^.-.Il ^J^p 1 THE LAW Containing the Laws and Cuftoms O F All the Corporations and Inferior Courts of Record in England. TREATING OF theEfTentials of, ami Incidencs to, aCorpo- ration. Of Mayors, Bailiifs, Serjeants, e^f. and their executing Procels. Conufance of Pleas. Aftions brought in Inferior Courts, Declarations, Pleadings, Fcntic, <^c. Habeas Corpus, Procedeitdo, Bail. Errors in the S'rile, Declarations, Pleadings, Veyiires, (^c. Aftions brought by and againft Corporations. Of Grants by or to a Corporation and of Mifnomer in both. By- Laws, Cuftoms. Disfrarichifements and Caufes of Disfranchifements, ^o Warranto's. Mandamus's and their Returns. DilTolution of Corporations. With the Explication of feveral Afts of Parliament relating to the fame. Together with th^ Stiles and Titles of moft Corpo- rations in England. Necejfary to be k?ii)W7t not only by the Stewards, Attorneys, and »ther Members of the Body Politick^ but by all the Fi'ofefors of the Co7nmon Larp. LO NDON, Printed by the Afllgns o£ Richard and Edward Atkins, Efq'jires ; for ^faac Ckctie at Serjeants-Inn-Gate in Chancery-lam, ~^Q):^li ft)attl?p riext door to the Kings-Head Tavern m Hclborn, ■fvami3(^o;ic^Rn in the hmer-Temph- tam, and 'uit by Quo Minus jhall bar the Privilege of the Univerfity who have Conufance. Grant that a Village ^all have a Retorna brevium. Certificate to be made upon one'*s own Knowledge. A Vainttr matri' culated in Oxon on purpofe to avoid an Office^ not good. By the Conufance of Perfonal Anions they (liall not hold Plea of Ejedione firme, and why. How a Corporation Defendant is to give in Batl. Srar. ;i Ed. i. of Wines, and the Stat, 7 Ed. 6. c. 5". explain d. Tryal of Conufance how It pull be. The Warrant may be in Latin. Habere cognitionem, how far it extends. Conufance when to be demandedy and bow. If demandable in a Tranfitory Aclion. Prefident of a Plea of Conufance by the Vice Chancellor of Oxon- CAP. The CONTENTS. CAP. IV. Adtions brought in Inferior Corporations, and of Jurildidion, Declarations and Pleadings. Trefpafs and Trover^ the Difference. Riens per Difcent pleaded by the Heir, Plaint if replies Af- fetSj hut jh:ni>s not any Place -where. Dies Juri- dici and Adjournment. Suit in Inferior Courtt and then a Bill in B. 1^. it (liall not abate. No yiffignment of Error agamfi a Record. Of Pro- ceedings after Ha!)cas Corpus deli'vered. Mayor and Bayliff's, Judges of the Courts., yet hyCufiom the Bayltjfs may be Officers. Bayliff takes the Bayl in Execution^ and no Capias agamfi the Principal. Informations not to be exhibited in Inferior Courts. The J tin (diction of an Inferior Cturt ought to be ^leived, and tn what cafes it cught to be jhewed, and m what not. Where it wpfi be (licii'ed by what Authority the Court is heidy by Patent or Prefcription. Where the Let- ter i Patents need to be fet forth ornot. Six Ma- , 4c,rtai Exceptions to a y unification in Trefpafsi Tra,verfe upon a Traferfe^ where it may be ufed. Lund lies tn the Suburbs, and a. Venire from the Parijl} tn a City. In Declaration of the Place to which .^ &c. appears to be m another County .^ the 'fury cannot try it. IVhere the Ccurt cannot try Alfumplit becaufe they cannot encjutre of the Per- formance of the Co~fjfi deration. Confiru^ion of Ad tunc 2< ibidem. The Difference between the inferior Courts and Superior Courts, as to jF«- rildidion and Tryal. Indcbitat' Airumpfit for Wares [I'ld and delivered^ not faying where. Dilconiwuance of Plea for Default. In what f'.tst :be Jury 7naj affefs Damages m a Foreign Jurtf^ The CONTENTS. Jurifdi^ion. Rcgula about JurtfdiBion as to Pleading. Of trattfitory Anions tryed tn Infe- rior Courts. Difcontinuance whtre one is hound proferre LIteras Patentes or not. Where m Cer- tijicate on Error Jurifdi^ion mufi be fet forth, and where it need not. Enquiry of Damages be* fore whom. What WitneJJes for a Corporation in a Tryal fhall be allowed or not. The Perfor- mance of the Promife muft as well be within the JurifdiBiony as the Promife it felf. Attachia- tus for Summonitus not aided. Dicit omitted in the Deelaratim. CAP. V. Stile in a Corporation-Court. 0/ the Stile in a Corporation-Court, and what Mipakes are Error or not. In Inferior Courts, the Authority whereby they are held, and the Names of the Judges before whom they ought to be exprejjed. No Judgment in a perfonal ABion before Jippearance . No Plaint can be entred but at a Court. The Plaint is as the Original at Com- mon LaWj and how the firji Entry ought to bd Of the Court of Piepowders. By Cuftom may hold Flea of Bonds^ dec. Court by Prefcnption not taken away by the Kings Confirmation. Of Bail in Inferior Corporations to appear. Who may take fucb Bail. Bail to pay the Condemna- tion or to render the Body. Before whom to be taken, and why. CAP. The CONTENTS. CAP. VI. 0{ removing Caufcs, and Habeas Corpus. On a Procedendo tf the Bail on rernattding the Re- tard be dijtnijjed. Upon removal by Habeas Corpus or Frtvile^e. Bail ts recfuirable of what nature foever the ABiort be. IVbere Bail to be entred. Of Caveat for good Bail, and of Ex- cefttons to Bail. Habeas Corpus vjhm return- able, of Bail de bene cfTe. When and with- in what time a Procedendo to be granted. Uport removal of a Caufe by Habeas Corpus, where the Action to be laid. No Writ to remove a Suit commenced tn an inferior Court to be obeyed unlefs it be delivered to the Stewardj Sec. cf the fame Court before IJJ'ue or Demurrer joyned. A Suit once remanded jl}all never afterwards be removed. A Suit when the thin^ in demand exceeds not 5 1. fl)all not be removed. The Stew- ard in the Inferior Court upon fuch removal of Cattfes to be an Utter Barrifter. The Statute of 1. 1 Jac. c. g. extendi to fuch Actions only where the caufe cf Suit is properly ari/tng within the tillage. Thecouffe of the King s Bench m fuch cafe. CAP. vn. Tryal, Vertlid, Jury. Ad tunc & lb!d. to what it refers. Where the In- tjueft jhall be by all Deniz,er,s and no Foreigners^ Stat, xj Ellz. C$- 3^ /y. 8. of ftffictency ofju^ rorsy exetndt not to inferior Ccurti. On ufurtous Bond, tryal to be where the Ufury is laid to be. The Partjh and Ward cf London, how to be con- fidered. Venue de vicineco civitati>_, Vart\h and IVard The CONTENTS. Ward mentioned in London only. Where Tryal jhaS be, per Pais, or by the Mouth of the Recor- der. Where J and in ivhat Cafes tryal ^all be m the County next adjoyning. From whence a Ve- nire to be aivarded of the Tryal concerning the Corporation. Where P. & Burgus de P. fliall be intended all one. Foreign Plea and foreign Vou- cher. Tryal where the Tort is^ and vet where Covtracl was De vicinetode VilL and the Jurif- dttiion extends not cut of the Village. Where the Pa' rijh and Village (hall be intended all one. Where a thing is alledgedin a Ward^how the Tryal (haU be. De vicineto de Lyme, which extends tothe t^eigb- honrhood out of the Jurifditttonj yet good. CAP. VIII. Judgment. Error. Certiorari not to be awarded to an inferior Court .^ t(> certifie that which the Record jhould certifie. Atnendwent. What ^udjtrtmit JljaH be given in a Writ of Error. The Entry of the Judgment how to be. Error i'a Bi. ^. Error in entring up the Judgment in an Inferior Court. Where^and in what cajcs Appearance aids the putting in theDe- claration before Appearance-, and in what Cajes not. Suit on a Bill before time of Payment is Error. Action of Dower by way of Plaint in Infe- rior Court, by the Cujlom of the Court is Error. Er^ ror in the file of the Court. Plaint and Declaration 'vary. Writ of Enquiry of Damages to be retur- nable in Court, and net inquiry by Baylijf. Error for faying per Ballivos, and not Baliivos & Ml- niftr'tjuldem Curisj. IJJ'ue trjed the fame Court the Venire Fncias is retur7'iablei is Error. Venire Facias how to be awarded. Procejs to a Scrgant at Mace, not r.amivg hn Name good enough. It mufi The CONTENTS. Tfjuf} appear from what Place the Venlj e comes, elje its Error. Stat, rf Eliz. cap. 6. e xt en Jj on- ly to the Courts at Wellmlniller, The Record in Error comes to be certified tn the "Names of the yudges of the Court. Recovery in Inferior Courts bow to be pleaded. Stewards iu Inferior Courts how to make their Certificates. The Court is held by Lf tiers Patent., and the Proccfs is awarded.^ fecUn- dum confuetudlntm Curia:, tts Error. If Plaint be not entred before Procefs fued out^ iis Error. Court held die dominico, and affigned at the Bar for Error ^ it was tryed by the Almanack. A Pre- fident of a Writ of Error of a judgment tn Nor- wich. The Si lie and Titles of moji of the Cor- porations in England. CAP. IX. Of Adlions brought by Corporations and againft Corporations and Pleadings. A Parfon, Archdeacon, 6cc. may have Action of IVafte^ and how the IVrit Jliall be. They Jli all have Aid. If the ejjential Name of the Corpo- ration be named in the Action it is fufficient. In Ejectment upon a Leafe by the fFardenj &c. ;/ good without naming his Chrifiian Name. Alitcr of a Parfony Vicar ^ &c. Action agamfi a Cor- poration for not taking Bail. Attion of Cove- nant brought by Lincoln a(rainB Derby. Cor- foration anfwerable for what is done by their Officer. When an Action is brought againfl a Corporation, and againjt the Inhabitants of a Village, the difference as to naming them. In Faux Imprisonment against the Mayor ^ &C. of Norwich, the Original was dire^ed to the Coro- ners of the faid City. The Form of the Writ in The CONTENTS, a real /i^ion hy a Ccrpsrationy and faith not ut jus & hsredlratem. Officer of an Inferior Court where he jufiifiei Proceedings j ought to fJoew their yurijJiBton^ i. e. whether bj Grant or Prefcrip- tion. Profert Litcras Patentee, where it need not he. Writ of Frank Almoigne hy ri6eCuftos, &c. 0/ All Souls C6 liege J h^-w it ought to be in jure Collegli omitted. In Declaration JheTVt not the number of the Guardians ivhich mere ap^ pointed by the Charter. Where a Grant (Jjouldbe pleaded by way of Bargain and Sale and not as a Grant. In fleadtng the Defendant faith not it ivas Antiqiia Civitas. Thz Plaintiff dechres a- gainff J. S. in Cafiod/ of the Sergeant^ and it appears not that the Sergt^ant had any Precept to arrefi him, the Defendant appears and demurs upon the Declaration. Corporati'^n cannot pre- fcribe bf a Name which they ba've received with- in time of Memory. Civibus omitted in the Judgment, All necefary Circumfiances intended ' to be executed. Seifed in Fee and ( in jure left out'). Per Komcn. An Averment fiff.cient to (liew the Name of the Ccrporattonj and the Name in the Leafc or Grant are all cne in Subflance^ Where it need not be exprejsd that the Debt did arije infra Jurilciiclionem. But if he tender the Plea and they refujey it^s Error. Three Frejtdents of pleading Recovery in an Inferior Courts tn A- Hions of Trefpafs for taking Goods, and Faux Imprifonment, CAR The CONTENTS. CAP. X. How, and in what things, and to what piir- pofc a Corporation may Prefcribe or not. 7be Corporation of Dublin to recover three ftnce per Pound of all Merchandifes. -Court of Chan- cery in London by f refer ipt ion. Prefcription for Common. Prefcriptton for fVharfage tn Queen-hyth, pleading by way of Cufiom and not Trefcriptton. A Corporation^ how to prefcribe. A thing may he good by Prefcription^ too not by Grant. Cannot prsfcribe to be dtfcharged of the Annual CuJlor», a Reienue of the Crown. A Corporation^ how to prefcribe. Que Efiate^ how to be pleaded. Vide Pleading. CAP. XI. Grants by, or to a Corporation. What things a Corporation cannot do^ hut by Deed or not. Attoruy Surrender^ Acceptance of Rent, The Bailiff in Ajfiz^e of Fref) Force cannot appear. "Without Warrant in writing. Cannot Licence one to take their Trees without Deedf nor fend one to make a claim to Land^ nor command one to enter for a Condition broken. Of Conveyances of Land by a Majier and Fellows of a College^ Dean and Chapter, &c. Stat. I \ Ellz. c. i o. ConftrucUon of the Statute^ iSEliz. c. 2. Fme attd The CONTENTS. and Non-Claim if a Bar. Hjw others acknow- ledge a Deed to he inr oiled. Letters Patents votd, the King not being "well apfrifed of his Eft ate. Mayor, i:c. mt named by their Name. Dtjfe- rence between a Cvrporation J^ggregate and Sole. If Grant to a Corporation that -wants a Heady hiw good, or not. Name of Baptifm mifiaken. Grant void for incertainty. Upon Grant of half yard Land to a Corporation^ how they wufi make ElcBion. Grants, Leafes made by a Cor' f oration. No delivery nccejjary to a Deed of a Corporation. Corporation is net to be feijcd to anotbers U/e. (Rapacity to take, but not to hold. Letter of Attorney to take Vcjfejfion. Of Parties to the Indenture. A pre f dent of the Griint of an Annuity granted by a Corporation^ in conf deration of good Service done. Leafes and Grants of Colleges and Hofpitals when they fliall be good or nety and how to be cfualified ivtthin the Statutes^ tUuf rated by feveral Cajes of devifes to Corpora- tions. • C A P. XII. Mifnomer of Corporation. IBy Addition, Omiffion. Jnverjion of Order. Va- riance not in fubjlance of the Name. "The befi courfe in doubts of Aii[nomer, is to caufe the Ver- di^ to be found, that the true Corporation did grant, per nomen. Where, and in what Cafes a good Defcription of a Corporation is fujfictent, though there be a Mifnomer. The difference be- tween the name of the Place, de Savoy & vocat' Savoy. Corporation not to be limited to a Coun- a 2. fj, The CONTENTS. ty. Sufficient demonfiration of a Flace. What the Mayor and Burgejfes of Lyn's Cafe. The Dean and Chapter of Carliflc's Cafe. Dean and Chap- ter of \Vind(or's Cafe. Merton College Cafe. Pafchal and Fandiaw'j Cafe. The Caje of the Cookf of London. Queens College tn Oxon. Launcellon in Cornwall. The College of Eaton'f Cafe. The Cafe of the Corporation of Bo(ton in LincolnOlire. Trinity College in Cambridg. Dean and Chapter of Chrift- Church i»Oxon. CAP. xm. What A€t done by an Abbot or Bifliop, (^c fliall bind their SuccefTors or not. Sole Corporation cannot dtfclaim a Seigniory. Can- not deveji a Fee "which is vefted in them. Dtfclai- mer in a Quo Warranto [fjall bind their Succeffors. Ho-ii^ a fole Body Volttick might have made a Dif- continuance. Stat, i Eliz. I % EHz. and i Jac.c.g. rejlrain Dif continuances. What things (Jjall go in Succeffion. Where the Succefjor of a Body Corpo. rate fiiali baz/e Chattels and Debts upon Bandy and other things. Of the SucceJJcr of the Prejident cf the College of Thyficians. Of Vtfitors. CAP. The CONTENTS. CAP. XIV. Of By-Laws, chiefly in London. Tower to make By-Law i incident to a Cor for at ton. A^s of Common-Council. What By-Laws are goody and what not. By' Law concerning Land. A^s of Common-Council cenfnred as to Form. Of By-Laws reflrainmg Trade s^ Stat. 19 H. 7. c. 7. Allowance by whom. Monopoly. Ordinan- ces pro bono publico. The Cafe of Blackwell- Hall. By-Laws by Inhabitants of a yillage. In what cafe a Corf oration cannot make a By- Law. The Town 0/ Colchefter^j Cafe» Free* dom of a Corf oration to be bad three manner of ways The cafe of Wharfage at Puddle-Dock, with an Abfira£i of the Argument. No Forfei- ture of the Subje^s Goods may be by a Charter. Nor Imfrifonment. Ordtnance of the Merchant Taylors Com f any, A By-Law of the Bricklay- ers Comfany. Company of Lock-Smiths in Dur- ham. What will not amount to a Corporation. The Ordinance of Blackwell-Hall. By-Law not to take Affrentice the Son of an Alien. Ordman^ ces retraining Apprentices that have ferved their Time. Foreftalling of Ftjlj. Imfrifonment not for the Offence of a By-Law f but the Contempt. In what cafes Imfrifonment by a Corporation it lawful. Scavage Debt for a Duty growing on a By-Law. By-Law as to the Number of Cars in London. Cufiom may create a Monopoly. Winchelfea By-Law as to Beacon. Oxon By' Law again ff Night-Walking. By-Law not to oblige tbofe which are not within their Body. a 2 Stran- The CONTENTS. Strangers ivhere not to take notice of the By- Laiif cf the Butchers tn London. By-Laws to prevent the Excrefcsnce of Trade. Refiratnt as to the place of Trade. Acls of Common-Cotmal in London. CAP. XV^ Cuiloms of the City of hondon. They cannot try fuch Cujtoms as diriElly concern their own Corporation by their own Certificate. Cujiom as to Qiieen-hyth. The nature of the Certificate hy which they try a Cufiont. Hawkers. What Cuftcm of London is tryable^ per Pais. The Cufiom cf taking Recognizances. The Courts are bound to take notice of the Cufioms of London. Contri- btition by Sureties; Citizens of London ought not to be impleaded in real ABtonSy but in their own Courts. Pleading. Lands in London pafs by Bargain and Sale, without Inrollement. Cuflem •f London of to (topping Lights by Building, The Cuftom of London as to Inn- keepers felling their Guejis Horfes. Cuftom of London as to Gutters. Unity of PoJJeJfion. The Lord Mayor a Jufiice of Peace, cannot imprifon without fljew- ing Caufe. Trefident of Declaration for fiop" pmg Light, and the Cuflom cf London pleaded. The Cujiom of London as to Prifage of Wines, Devife of Land in Mortmain. 7 be Cujiom as to weajuring of Ccals, Sfat. 5 Jac. C. I 5*. Of Relief of po6r Dsbtors. CAP. The GONTENTS. CAP. XVI. Of Foreign Attachment in Londm, The Manner hew it may he made, and the Vroceed- ings in it, and what things are Attaebabk or not. The Garnifliee whot and what hp is to do. Of Bail on Attachment, Of Pleading by the Gar- viftiee. The Money or Goods of a Frifoner in the King's- Bench or Fleet how to be Attached. How Attachment may be avoided. Foreign At- tachment in Exeter and Pleading, Whether a Debt owing to a Corporation be within the Cufiem of Foreign Attachment. What Debts or Goods may be Attached by the Cu^oWi Of Horfe in Inn-Keepers Hands. Rent, Foreign Attach- ment on AtUon on the Cafe. Goods not Attacha- ble in the Hands of a TreffaJJ'or. Debt in a Su- perior Court not to be Attached. Of Attachment of a Debt before it is due. Mmey due on Ac- count or Bond after Promife to pay ity and the Day of Payment pa^ may be Attached. What Money not Attachable., as a Debt due to the Tc- fiator Tempore Morris fux. Damages not At- tachable. In what Cafe the Attachment mujl be entred agatnfi the Lord Bifwp of London. How Attachment is dijfolved. The Manner for the Defendant in Attachment to dtfpravs or avoid any Debt. Foreign Plea. Surmije that the Stranger who is indebted to the Pefenditnt is within the Jurifdi^ion. Cuji^om of London as to fequejjtrwg an Houfe. a 4 CAP. The CONTENTS. C A P. XVII. CuHoms of London. Other C'jttomi of London, that none jhaU keep any Shot), or fxpofe to fale, not being a freeman. For rein hough t and forrem fold^ forfeiture by Cuftcm. Regularly no forfeiture of Goodi by a Patent, Cujtoms againft common Right and Fule of Law allowable in fome Cajes. Cre- ditor by the Cuftcm may arreH the Debtor before day of Payment. To enter an Houfe upon fufpi- cion of Whoring. A Freeman not to employ a Forrfigner upon pain cf 5]. per diem. Exami- nati'n of the fatiifatHcn cf a Debt good by Cuitcm. Extcutf'n charged upon Jimple Con- trabl. The Cufiom as to arreHing before entry of the Atlicn. C A P, XVIII. Cuftom of London as to Anions and Picas. Foreign Tlea, and they refufe it, what is to be done. Good Ad'vice if it be doubtful^ whether the Cu-- jlom li good or nor., as for calling a Woman Whore, Extcurtrs and Adminl(lrators charged upon the f/tjple Centrasi p/«^ and Ffx- hafs Cafe. A Corporation is fbmcthing more than a meer Name or Notion. 1 1 Rep. Sir ^ames Bags's Cafe allows it to be furh a Right, that every Member, Separately confidered, hath a Freehold therein ; and all, jointly confidered, have an Inheritance which may go in Succeffion. The general Intent and End of all Civil Incor- porations is, for better Government ; either general or fpcciah The Corporations for general Government only, are thofc of Cities and Towns , Mayor and Citi- zens, Mayor and BurgefTe?, Mayor and Commo- nalty, &c. Special Government is fb called, becaufe it is re- mitted to the Managers of particular things, as Trade, Charity, and the like ; for Government whereof feveral Companies and Corporations for Trade were erected, and feveral Hofpitals and Houfcs for Charity. So Trinity Houfe for regula- ting Corporations, College of Phyfitians, &c. Thefe are only confidered in Abfl:ra6l. Difference be- But a Corporation, or Body Politick, is not only twcen a Corpo- 35 a Franchife. A Body Politick is framed in fimi- FranthifT ^ ^'^"'^^ ^^ ^ natural Body ; with a Capacity to take, hold, and enjoy, and a6t as a natural Body : it is a Capacity framed to be and a(St as one Perfbn. But Franchifes, and Liberties of all other Natures, are Cfje laiu of €ojpoiatfotij3. are Eftates and Inherirances grantable and convey- able from one to another, but a Corporarion can- not be (b. Ocher Franchifes and Liberties convey either fbmc Profit from the King, as Felons Goods, Waifs, Strays, d^c. or afFe<3: his Subje6ls, as Courts Gaols, Return of Writs, Fairs, Markets. But this of being a Body Politick, is only a Capacity to be a Perfon capable of having and holding what may be granted to it, and of granting and a6ling as a natural Body. Ocher Franchifes are diftinft and fe- parate Eftates ; and if any one be forfeit, as they may by life, yet the reft are not, except they are Incidents : Yet if the being of a Corporation is for- feit, all their Eftates, Lands, Goods and Chattels are gone at once. They are, In refped of their Jurif- diction. 1. In refpeft of their Creation, and i'o every Body Politick is either, 3. In refpedl: of the Subjed. r Regular, as Abbot I Ecclefia- ) ^^'°^ '^^^ Covenc. ftical \S^^"^^'^'^'^°P*^^^" J Archdeacon and C Parlbn. Lay. As Mayor, Commonalty, Bayiiffs and Burgeflcs, Ele<5Hve. Prefentative. CoIIativre, or Donative, as Deans. 1 Infi. 9 <^. a. ^Sole, or confifting In one fingic Perfon, as the King, Bifliop, Parfon, d^c, , Aggf'^g'^f^ "^ many,and they arc of all Perfbns capable,a3Mayor and Commonalty j or of onq capable, as Head, and the reft as dead Perfons in Law, as Ab- bot and Coven t. I /»/? 94.b. B z The The King is a Corporation of State of fuch Pre- rogative and Excellency, that he cannot ^ive and take an Intcreft in Land without matter ot Record. :; Leon^ 145-. If Land is given to a fole Corporation, he hath no Fee unlels it be given to him and his Succellor?. Ahter of a Corporaticju Acigrcgate, j Infi. <^j^. As for Abbots, Prior* and Covents, they are all diflolved by King Henry Vlll. their Pofltflions were furrendred ro the King, and by him many were rranflatcd into Bifhops, Deans and Chapters. Vide Infra. Regulars. Thole which were called Regulars, were fuch that lived under certain Rules^ and vowed three things ■) True Obedience to the Sovereign of their Houfe J perpetual Chaflity, and wilful Poverty ; as Stculars. Abbeys Priories and Covenr. Seculars are Perfbns Ecclefiaftical, but becaufe they live not under cer- tain Rules of fbrae of the (aid Orders, nor are Vota- ries, they for diftin(Stion fake were called Seculars ; as Biihops, Deans, Chapters, Archdeacons, Preben- daries, Parfons, Vicars, ^c. Sole Body Po- Sole Body Politick confifts of one Perfbn : As litick. t}ie King is the firft Body Politick, he is Perfona mixta '^ So is every^fole Corporation, as Bifhop, Deans, Prebendaries, Heads of fome Hofpitals^; he hath a natural Capacity, as to purchafe Lands to hira and his Heirs, to fue for any thing in his own Right ; and he hath a Politick Capacity to take Lands to him in Succeffion ; he is cfuafi a Politick Truftee. What he enjoys, as fuch, is tn Jure Epif- copatitfj Decanatusj Ecclefu. The Church Reve- nues are intrufted in them to be preferved, and difpofcd, and recovered, as occafion (hall be, foe him and his Succeffors. The Chamberlain o^ London is to (ome Purpofes a Corporation Iblc. It C()e Laiu of Corporations* 5 It Is a Rule in cafe of a Corporation Ible, as BI- Regula. ftiop, Parfbn, MafteroF an Hofpitaljthat no Chattel, either in A(5lion or Po/Tcfnon, fhallgo In SuccefTion. but the Executors or Admlniftrators of the Bifhop fhall have them: therefore a Bifhop, C^c. cannot take a Recognizance or Obligation but only in their Private, and not in their Politick Cnpacity^ except in cafe v/here a Cuftom enables it to go in Succ^f- fion ; as in the cafe of the Chamberlain ot Londdn^ for Orphanage Money, there it goes to the Suc- ceflor. But in cafe of Corporation aggregate of many, as Dean and Chapter, Mayor and Commonalty, ^c. Chattels in Action or Pofleffion go to the Succeffor, for they in Judgment of Law never die. 4 Ref. 65. Fuli7vood\ Cafe. Cro^ Eltz,. 480. Bitd and Wehford. Corporation aggregate of many Lay Perfbns, Is Corporaciore an Affcmbly of many Perfbns gathered or joined to- aggregate, gether In a City, Town or Burrough, into one Fel- lowftiip, becaufe they hold by mutual Confent (cre- ated by the King's Charter ufually) to fupport the common Charge, to live under fuch Laws they fhall agree upon to be governed by, to give or take any thing within the compafs of their Charter, or to fue and be fued, and to have a Head and a Com- mon Seal for this Purpofe; as Mayor and Commo- nalties, Maflers and Fellows of Colleges, fbme Guardians and Mafters of Hofpitals. Corporations aggregate are fometimea more ge- neral, as where a whole Town is incorporate, and many Franchifes given to it : Or more fpecial and particular, where a Company of Trades-men only in a Town Is Incorporate, and fbme few fpecial Franchifes are granted to them for the better order- ing and carrying on their Trade. Sometimes they are called Halls, Fraternities) Companies, Fellow- (hips, &c. B 3 A 6 CDc tm of €o?po^nfonjj. A Corporation may prefcribe for the Benefit of their particular Members, as well as a natural Per- fori may prtfcribe for Common or EafcmenC for The Nature of liimftlf an^ his Tenants; for though a Corporation a Corporation, aggiegate is a thing in Imagination only, having no Body, nor Soul, nor Confcicnce j ytt the Law takes notice, th.it the natural Perfons Members of the Corporation, upon which the Corporation con- fiftsj arc not Strangers to the Corporation, and they are Perfons interefted in all the Revenues and Privileges of the Corporation of which they are Members ; and therefore U a Corporation bring an A6lion for any thing that they claim in their corporate Capacity, it's a principal Challenge to a Juror, that he is of Affinity to any Member oi^' the faid Cor- poration, though tht Corporation it felf can have no Kindred, i SanJ.i^^. From what hath been faid of Corporations ag- gregate, tlicfe Confequences enfue, which will far- ther illuftrate the Nature of a Corporation. A Corporation aggregate of many is invifjble, immortal, and refts only in Intendment and Con- fideration of the La^ : therefore Dean and Chapter cannot have a Predeceflor or Succefiori 39 H. 6. i;, 14. They cannot commit Trcalon. They cannot be Outlawed. They cannot be Excommunicated ; for they have no Souls. They cannot appear in Perfbn, but by Attorny. Corporation aggregate cannot do Fealty ; for a Body invifjble cannot be in Perfon, cannot fwear, lo Rep, 31. If Land held by Homage and Fealty are convey- ed to a Mayor and Commonalty, or other Corpo- ration aggregate, in this cafe they (hall hold by Ho- mage COe nm of er nomen Magifiri de Burton St, Laz^ar. Jerufalem in Anglia. lo Rep. 19, 50. 3. By A<3: oi Parliament; as Sutton's Hofpital, the College of Phificians, and many other Corpo- rations. 4. By Charter. Note, None but the King by Charter or in Par* liament can make a Corporation, lo Rep. 53. b. The King may give Power to a common Person to name the Perfons and to name the Corporation ; and when he hath io done, it is not faid to be made by the common Perfcn, but by the King, i o Rep. If the Mayor and Commonalty of London pre- fcribe to make another Corporation in the City, and their Cuftoms are confirmed, yet this is not good without the King's Charter^, 49 Ed. 3. 4. A Cor- poration 10 Cfje LaU) of Co?po^1tlon?. poratlon may be made out ofanother Corporat!on> I o Rep. 5 I . b. There mufl: be a place named or fuppofcd in E«jf- land., and if there be not any fuch place in Eng- land^ yet it is good i as of Jerufalem in Eng- landy lo Rep. ;i b. ^^Ed.J,. \6.Regxi^. Prior C^bofpital.St.Johan.'JtrufaUm in jinglia. So Prior d^ freres fanB^s Marine de mont.Carmel. in Anglia. Corporation ereded. B^ what words. TH E King conftirurcd the Town of Dungannon to be a free Burrough. Et ulterius volumus declaramui ^ fiatuimits ejuod Inbabttantes Villa frad- fint unum corpus Ctrporatum Prapojiti 1 2 Burgenf. d^ commitnttatit Dungannon d^ per idem nrnnen placitare foffint d^ implacitari, and that the proper BurgefTcs Ihali ele£t Burgefles. Per Cur. ^uod volumus is a good word of Grant j and this fhall be an implyed Grant to all the Corporation that the Pro^oft and Burgefles (hall eledl. But the Chief Juftlce and Do^^^ri^^e thought the con- trary, for that in this cafe there was but an Ordi- nance to ereft a Corporation, and no Grant al- ledged to any Perfbn ; f.) that this Claufe, (^ quod is idle and vain, 1 1 Rep. 120. Vtde infra. H. 8. . Do tt or thus y, C. T. L. in me diets conceffit ejuodip/i ofnnes homines ejufdemfacultatis de & in civitat. Loftd. cJJ'ent re (^ nomine unum corpus d^ communitas perpetua feu collegium perpetuum* Et ejuod ead. communitas five collegium Jingulis annis tn psrpetuum eligere pojjent d^ facere de com- nsunitateilla alujUim pro^jidum virHm, &c. in Pra- ftdenton^ 6cc. Et lame. The name of a Corporation is as the name of Baptifm to a natural Perlbn ; nay, the Law re- quires more certainty in the name of a Corporation, than in the name of any particular Perfon : When an Infant is born he is prefently a perfe6t Crea- ture, and the giving his Name is not Mattel of Necelfuy, but Policy, for diftin<9:ion. But as to a Corporation, the name is of the Subftance and Effence of it, and without their name they are but a Trunk. It was faid in the cafe of Pajcball and Marcoll^ by the Lord Chief Baron Manivood. gf things are only to be refpe£l:ed in the name of a Corporation, i. The Names of the living Perlbns> who 14 Clje KLaln of Co^po?at(on0* who are the Name of the Corporation, i. The name of the Houfe or Place where they make their Abodcf or where they make their Building, tifc. 7,. The name of their Founder. Vtd. infra Jub Tit. Mifnomer. Chavged. If a Corpoiation had Franchifes and Priviledges by Grant or Prefcription, and after they are incor- porated by other names, as where they were Bay- ^. - . liffs and BurgelFcs before, now they are Mayor and The new Body ° , j /-> . u r J {hall cnioy all Commonalty, or Prior and Covent berore, and the Privilcdgci now they are tranflated to Dean and Chapter, altho of the old. the Name and Quality of their Corporation be al- tered and changed, and principally in the cafe of Prior and Covent, for of Regulars, which are dead Perfbns in Law, they are made Seculars ; yet the new Body (hall enjoy all the Franchifes and Privi- ledges which the old Corporation had by Grant or Prefcription, 4. Rep. 87. b. as Lutterells Cafe the ^d Rep. Dean and Chapter of Norwich^ s Cafe, in 17 Edw. 5. 4. all Chapters were Monks; and notwithflanding the Tranflation of them into Pre- bends or Canons, and change of their Habit, the Advowfon remains to them as before. Not€f The Statute of 55^ Eltz.. c. 7,. all Letters Patents made for the Erection, Foundation, Incor- poration or Endowment of any Dean and Chap- ter and Co! ledge, were and (hall be reputed, taken and adjudged to have been good, perfe6b and cffe£tuai in the Law, for all things therein contained ; and there is contained in them not only their Incor- poration into a Dean and Chapter, but alio a Grant to them and their Succelfors,that they (hall enjoy all the Mannors, Lands, (^f. g Rep. Dean and Chap- ter of Norwich. The Grant of Incorporation by King John of the Burrough of Tarmouth^ was made Burgenfibus, with- •^Ije %m of Ca^po^itfon0. 15' without naming their Succeflbr, yet being as an old Grant its good, and lo is Civibus-, 2 Brownlow 292, X9.?; The King may incorporate a Village by one Name, and aherwards by another name, and then ■ they ought to u(e their name according to the ftcond Corporation ; and yet they (hall continue their PofTeflions which they had by the other name, ii Ediv. 4. 5'9- Trefpals,Pe/^;^flri amhulandoy hirham conculcando^The mznnzr of &c. The Defendant pleads the Place where, e^c. Pleading when was called Litlefidd in Darby, and that the Bur- ^''^ "^"^^ •» rough of Darby was an ancient Burrough, and that ^ *"^^ ' the Defendant, tempore ejuo, &c. d^ diu antea, was a Burgefs of the fame Burroughs &c. And further, the Defendant faith, That the Burgefles of the faid Burrough, time out of Memory, till the nth day of Jttlyy 14 Car. i. were a Body incor- porate by the name of Biyllffs and Burgefles of the Burrough of Darby ^ and that upon the faid I \tb day of yuly^ anno fupradi^o^ the King by his Let- tersPatents under the Great Seal, changed the name of the Corporation to the name of Mayor and Bur- gefles, &"€. and then the Defendant lays a prefcrip- tion for common in the Corporation, Sandenh Reports. Debt for 15:/. the Plaintiff declares that the Town oi Colcheftery time-out of mind, was an an- cient Burrough, and Incorporated by the name of Bayliff and Commonalty till the nth year of Car. 1. and then thty were incorporated by the name of Mayor and Commonalty, and enabled to hold fuch Franchifes as they formerly enjoyed by any name^ Cart. Rep, 63, What i5 C&e *taU) of €o>po^at(oiisf* JVhat things are incident to a Corporation, "without [fecial Grant or Prejcriptton. When a Corporarion is duly created, all other Incidents are tacitly annexed to it, as is refolved in the Cafe of Sutton's Hofpital, in their mentioning ieveral particulars. As, f. A Corporation is lufficicnc without the words to implead, or be impleaded. a. To have Authority and Capacity to purchafe ; but no Oaufe is added that they may Alien_, tor that is incident. 5. To have a Seal, d^c. this is alfo declaratory ; for when they are incorporate they may make or ule what Seal they will. 4. The Claufe to reftrain them to alien or de- mife, but in a certain Form ; this is an Ordinance tellifying the defire of the King, but this is not but a Precept, and binds not in Law. 5". That the Survivors fhall be the Corporation ; this is a good Claufe to ouft Doubts and Queflions which may arife, the number being certain. 6. If the Revenues increafe, that they fhall be employed to the increafe of the number of the Poor. This is but explanatory, as appears in the cafe of Thetford School. 7. To make Ordinances : This is rcquifite for the good Order and Government of the Poor, c^c. but not to the effence of an Incorporarior. 8. The licence to purchafe in Mortmaine is nc-. ceffary for the raainrenancc and fulkntation of the Poor ; for without Revenues they cannot live, and without Licence in Murtwaine they cannot purchafe lawfully ; and yet this is nor of the eiTenre of a Corporation, for a Corporation may be perfect without ic. So So it was refblveJ in Sc. Saviours Cafe, i Ral. Abridg. 5-13. If the King make a Corporation by a certain name, without any words of Licence ro purchafe Lands, or to implead, or be impleadedj yet the Corporation miy p.irchafe, implead, or be im- pleaded well enough ; for by the making of the Corporation, thefe neceffary incidents are included. But the King may make by fpccial words a li- mited Corporation, or a Corporation tor a fpecial A Corporstioji purpofe : as if a Grant be frobis hommibui de If- *^'" ^ Q^ecul jivgton ^ fucceJJ'oribas (u'ls rendant rcnt^ This is P""^?** *' a Corporation to render the Rent to the King, and hot otherwife, i Rol. Abridgment 515. \\ the King create a Corporation, and doth not give any exprefs power in the Lfcters Patents to make Laws, yet this power is incident to the Cor- poration, and it is included in the Corporation ; but thefe Laws ought to be rubje6t always to the Kings Laws of the Realm ; for a body Politick cannot be governed without Laws. If the King create a Corporation of a Mayor and Aldermen, with a Claufe in the Patent, cjuod Cont^ruaici?!. ] [u^er mortem vel remotionem alicujus Aldermanij liceat Majori d^ caterts Aldermannis infra 8 dies fro'xim pnfi mortem vel remotianem^ &c. to ele<^ another Alderman into the place, d^r. although no Elc6tion be within the eight days after the death or removal of an Alderman, yet they may elect an Alderman at any time after ; for they have power to cicOt another as incident to the Corporation cre- ated i for ancient Corporations have not fiich a Claufe, giving power to elect, and this affirmative power doth not take away the implicit Power incident to the Corporation, Pafch.^. Car.i. B.R'. Hicksj and the Town of Launce^on in Cornwal, in the precedent cafe, that it fhall be lawful for the Mayor and reiidue of the Aldermen to eledt ano- sher within eight ^2.)'?^ tho it be not limited that G -i tht-y i8 €|)e Latt) of Corporation):?* they or the greater number of them may e\cA ; yet the greater number may elcdl : But if the May- or, at the time of the death of the Alderman be in Lovdoriy abfent till after the eight days, and the Aldermen within the eight days come to the Depu- ty and require him to make an Affembly of them to eIc?^/; a Pri- rake him and put him in NewgatCy which is the fon both for common Prifbn for London and Middlefex^ and af- ■^««^<'" and ter another Execution comes to the Sheriff of Lon- ^^"^'^''f*'^- dorif although the Sheriffs of London are alfb She- riffs of MidJlefex, and Newgate, where the Pri- fbner is, is the Prifon for both Counties, yet the Prifoner is not (aid to be in Execution upon this Commitnient new Writ in London^ neither may the Sheriff of by the Sheriff London (erve it upon him, becaufe he is in another of MiM'ifex is County. For when the Commitment is to Nev/- "°^ a Coramit- gate, by force of a Writ to the Sheriff of Aiid- tjj^,hc sheriffs diefex, he may not hs faid in any refped to be in o( London and the County of London^ for the Counties continue Midikfex arc feveral and the Prifon fevcral, in refpe(5t of the fe- °"^' veral Commitments ; for there are two feveral fides and a partition between them, i Rol, Abr'tdg.%^^. Couf. Cafe. Tr. i6Jac. B. R. By the Cuftom of London the Writ of Execution is dircdled to the Sheriffs of London, and not to the Coroner, who is the Mayor, ^ RcL Abridg.^oG. The Plaintiff in Affault and Battery in his Re- plication faith. That the City of London is an an- cient City, and hath Pleas, and that there was a Plaint in fuch a Court before F. M. by vertue of which Procefs the Plaintiff was taken i he fhould have alledged a Cuftom to hold a Court before the Sheriffs, and that F. M. was then Sheriff. If it is (aid, coram F. M, uno vie* its well enough, there being two Courts, tho but one Sherifl^ j Keb. 564. Oihurn and Parker. If an erroneous Judgment be given in any of the Error. Sheriffs Courts of the Ciry of London, the Writ of ^"j^'"^/. Error to reverie this Judgment niuft be brought in the Hujlingt before the Lord Mayor, for that is the C 4 fupe- X4 Cl)c LaUJ ot €oj?onlion5. fuperior Coui r, Pfvtf/. i\f^. 1 14. 4. /"/• ^47. Note , Quollibet breve cjuod tangtt Uberum J xencniLntum diriattur Aiajori C" ViciCjinttibusy (^ < alia brcvia tavium yicecorait:bus. CouKttTj. Xhe two Sheriffs o\ London do each of them keep a Court of Record, where thov hc44 Pica of all perfonai Aclicn^, and tiie t*A/o Prifons (called the Ccunurs 1 belong to them, and they have two Court days irj every Week apiece; for the IVood- Jirctt Counrcr on Wcdncfdays and Frydays ; for the Pt/f//>7 Counter on Thur (days and Saturdays. . Suits in the She- As to Suits in the ShcritYs Court, theufiial prac- liflsCuurt. {jrg jc^ to enter an Adion In the Office, for rhar purpoi'c at one of CT\eCct:nUrs^ which A(fHc.n mufi; be cntrcd with care. For it is the Original la that Court by wh'ch yotl muft declare, and from v,'hich there muft be no variance. Bail, And when an A6lion is entred then any one of the Sergeants may arre{i the Defendant, and bring him iiito Cultody until he find Bail to anfwer the Condemnation, which Bail is to be taken by one of Clarks fitters. But note, By the Culfom of Lon- don the Defendant may be arreftcd after entry of the Plaint in the Porters Book, before the Entry of it in Court bef:-re theSherilf; and after Plaint en- tred the Sergeant may arrcfl: without Precept: The Sergeant need not (hew his Mace becauie he is fworn and known, alrho not to the Party. Sarcj»«j to the It J5 the common coui'fe in London^ upon Plaint Sheriff. before the SherlflFs and a Precept to the Sergeant to arrefl: one, the Sureties (hall be found and offered to the Sheriit, not to the Sergeant, and To in Inferi- or Mayors Courts, Uidow and Clarks €afe. There- iore in Faux Imprilonment the Defendant pleads the Cuftom of London^ that on entry of a Plaint in .London^ a Sergeant may by parol, or other wife, arreft the Defendant to anlwtr the Plaintiff, and 3iews that y. 5, cntrcd a Plaint In the Counter a- gainll Cbe LaU3 of Co^isa^atfon^* 2.5 gainil: the Plaintiff, and tliat he was a Sergeant, and arretted him and carried him to the Counter^ till he found fiifficient Bail. The Defendant conFefTeth the Cuftom, the entry of the Plaint and Arreft_, and faith, That he offered Security to the Sheriff^ and of thi# he gave notice to the Defendant, and yet he carried him to the Counter j the Defendant demurs. ?^r C«r. the Sergeant upon tender of Bail to the Sheriff is not bound to fet th6 Party at large, unlefs the Sheriff fend a Warrant, teftifying this to him. yones zi6. If a Writhe direftcd to a Place where there are two Sheriffs,, as London^ Bri/lol, &c. and one of them doth return the Writ, it is infufficient ; for it niuft.be reiurnfd in both thtir Names, tho one (according to Cuftom) may execute it. Br. Of- ticer, 22. But if a Warrant be diredVed to two Bayliffs of a Franchife to execute a Writ, the Return of one of the Bayliffs in the name of both is fufficient, 7r. 39 EliZ. Palmer ^nd March. The Bayliff of a Liberty muft return his Pre- cept, and let his name to it ; but a Bayliff Itinerant need not. In all cafes where the King is Party, as In Cap. utlag, ucc. the Procefs muff be with a non omittas proper aliejuam Libertatem ; and there the Bayliff fhall not fend his Precept to the Bayliff of a Li- berty, but fliall enter himfelf ex Officio^ as for ap- prehending of Felons, or in any A6lion at the Suit of the King, and always on Extent, a Stat. Merchant. Dalt. 45" 6. But in other Cafes where the King h no Party, there, if without a non Omittas the Sheriff ffiall enter a Franchife, to ex- ecute the Kings Procefs, the execution of the Pro- ^;efs fhall be good, and the Lord of the Liberty fhall have an Action againft him, but the Party arretted ihall have no remedy. In z6 ttfjc tm of Co^pojationcf. Tn a VVrii: of VVafte and RedlfTcifin the Sheriff rr-uft enter the Franchife, to nuke enquiry, d^c. Return. The common Form of yic. Return is Feci efuod- Jam IVarrani' \ but ro the Bayliff of a Libtrry Aiandavtf &cc. z Ro!. Rep. z6-^. Pr.tctpe e^uod reddat was awarded Vicec9mittbui Glcuc. 'verfus^ A. B. C^* C. The Sheriffs return that the faid C. was one of the Sher-Ils of the faid City. Ideo ego prafat"^ G.&'c. alter Vtcecern C'vUat* prad.meipfum Jtcundum exigentiam brevn iflius Summonere non Dojfum. Refp. It was adjudged a good Return, BendL N. i6o. Loff's and KelbriJge. Scire Facias again ft the Defendant as Bail for one L. in AcSlion brought in Lynn \ it was Bail in Cafe Debt for 70 /. by the Plaintiff againft L. Capias not chargeable, iff^ej againft him dire6led to the Serjeant of the Mace there, who returned cepi. Corpus y and that the faid L. fecundum conjuetud. Villa, prad. in- vtmt ei (e cur It at em (viz.J.H. who is dead) and the Defendant, ad comparend. and if he were condemned tofatisfythe Debt, or render himfelf to Prifbn, it was fb far proceeded in the faid Court that Judgment was given for the Defendant, and thereupon a Writ of Error brought, and Judgment reverftd ; and now becaufe L, did not pay the Debt nor render himfelf to Pri/bn, this A£lion was brought. Upon Demur, per Cur. this Bail found before the Sergeant,thoit be alledged to be Jecundum confuetud. villa, is not good. For the Bail being matter of Record cannot be found before any but the Judge of the Court ; but the Bail for Appearance only may be taken by the Sergeant, and tor this caufe the Bail is not chargeable. Crc. Jac. 94, If a Capias bedirc£i;ed out of an inferiour Court, Return. to an Officer of the fame Court to take jF. 5. and he takes him, and does not return the Procefs, he is a TrefpaJJer ab initio ; for it is his own fault, be- caufe he is the fame Officer that ought to return k Cbe latD of €oipoiattotid« ^7 it, and he is as ShcriflF in that Juri(cli£lIon, x RoU If the King grants a Court by Letters Patents to a Corporation of a Village, to hold Pleas, d^c. in this cafe the there is not any Claulc in the Patent to make BaylifFs or Sergeants to execute the Proceft of the Court, and to return Juries, yet this is inci- dent to their Grant to do it, for otherwise they cannot hold a Court, Metcalf^nd Worfely^ I Kols j^bridg, 516. But upon fiich Grant of a Court, if there be not any Claufe in the Patent to make a BaylifF to execute a Writ of Enquiry of Damages if a Judgment be given by which a Writ of Enquiry is to be granted, this ought to be returnable in Court, and there the Enquiry ought to be made,for the Bay- lifF cannot execute it, in as much as he cannot give an Oath to the Jury or Witnefles, which the Letters Patents do not give him power to do ; atid this muft be done in Court, -' . • - ■' - • ! ' ..>»88- a<;-y!P.?s:;»*r-Jt;y?*y CAP. ^8 t2L[je Lalu of f o^po^ation^. C A P. III. Conufance of Picas. Three Sorts of Conttfavce of Pleas. Conufance dcnjed to the City of Worcellor tn Irefpafs hnu^ht by the then Lord Chief' full ice Anderfbn, and "why. The Claim tnufi be put in by way of Plea-, and not upon Oath. Charter of Oxon was to proceed in all Fleas and QuarreAs in Law or Enjnity, How to be extended. Whether a Suit by Quo Minus Jliall bar the Privilege of the Univerjity ^ho have Conufance. Grant that a VtUage (l}all ha've a Rerorna brevium. Certificate to be made ttpgn one^s own Knowledge. A Painter matri- culated in Oxon on purpofe to avoid an Office^ not good. By the Conufance of Perjonal Anions ^ey (hall not hold Plea of Eje6lIone firme, and why. How a Corporation Defendant is to give in Bail. Star. 31 Ed. i. of Wines, and the Sta.t, 7 Ed. 6. c. 5. explain'd. Tryal of Conufance how it jhall be. The Warrant may be tn Latin. Habere cognitionem, how far it extends. Conufance "when to be demanded, and how. If demandable in a Tranfitory Al'iion. Prefident of a Plea of Conufance by the Vice Chancellor of Oxon. THERE are three forts of Conufance of Pleas; i. Tenere placita, which doth not ouft any ether Court of JurifdiAion ; but creates a concurrent Jurifdiilion. The id. is C'ignitio placitorum, as when the Plea is conimenc't here,of which the Conufance belongs to another Court. 5. There is a Conufance of Pleas with an exclufive JurifJiclioPj as in the cafe of C<«- ^l)e HaU) of Cojpojatrou0» ip file and Litchfield, that no other Court fhall hold Plea, d^c. and this is a Sufcrfedeas to any ether Court. The fecond is to be taken advantage of by way of Plea, and after Tryal the Caufe to be remanded ', and the laying af the A<5tion in another another Place (as in Lond.) is not material, becaufe they mufl begin de novo Hard. 509, 510. The Lord Jndcrfon^ Chief juftice of the Court of Common Pleas^broughtan AcSlion ofTrefpafs by Bill, for breaking his Houfe in the City of /^Vce- cefievj againft one /^, Citizen of the (aid City. Now came the Mayor and Commonalty of the faid City 2nd flicv/cd their Charter granted to them by King Edward VI. and demanded Conufans of Pleas : and by the award of the whole Court Co- nufance fhall not be granted ; becaufe the Privilcdge priyHedge, of this Court, whereof the Plaintiff is a principal Member, is more ancient than the Patent upon which the Conufance is demanded : and the Co- nufance was denied ; and the Juftices, Clerks and Attorneys of this Court ought to be here attending to do their Offices and Services as belongs unto them, and (hall not be impleaded or compelled to implead others el(ewhere than in this Court. And this Priviledge was given this Court on the original Eredion of it. 3 Leon. 1 49. The Lord Ander- fon\ Cafe. A Bill in Chancery was brought to have Ac- q^^^ count of feveral Sums of Money which the Defen- dant, Tutor to the Plaintiff's Son, had received towards the neceffary Occafions of the Son. The Chancellor of Oxford by Inftrument in Writing, fet forth the Priviledge of the Univerfity-Charter and Confirmations by Ad; of Parliament, and the Defendant was a Scholar and Refident, and that they had a Court of Equity, and prayed the Plain- tiff might be difmifs'd. The Lord Keeper did not allow the Claim ; laying, it muft be put in by way of 30 Cbc Hatt) of Co^po2at(on0* CUira to b€ J)ut of Plea, but not upon Oath. Cajes in Chancery^ in by way of 3^37. Pj^^tt and Tajlor. Plei. and not ^' '^"^ ' ' Vr. Crowther*/ Cf/r. The Bill (kts forth a Contra6^ under Seal with the Defendant for making a Leafe of certain Lands in Middkfex^ and to have an Execution of the Agreement. Dr. Crowther pleaded he was Head of a Collcdge in 0>-^w,and fets forth the Charters of 14 R. 2. and 14 H 8. impowering the Univerfity to enquire and proc d in all Pleas and Quarrels in Law and Equity 1 except concerning Freehold) where a Scholar, their Servants and Minlfters funt una partiumy d' #. Ita cjuod Jufticiartt de B. K. feu de Communi Banco 'vel Jujiiciarii ad Ajjifas non fe intromittant, d^c. and the Confirmation by the A61 of I J Eltz,. and concluded his Plea to the Ju- rifdidlon of the Court : The Plea was over- ruled jin. 168^. becaufe the Charter ought to be extend- ed to Matters at Common Law only, or to Pro- ceedings in Equity that might ari(e in fuch Cafes, and not to meer Matters of Equity, which are Ori- ginally fuch, as to execute Agreements in Specie, d^c. and further Conufance of Pleas is never to be allowed, unlefs the Inferior Jurifdidion can give remedy. Here they can only Excommunicate or Imprifon, but cannot proceed to Sequeftration of Land in Mtddkfex. If the Matter lay only in Da- mages it might be allowed them, becaufe the Ju- rilUiftion is given all over England ; but this is not intended where the Suit is for the thing it lelf, and when it is out of their reach. 2 l^entr. i6i. Sir Tho. Draper ver/. Dr. Crowtber. Upon a Bill in Equity as Debtor and Accomptant againft a Perfon who has the Privilcdge of the Uni- verfity of Oxon ; the Defendant pleaded his Privi- lcdge, and a Copy of their Charter of Exemprion was was [hewn, which exempts them from the Juftices of the one Bench or the other, and from other Ju- ftlces, but not a Word of the Exchequer : Where- Pnv Hedge not fore the Court was of Opinion that the Defendant allowed againft ought to anfwer over, and that the Defendant ought ^^* ^°"" °* not to be allowed the Priviledge of the Univerlity, ^^ ^'^""' and that it fufficed for the Plaintiff to call hlmfclf Debtor and Accomptant without more. Alio an Accomptant has a more particular Intereft in his Priviledge than a Debtor, although his Debt may be taken in Execution for the King ; becaufe by 1 R. ^. c. ji. zn Accomptant is not fuable elle- where. And here rhe Priviledge of an Exemption granted the Univerfity has not thefe Words, Licet tangatnos^ and i Crook "J^. Hardr. 1 88. Wilkins and Shalcroft^s Cafe, But in Cafile and LechfieWs Cafe, an A6tion on the Cafe upon Indebitatus ajfumpfit for Money for Tobacco, The Uni- verfity oi Oxford demanded Conufance of the Caufe, by reafbn of a Charter granted to them 14 H. 8. and confirmed by Parliament i 3 El. whereby is given to them Conufance of all Suits any where a- gainft any Scholar, Servant or Minliler of the Uni- verfity, depending before the King's Bench, Com- mon Pleas, and others there mentioned, though the Matter concern the King ; but the Court of Ex- chequer is not mentioned in that Claufe; but the Claufe whereby are granted to them all Fines impo- led upon any of them in any Court, there the Court of Exchequer is named. And the Queftion was, whether Conuftnce fhall be allowed by B. R. in this A(5lion, per Hales d^ Cur. the Demand of Co- nufance is good, and the Suit hereby i^Ho Minui is no hindrance of the Priviledge of the Univerlity ; and they held the Grant extends to this Court, be- caufe the Grant begins with Superior Courts, ai King's Bench and Common Pleas, which Words arc fufficient to comprehend this Court. Tl^ 3^ Mifnoraer Burrough. Retorna B^e- Cf)£ iilaui of Co^po^at(an0. The Town of Derby brought an A6VIon on the Cafe by the Name oFthe Mayor and BaylifFs of the Village of Derby y c^ Btirgenjes ejufdetn l^tUe, a- gainft FoxUy^ late Sheriff of the Town of Derby, and fhcw it to be an ancient Village, and harh been a Corporation time out of mind , and the Name of their Corporation was Mayor and Burgef- fes of Derby ; and 9 J'^c. it was confirmed by that Name; and by the fame Patent it was granted that they fhould have Rctorna brevtum within the fame Village, and that the Sheritf of the County ne tn- tromitteret^ and that after the Defendant being Sheritf of the County, returned into the Roll, and ferved Procefs, ind fet tr out in certain, and the Defendant demurred. Two Points were in the Cafe: i. The Name is Mayor and Burgedcs of Derbjy and they brought an A(ftion'>))y the Name of the Mayor and Baylitts of the Town of Derby^ ^ Bur genres ejufdem l^tU^e. This is no fuch Miffio- nien as to abate the Writ j for its all one in Sub- itance; every Burrough is a Village, but not e converlo, and this Word Burgenjis fhewsic to be a Burrough. 2. If the Grant be good. It is good, the King may appoint that a Town fhall have Retorn. brev a H. 4. I -^o.Cok. Entr. «;:{l. 5. Whether the Sheriff ought to take notice of ic at his Peril j and it (eems he ought, becaufe it is of Record : The SherltF enters into a Liberty, and the Grant is fhcwed to him, if he does Execution it is good ; but the Lord of the Franchlfe fhall have an Aftlon on the Cafeagainft him, 14 H. 8. 5-. So if a Grant be to a Town, that they Ihall not be Jurors, and it is fhewed to the Sheriff, and he notwithftanding returns them,an Action ohhe Cafe lies againft him ; and Judgment was given for the Plaintiff, i Rolls Rep. 118. Town oiDerbj againft Foxley. jy. being iD. being fued pray*d his PnViledgei becaufe he Commoner' in is a Commoner in Exeter-Colkdge in Oj;c« ; and ^^''"' brought Letters under the Seal of the Chancellor of Ox(3»j certifying their Priviledge; and he cer- tifies that D. is a Commoner, as appeared by the Certificate of Dr. PriJeaux Reftor of the (aid Col- ledge y whereas he ought to certify that he is a Com- moner upon his own Knowledge, and not upon the Certificate of another ; and after Certificate was made of his own Knowledge, and then allow- ed to be good. The Privlledge was allowed, though the Certificate is not that at the Time of the Aftion brought he was a Commoner, but that now he is a Commoner. GoJl;. 404. Fryer and Ds'ivs Ca(e. A Towns- Man of Oxon was chofen into an Of- Towas.ftiati of fice by the Corporation, and refufing to hold he oxon. incurr'd a Penalty according to the Ufage of the Place f and tor which an A6lion of Debt was brought, and a Charter was fliewed that the Members and Servants of the Univerfity fhould be fijed in the Court before the Vice Chancellor, and not elfe- where : and a Certificate waa produced from the Chancellor of Oxow, and directed to the Chief Ju- ftice c^ Sociis fuis Jttfiictarin de Bavcoy that rhe Party v»'as matriculated and regiftred in the Univ<:i- fity, and Servant to Dr. Injl) ; but this being but two Days before he was chofen into the Officej though he was a Painter, yet had dwelt in rhe Town, and no Servant Attendant to Dr. Irifl), but had his dwelling Houfe and kept Shop in the Town, and that he procured hlmlelf to be admitted to hin- der the Remedy the Town had againft him for not holding the Office, the Privilevlfe v/as dcnyed. 1 Vemr. 107. The City of Ox/orrf's Cafe. Eje^ione Firme upon a Leafe of a Mtfluagc in Osfcw-Fjcfl- Oxo», the Defendant being Principal o^ Glouiejler- n^snc. Hall in Oxon, pretended he was a PriviledgeJ Per- Ion, and ought to be fued before the ViceChancel- D lor 34 t:ijG nm of Co^po^atfonjj* ior in OxoTtf according to the courlc of Proceedings there, Secundum Aiorem Umverfitatis^ and accor- ding to the Charters granted to the Univcrhties ie 3 l\. r. and 14 f/. 8, conhrmed by Parliament in I 5 Eltz.. and flicws their Charters, and lliat they had Conufance of ali Conrrads, Covenant?, Qiiar- rels (except concerning Freehold) and this being a perfonal Aiftion they ought to have Conufance thereof. Ver Cur. the Vice Chancellor hath not any Jurifditflion in this Caufe, nor flull hold Plea thereof; for in this Adtion he lliall r-ecover Poflcf- lion, and fhall have an Habere fac. P ojfijjiouem ; and thereby he that hath the Freehold may be put our of Pofle(Tion. Cro. Car. 87. Halle)'*s Cafe. Indihitiit. Ajjum^fit againft the Prcfidcnt and Scholars of Magdaten-CoWcgQ, Ox B. oiCambriJge upon Stat.y EJ. 6. c. 5-. ofWine?, and felling them again ft the Purview of the faid Statute. The Defendant Pleads, That R. i. in the fifth Year of his Reign granted unto the Chan- cellor iud his Deputy, and the Scholars of the U- niverfity of CatubrUgCi cu^oMam AJfifa Pants d^ cervifia ^ corre^ionem (^ punitionerfi eorundem. And Queen Elizabeth confirmed the faid Grant, and which was afterwards confirmed by A61 of Par- h'ament I ^ Eltz,. and fo pleaded to the Jurifdi(5t:ion of the Court : and it was demurred. Per Cur. they o^ Cambridge have not .Ajjifam ipfaWf bui cujfodt- am AJJifa only *, i. e. that the Affife (et down by the Queen and her Council be well kept, and that ho other Price or MeafUre be ufed in the uttering of Wines: The Univerfit y cannot appoirit another Aflife than that which is fet down by the Statute 51 H. I . but to take care that the (aid Statute be well executed in fuch Affifc, Star. 51 Ed. t. of Wines, 'vide. The Univerfity have Cujiodiam only of the Survey of the Aflife, and Execution oi it, and Authority to puriifh Offences againft the faid Statutes, and not otherwife. And as to the StatOre ^ Ed. 6. c. 5". by which it is provided that the faid Statute fhall not be prejudicial to any of the Inha- bitants of Oxowand Cambridge or Scholars, to im- pair their Liberties, (j^c. the fame ought to be in- tended that the Liberties which the Univerfity had betore by the Grant Ut fttpray is to punifh fuch Offences againft the '^liile^ according to the old Statutes ; for tl e Stat 7 Ed. 6. c. 5. being in the Affirmative, d -th not rake away the Punifhment appointed by any other Statute, but doth continue the fame. ^ Leon. p. 2 i 4 Baxters Cafe- D ^ la 36 Cbe LolD ot Coipo?ntioiij3» Trial of Conu- In an A£iion,if the Defendanr claim his Priviledge fancc. for that he is a Scholar of the Unlverfiry of Oxom^ and the Parties are at ifliie whether he be of fuch a Colledge or Hall ; this may not be tried by the Certificate of the Vice Chancellor and the Princi- pal of lijch Hall or Colledge, but pir Pais. Adon- ^/^e^and i^au^han. ■?. Rol. Abr. 585. The Chancellor of Oxon demanded Conufancc of the A£lion between Gayton and RayJon, being a Debt between the Beadles of the llnivcrfity, by Special Warrant to Attornics, and brought into Court by Rule, which being put in the Form of a Plea, the Court granted, i Keh. 3 1 7. In A6lionon the Cafe laid for Words in London, after Imparlance,and before Plea farther than in Pa- per, the Bifhop of Ely by fpocial Warrant to At- torney (hewed in Court, and Charter pleaded, de- mands Conufancc, as 40 Ed> 3. lob. TuggcfliDg that the Words were fpokcn in Ely^ which the Court doubted, the Aftion being tranfitory ; but agreed that of things local he might do fb. Std. 10%. And in this Cafe a Refpondeat Onfler was awarded j for the Warrant was in EngliOi : And as to the Matter, Conuftnce cannot be demanded in tranfi- tory Adions, as Dove and Rogers Cafe, i Keb. If Conufance be demanded by Prefci iption, Al- lowance muft be (hewed in Eyre^ or here in B. R. Vouching the Roll and Allowance in B. C. is no Allowance in B. R. Alfb Habere Cognitionem is not fufficient, with- out it be coram cjuibufcuncj^ Jufticiariis. 5 f/. 6.1 7. After Continuance by the Court Cognizance may be demanded j but never after Continuance by Prayer of the Party. Vid. tbid. Serjeant Hitcbam was denied Conufancejbecaufe the Warrant was left at the Attorney's Chamber. Conufance C[)e laiu of cro]poiatfon0» 37 Conusance of Pleas ought to bt" demanded by an Conufancc hp\i Attorney by Warrant of Attorney in Latin, and the ^° ^^ demand. Attorney ought to have his Grant in Court. Sid. "^ 103. Blfhop of £//'s Cafe, Plea of Conufance hy the Vke-ChancelhT of Oxon. Tho. Caftle Vlalntijfy SoUdel Leichfield Defendant, E€ pDice ^. %. p €. 3lltto?nae fuum beii) ^ fupcc fjoc Ijcnit €f|onia^ Jfcll facte 'Ctjcologic l^^off (To? 5£Imc Hniberfitati^ <0^ jron)©icc?c5oIaribu0 pDice Hnibeifita^ ttjsf Djconie ^ cojum ^Succeirojifiuior (intci: alia) quoti ibem ^TaneeKartiiier CommiiTariu^ ejufbe I)eputatUj6i 6t eo^um rf^uccefTojCiSf fe 11 j^encFcija! jg>ubrenerc|^a? $ alii gfutiicf isf per iiiitum Cancellarium ^ ^uccc(ro?e0 Cuo^ per Sttera^ fuaj^ j^igilio <@fneii Cui figilla^ beputaf tarn t)e omnimotiiiB/ -Cranfgrcrnoni^ fiUjei $ aliiiBf Q^alefnctii^ quifcufcunq? qunm tie imp^tfioni6u5f ejrto^fionifcuitf confpiracio* nifiuiaf confetJeracioniOu^sf inconticninnii^ falfiief 5^llegianciiief computitju^ contractilin^ D 3 ^ 3? CljeLatDof Cojpo^itlon^. 5 iniuriidf (iiiiOurcuiifF ^ cnir.imolii^s? nlii^rf 311rticulij< qui pofliiit rabcrc in ftiir m bcl rr- Dfiiiptioiifm ffn in aliani pcjiam pccuninri' am ac tjf aliis; contrtirtibiij^ plnciti^ef qufrclia pronalibusf(% al jiiBf faiifief (^ tnarcriisf qiiiOuO runoR qiiociincr, nomine fcnffrcntnr fcii frnfC' n polTiiu licf t rongcrcnt biai^ mipfr llfgem i^rrc&cB bf I .^urrc fTojcsf rao;9r ( iilTin^ $ pin- tifi^ be libcro rencnicnto tiunrarat ercrpti^) infra billam <0conic .^iiburbia^ l^unbrczi our Comirae Ol^ron) j^Dicf nut atibi infra lUgnum 3CnjjI quahtcrruncr; r mr I'gcn) fatti^ fibc ppctraf aui farirnfi Htoc pprfranD' ram nD ff ftam biai nupc c 0f gi^t (^rrcti (^ ^ufcc r= fc:a)^fuo?ii) qunm ab ffctam priaf bcl alio quc» (unq? niobo ubt ^cljolacc^ nut co^ii) ^crbi- enttsS fibc mimllfri aut alic aliquc pfpne que aliquo p;i>Jilcg birte Unibcrfitati^ gaubcrc Debcrent btl brbct qm0 bcl qucm hitt <[a\v cellar CommilTo?' cjufbe locum tcnen^ feu fo;:um ^uccelTojcii calumpniare bcUent fuit toel fo?ct un'parrium p -fecfiolarijof fcu-co^iD ^crbiente^autlLaica^^entCjtfcifDem Vi U fficiarij pbicf ab eertifirario* aiem notilicationem feu fignificationcniCam eellarii Hniberfitatijsf ^but qui p^o reuipo^e fo^et aut eiujtf CommilTarii fibe iocum tenni- ti0 inquifirionibuief ^ cognitionibuj]? i)njn^^ niobi aut cuicunq? ^celTai ^ ececutioni inbe qualitercuncR facienti omnnio fupfebcrait ^ ie inbe uUeciu^ in aliqua niUlatenu^ inrro- niitterent nrc partem ab lefpanbenti inbe fo- ram ipfi^ ponerent ab qisob parcel iUn co3am biiio CanccUario f -^utfclTjnbujef fiii^ ct)i{. '' D 4. ' Com ^o Cl)e Latu of Cojpo^ationct. Comminraiii^ fibc iociiin tciifntiOujfJ inbe loIiimoDo cafligarce punirci^ in fojnin pbicf ;piir p cafDcni litcraief gatcntejBf Ijic in Curia ylaf plcntuj^ apparct. €t itjcni aDictcanccl' Iat:iu0 ultcciui^ tiicit quob per qucnljani 5C' auni in ^arliamcnto iDoifi) (filijabctljc nupcc Hrginc 3ngt apub i^cRti^ pDicj* in Com) a^itid Tccunbo Die 3p:it 3ilnno Hcgni fiii Dccimotertio inrljoaf ^ tcnf ^ ttsit (inter at) inactitatum fuit :aiiitIio^itatc c jurDcm Iparliamcnt quob pDice Jlitcrc patcntc^tf bicti nuper BcQi^ l^cnrici oitatJi pnobili^ Ipatrijrf cjufbcm ncgine fciritiibini0 face f conccfji Canceliar ^ ^cjolaribui^f birte Uni= iKrfitati^ oDjtron) gcrciD Ijt^t bicto p^imo bic 2Cpji!5iInno Hcgni c jufbcm nup nrgi^ef bcfi- nio quarto fupjabicto ac ctiain omnrj^ a! ILi^ tcre 5)atentc^ p aliqucni ^?ogcnitoi|- fru P^cbecefToil- bictc K^or^ i!eginc Cojpor Co^ po^at Uni\3crritati;9? atentiij) fuilTent ante tunc nominaf ertunc be ectero fo;ent Done effectuafejef ^ balibe in Siege ab omnia Jntcnrione-e? ConfiruttionfjSf $ pjopo- fita tunc Canre! ^a^vi0 (f ^cljolariBu^tf cjufbf m Hniberfitatiisf eo?umq; ^ucr eITo^itiu0 imppctuum jutta f fccunbuni fo^mam berba fentencf $ licram inrentionem quarumlifiet rarruibem ILitcrai|- ^DatentiiD tarn ample plcil) f iarge nc fi rabem Hitere ^atentcjsf rffirar fuiftcnt \3erBatim in illo tunc ^femt 31 au '4DarIiamcnti aliquo in rontrarul) ullo uiobo lion obDanre. €t uireriujo? jnattitat fuit'^utijojitate ^tiict qucb bicte Hitere ^a^ fr!!tf^brrttparn^ PiuCbem Ulegte celfitpbi. m0 Clje LaUJ of CojiJO^itioujJ* 41 m^ t)tntiti octabt getenu^ Datum (icut pet/ p^eltu) cIT fact* ^ conccfi^ bmo cojpo^i ^oliti* CO tiat ^nitici(itau0 <©j:on) ac omiif^ af Litete l^atentcjai s aliquem ^^^ogenitoii. feu IP^ctifcclTo^um iUcgie CelfituDiniiBf ac omm- inoti JliBtaf f ranctiife imuiunita«? quietan= tie ^ ^jibilcgia Hcte tiic^ (5fingt Law-days) $ at U0 (jucciinqfi in cifDcm c jt:p?cfi§ hat fi\jc coitccf^ Dici? Canccllar ^agriitf ^ ^cfioJnr ciuflicm UnitJcrfitatijBf autaliquijju^ Diaari^ ilitfraru) ^atcnritt) fucr nominac ^ toirrute iiliu^ tunc pfcntiiBf^ctUief foment crtunc te cc* tcro ratiffcaf OfaBiiie ^ confirmat pDicf CanccUaf a^agittrjitf f ^cgolariD^ ^niUcc= fitatijQf phut $ co^um d&uccciro?ibujeJ inippc« tuit) altquo Oratuto Sege ^ra0 Confuctud condcuctiotD fibe aiE re in contrariii) uHo mo- ho non obHante a^ut p cunticm ^cciD ine at pleni^ apparet Ct ibem S^icecanccHariujef hitit quoii j^tiice ^* S. tempore crf)i&itionii8l 25it pDift €♦ C ^ t)iu antca fuit ^ aJjIjuc er^ iftit pcrfona p^ibiicgiata hiae Hniberritati^ 4!>xoft> ^ puftlicujef !^iniftcr ciufticm Coihtf) ^nu^ 'fecDcHo^S fuperio^ci) Unibcrfitatiitf it-' IiU5)f $ comoraii) in tJictaHnibcrfitate (&xon) ^ p $ fubtet canticm notificationcni $ j) cat! caufa all tunc $ ibiti fuit $ in pCenti etl pcrfona p^ibiicgtat ^nitJcrfttaf ^hict $ iDco ^ubifct ^ Eiabiliisf fummoii) ^ implicitar f inbictar co^am Dicco CanceUario €ommif< Tario fibe locum tcncnti ^nibcrntatijaf p^ir^ ^ non alibi ncc in alia curia quacunque <^t iDcm ©icf 'Canccllariujrf uitcriujjf liicit<©uoti Cancellatiuie/ a^icc=€ancclJariUief CommilTa^ riiiiBf fibc locum tcncii) Mniticrfitati^ ihict $ tcmp02c cjcificiT) a tempore confcctioni;gi MU tcrarum' ©atcntium fitJictarum fjucufrp f|a« liucrunt cognitionem f O$tcvminationcm omnia) 4- Clje laiu of Co^pojatioiiff. omnia) ptitoi]- pDici* (rrccptia? vexteptiji) altquo nioUo tangrii) \)cl coiicenicn) Sl^agi- ciitci^ aliquoll. ^agidroil. Ul ^cf)olnriuni Hniijcrfirnf p&ict" iiiibc idem IDifc Cniuc lla^ riiij0f pctir Hibcrtatcm fiiam pDitram in ifia pttto in Curia Pom) iJcgi^ nunc inter par- te0 ^tix(ta0 ^ caDcm Inrtutc Lite rarum pa* tmtium ^Hictarum ac bigo^c ^taturi ptiirci ffOi allocflci, $c. No/tf, If a Man brings Action of Debt by Bill in Lnndort, Norwich^ or any other Inferior Court, and afterwards brings Writ of Debt in B. C. this Suit in the higher Court which is purchafcd, pen- ding Suit by Bill in Inferior Court Ihall not abate. CAR COe iatu of Cojpoiation^* 4^ CAP. IV, A<^ions brought in Inferior Corpora- ^ije infra cu-: dons, and of Jurifdidion, Dcch^l^l^l^^^^;" rations and Pleadingso £' '"'^^'^ '"/'■^ ^ Error. Trefpafs and Trover^ the Difference. Riens per D'lCcent pleaded hj the Heir y Plaintiff repltcf A f- fets, but jheivs not any Place where. Dies Jui k dici and Adjournment. Suit in Inferior Courts and then a Bill in B. R it jJjall not abate. No AJfignment of Error agsin(i a Record. Of Pro- ceedings after Habeas Corpus delivered. M4yor and Bayliffs Judges of the Courts, yet by Cufiom the Bayliffs may be Officers. Bayliff takes the Bayl in ExecHtion^ and no Capias againff the Principal. Informations not to be exhibited in Inferior Courts. The Jurifdi^ion of an Inferior Court ought to be fhcwedy and in what c fes it ought to be fheivedf and in what not. IV here if mu^ be Jhewed by what Authority the Court is held, by Patent or Prejcription. IVhere the Let' ters Patents need to be jet frtb er net. Stx Ma- terial Exceptions to a yufiificafion in Trefpafs. Traverfe upon a Tra'verje where it may be ufed. Land lies in the Subu^bs^ and a Venire from the Pariflj in a City. In Declaration of the Place to which J Sec. appears to be tn another County^ the Jury cannot try it. Where the Court cannot try Aflumpfit becaufe they cartnet enajuire of the Per- formance of the Confi deration. Conflru5lion of Ad rune & ibidem. The Difference between the Inferior Courts and Superior Court Sy at to Jw Tt[di8ion and Tryal. Indeblcat' Affumpfic for If arts fold and delivered ^ not faying where, Difconti' 44 ^be Lalu of €o2^o^(\tiom* Dijcontinuance of Flea for default. In "what Cafes the Jury may a[]e[t Damages tn a Foreign JurtfdtHion. Regula about Junfdiclion as to Pleadtng. Of tranjitory Actions tryed in Infe- rior Courts. Difcontmuance ivhere one ts bound proferre Literas Patcntcs or not. Where m Cer- tificate on Error Jurifdtdion muH be fet fortb^ and where it need not. Enejutry of Damages be. fore whom. What WttneJJes for a Corporation in a Tryal (halhbe allowed or not. The Perfor- mance of the Prowife muff /7s well be within the J'urtfdiclton, as the PrcmiJ: :t felf. Attachia- tus for Summonitus not aided. Dicit omitted tn the Declaration. Jorifdiaion. I ^ Ri't)'" was brought to Revcrfe a Judgment in wt^ Trefpafs Vi & Arjnis at Donca(ier : The J ^ Error afligned was, That the Plaintiff de- clared that the Defendant took certain Cows of his out of the JurIfdi6lion of the Court, and brought them within the Jurifdiilion, and there converted them to his own uft. And it was adjudged to be Error, in regard that the taking of the Cattel, which is the Ground of the Action, was without the Ju- Trefpafs Tro. i''^^J«^ion o^ the Court ; but had It been an A6t;ion vcr, the di^e- ^^ Trover and Converfion it had been good. Stiles rcnce. ^ I ^. Keighly znd Roades, plaintiff repiicj Error of a Judgment in Derby in Debt againft Affets.but faith the Heir upon an Obligation by his Father. The ou'h*'''[hoJ'"h ^^^^"^^"^ pleads /^;e«/ per Defcent j the Plaintiff re- the A*aion? P^'^^ Affets, but do:h not (hew any Place, and found hid in a Cor- proQuer.The Error aifigned was becaufe he did not poration. fhew in his Replication any Place where the Affets fliould be ; and fo there is no place from whence the f^enue (hould come. And though it were al- Jedged that this being in a Corporate Village, which hath not Jurii'dictiou to rry any Matter out of it ; (and therefore may v/('Jl be int;,ndedto be in Derby where Cbe Ham of Co^potattonsi. 4^ \vhere the Adiiion was brought) yet fU the Court held it to be Error, and it's all one wjiether the A- dlon be brought in a Corporation or any other Court. And the Judgment wa« rev^rfed. Cro» Jac. 5" 04* Bourne and Carnngton. Via. 6 Ref. 46^. DowdaVi Cafe. But in ftich Cafe the Jury may find Aflets in any Place. Error of a Judgment in IVme/fer ; the Error af- Adjourntneni figned was, That a Day was given to the Parties of Court, rill the Court to be held on 15" Dec. which was Chrijfwafs'daytand it was then adjourned till I "Jan. which Days are not Dies JuriJici; and therefore the adjournment to thefe Days was void. But per Cur. though thefe Days be not properly Diet Juri' diet, yet when a Court is holden by Cuftom every Monday, which falls out to hcCbrifimafs-day, they may make Adjournment to a Day more convenient, jind it's not erronious. And the Judgment was af- firmed. Errorof a Judgment in A6tion on the Cafe in A- hivgdon-CoMri : The Error afligned was for that the faid Court is mentioned to be held there before the Mayor fecundum Confuetudinem Burgi a tem- No Aflfignment pore cujus contrarii memoria, d^c. and it doth not ofE^ror againft appear that there was any fuch Cuftom there to hold * ^^^°^^' Pleas. Upon this Error alTigned it was demurred in Law ; for it is againft the Record to affign fuch Matter for Error, it being pleaded there and Judg- ment given againft him. And if it be true that there is no fuch Cuftotn, then the Proceedings arc coram non judice, and he is not grieved thereby, but he may have faux Imprijonment if he be arre- fted by virtue of fuch Judgment, or other A£lioni if his Goods be impeached thereby. Ttr Cur. thii Aflignment being againft the Record, is not revcr- fible ; and Judgment was affirmed, Ct9, Jac. :j59, Wbifikr and U(. Error 4,6 C(jc ]LaUi of C^o,2po^^tICl10* Proceeding af- Erfor of a Judgment in D. the Error afligned fcr an Habeaf ^^3 bfcaufe alttT an Haheas Crpui cum caufa was Corpus dcHver- ^^^^ ^^^ ^j- jj^j^ (^^^^^^.^^ ^^^^ delivered to the Mayor and principal Officer ot that Courf, and acceptance and allowance thereof, they notwithftanding pro- ceeded to Tryal and Judgment. Defendant plead- ed in ftuUo e^ erratum. Per Cur. the Proceeding after the Haheas Corpus delivered is an Error, &• coram nan judtce^ which is confefftd by the Plea- ding in nullo eji erratum ; and if it was not true that it was delivered to the Mayor and allowed, it ought to have been denyed, and is tryable p«r pais. Judgment was reverfed. Cr.Car.xGi. JE His and Johnlon. Error of a Judgment in Northampton, becaufe there the Court being held before the Mayor and two Biyiilfs, the Venire Facias upon the llTue wa? awarded to the two Bayliffs to return a Jury before Mayor andBay.jj^g Mayor and Bayliffs fecurtdum confuetudinem, the Coifrt* vet ^^'^^ being returned and Judgment given, the Er- by Cuftom the ^or afligncd was, becaufe the Bayliffs being Judges Bayliffs may be of the Court could not alfo be Officers to whom Offitets. Procefs fliould be direAed. Per Cur. it may be good by Cuftom, and it is not any Error. For the Judges be not the Bayliffs only ,buc the Mayor and BaylilTs ; and it is a common courfe in many ancient Corpo- rations fo to be : The Mayor and Bayliffs be Judg- es^ and the Bayliffs in refpe^l of executing Procefs are Officers alio, Cr. Car. i 3 8. Cro-iV and Hol- land. A. brings an A6iion againft B. in inferior Court of Record, wherein C. is Bail for B. and binds his Lands and Goods by Recognizance, that B. (hall render his Body to prifbn il he be condemned, or that he will pay the Money recovered, and after Judgment is given againft B. and a Precept is di- re6led to the Baylitt of the Coisrt, in nature of a Cap. ad Jatisfaatnd. to take B. if he be found, and Cbe JLatu of Co^pajation^. 47 and in default of him to take C. and theBayliff re- Bayliffs take turns becaufe B. was not foupd, he took C. in Ex- '^<^ ^^il in Eic- ecution, although by this Recognizance C. doth not ^"^^o"' ^^^ no bind his Perfon, fo that the C^;>Wf lies nor againft fhTrind^al"^ him 5 and tho the Capias doth not lie at the fame time againft the principal, and then a Scire Facias againft the Bail, yet becaufe the Court had Jurif- diftion of the Caufe, and he did this by force of the Precept of the Court, it fhall cxcuie him. 1 Rols Abridg. ^60. Seaborn and Savaker. Fid. plus Infra. Tit. Error. B. brought a Plaint in the Court of Ludlow informations (which is a Court of Record) againft C. tarn fro not to be exhi- Dom. Regina quaw pro feipfo. Upon the Stature bited in inferior ^V. & M. c. 5. which prohibits the Weaving of *'°""'- woollen Cloth or Kerfies, unlcfs be bad been Ap- prentice or exercised the Trade for (even Years, upon the pain of forfeiture of fuch Cloth, or the Value of it, the penalty to be recovered by Acti- on, Bill, Plaint or Information in any Court of Recordj &c. 5 Errors afligned. i . Xhat the faid branch of the (aid A£t was abrogated and taken a- way by the Statute, j EL c. 4. fed non alloc, for both may ftand well together. 2. That the Plain- tiff by Staxutc iS Elizj, c. ^. ought to have fued by Original or Information ; and fo it was adjudged^ HiU 3 o. Eliz. in B.R. between Woodfon and Clarke where the Defendant was fued by Bill upon the Sta- tute X g H. 6. of Sheriffs, and adjudged it lies noto 5. Though Ludlow be a Court of Record, yet ir is not fuch a Court as is intended by the Statute. I. Becaufe the Court intended by the Statute are the four Courts of Record at Wejlmmfiery which arc generally Courts of Record, and fo in general parlance it (hall be fo intended, x. If the A6t (hould be taken according to the Letter (in any Court of Record) then a Court of Qyer and Ter- miner, Sewers , Goal delivery , Sheriffs Turn, Pic» ^8 Cbc Halu of Co^po^ationg* Pie- powder, Leet, fliould be within the A(ft ; and the rule is verba aquivoca & in dubio po/ita intelliguntur ' m digntori (^ potent iori fenfu. 5. Tho the Informer, taw pro Dom. Regina cjuam pro feipfo, exhibits the Information, yet if the Defen- dant plead a fpecial Plea the King's Attorney rtiall reply only, and it was the intent of the makers of the A<5t, that the Suit fliall be in fuch Court where the Kin^^s Attorny may attend ; and this is in the four Courts at fVeflmtnJler ; for the two laft Errors Judgment was reverfed. 6 Rep. 1 4. 20 Gregorys Ca(^. furjfiii^ion of inferior Corporations andFran- chifes, and Declarations and Pleadings. TN Trefpafs for fating away a Mare, the Defcn- „„l-;'i"J^-* 1 dant faith, That before the taking the Defen- or Court ought ^^^^ (bemg the Kings Baylitr ) by Precept out ot^ to be fhcwcd. the Court of Fowfrafl to make Execution by L. on Le'vari, &c. Per Cur. its ill, becaufc he doth not fhew the Jurifdiflion of the Court, and that is ne- ceifary by thcBayliffof art inferior Court, efpecially becaufe he jufl:ifies by reafbn thereof, i Keb. 53. Crofts and Wtlktnfons Cafe. As to the manner of declaring on Efcapes in in- ferior CourtSj or upon removal out of inferiour In what cafeg Courts, it need not be (hewed how the Jurifdi6tion the Jurifdiflion of the inferior Court was, and how it was held, this of the Court being but inducement to the Adion, as is i Cro. ought to be fct^^^^^^^^ iKe^.xlQ. Drtnkwater'sC&Cc. forth, and m _, ^ ^-f iT- u • 1 j . • • what not. The Elcape bemg the material part, and tho it 13 faid the Party was committed Jebito modoy and doth not fty prout patet per recorJuw, its good enough, the Prefidents being both ways. But in Hodges s Cafe the difference is right, when the Jurifdi^lion of the Court ought to be fee forth, and when not. The Deck- C(je am of Co^po?ation0* 49 Declaration was. Whereas the Plaintrff in fuch a Court qf Pie- powder, held at Gloucefier jecum/um confuetud. Civitatis iUtus^ brought Debt of loo /. agalnll Hodges^ and thereupon he was arretted, and under Cuftody o^ the Sheriffs of Glouceihr^ who \tz him go at large. ?er (. ur. In pleading a Reco- very in inferior Courts he ought to fhew by what where it may Authority the Court is holden, whether by Patent be (hzwtd, by or Prefcription. Afterwards when they make any whir Authority Certificate out of inferiour Courts, ought to (hew ^^'^ ^°"'^f '* therein how the fuid Courts are holden ; for they Jf p^^^j-j/'-^^ bed know their own Authority, otherwife in the "^^ ^ cafe of a Stranger, as here, where the ftile of rhe Court is but an inducement to the A^lion. Cr. Car. 58. Hodges and May. Procels out of a Court, virtute Literarum pa' tentium^ is good in juftification j but in a Quo Warranto^ or any Action for the Court, they rauft Where the Uc be itt forth, and in an A^ion between Parties, where ters Patents there is no Queftion of the Jurifdi6i:ion, they need ""'^ ^^ ^^ fee not fet forth. ^ Kel. 1 04, 1 76. but it muft be fpe- ^°"^' *"^ °°^- cially pleaded that fuch a Court was granted, and that 'Virtute cujus, &c. Ifllie in Replevin joined and found, pro Quer. in Mif-cmry of the Court at Windfor^ being a three Weeks Court, the PJaint, Defendant afligned for Error, that the Entry of the Plaint in the faid Court was the 7 f A day of A/^7, and the Plaintiff did afterwards declare there ofe a taking of rhe Cartel the x^th day of May. Ver Cur. ic's Error, becaule no Plaint can be entrcd but at a Court, and this Entry of the Plaior was Mefhe betwixt the Court days, and fo i he Declaration is not warranted, no Cuftom being alledgcd to main- tain fuch Entry. God, ZbS.. ixali's Rep. gj-:?. Break and Gregory. Trefpafs for breaking an Houre,and taking a Cap, 5 nutcriaj Ex- the Defendant j^uftifie? by Plaint and Judgment in «ptions to WakeMd. and a Precept of Execution, to which the )f'^''^i'^ *^ E Piampff '^ ,5-0 Cljc tm of €o?po^ition0» Plaintiff demurred, becaufe i . It (aid cfuadam curia^ not faying whar. i. It is taliKr frocejjuwy till Judgment. ^. It's faid a Court, coram Senefcallo^ Settatonbtis-i which cannot be a Court- Baron. 4. It is faid the Defendant, ut Balhvus Seve(call\tOQk. 5. The Precept is rerurnable, ad frox StJJion. and the Return is half a Year after. 6. The execu- tion is at fuch a place, in faroch.fr ad. and faith not infra Jurijdi6lion. Vet Cur. all the exceptions are material, l Keb. 4. 844. Gamble and Forrejl. Trcfpafs for Battery and Imprifonment at C. in Devon. Defendant pleading he was Steward of the Court of Stannaries held at X in Devon, where becaufe the Plaintiff would not put in Pledges to a certain A61:ion brought by J. S. he gave Judgment, and commanded the Officer to take him till he paid lo /. abfcjue hoc^ that he is guilty of the imprifonment in any place out of the Jurifdicftion of the Stannaries. Upon Demurrer, fer Cur. the Plea is ill, for that it doth not appear by this Pica whe^- ther C. be within the Jurifcii(5llon of the Stannaries or not ; and if it be within the Stannaries^ then the Plea is not good, becaufe it is no anfwer to it. i Rol. Rep. l6j. Evely and Holey. Trefpafs of AlTault and falfe Imprifonment, fijp- pofed to be done in fuch a Parifh and \A'ard in London, loMaiij ^^ Eltz,. Defendant juftifics by reafbn of an Execution upon a Recovery in the Court of Sand'ivicb within the Cinque Ports, in Debt and Traverfe abfej-., hoc, that he was guilty in London, d^e. The Plaintiff replies, and mantains the AfTaulc and Imprilonmcntj and traverfeth, abff, hoc ejuod habetus aliejuod tale recordum loejuet. prcut the Defendant hath alledgedj Et hoc faratus efi vert' ficare per Recordum. Defendant demurs. Per Cur. the Defendants Plea, frima facie was good, be- caufe it v^^as afpecial matter of Juftification, which cannot be pleaded and alledgcd to be in any other • place Cfje ialu of €o^po^atfo!i0. y i place than where it was done ; but m this cafe, jf the (pecial matter alledgedin the forein County be fajfe, as here, the Plaintiff" may maintain his A6lIon, Trayeffe upoi> and traverle the fpecial matter alledged by the Dc- * Tfavafp. fendant ; and fo in fuch a cafe a traverfe may be upon a traverfe, when falfity is nfed to ouil the Plalntitf of that benefit which the Law gives him. Pop. I o I . Paramour and Verrult* Cr. Eliz>. fo* 1 8. Error was brought to revet fe a Judgment given in the Kings-Bench in Ireland, in Debt for Rent. The Plaintiff^ decUred of a Leafe of Land in fuch a Parifh in the Suburbs of Dublitt^ on nthil debet^ the Venire Facias was from the faid Paridi in Civi- tate Dublin^ and Judgment there pro Quer. It was afTigned for Error, bccaufe the Land lies in the Sub- Land lies Fh ^he urbs of the City, and the Vevire Facias was from a ^"''"'"''s. and PariOi in the City. Per Cur. It is all one, for the ^''p^^^'j^^^^^^^ Suburbs are always within the Franchife of the ciry. City, as Fleetfir^et within the Suburbs of London. Holmes and Sanders. H.lz & XT,. Car. B. R. Action on the cafe was brought in IVmdfor Court, upon a promlfe, Plainritf declares, that ^x Windfor within the Jurifdi6lIon of the Court, in confideration the Plaintiff alTamed to draw with four Horfes 1 500 l^yles from anHoufe In Phdfy mCGm.Bucktf to the top of Hedlj HilL Ibid, the Defendant pro- [f j^ fjjg Decla- mifed to pay 5 /. Tho the Defendant pleads non ration the aj]nmpjit, yet the Court cannot proceed to try it ■'1'^" sppeais upon this Declaration, becaufe it appears in the De- ^^ ^^ '" ^"°" claration that H^^/y-Hili, the Houie to which, c->'c/i;'',, ^J"' . . * ^ 1 r I . T I the jury cannot are m the County whereor this Jury cinnot take t,y it. conusance* 1 Kols y^bndg. 5ZJ.5'. IverHone. A(5):ion was brought in the Court of Bath in the Words. County of Somerfet, lor fcandalous words againft a Taylor, and declared that he ufed to work for di- .^ versPerfons inhabiting within ihe Ciry aforefaidjas well as within the Kingdom of Englavd\ Thou yj^r\^^\^iQQ kafi fiohn Of mnch Cloth ok; of mj Suit as will K % ?»ake maki thy li'tfe a IVaflcoat ; by which he loft his fald Cuftomcrs. The Defendant pleaded not gull- ry, yet the Court cannot try it upon this Declarati- on ;"for the Jury upon the Trial ought to give Damages for the lofs of Cuflomers out oi the Ju- rifdiction of the Court. Sttwell and Ireland, i Rol. Ahridg. 546. Action on the Cafe was brought in the Mayors ar/orY Court in Oxford. Plaintiff declares, that in conii- deration the Plaintiff would buy or procure to be .bought Wines in London., and convey them to Oxon to the Dcfendant^to be paid by him, the De- fendant affumes at Oxford to pay to the PJaiiuiff the Money expended by him for tiie Wines and Carriage, and the Moyety of the clear Profit co- Courts rannoc ming by the Sale. Defendant pleads non ajfuwpft^. try affitrnp/if, ^ht Court o^Oxon. cannot tryitjbecaufe they can- becaufc they not enquire of the performance of the coniiderati- c:naot enquire r W 1 • 1 r j ^ t_ of the perfor- "" '^^ Damages which are pcrrormed out of the mance of the Jurirdi.45'- Litlehury and JViight. The Mayor and Commonalty o^ Exeter brought Debt agalnft S. for 60 /. by them impofed upon him for refufmg to take the Oath and make the Declaration required in the Statute of i 5 Car.r. for the better Government of Coi-pprations, and declare that he was ele<5ted Bailiff of the Corporation for one year according to their Charter, in which is a Debt .and Bine power to Freemen for refuel to accept of the Offi- ^o'' rcfefing to ces, and that by his refuful the Ele^lon ^"^^'^^^ ""^^^ T q^^^' void, and aver, that the Bailiff ufually expends 6d /. ' ' in his Office ; and for his refufal he was fined 60 /. for which the Aftlon is brought, and on nil debet Verdi6l and Judgment in fi.i?. and Error brought in Scac. and afligned that the Srat. i ^ Car. 1. does not enable to impofe any Fine, but only makes the Office void. But pr Cur. the refual of the Oath E 2 is '54 €l)c tm of Co?po^atiou£(* isby ameaiisaicfuralof the OHicc, and To within their power given by their Cliartcr to fine for re- fufal to accept of the Office, and the Judgment was affirmed. 5 Lev. i 1 6. Star againlt the Mayor and Comnionalty of Exeter. Demurs gene- Debt on obligation verf. Execut. who pleads that rallj bccaufc j^ (^-^^^ J)om. Regis de recorJo tent. 4 dte Noz/ewb. flitws iot hv ^^^'^ Rei^ni Dom. Regis nunc i\ apud Gmldbally what Authority ^'i'^Kat. Noxwich coram A- &" B. VicecorMitibus e- the Court was jufdeM civttads, L. brings Debt upon Bond ngainft ^^^^^' him for 60c /.and Recovers,and Pleads,/)/c«tf ^^//w/- nip ^c. Plaintiff demurs generally, and Judgment for him, bccaule fhe Defendant doth not ffiew by what Authority the Court Was lield, by Prcfcripti- on. Grant, oroTherwife,according to the Relolution \n Turner sQ^iicy ^ Rep. ^ Levin, l^i. Jones a.r\d Atoldrtc. Ajjumpfit in London^ for depafturing an Horfc at Pafturc in the County of E£ex j the Defendant pleads in Bar a former A6lion brought in the She- riffs Court in Londcn for the fame depafturing, and Judgment there for the Defendant ; the Plaintiff Holding Pica Of replies, That the caiife of- A(5lion aro(c in Ej[ex, out xn^xtcxjxtra ^^ the Jurifdiaion of the Sheriffs Court, upon which jHriautiomm j|^^ Defendant demurs generally. P^r C«r. the Plea in Bar is naught; for if the Sheriffs Court there holds Plea of matter, extra Jurifdi^ionem, their Judg- ment is void, and cannot be executed. 3 Lev. x 54.- Micoe and Alcrris. judgment tjpon In JJlumffit Defendant pleads two feveral At- Attachment :n tachments of Money in London^ viz,, one for part midc tistYa ?«- *^^ Money due to himfelf upon Obligation, and for rildiCliontrr, the refidue upon an Obligation to a Stranger. Plain- voiHable by tiff replies, That the two feveral Obligations upon V;ca, which the Attachments were made, were extra 'JuriJ'- dict"* curie de London. Defendant rejoyns that the Obligation to himfelf made was made infra Jurif- MHiJ'tm cur. de lend, Plaintiff demurs, and Judg- ment C&c Lain of Co^po^ationj^. S9 ment> pro Quer. for Judgment of a thing out of their Jurifcji Aion is abfblutely void, and advantage of this is to be taken in pleading, without reverfal by Writ of Error, i Rol. 809. and here the Re- joynder does but anfwer to part of the Replication, therefore the Plaintiff ought to have Judgment fpr all. 5 Lev. aj. Frampton zndFettis. Mayor and Commonalty o^ London declare of Cadomof Lotf a Cuftom that they and their PredecelTor?, Mayors, ^'"^ *°J. ^^^T- d^c. have had of every Mafter of a Ship 8 d. per bfoiJht into' Tun for every Tun of Cheefe brought from any t^g por^ ^^^ii, place In England to the Port of London^ ab orien- out confidcra- tie de Londcv-hndge^ in name of Wheyage,and that i>on. the Defendant being Mafter of a Ship, had brought to the Port of London fo many Tuns, which at that rate amounts to fb much, and had not paid it j and upon non aJJ'umpfitj Verdift and Judgment, pro Quer. a Writ of Error was brought by the Defen- dant. I. That the Action does not lie againft the Mafter, but the Duty is due by the Merchants, Owners of the Goods, fed non alloc, for the Mafter is trufted with the Goods, and hath recompence of the Merchanrs for carrying the Goods; and it would be endlefs to fearch after the Owners of the [everal Goods, 2. Here is not any confideraiion for the Duty. But per Cur. having liberty to bring them to the Port, which is a place of Safety, is good confidera- tion, and the Mayor and Commonalty of London have the view and corre6lion of the River of Thames J by the Statute of 4 Ediv.i{.. ^ Lev.' 37. Mayor and Commonalty of London^ verf. Hunt in Camera Scaccarii. Error of a Judgment in Inferior Court in Ajjum- i^^eh'' afumpp pfit for Wares fold, becaufe he faith mdehttatAnfra '^^^^'^^' V'^ JurifdiBionem for the Wares, and faith not they ^^'A^ "^unf" were fold infra JufdiB. and by the Multitude of ^,v7/»wfw. Prefidcnts that had been (o, Judgment was reverfed ; but otherwlfe Hale and IVtld held it well enough. E 4 1 Liv. f« Homan Figurci in PlcaHing in Infcijor Court« good. Pica of Frank- Tenant not wirhouc Wiir, Cbnfidcratioa. jtfumpjt$ in HUB. €be Lato of Cojpojntion^J. t Levins 87. Han flip and Coater, p. zf Car. x. S. R. Error of Judgment in £xtfer-Courr, foi that in the Award of the Venire Fac. \i was ^r^ecept. eft ptr Curiam cfuod Ventre Fac. X!I. in Figures, but be- ing Roman Figures per Cur. it i$ good enough ; o- therwife had i. been thu"; 1 1, in fiugliih Figures: And the Judi'mtnt was atHrmed. x Lcvms 1 01. Hawkins and Milh. Error of a Judgment in Dower in the Court of Newcaftle upon 7>«f, for that ic was a Plaint with- out a Writ, for Pleas of Freehold may not be held without Original Writ, ■^ Cro. 101. and yex ihtir C uftom is alkdged to hold them wirhout 0;i^inal, which is not laid fo here. Hale dubita'vn if a Cu- ftom had been alledged ; for in London (hey hold AfTizesof frefh Force ^er Cuftom without Original. But their Cuftoms are confirmed by the Star. R. x. And he (aid Aflizes of frefh F'orce are held in other places by Cuftom. But Judgment was reverfed. z Levins 1x5. Lcmax and Armorer. In yl/l'ump/rt in Inferior Court the Confideratiori was, that the Plaintiff fhould foUicit a Caufe in Chancery^ the Court revcrft the Judgment there (or want of Jurifdi£tion. l Ventr. x8. Barklej and Tatn. Ajjumpfit in Hull., the Plaintiff declared that there being a Communication between the Plaintiff and Defendant concerning an Houfc which was faid to beat jy« * €be lata of Co^po^ationj?^ ro be out of the Juri^d'6lIon (viz, ) at Tf which fhall not be intended to be within the Jur:fcii(5tiun, LMtlcfs it be (b furmized ; and it was (aid whatever thing may be travelled in Inferior Courts (hall not be given in Evidence, nor (hall be fuppofed to be within their Jurifcii6tion. Std. 1 57. Drake and Beer. It is ftid in I Roll. Abr. 548. if a Bond be made out of the Jurifdiclion of the Court, though the Adlion brought upon it is tranfitory, yet fuch In- ferior Court hath not Jiirifdiftion o\ any thing which arifeth out of the Jurildidion, and therefore cannot hold Plea. Ricbardjun and Bernard. So it's faid Inferior Courts may not hold Plea of Obligation, Battery, or other tranfitory A<^ions, unlefs it be within the Jurifdi :tion ot the Court ; for the Court is limited to things arlfing within thejurifdiflion, ^ for it's the common Pradlice of fuch Courts other- wife, CovtntrjZwxt. Error of a Judgment in Coventry : Error affign- cd was, becaufe the Judgment being by nihil dicit in Debt was dilcontinued, for the Continuance was taken until the next Court, which is uncertain, as Uifcontjnu^ncc. in Dier xSt. But it was anfwered. That in Coven- try there is no day certain for the keeping their Courts, for fbmctimes it is held within a Fortnight, and fometimcs within three Weeks. Judgment affirmed. Cro.Jac. 154- JeJJonznt^ Laxon. Officer of an Inferior Court when he juflifies by Proceedings there, ought ro (hew the Jurifdi<5tion cither by Prefcription or Charter j and if by Char- ter, there ought to be a Vrofert in Cur. of the Let- ters Paienti. But if the Plea be pleaded by a Stran- ger, it is not requifite for the Impoflibiliry. i Crook ^6. per Twtfden^ but Windham contra^ no Man is bound froferre his Letters Patents, except in Cafe of Quo PVarranto. He which jufl'.fics as Ju- ftice Where one is bound proferre Literas Patcn^ tit. ^(}e lLaU3 of Cojpo^atioim. ^i ftice ot Peace need not (hew his Commiffion. i Sid. 511. fVbate and Alprt. Error of a Judgment in Colcbejter, for that in ^jj'umffit the Verdi^asi. brought Summer AIT. Suff. 1 699. by the Town of Ip/wich for 50/. a Fine (et on one chofcn Common Council Man (called there PrImQ Conflable) for refufing u renounce the 6^ C&e KLalu of Co?po,>nt(on0^ the Covenant, &c. and the Town-CIcrIc (though a Freeman) w;is allowfd a Wirnefs ro prove Ele- ction, Refufal, &c. and the Fine fer ; which is for neceffity, for that none orhcr are or ought to be prelent at thofe A6h. Raivsford Jufi. Per Hale Chief Jallice, Norfolk Summcr-AJJi- z,eiy 1668. A Freeman of Lyvrte is not an allow- ableWitnefs ro prove the Cuftom o^ Foreign Bought and Foreign Sold in that Town. Hanvick contra Twels. In a Tryal at Bar, where an Eflate for Life is limited to J. S. the remainder to the Poor of the Parift o( Greemvichf by Will ; the Inhabitants of Greenwich were allowed to be Witnefles to prove the Will. Townjtnd and Roane. I M. 165' 8. B. R. NotC'i In A6lion by Dean and Chapter, Mayor and Commonalty, Brother to one of the Commo- nalty, e^c. is a good Challenge. Intormation innature ot^ Quo Warranto for taking Member* of a a Half- penny fer Chaldron for all Sea-Coals im- Corporation ported to London. The Defendants prcfcribe for Tif Q)?or'a^°' the Duty, and Iflue upon the Prefcription tryed at cio^n ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^'"* '^^^ Defendants produced feveral Citi- zens, Free-men of London^ to prove the Prefcripti- on ; and it was objedied they ought not to be Wit- nefles e^uiain propria Caju* But per Cur. it ap- pearing that the Mayor and Sheriffs have all the Profit of this Toll, ahhough to the Benefit of all the Corporation, whereof all the Citizens and Frcc-» men are Members, yet they have not any particu- lar Profit thereof to themfelves, they were fworn as Teftimonies ; for it fhall not be intended that they would be partial for (6 fmall Adv^antage, and fo remote, i Le-vin. a; i ♦ the Kingagainft the Mayor, Citizens and Commonalty of London. AiStion C6e %m oC Co^pa^ationi?. ^3 Aftion on the Cafe was brought, for that the Plaintiff being an Alderman of Canterbury f and ptK out of his Place, and had fued a Mandamus to be reftored, The Defendant, falfo^ ^c. procures a Return to be made in the Name of the Mayor, Al- dermen and Commonalty of Canterbury^ and fet out all the Return in bac verba^ and the Falfity of it, by which he loft his Place. At the Tryal the De- fendant produce (even Free.men of Canterbury as TefUmonies for him to prove the Verity of the Re- turn ; to which it ' was objected, that they ought not to be received becaufe they were Free men of Canterbury ; and produce a By-Law there made, that this Return was ordered to be made at the Charges of the Corporation ; to which the Defen- dant's Council (hewed a Releafe, by which the De- fendant had releafcd to the Mayor, d^c. all Ad- vantages and Demands which he hith by this or any other Order^ aut alio modo quccun^; and per Raimford & Twifden, the Teftimonies were refu- fed to be fworn, and the Jury gave Verdiy Statute, as WnUi, then k n^e4 not be (et forth. Jud|(tmenc was reverfed. Letcb^ x^p. M)n ^. Qidlf. 5,8 3. Gun- Ut\ Cafe. Battery in r/i/woMt-^^Court before the Mayor and Bayliiffs ^here^ and Not Guilty pleaded; butafter- "v/nrds the llfu* was waved, and Judgment was gi- ven for the Plaintiff i and a Writ to eniquire of Da- mages, was awarded to the Serjeant ot the Mace, that by rhe Oath of twelve he fliould enquire ; and the Writ was made returnable at the next Court before theMayor and Bayliff,and upon aWrit of Er- ror broughtjic appeared by the Record certified, that Enquiry of Da- the Writ to enquire of Damages was taken before mage, before t^g Mayor of Plimotttbj who was alfo Judge of the * Court, and for that Caufe reverfed. For the Writ warrants the Enquiry to be before the Serjeant of the Mace, who by the Writ for that purpofe is made a diflin(5t Officer; and fb a Judgment to recover thofe Damages taxed before a wrong Officer, to whom the Writ was not dire6fed^ is erroneous. I Brownl. 105. Baylt and Aioon. Error of a Judgment in, liTor cefier- Courts for that the Declaration was, R. H% ijueritur verfus H^ Field de placito quod reddat ei, 20 I. cjuai ei de- bit (^ injufie detmet. Et unde idem efi^er^ per M. Cicit omitted Attorn, fuum cjuod cum pr^d. Def. C)^C: Per. Cur. in the Declara- This is no Declaration for want of the Wor-d (dicit) ^''^- objected, that auer. may be iijrendfd efm^ntur, and then it is, Unde idem quentur ; ytt th>5 will nat aid it, for then it is not ccrt-ain co what ihii. Word tdt^n fhali ^()e urn of Co^poiation^; % (hall refer, and it (hall be fald to refer to the De- fendant, bccaufe it i$ prox. anteceJens. Telv. 105, Field and H«xir. CAP. V. Stile in a Corporation-Court. of the Stile in a Corporation-Court , and wbai Mijlakes are Error or not. In Inferior Courtis the Authority whereby they are hsld, and the. Names of the Judges before whom they ought to be exprejfed. No Judgment tn a ferfonal A6iion before Appearance. No Platfit can be entred but at a Courts The Plaint is as the Original at Cemmon Law^ and how the firH Entry ought to be. Of the Court of Piepowders* By Cuftdm may bold Plea of Bonds, &c. Court by Prefctiptioii Not taken away by the Ring^s Confirmation. Of Bail in Infirior Corporations to appear. Woo may take fuch Bail. Bail to pay the Condemnor tion or to render the Body. Before whom to b$ taken and why. ERROR of a Judgment in Leice^er in hr- 6lion Jur Cafe^ becaufe the Stile of the Court was, Placita coram J. S. Majore^ & J oh. Chapman Recordatore, & J. D. & J- N Mdermannis Burgi fradtcH jecundnm confuetudi' nem Burgi pradicl. and a Plaint being entred uport a Summons, a Non eff inventus was returned ac S Court holden coram dtBo J.S. Majore, & J. N. & J, £>. yHdermannis Secundum Confuetudinem Bur^ gi pradi^. &c omitring the Recorder, which was F obje(5t«d ^ t^jt Lalt) of Co^po^atfon0« obje<5led to be coram non Judife. Sed fer Cur. it may be, that at the firft Court holden the Re- corder was there, and at the fecond Court he was abfent, and the Court is well held by Cuftom there before the Mayor and two Aldermen. Cro. Car, J71. Bryan and Wikes. Error of a Judgment In Debt in Com. B. becaule the Judgment was that the Mayor^ Commonalty and Citizens of London fhould recover the Debt and fix Pounds for Cofts, eidcm Majori & Commu- mtati (omitting Ctvthui) ; and fo no fuch Cor- poration, was held to be Error, but it was amended afterwards. Cro. Car. 574. Anne Healing^s Cafe. Adiion on Elcape, and declares he delivered a Writ to the SherifJF of Nottingham^ who made a Warrant to the BaylifF of the King's Liberty of Newark to execute it j which Warrant was deli- vered to one L. Deputy of the Lord Burleigh-, Bal- livo Libertatts Dom. Regis Wapentagti fui de Nif- warkt who arrefts him, and the Defendant refcued him out of the Cuftody of the faid Deputy. He (aith he was refcued from the Deputy of the BaylifF of the Franchifc j and does not fay, from the Bay- iiff himfelf or the Sheriff. Per Cur. it's good. For in this A6tion on the Cafe he (hall fhew the Truth as it is in rti veritate, and it's not like the Returns of Refcues on Indidments, which fay, it was done to the Sheriff or Bayliff himlelf. It was moved for Error, 2. Becaufe it is alledged the Lord Burleigb was Ballivus Liberutis Dom.Regii de NewarkyZnd the King cannot have any Liberties, for they are cxtin6l when they are come into his Hands, fed non allocatur : For the King may have fuch Liberties by the Suppreflion of Abbeys (which are not extin<^ but revived per Stat. 31 H. 8.) or by fbme other ways ; and it fhall not be intended to be extin6t unlefsit be (hewed : and the Bayliff of a Liberty may well have a Deputy. Cro. Jac. 14-1. Kent and EUwtSo. Defcn< Cfje Latu of Coipo^atfonis. ^y Defendant juftifies by Procefs to the Bailiff out of the Court of the Honour of P. ?.nd does not (hew any Proceft was returned, which being an imme- diate Officer ought to be fhewed ,♦ contra of arr un- der Officer. 1 Keb. I '^6. Hay v/ood ^nd Wood. It is /aid in Telv. in MoufehCafe, That if an In- ferior Court hold Plea, and in the Stile of the Court it doth not appear how they hold it, (viz>.) per Charter or Prefcription, the Proceedings in this Plea are erroneous, and all which follows upon it ; For all Jurifdiillon to hold Plea refts in the Crown, and therefore it ought to be afcertained to the Court of the King how this Power is derived from the Crown, and this was adjudjged upon a Record re- moved out oi Grave fend. Telv. f. 46. The Stile of the Court was, Placita coram Ma- jore-i d^c. VirtHte Liter arum Patent ium H. 6. yet the iffuing out Procels and filing Bail was en- tred Secundum Confuetudinem Cur. and cited i Cra 145. Long and NeathercoaisQ^Se^ where the lame matter was held to be Error, for the Court being held within time of Memory could have no Cuftom to warrant the Proceedings, fed non allocatur ; for it is according to Law and the juft Courle of the Court. X Ventr. "jz. Bernard's Cafe. Error of a Judgment in Burton upon Trent. The firft Error affigned ore tenus, becaufe it Was not (hewn in the Stile of the Court, by what Autho- rity it was held, {vtz,.) by Charter or Prefcription. Thefecond Error, becau^ the Stile of the Court is Coram Senefchallo d^ Ballivo Domini Paget ; and he doth not (hew their Names. Per Cur. they are J^J" AuSoIT Errors incurable. Eor in thefe Inferior Courts the ,yf^5reby rhcy Authority whereby they are held, as Kkewife the are hdd, and Names of the Judges before whom, ought always the Names of to be exprefled ; otherwKe the King's Courts can- ^^^ ]"«<§« be- not take Conuftnce ot their Authority, ii Ed. 4. 8 ought to b" Cro. Jac. 184. J err at and Caldwell ^ Co in Jobnfon pceired. F i and 6%^ C&e Lalu oC Co^po^attonisf. and Underwood'' s Cafe, Cro. Jac. 49^. Error of a Judgment in Leicefler in y^jfum^fity becaufe in the Stile of the Court it doth not appear by what Au- thority the Court was held, whether by Cullom, or by Virtue of Letters Patents from the King. Ef j>er Cur. the Juri(dl6lion ought to be (hewed. In a Writ of Error upon a Judgment given in an Inferior Court, if the Stile of the Court be enter'd in this manner. Coram y. S. Majore d^ les Bur- gejjes Burgi pr^edtct. and faith not, fecundum Con- Juetudinem ViUoi fradici. This is Erroneous, for it ought to appear to the Court where the Record is removed by Writ of Error, That they had Pow- er to hold Plea either by Prefcription or Charter, Bowman and Hickjon's Cafe, i Rcls j^j^. Entring of Plaints and Appearance. 'O Judgment ought to be given againft the Defendant in a Perfonal A^ion before Ap- pearance ; for before that time he may not make default, otherwife it is in real Actions. The Entry in Replevin in the Court of Wtndfor ('being a Three Weeks Court^ was the 7 th of May and the Plaintiff afterwards did declare of taking the Cattel the x5th of May. Per Cur. it is Error, be- cause no Plaint can be enter'd but at a Court, and this Entry of the Plaint was mefne between the Court- day, and fo the Declaration is not warranted, no Cuftom being alledged to maintain fuch an Entry. Codb. z66. I Rols Rep. 238. Writ ot Error was brought upon a Judgment given in Leicefter in Debt.It was afligned for Error, becaufe in that Suit there was not any Plaint ; for in all Inferior Courts the Plaint is as the Original at the Common Law, and without that no Procefs can ififue •, and here upon this Record nothing is cntred • but only that the Defendant Summcnttus ftitt^ ^c. and thefiril Entry ought to be AM.qmr.vnjsC. &c. Per N Cbe lauj of Co^iui^atton^* 69 Per Cur. a Plaint ought to be entred before a Procefs ilTue forth ; and this Summons which is entred here is not any Plaint. Judgment was reverfed. I Leorii 501. Sa'vage and Knight. The Mayor and BurgefTesof Derlfy brought their Adion as Mayor and Bayliffs of the Town of Derby y ^ ejufdem Burgenfes Villa : This is no fuch mifnoraer as to abate the Writ ; for it is all one in Subftance. Cck. Entr. ^^i. Vide fupra Jurifd. The Court of Pie-Fowders. PRoperly a Court of Pie- Powders Is for Fairs and Markets, and for Caufes arifing within tairs and Markets, and not for any other. But pr Cur' a Court of Pie- Powders is fb termed for the /peed thereof, and may be by Cuftom in Villages g p a or Burroughs for any Caufes, as Debts upon Bond, or otherwife: For they are Courts raifed by Cu- ftom and Prefcrlption, and may be for any Caufes done at any time, being tranfitory and perfbnaL And fo they be in divers Cities, as in Brifiolj Glou- cefier, Mich. 8 Jac. Rot, 146. IVhite and Hunt, where fuch a Judgment in Glouce^er was affirmed to be good^ Cro, Car. 45 Hodges Cafe, HiU. % i El. Perd and Chambers. Such a Cuftom in Camerburji And the Cafe of Goodfon and Duffield. Cro. yac. ; I 5. in Rochefier in Debt upon Bond, and the Record there was, Curia Dom. Regis pradt^i. pul' verifati tent"* apud Civitat* Roffens coram Adajore C^ duobus concivibus fecundum Confuef Civitat* a tempore cujus, &c. ac fecundum jHrivileg' (^ Li- bertat* &c. concejfa (^ confirmatay d^c. and it was afligned for Error, that this Stilc of the Court, that it is by Cuftom of the King and his Progenitors, cmcejja (^ confirmata, <^c. is repugnant in it felf, for the Charter determines the Prefcription. Sed nDn allocatur^ for a Court being by Prefcription is F 3 not 70 C6c laiu of Co^po^n(olt0♦ Court by Pre- not taken away by the Granrs and Confirmations fcription rot ^f Kings ; but they may u(e their Charters as Con- taken away by j^fj„^(jfjp,5 q^ ^g Grants, or may claim thofe Liber- rhe King sLon- . , r^ /> . . • i a a- i \ ^t firmation ^'^^ ^Y Prt^'cnption, notwjthltandmg luch Charters. Another Error afTigncd ore tenus^ was, That the Court beine (as it is in the Stile of the Court) coram Ma»cre ^ dttohHi C^nctvtbus, the l^emre Facias is made returnable coram J . S. Majore vel Deputato meo d^ coram Justus Concivibui at fuch an Hour, which is not good : For it doth not appear that ei- ther by Cuftom or Charter, the Miiyor might make a Deputy, or that Proccfs fhould be returnable bc- Jore a Deputy ; and therefore the Venire Facias is mliawarded, and not aided by the Stat, o^ Jeofaylty and the Court inclined to that Opinion, The Court being ftiled a Court of Pie-Powders (which is a Court incident to Fairs and Markets, and for Cau- fes only arifing wichin them) (hali not be intendtd a Court, unlels it be fliewn to be held by Charter or Prefer iption. Cro. Car. 46. 0/ Bail in Inferior Corporations and Franchifes. o J N E was arrefled by Precept of the BailifF of a Franchifc, and the Bailiff put the Party to Bail to give ^^^'^ ^or his Appearance j and at the day, the Party Appearance. arrefted was demanded and made default j and Jadg- ment was prefently given againft him. Quia defalk tarn fecit. Quare, U giv^ing Bail to Appearance (hall be taken for an Appearance P And admitting that it be, then Judgment ought to be entred by Nihil df at, and not per Defalt am fecit. Sid.p.-^z. Burq-es and T teres. fir Th€ C6e latu of Co^poiatioitief. yt The Serjeant fin London) upon tender of Bail is Tender of Baii. not bound to let the Party at large_, unlefs the She- riff ftnd a Warrant teftifying this to him. f^iJe fup, Percivall and Samon\ Cafe. Scire Facias againft the Defendant as Bail for one L. in an A^ion brought in Lynt It was a Debt for 70 /. Captas iflued out againft Z,. direlote^ Upon fuch Procefj, Bail is requirable ol what nature (bever the Adion be. Then the Bail being taken by any Judge of the Where to be lame Court, muft be entred in the (ame Prothono- enfed' taries Office, where the faid Writ of Priviledge or Habeas Corpus ifllied and was fued out. When a Caqfe is removed out of an inferior Court, the Plaintiff or his Attorney in fuch Caufe ought duly to enter their Caveats for good Bail with all the Jufllces of this Court. And the Attorney for the Defendant which would remove any fuch caufe_j piujt give notice to the Plaintiff or his Attorney In the inferior Court of the time when the Bail fhall be put in, and of the names of the faid Bail, and where 74 ^6e latu of Coipoiatfotttf. where they live, and (hall make Affidavit of fiich notice ; and if the Plaintiff or his Attorney will not Kxco^silon to attend to take exception to the Bail at the time of Bail. the taking thereof, nor within fourteen days after, then the faid Bail (hall be forthwith filed. Nahas CorpM Note^ That Writs of Habeas Corpus directed to when return- the inferior Courts of Londin and fVefimtnfier, *^'^ SoMthwarky and other Courts within five Miles of London^ may be returnable immediately ; and if the Defendant intendeth to be bailed thereupon, or v/ithin four days after allowance of the faid Writ, the day of which allowance being indorfed by fuch Officer as allows the fame on the back of the faid Writ, notice is to be given in writing of the Names and Addition of the faid Bail, the time when, and the Judge before whom the fame is to be put in, to the Wainriff or his Attorney, or him that caufes the Plaint to be entred ; or if none can be found, then notice of the Premifes to be left in writing with the chief Clerk of tht inferior Court or his Depu- tjf by the Party that tenders the Bail or his Attor- ney and Oath made thereof, otherwiie the Bail not to be taken, and a Procedendo granted, if defired, before Bail accepted, that if no Bail in (uch cafe be put in within eight days after the Habeas Corpus al- lowed in thofe Courts, when it is returnable imme- dtate^ a Procedendo may be granted by any Judge of this Court (C B.) if defired, before Bail taken. And if Bail be taken in the abfence of the Plain- Bail de hem t'ff or his Attorney, the fame is to be taken de bene ife. fjfet and if no Exception be taken within twenty days after notice given to the Plaintiff or his At- torney of the names of the Bail, and before whom taken ; then upon Oath made of fuch notice, the Bail to be delivered out to be filed. NotCy That if Bail upon an Habeas Corpus be taken before a Judg at his Chamber, and not ex- cepted againft ; if it be not filed within four days — after ^6e Lato of CTo^po^atfon^^ 7^ after the twenty days, a "Procedendo may be granted Pmtdtnd: upon a Certificate that it is not filed. All Writs of tiabeat Corf us returnable in Court, are to be re* turnable at a day certain. Upon a Caufe removed by Habeas Corpus out of the Courts oi Canterbury,, Southamptoti^ Hull^Litch- Upon Haheas field or Tooly which are Counties where the Judges Corpus where , of NtfiPrius feldom come ; if the Aftion be tran- ^^^ .^^*°" «• fitory it muft be Laid in the County of Kent^ Southawptonj Torky Stafford or Dorjety where the Town and County lyeth. By the Statute xi Jac. c. 15. It is ordered, Thar no Writ of Habeas Cor pus y Cert tor ariy or any No Writ to rc- other Writ other than Writs of Error or Attaint "«»' a Suit com- fued forth from any of his Majeftys Courts oiJVefi- [JJ^^"^^^^ ^^^^^^ ntinfter^ or the Courts of the grand Seflion oiWales^ ^^U ^c obeyed' to ftay or remove any A6lion, Bill, Plaint, Suit, or unlefi it be dc- Cauie brought commencing or depending in any livercd to the Court or Courts of Record within any City,Liberty Steward.d-c of or Town Corporate, which have any Jurifdiaion, [he fame Court r. At. 1 ij !->! • • K n.' before IfTuc or Power, or Authority to hold Plea m that Action, Demurer rc^. Plaint, Suit, or caufe, the fame caufe of A6lion, joyned. Plaint or Suit arifing or growing within the fame Liberty, City, Town-Corporate, or Jurifdiflion, (hall be received or allowed by theStewards,Judge, or Judges, or Officer or Officers of the Court or Courts wherein, or to whom any fuch Writ or Writs fhall be dire6led and delivered, but that he and they may proceed to the faid Caufe, as tho no fiich Writs were fued forth or delivered to him or them, except that the iaid Writ or Wrirs be de- livered to the Steward, Judge or Officer of the faid Court before ifl'ue or demurrer joyned in the faid Caufes fo depending in fijch Court, inferior Court of Record having power to hold Plea, fo as the faid Jffue or Demurrer be not joyned within fix Weeks next after the Arrefl or Appearance of the Defen- dant or Defendants to fuch At, ad tunc d^ ibtd ajJUmpfit to pay quantum meruit, the promife upon this Declaration ihall be taken to be made at London^ which is the next an- tecedent, and fo out of the Jurifdidlion of Rtddiug, and the Judgment given ht ^eddmg was reverled. zRqL Abridg. ^^^. Ac 8o Cbc ILaU) of CoipoiattOHEf* At the Nifi Prws the Bayliffs of a Village may flicw a Charter, that to try Contracts, d^c. within the Village, the Inquelt fhall be all of Denizens, without Foreigners, and this fhall be allowed, and the Foreigners fhall be oufted. 29 J^J/i I 5. So may the Burgcfles who are put upon a Jury out of the Burrough, if they have liich a Charter. 30 ylf I. Statute 1 7 £/;;t. ^*'^» The Statute I7 El. c. 6. or 35 H. 8. of & ^s U.i. 10 thelufficicncy of Jurors extend not toCities, Towns what Jurors it Corporate, or other priviledged Places, (b that they fhall extend, (hall be returned as they lawfully might have been. The Vemre in ^^^^. J^ Stat. W. and M. a Burrough. j^ inferior CoLirts within Burroughs, the Venire Fac* is Quod Ventre Fac iz libera Burgenfes Bur- gi (^ farochte tJe B. altho there may be twelve Bur- gelTcs which are not Inhabitants. Rol. i. 6il. In Debt upon a Bond in London, the Defendant pleads an ufuriousContrad in ^4rw;ic^ .The Plain- tiff repliej, the Bond was made upon good confide- yenue. ration, ahfoj-^ bocj that it was made for fuch usuri- ous Contract ; the Tryal fhall be in IVarivick, for the Bond is confeffed, and the Ufury in Warwick isonly in Queftion. CrC^. igy. In JjfuMp/it laid at London in Warda de Cheapo the Ventre was Parocbia de Arcuhus in Warda de Cheap, whereas no Parifli before was mentioned in the County. Per Cur^ the Venire was ill laid in the f'entre. County, for a Venire Facias may be of a Town, Parifb, Mannor, or other place known, but not of an Hundred or Ward, i Cro. 16$. The Parrfh in London is in lieu of a Village, and the Ward O'f Pailfh and an Hundred. Rol.x. C. 611. 621. 7;^ Tryal. Ward in Low- Where the Vifne is laid to be at a City, in A-e Defendant rejoyned, that rh» 8x Trial fer Pan. per the Mouth ol the Recorder. T'tal in the County r;(.xc actjoyniiig. From wiicncc a yemre to be a awarded, if the Tryal concern the Corporati- on, €f)c Lntu of Cor;o?atfon0* Cuftom extended to hlni aS well as to Strangers i up- on which Iffue was joyncd. And, 1, Refblved, That the I flue fhould be tryeJ, per Pais, and not by tlie Vlouthof the Recorder, btcaule he certified nothing but what the Mayor and Aldermen dlre(5t, who are con- cerntd in the Caufe. 2. That the Fenire fhould not be awarded to the Sheriffs of London nor Mtddlefex^ becaufe the Tryal there are by Freemen, but it fball be to the County next adjoyning, viz,, to the She- riff of 5«rre/. So where any City is concer- ned, the Vcmrf FaciM fhall not b-.- dirc6lcd to Officers of the City, but to the County next adjoyr.ing. Hoh.^^. Stiles i^y. Merely i. I s Ed. 4 I 8. Note-t It was adjudged Error in an inferior Court that the Venire Facias was awarded fecundum confuetud. curiae, which ought to be per Cur. Read verf. Moor. M. i65'o. B.R. If it be ailedgcd that the Mayor, Bayliffs, and Citizens of Ibr^, until the I R. i. que anffo, they were incorporated by the name of Mayor, Sheriffs and Citizens, u/i fuere, foreign bought and foreign ioldf&c. And this prescription is traverfed : The Ve- nire fliall be awarded to the Sheriff of the County of Tcrkf de vicineto Cajir^ Ebor"* quod fuit proxime cdjacm civitat* Ehorn* for that the Sheriffs and Corone] s of the City were Citizens. I 597. Dier xj^. fb is 3 i Jjfiz,e 17 concern the Mayor and Commonalty the Array (liall be all of Forreigners. In trefpafs of Grafs cut in the County of the City of Coventry, and the Iffue between them was, whe- ther the Mayor and Commonalty diffcifed the Defendant or not ; the Venire (hall be awarded to the Sheriff of IVarwickpire to make the Pannel. IS Ed. A, iS, If Rol. Abridg, if the iffue gf a Town, Cfjc lain of €o2Po?ationj5. 8j If a thing is alledged to be made apud Burgum Je Plymouth, yet the Feiiue comes from Plymoucb generajly, although the Village oi Plymouth extends further or narrower than the Burrough j for this h an antient Burrough,as the Defendant hath alledged in his Plea,but they fhall be intended to be all one. iRol. Abridg. 6^1. Jay brought an A6lion of Debt before the May- or of Shrewshurjy d^c. and declared upon a Bond, on Condition to pay Money at London, and ilTue there was joyncd upon the payment. And it was moved how this J flue fhall be tryed, viz. if it may be removed by Certiorari into the Chancery^ and thence by Mittimui into the Common-Picas^ and from thence fcnt into London robe tryed ; and when it is tryed, to be remanded back to Shrewsbury to have Judgment. Per Cur. in real Actions it may be fo, but otherwise in pergonal ; for fuch Actions may be faid cHewhere* A foreign Plea pleaded in London goes to the JurifHiAion, but upon a foreign Foreign Pica. Voucher in a Plea real, the Plea fhall be removed in Bank to try the Warranty, and afterwards fhall be remanded, i Lev. />. 37. J^f^ Cafe. In Actions on the Cafe, whereas the Plaintiff leni to the Defendant a Gelding to ride from Londin to Exeter, and there to deliver hira fafe to the Plaintiff., that the Defendant intending to deceive (he Plain- tiff, rode upon the faid Gedling from Lciuhn to Oxon^ and Ifom Oxon to London, and by that ri- ding he lb abufed the Horfe that he became of little TryaJ mhcrs value, and refufeth to deliver him, tho required at ^'^« Tor: is ^n& Oxon. Defendant on not Guilty, was found Guilty. "^^ ^'^f"^^ f^* Per Cur. the Tryal, de vicineto of Exo'ii. 13 well .j'^'"*''' "*'** enough, bccaufe the Tort is to be fbppofc-d to be done there, and not at London^ tho the Contract was at London. Cro. Car. lo. White and Pvifden, Error of a judgment in Neivberry. The Error afligned was, that in Affarip/it there the Defendant 84 Cbc Lato of Co?po2>ii(oni5. pleaded non Affumpfit^ yet the f^ettbe Facias was de Vtcmeto de biewbtrryy where it ought to have been de Nevberrj^ for they have not any Jirrifdicll^ De virinito de on out of Newberry^ 8 H. 5". i. But the Venire yiU. and the Facias is held good both ways, and tho the Corpo- Jurifditiion ex- ration do not extend their Turifdid^ion out of the tends not out of »r.,, , „ . _ -' , • j j J the Village Village, yet the Venire Facias being awarded de Vtantto de Newberry-, chofe of the Town may well be returned, and Judgment was affirmed. Crd. The Mayor and Burgefles of LiskarrelU in Cortt. ^c. were feized in Fee of three Water- mills in Liskarrelly praJ. and prelcribed tor them their Tenants and Farmers to have had a Watcrcourfe running from a place called Hedtrhridge'in Varcch. de L. frad. ufjj the faid Mills. They demifcd the Mills to the Plaintiff,and that the Defendant apud L. prad.hcvfjeenHeder bridge upon the faidsO'candthe faid Mills digged aTrench,and found pro Quer. Mo- ved in Arreft, that the Venue was from the Village of L. where it ought to have been from the Parifli Wiicre the Fa- of L. fed non allocatur^ for the Parifh of Z.. and the rini andViJlage Village of L. fliall be intended all one. Cro. Jae. Ihall be intend- ^r C rrr ti/- a ir r ^,\^^\ ^ 269. btr yV. Wrey auQ VeJ per. In Trefpafs and falfe Imprifonment at Brijioly if the Defendant juftlfy, for that time out of Memory, C^c. there hath been a Court of Record at Brifiol every Mondy before the Mayor, C^c. according to the Cuftom and Liberties of the City, and that ac- cording to the Cuftom y. S» levies a Plaint there againft the Plaintiff, upon which the Defendant being Serjeant there was commanded to arrell him, upon which the Plaintiff takes Iflue that jF. S. did not levy luch Plaint Prcut. ThisoUi2,ht to be tryed Tria] per Pais, per Pais and not by the Records for that matter of and Dot by Record is mixed with matter of Fail, -v/s:,. whether ^'^^^^^'' °^ ^^' the Court was held, and the Plaint levyed according to the Cuftom of the City, which is a matter of Faa, Cbe LaU) of Co^pojatfon^* ^s Fa6i iryable jjer Paist and the levying of a Plaint is like fuing out of an Original, which is not of Re- cord until the return of it into Court. Hoh. Peter and Stafford. At5Hon of Debt brought in Norwich upon Obli- gation made \p.Parochta S.Petri in Wardade Man- croft in Norwich, and the Defendant alledgeth the Cuftom of Norwich to be to give the true Debt to the Plaintiff, although it be upon Bond, and for this he prays it may be enquired de vera debit». This may be tryed de cor fore Comitatus deNorwich, for that tne Obligation 43 not in Queftion, but the Debt. ^ Rol. Ahridg.6i'j. Parmer and MeUbourn. If a thing be alledged in a Ward in the City of Where a thing Brifiol, the ^enue (hall not be de civitate but de '« aile^gcd in a T., 1 Ward, the tryal War da. ft 11 be de If a thing be alledged afud Plymouth^ in the old ifr^rda, and Town Ward, the Venue (hall be de Plymouth ge- ^^^ 4g Vitimtf. nerally ; this is good, tho in a Writ of Error upon luch Judgment in the Burrough Court it was a- warded, that there are three other Wards in the Bur- rough. 2 Rol. jihridg. 671. Buckbam and Lepper. If Iffue be upon a thing done in civitate Coven- Dt ricinete «= trie, orfuch other City, the Vifne de vicineto ci- vitatii, vitatis is good j for this doth not exclude the City, for this is a County of it felf, and may extend into many Villages, id. ibid. If an Adion be laid In Lyme by the Cuftom there, and Ifllie be there to be tryed, a Venire de vicineto De P^icimto. de Lyme Is good, tho it was objeiled that this ex- tends to the Neighbourhood, which is out of the Jurifdi£lion of the Court, for this is the common courfe in all fuch inferior Courts in England, x RoL Abridg. 62 J. Trover and Converfion for Money in the County of Ejj'exy and a Tryal at Bar appointed, the Recor- der of London moved that the Caule might be try- ed in Londvn, becaufe it concerned the Office of a G 3 Jud^e* 86: C()c tm of €o?po?aUon3. Judges place in the Sheriffs Court in Londov^ and infiltid it appeared by Affidavits in this Caufe, for changing the Venue, that the matter in Qjcftion aro(e v/ithin,and theCity and concerned in xi^Sednm alloc. I . Becaufe it doth not appear to the Court up- on Record, that the Caufe of A<^tionaro(e within the City, and AfTiJavlcs arc not fufficienc, being out of the Plf-adings. i, Becaufe this Prayer comes too late, being aiter IfTue joyncd. ^. Becaufe it appears by the fame AfTidavits that the City it felf is con- cerned, and that it is againft reafbn that they fhould t:y their own Caufe, but in an adjacent County. Hard. 117. Fro^/'^r and Philips. In Eje6tment by Leflee of a College, if the Jury find a Ipecial VerdI6t in this manner, vtz. that the College let this to yl. upon condition, and find a rpecial matter in Law, whether the Condition be broken, and that the College fuppofing the Conditi- on broken by their BaylifF, enter and let this to the Plaintiff, this is not a good fpecial Verdi61:, without finding of the Command given by the College to the BayliflF to enter to be made by Deed, for other- wife it is not good. 2 Rol. Abridg. 700. Du?nper and Siws. , If a Judgment be given by Nihil dicit, in infe- iw^'JL.*^ I'Jor Courts^ and the Record is returned, that the Writ of enquiry of Damages wa3/>er Sacramentum froborum d^ legaimWj omitting {hominum) this ig erroneoua. Damages. CAP. €;&e tm of Co?po2at(on0. 87 CAP. VIII. Judgment. Error. Certiorari not to he aivarded to an inferior Court ^ to certifie that 'which the Record ^ould ccrttfie. j^mendment. What Judgment (haU be given in a Writ of Error. The Entry of the Judgment^ hoiv to be. Error in FaH. Error in entring up the Judgment in inferior Court. Where, and tn what cafes Appearance aids the putting in the De- claration before Appearance ^ and tn what Cafes not. Suit on a Bill before time of Payment is Error. Action of Dower by way of Plaint in infe" rior Court y by the Cufiom of the Court is Error. Er- ror in thefltle of the Court. Plaint and Declaration 'vary. Writ of Enejuiry of Damages to be retur' nable in Court, and not inquiry by Bayliff. Error for faying per Ballivos, and ribt Ballivos & Mi- niftr' e julclem Curis. Iffue tryed the fame Ccurt the Venire Facias /"/ returnable is Error. Venire Facias how to be awarded. Procejs to a Serge- ant at Mace, not naming his Name good enough. It muft appear from what Place the Venire comes, elfe its Error. Stat, ij Ellz. cap. 6. extends on- ly to the Courts at Weftminfler. The Record in Error comes to be certified in the Names of the Judges cf the Court. Reco'very in inferior Courts how to be pleaded. Stewards in inferior Courts how to make their Certificates, The Court is held by Letters Patents, and the Frccefs is a- warded, fecundum confuetudinem Curize, its Error. If Plaint be not entred before Procejs fued out, it is Error. Court held die dominico, and ajfigned at the Bar for Error , it was tryed by the Almanack. A Prefident of a Writ of G 4 Error S8 t5:&e LnU) of Corpojatiou^J. Error of a '^fudgtKcnt tn Korwich. The Stilt and Titles of rfioji of the Ccrprattom m Eng- land. ERROR of a Judgment in the Court of Darby in Debt on Bond, and on non e(i fadtim^ found aga'nft the Dcfendmt. The Ju'dgment entred wasi^ujd Capiatur^ but the Judg- inent certified was iileo in rmfericordia Captatur^ and this was afligned for Error. It was moved that thefe wordj (in wt/ericordta) we're ftruck o.it by a Line under it, and to inform the Court a Certiorari was aWardtdj which certified the words {mifertc rdia) were not in the Judgment, but only a Capiat ur. But the Court would not allow thereof, and laid a Certiorari fliould not be awarded to an inferior Court to certihe that which the Record fhould ccr- itifie; wherefore not having regard to the Certw- rarij and the Line underneath is no defacing or drawing them out^ and the Capiatur was witii ano- ther hand, it was therefore reverfed^ and fiich a Re- cord out o'i Nor-wicb was fliewed, where the PJea was in Trefpafj upon the Cafe, and all the Proceed- ings were Trefpafs, btcauie it is not warranted by the Plaint, iho the Steward was prefent, and iliewed his Book of Entry of Plaints that it was a Mifprifion, h might not be amended, but was revcrled. Cro. Jac. 5*41. Drajcott and Heaton. It was a doubt in Peachy and Poflers Cafe, if a Man recover in inferior Court of Record, Debt, or Damages, and after remove the Record into the Kwgi-Bench by Certiorari^ whether the Court of Kmgi-Bench be bound in this cafe to grant execution Upon this Judgment, i Kol. Abridg. 887. k^iJe f(fea. The Court where the Writ of Error is brought ought to gii^e the fame Judgment as the Judges of infiprior Courf ought to have done if they had no; erred \ C!)E lalD of Co^pa^atfons* 89 erred ; as if the firft Writ be abated by Judgment, if It be reverfed in this Writ of Error, the Judg- ment fhall be ^i4od Defendens refpondeaty ther^ where the Writ of Error is brought, tor fo the inferi- or Court ought to have done i fo If Judgment be upon an ill Writ, and Error brought, and the Writ abates, all (hall be reverfed: So where the Deman- dant is barred by Judgment, if in Error it fliall bij adjudged no bar, Judgment (hall be, that the De- mandant (hall recover Seifin of the Land ; for fb the inferior Court ought to have done, i Rol, Abridg. 805-. In an A6tion on the Cafe for words, if a Verdi(5l be given for the PlaintlfT in an inferior Court, and after Judgment is given againft the PlaintifF upon the Declaration cjuod pil capiat per hiUam., and af- ter the PlaintifF brought a Writ of Error, where the faid Judgnr.ent is reverfed for an Error in the Entry of the Judgment [viz,.) concejjum efi for ci-nfidera" turn eft quod Quer. ml captat per billam. It upon the Declaration and Proceedings the inferior Court ought tohavegiven Judgment againft the PlaintifF, if the Declaration be not good, the Court ought to give Judgment againft the Plaintiff, i Rof. ^bridg. He ^. Delamore and Hoskins. Judgment in inferior Court ought to be iJeo ccn- fideratumefi per Curiam. In B. C. it is good, tho {per Curiatn ) be omxtttd. Sid. i^-^. Ctrciorari was direifted to the Mayor and Jurats cinque-Ports to and Commonalty of Wtnchelfeay to remove orders return breve by them made againft the proprietors of Lands, pro Dam. Reg. non relevamine Coporatioms : they return that time out '^"'^'^' A l** • r«4 L L L r • TrMi rcmova Orders, or Memory, there have been hve antient Villages, viz,. Hajiirgiy Dover ^ Sandiifich, New-Romnej, and Hethe called Cint^ue-Ports, and that time out of Mind Rie and fi^inchelfea have been Members there- of, and that time out of Mind, brevia Dcm. Rtg, ficc. »«3 citrrttnt mc cuxrcre deke^t feu confueye' ■ •• . . . ; fuus TO an Court. 93 Cf)e laiu of Co^poiationif. runt niji^ only of matters touching the Perfon of the K-ing, Felony, or Appeals ; and this Return was adjudged infutHcienc ; for this Court is to fee that the Subje^ls are not to be injured in their Eftates as well as in rhcir Pcrfbn, x Cro. BrowrCs Cafe, And by the!e Orders they impofe Levies upon the Eftates of Tenants, and if thefe fhould not be ex- aminable they would be equal to the Parliament, and the Return was not pofitlve, but under a C«w, &:c. by way of recital of their Priviledges, the Return was quafht. 1 Lev. 86. No prohibition ^Jj'uwpfit in Wnidfor Court for Meat,Drink, (^c. after Judgment at Maydtnhead, infra Jurf/dtSi^ Cur^ and upon interior y.cn yijj'umpfity Evidence given of the Meat, Drinlc and Proniife, afud Henly <]ua efi extra Jurtfdiciio- vem, for which the Defendant offered to Demur upon the Evidence, but the Steward would not ad- mit ir, and upon this a Verdler Se- ^""g the Judg- ftefchallum e^uod (jmrms recuperet^ this is good ; for '"'"^' this is all one as if it had been, Ideo confideratum eft per Curiam, adjudged in a Writ of Error out of jilcefier Court, between Streeth and Parker. See Mill and Maweys*i Cafe upon a Judgment in Ex- etery which was, Ideo confideratt^m ejl ad eandem Curiam per le Mayor and Burgeffes (which were the Judges) quod ejuer^ recuperet, and doth not fay per Curiam. But if it be ideo confideratum eft, and faith not per Curiam, nor per Senefchallum^ this is erroneous. I Rol. Ahridg. 'jyi. Man und .^x, and between Cook and hen'ts-^ upon a Judgment in Wenlock. If 9^ Cfic Lato of Co^po^atfoitsf. If a Judgment be gi^en in an inferior Court a* gainft /i. and after another Judgment is given a- gainft ^. his Pledg there, and B. upon this is taken in Execution upon the Judgment, and after the principal Judgment is reverfed in a Writ of Error, a fpecial Writ may be awarded to deliver him, for that by the Record it appeareth that he was Pledge. I H.J. 12. b. ^, . If a Man be fummoned to appear in an inferior rancc licj. Court, and the Defendant appeareth nor, and not- wirhllanding the Plaintiff puts in his Declaration, and declares againft him, and after the Defendant appears and after makes default, by which Judg- ment is given againft him by Default, the Appea- rance hath aided the putting in the Declaration be- fore Appearance ; and fb it is not erroneous. Harris ^nd Goodale upon a Writ of Error on a Judgment in Ipfwtcbj and the Judgment affirmed. But If in Trefpafs of AlFault and Battery in an Infe- rior Court, if there be a Plaint entred, and a De- And where net. claration before any Appearance of the Defendant, and after the Defendant appears without Procefs,and pleads to Iflue, and this is found for the Plaintiff, and Judgment accordingly j this is erroneous, not aided by the Appearance or Pleading, in as much as there was a Declaration againft no Perfon, the Defendant not then being in Court, i Rol.Abrtdg, 780. Brown and Cla^g. If A61:ion be brought in Inferior Court againft y, S. if the Plaintiff declares againft him in Cufio- dta of the Sergeant and Minifter of the Court, and it does not appear that the Sergeant had any Pro- cefs or Precept to arreft him, and the Defendant ap- pears and Demurs for this Caufe upon the Declara- tion, and upon this Judgment is given againft the Defendant, this is erroneous ; for he upon Appea- rance pleads this matter. Lawi and Doddfworth in a Writ of Error upon a Judgment in Xof^j and the Judgment reverfed accordingly. In ^be tlato of CojpojationsJ* ^y In A6lion of Debt In Inferior Court upon a Bill Debt on a Bill obligatory, if the Plea be cntred before the Debt ^^^^^^ ^'^^ *f becomes due by the Bill, before the time of Pay- P^^T^^^"^' ment, and the Defendant pleads to IfTue, and this is found for the Plaintiff, and Judgment given ac- cordingly, yet this is Error. M. it Car. i. B. R, Holden and Collet. In a Writ of Error upon a Judgment in 'Nottingham. If an A<^ion of Dower by way of Plaint, and not Writ be brought in any Inferior Courr, by the Cuftom ofrhe Court, and the Plaintitf upon this recover by Judgment, this is erroneous ; for that it isagainft the Statute of A/4r^«Jobli and 'tonney^ 9 Car. i. Micb. B. R. In an Inferior Court upon Iflue joined, if a Ventre Facias be awarded to the Officer to return 14 Ju- rors, it is not good. But if the Venire Facias be to return i**-, and in the fame Precept it is commanded habere corpora 14 to tryc the Ifllie ; and upon this 24 are returned, and the Iffue tryed by II, it is good. Micb. i^Car. 1. B.R. Erneley and Sage. If a Venire Facias in an Inferior Court lield by "'*'•?'(• Charter be quorum quilibet babeat ±\. terrarum extends onlr to » ;; i« • i- chc Courts at ^^''f'wewf £);«»» 'vel redattuumf this is erroneous, ror iVtfiminfier. Stat. I7 Eltz,^ c. 6. extends only to the Courts at Wefimmfier^ and not to Inferior Courts. And as to that, the Law of Inferior Courts is as it was be- fore the Statute : And a Judgment in the Mar final- fea was- reverled for this Caufe. And it may be, that there are not Jurors fufficient within the Jurif- di6lion which have 4 /. per An. and then there would be A failure of Juftice, and they have not Power in Inferior Courts to alter the Form of fuch Writs. At a Court held in the City of Tork before A. and B. Sheriffs of the laid City ^ if the Plaintiff de- clare of a Trelpafs for taking cerrain Goods a^ud Civitatem Eborum ac tnfra yurifdUhonem Curia^ and on Not Guilty pleaded, a Ventre Fac"* is awarded to the Serjeants of the Mace in the City, and MI- nifters of the Court to return i r ProboSf &c. de BaUiVii m)2 %i\m of Co^po^nion0* 5?7 Balliva dtthrum Victcomttum, and they return a De Vuineto a. Jury accordini'ly, this is not a good award of a Ve- '^'^^^"^ ^nd mre ; for that it may be that the Baihwick ot the bhc- rifFs extends beyond the City, as is ulual in divers Cities,and the ufe of awarding a Venire is de Vicineto Civitatisy or de Civitate, and not de Balliva. Mtcb. 12 Car. I . B, R. and the firft Judgment was re~ verfed for this Error. If a Writ of Error be direiled to the Mayor, Aldermen,and Recorder o^ Latmcefton in theCoun- The Record to ry of Cornwall^ and the Record is certified by the ^^ ^^^^^^'^ '« Mayor, Aldermen and Deputy- Recorder, the^^^^j^^ ludges Court being held by Letters Patents, this is not of the Courts well certified, forafmuch as this ought to be certifi- ed in the Name of the Judges of the Court ; and it doth not appear that the Recorder had Power to make a Deputy by the Letters Patents, H. 1 047. Spry and Mill, and the Writ abated. If an Action be brought in an inferiorCourt againft y. b.\i the Plaintiff declare againft him in Cuftody of the Serjeant and Minifter of the Court, and it appears not that the Serjeant had any Proccfs or Precept to arrefl him, and the Defendant appears^ and for this Caufe demurs upon the Declaration 3 and upon this Judgment is given againft rhe De- fendant, The Judgment is erroneous, for he upon Appearance pleads this Matter. Law and Dodf- 7vortb, in a Writ of Error of a Judgment in Tork. A6Hon on the Cafe. The Plaintiff in a Court of Pic-Powders held at Gloucefter-, fetundum Con- fuetudinem Civitatis illms, brought Debt againft H. who was in the Cuftody of the Sheriffs and they fuffered him to efcape. It was moved, That the A-^ dlion lies nor, becaufe it is not alledged that the Court is there held at Gloucejier by Cuflom or Charter, and then it is clear they hold Court with' out Authority, and io the Defendant's not charge- H able. Recovery iii In- ferior Courts how to be pleaded. Stewards in Iiv fcrior Court! how to make their Certifi- cate Stile. 98 Clje Lalu of Ccjpojationjj^ able. r. In pleading a Recovery in an Inferior Court it ought to be fhewcd by what Authority the Court is held, whether by Patent or Prclcrlption, and the ShcritJ who is to take Advantage thereby (he being an Officer of the Court and arrefting the Party) ought to fliew it ; as Stewards when they make any Certificate out of Inferior Courts ought to fhcw therein how the Courts are holden, for they bcft: know their own Authority, and the O- miifion thereof i^ juft Caufe to rcverfe and annul all therr Proceedings. Otherwifc in the cafe ot a Stranger, as here where the Stile of the Court is but an Inducement to the Ad^ion, and thefe Words, fecundum Confuetudtnem Cur* will help it. Cro, Car. 45", 46. Hodges verfus Moyfe. Error of a Judgment >n Sudbury. The Error Court by Let- afligncd was, That the Court is held by Virtue of ten Pacenti. Letters Patents of Queen Mary^ and the Procefs is awarded fecundum Confuetudtnem Cur* which can- not be by Cuftom, where the Court is erected within time of Memory. Cro. Car. 143. Long and J>ieatbercoat. Error to reverfe a Judgment in the Cowt of N. I . The Judgment is entrcd to be before the Mayor and J. S. d^ J^ D. Aldermannis^ and at the fame time the Plaintiff was made Mayor pending the Suit, fed non alloc, unlefi the Party had excepted to it in the Court and it was difallowed there, then it had been Error; but if he admits him to be his own Judge then it is not Error. 2 H. 4.4. 1. The Prefcriptlon is to hold Courts before the Mayor and two Aldermen ; and it is alfedged, that at fuch a . Court held before the Mayor and J. S. and J. D, Aldermen, d^c. and alledgeth in Fad, That fS, was not then Alderman. The Defendant pleaded in nulla eH Erratum.Per Cur"* it is a manifeft Error ; for there mull be two Aldermen, and if jF. S. was not Cfjc £alu of (Co^po^atfon0. 5>9 not Alderman, there were not two Aldermen. Cro, Eliz^. %^o. fVafh and CoUtnger. Writ of Error was brought upon a Judgment gi- ven in Leicefier in Debt: ft was afifign'd for Error, becaufe in that Suit there was not any Plaint; for in all Inferior Courts the Plaint is as the Original at the Common Law_, and without that no Procefs can ifTue : and here, upon this Record, nothing is enter'd but only that the Defendant fu?nmomtus pj^ipf j^ ^^ fftity d^c. and the firft Entry ought to be, ^, B. enter'd before ffueritur 'verfus C. d^c. Per Cur a Plaint ought to Pioccfs fucd be enter'd before Procefs iflueth forth j and this °"^' Summons which is entred here is not any Plaint. And Judgment was reverfed. i Leon. 502. Savage and Knight^ Cafe. Error was brought upon a Judgment given in Lynn ; where by the Record it appeareth, that they prefcribe to hold Plea every Wednefday: and it ap- peared upon the (aid Record that the Court was holden 16 Febr. 16. Eliz,. which was Dies Domi' nicusy and that was not afligned for Error in the Record, but afrer in nullo eff Errat' pleaded, it was afligned at tlie Bar* and Almanacks were (hewed Tryal bvAlm*.' to the Court in Proof of it, and it was clearly held nacks.. to be Error : But the Doubt was, if it (hould be tried by the Jury or by the Almanacks ? And the Juftices may judicially take Notice of Almanacks, and the Judgment was reverled. i Leofft 141. Pa^e and Fawcett. H 1 error; ICO ^&c LalM of Corporations. ERROR. RC V manbabit Dicf coniitibujer ^ibitntijsf .Oo:toici I)2cbc fiiir) Ctm in ficc Dcrbn, *^tjroluj0f Bd <^:a^ 'JllngC ^coc j-can(f ^ Ipu hcvn) Her f itici 3^cfciifo2 ^c. JDicc comitilJiijflf CitJitnti;^ ^o^luici fnlnrfm quia in RccojiS ^ {)fcffif ac ctiam in rcbdifonc jnDicii ioquclc que fiiit co2am \30bij3f in Curia noltra Citoita^ ti^ ^iJicc fine b2e\3i nofiro fccinitia) olbo f e. 3ita quoD liabeat cojpujtf eiu^tf l)ic aD ,pr' Cut SDorti) Hcgiitf (©uifjalD Cibitaf pDici' Die J^af)' bati biDet Dccimo tpiinto Die 3£p;ili;0f ,pr* futur' in ^uiftaiD ^Dicf teneiD ae aD refpontf pfae l^encico £0athe De ptto pDiee iDemqne Difjsi Dae en pfat i^enrito a^arfte !)ic ^c. ic teflfatuc $ reto.m (juob ipFc birrutc pccpe j^a fibi in fo^ma pbicf Direct ccpu pbicf Clcnicm rem CiiDitt cuju^ qiiibrm co^pu^ mobo j^ic pacae fjabct ab rcfponbcii) j^faif !^cnv £19^^^^^ be ptito pbicf ,piit fi pccpe fuit Uipcc quoab canbem €uc' bicf IDom) Ecgijtf vSuilialb €u %mi pbice bicto bie ^atibati bibet becimo quinto bic %^nh0 mam pfaf 3^icf Cibitae jpbict fecuiiOimi yfum $ Conruetiibinem ac jLibertarciu l^^itoilc^ ^ iprancl)crj§ pbice tent ^c» ibeni Clement €uhnt inbcnit pfat ^ie ^anacape $ pleg ab Oranb' rectc in eabem Cur' l)ic in pf ito pbic f bibet 45co?gic^ €obep ^ 3IoSan 23?enb CibCiSf Cibitae pbicf qui p^- fentt0 l)ic in eabem Cue' in ipp^it^ pfoniiSf £m0 eo^ani pfaf i^ii o^jcifiit ab requifieonem pDiee Cfemenrijer €uhUt ferunbum Hfum f Confuetubincm CilJifaf pbicf a toto tempore fup:abiao in eabem utitaf <| app^oftat" bel^e* nee' manueaptoc' ^ plrg p pbic! Ctenieiiti €n\iitt (|uob ibcm €!eniejii^ €nbm frarct recte in eabem Cur {]ic in pttro pbicf tccund Confuetubinem Cibitati^ pbic! a toto tem^ po^e fupjabicto in eabem ufitaj f apphat IBifc- man SlttojiD fuuni \icthi0 pt'af i)cnr' Q^arlic t>e ptito pbicf ptita apub Cibita! ^jjoiteict in €o\\^ cjurDcm Cibitaf in Car' }Doin) He- Qi0 €^uif)altJ in €itoitaf |}o^tDici tcn{ apiili j^o^ttiicum phict in €>ui^aID ibiUcnt co:ani pfaf Jofjc "S^ccntoooti (^ S^ht i^aiilcn iDic? ^Tibitaf jpbict fccuntjuni ufuni ^ confiktuti' £ibita! illiUitf a tempore cuiu^ contcarii mc^ jnojia fjominir) non ctinrit in catJem ufttaf ^ opp:obaf ac libcctat ^^ibiicg ^ f cancljcfj§ €ibibu0 iJictc €i\3itae pDibcrfo^gf nup Hcgcief %nq\ conccfjs at p l^oni) Hcgcm nunc confirrii) iiirto Die ^abbati bidet tiecimo quinto tiic 3p?ili0 3Ilnno regni I^ioni) iHeji^ Caroli liuiic 5£ngt ^c. bccinio nono fcii CJemcn^ o^:= tDicum in |Darocl)ia ^ancti pctri in Jl^arlia trc si^ancroftc ^ infra giuriftiirtioi!) ftujii^ cur' p quot)Dam Fcriptu) fuii) obligatoni?) con- cfflifrct fc tcncri j^fat" iBilIiclmo f airman in bita fua in pdice ccntfj) f ountj^aginta \ib^i0 J>oibcnlf ciDcm J^illiclmc cum intic rcquif^ lit' fuilTc t pDicf tamcn Cicmcnsf Uttt fcpiui^ re quifif pDitt ccntii) ii quati^aginta \ih^a0 p;c= fii? ^Ulliclmo in bita fua feu pfa! ^inne in bita fuapoHi mo.Jtem pDirt JBiliidmi feu tin %nrico poft mortem ptJirf 3Cnnc nonbii) reti- bitiit fed ill eis reliDerc contrabirit ac injuITc Dctinct untie ibem l^cnricusf DicitquoD bttt^ rio?af cH ^ bampnii^ljabet ad bale ni;? quatija^ gin! liOjari^ €t inDc ptiuc' fccram ^c. €t jpfcrt ^ic in cur tarn J^ttwi ptiict quoD tiebt' ttt) pdicf in fojma ptiici? teftatur cuju^ Dat' cH tiic ^ anno fup?atiicti^ ^c. quam litera:^ €e? (Tamcn! fbic! JSilliclmi p qua^ fatijtf liquet cur tiic pDic! 9nnam fuififc oBrccutriccm €e^ fiamenti ptiic! I^iilicimi ac inDe gabuilTc ab^ minifirationem ^c. quamquc literal €cITa< men! pbic! 311nnc p quaiS? fati^ liquet Cur t^ic ipfu i|enricit) fo?e CjL'ccutor €ef!i ejufbcm ^nne f inbc fjaficrc ^bminiflrationem ^c. €t pbift befentf p 3lltto2n) futt) pbic! bei!) ^ bcfenb bim ^ injur quanbo f c* ^ petit Jiccn- tiam inbe interloquenb' i)ic ufcB ab rpr cur IDoiT^) l^cgi^ ^ui^alb Ct^itae pbiri- bit io6 €()e Laiu of Coipo^atiou!?. Q^crcurit bccimo nono biel^p^iVug px futui tcncnti' ^f. <2?t ei conccditnr ^c. 3^^ '^^^ ^if^ Daf flT jpfat oucr Ijic f c, 3ilD qucm bicni l)ic bcii) tarn pDue qucc' quam pdict dcfniD* pre 3fitto^ii^ fiio^ pDice ruii) pbiff 13 nil licrnc? intcdoqucnb' Ijic ufcK iib ^r' Cue' jDoi^ ncgiitf <0uil)alb €ibitaf pbKi bic £l9crcurii bibct biccfinio icxto bic 3(ip?iili^ ,pjc' futuc' tcncnb' $c. a3t ci concc* bitur, ^t, 5ibcmcB bic^ei baf cK pfat? qucc' l^ic f c. 3llb qucm bicm (jic tJCJiit tarn pbicf qucc' quam pbicf bcfcnb' p 51lttoji^ fuojsf pjc* bid Ct pbicf €!cmcn;0f Cubitt abtunc f ibibcm ptulit f belibcrabit pfaf J^ie Cibitaf pbicf quobbam B^ebe i:>on^ fUcgi^ befiaCiea^ €o?pU;fi^ c Cue* ^ojfD 0cgirf be Communi fBanco cmanatD cifbcm ^i€ hivctf ac ei^p^e^ cipiciD quob co:pu;9f Clcnicnf Cubitt p tiicf ©ic' cap! ^ in p^ifona bicti ^oiii' ficgiiSf Tub tuHob' Hid J^ic? ut bicituc bctcnf fub faiba ^ fccuc' conbuctu una cum bic f caufa ca^ ptioni0 ij bctcnJIoniiSf ipftu^ Ckmcntiief €iu hid quocuncr; nomine ibem Clement ccnrj§ in cabcm fjabcrcnt co?am 3|ufiic? biai S^om) 0cgij8f apub ^(Llcftin) bie jLunc ^jr' poR Cra- ftinum 31irccnfioni^ ^oii?) tunc ;pr' fcqucf^ una cum bicto b)c\}i teni in €uv pbict* co2am eifbcin ©icf moe fibe pciiben) Tccunbuni' Jcgcm ^ ConructuU liegm bci) 2^ni) negiitf ^naC pjorcbat cum effettu aliquo b,2cbi eifbcm Bi€ ^ojtDici nupfc biiec^ in aiiquo non ob^ ftanre fupct: quo ab eanbem Cui* bicf ^i\i> liegiiBi <3ut|)dib Cibitaf p^eU bicto hit fl^ercurii bibelicet bceimo quarto bic giu- nil co^ani p^efat bic? I^ic tene ^c. p^ebici? befenti per 9ltto?n) Tuum pjebict? beii) f 3^c! \iM Jifcntiam inbe intedoquenb' Ijic ufque ab p^orimam Cut K^nl iicQi0 '©ui^ ftalb Cibitai? p^ebif! bic ^^nbbati bibcUcct bcfimo fepthno hie ^imii pjornna futut tcneiD $c» Ct ft conccbitur ^c. ^Xnen^ut bicjBf bat? eH p^crat qucr |^fc ^c. piacita a- pub Cibita! in Cur Pii^i BtQig 3itat a toto tcmpo^ re rup;?adicto in eadcm ufitat j app;otiat Uc- nir' fac? ^\t ad p:ori5uam ^\\x t)i\^ Hegicf <0uigald 1 10 Cdc TLalu of aEo^po^ritlon^* Oaifialti €i\yucif ptju! bit ^ncutii bibelt* \jiccnmo Dic3;iimip:or'fiitiir' mxtft ic. 55u^ ofirriin p:oOojtf t^ IcffAlCjtf Jjominc^ dc i^ift!> paroflV ^nmt* pctri piedicc pec quoiet rei bcntiirf nidui0 fcir potcrit ^ nut net pUici* nuci lire pfiU Dcfrnti aiiqiia affinir' atting aD rccogfi) fupcc facruin fuum inter pactCiBf p:cDictaflf Dc placito ptJicf quia tarn jpbicf qucc' quam \?tiut tjcfcntf inter quo^ xntic conccncio eff poncr* fc in jut patrie iDcm- que hic0 ijat ctt partiliu^ ptiicC ||ic ff. %b qucm quiticm Diem f^k Ijic tjcnit tarn predict' quer quam ptiitt* tJefentf per ^tta^n) fuOjQf pDicf ^ pDice ^amucll ^o?man Ter- bieii) aD datoam ^c. fccunbum ^onfuetuU tiitte CtUitat' mobo t^k tcftatur ^ reto^ p^e- ccpe fuit) pdif e birece una cum quobam pan* ncl! He nominibujtf 3!ur in omnibus fcrbie f (Hxcciit p2out (i p2f ccpe fuit ^ 9Iur fic inbc tmpanncl! nullu;9fcbjum bca) ^oftea continu^- ato p^Dccf^' inter parted p^ebice In Cue pbice be placito pbict* pcrjjur inbc inter ea^B? pofit'in rcfpecf p^o befcff 3|ur recunbQ) ConfuctuU tikt CibitatijGf f^k ufcfi ab Cur' ^i\^ IJegiirf ^uil[)aib Cibitat pbice bic iSl^ercurii biber H)ecimo nono Uk IJulii tunc p,20t' fcqucii) hk tcne ^c. ufrp quam quibcm Cur parte;* pbice f)abucc biem i)ic in placito iilo ab qucm biem l^k tjcti» tam pjeb' Cluee quam pbice H^icfcnti per ^tto^ fuo^ pbice €t Jue fic inbe inipanelfae tibeluct l^enr' (©Ibljam, Hofeplj ^eman, j^irman HociiUJooU, S[o^ §anncjtf CluOb, ajdlnarbuief ^plcr, Utclct 25cnton, .^icfjola^ef oJiipcrt, Cljoma^ef^eam- ner,Cf)omac( CalMrton, aSbtoarbUiBfi^arbing, Cfj^iftopfie) i^atton, ^ H^illidmujsf C21cfton, exact fimilit' )3ciii qui ab Ueritatcm in pmifj§ bicenb* tiiccniJ elect' mat ^ jurat* bicunt fupcr fa- ctum Tuum quoti P2cti tjcfemj hctift a pfat cptaa0in^ quintp liBjaiSf ^ tuoticcimroiitiin Oicta €ont)icioiic p^ed ftnp^ ti obligato^ii fuperiu^ fpccificnt' luotJo $fo?^ ma j)ut in catiem efemJ in conj§ f c. fuper qua p^ebict' Clemen]^ €ubnt podea fcilicet tU cefimo bie 3"*" Vl^X' fequeii) p^otulit ^ belibcrabit p^efaf ^ofjanni (^^eentooob $ 3Iol)^nni JUapIep ©ic* Cibitat pjebict' quob bam D?ebe ^ii)i Ulegijtf be (firroje Co?rigen^ eifbem ©ic' birect' cujUiBf quibem fi^e'oi^ infcript' cHr (juic ifleco^a confuf quob quibem b^ebe iibem IDic' rcceperunt $ allocaUerunt ibeo ^Iteriu^ p;ocd§ in bict' Cur be . 119 G. Gate-houfe A^Uftodl noftri de le Gatehoufe infra Wefimc- JVefiminfter. ^^ nafierium. Gatton. Burgenfibus burgl fui de Gatton In com.Surrey. Gillinghami Senelcallo Curias fuas de Gillingham in com, Dorfet^ hac vice fede Archiepifcopl Cantuar. jam vacante ejus Deputat. ibidem. GjrpDvicam. Balllvis villas (ux Gipovici, vel de Ipfwicb in com. Sujf. falutem* Glafionhery. Cunx. libertatis Dom. Regis de Glaftonbuj in com. Somerfet. Glocefier. Major I, Aldormannls & vie' civitatis noflras dc Glocefier. Grampound. Majorl & Burgenfibus burgi fui de Grampound in com. Cornub. Grantham. Aldermanno & Burgenfibus vill^e de Graft' thatn in com. Lincoln, (alutera. PraepolTt. jurat. & capital. Inhablrant. vllla- Gravejend and rum & paroch. de Gravefend 6c Milton in com. Milton. E aft -Green- ftead. Grimsby. Guilford. Hartpooh Hafelmere^ Hatfield. Heljtoni Cane. Ballivo 5c Burgenfibus burgi fui de EaH- GreenHcd In com. Sujjex (alutem. Majorl & Burgenfibus villas fu^ magni GrimJ- by in com. Lincoh. Majorl & probis hominibus vill^ noftra: de Guilford. H. MAjori & Burgenfibus burgi fui de Hartpool infra Epifcopatum Dunelm. Burgenfibus burgi fui de Hafelmere In ccm. Surry. Ad Curiam Manerli noftri dc Hatfield m com. Majori & Burgenfibus bu,rgi noftri de Hcl/hn in com. Cornub. I 4 Eallivis lio flU LalD of CojpoMtions. Hcnly upon Balllvis, Gardian. Burpcnfibus &: Communi- Thames. tar. villac dc Henley fuper Jbamefin \\\ com.Berks. ialutcm. Hereford. Major i, Aldermannls & Cixibus civltatis no- Ilrs Hertford. Htravich. Majoii & Scnefcallo burglfuf Herwid. Hertford. M.ijori & capital. Burgenfibus buigi noftrl de Hertford nccnon Senefcallo Curix noflri deRc- cordatnri, ibidem. He.XMTt. Senefcallo Oir. fux de Hexam in com. Wefi- w or I and. HeydoTi. M..jori& ballivis vill. fuae de Hey don in Hot- derncjs in com. Ebor. Heyteiburg. Ballivo & Bargeniibus burgi fui de Heytef- burg in com. falutem. Higbar/j' ferns. Majori & Aldermannis vill. noftri de Higham- Ferrti in com. Northawpt. & eorum cuiliber. Horfham. Majori & Burgenfibus burgi fui de Horjham in com. Suflex faluteai. Huntington. Qu. I. yernmouth. TJAllivis villas five burgi noflri magnge jF^y- |j nemsutb. St. Jermms. Prepofito & Senefcallo burgi de St. Jertnins in com. Cornub. Inful. Elien. Jufticiarl noflris ad placlta infra Inful. Elien. in com. Cantabr. tenend. AHignat. St. Ives. Prepofir. & Burgenfibus burgi fui de St, Ives in com. Cornub. Jpfwicb. Ballivo vill. fuse de Ipfivich in com. Suffolk fdlutem. Jufiic B. R. J. L. Mil. Capital. J^^fl:Ic. nollro ad placita coram nobis tenend. AfTignac* 7'. //. Uni Jufliciarium' noftrorum ad placita coram nobis tenend. d^c. Jujl'* de Bar.co. H. H. Mil. U Bar. capitali Jufliciarium no- flio de Banco. R. H. Mil. uni jufliciarum noflr. de Banco. K. COe lalu of Ca^po^it(oii0^ 121 St. Katherins prope Turrim. Lond. j^liter. Kendall. Ktrkby- Kendal. Kw^sNortdm. KtngHon fuper Hull. Kingfton upon Thames. K. SEnefcallOiMagiftr. five Cuftod. Hofpiral. five liber. CapelL S. Katherwte prope Turrim London^ ftu ejus locumtenenci ibidem. Senefcallo liberrar. Magiftr. Fratrum & Soro- rum & Capel. in Ecclefia Hofpit. S. Katherins virginis & martyris prope Londoriy cur. noftr. ibidem necnon Ballivo cjufdem. Ballivis manerii nollri de Kendal in com. We^^- tnerland. Aldermanno, Recordatori & Burgenfibus bur- gi de Ktrkby- Kendal in com. VyejlTnerland, Senefcallo, Ballivo & Se6Vatoribus cur. mane- rii de Kings- Nonon in com. Wigorn. & eorum cuilibet. Maiori & Vic. vill. noftras de Kingfton fuper HuU." ;' Ballivis & Senefcallo Cur. noftrse de KingHcn fuper Thame/tny & in abfentia di6ti Senefcallo, Ballivis & JRecordatori ejufdem villiC five duobus eorum falurem. L. Lancajt. burg. T\ /T Ajor 1 & Ballivo burgl ful Lancajter m com. Lane after. Majori & Communitatisburgifuide Lance fion^ alias Dqivnae'vet. Lanceft on alias Senefcallo &: Ballivo Cur. feod. Caftri noflri I^Jcwport. Lancefion parcel. Ducat, noftrl Cornub. Ballivo iuo burgi fui de Ledbury in com. . necnon judiclbus cur. ejufdem burgi falutem. Majori, Ballivis & Burgenfibus burgi fui de Leicefler. Majori &: Burgenfibus vlllx Leic^jler, Lfiunceflon. Ledbury. Leicefier, Bj^UIvIs 1 11 Clje lalu of Cor^po^ation^. Lewpfter. Ijillivis & Riirgcnfibus burgi iui dc Leomtn- fier in com. Iltref. falutcm. Leverpocl. Majori & Aldcrmanno villae fux de LeverpooJ in com. Lancafier. Lores. Conftabulario & Burgenfibus burgi ful de Lewes in com. Sujfex falutem. L'ulforil. Majori & Burgenfibus burgi de LuiforJ. Lincoln. Majori vie. &: civibus civir. fui Lincoln. Liskarret. Majori & Burgenfibus burgi de Liskarret. Litchfield. Ballivis, Burgenfibus & Civibus civitar. Ljtch- field. ^ London. Majori, Aldermanno, ac Vic. London, & eo- rum cuilibet falutcm. Lofiwicb. Majori & Burgenfibus burgi fui de Loftwi^h in com. Cornuh. Ludgcr^iall. Burgcnfilyus burgi fui de Ludgerfl^all in com. Wilts falutcm. Ludlow. Ballivo villas de Lndlow in com. Salop. Lymington. Majori & Burgenfibus burgi fui de Liming" ion in com. Southampt. Lyn Eptfc. Majori vill^ de Z/« Epifc. in com. Lyn Regis in Majori villse noftr. de Lyn Regis in com. Dorfet. Dorfet. Lyn Regts» Majori & Recordatori villse five burgi fiii de Lyn Regis in com. Norfolk & eorum utrique. M. Maidenhead. #^ i Ardiano, P:)ntlnar. Burgenf & Commii- vj nitat. villac de Maidenhead in com. Berks falutem. Mtudfion. Majori villae & paroch* de Maidjtom. Mdden. Ballivis vill« Ilkc de Maiden in com. ££ex. Mdmsbury. Aldermannis & Burgenfibus burgi fui de Malmsbury in com. J^lts falutem. Mandivile* Scnefcallo oc Ballivo honoris de Mandevile parcel 1 Duc-ir. L^tncarir. filatem. Marlborough. Majori & Buige«fibus burgi five vilise de Murlkrotigh m c ' i. Wilts. Marr. Mar. Maref. coram nobit. Marr. Hofptt. Alar(hals Court or Ferge Conrt. S. Martins le Grand London. MelcoTfib Re^is Weymouth, c^ Melcomb Regis Michael, MidhurH* Monmouth. Morpeth. Mynhead. Clje 'HaUi Of Co2po^itfonj?. 1x3 Marr. Marefcal Cur. nollr. coram nobis five ejus Deputat. Judlcibus curiae virg. hofpltii noftri, vel ejus Deputat. ibidem, falutera. oencrcallo Cur. Marefcal. hofpitii noftri, ac marr. noftro ejufdem hofpiti, necnon Judiclbus curiae noftr. Virg. hofpitii praed. & eorum Depu- tax. ibidem. Senefcallo Decani & Capituli EccleC CoIIegiat. bearri Petri Weftra. Cur. libercatis fuie five prae- cin6t. San<5ti Marttni le Grand London^ & Con- ftabular. ibidem falurem. Majori vili. fiiie de Melcomb Regis. Majori, Aldermannis, Ballivis, Burgenfibuscc Gommunitat. villae de IVeymouth-, & Melcomb Rfgis in com. Dorfet. Prsepofit. & Gommunitat, Byrgi fui Michaelis in com. Cor»«^. falutem, Ballivo & Burgenfibus burgi ful de Midhurfi in com. SuJJ'ex. Majori & Ballivis villae fu9& Alllvis & Se<^atoribus cur fua: de Waitel. W^ake field. -■-^ Ad cur. manerii noftri de Wakefield m com. U'alden. Ebor. Thefaur. & Camerar. villa: noltr^ de Waldtn in com. Ejjex. IKiillingfcrd. Majori, Alder.mannis & Recordatori burgi five vill. dc Wallingford in com. Berks & eorum cuilibet falutcm. iralfal Majori Ballivis €^60 KlaUJ of €Q2po2^ttom. lap JVarivick. Ballivi5 & Recordatori biirgi noftri Warwki in com. JVarivick. Weymouth, Majori, Aldermannis, Ballivis & Burgenfibus & Communicat. vill. de Weymouth 6c Melcomb Regis in com. Dorfet. Welli. Senefcallo five Balllvo cur. noftr. de placlr. ad Rev^erend . in Chrifto Parrem Dom. J. permil^ fione Divina Bathon. & WeJIen. Epifc. perrirl. five concefT. tanc. apud Guild hali infra burguci & villam noftram de Wells in com. noftro So' merfet. Wenlock. Ballivo & Senefchail. vill. libcrtat. de Wenlock magna in com. Salo^. Wefihttrg. Majori Sc Burgenf/bus Burgi fui de Wefihurg in com. Wefim. Civit. Ballivo libertat. Decani & capituli. Ecclafiae Colkgiar. bead Petri Weftm, Wefimin, Dean Ballivo libertar. Decani & Capituli Ecclefias & Cap. Collegiar. bead Petri Weftm. Wickham. Wigmore, Senefcallo & Ballivo villas five burgi de Wig^ more in com. Heref. Wincbdfea. Majori, Jurat. & Communitat. antlqus vilIaE de Winchelfea unius quincjUe Portuum noftroruns lalutem. liova Windfor. Majori, Ballivis & Burgenfibus villae five burgi noftri de Nova Windfor & eorum in com. Berks. Aliter. Majori, Aldermannis* Ballivii & Subfenefcallo burgi fui de Nova Windfor & eorum cuilibet. Wmcbefter. Majori, Recordatori vel ejus Deputat. & BalL civltar. noftr. Wmton & eorum cuilibct. Woodjiock. Majori vill. fux de Nova Woodfiock. Aliter. Majori 5c Communitat. Burgi de Novo Wood" fiock. Worcefter, Majori* Recordatori & Aldermannis civitatis noflrse Worcffier. Worham, Majori 6i Burgenfibus burgi fui de Warham in com. Dorfet, ^ Ea'.livls I yj €fjc Latu of Co^po^itioujJ* IVotltnv. Ballivls villae i.\clVotlciv. WcotteH-BajJa. Major! & Burgeiifibus burgi de IVoolton-BaJfet in com. JVtlts & eorum cuilibet. Ifrrue!. Baliivis & Scdatoribus cur. fua; dc IVrittel in corn. f*yr Scnefcallo & Ballivo H. C. Nobi!. Ordinis Garterii Milit. Dom. Hunfdon Regalis manerii fiii de Hye in com. Cane. & eorum cuilibet falutcm, y. Yvrk. Vide Eborum. Note, Some of the Titles of theft Corpora- tions peraJventure are altered in fome particular J by reafon of renetving their Charters and having larger Grants^ by •jvhuh they are incorporated a-neiVj of which the Attorney mttft the beH he can inform himfelf. The be ft way to be in- formed of the true and certain Direct ions.^ is to repair to the Curjitor of the CeuJUy where the Corporation is. CAR Cfje lain of Cojpo^atianis* r^r CAP. IX. Of Actions brought by Corporations and againft Corporations, and Pleadings. A Tarfon, Archdeacoii, &c. may have AtlioTi of ^ Waft e J and how the Writ (Jjall he. They (hall have Aid. If the efjential Name of the Corpo- ration be named in the Atiion it is fufficient. In EjeBment upon a Leafe by the Warden ^ &c. is good •without naming his Chrijlian Name. Alitcr of a Varfon, t^tcar. Sec. Action againfi a Cor- poration for not taking Bail. ABion of Cove» nant brought by Lincoln againft Derby. Cor- poration anf'iVerable for -what is done by thctr Officer. When an AB'ion is brought againjl a Cotporation^ and againfi the Inhabitants of a Village^ the difference as to naming them. In Faux Imprifonment againft the Mayor, &c. ef Norwich, the Original was direBed to the Coro" ners of the faid City. The Form of the Writ ta a real A^ion by a Corporation y and faith not ui jus & hseredirarem. Officer of an Inferior Caurt where he jufttfies Proceedings ought to fhew their JurifdiBton^ \. e. whether by Grant or Frefcri- ption, Profert Literas Patentes, where it need not be. Writ o/" Frank Almoignt by the Cuftos, &c. 0/ All Souls C(pi7f£e, bow ii ought to be in Jure .Collegii omitted. In Declaration jljews not the nttmher of the Guardians which were ap" pointed jy the Charter. Where a Grant Jhould bs ... pleaded by ii'ay of Bargain and Sale and not at a Grant. In Pleading the Defendant Jaith not it was Antiaua Civitas. The Plapitiffi declares a- K % gauiji iji d)e Lata of Cojpo^attonjs* gainjl ]. S. «« Cufiody of the Serjeant, and it appears not that the Serjeant bad any Frecept to arrefl him, the Defendant appears and demurs upon the Declaration. Corporation cannot pre- jcribe by a Name which they have received ivttbin time of Memory. Civibus omitted in the Judgment, All necejjary Circumliances intended to be executed. Sctjed in Fee and (in jure left cut). Per Nomcn. An Averment jujjicient to fie'w the Name of the Corporation, and the Name tn the Leafe or Grant are all one in Subftance, Where it need not be exprejs^d that the Debt did arl/e Infra Jurifdi^lionem. But if he tender the Flea and thej refufe^ it''s Error. Three Frejidents cf pleading Recovery in an Inferior Court, tn A' ctions of Trefpajs for taking Goodsy and Faux Imprifonment. A Parfon, Vicar, Archdeacon, Prebendary, Waflf. / \ and the like, may have an A6lion of Wafte, and the Writ fliall fay, Ad ex- bixredationem Ecclefta, dfc. ipftus B. or Frebend. iff us, &c. A Parfbn that accepts a Leale for Lile fliall have a Confimili Cafu during the Life of the Lcffee, and a Writ of Entry adCommunem Legem after his Death, or a Writ ad terminum cjui prate- riitf or a quod permittatf in the debet ^ and none can maintain any of thele Writs but a Tenant in Fee- flmple or Fee- tail. In a real A6tion a Parfbn, Vicar, Archdeacon, ^'^- Prebendary, &c. (hall have Aid of the Patron and Ordinary, as Tenant for Life fhall have ; (6 that a Parfbn to many Purpofes hath a qualified Fee, and another is as Tenant for Life, bur the Fee is an Allowance, and therefore he muft difcontinue ; and rhererefore he cannot hav.i a Writ of right, nor a Ne injufe Vixet, nor a Quo jure. i But cion. C6e Lalu of Co^paiatfQn0« 333 But a Bifliop, Dean, Mafter of an Hofpltal that ^'Jts of Right hath Colledge and Common Seal, Ihall have a Writ of right, fir that they have the higheft Eftate. I Infti g4i. h. 6. They muft be named by the true Name of their Corporation. Yet if the elTential part of a Corpo- ration be named it is fufficient in the A6lion, as ad reffond. Majori (^ Burgenfibm de Lyn Regis in Com. N. and it was found they were incorporated Major & Burgenfts Burgi de Lyttj and non per illud nomen. Per Cur, iheOmiflion of this Word (Burgi) (hall not bar the Plaintiffs. I Bro-wnl, 57. Mayor and Burgefles of Lyn verfus VairU Upon Ejeciionefirme the Plaintiff declared upon a Leafe by the Warden and Fellows of All Souls College f without naming any Name of the Warden. But, Per Cur. the Declaration is good enough, and Declarati they relied fpecially upon the Book of a I Ed. 4. 15:, 16. where Debt is brought by the Dean and Chapter without any Chriftian Name, and the Writ held good. And by jinderjon ic ftands with Reafbn, forafmuch as the Colledge was incorpora- ted by the Name of Warden and Fellows, and not Name, by any Chriftian Name, that they may purchafe and leafe by fuch Name without any Chriftian Name, and may be impleaded and implead others by fuch Name ; and as the Fellows in fuch cafe need not to be named by their Chriftian Names, no more ought the Warden. Aliter of a Parfbn, Vicar, &c. for in fuch cafe the Name of Baptifhi ought to be added ; and yet 1 2 H. 4. 1 5: i. is if a Leafe be made by Dean and Chapter in thefe Words, Nos Decani ^ Caftuli., the fame Leafe is void, which was granted by the Court, I Levin. 507. in Car- ter and Claycradt*9 Cafe. H. C. brought A<5tion on the Cafe againft the Mayor, Town-Glerk and Goaler of Boalton, in Com. L, and declared that where he had affirmed a K 3 Plaint 134 ^()C ^^tU 83f €o^pOiQtlOU0» For cot taking Plaint of Dtbt in the Court of the faid Town before Bill. the laid Mayor, &c. againft: 7- ^- ^ind thereupori had caulcd the faid j^- ^- ^° be arrefted ; the faid Defendants did confpirc together to delay the Plain- tiff of his faid fuit in prril ot his Debt, had let the Plaintitf qo at I irge without taking Biil. Verian conceived that the A(£lion doth not lie, for the not takincr Bail is a judicial Ait, for which he (hall not be impeached. But all the other Juflices pro Quer. for the not taking Bail is not the Caufe of this A- (ftion but the Confpiracy. i Lem. 189. CockJlalPs Cafe. The D( fcndant in an Action on the Cafe pleads, that the Town of Yarmouth is an ancient Burrough, and that they have been incorporated by the Name of Bailiff and Burgeflcs, &c. and that they have had time out of mind an Officer called a Water- Bally, and that time out of Mind, &c. they and their Predeceflors have had and taken Toll of ehe Inhabitants of Lojial for any of their Goods brought thither to merchandize with, and if it be not paid they have ufed time out of mind to diftreinfor it by their Water-Bailiff, and thathcis Water.Biiliff,d'"c. Exception was. That he bach not fct forth that they have u(ed to demand it by their Water Bailiff, and it may be they have (everal Officers, one to de- mand, and another to diftiein ; and when a Man is to do a thing againll common Right he ought to fhew Authority exprefs in the whole. But per Hob. 1. to (hew the Authority to demand is not nece(^ fary, for the Prcfcription is not upon Demand to di(lrain j for the common Officer hath Authority to demand, (or they ought to demand it who ought to take the thing demanded, and thofe are the Bai- jiffs and Burgeflfcs, and then when their Water-Bai- litT doih it, it is as much as if it had been done by the Corporation. I Leon. I'^t. and the fame is thp A61 of the whole Corporanon. '•'" The C6e LoUj of Co^poiation^. 1 3 > The Mayor and Commonalty of Lincoln brought Corporation o-^ Aaion of Covenant againft the Mayor and Com- ^^^^" ^''^.^^^ monalty of Derby, and declared that the Mayor ,hecTrpSa and Commonalty of Derby had covenanted with of Derby, the Mayor and Commonalty of Lincoln that they Ihould be quit of Murage, Pontage, Cuftom and Toll within the ToVi^n of Derby, of all Merchan- dizes of thofe of the Town of Lincoln > a!)d farther declared that J. W. and H. M. two Burgeflesofthe Town oi Derby had taken Toll of certain BurgeP fes of the Town of Lincoln^ d^c Exception was taken to this Declaration, becaufe they had alledged the taking of fuch Toll not by the Corporation of Derby, but by J, and H. two of the Burgefles, m which Cafe the Plaintitf might have an ' A61;ion of Trefpafs againft the Burgefles, for the A61 of any the Corporation is not the breaking of the Covenant made by the Commonalty : But it was not allowed. For if the common Officer of a Town doth ^^y <^^ Cotnoxiilon thing for their common life, it is intended fiich anfwerable for thing was done by the Officer, It Is reafbn all the *hat is done b/ Town be anfwerable for i^^ * and the whole Com- ^^^'^ O^^cr. monalty by Intendment cannot come at one time to be taken. Cited i Leon. p. l^i. In Ward and Rmgbt\ Cafe. Hob. III. An A£lIon brought againft the War- den and Fellowftiip of Weavers. The Book faith,.-. That they need not fet themfelves out to be incor- porate, the Name (hews it ; fo of Cities. Sed ^ Name, So when the Writ is brought againft Mayor and Commonalty the Law takes notice of them to be a Corporation and the Writ againil them as fuch : Eut againft the Inhabitants of a Village, a Writ brought by that name cannot be taken to be other than inhabitants, the Name fo (hews it. And in fuch Cafe fome of the Inhabitants by Name, (vtz,'^ A. and B. appear in Perfon in their own and the K 4 Name T36' %\)z Lain of <£o}i)0|at(oni3. Name of the reft of the Inhabitanrs and plead and are Defendants. Sio in Cok. Entr. ^-^y. In Faux Imprifbnment by N. agninft the Mayor, Writ dircaed Sheriffs, Citizens and Commonalty oK the City of totheCorcncrj. Norwichf the Original Writ was diredled to the Coroners of the fiiid City, and good j for the She- riffs are parcel of the (aid Corporation. 4 Leon. ^6. Ncalcs Cafe. c Writ. ^Ujics Collcgii Omnium Animarum, (^c. de Oxcn-t pettt I'erfuj F. T. lOo acras terra in T. ut jus c^ hinredttatem juam^ &c. whereas id ftould be, ut jus ^ haredttatent tp/iits cufiodis ^ ColUgiiy &c. de Oxort. But the Court held the Writ good, and all one; for the Corporation can have no other Lands there, in the Right of their Corporation. 1 Anderfon^ fe. 171. Officer of an Inferior Court, where he juftifies Proceedings there, ought to fhew their Jurifdiftion, JariMjaion fviri^^ if it be by Grant or Prefcription ; if by Char- ihcwed. fgj. jj. ought to be Profert in Curia the Let- ters Patents. But a Stranger which fb juftifics is Profert Literas ^^^ compellable (o to do. In Declarations (uch Patentet where -n r - t l • r» • • t^ /- needful rrcfert is not requilite; but in a Bar it is per rjvtj^ den., Windham altter. None is bound to prefer re Letters Patents in Court, but in a Quo "warranto. And he which juftifies as Juftice of the Peace is not bound to ftew his Commiflion. Sid. p. 511. A Writ of Right was brought by Cufios & coU » 7... /f£/««o of All Souls in Oxon. and the Writ was yranX-AI- r.'s 1 1111 ^ inoigne. '^'" clamat tener. de nobis tn Itheram pur am Cf per- petuam eleemojinam, d^ cfuod dam at ej]e jus &" ha- reditatem fuam^ &c. and Exceptions were taken to the Writ. I. It ought to be in liber am Eleemoju nam with a double ee. 2. It ought to be Libe- ram Cljc Latu of Cajpoiat(oii0* 137 ram eleefnojinam, and not fnram d^ perpetuam. 3. They ought not to (hew any tenure in fpecia], but generally Tenet de nobis. 4. They fay not in jureCoHegiti fed nonaliocaniar, for firft, injure Col- j„ jure coUezit legit is the common Courfe,and therefore good. For the fteond it is but furplulage and not material. 5, They did well to exprefs the Tenure, for otherwile it might be taken for a tenure in captte, which they ought to avoid. 4. When the Writ is brought by CuBos e^ Collegium^ this cannot be but in jure Collegii^ as in their Corporation j for they have no other Capacity, and the Prefidents are both ways. Co. a 51. the Warden of All-Souls College in Oxon. verf. Tanworth. In the Ca(e of the Guardian and Fellowfhip of the Weavers of Newhery^ that the Qiieen incorpo- rated them by that Name, and gave them power to make Laws rationi confonas, and the Queen by the faid Letters Patents did ordain for her Heirs and Succeflbrs, that none fhould exercife the Trade of Weaving within the faid Town except he were firft admitted thereunto by the Guardians and Society of Weavers, and then fhews the A61 of ig H. 7. and then that two Guardians, and the greater part of the Fellowfhip of Weavers did make an Ordinance, C^f. There was a grofs Fault in the Declaration that it did not appear that the Corporation did con- fifl of two Guardians j for there was no more decla- red, than that they were incorporated by the name of Guardians, (^c. which may be more than two, and they had omitted the Claufe whereby the num- ber was appointed. Hobart was of opinion. That they need not to fbew how they were Incorpora- ted ; for the Name argues a Corporation, as the like of Cities, and the Plea nil debet (or the like) ret^uires proof of it. Hobart m. Norris and Staps, If 138 '€l]z Laiy of Corpo^ati'onc^^ Where Hie pro- If by Licence Lands are given ro the Dean and per Name ot Ch.iptcr of the Holy and unllivided Trinity of Nor- thc Dean mult ^^^^ ^^-^ -^ ^^^ ^,^1^^ ^^^ ^^ean bc not named by his proper Name, it there were a Uean at the time of the Grant; but in pleading he muft fliew his proper name. So on the other fide, it the Dean and Chapter make a Leafe without naming the Dean by his proper Name, the Leafe is good, if there were a Dean at the time of the Leafe ; but iiL pleading, the proper Name of the Dean mufl: be Sparjlm^ per tit, Ebor' ffTV yf ^mojanb' at^ kilt ^frno^Afc^ .^ r r ^ ^ iVl n\t intent mam mo rmeJ:XZ.i. bcii) €. m. p €. /§ fcift Johannes Doe ^ Richard us Roe QUC quiDcm ^iHafequiturinljecbcrOa (T. €bor AT. €. W. queritur tJe gf» ]^. f 22I» l^,infiil!oU gjearr St^artfcat ^otfi) ^egi0cO'. ram ipfo iUcgc erifircn De ro qti ipfi 22 bic 3[unii anno rcgni ^ni) ari) CaroJi frciinDi i:>ci vj3ja) nunc illfgiiBf ^Cngiic biccfiniD fcpti* mo bi f armiisf $f . wnam Domum nim oaij^ef oftfcratijef ipfiujsf C (SCnglice boc ae ^c. ) apuD Eifi^monti in Com) ^U fregcrc ^ intrabcf ac unum €cjCtOjnum ^[nniriUTifntum (2£ngUfe a Weavers Loom) film DertifD citi CCjCro;io 3[nI!nimfnto fpectaii) (^Inglifc bocaf Tack- lings thereunto belonging) oD t?alcntiam 2ol. tria Eiciatojia (SSngiice Weavers shuttles) ad balcntiam u* tiuo jp^cramcnta r3EnijIice Iron pins) ati balf n(? ^c. ^ uiD pceit 3^£nfcr Hanar C^ngt a quantity of Woollen Yarn) ab baifnc? ^c ipfiUifif C in boit" fuapd inbrne aDrnnc ^ xBm ccpct (f afpc^tal-cr f m iiftim fiuim ,pp2ium conbcrtrr ^ bifpofuc r nrc noit ^ ipfiDC.a poITeffione $ orcupacone Domu^ ^ p magnum rcmpu^ fair a ^hcc 22 Die 5imiij anno 17 fuptiiff urof? ; tiit f cb:iiar tnnt |>jc' fcqiicfi) cnfiobibct ^ ivtvti tfiuicr p cfi itJcm Crotimi^jfirmim |commo&am tscmu^ pdp toj* JDcm tcni|3U|6f totalittr pfrDi&it ^ aniifit a5t alia cuannia ei abtunc ^ ibm intu!fr contra paccm biai Dni) Hr^i^ nmic aO Dampnum 144 ^ue itau3 ot Cojpo^ationiJ* Diimpnum ipfiu^tf €. 40 1. Ct inDe ^huc fc* ctnni ij^ 23iirgi ^Sift^ npim ^°""' ^iirgum j^Dicf tmt QiiiDam l^. (JT* Isbatiir quanUam qucrclam fu^ ^iuje? f^fnf € tjc ptird rranrjjrena fuprc cnium ^c* CaJittrq? iJi ral)cni €\\xu rnpcrintic ^tff^ fait qd per canticm Cue tent? 4 Die crBaij 3llnno rrgnl Del) IDnt) iUrgi^ nunc tJiccfittio ffptiuioco.nim a^ajo^c $ 3llifi2 j^Xhrgi ^t npnD ^iirgum ^i confiDcraf fuit quoD i»Dicie ^. €, rccujpct Dcr^ Rj^ pfae €. lijmam quaD^jaginta ^ quincR fo? liDojum ^ q-iariiojDfnai ,p Damnf.iaf fui^ Tii. Rene orcafionc non pfo:mn£Dnij^ cujiifDairf fPmifTsOii) ipfiu.^ €. ritie in ^. fact? <^i pDice S» ^ OLi nUciiu^ Die? quoD poRra ^ ante pDicf tcnipu,sf quo $c. fcil' Dccimo qninto Die 3)unij 5ilnno rr gnt Dri) pnD ^t^\^ nunc bi? fcfimo fcptimo aD rcquinfonera ipfiUjBf ]^^ qiioDDnm pf f ptiiin rrtra canDcnii Curiam tent apuD 23iirgum pDicf (VcunDuni ccnfuctuDi* ncm 25iirg pDict cmanabit fcrUicn aD clatoatn nccnon !^, %. 23alli\Jo cjufDcm Curie fpect^ i\\\t Depuraf Ditccr' 2 qiioD t\0 ^cepf futt quoD fieri facerent kw unujsf eo^um fieri faceret Dg 6oni^ f cataili^pDiff C.pDict fiimmam45 s. ^ 4d. qno^ pDict* ip. C. p juDicium Curie in ^iitgo pDice fp DnmBt^ fui,^ fuUcnf occafio^e lion ptosmaeori) cuiufoam ^^mifHom^ ipriu^ C» ciDcni i^. fact ^hx0 ^lat €, rceupaJTet un* tz iDcm €. contiictui^ tutt fjciit conlla&atDf iJIcco^Do (£t quoD turret Dcuat ii! aD ^x\t^ Cur ,p t3:ri'0 p&irf frnruD Die ll!9arti€^ ftilt In-rcnmo noiro Die ^^unij tunc ,pr' fequefra^' rcvJiScnD' pfai' 1^, t^ quotj l)frent ibi pcepi* ih liitJ CJiioUqnibtnipccpf poilra (J ante pSfic:! ^csr^pirsf qiicJTC. (^'Jt arstc pDief ^t' €urir.jrr ferlr ri- Dlr,3!umj;4m:t3;reg5itDa)|}jT^fe 14' €;iie fim of Co*^po?ation0. fli s uimc Ijifcfnno rfptiino fupDro aputi ^diir^ ivum Oc Eic^»iD»^ ^tj' pb' J. I?. nDtimciinfi) ff rljifn iiD ffaliam c juf^cni Curie DclibfCiie fuit in Dcbitii jnri^f fojma cvcqunid' ii^ eiufticm Curie intraijci? ^ pU um) 'Certo^iu) 5[unirumentum C^nglice a Weavers Loora^ euui ^ia eiiicm €ertojto ^nUtmmnt i^^ ttan bocar' Tacklings thereunto belonging $ tria Siciato^ia ( 3!Inglicc Weavers Shucdes) in eaDcm atitwnc eriHicu l^irmt^ pciptx plitct? aU fcce pd i^. €. f j^tiic^ iuio jfcrcaiu^nttf C3!nglicc Iron pins) ^ j^tiic^iin^ parccli ^cn^ fo<;um Saniariojuni ( ^CiigUce a quantity . <€. IcbafTct riuTuim 45 s. ^ 4d. be boiiifl? ^ fiiraUiia? pfnt C intra CSnrgum pb' qno,$^ qiiiticni 4.^ s. ^ 4d. iDcui gi. paraf buit aD cnnbcm €111 atJ ilio^^ ntjcm l^. €. rctiDcnti pjout ubi pccpf fait '3Cc quoD ipfe iDcni gi. birtntc pcrpf |D' aD fcrtani pfaf OH. i^. IcbaflTct fnmam i(^s. id. ipiojaf idem 3. parat 5uit ad canDf 111 €ur aD illo^s ciDcm IB, i). rcDDfnS p:out fiDi pcepf fuit ' €. acccncm Tuam pU inDc $riij^ co^^ fjerc feu tnanutincrc Dcbeat ^c. ' pciuDi non Dfdct (Duia biif quob trmpo^r frareoiT) ^ intraccit) bom^ pb'oflia ejufbcm bom^ dauil fucr C^nglice were (hut) $ obfcrae (^nglict locked) ^ qHob ijbmi !^. ^ W* oITia bcmu^ iiliu^' frcgrr ^ in boniil) ptf intraVicr ^ bona ^ catalla ult'iu^ mcuconai? cfpci* f afpo^taljcr inobo ^ fojina p^out ibcm C. fupiu^ bcrfu^tf tojs queritiir 3lbftF Ijoc quob o(!ia bcniurf pti abtunc ijpcrra fucre p^oiit pb* g|. ^ Celt fuctUid^ ptitanbo allegabcr unbe rr quo fib' SI f (Xi tranfgr pb' fact fupiu^tf ficci rogi$ ibcm C. pf ttt giubiciuni ^ bamna fiia occafi- ouc tronforilliu^ fibi abjubicari, Ct p^' J. f J©, bic? qti oltia Dom pb' rcm^ poicfc- rcou^ intraron) bcnii!.s pb' apcrra fi.* ci:^urpD' Si- f ^- liipfrius pJirruibo alic^ firaUrr it br fjoc ponnnt Te (iip p;i.im) OBt pb' C. fiJitir ^|bfc tarn nbtrJanU rvitum iHum ^uara. at frmini intfr partfje jpb' tiigiu^ junri? Cbe Laui of Co,'poiation0. 149 jnnct beil^intic jurn^ co^am £)no Bi^c dputi mcnni> t»ie ^t" jioft attacl^ fuer at) rcfponb* Ei£o ^atcicfe tif plito t)uarc ipft rimuicum dg>, JT, nup ^c, <«Bnt bi ^ atmiiBiic. in ipfum iHicril) apuD Q^elfojti in Com) pdice infuii? freer ^ ipfum $beral3er buincrabct mafetraitatei eeper ^iinp^ifonabet 9ipum in p^ifona contra ILeocm f Confuetuij ^egnt K)nl liegi^ ^ K)ne) JJcgine nunc isctinuci- f betineri ;pcura\jer $ caufaljei 3ita quou He bita cju.fif marime befprratinf €t alia eno^ mia ei intuleiuntati grabe tiampnum ipiu^ nif i $ contra pacem IDomino^um 13itQi0 $ iHegine nuncic. €t untie iUem Iitcu0 per Carolum €. ^tto^n) Cut!) querirur quoti ptjct Will Mnfon ^ mUhW l^atrich S^\)t0 Ida/ tricft^ pinion fimulcum 5c. bccimo fcptinio die SCp^iiije? 3Cnno regni IDnD fltg:i0 ^ i:)ng5 negine nunc quarto \Jt $ armi^ (tiibelt) <0laDiji8f 25acuiiiBf ^ CuUellij^ in iprum lUic n!> aputJ i^elfojD in €onf) ptJict infultum kcci ^ ipfum $Derat)cr bulneraljer nialctrortatiet cepcr J imp?ifona\)er f ipiit' iftri^ in p,:ifoiia (tneaitqua caufa rationabiU bel aliqua legii il^arrant aut aiiqua ju0a fibeiegitima cau^ fa ac contra boluntatcni ipfiUi^ ilicif contra llegcm ^ ConfuetutiinKm \^n}u0 Ulegni SCngS tiiubi0cttprpociumumuj9f annitunc pt^ (€=> queii) Detinuere i| bctinert a)cucaberc $ cau^ fabrre 3ita quoO be bita ci\i0 marime ticf. L i pcrabat jT^o C6c LnU) of €o?po^.|t(onc(. pcrafia^ (* alia enormia ^c. aD tata^c bamp iiiim ^f. (J contra par^m ?c. iniDc tj\€ (|uoD lictfrio^ac eft ^ Dampnuni \)H aD balcnctam loo 1. ^ iiibc ^Duc" fcttam |c. et pb' IID. J p ^. J^. ^Crrojfi) fiio) ben) f tjcfcntf Uim^tiifut n"nnt)o f c. r !23ur0 ^ci) €9niunDi in Com) j^Uco eft f a rnnpo3C mjusf eontrarij memo* ria fioniinum non etiflfttfuit antiquum JSiir* gUjBf quoDq? ^Hkt fiicu^ octabo Die |)obemDi? 2Cnno rcgni JDnl) g'arobi '^cruJibi nap ^e^ ^10 2finfflte $c. tertio apiiD ©urg ^ci) €bmunbi pbire infra 3|urifoi(tio,' F°""- ncm Curie be 0eco2bD 2?ur.j illiujsf per quoB ibeni W* % ^ recupaEone pd biginf libr po< l!ea I ante pbief fcmpii^ quo ^e. fcilt ottiibo bie ^obf mb?i£f 2Cniio rcgni bci) nup 0cgi^ 5liacobi ^ecunbi quarto abCur eiufbemnup !Hegtjtf bel5ceo2bo abtunc ter.f ab J ^ -©urgo ilto in vSuJDalb' cjufDcm 23urgt nc tjifra 3[,u^ ^ifoictionrm Curie pbirt fc;am fit^arrina ^pcnfie^j ^^r tunc ^HlDcrninnno •::3urgi pd ~ ■ ■ ' ' tig COc Lato of CojpointfoniEt. » f i flc €. !3^. f 0. ^. Ef giiSf $ I^Pne^ He gine niim p?i.- ino ai> Curiam ht lUeco^Do copunDem IStgt;^ $ Heginc atitunc tent ah $ j) 15urgo $2>ro In <0uit|alU f jiifDrm 23urgi ac Infra 3(urifDi j&pcnjiep buolbuier CapitallDu^ ^urgcnfiSiu^ 'Burgi illiuj? birtutc Eitcrarum ^^atcnf pti' iOiti' tene ihtm W. 5. p confiticra?oncm c juf» ticni Curie recufiatJit ^fu^ef pfaf Bicrn) tarn ptj' beBm tjigine libr quam centum fotiDor qui ciDem W, % in eaUem Curia abtunc ^ ibiti' atijutiicai? fucr |) tamnijef fui;sf que t^uit occaHone betenticnli^ ticbiti il!iu0 untie con.- toictUjBf eft j3ut p iUcco^lJ* $ l^^^occfjg inDe in Curia 25urgi illiu0 aputi ©uiljalti' ciufUcm 'Burgi rcfiDci!> plcniu^ liquet $ apparct in fo^ma juri^' cnqne nD birtutc cu;u<3f qui- bem ptfpf ijDeni % p. f ^. ID. aD requifi. ^one m ipCni0 W, eifDem 31. J), f ^. 1©* iBm face apuD TBurj pbicc'ac infra jjurifDictio. jicm CTur pDief poffea ^ ante retojii) pccpe pDicr' fcittcoDem i6Die3ilp^iIi^ 3Cnno quarto iupDifto nianuj9f fuajef fup cunDcm nicrii) ^noIUter jnipofuer a& ipfum er caufa pbici? arreHantiac ipfum Hienl^ aDtunc ^ ibiD' er faufa i!fa eD fectam ipHu^ IDiilt Dr pDici* plito $ ab requif:conrm ipfiu^f W* J^ ecpc^ tunt arte Ilnl3cr' ^ inip^ircnabr r ^ ca Dc caufa jnp:ifcna ibiiJ (fcitt; in rommuni Oaola c^ iulDtin .25urgj fiib euHoGJa ptJicf .^ami'.cC ><—'•-... (23:ol3e Cl)e Lnlu of Ca?pohit(oib5, 153 ^:obc mitljt fjaftinn SSurgi pofur r i bclifie- raWr in crcciicoiie ^ Delbo ^ DanipnijD pDic^ C^t afiintic p i?Oict tcnipu^ in narriiconcpbicf riipiii;8f mcn2onae j^Uice tunc %\ti}u0 laiirgi jpDci pfae iiicrii) in cjcfciUojic ^ dcbo ^ Dani^ pni^ j^ltfice tictinutt ;}ut ct bene Iiciiit que quiOcm molii0 impontf tnanu) ac nrrc(l' $ imp^ifonari?) f)ti'alii)recuf $ reqiiifii* ipiiii^iB. 3 lit pfcrt facf funt ilicm refib' tranrgrefj§ imp,2ifonanif nf ^ l>ctencon>' pDicf untte phUc niciiie? fiipius $luiqf eundf m W, % (\mtm\t SSljfffi lioc quod ibcm £21. 3|. eft culpa15 De capEonc acrcflaJonc impnfcnainfni? ^ Drrni^ con) jptiice apub Hi^clfo2ti j^Dict' fcii a\it txtta OButQwm piicf ^ S^^unfiJirtioi^ ejufdcni €Uf tic Tcu alitcr \it\ alio mobo quam lu fupbire cR ict* W. 3i. in ftarr TpMtcit tricit qU ipfc p nliqua p ^Diff SB. S- f'tpiiii^ inde pritanUo allcgat ab acJonc lua pdicf intic $fu^ eunHcm W. % ^abcnd ipcIuDi non Debet (Duta tiicit quoa ab flUquoD tempufif pof! 17 biem a^arte nunc Hegi^tf ^ Cicginc ICnglic $c. p^mo quo Die ^ubicitD in ptito ipfiu^ il^ilfi 3to[jnron recital $ menEonaf rcDDie fuit $fu^ fyfat? J5ictf^g)atrich ^ ante ^bicf 14 Diem 3Cp^ilijGf !3nno regni bictoii- DnD Hegi^tf $ ^g) Ecgi- lie nunc quarto fupDicto quo Diej^cepf Dc€a^ pins ab fatij^facienti in ptito j^Dci tBiiti 3?oIj!tron mcnfonae $ rccitaf emanabit nul^ Uim gfutiicium fupaliquoD ^ccpe Dc .^cire fai* emaiD ertra ^Dict' Curiam 'Burgi ^bice fie $ fup Jubicio i^bicr* rebbiefuit nee unqua) fuit aliquob qE j^cepf manbar* fitje rpcefj§ he ^ fup 5uDicio $Xjkt fpfecue {i\}e continual $fujtf ^hkt iiUnt Patrick crtrabcl p eanbf m Curiam 25urgi ^bci inter j^bicf 17 bieni ^ttobr 3nno quarto fupbicf $ j^bicf i4biem 5lp2iltj0f^nno quarto fnpDrcf ibcm Eicu^f Clje HaU) of Ca^po^ation^, i > f &ttu^ ^attich pti 3iiit»if ittm f tiampna fiia Demur. ^^ict ^{n0 ^tatW. % occanone inde (ibi ati> iudtcart $c. ^dtrtcft rjiioati refifi trnnfgrcfjB infulf imp^i^ fi$namrtte ^ lictencofD jpDict* m pfertnc fupf^ EiUje? rrpUcalida |j!itaf minujflf fufficicn) in k» $e ejCiOtit aii phkt Hicum aceonem funiti fid $fUj0f cun&cm i©. 5[' '^f"^' mamitcncntj qUcr? ipfe ati ptitam iliub moDo ^ foiiiia fibir! rc^ plicantio ptitaf nerefTc non (jabc t ncc g legem tcrccttnetai: rcfponticre (fit t)oc paratujef eft $tficare untie j) Defectu fiifficiril) rcpliratonijef ipfiUjBf Jilici m l^ac parte iDem W, S- petit 3ubicium ^ rjxl pti 0i£u^ a6 arconc fiia pti qudab refiti trnnrgr infulf imp^ifonamenf ^ QetencoiD jp^tei^ ut pfertut \)tttu^ earn pciu^ oSt pti l{i?Ui^ er quo ipfe fufSetei!) materia) in iege ati accoi^ fuam ^ti qitoati pd reftd iranrgr infult imp^ironamene ^ Detencon) p^ lit Kertur $fu^ tBiit gicfjnfon l^enti manure^ licnti fuptUiei replicanti $ allegae quarti ipfe paratuiff tU $ificare quam quiUem materiam ^ W. % non tietiitf nee ab earn nliqiialif re* fponti Cedberifiealfonem iiSabmttrereomnino recufatut p?iui8f ptt gubieiumgt bampna fua dCfaZone |8 refid tranfgr infali? imp?irona== men! I beteneoft) pbief §fertuc fiBi abiubt- eari ^c. Ct pbicf tB, gatricfe % g. $ @), I©, per 9I* ^. 3Iltto^ fun) uen) f bcfena bim f inja* riam qunnbo $e. 6^ nt{)il in barsram aeSoni^ pbtcf Eici^atricli pbicf inbe biif g qU ibem HicUflf ^atricft rcmnnet inbe berfa^ ^^at mm pattith g. ^. a^ ^. 10. inbe inbefeng ol) quob ibcm Eicuj^ f^atrirh bamna fua oc= earione inbe bfrfu.sf pfat ID» g)arrifft % p. 156 €(;£ LiVo) of Co^pa^ations. if @. IB. rcfuparc bfftrnt ^c, ff t quia nef. dtuc nn pDic! C^ 3« coiibinfat? be $ Tup mate* ria in lege unDcipfe idem flDiHu^SioDiifon f VtJiffntEuiEf patcicUfupiUiBi in JuDiiia)Cm* ijic fc pofiicre ne cnc <8t quia ncfcituc etiam an i&rni r©illu^De ^ Tup materia in cjcifpo- fif inter pfae Hicum ^Datricfe ? jpbicf I©, 3|, p pjiaiiii trianti nlitcr con\)incatur nr me n) in Coiti) Cibitaf pDic! Clotljicc ^ giohannc 23aftec nuj tic Citiita! C2iigo^n) in Coif^ Cibitaf pbicf ^^afict: Ui f arnii^tioniumipfiUjBfCiiei 3CDnep apuDCibi^Tiefp^rsfor ra- tal iili0oji!» ptiifl frcgcr % intra\jfr ac tJitcr^ king Goods. fa Dona ^ catalla ipfiu^Bf Ulici ^tinep aD ta- Icntiam centum lib?arij) alitunc f \%\w nus inbeiit cepcr ^ afpo^tater <^t alia enormia rtintulet aD graisse Dampnum ipfiUjB? Eict ^Dncp ^contra paccm Pnt) negijsf nunc tamia) (58ngUcc Waip) quaU^aginJ? ponDeca <^u^- tfgmen? J .58 Cfie Uatu of Coapo^atloim* tcfliiicii) (H:iiglifc Wooflf) ufi) <©nulnm(3(lnv cliff .1 1'ipkii)) oftD jOoUti cftljitic illupilae icptcni <:iipoj3r (?llnglice Tubs) una) peci^ paiini llniici at!) r«. f a tempore eujuif contrarii mcnio^ia f|o- fterCouit. minuni non eriftit fuit antiqua Ciljiraitf iis in0 iilegni SCnglic qiiodtp infra eandem Ci* Ditatcm 5ctur ^ a toto tempore rap;adicta licbatur quedaro Curia dc Heco2tio dci^ 2PnT) ilcgiisf nunc d p^ogcniro^^ fnoi}- llcgum ^ i;icginai|- 3ingt rene cojam 23anibi^ $ 'Hib iicrmaii) Ciljira^ jpd uFq? tr cdum diem vDctobr Sfinno regni jDnD 3(aco()i niip ttCQ\0 %\\g]it dccimononof ^cotie qiiinquagenmo qiiinra f poftca co^2am i1^a)o?c ncco2dato_:c ^ ^^Ider maniujar C6e Latn of Corporation*?, i cy ttiannijef (EMtat j^b' p tempore triScii^ tci tot\, flliqint»^ trilj< tod plurib^ ro2|. de olo^ actionib^ pfonaUb^ ouiOiifcinifp infra canDcm Citoitarcm emergen) quoDcK tin ante i^dice rempUitf quofup ponitiic fcactioncmf inrra^ toiicmbqniu^ pd $ capconem f afpo^itaconc jii jpliict^ pccie Ipaimt HaneirapinjS? fieri fupputt? fcil 7^ bic 311ugHl!t 2£nno rcffni bet) IDnt) He- gijtf mine trucfimo quarto m ^d* Curia be Ecfo^bo bci) H^ni) iUcgij^ aune Cibitaf ^bice ten! til <^uifialtj Citoitaf j^diet? eo^am (3(op eij a^oHep MmiiQ tunc ii^ajoje (fcitiitae f ^tJfjoma Street iS^it tunc Hero .tin fo?c e jurofni CitJtrai? ^ Jacotio JJigguijtf (J^iJ^o ®oUep Cd^ mundo ^ttt $ at tunc Alderman eiufdem €iUtat fetdf^ confuetudinem i\\iu0 ^it»ita= ti0 quidam Bo'btu0^Bntt in ppna sfona fua beiD $ adtunefito Ulhni) eonfuetudinnti CibitatiiJ j^dice leliabit quandam querelam fuam $fu;9f pd nicifi) 5fidnep in p!no debitt deccra lijbjarum (f adrunc ^ ifini pctijt ^ct($ QLui ^d' afujSf j^fai? lUicm) 311dnep ad fe^am ipJiu;^ tiohti 'Bntt in loquela jpdict fibi fa* fiend frEdri!) confuetudinem (CiUitat $dict'# n adtune^ i&m eoneedebat Tup quo adtuncf i&m feCdn!) confuetudtnem Ctbitaf j^dtc^ a toto tempore fupdice ufitai f app?oftaf j^cept p eand' Cur dcS pni) KcgiiSf in Ctbitat* |s ^erbienf ad clabam e jufdem Ctbitaf quoli attach feu $c. pd' Hictfl) Slldnep p cozpuef Titoc ^ bona i eataUa fita gita quod eilit ad $1:' Cur dcD H:)ni) Eegii9f OEibitat j^dicf apuO <^uiljaifi Cibitae pd eojam ^fai? Q9ajo2e i^e=^ co2dtifo:e ^ 5fildfriiiun Cibirae j^dic^ tencnl! ad refpond.nU eidfiti Eo&jo Q^urt dc^dco ptits Ljcbi Sbnn dic^ tunc da£ fait eiij Bilij i^Dnrp p cnnDcm Cuij-j^m ihni ^c. CaUfcriii eaii Cur Ctbitnc ^ti ui IsQuda ^jj ^«{tix) fuit 1 60 €'1)C tlniu of Co}poiatloi]^» Cjuct! poflcii (I nnrc ^« rrmpiisi quo (f f. frift nD Curiam tJcT' Dm ilf gi5 Dc llerojij Cilir^ t.it* r)dopiiD>Dinbalti ^d coMin pfnto 5ll'^njo:c ncfo:boto;c f 3l!ti?i0 'fl'ibirati0 ^ti Die Hunc fffDo Dtc (Dttobr 3tnno rrgni IDiii^ tiegif/ muif irifcr.mo iinarro fiip^abiff triifpcanS Cur confitifrn^ fair qti titiau0^ohm0l5un rcfiipnrrt ^hia ^['a€ Hicm) ^bncp ^a Dcbifuni fum) 1 o 1. ^ tiainpita fun otlom Dcrcnconi^ Debt illiu^ ati n s. f 6 d. citi HoBto 23urr c r afrenfu fuo p cantf Cur alJjuDif ae fup quo qui- Hem jubicio ^ruisf j^faf Hicifi) Sllbncii in fojma fit ttlitjit pb' noBtuD' Cl^oma 2I3inton bomii) pD' in narracone pb' nicnconae onto eiuCDem nomuisf aDtuncapcrt criHcu) ats ptJirf peciani ©anni land ptJci nintD ^Dncp iBm crimen) in cjcccutionc $ bcBo ^ tiampni^ pD' capicnb' ^ fcifiant)' intra\3cr ^ cnntJcm pcciam J)anni iLanci ut Ijona tj rataJia pti' Itici) Slbncp ^^ p^ta in bonio pb' inticnf in crccuSonc $ beBo ^ bampnii^ pb* ccpti* ^ afpo^raiicr' ,put ci^ef fienc iicuit que quibcm intraco bomnef pb' f capilo I afpo^raJo Jbicf pfcie^anni ILanei tx f aufa pbca ^ in fa^ma pbict fact hiut cabcm fractio ^ intratio bomu.sf pbcc ^ caprio # afpo^tatio pbict pccic panni Hanct unbc ph^ nifu^ 3£bnf p Tiipin^ fc niobo qucritai: aBfcfj l^oc quob ipfi ijbcm Hie 32)cnion €lia JJDin- ton Gitiisf {5o;ri«;? ? 3o5f ^ ^illbcrn funt cul^ pabilfjB? be tranrgtcQioiic pbca pbco bfcimo bic ^n\i) 3£nn3 tciccfimo quinfo fup^abicto bcl ab aliquob tcmpuitf poIT pbir? fcciuibum bicm <0a:otir ^nno tciccfiino qiuiito fup^a^ bictomobo ^ fo^ina,put pbirf iilifu^ 31bnqi fupiUjGf inbc Dcrfufif eo^tf qucril ^t Ijcc paratr funt bccificarc unbc pee Jubicium fi phite tiii\x0 3bncp acJoncm fuam pbice quoab fraccoii) ^ intracoii) bomu;^ pbicf $ capconem ^ afpo^ra^oncni pbicepcdc ^panni Snnci bci*^ fujD! f 00 f}txc hcljcat ic* €t quoab fcaccciD t imracoi^ bonni^ pbce ^ captioncm $ afpo^tationem pbcol|- reribun) lionoil- f catalloii- in narraJonc pbice fpcci? ficae fiifiiu^ fieri fuppoit ijbcm ^icu^ ^et= non €jipiuaiS? Jl^inton nifujtf ^o^:ci^ % S^^ M tc^ i62, ttftc LnttJ o! Cojpo^atton0» ttii 3llbcmtJie quotJ actio non ft. and plead* as before. That the City of mutjler is an anci- ent City, &c. and that the faid John AUtrn levied a Plaint there againft the laid Plaintiff Richard Adney in Debt of 40 /. and recovered againft him, and fo had Execution by Fieri fac ti^ainft the faid Goods refidue fcciintlO l)iC a^ht 3ilimO tcicffimo quarto, and traverfe as in the orhcr. R. B. one other of thefe De(en- dants, as to the piece of Linnen-Cloth aforefaid, pleads as the other. That he levied a Plaint of Debt of 10/. A^k\n^ Richard Adne^y and a re- covery in the faid Court and Execution fttlflTI fftunbo \i\t Ottoftc' ^nno triccfimo quarto fup&ic^, and traverfeth ut fupra. Vnd plead the (ame as to the refibUUtn bOj» M a AM 164 ^(jc taiu of Co2po^^tion!?. And Burt pleads, fjabctut talc iJcco^ti ^c^ 9ItJfo j^bfo micu^ aDcrnon €t)onia^ Winton nicii|3 ^o^ri^ef $ 3'obcjef 3CIDcrn j^eant JIlc co^tl iHub l]ic in ODctab ^cD li)iHa* cU fui^ ptciiliioi iDcm t)ir;8i Dnt en partitiUief ftiicf l^ic f c. €t qiioab trianti frpalc^ txituB inter pactei0f jplJift fupiu^ juncc jpcept cK lt)i- f ecomit qb Uenirc faC ^c» Note, The Plea is not good. I . He ftiews the Court was held coram BalUvisy and then coram MajorCy d^c. and (hews not how the Stile came to be altered. a. Pleads Adiions of Debt, and fhews not that the Debts arife infra 'Jurifdiciionem Cur"*, 3. Shew Provifoe by Attachment ^er corput file catalUj which is not good. 4. Traverfe is ill ^ for the Trefpaft is laid the I oth of June and the id of O^ober^ and the Traverfe is rf^/^j hoc-, &c. 10 Junij vel al"* quod tempus foji i OUob\ whereas he ought to traverfe all times ante emanttonerff^d^ c. velfofi Retorn'. The Plaintiff's Replication Is ill. De injuria fua propriay c^r. ahfej-, hoc quod habetur aC quod tale Re- cord\ which is a double Traverfe^ But the Plaintiff having well declared, and the Pica being ill, the Plaintiff ought to have Judg- ment, though the Replicatioh be ill j and fo the . Plaintiff had Judgment, CHAP. C A P. X. How, and in what things, and to what purpofe a Corporation may Prefcribc or not. The Corporation of Dublin to recover three pence per Pound of all Merchandifes. Court of Chan- cery in London by Prefcription. Vrefcription for Common, Vrefcription for Wharfage in Queen-hyth, pleading by way of Cufiom and not Vrefcription. A Corporation^ how to prefcribe. A thing may be good by Prefcription^ too not by Grant. Cannot prefcribe to be dif charged of the Annual Cufiom, a Revenue of the Crown. A Corporation, how to prefcribe. Que Efiate^ how to be pleaded. Vide Pleading. IT is a good prefcription for the Corporation of Dublin, that they are Owners of the Port of Dublin, and that they maintain Perches in the DuhUn. fiiid River, and direct the Ships in the deep Chan- nel, and that they maintain the Key and Crane, and that in confideration of this they prefcribe to receive of all Merchandizes of the Port three Pence in the Pound, d^c. Here is Quid pro Quo, and fo it is a good Prefcription. xRol. Abridg. i6s^. A Corporation prcfcribed to arrefl a Man upon (ufpicidVi of Felony, and to imprifon him for three days, and after to carry him to the next Goal. This is againft reafbn. ax Ed. 4. 45, The Lord Mayor of London may prefcribe to have a Court of Chancery in London, of matters Court of ch,ji tryedin the Court of the Sheriffs of London, altho eery by Pic- fuch Court cannot be granted by the Kings Letters ^ciiption. Patents, x Kol. Abrvdg. z66, M 3 A i66 C6e Laiu cf €o?po^Qt(on0» Corporation Fcrfons inrer- eftcd in the Re. venues and Profit. jror Common. ^ Corporation may prcfcribe to have Commori in Grofs, for the benefit of thtlr particular Mem- bers, but not for Common in Grols without Mem- ber.. But they make it for hcdiisLe'vant and Cou- tbant. For a Corporation may prefcribe for the benefit of their particular Members* as. well as a natural Pcrf hAben* tes & ad frtfens fofftderi &c- Prove that at the time of making the faid Letters Patents,the Church- Wardens had the laid Term for Years in them j and by this it appears it was not the Intention of the King, that they (hould make any Surrender before the Letters Patents, but that the acceptance of the Letters Patents, they having the Eftate in them, fliould be a Surrender, i o Ke^. 6j. the Cafe of the Church-wardens of St. Saviours in Southwark. And it was refolved in that Cafe, that the delivery made by the Church- wardens of the faid Letters Patents into the Chancery by their hands, without writing was fufficienr, and as much as they ought to do, and it belongs to the Lprd Ch^nuellor to cancel it. The Mafter and Fellows of Mfigdalen-College conveyed the Land and Parcel of their College to Queen Eliz,ahethy againft which they were reltrain- td by the A6t of 1 ^ Eltz,. upon which Conweyaaee a Rent was rcferved. The Mafter of the College accepts Cbe Haiti of Co^poiatiou^. 1 7 1 accepts the Rent, gives a Receipt for it under his Hand (not under the College Seal) this Acceptance Acceptance of of the Rent by the Matter, fhall not difable or con- Rent. elude him and the Fellows to enter into rhe (aid Lands (• aliened , for that this Body politick is a Body aggregate of many, and the Mafter only by \iis Acceptance may not diveft any Right or Inte- reft which is in him and the Fellows, and conclude him (efpecially it being without Deed) to enter into ^hc fame. 1 1 Ref. Magdakn-Collfge Cafe. In Aflize of Frefh Force brought againft Moor^ and the Corporation of Mercers in London. Moor appears in proper Perlbn, and the Corporation by their Bailiff, who had no warrant in Writing. And ^aylllF in Af- per Cur. the Bailiflf cannot appear without warrant ^ °' * ITT • • J /■ I • A I ij r Porcc cannot in Writing j and lo their Appearance was held tor appear without null. It was faid in this Cafe, one may juftify in a Warrant in Trefpafs as Bailiflf to a Corporation without Deedi writing. Q. It was alfo faid a Bayliff of a Mannor Ihall not have Ati^ion of -Debt for his Salary, without Deed agai nit a Corporation. Plow.^i. b. Trefpafs was brought for taking Ship and Sails* The Defendant juftified by a Command from the Governors and Society of the Trade in the Cana- riesy who were incorporated by that Name, and liad the fble Trade granted to them, with a Forfei- ture of all fiich Goods as fliould be brought hither from thence, by any not of their Company, and that the Ship of the Plaintiff brought Goods from thence. Plaintiflf Demurs, becaufe he juftified by a command from a Corporation, and did not alledge at to be by Deed. It was agreed, that a Corporati- ^on might employ one in ordinary Services without Deed, as to be a Butler. 1 8 Ed-w.^. or Bro. Corf. 59. or the like. But one cannot appear to Aflize Hbrought againft a Corporation, as Bailiff /i»»i fait^ II H. 7. 27, Neither can they licence one to take their Trees wkb^ui Deed, nor fend one to make a Claim 172^ ^(jc KLntu of Coapo^atioucf. Claim to Lands. 9 Edw. 4. 39. nor command one to enter for a Command broken. 7 H. 7. 9 Rol. AbrtJg. p8. I Vtntr. 41. Horn and Joyce. If the Dean and Chapter put the Chapter Seal to a Deed, this is good without delivery. But if the Dean and Chapter have right to Land,but they can- not make a good Leafc before Entry made by them Into the Land (as an eftranger had of a void- able Leafe) they may make it in writing, and affix their Seal to ir, and make a Letter of Attorney to J.S. to deliver it as their Deed upon the Land, who delivers it accordingly, this is a good Leafe ; for the affixing the Seal to the Leafe doth not make it a Deed, they being out of PofTeffion until the Attorney hath delivered it as their Deed upon the Land, and that otherwife it would be void. 2 Rol. Abridg, 14. Fludd and Gregcry. Of Conveyances of Lands ly Mafters and fellows of a College ^Dean and Chapter^ &c. PER Stat. 13 £//2S. c. 10. *' All Leafes, Gifts, ** Grants^ Feoffments, Conveyances,or States, *' to be had, made or fuffered by any Mafler and " Fellows of any College, Dean and Chapter of *' any Cathedral or Collegiate Church, Mafler or " Guardian of any Hofpital, Parfbn, Vicar, or any *' other having any Spiritual or Ecclefiaflical Li- *' ving, or any Houles, Lands, Tythes, TenC' *' ments, or other Hereditaments, being Parcel of ** any fuch College, Church, Cathedral, Hofpital, *' Redlory, Vicaridge, or any other Spiritual Li- " ving, &c. to any Perfbn or Perfbns, Bodies Po- *' lirick or Corporate, other than for 21 Years, or " 5 Lives, fhall be utterly void, and of none ef- " fea 13 Dec. I J FMz,. The Mafter and Fel- lows of Magdalen-College Cambridge-, by their Deed ^6c lam of Coipojatfonscf. 173 Deed enrolled In Chancery, did give and Grant to our Sovereign Lady the Queen, all that Mefluage, (^c. Habend. to the Queen and her Succeflbrs Tor ever, paying i^l. fer Annum Rent to the Mailer and Fellows, under this Condition, That if the Qijeen, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, fliall not fufficl- ently convey and afTure by Letters Patents, &c* the faid Memiage to BenediB Sfimla ai\d his Heirs before the firft day of Afril next enfuing, then this prefenr Indenture to be void. Vex Stan 1 8 Eliz* c, ^. of confirmation of Letters Patents, its recited, that after the firft Year of the faid Queen, divers Mannors, Lands, dfc. were conveyed to the (aid Queen, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, and divers Bodies Corporate, for the perfect Aflurance whereof It .was enadted. That all Feoffments, Surrenders,Con- veyances and States in any manner conveyed with- in 7 Years after the end of that Seflion, to the Qucenj by any Perfbn or Perfbn-s, Bodies Politick^ id^c. of any manner, c^c. for any Debt, Money, or ether Confideration, fliall be good in Law to all In- tents, d^c. faving to all Perfons^ &€. And further enadls, That all Letters Patents, Indentures, d^c. lealed with the Great Seal of England, &c. then made and granted by the faid Queen fliall be goad and efFe£tual In the Law again ft the faid Qijeen,her Heirs and SuccefTors, according to the Tenor and Effe6l of the l^Id Letters Patents. Queen Eliz,aheth 29 J-an. the feventeenth of her Reign, granted the Mefluage to BenediU Spinola^ and his Heirs. Spinola 2 1 Eliz,. granted It to the Earl of Oxford, and he levied a Fine in Trin. 14, Eliz. which by mean aflignment came to Cafiilion, Leflbr of the Plain- tiff j Earl of Oxford paid 1$ I. Rent to the Maftcr of the Gollege, who received the ^me, and after enters. I ^ If the faid Conveyance made to Q. £/;- . x,ah(bf by the Mafter and Fellows of the faid Houfe, 1 74 ^6e UattJ of Cojpo2at(on0* Houle, parcel of the PofTeflion, after the Ad of 1 3 Eliz,. was re (I rained by the Paid A<^. Per Cur. The Aft of i ; £//2i. reftrains the falci Maftcrsand Fellows to convey the Houfc to the Qiicen : Though the Queen is not named in the A)ii} Ch:ip CoHegij 4 Leon. x?.5,. ' O C' A P. 194 ^D" ^^^ ^^ Coipoiat(on;5^ CAP. XII. Miinomer of Corporation. B^ AJJttion, Or/iilJjoTf. Jnver/ton of Order. Va- riance net in fuhjiarjce of the Name. The hefl' c^urfe in doubt i of A'fifnomer, is to caufe the Ver- Ai[l to he fi'Hvdf that the true Ccrporaticn did gravt, per nomcn. Jihere, a?td inwhat Cafes a good Defcription of a Corporation is fujfcienty though there be a Mifnorner. The difference be- fween the name of the Flace^ de Savoy & vocat* Savoy. Corporation not to be limited to a Coun- ty. Sufficient demsnfiration of a ?lace. What the Mayor and Burgeffies of Lyn's Cafe. The Dean and chapter of Carlifle's Cafe. Dean and Chap- ter of Windfor's Cafe. Merton College Cafe. Pafchal and Fanfhaw'/ Cafe. The Cafe of the Cocks of London. Queens College in Oxon. Launcelion in Cornwall. The College of Eaton'/ Cafe. The Cafe of the Corporation of Bofton in Lincolnfliire. Trinity College in Cambridg. Dean and Chapter of Chrift-Church ;»Oxon. „ S Addition. ^^Omiflion. T H E Hofpltal was founded by the name Minifter des Pauperis Domus de Donning^ InverfioB of- y ton. 71 L. The Mafter and his Confre- Oidcr. ers made a Lea/e thereof by the name of Ihomai Leatherland Minijier Pauperis Domus Dei (Mi- nifter of the Almes-houfe of God ) the Queftion was if this Leafe made by T!L. was according to the rtame of the Corporation, cr not, being an Inver- fion not only of Order and Words, but of Senfe and Matter^ as was obje<5led. But ^er Cur. Mini- fir ^6e latt) of Co^pa^atioxiJ^; t^$ per is nomm a^uivocum multiplex ambiguum rti' lativmm. Minifier is Servant, (b tUtmJfer dei but as Servant of God, of his poor Houi^ de Don- . mngton ; that is as much «s to fay, Minifier of God, for or about his poor Houfe^ &c, if the Eflential part of a Corporation be named It is fufficicnt. The Adion was on Bond, a^ re- OmiflHori. fpond* Majori & Burztnfihm de Lyn Regis in Com* ., , i ■KT J •► f J u t . A A4. Mayor and N. and it was tound they were Incorporated Ma- g„ ' (^-^.g qj- jor(^ Burg(n[ei bur^i e diffe- le Savoy defigns a Place, i'o as by the word mon Council not onjy tor the Matter and.Subllancc of it, but cenlufcd as to (^ ^\^q Fbfm of if. T/jimts Sand was much worfe the F«im. ^Y^.^^^ j|^^ j^^j^j 3^^^^ ^^^j y^.j ^^^ p^l^^ ^f ji^g pgj^g was greater, and the n-.eafure Itfsi a!id it's againll reafon that any Freeman fhould be rtlbained againft Merchandizing and felling. And the Court fa'd, That they were very prefuinptuous in making Acts lb Parliament like, that no EHuign, C^'c. and ftir- * red up the Plaintiff in the next Parliament to exhi- ybit a Bllag init rhtni for it. GcS. lo6. B. R. P Of By-Laws rejlrabi'ing Trades. I EX Hobart In Norris and Stap his Cafe, p.lio. it's a great Qiieflion, Whether a new Corpo- ration, having no Prefcrlptlon to appropriate and exclude other?, can make a Law to exclude Perlons to life an "Art or Trade in their Town, whereunto ;i they We're not Apprentices, within the fame Town, v^l though they ferved their Apprenticcfhips to if elfe- ' wliere ? lb that the Queftion is between the Parti- ' ^cular Piiviledges of Towns, and the General Li- "berties of the People, and fit to receive a Detcrmi- ,^ nation. The JPreliminaries in tiie Cafe are: . (, I. The Common Law did not forbid any Man . , "to exerciie any 1 rade, were he trained up to it or not, or to exercife more Trades than one;. This was prohibited by Stat. 27 EJ. ;. c. 6, but repeal- ed afterwards. ». The ^\}Z llaU) of Co^pojatioitjj^^ m 1. The Law as it now Hand?, forbids not any one toufe any Trade privately, as ro be my TayloK in my Houfe, for that is not a Trade but a Service, and it is at my own Peril be it well or ill done. This is refolvd in rhe Taylor of Ip/wfcb''s Cafe, 1 1 Rep. Owe may be a private Cook, Bajcer of Taylor, though never Apprentice. g.That the Law as It now ftands forbids no Man to exerci(e a Trade Publickly, that hath been an Apprentice to it wherefocver. The Star, j Eliz,. lellrains it not. The King incorporates the Mafler, Warden and Commonalty of the Taylors and Cloathworkers of Jpjuftcby and granted that they (hall have Flenam pott[tai* d^ autheritat' facere & con^ituere ratiO" nabtles Leges Ordwationet &• Cvnjittutiones infcript* tjUiC eis viderentur (alubria bona utilia honefia df necejjaria Jccundum eoruw difcret tones pro bono regi- mine <& gubernat' &c. Soaetat^ pradi^' d^c. But by the 19 H. 7. c. 7. itisena6tedj That no ,p yj .^ -; Mafters, Wardens, and Society of Crafts and My' of Allowanco. fteries (hall make any Ada or Ordinances, nor to execute any Ad:s or Ordinances in exharedationem feu diminutionem Prerogativi vel aliorum ali' quorum nee contra conrmune froficuumpopuli nijiidem Actus (^ Ordmattones exammai df' approbat*forent per CanceP Tbtjaurar* Anglta capital' jittfi'ic* utri' uf/jue Band vel tres eorum vtl alit^ coram Jufiici- ants Aj]iZ*yje'JicL for a Year, and that 17 j^ug. I Re^u Tttwc xhcy made a ByL.aw, Qjiod fi altcjua per(pjia foret dtb tt* elett"^ to be Chamberlain, d^ re- cHJartt Jujcipere Ojjiciunt^ he (hall fork it I q /. to the Mayor, c^c. and then (hews rhat ^o Sepr. , An. I. pradt'cl. (fcundum Cnn[n(tudi?jfm prtfdi'SL the Defendant debup niodo eletius fuit tn Ojjiciu?^ idud tpio cxifien cize O* libera howinum cfvitat, fradttl. and that he refuted to accept ir, c^c. I'he Defcndanr dcir.urs upon the Declaration, c^ per tot*- Cur. Judgment for the Defendant. For the By- Law to cleft ali'^unm perjonarn is voidi for by it they may elf ft any Strang :r, and the Words debit modo eletl, will not cure it ; for this |Joes only to the manner of Elcclion, and not to the Perfon to he elefted, it oughc to have been ft alte^uis Civis Jiye Bur ^enf. foret elctl. "^ Levins ^9^. Mayor and Commonalty oi Qxon verfus fVild^nofe. C. F. Chamberla'n of London diflreincd the Goods of /K R. for a Pain alitfltd by the Com- mon-Ccuncil of London \ and upon the return of the Sheriffs of London appeared to be this. They returned the Ufage and Cuftom of the City of London to make By-Laws by their Common Ccun- fuddhdoch ^^^ "> ^^^ ^^^^ Puddledock near VauPs-Wharf was an ancient Place for lading and unlading of Ships, Boats and Lighters, and that it was in decay, and that for Reparation of it it was ordained that tvcry Ship that fliould be laden and unladen there Ihould pay a Penny for e^try Load which he Oiould carry from thence, and that every Carman for every Load whith he fliould carry from, thence fhould pay a Penny ; and that the laid' IV. K. had carried divers Loadsj &c. and that the Ciry did grant this Af- fcfmcnt to the Chamberlain, in Re conipence of the Charges which he (houid expend about the /aid Re- paratioji?. And upon this Certificate a Vrcc^dendo m^iS prajcd. Argued, C6e lain of Ca^po?atlon0. ^ Argued, Thar this was a good By-Law founded fipon Cuftoni and Prefcription, fo Taverner and Crcmwell^ C&{h. Dier 522, 5^g, where the Lord of a Mannor rrmde a By-Law, That no Tenant ftould puc his Beaft into the Common before the Ringing of a Bell, upon pain to forfeit 11. d. and adjudged a good Ordinance. And this is for the Weal Publiclc of that part of the City and of all the City. 4x Eliz^. fVifemans Cafe, Wharfage by Prefcription is good. And 44 Eliz. Hankfljead and (Voods Cafe, where Toll was paid for main- tenance of the Walls of Salisbury, for every Pack of Wool which pafled by a Penny; and held to be a good Impoficion. And the Gale of Gravefend, where there was an Impofition , that every one which landed at Grwoefend fhould pay a Penny to- wards the Reparation of the Bridge, and good by the better Opinion of 1 1 H. 6. this By-Law is not again ft the Rules of Law, nor the Prerogative of the King, nor the Benefit of the Subjeft. For by the Stat. 4//. 7. c. I J, 16. that the City oi Lon- don is Confervator of the River of Thama from Staines to Tt aland in the County of Kent. Alfb by the Stat, a 8 H. 8. c. it is ordained that the Ri- ver (hall not be ifopped ; ErgOy this By-Law is for the better Execution of thole two Ad:s of Parlia- ment ; and ic is for the Benefit of the Subje(5l, be- caufe before none could land any thing there with- out Danger, but now by this means the Rubbifh is clcanfed, and a Stranger fhall have a quick and ^fe Return ; and the Penalty on the Cloth as 5 ^ep» is a ftronger Cafe than this, becaufe the Dock hath continual need to be cleanfed. Thar this is not a good By-law, becaufe it is a* gainft the Common Law, the Weal Publick, and againft the Liberty of the City ir felf, by the Coun- cil 6Jac. it/Wa? ordained, that as well Cicizensas Strangeri fljiould pay, and the King could not grant it ii7 II g Cfjc Lalu of Co^poMtiono?. I'r ro rhe City, for it is an Impofition not allowed by riie Law ; Hrft sgainft Citizens, becaufe tho the Tax may be lor the general Good of the City, yet it cannot be impofed or Taxed upon particular Per- (bn. AUothis Dock was never repaired at the gc- ntral Charge of the City, but by thp particular Ward of Baynards Ccftle. Alfo the Citizens of Lotulon lln!lnor pay Toll in any place o^ Englatid\ and here the Dock ihnds upon the Pal|ig€ of the City, and every Wharf is as a Gate of the City, and therefore they may as well impofe a Tax upon everyone which goes out of any of the Gates of the City (which is unreafonable and againft Law) as out ol this Wharf. Alfo here is no certain Profit to the City, but this Taxation is farmed lor x i years for JOTb-a year to the Ciry, which if it were a general Charge there ought to come fome general Benefit by it to the City,. It is not like to the Cafe of J Re^. 61. becaufe that was for the general good of the Realm, and in the furtherance of the Exe- cution pf divers Statute?. In 29 EltZj. in B.C. it was ordained by the Common Council, that none (hould u(e any Sind in the Ciry, except it were taken out of the Thames, and it was. adjudged to be againftLaw, and the Mayor's Officer was com-.' mitred to Prifbn. And this Dock did heretofore be-: long to the ArchbiOiop of Canterbury , and hath e- ver been free, AKo the AfTeffment is to be levied, and continue zl years together, which is Unrea- fonable ; and it hath been adjudged here that an Af- feflment levied for ii years for Reparations of a Church was not lawful. Note^ The caie of dig- ging of Sand was not good, becaufe thereby a Man was prohibited to u(e his own Inheritance, Tcr. Mich. Ann. 7. Jac. i. B.R. T^T" j' ..^ H. 6. Granted to the Corporation of Dyers in f.ricifitre of a I'OndoM power to fearch, (y'c. and \i they hnd any Sobj«fi8 goods Clot-h dyed with Logwood, that the Cloth fii-ill by a Chirtv-r, be be forfeited. It was adjuged, that by a Charter no Forfeiture can be ma"de of a Subjects Goods. A Corporation regularly cannot impofe de novo a fmall payment on the People. But by help of a Cuftom or Preicription, for it, as in London^ it may be good ; and fuch a reafonable Ordinance maybe made, and a Penjalty or Fine (et that is reafonable for breach of it, land appoint that there fhall be a Diftrefs taken, or Adlion of Debt broughr for it ; this may be good. 5 Rep, 63. But they cannot annex Imprifonment, noraFor-Nor Imprifon. feiture of Goods bought or Ibid, for this is againft '"^''f' Law. The Company of Merchant- Taylors in London Mcrchant-Tay- made an Ordinance that every Brother of the fame °"* Company that (hall put any CJoth to be drefled by any Clochworlcerj not bting a Brother of the fame Society fhall put the one half oi the fame Cloth to fome Brother of the fame Society that doth exercifc the Art of Cloth working under pain to forfeit 10 /. and to diiirain for it. It was adjudged void and againft the Liberty of the Subbed:, that one may put his Cloth to drels where he will, and may not be reftralned f rom it. 1 1 Rep. the Cafe of Mono- polies. The Common Council in London ordain, That Bricklayers, the Bricklayers fhall not be Plaiflerers with Lime and Hair, but with Lime and Sand, under pain ^o^lf^^^^ ^°^^ forfeit 40 s, and that the Lime and Hair'biplongeth f)oub,s ' to the Plaifterers. This was refolved by the Court to be a good Ordinance ; for it is for the ordering, and nor for the deftru6tion of Trade ; for (foi' any thing appeareth) it is indifferent to which of the Trades it doth belong, and fo the Ordinance doth bur determine theQueftion amongfl: the Companies. Goodter 1 1 j^rfc. B. R. brought Trefpafs againft Selimg of Shaw for an Alfault and Battery, and wounding of Locks in i>«r- his Servant, and taking i x plate Locks. Defcn* * dane no COe KLoio of €o^po?nt(oii0* dant plrads Not Guilry, as to AfTaulc and Battery an4 Wounding, and as to the taking the Locks away he pleads a fpccial PW of Juftlfication by virtue of Letters of Patents of Incorporation granted to the Lockfmiths of Durham, by Cnthbert Bifhop of Dur- ham^ who had Jura Regality within the County Palatinate of Durhanty and that by virtue of this Charter the Locks not being good, he, as Warden o\ the Company did rake them. To this Plea the Plaintiff demurred, and (hews for Caufe, that it ap- pears not by the Plea that the Blackfmithsare a Cor- poration created by the Bifhop ; but only that the Cuftoms uftd amongft them, in order to the regu- lating of their Trade were confirmed by the Bifhop, which doth not make them a Corporation. Flo. fo. J 99. and Long ^to. fo. 40, 41. x. It doth not appear by the Charter that they have any Authority to take away ill made Locks ; and by KolU C, J. it dorh not appear that any Order was made by the Corporation to take away the Locks, and therefore it was done without Warrant, though the Corpo- ration had fuch a Power. But befides, it will be very hard to maintain the Lockfrnirhs to be a Cor- What will not poration, becaufe the Bifliop confirmed their Orders. amount ro a Judgment fro ^er. Stiles Rff. 29S. Corporarion, A By Law was made to this purpofe, That Com- modities be (old on the Market-day in publick, and not in Private or Secret, and it feems to be good ; and noPrefcription againfi it fhall be admitted good. For in London this Ordinance was made, That if any Citizen, Freeman, or Stranger, that is within R/ t 11 h ^^^ ^^''^ ^'^y ^^'^ P*^^ ^"^ Broad-cloth to fale with- ■ in the City of London, before it be brought to Black- well hall to be viewed and (earchedj fo that it may appear to be vendible, and before there ht i\.d. paid for Hallage for tvery Cloth that he (hall for- kit 6 ». % d. and that the Chamberlain fhall have his Adlion of Debt, adjudged good. The Cfie %m of Co^po]dtfon^. ^21 The Corporation o'tSz.AlhanSi when thcTcrrii ivas to be there, rated all the Inhabitants and Bur- gefies a fmall Sum to build Courts, and ordained. That if any BurgefTe refufed he (hould be Impri- foned, adjudged to be naught, but refblvcd they might have infli(5ted a reafbnable Penalty, and ap» pointed it to be levied by Diftrefs, or that an A6ti- on of Debt might be brought for it. I • The Ciry of London made a By law, that none ^^^ ^^ ^^^ of fuch a Trade ihould take to his Apprentice the Appreiiricc of Son of an Alien, and if he did, that the Obligati- 1'"*^ Sou of an on and Covenants made between them (hould be ^''^"* void. It was adjudged a void Order, and that the Covenanrs and Bonds binding that Apprentice ^ere good. Dogrell and Powked, 57 Eltz. An Ordinance made by any Mafter, Wardens, Oidinanca re- or Fellowfliip of any Craft, Guilds, or Fraternities '^raiMing Ap- that every Apprentice fhall pay at his firfl: Entry P^«nf>«s thac into the Common HaJl into the Wardens of the ^^^.^ ^|^'f^ fSme Fellow ftilp for his entry into his Fellowfhip above z s. 6 J. or for his Entry when his Term is expired above 5 /. 4 Q^ CAP. ii6 Cljc taiu of Co^po^^t{on0. CAP. XV. Cuftoms of the City of London. They cannot try fuch Cufloms as diriBly concerntheir own Corporation by their own Ctrttficate. Cuftcm as to Quten-hyth. The. nature of the Certtjicate hy which they try a Cufiom. Hawkers. tVhat Cujtom of London is tryable^ per Pais. The Cufiom of taking Recogntz,ances. The Courts are bound to take notice of the Cuftoms of London. Contri- bution by Sureties. Citizens of London ought not to he impleaded in real A^ions^ but m their own Courts. Pleading. Lands in London pafs by Bargain and Sale^ without Inrollcment. Cujlom of London as to popping Lights by Budding. The Cufiom of London as to Innkeepers feUtng their Guefis Horfes. Cufiom of London as to Gutters. Unity of TnjJ'effion. The Lord Mayor a Jufitceof Feacey cannot imprifon without fliew- ing Cau/e. Vrefident of Declaration for fiop- fing Light, and the Cufiom of London pleaded. The Cufiom of London as to Prifage of Wines. Dezfife of Land in Mortmain. J he Cu(tom as to meajuring of Coals, Srat. 5 Jac. c. I 5*. Of Relief of poor Debtors, REgularly the Cufloms of London (hall be certified by the Mouth of the Recorder. This Privilege of London is to be under- lucn '--""""■' ^QQjj qJ^ f^ch Cuftoms as are of the nature of Local asrfiic^ily con- i- r £ i /-• 1 11 cern their own Laws, pecuhar Laws tor that City, general to all Coi poration by the Citizens, differing from the general Law of the their own Ccr- Kingdom ; as the Cuftoni of foreign Attachment, titote. . an^ the Cufiom, that if a Debtor become Fugitive he may be arrefled before the day of Payment. And CO e lalu of Co^pojatf oiijr; 127. y Rep. 81. If one Citizen be indebted to another in a finglc Contra£l it fhall be equal to an Obliga- tion. And as the Cafe of Oxford was 1 1 Edw, %^6. it was pleaded, That the Cuftom of the Town was, that if aMan had pofTciTion of Lands by 4oWeeks,he could not be put out but by the King's Writ j where- upon the other would have taken Iflue, no fiich Cuftom. But it was refblved that this being the Law of the City, was not to be tryed by Jury, but by the Judges as matter of Law ; and the Reafbn is, The Judges of every Place are fuppoied to have knowledge of the Laws of the Place, whereby they do judge, and to have Cuftomaries amongft them ; and therefore in Suits in their own Courts do deter- mine them, as the Judges of the Common Law do in the King's Court judge the general Cuftoms of the whole Kingdom being the Common Law. And lb in London, by fpecial Privilege they certifie al(b their Cuftoms of this nature into the Kings BencB, which other Towns do not. But their Cuftoms, even thofe which are their Local Laws, are tryable by Jury, if they come to ifTue in the King's Courts, N.ow Day and Sa'vage his Cafe was, in Trefpafs for taking away a Bag of Nutmegs. Defendant pleads, The City of London is an anci- cpt City, &c. and that the Mayor, Citizens, and Commonalty had been, time out of Mind, a Body ^^^"h^^' Corporate, and felted of a Bank or Wharf in JLo«- dofty called ^een-bythci and had ufed to have and'i'^^" take for Goods laid upon the faid Wharf, to be coii» =■' veyed thence by Water, of Perlbns not lawfully thereof difcharged, i. for every Porters burden ; and for default of Payment to diftrain, by a Perfon to be appointed, and fo (liew the Matter, and that he was appointed Coiieftor. Plaintiff replies, and confeflethall the Bar in general, and faid, that with- in the faid City there was, and time out of Mind had been a Cullom, that all the Freemen had been, Q^ % and and ought to be difcharged, d^c. and averred, that he was a Freeman ot the f.tiJ City : The Defen- dant faid there was no (uch Cuftom within the laid City, Et hoc parattts eft njerificare ubi id^ tjuando a^ prout Curia confideraverit ; and then adds a fur- mife thu?, Su^er cjuo pr^d* Jchannes Savage duit qmd m Ctvitatc pradi^la, There is, and time out of Mind hath been a Cuftom, That when any Ifliie, d^c. upon any Cullom of the i«iid City is joyncdj thothe Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens are Par- ties to the A6lion, the Mayor and Aldermen have iiied to ccrtifie to the Juftices the truth oi fiich Cuf- tom, and prayed the King's Writ to the Mayor and Aldermen to qertiHe the truth of fuch Cuflom, C^c. Plaintiff faith, T hat the faid iflhe ought to be tryed by Jury and not by Certificate. Per Cur. The Cuftom is not to be trytd by Certificate, i. This is rather a Prefcri prion than :i Cuftom, and a matter of Difcharge. 2. Its no (ucf) Cuftom as is within the reafon or meaning of that fpecial form of Tryal per Certificate, bccaufe its not of the nature ot Local Li^s^prout fupra. And this concerns the body Corporate of the City only, and the place Queen-hyth only, and not iur ail the Citizens perfbnally, as all the Cuftoms in the na- ture of Laws are. 3. Its againft natural Equity to allow them their Certificate, wherein they are to try and judge their own caufe. tine xiiwrl of Note, The Certificate is no judicial A61 but Mi- the Certificate, nifterial, and if the Certificate be falfe, the Party fhall have his Remedy by A6lion of the Cafe, and that not againft the Recorder, but againft the May- or and Aldermen ; for it is their Certificate by their Recorder, and (b is the Pleading and Surmile; and the Writ to certifie is a Warrant to them which takes away ones Defence made againft their Parti- ality to themfelves, that they did not certifie, but their Recorder. Hob. 85, ^(5, 87, And Smith^wd Haficocki Cafe was (0 adjudged. Tiel- Cbe /Lalu of Coipojatioiiis. 2.19 Trefpafs was brought by J. againft B, for taking of certain Goods ; the Defendant pleads, that there Hawkmg, is a Cuftom in London, time out of Memory, that if any bring Goods, area London to fell, not having any Shop in any Place within the City which they tall Hawking, that then he fhall forfeit thele Goods to the Mayor, Citizens, and Commonaltyj and tor that the Plaintiff brought thcfe Goods, circa the City againll: the Cuftom they fcifed them. The Plaintiff replies there is not any fuch Cuftom ; this Cuftom cannot be tryed by tlie Mayor and Alder- men, by the Mouth of their Recorder^ but fer Pais ^^j^^^ cuftom becaufc they are part of the Commonalty of the tryabic Pir City, and ib are to have benefit of it^ and they fhall Pais. not be Judges in their own Caufe. i Rol. Abridge 5*8 1. But Hawkers are allowed by Licence pr A<5t of Parliament. K. was bound to //. in a Recognizance of 200 /. before the Mayor and Aldermen of London in in- terior i camera de Guild- hall London, upon which Recognizance h. brought a Scire Facias before the Qf taklnc Rs- liiid Mayor, &c. in exteriori camera, and there had co^ nizatxce. Judgment to recovery upon which recovery he brought this A6i:ion in C. B. Defendant demurs on the Declaration, becaufe he hath not alledged that the Mayor of London hath Authority by Pre- fcription or Grant to take Recognizances; and if he hath not, then is the Recognizance taken coram non Judtce, and fo void. Ter Cur. we well know that thofe ot London have a Court of Record, and every Court of Record hath Aurhoilty incident to it to take Recognizances for all things which concern the Jurifdiaion of the faid Court, and which arife Court j bonnd by reafon of matters there depending. And in '^°/^'^^ ""'""^ •' r \. r~ r 1 rr • i j , of the Cultoms many cales the Courts or the King are bound to take ^^ i,,irtd J cobo Sl^arcl) in cunoij Q^arcfcfj' ^c. |) CO VjiDcC quod cu) ^hkt 5[[f i ante f fup rcptimiun tiicm ^obniib^ija? 311iino Kcgni 5I)onl> Car ^cciuiDi nunc iRfgi^sf 3(]ngt ^c. bfcimo fcptjmo ? abinDe fjiicurc^ pofTcfucnaf crifl' tie qiicDnm antiquo sr^rHuagio rum ptin) rdtua^ (J cnRrne in ^^arofl^ia ^m^i 23cnnctt ^ Iuminar ^ fenefir obfcurarc nifi fit l*fl fuit aliquob fpecinE fcriptum Cftico* grap!)' bel iJeco^ii Conbeti) bel refiricta in fontrar in ea parte jpbicf S* pofiea fcitt eob' feptimo tilt ^o\ytn\h2X0 ^nno becimo fepti* mo fupjabici? apub Sbnbou) j^b in parocljia $ Jl^arba ^b' p f iuxta confuetubinem j^bict pbicc melTUag' in pofiefllonc fua ut pfcrtur fXificfi) pbice mefiiiag' jpbicf Jtx abjungcft birupit C^Englice did take down) ac fup anti* qua) funbaticnem jjpe culina) jpbice ger in narratione pbicf mcntionatam fupec quam jpbiff mefiiiagium pbirt 5!^^ 1^ i^»tea aetif^ fet JDibem in ea parte abjacen ^ abjungeu pbitf 138 ^Oe Laui of cro2poMt(on«: pbirf niffTungio pli ^iti ^ ptiict friicni in culina pDic! intic aDbcufii.0 $ ex oppofito in nobum mcITuagiun ^ Domuni ibiDcni edifica- Ijit ^ piiibc Umtix pDict* in ciilinn pDice rpffiaC fcripto €()iroorap!]o Ijcl He* cojDo conlif ntiojiP \3cl rcfirictionc in fontra* riuni in&c in ca parte tunc M nnquam ante l|ac criUcntc per totum tcmpujaf in narra* tionc pbict nif ntionat rationc intic ftructurc ^t)ut obfcura\)if ^ obftriijrit a3Ut ci bait liciiit € ijoc pararus? cit Dcrificare untie pc^ tit juDici-in fi vl3kt %£x aUotm fnam j^tJict? inbe \)cthi^ mm i)ahtxc feu manutenerc De- fieat, ^t. Prifage of Wines. King Ed-ward 3. Granted to the Mayor and Commonalty of London, that no Prifage Ihall be taken of any of the Wines of the Citizens of London. G. H. being a Citizen and Freeman of London^ and refident within the City, had four Ships laden within Wine Imported i two ot them came up the 7bames at London, and before Unbulking of them G. H. makes Francis his Wife Executrix,and dies : afterwards the other two Ships came up to London^ the King's Chief Butler demands Prifage for the Wines, of the ^id four Ships, (viz,.) to have of every the [aid Ships one Tun before the Mafte, and oneTun behind the Mafter : And by the great- eft part of the Judges no Prifage ought to be paid for any of the faid Ships, i. Such privilege as G. H. was to enjoy had he been living, the fame Fran* cis his Executor^ hisReprelentative (hall have. And a. It is for the fupport of Trade. But Prifage is not due till the bulk of the Ship be broken, and the €)&e LatD of Co2po^atfiui£f. 239 the Ship unladen. But a Citizen and Freeman of London that dwells in Briftoly &c. (hall not have this Privilege ; and he muft be a Citizen and an Houfholder too ; and it extends not to a publick and joync (lock of Wines of the Mayor and Com- monalty ; neither (hall it extend to a Citizen and a foreigner joynt Merchants. A Citizen who hath a Shop in London, but Inhabiteth elfewhere (hall pay Pnlage. i Kol. Rep. 148. A Citizen and Freeman of London may devife in Mortmain for Lands in Lo»^ut in Bail \n the Abfenceof the Party againft whom the Attachment is made, before the Lord Mayor, and to dliTojve the Attachment and all the Proceedings thereon; but then he and his Security are liable to what Debt the Plaintiff fhall make appear to be due from the Defendant. The Party againft whom the Attachment is made may put in Bail at the Comprcr, or fubmit his Bo- dy and thereby diffolye the Attachment, which he may do at any time before Satisfadion acknow- ledged upon Record by the Plaintiff. If the Garnifhee fail to appear by his Attorneyj being warned in by the Officer, at the next Court, to fhew Caufe as is aforelaid, he is taken by default for want of appearing? and Judgment given againft him for Goods and Money attached in his Hands; and he is remedy lefs either at the Common Law or in Equity, though he hath not one Penny in his Hands, and if taken in Execution muft go to Prifon or pty the Money. If the Money attached in the Garnifhee's Hands be up-in a Bond or other Contract under Seal, where the Money is not due-, he may put in his Plea, and fet forth that the Day of Payment is not yet come. If the Garnifhee hath a Bill of Sale of the Goods, he may plead it in Court and fo acquit himfelf If Attachment be of an Horfe in Inn Keepers Of Horfe m Hands, he may plead that there is fo much for '^""' Keepers Horfe meat due, &c. Hands,, No Attachment lies of Rent. 1^^^^^ R ; If ^^6 The Money or Goods of d Wri. foncr attached. Hofl^ Attach- ment may be avoided. Foreign At- tachment in Exeter. Pleading. Etc LntJ) of CojpojatioiliJ. ir the Money or Goods of a Prifoner either In the K'tf}£s Bevch or Fleet be attached In thcSherifl* Court, the Prifoner nr.iy come from that Piifon and fubmic his Body to Prilon to the A6lion, and lo dif- folve the Attachment; and bring his Habeas Cor- puj and be tUrfied over to the faid Prifon again. An Attachment may be avoided by fiUng an O- riglnal againll the Parry upon Attachment, Co that it be filed before the Date of the Plaint. After Satisfacftion upon Record, and when the Money is fully condemned by the PlaintiflF, thePar- ty againft whom the A£lion is, and whofe Goods are attached may come and put in Bail ad Jifpro- ban{JJcbitU7J7y\hLn he muft put into Court his Scire Facias^ but it muft be within the Year and Day nej Whether this Mony were attachable as a Debt due to the Teftator, tempore mortis fua. Per Cur. This is not attachable for theTeftator's J)ebrs, for the Adminiftrator de bonis non might fue (if it were after) which it is not. It appears not that there was any Debt due to the Teftator, Covenants there may be. But where an Account is made upon Debt by Simple Contract, or where Executors give time for payment of a Bond due to the Teftator, this fhall be attachable, ut Jupra. j^ Executor recovers in 'J^refpafs for raking away attachable. ^^^ Teftators Goods, the Damages Ihall be Affcts, yet they are not attachable ; 16 Oamagcp recovoed upon Covenants made to the Teftator^ if this Mony fliQuld €U latD of Co^pD^atfon^* 251 ftould be attachable ihe Executor might be lyable to a Vsvajiavity and yet fhould have no Remedy for the Sum awarded ; and this was no Debt due to the Teftator at the time of his Death. Where Ex- ecutor takes Bond for a Debt due to the Teftator, or where he (ells the Teftators Good?, the Mony for which they are fold cannot be attached* i Ventr. III. Herfam^ndTurgell. > , After fatisfa6tion upon Record and where the Mony is fully condemned by the Plaintiff, the Party againft whom the A6Hon is, and whofe Goods are attached, may put in Bail ad dtj^robandum de- bitum, ut fupra. If a Man die Intefi"ate an Attachment may be Where the At- made of Mony or Goods in a third Perfbns hands^ tachment rauft but then the Attachment muft be entred againft the "^^ . ^T^^^ . ^" Lord Bifhop oi London, reciting his name. But I^Qj^p q£ £^J„^ when there is a Will proved or Adminiftration grant- don, cd, the Attachment dies, and it muft be made a- gainft fuch Executor or Adrainiftrator, unlefs it be fully condemned in the Interim. Note, That when a Defendant hath put in Bail upon the Attachment^ and fo diffolved it, he may Attachment have a note from the Clark dire6led to the Garni- difiblved. fhees in whofe Hands the Mony or Goods were attached, certifying him that the Attachment made in his hands is diffolved by the Defendants putting in Bail, fo that then he may flifely deliver the Goods or pay the Mony to the Defendant. In all Attachments the Per(bns in whofe hands Mo' nies or Goods be attached is called the Defendant in the Attachmentjand the Perfbns in whofe Hands the Artachment is made is called the Garnifhee ; and if the Plaintiff in the Attachment ft>all obtain a Ver- di61: and Judgment for the Goods and Monies at- tached in rhe Garnifhees hands, yet the Defendant in the At'achment may at any time before Satisfa<5li- on acknowledged on Record, put in Bail to the Plaintiff's 1 5 1 ^()c iLcttJ of Co^po^attonsr* Pliintlff's fatisfac^ion upon which the Attachment ii grounded, .and thereby difchargethe Judgmenr and all the Proceedings ag.iinft the Garnillice , and tho the Garnifliec be taken in Execution upon anyfuch Judgment, yet IF Bail be put in by the Defendant in manner aforeriid, before rhe Mony fhdl be paid the Garnifhee will be imiiicdia'"ely difcharged. Lex Lond. ;4, 3). Nfl/f, That upon Attachment no Cofta are al- lowed to either Party, let the Verdidi: be for or ^ gainft the Plaintiff. Lex Lond, 54. iifp.'oof. The Plaintiff fhall not give Evidence of any Mony that came to the Garnifhees hand, after the lime of the Plea. The manner for a Defendant in an Attachment to dlfprove or avoid any Debt demanded is as fol- loweth. The Defendant muft either render his Body to Prifon, or give fecurity to pay the Debt demanded, and then they may bring a Scire Faciasy which is called a Scire Facias ad difprcband. debt' ti4my and the Plaintiff in this Attachment muft be (ummoned to appear, and plead thereto ; and after the Plaintiff hath pleaded, if the Debt demanded be not a Debt due by Bond, Bill, or Specialty, un- der Hand and Seal the Defendant may wage his Law, and thereby difcharge himfelf of the Mony due by the Plaintiff: and if the Defendant be a Freeman of London^ he muft have fix Compurga- tors, who will fwear thiCy believe in their Conlci- ences, that what the Defendant fwears is true ; but if the Defendant be not a Freeman of Lot) don jthen z Compurgators will be fufficient. If the Defendant fhall not think fit to wage his Law, but will put the Plaintiff to prove his Debt, in fuch cafe he muft plead he owes the Plaintiff nothing. And in cafe the Plaintiff fail to prove his Debt, a Verdii^^ and Judgment will pafs againft him for Reftitution of '.he Money, or Value of the Goods attached and condem- condemned. And if the Plainriff in the Aitach- menr fhall in any fuch Cafe be taken In Execution, and fhall be unable or unwilling to reftore the Mony, HLs Security or Pledges that he gave when the Mo- ny was condemned, will be compelled co pny the Mony ; for the Sureties cannot difchar^e themfch/es by rcndriiig the Plaintiffs Body to Prifon. Lex LonJ. 41. F leading. A Foreign Attachment in an Inferior Court v.'as pl.-ddcd in this manner, th;it by Guftom, tiiiic our of Mind, whoever levied a Plaint pro a- Itauo debito againft another, upon Surmife that a Stranger was indebted to the Defendant, that Pro- cefs iilued forth to attach. It was obje(5ted, tha: it was not faid pro aliquo dehito which did arife tn- fra jurildi8tionem. Per Cur. It need not be ex- prefs'd that the Debt did arife infra Jurtfdi^ionem . Crnia^ for perhaps it did not ; and that if A6lion °"^'" ** be brought in fuch cafe, and the Debt be laid to be contra6ied infra jHrifdiBionem Curia^ if the De- fendant will plead to it lie may ; but he fhall never be admicted to affign for Error, that the Debt did ariie extra Jttrifdt^tonew Curia ; but if he had tendered fuch a Plea, and they had refufed it, then it had been Error. i Fentr. 1^6. Foreign Attachment nr^y be pleaded to an A<5tion on the Cale. Vide fttpra. In an Adion of Debt for Tohaccoin the detinety a Debt may not be atrarhed within this Cuflom in fatisraiStion ; for that it appears nor of what Value this Tobacco was, by \Ahich it fhall appear that [hfr Debt is but a fatiifaifllon to the Va'uc, which can- not be fiipplied by a Plea in Bar in other Action a* gainft him in whofe ha-^Js the Dtbt was attached. iRoL^ibitdg. 5^3, i\;?a and Cflkct. But if the the Value of the Tobacco had been averred In the Record of the; Attachment, the Debt might have been attached in this A£tion. S Tc tint Note. U mull: be fiirmifed (by the Cuflom) that the Stranger to fome Other is indebted to the Defendant in fuch a the PiaintiiF is Sum, and to pray Procefs to attach the Sum in his infrajurifdiih- H^^nds. This is not a good Cullom without a Sur- onem, mile, th:.t the Strancjcr who is indebted to the Plain- tiffj is within the JunTdidion of the Court, i RoL AbrUg. 5-5-4. By the Cultom of Forrein Attachment in Lon- /^oTjy H. A' fi-ies B. in LonJcrty &c. and C. is indebt- ed to £. in the fame Sum, and the fuid C. is con- demned there to A. according to the Cuftom and Judgment given againft him accordingly ; yet if no Execution be fijed againft C. A. may refort to have Judgment and Execution againft B. his prin- cipal Debtor, and B. may flie C. for his Debt, not- withftanding the Judgment unexecuted. Dier 71. If the Defendant in Attachment after fatisfafli- on acknowledged upon Record, fhall bring Action againft the Garnifhce for tjie Mony fo attached, the GarnifheeniJy in fuch cafe plead the general lflue,and give the Attachment in Evidence ; but at the (amc time muft prove the Debt to be a juft Debt, for which the Mony was condemned, and the Court above have always allowed it as good Evidence againft the Plaintitf in the A^llon. Lix London 58. Cuflom of London, as to Se^ueflring a Houfe. IF R. D. owes Mony to L. C. and abfcondsjand happens to leave Goods in an Houfe or Ware- ■ houfe locked up-, and no Perfon in the Houfe or Warehouff, in fucli Cafe L C miy Sequtfter the Houfe or Warehoufe, and the Goods and the Chac- Kels therein coatained, and in /ix days time may condcftin €6e KLnlu of Coipoiatiou)?; i^^ condemn the Goods. The manner of making a Scqueftration is thus, L. C. muft enter an -Ailion of Debt againft R. D. with one of the four Attornies in the Mayors Court, and then one of the Officers of this Court muft go to the fame Houfe or Ware- houfe, and fay thefe words, I . Carting and Whipping. And it is an Offcncf pro- ientable at the Wardmotes Incjueft', and there punifliable. But in 9 Car. there in fuch cafe ibc Court denied to grant a Procedendo, becaufe no A<5l!- on lies for fuch words. The Advice in Roll is, That If it be dubious whether it be a good Cuflom or nor, it is better not to remove it ; for if it be removed it is final, and no Writ of Error lies upon it, but the Party is with' out other Remedy ; but if they proceed upon it in London^ and Judgment is given upon it, a Writ of Error Ss jfeg Error lies in the Hufiings by Commiflion,and fb the ^»P^^P-> Party may have a legal Remedy. 1 Rol.Akr$dg£<}, in many cafes a Procedendo hath been granted. By the Cuftom of Londony Executors or Admi- niftrators fliall be charged upon the Simple Contract of their Teftator. f Rep. 82, 83. 8 Rep. \%6. By the Cuftom of London, a Man may be ar- refted ro find Security for his Debt before it is due. %Rep. 1 16. Vid. fupra. So to arreft, and then enter the Plaint, nde fupra, S 3 Error 26^ ^be LatM of Co^po^ation^. Error ot" a Errov of a Judgment given in the Court of Judgrae;;t be- CfiilJhall, before the Mayor of London^ the refor- fore the Mayor ^^^^.^ thereof oueht to be by fpccial Commiflfion in Commiiljoiieis. LoTtdcn, according to their Charter. But hrror ot a Judgment given In an Information before the Mayor fliall be reformed in B. R. and this being a matter concerning the Crown a Certiorari was there- upon awarded to remove the Record, which being removed a Writ of Error was brought, fjuod coram 'vpbis rcfidet. Ik a Writ of Entry fur Dijfeifn, the Tenant f^id that the Houfe in demand is within the City of London^zud that the (aid City is an ancient City, and that King Henry ^ . Ccncejjit civihui fredttP ^uod nan itnplacitentur de terris O" tenewentis fuis Sic. extra Muros Civitatis praditi"*. And faith he In fcal Anions, himfelf is a Citizen ot London^ and demanded Judg- ment of the Writ •, and to the pleading he faid fur- ther, Sed illis teneatur rectum infra Civitat. fra. di^f fecundmn confuetudmem Civitat'' prad'M'*. Ex- ception was taken to the Plea, becaufe the Tenant did not (hew before, that by their Cuftom they ought to be impleaded. Per Cur. The Tenant ought to have (hewed, that the Citizens for their Lands there ought to be impleaded in the Hu(ling!^ and thefe general words will not fupply the defeft thereof. 4 Lecm. iz, 13. Heir fucci in X An Fleir may not be iued on the Obligation of lll'J''^^'^ J^" his Anccftors within a Burrough wherein he had Anccilors. ^^ ""'' '^"^^ Affets within the Jurifdiclion of the Court. Bro-wn and Qarnngton, 16 Jac. B. R, I Roi. Abridg, 494. By Culiom the Writ of Outlawry is direcl:ed to Lord Mayor ^^^ Sbcrifr o^ London ^ and not the Coroner, who torojitr. ?3 the Lord Mayo'-. , The return of all the Outlawries out of London in Banco is rr^ade without faying per judicium Qo- renatcrum-i but generally. If ^ue nam oc ^o^po^acion?* 2,53 If an Inferior Court be held by Charter, and the No C/j^/*/ Iie» Bail there acknowledge a Recognizance, no Captes *8*'" . ^' ^ lies upon this Recognizance no more than in BancOf and here cannot be any Cuftora, and the Recogni- zance doth not bind his Perfon. i Rol. Abridg.^^j. It is a good Cuftom of London, that the Mayor, To takeDcpo- Recorder, or any Alderman being Juftice of the fttions j« ^^rpe- Peace may take Dcpofitions of any Perfons pro- '"'*'" ^^* .**"■ J J , y , . ' r . "^ morittm with- duced beiore them in perpetuam ret memoriam ex ^^^ g^j^ ^g, parte alicujus Perfona, and that (uch Depofiiions pending, (hall be recorded there in perpetuam ret memoriar»y and that thele Depofitions fo taken fhall be good Evidence to a Jury to induce the Confcicncc of any one, and to enforce the truth ; its a good Cuftomi tho thefe.Depofitions may be taken in perpetuam ret memoriam without any Suit depending. Contra Kinnerjly zT\d Cooper, i Rol. Abridg, 56;. It is not a good Cudom in London, that if a Man becomes Bail for another in an A6lIon there, and the Plaintiff recovers againfl; the Principal, and fues a Capias againft him, and the Sheriff returns a The Bail not non eji Inventus, that prefently upon this Return, 'o be rakcn in without a Scire Facias againft the Bail, the Bail ll^^^^l j^,.^ may be taken in Execution upon his Recognizance, ^^ facias, for this is againft the Law and Reafbn, in as much as if he had fued a Scire Facias againft the Bail, they might have pleaded the releafeof the Plaintiff", or death of the principal, i Rol. Abridg. 563^. Devered ver[. RatUjf. So it is in Inferior Court. Vide flus Sparfim, CAP. %64 ®6c tm of Co^poiattan^v CAP. XIX. Orphans and Devifcs. 0f the Court cf Orphans <»LoncJon> The Cujlom. Of fecurity gi'ven to the Ccnrt of Orphans, and bow. of Hochpot^ and the nature cf it. Or- phans npt to marryy not to be put out Appr entice t without have of the Court. Marriage "without Confent ts finable y and Iwprijonwent till payment. If the Cu(iom extends to Lands out of London. The Cujlom of London as to the dtjfrtbutton of the perfonal Ejtate. Of Devijts by Freemen. If Orphans Ahny be dtvijable. B Y an Acfl of Parliament, Rot. Pat. i. jR.i. N. 130. It is enacted. That the Mayor and Chamberlain of London for the time being, (hall have the keeping of all the Lands and Goods of fuch Orphans as happen v/ithin the City, laving to the King and other Lords the Rights ot" fuch as hold of them out of the fame Liberty. The Cuflom of The Court of Orphans is held before the Lord the Court of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, who l^hsMs, are Guardians to Children of all Freemen of Lon- don that are or {hall be under the Age of a I Years at the time of their Fathers Deceafe. The Com- mon Sergeant of the City is the only Perfon in- trufted by the Court of Aldermen to take all Inven- tories of Freemen Eftates. For a Judgment in Law as to the Cuftom of Orphans you have a Cafe fully refolved mHob.:^'}^, Latch'^s Cafe. It Was refolved In that Cafe, there hath been a Court of Orphans time out of Mind, in London^ and there hath been a Cuftom, if any Freeman or Free- C6c laUJ of €o?po2atioit0» %6^ Freewoman die, leaving Orphans within Ag^e un- married, that they have had the Cuftody of their Bodies or Goods, and that the Executors or Admi- niftrators have ufed, and ought to exhibit true In- 'ventories before them : and if any Debt appears due, to become bound to the Chamberlain to the ufe of the Orphans in a reafbnable Sum, to maicc true account upon Oath of them after they have been received ; and if they refufe, to commit them till they will become bound. This was adjudged to be a reafonable Cuftom, upon the return of an Habeas Corpus. The Cafe was, one Jave ( VVid- dow Freev/oman and Fifhmonger of London) dy- ed, leaving divers Orphans, and one Latch was Adminiftrator, and had exhibited an Inventory of I ooo /. Debts unreceived^ and was required to give B6nd of 2000 /. Security, which he refufed to do per tfuod^ &c. It was adjudged good and reafbnable; and if the Ecclefiaftlcal Court will compel them to make account there, againft this Cuftom a Prohi- bition lies J and it was alledged for the Prifbner in Tho Security to that cale, that he was already bound in the Prero- account hath gative Court to make account, and fb he fhould be i*^" ^'^^" *^ f* . , J u ^». r Common Lawr, twice bound, but to no purpoie. „^ . ^, n- • • \ re A } -- or jn the pre- For It was in the caie or one Andre'WSf 1 7 jac. rogative Court, B. R. a Woman before flie contracted marriage yet the Couit with J.S. agrees with him that flie fhall have pow- of Orphans will er to devife aSura of aoo /. to any Perfon, and af- ''°"Pf' '^.S'*'^® rer the Marriage, Ihe, by her Will, gives this to the '* Children of her firft Husband, and dies ; the Huf^ band after acknowledgeth a Judgment at Common Law, for the Security of it ; yet by the Cufloni of the Orphans of LondoTty he may be compelled by the Court of Orphans to give new Security for this to the Chamberlain of London. The youngtft Attorney in the Lord Mayor's Court is always Clark of the Orphans, and h ap- pointed to take all Securities for Orphans Portions, which i6<5 Clje LaU) of Cojpo^ationjJ* which Securities are con ftant'y taken in the name of The Chimber- the Chamberlain of London for the time being ; '^fVc?""^ " ^"^ ^° ^^'^ purpofe the Chamberlain is a fole Cor- tion.^ ''°'^^' poration to him and his SuccclTors for Orphans. An 1 in FulhvoocTj Cafe, 4 Rep. a Recognizance or Bond made to him and his Heirs concerning Or- phans, fhall by the Cuflom of London go to his Succelfor. And this is not like the cafe of .1 Bifilop, Parfbn, Vicar, Mafter of an Hofpital, d^c. or iich fole Corporation ; for there no Chattel, either in Action or Pofleffiofi, (hall go in Succeflion, but the Executor or Adminiftrator fhall have them. I. Becaufe they cann»t take Recognizance or Bond in their politick Capacity. 1.. Neither have they fuch Cuftom. Prohibition lies NotCy This Court of Orphans is fuch a peculiar if fued eire- Court, that if any Orphan fue in the Ecclefia- *'"*'^' flical Court, for any Goods, Mony, or Chat* tels due to them, or by the Cuflom of London, or for any Legacy, or to have an Account, a Prohibition lies. 5 Rep. 75. Orphans not to The Security muft take particular care, that none marry, or be of the Orphans marry or be put out Apprentices, put out Appren- ^itl^out the leave of the Court of Aldermen firfi tices. Without Qbjajncd for that purpole.and theCourt of Aldermen Cflui t. ^° commit the Cuflody of Orphans to fuch Perlbn and Perfbns as they fhall think fit ; and if any Per- Ibn do marry without the Confent of the fame Court firft obtained, fuch Perfon may be fined by Marriage with- ^^^"^ according to the Quantity and Portion of the out Confent is Orphan ; and unlefs fuch Perfon do pay the Fine, Finable andim- or give Security to pay it, the Court may commit prifonmcnc till ]^\^ t.) Newgate to remain there till he fubmit tc payment. ^^^-^^ Orders, and this hath been adjudged good in the Court of Km^^s Bench. It was one fVtlkinfon's Cafeagainfl Sir fViUtam BJton^ Vafcb, 17. Car.l^ which was this, An CljC LaUJ of Co^po^atianjj* 167 An A6lion of Trefpafs was brought for Battery and Falfc Imprifonment ; the Defendant juftifies by the Cullom of London of the Court of Orphansy and that a Freeman died and.left his Daughter under 1 8 years of Age, for fuch is the Age of a Female, and unmarried ; and that the Court committed the Cuftody of her to Sir JVilltam Bolton^ and fets forth the Cuftom, that if any fuch Ward be taken away, C^c. they may commit the Party to 'Newgate who does this, to be imprifoned till he produce the In- fant, or be delivered by due Courfe of Law ; and becaufe the Plaintiff took her away, he was com- mitted. Vafch. 1 7. Car. a. The Plaintiff demurs upon the Plea. I. Becaufe the Cuftom to imprifbn is unrealbn- able, for that no time is allowed to the Party to make his defence. a. Its too generally laid to imprifbn all, and {o a Peer may be imprifoned. Bat fer Curiam) its a great Offence and Con- tempt, and the Cuftom is reafbnable, but there feemed to be a Fault in the Plea ; for the Bar was, that the Infant was of fuch an Age, and unmarried at the time of the death of her Anceftor, but does not fay (lie was unmarried at the time of the taking, but it was overruled, for that a Bar ftiall be good to common Intent. Vid. This Cafe reported in Raym. p. 1 1 o. NotCy This Cuftom to have the Cuftody of the Perfon, and of all the Eftate, Real and Perfbna], extends to Lands out o{ London : But it hath been a Queftion, If a Freeman difcontinue from the City, and difcontinue his Trade, and dies, leaving his Children and Eftate in the Country, whether the Court of Orphans ftiall intermeddle with them, and it was the Opinion of Hide Chief Jiifticc, that they ^all not intermeddle. A. B, i(^8 ^Oe ]LaIu of Co^po^U[on0♦ Oiphans Mcny y^. 5. an Orphan o^ London married to IV. P. ]n tlie hands ot before be was of the Age ot ir Years, and not I he Chamber- j^gyj^g taken out the Mony, dies, having bequea- '"jbie Ty the '" ^^"^ ^'^^ Mony to his Wife, provided fhe fhould iiiiiband. not claim a Dower ; flic brouglit Dower againft p. P. Brother of IV. P. her late Husband ; he brings a Bill in Ch-tuctry to make difcov^ry of the Eftatt-, and to compel her to relcafc Dower or renounce the Devifc. 1 he Quellion is. Whether the Mony in the Court of Orphans were devifable or not. Pf?r Lord Keeper Bri4gma?Jt 'twifden and IVild^ it is a thin^ in Aftlon and fo not devifable j the Cuftom of Orfbam is when they are under Age, they find them Mony for maintenance while they are under Age, and no more ; yet when the Orphan comes of full Age, or the Female marries, it is caft up, and the Intereft is fully paid. In this cafe it was the Lachefs of the Husband that he did not recover it ^ for by the Cullom it is to be paid at the full Age, or marriage of the Female Orphan ; and the Cuftom is upon the marriage of Orplians, to ap- point the Common Sergeant to treat and take Se- curity for the Orphan, x Ventr. 140. Vhea[ant*i Cafe. Eizj. xoo /. apirfe, and then the 100/. Co given Ihall be in Hctcbpot be- tween the Children, which my Lord Coke conceives cannot be ; for then there fhould be no equality a- mongft the IfTues, as the Cullom doth require. 12 Rep. 11^. By the Cullom of Loudon a Freemftns Widow The Cu3om of may require a third part of his perfonal Eiiate, at'rer Londo7i as tc his Debts paid, and the Funeral dilcharged, and his » Freemans Children may require another third part thereol, P"^°"*' ^'^*^^ and he may by his Will give awiiy another third, parr. But if he have no Children^ the Widow may require a Moyety of his perfonal Eftarc. Bat a Freeman in the time of his Sicknefs cannot give a- way any part of his Eftate. If a Freeman die with- out a Will, Adminftracion fhall be granted to his Wife, and (he will claim one third part, and one third muft be divided amonil the Children, and the other between the Wife and Children, and ufual'.y the Widow is allowed two thirds of the Freemans- Edate. Voluntar]^ ai'^ The Father of a Freeman of Londm p3»{]"efi;'d of %'"^"°"^ ^^ a Term, z(\]gni it by Deed to his Sen for a Pro- f.^k^f fv-!."*^ yifion, and dies the Moilier frcs in Chancery /or y/i;:. of her i-jo Cftc Lain of Corporations. the cuftomary parr, and upon Ifiue tryed before HaUy the Wife fhall not be bound by this volun- tary Eflate, but that fhe fliall be entitled to the cuftomary paft of it 5 the lame as to Goods. CAP. XX. Cuftoms of London as to Apprentices. Where^ and in what cafes a Freeman of London may ufe a Trade to which he was not yipprentice^ and where, and in what cafes not. To what Covenant Sy Apprentices are lyable by the Cuftoms of London, and how pleaded. O'-e may bind himfelf Apprentice at the Jge of fourteen. T» bring AEiitn at Common Law general y and to maintain by Ctt^om if a Departure. A By- Law cannot make the Bond or Covenant void. The Cuftom as to the Inrollement of the Indttn- ture. Of a Turn-over. The manner of alledg- ingCufiomt and not laying ZJfage. The Char- ters of London not any dijpenjalion with the Statute 5 Eliz. c. 4. of Trades. No Freeman to imploy one in a Trade that had not been Ap- prentice. Concerning the Mafiers making the Ap- f entice Free. A Prefident as to the Cuftom of London, that if the Apprentice be not inroUed by the Mafter he may fue out his Indentures^ and the Apprentices petition in French to the Mayor and Aldermen. TNformatlon for the King and himfelf againft JL Bag[l)aw, for occupying the Trade of a Gold- fraift), not being Apprentice thereunto. Defen- dant ^6e %m of Co^poiationgf* 271 dant pleads the Cuftom of London, that one being Apprentice for feven Years, and made Freeman of Lenclon of any Trade, may ufe any other Trade In the faid City, and fhews he was bound Apprentice ^, p to the Cordweyners, and (erved them for 7 Years^ n,an of Lt^,^J^ and was made Freeman of London^ and To jufUfics. may ufc a Exception to the manner of Plea was, becaufe he Trade to which pleads that uti poffit any other Trade, and not ^uod ^^ *^' ^°^ ^f' ufuf fuity and for that was relied upon ^^ Ediv, f""^"=^' ^"'^ n r^ r ' ' 1 ty r -r^i t wpcre not. 4. 6. Prelcription ^uod fojjit turner {on V tough ^ and doth not fay he had ufed to turn, ^c. is not good. But this being alledged by way of Cuftom in the City, and not as a particular l?refcription is well enough, as every Citizen of London, may de- vi(e In Mortwaine. The Recorder certified, ore /e»«j,that there was not any fuch Cuftom generally; the Cuftom is not that one brought up an Appren- tice in the Trade of a Cutler, f^c. being a Free- man of London, may u(e any othe*r manual Trade. Bur one of a Trade who ufeth buying and felling, may exercife another Trade of buying and felling. Cro, Car. 347, 561. the King againft Bag^ja'w. To what Covemtnts Apprentices are liahle hy the Cuftom of London, and how pleaded, BY the Cuftom of London an Infant may bind himfelf Apprentice, acd it (hall be good^ not lo at Common Law, 4Leo», 77. Cro.Eliz..6^i. Bold and WaUiis Cafe^ 1 4 C^ 1 5 Car. 1. Covenant was brought a- galnft an Apprentice by Indenture. Defendant pleads he was within Age. The Plaintiff in his Replication maintained the Action by the Cuftom ^^^ ^^ of London, that he may bind himfelf at the Ageof j,jj^fglf ^ fourteen. It was a great Queftion in thofe Books, prentice at tiic and much argued, whether to bring his A6lion at Agcof i4yeais ^ Common- lyi €fje tm of Co?po^ation0* Common Law generally, and mainrain by a Cuf- tom^be a Departure. Fer IVinJbam Juftlce and iti- flier chief Juftice, it is no departure, being no mat- To bring an ter varying from the Count, that being but fuppo- A(f>ion atCom- fal, arid all was genera], this fpecial matter is a mon Law gc- good iupport. Th« Gifi of the A6lion is laid in !I^iain"V° ^-''^^^«. ^""^ fhe Title is the fame ftill, only the Cuftora if ^a P^rfon eiiabltd. But by Tu^z/^/fw all thePrefidenrs Departure. are to count on rhe Cuftom, as being the ground of the A(5lion, and it is a departure ; but the Adion was difcontinued. In Allien of Covenant on ApprentiHiIp* De- fendant pleads a By-Law in Londu7i^ by the Com- mon-Council there, that if any Freeman took to Apprentice the Son of an Alien, the Bond and Co- venants (hall be void. Fer Cur. By-Law cannot "^'^^^ '^ "° ^^^^ > f^'' ^^^ Common- Council can- make Bond or not m^ke Bonds and Covenants void, but they may Covenant void. infli(9: a Fine or Punifliment upon fuch a Maftcr for taking (uch Apprentice. Moor 411. Doggrel and Veck. The Apprentice may at any time before one: Year (if his Mafter doth not enroll the Indenture) exhibit a Petition in French to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, and have a Scire Facias againft his Inrollemenr of Mafter, to fhew why the Indenture was not en- t-hc Indenture, rolled ; and if he doth not fhew a fufficient cauft (as that he would not bring the Apprentice pverlb- nally, as he muft, or fbme fu.ch caufe) then he may fue out his Indenture, and be difcharged of his Mafter. T aimer 361. But this cafe is more fuily reported, t Rcl. Rep, 305-. and it is this. In a Writ of Error between the Mafter and the Apprentice, they were at IfTue upon the Cuftom of London^ and the Certiorari awarded to the Mayor, and rhe Recorder certified then, where any Man v/ithin the Age of 1 1 Years, and not under the Age of fourteen, binds himfelf by mjt latu of €Q^po2atioiw. %?} by Indenture, in which are many Covenants; thefe fhall bind the Infant although the Deed was not inrolled before the Chamberlain within the Year; but with this difference, That the Apprentice may come in before the Mayor and Aldermen, and there (hew the matter per Petition in French, tliat the Deed is not inrolled within the Year, and upoq this a Scire Factas (hall iffue forth to the Mafter to know why the Deed was not inrolled ; and if upon his default the Indenture was not inrolled, the De- fendant (the Apprentice) may fue out his Indenture and Diall be difcharged ; but if it was not inrolled through the default of the Apprentice, as if ha would not come to bs prefent before the Cham- berlain, but abftnt himfelf, then he (hall not be difcharged ; for the Deed may not be inrolled lin- lefs the Defendant be prelent in Court, nde, the Prefident wfra. In Adion of Debt on Bond, whereof the Con- Tryal of tht dition is to perform Covenants in Indenture of Ap- ^■""°°3* prentifhip in Loidon. The Defendant pleads the Cuftom of LoWc^w, that the Indenture (hall be void if it be not inrolled within the Year, and this Cuf- torn is traverfed, this fhall be tryed by the Mayor and Comraonalry bv the Mouth of the Recorder, Coke's Entr. JDek 144- AiSlion of Covenaat was brought on the Cuftom Aa of Coort oi London, that an Infant above 14, and imdef *§*'"/* '^P* XI, may bind himfelf Apprejitice, and that the P'^°^"^"' Mafter (hall have tale remedtum, as if he were xj , Tak remedium its good, and he need not alledge that the Cul^om "'hat it implic?. ts, that he (hall have Adion of Covenant againft him ; for tale remeJium implies as much. A^fad. Rep. 171. Horn and Chandler. ' The Cuftom of London is, to turnover an Ap- Turnover. prentice from one to another, and he to whom fuch Apprentice is turned over may have an A6lioQ of Covenant upon (pecial liTuc on the (evcral breaches T aHigned, ^74 ^l)^ ^^^ ^^ Cojpoiaiionjs* afligned, and the Plaintiff in fuch cafe had a Verdia. Tho it was moved in arrell of Judgment I. That Abfiraxit fe a jervttio i'o many Nights, and during that lime did not fervc him i but it being found againft him its good enougii. X. It is faid he did not ferve according to his Covenant, whereas no Covenant was made with the Plaintiff, yet it is good enough, and the con- clufion c^ jic non ttnuit convenctonem made with the Plaintiff is as good as can be. I Keb. 2jo. Bc'wcher^x\(^ Co(ier. The irinncr of In Covenant it was laid, That every Freeman tlledging the ^^y j^|^^, ^^ Apprentice, and that Infants may bind Coflom, and , •' /• , y ■' not paying tnemlclves to lerve. Ufage. It was objefled, That this Cuftom was alledged in fieri, not in faBoy for ufage is not added to it, as the Cuflom of a Manor was laid to be, that every Tenant potuit & fotuijj'et [urfum reddere is ill y fo licet df licuit for the Lord to aflels a part, but Curia contra, as old £w/r/M 14*. a Cuftomthat every Citizen and Freeman might devife in Mort" mam, allowed good, i Cro. 347. Rajm. Wind- hurfi' and Gthbs. It hath been a Qucftion often debated. Whether an Apprentice, by the Cuftom of London, being Bound, and Free of one Trade, may exercife ano- ther, which is fettled in the King and Bagfmwi Cafe. Vide fupra. The Ch^ters The Charters of the City of London may not of London not be any dilpenlation with the Statute of ^ Eliz>. c.^, on^ wilkin^'lTe '^^^^ "°"^ '^^^^ "^^^ ^ ^'^^"^ ^\t\^oul having been Statute *of 5 Apprentice to it fcven Years. As in Kilderbtes eUz. c. 4. of Cafe, who was Indided at the Seflions in Suffolk Trade?. for ufing the Trade of a Woollen-draper in H. in the faid County for 3 Months next before the In- dictment, he never having (erved as an Apprentice to it, againft the Statute 5- Elt^. c. 4. which In- a didlraenc diriment being into the King's Bench by Certtorarit rhe Defendant pleads a fpedal Plea, that he li a Freeman of London, and pleads the Charter of 1 j H. 5. that the Citizens of London may freely jc^ fine impedimento negotiate, de rehus & merchandifis fuisj and may refide where they will in Erigla?)d for that purpoje, and he pleads the confirmation of the fdid Grant by Ad: of Parliament, and that be did rcfide at H. prad^ cum cjuibufdam ntercimoniis pannartts tmen d^ 'vevdtn*^ ^c. which is the fame ufing the Trade of a Grocer, fiippofed in the In- di6lment, and traverfeth, that he ufed the Trade of a Draper for g Months mentioned in the Indi(5l- ment, altter ^uel alio modo. And Judgment was given for the King. For the intent of the Charter is only to give Citizens and Freemen of London leave to fell their Merchandizes, and refide where they will ; notwithftanding fome Burroughs and Cities claim a Liberty to exclude Forrr igners. Dier 179. 7. Rtf. iz8. I Sand. %i\. Std.^^iy. The fame Cafe, and the Traverfe was held to be ill, which goes to the entire time only, where it ought Traverfe ill to go to every part of the time dtjlnbutivc ; for if he had ufcd the Trade by one Month, tho he had not ufed it for 7^ Months, yet he ought to be convi6led for one Month, and acquitted of the other, if the Traverfe had been rightly taken. A Record was removed out of London m B. K. ^^ Frecrtianto by Habeas Corpus^ and it was on a Debt on a By- imploy one in Law, that no Freemen filould employ any Perfon a Tiade tlm in any Trade which had not been Apprentice to ^^^ not beca itj or a Freeman of London, and that the Defen- ^^"^^'^ *'"'■'" dant had employed one in the Trade of an Uphol- fterer, which had not iDeen Apprentice to it, and a Procedendo was granted. Std. x6o, flayer and TettlL T a dmeri' Cfje iaiD of Co2po^ation0. Concerning the Mafier's making the Appren- tice Free. IN London, if any Mafter fliall refufc to make his Apprentice Free, when the Teim in his hi- denture is expired, upon Complaint thereof made to the Chamberlain, he will caufe fuch a Mafter to be fummoned before him, and if he cannot fliew good Caufe to the contrary, will majce the Ap- prentice Free. In other Corporations he may h-avc a Mandamus to be dirccfed to the Mayor, &c. to make him Free^ if the Mafter refule to do it. Toivnjmd's Cafc, Ray 69. So it was in Norwich, Hill I y, 16. Car, i. In To'ivnfend'^s Cafe, the Mayor and Commonal- ty of 0*/br// returned to the Mandamus, 1 hat if any Perfon binds himfelf to be an Apprentice, lie is by the Courfe of their Corporation to be in- rolled ; and Tcwnfend bound himfelf Apprentice to C. by which he covenanted he would not contradl Matrimony during his Apprentifhip, and that the Indenture was enrolled, and that he within the firft two years of Apprentifhip did marry^ and after this he ferved as a Journeyman rather than as an Apprentice. Two Exceptions to this return. I. Tho he covenants he will not marry, yet if he marry this is only a breach of his Covenant, but not any caufe to bar him of his Freedom. 1. This return, that he ferved him rather as a Journeyman than an Apprentice is uncertain, and not pofitive. Raym. 92. €t €J)z lato of Coipo^ationgf* ^77 E€ p^cd €. €. j^ €. f. 3tto^ ruum ben' ^c, ^ Die' qiioln pti J* Ht. actio non, f c. quia Dtctt quoti cibita^ 3lonti e(T antiqiia w \iita0 in qua qKiDem cMtat ta\i0 l)tiut ^ a toto tempore atiu£( contrarii mcmo^ia Ijo. minii) non criRit l^efiatur confuctutio ufitae f app^o&ae quam confuctuD' tiictc €ibitai? co^am €ame^ tarto aut fubeamerar eibitatijs Lonb ^ tcm^ po?e erilien' in camera cibitat* p?eiJ fcituai? in J^aroctia ^ancti iSn^kti^ 'Baffiiftalu in CJUarDa lie 25ani(t)aU) infra ni) iHicljardi nup l^egiir QHnglte fecundi poOi conque^um %ngX ^n* liegni fui feptimo apud i©cltm' in Com* Hlpiddlefer tene tunc Si^ajo,:' f Conimunitat' dicte €iUitati0 ^ ig>ucceiro?idUfir fuijef lUatifi- cat' ^ Confirmar fuei 0f tent hia\i0 <€. p 2fitto?i!) fuum pU comparuit $ optiiUt fc tjcrfu;^ p?efae ^. in pinciro j^d fupcr rjno j^ti fcrtoien' ad claUam ac mmir^er Curie ^U aD eanbem curiam ph* reto?na\jit $ ccrtxfica\Jit eid' Curie quoli ipfe Ditto Die (^ccohf 3IInno Dicti ^nD ncgi;fl{ nunc 28 rup?aDi£to j^monitionem rciiquit npuD Domum iH^anrionaicm Dicti 91 1^!)^""!^ fcituaf ^c* Ita quoD iDcm % efTct aD Dirt' Cur' Diet' ^n^ BcQi0 in Diaa camera itati0 pjcD' in Dicta camera rare afid tajc U feVeij^ every Inhabitant wiihln the Village for the Rcpa- DIitrc& on ration of a Bridge wiihin the Village. If a Tax be Tax^ to repair a ^^^^^ according to the CuQom a Diftrefs may be taken for this rate ot the Goods of any Inhabitant Co taxed, although upon the Tax being made it is not ordained that a Diftrefs fhall be taken for it ; for no Perfon can have Action of Debt for this Tax inafinuch as the Corporation is not to have it, and then if a Diftrefs fhould not be, there would be no Remedy, i Rrls /Ibr. 666. SmithjMn and ^(/;- ton. EXETER. A By-Law in Exeter by the Company of Tay- lors. Jf any Perfon or Perfons of the faid Corpo- ration revile or ufe any unhandfom Speech of the Mafter or Wardens of the (aid Corporation, fhould forfeit ^ /. 4 ^. the faid Fine to be levied by a War- rant under the Corporation-Seal, and by fale of Goods. And the Plaintift in Trefpafs faid, &c. The Maflers "were a company of Pickpocket Rogues. In Trefpafs Judgment Pro Quer^ for a Corporation No y-Law to ^-j^p^Q^ n):\Vii a By-Law and have a Forfeiture le- makclortciture ... , / i r /■- ^ o -n xt r and falc of ^'^° ^7 ^"^ ^^*^ ^' Goods. 5 Rep. 127. Nor for Goods. Forfeiture of Goods. 2 Fentr. 182. Clarke and Tucker. Raym, 292,29^,294, 324. A By Law that there fhall be but fb many Carrs in Ztfw^6i« is good. Raym. 32,, 328. But if the Cute, By-Law be, That no Carman within the City fhall go with his Carr without the Licence of the Guar- dians of fuch an HofpiCal^ nor v/ichout paying a Rent to fuch Hofpital for the fame j if any do Cbn- trary he fhall forfeit fuch a Penalty to the faid Guardians ot fuch an Hofpital, this is void by Law. Raym. 524, 328. r Tr'imtj' Clje laiu of Co^po/ateotii/. z^i Trinity- tiDuJe in Deptford. Debt on By-Law by the Muflrer, Wardens and Tffftity^Houft Afliftants of the Trinity- Houfe In Deptford being en*'" Deptford. ablcd to make By Lav/ s by Car. Us Charter, and this By Law was conhrmed by the Chancellor, Treafurer, and Chief juftic?. It ran thus: Quod t^uiUbct r.auta dimittnet ad Littut infra lA. boras f)H devemnt ad Avchoram in Rivo Thamejis om^ nem quaniitattm Tulvcris boTvbardici (^aere permit- tent) fub pcena forfeiture lo Nobles. And alledge that the Defendant had noii<:e of this By-Law, and did not do (b. Upon Ifiue of Naflce VcrdiiSl pro Quer. Moved in arreft. Sander denied not but It » /^ i « ^ iiiT • • nr i ' 1^ (jfocd By was a gooa By-Law in it leir, but ?t was not made Law, but not by fufficicnt Authorlry^ and he took a diflFerence made by fuffi^ where the Corporarion had Government of the ciemAuchoritjr. Place to which their Laws extended, and where not. And In this cafe the Corporation liad not Gd- vernment of the Place nor of the Juri(di6lion ; and the K.in^ by his Proclamation cannot make fuch an univerfil Law, nor his Grantee by Commlflion. Cur. advi/are. Sir Tho. Jones 144»» By-Laws flialj bind Strangers when it is only for when By-Laws A6J:s to be made within the Town and for the Pub- fliall bind jick Good. 44 Ed. ;. 15, And in the Chamber- Strangers. Jain of LcWtn's cafe, that By-Law made in Low Jc« *~\ {hall bind all, as well Strangers as CitizenSi which fell any Drapery in the Hall there, though tliey inhabit in any place out of the City, and fo is the cuftom of Foreign Bought and Foreign Soldj the v/hich is only for Strangers. ^ BrownL 179? Upon the Return it appeared^ That in the City of London there is a cuftom that no Foreigner fhal.I keep any Shop or Ule any Trade in London: Ed. 5, gr^csthat they may make By-Laws; in 17 H. 8. U % ilvQrsl 191 Ctctaiuof €o?pojinion0. N ) Foreigner (tveral A<5ls of ConinioiuCouncil were made for tc. ufc a Trade inhibiting lf*'oreigners to hold any open Shop or ia London. Lattice. And (iich a d.iy an Ah of C:ommon- Council was made th:u no K jjcigncr fhould uft- any Trade, Myftery or Occuparj )n wirhin the faid City, nor keep any Shop thtre for retailing, upon pa'n ot ^ I. to be paid, &c. Thn the Defendant held a Shop, and lifed the Myltcry of making Candles, i", Oil. &c. and lb the PJaintift' levied a Plaint -xx^Ci arreftcd the Defendant. It •''','- agreed fbar the Cullom was good. gi Ed. I. the King by his Letters Patents granted to one J. F. that he fhould be Frank and Fret of the City of LonJon^ and that he fhouid keep an Apothecary's Shop there : But the Patentee could not have his Freedom by this Grant. Vjfcr 279. In Tork Goods Foreign Bought and Forfeltuic. Fcr ign Sold (hall be forfeited. A good Prefcripti- on, but the King by his Letters Patents cannot give fiich Power to them. T hough the Corporation may juftifie a Pecuniary Punlfhmenf, yet they cannot infli6i; Confifcation of Goods or Imprifbnment on a By-Law. The By-Law is good, that Foreigners (hould not hold any Shops In London ; for it appears by the Return, that Foreigners fhall not beSubje6l to Scot and Lor in Londony and fhall not be Officers, which are matters of great Charge j fo that if it fi-ail be fo, tiiey fhouid be preferred before Free- men. But the fole Doubt was. It doth not appear by the Return that the ^Defendant had ufed the Trade uf a TaUovf-Chandltr^ nor fold any Candles ; but ,. n. , only' that he kept Shop and ufed the Myflery of It mult be rot ,. /- 11 ^ n -r I D L Ju l that nc vic-e "^'^king Candle?. But ir the Kerurn had been that I 1 .i^..r»!^ be ufed the Trade (i a Tallow-Chandler^ this had but inat he uua ■ 1 • i- 1-1 the Tradt. been good J lor that imphes tantamount^ lor that had been that he had fold j for Trade is tn tradtndo^ whien Cfjc laiu of Cc^yo^atfonj;. 293 which is to deliver over, and the Intent is, That he fhall not be punifli'd for making Candles if he docs not fell rhem, for the Sale is the Wrong. And for this Caufe it was refolved that the Defendant (liould be delivered and not remanded, i Btoivnl. 284. Waggoner and Ftflh Finch faid. That this in one Kings Gale was denied for Law. i Sul.iii. By-Law in London^ that every one which fells Goods commonly v/eigii'd, and does not weigh . them at the common Beam called The Kings Bea/», ^ '^^ '"^ , (hall forfeit for every Five hundred Weight fo fold CommonBeam- not weiglicd , i 5 i. and 4 d. On Forfeiture, Debt was brought by the Chamberlain of London, which is removed into B. R. by Certiorari: and if Debt upon this By Law be maintainable here, or there (hall be a Vrocedendo^ was the QLuftion. Ter Newdtgat Juftice , Vrocedendo fhall be awarded. Upon Player and StoweU\ Cafe, l65'4. and Vlay- er and Oihrrt*s Cafe, lb) 6. 1 Sid. 178. Aj]timj)Jit and declares, That th« Defendant be- Ing in Debt to him for 10 /. Forfeit by the Confti- ^^^V°l.^ ". 1^1- r 1 ^ r ney forfeited by tutions and Ordmances or the Company tor not a By Law ferving in the Office of Steward of a Company, ac- made /»fr Ciw, cording to a By-Law made, promifed to pay it, up- on which the Defendant demurs. I. Becaufe the A6i:ion docs not lie for Money forfeited by a By- Law. 2. Promlfe may not be made to a Corpo- ration aggregate without Deed. But per Cur the Promlfe to x A6lion lies ; and both thefe Objcdlions were made Corporatiou in the Cafe ofthe Mayor, &c. of Lonkn agalnft *"^°"f I^««*- Gorre)'f and Judgment notwithftanding this given for the Plaintif]^ ; and fo here. ^ Levins 15-1. the Bar har Surgeons of London agalnft Pelfon. U 3 CAP. i()4 ®^c ^^^ ^^ Corporation^. CAP. XXII. Incorporation of Companies. The Canary Comonny^ that vone but ftich and fuch {honld Trade to the Canaries. 7he Cafe of the Company of Sofpmtikirsy and the Ar- gument abridged. 1 he Cafe of the Rulfia CofJipany. T Rtfpafs for taklits; aU'jy a Ship. Defen- C^nvy Com- fi (Jant juftifies under the Patenr, whereby T^'^J' | M the Ciiwi^y/ Company is i!!corporartd,and granted ihat none but (uch and (iich Hiould Trade thither en pain of forltiring their Ship and Goods, and fji-h, the L?eFcnd;niC did trade thither. Plain- tiff demurs ; for that he oughi: to have (hewed the Deed whereby he was authorized by the Company to feile the Goods. A Corporation cannot appoint a Servant to fell Trees without a Deed, and the Plea is double, the Detendant alledgts two caufes of breach of their Charter, -viz,. The taking in Wines at the Canaries, and importing rhcm here, Forrtlture. gnd there is a Claufe that gives the forfeiture of Goods and Impvifonment^ which cannot be by Pa- tent. 8 Eep. 125. Nej. iz^. Mod. Re^. I, I 3. Horn and Ivy. Hays & al. Flamiff, Harding & aL Dtf- jendant.^ Pafc. 1656.111 Scaccario. THE King by Letters Patents dated May zi. A. D. 16:^7. for preventing and relorining Company of q{ Abu'cs in the Trade of Soaprnaliin^^ and the 5opcma ers. j^gfjgj. government of that Trade, did ordain there Ihould €be Klato of Coipo^ation?^* ^9^ fliould be in England and Wales, one Socsety or Body corporate of Soapmakers by the siame of Governors, Affiftants, and Commonalty of the Society of SoapmakerSj to continue for ever, wbo had thereby power to ele6l Officers to (earch for, and try al] Materials and Wares, and Weights and Meafures, and to break, burn, or deftroy all found or fufpei^ed to be adulterate or falfe, and that none not Free of the Society fhall ule that Trade with- out admittance into the Society, upon pain to for- feit all ihe Soap they fhoold make ; and thst all Peribns to be admitted into that Society Biould take an Oath for their good Demeanor Z'n*^ Obediejice- to the Ordinances thereof, and that all thit bad ufed that Trade for 7 years fhould be admitted up- on a reafonable Fine. For which Charter oMn- corporarion they gave the King 45000 /. bchdts 6 d. a. Tun impojfl upon Soap, and divers Laws and Ordinances were made by the Corporati- on, and confirmed according to 19 H. 7. The Plaintiffs were of the Corporation, but not the De- fendants, nor had they been Apprentices for 7 Years, but ufed the fame, tho brought up to other Trade?, and for ufing thereof their Goods and Vef- fels were feized. Whereupon they brought their A6lion at Law. Whether this were a good Charter of Incorpo- ration, or a Monopoly within the Statute % i Jac. c. 3. was the Qiieftion. Soapraaking is an Art, My fiery, or a manual Oo- cupation, and of long continuance, and for ought appears to the contrary, it might be in being when the Statute was made, and is as ncceffary a Trade Regulation of as others named in the A6l, and contequently a By- Trade. Law or Ordinance to reffrain fuch as have not ferved Apprentices, d^c. from ufing it, is a good By-Law, and confonant to Law. All fach Z'atents and By Lav/s as tend moft to the well ordering and U 4 regulating 1^^ 'Clje Inli) of CojpG^attDn^* rfpuiat'mg of Trades^ and tVie bttrer management ot them, To tlnit the bcneht of them mny be denied to the greater part of the People, tho wirh fbme prejudice to a few particular Perfon', hath always b^en allowed by the Law. But Parent*; which tend to the ingro(finG; of Trade or ManL.fci61:urc, tho of never fo Imall V;iluc, into one or few hands only, have alw.iys bcv^n held nnrcafonable and unv/ar- ranrablr, us theCal'e of Mr nopolits, i i Rep. But our ca'e is quite another thing, for here is an In- corporation conLfting of many Ferfon? udng this Trade, and there is liberty given to all others to be admitted, it they have lerved their Apprcntifhips; and tho ihey have nor, yet wi;h the Corporations leave, they made be admitted. ^ A Grant lately made ro incorporate Coachmen, Corporation 6/ ^^^ ^p,^. ^^^^ ^^^.^ driveaCoach A'ithout Licence, Coacliratn. i u j • heid goodi HiU 45* Eliz.- B.R. Taylor verfijs Brown, entred HtU 41. Eliz,. Rct.^^o,. The King granted to the ^- ,.. Corporation of Weavers in London, that none fhould intermeddle m thejr i race unlels he were of their Fraternity : The Grant was held to be good^ there being a Rent refervcd upon ir. A//c^ 47, ^44 EUz^. in Hawkjlieadznd IVards Cafe^ R. R. The King granted to the City of London^ that all Perrons bringing into London falcablc Commo- dities, fhould pay 16 much for Toll, this was held robe a good Grant, and yet generally fpeaking, it jnay Teem to be againft the Liberty o^ the Subject. The c-ifc of the Taylors of Ipfivicb 1 i Rep. comes not up to this; for the Rtffraint there was too general and againft the Srarute. 5 Elix^ c. 4. Ihe The Attorney General agahfi Ahxmjn Scac' The Cafe of the Riidia Company, IN Information at the Suir of the Attorney Ge- neral, the Cafe was, The Rujpta Company was incorporated by Letters Patent, i d^ i Ph, & M. and it was granted to them, That no Perfon not being of their Company fhould trade thither without their Leave, on the Penalty of forfeiting Ship and Goods. Afterwards by A€t of Parlia- ment 8 Eliz,. thef^ Letters Patent were confirmed, and it was lurther linac'ted, Thar no Perfon, Sub- jeiV, or other, fhould trade thirher without leave of the Cojiopany, and theQueftion was, Whether or no one that was Free of the Company might trade thither without leave of the Company. The A(£t of S Eltz.. alters the name of the Cor- poration, a. It alters the Penalty. 7,- It makes an alteration in the Traders, 'viz,. That none (hall trade thither, Subje^l or Denizen, without Licence, Agajnd f^pj^ which extends to particular Perfons, even af the rate trading. Company, to reftrain their Trading thither with- out Licence. The intention of the A6i; was to regulate the Trade, and to appropriate it to the Regulation and Government of the Company, And the Court inclined to be of this Opiniont for the great Inconvenience was the fmgle and feparate Trade of tho(e of the Company, and not of Forreigners, who could not Trade with- out leave of the Company : and the A6t is a mere Ail of Creation, and to regulate thofe of the Company who trade feparate, to the prejudice of the An A(flof Cre- Joynt-Stock of the Company ; and if it were an A(9- ^^'^"^ • of Confirmation it would be a void A6f,becaufe the Letters Patent themfelvesare void, being to appro- priate a Trnde, which the King cannot do by Law. CAP. 298 €\)z tm of (I^o2po^^tl'onl^• CAP. XXIII. DifTolution of Corporation. Where J and by tvhat Acts or Accidents Cojporati' ons fjall be d'tjjol'ved and extinguifljed, and by what nut. Dean and Chapter Jitrrertder their FojlfeJJions, yet the Corporation continues. Tbo a Corporation be altered in name yet they (Jjall en- joy thetr ancient Privileges. By Surrender a Corporation cannot be dijjolved Qi^ier. What a- mcunts to a Dijjolution or not. Up:)n Diffolhtion the Lands revert to the Heir of the Donor. Tbo a Corporation be dtJJ'clved^ yet their Grant were Good. TH E Dean and Chapter of Norwich by their Indenture enrolled furrender to King Ed. 6. all their Church and Pof- feflions. And after the King, in the fame Year, in- corporates them anew •, and in the fame Year after Dean and Grants to them their Church and Poflelfions. Per Chapter furrcnC«r. Tho they had furrendred their Church and der their Pof- Podcffions, yet the Corporation continues and re- feffions. yet ^^j^^ ^^^ Chapter of the Bifli op, as to affift him Corporations . , . ,. ^ ^ r - r> r - r continue. '" deciding Conrroverlies in Kehgion, to conlent to every Grant the Bifhop (hall make to bind his Succeflor ^ and at firil all the Pofleffions were the Bifhop?, and after a certain Portion was affigned to the Chapter, ergo the Chapter was before they had any Poffeffions. And of common Right the Bifhop is Patron of all Prebends; and therefore though the Dean and Chapter part with their Pof- f< flions, yet their Corporation of neceility remains, and if the Body of a Prebend be a Maiinor, and the Mannor be recovered from him by Title Para- mount} mount, yet his Corporation remains^ for he had fiallum in choro &" 'vocem in cafitulo. Tho there cannot be Gardein of a ChappeK If the Chappel and &11 the Pofleflions are aliened, becaufe there cannot bs a Gardein of nothing. 5 Re^. 75. Dean and Chapter of Norwich'' s Cafe. If a Corporation had Franchifes and Privileges, ^i ^ _ r-, ji^ * "o a Corpo- fer Grant or Frelcription, and aiterwards they are r^x\Qn bealrcr. incorporated by another name, as where they were ed in name, Bayliffs and BurgfifTes before, now they are Mayor yet they fhall and Commonalty, or Prior and Covent before, '"J^yj^'^^."' *"' and now they are tranflafed into Dean and Chap- ^^'^"^"I'V'^g^*' ter, although in thofe cafes the Name and Quality of rheir Corporation be altered and changed, and efpecially in cafe of Prior and Covent ; for of Re- gular, which are dead Perfons in Law, they are made Secular, yet the new Body fhall enjoj all the Privileges, Franchifes, and Hereditaments which the old Corporation had by Grant or Prefcription. 4 Rep. 87. b. When the Hofpital of St. Jdhn in Jerufalem By Surrender! was furrendred and fupprefTed by the Statute of 35 Corporation H. 8. and their Poffeflion vefted in the Crown by not diffolved. that A(51:, yet rhc Vifitation of them did not ceafe by this, for their Corporation was not difTolved ; but when they were deraigned and left their Habit, Rule and Order, by which they were vifitable, then the Corporation was utterly diflblved, and the Vi- fjtation ceafed. Davtes Rep. i. b. If a Corporation be made of Confreres and , Sifters, and after all the Sifters are dead, all Afts ^;;™ and Grants raade by the Confreres are void ; for when the Sifters are dead, this is not a perfect Cor- poration. M. "^xElix,. B.R. But If the King make a Corporation, con/ifting of 1 1 Men, to continue for ever in SuccefTlon ; and when any of them d-e the other may choofe ano- ther in his place : if three or four of them die, yet ali 300 djc Xatu of Co^'po^ntionsf^ all Acts made by the refidue (hall be fufficlent ; for ic is not like to the Cafe precedent. It is agreed, that a Body Politick may be difTor- red either by the death of the Parties incorporate, or their refunil to a£t, nominate and cledt Officers, fo that there remains not fiifficient Authority by their Cliarter to preferve their being, this leems to be a CefTer or Diflfolution. Utfon dilTolutl- Up"" '^^ diil^jlution of a Body Corporate, as or> the Lands Dean and Chapter, Mayor and Commonalty, rercTt to rhe their Land fliall not Efcheat, but fhall revert to Heir of tlic ihe Doncfr. For the Fee is vefted in them in their ^■"^'^' politick Capacity, created by the policy of Man, and fo there is a Condition in Law annexed to e- very fuch Gift or Grant, that if fuch Body Po- litick be dilfolved, that the Donor or Grantor fhili re-enter, for that the caufe of the Gift or Grant fayleth, but no fuch Condition is annexed to Eftatc in Fee- Simple vefted in any Man in his na- tural Capacity, unlefs the Donor or Feoffor re- lerves to him a Tenure. I In{L I 5. b. GoJh zl r. A Prefcriptlon was fhewed of a difchargeof Tythes in an Abbot, Prior and Covent, and that the DifTol ti h Corporation was afterwards diffolved, becaufe all Death. ttie Monks died, and the Abbot alfo ; the Lands reverted, and per Cur. he who is now Owner of it, and holdeth the Lands fliall pay Tythes ; for a Man cannot prefciibe in non (hcimando. M a Rent be granted to one, and his Succeflbrs, and the Cor- poration be diltolved, Ter Coke and War burton Juftices, the Rent fhall revert to the Donor. Godh. a 1 1 . Dean and Chapter of Windfor and Wthb's Cafe, and their SuccelTors. If 200 Faggots are granted to a Mafter and his Confreres, or any other tiling granted to a Corporation to perceive out of all the t^ands of the Grantor, and after the Mafter and Confre- res granted them over ; and after their Corpora- tion ^[}t tm of Corporations, 301 tlon is dllfolved, yet the thing granted fhall not A Corporation Efcheat to the Grantor, the it fhould haveefcheat- '* diiroK^ed cd if it had not been granted •, fo of Land or Rent. ^''^'^ <^ ''-'"" I RoL Mrtdg. 816. Southwell m^ Wade. °" 6^^' Vtde f.us de hoc-, in the cafe of the §Iuq War- ranto againft London. CAP. XXIV. Qiio Warranto, The nature of it. Quo Warranto brought for Ufer and not for Ahujer. What mifufer ts a Forfei- ture of all the Liberties y and "what net. Set- z^ure by the King, yudgment againft the Vir- ginia Company m a Quo Warranto. The An- fwtr or Plea to a Quo Warranto. Where Grant or Confirmation by Charter does not defiroy Pre- jcription. Difference between Ufurping to be a Corporation, and the Franchifes. If Quo War- ranto be brought to dtffol've a Corporation^ how it Jhall be brought. The appearance of the major part to a Quo Warranto being Recorded is (ufficient. The Cafe of the Quo Warranto lately brought againjt the City of London, and the judgment. Trial, and IJj'ue in a Quo Warranto, and Judg- ment. "^O the right underftanding of the nature of vtr|,jj ;j ;, a Quo Warranto^ we mull k/iow that it is a Writ which lies where a Man or Bo- dy pohrick claims or u(es any Franchjfe or Liberty againft the King, as to have Waifs, Eftray?, Fairs, Markets, &c. without good Tide. A Q^uo War- ranto for i'ranchiles is in the natu|t of a Writ of R.ght, 302 tZLljc Lain of CojpojationjJ. Right, and the Defendant in it ought to make * lijfficitnt ritle againft the King. The Quo IVarranto contains l things in it felf. I. A Claim, z. An Ufurpation; and the Defen- dant mull anfwer to both. A ^0 Warranto was brought again ft the V.'ar- den and Burgcflcs of Maydenheady for ufing of a Maiket, and taking a Penny for Piccage, Stallage, d^c. Defendant pleads. That King jFrtwf burning of the City In Sep- *■ tember 1666. and the Alterations in the Market- * Houfes and Places thereby occafion'd , for the * Eftablifhing and Re (etling the Markets within * the City, 17 Seft. 16 Car. i. the then Mayor, * Aldermen and Commons in Common Council ' affembled, according; ro the Cuftom, for the better * Regulation of the laid Market, did make and pub= * lilh an Ordinance, entituled , An AB for the * Settlement and well Ordering tj2 Publtck Markets *• -within the City of London : By which (aid Ordi- * nance reciting that for the Accommodation of the ^ Market People with Stalls, Shelters, and other ' Neceffaries for ftandirg in the Ma'-kets, and for * the Amendment, paving and cleanling the Mar- * ket Places, and fur the lupnort and defraying the * incident Charges thereof, there have been always * certain realbnable Pates and Duties paid for the *•■ (ame. And to the Intent that the faid Rates may ^ be afcertain'd and made publick to all Market- * People, and the Colle6lors reftrained from exa- * ding 3i6 ^\}t lato of Corporations?* * (fting, it was Ena(5lcd and Ordained by the (aid ' Common-Councilt That Rates and Sums in the ' Replication fliould be paid ro the U(e of the ' Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens, or upon *rc!ufa), to be removed out of the Market. And * they averr, that rht fe are all the Rates or Duties * paid, and were reafonable Sums to be paid : and * thefe they have demanded and received for the life ' and Purpofe alorefaid, as was lawful for them to •do. ' As to ihe other Matter allcdged by the Attorney ' General in afligning the forfeiture, they fay, * That within this Kingdom, Quiz,.) at the Parlfli * of St. Michael Bafftflta-w, London, there was an * execrable Plot and Confpiracy profecuted by Pa- * pifts to deftroy the King and to fubvert the an- * cient Government, and fupprcfs the true Religion * in this Kingdom eftablifhed. * * That Sir Edmundhurj G, took Examinations of * Witnefles and Informations of the lame, and alfo * of ihe burning of London by Papifts. ' That divers of thefe Confpirators had Iain m * wait for him and murthered him, to the Intent to * fupprefs his Examinations , and to deter other ' Magiftrates from a6ling in the Difeovery. ' That Green and others were tried and hang'd * for this Murther. ' That Coleman and others were alfb tried and ' executed for the fame Confpiracy. ' That William Lord Powtj, Lord Arundel of ' Warder^ Lord Vetre^ Lord BeUafii were impeach- * ed by the Commons in Parliament of High Trea- ' fon for the fame Confpiracies, and fent to the f Tower. * That the King in his Speech to that Parliament 'had recommended to them the further Puriuit and ' Exdip.inarion of that Confpiracy ; declaring that * he thought not himfelf nor them fafe till that mat- • tci C6e Lattt of Co?p0?atf onier, 3 1 7 tcr were gone through with : and therefore thatit was neceffary that the faid Lords in the Tvwer fliould be brought to their Trials that Juftice might be done. And the Parliament having made an Addrefs to the King, wherein both Lords and Commons declared their being deeply ienfible of the (ad Condition of the Realm, occafion'd chiefly by the Confpiracies of a Popifh Party, who had plotted and intended the Deftrudion of the King and fubverfion of the Government and Religion of the Kingdom : And thereupon & folemn Faft kept purfuanl' to the King's Proclamation, grounded upon the (aid Addre(s, and divers Bills prepared to be palTed into Laws for Pre(ervatIon of his Pro- teftanc Subjefts. ' The(e Impeachments and Bills being thus de- pending, and the Lords in the Tower not Tryed, the Parliament was upon the loth of January Prorogued, as the Attorney General above in his Replication hath alledged, by reafon whereof the Citizens and Inhabitants of the (aid City, being faithful Subjeds to the King, were much difqui- eted with the Senfe and Apprehenfions of the Dangers threatning the Perfbn of the King, his Government and Realm, by reafon of the Con- fpiracies aforefaid, as is by both King and Parlia- ment affirmed and declared ; and conceiving no better means to prevent than by the fitting of the Parliament j and having received a Petition from divers faithful Subjedis, Citizens of London, to the fame effed:* And it being lawful to Petition, the Mayor, Sir Patience Ward, and the Aldermen and Commons in Common-Council afferabled, for the Prelervation of the King and his Government, did caufe to be written the Petition in the Repli- cation mention'd, which is let forth in hac verba ; and did order that after the fame was prefented to the King it (hould be printed, for the fatIsfa(5lion €;!)£ tlam of Ca?po?atfon0. *of the troubled Minds of the faid Citizens ; and * traverfe the writing or making any other Petition, ' or maicing this to any other End or Intent than they * have Pltaded. * The Attorney General, as to the Plea of the * Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens, pleaded * to the making and publilWng the Ordinance about * the Markets, ' Protefiandoy That the Mayor and Commonalty * and Citizens were leized of the Markets, nor ac ^ their Charges provided Stalls and Neceflaries, or * Market-places. * Vrotejiando etiam^ That the faid Rates and Sums ^ were not reafbnablc, * For Plea faith, That by a Statute made 21 C 2. * it was ena£l:ed that Places for Markets fliould be ' fet out, and 2 d. per Chaldron upon Coals for * the Charge of that and many other things were * given ; and that they received a great Sum out of * that Duty for the Purpole aforefaid : and yet for * their own private Lucre tooii the Money by the * Ordinance, ' And trivcrfcth that the Mayor and Commo- * nalty and Citizens time out of mind, habuerunt (^ ' habere conjueverunt tolftePa rat as fiv£ denariorurti ' fummas per ipfos Majorem Communitatem ^ C<- * ves fupenus Juppofit. per pre fat am Legem five Or^ * dinationem pradiB"* afjej? (^ in certttudmem re- * duS^ proui per placitum fuum fuperim rejungenJo * phcitat* fupponitur. * And to the Plea of the Mayor and Commo- * nalty and Citizens pleaded to the rclidue of the * Attorney's Matter affign'd for « Forfeiture as * aforefaid^ fTh€ Cfte Ham of Co^pojaticujj; 3 j ^ ' The Attorney Proteftando^ That the aforefaid * Prorogation of Parliament was for Urgent Caufes * concerning the Good of the Kingdom, and thcre- 'by the Profecution of Publick Juftice not in- * terrupted. * And demurs to the faid Plea oi the Mayor and * Commonalty and Citizens, by them pleaded as to * the Petition. ^ R^huttsr. * The Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens, * as to the making and publiftling the Ordinance * for the Payment of Monies by thofe that come to ^ the (aid Markets, fay as before, * That the Mayor and CommoBalty and Cici- * 7.ens have timeout of mind, had, and accuflomcd * to have reafbnable Tolls, Rates, or Sums of Mo- * ney cf all Perfons coming to thefe Markets with * Vi<5tuals and Provifion^ there to be fold, for Stalls, * Standing, and other Accommodations by them * had, for expoiing their Vi(ftuals and Provifions to * Sale, and of this they put themfelvei upon the * Country, &c, * To this Mr. Attorney demurs. * And as to the Plea by the Mayor and Commo- ' naky and Citizens pleaded to the relidue of the * matter by the Attorney General affigncd for For- * feiture^ they join in Demurrer, Memorandum, That when the Dsmurrer in this Cafe was joind, (viz.) Mich 54 Car. 2. Mr. Serjeant Pemberton was Chief 'j-uftice cf the King's Bench. But before Hillary-Terw, that it tame to be tirgued, be was remo'vtd and made Chief fajiice of the Common Bench : j^nd Sir Edmund Saunders, who had been Council fur the King, m drawing andadvijing the Pleadings^ was made Chkj Juries ofths Kttt'i's Bench. Tht 210 ilLf)t tm of Co^po|.at(on0. The Opinion of the Coiirc. SatinderSy C. J. Jones^ ^{aymond and Withens. I. I *H AT a Corporation Aggregate might be JL (elzed : That the Star. i8 Ed. ^. c. i o. is exprefs, That the Franchifes and L berries of the City upon fuch Defaults fhall be taken into the King's Hands. And that Bodies Politick may offend and be pardoned appears by the general Article of Pardon, 12 Car. 2. whereby Corporations are par- doned all Crimes and Offences, and the A61 for re- gulating Corporations, i 3 Car. 2. which provides that no Corporation (hall be avoided for any thing by them raifdone or omitted to be done j (hews alio, That their Charters may be avoided for things by them mifdone or omitted to be done. II. That theexading and taking Money by the pretended By-Law was Extortion, and a Forfeiture of the Franchife of being a Corporation. In. That the Petition was Scandalous and Li- bellous, and the making and publilhing it a For- feiture. IV". That the A£t of the Common- Council was the AO: of the Corporation. V. That the Matter fet forth in the Record did not excule or avoid thole Forfeitures fet forth in the Replication. VI That Quod ipfe pro Dcm* Rege ulteriuf non vnlt profe<^ui. And Judgmant was as to that eant tndejine dte Jal- vo jure Regii fi aL d^c. CAP. i^*^ CAP. XXV. What diall amount to a Forfeiture. Corporation fetfed for notorious Kict. Dr. Lambs Cafe. Rtot and Murder. Ctnfjue-Vorti for not obeying a Certiorari. Mtfufer of a Franchife a Forfeiture. Where many Perfons are concerned in fomt of Charge or Difcharge^ hoiv the King may fue. Prerogative in f leading. In two Cafes Ltherties may he f€iz,ed by award of the Court. Where Judgment of Oujler (l)all he cntred. Where Setjure. Several forts of Sei- fures. The way to take off the Ktng^s hands. Whatfoever ts contrary to the Duty and Trufi of a Member ts a Forfeiture. Mandamus to choofe an Alderman. IVhat rKifcarriages are a caufe of Forfeiture. I N II H. 6. a. Prefentment was made before Fortefcuej againft the Town of Norwich^ that there was a great Riot in Norwich j and one Gladman took upon him to be Kin^, and For Riots, went with a Crown ot Paper in a riotous manner to the Prior of Norwich ; and altho it appears not on the Roll (]utd inde 'vemtj yet fer Rot. Pat. x"! H. 6. Membr. i :j. their Liberties for that caufe were feiled and regranted. Mich. i^Edw.T,. Rot.iifX. An Indi(51:ment of a Town in Devenfijire, for fuffering an Aflembly, as it were, to hold Aflizes in mockery of Juftice. P. 18. Car. I. Information was brought againil the Mayor and Commonalty of London^ whereas they were incorporated by that name, and it was a walled City, and recites the Statute of a Edv.'. 4» That the Mayor for the time being, and all who Cfje %m of Cojpoiati'ongf* 31? who have been Mayors^ ihould be Jufticcs of Peace within the Ciry, and that the Sh(7rilfs are made a* mongit themlelves, and Coroners appointed by themfeJves, and that by Law they ought to fup- prefs riotous and unlawful Affcmblles. Nocwkh- (landing in yu7te 4 Caroli, in the day time, one John Larub alias Do6tor Lawb^ was fliin in a Tu- „• , j «» ^ X 1 r 1 ^/r 1 ' Riot and Mur- niulr, and none of the Oltenders taken, nor any (jgj., Perfbn known nor indi6ledfor that F'elony. And upon this Information the Mayor and Commonalty appeared and acknowledged their Off( nee, and po- fuerunt fe in gratiam Ciiriey for which they were amerced 15-00 Marks : for it was conceived to be an Offence at the Common Liw to fiiifer (uch a Crime to be committed in a walled Town tempore aturno^ and none of the Offenders to be knov/n or or indi6ted. A Certiorari was awarded to the Mayor of Hyth •and the Jurats there being one of the Cincfue ports ^ i& remove an Ifididirnent of Felony, viz,. Burg- lary, ag-iinll one T. lijppoled to be committed there. The Writ v/as not returned upon pretence of a Privilege, or Liberty belonging to the Cinque- Ports^ that the Kings Writ out of any of his Courts ■fhall not be awarded unto them, but ought to be direiled tothe Lord Warden of the Cmcjue-Ports-i who ought to m,:ike W^arrant to them to execute it ; whereupon an aliat Certiorari was awarded and delivered to the Mayor and Jurajs in Court, upoa Oath made thacthey faid they would nor return it,' and they imprifoned the Menenger that brought It, The Attorny- General was ordered 10 exhibit an Information againft them. A like cafe was, A Certiorari was 8 Car, i. certiorari prayed to be av/afded to the Mayor of Do'ver, be« .. ing within the Cincjite-Fort:^ to remove an Indidt- %■ jnent of Felony againft one O. who- was indidied thbreoF Buggt'ry. Per C.m\ This (hall not be dt-. y z re^'led 31^ C6c tm of Co?po2at(on0* reeled to the Lord Warden of the Cinejue-Porffy but ftiall be immediately directed to the Juftices be- fore whom the indi6lment was j for they held Plea of it as Juftices oi the Peace, by virtue of their Commi0ions, and not by their ancient Charters or Pr< fcription, which was awarded according^Iy. Inter petttjonet mParliawent'* temps, Ed. I, Quia hf Mines Ae Southampt. verbera-verunt d^ vulnera- i^erunt Gtlbert. Canon (ju: ex^utbatur prtceptum Re- gis in diUa villa pro trar.fgrejjione 'villa villa cap- la fuit in znanu) Regis ^- jinim fecerunt ^ fir' mam fu^m exiltaverunt ad lo 1. per Annum. ] 3 td. I. Rot. fin. memk lO. pro civibus No'f 7VICI re/iifhtione pofi Ctvitat^ capt. in manus Regit C^ coTKbiijiior,e EccUfie ib. ibid. .. ,. p A Mifufer of a Franchife is a forfeiture of tiiat Franchiic. Abbot of St. Albans Cafe, 8 Hen. 4 1 8. The King feifcd the Franciiile into his Mands, be- caulc the Abbot who had the Goal would not give l^icdgcs to n^ake Deliverance, and for detaining Prifbners a longtime without making lawful Delive- rince: And iho fuch Franchifes are enjoyed by Perfons in a corporate Capacity j it was a Qutfti- on (a firange one) whether a Corporation can be forfeited^ tho the Recorder challenged any Man to fhew a Frcccdent where ever there was a Forfeirure of a Corporation, or a Judgment given againft a Corporation ro forfeit it. Now Selfures pf a Corporation were owly until Fines were paid to the King, but deftroyed not the Corporation. Where many Where many Perfons are jointly concerned in Perfons aic^ Charge or Difcharge, and the King hath caule of pohit or ^"^^ againft them, he may fuc thcnv either by na- Charge and ming ^ome particular Perfom with a general refe- Drlchaige, how rence to others, as (^ altos Inhabitantet. tiie King may gy Information of Quo H^arranto the King may ^*^' go upon the Title, and take Advantage of any dcfed Cfjc lalD of Co]pD2ationsf. 3 ^s defc£l therein, or of the pleading thereof, and inay alfo affign breaches for a Forfeiture, as is held in Prerogative in the cafe of Ma) denhead-bridge, and the King may f'«*«^"'6- plead feveral Pleas, and tal^e /everal IfTues, and de- mur to part, as he (hall be advifcd. Liberties may be feizcd into the Kinj^s hands by In two Cafes award of the Court, or put into the King's hands, l-'t^rries may ] and that in two Cafes principally. l\^^''^f ^l^^' 1. Where the Defendants are fummoned to ap Court. pear at the King's Suit, and make Deiault. t. Where a Contempt appears upon Record in returning or executing the King's Procefs. Brigs* s Cafe 1 Rol. 4'). In a Qu^ Warranto the Defendant appeared not at the day, the Liberties were feifed. Where it clearly appears to the Court,that where a Liberty is ufurped by Wrono;, and upon no Ti- W^^re jWg- tie, either by rhe Kings Grant or otherwile, there fl,^|j ^^^„^^ only Judgment of Oufter fliall be cntred ; but where it appears that the King or his Anccftors have once granted a Liberty, and the Liberty is midied, judgment of Scifure into the King's hands virhcre f ' fhall be given. In all cafes of Difclaimer Judgment only ofOnJ^er fliall be given. There are other Seifures which are by Procef*. . , . ^ , ^ -rr Li^ ■ f T • r .'Several forts of by CommillionoiLnquiry, upon Inquilition round, Sgi^„jcj or upon Prefentment, fuch are always for Forfei- tures on Faults found in breaches of Condition an- nexed by Law. In thefe cafts of Seifure for Forfeirures,no Court, _, or the Lord of a Liberty, whether politick or na- j^j.^ off the tural, can admit to a Fine ; neither is there any o- Kings hands, ther v/ay to take off rhe King's hands, but by di- reS: traverfe of the Fa(5t, if the Fact found be not true ; or by demurrer, if rhe Fa6l found be nut in Law a fuiScicnt caufe of Forteirure. Y } Wh^;. 3i6 %l)z taU) of Co2Poaation<3. '■ ' ■ "Whatfoevcr is contrary to the Duty and Trufi: of a Member amounts to a Forfeirurej as to him ; and what any Member may forfeit, every Member may; and the lame A6t which will amount to a Porfciture of every Member (tparately confidered, if done joyntly by all the Members will have the iame eSeci. MAfn^imus to Where an Alderman is dead, the King may fend cboofe an Al- his MandaTKus to choole another, as was done in dcrmaa. the Oiih oi 'Launcefioft^ Paj'ch. ^ Car. I. ig. If they yield not obedience they may be fined. In caie the Corporation cannot do juftice in punifiiing and difplaclng the Ofifendcr, either be- caufe the Majority are Offenders, or favouring or abetting the Offenders, there being a failure of Juftice in the Franchife v/hich the Law will not permit; by judgment o\ the Law the City or Vil- lage fhall be reftored to the Government or Jurif^ didiion of the common Law, by the feifure of Fran- chile into the Kings hands. Failure of Juftice, and the not fupprefling noto- rious Riots and Tumults, have been adjudged good caufes of Forfeitures ot Liberties, and the Plea of non-ability to fuppreB them difallowed, as an ex- eule as to the point of Forfeitures. .,,, .f. ■ It is agreed that every perfonal milcarriage of the riaecj are a -Mmilters or a Corporation was never any cauieot caufe of Forfci- Forfeiture ; but it muft be mifcarriages of Omiilior. turc. or Commiflion, v/hich amounted to a mi/govern- ' ment in the Corporation. M. "Lf Car. 2. The cafe of the Mayor of TV/' combt upon Complaint in this Court to the Lord Chief Jtjftice Hales^ of hisrefufal to fign the poors Kates ; )ie publickly declared to him, that if he perfifted in his obftinacy, a QuoM-'arranto might be brought to feife the Franchife. . CAP. Cbc laiu of €omi^tiQnfs* ^^7 CAP. XXVI. what are geodand fttfficient Caufes to disfranchife or turn out a Ciiizent Freeman, or Burgefs of any City or Burrough incorporate, and to dif- cbarge him of his Liberty or Freedom. So to re- move a Recorder, '1 own- Clerk, &c. Words of Contempt contra bonos mores. Endeavour and no Acl not a good Caufe. Common Drunkard a good Caufe to remove. Old j4gc. Opprobrious "Words againfi the Corporation. A Ferfon infa- mous. tioTVy and by what means a Man is to he disfranchifed. Suppofe they return a fuffici- ent Cauje, and the Cauje he falfe. Where a Ferjon may be removed without Caufe, ■ TH E caufe of disfranchifemenc ought to be founded upon an A61 which Is agalnfl: the Duty of a Citizen or Burgefs, and to the prejudice of the publick Weal of the City or Burrough whereof he is Citizen or Burgefs, and a- gainft his Oath, which he took when he was fworn a Freemen of the City or Burrough ; for the one fiiall not be charged in any Court Judicial for the breach of a general Oath which he took when he became Officer, Minilter, Citizen or Burgefs, d'". Hurii's Odfe, via. Std. <^^. i Keh. ^87. Mandamus was denied to reftore a Steward of a Court Baron ; for it is a private thing and con^ cerns the Adminiftration of Juftice. But of a Stew- ard of a Court Leet it lies. Underhtlih Ca(e cited in Hurjts Cafe, i Keh. 587. A Mandamus was granted to the Burrough- Court of Southwark^ to reftore an Attorney i and an Aflize will not lie of fuch Office, and lb the Party without Remedy. In Hurfis Cafe the Court was divided. No Mandamus lies for the Ufher of a School in Cambridge. Sid. p. 40. Stamps Cafe. Mandamus was dire6i:ed to the Mayor of Wtgan to re^ore an Alderman. The Mayor returns they are a Corporation within the County Palatine of Lanca(}er<, and fo not compellable to return. The Court m)2 lialu of Co^po^ation^; 339 Court fined him an hundred Marks« SsJ. p. MandaMus to feflore one to the place of Town- Clerk. They return that he was never debite ad- mijJUsj and fb they could not reftore. Fer Jwifden^ had it been nunquam debito tnodo admijfus, it might have been good. And fer Cur. the Return as in the cafe of London, 8 Rep. the Return good, and goes only to the Cuflom and Ufagc of the City, not whether he were legally admitted, the Law is not hereby left to the Jury. But however the Legality of AdmlfTion may be directed by the Judge before v/hom the Trial is j and it may be that he never took his Oath as he ought by their Charter, before Admifliion, and adjudged the Return good. Debite 'vel debito medo. i Keb. 660. the King againll Hereford But by Mr. Sidtrfin in his Report of this Cafe or Hereford^ k was adjudged to be an ill Return •, for it ought to be ncn fun admijjus generally, for if the return be faux, the party grieved (hall have his ASthn on the Gale ; of which Advantage he fliould be oufted, if the fpecial Return ftiail be al- lowed. Sid. 209, 210. No Mandamus lies for an Uflier of a School iri I Camhrtdge, Si^. p. 40. Stamp's Cafe. Alandawus was granted to reftore one to the Trcafurer-diJoorthe New River Water in London^ MrddictorPit^. Miindamui was brought to reftore one to a place in the Mint, and granted. Std. 304. One of the Corporation fhall not be turned out becaufe he refufeth to pay his part towards the Rc" newal of the Charter. Sid. a8i. the Mayor of Kippon's Cafe. 'Fhe Writ was d!re(5ied to the Aldermen', Bat- lifts and Commonalty of Brecknock to reftore a»! Aldermsl-f and the Return fs by the BiihlTo an J' 540 C6c Lam of Cojpo^atlou^: Capital Burgefles withooE the Commonalty ; which ferCur. is ill, and not like a Return by any Juftice ' of Peace upon a Writ oi Error dire<5lcd Cufiodibus Pacts, bccaufe here the Writ is fitisfied. But in the Cafe at Bar, the one part of the Corporation may make one, and the other part another Return, I Kek ;; On Mandamus to reftort a Steward, they return that they have turned rhe Steward out without caufe and good^ if the Patent be that they ftiall elecb a Steward durante beneplacito of the Corpora- tion. But it were advifable to have a Scire Facta: agaitft them to repeal their Charter. Sid. 461. Dlghton\ Cafe. Note^ A Mandamus doth not give any Right, but reftore to a Right. Sid. 286. Bajjtts Cafe, If a Writ out of the Kings Bench, as Manda- mus, &c. be Tf/e out of the Term it ihali be qualht.- Returns upon a Mandamus may on motion be filed, as Returns of Certiorariesy without reading ; but on Habeas Corpus they muft be read. 1 Keb^ 19. R. moved for a Mandamus to reflore an Attorney within the Liberty of St. Martins le Grand^ to be dire6lctl to the Steward there, d^ ei conceditur per Curiam. 1 Keb. 5r49' The Cafe of New College in Oxon was, By the Foundation they were obliged to ftudy fb many Years, and then to take Orders, and that the Ma- iler and Scholars, for enormous Crimes, (eandalous and dangerous to the College, may expel any Fel- , low ; and that the Bifhop of IVinchefler fhall be Vifitor,and no other ; and in cafe of Difference, all Appeals fhould be made to him, and no other. And that this Fellow having committed an OfiFence fcanddous and dangerous to the College, and he beinc ^Dc lalD of €o^pfl2at{on^» 341 being funimoned and convI£led of this by the Ma- Iter, &c. was expelled according to the Statutes of the College, upon which he appealed to the Biflhop of WinchefieTi where the Sentence was affirmed. This Return is not good, becaufe it mentions not what the Offence was, ib as the Court may Judge of It, whether it were fufficient Caufe of Expulfion as in Speckoth Cafe, 5 Rep. fer Cur, The Bifhop is appointed Vifitor, and no other ; he hath given Sentence, and what have we to do with it ? This College is a Creature made by the Founder , and it would be hard to maintain any Appeal farther than he hath appointed. 2 JLevins 14. Dcm R«x verfus New-Ccdege in Oxov* Z 3 Mandamus 341' €i)e la\D of CCojiiojaifiMiij, Mandamus. Ciiftcti ^ c^Ofijit CollcQii Clijiat in giuidcmia . Vll. p enlDe> Jiteca^f fiia^flf patente^tf boUiit confeifit ^ o;- Diiiiibit qiioD p^ocarato^ fibc magiHer ^. K^cljoiare^ aup rcUegii bulgarircfnuneupae (Gcd's Houfe) ^ ^ucce(ro?e^ {ni De ectero p noniia magiffri [ni cufioU $ fcJjolarium rol itgii €l)j'irii m Uni^atatc Cantabi p 1^. ]Re^ jgem 311nglic fcrtii) p^imo incljoaf poIT ejujef becclTani p ffi^argarctam matrem lRegi;6f ^. Vil. angmcnrat' fimt $ ilabiHe nomina^ rentur ^ nancapaiT ntur imppetait) SibcuKft niip Ornricujsr vif. p eafdem hic\^ lireraitf piirentc;^ bolait ccnfclTit ^ o^Dinaljit quod bicta a^argarfta 02t)ina?oiT) fibc ITatnta ne-- eefTaria fibc cppo^tiina v lalab^i fiatu % ppc- Z 4 tua) 344 ^6^ ^^^ c^ Cojpo^attoiijj* tuB gu&ctnnFoiD coUrgij pbict at ninjjinci fiVr ciiftoii Tcljolariuni qno^nniaiiirri cjiifbrm tolicaij 1) tcmpo;!c crilTcil) cjtr afTcnfu $ roii- fenfu co?unlrcm niaginrri fibc cufiori qc fc^o* lariumquo^umrunriFrfafcrc o;l)inarc ^ nfnbi^ Iht point ^t qiiob magifiec Hbc fuflo0 1^ fcfjoIarcjBf cnllcgij iiliujef jnjrra o:binafoiifj0f ^ ftatuta iila teQiiiatennit ^xihcrnattntut o^Uinarciitni; f co^iigcrc ittiir f ninUbct coi|. rcgularctur gufetrnarrtur ojbinarctur ^ ro^rigcrtruj: in ^pftiit^ ^m (jiuDem iiterc patentci^ contd^ titer p nin&r m tiiip 0fgcm autIjo;ttQrc ^ariiamcntt birturc qufrt|- tjui^ brm Jitcrarum parens ptJ pDicf Q^argarcta cr altenfu (t confttifu tunc magifiri fitjc cu= nob' $ fcljolai follegii pMre ffcit o?binat)it $ RabiiiUit bibrrfa ITariita f c^Dinaeonc;* sp faliiB^i fiatu f gubernationc ^bicf foUcg' $ itiagiHti ribr cHlloti f fcfioIariiT) cjufbeni reguiarione gulHcritaf one o?Dinafone i co;rr^ ettone $ in titctie ftatuti;G? $ o^binaEonib^ ^ pDici? tolleg' abminiH^ranb* p bittam Q^arga^ rctam fact o^binae f Rabilie Hratutit) fiiir inter alia $m fcquitur (bibct) in firatuto be ererccnzi imp^obiiei Cluum tx p:ubentia capitiiB? cetero^um penbeat mcmb?oi|. abmi* niflratio 3[ta ^iiob 11 mem&?um aliquob pe- fiilen^ef $ cttni0 pniaofum fo^c jubicabituc jpFum penitu^ rciirantl ttt kn fpe^^aliqua fuit in illo fanitaf tic mobi^ cmnibu;^ fit tentanba 2l^circa ijolumii^ ^ ttatuimujef fluob fi quiiof fcftolarium fociojuni be i^erefi lefa majeOate fimonia ufura periurio co?ani jubice commifj§ fucto notabili fiomicibio l3oIuntario inccfiii abaUerio kn fo^nicationc manifcfit.d" aut fup alJQUo crtmine ullo confi- mili {igitimc conbictii^ fuerit co^am magi^ tivo cat cjujS \ctum ttmv.te tunc p ciinbunj C6c LaUj of €o?poiatfcn2f» 14^ maginfrum fite cjujef locum tcncn) tsuobiiief Dccaniitf a k ncciri^ a iJitto coJIcgio p?o?ruir amc\jcatur tnncruam memb|um pc(ti\cu0 f rcteri^ toalDc piiiciofiim^Rnatbcro minc^ib^ trnnCgr ut ft rirnto^ fuerit nut prnfTo? Utiv tichi0 noa:utrnu^ Zjcambulato^ tagabontju^ in Die aut beljetmnter negligence; in '^isf a^ geni{ ati que p flratuta Coilegii obiigatut fibe in tiibino^ii) officio^ ceJeb?atione in th rputattone tunc ad titrcretioneni magtntt aut ciUjBf locum teneiD co?ngatur fi fic em^nliac fnerit Bene rciBf fucccOit aUoqnin fit terria aDmontfUief fc non cmmijarft ranquam mcmb^ infanatJiic a cetcci^ in cmnino fe* paretut gitcni fell nc nimi^ raptttiBf febe=^ ritajS in memb^o^um bergat perntciem bac moberationc niagiflcum uri bo!iiniUje? ^ tta^ tuiniUiS? fiQuob fci! in omnibuief ciurmobi conncaionibu^ p cum r rcvcr ni5 buo^ becanoiS ab fe bocabie urpofc birui; ^ awbitur quic* quib in ti^ tthl fcccrit ut Qwum fo?te opuieE fuerit tanquam tcileie; ibonrt citate polTint totiujtf ret gcHc inter magiftrum ^ Tcfiola^ punicn>! nam bolumujet fi magidrum |bici? tUe fcboIariiBf fcnferit fcbcrum tunc eiti iicebtt ab CanccUarium Hmberdtatisr aut tjii0 IDicegrrcii) appeJlarc ^fjc JLato of Co?po;iatfoit0* viti liijutJtcfltioncm a Canrdlario ant cjujtf ijiccgfremc intct Dua^ hcbDomaDaiBf jujrta moDuin qui dictum cHi rurccpprxr inancm ba^ jumu;8? cffe ^ fupbacancam. 9f^c>^ ^a- tuinii!^ igitur quob S^^o. pr rmilTioiic Dibina noffcim ^piFcopu^ ^ nunc Hiu^fitati^ Can- tab^^ CanccUaciu^ quoaD blrcrit ctiamfi (o}te CanceHariaiu it abtiicabccit biOtato? Jjirti coHcgti fit cui in officio illo facicnti quanbocunqR ti niagiji? bitjcbitur oppo;tun«) itingiftrum fibe r ju^ locum tencnf ^ fcf)oIa* VC0 omnc^ tain fcrio^ quaiti t)ifcipuIo^ pa* rerc bohmiu^ nctpilii folum fcD f lubnituro tno quantio ipfe impcbit acciDcrc non poJTit Stiiarp omnia que fupcriuitf in ttanit i\]i0 (aliig; tJc CancfUar autcju^ bicfgerciD bicti funt ad ilium rcfcrri Dcccrninnijtf quamtim fuit fupcrftc^ poll inonrm bcro ipfiu^ ati <€ancfUar ttttxo0 aut roll- bicffJ QcvtW aD quemcunq? ^ trmpOf^c fuo quojef ctiam bifita toie0 conftituimu^a? nifi fo?tc magiller coHc^ git aut fociolf. aliqui^ aut quifquam penHo^ iiariu^ in eoU canccllaf pDue ynibCLTitatifl? fuecit aut \iict0 ipfiujei gcrcnj^ tum omncm autf]o^itat ppofit' ilicgii Collcgii tribuinni^ ^ illo tempore Dnntajcat %um qnoniam iiiljii cfi tam lucnlcntum quoD non in capiio- fi0 bccti in qucHioncm potctt oh cam rem bolumufif quctJ fi in altquo J>tatutolf. ptiice fiblcurita^ aut amBiguita^e? fo^te bibcatur nemo at quoad nojef bijccrimujsf Catjcm m- tecp^etttur nobi^af non ante confuli" 3llc pofir^ quam Ijinc bco no^Bf bocante ingraberimuj? omniiSf ambiguitatiiBf f obfcuritati^ ticciara' tio ab collrgii ipfiu^ bifitatojem p tempore f rififeii) ptincbii tvd affenfu Duo^nni in facia €l)colog boito:' aut ob eojum incpig) 23ac» tl)alauriD2uur in caticm ^t fcuio^um £f ij. bij. matrem p colle gii ipuu^ antcDici? gijbcrnr.ccii> jam cbif? fibc impoHicrum eticnti que fratuta omnia ^ oj tiincigjueiSf uni^crfai^pbiriiimea enirar tam a mc ipfa qua?n at? aiiii^ intrgrc inbiolatetrj obffrl^ari lucp tJifpcnfaJoncm aliquam a Iji- fccrOigf eaDfniftanitaautf02um aliquoD pfcrr tim QUoD aD nuigiHrnm fitjc fufrcxj ptineat iniDCtrnbo 3 4^ ^()C tl attj of Co^po^at(o!iff» impetcabo nee at) a! curabo impctran neqnt impctrat act eptabo uUo motio gjta me Peuitf aUiubct f fjec fantta iHiUjflf €tjaiigf lia ^^mn quum titijtt poteQ firmart balttiiijr nputi !&onoitf i phO0 quam iurc iuranDo l^oIumujeP itcitco $ natutmu^ quod fcfjolari^ quirqf; in fodit) ekctUjer p^tufquam abmittatur i)oc quoti fcquitur jitramentum taaw facrofan^ (tt^ i:>ct grnbu in ca fuffi* pienC j^terquam ab ^^fjilofopOie ^ Cljeologic nuliam ulio tempore abbecru;e( aiiquob Hn- tuto?* fimbatrifiief nofirc fibe abbecfu0 ()oc lucament^ mcir) bifpenfncoii) impetraba ttfc tutabo impetrari nee ab aliijef impetrae acreptabo uIIo mobo l)cc omnia in me recipio ^ l^oc jure juranbo poUiceo? qua^ tenUi^ me De«|f abiubet ^ Ijec fantta ipfhiitf ♦Sbangelia SUtem fi quifpiam focioij. kgu time abfuit cuiuji tamen rcbbitUiSi ab rom* mobum aut f)ono;em eoUegii ejurDcm magi^- firo fibe ejn0 iocum trnciD fi mnjoji pnrti Cofiof btbebitur neccffariujei illc fi retorae C6e %mi^t Co2P0]at(on0, 349^ i\l non vtDietit f quam pjirS) congruc po. tuerit nifii juffam reDDiDit cauFam cifliem app^oi)anti rocirtate item fua fit p^ibn^ ttij^ $ uUcriUiOi diao bomino liegt nunc \)iu miliine cfrtififamui^ Quob E- t£^ in &?ctit Ijuic fclieDule anna*' nominate 3I!nno i)n^ 1^44. ^ bin antca ^ poftca uffB nb ^hicnfcm 2(!p;ilijflf 3Dnno Pomint i66r. fait unn^ focioj' CoIIegii pbici? bcbito mobo bimiiTuj^ <2t juranientit) pDif j* a focio quocuntK abmit- tend ^(lanii in fo?ma j^bicf rufccpit €t ul- teviii^ hiao IDomino iflfci Ijumilimc tertifi* ranni^ quob magincr ilbe cnlToiaf $ fctiolarciEf coHc0tt jpbicti fp multC;0f nnnoitf jam clapj§ bcbcniflfcnt oliUgati in quobnni fccipto obli- gato^ntj loool. quibufbam Cbtoarbo fiffjcr fub ronbitionc nb intsr anna*' non reUccarc quanbam aniiirioncm p ipfc^ aut pjfbccciTo^* tuc0 pantpa fattam be r?:c5?ia impjopna^ be i^cnb^apton in fotf^ CanrrJir vAdcwr ma- giruo fite cnfioiJ ^ rd-olaiilnii^ so!h:t"ii^ pd be jure fpf ctaii) ^uobcp; maj-i Hfie ciJ0o^ ^ Icficlare^ collegii pb' ab Ipmat jn!!antis) § rcquifi^onem pbice CI* tM^ eriilefi^ fncii bitti colkgii poUea ^ anff a -btcntum buDi^ pbice ^ fcripmm I'mim figit tuc ccmuni fi^il. iac aut(jaci5ateruut ^ fibuciam Tuam repa? fucrunt in eobem t!l. W. ab colloquenb* f tractanb* cum pfat obligationi^ icoo 1. j^fae bici? f fufcepit fuper fc condones ilt p anno iilo $ bi^ecfi^ annijsf po0ea pev^ fo3niai'c ^ pbicavc fecunbnm boluntai* ^ttice omini 1660. pbicf 0. OT. erilteii^ iegitime fummonitUjSf be $milTi0 ulteriiisf mcnJonae refponbere % inbe onera* tu^ Ct fiipcr comparcntia fua oubirusf qU fibi boiiut in btfrnfianfm fuam coA^.m pfac 0. €* abtunc f abl)uc cnHf f^ magilUo mt 351 3 5 1 CljC Laui of Coipo^tfoi!0» ftiffoU ccUegii p;cDf£ti (buofau^tf bfCQiuj^ e- jufDcm toUcgii fcificct 2xli. 1^. ^ €. 'B* oc^ titiief f pjffcntibujff) be offend p^^eDif^ Irgiti* mc conbire fiiit ipriim inue {;aSitf^ bicto tcccto bie nan retii|t nee uliani iiiftairi eaufam be lioii reSeanbo cifbem ntajiiGriSi fibi silllo^ $ fodifif reiibieit i?j|UamVii# poRea idl SS4 ^6e ILaiu of Co^poiatfoud; t»ffimo octabo hit 3Cp?iU^ T^nm IPomini i66i. tiirtu-9f H» Jl^. fiiit itcnim Icgittiitie funimonitii;ef oti faiifam illani fintcc at rcD^ be nl) co?ani tiicto mngiaro fitic cuHotf $ focii^tf mnnidu^' tiiiti collect cnpitulaf contoatiiBf quolJCR podea coDcni oaatoo die 211pjili^ tiiao anno dictum ti* W. rojam codcni niagiaro fi\3c nifloti (dicti^ dnoliu,9? df canine? acciri^ ^ jprcntiljuje?) fait Icgittimc rumnicnitu^ $ rc=^ (juifitu^ ad rcfpondcnd Ctiam fup a\n0 ditocrfiiSf criminiBuief cidcm 0. i©. iit (^ p^c dictum cfi impofif a ouo;j' cjroncracoft nup fugicBat dictUiSf antcm E« W, compcrrnsf fcdiriofe f contumacirci: rcfufaV>it rcrpondere f pcrcmpto^ic affirmnljit ^ alTclJcrabit fe nolle fuBmittcre fc aiuftontati dire coUcgij jnngifiri fitjc cuftoti ncc fldtiinc dc fiiniro ^ contra erpjclTum mandatum dice magiffri fide cufioti dice E Jl^* ecntcmptuore difcc iTit (i contumadtfc fe abfratabit cjuoufq? idem n* W. tntio inde admonitu*3f u diaum ma- 0t0rum fitoe cuRoti diiolm;^ decanijtf dirf col- legij acciti0 i prentibu^ Te non eniciidabit fed nonobninae ^ finaliter in o&Kinacia fuo pcrfeberabit contra Ratuta pdicf % jurame ne a dtcto fi, W. in ea parte j^ftitii) quodq? in fonftderatione inde qt omnium a! criminuni fuof ct ut ^fert? iitipofii? omnifiujsf memb^ijof riufdem collegii p?iu^ conbocae in aulam puDIica) f jufdcm coHegii p fonitO) campane) idem S* W. ad tunc $ iOidcni p jpdict? iH. €, tunc magiflrum fide cufioti ejufdem coilegii cui de jure in fjac parte ptinuit W. ^, f ^.'B* tunc decani^af dicti collegii accirijfli § pfentiBuiEf tanquam mcmb^nmi pcfiiilen^ ^ cetcrii0f pniciofum j infanabile juxta ffatuta collegii 'W{)z laui of Ca?poiatfau]9f. 35* 5" foHesii illiu^ a tettti^ mtmb^i^ inDc fcpe- vam0 ^ amotu^ fuu QuoDq; tempo^ic amo- ttont^ pDicf tutt $ ati^uc e(f canceHariUja? unibccfitai? pDicf ^ ejui? Wt^ Qctcng ibitiem in eatiem unibcrfitare itjem aiitem E* 2!i£a^* aii titceum cancdiar aut eiUie? Wen geventem eti(tefi> bifitato^cm Uictt collegit appcUntio^ nem fiinm fup pmiiTi^ moDo f fo^ma m aa- tuto jpbice conlTitue non fecit ^ ea lie caufa tiictO) 0. n^. ab pjinfinu) lorum fuit) luuu.fif focio^* collegit pDict? refUtuere non poflTumujef* Mandamm to reftore a Capital Burgefs of Plymouth, 'vide Jamei Ba^gs*s Cafe Co, 1 1 i^f/). Aa z CAP. CAP. XXVIII. Conftrudions of A<5ts of Parliament for the Benefit of Corporations, or not. Statute of 1 ; Eliz. c. lo. Statute ofi&l Ph. d^ M. c. 8» of Trinity College in Cambridge. IVhere Corporations barred by Fine and Non- claim, and -where not. Statute of 21 Jac. i^. of Habeas Corpus. 5UC. 1 J Eht. f ^ E R Stat. 1 5 Elizj. c. i o. all Leafes, Gifts, c. lOk ■*^ Grants, FeofFmcntf, Conveyances or Sta- \ tutes to be maJe or fuftcred by any Mafter and Fellows of any College, Dean and Chapter of any Cathedral or Collegiate Church, Mafter or Warden of any Hofpital, Parfon, Vicar, or any other having any Hofpital or EccleGaftical Living, or any Houfes, Lands, Tythes, Tenements, or any other Hereditaments, being parcel of any fuch College, Church, Cathedral, Hofpital, Re6lo- ry, Vicaridge, or any other fpiritual Living to any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies- politick or corporate, o- ther tban for the terra of 2i Years or three Lives (hall be utterly void, &c. The Mafters and Fellows of Mugdakn College in Cambridge 1 1 £//&. did give or Grant to the Queen, her Heirf and SuccelTors, a Meffuage pircel ot their College Lands, with a provifo. That if (he did not grant it to B. D. and her Heirs 'before fuch a day, then the Grant to be void. The Queftion was, If the King were bound by the faid A<^ of i g Bliz,. and refolved that the faid Cbe Lalu of Co^po^atfon^* 3^7 Ad: reft rains the (aid Mafters and Fellows to con- vey the (aid Houfe : br the Queen was exprefly within the words of the faid AS: ; Any Perfbn or Perfbns, Bodies politick or corporate, and the King is ferjona r/tixta^ then no conftruilion (hall exclude her out of the meaning. For general Statutes which provide necefTary and pro(ltabIe Remedy for the maintenance of Religion, Advancement of good Literature, and for the relief the Poor, (hall be extended generally according to their words. Ge- neral words of Statutes, which rend to perform the Will of the Founder or Donor, (hall bind the King, although he be not named. 1 1 Rep. Mag- dalen College Cafe. I & X P. & A/, c. 8. That it (liould be law- ful, &c. to givre Lands, &c, by Feoffment, Grant, or other AfTurances, or by his laft Will and Te- ftament in writing to any fpecial Body-politick or corporate, notwithftanding the Statute of Mort- maine A> C. (eized of Lands in London in Fee 4 & 5r P. & A^. by his laft Will In Writing, de- vi(ed them to the Mafter, Fellows and Scholars of Trinity College in Cambridge and to their Suc- celTors for ever, for the finding of certain Gram- mar poor Scholars. Now tho the (aid College does not ftand only upon Divines, but others alfo, and the intent was to find Grammar Scholar?, yet it was favourably expounded, ir held good, and the AS: was expounded to bind the King, tho the Land was held of him. Sir E. M. devlfes Houfes in London to feveral Perfons and their Heirs, to feveral charitable Ules, and if they did not perform rhe llfes then fo l¥. M. and his Heirs to perform the Trufts i and if he failed for two Month?, then to the Mayor and Commonalty of London to perform the Trufts, No Truft was performed. Ro^er Alford, ov.t of the firff Trufttesdicd, and Edv\ Alford his Son (old A a ; the 3^8 Clje laiu of Cojpo^ation^^ the fame to J. S. to perform the Trufl, y. S. being in PpfTeflion, a Fine fur releafe, with Procla- mations was levied to him, and died feifed, which Land dcfccnded to his Son,the Triifls were not per- formed. After the Mayor and Commonalty had notice of the Will, c/or J,in placito tranfgr. fuper cafum nuncHpat* in caufa injuria, and ho«/ the Plaintiff was Bail for him, and that the Defendant promifed to fave the Plaintiff harmelels of the Bail, and fliews how that the faid Suit was fo far profecu- ted, that the Defendant was there condemned, and the Plaintiff forced to pay the Condemnation. Per Cur. prater Fenner. The kSdon lies well, and he need not recite in his Declaration all the proceed- ings in the Suit in the Court of Oxford^ being but a Conveyance to the A£lion and merely collateral . to the point in queftion, which is the promift. Telv. p. 1 6. Cox and Jennings. The King made a Corporation of and Grants iifdem Ballivts (^ Civibus^ beredihus & [ucceJJ'oribus fuis quod Ballivi d^ Recordator Civitatis prad. pro tempore exiflen. feu duo eorum quorum prefat. recordatorem unum ejfe volamus una cum bujufmodt altis perfonis per not heredes (jf* fuccejfores noftra ad hoc ajjignand. de tempore in tempus m perpetuum fnt jufiiaarii no fir or berc' dum d^ juccelJorum noftrorum ad gaolam Civitat. prad. de prifonar. &c. deltberand. Et volumus con- cedimus c^ precipimus quod nuUui Vicecomes cufios pacts yujitciarius vel alms Miniver Jive Commifm fionarius ncfier hered. aut faccejjhrum nofirerum ci- vttatem pradidl. ad aliejuod in ea exercend. vel exequend. &c. de catero intromittat nee tngredi pre- Jumat fub pena tool. Upon this Letter Patent was the Queftion, If the jurtices of Goal Delive- ry of the County may try Felony, which are Fe- lons in the City. Ver Cur. They may, for the Patent 3 6i d)c KlaU) of Coapo?at(aii0» Patent us to the purpofe to hold Goal-Delivery by the Bailiffs and Recorder is void, in as much as they have not Authority given them_, unlefs with fuch as the King (hall appoint, the which appoint- ment the King is not bound to make, and which appointment, if it be made, ought to be by Let- ters Patents, by which they that are named in it (hall take their Power and Authority and not o- therwife, by which they fliould not have joint Authority witli the Bailiffs, and their Authority commencing by Parent, will be at feveral times, and fo the King is deceived in his Grant, i An- Jerfon ttu. 304. The King may grant a Privilege to a Corpora- tion by way of Intereft, and commit the execution of it to fome Perlbns which are not Members of the Corporation. Hob. 16. The Town oiGlocefier was parcel of theCoun- Glocejler City ty oi Glocefier^ and Kin^ Richard the ^d. by Let- made a Counry. ters Patents grants, that the Town of Glocefier from thenceforth fliould be an entire County by it felf, Incorporated in Fa6l:, and named, and dlftin(5fc and utterly fevered from the County of Glocefier y and not parcel of the fame, for ever, and that the laid County Co feparate (hall be called the County of the Town of Glocefier, favlng notwlthftand- ing, and refer ving to us and our Heiis, that the Juftices of Aflize in the County of Glocefier, and the Juftices of the Goal-Delivery In the (aid Coun- ty, and the Juftices of Peace in the fald Counry (hall hold their Seflions, and the Sheriff his County, and every of them may freely enter into the Vil- lage aforefaid, and the Seflion and Counties to hold for every caufe and matter out of the County of the Town of Glocefier, and within the County of Glocefiery arlfmg as they were accuftomed to hold them, and that no Jullice of Peace of" (he County of of Glocefler ftiall intermeddle with any thing m the faid Village. The Queltion was, If the Juf- tices of Aflize and Goal-Delivery may fit in the Town of Glocefier to indltSl Felony made in the County, but in the Town of Glocefier, or nor, and it was held they might ; for it appears that the intent of the King was as to the(e purpofes, to have the Town of Glocejter Parcel of the County, and for other purpofes to be a County of it felf. I Anderfon Ntt. 300. 1.0 H. 6. King H. 6. granted by his Letters Parents to Corpus Chrifil College in Oxford, that they and their SuccefTors, and their Tenants, (hould be difcharged of the payment of Toll for Pontage and Paffage in every place in England^ and it was admitted a good Cuflom. i Kol. Abridg. 198. Wood and Haw kill. Note, Corporations that have any Liberties were to make their Claims before the Juftices in Eyre. ^. . . . ^40 Warranto '^zs brought againft the Town ofjjg^f'jgj before' Bedford, for that they had not the laft preceeding juftices inEyre. Eyre made claim of divers Liberties^ and thereupon in that Ejre adjudged (]nod ownes Ltbertates non clamat. cap. fuiJJ'ent in manus Dom* Regis, and hid not been replevied, and the Corporation was admitted to a Fine, 4 Edw. 5. Upon an Information for a Riot in Canterbury, on not Guilty pleaded, 14 Jurors were returned on a Venire Faciizs to the Sheriffs of the City, which is a County of it (elf; a Diftringas was awarded, upon which a fpecial Return was made, that King James by his Letters Patent, dared, ^c. granted to the Mayor and Commonalty of the faid City, and their Succeflbrs, that rhe faid City fliould be a free City, and that the Mayor and Commonalty of the faid City and Citizens thereof (hould be a Corporation in re nomine df facfo, by the name of ^^4 ^62 ^alu of Cojpo^atfon^* of the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of Canterbury^ and that by the fame name they fliould have a perpetual Succeflion ; and further granted, that they, nor any of them fhould not Exemption not be conftrained or compelled to appear before the to be of any faid King, his Heirs, or SuccelTors, or before any Jury out of Juftices oT the ^id King, his Heirs or Succeflbrs their Cojpora- ^^^ of the faid City, the Liberty or Precinfts there- ^'°"* of, or any Jury, Aflize, Recognition or other In- quifition whatfoever, for, or in anfwer of any Fe- lony, Murder, Offence, or Criminal whatfoever (High-Treafon excepted) Calling, arlfmg, or hap- pening within the (aid City, Precind;s, or Liber- ties thereof And he farther returned, that after the receipt of the faid Writ of Difiringas he re- Wrlt of Allow, ceived the K'ngs Writ of Allowance to him di- ancc. rt6led, and further returned, that the Jurors are all Citizens and Freemen of the laid City, and Co he defjfted to diftrain on them, and did not return any Iffues upon them according to the purport of the faid Writ of Allowance. Quefi, I. Whether the Exemption heje return- ed will extend and hold place incafu Regis ^ where the King is the fole and immediate Party; alcho the words lic€t tangent nos are not in the Charter, yet there are words tantamount. Quefi. 1. Whether they come in time to have the benefit of this Exemption allowed them? ^. J, But the Court held that this Privilege did not vileee to bede- ^^^^ properly before them upon the Sheritfs re- manded, turn, but that the Jurors being Freemen ought to demand it feverally upon their Appearance on the D'tjiringas ; yet it feemed hard, that the Sheriff was fined lOO /. for if after a Writ of Allowance ferved on him, and the Charter fhewn him, he fhould not rettra the Exemption^ an Action upon lie againfl him, at the Suit oF any Ptrfon, €:()e Xatu of CoMJpjation^. 3 6s Perfbn, who being diftraincd to appear ^^on a Jury, had right to be exempted by the Charter ; and the diverfity taken in all other Books is. That upon the (hewing of a Charter to the She- riff, without a Writ of Allowance, the SherifiF is not obliged to take notice of it ; but ijpon a Writ of Allowance be is bound to take notice of it, upon the Peoalty of being liable to an Adion, as atorelaid. Co. i Jnfi, izo. Statute of Marl^, c* 14. FINIS, Books printed for Ifaac Cleave. ACompIeat Guide for Jufllces of the Peace, according ro the beft approved Authors, in two Parts ^ the firft containing the Common and the Statute Laws relating to the Office of a Juftice of the Peace. The Second confifting of the moft Au- thentick and ufeful Prefidents which do properly concern the fame. By J. Bond of Greys-Inn Efq;. The fecond Edition much enlarged, and continued down to this time. To which is added a Table re- ferring to all the Statutes relating to a Juftice of the Peace. By £. Bohun Efq; Price 6 s. An Transfer endi Dominium^ or, ^ fure Law- Guide to the Conveyancer. In i. Parts. 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