. 1674. Svo. 5s. There is considorable leai-ning in this small work, partly biblical and partly re- lating to church history. A copious ana- lysis of the work will be found in Oldys' British Librarian, 159—62. The fonner editions appeared 1614. 4to. — 1622. 4to. Williams, 241, U.— 1635. 4to. Brerewood likewise published, A Treatise on the Sabaoth, with Nic. Byfield's Answer, and Brerewood's Reply. Oxf. 1630—2. 4to. Williams, 242, date 1631, 14s. Tractatvs dvo, quorum primus est de Sletoris, secundus de Oculo. 1631. Svo. Commentarii in Ethica Aristotelis. Oxon. 1640. 4to. The original MS. is now in Queen's Coll. library. Patriarchal Government of the ancient Church. Oxford, 1641. 4s. A Life of Brerewood will be found in Wood's Atheuas O.\ouvsuses. BKB 13 BE 263 Bretagne. — Les grandes Croni- qiies (le Bretagne. See Boucuaed Alain. — Nouveau Tlieatre de la Grande Bretagne. See Kip. Beeton, Nicholas. ASmalllland- fid of fragrant. Flowers, selected and gathered outof the sacred Scriptures. By N. B. Lond. Kichard Jhones, 1575. 12nio. Bindley, pt. Hi. 11.35, HI. resold Perry, pt. i. 658. 10?. 12s. 6d. ; resold Heber, 11. ; resold JoUey, 1843, mor. V!l. supposed imique. Reprinted in the first volume of the Heliconia. — Floorishupon Fancic: towliicli are annexed, the Toyes of an idle Head. Lond. Richard Jhones, 1577. 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 74,3, ill. resold. Perry, pt. i. 597, 2Sl. 17s. 6d. Hebcr, Ul. 14s.— .4 gain, 1582, 4to. A — ii. In fours, which edition is reprinted in the first volume of the He- liconia. — Workes of a yoiuig Wyt trvist vp with a FardeU of prettie Fancies : whereunto is ioned an odde Kinde of Wooing with a Banquet of Com- fettes. Lond. 1577. 4to. A curious little work, containing pictu- resque descriptions of the manners of the times, &c. Steevens. 997. Roxburghe, 3170. White Knights, 3173. — Arbor of amorous Deuices. Lond. 1597. 8vo. — Brittons Bowre of Delights, contayning many Deuices of rare Epitaphes, pleasaunt Poems, Pasto- ralls, and Sonnets. Lond. Jolmes, 1591. 4to. This edition was disowned by Breton In ' The Pilgrimagr to Paradise,' 1592. Perry, pt. i. 598, 26?. 15s. 6d. Heber, 16?. 5s. re- sold JoUey, 1843,31?. Hayley,at Evans', 28?. Ritson mentions an edition 1597. 4to. Far- mer, 1?. 13s. — The Countess of Pembrook's Passion. 4to. Lond 1592. A MS. copy of this poem occurs in the Ilarleian Collection, no. 1303. [This is really the Countess of Pem- broke's ' Love,' as contained in the next article.] — Pilgrimage toParadise,joyned with the Countess of Pembroke's Love. 4to. Oxford, Barnes, 1592. Heber, 10?. ; resold, Jolley, 1813, 30/. Two poems dedicated 'To the Countosa of Pembroke, with an address to the Gentlemen students and scolers of Oxfoid.' — Marie Magdalens Loue, a jirac- tical Discourse on John 20, 1 — 18. A solemne Passion of the Soules Loue. Lond. 1595. 16mo. The first tract, E7, in eights; the latter, in six-line stanzas, continued to G 8. At the end ' Nicliolas Britten.' An edition of the latter tract, 1598. 4to. is in a volume bequeathed by Bp. Tanner to the Univer- sity of Oxfoi-d. — Pleasant Quippes for Up.start New-fangled Gentlewomen, 1595. See Quippes. — The WiU of Wit. The Au- thor's Dream. Dispute of the Scho- lar and Soldier. The Miseries of Mavilla. The Praise of Woman. Dialogue between Anger and Pa- tience, and liis Physicians Letter. Lond. 1597. 4to. These pieces are in prose, intermingled with verse. Another edition, 'Wil of Wit, Wit'sWillorWils Wit.cluiseyou whether. Newly corrected and amended, being the fift Time imprinted.' Lond. 1606. 4to. 18 leaves. Forster, 147, 7?. The Miseries of Mauillia, the most vn- fortunate Lady that ever lived, 4to. This is supposed to be a portion of a volume commencing with Breton's Will of Wit, Wit's Will, or Will's Wit, 1606. A long description is given, from an imperfect copy, in the Brit. Bibl. i. 353-8. — Wits Trenclimone in a confer- ence had betwixt a scholler and an Angler. Lond. printed by J. Robarts for N. Ling. 1597. 4to. Wheatley, March 1838, 10?. 5s. supposed imique. This work is supposed to have suggested the idea to Is. Walton. — Auspicante Jehova. Marces Exercise. Lond. printed by T. Estc, 1597. 12mo. Bright funique^, 19?. — Melancholike Humours, in Verses of diuerse natures. Lond. 1600. 4to. Contains A— F, 23 leaves. Heber (with Brittou"s Boure of Delights, 1597), 12?. 5s. Reprinted at the Lee Priory private press, with a critical preface by Sir E. Brydges, Bart. 1815. 4to. — Pasquill's Mad-cap and Mad- cappe's Message, 4to. Lond. 1600. 264 BUE ' A satyrical piece in stanzas, of consider- able merit:— Warton. Another edition. Pasquil's Mad-cappe thrown at the Cor- ruption of these Times, with his Message to Men of all Estates. Lond. 16'26. 4to. Gordonstoun, 305, 121. 12s. Bindley, SI. 2s. 6d. Beeton, Nicholas. The second Part of Pasquil's Mad-cap, intituled the Fooles Cap : with Pasquils Pas- sion : began by liimself, and fhiishedj by his Friend Morphorius. Lond. 1600. 4to. — Pasqvils Passe, and passeth not. Lond. 1600. 4to. A poetical tract, consisting of 23 leaves. The fourth leaf of sheet B is blank. White Knights, 3329, morocco, 51. 18s. Perry, pt. i. 599, 81. 18s. 6d. Jolley, 1S43, 91. os. — Longing of a blessed Heart, -n-ith an Addition vpon the Defini- tion of Love. Lond. 1601. 4to. A poetical tract, consisting of 24 leaves. Steevens, 784, U. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 548, 51. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 37, 91. 9s. Jolley, 1843, 61. 163. 6d. Bright, fine, 81. 10s. Cd. Reprinted at the Lee Priory Press 1814. 4to. — A chiiine Poeme, diuided mto two Partes : the Eauish't Soule, and the blessed Weeper. Lond. 1601. 4to. A poetical tract, consisting of 24 leaves, dedicated to the Countess of Pembroke. Sir M. M. Svkes, pt. i. 547, 4/. 6s. Bibl. Angl'>Poet. 36, 151. Steevens. 785. 1?. 2s., Jolley, 1843, 7?. 2s. 6d. Bright, 101. 15s.i Reprinted in vol. ii. of the Exccrpta Tu- doriana. Some copies were struck off se- parately. — Old Mad-cappes new Gally- niawfry, made into a merrie Messe of Mingle-mangle out of these three idle conceited Humours following : I I will not ; 2. Oh the merrie Time ; i 3. Out of Money. 1602. 4to. | — The Mother's Blessing. Lond. ; 1602. 4to. A copy of this poetical tract is in a vo- lume bequeathed by Bp. Tanner to the University of Oxford.— Another Edition. Lond. 1621. 4to. Catchword A ' Be.' Bind- ley, pt. iv. 721, 51. 5s. Gordonstoun, 300, 10/. 15s. SirM. M. Sykes, pt.i. 551, 4i. 4s. Peri-y, 51. 17s. 6d. Heber, ^l. 3s. Sotheby, 1851, il. 12s. - The Plot of the Play, called 'England's Joy.' To be playd atj the Swan this 6 of Nov. 1602, BUK Reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. X. — Passion of a dieconteuted Mmde. Lond. 1602. 4to. 1601. Gardner, 1854, veiy poor, 51. 10s. supposed unique, 1602, Malone's (in th» Bodleian), 4to. 1621. Heber, 4to. — A trve Description of Vnthank- fulnesse ; or an Enemie to Ingrati- tude. Lond. 1602. 4to. A copy of this tract is in a volume be- queathed by Bp. Tanner to the University of Oxford. — The Soules Harmonv. Lond. 1602. Jolley, 1843, Wl. unique. — Wonders worth the Hearing wliich being read or heard in a Winters Evening by a good Fire, or a Summer's Mornmg in the green Fields, may serve both to purge Melancholy from the Mind and grosse Humour from the Bodey. Lond. 1602. 4to. In prose. — Dialogue full of Pithe and Pleasure, between three Philoso- phers, Antonio, Meandro, and Di- narco, upon the Dignitie or Indig- jnitie of Man. Lond. 1603. 410^ 1 Black letter, in prose, 19 leaves. Jolley, 11843,4:. 1 — A mad World my Masters, mistake me not. Or a meny Dia- logue betweene two Trauellers, the I Taker and Mistaker. Lond. 1603. |4to. [ A long conversation between two old friends, who meet after they have both I travelled in various countries. Gordons- I toun, 301, 5!. An edition 1635, to which is 1 subjoined ' The Mirrour of Compliments." '; Gordonstoun, 302, 31. 3s. luglis, 395, 3Z.3s. — Wits pi-ivate Wealth, stored with choice Commodities to content the Minde. Lond. 1603. A collection of choice maxims, in the manner of Roche foucault, rather coarse in their diction. Reprinted 1612, and 1639. A curious collection of choice sayings, 1639. Brand, 31. 9s. Jolley, 1843, 31. oa. — A Poste with a Packet of Letters. Lond. Ito. A Poste with a Packet of mad Letters. Lond. 1603. 4to. An edition, 1607. Reed, 3114.— 1633. Ito. BRE Dedicated by Nicholas IJreton to Maxinii lian Dallison, of Hawliii, Kent. I(i34 Cindlev, 3/. 3s.— 1637, botli parts. Garrick 2383.— ieS5. Nassau, pt. i. GOO, lis. Beeton, Nicholas. Grimello's Fortunes. Lond. IGOi. 4to. Bryant, 183, 8?. 8s. — An Okie Man's Lesson and a Young Man's Love. Lond. IGOo. 4to. In the preface to this interlude, Breton acknowledges himself to have been only the editor. Gordoiistoun. 303, 51. 7s. 6d. Garrick, 477. Rhodes, 646, SI. 13s. 6d. Periy, 51. 53. Bright, 31. 10s. 1607. Jolley, 1843, 31. 12s. — Honest Counsaile, a mervie Fitte of a poetical Fiu-ie : good to be read, better to follow. Lond. 1605. 4to. In verse. Inglis' Old Plays, 6, 71. 10s. Heber, 31. 12s. — I pray you be not angry, for I will make you merry, a pleasant and merry Dialogue between two Tra- vellers as they met on the Highway. Lond. 1605. In black letter. An edition 1632. Gor- donstoiin, 306, 51. 5s. Heber, 11. Us. — Soules immortaU Crowne ; consisting of seaven gloriou.s Graces. 1. Vu'tue. 2. Wisedome. 3. Love. 4. Constancie. 5. Patience. 6. Humilitie. 7. Infiniteness. Lond. 1605. 4to. A poetical tract consisting of 34 leaves, within wood-cut borders, dedicated to K James, by Ber. N. Gent. i. e. Nicholas Breton. Heed, 6697, 1?. 10s. Steevens,786, 21. 14s. Sir M. M. Svkes, pt. i. 549, 3!. Llloyd, 440, 71. 7s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 38, 10?. Perry, 61. 18s. 6d. Bright, 31. 3s. — The Honour of Valom*. Lond. C. Pursett, 1605. 4to. Heber, p. iv. 171 (withRavisht Soule), 8/. — SirPliilipSydueysOurania,tliat is, Endimions Song and Tragedie, contauiing all Philosophie. Lond. 1606. 4to. [According to Mr. Hunter, this is by the Rev. Nath. Baxter, tutor to Sir Philip Sydney.] Contains pp. 104. Perry, 31. 6s. Jolley, 1843, 31. 4s. Inglis, 300, 21. 6s. Koscoe, 1339, 1?. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 550, 21 2s. Bindley, pt. iii. 2027, 31. An edi- tion, 1655, 4to. pp. 102, dedicated to ' Maria :buk 265 Pembrokiana.' North, pt. iii. 693, nissia, 21. 4s. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 40, morocco, 51. 5k. Utterson, mor. 31. 4.s. Midgley, 31. 13«. 6d. — Praise of vertuous Ladies. Lond. 1606. 4to. Black letter, in prose, Aaa to Ccc, in fours. On Ccc 3 and 4, is a dialogue be- tween anger and patience, eighty copies reprinted at the Lee Priory private press, 1815, 8vo. 5s. — A Mm*murer. Lond. printed by R. Eaworth, 1607. Jolley, 1843, 71. unique. — Barley Break, or a Warning for Wantons. Lond. 1607. 4to. Bindley, 71. 7s. Nassau, 6Z. 3s. 6d. Ut- terson, 1852, poor, 21. 10s. This appears to liave been poetical, and occurred in Far- mer's Catalogue. — Cornv-fopipD ; Pasquil's Night Cap, or an Autidot for the Headache. Lond. 1612. 4to. [Supposed to have been first published as early as IGOO, but no copy has been found.] Written by Nicholas Breton, and not by Samuel Rowlands. See Collier's Poet. De- cam, i. 329. Gardner, 1854, 31. lOa. An edition 1623. Bindley, pt. i. 1201,42. 4s.— Reprinted, 1819, 8vo. 5s. — I would and woidd not. Lond. 1614. 4to. A poetical ti'act of 22 leaves, consisting of 174 stanzas, attributed by George Stee- vens to Nicholas Breton, whose inverted initials B. N. appear at the end of the ad- dress to the reader. Roxburghe,8?.18s.6d. Heber, 62. Miller, 1854, 51. — Characters upon Essaies, morall and diuine. Lond. 1615. 12mo. These Essays, 16 in number, are inscrib- ed to Sir Francis Bacon, afterwards Lord Vcrulam. A 16, B 16, C 8, and D 6 leaves. Sir M. M. Sykes, 347, 11. 10s. Jadis, 19, 12.2s. Lloyd, 12. 17s. Pickering, 1854, 22. 14a. Reprinted in the first volume of the Ar- chaica. — The G-ood and the Badde ; or Descriptions of the Worthies and Unworthies of this Age, where the Best may see their Graces, and the Worst disceme their Basenesse. Lond. 1616. 4to. In prose, pp. 60, also title, dedication to 'Sir Gilbert Houghton, Knight,' and pre- face, six more. Gordonstoun, 304, imper- fect, 12. Is. Nassau, pt. i. 1712. Utter- son, 1852, 22. 10s. Reprinted in the first 266 BRE BRE volume of the Archaica. Another edition entitled ' England's selected Characters/ &c. 4to. 1643. Miller, 1854, 81. Beeton, Nicholas. The Crossing of Prorerbs, 2 parts. Lond. 1616. 12mo. No perfect copy known. Heber had only the 2nd part, Imperfect, IV. Ill, 11. 4s. — The Hate of Treason, with a touch of the late treason. Lond. 1616, 4to. Heber, 3^. unique. — The Mother's Blessing. Lond. 1621, 4to. Heber, 31. 3s. — Strange Kewes out of divers Countries never discovered till of late by a strange Pilgrims in those Parts. Lond. 1622. 4to. In prose and verse, with wood-cut in the title. Jolley, 1S43 (2 leaves wanting), 51. — A solemn Passion oftheSoiiles Love (in verse,) l'2mo. 12 leaves, by G. Pui-slowe, 1623. Sotheby, May 1856, unbound, ISl. sup- posed unique. — Fantasticks : servuigTor a per- petuall Prognostication. Descants of the "World, the Earth, Water, Ayre, &c. 1626. Black letter. In prose. Gan-ick, 2383. Bright, 51. 14s. Jolly, 1843, fine, 71. 7s. — The Figiu'es of Three, Foure, Five, Sixe, and Seven : by N. Breton and others. 1626. — The Figvre of Fovre. The second Part. Lond. 1636. 12mo. A copy of this tract, consisting of 20 pp. not numbered, is in the Bodleian library. The initials N. B. are affixed to the preface. — The Figui-e of Foui'e, being a new booke, containing many merry conceites, which will yield both plea- sure and profit to aU. that read or hear it, the last part. Lond. "\Y. Gilbertson, 1654. 12mo. Sotheby, 1836, edges uncut, 11/. — The Court and the Coiuitiy, or a brief discourse on between the Courtier and Coimtrjman. Lond. 1618, 4to. Ileber, 1/. 18s. Mentioned by Winstanley. In 'The Phcenix Nest,' 1593, are five, and in 'England's Helicon,' 1600, eight poems ; and in Nichols' Progresses, vol. ii. 1788, is a Character of Q. Elizabetli ; all written by Nicholas Breton. Among the Boyal MSS. 17 C xxxiv. is Nic. Breton's ' Invective against Treason,' and in 18 A lvii. liis ' poem upon the praise of vertue.' Likewise in a volume bequeathed by Bp. Tanner to the University of Oxford, are 'The Passions of the Spirit,' and ' Ex- cellent Vercis worthy Imitation of every Christian in their Conversation,' MSS. by Nic. Breton. In 1578 was licensed to Richard Jones, ' The Fayne of Pleasure.' In 1602 (27 Oct.) was enter'd to James Shawe, ' A merry Dialogue betwixte twoo Trauellers, Lorenzo and Dorindo, by Ni- cholas Britton.' Qy. if not the same as ' A Mad World my Masters,' 1603, or ' I pray you be not angry,' 1605. Heber, II. 18s. An unpublished poem, in six cantos, from an early MS., will be found at p. 177 of Mr. Halliwell's description of MSS. in Plymouth library, 4to. 1853. Beetoxneait, F. Vie de Jacques II. Eoy de la Grand Bretagne. Paris, 1703. 12mo. with port, by Edelinck. 5s. Bretonneau's James II. 1704. Dent. pt. i. 253, mor. 12s. 6d. Beett, Arthiu*. The Eestaura- tion, or a Poem on the Retiu-n of Charles II. to his Kingdoms. Lond. 1660. 4to. This person, who, according to Ant. il Wood, ' was a great pretender to poetry,' likewise published Threnodia, on the Death of Prince Henry Duke of Glocester. Ox- ford, 1660, 4to. ; and Patieutia victrix : or the Book of Job, in lyric vei'se, Lond. 1661, 8vo. — Richard, D.D. Iconum sacra- rum Decas, in qua e subjectis Typis compluscula 8an£e Doctrinse Capita enuentiir. Oxon. 1603 4to. Brett ' was a person famous in his time for learning as well as piety, skill'd and vers'd to a criticism in the Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Chaldaic, Arabic, and .^thiopic tongues.' — Aiit. 1533.— Regnault, 2 vols. 4to. 1.535. — Regnault, folio, 1535. — London. E. Wytchurch, 2 vols. 16mo. 1541. — Grafton and Wytchurch, 2 vols. 12mo. 1544. — R. Grafton, small Svo. 1544. An edition date, 1551. qy. place and printer. — London, 4to. 1554. — Paris. 8vo. 1554.— Regnault Vidua, 8vo. and small 4to. 1554. — London, 2 vols. 4to. 1554. — Paris. 2 vols. Svo. 1554-5. — Regnault Vidua, 2 vols. 12mo.'1555. — London. Kyng- ston and Sutton, 2 vols. 4to. 1555. Sothe- b}', April, 1857 (1555-6) 2 vols. 4to. 31Z.- Graftou, 4to. 1555.— Paris. Svo. and 12rao. 1.555.— Lyons. Svo. 1555.— Paris. Svo. and 12mo. 1556. — London. Kyngston and Sut- ton, 4to. 1556. Sotbeby, April, 1857, imper- fect, \bl. 10s.— Paris. Merlin, 12mo. Svo. and 4to. 1556.— Le Blanc pro Merlin, Svo. 1556. Sotheby, April, 1857 (15,56-7), 2 vols, imperfect, loi.- Paris, fol. 1556. — Rouen, Svo. 1556.— Valentin, 2 vols. 16mo. 1556.— Paris. Le Blanc, pro Merlin, 12mo. 1557. Several Editions exist without date, as Rouen. M. Morin, 2 vols. ]2mo. Bodl. Lib. on vellum. — Paris. Jo. Amori. Bkevint, Daniel, DD. Missale Komauura ; or the Depth and Mys- tery of Roman Mass. Oxford, 1672. Svo. 59. Reprinted 'with several pages transpos'd totheinjuiy of the book,' 1673. Svo. A biography of this divine, who 'was a per.sou 1 of great reading, zealous for the church of England; and for his life and learniug truly praiseworthy,' will be found in Wood's Athen. 0.xon. Bre"Wer, Anthony or Tony. Lingua : or the Combat of the Tongue and the live Senses for Superiority. Lond. 1607. 4to. Published anonymously. 'Winstanley has attributed this comedy to Anthony Brewer ; and tells us that Oliver Cromwell once acted the part of Tactus in it, from which he first imbibed his sentiments of ambition. Reprinted n. d. 4to.^l617. 4to. Rhodes, 651. 7s. 6d.— 1622. 4to. Hollis, 688, 6s.6d.-1632. 4to. Rhodes, 652, 2s. 1667. Svo. Nassau, pt. i. 2038, 8s. Dent, pt. i. 1272, 8s. Bindley, pt. ii. 1386. 7s. and in Dodsley's Collection. To this writer, who appears to have been held in high es- timation by the wits of his time, are as- cribed The Country Girle, a Comedie. Lond. 1647. 4to. Retr. Rev. n. s. ii. 14-23. Rhode.s. 654. 6s. This play was published by John Leanerd in 1677, as his own, under the title of ' Country Innocence.' — The Love-sick King, an English tragical His- tory : with the Life and Death of Carte.s- niunda the fair Nun of Winchester. Lond. 1655. 4to. Rhodes, 655, 15s. 'I'his play was revived in 1680, and published under the title of the Perjured Nun. Of late The Merry Devil of Edmonton, byT. B., has also been attributed to Brewer. — George. Maxims of Gallantry, or the History of the Count de Ver- ney. By G — e B— r. Printed for the Author, 1793. Svo. The licentious descriptions in this work excited such severe censure from the Re- viewers, that the author recalled and de- stroyed most of the impression. — J. N. Beauties of Ireland ; being original Dehneations topogra- phical, liistorical, and biographical of each county. Lond. 1826. Svo. 2 vols. Published at 11. 8s. large paper, Proofs, Zl. 12s. Introduction to the Beauties of England and Wales. Lond. 1818. Svo. The Picture of England. Lond. 1820. 12mo._2 vols.| A descriptive and historical Account ot various Palaces and publicbuildings. Lond. 1810. 4to. Histrionic Topography ; or the Birth- places, Residences, and Funeral Monuments of the most distinguished Actors. Lond. 1818. Svo. with 15 engravings, 12b. BRE BBI 209 Beeweb, Thomas. The Weeping Lady; or London Uke Ninivie in Sack-Cloth. Loud. 1625. 4to. Contains pp. 24. P.ibl. Aunlo-Poet. 31. 31. 13s. Gd. Heber, part IV. 10s. — A Knot of Fooles. Lond. 1624. 4to. 14 leaves. A copy ot'thi.s poetical tx'act is in tlip British Museum. Koxburglie, 3;!80. SI. Sotlieby, 185(;. 61. 6s. Au edition 1668. 4to. Ueber, part IV., 11. 10s. Bkewer. — The Brewer's Assist- ant, containing a Variety of Tables, &c. Lond. 1796. 4to. 10s. 6d. A scientific and curious worli. The London and Country Brewer, in three Parts. Lond. 1736-8. 8vo. 4s. Beewster, David, LL.D. Trea- tise on new Pliilosophical Instru- ments, with Experiments on Light and Colours. Edinbrn-gh, 1813. 8vo. 18s. Contains pp. 442, with 12 plates. A valuable work, containing much novel and curious information. Dr. (now Sir David) Brewster likewise published A Treatise on the KaIeido.scope, Edinb. 1819. 12mo. 6s. Treatise on the Microscope, Lond. 1837, post 8vo. 6s. Natural History of Magic, 5th edition, 1842, 12mo. 3s. 6d.; and other works. Editions of Ferguson's various works, &c. &c. — The Edinburgh Encyclopsedia. Edinb. 4to. 18 vols, plates, 10^ 10s. One of the best encyclopajdias extant. Some copies are printed upon large paper. Dr. Brewster likewise edited the Ediu burgh Quarterly Journal of Science, First Series, 20 nos.; Second Series, 12 nos., in all, .32 nos. complete. Edinb. 1825-32. 8vo. — James. Lectm-es upon oiu- Lord's Sermon on the Mount. Edinb. and Lond. 1809. 8vo. A clear, judicious, and discriminating work. — John, M.A. Parochial His- toiy and Antiquities of Stockton- upon-Tees. Stockton, 1796. 4to. Contains pp. 176, besides title, dedica- tion, list of subscribers ;ind advertisement, 4 pp. contents and listof eight plates, 2 pp. also index and errata, 2 pages. Dent, pt. i. 616, russia, lis. large paper. Brock- ett, 516, russia, 1?. 6s. Beckford in 1817, 55, 1/. 3s. — Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles, delivered in the Parish Church of Stockton-upon-Tees, dur- VOL. I. ing Lent, 1803-6. Lond. 1807. 8vo. 2 vols, with maps. Second edit. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Tliis work, written in imitation of Bishop Porteus' Lectures on St. Matthew's Gospel, is full of illustrations from the fathers and divines of various ages. — Contemplations on the last Discourses of our blessed Saviour with his Disciples, as recorded by St. John. Lond. 18'22. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Tliis writer has published several other esteemed theological works. — Samuel. Collectanea Eccle- siastica. Lond. 1752. 4to. 10s. 6d. In this work will be found a piece writ- ten by the celebrated Bishop Walton, en- titled ' A Treatise concerning the Payment of Tythes in London.' Williams, 243, U. lls.6d. Brian, Thomas. The Pisse- Prophet, or certain Pisse-pot Lec- tures. Lond. 1637. 12mo. Reprinted 1679. 12nio. Inglis, 218, 78. Beice, Andrew. Geographical Dictionary. Exeter, 1760. foUo. 2 vols. 10s. '6d. A laborious compilation, now almost ob- .solete. — History and Description, an- cient and modern, of the City of Exeter. Exeter. 8vo. This incomplete work appeared in num- bers at sixpence, and on fine paper at ninepence each number. Title, dedication, and history, pp. 1—44; pages 45 to 77 were never compiled ; the history continued, pp. 77-216. Part ii. 32 pages, ending with tlie catchword 'The.' A plate of a Crom- lech and Logan stone is at p. 141. — Thomas. A compendious Register in Metre, conteining the Names and pacient SuflVyngs of the Membres of Jesus Christ and the tormented ; and cruelly bmnied within England, &c. Lond. by Jhon Kyngston, 1559. small 8vo. lilack letter, contains pp.58. Dedicated to 'Lorde Par, Marques of Northampton.' Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 79, 10?. resold by Saun- ders in 1818, IZ. lis. 6d. Another edition, without date, 8vo. Again 1599, S. Stafford. I2mo. Heber, '21. 17s. Brickell, John, M.D. Natural History of North Carohna. Dublin 1737. 8vo. 6s. Heath, 2770, 9s. 6d. Fonthill, 2800. IJ. 270 BUI Beidall. See Betdall. Bridegroom. — The Counterfeit Bridegroom : orthe defeated Widow, a Comedy. Loud. 1677. 4to. 3s. Middleton's No Wit, no Help, like a Woman's, altered and printed with a new title. Brideling, &c. of a rich Chm-le in Hampshire, 1595. See Philips, Judeth. Beidge, Rev. Bewiok. Lectures on the Elements of Algebra. Broxb. 1811. roval 8vo. 10s. 6d. Tenth edition, 1840. Svo. Vs. A valuable introduction to the science. This author likewise published An Intro- duction to the Study of tlie Mathematical Principles of Natural Pliilosophy. 1814. Svo. 2 vols. 11. Is. Lectures on Conic Sections. ISll. Svo. 5s. Lectures on Plain Trigonometry. 1818. Svo. 4s. A Treatise on Mechanics. 1811. Svo. tl. Is. A Treatise on the Conic Sections. 1811. Svo. Gi. A Treatise on the Theory and Solution of Culjic and Biquadratic Equations, and of Equations of the higher Order. 1821. 8vo. 6s. — William. Works. Loud. 1649. 4to. 3 vols. 15s. The author was an eminent non-con- fonnist divine and rigid calvinist. [New edition, of the Works many now col- lected, with memoirs, Lond. 1815, Svo. 5 vols, portrait, 11. lis. 6d.] BEiDaEN, E. Antiquities of Sef- ton Chiu'ch, near Liverpool. Lond. 1822. fol. with 33 plates. 11. 15s. Interior Decorations of Sefton Church, Lancashire. Lond. folio, 11. Is. Designs for Grecian and other Furni- ture, Candelabra and Interior Decorations, (published in conjunction with H. Shaw), with 60 plates. Lond. ISoS, royal 4to. 11. lis. 6d. LARGE PAPER, imp. 4to. coloured plates, 31. 3s. Beidges, Rev. Charles. Expo- sition of Psabn CXIX. Lond. 1827, 12mo. 1849. 7s. — John, Bishop of O.xford. Su- premaeie of Christian Princes, ouer all Persons throughout their Do- minions, in all Causes so well eccle- Biastical as tcmporall. Lond. 1573. 4to. 15s. Pp. 1114, and a list of faults, besides de- dication to Q. Elizabeth, a preface. ' Mantel Stapleton's common places, and his bead- roll of vntruthes.' Written in answer to Thomas Stapleton and Nic. Sanders. Hor- ner, 18.54. Velvet, fine copy, 21. 15s. — Defence of the Gouernment established in the Chvirch of England for Ecclesiastical Matters. Lond. 1587. 4to. 12s. Pp. 1401, besides the preface This is the book pointed at by Martin Marprelate in his epitome ' read ouer U.John liridges, for it is a worthy Worke.' See Martin M a rp relate. Bridges likewise published a Sermon on Sic Dens dilexit muudum, &o. John 3. (16) 1571, 4(0. — John, and the Rev. Peter \\liaUey. History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire. Oxford, 1791. folio. 2 vols. Vol. I. Title, Preface, 6 pp. History, A— 7 Q. 610 pp. and 11 plates. Vol. II. Title, Histoiy continued. Indexes, Con- tents, and Directions to the Hinder, 672 pp. List of Subscribers, 2 pp. and 27 plates in some copies of vol. 2 tliere is duplicate plate 6, 'South-west View of the Parisli Church of Ecton,' and plate 12, 'Lilford, the seat of Thomas Powis, Esq.' is erroneously placed at 241 of vol. i. instead of vol. ii. [sometimes Faden's four-sheet map of Nortliamptonshire,1779,is added, but forms no actual part of the book.] Beckford in 1817,97, uncut, 7Z. 7s. Bindlev, pt. i. 379. 8Z. 8s. Alchorne, 93, SI. 10s. Nassau, ft. i. 662, russia, 91. Dent, pt. i. 485, russia, 9/. 5s. Marq. of Townshend, 431, 101. 5s. Heath, 4677, ni. 17s. — - Matthew. Roman Empire under Constantine the Great. Lond. 1828. 8vo. pp. 467. of this work seven copies were struck off on LARGE PAPER. — Xoah. Vulgar Ai'ithmetique. Lond. (1653). 12mo. Prefixed is a portrait, with four English verses by G(eorge) W(ither), engraved by Faithorne. The Portrait re-engraved as .Milton, for Duroveray's edition. Bridges likewise published ' Stenogra- phie and Cryptographie,' 1659. 12mo. with a portrait by Loggan, 10s. 6d. ' Lux Merca- toria: Arithmetiick natural and decimal.' 1661, Svo. Beidget, St. (of Sweden) . Liber Revelatioimm celestiu dne Birgitte de Swecia. Lubcc. 1492. folio. First edition, according to Nicolson. of which there is a copy in the British Mu- s«um. Reprinted Niiremb. 1517.— Nurenib. I.'j21. Towneley, pt. ii. 1349, 19s. 6d.— Kom. 1556, and also at Antwerp, &c. Bridgkt, St. (of Ireland). Brigida Thaumaturga, give Dissertalio enco- miastica in Laudem ipsins Sancta' : partim archaica ex sacra et antiqiia Historia Ecclesiastica : partim etiam parensetioa ad Alumnos CoUegionim. Paris. 1620. 8vo. 5Z. 5s. A copy of this work relative to the Irish Saint S. Bridget, is in the Uritish Museum. 'The main of tliis book consists of digres- sions, recounting the many corresponden- cies and long intercourses that have been betwixt France and Ireland, in matters of religion and learning.' — Nicohon. Tlie au- thor, D. R. is supposed to beDonatRourcke (David Rooth, 15p. of Ossory). For anotlier piece of Biography, see Pa- trick, St. — The Ljfe of Seynt Birgette. Lond. R. Py'nson, 1516. 4to. Acopyisin the British Museum. Wilks, 1847 (wantingtitle and 2 leaves, Table), \0l. — Certain Reiielations of Saynt Briget, with an Epistle of Saynt Bemarde, called the Golden Epistle. Lond. Thomas Godfrey. 8vo. Inglis, 843. An edition of The four Revelations of St. Bridget, by Richard Whytforde. Lond. 1531, 12rao. &/■ Tan- ner's Blbl. Brit. 7G5. — The most devout Prayers of St. Brjgitte touching the most holy Passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Antw. 1659. 12mo. 6s. Bridge-water Treatises. See Appendix. Bridgman, Sir John. Reports from 12 to 19 K. James. Lond. 1651-59. foUo, 7s. These reports embrace so short a period that they are seldom referred tn. — John. Sketch of Knole, in Kent ; witli a brief Genealogy of the Sackville Family. Lond. 18i7. Bvo. Pp. 172, and a slip of errata, with nine plates. A former edition apiieared 1797, 8vo. with 6 plates. — ; Sir Orlando, Conveyances. Fifth Edition. Lond. 1725. folio, 2 parts. 12s. Best edition of a work of authority, with port, by Vander Gucht. — Reports of Judgments in C. P. BUI 271 from Mich. 1660 to Trin. 1667, edited from the Hargrave MSS. by S. Bannister. Lond. 1823. royal 8vo. 1/ Is. — Ricliard Wlialley. Analytical Digest of the reported Cases in the Coiu'ts of Equity and liigh Court of Parliament from the earliest authen- tic Period. Third Edition. Lond. 1822-32. roy. 8vo. 5 vols. 21. 12s. 6d. The first edition, 180.5-7. 3 vols. 11. lis. 6d. Second edition, 1813, 3 vols. 21. 12s. 6d. A Supplement by J. Flather, 1822, royal 8vo, Digest of the reported Cases on Points of Practice and pleading in Equity. 1824, roy. 8vo. 1!. 4s. Mr. K. W. Bridgman has likewise pub- lished Thesaurus Juridicus. 1798, 1800, 1806. royal 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Reflections on the Study of the Law. 1804. 8vo. 4s. 6d. Short View' of Legal Bibliography. 1807. 8vo. 6s. A Synthesis of the Law of Nisi Prius. 1809. 8vo. Part I. — "William. Translations from the Greek, viz. Aristotle's Synopsis of the Virtues and Vices, tlie Simi litudes of Demophilus, the golden Sentences of Democrates, and the Pythagoric Symbols, -with tlie Ex- planations of lambhchus. To which are added, the Pythagoric Sentences of Demophilus, by Thomas Taylor. Lond. 1804. crown 8vo. 5s. W. Bridgman likewise published a translation' of Andronicus Rhodius. i Bridgwater, Benjamin. Reli- ] gio Bibliopolte, or the religion of a ; BookseUer. Lond. 1691. 8vo. Written in imitation of Sir.Thos. Brown's Religio Medici, and usually attributed to John Duntrn. NasLau, pt. i. 323, 3s. Con- stable, 76, 3s. — John. Concertatio Ecclesise CatholicsD in Anglia adversus Cal- vino-Papistas et Puritanos sub Elizabctha Regina, quorundam Hominum Doctrina et Sanctitate illustrium renovata et recognita ; &c. Augustie Trevirorum. 1588. 4to. 1591.. 4to. 3 parts in 1 vol. 31. 3s. Best edition, with numerous additions, and a preface, to which Bridgwater sul>- Bcribes himself Joh. Aqusepontanus. The first edition, which was wiitten by Joh. Gibbon, a .Jesuit, and John Fenn, appeared Aug. Trev. 1,583, 8vo. V. Is. A life ot T 2 272 BKI Bridgwater will be found in Wood's Atli. I Book of Actes Oxon. ! 1589. 4to. BRI and Monuments. Lend. Beiegeetjs, Julius. Flore3 Cal- vinistici decerpti ex Vita Roberti Dvdlei, Comitis Leicestriae in Auglia, &c. pro Elizabetha Angliae Regina Grubcrnatoris. Neapoli, 1585. 8vo. A copy is in the Britisli Museum. Bkig&S, Henry. Aj'ithmetica Lo- garitlimiea. Loud. 1624. folio. Beightma^, Thomas. Predic- tions and Prophecies -written 46 years since concerning the tliree Chvirches of Germanic, England, and Scotland. 1641. 4to. 5s. Several other works written by this puritan divine will be found in the British Musemn. Bbightwell, Richard, i.e. Frith, I A second edition improved 'per Adr. , j v Ulacq,' was published at Goud«. 1628. fol. ] tJonn. ~ - — - -• ' ■ ■ Bhigida. &<; Bridget. Beinckmair, L. Warnings of Again, Gouda?, 1633. fol. Printed also at the end of Sciograpliia, or the Art of Sha- dowes, by J. W(ells). Lond. 1635. 8vo. An English translation, 1631. folio. Brighid, alias Bonaventure, O'Hooghusa, GioUa. A Catechism in Prose, sm. 8vo. Louvain, 1608. Reprinted Antv. 1611. This catechism or abridgment of Christian Doctrine is also reprinted at the end of Donlevy's Irish Catechism. Paris, 1642. Bright, George, D.U. Tabulae Mosiacse du». Lond. 1680. folio. Dr. Bright likewise published Religionis, sen Legis Christian.-B Tabulie undecim. Lond. 1687, folio. — Richard, M.D. Travels from Vienna through lower Hungary ; with some Account of Vienna during the Congress. Edinb. 1818. 4to. with plates, 1/. lis. 6d. The principal topics in this volume are agriculture and statistics. It is commend- ed in the Edinb. Rev. no. 61. Drury, 745, 22. 14s. — Timothy, M.D. Treatise on Melancholy. Lond. 1586. 12mo. 5s. This curious work was probably the prototype of Burton's Anatomy of Melan- cnoly. Nassau, pt. i. 326, 14s. Reprinted 1613. 12mo. — Charactery ; an Arte of shorte, swift and secrete Writing by Cha- racter. Lond. 1588. 24mo. In this very ingenious work Bright claims the invention of the art. It contains K 2, in twelves, dedicated to Q. Elizabeth. Bindley, pt. i. 591, 3?. lis. Dr. Bright likewise published, Mediciuije Thirapovtic;v pars, de dyscrasia corporis humani. Ijond. 1583. 8vo. Hygieina. Ixinilini, 1583. 8vo. n. d. 8vo. Aniraad- \ersiones in G. A. Scribonii Physicam. Cantab. 1584. 8vo. Therapeutica. Pars altera. 1589 & 1598. Abridgement of the Germany by wonderful signes and strange Prodigies. Lond. 1638. Bvo. with plates. Gordonstoun, 375, 11. 2s. Beinkley, John, Bishop of Cloyue. Elements of Plane Astro- nomy. 1822 8vo. [Edited by the Rev. T. Luby. Dubhn, 1836, 8vo. 10s. 6d.] ' Admirable lectures on Astronomy.' — Quart. Me'). Beinlet, John. Discourse prov- ing by Scripture and Reason and the best Authors, that there are Witclies. Lond. 1686. 8vo. This writer likewise published A Dis- covery of the Impostures of Witches and Astrologers. London, 1680. Svo. Reed, ! 3383, 8s. Both works are in the British Museum. Beinslet, John. Lvdvs literarivs : or the Grammar Schoole. Lond. 1612. 4to. 6s. With a preface by Bishop Hall, reprint- ed 1627. A list of the works of this ' noted grammarian, sometime a schoolmaster and minister in Great Yarmouth in Nor- folk, an. 1636,' will be found in the British I Museum. See Wood's Ath. Oxon. by I Bliss, 1. 40. ! Beisbane, John, M.D. Anatomy of Painting, with an Introduction giving a short View of picturesque Anatomy. Lond. 1769. fol. 18s. This work contains Albinus' six Tables, the Anatomy of Celsus, with notes, and the Pliysiology of Cicero, large paper, U. 8s. Brisson, M. de. Account of the Shipwreck and Ca))tivity of M. de Brisson. Lond. 1789. 8vo. 3s A Description of the Deserts of Africa from Senegal to Morocco. See Sauonibr. BBI BUI Brissot, James Peter, dc War- ville. New Ti-avels in the United States of America, performed in 1788. Translated from the French. Lond. 1792. 8vo. 6s. The former entitled Considerations on the relative Situation of France and the United States. Translated from the French of Etienne Claviere and J. P. Brissot de Warville. Lond. 1788. 8vo. 6s. Beisted, John. Pedestrian Tour tlirough Part of the Higlilands of Scotland. Lond. 1803. 8vo. 2 vols. Towoeley, pt. ii. 39, lis. Constable, 78, 15s. — Resources of th(i United States of America. New York, 1818. 8vo. I'p. 505. Reprinted at Uondon, in 8vo. 14s. A notice of this work will be found in the Quart. Rev. xxi. 1 — '25. Bristol, George Digby, Earl of. Elvii'a, or the worst not always true, a Comedy, by a Person of Quahty. Lond. 16(57. 4to. Rhodes, 953, 2s. 6d. Published anony- mously, and reprinted in Dodsley's CoUec- tii>u of Old Plays. A life of the author, and a list of his writings, as likewise that of John Digby, Earl of Bristol, will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon. — John. i.e. John Thoenbo- ROUGH, Bishop of Bristol. Bristol. — The faire Maide of Bris- tow : as it was plaide at Hampton before the King and Queenes most excellent Maiesties. Lond. 1605. 4to. Black letter. A copy is in the British Museum. Roxburghe, 4124, 71. 10s. — The City Charters. To which are added, the Bounds of the City. Bristol, 1736. 4to. 10s. 6d. The Charters, pp. 297 : the bounds, 12 pp. with a frontispiece, representing Q. Elizabeth presenting the charter, Uent, pt. i. 617. russia 11. 8s. The Charters and Letters patent, newly translated, and accompanied by the origi- nal Latin by the Rev. Sam. Seyer. Bristol, 1812. 4to. 11. 5s. Pp. xviii. and 317, witli errata and addenda, 1 page, lakge papkr, 11. lis. 6d. [See Seyeb.] The Bristol Memorialist. (Edited by William Tyson.) Bristol, 1823. 8vo. Pp. 3'20, besides title, dedication, and advertise- ment, 3 leaves ; index, 2 leaves, and a plan of the city of Bristol, by I. M. 1671. Bristow, Richard. Treatise of diuei'se Wayes to finde out the Trutiie in this Time of Heresie. Antwerpiae, 1574, 16mo. Reprinted Antwerpe, 1599. 16mo. a copy of which is in the Bodleian Library. An account of this ' most zealous person for tlie R. Oath, cause ' will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon. Britain, Grreat. See Britannia. Britaine, Wdham de. The Dutch Usurpation, or a brief View of the Behavioiu' of the States Ge- neral of tlie United Provinces to- wards the Kings of Great Britain. Lond. 1672. 4to. Reprinted in the third volume of the Ilarleian Miscellany. Britannia. — The Description of Britain, folio, black letter. This work is usually subjoined to what is called Caxtou's Chronicle. — De Rebus gestis Britannise Commentarioli tres. Lond. Bin- uemau. 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum. — The Historic of Great Britan- nic, from the Romans first Entrance untill the Raigne of Egbert. Lond. 1606. 4to. By John Clapham. Inglis, 359, 8s. Sir P. Thompson, 506, 10s. White Knights, 736, 11. Is. Nassau, pt. i. 2115, russia, 11. Is. — Britannia tritunphans, sive Icon Qvater Maximi Monarchi Jacobi I. Lond. 1607. 12mo. 5s. Dedicated to Henry, Pi'ince of Wales. — Magnse Britannise DeUcise, seu Insidarmn et Regnorum Descriptio. Colon. Elzevir, 1613. 12mo. 7s. 6d. — Ecclesiastical Protestant His- tory of the high pastoral and fatherly Care of tlie Popes of Rome over the Church of Britain. 1625. 8vo. 9s. — Historia Britannica ; hoc est de Rebus gestis Britannise seu An- ghse CommentarioU tres. Oxon. 1640. 12mo. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1452, 12s. — Motuum Britannicorimi verax Cushi ex ipsius Joabi et oculati 274 BEI Testis Prototypis totus translatus. | Eotterod. 1647. 8vo. j Britannia Triumplialis : a brief | History of the Warres and other State Affairs of Great Britain, from the Death of the late King to the Dissohition of the last Parlia- ment. Lond. 1654. 8vo. Lloyd, 273,5s. llollis, 127, 5s. 6d. — Britain's Triumph, or Affairs of Great Britam from the Death of Charles to the third Year of the Lord Protector. Lond. 1656. 8vo. Nassau, pt. i. 328, 7s. — Britains Triumph for her uu- paraUel'd Deliverance and her joy- ful celebratmg the Proclamation of K. Charles the Second. Lond. 1660. 4to. In verse. Strettell, 1682, li. Is. Bind- ley, pt. i. 1277, 31. 10s. The civil Warres of Great Britain and Ireland, by an impartial Pen. Lond. 1661. fol. 15s. Another Edition. Glasg. 1664. 4to. — Great Britain's Glory, or a brief Description of the Splendor and Magnificence of the Eoyal Ex- change, with some remarkable Pas- sages relatiag to the present Engage- ment, presented to the Merchants of London. Lond. 1672. 4to. In verse. Bindley, pt. ii. 1618, V. Is. IngUs, 710, 8s. History of the Church of Great Britain. Lond. 1675. 4to. Nassau, pt. i. 221, 8s. — Britannia languens ; or, 8 Discourse of Trade. Lond. 1680. Bvo. 4s. This book, like some others, treats ot trade in all its branches ; and is frequently quoted with respect. — Britannise Speculum ; or, a short Yiew of the ancient and mo- dem State of Great Britain. Lond. 1683. 12mo. 4s. — Historical Collections, relating the Originals, Conversions and Ee- volutions of the Inhabitants of Great Britain to the Norman Con BBI quest, (edited by Dr. Geo. Hickes). Lond. 1706. 8vo. — Britannia illustrata. &c. See Kip. — Magna Britannia et Hibemia antiqua et nova. 1720 — 31. See Cox, Ltsons. — Tour thi-ough the whole Island of Great Britain. 1724. See Defoe, Daniel, also MaCKAY. — Memoirs of the Antiquities of G. Britain, relating to the Re- formation. Lond. 1723. 12mo. with cuts. Dent, pt. i. 1408, 6s. Nassau, pt. i. 2229, 9s. Fonthill, 1514, 17s. — Curious and diverting Jour- nies through the whole Island of Great Britam. Lond. 1734. 4to. 10s. 6d. — An Essay on the Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, de- signed as an Attempt to show an Affinity betwixt the Languages of the ancient Britons and the Ame- ricans of the Istlunus of Darien. Edinb. 1738. 8vo. [by the Rev. Dr. Malcohne]. Perry, pt. i. 1421, 8s. — Britannia Saucta, or the Lives of the most celebrated British, Enghsh, Scottish, and Irish Saints. Prmted by Thomas Meighan, 1745. 4to. 2 parts, 15s. Nassau, pt. i. 605. nissia, 21. 16s. LARGE PAPER ! Williams, 244, mor. 31 °~ — Essays concerning British An- tiquities. 1763. See Kames, Henry Home, Lord. — Britannia curiosa : or, a De- scription of the most remarkable Curiosities of the Island of Great Britain. Lond. 1777. 8vo. 6 vols, with plates. Towneley, pt. ii. 40, U. Is. An edition without date. Nassau, p. i. 805, 11. lis. 6d. Towneley, pt. ii. 84, 11. 2s. — Notice historique des De- scentes faites dans les Isles Britan- niques. 1798. 4to. avec une Cart«. 3s. 6d. BBI 275 Britannia. — Annals of Great Bri- tain. 1807. 8vo. 3 vols. See Camp- bell, Thomas — Journal of a 'I'oiir and Resi- dence during 1810-11. By a French Traveller. See .Simond, L. — Bi'itannia depicta. Sec Ltsons. — Ordnance Survey of Great Britain. See Ordnance. Britannia nova. See Virginia. British Album. Lond. 1790. 12nio. 2 vols. 7s. Most of the poems In these volumes were originally published in the daily piiper called ' the World ;' thuy were afterwards collected into two volumes, under the title of the ' I'oetry of tlie World,' and then the ' Poetry of Delia Crusca, Anna Matilda,' &c. British Bclkuan. Printed in the Year of the Saints Fear, Anno Dommi 1648. 4to. Pp. 24, reprinted in the Harleian Mis- cellany, vol. 7. British Biography, or an Accoimt of the Lives and Writings of emi- nent Persons in Great Britain and Ireland, from Wickliff to the pre- sent time. Lond. 1766-72. 8vo. 7 vols. Lond- 1773, 10 vols, portraits. Dr. Towers is the reputed author of this work. British Chronologist, from the Invasion of the Romans to the present Time- Lond. 1775. 8vo. 3 vols. 15s. An edition 1789. 8vo. 3 vols. Bishop of Kly, 71, 15s. Earl of Kerry, 31, XL 5s. White Knights, 605, 11. 5s. British Critic, from the Com- mencement in May, 1783, to 1843. 8vo. 104 vols. FiEST SERIES, 1793-1813, 42 vols, (publish- ed monthly), with Indexes 2 vols., 44 vols. — Second seuies. From Jan. 1814 to June, 1S25 (pub. monthly), 23 vols. — Third se- ries. From Oct. 1825 to Oct. 1826 (pub. quarterly), 3 vols. — Fo0rth series. From Jan. 1827 to Dec. 1843 (pub. quarterly), 34 vols. After which it ceased. British Cm'iosities in Art and Nature. Lond. 1728. 12mo. Nassau, pt. i. 333, 4s. Other editions 1713, 1721. British Encyclopsedia See Ni- cholson, Wm. British Librarian. See Oldys, Wm. British Lightning ; or suddaino Tumults in England, Scotland, and Ireland, to warne the United Pro- vinces to understand the Dangers and the causes thereof, to defend those amongst us from being par- takers of their Plagues. Written first in Lovr Dutch, by G. L. V., and translated for the Benefit of Brittaine. Printed in the Yeare 1643. 4to. This pamphlet, curious as tending to show the light in which the Dutch regard- ed the civil wars of England, is reprinted in the fifth volume of the Somers Collec- tion of Tracts. British Magazine. Lond. 1760. 8vo. vols. Edited by Dr. Smollett, assisted by Goldsmith. Another magazine of this title was published July,1782 to Dec. 17a3. 8vo. 3 vols, with plates after Stothard, 12s. and another 1800. 8vo. 2 vols, [and another, from 1832 to its close in 1849. 36 vols. 8vo.J British Museum. A View of the Museum, or a re- gular account of what is most remarkable there. Circa 1760. 8vo. The general Contents of the British Museum ; with Remarks, serving as a Directory in viewing that noble Cabinet. 1761. Second edition, 1762. 8vo. Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum, Lond. 1808. 8vo. Frequently reprinted. (The sixty-third edition was published in 1856, at one shilling .) Letters on the British Museum. Loud. 1767. 12uin. pp. 94, 2s. 6d. Acts of Parliament, Statutes and Rules relating to the British Museum. 1768. 8vo. Act of 26 Geo. II. for the Purchase of the Museum or Collection of Sir Hans Sloane, and of the Harleian Collection of MSS. and for pi'oviding of one general Re- pository for the better Reception of these Collections, and of the Cottonian Library, 1754. Reprinted 1794. 12iuo. Acts and Votes of Parliament relating to the British Museum, with the Statutes and Rules thereof, and the Succession of the Trustees and Officers ; with a Supple- ment. Lond. 1805-8. 8vo. frequently re- printed. Statutes and Rules relating to the In- spection and Use of the British Museum, and for the better Security and Preserva- tion of the same. 1759. Reprinted 1768. 12rao. frequently reprinted. 276 BRI BRI British Museum — continued. The Will of Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. Lond. 1753. 8vo. Authentic copies of the Codicils belong- ing to the last Will and Testament of Sir Ilans Sloane, Bart. Lond. 175.3. 8vo. Minerva triumphans : the Muse's Essay to the Honour of the Cotton Li])rary as it is now given to the Public. Lond. 1701. folio. Catalogus Librorum MSS. BibliotheciB Cottoniana3,&c. By Tho. Smith. Oxon.1696. folio. A Catalogue of the MSS. in the Cotto- nian Library, with an Appendix, and also a Catalogue of the Charters preserved in the same Library. By Tho. Astle. Lond. 1777. 8vo. A Report from the Committee appointed to view the Cottonian Library, after tlie fire at AshbHrnham House, in 1731, by which many of the books were injured, with an Appendix by David Casley. Lond. 1732. folio. A Catalogue of the MSS. of the King's Libraiy, an Appendix to the Catalogue of tlie Cottonian Library ; together with an account of Books burnt or damaged by a late Fire. One hundred and fifty Speci- mens of the Manner of Writing in different Ages, from the third to the fifteenth Cen- tury, on copper plates ; and some Observa- tions upon SISS. in a Preface. By David Casley. Lond. 1734. 4to. Pp. xxiv. and 360, with an index of 23 pages, and si.'cteen plates. This collection was munificently conferred on the British Museum bv King George II. Gough, 864, 16s. SirP. Thomp- son, 301, 16s. 6d. Biudley, pt. i. 2003, 17s. 6d. Brockett, 739, \l. 9s. A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Librarv deposited in the British Museum. Loud. 1S02. fol. ByJ.Planta. Pp. XV. and 618, with index, 7 T to 8 0. Bind- ley, pt. i. 941, 13s. Willett. 2034, nxssia, n. Is. A Catalogue of the Harleian Collection of MSS. (by H. Wanley). Lond. 1759-B3. folio. 2 vols, with portraits of Robert and Edward Harley, Earls of Oxford. Reed, 229, 21. 7s. Bindley, pt. i. 939, 16s. A Catalogue of the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum, with Indexes of Persons, Places and Matters. 1808-12. folio. 4 vols. This valuable catalogue was made by H. Wanley and the Rev. R. Nares. Pub- lished at 8i. 8s. The indexes, compiled by the Rev. T. H. Home, are sold separately at 21. 2s. A Catalogue of the MSS. preserved in the British Museum, hitherto undescribed. By Samuel Ayscougli. Lond. 1782. 4to. 2 vols. A Catalogue of the entire collection of MSS. on Paper and on Vellum of the late Marquis of Lansdowne lSii7. 8vo. 2 vols. Catalogue of the Lansdowne MSS. by F. Douce and H. Ellis, folio. 1819. Catalogue of Law MSS. formerly in the possession of F. Hargrave, Esq. now depo- sited in tlie British Museum. 1818. 4to. 12s. By Henry Ellis, afterwards chief librarian. Catalogue of the Arundel MSS. 1834, fol. U. 8s.; or with coloured plates, il. 14s. Gd. Catalogue of the Burney MSS. 1840, fol. 18s. ; or with coloured plates, Zl. 3s. Index to the Arundel and the Burney MSS. 1840, fol. 15s. Catalogus Codicura Manuscriptorum Ori- entaliura. Pars 1. Codices Syriacos etCar- shunicos amplectens. 1838. fol. 12s. Pars 2. (in 2 vols.) Codicum Arabicorum partem amplectens. 1846. fol. 14s. 1852. folio. 14s. Pars 3. Codices .lEthiopicos amplectens. 1847, fol. 10s. Index to Additional MSS. 1783-1835. fol. 1849, only 100 copies printed, 21. 2s. Lists of Additional MSS. 1836-1840. 8vo. 10s. 1841-184.5. Catalogue of MS. Music in the British Museum (by — Oliphant), 1842. 8vo. 5s. Catalogue "^of MS. Maps, Charts, and Plans (by .1. Holmes), 1844. 2 vols. Svo. 1/. Greek Papyri in the British Museum (by the Rev. J. Forshall), pt. i. 1839. 4to. 10s. LARGE PAPER, 15s. Select Papvri in the Hieratic Character (by S. Bircli), 3 parts. 1841-1844. folio. il. 7s. Papyri in the Hieroglyphic and Hieratic Characters, from the collection of the Earl of Belmore. 1843. fol. 6s. Catalogus Librorum impressorum qui in Museo Britannico adservantur. Lond. 1787. folio. 2 vols. Dr. Maty and Mr. Har- per compiled two-thirds of this catalogue, the remainder was done by Ayscough. Bindley, pt i. 940. 12s. Catalogus Librorum impressomm qui in Museo Britannico adservantur (by Mr., now Sir Hen. Ellis, and the Rev. H. H. Baber), Lond. 1813-19. 8vo. 7 vols, in 8 pts. Catalogue of Printed Books (extending to the letter A only, by A. Panizzi). Lond. 1841. folio, vol. i. \l. Catalogus Bibliothecae Historico Natu- ralis, etc. See Banks (Sir J.) Bibliotheese Regise Catalogus (Catalogue of the Library of Geo. III. now in the Bri- tish Museum), (by Sir F. Barnard and others). 5 vols. roy. folio, portrait. 1820-29. 10/. 10s. Catalogue of the Maps, Prints,Drawings, &c., forming the Geographical and Topo- graphical collection in the library of K. George III. roy. folio, 1829. 3/. 3s. (Printed uniformly with the preceding volumes, to wliich it is usually added.) Catalogue of the Geographical Collec- tion in the Library of K. Geo. III. 1829, 2 vols. Svo. 1/. 4s. (a reprint of the preceding.) liBI Bkitish Museum — cunlinued. BibliothecH Grenvilliaua, (edited by I'iiyue and Foss, and notes by Mr. Gren- ville), 3 vols. 8vo. 1842-8, scarce, 4/. 4s. LARGE PAPEu, 11. 17s. 6d. [Vol. 3, called Part the Second, is still on sale. 8vo. 11. lis. 6d. I.AROK PAl'KR, 21. 12s. 6d.J Outlines for the Classification of a Li- brary, submitted to the Trustees. 1825. 4to. By the Historical, topographical, and antiqua- I rian Sketches of Wiltshire. Lond. 1814. ! A portion of the ' Beauties of England and i Wales,' of which 25 copies were worked j off with the above title page. Topographical Sketches of North Wilt- shire. Lond. 1826. med. 8vo. 11. lis. 6d. royal, 2L 2s. AliCHlTECTlRAI, ANTIQUITIES of GREAT Britain. London, 1805—26. 4to. 5 vols. Published at 27/. 12s. large paper, imp. 4to. at 43/. Jadis, 131, 5 vols. vols. 1 — 4, rus- sia, vol. 5, sewed, 36/. 15s. Nassau, pt. i. 606, 4 vols. 27/. 6s. Dent. pt. i. 618, 4 vols. Proofs, with nearly a duplicate set of etch- ings, 43/. Is. Drury, 747, 5 vols, proofs, morocco, 50/. Ss. (Reissued in 1830. 5 vols. 4to. with later impressions of the plates, 15/. 15s., since which reduced to 71. 17s. 6d. Nat- tali.) [The 5th volume is complete in it- self, under the title of 'Chronological His- tory and Graphic Illustrations of Chris- tian Architecture in England,' with 86 plates, 4to. 1826. published at 6/. 12s. large paper, 11/.] Cathedral .Antiquities of Gre.\t Bri- tain. Lond. 1814— 32. 1. 4to. 3?. 3s. imp. 4to. 51. 5s. 2. Norwich, med. 4to. 2/. 10s. imp.4to. 4/. 4s. 3. Win- chester, med. 4to. 3/. 3s. imp. 4to. 51. 5s. 4. York. med. 4to. 31. 12s. imp. 4to. 61. 5. Lichfield, med. 4to. 1/. 18s. imp. 4to. 3/. 3s. 6. Oxford, med. 4to. 1/. 4s. imp. 4to. 21. 2s. 7. Canterbury, med. 4to. 31. 3s. imp. 4to. 5/. 53. 8. Wells, med. 4to. 21. 10s. imp. 4to. 41. 4s. 9. E.xeter. med. 4to. 21. 10s. imp. 4fo. 4/. 4s. 10. Peterborough, med 4to. 1/. 18s. imp. 4to. 3/. 3s. 11. Gloucester. 1829, med. 4to. 21. 10s. imp. 4to. 41. 4s. 12. Bris- tol. 1830, med. 4to. 1/. 4s. imp. 4to. 21. 2s. 13. Hereford. 1831, med. 4to. 1/. 18s. imp. 4to. 3/. 3s. 14. Worcester. 1832, med. 4to. 11 18r. imp.4to. 3/. 3r. 53 parts, forming 6 vols. 4to. with 311 engravings, published together at 33/. large pafer, 55/. Of the entire work some copies were printed in imp. 4to. with proofs and etchings, at double the price of tlie ordinary imperial ; some on supee-boyal folio, with proofs ONLY, at the same price, and a few in folio, with proofs and etchings, at nearly double the price of the imp. 4to. proofs and etch- ings. (Late impressions of the small paper have since been reduced to 10/.) Lincoln Cathedral not having been published by Mr. Britton, was re-edited by him on Wild's plates, and printed to match. 16 plates, 1837, med. 4to. 1 /. 5s. large papeb, imp. 4to. 1/. lis. 6d. largest paper, 21. 2s. History and Antiquities of Bath .Abbey Church, with 10 plates. Lond. 1825. royal 8vo. 1/. medium 4to. 1/. lis. 6d., imperial 4to. 21. 2s. An Essay relating to Redcliffe Church, Bristol. Lond. 1813. royal 8vo. 16s., medium 4to. 24s. Bindley, pt. i. 721, 19s. Imperial 4to. 1/. lis. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 619, with proofs and eteliings on India paper, 21. 2s. reissued 1843, royal 8vo. 12s. Graphical and Literary Illustrations of Fonthill Abbey, Wiltshire, 1823 4to. l/.5s. imperial 4to. 2/. 23. and royal fol. 6 copies. Architectural Antiquities of Koslyn Chapel, Scotland, 1810. imperial 4to. 14s. Graphic Illustrations with historical and descriptive accounts of Toddington, Gloucestershire, the seat of Lord Sudeley, with 31 plates. Lond. 1840. 4to. 21. 2s. LARGE PAPEB, royal 4to. 41. 4s. The Fine Arts of the English School, with 24 engi-avings. Lond. 1812, imperial 4to. Published at 6/. 10s. Fonthill, 3788, 21. 9s. Brockett, 529, morocco, 51. 10s. LARGE PAPER. Proofs, atlas 4to. 11/. India proofs before letters. Picturesque Antiquities of English Cities, with 60 engravings by J. Le Keux. Lond. 1828-30. 6 parts, forming 1 vol. 4to. 71. 4s. LARGE PAPER. Proof inipreBRious, imp.4to. 12/. LARGEST PAPER, Indiaproofs and etchings, imp. folio, 31/. 10s. (12 copies.) Reissued 1836, 4to. 1/. Is. Picturesque Views of the English Cities, from Drawings from Eobson, with 32 En- gravings by Le Keux, Woolnoth, and others. 1827. 4 parts, foi-ming 1 vol. medium 4to. 41. 4s. LARGE PAPER, royal 4to. India proofs, 8/. 8s. India proofs and etchings, 16/. 16s. A companion to the preceding work. The Union of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, with descriptive accounts of the House and Galleries of John Soane, with 29 plates. Lond. 1827. medium 4to. 21. 2s., imperial 4to. 3/. 3s. Dictiooary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Age.s, with 42 plates by Le Keux, 4 parts, forming 1 vol- royal 8v"o. 1830-8. 21. 16s. large Paper. ISUO Bbitxon — continued. med iio.hl. laboest paper, Proofs imp. 4to. '71. 7s. India proofs (only 10 copies taken off), 12i. Casaiobury Park, Hertfordshire, the seat of the Earl of Essex. Lond. 1837. imp folio. 3i. .3s. large paper (20 copies), atlas folio. Wl. 10s. [Kepuhlished in Ro- binson's Vitruvius Britannicus, atlas folio, 3i. 13s. 6d.] Architectural Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London, with historical and descriptive Accounts of each Edifice, (the letterpress by J. Britton, the engravings byoruiiderthedirectionof A.Pugin). Lond. 1828. published in 20 parts with 138 plates, forming 2 vols. 8vo. med. Bvo. U. 5s. imp 8vo. •HI. 8s. 4to. PROOFS on ixdia paper, 14?. 14s. (100 copies.) Second edition, en- ; larged,hy W. H. Leeds, 2 vols, royal Svo. j Lond. 1833, U. lis. 6d. j Catalogue Raisonni? of the Marquis of Stafford's Pictures at Cleveland House. Lond. 1808. Svo. published at 7s. Royal Svo. at lOs. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 260, 18s. Essay on the Life and Writings of Shakspeare, 1814. 16mo. Hibbert, 21. lOs. 1818, 16nio. Privately printed. Boswell, , 389, U. 2s. Dent, pt. i. 261, 19s. Memoirs of Sir John Soane. Lond. 1834. ' royal Svo. ; .Memoirs of Sir Jeffrey Wyatville. Lond. I 1834. royal Svo. Memoir of John Aubrey. Lond. 1845. 4to. (350 copies). Mr. Britton also edited Aubrey's Natural History of Wiltshire. | Lond. 4to. 1847 (250 copies). j Authorship of the Letters of Junius ] elucidated, including a Memoir of Col. 1 Barr^. Lond. 1848. royal 8vo. and 4to. | Britton and Beatley's Beauties of England andWales. 5ee Beauties. — and Ferrey's Chi'ist Church, Hants. See Ferrey. Beitton's Bowre of Dehghts. 1597. 5ee Breton, Nicholas. Beixiijs, Germanus. Germani Brixii Antissiodorensis Antimorus. Lutetie ex Officina Petri Vidoue (1519). 4to. A Latin Poem, (A to I 6, in fours) at the end ' Thome Mori Lapsus inexcusa- biles in Syllabaiiim Quantitate in Elegia ad Henricuraoctauum;' 'Erasmus Rotero- damus Germano Brixiano,' et ' Germanus Brixius Desiderio Erasmo.' See Wood's Ath. Oxon. by Bliss, i. 89-90. Beockedon, Wilham. Illustra- tions of the Passes of the Alps. Lond. 1827-9. Published in 12 parts, forming 2 vols. med. 4to. BUO 279 with 109 engravings, 10^ lOs. (now 3^. 13s. 6d. Boiiii). Laeoe pai-eu, proofs, roy. 4to. 15^. India proofs, roy. 4to. 20/. Laegee papek, proofs before letters, imperial 4to. 30/. Largest papeb, proofs and ct fil- ings, atlas foho (only 12 coiiies printed), 63i. All since considerably reduced in price. [.\Ir. Brockedon published Italy, Classi- cal, Historical, aiul Picturesque, 20 parts, forming 1 vol. imperial 4to. with 60 en- gravings on steel. Lond. 1842-44, 5/. 10s. Proofs, SI. 18s. 6d. Road Book fi-om Lon- don to Naples, with 30 engravings. Lond. 1835, Svo. U. 4s. imp. Svo. U. lis. Od. Ex- cursions in the Alps, with map. Lond. 1845, post Svo. 10s. 6d., reduced to 53.] Brockett, j. T. Selecta Nu- mismata aui-ea Imperatorum Ro- manorum, ex Museo J. T. Brockett. Nov. Castr. 1822. Svo. Of this work 32 copies were printed in Svo. Brockett, 2170 ; and two copies in crown 4to. Brockett, 2177, 15s. — G-lossary of North Country Words. Newcastle, 1825, cr. Svo. Ss. An excellent little work. Second edi- tion, Svo. 1829. Third edition, Lond. 1846, 2 vols, crown Svo. \l. Is. Brocklesby, Richard. Expli- cation of the Gospel Theism, and the Divinity of the Christian ReK- gion. Lond. 1706. folio. 1/. Is. A learned and curious work. Beockwell, Charles. History of Portugal ; to which is added the His- toiy of Brazil. Lond. 1726. Svo. 5s. Beocqtjieee, Bei-trandon de la. Travels to Palestme, and Return from Jerusalem overland to France, 1432 — 3, transl. by Thos. Johnes. Hafod, 1807. royal Svo. Gough, 552, 12s. 6d. Drury, 511, 13s. Fonthill, 829, \l. 10s. large paper, in small 4to. (12 copies printed) Malkin, 390, mor. (Reprinted in Bohn's Early Travels in Palestine, 5s.] Beodeeip, W. j. and P. Bing- ham. Reports in the C. P. from East. T. 59 Geo. III. 1819, to East. T. 3 Geo. IV. 1822. Lond. 1820-2. Svo. 3 vols. 12s. A continuation of Taunton's Reports. These reports arc regnl'arly continued by Mr. Bingham. 280 BIIO Beodie, Alexander. Diary of Alexander Rrodie, Esq , who was one of the Senators of tlie College of Justice in 1650 and 1658, and a G-entleman of shining Pietie, &c. Edinburgh, 1710. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Beodie. History of the Eoman Government, tiU the UsurjDation of Augustus Caesar. Lond. 1810. 8vo. 12s. — George. Histoi-y of the Bri- tish Empire, from the Accession of Charles I. to the Restoration, with an Introduction. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 4 vols. n. 12s. 6d. Beodeick, Thomas. Ilistoria sacra : an Account of all the Feasts and Fasts of the Church of Eng- land. Lond. 1705. 8vo. with por- trait by Sherwin, 1704. Williams, 291, morocco. 2i. 33. — History of the late War in the Netherlands, together with an Abstract of the Treaty of Utretcht. Lond. 1713. 8vo. 4s. Beoke. See Beooke. Beokee, James. Sermon preach- ed at Pauls Cross, November 12, 1553. R. Caly. 1554. 8vo. Sotheby, 1853, calf, \l. 13a. Beome, Alexander. The Cun- ning Lovers, a Comedy. Lond. 1654. 4to. Roxbiu-ghe, 4512, 5s. Rhodes, 659, 6s. Reed, 7726, 6s. 6d. Field, 121, 8s. — Songs and other Poems. Lond. 1664. 5s. Pp. 376, with portrait by D. Loggan. Dedicated to Sir John Robinson, with commendatory verses. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 75, \l. Is. Bindley, pt. i. 453, \l. 2s. Garrick, 311, date, 1661, with portrait by Hertochs, 10s. 6d. White Knights, 611, date, 1661, with port, by Hertochs, mor. 18s. A. Brome likewise published Fancy's Festivals. Lond. 1657, 4to. A congratu- latory Poem on the Return of K. Charles II. Lond. 1660v 4to. And a translation of Horace, 1666, &c. — Covent Gtirden Drollery, or a Collection of all the chuice Songs, Poems, Prologues, and E])ilogues. Lond. 1672. small 8vo. Pp. 112. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 125, 3/. 3s Utterson, 11. Gardner, 1854, 6L Beome, James, M.A. Travels over England, Scotland, and Wales. Lond. 1726. 8vo. 5s. Originally printed in 1700, again in 1707 — Richard. Lachrymse Musa- rum : the Tears of the Muses ; exprest in Elegies written by divers Persons of Nobility and Worth, upon the Death of Henry Lord Hastings, onely Sonn of the Rt. Hon. Ferdinando, Earl of Hun- tingdon, Heir-generall of the liigh born Prince George, Duke of Cla- rence, Brother to K. Edward IV. collected and set forth by R. B. Loud. 1650. 8vo. Pp. 98, with a frontispiece of the muses surrounding a human figure in a shroud, and a sheet containing an epitaph of Lord Hastings. This volume is also curious from containing an elegy by Dryden, which was his first printed production, as it was Avritten when he was a boy at Westminster. Marq. of Townshend, 1370, \l. 10s. Reed, 7086. 11. 3s. Sotheby, 1821, 27. White Knights, 2267, date 1649, 37. 3s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 434, 47. 4s. 435, 57. Bindley, pt. ii. 1387, with the front, and the folio leaf generally wanting, 67. 16s. 6d. — Ten new Playes. Lond. 1653- 9. 12mo. 2 vols, with portrait by Cross. [Not marked as vol. 1 and 2, but described as " Five new Plays" on each title.] Vol. I. contains The madd Couple well matcht. Novella, Court Beggar, City Witt, Damoiselle, with port, by T. Cross. Vol. II. The English Moor, the Love- sick Court, Covent Garden weeded, the new Academy, the Queen and Concubine. Reed, 8029, 17. 12s. Rhodes, 669, 17. 13s. Roxburghe, 3902, 15 Plays, 2 vols. 8vo. and 1 vol. 4to. 57. 6s. — Vol. I. Brocketl, ,392, no portrait, 18s. Bp. of Ely, 94, 14s. 6d. Jadis, 40, 17, lis. Nassau, pt.'i. 336, 17. 16s.— Vol. ii. Nassau, pt. i. 337, 7s. Bind- ley, pt. i. 454, 18s. Jadis, 41, 17. Besides the above, Brome wrote, The Northern Lasse. Lond. 1632. 4to. Boswell, 1684. 7s. Field, 122, 10s. Rhodes. 661, 17. 4s. Reprinted 1635. 1663. Rhodes, 662, 5s. 6d. 1706. Rhodes, 663, 3s. The Sparagus Garden. Loud. 164C 4to. 4s. Rhodes, 3641, 9s. The Antipodes. Lond. 1640. 4to. Ro.x- burghc, 4513, 5s. Rhodes, 665, 5s. BRO BRO 281 A Jovial Crow. Lond. 165'2. 4to. 4s. Frequently reprinted. The Queenes Pixcliange. Lond. 16,57. 4s. Roxburghe, 4516, 5s. 6d. Rhodes, 668, 3s. Aterwards entitled The Royall Exchange Lond. 1661. 4to. Bkomhall, Thomas. Treatise of Spirits ; or, an History of Apjja- ritions, Oracles, Prophecies, and Predictions, with Dreams, Visions, and Revelations. Lond. 1658, folio. 18s. Stanley, 751, 12. lis. 6d. Bromleion. A Discom-se of the most substantial Points of Diuini- tie, handled by diners Common Places ; with great Studie, Since- ritie and Perspicuitie. Lond. 1595. 4to. Dedicated 'To Sir Henry Bromley, Knight,— S. 1, The Epistle to the Reader.' 565 pages. Inglis, 301, 6s. 6d. Beomley, Sir George. Collec- tion of origmal Royal Letters, written by K. Charles I. II., K. James IT., and the King and Queen of Bohemia ; together with original Letters written by Prince Rupert, Charles Louis Count Palatine, the Duchess of Hanover, and several other distinguished Persons .- from the Year 1619 to 1665. Lond. 1787. 8vo. with portraits, Ts. 6d. A valuable collection. Roxburghe, 6839, 12s. — Henry. Catalogue of En- graved British Portraits, from Eg- bert the Great to the present Time. With an Appendix, containing the Portraits of such Foreigners as may claim a Place in the British Series. Methodically disposed in Classes, and interspersed with a nitmber of Notices Biographical and Genea- logical, never before published. Lond. 1793. 4to. 12s. Title, preface, &c. 6 leaves ; work, pp. 1—479. Appendix, 56 pp. Index, 40 leaves. Edwards, 33, russia, 11. 6s. large PAPER, 18s. Hindley, pt. i. 901, 19s. 6d. — Rev. Rob. Anth. History of the Fine Arts, Painting, Sculp- ture, and Architecture. In four Parts. Lond. 1793-5. 4to. 2 vols. 11. 58. Bkomiey, Wm. Remarks on the grand tour of France and Italy. London, 8vo. 1705. 1^. Is. [This was first published in 1692, but bought up and reissued by his political opponents in 1705, with the addition of a bui'lesque table of contents. See Bibli- otheca Parriana, p. 702.] Bbook, Benjamin. Lives of the Puritans. Lond. 1813. 8vo. 3 vols. 11. Is. This work forms a comprehensive ap- pendage to Neal's History of the Puritans, and Palmer's Non-Conformist's Memorial. Williams, 294, 1/. 15s., royal paper, pub- lished at 21. 14s. Mr. Brook published A History of Religious Liberty, 1821, 8vo. 2 vols. 11. 4s. Brooke, Arthur. Agreemente of sondry Places of Scrijjture, seemmg in shew to iarre, seruing in stead of Commentaryes, not only for these, but others lyke. Transl. out of French, and nowe fyi'st publyshed by Ai-thiu'e Broke. Lond. 1563. 8vo. This writer translated paraphrastically from the Italian, • The tragicall hystory of Romeus and Juliet,' See Bandello. — Charlotte. Reliques of Irish Poetry, transl. into EngUsh Verse, with Notes and the Originals in the Irish Character. DubUn, 1789. 4to. 11. 5s. Reprinted Dublin. 8vo. A valuable work. — Christopher. Eglogues ; de- dicated to his miich loved Friend Mr. Will. Brown, of the Inner- Temple. Lond. 1614. 8vo. Copies of this, and of the following arti- cle are in the Bodleian library. In the British Bibliographer, ii. 235—42, is a notice of a MS, by Brooke, entitled ' A funerall Poem : consecrated to the Blemo- rie of Sr Arthure Chichester, Baron of Belfast, &c. 1625.' — Christopher, and W(illiam) B(rowne). Two Elegies consecrat- ed to Henry Prince of Wales. Lond. 1613. 4to. Pp.34. Strettell, 1012, 21. 10s. Bibl, Anglo-Poet. 954, 3^. 13s. 6d. 282 BRO Brooke aud Warwick, Earl of. Letters to Mrs. Wilmot Serres, illus- trated with the Poems and Memoirs of his Lordship, &c. 1819. 8vo. 16s. — Fvlke Greville, Lord. Cer- taine learned and elegant Workes. Lond. 1633. foHo. Pp. 23 to 82, then 1—298, with title and contents, which are a Treatie of Humane Learning. An Inquisition vpon Fame and Honour. A Treatie of Warres. The Tragedie of Alaham Mustapha. Cselica, containing crx Sonnets. A. Letter to an Honourable Lady, and a Letter to Greuill Vamey residing in France of Trauell. It is supposed that the absent pages 1 to 22, consisted of a' Treatise on Religion,' can- celled by order of Abp. Laud. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 23, 18s. Bindley, pt. i. 394, russia, 1?. Is. Roscoe, 1341, V. 13s. large paper, Sir M. M. Svkes, pt. i. 63, 21. 5r. Bright, fine, 31. 17s. — Mustapha, a Tragedy. Lond. 1609. 4to, A fragment only, probably printed sur- reptitiously. Roxbiirghe, 4518, 13s. Rhodes, 1193, 21. 2s. — The five Years of King James, or, the Condition of the State of England, and the Relation it had to other Provinces. Lond. 1643. 4to. Hollis, 209, 5s. Panndprs in 1818, 8s, Pp. 84, reprinted in the Ilarleian Jliscel- lany, vol. 7. This work, though bearing the name of Lord Brooke, has nothing of his Etyle, and is full of mis-statements. It was evidently written by one of the Presbyterian saints for party purposes, and was republished with additions, under the title of ' The first fourteen Years of King James, &c. 4to. 1651.' — The Life of Sir Philip Sidney ; together with a short Account of the Maxims and Policies used by Q. Ehzabeth in her Government. Lond. 1652. 12mo. Contains pp. 247, dedicated to the Coun- tess of Sunderland, with port, of Sidney, by Howe. ' It is to be wish'd that his life might be written by some judicious hand, and that the imperfect essay of Sir Fulk Orevill L. Brook might be supply"d.' — Ant. a Wood. Nassau, pt. i. 1376, 12s. Sir RI. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1404, morocco, il. Heath, l.';72, 31. 3s. — Life of Sir Philip Sydney, with a Preface, &c. by Sir Egerton BUO Brydges. Kent, 1816, royal Svo. 2 vols. port. Printed at the private press at Lee Priory. Beooke, F. G., Lord. Eemains; being Poems of Monarchy and Re- ligion. Lond. 1670. 12mo. 6s. P.indley, pt. li. 859, 15s. 6d. Steevens, 787, 6s. — Heniy. Collection of the Pieces formerly publislied by Henry Brooke, Esq. To which are added, several plays and Poems, now first printed. Lond. 1778. Svo. 4 vols. Heath, 1964, 11. lis. 6d. Roxburghe, 3943, 193. Reed, 6594, 11. Is. Another edition, in which many passages, in some parts whole pages, are omitted. Dublin, 1792, Svo. 4 vols. — Brookiana ; Anecdotes of Henry Brooke. Lond. 1804. 12mo. 2 vols. 7s. — A Guide to the Stars, being an easy Method of knowing the rela- tive Position of all the principal fixed Stars, 1820. 4to. 15s. — Ralph. Discouerie of certain Erroiu's in (Camden's) Britannia, 1594. By Yorke Herault. [Lond. 1596.] 4to. First edition consisting of 77 pp. with dedication to ' Robert Earle of Essex,' &c. pp. 2. ' To Maister Camden,' pp. 3. ' An attempt by an envious person to blast the deservedly great reputation of the Britan- nia.' — NicoUcm. Gordonstoun, 361, 3s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes. pt. i.557, 9s. Another edition, to which are added Camden's Answer and Brooke's Reply. Lond. 1724. 4to. 5s. With a portrait of Brooke and a view of his monument. Each part has a .separate title-page, with the date of 1723. >Jassau, pt. 1. rus- sia, 16s. L.4.RGE PAPER. Bindlev, pt. i. 907, 13s. 6d. — Catalogve and Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Mar- quesses, Earls, and Viscounts of this Realme of England, since the Gor- man Conquest to this present Yeere, 1622. foho. A truly valuable work, compiled from official records, consisting of pp. 392, with dedication to King James and an address to the reader. Bindley, jit. i. 571, 13s. BKO 283 Fonthill, 1353, 11. 2s. To a Jew copies of this second cdi tion, a statement of Brooke's case was prefixed. The former edition, 1619, folio, pp. 276. besides dedication, address, errors, and at tlie end a table, also 2 pp. of errata. Sir P. Tiiompson, 167, 8s. In the I'.ndleiaii library is a copy of this first edition witli marfjinal notes by Camden and Vincent. Se/t Vincent, Augustine. Brooke, Sir Robert. La granndc Abridgement. Lond. 1573, folio. 18s. 'This abridgment, which is principally founded upon that of Fitzherbert, is di- gested under a greater number of titles, and besides the authorities collected by Fitzherbert, Brooke abridges a great niini- ber of readings, which seem to liave fallen under his own knowledge as a judge and chiefjusticeofthecommon-pleas.and which are no where else extant, except in a small volume selected from this abridgment, entitled new Cases.' — Worrall. Other editions, 1568, 1570, 1576, 1586. Inglis, 395, 6s. Sir Robert Brooke has likewise published 'Le Liuerdes Assises etPlees del Corone, &c. Lond. 1580. fed. — Asevn nouell Cases de les ans et temps le Roy, Hen. VIII. Edw. 6. e la Roygne Maiy. Lond. 1578. 16mo. 15s. Contains 116 leaves, and a table at the end. Reprinted 1587. 1597. 8vo. — Robert Greville, Lord. The Nature of Truth. Lond. 1641. 8vo. A memoir, with a list of this author's writings, will be found in Wood's Atlien. Oxon. At the sale of Gough's library, no. 675, the following, ' England's Losse and Tjsmentation, occasioned by the Death of Robert Lord Brooke, 1642,' and other tracts relative to his Lordship, 4to. sold for 1?. 2s. — T. Certeyn Meditations, and Thinges to be had in Remem- braunee, and well considered by cuery Christia, before he receiiie y* Sacrament. M.D. xlviii. Im- printed by John Day and Wyllyam Seres. Byo- Black letter, consisting of 17 leaves. — T. A reply to the LibeU cast abroad in Defence of D. Ed. Boner, by T. Brooke. Lond. John Day, sVo. From Mr. Baker's copy of Maunsell'a Catalogue, 6. 22. Brooke (Thomas). Certain Verses written by Thomas Brooke, Gentle- man, of Rolsbie, in the Time of his Imprisonment, the Day before his Death, who suffered in Norwich, the 30th of August, 1570. Norwich, by Anthony de Solempne. These verses, consisting of eight four line stanzas, are reprinted in Leland's Collectaneji, vi. 41. — T. H. History of the Island of St. Helena, from it.s Discovery by the Portuguese to the year 1806. Lond. 1808. 8vo. Urury, 512. 43. Fonthill, 2883, IMOs. Bbookes. — Melanthe, Fabula FastoraHs. 1615. 4to. This play, written by Mr. lirookcs, of Trinity CoU. Cambridge, was acted bifore King James I. on Friday, the 10th of March, 1614. Bindley, pt. i. 1296 (one leaf MS.) 11. 2s. Boswell, 1335, 19s. Beookes, R., M.D. Art of An- gling, Rock and Sea-Fishing. Lond. 1740. 12mo. with cuts. 5s. First Edition, reprinted 1743, &c., &c. Dr. Brookespublished A System of Natural History. Lond. 1763, 12rao. 6 vols. 10s. 6d — Rich. The General Gazetteer. The 18th Edition, edited by Col. Landmann. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Lond. 1851. 12s. The first edition of this useful work ap- peared in 1762, 8vo. — Samuel. Introduction to the Study of Conchology. Lond. 1816. 4to. " Pp. 174, with 11 plates, 9 of which are beautifully coloured, published at 3?. lOs, L.AROE PAPER, at 51. 15s. 6d. Brooks, Fran. T'arbarian Cruelty, being a true History of the dis- tressed condition of the Christian Captives under the Tyranny of Mtily Ishmael, Emperor of Morocco. Lond. 1693. 12mo. A copv is in the British Museum. .Tadia, 108, 6s. "6d. — Henry James. Familiar Introduction to Crvstallographv. Lond. 1823. 8vo. Pp. .508, ]inblisbed at 16s. 284 IS HO BRO Beooks, James, Bishop of Glo- cester. Sermon at Paul's Cross in the first Year of Queen Mary, on Mattli. 9. 18. Lond. 1553. 8vo. A copy is in the Bodleian. Two ora- tions of this zealous maintainer of the Roman Catholic religion will be found in Fox's Acts and Monuments of the Church. — Thomas. London's Lamen- tations or a serious Discourse con- cerning that late fiery Dispensation that turned our (once renowned) City into a rmnous Heap. Lond. 1670. 4to. CoUation. Title, dedication to Sir W. Turner, Knt. 14 pp. ; the table, 14 pp. ; Lond.'s Lamentations, 176, pp. The first part of the application, 271 pages. Bind- ley, pt. i. 1117, 7s. 6d. pt. iv. 145, 4s. Beookshaw, George. Pomona Britannica. Lond. 1812. atlas fol. [the original copies are mucli the best coloured.] Pp. V. and 60, with 93 coloured plates. Dent. pt. i. 487, morocco, \Zl. 13s. Duke of York, 1002, russia, 9?. 15s.— 4713, mo- rocco, 12?. 12s. An edition. Lond. 1817. elephant, 4to. 2 vols, published in 12 parts, at \1. Is. each. Mr. Brookshaw published A Treatise on Flower Painting, with a Supplement, royal 4to. and the Horticul- tural Repository, royal 8vo. 2 vols. Become, Rev. Ai-thur. Selec- tions from the Writings of Fuller and South, -with some account of the Life and Character of the foi'- mer, Lond. 1815. 12mo. 5s. 6d. — William, LL.D. Poems on several Occasions. Lond. 1727. 8vo. 5s. Pp. 260, with portrait by V'ertue. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 77, 12s. An edition. Lond. 1739. 8vo. This writer assisted Ozell and Oldisworth in their translation of the Iliad into prose. Of Pope's translation of tlie Odyssey, he furnished the 2nd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 12th, 16th, 18th, and 23d books, with all the notes. Beossiee, Martha. A true Dis- course on the Matter of M. Bros- sicr, of Romoarntin, pretended to be possessed of a Devil, translated bv Abraham Hartwel. Lend. 1599, A copy of this work, not noticed by in the British .Museum. Inglis, 304, 12s. liEOSTEE, J. Progress of tlie Brosterian System for the effectual Removal of Impediments in Speech, from whicli emanates an entirely new Art of Reading and Speaking, discovered by J. Broster. [of Ches- ter, formerly a bookseller.] 1827. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Brother in Law, a Comedy. Kent. 1814. 8vo. 6s. Written by the Rev. Mr, Carr. A gra- tuitous offering, on the part of the prin- ter, to the Subscribers to the Lee Priory publications. Brand, 8s. 6d. Beothees, Richard. A revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times. In two Books. Lond. 1794. 8vo. 5s. A variety of tracts respecting this wild enthusiast, were published by N. B. Hal- hed, M.P., Geo. Home, D.D. afterwards Bishop of Norwich, David Levi, Jos. Moser, &c. &c. Beougham, Lord. Inquiry into the colonial Policv of the European Powers. Lond. 1803. 8vo. 2 vols. 3/. 3s. A work exhibiting considerable talent, for which the author received great praise. Said to have been written when he was under age. — Practical Observations upon the Education of the People ; ad- dressed to the Working Classes and their Employers. Lond. 1825. 12mo. Pp. 33. A valuable pamphlet, highly recommended by the Edinburgh Review. —Treatise on Reform. .4 limited number printed by the Author for the use of his friends. See Quart. Rev. vii. 266-81. [Lord Brougham has since published many other works, c. g. Historical Sketches of Statesmen, temp. George III. 3 vols, royal 8vo. 1839- 43, portraits, 3^ 3s. ; without portraits, 1?. lis 6d. [An edition in Knight's shil- ling series, 6 vols. 18mo. cloth. 9s.] Lives of Men of Letters and Science, temp. George III. 2 vols, royal 8vo. 1845-6. portraits, it. 2s. ; without portraits, 11. Is. Political Philosophy, including Prin ciples of Government, Monarchial Govern- ment, Aristocracy, Aristocratic Govern- ment, and British CorLstitution, 3 vols. 8vo. 1840-4. third edition. Bohn. 1853. IJ. Is. BUO BBO 285 Bkougham — continued. (The Essay on the British Constitution is sold separately, 3s.) Spkkches at the Bar and in Parliament, 4 vols. 8vo, 1843. 21. 8s. Dissertations on Subjects of Science connected with Natural Theology, 2 vols, post 8vo. 1839. Discourse op Natural Theology, showing tlie nature of tlie evidence and the advantages of the study, post 8vo, 1835. [Those two preceding works are com- monly adjoined to Lord Broiigluim and Sir Cliarles Bell's edition of I'aley's Natu- ral Theology, 2 vols. 1836, forming toge- ther 5 vols, post 8vo. li. 5s. These were abridged and republished in Knight's shilling volumes, 4 vols. 1853.] DiALOouB ON Instinct, 1849. 18mo. Is. 6d. Albert Lcnel; or, the Chateau of Lan- guedoc, 3 vols, post 8vo. 1844. This novel was suppressed on the eve of publication, and it is said not above five copies are extant. 51. 5s. Works collected by himself, in 10 vols, post 8vo. Edinb. 1855-7. pub. at 5s. per vol. Vol. I. Lives of Men of Science, tern}). Geo. III. II. Lives of Men of Letters, tenqy. Geo. III. III. IV. V. Eminent Statesmen. VI. Natural Theology. VII. Khetorical and Literary Disserta- tions and Addresses. VIII. Rhetorical and Political Disser- tations. IX. X. Speeches on Social and Political Subjects, (with which this series termi- nates). Contributions to the Edinburgh Re- view. Glasg. 1856. 3 vols. 6vo. 1?. 16s. Beoughton, Rev. Brian. Six Picturesque Yiews in North Wales, engraved in Aquatinta by Aiken, from Dra-wings made on the SjDot : with Poetical Eeflections on leaving the Countiy. Lond. 4to. 12s. — Hugh. Works. Lond. 1662. folio, with portrait, ret. 37. This collection of the works of Broiigh- ton was edited by Dr. Lightfoot, who has prefixed a commendatory preface. Bind- ley, pt. i. 577, \l. An account of Brougli- ton, and of his translations of Daniel, Ec- clesiastes. Lamentations, and Job, will be found in Lewis's History, 297-305, and some curious anecdotes relative to him are in Wood's Athen. Oxon. by Dr. Bliss, ii. 308-9. List of the Works of this noted Hebrew and Habhinical Scholar. A short View of the Persian Monarchie VOL. I. and of Daniels Weekes. Lond. 1590. 4to. 46 pages. 3s. A letter to a Friende, touching Mordo- diai his Age. Lond. 1590. 4to. \i 2, in fours, 3s. A 'freatise of Melchisedek prouing liim to bo Sera. Lond. 1591. 4to. I, in fours. Dedicated to ' Syr William Cocill.' 3s. Textes of Scripture. lj<]nd. 1591. 4to. C 2, in fours. Introduced with an Epistle ' To the Christian Reader.' 3s. To the most high and mightie Prince Elizabeth, by the Grace of God, Queene of Englande. Also, An Epistle sent vnto the Archb. of C. and D. Elmer, then B. of Lond. chosen Vmpires touching the D. that read against the Concent of Scripture, and Autlior of that Concent. Lond. Nou. 4. 1591. 4to. 4 leaves. Roman types. To the worshyjifuU and learned, the Vicechauncelour, and others the Gover- nours of Learning — houses in the Vniuer- sitie of Oxforde (1592). 4to. B, in fours, neat white letter. An Apologieinbriefe Assertions defend- ing that our Lord died in the Time pro- perly foretold to Daniel. Lond. 1592. 4to. Dedicated ' To Sir Peregrine Bertye Knight, Lord of Willoughby and Eresby. L 3, in fours, with two leaves of a frag- ment of Phlegon in Greek, with the En- glish translation interpolated, which was printed by ' a Printer dwelling fane off.' A Seder 01am. 1594. 4to. pp. 32, in- eluding dedication ' To Henrie Earle of H untiugdon,' &c. and ' To the Reader.' Bindley, pt. iii. 1967, 6s. Daniel his Chaldie Visions and his Ebrew. Lond. 1596. 4to. Dedicated ' To — the LL. of her M. most honorable priuie counsel.' ' To the Christian Reader,' &c. P, in fours, with copper-plate cuts, and much Hebrew tvpe. Inglis, 305, lis. — Bindley, pt. i. 1084, 10s. 6d. Reprinted 1597. Saunders in 1818, 12s. 6d. Hanan, 1607, 4to. A Concent of Scripture. [London, 1596.] 4to. 7s. 6d. (40 leaves with 7 engravings.) Dedicated to Q. Elizabeth, after which is the preface. G 3, in fours, with a map of the world, both hemispheres in one globu- lar projection, engraved on a copper-plate. Some copies have an engraved title-page. Bindley, pt. i. 1802, 8s — prinmed on vellum. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. .559, 5/. 10s. Mac-Carthy, tom. i. p. 21. no. 132, 120 fr. Williams, 245, date 1592. Presen- tation copy to Q. Elizabeth, morocco, 61. 2s. 6d. This tract contains specimens bjr W. Rogers, of the earliest copper-plate engraving in England. Reprinted 1620. 4to. An Epistle to the learned Nobilitie of England, touching translating the Bible from the ()riginal. Middlebvrg, 1597, 4to. pp. 56, lOs. 6d. 286 BEO Beoughton — contmued. ] An Explication of the Article 7r«p< ts KanKOevu cU ais of our Lordes Soules going from his Body to Paradise touched by the Greke, generally oris : &c. 1599. 4to. Master Brovghtons Letters, especially his last Pamphlet to and against the Lord Archbishop of Canterbuiy, about Sheol and Hades for the Descent into Hell, an- swered in their Kind. Lond. 1600, 4to. Introduced with an Epistle ' To the Reader,' 46 pages. Written in answer to the foregoing article. Exposition of the Common Prayer. Lond. 1603, 4to. 6s. A Declaration of the generall Corruption of Religion, Scripture, and all Learning, wrought by D. Hilson. 1604. 4to. 5s. Re- printed in the second volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. Two little Workes defensive of our Re- demption. Lond. 1604. 4to. Reprinted in the second volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. A Comment upon Coheleth or Eccle- siates, framed for the instruction of Prince Henry. 1605. 4to. The Lamentations of Jeremy, translated with great Care of his Hebrew Elegancie and oratorious Speaches. 1606. 4to. Re- printed 1608. 4to. Ovr Lorde's Famile, and many other Poinctes depending vpon it, opened aganst a Jew, Rabbi David Farar. Amst. 1608. 4to. A defence of the Book entitled a Con- cent of Scripture. 1609. 4to. Job. To the King. 1610. A Revelation of the Apocalvpse. 1610. 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 1081, 21. 7s. A Require of Agreement to the Groundes of Divinitie Studie. 1611. 4to. Observations upon the first ten Fathers. 1612. 4to. A Petition to the King to hasten Allow- ance to Ebrew Institution of Ebrewes. 4to. Sundry Workes, defending the Certayn- tie of the lioly Chronicle: dedicated to- geather vnto her Maiestie : with Re- quest, that Authoritie might stablysh the Trueth vnto publique Agreement. Job. 12; Hand 34, 3, 4. 4to. This title- page and dedication are set before the following pieces which had been before printed at different times, viz. — Textcs of Scripture; Seder 01am; An apologie— that our Lord died in the time foretold to Daniel ; a treatise of Melchisedex. A Schedule of the Works of Mr. Hugh Hroughton as they were preparing for the Presse. fol. Broughton, Richard. Eccle- siastical History of Great Britain, deduced by -A.ges or Centuries. Doway, ir):j:i, fol. BBO ' Tho' 'tis a rapsody, and a thing not well digested, yet there is a good deal of reading shew'd in it. 'Tis said in the title to be the first tome, as if another was to follow.' — Ant. a Wood. Towneley, pt. ii. 343, 13s. JBeottghton, Richard. Memorial of the antient, most holy, and reli- gious State of Great Britain. Lond. 1650. 8vo. Nassau, pt. i. 340, 8s. — Monastichon Britannicum ; or, a liistoricall Narration of the first Founding and flourisliing State of the ancient Monasteries, religious Rides and Orders, of Great Brittame in the Tymes of the Brittaines and Primitive Church of the Saxons. Lond. 1655. 8vo. 7s. 6d. ' A small book of undigested tales print- ed a dozen years after the death of the author.' — KicoUon. Nassau, pt. i. 341, 12s. Jlarq. of Townshend, 289, IDs. — Rowlande. Discourse of the Lyfe and Death of Sir William Pawlet, Knight, Lord Seint John, Erie of Wiltshire, Marquis of Win- chester. Lond. 1572. 8vo. A copy of this poetical tract is in the British Museum. A reprint of this edition was made at the private press at Lee Priory. 1818. Svo. with port. — Tho. An historical Dic- tionary of all Rehgions ; fi-om the Creation of the World to this pre- sent Time. Lond. 1756. folio. 2 vols, [sometunes in 1 vol. with single title only.] 21. 2s. The Germans have thought so well of this work as to translate it into their own language. Some copies are entitled ' Bib- liotheca historico sacra.' Lond. 1737. folio. 2 vols. Williams, 374, bl. 12s. 6d. Gossett, 995, 3t 4s. Earl of Kerry, 416, Zl. 15s. Some copies bear the date of 1742. — Thomas Ducr. Letters vrrit- ten in a Mahratta Camp, during the Year 1809, descriptive of the Character, Manners, Domestic Habits, and Religious Ceremonies of the Malu-attas. Lond. 1813. 4to. Pp. 360, with 10 coloured engravings. A work contivining both instruction ami 1 BRO BRO 2«7 1 muscment, but written in a very dift'iise style.— Quart. Eemew. I^ontliill, 415, XI. This author published Si;Ie(^tions of the popular Poetry of the Hindoos, ar- ranged and translated ; with a I'rcfiice on the Literature of the Hindoos, l^ond. 1814. 8vo. 5s. Broughton, William Robert. Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, 1795-8. Lond. 1804. 4to. Contains pp. 420, and 9 plates, ['ont- hill, 3104, 11. 14s. Beown. See Browne. — Aiidrevr. History of Glis- gow, and of Paisley, Greenock, and Port-Glasgow. Glasgow, 1795. Edinb. 1797. Svo. 2 vols. 7s. Vol. I. pp. 28 and 195, also one leaf of advertisement. Vol. II. pp. 385, besides title. — Sir Anthony. See Bacon, Sir Nicholas. — Edward Description of an annual World, and sacred Poems. 1641. Svo. with a fi-ontispiece. Bindley, pt. i. 638, 3s. Nassau, pt. i. 343, 7s. — Edward. Warning Piece for England. 1643. 4to. Prefixed is a port, of E. Brown, sitting, two children by him, engraved by Mar- shall. Bindley, pt. i. 1103, 10?. 10s. — Edward. Discourse of the Ori- ginal, &c. of the Cossacks, with an- other of the Precopian Tartars, and the History of the Wars of the Cos- sacks against Poland. Lond. 1672. Svo. — Edward, M.D. Travels in Divers Parts of Em'ope. Lond. 1686 or 7. fol. with plates. 6s. Best edition, lakge paper, 12s. These travels, I'elating chiefly to natural history, mines, mineral waters, &c. are reprinted in the second volume of Harris' Collection of Voyages and Travels. The former edi- tions, 1673. 4to. again, 1K79. 4to. — Edward. Fasciculus Reriim expetendariim et fugiendarum, prout ab Orthuino Gratio editus. Londini, 1690. folio. 2 vols. 21. 2s. Larue paper, bl. 5s. A copy is in the Grenville Library. This curious and esteemed work is a collection of fugitive pieces intended to display the errors of the Church of Rome. It was first publislied at Cologne in 15.35 by Orthulnus Gratius. Brown, Edward. Travels and 7\ dventures of Edward Brown, for- merly a Merchant in London- Lond. 1739. Svo. 4s. Written by John Campbell, LL.D. Fonthill, 2869, IZ. Is.— 175.3. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. Drury, 614, 7s. — Hugh. True Principles of Gunnery investigated andexplained. Lond. 1777. 4to. 9s. In this worlc will be found Translations of Professor Euler's Observations on Gun- nery, &c. LARGE PAPER, five copies print- ed. Puke of York, 962, 17s. — John, D.D. Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times. Lond. 1757-8. Svo. 2 vols. This work on its first publication e.xci- ted uncommon attention, and ran through seven editions in one year. Dr. Hrown likewisepublished a Dissertation on Poetry and Music. Lond. 1763. 4to. and various other works. Sermons on various sub- jects. 1764. Svo. Williams, 296, lis. — John, of Haddington. Dic- tionary of the Bible. Lond. 1769. Svo. 2 vols. Frst edition. According to the Rev. T. II, Home, the fifth edition is the best. W. t>rme observes, 'It has repeatedly been pirated in a shameless manner, and Sentiments introduced under Jlr. Brown's name, to which he was decidedly opposed.' An Abridgment was published 1796, 1815, &c. This eminent dissenting Cal- viuistic Clergyman also published a self- interpreting bible, 4to. 2 vols. A general History of the Christian Church. Edinb. 1771. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. and other much es- teemed works. — John. Historical and Ge- nealogical Tree of the Royal Family of Scotland, from the most early Accounts to the present Time 1797. Lond. and Edinb. 12s. A large sheet, at the tjottom of which is the approbation of the Lyon Oftice, signed .lames Cmnyiig, in which this tree is stated to be more complete and full than the two others, one compiled by Duncan Stewart, tl-e other by Sir Robert Douglas. The second edition enlarged and improved appeared in 1811. Browne likewise pub- lished other genealogical trees, viz. of the Family of Graham (1808), of the House of Elphinstone(lS08),of the Macdonalds, 1810. u 2 288 BEO BRO Beown, John, M.D. Medical Works, with a biograpliical Account of the Author, by W. C. Brown, M.D. Lond. 1804. 8vo. 3 vols. 12s. These works by the .author of the Bru- noiiian system of medicine, are mucli es- teemed by the profession. — John. Northern Courts ; con- taining original Memoirs of the Sovereigns of Sweden and Denmark since 1766. Lond. 1818. 8vo. 2 vols. 6s. A severe critique on this collection of tales and reports, appeared in the Q. Rev. xix. 379-90. This writer likewise pub- lished Anecdotes and Characters of the House of Brunswick. ISL'O. 8vo. 5s. — • John William. Life of Leo- nardo da Yinci, witli a critical ac- count of his Works. Lond. 1828. crown 8vo. With a portrait of Da Vinci and an en- graving of the Last Supper. This work is compiled chiefly from MSS. and printed works in the Ambrosian library at Milan. — Josiah. Reports upon Ap- peals and Writs of Error in Parha- ment, 1701—79. The second Edi- tion ; with Notes and many addi- tional Cases, brought down to the Year 1800, bv T. E. Tomlins. Lond. 1803. royal 8vo. 8 vols. 2^. The former edition 1779—83. folio. 7 vols. 21. 2s. An edition Dublin, 1784-9. 8vo. 8 vols. 21. 12s. 6d. Se.e Colles, Richard. Mr. Brown likewise published A New Abridgment of Cases in Equity, Lond. 179.3. 4to. Vol. I. containing Abate- ment-Award. 10s. 6d. — Peter. Illustrations of Zoo- logy, containing fifty coloured Plates, with a short Description. Lond. 1776. 4to. 2/. 2s. Pp. 136, with 50 coloured plates, de- signed as a supplement to Edwards' Birds. The descriptions were mostly written by Pennant. Some copies are coloured in- ditTerently, and sell very low. — R. Principles of Practical Perspective. Lond. 1815. royal 4to. 4 parts iu 2 vols, with plates, 1/. 5s. — Rob. Prodromus Florre Novee Hollandia> et Insuhe Van-Dicmen. Lond, 1810, 8vo. vol. i. 1/. lis. 6d. A work of great merit, which, before it was reprinted at Norimberg, 1827, had become worth 21. 2s. The various contri- butions of Mr. Brown (now President of the Lin. Soc.) to scientific journals, hare been collected by Nees ab Esenbeck, and published under the title of ' Vermischte botanische schriften.' Leipzig, 1825-34. 8vo. 5 vols, in 0. U. lis. 6d. Beown, Robert. Chloris Mel- villiana. 1823. 4to. Sotheby's, in 1825, 13s. — Thomas, commonly called Tom. Works. Lond 1707-8. Svo. 3 vols. Constable, 87, \l. 6s. 4th Edition, much enlarged. 171.5, 12mo. 4 vols. Works and Remains, 1719-20, 5 vols. Bindley, pt. i. .306, \l 15s. Nassau, pt. i. 346, mor. 21. 3s. 1720, 4 vols. Lloyd, 278, \l. 13s. 1730,4 vols. Roxburghe, 6703, U. lis. 6d. Eighth edition, carefully corrected. Lond. 1744, 12iuo. 4 vols. 1760, 4 vols. Strettell, 106, U. Is. Vol. V. Remains, 1721, 12mo. 5s. In 1808 was published the Beauties of Tom Brown, by C. II. Wilson, 12mo. — Thomas, M.D. Inquiry into the Relation of Cause and Effect. Thh-d edition, Edinb. 1818. Svo. Fom-th edition, Lond. 1835. 8vo. 12s. — Lectures on the Philosophy of the HumanMind. Edinb. 1820. Svo. 4 vols. [1846. 4 vols. 8vo. 1/. 16s.] ' An inestimable book.' — Dr. Pnrr. Re- printed, with a biographical memoir by Welsh, and an index, 1828, Svo. in 1 vol. [1844. 8vo. 14s.] This celebrated physician was professor of moral philosophy in the University of Edinljurgh. An account of his life and writings was published by the Rev. D. Welsh, with his porti'ait, Svo. 14s. — Thomas, the younger. See MooEE, Thomas. — William. Reports of Cases in Chancery from 18 to 34 Geo. III. Fifth Edition, with important Cor- rections and Additions, by Rob. Belt. Lond. 1820. royal 8vo. 4 vols 4/. 16s. Best Edition. First Edition, 1785—94. folio. 4 vols. 11. 7s. Second Edition, 1794. folio, 4 vols. U. lis. 6d. Third Edition, 1801. royal Svo. 4 vols. 21. Fourth Edi- tion, by the Hon. R. H. Eden. 1819, royal Svo. 4 vols. U. 10s. — Win. D.D. Antiquities of the Jews, carefully compiled from au- tlientic Sources, and their Cust-oms 31i0 illustrated by modern Travels. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 2 vols. \L. Is. According to Rev. T. H. Home, 'The most elaborate system of Jewish anti- quity extant in the English language.' Bkown, Wm. Lawrence, D.U, Essay on the Existence of a su- preme Being possessed of infinite Power, Wisdom, and Goodness. Aberdeen, IBIG. 8vo. 2 vols. \l. Is. To this work Bumet's first prize of lHOOi. was adjudged. — Comparative View of Clu-is- tianity and of other Forms of Reli- gion, particularly with regard to theii- moral Tendency. 8vo. 2 vols. IBs. Thia learned professor has likewise pub- lished, Essay on the Folly of Scepticism, &c. Lond. 1788, 8vo. 2s. 6d. Essay on the natural Equality of Mankind. 1794. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Sermons. 1803. 8vo. 7s. Phile- mon, a Poem. Edinb. 1809. 12uio. 2 vols. 5s. An Attempt toward an explanation of the Book of Revelation. 1812. 8vo. 8s. Browne, Alex. Ai-s pietoria : or an Academy treating of Drawing, Painting, Limning, Etchiag : to which are added xxxi Copper- plates. Lond. 1675. fol. with port, by A. de Jode, after J. Huys- man, 15s. Browne likewise published ' A compen- dious Drawing Book.' Lond. folio. — Rev. Ai-thur. A short View of the first Prmciples of the Diffe- rential Calculus. Lond. 1825. 8vo.9s. Simply a commentary on the first two or three chapters of the Theorie des Fonc- tions. — Arthur, LL.D. View of the CivU Law, and of the Law of Ad- miralty. The second Edition, with great Additions. 1802. 8vo. 2 vols. 1^. Is. The substance of a course of Lectures read in the University of Dublin, by the Professor of Civil Law in that Uuiveisity. Dr. Browne likewise published, A compen- dious View of the Ecclesiastical Law of Ireland. Second Edition, with great .Vd- ditions. 1803. 8vo. 12s. — David. Calligvaphia, or the BUO *J89 Arte of Faire Writing. Sainct- Andrewes, by Edward Raban, 1622. 12mo. Reed, 8, Ifjs. A copy of this work, an likewise ' Tlie Introduction to the true understanding of the whole Arte of Ex- pedition in teaching to write,' 1638, 4to. are in the British Museum. Browne, Edw. A rai-e Paterne of Justice and Mercy ; exemplified in the many notable and charitable Legacies of Sir James Cambel, Knight, and Alderman of Lon- don, deceased ; worthy Imitation. Whereunto is annexed a Meteor and a Starre : or a brief and plea- sant Meditation of God's Provi- dence to his chosen, of the Edu- cation of Children, and of the Vert ue of Love ; with other Poems. Loud. 1642 sm. 8vo. A copy of this work, with ' Sir James C'ambels dark's disaster, by making ISooks,' Lond. 1642, 4to. is in the British Museum. — George, Abp. of DubUn. Historical Collections of the Chui-ch of Ireland, during the Reigns of K. Henry VIIL, Edward VI., and Q. Mary. Lond. 1681. 4to. 5s. Nassau, pt. i. 2157, 11. Is. Reprinted in the first volume of the Phenix, and in the fifth volume of the Harleian Miscel- lany. — Isaac Hawkins. Poems upon various Subjects, Latin and English. Lond. 1768. 8vo. with port, by S. F. Ravenet. 4s. ' Poems by his son, 1. Hawkins Browne, and Mich. Wodhull, with plates designed by Sterne. Few copies printed, none for sale.' Reed, 7396, 2^. 9s. In 1817 ap- peared Essays on Subjects of important Inquiry in Metaphysics, Morals, and Religion, 8vo. — John. The Marchants Avizo. Loud. 1589. 4to. Not noticed by Ames or Herbert. Pp. 68, with title, dedication, &c. 8 more. Reprinted 1616. 4to. — John, M.D. On (he King's Evil. Lond. 1684. 8vo. Prefixed is a portrait of the author, and alsoa frontispiece, representing K.Charles II. on his throne touching for the Evil. Nassau, pt. i. 345, 9s. Towueley, pt. i. 290 BRO BBO 292, 14s. 6d. This celebrated siirgeun published The Anatomy of the Muscles, folio, (of which the copies on large paper have a portrait), besides many other worlts. Browne, John Samuel. Catalogue of Bishops, containing the Succes- sion of Archbishops and Bishops of the Provinces of Canterbury and York, from the glorious Revolution of 1688 to the present Time. Lond. 1812. Svo. pp. 38. — Lyde. Catalogus veteris -^vi varii G-eneris Monumentorum quae Cimeharchio Lyde Browne, Ai-m. Ant. Soc. apiid Wimbledon assen^autur. 1768. Svo. 7s. Privately printed. A copy is in the British Museum. — Rev. Moses. Poems on vari- ous Subjects. Loud. 1739. Svo. 5s. Bindley, pt. i. 406, morocco, 9s. — Angling Sports, in nine pis- catoiy Eclogues, with notes. Lond. 1773. Svo. 5s. Best edition. The first edition entitled ' Piscatory Eclogues ' appeared anony- mously 1729, Svo. Haworth, 814, 12s. The second in the author's poems, 1739, Svo. Browne brought again into notice Walton and Cotton's Angler, and edited three editions. He published several other little works, chiefly religious. — Patrick, M.D. The civil and natural History of Jamaica, in three Parts, with fifty Copper-plates. Lond. 1756. foho. 11. Is. or with the plates colom-ed, 21. 2s. A review of this valuable work, written by Dr. Sam. Johnson, appeared in the Literary Magazine. Beckford in 1817, 209, 11. lis. 6d. A second edition, with the addition of a Linnaean index, and a map of Jamaica, appeared 1789. folio. Dent, pt. i. 489, 11. 2s. — Peter, Bishop of Cork and Ross. The Procedure, Extent, and Limits of human Understand- ing. Lond. 1729. Svo. 3s. 6d. This learned divine likewise published a discourse ' Of Drinking in Remembrance of the Dead.' Loud. 1715, Svo. -A Dis- of Drinking Healths.' Lond. 1716, Svo. 3s. 6d. &c. — Sermons on various Subjects. Dubhn, 1749. Svo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. These sermons, written against the So- cinians, are much admired for their manly and easy style. Reprinted Lond. 1749, Svo. 2 vols. Bbowne, Richard. Mediciaa mu- sica ; to wliich is aimex'd an Essay on the Spleen and Vapours. Loud. 1729. Svo. 4s. — Robert. Booke which shew- eth the Life and Manners of all true Christians. Middleburgh, 1582. 4to. Contains 0, in fours ; the last page blank. Inglis, 306, 5s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 610,7s. Browne likewise published 'A Treatise of Reformation,' and ' A Treatise upon the 23d Chapter of St. Matthew.' A particular account of this author, who is usually considered the founder of the Pu- ritans or Independents, thence frequently called Brownists, will be found in the Bio- graphia Britannica. — Sam. Collection of Merry Jokes, with the curious Story of the unfortunate French Pastrycook. Svo. 6s. — Thomas. Tomus alter et idem ; or the Historic of that fa- mous Princesse Elizabeth. Lond. 1629. 4lo, with portrait of Ehzabeth, According to Ant. a Wood, a translation of Camden's second volume of his Annals, 1589 — 1602, to which Browne has added an appendix, containing animadversions, corrections, and additions. Gordon, 357, 13s. Nassau, pt. i. 612, 5s. 613, 8s. Bindley, pt i. 906, 9s. It frequently ac- companies Darcie's Annals. — Sh' Thomas, Knt. M.D. Cer- tain miscellany Ti'acts. Loud. 1684 Svo. with portrait by P. Van- drebane. Contents. 1. Obsei-vations upon several Plants mentioned in Scripture. 2. Of Gar- lands, and coronary or Garden-plants. 3. Of the Fishes eaten by our Saviour with his Disciples, after his Resurrection from the Dead. 4. .\nswer to certain Enquiries relating to Fishes, Birds, Insects. 5. Of Hawks and Falconry. 6. Of Cymbals, &c. 7. Of Ropalie, or gradual Verses, &c. 8. Of Languages, and particularly of the Sa.xou Tongue. 9. Of Artificial Hills. Mounts, or BaiTOws in many Parts of England. 10. What Place is meant by that name. 11. Of the Answers of the Oracle of .\pollo at Delphos to Croesus, King of Lydia. 12. A Prophecy concern- ing the future State of several Nations. BRO liHO 291 13, MusKum clausuin, or Bibliotheca ab- Bcondita, &c. BitowNE, Sir Thomas. The Works of the learned Sir Tliomas Browne, Kt. Doctor of Fhysiek, late of Nor- wich. Lond. 1686. ibl. I'refi.xed is a portrait of the author, by R. White. Contents. 1. Enquiries into vulgar and common Errors. 7th Edition, corrected and enlarged by the author. 2. Keligio Medici, with Annotationsand Observations upon it. 3. llydriotaphia ; or : together with the Garden of Cyrus. With alphabetical tables. Garrick, 531, 1^ 5s, Biudley, pt. i. 183, U. 3s. Dent, pt. i. 488, U. 2s. A new and much improved edition of Sir T. Browne's Works was published bv Mr. Wilkin, of Norwich, 4 vols. 8vo. 1836 21. 8s. LAROE PAPER, il. 4s. Since republish- ed in 3 vols, price 15s. in Bohn's Antiqua rian Library. — Posthumous Works of the learned Su* Thomas Browne, Knt M.D. late of Norwich. To which is prefix'd his hfe. Lond. 1712. 8vo. Contents. — 1. Repertorium, or the Anti- quities of the Cathedral church of Norwich. II. An account of some Urns, &c. found at Brampton in Norfolk, anno 1667. — III. Letters between Sir William Dugdale and Sir Thomas Browne.— IV. Miscellanies.— V. Antiquitates Capellfe D. Johannis Evangelistse, Authore Johanne Burton, A.M. This volume contains Title: pre- face and contents, 2 pp. ; life, pp. i — xl, ending with the catchword ' ftlisceU — ' ; Miscellauies, pp. i — 8 ; title page ' Reper- torium;' the account, B— L, 74 pages; index, 4 pp. ; concerning some urnes. A— B, 14 pp., misprinted 16, pp. 11 and 12 are omitted ; some letters between Dugdale and Browne, a — g 4, 66 pp. ; Antiquitates Capellse D. Johannis Evangelist*, A — U 4, 64 pp. Plates. — I. Portrait of Browne, by Vander Gucht. — II. Monument of Browne, p. xix. of the life. — III. Norwic. Eccl. Cath. Facies australis, p. i. — IV. Monumental Pillar of Bp. Parkhurst. p. 3. —V. VI. XIV.— XXI. Monuments of Sir Ja. Hobart, p. 4. Bp. Goldwell, p. 6. Bp. Seamier, p. 38. Mrs. Barbara Astley, p. 41. Bp. Overall, p. 48. Dr. Robert Pep- per, p. 51. Mr. Wm. Inglott. p. 62. Mr. Osbert Parsley, p. 67. Bp. Reynolds, p. 73, erroneously marked 53. Bp. Sparrow, p. 74. — VII. Sir Tho. Erpingliam, &c. p. 8.— VIII. Arms of Sir W. Boleyn, Knt. p. 14. — IX. X. Standing Hearse, p. 16. — XI. Two plates of shields. — XII. Erping- ham Gate, p. 2. — XIII. Norwic. Eccles. facies occid. p. 25. — XXII. A Roman urn, p. 10. — XXIII. Schola regia Norwicensls. Brockett, 396. lys. Bindley, pt. i. 607, 9s. 6d. LAHGic PAPER. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 353. U. 10s. Lloyd, 280, 14s. 'lowneley, pt. ii. 45. 11. Nassau, pt. i. 347, 11. 28. Dent, pt. i. 266, rnssia, 15s. 6d. Reprinted in 1711 or 1723, with a new preface. Heath, 4622, 8s. Religio Medici. London, 1642. 12mo. First edition, with front, by Marshall, re- printed 1643, with the observation of Sir Kenlm Digby, &c. A (suiTeptitious) edi- tion, 16(;3, fol. with portrait, Lond. 1733. 12mo. Best edition, with life by Dr. John- son. ' A paradoxical piece, written with great spirit, and translated into almost every language in Europe.' Ch'anger. An- swered by Alex. Ross, in his 'Medicus Medicatus,' 1645. 8vo. Nature's Cabinet unlocked, wherein is discovered the natural Causes of Me'als, Stones, &c. 1657. 12mo.— A worthless publication, falsely attributed to Sir Tho- mas Browne. Hydriotaphia : Urn Bnriall, or a Dis- course of the sepulchrall Umes lately found in Norfolk ; with Garden of Cyrus. Lond. 1658, 8vo, 'One of the most beau- tiful works of this admirable author.' — Qu. Rev. Coll. Hydriotaphia,p.i.l-84, Gar- den of Cyrus. Front, of Garden. Title, pp. 89-202, misprinted 102, besides title, epistle dedicatory to Thomas Le Gros, Esq. a se- cond dedicatory to Nich. Bacon, Esq. an address from the stationer to the reader, and list of books, with a front, of four of the urns, and a label, meant to be pasted at back of book. A notice of the work will be found in the Retr. Rev. i.84- 94. Towneley, pt, i, 284, 4s, Bindley, pt. i. 633, 2s. 6d. Fourth Edit, 1736, 8vo. pp. 60, with an engraving of five urns as a frontispiece. Pseudodoxia Epidemica; Enquiries into very many received Tenets, and commonly presumed Truths, or Enquiries into vul- gar and common Errors. Sixth Edition. Lond. 1672. 4to. with portrait by V. Hove, 10s. 6d. Best Edition, enlarged by the author with many explanations, additions, alterations, &c. The former editions, in folio. 1646, 4s, 1650. 1657, or 8. It was answered by Alex. Ross in his Arcana Microcosmi, 1652, 8vo. and by Job. Robin- son, M.D, in his Eudoxa, &c. 1656. 8vo. Christian Morals. The second Edition, with a Life of the author, by Samuel Johnson, LL.D, and explanatory Notes. Lond. 1756. 12mo. 3s. 6d. The first edition, pub, by Dr. John Jefirey, appeared Cam- bridge, 1716. 8vo. A review of the work by Dr. Johnson, appeared in the Literary Magazine. Letters to his Son. See Retr. Rev. i, 1611. 292 BEO Beowne, 'Ihomas. Story of tlie Ordination of the first Protestant Bishops in Q. Ehzabeth's Reign, at the Nag's-Head Tavern m Cheap- side, thoroughly examined, and proved to be a ¥able. Lond. 1731. 8vo. 7 s. — Th., LL.D. British Cicero, or a Selection of the most admu-ed Speeches ia the English Language. Lond. 1808. 8vo. 3 vols. IZ. This author likewise published several useful elementary works. — WiUiam. Works, containing Britannia's Pastorals, with Notes and Observations by the Rev. W. Thompson, late of Queen's College, Oxford ; the Shepherds Pipe, con- sisting of Pastorals ; the Inner- Temple Masque, never published before ; and other Poems : with the Life of the Author. Lond. 1772. 12mo. 3 vols. This edition was edited by T. Davies. Bibl. Anglo.-Poet. 72, 11. 7s". Roscoe, 1363. 123. Roxburglie, 3350 10s. 6d. In the Ketrospective Review, iii. 149—85, will be found an excellent notice of this author, and his poems will be found in the fifth volume of Chalmers' edition of the Poets. — Original Poems, never before pubhshed. (Edited by Su- E. Brydges.) Kent, 1815. 4to. 4 pts. From the Lee Priory press. — Eighty copies printed. ' There is a peaceful deli- cacy and pure morality in these recovered strains, which surpass those previously collected in his works.' — Park. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. Iii. 1156. 10s. Britannia's Pastorals. In two Books. Lond. 1613-16, folio. Bright, 793, lauge PAPER. Charles 1 1.'s copy, old mor. 51. 2s. 6d. Bibl. Anglo.-Poet. 69,3?. 3s. Bindley, pt. i. 196, no date, with front, by Hole, 2?. — 1623. 8vo.— 1625. 8vo. White Knights, 618, 19s. Lloyd, 281, 1?. Is. Stanley, 392, XL 18s. Bibl. Anglo.-Poet, 70, 21. 2s. Nassau, pt. i. 342, russia, 3^ 3s. Bindley, pt. i. 458, russia, 3^. 5s. [Republished with notes by the Rev. W. Thompson, 24mo. 2s.J Shepheavd's Pipe, in seven Eclogues. Lond. 1614. 8vo A copy is in the Bod- leian. At the end, on sign. F. 4, is thi.s title, 'Other Eglogues : by Mr. Brooke, BEO Mr. Wither, and Mr. Davies :' at sign. H. i. ' Another Eclogve by Mr. George Wi- ther.' Strettell, 1.352. 'M. 10s. White Knights, 4485. Southgate, 7i. 1620. 8vo. pp. 114. Perry, 1^ Dedicated to Ed- ward, Lord Zouch, with commendatory verses by E. Johnson and Jolm Onley. Bibl. Anglo.-Poet. 71, 6?. 6s. S'e also Brooke, Christ — T. Browne, his fiftie Years Prac- tice : or an exact Discourse con- cerning Snaffle- Riding. Lond. 1624. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. White Knights, 738, II. 19s. Another work, entitled ' Arte of riding the great Horse.' Lond. 16 — . 4to. Gordonstoun, 285, U. 9s. — W. G. Travels in Africa. Egypt, and Syria, 1792-8. Lond. 1799. 4to, 10s. 6d. A most valuable work, and, except in some few peculiarities of the author, a model for travellers. Dent, pt. i. 622, rus- sia, 19s. Roxburghe. 7322, 15s. 6d. large PAPER. Fonthill, 3101. il. 10s. Reprinted with additions, 1806. 4to. 11. Is. Brownists — A true Confession of the Faith, and humble Acknow- ledgement of the Brownists. 1596. 4to. This confession consists of 45 articles, the margins filled with texts of scripture. C in fours, the last leaf blank. Several tracts relating to the Brownists, 1641 — 3. will be found in the British Museum. Beowi^low, Richard, and John GoLDSBOEOTJGH. Reports of Cases in C. P. in the Reigns of Q. EUza- beth and K. James I. in two Parts. Lond. 1675, 4to, 18s, Best edition, with a portrait of Brown- low, by Cross. The former editions, 1651, 1652, 1654, with portrait by Cross, 9s. each. Brownlow likewise published A Book of Entries, 1693. fol. 53. Writs Judicial, 1653, 4to. 3s. 6d. Brevia Judicialia, 1662. ful. 4s. Declarations and Pleadings, in EngUsh, 2 pts. 1659, 1654. 4to. 5s. Browneig, Ralph, Bishop of Exeter. XL. Sermons, by Martyn. Lond. 1685. foHo. Williams, 375, with portrait of the Bishop by Eaithorne, 14s. The edition 1674, consisting of LXV Sermons, fol. 2 vols, in 1. 10s. 6d. Vol. I. contains 40, Vol. 11. 25 Sermons. BliU UltU 2f'3 Sennon at the Funeral of Ualpli Hrouu- rig, Bishop of Flxeter, with his Life. By John Gaudeii, ISishop of Worcester. Lond. 1660. 8vo. with portrait by Faithorne. Mostly I'eniitted, says Ant. k Wood, witliout acknowledgment, in a book enti- tled, Memoirs of Worthies, published by David Lloyd. Bkowneigg, William, M.D. Art of making common Salt as now practised in most Parts of the World. Lond. 1748. 8vo. lOs. 6d. A masterly treatise. Browsliolme Hall. — Description of Browsliolme Hall, in the West Riding of the County of York ; and of the Parish of Waddington, in the same County ; also, a Collection of Letters, from original Manu- scripts, in the Reigns of Charles I. and II. and James II., in the Pos- session of Thos. Lister Parker, of Browshohne Hall. Lond. 1815. 4to. 1^. lis. 6d. Pp. 130, with 20 plates, by I. C. Buck- ler, Jan., and a pedigree of the family of Parker. Privately printed. One bundled copies sold. Dowdeswell, 268, 21. 4s. So- theby's, May, 1620, bl. 2s. 6d. North, bl 5s. Beitce, James. Travels to dis- cover the Som'ce of the Nile, in the Years 1768—73. Ediub. 1790. 4to. 5 vols, with port, by Heath, maps and plates. Duke of York, 965, il. 9s. Steevens, 1884, il. 17s. Marq. of Townshend, 575, 51. 5s. Bindley, pt. i. 568, bl. 12s. 6d. Reed, 3524, 5^. 15s. 6d. Iloxburghe, 7329. 6i. Fonthill, 339, 71. 17s, 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 614, with Murray's life, russia, 11. 17s. 6d. LARUE PAPER (12 copies printed). An Account of the Life and Writings off James Bruce, by Alex. Murray. Edinb. 1808. 4to. Port. II. Observations on the Authenticity of Bruce's Travels, by Richard Wharton. Newc. upon Tyne, 1800. 4to. 5s. A Complimentary Letter to James Bruce. By Peter Pindar. Lond. 1790. 4to. — The second Edition, corrected and enlarged, to which is prefixed the Life of the Author (by Salt). Eduib. 1805. 8vo. 7 vols, with maps and plates in 4to. Drury, 617, 5/. large paper, Earl of Kerry, 43, ei. lOs. Reprinted, Edinb. 1815, 8vo. 7 vols, and 4to. atlas. An abridg- ment by Samuel Shaw. Lond. 1790. 12mo. 28. 6d. Bruce, John. Report on the Ar- rangements which were mada, for tlie internal Defence of these King- doms, when Spain, .by its Armada, projected the Invasion and Con- quest of England. 1798. 8vo. 1/. Is. Pp. iv. 97. Appendix, pp. cccxxviii. besides contents, 7 leaves. At p. 32 is a chart of ihe River Thames, Anno 1588. Privately printed for the use of ministers at the time of Buonaparte's threatened in vasion. John Bruce likewise published anony- niou.sly for private circulation, ' Re- view of the Events and Treaties which established the Balance of Power in Eu- rope, and the Balance of Trade in Favor of Great Britain, 1796.' 8vo. pp. 181, with a ' Sketch showing the Ports of the Netherlands from which France may at- tack Britain and distress its Trade.' — Rejjort on the Events and Cii'cumstances which produced the Union of the Kingdoms of Eng- land and Scotland ; on the Effects of this great national Event, on the reciprocal Interests of both Kingdoms; and on the political and commercial Influence of Great Bri- tain, in the Balance of Power in Em-ope. 1799. 8vo. 2 vols. Privately printed. Vol. I. pp. iv. and 403. Vol. II. Appendi.x, pp. dxciii. with title and contents, 8 leaves. A Letter from the Duke of Portland, sent with a copy of this report, is printed in Beloe's Anecd. ii. 432. Boxburghe, 8317, 11. 13s. Duke of York, with Report concerning the Spanish Annada, 1588, U. 15s. — Annals of the East-India Company,1600-l707-8. Lond. 1810. 4to. 3vols. Duke of York, 996, U. 3s. — Michael. Poems on several Occasions. 1770. (Reprinted in 1784 and 1807. Svo.) Prefixed is a most pleasing and well- written preface by John Logan. The me- rits of this elegant poet are discussed in no. LX. of Drake's Lit. Hours, iii. 325-32. — Peter Henry. Memou-s, con- taining an Account of his Travels in Germanv, Russia, Tartarv, 294 BETJ BUU Turkey, the "West Indies, &c. Lond. 1782. 4to. Fonthill, 1195, 15s. Bruce, Eobert. Eleven Seniious on the Sacrament. Edinb. 1591. R. Waldegrave. 16mo. Acopyis in the, British Museum. A former edition appeared 1590. Bruce likewise published The Way to true Peace and Rest, delivered at Edinburgh, in XVI Sermons on tlie Lord's Supper. Lond. 1617. 4to. 6s. — Robert, King of Scotland. See Baeboue, Jolm. Haevey, John. — The King's Remembrancer's Report relative to the Tomb of King Robert the Bruce. Edinb. 1821. 4to. D. of York, 4204, 7s. 6d. — Catalogue of Lord Bruce' s Library at Tottenham Park, 1713. 4to. Privately printed. Bindley, pt. 1. 1653, 12s. Beuch, Richard. Epigi-amma- tvm Hecatontades duse. Londini, 1627. 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum. Brucioli, Anton, Commentaiy upon the Canticle of Canticles, transl. from the Italian, by Tho. James. Lond. 1598. 8vo. BErCKER, John James. History of Philosophy. See Enfield, Wm. Bettckner, Jolm. Philosophi- cal Survey of the Animal Creation. Lond. 1762. Svo. In the seventh and eighth chapters of this work are sentiments very simihir to those lately promulgated by Mr. Mal- thus. Beuggeman, Lewis WUliam. View of the English Editions, Translations and Illustrations of the antient Grreek and Latin Authors, with Remarks and a Supplement. Stettin, 1797—1801. Svo. l/.lls. 6d. An excellent work, displayinf^ consider- able research and industry. [The Sup- plement is often deficient.] IJindley, pt. i. 440, russia, U. Gs. Gossett, 908, II. 13s. Buttmoy, p. Tlie Greek Theatre. liOnd. 1759. 4to. 3 vols. 15s. Translated by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox, with the assistance of Boyle, Earl of Cork and Orrery, and Dr. Samuel Johnson. Reed, 8627, 11. 6s. Beun^us, Ricardus. S. Thomse Cantuariensis et Henrici II. iUvstr. Anglorvm Regis Monomachia. Col. Agr. 1626. Svo. A copy is in the British Museum. Betjne, de la. Relation de la Campagne d'Irlande en 1691 sous le Commandement de M. le General de Giakel. Amst. 1693. 12mo. 5s. Beuno Nolano. Giordano. Degh heroici Furori al molto iUus- tre & excellente CauaUiero Signor Philhppo Sidneo. Parigi appresso Antonio Baio. {sed Lond. Vautrol- her.) 1585. Svo. Coll. — 16 leaves of preliminary matter, and 124 of text. A— Q 4. Hanrott, 91. Is. This and the following article are in- serted in Herbert's Ames, under the liead of Thomas Vautrollier. Both pieces, with many others by tlie same author, are in the British Museum. — Spaccio de la Bestia trion- fante. Stampato in Parigi, 1584. 16mo. (sed Lond. Vautrolher.) 16 leaves of preliminary matter. Pp. 261, and 2 of errata. The epistle de- dicatory to Sir Philip Sidney is on 15 leaves. A copy is said to have been sold for 50^. Toland imagined his copy the only one extant. At the sale of the li- brarv of Ch. Bernard, Esq. in 1711, it sold for 2Sl. to Walter Clavel, Esq. At that of James West, Esq. in 1773, this with the piece 'degli Heroici Furori' sold together for 9/. 15ii.— Herbert. This famous book, which was supposed to inculcate atheistical principles, appears from a critique of the work in the Spccta- toi' (no. 389) to be a harmless production. According to Toland, it was not printed at Paris, but in London, and tlie impressioa is said to have consisted of twenty copies only. — Spaccio de la Bestia trion- faute, or the Expulsion of the tri- umphant Beast. 1713. Svo. 'This translation is commonly attri- buted to Toland— but upon the authority of the translator himself, namely, the late William Morehead, Esq., I am warranted to say, that it was hastily made by liim for the private use of Mr. Collins, nor ever BBU 295 Intended to be printed; tliough shortly volume iif tl after taken out of Mr. Collins' library by | Voyages Toland (as he. believed) and sent to the press.' — S. Patersnn. Sir V. Thompson, Gl, mor. U. 13s. IMndley, pt. i. GOU, U. 5s. [The works of this free-thinking mystic extend to about 19 small volumes, mostly new edition of Uukluyt'H Bkutps, Steijhaniis Juiiius. Vin- diciae contra Tyranos : siuo, de Principis in Populum, Populique in Principem, legitinia Potestate. printed in France, and are of great rarity. ; T7i.i,„K,,„„; trial q„^ i7„ ha See Bohn's Guinea Catalogue.] I -Etll"blU-gl, 1597. 8vO Ts 6d. _ ^ . \ By .some ascribed to Hubert Languet, by BliUNSWERD, John. JoanniS [ others to Theodore lieza. IloUis, 210, Brunsuerdi Progymnasmata qu£e- } ™or. _1J. 5s. Sir M. M. SyUes^ pt. ii. 134, dam poetica. Lond. 1589. 4to. An edition of the date of 1590 is in the British Museum. Brownswerd or Bruns- werdus, ' a most noted master of tlie Latin tongue, deservedly numbered amongst the best Latin poet.s that lived in the reign j Tyrants. 1648. 4to. of Q. Elizabeth. -^»<. <1 Wood. "t,,,;, translation is said to have been Brunswic and Luneburg, Fei'di- ' nuule l)y Walker, the executioner of K. naud Duke of. The Operations of, ^,'"1'^''" /•"""'*'' ^^^' ^^- ^^- "'""^''^y' fn.nilind Avnw_ I7.^7_fi2. T,nnr1 I ^K'/.^^^l, U. 's.^ ^_^^^^^ ^^ ^^^_^^^ v.. Bindley, pt. iv. 279, 7s. 6d. An edition 158(J. 7s. 6d. Bindley, pt. ii. 1402, 11. 3s. An edition 1589. 8vo. in the Bri- tish Museum. •Defence of Liberty against the allied Army, 1757—62. Lond< 4to. with maps and plans. lOs. Brunswick — Lunenburgh. See Jones, David. Brunswyke, Jlierom. The Vertuose Boke of Distyllacion of the Waters of all Maner of Herbes, with the Fygures of the StyUato- ries, translated out of Duyche into Englysslie, Imprinted by me Lau- rens Andrewe, 1527. folio, Black letter, with wood cuts. This translation was made by Laurence An- drewes. Sir M. M. Sykes, 308, 31. 6s. Inglis, 398. 21. 7s. Forster, 153, •21. 8s. Brunswyke, Iherome of. The noble Ex- peryence. Petrus Treveris, 1525. Inglis, 397, U. 16s. Bruodine, Anthony. Projjugna- cvdum CatholicsB veritatis pars prima historica, in quinque Ubros cUstri- buta. PragiB, 1668. 4to. This work is written against Carves' Lyra. See Carve ; also Prodinus. Bettsanus. See Kich, Barnaby. Brute's History. See Harvey, Edward. Bbuton, Wilham. Newes from the East Indies : or a Yoyage to Beugalla. Lond. 1638. 4to. with portrait of tlie Great Mogid. A copy is in the British Museum. Jadis, 237, XL 12s. Biudley, pt. i. 567, 21. 2s. Gordonstoun, 382, 71. 7s. Reprinted in the second volume of the Oxford Collection of Voyages and Travels, and also in the tifth Vindication of translated [from the Latin] by N. Y. 1646'. 12nio. Eryan, I., D.D. Harvest-Home, being the Summe of certain (2) Ser- mons upon Job 5. 26, by P. B., D.D. late Pastor of tlie Holy Trinity in Coventry. Lond. printed for the Author,' 1674. 4to. In verse, 60 pp. probably printed for private distribution. — Michael. Dictionary of Paint- ers and Engravers. Lond. 1816. 4to. 2 vols, with portrait and monograms. 51. 5s. Published in seven parts, 1813 — 16. Brockett, 524, 3^. 15s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 565, 41. 6s. LAKOE paper. Grave, 105, il. Nassau, pt. i. 616, 51. 10s. Duke of York, 967, 6?. 2s. 6d. large and thick paper. Dowdeswell, 151, 111. lis. [New edition, revised and completed to the pre- sent time by George Stanley, with portrait, cvphers, and monograms. Lond. Bohu, 1849. imp. 8vo. 21. 2s.j — PliiUp. Collection of Arms, Crests, &e. alj^habeticaUy displayed, with the Blazoning annexed to each Coat, &c. Lond. 1790, foHo. Published in numbers. Bryant, Charles. Flora disete- tica, or History of Esculent Plants. Lond. 1783. 8vo. 5s. This writer likewise published An his- torical Account of two Species of Lyco- perdon. Lond. 1782. 8vo. 2s. and A Dic- tionary of the ornamental Trees, Shrubs, 296 BET BB,y and Plants, most commonly cultivated in Great Britain. Norwich, 1790. 8vo. 7s. Beyant, Jacob. A new System, or, an Analysis of ancient Mytho- logy. Lond. 1774-6 4to. 3. vols. This work established the author's re- putation as a profound scholar ; though many of his conjectures were opposed by different >Fi-iters. X second edition of vols, i. and ii. appeared 1780. In some copies of the second volume, there is an engrav- ing of the Marlborough Geui by Bartolozzi, in others by Shei-win : that by Bartolozzi is preferred. Bindley, pt. i. 734, SI. 16s. Dent, pt. i. 623, 41. 4s. Roscoe, IH22,41. Us. 6d. Gosset, 971, 5Z. 5s. Fonthill,1857, 61. Stanley, 434 (with the Bartolozzi gem), 71. 17s. 6d. Heath, 1475 (with the Bartolozzi gem), SI 8s. Roxburghe. 689, 81. 8s. White Knights, 744. mor.8/. 18s.6d. Steevens, 1671, 9?. 9s. Williams, 247 (with the Bartolozzi gem), morocco, ISl. l.^s. — Reprinted 1807. 8vo. 6 vols. Roscoe, 1934, 21. 18s. LARGK PAPER. Earl of Kerrv, 42, 41 5s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 362, russia, 5f. 2s. 6d. Drurv, 521, russia, 61. 8s. 6d. Williams, 299, 71 10s. This learned wi'iter likewise published, Observations and Inquiries relating to various Parts of ancient History; calcu- lated to throw Light on that ancient King- dom of Egypt, as well as on the History of the Assyrians, Chaldeans, Habylonians, Edomites and otlier nations. Cambridge, 1767. 4to. 15s. Cosset, 970, V. 2s. Eox- burghe, 7404, IZ. 4s. Heath, 2170, 11. 3s. A Vindication of the Apamean Medal, &c. Lond. 1775. 4to. Is. First published in the Archseologia A farther Illustration of the Analysis. Lond. 1778. 8vo. An Address to Dr. Priestley upon his Doctrine of Philosophical Necessity illus- trated. Lond. 1780. 8vo. Vindicia; Flaviana? : or, a Vindication of the Testimony given by Josephus concern- ing our Saviour Jesus Christ. Lond. 1780. Svo. Is. 6d. ObseiTations on the Poems of Thomas Rowley.inwhich the Authenticity of these Poems is ascertained. Lond. 1781. Svo. 2 vols. Drury, 533, 5s. A Treatise upon the Authenticity of the Scriptures, and the Truth of the Christian Religion. Lond. 1792. Svo. 5s. Reprinted 1793 ami 1811. Observations on a controverted Passage in Justin Martyr, p. 47. Edit. Benedict. Hagse Comit. 1742. Also upon the Wor- ship of Angels. Lond. 1793 4to. Observations upon the Plagues inflicted upon tlie Egyptians. Lond. 1794. Svo. White Knights. 6.30, morocco, W. 5s. A iccond edition 1810. Svo. (;)bservations upon a Treatise, entltlefl a Description of the Plain of Troy by Monsieur le Chevalier. Eton, 1795. 4to. A Dissertation concerning the War of Troy and the Expedition of the Grecians, as described by Homer. Lond. 1796. 4to. 7s. 6d. The second edition corrected. Lond. 1799. 4to. The .Sentiments of Philo-Judeus con- cerning the Aoros or Word of God, to- gether with large Extracts from his Writ- ings, compared with the Scriptures, on many other Doctrines of the Christian Religion. Cambridge, 1797. Svo. Drury, 534, Ss. .\n Expostulation, addressed to the Bri- tish Critic. Eton, 1799. 4to. Some Observations upon the Vindica- tion of Homer, &c. written by J. B. S, Morritt. Eton, 1799. 4to. 4s. Observations upon some Passages of Scripture, which the Enemies to Religion have thought most obnoxious, and attend- ed with DilBculties not to be surmounted. Lond. 1803. 4to. An Apology addressed to John Richard- son. Not published. See Monthly Re- view, Ixiii. 108. Betdail, John. CameraEegis : or a short Yiew of London. Lond. 1676, Svo, 3s, Pp. 125, (B— I 7) with title and dedi- cation. A list of the writings of this in- dustrious author will be found in Wood's A then. Oxou. Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton, Bart, Censura Literaria : contain- ing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of old English Books, with original Disqidsitions, Articles of Biography, and other literary Antiquities. Lond. 1805—9. Svo. 40 nos. in 10 vols. A work justly held in high estimation by all antiquaries in literature. Two hundred and liftv copies printed. Bindlev, pt. i. 296, 41. 5«. ' Saundei-s in 1818, 51. 10s. Holies, 254, 61. 12s. 6d. — Second Edition, 1815, 10 vols. 8vo. (250 copies printed). The articles in this reprint are classed in chronological order, \inder their separate heads of Poetry, History, &c.. which, with a general Index to the whole, give the new Edition a great superiority over the foi-mer. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. iii. 11, 4^.9s. Brockett, 410, 71 10s. — British Bibliographer. Lond. 1810 — 14. Svo. 15 nos. in 4 vols, with portraits. 51. 5s. Bindley, pt. iv. 268, 21. .10s. Brockett, 408, 31. 5s. Strettell, 95, 31. 9s. Nassau, BIvY BUY 297 pt. i. 353, 31. 13s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 357, 3/. 4s., pt. iii. 12, 41. Hanrott, 41. 4s. [Vol. IV. is composed of Reprints of Tusser's Five Hundred points of Good Husbandry, the p'aradise of dainty De- vises ; England's Helicon ; and the Mirror of Magistrates.] This and the following article 'Kestitnta,' were intended as con- tinuations of the Ccnsnra Literaria. Brydges. Rostituta; or, Titles, Extracts and Characters of old Books in Englisli Literature re- vived. Lond. 1814. 8vo. 28 nos. in 4 vols. 21 2s. Strettell, 96, 21. Brockett, 409, 2?. 6s. Nassau, pt. i. 354, 21. 10s. Res Literariie, 8vo. 3 vols. Seventy-five copies printed, 41. 4s Vol. I. Naples, 1821, pp. 294, with title, preface, and contents, 3 leaves. Vol. 11. Rome, 1821. pp. viii. and 3 — 180, with imprimatnv, one leaf, and a plate of arms. Vol. 111. Geneva, 1822. pp. .'ilvii. and 544. Appendix, pp. xii. Ilibbert, 5?. 5s. Hanrott, 8Z. Polyanthea Librornm vetiistiornm, Itali- cornm, Gallicornm, Ilispanicorum, Angli- canoriim, et Latinornm. Genevse, 1822, 8vo. pp. Ivi. and 464, 75 copies printed. Hanrott, 3/. 10s. Cimelia; sen Ex am en criticum l.ibro- rnm,ex DiariisLiterariis Lingua prsecipue Gallica, ab Anno 1665, usque ad Annum 1792 scriptis, selectum. Genevse, 1823. 8vo. pp. xxxvi. 410. and XLviii. 75 copies printed. The last paging pp. I-xLViii. consists of Indexes to Kes Literarise and Polyanthea. Hanrott, '.U. 3s. Gnoinica : Detached Thoughts, senten- tious, axiomatic,moral, critical, and biblio- graphical. Geneva, 1824. 8vo. 75 copies printed. Hanrott, 31. 3s. The Anti-critic, an original Work, con- taining literary Criticisms and Opinions. Geneva, 1822. royal 8vo. pp. 260. Seventy- five copies printed. Hanrott, 31. 10s. Desultoria, or Comments on Hooks and Men. Kent, 1815. 12mo. 7s. 6d. Printed at the private press at Lee Piiory. Memoirs of the Peers of England, during the Reign of James the First. London, 1802 8vo 6s. pp. 543. Dedicated to the memory of Sir Thomas Egerton, Knight, with a preface, laroe paper, 4to. Nassau, pt. ii. 611, i;. 13s. Hanrott, 1/. 4s Biographical Peerage of Great Britain, in which are memoirs and characters of the most celebrated persons of each family. Lond. 1808—17. 12mo. 4 vols. From the illnatured way in which tlie notices are written, it has been called "The Scandalous Chronicle;" one in par- ticular, of Lord Spencer, was cancelled. Atavi» Regice. Florence, 1820. royal 4to. 60 copies printcil. Hain-ott, 71. 7s. Papers respecting the CliandoB Peerage claims (being unpublished fragments). 1822. folio. Chandos Family, .30 pages, 4to. no title. Reprinted from the Introduction to Sudc- ley Castle. Stemmata lllustriii, with 9 plates. Paris, 18J5, royal folio. 1(K) copies printed. Evans in 1834, Wl. 10s. Some copies have two additional plates making, 10 in all. Lex Terra!, a discussion on the Laws of England. Geneva, 1830. 14 nos. fomiing 1 vol. 8vo. of 480 pp. with folding table of contents, 21. 2s. Sonnets and other Poems. Lond. 1785. 8vo. First edition.— Lond. 1795. 8vo.— Lond. 1807. small 8vo. Fourth edition. Select Poems, with a Preface. Kent, Lee Prioi-y, 1814. 4to. Occasional Poems, written in the year 1811. Kent, Lee Priory, 1814. 4to. One copy on India paper. Odo, Count of Lingen, a poetical tale. Geneva, 1824. square 12mo. 50 copies printed, 11. Is. Lake of Geneva, a Poem. Geneva, 1832. small 8vo. 2 vols, plates, large paper in 4to. Hanrott, 31. 5s. Mary de Cliflford, a Novel. 1792. 8vo. Fitzalhini, a Novel. 1798. 8vo. 2 vols. Le Forester, a Novel, 1801. 8vo. 3 vols. Coningsby, a tragic tale. Geneva, 1813. 12mo. Geneva, 1819. 12mo. Bertram, a Poetical Tale, in four Cantos. Kent, Lee Priory, 1814. 8vo. Strettell, 130, 10s. Bindley, pt. i. 684, 12s. Lord Brokenhurst, or a fragment of winter leaves, a tragic tale. Geneva, 1819. 12mo., 5s. SirRalph Willoughby, an historical tale of the XVI century, in which are inserted the dedicatory sonnets of Edmund Spenser. Florence, 1820. 12mo. Hanrott, lis. Tragic Tales, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1820. Hanrott, 12s. The Hall of Hillingsley, a tale. Lond. 1821. 12mo. 3 vols. Sylvan Wanderer, consisting of a Series of moral, sentimental, and critical Essays. Kent, Lee Priory, 1813—21. 8vo.4 pts.lOs. 6d. From the private press at Lee Priory. The Rumiuator, a Series of moral, criti- cal, and sentimental Essays. Lond. 1812. 2 vols. Brockett, 2646, 7s. 6d. These papers originally appeared in the Censura Literaria. Excerpta Tudoriana; or. Extracts from Elizabetlian Literature, with a critical Preface. Kent, 1814—18. 8vo. 2 vols. 100 copies printed at the private press at Lee Priory, large paper, 6 copies printed. Anglo- Genevan Critical Journal. Ge- neva, 1831. 8vo. 2 vols. Character of Lord Rokeby. Kent, Lee Priory, 1817. 8vo. Letters on Lord Pyron, 1824. 8vo. 298 BRT BUC Imaginative Biography. Loud. 1834. 8vo. 2 vols. Green Book, or Register of the Order of the Emerald Star, a Collection of Bio- graphical Sketches of the eminent literati of the day, &c. folio (40 pages), without place or date. It has no title page. Livre des .\nglois h Geneve, with a few biographical notes by John Southerden Burn (but really by-Sir Egerton Brydges). Lond. 1831. small 8vo. Privately printed. This pamphlet contains a list of the names of those, of their families, friends, and servants, who fled from England du- ring the persecution of Queen Mary, and settled at Geneva. Also the marriages, birtlis, and deaths during their stay at Geneva. The Population and Riches of Nations. Geneva, 1819. 8vo. Hanrott, 12s. What are Riches. Geneva, 1821. 8vo. Kent, Lee Priory. 1822. 8vo. 5s. Expositions on the Parliamentary Re- form Bill, 1831. folio. Letters from the Continent. Kent, 1821—2. Svo, 2 vols. Printed at the pri- vate press at Lee Prioiy. Hanrott, 12s. Recollections of Foreign Travel, on Life, Literature, and Self-Knowledge. Post8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. My Note-Book. 12mo. A Note on the Suppression of the Me- moirs announced by the Author in 1825, containing numerous Strictures oncontem- porarv Public Characters. Paris, 1825. 12mo.' 7s. 6d. Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries. Lond. 1834, 8vo. 2 vols. Sir Egerton Biydges edited Collins' Peerage of England, see Collixs. Phil- lips' Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum, si'.e Phillips ; see also, in Appexdix, List of the Lee Priory PubHcctiotis. Bbtdoxe, Patr. Tour through Sicily and Malta. Lond. 1773. Svo. 2 vols, with a map. 10s. 6d. Liveliness of description of scenery and manners, couched in an easy and elegant style, has rendered these volumes ex- tremely popular, notwithstanding tliey do not display much learning or knowledge, and are even sometimes superficial and inaccurate. 1774. Bindley, pt. i. oltl, 10s. 6d., 1776. Drury, 525, lis. Lettres pur ia Sicile et 1' Isle de JIalte, pour servir de Supplement au Voyage de Brydone, par le Comte de Borch. Turin, 1782. 8vo. 2 vols, avec figures, 10s. 6d. Beydson, Thomas. View of Heraldry, in reference to the Usages of Chivah-y, and the general Eco- nomy of tlie Feudal System ; with an Ajjpendix respecting such Dis- tinctions of Rank, as have place in the British Constitution. Edinb. 1795. 8to. pp. 319. 7s. 6d. A work of uncommon ingenuity, deserv- ing of being called 'The Pliilosophy of Heraldry.' Mr. Brydson likewise pub- lished Observations concerning Prece- dency, and some of the Distinctions of Rank, Ecclesiastic and Secular, on which it is founded. 1812. 4to. 7s. 6d. Betskett, Lodowick. Discourse of Civill-Life ; containing the Ethike Part of Morall Pliilosophie. Lond. 1606. 4to. This remarkable and valuable publica- tion, Mr. Malone ingeniously conjectures, was written between 1584 and 1.589 : The Discourse ie ' written to the riglit honorable Arthur, late Lord Grey, of Wilton.' Inglis, 308. 8s. 6d. Boswell, 318, Rs, 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 1100, 11. Is. Reed, 1784, morocco, U. lis. 6d. — MoT-U'iiing IMuse of Thestylis. Frequently quoted by Mr. Todd in his edition of Milton. In Ritson's Bibl. Poet, appears ' The mourning muses of Lod. Bryskett vpon the deathe of the most noble Sir Philip Sydney, Knight, &c.' licensed to John Wolfe, 22d August, 1587. Buc. See BrcK. Bucauiers of America. The His- toiyofthe Biicaniers, made English from the Dutch, -m-itten by John Esquenieling. Lond. 1684. 4to. 4 pts. in 1 vol. The fourth part, containing the voyage of Capt. G. Sharp, is considered scarce, the work is reprinted entire in Burney's Discoveries in the South Seas, and also .separately. An excellent notice of ' The History of the Bucaniers ; being an im- partial Relation of all tlie Battles, Sieges, and other most eminent Assaults commit- ted for several years upon the Coasts of the West Indies, by the Pirates of Jamaica and Tortuga : both English and otiier Nations. More especially the unparalleled atchieveraents of Sir H. M. (Henry Mor- gan) .Made English from the Dutch Copy : written by J. Esquemeling, one of the Bucaniers : very much corrected from the Errors of the Original by the Rela- tions of some English Gentlemen, that then resided in thosePai-ts, will be found in the Retrosp. Rev.vol.iii. 27-51. Dent, pt.i. 624, 1?. Is. Roxburghe, 7337, 2/. 6s. Nassau, pt. i. 2120, 1/ 9s. Eonthill, 3332, 41. Is. —Edition, 1699. Nassau, pt. i. 1395, 6s. Towneley, pt. ii. 4,37, 7s.— 1741, 12mo. 2 vols. Dowdeswell, ;545, 13s. Gough, 14s, BUC BDC 299 Gossett, 923, 173. It has been reprinted in Walker's British Classics, 1810. I'inio. Bttcanijs, Gulielinus. liody of Divinity, translated from the Latin by Rob. HiU. Lond. 16.J9, BuCEE, Martin. Scripta Anglicana fere omnia a Conrado Ilubevto col- lecta. Adjmicta est Hi.storia de Obitu Buceri, quajqvie i'li et Paulo Fagio post Mortem contigere. Basil, 1577. folio. 11. 58. Gratulatio Buceri ad Ecclesiam Angll- canani, 1548. 4to. .S'ee Strype's Eccl. Menior. ii. 146. In Strype's Annals, ii. 265, &c. will be found an account of Tho. Sampson's Epitome of Bucer's iJoolt, De Regno Christi. A briefe Treatise concerning the Bur- nynge of Buccrand I'hagius at Cambridge, in the Tyme of Queene Mary, witli theyr Restitution. Transhited into Englysheby Arthur Goldyng. Anno 1562. Lond.l6mo. Black letter. Contains M. 4, in eights, besides a sliort address ' To the reader ' prefixed. Reed, 515, 15s. 6d. The Mynd and E.\position of Martyn Biieer vppon these wordes of S. Matthew, Woo be to the Worlde bycause of Ofl'ences. Embden, 1566, 16rao. Black letter. U, in fours, 7s. 6d. The Judgement of Martin Bucer con cerning Divorce, written to Edward the sixt in his second Book of the Kingdom of Christ. Lond. 16U. 4to. 5s. Martin Bucer his Judgementconcerning Divorce written to Edward VI. in liis se- cond Book of the Kingdom of Christ, wherein a late Book, i-estoring the Doc- trine and Discipline of Divorce, is heer justifv'd by tlie Authoritie of Martin Bucer. Lond.' 1646. 4to. The Gratulation of M. Martin Bucer unto the Church of England for the Resti- tucion of Christes Religion, and hys An- swere vnto the Epistles of Steui'(Gardiner) Bisshoppe of Winchester, concerning the vnmarried state of Preestes and Cloyste- rars, transl. out of Latin into Englishe (by Sir Thos. Hoby). Lond. by me Richard Jugge. 16mo. 10s. 6d. Black letter. 'The Judgement of Martin Bucer and Peter Martyr upon the Controversie rela- tive to the .\pparel, &c. London, by Richarde Jugge. 4to. Black letter. 12s. A Treatise how by the Worde of God Christian Mens ought to bee dis- tributed. 8vo. — See Cask, Nicolaus. Cheke, Sir John. HuBRaTu.s, Cunr. Bttch, Leopold Von. Travels througli Norway and Lapland, du- ring the years 1806, 7, 8, translated from tlie original German, by John Black, with Notes and Illus- trations, chiefly mineralogical, and some Account of the Author, by Robert Jameson, F.R.S.E. F.L.S. &c. Lond. 1813. 4to. pp. 484, witli maps and physical sec tions. An indifferent translation of a work containing much valuable information. BucHAN, David Stewart Erskine, Earl of. Essays on the Lives and Writings of Fletcher of Sal- toun, and the Poet Thomson, with some Pieces of Thomson's never before pubhshed.Lond. 1792. 8vo.5s. An elegant work, consisting of pp. xxxix. and 279, with contents, and a port, of Andrew Fletcher, 'Anna Forbes, del.' The following are by the same author: Plan for the better Regulation of the Peerage of Scotland. By the Earl of Bn- chan. Edinb. 1780. 4to. 2s. 6d. Dissertation on certain memorable Oc- currences in tlie History of Scotland. By the Earl of Buchan. Glasgow, 1785, 4to. An Account of the Life, Writings, and Inventions of John Napier, of Merchiston, By tlie Earl of Buchan and Walter Minto, LL.D. Perth, 1787. 4to. Edinb. 1788. 4to. 7s. 6d. — Peter. Account of the Fa- mily of Keith, Earls Marischal of Scotland, and of the attainted Scottish Noblemen who lost thefr Titles and Estates in 1715 and 1745, for their Adherence to the Stuart Cause. Peterhead, 1820. 12mo. with front, 2s. 6d. Mr. Buchan has likewise published, Gleanings of Scotch, English, and Irish scarce old Ballads, chiefly tragical and historical, many of them connected witli the Localities of Aberdeenshire, and to be found in no other Collection extant, with explanatory Notes. Peterhead, 1825, 18mo. 2s. 6d. A curious and valuable collection of songs, containing much in- formation relative to their localities and authors. Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland, hitherto unpublished, with notes. Edinb. 1828. 8vo. 2 vols. Witchcraft detected and prevented, or the School of Black .\rt newly opened. Peterhead, 1826. 18mo. with wood cuts, &c. 2s. 6d. — Wilham, M.D. Domestic Me- .300 BUC BUC dicine. Tlie twentv-second Edition, by A. P. Buchan, M.D. Lond. 1826. 8to. 10s. 6d. The first edition of this popular work appeared in 1769. Nineteen editions, con- sisting of 18,000 copies, were publislied during tlie lifetime of the author, and the work has been translated into almost all the modern European languages. Buchanan, Claudius, D.D. Christian Researches in Asia ; with Notices of the Translations of the Scriptures into the Oriental Lan- guages. Camb. 1811. 8vo. 7s. 1. p. 10s. Frequently reprinted. Remarks on the Christian Researches, by Major S. Waring, 8vo. 3s. Memoir of the Expediency of an Eccle- siastical Establishmeut for British India. London, 1805. 4to. pp. 126. 10s. Sermons on interesting Subjects. Lon- don, 1812. Svo. 7s. A brief View of the State of the Colo- nies of G. Britain and of her Asiatic Em- pire, in respect to religious Instructien. London, 1813. Svo. 6s. An Apology for promoting Christianity in India. London, 1813. Svo. 6s. Memoirs of the Life and Writings ot the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, by Hugh Pearson, M.A. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 2 vols. with portrait. 1/. Is. and 12mo. 6s. — David. Relation of some main Passages of things, wherein the Scots are particularly concerned, from the very fh-st Beginning of these un- happy Troubles to this Day. Lond. 1645. 12mo. Buchanan likewise published an Ex- planation of some Truths of the Carriage of Things about this great Work. Lon- don, 1645. 4to. A short view of the con- dition of Scotland. — Francis, M.D. Joui*ney fi-om Madras through the Countries of Mysore, Canara and Malabar. Lond. 1807. 4to. 3 vols. Duke of York, 969, 11. 14s. large 1>APER. Fonthill, 744, 71. 5s. A highly valuable and authentic work, containing much information on the productions, cli- mate, manufactures, as also on the man- ners, religion, &c. of these districts. His Jouniey through Mysore, Canara and Ma- labar will be found in the eiglitli volume of Pinkerton's Collection of Voyages and Travels. For other works by this author, ate Hamilton, Francis. Buchanan, George. Opera om- nia, curante Thonia Ruddimanno. Edinb. 1715. folio. 2 vols. II. Is. Bindley, pt. i. 757, 11. 4s. Heath, 285, 1?. 17s. LAHGE PAPER. Roxburglie, 6891, mor. 41. Askew, in 1775, no. 1064, 71. 7s. Mac-Carthy, 72 fr. A Censure or Examination of ThoB. Riiddiman's ptiilological Notes on the Works of tlie great Buchanan, by James Man. Aberdeen, 1753. 12mo. 4s. Anticrisis ; or, a Discussion of a scuni- lous and malicious Libel, published by one Mr. .James Man, of Aberdeen. By Thomas Ruddiman, A.M. Edinb. 1754. Svo. pp. 226 Audi alteram Partem; or, a farther Vindication of his Edition of Buchanan's Works, against James Man. Ediab. 1756. Svo. — Opera omnia curante Tho. Ruddimanno, cum Indicibus Re- rum memorabLlium et Prsefatione Petri Bm-manni. Lugd. Bat. 1725. 4to. 2 vols. 11. lis. 6d. There are copies on large paper. — Rerum Scoticarum Historia. Edinbm-gi apud Ale.Kandrum Ar- buthnetum, 1582. foHo. Editio princeps, ' with many an error in every page,' consisting of 249 leaves, besides the prefixes. Roman type. The errata typographica subjoined to Craw- ford's notes on Buchanan's History, 1708, fill twelve pages. Home Tooke, 93, 7s. 6d. Roxburghe, 8688, 9s. 6d. Sotheby's in April, 1822, 21. 7s. An edition Edinb 15S3. folio. Roxburghe, 8689, 5s.— Genev 1583. This edition contains an index and the dialogue ' de Jure Regnij' which are not in that of 1582.— Francof. 1594. Svo. 5s.-Francof. ad Moen. 1638. Svo. 5s.— Amst. 1642. 12mo.— Amst. 1643. Svo.— Arast. 1655. folio.- Traj. ad Rhen. 1697. Svo.- Amst. EIz. 1668. Svo. Roxburghe, S691, 2s.— Edinb. 1727. Svo. 5s.— Abre- donise, 1762. 8vo. 7s. An edition, with a copious index, edited by James Man. — Histoiy of Scotland. Lond. 1690. foho.' with port, by White, 16s. ' In good modern English.' — Nicolsmi. .\nother, translated by W. Bond. London, 1721-2. Svo. 3 vols. ISs. The third vo- lume. ' An Appendix to the History of Scotland, containing 1. A Detection of the Actions of Mary Queen ol Scots. 2. De Jure Regni apud Scotos (Anglice). 1721. Svo. 6s. is fi-equeutly wanting. Roxburghe Sup. .558, 2 vols. 15s.— 1724. fol. 15s.— 1733. Svo. 3 vols, with portraits. 1.5s. — Edinb. 1751. Published in numbers. — Edinb. uuc BUC 301 1762. 8vo. 2 vols. 14s.— Edinb. 1766. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. A new edition, corrected and improved. Edinb. 1821. 8vo.3vols.— With a Continuation by Jolin Watkins, LL.D. 8vo. with portraits, 1,5s. Notes and Observations, by T. Crawford. Ediub. 1708. 12iuo. 7s. Nassau, pt. i.2442. 14s. BtrcHANAif, Greorge. Ane Ad- monitoun direct to the trew Lordis Mainteneris of the Kmgis Graces Authoritie. M. G. B. Striviling be Robert Lekprevik, 1571. 8vo. Containing 30 pp. (16 leaves) in the Scottish tongue. IJindley, pt. i. 485, mo- rocco, 51. 15s. 6d. Reprinted in the tliird volume of the Harleian Miscellany, and in the second volume of the Kestituta. An- other edition. Lond. by John Day, 1571, 12mo. Boswell, 63, morocco, 19s. Uent, pt. i. 273, 8s. Roxburghe, 8739, 11. 5s. Another Edition. St. Andrews, 1572. 12mo. — De Maria Scotorum Eegina, totaque eius contra Regem Conju- ratione, fcedo cum Bothuelio Adult- erio, nefaria in Maritum Crudelitate et Rabie, horrendo super et deter- rimo eiusdem Parricidio : plena, et tragica plane Historia. (Lond. 1572.) 8vo. This tract, published anonymously, is confidently attributed to George Buchanan, and is supposed to have been printed by John Day. It consists of 122 pages, ex- clusive of the title-page. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 364, raor. 11. 13s. llent, pt. i. 352, russia, 17s. Reprinted under the title of Detectio .Marise Reginse Scotorum, and in- serted in Jebb, de Vita Mariie Scotorum Regiuae, vol. i. — Ane Detectioim of the Doingis of Marie, Quene of Scottis, twicli- ing tlie Mnrther of lur Husband, &c. Translatit out of Latine quliilk was written be M. G. B. Sanctan- drois be Robert Leckprevik, 1572. 8vo. Black letter. Roxburghe, 8740,2?.12s.6d. First edition in English, supposed to have been translated by tlie author, lieprinted in the second volume of Ander.son's Col- lections relating to Mary Queen of Scots. Another edition [Lond. by John Day, 1572.] 8vo. Black letter. Tlie whole y 4, half sheets, the last leaf blank, as is the last page of the foregoing leaf. Dent, pt. i. 353, 11. 9s. Sir P. Thompson, 31, U.15s. Dowdeswell,64, 2/. 10s. Roxburghe. VOL. I. 8741,2/. 10s. White Knights, 2649, 2/. tOs. Sir. M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 30.5, port, of .M^iry inserted, moi-. 3/. Inglis, 224, 3^ 7s. Mn^ demised and reprinted 1651, witli port. Roxburghe, 8742, 17s. Brockett, 41,5, mor. 1/. 7s. 1907, U. lis. 6d.— 1689, with a ri- diculous preface. 4to. 3s. 6d.--1721 8vo. Os. — Histoire de Marie Royne d'Escosse touchant la Coniiiratiou faicte contre le Roy, et I'Adulttre commis auec le Comte de Bothwel, traduicte de Latin en Francois, par Thomas Waltem. Edimbourg par moy Thomas Vvaltem, 1572. IPnno. The printer's name is fictitious — the transl.ition was evidently printed in Lon- don. Mac Carthy, 29 fr. See Maev, Queen OF Scots. — De Jtn-e Regni apud Scotos Dialogus. Edinburgi apud Joan. Roseum pro H. Charteris (1579). 4to. Dated Sterlini, 10 Jan. 1579. Hollis. 213, 1/. Another edition, sine loco, 1579. Hollis, 212, 18s. 6d. This much esteemed tract was attacked by the author's countrymen. Adam Blackwood, Dr. Winzet, and Ur. William Barclay. — 1580. 4to. In the British Museum. Bindley, pt i. 1474, 2«. 12s. 6d. Rox- burghe, 1154, 2s. 6d. 1580, 12mo.— Edinb. 1581.8VO.— Glasg. 1751.— The same, trans- lated by Philalethes, printed in the Year 1680, 3s. 6d.— 1689. 4to.— 1721. 8vo. 6s.— Another translation, with two Disserta- tions prefixed, by Robert Macfarlan, 1799, 8vo. 6s — • Jephtlies, sivo Votum Tra- goedia. Paris, apud G. Morehum, 1554. 4to. A translation of Jephthah, by W. Tait, 1750, 8vo. Constable, 96, 5s. La trag^die du Jephtee, traduicte du Latin (en vers Francois), par Claude de Vesel. Paris, Rob. Estienne, 1.55'i, small 8vo. 32 leaves, one of which is not num- bered. Ileber, 1/. 10s. Also translated into French verse by Florent Chretien. Orleans, 1567, 4to. and Paris, 12mo. 1587. — Baptistes, sive Calumnia, Tra- goedia, Edinburg apud Hen, Char- teris, 1578, 8vo. Another edition, Londini, excudebat Tho. Vautrolerus, 1578. 8vo. — Tyrannical Government ana- tomized, or, a Discourse concern- ing evil Counselors : being the Life and Death of John the Baptist, and presented to the King's most 302 BUG BUC excellent Majesty, by the Author. 1642. 4to. This translation is attributed by Peck on slender grounds to Milton, and has been supposed, with great probability, to have been intended as a hint toCuarles the First, of llie danger he then incurred from the counsels of some about him ; and the his- tory of the Baptist, who lost his head by the instigation of Herodias, seems figura- tively to glance at the deatli of Lord Strafford, and at the influence of the Queen. Rhodes, 412, os. Lloyd, 1291, 3s. Bttchanan, George. De Prosodia LibeUus. Edinb. excud, R. Walde- grave (1596). 8vo. — Poemata omnia, innumeris pene locis, ex ipsius autographo castigata et aucta. Edinb. A. Hart, 1615. Opera Poetica. In Bihliopolio Comme- liniano, 2 parts in 1. 8vo. Poemata quae extant. Lugd. Batav. Elzevir, 1628. 24nio. Another edition, Elzevir, 1676. 12rao. — Dvellvm Poeticrm pro dig- nitate Paraplu-aseos Psahni cente- simi quarti Decertautihus G-eorgio Eghsemmio et Georgio Biiehauano. Cui annexa Epigrammata necnou Astrologicmn de Causis & ESee- tibus noui Cometse Judicium. Lond. 1619. 8vo. The following, 'Judicium de Certamine Gr. Eglisemmii cum G. Buchanano, pro Dignitate ParaphraseosPsalmiciiii. Lond. 1620. Svo.' was written by William Bar- clay. Copies of both are in the British Museum. — Commentarius in Vitam Georgij Buchanani, ab ipsomet scriptam. Edinb. 1702. 12mo. 7s. This life, published by Sir Robert Sib- bald, was certainly compiled by Sir Peter Young. Prefixed is a portrait by James Clark. — The very learned Scotsman, Mr. George Buchanan's Fratres Fraterrimi, three Books of Epi- grams, and Book of Miscellanies, in EngUsh Verse ; with the Illus- trations of the proper Names and Mythologies therein mentioned. By Robert Montcith. Edinb. 1708. Svo. Pp. 80. Bibl. Aiiglo.-Poet. 477, 2/. 6s. Koxburghe, 3430, 7s. 6d. Perry, pt. it 768, 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 456, 2/. 10-^. — Tlie Chameleon, or the crafty Statesman ; deserib'd in the Cha- racter of Mr. Maitland of Lething- ton. Lond. 1710. Svo. — Georgii Buchanani Seoti ad Viros sui Steculi clarissimos, eorum- que ad eundem Epistola?. Ex MSS. accurate descriptse, nunc primum in Lucem editaj. Lond. 1711. 8vo. Pp. 93. Roxburgbe, 6807, 4s. 6d. — Memoirs of the Life and Writings of George Buclianan, by David Irvmg, LL.D. Edinb. 1807. Svo. 7s. Reprinted Edinb. 1817. Svo. pp. 435. Anecdotes of Buchanan will be found in Geo. Chalmers' Life ofRuddiman. Lond 1794. Svo. See Psalmi. — Maiy Queen of Scots. — Scotland. Miscellanea. 1710. — James. Sketches of the His- tory, Manners and Customs of the North American Indians. 1824. Svo. The author of this work is, according to the Quarterly Review, 'absolutely without any qualifications whatever for the task he has undertaken.' — Rev. John Lanne. Travels in the Western Hebrides, fi-om 17S2 to 1790. Lond. 1793. Svo. 5s. A statistical account, containing much interesting information, written expressly to point out means of improvement. Font- hill, 2574, 16s. Mr. Buchanan lil. 16mo. An holsome Antidcitus agaynst Anabap- tistes, newly translated by John Veron Senonoys. London, 1548. Svo. P 4, in eights. ■Two Epistles, one of Henry Bullynger, another of Johan Caluyne : whether it be lawful for a Chrysten Man to communi- cate or be Partakei- of the Masse of the Papysts. London. R. Stoughton. 1548. 8vo. B 7, in eights. Inglis, 231. 19s. Another edition without place ordate, 16mo. Eight leaves. Inglis, 1549. A Dialogue betweene tho seditious Anabaptist and the true Christian about Obedience to Magistrates. Worcester, 1549. Svo. A Treatise or Sermon concemynge Ma- gistrates and Obedience of Subjects, &c. London, 1549. Svo. Three Dialogues betweene the seditious Libertine or rebell Anabaptist, and tlie true obedient Cliristen: wherein Obe- dience to Magistrates is handled. Trans- lated out of Latin by John Veron. Wor- cester, 1551. Svo. A copy is in the Bod- leian. A Defence of the Baptizing of Children against the Anabaptists, translated out of Latin into English, by Joliu Veron Seno- noys. Worcester, 1551. See Strype's Ec- cles. Memor. ii, 317-8. Absolvta de Christi Domini et Catho- lic« eius Ecclesiae Sacramentis Tractatio. Londini, 1551. 16mo. 123 leaves, besides a dedication to Q. Elizabeth, and an epistle by Io■^n k Lasco. Treatise of the Cohabitacion of the Faithfull with the UnfaithfuU. 1555. In- glis, 232, 11. Is. The Judgement in certeyne Matters of Religion. 1566. 16mo. C, in eight;. Ex- tracts from his decades of Sermons. In- glis, 233, 9s. Judgement declaring it lawfull for the Ministers of the Church of England to weare the Apparell prescribed by the Lawes. English and Latin. London. William Seres, 1566. 16mo, Inglis, 234, 6s. 6d. BvUse Papisticse ante Bienniura contra Reginam Elizabetham prumulgatse, Cou- futatio. Londini. 1571. 4to. Dedicated to Abp. Grindal and Bps. Coxe and Jewell. A copy is in the Lambeth Library. A Confvtation of the Popes Bull, toge- ther with a Defence of the Queene, trans- lated bv Arthur Golding. Impr. by John Daye, 1572. 4to. 12s. Black letter. Common Places of Christian Religion, translated into English by lohn Stock- wood. London, 1572. Svo, Reprinted 1581. Questions of Religion cast abroad in Heluetia, translated into Englishe by John Coxe. London, 1572. Svo. Tragedies of Tyrants, englyshed (by Thomas Twine). London, 1575. Svo. 10s. 6d. 142 leaves, at the end is a table of three pages. Garrick, 337, 11. 6s. Exhortation to the Ministers of Gods Worde, translated by John Cox. London 1575 Svo. 3s. 6d. Fiftie Sermons diuided into line De- cades, conteyning the chiefe and principall Polntes of Christian Religion, translated 310 BUL BUL outofLatine by H. I. London, 1577. 4to. 11. Is. The prefixes to the first two decades are a preface, of the foure generall Synodes, and two tables. The third and fourth de- cades are dedicated to K. Edward VI. The last eight sermons of the fourth de- cade, also dedicated as the former twelve, were not published till some time after the former. The fifth and last decade. Pi-inted in double columns with lines, 1142 pages. Reprinted 1581 and 1587. [The five decades have been reprinted from the edition of 1587 by the Parker Society, 1849—52, in 4 vols. 8vo. Also Four Ser- mons on the Sacraments (modernized), Cambridge, 1841, 8vo. 5s.] In a small tract entitled ' The J udgment of Hen. Bui- linger,' 1566, mention is made of ' hys pre- face of the fift decade to my Lord Gray,' which Herbert thinks was never i)rinted. A Discourse of the Woorthynesse, Au- thoritie and Suificiencie of the holy Scrip- ture, translated out of Latine by Ino Tomkys. Lond. 1579, 16mo. Tlie Summe of the 4 Euangelistes, trans- lated by lo. Tomkis. Loud, 1582. 8vo. The Beliefe of Hen, Bullinger, conteyn- ing his ludgement on the Lordes Supper, witli an Exposition on the 6 Article of the Christian Faith, translated by Fr. Shakel- ton. Lond. 8vo. 5s. Two Sermons on the Ende of the World, translated by Tho. Potter. Loud. Jno. Allde. n. d. small 8vo. Btjllock, Henry, D.D. Oratio habita Cautabrigise, in frecjiientis- .simo cetu, precentibus Caesaris Oratoribtis et nouullis aliis Episco- pis, ad reuerendiss. D. Thoniam Cardinalem, Titulo saiictse Cecilae, Legatum a Latere, Arcliiepiscopiim Eboraeensem, et Angliae supre- mum Cancellariuni. Cantab, per loan. Siberch. 1521. 4to. Two sheets. Dedicated ' Doctissimo ac cum Primis claro Joanni Talero.' .?«« the Collections to Fiddes' Life of Wolscy, p 43, and p. 2.50. A copy is in the British Museum. — William. Virginia impartially examined and left to public View. Lond. 1649. 4to. pp. 66. Dedicated to the Earl of A run- dell and to Lord Baltimore, Nassau, pt. i. 621, 17s. Foster, March, 1857, 51. BuLLOKAE, Jo. English Expo- sitor. Lond. 1610. 12mo. Hindley, pt. i. 477, 19.s. 6d. Steevens, 3, lis. An edition, Lond. 1650. Inglis, 2.T6, 4s. 6d. Kiiidley, pt. i. 478, 6s. 6d. Iteprintcd Cambrideo, 1667, 1680. 12nio. — Wm. Booke at large for the Amendment of Orthographie for English Speech. Lond. H. Denham, 1580. 4to, A copy is in the British Museum. Pre- fixed are 'Bullokar to his Countrie. The Prologe' in alexandrines. The amend- ment of orthography is on 54 pages. Then a table of the contents of the thirteen chapters ; and the names of the letters according to thisamendment, on two leaves printed on one side only. — Bref Grammar for EngUsh. Lond. by Edmund Bollifant, 1586. 16mo. In black letter, 68 pp. with many no- velties in the type, and affectations of spelling. In the preface, which is in verse, and contains an account of his life, he promises a dictionary of the English language, which he adds will make his third work. See JEsop. Cato. BiJLMAE, Captain John. Note of such Arts and Mysteries as an English Gentleman, a Soldier, and a Mariner, is able by God's Assist- ance to perform. Lond. 1649. foho. A copy is in the British Museum, as are also the following written by Bulmar. His Petition to the Hoiise of Lords, 1641, fol. Propositions for the blowing up of a Boat and a Man over London Bridge in Safety, 1643. fol.— 1647, fol. EuLSTEODE, Edward. Eeports of Cases in tlie Com-t of X. B. in the Reigns of James I and Ci^arles I. Lond. 1688. folio. 31. 3s. In this edition there is a chasm, pp. 104-14. The former edition, 1657, 8, 9. folio. 3 pts. 1/. lis. 6d. In part II. there is a chasm in the paging, pp. 99-109. Bulstrode likewise published 'The golden Chain, or a Miscellany of divine Sen- tences of tlie sacred Scriptures and of other Authors, Lond. 1657. 8vo. — Sir Richard. Memoirs and Eeflections upon the Reigns and Government of K. Charles I. & II. Lond. 1721. 8vo. 4s. Fonthill, 1467, 6s. Garrick, 335, 5s. 6d. Sir Richard likewise published Letters written to the Earl of Arlington. Lond. 1712. 8vo. 5s.,aud Essays on Subjects of Manners and Morals, 1724, 8vo. 2s. 6d. BuLTEEL, John. Amorous Oron- BUN BUN 311 tus, or Love in Fashion, a Comedy m heroic Verse. Lend. 1G65. Ito. A traiislatiou of the Amour a la Mode of T. Corneille. Rhodes, 689, iJs. (iniiick, 247, 3s. Some copies have tlie tithi of The Amorous Gallant, 1675. ' IJiilteel's Apothegms of the Autients. 1686. 8vo.' Koxburghe, 1429, 9s. 6d BiTLWER, John. Antlu'opome- tamorphosis : Mau transformed ; or, the artificiallChanghng. Lond. 1653 or 4. 4to. Best edition, with a portrait by l''aitli- ome and front, by Cross, and numerous wood -cuts. Boswell, 576, 16s. Grave, 106, russia, 11 16s. Inglis, 310, 21. 12s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 894, il. 4s. Nassau, pt. i. 622, with the two titles, 1653 and 1654, tl. 6s. FINE PAPKR, date 1652 ? Stanley, 69.5, 13/. 2s. 6d.— First edition, 16.50, 12mo. with portrait of the author in the title. Nassau, pt. i. 454, 8s. Lloyd, 284, 10s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 596, U. 3s. Chirologia, or the natvrall Langvage of the Hand : whereuntois added Chironomia. Lond. 1644, 18rao. with a port, and front, by Marshall. Bindley, pt. i. 516, date 1648 ? 5s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 451, 8s. Towneley, pt. i. 293, 10.S, 6d. Philocophns, or the Deafe and Dunibe Man's Friend. Lond. 1648. 12rao. with a frontispiece by Marshall. Towneley, pt. i. 577, 7s. IngUs, 237, 7s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 597, 8s. Home Tooke, 95, lis. White Knights, 3205, morocco, 17s. Pathomyotomia, or a Dissection of the significative Muscles of the Affections of the Minde. Lond. 1649. 12mo. The scarcest of all Bnlwer's publications. Nassau, pt. i.453, lis. An account of Bulwerand his writings will be found in Oldys' British Librarian, pp. 364-72, and in the Retrosp. Review. N.S. ii. 205-17. BuNBURT, Will. Reports of Cases in the Com-t of Exchequer, from the Beginning of the Reign of Geo. I. to the 14 of George II. by G. Wilson Kins. Lond. 1755. fol. 78. ^ These loose notes of cases were never intended for publication. Second edition, with additional References. Dublin, 1793. Svo. 6s. Bun CLE, John. See Amort, Thomas. Bimhill-Fields. — The Inscriptions upon the Tombs, Grave-stones, &c. in the Dissenters' Burial Place, near Uunhill-Fields. Lond. 1717. Svo. Gs. Pp. 46. Attributed to the celebrated antiquary Ricliard Kawlinson. Bunny, Edmund. The wliole Summeof Clu'istian Religion. Lond. 1576. 18mo. Black letter. Inglis, 2.38, 3s. The Scepter of Ivdah. l..bnd. 1584. Svo. A Booke of Christian Exercise appertain- ing to Kesiihition, by R(obert; P(arsons) Perused and accompanied with a Treatiso tending to Pacification : By Edmund Bumiy. Imprinted 1585. 8vo. 5s. Fre- quently reprinted. Certain Prayers, &e. Lond. 1585. 4to. 'This book, as I take it, gave birth to the accession form.' — Peck. An Admonition out of the Prophet loeL Lond. 1.588. 8vo. The Coronation of Dauid. Lond. 1.588. 4to. A briefe Answer vnto R(obert) P(arsons). 1589. Svo. Of Divorce for Adulterie, and marrying again. Oxford, 1610. 4to. Oxf. 1613. Gordonstoun, 220, 3s. The Corner Stone; or a Form of teach- ing Jesus Christ out of the Scriptures. Lond. 1611. folio. A notice of Bunney and his writings will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxou. — Francis. Comparison be- tween the aimcient Faytli of th« Romans, and the new Romisli Re ligion Lond. 1595. 4to. Dedicated to ' Katheren Countise of lluntingdon,' 78 pages. Inglis, 311, 5s. 6d. There was another edition of this work, 1595, entitled Truth and Falshood, on which was appended A short Answer tc the Reasons, which commonly the Popish Recusants in these North Parts allciidze, why they will not come to our Churches. A Siiruey of the Pope's Snpremacie. Lond. 1595. 4to. 5s. Written against Cardinal Bellarmine. E.vposition on the 2Sth Verse of the third Chapterof the Epistle to theRomans, Lond. 1616. 4to. A Guide unto Godlinesse : or, a plain familiar Exposition to the ten Command ments. Lond. 1617. Svo. 'This person was very zealous in the way he professed, was a great admirer of Jo. Calvin, a constant preacher, charitable, and a stiff enemy topopery.'— ^«{. d Wood. Bunting, Henry. Travels of the holy Patriarchs, Prophets, &c. as they are related in the Old and 312 BUK BUO New Testaments. Lond. 1619 or 1629. 4to. 78. 6d. BuNTAN, John. Works. Lond. 1692. foUo. ["This was to have been two vols, the first of which only was published.] Works, with a Preface by George White- field. 1767. fol.2vols.portr.and plates. Si.Ss. Williams, 379, 51. 12s. 6d.— Edinb. 1771. 8vo.8 vols, plates, 2?. 2s.— Notes by Mason. Lond. 1781. 8vo. 6 vols.2i. 12s. 6d.— Works (the first complete ed.) and Life, ed. by G. Ofifor. Glasg. roy. 8vo. 3 vols. 21. 14s.— Practical Works, by the Kevd. A. Philip. Aberd. 1841. sml. 8vo. 6 vols. 15s. PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. FlKST EDITION. (First part,) fcp. 8vo. 253 pages. Lond. 1678, of excessive rarity, the only perfect copy known being in tlie pos- session of H. S Holford, Esq. (value 501.) SecciND edition, with additions, fcp. 8vo. 276 pages, also 1678. Third edition, 1679, with port, by R. W(liite). 286 pages. FouKTH EDITION, 1680, 288 pages, port, by Roy. Fifth edition, 1680, port, and one wood cut at p. 128. 221 pages. A second dis- tinct fifth edition, 1681, illustrated with copper-plates, under which, for the first time, Bunyan placed his verses. Only two copies known, botli in the possession of G. Oflfor, value lOi, Pirated editions were pub- lished by Bradyl; but no copies are known Sixth edit. Lond Ponder, 1631. 210 pp.* Sevf.nth edition, 1681, port, and one cut, 286 pages. Bunyan used this edition in composing his second part. Eighth edition, 1682. Ninth edition, 1684. Tenth edition, 1685. Eleventh edition, 1688. Twelfth edition, 1689. Thirteenth edition, n. d. Fifteenth edition, 1702. The Second Part of the Pilgrim's Pro- gress, front, and one cut. Anon, 1683. Not by Bunyan, an imitation, but very rare. A copy iu the Library of the Bapt. Mission House, and in Mr. Offor s. Second Part. First edition, 1684. fcp. 8vo. 224 pages, front, and two cuts, ext. rare. Pnttick, 1856, imperfect, 4/. Second edition, prob. 1687. Sixtli edi- tion, 1693. Seventh edition, 1696. Eightli edition, 1702. Nintli edition, 1708. Since which innumerable editions of both parts, of every size and price, have issued from the press. The so-called Third Part, first printed in 1692, and of which a sixth edition ap- peared in 1705, is a spurious and contempt- ible production. With sculptures engraved by J. Sturt. 1760, 8vo. 10s. With Notes. Lond. 1775. bvo. 32nd edition, phites by Stmt. 7s.— Notes, by tlie Rev. G. Burder. Coventry, • The only copy known is in 1786. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Frequently reprinted.— Notes, by John Bradford. Lond. 1792. 8vo. Edwards, 779, 12s.-Hepstin.stan's Edition, with plates, royal 8vo. 1795. Fonthill,2246, 21. 6s. Williams, 304, mor. 3i.— Notes, by Thomas Scott. Lond. 1794. 8vo. with plates, Stothard's designs, 9s. Williams, 305,21. 19s. Frequently reprinted. —With plates, 1796, 4to. Roxburghe, 498, 98. 6d. —By .Joshua Gilpin. Wellington, 1811, 8vo.— With Notes, by W. Mason, 1813. 12mo. 3s.— With plates after the designs of Rich. Westall. 1820. 12mo. 7s.— Notes by Ivimey. 1821. 12mo. 3s — By Southey. Loud. 1830, 8vo. with two plates by Martin, and port. 11. Is. - Large Paper, proofs, 21. 2s. Reprinted 1S59, post 8vo. 10s. 6d.— By G. Ofi'or. Lond. 1848, royal 8vo.— Lond. Pickering, 1849, 8vo. 10s.6d.— By the Revd. R. Philip. Lond. Virtue, 1843, royal 8vo. with wood cuts and steel engravings, 18s. — Notes by Scott, and Life by the Revd. J. M. Wilson, with 40 plates by David Scott. Lond. royal 8vo. 17s. 6d.— By the Revd. T. Scott, with 17 plates by Stothard. Lond. Bobn, 1852,12s. India proofs. 1?. Is.— Key to the Pilgrim's Progress, 1790. Williams, 303, 13s. Numerous wood cuts. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress in verse by Hoffman. 1706, with cuts, 10s. A list of all Bunyan's works (60), with dates, Is at end of memoir to Offor's edi- tion of the Pilgrim, 12mo. 1856, 2s. 6d. Dr. Johnson observed of Bunyan, ' His Pilgrim's Progress has great merit, both for invention, imagination, and the con- duct of the story : and it has the best evi- dence of its merit, the general and con- tinued approbation of the public' A Life of Bunyan, by J. Ivimey, was published 1809. 12mo. with a portrait, 4s. BuoNAiiiC'i, Castriiccio. Com- mentaries of t.he late War in Italy, translated from the Latm, with an Introduction, by A. Wishart, M.A. Lond. 1753. 8vo. 6s. A work written with considerable ele- gance, fidelity, and judgment. BuoNAPAETE, Louis. Docu- ments liistoriques et Reflections svu- le Gonvernment de la Hollande. Lond. 1820. Svo. 3 vols. 9s. [or l. p. 18s. AlsomEnglish,3vols.8vo.l0s.] — Lucien. Charlemagne ; ou I'Eglise delivree. Lond. 1814. 4to. 2 vols. pubUshed at 4/. 4s. A translation in English verse, by the Rev. S. Butler, and the Rev. F. Hodgson. 1815. 4to. 2 vols. (Both original and trans- lation are now sold for less than 11. Is.; Memoirs of Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino. Svo. 2 vols, with a portrait, ISs. the possession of H. Hath, Esq. BUB BUli 313 BtTKBUET, John. A Relation of a Journey of Lord Henry Howard (afterwards Duke of Norfolk), from London to Vienna, and thence to Constantinople. Lond. 1671. 12mo. 4s. Towneley, pt. i. 285, mor. 13s. Bttechell, Wni. J. Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. Lond. 1822-4. 4to. with a map and numerous engi-avings. Vol. i. published at 31. 13s. 6cl. Vol. ii. at il. 14s. 6d. BuECHETT, Josiidi. Histoi-y of the most remarkahle Transactions at Sea from the earliest Accounts of Time to the Conclusion of the War with France. Lond. 1720. fol. witli port, by Gr. Vertue. 10s. 6d, IJIJECKHARDT, John Lewis. Travels in Nubia, performed in 1813, to wliieh is prefixed a life of the Author. Second Edition. Lond. 1821. 4to. 11. lis. 6d. First Edition, 1819. 4to. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. I Lond. 1822. 4to. 21. lOs. '. Travels in Arabia; comprehending the i teiTitories In Hedjas, [edited by Sir Will. Oiiseley]. Lond. ito. 1829. 31. 3s. Re- printed, 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. Notes on the Bedouins and Wahahys, [edited by Sir Wm. Ouseley]. Lond. 1830. 4to. 21. 12s. 6d. Hopriuted, 1&31. 2 vols. 8vo. Arabic Proverbs ; or, the Manners and Customs of the modem Egyptians, illus- trated from their proverbial sayings. Lond. 1830. 4to. 3?. 3s. Few travellers have done more for geo- graphy than this celebrated and much- esteemed writer. The details contain the best notices ever received in Europe of the actual state of society, trade, ma- nufactures, and government of those parts. BUEDER, G-eorge. Village Ser- mons, for the Use of Families, Sunday Schools, &c. 1799—1812. 12mo. 8 vols. Likewise published in Svo. An edition, Lond. 1838, 12mo. 8 vols. — Rev. Samuel. The Scrip- ture Expositor ; anew Commentary, critical and practical, on the Holy Bible. Lond. 1809. 4to. 4 parts in 2 vols. One prominent object of this work. which is both critical and practical, is, to illustrate the Scriptures by the assistance of Eastern customs, kine paper. Earl of Kerry, 186, russia, 5^. — • Oriental Customs : or an Il- lustration of the sacred Scriptures, by an explanatory Application of the Customs and Manners of the Eastern Nations. Sixth Edition. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 2 vols, and Lond. 1839. in one vol. Svo. ' A useful abridgment of Hanner's Ob- servations, with many valuable additions from recent voytgers and travellers, ar- ranged in the oi^ir of the books, chapters, and verses of the Bible.' — Borne. — • Oriental Literature, applied to the Illustration of the sacred Scriptures. Lond. 1822. Svo. 2 vols 11. 10s. Designed as a sequel to Oriental Cus- toms. — Memoirs of eminently pious Women of the British Empire. Lond. 1823. 12mo. S vols, with por- traits. 18s. BuREL, John. Poems. Edinb. Waldegrave (1595-6). 4to. Bright, 1845, title wanting,ends onRecto I, morocco, supposed unique, 13/. 13s. The work contains •' The History of Pamphilus," on 52 pages — " the Descrip- tion of the Queenes Majestie ( ) most honorable entry into the town of Edinburgh, upon the 19th day of Mali, 1590, "__ 13 pages, &c. &c. BirRGER, Grottfried Augustus. Le- onora (with the Test), transl. from the German by W. R. Spencer. Plates from Designs by Lady Diana Beauclerc. Lond. 1796. fol. Published at U. Is. Drury, 994, mo- rocco, U. Is. LARGE PAPER. Proofs. White Knights, pt. i. 782, morocco, 21. 16s. Bind- ley, pt. ii. 616, morocco, 11. 9s. Roxburghe Sup. 709, 11. lis. 6d. o.\ VELLUM, with the plates taken off upon white satin. North, pt. il. 1243, morocco, 31. 13s. This copy was purchased at Christie's rooms in April, 1804, for 251 4s. This tale has been likewise translated by J. T. Stanley, H. J. Pye, and others. Stanley's Trans- lation, with Illustrations by Blake. Lond. 1796 Fonthill,1781. 17.8s. [Translated by Julia Cameron, with Illustrations by Maclise, small 4to. Loud. 1847. 7s. 6d.] BuEGES, Anthony. Spiritual Refinings ; or a Treatise of Grace 314 BUK and Assurance. Lond. 1652. folio. 10s. 6d. Ropriuted 1658, folio. 10s. 6d, Tliis non- conformist divine lias likewise published : Vindicife Legis ; in xxix Lectures preached at Laurence Jury, London. Lond. 1646. 4to. 3s. 6d. Reprinted 1647. The true Doctrine of Ivstification as- serted and vindicated, in two Parts. Lond. 1648. 4to. 7s Doctrine of Original Sin asserted and vindicated. 1658. fol. 9s. Scripture Dictionary for Church Officers and people ; being a Commentary on the third Ch.ipter of the first Epistle to the Corinthians. 16.59. folio. 7s. 6d. &c. &c. BuEGES, Cornel. D.D. No Sa- crilege nor Sin to alienate or piu-- chase Cathedral Lauds, as such. The tliii-d Edition, revised and ab- breviated, for the Service of the Par- liament, with a Post-cript to Dr. Pearson. Lond. 1660. 4to. llollis, 214, 7s. 6d. First edition, 16—. Second Edition, 1659. 8vo. Williams, 126, 6s. 6d. ' This second impression, as I ap- prehend, was wrote upon a prospect of the king's coming in, and danger of losing all : for it is wrote in a very mortified stile. This is his case concerning buying bishop's lands.'— CoZ«. A long account of Burges and his writings will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon. — Francis. Some Observations on the Use and Original of the noble Ai-te and Mysterv of Prmt- ing. Norwich, 1701. 8vo. The author states this to be the first book printed at Norwich. It consists of 17 pages, and was reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. 3. [The author Is mis- taken : there were several Dutch books printed at Norwich, 1568-1578.] — Sir James Bland, Bart. Rea- sons in Favour of a new Translation of the Scriptm-es. Lond. 1819. 8vo. Designed as a defence of Mr. Bellamy against the severe strictures of the "Quar- terly Review. The Birth and Triumph of Love, a Poem. Lond. 1796. 4to. pp. 58, with fine plates, from the designs of the Prin cess Elizaiieth. Dramas. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 2 vols. BtJKOESS, Tliomas, successively Bishop of St. David's and Salisbiu-y. Hebrew Elements and Primer. Gla.sgow, 1823. 12mo. BUR The above, with the Lishop's engraved copies of Hebrew letters and words, ac- cording to Mr. Home, form the simplest and clearest introduction to the reading of Hebrew without points, which perhaps has ever been published. The Primer first appeared 1808. 12mo. The Elements. 1807. 8vo. Observationes in quasdam Sophoclis, Euripidis et .^schyli Tragedias. Oxon. 1778. 8vo. An Essay on the Study of Antiquities. Second Edition, corrected and enlarged, Oxford, 1782. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Initia Homerica. 1788. 8vo. 23. 6d.— 1820. 8vo. Drury, 532, 7s. 611, 7s. 6d. Conspectus criticarum Observationum. [1788]. 8vo. Remarks on Josephus's Account of He- rod's rebuilding of the Temple at Jeru- salem. Oxford, 1788. 8vo. Initia Paulina, sive Introductio ad Lec- tionem Pauli Epistolarum. Lond. 1804. 12mo. Adapted for the exclusive use of those who are studying the epistles of S. Paul in the original language. Elementary Evidences of the Truth of Christianity, in a Series of Easter Cate- chisms. Lond. 1806. 12mo. 2s. 6d. The Bible, and nothing but the Bible, is the Religion of the Church of England. Lond. 1815. 8vo. 6s. Tracts i^n the Origin and Independence of the Ancient British Church, &c. Lond. 1815, 8vo. with a miip. 9s. Tracts on the Divinity of Christ, and on the Repeal of the Statute against Blasphemy. Loud. 1820. 8vo. 12s. A Vindication of 1 John, v. 7, from the objections of M. Griesb;ich. The second Edition, to which are added, a Preface in Reply to the Quarterly, and a Postscript in Answer to a recent Publcation entitled Palaeoromaica. Lond. 1826. 8vo. A Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David's, on a Passage of the second Symbolum Antiochenura of the fourth Century, as an Evidence of the Autlienti- city of 1 John, v. 7. Lond. 1825. 8vo. 3s. 6d. BiiEGH. See BrEGO. Bttegh, James. Political Dis- quisitions : or, an Enquiry into pubUc Errors, Defects, and Abuses. Lond. 1774-5. 8vo. 3 vols. 10s. Gd. An esteemed work. An Essay on the Dignity of Human Nature. Lond. 1767. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. The first editiond. 1824, BUR Svo. Portrait after Sir Joshua Reynolds, and autographs. Second edition. Lond. 1826, Svo. 2 vols. Third edition, enlarged. Lond. 1839, in 1 vol. 8vo. 10s. 6d Fifth edition, enlarged, post Svo. (Bohn's British Classics). 1854, 3s. 6d. A valuable addition to English biography. [Account of the European Settlements in America, 1757. Svo. 2 vols, maps Again, 1765 and 1770. Reflections on the French Revolution, 1790. Svo. Philosophical Enquiiy into the origin of our ideas on the Sublime and Beautiful, 8vo. 1773.] — John. Dictionary of the Peer- age and Baronetage of tlie British Empire, &c. Lond. 1828. Svo. [Tliis work has since been republished with improvements and additions. The last edition edited by John Bernard Burke, 18.58. U. 18s. Many other heraldic works have been published by John and his son, John Bernard Burke, which will be noted in the Appendix. We may here note : ENOYCLOP.a;DIA OF H ERALDRY, OuGeNERAL Arjiory of England, Scotland, and Ire- land, comprising a Registry of all Ar- morial Bearings from the earliest to the present time, including the late grants by the College of Arms. Third edition, with a Supplement. Lond. Bohn, 1844. \l. Is. Royal Families of England, Scotland, and Wales, with their descendants, Sove- reigns, and Subjects. Lond. Bohn, 1848- TA. royal Svo. 2 vols. \l. 4s. Roll of Battle Abbey, annotated. Lond. 1848. square 12mo. with plates ot Arms, 6s. or with the Arms emblazoned, BrEKHEAD, Henry. A Tragedy of Colas Fury, or Lirenda's Miserie. Kilken. 1646. 4to. The subject of this play is the IrisU Rebellion, wnich broke out in October, 1645. Lirenda is an anagram of Irel.and. A copy is in the British Museum. BuEKiTT, WiUiam. Expository Notes, with Practical Observations on the New Testament. Lond. 1752. fol. with port, and plates, n. 2s. Best edition, large paper? Williams, 380. il. 6s. A desei-vedly popular work, says Mr. Home. Biirkitt, according to Dr. Doddridge, 'has many schemes of old sermons; his sentiments vary in different parts of the work, as the authors, from whom he took his materials, were ortho- dox or not.' An edition, 1729. fol. with portrait by White, ISs. 1734. fol. Sir P Thompson, 179. U. Ss. 1739. fol. Re BUB BUB 317 printed, 1760. fol. 1772. 1779. 1814. 4to. 11. 10s. 1819. 4to. BuEKiTT, William. Expository Notes, abridged by Sam. Glasse, D.D. Lond. 1806. 4to. 2 vols. i;. lis. 6d. An abridgrocTit for the use c.f the poor has appeared in one thick volume in 8vo. BuRLAMAQUi, J. J. Principles of natiu'al and politic Law, transl. by Tbo. Nugent, LL.D. Lond. 17G3. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Best edition. The former, 1748-52. Svo. 2 vols. 7s. 6d. BUELEIGH. See BURGHLEY. Btjeley, G ualter. Liber de vita ac moribus philosophoriim poetarum- que veteriun. Without place or date, but (Colouise, Ulric ZeU, about 1467) 4to. Coll. 14 leaves of table, and 98 or 99 leaves of 27 lines. Hibbert, 51. 5s. Other editions (Colonise). Per me Ar- nold Ter Iloernen, 1472. 4to. Table of Philosophers and text, 88 leaves. Alpha- betical table, 10 leaves. Heber, 21. 5s. — An edition without place or date, in folio of 58 leaves, comprising 7 leaves of table, in double cohimns of 38 lines. Heber, 1/. 10s. — An edition without place or date. At the end, J. C. H. {Eustadii Reyser), 4to. 85 leaves of 33 lines, comprising the title and table, 7 leaves.— Coloniae, Conradns de Homborch (about 1475), 4to. 89 leaves. — without place or date(Nuremburg,Coburg), folio, 88 leaves, of 31 lines. — Nuremburg Coburg, 1477, folio, 89 leaves of 33 lines.- Lovanii per Johannem de Westphalia (circa 1477), 4to. — Nuremburg, Creusner, 1479, folio, 75 leaves of 35 lines. — Spirse, per fratres Heist, circa 1480, 4to. Hibbert, 51. 5s. — Expositio super artem veterem, Porphirii et Aristotelis. Veuetiis, Joan Herbot, 1481, folio, 118 leaves, double co- lumns of 56 lines. For other editions, see Hain, No. 4126, and after. — Ti'actatus expositorius super Libros Posteriormn. Oxonie, 1512. 4to. Another worlc, viz. Tractat. perbreuis de Materia et Forma et de Relativis. In celeberrima Vniversitate ( ixoniensi, per me Joannem Scolar, 1518. 4to. BiTEMAN, Charles. Lives ofElias Ashmole, Esq. and Mr, William Lilly, written by tliemselves ; witli j VOL. I. several occasional Letters. Lond. 1771. Svo. 68. Pp. 407, including the advertisement to the reader, with a plate, containing por- traits of Ashmole and Lilly, by J. Lodge. Heath, 1595, lis. — Peter. Oration against the Studies of Humanity, shewing that the learned Languages are not only useless but dangerous, trans- lated into English and the origi- nal annext. Lond. 1722. Svo. 5s. Btteij-, J. S. See Brtdges, Sir S. E. — Joliii Ilderton. Digested In- dex to the modern Reports of the Courts of Common Law, previous to the Term Reports. Lond. 1804. royal Svo. 18s. J. I. Hum liiiewise published, A practical Treatise of the Laws of Ma- rine Insurances. 1801. 12mo. 5s. A Trea- tise of the Law relating to Stock Jobbing. 1803. Svo. 3s. 6d. Attorney's Practice in K. B. 1805. 8vo. 14s. 6d. — Richard, LL.D. Justice of the Peace and Parisli Officer. 1st Edition, 1755. 2 vols. 2d. 1756. Svo. 2 voIb. 3d. 1756. fol. 4th. 1757. Svo. 3 vols. 5th. 1758. fol 6th. 1758. 3 vols. 7th. 1763. 8th. 1764. 4to. 2 vols. 9th. 1766. 3 vols. 10th. vols. 11th. 1770. Svo. 3 vols. 12th.l772.8vo.4vols. Suppl. by W. Robinson, 1774. Svo. 13th. 1776. Svo. 4 vols. 14th. 1780. Svo. 4 vols. 15th. 1785. Svo. 4 vols. 16th. 1788. Svo. 4 vols. 17th. 13y John Burn, 1793. Svo. 4 vols. An Ap- pendix, 1795. Svo. 18th. By John Burn, 1797. Svo. 4 vols. 19th. 1800. Svo. 4 vols. 20th. By William Woodfall, 1805. Svo. 4 vols. 21st. By Dumford and King, 1810. Svo. 5 vols. 22d. By John King, 1814. Svo. 5 vols. 23d. By G. Chetwynd, 1820. Svo. 5 vols. 24th. By Sir G. Chetwynd, Bart. 1825. Svo. 5 vols. il. 4s. 29th. By Bere, Chitty, and Wise, 1845-52. Svo. 7 vols. 11. 10s. — Ecclesiastical Law. This work is commended by Black- stone, Conim. V. 1. c. ii. 1st Edition, with Addenda, 1760-5, 4to. 2 vols. 2d. 1767. 4to. 2 vols. Od. 1775, Svo. 4 vols. 4th. 1781, Svo. 4 vols. 5th. 1788, Svo. 4 vols. 6th. By Simon Eraser, 1797, Svo. 4 vols. 7tli. By Simon Eraser, 1809, Svo. 4 vols. Sih. By R. P. Tyrwhitt, 1824, Svo. 4 vols. 9th. By K. Phillimore, 1842, Svo. 4 vols. 3?. 16s. Y 318 BUH BUlt Dr. Burn likewise published : The History of the Poor Laws, with Ob- servations. 1764. 8vo. 3s. 6d. A new Law Dictionary, continued by his Son. 1792. 8vo. 2 vols, with portrait, 8s. Miscellany Sermons, extracted chiefly from the Works of Divines of the last Centuiy. Lond. 1773, 8vo. 4 vols. BuENABT, Andrew, D.D. Tra- vels tlirough the middle Settlements in North America, in the Years 1759 and 1760. Lond. 1775. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Fouthill, 27«), lis. An edition, 1798, 4to. Drurv, 7(!'2, 5s. Konthill, 3077, 2Z. Is. Reprinted in the thirteenth volume of Pinkerton's Coll. of Voyages and Travels. BuENE, Kicol. Dispvtation concerning the controversit Head dis of ReHgion lialdin in tlie Realme of Scotland. Parise, 1581. 8vo. Contains 190 leaves besides the prefixes, viz. title, dedication to 'King James the saxt,' and 'To the christian reidar." At the end of the volume is a table of ' The ma- teris of controverse,' two quotations, and the colophon. On the last leaf, a flourish by way of ornament. On fol. 103, &c. is introduced an epigram of Beza's, with a libidinous translation. Roxburghe, 250, 14s. Supplement, 560, 1/. lis. 6d. Home Tooke, 101, MS. title, 11. Inglis. 63, U. 5s. Perry, pt. i. 1319, 21. Is. Bindley, pt. i. 486, 2/. 2s. Homer. 1854, calf, 11. 7s. An edition, 1582, is in the British Museum. BrsXELL, Henry. Landgartha, a Tragie-comedy. Dnbl. 1641. 4to. A copy is in theBritish Museum. Rox- burghe, 4539, ll.lls. 6d. IngUs' Old Plays, 13, 11. lis. 6d. BuENET, Gilbert, Bishop of SaUsbnry. Memoires of the Lives and Actions of James and Wil- liam Dukes of Hamilton and Castle- herald, &c. In seven Books. Lond. 1677.. foUo. 11. Is. B to Kkk,in fours, and Lll, 6 leaves, be- sides 11 leaves, containing titles, dedica- tion, imprimatur, preface, addenda, ei rata, and contents, also portraits of James and William Dukes of Hamilton, by White, and of K. Charles 1. by Faithorne. In this work will be found an account of the civil wars of Scotland, 1625-52, with many letters, instructions, and other papers written by K. Charles L large paper. Dowdeswell, 158, mssia, 21. 12s. y Mattliias Barbery. Lond. 1728, 8vo. 2 vols. 4s. Respecting the early editions of this work and the learned author's trea- tise, De Fide et Ol^ciis Clnistianoriini, see Nichols' Literary Anecdotes, vi. 221-2. DeFideet Officiis Christianorum. Lond. 1722. 4to. Priv. printed.— 1727. 8vo. Priv. printed.— 1728. 8vo.— 1733. 8vo.— Trans- lated by John Dennis. 8vo. Arcliseologiae Philosophicae Libri duo. Lond. 1692. 4to.— 1728, 8vo-1733, 8vo.— Translated, with Remarks thereon by Mr. Foxtou. Lond. 1729, 8vo. ' All the Latin works of Dr. Kurnet are written with such perspicuity and ele- gance of style, that, notwithstanding tlie singularity of some of his opinions, they are highly deserving of attention.' — Up. Watson. BiTBNET, Thomas. Second Tale of a Tub ; or, the History of Robert Powel, the Puppet-shew Man. Lond. 1715. 8vo. with a frontis- piece, 5s. A satire on Sir Robert Walpole, ascribed to Thomas Duflfet. BuENETT, George. Specimens of English Prose Writers, from the earliest Times to the Close of the eighteenth Century ; with Sketches biograpliical and literary ; inclu- ding an Account of Books, as well as of thefr Authors, with occasional Criticisms. Lond. 1807 or 1813. crown Byo. 3 vols. An elegant and judicious compilation, forming a companion to Ellis's Specimens. Brockett, 433, 16s. Btjeney, Charles, Mus. D. The present State of Music m France and Italy, 1 vol. in Germany, the Netherlands, and United Provinces, 2 vols. Lond. 1771, 3. 8vo. 3 vols. Elegant and entertaining travels, com- mended by Dr. Johnson. Fonthill, 2045, date 1775, 11. 4s. Bindley, pt. i. 317, date 1773, 16s. — History of Music, from the earliest Ages to the present Period. To which is prefixed a Dissertation on the Musick of the Ancients, Lond. 1776-89. Ito. 4 vols, with plates. A work of much reputation. [There was a second edition of vol. 1 in 1789.] Dent, pt. i. 626. 21. 13s. Constable, 214. russia, 3J. 18s. Strettell, 358, il. Koxburglie. 1594, 41. 5s. Suppl. 665, il. 12s. Nassai;. pt. i. 624, 6Z. Steevens, 1500, 51. Willett. 400, 6?. 63. Roscoe, 267, 81. 8s. Fonthill, 1960, SI. 15s. — Aecoimt of the Musical Per- formances in Commemoration of Handel. Lond. 1785. 4to. witli plates. Bindley, pt. i. 732, 8s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 625, 15s. Dent, pt, i. 627, morocco, 15s. Beckford in 1817, 1.37, with proof impres- sions of the plates in different states, mo- rocco, 1^. 15s. — Memoirs of the Abate Metas- tasio. In which are incorporated Translations of his princijDal Let- ters. Lond. 1796. 8vo, 3vols. Fonthill, 82, 11. Is. — Charles, D. D. Remarks on the Greek Verses of Milton. Lond. 1790. 8vo. — Tentamen de Metris ab ^s- chylo in Choricis Cantibus adhibitis. Cantab. 1809. 8vo. 15s. A highly esteemed and much valued work. Drury, 621, 11. 14s. Williams, 318, morocco, 21. 16s. — Captain James. A Clu'ono- logical History of the Voyages and Discoveries in the Sou^th Sea or Pacific Ocean ; illustrated with Charts and other Plates. Lond. 1803-17. 4to. 5 vols. A masterly digest of the voyages in the Soutli Sea, displaying a rare union of nau- tical science and literaiy I'esearch. [Vol. 4 contains a History of the Buccaniers.] Dru- ry, 763, 6?. 6s. Captain Bnrney likewise pub- lished A History of Nortli-Eastern Voy- ages of Discovery. Lond. 1819. 8vo. 7s. — Richd. KEPAI2T0N dOPON. King Charles the Second presented to the Houses of Parhament in their next Session as the Strength, Honour, and Peace of the Nations ; dehvered in Eight Sermons. Lond. (1660). 4to. Writtenina vauntingandbombaststyle. Prefixed is a portrait of the King. Bindley, pt. i. 1110, il. 14s. 6d. White Knights, 753, morocco, 21. 10s. 326 BUR BUR BtTENET, Miss. See D'Aeblay, Madame. BuENHAM, Richard. Pious Me- morials ; or, the Power of Re- ligion upon the Mind, in Sickness, and at Death. Lond. 1753. 8vo. 5s The preface to this work, consisting of short anecdotes, interspersed with devout reflections, was written by the Rev. James Hervey, author of the Meditations. An edition published by Burder, 1820, 8vo. 8s. BuENS, Robert. Works, with an Account of his Life and a Criti- cism on his Writings. To wliich are prefixed, some Obsei-vations on the Character and Condition of the Scottish Peasantry. By James Currie. Livei'pool, 1800. Svo. 4 vols, with portrait, 1^. lis. 6d. In this edition of Burns, frequently re- printed, the editor has excluded every ex- ceptionable piece. The " Rf.liques," mentioned below, forms a fifth, or supple- mentary volume to this edition. An edi- tion, with additional notes by the poet's brotlier, Gilbert Burns. Lond. 1820, Svo. 4 vols, with portrait, II. 16s. Life and Works, by Allan Cunningham, 18.'W. fcap.Svo.Svols. Entirely republished in 1 vol. royal Svo. Bohn, 1842. 10s. 6d. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Btinas, first edition, rare. Kil- marnock, 1786, Svo. Second edition. Edinb. 1787, Svo. with portrait by J.Beugo. Rox- burghe, 3494,7s. Thirdedition. Lond.l7S7, Svo. An edition, 1797, Svo. 2 vols. Edwards, 36, 8s. Heron's (i. e. John Pinkerton) Memoir of the Life of the late Robert Bums. Edinb. 1797, Svo. Poems ascribed to Robert Bums, not contained in any edition of his works hi- therto published. Glasgow, 1801, Svo. 3s. Tills volume contains among much that is worthless some of Burns' most brilliant poetry, omitted in Dr. Currie's edition. Roxburghe, 3496, lis. Letters addressed to Clarinda. Glas- gow, 1802, 12mo. This volume was sup- pressed. Views in North Britain to illustrate the Poems of Robert Bums. Engraved by Storer and Greig. Lond. 1805. Svo. large PAPEii. 4to. White Knights, 7.52, 15s. Relique.s, consisting chiefly of original Letters, Poems, and critical (Observations on Songs. Collected and pul> lished by R. H. Cromek. Lond. 1S08, Svo. 10s. 6d. Select Scotish Songs, ancient and mo- d«m; with critical Observations and bio- I graphical Notice8,by RobertBums. Edited by R. H. Cromek. Lond. 1810, 8vo. 2 vols Stretell, 1004, II. Poems by Robert Burns : with an Ac- count of his Life, and miscellaneous Re- marks on his Writings. Containing also many Poems and Letters not printed in Di-. Currie's edition. Edinb. 1811, 8vo. 2 vols, with portrait and engravings. U. 4s. ROYAL PAPER, 3l8. 6d. A Critique on the Poems of Robert Burns. 1812. Svo. 10s. 6d. Review of tlie Life of Robert Burns, by Alex. Peterkin. Edinb. 1815, 8vo.. A Letter to a Friend of Robert Burns, occasioned by an intended Republication of an Account of the Life of Burns. By Dr. Currie ; and of the Selection made by him from his Letters. By Wm. Words- worth. 1816, Svo. 2s. 6d. The Poems and Songs of Robert Bums, with a new Sketch of the Life of the Au- thor, &c. by the Rev. Hamilton Paul. Glasgow, 1819, 5s. 6d. A Pilgrimage to the Land of Bums. 1822, sm. Svo. 8s. The Life of Robert Bums, by J. G. Lockhart. Edinb. 1828, Svo. with port, by Miller after Nasmyth, 12s. Reprinted in Constable's Miscellany. A Series of Illustrations of the Poems of Bums, from Designs by W. Kidd. Part i. 5s. To be completed in 20 parts. Bui'us, illustrated in a series of Pictures and Portraits (88), edited by Allan Cun- ningham, in 23 parts, forming 2 vols. 4to. 1840. il. 10s. Poems, with Memoir and Notes, by Sir H. Nicolas. 1839, 12mo. 3 vols. BuEE, Thomas Benge. The Histoiy of Tunbridge WeUs. Lond. 1766. 8vo. 5s. A well-written and entertaining work. LARGE PAPER. 7s.6d. i.463, 15s. BuEEELii, Lady. Poems. Lond. 1793. 8vo. 2 vols. Her ladyship likewise published The Thymbriad, from Xenopbon's Cyropsedia. 1794, Svo. and Telemachus. 1794, Svo. Roxburghe, 3508, 3 vols. 13s. — Percival. Sutton's Syna- gogve ; or the Enghsh Centiu-ion. Lond. 1629. 4to. Prefixed is a portrait of Sir T. Sutton by Elstracke. Bindley, pt. i. 1123. II. Is. BuREHUS, or BuEEOUQHS. See BOEOUGHS. BuEEiDGE, Ezekiel. Histoi-ia nuperae Kervun Mutationis in An- glia. Loud. 1697. 8vo. 5s. Heath, 4476, 7s. 6d. BUU Bpeeoughs, Jeremiah. Exposi- tion with practical Observations on the Prophesie of Hosca. Lond. 1643, 50, 52, 57, 4to. 4 vols. 15s. Most of the writings of this i)iiiitaii divine, who was forced to quit tlie Univer- sity of Cambridge, on account of non-con- formity, will be found in the Britisli Mu- seum. buRKOW, Eev. Edw. T. Elements of Conchology, according to the Linnean System. Second Edition. Loud. 1818. 8vo. 16s. Thu-d ecU- tion. Lond. 1825. 8vo. Fom-th edition. 1844. Pp. 248, with '28 plates, plain, 8s. co- loured, 18s. The tirst edition appeared in 1816. — Sir James. Anecdotes and Observations relating to Oliver Cromwell and his Family ; serving to rectify several Errors concerning liim, published by Nicolans Coni- nenus Papadapoh, in his ' Historia Gymnasii Patavini.' 1763. 4to. 6s. Printed for private circulation by Sir James Burrow, Master of theCrownOffice. Part of the above appeared in the Gentle- man's Magazine for December, 1767. — Reports in K.B. in the Time of Lord Mansfield, from Mich. 30 Geo. II. to Easter 12 Geo. III. Fifth Edition, with critical Notes and Observations, &c. by Sergeant Hill. Lond. 1812. royal 8vo. 5 vols. 41. 15s. Best edition. These reports are highly esteemed by the profession. An edition, Dublin, 1778-80, 8vo. 5 vols. IZ. 5s. First edition, 17H6-80, fol. 5 vols. 21. Fourth edition, 1790, royiil 8vo. 5 vols. 3?. 3s. Sir James likewise i ubiished a Series of the Decisions of the Court of K.B. upon Settlement Cases. 1732 to 1768. Third edition, 1786, 4to. 1/. lOs. BuESEEius, Jo. Bapt. Institu- tions of the Practice of Medicine, translated ffom the Latin by Wil- liam Cullen Brown. Edin. 1800—3. 8vo. 5 vols. 1/. Is. Btjet's (Capt. Ed.) Letters from Scotland. See Scotland. BuETHOGGE, Eichard, M. D. Essav upon Reason and the Natm'e of Spirits. Lond. 1694. 8vo. 5s. BUU 327 A curious treatise, containing much novel reasoning relative to the appearance of spirits. An account of Burthogge and his writings will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon. BuEiON, Rev. Edward. A De- scription of the Antiquities and other Ciu'iosities of Rome. Second Edition, with numerous Additions. Lond. 1828. Small 8vo. 2 vols, with plates 15s. A much-esteemed and judicious woric The tirst edition. Oxford, 1821, 8vo. pp. 690. 15s. Drury, 623, 11. 4s. — George. Essay towards re- (ioncihng the Numbers of Daniel and St. John, determining the Birth of om" Saviom", and fixing a precise Time for the Continuance of the Desolation of the Jews. With a Supplement. Noi-wich and London, 1766, 8. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Williams, 319' and 320, 1^. Gs. large PAPEii. Williams, 321, witliout the Sup- pleuient, 19s. Burton lilcewise published The AnalysisofTwoChronological Tables. 1787, 4to. 2s. 6d. — Henry. A Narration of the Life of Henry Bvu-ton, according to a Copy written with his own hand. Lond. 1643. 4to. witJi a portrait. Nassau, pt. i. 384, 11. 10s. An account of this puritan divine, who was pilloried with I'rynne and Bastwiclc ; with a list of his writings, mostly contro- versial and abusive, will be found in Wood's Fasti Oxon. The Baiting of the Pope's Bull. 1627, 4to. Gordonstoun, 168, 14s. - — Hezekiah, D.D. Discoiu'ses. Lond. 1684-5. 8vo. 2 vols, with portrait by R. Wliite, 8s. Published by Abp. Tillotson. — John. History of Eriander. Lond. 1661. 8vo. A copy is in the British Museum. — John, M. D. Monasticon Eboracense ; and the Ecclesiastical History of Yorkshire. York, 1758. foho. P|.. xii. and 448, indexes, and addenda, 35 pp. with two plans, pp. 141, 288, and a map at p. 433. This work was intended to be completed in two volumes, and the plates inserted in the present were to have been given in the second volume ; but the author dying, 328 BVB BUB. Feb. 21, 1771, the design was never com- pleted. Brockett, 539, 11. 18s. Willett, 451, 3^ 5s. LAEGE PAPEB. Dent, pt. i. 495, russia, 3^ 18s. Constable, 287, russia, Zl. 19s. Heath, 4578, russia, 11. 9s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 672, Zl. 6s. This author likewise published a Trea- tise on Midwifery, with etchings by George Stubbs, the well-known animal painter. He is the Doctor Slop in Sterne's Tristram Shandy. BuETON, John, M.D. Pentalo- gia, sive TragcecUarum Grsecarum Delectus, cum Annotationibus Joli. Burton, cui Observationes, ludicem- que Gi-reecum adjecit Tho. Burgess. Oxen. 1779. 8vo'. 2 vols. Best edition of this esteemed selection. Gosset, 1027, 18s. large paper. Dent, pt. ii. 90, morocco, \l. lis. 6d. Drury,625, russia, \l. 3s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 702, morocco, 11. 12s. Heath, 4359, 21. 12s. The former edition, Oxon. 1758, 8vo. 1 vol. contains some observations by Bur- ton, which were omitted in that in 1779. 5s. LARGE paper. Heath, 4338, lis. 6d. Wil- liams, 1798, morocco, 11. 9s. Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. Oxford, 1764. 8vo. 2 vols. 8s. OpuRcula miscellanea theologica et me- trico Prosaica. Oxon. 1771, 8vo. OAOinoPOYNTOS MtlAETH I\IATA, sive Iter Sun'iense. Prseraittitur de Lingua; Grsecae Institutionibus quibusdam Epis- tola Critica. Loud. 1752, 8vo. pp. 132, 5s. — Robert. Anatomy of Me- lancholy. The eleventh Edition corrected ; to wliicli is prefixed, an Account of the Author. (Edited by Edward Du Bois.) Lond. 1806. 8vo. 2 vols, with frontispieces. [Frequently reprinted, 2 vols. 8vo. 11. Is. Also in 1 vol. 8s. 6d.] A work once almost forgotten, but which owed its revival to the inordinate praise of Dr. Johnson, who observed that it 'was the only book that ever took him out of bed two hours sooner than he wished to rise.' From this storehouse of learning, intermingled with quaint observations aud witty illustrations, many modern writers have drawn amply, without ac- knowledgment, particularly Sterne, who has in the most barefaced manner copied the best of his pathetic, as well as hu- morous passages. JJsl of the earlier Editions. First Edition. Oxford, 1621, 4to. Llovd, 444, 14s. Inglia, 313, U. lis. 6d. Jadis, 317, n. 10s. Bindley, pt. i. 893, 21. 16s.— Second edition, folio. Oxford, 1624. — Third edition. Oxford, 1628. with front. — Fourth edition. Oxford, 1632, fol. with front, aud port, by C. Le Blon. Steevens, 1445, with MS. notes by Steevens, 31. 9s. Inglis,400, 17s.— Fifth edition. 1638.— Sixth edition. 1651-2, fol. with frontispiece. Dent, pt. i 494, russia, 11. 7s. Bindley, pt. i. 391, 11. 7s. Goldsmid, 163, 11. 6s. In the ad- dress to the reader, it is stated, that this edition is printed from a copy corrected with several considerable additions by the author, latelv deceased — Seventh edition. 1660, folio, front. Lloyd, 263, 17s. Bind ley, pt. i. 392, 11. 5s. pt. iv. 845, 168. 6d.— Eighth edition. 1676, fol. front. Kox- burghe, 1336, 11. 10s. Brockett, 635, 16s. Gosset, 1233, 11. 19s. — Ninth edition,— Tenth edition? 1800. Fonthill, 1060, Ii. LARGE paper. Nassau, pt. i. 474, 11. 18s. In vol. i. of the Works of Charles Lamb, are "Curious fragments, extracted from a common-place book which belonged to Robert Burton, the famous author of the Anatomy of Melancholy." Burton, Robert or Richard. Wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland. — Historical Remarks on the ancient and present State oi Loudon and Westminster.^ — Admi- rable Cm'iosities, Rarities ' and Wonders in England, Scotland and Ireland. — History of the Kingdom of Scotland. — Histoiy of the House of Orange. Westminster, 1810-13. 4to. 6 vols. These reprints were edited and publish- ed by Machell Stace; fifty copies were on largk paper. Nassau, pt. i. 626, &c. 11. 7s. Respecting the author of twelve penny books ( viz. Nath. Crouch, alias Ro- bert or Richard Burton), see Dunton's Life and Errors. The following compilations are hy the same author, all 12mo. or 18mo. Miracles of Art and Nature, or a brief Description of the several Varieties of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, &c. of other eoun- trevs. 1678, 12mo. 10s. 6d. Fourth edition, 1708, 12mo. Tenth edition, 17;57, 12mo. Historical Remai-ques on London and Westminster. 1681, 12mo. Roxbiirghe, 8631, 6s. 6d.— 3rd edition, 1684. Lloyd,297. —1703.— 1722.— 1730, entitled A new View and Observations on the ancient and pre- sent State of London and Westminster Continued by an able Hand. 12mo. pp. 312 (B-N 12) and pp. 145-468 (0-X 6) with title and ' to the Iteader,' also a front, con BUR BUB 329 taining the Royal Arms and the Arms of the City of London. Reed, 3660, 8s. Nas- sau, pt. i. 472, 8s. Dent, pt. i. 369, mor. 10s. The Apprentice's Companion, containing plain and useful directions for Servants. Lend. 1681, 12mo. front. The Wars in England, Scotland and Ireland, from 1625 to 1660. 1681.— Fourth edition, 1683, 12mo. Nassau, pt. i.465, 6s. —1684. Lloyd, 297.— 1706.— 1737. Wonderful Prodigies of Judgment and Mercy, discovered in Three Hundred His- tories. 1681.— 1682.— 1685.— Fifth edition, 1699.— Edinb. 1762. Wonderful (or Admirable) Curiosities, Rarities and Wonders in England, Scot- land and Ireland. 1682.-1684. Lloyd, 297.-1685. Towueley, pt. 1. 278, lis.— 1697.-1728. The extraordinary Adventures and Dis- coveries of several famous Men. 1683.— 1728. Lloyd, 288, 5s. Two Journies to Jerusalem. 1683, 12mo. Nassau, pt. i. 464, 5s.— 1685.— 1730.-1738. —1759. Steevens, 1891, 7s. 6d. Strange and prodigious religious Cus- toms and Manners of sundry Nations. 1683. Emblems. 1684, 12mo. Bindley, pt. i. 658, 21. 5s. English Empire in America. 1685, 12mo. maps and pictui'es. Lloyd, 287, 3s. 6d.— 1711.— Si.xth edition, 1728. — Nassau, pt. i. 471.-1735.-1739. England's Monarchs, or an Account of the Kings of England, from the Invasion of Romans to this Time, &c. 1685, 12mo. Lloyd, 297.— 1691.— 1694. Bindley, pt. i. 656.— n. d. llistoi-y of Scotland and Ireland. 1685. 12mo. Lloyd, 290, 4s. Nassau, pt. i. 466, 9s. Towneley, pt. ii. 366, \l. 6s.— 1696. History of the Kingdom of Ireland. 1685. —1692. Nassau, pt. i. 467, 4s.— 1693. Towneley, pt. i. 280, 8s. 6d. Seventh edit. Dublin, 1731, 12mo. Young Man's Calling, with Lives of se- veral excellent Persons of both Sexes. 1665.-1695.-1725. Remarks upon the Lives of several ex- cellent young Persons of both Sexes. Lond. 1713, 12mo. .\ View of the English Acquisitions in Guinea, and the East Indies. 1686, 12rao. Bindley, pt. i. 659.-1726.-1728. Nassau, pt. i. 471. The English Hero,or Sir Francis Drake revived. 1687.— Eighth edition, 1710, 12mo. -1739.-1756. — n. d. The Life and dangerous Voyages of Sir Francis Drake. Fourteenth edition. Lond. n. d. 12mo. History of the nine Worthies of the World. 1687. Constable, 107, 8s.--1713. —1727. 12mo. Winter Evening's Entertainments. 1687. Sixth edition, 1737. Bindley, pt. i. 659. Female Excellency, or the Ladies Glory Lond. 1688, 12mo. Fourth edition, 1728. 12mo. Vanities of the Life of Man from his Birth to his Death, with Pictures and Poems. 1688, front, aiul wood cuts, 12mo. Third edition, 1708, 12mo. Delightful Fables in Prose and Verse. 1691. History of Oliver Cromwell. 1692. — 1698, port. 12mo. Lloyd, 282,5s. 6d.— 1706. Dowdeswell, 176, 12s.— 1728. Memorable Accidents and unheard-of Transactions. 1693. From tlie French of T. Leonard. Nassau, pt, i. 468, 6s. — n. d. —1733. 12mo. front. History of the House of Orange. 1693. History of the late King James 2. and Charles 2. 1693, 12mo. Epitome of all the Lives of the Kings of France. 1693. White Knight.s, 641, 9s. The general History of Earthquakes. 1694, front. 12mo.— 1734.— 1736. The History of the Principality of Wales, in three Parts. 1695, front. 12mo. Towneley, pt. i. 279, 4s. See Retrosp. Rev. V. 205-22. Second edition, 1730. Nassau, pt. i. 473, 12s. Martyrs in Flames, orHistory of Popery. 1695.— 1713. — n. d. Third edition, 1729, 12mo. Unfortunate Court Favourites of Eng- land. 1695, front. 12mo. Nassau, pt. i. 469, 6s.— 1706. Unparellel'd Varieties : or, the match- less Actions and Passions of Mankind displayed in near 400 notable Instances and Examples. The third edition. Lond. 1697, 12mo. Lloyd, 294, 6s. Fourth edit. 1728, 12mo. Extraordinary Adventures, Re volutions, and Events. 'Third edition. Lond, 1704, 12mo. Divine Banquet. 1707. History of the Lives of English Divines who promoted the Reformation. 1709. Bindley, pt. i. 656.— 1746. Unhappy Princesses ; or the History of Anne Boleyn and Lady Jane Grey. 1710. —1733, 12mo. front. jEsop's Fables in Prose and Verse. 1712. History of Virginia. 1712. Triumphs of Love, containing fifteen Histories. 1750. Ingenious Riddles. English Heroine, or the Life and Adven- tures of Mrs. Christian Davis, commonly called Mother Ross. Youth's Divine Pastime, containing Forty remarkable Scripture Histories, turned into English verse. Twelfth edit. Lond. n.d. 12mo. History of Flowers, Plants, &c. of Holy Land. 330 BUE BUR Kingdom of Darkness, or the History of Dsemons, Spectres, Witches, &c. Fourth edition, Loud. 1728, 12mo. wood cuts. [The whole of the foregoinj;, with a few exceptions, are in the Grenville Library, British Museum.] Btjrtox, Thomas. Diary from 1656 to 1659, uow first published from the original MSS. Edited and illustrated by J. T. Rutt. Lond. 1828. 8vo. 4 vols. 11. Is. — William. Caveat for Suerties. Lond. 1593. 12mo. Inglis, 242, lis. A Life of this divine with 3 list of his numerous publications will be found in Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. ii. 1—3. — Seven Dialogues both pithie and profitable. Lond. 1606. 4to. Black letter. Collation A [4 1), a (2 1), B to U 3. Forster, 158, blue morocco, 5?. 2s.6d. PeiTy, 3/. 10s. Midgeley, 2?.15s. Jolley, 1844, 31. 7s. Sotheby, May, 1856, unbound, 11?. These dialogues are be- tween a good Woman and a Shrew ; the conversion of a harlot, a popish pilgrimage, &c. — Description of Leicestershire : containing Matters of Antiquitye, Historye, Armoi-ye, and Genealogy. Lond. '(1622). folio. An account of this work will be found in Oldys' British Librarian, 287—99. Cfillation. An engraved title-page ; de- dication to 'George Villiers, Marquesse and Earle of Buckingham,' 2 pages ; To the Reader, 6 pages ; The work, pp. 1 — 332 (321—32 not paged), with a portr. of the author by F. Delaram, and a map en- graved by Wm. Kip. Brockett. 537, 18s. Nassau, pt. i. 670, 3?. White Knights, pt. i. 785, russia, 11. 16s. Dent, pt. i. 496, 21. 14s. Willett, 457, il. 7s. LARGE paper. Sir M. M. Sylies, pt. i. 754, russia. 16;. 16s. A co))y is in the Grenville Library, Bri- tish Museum. The second edition enlarged and cor- rected. Lynn, 1777, folio. Title, dedica- tion, preface, 3 pp.; list of subscribers, 2 pp. ; the work, 298 pp. ; list of all the she- ritis, 4 pp.; index, 2 pp. with a map by Byle, ami two plates of arms to face p. 1. Briickett, 538, 10s. large paper. Heath, 4613, russia, \l. — C'oramentary on Antoninus liis Itinerary or Jourmes of the Roman Empire, so far as it concerneth Bri- tain. With a chorographicall Map of the several Stations ; and Indexes tothewliole Work. Loud, 1G58. fol. This work contains a portrait and map by Hollar. Towneley, pt. i. 335, 1/. 4s. Heath, 4519, U. 8s, Dent, pt. i. 1.12, ra.i- rocco, U. 15s, Nassau, pt. i, 671, inissia, 3/, Pt, ii, 1210,* 21. This writer, who is highly commended by Ant, ^ Wood, published Laudatio funebris in Obitum D, Tho, AUeni, Lond. 1632, Oxon. 1633, 4to. Grsecse Linguae Historia, Lond, 1657, 8vo, Cosset, 1025, 6s, 6d. — Wm. Researches into the Phraseology, Manners, History, and Religion of the ancient Eastern Na- tions, as illustrative of sacred Scrip- tures, and into the Accuracy of the English Translation of the Bible. Lond. 1805. 8vo. 2 vols. A compilation, containing materials of various value, beautifully printed. Gosset, 1028, 6s. 6d, fine paper, 10s, 6d. BuKT, Richard de. Bishop of Durham. Incipit plogus in librum de amore librorum, qui dicitur Phi- lobiblon. Coloniee. 1473. 4to. First edition, 48 leaves of 26 lines, Wil- liams, Ql. 10s, — Philobiblon de queremoniis Ii ■ brorum, omnibus Utteranim ania- toribus perutile, (Spirse per Johan et Com-ad Hiist, 1483.) 4to. 39 leaves of 31 lines, — PhUobiblon sive de Amore Li- brorum et Institutione Bibhothecae Tractatus pulchen-imus ; cui acces- sit Appendix de MSS. Oxonien- sibus, opera et studio T. I. (Tho. James). Oxon. 1599. 4to. The first treatise on bibliography by an English writer, pp.62, and an appendix, 4 leaves, besides ' Thomse Bodlceo.' ' Vita ex Balseo, ex libro quoda vetusto de Antiquit. Dunelmensibus.' Constable, 839, \l. 13s. Bindlev, pt. iii. 1801. n. 5s. Brockett, 25,37, \l. 15s. Dibdin, 642, morocco, 2?. lis. .\u edition, Paris, Gasp. Philippe pour Jean Petit, 1500, 4to, Frankfort, 1510, 4to, Leipsic, 1674, Svo. Leipsic, 1703, 4to, Philobiblon, a treatise on the love of Books, translated from the first edition, 1473. [by J, B, Inglis], Lond, 1832, 8vo, Bury St. Edmunds. — Nomma quorundam e Primariis olim Regiae Grrammaticalis Seolse Burise S, Ed- mundi Carminibus illustratn, edita a Randall, Lond, 1719. 8\o. BUS 331 Not mentioned by Goiigh. Bindley, pt. ii. 2006, il. 15s. Nassau, pt. i. 2436, 31. 13s. A Description of the ancient and present State of the Town and Abh^y of Uury St. Edmunds. The third edition, with consi- derable additions, liury St. Edm. 1782, 8vo. Pages 114, including a notice from the editor to.the reader. NasSau, pt. i. 475, 9s. First printed by Gillingwater in 1771. Again, 1804. Description of Bury St. Edmunds, with illustrations of Churches, 1625, postSvo.Ss. BUSBEQUIUS, Aug. Gisl. Opera, quibus accessit Epitome de Mori- bus Turcarum. Lond. 1660. 12mo. 49. A translation of this author's Travels into Turkey. Lond. 1744, 12mo. 5s, These travels contain much valuable political information. White Knights, 048, 10s. A notice of them will he found in the Retr. Kev. xiii. 55 — 87. Another, entitled Epis- tles concerning his Embassy into Turkey, 1694. White Knights, 647, 6s. Kox- burghe, 7255, 4s. Busby, Eichard, D.D. Gram- matica Busbeiana, in Usum Scholte Regise Westmonasterieiisis, 8vo. Frequently printed. This able school- master published several other elementary works, a list of which may be seen in Wood's Atheu. Oxon. A Narrative of the Differences between Mr. Busby and Mr. Dagshawe, Masters of Westminster School. Lond. 1659, 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. See Be- loe's Anecdotes, vi. 338 — 41. Bindley, pt. iv. 568, 5s. King and Loch^e's in 1814, 11. 183. — Thomas, Mus. D. History of Music : comprising the Lives of eminent Composers and Musical Writers. Lond. 1819. Svo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Dr. Busby has likewise published A complete Dictionary of Music, crown Svo. 63. A Grammar of Music. Second edi- tion, with Improvements, 1826, 9s. Con- cert Room and Orchestra Anecdotes of Music and Musicians. 1825, 3 vols. 12mo. v. Is. A Musical Manual, or Technical Directory. 1828,8s. Btisching, Anth. Fred. D.D. System of Geography, translated from the German. Lond. 1762. 4to. 6 vols, with 36 maps. Of this work it lia.s been said, though the minuteness of Busching is generally tire- some and superfluous, yet we can pardon it, for the accuracy of its details. Bindley, pt. i. 563, 15s. Koxburghe, 7115, 31. 6s. BusENELLO, Gio. Fraucesco. Pro- spective of the Naval Trium])h of the Venetians over the Turk, in verse, by Tho.Higgons. Lond. 1658. Svo. Pp.64. White Knights, 650, 5s. Towne- ley, pt. ii. 367, 10s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 637, \l. 10s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 366, 21. 12s. 6d. There are copies on large paper. Busn, J. Hibemia curiosa. A Letter giving a general View of the Manners, &c. &c. of the Inhabitants of Ireland. Lond. 1764. Svo. 7s. Another edition, 1782, 8vo. BUSHE, Paul, first Bishop of Bris- tol. A lyteU Treaty se in Englysshe, called the Extripacion of Ignorancy, compyled by Sir Paule Bushe Preest and Bonhome of Edyndon. (Rich. Pynson.) 4to. A copy of this poetical tract, consisting of four sheets, dedicated unto Mary,daugli- ter of K. Henry VIII., is in the public li- brary at Cambridge. — Certayne gostly Medycynes necessary to be vsed among wel dis- posed People to eschewe and to auoyde the comen Plage of Pesti- lens. Impr. by me Rob. Redman. Svo. Contains B 4, or 12 leaves. A collection of prayers or coujurations against the plague of pestilence. — An Exhortation to Margaret, Wife of John Burges, Clothier of Kingswood in the County of Wilts. By Paul Bush, Bishop of Bristol. Lond. by John Cawood, 1554. Svo. See Strype's Eccl. Memor. iii. p. 172. Another edition without date. An account of Bush will be found in Wood's Atlien. Oxon. Btjsh, William. True Relation of the admirable Voyage and Tra- vell of Wilham Bush, Gentleman, who with his own Hands, without any Mens Helpe made a Pinnace, in which he passt by Ayre, Land and Water from Lamborne in Bark- shire, to the Custom House Key, in London. 1607. 4to. 332 BUT Black letter, with front. Reed, 6461, ol. North, pt. lii. 589, 5?. BusHELi/, Thomas. SiDeeches and Songs at the Presentment of Mr. Bushell's Book to the Queenes Ma- jesty. Oxford, 1636. 4to. Dent, pt. i. 628. lis. Bindley, pt. lii. 1864, IZ. 6s. Khodes, 351, 31. — Mr. Bushell's Abridgment of the Lord Chancellor Bacon's Philo- sophical Theory in Mineral Prose- cutions. Lond. 1659. 4to. 80 leaves, including the tahle of contents, with portrait by Faithorne. In this vo- lume will be found New Atalantis, a work unfinished, written by Lord Hacon. Bind- ley, 3?. 3s. Bushell has likewise published ' A just and true Remonstrance of his Ma- jesty's Mines Royal in the Principality of Wales. Lond. 1642, 4to.' His life will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon. BuswiiL, John. Account of the Knights of the most noble Order of the Garter. Lond. 1757. 8vo. 4s. Pp. 318, Introduction, pp. 12 and Ap- pendix not included. Compiled from the works of Ashmole and Anstis. — Sir George, Bart. A copy of the Last Will and Testament of Sir George Bviswell, Bart, of Clipston. Lond. 1714. 8to. Reprinted at Market Harborough. 8vo. 31 pp. This pamphlet, interesting to col- lectors of Northamptonshire Histoiy, was privately printed. Butcher, Rev. Edmund. Ex- cursion fi'om Sidmouth to Chester, in the Summer of 1803. Lond. 1805. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. — Richard. The Survey and Antiquitie of the Towne of Stam- ford, in the County of Lincolne. Lond. 1646. small 41*0. Pp. 47, besides title, the honourable en- signes of Stamford, epistle dedicatory, poems, and table, 5 leaves. Jadis, 133, morocco, 11. 6s. — The Survey and Antiquity of the Town of Stamford, by Richard Butcher. A brief Description of the TowTi of Tottenham Highcrosse, by Wilhelm Bedwell. The Tvrna- ment of Tottenham, by Gilbert Pilkington. Lond. 1717-8. 8vo. A — K, in eights. There are two signa tures, marked G. Roxburghe, 8648, 12g. Marq. of Townsend, 312, 12s. Nassau, pt. i. 478,6s. LARGE PAPER. Heath, 4616, IZ. 98. Baker, 69, 11. 7s. White Knights, 651, russia, 21. 2s. Bfte, John Stuart, Earl of. Bo- tanical Tables, containing the dif- ferent Families of British Plants, distinguished by a few obvious Parts of Fructification, ranged in a sy- no^jtical Method : some Observa- tions on the Terms employed in Botany, and particularly on those borrowed from the Anatomical De- scriptions of Animals, and a Glos- sary explaining Botanical Terms, 4to. 9 vols, [about 1785.] with nu- merous figures. Of this work, which is more splendid than useful, but twelve copies were print- ed. A description and collation of the work will be found in Sir Jos. Banks' Ca- talogue. Sir R. Borough, 1813, 821. 19s. Queen Charlotte, 1819, 117?. Sute Administration. British Antidote to Caledonian Poison, 1762-3, 2 vols. 12mo. Lloyd, 274, 21. 2s. Bindley, pt. i. 625, 1 vol. 1762, 11. lis. 6d. A Political and Satyrical History of the Years 1756 and 1757, in a Series of 75 Prints. 12mo. Reed, 5376, 10s. Sotheby s in 1821, 18s. Scotch Politics, or the satirical History of the Year 1762, in 25 Plates by Darley. 12mo. White Knights, 3723, 11. Is. A political and satirical History and Account of Scotch Influence, in 199 carica- ture Prints. 2 vols. 12mo. with the double plates. Perry, pt. ii. 1067, 2!. 2s. A political and satirical History of the Years 1756 to 1762, in a series of 112 hu- morous Prints. 12mo. 11. lis. 6d. Butler, Rev. Alban. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other principal Saints ; compiled from original Monuments and other au- thentic Records : illustrated with the Remarks of judicious modem Critics and Historians. Lond. 1812-13. Svo. 12 vols, with 40 en- gravings. Best edition, stereotyped, and published in 120 numbers. Prefixed is a life of the author by Charles Butler, Esq. of Lin- coln's Inn. 'A work of merit— the sense and learning belong to the author — his BUT BUT 333 prejudices are those of liis profession.' — Gibbon. First edition, witlioiit notes, 1745, 5 vols. Anotlier, Lend. 1756, 8vo. 5 vols. A copy on lakqe writing papku, Wil- liams, 323, morocco, 361. 15s. (A copy is in the i;renviUe Library, Hritisli Museum.) Anotlier edit., Dublin, 177'J-80,8vo. 12 vols. Gough, G04, il. 19s. [I'rcquently reprinted, 12 vols. 8vo. 1817, SI. with plates, 3;. 12s. — 12vols. 12mo. 1846,2?.2s.— 12vols. 32nio. 1847, 12s. A compact edition, 2 vols, royal 8vo. 1836, plates, 11. lOs.J Letters on the History of the Popes, published by Archibald Uower. Dublin, 1778, 8vo. The Life of Mary of the Cross. 'It is rather a vehicle to convey instruction on various important duties of a religious life, and on sublime prayer, than a minute ac- count of the life and actions of the man.' — C. Butler. Treatise on Natural and Revealed Re- ligion. The Moveable Feasts and Fasts, and other annual Observances of the Catholic Church. 1774, 8vo. Gough, 606,4s. 6d. Re- printed with life by C. Butler. Dublin, 1839, 8vo. Sennons. 3 vols. ' His sermons were sometimes interesting and pathetic : but they were always desultory, and almost always immeasurably long.' — C. Butler. Short Life of Sir Toby Matthews. 1795, 8vo. An Account of tbe Life and Writings of Alban Butler. 1793, 8vo. 5s. Butler, Eev. Charles. The Prin- ciples of Music. Lond. 1636. 4to. This tract, dedicated to K. Charles I., was the only theoretical or didactic work on the subject of music, published in tliat king's reign. White Knights, 755, 4s. Gordonstoun, 287, 6s. Rhetoricae Libri duo. Oxoniae, 1600. 16mo. 1 3, in eights, besides dedication to Sir Thomas Egerton, some commendatory verses, and an address to the reader. Fourth edition. Oxon. 1618, 4to. — Oxon. 1629, 4to.— Lond. 1635, 8vo. The feminine Mouaichie ; or, a Treatise concerning Bees, and the due Ordering of them. Oxford, 1609, 8vo. A— O, besides a preface of 5 pages, Latin and English verses 2 pages, and a table of contents, 15 pages.— Lond. 1623, 4to.— Oxford, 1634, 4to. White Knights, 754, mor. lOs. Gor- donstoun, 263, 2s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 631, russia, Ss. Translated, with additions, into Latin, by Rich. Richardson. Lond. 1673, or Oxon 1682, 8vo. SVrrENEIA De Propinquitate Matrimo- nium impedieiite Regvla. Oxou. 1625, 4to. Reprinted at Frankfort in 1643, 8vo. in the TOL. I. same volume with Fr. Florens de N.iptiis Consobrinarum piohibitis aut premissis. The English Grammar. Oxford, 1633. 4to. An account of this work, in which the author proposes a new and more simple orthography for our language, will be found in the Grammar prefixed by Dr. Johnson to his Dictionary. Lloyd, 446, 4s. (iil. —1634. Towneley, pt. i. 399, with the. Feminine Monarchy, 1634, and Principles of Music, 1636, 1?. ]'8s. Oratorio Libri duo. Oxon. 1633, 4to.— Loud. 1635, 8vo. — Charles, of Lincoln's Inn. Phi- lological and Biographical Works. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 5 vols. An Essay on the Legality of impressing Seamen. Lond. 1777, Svo.— 1778, 8vo. Re- printed in the Pamphlfteer, no. 45, but not in the collection of this autlior's works. llorre BibliCiC ; being a connected Series of Notes on the Text and Literary History of the Bibles, or Sacred Books of the Jews and Christians; and on the Bibles or Books accounted sacred by the Mahometans, Hindus, Parstes, Chinese, and Scandina- vians, 1797 — 1807, crown Svo. 2 vols, with an Appendix. Privately printed. Vol. L was reprinted, 1799 — 1807, vol. i. fourth edition, vol. ii. second edition, royal Svo. —1812. Notes on the Koran, the Zend-Avesta, the Vedas, the Kings, and the Edda. Ox- ford, 1802, Svo. Privately printed. Horfe Juridicse Subsecivse ; or Notes on the Grecian, Roman, Feudal and Canon Law. Lond. 1804, Svo. Reprinted 1807, royal 8vo. 9s. A connected Series of Notes on the chief Revolutions of the principal States which composed the empire of Charlemagne, from Iiis Coronation in 814, to its Dissolu- tion in 1S06 : on tlie Genealogies of the Imperial House of Hapsburg, and of the six secular Electors of Germany ; and on Roman, German, French and English No- bility. Lond. 1807, royal Svo. 15s. The Life of Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray. Lond. 1810, Svo. pp. 238. 10s. 6d. — Second edition, to which are added, the I/ives of St. Vincent of Paul and Henri- Marie de Boudon, a Letter on ancient and modern Music, and historical Minutes of the Society of Jesus. Lond. 1819, Svo. 10s. 6d. Some Account of the Life and Writings of Jas. Benigne Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux. Lond. 1812. crown Svo. pp. 180, 7s. An Essay on the Life of Michel de I'Hopital, Chancellor of France. 1814, post Svo. 4s. Anhistorical and literary Account of the Formularies, Confessions of Faith, or sym- bolic Books of tlie Roman Catliolic, Greek, and principal Piotestant Churches. To 334 BUT which are added four Essays. Lond. 1816, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Drury, 628, 11. The Lives of Dom Armand Jean Le Bouthillier de Rauce, of the Monastery of La Trappe ; and of Thomas a Kempis. "With some Account of the priucipal reli- gious aud military Orders of the Roman Catholic Church. Lond. 1814, Svo. The inaugural Oration spoken Nov. 4, 1815, at the Laying of the first Stone of the London Institution. Lond. 1816, 8vo. Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish and Scottish Catholics since the Reforma- tion. Lond. 1S19-2— . Svo. 4vols. Drury, 630, 11. 13s. Second edition. Third edi- tion, corrected, revised, and considerably augmented. Lond. 1822, Svo. 4 vols. 21. 8s. [Supplementary Memoirs of the English Catholics, addressed to Charles Butler by the Rev. J. M. 1820, 8vo.] Reminiscences, with a Correspondence between the late Dr. Parr and the Autlior. Lond. 1822-7, Svo. 2 vols. A third edition of vol. i. appeared 1823, Svo. The Book of the Rom. Catholic Church. In a Series of Letters addressed to Robert Sou they, Esq. on his ' Book of the Church.' Lond. 1825, Svo. 9s. 6d. A Letter to the Rt. Rev. C. J. Blomfield, Bishop of Chester; in Vindication of a Passage in his ' Book of the Roman Catho- lic Church' censured in a Letter addressed by him to his Lordship. Lond. 182S, Svo. The Life of Erasmus, with historical Remarks on the State of Literature be- tween the tenth and sixteenth Centuries. Lond. 1825, Svo. 7s. 6d. Vindication of the Book of ' The Roman Catholic Church,' against the Rev. Geo. Townshend's ' Accusations of History against the Church of Rome :' withKotice of some Charges brought against ' The Book of the Roman Catholic Church,' in the Publications of Dr. Philpotts, the Rev. H. J. Todd, the Rev. I. B. White, and in some anonymous publications, with Copies of Dr. Philpott's fourth Letter to Mr. Butler, containing a charge against Dr. Lingard ; and a Letter of Dr. Lingard to Mr. Butler, in Reply to the Charge. Lond. 1826, Svo. 9s. 6d. Appendix to Mr. Butler's Vindication of 'The Book of the Roman Catholic Church,' in Reply to Dr. Southey's Pre- face to his Vindicia; Ecclesise Anglicans. Lond. 1826, Svo. Reply to the Article in the Quarterly Review for March, 1826, on the ' Revela- tions of La Soeur Nativite.' To which is added an Essay on mystical Devotion. Lond. 1826, Svo. The Life of Hugo Grotius, with brief Mi- nn tes of the civil, ecclesiastical and literary History of the Netherlands. Lond. 1826, Svo. Life of U. F. D'Aguesseau. Lond. 1830, Svo. BUT A Letter on the Coronation Oath ; with Notice of the recently-published Letters of the late King to Lord Kenyon, and his Lordship's Answers ; and Letters of the late Mr. Pitt to the late King, and the late King's Answers. Lond. 1827. Svo. On the Loudon Polyglott. An elegant little treatise, printed for private use. crown Svo. BuTLEE, James. See Oemond, Duke of. — John, Bishop of Hereford. Select Sermons, to which are added two Charges to the Clergy of the Diocese. 1801. Svo. with portrait, Ga. The letters of Junius have been ascrib- ed to this prelate, but without foundation. — Josepli, Bishop of Durham, Works. Oxf. 1807. 8vo. 2 vols. New edition, by Sam. Halifax. Oxf. 1849. Svo. 2 vols. lis. The works of this learned prelate are held in the highest estimation, particu- larly his Analogy of Religion. Frequently reprinted in Svo. aud 12mo. ; also in Bohn'g Standard Library, 3s. 6d. — Samuel. Hudibeas, in three Parts. Lond. 1663, 1664, and 1678. FiEST Editions. Of Parts I. and II. there are three dif- ferent editions under the same dates, which, taken merely by the title, may easily be confounded with each other. The legitimate 'author's edition' would seem to be that printed in small Svo., all three parts uniform in size and type, and on rather stout paper. The earliest edition of the first part is, no doubt, that called s/ji/npHS, a small volume (16mo.), dated 1663, without name either of printer, pub- lisher, or licenser. We are led to thia knoT.iedge by the following advertisement in thePublick Intelligencer, published by authority, December 2.1, 1662 :— ' There is stolen abroad a most false imperfect copy of a poem called Hudibras, without name either of printer or bookseller, as fit for so lame and spurious an impression. The true and perfect edition printed by the au- thor's original, is sold by Richard Marriot under St. Dunstan's church in Fleet i>treet.' When the legitimate ' author's edition,' in small Svo. came out in 1663, another smaller edition, the size of the spurious one, appears to have been pub- lished at the same time, and by tlie same publishers, probably to compete in cheap- ness with its rival. The 'author's edition' ef Part II. was printed uniform with its predecessors in both small Svo. and 16nio. ; aud there seems to have been no spurious tuition of BUT BUT 335 the actual book, which was protected by the copyrigtit ' impriiiiatiir' of SirKoger I'Estrange. Hut a doKKn-l siil)Ktitute, by some other writer, callcil IUihiikas. The SrxoND Part was piililislietl uniform witli the npurious first part, liliewitio witliout mime of printer or publisher. Piut III. lirst printed in 1678, appeared in only one size, i.e. small 8vo. uniform with the two preceding parta of the au- thor's edition. It may be convenient to give a seriatim list of these various parts. Part I. 16mo. 'London, printed in the year 1603.' Without i>rintcr or jtuhlisher's name, and presumed to be spurious. Part I. small 8vo. Loud. Printed by J. G. for Uichard Marriot, 1663, with Impri- matur Jo. Berkenhead, Nov. 11, 1662 Part I. lOmo. with exactly the same imprint and imprimatur as the preceding. Part. 1 1, small 8vo. l^ond. Printed by T. U. ior John Martyn and James Allestry, 1664, with Imprimatur Roger L'Estrauge, Nov. 5, 1663. Part II. 16mo. with the same imprint and imprimatur. Part II. Spurious, under title of 'Hudi- bras, the second part.' Loud, printed in the year 1663. Part III. small 8vo. Lond. printed for Simon Miller, 1678. Of this there is only one ostensible edi- tion, but there are two states of it under . the same date. The earlier has live lines of Errata at the end ; the later has the corrections inserted, and on the back of the title ' Licensed and entered according to the Act of Parliament for i)riuting.' Lowndes has the following note, which we have not chosen to cancel, although quite sure it is founded in error. ' This spurious second part went through three editions in the same year: the first two do not differ, except in the type: the third, entitled " Iludibras, the second Part, with tlie continuation of the thiid Canto, to which is added a fourth Canto. 1663." • Field, 1369, 15s. — Iludibras. Second Edition. The First and Second Part (in one volume), corrected and amended, with several ad- ditions and annotations. Lond. Printed by T. N. for Jolin Martyn and Henry Herringman, 1674, small 8vo. 412 pages. The Tliird Part. Lond. Pi-inted for Ro- bert Home, 1679, small 8vo. 254 pages. Voltaire says of Butler's 'Iludibras' — 'There is one Knglish Poem, the title whereof is Iludibras ; it is Don Quixote — it is our Satyre M^uipp^e blended toge- ther : I never met with so much wit in one single book as in this.' Butler, Siim. Hudibras, in three Parts. Lond. 1710. 18mo. 3 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 319, 7s. 3'20, with the Remains, 3 vols. 1720, ISs. 6d. An edition, Lond. 1712, 8vo. Lond. 1716, 12rao. -1721), 12nio. Stanley, 410, with tlie Pos- tliumous Works, 2 vol.s. 1715, uncut, •^7. 2s. Butler, Sam. Iludibras, in three Parts, with annotations, 172G. 12mo. Gs. First edition with Hogarth's cut'i. This is the edition used by Dr. Johnson for quotations in his Dictionary. Brockett, 443, 14s. Bindley, pt. i. 321, witli the posthumous works, 1754,7s. Freiiuently re- printed. An edition, 1732, in Svo. witli- outplates. Roxburghe, 3384, 6s. 6d. [An editiim, B. Motte, Loud. 1732, 12mo. with plates, reprinted S. Powell, Dublin, 1732, 12ruo. 16 plates.]— 1739, Hogarth's plates, with MS. notes by Dr, Farmer, scdd at his sale, 1798, U. 3s. purchased by Samuel Roger.s, and resold at his sale, 1856, U. 10s. — Hudibras, in three Parts, with large Auuotations and a Pre- face by Zachary Grey, LL.D. Cam- bridge and Lond. 1744. Svo. 2 vols. Best edition. Copies in fine condition are in considerable request. Tlie cuts are beautifully engraved by Hogartli. Heath, 1779, 21. 3s. Bindley, pt. i. 322, 31. 4s. Sotheby's in 1825, il. 93. large paper. Dent, pt. i. 372, 6i. pt. ii.2, russia, 9?. 2s.6d. Stanley, 411, morocco by KoRer Payne, \bl. Fonthill, 3061, 111. lis. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 81, lussia, 121. Williams, 322, in morocco, with an original autograph letter of Butler. Ul. 5s. Foster, 105, March 1857, 111. 10s. Critical, historical, and explanatory Notes upon Hudibras, by way of Supplement to tlie two editions published in the Years 1744 and 1745, by Zachary Grey, LL.D. To which is prefixed a Dissertation upon burlesque Poetry, by the late Montague Bacon, Esq.; and an Appendix, containing a Translation of of the 1st Canto into Latin Doggrel. Attributed to J. Tunstall. Lond. 1752, Svo. publislied at Is. Stee- vens, 1053. Reed, 7818, 17s. Hudibras, with notes by Grey. Second edition, 1764, Svo. 2 vols. [This edition has many emendations upon that of 1744.] Roxburghe, 3386, ISs. 6d. Miirq. of Town- send, 318, 1?. 9s. — Third edition improved, 1772, 8vo. 2 vols. Garrick, 349, 21. 2s.— Edinb. 1770, 3 vols. Garrick, 351, 8s.— 17'J9, Svo. 2 vols. Reed, 6613, 11. large PAPER. Nassau, pt. ii. 1459, mor. 3/. 13s. 6d.— 1801, Svo. 2 vols. Drury, 633, russi.^, 11. 7s. large PAPER. — 1806, Svo. 2 vols. — Hudibras, in three Parts. Lond. 1750. 18mo. A neat little edition, with a beautiful z 2 336 portrait of the author by Nixon. Stan- ley, 412, morocco, 1?. 8s.— 1800, Bindley, pt, i. 323, 5s. Butler, Sam. Hudibras, a Poem, in three Cantos, with Notes [By Dr. T. Nash.] Lond. 1793. 4to. 3 vols. 200 copies printed, some with the plates in red, others in black. An elegant edi- tion, edited by Dr. Nash, the historian of Worcestershire, who has added a vai'icty nf entertaining notes. Reed, 6700, 11. 2s. Gd. Roxburghe, 3387, SI. 12s. Bindley, pt. i. 739, uncut, 14?.— With Hogarth's cuts in- serted. Fonthill, 2414, \Zl. 15s. Stanley, 413, morocco, Wl. 14s. Dent, pt. i. 630, mo- rocco, 16Z. 5s. 6d. One copy, printed on VELLUM, the cuts on india paper. Earl of Devon, 25?. [Nash's edition has been re- published, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. J. Murray, 1835-40. Again in 2 vols, post 8vo. por- trait3,and plates, 1?. Is. Lond. Washboume, 1847.] — Hudibras, with Dr. Grey's Annotations. A new Edition, cor- rected and enlarged. Lond. Bald- win. 1819. 8vo. 3 vols. Best modern edition, with portraits, plates, and numerous wood cuts, lakge PAPER, in royal 8vo. ijiperial paper, proofs on INDIA paper. Duke of York, 986, russia, 11. 7s. [A series of (60) Portraits to illustrate this edition was published by Baldwin, in ten parts, royal 8vo. 4?. Proofs on India paper, super royal 8vo. Ql. Super royal 4to. 11. 10s.] — Hudibras, Poeme, traduit en Vers Fran9ois, avec des Remarques. Lond. (Paris), 1757. 12mo. 3 vols. Two hundred copies printed. Strettel, 107, 1?. 18s. Nassau, pt. i. 482, morocco, 2?. Perry, pt. i. 1871, 2?. 4s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 377. 2?. 16s. Lloyd, 301, ^l. 4s. Rox- burghe, 3385, 3?. 15s. Marq. of Townsend, 317, 3?. 16s. Bindley, pt. i. 324, 5?. 5s. Ed- wards, 129, bl. 7s. 6d. Fonthill, 3519, 11. Inglis, 243, morocco, 81. 10s. 6d. Tliis masterly translation was made by John Towneley, and not by Col. Fran- cis Towneley, as generally reported. The publication of it was superintended by M. i'Abb^ Tubei'ville Needham, and the ' re- marques' were written by Larcher. The original English text is preserved, and it is illustrated with engravings, after the designs of Hogarth. Another edition. Paris, Didot, 1819, 12mo. 3 vols, with 15 engravings after Ho- garth, 11. Is. riNR paper, \l. 6s. vellum PAPER,!?. !5s. A faithful reprint,with the ii'ldition of a key to Hudibras by I.ottin lojeune, and some account of thi translator. — Postlnimous Works, in Prose and Verse, from original MSS. and scarce and valuable Pieces formerly printed : with a Key to Hudibras, by Sir Roger L'Estrange. The sixth Edition. Lond, 1720. 3 vols, with cuts. Out of fifty pieces which this publica- tion contains, there are only three which have any claim to be considered as the genuine productions of the celebrated But- ler. See Ketr. Rev. ii. 256—70, iii. 318—35. Bindley, pt. i. 320, with Hudibras, 1710, 15s. 6d. An edition, 1715, 2 vols. 12mo. White Knights, 654, 5s. Stanley, 410, with Hudi- bras, 1720, uncut, 21. 2s. Nassau, pt. i. 481, with Hudibras, 1716, 12mo. old morocco, 4?. 4s.— 1732. Garrick, 352, 10s.— 1754. 12mo. Bindley, pt. 1.321, with Hudibras, 1726,7s. — Remains m Verse and Prose, pubhshed from the original MSS. witli Notes by R. Thyer. Lond. 1759. Svo. 2 vols. ' These remains do not answer my ex- pectation, and as for the editor, he is always in the wrong when there was a possibility of his mistaking.' — Bp. War- burton. Bindley, pt. i. 325, 12s. 6d. Rox- burghe, 3388, 19s. Stanley, 414, 11. 9s. Heath, 1780, 11. lis. Garrick, 350, 19.s. — The genuine poetical Remains of Samuel Butler, with Notes bv Robert Thyer. With a Selection from the Author's Characters m Prose. Lond. 1827. Svo. Published from the original MSS. for- merly in the possession of W. Longueville, and illustrated with numerous woodcuts and portraits of Butler and Thyer. This edition was to have formed two volumes, but the publisher dying previous to its completion, a title-page was printed, to make it appear a complete work, lauge paper, in royal Svo. with proofs on India paper, imp. Svo. Also in small folio. Pieces attributed to Butler. The Acts and Monuments of our late Parliament. Lond. 1659. Reprinted 1710, Svo. 16 pp. In the fifth volume of the Harleian Miscellany. A Letter from Mercurius Civicns to Mer- curius Rustic\is, 1643. Reprinted in tlie fourtli volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. Proposals for farming out Liberty of Conscience, 1663. Reprinted in ' Wit and Loyalty revived,' 1682. "The Plagiary exposed, being a Reply to a Book entitled ' King Charles's Case, formerly written by John Cook, of Gray's Inn, Barrister, and since copied out, under the title of Colonel Ludlow's Letter.' 1091, BUT 4to. 12 leaves. Reprinted in the fifth vo- lume of the Soraers Collection of Tracts. The secret History of tlie Calves' Head Club. See Calves' Head Club. Butler's Ghost : or Hudibras, the foui-th Part; with Reflections on tliese Times. 1682. See DuR- FEY, Tom. BuTLEE, Samuel, D.D., Bp. of Lich- field. Sketch of modern and ancient Greography. Lond. 1851. 8vo. 7s. 6d. The former editions, 1813, 1822, 1826. Butler. Some Account of tlie Family of the Butlers, but more particularly of the late Duke of Ormond, the Earl of Ossory, his Father, and James Duke of Or- mond Ids Grandfather. Lond.l7l6. 8vo. 6s. [Life of James second Duke of Ormond. Lond. 8vo. 1747, with portrait.] Btttterfield, Swithurne. Sima- marie of the Principles of Cliristian Religion, selected in Manner of Com on- places out of the Writings of the best Diuines of oxir Age. Lond. 1582. 8vo, — Catecliisme, or Principles of the true Christian Religion, briefly selected out of many good Books. Lond. 1590. 8vo. Butteewoeth, Jolm. Concord- ance and Dictionary of the holy Scriptures. The second Edition, with considerable Additions. Co- ventry, 1785. 8vo. 8s. A useful and judicious abridgment of Cruden. Tlie first edition appeared in 1767, 8vo. 5s. A new edition by Dr. Adam Clarke, 1812, 8vo. 10s. 6d. BuTTES, Hemy. Dyets Dry Din- ner : consisting of eight seueral Courses. 1. Fruites. 2. Hearbes. 3. Flesh. 4. Fish. 5. Whitemeats. 6. Spice. 7. Sauce. 8. Tobacco. Lond. R. Creed, 1599. small 8vo. A curious work, lioswell, 457, 9s. Perry, pt. i. 469, Zl. Nassau, pt. i. 487, russia, U. 7s. Bindley, pt. i 61.5, 61. 12s. 6d. A portrait of Buttes will be found in Hard- ing's Biographical Mirror. — Sir William. A Booke of Epitaphs made vpon the Death of Sir William Buttes, Knight, who BYF :vM deceased 3 Sept. 1583. Lond. Imp. bv Middleton, 8vo. Sotheby's, March, 1851, Zl. 4s. Btixtorf, John. Lexicon He- braicum et Chaldaicum. Glasguse, 1824. 8vo. A former edition. Lond. 1646, Svo. 7s. 6d. ' The world is more beholden to Buxtorf for bis learned and judicious labours, than to any other that lived in his time, and his name ought ever to be preserved with honour in acknowledgment of it.' — Dean Prkltaux. Epitome Grammaticse Ilebrsese. Lond. 165.3, 12mo. 3s. A short Introduction to the Hebrew Tongue ; translated by John Davis. Oxon. 1657, 12mo. Synagoga Judaica, translated by Alan Blaney. Lond. 1656, 4to. Manuale Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. Oxon. 1807, 12rao. 5s. Byam, Henry, D.D. Thirteen Sermons, most of them preached before his Majesty K. Charles II. in his Exile. Lond. 1675. 8vo. 8s. Btfield, Nicholas. Exposition upon the E]>istle to the Colossians. Lond. 1615. folio. 10s. 6d. Reprinted 1628, folio. This divine, ' in the opinion of the zealots, was a person of profound judgment, short memory, sharp wit, quick invention, and of unwearied in- dustry.' — Ant. d. Wood. An Essay concerning the Assurance of God's Love and of Man's Salvation. Lond. 1614, Svo. Directions for the private Reading of the Scriptures, &c. Lond. 1618, Svo. Re- printed 1648, Svo. Beginning of the Doctrine of Christ, or a Catalogue of Sins. Lond. 1619-20, 12mo. 2 vols. The Marrow of the Oracles of God. Lond. 1660, 12mo. 5s. Best edition, con- taining the following six treatises : 1. The Principles or the Pattern of wholsom Words (first printed Lond. 1618, Svo.) 2. The spiritual Touchstone (former editions 1620 and 37). 3. The Signs of a wicked Man (Lond. 1620, 12mo.). 4. The Promises ; or, a Treatise shewing how a Godly Chris- tian may support his Heart with Comfort, &c. 5. The Rules of a holy Life (Lond. 1619-20, 12mo.). 6. The Cure of Death (Lond. 1618, Svo.). A Commentary upon the three first Chapters of the First Epistle of St. Peter. Lond. 1637, folio, 7s. 6d. Exposition on the Apostles Creed. Load, 1626, 4to. 338 BTR BYR Bygod. See Bigod. Bygge, Thomas. Travels iii the French Repubhc, translated from the Danish by John Jones, LL.D Lend. 1801. 12mo. 4s. These travels are interesting from the account they give of tlie difi'erent acientitic and literary establishments in France. Byng, Sir Greorge. An Account of the Expedition of the British Fleet to SicHy, 1718-20, mider the Command of Sir George Byng. Lond. 1739. 8vo. 4s. BYEC^E^•SHA, Eaph. Discom-se upon the Defeat of the Eebels Ty- rone and O'Donell. 1602. 4to. In verse. Garrick, 206. Eyed, Wilham. Pssilmes, So- nets and Songs of Sadnes and Pietie, made into Mitsicke of fiuo Parts. Printed by T. Este (1588). 4to. Dedicated to Sir Christopher Ilatton. Bindley, pt. i. 1278, 21. 10s. Periy, pt. i. S25, '21. 4s. This work is thus divided — Tenor, Contratenor, Bassns, Mediiis, Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 116. Superius, Eoswell, 528, 19s An edition, 1589. — Musica Transalpina. Madri- gales, translated of 4, 5, and 6 Parts. In twelve J^ooks. Lond. by Tho. East, 1588, 1597. 4to. The first and second sets complete. So- theby's, in 1825, 6?. Dent, pt. ii. 743. — Songs of simdi'ie Nature, some of Gravitie and others of Mp'th, fit for aU Companies and Voyces, set to Musick for 3, 4, 5, and 6 Voyces. In six Books. Loud, by Tlio. East, 1589. 4to. • Dedicated to Lord llunsdon. Sotheby's, in 18'25, 51. 5s. — Liber primus et secuudus sa- crarimi Cantiontmi, quaruin ahse ad qumque, alise vero ad sex Voces {editaj sunt. Excudebat T. East, 1589. 4to. Liber L dedicated ' Edvai'do Somerset, Comiti Worcestria^.' Lib. II. ' llUistrissi- rao Proceri — Domino Lnmley,' &c. The Ktyle of tliese sacred songs, wliich arc de- dicated to Edward Somerset, Earl of Wor- cester, is peculiarly grave and solid. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 116. — Gi-adualia, ac Cantioncs sacrte, quinis, qualcrnis, trinisque Vocibus concinnatse. Lond. 1610. 4to. 4 vols. 1/. lis. 6d. Admirable pieces of harmony. — Psahnes, Songs and Sonnets, fit for Voyces or Viols of 3, 4, 5, and 6 Parts. Lond. 1611. 4to. The last work pnblished by Byrd. So- tlieby's in 1825 (Bassus, Tenor, Sextus and Cantus 1 & 2), 5f. — See Parthenia. Tallxs, Tho- mas. An account of this admirable church musician and his publications will be found in Hurney's Music, iii. 84-5, 92,95-8, and in Hawkins, iii. 283-314. Byene, WiUiam. Scenery, &c. See Ceieie, James. Heaene, Tho- mas. Lysons. Britannia Depicla, Faeeington. Byeom, John, M.A. Miscella- neous Poems. Manchester, 1773. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. Reed, 6618, lis. 6d i.akoe paper. liindley, pt. i. 405, 163. Reprinted 1814, 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Byrom likewise published an excellent system of stenography, entitled. The Uni- versal English Short-hand. Manchester, 1767, 12mo. A former edition, consisting of 50 copies for the use of the author'sfriends, appeared in 1749. Of late years other edi- tions have been published by Tho. Moli- neux and John Palmer. Byeon, George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord. Works. To form a complete edition of Lord Byron's works in 8vo. it was formerly necessary to have the six volumes pub- lished by Murray, two volumes pub- lislied by Hunt, one volume by Knight and Lacey, and one volume containing Don Juan, in 16 cantos, printed by Da- vison. An uniform edition was published at Paris, 1822-4, 12rao. 16 vols.— Another, Paris, 1822-4, i2mo. 12 vols.— Another, Paris, 1825, 8vo. 7 vols. — Another, Paris, 1826, 32mo. 13 vols. — Another, containing the whole in one volume, with a Life by Henry Bulwer. Paris, 1826, 8vo. Works with his Life and Letters, edited by T. Moore, Lond. Murray, 1833, 12mo. 17 Vols.— Poetical Works, in one volume, royal Svo. Murray, 1837 ; frequently re- printed. — 8 vols. Svo. 4?. 4s. Lond. Murray, 1840. — LARiiE PAPKR, in 4to. published lOJ. 10s.— Lond. Mun'ay, 1856, Svo. 6 vols. 21. ."js.— Lond. Murray, 1851, fcap.Svo. 10 vols. H. 10s — Lond. Murray, 1857, in small type, crown Svo. 9s. — Lond, 1853, 24rao. 8 vols. U. [The copyright having now expired of BTR BTB 339 almost every thinp, excepting the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold, there are many rival editions of all sizes and prices.] Hours of Idleness, a Series of Poems, original and translated. By George Gor- don, Lord Byron, a Minor. Kewark, 1807, crown 8vo. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 382, 16s. Bindley, pt. iii. 38, 11. 18s. Brockett, 551, 7s. 6d. This work was severely criticised in the Edinburgh lie- view, no.xxii. which occasioned his Lord- ship's admirable satire ' English liards and Scotch Reviewers.' . [In Mr. Moore's Life of Byron we are informed of an edition of the Hours of Idleness printed in 1806, in 4to, the entire edition of which was suppressed, with tlie exception of two, or, at most, three copies.] Poems. Newark, 1808. Drury,639, 14s. Reprinted London, 1820, 8vo. v.ith a plate marked ' Hours of Idleness.' English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, a Satire,1809. First edition, 12mo.pp. 54, and two leaves containing title and preface. Fonthill, 1595, 11. 8s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 383, 10s. Second edition. Fonthill, 1596, 16s. Third edition, 1810. Drury, 640, 13s. Fourth edition, 1811. Brockett, 553, IBs. This edition has been frequently reprinted in Ireland, [and elsewhere] with the date of 1811. A fifth edition was printed, revised by the noble author, but of which very few copies are extant. The Curse of Minerva, a Poem, printed anonymously in a thin 4to. 1812. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, a Komaunt. Cantos I. and II. Lond. 1812, 4to. 11. 10s. Second edition, 1812, 8vo. 12s. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Canto the third. Lond. 1816, 8vo. 5s. 6d. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Canto the foiirtli. Lond. April 28, 1818, 8vo. 12s. Waltz, an apostrophic Hymn, by Ho- race Hornem, Esq. 1813, 4to. 3s. Original edition. Reprinted in 8vo. &c. The Giaour, a Fragment of a Turkish Tale. Lond. 1813, first edition, 8vo. 43. 6d. Lond. 1813, Bvo. SiMh edition, (much altered). The Bride of Abydos, a Turkish Tale. Lond. 1813, 8vo. 5s. 6d. Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte. Lond. 1814, 8vo. Is. 6d. The Corsair, a Tale, Lond. 1814, Svq 5s. 6d. Lara, a Tale. Jacqueline, a Tale (by S. Rogers, Esq.) Lond. 1814, cr. 8vo. 5s. 6d. An edition of Lara only, 1814, 8vo. Hebrew Melodies. Lond. 1815, 8vo. 4s. 6d. Published also with the Music arranged bv Braham and Nathan in folio. 'The Siege of Corinth, and Parisina. Lond. 1816, 8vo. 5s 6d. Poems on his domestic circumstances (suppressed poems), with a life. Lond. 1816. 8vo. port. The Prisoner of Cliillon, a Dream, and other Poems. Lond. 1816, 8vo. 5s. Manfred, a dramatic Poem. Lond. 1817. 8vo. The Lament of Tasso. Lond. 1817, 8vo. Monody on the Death of the Kt. Hon. R. B. Sheridan. Lond. 1817, 8vo. Is. P.eppo, a Venetian Story. Loud. 1818, 8vo. 3s. 6d. Mazeppii, a Poem. Lond. 1819, 8vo. Don Juan. Cantos I. and II. Lond, Da- vison, 1819, 4to. Don Juan. Cantos III. IV. and V. Lond Davison, 1821, 8vo. Don Juau. Cantos VI., VII., & VIIL Lond. 1823. Don Juan. Cantos IX,, X., & XI. Lond. 1823. Don Juan. Cantos XII. XIII. XIV. Lond. 1823, 12mo. Don Juan. Cantos XV. and XVI. Lond. 1824, 12mo. Letter to **** ****** (John Mun-ay) on the Kev. W. L. Bowles's Strictures on the Life and Writings of Pope. Lond. 1821, 8vo. 3s. Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice, an his- torical Tragedy, with Notes. The Pro- phecy of Dante, a Poem. Lond. 1821, Svo. 12s. Sardanapalus, a Tragedy. The Two Foscari, a Tragedy. Cain, a Mystery. Lond. 1821, 8vo. 15s. Werner, a Tragedy. Lond. 1822, Svo. 5s. 6d. The Deformed Transformed. Lond. 1824, 8vo. 5s. The Parliamentary Speeches in 1812 and 1813. Lond. 1824, Svo. The Vision of Judgment, first published in Part I. of the Liberal, 1822. Heaven and Earth, a Mysterv, first published in Part II. of the Liberal, 1822. The Island ; or Christian and his Com- rades. Lond. J. Hunt, 1823, Svo. The Age of Bronze. Lond. J. Hunt, 1823, Svo. Morgante Maggiore di Messer Luigi Pulci. Canto I., first published in Part IV. of the Liberal, 1823. Illustrations. A Series of 12 Illustrations by T. Sto- thard, R.A. engraved by C. Heath, fsc. Svo. 11., demy 8vo. 11. 10s. Thurston's Illustrations to the Corsair. Lond. 1814, royal 8vo. 5s. 6d. Twenty-one new Plates, engraved by C. Heath, from Drawings by R. Westall, R.A. With a Portrait by Armstrong, from the Picture by T. Phillips, R.A. Lond. 1820, fsc. Svo. 11. 10s. Svo. 21. 2b. 4to. 3?. 3s. The Portrait of Lord Byron, after Phil- lips, engraved by Agar, is said to be the best likeness of his Lordship. 340 BYE BTB Bteon — continued. Landscape Illustrations to the Life and Works of Lord Byron, by Finden, with descriptions by Brockedon, 1833-4, imp 8vo. 3 vols. 4?. 14s. 6d. large paper. Proofs in 4to. 8Z. 9s. 6d, India Proofs, ll?.8s. Published in 24 parts. Bvron Gallery ; Illustrations to Poetical Woiks. Lond. 1846, royal 8vo. 12s. Illustrations by Chalon. Lond. 1845, 4to. \l. 10s. Heath's Illustrations. Lond. 1846, 4to. \l. 10s. Les Dames de Byron, or Portraits ot the principal Female characters in Lord By- ron's poems, engraved under the superin- tendence of VV. and E. Finden. Lond. 1837, 4to 39 Portraits. Byron's Tales and Poems, with 46 beau- tiful engravings on steel, by Finden. Lond. 1855, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Keply to Fare thee well. Lines address- ed to Lord Byron. Lond. 1816, 8vo. Reflectious on Ship board. Lond. 1816, 8vo. An Address to the Rt. Hon. Lord By- ron, by T. H. B. Lond. 1817, 8vo. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage to the Dead Sea, Death on the Pale Horse, and other Poems. Lond. 1818, 8vo. Historical Illustrations of the fourth Canto of Childe Harold. By J. C. Hob- house, Esq. Lond. 1818, 8vo. 14s. Remarks, ciitical and moral, on the Ta- lents of Lord Byron, and the Tendencies of Don Juan. By the Author of Hypo- crisy, a Satire. [C.'Colton.] Lond. 1819, 8vo. A poetical Epistle from Alma Mater to Lord Byron, occasioned by some Lines in Beppo. Cambridge, 1819, 8vo. Memoirs, historical and critical, of the Life and Writings of Lord Byron, with Anecdotes of some of his Contemporaries. liOnd. 1S22, Svo. with portrait after Ilar- lowe, 14s. Lord Byron's Private Correspondence, including his Letters to his Mother, writ- ten from Portugal, Spain, Greece, and other Parts of the Mediterranean. Pub- lished from the Originals, with Notes and Observations, by R. C. Dallas, 1824, Svo. Cato to Lord Bvron, on the Immorality of his Writings. ' Lond. 1821, Svo. 2s. 6d. Recollections, by R. C. Dallas. 1824, Svo. (Conversations of Lord Byron : noted during a Residence with his Lordship at Pisa, in the years 1821 and 1822. By Thomas Medwin. Lond. 1824. 4to. A new edition, 1824, Svo. Captain Sledwin vindicated from the Ca- lumnies of the Reviewers. Lond. 1825, Svo. Letters on the Character and poetical Genius of Lord Byron, by Sir S. Egerton Brvdges, Bart. Lond. 1S24. Svo. pp. vii, and 457. 10s. 6d. Lord Byron, par Mme. Louise-Sw. Bel- loc. Paris, 1824, Svo. 2 vols, witli port of his Lordship, a view of Newstead Abbey and a fac-simile letter of Byron's. Anecdotes of Lord Byron, from authen- tic Sources ; with Remarks illustrative of his Connection with the principal literary Characters of the present day. Lond. 1825, fsc. Svo. 6s. To the Departed. Stanzas to the Me- mory of Lord Byron. Lond. 1825, Svo. The Life, Writings, Opinions and Times of the Rt. Hon. George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord By ron. In which are separately given copious Recollections of the lately-destroy- ed MS. originally intended for posthumous Publication, and entitled Memoirs of my ouu Life and Times, by the Et. Hon. Lord Byron. Lond. 1825. Svo. 3 vols. The last Days of Lord Byron, with his Lordship's Opinions on various Subjects, particularly on the State and Prospects of Greece. By William Parry. Lond. 1825, Svo. 14s. Lord Byron en Italie et en Gr&ce, ou Aper^u de sa \'ie et de ses Ouvrages,d'apr^s des Sources authentiques ; accompagnf de Pieces inedites et d'un Tableau literaire et ijolitique de ces dens Contrees, par le Marquis de Salvo. Lond. 1825, Svo. with portrait of Lord Byron, 5s. 1825, Svo. 15s. Narrative of Lord Byron's Voyage to Corsica and Sardinia, 1821; compiled from Minutes made by the Passengers, and Ex- tracts from the Journal of his Lordship's Yacht, kept by Capt. Benson, R.N. 1824, Svo. 3s. A short Narrative of Lord Byron's last Journey to Greece. Extracted from the Journal of Count Peter Gamba, who at- tended his Lordship on that Expedition. Lond. 1825, Svo. 12s. Correspondence of Lord Byron with a Friend, including his Letters to his Mo- ther, written from Portugal, Spain, Greece, and the Shores of the Mediten-anean, In 1809, 1810, and 1811. Also Recollections of the Poet, by the late R. C. Dallas, The whole forming an original Me- moir of Lord Byron's Life, from 1808 to 1S14, and a Continuation and preliminary Statement of the Proceedings by which the Letters were suppressed in England, at the suit of Lord Bvron's Executors. By the Rev. A. R. C. Dallas. Paris, 1825, 12mo. 3 vols. A French translation has appeared. An Inquiry into the moral Character of Lord Byron, By J. W. Simmonds. 1826, Svo. 4s. The last Canto of Childe Harold. By Lamartiue. 1827, post Svo. 7s. 6d. Lord Byron and some of his Contempo- raries, with Recollections of the Authcn-'a Life, and of his Visit to Italy. By Leigh BTB BYT 341 Hunt. Lond. 1828, 4to. pp. 513. Reprinted in 2 vols. 8vo. 18^8. Lifo, Letters, and Journals, edited by Thomas Moore. Lond. 1S?0, 4to. 2 vols. published 4Z. 4s. i.ahoe and thick paper, 51. 5s.— Lond. 1832, 8vo. 3 vols. 21. 5s.— Lond. 1837, royal 8vo. 15s., again 1850, 12s. -Loud. 1851, 12nio. 6 vols. 18s. Memoirs of Lord Byron, by G. Clinton. Loud. 1828, 8vo. Life of Lord Byron, by John Gait. Lond. ia30— 1837, 12nio. Life, by Armstrong. Loud. 1846, ISrao. Conversations with the Countess of Blessington. Lond. 1S51, 8vo. Memoir, by 11. L. Bulwer. Lond. 18 , 12mo. Remarks on the exclusion of Lord By- ron's monument from Westminster Ab- bey (by Sir John Hobhouse), 8vo. Pri- vately printed. Bteon, Hon. John. Narrative of the great Distresses sufFered by liini- self and liis Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, 1740-6. Lond. 1768, 8vo. 53. An excellent notice of Anson's and Ryrou's Voyages will be found in the Retr. Rev. X. 285-314. Hyron's Narrative is repiinted in the first volume of Hawkes- worth's Collection; and in the third of Cal- lander's Terra Australis Cognita. Another ,'iccount, entitled A Voyage round the World, in hisMajesty's Ship the Dolphin, commanded by the Hon. Commo- dore Byron. r5y an Officer on Board the said Ship. Lond. 1767, 8vo. 3s. 6d. — Et. Hon. Lord. A Narrative of the Voyage of his Majesty's Ship Blonde to the Sandwich Islands in 1824-5. 4to. with jjlates. Bysuop, see Bishop. Bysshe, Edward. Art of En- ghsh Poetry. Lond. 1702. 8vo. Reprinted 17C8. AVhito Knights, 656, 5s. — 1718, 8vo. GordoMstoun, 2i)5, 5s.— 172,5, 12nio. 2 vols.— 1737, 12mo. 2 vols.— 1762. Wliite Knights, 657, 5s. Bysshe likewise. publi.shed, The British Parnassus, or Common-place of English Poetry. Lond. 1714, 8vo. 2 vols. Nassau, pt. i. 496, 10s, Bythewood,W. M. and Jaeman, T. Selection of Precedents, forming a System of Conveyancing, with Dissertations and practical Notes. Third edition, by G-. Sweet, Lond. Vols, i.-vii. and vols. ix. and xi. rov. 8vo. 1839-49. 12/. 12s., and Supp. to vol. ix. 1850, IBs. Btthner, Victorin. Lyra Pro- phetica Davidis Regis, sive Analysis critico-practica Psahnorum. Glas- guse et Londiui, 1823. 8vo. 11. A beautiful reprint of a most valuable help to the critical aud grammatical study of the book of Psalms, admirably well calculated for a learner of the Hebrew lan- guage. The former editionsin4to.l645,1650, 1653, 1654, 1664. 1679 (commonly called the best edition). An accountof this able linguist and his publications may be seen in Wood's A then. Oxoii. [Translated by the Kev. T. Dee and N. L. Benmohel. Lond. 1847, 8vo. U. 4a.] 342 C A. — Another Letter of Mr. A. C. to his disjes- iiited Siasman concerning the ^ _ ^ Apjieal, State, g^^C Jesuits, &c. Print- ed 1602. 4to. A pamphlet quoted by Ant. k Wood, in his account of Rob. Parsons and Kichard Verstegau. C A. — Sylva : or, divers Copies of Verses made upon sundry occa- sions. Loud. 1636. 8vo. C. A. — See Copley, Antliony. CowLET, Abraham. C. B. — Pimtanism the Mother, Sm the Daughter, &c. 1633. 8vo. ' Written by a Catholic priest, and print- ed beyond the seas:— Ant. a Wood. C. C. — Ane brief Explanation of the Life of the Marqiiiss of Argyle, composed in Scotish Elipne, by C. C. Ap]5ointed to be sung to the Tune of Old Gray Steill. 1656. 4to, C. E. — A Dialogue against the Tyrannic of the Papistes, by E. C. 1562. C. Gr.— A piteous Platforme of an oppressed Mynde. Lond. T. Gardiner. 8yo. Black letter. Ritson's Bibl. Toet. p. 49. C. G. — See Carew, George. Chapman, George. C. ir.— The Forest of Fancy : \vherein is contained very prety Apothcgmes and pleasant Histories, both in Meeter and Prose, Songs, Sonets, &c. Lond. Tho. Purfoote (1579). 4to. A curious and interesting work, consist- ing of ."jS leaves, by ^Varton ascribed to Henry Constable, and by Ritson to Heury Chettle. llebcF, pt. iv. 318, 71. 10s. C. H. — See Chettle, Henry. CocKEEAM, Henry. Constable, Henry. C. J. — Saint Marie Magdalen's Conversion. (A reUgious poem by an EngUsh Jesuit, with reference to Shakspere.) 1603. 4to. Coll. A to D 2, 14 leaves. Redd, 1849. 6Z. 8s. 6d. C. J. — The Muses Mistresse, a store house of rich fancies written at succedanious hom's during the action at Newark. 1660. 12nio. Jolley, 1843, morocco, 6Z. (only one other copy known.) C. J.— A Poore Kniglit, his Pal- lace of Private Pleasm-es, &c. &c., gaUautly garnished with a goodly gaUery of strange inventions, written by a student in Cambridge, and pubhshed by J. C. Gent. Lond. Rich. Jones. 1579. 4to. Black letter. [Reprinted for the Roxburgh Club. See Appendix.] C. J. — Epigrams served up in fifty two several Dishes, by J. C. Gent. Lond. imp. by Elde, (1601). 8vo. Bibl. Crofts, 5024. Restituta, iv. 9-10. Warton's Poetry, 8vo. iv. 401. C. J. — A pleasant Comedie, called Two merry Milke Maids, or the best Words weare the Garland, as acted by the Company of the Revels. Printed by B. Alsop,' 1620. 4to. Roxliurghe, 4542, 13s. Reed, 8447, 11. Inglis' Old Plays, 119, 11. 3s. Jolley, 1843, 1/. 6s. C. J. — The melancholy Cavaher, or Fancy's Master-Piece, a Poem by J. C. 1654. 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum. Bind- ley, pt. i. 1400. C. J. — Par Nobile : the Lives and Deaths of Lady Frances Ho- bart and of Lady Katharine Cour- ten. Lond. 1669. 8vo. 3s. 6d. C. T. 343 C. J.— The Theatre of Catholi- que and Protestant Religion, written by J. C. Anno 1620. 8vo. 1/. Is. A portion of tins work, viz. pp. 430, 438, ami the whole of chap. 3, book ii, relates to the Catholic history of Jrulaiid. C. J. — See Cleveland, John. CoTGBAVE,John. Crull,J. Cubby, John. Cabtweight, John. C. M. — See Cabteb, Matthew. C. R.— The Blasinge of Bawdrie, dayUe procured by Beldame* B. jn-incipall Broker of all Iniqiiitie. Lond. Johncs, 1574. 16mo. In verse, cmnniencin'"; with a dialogue between the printer anil the author. C. R. — A godlie Forme of hovise- liolde G-OLiernmeut. Lond. 1598. 8vo. Dedicated to Robert Burgaine of Uox- all, 384 pages. Again 1600. C. R. — -Hai-mony of the Muses. 1654, Perry, pt. i. 2212, 3?. 19s. C. R. — Table Alphabetical, or English Expositor, containing and teaching the true writmg and vm- derstanding of hard usual English words. 1617. 12mo. C. R. — An Elegie sacred to the immortall Memorie of Lady Mar- garet Smith. 4to. With woodcut. Jlarq. of Townshend, •J993, 8,s. 6d. Bindley, pt. iv. 1083. C. R. — Minerva, or the Ai-t of Weaving : containing the Anti- quity, Utility, and Excellency of Weaving. Lond. 1677. 4to. 3 pts. 15s. In verse. Heber, pt. iv. 310, U. 10s. C. R.— A History of the Eughsh College at Doway. 1713. 12mo. C. R. 5'eeCHAMBEBLAINE,Ricll- ard. Cotton, Roger. Ceashaw, Richard. Cbowley, Robert. C. Ro. — Historicall Discourse of Muley Ilamet's Rising to the three Kingdomes of Moruecos, Fes and Sus. Lond. 1609. 4to. Black letter. Lloyd, 447, 2s. 6d. C. S. — See Cboxall, Samuel. C. T. — A spirituall Purgation ' sent vnto al them that laboure of Luthers Errour, as toucliing the bodely Prescns of Christe our Sa- uiour in the Sacrament, &c. Lond. Hugh Shigleton. 8vo. K, in eiglits, dedicated to Syr Thomas Wyat. • C. T.— A Glasse for the Times, &c. witli a briefe coUeetion of the Errors of our Times, and their Au- thors Names. Collected by T. C. a Fi-iend to Truth. Lond. 1648. 4to. Milton and his doctrine of Divorce arc noticed in p. 6 of this work. C. T. — See Cabtweight, Tho- mas. CHUECHYAEDjThomaS. COOPEE, Thomas. C. W. — The Adventures of Lady Egeria, containing her miserable Banishment by Duke Lampanus, lier Husbande. Lond. R. Walde- grave. 4to. Black letter. Steevons, 1180, 27. 6s. White Knights, 1523, 101. 6s. North, 81. 18s. 6d. C. W. — The renowned History of Fragosa, King of Arragon, and liis three Sonnes. Lond. 1655, 4to. Black letter, in 2 parts. Steevens, 1175. C. W.—See Oaky, Walter. COLMAN, W. Cabala, sive Scrinia Sacra : Mys- teries of State and Government, in Letters : to wliich is added, in tliis tliird Edition, a second Part, con- sisting of a choice Collection of original Letters and Negotiations, never before published. Lond. 1691. folio. Best edition. Dent, pt. i. 497, russia, 15s. Heath, 4433, U. 16s. Roscoe, 477, l^ 16s. An excellent notice of this valu- able but undigested mass, vf'M be found in the Uetr. Kev. N. S. ii. 23.— First edition, Lond. 1651, 4to. 2 vols, and vol. iii. enti- tled Scrinia Ceciliana, 1663, 4to. — Second edition, 1663, folio, pp. 416, and table, like- wise a preface and alphabetical table, Garrick, 533,9s. The word Cabal is formed from the Initial Letters of the names of five ministers in Charles the Second's time; viz. Clitlbrd, Ashby, Buckingham. Arlington and Lauderdale. Cabinet. — The rich Cabinet fur- nished with a Varietie of exquisite Diseriptions, exquisite Characters, 344 CJED CJE8 witty Discourses, and delightful Histories. Loud. 1616. 12mo. I89. Another work entitled the Golden Ca- binet of true Treasure, containing the Summe of morall Philosophie. Lond. 1612, ISmo. 7s. Cd. Cabinet. The Cabinet of Mh-th. 1674. Perry, pt. i. 2310, ISs. 6d. — The Cabinet, by a Society of Gentlemen. Norwich, 1794-5. 12mo. 3 vols. A political paper, published by a So- ciety of Gentlemen at Norwich. It was commenced in Oct. 1794. Cabrera, Dr. Paul F. Descrip- tion of the Ruins of an ancient City discovered near Palenque, Kingdom of Guatemala, in Ame- rica ; from the original repoi't of Capt. Don Antonio del Rio : fol- lowed by a critical investigation into the History of the Americans. Lond. 1822. 4to. 5s. Cacklogallinia. • — A Voyage to Cacklogaliinia. 1727. Svo. with a frontispiece. Bindley, pt. iii. 1782, 5s. 6d. Stanley, 685. 12s. Cadell, W. a. Joui^ey in Car- niola, Italv, and France in the Years 1817, isis. Edinb. 1820. Svo. 2 vols, with 33 plates. 1^. 16s. Cadenedus, Jacobus, M. D. Astrteas Venetoe Plavsvs in Caroh II. Stvarti M. Br. Regis Instaura- tione. Patav. (1661.) 4to. Another, entitled Pallas Pronvba, in Nvptiis Caroli Secvndi & Catheriuaj Mag. Br. Franc. & Hiber. Keg. Potentiss. Pa- tav. 1662, J ; half title ' Something Supplemen- tiry ;' table of contents, 2 pp.; ' Of tlie House of Scholars of Merton,' pp. 59-158, also nine plates. Bindley, pt. i. 170, 5s. 6d. North, pt. i. 132', 5s. 6d. Statuta Coll Reginatis apud Cantab, anno 1559, a Regis commissariis refor- mata, accedunt interp. Statuorura a pre- side et sociis. Cantab. 1832, 4to. Edited by G. C. G. (the Rev. G. Corn. Gorham). H) copies printed for use of the fellows only, and 4 on vellum for tlie College. Churches of Cambridgeshire, published by the Cambridge Camden Society, viz., Cheriy Hinton, Trurapington, Histon, Harlton, Haslingfield, 7 parts, irapl. 8vo. 20 lithographs, besides woodcuts. 1815, 10s. 6d. Le Keux's Memorials of Cambridge, with historical and descriptive accounts, by Tliomas Wright and H. L. Jones. Lond. 1845, Svo. 2 vols. 76 plates, '21. 2s. large paper, il. 14s. Proofs, 61. 6s., since much reduced. Of the noble and extensive Public Li- brary at Cambridge no catalogue has yet appeared. In Dr. Con. Middleton's Misc. Works, 4to. vol. Hi. p. 475-520, is a method of arrangement. Catalogue of Queen's College Library, sec Home. Cambridge University Transactions dur- ing the Puritan Controversies of tlie 16th and 17th Centuries, collected by Jas. lley- wood .and Tlios. Wright. Lond. 1854, 2 vols. Svo. 15s. Early Cambridge University and Col- lege Statutes, from the 13th to the 16th Century, in Englisli, collected by James Hey wood. Lond. 1855, 2 vols. Svo. 13s. 6d. Cambridge Antiquarian Society. See Appendix. Cambiidge Philosophical Society. Ste Appendix. Cantrabrigia Depicta, See Harraden R. B., Wilson (Jos.) Camden, William. Britannia, sive florentistiiniorvm Regnoi-vm Anfi;lia', St-otiyc, Hiberniic, ct lu- .•^ularvm adiat'cntiuni csiiitima An- CA\r CAM 357 tiquitatc chorographica Descriptio. | Loud. 1586. 8vo. I ' The coniinon sun, whereat our modem writers have II 11 lighted tlu'ir little torches.' — Nicnhoii. [This Wdik passed through eight editions hetween 1586 and 1,590.] l^irst edition, dedicat«d to Sir W. Cecil, Lord Unrghley, then an address to the reader, and several commendatory verses. England, on 476 pages; Scotland con- tinued to p. 48.5. Ireland has a separate title page, dedicated 'Domino Edwardo Hobeio, Eqniti anrato,' &c. continued to p. 5.5G, then tables of the ancient and modern names. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 485, 10s.— 1587, 8vo. England on 550 pji. Scotland continued to p. 648. The Saxnn alphabet illustrated, and an additional index. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 483, 5s. Nassau, pt. i. 504, 9s. Card. Fesch, 345. 1/. 6s.— 1590. 8vo. England on 662 pp. Scotland continued to p. 671; Ireland, having a separate title, to p. 719 ; Insula; Kritannicie, to p. 762. At the end are tables and an index. — 1594. 4to. The whule on 717 pages, besides prefixes and artixes. Brockett, 729, 4s. Towneley, pt. i. 502, 5s.— 1600. 4to. 831 pages, ded'icated to the Queen, and at the end of the tables is an epistle ' Ad lectorem,' 30 pages. There is likewise a frontispiece, engraved by W. Rogers ; two maps of England, as under the Romans and the Saxons ; seven plates of Roman coins ; and a view of Stone- lienge. Bindley, pt. ii. 333, 3s. In this fifth edition Camden made use of Brooke's corrections, sliewing nevertheless in the Latin reply, prefixed to it, the most per- fect disdain of his antagonist's abilities. ■Sw BiiooKE, Ralph.— [,0Md. G. Bishop, 1607. folio. The last edition, corrected by the author. Gordonstoun, 680, K. — Foreign editions. Francof. 1.590.— .\mst. 1617.— Francof. 1616. 8vo.— F.eidaj, 1639.— Amst. 1648. fol.— Amst. 1659. fol. &c. Britannia, in Epitomen contr.icta a Reg- nero Vitellio ZiriziBO. Amst. 1639, 12mo. 3s. An 'unskilful epitome.' — Nicolson. Camden", W. Britannia, trans- lated newly into English by Philemon Holland, M.D. finally revised, &c. by the said Author. Lond. 1637. foho. A notice of this work, and of others ou the subject of County History, will be found in the Retr. Rev. ix. 207—38. Ros- coe, 517, 8s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 760, 11. 6s. A former edition, 1610, folio. Bindley, pt. i. 952, 5s. A translation of the Britannia, by Richard KuoUes, fol. MS. is in the Ashmolean Museum at Ox- ford. 'It forjnurly belonged to Camden. See Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. ii. 82. — Britannia : or, a Chorogra- phieal description of Or. Britain and Ireland, together with adjaoont Isl.inds. Written in Latin by William Camden ; and translated into English with additions and improvement by Ednunid Gibson, D.D. late Lord Bishop of London. Lond. 1772. folio. 2 vols, with por- traits and maps. The names of those who assisted Bishop Gibson in his editions of Camden, are given in the Censura Litcraria. Marquis of Townshend, 623, '21. 2s. r.AROE paper. The former editions of thislJishop's trans- lation appeared : — Lond. 1695, folio. 1 vol. Koxburghe, 8554, 9s. large paper. Gar- rick, 5,?4, 16s.- 1722, fol. 2 vols. Combe, 614, 21. 2s. Stevens, 1816, 11. 3s. LARGE PAPER. Sir P. Thomson, 184, 11. 14s. Dent, pt. i. 502, 21. 7s.— 1753. LARGE PAPER. Two parts and a portion of a third of a translation by W. (). (William Oldys) were printed in 4to. without date. — Britannia, translated from the Edition published by the Author in MDCVii. Enlarged by the latest Discoveries by Richard Gough. Lond. 1789. foho. 3 vols. Best edition (so called, but queiy why) with maps and other copper plates. Marq. of Townshend, 624, russia, 121. 12s. Brock- ett, 542, 91. 9s Nassau, pt. i. 674, russia, 13/. 13s. Fonthill, 2439, 171. Dent, pt. i. 503, with the maps coloured, russia, 10/. 15s. Roxburghe, 8555, 9/. 9s. Sir M. M. Sykes. pt. i. 761, 10/. 5s. In the Bodleian is a copy, greatly augmented and illustrated with additional plates and drawings fur a new edition bequeatlied to the library by Gough. The edition of 1806, folio, 4 vols, is a reprint of the 3 vols, with additions and corrections to the first volume, the only one Gough superintended, having quarrelled with the publisher. John Ni- chols, F.S.A., superintended the remain- ing volumes. The tine paper copies have the maps coloured. Drury, 1002, russia, 13/. 2s. 6d. FINE PAPER. Sir M.M. .Sykes, pt. i. 762, 13/. 2s. 6d. — Institutio Grrecse Gramma- tices compendiaria, in Usum Eegise Scholar Westmonasteriensis Lond. 1597. 8vo. Of this work the editions are innume- rable. — Reges, Reginije, Nobiles et alij in Ecclesia Collcgiata B. Petri 358 CAM CAM Westmonasterii sepvilti, usque ad Annum 1606. Lond. 160G. 4to. A — L 4. In this collection of epitaphs are included many that have been since di'stroved or effaced. Towneley, pt. ii. 1404, Ss. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 2345, 3s. Bind- lej', pt. ii. 8.30, 19s. large paper. — An edition. Lond. 1600. 4to. K 6. in fours. Goiigh, 31.36, 7s. Steevens, 184.5, 8s. 6d. Again, with additions said to be made from a collection begun by .lohn Slcelton, the poet. 1603, 4to. White Knights, 3568, 9m. Camdex, W. Annales Eervm Anglicarum et Hibernicarvm reg- nanteElizabetha. Prima Pars emeu- datior, altera nunc primum in liicem edita. Liigd. Bat. 1628. 8vo. 5s. Published by Elzevir. Reprinted Leyde. EIz. 1628, 1639. Amst. Elz. 1677, 8vo. The first edition of part i. (to the year 1589) appeared Lond. 1615, fol. Roscoe,473, 8s. 6d. (to which may be joined the second part. Lond. 1627, folio). The best edition of the complete work appeared, Oxon. 1717, 8fo. 3 vols. See Hearne, Thomas. — Annals, or the Historic of Elizabeth, late Queen of England. Translated into English by R. N. Gent, with divers Additions of the Authors never before published. The third Edition. Lond. 1635. folio, with port, and front. 7s. ' A most exquisite history, undertaken by the special directions and command of tlie great Lord Cecil.' — Nimlson. Sir P. Thompson, 195, 9s.— 1630, with port, of Q. Kliz. fol. 10s. 6d. Roscoe, 1837, 17s.— 167.5, fol. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 763, 9s. —1688, folio, with portrait, 12s. Dent, pt. i. 500, russia, 19s. The Life of Elizabeth, translated by Davis, with an Appendix : also, the An- nals of K. James I. never before in En- glish, will be found in the second volume of Kennet's History of England. For other editions, see Brown, Thomas, U.D. D'Ab- cii;, Abraham. [.\nnalcs des choses qui se sont pass^es en Augleterre et en Irelande sous le rigne d'Elizabeth jusqu'en 1589. Tra- duit par Paul de Bellegent. Lond. Field. 1624, 4to. Another translation (to 1603) appeared in Paris, 1627, 4to.] — Remains concerning Britain. The seventh Edition, much amend- ed, &c. by Jolm Philipot and W. D. Lond. 1674. small 8vo. portrait. Bciit edition, consisting of pp. 556, with a table and portrait of Camden by White. Dedicated to Prince Charles Lodowick, Nassau, pt. i. 505, 13s. — First edition, l(i0.5, liindley, pt. i. 2027, 4s. 6d. -1614 or 16'23. 4to. Steevens, 1731, russia, 5s. Bindley, pt.i.2028,3s.— 1627.— 1629. pp.346. Bindley, pt. 1. 2029, 3s. 6d.— Fifth edition, 1636 or 7, 4to. Heath, 4386, 8s. Dent, pt. i. 635, 10s. Wiiite Knights, 4636, 17s. A Copy on LARGE PAPER is in the Grenville Library. — Sixth edition, 1657, 4to. Steevens, 1732, 4s. 6d. Bindley, pt. 1. 2030, 7s. Edwards, 578, 16s. — A Description of Scotland, with a supplement by Sir James Dalrymple. EcUnb. 1695. Svo. ' A noble edition.' — Nicolson. Dent, pt. i. 384, 4s. 6d. — Anglica, Hibernica, Norman- nica, Cambrica, a Veteribus scripta : ex Bibhotheca Gvilielmi Camdeni. Francof. 1602 or 3. folio. A valuable collection of old English his- torians. Towneley, pt. ii. 146, 30s. Bi- sliop Randolph, 195, bl. Gough, 696. 2Z. 15s. Gordonstoun, 112, 11. 15s. Heber, \l. 18s. —1664 ? Heath, 4494, 3<. 6s. Contents. — Asser llenevensis. Anonymus de Vita Gulielmi Conquestoris. Thomas Walsiugham. Thomas de la More. Gu- lielmus Gemiticensis. Giraldus Cam- breusis. See Garnet, Henry, — Camdeni insignia. Oxon. 1624. 4to. 12s. An Oxford collection of verses written on the death of that learned antiquary. — Guillelmi Camdeni et illus- trium Vu'orum ad G. Camdenum Epistolfe, cum appendice varii argimienti accesserimt annalium Regni Regis Jacobi I. apparatus et commentarius de Antiquitate, Dig- nitate et Officio Comitis MarescaUi Angliae. Prsemittitur Camdeni Vita, seriptore Thoma Smitlio. Lond. 1691. 4to. Pp. 613, with port, of Camden, set. 58, 1609, by White. Roxburghe, 6809, 4s. 6d. LARGE PAPER. Bindley, pt. ii. 334, 17s. Camden Society Publications. See Ap- pendix. Camei, Thomas. Camelles Re- ioindre to Churchyarde or Camelles Conclusion. Jmprinted by Hary Sutton, folio. In verse, consisting of four sides* folio. His answer ' To Goodman Chappels Sup- plication' is contained in 20 lines of a very CAM CAM 359 odd kind of English poetry, spelt strangely and signed ' Thomas C'ainell.' Si'e Ames, by Herbert, ii. 845-6, and iii. 1571. Camekabius, David. De Statu Hominis vetoris siimil ac nova) Eeclesisc et Infidelium Conversioiie. Catalauni, 1G27. 4to. Mentioned liy Bp. Nicolson in his Scot- tisli Historical Library. — Do Scotorum fortttiidine, doc- trina et pietate, ac de ortu et pro- gi'esau liacresis in Regiiis Scotia; et Anglisc, Libri qvatvor. Paris, 1G31. 4to. Oordonstoun, 484, 15s. 6d. Bindley, pt. ii. 3H1, 1/. 10s. Hanrott, 51 2s. 6d. — P. J/iving Libravie, done into English by J. Mollc, with Addi- tions by his Sonne. Lond. 1625. fol. Gordonstouii, 650, 5s. 6d. An edition, 1G21, folio. Cameuon, Archibald. The Life of Dr. Archibald Cameron, Brother to Donald Cameron of Lochiol, Chief of that Clan. Lond. 1753. 8vo. witli portrait, 3s. 6d. Tlie portrait prefixed is that of Colley Gibber. Memoirs of Dr. Archibald Cameron, by Andrew Hen-'crson. Lond. 1753, 8 vo. Treason, Sedition, and IJebellion fully and impartially considered. With Ko- inarks npon the case of the unhappy Dr. Cameron. Lond. 1753, 8vo. — Charles. Tlie Baths of the Romans exjilained and illustrated, with the Restorations of PaUadio corrected and improved : to which is jjrefixed an introductory Preface, pointing out the Nature of the Work, and a Dissertation upon the State of tlie Aj-ts during the different periods of the Roman Empire. Lond. 1771. atlas foho. 3/. 3s. 77 plates. [Some copies have the ceilings coloured.] In English and French. Combe, 613, 11. 2s. Towneley, pt. ii. 519, SI. 3s. Font- hill, 1805, 5^ 15s. Edwards, 196, with the plates of the ancient ceilings and pictures coloured, 111. lis. — Jenny. See Aebuthnotj Archib. Camfield, Benjamin. A theo- logical Discourse of Angels and their Ministries. Lond. 1G78. 8vo. 4s. Camoens, Luis de. TIic Lu.siad, or Portugalls historieall Poem : written in the I'ortingall Language, and now newly ])ut into English by Richard Eaiishaw. I^ond. 1(J55. foho. Pp. 246, dedicated to William Earle of Stafford, with a bnst-portrait of Camoens, and full-length portraits of Prince Henry of Portugal and Vasco de Gama. A cri- ti((ne on this version will be found in the Quarterly Ueview, xxvii. 26—9. Heath, 2139, 11. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt ii. 106, rnssia, 11. 6s. Bindley, pt. i. 1137, 11. iOs. Lloyd,818(title Wiinting),2i. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 256, 3/. 10s. — The Lusiad : or the Disco- very of India, translated by Wm. Jidius Mickle. Second Edition (with some Emendations and Ad- ditions). Oxford, 1778. 4to. 10s. 6d. According to the Quarterly Kcview, a higlily admii'able but unfaithful transla- tion of this prince of Portuguese poets. Heath, 2140. 11. lis. 6d. The tirst edition appeared 1776, 4to. 7s. 6d. Reprinted 1798, 8vo. 2 vols. Edwards, 1.58, 10s. 6d. —1807, 12mo. 3 vols, witli plates. — The Lusiad, an Epic Poem, in ten Cantos. Trauslated into English Verse, with Notes by Thomas Moore Musgrave. Lond. 1826. 8vo Published at 1/. Is. The Lusiad. books I — V., translated by Ed. Quilliuan, with notes by J. Adam- son. Lond. 1863, 8vo. 5s. — Poems, with Remarks on his Life and Writings, Notes by Lord Viscoinit Strangford. Lond. 1804. 12mo. Pp. 160. Lord Byron observes, 'It is to be remarked, that tlie things given to the public as Poems of Camoens, are no more to be found in the original Portuguese, than in the Song of Solomon.' — 1808, 12mo.— 1810, 12mo. Brockett, 2928, 7s. —1824. 12mo. Memoirs of Camoens, by John Adam- son, 1820, post 8vo. 2 vols., also on largb PAPBU. Campaigns. — The History of the Campaigns of 1796 and 1797, in Germany and Italy ; and of the Campaigns of 1799 in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Holland, 360 CAM CAM Translated from the French. Lond. 1800-1. 8vo. 5 vols. 21. 2s. Roxburghe, 8550, 5 vols. '21. 2s. A History of the Campaigns of the Bri- tish Forces in Spain and Portugal. Lond. 1812-14, 8vo. 5 vols. 18s. large papeh, \l. 5s. The Triumphs of Europe in the Cam- p.iigns of 1812, 13, and 14, commemorated 1)V a series of twelve views coloured. Lond. 1814, folio. Duke of York, 1250, 1?. 4s. The Campaign of Waterloo, pub- lislied by Bowyer, 1816, folio. Duke of York, 1254, II. 7s. The Campaigns of the Duke of Welling- ton. Paris, 1817, folio, imperial vellum PAPER. Duke of York, 1255, morocco, 15s. ON VELLUM. Duke of York, 1256, morocco, ni. 17s. Anotlier, published by Colnaghi, 1812, folio. Uuke of York, 1015, proofs, some on India paper, \l. 19s. A Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, under General Ross, Pakenhain and Lambert, in tlie years 1814 and 1815 ; with some Account of the Countries visit- ed. Uy the Author of ' The Subaltern.' Lond. 1826, Svo. 12s. In tliis excellent work, the author describes the scenes and feelings which belong to a soldier's life, with peculiar clearness and force. Campan, Madame. Memoirs of the private Life of Marie Anto- nette Queen of France and Na- varre : to which are added, Recol- lections, Sketches and Anecdotes, illustrative of the Reigns of Louis XIV. Louis XV. and Louis XVI. Lond. 1823. Svo. 2 vols. IZ. 8s. The same in French, Svo. 2 vols. Pub- lished at 1/. 4s. [JIad. Camp.aii also wrote her own memoirs, called ' Private Jour- nal/ &c., Svo. 10s. 6d.] Campanella, Thomas. Advice to the King of Spain for attaining the universal Monarchy of the World, transl. into English by Ed. CliUmead, with an admonitorie Preface by William Prynne. Lond. 1659. 4to. 5s. Another work, entitled Discourse tonch- ijig the Spanish Monarchy. 1654, 4to. 5s. Campania. — Strange Newes from Campania a Province in Italy. Printed at Attalia in the Yeare 1617. 4to. 10s. 6d. Pp. 8. .\. copy is in the I'.iitish Museum. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 659, 3^. 3s. Campbell, A. D. Grammar of the Teloogoo Language, com- monly called the Gentoo. Madras, 1816. 4to. — Dictionary of the Teloogoo Language, commonly called tlie Gentoo. Madras, 1821. 4to. 5Z. Ss. — Alexander. Introduction to the History of Poetry in Scotland, with a conversation on Scottish Song. To which are subjoined Songs of the Lowlands of Scotland, with characteristic designs by David AUan. Edinb. 1798-9. 2 vols. 4to. Ninety copies printed. ' A valuable work, containing much interesting matter in a miscellaneous ionn.'—ParTi. Dent, pt. i. 637, 21. 2s. Bindley, pt. i. 1647,2?. 6s. Goldsmid, 151, 21. 2s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 887. Constable, 219, Zl. 4s. Gough, 858, U. lis. 6d. LARGE PAPER. Roxburghe, 3191, 3?. 4s. date 1788 ? Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 580, 3Z. 7s. date 1793? — Journey from Edinburgh through parts of North Britain. Lond. 1802. 4to. 2 vols. Pp. 840, with forty-four engravings. A model to the tourist. Nassau, pt. i. 640, 1^ Is. Roxburghe, 7218, russia, 21. 3s. — Imperial History of the Rebellion in Scotland in the Years 171-4-6 ; to which is added a Jour- nal of the Adventures and Escape of the Young Chevalier, after the Battle of CuUoden. Lond. 1804-, 13mo. 3s. 6d. — Alexander. History of Leith, from the earliest Accounts to the present Period ; with a Sketch of the Antiquities of the Town. Leith, 1824. Svo. 8s. 6d. — Hon. Archibald. Doctrine of a middle State between Death and the Resurrection ; of Prayers for the Dead and the necessity of. Purification. Lond. 1721. folio. 6s. A curious work, according to Boswell, ■written by a learned and respectable gen- tleman, a non-juring bishop. Bindley, pt. i. 1133, 9s. — Archibald, D.D. The Authen- ticity of the Gcspel-history justified: and the Truth of the Christian CAM C/VM 301 Revelation demonstrated, from the Laws and Constitution of lluman ]Mature. Edinb, 1759. 8vo. a vols. 10s. Campbell, Arch. Voyage round the World, from 1806 to 1812, in wliich Japan, Kamscliatka, the Aleu- tian Islands, and the yandwicli Islands were visited, &c. Ediub- 1816. 8vo. 6s. A work containingmucli curious and in- teresting information particularly relative to the Sandwich Islands. — Archibald. See Lexiphanes. — Colcn, John Wooli'E, and James Gandon. Vitruvius Britan- nieus, or, the British Architect ; containing the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the regidar build- ings, both pubhck and private, in Great Britain, with a variety of new designs. Loud. 1715, 17, 25, G7, 71, folio. 5 vols. 500 plates, Fonthill, 2513, vols. i. ii. iii. 61. 6s. 1723, vols. iv. V. 61. 16s. 6d. lakge paper, 5 vols. Nassan, pt. i. 675, Wl. 19s. Ed- wards, 183, russia, 301. Dent, pt. i. 504, -morocco, 321. Os. 6d. Roxburghe, 1647, vols. i. ii. iii. 31. 13s. 6d. Siipp. 713, vols. i. and ii. U. 5s. Bindley, pt. i. 938, vols. i. ii. iii. 21. 12s. 6d. — Donald. Joiu'ney over Land to India, partly by a route never gone before by any European. Loud. 1795. 4to. Pp. 504. Fonthill, 3102, 31. Is. Rox- burghe, 7316, 7s. 6d. An Abridgment, 1796, 12mo. 3s. — Duncan. See Defoe, Daniel. Haywood, Ehza. — George, D.D. Lectures on Ecclesiastical History: to which is added, an Essay on Christian Temperance and Self-denial. With some Account cf the Life and Writings of the Author, by the Eev. G. S. Eleith. Loud. 1813. 8vo. 2 vols. 16s. A most valuable and excellent work, d isplaying profound and accurate resea rcb . All edition, ISOO. Gosset, 1063, lis. Aber- deen, 1815, 8vo. 2 vols, Uepriuted lb24, bvo. 1 vol. 7s, The Philosophy of Klietoric. Lond. 1776, Bvo. 2 vols. 12s. Heath, 135, 16. Reprint- ed Kdmb. 1816, bvo. 2 vols. 15s. and in 1 vol. 8vo. 1823. An Abridgment by .Jameson, 1823, 12mo.7s. 6d. Lectures on systematic Thecjingy and Pulpit Kliiquence. 1807, 12mo. 7s. 6d. A Dissertation on Miiach'S, witli a Cor- respondence (in till! Suliject by Air. Hume, Dr. (Jampbejl, ami Dr. lilair. To wliich are added, h^ermons and Tracts. Edinb. 17il7, 8vo. 2 vols. 158. IJi^st edition of this mas- terly defence of the evidence arising fiom Miracles. Reprinted Edinb. 1812, 8vo.9s. Lectures on the Pastoral Character. Newly edited by J. Fraser, D.D. Lond. 1811, 8vo. 5s. — Translation of the Gospels. See Gospels. Campbell, Sir Hugli, of Calder. An Essav on the Lord's Prayer. Edmb. 1709. small 8vo. 4s. Constable, 1158, 7s. 6d. — Hugh, LL.D. The Case of Maiy Queen of Scots, and of Elizabeth Queen of England, drawn from the State Papers, and most authentic Sources. Lond. 1825. 8vo. 12s. — James. A Treatise on Mo- dem Faulconry. Edinb. 1773. 8vo. The introduction was written by the Rev. Alex, tiillies in ridicule of Lord Mon- boddo's origin and progress of language, then lately published. The account of hawking is fabulous. Bindley, pt. i. 1070, 5s. 6d. — John, LL.D. The roilitary History of Prince Eugene and the Duke of Marlborough. Loud. 1736. foHo. 2 vols. — History of the Old Testament, digested into the Order of Time. Loud. 1738. folio, 2 vols. 18s. In little estimation. — A political Survey of Britain. Lond. 1774. 4to. 2 vols. A very useful work, displaj'ing wonder- ful research and labour, though held in lit- tle estimation. The index is sometimes wanting. Bindley, pt. i. 1624, 13s. 6d. Ed- wards, 606, 14s. 6d. Towneley, pt. ii. 459, 19s. Reed, 3541, U. 5s. Steevens, 1742, V, 5s. Home Tooke, 116, II. 10s. Heath, 1410, U. 15s. — Lives of the British Admirals, by H. Redhead Yorke and W. Ste- venson. Lond. Barrington, 1812-17. 362 CAM 8vO. 8 vols. 21. 23. lABGE PAPER, 31. 3s. Best edition, with portraits, large pa- PEB, 2?. 2s.— 1744. 8vo. 4 vols. Reed, 4896, js. — 1799, Svo. 4 vols, witli maps and fronts.— 1781. 4 vols. Stanley, 55, 2/.— Edinb. 1785,8vo. 4 vols. — Lond.'stockdalP, 1813, royal 8vo. 8 vols, portraits, 11. lis. 6d. Campbell, John. Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius in the Courts of K. B. and C. P. from Mich. T. 48 Geo. III. to Hil. T. 56 Geo. III. 18ti7- 16. Lond. 1809-16. royal 8vo. 4 vols. 11. The reports are continued by Tho. Starkie and by Ryan and Moody. — Rev. John. Travels in South Africa, undertaken at the request of the Missionary Society. Lond. 1815, 1822. 8vo. 2 vols. These narratives contain accounts of some populous ti-ibes and large towns hi- therto unknown. Notices will be found in the Quart. Kev. xiii. 309-40, xxvii. 364-77. — John. The Strafford Peer- age : to which are prefixed genea- logical Tables containing a lineal Descent of the two noble Candidates (Richard Stafford Cooke and Sir George Jerningham, Bart.). Lond. 1818. 4to. Pp. 300, dedicated to the Prince Regent Two genealogical tables should accom- pany the work. — Robert. The Life of Jolni Duke of Argvle and Greenwich. Lond. 1745. Svo. Portrait. Pp. , with a genealogical table. Marq of Townshend, 325, 7s. 6d. Remarks upon the Life, in a Letter to Robert Campbell, Esq. Lond. 1745, Svo. — Thomas, LL.D. Strictures on the Ecclesiastical and Lite- rary History of Ireland, also an historical Sketch of the Constitu- tion and Government. Dublin, 1789 and 1790. Svo. 8s. A well-written and ingenious work. — Thomas (the Poet). Annals of Great Britain, from the Ascension of George III. to the Peace of Amiens. Edinb. 1807. 8vo. 3 vols. Hrockett, 006, 10s, Earl of Kerrj-, 21, 16s. CAM — Specimens of the British Poets, with biographical and criti- cal notices, and an Essay on En- glish Poetry. Lond. 1819. crown Svo. 7 vols. A much-eBteemed selection. Brockett, 570, 21. 2s. Drury, 683, mor. 51. 15s. 6d. Reprinted, Lond. 1844, in one vol. royal Svo. 15s. Of the essay prefixed to the first volume, three copies were printed onijaper of an imperial octavo size. — Poetical Works, now first collected. Lond. 1828. post Svo. 2 vols. 18s. Prefixed is a portrait after Sir Thomas Lawrence. Illustrated edition, with vig- nettes after Turner. Lond. 1848, 8vo. U. India proofs, 1?. 10s. Gertrude of Wyoming and other Poems. Lond. 1809, 4to.— 1810, Svo. -1816, 12mo. —1820, 12mo. with plates after Westall. Theodric, a domestic tale, with other Poems. Lond. 1824, fscp. 8vo. 8s. The Pleasures of Hope, Edinb. 1799, 12mo. First edition. — With other Poems. 1803, 4to. plates. Roxburghe, 3539, I63. White Knights, 4637, 13s. Frequently re- printed. ' One of the most beautiful didac- tic poems in our language.' — Lord Byron. The Pilgrim of Glencoe, and other poems. Lond. 1842, Svo. Letters from the South, containing an account of Algiers. Lond. 1837, Svo. 2 vols. Life of Mrs. Siddons. Lond. 1834, Svo. 2 vols. Life of Petrarch, Lond. 1841. 8vo. 2 vols, pnb. II. lis. 6d. Frederick tlie Great and his times. Lond. 1843. Svo. 4 vols. New edition, 1844. post Svo. 2 vols. History of our own Times, vols. 1 and 2. Lond. 1843-5, Svo. (Written anonymously.) Life and Letters, with several unpub- lished Poems, edited by Dr. Beattie. Lond. 1848. Svo. 3 vols., pub. at 21. 5s., now 123. CAiiPEXSis, John. A Paraphra- sis vpon aU tlie Psalmes of Dauid, traslated oute of Latyne into En- glyshe. 1535. 24mo. B, in eights. Prefixed is an epistle •■ Vnto the Reader.' After the Psalms is a table, and ' The boke of Solomon called Ecclesiastes.' Camper, Peter. The Works ou the Connexion between the Science of Anatomy and the Arts of Draw- ing, Painting, Statuary, &c. in two Books. Translated from the Dutch, CAM 363 by T. Cogaii, M.D, Loud. 1791. 4to. 15s. Pp. 200, with 17 plates. Campion, Edmund. A true Re- port of the Disputation, or rather priuatc Conference, hatl in tlic Tower of London, with Ediii. Cam- pion, lesuite. Lond. Chi-. Barkei-, 1583. 4to. This is considered the best vindication of tlie proceedings against Ediu. Campion. Keed, 3542, U. 12s. An Advertisement and Defence for Tiueth against her Hackbitcrs, and spe- cially against the whispering Favourers and Colourers of Campion's, and the rest of his Confederals Treasons. 1581, 4to. One sheet of four leaves, the last page blank. A briefe Censure vppoa two Bookes written (by W. Charko and II. Ilanmer) in Answers to M. Edmonde Campions ( iflfer of Disputation. Doway, by Jolin Lyon, 1581, 16rao. 84 pp. Lloyd, 319, lis. Koscoe, 624, 8s. Ascribed to Kob. Parsons. To this censure W. Charke made a reply. A particular Declaration or Testimony of the undutiful and traytorous Afiection borne against her Majesty, by Edmond Campion, Jesuit, and otlier condemned Priests, witnessed by their own Confes- sions. Lond. 1582, 4to. 3 sheet.s and a half. Lloyd, 493, 9s. Inglis, 326, 17,s. Nassau, pt. i. feSO, inlaid, IZ. 18s. Towne- ley pt. ii. 1567, 8s. Reprinted in the sixth number of Morgan's Phffinix Britannicus. A true Keporte of the Death and Mar- tyrdome of M, (Edmund) Campion, lesuite and Prieste, and M. (Rodulph) Sherwin, and M. (Alexander) Bryan, Preistes at Tiborne, the first of December, 1581. Ob- served and written by a Catholic Priest, which was present thereat. Whereunto is annexid certayne Verses made by sun- drie Persons, no place or date. (Doway, 1582), 16mo. A— Gu. 26 leaves. This anonymous tract Is attributed to Robert Parsons. Lloyd, 1095, 4?. 9s. Bright, 4Z. 8s. It was written in answer to one by Ant. Munday, entitled A Discoverie of Ed- mund Campion and his Confederates. 1582, 12mo. ; has been translated into French, Paris, 1582, 12mo. and into Italian, Turino, 1682, 4to. A Defence of the Censure gyuen vpon two Bookes of William Charke and Mere- dith Hanmer, whiche they wrote against M. Edmond Campion, and against his Offer of Disputation. An. 1582, 8vo. Pre- fixed are an epistle by ' The setter forth of this booke'(». «. Robert Parsous). 'The auswere to the preface.' ' The contentes.' The censure is given entire in paragraphs, printed in Italics ; tlie defence of each follows, printed in Roman. 173 pages, be- uide the prefixes, and a table at the cud. r Edmvndi Campiani lesvita; Ilationes deeeui, quibus fretus, Certamen Anglica- ii;e Kcclesia! Ministris olitulit iu Causa Fidei, et ad Gvlielmi Whitakex'i Res- ponsio. Antv. 1582, 8vo. 7s. Edmvndi Campiani oblati Certamlnis in Causa Fidei Rationes decem redditi Academicis Anglise. Addita est brevis Narratio Vitgj & Martyrii eiusdcm Cam- piani. Ingolst. 1584, 12mo. Rationes decem qvibus fretvs Certamen Adversariis obtvlit in Causa Fidei Ed- mundus Campianus. Herbip. 1589, 12nio. Tliis work, says Granger, written against the Protestant religion, has been solidly answered by several of our best divines. The Roman Catholics, according to Ant. k Wood, count it an epitome of all their doctrine. — Rochelle, 1585, 8vo. — Cadonii, 1616.— Antv. 1631, 3s. 6d. ' These reasons were first printed in the house of one Stonor, a Oath. gent. living near to Heu- ley, in Oxfordshire, an. 1581, aftei-wards, at least five times, publicly beyond the seas, (of which one was at Aug. Trev. 1583 in Concertat. Eccles. Cath.) and at length were translated into English. Lond. 1687, 4to. These reasons were very learnedly answered by Will. Whittaker of Cambridge, and replyed upon by John Durey, a Scot; which Durey was an- swered by Dr. Laur. Humphrey.' — Jut. it Wood. Edmvndi Campiani Opuscula omnia nunc primum e MS, edita. Jlediol. 1625, 16mo. Campion, Edmund. Sr^e Mundav, An- thony. CiiAKKE, William. Hanmer, Me- redith. Ellvot, George. Whitaker, William. Bombin, Paul. A Life of Cam- pion will be found in Dr. Bliss' edition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. i. 473-8. Campion, Thomas. Observa- tions in the Art of Enghsh Poesie. Printed by Kic. i'ield, 1G02. square 12mo. This gave rise to Daniel's Defence of Rhyme. The observations, consisting of 25 leaves, are reprinted in Ancient critical Essays upon English Poets and Poesy. Lond. 1815, 4to. Campion's object was to prove that tlie English tongue was capa- ble of admitting as m.any and various measures as the Greek and Latin, and to explode what he terms ' the childish titi- lation of riming.' The Description of a Maske, presented before the Kinges Majestie, at White- Ilall, in Honour of the Lord Hayes, and his Bride, Daughter and Heire to the Lord Dennye. Lond. 1607, 4to. On the back of the title is a whole-length figure of a man richly di'essed in the costume of the stage. Roxburghe, 4543, 15s. Dent, 3G4 CAM CAN pt. i. G38, 1?. Is. RliodoB, 705, 101. Re- printed ill Xicbols' ProKi'cssesof K. Jas. I. A Relatiun of the late Royall Enter- tainmeut given by the Lord Knowles, at Cawsonie House neere Redding, to Queen Anne, in her Piogresse towards the Bathe, vpon the seuen iind eight and tweutie Dayes of Aprill 1613. Lond. 1613, 4to. White Knights, 1549, morocco, 11. 2s. Garrick, 1845. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i.592. 21. 5s. pt. lii. 791, 11. Is. Dent, pt. i. 1145, 31. lis. liliodes, 707, 101. Reprinted in Nichols' Progie.-ses of K, James I. Songs (7) of Mourning : bewailing the vntimely Death of Prince Henry. Word- ed by Tlio. Campion. And set forth to bee sung with one Voyce to the Lute or Violl: By John Coprario. Lond. 1613, folio. Ten leaves, bl. 5s. A copy of this publication, inscribed in a copy of Latin verses to Frederick, Count Palatine, the brother-in-law of I'rince Henry, is in the Bodleian Library. The Description of a Maske, presented in the Banqueting Koome at \\ liitehall, at the Mariage of the Earl of Somerset and the Lady Frances Howard. Whereunto are annexed divers clioyse Ayres com- posed from this Maske, that may be sung with a single Voyce to the Lute or Base- viall. Lond. 1614, 4to. Dent. pt. i. 639, 11. 7s. pt. ii. 723, 31. 4s. Rhodes, 706, 10?. Jolley, 1S43, 5^. 7s. 6d. Reprinted in Ni- chols' Progresses of K. James I. Tho.Canipiani Epigraminatum Libri IL Vmbra. Lond. 1619, 12mo. Of the two Books of Epigrams, the first contains 225, the latter, -^28, then f dlows the Umbra, a long Poem, with 13 Elegies. A new Way of making fowre parts in Counter-point, by a most familiar and in- fallible Rvle. Secondly, a necessary Dis- course of Keyes and their proper Closes. Thirdly, the allowed Passages of all con- cords perfect, or imperfect, are declared. Also by Way of Preface, the Nature of the Scale is expressed, with a briefe Method teaching to sing. Pr. by T. S. for John Browne. 8vo. These musical instructions, probably published about 1613, were re- printed as • The Art of setting or com^ posing of Mvsick in Parts.' Lond. 1660, 8vo. as ' The Art of Descant, or composing Musick in Parts,' &c. 1674, 8vo. Some of Campion's poems are printed in Davison's Poetical Rhapsody. Campis, Thomas de. Fine not- able Chapytres moche profvtable for euery Man, dylygently to re- corde, and after do folowe thyr- tene Degrees of Mortyfycacyon. Impr. by me Eob. Wyer. 16mo. Contains c 6, in eights. At the end llec, Thomas de Campis.' Camus, C. S. L. A Treatise on the Teeth of Wheels, Pinions, &c. Translated from the French, with Additions. Lond. 1806. 8vo. lOs. 6d. A valuable work, illustrated by 15 plates. — John Peter, Bishop of Belley. Admirable Events, with morall Re- lations, translated into Ejiglish by S. Du A'erger. Lond. 1639. 4to. 2 pts. A description of this work will be found in the Ceusura Literaria. Steevens, 1186, 8s. 6d. Nature's Paradox : or, the innocent Im- postor, originally intituled Iphigenes, englished, from the French, by Major Wright. Lond. 1652, 4to. A romance, interspersed with poetry, pp. 372, besides 6 leaves of introductory matter. Prefixed is a frontispiece by Vaughan. Nassau, pt. i. 2149, date 1651, 9s. Bindley, pt. ii. 2130, 5s. 6d. The loving Enemie made English by Major Wright, as his Recreation during liis Imprisonment. Lond. 1650, 12mo. 4s. Several other of the pious stories, writ- ten by this prelate to counteract the ro- mances of his time have been translated into English. Canada. — The Canadian Free- holder. Lond. 1777-9. Svo. 3 vols. 9s. Written by Fr. Maseres,Cursitor Baron of the Court of Exchequer. — A few plain Directions for Persons intending to proceed as Settlers to Upper Canada. By an English Farmer settled there. Lond. 1820. 12mo. Pp. 100, with a map. A hastily written but useful little work. Canaie, Ch. Rich. Etchings, after the original Designs of Raf- faele, Parmegiano, Giudo Reni, &c. Lond. 1775. fol. Consisting of 119 nlates, published by BoydeU. Canaries. — The Conquest of the Grand Canaries, made this last summer by threescore and thirteene saile of shippcs, sent forth at the command and direction of the States general] of the United Proninces, to the Coast of Spaine and the CAN •sor, Canarie-Isles : with the taking of a towno in tlio He of Gomera, ami the successe of part of the saide fleete in their returne homeward. Whicli set saile for Spaine the 25 of Maie, and returned home the 10 of September, 1599. Loud, by P. S. for Wm. Aspley, 1599. 4to. sixteen leaves. Uepiinted in the fifth volume of tlie new edition of Hakluyt's Voyages. A pleasant Description of the foftunate Ilaniie.s. called the Hands of Oauaria, with their strange Fruits and Connnodities, composed by the poore Pil^rinio. Loud. Th. East, 1583, 16mo. Twelve leaves. In- glis, 254, ei, 6s. Canceller, James. Alphabet of Prayers. Lond. 1564. 16ino. White Knights, 690, nionx-co, 11. 15s. Anoth(!r edition, 1576, 16mo. In this al- pliabet ' many prayers have the first letter of them in alphabetical order : and the initial letter of others form his patron's name, Robert Dudley.' Tlie Path of Obedience. Lond. by John Wayland. 8vo. Dedicated to Queen Mary. A Treatise, wherein is declared the per- nitioiis opinions of those obstinate People of Kent. 8vo. Of the Life active & contemplative, en- titled. The Pearle of Perfection. Lund. 1558, 8vo. Canda, Charles du. Vie de S. Thomas (a Beeket) Archeresque de Cantorbie, avec les Constitutions royalles, qui ont cause son Exil et son Martyre : ensemble les Miracles aduenus par son Inter- cession en I'Abbaye de Domp. Martin pres de Hesdin en Artois. S. Omer, 1615. A copy is in the British Museum. Lloyd, 245, date 1616, il. 16s. Cancha. — A Description of Can- dia, in its antient and modern State : with an Account of the Siege thereof. Lond. 1670. 12mo. White Knights, 691,5s. A Relation of the Siege of Candia, 1670, 8vo. 5s. Caneparius, Petr. Maria. De Atraraentis cujuscunque generis Opus. Lond. 1660. -ito. VOL. I. H]). of KI\ , 083, 3fl. A former edition, Vc.u. 1619, 4to. Canisius, Peter. Catechisme, translated by Adam King of Edin- burgh, with Kallendar, and ane scliort Vaye scharing how we maye verdUy prsepare us to Confetision bellbir the receaving of the hahe Sacrament. Paris, 1588. 16nio. Roxburghe, 505, 31. 3s. Horner, 1854, velvet, 1^ 8s. Another translation by 11. Garnet. Lond 15U0, 8vo. St. Omers, 16'.i2, 8vo. Canne, John. Necessity of Se- paration from the Cliurch of Eng- land proved by the Nonconformist Principles. 1631. 4to. 7s. 6d. This learned English puritan of the rigid sect of Browuists or Independents is now principally known by a Bibl; with numerous parallel refiM-ences. He also wrote a nuinher of controversial piece.s, some of which are very curious. Canning, Ehzabeth. Genuine and impartial Memoirs of Elizabeth Canning. Loud. 1754. 12mo. 5s. Trials of Mai-y Squires and Susanna Wells. Lond. 1753, 4to. Nassau, pt. ii. 1335, 5s. The Case of Eliz. Canning fairly stated. Lond. 1753, 8vo. Reed, 4469, with ballads relative thereto, and sundry scraps from Newspapers, SI. 6s The hard Case of Mary Squires the Gipsey, and Susannah Wells. Lond. 1753> 8vo. 'The Case of Elizabeth Canniug fairly stated,' with a new title-page. The Story of Elizabeth Canning consi- dered. By Dr. Hill. Lond. 1753, 8vo. The Inspector inspected ; or Dr. Hill's Story of Elizabeth Canning examined and impartially considered. By Philologus, Lond. 1753, 8vo. A Letter to the Earl of . By a Clergyman. Lond. 1753, 8vo. A complete Answer to the Clergyman's Letter to the Earl of . By a wild Indian, suddenly landed from California. Lond. 1753, Svo. The Imposture detected. Lond. 1753, Svo. The controverted hard Case of Mary Squire's Magazine of Facts re-examined. Lond. 1753, Svo. with a piiut of the court at the Old Bailey. A physical Account of the Case of Eli- zabeth Canning. By James Silas Dodd. Lond. 17.53, Svo. Canning's Magazine. Lond. 1753, Svo -1751, 4to. B R 366 CAN Ca^hi^Q— continued. The Evidence of Elizabeth Canning fully confuted. By Biitannicus. Lend. 1753, 8vo. A clear State of the Case of Elizabeth Canning, by Henry Fielding, Esq. Lond. 1753, 8vo, The Truth of the Case ; or, Canning and Squires fairly exposed. Lond. 1753, 8vo. An Appeal to the Public, in Behalf of Elizabeth Canning. By Daniel Cox, M.U. Lond. 1753, Svo. The Account of Canning and Squires fairly baUanced. By a disinterested By- stander. Lond. 1753, Svo. An Address to the City of London, from Sir Crisp Gascoigne, Knt. late Lord Mayor. Lond. 1754, folio. A Refutation of Sir Crisp Gascoigne's Address to the Liverymen of Loudon. Lond. 1754, folio. An Ode to Sir Crisp Gascoign. By Mr. Brecknock. Lond. 1754, folio. A Refutation of Sir Crisp Gascoigne's Account of his Conduct, &c. Lond. 1754, 8vo. A Liveryman's Reply to Sir Crisp Gas- coigne's Address. Loud. 1754, Svo. A Counter Address to the Public. Lond. 1754, folio. The Chronicle of the Canningites and Egyptians or Gipsey ites. Lond. 1754, Svo. An Account of the mysterious Afl'air of Mary Squires and Elizabeth Canning. Lond. 1754, Svo. Koxburghe, 2003, 5s. A Letter from an unhappy young Lady, now under Conliueraeut in Newgate, to a certain right hon. Magistrate. Lond. 1754, folio. Truth triumphant; or, the genuine Ac- count of the whole Proceedings against Elizabeth Canning. Lond. 1754, Svo. A Collection of several Papers relating to Elizabeth Canning. Lond. 1754, Svo. Miss Canning and the Gypsy. By a Lover of Truth. Lond. 1754, Svo. Canning's Farthing Post. Lond. 1754, 4to. A true Narrative of the proceedings, with Remarks on the llvidence given, upon the memorable Trials of Mary Squires and Elizabeth Canning. Impar- tially considered by a Lover of Trutli. Lond. 1754, 8vo. Some .\ccoimt of the Case between Eli- zabeth Canning and Mary Squires. Lond. 1754, Svo. The Canniniad. Lond. 1754, folio, with a frontispiece. The unfortunate Maid, exemplified in the Story of Elizabeth Canning vindi- cated from every mean Aspersion thrown upon it. By an impartial Hand. Loud, 1754, Svo. The Trial of Elizabeth Canning, taken CAN in Short-Hand by T. Giiiney, S. Rudd, and I. Harman. Lond, 1755, folio. A full and authentic Account of the strange and mysterious Affair between Mary Squires a Gyp^ey and Elizabeth Camiirg. Loud. 1756, 12mo. with portraits and plates. A full Relation of every Thing that has happened to Elizabeth Canning, since Sentence has been passed upon her about the Gypsy. Svo. Virtue triumphant ; or, Elizabeth Can- ning in America. Lond. Svo. A collection of tracts, illustrated with portraits and prints. Nassau, pt. i. 881, 131. 5s.- Ten tracts. Baker, 127, 3^. Cannlng, George. Poems. Lond. 1767. 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 1646, 13s. Mr. Canning, father to the late premier, also published a translation of the Anti-Lucretius, which is reprinted in this volume. — Kt. Hou. Geo. The Speeches, with a Memoir of his Life, by R. Therry. Lond. 1828. Svo. 6 vols. 1845. 8vo. 6 vols. Mr. Canning contributed to the Anti- jacobin Review, and wrote several of the poems in a work entitled Poetry of the Antijacobin. [The Microcosm, edited by Gregory Griffin. Windsor, 1793, 12mo. 2 vols. Ano- ther edition, 1S09, 1826.— Political Life, by A. G. Stapleton. Second edition, with Appendix. Lond. 1831, Svo. 3 vols.] Canons. — Liber quorimdam Ca- nonum Disciplinse EcclesiiE Angli- cantc. Lond. 1571. 12mo. Twelve leaves. Two editions were printed by John Day. — A Booke of certaine Canons concernying some Parte of the Discipline of the Chiirche of Eng- la.nd. In the Yeare of Lord 1571. Loud. 1571. 4to. Sixteen leaves, the last blank. Sii M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 448, 21. 19s. — Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical!, gathered and put in Forme for the Governament of the Church of Scotland. Aberdeue, by Edw. Eaban, 1636. 4to. Gordonstoun, 428, 5s. 6d. Constable, 1047, 9s. Inglis, 327, 18s. Canova, Antonio. The Works ill Sculpture and Modelling, en- CA.1!T graved in oudine by ITenry Moses ; with descriptions from the Italian of the Countess Albrizzi, and a biograpliieal Memoir by Count Ci- oognara. Lond. 1824-8. imperial 8vo. 3 vols. 61. 6s. [now 21. Ss. Bohn]. 'I'liis work contains 148 plates of the works of Canova, very spiritedly etched, also six engravings of medals struck in honour of Canova, and his portrait, i.arok PAPEU, in imperial -tto.O/.Qs. INDIA papkii, (50 copies) 161. 16s. [Memoirs, by J. S. Memes, with a criti- cal analy.sis of his works. Edinb. 18"2.i, 8vo. port, and plates.] See Elgin Maiiules. Cant. — A Dictionary of the Canting Crew. Lond. 1700. 12mo. 10s. Gd. A new Canting Dictionary. Lond. 1725, 8vo. with frontispiece, lloxburglie, C701, 5s. Supplem. 766, 8s. Nassau, pt. i. 508, 17s. Canting Academy. 1674, with front. Reed, 1833, 10s. Koxburghe, 6693, 14s. New Dictionary of the Terms ancient and modern of tlie Canting Crew, in its several Tribes of Gipsies, Thieves, &c. Lond. 12mo. Reed, 1834, 6s. A Dictionary of all the Cant and Flash Languages. Lond. 1797, 8vo. 5s. See E. B.; Gkose, F. ; Bee, Jon. Cant^US, Andreas. Theses Phi- losophicse qnas Mareschallani Aliiin- ni, &c. publice propuguabunt, &c. Abred. 1G58. tiordonstoun, 551, 93. Cantemir, Demetrius. History of tlie G-rowth and Decay of the Otlnnan Empu-e : translated from the Latin by N. Tindal. Lond. 1734-5. foUo. Earl of Kerry, 417, date 1756, 17s. Canterbury. — An accurate De- scription and History of the metro- politan and cathedral Churches of Canterbmy and Yoi-k, fi'om their first Fomidation to the present Year. Lond. 1755. foUo. R — Nn 2, besides the title, an index of 3 pages, and a list of plates of the build- iflgs, &c. 1 page. An abridgment of Dart's Canterbury Cathedral and Drake's York. All the illustrations, 117 in number, of tliis CAN 3(37 publication are worked from the coppers originally engraved for those works. Sef llASTEU, E. DaUT, J. History of the Lives and Actions of the Archbishops of Canterbury, from Austin Poole. 1732, 8vo. 7s. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecie Eccle- siic Christi Cantuai'iensis. Cautuarite, 1743, 8vo. pp. 105. [Historical description of the Metropoli- tical Church of Christ, Canterbury, with observations on Cothic Architecture, and Lives of the Archljishops from St. Augus- tine to the present time. Cant. 1783, 8vo.] Translation of the several Charters, &c. granted to Canterbury, with a Description of the Boundaries of the City. 1791, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of the Rooks, both manuscript and printed, which are preserved in the Library of Christ Cliurch, Canterbury. 1802, 8vo. pp. 237, including two titles aiid an advertisement. By the Rev. H. J. Todd. 160 copies printed for the use of public libraries, &c. and not intended for sale. Canterbury. See Laud, Abp. of Canterbury. Canticles. See Solomon's Song. Cantilui'E, S. Thomas. The Life and Gests of S. Thomas Can- tilupe, Bishop of Hereford, Lord Chancellor of England. Collected by E.S.S.I. Gant, 1574. 8vo. Reed, 4721, lis, 6d. Roxburghe, 2.33, 13s. 6d. Lloyd, 107, 11. Is. Nassau, pt. i. 1991, 11. 10s. Bindley, pt. ii. 1170, 31. 4s. Towneley, pt. i. 468, russia, 31. 13s. 6d. Cautus, Songs and Fancies to three, four or five parts, both apt for Voices and Viols. With a brief Introduction to Musicb, as is taught in the Mvisick-school of Aberdeen. The third Edition, much enlarged and corrected. Oblong 4to. Aber- deen by John Forbes, 1682. First edition, Aberdeen, 1662. Second edition, Aberdeen, 1666. Canute, King of Denmark and of England. Canuti Eegis et Mar- tyris Historia. Hafniae, 1602. Gough, 724, 11. 2s. See GouGH, Richard. Cap and the Head, a pleasant dialogue. Imp. by H. Denham, 1565, 12mo. On the fantastic fashions of the reign of Q. Elizabeth. B B 2 368 CAP Caoussin (\Vm). The dylectable newesse and tithjnges of the glorious vietorve of the Ehodyans agaynestthe Turkes, translated from the Latin by John Kay, Poet Lau- reate, folio, no date or place (but probably Maehlinia 1482). 23 leaves. Copies are in tlie Granville Library, British Museum, and the Spencer Library. The latter from Mac Carthy's sale. Cape of Good Hope. — An Ac- count of the Colony of the Cape | of Good Hope, with a View to the j Information of Emigrants. 1819. | An excellent article on the Cape of Good Hope, with a notice of this valuable little work, will be found in the Quart. Kev. sxii. 203-46, XXV. 453-66. A Guide to the Cape of Good Hope. 1819, 8vo. 6s. 6d. Of no value. Notes on the Cape of Good Hope, made during an Excursion in that Colony in the Year 1820. Lond. 1821, 8vo. pp. 207, 7s. 6d. A valuable, though in some re- spects erroneous, work. Capel, Arthui', Lord. Daily Observations; or Meditations di- vine and moralL. 1654. 4to. Lloyd, 1007, 11. Is. Excellent Contemplations divine and morall of Arthur Lord Capel, with some Account of his Life, also his pious Advice to his Son the late Earl of Essex. Lond. 1683, 12mo. with portrait of Lord Capel, ai'ound which is a funei-eal border. Obsequies on that vnexemplar Cham- pion of Chivalrie and perfect Pattern of true Prowesse, Arthur Lord Capel (1648), folio. Capell, Edward. Prolusions ; or select Pieces of ancient Poetry : in tlu'ee parts, with a Preface. Loud. 1760. 8vo. Contents. — 1. The not browne Mayde ; Master Sackvilles Induction, and Over- bury'sWife. ii. Edward the third, a Play thought to be writ by Shakespeare, iii. Nosce teipsnm, by Sir John Davis. Nas- sau, pt. i. 510, 17s. Bindley, pt. i. 1026, 11. 3s. TJent, pt. i. 388, morocco, 11. 3s. Koxburghe, 3175, 11. 12s. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 129, 11. 15s. 130, morocco, 21. White Kniglits, 3847, morocco, 21. 10s. — Catalogue of Mr. Capell's Sliaksperiana ; presented by him CAP to Trinity College, Cambridge, and prmted from an e\act eo))y of his own MS. 1779. 8vo. Tliirty copies printed at the expense of George Steovens, Esq. who rt(£uested those to whom he presented copies to keep it from the sight of any bookseller, for other- wise it may have the means of rising Shaksperiana above 100 per cent. Bos- well, 503, 15s. Field, 511, 11. Is. [Re- printed in Hartshorne's Book Rarities in Cambridge, 1829. 8vo. pp. 290—319.] — Notes and various Readings to Shakespeare. Lond. 1779-80. 4to. 3 vols. Combe, 375, 11. 18s. Boswell, 590, 21. 18s. Lloyd, 450, 41. 17s. Bindley, pt. i. 1628, 51. 5s. Roxburghe, 3885, 5L 10s. Strettell, 573, riissia, 61. 2s. 6d. Part 1 is of very common occurrence. 5s. Capell-Beooke, a. de, M.A. Travels tlu-ough Sweden, Norway and Finmark to the North Cape, in the Summer of 1820. Lond. 1823, with hthograpliic prints. ' A volume by no means destitute of in- terest or amusement, written with tlie feelings and in the style of a gentleman.' — Quart. Eeview. A Winter's Journey through Lapland and Sweden, with Observations on Fin- mark and its Inhabitants, made during a Residence at Hanimerfest, near the North Cape. Lond. 1826, 4to. with 31 engravings, 31. 3s. Capellus, Ludov. Hinge of Faith and Religion, translated by Philip Marinel. Lond. 1660. 8vo. This eminent French protestant's Criti- ca Sacra is styled by Bp. Warburton a master-piece of criticism. Many of this writer's pieces will be found in tlie Critici Sacri. Capgra^t;, John. Lives of the Saints. See Legenda nova Anglige. [Capgrave's Chronicle of England, print- ed from the autlior's Autograph in the Public Library of the University of Cam- bridge, edited with an introduction and glossary by the Revd. Fr. Charles Uin- geston. Lond. Longman, 1858. 8vo.] Capito, Wolfgangus. An Epi- tome of the Psayntes, or briefe Me- ditacions vpon the same, with di- uerse other moste Christian Prayers, translated by Eichard Tauerner. Lond. 1539. ■l6mo. CAP CATC 369 The Snmnie or pitli of the 150 Psalms of Uavid reduced in a forme of prayers and meditations, with certayne other godlye orysons very neceBsary for all sortes of people to say dayly. Tanslated by Richard Taverner. Lond. J. Eyddol, 1530, 12mo. Coll. K ivin eights. A copy is in the Lambeth library. Capitula, vide Constitutioncs. Cappe, Newcome. Critical Re- marks on many important Passages of Scripture, together with Dis- sertations upon several Subjects, tending to illustrate the Phrase- ology and Doctrine of the New Test'ament. York, 1802. 8vo. 2 vols. The work of a celebrated Unitarian mi- nister, published by his widow, who has prefixed memoirs of the author's life. Hollis, 155, 17s. Discourses on the Providence and Go- vernment of God. 1795, 8vo. 3s. A connected History of the Life and divine Mission of Jesus Christ, as recorded by the four Evangelists. York, 1809, Svo. Hollis, 153, 5s. Discourses chiefly on Devotional sub- jects, to which is prefixed a memoir of his life. York, 1805. Svo. Discourses cliiefly on Practical .subjects. York, 1815. Svo. Cappeh, Benj. Pitts. Topo- graphical Dictionary of the United Kingdom. Lond. 1805. Svo. with maps. Dent, pt. i. 391, lis. Reprinted 1813 and 1827, Svo. B. P. Capper published an Account of the Population and Culti- vation of England and Wales. Lond. 1801, Svo. 3s. — Col. James. Observations on the Passage to India through Egypt and across the great Desert. Lond. 1784. 4to. map. Fonthill, 662, 9s. Col. Capper pub- lished Observations on the Winds and Monsoons ; illustrated with a Chart, and accompanied with Notes geographical and meteorological Lond. 1801, 4to. pp. 260. Fonthill, 347, 9s Capriata, Peter Jolm. History of the Wars of Italy, 1613-44, in eighteen Books, rendered into En- glish by Henry Cary, Earl of Mon- mouth. Lond. 1663. foho. Prefixed is a portrait of the Earl, by Faithorne. Caps well fit, or select Epigrams by Titus in Sandgate and Titus every where. Newcastle, 1785. B.'O 5s. In the Newcastle dialect. Brockett, 573, 13s. Captain, The Captive — , 1665. See Beaithwait, Eicliard. Capucin Escossois, Histoire mer- veiUeuse et tres veritable. Rouen, 1560. 12mo. Inglis, 255, 3s.— Paris, 16,56. Constable 118, 8s. 6d.— Rouen, 1700, 12mo. 2s. 6d. Capy8tranus,a metrical Romance. 4lo. Roxburghe, 3271, imperfect. Caeaccioli, Charles. The An- tiquities of Arundel : the peculiar Privilege of its Castle and Lord- ship : with an Abstract of the Lives of the Earls of Arundel from the Conquest to the present Time. Lond. 1766. Svo. Half-title ; title ; dedication to the Duke of Norfolk ; preface, 2 pages ; antiquities, 276 pages, and subscribers' names, 4 pages. Nassau, pt. i. 49,9s. Marq. of Townshend, 55, 13s. lleatli, 4674, 11. 6s. Dent, pt. i. 59, iUustrated with plates, russia, \l. 9.s. The l^ife of Robert Lord Clive, Baron Plassey. Lond. 1775-6, Svo. 4 vols. A confused jumble. Caeacciolus, Galeacius. Newes from Italy of a second Moses, or the Life of Graleacivs Cai'acciolvs the noble Marquesse of Vico, fi-om the ItaUan,by Theod.Beza, and then into English, by W. Crashaw. Lond. 1608. 4to. Pp. 82. Dedicated to Edmund Lord Sheffield, his mother and wife. S. Ireland in 1801, no. 531, 17s. Reprinted 1612, 4to.— 1635.— 1668, 12mo. with plates. White Knights, 2093, lis.— 1677. Nassau, pt. i. 17S5, 3s. Caradoc of Lhancarvan. His- tory of Wales. See Powell, David. Lloyd, Humphrey Caramania. — The secret History of the present Intrigues of the Com't of Caramania. Lond. 1727. Svo. 4s. A licentious publication by Mrs. Eliza Haywood. Carate, August, de. History of the Discouerie and Conquest of the Prouinces of Peru, in the South 370 CAR Car Sea: translated out of the Sjmnish Tongue by T. Nicholas. Lend. 1581. 4to. C^EAUSICS, Emperor in Britain. See Stukeley, Wm. Caeavella Epirota, Joannes. Index Ai'istophanicus. Oxon. 1822. 8vo. 10s. Caebeeey or Carbury. — The Earle of Carberey's Pedigree, with their Titles and honourable Endow- ments. Lond. 1646. 4to. A curious tract. See Vaughan, Rob. Caed, Henry. Tlie Histoi-y of the Revolutions of Russia. Lond. 1804. 8vo. 6s. H. Card likewise published The Reign of Charlemagne considered. Lond. 1807, 8vo. 5s. Literary Recreations. Lond. 1809, 8vo. Card, The. Lond. printed for the maker, and sold by Ne^\ beny . 1755. 12mo. 2 vols. Front, of Knave of Clubs. A novel in the fonn of letters, by Kidgell. Caedanus, Hier. Cast. Coni- forte, translated into Enghshe (by Thomas Bedingfield). Anno Do- minil573. Lond. 4to. Inglis, 328, 14s. Sir M. M. Svkes, pt. i. 582, 1/. 6s. Bindlev, pt. i. 2186, 31. 12s. North, pt. i. 776, 61. 6s. Perrv, pt. i. 1044, 2/. Is. Sotheby, June 1856,' 2?. 6s. Re- printed 1576, 4to. Dedicated to the ' Earle of Oxenforde,' by Thomas Bedingtield. Then 'To Thomas Bedingfield, Es- quyer,' by ' E. Oxenford,' also some com- mendatory verses by 'the Earle of Oxen- forde, Thomas Churchyarde, and George Gascoigne.' Contains, besides, 103 leaves. Boswell, 592, 5s. 6d. Another entitled ' Three Books of Consolation.' 1683, 12mo. 3s. Cardiganshire. — Description of the Mines in CardigansliLre, with plates, n. d. Svo. Dent, pt. i. 393, 10s. 6d, Cardinal. — The Scarlet gown, or Historj' of the Cardinals. Loud. 1653. Svo. Another work. History of the Cardinals of the Romish Church fron their first Crea- tion to Pope Clement IX. Lond. 1670, folio. Bindley, pt. i. 20.')."), 3s. fid. Caedonne, D,D. de. Miscellany of Eastern Learning, translated from Turkish, Arabian, and Persian Manuscripts, in the Library of the King of France, translated into Enghsli. Lond. 1770. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. Caedonnel, Adam de. Numis- inata Seotise ; or, a Series of the Scottish Coinage, from the Reign of WiUiam the Lion to the Union. EcUnb. 1786. 4to. 20 plates. RoxbLirglie, 8809, 11. 5s. Brockett, 733, 11. lis. Combe, 379, 11. — Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, etched by Adam de Car- donnel. Lond. 1788-93. Svo. 4 pts. 100 plates. Intended as a supplement to Pennant's Tour in Scotland. In some copies tlie plates are taken off on separate leaves. QUARTO. Brockett, 734, russia, 11. 2s, On VELLUM. Mac-Carthy, vol. ii. p. 173, no. 4945, 175 francs. Parts 1 and 2 (on vellum) are in the Grenville Library. — P. D. Tagus. Complenicntum fortunatarum insidarum I'artes 2. T. Tagus. II. Galatliea Yatieinans. Being part of anEpithalamium upon the auspicious match of Charles II. and Catherina Infanta of Portugal. With a descrijition of the Fortunate Islands. Written originally in French by P. D.C. Gent., with other jneces. Lond. W. G. 1662. Svo. Portraits of Charles II. and Ca- therine of Portugal. This is a very rare book, written by Cardonnel, not by Philibert Comte de Grammont, to whom it has been ascribed. It also containstranslations of otlier pieces by Waller and Dryden. Caeds. — A short and plaine Dia- logue concerning the LTnlawfuhiess of playing at Cards or Tables. Lond. for Richard Boile. 16mo. 7s. 6d. In Dr. Pliss' Wood's Athen. Oxon. iii. 532, an edition of the date of 1593. 8vo. is attributed to Tlio. Gat.aker. Herbert no- tices ' A Patent to RalTe Bowes and Tho- mas Beddingfield Esqniers to import Playing Cards into this Kingdom 1571, &c.' See his Edition of Ames' Typog. Antiq. iii. 1623. Caeds, (The bloudy game at), as it was played by the King of Hearts and the rest of Itis suite agamst the CAn residue of the pack. Shuffled at London, cut at York, &c. 4to. Brand, 11. 28. Caeeles, John. Certeyne godly and comfortable Letters (3) written in the Time of liis Imprisonment. 1500. 18mo. At the end of Bp. Ridley's Lamentation of tlie miserable Estate of the CInirch of Christ. These letters have been repeat- edly printed. Careless, Franck. i. e. Richard IlEAt). Carew, Bampi;vlde-Moore. An Apology for the Life of Bampfylde- Moore Carew, [by Robert Goadby] . Lond. 1749. 8vo.' 5s. I'p. 149. This is not a mere romance, as there really was such a person as Bampfylde Moore Carew, but his exploits are heiKht- eried in the colouring by his ingenious hioerr.-iplier (Goadby). Tlierewas an account of this beggar published some years pre- vious, entitled Accomplish'd Vagabond, or compleat Mumper, exeniplify'd in the bold and artful Enterprizes, and merry Pranks of Bampfylde Carew. Oxon. 1745, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Another. The Life, Voyages, and Adventures of Bampfylde-Moore Carew. By Tlio. Price. Lond. 8vo. [Also a large fol. Broadside, with woodcut portiait, rare.] — Lady Elizabeth. The Tragedie of Mariam, the faire Queene of lowry. Loud. Th. Creede, 1013. 4to. Ko.xburghe, 4544, 1 1. Rhodes, 708, V. 5s. Inglis' Old Plays, 14, U. 8s. Bright, '21. 10s. — Sir George, Earl of Totncss. See Stafford, Thomas. — George. The Title and In- terest of Jeremy Elwes, Esq. ; and other Creditors of William Court en, to several Mannors ,/.) An liistorical Apnmnt of tlip Origin of the Coniniissiiii, iippiMiittMl ty Incision abovo the I'ubis. Lond. ISl'.l, 8vb. 8s. 6d. Intioduction to Electricity and Galva- nism. Loud. 1803, 8vo. Cabpzovius, loh. Got. De- fence of the Hebrew Bible, in An- swer to W. Whiston, transl. from the Latin by Moses Marcus. Lond. 1729. 8vo. This tract, which forms the third part of Introductio ad Libros cauonicos veteris Testamenti, has additional notes by the translator, who was a converted Jew. Gosset, 1107, lis. Cark, Rev. George. Sermons. EcUnb. 1777. 12mo. 3 vols. 9s. Published by Sir Wm. Forbes. — Sir John. The Stranger in Ireland ; or a Tour in the southern and western parts of that Country in 1805. Lond. 1806. 4to. Pp. 530, witli 17 plates. Duke of York, 1213, 16s. In ridicule of this work, which is little else than a tourist's common-place book, appeared an excellent jen d'esprit entitled ' My Pocket Book,' by Edward Dubois, 1807, 12mo. The Stranger in France ; or, a Tour from Devonshire to Paris. Lond. 1803, 4to. pp. 261, with 12 engravings in aquatinta. Ro.\burghe, 7226, 7s. Duke of York, 1211, 9.S. 6d. Reprinted 1809, 8vo. A Northern Summer; or Travels round the Baltic through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia, and Part of Germany, in 1804. Lond. 1805, 4to. pp. 480, with 11 plates. A Tour through Holland, along the right and left Banks of the Rhine, to the South of Germany, in 1806. Lond. 1807, 4to. pp. 468, with 21 engravings. Duke of York, 1214, 17s. Caledonian Sketches ; or, a Tour through Scotland in 1807. Lond. 1809, 4to. pp. 541, with 12 plates. Descriptive Travels in the Southern and Eastern Parts of Spain and the Balearic Isles, in the Year 1809. Lond. 1811, 4to. Dnke of York, 1215, 9s. The Quarterly Reviewers term Carr's travels 'Utter emptiness.' Poems, 1812, 8vo. with a portrait. Carr, Nioolaus. DoObituTheo- logi Doctoris Martiiiini Buccri Epistola) duae : item Epigramniat;i varia cimi Gr. turn Latine coii- scripta in evndem Ministrum. Lond. 1551. 4to. According to Hearne, Nic. Carr was an elegant and judicious writer in Latin. — Ue Scriptorum Britannieo- rum Paucitate, et Studiorum Im- pediment's Oratio. Loud. 1576. 12mo. Carr published a Latin translation of some of the Orations of Demosthenes. — Ralph. Mahumetane or Tui-k- ish Hystorye containing three Bookes, &c. Translated fi-om the French and Italian Tongues by R. Carr. Lond. 1600. 4to. Each book is dedicated to one of tlie tliree brotliers, Rob., Will., and Edw. Carr separately ; and ' The Narration of tlio Warres of Cyprus ' to them all jointly. 122 leaves. — Samuel, D.D. Sermons on pi'actical Subjects. Lond. 1795. 8to. 3 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 1067, 18s. Caeeascon, Thomas. Canonieo deU' Insigne Catedral di Here- fordia, e Vicario di Blakmer d'In- gliilterra. Con licencia, y privilegio e costa del Autor ; por Maria San- chez. Nodriza, 1633. 8vo. Carre, John. A larum beUe for London, with a caveat or warning to England, also a pitifid com- plaint of the penitente synner. Iiiip. by Henry Kii'ckham. 1573. Chalmers' copy (unique), resold, Jol- ley, 1843, 131. 5s. Caeeera, D. Pietro. Treatise on the Game of Chess, fu-st pub- hshed in 1617, by D. Pietro Car- rera, transl. from the Italian with additional Notes and Remarks by W. Lewis. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 8s. LARGE PAPER (50 copies printed), 15s. The Original ' II Gioco degli ScaCTiIii di D. Pietro Carrera,' Militello, 1617, is e.x- cessively rare. Caeeington, F. a. and J. Payne. Reports at Nisi Prius in the K. B. aud C. P. and Exch. 378 CAR CAB with cases tried iu the Cent. Crimi- nal Coin-t and on tlie Circuits, from Mich. T. 1823 to East. T. 1841. Loud. 1823-41. 9 vols. royal 8vo.6/. Mr. Caniiigtou published a Sui)ple- raeiit to all the modern Treatises on the Crimiual Law; coutaining the Altera- tions by Statute. Lond. 1828, 12iiio. 7s. 6d. [Also Carrington and Marshman's lieports at Nisi Prius, in the Q. B., C. P. and Exch. &c. from 3 Vict, to Hil. T. 6 Vict. Lond. 8vo. 12s. Cairington and Kii- wan's Reports at Nisi Prius from Hil. T. 6 Vict, to 13 Vict. Lond. 8vo. 2 vols. 11. 10s.] — S. The History of the Life and Death of Ohver, late Lord Protector. Lond. 1659. 8vo. Prefixed is a portrait. Sir P. Thompson, 67, 15s. Dowdeswell, 172, U. lis. Caestaees, William. State Papers and Letters, relating to public Affairs in Great Britain, but more particularly in Scotland, dui-- ing the Reigns of Xing Wilham and Queen Anne, with Meniou\ PubUshed from the Originals, by Joseph M'Cormick, D.D. Edinb. 1774. 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 365, 10s. Roxburghe, 8765, 12s. Heatli, 4484, 11. 14s. Carta Feodi Simplicis cum Lit- tera attiu-uatoria. Lond. per W. de Worde. 4to. Thirty-three leaves, ending on sign. F — iii. in sixes. Willett,1299,withthe Justyces of Paes, 1510, and Modus tenendi Curia Ba- ronuni, also printed by W. de Worde, 13^ Another edition (Load, by John Rastell), 16mo. F 4,in octaves, the first leaf blank. — Robert Redman, 1527, 16mo.— Robert Red- man, 1530, 16mo. E 10, iu octaves.— Tho. Berthelet,1543,16mo. 44 leaves. — Wyllyam Myddylton, 1545, 16rao. Willett, 1401.— Rich. Kele, 1546, 16mo. 50 leaves. Caete, Sam. Tabula Clirono- logica Ai'chiepiscopatuum et Epis- copatuiuu in Angha et WaUia. Ortus, Divisiones, &c. breviter ex- hibens ; una cum Tndice alphabe- tico Nominimi quibus apucl Au- thores insigniimtur, concinnata per Sam. Carte Vic. S. Martini Leycestr. In tlio thirteenth volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. — Thomas, M. A. Histoiy of tl le Lilb of James Uuke of Ormonde, 1610-88. Loud. 1735-6. fol. 3 vols. This liistoi-y toutalns bj- far the most copious and best account of the Irish iie- bellion of any extant. Vol. I. 1736. Title and dedication to the Earl of Arran, 2 leaves; the preface, pp. xiii. ; the intro- duction, pp. Ixvii.; an history, pp. 606, and the contents, 3 leaves. Vol. II. 1736, pp. 559, not including title ; appendix, consisting of letters, &c. pp. 133, after which are the contents, table and errata, on 11 pages. Vol. HI. Letters wiitten by the Kings Charles I. and II., the Duke of Ormonde, the Secretaries of State, the Marquess of Clanricarde and other great Men during the Troubles of Great Britain and Ireland. 1735. Title, preface and table, 6 leaves ; letters, pp. 1—608. large PAPER. Heath, 4764, 101. 15s. [New edition, carefully compared with the original MSS. Uxford, 1851, 8vo. 6 vols. 21. 6s.J [Collection of original Letters and Pa- pers concerning the Affairs of England froml641 to 1660, found among the Dukeof Ormond's Papers. Lond. 1739, 8vo. 2 vijls.] — Catalogue des Rolles Gascons, Normands et FraiK^ois, conserves dans les Aj-chives cle la Tour de Londres. A Loudres et se trouve a Paris, 1743. foho. 2 vols. Publislied by De Palmeuse. The ori- ginal preface by Carte ^^■as cancelled by order of the French government, and ano- ther by Bougainville inserted in most copies in its place. Vol. I. half-title, title, preface of viij pp. signed Tho. Carte. Ca- talogue, &c. pp. 1 — 4(i2, and errata 1 leaf. Vol. II. half-title, title, and catalogue, pp. 1—406, audi leaf of errata. Gough, 388, 21. 9s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 767, nior. 4/. ISs. Edwards, 581, mor. by Padaloup, 71. — A general History of England, from the earhest Times to AD. 1654. Lond. 1747-55. folio. 4 vols. ' You may read Hume for his eloquence, but Carte is the historian for fuctn.'— War- ton. Vol. i. 1747, pp. xvi. and 856. A'ol.ii. 1750, pp. iv. and 874. Vol. iii. 1752, pp. iv. and 828, also 4 leaves of index. Vol. iv. 1755. Vol. iv. pp. 684, not including title. Mai-q. of Townsheud, 632, 9?. 15s. Heath, 4368, russia, 10?. 15s. large paper. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 766, russia, 151, 4s. 6d. A general Account of the necessary Ma- terials for an History of England, the So- ciety and Subscription proposed for de- fraying the Kxpences thereof, and the Method wherein Mr. Carte intends to proceed in carrying on the said Work. (1738), 4to. A Collection of the several Papers pub- lished byThomas Carte, in Relation to his Histwry of England. Lond.l744,Svo.3s.GJ. CAR CAR 379 Remarks upon Mr. Carte's Spocimon of his general History of Knglaiut. IaiiiU. 1748, 8vo. '2s. 6d. A Letter to Jolin Trot-1'Iaid, con- cerning Mr. Carte's general History of England, by Duncan Mac Carte a lligli- lander. Lond. 1748, 8vo. The Irisli Massacre set in a true Light. Wherein Mr. Baxter's Aeeonut of it in the History of his own Life, and the abridg- ment thereof by Dr. Calamy, are fully considered. Togetlier with two Letters from Mr. Channdler (the Dissenting Teacher of Hath, reviving the aforesaid Account) to the Kev. Mr. Thomas Carte at Batli, with his two Replies to Mr. Chaundler. Reprinted in the fifth volume of tlie Soraers Collection of Tracts. Carter, Ecljnund. The Arti- ficers Looking-Grlass : containing an exact and diverting Represen- tation of the Lives, &c. of Lim- ners, Stone-Carvers, G-lass-Blowers, FraiJiework-Knitters, &c. &c. Lond. 1726. 8vo. A copy is in the British Museum. — Edmund. History of the County of Cambridge fi-om tlie ear- liest Accomit to the present Time. Cambridge, 1753. 8vo. Half-title, title, index of 3 pages, the historyconcluding'Eudof Vol. 1.' B — Zz 2, 356 pages. Dent, pt. 1. 396, 11. 4s. Nas- sau, pt. i. 524, 3Z. Steevens, 1853, bl. 12s. 6d. Towneley, pt. ii. 85, \il. Bindley, pt. i. 976, witli the History of the University, 1753, 18?. 18s. Reprinted and brought down to 1819, by Wm. Upcott. 1819, 8vo. (100 copies), 10s. 6d. — LARGE PAPER (40 Copies), U. Is. — Tlie History of the University of Cambridge from its Original to the Year 1753. Lond. 1753. 8vo. Pp. viii and 471, witli table and errata, 1 page. This most inaccurate boolc is the best outline for a history of the univer- sity, which we possess. Towneley, pt. ii. 86, 6s. Steevens, 1852, 7s. 6d. Bp. of Ely, 304, 7s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. ,525, U. 5s. Dent, pt. i. 397, with views inserted, U. 7s. — Mrs. Elizabeth. Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. E. Carter ; with a new Edition of her Poems, some of wliich have never appeared be- fore. To wliich are added some misceUaneous Essays in Prose ; together with her Notes on the Bible, and Answers to Objections concerning the Christian Religion. l?y the Rev. M. Pennington. Lond. 1807. 4 to. Reprinted 1808, 8vo. 2 vols.— 1816, 8vo. 2 vols.— 1825, 8vo. 2 vols. Poems upon several Occasions by Mrs. Elizabeth Carter. Lond. 17.38, 4to. publish- ed anonymously.— 1762— 1776.— 1789. 8vo. A Series of Letters between Mrs. Eliza- beth Carter and Miss Catherine Talbot, 1741-70. To which are added. Letters to Mrs. Vesey, 176,3-87. Published by the Kev. M. Pennington. Lond. 1808, 4to. 2 vols.— 1809, 8vo. 4 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 966, with her life. 2 vols. II. 5s.— 1819, 8vo. 3 vols. Letters to Mrs, Montagu, 1755 — 1800, Published from the Originals in the po,s- session of the Rev. Montagu Pennington, 1817, 8vo. 3 vols. Sue El'lCTETUS. — Francis. Journey from Gib- raltar to Malaga. Lond. 1777. 8vo. 2 vols. Some copies have an additional volume, containing a cliart, medals, &c. large PAPER. Fonthill, 2694, 3/. Is— 1780. Best editicni. Heath, 2497, with the large and small plates, 18s. large paper. — Francis, M D. Account of the various Systems of Medicine, from the days of Hippocrates to the present Time. Loud. 1788. 8vo. 2 vols. 8s. — John. The Nail and the WHieel ; in two several Sermons in the Green- Yard at Norwich. Lond. 164.7, 4to. 'Nail hit on the head,' with port, by Dunstall, 1644. Carter's Wheel, 1647. Nassau, pt. i. 647, 10s. — The Tombstone and a rare Sight. Lond. 1653. 8vo. Pp. with a portrait of Carter, by R. Vap.ghan. Nassau, pt. i. 5'22, 17s. — John. Specimens of the an- cient Scidpture and Painting now remaining in this Kingdom from the earliest Period to the Reign of Henry VIII. Lond. 1780-7. folio. 2 vols. This work was designed to show the rise and progress of sculpture ard jiaint- ing in England, to explain obscure and doubtful parts of history, and preserve the portraits of great and eminent per- sonages. Dent, pt. i. 507, ru.-isia, \il. larub paper Nassau, pt. i. ^4, russia, 13'. IDs. Fonthill, 3182, richly bound, 37i. 16.s. 380 CAR [New edition, topographically arranged, with notes by Meyrick, Dawson Turner, and Jolin Hritton. Lond. ls:38, 2 vols, folio. Bohn. 8;.8s. 120 plates.) Carter, John. Collection of 120 Views of ancient Buildings iu Eng- land, drawn and etched by J- Car- ter. Lond. 1786. 32mo. 6 vols. Dent, pt. i. 395, 11. 3s. Nassau, pt. i. 526, 21. 10s. Republished as ' Specimens of Gothic Architecture, ancient Buildings in England, comprised in 120 ViewB. Lond. 1824,' 32mo. 4 vols. 18s. — The ancient Ai-chitecture of England. Lond. 1795-1816, folio, 2 vols. Vol. i. 21 numbers, coii twisting of fron- tispiece, engi'aved title, dedication to the Diilie of Yorli, contents, pp. 54, and 79 plates. Of vol. ii. only 7 numbers were published. Fonthill, 671, 81. 8s. large paper. Nas sau, pt. i. 885, russia, 4.1. [New edition, edited by John Britton. Lond. Bohn, 1845, royal folio, 2 vols, in 1, 109 plates, 31. 3s.] [The life of John Ramble, Juur., 12mo. is a Life of John Carter.] — Matthew. Relation of that as honourable -as unfortimate Expedi- tion of Kent, Esses, and Colches- ter : by M. C. a loyaU Actor iu that Engagement, Anno Dom. 1648. Printed iu the Yeare 1650. 12mo. 6s. This tract records several particulars not noticed by Lord Clarendon and our general historians. Nassau, pt. i. 523-*", 9s. Steevens, 1714, 10s. 6d. Reprinted Col- chester. 12mo. u. d. — Honor Kedivivus ; or, the Analysis of Honor and Ai-mory. Lond. 1673, 8vo. The best edition (pp. 351) revised by a friend, and published after the author's decease. The plates by Gaywood are re- duced copies of the wiiole-length figures in Mines' Catalogue of Honor. Nassau, pt. i. 523, 9s.— First edition, 165.'), 8vo. witli a dedication to William, Marquess of Hereford, and an engraved title by R. Gaywo'id. Brockett, 584, morocco. 17s. — IfitiO, .'•;Vo. White Knights, 702, 8s.' Bind- ley, pt. i. 1351, i;. 4s. — Samuel. Reports of several Cases in C. P. in the IGth, 17th, 18th, and 19th of K. Charles II. To which are added, some Cases adju;!f;ed in the Time of Lord C. J. Yaughan. Lond. 1688, fol. IDs. 6d. Carteromaco, Nieolo. Ricci- CAtt ardetto. Tlie first Canto translatetl from the Italian, witli an Introduc- tion concerning the principal ro- mantic, burlesque and mock-heroic Poets ; and ISotcs by Sylvester (Douglas) Lord Glenbervie. Lond. 1821, 12mo. Not published. Reprinted 1822, 8vo. The two first Cantos of Richardetto, freely translated from the original bur- lesque Poem of Niccolo Fortiguerra, other- wise Carteromaco. Lond. 1820, 8vo. 5s. 6d. Cartes. See Descartes. Cartheny, John. Voj age of the vrandering Knight, translated out of French into English, by W. G. (Will.Goodyeare). Lond. 1581, 4to. Dedicated to Sir Francis Drake, Knt. 128 pages. Roxburghe, G396, 61. 6s. It is probable that Bunyan in his Pilgrim's Progress was nmcli indebted to this work. — 1607, 4to. — Lond. iDy Thomas Snodham. 4to. Steevens, 1191, Us. Gordonsfoiin, 623, IZ. lis 6d. Inglis, 33.3, 9s.— Lond. 1650. 4to. — Lond. by W. Stansby, n.d. 4to. Nas- sau, pt. i. 648, 5s.— 1661 —North, pt. iii. 742, 10s. 6d.— 1670. Garrick, 2610. See Retr. Rev. i. 250-8 Carthew, Thomas. Reports of Cases in K. B. from the 3 K. James II. to 12 K. WiUiani III. Second Edition, vfith marginal References. Lond. 1741, fol. 1/. 10s. Carthew, per Lord Kenyon, is in gene- ral a good reporter, though, according to Lord Thurlow, Carthew and Comberbncli were equallv bad authority. The former edition, 1728, folio, 10s. 6d. Cartwmight, Christopher. Electa Thargumico-Rabbinica ; sive Anno- tationes in Genesin, et in Exodum. Lond. 1648, 53, 12mo. 2 vols. 9s. A learned and valuable work. Another pieceofCartwright's, entitled Mellificium llebraicura, will be fouud in the eighth volume of the Critici Sacri. To Cart- wright belongs the honour of being the tirst who applied tlie more ancient writ- ings of the Jews to the illustration of the Bible. — George Tlie Heroic Lover, or the Infanta of Spain. Lond. 1661, Svo. Rhodes, 724, 7s. — George. A Journal of Transac- tions and Events, diu'ingaResidence of nearly sixteen Years on the Coast CAR OAU 381 of Labrador. Newark, 1792, 4to. 3 vols, with charts, 11. 28. Duke of York, 1216, 15s. Hollis, 219, 22.4s. LARGE PAPER. Duke of York, 1217, \l. 123. Cartweight, Major John. Life and Correspondence, edited by his Niece, F. D. Cartwright. Loud. 1826, 8vo. 2 vols, with a portrait and other plates, \l. 8s. [Major John Cartwright was brother to George Cartwright, author of the preced- ing article.] — John. ' The Preachers Travels to the Confines of the East Indies, through Syria, Mesopotamia, Ar- menia, Media, Hircania, and Par- thia, &c. A Relation of Sir Anth. Sherley's Entei'tainment in the Court of the King of Persia. De- scription of the Port in the Persian Gulf commodious for the East- India Merchants of England. Ee- hearsal of some gross absurdities in the Turkish Alcoran. Lond. 1611, 4to. Reed, 3550, 18s. North, pt. iii.588, 19s. Bindley, pt. iii. 183.3, \l. 4s. Nassau, pt. i. 651, li!. 10s. Inglis, 334, mor. Zl. 16s. Jadis, 2.36, mor. \l. Sotheby, 1849, mor. Zl. 4s. This volume being contracted, has been remitted into the second volume of Purchas' Pilgrims, and also into the first volume of the Oxford Collection of Voy- ages and Travels. — Thomas. Confutation of the Rhemish Translation Glosses and Ajinotations of the New Testament. Lond. 1618, foHo. This confutation of the English Roman Catholic version displays the writer's ex- tensive acquaintance with the Scriptures, and the powerof his controvei'sial talents. Bp. of Ely, 498. 7s. 6d. Cartwright, says Mr. Park, was the leader of the Puritans, and greatly distinguished himself at the university of Cambridge as a laborious student, an acute disputant, and an ad- mired preacher. An Admonition to Parliament. 1572, Svo. This admonition, according to Mr. Strype, was printed and reprinted no less than four times, notwithstanding tlie di- ligence of the bishops to suppress it. The last edition, with additions (D 4, in eights), is copiously described by Herbert in his edition of Ames' Typog. Antiq. iii. 1631-2. | VOL. I. Mr. Neal states, that this flrst admonition was presented to the house by the autliors themselves, Mr. Field and Mr. Wilcox, for which tliey were committed to New- gate, Oct. 2. White Knights, 701, 3;. 5s. A second Admonition to the Parliament. 1572, 8vo. 64 pp. be.sides pieface. Tliis second Admonition was written by Ort- wright. Soon after the publication of tlie Admonitions, a pamphlet of 12 leaves ap- peared, commencing with a preface super- scribed, 'Grace and peace from God,' fol- lowed by two epistolary exhortations; one, ' An Exhortation to the Byshops to deale Brotherly with theyr Brethen.' The other, ' An Exhortation to the bishops and their clergie to answer a little booke,' &c. Certaine Articles, collected and taken (as it is thought) by the Byshops out of a little Bokeentituled an Admonition to the Parliament, wyth an Answere to the same (1572), Svo. B, in fours, half sheets. Said to have been printed at Waudsworth, near London. -■V Keplve to an Answere made of M. Ur. Whitegifte, againste the Admonition to Parliament. By T. C. (1573), 4to. Pp. 224, the numbers placed in tlio middle of the page. Prefixed is 'A short Table of the princypall poyntes,' &c. A Defence of the Ecclesiastical Regi- ment in Englande, defaced by T. C. in liis lieplie agaynst D. Whitgifte. 1574, 16mo. 7s. Gordonstoun, 17s. An Examination of M. Doctor Whit- giftes Censures, conteined in two Tables set befoi'e his Booke entituled ; The De- fence of the Auuswere to the Admonition, agaiust the Keplie of T. C. 1575, 16mo. 53 pages. The second Replie of Thomas Cart- wright: agaynst Maister Doctor Whit- giftes second Answer touching the Churche Discipline. .Imprinted m.d.lxxv. 4to. Con- tains DCLXvi (printed only dlxvi) pages, a table and a note, besides prefixes. Sothe- by, Dec. 1854, \l. 14s. The Rest of the second Replie of Tho- mas Cartwright : agaynst Master Doctor Whitgifts second Answer, toucliing the Church Discipline. Imprinted m.d.lxxvii. 4to. Prefixed is an epistle ' To the Read- er.' ' An Answer to the residvw of the surmises.' Besides 265 pages, white let- ter, with a table. The first and second Admonitions to the Parliament, together with certain Articles collected out of the first, &o, (1589). A Keplye to an Answere made of M. Doctor Whitgifte agaynste the Admoni- tion to the Parliament, by T. C. (1589), 4to. Sotheby, Dec. 18,54, \l. 12s. A brief Apologie of Thomas Cartwright against all such slaunderous Accusations as it pleaseth Mr. Sutcliffe in his seuerall Pamphlettes most Iniuriously to loade him C C 382 CAU CAU with. 1696, 4to. D 2, in fours. Prefixed is an epistle • To the Reader.' 4g. I.VV Uku) i\i xp''5T qvae et ivsti Commentarii Loco esse pos- sint. Lond. 1604, 4to. See Ecclesiastical Discipline ; Field, John; SuTCLiFFE, Matt.; Whitgift, John. Caetwbight, William. Come- dies. Tragi- Comedies, with other Poems. Lond. 1651, 8vo. with por- trait by Lombart. Lloyd, 313, 13s. 6d. Strettell, 282, mor. 16s. Boswell, 496, 18s. Bp. of Ely, 298, 19s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 527, II. Rhode.s, 727, II. Roxburshe, 3906, U. 2s. Roscoe, 1361, 1^. 6s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 131, mor. '11. 2s. White Knights, 705, 21. 5s. An index to this volume was printed, but sup- pressed. Fragments of it are to be found in the copy in the Bodleian Library. There are likewise variations and peculi- arities in different copies, in particular at pp. 301 and 302, in some copies the second and fifth stanzas in the verses ' On the Queen's Return from the Low Countries' are entirely omitted ; as are likewise at p. 305, in the verses on the death of Sir Bevill Grenvill, twelve lines commencing ' 'ioxx now that boast the spirit, and its sway,' and ending ' Could wish his fate together with his cause.' See Ant.aWood's Athen. Oxon. bv Bliss, iii. 69-72. Retr. Rev. ix. 160-72. The royall Slave, a Tragi-comedy. Ox- ford, 1639, 4to. Rhodes, 725, 5s.--Oxford, 1640, 4to. Rhodes, 726, Is. To Philip Earle of Pembroke and Mountgomery, upon his Lordship's Elec- tion of Chancellor of the Vniversity of Ox- ford. Lond. 1641, folio. An Offspring of Mercy issuing out of the Womb of Cruelty; or, a Passion Ser- mon preached in Ch. Ch. in Oxon, on Acts 2, 2:1 Lond. 1652, 8vo. Of the signal Days in the Month of Nov. in Relation to the Crown and Royal Fa- mily. Lond. 1671, 4to. A poem consisting of one sheet. Other poems by tliis author will he found in Henry Lawes' Ayres and Dialogues, 1653, 69, fol. 2 vols. — William. StenograiDliy : or short and swift Writing. Lond. 1642, 12mo. A copy is in the British Mu.seum. Caete, Thomas. Itinerarivm. Mogvnt. 1639--41--46, 16mo. 3 vols. Bindley,pt.i. 1426, vol. 1, dated 1640, and vol. 2, lil. 2s. 6d. Col. Stanley, 20i. 10s. Loscombe, 112, SI. 8s. This work is very rarely found complete; the third part is the scarcest. It consists of Itinerarivm, in fortissiraa iuxta et no- bilissima Leglone strenuissimi Domini Coloneli D. Walteri Deveroux sub Sac- C'oesar. Maiestate stipendia merentis cum Ilistoria facti Butleri, Gordon, Lesly et aliorum. Mogvntiae, 1639, 16mo. A — Y 4, in eights. Jadis, 123, 10s. 6d.— Editio tertia auctior et correction. Mogvntiae, 1640, 16mo. A— 0, in twelves, 12 blank, also 18 leaves, consisting of titles, epistle dedicatory, dedication, to the reader, and ' censura et approbatio.' Itinerarii Pars II. Cui sub Flnem acce- dunt Vindiciw. In Memos Avthoris. Item Paucula qusedam de Butleriana Pro- sapia. Mogvntiae, 1641, 16mo. A — Q 9, in twelves (Q 9 containing the errata), also 12 leaves containing the titles, epistle dedicatory, dedication, and ' approbatio.' Jadis, 122, vols. i. and ii. 21. 10s. Itinerarij Pars iii. Spirse, 1646, 16mo. A — O 5, in twelves. — Ljra sive Anacephalseosis Hi- beruiea, in qua de Exordio, sen Origine, Nomine, Moribus, Riti- busque Gentis Hibernicse succinte tractatur ; cui quoque aceessere An- nales ejusdem Hibernise, necnon Rerum gestarum per Europam ab Anno 1148 usque ad Aunum 1650. Editio seeunda, multis Additamen- tis locupletata et a Mendis repur- gata, cum brevi Eerum calamitosS contingentiimi prsecipueque Turci- carum. Relatione a 50. usque ad &G, annum, seneis etiam tesselhs insig- nita. Sulzbaci, 1666, 4to. This curious work is dedicated to Pope Alexander VII. Collation a to c 2. A to LU. and Index, a to d 2, all in fours. PlnUs. lerua sev Hibernia vetvsta at p. i. Dona- tus O Brien qvondani Hibeniorum Rex, &c. p. 13. Insula; Purgatorij S. Patricii Descriptio. p. 113. Portrait of K. Charles I. and a circumstantial account of his be- haviour upon the scaffold, p. 375. The Author's Portrait, by M. Ulismaver, p. 442, Roxburghe, 3819, 4.1. 6s. Bindley, pt. |ii.332, 12i. 12s. Dowdeswell, 121, U. 6s. [Grave, III. (6 leaves wanting), IMs. Han- rott, 61. 8s. 6d. A copy on lakge papec is in theGrenville Library. I The first edition, according to Nicolson, was nublished in 1660. In the Gr«nvill» CAB CAB 383 RS also in West's catalogue, 4634, is an edition dated Vien. Austr. 1651, 4to. Carve, Thomas. Responsio veri- dica ad illotum Libellum, cui No- men anatomicum examen P. Antonii Bruodini Hiberni Ord. Min. Strict. Observantise sub. ementito Nomine P. Coi'nelii 6 Mollouii editum. So- lisbaci, 1672. 12mo. Pp. 250 (title page included) — a blank leaf— two leaves of errata. In this ex- tremely rare and probably unique little volume (p. 14,5) is the following curious notice respecting the pronunciation of the author's name : ' Majores nostri, et agnati omnes semper so scripserunt Coreov, aut Carve, quaj tamen pronunciantur fer& \it Gary, nam e in fine apud Anglos et Gallos rar6effertur et H noncst Consonans sed vo- calis et subtiliter prouunciatur (sicut apud Gallos) ferj ut (.' Evans, 1832, 3M. Bright, 10/. 15s. Vide Bruodine — Mahoony— Pro- dinus. [Ren\m Germanicum ab anno 1617, ad annum 1641, gestanim epitome, anno 1641 (absque loco), 12mo. A — F in twelves, finishing on the verse of G 1. Hanrott, &l. 6s. Heber, 1/. 17s.] Carter, Jonathan. Travels through the interior Parts of North America, in the Years 1766, 7 and 8. Lond. 1781. 8vo. with plates. Third and best edition, to which is pre- fixed some account of the author by Dr. Lettsom, a portrait and a coloured engrav- ing of the tobacco plant. This valuable work has lately attracted much attention from its description of parts near to the supposed north-west passage. 1778, 8vo. Roxburghe, 7344, lOs. 6d. large paper. Bindley, pt. i. 1016, russia, 19s. Capt. Carver published A Treatise on the Culture of the Tobacco Plant. Lond. 1779, 8vo. with two plates, 2s. 6d. — The new Universal Traveller. Loud. 1779. foUo. This compilation the widow of Captain Carver denied to be thework of her husband. — M. Discourse of the Terres- trial Paradise, aiming at a more probable discovery of the true situ- ation of that happy place of our first parents habitation. Lond. 1666. 8vo. with map. Carving. — The Boke of Ker- uynge. Lond. by W. de Worde, 1508. 4to. Twelve leaves. A copy is among Bishop Mora's books in the public library at Cam- bridge. Another Edition, Lond. by W. de Words 1513, 4to. 12 leaves. A copy is in the Bri.^ tish Museum. Another edition, entitled The Booka of Caruyng. Lond. by Abraham Veale, 8vo. Carving. — The Booke of Carving and Sewing. Lond. 1613. 8vo. Black letter, consisting of 20 leaves. A description of this tract, of which there is a copy in the British Museum, will be found in the Oldys' Catalogue of Pamph- lets in the Ilarleian Libraiy, no. 402. Cary, Sir Greorge. Reports of Cases in Chancery. Lond. 1820. 12mo. 6s. The former editions, 1650, 1665,5s. each. — H. The Law of England : or, a true Gruide for all Persons concerned in Ecclesiastical Coxirts. Lond. 1666. 12mo. 3s. 6d. — Jolin. New Itinerary ; or, an accurate DeUneation of the great Roads, both du'cct and cross, throughout England and Wales. The 10th Edition. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 13s. The first edition of this popular and highly useful work appeared in 1798. Mr. Cary likewise published an Atlas of County Maps in 4to., accompanied with a descrip- tion, price 2/. 8g., folio SI. 8s. Also a Gene- ral Atlas, V)l. 10s., and various valuable maps. — Robert, LL.D. Palteologia Clironica : a chronological Account of ancient Time, in three parts. 1. Dedactical. 2. Apodeictical. 3. Canonical. Lond. 1677. foUo. A work of considerable merit. — Walter. A Booke of the Pro- perties of Herbes, called an Herbal, by W. C. Lond. 8vo. On the back of the title begins 'The tyme of gatherynge Seedes,' &c. Contains besides. X 4, in eights. The Hammer for the Stone. Lond. 1581, 16mo. Introduced witli an address ' To the Reader.' ' The Author to those that vexed with the stone,' in verse. B 4, in eights. A briefe Treatise, called Caries Fare- well to Physicko : also the Hammer for the Stone. Lond. 1583, 16mo. On the back of the title is The Author's verse. 'J^he work, consisting of 54 pages, is intro- duced with a short address ' To the Reader.' —1597.— 1598.— 1611.— 1625. — Walter. The present State of England expressed in this Paradox, C! c 2 ^4 CAS our Fathers were very rich with '.ittle, and wee poore with much. Lond. 1626. 4to. Gordonstoun, 650, lOs. 6d.— 1627, 4to. pp. 21. Reprinted in the third volume of the Harleian Miscellany. Caeyl, Joseph. An Exposition, with practical Observations on the Book of Job. Loud. 1676-7. fol. 2 vols, with portrait by Wliite. 4Z. 49. ' A most elaborate, learned, judicious, and pious work, containing a rich fund of critical and practical divinity.'— i»r. Wil- liams. The former edition. Lond. 1648-66, 4to. 12 vols. A life of this learned and zealous non- confoi-raist, with a list of his writings, will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon. ' Caryls Sermon before the Commons on the solemn League and Covenant, port, ly White, with Hollars Cuts inserted, 1643. Coleman's Sermon, on the Covenant, 1643, 4to. Nassau, pt. i. 652, 10/. Carysfoet, The Et. Hon. John Joshua Proby, Earl of. Dramatic and miscellaneous Poems. Lond. 1810. crown 8vo. 2 vols. 6s. Revenge of Guendolin, 1786, 8vo. Twelve copies printed. Reed, 6628, U. Is. [Essay on the proper temper of the mind towards God. To which is added a dissertation on the example of Christ. Lond. 1817, 12mo. Only 50 copies printed.] Casa. See Case. Casas or Casaus. See Las Casas. Casatjbon, Isaac. De Rebus sacris et ecclesiasticis Exercitatioues XVI ad Card. Baronii Prolegomena in Annales. Lond. 1614. foho. — Ephemerides, cum prsefatione et nobis edente J. Russell, S.T.P. Oxford, 1850. 8vo. 2 vlos. 1^. 5s. — Original! of Idolatries, trans, by Abraham Darcie. Lond. 1624. 4to. Fuller, in his Church History, states that Abraham Darcie was imprisoned for fa- thering upon Isaac Casaubon a book he translated from the French, intitled the ' Original of Idolatry,' printed in 4to. 1624. A vindication of Isaac Casaubon by his son Meric Casaubon, D.D. appeared 1624, 4to. Casaubon, Meric, D.D. De qua- *.uor Linguis Conimentatio ; Pars CAS prior : de Lingua Hebraica et de Lmgua Saxonica. Lond, 1650. 12mo. Home Tooke, 125, 7s. 6d. A Treatise of Use and Custom. 1638, 4to. Boswell, 596, 8s. De Verborum Usu, et accuratse eorum Cognitionis Ulilitate, Diatriba. Load. 1647, 12mo. Of Credulity and Incredulity in Things natural, civil, and divine. Lond. 1668-70, 8vo. 4s. A new title, ' A Treatise proving Spirits, Witches, and supernatural Ope- rations by pregnant Instances and Evi- dences,' &c. Lond. 1672, 8vo. A life of Casaubon and a list of his writings will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon. Case, John deUa. Gblateo, first written in the ItaUan Tongue, and now done into Enghsh by Robert Peterson. Lond. 1576. 4to. Tp. 122, besides dedication to ' Lord Ro- bert Dudley, Earle of Leycester,' some commendatory verses, and a list of errors corrected. Bindley, pt. i. 1848, 21. 7s In- glis, 573, morocco, '21. 14s.— Another trans- lation of this elegant and interesting trea- tise on manners. 1703, 8vo. — Another, 1774, 12mo. 2s. 6d. The Arts of Grandeur and Submission, translated from the Latin of Giov. della Casa, by Heniy Stubbe. Lond. 166 , 1665, 1670, 12mo. — Jolm, M.D. Specvlvm mo- ralivm Qvsestionvm in vniversam Ethicen Aristotehs. Oxon. 1585. 4to. The first book printed at the new press at Oxford. The Praise of Mvsicke. Oxenford, 1586, 12mo. pp. 152. besides dedication 'To Sii Walter Rawley, Knight.' by Joseph Barnes, the printer, and 'The Preface to the Reader.' An erudite performance, published anonvmouslv. Inglis, 1051, 4s. White Knights, 2887, morocco, 31. 10s. Reflexus Speculi nioralis, seu Commen- tariiis in magna Moralia Aristotelis. Oxon. 1586, 8vo. Again 1596. Thesaurus Oeconomiae, seu Commen- tarius Oeconomica Aristotelis. Oxon. 1587, 4to. Again 1598. Apologia Musices tarn vocalis, quam in- strumentalis et mixtae. Oxon. 1588, 8vo. Sphoera Civitatis. Oxon. 1588, 4to. 9s. Summa veternm Interpretum in vniver- sam Dialecticam Aristotelis. Oxon. 1598, 8vo. A former edition, 1592, 4to. Reprint- ed Francof. 1593, 12mo. Ancilla Philosophi» seu Epitome in vni CAS CAS 385 Libros Phlsicorum Aristotelis. Oxon. 1599, 4to. Lapis Philosopliicvs, sev Commentarius in 8 Lib. Pliys. Ariatot. Oxon. (1599), 4to. 6s. A life of this writer will be found in Wood's A then. Oxon. Case, John, M.D. The Ange- lical Giiide, shewing Men and Wo- men their Lot and Chance in this elementary Life. Lend. 1697. Svo. Tliis, says Granger, 'is one of the most profound astrological pieces that the world ever saw. The diagrams would probably have puzzled Euclid, thougk he had stu- died astiology.' Prefixed is a portrait of the author in a sexangular frame. A copy of the work is in the British Museum. Nassau, pt. i. 534, 11. 8s. Compendium Anatomicum. Lond.1695, 12mo. A work in which the autlior de- fends that quadrupeds and all other ani- mals, as well as birds, proceed ab ovo. Reprinted Amst. 1696, 12mo. Medical Expositor. 16S8, 12mo. with portrait by Van Hove. — R. J. A Commentary on the Proverbs of Solomon. Lond. 1822. I'imo. Case. — The Case is altred. How ? Aske Dalio and Millo. Lond. 1635. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. An edition, 1604, 4to. black letter, with a wood cut. Keed, 1958, 13s. Gordonstoun, 607, il. 14s. 6d.— 1630. Brand, 21. 3s. Cases of Impotency and Divorce. Lond. 1714-15. 12mo. 5 vols. Willett, 357, 5 vols, with portraits, 21. 5s. Marq. of Towushend, 441, 4 vols, with portraits, 21. 3s. Dowdeswell, 72, 5 vols, with portrait of Col. Fielding, 11. 3s. Cases with opinions of eminent Counsel, in Matters of Law, Equity, and Conveyancing, alphabetically arranged, and digested under dis- tinct Heads. (By Philip Burton.) Lond. 1791. 8vo. 2 vols. 15s. A selection from a large collection of opinions on special cases by several late eminent counsel. — See Chaimees, Gr. Casimie, Mathias. The Odes of Casimu'e, translated by Gr. H. (Gr. Hils). Lond. 1646. 12mo. In Latin and English, with a frontis- piece by Marshall. According to Dr. Drake, many of Casimir's odes are worthy of the genius of Horace. Nassau, pt. i. 535, 78. Inglis, 260, 12s. Bindley, pt. iii. 1149, russia, 16s. 6d. An edition of the original Cassimiri Sarbievii Lyric. Can- tab, 1684. Brockett, 586, 5s. Casley, David, Catalogue. See British Museum. Cassan, Eev. Stephen Hyde. Lives and Memoirs of the Bishops of Sherborne and Salisbury from 705 to 1824. Sahsbury, 1824. 8vo. 10s. 6d. This divine published The Lives of the Bishopsof Winchester, from Berinus, the first Bishop of the West Saxons, to the present Time. Lond. 1827, 8vo. 2 vols. 11. 10s. Lives of the Bishops of Bath and Wells from the earliest to the present Period. Lond. 1829, 8vo. 2 vols. Cassiodoeus. Complexiones in Epistolas, Acta Apostolorum et Apocalypsin, cura S. C'handleri. Lond. 1722. 12mo. 48. Cassius, . Cassius of Par- ma his Orpheus, with Nathan I hitreeus his Commentarie, trans- lated and abridged by Roger E,aw- lyns, Lond. 1587. 4to. A — D 2, in fours, with two dedications, one in English, the other in Latin, to Ro- bert Earl of Essex ; also ' To his louing Masters and friends, the Students of Lyn- colnes Inne.' Bindley, pt. iii. 1616, 121. 173. Castalio, See Castellio. Castaneda, Fern. Lopez de. The first Booke of the Historic of the Discouverie and Conquest of the East Indias enterprised by the Portingales. Transl. into English by N. L. (Nicholas Lichefield). Lond. Th. East, 1582. 4to. Dedicated to Sir F. Drake. Black letter, Roxburghe, 7279, 11. White Knights, 2506, morocco, 11. 18s. Gordonstoun, 674, 21. 2s. North, pt. iii. 571, russia, 42. 4s. Castaniza, Jolm. C hristian Pil- grime. Paris, 1652. 12mo. 2 vols. Inglis, 261, morocco, 11. Castell, Edmimd, D.D. Sol Anghae oriens Ausj)iciis CaroU II. Regimi gloriosissimi. Lond. 1660. 4to. Pp.— , with portrait of K. Charles II. A series of complimentary verses addressed to the King by Castell, in all the Ian- 386 CAS guages used in his Polyglot Lexicon. Uiud- ley, pt. ii. 171, 51. 2s. 6d. Towneley, pt. i. 751, 61. 16s 6d. A copy is in the British Museum. Castell, Oratio in Scholis Theo- logicis liabita ab Edunmdo Castello. Lond. 1667. 4to. A copy of this oration, as well as of ' Bibliotlieca Castelliana. Lond. 1686/ 4to. cum pretiis MSS., are in the British Mu- seum. — Lexicon Heptaglotton, He- braicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritauum, _^tluopicum, Arabi- cum conjimctum et Persicum sepa- ratim. Cui accessit brevis et har- monica Grrammaticse, omnium pre- cedentium Linguarum delineatio. Lond. 1669, folio. 2 vols. 71. iTs. 6d. This work, embracing all the oriental languages in Walton's Polyglot, and de- signed to complete it, is, says Dr. A. Clarke, ' probably the greatest and most perfect work of the kind ever performed by human industiy and learning.' Some copies bear the date of 1686. Vol. i. Title, one leaf; dedication to K. Charles II. one leaf; Preface, 2 leaves ; Harmonia, pp. 44 on 11 leaves. Testimo- nia, &c. 1 leaf. Lexicon, pp. 1 — 2088. A — Z, 2 leaves each. Aa — LUl, in fours, Mmmm— Eeeee, 2 leaves each, Fffff — Ppppp, in fours. Prefixed is a portrait of the author by Faithorne. — Vol. ii. no title, pp. 2089—4008. Qqqqq— 9 C, Lexici. Pars altera, A — Bbb, 2 leaves each, pp. 573. LAEGE PAPEE, of which Only four copies are known : one in the British Museum, another at Lambeth Palace, a third in St. Paul's Cathedral, and the fourth at St. John's College, Cambridge. Tlie Syriac part of this Lexicon was published with Additions, by Michaelis, at Gottingen, 1788, 4to. 2 vols. — Robert. Villas of the Ancients illustrated. Lond. 1728. foho. Fonthill, 1856, 14s. larob paper. Nas- .sau, pt. i. 886, Ii. lls.6d. — William. Discoverie of the Coasts and Continent of America, from the Equinoctiall Northward, and of the adjacent Isles. Lond. 1644. 4to. North, pt. iii. 573, russia, 1?. 9s. He- printed in the second volume of the Oxford Collection of Voyages and Travels. A copy of the above, as likewise ' A Petition of W. C. exhibited to the High Covrt of Par- liament, for the propagating of the Gospel in America and the West Indies,' &c. 1641, 4to. are in the British Museum. Castellio, Sebast, Dialogorum sacrorum Libri quatuor. Londini 1573. 8vo. Reprinted 1580, &c. &c. A Conference of Faith, translated by Clement Barksdale. Lond. 1679, 12mo. Castelnau, Michel de. Memoirs of the Reigns of Francis II. and Charles IX. of France, transl. by the Rev. — KeUy. Lond. 1724. folio. An excellent historical work. Rox- burghe, 8005, 5s. 6d. The portion relating to Mary Q. of Scots, as well as that written by BI. de Laboureur and the Sr. de Bran- tome, will be found in Jebb de Vita et Rebus gestis Marise Scotorum Eeginse. vol. ii. Casteea, J, Life of Catherine II. of Russia. See Tooke, Wil- liam. Casti, Giamb. Court and Par- liament of Beasts, translated from the AnimaH Parlanti of Giambat- tista Casti, by William Stewart Rose. Lond. 1819. fscp. 8vo. 5s. 6d. Pp. 119. A notice of this condensed but excellent translation will be found in the Quart. Rev. xxi. 486— 556. BIr. Rose has omitted whatever might offend delicacy. The Tre Giuli, translated from the Ita- lian of G. B. Casti. Lond. 1826, post 8vo. The Three Groats, translated byM. Mon- tague. Loud. 1841, post 8vo. 78. 6d. Castiglione, Baldessar. II Cor- tegiano. Lond. 1727. 4to. An edition, in Italian and English, with a portrait of the author by Vertue. This work is emphatically termed by the Ita- lians the ' golden book.' Bindley, pt. i. 2010, 4s. 6d. Garrick, 496, 12mo. large PAPER. Strettell, 592, mor. 9s. — The Covi'tyer, done into En- glvshe, by Thomas Hoby. Lond. 1561. 4to. Contains Zz 5, besides title, dedication of the translator to ' Lord Henry Hast- inges,' and that of the author to ' Lord Wychaell de Sylua Bishop ofViseo.' On the last leaf of the work is ' A Letter to syr I. Cheekes,' which Herbert has re- printed in his edition of Ames' Typog, Antiq, as it has been omitted in the sub- sequent editions of this translation. In- glis, 338, 5s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 2009, 14s. — 1577, 4to. Y, in eights. Nassau, pt. i. 654, Ss.— 1588, 4to. pp. 616. This edition is printed in three columns, viz. Italian in Italics, French in Roman, and English in black letter. Nassau, pt, i. 653, 7s. Sir M. M. Svkcs, pt. i, 599, 4s. Bindley CAS pt. li. 126, 123. 6d.— 1603, 4to. Reed, 1778, 6s. 6d. Castiglione, Baldessar. De Cu- riali Libi-i quatuor, ex Italico Ser- monein Latiiium conuersi, Barthol. Gierke Interj^rete. Lond. 1571. 8vo. ' A treatise remarkable for its polite La- tinity.' — Warton. Reprinted 1577, 8vo. — 15S5, Svo.— 1G12, 8vo.— 1619, Cant. -1713, Ex Recens. Sara. Drake, Svo. 3s. large PAi'EB, 4s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. mor. li. 9s. Castile. — Relacion de la Jornada del Exa"'". Condestable de Castilla a las pazes entre Hespana y Ingla- terra, que se coneluyeron en Loii- dres, por el Mes de Agosto, Ano 1604. Anvers, 1604. 4to. 1^. Is. — The Pilgi'ime of Castile, trans- lated from the Sj^auish. 1623. 4to. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. iii. 245, 6s. Gor- donstoun, 1854, 8s. Nassau, pt. ii. 763,9s. Castle. — The Castell of Pleasure. Lond. by W. de Worde. 4to. n. d. Eighteen leaves. From 'L' enuoy de Robert Coplande rympriraeur,' it would appear that Nevil, sou of Lord Latimer, was the author of this poetical tract. Rox- burghe, 3284, 65Z. resold Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 590, 3U. — The Castell of Labour, wherin is Rychesse, Vertue and Honour. Lond. by W. de Worde, 1506. 4to. A — I iii. with curious wood cuts. A copy, supposed unique, is in the public library at Cambridge. The whole per- formance is in seven-line stanzas, and is an allegorical poem translated from the French of P. Gringoire, by Alex. Bar- clay. Warton, in his History of Poetry, Svo. iii. 80, note d, says, it is from the French of S. Gelais, by Bp. Alcock.? Another Edition. Enprynted by me Richarde Pynson. 4to. with wood cuts. — The Castle of Loue, trans- lated out of Spaynyshe into En- glyshe by John Bowi-ehier Knyght, Lord Bernes, Impr. by me Robert Wyer. Svo. Specimens of this i-omance ' translated at the instance of the Lady Elyzabeth Carew,' are given in Park's edition of Walpole's Koyal and Noble Authors. Another edition. Lond. by John Kynge. Svo. R 4, in eights. — A Proelamacyon of the hygh Emperour Jesu Christ vnto his CAS 387 faythfull Christen, concernynge the Castell of Fayth, which now by tlie Grace of God is lyke to be wonne into the Chrysten Mennes Handes again. Lond. 1534, 12mo. Twelve leaves. Reprinted 1.547, 16mo. B, in eights. 1.577, 16mo. — A Castle for the Soule, contain- ing many goldly Prayers, and diuine Meditations. Lond. 1576. 16mo. Printed within a pretty border, and de- dicated to Lord Ambrose, Earle of War- wicke, with an acrostic upon his name. Another edition, 1586. ("astlehaven, James Touchet, LordAudley, Earl of. The Me- moirs of his engagement and Car- riage in the Wars of Ireland, from the Year 1642 to the Year 1651. Written by himself. Lond. Henry lirorae, 1680. Svo. Pp. 136. This edition is said to havo been suppressed by the author. Nassau, pt, i. 2230, 3s. Gough, 735, 6s. Another edition. Lond. Joanna Brome, 1681. Towne- ley, pt. i. 492, 15s. Another, ' The Earl of Castlehaven's Review enlarged and cor- rected, with an appendix and postscript.' Lond. Charles Brome, 1684, 12mo.— 1684, Svo. pp. 177 (not 161), and appendi-x, pp. 73; This second edition is considerably altered and enlarged, and the dedication to the king suppressed. Another, with Lord An- glesey's Letter. Dublin, 1815, Svo. pp. XV. and 143; advertisement, pp. 2; letter, pp. 41, and postscript 1 leaf. Best edition, LARGE PAPER (30 printed). A Letter from a Person of Honour in the Countrey written to the Earl of Cas- tlehaven : being Observations and Reflec- tions upon his Lordship's Memoires con- cerning the Wars of Ireland. Lond. 1681, Svo. 10s. Written by Arthur Aunesley, Earl of Anglesey. Brief Reflections on the Earl of Castle- haven's Memoirs. Lond. 1682, Svo. 3s. 6d. Written by Dr. Edm. Borlase, author of the History of the execrable Irish Re- bellion, 1680, folio. Castlehayen, Mervin Touchet, Earl of. The Arraignment and Conviction of Mervin Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven, at Westminster, on Monday, April 25, 1641- Lond. 1642, 4to. Prefixed is a doubtful wood-cut portrait of the Earl. Grave, 112, 5s. Lloyd, 223. lis. 388 CAT OAT Tryal of the Earl of Castlehaven for Rape and Sodomy. 1699, 8vo. 1708, Svo. 1719, Svo. Castlemain, Roger Palmer, Earl of. Account of the present War betwixt the Venetians and Torks. Lond. 1666. Svo. With a portrait of the Earl by Fai- thorne. a map and plan of Candia by Hol- lar. Townelev, pt. i. 332, 5.s. Grave, 27, 7s. 6d. Roxburghe, 8233, 10s. Lloyd, 314, 14s. Lord Castlemain's Apology in Behalf of the Papists, reprinted and answered. (By Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of St. Asaph.) Lond. 1667, 4to. Reply to the answer of the Catholique apology or vindication of the Catholics of England, with catalogue of the Catholics that died and siiflfered for their loyalty. 1668, 12mo. Printed abroad. A short and true Account of the mate- rial Passages in the late War betwixt the English and Dutch. Lond. 1671, 12mo. With portrait of the Earl by Faithorne. Reprinted 1672, 12mo. The Compendium : or a short View of the late Tryals in Relation to the present Plot against His Majesty and Govern- ment, &c. Lond. 1679, 4to. The Earl of Castlemain's Manifesto. Printed Anno 1681, small Svo. pp. 136, 5s. Privately printed. The Embassy. S'!e Weight, M. Cat. — A Cat may look upon a King. Loud. 1652. 12mo. Prefixed is a frontispiece containing a portrait of K. James I. Nassau, pt. i. 537, lis. Another, A Cat may look at a King. Amst. 1714, Svo. Lloyd, 315, 7s. 6d. A virulent attack upon the series of Englisli monarchs, reprinted in the 13th volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. Cat. — Beware of the Cat. Three parts. Lond. Ed. Allde, 1584. 12mo. Satirical poem against Popery, only one copy known (title wanting) successively. Rawlinson, West, Herbert, Steevens, Duke of Roxburghe, Heber. Catalogues of Books. A Catalogue of certaine Bookes wliich have been published and (by authoritie) printed in England, both in Latine and English, since the Year 1626, vntil No- vember, 1631. Lond. 1631, 4to. nine leaves. This catalogue was probably continued for some years. A Catalogue of the most approved Di- vinity-Books which have been printed or reprinted about twenty Yeares past, and continued down to 1655, Mensis Martii 26. Lond. 1655, 12mo. Catalogues of Books printed and pnb- lished in London from Hillary Term 1695-6 to Trinity Term 1709. 1696-1709, fol. 62 nos. Catalog! Librorum MSS. Angliae et Hi- berniK in unum collecti.cum Indicealpha- betico. Oxon. 1697, folio, with a frontis- piece, containing portraits, 21. 2s. Mich Maittaire is supposed to have been tlie chief compiler of this most useful cata- logue. A new edition is a desideratum. Catalogiis universalis Librorum inomni Facultate,Linguaqueinsignium et rarissi- morum, (auct. Jo. Hartley). Lond. 1699, 1701, Svo. 2 vols. The Monthly Catalogue, from May to Dec. 1714. Lond. 1714, fol. 8 nos. The Monthly Catalogue : containing a Register of Books, Sermons, Plays, Poetry, &c. Lond. 1725-9, 4to. 3 vols. A complete Catalogue of Books pub- lished from the Beginning of this Century to the present Time. With the Prices affixed. To whicli is added, a Catalogue of the School Books now in general Use. Lond. 1766, Svo. This list, which is com- monly entitled the London Catalogue, has been frequently reprinted. 1773, Svo. — 1779, Svo.— 1799.— 1805.-1811, Svo.— 181^, Supplement, Svo. 1822.— 1814-1846. Lond. Hodgson, 1846, Svo.— 1816-1851. Lond. Hodgson, 1S51, Svo.- 1831-1855. Lond. Hodgson, lSo5, Svo. II. 8s. Classified Index to the London Cata- logue of Books, 1S14-1846. Lond. Hodgson, 1848, Svo.— The same, 1816-1851. Lond. Hodgson, 1853, Svo. British Catalogue of Books published from October 1837 to December 1852, with sizes, prices, dates, and publishers' names, compiled by Sampson Low. Vol.1. Gene- ral Alphabet. 1837 to 1849, with Supple- ments to 1852. Loud. 1853, Svo. Supplements are published annually, as an Index to the Publishers' Circular. Catalogues. See Bent, Wm. Clavell, Robert. London, Wm. Maunsell, An- drew. British Museum. For List of Catalogues refeiTed to throughout this work, see Appendix. Catalogues various. Catalogue of the Nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 1642, Svo. White Knights, 794, mor. 10s. A Catalogue of the Names of the Dukes, Marquesses and Earles, &c. that have ab- sented themselves from Parliament. 1642, 4to. A Catalogue of all the Kings which have reigned in England since the first Entrance of the Romans, also of the Kings and Princes of Wales. 1641, 12mo. A Catalogue of the Lords, Knights and Gentlemen that have compounded for their Estates. Lond. 1655, 12mo. Nassau, pt.l. CAT OAT 389 638, 68. Another edition. To which are added, some Gentlemen's names, which were omitted in the former edition. Clies- ter, 1633, 8vo. 3s. 6d. A new Catalogue of the Dukes, Mar- qu'sses, &c. Lond. hy T. C. for Tlio. Walkley, 1658, 8vo. 175 pp. besides pre- liminaries. A portion of this work, ' A new Catalogue of the Lords, Baronets and Kniglits, made by his Highness, the Lord Protector, since the second of November, 1657,' &c. is reprinted in the second num- ber of Morgan's Phoenix Britannicus. A Catalogue of the Peers of the King- dom of England, according to their Birth and Creation. 1660, folio. Reprinted in tlie seventh volume of the Somers Collec- tion of Tracts. A perfect Catalogue of all the Arch- bishops and Bisliops in Kngland and Wales, established by his Majesty K. Chailes II., ranked intheir Order, whereof the five first take Place by Act of Parlia- ment, the rest according to their Conse- cration. 1660. Keprinted in the seventh volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. Catalogue of Knights Batchelaiirs made by K. James I. 1660, with port, of James. Bindley, pt. 1.1354, 11. Is. A Catalogue of the Names of all such who were summoned to any Parliament (or reputed Parliament) 1640 — 61. Lond. 1661, 8vo. Catalogue of the Knights of the Garter, from the first institution to 1661, 4to. Bindley, pt. iv. 176, 5s. 6d. A Catalogue of Nobility. 1662. See PAvyLEV, Robert. Catalogue of the Succession of the Kings of England from William I. to James II. Lond. 1685, folio. Cataneo Novarese, Girolamo. Most briefe Tables to Know redily how manie llanckes of Footemen armed with Corsletts, as vnarmed, go to the makhig of a ivist Battaile, from an hundred vnto twentie thou- sand, &c. Tourned out of Itahan into Enghsh, by H. G, Lond. 1588. 4to. 10s. 6d. Dedicated by the author to the Earle Aloigi Auogardo, after which is a short address to the reader. li, in fours ; A 6, E 2. A former edition. Lond. W. Wil- lamson. 1574, 4to. Ii,infour*> Catascopos ; a Surveigh and Critique Censure of the Christian world,inverse.W.Stansby,1615,8vo. Farmer, 131. 13s. Catcott, Alexander. Treatise on the Deluge and Structure of the Earth. The second Edition, con- siderably enlarged. Lond. 1768. 8vo. 10s. Best edition. Pp. xvi. and 423, with two plates. An ingenious performance, now in considerable request, framed on the prin- ciples of Hutchinson. Williams, 40.5, 1^33. A former edition appeared in 1761, 8vo. — A. S. The antient Principles of the true and sacred Philosophy, as lately explained by John Hutch- inson. Originally pubhshed in Latin by A. S. Catcott ; translated with notes, and a prehminary dis- sertation on the Character and Writings of Moses, by Alexander Maxwell. Lond. 1822. 8vo. In this work will be found an attempt at a philosophical exposition of the first chap- ter of Genesis. Catechesis Rehgionis Christiaiise compendiosior, a Conventu vene- randorum magnse Britanniae Theo- logorum, &c. Concionat, &c. in Linguam Grsecam pariter et Lati- nam traducta et in Lucem edita a J. Harmar. Lond. 1659. 8vo. 63. A translation of the lesser or shortercate- chism, made by tlie Assembly of Divines. Catechism. — A short Catechisme, sett fourth by the Kings Maiesties (Edward VI.) Authoritie, for all Scholemaisters to teache. Lond. by John Daye. 1553. 16mo. To this catechism the articles agreed upon by the Bishops are subjoined. The volume contains fol. Ixxxviii. besides pre- fixes, 'An Iniunction — by the Kyng: the Copie of the Kynges Maiesties Letters Patentes,' and an alphabetical table. At the end of the articles are some short prayers for children. Bp. Randolph, 418, U. 6s. Constable, 131, 4^. 14s. 6d. Other editions were printed by R. Grafton and R. Wolfe, the same year. See Cate- chismus. A briefe Catechisme and Dialogue be- twene the Husbande and his Wife : con- taynynge a pyththy Declaracyon of the Pater-noster, Crede,and tene Commaunde- nientes, very necessary for all men to knowe, (by R. Legatt). Wesell, 1545, 8vo A copy is in the British Museum. A shorte Catechisme. A briefe and godly Bringinge vp of Youth, ; set forth in Manor of a Dialogue. Lond. 1550, 16mo. ContairiB L in eights, half theets. 390 CAT OAT On a single leaf at the end are the errata. Quere.if not whatin Maunsell'a Catalogue, p. 29, is entitled Edmond Allen's Cate- chisme ? A Catechisme, or a Christian Doctrine neeessarie for Chyldren and the ignorant People. (Loua. 1567) 16mo. A copy is in the British Museum. A Catechisme of Christian Religion, taught in the Schooles and Churches of the Low-Countries, and Dominions of the Countie Palatine. With the Arguments and Vse of the seuei'al Doctrins of the same Catecliisme by Jeremias Bastingius. Andnowauthorisedhy the Kings Maiestie for the Vse of Scotland. Whereunto is ad- ioyned certain Praiers for sundry Pur- poses. Edinburgh, 1591, 16mo. Prefixed are, ' The A. B. C— The Lords Prayer— The Beliefe — The ten Conimandements— A Praier to be vsed before Catechising.' See Bastingius, Jeremias. Catechism, or first Instructio of Faith to be learned of euery Child before he bee brought to be confirmed of the Bishop. Lond. 8vo. From Maunsell's Catalogue, p. 29. The Foundation of Christian Religion gathered into six principles, known as Perkins Catechism, many times printed in 18mo. 1642, &c. The Racoviau Catechisme. Amst. 1652, 8vo. 48. A copy is in the British Museum, as likewise Votes of Parliament touching the Book. Lond. 1652. fol. The Russian Catechism. Lond, 1725, 8vo. 5s. Catechism in Irish, printed by Godfrey Daniel. 1652, S^o. again in 16S0. The Catechism or Christian Doctrine, by way of Question and Answer (English and Irish) : to which are added the Ele- ments of the Irish Language, [bv Father Donlevy.] Paris, 1742, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Catechism. See Allkn, Edmond. Cal- viv, John. Canisius, Peter. Cranmer, Thomas. Hamiltom, Ahp. of St. Andrews, John. NoWELL, Alex. Primer. Catechismo que significa, Forma de Instrucion; conipuesto en Maner a de Dialogo. Lond. 1596. 16rao. Catechismus brevis Clu'istianae Diseipliuae adiimcti sunt Artiexdi. Lond. E. Wulfiiun. 1553. 8vo. K.Edward the Sixth's catechism. Some curious information respecting this and other editions will be found in Dr. Dib- din's edition of Ames' Typog. Antiq. iv. 19-20, 36, 68. Collier's Eccl. Hist. ii. 336. Strype's Memor. ii. 367. Alphabetum et ratio legendi Iliberni- cara et catechismus in eadem lingu4. Johna Kearnagh. Dublin, 1.571, 8 vo. (The title being In Irish, the preceding is a translation. The first book ever printed in the Irish language and character. VERY RARE. Catechisms oft anderwigsinghe in de Christelicke leere, 12mo. Ohedruckt [tot Noorwitz] in Jaer. 1568 [by Anthonium de Solemne.J Black letter, 47 leaves, and one of Register. A copy is in Trinity College, Dublin, the earliest book printed at Norwich. Catechismus Latino Carmine redditus, et in Libros quatuor digestus Patricii Adarasoni Opera atque Industria. Edinb 1581, 16mo. Dedicated to K. James VI. Catechismus. See Calvin, John. Cban MEE, Thomas. Nowell, Alex. Catechismus Judiseorum Heb. et Lat. a Lied, de Compeigne de Veil. Lond. 1679. 12mo. Ss. Catel, — . A Treatise on Har- mony, written for the use of the Pupils in the Conservatoire of Music in Paris, by Catel, translated into English, with additional notes and explanations. Lond, 1825. 12s. Catesby, Mark. The natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands (in English and French), with Appendix and Index. Lond. 1731, 43, 48. imp. foho. 2 vols. 220 plates, coloured, and map. [The Appendix contain- ing 20 plates, is often deficient.] Original and most esteemed edition. Dent, pt. i. 652, uncut, lU. 14s. New edition, by Geo. Edwards. 1754, folio, 2 vols. The plates of this edition are coloured with superior care. Stanley, 94 Ml. 13s. Towneley, pt. ii. 522, Ibl. New edition, with a Linnsean Index and Appendix. Lond. 1771, folio, 2 vols. Vol.i. pp. xliv. and 100, with 100 coloured plates. Vol. ii. pp. 100, with 100 coloured plates. Appendix pp. 20, with 20 plates. Fonthill, 674, \0l. 5s. Garrick, 792, russia, 101. 10s. — Hortus Eiu-opse Americanus, or a Collection of 85 Trees and Shrubs, the Produce of North Ame- rica, adapted to the Climate and Soil of Great Britain. Lond. 1767, 4to. 15s. With 17 coloured engravings. Catheeine. See Katheeine. — II. of Russia. See Tooke, Wm. Catholics. — Descriptioncs quse- dam illius inhuuianse et multiplicis CAT CAT 391 Persecutionis quaiii in Anglia prop- ter Fidcm sustinentCatholice C'liris- tiani. 1588, folio. This singularly curious and rare work consists of six folio pages; five of them contain plates, occupying nearly the half of each : they are well executeil, and judg- ing fi-om their general appearance, and the time when the work was puhlished, were most prohably engraven by Thomas de Leuw. See Parsons, Robert. Advertissement desCatholiques Anglois aux Francois Catholiques du Danger de perdre leur Religion, sils recoivent un Roi qui soit Heretique. 1586, 8vo. 5s. Responsce des vrais Catholiques Fran- cois ii I'Avertissement des Catholiques Anglois, pour I'Exclusion du Koy (Henri III.) 15aS, 8vo. Lettre d'vn Gentilhomme Catholiqve Francois contenant breue Response aux Caloninies d'vn certain pretendu Anglois. 1587, 8vo. Response d'vn Gentilhomme Franyois a I'Advertissement des Catholicques An- glois. 1587, 8vo. Catholikes Supplication to the King for Toleration of the Catholike Religion in England. 1603, 4to. Ireland, in 1801, 520, 15s. An Answere to certaine scandalous Paperp, scattered abroad under Colour of a Catholicke Admonition. 1606, 4to. Ii'e- land, 1801, 567, mor. 9s, 6d. Catholike Moderator, proving that we who are members of tlie Catholike Apos- tolike and Roman Church ouglit not to coudemne the Protestants for Heretikes until further proofe be made. Loud. 1624, 4to. Historic of the Defenders of the Catho- lique Faitli (by Chr. Lever). Lond. 1627, 4to. wi til front. Gordonstoun. 1120, 12s. 6d. Catholike Apologie against the libels, declarations, &c., made and published by those of the League, small 8vo. Lond. fen- Ed. Aggas. /See Castlemain. Again with Reply to the Answer. 1674, 8vo. The State of the Roman Catholic Reli- gion throughout the World, written for the Use of Pope Innocent the Xlth. 1715, 8vo. A translation from the Italian, published by Sir Rich Steele. The dedication has been ascribed to Benj. Hoadly, Bp. of Win- chester, The State and Behaviour of English Ca- tholics from the Refonnation to the Year 1780. In two Parts. Lond. 1780, 8vo. Re- printed 1781. In the British Museum are many tracts, &c. relative to the Catholics from 1555 to the present time. See Martyrs and Martyrology. Catley, Ann. Life and Me- moirs of the late Miss Ann Catley. Lond. n. d. 8vo. Field, 1147, 6s. 6d. Another entitled Memoirs of tlie celebrated Miss Ann C — y 177.3, 12mo. 2 vols, with portrait. Field, 1148, 11. 15s. See also Amhkoss, Miss. Cato, Dionysius. Liber Catho- nis (Latine) cum Commento. Impr. per Wyn. de Worde, 1512. 4to. Again 1514, 4to. Another. Rothomagi, in Oflicina Richardi Goupil, 4to. Printed at the expence of, and for, Martin Coffin dwelling in Exeter. — Catho pro Piieris. Londoniis per Wynandum de Worde (1513). 4to. This edition has six leaves, and begins thus : ' Precepta ad bene beateque viven- dum emendata perdiligenter.' It ends ; ' Laus Deo.' — Disticha moraUa, cum Scho- liis auctis Erasmi, &c. 1514. 4to. An unknown edition, supposed to be the first production of the press of Peter Tre- veris In Southwark. — Catonis Disticha moraha ex Castigatione Erasmi, cum Annota- tionibus Richardi Taverneri. Lon- dini in sedibus Nicholai Montani. 1553. Bvo. Some copies have the name of Nicholas Hill as printer, others that of T. Berthelet. Bindley, pt. i. 1444, U. 17s. — Catonis Disticha moralia, ex Castigatione D. Erasmi, &c. Lond. ex iEdibus Roberti Caly. 1555. 16mo. Of this edition but one copy is said to exist. Garrick, 368, 31. 13s. 6d. The fol- lowing is the title: ' Catonis Disticha mo- ralia, ex Castigatione D. Erasmi Rotero- dami vna cum Annotationibus & Scholiis Richardi Tauerneri Anglico Idiomate con- scriptis in Vsum Anglicee luuentutis. Ali- quot Sententise Insignes ex variis collectse Scriptoribus per eundem Erasmum. Mimi Publiani, cum Anglicis eiusdem Richardi Scholiis, recogniti.' An edition Lond. Jhon Whaley, 1562, 16mo.— Steevens, 179, 5s. [Here begynneth the boke of Cato, both in Latyn and Englyshe. Lond. Wm. Cop- land, 1558, 12mo. This Poetical version of Cato, printed in black letter, in the Grenville Library, is supposed unique.] — Disticha de Moribus (Lat. et Aug.) a Car. Hoole. Lond. 1704. 12mo. 2s. Frequently -eprinted. 392 CAT Cato. Tke Book called Cathon, translated out of Frensshe into En- glysslie, by William Caxton. West- mystre. 1483. folio. Contains sign, a to i in eights (at being blank and i having ten leaves, of which the last is blank) and is preceded by the pro- logue and table, 3 or 4 leaves. Watson Taylor, 30?. 10s. 6d. Ingli.s, 403, 28/. 17s. 6d. Alchorne, 169 (sign, e wanting) 511. 9s. resold,White Knights, 966, 22?. Is. Wilkes, 1847 (8 leaves wanting, and some mended) 231. los. Gardner, 1854, morocco, SIZ. Copies are to be fonnd in the libraries of K.George III., Earl Spencer, Cambridge University, St. John's College, Oxford, the Hunterian College, and Lambeth Li- brary. See Ames, by Dibdin, i. 195-200. Uibl. Spencer, iv."263*-4». Brit. Bibl. iv. 323-6. Dibdin's Lincoln Nosegay, no. lii. — Precepts of Cato, -svith An- notations of D. Erasmus of Koter- dame, with sage and prudent Say- engs of the seuen wyse Men. Lond. 1560. 16mo. Reed, 1844, 4s. Herbert notices another edition without date, 24mo. — Cato construed, or a famihar and easie Interpretation vpon Catos morall verses. Fu-st done m Laten and French by Maturinus Corde- rius, and now newly enghshed, to the comfort of aU young Schollers. Lond. 1584. ISmo. K 2, in eights. A translation of ' the shorte Sentencez of the wyz Cato, in trne Ortography, with grammar Notz,' will be found inBulloker's Version of jEsop, 1585, 8vo. — Cato's Precepts and Sententise Pueriles, translated grammatically by John Brinsley. Lond. 1612. 8to. — Cato Variegatvs or Catoes Morall Distichs, translated and pa- rapln'as'd, with Variations of Ex- pressing, in Eughsh Verse. By Sir Richard Baker, Ejiight. Lond. 1636. 4to. The Distichs of Cato in Latin Verse, with several Poetical English Transla- tions. Title, To the Reader, 3 leaves. Cato, B— O 3, 102 pp. Constable, 228, 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 1839, 17s. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 26, 1/. 18s. — Cato's moral Distichs, english- cd in Couplets. Philadelphia, by B. Franklin, 1735, 4to. 6s. CAT Cato, Marc. Pore. M. Porcius Cato concerning Agriculture, trans- lated by the Rev. Thomas Owen. Lond. 1803, 8vo. 4s. 6d. Pp.144. An excellent translation. In Tanner's Bibl. Brit. 710 is the following: ' An Argument wherein the Apparel in Women is both reproved and defended : being a Translation of Cato's Speech, and L. Valerius' Answer out of the fourth Decad of Livy. By Wm. Thomas.' Lond, 1551, 12mo. Cato, Valerius. Carmina cum notis Putschii et Wernsdorfii cura J. A. Giles. Lond. 1838, 8vo. 58. One hundred copies printed. Also in Maittaire's Corpus Poetarum. Cato. — Parvus Chatho, and! nus Catho. foho. Printed by Caxton. The entire work, consisting of 26 leaves, a 7, b 8, c 8, d 4. is poetical, being in seven-line stanzas, each preceded by a Latin distich. The parvus Catho commences on the recto of a ij (a i being blank) and ends on the recto of the nest leaf a iij ; on the reverse of the same leafMagnus Catho, consisting of fourbooks, commences and concludes on the recto of d iiij. ' Cato Parvus, or Facetiis, or Ur- banus, was written by Daniel Churche, or Ecclesiensis, a domestic in the court of Henry the Second, about the year 1180.' — Warton. Lydgate, says Dr. Dibdin, was the translator both of Cato Magnus and Parvus. Copies are in the libraries of K. George III., Earl Spencer, and St. John's Coll. Oxford. See Ames, by Dibdin, 1. 200- 1. Bibl. Spencer, iv. 264*-6*. Warton's Poetry, 8vo. iii. 6-7. 465, note y. Cato Christianus. In quern co- niiciuntur ea omnia, quae in sacris Literis ad Parentum, Puerorumque Pietatera videntiu* maxime jjerti- nere. Lond. 1600. l6mo. Cato tiu-ned wrong side outward. See Dedekindus, F. N. Cato's Letters. Lond. 1755. 12mo. 4 vols. 10s. These letters, commencing Nov. 1720, originally published in the ' London' and afterwards in tlie ' British Journal,' were written by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon. Other editions, 1724, 1737, 1748, 12mo. 4 vols. Cateoxj, F. Francis. The Roman History : with Notes. Done into English from the original French CAT CAT 393 of the Rev. Fathers Catrou and Roiiille (by R. Buncly). Lond. 1728-37. foHo. 6 vols, plates. From this work Hooke is said to have compiled bis liistory ; it is in little estima- tion. Eoxburfjlie, 7785, 11. lis. 6d. The Herculean Labour; or the Augfean Stable cleansed : being remarks on Mr. Bundy's Translation of tbe Roman His- tory. With the first Canto of Voltaire's Henriade. Lond. 1709, 8vo. Ozell's Mons Testaceous; or the Roman Laystall, being serious and facetious re- marks on some thousand of comical mis- takes, &c. in Bnndy's folio Translation of Catrou and Rouille's l{oman History. Lond. 1729, 8vo. 3s. 6d. Catbotj, p. Francis. The general History of the Mogul Empu-e, fi'om its foundation by Tamerlane, to the late Emi^eror Orangzeb. Lond. 1709, 8vo. 4-s. Taken from the Portuguese memoirs of M. Manouchi, a Venetian. History of the Mogul Dynasty in India, from its Foundation by Tamerlane, in 1399, to the Accession of Aurungzebe, in 1657. Translated from the French. Lond. 1826, 8vo. 12s. Cattan, Christ. Geomancie, whereunto is annexed the Wheele of Pythagoras. Translated from the French. Lond. 1581. 4to. woodcuts. Black letter. Pp. 224, besides the pre- fixes. Inglis, 340, il. Another edition, 1608, 4to. 10s. 6d. Caterpillars of this Nation ana- tomized, in a Discovery of House- Breakers, Pick-Pockets, &c. Lond. 1659. 4to. Reed, 1961, 13s. Catullus. Phaselus et ad eiun quotquot extant parodise, cum an- notationibus doctiss. viror. etc. cu- rante Sixto Octaviano. Eboraci. Jo Mariautiura. 1579. 8vo. — Caius Val. Catidlus, et in eumls.VossiiObservationes. Lond. 1684. 4to. An esteemed edition, with an elegant and enidite commentary. Bindlev, pt. ii. 329, 4s. LARGE PAPER. Drury, 944, '21. 2s. The edition ' Ultrajecti, 1691,' is the same as this, with a new title, the address to the reader, and the last leaf of the index reprinted, and tlie errata at the end of the volume omitted. — Catullus, Tibullus et Proper- tius, cum variis Lectionibus. Can- tab. 1702. 4to. A splendid and accurate edition, though held in little estimation. Drury, 4691*, 5s. Roxburghe, 2466, U. 3h. — CatuUus, Tibullus et Proper- tins (edente M. Maittaire). Lond. 1715. 12mo. 3s. An accurate edition, with an excellent index, large paper, 12s. Dent, pt. i. 514, morocco, by Roger Payne, 31. 3s. An edition of Catullus, Tibullus, and Pro- pertius. Lond. Brindley, 1749, 18mo. 33. — CatuUus, Tibullus et Proper- tius. Birm. 1772. 4to. A beautiful edition, printed by Basker- ville. Diike of Grafton, 504, 7s. Dent, pt. i. 406, mor. 9s. 6d. Drury, 948, mor. 19s. 6d. Heath, 3498, mor. 11. 5s. An edition, 1772, 12mo. 3s. — Catullus, Tibullus et Proper- tius. Lond. 1774. 12mo. 3s. 6d. A neat and respectable edition, edited by Dr. Harwood. — CatuUus, recensuit Joannes Wilkes. Lond. 1788. 4to. pp. 124. One hundred copies printed. Duke of Grafton, 505, 10s. Drury, 945, russia, lis. Brockett, 753, russia, lis. Bindley, pt. il. 3.30, 11. 15s. Towneley, pt. i. 214, morocco, 11. 17s. On vellum, three copies printed. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 603, 81. 5s. "Wil- liams, 327, morocco, 101. 15s. — CatuUus, Yarietate Lectionis et perpet. Adnot. illustrat. a Fred. G. Doering. Lond. 1820. 8vo. Dniry, 720, 10s. 6d. — CatuUus, Tibullus et Proper - tins. Lond. Typis C. CorraU. 1824. 48mo. 6s. Pickering's edition, the smallest ever printed. Twenty -four copies were taken off on India paper, and six on vellum. TRANSLATION.'*. The Poems in English Verse, with the Latin text revised, and classical Notes (by Dr. Nott). Lond. 1795, 8vo. 2 vols. Prefixed are engravings of Catullus and Corn. Nepos. A complete and not inele- gant translation, with a life of Catullus, and a good inde.x of persons, places and subjects. Fonthill, 1.594. 11. 10s. Duke of York, 928. 18s. Nassau, pt. i. 560, 12s LARGE PAPER, II. 4s. Th '. Poems, translated, with a pre- face and notes by the Hon. George Lamb. Lond 1821, fscap. 8vo. 2 vols. Drury, 722, 1/ 23. A translation of the Marriage of Peleus and Thetis, by the Rev. F. Ottey, A.M., 1827, 8vo. 2s. 6d. 394 CAU Catullus and TibuUus, with the Vigil of Venus, a literal prose translation by W. E. Kelly ; to which are added the metrical Versions of Lamb and Grainger. Lend. H.G. Bohn, 1854, 5h. Caulfield, James. Portraits and Memoirs of Remarkable Characters from the reign of Ed. III. to the Re- volution. Lond. 1794, roy. 8vo. 2 v. Grave, 113, 10s. 6d. large paper, 4to. Roxburghe, 9283, with a fragment of vol. 3, 6/. enlarged into 3 vols. roy. 8vo. 109 ports. 1813, pub. 4?. 4s. LARGE PAPEK, 4to. 61. 6s. Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of re- markable Persons, from the Revolution in 1688 to the end of the Reign of Geo. II.. col- lected from the most autlientic Accounts extant. Lond. 1819-20, roy. 8vo. 4 vols. LARGE PAPER in 4to. pub. 12^ 12s. 157 ports. — Calcographiana ; the Printsel- ler's r:hronicle and Collector's Guide to the Knowledge and Value of en- graved British Portraits. Lond. 1814. Svo. With portrait, 4s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 564, 4s. Brockett, 842, Us. Strettell, 266, in- terleaved, 13s. LARGE PAPER, in folio, with portrait on India paper, 12 copies printed. Nassau, pt. i. 889, 10s. The Oxford Cabinet, consisting of en- gravings from original pictures in the Ashmolean Museum, and other public and private collections, with biographical anec- dotes, by John Aubrey and other cele- brated writers. Lond. 1797, 4to. Plates. The History of the Gun- Powder Plot; with several historical circumstances prior to the event, connecting the plots of the Romanists to re-establish Popery in this kingdom. Lond. 1804, Svo. Plates. j TheGallery of British Portraits, contain- ing those of distinguished and noble Per- sonages during the Reigns of James Land Charles I. and under the Commonwealth, with biographical Notices collected from the best authorities, by .James Caulfield. Lond. 1814, large 4to. Parts I. and II. only published, each containing six portraits. Saunders in 1818, 16s. Some were taken otf in colours, large paper, Imp. folio. Memoirs of Sir Robert Nannton, Knt. Author of Fragmenta Regalia; with some of his postiiumous Writings, from Manu- scripts in his own Hand, never before printed. Lond. 1814, small 4to. Pp. 50, not including title, with portrait by Rob. Cooper. LARGE PAPER in folio. The High Coni-t of Justice, comprising memoirs of the principal persons who sat in judgment on King Cliarles the First, and signed his death-warrant. Illustrated witli thi-ir port raits. autographs, and seals. Lond. 1824, 4to. — See Eccentric Magazine. Caumpeden, Hugo. /S'fe BoccuB. Caundishe, Richard. Image ol Natvu-e and Grace. Lond. by John Daye (1574). IRmo. 7s. Black letter. 125 leaves, besides an epistle dedicatory, and the arguments of the chapters. At the end is a table. CA^TS, Isaac de. A new and rare Invention of Water- Works. Lond 1704. 4to. with plates. 15s. A curious work, ' teaching how to raise water higher than the Spring, by which Invention the pei-petual Motion is pro- posed, and many hard Labours perfonned .As also, a Description of Capt. Savory's Engine for raising of vast Quantities of Water by Fire.' — See Wilton Garden. — Salomon de. La Perspective avec la Raison des Ombres et Mir- rou-s. Lond. 1612. foUo. 18s. Supposed to be the first treatise on per- spective printed in England. It is dedi- cated to Henry, Prince of Wales. Cause, Bart. Shield and Buckler of Faith, translated from the French by T. S. Lond. 1569, 4to. Inglis, 342, 8s. Cattssin, Nicholas. Holy Court, translated by Sir Tho. Hawkens, Knt. Fourth edition. Lond. 1678. foho. IZ. Is. In this work will be found a life of Mary Queen of Scots, the original French of which is reprinted by Jebb. An Italian translation by C. Ant. Berardi appeared, Bologna, 12m6. Cataleeius, .Joan, Bapt. Eccle- sise Anglicanse trophsea ; sive SS. martyrum, qui pro Clu'isto catholi- cseque fidei veritate asserenda an- tiquo recenticrique persecutionum tempore mortem in Anglia subje- runt, passiones, per J. B. de Caval- leriis seneis typis reprecsentatse. Romse, 1584. folio, a series of en- gravings, 5Z. 5s. Cavaliers (the) Common Prayer Booke unclaspt, it bemg Prayers and Thanksgivings used in his Majesty's (Charles I.) Chapel and in his Armory. York, 1644, re- printed Lond. 1644. 4to, CAT OAT 395 Cavallier, James. Memoirs of the Wars of the Cevennes. Dublin, 1726, 8vo. Koxbuighe, 8061, 63. Reprinted Dublin, 1727, 8vo. Cavallo, Tiberius. Elements of natui'al or experimental Philosophy. Lond. 1803, Svo. 4 vols, with plates. 11. lis. 6d. A valuable work. Earl of Kerry, 121, 31. 33. This eminent philosoplier like- wise published — Treatise on Electricity, Lond. 1777, 8vo. 1795, Svo. 3 vols. Treatise on the Nature and Properties of Air, Lond. 1781, 4to. Mineralogical Tables, folio, 5s. Treatise on Magnetism, 1787, 8vo. 1800, Svo. Essay on factitious Airs, Lond. 1798, 8vo. History and Practice of Aerostation, 1785, Svo. Fonthill, 2483, 7s. Essay on Medical Electricity, 1780, Svo. Caye, H. Antiqmties of York, drawn and etched by H. Cave. Lond. 1818. imperial 4to. Collation.— Title; introduction, 2 pages; antiquities, B— D 3, and list of plates (40 in number, not including a frontispiece), one page. Lond. 1813, lakoe paper, with PROOF IMPRESSIONS of the plates on india PAPER. Cave, William, D.D. Antiqui- tates Apostolicne ; or the History of the Lives, Acts, and Martyrdoms of the Holy Apostles and the two Evangelists, St. Mark and St. Luke (being a continuation of the Life of Christ by Jeremy Taylor). Lond. 1675. folio. Other editions. The second, 1676, folio. The third, 1677, folio. The fifth, 1684. — Apostolici : or the History of the Lives, Acts, and Martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the Apos- tles : as also the most eminent of the Primitive Fathers, for the first three hundred Years : to which is added a Chronology of the three first Ages of the Church. Lond. 1677. foUo. 15s. The second edition, corrected, 1682, folio. —1716, folio. Uindley, pt. 1. 1151, 11. 3s. —1733, folio. Dent, pt. i. 510, U. 8s. Caa'e, W., D.D. Ecclesiastici ; or the History of the most eminent Fa- thers of the Church that flourisht in tlie foiu'th century, together with an account of the state of Paganism under the first Christian emperors. Lond. 1683. folio. 11. Is. L. p. 21. 29. This and the preceding articles are often bound together, and form 2 or 3 vols, folio, 21. 123. 6d. They have been reprinted under the superintendence of Henry Gary, Oxford (for Tegg), 1840, Svo. viz. Lives of the Apostles, 1 vol. 8s. Lives of the Fathers, 3 vols. 11. 4s. — Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia literaria, a Cliristo nato usque ad soeculum xiv. Oxonii, 1740-3. folio. 2 vols. Tlie best edition of a valuable work, displaying great reading, research, and accurac v, superintended by Dr. W^aterland. Up. of Ely, 477, 11. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 1328, U. Gosset, 1473, 11. 17s. large PAPER, Heath, 475, 31. Williams, 486, 61. 10s. The original of 1688-9, fol. 2 vols, is very inferior. Other editions. Col. Allob. 1720, folio. [Reprinted from the Oxford edit.ofl740-3,at Basle, 1741-45, folio,2 vols.] A kind of supplement to this and other similar works was published at Leipsic in 1722. ' Casimirl Oudiiii Commentarius de Scriptoribus Ecclesise antiquis, illoruin Scriptis, tarn impressis quam inanu- scriptis, il Bellarmino, PosseR'ino, Cavseo, Du Pin, et aliis omissis, ad annum 1460. 3 vols, folio, Lipsise, 1722, 41. 4s. Chartophyla.x Eccle.siasticus. Londini, 1685, Svo. An Abridgment of tlie His- toria Literaria. P. Colomesius published Ad Gul. Cave Chartophylacem Ecclesias- ticuni Paralipomeiia, Lond. 1686, Svo. Primitive Christianity, or the religion of the ancient Christians, in three parts. 1672. 1673, 1675, 16S2, 1702. Seventh edi- tion corrected. Lond. 1714, Svo. 4s. Edited by Stebbing, 2 vols. fcap. Svo. 5s. Edited by H. Carey. Oxford, Svo. 1849, 8s. A Dissertation concerning the Govern- ment of the ancient Church, by Bishops, Metropolitans and Patriarchs. Lond. 1683, Svo. 3s. 6d. Reprinted with Primitive Christianity, 1849, Svo. Cavellus (H.). The mirror of the Sacrament of Penance, com- posed by the poor brother of the order of St. Francis, Hugh, the sou of Angil. Emanuel Telaph printed it perraissu superiorum. 1618. 12mo. The title of this book is in the Irish language and character, of which tho above is a translation. 396 CA.W Cavendish, George. The Life of Cardinal Wolsey, and Metrical Ver- sions from the original Autogi-aph Manuscript, with Notes and other Illustrations by S. W. Singer. Chis- wick, 1825. 8vo. 2 vols, with por- traits, &c. One of the most interesting and valu- able specimens of biography in the En- glish language, labge papek (50 copies). Drury, 732, morocco, il. 14s. 6d. Williams, 410, morocco, 51. 7s. 6d. Reprinted 1827, in 1 vol. with omissions. First edition, entitled 'The Negotia- tions of Thomas Woolsey, the great Car- dinal of England.' I.ond. 1641, 4to. pp. 118, with a port, of AVolsey, by Marshall. White Knights, pt. i. 936, morocco, 41. Marq. of Townshend, 3448, 16s. Towneley, pt. i. 818. 412, il. Is. Bindley, pt. i. 2178, 14s. Jadis, 134, morocco, 11. 6s. Gordon- stoun, 2395, 21. 7s. Another, ' The Life and Death of Tho- mas Woolsey.' Lond. 1667, 12mo. pp. 157, with portrait. Dedicated to Henry Mar- quis of Dorchester. Stanley, 56, 11. 8s. White Knights, 4504, 12s. ii. 375, 10s. Fonthill, 3560, 2Z. Brand, 3/.6s. Another, 1706, 8vo. 5s. Heath, 1581, 8s. 6d. This biographical memoir is re- printed from the edition 1641, in the fifth volume of the Uaileian Miscellany, and from original JIS.S. in the first volume of Wordswortli's Ecclesiastical Biography. A critical notice of it will be found in the Ketrosp.*Rev. V. 1-44. — Who wrote Cavendish's Life of Wolsey ? 1814. 4to. An admirable pamphlet, written by the Rev. Joseph Hunter of Bath. One hun- dred copies printed. Nassau, pt. ii. 1504, 8s. It is reprinted in Cavendish's Life, edited by Mr. Singer. — See Newcastle, Dul. — 1735. folio, with portrait, 10s. 6d.— Aberdeen, 1766. 12mo.2vols. 12s. Gratulatiodef^aroli Principis inHispan. Adventu. J^ond. 1623, 4to. Gratulatio Aeademiie Cantahrigiensis de sereniss, Principis Reditu ex Hispaniis exoptatissimo. Cantab. 1623, 4to. Bind- ley, pt. ii. 164, 5s. Carolus Redux. Oxon. 1623,4to. Bind- ley, pt. ii. 371, 5s. A trve Relation and lovrnall of the Manner of the Arrivall, and magniticent Entertainment given to f'harles. Prince of Great Britaine, bv the King of Spaine in his Court at Madrid. Lond. 1623, 4to. Pp. 35, 12s. Roxburghe, 4001, 5s. White Knights, 3498, morocco, 17. 2s. Reed, 3551, 2/. 4s. Towneley, pt. i. 702. Reprinted in the second volume of the Somers Collec- tion of Tracts. [And an abridgment of it is given in Jackson's History of the Scot- tish .Stage.] Two royall Entertainments given to Charles Prince of Great Britain at the Feasts of Easter and Pentecost, by Philip TV. King of Spain. Lond. 1623, 4to. Bind- ley, pt. iv. 319, 7s. 6d. Roxburghe, 4000, 10s. fid. Dent, pt. i. 1146, 12s. Rhodes, 34S, SL 8s. Continuation of a former Relation con- cerning the Entertainment given to the Prince his Highnesse by the King of Spaine in his Court at Madrid. Lond. 1623, 4to. Gordonstoun, 612, with ' The joyfull Returne.' Lond. 1623, 3Z. 3s. A Relation of the Departure of the most illustrious Prince of Wales from Madrid, the 9th of September, 1623. Stilo novo. In the second volume of the Somers Col- lection of Tracts. The ioyfuU Returne of Charles, Prince of Great Brittaine, from the Court of Sj-'aine. £ S 414 CHA. CHA Chaeles I. — co7itinued. Together with a Relation of his magnifi- cent Entertainment in Madrid, and on his WavtoSt. Anderas.bythe Kingot'Spaine. Lond. 1623, 4to. 7s. 6d. White Knights, 949, 15s. [Preseus admirables du roy d'Espagne au Prince de Gales et seigneurs de sa siiitte en Esp.igne, &c. Paris, 1623, 12n]0.] A true Relation of the Treaty and Rati- fication of the Marriage, concluded and agreed upon between Charles, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, and the Lady Henrietta Maria, Daughter of France, and Sister to his most Cliristian Majesty, the French King. Lond. 1625. Reprinted in the fourth volume of the So- mers Collection of Tracts. A trve Discovrse of all the royal Pas- sages, &c. obsenied at the Contract and Wariage of Charles King of Great Britaine and the Lady Henrietta Maria of Burbon. Lond. 1625, 4to. pp. 36. Bindley, pt. iv. 767, Ss. Roxburghe, 4002, 14s. 6d. Sotheby, Dec, 1857, 6Z. A Relation of the glorious Triumphs and Order of the Ceremonies observed in the Marriage of Charles King of Great Brit- taine and the Lady Hem-ietta Maria, Sister to the King of France, &c. Lond. 1625, 4to. In English and French. Gor- donstoun, 613, with ' Treaty of Marriage between Charles and Henrietta Maria,' 1/. lis. 6d. Le Triomphe glorievx et I'Ordre des Ceremonies obseruees au Manage du Roy de la Grand' Bretagne. et de Madame Soeur du Roy. Par le Sieur D. B. Paris, 1625, 8vo. [II glorioso trionfo et ordine delle ceremo- •nie fatte nel Matrimouio del Re della Gran Bertagna (sic) e di Madama Sorella del Re Christiauissimo, trad, di Lingua Francese in Italiana. Roma. 1625, 4to.] Epithalam. in R. Caroli cum Pr, Henr. Mar. Connubium. Oxon. 1625, 4to. 4s. Epithalamium Caroli et H. MariseRegi- nfe Regis Mag. Br. a Musis Cantabrigien- Kibvs decantatum. Cant. 1625, 4to. 4s. Bindley,pt. ii. 825,2s. 6d. i'eealso Abrese- TH^us, Adam." Epithalamium Gallo Britannicum : or Great Britaines, Frances, and the most Parts of Europes unspeakable Joy for the most happy Union and blessed Contract of Charles Prince of Wales, and the Lady Henrietta Maria, &c. Are to be sold by 'I'liomas .\rcher, &c. 1625, 4to. with a cu- rious print (said to be unique) of Charles and Henrietta, whole lengths, joining hands; round it are the genealogies of both families, the royal arms above, and 22 verses underneath. This article was most probably written by George Marceline. (JorUonstoun, 1610, 'IZl. 12s. 6d., resold Dowdeswell, 1828, no. 632, 17Z. Nassau, pt. ii. 198, IZl. 10s. Cantabrigiensium Dolor et Solamen, seu Decessio beatissinii Regis lucubi Pacific! etSvccessioaugustiss. Regis C'aioli. Can- tab. 1625, 4to. 5s. The imperial Achievement of our dread Soveraigne King Charles, together with the Amies, Crests, Supporters, and Mot- towes of all the several Conipanies and Corporations of the famous Citty of Lon- don ; as they now bear them. Are to be sould by William AVebb, &c. (1625 ?) 4to. A small tract engraved in an ordinary manner. At the bottom of the achieve- ment are the arms of nine companies of merchants. AnagrammataRegia. In Honorem Regis Caroli conscripta. Lond. 1626, 4to. Eclogue V C li ant pastoral sr r les Nopces des serenisses Princes Charles et de Hen- rietta Marie. Lond. 1627, 4to. EuphemiaetVotaCarolopro Maria nata. Lond. 1631, 4to. 4s. Anthologia in Regis Exanthemata, sen Gratulatio Musanim Cantabrigiensium de felicissime conservata R(-gis Caroli Vale- tudine. Cantab. 1632, 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 357, 4s. The Muses Complaint of the Kings Jour- ney to Scotland. 4to. port. 1632, 8vo. Farmer, 15s. Bindley, pt. iv. 292, 22. 19s. The Kings Alaiesties Declaration to his Subjects, concerning lawfull Sports to bee vsed. Lond. Rob. Barker. 1633, 4to. Gor- donstoun, 494, 7s. 6d., and 1633, 8vo. His birthright, a poem by P — M. Edinb. 1633, 4to. Bindley, 1?. 16s. Res Redux, sive ilusa Cantabrigiensi voti damnas de Incolumitate & felici Re- ditu Regis Caroli post receptam Coronam, Comitiaq ; peracta in Scotia. Cantab. 1633, 4to. Solis Britannici Perigceum. Oxon. 1633 4to. Bindley, pt. iii. 2070, 4s. 6d. Musarum Oxoniensium pro Rege suo Soteria. Oxon. 1633, 4to. 4s. Musarum Edinensium in Caroli Regis Ingressum in Scotiam. Edinb. 163.3, 4to. Rosse Caroliis Magnus. Edinb. 1633, 4to. Glasguensis Academiae XapioTiipbree others of various parts of the procesbion. Jolley, 1853, 6/., Irenodia Cantabrigiensis: ob paciferum sereniss. Regis Carol! e Scotia Reditum Mense Novembri 1641. Cantab. 1641, 4to. 43. Bindley, pt. ii. 2321, 15s. 6d. Eucharistica Oxoniensia in R. C'aroli e Scotia Reditum. Oxon. 1641, 4to. King Charles his Entertainment and London's Loyaltie. Lond. 1641, 4to. Five Speeches spoken to his Majesty returning out of Scotland, with the De- scription of what honourable Triumphs his Majesty did ride into London, 1641. 4to. Sol Britannicus Kegi consecratus, 1641. His M.njesties Pas.sing through the Scot's Ai-mie. as also his Entertainment Ijy General Lesly. Together with the .Manner of the Scots marching out of New- castle, 1641, 4to. A Relation of the King's Entertainment E R 2 416 OHA CKA ChaeleS I. — continued. \ into Scotland on Fryday the 13 of August, i IGU. 1641, 4to. The King's Entertainment at Yorke : as it was related by lohu Strickland, the 22 of March, 1641, who came out of Yorke on Saturday last at nine of the Clocke. Loud. 1641, folio. Englands congratulatorie Entei'tain- meut of his Majestie out of Scotland and his Welcome to London, 1641, folio. The King's most gratioiis Speech, with a Royall Invitation from both their Ma- jesties for the Lord Mayor, &c. to feast with them at Hampton Court, 1641, 4to. A ti-ue Relation of his Majesty's Recep- tion and royal Entertainment at Lincoln. Lond. 1642, 4to. A true and exact Relation of the Kings Entertainment at the City of Chester with the Recorder's Speecli at his entering the City. Lond. 1642, 4to. Caroli Regi Antichristo Brontia. Edinb. 1643, 4to. Inglis, 331, 8s. An exact Collection of all Remon- strances, Declarations, &c. &c. betweeue the Kings Majesty and his high (Jourt of Parliament, Uec. 1641, to Marcli 21, 1643. 1641-3. Lond. E. Husband, 1643, 4to. with frontispiece. Bindley, pt. i. 2208, 6s. Rox- burghe, S459, 12s. Hollis, 410, \l. [Husband also published another collec- tion. Mar. 9, 1642, till Dec. 1646, in one volume, folio, 1646. The Royal Entertainment of the King by the Royalists of Huntington. Lond. 1645, 4to. A Summarie or short Survey of the Annalls and most remarkable Records of King Charles his Reigne from the first Yeare thereof to this present, 1646. Loud. 1646. folio.] [Micro-Chronicon : or a Briefe Chrono- logy of the time and place of the Battles, etc. which have happened between his Majestie and the Parliament, 1647, 12mo. portrait. A portion of the volume entitled Mercurius Rusticus.] [Prince Charles his Letany and Prayers for the King of Great Britaine in his sad condition. Constantly used in his chapel at 8 in the morning, and at 5 in the after- uoone, daily, 1648, 12mo.] A perfect Narrative of the Proceedings of the High Court of Justice in the Tryal of the King on Saturday, the 20, and Monday the 22, of this instant January. Lond. 1648, 4to 3 pts. 10s. 6d. This most authentic account of the memorable trial of King Charles L printed daily during the tryal, is reprinted in thefifth volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. [His Augusta or city Royal, a Poem, 1648, 4to. Skegg, with equestrian por- trait of the king, 3«. 6s.] ElKiiN liAXl.MKH. The Pourtraicture of liis sacred Majesty in his Solitudes and Siitferings, 1648, 8vo. Reprinted, 1649, &c. &c. See EIKiiN BA2IAIKH. Imago Regis Caroli, in illis suis .£rum- nis et Solitudine. Hag. Com. 1649, 12mo. with a front, by Marshal. A translation of the Eicon Basilice, by John Earle, Bp. of Salisbury. Sylloge variorum Tractatuum Anglico quidem Idiomate et ah Auctoribus Anglis conscriptorura sed in Linguam transla- torum quibus Caroli Britaunias, &c. Regis Innocentia illustratur, sine loco, 1649, 4to. 10s. 6d. A reprint of 16 rare tracts. A Narration of the Title, Government, and Cause of the Death of the late Charles Stuart, King of England. Published by Authority, Lond. 1649, 4to. An Elegy sacred to the Memory of King Charles, who was most barbarously murdered by the Sectaries of the Army, January 30, clolocxlrx. folio. An Elegie upon the Death of King Cliarles the Martyr (1649|, folio. Moniimentum regale : or a Tombe erect- ed for Charles the first : in select Elegies, Epitaphs and Poems, 1649, 8vo. Subjects Sorrow ; or Lamentations upon the Death of Britaine's JosLah King Charles. Lond. 1649, 4to. with curious front. Lloyd, 1280, 5s. Towneley, pt. i. 750, 5s. Loyalties teares,flowing after the Eloud of the Royal suft'erer, Charles I. etc. England's Glory and Shame, by J. B. (qy. J. Berkenhead). 1649. A in eight leaves, first blank, s. 1. Jeremias redivivus, or, an elegiacall La- mentation on the Death of Charles the first, 1649, 4to. An Elegie on the meekest of men, the most glorious of princes. 4to. 1649. An Elegie and Epitaph on Charles I., by F. H. A faithful Subjects Sigh on the univer- sally lamented Death of Charles I. (In verse), 1649, 4to. [A Miracle of Miracles wrought by the Blood of King Charles I. of happy me- mory upon a mayd at Deptford, 4 miles from London, who by the violence of the disease called the King's Evill was blind one whole yeere ; but by making use of a piece of Handkircher dipped in the King's blood is recovered of her sight. The truth hereof many thousands can testifie. Lond. 1649, 41^. In the Grenville Collection. The Princely Pellican. Royall resolves presented in sundi'y choice observations, extracted from his Majesties Divine Me- ditations. "With satisfactory reasons to the whole kingdome that his sacred per- son was the onely author of them, 1649, 4to. In the Grenville Collection. Reprinted in Herbert's Memoirs, 1702, 8vo. The Papers which passed at Newcastle CUA CKA 417 Chahles I . — continued. betwixt his sacred Majestie and M. Al. Henderson, concerning the change of Church Government, a.d. 1646. Lond. 1649, 8vo. port. In the Grenville Collection.'] Defensio regia pro Carolo I. Elz. 1649, 12mo. 4s. Reprintud Sumptibus Regiis 1650, 12mo. By Salmasius. See Milton de- fensio pro populo. The divine penitential Meditations and Vowes of his late sacred Majesty in his Solitude at Ilolmby House, faithfully turned into Verse by E. R, Lond. 1649, 4to. The famous Tragedie of King Charles I. 1649, 4to. Roxburghe, 4192, 21. 2s. Nas- sau, pt. ii. 1323, 11. 123. Rhodes, 63, 6s. again, 1709, 8vo. Memoires du feu Charles I. d'Angle- terre. Paris, 1649, 4to. avec porti'ait. Bind- ley, pt. iii. 755, 3s. [Vermeerdert Engelandts memoriael tot- Eeuwige gedachtenis, Verhalende de Pro- cedureiT, &c., en executieu van de vice- roy van Yrlandt de Bisschop van Cantel- bury, den Koningh van Engelandt ; alle binnen Loudon ge-executeert. Amst. 1649, 4to. This book, apparently a translation of the Tragicum Theatrum, is valued for the six engravings of Strafford, Laud, Charles I., Fairfax, Cromwell, and of Whitehall.] Histoiie dv Procez de Charles Stvart Roy d'Angleterre. Lond. 1650, 12mo. with portrait. Nassau, pt. i. 1571, 12s. White Knights, 822, 7s. Soranium Cantabrigiense, or a Poem upon the Ueatli of the late King, brought to London by a Post to the Muses. Lond, 1650, 4to. The none-8uch Charles his Character, Lond. 1651, 12mo. with portr. of Charles. Nassau, pt. i. 2437, 5s. HoUis, 287, 9s. 6d. Lloyd, 891, 63. 6d. The Life and Reigne of King Charles, or the Pseudo-Martyr discovered. Lond. 1651, 12mo. lloUis, 766, 4s. Lloyd, 109, 7s. 6d. Roxburghe, 8409, 5s. Supple- ment, 571, 5s. 6d. The Court of K.Charles continued unto the Beginning of these unhappy Times, &c. Lond. 1651, 8vo. A libel, according to Ant. k Wood. Regii Sanguinis Clamor adversus Parri- cidas Anglicanos. Hag. Com. 1652, 12mo. 2s. 6d. 1652, 4to. Frequently reprinted. [Written by Ph. du Moulin, under the as- sumed name of Alexander More ; answered by Milton.] [Brittanniarum Rex, a securi et calamo Miltoni vindicatus. Dublin, 1652. This scarce piece escaped Archdeacon Todd.j Stipendiarije Laci-ymse, or Tribute of Teares, paid upon the sacred Hearse of Prince Charles 1. Hague, 1654, 4to. A true Relation of some Passages which passed at Madrid in 1623, by Prince Charles being then in Spain prosecuting the Match with the Lady Infanta. Lond. 1655, 4to. Reprinted in the fifth volume of the So- mers Collection of Tracts. History of the Reign of King Charles the first ; disposed into Annals. Lond. 1655 or 6, folio, with front, containing port, of Charles by Faithorne, 10s. 6d. [Charles Stuart and Oliver Cromwell united, or glad tidings of peace to all Christendom, by Walter Gostelved, 12mo 1655, 12s.] [Oglio (The) of Traytors containing the Trial of his Majestie and names of his Judges, &c. 1655, 4to. port. U. Is.] Psalterium Carolinura. The Devotions of his sacred Majestie in his Solitudes and Sufferings, rendered in Verse. Set to Musick for 3 Voices and an Organ, or Theorbo, by .John Wilson, Lond. 1657-60, folio. Bindley, pt. ii. 2359, 12s. A short View of the Life and Reign of King Charles (the second Monarch of Great Britain) from his Birth to his Bu- rial. Lond. 1658, 12mo. with port, by Marshall, 6s. Iter Carolinum : being a succinct Rela- tion of the necessitated Marches, Re- treats, and Sufferings of his Majesty Charles I. from January 10, 1641, till the Time of his Death, 1648. Collected by a daily Attendant upon his S.acred Majesty, during all the said Time, 1660, 4to. 18 leaves, 4s. Reprinted Gutch's in Collec- tanea Curioso, ii. 425. The Character of K. Charles I. written by a Person of Quality. 1660, 12mo. with portrait, 6s. The faithful yet imperfect Character of a glorious King, King Charles I. his Coun- tiy's and Religion's Martyr. Lond. 1660, 12mo. with portrait. Nassau, pt. i. 577, 9s. Towneley, pt. 1. 327, 12s. Lloyd, 327, 10s. England's black Tribunall : set forth in the Triall of K. Charles I. etc. Lond. 1660, 8vo. with port, by Gaywood. Roxburghe, 8469, 5s. Reprinted, 1680, &c. Sixth edition, 1739. An exact and most impartial Accompt of the Indictments, &c. of twenty-nine Regicides. Lond. 1660, 4to. Royall Martyr; to which Is added, a short History of King Charles II. Lond. 1660, 8vo. with port, of K. Charles I. Lloyd, lin, 16s. An Elegie and Epitaph on that glorious Saint, and blessed Martyr, King Charles I., the best of kings since Christ, but mur- dered by the worst of men since the crea- tion. Lond. 1661, 4to. Effata Regalia. Aphorismes of Charles the first, collected and published by Rich- ard Watson. Lond. 1661, 12mo. 5s. Abregede laVieet duRegne de Charles, 418 CIIA OH A Charles I. — vonl'mued. Paris. 1664, 12iiio. wiili portrait. Lloyd, 6, 3s. 6p. 303, with an advertisement to the reader. Lloyd, 149, 7s. .A. View of the lieign of King Charles the first. Loud. 1704, Ito. History of Charles the first. L'ind. 1716, Svo. 2 vols, with portrait. DoHdeswell, 343, 4s. The Case of the Royal Martyr consid- ered with Candour. Loud. 1758, Svo. 2 vols. 6s. Letters between Col. Robert llammoud and the Committee of Lords and Commons relating to K. Charles L while he was confined in Carisbrooke Castle. To which is prefixed a Letter from John Ashburu- ham, Esq. concerning his Deportment to- wards the King. Loud. 1764, Svo. Hollis, 75S, 4s. Steevens, 1713, 5s. An Essay towards attaining a true State of the character and Reign of K. Charles I. and the Causes of the Civil War. Lond. 1780, Svo. 3s. Memoirs of King Charles I. and the Loyalists wlio sutiured in his Cause ; chiefly estnutcd from Lord Clarendon's History of the Rebellion. Lond. 1795,8vo. 3s. 6d. 4to. 6s. .■V narrative of the attendance of John Ashbnrnham on Chailes the First, from Oxford to the Isle of Wight, with a vin- dication of his character and conduct, by JiOrd Ashburnham. Lond. 1830, Svo. 2 vols, portrait, 10s. 6d. lakgb r.iPER, 1/. Is. [In the British Museum are several printed Tracts, in Spanisli, having refer- ence to Charles's I'omantic expedition to Spaiu in 1623, to woo the Infanta; incom- ])iiny with the Duke of Buckingham. Also a most extensive collection relating to the same period given to the Library by George HI] Biography, &c. of K. Charles T. See B.\TE, George, M.D. Bayly, Thomas, D.D. Bei.i.k.ndenus, Gul. Biki;h, Thomas. HisAccioNi, Mayolino., Sir (ieorge. Bui-sTRODE, Sir Rich. C'laken- Do.v, Edward Hyde, Earl of. D'Israei.i, l.saac. Dl'Val, .Michael. Feli.owi:.^, W.D. Hauhis, William. Hailes, Sir David Dalrymple, Lord. L'Estrasge, Roger. MaSERES, F. MlI.TOS, J. MiRANDULA, .Scipio. MouLix, Ph. Pena, J. Ant. de la. Primrose, D. and G. Pkodinus, Ant. Sal- MAsiu.s, CI. Sanderson, — . Vertue, George, Warwick, Sir Philip. Charles II. King of Great Britain. An Account of the Preservation of Charles II. after the Battle of Wor- cester, drawn up by himself. To wliich arc added liis Letters to se- veral Persons. Glasg. 1766. Svo. Pp. 190. Printed from a MS. in the Pepysian Collection. The preface is signed Dav. Dalrymple,and the book is dedicated to Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle, Chancellor of theUniversity of Cambridge. Ketrusp. Rev. xiv. 48—68. Lloyd, 11, 6s. Roxbuighe, 8476, 6s. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 417, 9s. Steevens, 1719, 14s. 6d. White Knights, pt. i. 823, morocco, \l. . A new title, with the date of 1801. North, pt. i. 3, 4s. 6d. Another, 1803, with plates of Charles II., Rich. Pendrell, Boscobel House, Mrs. Jane Lane, and Tho. DalycU. North, pt. i. 4, 7s. 6d. See Blount, Thomas. Britannia uatalis. Oxon, 1630, 4to. ii. 1471,3s. A Proclamation proclaiming Charles Prince of Wales King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland. [Feb. 1. 1648-9.] Lond. folio. The true Manner of the Crowning of Charles tlie Second, King of Scotland at Scone on the first Day of January, 1650, folio. The Foiine and Order of the Coronation of Charles the Second, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland; as it was acted and done at Scoone, the first Day of January, 1651. Aberdene, 1651, 4to. 4s. Reprinted Aberdeene, 1660, 4to. pp. 38. The semion by Mr.Robert Douglas which is piinted first, occupies 28 pp. The ' Forme' consists of 10 pages. — An edit. Lond. 1660. 4to. Reed, 3780, 6s.— Another. Edinb. 1725, Svo. pp. 74. It will also be found in the first volume of the Phenix, 1707, and the sixth volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. The History of his sacred Majesty Charles 11. King of England, &c. Begun from the Murder of his royal Father of happy Memory, and continued to the pre- sent Year, 1660. By a Person of Quality. Lond. 12mo. A scarce Tract, containing many curions particulars, mentioned in the notes to Evelyn's Memoirs, and in Ho- race Smith's novel of Brambletye House. A true Narrative and Relation of his most sacred Majesties miraculous Escape from Worcester on the third of September, CUA fit A 419 Chaiiles II. — continued. 1651, till his arrival at Paris, 1660, 4to. lleprinted in 4to. with a cut on the title. One sheet, reprinted in tlie fourth volume of the Harleian Miscellany. Kelation en Forme de Journal, du Voy- age et Sejour, que le serenissinie et tres- puissant Prince Charles II. Roy de la Grand Bretagne, &c. a fait en llollande depuis le "25 May, jnsfiues an 2 Juin, 1660, de la Ilaye, 1660, folio, pp. 108, with port, of Charles II. in armour and 3 folding plates. A handsomely printed work, con- taining many curious particulars, drawn up from public documents with great care. Hindley, pt. iii. 215, 18s. 6d. Fonthill, 3052, 71. 18s. A Relation, in Form of a Journal, of the Voiage and Residence, which Prince Charles the 2, hath made in Holland, from the 25 of May to the 2 of June, 1660. Rendered into English out of the original French by SirWm.Lower.Knight. Hague, 1660, folio, pp. 116, with plates, luglis, 11. Gough, 895, 21. 5s. The Royal Pilgrimage, or the Progresse and Travels of K.Charles II. through the most and greatest Courts of Europe. Lond. 1660, 4to. A Collection of his Majesty's gracious Letters, Speeches, Messages and Declara- tions since April 4, 1660. Lond. 1660, 4to. pp. 145. This collection contains the letters, speeches, &c. of K. Charles II. preliminary to his restoration and in the lirst parliament after it. A Character of King Charles II. Lond. 1660, 4to. with a portrait. This character, according to Ant. i AVood, was written by George Morley, D.D. Towneley, pt. i. 417, with a proof impression of the por- trait, il. Ant. a Wood also mentions one written by Walter Charlton, 1660, 4to. re- printed, 1662. England's Triumph, a more exact His- tory of his Majesties Escape after the Battle of Worcester. Lond. 1660, 8vo. with portrait of K. Charles II. on horse- back. Towneley, pt. i. 365, 12s. [Miraculum Basilicon, truly exhibiting the preservation of his sacred Majesty after the battle of Worcester, &c. (by Abr. Jennings), 1664, 12mo. 18s.] [The tive faithful brothers, a discourse between Charles II. and the five brothers at his escape from Worcester, with Mrs. Lanes conveying his Majesty through all his difficulties, &c., 1660," 12mo.] Votivum CaroIo,or a Welcome to Chas. II. from the Master and Scholars of Wood- stock School, 1660. 4to. Bindley, pt. iv. 982. Garrick, 1308. England's Joy : or a Relation of the most remarkable Passages, from his Ma- jesty's Arrival at Dover, to his Entrance at Whitehall. Lond. 1660, 4 to. 8 pp. Re- printed in the third volume of the Har- leian Miscellany, and in the seventh of the Somers Collection of Tracts. S-e also Britannia. — Britain's Triumph, 1660. Granipius' Congratulation in plain Scots Language to his Majesties thrise happy Return. Printed Anno Dom. 1660, 4to. Four leaves. Reprinted in ' Various Pieces of fugitive Scotish Poetry' edited by Laing. Londons Glory represented by Time, Truth and Fame : at the magnificent Triumphs and Entertainment of Charles II. the Dukes of York and Glocester, &c. at Guildhall on Thursday the 5th Day of July, 1600. Lond. 1660, 4to. Iter Australe, a Poem on the Return of K. Charies II. 1660, 4to. Bindley, pt. iv. 554. Eucharistia Basilicc ad illustris: Caro- lum II. post duodecennale Exilium triste nimis in Patriam redeuntem quod Mag. J. Row cecenit. Aberdoniis, 1660, 4to. In- glis, 549, 173. Britannia rediviva. Oxon, 1660, 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 1470, 3s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 554, 63. Academise Cantabrigieusis SilSTPA, sive ad Carolum II. reducem de Regnis ipsi Musis per ipsum feliciter restitutis Gratvlatio. Cantab. 1660, 4to. 3s. 6d. [Charles Triumphant, that is that Charles who died from Charles proceed, 1660, 12mo. Brand, \l. Is.] The Manner of the Solemnity of the Coronation of King Charles, 1660, folio. See Walker, Edward. A Proclamation declaring his Majesty's Pleasure touching his Coronation. Lond. 1660, folio. A Proclamation to summon the Persons therein named, who sate, gave Judgment, and assisted in that honid and detestable Murder of his Majesties Royal Father of blessed Memory, to appear and render themselves within Fourteen Days, under Pain of being excepted from Pardon. Lond. 1660. This paper, though contain- ing facts very generally known, has some particulars of names and expressions, which are not usually given in our En- glish histories. It is reprinted in Beloe's Anecd. ii. 427-9. Stella Meridiana Carolo II. Verses written 31 Years since on the Birth of Charles, 1661, 4to. Bindley, pt. iii. 2033, 15s. 6d. An imperfect Pourtraicture of King Charles the II. Lond. 1661, 4to. with a portrait. Bindley, pt. ii. 2313, 5s. 6d. Monarchy revived in the most illus- trious Charles the Second whose Life and Reign is exactly described in the ensuing Discourse. Lond. 1661, 12mo. By Eggles- field, reprinted with portraits, 8vo. 1822, 16s. proofs on India paper, 12. 8s. roy. 8vo. 420 CUA CHA. Charles II. — continued. ] A Proclamation rel itiiig to the Proceg. sion at the Coronatiou of K. Charles II. Loud. 1661, folio. A Copie of the List or Roll of his Ma- jesties Proceeding from the Tower to Whitehall, as it will be marshalled by the Lords deputed for the Office of Earl Marshal. Lond. 1661, folio. The Form of his Majesties Coronation- Feast, 23 April, 1661. 1661, folio. On the thunder happening after the Solemnity of the Coronation of Charles II. on St. (jeorge's Day, 1661. In the seventh volume of tlie Somers Collection of Tracts. Gloria Britaunica ; or a Panegyiick on his Majesties Passage thorow London to his Coronation. Lond. 1661, 4to. Neptunes Address to his most sacred Majesty Charles the Second, congratulat- ing his Coronation celebrated the 22ud Day of ApriU, 1661, in several Desigue- uieuts and Shews upon the Water before Whitehall, at his Majesties Keturn from the Laud Triumphs. Lond. 1661, folio. Festa Cieorgiaua, or the Gentries and Countries Joy for the Coronation of the King on St. George's Day. Lond. 1661, fol. A Poem upon his Majesties Coronatiou the 23 of April, 1661. St. Georges Day. Loud. 1661, folio. An humble Monitory to Charles the se- cond : presented to him in his Passage from the Abbey of Westminster upon the Day of his Corona tinn, 1661, folio. A Sermon preacliod at the coronation of Charles II. by George (Morley), Bishop of Worcester, 1661, 4to. front, and full length portrait. L-)KuKAoxoptio ; or Universal Motion, being Part of that Magnificent Entertain- ment by the noble Prince De la Grange, Lord Lieutenant of Lincoln's Inn. Pre- sented to Charles II. on Friday, the 3 of January. 1662. 1662, 4to. Rhodes, 353, il. 14s. 6d. Complementum fortunarum Insnlarum: Poems on the Marriage of Charles II. with Katharine of Braganza, 1662, 8vo. ■with a frontispiece and two portraits. Towneley, pt. ii. 330, -M. Nassau, pt. i. 901, 5s. Bindley, pt. i. 12U9, 15s. 6d. Galathea Vaticinans, being part of an Epithalamium upou the auspicious Match of K. Charles II. and Catharina Infanta of Portugal, with a Description of the Fortunate Islands, and Poems, by Waller and Dryden, 1662, 8vo. with portraits. Inglis, 278, morocco, i;. 10s. Bindley, pt. ii. 1210, :«. 12s. Characteristic Notices of Charles II. and certain Individuals of his Court, from contemporary Jonnials, 1660-1688. In the Ketrosp. Review, .\iii. 167-79. Cambridge Verses on the Marriage of Cliailes II. 1662, 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 1(17, 7s. Gd. Oxford Verses upon the Nuptials, 1662, 4to. The Marriage Ceremony of K. Charles II. Printed in the Year 1679, folio. Bind ley, pt- ii. 1061. Cambridge Verses on the Death, 1685, 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 362, \l. 3s. A true Relation of the late King's Death. To which are added. Copies of two Papers written by the late King Charles II. of blessed Memory, found in the strong Box. In the first volume of the Phenix, 1707, and also in the eighth volume of the SomersCoUection of Tracts. Copies of two Papers written by the late King Charles the Second, of blessed Memory, folio, 4 pp. Published and cir- culated by James II. immediately after the death of his brother. They were answered by the learned Dr. Stillingfleet, and occasioned a sharp controversy be- tween him and Dryden, who took part in a defence published ' by command.' Re- printed in the fifth volume of the Har- leian Miscellany, Certain Letteis, evidencing K. Charles II.'s Stedfastness in the Protestant Reli- gion: Sent from the Princess of Turenne, and the Ministers of Charenton, to some Persons of Quality in London. In the first volume of the Phenix, 1707. A Letter to a Person of Honour con- cerning the King's disavowing the having been married to the Duke of Monmouth's Mother. In the seventh volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. Augustus Anglicus: a compendious View of the Life and Reign of Chai'les II. Lond. 1686, 12mo. with a portrait by Van Hove, 3s. 6d. Lloyd, 175, os. 6d. State-Tracts, in two Parts. Lond. 1693, folio, 9s. The Secret History of the Court and Reign of Charles the Second, by a Member of his Privy Council. To which are added, introductory Sketches of the preceding Period from the Accession of James I. With Notes, and a Supplement, continuing the Narrative in a summary Manner to tlie Revolution : by the Editor. Lond. 1792, 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. Beauties of the Court of Charles II., with their portraits after Sir Peter Lely, and Memoirs by Mrs. Jameson. Lond. 1831-3, 6 parts forming one volume, royal 4to. 5/. 5s. LARGE PAPER, Proofs ou India paper, small folio, 10?. lOs. A few copies printed in colours and finished by hand, 2bl, 4s. Second edition, with an Intro- ductory Essay and other additions. Lond. 1838, imp. 8vo. 2 vols. 21. 5s. Third edi- tion, in one volimie, imp. 8vo. some of the portraits re-engraved. Lond. Bohn, 1851, V. 5s. India prooi's, 2/. 10s. CHA. UUA •421 < 'harles II. — continued. A Pergonal history of King Charles II. from liis landing in Scotland, June 23, 1650, till Ills escape out of England, Oct. 15, 1651, with an outline of his life ininie- diatoly before and after these dates, by the Kev. C. J. Lyons. 8vo.l851, map, only 250 printed. Biographv, &c. of K. Charles II. See Bekkeley, George Monck. Urome, Alex- ander. BiioMLEY, Sir George. Bulstrode, Sir Richard. Cadenedus, Jacobns, Cas- TELi., Ed. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of. Uanvers, John. DuNOis, Coun- tess of. EOLESFIELD, Fr. HALIFAX, George Saville, Marquis of. Harris, William. Hudleston, Rich. Ogilby, John. Sanders. E. Charles, James Edward, com- monly called ' The young Cheva- lier.' Narrative of the ChevaUer. Lond. 1765. 8vo. Roxburghe, 8541, 6s. See Jacobite Correspondence, Abbotsford Club Publications, Appendix. Charles the Great.— The Lyf of Charles the Great (from the Freneli). Exphcit per William Caxton, 1485. folio. This exceedingly rare romance is a small folio, printed in double columns. The preface begins on the second leaf, or sign, a ij ; the signatures extend a to in vii In octaves, and very probably had an- other leaf with his cypher to complete the sheet. A copy is iu the library of K. George III., now in the British Museum. See Ames' Typog. Antiq. by Dr. Dibdin, i. 255-60. Charles V. Emperor of Germany. The Expedyciou of Charles the V Emperoure agayenst the Citie of Anglers shewyng what Mysfor- tunes befell in the last Somer of, M.CCCC.xIj. the more pitie, where- fore onr Lorde strengthen hym in tills Voyage nowe. 1545. 16mo. Probably piinted by John Wayland. A lamentable and piteous Treatise, verye necessarye for everie Christen Manne to reade : wherein is contayned. not onely the High Enterprise and Va- leauutnes of th' Enipprour Charles the V. and his Army (in liis A'oyage made to the . Towne of Argier in Atfrique, agaynst the Turckes, the Enemyes of the Christen Fayth, th' Inhabitoures of the same), but also the myserable Chaunces of Wynde and Wether ; with dyverse other Adver- sites, hablc to move even a stonye Hearte to bewayle the baiue, and to pray to God for his Ayde and Succoure. Wliiche was written and sent unto the Lorde of Langest. Truly and dyly gently translated out of Latyn into Frenche, and out of Frenche into English, 1542. Ricardus Grafton e.xciidebat, cum Privilegio ad im- primendum solum, 8vo. 27 pp. Reprinted in the fourth volume of the Uarleian Mis- cellany. [The answcre of Carolus the Fyfte Em- perour, unto tlie letters convocatoryc. of Paule the thyrd Bysshope of Rome con- cerninge a generall C'ocell to be celebi-ated at Trident. No place or date, small 8vo. Eight leaves.] See Mary, Daughter of King Henry. Robertson, William, D.D. Vyllagon, Syr Nicholas. Sandoval, Prud du. Charles IX. of France. See France. Charles XII. of Sweden. The History of the Wars of Charles XIT. King of Sweden. Lond. 1720. 8vo. Roxburghe,7b71,datel726, 3s. A former edition, 1715, 4to. See Adlebfeld, Gus- tavus. Voltaire, F. M. A. de- Charles Duke of Orleans. Po- ems, wTitten in English during his caj)tivity in England after the Bat- tle of Agincourt. Lond. 1827. 4to. fPresented by Watson-Taylor to the Roxburghe Club ; 44 copies printed on paper and 4 on vellum. Hanrott, on vel- lum (with an autograph of Charles d'Or- leaus inserted,) 111.1 Charles, George. History of the Transactions in Scotland. 1715-16, 1745-6. Stirhng, 1817. Bvo. 2 vols. 12s. — Joseph. The Dispersion of the Men of Babel considered. Lond. 1769. 8vo. 2 vols. Williams, 423, U. 3s. Charleswoeth, John. Practi- cal Sermons ; selected and abridged from various Authors. Newark, 1788—93. 8vo. 3 vols. Hollis, 257, \l. Is. Chaeleton. See Charlton. Charlevoix, Peter Franc. Xa- vier de. Historv of Paraguay. Lond. 1769. 8vo. 2 vols. 8s. This work contains an account of the plants,animals,fruits,&c.of this country ; and is particularly interesting from the account it gives of the celebrated Jesuit establishment in Paraguay. 422 CUA CHA Journiil of a Voyage to North-America. Lond. 1761, 8vo. 2 vols. 5.s The pliysical and moral state of the iiiliabitants are the principal objects of this work. Ano- ther trnnblation, entitled ' Letters to tlie Dutchess of Lesdiguieries,' appeared, 1763, in 1 vol. 8vo. 4s. Chaelotte, Princess of Wales, A biograp]dcal Memoir of the pub- lic aud private Life of her Royal Higlmess the Prmcess Charlotte ; with an Appendi.t of valuable Do- cuments. Lond. 1818, 8vo. Chaeitox, Lionel. The History of Whit by and of Whitby Abbey, divided into three Books. York, 1779. 4to. Pp. xviil and 379, with a plan as a fron- tispiece, S.E. prospect of Whitby Abbey, at p. 49, arid two other plates at p. 286. Drury, 96.5, 7s, Brockett,764, lis. Bind- ley, pt. 1. 1639, 13s. Towneley, pt. ii. 315, 15s. Nassau, pt. i. 1826, 15s. Marq. of Townsliend, 76S, 17s. — Walter, M.D. Chorea Gigan- tum : or, the most famous Anti- quity, of Grreat Britain, vulgarly called Stone-Heng, standhig on Sa- hsbmy Plain, restored to the Danes. Lond. 1663. 4to. Title, in red and black, and imprima- tur; dedication to K.Charles II. 8 pages; lines addressed to the author; descriptive letter-press, [B — I 4] 64 pages, and two wood cuts, pp. 1 & 8. Ko.Kburghe, 8563, 6s. White Knights, pt. i.952, morocco, 11. 13s. Bindley, pt. iv. 362, 6s. Nassau, pt. i. 1825, 12s. Dent, pt. i. 801, morocco, 12s. Eeprinted 1725. See Stone-Heng. The Ephesian and Cimmerian Matrons; two remarkable Examples of the Power of Love and Wit. Lond. 1651 or 1652, 4to. 6s. A Latin translation by Barth. Harris. Loud. 1655, 12mo. Strettell, 419, morocco, 7s. The Darkness of Atheism dispelled by the Light of Nature. Lond. 1652, 4to. with portrait by Lombart. Gordonstoun, 439, 9s. The Immortality of the Human Soul demonstrated by Reasons natural. Lond. 1657, 8vo. with portrait by D. Lombart, 6s. Two philosophical Discourses : the first concerning the different Wits of Men, the second concerning the Mysteries of Vint- ners. Lond. 1668, 8vo. 4s. Reprinted 1675, 1692. Locke is supposed to have taken se- veral of his ideas from the first discourse. E.xercitationes de Diflferentiis et Nomi- nibus Animalium. Editio secunda. Oxon. 1677, folio, 5s. Best edition, labuepapkb, 10s. 6d. Enquiries into Human Nature in Bii Anatomy Prelections in the new Theatre of the Royal College of Physicians in London. Lond. 168(J, 4to. with portrait by Loggan. (jordonstoun, 572, 6s. In the British Museum is a copy of this work, with MS. additions by the author, and likewise several of his other works. A life of Charlton and a list of his writ- ings will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon. Sty. Helmoxt, J. B. von. Charmer, The, a CoUectiou of Songs, Scots and Enghsh. Edinb. 1749, 2 vols. Sotheby's in April, 1823, 11. Is. The Charmer, with Hymen an Inter- lude. 8vo. n. d. Rhodes, 2735, 13s. Chaemes, Pajot des. Art of Bleacliing. Translated from the French, with an Appendix. Lond. 1799. 8vo. 6s. Pp. 351, with nine plates in quarto, &c. Chaenock, John. History of Marine Ai'chiteetm'e, including an enlarged and progressive View of the Nautical Eegulations and Naval History, both civil and mihtary, of all Nations, especially of Great Bri- tam. Lond. 1800--2. 4to. 3 vols. 100 plates, 21. 10s. A valuable and esteemed work. Biographia Navalis, from the year 1660, to the present time. Lond. 1794--98, 8vo. 6^'ols. with portraits and other engrav- ings by Bartolozzi, &c. Biographical Memoirs of Lord Viscount Nelson. Lond. 1806, 8vo. pp. 429. Appx, 39. In this hasty compilation the author was assisted by Capt. Locker, Lieut.-Gov. of Greenwich Ho.spital, with a series ol letters, &c. — Stephen, B. D. Works, edited by the Kev. Edward Parsons of Leeds. Lond. 1815. 8vo. 9 vols, with portrait. Published at il. 14s. 6d. large papee, at 5?. 15s. 6d. The works of this cele- brated non-conformist divine are highly eulogized by Toplady. A former edition. Lond. 1084, fol. 2 vols, with a portrait by White, 31. 3s. Lond. 1699, fol. 2 vols 21. 2m. Discourses upon the Existence and At- tributes of God. Lond. 1684, folio, IMs. Discourses upon the Existence and At- tributes of God, and also upon Regeuers- ClIA CM A 423 tiou, abridged from tlie Writings of Ste- phen Clianioik, 13.1). by the Uev. Griffith Williams Lonil. 1797, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Treatise on ]>ivlne Providence. Lond. 1680, 8vo. 6s. Reprinted 1685, 8vo. 180S, 8vo. 4s. 6d. Chariiwood, in Lciccstershii-e. — A brief Relation of a Wonderful Ac- cident, a Dissolution of the Earth in the Forest of Charnwood. Lond. 1G79. 4to. Reprinted in the second volume of the Ihirleian Miscellany. CiiAEOKDAS. See Akchytas. Chaeketiee. See Chaetiee. Chaeeiee, F. Magna; Britannite Auster Iknograpliicus, ad I. Vice- coinitem Scudaniorem, Magnse Bri- tanui8eEegisa))udRcgemFrancoruni Legatiun. 1637. 7s., again 1707. Privately printed. CHAEJtON, Peter. On Wisdom, (ranslated by Greo. Stanliope, D.D. Lond. 1697.' 8vo. 3 vols. 7s. 6d., ugaiin 1707. 8vo. 3 vols. Another translation by .Sampson Len- nard, 4to. 1658, with poitrait of the trans- lator by R. V (aiighan). Chartse scri)DtsB. See GrAYTON, Edmund. Charter House. — Rules and Or- ders relating to Charter-house, and to the good Government thereof. 4to. Chronicles of the Charter House, by W. J. D. R. Lond. 1847, 8vo. Proceedings at Charter House upon King James II. presentinsj a Papist to be admitted into that Hospital, folio, 1689. Regulations respecting the Poor Bro- thers of the Charter House. Lond. 1851, royal 8vo. not published. Some account of the early history and fouudation of the Hospital of King James, founded in Charter House at the sole cost and charges of Thomas Sutton. Lond. 1854. Privately printed by the Master, Archdeacon W. H. Hale. Memorials of Charterhouse. Lond. 1844, folio. For other works relating to the Cbarter- House, see Beauckoi't, Hurkell, Hekxe, Smythe, Sutton. Chaeteeis, Col. Francis. His- tory, from his Bu'th to his present Catastrophe in Newgute. 1730. 4to. with mezzot. portrait. Constable, 235, 10s. 6d. Another edi- tion. Lond. u. d. 4to. front. Life of Colonel Uon Francisco, n. d. 8vo. with wood-cut portrait of Colonel Charte- ris, or (;iiartres. Lloyd, 116, 63. Memoirs of Colonel Ch — s, 1730. Lloyd, 139, 4s. Chaetiee, Alain. The Ciirial made by Maystre Alain Charretier. Translated in Englysshe by Wylly- am Caxton. foho. This work consists of six leaves, with- out numerals or catch-words, containing .■58 lines to the full page. Copies are in the libraries of K. George 111., British Museum, and Earl Spencer. See Ames' Typog. Antiq. by Uibdin, i. 333-6. Bibl. Spencer, iv. 331-3. Chastellux, p. J. Marquis de. Travels ui North America, 1780-2, translated from the French, with Notes. Lond. 1787. 8vo. 2 vols. 7s. 6d. Chastismg of God's Childi'en.— Tiie prouffitable Boke for Mannes Soule, called the Chastysing of Goddes Children. Tretyse of Loue, &c. folio. This work, printed by William Caxton, is executed iu double columns, and the sig- natures of the first extend to H in sixes, H having only four leaves. The signa- tures of the ' Tretyse of Loue,' &c. extend A to H, in sixes. Copies are iu the cnl- lectiousof K.Georgelll., British Museum, and Earl Spencer, and in the Cambridge University Library. Roxburghe, 91, llOi. Gardner, 1854, 251. See Ames, by Dibdiu, i. 356-7. Bibl. Spencer iv. 336-43. — The Chastysing of Goddes Chvldern. Tretises of Love, &e. (Loud, by W. de Worde, 1493). folio. The first part contains Hiiij in sixes, and two leaves prefixed for title, preface and table. The treatises of Love, &c. A— H 6, in sixes, or 48 leaves. On the last leaf of the second part will be found Caxton's small white grounded cvpher. Sue Ames, by Dibdin, ii. 298-303. White Knights, pt. i. 970, 321. lis. Chateaubeiand, F a. de. Tra- vels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt and Barbary, 1806-7. transl. from the French by Fred. Shoberl. Lond. 1811. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Those who admire this author's manner and style will be gi'atified with these tra- vels : and those who dislike them, may still glean much information on antiqui- ties, manners, customs, religion, &c. 424 CHA. CHA Demonstration of the Existence of God, translated by Fred. Shoberl. Lund. 1806, 8vo. Souvenirs d'ltalie, d'Angleterre et d'- Amerique, suivis de Moiceaux divers de Morale et de Litttrature Lond. 1815, 8vo. 2 parts In 1 vol. Of Buonaparte and the Bourbons, and the necessity of rallying round our legiti- mate Princes, for the Happiness of France and Europe, 1814, 4s. The Monarchy according to the Charter. Lond. Svo. An important and admirable work, for which the author suffered perse- cution from the soi-disant constitutional ministers of France. Essai historique, politique et morale sur les Revolutions anciennes et modemes. Lond. 1815, Svo. 12s. A former edition. Lond. 1797, 8vo. Martyrs, or the Triumph of the Chris- tian Religion, translated from the French, by W. J. Walter. Lond. 1812, Svo. 2 vols. The Beauties of Christianity, with a Preface and Notes by the Rev. H. Kett. Lond. 1813, 8vo. 3 vols. 15s. Memoirs of his Own Times. Lond. 1838, 8vo. 2 vols. 11. 8s. Congress of Verona. Lond. 1838, Svo, 2 vols. 1^. Is. Sketches of English Literature. Lond. 1836, Svo. 2 vols. 11. 4s. Chatelae, — . Effusions of Love, from Chatelar to Mary Queen of Scotland, transl. from a Gallic MS. in the Scotch College at Paris. Loud. 1805. 12mo. with front, and port, of Mary. An undoubted forgery by W. H. Ireland. Brockett, llSl.mor. 1/. 7s. Second edition, to which is added Historical fragments, Poetry, &e. ' of Mary Queen of Scots. Lond. 1808, 12mo. pp. 224. Chatelet, Duke de. Ti-avels in Portugal, with Notes by J. F. Bour- going. Lond. 1809. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. This work, which was in reality written by M. Cormartin, one of the Vendean chiefs, is very full and various, as well as excellent in its contents, embracing every- thing but antiquities and public buildings. Chater, James. Grammar of the Cingalese Language. Colombo, 1815. Svo. 15s. Chatfield, C. View of the His- tory of the darker Ages, compre- liending a general Sketch of the Konian and Barbarian History, &c. Lond. 1824. Svo. Publislicd at 7s. 6d. — Teutonic Antiquities ; or, his- torical and geographical Sketches of Roman and Barbarian History, &e. Lond. 1828. Svo. pp. 270. — Robert. Review of the com- mercial, poUtical, and moral State of Hindoostan. Lond. 1808. 4to. 15s. CHATHAii, W. Pitt, Earl of. Letters written by the late Earl of Chatham to his Nephew Thomas Pitt, (afterwards Lord Camelford), then at Cambridge. Lond. 1804. crown Svo. 5s. large paper. Published by Lord Grenville. — Anecdotes of the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and of the principal Events of his Time, with his Speeches in Parliament, 1736—78. Lond. 1792. 4to. 2 vols. Reprinted 1793, Svo. 3 vols. Again 1796. Again 1797. Again 1810, Svo. 3 vols. [Of this edition some copies have the title ' Speeches in Parliament.'] A compila- tion by Almon the bookseller. [Correspon'dence, edited by (W.S. Tay- lor and Capt. J. H. Pringle) the execu- tors of his son, John Earl of Chatham, and published from the Original MSS. Lond. 1S38, Svo. 2 vols.] The History of the Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Lond. 1783, Svo. 3s. 6d. Chatterton, Thomas. Works, with Ms Hfe. Lond. 1803. Svo. 3 vols. Published by subscription under the di- rection of Dr. Southeyand Mr. Cottle, for the benefit of Miss Newton, niece of this impostor. Roxburghe, 34S6, H. 2s. Bind- ley, pt. i. 978, lZ.4s. Mollis, 258, 11. lis. 6d. Drury, S30, russia, 2;. 8s. Fonthill, 3272, 31. is. Cambridge, 1842, post Svo. 2 vols. 12s. L.^KGE PAPKK, crown Svo. 18s. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. Lond. 1778, Svo. 3s. 6d. Roxburghe, 34S4, 9s. A Supplement to the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton. Lond. 1784, Svo. 2s. A Letter to the Editor of the Miscel- lanies of Thomas Chatterton. Strawberry- hill, 1779, Svo. 3s. 6d. Life, with Criticism on his Genius and Writings, by Dr. Gregory, 1789, Svo. Life, including unpublished Poems and Correspondence, by John Dix, 1837, 12mo. The Life of Thomas Chatterton. By John Davis Author of Travels in Amd- rica. Lond crown Svo. 4s. (1809). OHA CHA 425 For otlier tracts, &c. relating to Cliatter- ton, see Rowlev — Love and Madness, by Herbert Croft. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Workes newly printed, with dyners Workes which were neuer in Print before. Lond. Thomas Godfray, 1532. foho. The first edition of tlie entire works of Chaucer, witli tlie exception of tlie Plougli- man's Tale, which latter was first printed in the edition of 1542. It contains fo. ccc.lxxxiii. and is dedicated to K. Henry "VIII. by ' Wm.Thynne, chefe Clerk of his Kechyn,' by whom it was compiled. The numbers of the folios are omitted till folio xiii; again no. 18 is omitted also and folio ccc is twice inserted. [This is the only book known with a date printed by Thos. Godfray.] Towneley, pt. i. 434, imperfect, 5?. 5s. Sotheby, June, 1856, 20/. This edition, according to Tyrwhitt, was con- sidered, notwithstanding its many imper- fections, as the standard edition, and was copied, not only by the booksellers, in their several editions of 1542, 1546, 1555, and 1561, but also by Thos. Speght in 1.597 and 1602. — The Workes newlye printed, with dyuers Workes whych were neuer in print before. Lond. John Reynes, 1542. foho. Contains ST2 leaves, besides the prefix. A reprint of Godfray's edition of 1532, with the addition of the Plowman's Tale, first published in this edition. To this edition different publishers' names are sometimes found on the title-page : William Bon- ham, Richard Kele, Robert Toy. Thomas Petit, and perhaps others, each having his own name alone, as printer, in the co- lophon of so many copies as were his pro- per share. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 85, 71. 7s. 899, 6/. 6s. 900, 71. 7s. Bright, 61. 12s. 6d. Crawfurd, 10/. 5s. — The Workes newlie printed with diners Addicions,whiche were nener in Print before : with the Siege and Destruction of the worthy Citee of Thebes, compiled by Jhou Lid- gate, Monk of Berie, 1561. Lond. Jlion Kyngston for Jhon Wight, 1561. folio. This edition was edited by John Stowe. Chaucer's works end on fol. ccclxxviij. The tales have a fresh title-page succeed- ing the prologue, table, &c. of three leaves. Tlie prologues to the tales with wood cuts, succeed, and at fol. cxiiii 'The Romaunt of the Rose' follows, and has a fresh title- page. For some of the additions made in this and later editions, the reputation of Chaucer owes but small obligations; and for the emendations in tlie text, and altera- tions in the spelling, still less. Sir M. M. Sy kes, pt. i. 900 (title defective), 18s. Ros- coe, 1323, 21. 3s. Nassau, pt. i. 893, 21. 3s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 901, 5/. 5s. Wilkes, 1847, 9/. — The Workes of our antient and learned EngUsh Poet, Geffrey Cliaucer, newly printed. Lond. Tmpensis Geor. Bisliop, Anno 1598. folio. Edited by Thos. Speght, and dedicated to Sir Robert Cecil, Knight. Probably printed by Adam Islip, who printed it also for Tho. Wight; changingthe name on the title when a certain quantity was printed. The prefixed letter of Francis Beaumont is dated 1597. Folios 394, besides 27 leaves of introductory matter, and a plate of ' The Progenie of Geffrey Chaucer.' At the end of the volume 'The old and obscure Words of Chaucer explained,' 8 leaves ; correc- tionsand annotations, 5 leaves, and 'FaiiltB escaped,' one leaf. According to the title, ' In this Impression you shall find these Additions; 1 His Portraiture & Progenie shewed. 2 His Life collected. 3 Argu- ments to euery Booke. 4 Old and ob- scure words explained. 5 Authors by him cited declared. 6 Ditlficulties opened. 7 Two Books of his (viz. his Dream and The Flower and the Leaf) neuer before printed.' Bindley, pt. i. 947, 1/. 3s. Saun- ders in 1818, 11. 9s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. russia, 86. 3',. 10s. — The Workes of our ancient and learned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly printed. Lond. Adam IsUp. 1602. foho. Black letter, pp. 826. A re-impression of Speght's edition. ' To that which was done in the former impression, thus much is now added. 1 In the life of Chaucer many things inserted. 2 The whole worke by old Copies reformed. 3 Sentences and Prouerbes toted. 4 The Signification of the old and obscure words prooued: al.-ip-side Crosse censured and con- demned, in a Letter sent from the Vice- Chancellour and other learned Men of the famous Vniversitie of Oxford. Lond. 1641, 4to. Dent, pt. i. 805, with Loveday's answer, 14s. 6d. King and LocliiSe's in March, 1810, 4s. Answer to the Questions of the Citizens of London, concerning Cheapside Cross (by George Abbot, .\rehb. of Canterbury). 1641. Loveday's Answer to the I..anientatiiin of Cheapside Crosse, in Verse. 4to. with front. Dent, pt. i. 805, with Cheapside censured, 1641, 14s. 6d. The Downe-fall of Dagon, or the Taking downe of Cheap-side Crosse this second of May, 1(543. 1643, 4to. King and Loch^e's in March, 1810, 11. 3s. A Vindication of Cheapside Crosse against the Roundheads. Oxf. 1643, folio. Sen Peacham, Ilem-y. CnECUS, or Cheeke. 5'eeCHEKE. Chedsey, Wilham. Sermon at Paul's Crosse, Nov. 16, 1544. Bvo. A life of this great stickler for the Catho- lic religion will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon,, and several of his discourses will be found in Fox's Acts and Monuments of the Church. CHEDWOExn, John, Lord. Notes upon some of tlie obscure Passages in Shakespeare's Plays. Lond. 1805. 8vo. Privatelvprinted. Reed, 8524, lis. Nas- sau, pt. ii. 451, 12s. Field, 571, 17s. Bin/l- ley, pt. iii. 1097, 18s. 6d. Extracts fro... the MSS. of this Nobleman will be found in Seymour's Remarks upon Shakspeare. 1805. — Letters (140) from the late Lord Chedworth to tlie Eev. Tho- mas Crompton : written in the pe- riod from January 1780, to May 1795. Lond. 1828. 4to. Cheisolm, William. Examen Confessionis Fidei Calvinianse qnam Scotis omnibus Ministri Calviuiani subscribendam et jiu-andam pro- ponunt, Auetore, Eev. D. D. Guli- elmo Cheisolmo Scoto Episcopo Yasionensi. Avenionc, 1601. 8vo. A copy is in the British Museum. In a bookseller's catalogue, .another copy was marked 51. 13s. 6d. Cheke, Henry. See Niger Eas- sentinus, Franciscus. — Sir John. A Eemedy for Se- dition, wherein are conteyued many Thinges concernynge the true and loyall Obeysance, that Comens ow vnto their Prince and Souerygne Lorde the Kynge. Anno. M.D.xsxvi. Lond. in jEdibus Tho. Bertlielcti. 4to. Contains F, iu fours. F I- 2 432 CHE CHE Epitaphiiim in Anton. Denneium.Lond. 1551, 4to. A copy is in the Kodleian Lib. De Obitu Martini Buceri Epistolse duae. Item Epigraramata varia cvin Grsefe tvm Latin^ consci'ipta in eundem fidelissimu Diuini Uerbi Ministrum. Lond. 1551, "Ito. 5s. The Hart of Sedicion, Low grievous it is to a Common-wealth. Lond. 1549, 8vo. Inglis, 1303, 6s. 6d. Reprinted 1569, 8vo. M in fours, half sheets. Home Toolce, 138, 21. 3s. White Knights, 828, morocco, \l. Is. Gardner, 1854, \l. 12s.— 1576, 8vo. Gordonstoun, 527, 9s., and Oxford, 1641, 4to. entitled, ' Tlie trve Subiect to the Rebel.' Gordonstoun. 528, 5s. To this edi- tion is prefixed a preface applicable to those times, and a life of the author, by Ger. Langbaine. Another life of Cheke was published by Strype. Disputat. de Pronunciatione LinguM GraeciB. Basil, 1555, 12mo. A copy is in the Bodleian Library. A royall Elegie on King Edward the Vlth. 1610, 4to. with portrait. Reed, 67U, 6^. 83. Several M SS. written by Sir John Clieke are now in the British Museum. See Strtpe. Cheke, WiUiam. Anagrammata Cliron-Agranimata Regia. Lond, 1613. 8vo. Copies are in the Britisli Museum and Bodleian Libraries. CHELiDOEirs Tigurinus. Of the Institution and first Beginning of Clu'istian Princes, and the Original! of Kingdomes : whereunto is an- nexed a Treatise of Peace and Warre, and another of the Dignitie of Manage, englished by James CliiUester Londoner. Lond. 1571. 4to. 12s. Pp. 199, with a dedication to the Queen, and a table of contents. Cheltenham. — The Histoi-y of Cheltenham and its Environs. Chel- tenham, 1803. 8vo. Pp. xvi. & 358, with two plates. Writ- ten by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, D.D. Towne- ley, pt. ii. 416, russia, 16s. large paper, 15s. Reprinted 1808. Marquis of Towns- hend, 2738, 13s. Chemical Society. — See Appendix- CHEMNiTiriS, Martinus. A Dis- coiierie and Batterie of tlie great Fort of vnvvritten Traditions, trans- lated into EngUsh by R. V. A Con- futation of vnwritten Verities made by Thomas Cranmer, late Arche- bishop of Canterburie. Lond. 1582. 4to. The first article, the second title of whicli is an Examination of the Counsell of Trent, toucliijig the Decree of Tradi- tions, consists of 85 pages, dedicated to ' M. James Altham, Esq. ; and the Lady ludde his wife.' ' To the courteous Reader.' The latter, 79 pages, the signa- tures continued. Chenevix, Richard. Two Plays. (Mantuan Revels and Henry VII ) Lond. 1812. 8vo. 5s. These plays may be regarded ' as tiie boldest, tlie most elaborate, and, upon the whole, the most successful imitation of the general style, taste, and diction of our older dramatists that has appeared in the present times.' — Edinl>. Review. Chenevix's Dramatic Poems, 1801, 8vo. Roxburghe, Supplem. 572, 5s. Cheniee, Louis. State of the Empire of Morocco, translated fi'om the French. Lond. 1788. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. A work containing much valuable infor- mation, written by the Charge des Afl'aires fi'om the King of France to the Emperor of Morocco. Cheeinoton, Lord Viscovmt. Memoirs of the Government and Manners of the present Portuguese. Lond. 1782. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. Cheetset, Andi'ew. See Cheis- tine of Pisa. Cln'istianity. Lu- cidary. Commandments. An account of this writer, and his trans- lations from the French, will be found in Warton's History of English Poetry, 8vo. vol. iii. 363-4. Cheselden, WilUam. Anatomy of the Himian Body. Lond. 1740. 8vo. with plates. 7s. A valuable work. The former editions, 1713, 1722, 1726. An appendix to the fourth edition, 1730, A Treatise on the high Operation for the Stone. Lond. 1723, 8vo. with 17 plates, 4s. Osteographia, or the Anatomy of the Bones. Lond. 1733, atlas folio, 21. 2s. In 1735 appeared Remarks on that pompous work, the O.steographia. By Dr. John Douglas. 8vo. Chesliii-e. — Newes out of Cheshire CHE 433 of the new fovmd WeU. 1600. with frontispiece. Bindley, pt. iii. 783, 21. lis. Cheshire. A Sketch of the Mate- rials for a new History of Cheshire. The second Edition, with an entire new Preface, &c. (by Dr. Foote Gower.) 1773. 4to. Pp. xii. (including advertisement and preface) and 94, with a plate of Ilufjli Lupus's sword of dignity at p. 21. — The History of Cheshire, to which is prefixed, an Introduction, exhibiting a general View of the State of tlie Kingdom previous to, and immediately after, the Norman Conquest. Chester, 1778. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Tliis work contains ' King's Vale-Royal entire ; together with considerable Ex- tracts from Sir Peter Leycester's Anti- quities of Clieshire ; and the Observa- tions of later "Writers, particularly Pen- nant, Grose, &c. &c.' Vol. i. Title ; con- tents, errata, and directions to the binder, 4 pages; advertisement, 3 pages; intro- duction, 88 pages. The Vale-Royal of England, 430 pages. Vol. ii. title, and pp. 431-994. The map of tlie county, promised at the conclusion of the advertisement, was never published. Dent, pt. i. 1064, 1?. 2s. Nassau, pt. i. 676, 1^. 3s. Dent, pt. i. 425, with additional plates, russia, 3/. Chesne. See Dtr Chesne. Chess. — The Game and Playe of tlie Chesse : Translated out of the French, and imprynted by William Caxton, 1474. foKo. This work, consisting of 72 leaves, without signatures, catch words, or nume- rals, is tlie first book to which Caxton afftxed the date of the imprint. It is a translation from tke French of lehan De Vigny, who, in turn, is supposed to have translated it from the Latin of Jacobus de CcesoUis, orCasulis, or Cessol, or of Casali, in Italy. Alchorne, 166 (six leaves MS.), 54/. 12s. AVhite Knights, 974 (two leaves MS.), morocco, HI. resold, (table and two leaves MS.) 36Z. 15s. Hodgson, 1855, 60?. 10s. See Ames, by Dibdin, i. 28-36. Bibl. Spencer, iv. 189-93. — The Game and Playe of the Chesse. Exphcit per Caxton. folio. This edition contains 84 leaves (sign, a to k in eights, a blank leaf a 1, and k and 1 having each only si.x leaves), has 29 lines in a page, and is illustrated with 24 wood cuts. Willett, 604, 173Z. 5s. luglis, 597, (several leaves supplied in fac-simile) Zll- 10s. See Ames, by Dibdin, i. 36-52. Bibl. Spencer, iv. 194-5. — The pleausaunt and wittio Playe of the Cheastes renewed, with Instructions both to learne it easely, and to ])lay it well. Lately trans- lated out of Italian into French : and now set forth in EngUshe by James Rowbothum. Lond. 1562. 16mo. Towneley, pt. ii. 1046, it 14s. 6d. An- other edition. Lond. 1569, 16mo. This edition has several schemes of the board and men, and contains G 3, in eights. — Ludus Scacchise: Chesse-Play. A Game both pleasant, wittie and politicko : with certain briefe In- structions therevnto belonging ; Translated out of the Italian into the English Tongue. Containing also tlierein, a prety and pleasant Poeme of a whole Game played at Chesse. Written by G. B (lochimo). Lond. by H. lackson, 1597. 4to. Title, to the Reader, Chesse Play, Poem, and to the Reader, 24 leaves. Nassau, pt. i. 2566, U. 16s. White Knights, 958, 2«. A fac-simile reprint, in 1810, 4to. 5s. The Game at Chesse, a metaphorical Discourse shewing the present Estate of this Kingdome. Lond. 1643, 4to. White Knights, 959, 5s. The History of Chess, together with short and plain Instructions, by which any one may easily play it without the Help of a Teacher. Lond. 1768, 8vo. 2s. 6d. Chess. 1787-9. 8vo. 2 vols. See Twiss, Richard. Stratagems of Chess, or a Collection of critical and remarkable Situations : se- lected from the works of the most eminent Masters. Lond. 1816, fscap. 8vo. 7s. This work has gone through several editions. The Buke of ye Chess, script per manum .Ihon Sloane, 1818, 4to. Forty copies printed at the Auchinleck press. Boswell, 3067, 18s. 3218, 12s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. . 1644, II. 8s. Dent, pt. ii. 1233, 16s. Chess Player's Chronicle, edited by Howard Staunton. Lond. 1841-52, 13 vols. 8vo. First Series. The Second Series is in course of publication. Chester, Robert. Loves Mar- tyr, or Rosalias Complaint. Lond. 1601. -4to. Pp. 190. Dedicated to ' Sir lohn Salis- burie, after which follow, each in twelve 431 CUE CflE lines, 'The AtUliors request to the Phueiiix and ' To the kind Reader.' The title is as follows: ' Loves Martyr: or, Kosalius (Jom- plaint. Allegorically shadowing the Truth of Loue, in the constant Fate of the Phuj- uix and Turtle. A Poeme enterlaced with much Varitie and Raritie ; now first trans- lated outof the venerable Italian Torquato Cceliano, by Robert Chester. With the true Legend of famous King Arthur, the last of the nine Worthies, being the first Essay of a new Brytish Poet : collected out of dierse autlientical Records. To these are added some new Compositions, of seuerall modern Writers whose Names are subscribed to their seuerall Works, upon the first Subiect, viz. the Phoinix and Turtle.' The modern writers are Shakespeare, Jonson, Marston, Chapman and others. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 108, 501. Roxburghe, 3236, 2il. 3s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 706, 612. 19s. Chester, K. Tlie Annals of G-reat Britain. A Poem, small 4to. Loud. 1611. Lyte, 1819, supposed unique, 401. Chester. The whole Proceedings in several Information?, in the Na- tm-e of a Quo Warranto. 1791. 8vo. 2 vols. 15s. An accurate and complete account. Pre- fixed is a short but interesting sketch of the political history of the city of Chester. Chester's Triumiili in honour of her prince, 4to. 1610 (vide Davibs, R.) Reid, 41. 13s. Reprinted by the Hon. Mr. Olive. Chester Courant and Manchester vin- dicated. 1745-0, 12uio. 2 vols. | Chester Miscellany, Extracts from the Chester Courant. Chester, 1750. Lloyd, 331, lis. Dent, pt. i. 426, 10s. \ Tlie Charter of the City of Chester, granted by King Henry Vllth with a (Jon- firmation thereof by Queen Elizabeth; now first published from a faithful Trans- lation made before tlie civil Wars. Ches- ter, 1772, 4to. pp. 28, including title and dedication. An Account of the Siege of Chester: during the civil AVars between K. Charles I. and his Parliament. Chester, 1790, 12mo. History of the Siege of Chester during the Wars in the Time of King Charles 1. Lond. (1805), Svo. pp. 135, with a folding plan of the fortifications, and five wood- cuts on the letter-press. Another edition, Chester, 1790, Svo. A concise History of the County and City of Chester, 1791, 12mo. pp. 142, with a plan, 2s. Od. History of the City of Chester, from its foundation to the present time. Illustrated with five etchings by G. Cuitt, Chester 1815, Svo. Chester Mysteries, de Diluvio Noe, de Occisione Innocentiom. 1818. 4to. plates. Presented to tlie members of the Rox- burghe club, by J. H. Markland, F.R.S. Boswell, 3046, 51. 5s. Dent, pt. 1208, 61. 6s. Rhodes, 2976, 122. Sir M. M. Sykes, 1630, 121. 12s. Bindley, pt, iii. 1797, 191. 8s. 6d. North, pt. i. 9:35, 221. lis. 6d. [The Shakespeare Society have publislied the Townley MSS. of Chester Mysteries in one vol.Svo. See Appendix.] Chesterfield, Pliilip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of. Letters to his Son Pliilip Stanhope, together with several otlier Pieces on various Subjects. Lond. 1774. 4to. 2 vols. A supplement and index were published, 1777, 4to. Heath, 1681, 11. 2s. Roxburghe, 6855, 16s. Letters and Mlscell. Works, 4to. 4 vols. Nassau, pt. i. 880, russia, 41. 12s. Dent, pt. i. 808,* russia, 21. 9s. Fonthill, 266, 7, 41. 16s. Lond. 1774, Svo. 4 vols. There are many editions of the letters in Svo. 12mo. &c. New edition with additions, edited by Lord Mahon, (now Earl Stanhope). Loud. 1845-53, Svo. 5 ^ols. portrait. — Miscellaneous Works, con- sisting of Letters to his Friends, never before printed, and various other Articles, To which are pre- fixed, Memou'S of his Life, by M. Maty, M.D. Loud. 1777-8. 4to. 2 vols. VFith portraits. Vol. i. containing Miscellaneous Pieces and Characters. Vol. ii. Letters to his Friends. Vol. iii. The Art of Pleasing ; Free Thouglits and bold Truths; the Case of the Hanover Forces, with Vindication and further Vindication; the Lords Pro- tests ; Letter to the Abb^ de la Ville, and Poems. Heath, 1G80, 2 vols. 11. 10s. Bind- ley, pt. i. 1813, 2 vols. 17s. Drury, 968, 2 vols. 14s. Reprinted, 1779, Svo. 4 vols. Two Dialogues, containing a conipara- tsve View of the Lives, Characters and Writings of Philip tlie late Earl of Ches- terfield and Dr. S. Johnson. Lond. 1787, Svo. 43. Remarks on the late Earl of Chester- field's Letters to his Son. By William Crawford, M.A. Lond. 1776, 12mo, 2s. Curious Particulars and genuine Anec- dotes respecting the late Lord Chesterfield and David Hume, with a Parallel between those celebrated Personages. Loud. 1788, Svo. 2s. 6d. CHE CHE 435 Characters of eminent Personages of his own Time, written by the late Earl of Chesterfield, hond. 1777, 12mo. Is. llis Cliaracters reviewed. Lend. 1777, 12mo. Appendix to his Works, being the Cha- racters given by him, contrasted with Characters of tlie same Persons by others. Lond. 1778, 4to. The Life of the late Earl of Chester- field: or the Man of the World. Lond. 1774, 12mo. 2 vols. Gs. Free and impartial Remarks on the Letters written by the Earl of Chester- field, &.C. By a Man of the World. Loud. 1774, 4to. Is. 6d. Lord Chestei-field's Advice to his Son on Men and Manners. Loud. 1775, Svo. Frequently reprinted. An Apology for Mrs. Eugenia Stan- hope, Editor of tlie Earl of Chesterfield's ;,etters. By an Amateur du Bon Ton. Lond. 1775, Svo. Is. 6d. Memoirs of Asiaticus. Lond. (1784), Svo. Supplement to his Letters. Lond. 1787, 4to. Chesteeton, G. L. Narrative of Proceedings in Venezuela in 1819 and 1820. Lond. 1820. Svo. 7s. 6d. Chethiax, Humphrey. Bib- liotlieca Cliethamensis, sive Biblio- thecse publicee Mancuniensis ab Humf. Chetbam Armigero fundatse Catalogus ; exhibens Libros in va- rias Classes pro Yarietate Ai'gu- menti distributos. Maucunii, 1791 —1826. 8vo. 3 vols. A well-arranged catalogue, compiled by .J. Radcliflfe and the Rev. Parr Greswell, privately printed. Prefixed is a portrait of Chetham. — Ja. Angler's Vade Mecum ; or, a compendious yet fidl Dis- coiu-se of Angling. Lond. 1681. Svo. First edition. Haworth, 874, 5s. 6d. — Second edition. Lond. 1689, Svo. Haworth, f-75, ruasia, 12s. — Third edition. Lond. 1700, Svo. Haworth, 876, 8s. 6d. — Society. See Appendix. Chettle, Henry. A doleful Ditty, or sorowfiill Sonet, of the Lord Darly, Nevew to the noble and worthy King, Kmg Henry the I'Vght ; and is to be song to the Tune of 'Blacke and Yellow.' (1567.) Lond. by Thomas Gosson. A broadside, reprinted in the Ilarleian Mi.scell. vol. 10, from a copy, supposed unique, in the library of the Society of Antiquaries. Kinde. Harts Dreame. Containing five Ai)iiaritions with their Inuectiues against Abuses raigning. Ueliuered by seuerall Gliosts vnto him to be publiaht after Piers Peuilesse Post had refused the Carriage. By II. C. Lond. for William Wright [1593], 4to. Black letter. Containing anec- dotes of the petty literary squabbles in which Chettle was concerned with Greene, Nashe, Tarleton, and the players. Piers Plaiunes seaucn Yeres Prentiship by H. C. Lond. by .J. Danter for Thomas Gosson, 1595, 4to. Black letter. Midgley, 11. 8s. Tlie pope's pittiful Lamentation for the Death of his deere Darling, Don Joan of Austria ; and Deaths Aunswer to the same. With an Epitaphe upon the Death of the said Don Joan. Translated after the French printed Copy, by H. C. Im- printed by J. C. 16mo. Four leaves. Res- tituta, iv. 149-52. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 549. England's mourning Garment; worn here by plain Shepherds in Memory of Elisabeth. To which is added the true Manner of her imperial Funeral: after which follows the Shepherds-spring song, for Entertainment of King James, Lond. (1603), 4to. pp. 48. North, pt. iii. 794, 21. 15s. Strettell, 581, U. 18s. Reprinted in the third volume of the Harleian Mis- cellany. Tlie Tragedy of Hoffman, or a Revenge for a Father. Loud. 1631, 4to. Eeed,7755, 2s. Roxburghe, 4168, 3s. Rhodes, 771, 3s. 6d. This prolific writer, accoi'ding to the Biographia Dramatica, assisted in up- wards of 200 dramatic productions, of which only two have been printed. See MUNDAY, C. M. Chetwind, E. Yow of Teares, for the Losse of Pruice Hemy. Lond. 1612. Svo. 5s. — Jolin. Anthologia historica ; containing fourteen Centuries of memorable Passages and remark- able OccuiTences. Lond. 1674. l'2mo. Nassau, pt. i. 676", 7s. Skegg, Russia, 11. Is. Republished 1691 with this title, Collections historical, political, theologi- cal ; collected out of the most esteemed Authors of all Sorts of Learning, digested 43G CIIK CHE into Fifteen Ceiitiiiies,to wliich is annexed, a (Jeutury of legendary Stories, 8vo. Chetwood, William Rufus. A general Histoiy of the Stage. Loud. 1749. 12mo. A work of little merit. Nassau, pt. i. 677, 5s. An edition, Dublin, 1749, with front. Plays. 1750. Reed, 8041, 9s. The Britiah Theatre ; containing the Lives of the English Dramatic Poets; with an Account of all their Plays, to- gether with the Lives of most of the principal Actors as well as Poets. To which is preiixed, a short View of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage. 1750, 12mo, 3s. A compilation full of the grossest blunders. Memoirs of the Life of Ben Jonson. Lond. 1756, 12mo. 5s. Bindley, pt. i. 1036, with his History of the Stage, 1749, il.8s. Theatrical Records, 1756. 12mo. This author is styled by George Steevens, a blockhead and a measureless and bungling liar. Chevaliee, M. Description of the Plaui of Ti-oy, traiislated from the Original not yet pubhshed, and the Version accompanied with Notes and Illustrations by Andi-ew Dalzel. Edinb. 1791. 4to. 10s. 6d. Pp. 154, with four maps, two of which are by tlie autlior. Roxburghe, 8965, 17s. Drury, 969, wiih Bryant's Observations, Eton, 1795, 1/. Is. -See Beyast, Jacob. The pretended Tomb of Homer : drawn by Fiorillo, from a Sketch of M. Le Che- valier. With Iliustrations and Notes. By C. O. Heyne. Lond. 1795, 4to. pp. 20, with plates, 4s. 6d. — Nicholas. Histoire de GuLl- laiune III. Roy d'Angleterre, &c. &c. par MedaiUes, Inscriptions, Ai-cs de Triomphe & autres Mo- numens pubhcs. Amst. 1692. foho. In this work every public act of the reign of K. William III. is finely engraved by Roman de Hooghe, &c. Brockett, 547, 8s. Explication des Medailles antuur du Portrait du Due de Marll)orough. 1704, folio. Bindley, pt. i. 1500, 6s. 6d. C'JIEVALLIEK, TemiDle, M.A. On tlic historical Types contained in the Old Testament. Twenty Dis- courses ))rcached before the Uni- vei'sity of (Jambridgo in 1826, at the Lecture foimdcd by the Rev. John Hulse. Camb. 1826. 8vo. Chevelere Assigne (the Knight of the Swan, an old Enghsh Poem from an ancient MS.). 1820. 4to. Presented to the members of the Rox- burghe Club by E. V. Utterson. Dent, pt. ii. 1216, 2^. 12s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 831, 3;. Sir M. Sykes, 1639, SI. 7s. Boswell, 3059, 31. 19s. Cheyiot, a Poetical Fragment, by R. W (barton), with Notes by Bishop Percy, &c. Newc. 1817. small 8vo. 5s. This poetical fragment, containing no- tices of the principal places in Northum- berland, is ornamented with two woodcuts by Bewick. Chevy Chase, with a Preface (by Francis Douglas) and Notes on some Passages of the Poem. To which is subjomed, Hardy k- nute, a Fragment, with Notes. Aberdeen, 1754. 12mo. 4s. In the preface an attempt is made to prove that the author intended the Earl of Douglas for his hero. The History of the memorable but un- happy Hunting on Chevy-Chase. 4to. A romance. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 70, lis. Chew G-azette, The. One hundred copies, privately printed See Wood's Athena; Oxon. by Dr. Bliss, iv. 123-4. Chetu', W. God's glorious Per- fections shining in Christ. The Friendsliip of Clu-ist. The Old Man's Warning to the Young ; and other Poems. Edinb. 1718. Constable, 145, 18s. Chetke, George, M.D. Philo- sophical Principles of Religion na- tural and revealed. In two Parts. Lond. 1715. 8vo. 5s. large paper, 7s. 6d. The works of this eminent physician on Fevers. &c. are still held in estimation. His Essay on Health and Treatise on the English Malady were favourite books of Dr. Sam. Johnson's. Dr. Cheyne's own Account of himself and of his Writings : faithfully extracted from his various Works. Lond. 1743, 8vo. Cheynell, Francis, D.D. The Rise, Growth and Danger of Soci- nianisme. Lond. 1613. Ito, 6s. CHI GUI 43; A life of this noted noncouformist will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon. See ClULLlNOWOnTH, Chiciiele, Ilenry, Bp. of Cau- terbui-y. See Buckleu, Benj. U.D. UuCK, Ai'thur. Spencek, O. L. Chichevache and Byuonic. Published in Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays, vol. xii. CniFLET, J. Palmoe Cleri An- glicani, sen Narrationes eoruin qucc in Anglia contingerimtcii-ca Mortem quani pro Religione VII Sacerdotes Angli fortiter oppetiere. Bruxellse, 1645. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Chifney, Samuel. Gronius genu- ine, a Treatise on Horses and Horse Racing. Lond. 1804. 8vo. This book,containing an account of some of the first characters on the turf, is said to have been suppressed at the instiga- tion of George, Prince of Wales. It was originally published at bl 5s., Child, Sir Josiali. Discourse of Trade ; to wliicli is added a Trea- tise against Usuiy by the same Author. Glasg. 1751. 8vo. 4s. [The first edition was published, Lond. 1694, sm. 8vo. and repiiuted several times before 1751.] Sir Josiah Child's Proposals for the Ke- lief and Employment of the Poor, 4to. will be found reprinted in the eleventh volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. — WiUiam, Mus. D. The first Set of Psahns of three Voices, &c. with a continual Bass either for the Organ or Theorbo, composed after the Itahan Way. Loud. 1639. 8vo.— 1650. 3/. 3s. Engraven on copper plates. ChildeAlarique, a Poet's Reverie. Edmb. 1813. 4to. Written by R. P. Grillies. Children.— The Chilch-en of the Chapel stript and whipt. 1569. 16mo. An anonymous puritanical pamphlet among Bishop Tanner's IJooks at Oxford. A Wonder woorth the Reading, or a true and faithful! Relation of a Woman, now dwelling in Kent Street, who, vpon Thurs- day, being the 21. of August last, was de- livered of a prodigious and monstrous Child. Lond. 1G17, 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Rules to get Children with handsome Paces, that so their children may not have such strange, prodigious, ill boding Faces as their Fathers. 1612, 4to. King and Loch^es, in March 1810, 9s. 6d. The true and most miraculous Narra- tive of a Child born with two Tongues. lt)59, 4to. A copy is in the British Mu- seum. CuiLDBEY, Joshua, D.D. Bri- tannia Baconica : or, the Natural Rarities of England, Scotland, and Wales. Lond. 1661 or 2. 12mo. 3s. 6d. A volume ' manifestly too small for tlic performance.' — Nkolson. From this book Dr. Plot took a hint for the writing the Natural History of Oxfordshire. An accountof Childrey will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon. Chillingwobth, Wm. Works, with liis Life by Bii'ch. Lond. 1742, foho. Best edition. Drury, 1017, 11. 5s. Ilorne Tooke, 139, 11. 9s. An edition. Dublin, 17.52, 8vo. 2 vols. Gosset, 1185, 9s. 6d. Williams, 426, with Life, Lond. 1728, morocco, \l. 14s. Another, Lond. 1820, 8vo. 3 vols. Drury, 835, 11. 8s. Oxford, 1838, 8vo. 3 vols. 11. Is. 6d. The Religion of Protestants first appeared Oxford, 16-38, folio. Reprinted 1664. 1674. 1684. 1687. 1704. 1719. 1727, and frequently re- printed. [12mo. Loud. Bohn, 1846, .3s. 6d.l An historical and critical Accountof the Life and AVritings of William Chilling- worth. Lond. 1725, 4s. labge paper, 6s. Chillingworthi Novissima : or, the Sick- ness, Heresy, Death and burial of William Chillingworth. By Francis Cheynell. 1644, 4to. 32 leaves. ' One of the most villainous books that ever was printed ; it is the quintessence of railing, and ought to be kept, or regarded, as the pattern and standard of that sort of writing; as the man he spends it upon, for that of good- nature, and clear and strong arguing.' —Locke. An edition. 1725, 8vo. Chilmead, Ed. See Gaffa- EELL. Malala. Campanella. China. — The Historie of the great and mightie Kingdome of China, and the Situation thereof: Together with the great Riches, huge Citties, pohticke Gouerne- ment, and rare Inuentions iu the same. Ti'auslated out of Spanish 438 CHI (of Joan Goncales de Mentloca) by R. Parke. Lond. 1588. 4to. Dedicated to ' M. Tho. Candish, Esq. ; 1 Jan. 1589.' Pp.410. Marquis of fowns- hend, 772, 11. luglis, 352, 21. 15s. Bind- ley, pt. iii. 1172, 14s. 6d. North, pt. iii. 578, morocco, 51. Roxlnirgbe, 8885, 16s. White Knights, 3320, morocco, 21. 14s. Cliina. — The strange and mar- vellous Newes lately come from the great Kiugdome of Chyna, which adioyneth to the East Indya ; trans- lated out of the Castlyn Tongue by T(homas) N(icholas). Lond. by Thomas Gardmer and Thomas Dawson. 12mo. Jadis, 106, 7Z. 7s. This curious black letter tract, consisting of six leaves, is re- printed in the Censura Literaria. — True and perfect Description of three strange and wonderfid Voyages performed by the Ships of Holland and Zealand towards the Kingdoms of Cathaia and China, translated by Phihp. 1609. 4to. Jadis, 271, (the title and dedication in fac-simile) russia, 21. 2s. A true Account of the present State of Christianity in China. Loud. 1709, 4to. Hau Kiou Choaun; or, the pleasing His- tory ; a Translation from the Chinese Language. To which are added, 1. The Argument or Story of a Chinese Play; 2. A Collection of Chinese Proverbs; 3. Fragments of Chinese Poetry. Witli Notes. Lond. 1761, 12mo. 4 vols. A genuine Chinese uovel, containing a faith- ful picture of the domestic manners, habits, and characters of this singular people. It was translated from a Portuguese MS. by Tho. Percy, Bishop of Dromore. Fonthill, 3514, 21. Is. Rosburghe, 8892, 11. 5s. Miscellaneous Pieces relating to the Chinese. Lond. 1762, 12mo. 2 vols. 7s. Collected by Tho. Percy, Bishop of Dro- more. The Chinese Traveller: to which is pre- fixed, the Life of Confucius. Loud. 1772, 12mo. with a map and plates, 5s. Col- lected from Duhalde, Le Comte, and other modern Travellers. A complete View of the Chinese Empire. Lond. 1798, 8vo. 5s. In this work will be found an account of Lord Macartney's Embassy, patclicd up in London from the meagre journal kept by a menial servant of the Ambassador. The Punishments of China : illustrated by twenty-two (coloured) Engravings, with Explanations iu Englisli and French. CHI Lond. 1801. royal 4to. Published at 31. 13s. 6d. Roxburghe, 8895, 11. 17s. Ta Tsing Leu Lee; being the funda- mental Laws, and a Selection from the supplementary Statutes of the Penal Code of China. Translated from the Chinese, and accompanied with an Appendix, con- sisting of authentic Documents and a few occasional Notes, illustrative of the Sub- ject of the Work. By Sir G. T. Staunton, Bart. Lond. 1810, 4to, An extraordinary and valuable work, the first book which has ever been translated immediately from the Chinese character into the En- glish language. Drury, 4048, russia, 16s. The Conquest of the Miao-tse, an impe- rial Poem by Kien-lung, entitled a choral Song of Harmony for the first Part of the Spring. From the Chinese. By Stephen Weston. Lond. 1810, royal 8vo. pp. 58, with 5 plates. Fan-hy-cheu: a Tale, in Chinese and English : with Notes, and a short Gram- mar of the Chinese Language. By Stephen Weston, B.D. Lond. 1814, royal 8vo. pp. 47. Translations from the Original Chinese : with Notes. Canton, 1815. small 4to. Dialogues and detached Sentences in the Chinese Language ; with a free and verbal Translation in English. Collected from various sources. Macao, 1816, royal 8vo. Pp. viii and 262. Designed as an initia- tory work for the use of students of Chi- nese. Cliinese Poem, inscribed on Porcelain, with a Translation and Notes by Steph. Weston. Lond. 1816, 8vo. Laou-sing-urk, or ' An Heir in his old Age,' a Chinese Drama. Translated from the original Chinese. By J. F. Davis, of Canton. To which is prefixed a brief View of the Chinese Drama and of their theatrical Exhibitions. Lond. 1817. Small 8vo. pp. 164, 5s. 6d. The sacred Edict, containing sixteen Maxims of the Emperor Kang He, ampli- fied by his Son the Emperor Young Ching; together with a Paraphrase on the whole by a Mandarin. Translated from the Chinese Original, and illustrated with Notes, by the Eev. William Milne. Loud. 1818, 8vo. 5s. Dialogues and detached Sentences in the Chinese Language, with a free and verbal Translation in English. 1818, royal Svo. 12s. The affectionate Pair, or the History of Sung-lvin, a Chinese Tale, translated from the Chinese by P. P. Thorns. Lond. 1820. Chinese Courtship in Verse ; to which is added an Appendix, treating of the Revenue of China, &c. &c. By Peter Pering Tlioms. Lond. 1824, Svo. 12s. A Narrative of the Chinese Embassy from the Emperor Kang Hee to the Khan cm cni 439 C liina — continued. oftlie Tourgouth Tartars, on the Banks of tlie Volga, in the Years 1712, 13, 14 and 15. Translated from the original Chinese, &c. Uy Sir George Thomas Staunton, Uart. Lend. 1821, 8vo. i6s. Chinese Novels, translated from the Originals; to which are added, Proverbs and moral Maxims. Hy J. F. Davis, F.14.S. Loud. 1822, 8vo. pp. 250, Ss. 6d. Chinese moral Maxims, with a free and verbal Translation, affording Examples of the grammatical Structure of the Lan- guage. Compiled by J. F. Davis. 1825, 8vo. 5s. 6d. Icones Plantarum Sponte China nascen- tium 6 Biblietheca Braamiana excerptaj. Loud, folio, 30 coloured plates. 'U. 2s. For Dictionaries, Grammars, and other works on the Chinese Language, nee Mar.shman, J. MOKKISO.V, K. See Costume. Wkston, Stephen. Chinese Spy, The, or Emissary iVom the Court of Pekiii, coiiimis- sioned to examine into the present State of Europe. Lond. 1765. 12mo. 6 vols. 12s. An ingenious and entertaining collection of letters written by the Marquis U'Argens. Chippendale, Tho. Designs for Household Fiu-uitiu-e. Lond. 1762. folio, plates, 3/. 3s. Gentleman and Cabinet Maker's Direc- tor. Lond. 1759, folio. Chu'iu'gia. See Surgery. Chisenhaie, Edward. Catho- like History, collected and gathered out of Scripture, Coimcels, ancient Fathers, and modern autlienticli: Writers, both ecclesiastical and civil.' Lond. 1653. 12mo. with front. A learned work, occasioned by a book written by Dr. Thomas Vane, entituled ' The lost Sheep returned Home.' Pre- fixed isaportraitof Chisenhale surrounded with emblematical ligures. Nassau, pt. i. 679, 7s. Chisiiull, Edmund. Travels in Tin-key and back to England. Lond. 1747. foho. 6s. Edited by the learned Dr. Mead. Font- hill, 1904, 11. 9s. Beck ford in 1817, 292, 7s. 6d. LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 660, with the Antiquitates Asiatics; et Inscrip- tio Sigea,in 1 vol. 21. 2s. Heatli, 2665,128. Gulielmo tertio Terra Marique Principi invictissimo, in Gallos Pugna Navali nu- perrime devictos ; Carmen heroicum. Oxon. 1002, 4lo. three sheets. InscriptioSigeaantiquissima BOYiTPo- *HAO.N exarata. Commentario eani liis- torico, grammatico, critico, illustravit Ed- muudus Chishull, S. T. B. Lond. 1721, folio, 4s. LAiiuK PAPER. 7s. 6d. Tho'Ap- peudicula' were never printed on that size. Antiquitates Asiatica; Christianam yEvam antecedentes, ex primariis Monu- mentis Gnecis descriptiu, Latine versa', Notis & Commentariis illustrata). Acce- dit Monumentum Latinum Ancyranum. Lond. 17'^8, folio. In tliis work Chishull included several smaller publications, wliicli had appeared separately, all relat- ing to the same subject. Cough, 903, 8s. 6d. Fonthill, 1905, II. 5s. Heath, 2561, 11. 3s. L.^KOE PAPER. Combe, 633, 10s. 6d. lu the British Museum is a copy with MS. notes by the author. Antiquitates AsiaticfB. Pars altera, folio. Pp. 12, with the head of Ilonicr. Fifty copies printed. The original MS. from wliich tliese few pages were printed, is in the Uritish Museum. CiiiTTY, E. Lidex to all the reported Cases, Statutes, and Gene- ral Orders, m or relating to theprin- ciples, jjleading, and practice of Equity and Bankruptcy from the earliest period to the end of 1852, by J. Macaulay. Third edit. Lond. 1853, royal 8vo. 4 vob. 11. 7s. — E. and Forstee, F. Digested Index to the Common Law Reports as to Conveyancing and liank- riiptcy from the reign of Elizabeth, 1558. Lond. 1841, royal 8vo. 12s. — - II, Treatise on the Law of Descents. Loud. 1825, royal 8vo. 7s. — ■ Joseph. Reports of Cases, principally on Practice and Plead- ing, and relating to the Office of M.igistrates, determined in the Court of K. B., with Notes. Lond. 1820-3, royal 8vo. 2 vols. 1^. la. Highly valued by the profession. A practical Treatise on Pleading, cor- rected by H. Greening. Seventh edition. Loud. 1844, royal 8vo. 3 vols. 21. 2s. A practical Treatise on Criminal Law. Second edition. Lond. 1826, royal 8vo. 4 vols. bl. 53. The former edition, 1816, royal 8vo. 4 vols. 11. Is. A practical Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange, &c., by Chitty and Huluie. Ninth edition. Lond. 1840, royal 8vo.— Tenth edition, by Maclachlan, 1859, II. 88 440 cm cuo A practical Ti-eatise on the Law of Nations. Loud. 1812, 8vo. 10s. 6d. A practical Treatise on the Law relative | to Apprentices and Journeymen. Lond. 1812, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Treatise on the Laws of Commerce and Manufactures. Lond. 1824, royal 8vo. 4 vols. 31. 3s. Treatise on the Game Laws. Second Edition. Lond. 1826, royal Svo. 11. 8s. The former edition, 1812—16, Svo. 3 vols. Synopsis of Practice. A sheet table. 4s. Practice of the Law in all its Depart- ments ; with a View of Bights, Injuries, Kemedies, as ameliorated hy recent Sta- tutes, &c. With new practical Foi-ms, and a general Index to the whole Work. Lond. 1837-42, royal Svo. 3 vols.2?. 12s. 6d. Collection of Statutes, with Notes thereon, intended as a Circuit and Court Companion, by W. N. Welsby and Ed- ward Beavan. Second edition. Lond. 1851. royal Svo. 2 vols. il. 4s. Practical Treatise on Medical Juris- prudence, with so much of Anatomy. &c. as are essential to be known by Members of Parliament, Lawyers, &c. with expla- natory Notes. Lond. 1834. royal Svo. Stamp Laws, by S. Atkinson. Third edition. 1S50. 12mo. 5s. Chittt, (Junior) Joseph. Trea- tise on the Law of the Prerogatives of the Crown, and the relative Duties and Eights of the Subject. Lond. 1820. royal 8to. 21. 12s. 6d. A practical Treatise on the Law of Con- tracts not under Seal, and upon the usual Defences to Actions thereon, by John A. Russell. Fourth edition. Lond. 1850. royal Svo. 11. lis. 6d. Practical Treatise on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, and Bankers' Checks, &c. Lond. 1S34. royal Svo. 2 vols 18s. Summary of the Office and Duty of Con- Btable.s, by T. W. Saunders. Third edi- tion. Lond. 1844. Svo. 3s. 6d. Precedents in Pleading; with copious Notes on Practice, Pleading, and Evi- de^ice, by H. Pearson. Second edition. Lond. 1847. royal Svo 1/. Is. — Thomas. Forms of Practical Proceeding in the Com'ts of Q. B., C. P. and Esch. of Pleas. Sixth edi- tion. Lond. 1858. royal 12mo. 10s. Chivalry.— The Book of the Or- dre of Chiualry or Knyghthode. Translated out of Frensshe uito En- plisshe by William Caxtou, &c. (1181). folio. A translation of ' Ordcue de CUevalrie' of Hues de Tabarie. It consists of 52 leaveA extending to sign, g iij in octaves, com- mencing on sign, a ij. Copies are in the libraries of the British Museum and Earl Spencer, (wanting 16 leaves). See Oldys' Brit. Librarian, 191—3. Ames, by Dibdin, i. 221—39. Bibl. Spencer, iv. 566»— 8.— Eraser, 1852, (g. 2, 3, 4, latter blank, want- ing), but with a 1, not in any other copy, 55^. 10s — The History of the Tryall of Chevahy, with the Life and Death of Cavalero, Dick Bowyer. As it hath been lately acted by the Earle of Dai'by his Servants. Lond. 1605. 4to. Rhodes, 407, 161. Some copies are en- titled ' This gallant Caualiero Dicke Bow- yer, newly acted.' Choeleth. See Ecclesiastes. Choice, The : being a CoUectiou of two hundred and fifty celebrated Songs. Lond. 1729. 12mo. 10s. 6d. There are other collections with the same title. Choice of Change, or Triplicitie of Divinity, Poetiy, &c. East, 1585. 4to. See SiilOiSr JRonsON. Bindley, 4?. 1598, Perry, 21. 2s. Choice, Chance, and Change : or, Conceites in theu' Colours. Lond. 1606. 4to. 21. 2s. This work is 'a dialogue vpon a sodaine meeting betweene Arno filo and Tidero.' Tidero having visited several unknown countries, describes themanners and diver- sions of the people. A copy is in the Bod- leian. See Brit. Bibl. ii. 558-60. Choiselat, Prudens. Discovrse of Housebandrie : translated from the French by R. E. Lond. 1580. 4to. A copy of this work, not noticed hy Ames or Herbert, is in the British Museum. Cholitlet. Sir Hugh. Sir Hugh Chohnley's Memoirs of his Life, with an Account of the Distresses liis Family xmderwent in the Civil Wars. 1787. 4to. One hundred copies printed for presents. Dent, pt. i. S07, 31. 10s. Bindley, pt. i. 1820, 5?. 7s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i.708, 151. 15s. An account of Tangier, with some ac- count of himself and his journey through France and Spain, to that place where he was engaged in building the Mole, . Bindley, pt. ii 1815. Christianity as old as the Creation. See TiNDAL, Matthew. Plain Reasons for being a Christian. Lond. 1730. Reprinted by Bishop Watson in his Collection of Theological Tracts, wlio observes, ' The merit of this tract will not be seen by an hasty reader ; every article of it contains matter for much con- sideration, and shews the author to have been well acquainted with his subject. It was written by Dr. Chandler, but not pub- lished till it had been revised by some other dissenting ministers.' The History of the Life and Death of Jesus Christ, with the Lives of the xii Apostles. Lond. 1737 or 8, folio, with 33 plates, 1/. Is. Tlie evangelical History of our Lord Jesus Christ harmonized, explained, and illustrated with Variety of Notes practical, historical, and critical, &c. Lond. 1758. 8vo. 2 vols. 8s. The Genealogies of Jesus Christ in Mat- thew and Luke explained, and the Objections removed. Lond. 1771, 8vo. Historical View of Christianity from Scripture; with a Commentary by Ed. Gibljon, and Notes from Bolingbroke, Vol- taire, &c. 1806, 4to. The Christian Observer, conducted by Members of the established Church, 1802- 57. Lond. 8vo. 56 vols. Published monthly by Hatchard, at Is. Gd. per number, and continued to the present day. Christian Guardian and Church of Eng- land Magazine. Lond. 1809—27. 8vo. 19 vols. Published monthly by Seeley, at 6d. per number. [Discontinued about 1851.] The History of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: arranged according to tlie Order of Time, and in the exact Words of the four Go.spels. To which are added tlie Lives of the four Evangelists ; an Account of the principal Jewish Sects and Parties; and the prophetic History of Christ. 1810, royal 8vo. witli 47 plates. Tlie Christian Reader's Guide ; a cha- racteristic Catalogue of the most Impor- tant modem English Publications on Theo- logy, and other Brandies of Knowledge therewith connected. 1812, 8vo. Part I. Ecce Homo, or an Enquiry into the Life of Christ, by Josephus Tela, i. e. Jos. Webb, 1813, 8vo. This volume was or- dered to be suppressed. Evidences of the Christian Religion collected from the Works of various Au- tliors. 1815, 5 vols. Nassau, pt. i. 116(j, U. 16s. Christian Remembrancer, or the Church- man's biblical, ecclesiastical, and literary Miscellany. Lond, 1819-28, 8vo. 10 vols Published by the Rivingtons monthly. The Christian Review and clerical Ma- ClIU 443 gazinc. Loud. 1827-9, 8vo. I'liblislied quarterly at 3s. per number. T))e Christian Magazine, or a Treasury of divine Knowledge. IJy I>r. Dodd and others. Lend. 1767, 8vo. 8 vols, with ports. &c. Williams, 429, il. 16s. Christie, James. An Inqiiiiy into the antient Greek Game sii)3- poscd to liave been invented by Palamedes, antecedent to tlie Siege of Troy; with Reasons for beheving the same to have been known from remote Antiquity in China, and progressively improved into the Chinese, Indian, Persian, and Eu- ropean Chess. Also, two l">i3- sertations : I. On the Athenian »Skiro])horia. II. On the mystical Meaning of the Bough and Um- brella, in the Skiran Rites. Lond. 1801. Pp. 190. Brocket, 768, 1?. 3s. White Knights, 1113, 16s. Drurv, 972, russia, 11. 2s. Roxburghe, 1740, 21. 16s This and the following works by the late James Christie, ths celebrated auctioneer, are held in muct esteem by the learned. — Disquisition upon Etruscan Vases, displaying their probable Connection with tae Shows at Eleu- sis, and the Chinese Feast of Lan- terns. Lond. 1806. foHo. One hundred copies printed for private distribution, with 16 plates. To some co- pies is adjoined an engraving of a vase which belonged to J. Edwards. Dent, pt. i. 659, morocco, 5?. 5s. Combe, 635, 61. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 903, 71. 10s. Dowdes- well, 300, 7^. 10s. Baker, 192,8?. 8s. Gough, 1362, 101. Sir P. Thompson, 986, 101. 15s. Ponthill, 771, 131. 13s.— 3711, 131. 13s. As- tle, lil. 5s. — Disquisitions upon the painted Greek Vases, and their probable Connexion with the Shows of the Eleusinian and other Mysteries. Lond. 1825. 4to. 21. 2s. [A republication of the previous work with additions.] — Essay on the earliest Species of Idolatry, the Worship of the Elements. Lond. 1814. 4to. 7s. 6d. — An enquii-y into the early liis- tory of Greek sculpture. Lond. 1832. 4to. with portrait. Tins work furms Ihe introduction to the second vohmie of Specimens of Ancient Sruljiture. Only 50 copies have been print- ed, at the expense of Mr. Stirling Christie. Christina, Queen of Sweden. Works, containing Maxims and Sentences ; and Reflexions on Alex- ander the Great. Translated from the French, with her Life, &c. by the Translator. Lond. 1753. 12nio. 2.'*. 6d. The History of Christina, Queen of Swedeland, with the Reason of her Abdi- cation and Motives of her Conversion to the Church of Rome. 1660, 8vo. 5s. A Relation of the Life of Christina Queen of Sweden, translated out of French, by I(anies) ll(owell). Lond. 1656, 4to. The History of Christina Alessandra, Queen of Swcnlland. By John Burbery. Lond. 1658, 12mo. Intrigues and Gallantries of Christina, Queen of Sweden. 1697, 12mo. with port. Nassau, pt. i. 1773, 9s. Christine of Pisa. The morale Prouerbes of Ci-istyne. Enprinted by Caxton (1478). folio. Four leaves. Tiiis metrical translation of the work of Christine de Pisa, by the gallant and accomplished Earl Rivers, is reprinted entire in the Bibliotheca Spencer- iana, iv. 218 — 24. A copy, in tine preser- vation, sold in the sale of Sir F. Freeling, Bart., no. 885, for I. See also Ames by Oibdin, i. 72-7. — The Fayt of Armes and Chy- ualrye. Per Caxton (1489). folio. This volume consists of 142 leaves, sign. A to S in eights (S having only 5 printed leaves, the sixth blank), preceded by a table of two leaves. The work is princi- pally derived from the military treatises of Vegetius, Frontinus and the Arbre dcs Batailles. White Knights, 1569, (table wanting) morocco, 441. 2s. Inglis, 791, 391. 18s. Saunders' in 1818, 521. 10s. Rox- burghe, 6348, morocco, 336/. Towneley, pt. i. 650, (two leaves MS.) 136/. 10s. Al- chorne, 171 (two leaves of table wanting), 60?. 18s.— Wilkes, 1847, (two leaves of table, fac-siniile)54?. resold, 1854,77?. — See Ames by Dibdin, i. 274-9. Blbl. Spencer, iv. 284-5. — The Boke of the Cyte of Ladyes (translated by Brian Anslay or Anneslev). Lond. by Henry Pepwell, 1521. 4to. According to Ellis, Warton, and Ritson, a translation from the Tr^sor de la Citf5 des Dames, written by Christian of Piae. 444 CUR Bindley, pt. i. 751 (title and the first three chapters wanting), 31. 17h. Christmas. — Christmasse Ca- rolles. Lond. by W. de Worde, 1521. 4to. A fragment is among Ileame's bonks in the Bodleian library. 'These were festal chansons for enlivening the merriments of the Christmas celebrity: and not such re- ligious songs as are current at this day with the common people under the same title, and which were substituted by those enemies of innocent and useful mirtli the puritans.' — Warton. Christmas Banckette. Philemon the maker of the Banckette, Theophyle Euse- bius ; and Christopher the gestes. Lond. John Mayler, 1543, 8vo. New carolls for this merry time of Christ- | mas. Lond. printed by H. B. 1661, small 12mo. Twelve leaves. Christmas Carblles newely imprinted. Lond. by Richard Kele, 8vo. (circa 155U). Copious extracts from this volume, sup- posed unique, are given in Bibliographical Miscellanies. Oxford, 1813, 4to, See Sir F. Freeling's sale, no. 290. Christmas Treat, or gay Companion : a Collection of Epigrams. Dublin, 1767. Sotheby's in Feb. 182-i, lis. An Account of the Christmas Prince, as it was exhibited in the University of Ox- ford in the year 1607. Lond. 1816, 4to. Pp. XV. and 76. Published from the ori- ginal MS. in St. John's College Library, by P. Bliss, D.D. 250 copies printed. It forms No. 7 of the Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana. Some ancient Christmas Carols, with the Tunes to which they were formerly sung in the West of England. Collected by Davies Gilbert. Lond. 1822, 8vo. 5s. pp. 35. A literary and musical curiosity. Christmas Carols, or sacred songs, with appropriate music, and an account of the Christmas Carol. Small 4to. Lond. 1838. Chrismas Carols, ancient and modern; also French provincial Carols, with an in- troduction and notes by Wm. Sandys. Lond. 1833, 8vo. Old Christmas Carols. See Appendix. Percy Society, nos. 14 and 73. Christoferson, John, Eishop of Chichester. Exortation to all Menne to take hede and beware of Eebellion Loud. John Cawood, 1551'. 16mo. G 4, in eights, half 4 sheets, dedicated to -Queene Marye.' At the end are • two godlye Prayers, one for tlie Queues High- neB, and another for the good and quiete cira Estate of the whole Realme.' Whita Knights, 836, 21. 10s. Inglis, 286, 'Zl. Us. Horner, 1854, mor. 21. 12s. Christophers, Samt. Newes and strange Newes from St." Cliris- tophers of a tempestuous Spirit, wliich is called by the Indians a Hurry-cano or Whu-lwind; where- unto is added the true and last Ke- lations of tlie ch-eadful Accident which happened at Witticombe in Devonshu-e, 21 Octobre, 1638. Lond. 1638. 12mo. The relations are in ver.-ie. Gordonstoun, 1675, 11. 18s. Clu-istophers, St.— The Laws of St, Christophers, from 1711 to 1791. St. Christopher's, 1791. fol. 3Z. 3s. The former editions. 1739. folio, 15s.— 1769, folio, 11. 5s. Chronicles. The Croniclis of Englode with the Frute of Timis. St. Albans (1-483). foho. This book consists of 288 leaves, and con- tains two sets of signatures ; the first, from a to z, the sign, for & and the figure 9, in- clusively in eights, a 1 being blank: the second from A to K, inclusively, in eights. Then one leaf, on the recto of which the book ends. Prefixed is a table consisting of seven leaves. The Description of Bri- tain is not to be found in this edition. C -ipiesarein the libraries of K.George III. and Earl Spencer, (both imperfect) [also a fine copy in theGrenviUe Library, British Museum, tlie most perfect copy known, but four leaves of the table are supplied by H arris.] Sir P. Thomson, 364, several leaves MS. 291. 8s. Heber, pt. iv. wanting 14 leaves, 111. A copy on vellum (want- ing the last leaf, and one containing the device of the printer) is in the possession of Miss Currer, of Eshton Hall, in "V'ork- shire. See Bibl. Spencer, iv. 369—72. Dibdin's Libr. Comp. 170. — The Cronicles of Englond, Westmynstre, June 5, 1480. The Discrip'cion of Britayne, West- mynstre, August 18, 'l480. See Caxton, William. This work is sometimes called the Chro- nicle of St, Alban's. and sometimes Cax- ton's Chronicle, also Fructus Temporum. Other Editions. Chronicle of England. [W. de Mach- linia], folio. There are two sets of signa- tures' exclusive of the table, consisting o( ciin Chronicles — corithmed. 10 leaves, each having 8 leaves to a sig- uatiire. The first set extends from a to z and 7 : the second, commencing with aa i extends to ee 4 in eights. The description of Britain does not accompany this edition. It is said the only perfect copy of this edition known, is now in tlie possession of Earl Spencer. Towneley, pt. i. 537, im- perfect, HI. resold, Heber, pt. iv. 1012. 51. 5s. See Bibl. Spencer, iv. 393-4. The Chronycles of tlie Londe of EnglGd. Andewarpe, by Maister Gerard de Leew. 1493, folio. Printed in double columns. The signatures to i, run in eiglits ; i and k have eacli 6 only ; 1 and m each 8; ii 6; o, p and q each 8 ; r, 6 ; s, t, v, in eights ; X, y, each 6. Prefixed is a title, and also a table of 6 leaves. Heber, pt. iv. 1013. 371. 16s. See Bibl. Spencer, iv. 229—31. The Cronycle of Englonde with the Fruite of Tymes. The Descripcyon of Englonde. Westmestre bv Wynkyn de Worde, 1497, folio. This edition has been bitterly accused by Hearne of glaring de- viations from the original. A copy is iu tlie library of K. George III. [one at Alfiiorp, another in the Grenville Library, British Wuseum.] Another on vellum is in tlio Library at Lambeth Palace. [These are the only -copies known.] Hee Ames, by Dibdin, ii. 69-71. Bibl. Spencer, iv. 401-2. The Chronycle of Englonde with the Friite of Tymes. The Descrypcyon of Englonde, Wayls, Scotland, and Irlond : speaking of the Noblesse and Worthy- nesse of the same. In Flete stiete by Wynkyn de Worde, 1502, folio. Sotheby's in May 182.3, 27/. 6s. Heber, pt. iv. 1014, 177. 10s. fine copy. The Cronycle of Englond, with the Fruyt of Tymes. The Descrypcyon of Englond, Walys, Scotland, and Irlond. Empryntedby Julyane Notary (1504), folio. The Chrouycle of Englonde with the Fniyte of Tymes, &c. The Descrypcyon of Englonde. Impr. by Richarde Pynson, 1510, folio. A perfect copy is in the posses- sion of Earl Spencer. To the Description of Englond is added (what Herbert had not found in any other edition of this book) ' Anglorum Regum brenis Epylogus post Conquestum.' Roscoe, 463, the Chronicle only, two leaves wanting, 8^ 10s. ' The Descrypcyon of Englonde.' Inglis, 608, morocco, 101. 10s. Towneley, pt. i. 540, morocco, 17/. The Cronycle of Englonde with the Fruyt of Tymes. The Desci-ypcyon of Englonde, Walys, Scotlond, and Irelonde. Enprynted by me Julyan Notary, 1515, folio. The Cronicle fol. cxxvili. The De- scription is not numbered, but the signa- tures are continued from the Chronicle to &. A copy is in the British Museum. Roscoe, 464, the Cronicle only, sheet A VOL. I. CHK 445 wanting, 9/. 9s. Roxbnrghe, &%3*, mor. 28/.7S. resold White Knights,1161, 50/. 14«. Inglis, 607, first leaf wanting, 8/.8s. Sm Ames, by Dibdin, ii.580. Brit. Bibliog. ii. 33-9. Tlie same. Lond. by Wynkyn de Worde. 1515, folio. This edition has wooden cuts. The table begins at the back of a frontis- piece and the Chronicle contains fol. c.lxiii. Then follows ' The Descrypcion of Eng- londe,' which has a kind of map in pros- pective for its frontispiece. The leaves not numbered extend to Diii. Towneley, pt. i. 538, a leaf wanting in the Chronicle, 30/. Heber, pt. iv. 1015 (title mended). 11/. 15s. Herbert was of opinion tliatthis third impression was copied from one of i'ynson's earlier editions. The same. Imprynted by me Wynkyn do Worde, 1520, folio. The Chronicle ends on the recto of the third leaf after sign, bbiiij: the Description on the reverse of sign. Diij. Constable, 561, the Chronicle only, two leaves wanting, 21. 19s. Sotheby, 1855 (wanting title), mor. 8/. 2s. 6d. The Cronycles of Ertglonde, with the Dedes of Popes and Emperors, and also the Descripcyon of Englonde. l.ond. by Wynkyn de Worde, 1528, folio. The last edition printed by W. de Worde. After tlie title, a table on sign. Aa ii. then the prologue and work in 7 partti, folios 1-clxiii. 'The Descripcyon of Englonde,' with a talile, ends on sign. Diii. Koxburghe, 83.54, 27/. 16s. 6d. Chronicles various. The neive Chronycles of Englonde and of Fraunce. Emprynted by Richard Pyn- son, 1516, folio. A lytell Cronycle, translated (out of Frenche into Euglysshe) and imprinted at the Cost and Charge of Richarde Pynson, by the Comaundement of the ryght high and mighty Prince, Edwarde, Duke of Buckingham, Yerle of Gloucestre Staflfarde and of Northampton. Imprinted by the said Richard Pynson fn.d.). folio. This book, printed in double columns, with running titles and the leaves numbered but no catchwords, contains by signatures A to E in sixes ; F 4 ; G 3 ; H 6 ; J 4. A short Cronycle, wherein is mentioned all the Names of all the Kings of England, of the Mayors and Sheritl's of the Cytye of Loudon : and of diuers and many notable Actes and Things done, in and sith the Time of King Ileurv the fourth. Lond. by John Byddell, 1539, 12mo. Another edition printed 1542. Alsoano- ther without date. A Cronicle of Yeres, fio the Begynnynge of the Workle, wherin ye shal fynd ttie Names of all the Kynges of Englande, of the Mayers & Shyreffes of ye Cyte of Lodon & bi-yefly of many notable Actis done in and syth the Rcygn of Kyng 6G 446 CIIR CHR CnEONlCLES — continued. Henry the fourthe : newly augmented and corrected. A.D. m.d.xliji. Lond. by Tlio- nias Petyt. 8vo. Contains D 7 in eights. Wliite Knights, 1039, 1?. 13s. Brand, U. Is. Another edition, 1544. Loud. Wyllyam Myddylton, 16mo. Collation. — A and 13 in eights. C 4, Twenty leaves. A copy is in the Grenville Library, British Museum. Another edition ' vnto the Yere of our Lorde M.D.lvii.' Lond. by W. Copland, ]6mo. A Chronycle, with a Genealogie. 1547. Sec Keltox, Arthur, Cronicle of Yeres from the begyning of the Worlde, wherein ye shall fynde the Names of all the Kyngcs of England, of the Mayres and Shyriflfes of the Citie of London, &c. Printed by Wm. Vowell, 1551. Bibl. Har. no. 11720. A breuiat Cronicle contaynj-nge all the Kinges from Brute to this daye, and manye notable Actes gathered out of diners Cronicles fru Willyam Conquerour vnto the Yere of Christ a M.v.clii. Can- terbury by John Slychell. 12rao. Dedi- cated to ' Syr Antony Anchor Master of the Kinges Juel House' by the printer John Mychell. — To know when the four terms begin and end.— The Years from Adam unto Christ. — A Table of the Kings from Brute unto the Conqueror. — Colla- tion. Title and prefatory matter 8 leaves. Text A, B, C in eights. Dd eight. Ee four. D to L In eights, together 108 leaves. — A copy is in the Grenville Library, British Museum. Another edition. Canterbury, John My- chell C1552), 12mo. Black letter. Colla- tion. A sheet of eight leaves with a signature followed by A* — Nvii in eights. A copy is in the Grenville Library, British Museum. Another edition. Canterbury, Johan Mychel, 1553. 4, in eights, in the Bri- tish Museum. A breuiat Cronicle contayning all the Kynges, from Brute to this day, and many notable Actes, gathered out of diners Chronicles, from William theConqueroure, vnto the Yeare of Christ, with the Mayors and Shryffes of the Citie of Lon- don, newly corrected and amended. Impr. by Jhon Kynge. 16mo. P. 3, in eights. In this book it is said 'printing began at Mens by John Faust. 1457.' Herbert notices other editions 1554, 1557, 1559. Towneley, pt. i. 274, Zl. 6s. A briefe Cronicle, contaynyng the Ac- coumpte of the Raygnes of all the Kynges in this Realme.from the Entring of Brutus to this present Yeare, whereunto is added, a perpetuall Kalender, for the readier Findinge of Dayes & Tymes herein men- tioned. Lond. by Thomas Marshe (1.561), 8vo. Contains N, in eights, besides the kalcndar, &c. prefixed. The date is taken from the concluding article. This Chronicle of Briteyn, beginning at William the Conquerour, endeth wyth our moste dread and soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth. Anno. 1-568, folio. Black letter, pp. 1369, after which is a table consisting of 16 leaves. The work ends thus — 'I fini.she and make an ende in the yere of our Lord 1568 the xviii day of Marche and in the xi yere of the reigne of this most noble and vertuous Princesse Elizabeth our most dread and souereigne Lady.' A breue Cronycle of the Byshope of Romes Blessynge, and of his Prelates be- neficiall and charitable Rewardes, from the Tymeof Kynge Heralde vnto this Day. Lond. John D.iye. 16mo. n. d. Contains 8 leaves. Ames ascribes this Chronicle to the Rev. Tho. Gibson. Roxburghe, 3289, morocco, 31. 13s. 6d. A copy is in Lam- beth Library. Ane Tractat of a Part of ye Yngliss Cronikle, shawand of yar Kings, Part of yar ewell and cursit Gouernance and yar vnhappie lynage, als weil fra autentik Writ als fra yar awne fenzeit Policroni- con. Printed at the Auchinleck Press, 1818, 4to. Boswell, 3075, 10s. 6d. SirM. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1646, 11. 9s. Chronicles. See imder the re- spective heads ; HoHnshed, Hall, Hardyng, Grafton, Fabyan, Arnold, Rastell, Froissart, Monstrelet, Wil- ham of Mahnesbury, Hearne, Ro- bert' 9 Welsh, Saxon, &c. The Series of reprints, forming from 20 to 30 vols. 4to. will be described under HOLINSHED. Many of the Monkish Chronicles, and among them Matthew Paris, Roger of Wendover, Roger Hoveden, Ordericus Vi- talis, Henry of Huntingdon, Matthew of Westminster, and Florence of Worcester, have been translated, and published in Bohn's Antiquarian Library ; and several minor Chronicles are contained in the va- rious Club publications, for all which see APPE.N'DIX. Clii'onographia. A Description of Time from the beginning of the World, vnto the Yeare of our Lord, 137.- fiond. for Rob. Dexter, 1590. 8vo. Pp. 56. Prefixed is an epistle ' To the Reader,' and also commendatoi-y verses. Herbert also notices another, 'The second edition corrected and augmented.' 1590. Chronographiae Asiaticsc et M- gyptiacffi Specimen. In quo — 1. Origo Clu-onologioe LXX Interpre- CIIR CUR 447 turn invcstigatur. 2. Conspectus totius Operis cxliibitur. Lond. 1759. 8vo. 28. 6d. Clirysal : or, the Adventures of a Guinea. The tliird Edition greatly inlarged and corrected. Lond. 1762. 1 2mo. 4 vols. A masterly but caustic satire, written by Charles Johnson. In Davis' Olio, 13-21, will be found a key to the characters. Other editions, 1768, 1771, 1775, 1783. 4 vols. 12mo. Reprinted in Ballantyne's Novelists' Library. Chetsostom, St. John, Bishop of Constantinople. S. Johannis Chrysostomi Opera, Groec^. Etonae, 1610-13. foHo. 8 vols. 5/. 5s. A valuable and much-esteemed edition. Sir II. Savile in his preface states, that havingliimself visited, about twelve years before, all the public and private libraries in Britain, and copied out tlieuce what- ever he thought useful to his design, he then sent some learned men into Fiance, Germany, Italy, and the East, to tran- scribe such parts as he had not already done, and collate the MSS. ; and he ac- knowledges the assistance of Thn.^nus, Velserus, Schottus, Is. Casaubon, Fronto Ducieus, Gruter, Hoeschelius and other learned men. The whole charge of this edition, in transcribing and collating ilSS., is said to have amounted to no less than 8000i. D. loannis Chrysostomi Ilomilia; duK, nunc primum in Lucera seditse, et ad se- reniss. AnglireRege Latin* facts a loanne Cheko Cantabrigiensi. Loud. R. Wolfe, 1543,4to. The Greek text A to E vj in fours, E vj containing the imprint. The Latin ver- sion a to g vj in fours. It is said to be one of thefirstGreekbooksprinted in England. De Prouidentia Dei ac de Fato Orationes sex, Johanne Checo Cantabrigiensi Inter- prete. Lond. R. Wolfe, 1545, 8vo. D. Joannis Chrysostomi Homilife sex. Ex manuscriptis Codicibus Noui CoUegij, loannis Harmari Opera et Industria nunc primum in Lucem edita?. Oxon. 158(5, 4to. By some said to be the first Greek book printed at Oxford. Homiliae ad Populum Autiochenum ha- bit«, duse & vigiuti. Umnes, excepta pri- ma, nunc primum in Lucem editse, ex manuscriptis Noui CoUegij Oxoniensis Codicibus. Opera & Studio loannis Har- mari. Cum Latina Versioue eiusdem, Homilia3 decimse nonre, quse in Latinis etiam Exemplaribus hacteuus desiderata est. Lond. 1590, 8vo. Pp. 381, with a de- dication to Sir Chr. Hatton, to the reader, and errata. De Sacerdotio. Gr. et Lat. Ed. .lo. Hughes. Cantab. 1710, 8vo. 5s. 15p. of Ely, 321, 10s. 6d. De Sacerdotio, Gr. ct Lat. h .Jo. Hughes; ct S. Gregorii Nazianzeni Oratio Apologe- tica, Gr. et Lat. k S. Thirlby. Cantab. 1712, 8vo. 6s. E.xcerpta e.'c Libro de Sacerdotio, Gr. et Lat. ed. T. Burges.s. Lond. 1815, 12rao. 4r. Translations. A Sermon of Saint Chry.sostome, wherein bi'syde that it is furnysshed with heuenly Wis((dome & Teachinge, he wonderfully prouetli, that no Man is liurted but of hym selfe ; translated into Englishe by the Floure of Icrned Menne in his Tyme, Tho- mas Lupsette, Londoner. liond. in offic. T. Berthelet, 1542, 8vo. Contains D 6, in eights. A compendious Treatise of Sayne John Chrisostom, provinge that no man is hurt hut of him selfe. Translated by Charles Chavalarie. Lond. by John Mayler for John Gough, 1542, 16mo. 10s. 6d. An Ilomilie vpon that Saying of Saint Paul, Brethren, J wold not haue you igno- rant, what is becom of those that slepe, to the End ye lament not, &c. With also a Discourse vpon Job, and Abraham, newely made out of Greke into Latin by Master Clieke, and englished by Tho. Chaloner. Lond. in Oflfic. Tho. Berthelet. 1544, 8vo. Contains C 10, in eights. Reprinted 1552, 1553. A Sermon of John Chrisostonie of Pa- cience, of the Ende of the Worlde, and of the last Judgment, translated into Engl'sh by Tho. Sampson. 1550, 8vo. Puttick, 1855, 31. 3s. A Treatise concerning the Restitution of a Sinner, which is chiefly made against Desperacyon, newly translated out of Greek into English. Lond. 1554, 16mo. A for- mer edition, 1553. An Exposition vpon the Epistle of S. Paule the Apostle to the Ephesians. Lond. 1581, 4to. Contains 341 pages, with an Epistle to the Reader and a dedication to 'Anne Countesse of Oxenforde' by the anonymous translator ; at end, an alpha- betical table. This volume consists of 24 sennons or homelies, and 21 moral dis- courses. The Restitution of a Sinner, translated out of Greek. Lond. John Cawood, 1554, 8vo. The Restitution of a Sinner, translated by Robert Wolcombe. Lond. 1588, 24mo. Ant. h Wood notices an edition of the date of 1581. Places of Scripture, by Willoughbie. Oxford, 1602. Nassau, pt. i. 686, 6s. Saint Chrysostome his Parenaesis.or Ad- monition wherein hee recalls Theodorus the fallen, transl by the Lord Vi.scount GG 2 448 cnu Chrysostom — continued. Grandison, Prisoner iu the Tower. Lond. 1654, l'2mo. The golden Booke conceraing the Edu- cation of Children, translated into Englisli by John E(velyn,i. Lond. 1659, 12mo. Boswell, 1041, 16s. On Compunction of the Heart, translated by Jolin Veneer. Lond. 1728, 8vo. 5s. St. John Chrysostom, Arch-Bishop of Constantinople, his six Books concerning tlie Priesthood, transl. from the Greek by Henry Hollier. Lond. Svo. 5-^. Of the Priesthood, in six Books, transl. from tlie Greek bv the Rev. John Bunce, MA. Lond. 1759, 8vo. 63. A faithful translation. Tlie Sin of Sodom reproved ; being two Sermons in Chrysostom's Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Transl. from the Greek by Edward Lewis, M.A. Lond. 1772, 8vo. 2s. Sermons, viz. on Christmas Day ; on Good Friday; on Easter Day; on Whit- sunday ; on Ascension Day ; on Trinity Sunday. Translated from the Greek. To which is prefix'd the Life of the Author by the Rev.. William Scott, M.A. Loud. 1774-5, 8vo. These five sermons were published separately. Select Passages. 5e« Boyd, Hugh Stewart. See Appekdix. Library of the Fathers. » -o /-i Clii-ystecrosseine Spede. A.B.O. A Ij-tell proper Jeste. Loud, by Wynkvn de Worde. 4to. A curious poetical jest. Inglis, 504, bl. 10s. ., Chubb, Tliomas. Tracts and posthumous Works. Lond. 1754. 8vo. 6 vols. Roxbnrghe, 604, 11. Is. Drury, 846, 18s. The works of this once noted deistical writer are now held in little estimation. Chtjiileigh, Lady Mary. Poems on several Occasions. Third Edi- tion. Lond. 1722. 8vo. 23. 6d. 1703, 8vo. White Knights, 837, date 1713, morocco, 8s. 1709. Essays upon several Subjects in Prose and Verse. Lond. 1710, Svo. 2s. 6d. • Church, Nathaniel. Cheap Riches ; or, a pocket Companion made of five hundred Proverbiall Aphorismes, &c. Lond. 1654. 12mo. Nassau, pt. i. 688, 15s. Divine Ejaculations, 1655. Nassau, pt. i. 687, 4s. — John. Cabinet of Quadru- peds, consisting of (84) highly cnu finished Engravings by Jamei Tookey, from Drawings by Julius Ibbetson; with historical and sci- entific Descriptions. Lond. 1805- 10. 4to. 2 vols. Published In numbers or parts, at 8Z. 128. Bindley, pt. i. 1816, russia, 6«. Duke of York, 1238. 4L 4s. large paper, in folio, with proof impressions. Church. — History of the Churches in England and Scotland, from the Reformation to this present Time. By a Clergyman. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1771-2. 8vo. 3 vols. Pretixed are portraits of Luther, Cran- raer and C'alvin. The Chirche of the evyll Men and Wo- man, whereof Lucyfer is the Head ; and the Merabres is all the Players dyssolute and Synners reproved. 1511, 4to. Black letter, consisting of 3S leaves From the preface it appears to be extracted from St. Bernardyns boke,entytuled ' The Crysten Kelvgvon.' It is a severe invective against all kinds of gamesters, especially players at cards and dice, and was probably printed by Pynson. A copy is in the Bodleian library. Our Sauiour Jesus Christ hath not oner- charged his Chirche with many Ceremo- nies. The Lord shall knit vp his Mynde in fewe Wordesforourrightwisemakynge euen by Faithonely tobeiustified. Esaye. X. M. D. X. LJJJ. in Febru. Svo. Contains C 6, in eights. At the end 'At Zijrik.' White Knights, 2186, morocco, 1/. 4s. _ Compendium Doctriuae de vera vnica- que Dei et Christi Ecclesia, eiusque Fide et Confessione pura : inquaPeregrinorum Ecclesia Londini, Autoritate atque As- sensu sacrae Maiestatis regiae. Quern Deus opt. max. ad sin.cnlare Ecclesiae suae Decus, Ornamentum. acDefensionem (per Gratiam suam) seruet, gubernet, e fortunet, Amen. Lond. excud. Steph. My- erdmannus, 1551, Svo. The Champion of the Church. To the Nobles of England. Printed at Roane, by an English Scolers Copie, by Micheal Woode, the 3 January, 1554, 16rao. An humble Supplication unto God for the restoring of hys holy Woorde unto the Churcheof Englande. Strasburgh, 1554, 12mo. A poore Mannes Beneuolence to the afflicted Church. Lond. by Alexander Lacy. 1566, 16mo. Black letter. A copy is in Lord Spencer's library. A Dialogve, conceraing the Strife of our Churche : wherein are aunswered diiierse of those vniust Accusations, wherewith the Godly Preachers and Professors of the end cuu 449 Chuech — continued. Gospel are falsely cliarged ; with a briefe Declaration of some such monstrous Abuses, as our Uyshops bave not bene ashamed to foster. Loud. 158-1, 16mo. 13(J pages. Church Discipline. Parte of a register contayninge sundrie memorable matter written by divers godly and learned in our time, which stand for and desire the reformation of our church discipline. 4to. K. Waldegrave. Edin. 15H8 or 73. Ilcber, Gl. 7s. 6d. Horner, 1854, mor. 41. 7s. 6d. A briefe and plaine Declaration con- cerning tlie Desires of all those faithfull Ministers, that have & do seeke for the Discipline & Refoi'mation of the Clnirch of Englande : which may serue for a iust Apologie against the false Accusations & SlaundeiTj of their Aduersaries. Lond. 1584, IBrao. It is introduced by ' A pnc- face to the Christian Header.' The running title ' A learned Discourse of Ecclesiasti- cal! Gouernment.' 148 pages. Gordun- Btoun, 692, 3s. An answer to this work appeared in 1587, entitled ' A Defence of Gouernment established in the Church of England for Ecclesiastical Matters,' 4to. A True Description, out of the Word of God, of the Visible Church, 15S5, 4to. 4 leaves. Again 1589. The State of the Church of Englande, laide open in a Conference betweene Dio- trephes, a Byshopp, Tertullus a Papist, Demetrius an Vsurer, Pandochus an Inne- keeper, and Paule a Preacher of the Worde of God. (1588). 16mo. A puritanical pamphlet, containing I 2, in eights, but D, E, P and H are omitted, and yet the book appears perfect. A Demonstration of the Trueth of that Discipline \^iich Christ hath prescribed in his Worde for the Gouernment of his Church, in all Times and Place.?, vntill the End of the World. (1588). 4to. Written by John Udall, for which he was tryed and condemned to be hanged ; but died broken- hearted in the White Lion prison [South wark], just as a pardon had been procured for him, in 1592. Gordonstoun, 1750, 7s. By some it Is ascribed to John Penry, alias Martin Marprelate. Treatise of perpetual Visibility and Suc- cession of the true Churcli in all Ages. 1624. See Abbot, George, Abp. of Canterbury. The Rights and Liberties of the Church asserted and vindicated against the pre- tendedKightand Usurpation of Patronage. Ediub. 1639, 8vo. Disputation of the Church, wherein the old Religion is maintained. Doway, 1640, 8vo. 9s. History of the Church of Great Britain, from the Birth of our Saviour until the Year 1667. Lond. 1674, 4to. Nassau, pt. j. 2121, date 1675, Ss. Declaration of the Faith of the congre- gational Churches. Lond. 1729. Privately lu-iuted. Williams, 561, morocco, 11. lOs. Free and candid Disiiuisitions relating to the Church of England, and the Means of advancing Religion therein. Second edition. Loud. 1750, 8vo. The Ornaments of Churclies considered. Oxford, 1761, 4to. Published by Dr. Charles Wilson. Half-title and title; contents and errata, 5 pages; dedication, &c. pp. 143; appendix, 38 pp.; postscript, 8 pages, with a plan of the great east window and altar piece purchased by par- liament in 1758, and a portrait of the right lion. Arthur Onslow. An Inquiry into the Constitiitiou, &e. of the primitive Church. See King, Sir Peter. Letters on the Church. By an Episco- palian. Lond. 1826, 8vo. pp. 192. CiiUEcniLi, Charles. Poetical Works, with explanatory Notes and an authentic Account of liis Life (by W. Tooke of Gray's Inn). Lond. 1804. 8vo. 2 vols, with por- trait, 10s. 6d. Best edition, ably and usefully illus- trated. Reprinted, Lond. 1844, 12mo. 3 vols, in the Aldine Poets. Churchill's poems are incorporated in Chalmers' and other editions of the Poets. Poems. 1763, 4to. 2 vols. Roxburgbe, Suppl. 666, 1?.— 1766, 8vo. 2 vols. Roscoe, 1426, 11. ISs. 1769, 2 vols. 8vo, The Rosciad was first published anony- mously in March, 1761, 4to. Alterations were made in every subsequent edition. A large collection of tracts relative to the author and his satire, at the sale of Mr. Field's collection of di'amaticDublications, no. 1248, produced 31. 15s. Epistle to Hogarth (1763) and the Ghost (1762), 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 1633, with MS. corrections by the author, 15s. 6d. The works of C. Churchill. Small 8vo. 1770; again, Lond. 1774. Vols. i. ii. and HI. consisting of Poems. Vol. iv. of Ser- mons. Heath, 1787, 11. 2s. Fonthill, 139, 1^. 3s. Williams, 4.35, morocco, 31. 10s. Genuine memoirs. With an account of, and observations on, his writings. Lond. 1765, 12mo. — T. O. Life of Lord Viscount Nelson, &c. Lond. 1808. 4to. This publication may be considered as a vehicle for prints, which, however, are neither good in design or execution, lakgk PAPER, with proof plates. Brockett, 769, 11. Is. Duke of York, 1239, 1^. Is. — Sir Winston, Kt. Divi Bri- tannici ; being a Keinark upon the 450 CHU CHU Lives of all the Kiugs of this Isle from tlie Year of the World 2855 unto the Year of Grace, 1660. Lond. 1675. folio. Pp. 362, with dedication to K. Cbarles II., also a discourse of 40 pages upon go- vernment. Tliis work, written by the father of tlie great John Churcliill, Duke of Marlborough, shews the author to have been well read in oiir ancient historians, and is considered very accurate as to dates and authorities. Dent, pt. i. 661, 9s. 6d. In some copies of tliis work is a passage that the king may raise money without his parliament, which passage, ' being much resented by several members of parliament then sitting, the leaf of the remaining copies wherein it was, was re- printed without that passage, purposely to please and give content.' — Ant. d. Wood. The work is styled by Nicolson, ' a di- verting view of the arms and exploits of our kings.' Chuechill. See Voyages. Churchman, -John. Magnetic Atlas, or Variatiou Charts of the whole terraqueous Globe. Lond, 1794. 4to. Another edition, 1804, 4to. — Theoplulus, i. e. Peter Heylin. Chureliman, The, armed against the Errors of the Time. 1814. 8vo. 3 vols. 1/. 5s. 6d. A collection of tracts in defence of the churcli of England. Chuechyaed, Thomas. Davie dear's Dream. 1562-3. In verse. This book was attacked by one Thomas Camel, and the following tracts appeared on that controversy. The Debate betwyn Churchyard and Camell, 4to. Twenty-eight leaves. It ends with 'Camelles crosse rowe,' and has the names of several poets about that time Camelles Reioindre to Churchyarde, or Camell's Conclusion, &c. in Verse. A playn and fynall Confutation of Cam- mells corlyke Oblatraclon. Imprinted in Fletstrit by AVyllyam Gryffyth (1560), fol. Two hundred lines on one sheet. A Decree betwene Churchyarde the Poet and Camell. Lond. by Kichard Harvy. A broadside. WestemWyll vpon theDebatebetwyxte Churchyarde and Camell, with Dauid Di- cars Dreame. 4to. In six-line stanzas. The Contention betwixte Churchyeard and Camell, vpon Dauid Dycers Dreame sett out in suche order, that it is bothe wjttye and inofytable for all Degryes. Lond. by Owen Rogers, for Mychell Lol> lee, 1560, 4to. White Kniglits, 1 1 16, also in Roxburghe sale, 3318. This edition with other pieces was in Heher, pt. iv. 354, 9^. 9s. Another edition, 1565. Steeveus, 816, with curious MS. notes, 41. 9s. See Camell, Thomas. — A Discourse of Rebellion, (Iravnie forth to wame the wanton Wittes how to kepe their Heades on their shoulders. Lond. Wni. Griffith. 1570. 12mo. Collation. — Four leaves. Reed, 6717. Heber, pt. iv. 311, 51. — The firste Parte of Church- vardes Chippes ; contayning twelve Labours. Devised and published only by Thomas Chiu-chyard, Gen- tilman. Lond. by Thomas Marslie, 1575. 4to. The Chips, dedicated to Maister Chris- topher Hatton, Esq. (afterwards Sir C. Ilatton) are as follows : — 1. The Siege of Leeth. 2. A Farewell to the Worlde. 3, A fayned Fancie of tlie Spyder and the Gowte. 4. A dollful Discourse of a Lady and a Knight. 5. The Rode into Scotlande, by Sir William Dreury, Knight (prose). 6. Sir Symond Burley's Tragedie. 7. A traglcall Discourse of the unhappy Man's Life. 8. A Discourse of Vertue. 9. Churche- yarde's Dreame. 10. A Tale of a Fryer and a Shuemaker's Wife. 11. The Siege of Edenborough Castle. 12. The whole (Jrder of the receiving of the Queene's Majestie into Bristowe. Nos. 2,4, 6 and 9 are reprinted in Churchyard's Challenge, and no. 12 in vol. i. of Nichols' Progresses of Q. Elizabeth. 1788. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 104, 2 leaves Avanting, V2l. Fillingham, 14M4s. Heber, pt IV. 356, 8?. 15s. Jollev, 1843, 7?. 10s. — 1851, 51. 18s. — An earlier edition of the date of 1565 is noticed b)' Ritson — Another edition. 1578, 4to. White Knights, 1116. Sotheby's iKl823, 5/. 18s. Rhodes, 2704, 61. 16s. 6d. Saunders in 1818, 14?. 14s. Heber, pt. iv. 357, 61. 16s. 6d. Gardner, July 1854, Ibl. — A Prayse and Reports of Mais- ter Martyue Forboishers Voyage to Meta incognita. Lond. Andrew Maunsell. 1578. 16mo. A copy is in the British Museum. Reed, 5754. — A lamentable and pitifull De- scription of the wofull Warres in Flamiders, suicc the foure last Yeares of the Einpcror Charles the fifth his Raigue ; with a briefe Re- CHU CHU 451 hearsall of mauy Things done since that Season, vntil tliis present Yeare, and death of Don lohu. Written b_v Thomas Churchyarde, Gentle- man. Lond. by Ralph Newberie, 1578. Black letter. Forty-twoleave3,dedicated to Sir F.Walsingham, Knt.,then 'The la- mentation of Flaundera' in verse; which with the narrative occupy 72 pages. At the end an epilogue 'To the Worlde ' on two leaves more. Strettell,5S0, morocco,3i. 13s. 6d. luglis, 353, U. 18s. Bindley, pt. i. 2191, 31. Reed, 6714, 4?. 19s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 106, 71. 73. resold, Saunders in 1818, 41. Terry, pt. i. 1'288, morocco, 51. 1.5s. 6d. Jolley, 1843, 61. 2s. 6d. White Knights, 1116. Heber, pt. iv. 358, 41. 6s. Skegg, 1842, 71. 2s. 6d. Churchyard's narrative must be considered valuable from its em- bodying historical facts relative to trans- actions in which he was personally con- cerned. Chuechtaed. The tlu-ee first Bookes of Ovid de Tristibus. 1578. See Ovid. — A general! Rehearsall of Warres, wherein is fine hundred seuerall Seruices of Land and Sea ; as Sieges, Battailes, &c. A tliou- saude Gentle mennes Names of the best Sort of Warriours. A Praise and true Honour of Soldiours, &c. &c. Lond. byEdward White (1579). 4to. Black letter. A miscellany in prose and verse, containing thirteen different tracts. Pp.240, dedicated to Sir Chr. Hat- ton, after which is a preface. The run- ning title of this volume is Churchyarde's Choice, but in reality is the secoud part of the Chippes. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 103, 211. resold by Saunders in 1818, 91. 19s. 6d. Heber, pt. iv. 360, 41. 10s. Jolley, 1843, 111. Midgely, 91. 19s. 6d. — A Discourse of the Queenes Maiestics Entertainement in Suf- folk and Norfolk (in 1578) ; with a Description of many Things then presently scene. Deuised by Thos. Churchyarde, Gent. With diuers Shewes of bis ovm Inuention sette out at Norwich; and some Rehearsal of her Highnesse Retourne from Progresse. Wherevnto is adioyned a Commendation of Sir Humfrey Gilberts veutrous loiu'ney. Imprinted by H. Bynneman, dedicated to M. Gilbert Gerrard, A.G. 1577-8. Heber, pt. iv. 361, 81. — Another edit, with A Welcome home to M. Martm Frobusher, and all those Gentlemen and Souldiers, tliat have bene with him the last Journey, in the Coimtrey called (Meta incognita) whiche Welcome was MTitten since tliis Booke was put to the Printmg, and ioyned to the same Booke for a true Testi- mony of Churchyardes good Will for the Fm'therance of Maystcr Frobushers Fame. Imprinted by Henrie Bynneman (1579). 4to. Dedicated to Maister William Jarret, Attorney General. Kiij in fours, and L 4 leaves. Ko.xburghe, 3318. Ueber, pt. iv. 362, 9?. 15s. White Knights, 1116. Nas- sau, pt. i. 836, 211. 10s. Gough, 1086, 4i. 7s. Keprinted in the second volume of Ni- chols' Progresses of Q. Elizabeth, and in the Supplement to Hollnshed's Chroni- cles. — The Miserie of Flavnders, Calamitie of Fraunce, Misfortune of Portugall, Vnquietnes of Jre- lande, Ti'oubles of Scotland ; and the blessed State of Euglande. Written by Tho. Chm'chyarde, Gent. Lond. for Andrewe Maim- seU. 1579. 4to. Black letter. 20 leaves. Dedicated ' To the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.' A copy is in the British Museum. Heber, pt. iv. 363, 13?. 13s. — The Services of Sir WiUiam Drmy, Lord Justice of Ireland in 1578 and 1579. Lond. 1580. 4to. — A pleasaunte Laborinth, called Churchyard's Chance, framed on Fancies, Verses, Epitaphs, &c. Lond. J. Kingston. 1580. 4to. Black letter. Heber, pt. iv. 364, 91. — A true Report of a dangerous Service, attempted and brought to pass, by EugUshmen, Scotsmen, and Walloons, for the Taking of Machlin, in Flanders. Lond. John Perrin. n. d. (1580). 16mo. Black letter. Dedicated to Lord Nor- rice. Reed, 3737, lM3s. Heber, pt. iv. 313, 21. 19s. 452 ouu CllU Churchyard. A light Boudell of lyvly Discoiu'ses called Cliurcli- yardes Charge, presented as a new Years Gift to the Right Hououi'able the Eai'le of Siu'rie. Imprinted by Jhon Kyngston, 1580. 4to. Black letter. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 7(1), 51. 7s. 6d. Reed, 6716, IIZ. 5s. White Kni»hts, 1116. Perry, pt. i. 1287, morocco, Ul. " Heber, pt. iv. 365, 91. 15s. Bright, 71. 7s. Skegg, HI. 5s. — A Warning to the Wise, a ¥eare to the Fond, a Bridle to the Lewde, and a Glasse to the Good. Written of the late Earthquake chanced in London, and other Places, the 6th of April, 1580 : for the Glory of God, and lienelite of Men, that warily can walk, and wisely can iudge. Set forth in Verse and Prose. Lond. by John Allde and Nich. Lyng, 1580. 8vo. (Jontains 15 leaves. lu this tiact will be found ' A short Discourse by Tarltou npou the Earthquake.' This Kichard Tarletou was the Queen's jester, aud the most humorous comedian of the age. — Wonders of Wiltshire, and the Earthquake of Kent. 1580. 8vo. — A Scoui'ge for Rebels : where- in are many notable Sei*vices truly set out, with everie particidar Point touching the Troubles of Ireland, as farre as the painfid aud dutiful Service of the Earl of Or- uioud is known. Lond. for Thomas Cadman, 1584. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Bind- ley, pt. iv. 526, 51. 18s. Heber, pt. iv. 366, 4/. ISs. — The Worthines of Wales. Lond. for Tho. Cadman, 1587. 4to. Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. White Knights, 1116. Heber, pt. iv. 367, 9«. An- other edition in 1776, 8vo. 5s. — The Epitaph of Su- Philip Sidney, Knight, lately Lord Go- nernoiu' of Flvshing. Lond. by George Robinson (1587). 4to. A copy of this tract is among Bishop Tanner's books in the Bodleian library. Heber, pt. Jv. 368, 6/. 6s. — A Sparke of Friendship and warm Good-Will. Whereunto is jomed the Commodity of sundry Sciences, and the Benefit that PajDcr bringeth, with many rare Matters rehearsed in the same. Willi a Description and Commen- dation of a Paper-Mill, now of late set up (near the Town of Dartford) by an High German, called M. Spilnian, JeweUcr to the Queen's most excellent Majesty. Written by Thomas Churchyard, Gent. (Printed at Lond. 1588.) 4to. Reprinted in the third volume of the llarleian Miscellany, and in the second volume of Nichols' Progresses of Q. Eliza- beth, 1788. Herbert and Kitson mention an edition of the date of 1558. — A Feast fidl of sad cheere Where griefes are aU on heaps ; Where solace is fuU deere, And sorrowes are good cheape. Lond. Printed for WiUiam Hohne, 1592. small 4to. A copy is in the Bodleian Library. This, according to Ritson, contains epitaphs on the Earl of Worcester, Sir James Acroft, controller of the household, Sir Will. Win- ter, Sir Will. Holstock, controller of the navy. Dr. Underbill, Bisliop of Oxford, &c. Heber, pt. iv. 369, oZ. 12s. 6d. — Churchyard's Challenge. Lond. by lolm Wolfe, 1593. 4to. Pp. 278. Black letter. Dedicated to Sir John Wolley, Kniglit, after which is a preface ' to the worthiest sorte of people that gently can reade and justly can judge.' ' The seuerall matters contained in this booke' (two leaves often wanting) are as follows : 1. The Tragedie of the Earle of Moreton. 2. The Tragedie of Sir Simon Burley. 3. A Discourse that a Man is but his Minde (in prose). 4. A Discourse of the true Steps of Manhood (in prose). 5. A Warning to the Wanderers abroad, that seeke to sow Dissention at Home. 6. A Discourse of the Honor of a Souldier (in prose). 7. A Discourse of Gentlemen ly- ing in London, that were better keepe House at Home in their Couutrey. 8. A Discourse of an olde Souldier and a young. 9. A Discourse of Misfortune and (Jalami- tie (in prose). 10. A Discourse and Com- mendation of those that can make Gode. 11. The Tragedie of Shore's Wife, mucli augmented. 12. A Story of , in Eagle and a Lady, excelleutly set out in Du ISartas. CIIU CIIU 4r,:i 13. A Tragitall Discourse of the Iiaplesse Man's Life. 14. A Discourse of a fiiiitas- ticall Dieame. 15. A I>iscourso of Ijaw and worthy Lawyers. To the Uiglit Hon. Lady Puckering. 16. A few plahie Verses of Truth against the flatterie of Time : made when the Qneen's Ma jestii; was last in Oxenford. 17. A Discouise of tlie only Phteiiix of the Worlde. 18. A Praise of that Phenix, and Verses translated out of I'rench. 19. The Adue the Writer made long agoe to the World, when he went to studie. 20. A tragicall Discourse of a dolorous Gentlewoman. 21. A doleful! Discourse of a great Lorde and a Ladie ; translated out of French. No. 1 is reprint- ed intheChippes edited by Chalmers. Nos. 2, 14, 19, 21, were first printed in Church- yard's Chippes (nos. 6, 9, 2 and 4), and for Nolo, see Nichols' Progresses of Q Eliza- beth, vol. iii. No. 11 was first printed in the Mirror for Magistrates, IS.W : in this edi- tion the legend has an augmentation of 21 stanzas. The original poem of 1559, with the augmentations, are reprinted in the Censura Literaria. Sotheby's in 1821, MS. title, 111. IVM. Anglo-Poet. 105, mo- rocco, 451. Ro\burghe, 3318 (with other pieces, 2 vols.) White Knights, 1116. Steevens, 811, no title, 1/. 9s. Perry, pt.i. 1289, MS. title, mor. bl. 18s. lleber, pt. iv. 370, 121. An edition of Churchyard's Chal- lenge, date 1580? Keed, 6717. with a co- pious MS. account of the author's works by Is. Reed, and a small octavo tract enti- tled a Discourse of Rebellion, 1570, 17?. 10s. Utterson (containing sheet T. inTragedie of Shore'sWife), 13/. resold Gardner, 7i.7s. — • A pleasant Conceite penned in Verse, coUoiirably sette out and lumiblie presented on Newyeeres Day last to the Queene's Majestic at Hampton Com-t. Lond. by Roger Warde, 1593. 4to. Eight leaves. Heber, pt. iv. 371, 31. 3s. Reprinted in the second volume of Nichols' Progresses of Q. Elizabeth. 1788. — The Mirror of Man and Man- ners of Men. Lond. forW. Holme or Ai*. Hatfield. 1594. 4to. Reprint, Auchinleck Press, 4to. 1816. Bos- well, 3243, 10s. 6d. Bindley, pt. iii. 1799. with Churchyard's Discourse of Courts and Wars, 41. 4s. — A Miisicall Consort of hea- venly Harmonie (compounded out of manie Parts of Musicke) called Church-yards Cliaritie. Lond. by Ar. Hatfield for William Holme, 1595. -Ito. Hibl. Anglo-Poet. 102, morocco, 40^ Reed, 6713, 81. 15s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 710, morocco, 91. 5s. Heber, pt. iv. 372, 71 Bright (fine copy), 91. 5.s. This volume is inscribed to Robert Uevereu.x Earle of Essex and Ewe, &c. ; then follows a metrical address ' To the general read- ers' and ' the author to his booke.' 'Churchyard's Charitie,' consisting of 90 seven line stanzas, runs on to 23 pages. .After which, is 'A Praise of Poetrie,' 17 pages with a title, which is reprinted at length in the Censura Literaria. Reprint. AiH-liiulc'ck Press, 1817, 4to. Boswell,3248, I'Js. 3U64, 21. Is. — A pleasant Discourse of Court and Wars. Lond. Ar. Hat- field. 1596. 4to. Reprint. 1816, 4to. Boswell, 3245. Bind- ley, pt. iii. 1799, with Churchyard's Mir- ror of Men, 41. 4s. — Churchyard's Cherishing. Lond. 1596. 4to. Reprinted at the .\uchinleck Press. Bos- well, 3065. — The Honor of the Lawe. Lond. Ar. Hatfield, 1596. 4to. A poem in one sheet and half. North, pt. iii. 787, morocco, 5^. 5s. Perry, pt.i. 1290, morocco, 10/. 15s. Heber, pt. iv. 374, 41. — A sad and solemne Fuiierall of the right honorable Sir Francis Knowles, Knight, &c. Lond. by Ar. Hatfield for Wm. Holme, 1596. 4to. Itepriuted from a copy in the collection of the Marquis of Stafford, in the second volume of the Heliconia. Another edition at the Auchinleck Press. 1816, 4to. Bos- well, 3065. — Choice Mirrom* of Honour, &c. Lond. 1597. 4to. — The fortvnate Farewell to the most forward and noble Earle of Essex. Lond. by Edm. Bolhfant for William Wood, 1599. 4to. A poem of four leaves, consisting of twelve stanzas, dedicated to Lord Harry Seamer. Heber, pt. iv. 375, 31. lis. Re- printed in the second volume of Nichols' Progresses of Q. Elizabeth. 1788. — The Welcome home of the Erie of Essex. Lond. 1599. 4to. Reprinted in Nichols' Progresses of Q. Elizabeth. Vol. 2. — The History of the civil Wars of France. Lond. 1600. 4to. 454 ClIU CULT Chuechyaed. a trve Discourse historicall, of the svcceedhig Go- vernovrs in the Netherlands, and the ciuill Warres there begun in the Yeare 1565, with the memorable Services of our honoiu-able English Generals, Captaines, and iSouldiers, especially vnder Sir John Norice, Knight, there performed from the Yeere 1577. vntiU the Yeere 1589. and afterwards in Portugale, France, Britaine and Ireland, vntill the Yeare 1598. Translated and col- lected by T. C. Esqvire and Eic. "Ro. Lond. for Mat. Lownes, 1602. 4to. Pp 166, dedicated to ' Sir Edward Sey- mour, Knight,' after which are addresses in Latin verse to Sir John Norice by Peter Bizar. A copy is in the British Museum. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 107, 51. 5s. Reed, 6715, 21. North, pt. iii. 714, 6s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 837, il. 10s. Jadis, 137, 13s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 711, U. 6s. Heber, pt. iv. 376, il. 12s. Skegg, 11. 7s. — Good Will. Sad and heavy Verses in the Natiu'e of an Epitaph, for the Losse of the Ai'chbishop of Canterbmy, lately deceased, Pri- mate and Metropolitane of all Eng- land. Lond. by Simon Stafford, 1604. 4to. Reprinted from a copy, supposed unique, in tlie Marquis of Stafford's collection, in tlie second volume of the Helicouia. — A blessed Balme to search and salve Sedition. Lond. Printed by Simon Stafford. 1604. 4to. A poem of six leaves, written in stanzas of seven lines, to the King, upon the plot, for which the two priests Watson and Clark were executed. — A Paean triumphall ; upon the King's pubhck Entry from the Tower of London to Westminster, on March the fifteenth. Lond. 1603. 4to. A poem written in heroic verse, and printed in ten pages. — A Myrrour for Man where in he shall see the niyserable State of thys Worlde. Lond. by Robert Toye, 4to. Three leaves, printed, according to Tan- ner, in the reign of K. Edward VI. ,S'e« Dibdin's Lincoln Nosegay, no. xvii. — The Lamentation of Freyud- sliippe. A ballad printed by Wyer. Heber, pt. iv. 355, 31. 13s. 6d. Another edition, printed by Colwell, and Five other P.roadside Ballads by Church- yard, sold in Heber's sale, pt. iv. 377. for 131. lOs. — The most true Reporte of James Fitz Morrice Death. Lond. Ed. Wliite, n. d. 12mo. Six leaves. Black letter. Reed, 6754. Heber, pt. 314, 31. 10s. — The Devises of Warre and a Play at Awsterly, her Highness (Queen Elizabeth) being at Sir Thomas Gresham's. Of this work, though printed, no copy is now known. — The Wonders of the Air, the Trembling of the Earth and the Warning before the Judgement- day. Lond. 4to. In prose. Inscribed to Doctor Caesar. — The Wortliines of Wales, the last Booke. — Twelve long Tales for Christ- mas, dedicated to twelve honour- able Lords. — Book of a sumptuous Shew in Shrovetide, by Sir Walter Raw- ley, Sir Robert Carey, M. Chidley, and M. Arthur Gorge ; in which Book was the whole Service of my Lord of Lester mentioned, that he and his Traine did in Flaimders ; and the Gentlemen Pensioners proved to be a great Piece of Ho- nour to the Coiut. It is doubtful whether these three last articles, though mentioned by Church- yard, ever appeared in print. — Chips concerning Scotland, with historical Notices and a Life of the Author, by George Chalmers. Loud. 1817. 8vo. Pp. iv. and 211. Ably edited. Contain- ing only Nos. l. 5. 11. from the edition of 1575. With some other pieces relative to Scotland. crin 455 Manuscripts. A Rebuke to Rebellion. A poem in the Royal MSS. in the Hritish Museum, 17 I! vii. Printed in the second volume of Ni- chols' Progresses of Queen Elizabeth. 1788. Declaration of Mr. Churchyard, under his own Hand, of Lord Arran's Messaf^e l)y him to Lord Hunsdou. MS. narl.69U9, art. 111. For further notice of tliis poet, sde Ames by Herbert. Ritson's Bibl. Poet. Censura Literaria. British Bibliographer. Wood's Athen. O.xon. by Bliss. Bibliographical Miscellanies. Churchyard's Chips, edited by George Chalmers. CnuRTON, Ealph. The Lives of William Smytli, Bishop of Lin- coln and Sir Richard Sutton, Knight, Founders of Brazen Nose College. Oxford, 1800. 8vo. Pp. 602, including dedication, preface, contents and index. Plates. Portrait of Bishop Smyth, p. 1. St. John's Hospital, liitchlield, p. 8B. Collegium Aenei Nasi, p. 310. Portrait of Sir Richard Sutton, p. 405. The continuation of the pedigree of Smyth, on two sheets, forming pages 468, 9, with an asterisk. The autographs and seals of Bishop Smyth and Sir Richard Sutton, p. 483. The Pedigree of Sutton forms p. 533, with an asterisk. Bindley, pt. i. 983, 15s. Dent, pt. i. 431, 17s. Font- hill, 3647, 1/. 15s. 'Williams, 438, morocco, bl. 7s. 6d. — Life of Alexander Nowell, Dean of St. Paids, cliiefiy compiled from Registers, Letters, and other authentic Evidences. Oxford, 1809. 8vo. A valuable and elaborate biographical work, consisting of pp. 448, with engrav- ings. Bindley, pt. i. 984, 14s. 6d. Fonthill, 1588, 1/. 6s. LARGE PAPER [only 25 printed], with the portraits on India paper. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. , 6.'i7, 3/. 8s. Williams, 436,morocco,4i.5s.437, morocco, 3Z, 13s. 6d. Chute, or Chewt, Anthony. Beautie dishonom'ed, written under the Title of Shore's Wife. Lond. 1593. 4to. An imitative history in verse, supposed iniique, consisting of 197 si.\;-line stanzas, inscribed to Sir Edward Winckfield, by his •worships mostbouuden, A.C Steevens, 812, 31. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 2203, 34/. 13s. Perry, pt. i. 1265,26/. Jadi.s, 145, 15/. 15s. Hibbert, 15/.15S. Jolley, 1843, 35/. Bright, 26/. 10s. Chylinski, Samuel Boguslaus. Account of the Translations of tlie Bible into the Lithvanian Tongue Oxford, 1659. 4to. CnYTE.s;us, David. A Postil or orderly Disposing of certcine Epis- tles vsuaUy red in tlie Church of God vppon the Sundayes and Holydayes througliout the whole Yeere, translated into English, by Arthur Goldmg. Lond. 1570. 4to. Dedicated to ' Sir Walter Myldmay, Knight.' The Postil on 489 pages, tlien a table and exposition of words. Bosweli, 619, 6s. 6d. Inglis, 354, 18s. Again 1577. Sotheby, June 1856, 1/. 15s. A soueraigne Sahie for a sick Soule, en- glished by W. F. Lond. 1.590, 16mo. Pre- fixed is an introduction ' To the Reader.' D 4, in eights. CiBBER, CoUey. Dramatic Works. Lond. 1777. 12mo. 5 vols, with portrait. Best edition. Drnry, 850, 1/. lis. 6d. Roxburghe, 3929, 11. 2s. Heath, 1960, II. 3s. —1721, 4to. 2 vols.— 1760, 12mo. 4 vols. Reed, 8044, 15s. — An Apology for the Life of CoUey Gibber, Comedian, witli an liistorical View of the Stage during his own Time. A new Edition witii Notes by E. Bellchambers. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 5s. One of the most amusing specimens of biography in the language, and the best history of the English stage during the time (jibber, the hero of tlie Dimciad, was concerned with it. An able notice of the work will be found in the Retrosp. Rev. i. 166—81. First edition. 1740, 4to. with a portrait after Van Loo and G. V. Gucht. Bindley, pt. i. 1821, 5s. 6d. Roxburghe, 9298, 8s. 6d. Field, 1149, 5s.— 1740, 8vo. Field, 1162, 6s. 6d.— 1750, 8vo. with portrait. Heath, 1919, 7s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 1022. 6s. Reed, 8045, with explanations, amendments, &c. of ditto, 1740, 10s.— Fourth edition, with an account of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage : a Dialogue on old Plays and old Players : and a List of dramatic Authors and their Works. Lond. 1756, 12mo. 2 vols, with portrait, 6s. Rox- burghe, 9299, 11. Is. The Trial of Colley Cibber, for writing a Book intitled An Apology for his Life, &c. Loud. 1740, 8vo. 2s. 6d. 456 CIB CIB A Blast upon Bays, or a new Lick at the Lauieat. Lond. 1742, 8vo. 2s. 6d.- A brief Supplement to Colley Cibber, his Lives of the late famous Actors and Actresses. By Tony Aston. 8vo. Reed, 8046, 2?. 5s. Field, 1153, 1«. 16s. Colley Gibber's Jests. Newc. 1761, 12ino. 5s. A Rhapsody upon the Marvellous; aris- ing from the first Odes of Pindar and Horace. Being a Scrutiny into ancient poetical Fame, demanded by modern common Sense. By Colley Gibber, P. L. Lond. 1750, 4to. A Letter to Mr. Gibber on his Trans- formation of King John. Lond. 1745, 8vo. 2s. A Letter from Mr. Gibber to Mr. Pope. Lond. 1742, 8vo. The Egotist, or Colley upon Gibber. Lond. 1743, Svo. Anotlier occasional Letter from Mr. Gibber to Mr. Pope. Lond. 1744, Svo. Sawney and Colley : a poetical Dia- logue occasioned by a Letter from the Laureat of St. James', to the Homer of Twickenham. Lond. folio. Field, 1155, illustrated with portraits and a curious satirical print of Pope, 19s. The Cliaracter and Conduct of Cicero considered, from the History of his Life, by the Rev. Dr. Middleton. Lond. pt. ii. 1747, 4to. The Laureat, or right Side of Colley Gibber. Lond. 1740, Svo. Bindley, 1370, 3s. 6d. CiBBEH, Theopbilus. The Lives of the Poets of Gr. Britain and Ire- land to tlie Time of Dean Swift. Compiled fi'om ample Materials, scattered in a Variety of Books, and esjjecially fi-om the MS. Notes of the late ingenious Mr. Coxeter and others, collected for this De- sign. Lond. 1753. 12mo. 5 vols. According to Dr. Drake, these lives (principally written by Shiels, a Scotch- man, and corrected, in the style and dic- tion, by Theophilus Gibber) are not de- void of merit ; they communicate some traditionary information ; are, in point of style, tolerably correct ; and embrace 213 names, from the period of Chaucer to about the middle of the 18th century. On the other hand, the late W. Gitford pro- nounced them a ' wretched tissue of ig- norance and malice.' Bindley, pt. i. 965, 16s. Keed, 6650, 15s. The Lives and Characters of the most eminent Actors and Actresses of G. Brit- ain and Ireland, from Shakespear to the present Time. Interspersed with a ge- neral History of the Stage. By Theo- philus Gibber. Part I. To which is prefixed, a familiar Epistle from Theo- philus Gibber to William Warhurton. Lond. 1753, Svo. 3s. This part contains the Life of Barton Booth. The Epistle alludes to Warburton's petulant censures on our Author's father. No more was ever published. ^ Apology for the Life of Mr. T— C— , Comedian, being a proper Sequel to the Apology for the Life of Colley Gibber. Lond. 1740, Svo. 5s. Ascribed to H. Field- ing. The Harlots Progress, or the Ridotto al' Fresco, a grotesque Pantom. Enter- tainment. Lond. 1733, 4to. Rhodes, 784, 7s. Reed, 7758, with Triumph of Peace by Dodsley, and Choice of Apollo, SI. Pattie and Peggy ; or, the fair Found- ling, a Scotch Ballad Opera. Lond. 1730, Svo. Roxburghe, 4608, 5s. 6d. Romeo and Juliet, revised and altered from Shakspeare. Lond. (1748), Svo. Rox- burghe, 3862, lis. An historical Tragedy of the civil Wars in the Reign of King Henry VI. Loud. (1723), Svo. Roxburghe, 3843, as.— Second edition, 1724, Svo. Tlie Lover, a Comedy. Lond. 1730, Svo. 2s. 6d. The Auction, a Farce. Lond. 1757, Svo. Buskin and Sock: Controversial Letters between Sheridan, Tragedian; and Gibber, Comedian. Dublin, 1743, Svo. Gibber and Sheridan, or the Dublin Miscellany. Dublin, 1743, 12mo. Gibber's two Dissertations on the The- atres, with an Appendix, in three Parts, Svo. 3s. 6d. Reed, 8043, 6s. An Epistle from Mr. Theophilus Gibber to David Garrick. to which are prefixed, some occasional Verses, Petitions, &c. Lond. 1755, Svo. 2s. 6d. Roxburghe, 4024, date 1759, 5s. 6d. A Lick at a Liar: or Calumny detected: being an occasional Letter to a Friend by Theophilus Gibber, Comedian. Lond. Svo. Four original Letters from Theo. Gibber to Mr. Sloper and Mrs. Gibber. Lond. 1739, Svo. Tlie Comforts of Matrimony exempli- fied. Lond. 1739, 8vo. Guckoldora's Glory, or the Horns of the righteous exalted, in a Sermon preached at Salter's Hall, on Sunday the 29th of Oct. 1738. Dedicated to Mr. Theo. C— r, (1739), Svo. with a frontispiece. Field, 1518, 6s. 6d. The Tryals of two Causes between Theophilus Gibber, Gent., Plaintiff, and William Sloper, Defendant. Lond. 1740, Svo. Eight Tracts by and concerning Theo- crc pliilus Gibber, with curious prints, &c, inserted. Heed, 8043, 51. 5s. resold, Field, 1157, 2^. CtCEEO, Marcus Tullius. Opera omnia quEC extant, a Uiouysio Lam- bino Monstroliensi ex Codicibu.s Manuscriptis einendata &■ avicta : — Eiusdem D. Lambini Annota- tiones, sen Emendationum Ratioiies singulis Toinis distinctee, &c. Frag- menta omnia quse extant, &c. Lond. per loh. I. & Edm. C. (John Jack- son & Edm. Carpenter). 1585. 8vo. 9 vols. — Opera omnia, ex. Cod. MSS. Eide emendata. Stud. Jani Gidicl- mii et Jani Gruteri. Lond. 1680-1. folio. 4 torn, in 2 vols. 12s. An incorrect reprint. The preface wan written by Dr. Adam Littleton, labok PAPER. 1^ 4s. — Opera, ex Editione Oliveti. Glasguse, Eoidis, 1749. 12mo. 20 vols. A very beautiful and correct edition of Olivet's text, fine paper. Duke of Graf- ton, 387, 5/. — Opera, ciuii Indicibus, variis Lectionibus, et Clave. Oxon. Cla- rend. 1783. 4to. 10 vols. A very elegant and correct reimpression ofthe textof Olivet, with various readings, but without notes. Drury, 978, russia, 67. 8s. 6d. White Knights, 1118, bl. 15s. 6d. The full-length portrait of Cicero, engrav- ed by Sherwin, is frequently wanting. A volume of Notes ' Oliveti Delectus Com- nientariorum in M. T. Ciceronis opera omnia. Oxonii, 1821, 4to.' was prigted to accompany this edition. Only lOOcopies are said to have been struck cfl", price 51. 5s. — Opera omnia, ex Reeensioue J. Aug. Ernesti cum ejusdem Notis et Clave Ciceroniana. Oxonii, 1810, 8vo. 8 vols. — Opera omnia, ex Recensione J. Aug. Ernesti ; cum ejusdem Notis et Clave Ciceroniana. Lond. R. Priestley, 1819. 8vo. 8 vols. An elegant edition. There are copies on LARGE PAPER. [As accompaniments to this edition were simultaneously published : Oliveti Notaj in Ciceronem ad edit. Ernest, accom- mod. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819. Nizolii Lexi- CIC li>/ con Ciceronianum juxta edit. Faociolati, 3vols.8vo. Lond. 1819. Of both works there are copies on i,arof. paper.^ — Opera, ex Recensioiiibus Oli- veti et Ernesti, edita a Jolianne Carey, LL.D. Lond. 1820. 18mo. 12 vols. 21. 2s. The Regent's edition. — Opera, ex Editione Eniesti, cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini. Lond. Valpy, 1830. 12 parts in 17 vols. 8vo. large PAPER, Svo. generally bound in 21 vols, or more. Part of Valpy's Delphin Variorum Classics. — De Oratore. Lond. 1573. Svo. — De Oratore ad Quintimi Fra- trem Libri tres. Cantabrigiae, ex OfRcina Johannis Legat, 1589. 32nio. 5s. Perhaps, says Dr. Dibdin, the smallest edition of a classic ever printed at an uni- versity. — De Oratore, Libri III. ex Re- cens. Th. Cockman. Oxonii, 1696. Svo. 2s. 6d. An edition of little moment, large PAPKR. Williams, 444, morocco, 11. 7s. Heath, 4244, 6s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 1549, lis. ( )xon. 1706, Svo. 23. 6d. — Omnes quiadArtem Oratoriam pertinent Libri, cum Interpretatione et Notis Jac. Proust, ad Usum Del- phini. Oxon. 1714, 16, 18. Svo. 3 vols. 18s. An esteemed edition. Gough, 793, 4, 11. LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 439, morocco, 41. Heath, 4281, 27. 3s. Drury, 861, mo- rocco, 31. 16s. Williams, 445, 9 & 50, mo- rocco, 51. 5s. — Vol. II. containing Libri de Claris Oratoribus, is used to complete the variorum edition of Cicero. Williams, 448, morocco, 17. 13s. — Ad Quintum Fratrem Dialogi III. de Oratore, ex MSS. emen- davit, Notisque illustravit Zach. Pearce. Cantab. 1732. Svo. 5s. A valuable edition. large paper. Duke of Grafton, 266, 14s. Dent, pt. i. 436, morocco, 27. Is. Williams, 446, mo- rocco, 17. 19s. 453, morocco, 27. 5s. — First edition. Cantab. 1716, Svo. Roxburghe, 2229, 2s.— Lond. 1746, Svo. 6s. This edi- tion has some additional notes. — Lond. 1771, Svo. Heath, 4180, 5s.— Lond. 1778, Svo.— Gl.isg. 1749, 12mo. 458 CTC crc CiCero. DeOratore, Libritres, ex Editione Jo. Aug. Eruesti, cum Notis Variorum. Oxonii, 1809. 8vo. An accurate reprint, with notes from various commentators. Drury, 868, mo- rocco, 14s. LARGE PAPER. — De Oratore, de claris Orato- ribus Oratorise Partitiones et To- pica, Cura Stewart. Edinb. 1812. 8V0. 5s. LARGE PAPER, lOs. — De Oratore, ex Editione Jo. Aug. Eruesti, a Greenwood. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Lond. 1838. 8vo. 78. 6d. — De Oratore. Translated into English by G. P. (any). Loud. 1723. 8vo. — De Oratore, translated with Notes historical and explanatory by Wm. Guthrie. Second Edition re- vised and coi-rected. Lond. 1755. Bvo. Williams, 447, 12s. The first edition was published in 1742.— 1758. Nassau, pt. i. 698, 6s. Oxford, 1S08, 12mo. — Cicero on the complete Orator, in tlu'ee Books or Dialogues, in- scribed to his Brother Quintus. Translated into English, with Notes and Illustrations by George Barnes. Lond. 1762. 8vo. 5s. A heavy, verbose, and inaccurate trans- lation. — Brutus and Orator, now first transl. into English, by E. Jones. Lond. 1776. 8vo. A translation of more than common merit; faithful, elegant, and perspicuous. Nassau, pt. i. 701, 6s. On Oratory and Orators, translated by Guthrie and Jones. Oxford, 1812, 8vo. 2 vols. Academica, recensuit, variorum Notis suas immiscuit, et Tvu-nebi Petrique Fabri Commentarios ad jmixit Jo. Davisius. Cantab. 1736. 8vo. 6s. Best edition. Cantab. 1725, 6vo. 3s. i.ARfiE PAPER. Koxburghe, Suppl. 56, 6s. 6d. — De Finibus Bonorum et Ma- lorum Paradoxon, Bentleii. Cantab. 1718. 8vo. and 1728. 8vo. This edition, according to Ernesti, is 'luculenter nitide et diligeuter castigate.' Roxburghe, 1271, 2s. 6d. — De Finibus Bonorum et Ma- lorum Libri V. ex Kecens. Jo. Da- visii, cum ejusdem Animadversi- onibus et Notis Variorum. Cantab. 1741. 8to. Best edition. Edwards, 239, 7s. Dent, part i. 447, morocco, 16s.— 1728, 4s. lakok PAPER.— Cant. 1804, 8vo. 4s. Oxon. 1809, 8vo. 7s. LARGE PAPER, 12s. Drury, 885, morocco, 16s. Williams, 456, morocco, U. 8s. — TtiUy's five Books de Finibus, translated into Enghsh by S. P. Gent. (Samuel Parker) revised by Jeremy Collier : together with an Apology for the philosophical Writ- ings of Cicero, by Henry DodweJl. Lond. 1702. 8vo. 3s. New edit. Oxford, 1812. — The Morals, containing, first, his Conferences de Finibus, — 2. His Academics — translated into Enghsh by Wm. Guthrie. Lond. 1744. 8vo.'6s. — Qusestiones Tuscidanae per Erasmum. Lond. 1577. 8vo. — Tuscidanarum Quoestionum Libri V. cum Comment. Davisii et Emendat. E. Bentleii. Cantab. 1738. 8vo. 6s. Best edition.— 1708 or 1709, 2s. 6d.— 1723, 3s. 6d. LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 447, morocco, 19s. Williams, 457, mo- rocco, U. 7s. 1730,5s — Oxou, 1805, large PAPER. Williams, 458, morocco, \l. 13s. — Tuscidanse Qusestiones. Lond. 1759. 12mo. 4s. A neat and correct edition by Bowyer. — Tusculanarum Disputationuni Libri, Davisii ; accedimt Bentleii Emendationes hacteuus rneditse. Oxon. 1805. 8vo. 6s. This edition contains 25 pages of notes by Bentley.never before published, large paper. Drury, 876, morocco, 19s. — Tuscidanfe Disputationes re- cognovit Orellius ; cum notis anyli- cis. Ox. 1831. 8vo. 7s. — Those fyne Questions, which Marke Tullye Cicero cUsputed in his Manor of Tusculanum, tran.s- CIO CIC 459 lated & englialied by John Dolman. Lend. Tlio. Marshe, ISfil. 16mo. Pedicated to Bishop Jewel. Bindley, pt. ii. 1214, 6s. 6d. CiCEijo. The five days debate at Cicero's House in Tuseulum, transl. by Christ. Wase. Lond. 1683. 8vo. — Five Books of Tusculan Dis- putations, done into English by a Gentleman [Main] of Clirist Church CoU. Oxford, 1714. Svo. 3s. 6d. Foi-mer translations, Lond. 1683, Svo. 2s. 6d. Lond. 1715, Svo. 2s. 6d. Lond. 1824, Svo. Oxford, 1834, Svo. — The Tuscidan Disputations of M. T. Cicero, in five Books. A new Ti'anslation by a Gentleman. Lond. 1758. Svo. A translation destitute of every kind of merit. Drury, 877, 4s. 6d. — Another edi- tion in 1828. — De Natura Deorum Libvi III. cvim Notis variorum recensuit, suis- que Animadversionibus illustravit emaculavit Jo. Davisius. Cantab. 1744. Svo. 6s. Best edition. — 1718, 33. large paper. Duke of Grafton, 113, 4s. Dent, pt. i. 444, morocco, 17s. Williams, 454, morocco, li!. lis. 6d. — 1723,3s. 6d. large paper. 6s. — 1733, Svo. 4s.— Oxon. 1807, Svo. 7s. large PAPER. 12s. Williams, 455, morocco, 11. 6s. — De Natura Deorum, Libri tres. Glasg. 1741. 12mo. 2s. A neat and correct edition, with the readings and conjectures of Bouker and Davies. — De Natura Deorum Liber quartus nunc primum edidit P. Seraphinus. Oxon. 1813. Svo. 3s. 6d. — Tully's three Books touching the Nature of the Gods, done into Enghsh. Lond. 1683. Svo. 2s. 6d. — On the Nature of the Gods, with critical, philosophical and ex- planatory Notes. To which is added an Enquiry into the Astronomy and Anatomy of the Ancients, with a chronological Table, and Kemarks on the Theology of the Greek Plii- losophers (by Tlio. Fraufklin). Lond. 1741. Svo. Keprinted 1775, Svo. 5h.— 1829, Svo. 5s. Cicero. Libri de Divinatione, et Fato ; recensuit et suis Animad- versionibus iUustravit et emendavit Jo. Davisius : acceduntNotse. Can- tab. 1730. Svo. 6a. Best edition.— 1721, 3s. laboe paper. Dent, pt. i. 44,5, morocco. 18s. Williams, 451, morocco, IL 13s. — De Divinatione, with notes by Allen. Lond. 1836. post Svo. — De Legibus Libri III. recen- suit ac Variorum Notis suas ad- jecit Jo. Davisius. Cantab. 1745. Svo. 6s. Best edition — 1727, Svo. 3s. large papbr. Williams, 452, morocco, 21. 6s. — Political Woi'ks, viz.. Treatise on the Laws and on the Republic, translated by Fr. Barham. Lond. 1846. Svo. 2 vols. — De OfRciis Libri tres. Lond. 1583. 16mo. — De OiBciis Libri tres, Cato major, Lajlius, Paradoxa, etc. ex optimis Exemplaribus recensuit, selectisque variorrmi Notis, nonnul- las etiam suas adjecit Th. Toolv. Oxon. 1717. Svo. Heath, 4151, 4s. 6d. Drury, SS7, mo- rocco, 61. 6s. LARGE paper. Bindley, pt. i. 154S, 11. 5s. Dent, pt. i. 441, russia, 13s. Williams, 460, morocco, 11. Is. 461, mo- rocco, 11. 13s. — De OfSciis Libri tres, Notis Z. Pearce. Lond. 1745. Svo. 4s. A very valuable edition. Lond. 1778, Svo. 5s. This edition is superior to that of 1745. Oxon. ISll, 12mo. 4s. — De Officiis Libri tres. Glasg. 1757. 12mo. Printed by R. and A. Foulis. large PAPER. Williams, 462, 16s.— Another edi- tion. Glasf;. 1784, 2s. large paper Duke of Grafton, 164, 5s. 6d. — De OfEciis Libri tres, ex Edi tione Oliveti (edente H. Homer) Lond. 1791. 12mo. An elegant and coirect edition. Duke 4C0 cic of Grafton, 162, morocco, 7s. 6d. Edwards, 242, morocco, 11. 5s. Stanley, 23, morocco, by Roger Payne, 11. 15s. Fonthill, 1618, morocco, 11. Dent, pt. i. 443, morocco, by Roger Payne, 21. Cicero. De Officii s, ex Edit. Heu- singeri. Lond. 1820. 24mo. 2s. 6d. The Regent's edition. — De Offieiis Libri III. ex Ee- cens. J. Mich, et J. Fred. Heusin- gertirn, quorum Animad. Scliola- riim usibus accommodavit Conr. Heusinger. Accedunt Notae Jo, Toupii. Oxon. 1828. 12mo. 4s. 6d. — De Offieiis, de Senectute, et de Amicitia. Lond. 1821. 48mo. 5s. Pickering's edition; tlie smallest ever printed. Six copies were taken oflf upon vellum, and twenty on India paper. — The tlu-ee Bookes of Tullyes Offyces, bothe in Latynge Tonge and in Englysslie, lately translated by Roberta Whytinton. ■ Lond. by W. de Worde, 1534. 8vo. Contains sheets X 8. in octaves, besides the prefi.xes. [The earliest book found by Herbert in Italic type by W. de AVorde.] Home Tooke, 144, 31. 15s. Another edi- tion. Lond. by John Byddell, 1540, 16mo. Bindley, pt. i. 1377, 12s. — Thre Bookes of Duties, to IVIarcus his Sonne, turned out of Latine into English, by Nicholas Grimalde. Whereunto tlie Latin is adioyned. Lond. by Richard Tottel, 1553. 12mo. Black letter. Dedicated to ' Thomas Bishop of Elie.' — 1556. Dedicated to 'Thomas, Bisshop of Elie,' then ' N.G. to the reader.' Contains besides, fol. 158, and a table at the end. On the sell of the compartment of the title-page is the date of 1534.— Nassau, pt. i. 695, 5s. Reed, 1859, 8s. 1558, 16mo. fol. 168. The Latin in the Italic type. White Knights, 847, rus- sia, 14s.— 1568, 8vo. fol. 168. The Latin in Roman type. — 1574. — 1583. White Knights, 848, russia, 10s. Boswell, 504. 3s. - 1590, 16mo.— 1596, 16nK). Heath, 4152, 2s. 6d. Reed, 1860, 5s.— No date. 16mo. Nassau, pt. i. 694, 6s. — The first Book of Tidly's Offices, transl. into Enghsh by Brinsley. Lond. 1616. Svo. 4s. — Offices, translated grammati- cally. Lond. 1631. 12rao. 4s. CTC Cicero. Offices, translated by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Lond. 1720. 8vo. 2s. 6d. The former editions 1680, 1681, 1684, 1688, 1689, 1699, again 1753 and 1831. — Offices, translated by Tho. Cockman. Lond. 1756. 12mo. 3s. 6d. other editions, Lond. 1706, 1714, 1715, 1720. 1722, 1723, 17.30, 1732, 1739. Dublin, 1732. Camb. 1776 Oxf. 1819. — Offices — Cato Major — Lselius — Paradoxes — Vision of Scipio — Letters concerning the Duties of a Magistrate ; translated into En- ghsh, vrith Notes critical and ex- planatory, by Wm. Guthrie. Lond. 1755. 8vo. 6s. Nassau, pt. i. 696, lis.— 1820, 8vo. — De Offieiis, translated and ac- companied with Notes and Obser- servations by Wm. M'Cartney, Minister of Old Kirkpatrick. Edmb. 1798. 8vo. 5s. A good version, with useful notes. — The Offices of Cicero con- taining the original Text, Order of Construction, and an interlineary Translation on the Principles of Locke, by WiUiam Johnson. Lond. 1828. 8vo. 9s. — Cicero de Senectute et de Amicitia. From the Text of Er- nesti. By E. H. Barker. Lond. 1811. 12mo. 6s. — Tidlius de Senectute. [Trans- lated from the French version of Lam'ence de Primo, by Wylyam de Wyreestre, alias Botaner, and] en- prpited by me symple persone W'ilham Caxtone into Englysshe. — .M.CCCC.Ixxxi. TidHus de Amicicia, translated into our ma- ternall Englissh Tongue by the noble famous Erie, The Erie of Wurcestre. Explicit per Caxton. folio. Copies are in the British Museum, Duke of Devonshire and Earl Spencer's Libraries. Roxburghe, 1276, first and last leaf MS. 115/. Strettel, 826, morocco, 42/. Willett, CIC 4C}\ 612, 210?. resold Wliite Kiiiglits,1162, 87?. 3s. resold Watson Tiiylor in 1S23, 47?. 15s. 6d. resold Brockett, 782, ill. 5s. resold So- tlieby, Dec. 1857,275?. Ue Senectute(only), Jolley, 1851,30?. Collation. I>e Senectute. Z, 6 leaves, the first blank : a, fi leaves, a 6 blank ; b to h, 8 li^aves each ; i 3 leaves. T>i> Amicitia, a to d 4 iiichisive. in eights; two declarations made by Puhlius Cornelius ScipioandCaius Flaminius, competitors for the love of Lu- cresse, shewing wherein True Honour and Noblenes.^ consists (written by I'.anatusius Magiio Montanus), d 5 to f Sin eights, in all 120 leaves. See Ames, by DIbdin. i. 119-30. Bibl. Spencer, iv. 255-6. Cicero. Tullius de Amicicia, in English. Here after ensueth a good- ly Treaty se of Amyte or Freiid- shypp, composed in Latyn, and lately translatyd into Englyslie. folio. Black letter. Eighteen leaves. A copy is in the British Museum, bound up with the translation Cicero de Senect\ite and de Amicitia, printed by Caxton. It is are- print of the Earl of Worcester's transla- tion as far as sign, d 4 of Caxton's edition. — Tullius de Senectute, bothe in Latyn and Englysshe Tonge translated by Robert AVhitinton, Poete Laureate. Lond. by John ByddeU, 1540. 16ino, 12s. A to F 4, in eights. Another edition. No date, 16nio. A to !•" 4, in eights. — The Booke of Freendeship. Anno Dni. 1562. Lond. by Tho. Powell. 32mo. Dedicated to ' Katharine Duches of Suf- folke,' by John Han7ngton,then an epistle ' To the Reader.' Contains besides 65 leaves, and a table at the end. This translation was made from the French, by Sir John Haringtou, who ' caused his Ver- sion to be conferred with the Latine Auctor, and so by tlie knowen well lerned to be corrected.' — The worthy Booke of old Age, otherwise entitided, the elder Cato, now englished : whereunto is added, a Recital of diners Men, that hued long, with a Declaration of sundry Sortes of Yeares, and the Diuersitie betwene the Teres in the old Time, and our Years now a Dayes. Lond. Tlio. Mar^lie, 1569. 32mo. VOL. I. Dedicated to the Lord William Paulet, Marquis of Winchester. 64 leaves. CiCEKo. Fovre seuerall Treatises : conteyninge his moste learned and eloquente Discourses of Frend- shippe ; Old age : Paradoxes ; and Seipio his Dreame. AU turned out of Latine into English, by Tho. New- ton. Lond. Tlio.Marshe, 1577. 8vo. Dedicated to ' Frauds Earle of Bedford, Lord Kussell.' Contains besides. S in eights, including a table at the end. — Cicero's Cato major, by Sir John Dcnham. 1618. Lloyd, 33.3, 3s. 6d. — Cato Major, by W. Austin. Lond. 1()71. Second Edition, Lond. 1684, 8vo. Title engraved by J. Goddard. — Cato Major and Lsehus trans- lated uito EngUsh, by Sam. Parker. Lond. 1704. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Keprinted at Oxford, 1720, 1727, 1731. Lond. 1736, 12mo. Roxburghe, 1277, Is. 6d. — Cato Major, with explanatory jVotes (by Logan, of Pennsylvania). Philadelpliia, by Benjamin Fi-ank- lin, 1744. 8vo. ' Mollis, 271, 5s. 6d. Brockett, 772, 8s. An edition was printed at London, 1778, Svo. in which the name of Dr. Franklin, erroneously appears as the translator. Re- printed Lond. 1750, Svo. Glasg. 1751, 12mo. — TiiUy's compendious Treatise of old Age : translated with co- pious Notes by WilUam Massev. Lond. 1753. Svo. — Cato : or an Essay upon Old Age, and Ltehus, or an Essay on Friendship, with Remarks, byWm. Melmoth. Lond. 1773, 7. 8vo. 2 vols. The remarks discover learning combin- ed with taste: and the translation is exe- cuted in a masterly manner, llollis. 270, 12s. Heath, 4163, 17s.— 1795, 1807, 1810. The Cato was reprinted 1777, 17&5, Svo. The LkUus. 1785, Svo. — The Paradox, lately translated out of the Latin Tongue into En- glishe, by Robert Whittinton, Poet Lam-eat. Southwarke by John Red- man (1540). 16mo. 462 cic CiCEEO. Somniiun Scipionis. The Theology and Philosophy in Cice- ro's Soninium Scipionis explained: or, a brief Attempt to demonstrate, that the Newtonian System is perfectly agreeable to the Notions of the wisest Antients : and that Mathematical Principles are the only sure ones. Lond. 1751, 6vo. The ne plus ultra of Hutchinsonianism. In this twelve- penny pamphlet Newton is proved an Atheist and a Blockhead. See Life of Bp. Home, by W. Jones, p. 38 ; also Bp. War- burtou's Letters to Hurd, p. 6. A Letter from an Hutchinsonian to his Friend, relating to a remarkable Prophecy lately fuliiird. Oxford, 1752, 8vo. A merry pamphlet written in ridicule of ' The Theology and Philosophy in Cicero's Som- nium Scipionis explained, &c.' — Tlioughts on the following Subjects, viz. 1. Religion. 2. Man. 3. Conscience. 4. The Passions. 5. Wisdom. 6. Probity. 7. Elo- quence. 8. Friendship. 9. Old Age. 10. Death. 11. Scipio's Dream. 12. Miscellaneous Thoughts. Published in Latin and French, by the Abbe D'Ohvet ; to which is now added an English Translation, with Notes. Lond. 1750. 12mo. 4s. 6d. A good translation, for the use of learners in general, of any of the three languages, or of the whole. An edition in English only of this valuable manual of ancient wisdom and morality appeared 1753, 12mo. 3s. — Orationes Phihppicse, Im- pressum Lond. opera et sumpta Richardi Pynsonii, xv. ApriUs. 1521. 12mo. Collation, b to r in eights. — Orationes. Lond. 1579. 16mo. Printed frequently. — Orationiun a Joan. Michaele Bruto emendatum, iS:c. Lond. 1596. 16mo. 3 vols. A former edition. 1587, 16mo. — Orationes qusedam selectae, cum Interpretatione & Notis in Usum Delphini. Lond. 8vo. 5s. Frequently reprinted. — Trium Orationum Partes in- edita?. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Urnry, 859, 6s. Od. CiCEEO. Sex Orationum Fragmenta inedita, cum Commentariis antiquis item ineditis, invenit, recensuit, No- tisque illustravit Angelas Maius. Lond. 1816. 8vo. 9s. — The chosen eloquent Oration for the Poet Archias, selected from his Orations, and now first pub- lished in Enghsh. 1571. By Drant. See Warton's Hist, of Engl. Poetry. 8vo. iv. 258. — Cicero against Catiline, in four invective Orations. Trans- lated by Christ. Wase. Lond. 1671. 12mo. — Second Oration against Cati- line, applied to the present Times. Lond. 1715. 8vo. — The Orations, transl. into Enghsh, with Notes historical and critical, and Arguments to each, by Wm. Gutln-ie. Second Edition, revised and corrected with addi- tional Notes. Lond. 1745. 8vo. 3 vols. On the whole a good translation, which has been favourably received, and has gone through several editions. [It does not, however, contain the whole of the Ora^ tions, which are for the first time given complete iu Bohn's translation. See p. 464.] The first edit, was published in 1741, 8vo. 3 vols.— 1758, 8vo. 3 vols. Roxburghe, Suppl. 577, 13s. Dublin, 1766, Svo. 2 vols. —1778, 8vo. 3 vols. Edwards, 240. 153. Nassau, pt. i. 699, 12s. Lond. 1606, 8vo. 2 vols. — Select Orations, translated into Enghsh, with the Original Latin in the opposite Page, and Notes liistorical, critical and expla- natory by Wm. Duncan. Lond. 1755. Svo. 6s. The Latin test is very correct, and the translation is a good one. Lond. 1799, 8vo. —Revised by Geo. Mason. Edinb. 1825, Svo. — The Orations translated into Enghsh, with notes historical and critical. Dublin, 1766. ' A heavy, formal, and insipid version. —Tytler. — Select Orations, translated by Professor Duncan, and inter- CTC 463 spersed with a Variety of Notes explanatory of the Persons, Man- ners, and Customs of tlie llonians. Adapted to the EngUsh Reader by Sir Charles Whitworth. Lond. 1777. 8to. ]0s. 6d. An improved edition, often reprinted. CiCEKO. The principal Orations, translated with Notes, classical and original, by Capt. John Rutherford. Lond. 1781. royal 4to. 12s, This translation is much inferior to Guthrie's. Prefl.xed is a head of Cicero by Cipriani and Bartolozzi. — The Orations against Cains Cornelius Verres, transl. by Jas. White, with Annotations. Lond. 1787. 4to. 15s. A translation often nervous and elegant, and general!}' faithful. — The two last Pleadings against Caius Verres, translated and illus- trated with Notes by Charles Kel- sall. Lond. 1812. 8vo. 5s. Fonthill, 2634, 11. 2s. Libellus prim. Epistol. M. Tidlii Cicer. Decus Oxoniensium, fini- tum Universitate Oxoniensi. 4to. This book, printed at the charge of Car- dinal Wolsey, with the king's arms on one side, and the cardiniil's on the other, has neither date nor printer's name. — Epistolaj ad Familiares, a D. Lambino, ex Codicibus Manuscrip- tis emendatse ; &c. Item P. Ma- nutii Annotationes breuiss. in Marginc adscriptse. Exciidebant loh. lacsonus & Edm. BoUifantus, 1585. 16rao. Another edition. 1690, 8vo. Another edition. 1581. — • EpistoljB ad Famihares, cum Notis, a Joan. Ross editse. Cantab. 1749. 8vo. 2 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 1550, U. 8s. Cosset, 1249, 2^. 10s. According to Dr. Harwood ' a very valuable edition— the notes (which lire in English) display a rich fund of ju- dicious criticism with regard to Cicero's correspondence, and the history and situ- ation of himself and his friends.' large PAPER. Williams, 442, morocco bv Roger Payne, 51. 7s. 6d. CiCEiio. The familiar Epistles, by J. Webbe. Lond. 12mo. Ro.xburghe, 6782, 6s. In a I'auoplie of Epistles by Abraham Fleming, 1576, 4to. will be found ' certaine selected Epistles out of M. T. Cicero.' — Letters to several of his friends, with Remarks by William Melmoth. Lond. 1753. 8vo. 3 vols. An elegant translation of more than or- dinary merit. — 1778, 8vo. 3 vols. Nassau, pt. i. 702, 14s.— 1789, 8vo. 3 vols. Hollis, 272, 15s.— 1804, 8vn. 3 vols.— 1814, 8vo. 2 vols.— With liis life and letters to Atti- CMS, by Ilerberden. Lond. Bohn, 1848, and frequently reprinted in one volume, royal 8vo. 12s. — An Epistle or Letter of Ex- hortation written in Latyne to his Brother Quintus the Proconsull or Deputy of Asia, wherein the office of a Magistrate is connyngly & wisely described. Translated into EnglyshebyG. (oddred) G. (ylby). Lond. Rowland Hall, 1561. 16mo. C, in eights. An epistle is prefixed ' Goddred Gylby to the reader.' — Epistles to Atticus, translated into English, with Notes historical, critical, and explanatory, by Wm. Guthrie. Lond. 1752. 8vo. 2 vols. An version, full both of quaint and cant phrases. Nassau, pt. i. 703, 13s. Anotheredition, revised and improved by J. Jones. 1806, 8vo. 3 vols. In this edition the translation is greatly improved, and many useful notes added. — Letters to Titus Pomponius Atticus ; transl. into English with Notes. By WiUiam Heberden, M.D. 1826. 8vo. 2 vols. 1835. 8vo. 2 vols. With Familiar Letters and Life. Lond. 1848, royal 8vo. 12s. — Epistles to M. Brutus, and of Brutus to Cicero, with the Latin Text on the opposite Page and En- ghsh Notes to each Epistle, by Con- yers Middleton, D.D. Lond. 1743. 8vo. In the prefatory Dissertation, Dr. M. considers and professes to confute the ob- jections raised against the authenticity of these epistles, bv the Rev. D. Tunstal. Epistola nd Virnni eruditum Conyers HH 2 464 oro OIP Middleton, a J. Tunstall, D.D. Cantab. 1741. 8vo. See Tunstall, James. Remarks on the Epistles of Cicero to Brutus, and of Brutus to Cicero, with a Dissertation upon four Oratious ascribed to Cicero. Hy Jeremiah Markland. Lond. 1745, 8vo. 5s. LABQE PAPER. Williams, 1183, 163. ■ CiCEEO. DeRepublicaquse super- sunt, e Codice Vaticano descripsit Angelas Mains, Bibliotliec£e Vati- canae Gustos. Loud. 1853. 8vo. Pp. 349. Drury, 890, 12s. — Consolatio. Liber quo se ip- sum de Filiae Morte consolatus est. Nunc primum repertus et in Lu- cem editus. Excud. pro Gul. Pou- sonbio, 1583. 8vo. — Paraclesis : or Consolations reduced from natural and revealed Religion : the first supposed to have been composed by Cicero, the last originally written by Tho. Blacklock, D.D. 'Edinb. 1767. 8vo. The translationof the Consolatio, falsely attributed to Cicero, is an excellent one. [TheWokksof Cicero, literally trans- lated, are published in Bohn's Classical Library, viz. : Offices, Old Age, Friendship, Scipio's Dream, Paradoxes, &c. literally translated on the basis of Cockman,by Cyrus C. Ed- monds. Orations and Rhetorical Works (Rhe- torical Invention, the Orator, Topics, Ora- torical Partitions and Style of Orators), translated by C. D. Youge, with Index, 4 vols. Academics, De Finibus and Tusculan Questions, translated by C. D. Yonge, with Sketch of the Greek Philosophy. Nature of the Gods, Divination, Fate, Laws, Republic, &c. translated by C. D. Yonge and Francis Barliam. Oratory and Orators, with the Letters to Brutus, translated by the Rev. J. S. Watson, with General Index. [To complete this series of Cicero's Works, the Letters, translated by Mel- moth and Heberden, iu one volume, royal 8vo. must be added.] Marci Tullii Ciceronis Vita, ex optimis qnibusque Scriptoribus delibata & inCom- pendiura reducta, a J. Harmaro. Oxon. 1662, Svo. 3s. The Tragedy of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Lond. 16.51, 4to. Rhodes, 248, 7s. 6d. Ro.x- burghe, 4209, 10s. Observations on the Life of Cicero. Lond. 1733, Svo. See CiuBER, CoUey. Eenesti, Jo. Aug. Middleton, Conyers. CiEZA, Peter de. The seventeen Years Travels of Peter de Cieza through the mighty Kingdom of Peru, and the large Provinces of Cartagena and Popayan in South America. (Tratislated by John Stevens). Lond. 1709. 4to. Cinque Ports. — Charters of the Cinque Ports, tvro antient Towns, and their IMembers, translated into English, with Annotations histori- cal and critical : wherein divers old Words are explained, and some of the antient Customs and Privileges observed. By Sam. Jeakes. Lond. 1728. folio. 21. 2s. This book was written in 1678, and after the death of the author was printed at the recommendation of Ld. Ch. Bar. Gil- bert. The Cliarters with the table, B — Ccc, 190 pages, also a title, dedication to the Duke of Dorset, 2 pages ; advertise- ment and list of books, 2 pages, also a list of subscribers, 2 pages. Bishop of Ely 1004, 17s. Marquis of Townshend, 1914, 18s. LARGE PAPER. Nassau, pt. i. 1970, russia, U. 2s. Magna et antiqua Charta Quinque Por- tuura Domini Regis et Membrorum eorun- dem. Cantab. 1675, Svo. 3s. pp. 95, in- cluding the errata and corrigenda. An English translation appeai'sd Lond. 1682, 12iuo. 3s. Collection of the Statutes relating to the Cinque Ports, 1726. Nassau, pt. 1. 707, 7s. The ancient Liberties and Privileges of the Cinque Ports and Ancient Towns : to which is prefixed, an origiual Sketch of constitutional Rights, &c. By James Rus- sell of Rye. Lond. 1S09. 12mo. See Romney Marsh. Cinthias Revenge, or Msenan- ders Extasie. Lond. 1613. 4to. This play, which is in verse, is tedi- ously long. The plot is taken from Ovid and Lucau. Cii'MANi, Q-. B. A Collection of Prints (50) after the Sketches and Drawings of G. B. Cipriani, engraved by Richard Earlom. foUo. Published by Boydell. White Knights, 1165, \l. 14s. Fonthill, 688, U. is. 763, II. 7.S. CIT CLA 465 CiEENBEEG, John. Epistola ad Johannem Circnbergum, ob accep- tum Synodalium Eiiistolarum Con- eilii Basiliensis AiTiiypa^ovprEefixa variorum Carminibus lioiiorariis in eundemCirenbergium. Oxou. 1631. 4to. Among the names of the wiiters of the verses are Kichard Busby, Jasper Maine, Thomas Cartwright, and Thomas Mas- ters. The dedication to Cirenberg is by Rouse, the cliief librarian oftlio Bodleian. Cirencester. — The Description of Britain : translated from Richard of Cu'encester ; with the original Treatise de Situ Britannia} and a Commentary on the Itinerai-y. Lond. 1809. 8vo. 10s. 6d, This edition, edited by H. Hatcher, is illustrated with two maps and a fac-simile of the MS. of Kichard of Cirencester. LAEGE PAPEK, in royal 8vo. 18s. [Also in Dyer's Errors, 8vo. 1816; also in the volume of Six Old English Chronicles, in Bolni's Antiquarian Library.] The ori- ginal Latin will he found in C. Bertram's collection of British historians. Sf.e also Sthkeley, Wm. M.D. Cities Advocate. See Philipot, J. — The Cities great Concern in this Question of Honour and Arms, whether Apprenticeship extinguish- ed Gentry ? discoursed ; with a clear Eefutatioa of the pernicious Error that it doth, Lond. 1674. 12mo. Pp.97. Dedicated 'Honoratissimo Se- natui Populoque August* Urbis Londi- nensis,' after which is ' the Bookseller's Report,' ' A Preface in Defence of Trade and Commerce,' and an address ' to the Reader.' Prefixed is a portrait of Lord Fitzwater. White Knights, 853, 7s. Reed, 3736. 8s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 705, russia, 8s. Bindley, pt. i. 1263, 18s. Citizen, Unlucky, intermixed with choice Novels. 1673. 8vo. Prefixed is a portrait of Kirkman, the editor, and also a frontispiece. Perry, pt. iv. 264, 21. 2s. Citterne Lessons. — A new Booke of Citterne' Lessons, with a plaine and easie Instruction for to learne the Tableture, to conduct & dispose thy Hand ; sette forth to the Tunes of many Psalmes, as tliey be sting in Churches : also Pauins, Galliars, and diuers other sweet and easy Lessons. Lond. for William Barley, 1593. 4to. Civil Engineers. See Appendix. Clagett, William, D.D. Para- phrase, with Notes, on the sixth Chapter of St. John against Tran- siibstantiation. Lond. 1686. 4to. Reprinted 169.3, 8vo. A paraphrase and Notes upon the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 Chap- ters of St. John, will be found with his Sermons. 1693, 8vo. Sermons (17,11 and 3.3). Lond. 1689,93, 1720, 8vo. 4 vols. 15s. The other works of this divine are now in little estimation. Several of his tracts against the Ro- manists are printed by Bp. Gibson, in the Preservative against Popery. Clairon, Hyppolite. Memoirs of Hyppohte Clau'on, the celebrated French Actress ; with Reflections upon tlie dramatic Art : written by herself, translated from the French. Lond. 1800. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. Clancie, Major. Life and Death of Major Clancie, the grandest Cheat in tliis Age. 1680. 12mo. Nassau, pt. i. 1994, 12s. Clancie's Cheats, or the Life and Death of Major Clancie. 1687, 12mo. Llovd,77, 12s. 6d. Clancy, Michael, M. D. Tem- plum Veneris, sive Amorimi Rhap- sodise. Lond. 1745. 4to. — Memoirs. Dublin, 1750. 8vo. 2 vols. CLANEiCAEDE,Uhck BtiTgh, Mar- quis of. The Memou-s and Letters of LTlicke, Marquis of Clanricarde and Earl of St. Albans. Printed from an authentic MS. and now first published by the present Earl of Clanricarde. Lond. 1757. foho. 2?. 2s. LAEGE PAPER, 3^. 3s. Valuable as containing much informa- tion relative to the Irish rebellion in the time of K. Charles I. Garrick, 537, \l. 2s. Memoirs of the Right Hon. the Marquis of Clanricarde, Lord Deputy General of Ireland. Lond. 1722, royal 8vo. Two hun- dred and fifty copies printed. — 'A lean 466 CLA CLA collection of letters, warrants, orders, and other loose and incolierent state-papers relating to the Irish Rebellion.' — Nicolson. Llovd, 148, 9s. Nassau, pt. i. 706, 7s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 675, 10s. Fonthill, 1071, 14s. Dent, pt. i. 448, russia, U. 8s. Reed, 3740, 6s. Heath, 4767,7s. large PAPER. — An edition, Dublin, 1744, 8vo. Goiigh, 806, 3s. 6d. See Burgh . Clap, Thomas. Annals of Yale CoUege, in Newharen, in Connecti- cut, from its Foundation in 1700 to 1766. Newhaven, 1766. 8vo. 5s. CiAPHAM, Henoch. Briefe of the Bible, dra^vne first into English Poesy, and then illustrated by apte Annotations ; together with some other necessary Appendices. Print- ed for Robert Waldegrave. 16mo. n. d. Another edition. Printed by Robert Waldegrave, 1596, 16mo. pp. 288, 7s, 6d. Reed, 525, 9s. 6d. Inglis, 288, 12s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 154, 21. 2s. Pickering, 1854, SI. 3s.— 1603. Pickering, 1854, 2i. 153.— The third Edition, in sundiy Things amended and enlarged. Lond. 1608, 16mo. A notice of this edition, which is in- scribed to Henry Prince of Wales, will be found in the Censura Literaria. — 1639. Nassau, pt. i. 707, 3s. Sommons to Doomes-daie sent vnto his beloued England, as a Memoriall of his deepe printed Loue and Loyaltie. Edinb. 1595, 8vo. 79 pages. The text of this ser- mon is 2 Pet. 3. vers. 10, 11. Again 1596. Sinners Sleep, wherein Christ willing her to arise ; receiveth but an untoward Answer. Edinb. 1596, 8vo. Theological Axioms or Conclusions (xii) : publickly controverted, discussed and concluded by that poore English Con- gregation, in Amstelredam : To whom H. C. for the present ad rainistreth the Ghospel. Togither with an Examination of the saide Conclusions of Henoch Clapham. Herevnto is added a little Tractate enti- tuled. The Carpenter, do lo xcvii. 4to. F, in fours. Black letter. Bibliotheca theologica: or, a Librarye theological. Amstelrodara, 1597, 4to. Pre- fixed is ' The Proheme' wholly in donble columns. The treatise consists of an analysis and elucidation of the fourteen first chapters of Genesis, 28 leaves, besides the prneme. Dibdin, 344, with ' The Syn against the holy Ghoste,' 11. 10s. The Syn against the holy Ghoste. Am- »terdam, 1598, 4to. C. in fours. .1!;iohiniTriuno, displayed by his Workes physieall and metaphysical], in a of diverse Forme : adapted to the Hebrue Text, the Frame of Divinitie, and catho- like Exposition, by Henoch Clapham, 1601, 4to. An Epistle discovrsing vpon the present Pestilence. Lond. 1603, 4to. 4s. His Demaundes and Answers touching the Pestilence, 1604, 4to. Errovr on the right Hand through a pre- posterous Zeale. Lond. 1608, 12mo. Errovr on the left Hand through a pre- posterous Zeale. Lond. 1608, 12mo. Clapham, John. Narcissus. Lond. 1591. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum, ■See Britannia. 1606. — Rev. Samuel. Sermons, se- lected and abridged, chiefly from minor Authors, adapted to the Epistles, G-ospels, and Lessons, for the use of famiUes. Lond. 1803, 4, 11. Svo. 3 vols. [Reprinted in 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830, \l. 4s.] This author has published The several Points of Sessions Law, alphabetically arranged, contained in Burn and tlie other Authorities. Lond. 1818, Svo. 2 vols. 1/. 8s. The Pentateuch, or the five Books of Moses illustrated ; being an Explication of the Phraseology incorporated with the Text. Lond. 1818, 12mo. A judicious work, intended for the use of families and schools. Clappeeton. See Denham. Claee, St. The Life and Rule of St. Clare, and Conversion of St. Agnes her Sister, and of another St. Agnes. Also, the Life of St. Catharine of Bologna. 1622. 8vo. Reprinted 1635. Bindlev, pt. ii. 651. — 1663. Claee, Jolin- Poems, descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery. Second Edition. Lond. 1820. crown Svo. An interesting little volume. The Village Minstrel, and other Poems. By John Clare, the Northamptonshire Pea- sant. Fscap. Svo. 2 vols. 1821, with a por- trait. Jloments of Forgetfulness, in verse, l.ond. 1824, Svo. The Shepherd's Calendar, with Village Stories and other poems. Lond. 1827, Svo. Rural Muse. Lond. 1S35. 12mo. — Martin, A. M. A Treatise on tlip Motion of Fluids, natiu-al and CLA 46; artificial. Revised and corrected, with considerable Additions, by E. Hall, M. D. London, 1802. 8vo. 7s. I'p. 380, with plates. A fonner edition. Lond. 1735, 8vo. 4s, Claeendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of. The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, to which is added, an historical View of the Affairs of Ireland. A new Edition, exhibiting a faithful Colla- tion of the original MS. with all the suppressed Passages ; also the unpublished Notes of Bishop War- burton. Oxford, 1826. 8vo. 8 vols. 3;. 12s. Edited by Dr. Bandinel. 'Clarendon's History of the Rebellion is one of the noblest historical works of the Engllsli nation. In the present oditicin, which i.s the first correct and complete publication of his History, the .passages uiuitted, and the words altered in the original and all preceding editions, are now fur the first time laid before the pnhUc,'— Edinburgh Beview. laroe paper, fifty copies printed. Williams, 466, bds. \il. New edition, Ox- ford, 1849, 8vo. 7 vols. 2^ 10s. Editions. Oxford, 1702, 3, 4, folio, 3 vols. The titles of some copies of this first edition are uni- formly dated 1704. Garrick, 538, 21. 15s. Roxburghe, 8485, with the Life, 1759, 21. 12s. 6d. LARGE PAPEFi. The favourite edition of the Grangerites. Nassau, pt. i. 899, with the Life, 11. 7s. SirM. M. Sykes, pt. i. 928, with the Life, U. 78. Marq. of Townshend, 654, with the Life, 6i. 16s. 6d. Dent, pt. 1. 664, with the Life, russia, 5Z.7S. 6d. Oxford, 1705-6, 8vo. 3 vols in 6. Roscoe, 1840, 21. 19s. Sotheby's in 1825, with por- traits before tlie numbers, 6/. 8s. 6d. large PAPER. Sotheby's in 1821, SI. 16s. Oxford, 1707, folio, 3 vols. Boswell, 683, 'M. 19s. large paper. Only six copies said to have been printed. Urury, 1211, with the Life and State Papers, 1707-56, 7 vols, russia, \bl. 15s. Oxford, 1707, 8vo. 3 vols, in 6, Rox- burghe, 8485, U. 4s, Hindlcy, pt. i. 1050, 21. 8s. Uollis, 277, with the portraits, 1715, 61. 2s. 6d. LARGE PAPER, 21. 2s. Nassau, pt. i. 708, with Burton's Uenuine- ness, 1744, 21. 5s. Heath, 4447, with ap- pendix and heads, 11. 7s. (Jxford, 1709, 8vo. 3 vols, in 6. Fonthill, 1437, 21. 7s. Oxford, 1712, 8vo. 3 vols, in 6, with por- trait of the Earl to each volume, 21. 2s. Oxford, 1717, 8vo. 6 vols. Gordonstoun, 656, with portraits, &c. Oxford, 1717-20, 8 vols. SI. lis. Dublin, 1719, folio, 3 vols. A spurious I'dition. Oxford, 1721, 8vo. 3 vols, in 6. Oxford, 1731, 8vo. 6 vols, with portraits. Commonly called tlie masters' edition; as it was printed for masters of arts only. Oxford, 1732, folio, 3 vols. Oxford, 1732, 8vo. 3 vols, in 6. Sotheby's in 1824, 3?. 3s. large paper. Sotheby's in 1821, with the Life, together 9 vols. 9?. ,5s. Basil, 1798, 8vo. 17 vols, including the continuation. Oxford, 1807, 8vo. 3 vols, in 6. Earl of Kerry, 85, 6^ 2s. 6d. large paper (50 printed). White Knight.s, 854, morocco, 211. Williams, 465, morocco, 11. 15s. Bp. Randolph, 245, 12/. 17s. Dent, pt. i. 449, 81. 8s. Baker, 92, 9?. 9s. Oxford, 1816, 4to. 3 vols, in 6. royal PAPER, 7L 17s. 6d. IMPERIAL PAPIR,15^. 158. 8vo, 6 vols. 21. LARGE PAPER. Strettell, 571, with the Life, &c. together 8 vols. 27^. 6s. Oxford, 1819. 8vo. 3 vols, in 6. To this edition is added an historical View of the Affairs of Ireland. Brockett, 892, 21. 2s. With the suppressed passages, 18mo. 7 vols. 1839, \l. 5s. -With his life in 1 vo- lume, royal 8vo. 1842,U 2s.— Lond. Smith. 2 vols. impl. 8vo. 1840, 21. 15s. 55 Portraits. The History of the grand Rebellion in Verse. See Ward, Edward. A Supplement to the History of the grand Rebellion ; containing the Tracts, Speeches, Letters, &c. mentioned in the said History; with the Heads of the great Men on both Sides, being 85 in Number. Lond, 1717, 8vo. Bindley, pt. i. 1052, 21. 6s. Again 1724, 8vo. The heads were origin- ally engraved for Ward's ' History of the Rebellion in verse,' 1713. Mr. Le Clerc's Account of the Earl of Clarendon's History of the Civil Wars. By J[ohn] 0[ldmixon]. In two Parts. Lond. 1710, 8vo. 5s. Of part 1 a second edition appeared 1710. Clarendon and Whitelock compared, and Remarks on the Unfairness of the Cha- racters, in the History of the Rebellion. Lond. 1727, 8vo. By Oldmixon. Bindley, pt. i. 1054, 6s. 6d. Roxburghe, 84, 86, date 1737, 4s. 6d. Clarendon and Whitelock farther com- par'd. Lond. 1730. 8vo. An anonymous pamphlet, says Granger, well worth the readei''s attention, written by John Davys, of Hertford College, Oxford. The Genuineness of Lord Clarendon's History vindicated. Mr. Oldmixon's Slander confuted. The true State of the Case misrepresented. By John Burton, 468 CLA CLA D.D. Oxford, 1744, 8vo. 3s. largk paper, 5s. Williams, 319, morocco, 18s. Lloyd, 336, 8s. Charactersof eminent men in the Reigns of Charles I. and II. including the Rebel- lion, from the Works of Lord Chancellor Clarendon. Lond. 1794,8vo. Pp. 201,3s. 6d. LAP.GF. PAPER, In 4to. 1793. Bindley, pt. 1. 1652, OS Clarendon. The History of the Eebelhon and Civil "War in Ireland. Lond. 1720. 8vo. vnth portrait of the Duke of Ormond by Wliite. This little piece, improperly styled His- tory of the Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland, is merely a vindication of the Marquis of Ormonde in the peace which he made twice with the confederate catho- lics, and a display of their ingratitude and infatuation. The noble historian's at- tachment to the cause of K. Charles I. hath evidently given a bias to the whole of his great work. Ro.xburghe, 882.5, 17s. 6d. LARGE PAPER. Lloyd. 335. 16s. Heath, 4766, 11. 3s.— Lond. 1721, 8vo.— 1740, 8vo. — The History of the Reign of King Charles the Second, from the Restoration to tlie End of the Year 1667. Printed for M. Cooper. 4to. 2 vols, [about 1755.] A portion of the following article. This edition, of which the introduction is said to have been written by Dr. Shebbeare, was rigorously suppressed. Sir M. M. Svkes, pt. i. 1718, morocco, 14?. Bright, 1847, 71. 5s. — Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of the LTniversity of Oxford. Being a Continuation of the History of the grand RebeUion, from the Restor- ation to liis Banishment in 1667. Written by himself. Oxford, 1759. foUo, 21. 2s. lAKGE PAPER, 3Z. 3s. Boswell, 684. 16s. Edwards, 43, 11. 3s. This history is full of a thousand curious anecdotes, and fully answers my expecta- tion. In the composition of the characters, however, the continuation is not equal to the history of the rebellion.'— 5p. War- burton. Oxford. 1759, 8vo. 3 vols. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 1051, i;. Fonthill, 1967, 11. 8s. Oxford, 1760, 8vo. royal paper, and large type, 2 vols. Heath, 4448, \l. 14s. Williams, 467, wiihport. by Loggan,3?..18s. Oxford, 1761, 8vo. 3 vols. 15s. HoUis, 770, 2'. Hs. LARGE PAPl.B, H. Is. Oxford, 1817, 4to. 2 vols. Koyal paper. 21. 18s. Imperial, Gl. 6s. Life, and Continuation with the sup- pressed passages. Oxford, 1827, 8vo. 3 vols. 18s. LARGE paper. 21. 5s. State Papers collected by Edward, Earl of Clarendon. Commencing from the Year MDCXXI. containing the Materials from which his History of the great Rebellion was composed, and the Authorities on which the Ti'uth of his Relation is found- ed. Oxford, 1767, 73, 86, folio, 3 vols. 31. 19s. Brockett, 7&3, il. 18s. large pa- per. 51. 19s. Heath, 4449, 21. 2s. Religion and Policy and the Counte- nance and Assistance each should give to the other. With a Survey of the Power and Jurisdiction of the Pope in the Do- minions of other Princes. Oxford, 1811, royal 8vo. 2 vols. ISs. Earl of Kerry, 86, 11. Is. LARGE PAPER, in imperial 8vo. 60 copies printed. Dent, pt. i. 450, russia, 2?. 2s. Williams, 468, 3?. 16s. Alchome, 71. 7s. A Collection of several Tracts of Edward Earl of Clarendon. Published from his Lordship's original Manuscripts. Lond. 1727, folio, 15s. again 1751. These tracts were obtained from Lord Clarendon's youngest daughter, the Lady Frances Knightley. Heath, 1682, 11. 5s. I A full Answer to an infamous and trait- orous Pamphlet, entitled A Declar.ationof tlie_Commous of England, in Parliament assembled, expressing their Reasons and Grounds of passing their late Resolutions touching no farther Address, or Applica- ! tion, to be made to the King. Lond. 1648, 4to, Animadversions on abook entitled Fana- ticism fanatically imputed to the Catholic Church, by Dr. Stillingfleet, and the Im- putation refuted and retorted, by Sam. Cressy. Lond. 1674, 8vo. Printed twice in 1674. Brief View and Survey of the dange- rous and pei-nicious EiTors to Church and State, in Hobbes's Leviathan. Oxon. 1676, 4to. 5s. LARGE PAPER. Bindley, pt. i. 2205, 16s. 6d. Essay on active Life, and Dialogue on Education, and the Respect due to Age. Glasg. 1764-5, 12mo. 3 vols. Essays, moral and entertaining, on the various Faculties and Passions of the Hu- man Mind. A new edition. 1815, fscap. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Published by the Rev. James Stanier Clarke, D.D. The natural History of the Passions. Svo. ' Many doubted whether he (Lord Clarendon) was the author of it, and by mure thought that it was the sharking trick of a bookseller to set his name to for sale suka'—Ant. a Wood. .\n historical Enquiry re.specting the CLA. CLA 469 Character of Edward Hyde, Earl of Cla- I'endon. Hy the Hon. Agar Ellis. Loud. 1827, 8vo. Clarendon, Henry Hyde, Second Earl of. The Correspondence, and of his Brother Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochester; with the Diary of Lord Clarendon, from 1687 to 1690, con- taining minute Particulars of the Events attending the Revolution : and the Diary of Lord Rochester during his Embassy to Poland in 1676. Edited from the original Manuscripts with Notes, by Samuel Weller Singer, F.S.A. Loud. 1828. 4to. 2 vols. 51. 5s. reduced to 11. lis. 6d. Best edition, illustrated with 10 plates. One copy was struck off on thick drawing PAPER. The former edition. Oxford. 1763, 4to. 2 vols, edited by Dr. Douglas, Bishop of Salisbury, is now of little value. Bind- ley, pt. i. 1635, 11. 8s. Marq. of Towns- hend, 784, 11. lis. 6d. An edition was printed in Dublin, Bvo. 2 vols. Life and Administrationofllenry H yde Earl of Clarendon, with original Corre- spondence and authentic Papers never be- fore published. By T. H. Lister. Loud. 1838. 8vo. 3 vols. 11. Is. The History and Antiquities of the Ca- thedral Church of Winchester. SeeGAhB, Samuel. — The Clarendon family vindi- cated from the gross falsehoods and misrepresentations of John Oldmixon, author of the history of the Stuarts ; and George Duckett. Lond. 1732. 8vo. — R. V. Sketch of the Revenue and Finances of Ireland, with Ab- stracts of the principal Heads of Receipt and Expenditm-e for sixty Years, and the various Supplies since the Revolution. Lond. 1791. 4to. 10s. 6d. Pp. 202, with charts. A clear and ela- borate view of the finances of the sister island. , Clariodus. — The History of Clari- odas and Meliades. An ancient metrical romance, in the Scottish dialect, in the Advocates' Library of Edinburgh. Printed in 1850 in 4to. Claridge, John. The Shep- hoard's Legacy ; or John Clcaridge his forty years experience of the Weatlier, lieing an excellent Trea- tise, wherein is shewed the know- ledge of the Weatlier. First, by the Ri^ung and Setting of the Sun. 2, How the Weather is known by the Moon. 3, By the Stars. 4, By the Clouds. 5, By the Mists. 6, By the Rainbow. 7, And especially by the Winds. Whereby the Weather may be exactly known from Time to Time : which Observation was never heretofore pubhshed by any Author. 8, Also, how to keep your Slieep sound when they be sound. 9, And how to cure them if they be rotten. 10, Is shewed the Antiquity and Honour of Shepheards. With some certain and assured Cures for the Horse, Cow, and Sheep. An Almanack is out at twelve months day. My Legacy it dotli endure for aye ; But take you Notice, though 'tis but a hint, It far excels some books of greater print. London : printed and are to be sold by John Hancock, Junior, at the Tlu'ee Bibles in Popes-head Ally, next Cornhill, 1670. sm. 8vo. Original edition of the Shepherd of Ban- bury's Weather-rules, a work of great popularity among the lower orders of tlie people. A copy is in the British Museum. 32 pp. The preface, signed 'John Cla- ridge, sen. of Ilauwell, near Banbury,' but omitted in all subsequent editions. Re- published with additions in 1744, by Dr. John Campbell, but without affixing his own name, or giving any information of its author, or of previous editions. Reprint- ed 1748, 1827, &c. — See Notes ami Queries, No. 181, 1853. ^ Richard. The Life and post- humous Works of Richard Claridge (a Quaker) : collected by Joseph Besse. Lond. 1726. 8vo. Claek, Hugh. A concise History of EJnighthood ; containing the re- hgious and military Orders which have been instituted in Eui'ope, &c. Lond. 1784. 8vo. 2 vols, with 82 plates, IDs. 6d. Large P^ipee, 470 CLA CLA Heath, 1623, 9b. labob paper. Marq. of "Townsbend, 488, lis. ( lAEK, Hugh. Introduction to Heraldry. Lond. 1845. 14th edition, 7s. 6d. coloured, IBs. A good elementary work. The former editions 1775, 1776, 17— 1779, 1781, 1788, 1804, 1812. Nassau, pt. i.713, 8s. 1818, 1838. — Eev. N. The Way of Truth, or a Body of Divinity consonant to the Doctrine of the Church of England. Lond. 1717-18. Bvo. 2 vols. Williams, 469, 11. 4s. — Samuel. The Laws of Chance. Lond. 1758. Bvo. 4s. An accurate work. — WiUiam. The Grand Tryal, or Poetical Excertitations upon the Book of Job. Edinb. 16B5. folio. See also Clarke. Clakke, Adam, LL.D. View of the Succession of Sacred Literature, in a chi'onological Arrangement of Authors and their Works, from the Invention of alphabetical Charac- ters, to the Year of our Lord, 1445. Lond. 1821. 12mo. 1830. 8vo. 1831. Bvo. 2 vols. The Second volume is by J. B. B. Clarke. A former edition, 1807, 12mo.5s. ' A little volume equally interesting to the biblical and bibliographical student.' — Horne. — A Bibliographical Dictionary, containing a chronological Account, alphabetically arranged, of the most curious, useful and important Books in all Departments of Literatm-e. Liverpool and Lond.lB02 — 4. 12mo. 6 vols, [usually accompanied by the Bibhographical Miscellany. See next article. The 8 vols. 1?. lis. 6d.] A creditable work for a first attempt: it contains a summary of the life of each antlior, tlie time when he lived, and his works. It is unfortunately in many in- stances very inaccurate as to titles, dates, &c. Copies with the Bibl. Miscell. Nas- sau, pt. i. 714, 21. Is. Strettell, 264, M. 13s. Koscoe, 34, 'M. 10s. large paper. Earl of Kerry, 115, 2,1. 13s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 679, Zl. 7s. Bindley, pt. i. 883, 'SI. 3s. — The Bibliographical Miscel- lany ; or, Supplement to (he Bibli- ographical Dictionary. Lond. 1806. 12mo, 2 vols, 7s. 6d. Vol. I. contains an account of the En- glisli Translations of the Greek and Ro- man Classics, and Ecclesiastical Writers; alsoan extensive listofArabicand Persian eleraentai-y treatises, with a particular de- scription of the principal works of the best Arabic and Persian Writers. — Vol. II. Re- marks on tlie Origin of Language, and al- phabetical Characters ; a sliort history, &c. of printing, a catalogue of authors and tlieir works on bibliography and typogra- phy ; an alphabetical list of places where printing was carried on in the fifteenth cen- tury ; an essay on bibliography ; several bibliographical systems; a table of the olympiads ; the Roman calendar; the Hej- rah or Mohammedan fera, and tables of the Kalifs, Kings of Persia, &o. — Dissertation on Polyglott Bibles. 1803. 12mo. One hundred copies separately printed. This tract originally appeared in the Bibliographical Dictionary. See liible, p. 193. — Charles. Some Conjectures relative to a very ancient Piece of Money, lately found at Eltham in Kent, &c. Lond. 1751. 4to. 2s. 6d. In answer to tliis tract appeared Re- marks on .some Conjectures. By George North, A.M. To which is added, an epis- tolary Dissertation on some supposed Sax- on Gold Coins : read before the Society of Antiquaries, Dec. 19, 1751. Lond. 1752, 4to. 2s. 6d. — Arcliitectura Ecclesiastica Londuii, or graphical Scenery of the cathedral, collegiate and paro- chial Churches in London, South- wark, Westminster, and the ad- joining Parishes, with 122 Plates. Lond. 1820. elephant 4to. Published at 9?. royal folio. 12^. 12s. India paper proofs, Ibl. 4s. [but now much reduced.] — Edward, M.A. Letters con- cerning the Spanish Nation : wi-itten at Madrid duruig the Years 1760 and 1761. Lond. 1765. 4to. 5s. These letters principally relate to anti- quities and Spanish literature. In the appendix there is a catalogue of the MSS. in the library of the Escuri,al. The author was chaplain to Lord Bristol's embassy at Madrid. Bindley, pt.i. 1836,6s. 6d. Font- hill, 421, 10s. — Edward Daniel, LL.D. Toiu- through the South of England, OLA. Wales aiid Part of Ireland, made during the Summer of 1791. Lend. 1793. 8vo. With plates in aquatint. Bindley, pt. iii. 1163, 17s. 6d. LARGE PAPER, in 4to. (Twelve copies printed), 31. 3s. This work, pub- lished anonymously, was the first produc- tion of the celebrated traveller, and was Written before he was of age. It is throughout natural, eloquent, character- istic, of youthful ardour and spirit, and strongly indicative of feelings, which do honour to the goodness and humanity of his heart. — The greater part of the copies have been destroyed or lost within a short period after its publication. See Otter's Life of Clarke. There are copies on tine paper, with the plates coloured. Clarke, Edward Daniel, LL.D. Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Cam- bridge, &c. 1810—23. 4to. 6 vols^ nmnerous plates, [to which the hfe is sometimes added, making 7 vols. 101. 10s.] Perhaps the most instructive and en- gaging book of travels ever published in tliis country. Strettell, 595, vols. i. to v. 18/. Koscoe, 18G1, vols. i. to iv. 111. 15s. Drury, 1174, with the Life togetlier, 6 vols. russia, 211. 10s. large paper. Sir M. JM. Sykes, pt. i. 715, vols. i. to iv. russia, IQl. 19s. White Kniglits, 1124, vols. i. to III. 12i. 12s.— Vol. I. Part the first. Russia, Tartary, and Turkey. First edition. Camb. 1810, 4to. To this first edition, an appen- dix was afterwards published. 2ud edition, Lond. ISll. 4to. 3rd. 1813, 4to. 4th. 1816, 8vo. — Vol. II. Greece, Egypt and the Holy Land. Section the first. First edition. Lend. 1812, 4to. 2nd. ed. 1813, 4to. 3rd. ed. 1817, 8vo.— Vol.III. Greece, Egypt and tlie Holy Land. Section the second. First edition. 1813, 4to. 2nd. ed. 1817, 8vo.— Vol. IV. Greece, Egypt and the Holy Land. Section the third : to which is added, a Supplement respecting the Author's Jour- ney from Constantinople to Vienna, con- taining his Account of the Gold Mines of Transylvania, in Hungary. First edition. 1816, 4to. 2nd. 1818, 8vo.— Vol. V. Den- mark, Sweden, Lapland, Finland, Norway and Russia. Section the first. First edi- tion. 1819, 4to. 2nd. ed. 1820. 8vo.— Vol. VI. Denmark, &c. Section the second. First edition. 1823, 4to. The Octavo edition. 1816-20, was pub- lished collectively in 11 vols, at 91. 12s. This edition contains only a selection of the plates. CLA 471 Testimonies of different .\utIiors, i-e- spectingthecoIossalStatueofCeres. placed P*- '• 1101< mssia, 51. 53, In tlie Vestibule of the public Library at Cambridge July the first, 1803; with a short Account of its Removal from Eleusis, Nov. 22, ISdl. Caintiridge, 1803, 8vo. Greek .Marbles, bruuglit from tin; Shores of tlie Euxine, the Archipelago, and the Mediterranean, and deposited in the Ves- tibule of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1809, 8vo. Combe, 479, 8s. 4to. PKOUFS. 10s. 6d. Drury, 1173, 11. 5s. The Tomb of Alexander ; a dissertation on the sarcophagus brought from Alexan- dria, and now in the British Museum. Camb. 1805, 4to. with 5 plates. A letter addressed to the gentlemen of the British Museum by the author of the dissertation on the Alexandrian sarcopha- gus. Camb. 1807, 4to. The Gas Blow- pipe, or Art of Fusion, by burning the gaseous Constituents of Water: giving the History of the philoso- phical Apparatus so denominated; the Proofs of Analogy in its Operations to the Nature of Volcanoes; together with an Appendix, containing an Account of Ex- periments with this Blow-pipe. Lond. 1819, 8vo. Syllabus of lectures in mineralogy, con- taining a methodical distribution of mine- rals. Lond. 1818, 8vo. — The Life and Remains of the Rev. Edw. Daniel Clarke, LL.D. Professor of Mineralogy in the Uni- versity of Cambridge. Lond. 1824. 4to. 3^. 3s. Pp. 667. A valuable accompaniment to the travels of tlie amiable and accom- plished Dr. Clarke, edited Ijy his friend Rev. Wra. Otter. An edition. 1825, 8vo.2 vols.— For other works by Dr. Clarke, see British Museum. — George Somers, D.D. He- brew Criticism and Poetry. 1810. 8vo. 15s. — James. A Sm-vey of the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmor- land and Lancashire: together with an Accotint, hislorical, topogra- phical, and descriptive, of the adja- cent Country. To wliich is added, a Sketch of the Border Laws and Customs. Lond. 1787 or 9. foho. 18s. Pp. xlii & 194, with 11 maps, and two marked 2' Places seen from Penritli Bea- con & 4'. A singuhirantique Silver Instiii- ment.— Copies, with Farrington's views inserted. Edwards, 635, morocco, 71. 7g. Dent, pt. i. 065, morocco, 21. 5s. Nassau, 472 OLA Claeke, James Edward. A Dis- sertation on the Dragon, Beast and false Prophet of the Apocalypse ; in which the Number 666 is satis- factorily explained ; and also a fidl Illustration of Daniel's Vision of the Eam and He-Goat. Lend. 1814. 8vo. 4s. — James Stanier, D.D. The Life of Admiral Lord Nelson, K.B. from his Lordship's Manuscripts. By the Eev. James Stanier Clarke, F.R.S. and John M'Arthur, LL.D. Lend. 1809. 4to. 2 vols. Of this work 1200 copies were subscribed for. LARGE PAPER, in imp. 4to. with proof plates. SirM.M.STkes,pt.i.716,2il2s.6u. FontliiU, 2283, 51. ISs. 6d. Brockett, 775, 21. 5s. On VELLUM, 3 copies printed. Sotheby's, in March, 1824, 151. llodson, , 311. 10s. Beckford in 1817, 287, 451. 3s. An abridgement was published 1810, Svo. at 16s. — The Life of James the Second, King of England, &c. collected out of Memoirs writ of his own Hand, together with the King's Advice to liis Son, and his Majesty's Will. Lond. 1816. 4to. 2 vols. Published from the original Stuart Manuscripts, then in tlie possession of his Majesty, now deposited in the British Museuiu, price 61. 6s. Duke of York, 1215, 11. lis. 6d. Strettell, 567, il. 17s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 717, russia, 51. 15s. 6d. The Progress of maritime Discovery, from the earliest Period to the Close of the 18th Century, forming an extensive System of Hydrography. Lond. 1803, 4to. pp. 1000, with plates and vignettes, also a separate Atlas. — This work was to have extended to seven volumes ; but the first was so decidedly condemned, that no se- cond has appeared. Naufragia ; or, historical Memoirs of Shipwrecks and of the providential Deli- verance of Vessels. Lond. 1805, )2nio. 2 vols. 9s.— In this work the author has in- serted some fabulous stories, ' because the example which it held forth would be as useful as if it were true.' — John. The Trvmpet of Apollo. Lond. 1602. 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum. — An Essay upon Study. Lond. 12rao. 28. 6d. j Frequently printed. The author, who was master of the grammar school in Hull, published many other elementary works, particularly several Latin classics, with literal English translations. Claeke, John Lyster. A Rido how to bring vp Children. Lond. 1588. 8vo. Dedicated ' To the Earle of Huntingdon,' 1.39 leaves ; on the last, are the printer's arms and colophon. This is a dialogue between a father and his son, wherein the, ('liristian and relative duties are illus- trated and proved by the scrii)tures. — L. History of the Bible. 1737. 4to. 2 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 1811, 12s. — Mary Anne. TheRival Princes; or, a faithfid Narrative of Facts re- lating to Mrs. M. A. Clarke's poli- tical Acquaintance with Col. Wardle, ^c. &c. Lond. 1810. Svo. 2 vols, with port, by Freeman, 6s. Other works relative to this notorious affair were printed under the name of M.A.C. — Sanuiel. Scientia metrica & rhytlunica; sen Tractatus de Pi-o- sodia Arabica, ex Authoribus pro- batiss. eruta. Oxon. 1661. 8vo. A life of this author, ' right famous for Oriental learning,' with a list of his works, both printed and manuscript, will be found in Dr. Bliss' edition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. — Rev. Sam. Lives of stmdry emi- nent Persons in this latter Age, in two Parts. I. of Divines. II. of Nobihty and Gentiy of both Sexes ; to which is added, his own Life, and the Lives of the Countess of Suffolk, Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston, Mr. Richard Blackerby, and Mr. Samuel Fairclough, drawn up by other hands. Lond. 1683. foho. 15s. Prefixed is a portrait of the author by R. White. The works of tliis laborious and useful compiler are collected from sources now dispersed, inaccessible or lost, and contain much curious matter, though, ac- cording to Wood, ' Clarke was a severe Cal- vinist, and a scribbling plagiary, as his works (mostly the lives of presbyterian divines) shew.' Nassau, pt. i. 900, 17s. Lloyd, 267, 8s. 6d. A Mirror or Looking-glass for Saints & Sinners: whereunto is added, a geogra CLA phical Description of the known World The fiii:rtli Etiition, very much enlarged. Lend. 1()71, folio, 2 vols. Portrait. Kox- burglie, ]9()9, 1/. 2s.— 164fi, 12mo.— 1654, 4to. with an oval port, of Claik Ijy R. Gay- wood. Bindley, pt. i. 1161, lO.s. Nassau, pt. i. 710, 9s.- 16.57, fol. with front, by (iay- wood. lloUis, 2.38. 9s. A general Martyrologie, containing a Collection of all tlie greatest Persecutions which have befallen the Church of Christ from the Creation to our present Times. The third Edition corrected and enlarged. Lond. 1673, folio.— 1677. Grave, 171, U 4s. First edition, entitled ' A Collection of the Lives of ten eminent Divines,' &c. Lond. 1662, 4to. pp. 535, besides title. Another edition, 4to. with port, of Clarke, iet. 65, 1664, by T. Cross. The Marrow of Ecclesiastical History, in two Parts : the first, containing the Life of Je»ius Christ, with the Lives of the ancient Fathers, &c. : the second, the Lives of Christian Emperors, Kings, &c. &c. The third Edition corrected and much enlarged. Lond. 1675, folio, with a por- trait of Clark by J. Dunstall. First edi- tion, in two parts, 1650, 4to. with a portrait of the author, set. 50, 1649, in his hair (some in a cap), by T. Cross. Nassau, pt. i. 842, 2 vols. 2;. 2s. Lloyd, 464, pt. i. 16s. Under the name of Edw. Samuel Clark or Clarke the following have appeared : — The Life and Death of Nebuchadnezzer the Great. 1664. Reprinted in the seventh volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. Life and Death of William the Conque- ror. 1671, 4to. The Life and Death of the valiant and renowned Sir Francis Drake. Lond. 1671, i 4to. with portrait by R. Vaughan. Font- hill, 3242, 21. 23. Jadis, 196, russia, los. 1G71, 8vo. A true and full Narrative of the Delive- rance from the Spanish Invasion, 1588, and the Gunpowder Plot, Nov. 5, 1605, with God's Judgment upon the Papists by the Fall of the House in Black-Friers, upon their fifth of Nov. 1623, collected from the Relation of Dr. Gouge, an Eye Witness. 1671, 12mo. 5s. Reprinted by Smeeton. Life and Death of Edward the Black Prince. 1673, 4to. with portrait of the author by Cross, 5s. Englands Remembrancer; being a Sum- mary of most remarkable Exploits, from 1600 to 1675. Lond. 1675, 8vo. with plates Dowdeswell, 90, 5s. 6d. [First edition 1657, 12mo. with two plates, hardly ever found with the book]. Protestant Schoolmaster, containing plain and easy Directions for spelling and reading English, &c. with a brief and true Account of the bloody Persecution.s, Mas- CLA ■173 sacres, Plots, Treasons and most inhuman Tortures committed by the Papists upon the Protestants for near 600 years past, &c. Lond. 1680, 12mo. with a frontispiece and plates of Tortures. Skegg, 384, 8s. The History of the glorious Life, Reign and Death of Queen Elizabeth. Lond. 1682, 12mo. Dowdeswell, 91, 5s. 6d. The Life of Tamerlane the Great. Lond. 4to. Nassau, pt. i. russia, 18s. Looking-Glass for Persecutors. Lond. small 8vo. 1674. The Saints Nosegay, or Posieof 741 spi- ritual Flowers. Lond. 1641. 12mo. See Bible, 1690, p. 188. Claeke, Sam. D.D. Works, witli a Preface giving some Account of the Author, by Benjamin (Hoadly) Bishop of Winchester. Lond. 1738. fol. 4 vols. -Nvith portrait of Clarke. The writings of Dr. Clarke on the Tri- nity contain a great deal of discussion re- specting the meaning of Scripture, and occasioned a very extended controversy in I^ngland. Drury, 1212, Zl. 3s. Gossett, 1478, HI. 8s. LARGE PAPER, Heath, 849, bl. Duke of Gra/ton, 105, russia, 6/. 10s. Wil- liams, 492, SI. 5s.— 1742, folio, 4 vols. Bp. of Ely, 494, Zl. 16s. Contents.— Yo\s. I. and II. Sermons, in- cluding those preached at Boyle's Lecture, 1704-5. The contents of these vols, are also pub- lished separately, as follovis : Sermons, published from the Author's MS. by John Clarke, D.D. Dean of Sa- rum. Lond. 1730-1. 8vo. 10 vols. Best edition, large paper. Williams, 471, morocco, 91. 15s. 472, with life, morocco, 16L— 1749, small 12nio. 11 vols. U. 5s. A beautiful little edition. — 1756, 8vo. 8 vols. Earl of Kerry, 92, 4?.— 1743, 8vo. 10 vols. 1820, 8vo. 7 vols. Drury, 895, 31. Dr. Johnson remarked,'! should recommend Dr. Clarke's Sermons were he oi'thodox; however, it is very well known where he is not orthodox, which was upon tlie doc trine of the Trinity, as to which he is a condemned heretick; so one isaware of it.' Sermons preached in 1704 and 1705, at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Rob. Boyle, Esq. Lond. 170.5-6, 8vo. 2 vols. 6s. These volumes have been frequently re- printed. The latter is inserted by Bp. Watson in his Collection of Theological Tracts. Vol. III. A Paraphrase on the four Evan- gelists. ' Dr. Clarke's paraphrase on the Evangelistsdeservesan attentive reading; he narrates a story in handsome language, and connects the parts well together; but fails much in emphasis, and seems to mis- 474 CLX CLA take the order of the liistories.'— Z)r. Dodd- ridge. (This has been frequently printed in 8vo. 2 vols, and generally accompanies Pyle on the Epistles.) Three practical Essays on Baptism, Confirmation, and Repentance. An Exposition of the Church Catechism. (This has been printed separately. Lond. 1729, 8vo. 3s. 6d.— 1756, 8vo. Williams, 473, 12s.) A Letter to H. Dodwell concerning the Immortality of the Soul; together with the four Defenses of it. To which are added the Remarks on Dr. Clarke's Letter to 11. Dodwell and the several Replies to the Doctor's Defenses thereof. Reflections on Toland's Amyntor. Vol. IV. The Scripture Docti-ine of the Trinity. (Printed separately. Lond. 1732, third edition, 8vo. 5s.) Several Tracts relating to tlie Subject of the Trinity. A Collection of Papers which passed be- tween M.Leibnitz and Dr.Clarke relating to the Principles of Natural Philosophy and Religion. (Separately. Lond. 1717, 8vo. 3s. 6d. FINEPAPKR. Bindley, parti. 11617,7s.) A Letter to Benjamin Hoadly, F.K.S., occasioned by the controversy relating to the Propositions of Velocity and Force in Bodies in motion. Sermons selected from the Works of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Clarke, in Opposition to the Tenets of Methodism and Calvinism ; with some Account of his Life. By the Rev. Sara. Claphara. Lond. 1806, 8vo. 9s. A practical Paraphrase on the Epistles of Saint Paul to the Romans, Galatians, and the Epistle to the Hebrews, after the Mannerof Dr. Clarke's Paraphrase on the four Evangelists. Lond. 1744, Svo. See Prayer Reformed. CijARKE, Th. A Comemorac'cn of the Life of Peter Kempe, late of Staunfoi'd, deceased : also the tragi- cail Discourse of him and his Wyfe, deeeasinge bothe within tlie Space of V Houres, i-eported by Tlio. Clarke as Witness of the same. Lond. by John Charlewood, 1577. Svo. — The Recantation of Tho. Clarke (sometime a seminarie Priest of the College of Rheimes) made at Pauls Crosse, 1 July, 1593 ; whereunto is annext a former Re- cantation made by him in a public Assembly, on Easter Day, 15 Apr. 1593. Lond. 1594. Svo. liindley, pt. iii. 428, 2s. Claeke, William, M. A. TheCon- nexion of the Roman, Saxon, and English Coins, deduced from Ob- servations on the Saxon Weights and Money. Lond. 1767. 4to. 18s. A valuable work in considerable request. Brockett, 773, with a postscript intended as an appendix, 21. 3s. Combe, 562, lis. Heath, 1428, 11. lis. 6d. Towneley, pt. i. 17, 1/. 4s. Hollis, 409, 11. 15s. — William, Bookseller. Eeper- toriimi Bibliographicum ; or, some Account of the most celebrated British Libraries. Lond. 1819. royal Svo. portraits and frontis- piece. [To this work is sometimes appended a Dialogue in the Shades, 4 leaves, and a Ballad entitled Rare Doings at Rox- bnrghe-Hall, 4 leaves. Also a Diary of Roger Payne, with an engraved sketch of a monument to be erected to his memoiy by the Bibliomaniacal Club, 1821.] A work containing much curious bibliographical information, to which the editor of these pages has frequently been indebted, large PAPER, in super-royal 8vo. with proof on In- dia paper. Fonthill, 767, 11. 17s. Brockett, 2499, russia, 42. 8s. Dent, pt. i. 524, 11. 10s. Nassau, pt. i. 715, 11. 12s. Skegg, 21. 8s. CiiAEKSON, David. Sermons and Discotirses on several divine Sub- jects. Lond. 1696. fol. 15s. Prefixed is a portrait of the author by R. White. — Bessy. Conflict in Consci- ence of a deare Christian, named Bessie Clarksone, in the Parish of Lanerk, vrliich shee lay vnder three Yeare and an half. Edinb. 1631. 12mo. 18s. — Thomas, M.A. A Portraiture of Quakerism. Second Edition. Lond. 1807. Svo. 3 vols. Of the first edition of this celebrated work 2,500 copies were sold without ad- vertisement. The History of the Rise, Progress, and Accomplisliment of the Abolition of the Slave Trade, by the British Parliament. Lond. 1808, Svo. 2 vols. 12s. Memoirs of the private and public Life of William Penn. Lond. 1813, Svo. 2 vols. 16s. A notice of this work will be found in the Edinburgh Review, xxi. 444 — 62. CLA 4/0 Classical Manual ; or, a mytho- logical, historical and geographical Commentary on Pope's Homer and Dryden's ^neid of Virgil, with a very copious Index. Lond. 1827. 8vo. 18s. Classical Journal, The, from the Commencement in March, 1810, to December, 1829. Lond. Valpy, 8vo. 80 nos. in 40 vols. It was published quarterly, at 6s. per number. An esteemed literary journal, principally devoted to classical literature, though occasionally containing biblical criticism, &c. Classiques, — Choix des Classi- ques Fran^ais, dirige par L. T. Ventouillac. Lond. 1823—7. 24 Livr. avec portraits et figures. An elegant little work, with instructive notes, and the lives of the authors. Livr. 1. Elizabeth, par Mme. Cottin. 2& 3. Numa Pompilius, par Florian. 2 vol. 4. Nou- veaux Morceaux choisis de Buffon. 5 &6. Charles XII. par Voltaire. 2 tom. 7. La Chaumiere Indieune, &c. par J. II. B. de Saint Pierre. 8. Paul et Virginie, par T. H. Beniardin de Saint-Pierre. 9 & 10. Choix de Tragi5dies de P. Corneille. 2toui. 11. Choix de Contes Moraux de Marmon- tel. 12. Belisaire, par ,]. F. Marmontcl. 13 & 14. Histoire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand, par Voltaire. 15 & 16. Choix de Tragedies de Jean Racine. 2 torn. 17 & 18. T^lemaque, par Fenelon. 2 tom. 19. Clioix des Pens^es de B. I'ascal. 20 & 21. Choix des Tragedies de Voltaire. 2 tom. 22. Morceaux d' Histoire de divers Au- teurs. 23 & 24. Choix des Comedies de Moliere. Claude. See Loeeain. Claude, John. An historical De- fence of the Reformation, translated by T. B. Lond. 1683. 41o. 5s. Another edition, with life by John Townsend. Lond. 1815, 2 vols. 12s. — Essay on the Composition of a Sermon, formerly translated from the French by the Rev. Robert Robinson, with an Appendix ; con- taining one hundred Skeletons of Sermons ; several being the Sub- stance of sermons jnreached before the University, by the Rev. Charles Simeon, M.A. Cambridge, 1796. royal 8vo. pp. 374. 12s. The former edition. Camb. 1779, 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Gosset, 1289, H.- 1788, 8vo. 2 vols. Williams, 475, U. 15a. Ajudicious abridgment of tliis esteemed work will be found in Williams' Christian Preacher. See Simeon. Claudian, Claudius. Opera, Lond. 1793—6. 8vo. Never publislied. Edited by R. Heber One copy was taken off on vellum. Sen Dr. Dibd'in's Hibl. Decani, ii. 384. Thi.s edition remained uuiinisbed till the death of the editor; afterwards it was published. Lond. 1836, 12mo. 2 vols. 50 copies were taken off in royal 8vo. — The Rape of Proserpine in three Books. By Leonard Digges. Lond. 1617. 4to. Garrick, 2365. The same copy. JoUey, 1843, i;. 10s. Reed, 6720, 2s. 6d. Bright, 1/. 17s. Again, 1628. Steevens, 190 and 1041. According to Ant. k Wood, Digges 'was esteemed by those that knew hiui in Univ. Coll. a great master of English language, a perfect under.stander of the French and Spanish, a good poet, and no mean orator.' — The Rape of Proserpine, trans- lated by Jabez Hughes. The second Edition vnth Notes. Lond. 1723. 2s. 6d. The first edition appeared 1714, 8vo. In -labez Hughes' Miscellanies, 8vo. Lond. 1737, is a ■ translation of Claudian's two Books against Rufinus, and his Epithala- mium of Honorius and Maria. — The Rape of Proserpine, with other Poems ; translated into En- ghsh Verse, witli occasional Notes, by Jacob Geo. Strutt. 1812. 8vo. lOs. 6d. — Whole Works, now first trans- lated into EngUsh Rhyme. By A. Hawkins, 1817. 8vo. 2 vols. lOs.Gd. Translations of portionsof Claudian will be found in Sir J. Beaumont's Poems, 1629, in Ab. Cowley's Works, in Dr. Wm. King's Miscell.iny, in Bp. Warburton's Miscellaneous Translations, &c. &c. [And in Translations in rhyme by the Hon. H. Howard. Lond. 1S44. Svo.] Clavell, Jolm. A Recantation of an ill-led Life, Lond. 1634 4to. Third edition, consisting of 70 pages, with a portrait by W. Hole. In this po- etical tract.the author professes to discover all the villanies of his profession, that of a highwayman. His first depredations were on Gad's-hill. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 109,3?.8s. Nassau, pt.i. 345, 3?. 16s. Bind- ley, pt. i. 2194, 2'. 2s. Roxburghe, 2374, 3/. 4s. Inglis,360, li.5s. Bright, 1316. 2<. 4s. 4/6 CL4 An edition 1628, with port, of (Jlavell, eet. 25, by Kich. Meighan. Bindley, pt. i. 1194, 21. 15s. Gardner, 21. Is.— 1634. Hodgson, 1855, 21. 16s. Discovery of the High -way Law ; with Instructions how to shun or apprehend a Thief. Lond. 1628, 8vo. Tn verse. First issue of the previous work. Skegg, por- trait, U. 18s. Bright. 1315, (no port.) 12s. ClavelI/, Robert. The general Catalogue of Books printed in England since the dreadful Fire of London. Lond. 1680. folio. The third edition. Brockett, 784, with 14 suppl. 10s. 1673, folio.— 1675, folio. Con- tinuation to Trinity Term, 1700, folio. Clatigeeo, Abbe D. Francesco, Saverio. History of Mexico, col- lected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, from Manuscripts and ancient Paintings, of the Indians. Translated from the Italian, by Charles CuUen. Lond. 1787. 4to. 2 vols. A valuable work, illusti'ated with charts and plates. Besides natural history, tliere is in this work much learned research on the ancient history of Mexico. Roxburglie, 8926, U. 7s. Marq. of Townshend, 786, 11. 10s. nuke of York, 1468, 11. 7s.— 1469, 11. 6s. Fonthill, 536, 21. 10s. Clay, Edward, jun. History and Description of Framlingham. Halesworth, 18mo. Pp. 144, with 2 plates of the castle. — Mary. The Highway-woman, or a narrative of the wicked life and deplorable death of Mary Clay, alias Jenny Fox. Lond. 4to. wood- cut, 1665. Clayton, Gyles. The approved Order of Martiall Disciphne, with every particular Offyeer his Oifyce and Dutie ; with many Stratagemes adjoyned to the same. Lond. 1591. 4to. Black letter, with portrait of Q. Eliza- beth, ou back of title. Gordonstoun, 585, 11. 2s. — John. The Reports of Pleas of Assize at York, with some Pre- cedents usefid for Pleaders in En- glish. Lond. 1651. 12mo. — Robert, Bishop of Cloghcr. The Chronology of the Hebrew OLE Bible vindicated. The Facts com- pared with other ancient Histoi'ies. and the difficulties explained from the Flood to the death of Moses. Lond. 1747. 4to. In this excellent work, the Bishop de- fends the numbers of the Hebrew text, and maintains the Uslierian system of chrono- logy with a great variety of learning. An Essay on Spirit. With an Inquiry into the sentiments of the primitive Fa- thers of the Church, &c. From the Dub- lin copy, with Additions and Corrections by the Author. Lond. 1751, 8vo. 5s. This work, though generally ascribed to the Bi- shop, is only an adoption of his. [He wrote only the introduction ] It pro- duced an amazing controversy, and more than from twenty to thirty writers ap- peared in the way of attack and defence. An impartial Enquiry into the Time of the coming of the Messiah : together with an Abstract of the Evidence on which the Belief of the Christian Religion is found- ed ; in two letters to an eminent .Jew. Lond. 1751, 8vo. 4s. In this, and in the author's Dissertation on Prophecy, 1749, the Bishop endeavours to shew, from a comparison of the Prophecies of Daniel and John, that the dispersion of the Jev.-s will terminate, and the fall of the Papacy take place about the year 2000. A Vindication of the Histories of the Old and New Testament, in the Answer to the Objections of the late Lord Boling- broke. (In three Parts.) Dublin, 1752, 4, 7, 8vo. Mr. Orme observes, ' In this vindi- cation there are many things that are im- portant, and much that is pernicious.' A Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back again. Ti'anslated from a Manuscript, written by the Prefetto of Egypt, in company with the Missionaries de propaganda Fide at Grand Cairo. To which are added, some Remarks on the Origin of Hieroglyphics .and the Mytho- logy of the ancient Heathens. Lond. 1753, 4to. 5s. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Published with a view of exciting antiquaries to make some en- quiry into those ancient characters, which are discovered in great numbers in the wilderness of Sinai. 8vo. Williams, 504, mor. 14s. Fonthill. 2887, 15s. 4to. Font- hill, 832, 7s. Reprinted in the tenth vo- lume of Pinkerton's Collection of "Voyages and Travels, and also with Maundrell's Journey, Edition 1810, 8vo. Cleaveland. See Cleveland. Cleavee, WiUiam, successively Bishop of Chester, Bangor, and St. Asaph. De Ehythmo Grsecoruin CLE CLE 477 Liber smgularis. Oxonii, 1775- 1783. 12mo. 5s. Pp. 150. An excellent little work. Directions to his Clergy, with a List of Books recommended to the youiiKfrCIergy and other Students in Divinity witliin the Diocese of Chester. Many editions. Sermons on select Subjects. Oxford, 1808, 8vo. Decretum Lacedoemoniornm contra Ti- motheum e Codd. MSS. Oxon. cum Coni- mentario. Oxon. 1777. 8vo. See Homer, Oxon. 1800. Clef des Champs, pour trouver plusieiu's Aiiiniaux tant Bestes qu' Oyseaux, avee plusieurs Fleurs et Fruitz. Imprime aux Blacke-i'riers (London) poiir Jaques le Mojne, dit de Morgues, Peintre. 1586. oblong fobo. A copy is in Sir Jos. Banks' library, now in the British Museum. Clegate, . Travails from Terra Incognita tlu'ough the Wil- derness of Sinne. Lond. 1650. 12mo. Cleges. — Sir Cleges. A complete specimen of the real Fabliau, inserted from an imperfect copy by Weber in his collection of metrical romances. Tlie conclusion, the part wanting in the copy used by Weber, is given from a MS. in the Ashmolean Collection at Oxford, in the British Bibliographer, ii. 17 — 19. Cleland, James. HPQ-IIAI- AEl A, or the Institution of a young Nobleman. Oxford, Barnes, 1607. 4to. Gordonstoun, 554, 15s. 6d. Reed, 1974, 12s. Constable, 237, 9s. 6d. Inglis, 361, 18s. Bindley, pt. i. 2022, 7s. 6d. Death and Funeral of Lodovick (Stu- art) Duke of Kicliraond. Lond. W. Stans- by, 1624, 4to. with a plate of the Duke lying in state. Gough, 1096, i.1. 14s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 846, 31. Jacobs Well and Abbots Condvit paral- leled, preached and applied to tlie Vse of the Citie of Canterbury by James Cleland, D.D. Lond. 1626, 4to. On John iv.6, with a neat engraving of the conduit as a fron- tispiece. — James, M. D. Annals of Glas- gow ; comprising an Account of the public Buildings, Charities, and the Rise and Progress ot that City. Glasgow, 1816. 8yo. 2 vols. 15s. VOL. I. Tliis author published other workii re- lating to Glasgow. Cleland, John. Specimen of an Etimological Vocabulary, or Essay, by Means of the analytic Method, to retrieve the anticnt Celtic. With additional Ai'ticles. Lond. 1768-9. Svo. 7s. An esteemed work. The Way to Things by Words and to Words by Things : being a Sketch of an Attempt at the Retrieval of the ancieut Celtic or primitive Language of Europe ; to which is added, a succinct Account of the Sanscrit, or the learned Language of the Braniins ; also two Essays, the one on the < )rigin of the musical Waits at Christ- mas, the otlier on the real Secret of the Free-M(tsons. Lond. 1766, Svo. Memoirs of a Coxcomb. Lond. 1751, 12mo. 5s. A work of considerable merit, containing a narrative of adventures in the world of gallantry. Bindley, pt. i. 1205, 5s. 6d. Three dramatic pieces, viz. Titus Ves- pasian, the Ladies Subscription, and Tom- bo-Chiqui. Lond. 1755-8, Svo. Rhodes 6s. 6d. Surpiises of Love. Lond. 1765, 12aa. Duke of York, 1099, 8s. Reed, 1872, 13s. The Man of Honour. Lond. 17 — , 12mo. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. [Said to have been written as an amende honorahle for his exceptionable ' Memoir of a Woman of Pleasure.'] Tliis author, son of Col. C, the Will. Honeycomb of the Spectator, published a novel entitled, (Fanny Hill, oi-) Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, (2 vols. 12mo. 1750), a book of the most pernicious ten- dency, justly censured by every one who lias tlie least regard to virtue and decency. The copyright was sold for 20 Guineas to Griffiths the bookseller, who cleai'ed about 10,000?. by :hesaleofit. [Griffiths procured a favourable review of it in the Montlily Review ; but after this had appeared tlie language was considerably altered for the worse by Drybutter, the bookseller, who wjis punished for it by being put in the pillory in 1757.] Cleland having been sum- moned before the privy council, pleaded poverty as his excuse; upon which the late Earl Granville very nobly settled an annuity of 100?. per annum, on condition of his refraining from so Immoral a mode of writing. — William. A Collection of several Poems and Verses composed upon various Occasions. Printed in the Year 1697. small Svo. 12s. Pp. 140. The author styles himself Lieutenant Collouell to my Lord Angus's I I 478 CLE Regiment. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 906 (MS. title), 21. 12s. 6(1. Clelia, The Mock, or Madam Quixote: being a comical Ilistoiy of French G-allantries. Lond. 1678. 8vo. 5s. The romance of Clelic was written by Magdeleine de Scudery. CuEMExs Alexandeinus. Opera, recognita et illustrata per Joaniiem Potterum, Episcopum Oxouiensem. Oxon. 1715. foho. 2 vols. Accordiii}; toDr.Harwood, ' Avery splen- did and elaborate edition, worthy the ce- lebrity of the place where it was publish- ed, and the erudition of the very learned prelate who hath so happily illustrated this miscellaneous writer.' Combe, 637, 11. 15s. Gough, 910, 11. 17s. Dritiy, 1214. 21. 16s. Williams, 493, morocco, Gl. large PAPER. Heath, 606, 5^.1 2s. 6d. Keprinted Venice, 1757, folio, 2 vols. Clemens Komanus, S. Epistola prior ad Corinthios, Gr. et I^at. cum Notis Patr. Junii, Scoto-britamii. Oxon. 1633. 4to. Editio princeps. Gordonstoun, 392, 2s. LABGE PAPER. 6s. — Ad Corinthios Epistolse duoe, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis variorum, ex Recensione Henr. Wotton. Cantab. 1718. 8vo. 6s. A very correct and excellent edition, ac- cording to Dr. Harwood. largk paper. Drury, 904, mor. 11. 13s. Williams, 505, mor. 11. 12s.— Oxon. 1677, 12mo. 2s. 6d. Edited by ,J. Fell, Bishop of Oxford, large PAPER. 5s.— Lond. 1687. 8vo, 3s. Edited by Colomesius. Lond. 1695. S. Clementis Roman i, S. Ignatii, S. Po- lycarpi, patrum apostolicorum qua; super- sunt, aecedunt S. Ignatii et S. Polycarpi martyria, gr. ad fidem codicum recens,etc. illustravit Gul. Jacobson. Oxford, 1838, 8vo. 2 vols. — The First Epistle of Clement the Apostle to the Corintliians, with Annotations by William Burton. Lond. 1647. 4to. Reprinted 1652, 4to. Another transla- tion. Aberdeen, 1768, 8vo. 2s. Said to be a good translation, with an excellent preface. It will likewise be found in Abp. Wake's translation of the genuine Epistles of the Apostolical Fathers. In Whiston'sPrimitiveChristianity Re- ' vived will be found ' The Recognitions of Clement ; or, the Travels of Peter, in ten Books; likewise 'TheConstitutions of the CLE Holy Apostles,' by Clement, in Greek and English. The pretended Authority of the Cle- mentine Constitutions confuted. Lond. 1714, 8vo. A tract by Bp. Smalbroke, which the reader of Whiston's Primitive C'histianity Revived would do well to con- sult. Clemens VIII. A Pardon and Ab- solution granted by Pope Clement the viii for the Church of Wox- bridge (or Uxbridge) in the Diocese of -London, by Thomas (Wolsey) Cardmal of York Legate. Imp. per me Rich. Fakes. A small sheet. Apologia pro Hierarchia Ecclesiastica a S. D. N. Clemente, P. P. VIII. his Annis apud Anglos instituta. Permissu Superio- rum (1601), 8vo. 6s. An appendix was pub- lished 1602, 8vo. A briefe Apologie, or Defence of the Catholike Ecclesiastical Hierarchie and Subordination in England, erected later Yeares by Pope Clement the eight ; and impugned by certain Libels printed and published of late both in Latine and English, by some vnquiet Persons vnder tlie Name of Priests of the Seminaries. 8vo. The famous Conclave wherein Clement VIII. was elected Pope: with the Intrigues and cunning Devices of that ecclesiastical Assembly. Translated from the Italian. Lond. 1670, 4to. 5s. Clemens XIV. See Ganganelli. Clemens a Lybeo-Moute, Ven- ceslaus. Garteriados, sive Avreije Perisceledis, Libri dvo. Lugd. Bat. 1634. foho. A curious work on the orderof the garter. Trinobantiados Augustas, sive Londini, Libri VI. Lond. 1636, 4to. Nassau, pt. 1. 847, 17. 3s. Bindley, pt. ii. 355, 6s. Viola. 1636, 4to. Clement. — A Dyalogue of one Clemente, a Clerke of the Convo- cacyon, and one Bamarde, a Biirges of the Parlyament, dysputynge be- twene them, what Auctoryte the Clergye have to make Lawes. And how farre, and where theyr Power dothe extende (1530?). 16mo. — Petie Schole, with an English Ortliograpliie, wherein, by Rules lately prescribed, is tauglit a Me- thod to enable botli a Childe to CLE read perfectly witliin one MontJi, and also the imperfect to write English aright. Lond. 1587. IGmo. Black letter. Clementina Sobieski, Consort of 'The old Pretender.' Female For- titude exemplified, in an impartial Narrative of the Seizure, Escape, and Marriage of the Princess Cle- mentina Sobiesky, as it was par- ticidarly set down by Mr. Charles Wogan (formerly one of the Pres- ton Prisoners). Lond. 1722. 8vo. 6s. — Wife of James Francis-Ed- ward, Son of K. James II. Solenne Eseqiiie de Maria Clementina So- bieski, Regina dell' Inghiltcrra, celebrate neUa Chiesa di S. Pater- niano in Fano. 1735. folio. Parentalia in Anniversario Funere Ma- rise Clementinte, Magiiffl Britanniffi Regi- nee, habita coram sacro Collegio S. 11. E. Cardinalium Jussii sacise Congregationis de propoganda Fide, &c. folio. Bindley, pt. iii. 605, 7s. pt. ii. 2582 (date 1735), 17s. Academia Funebri nel giorno Anniver- sario della Morte di Maria Clementina Ke- gina della Gran Brettagna. Konia, 1737, folio. Bindley, pt. i. 179, lis. De Costumi e della Morte di Maria Cle- mentina, Regina d' Inghilterra, Francia et d' Irlando. Roma, 1744, 8vo. with por- trait, &c. 5s. Cleocreton. — The Delectable His- toiyof Cleocreton andCloryana. 4to. A black letter Romance. White Knights, 3748. Steevens, 1188, 16s. Cleomenes. — The renowned His- torj' of Cleomenes and Juliet. Lond. 1577. 8vo. See Warton's Poetry, 8vo. iv. 302. Cleopatra. See Calpeenede. CleopliiluSj Comcedia. Lond. 1700. 4to. Written by Waterhouse. Bindley, pt. ii. 348, 9s. Clergy — A proper Dyaloge be- iwene a GentLLlinan and an Hus- bandman ; eche complayneinge to other tlieyr myserable Calamyte, through the Ambicion of the Clergye. 8vo. Black letter, in verse, consisting of 24 leaves. CLE 4/9 Enomiy toes Visod by ye Clergy, and spo- cially against ye Heresy of Simony vnyd by tlie Clergy. Lond. by Thomas God- frey (n. d.) 8vo. A concerning the Power of the Clergye, and the Lawcs of the Itealme. Lond. by Thomas Godfray (n. d.),8vo. A reasonable Motion in tlie I'chalfe of such of the Clergie as are now questioned in Parliament for their Places. Printed in the 'infortunate Yeare to Priests, 1651, 4to. Bindley, pt. iv. 87. A poetical doggrel, re- lative to Strafford and Laud, reprinted in the fourth volume of the Somers Collec- tion of Tracts. Collection of several Acts of Parliament, &c. for providing Maintenance for Minis- ters, Heads of CoUedges and Halls, in the University of Oxford and Cambridge, and other pious Uses. 1657, 4to. HoUis, 411, 12s. Clergyman's (The) Instructor, or a Collection of Tracts on the Minis- terial Duties. Oxford, 1824. 8vo. 6s. 6d. Sixth edition, 1855, 8vo. 7s. The Clergyman's Assistant ; being a Col- lection of Statutes, Ordinances and Forms relating to the Rights, Duties and Liabi- lities of the Clergy. A new Edition, en- larged and corrected. Oxford, 1822, 8vo. 10s. Oxford, 1807. Williams, 506, 9s. Clergyman's Vade Mecum. See Johnson, John. Clerio. — Loves and Advcntm-es of Clerio and Logia. Lond. 1655. small 8vo. Nassau, pt. i. 2064, 4s. Cleek, Bartholomew. See Sandee, Nicholas. — Charles. Work on Swedish Spiders. See Maetyn, Thomas. — John, of Eldin. An Essay on naval Tactics, systematical and his- torical. In four Parts. Lond. 1790-8. 4to. This work, which on its publication was highly lauded, is taken almost wholly from a work ' L'Art des Amies Navales, — par le P. Paul Hoste. Lyon, 1697.' Anew edition. Edinb. 1804, 4to. Third edition, with notes by Lord Rodney. Lond. 1827, 8vo. — Etchings chiefly of Views in Scotland. 1773—1779. Edinb. 1825. 4to. 27 plates. Forty copies printed on India paper, and presented to the members of the Banna- tyne Club by the Hon. Lord Eldin. I I 2 4»0 CLE Cleeke, Francis. Praxis su- premse Curise Admii'alitatis ; Cui ad- jiciuntur Articuli Magistri Bowgh- ton, ad Officium Admiralitatis spec- tantes. Lond. 1798. 12mo. 5s. Fifth and best edition. A work, accord- ing to Lord Hardwicke, of undoubted credit. Praxis tarn Jus dicentibus, quam aliis omnibus, qui in Foro Kcclesiastico versan- tur, apprime utilis. Dubl. 1666, 4to. — John Opvscvlvm plane di- vinum de Mortaorum Eesiu-rec- tione et extremo luditio, in quatuor Linguis suceiucte conscriptum. Au- thore Joanne Clerco. Latyne, Englysshe, Italian, Frenclie. Lond. by Joannes Herforde, 1545. 4to. 'Contains 31 leaves, dedicated to 'Ilemy Conte de Surrey.' Printed in double co- lumns, so that the four languages are apparent at one view ; the Latin and Ita- lian in Roman letter, the English and French in black. This work is c\irious on account of some of the speculations it con- tains, but above all as it affords a com- parative view of the orthography and idiom of the English, French and Italian languages at that period. Another edition, 1547, 4to. to which are added two treatises on Italian and French verbs. Tanner notices an edition 1573, in 4to. A Declaration briefly conteyneng as well the true Understandynge of Tharticlesen- suynge as allso a Recitall of the capital Errours against the same Predestination, Ffree Will, Fay the. Justification, Good Woorkes, Christian Libertye. John Clerc the Authour. Aimo M.D.XLVI. Lond. by Nycholas Hyll, 8vo. — Wm. The Triall of Bastar- die vdth a Table of the Leuitical, English, and Positive Canon Cata- logaes, their Concordance and Dif- ference. Lond. 1594. 4to. White Knights, 1129,5s. Bindley, pt. i. 1846, 6s. Sir P. Thompson, 139, If. — Marciano, or the Discovery, a Tagi-coraedy. Edinb. 1663. 4to. 18s. This piece is said to have been acted with great applause, before his Majesty's high Commissioner, and others of the no- bility, at the abbey of Holyrood house. Cleiiy, M. Journal de ce qui 8' est passe a la Tom- du Temple CLE pendant la Captivite de Louis XVI, Eoi de France. Lond. 1798. 8vo. Written by the Valet de Chambre du Roi. Fonthill, 3390, U. laroe paper, with an ofticial document bearing signa- tures of the King and Queen, morocco, Sothehy, 1853, 21. 17s. An English transla- tion has been published by K.C. Dallas, Lond. 1798, 8vo. Another by J. Bennett, Lond. 1828, 8vo. — Memoirs of P. L. H. Clery, formerly Valet de Chambre of the Duchesse d'Angouleme, 8vo. 2 vols with portraits. Cleveland, Ezra, B.D. A ge- nealogical History of the noble and illustrious Family of Courtenay. In tliree Parts. Exon. 1735. folio. Pp. 307, with title, dedication to ' Sir William Courtenay Bart.' &c. 8pages. At end ' A Collection of Deeds and Instru- ments,' &e. 32 pp. Inserted are 12 genea- logical tables. Gibbon, speaking of this work, observes, ' The first part is extracted from William of Tyre ; the second, from Bouchet's French History; and the third, from various memorials, public, provincial and private, of the Courtenays of Devon- shire. The Rector of Honiton (Ezra Cleaveland) has more gratitude than in- dustry, and more industry than criticism.' Bindlev, pt. i. 1136, II. 2s. Towneley, pt. ii. 523,'l5s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 1103, 1/. 19s. Fouthill, 2411, 5Z. 5s. Brockett,78o, 11. 13s. Gough, 909, 1/. 2s. Sir P. Thompson, 194, 15s. — Jolin. AVorks, containing his Poems, Orations, Epistles, collected uito one Volume, with the Life of the Author. Lond. 1687. 12mo. Pp. 546, with portrait. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 162, 1?. Is. Nassau, pt. i. 718, 3s. ' While the first edition and sheets of Paradise Lost were slowly struggling through the mists of bigotiy and party prejudice into public reputation, the Poems of Cleveland were poured forth in innumerable impressions. The reverse is now the singular contrast; and Cleveland has had the fate of those poets, described in Jolinson's life of Cowley, who, ' paying their court to temporary prejudices, have been at one time too much praised, and at another too much neglected.' " — Betrosp. Rev. xii. 123—42. Editions. The Character of a London Diurnall. Lond. 1644,4to. Anothereditionwith seve- rall select Poems : by the same Author. Printed in tlie Veere 1647, 4to. pp. 52. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 156, ISs. An edition of CLE CLI 481 Cleveland, John — continued. tlu) Character of a Diurnal-Maker. Lond. 1654, 4to. Toeiiis, 1651, Another edition, 1651, with additions, 2 ports. 78 leaves, besides title. Monumeiitum Regale, or atombe erected for that incomparable and glorious mo- narch Charles I. In select elegies, epi- taphs and poems. Lond. 1649, 12mo. Poems, 1653, 12mo. [new title only to 1651J, with a portrait in a band. Ueed, 6652, 5s. idol of the Clownes, 1654. Nassau, pt. i. 720, 3s. Woodhouse, U. 7s. 6d. Poems by J. C. with Additions, never before printed. Printed in the Year 1654, small 8vo. pp. 120. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 157, 12s. Koscoe, 1374, 7s. 6d. Heath, 1788, 2s. 6d. Reed, 6654, Is, 6d. Poems, by J. C. with Additions, never befoi-e printed. Printed in the year 1657, sm. 8vo. pp. 107. Rustick rampant, or rural Anarchy affronting Monarchy in the Person of Wat Tyler. Lond. 1658, 16mo. portrait. Nas- sau, pt. i. 721, 3s. Poems. By John Cleavland. With Additions, never before printed. Printed for W. Shears, 1659, small 8vo. pp. 244, with a portrait of the author, a bust. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 158, 10s. 6d. White Knights, 860, 4s. Bindley, pt. i. 1046, 5s. J. Cleaveland Revived : Poems, Ora- tions, Epistles, and other of his genuine incomparable Pieces, never before pub- lished. With some other e.xquisite Re- mains of the most eminent Wits of both the Universities that were his Contempo- raries. Lond. 1659, 16mo. pp. 127, portrait. J. Cleaveland revived : Poems, Orations, Epistles, and other of iiis genuine incom- parable Pieces. Lond. 1660, 12mo. with portrait. White Knights, 859, 5s. Poems. By John Cleavland. With Additions never before printed. Lond. 1661, small 8vo. pp. 236, with portrait. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 159. Cleveland Revived, 1662, 8vo. with por- trait. Poems, by John Cleavland. Lond. 1662, small,8vo. pp. 238, with portrait. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 160, mor. 1?. 5s. Poems, by John Cleaveland, 1G66. Poems, by John Cleaveland ; with Ad- ditions, never before printed. Lond. 1666, sm. 8vo. pp. 230. Clievelandi Vindiciai ; or Clieveland's genuine Poems, Orations, Epistles, &c. purged from the many false and spurious ones which have nsurped his Xanie, and from innumerable Errours and Corruptions in the true Copies. To which are added many Additions never printed before. With an Account of tlie Author's Life. Published according to the Author's own Cojiies. Lond. 1677, 8vo. pp. 239, with pop- trait in a canonical habit, probably ficti- tious, as Cleveland never was in holy orders. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 161, morocco, U. lis. 6d. J. Cleavland revived : Poems, Orations, Epistles, and other of his genuine incom- parable Pieces, &c. This fourth Edition, besides many other never before publisht Additions, is enriched with the Author's Midsummer Moon, or Lunacy rampant, &c. now at last publisht from his original Copies, by some of his intrusted Friends. Lond. 1668, sm. 8vo. pp. 182. Clievelandi Vindicise ; or Clieveland's genuine Poems, Orations, Epistles, &c. Purged from the many false and spurious ones which have usurped his Name, and from innumerable Errors and Corruptions in the true Copies. To which are added many Additions never printed before. With an Account of the Author's Life. Lond. 1677, 8vo. Pp. 262. with portrait. The Works of J. Cleveland, 1699, 8vo. with portrait, 5s. Bindley, pt. i. 1047, 2s. 6d. A full account of this forgotten versifier will he found in Nichols' History of Lei- cestershire, and a notice of ten different editions of his poems is in the Retrosp. Rev. xii. 123 — 42. Cleveland, Parker. An elemen- tary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology. Boston,U.S.1816.8vo.9s. 1822. 8vo. A very excellent work, ably noticed in the Edinburgh Review, xxx. 374 — 88. CUdamas, or the Sicilian Tale. Lond. 1659. small 8vo. Prefixed is a frontispiece by Marshal. Nassau, pt. i. 724, H. 2s. Cliffoed, Ai'thur. TixaU Poetry, with Notes and IDvistrations. By Arthur Chfford. Edinb. 1813. 4to. 10s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 724, \l. Brockett, 776, \l. Is. LARGE PAPER, in royal 4to. with proof plates. In No. VI. of Dr. N. Drake's Evenings in Autumn, is a long article on this most amusing work. — Collectanea CHfibrdiaiia, in three Parts, containing I. Ajiec- dotes of illustrious Personages of the Name of Clifford. II. Histo- rical and Genealogical Notices re- specting the Origin and Antiquity of the Chfford FamUy. III. Chf- ford, a Tragedy. Paris, 1817. Svo- Pp. 7 to 218, and 9 leaves of introduc- tory matter. Part III. pp. 145 and one leaf of index. Privately printed. 482 CLI CLO Cliffordiana, industria et studio. G. Oliver, collecta, Exeter, not published, small 8vo. without date (about 1822). Cliffoed, Sii- Thomas and Ar- thur. Historical and Topographical description of tlie parish of TixaU. Paris, 1817. 4to. portraits and plates. Privately printed. Sotheby's In June 1827, lOs. LARGE PAPEK. — Clir. Schoole of Horseman- ship, with a strange and rare In- vention how to make a new Rackc, and how to teach a Horse to lie upon his Belly untill the Rider take his Backe. Lond. 1585. 4to. Black letter, dedicated to Sir Philip Sidney. Prefixed are verses by Sir John Trade. IngUs, 364, 16s. — James. Collection of the divine Services and Aiithems usu- ally sung in his Majesties ChapeU, and in aU the cathedral and col- legiate Choirs of England and Ire- land. Lond. 1663 or 4. 8vo. 10s. 6d. To this book Ant. ^ Wood and others frequently refer in speaking of our choral music. It contains the words of the ser- vices and anthems of near seventy of our church composers, whose works were in use in cathedrals soon after the Restora- tion. — Martin. A Treatise of hu- mane Reason. Lond. 1675. 12mo. Reprinted 1691, 12mo. Lond. 1735, Svo. and in the first volume of the Phenix, and in the ninth volume of the Harleian Mis- cellany. Respecting this work and its author, see Wood's Athen. Oxon. Clift, Hemy. New Book of Declarations, Pleadings, Verdicts, Judgments and judicial Writs ; with the Entries thereupon, chgested and published by Sir Charles In- glesby Knt. Lond. 1703 or 19. folio. 78. 6d. Clinton, H. F. Fasti HeUenici. Tlie Civil and Literary Clu'onology of Greece, from the earliest Accounts to the LVth Olympiad. Oxford, 1834. 1^. 10s. 6d. From the LVIth to the LXXIIIrd Olympiad. Third edition. Ox. 1811. 1/. 14s. 6d. From the LXXlVtli Olympiad to the Death of Augustus. Second edition. Ox. 1851, 11. 128. Together, 3 vols. 4to. 41. 14s. 6d. Epitome of the Civil and Literary Chro- nology of Greece, from the earliest Ac- counts to the Death of Augustus. Ox. 1851, Svo. 6s. 6d. — Fasti Romani. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Rome and Constantinople from the Death of Augustus to the Death of Justin II. Ox. 1845. 21. 2s. From the Death of Augustus to the Death of Herachus, Vol. II. Appendix, Ox. 1850. 11. 78. 2 vols. 4to. 3?. 9s. Epitome of the Civil and Literary Chro- nology of Rome and Constantinople from the Death of Augustus to the Death of Justin II. Ox. 1854, 8v0. 7s. Clio and Euterpe ; or British Harmony. 1762. 8vo. 3 vols. With engravings to each song. A fourth volume was partly printed. Sothe- by's in 1824, 11. Skegg, 393, 11. 10s. Clite, Robert, Lord. See Ca- EACCIOLI, Charles. Clodoaldus. — A Saxon Historic of the admirable Adventures of Clodoaldus and liis three Children. Translated out of French by Sir Thomas Hawkins. Lond. 1634. 4to. Gordonstoun, 1175, 11. 6s. Koxburghe, 6400, U. 4s. Cloria. — The Priucesse Cloria or the Royal Romance. Lond. 1665. folio. With a frontispiece. Roxburghe, 6401, 18s. Brockett, 788, 5s. Close, Francis, A-M. The Book of Genesis considered and illus- trated in a Series of historical Dis- courses. Lond. 1826. Svo. This writer has published somevoluraes of Sermons and other works, for which see London Catalogue. Closse, Geo. The Parricide Pa- pist, or Cut-throate Cathohke. A tragical! Discourse of a Murther lately committed at Padstow, ui the Countie of Coniwall, by a i>ro- fessed Papist killing his owne Fa- ther, and afterwards liimselfe, in Zcale of liis Popish Religion, the 11 of March last past, 1606. Lond. 1606. 4to. CLU COB 483 Black letter. Gordonstoiiu, 451, il. Is. Nassau, pt. i. 818, 11. 3s. Hiight, 1329, 11. 16s. Clowes, William. A prooued Practise for all jouiig Chinirgions concerning Burnings with Gun- powder & Womides made with Gunshot, &c. Hereto is adioyned a Treatise of the French or Spanish Pocks, by lohn Alnienar. Also a Collection of Aphorisnies, English and Latine. Lond. 1591. 4to. rages 200, as numbered ; but besides the prefixes, and table at the end, there are 51 leaves inserted before p. 97, with cuts of instruments, &c. Other editions, 1588. 4to. 1637, 4to.— This celebrated ' Maister in Cliinirgery' piiblislied several other works formerly in great repute. Clubbe, Rev. John. Miscel- laneous Tracts. Ipswich, 1770. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. Nassau, pt. i. 728. Steevens, 814, with Hogarth's design, 7s. 6d. This author's History and Antiquities of Wlicatficld, in Suffolk, Is considered a piece of excellent irony at the expense of modern antiqua- ries. The original edition of the Antiquities of Wheatfield. Lond. 1758, 4to. Uent, pt. i.817. Roxburghe, 6710, with a por- trait and his physiognomy, also a plate by Hogarth, 17s. Clubs.— The secret History of Clubs of all Descriptions. [By Ned Ward.] Lond. 1709. 8vo. Bibl. Llwyd. 206, 17s. A compleat and humourous Account of all the remarkable Clubs and Societies in London and Westminster from the R — 1 S— y down to the Lumber-Troop, &c. Loud. 1745, 12mo. Nassau, pt. i. 759, 10a. Brand, 21. 2s. The Clubs of LoNboN, with Anecdotes of their members. Lond.1828.8vo. 2 vols. CLTJTTEKBtrcK, Robert. The His- toid and Antiquities of the County of Hertford ; compiled from the best Authorities and original Re- cords, presei-ved in pubUc Reposi- tories and private Collections. Lond. 1815, 21,27. roy.fol.3 vols.15^. 15s. Published at SI. 8s. per volume. Vol. i. Title and dedication, 2 leaves ; preface, and list of subscribers, pp. viii. ; geogra- phical description, &c. pp. xxxvi. ; the history, pp. 526 ; appendix, indexes, &c. 106 pages.— Vol. i. contains plates. A separate leaf of two pages, containing a description of Cashiobury Park, has been printed by John Britton, for insertion in the work.— Vol. ii. The history (not in- cluding title) pp. 1 — 554 ; appendix, &c. 73 pages. This volume contains 8 plates. — Vol.iii. Title, advertisement, and list of subscribers, pp. viii.; the history, pp.619, indexes, &c. 52 pages, after whicii is a leaf containing directions to the binder for placing the plates. In this volume there are duplicate pages 521 and 522 and 11 plates. With vol. iii. was delivered a map of the county and the following cancels : pp. xxxvii. 243, 244, 335 & 336, in vol. i. and pp. 271 & 272, in vol. ii. LARGE PAPER, witli proof plates. Pub- lished at 151. 15s. per volume. Clyomon. — The Historie of the two vahant Knights, Syr Clyomon Knight of the golden Sheeld, Sonne to the King of Denmarke : and Clamydes the white Knight, Sonne to the King of Suauia. As it hath bene sundry Times acted by her Maiesties Players. Lond. 1599. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Sothe- by's in April 1821, 121. 12s. Inglis' Old Plays, 134, 131. 2s. 6d, Jolley, 1844, 15«. 10s. Coach and Sedan, pleasantly dis- puting for Place and Precedence, the Brewer's-Cart beuig Moderator. Lond. 1636. 4to. A curious and Interesting tract, with a wood-cut on title. Reed, 1975, 16s. 6d. Nassau, 849, 1/. 5s. Gordonstoun, 606, 31. 53. Bindley, pt. i. 1844, 41. 10s. CoATES, Rev. Charles. History and Antiquities of Reading, with a Supplement. Lond. 1802, and Read- ing, 1810. 4to. Towneley, pt. ii. 313, russia, 11. 13s. LARGE PAPEK (Twenty-five printed). Dent, pt. i. 818, 2i. 3s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 725, with eight views of the Abbey by Tomkins, 31. 3s, Beckford, in 1817, 147, russia. 111. lis. Collation. — B — Nnn 4, 464 pages; ap- pendix and corrections, a — d 4, 32 pages ; besides title; dedication to the Prince of Wales, 1 page ; names of the subscribers, 5 pages ; advertisement, 1 page ; contents and list of [8] plates, 4 pages. A Supple- ment, e — n, not paged, 66 pp. with a view of Reading. Coats, James. Dictionary of Heraldry. Lond. 1725. 8vo. 5s. Pp. 352, with seven folded plates.— The second Edition. Lond. 1739, 8vo. 5s. COBBE, — . Cobbe's Prophecies, 484 COB his Madrigalls, &c. in Verse, Eime and Prose. Lond. 1614. 4to. Bindley, pt. iv. 161, 51. CoBBETT, WilLiam. Political Ee- giater from Jan. 1802 to 1813. 8vo. 24 vols. The Works of Peter Porcupine. Lond. 1801, 8vo. 12 vols. Eoxburghe, 8913, 13s. A Year's Residence in the United States of America. Lond. 1818-19, 8vo, 3 pts. 10s. An English Grammar, in a Series of Letters to his Son. Lond. 1819, l'2mo. 2s. 6d. Frequently reprinted. History of the Kefonnation. Lond. 12mo. 2 vols, also royal 8vo. 2 vols. 1810. Parliamentary Debates, 1803—10, royal 8vo. 16 vols. After this date W. Cohbett disposed of his interest in this publica- tion. See Parliamentary. Parliamentary History of England from the Norman Conquest to 1803. royal 8vo. 12 vols. 1806—1812. See ParliameMary. Selection from the Political Works of Wm. Cohbett; with notes historical and explanatory, by John M. and James P. Cohbett. Lond. (1837), 8vo. 6 vols. \l. Is. Collection of State Trials. See Trials. [Mr. Cohbett wrote, edited, and while a bookseller, published many things under his name, as may be seen in the London Catalogue. His ' Cottage Econo- my,' 'Rural Rides in England,' and 'Curse of Paper Money,' are among the most popular.] CoBHAM, Lord. See Bale, Jolrn. Cobham. — An Abstract, contain- ing the Substance of the Rides and Ordinances of the new College of Cobham, in the Coimty of Kent, of the Foimdation of the right honom-able the late Lord Wdham, Baron Cobham (together with the Morning and Evening Prayers as they are used in the New College) . Lond. 1733. 4to, 24 pages. A former edition. 1687, 4to. pp. 24. Nas- sau, pt. i. 850, 10s. Cobler. — The Coblers Book, which denies the Church of Eng- land to be a true Church, and charges her with maintaining Ido- latry under the name of Decency. (1589). See life of Whitgift, p. 296. Perhaps written by Cliffe an honest Cobler, dwell- ing at Battel-bridge, as in p. 39 of 'Hay any worke for Cooper;' or, Newman the cobler, as in ' The reproof of Martin Ju- nior ,' p. 2. coc COBLEB, The, of Canterbury, or an Invective against Tarlton's Newes out of Piu'gatorie a merrier Jest than a clownes jigge, and fitter for gentlemens humom's. Lond. 1608. 4to. Duke of Grafton, 367, 18Z., resold Heber, pt. iv. No. 510. 12/. 12s. The simple cobbler of Aggawam in America, willing to help mend his native coimtry, both in the upper leather and sole, with all the honest stitches he can take, and as willing never to bee paid for his work by old English wonted pay, it i» his trade to patch all the year long gratis ; by Theodore de la Guard [f. e. Nathaniel Ward]. Lond. 1647. 4to. The simple Cobler' s Boy, with a Lap- full of Caveats. 1648, 4to. Nassau, pt. ii. 1119, 4s. Roxburghe, 6689, 16s. 6d. Room for the Cobler of Gloucester and his Wife. 1668, 4to. Bindley, pt. iii. 1631, 2s. Cobler turned Courtier, being a Pleasant Humour between K. Henry VIIL and a Cobler. 1680, 4to. Lloyd, 465, 8s. 6d. Witty, pleasant and true Discourse of the meiTy Cobler of Canterbury, together with the pretty Conceits of Frier Bacon, with the Cobler's Song. Edinb. 1681, l'2mo. Cobleriana; or, the Cobler's Medley. Being a choice Collection of the miscella- neous Pieces, in Prose and Verse, serious and comic, of Jobson the Cobler of Drury- Lane. Lond. 1768, 12mo. 2 vols, with frontisp. Nassau, pt. i. 729, 9s. COCBUENUS, AngJice CoCKBimN. CocCHi, Signor Antonio. The Life of Asclepiades, the celebrated Founder of the Asclepiadic Sect in Physic. Lond. 1762. 8vo. 3s. 6d. The Pythagorean Diet, or Vegetables only, conducive to the Preservation of Health, and the Cure of Diseases. Trans- lated from the Italian. Lond. 1745, 8vo. CocHLEtrs, Job. De Matrimo- nio Eegis Anglise (Henrici VIIL) Congratulatio disputatoria. Lipsise, 1535. 4to. 7s. 6d. Cochljeus was also a celebrated opponent of Luther and the earlier reformers. See Testament New. Brevis historianim commemoratio ad HenricumVIII. DefensioJoannis (Fisher) Episcopi Roflensls et Thomae More ad- versus Rich. Samsonens. Thomas More et Erasmi Epistolarum ad Jo. Cochlseum. Lips. 1534. 4to. coc coc 485 Scopa in Araneas Ricardi Morysiui, An- i;U. Lips. 1538, 4to, 7s. 6(1. CucliIfBus is very severe on Henry anil liis defender, and lias much the best of the argument in his second and fourth chapters, which treat on the King's divorce, and on the violent death of Sir Tho. More. I'ro Scotiie Kegno apologia, adversus personatura Alexandrum Alesiura Scotum. Ad sereniss. Scotorum Kegem LlpsiiB. 1534, 4to. CocHEAN, Sir Robert The Life of Sir Robt. Cocliran Prime-Minis- ter to King James III. of Scotland. Lend. 1734. 8vo. Konthill, 1464, 6s. A satire on Sir Ro- bert Walpole. A Detection of the Falsehood, Abuse, and Misrepresentations in a late Libel, entituled, The Life of Sir Robert Cochran. Lond. 1735, 8vo. 2s. CoCHKiNE, Charles Stuart, Capt. R. N. Journal of a Residence and Travels in Colmnbia, during the Years 1823 and 1824. Lond. 1825. Svo. 2 vols. A work of little or no value. Duke of York, 1111, 8s. Drury, 909, 11. lis. 6d. — John. . A Treatise on the Game of Chess ; containing the Games on Odds, from the Traite des Amateiu's ; the Games of the celebrated Anonymous Modcuese : a Variety of Games actually played; and a Catalogue of Writers on Cliess ; -wdth a Frontispiece. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 5s. Pp. 376, with Title, Dedipation, Preface and Errata, 8 leaves. — Captain John Dmidas, R.N. Narrative of a Pedestrian Joiu-ney tkrough Russia and Siberian Tar- tary, from the Frontiers of Cliiua to the Frozen Sea and Kamschatka. Second Edition. Lond. 1824. 8vo. Fom-th Edition, Lond. 1825. 8vo. A novel and amusing work, containing, say the Quarterly Reviewers, from the writer's want of scientific knowledge, little that is satisfactory on the face of the Country and its natural productions. Dru- ry, 910, 8s. Duke of York, 1112, date 1825, 6s. 6d. Cock, Capt. Samuel. Voyage to Lethe, by Captain Samuel Cock, some time Commander of the good Ship the Charming Sally. 1741. 8vo. Sa. An indecent work. COCKAINE or COCKAYN, see Co- KAIN. CoCKBUEN, Ai'chibald. Philo- sophical Essay concerning the in- termediate State of Blessed Souls. Lond. 1722. 8vo. — Mrs. Catherine. Works, theo- logical, n:ioral, dramatic, and poeti- cal, with an Account of the Life of the Author by Thomas Birch. Lond. 1751. 8vo. 2 vols, with jjortrait, 58. An incomplete edition of this celebrated lady's works. — James. A Voyage to Cadiz and Gibraltar, up the Mediterra- nean to Sicily and Malta, hi 1810 and 1811, including a Description of Sicily and the Lipari Islands, and an Excursion in Portugal. , Lond. 1815. 8vo. 2 vols, coloured plates. Duke of York, 1108, 7s. 6d. large pa- per, in myal 8vo. Duke of York, 1109, lis. — John. A Journey over Land, from the Gulph of Honduras to the Great South Sea, performed by John Cockbtirn, and five other En- glishmen. To which is added, A brief Discovery of some Things best worth noting on the Travels of Nicholas Witliington, a Factor, in the East ludias. Lond. 1735. 8vo. This curious and authentic narrative appeared so extraordinary, that it was looked upon by many who perused it, as little better than a romance. Roxburghe, 7352, 6s. Bindley, pt. i. 1015, 5s. Reed, 3748, 6s. 6d. — Patrick. Oratio de Utilitate et Excellentia Verbi Dei. Paris, 1551. 8vo. De vulgari Sacrse Scripturas Phrasi, Ll- bri duo. Paris, 1552, 1558, 8vo. In Dominicaiu OrationempiaMeditatio, qua, in Deuni Animus fidelis, mirum ixi Modum excitatur. Authore Patricio Coc- bumo, Scoto. Ex Typographia Johannis Scot. In Civitate Sancti Andreae 1555, 16mo. Contains lxxxi leave';, besides dedication to Queen Mary, &c. 486 coc In Symbolum Apostolicum Comment. Lond. 1561. CoCKBTJEN, Patrick, M.A. Eu- quii-y into the Truth and Certainty of the Mosaic Dehige. Lond. 1750. 8vo. 5s. One of the most valuable treatises on the deluge that has been published. — Robert. An historical Dis- sertation on the Books of the New Testament. Printed in the Year 1755. 8vo. vol. 1. 5s. — Rev. WilHam. The CredibiUty of the Jewish Exodus, defended against some Remarks of Edward Gibbon, and the EcUnbiu-gh Re- viewers. Lond. 1809. crown 8vo. pp. 93. 3s. 6d. An Essay on the Epistles of Ignatius. Lond. 1806, 8vo. pp. 23, 23 6d CocKBXJENE, Sir WiUiam, of .Langtoun. Respubhca de Decimis. Edinb. 1G27. 4to. This work, ornamented with curious wood-cuts, is addressed ' To the right ho- nourable and my noble party My Lords Commissioners appoynted forRefonuation of divers Abuses, and first of Tithes.' Gordonstoun, 529, 21. 12s. 6d. Cocke Lorells Bote. Lond. by W. de Worde. 4to. An old satire in verse, in which the au- thor enumerates the most common trades and callings; as carpenters, coopers, join- ers, &c. Cock Lorell, the autlior, accord- ing to Beloe's Anecdotes, i. 393, was the most notorious knave that ever lived. The copy in the Garrick Collection, in the Bri- tish Aluseum (wanting the first part), is probably unique. Cock LoreU's Boat. Lond. 1817. 4to. 35 copies printed. Presented to the members of the Kox- burghe Club by tlie Kev. Henry Drury. Sir M. M. Sykes, 1622. Boswell, 3042, il. Dent, pt. ii. 1200, 11. lis. Reprinted, Edinb. 1841, square 12mo. 40 copies, and also by the Percy Society (No. 30). CoCKEE, Edward. Ai-ithmetick, being a plain and famiUar method suitable to the meanest capacity, for tmderstanchng tliat admirable art. Lond. 1678. 12mo. portrait. First edition, Gardner, 1854. mor. %l. 5s. Pntticks, April, 1852, HI. Ifis. Of this work there have been upwards of sixty editions, (of wliich the fourth is dated COC 1682, the fifty-stcond, 1748.) The author'a name, from the popularity of his work, has long been proverbial. Cocker is deserv- edly reckoned among the improvers of the art of writing and arithmetic ; and there are no less than 14 of his copybooks en- graved, some on silver plates, by his own hand, all prior to 1677. Among his works may be enumerated : Compleat Arithmetician. Decimal Arithmetick, to which is added his artifi- cial Arithmetick, shewing the genesis or fabric of Logarithms ; and his Algebraical Arithmetic, containing the doctrine of composing and resolving an equation. First edition, probably Lond. 1669, 12mo. but no copy known. Lond. 1695. Fourth edit. Lond. 1713. 12mo. An Introduction to Writing. England's Penman, oblong 4to. 1671. Bright, 1338, 12s. Penna volans. 1661, with port. set. 28, 1660. Arts Glory, or the Penman's Treasure. Lond. 1657, 8vo. Magnum in Parvo. Multum in Parvo. A Copy Book of Fair Writing. Lond. 1657, 8vo. Cocker's Urania : or, the Scholar's De- light in Writing. Lond. 4to. Cocker's Morals ; or, the Muses Spring- Garden. Lond. 1694, 4to. A book of .sen- tences for writing. An edition 1675. White Knights, 1132, 2s. Skegg, 10/. Pen's Transcendency, or Fair Writing's Store House, with Examples of all the cu- rious Hands practised in England. 1660, folio. Dent, pt. i. 666*, 10s. 6d. Youth's Direction. Pen's Facility. London's Writing Master. Lawyer's Writing Master. Country Schoolmaster. The Clerks Tutor for Writing. 1667. Another edition appeared in Edmund Win- gate's Rt-mains. Lond. 1676, 8vo. Pens Triumph. 4to. with port. Kt. 26, 1657, oval of foliage. Nassau, pt. i. 851, U. 13s. CocKEEAM, Henry. An EngUsh Dictionary, or Interpreter of hard Words. Lond. 1632. 8vo. Reed, 79, 5s. 6d. 1623, 8vo. 1655. Reed, 30, 2s. 6d. 1659. Boswell, 698, 6s. 6d. CoCKES, see Coxe. Cockmg.— The Commendation of Cockes and Cock-fighting, wherein is shewed, that Cocke-fighting was before the Conuning of Clu-ist, by George Wilson. Lond. 1607. 4to. Black letter, Fifteen leaves. Wlilto Knights, 1131, russia, 8/. 8s. Stanley, 11. 7». COE COG 487 The Koyal Pastime of Cock Fighting., Loud. 17119, with a frontispiece. The Coclcor. Newavlc, 1793, 4to. Cocks, Roger. Hebdomada Sa- cra : a Weekes Devotion : or seven poetical! Meditations upon the second Chapter of St. Matthewes Gospel. Loud. 1630. small 8yo. Pp.78. Dedicated to James Lord Strange. A notice of this volume will he found in the Restituta, ii. 505-7. liibl. Auglo-Poet. 163, 51. CociiES, Barth. A briefe and most pleasant Epitomye of the whole Art of Phisiognomie : Englished by Thomas Hyll. Loud. 8vo. An edition 1613. Cocus, Anglice Cook, or Cooke. Code Napoleon, The, verbally translated from the French, by Bryan Barrett, of Gray's Inn. Lond. 1811. 8vo. 2 vols. 1^. 12s. Another edition. By a Barrister of the Inner Temple. Lond. 1824, royal 8vo. II. Is. CoDEiNGTON, Robert. The Life and Death of the illustrious Robert, Earl of Essex. Lond. 1646. 4to. Pp. 36, with a plate of the monument. This account (says Mr. Parli) is not only defective in point of method, but is also very barren of facts, such only excepted as are collected from the news-writers of those times. The work is reprinted in the first volume of the Harleian Miscellany. According to Ant. i Wood, ' In this work Codringtou shews himself a rank parlia- menteer.' His Majesties Propriety and Dominion on the British Seas asserted, &c. Lond. 1665, 8vo. Collection of many select and excellent Proverbs. 1664. Another edition, 16S5, 12mo. 5s. CoELiTis, Apicius. De Opsoniis ct Condiuientis, sive Arte coquin- aria, Libri X. cum Annotat. Mar- tini Lister, et Notis selcetioribus variorum. Lond. 1705. 8vo. Of this edition by the famous concholo- gist, Lister, 120 copies were piinted. Bind- ley, pt. i. 211, lis. 6d. Steevens, 159, 15s. 6d. Heath, 4238, \l. 8s. It was hu- morously ridiculed by Dr. King in his ' Art of Cookery,' 1709, 8vo. CoEFFETEATJ, Nicholas. A Table of Humane Passions with theu" causes and effects. Translated by Edw. Grimeston. Lond. 1621. 12mo. CoETLOGON, Charles E. de, A.M. Portraiture of a Clu'istian Penitent, attempted in a Coui'se of Sermons upon Psalm 51. Lond. 1776. 8vo. 2 vols. Williams, 562, 11. 7s. — The Theological Miscellany. Lond. 1784—9. 8vo. 6 vols. 1/. 58. This writer likewise published Sei'mons and other religious treatises. — Dennis de. An universal History of Arts and Sciences. Lond. 1745. foho. 2 vols. 16s. An encyclopedical work, now in little es- timation. Coffee-House. — The Character of a CofTee-House, with the Symptoms of a Town-Wit. Lond. 1673. foho. 8 pp. Reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. 6. The Character of a Coffee-house : where- in is contained a Description of the Per- sons usually freqiienting it, with their Discourse and Humours ; as also the ad- mirable Vertues of Coffee : by an Eye and Ear-witness. 1665. A humorous poem. Coflfee-Houses vindicated. In answer to the late publislied Character of a CofTee- House. Asserting from Reason, Experi- ence, and good Authors, the excellent Use and physical Virtues of that Liquor. With the grand Conveniency of such civil Places of Resort and ingenious Conversa- tion. Lond. 1675, folio, 8 pp. Reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. 6. COGAN, Henry. The Scarlet Gown, or Histoiy of all the present Cardinals of Rome. Lond. 1633. small 8vo. portrait. — Tho. The Haven of Health. Hereunto is added a Preservation from the Pestilence : with a short Censm-e of the late Sicknesse at Oxford. Lond. 1589. 4to. 5s. Wood notices an edition 1586, 4to, and reprinted 1596. Inglis, 367, 3s. - 1605. Nassau, pt. i. 86S, 9s. — 1612. White Knights, 1133, 2s. — Thomas, M.D. The Rhine: or, a Jom'uey fi'om L^treclit to Frankfort, 1791-2. Lond. 1794. 8vo. 2 vols. Embellished with a map of the Rhine, and twenty-four views in aqnatinta. Tlie style of tliis work is lively and interesting; 488 COI its pictures of manners and scenery good : and it contains a learned disquisition on tlie origin of printing. Edwards, 507, 14r>. Fonthill, 2019, U. 10s. Dr. Cogan likewise published Treatises on the Passions and Aifections of the Mind, and a volume called ' Ethical Ques- tions,' collected under the general title of ' Ethical Works,' 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813-17, il. 4s. COGNATTJS, Grilbert. A Soke of the Office of Seruantes. Englished by Tho. Chaloner. Lond. 1543. 8vo. Dedicated to Sir H. Knevet. CoGNET, Sir Martyn, Knt. Po- litiqve Discovrses of Trveth and Lying, translated out of French into English by Sir Edward Hoby, Kuight. Lond. 1586. 4to. Pp. 246, besides dedication to Sir Wm. Cecil, Knt. by Hoby, a commendation of the work by Tho. Digges, and a table of contents. Inglis, 368, 3s. 6d. Cohabitation. — A Treatise of the Cohabitacyon of the Faithful with the Unfaithful, whereunto is added, a Sermon made of the Confessing of Christe and his Gospell, and of the Denyinge of the same. (Prruted abroad) 1555. 16mo. 1/. Is. Not mentioned by Ames or Herbert. Gardner, 1654, 21. 9s, COHATJSEN, John Henry. Her- niippus redivivus : or, the Sage's Triumph over old Age and the Grave (translated by Dr. Jolm Campbell). Lond. Bvo. 5s. This ■work, according to Dr. Sam. John- son, ' is very entertaining, as an account of COK Coin. — An Account of all the Gold and Silver ( 'oins ever used in England. Lond. 1718. Bvo. In the British Museum are many tracts relating to the Coin of the Country from the year 1627 to the present time. Plates (12) of English Silver Coins from the Norman Conquest to Henry VIII. in- clusive, with a Calculation of their Va- lues, &c., edited by John White, .Hatter and Corn-dealei', who made it the vehicle to publish several of his forgeries of Coins. Lond. Withy and Ryall, 1756, 4to. HoUis, 1119, 11. 10s. CoKAiNE, Sir Aston, Bart. Small Poems of divers Sorts. Written by Sir Aston Cokain. Lond. 1658. small 8vo. According to Ellis, Cokain may be con- sulted with advantage by those who search after anecdotes of contemporary characters or pictures of their manners. Pp. 508, be- sides preface and a copy of commendatory verses by Tho. Bancroft, also a portraitof the author, a laurelled bust. [The portrait of Cokain is extremely rare ; but tlie cop- per was used as the portrait of Ovid, in North'stranslation of Plutarch's Lives was re engraved by Wilkin for Bridges's Bri- tish Bibliographer, and for liichardson"s Rare Portraits.] The volume contains two dramatic pieces, at p. 289. 'The obstinate Lady,' and at p. 414, 'Trapolin supposed a Prince,' each of which has a separate title- page. Rhodes, 799, 21. 12s. 6d. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 155. 5?. 5s. Nassau, pt. i. 733, mo- rocco, 3?. 9s. White Knights, 875, morocco, 2?. 9s. Bindley, pt. i. 1061, no portrait, U. lis. 6d. Midgley, no port. 3l.8s. Perry, 21. 16s. Ileber, pt. iv. 405, no port. 3/. Some copies are entitled A Chaine of golden Poems, embellished the Hermetick philosophy, and as furnish- I with Wit, Mirth and Eloquence, together ing a curious histoi-y of the extravagancies of the human mind.' A notice of this, and also of other works on the prolongation of life, will be found in the Retrosp. Rev. vii. 64—87. CoHELET. See Solomon. CoiLZEAK, Ranf. The Tadl of Rauf Coilzear, how he liarbreit King Charlis. Sanctandrois be Robert Lekpreuik. 1572. 4to. Black letter, 16 pages. Reprinted with two most excellent Comedies. 1658. Reed, 8048, no portrait. 16s. Lloyd, 341, no portrait, 11. 9s. Roxburghe, 3912, no portrait, 11. 13s. Heber, pt. iv. 407, port. 1^. 10s. Skegg, fine, 398, port. il. 19s. Bright, fine, no port. 1344, 3^. 16s. Poems, with the obstinate Lady and Trappolin supposed a Prince: whereunto is now added, the Tragedy of Ovid, intend- ed to be acted shortly. 1662. Field, 158, Sotheby's, in Dec. 1822, morocco, 7?. Choice Poems of several Sorts. 1669. Bindlev, pt. i. 1060, with portrait, 3/. 17s. ' Select Remains of the ancient Popular utterson 1852, 253, port Poetry of Scotland The Tale of Ralf Coilycar, 2 Nos. Edinb. 1821. 12mo. 75 copies printed for Bale. Boswell, 3078, 4s. Plays. 12mo. 1669. Bindley, 31. 7s. The obstinate Lady, a new Comedy, never formerly published. Lond. 1657, 4to. Thisedition was printed from a copy ! surreptitiously obtained which, being de COK COK 489 ficient in the last leaf and epilogue, was porfected by another person witliout the autlior's knowledge. Koxburghe, 4021, 4s. Rhodes, 797, 5s. The Tragedy of Ovid. Lond. 1669, 12mo. Rhodes, 798, 5s. Hebcr, pt. iv 'M. 5s. CoKAiNE, Francis. Divine Blos- soms, 1656. 12mo. Dedicated to George Wither, very rare. Mr. Ileber's copy, wanting the title, sold pt. iv. 408, for 17s. — Sir Thomas. A short Treatise of Hunting, compyled for tlie De- light of Noblemen and Gentlemen. Lond. by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Woodcocke, 1591. 4to. Black letter, inscribed to the Earle of Shrewsbiirie. Four sheets, with wood- cuts, principally borrowed from Turber- ville's treatise. A copy is in the British Museum. Inglis, .366, 17/. 10s. Puttick, 1855, (one leaf MS.) 10/. 5s. Coke, — . A true Narrative of the Circumcision of Mustapha, Prince of Turkey, eldest Son of Mahomet, present Emperor of the Turks. Lond. 1676. folio. Pp. 8, reprinted in the fiftli volume of the Harleian Miscellany. — Sir Edward. The first Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, or a Commentary upon Littleton, by Lord Coke, revised and corrected, with Additions of Notes, References, and proper Ta- bles, by Francis Hargrave and Charles Butler, including also the notes of Lord Hale and Lord Chancellor Nottingliam, with ad- ditional Notes by Charles Butler, of Lincohi's-Inn, to which is added a comprehensive Index. Eighteenth edit. Lond. 1823. royal 8vo. 2 vols. Nineteenth edit. Lond. 1832. royal 8vo. 2 vols. In this and the preceding edition the notes are placed under the text, and a regular system of paging and reference adopted. Editions. 1st. 1628, folio, 5s. 2nd. 1629, folio, 6s. This edition is esteemed most correct, and to liave been revised by the author. 3rd. I663.fol.5s. 4th. 1639, fol.5s. 5th. 1656, fol. 5s. 6th. 1664, fol. 5s. 7th. 1670, 63. 8th. 1670, fol. 6s. 9th. to which are added, the reading on Fines and treatise on Bail and Mainprise, 1684, 78. lOtn. with The compleat Copyholder, and many references by an eminent lawyer, 1703, folio,9s. lltli. with Old Tenures, and some notes and additions, 1719, folio, 10s. 6d. 12th. with some marginal references omitted, and many added, 1738, folio, 15s. 13th. re- vised and corrected by Fr. Hargrave. Also an Analysis of Littleton written by an unknown Hand in 1058-9, 1775, folio. 13th. with the addition of notes and refer- ences, &c. by F. Hargrave and C. Butler, 1788, folio, 15s. 14th. by F. Hargrave and C. Butler, 17—, fol. 15th. by F. Hargrave and C. Butler, 1794, royal 8vo. 3 vols. Bos- well, 701, 1/. Is. The indexes and notes to this edition were publislied separately in folio, 5s. for the accommodation of the purchasers of the folio editions. 16th. by F. Hargrave and C. Butler, 1809, royal 8vo. 3 vols. 17th. by F. Hargrave and C. But- ler, 1817, royal 8vo. 2 vols. .\n Analysis of Coke upon Littleton, by G. Fisk. Lond. 1824, 8vo. 16s. A systematic Arrangement of Lord Coke's first Institute of the Laws of Eng- land. By J. H. Thomas. Lond. 1818, royal 8vo. 3 vols. 41. 4s. Commentary npon Littleton's Tenures abridged, with considerable Additions, by Serjeant Hawkins. The eighth Edition, with Notes, &c. by J. Rudall. Lond. 1822, 12mo. 16s. — The second, thu-d, and fourth Institutes of the Laws of England. Lond. 1817. royal 8vo. 4 vols. Former editions of these three parts, 1797, 1809, royal 8vo. 4 vols. Edilions in folio. Part 2, containing a commentary on Magna Charta, and an exposition of many ancient and other statutes. 1642, 1662, 1669, 1671, 1681. Part 3, concerning high ti-eason and other pleas of the crown and criminal causes. 1644, 1648, 1660, 1669, 1670, 1680. Part 4, concerning the juris- diction of courts. 1644, 1648, 1660, 1669, 1671, 16S0. — Book of Entries. Lond. 1671. fol. 12s. A former edition. Lond. 1614, folio, 9s. In point of authority Coke's Entries cer- tainly claim the tirst place. Every pre- cedent has a reference to the court, year, term, number-roll and record where it is to be found, and many of the fonns are the records of the cases contained in the Re- ports. — Reports fi'om 14 Ehzabeth to 13 James I. in 13 Parts. A new Edition, with nimierous additional Notes and References. By J. H. 490 COK Thomas and J. F. Fraser. Loud. 1826. royal 8vo. 6 vols. 7/. 7s. Best edition of these highly valued Re- ports. Former Editions. Eleven parts. In French, 1672, folio, 2 vols. The eleven parts were first pub- lished separately in French, 1600-16, and parts 12 and 13, 1658, 1677. Bindley, pt. i. 1339, 11 parts, \l. Boswell, 2749, 12 pts. Zl. 9s. Heber, pt. 2, 1493, 12 vols., pre- sentation copies with inscription to Lord Chancellor EUesmere, \l. 10s. Eleven parts, with Chilton's references. In French, 1697, folio, 4 vols. Eleven parts, in English. Lond. 1658, folio. This edition wants the pleadings and the table of the principal matters. The pleadings are printed separately. Eleven parts, in English, with two tables, 1680, folio. Thirteen parts, with the pleadings in Latin. 1727, Svo. 7 vols. Brockett, 3464, M. 2s. Thirteen parts, with the pleadings in English. 1738, 8vo. 7 vols. Marq. of Townshend, 1775, 11. Thirteen parts, with references, &c. &c. by Geo. Wilson. 1776-7, royal Svo. 7 vols. Zl. 3s. Au edition, Dublin, 1793, Svo. 7 vols. 1/. Is. Reports in Verse ; wherein the Name of each Case, and the principal Points are contained in two Lines : to which are added, References and two Tables. In the Savoy, 1742, Svo. 33. The design of this work is to assist the memoiy in recollect- ing the point of law determined in each case. Nassau, pt. i. 734,4s. Another edi- tion, with the life of Sir Edward Coke, 1826, 18mo. 2s. 6d. An Answere to the fifth Part of Re- portes lately set forth by Syr Edward Cooke Knight, the Kinges Attorney gene- ral!, conceraing the anc'ent and moderne municipall Lawes of Entjland, which do apperteyne to Spirituall Power and luris- diction. By a CathoHcke Deuyne. (S. Omers.) Imprinted with Licence, Anno Domini 1606, 4to. 10s. 6d. A— Ddd, in fours. Prefixed are title, epistle, dedica- tory to Syr Edward Cooke Knight, the table, the preface, 36 leaves. Heber, pt. 2, 1416. This attack on Coke is usually attributed to Rob. Parsons. Coke, Sir E. Law Tracts. By William Hawkins. Lond. 1764. Svo. 8s. A notice of this volume will be found in the Retr. Rev. viii. 105-24. It contains 1. The compleat Copyholder. 2. Reading on 27 Edw. the first, called the Statute da Fiuibus levatis. 3. A Treatise of Hail COK and Mainprize. To which are added, the old Tenures ; also some notes andadditions to Lord Coke's Commentary on Littleton, shewing how the laws are altered since those authors wrote. The contents of tlie volume will be found in the later editions of the first Institute. — John. The Debate betwene the Heraldes of Englande and Fraunce. M.D.L. Impr. by me Rycharde Wyer. 16mo. Black letter. M 6 in eights, 94 leaves. The subject of this curious book is a con- troversy between the heralds of England and France, on a question put by Lady Prudence, ' which realme christened is most worthy to be approached to honoure?' which is, of course, decided in favour of England. King and Lochee's, in 1814, 2i. 2s. Copies are in the British Museum and Grenville Library. — Eoger. A Detection of the Court and State of England dm-ing the Eeigns of K. James I. Charles I. Charles II. and James II. as also the Inter-regntim. The fom-th Edi- tion, continued tlirough the Reigns of K. William and Q. Mary, and to the Death of Q. Anne. Lond. 1719. 8vo. 3 vols. ' A sort of secret history, engaging to an Englishman, naturally inquisitive, curious and greedy of scandal.' Marq. of Towns- hend, 515, 10s. 6d. Bp. of Ely, 294, 8s. 1694, Svo. 2 vols. Heath, 4439, 5s. 6d. —1697, Svo. 2 vols. — Thomas, LL.D. A Com- mentary on the Old and New Testa- ments. Lond. 1803. 4to. 6 vols. This work, by a celebrated Wesleyan minister, is, according to Dr. Adam Clarke, ' in the main a reprint of the work of Dr. Dodd, with several retrenchments and some unimportant additions.' Dr. Coke, in conjunction with Mr. Henry Moore, pub- lished a life of Wesley, one volume, Svo. 1792. [A history of the West Indies, contain- ing the natural, civil, and ecclesiastical history of each island; with an account of the missions, more especially those es- tablislied by the society late in connection with Wesley. Liverpool, ISOS—ll, Svo. 3 vols.] CoKEE, Rov. N. A Survey of Dorsetshire. Lond. 1732. foUo. A very incorrect and imperfect work B— Pp. besides title and dedication to tlie Riglit Hon. George Dodington, with a map and si.\ plates of arms. Heath, 4706,2;. 48. COL COL 491 Bindley, pt. 1. 1146, 17s. Bent, pt. i. 668, morocco, 2i. 2s. Nassau, pt. 1104, laiiok I'Al'ER? 1/. 5s. 1105, THICK PAPK.U, with the hninldic plates coloured, '21. 2s. Cola, Griov. Battista. Vita di S. Toinaso Ai'civescovo di Caiitua- ria e Martire, trad, dal Francese. Lucca, 1696. 4to. with portrait. Bindley, pt. iv. 834, 5s. Colchester. — The History and Antiquities of Colchester, in the County of Essex. Selected from the most approved Authors. Col- chester, 1789. folio. [A portion of Morant's History of the County of Essex.] B— Gg, 226 pp. besides the title, to the reader, 2 pp. a list of subscribers, 6 pp. At p. 122, a folded list of the members of parliament for this borough ; at p. 185, the n. w. view of St. Botolph's Priory Church, and opposite the title is the s. w. view of Colchester Castle. The History and Description of Colches- ter (the Caniulodunum of the Bri tains, and the tirst Uunian Colony in Britain); with an Account of tlie Antiquities of that most ancient Borough. Colches. 1803, sm. 8vo. 2 vols. Nassau, pt. i. 1620, 9s. Vol. i. The history, B — T 2,276 pages: appendix of original papers, A — D, 22 pp. Opposite the title is a plate of The Death of Sir Charles Lucas and Sir Geo. Lisle, 28 Augt. 1648. Vol. ii. History, B— X 8, 232 pp. index, 4 pp. also title, explanation of the frontispiece and errata, 2 leaves. This volume contains 5 plates. [Written by Mr. Strntt.] S'-e Cromwell, Thomas. Golden, Cadwallader. History of the five Indian Nations of Ca- nada. Lond. 1755. 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Best edition, with a map. — New York, 1727, 8vo. Lloyd, 342, 6s. Lond. 1747, 8vo. The Principles of Action in Matter, the Gravitation in Bodies and the Motion of the Planets, explained from those Princi- ples. Lond. 1752, 4to. 5s. • — Cadw. D. Life of Robert Fulton — comprising some Account of the Invention, Progress, and Estabhsluuent of Steam- Boats ; of Improvements in the Construction and Navigation of Canals, &c. New York, 1817. large 8vo. I Pp. .^71. A notice of this work will be found in the Quart. Uev. xix. 347-57. Cole, W. Oratio de Ridiculo. Lond. 1811. 4to. Not published. W^hite Knights, 1134, U. Is. Skegg, II. — Christian. Memoirs of Affairs of State from the Year 1697 to tlu; latter End of 1708. Lond. 1733, or 1737. folio. 18s. lahge papek, 1/. lis. 6d. Cole, C. N. .See Bedford Level, Dugdale's Embanking. — Francis. The Prologue and Epilogue to a Comcdie presented at the Entertainment of the Prince his Highness by the SchoUers of Trinity College, Cambridge, in March last, 1641. Lond. 1642, 4to. Bindley, pt. iv. 1088, 14s. Lloyd, 4G6, lis. 6d. Rhodes, 2909, 8s. Four leaves, including the title-page. There is a print of the author on the back of the prologue, and at the end of all is an humorous little poem called ' The Echo,' reprinted in the Kestituta, iv. 263-4. — Henry, D.D. Letters to John Jewell, Bishop of Sahsbury, upon Occasion of a Sermon that the said Bishop preached before the Queen's Majesty and her honourable Coun- cil, An. 1560. Lond. 1560. 8vo. Afterwards remitted into Bp. .Tewell'.s Works. Anacconnt of this 'zealous main- tainer for the time of the Koman Catholic Religion,' will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxou. — John. Herveiania ; or Gra- pliic and Literary Sketches, illus- trative of the Life and Writings of the Rev. James Hervey, A.M. Scar- borough, 1822-3-6. foolscap 8vo. 3 parts, with plates. ■Twenty five of each part in post 8vo. The second part contains several of Her- vey's Letters, never before printed ; a new edition, 8vo. A Bibliographical and Descriptive Tour from Scarborough to the Library of [ Archd. Wrangham,] a Philobiblist in its Neigh- bourhood, by John Cole. 1824. The im- pression consisted of 100 copies, jiost 8vo. 50 on demy writing, and 8 on tinted paper. A ^vvi supplementary pages were subse- queutly printed. 192 COL COL C OLE — con tin ued. The Scarborough Repository, consisting of historical, biograpliical, and topogra- phical Subjects. 1824, demy 8vo. 5s. The Scarborougli Album of llistoiy and Poetry. 1825, fcap. 8vo. 25 copies only on demy 8vo. witli proofs of the plates, and 2 on pinli and 2 on white satin. Descriptive Catalogue of a Select Por- tion of his Collection of Books. 1825, demy 8vo. with plates. 25 printed on medium 8vo. 6 on tinted paper, 2 copies on drawing paper, with illustrative sketches given in colours on the appropriate pages. The History and Antiquities of Ecton, in the County of Northampton. A portrait of Bp. Percy, with one wood engraving on a separate page and several with the let- ter-press. 1825, demy 8vo. Only 150 print- ed. A few copies on writing demy, and on tinted post. Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Character of the late Thomas Hinderwell, author of the History and Antiquities of Scarborough, with frontispiece. 1826, demy 8vo. Only 250 printed, 5s. ; and 18 in -Ito. 8s. A collection of Hinderwell's fugi- tive pieces is appended to most of the copies of his memoirs. The Antiquarian Trio ; consisting of Views and Descriptions of— 1. The House in which the duke of Buckingham died at Kirkby Moorside, 2. Effigy in the Old Town-hall, Scarborough. 3. Rudston Church and Obelisk; with a Poetical con- tribution by Archdeacon Wrangham. 1826, demy 8vo. 200 printed. Two copies on tinted paper. A Tour round Scarborough, historically and bibliographically unfolded. 1826, demy 8vo. Only 25 printed, [all ou coloured paper.] There are etchings from the old masters attached to this tour, which are difl'ereut in all the copies. Bookselling Spiritualized. — Books and Articles of Stationery rendered Monitors of Religion. 1826, demy 8vo. Only 60 printed. The History and Antiquities of Weston Favell, in the County of Northampton. 1827, demy 8vo. with a portrait of Hervey, and view of his birth-place, rectory -house and church, and a wood-cut of figures on bricks on the floor of the church. Only 50 printed. The Scarborough Souvenir. 1827, fcap. Svo. with frontispiece, 4s. The History and Antiquities of Filey, in the County of York, with views of the Bay and Church of Filey, and the re- presentation of an undescribed bird. 1828, demy 8vo. 4s. 12 on tinted paper. A pe- digree of the family of Bucke of Filey was printed after thd publication of the His- tory, which should be appended. The Scarborough Collector and Journal of the olden Time, 1828, demy Svo. with plates. Only 150 printed. Histoiy of Willingborough in the Coun- ty of Northaraptoo, 12mo. 9s. Reminiscences tributary to the memory of Thomas Allen, author of the History of Lambeth, &c. Northampton, '^vo. 50 copies. A Catalogue of Standard Books made out on an entirely new plan, 12mo. Very singular, being a specimen of ' The Book which Dr. Johnson, when at Oxford, took up expecting to find a dull one, but found it quite an overmatch for him.' Very few printed. An ^Enigmatical catalogue of Books of merit on an entirely new plan, 12mo. Se- cond edition of the former article. One copy on coloured paper. Cole, John Webb. Commentary on the Prophecies and the new Tes- tament ; with an Epitome of ancient History, sacred and profane, by way of Prelude. Printed with the Text. Lend. 1826. Svo. 2 vols. — Thomas. A Sermon against the diners erroneous Opinions of the Anabaptists and others, &c. Lond. 1553. 16mo. Herbert notices another Sermon, by Tho. Cole, 1564, on 4 Kings, 10 ; 15. — William. Adam in Eden : or, Nature's Paradise. The History of Plants, Herbs, Flowers, with theu" several original Names, &c. Lond. 1657. foHo. 10s. A work formerly in considerable esti- mation. Tlie Art of Simpling; or, an Introduc- tion to the Knowledge and Gathering of Plants. Lond. 1656, 12mo. 3s. This little work, says Granger, 'may be of use to di- rect the unexperienced botanist to the places where some plants are naturally produced.' • CoLEBEOOEE, Henry Thomas. A Digest of Hindoo Laws in Con- tracts and Successions, with a Com- mentary by Jagannatha Tercapanch* anana, translated from the origmal Sanscrit. Calcutta, 1800. 4to. 4 vols. 5Z. 5s. An esteemed work. Heber, Lond. 4 vols. 4to. 71. 15s. Reprinted in 3 vols. Svo. Lond 1800, 61. 5s. COL COL 493 Grammar of the Sanscrit Language. Cal- eiitta, 1805, folio, 2^ 2s. Vol. i. only pub- lished. Reniarlcs on the Husbandry and internal Commerce of Bengal. Lond. 1806, 8vo. 3s. 6d. Aniera Singha. Cosha, &c. Serarapore, 1808, 4to. A Dictionary of the Sanscrit Language, with an English intevprutatiuii and notes. Two Treatises on the Hindu Law of In- heritance. Translated by lI.T.Colobrooke, Calcutta, 1810. royal 4to. 1^. Is. Algebra of tlie Hindus, with Arithmetic and Mensuration ; translated from tlie Sanscrit. Lond. 1817, 4to. 31. 3s. State of the Cape of Good Hope in 1822. Lond. 1822, 8vo. Ts. Twelve Views of places in the Kingdom of Mysore, to which are ainiexed concise Descriptions. Lond. 180.5, atlas folio. Co- loured plates. First edition, 1794. Miscellaneous Essays. Lond. 1837, Svo. 2 vols. Coleman, Edward. Observa- tions oil tlie Structure, Oeeonomy and Diseases of the Foot of the Horse, and on the Principles and Practice of Shoeing. Lond. 1798- 1802. 4to. 2 vols. An esteemed work, with plates, CoLEEAiNE, Henry Hare, Lord. La Scala santa : or a Scale of De- votions, musical and gradual, or Descants upon the 15 Psahns of Degrees. Lond. 1681. foHo. port. A former edition in 1670. Rodd, 1/. lis. 6d. Coleridge, Eev. John. Mis- cellaneous Dissertations, arising from the l7th and 18th Chapters of the Book of Judges. Lond. 1768. Svo. 5s. Tliese dissei'tations contain a new trans- lation of the above named cliapter.s, with valuable critical remarks, &c. — Hartley. Poems (first edition). 8vo. only vol. 1 published. Leeds, 1833. Second edition, (edited by Derwent Coleridge). 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. Moxon, 1851. Essays and Marginalia. Edited by Der- went Coleridge. Lond. 1851, post Svo. 2 vols. Life of Andrew Mai-vell. Hull, 1835, Svo. Live-s of Northern Worthies. Edited by his brother (Derwent Coleridge). 3 vols. 12rao. Lond. 1852. Previous edition, one volume, demy Svo. 1836, published 16s. Coleridge, Henry Nelson. Li- troductions to the study of the Creyk Classic Poets. Lond. 1830. 8vo. Second edition, Lond. 1834. 12nio. New ccUtion, 1846. 12mo. Carmen Grsocura numisraate anno dig- natuni et in curia Cantabrigiensi rccrta- tuiu comitiis maximis. a.d. 1820, Svo. Six Months in the West Indies in 1825. Lond. 1826, Svo. Republished as vol. 36 of tlie Family Library. — S. T. Poetical Works, in- cluding the Dramas of Christabel, Za])olya, Kemorse, and Wallenstein ; with numerous additional Poems, now first collected, and revised by the Author, Lond. 1828. crown Svo. 3 vols. Published at 11. 16s. Poetical Works (Aldine edition). Lond. Pickering, 1836, 12mo.3 vols. —New edition, 1840, 12mo. 3 vols. Again, 1847, 1 2mo. 3 vols. Poems. Edited by Derwent and Sara Coleridge. Loud.1852. Againl856,12mo.6s. Poetical and Dramatic Works. Lond. Chidley, 1844, 12mo. 5s. Select Poetical Works. 32mo. Lond. 18,V2, 2s. 6d. Poems on various Subjects, by S. T. Coleridge, late of Jesus College, Cam- bridge. {Fii-st edition). Lond. 1796, 12mo. Poems, by S. T. Coleridge, to which are added Poems by Charles Lamb,and Charles Lloyd. Bristol, 1797, 12mo. Lyrical Ballads, with a few other Po- ems, by Coleridge and Wordsworth. Bris- tol, ,)os. Cottle, or Lond. J. and A. Arch, 1798, 12mo. Prospect of Peace, 1796, 4to. Ode to the Departed Year. Bristol, 1796, 4to. Fears in Solitude, written in 1798, dur- ing the alarm of an invasion; to which are added, France, an Ode, and Frost at Midnight. Lond. 1798, 4to. Christabel ; Kubla Khan, a Vision ; The Pains of Sleep. Lond. 1816, Svo. Third edition. Lond. 1816, Svo. Zapolya, a Christmas tale, in two parts. Lond. 1817, Svo. Sibylline Leaves; a collection of Poems. I.niid. 1817, Svo. LARGE PAPER Sotheby, March 17, l.SoS, ISs. Rhime of the Ancient Mariner, illus- trated with 25 designs by David Scott, Edinburgh, 1837, folio. Sotheby, March 17, 1858, 2?. 9s. Dramatic Works. Edited by D. Cole- ridge. Lond. 1852. Again 1857, I2mo. 6s. Fall of Robespierre, an Historical Dra- ma. Camb. 1794, Svo. To this book ia ai>pended proposals for publishing ' Imi- 494 COL COL C OLEBID GE — continued. tations from the Modem Latin Poets, with a critical and hiographical Essay on the Restoration of Literature, In 2 vols. 8vo.' one leaf, dated Cambridge, 1794. Wallenstein, a Drama in two parts ; translated from F. Schiller. Lond. ISOO^ 8v-o. (Republished with the addition of ' the Camp,' or first part of Wallenstein, and Metrical Translations of the portions omitted by Coleridge in the other two parts ; in Bohu's edition of Schiller.) Remorse ; a Tragedy in Five Acts, 1813, 8vo. Second edition. Lond. 1813, Svo. Moral and Political Lecture, delivered at Bristol Bristol, Routh. n. d. Svo. pp. 18. Condones ad Populum, or Addresses to the People. 1795, 12mo. pp. 69. Privately printed. The Plot Discovered, or an Address to the People against Ministerial Treason. Bristol, 1795. 12mo. pp. 52. The Watchman. Published by the Au- thor, S. T. Coleridge. Bristol. A Weekly Miscellany. No. 1, March 1, 1796, to No. 10, May 13, 1796, pp. 324, 10 parts, Svo. The Friend ; a literary, moral, and po- litical weekly Paper, excluding personal and party politics and the events of the day. No. 1, June 1, 1809 to No. 27, March 15, 1810. Priuted and published by J. Brown, Penrith, pp. 448, royal Svo. without a title.— Reissued in one vol. royal Svo. with a title-page, dated Lond. 1812. —New edition (with additions). Lond 1818. post Svo. 3 vols. — Third edition, edited by H. N. Coleridge. Lond. Pickering, lS37,12rao. 3 vols.— Fourth editioa Loud. Pickering, 1850, 12mo. 3 vols. Essays on his own Times, forming a se- cond series of The Friend, edited by his Daughter Sara. Lond. Pickering, 1850, 12mo. 3 vols. Lay Sermons. — The Statesman's Man- ual, or the Bible the best Guide to Politi- cal Skill and Foresight, with an .Vppendix. Lond. 1816, Svo. A Lay Sermon, address- ed to the higher and mid die classes, on the existing distresses and discontents. Lond. 1817, Svo. The Two Lay Sermons, edited from the author's corrected copy, with Notes by H. N. Coleridge. Lond. Pickering, 1839, 12mo. Reprinted with the Constitution of Cluirch and State, edited by H. N. Coleridge. Pickering, 1839, 12mo. Aids to Reflection, in the formation of a Manly Character, on the several grounds of Prudence, Morality,and Religion. Lond. small Svo. 1825, 10s. 6d. Fourth edition. Lond. 1839, Svo. Edited by H. N. Cole- ridge. Lond. Pickering, 1843, 12rao. Sixth edition, 1848, 12mo. 2 vols. Again 1854. ' A book full of passages of the most power- ful eloquence.' — Quartirly Review. Biographia Literaria, or Biographical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opini- ons. Lond. 1817, 2 vols. Svo. large papeb, a few copies. Sothehy, March 17, 1858, 11. 9s. — Second edition, edited by H. N. Coleridge and Sara Coleridge. Lond. 1847, 12mo. 2 vols, in 3. Specimens of his Table Talk, (said to be compiled by Thomas AUsop.) Lond. 1835, post Svo. 2 vols. — Second edition, in one volume, 12mo. Lond. Murray, 1837, 7s. 6d. — Third edition, 12mo. Lond. Mur- ray, 1851, 6s.— Fourth edition, 1852, port. On the Constitution of the Church and State, according to the idea of each ; with aids towards a right Judgment on the late Catholic Bill. Lond. 1830. 8vo.— Third edition, with the Lay Sermons, 1839, 12mo. — Fourth edition, edited by H. N. Cole- ridge. Lond. Moxon, 1852, 12mo. 5s. Literarj'Remains, collected and edited by n. N. Coleridge. Lond. 1836-9,8vo. 4 vols. Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. Edit- ed from the author's ^IS. by H. N. Cole- ridge. Lond. Pickering, 1840. 12mo. pp. 94. — New edition, with some Miscellane- ous Pieces, and notes by Sara Coleridge. Lond. Pickering, 1&19, 12mo. pp. 289. Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of Life, edited by Seth B. Watson, M.D. Lond. 1848, small Svo. Raven: a Christmas Tale for Youth. Lond. Ackerman, 1848, 12mo. 53. Notes and Lectures upon Shake.speare, and some of the old Poets and Dramatists, with other literary remains. Edited by Sara Coleridge. Lond. Pickering, 1849, 12nio. 2 vols. Treatise on Method, reprinted from the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. Lond. Grif- fin, 1849, post Svo. Notes on English Divines. Lond. Mox- on, 1S53, edited by D. Coleridge, 12mo. 2 vols. 12s. Notes, Theological, Political, and Mis- cellaneous. Lond. Moxon, 1853, 12mo. 6s. Early Recollections, chiefly relating to the late S. T. Coleridge during his long residence at Bristol. By Joseph Cottle. Lond. 1837, small Svo. 2 vols, portrait. Letters, Conversations and Recollec- tions of him (by Thomas AUsop). Lond. Moxon, 1836, small Svo. 2 vols. Life, by James Gillman. Lond. 1838, only vol. i published, Svo. CoLEETJS. See Spinosa. Coles, Eev. Elislia. On G-od's Sovereignty. Lond. 12nio. In great repute among the Calvinists, often printed. This author was uncle to the following author. Coles, Elisha. A Dictionary Englisli-Latin, and Latin-English. Lond. 1677. Ito. G3, COL Col -495 Tlie eigliteenfli edition of this woik ap- peared London, 1772, Hvo. Coles likewise published several other elementary woiks, formerly much esteemed. Nolens Volens: or you shall make liatiii whether you will or no. Lond. 1G75, 12ino. plates. The newest, Plainest, and best Short- hand. Lond. 1674, 8vn. 5s. In the third part, the author has added many valuable modes of abbreviation to those of Mason, and displayed throughout hU work great skill and ingenuity. Coles, Elisha,jun. XpiaroXuytn : or a metrical Paraj)lirase on the His- tory of Jesu3 Christ. Lond. 1671. 8vo. 6s. A humble attempt at versification. Re- printed. L'lnd. 1(579, 8vo. 5s. 1680 and 1682. CoLET, Jolm, Dean of St. Paul's. Rudimenta Grairimatices in IJsiim Scholse ab ipso instituta; (1510). 4to. Dedicated by the author to Lilye, tlie first liead master of the said school, in a short elegimt Latin epistle, dated 1 Aug. 1510. In the Pub. Libr. Cambridge among the King's MSS. See Knight's Life of Colet, p. 124, and the Appendix, no. .\i. xiii. Cole ti Gram. una cumquibusdamU.Lilii Grammatices Kiidimentis. Lond. in .didi- bus W. de Worde, 1534, 8vo.— 15.39, 8vo. [An edition Antwerp, 1536, 12mo.] Oratio habita a D. Joanne Colet Decano Sancti i'auli ad Clerum in Coniiocatione Anno M.U.xj. Rich Pynson,4to. There was another edition printed by Pynson in 1511, Svo. which is reprinted in Knight's Life The Sermon of Doctor Colete made to the Conuocation at Pnulis. Thomas Ber- thelet excud, n. d. 16mo. 22 leaves A copy is in Lambeth Library. This ser- mon of confoiTuing and refonning, preached in 1511, was reprinted Cambr. 1661, 12nio. with notes by Thomas Smith ; also in Knight's Life of Colet ; and with a Life of Colet, by Lrasmus, in the second volume of the Phenix, The seven Petycyon's of the P'rn'r by John Colet, Deane of Poules. Lond. 1533. These weie afterwards added to the alma- nacks of the day. A ryglit fruitfull Monicion concernynge the Order of a good Christen Maimes Lyfe. Lond. by me Johan Hyddell, 1534, 8vo. Re- printed 156.3, Svo.— 1577, 8vo.— 1641, Svo. Daily Devotions ; or, the Christian's Morning and Evening Sacrifice,&c.'Priiit- ed at London several times in twelves and sixteens. Before one impression, if not more, of this book is Dr. Colet's Life, tritely and imperfectly written by Thomas Fuller of WaHham in Essex, being mostly the same with tliiit in Ins Abel Kedivivu*.' —Artt. a IVood—An edition 1693, 12mo. with portrait by J. Sturt. Colet, Henry. Clavis Astro- logiaj, or a Key to the wliole Art of Astrology, in two Parts. Lond. 1669. Svo. with portrait. Inglis, 29.3, 98. Reprinted with addi- tions 1676, Svo. Coleyne. — The tlire Kynges of Coleyne. Lond. by W. de Worde, 1511. 4to. lilack letter. F 4, among Bp More's books in tlie public library at Cambridge. Dr. Dihdin notices three other editions all printed by WynUyn de Worde. — 1526 34 leaves).— 1530, and no date. CoLGAN, John. Acta Sanctorum vcteris etmajoris Scotiseseu Hiber- niae, Sanctorvini Insuliie, partim ex variis per Europara MSS. Cod. ex- scripta, partim ex antiquis Monu- mentis et probatis Authoribus eruta et congesta. Lovan. 1645. foho. Tomus Prnnus, 10/. 10s. This work, upon the same plan as the Bollandists' Acta Sanctorum, only contains the lives of the Irish Saints for January, February, and March. The following vo- lume is generally adjoined to it. — Triadis TliaumaturgsE, sive Divoriim Patricii, Columbte et Bri- gidge, trium veteris et niajoins Sco- tise sen Hibernia;, Sanctorvim Insu- Ise, eommmiiura Patronorum Acta. Lovan. 16i7. foUo. Tomus Secun- dus, 10/. 10s. 6d. This contains seven Lives of St. Patrick, five of St. Colomb, and six of St. Brigid The first volume was never published. The author was an Irish Friar Men- dicant and Divinity Lecturer in the Uni- versity of Louvain. See Nicolson's His- torical Libraries, and Wares' Writers of Ireland, 1746, folio, p. 140. Heher, both volumes, 2',U. 10s. Hoth volumes are in the Grenville Library, British Museum. Tractatus de JoannisSeoti doctoris sub- tilis, theologorumque principis Vita, Pa- tria, elogiis encomiasticis scriptis, doctri- na nuUo unquam erroris nsevo maculata, etc. .Antwerp (16(55), Tinio. This Life of Duns Scotus has in it much of the literary history of Ireland. It is of great rarity. CoLiGNiE, Gasper de. The Lyfe of the most godly, valeant and noble K K 2 490 COL Capteiiie & Maiiitaiuer of the trew Christian Religion in Fraunee, Jasper f ohgnie Shatihon, sometyme greate Admirallof Fraimce. Trans- lated out of Latin by Ai-thur Gold- ing. Lond. 1576. 8vo. H 6 in eifjlits. Bindley, pt. ii. 1293, date 1575? lis. Jadis,53,19s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 685, it. Reprinted in vol. vii. of tlie Harleian Miscellany. See Vararaundiis. Collectanea Curiosa. See Gutch. Collectanea Hibernica. See Val- iancy. Collectanea Jui'idica. See Hah- GEAVE. Colleges and Schools.— History of the Colleges of Win Chester, Eton, and Westminster, with the Charter House, the free Schools of St. Paul's, Merchant Taylors', Harrow and Rugby, and the School of Christ's Hospital. Lond. 1816. elephant 4to. Publislied by Ackermann at 71. 7s. It is illustrated by 48 coloured engi-avings, fac-similes of drawings by eminent ar- tists. LARGE PAPER, in folio, With Coloured plates. Dent, pt. i. 135, 8^. CoLLES, Richard. Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error, in the High Coiu-t of Par- liament ; from the Year 1697 to the Year 1709 : with Tables, Notes, and References ; being a supple- mentary Volume to Brown's Cases in Parliament. Dublin, 1789. Svo. 9s. 6d. Collet, Samuel. Paraplu-ase on the seven catholic Epistles. Lond. 1734. Svo. 5s. After the niHuner of Dr. Clarke's para- phrase on the four evangelists. — Stephen, A.M. Relics of Literature. Lond. 1823. 8vo. Pp. xiv. and 400, with a plate of auto- graphs, published at 15s. [Stephen Collet is a Pseudonyme for .1. S. Byerley, who partly compiled the Percy Anecdotes.] CoLLEY, John. Doctrinall and raorall Observations concerning Re- ligion. Lond. 1612. 4to. Williams, 330, morocco, 11. 10s. CoLLiEE, Artluu'. Lliivis Uni- versahs, or a new Enquiry after Truth, being a demonstration of the Non-existence or Impossibility of an External World. Lond. 1713. Svo. — Specunen of True Philosophy, in a Discoiu'se on Genesis, chap. i. ver. i. Lond. 1730, 8vo. Dr. Parr reprinted the above scarce pieces of Arthur Collier in a volume en- titled 'Metaphysical Tracts,' which re- mained unpublished, at his death but have since been issued, with his name in the title-page, at 6s. Lond. 1837. Collier was author of several other Metaphysical tracts which, with the above, have been privatelv printed and edited by Thomas Maitland. Edinb. 1836, Svo. — Jeremy, M.A. An Eccle- siastical History of G. Britain, chiefly of England, from the first Plantmg of Christianity to the End of the Reign of K. Charles the Second, with a brief Accoimt of the Affairs of ReUgion in Ire- land, collected from the best an- cient Historians. Lond. 1708 — 14. folio. 2 vols. This work contains much not to be found in Mosheim, particularly many curious particulars relative to the theological pub- lications of the 16th century. Hp. of Elv, 495, 2!. 12s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 943, U. 14s. LARGE PAPER. Sotheby's in 1825, in hog- skin, 8?. Several pamphlets by Bps. Bur- net, Nicolson, and White Kennet, and the Rev. John Lewis, appeared in opposition. New edition, with notes by F. Barbara. Lond. 1840, Svo. 9 vols. il. 14s. 6d. Another edition, with Life of the Au- thor by the Rev. Thos. Lathbury. M.A.; the Controversial Tracts connected with the History,and an Index. Lond. 1852,8vo. 9 vols. — A short View of the Immo- rality and Profimeness of the En- ghsli Stage. Lond. 1738. Svo. 59. Best edition, including the second and third Views, and I'eplies to his opponents. This celebrated work, which effected a reformation in the theatre, was answered bvCongreve, Vanbrugh, Dennis, Dr. Drake aiid Dr. Filmer. The edition, 1698. Wil- liams, 512, morocco, 9s. 6d. Discourses on practical Subjects. Lond. 1725, Svo. 2s. LAKGB PAPER. WUHams, 513, 7s. . COL COL -497 The Great Historical, Geograpliiciil, Ge- nealogical Dictionary. Loud. 1701, 2 vols. — vol. 3, 170C, folio. An Appendix to the three English volumes in Folioof'Morery's Great Historical, Geographical, Genealo- gical and Poetical Dictionary, by Jer. Col- lier, A.M. Lond. 1721. A Supplement to the Great Historical, Geographical, Genea- logical and l^oetical Dictionary, by Jer. Collier, A.M. Second edition. Together with a Continuation from the Year 1688 to 1705, by another Hand. 1706 (in one al- phabet). Lond. 1727, folio, 4 vols. P.indley, pt. i. 944,19s. i>. PAPER. Sotheby's in 1823, i;. 14s. Williams, 494, russia, 'U. 12s. 6d. Essays upon several moral Subjects. The seventh edition, corrected. Lond. 1732, 8vo. 3 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 9G3. 5s. 6d. It is astoni.shing, says a wiiter in the Cen- sura Literaria, that this work has not been reprinted. Collier, Joel. Musical Travels tlu'oiigh England. By Joel Collier, Organist [i. e. J. L. Bicknell]. Loud. 1774. 8yo. 3s. 6d. Written in ridicule of Charles Burney, Mus. D.— Reprinted 1775, Svo.— 1776, Svo. — John. The Works of Tim Bobbin, Esq. (in the Lancasliire Dialect) in Prose and Verse, with a Memoii' of the Author, by John Corry. Rochdale, 1819. royal Svo. Pp. xviii & 494, also title and contents, and 11 engi'avings. Best edition, large PAPER, 4to. of wliich it is said only two copies were printed. The miscellaneous Works of Tim Bob- bin. Manchester, 1775, 12mo. with 11 copperplates. Bindley, pt.iii. 1303, I.jS. fid. Dent, pt. i. 231, 7s. Some copies (uew title only), Lond. 1803 and 1806, witli a Life of the author by Richard Towneley, added. Tim Bobbin's Toyshop opened. Man- chester, 1763, with plates. Nassau, pt. ii. 707, 10s. Roxburghe, 2180, 10s. 6d. Tim Bobbin's Human Passions deline- ated in 120 Figures, droll, satyrical, and humorous. 1772, folio. White Knights, j)t. ii. 4443, 3«. 17s. The Passions humorously delineated. By Timothy Bobbin. 1810, 4to. Plain, 6s. With coloured plates. Duke of York, 745, 12s. — An Essay on Charters ; in wliich are particularly considered those of Newcastle : with Remarks on its Constitution, Customs and Franchises. Newcastle, 1777. 8s. 6d. Pp. 116, including title, preface and con- tents. Collier, John Payne. The poet- ica," Decameron, or ten Conversation,"! on iilnglish Poets and Poetry, par- ticuLirly of the Reigns of Eliza- beth and James I. Lond. 1820. cr. 8ve. 2 vols. 10s. Gd. This vork contains much curious, novel and inteiesting researcli relating to tlie Elizabeth m poets. History if English Dramatic Poetry to tliB time of Shalcspere, and Annals of the Stage to tlie Restoration. Lond. 1831, small Svo. 3 vols. New Facts regarding the Life of Shak- spere; in a Letter to T. Arayot. Lond. 1835, post Svo. LARGE PAPER, in 4to. New Particulars relating to the Works of Sliakspeare. Lond. 1836, post Svo. LARGE PAPER, in 4to. Further Particulars regarding Shak- speare and his Works ; in a Letter to the Rev. Josepli Hunter. Lond. 1839, post Svo. LARGE PAPER, in 4tO. Catalogue of Books at Bridgwater House. Lond. 1837, 4to. Privately printed. Sotheby, 1857, Ql. 16s. 6d. Book of Roxburghe Ballads. Lond. 1847, small 4to. 12s. Shakspeare Library ; a collection of the Romances, Novels, Poems and Histories used by Shakespeare as the foundation of his Dramas. Lond. 1843, Svo. 2 vols. Collinses, John. Par Nobile ; or, two Treatises, one on the Fu- neral of Lady Frances Hobart, the other on that of her Sister Lady Oath. Courten. Lond. 1669. 8vo. This eminent nonconfonnist divine pub- lished many otlier works, now in little estimation. Collins, Anne. Divine Songs and Meditations. Lond. 1653. small 8vo. Pp. 104, said to be unique. Bibl, Anglo- Poet. 166, l%l. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 687, SI. 5s. Heber, il. 6s. Sotheby's in 1821, bl. 10s. Midgley, lOZlOs. An edi- tion, Lond. 1658, small Svo. 48 leaves. See Restituta, iii. 123-7 and 180-4. — Anthony. Discourse of Free- thinking, occasioned by the Rise and Grrowth of a Sect called Free- thinking. Lond. 1713. 8vo. Reprinted 1713, 12mo. with considerable additions. ' A production wliicli, though in a high degree superficial and abusive, had, from its novelty and effrontery, a con- sidera'ole circulation.' — Dr. Drake. [It was answered by Dr. Bentley.] 498 COL (;oL A Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion, 1724. Xhis ce- lebrated Discourse was attacked by a great number of works : of which Collins has given a list at the end of the preface to his 'Scheme of literal Prophecy.' This latter work appeared 1726, 16mo. 2 vols. and was reprinted with corrections. Lond. 1727. 8vo. For an Account of the controversies in which this eminent writer on the side of infidelity was concerned, see Collier's Ec- cles. History.— Leland's Deistical Writers. — Biogi'aphia Britannica, &c. CoLLiKS, Arthui'. Peerage of England. A work still in the highest reputation. List of Editions. First Edition. Lond. 1709, 8vo. with arms engraved. Second Edition, with very large Addi- tions and Corrections. Lond. 1710, 8vo. with wood cuts. Some copies are dated 1712, and have the addition of all the Peers created to July, 1712. Vol. II. in two Parts. Lond. 1711. Some copies bear the date of 1714. ' Second Edition with a Supplement' of 32 pages. • Third Edition, corrected and very much enlarged. Lond. 1714, 8vo. 2 vols. Some copies bear the date of 1715, and have the addition of an Account of those Families advanced by K. George I. A Supplement to the Peerage of Eng- land. Lond. 1716, 8vo. Some copies con- tain the supplement of 32 pp. published with vol. II. date 1714. Fourth Edition. Lond. 1717, 8vo. 2 vols. The edition of 1715, with new titles and an Appendix. The Peerage of England. Lond. 1735, 8vo. 3 vols, in 4 (Vol. II. being in two parts), with engraved plates. First edition of the work on an extended scale. Second Edition, very much enlarged and corrected. Lond. 1741, 8vo. 4 vols. A Supplement to the four Volumes of the Peerage of England. Lond, 1750, 8vo. 2 vols. In vol. ii. pp. 735 — 69 are some exceedingly curious Letters and Memo- rials from Henry Earl of Northumberland. Third Edition, coiTected and enlarged in every Family, with Memoirs not hither- to printed. Lond. 1756, 8vo 5 vols, in 6. vol. I. being in two parts. The last edi- tion, published under the superintendence of Arthur Collins. Fourth edition. Lond. 1768, 8vo.7 vols. Fifth edition, with a supplemental vo- lume. I?y Barak Longmate. Lond. 1779. —84, 8vn. 9 vols. Towneley, pt. ii. 61, 1^ 6s. Bindley, nt. i. 885, 11. 13s. Heath, 1621, 61. 10s. Sixth edition, greatly augmented and continued to the present Time, by Sir Egerton Brydges, K.J. Lond. 1812, 8vo. 9 vols. Brockfctt, 908, 5;. 5s. Sir AI. M. Sykes, pt. i. 68S, 41. 9s. Earl of Kerry 87, 71. Goldsmid, 187, ressia, 61. 18s. Bind- ley, 886, 31. lis. Genealogical Account of the ancient and noble Family of Ilarley. Lond. 1741, 8vo. Memoirs of the ancient and noble Fa- mily of Sackville. Lond. 1741, 8vo. larqe PAPER. An historical and genealogical Account of the Family of Windsor. Lond. 1754, 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 2207', 8s. 6d. Bright, 1370, 11. 4s. History of the noble Family of Carteret, Lond. 1756, 4to Privately printed. Dent, pt. i.532, morocco, 11. 10s. Sir P. Thomp- son, 83, 15s. i.ARGE PAPER. Nassau, pt i. 744, russia, 21. 2s. Sydney Family. An Account of the Sydney Family, copied from an early edi- tion of Collins' Peerage, published in 1735. Kent, 1816, 8vo. From the Lee Priory Press. The History of the ancient and illus- trious Family of the Percys, Barons Percy and Earls of Northumberland. Lond. 750, 8vo. Reprinted separately from the Peerage of 1750. CoLLEN'S, Ai'thur. Baronetage of England. Lond. 1720. 8to. 2 vols. Ds. Tills work is of necessary reference to the genealogical writer, as containing ac- counts of families which became e.'ctinct previous to any subsequent publication. The second edition, entitled an Histori- cal and Genealogical A cconnt of Baronets, from their first Institution, &c. Lond 1742, 8vo. 2 vols. 14s. — English Baronage. Lond 1727. 4to. Tol. i. 7s. 6d. No more published. Intended as a spe- cimen of the Baronage upon an extended plan. LARGE PAPER. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 726, 11. 19s. — The English Baronetage, con- taining a genealogical and historical accoiuit of all the English Baronets now existing. Lond. 1741. 5 toIs. With arms, sometimes tenned Wotton's* Baronetage, from being published by him. See WoTTON. — Life of W. Cecil Lord Bur- leigh. Lond. 1732. 8vo. Heath, 1573, 12s. Reed, 4705, 19s. large PAPER. Lloyd, 114, lis. Baker, 96, russia, 21. Dowdeswell, 164, 19s. Watson Taylor (portrait inserted), 16s. — Proceedings, Precedents and Arguments, on Claims and Con- troversies, concerning Baronies by COL COL 499 Writ, and other Honours. With ! au Appendix. Lond. 1734. foHo. Pp. 415. Dedicated to the Rt. Hon. Spencer Compton, Eai'l of Wilmington, &c. pp. 2. Duke of York, 1490, 15s. Brockett, 790, il. Is. LARGE PAPER. Fontliill, 2430, { 21. 12a. 6d. Collins, Artliur. Life and glo- rious Actions of Edward Prince of Wales, eldest Son of K. Edward III. and of his royal Brother, John Gaunt, King of Castile. Lond. 1740. 8vo. Roxbiirghe, 8382, 8s. 6d. large paper, 15s. — Letters and Memorials of State. 1746. Sec Sidney, Su- Henry. — Historical Collections of the noble Families of Cavendish, HoUes, Vere, Harley, and Ogle. Collected from Records, Manuscripts, our most authentic Historians, and other undoubted Authorities. Lond. 1752. folio. This valuable work was compiled by Collins, at the request of the Countess Dowager of Oxford, but printed at his own expense. Marq. of Townshend, 834, 61. 10s. Gough, 1127, il. 4s. UoUis, 240, U. 14s. 6d. Fontliill, 3048, 81. Heath, 1619, with the Proceedings, 1734, 10^ 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 946, il 16s. Towneley, pt. ii. 532, Gl. Sir P.Thompson,192,5Z. 12s. 6d. large paper. Nassau, pt. i. 1106, Illustrated with plates, 101. 5s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 933, russia, SI. 18s. 6d. Hrockett, 791, russia, 5/. 10s. Pp. 352, besides title, dedication to the Duch'ess of Portland, preface and table of contents, 4 leaves. After p. 184 are two leaves of addenda. Portraits, &c. Eliza- beth, Countess of Shrewsbury, after Corn. Jansen, p. 14. William Cavendishe, Duke of Newcastle, after Vandyck, p. 25. The Monument of the Duke, in Westminster Abbey, J. C. Cole sculp, p. 44. Denzil, Baron Holies, of Itield, p. 100. The Monu- ment of John Holies, Duke of Newcastle, by J. C. Cole. p. 183. Thomas Harley, of Brampton Bryan Castle, p. 197. Sir Ro- bert Harley, Knight of the Bath, from a miniature by P. Harley. p. 198. Sir Ed- ward Harley, Knt. of the Bath, 1660, from a Drawing by S. Cooper, p. 200. Hon. Ed- ward Harley, Auditor of the Inquest to Q. Anne, from a painting by J. Richardson, p. 206. Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, after Sir Godfrey Kneller. p. 207. Edward Harley, Earl of Oxford, after M. Dahl. p. 212, Horace Lord Vcre, Baron of Til- bury, from a Picture by M. Merevelt. p. — . The portraits were all engraved by Vertuc. Collins, David. An account of the English Colony in New South Wales, from 1788 to 1801. Lond. 1798—1802. 4to. 2 vols, with plates. ' \ singularly curious and painfully in- teresting journal, which may be considered as a sort of Botany Bay Calendar.' — Quart. Review. To this account are added some Particulars of New Zealand from the MSS. of Lieut. Gov. King; and an account of a voyage performed by Captidn Flinders and Air. Bass. Gough, 1108, 21. Rox- burghe, 8899, vol. i. russia, 11. Is. fine paper. Dent, pt. i. 820, vol. i, 11. 2s. Font- hill, 3075, 61. 2s. 6d. Another edition. Lond. 1804, 4to. 1 vol. — GreenviUe. Great Britain's Coasting Pilot. In two Parts. Lond. 1693. foUo. — Richard. Country Gangers Vade Mecum. Lond. 1677. Svo. Prefixed is a portrait by Jos. Browne, 1676. I^indley, pt. ii. 1248, 10s. 6d. — Samuel, M.D. A System of Anatomy. Lond. 1G85. folio. 2 vols, witli 74 plates. Prefixed is a Portrait of the Author by Faithome. Gordonstoun, 581, 14s. 6d. — The present State of Russia. Lond. 1671. 12mo. 5s. A notice of this excellent and amusing little work will be found in the Retrosp. Rev. xiv. 32-47. — Thomas. The Penitent Pub- lican, a Poem. 1610. 4to. Freelinf, 8J. 8s. Harman, 1844, il. 7s. Gardner, 1854, U. 10s. — The Teares of Love, or Cupids Progresse, a Poem. 1615. 4to. 28 leaves. Bindley, pt. iv. 166, 51. 2s. 6d. Heber, pt. iv. 511, 31. 9s. Extracts from this po- etical tract will be found in Todd's edi- tion of Milton's Poetical Works. — WiUiam. Poetical Works, with the Life of the Author by Dr. Johnson ; Observations on his Writings by Dr. Langhorne ; and biograpliical and critical Notes by the Rev. Alex. Dyce. Lond. 1827. crown 8vo. 8s. Best edition of the most interesting of our minor poets Tinted large pAPEr., 9 copies. 500 COL COL Collins — continued. Oriental Eclogues. Written origrinally for the Entertainment of the Ladies of Tauris, and now translated. Lond. 1757. 4to. This edition of Collins' Eclogues bears date the year after the poet's death. The first was published in 1742, under the title of Persian Eclogues and Odes. Verses to Sir Thomas Hannier on his Edition of Shakspeare's Works, by a Gentleman of Oxford. Lond. 1743. folio. Odes on several descriptive and allegoric Subjects. Lond. 1747, 8vo. The major part of this impression was destroyed by the author. An Ode occasioned by the death of Mr. Thomson. Lond. 1749. An Ode on the popular Superstitions of the Highlands of Scotland, considered as the Subject of Poetry. Loud. 1788, 4to. Is. 6d. A spurious edition. This ode originally appeared in tlie Transactions of tlie Royal Society of Edinburgh. The Poetical Works, with Memoirs of the Author, p.nd Observations on his Ge- nius and Writings,by J. Langhorne. Lond. 1765, sm. 8vo. 3s. Reprinted 1771 and 1781. Poetical Works. Glasgow, 1787, folio. 5s. Poetical Works, with a prefatory Es- say by Mrs. Barbauld. Lond. 1797, sm. 8vo. 5s. Poetical Works, enriched with ele- gant Engravings : to which is prefixed, a Life of the Author by Or. Johnson. Lond. 1798, with plates by Harding. Baker, 97, PROOFS, 16s. Second edition. Lond. 1800, l'2mo. Williams, 514, morocco, U. 13s. Poetical Works, with the Commen- tary of Langhorne. To which is pre- fixed some Account of the Life of Collins, written by Dr. Johnson. Embellished with Engravings, from the Designs of Richard Westall, R.A. Lond. 1S04, 12mo. An elegant edition, published by Sharpe. large paper. Williams, 515, morocco, 18s. Baker, 194, 11. 15s. Nassau, pt. i. 857, with proof plates, printed on gi-een paper, \l. 6s. Another edition. 1811, without plates. Poems, with notes, the life of Dr. John- son, corrected and enlai'ged by the Rev. W. Crowe, Publick Orator at Oxford, 12mo. Bath, 1828. large paper, post. 8vo. Poems, with Memoir, by Sir Harris Nicolas. Lond. 1830, r2mo.5s. again 1853. Forming one of the Aldine Series. Poems, with Memoir, by Mov Thomas. Lond. 1858, 12mo. Collins' works have been printed in the collections of Poets published by Johnson, Bell, Anderson, &c. &c, CoLLiNGwooD, Ijord. A Selec- tion from the Public and Private Correspondence of Vice-Admiral Lord Colling wood, interspersed with Memoirs of his Life. Lond. 1827. Third edition. Lond. 1828, 8vo. CoLLiNSON, Rev. John. The His- tory and Antiquities of the County of Somerset, collected from authen- tick Records, and an actual Survey made by the late Edmund Rack. Bath, 1791. 4to. 3 vols. Several sheets of this work, particularly in the first and second volumes, are much spotted. .Dowdeswell, 131, russia, &l. Rox- burghe, 8625, il. 12s. 6d. Marq. of Towns- hend, 795, bl. Nassau, pt. 1. 858, il. Bind- ley, pt. i. 1638, il. 9s. LARGE PAPER (twelve copies printed). SirM. M. Sykes, pt. i. 727, russia, ill. 10s. (now in the Grenville collection). Dent., pt. i. 821, russia. lU. Os. 6d. Sotheby, 1853, 11. 15s. Vol. i. Preface and introduction; Pp. vn — Hi. (not including title ; dedication to K. George III. and list of subscribers, 8 pp.) Domesday book, pp. 1 — 45 ; the account of Bath, 84 pp.; the history of Somerset- shire, with index, additions, and correc- tions, 277 pages. This volume contains a rnap of the county, and 13 plates. Vol. ii. pp. 508, not including title, with 16 plates. Vol, iii. pp. 650, not including title-page, with 12 plates. — Life of Thuanus : with some Account of his Writings, and a Trarislation of the Preface to his History. Lond. 1807. 8vo. Bindley, pt. 1. 1068, 5s. 6d. large paper. The Beauties of British Antiquity ; selected from the Writings of esteemed Antiquaries. With Notes and Observa- tions. Lond. 1779. 8vo. A Key to the Writings of the principal Fathers of the Christian Church during the first three Centuries, in eight sermons preached at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton. Lond. 1813, 8vo. — Peter. Some Account of the late Peter Colhnson, FeUow of the Royal Society, and of the Society of Antiquaries, London, in a Letter to a Friend. Lond. 1770. 4to. 5s. Not published. Prefixed is a portrait by J, Miller. A life of CoUinson was published by J. C. Lettsom, M.D. CoLLOP, John, M.D. Poesis Rcdiviva, or Poesie reviv'd. Lond. 1656. small 8vo. Pp. 110, dedicated to 'Henry Marquis of Dorchester,' &c. Nassau, pt. i. 745, 10s. COL COL 501 White Knights, 884, 10s. Bindley, pt. i. 1035, 17.S. Iter Satyi-icum in Loyall Stanzas. Lond. 1660, 4to. pp. 11 — 29, octavo stanzas. CoLLYEB, David. Tlie sacred Interpreter : or a practical Intro- duction towards a beneficial Read- ing of the Bible. Lond. 1726-46. 8vo. 2 vols. This work (says Bishop Marsh) is cal- culated for readers in general, and is a good popular preparation for the study of the holy scriptures. Bindley, pt. i. 1077, 9s. 6d. The work has been frequently re- printed. An edition. Oxford, 1821, 8vo. 2 vols. Nassau, pt. i. 746, 13s., again 1831, 8vo. one volume. It contains I. An History of the four ancient Mon- archies. 2. A general View of the Jewish Church to the Taking of Jeru- salem. 3. Remarks on the I'entateuch, Prophets, Gospels, &c. shewing the De- sign of each Book. 4. An e.xact Chrono- logy of the Scriptures. 5. A Dissertation on Revealed Religion, and an Account of those Divines who have defended it. 6. Difficult Texts explained, &c. — Joseph. History of England from the Invasion of Juhus Csesar to the Calling of the Parhament in 1774. Lond. 1774-5. 12mo. 14 vols. 14s. Collyer was the author of several other compilations now in no request. — William Bengo, D.D. Lec- tures on Scriptm-e Facts, Prophecy, Miracles, Parables, Doctrine, Du- tie and Comparison. Lond. 1807 — 22. 8vo. 7 vols. According to Orme, ' These popular Lectures embrace a multitude of import- ant subjects, and afford strong proofs of the laborious diligence of the well-known author.' CoLMAN, George. Dramatic Woi-ks. Lond. 1777. small Svo. 4 vols. 1/. Is. This edition does not contain the whole of this writer's dramatic publications. Nassau, pt. i. 747, U. 16s. ileath, 1966, II. 2s. The original editions of Colman's Plavs, collected in 3 vols. Rhodes, 805, 31. i5s. Prose on several Occasions, accom- panied with some Pieces in Verse, by George Colman. Lond. 1787. Svo. 3 vols. 12s. Some Particulars of the Life of the late George Colman, written by himself, with portrait. Lond. 1795, Svo. 2s. Itoxburghe, 9300, .Ss. Field, 1168, 7s. .Ste Terence. Colman, The Younger, George. Broad Grins ; comprising, with new adtlitional Talcs in Verse, those formerly pviblished under the Title of 'My Night-Gown and Slippers.' Lond. 1802. crown Svo. 5s. woodcuts. Reprinted, 1839. 12mo. The first edition of My Night-Gown and Slippers. Lond. 1797, 4to. 2s. 6d. Poetical Vagaries. By George Colman, the Younger. Lond. 1812, 4to. Reprinted with Vagaries vindicated, 12mo. 1814, 10s. 6d. Vagaries vindicated; or, Hypocritic llypercritics. A Poem addressed to the Reviewers. Lond. 1813, 4to. Eccentricities for Edinburgh, in verse (1820 ?). Edinb. n. d. 12mo. 2s. 6d. The Iron Chest; a Play in tliree Acts. Lond. 1796, Svo. First edition, with a pre- face, containing severe and unmerited strictures on the late much-lamented John Pliilip Kemble. Constable, 185, 8s. Se- cond edition, with a preface and postscript, 1796, Svo. Reed, 8052, 17s. Rhodes, 810, 18s. In the later editions the author cancelled the objectionable preface and postscript. For the other dramatic publications of this esteemed writer, (among which will be remembered ' Inkle and Yarico,' 'the Poor Gentleman,' 'John Bull,' the ' Heir at Law,' and ' Love laughs at Locksmiths,') see Baker's Biogr. Dram. 1812. [Several of them were published under the name of Arthur Grifftnhoof of Turn- ham Green.J Random Records. Lond. 1830, post Svo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Posthumous letters, from various cele- brated men, addressed to Francis and George Colman the elder. Lond. 1820, 4to. Memoirs of the Colman Family, includ- ing their correspondence, by R. B. Peake. Lond. 1842, Svo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. — Morgan. The Genealogies of King James, and Queen Anne, his Wife, fi-om the Conquest. 1608. 4to. These genealogies are comprised in 10 sheets, and contain ' all the Armes of the Matches' cut in wood; and in the border are, 'the Armes and Matches of all the Nobility of England' when the said genea- logies were printed and publislied. An oval portrait of Q. Elizabeth, belonging to this book, is noticed by Granger. 502 COL COL COLMAN, W. La Dance Maclia- tonal Congress in the Year 1823, the bre, or Death's Duell ; by W. C. Jl'"^'®'^"?''. ^'^'"^ °'' ""^ imlependence of T ',1 i«QQ io •' the Republic. 8vo. 6s. Publish«a by Au- i/ona. 1^66. l^mo. tiiority. The same in Frencli, 8vo. 68. Pp. 73, without introduction. The de- ' Notes on Colombia, taken in the Years dication to Queen Henrietta Maria is in | 1822-3, with an Itinerary of a Koute from French. The title to this moral poem Caraccas to Bogota. Philadelphia, 1827, is engraved by T. Cecil, opposite to wliich ' 8vo. with a map »vp , w i,-„o= t. ^....;h. -...„ „,i„^ „. CoLOMESirs, Paul. Observa- are a few lines to describe ' the mind of the front.' See Brydges' British Biblio- grapher, ii. 463-4. Keed, 6661, 71. 15s. Heber, pt. iv. 2 fronts. 21. Us. Sotheby. 1856, li;. CoLjfETT, Captain James. A Voyage to the Soutli Atlantic and round Cape Horn, uito the Pacific Ocean. Lond. 1798. 4to. 9s. Pp. 200, with nine charts, &c. This voyage was undertaken for the purpose of | 1796. extending the spermaceti whale fisheries, and other objects of commerce ; by ascer- taining the ports, bays, harbours, anchor- ing births, in certain islands and coasts in those seas, at which the ships of the British merchant might be refitted. Font- hill, ,3687, 21. 19s. Cologne, Tlu'ee Kmgs of. Here begynneth the Lyf of the thre Kynges of Coleyn &c. Ends. — And thus we make an ende of this most excellet treatyse of those thre glory- ous kynges whoos corps reste in y^ cyte of Coleyne. Euprynted at Westmester by Wynkyn the VVorde, [about 14-99] 4to. In black letter — signatures A — F. A copy Is in the British Museum. Colombia. — Letters wi-itten fi-om Colombia, during a Journey from Caraccas to Bogota, and thence to Santa Martha, in 1823. 8vo. with a map. 8s. Columbia : beinga geographioal, agricul- tural, statistical, commercial, and political Account of that Country, adapted for the general Reader, the Jlerchaut and the Lond. 1688. 12mo. tiones sacra;. 3s. 6d. CoiQTJHOUN, Patrick, LL.D. A Treatise on the Pohce of tlie Me- tropohs. The eighth Edition cor- rected. Lond. 1806. Svo. 6s. A curious, important, and interesting work. The first edition appeared in A new and appropriate System of Edu- cation for the labouring People. Lond 1806, 8vo. 2s. 6d. A Treatise on the Functions and Duties of a Constable. Lond. 1803, 8vo. 2s. A Treatise on Indigence. Lond. 1806. Svo. 5s. A Treatise on the Commerce and Police of tlie River Thames. Lond. 1800, 8vo. 6s. Propositions for ameliorating the Con- dition of the Poor, and for improving the moral Habits, and increasing the Com- forts of the labouring People. Lond. 1812. Svo. ' A Treatise on the Wealth, Power and Resources of the British Empire, in every Quarter of the World, including the East Indies, &c. Lond. 1814, 4to. Sir M. M Sykes, pt. i. 728, U. 2s. Second edition with additions, 1815, 4to. Considerations on the Means of afford- ing profitable Employment to the re- dundant Population of Great Britain and Ireland, through the Medium of an im- proved and correct System of Colonization in the British Territories in Southern Africa. 1819. A sensible work, published anonymously. CoLSE, Peter. Penelope's Com- plaint ; or, a MuTor for Wanton Colonist. Lond. 1824, Svo. 2 vols, with Minions. Taken out of Homer a map and portraits. Published at 11. 16s. Qdissea, and MTitten in Enghsh The present state of Colombia; con- 1 tt '^ , . j-^^Bii^ii tainingan Account of the principal Events of its revolutionary War, the Expeditions fitted out in England to assist in its Eman- cipation ; its Constitution, financial and commercial Laws; Expenditure, Revenue, and public Debt; Agriculture, Mines, and mining Associations. Lond. 1827, Svo. with a map, 10s. 6d. State of Colombia, or Reports of the Verse. Lond. 1596, Thirty-two leaves, written in the same measure as the Avisa by Willobie. See Brydges' Restituta, iii. 529—86. Heber, pt. iv. 512, 3;. 4s. A copy in a booksel- ler's catalogue was lately marked 15?. 15s. CoLSON, Lancelot. Philosophia maturata : containing the practical SecretaricH of State of the 'Republic of Pai't thereof, in giving the Pbiloso- Colombia, presented to the first Consiitu- ' pher's Stone ; whereunto is added, COL COL 503 a work compiled by St. Dunstan. Lend. 1668. 12mo. CoLTHROP, Kt. Sir Henry. The Liberties, Usages, and Customes of the City of London. Lond. 1642. 1670. 1674. 1693. 4to. 1642, Nassau, pt. i. 869, 9s. Reprinted in tlie fifth volume of the Somers Coll. of Tracts. COLTON, Rev. C. C. Lacon : or many Things in few Words, ad- dressed to tliose who think. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Frequently reprinted. CoLTJMiiA, St. The Life of St. Columba, the Apostle and Patriot Saint of the ancient Scots and Picts, and joint Patron of the Irish, com- monly called Column-KiUe, the Apostle of the Highlands. By John Smith, D.D. Edinb. 1798. 8vo. 5s. Taken from the Latin of Cummin and Adomnan. Letter to the Rev. Dr. Smith, contain- ing a few Strictures on his Life of St. Columba. By Alexander Cameron. Edinb. 1798, 8vo. 2s. Columba, St. See Patrick, St. Coliimbanns ad Hibernos. See O' Conor, Charles. Columbus, Christopher. Me- morials of Columbus ; or a Collec- tion of authentic Documents of that celebrated Navigator ; now first pubUshed from the original Manuscripts, by the Authority of the Decurions of Genoa : preceded by a Memoir of liis Life and Dis- coveries. Translated from the Spa- nish and Italian. Lond. 1823. Svo. 18s. A valuable work, with a portrait of Co- lumbus, engravings of his monument and coat of arms, and two fac-similes of his writing. — See Irving, Washington. Columella, Luc. Jun. Moder. De Re Rustica Libri. Dublinii, 1732 Svo. — Of Husbandry, in twelve Books, and liis Book concerning Trees, translated into Enghsli ; with several Illustrations from Pliny, Cato, Varro, Palladius, and otliei ancient and modern Authors. Lond. 1745. 4to. Columna, Guido. Historia Troy- ana. See Ltdgate, John. CoLUTHUS Thebani; HelenseRap- tus, paraphraste Tho. Watsono Londinensi. Lond. 1586. 4to. Dedicated to the Earl of Northumber- land. — The Rape of Helen, in En- gUsh Rhyme, by Clir. Marlowe. 4to. 1587. See Warton's Poetry, Svo. iv. 260. Kit- son's Bibl. Poet. p. 276. — The Rape of Helen, from the Greek of Coluthus : with miscella- neovis Notes. Lond. 1786. 4to. 3s. Reprinted in the Rev. Wm. Beloe's Poems and Translations. Lond. 1786, Svo. In point of poetical merit this ver- sion is inferior to that affixed to Fawkes' Apollouius Rhodius. The notes, however, in some measure recompense for the de- fects of the text. An uncouth and inharmonious ver.sion, with valuable and judicious notes, full of classical information, will be found in Sir Edw. Sherburne's Poems, 1651, 1702, Svo. and translation by II. Meen, in vol. 20 of Chalmers' Poets. CoLViL, Job. Parsenesis ad suos Ti'ibutes et Populores. Paris, 1601, Svo. Roxburghe, 257, 15s. — Oratio funebris Exequiis Eh- zabethse nuperse Anghfe Reginge destinata. Paris, 1604. 8vo. Bright, 1387, 14s. — S. Tiie grand Impostor dis- covered ; or an historical Dispute of the Papacy and Pojaish Religion. Part ii. Edmb. 1673. 4to. Colvil is celebrated by Cunningham in his Hist, of Great Britain, vol. i. p. 27, as a strenuous defender of the Protestant Religion. — Samuel. The Whiggs Sup- phcation, or the Scotch Hudibras, a mock Poem. In two Pai'ts. Lond. 1710. 12mo. Pp. 190. This poem turns upon the in- surrection of the covenanters in Scotland, in the reign of K. Charles II. It pos- sesses a considei'able share of originality and spirit, though not enough to rescue it 504 COM from the charge of dulness and tedium. A notice of this and otlier imitations of Hudibras, will be found in the Ketrosp. Rev. iii. 317-35. Other Editions. Edinb.1657. Lloyd,346,3s.— Lond.1681, 12mo.— Edinb. 1687, sm. 8vo. pp. 128. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 169, 15s.— Edinb. 1695—1710, 8vo. Nassau, pt.1.749, 4s. White Knights, 888, 9s.— Glasg. 1741. Reed, 6660, 3s.— St. Andrews, 1796, 12mo. pp. 152, 3s. 6d. CoLYNET, Ant. The true History of the ciuiU Warres of France, 1585-91. Lond. (1591). 4to. Pp. 549, dedicated to John Abp. of Can- terbury, after which is an address ' To *he Christan reader.' Inglis, 369, lis. Nassau, pt. i. 860, \l. Is. Keed, 3561, I2s. 6d. Combat. — The Manner and Forme of Combats anciently ob- served before the Khigs of Eng- land. 4to. 1651. — See CoTTOX, E. Combe, Charles, M.D. Num- morum veterum Popiilorum et Ur- biiim, qui in Musseo Gruhelmi Hunter asservantur, descriptio Fi- gm-is illustrata. Lond. 1782. 4to. 3/. 3s. An esteemed work. Brockett, 987, rus- sia, il. 14s. 6d. Index Nvmmorum oranivm Impera- toi-vm, Avgvstarvra, et Csesarvm, a Julio Caesare vsque ad Postvmum, qui ex .lEre magni Modvli signabantur. Lond. 1783, 4to. Brockett, 988, 2s. 6d. Dent, pi. i. 822. — George. System of Pln-eno- logy. Second Edition. Ediub. 1825. 8to. — Taylor. See British Museum. Comber, Thomas, D.D. Me- moirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Comber, D.D. sometime Dean of Dm'ham. By Thomas Comber. Lond. 1799. 8vo. por- trait, 7s. 6d. Among the works of this esteemed Di- v\ne are: Companion to the Altar, 1658,8vo. O^tasional Offices, 1679. Williams, 517, old morocco, il. ts. Discourses upon the Common Prayer, 8vo. Lond. 1684, again | 1688. Companion to the Temple, or a I Help to Devotions in tlie use of the Com- | niou Trayer, 8vo. Part. i. 1672; Part COM his works on the Office.s), 2 vols. 1684— 1702. Fourthedition,1701-2,3/. 3s. Repub- lished, but without Comber's Preface, in ' Works,' 7 vols.8vo. Oxon. Clar. Press, 1841, '21. 3s. 6d. On the Roman Forgeries in Councils, during the first four centuries. Lond. 1689, 4 parts, 4to., again 1695. Comber, Thomas. Vindication of tlie Kevolution in England, A.D. MDCLXxxvxii. Lond. 1758. 8vo. 4s. 6d. — The History of the Parisian Massacre of St. Bartholomew, col- lected from impublished MS8. and other authentic Sources. Lond. 1810. 8V0. 12s. LARGE PAPER, 11. Is. — W. T. Inquiry into the State of National Subsistence, as con- nected with the Progress of Wealth and Po]3idation. Lond. 1808. 8vo. CoMBERBACH, Eoger. Eeports of several Cases argued and adjudged in K. B. from the first Year of K. James II. to the tenth Year of K, WilHam III. Lond. 1724. folio. ISs. A book of no authority. Comedian, The, or Philosophical Euquu-er. Lond. 1732. 12mo. Tliis periodical paper was published monthly in 1732, by Thomas Cooke, trans- lator of Hesiod, and continued for eight months. In the Memoirs of the Society of Grub-street, vol. ii. p. 310, it is censured for its ignorance and impiety. Comedy. — English Comedy. Lond. 1810. 6 vols. 12mo. En- graved titles. Published by Sharpe. Duke of York, 1667, U. 4s, CoMERFORD, T. History of Ire- land, from the earhest Account of Time to the Invasion of the En- glish under K. Henry IL, being a series of the principal Ti-ausactions in that Kingdom for upwards of 3000 years. Dublin, 1754. 12mo. 5s, An edition. Dublin, 1766. Reed, 3825. 4s. Comes Amores, or tlie Com- panion of Love ; being a Collection of Songs. First Book. 1687. 7s. 6d. Fifth Book. 1694. folio. 7s. 6d. Comes facundus in Via, or a Fel- 1674 ; I'art iii. 1675. Folio, (contains all : low Traveller, with short Stories COM COM .005 and choicest Speeches. Lond. 1658. 18mo. An instructive and entertaining little work, published anonymously. Nassau, pt. i. 916, Us. Comets. — The blazing Star ; or a Discourse of Comets, their Na- tures and Effects. Lond. 1665. 4to. 5s. Another work on the same subject. 1684, 12mo. OS. CometofjraphiaqnsedamLampadisaerite quae 10 Die Nouemb. apparuit Anno a Vir- Kineo Partu, 1577. Lond. excudebat Ro- bertus Walley, 1578. 4to. Fearful and lamentable Effects of two dangerous Comets, which shall appear in ♦he Yeere of Lord 1591 the 25 of March. By Simon smel-knaue, studient in good felowship. Lond. by I. C. for John Busbie, 4to. 18 leaves, A local trifle, wherein the author attempts, by a bantering vein of humour, to ridicule and laugh at the follies of the times. Comici. — CtJmicorum Grsecorum Fragmenta qusedam, curavit et No- tas addidit R. Walpole, A.B. Can- tab. 1805. 8vo. Drury, 922, 7s. — Comicorum Graeeorum fi-ag- menta cum versionibus R. Cumber- land, F. Fawkes, F. Wrangham et notis et versionibus turn Latinis turn etiam Anghcis J. Bailey. Cantab. 1840. 8vo. 9s. 6d. Coraines. — Memou's of Philip de Comines : containing the History of Lewis XL and Charles VIII. of France, and of Cliarles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. Lond. 1823. post. 8vo. 2 vols. Published at 11. Is. This most judici- ous and able history, which comprises a period of 34 years during the reigns of Lewis XI. and Charles VIII. of France, was said by Catherine de Medicis to have made as many heretics in politics, as Lu- ther's works had done in religion. [A new and improved translation with Life and notes, to which is added The Scandalous Chronicle, 2 vols, post 8vo. 7s. is in Bohn's Library of French Memoirs.] Other Translations. By Tho. Danptt. Lond. 1.596, folio, 6s. A Continua-tion from the Death of Charles the eight till the Death of Henry the second. By Tho. Danett. Lond. 160O, 4to. 5s. 1614, folio. The fourth Edition, corrected with An- notations. Lond. 1674, folio, pp. 348. Drury, 1397, 9h. By Denys Godefroy. Lond. 1674, 8vo. with portrait, 3s. 6d. By Mr. U vedale. Lond. 1712, 8vo. 2 vols. Marq. of Townshend, 12()0, 5s. 6d. The second Edition. Lond. 1723, Svo. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. in the Military Classics, 1817, lOs. 6d. Commandments. — The Floure of the Commandments of God, &c. Lond. by W. de Worde, 1505. folio. A translation from the French by An- drew Chertsey. A copy of this edition in in the Mirquis of Bath's Library. — folio, 1.509,-1510, folio. Harl. Cat. iii. 1548.— 1521, folio. Printed in double columns, with cuts; the leaves are numbered to fol. ccxi. which should be cclxii. as it con- tains by signatures Xx 6, in sixes. Copies are in the British Museum and Lambeth Libraries. Bindley, pt. i. 3697, 111. 10s. Ingli.s,794,13^.13s. Sotheby,1850(wormed), 101. 5s. Gardner, 1854, mor. 26?. 10s. — Wonderfid and strange Pu- nishments inflicted on the Breakers of the ten Commandments. Printed for T. Jenner, 1650. 4to. A curious collection of engravings, with four lines under each. Nassau, pt. ii. 1.533, \l. lis. Commentaries and Essays, pub- hshed by the (Unitarian) Society for promoting the Knowledge of the Scriptures. 1785. 8vo. In this volume will be found a transla- tion of Isaiah, eh Liii. verse 13, to Liv. verse 12, with notes (by M. Dodson). Commerce. — A Plan of the En- glish Commerce, See Defoe, Da- niel. Common Conditions. — A plea- sant Comedie called Common Con- ditions. 4to. (1576). Black letter. Only one copy known, and that imperfect. Wright, in 1787, bt 5s. Steevens, 1218, 6L 10s. Roxburghe, 4082, it. 5s. Common Pleas. — Reports and Cases of Practice in C. P. in the Reigns of Q. Anne, K. George I. & II. ; witli the Rides, Orders and Notices of the said Coiu-t, from the 35th Henry VI. and in the King's 506 COM COM Bench, from 2 James I. to 1742. Lond. 1747. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. By Sir George Cooke. Au edition 1742, folio, 78. Commons. — A Supplication of the poore Commons. 1546. — Wliere- unto is added the supplication of Beggers, (by Symon Fyshe. 1524). No place or date. 16mo. A too rigid demand of tlie burial fees raised a popular outcry against the clergy. White Knights, njorocco, 3938, V. 16s. Another edition. Anno 1546, 4 in eights. Bindley, pt. iii. 859, 11. 10s. A lamentable Complaint of the Com- monalty, by Way of Supplication to the high Court of Parliament, for a learned Ministry. In Anno 1585, 8vo. On the back is a short epistle 'To the Reader.' F 3, in eights. This is one of the tracts for print- ing which Eob. W^aldegraue was kept pri- soner in the White-lion 20 weeks, as as- serted by M. Marprelate in ' Hay any Worke for a Cooper.' SirM.M. Sykes, pt. ii. 284, morocco, 19s. An humble Petition of the Communalitie to their nost (most) renowned and gracious Soueraigne, the Lady Elizabeth. Also the lamentable Complaint of the Communali- tie, by Way of Supplication to the high Court of Parliament, for a learned Minis- tiie, renewed and augmented. A Petition made to the Conuocation House, 1586, by the godly Ministers tending to Reconcili- ation, and translated into English. 1588, 16mo. P 6, in eights, 7s. Commonwealth. — The Common- wealth's great Ship commonly called the Sovereign of the Seas, built in the yeare 1637. Lond. 1653. 4to. with a portrait of Adm. Van Triunp, and cuts. Sir P. Thompson, 141, 19s. Towneley, pt. ii. 1586, 11. 15s. pt. i. 421, mor. il. 2s. Names of the Members of Parliament called to take upon them the trust of the Commonwealth. 1654, 4to.ports. and plates. Col. Stanley, 21. 3s. Narrative of the most material Trans- actions in this Parliament. 4to. plates, 1651. Towneley, 11. 2s. Names (farther) of the Personages of these times in the Commonwealth of Eng- land. 4to. cuts. Towneley, 11. 17s. Sf. Heywood, Thomas. Communicant. — The Orthodox Communicant. Lond. 1721. 12mo. Engraved on copper iilates by John Sturt, and intended as a companion to his edition of the Common Prayer. White Knights, 3014, lis. Sotheby's in 1825, 2?. 2s. Communion. — The Order of the Communion. Lond. 1547. 8vo. Reprinted in Bp. Sparrow's Collection of Articles. Other editions, 1548, &c. A simple Instruction concerning the Kings Proceedings in the Communion. Lond. 1547, Bvo. A Preparation to a due Consideration and reuerent Coming to the holy Commu- nion. Loud. 1580, 32mo. F, in eights. Another edition, no date. Ordo distributionis sacramenti altaris sub utraque specie et fonnule confessionis faciendfB in regno anglise ; Usee Londini evulgata sunt octavo die martii. 1548 (s 1 and a).— 1548,sm.8vo. Sotheby, Apl. 1857, 91. 9s. Companion, The, for the Fu-e- side : or Winter-evening's Amuse- ment. Being a cui-ious Collection of instructive Stories, Tales, Fables, Allegories, Historical Facts, &c. selected from the best Writers in several Languages. Lond. 1768. 12mo. 3s. Complaisant Companion, or new jests, witty Repartees, Bulls, Rhodomontades and pleasant novels, 12mo. 1674. Sothe- by, 1852, 31. 3s. Merry Companion, a Collection of above 500 Songs. 12mo.l742. Nassau, pt.ii. 506, 16s. Merry and facetious Companion, 12mo. 1724. Towneley, pt. i. 815, 11. 2s. The agreeable Companion, or an univer- sal Medley of Wit and Good Humour, be- ing a curious Collection of Essays, Repar- tees, Maxims, Dialogues, Epigrams, Epi- taphs, &c. &c. 1745, 12mo. 6s. The Polite Companion; or. Wit h la Mode, adapted to the Recreation of all Ranks and Degrees, from the Prince to the Peasant. Lond. 1766, 8vo. with a fron- tispiece. The jocular and agreeable Companion, or Roderick Random's Jests, being an ele- gant Collection of Stories, Riddles, Fro- licks, Narrations, &c. &c. 1778, 12mo. with front. 5s. Comparison between the Anti- pers and the Antigraphs, a poem. 4to. Roxburghe, 6^. 6s. Compasse and cyrcuet of the worlde, and the compasse of every Ilande comprehendyd in the COM CON 507 same, and begynnetli at the length, bredeth and corapasse of Englaude : with tlie nombre of the parysshe Chiirches, Townes, Bysshoprj-ches, and Shyres in the same, besyde Cities and Castelles. Lond. Robt. Wyer, 12mo. n. d. A copy is ill Lambeth Library. Compendium. — The Brit ish Com- pendium : or a particular Account of all the present Nobility (of Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland) .- to which is added an Introduction to Heraldry. Lond. 1718,20,22. 12mo. 3 vols. 6s. The first edition of this work, which continued to be published at intervals for many years, was under the editorship of Francis Nichols. England.— l&t. edition, 1718. 2nd. 1719. 3rd. 1719. 4th. 1721. 5th. 1723. 6tli. 1726. 7th. 3 vols. 1731. 8th. 3 vols. 1738. 9th. 2 vols. 1746. 9th. 2 vols. 1751. 10th. 3 vols. 1753. 11th. 3 vols. 1760. 12th. 3 vols. 1766. 13th. 3 vols. 1769. Scotland.— 1st. edition, 1720. 2nd. (called vol. ii.) 1725. 3rd. 1729. 4th. (called vol. iii.) 1741. 5th. 1752. 6th. 1756. 7th. 1764. Ireland.-lst edition, 1722. 2nd. (called vol. iii.) 1727. 3rd. (called vol. iv.) 1735. 4th. 1745. 5th. 1750. Compendium. — Tlie royal Com- pendium, being a genealogical His- tory of the Monarchs of England, from the Conquest to the present Time. Lond. 1752. 8vo. 6s. Pp. 270, also index, 12 pages. An abridgment of Sandford's genealogical History, with a continuation. Complaint. — The Coplaynte of a Louers Lyfe. Lond. by W. de Worde. 4to. Twelve leaves. Koxburghe, 3283, 581. A lamentable Complaynt that ye Sonle maketh of the wretched Lyfe of the Body. Lond. by W. de Worde, 4to. Fourteen leaves. A prety Complaynt of Peace, that was banyshed out of dyuers Countrys, and brought by Welth into England, and. then fearing to be thence exiled made great Mone, vntyl Prudence retayned them agayne. Lond. by John Byddell, 16mo. In verse. Bindley, pt. ii. 2408, 111. 17s. resold. Perry, pt. ii. 1153, lil. 5s., resold, Heber, pt. iv. 416, 51. 15s. 6d. Complaint (lamentable) of Nick Froth, the Tapster, and Rule Roast, the Cook. 4to. 1641, front Brand, 9s. 6d. Complaynt of Scotland. See Levden, Comphments. — The Mirrour of Complements, witli Addition of witty Songs, &c. 1650. White Knights, 900, 9s. The Marrow of Complements. Lond 1655, 12mo. The Theatre of Complements. 1688, small 8vo. witli frontispiece. Lloyd, 11651. CoMPTON, Henry, Bishop of Lon- don. The Life of Dr. Henry Corap- ton, late Lord Bishop of London. Lond. n. d. Svo. Williamg, 1098, 17s. CoMTNS, Sii- John, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Digest of the Laws of England. Fifth Edition, considerably enlarged and continued do vni to the present Time : to which is added, a Digest of the Cases at Nisi Prius, by Anthony Hammond. Lond. 1822. royal Svo. 8 vols. 3/. 13s. 6d. Best edition of this vei"y useful and comprehensive work, well calculated for the student. First edition, fol, 5 vols. 1762-7, and con- tinuation. 1776, 1 vol, U. lis. 6d. Second editioa 1781, fol. 5 vols. 21. 2s. Third edition, by S; Kyd. 1792, roy. 8vo. 6 vols. i;. Is. Fourth edition, by S. Rose. 1800, royal Svo. 6 vols. 21. 2s. — Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Courts of K. B. C. P. and Exchequer ; to which are added, some special Cases in the Court of Chancery, and before the Delegates. Second Edition cor- rected, with mai'ginal Notes and References, by Samuel Rose. Lond. 1792. royal Svo. 2 vols. 1/. Best edition, dedicated, by permission, to Lord Thurlow.— 1744, folio, witli portrait by Vertue, 9s. CoN.i:tTs, Avglice Cone. CoNANT, John, D.D. Sermon,? on several Occasions. Lond. 1693- 1722. Svo. 6 vols. IZ. Is. CoNCANEX, M. Jun. The History and j\ntiquities of the Parish of St. Saviour's, Southwark, by M. 508 CON CON Coneanen, Jun. and A. Morgan. Deptford, 1795. 8yo. A N — n i, with title-page, dedication, preface v — viii and 3 plates. Bindley, pt. ii. 1242, 8s. Conceits. — The Welspriug of wittie Conceites. Translated fi-om the Italian by W. Phist. Lond. for R. Jones, 1584. 4to. This is one of the books which Ritson regarded as supposititious. A copy is in the Bodleian. Bindley, pt. iv. 945," 31. 3s. The Booke of pretty Conceits. Lond. 12mo, A copy is in the British Museum. The Treasury of commodious Conceits. Lond. by Henry Car, 1584, 12mo. Not no- ticed by Ames or Herbert. A new Book of Conceites, by Tho. John- son, small 12mo. 1630. Map of merrie Conceits, wherein is con- tained much mirth, which may yield pleasure to the reader, 1656, woodcut on title. Black letter, 8 leaves. Sotheby, May, 1856, bl 15s. Concertatio Ecclesiee CathoHcse in Angha. v. Beidgwatee, John. Conclusions. — A Treatise euti- tiiled Naturall & ArtificialL Con- clusions : Written fii'st by sundrie Scholers of the Vniuersitie of Pa- dua in Italic, at the instant Request of one Barthelmewe a Tuscane ; and now enghshed by Tho. HiU. Lond. 1581. 16mo. 6s. D,ineights. Bindley, pt.ii.2174, date 1582. Concubine. — The Unfortunate Concubines, or the Histoiy of Fair Rosamond and Jane Shore. 1760. 18mo. with cuts. Nassau, pt. ii. 853. 8s. Conde. — The Ti'anslation of a Letter written by a Frenche Gen- tilwoman to an other Gentilwoman Stranger, hir Frind, vpon the Death of the Ladye Elenor of Roye, Princes of Conde, contayning her last ^Yyll and Testament. Doone by Ilcniy Myddlemore, Gentylman at the Request of tlie Ladye Anne Throckmorton. Lond. by John Daye for Humfryc Toye. 1564. 8vo. Black letter, contains D in eights. Bind- ley, pt. ii. 1514, il. 17s. Towneley, pt. ii. D93. 3/. 13s. 6d. Bright, 1409, 1/. 4s. CoND£H, James. An Arrange- ment of Coins, Tokens, and Me« dalets, issued in Great Britain, Ire- land, and the Colonies, within the last twenty Years, from the Fartliing to the Penny Size. Lond. and Ipswich, 1799. 8to. 10s. 6d. QuAKTO, printed on one side only, 18s. CoNDiLLAC, Abbe de. An Essay on the Origm of Human Know- ledge. Being a Supplement to Mr. Locke's Essay on the Human Un- derstanding. Translated from the French, by Thos. Nugent. Lend. 1756. Svo. 5s. Coj:e, George. Vita Mariae Stu- artse Scotiae Reginse, &c. Romse, 1624. 12mo. Prefixed is a portrait of the Queen. Bindley, pt. i. 1441, 11. 19s. Koxburghe, 8752, 15s. Constable, 901, 1?. Another edition. Wirceb. 1624, 12mo. It is likewise reprinted in Jebb de Vita et Rebus gestis Marise Kegiuaj Scotorum. vol. ii. An Italian translation. Geneva, 1630. Lloyd, 841, 11. lis. 6d. Praemitiae, seu Calumnise Hirlando- num indicate ; et Epos de Deipara Virgine. Bonon. 1621, 8yo. A copy is in the Bri- tish Museum. Bindley, pt. i. 1442, 6^ Horner, 1854, il. De Institutione Principis. Regii, 1621, 12mo. Assertiones Catholicse. Rom. 1629, 4to. Carmen in Xuptiis DD. Thaddaei Bar- barini et Annae Columnse. Rom. 1629, 8yo. Dedyplici Statv Religionis apud Scotos Libri diio. Romse, 1628, 4to. Roxburghe, 8743. Gordonstoun, 483, 15s. 6d. Han- rott, 6?. 6s. CoNESTAGio, Jerome. Historie of the Yniting of the Eingdom of Portugal! to the Crowne of Castill. Lond. foho. — The Description of Portugal!, of the East Indies, the Isles of Terceres, &c. Lond. 1600. 4to. Dedicated to 'Henry Earle of Southamp- ton' by Edw. Blount. ' The Authors Apo- logia vnto the Reader. The genealogie of the kings of Portugall.' 324 pages, and a table. Gordonstoun, 378, 7s. 6d. Conference. — Tlie Sum and Sub- stance of the Conference at Hamp- ton Court, Jan. 14, 1603. See Bab- i.ow, William. CON CON 509 CONFEUEKCE — cotllhllied. A Conference between Pope JuliMS and S. Foterat Heauen Gates (Genius interpo- sing) wlierein they much disagree, and Julius is repulsed. Lond. by Jo. Hyddell, 1535. See Dialogue. The Declaracyon of the Procedynjje of a Conference, begon at Westminster the last of Marche, 1559, concerning certain Arti- cles of Religion and the Breaking vp of the sayde Conference by Default and Contempt of certayne Hysshops, Parties of the said Conference. Lond. by Richarde .lugge and John Cawood, 16mo. Black letter, consist- ing of eight leaves. Ileber,pt.ii.l332, IZ.Ss. The True Coppy of such Conference as passed (concerning the Comming to the Cliurch, hearingof thediuine Seruiee,and of other Controitersies of Religion) be- tweene W. fi. Gent and Lewis Euans. Lond. 1577, 8vo. A Discoveryc of a counterfecte Confe- rence lielde at a counterfecte Place, by counterfecte Travellers, for the Advance- ment of a counterfecte Tytle, and invented printed and published by one (Person) that dare not avowe his Names. Printed at (Pollen. 1600. 8vo. Pp. 96. An answer to Doleman's Conference. Bright, mor. 3/. 3s. Several Speeches made at a Conference, or several Speeches delivered at a Confe- rence, concerning the Power of Parliament to proceed against tlieir King for Misgo- vernment. Lond. 1648, 4to. pp. 80. Are- publication of Doleman's Conference with a few alterations, supposed to have been edited by Clement Walker, the author of The Perfect Occurrences. See Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Atheu. Oxon. ii. 71. Thirty-four Conferences between the Danish Missionaries and the Malabarian Bramins. Translated from the Higli Dutch, by J. T. Philipps. Lond. 1719, r2mo. 4s. Conference between the Danish Mis- sionaries resident at Tranquebar, and the Heathen Natives of Hindostan, now first rendered into English. 1812, 12rao. 5s. Confession. — A Boke of a ghoostly Fader y* confesseth his ghoostly Cliylde. Lond. by W. de Worde. 4to. In verse, C, in sixes. — De Mode Penitendi & Confi- tendi. Lond. Wyu- de Worde. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Confessions of Faith, &c. The Confessyon of the Faythof the Ger- manes. 1536. Sfc Council of .Augusta. The Confession of tlie Fayth of the Swe- serlades, translated by George Usher, a Scotchman, who_was burned in Scotland, 1546, date or place. Fifteen leaves. Heber,pt.ii.l333,(withotherpieces),4'. 15s. VOX,. I. I Confessions of F.iiTH — con/d. ' Aplaine Suhversyon, orTurniiigupsyde down of the Arguments that the Pope Ca- tholikes can make for the Maintcnaunce of auricular Confession, &c. with a Confuta- tion of that Popishe and Antichristian Doctryne which maintaineth the Jlitiis- traytion of the Sacrament under one Ivind. (circa 1548), 16mo. Black letter. The Confession of Faith. St. Andrews, 1552. Ro.xburghe. 102*, imperfect, iil. The humble and vnfained ("onfession of the Belefeof certaine poore banished Men, grounded vpon the holy Scripturesof God, &c. From Wittonburge, by Nicholas Dor. caster, m.d.liii. the .xiii of May. 16mo. The running title of this tract, consisting of 33 leaves, is ' The Confession of the ba- nished Ministers.' Whether Christian Faith may be kept secret in the heart without Confession thereof to the World, as occasion shall serve. 12mo. Roane, 1553. Horner, 1854, 21. 7s. The Confessionn of Faith professit,and belevit be the Protestantes within the Realme of Scotland. Jmpren tit heme Jhone Scot. 1561, 4to. Contains K 2, in fours, be sides the title. Bindley, 41 17s. Another, Kdinb. by R. l.cpreuick, 1565, 8vo. Pre- fi.\ed is a sonnet, 14 lines, ' William Stew- art to the Church of Scotland.' The Confession of the Fayht and Doc- trin beleued and professed by Protestantes of the Realme of Scotland exhibited to the Estates of the same in Parliament and by thare pnblict Votes authorised as a Doc- trin grounded vpon the infallable Wonrd of God. Edinb. be Robert 1 ekprewik. 1561, 16mo. Bindley, pt i. 1358, il. 17s. An edition. Lond. Rowland Hall, 1561, 12mo. Twenty-three leaves. A Confession of Faith, made by common Consent of diners reformed Churches be- yond the seas : with an Exhortation (The- od. Beza's) to the Reformation of the Church. Lond. 1571. 16rao. Bindley, pt i. 1237', damaged, 10s. 6d. Ane shorte and gener.ill Confession of the trewe Christiane Fiiyth and Religion, according to God's Word and Actis of o\ir Parliamentis, subscriued to the Kingis Maiestie and his Householde, with sindrie vtlieris. To the Glorye of God, and good F.xample of all Men. At Edinb. the 28 January, 1580, and the 14 of his JIaiesties Regne. Lond. by Robert Waldegraue, 16mo. 1/. Is. Another edition, in Roman lettei-. Lond. for Thomas JIan. 1580, 16mo. The Confession of the true and christian Fayth, according to God's Word and Actes of Parliament holden at Edenburghe, 28 Jan. 1581. Lond. by Robert Waldegrane, 12mo. One of the numerous puritanical pamphlets published about the commence- L L 510 CON CON CONFESSIOXri OF FaITH — COtlld. ment of tlie 17th ceutui-y. White Knights, 906, moi-. hi. 5s. liijr. Drake. Poems. Tomb of Shakspeare. Lond. 1764, 12mo. Koscoe, 1417, 9s. 6d. — Joseph. Domus Mosaicae Clavis, sive Legis Sepimentum. Lond. 1673. 12mo. 4s. A curious work, written by a learned Nonconformist, in defence of the Masoretic doctrines and punctuation, — Ohver St. John. Fom* hun- dred Texts of Scripture, with their corresponding Passages, explained to the Understanding of the Com- mon People. Lond. 1791. 8vo. 2s. 6d. A small but veiy useful work. — Samuel. A Dictionary of Practical Siu-gery. The Seventh Edition, with Corrections and Ad- ditions. Lond. 1838. 8vo. II. Is. The first edition of this esteemed work appeared in 1809. The first Lines of the Practice of Sur- gery. The fifth Edition, con-ected and en- larged. Lond. 1826. 8vo 2 vols. 11. 10s. Seventh edition. Lond. l»40,8vo. 18s. De- signed as an introduction for students, and a concise book of reference for practitioners, Tlie first edition was published in 1807. — Thomas, successively Bishop of Lincoln and Winchester. An Admonition to the People of Eng- land. Lond. 1589. 4to. Two editions : one containing 252 pp., the other 245 pages. A curious confutation of Martin JIarprelate. Gordonstoun, 441, 3s. Keed, 3569, 5s. 6d. A briefe Exposition of such Chapters of the olde Testament as vsually are red in the Church. Lond. 1573, 4to. Contains 520 coo coo Cooper — continued. 392 leaves, besides the title and ' An Epis- tle to the Ittader.' There were two edi- tions published in 1573, according to Her- _bert. 'There was an endeavciur that this book should be had in every parish church : and for the forwarding this, the archbishop (Parker) gave his own testi- monial to the treasurer in June this year (1574) concerning the book.' — Strype's Life of Parker. The godly Sermon preached in the Min- ster at Lincolne, the 28 of August, Anno 1575. Lend. 1575. 16mo. 3s. 6d. E 5, in eights, commencing with an address to the reader. • Treating on the xvi Chapter of JIatthewe, verse 26, 27.' Another edition, without date. — Another, 1619, 4to. Certaine Sermons wherein is contained the Defence of the Gospell now preached. I.ond. 15S0, 4to. 10s. Pages 241, besides a table of common places. Prefixed are a short address by 'T. N., a list of the 12 sermons, and the faults corrected. Thesaurus Linguae Romanse et Britan- nicse. See Eliot, Sir Tliomas. The foun- dation of Cooper's Dictionary 'was taken from Sir Tho. Eliot's Dictionary, and the materials, for the most part, from Kob. Stephens's Thesaurus, and Job. Fiisius's Lat and Germ. Dictionary.' — Ant.aWood. Chronicle. See Lanqurt, Thomas. To this prelate Dr. Bliss also attributes Homelies on the seven Sacraments. 1558. An Answer in Defence of the Truth against the Apology of private Masse. Loud. 1562, 16mo. Cooper, Thomas. NonseNovem- bris ^teruitati consecratae. Oxou. 1607. 4to. In verse and prose. The Art of Giving, describing the tnje nature and right use of Liberality, 12mo. 1605. Bright, 17s, The Worldling's Adventure, &c. in two Sermons, at the Visitation of the free at Ouiidle in Northamp- tonshire. Lond. 1619, 4to. On Matth. 16, 1>6. The Mystery of Witchcraft. Lond. 1617, 12mo. 7s. Roxburghe, 1981. The Cry and Revenge of Blood, or most lamentable history of a wilful Murther committed at Halsworth in High Suffolk. Lond. 1620. 4to. with a frontispiece. Nas- sau, pt. i. 871. il. — Capt.T.H. The Military Cabi- net ; being a Collection of Extracts from the best Authors, ancient and modern, interspersed with occa- tiioual Kemarks. Lond. 1809. 12mo. 3 vols. 10s 6d. This work is arranged under different heads, large paper, in royal 12nio. 18s. — William. A Catalogue of ChymicaU Books, iu 3 Parts, col- lected by Will. Cooper. Lond. 1675. 12mo. 3s. Contains 44 leaves. The Philosophical Epitaph of W. C. Esquire for a Memento Mori on his Tomb- stone.— A Brief of the Golden Calf ("the World's Idol)— by Jo. Fr. Helvetius. The Golden Ass well managed, and Midas re- stored to Reason ; — by Jo. Rod. Glauber. Jehior Jehior (Aurora Sapientiae) or the Day-dawning, or Light of Wisdom, con- taining the three Principles or Original of all Things. All published by W.(illiam) C.(ooper), Esquire. AVith a Catalogue of Cliymical Books. Lond. 1673, 1'jmo. A 10, Bo, 8 leaves each, P-R, 4 leaves each. Likewise a frontispiece and five plates. — WiUiam, Archbishop of York, Discourses on several Subjects. Lond. 1786. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. CooRE, Eichard, D.D. The prac- tical Expositor of the more difficult Texts that are contained in the holy Bible. Lond. 1683. 8vo. In this work, according to the title, ' the dreams in Daniel and the visions of all the Prophets, and the two mystical books of the Canticles and the Revelation, are all clearly opened.' CooTE, Charles, LL!D. The His- tory of ancient Europe, from the earUest Times to the Subversion of the Western Empire ; with a Sur- vey of the most important Kevo- lutions in Asia and Africa. Lond. 1815. 8vo. 3 vols. 21. 2s. This work was intended to accompany Dr. Wm. Russell's History of modern Eu- rope. The History of England, from the ear- liest Dawn of Record to the Peace of Amiens, in 1802. Lond. 1791—1803, 8vo. 10 vols. i;. 5s. History of the Union of Great Britain and Ireland ; with an introductory Survey of Hibernian Affairs, traced from the Times of Celtic Colonization. Lond. 1802, 8vo. History of Europe from the Peace of Amiens, in 1802, to the Pacification of Paris in 1815. Lond. 1817, 8vo General View of the Agriculture and Manufacture of the King's County. Dub lin, 1801. cor COP 521 statistical View of the County of Mo- naglian. Dublin, 1801, 8vo. Cope, Alan. Historise Eran- gelic'a3 Veritas. Lov. 1572. Anothei- edition. Doway, 1603. Dialogi sex contra Svranii Pontificatvs, Monaslicae Vitae, &c. Oppvgnatores, et Fsevdomartvves. Antv. 1566. 4to. il. Is. Written byNic.Harpesfield, 'Which book being put in the hands of his friend Alan Cope, he put it out under his name, lest danger should befiil the author in prison." — Aiit. h Wood. The fifth and sixth dia- logues chiefly relate to England. — Sir Anthony, Knt. A godly Meditacion vpon XX Psalmes of Dauid. Lond. 1547. 12s. Bh ,3, in fours, with a preface to Kather- ineQueeneofEngirule,&c. White Kniglits, 1144, morocco, -11. 6s. Inglis, 377, lis. Reprinted, ISOS, 7s. fid. The History of Auniball and Scipio gatliered and translated into Englishe, out of Titus Liuius, and other Authoures, by Antonye Cope Esquier. Lond. in jEdibns Thom» Bertbeleti, 1544, 4to.— 1548, 4to. White Knights, 1143, St. 3s.— 1561, 8vo. Goldsmid, 367, \l. Is. North, pt. i. 729, 17s.-1590.8vo. 9s. — Michael. A godly and learned Exposition vppon the Prouerbes of Solomon, translated from theFreneh, by M(arcelline) O(utred). Lond. 1580. 4to. 639 leaves, with adedication to Sir Wil- liam Cecil, Knight, and an index. ' I find one Michael Cope to have been a zealous Calvinist at Geneva and other places.' — Ant. a Wood. Copland, Patrick. Virginia's God be thanked, or a Sermon of Thanksgiving for the happie Sac- cesse of the Affayres in Virginia, this last Yeare. Lond. 1622. 4to. Published by the commandenient of the Virginia company. Adjoyned are ' some Epistles by Peter Pope, an Indian youth, who was baptized Dec. 22, 1616.' Gordon- stoun, 485, 5s. 6d. — Eobert. Tlie Hye Way to the Spyttel House. Lond. by Eo- bert Copland, 4to. A dialogue in verse, consisting of 20 leaves, of some humour and merit, de- scriptive of an ancient foundation, as well as of tlie manners and customs of tlie age, especially in low life. White Knights, 1145, morocco-, \5l. 15s. Roxburghe, 3305, impp.rfect, 67. IGs. fid. Perry, pt. i. 2572, CI. 6s. Heber, iv. 516, 71. 7s. Reprinted in the second volume of Uttersin's Pieces of early popular Poetry. — Jyl of Brauntford's Testa- ment newly compiled. Lond. by \V. Copland, 4to. Black letter A to Biiij. A copy of this gross and vulgar production is in tlie Bod- leian Library. Heber, pt. iv. 517, 97. IDs. For notices of Copland, see Warton's Poetry. 8vo. iv. 138, note t. Wood's Athen. Oxon. by Bliss, i. 249, 253-4. Ritson'.s Bibl. Poet. 173 4. — S. Histoiy of Madagascar, witli an Appendix on the present State of Eeligion in that Island. Lond. 18-21 8vo. CoPLESTON, E'dward, Bishop of LlandaiF. Prcelectiones AcademicfB Osonii habitse. Editio altera. Ox- onii, 1828. 8vo. A much-esteemed work. The former edition. Oxon. 1813. Boswell, 724, U. 10s. Drury, 934, 17. lis. 6d. An Enquiry into the Doctrines of Ne- cessity and Predestination, in four Dis- courses preached before the University of Oxford. Lond. 1821. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 219. A valuable and judicious little work, ably noticed in the British Critic. Drury, 9.35. 12s. Williams, 5.30, 133 Remarks upon the Objections made to, 8vo. Lond. 1822. A Reply to the Calumnies of the Edin- burgh Review against Oxford. Contain- ing an account of Studies pursued in that Universitv. Oxford, 1810, 8vo. A second Reply. Oxford, 1810, 8vo. Third Reply. Oxford, 1811, 8vo. Advice to a Young Reviewer. Lond. 1807, 8vo. Life, with selection from his Diary and Correspondence, by W. J. Coplestone. Lond. 1851, 8vo. Copley, Anthony. A Fig for Fortune. Eecta securus. A. C. Lond. 1596. 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 1838, 71. 17s. 6d. See Wits, Fittes, and Fancies. Copper-plate Magazine, The : or, Cabinet of picturesque Engravings ; comprising all the most interesting Vievrs in England, Scotland, Ire- land, and Wales. Engraved by J. Walker, &c. Lond. J. Harrison, 1792. oblong 4to. 5 vols. .Sotheby's in 1824, 57. 10s. o22 con Copper-I'late Magazine, 4to. 1778. Forty numbers complete, consistiiis of rediioeii copies of Heads after Iloubrakcn. Pub- lished by Kearsley. Garrick, 512, 11. 16s. Nassau, pt. i. 873, 21. CoppiNGEE, Mat. Poems, Songs and Lore-Verses. Lond. 1682. 12mo. The author, a player, was subsequently hanged. Lloyd, 354, 3s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 1058, 4s. Reed, 6666, 6«. 6s. COPPYN de Montibns, Nycholas. St cry s and Prophesis out of the holy Scriptur, garnyschede with faire Tmages, and with deuoute Praeirs, and Thanckgeuings vnto G-od. With grete Diligence oursien and aprouued by the Inquisitor of the Christen Faithe Maester Ny- eholas Coppyn de Montibus, Deane of Saincte Peters and Chaceler of the Vnuersitie of Louen. Anno 1535. 8ro. Contains x, in eights. At the end ' This boke is prentyd in Andwarpe vpon the l^ombai'des walle, ouer agaynst the golden bande. By my Symon Cowke. Anno xxxvi.' Each history is illustrated with a cut. Towneley, pt. i. 669, 21. 10s. COPEAEIO, i. e. COOPEE. CoEAM, Thomas. Private Vu'tue and pubUck Spirit display'd in a succinct Essay on the Character of Capt. Thomas Coram — Lond. 1751. 8yo. 2s. 6d. portrait. CoEBET, John. An historical Relation of the militaiy Govern- ment of Glocester, from the Be- ginning of the civd War between King and Parhament, to the Re- moval of Colonel Massey from that Government to the Command of the Western Forces. Lond. 1645. 4to. Eighteen sheets. Bindley, pt. i. 2180, 15s.— 1647, 4to. with port, of Col. Massie. IloUis, 423, 11. 17s. Jadis, 134', 1/. 19s. LARGE PAPKR. Bright, 1496, with an ad- ditional leaf ' Verses on the sie^e of (;ioMcester and Gen. Massie,' probably uiiiiiiie. Reprinted in the Bibliotluca Glr.ciMistris. A notice of this Noncon- formist, and a list oT bis works, will be found in Wood's Athen. oxon. COEBET, Minister of Bonyl. Tlie Ungu-ding of the Scottish Armour. DubUn, 1639. 4to. Reed, 1970, 7s. 6d. — Richard, successively Bishop of Oxford and of Norwich. The Poems. The fourth Edition, with considerable Additions : to wliich are now added, ' Oratio in Funus Henrici Frincipis,' from Aslimole's Museum, biographical Notes, and a Life of the Author, by Octavius Gilclu-ist. Lond. 1807. 8vo. Pp. Ixxx. and 261. The best edition, ably edited. Drnry, 937, 6s. A notice of this poet will be found in the Retr. Rev. xii. 299-322. Certain elegant Poems, written by Dr. Corbet, Bishop of Norwich. Lond. 1647, small 8vo. Some copies of this inaccurate edition conclude at page 53, others have 85 pages. Bindley, pt. i. 1400. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 137, mor. 1?. lis. 6d. Poetical Stromata, or a Collection of sundry Pieces in Poetry; drawne by the approved Hand of R. C. Anno, 1648, small 8vo. pp. 121. Published under the eye of the Bishop's family, and contains 24 poems. Bindley, pt. i. 1361, 4s. Boswell, 725, 5s. Nassau, pt. i. 915, 6s. White Knights, 917. morocco, 8s. Reed, 6667, lis. Roscoe, 1367, 13s. Bib. Anglo-Poet. 138, 1^. is. Poems, written by the right reverend Dr. Richiird Corbet, late Lord Bishop of Norwich. Lond. 1672, 12mo. Pp. 148. Third edition. Dedicated by the publisher to Sir Edmund Bacon, of Redgrave-Hall, Baronet. Lloyd, 355, 4s. Nassau, pt. i. 915,4s. i. 547, 4s. 6d. White Kniifbts, 998. 8-:. Reed, 6668, 9s. 6d. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 139, 1/. 5s. — T. An Epistle congratulatory of Lysimachus Nicanor of the So- ciety of Jesu, to the Covenanters in Scotland. Wherein is paralleled our sweet harmony and correspondency in divers material points of doctrine and practice. Oxford, 1648. 4to. This is one of three publications that were objected to Lord Strafford by the Scottish Covenanters at his trial. — Uvedale. Reports of Cases of controverted Elections, in the sixth Parliament of the United Kingdom. Bv L^. Corbett and E. R. Paniell. Lond. 1S21. 8vn. 16s. COIt r)2:i Mr. U. Corbett published An Inquiry Into the KlectiVH Franchise of the Kree- liolilcrs of, nnd tlio Rif^lits of Kleelion for, the corporate Counties of Kns-lanii and VVales ; also a Report of the I'roceedinfjs of the Warwickshire Kleclion Committee. 18-26, 8vo. IBs. CoKDARA, Julius Csesar. Caroli Edoardi Stuartii, Wallife Principis, Expeditio in Scotiaivi, Libris IV comprehensa. 1752. Cordelier metamorphosed. "Tales of the Cordelier metamorphosed, as narrated in a MS. from the Bor- romeo Collection ; and in the Cor- rlelier Cheval of M. Piron, with Translations. 1821. 4to. Pp. 54, with 11 etchings on India paper, hy George Crnikshank. 64 copies. Pri- vately printed by George Ilibbert. Bos- well, 3055, 4/. CoEDERius, Maturin. Select Cen- tury of Oorderius' Colloquies, La- tin and EngUsh, by John Clarke. Lond. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Of this work of Corderius, formerly much used in schools, a vast number of editions have been published. Clarke's edition is recommended by Dr. Johnson. Dialogues of Corderius, translated by John Brinsley, 1614 8vo. (Cordial, A soveraigne, for a Cliristian Conscience. Roane, 1554. 16mo. B 3, in eights. See CORDTALB. CORDINEB, Eev. Charles. Anti- quities and Scenery of the North of Scotland, in a Series of Letters to Thomas Pennant. Lond. 1780. 4to. 21 plates. An intelligent and verj- amusing work, liesigned as a supplement to Pennant's Scottish Tour. Koxburghe, 8789, IGs. Dent, pt. 1. 967, 16s. Constable, 247, 14s. Heath, 4745, H. 8s. — Remarkable Ruins and ro- mantic Prospects of Nortli Britain, with ancient Monuments and sin- gular Subjects of Natural History. Lond. 1788—95. 4to. 2 vols, Pnbl. in 24 nos. at 5s. each. Roxburghe. 8790, 2?. 5s. Constable. 248, 1?. 4s. Heath' 4744, 21. 5s. Nassau, pt. i. 874, with the Antiquities, 1780, 21. 8s. Baker, 201, with extra coloured plates of natural history, Gl. 6s. — Rev. James. Description of Ceylon. Lond. 1807. ito. 2 vols. Tliis work contains an account of the country, inliahitants, and natural produc- tions; with narratives of a tour round the Island in 1800; the campaign of Candy in 1803, and a Jouniey to Kauiisserain in 1804. An excellent article on the inte- resting island of Ceylon, with a notice of the work, appeared in tlie Quart. Review, xiv. t— 38. Drur.y, im5, 16s. Fonthill, 336, 21. 12s. Cordyale.— C'y commence la pre- miere partie des quatre derrenieres choses qui sont a aduenir. Ending with Explicit liber de quatuor no- uissimis. [William Caxton.] folio. Supposed to be one of Caxton's earliest works, printed by him in the Low Coun- tries, before 1474. The type resembles the English version of the Cordiale, by Earl Rivers, the second edition of the Game of Chess, the first edition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, and other pieces printed by Caxton. The work is conjectured to be the French translation of the 'Four Last Thing.s,' made from the Latin hv Jean Mielot, canon of St. Pierre at IJlle, and secretary to Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, to whom he dedicated tlie manuscript in 1453. Tl;e printed work consists of 71 leaves, and is divided into four parts ; each part is preceded liy a prologue, and treats of one of the four novissimit, and is again subdivided into three minor portions. The headings are printed in red ink. See^rcAtEo^o^io, xxxi. pp. 412— 424. A copy, considered unique, is in the British Museum. Cordyale. Tlie Book named Cor- dyale ; or Memorare novissima : which treateth of ' The foure last Thinges' (Death, last Judgment, Pains of Hell, and Joys of Heaven) . 1480. foho. This work, from Caxton's press, was translated out; of French by Lord Anthoine, Earl Rivers, Lord of Scales, and of the Isle of Wight. It is printed in long lines, has neither capital letters (but spaces with small ones as a direction to insert the ca- pitals) catchwords, nor signatures, and the leaves, amounting to 76, are not nunibei-ed. A full page contains 29 lines. Inglis, 601, morocco, 24?. 3s. Alchorne, 167, 1272. Is. Towneley, pt. i. 433, morocco, 94/. 10s. Knight, 1847, (5 leaves inlaid), mor. 45/. See Ames, by Dibdin, i. 77 — 83. HibI Spencer, iv. 225—7. 524 coil CoKDTALE.— The Memorare do- uissima, &c. or the Booke named Cordjall. Enprjnted atte West- raynstre, Anuo vt's. 4to. Contains a — m, in eights, (m having only six leaves). There is a copy in the Bodleian library. See Ames, by Dibdin, ii. 329-30. Bibl. Spencer, iv. 413-14. CORIAT, See CORYAT, Cork. — Relation of the most la- mentable Burning of the Citie of Corke by Thunder and Lightning in May 1622. Lond. 1622. 4to. Pp. with frontispiece. Nassau, pt. i. 2150, 21. CoEMACK, Rev. John. Account of the Abohtion of Female Infan- ticide in Guzerat, with consider- ations on the Question of promot- ing the Grospel in India. 1815. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Corn. — Three Tracts on the Cora Trade and Corn Laws. Lond. 1766. Svo. 5s. Reprinted 1795, Svo. CoENAEO, Lewis. Discourses on a sober and temperate Life. Trans- lated from the Italian Original. Lond. 1768. 8vo. 3s. 6d. A good translation of a valuable and welI-kno;yn work.. The 31st Edition, 1818, ]'2rao. 2s. Abernethy, in his excellent Work on the Digestive Organs, &c. makes the following observations : — ' It would be well if the public would follow the advice of Addison, given in the Spectator (no. 195), on reading the writings of Lewis Cornaro, who having naturally a weak constitution, which he seemed to have mined by intemperance, so that he was expected to die at the age of thirty five, did at that period adopt a strict regimen, allowing himself only twelve ouncps of food daily. I'.y this plan of diet he lived to more than one hundred years; and it is delightful to observe the tranquil, cheer- ful, and energetic state of mind accom- panying his bodily health, and in a great measure induced by it.' Sir John Sinclair, in his Code of Health and Longevity, men- tions an edition of 1779, as tlie best En- glish translation of Cornaro's works. CoRNBTTRY, Henry Hyde, Lord Hyde and. The Mistakes ; or the happy Resentment, a Corned V. Lond. 1758! Svo. I'liblished by siibscriptiou by the cele- COB brated actress, Mrs. Porter, and upwards of three thousand sold. The advertise- ment was written by Horace Walpole, Earl of Oxford. Some have erroneously- supposed it was printed at Strawberry- HilL Reed, 8059, 4s. Roxburghe, 4663, 4s. Strettell, 1608, 5s. 6d. Bindley, pt.ii. 681. with a MS. note from Garrick to Bindley, 2L 10s. CoRNEiLLE,P. Les Chefs d'GEuvre de P. Corneille, avec le Jugement des Savans, a la Suite de chaque Piece. Oxford, 1746. 12mo. 4s. A neat edition, large paper. Bindlev, pt. i. 1402,7s. 6d. Lloyd, 330,1?. 10s. Dent, pt. i. 551, morocco, U. 18s. White Knights, 1000, morocco, 21. lis. Stanley, 375, mo- rocco by Roger Payne, 3?. 3s. Corneille has been called by his countrymen the Shakspeare of France. Translations from the French of P. and T. Corneille. Horatius, a Roman Tragedy, by Sir William Lower. Lond. 16o6, 4to. Rox- burghe, 5341, 6s. Rhodes, 155.3, 6s. 6d. Horace, a French Tragedy of Monsieur Corneille, englished by Charles Cotton. Lond. 1671, 4to. The translator lias affixed additional songs and chorusses. — 1677, 4to. with a front. Rhodes, 827, 4s. Roxburghe, 4667, 2s, 6d. This tragedy was likewise translated by Mrs. Cath Phillip.s, 1667, fol. Pompey, a Tragedy, by Mrs. Catherine Philips. Lond. 1663, 4to. This transla- tion was undertaken at the request of the Earl of Orrery. Roxburghe, 5611, 3s. 6d. Pompey the great, a Tragedy (by Ed- mund Waller). Lond. 1664, 4to. Rox- burghe, 6004, 3s. In this translation Waller was assisted by the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex, Sir C. Sedlcy, and Sidney Godolphin. Heraclius, Emperonrof the East, a Tra- gedy, englished by Lodowick Carlell. Lond. 1664, 4to. Ro.xburghe, 4666, Is. 6d. Rhodes, 719, Is. 6d. Field, 142, 3s. Amorous Orontus : or. Love in Fashion : a Comedy in heroic Verse by J. Bulteel, (ient. Lond. 1665, 4to. Another edition, entitled ' Amorous Gallant,' 1675, 4to Nicomede, a Tragi-comedy, translated out of the French of Monsieur Corneille, by John D.ancer. As it was acted at the Theatre Royal in Dublin. Together with an exact Catalogue of all the English Stage Plays printed till this present year, 1671 (by Francis Kirkman). Printed for Francis, 1671, 4to. Rhode,s, 873, 7s. 6d. Rodognnc, or the Rival Brothers, a Tragedy, done from the French of M. Ccr- Colt coil .00-, CohneilTjE — contimied. noillfl (by Sampson Aspiiiwnll). [,oii(l. 1705, 8vo. Is. 6(1. Molite, a Coinedv, translator frnni Cor- neille. Lond. MIQ,, 12hio. \ii. (id. The Labyrinth, or the fatal I'.mbai-rass- nient, a Tragedy. Dublin, 179.5, 8vn. ,Ss. Maximian, a Tragedy by Ladv Sophia Bnrrell. Lond. 1800, 8vo. iis. The Cid, a Traf-27 In a Heries of Lettera. LonJ. 1775, 12mi'i, 33. These Letters have bemi crroneousl)- supposed '0 have been a coiiespondence between tlic celebrated Lord Littleton and Mrs. Peach. CoERi, D. The Singer's Precep- toi- : or, a Treatise on vocal Poetry. 1811. 8vo. 2 vols. Published at 1/. 5s. COHEO, Anthony de. An Epistle or godlie Admonition of a learned Minister of the Gospel sent to the Pastoiu's of the Flemish Churoh in Antwerp (who name tiiemselves of the Confession of Auspurge) ex- horting them to concord with the other Ministers of the G-ospeU. Translated out of French by Geffray Fenton. Lond. 1569. 8vo. Again, 1570. A theologrical Dialo<^ue, wherein the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans is ex- pounded. Gathered and set together out of the readings of Ant. Corraniis of Seii- illa. Professor of Diuinitie. Lond. 1575, IGmo. Black letter. Hoswell, 738, 2s. Again. 1579. A Supplication exhibited to the mostc niightie Prince Philip King of Spain, &c. Lond. 1577, 8vo. In Latin and French. Sermons on Ecc!<>siastes, abridged by ThomasPitt. Oxon, 15.35, 8vo, 'This is called by some Pitt's Paraphrase on Ec- clesiastes.' — Arit. a Wnnd. A Spanish Grammar, with certain Rules for teaching both the Spanish and French Tongues. Lond. 1590, 4to. CoEEY, John. The History of, Bristol, civil and ecclesiastical ; in- , eluding biographical notices of emi- nent and distinguished Natives, i [By John Corry, and the Rev. John Evans.] Bristol, 1816. royal Bvo, 2 vols. 10s. 6d. In little estimation. Drnry, 1631, 16s. 6d. Large paper, 4to. 18s. History of Lancashire. Lond. 1825, 4to. 2 vols, plates, large paper, royal 4to. — Joseph. Observations upon the windward Coast of Africa, the Religion, Character, Customs, &c. of the Natives ; with a System upon which they may be civilized, &c. &c. made in the Years 1805 and 1806. Lond. 1807. 4to. Pp. 16.'?, with plates, plain. IQg. coloure'i ir,s. CoRTE, Claudio. Tlie Art of Rid- ing. Written at 1,-irge i:i the Italian Toong, by Maister Claudio Corte. (Translated bv T. Bedingfield.) Lond. 1584. 4t"o. Pp. 112. besides dedication to 'M. IIpu. Machwilliair,' &c. CoETES, Hernando. The pleasant Historie of the Conquest of the Weast India, now called new Spayne, translated out of the Spar.- ishe Tongue, by T.(homas) N.(icho- las). Lond. H. Bvnneman, 1578. 4to. Pp. 405. and a table, besides dedication to Francis 'Walsingham, ' To the Keader,' ' Stephen Gosson in prayse of the Trans- lator,' and ' In Thomm Nicholai oociden- talem Indiara St. Gosson. ' — Ilober, pt. ii.l455.2;.2s.— Bright, 1408, 1Z.15S.— Lond. T. Creede, 1596. Inglis, ,380, mor. 3/. 10s. — Martin. The Arte of Naui- gation, translated out of Spanyshe into Englyshe by Richard Eden. Lond. by R. Jugge. 1561. 4to. 18s. Contains fol. Ixxxiii. and a table at the end, besides dedication ' To — Syr Wyl- lyamGarrerd, Knyght, and Master Tho- mas Lodge, Aldermen of the Citie of Lon- don,' &c. by Kich. Eden. Sir P. Thompson, 140, 5s. 6d.— 1.589, 4to.-1596,4to. Inscrilvd ' To the industrious Seamen and Ma- riners of Enp-land. John Tap.' — 1609, 4to. Newly corrected and enlarged by John Tapp. CoRViNTTS, Ant. A Postill or Collection of moste godly Doctrine upon euery GospeU through the Yere. Lond. 1550. 4to. CoETAT, Geo. Poemata varia Latina. Lond. 157 . 4to. (doubt- ful.) The PosWuimous Poems of this writer will be found attached to the son's Cru- dities after i age 655, with the following title: 'Posthumia FragmentaPoematum. G. C. Sarisbnriensis Sacraj Theologife Baccalaurei. Lond. 1611.' besides Dedi- cation to Henry, Prince of Wales, bv T.C.. two leaves, occupies 14 leaves unnum- bered, in all 17 leaves. CoEYAT, Thomas. Coryats Cru- dities hastily gobled vp in Q.\e Moneths Trauells in France, Sauoy, M :.i 2 528 COR COB Italy, Ehetia, comonly called the I ing to liiin, iVom various Authors ; Grisons Country, Heluetia aliils being a more particular Account ot Switzerland, some Parts of high liis Travels (mostly on Foot) in Germany and the Netherlands Lond. printed by W. S. Auuo Domini 1611. 4to. frontispiece, con- tainmg portrait of author, by W. Hole. Strettell, 582, 7?. 17s. 6d. Dowdeswell, 2.55, 6;. 23. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 1831, lOl. Bibl. Aliglo-Poet. 113, 151. Lloyd, 475, (wanting frontispiece), 31. 10s. 1 )ent, pt. i. 969, russia, 61. Towneley, pt. i. 498 nissia, 71. 7s. Stanley, Wi. 10s. North, pt. iii. 567, ninrocco, 81. 8s. Ro.vburghe, 7282, 51 Steevens, 1915, il. 3s. Williams, 33,3, morocco, 16^. 5s. 6d. Gordonstoun, 675, with the Traveller for the English Wits, 1616, SI. 2s. (hI. Watson Taylor, 449, 61. 6s. Bright, 1472. [The dedication copy, pre- sented to Prince Henry by the author, is in the Grenville l^ibrary, British Museum.] Collation. — yvinted title, one leaf; a, three leaves ; b (' A Character of the Authoiir," and a copy of verses by Ken Jonson) 4 leaves ; c to g, eight leaves each ; h to 1, 4 leaves each. B — Ddd 4, in eights -. (before D 2, page 1 of Coryats rrndities, are 3 leaves, containing 'Mr. I.nuience WhitakersElogie of the Booltatis SUM 35, (often deficient). 2. A wood cut of the plume of feathers of Henry, Prince of Wales, before the epistle dedica- tory. 3. Dragon (in 3 B). 4. Whole-length liortrait of Coryat, with a Venetian cour- tezan, p. 262. 5. A Delineation of the Amphitheater of Verona, p. 311. 6. A true figure of the famous Clock of Strasbourg, p. 452. 7. Sciographie or Modell of that stupendous vessell (the Heidelberg tun) in the Palace of the Count Palatine of Khene. p. 486. 8. Portrait of Frederick IV. p. 496. [Coryat is found occasionally with this printed title : 'Three ckuue Veines are luiESENTED in this Booke following (be- sides the foresaid CruditieS) no lesse lilowiug in the body of the Booke, than the Cbuditiks themselves, two of Uheto- ricke, and one of Pobsie,' &c. &c. Then in the trasterne of them look and tlion slialt find the I'osthume Poems of the Authors Father, &c. Printed by W. S., anno domini 1611 ] CoEYAT, T. Coryat's Crudities ; reprinted from the Edition of 1(511. To whicli are now added, liis Letters from India, &c. and Extracts relat- dilfcrent Parts of the Globe, than any hitherto published. Together with liis Orations, Characters, Deat'ii, &c. with Copper Plates. Lond. 1776. 8vo. 3 vols. 21. 2s. Bindlev, pt. i. 889, II. 6s. Marq. of Townsheiid, 560, 2/. A Life of this singular and extraordinary character will be tnuud in VVood's Athen. Oxon. and in the Biographia Britannica, and a notice of his work is in the Retro- spective Review, vi. 206 — 24. Coryat's Crambe, or his Colwort twice sodden, and now serued in with other Ma- caronicke Dishes, as the second Course to his Crudities. Lond. printed by William Stansby, 1611, 4to. [The rarest of Cor- yat's productions. It contains verses by Ben Jonson, L. Whitaker, and others.] A, b. A, B, C, in fours ; D, eight leaves ; E and F, in fours ; G and H, three leaves each. White Knights, 1151, morocco, bl. 10s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 115, 10?. 10s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 734, 11. 15s. Jnglis, 381, 2/. 10s. Bright, 6/. The OdcombianBanqvet: dished foortli by Thomas the Coriat, and serued in by a Number of noble Wits in Prayse of his Crvdities and Crambe too. Asinus portins Mysteria. Imprinted for Thomas Thorp. 1611, 4to. A to P, in fours, A 1 probably blank. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 114, 7?. 7s. White Kaights, 1150, ru;ssia, 2?. 18s. Sir M. M. Svkes, pt. i. 735, morocco, 21. 16s. resold, Bright, 3?. 3s. Traveller for the English Wits. 1616, 4;o. In the title is a portrait of the an. thor riding on an elephant. Fonthill, 3013. U. 10s.— F AC -SIMILE reprint. Reed, 3755, 8s. Mr. Thomas Coriat to his Friends in England sendeth greeting: from Agra the capitall City of the Dominion of the great MogoU in the Easterne India, the List of October, 1616. At Lond. printed by I. B. 1618, 4to. Towneley, pt. i. 499, morocco, 5/. 10s. White Knights, 1153, morocco, 6?. 6s. Fao - Simile reprint. Bindley, pt. i. 1S32, 9s. (7oZfct((OH. — Twenty-five leaves, viz. title, one leaf — 'Certain Verses,' &c. one leaf — 'In Praise of the Author,' &c. 2 leaves — ' A short Descrip- tion,' &c. 2 leaves— 'A little Rcukmu- brance,' &c. 4 leaves — 'Master Thumas Coriats Commendations to his Frieiuls in Engl.and,' 7 leaves — A leaf containing a wood cut of a man with his arms folded, of wliich a duplicate occurs in the volume — ' Tlio Cotiv of a. speech,' Ac. ' M. Tho- COS COS 3-29 ma.-i Coriat's Coinmendiitions to lils Friend in England,' 5 leaves. — ' MiiKter Thomas Coriat.' ' The Author of the Verse,' &c. 2 leaves A Letter ' to ye right worspU. Sr. Mi- chaell Ilixes, Knight, give these with all speede' from 'Thomas Coryate,' dated ■ Fro: my Cliamber in Bowelane, tliis 15th. November, 1610,' will be found in the Censura Literaria. His Oration when Mr. Rugg diibhedhim Knight on the Plains of Troy. 4to. Letters from Agra to his Mother, Ger- trude. 4to. Traveller from Asmere. 4to. CoBYAT, Junior. Another Tra- veller ! or cui'sory Remarks and critical Observations made upon a Journey tlirougli Part of the Ne- tlierlands, in the latter End of the Year 1766. By Coriat Jimior. Lond. 1767. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. Fonthill, 2751, 11. 15s. Of this work, written by Samuel Paterson the celebrated auctioneer. Dr. Johnson said, 'tliis booli was in imitation of Stenie, and not of Co- riat, whose name Paterson had chosen as a whimsical one.' Paterson, in a pamphlet entitled An Appeal, &c. by Coriat Ju- nior, 12mo. produced some evidence to show that his work was written before Sterne's Sentimental Journey appeared. A notice of Paterson's work will be found in the Retrosp. Review, xii. 287-90. CoKYE, John. The generous Ene- mies, or the ridiculous Lovers, a Comedy. Lond. 1672. 4to. A compilement or rather plagiarism from otlier authors. Rhodes, 826, 6s. Rox- burghe, 4662, 2s. 6d. CoRYMB^US, t. e. RichardBBATH- WAIT. CosBiE, Arnold. Ultimum Yale to the vaine World, and Elegie writ- ten by liimself in the Marshalsea, after liis Condemnation for mm'- thering Lord Brooke. 1591. 4to. CosiN, James. The Names of the Roman CathoUcs, Nonjurors, and others who refused to take the Oaths to King George. Lond. 1745. 8vo. Bindley, pt. i. 1268, 6s. 6d. — John, Bp. of Durham. A Scholastical -History of the Canon of the Uoly Scripture ; or the certain and indnbitato Books thereof, as they are received in the Church of England. Second Edition. Lond. 1672. 4to. This work, though superseded by the works of Jones, Lardner, and Michaelis, is still deserving of respect for the service which it rendered at the time. The author wrote many other things, mostly on tlio Popish and Nonconforming Controversies. Tlie former edition. 1657, 4to. Collection of Private Devotions. 1627. This collection was severely attacked by Burton, Prynne, and other celebrated pu- ritans. Some say it was written at the command of K. Charles I., others at the request of the Countess of Denbigh, the Duke of Buckingham's sister. A funeral Sermon preached on Hebr. xi. 4, upon the 29th Day of April, 1672, toge- ther with a Brief of the Life, &c. of the late Lord Bishop of Durham. By John Basire, LL.D. Lond. 1673, 8vo. Prefixed is a portrait of Cosin by W. Dolle. Ano- ther memoir of the Bishop will be found in 'Vitae eruditissimorum Virorum,' by Smith. Works iirst collected. Oxfoid, 1843-5.3, 8vo. 5 vols. Published in tlie Library of the Anglo-Catholic Theology. — Richard, Bishop of Dm-ham. Apologie for sundrie Proceedings by Jurisdiction Ecclesiastical!. Lend. 1593. 4to. A learned and excellent work, in three parts: towliich is subjoined the determina- tion concerning Oaths, made by Launcelot Andrews, D.D. Inglis, 382, 8s. 6d. Bos- well, 247, 3s. Of a former edition, con- sisting of but two parts, about forty copies only were printed. Ecclesiaj Anglicanaj Politeia in Tabnias digesta. Lond. 1604, folio. Oxon. 1684, folio Regni Anglite sub Elizabetha Religio et Gubernatio Ecclesiastica edente G. Wekett, Lond. 1729, 4to. Conspiracy for pretended Reformation, viz. Presbyterial Discipline. 1591. Lond. 1699, Bvo. 6s. The former edition, Lond. by Cliristopher Barker, 1,592, 4to. 7s. 6d. Cosmo. Travels of Cosmo III., the grand Duke of Tuscany, tlu'ough a large part of England in the reign of Charles II. atid in the year 1669, translated from the Italian. Lond. 1820. 4to. port, and views of Cities aiul Towns. Amidst much that is tedious and stupid, 5o0 cos COS there are curious notices of tl>e state ot England, the mode of life, manners, and agriculture at this period. Drury, 1349, russia, 3/. Cossacks. — A Discotu'se of the Manners, &c. of the Cossacks. Lond. 1672. 18mo. Roxhurghe, 7885, 8s. Characteiistic Portraits of the various Tribes of Cossacks attaclied to the Allied Armies in the Campaign of 1815. Taken from Life at Paris, and accompanied by liistorical Particulars, &c. Lond. 1820, 4to. pp. 52, with lithographic engravings, also in colours. CosTAED, George. History of Astronomy, with its application to Geography, History, and Chrono- logy ; occasionally exemphfied by the Globes. Lond. 1767. 4to. 7s. Costard possessed a very considerable portion botli of oriental and classical learn- ing. On account of the former, he was often facetiously called Kabbi Costard. His writings are still held in estimation. Critical Obsei"vations on some Psalms. Lond. 1733, 8to. Some Observations tending toillustrate the IjOok of Job. and in particular the words 'I know that my Redeemer liveth.' Lond. 1747, Svo. A farther Account of the Rise anil Pro- gress of Astronomy among the Ancients, in three Letters to Mart n Folkes. Lond. 1748, Svo. Two Dissertations : I. Containing an In- quiry into the Meaning of the Word Ke- Bitah. mentioned in Job xlii. XI. On the Signification of the Word Hermes. Ox- ford, 1752, 8vo. Dissertationesll.: critico-sacrw, quarum prima explicatur Lzek. xiii. 18; altera vero, 2 Reg. x. 22. Oxon. 1752 8vo. CosTEEius, J'oannes. Institvitio nccessaria de Exitu et Fuga Baby- lonis, i. e. de Egressu Cathohcorum a f'ivitatibusHsereticoruin,&c. Du- aci, 1580, Svo. 12s. Tills volume contains some curious in- formation relative to the state of the Ca- tholics in England, Ireland and Scotland, in the Reign of Q. Elizabetli. CosTiGAN, Captain Arthur Wil- ham. Sketches of Society and Man- ners in Portugal. Lond. 1788. 8vo. 2 vols. Fonthill, 2681, 1^. 8s. Costlie (the) Whore, a comical history acted by the company of tha Eevels. Lond. 1633, 4to. 11. Ss. Costumes of various Countries, &c. The Costume of Austria, displayed in fifty coloured Engravings; with Ufscrip- tions and an Introduction by M. Bf rtrand De Moleville. Translated by R. C. Dallas. Lond. 1804, imperial 4to. Published at 61. 6s. Dent, pt. ii. 738, li. 19s. Duke ot York, 1498, russia, il. 7s. The Costume of China, illustrated by sixty (coloured) Engravings, with Expla- nations in French and English. By George Heniy Mason. Lond. 1800, royal 4to. Pub- at 6 guineas. Roxburghe, 6894, 31. 8s. White Knights,2727, morocco,5^ Dowdes- well, 612, morocco, 31. 3s. Beckford, in 1817, 153, 21. lis. Another edition, 1804, royal 4to. The Costume of China, illustrated in 48 coloured engravings. By William Alex- ander. Lond. 1805. 4to. Published in numbers, tlie first of which appeared in 1797. Earl of Kerry, 179, 21. 12s. Gd. Rox- burghe, 8893, 21. 2s. Fonthill, 1099, with a triple set of plates, the etched, the finished, and the coloured, 41. 16s. A picturesque Representation of the naval, military, and miscellaneous Cos- tumes of Great Britain, in one hundred coloured Plates, with a descriptive Essay on the Subject of each Plate, in English and French. By John .Augustus Atkinson. Lond. 1S07, royal folio. Duke of York, 1499, 11. 10s. The Costume of Russia, with 70 colour- ed engravings. Lond. 1803, 4to. Publish- ed by Harding. The Costume of the Russian Empire, illustrated by a series of 73 engravings (coloured). With Descriptions in English and French. Lond. 1803, imperial 4to. Published by Miller at 8^. 8s. White Knights, 1154, morocco, il. 4s. Bindley, pt. i. 1320, n. 15s. Roxburghe, 7886, 31. 9s. The Costume of Turkey, illustrated by a series of 60 coloured Engravings ; with Descriptions in Englisli and French. Lond. 1802, imperial 4to. Published at SI. 8s. Dent, pt. i. 670, \l. 12s. Roxburghe, 8855, 31. 3s. The Costume of Turkey, illustrated by a Series of (60 coloured) Engravings, with Descriptions in English and French. Lond. 1804, imperial 4to. White Knights, 1156, morocco, 41. 43. [The Punishments op China, 22 plates, Lond. 1801, published by Miller, are generally added to his series of Cos- tumes, which then make 8 vols., and sell together for something less than 201.'] The Costumes of England, Au.stria, Russia, Turkey, Ciii.sA and Switzerland, with coloured plates. 1814-15,7 vols, royal COS COT 531 Costumes — contimied. 8vo. Published by Murray. Saunders, in 1818, 71. 7s. Sotlieby'8, in 182,3, Zl. 9s. Albanian and Greek Costumes, with descriptive quotations from Lord liyron. By Cartwriglit. Lond. 1810, impl. fulio. Twelve plates. Coloured like drawings. Costume of Austria, 30 coloured plates. 1824, folio. Costume of the Army of the Hurnsn Empire, according to the Kej^ulations of 1814. , Lond. 1815, 4to. Published by Col- naghi. Duke of York, 1505, 15 nos. a gilt copy, II. 153. Costume of the British Aumv in 1828, lithographed by M.Ganci, from Drawings by K.lIuU. Lond. 1828. No. 1.9 prints, 9s. The Costume of tlie original Inhabitants of the British Islands from the earliest Period to the sixth Century: to which is lidded, that of the Gothic Nations on the Western Coasts of the Baltic, the Ances- tors of the Anglo-Saxons and the Anglo- Danes. By Samuel Rush Meyrick and Charles Hamilton Smith. Lond. 1815, royal 4to. with 24 coloured plates. Sothe- by's, in 1821, SI. 10s. 6d. Nassau, pt. ii. 1597, 9^. LARGE PAPER, iu fdlio, Dowdes- well, 785, IIZ. 6s. Dent,pt. ii. 1281, morocco, \U. lis. Some copies are dated 1821. Costume of England, from the seventh to the sixteenth Century. By Charles Hamilton Smith. Lond. 1811-13, 4to. 60 plates. Published in 15 numbers, lOl. 10s. LARGE PAPER, follo, \bl. 15s. [Republish- ed by H. G. Bohn, with superior colour- ing, 3?. 13s. 6d.] Costume of the Army of the British Empire, with Descriptions. By Ch. Ha- milton Smith. Lond. 1812, 4to. Costume of t*e various Orders of the University of Cambridge. Drawn by R. Harraden. Camb. 1805, 4to. pp. 22, not including half-title, engraved title, and an advertisement, with 17 plates, 12 of which have descriptive letter-press. Costume and History of the Clans of Scotland, by John SobieskyStolberg Stu- art and Chas. Edward Stuart. Edinb. 1845. imp. folio, 3^ 3s. Coloured Plates, half morocco, 81. 8s. Martin's Civil Costume of England, from the Conquest to the present period, from Tapestry, MSS. &c. Loud. Bohn, 1842, royal 4to. 11. 12s. 6d. Military Costume of Europe, with co- loured Plates, imp. 4to. 2 vols, Publislied by Goddard. Sotheby's, in 1823, 15 nos. 21. 2s. Duke of York, 1495, 16 nos.3L lis. Characteristic Costume of France, with appropriate Descriptions. 1819, royal 4to. Published at 21. 12s. 6d. Costumes du Representaus des Peuples Francais. Lond. 1796, 8vo. Roxburghe, 1806, 19s. The Costume of GRE.^T Britain, (60 co- loured plates) designed, engraved and written by W. H. Pyne. Lond. 1808, ele- phant 4to. Duke of York, 1500, Zl. The Costume of IIindostan, elucidated by sixty coloured Engravings ; with De- scriptions in English and in Ereuch, taken in the Years 1798 and 1799. By Bait. Sol- vyns, of Calcutta. Lond. 1804, royal 4to. Published by (Jnne at SI. 8s. Duke of York, 1496, il. 5s. Fontliill, 1714, il. Ss. The original edition (divided into 12 sec- tions) has the following title, A Catalogue of 250 coloured Etchings descriptive of the Manners, Customs, Character, Dress and religious Ceremonies of the Hindoos, by Bart. Solvyns. Calcutta, 1799, folio, 10?. 10s. [This was republished at Paris, 1808, with French and English, in 4 vols, royal folio, 292 plates, copied from the original etchings on a somewhat reduced .sc.-ile. See Solvyns.] Costume of Illyria and Dalmatia. 36 coloured plates. 1824, 2 vols. The Military Costume of India, by Captain James, with coloured plates. 1813, 4to. Costume of Persia, drawn from Nature, by A. Oiiowski, and on stone by Hulman- dell. Dighton, Lond. 1820, folio, coloured plates. The Costume of Portugal, by M. Le- veque, with fifty coloured plates. Lond. 1814, 4to. Duke of York, 1452, 21. 2s. The Costume of Spain and Portugal. 27 coloured plates. 1824. Delineations of the Costume of the Spa- niards. 1822, 4to. 21. 12s. 6d. Costume of the South Sea Islands. 26 coloured plates. 1824, 2 vols, 12mo. Pub- lished by Ackermann. The Military Costume of Turkey; il- lustrated by a Series of (31 coloured) En- gravings, from Drawings made on the spot. Lond. by Thomas Maclean (1818), royal 4to. The Costume of Yorkshire, illustrated by a Series of Engiavings, being Fac-si- miles of original Drawings, with Descrip- tions in English and French. Lond. 1814, in imperial 4to. This work consists of 40 coloured plates, not including frontis- pieces, with 96 page.s of, two titles and two tables of contents, Zl. 3s. LARGE paper, in folio, bl. 5s. Book of Costume, or Annals of Fashion from the earliest Period to the present time ; by a Lady of rank. Lond. 1846, 8vo. -See Atkinson, J. A.; Jeffehy ; Hope; SOLVYN. Cotes, Roger. Harmoiiia Men- surarum. Accedunt alia Opuscula )32 COT CDT matlieiuatica. Edidit et auxit Ko- hertus Smith. Cautab. 1722. 4to. An esteemed woik. Hydiostatical and Prieiimatical Lec- tiives. Loud. 1738, 8vo. 5s. CoiGEAVE, John. The English Ti'easury of Wit aud Language. Lond. 1655. 12mo. Pp. 320. Taken from the dramatic wri- ters and digf-sted into common-places. BiW. An-I.i-Poet. 168, 31. 3s. Nassau, pt i. 763, 21. 15s. Rhodes, 2911, 1/. 5s. Bindlev, pt. i. 1247, 31. 13s. 6d. Heber, pt. iv. 432, 21. Is. Skegg, 21. 4s. — Wits Interpreter, or the En- glish Parnassus, by J. C. Lond. 1655. 8vo. Pp. — , with a frontispiece containing portraits. Lloyd, 1251, 21. 3s. Perrv, pt. iv. 281, 11. 16s. Towneley, pt. i. 795, 51. An edition 1671, with frontispiece. Nas- sau, pt. i. 764, 21. 15s. lieed, 7903, U. Stee- vens, 1132, 17s. JoIIey, 1843, M. lis. Bright, 21. 17s. Gardner, 1854, 31. lis. — Randle. A French and En- glish Dictionary, with another in EngUsli and French, by Robert Sherwood : whereunto are added sundry Animadversions, &c. &c. by James Howell. Lond. 1673. folio. Very useful in explaining the obsolete words in old French writers. — 1611, folio. I!p. of Elv. 506, 16s. Keed, 225, 8s. 6d. Dent. pt. i. 674, 15s.— 1632, folio. Reed, 226, 9s. 6d.— 1650, folio. Bindley, pt. i. 1141, 11. 43. Roxburghe, 2152, 7s. 6d. —1660, folio. Brockett, 794, 11. 3s. Rox- burghe, 2153, 12s. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 676, ll.2s. CoTMAN, Jolm Sell. Tlie Arclii- tcctural Antiquities of Normandy, i-epresented and illustrated in a Se- ries of 100 Etchings, comprising Views, Elevations, and Details of various ancient Edifices, with His- tt)rical Notices by Dawson Turner. Lond. 1820-2. super-royal folio. 100 plates, 2 vols. 41. 4s. Published at 121. 12s. l.\roe paper. PnoOFS on India paper. Published at 211. One copy printed on Vellitm, in posses- sion of the authoi. A higlily valuable and faithful delineation of hitherto inedited monuments. .VliCIIITECTUKAL ETCHINGS of old Eng- lish buildings, chiefly in Norfolk, with letter-press by Kii-kniiin. Loud. Bohn, lS;i8, imp folio, 2 vols. 'JIO plates, 8^ 8s. These volumes comiirehend all the se- parate sets of Etchings previously pub lislied, excepting the Normandy. Miscellaneous Etchings, by J. S. Cot- man, from his own Designs, containing 28 Prints of Antiquities, with an Index. 1812, super-royal folio, 21. 12s. 6d. Specimens of the Architectural Anti- quities of Norfolk. Yarmouth, 1812-17, im- perial folio, 10 nos. This work consists of 60 etchings, representing exterior and in- terior views of the most celebrated re- mains of antiquity in the county, with a general index. Dent, pt. i. 677, 31. 16s. Antiquities of St. Mary's Chapel, at Stourbridge, near Cambridge. Yarmouth, 1819, 4t0. 11. 15s. LAUGE PAPER. Liber Studiorum, a series of sketches and studies. Lond. 1838, imp. 4to. 1^ 4s. Large paper, imp. folio, 21. 2s. Engravings of sepulchral Brasses in the County of Suffolk. Vanuouth, 7 nos. (un- finished and without letter-press). Engravings of the most remarkable of the Sepulchral Brasses in the County of Norfolk. Yarmouth, 181.3-16, imperial 4to. 16 nos. This work, ' tending to illustrate the ecclesiastical, military and civil cos- tume of former ages, as well as to preserve memorials of the most ancient families in that county,' consists of 84 plates, with a general index. Sotheby's in 1823, 21. 19s. Second edition, enlarged; with the addi- tion of the Sufli'lk Brasses, an Introduc- tory Essay by Dawson Turner, and letter- press to the Brasses by Meyrick, Way, and Nicolas, and to the Suflolk by D. E. Davy, Esq. Lond. 1839, folio, 2 vols. 173 plates, ^il. 6s. large paper, in imperial folio, 8/ 8s. Cotswold Clames. See Annaha Dubrensia. * COTTA, John. The Triall of Witch-craft, Lond. 1616. 4to. Bindlev, pt. i. 2207,5s. Second edition. Lond. 1625, 4to. A short Discoverie of Ihe vnobserved Dangers of the ignorant and vnconsiderate Practisers of Physicke in England. Lond. 1612, 4to. See Oldys' Brit. Libr. 34-41. A trve Discovery of the Empei'icke, with the Fvgitlve Physition and Quacksalver. Lond. 1617, 4to. Medicinaj Chymicse, et veri potabilis Auri Assertio, ex Lucubrationibus Fra. Anthonij Londinensis. Oxon. 1623, 4to. CoTTESFoED, Sam. A Ti-eatise against Traitors : taken out of Je- remie 40 ; 18-16, and 41 ; 1-4. Meete for all faitlifid Subiects in these dangerous Dayes. Lond. 1591. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Biudle)-, pt. i. 1223. 21. 12s. 6d. COTTINGHAM, L. N. Plaus, Elc- COT COT 533 vations, Sections, Detiiils and Views--, witli Mouldings, full size, of the Chapel of K. Henry VII. at West- minster (Exterior). Lond. 1822. atlas folio. 45 plates. [Vol. 2, con- taining Details of the Interior, 27 plates, was pubHshed in 1829], 3/. 3s. WorkiiK? Drawings for Gothic Orna- ments, selected and composed from the best examples. Loud. 1822, atlas folio, .38 plates, with a description. Publislied at II. 18s. Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Details at large of Westminster Hall. Lond. 1822, imiieriiil folio. Published at 1/. 16s. Grecian and Roman .Vrchitectnre, on 24 large folio Plates. Lond. 1824. Published at U. 5s. This work is arranged so as to form perfect studies for young artists and workmen, the plans, views, and details of each being given on the same plate. Cotton, Cliarles. The genuine poetical Works of Charles Cotton. The sixth Edition corrected. Lond. 1771. 12 mo. with cvits. 5s. Consisting of I. Scarronides. II. Lucian burlesqued. III. The Wonders of the Peake. A Panegyrick to the Kings most excel- lent Majesty. Lond. 1660, folio. Tlie Valiant Knight, or the Legend of St. Peregrine, with his strange adventures, i 1663, 4to. Jolley, 11. 4s. Scarronides, or Virgile Travestie, being the first Book of Vii'gils j3Eneis in English Burlesque. Lond. 1664, 8vo, Scarronides, or Virgile Travestie. A mock Poem on the first and fourth Books of Virgils ^neis in English Burlesque. Lond. 1672, 8vo. 3s. Burlesque upon Burlesque. Lond. 1675, 8vo. 3s. Second edition corrected. 1686, Svo. 3s. The Planter's Manual. Lond. 1675, 12mo. with frontispiece. Tlie complete Angler: being Instruc- tions how to angle for a Trout and Gray- ling in a clear Sti-eam. Lond. 1676, 12mo. first edition. This treatise is frequently bound up with the third and fourth edi- tions of Walton, and is reprinted with every subsequent edition. The Wonders of the Peake. Lond. 1681, 8vo. pp. 90. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 124, 6s.— 16ri9, Svo. Poems on several Occasions, by Charles Cotton. Loud. 1689, Svo. Bindley, pt. i. 1021, 12s. — Compleat Gamester. Lond. 1674. Svo. 7s. 6d. First edition, witli iin engraved frontiu- piece and portrait. Tlie preliminary part of this volume describes an ordinary, and the various tricks and manners of the fre- quenters. Again, 1680, Svo. Cotton, Eev. Henry, D.C.L. A List of Editions of the Bible and Parts thereof in EngUsh, from the Year MDV. to MDCCCXX. With an Appendix containing Specimens of Translations and bibliographical Descriptions. Oxford, 1821. Svo. 8s. Pp. xxi. and 168. Intended as an ap- pendix to Lewis' History of the English Translations of the Scriptures, though it will be found a very useful publication to those who may not be possessed of that work. rSecond edition, continued to 1850. Oxford, 1852, Svo. 8a. 6d.] The Typographical Gazetteer. Oxford, 1825, Svo. pp. xvi. and 219. [Second edi- tion. Oxford, 1831, Svo. 12s. 6d.] Memoir of a French translation of the New Testament, in which tlie Mass and Purgatory are found in the sacred Text ; together with Bishop Kidder's Reflections on the same: accompanied by Notes. Lond. 1827, Svo. — (John of Boston, N. E.) The Bloudy tenent washed and made white in the blond of the Lamb, w hereunto is added a reply to Mr. Williams' answer to Mr. Cotton's answer. 1647. 4to. Sotheby, 1856, 21. 13s. — Nathaniel, M.D. Various Pieces in Verse and Prose, many of which were never before pub- Hshed. Loud. 1791. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s. — Sir Robert. Cottoni Post- huma ; divers choice Pieces of that renowned Antiquary Su* Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronet. By J.(amcs) H.(owell).— Lond. 1679. small Svo. Pp. iv. and 351, including a dedication to Sir Robert Pye, Knight. Prefixed is a port, of the author by T. Cross. Heath, 4423, 9s. 6d. ' A work full of learning and parliamentary topics.' — Nia^lson. Petyt terms it a fictitious work, and on the other hand, Barrington observes, that it contains several valuable and curious particulars, I'ormcr editions, 1651, 1672. 531 COT COT Cotton, Sir R. — continued. Contents of the Edition 1679.— 1. A Rela- tion of the Proceedings against Ambassa- dors who liave miscanied themselves, &c. 2. That the Kings of England have been pleased, usually to consult with their Peers in the great Council and Commons in Parliament, of Marriage, Peace and War. An edition entitled, The Antiquity and Dignity of Parliaments. 1679, folio. It is also to be found in the second volume of the Harleian Miscellany. 3. That the Soveraigns Person is required in the great Councils, or Assemblies of the State, as well at the Consultations, as at the Con- clusions. 4. A Discourse of the Lawful- ness of Combats to be performed in the Presence of the King or the Constable and Mar.shalof England. A former edition. Lond. 1651, 4to. 5. A brief Abstract of the Question of Precedency between Eng- land and Spain. 6. A Remonstrance of the Treaties of Amity and Marriage before time, and of late, of the House of Austria and Spain, with the Kings of England, to advance themselves to the Monarchy of Europe. 7. Twenty-four Arguments whe- ther it be more expedient to suppress Popish Practices against the due Alle- giance of his Majesty. 8. The Manner and Means how the Kings of England have from Time to Time supported and repaired their Estates. 9. An Answer to certain Arguments raised from supposed Anti- quity and urged by some Members of the lower House of Parliament, to prove that Ecclesiastical Laws ought to be enacted by temporal Men. 10. The Argument of the House concerning the Liberty of the Person of every Freeman. 11. A Speech delivered at Oxford in the first Year of the Reign of K. Charles I. 12. A Speech touching the Alteration of Coyn. 13, The Danger wherein this Kingdom now stand- eth and the Remedy. An edition 1628, 4to. Also, reprinted in the first number of Mor- gan's Phoenix Britannicus and in the fourth volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. 14. Valour anatomized in a Fan- cie. By Sir Philip Sidney, 1581. Also to be found in the second number of Morgan's Phoenix Britannicus. 15. Sir Francis Walsingham's Anatomizing of Honesty, Ambition and Fortitude. Written in the Year 1590. 16. (A separate tract.) An Answer to such Motives as were offer'd by certain military Men to Prince Henry inciting him to affect Arms more than Peace. With a short View of the Life and Reign of Henry III. The second Edi- tion, very much corrected, and a Preface added by Sir John Cotton, Baronet. To which is annexed the French Charily, written upon Occasion of Prince Hare- crurt's Coining into England, translated into English by F. S. J. E. Lond. 1675, small 8vo. Pp. 142, besides title, dedica- tion to Mr. Walter Chetwind and preface, 3 leaves. Lloyd, 358, date 1665? with portrait by T. Cross, morocco, lis. An. edition of the answer. Lond. 1655, 8vo. Sir R. Cotton's other Works. A Treatise against Recusants, in De- fence of the Oath of Allegiance. Lond. 1641, 4to. A short View of the long Life and Raigue of Henry the third, King of Eng- land. Presented to King James. Printed 1627, 4to. Published anonymously. Re- printed in the first number of Morgan's Phcenix Britannicus. — 1641, 4to.— 1642. 4to. With portraits of the kings byFaith- orne,and of Sir J.Hayward. Towneley, pt. i.325, 16s. 6d. Iiiglis, 412,4s. 6d. Dowde:,- well, 339, 13s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 766, dale 1652? los. This edition is reprinted in the fourth volume of the Somers Collec- tion of Tracts.— 1651, 8vo. In Cottoni Postluuna.— 1680, 4to. Dedicated to K. Charles II. No Post from Heaven nor yet from Hell : collected by Sir Bob. Cotton, and put to Presse by G. A. Oxford, 1643, 4to. [An answer made by command of Prince Henry to certain propositions of WaiTe and Peace delivered to his highnesse by some of his military servants. Lond. 1655, 12rao. An answer to such motives as were offered by certain Military Men to Prince Henry, inciting him to affect arms more than peace, with a short view of the life and raigue of Henry III. Lond. 1665, 8vo. portrait. In Cottoni Postbuma.] Warrs with foreign Princes dangerous to our Commonwealth ; with a List of all the Confederates from Henry the first's Reign to the End of Queen Elizabeth. Lond. 1657, 8vo. An exact Abridgment of the Records (Rolls of Parliament) in the Tower, from the Reign of K. Edward II. unto K. Richard III., collected by Sir Robert Cotton : revised by William Prynne. Lond. 1657 or 1GS9, fol. 18s. A meagre and often erroneous abridgment. Heath, 4392, 14s. 6d. Marq. of Townshend, 1951, 10s. 6d. LARGE PAPER, \l. 5s. Marq. of Townshend, 1950, n. 10s. Brockett, 795, 1/. 12s. A choice Narrative of CountGondomar's Transactions during his Embassy in Eng- land. Lond. 1659, 4to. 3^ sheets, with a portrait of the Count. Reprinted in the third number of Morgan's Phcenix Britan- nicus. The original edition was published in 1620 under the title of Vox Populi, or Newes from Spaine. .See Scott, Thos. B.D. Abstract out of the Records of the Tower touching the King's Reveiiuo. Lond. 4to. cou cou 535 A Discourse of foreign War. Lond. 1690, 8vo. with portrait. Cottoniau Library and MS3. See British Museum. Cotton, Roger. A Dii-ection to the Waters of Lyfe. Lond. 1590. 4to. Dedicated to ' Maister Hugh IJroiightoii, teaclier of Diuiuitie.'— ' To the Header.' 51 leaves. Reprinted 1592, 4to. Strettell, 578, U. Is. Bindley, pt. i. 2200, U. 8s. — An Armour of Proofe, brought from the Tower of David to fight against the Spanuyardes and all Enimies of the Truetli, by R. C. Lond. 4to. Simson and White, 1596. A notice of this poetical tract, written in six-line stanzas, dedicated to 'Gilbert Talbot, Eai-1 of Shrewsbiirie,' &o. will be found in the Kestituta, iii. 138-40. Coll. A, four leaves, being the title and dedica- tion 'To the Christian Reader,' 1 leaf, fol- lowed by the Poem on B and C, 4 leaves each, and D 3 leaves. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 122, imperfect, 0,1. 6s. Strettell, 578. mo- rocco. 11. Bindlev, pt. i. 2198, 101. 10s. Sotheby's in 1821, 21. 2s. — A spirituall Song : containing an historicall Discom'se from the Infancy of tlie World itntill this present Time, &c. drawen out of the holy Scriptures. Lond. by Gr. Simson and W. White, 159G. 4to. Pp. 26, in five-line stanzas. Dedicated to ' Sir Francis Drake, Knight.' See Kes- tituta, iii. 141-4. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 121, imperfect, bl. 5s. Strettell, 577, morocco, ei. 16s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 2199, 81. 5s. Sotheby's in 1821, 21. 2s. Skegg, port, of i)rake added, m. ISs. Bright, 1492, 21. 8s. — Sir Rowland. Parentalia. Latin and Englisli Poems on the Death of Sir Rowland Cotton, of BeUaport, in Slu-opshire. Lond. 1635. 4to. lOs. 6d. CoTTTT (Conseiller a la Cour Royale). De 1' Administration de la Justice crirainelle en Angleterre, et de r Esprit du Gouvernemeut Anglois. Paris, 1820, 8to. A sensible, useful, and ingenious work. An English translation appeared, Lond. 1822, 8vo. 9s. CoucHM"AN, GrQes. An Exhor- tation or Warninge to beware of greater Plagues and Troubles then are yet come vpon this Reakne for the Sinnes and Wickednes that hath been, and is yet dayly committed therein. Lond. 1551. Svo. Councils for Reformation of Re- ligion, &c. The Confessyon of the Fayth of the Germaynes, exhibited to the most victo- rious Emperour Charles the V. in the Councell or Assemble holden at Augusts, the Yere of our Lord 1530. To which is added the Apologie of Melancthon, who defendeth with Reasons inuincible the aforesayde Confessyon, translated by Kychard Tauerner, at the Commaunde- ment of his Master, the ryght honourable Master Thomas Cromwel, chefe Secretare to the Kynges Grace. Lond. by Robert Redman, 1536, Svo. 3i. 3s. Contains E 3, in octaves. Bright, (original binding with Tudor arms), \0l. The articles of the confession may be seen in the collection or Harmony of Confessions, prisited by Tho- mas, at Cambridge, 1586. A Protestation in the Name of the King and the whole Councel and Clergy of England, why they refuse to come to the Pope's Councel, at his Call. Lond. by Tho. Berthelet, 1536. A Protestation made for the most mighty and most redoubted Kynge of Eng- land, &c. and his hole Counsell and Cler- gie, wherein is declared that neither his Highnesse, nor his Prelates, neyther any other Prince or Prelate, is bounde to come or sende to the pretended Councell that Paul Byshoppe of Itoine, fyrst by a Bull indicted at Mantua, a Citie iu Italy, and nowe a late by another Bull, hath proroged to a Place no Man can telle where. Lond. by Tho. Berthelet, 1537, 4to. Another edition this same year seems to have been printed ^^^ealso Henry VIII. [A copy iu the Lambeth Lihrarv. Lond. Berthelet, 1537, 12mo.] The Causes why the Germanes wyllnot go nor consente vnto the Councell which Paul the 3. now Bp. of Rome, hath called to be kept at Mantua in Italy, and to be- gynne the 23 Daye of Maye, An. 1537. Southwark, by James Nicolson, 1537, Svo. A Ti'eatise concerning general Coun- cills, the Byshoppes of Rome and the Clergy. Lond. in ^d. T. Berthelet, 1538, 12nio. The Actes of tlie Disputation in the Cowncell of the Empyre, holden at Re- genspurg : Translated owt of Latyne into English by Mylys Couerdale. Svo. In this book are the names of all the states, which are called Protestants. The Abbreuyacyon of all generall Councellys, by Le Maire. Imp. by John Gou-gli, 1530, 16mo. 53G cou COLT Neweo concernynge tlie general Coucel liolden at Trydent by tlie Empercjiire and the Germaynes wytli all the Nobles of Hiingarye, Constanople and Rome, trans- lated oute of Germayne into Englysh by Ihon Holibusli. Lond. by Thomas Rav- nalde, 1548, 16mo. U. Is. Heber, pt.2, 13;^, with other pieces, il. 15s. Ten leaves. This tract commences at back of title, as an epistle, though unaddressed. A godly and necessarye Admonition of the Decrees and Canons of the Counsel of Trent, celebrated vnder Pius the fourth, Byshop of Rome, in the Yeares of our Lord M.D.LXII. and M.D.LXIII. Lately translated out of Latine. Loud, by John Day, 1564, 4to. 18s. Contains 125 leaves, besides the preface. No author's name, but supposed to be done by Abp. Parker, or by his appointment. The council began in 1545. and concluded in 1563. Consult Strype's Annals, i. p. 415, 451. The Declaration of the Fathers of the Councell of Trent, concerning the Going vnto Churches, at sucli Time as hereticall Seruice is saied, or Heresy preached. Witliout Place, Printers JSame, or Date. Svo. 40 pp. Countryman's Recreation in Planting, GraiEng and Gardening : whereunto is added, tlie Art of Angling (by Thomas Barker). Lond. 1654, 4to. Nassau, pt. i. 1045, 5s. White Knights, 1157, morocco, 1^ 10s. Bindley, pt. ii. 136, 17s. [The various portions have se- parate titles and paginations.] 'i'lie Country-man's new Common- wealth : being an exact Epitome of many witty Sentences, pitliy Sayings, quaint Observations, both divine and morall, partly collected and gathered out of the best approved Authors, both moderne and domesticke. Lond. 1647, Svo. pp. 48. 'This work is divided under the usual heads of sententious selections, and would have its moral value as a vade-mecum for the pocket of either Countryman or Cockney, who was in quest of a companionable di- rectory, which might amuse, while it offered instruction.' — Restituta. Countryman's complaint, or religious recreations by J. K.(utter?; inverse. 1637, 12uo. Malone, 18s. Country Conversations: being an Ac- count of some Discourses tliat happen'd in a Visit to the Country last Summer, on divers Subjects ; chiefly of the modern Comedies, of Drinking, of translated Verse, of Painting and Painters, of I'oots and Poetry. Lond. 1694, sm. Svo. pp. SO. The preface is addressed ' to the Wits.' This work, divided into five sections, is written in imitation of ' La maniere de biot penser,' par le I'ere Houhours. Coupee, Eobert, M.D. Notes and Observations on the early Part of tlie History of the British Isles. Lond. 1807. Svo. 28. 6d. Poems chiefly in the Scottish dialect. Lond. 1802, 12mo. 2 vols. Again, 1804, 12mo. 2 vols. COFEATEB, P. F. D.D. Dis- sertation sur la Validity des Ordi- nations des Anglois. 2 vols. De- fense de la Dissertation. 4 vols. Brux. 1723, 6. Svo. 6 vols. -An English translation of the disserta- tion. Lond. 1725, 8vo. Reprinted. Ri- vington, 1844, Svo. 10s. 6d. An edition, Dublin, 1725, Svo. Williams, 534,14s. and of the Defence, 1728, Svo. 3 vols. Declaration de mes derniers Sentimens sur les diiferens Dogmes de la Religion. Lond. 1787, 8vo. Published by Wm. Hell, D.D. A translation, 1787, 12uio. 2s. 6d. Traits, oii Ton expose ce que I'Ecriture nous apprend de la Diviuite de Jesus Christ. Lond. 1811, Svo. pp. 367. CoUECELLES, M. Extract from the Dispatches of M. Coui-celles, French Ambassador at the Court of Scotland, 1586-87. Edinb. 1828. 4to. Printed at the expense of the Banna- tyne and Maitland Clubs. Court. — Tlie Court of good CounseU. Lond. 1607. 4to. The title of this collection of morall discourses and counsells is, The Court of good Counsell: wherein is set downe the true Rules, how a Man should choose a good Wife from a bad ; and a Woman a good Husband from a bad. Wherein is also expressed the great care that parents should have, for the bestowing of their cliildren in marriage: and likewise, how children ought to behave themselves to- wards their parents: and how niaisters ought to govern their servants; and how servants ought to be obedient to their maisters. Set forth as a patterne for all people to learne wit by; published by one that hath dearly bought it by ex- perience. Nassau, pt. i. 1047, 7s. Reed., 19S0, 12s. Court of Venus, a collection of songs on Love. Black letter, circa, 1,560, (a fragment was in Donee's Library). Bright, tirst sheet only, 1498, 71 2s. 6d. Court Tales, or a History of the Amours of the ])resent Nuliility. Lund. 1717, Svo. .Vu infamous publication. Roxburghe, cou coy 537 Court — cotiliinifd. 6410, lOs. (jii. Second Eilition, 1731 cv :>, 8V(). Koxlmrgliu, Suinjlenicnt, G'21, 15s. (!il. The Covrt of ciiiill Couitesie, fitlie fur- nished with !i pleasant I'ort of stately PhrnsBs and pithie Precepts. Out of the ItalKiii, by S. U. Gent, (probably .Samuel Unwhuids). Lond. 1591, 4to. K, in fours. Uo.\l)nrghe, 1356, 17s. Gordonstoiin, fi32, •U. 15s. Hiiidley, pt. i. 2008, 'M. 19s. A former edition, 1577, 4to. lioxbiirghe, 1355, 17s. Court Parrott, a Miscellany in Prose and Verse. Lond. 1733, 8vo. Nassau, pt. i. 777, lOs. The Court Career, Death shadow'd to Life, or Shaddowes of Life and Unath, a pasquil Dialogue, 1059, 4to. Iteed, 1978, 13s. Hindley, pt. i. 1811, 8s. 6d. Court Whispers, or a Magazine of Wit. Loud. 1743, 8vo. Court and no Country, with the Hu- mours of Sir Koger de Coverley, to whicli will be added Groans of the Barracks or the Confusion of Sir Arthur Vantrype, tlio celebrated Dutch Artist, 1753, 8vo. King and Loch^e's in Feb. 1808, 15s. Rox- burghe, 4096, 7s. C**** and Country, a Play of seven Acts; in which will be revived the enter- tiiining Scene of The blundering Brothers; to which is added, The comical Humours of Punch : the whdle concluding with the grand Masque culled The Downfall of Sejanus. Written by a Masquerader, and dedicated to those who were present at the last Ball, on Thursday, Jan. 16th, 1735, folio. Heed, 8656, 15s. 6d. Rhodes, 21)0-', 5s. Bindley, pt. iv. 1108, with front, by Hogarth, 10s. 6d, Coiu'ts of Law. Diuersite de Conrtz et leur lurisdic- tions et alia necess.iria et utilia. Lond. per me Rob. Redman, 15-!2, 16mo. In this edition an x is supposed to have been omitted in the colophon, as mention is made of a statute wliich did not pass till 21 Hen. viii. c. it. (1529 1. The work has been ascribed to Fitzhei bcrt. Othir Edi- tions. 1525, 16mo.^Lond. in .^Edibus Rich. Pynsou, 1526, 16mo. It ends on the re- verse of C vij.— Rob. Kedma, 1528, 16mo. contains C 7, in eights. — Tho. Berthelet, 1.530, 16mo. C 4, in octaves.— W. Jlyddyl- ton, 1543, 16rao. C 4, in eights.— (H. Smyth, 1.545), 16rao. In English, 1646, 12mo. 3s. Heprinted at the end of Home's Mirror, printed 1768. The Maner of kepynge a Court Baron and a Lete. Lond. per me Robertum Toye, 1546, 8vo. E 4, in eights.— Lond. 1547, 8vo. — Loud, per me Rob. Redman, 8vo. 38 loaves.— Lond. by W. Powell, 1.552.— Loud. Eliz. I'ykerynge, 12mo. n.d. Lond. 1650, 4 to. Tho Order of keeping a Court Leet and Court Uaron. Lond. 1603, 12mo. The lioke that tieateth to keep a Court Baron. Lond. in MA. T. Berthelet, 1539. 16mo. CouiiTEN F.imily. Spo C. J. COLLINGES, John. CouuTEN, William. See Cahew, George. Courtenay Family. Discours sur la genealogie et maison de Courtenay issue de Louys le Gros nix- some du nom Roy de France. Avec lea requestes presentees au Roy sur ce sub- ject, et ensemble une representation du nierite de ceste instance. Paris, 160.3, 8vo. De Stirpe et Origine Domus de Cour- tenay, qum coepit a Ludovico Crasso, Fran- coruui Rege Sermocinatio. Paris, 1607, 8vo. Sotheby's in 1824, with the subse- quent proceedings 1608, 1609, and the pe- digree 1610, Wl. 5s. Heber, 3^. 18s. Representation du Proci5d6 pour la Con- servation et I'Honneur de leur Maison, Branche de la Royalle Maison de France, Paris, 1613, 12mo. Representation du Subject qui a porte Messieurs des Salles & de Frauuile de la Maison de Courtenay a se retirer hors du Royaume, 1614, 8vo. See Cleveland, E. Coiu'tier, The EngKsh, and the countrev gentleman. 1586. 4to. Black letter. Jolley, 1844, U. 18s. CoUBTNAY, Earl of Devonsliire ; or, the Ti'oubles of Queen Eliza- beth. Lond. n. d. 4to. This play, dedicated to the Duke of Devonshire, was never acted. Reed, 4789, 15s. Roxburghe, 4039, 4s. 6d. Coiu-tsliip, Kehgious. See Defoe, Daniel. CouSTOS, John. Sufferings for Free-Masonry, and for liis refusing to turn Roman Catholic in tlic In- quisition at Lisbon. Lond. 174G. 8vo. with portrait, 6s. CouTEAU, J. E. The Confes- sions of James Baptiste Couteau. Lond. 1794. 12mo. 2 vols, with nine engravings, 7s. This severe satire on the depravity of French manners was written by Robert Jephson. Cove, Rev. Morgan, D.C.L. Essay on the Revenues of the- Church of England ; with an In- 538 cov GOV quiry into the Necessity, Justice, and Policy of an Abolition or Com- mutation of Tithes. 1810. 8vo. IBs. Tlio. Moore, in his Mem. of Ciipt. Rock, p. 191, observes, ' It has beeu asked to what parish church Adam paid his titlies? but the Rev. Mr. Cove has not returned an answer.' CoYEL, John. Some Account of the present Greek Church. Cam- bridge, 1722. foHo. Bp. of Ely, 496, 7s. 6d. CoTELL, WiUiam. Examination of the Churcli of England. Lond. 160k 4to. Gordovistoun, 430, 8s. 6d. CovENTEY, T. Analytical di- gested Index to the Common Law Reports from the Time of Henry III. to the Commencement of the Reign of George III., with Tables of the Titles and Names of Cases. By T. Coventry and S. Hughes. Lond. 1828. royal 8vo, 2 vols. 1/. is. Coventry. — The History and An- tiquities of the City of Coventry, from the earhest authentic Period to the present Time. Coventry, 1810. 12mo. Pp. 288, witli 4 wood engravings. An Account of the many and great Loans, Benefactions and Charities belong- ing to the City of Coventry. To which is annexed, a Copy of the decretal Order of the Court of Chancery, relating to the memorable Charity of Sir Thomas White. Lond. 1733, 8vo. Pp. vi. and B— Gg. 242 pages, also additional benefactions,4 pages. By Thos. Carte. Dent, pt. i. 557, 4s. Gd. Marq. of Townshend, 914, 10s. 6d. Coventry Myste ries. f>ee Shaepe. CovEEDAiE, MUes, Bisho]-) of Exeter. Various Work?^. The olde Fayth, an enydent Probation out of the Holy Scripture, that the Chris- ten Fayth (which is the right true old vndoubted Faith) hath endured f-ens the P>egynnynge of the World. Herein liast thou also a shorte Suuime of the whole H5'blc. and a Probation, that all vertiious Men have pleased God, and were saued thorow the Christen Faith. 1541, 16mo. White Knights, 1020, morocco. 2/. 15s. Brand, 11. 13s. Reprinted 1547, i6mo. It begins with an epistlfl 'To the reader.' Contains H, in eights. Sotheby, March, 1835, dl. Is. A faythful and true Prognostication vpon the Yeare m.ccccc.xlviii. 16rao. An- other for 1549. Inglis, 416, 8s. Roxburghe, 8428, 15s. 6d. The Christen State of Matrymonye, wherein Housebandes and Wyues maye leriie to kepe House together wyth Loue. Lond. by Nycholas Hyll for Abraham Vele, 1552, 16mo. Contains fol. xci. and a table at the end. Some copies have ' for Robert Toy ;' others ' for Rycliard Kele.' In this edition Becon's preface is omitted; and the 7th, 8th, and 25th chapters have been added. Sotheby, 31. A former Edi- tion 1541. Another edition Lond. John Mayler for John Goiigh, 1543, 12mo. So- theby, March, 1858. 51. 5s. The only edition which has Becon's preface of 15 leaves. Reprinted Lond. John Awdelpv, 1575, 16mo. Inglis, 418, lis. Sotheby, 1822, 'zl. 18s. The Defence of a certayne poor Christen Man ; who els shuld haue bene condemned by the Popes Lawe. Written in the hye AUmayne Tonge by a riglit excellent and noble Prynce, traslated into Knglishe by Myles Couerdale. Printed at Nurenberg, 1545, 16mo. Contains E, in eights. Declaration of the Order that the Churches in Denmarke and many other Places in Germany do vse, not onely at the bolye Supper, but also at Baptisme. By Miles Couerdale, 16nio. From Maun- sell's Catalogue, pp. 39 and 93. A Confntation of that Treatise, which one John Standish made agaynst the Pro- testiicion of D. Barnes in the Yeare M.D.x.L. Wherein the holy Scriptures (peruerted and wrested in his sayd Trea- tise) are restored to their owne true Vn- derstonding agayn by Myles Couerdale, 8vo. Contains u 7, in eights. In a very gothio type. A copy is in the Britisl Museum. White Knights, 908, morocco, 21. 10s. Maunsell says it was printed be- yond sea in 1540. It was however printed the same year by K. Redman; and also by his widow. In the Bodleian is a copy printed at Marpurg. 1547. A Christian Exhortation unto custom- able Swearers. What a ryghte and lawful! Othe is ; whan and before whome it ought to be. Item. The Maner of saying Grace, orgevyngThankesnntoGod : who so ever heareth Goddes Worde beleve it, and do therefter, shall be saved. Printed by Ni- cholas Hyll for Abraham Veale. Without place or date. At the end of this vcilunie (probably written by .Miles Coverdale) is one seven-line stanza, and 'A shorte in- struction tothe worlde,' a poem of thirteen seven-line stanzas addressed to eight dif- ferent characters, the first seven in one stanza each, and the remainder ' To the cow cow 533 COVERDALK — conlimied. Preofits.' An edition Lond. John Ande- ley, 1575, ICmo. Inglis, 417, Hi?. Wrans?- ham, 738. Bright, 1575, H. 15s. Frvitfiill Lessons vpon the Passion, Buriall, Resurrection, Ascension, and of the Sending of the Holy Ghost: gatliorcd out of the foure Euangelists: with a plain Exposition of the same. By Miles Couerdall. Lond. 159.S. Qq 3, in fours, besides the preface. 4to. Certain most fruitflil, godly, and com- fortable letters of such true Saintes and holy Martyrs of God as in the late bloodye persecution, here within this realme, gave their lyves for the defence of Christes holy gospel ; written in the time of tlieyr affliction and cruel imprvsonmcnt. Lond. J. Daye, 1564, 4to. Wraiigham, 7,37. Part 3, 363. Bright, 363. 3s. 6d Edited by the Rev. C.Bickersteth, Lond. 1837, postSvo. 6s. 8vo. 10s. His writings and translations, edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. Geo. Pearson, ('amb. 1844, 8vo. Memorials of him ; with matters re- lating to the promulgation of the Bible in the reign of Henry VIII. Lond. 1838, 8vo. Much by and respecting Coverdale will be found in Fox's Book of Martyrs, and Letters of the Martyrs, printed by Daye. See Bible. Buli.inger, Henry. Coun- cils. Hopeof the Faithful. Justification of Christian Man. Fathers of the Church. OsiANDER, Andrew. Parker So- ciety, Appendix. Wermylierus, Otho. CoTEETE, Captaiu Robert. A trve and almost incredible Report of an Englishman that travelled bv Land through many vnknowne Kingdomes and great Cities. Lond. 1G12. 4to. Reed, ,S756, 1/. 8s. Lloyd, 479, 14s. 6d. Inglis, 387, mor. Zl. 10s. Jadis, 268, 3^. 3s. — The second impression newly corrected. Lond. 1614, 4to. Gnrdonstoun, 677, 3i. 18s. Bindley, pt. ii. 145. ?.l. 16s.— 1631, 4to. .ladis, 228, 21. 15.s. Nassau, pt. i. 1048, rnssia, &l. 8s. 6d. It is likewise reprinted in the second volume of the Oxford Collection of Voy- ages and Travels. ' CowABD, WilHam, M.D. Se- cond Thoughts concerning Human Soul. By Estibius Psycalethes. Lond. 1702. 8vo. 6s. This work excited so much attention and dislike, that it was burnt by order of Parliament. It was answered by John Turner in his -Vindication of the separate Existence of the Soul ; to which Coward replied, and Turner rejoined. CowET.L, John, LL.D. Law Dic- tionary ; or, the Interpreter of Words and Terms used either in Common or Statute Law of this Realm. In the Savoy, 1727. folio. 7s. Gd. Often reprinted. The first edition ap- peared Camb.l 607, 4to. Sotheby's in 1821, rnssia, U. 9s. This work was called in, and on the 26 Marcli, 1610, there was published a proclamation against it, 'as a pernicious book made against the honour and prero- gative of the king, and the dignity of the common law of this land.' Cowley, Captain. Voyage round the Globe in 1683. Lond. 1699. Svo. Reprinted in the first volume of Harris' Collection of Voyages and Travels. Cal- lendar. Newbury. H.Tcke and Dampier. — Abraham. Tlie AVorks. Lond. 1707-8. Svo. 3 vols. With portraits by VanderGucht. IIollls, 315, %. 2s. Heath, 1793, \l. Is. Nassau, pt. i. 781, 3 vols. 31. 18s. Evans, 1838 A vols, fine, morocco, 11. 17s. Gd. large PAPER. (Vol iii. never printed in that state.) Lloyd, 360, vols. 1 and 2, 11. 6s. First edition. 1656, folio. Seventh edition. With a Second part, being what was written and published by himself in his younger years, and now reprinted together, fourth edition, 1681, folio. The portrait of Cowley, set. 13, to the Poetical Blossoms, 1633, is given on the title of this second portion. Works, 1681, Svo. — With his Life by Bishop Sprat, 1688, folio. The ninth Edition. To which are added some Verses by the Author, never before printed. Lond. 1700. folio. London, 1710-1, Svo. 3 vols, with por- traits. Roxburghe, 3399, 12s. 6d. Gor- donstoun, 604, lis. Roscoe, 1395, 2/. 16s. Lond. 1718, 8vo. 3 vols. Lond. 1721, 12mo. 3 vols. Bindley, pt. i. 989, 7s. Bibl. Anglo-P.iet. 14.5, 1/. Is. — Select Works, with Preface and Notes by Richard Hurd, Bishop of Worcester. Lond. 1772—7, small Svo. 3 vols, with portr. after S. Cooper by Hall. Nassau, pt. 1. 782, \l. 2s. Heath, 1792, Us. Works, with notes by Aikin. Lond. 1802, small Svo. 3 vols, large paper. Poetical Blossomes. By A. C. Lond. 1633, 4to.pp. 62, with a portrait of Cowley at the age of 13, by Vaughan. Bibl. Anglo- Poet. 140, with two portraits, 16Z., 141, 41. Midgley, 11. 10s. Perrv, il. 10s. Second edition, 1636, 18mo. port. Skegg. 21. 18s. Third edition, 1637, 12mo. 540 cow cow Cowi.EY — cnn/irmed. Naiitragivm j^icvlare, Comcedia. Loud' 1638, 8vo. Roxburghfi,3t>48, 2s. 6d. Loves Kiddle, a pastoral ComtEdy. Lond. 1038, 12mn. with portrait of Cowley witli laurel. Nassau, pt. 1. 779, morocco, 3/. 10s. Kloyd,5i. 10s. .V Satyr against Seperativity. Lond. 1642, 4to. A Satyr : the Puritan and the Papist. 1643. 4to. Tiie Mistresse, or seuerall Copies of Love Verses. Lond. 1647, 12mo. pp. 126. Llovd, 359, 9s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 142, '21. 12s. 6d. Four Ages of England. Lond. 1648, Svo. Lloyd, 360, 6s. 6d. Skegg, 1^. (port, inserted.) The Guardian, a Comedie. Lond. 16.50, 4to. Roxburghe,4'J75,4s. 6d. Khode.s, 828, 4s. 6d. The Iron Age. 1656. This book was disclaimed by Cowley. Ode upon the Blessed Restoration and Returne of Charles the second. Lond. 1660, 4to. A Proposition for the Advancement of experimental Philosophy. Lond. 1661, Svo. A Vision, concerning his lite pretended Highness, Cromwell the Wicked : con- taining a Discourse in Vindication of him, by a pretended Angel, and the Conftit:>tion tliereof by the Author, Abraham Cowley. Lond. 1661, 4to. This, says Bisl\op Hurd, is one of the best of Cowley's prose-works. It is reprinted in the fifth volume of the llarleian Miscellany. Plantarum Libri duo. Lond. 1662, 8vo. Verses upon several occasions. Lond. 1663, small Svo. Verses lately written upon several oc- casions, to which is added the Advance- ment of Philosophy by the same author. Lond. 1663, 15mo. A surreptitious edition was printed before at Dublin. Cutter of t'olenian-Street; a Comedy. Lond. 166.3, 4to. Rhodes, 829. 3s. 6d. Rox- burghe, 4674, 2s. 6d. I'oeniata Latina in qnibus continentur sex Ijibri Plantarum, et nnus Jliscella- lU'ornm. Lond. 1668, 8vo. Witli portrait liv W. Faithorne. Death, 296, 4s 6d. Drury, 1036, 4s. Lond. 1678, Svo. with portrait. Huic Editioni secniulas accessit Index Rerum antehac deslderatus. A translation of the sixtli book of tlie plants, appeared, Lond. 1680, 4 to. A Poem on tlie late civil War. Lond. 1679, 4to. Cowley's History of Plants, a Poem in six Books; witli Kapin's Disposition of Cardens, a Poem in four Books; trans- lati'd from tlie Latin; tlie former by N. 'I'atc, and others ; the latter by James (Jardim-r Lond. 1705, 12ino. 3s. 6d. Prose Works including his Essays in Prose and Verse. Lond. 1826,' crown Svo. 6s. T.ARQE PAPER. 8vO. lOs. — Mrs. Hannah. Entire Works, consisting of Plays, Poems, and miscellaneous Pieces, with some Ac- count of her Life. Lond. 1813. Svo. 3 vols. 11. lis. 6d. Plays. Lond. 1776, 12mo. 2 vols. — John Lodge. Illustrations and Mensurations of solid Greo- mctry, revised, corrected, and aug- mented by Wilham Jones. Lond. 1787. Svo. 6s. A valuable treatise for the use of work- men. The former edition, 1752, Svo. 4s. An Appendix to Euclid's Elements, in seven Books, containing 42 Copper-plates, in wliich the Doctrine of Solids delivered in the 11, 12, and 15 Books of Euclid, is illustrated and rendered easy by new- invented Schemes cut out of Pasteboard. Lond. 1759, 4to. A curious work. The Tlieory of Perspective demonstrated in a .Method entirely new. Lond. 1766, 4to. 5s. Halter, 202, with the plates printed on vellum and paper, in red morocco, ll. 13s. CowPER, Henry. Reports in tlie Coiu't of King's Bench, from Hilary Term, 14 Geo. III. 1774, to Trinity Term the 18 Geo. III. 1778, both inclusive. Second Edition. Lond. 1800. royal Svo. 2 vols. 11. Is. Best edition of these accurate and v.alu- able reports. The former edition. Lond. 17a3, folio, 12s, An Edition. Dublin, 1784, Svo. 7s. 6d. — William, Bishop of Galloway. Works ; to which is added, a Com- mentary on the Revelations. Lond. 1629. folio, with frontispiece. 15s. Other editions, 1623, 1726. folio. Dr. Jl'Crie, in speaking of this author's sermons, observes, 'They are superior to any sermons of that age. A vein of prac- tical piety runs through all his evangelical instructions ; the style is remarliow first publislied from the Originals, in the possession of his Kins- man, John .Johnson, LL.D. Lond. 18-4. 8vo. 2 vols. 5s. [These letters are included in the last edition of Southey's Cowper, 8 vols, published in Bohn's Standard Library.] Cowper illustrated by a Series of Views N N 542 cox cox tn, or near, the Park of Weston Under- wood, Bucks [by Storer and Greig]. Ac- companied with copious Descriptions, and a brief Sketch of the Poet's Life. Lond. 1803, 8vo. Bindley, pt. i. 1393, 6s. royal 8vo. 10s. 6d. 4to. PROOFS. White Knights, pt. i. 1158, morocco, il. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 739, 11. Is. Illustrations of Cowper's Poems, by Richard Westall, R.A. 1811. 8vo. See Homer. Milton. Cow-Eagus Castle Combat, 1645. 4to. 1655. Perry, 11. 13s. Bindley, U. 19s. Cox, DaTid. Treatise on Land- scape Painting and Effect in Water Colours, with Examples. Lond. 1814. folio. Sotheby, in 1822, 12 nos. 2Z. 2s. — Francis Augustus. Life of Philip Melancthon, comprising an Account of the most important Transactions of the Reformation. I Lond. 1815. 8vo. 14s. Female Scripture Biography, including an Essay on what Christianity has done for Women. Lond. 1817, 8vo. 2 vols. — Captain Hu'am. Joiu-nal of a Residence in the Burmhan Empu-e, and more particularly at the Court of Amarapoorah. Lond. 1821. 8vo. Illustrated with coloured plates. Drury, 1038, 7s. — James John Hayter. Lec- tures on the Harmony of the Scrip- tures, designed to reconcile appa- rently contradictory Passages . Lond. 1823. 8vo. — Nicholas. The Gentleman's Recreation, in fom- Parts, viz. Hunt- ing, Hawking, Fowling, Fishuig : whereunto is added, a perfect Ab- stract of aU the Forest Laws, &c. To which is prefixed, a large Sculp- ture, giA'ing easy Directions for blowing the Hora, and four other Sculptures proper to each Recrea- tion. The Sixth Edition, with large Additions. Lond. 1721. Svo. 12s. Pp. 438, with title, dedication to Monta- ^le Karl of .Abingdon, signed Nicholas Cox, and Introduction. 4 leaves. Forest Law, pp. 11.5. Table, 9 pp. [Tlie folding sheet with the musical notes for the horn often wanting.] At a later date it wag published separately with a Title to each part. Former editions. 1st. 1674, Svo. — 2nd. 1677, 8vo.— 3rd. 1686, 8vo.-4th. 1697, Svo. —5th. 1706, Svo. Cox, Richard. HiberniaAnglica- na : or the History of Ireland fi'om the Conquest thereof by the En- glish, to this present Time : with an introductory Discourse touching the ancient State of that Kingdom. Lond. 1689-90. foho. 2 vols. IZ. Is. This history is principally transcribed from the accounts given by Sir John Tem- ple and Dr. Borlase, with extracts from the newspapers and pamphlets of the time. Lloyd, 269, II. 3s. large paper. Heath, 4757, Zl. Vol, I. pp. 456. and Index, 2 leaves ; with title, imprimatur, dedica- tion to William and Mary, to the reader, and an apparatus, 25 leaves ; likewise a folding map by Phillip Lea, and a frontis- piece by R. White, containing portraits of William and ilary. Vol. II. pp. 206, 72, 20,211 and tables, 2 leaves; likewise ti- tle, imprimatur, dedication to the king, to the reader, an apparatus, 21 leaves, and a frontispiece, same as to the first volume. — Robert. Acteeon and Diana with a Pastoral Storie of the Nimph Oeuone, &c. Lond. T. Newcomb. 4to. n.d. First edition. 1566, 4to. Sotheby, May, 1856, Zl. 3s. Reprinted 1656 Svo. Also in Kirknian's Collection called The Wits, or Sport upon Sport. See Wits, The. — M. A. Horse Romanse : or an attempt to elucidate St. Paul's Epistles to the Romans, by an ori- gmalTranslation, explanatory Notes and new Divisions. Lond. 1824. Svo. An excellent and judicious work. — Samuel Compton. Cases in tlie Courts of Equity, from 1783 to 1796 inclusive, with a few of earlier Date, by Lords Hardwicke and Nor- thington. Lond. 1816. royal Svo. 2 vols. 11. lis. 6d. — Rev. Thomas. Magna Britan- nia et Hibernia, antiqua et nova ; or a new Survey of Great Britain. Collected and composed by an im- partial Hand. Lond. 1720-31. 4to. 6 vols. Maps. 21. 2s. Nassau, pt. i. 2577, II. 13s. WiUut^ cox cox 543 1597,32.10s. I)r'nt,pt. ii.713,2?.'2s. Sf.ld at the Diilie of Cumberland's sale for 5u guineas. Coxcomb. — A Cvrrv-conibe for a Coxe-combe, or Pvi'gatories Knell. Lond. 1615. 4to. A copy i.s in the British Museum. Bind- ley, pt. 1. 2012. 1?. 14s. Perry, 1?. Is. Confused Character of conceited Cox- combs, by Verax Philobasileus. 1661. Lloyd, 328, 19s. CoxE, Daniel. A Collection of Voyages and Travels. Lond. 1741. 8vo. Fonthill, 2597, 9s.— 2626, 7s. A Description of the Englisli Province of Carolana, by the Spaniards called Flo- rida, and by the French La Louisiana. As also of the River Mississipi. Lond. 1722, 8vo. Lond. 1727, 8vo. 4s. (This is all contained in the previous work.) — Francis. A short Treatise de- claringe the detestable Wickednesse of the magicall Sciences. Lond. by J. Aide. 16mo. A copy is in the British Museum. An- other edition, 1561. — Leonard. The Art or Craft e of E.hetoryke, by Leonard Cockes. Lond. by me Robei-t Redman. 1532. 16mo. also in 1524. — Peter. Social Day, a Poem in four cantos. Lond. 1823. royal Bvo. A poem of little merit, but illustrated with 32 beautiful plates by the most ci- lebrated artists of the day. Nassau, pt. i. 786. 12. 5s. LARciE PAPER, imperial Svo. including the Broken Jar, by Wilkie. Proofs on India pai^er. Duke of York, 1203, 11. 15s. Sotheby's, 18.53, 5^. 5s. The plate of the Broken Jar separately. India Proof, 32. 3s. of which an artist's proof has sold for 6Z. 6s. — Tench. View of the LTnited States of America, in a Series of Pa- pers, written at various Times be- tween the Years 1787 and 1794. Philadelphia, 1794. Svo. Reprinted Lond. 1795, Svo. — WUliam, Archdeacon of Wilts. Historical and other Works. Coxe's writings throw move light on the history of England, from the accession of the house of Brunswick than any other publication whatever. Historical .Works and Travels, 1794, &c. 24 vols, roval 4to. l.arc.e paper, Coxe, 990, 52/, lis. Another edition, .35 vols. Svo. I'oxp, ni8, ir;. 17s. [The historical Works complete, form 16 vols. 4to. calf, 2G(. 58. LARGE PAPKR. j-oyal 4to. 52/. 10s. or 22 vols. 8vo. calf, 18/. l§s.] Lixt. Sketches of the natural, civil and poli" tical State of Switzerland. Lond. 1779 8vo. 6s. Account of the Russian Discoveries be- tween Asia and America: to which are added, the Conquest of Siberia, and the History of the Transactions and Com- merce between Russia and China. Lond. 1780, 4to. An interesting work, not mere- ly from the particular subject which the title indicates, but also on account of the sketch it contains concerning the conquest of Siberia and of the Russian commerce with China. — The second Edition, revised and corrected. Lond. 1780, 4to. with maps. Heath, 2824. 18s. 6d. Coxe. 981. morocco, 13s. LARGE PAPER. Duke of York, 1454, morocco, \l. 2s. A supplement was pub- lished in 1787, 4to. entitled A Comparative View of the Russian Discoveries, with those made by Captains Cook and Clerke : and a Sketch of what remains to be ascer- tained by future Navigators. — The third Edition, '1787.— The fourth F.diti on, con- siderably enlarged. Lond. 1804, Svo. with maps. 7s. 6d. large paper. Drury, 1.351, russia, 11. 4s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 747, 11. 12s. 6d. Coxe, 589, \l. Is." Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark, interspersed Relations and Political Inquiries. Lond. 1784,4to. 2 vols, withch.arts and engravings. Roxburghe, 7193, 1/. 3s. Fonthill, 1715, 1/. lis. fid. Towneley,pt.ii.460, U. White Knights, ll.W. 17s. A third volume was published 1790. Heath, 2535, 3 vols. 4;.4s. — Second Edition. Lond. 1787, Svo. 5 vols. Marq. of Townshend, 656, 11. 15s. Towne- ley, pt. ii 196, 1/. 6s.— Third Edition, Lond. 1802, Svo. 5 vols, fine paper. Coxe, 914, i;. 8s.— Fourth edition. Lond. 1803, 4to. 3 vols. This edition contains some pl.".tes not in the former editions, largb paper, in roval 4to. 50 copies printed. .Sir M. .M. Sykes, pt. i. 745. bl. Drury, 1.350, russia. 8/. 8s. Fifth Edition, with consi- derable Additions. Lond. 1812, Svo. 5 vols. Travels in Switzerland, in a Series of Letters to William Melmoth. Lond. 1789. 8vo. 3 vols. A very authentic and com- plete description of Switzerland by a phi- losophical traveller, who, to the praise of accuracy, joins the merit of science. — THICK paper. Coxe, 484, morocco, 1/. 14s. — Second Kdition. Lond. 1791, Svo. 3 vols. Drury, 10.39, 19s.— Third Edition, witli en- gravings in aquatinta. Lond. 1794, 4to. 2 vols, large paper. Nassau, pt. i. 1051, russia, 6/. 15s. Dukeof York, 14."o,3?. 13s. Rd. Sir M. M. Sykes,pt.i.746. russia, 9/.19S. fid nn2 544 cox cox CoXE — continued. Fourth Edition, with an historical Sketch and Notes on the late Revolution. Lond. 1801, 8vo. 3 vols. LARGE PAPEK, in royal 6vo. with Smith's Views. Eai-1 of Kerry, 117, 31. 3s. Anecdotes of G. F. Handel and J. C. Smith. Lond. 1799, 4to. 12s. fine paper. 11. 4s. LARGE PAPEB in folio. Bindley, pt. i. 1316, 8s.6d. An liistorical Tour in Monmouthshire: illustrated with Views by Sir Richard C. Hoare, Bart., a new Map of the County, and other Engravings. Lond. 1801, 4to. 2 vols. 109 plates. A chaste, elegant, and classical description of the principal places in Monmouthshire, intermixed with his- torical relations and bingrapliical anec- dotes. Coxe, 846, russia, 31. 4s. Drury, 1352, russia, 21. Is. Bindley, pt. i. 1642, 21. 14s. Marq. of Townshend, 807, 21. 9s. Duke of York, 1457, 21. 10s. large paper, with proof plates. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 748, morocco, 81. Roxburghe, 8620, 41. 4s. Nassau, pt. i. 1054, russia, 61. 10s. Baker, 203, 5?. 5s. Dent, pt. i. 972, with views by Sir R. C. Hoare, proofs upon Katin, before the letters, and a duplicate set of proof plates upon paper, in 3 vols, red morocco, 161. iiiPERiAL PAPER. Coxe, 587, with por- trait, plates, and original drawings, by Sir R. C. Hoare, 61. 8s. 6d. folio. One copy printed, now in the library of Sir R.C. Hoare, Bart. On velluji. Two copies printed in folio, with the plates worked on satin. Collation. — I'art I. Half title, title, dedica- tion to Sir R. C. Hoare, Bart, and contents, 41eaves; directions for theplates,2 leaves; preface, &c. 8 pp. ; introduction, pp. *1 — *31 ; Tour, pp. 1 — 208. Pedigrees, viz. Morgan Family, p. 66, Proprietors of Ra- glan Castle, p. 141, and Proprietorsof Aber- gavenny Castle, p. 180.— Part II. Half title, title, and contents, 4 leaves; direc- tions for the plates, 2 leaves ; Tour, pp. 209—402; appendix and index, pp. 403 — 40. Page 433 is repeated with an asterisk. The plates are 109 in number, mostly en- graved by Wm. Byrne. A Picture of Monmouthshire ; or an Abridgement of Coxe's historical Tour in Monmouthshire By a Lady (the Au- thor's Sister). Lond. 1802, small 8vo. 3s. 6d. 178 pp. including dedication, adver- tisement and table of contents. Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpoie, Earl of Orford, with original Correspondence and authen- tic Papers. Lond. 1798, 4to. 3 vols, with port, and plates. Invaluable state papers and memorials. Roxburghe, 8538, 21. 10s. North, pt. iii. 544, russia, 4/. 18s, Marq. of Townshend, 806, russia, 6/. 6s. Duke of York, 1456, 41. Garrick, 514, 31. 5s. Coxe, 813, russia, 41. 8s. Heath, 4488, 4/. 14s. 6d. Drury, 1355, russia, 51. 10s. LARGE PAPER. Strettell, 569, russia, 71. 17s. fid. Coxe, 345, in 6 vols. 51. 15s. 6d. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 740, with the Me- moirs of Lord Walpoie, 1802, morocco, 251. 4s. Nassau, pt. i. 1052, with the Me- moirs of Lord Walpoie, 1802, russia, 171. 6s. 6d. — Second Edition, omitting the State Papers, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1800, II. Is. — Third edition, with a selection of the State Papers and some additional letters. Lond. 1816, 8vo. 4 vols. 21. 83. FIXE PAPER, 3^. 3S. Memoirs of Horatio, Lord Walpoie ; se- lected from his Correspondence and Papery and connected with the History of the Times from 1678 to 1757. Lond. 1802, 4to. Pp. 500, with 21 portraits. This work may be considered as a companion and supplement to the Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpoie. Heath, 4487, 31. 33. Bindley, pt. i. 1625, russia, 31. 8s. Coxe, 344, russia, 21. 10s. LARGE PAPER. Coxe, 344, 21. lis. Strettell, 570, 21. 15s.— largest paper, only three printed. —Third Edition. Lond. 1820, 8vo. 2 vols, with a portrait of his Lordship, 15s. fine paper, 11. 10s. History of the House of Austria, from the Foundation of the Monarchy, by Kho- dolph of Hapsburgh, to the Death of Leo- pold the Second, 1218 to 1792. Lond. 1807, 4to. 3 vols. Drury, 1353, russia, 51. 15s. 6d. Coxe, 841, russia, 41. lis. large paper, in imperial 4to. (60 copies printed.) Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. "44, russia, 9^. 9s. Coxe,348, 51. 12s. 6d.— Second Edition. Lond. 1820, 8vo. 5 vols. Sotheby, 1846, 51. 10s. fine paper. Coxe, 6/. 6s. Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, to the Death of Charles III. in 1788. Loni. 1813, 4to. 3 vols. Dniry, 1354, russia, 51. 17s. Coxe, 840, russia. 5?. 12s. 6d. large paper, in im- perial 4to. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 743, russia, 10^. 10s. Duke of York, 1460, 41. 16s.— Second Edition. Lond. 1815, 8vo. 5 vols. Coxe, 491, 21. 3s. fine paper, 41. 4s. Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough, with his original Con-espondence ; col- lected from the Family Records at Blen- heim, and other authentic Sources : illus- trated with Portraits, Maps, and militarv Plans. Lond. 1818-9, 4to. 3 vols. Drury, 1356, i-ussia, 81. Duke of York, 1461, 61. 6s. Coxe, 842, russia, 61. 15s. large PAPtR, in imperial 4to. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 741, boards, 121. 12s. Coxe, 346, 101. 586, 10/. 10s. 977, with two portraits of the Duke, and the drawings, 121. In a book- seller's catalogue, a copy, with the por- traits on satin (one only taken), also proofs, etchings, &c. and the arms coloured, was marked 30^— Second edition, Loud. 1820, 8vo. 6 vols, with atlas of plates. Pub- lished at 51. 5s. FINE PAPER, 8^ 8s. The private and contidential Correspon- dence of Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrews- CUA CUA 545 CoxE — continued. bury,principal Minister to K.William III. for a considerable I'eriod of liis Keif>rn. Lond. 1821,4to.witli a portrait of the Duke after Sir P. Lely. Drury, 1357, nissia,2?. 16s. Duke ofYork, 1462, '2i. 4s. ('oxe,845, nissia, 11. 12s. large pai'KR. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 742, bds. il. 10s. Sketches of the Lives of Correggio and Paniicgiano. Lond. 1823, post 8vo. with a portrait of Correggio, 10s. 6d. Published anonymously. Memoirs of the Admiuistration of the Kjght Hon. Henry Pelham, chiefly drawn from Family Docnraents, and illustrated with original Correspondence. Lond. 1829, 4to. 2 vols, portrait, 31. 3s. large paper, 6/. 6s. [Tlie following of Arch. Coxe's Histori- cal Works have been republished in Bohn's Standard Library: House of Austria, 3 vols. 10s. 6d. Dukeof Marlborough, 6 vols, sud 4to. atlas, 11. lis. 6d.] See Stillingfleet, Benjamin. Coyer, Abbe. Nouvelles Obser- vations 8ur I'Angleterre. Paris, 1779. 8vo. The History of John Sobieski, King of Poland. Translated from the French. Lond. 1762, 8vo. 5s. A Letter to Doctor Maty concerning the Patagonians. Lond. 1767, 8vo. 2s. 6d. A Supplement to Lord Anson's Voyage. See A Nsox, George, Lord. CoYTE, Dr. Hortus Botanicus Gippoviccusis ; or, a systematical Enumeration of the Plants culti- vated in Dr. Coyte's Botanic Garden at Ipswich, in the County of Suf- folk. Ipswich, 1796 4to. pp. 162. Cozens, Alexander. Principles of Beauty relative to the Human Head. Lond. 1778. folio. 15s. An ingenious, but somewhat fanciful work, with 18 plates by Bartolozzi. Crabb, Roger. The EngUsh Her- mite : or Wonder of this Age. Lond. 1655. 4to. Pp. 22, with portrait, a wood-cut, whole length, with four English verses. Bind- ley,' pt. ii. 1216, 51. 10s. Nassau, pt. i. 1318, 19s. This tract, the title of which is, ' The English Hemiite : or Wonder of this Age. Being a Relation of the Life of Roger Crab, living near Uxbridge, taken from his own Mouth; shewing his strange, rosi'rved, and unparallel'd Kind of Life ; who counteth i_t a Sin against his Body and Soule. to ekte any Sort of Flesh, Fisli, or living Creature ; or to drink any Wine, Ale, or Beere. He can live with three Farthings a Week. His constant Food in Roots and Hearbs ; as Cabbage, Turneps, Carrots, Dock Leaves, and Grass; also Bread and Bran, without Butter or Cheese; his Cloathing is Sackcloath. He left the Army, and kept a Shop at Chesham ; and hath now left off that, and sold a conside- rable Estate, to give to the Poor, shewing his Reason from the Scripture, Mark x. 21. Jer. XXXV.' is reprinted in the fourth volume of the Harleian Miscellany. Ceabb, George. English Syno- nymes explained in alphabetical Order ; with copious Illustrations and Examples, drawn fi'om the best Writers. Fourth edition. Lond. 1826. 4to. First edition, Lond. 1816, 8vo. Second edition, Lond. 1818. 8vo. Third edition, Lond. 1824, 8vo. Seventh edition, Lond. 1844, 8vo. fAfter which the book was stereotyped.) An able article on English Synonymes and this work appeared in the Quarterly Review, vol. xxxv. The universal Historical Dictionary. Lond. lSi'5, 4to. 2 vols. 21. 8s. Published in 12 parts, at 9s. each, with a supplement. The universal Technological Dictionary. Lond. 182;?, 4to. 2 vols. Pnbli.shed in' 12 parts at 9s. each. Brocket!, 1002, 31. 13s, 6d. History of the English Law, or an at- tempt to trace the Rise, Progress, and Successive Changes of the Common Law, from the earliest Period. Lond. 1829. 8vo. Ceabbe, Rev. George, LL.D. Po- etical Works, with his Letters and Journals, and Life, by his Son (edit- ed by Wright). Lond. 1834. 12mo. 8 vols. 1^. 4s. ; and one volume, royal 8vo. Murray, 1847, 15s. Poems. Lond. 1822, small 8vo. 7 vols. 21. 8s. Lond. 1823, demy 8vo. 5 vols. 21. 12s. 6d. LARGE PAPER, in royal 8vo. il. 12s. Wil- liams, illustrated with a set of proof- plates on INDIA PAPER, 71. 7s. Lond. 1823, 12mo. 8 vols. Inebriety, a Poem, in three parts. Ips- wich, Punchard, 1775, 8vo. The first publication of Crabbe. The Candidate, a poetical epistle to t)ie Authors of the Monthly Review. Lond. H. Payne, 4to. 34 pages. The Liljrary. Lond. 1781, 4to. Second edition, 1783, 4to. The Vill:ige. Lond. 1783, 4to. The Newspaper. Lond. 1785, 4to. Poems.— Parish Register. Lond. 1807, 8vo. Second edition, 1808, 8vo. 546 CHA CBA The Boroiigli. Lond. 1610, 8vo. Sixth edition, 1816, 8vo. Tales in Verse. Loud. 1812, 8vo. Fifth edition, 1814, 8vo. Tales of the Hall. Lond. 1819, 8vo. 2 vols. Variation of Publick Opinion as it re- spects Religion, a Sermon. Lond. 1817, Svo. Outlines of Natural Theology. Lond. 1840, Svo. 10s. 6d. Posthumous Sermons, edited by the Rev. JohnD. Hastings. Lond. 1850, 8vo. port. Life, by his son. Lond. 1838, post Svo. 4s. A series of twelve illustrations for Crabbe's Poems, from designs by Cor- bould. 1821, Svo. Thirty-one plates to illastrate Crabbe's Poems, engraved by Heath, from drawings by Westall, 1822, fsc. Svo. 11. 2s., demy 8vo. 37, Proofs, 4to. U. 4s. Ceacexow, C. T. Views of the Churches and Chapels of Ease m Surrey. Lond. 1827. 4to. 150 plates in hthography. 4^. 4s. Ceadock, Joseph. Literary and miscellaneous Memoirs. Lond. 1826- 8. 8vo. 4 vols. n. 9s. This work contains anecdotes of many distinguished political, literary, and the- atric characters of the IStii century, travels in parts of Europe, and reprints of several of the author's tracts and plays. — Samuel. The Harmony of the four Evangelists, and tlieir Text methodized, according to the Order and Series of Times in which the several Things by them mentioned were transacted. Lond. 1668. foho. 7s. This work was revised by Abp. Tillot- son, by whom it was preserved from de- struction during the fire of Loudon, in 1GG6. ' In the seventeenth century it was desei'vedly held in the highest estima- tion : though it is now superseded by later and more critical works.' — Home. Re- printed 1670, 1684, 1685. The Old Testament methodized accord- ing to the Order and Series of Time where- in the several Things were transacted. Lond. 16S3, folio, 9s. Another edition, 1695, folio. This work was translated into Latin, and published at Leyden in 1685, in Svo. The Apostolical History ; also a NaiTa- tion of the Times and Occasions upon which the Apostolical Epistles were writ- ten, together with a brief Paraphrase of them. Lond. 1672. folio, 6:!. Knowledge and Practice, with the Sup- plement. Lond. 1702, folio, portrait by White. Bindley, pt. i. 1134, 7s. The former editions. 1659, 8vo.— 1673-9, 4to. ' Cradock's three volumes are very va- luable : the two last on the New Testa- ment are much better than the first on the Old. His extracts in the margin from Hammond, Lightfoot,and Grotius are very judicious; and I think, on the whole, I never read any one author that assisted me more in what relates to the New Tes- tament.' — Dr. Doddridge. Ceadocke, Ed. i).D. The Shippe of assured Safetie, wherein wee may sayle without Danger towards the Land of the Liuitig promised to the true Israelites : contained in fom* Books. A Discourse on God's Prouidence, &c. Lond. Bynneman, 1571. 16mo. Again 1572. Wrangham, 747. Craft. — The gentle Craft. See Dexoney, Thomas. Crispin. Craftsman, The, by Caleb D'An- vei'3. Lond. 1726, 12mo. 14 vols. Written by Lord Bolingbroke, W. Pul- teney, and other writers in opposition to Sir Robert Walpole's measures. It com- menced Dec. 5, 1725. Such was the popu- larity of these essays that ten or twelve thousand were frequently sold in one day. —1737, 12rao. 14 vols.— 1731, 12mo. 14 vols. Reed, 1909, \l. lis. 6d. Ceafuedius, Anglice Ceawtited. Ceagius, Ayiylice Ceaig. Cbaig, Alexander. The Poeticall Essayes of Alexander Craige, Scoto- britane. Lond. 1604. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. The Pilgrirae and Heremite. In form of a Dialogue. 4to. Imp. Aberdene, by E. Raban. Jolley, 1844, supposed unique, wanting sheet B, 4Z. 6s. The poeticall Recreations of Mr. Alex- ander Craig of Rose-Craig, Scoto-Britan. Aberd. 1623, 4to. The amorose Songes, Sonets and Ele- gies. Lond. by William White, 1606, 12mo. Not paged, 84 leaves. A copy is in the Bridgwater Collection. — John. A short Summe of the whole Catechisme, wherein the Question is proponed and answered in few Wordes, for the greater ease of the commoune People and Chil- dren. Gathered by M. Johne Craig, Minister of God's Worde, to the CKA. CUA 547 King's M. Edinb. by Henry Char- tens, 1581. 8vo. Black letter. Contains G 6, in eiglits, with dedication 'To the Professoures of Christi.s Euangell at Newe Abeidene,'&c. And 'To the Reader.' A copy in a book- seller's late catalogue was marked 81. 8s. Reprinted Lond. 1591, 8vo. Craig, John. Theologise Christia- nse Principia Mathematica. Lond. 1699. 4to. The object of this curious tract is to apply mathematical calculation to the cre- dibility of the gospel history ; and the author maintains, on thi.^ principle, that the Christian religion must end, according to the doctrine of chances, A. 1). 3150, at which time our Lord will make his second appearance. The work was answered by the Abbfe Hauteville. [An edition, Leip- zig, 1755, 4to. with a Refutation and a Life of tlie author, by J. G. Titius.] This learned divine published several other mathematical works, and several of his papers will be found in the Philoso- phical Transactions. — Thomas. Henrici illustrissimi Ducis Albauise Comitis Eossise, &c. et MariK serenissimse Scotormn Re- gina3 Epithalamuim. Eduib. 1565. 8vo. Twelve copies were privately reprinted at Edinburgh, 1821, 12mo. edited by David Laing. — Su- Thomas. Jus Feudale, tribus Libris comprehensum. EcU- tio tertia, prioribus mnlto emenda- tior, &c. Opera et Studio Jacobi Baillie. Edmb. 1732. foho. A work of authority, ' a lasting monu- ment of the extraoi'dinary learning of its great author.'— Nicolson. Brockett, 796, 11. 6s. Nassau, pt. i. 1108, morocco, 21. lis. — First edition, 1655, folio. Cum prsefati- one Luderi Menckenii. Lipsise, 1716, 4to. T. Cragii ad sereniss, et potentis. Prin- cipem Jacobum sextum, e sua Scotia, de- cedentera Parseneticon. Edinb. 1603, 4to. T. Cragii ac serenissimura Britannica- rum Principem Henricum e Scotia disce- dentem Propempticon. Edinb. 1603, 4to. Serenissiuii et invictissimi Principis lacubi Britauniaivm et Galliarvm Regis ETE*AN04)0PIA, Edinb. 1603, 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Copies of the three foregoing articles were mark- ed in a booksuUer's recent catalogue at 61. 5s. each. Sir J. Cra'ii^'s Poems will also be found in Uelit. Poet. Scotor. Arast. 1637. Scotland's Sovereignty asserted ; being a Dispute concerning Homage. Lond. 1G95, Svo. 5s. 6d. 'An elaborate treatise, proving that the kings of Scotland never paid nor owed any homage to those of England.' — Nicolson. It was translated by Geo.Redpath.and published byTho.Ryraer. Superiority of the Crown of England over Scotland, in Answer to Sir The. Craig. 1704, Svo. 5s. Superiority of the Crown of England reasserted. 1705, 4to. 33. The Right of Succession to the King- dom of England, in two Books; against the Sophisms of Parsons the Jesuite, who assumed the counterfeit name of Dole- man. Lond. 1703. folio. Contains 431 pages, dedicated to ' The Dean and Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh,' by J. G. (James Gatherer, the translator). Rox- burghe, Suppl. 716, 4s. This work was originally written in 1602, and dedicated to James the Sixth of Scotland, the le- gality of whose succession to the crown of England, on the death of Q. Elizabeth, it was intended to prove. Answered by W. Atwood. An Account of the Life and AVritings of Sir Thomas Craig of Riccarton, In- cluding biographical Sketches of the most eminent legal Characters of his time. By Patrick Eraser Tytler. Edinb. 1823, 12mo. with portrait. Ceaig, WiUiam, D.D. Twenty Discourses on various Subjects. 1808. 8vo. 2vols. Best edition of these esteemed sermons. A former edition. Lond. 1775, 12mo. 3 vols. 7s. 6d. An Essay on the Life of Jesus Christ. 12mo. 2s. 6d. A very sensible and judi- cious essay. — W. Marshall. An Essay on the Study of Nature in di'awing Landscape, with illustrative Prints engraved by the Author. Loud. 1803. 4to. 10s. 6d. In this work will be found a satirical attack on Gilpin, on account of his princi- ples of drawing. The complete Instructor in Drawing, in twelve parts. Lond. 1807, folio. The Sports of Love. Lond. 1807, 4to. Characteristics of tiie great Schools of Painting. Lond. 1813, 4to 5s. A Course of Lectures on Drawing, Paint- ing, and Engraving. Lond. 1821. 8vo. 14s. CRAKAJfTHOEPE, Richard. De- f.nisio Ecclesiee Anghcanse contra M. Anton, de Dominis Archiep. Spalatensis Injurias. Lond. 1625. Reprinted, Oxford, 1847, Svo. 14s. 548 CKA This book was, saj-s Ant. k Wood, ' held to be the most exact piece for controversy bince the time of the reformation.' Gor- donstoun, 410, 5s. A Treatise of the Fift General Councel held at Constantinople under Justinian the Emperor, in the time of Pope Vigi- lius; opus posthumum. Lond. 1631, folio. Logics libri V. Lond. 1622, 4to. Ox- ford, 1677, 4to. 10s. 6d. A list of Crakanthorpe's writings will be found in the Athense Oxonienses. Ceamee, John Andrew. Ai-t of assaying Metals. Lond. 1761. 8vo. 10s. Gd. An esteemed treatise. A former edition. Lond 1741, 8vo. — John Ant. A Geographical and historical description of an- cient Italy. Oxford, 1S26, 8vo. 2 vols. 11. Is. With a map of ancient and modern Italy, on two sheets, and a plan of Eome, 1?. 10s. Map separately, 15s. A Geographical and Historical Descrip- tion of ancient Greece. Oxford, 1828, 8ro. 8 vol. s. 16s. 6d. With a map of Ancient and Modern Greece, and plan of Athens, U. lis. 6d. Map separately, 15s. A Geographical and Historical Descrip- tion of Asia Minor. Oxford, 1832, 8vo. 2 vols. 1/. Is. With a Map, U. 10s. The Map of Asia Minor separate, 15s. Dissertation on the Passage of Hanni- bal over the Alps. Oxford, 1S20, 8vo. Second edition, Lond. 1828, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Anecdota Grseca e codd. MSS. Biblio- thecarum Oxoniensium descripta. Ox- ford. 1835-7, 8vo. 4 vols. '21. 2s. Anecdota Graeca e codd. MSS. Biblio- thiicse Regias Parisiensis. Oxford, 1839- ■11, 8vo. 4 vols. 21. 2s. Cramond. — The History of the ancient and present State of Cra- mond. Edinb. 1794- 4to. Bindlcv, pt. i. 127, 16s. Roxburghe, bias, li. 2s. See Wood, J. P. Ceane, Ralph. The Workes of Mercy, both corporal and spiritual!. Lond. 1621. 8vo. A poetical tract. Bindley, pt i. 1244, SI. 5s. Sir M. M. Syke.s, pt. i. 807, 91 10s. Resold, Homer, 1854, 131. 15s. Ceanfield, Thomas. An Har- mony of the Gospels, from the Ee- siirrection to the Ascension : in which the English Narrations of the four Evangelists are orderly exhi- CEA bited ill appropriate Columns. Dub- lui, 1795. folio. Published with a recommendation by Drs. Grave ; and Barrett, who give it as their opinion, that 'it contains much ac- curate research, and much useful informa- tion.' Ceaneoed, James. Teares of Ireland : wherein is lively presented as iu a Map, a list of the unheard- of Cruelties and perfidious Treach- eries of blood-thirsty Jesuits, and the Popish Faction. Lond. 1642. 12mo. Pp. 80, with three introductory pieces. The etchings are twelve in number, (pro- bably engraved by Hollar) having letter- press at their backs. A copy is in the British Museum. Bindley, pt. iii. 1480, 13/. 13s. Nassau, pt. i. 793. 17?. Stowe, 1!?49, mor. 71. 2s. Horner, 1854, (12 plates only), 71 15s. Sotheby, 1857, 211. 10s. The twelve engravings occur on a sepa- l-ate sheet, a large broadside, in folio, and were again used in 1647 to a small volume, entitled • Ireland, or a Eooke : together with an exact JIappe of the most princi- pall Tonnes, great and small, in the said Kingdome, wherein the Longitude, Lati- tude and distauce of one Towne from aniv ther, as also the County or Province such place is in, alphabetically set down ; vei-y usefiill for all sorts of People, that have any interest in that Kingdome. As also a true relation of the bloudy massacres, tortures, cruelties, and abominable out- rages committed upon the persons of the Protestants, both men, women, and chil- dren, as hath not been executed by Hea- thens ; proved upon oaths and eye-wit- nesses, and illustrated by Pictures. Printed by John Rothwell, 1647.' ^fo copy with the Map known. The Directory part, with title, occupies 13 leaves; the Narra- tive, the ruuning-head-line of which is ' Ireland's Blood cries,' 15 leaves. Ceanlet, Thomas. Amanda, or the reformed Whore. 1635. 4to. Reed, 6728. Steevens, 1051. Bindley, pt. i. 2195, 5/. 17s.6d. Perry, 4i. 53. JoUey, 1843, 8?. 8s. Ceanmee, Thomas, first Protest- ant Archbishop of Canterbury. Life of Dr. Cranmer, Abp. of Canter- bury. Lond. 1751. 8vo. 4s. For other lives of this martyr, see Gii/- riN, William A.M.; Strype; Le Bas; Todd, H. J. Catechismvs, that is to say a shorte Instniction into Christian Religion for the syngnler Commoditie and Profyte of CI! A CUA 549 I CiiANMEh — continued. Childre and yong People. Loud, by Ny- colas Hj 11, for Gwalter Lyniie, 1548, IGmo. Contains Kk, in eights. The first alphabet beginning after the dedication to K. Ed- ward VI. has two Signatures, ( ) and )(, between C and D, but has no Z. The leaves are veiy irregularly numbered. The date is on the title-page. This work consists of short instructions explaining the ten commandments, the creed, the Lord's prayer, baptism, the keys, and the Lord's supper; not by question and an- swer, but in short sermons and homilies. In the volume will be found a wood-cut of K. Edward VI. giving the liiblo to Abp. Cranmer. A copy is in Lambeth Library. Wliite Knights, 1024, portrait inserted, morocco, iX. 18s. Ko.xburghe, 513, 12s. fid. Williams, 536, witli wood- cuts by Holbein, morocco, 5/. 15s. Wilkes, 1847, (2 leaves MS.) 5;. 7s. 6d. Sothe- by, 1848, 12/. 12s. Keprinted in vol. HI. of The Fathers of the English Church. — Another edition. Mycbolas Hyll, for G waiter Lynne, 8vo. Contains .Mm, in eights, the last leaf blank. Tliere are Bome variations in this edition from that of 1548. [Keprinted, with the Latin of Justus Jonas, in 1539. Oxford, 8vo. 1829. LARGE PAPER. 25 printed.] A Defence of the trve and catholike Doctrine of the Sacrament, &c. with a Confutation of sundry Errors concernyng the same. Lond. by Reynold Wolfe, 1550, 4to. Contains 117 leaves, besides the pre- face and a table. Of this work there were at least three editions by W(dfe. Sir P. Thompson, 138, U 5s. Knight, 1847, '21. 3s. Eraser, 1852, U. 5s. Gardner, 1854, 11. Reprinted in vol. III. of The Fathers of the English Church. [New edition, with introduction by Archd. H.J. Todd. Lond. 1825, Svo.] Defensio verae et catholicae Doctri- nae de Sacramento & quorundam in hac ' Causa Errorum Coufutatio.— M.D.mi. 8vo. Contains 118 leaves, besides dedication to K. Edward VI. and 'Prooemium ad lecto- rera.' Published by Sir John Cheke. This book was by the Convocation ordered to be burned. — Another edition, Emden, 1557. An answer vnto a crafty and sophistical Cauillation, deuised by Stephen Gardiner, Byshop of Winchester, agaynst the trewe and godly Doctrine of the moste holy Sa- crament, &c. Wherein is also, as Occa- sion serueth, answered such Places of the Booke of D]-. Rich. Smyth, as may seeme any Thyng woorthy the Answering, &p. Loud, by Rcynolde Wolfe, 1551, folio. Contains 460 pages, besides two prefaces, and a table of 'Faultes escaped' at tlie end. Bindley, pt. i. 1321, lis. 6d. Gor- donstoun, 419, 8s. — Another edition, pub- lished under the inspection of Bishop Parkhurst. Loud, by John Uaye, 1580, folio, pp. 428, besides two prefaces and an index. Gordonstoun, 420, 8s. Sotheby, June 1856. mor. 3?. 12s. Copious extracts from this edition will be found in Vol. III. of The Fathers of the English Church. All the Submyssious and Recantations of Thomas Cranmer, lately Archebyshop of Canterburye, truely set forth both in Latyn and English. Lond. in ^dibits Johannis Cawodi, 1556, 4to. six leaves. See Guthrie's History of England, iii. 158 — note. The Copy of certain Lettres sent to the Quene, and also to Doctour Martin, and Doctour Storye, by Thomas Cranmer, Arcbebisbop of Cantorburye, from Prison in Oxeforde. 1556, 16mo. B, in eights. Bindley, pt. i. 1243, 19s. Sotheby, 1854, mor. U. 15s. A Coufutatio of vnwritte Verities, both hi the holye Scriptures and moste aunci- ent Autois, and also probable Arguments, and pithy Reasons, with plaine Aunswers to al (or at the least) to the moste Part and strongest Argumentes, which the Aduersaries of God's Truth, either haue or can bryng forth for the Profe and De- fence of the same vnwritten Vanities, Ve- rities as tliey woulde have them called. Translated and set forth by E. P. (Lond. by Reynold Wolfe. 1558), 16mo. O 7, in eights. On the last page is a table of ' Faultes escaped in the pryntynge.' In- glis, 419, 19s. Sotheby, 1852, -M. 6s. To- waids the conclusion are related sundry stories of visions, and pretended mir.icles, as the holy maid of Lemster, Elizabeth Barton the holy maid of Courtop-street in Kent, &c, — An edition, Lond. by Thomas Raynalde, 1518. 8vo. A copy is in the Public Library, Cambridge. — An- other edition, 1582, 4to. will be found at the end of A Discouerie and Batterie of the great Fort of vnwritten Traditions, 1582. See Chejinitius, Martinus. Judgment concerning the People's Right to, and discreet Use of the Holy Scrip- tures. Lond. 1689, 4to. 3s. 6d. A reprint of the preface to the first Edition of the Bible. Reprinted, 1816. [Works, collected and arranged by the Rev. H. Jenkj-ns, M.A. Lond. 1834, 8vo. 4 vols. Also Works and Remains, edited by tfie Rev. J. C. Cox. /See Parker Society, Appendix.] Crantz, David. History of Greenland, containing a Descrip- tion of the Country and its Inha- bitants ; and particularly a Relation of the Mission carried on for above these tliirty Years, by the XJnitas Fratrum at Ne\^' Herrnhuth and 550 CltA lichtenfels, in that Country. Trans- lated from the High-Dutch. Lond. 1767. 8vo. 2 vols, with plates. Printed for the Brethren's Society for the furtherance of the Gospel among the Heathen. Dent, pt. i. 562, V Is. Rox- burghe, 7852, 21. 6s. Drury, 1043, 11. 9s. Heath, 2558, ■21. 2s. Fonthill, 2004, 21. 8s. Nassau, pt. i. 787, 11. 2s. Williams, 538, morocco, 41. 10s. Reprinted 1820, 8vo. 2 vols. The Ancient and Modern History ot the Brethren: or, a succinct Narrative of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratram, in the re- moter Ages, and particularly in the pre- sent Centiirv. Translated into English, with Emendations; and published, with some additional Notes, hy Benjamin La Trobe. Loud. 1780, 10s. 6d. Ceashaw, Eichard. Poetiy, by Richard Crashaw, who was a Canon in the Chapel of Loretto, and died there in the year 1650. With some Account of the Author, and an in- trodiictoi-y Address to the Eeader, by Peregrine Phillips. Lond. 1785. 12mo. 7s. Pp. 158. Pope, in his Eloisa to Ahelard, has borrowed largely from this poet. Epigrammata sacra. Cantab. 1634, 8vo. Published anonymously. Bindley, pt. ii. 121. Bright, 1520, 9s. Steps to the Temple. Sacred Poems, with other Delights of the Muses. Lond. 1646, 12mo. 5s. pp. 152. Bihl. Anglo-Foet. 127, 1/ Is. Roxburghe, Supplement, 581, 4s. Lloyd, 362, 53. 6d. Skegg, 19s. Steps to the Temple, Sacred Poems, with the Delights of the Muses. Lond. 1648, 12mo. with front. Nassau, pt. i. 789, 4s. Bindley, pt.i. 1064,5s. WhiteKnights, pt. i.l025,morocco,14s. Bright,1521,8s.6d. Carmen Deo nostro, te decet Hymnus. Sacred Poems. Paris, 1652, 8vo. engraved title and plates. pp. 138. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 126, Gl. 6s. Towneley, pt. i. 335, il. 16s. Bindley, pt. i. 1063, U. 10s. Nassau, pt.i. 791, 11. 17s. Bright, 1522, 1?. 19s. Steps to the Temple, the Delights of the Muses and Carmen Deo nostro. In the Savoy, 1670, 8vo. A— O 7, in eights, with an engraved frontispiece. Eetrosp. Rev. i. 225—50. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 128, 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 1065, 3s. Nassau, pt. i. 792,8s. Reed, 6772, 5s. Bright, 1523, 17s. Skegg. 18s. Poemata. Cantab. 1670. White Knights, 1(126. 12s. [I'he Complete Works, edited hy W. B. TnrnbuU, Esq. 12nio. Lond. .J. R. Smith, 1858, 6s.] CEA — William. Newes from Italy of a second Moses ; or tlie Life of Galeacivs Caracciolus, the noble Maiquesse of Vico. Lond. 1608. 4to. 4s. Fiscus Papalis, sive Catalogus InUul- gentiarum & reliquarum septem principa- lium Ecclesiarum Urbis Ronise, ex vet. MS. descriptus. Lond. 1617, 4to. Again, in 1621. A curious account of this work will he found in Dr. Blis.s's edition of Wood's Athen. Oxon. ii. 468 9. The Complaint or Dialogue, betwixt the Soule and the Bodie of a damned Man, each laying the Fault upon the other. Supposed to be written by S. Bernard, from a nightly Vision of his, and now published out of an ancient MS. Coppy by William Crashaw. Lond. 1616, 16mo. This poem (the original and translation of which occupy alternate pages) is di- vided into eighty-five verses, as a dialogue between the autlior, a soul departed, a dead carcase, and the divels. The volume, consisting of 34 leaves, is dedicated to some of the translator's friends, benchers of the Inner Temple. Manvale Catlioliconim ; sive. Enchiri- dion piarum Precum et Meditationum. Ex vetustissimus Manuscript. Pergamenus descripta. Lond. 1616. 16mo. Pp. 115. In Latin and English. The printer's letter in this poetical work, in two divisions, is continued from ' the Complaint.' Nassau, pt. i. 788,1?. 3s. Skegg, IZ. 12s. An edi- tion of the date 1611 is in the British Museum. Another, 1622, 16mo. SirM. M. Svkes, pt. i. 808, 13s. Skegg, 18s. The Jesuites Gospell written by them- selves, discovered and published. Second Impression corrected and enlarged. Lond. 1621, 4to. Gordonstoun, 464, 6s. Mittimus to the Jubilee at Rome, or the Rates of the Pope's Custom- House, sent to the Pope as a new Year's Gift from England. Lond. 1625, 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 2023, 6s. Several other pieces written by W. Crashaw will be found in the British Mu- seum. Crashaw, — . New Year's Gift to Vii-ginia, a Sermon before the Adventurers in that Plantation. Lond. 1610. 4to. Ceaufued, John Lindesay, Earl of. Memoirs of his Life, com- ])iled from his own Papers, and other authentic Memoirs. Lond. 1769. 12mo. For another memoir of his lordship, set RoLT, Richard. CBA. CKA 551 Ckauford, John Lindsay. Sketch of tlie Life of John Lindsay Crau- furd, containing a full and impar- tial Account of his Claim to the Title and Estates of Greorge, Earl of Craufurd and Lindsay. Dairy, 1812. 8vo. Privately printed. Memoir of the Claim of John Lindsay Crawfurd to tlie Titles and Estates of Crawfiud and Kilbirny. Paisley, 1819, 4to. The Crawfurd Peerage, with original genealogical and other particulars, relat- ing to the House of Lindsay and Kibir- nie, by Dr. Maxwell Adams. 4to. 1829. Examination of the Claim of J. Lindsay Crawfurd to the title of Crawfurd and Lindsay, with an exprisure of the forge- ries, &c. and a Refutation of the state- ments in the book entitled ' The Crawford Peerage,' by James Dobie. Ito. 1831. Chatjfoed, David. Memoirsof the Affairs of Scotland, containing a full and impartial Account of the Revo- lution in that Kingdom begun in 1667. Lond. 1700. 8vo. Bp. of Ely, 306. 7s. 6d. The veracity of this author is called in question by Mr. Laing, in his preface to the Historie and Life of James the Sext.— Edinb. 1753, 12mo. 3s.— Edinb. 1767, 12mo. — Quintin. Sketches chiefly re- lating to the History, Religion, Learning, and Manners of the Hin- doos. With a concise Account of the present State of the native Powers of Hindostan. Second Edition, en- larged. Lond. 1792. Svo. 2 vols. 10s. Published anonymously. Fonthill,2697, 21. 3s. i he former edition, 1790. Svo. 1 vol. with front. Roxburghe, 8867, 6s. 6d. Fonthill. 2899, 10s. Researches conceniing the Laws, Theo- logy, Learning, Commerce, &c. of ancient and modern India. Lond. 1817, Svo. 2 vols. IBs. Essai historique sur leDocteur Swift et Bur son Influence dans le Gouvernement de la Grande Bretagne. Paris, 1808, 4to. Also on VELLUM PAPER. This writer has printed several other works at Paris ; viz. : Essai sur la litterature francaise, ^crit pour I'usage d'une dame ^trang&re, com- patriote de 1' autenr. Paris, 1803, 4to. 2 vols. 51. 5s. One hundred copies printed. Reprinted, Paris, 1815, 8vo. 2 vols. — Paris, 1818, 8vo. 3 vols. Melanges d' Litterature,&c. Paris, 1809, 4to. With a Supplement of 118 pp. which is only found in a few copies. 31. 3s. Reprinted and abridged. Paris, 1817, Svo. Notices sur Mesdames de La Valliere, de Montespan, de Fontanges, et de Main- tenon. Paris, ISIS, Svo. veli um pai'eu. Notices sur Marie Stuart, et sur Marie- Antoinette. Paris, 1819, Svo. vellum pa- per. Ckaufoed. See Crawfoed Craven, William, D.D. Ser- mons on the Evidence of a future State of Rewards and Punishments, arising from a View of our Nature and Condition ; in wliich are con- sidered some Objections of Hume. Cambridge, 1783. Svo. ' The subject is treated with great per- spicuity, and Mr. Hume's objections so- lidly refuted.' — Bp. Watson, Discourses on the Jewish and Christian Dispensation, compared with other Insti- tutions, and a future State of Rewards and Punishments. Camb. 1802, 8vo. 6s. — Hon. Keppel. Tour in the Southern Part of Naples. Lond. 1821. 4to. with plates. Sir M, M. Sykes, pt. i. 842, 12s. Drury, 1359, 11. 6s. Excur.sions in the Abruzzi. Lond. 1838, Svo. 2 vols. — Lady. See Anspach, Mar- gravuie of. Craven. — Dialect of Craven in Yoi'kshire, with a copious Glossary. The second edition, much en- larged. Post Svo. 2 vols. 11. By the Rev. Mr. Carr. First edition, under the title of Horse Momenta Cravense. 1824, crown Svo. 2s. Crawford, John, Earl of. See Craufurd. — Charles. A Dissertation on the Phsedon of Plato. To wliich is annexed, a Psychology : or, an Ab- stract Investigation of the Nature of the Soul, in which the Opinions of all the celebrated Metaphysicians on that Subject are discussed. Lond. 1773. Svo. 49. — Patrick. The Declaration of his Retiu-ne from Poperie to the true Religion, which is according to the Word of God in holie Scrip- ture. Edinb. 1627. 4to. Iiordonstoun, 447, 11. 2s. 552 CEA CliE Cbawpokd, William, A.M. His- tory of Ireland, from the earliest Period to the present Time ; in a Series of Letters addressed to Wil- liam Hamilton. Strabane, 1783. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Towneley, pt. ii. 88, 13s. Dent, pt. i. 563, nissia, 13s. Cea-wtfed, Gr. A genealogical History of the royal and dlusti-ious Family of the Stewarts, from the Year 1034 to the Year 1710. To wluch are prefixed ; first, a general Description of the Shu'e of Ren- frew ; and secondly, a Deduction of the noble and ancient Families, Proprietors there for upwards of 400 Years, down to the present Times. Edinb. 1710. foMo. A curious genealogical work. It con- tains a dedication to the Queen, 1 page ; a preface, 3 pp. ; the History of Kenfrew, 95 pp. ; the History of the Stewart Family, 90 pp. and an Index, 2 pp. Nassau, pt. ii. 1225, 19s. Towneley, pt. ii. 538, 16s. Dowdeswell, 308, 31. 6s. Another edition, entitled the History of the Shire of Een- frew, &c.. continued to the present Pe- riod, by William Semple. Paisley, 17S2, 4to. Nassau, pt. i. 1055, 9s. Reed, 3759, 6s. Again, entitled A general Descrip- tion of the Shire of Renfrew, &c. con- tinued by Robertson. Paisley, 1818. 4to. with maps and plates, 153. large PAPER, 1/. Is. — The Peerage of Scotland. Edinb. 1716. foHo. Pp. 502. Index 111 pp., besides the title, and preface vii pp. As the first pub- lication on the peerage of Scotland, this work is deserving of great praise. Bind- ley, pt. i. 1318, 11. Is. Roxburghe, 8793, 11. Us. A Letter to Mr. George Crawfurd con- cerning his Book, entitled the Peerage of Scotland. — The Lives and Characters of the Officers of the Crown and of the State in Scotland, from the be- ginning of the Eeign of King David I. to the Union of the two King- doms. Edinb. 1726. folio. or this work, vol. l.only appeared. Rox- burghe, Supplement, 754, 11. 7s. Towne- ley, pt. ii. 528, 11. Is. — John. History of the Indian Archipelago. Edinb. 1820. Sto, 3 vols. With 33 maps and other engravings published at 21. 12s. 6d. This work con- sists chiefly of a Series of disquisitions, containing a number of ingenious tlieories and speculations, seemingly preliminary to an Essay on tlie Commerce of the Eastern Islands. J. Crawfurd was a resi- dent at the Court of the sultan of Java. Journal of an Embassy from the Go- vernor-General of India to the Courts of Siam and Cochin-China. Lond. 1828, 4to. SI. 3s. Pp. 598, with maps and plates. Reprinted, Lond. 1830, 8vo. 2 vols. Journal of an Embassy from the Go- vernor-General of India to the Court of Ava, in 1827 ; with an Appendix, contain- ing a Description of Fossil Remains, by Dr. Buckland and M. Clift. Lond. 1829, 4to. Reprinted, Lnnd. 1834, 8vo. 2 vols. Ceawfced, Thomas. Locorum, Nominum propriorum Gentihtium, Vocumque difficiliorum, quae in La- tinis Scotorum Historiis occurrunt, Exphcatiovernacula,aThomas Cra- furdio : emend. C. Irviuus. Edinb. 1665. 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum. History of the University of Edinburgh from 1580 to 1646. Edinb. 1808, 8vo. 6s. Another edition, continued to 1821, in several appendixes, by Dr. Duncan, Edinb. 1808-21, 8vo. Prefixed is the charter granted to the college by James VI. of Scotland in 1582. Notes, &c. on Buchanan's History of Scotland, wherein is given an account of the genealogies of the most considerable families in Scotland, 1708, 12mo. Crayon, Geoffrey. See Ieting, Washington. Creature. — The Dyenge Crea- ture. Lond. by W. de Worde, 1507. 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 2529, 61. 2s. 6d. Inglis, 1583, 41. — 1514. Copies of this edition are in the British Museum and in the public Library at Cambridge. — Another, no date, 4to. Sixteen leaves. See Bridges' Resti- tuta, i. 363-5. CEEECHjThomas. A Step to Ox- ford ; or, a mad Essay on the Re- verend Mr. Thomas Creech's hang- ing himself, as it is said, for Love : with the Character of his Mistress, in a Letter to a Person of Quality. Lond. 1700. 4to. Twelve leaves. Boswell, 2386, 7s. 6d C It K CEE o;-)3 Creech translated Lucretius, tlornci', The- ocritus, &c. * Creech, William. Edinburgh Fugitive Pieces. Edinb. ]791. 8vo. 3s. 6d. A selection of papers from tlie Eiiiu- buvgh C'ourant, Caledonian Jlercurv, and Edinburgh Gazette. Heed, 6S23, 7s — \n improved edition. Ediiih. 1815, Kvo. with portrait. Bindley, pt. i. 977, 7s. Creed, Carr. See Pembroke, Earl of. T'EEicnTOX, Capt. Tolm. Me- moirs, from his own Materials, drawn up and digested bv Dean J. Swift. 1731. Svo. By the Dean's interest and recommen- dation, the subscription for this work (cont.iining curious Scottish particulars relative to tlie reigns of Cliarles and Janips II.) exceeded 2001. and made tlie veteran Creichton comfortable for the re- mainder of his life. See Retrosp. Rev. V. 238-49. Reprinted Glasgow, 17G8, 12mo. 5s, Creightox, H. The Euins of Grour described and represented in 1 8 Views, with a topographical Maj), compiled from the MSS. and Draw- ings of the late H. Creigliton. Lond. 1817. royal 4to. 2L 2s. Crescimbeni, Gio. Mario. Gom- raentarj intorno all' Istoria della Poesia Italiana, ne' quali si ragiona d'ogni Genere e Specie di quella, ripublicati da T. J. Mathias. Lond. 1803. crown Svo. 3 vols. 15s. An elegant ami correct edition. White Knights, 1030, U. 9s. Storiadeir Aocademia degli .•\rcadi isti- tnita in Roma I'Anno 1690, per laColtiva- zione delle Scienze, delle Lettere Umane, e della Hocsia. Puhlicata 1' Anno 1712, d'Ordine della medesima.-Vduuanza. Lond. ISOl, crown Svo. os. White ICuiglits, 1031, U. OS. See Mathias. Ceeswell, D., ma. Elements of hnear Perspective. Cambridge, 1811. Svo. 5s. Designed for the use of students in the university. A Treatise on Spherics. Cambridge, 1816, Svo. An elementary Treatise on the geome- trical and algebraical Investigation of Maxim aarid Minima. Second Edition, cor- rected and considerablv enlarged. Cam- bridge, 1822, Svo. 12s. A Treatise of Geometry, containing tlie first six Hocks of Euclid's Elements; to- gether with the Elements of solid Geome- try. Canibiidge, 1822. 8vo. 148. .•V S'lpplenientto the Elementsof Euclid. Cambridge, 1822, Svo. 10s. (id. — Jos. Ehzabethnc Anglise Ee- ginre Responsio ad Edictum. Koma, 1593. 4to. (But see Parso.vs.) Written to prove the law fulness of rising against an heretic prince. I Cressy, Hugh Paul de. Exoino- logesis ; or, a faitliful Narration of tlie Conversion unto Catholique Unity of Hugh-Paulin de Cressy, late Deane of Laghlin in Ireland, and Prebend of Windsore in Eng- land. Paris, 1647. ISmo. 12s. Reprinted with an appendix, 1653, Svo. ' This Exomolngesis was the golden calf which the English papists fi-ll down and worshipped. They biag'd that book to be unanswerable and to liaie given a total overthrow to the Chillingwortliians, and book and tenets of Lucius, Lord Falkland.' — Ant. a Wood. — Tlie Church History of Brit- tany from the Beginning of Chris- tianity to the Norman Conquest, 1668." folio, 1^ Is Dent, pt. i. 826, 21. 2s. ' Many severe censures have been given by learned men of the authorCressy,forpublishing many miracles and monkish stories in the said Ch. Hist.of Britaiiv.' — Ant.d Wood, large PAPER. 21. 10s. • This writer, of whom an account will he foundintheAthen.Oxon.jClianged his name from Hugh Paulin to Serenus de Cressy. Crevier, John Baptist Lewis. History of the Roman Emperors, translated from the French by John Mills. Lond. 1755-61. Svo. 10 vols. This work frequently accompanies that of KoUin. Williams, 540, 71. lis.— New- edition, Lond. 1814, 10 vols. Earl of Kerrv, 88, 51. 5s. Crew. — The joviall Crew ; or the Devill tum'd Ranter. Loud. 1651. 4to. The title is as follows: 'The joviall Crew; or the Devill turn'd Ranter: being a Cha- racter of the roaring Ranters of these Times, represented in a C'omedie. Cont.ain- ing a true Discovery of the cursed Con- versations, prodigious Pranks, monstrous Meetings, Private Perfonnances, rude Re- vellings, garrulous Greetings, impious and incorrigible Deportements of a Sect (lately sprung up amongst us) called Ranters. 6r>4 cm Their names sorted to their several N'n- tinvs, Mild both livelypresented in Action.' Cbette, IVathaniel, Bisliop of Durham. An Examination of the Life and Character of Nathaniel Lord Crewe, Bishop of Durliam. Lond. 1790, 8to. 2s. 6d. Pp. 119. Reed, 4717, 10s. Ceighton, James. Epieedium illustrissimi et reverendissimi Car- dinalis Boromsei, ab Jaeobo Crito- nio Scoto. Mediolani, 1584. 4to. A tract of four leaves, of extreme rarity. There is a copy In the library of the Sa- pienza College at Rome, supposed when Lowndes wrote, to be the only one known. It is marked 'Jliscell. W. no. 4.' It was reprinted in 1825, for a distinguished book-collector (B. H. Bright), for private distribution, the impression limited to twenty-five copies on paper, Bright, 1530, and one on vellum. Heber and Han- rott again reprinted it. Ad Sfortiam Brivium de Musarum ac poetarum imprimis illiistrium authoritate judicium. Mediolani, 1585, 4to. Oratiopro raoderatorum Genuensis reip. electione coram senatu habita. Mediolani, 1579, 4to. The above three pieces were sold to- gether at Hanrott's for 251. 10s. Heber, i2l. 10s. Butler, (with Relatione delle qualita di Jacomo di Crettone fatta di Aldo Manutio. Vinegia Aldo, 1581, 8vo. 4 leaves) 26?. 15s. 6d. This Relatione deVa qualita, &c., has been twice reprinted, viz. art Milan, 1830, and Venice, 1831. In Appulsu ad celeberrimam urbem Ye- netam de proprio statu Jacobi Critoni Scoti, carmen ad Aldura Mannuccium,Ven. Guerrea, 1580, 4to. Bright, 11. 14s. But- ler, il. 13s. The Life of James Crichton of Clunie, commonly called the admirable Crichton. l!y Francis Douglas. Aberdeen, 1760, 8vo. 5s. The Life of James Crichton of Cluny, commonly railed the Admirable Crichton, by Patrick Frascr Tytler, 1 MI.S.E. Advo- cate. Edinb. 1819, 8vo.-lS23. 10s. 6d. Crimea. — Travels in the Crimea. A History of the Embassy from Petersbiu-gh to Constantinople, in 1793 ; including their Journey tlirongh Krcmentschuck, Oczakow, Wallaehia,and Moldavia ; with their Reception at the Court of Selim the Third. By a Seeretarv to the Rus- sian Embassv. Lond. 1802. Svo. 6s. Criminals. — Lives of tlie most re- markable Criminals, v/ho have been condemned and executed since 1720. Lond. 1735. 12mo. 3 vols. 12s. Ceimsal, Richard Cupid's So- licitor of Love, with sundi-y Com- plements. Lond. 12mo. A copy is In the British Museum. Ceieie, James, D.D. Scottish Scenei-y ; or. Sketches in Verse, descriptive of Scenes chiefly in the Highlands of Scotland : accom- panied with Notes and Illustra- tions : and ornamented with En- gravings by W. Byrne, F.S.A. from Views painted by G. Walker, F.A.S.E. Lond. 1803. 4to. Pp. 450, with 20plates.— 1807, 4to. Font- hill, 1092, 11. 14s. folio. White Knights, 786, russia, Zl. 15s. Ceisp, Tobias, D.D. Sermons. Lond. 1643, 4, 6, 3 vols. 12mo. all printed after his death. Crisp was considered the head of the Antinomians. To vol. 3, a portrait ot the author, in a cloak, by T. Cross, is affixed. A new edition, with 10 additional sermons, edited by his son, Sam. Crisp, 1690. An incorrect and imperfect edition, which occasioned much controversy. Another edition of his works, with notes explanatory and memoirs of his life, by John Gill. Lond. 175.5, Svo. 2 vols, with portrait, U. Is. Best edition, fine paper. 1?. lis. 6d. Williams, 541, morocco. Si. An edition, Lond. 1832, Svo. 2 vols. 10s. Seventh edition, with three prefaces from edition of 1690, not given by Dr. Gill. Lond. Svo. 2 vols. port. Answer to an exception against his As- serlion of Christ's being the first Gift to a Believer before the Actmgof Grace in him. Lond. 1691, 4to. with portrait of Crisp by A. S(oly). Crispe. — Don Samuel Crispe : or the pleasant History of the Knight of fond Love. Lond 1660. 4to. Ceispin, John. Lexicon Grte- co-Latinvim Joannis Ch-ispini, Opera ot Studio E. G. (Edw. Grant). Lond. 1581. 4to. 5s. Crispin and Crispianus : or, the History of the gentle Craft. 4to. and 12mo. several editions. Critica sacr.n. See Owen, Henry, D.D. ouo 555 Critical Review, The ; or, Annals of Literature frora the Commonce- ment in January 1756, to its Com- pletion in June 1817. Lond. 8vo. 141 vols. Ur. Smollett was for many years the conductor of this literary periodical. Thus divided. First series, 17.56-90, 70 vols. A new arrangement, 1791-1803, 39 vols. Series the tliird, 1804-11, 24 vols. Series the fourth, 181'2-14, 6 vols. Series the fiftli, 1815-17, 5 vols. Sotheby's in 1821, 124 vols. 1756-1808, 7?. 7s. Critici Saeri, sive doctissiniosum Vii'orum in SS. Biblia Annotationes et Tractatus. Lond, 16G0. fol. 9 vols. 6/. 6s. LARGE PAPEK, 7/. 7s. Gornelius Bee, the printer of this col- lection of excellent critical commentators, and who had a patent for the sale of it, thus hints its value to the reader: ' Hie etiam cii-citer Libri nonaginta, iique iutOKri, in novcm coleruiit,<;t Lihne plus minus quin- quagenaj (nuper vix aut ne vi.K minoris hsBC omnis coeraissos) jam ad quindenas rediguntur.' Some add as a tenth volume, Commentaria & Dispntationes in Epis- tolam Pauli ad Hebrseos, qnibus adduntur ob Argument! simil. Tractatus Spanliemii, Mori, &c. A Lud. Tena. Lond. 1661, folio, 15s. LARGK PAPER, V,. Is. An i'uproved edition appeared Amst. 1698, folio, 9 vols. To complete this great work there were published at Amsterdam, in 1701, The- saurus theologico-philologicus, in 2 vols, folio, and also in 1732, in two folio volumes, Thesaurus novus theologico-philologicus, — two valuable collections of critical and philological dissertations by the most eminent biblical critics of that day. Croce, Giovanni. Musica sacra, the Seven Pe-aitential Psalms to sixe voyces, 1608. 6 pts. complete. 21. 2s. ' Croce is highly commended by Morley ; and Peacham in his English Gentleman says that for a full, lofty and sprightly vein, he was second to none; he adds, that while he lived, he was one of the most | free and brave companions in the world. Nevertheless his compositions are all of a devout and serious kind, and of these his Penitential Psalms, which have been printed with English words, are the best.' — Hawkins. Ceockee, Abraham. The Ele- ments of Land Surveying. A new Edition. Lond. 1817. Svo. with maps. 9s.. A. useful work. The Timber Dealer's Guide, 1813,4s. 6d. Ceocus, Jnc/Uce Croke. Ci'oesus. — The History of Croesus, King of Lydia, in four parts. Edin- burgh, 1756. 12mo. 3s. Tlie principal part of this entertaining and instructive little volume is taken from Herodotus. Ceoft, Sir Herbert, Knt. Letters per.'5uasive to his Wife and Children in England to take upon tlicm the Catliolic ReUgion. Arguments to show that the Roman Church is the true church, written against Dr. R. Field, his Four books of the church; and Reply to the answer of his daughter, M. C, which she made to a paper of his sent to her con- cerning the Roman Church. (Do- way, 1619.) 12mo. Pp. 255. A description of this work, of which there were only eight copies print- ed, will be found in Wood's Athense O.x- onienses. — Herbert, Bishop of Hereford. The naked Truth : the true State of the primitive Church. By an hum- ble Moderator. Lond. 1675. 4to. Published anonymously. Hollis, 1086, with animadversions upon, by Dr. Fr. Turner, 1676, 11. 3s. Reprinted 1680, folio, and also in the sevenili volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. This work made a great noise at its tirst publication, and was soon after answered by several persons, r'arts 2, .3, and 4 wero not written by this prelate. A life of Bishop Croft or Crofts will be found in Wood's Athen. O.xon. — Sir Herbert. See Love and Madness. — Sir James, Comptroller to Queen Elizabeth. Memoirs. Lond. 1828. 4to. only 12 printed. — Jolin. Scrapeana : Fugitire Miscellany ; or a Medly of choice Bon Mots, Repartees, &c. to which is added a large Collection of York- shire Anecdotes. York, 1792. 8vo. 5s. An amusing selection. Excerpta Antiqua; or, a Collection of original Manuscripts. York, 1797, Svo. pp. 112, privately printed. Roxburghe, 8581, 17s. Annotations on Plays of Shakespeare 056 CKO CEO (Johnson and Steevens" Edition). York, , Croke family. Oxford, 1823. 4to. 2 1810,8vo. pp. iv. and 24, 2s. 6d. ' toIs Ceoft, Robert. Terestriall Para- i ' Privately printed, disc, or Happiaiesse ou Earth, in Essay on rliyraing Latin Verse. Ox- Verse and Prose. 1639. 12mo. with ford, 1828, crown 8vo. large paper. ~ , . . Schola Salemitana. Su Salerno. trontispiece. „ ■ x.^ A list of tliis autlior's works will be Sir M. M. Sykesjpt. i. 812, 128. Bright, f(,u„^ ^t the end of the Preface of No. 4fi 153.5, 5s. 6d. I of the Percy Society Publications, st« The Happie Mind. Lond. 1640, 12mo. i ^^ppgndix with front. Bright, i53f,9£.6d.__ | Ceoke, Sir George. Reports of William, Mus. D. Musica Sacra, or select Anthems in Score, for two, three, foui*, fiye, six, seyen, and eight Yoices, to which is added the Burial Seryice, as it is occa- sionally performed in Westminster- Abbey. 1724. folio. 2 yols. A splendid edition, published by sub- scription. It is the first work that was stamped on pewter plates, and in score. This work, publislied anonyraonsly, con- tains the words of select anthems used in the Chapel Royal, Westminster-Abbey, St. Paul's, &c. with a preface containing a short account of our church music, and an encomium on Tallis and Bird. Ceoftes, Ant. The Htisband, a Poeme, expressed in a compleat man. Lond. 1614. 4to. Heber, pt. iv. 450, 3/. 10s. Ceofts, Robert. The Loyer, or Nuptiall Love, written by Robert Crofts to please himselfe. Lond. 1638. 18mo. 5s. Ceoix. See La Ceoix. select Cases in the Courts of K. B. and C. P. during the Reigns of Eli- zabeth, James I. and Charles I. Fourth Edition, with Additions by Thomas Leach. Lond. 1790-2. royal 8vo. 4 vola. 11. 2s. Best edition of these highly esteemed reports. Sotheby's in 1824, bl. 15s. 6d. — 1657-71, folio, 3 vols, with portrait by Vaufihan. Sotheby's in 1826, \l. lis. 0.1. —1669, folio. 3 vols, with portrait by Gav- wood. Sotheby's in 1824, 17s.— Third Edi- tion, 1683 or 5, fol. 3 vols, with portrait by White. Sotheby's in 1824, \l. 6s. Reports abridged by Wm. Hughes, Lond. 1665, 8vo. in 3 pis. 3s. 6d. An ac- curate abridgment. — Richard. Orationes dus, altera a cura, qua Utilitatem, Laudemque Grgecse Linguse tractat, altera a Tempore, qua hortatus est Canta- brigienses, ne desertores essent ejus- dem. (Paris. Cuva Sim Colensei.) 1520. 4to. Dedicated to Kicholas Bishop of Ely. CeOKE, Sir Alexander, LL D. An : A great number of original letters of R. i . PT-v /■! 1 • 1-1 XT- 1 Croke relating to the divorce written from Argument ot Dr. Lroke m tlie liigli j^^j^ ^^ ^^^„ ^g^j.^ g ^^e in the British Court of Admirnlty, upon the Ques- 1 Museum. (Cotton MSS. Vitel. B. xiii.) tion of the Yahditv of a Sentence { •^'f* Wood's A then. Oxon of Condemnation, whilst a Vessel is ' Ceokee, Rev. Henry Temple, lying in a Neutral Port. Taken in Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Short Hand by T. N. Mcndham. ' By tlie Rev. Henry Temple Croker, Lond. 1800. 8yo. pp. 60. 2?. and others. Lond. 1766. foho. 3 A Ueport of the Case of Horner against , vols. los. I.iddiard, on the Question of what Con- A mere compilation, now of little value, sent is necessary to the Mamage of illegi^- _ j^j^j^ Wilson. Famihar Epis- tiraate Minors ; determined on the 24th i ' May 1792, in the Consistorial Court of London, by the Right Hon. Sir William Scott, Chancellor of the Diocese; with an introductory Essay on the Theory and the History of Laws relating to illegiti- mate Children, and to the Encouragement of Marriage in general. Lond. 1800. 8vo. Pp. 2(X). Itions on ditto, and Theatrical Tears on — Sir Alexander. A genealogi- 1 ^,^0, 3/. los. eal History' of the Rloimt or ! A Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, prtk- tles on the Irish Stage. The second Edition with considerable Addi- tions. DubUn, 1804. 12mo. Published anonymously. Rhodes, 2901, first and second editions, both of the dafe of 1804, 1/. Is. Reed, 8145, with three tracts, viz. Answer to ditto. Few Reflec- CRO 557 piising toliiiish the East WiiitjDf Somerset i llDiise, for National (rallerieM. Loud. 18'23.— 3ril Edit. 1S*2— , witli a preface. Ckokeu, Capt. Ric-hiird. Tra- ' vols through several Provinces of | Spain and Portugal. Loud 1799. j 8vo. I Fonthill, 2677. 15h. Dniry, 4(529'. 17s. — T. Crofton. Rt'searches in the South of Ireland, illustrative of the Scenery, architectural Remains, ]\ranners and Superstitions of the Peasantry, iVoni ])ersonal Observa- tions, ancient Authorities and ori- ginal MSS. Lond. 1824. Ito. With sixteen engravings, published at 2/. 2s. Uniry, VMM, with plates on yellow paper, \l. Is. CuoLEUS, Anylice Crowley. Ceoly, Rev. George, D.D. The Apocalypse of St. John, or Prophee^- of the Rise, Progress, and Fall of the Church of Rome ; the Inquisition ; (he Revolution of France ; tlie uni- versal War ; and the final Triumph of Christianity. Lond. 1827. 8vo. An original and not uninteresting volume. Poetical Works. Lond. 1830, 8vo. 2 vols. Personal history of George IV., with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years. Lond. 1830, 8vo. Second edition, Lond. 1841, 8vo. 2 vols. Sermons preached at the Foundling and St. Stephen's, Walbrook. Lond. 1848, 8vo, 10s. 6d. This able writer has published" many other works, for a list of wliieh sec the London Catalogue. Ceombie, Alexander, LL.D. Gymnasium, sire Symbola Critiea. Loud. 1812. Bvo. 2 vols. Fourtli edition, Lond. 1830, Svo. 2 vols. Fifth edition, Lond. 1834, Svo. 2 vols. Sixth edition, Lond. 1838. Svo. 2 vols. U. Is. Abridged, Lond. 1836—1849, 12mo. 68. A Key to Crombie's Gymnasium, Svo. 1849, 6s. An Essay on Philosophical Necessity. Lond. 179.3, Svo. 5s. The Etymology and Syntax of the En- glisli Language. Lond. 1809, Svo. Nas- sau, pt. i. 796, 5s. — John, A.M. Tiie Character and Offices of Christ illustrated by a Comparison with the Typical Characters of the old Testament. VOL. I. In a Series of Diseoui'ses. Lond. 1S27. Svo. Cromk, Jolm. Tlie Art of writ- ing Short-hand made easy, by which this useful Art may be attained in the course of a few days. Sheffield, 1801. The most striking feature of this woik is the transformation of the rules into doggerel verse. Ckomek, R. II. Select Scottisii Songs, ancient and modern ; with critical Observations and biograplii- cal Notices, by R taining heads of English Kings murdered, &Q.. Nassau, pt. i. 801, 10s. Towueley, pt. i. 328, U. 5s. The Cry of the oppressed, a tragicall Account of the unparalleled Sufferings of poor imprisoned Debtors and Tyranny of the Gaolers, with the case of the I'ul)- lisher (.\U)SE8 Pitt). 1691, 12mo. with cuts. Nassau, pt. i. 803. 21. 2s. Lloyd, 369,5s. Reed, 3861, 14s. 6d. Dowdeswell, 179, 5s. 6d. Ckymes, Thomas, alias Graham de Peckham in Com. Surr. Arm. Parhanientum Imperatorum : seu Carmina progymnastica ; in centum quinquaginta quatuor omnium Rom. Gr. et Ger. Cajsarimi, a C. Julio Csesare usque ad Perduian- dum II. Cffis. Aust. Symbola et Dicta Imperatoria. Lond. 1654. Svo. With portrait by Cross. Bindley, pt. ii 254, 1^. 7s. Roxburghe, 2803, M. lis. Sotheby, June, 1856, n. 6s. Poemata. 1659, Svo. with portrait. Dowdeswell, 180, \2l. Crypt, The, or Receptacle for Things past, from the Commence- ment in August, 1827, to Decem- ber, 1828, inclusive. Ringwood. 12rao. 21 nos. in 3 vols. 30s. An interesting little journal, conducted (by the Rev. Peter Hall) with consider- able talent. The architectural essays are evidently the work of an able hand. A new series in 8vo. Eight parts forming Vol. 1. (all published) Jan. 1829. Winchester. Cuckoldom. — The Horn exalted, or Roome for Cuckolds. Lond. 1661. Svo. front. Roxburghe, 6691, 7s. 6d. Lloyd, 13s. Hey for Horn Fair; or Roome for Cuc- kolds. Lond. Coles, 4to. 1674. Friviledges of Cuckolds, or the Cure of Jealousie, uecessaiy not only for those who are so, but those who may be so. 1684, 12mo. Perry, pt. ii. 1070, morocco, 6s. 6d. Art of Cuckoldom. or the Intrigues of the City Wives. 1697. Heed, 1669,5s. 6d. The Benefits .-ind Privileges of Cue- 566 GUI cut kolds, shewing the little Disgrace there is in being one, in what Manner soever it is done, either as Prudes, Coquets, Do- minos,orWriting-Deslcs,&c. 1728, 8vo. 6r. See Cupid. Cttdmore, Daniel. E^x"^'" = o^** a Prayer Song ; being sacred Poems on the History of the Birth and Passion of oui" blessed Saviour : and several other choice Texts of Scrip- tui'e, in two Parts. Lond. 1655. 8vo. Pp. 128, with a printed title and an engraved and ornamented title. These poems, dedicated to Henry Worth, Esq., are written in great variety of measure, and several of them have peculiar merit, mingled with much quaintness. Bindley, pt. i. 1195, 11. 3s. Nassau, pt. i. 802, date 1657 ? 10s. Heber, date 1655, pt. iv. 456, 14s. History of Joseph, a Poem. 1652, 4to. Bindley, pt. iv. 400, 7s. Heber, pt. iv. 530. lis. CuDWOETH, Ealph, D.D. The true intellectual System of the Uni- verse. Lond. 1743. 4to. 2 vols. Best edition of a complete storehouse of ancient literature, and a work of the first merit. Heath, 1137,4?. Bp. of Ely, 438, 3?. 5s. Gosset, 1465, 3Z. 17s. Williams, 336, 2?. 10s. — Reprinted 1820, Svo. 4 vols. Drury, 1055, '21. 10s.— With the Notes and Dissertations of Dr. J. L. Mosheim, tion to the present Tiuie. Chester, 1815. 12mo. Collected from public records, private manuscripts, &c. Brockett, 958, 14s. A — Pp. 4, 336 pages, not including title page, and To the Reader, with five etchings. Etchings (6, 8, 12) of ancient Buildings in the City of Chester, Castles in North Wales, and other miscellaneous Subjects. Chester, 1816, folio. Etchings of Saxon, Gothic, and other old buildings in Chester, Castles in North Wales, and Riveaux Abbey in Yorkshire. Lond. 1811-25, 4 parts, impl. folio, 24 plates. Cuitt published several other series of etchings, between 1810 and 1827, all of which were collected in one volume, with letter-press, under the title of Wanderings and Pencillings amongst Ruins of the Olden Time. Lond. 1848, imp. folio, 73 Etchings. Second edition. Lond. 1855, folio, half mor. Zl. 13s. 6d. CuiBERTSON, Robert. Lectures (lxxviii), with practical Obsei'va- tioiis on the Prophecies of John, and a Dissertation on the Origin and Termination of the Antichris- tian Apostacy. Edinb. 1818. 8vo. 2 vols. 18s. ' A sensible but tedious expository vork, written by a minister of the Secession Church, Leith.' — Orme. CuLLEN, WiUiam, M.D. Works, edited by J. Thompson. Edinb. translated by John Harrison, M.A ., and a ^ „.-,„ „ • „ , ^ ; ^-| , copious Index. Lond. Tegg, 1845, Svo. ^^-;['-°^°- ^ ^^f • ^'- \**- 3 vols. li. 4s. With his other Works. . First Lines of the Practice Audover, U. S. 1837, Svo. 2v'ols. \l. 16s The first edition, 1678, fol. Bishop of Ely, 497, 19s. A Latin translation, with valuable notes and dissertations by J. L. Mosheim, appeared at Jena, 1732, folio, 2 vols. ; and again, with improve- ments, at Leyden, 177.3, 4to. 2 vols. Heath, 1138, 21. 9s. Drury, 4686, \l. 10s. The true Intellectual System of the Universe, abridged by the Rev. Thomas Lond. 1706, 4to. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. A very excellent abridgment. A Treatise concerning eternal and im- mutable Morality. Lond. 1731, Svo. with portrait after Loggan by Vertue. 5s. Heath, 1139, 9s. Williams, 545, 10s. 6d. of Physic, including the Definitions of the Nosology, with Notes by P. Reid, M.D. 1816, Svo. 2 vols. 18s. Of this much-esteemed work there have been numerous editions. A Treatise of the Materia Medica, 1789, 4to. 2 vols. 18s. The author's own edition of his lectures. This work is still esteem- ed the most complete on the subject. Synopsis Nosologise Methodica;, by Dr. John Thomson, 1814, Svo. 6s. Best edi- tion. Other editions, Edinb. 1780, 4to. 2 vols. 1795, Svo. 2 vols. Cidloden Papers [edited by H. E. Duff]. Lond. 1815. 4to. Pp. 479. The title of this work is as follows : ' CuUoden Papers comprising an CtJFFE Henry. Differences of extensive and interesting Correspondence ., A e -\i( ^ f-c^ T«„^ I from the Year 1625 to 1748; including the Ages of Man S Life. Lond. ; n„merous Letters from the unfortunate 1607. 8vO. 79. ' Lord Lovat, and other distinguished Per- Reprinted 16.33. 12rao.— 1640, 12mo. A sous of the Time ; with occasional State life of Cuffe will be found in Wood's Papers of much historical Importance. Athen. Oxon. The whole published from the Originals r,,„ ri TT- J. e L^ in the Possession of Duncan George CuiTT, George. History of the Forbes, of CuUoden. To which is prefixed, City of Clicster, from its Foimda- an Introduction, containing Memoirs oi CTJL CUM 567 the Ri^ht Honourable Duncan Forbes, many years Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland. Illustrated by Engravings.' Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 847', 21. 7s. Dowdeswell, 280, U. 13s. [The I.OCKUART Pafeus, 2 vols. 4to. form a de- sirable accompaniment to this volume.] CuLLUM, Rev. Sir John, Bart. The History and Antiquities ol" llawsted and Hardwick, in the County of SulTolk. The second Edition ; with Corrections by tlic Author, and Notes by his Brother, Sii" Thonias-Gery CuUum. Lond 1813. royal 4to. pubUshed at 21. 2s. Two hundred copies printed. I'p. 288, besides the title, a preface of two pages, advertisement, postscript, and the list of plates (11) and pedigrees (3) 4 pages. LARGE PAi'KR, in imperial 4to. ,30 copies printed, pub. at Dent, pt. i. 976, 1/. 9s. Fonthill, 589, 1/. lis. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 7962, U. lis. Bindley, pt. i. 164.3, \l. 2s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 848, 4M6s.— The first edition appeared (1784) in No. 23 of Nicliols' Bibliotheca Topographica Bri- tannica. CuLMER, Richard, M.A. Cathe- drall Newes from Canterbury. Lond. 1644. 4to. A most vile pamphlet.' — Ant. a Wood. In answer appeared Antidotum Culmeria- num. O.xon. 1644, 4to. The Razing of the Record, &c. Oxou. 1644, 4to. R. Culmer likewise published Dean and Chapter Newes from Canter- bury. Lond. 1649, 4to. The Ministers Hue and Cry. Lond. 1651, 4to. Lawles Tythe-Robbers discovered. Lond. 1655, 4to. A life of Culmer, who was commonly called in Kent Blue Dick of Thanet, be- cause he wore blue in opposition to black, will be found in the Fasti Oxonienses. CuLPEPPEB, Nicolas. The En- ghsh Physician, enlarged. Lond- 1652. folio, vfith portrait by Cross. [Familiarly called his ' Englisli Herbal,' of whicli a number of editions in 4to. and 8vo. were published. Lond. 1653, 1656, 1683, 1684, 4to.— 1661.— 1695-1698, 8vo. and has even of late years been frequently reprinted.] This student, as he calls himself, in physic and astrology, a declared enemy of the Royal College of Physicians of Lon- don, published a variety of works on physic, whjch formerly were in much re- quest. CULEOS, Ehzubeth Mclvill, Lady. | Ane godlie Dreanie, compylit in Scottish Meter be M.(iHtrecs) M.(el- vill). Gentlewoman in Culros, at tlie Rcquoist of lier Frcindes. Ediub. 1603. 4to. 10 leaves. First edition. Lady Culros' Dream, says Dr. Leyden, was long popular among the Scotch Presbyterians, and Armstrong relates in his Essays, that he recollected having heard it sung by the peasants to a plaintive air. — The second edition. Ediub. Hi(K;, 4to. Ten leaves. Gordonstoun,6(i8, 12/. 12s.— Edinb. 1620, 18nio.— Aberdeen, by E. Raban, Laird of Letters, 1644, 8vo. The first book jirinted at Aberdeen. — Edin. 1737. Reprinted in Early Metrical Tales. Euinb. 1826, 12mo. CULVEEWELL, Ez. Time well Spent in Sacred Meditations, Di- T^ine Observations and Heavenly Exhortations. Sarum, 1635. 18mo. Title beautifully engraved by T. Clarke. Cumberland, George Clitlbi-d, Earl of. The Discoverie and Con- quest of the Prouinces of Perv. Lond. 1581. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. — The Voyage of the right Ho. George Earle of Cvmberl. to the Azores. 4to. 21. 2s. Affixed to some copies ' Certaiue Ermrs in Navigation. By E(dward) W(right), 1599.' A to D, in fours, with a chart. On the last leaf ' Faultes e.scaped in the E. of Cumb. Voiage.' North, pt. iii. 569, morocco, 3?. 13s. 6d. Jadis, 198, morocco, il. 6s. 'The Earl of Cumberland's "Voyage to the Azores will be found in the first volume of Pinkerton's Collection of Voy- ages and Travels. [A translation into Dutch was printed by Vander Aa, at Leyden, 8vo. pp. 109. An index, map, and 4 plates] — William Augustus, Duke of. Historical Memoirs of liis late Royal Highness William-Augustus, Duke of Cumberland. Including the military and political History of Great Britain dm-ing that Period. Lond, 1767. 8vo. 6s. — George. An Attempt to de- scribe Hafod, and the neighboiu'ing Scenes over the Funack, commonly called the Devil's Bridge, in the County of Cardigan ; an ancient 56