■ '' ' • ' 1 i ; / ■ . ■■ ' : ' ' ■ ' ' ' if:' ^^^^j^yj iiife'' ■ ' ^^^^ 't m ■\in ill industries of any importance conducted in separate establishments or work shojis, ccd hoc. These Tables do not include the pro INTRODUCTION. ix II est n^cessaire de faire remarqiier, relativement an Tableau XXI, que les mote Occupants de tant d'acres et J^tendue totale occup^e, — appliques dans le detail, n'im- pliquent pas que les champs appartenant ^ chaque exploitation soient n^cessairement d'un seul tenant. En g^n^ral, il en est ainsi ; mais assez fr^quemment il en est autre- ment. Certains champs de I'exploitation sont souvent situ^s dans un sous-district et meme dans un district de recensement autre que celui dans lequel reside Toccupant, et dans lequel ces champs se trouvent par consequent inscrits. Cela a lieu surtout dans les anciens ^tablissements et particuli^rement par rapport k des terres i bois, attachees aux exploitations, mais sises a distance et quelquefois meme a des distances eloignees de plu- sieurs milles. Les Tableaux Nos. XXII et XXIII ne demandent point d'explications particu- li^res. Relativement a la seconde partie du Tableau XXIV, qui contient le compte-rendu des produits de la chasse des animauv a fourrures, il convient de noter que, dans certains cas, pen nombreux cependant, le produit est inscrit dans un district autre que celui dans lequel a eu lieu la capture, a cause de la residence du chasseur et de I'im possibility d'indi- quer precisement le district de ses operations. La meme remarque s'applique aussi a quelques cas dans lea autres Tableaux. Quant h. ce qui concerne les industries manufac- turi^res, la r^gle gen^rale est que les mati^res premieres ne sont pas produites dans le district ou sous-district dans lequel s'op^rc la transformation : ces raati^res en grande partie ou en totalifc^ viennent d'autres districts, d'une autre province et quelquefois meme de retranger. Dans le Tableau XXV (Produits des Forets), corame du reste dans tons les Tableaux de ce volume, les chiffres expriment I'ensemble et la totality des objets produits, exti-aits, ou manufactures, tant les quantites absorb6es par la consomraation int^rieure que les quantites export^es ou tenues en reserve, 6tant la production, grand total, des douze mois ^coules de})uis le 2 arril 1870 jusqu'au 2 avril 1871. La di::erence qui existe d'une province i I'autre et mfime d'une partie de province ^ une auti . dans le mode de compter les billots de sciage a n^cessite I'emploi d'un etalon particuli r. L'^talon adopts par le recensement consiste'^ compter pour un hiUot, ce qui est capable de produire 100 pieds de bois de sciage, en mesure de planche ; c'est-a-dire 100 pieds de superficie de planches ayant un pouce d'6paisseur. Dans le tableau XXVI (Peche) les retours sont donnas par districts seulement par- tout oil les produits de la peche n'ont qu'une importance tout-a-fait secondaire, et par dis- tricts et sousKlistricts pour les parties du pays oil ce genre d'exploitation atteint une gi-ande importance. Le baril de poisson mentionn6 dans les retours est 6gal, en moyenne, A 200 livres de poids. Dans les rapports qui ont servi a faii-e le Tableau XXVII, les Minorais de cuivre et de fer sont rapp^^u k un etalon commun de 25/-'^ de metal. Le carr6 d'ardoise signifie la quantite d'ardoise capable de couvrir 100 pieds de toiture; la masse varie selon les dimen- sions adoptees pour les pi6ces. Lea Tableaux XXVIII a LV sont le compte-rendu de I'enquete manufacturi^re i laquelle le recensement a donn6 lieu. lis s'appliquent a toutes les industries de quelque importance, dont les travaux sont conduits dims des dtablissements s^par^s ou des bou- C— 4 14 9 14 4 17 33 56 815 5,233 1,145 1,166 686 ' 3,083 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XX. — Immo\'able Property and Shipping. PROVINCE OP CNTx*!ilO. Iiumo/able. Property situated within Canada, owned by Inliul'itaut.s of each District. Propriete fonciere possedee dans I'etendue dii Cauada par les habitants de chaque District. Tcw-n and Acres of land ' Villa"e DISTRICTS, 57. Peterborough, Hast. — Est 58. Peterborough, North. — J>I^ord 59. Prince Edward 60. Hastings, West. — Quest 61. Hastings, East.-Esf 62. Hastings, North. — Nord , 63. Lennox 64. Addingtou 65. Frontenac 66. Kingston 67. Leeds, South. —Sud 68. Brockville 69. Gremalle - , 70. Leeds and GrenviUe, North.— JVord 7L Dundas 72. Stormont 7.3. Cornwall 74. Glengarry .... 75. Prescott 76. Rnssell 77. Ottawa, City.—ViUe 78. Carleton 79. Lai:ar-c, South.- -Sud 80. Lanark, North. —Nm-d 81. Renfrew, South . —Sud. 82. Renfrew, ^>'orth.—Noi-d 83. Nipissing, South. — Sud 84. Nip'.ssing. N'Mh. — Noi d . . . S5. Muf:k■k^ ,owned. Acres de terre possedes. 198,466 101,857 262,367 144,763 231,460 286,043 195,440 378,738 180,047 32,131 310,605 101,157 139,006 190,792 259,701 156,043 124,318 273,962 227,703 302,909 107,091 342.617 333,471 232,995 266,444 284,102 15,086 7,o01 iS4,f;oi Lots 0A\Tied. Emplace- ments deVille et de Villasfe, Number Ware- houses, of Houses jFactories. owned. Stores and ( Shops. Kntrep6ts, Maisons S"T!' Masasms possed'ies. 1,072 197 2,017 3,477 1,088 627 l,v316 1,199 473 1,537 1,337 1,488 922 878 1,214 368 501 574 823 743 7,475 1,058 1,645 1,151 1,203 1,116 12 31't 2,074 €95 3,679 2.S09 2,699 2.730 2,695 3,058 2,479 1,719 3,628 1,738 2,252 2,320 2,r;84 1,813 1,060 3,165 2,726 2.716 3,003 3,260 3,018 2,127 2,203 2,225 229 94 £95 et Boutiques. 181 18 413 320 289 225 312 354 160 244 446 222 253 223 .311 199 223 185 252 138 347 314 389 316 289 351 104 62 44 Barns and Stables. Granges et Etables 3,204 824 4.179 2,183 3,595 3,118 3,224 4,851 3,700 607 5,588 2,023 3,715 4,016 5,440 3,337 1,742 5,967 4,709 4,288 955 5,667 4,906 3,278 3,322 3,447 379 229 1.019 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. _.. Tableau XX. PiopiiotL' "!'"!Hi6re et Maritime. PU()VI\CK 13';>.\IAIlJO. Nuinljcr of Ships owned i Navires j)0ss6de.s dans I each Distii(;t and their Tonnage. District et lenr Tonnage. cliaque Steam Vessels. Sea-going Sailing Vessels. Barges and other such Traft Grand Totals, Vapeurs. VoilitTs (le grande navigation. Autres Batiinent.s''de transport. Grands Totaux. VesceLs . N^avires. Tonnage. Average size. Tonnage moj^en. Vessels. Xavires. ' Tonnage. Average size. Tonnage moyen. Craft. Bati- ments. Tonnage. Average size. Tonnage moyen. Total Vesse-Ls Total Navires. Total Tonnage. 1 226 226 5 1 i 300 60 6 • 526 12 964 80 19 2,161 113 • • ■ • ■ 31 3,125 2 Sfi 4'i 10 937 1,254 <)3 12 1023 1 75 75 6 209 • • . « * V • 7 1,329 G 1,048 174 • * • • • 6 1,048 3 9 75 2,088 25 232 8 9 900 1,418 112 ]o7 11 41 975 1 7,387 i 1 23 3,881 108 10 3,111' 311 7 1,677 239 10 550 55 27 5.339 1 78 78 7 147 21 8 225 1 1 73 73 1 114 114 2 187 2 100 50 1 75 75 5 192 38 8 367 2 75 37 1 200 200 5 485 97 8 760 1 1 54 16 54 16 1 6 64 .■500 1 4 484 , 121 3 1 115 55 38 55 6 5 420 ' 435 70 87 9 6 530 1 490 • • • • > • ■ 6 193 32 1 224 , 224 24 1 1 3,097 ; 87 31 ■ • • • • . ' 2,.M4 . • «••■# • 1 30 30 1 1 SO 1 1 •••••• 1 1 1 1 60 • • • ( • • 60 • • « • • • • 1 1 60 210 i 210 210 • • • « a • • ] 1 1 200 100 ! :::::.i 2 200 1 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XX. — Immovable Propert}'- and Shipping. PROVI\CE OF Q,UKBEC. Immovable l-'roperty situated withiu Canada, owned by Inhabitants of each District. Propriete fonci^re possedee dans I'etendue du Canada par les liabitants de chaque District. DISTRICTS. 80. Fairy Sound 87. iranitoulin 88. Algoma.,Eaiit.—Est .. 89. Algoma, Centre 90. Algoma, West. — Quest. Grand Totals of Ontario . Grands 'J'otaux d"()ntaiio. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 10.5. 100. 107. 108. 109. (P. of Quebec.— P. de Quebec.) Pontiac, South. — Sud Pontiac, North. — Nord Ottawa, West. — Quest Ottaoua, Centre Ottaoua, East. — E&t Argenteuil Deux-Montagnes Laval Terrebonne L'Assomption Montcalm Joliette Berthier * Montreal, Centre * Montreal, East. — Est * Montreal, West. ■ Quest Hochelaga Jacquea-C'artier Vaudreuil Acres of land owned. Acrfs de terre l)ossdd(Ss. 42,071 16,683 3,102 24,201 118,343 Town and Village Lots owned. Emplace- ments de Ville et de Village. Number Ware- houses, of Houses I Factories, owned. Maisona possed^es. Stores and Shops. Entrepots, Fabriques Magasins et Boutiques. 19,605,019 178,126 *•* Totals of :Moi,treal . *** Totaux de Montreal 308,960 2,822 400,732 84,390 239,769 260,859 187,678 73,131 290,189 194,302 205,981 281,-346 223,900 124,297 69,077 237,743 99,654 70,396 129,329 421,117 85 108 68 198 564 16 2,624 345 322 4-21 761 489 1,094 1,012 382 922 942 1,517 4,376 5,931 2,660 %~, 4C2 11.824 210 341 83 267 102 262.618 2,334 128 3,824 852 1.480 2.136 2, .527 1,417 3,370 2,485 2,337 3,448 3,014 574 5,302 5,868 3,360 1,671 ],712 34 40 31 62 47 28,555 210 83 419 70 159 126 211 72 29 284 166 305 293 168 666 1,172 518 169 170 2,006 Barns and Stables. Granges et Etables. 74 186 56 312 57 323,.-5 3,735 241 4,763 1,173 2,501 4,1.52 4,900 2,512 6,509 4,732 4,152 7,992 6,572 173 1,816 1,887 3,727 2,095 3,393 3,876 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. Tableau XX. — Proprietu Fonciere et Maritim.'. PUOVI.VCE T»K (IVU.nKC. Is iiiiiljei- of" iSliips owned m each Di.strict and their Tonnage. Navires possodes dans cliaque District et leur Tonnage. 1 Vessels. Xavires. team Vesst Vapeurs. Tonnage. ;l8. Averagi size. Tonnag( miiyen. Sea-goi Vo Vessels. Xavires. ng Sailing ilier.-f erty .situiiled witliiu Caicuia, owned l>v Iiihabiuuits of eiu.-li District. Propriete fonciere possedee dans retondue du Canada ivdv Ics liabitants de chaque District. DISTItrCTS. no. Soulanges 111. Beauharnois li 112. Chateauguay t I 113. Huntingdon, East.— Est.. \ 114. Huntingdon, West. — Quest \ 115. Laprairie I I 110. xsapierville I 117. St. Jean 118. Chambly 119. Vercheres 120. Eichelieu , 121. St. Hyacinthe i 122. Bagot I i 12;f: Eouville ; 124. Iberville 1 1 125. Missisquoi I 12ii. Brome ! 127. Sliefford : 128. Maskinoug*5 I 129. St. Maurice, South.— Svd . I 130. St. Maurice, North.— Nord h 131. Trois-Eivieres |: 132, Champlain, South, — Sud &> i; 133. Champlain, North. — 2\ord.., k! I 134. Yamaska 133. Nicolet 13C. Drummond 137. Artbabagka I 13.S. Kichmond DlfiNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 11 Tablkau X-K. — Projtriultj Foncieie ot Maritime. piiov'i.vfT: i>(<'. {iUKijioc jSurnbcT of Slii)i.s (nvuod in each District and their Tonnage. Navires possede.s duns oliaque District et leur Tonnage. -A~ Steam VcssoIh. Vapeur.s. Seagoing Sailing Vessels. Voiliers de graude ri. Rarees and c> navigation. Vessels. Navires, Tonnage. Average size. Tonnagt moyen. Vessels. N'avires. Tonnage. Average size. Tonnage moyen 370 ther suchX^raft. I Autres Biitiments de transport. Craft. Bati- ments. Tonnage. Avt-ragt size. Tonnage moyen. 40 656 Total ; Vessels. Total Navirea. 20 100 Grand Totals. Grands Totaux. Total Tonnage. 410 656 370 370 91 91 75 169 70 419 104 79 79 9 10 96 12 1 493 257 7,487 246 44 54 25 78 20 44 1 12 10 101 12 1 75 753 257 7,985 246 44 101 101 22 1 1,006 49 45 49 22 2 1,006 150 300 100 303 151 19 1,.580 50 I 83 12 22 6 1,880 353 119 30 780 157 10 53 454 4,907 45 j 92 62 109 400 400 13 27 460 153 43 86 10 1 6,023 1,548 : i 35 ! 70 154 35 43 18 53 1 90 17 1 1 1,359 4,907 400 6,075 2.117 35 43 12 CENSUS OF 1871. T^VBLE XX. — Immovable Property and Shipping. PROVIXCK OP QrKBKC. luiuiovalfle Property situateil within Caiiiida, owiicd by iuhabiiauts of each District. Propriete fonciere possedee dans I'etendue du Canada \iar les habitants de chaque District. DISTETCTS. 139. Wolfe 140. Sherbrooke 141. Stanstead 142. Compton 143. Portneuf 144. (;omt(? lie Quebec 14.5. * Qu(?bec, We&t.— Quest 146. * QiKibec, Centre 147 Quebec, East .—Est 148. Montmorency 149. Charlevoix 150. Chicoutinji 1.51. Saguenay , 152. Labrador 153. L^vis , 154. L^vis 1.5.5. Lotbinifere 156. M(jgantic 157. Beauce, West. - Quest 158. Keauce, Fast.— Est 159. Dorchester, West. — Quest . , 160. DorcheHtfiT,' East.- Est]... 161. Bellechasse, North. — Noi-d. 162. Bellechasse, ^'oi'^/j.—.bVi .. 163. ^Montiuagny 164. L'Islet 165. Kamonra'^lca Acres of land owned. Acres dc terre poss(!d($s. *•* (Jity of Quebec. ♦•* Vi)le de Quebec 158,660 .503,727 234,.317 310,178 306,116 363,727 37,687 2,483,745 111,442 185,142 346,640 335,726 29,267 14,-^,34 49,008 140,226 303,261 .327,215 irtl,252 .313,487 146,977 133,653 151,158 117,670 150,019 101,418 270,480 Town and Village Lots owned. Emplace- ments tie Ville et de Village. 138 794 779 407 834 530 242 2.036 3,435 463 405 565 272 362 1,731 807 513 520 90 755 193 181 539 35 805 429 761 Numl)er of Houses owned. Maisons poss^d^es, 1,451 1,169 2,441 2,350 3,425 2,974 927 2,C61 3,073 1,707 2,218 2,051 237 824 1,674 1,794 3,195 2,905 1,586 2,714 1,512 1,334 1,960 958 2,047 1,956 3,097 Ware- houses, Factories, Stores and Shops. Entrepots, Fabri(iues, Maga:;ins et Boutiques 2,632,874 5,713 6,061 86 226 302 187 526 486 46 310 672 201 210 234 23 54 516 200 3o0 185 116 363 111 281 204 51 204 345 304 1.028 Barns and Stables. Granges et Etables. 2,380 1,267. 3,821 3,641 6,672 3,668 349 994 1,570 2,984 4,121 3,505 316 150 1,029 I 1,820 3,983 4,251 1,818 5,022 2,807 2,309 2,208 992 1,732 3,439 4,593 2,913 DI^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 13 ' Tablkau XX.— Proprieto Fonciere et Maritime. PROVINCK BE aUJEBEC. K Liiulicr c Navir t" 8lii|>.s uv.ued i 3S jios.s^cles dans I each District and tlieir Tuiinage. District et leur Tonnage. lihaqiie Steam Vessels. Sea-going Sailing Vessels. Barges and other such Craft. Grand Totals. ^Vapeurs. ^^^^ Voiliera de gr.ande navigation. Autres Batiments de transport. Grands Totau.x. Vessels. Navires. Tonnage. Averagf .size. Tonnage moyen. Vessels. Navires. Tonnage, Average eize. Tonnage moyen. Craft. Bati- ments. Tonnage. Averagt size. Tonnage moyen. Total Vessels. Total Xavires. Total Tonnage. 1 • > • • ■ ■ 1 15 15 1 15 1 46 46 62 5,243 84 12 356 29 75 5,645 1 99 99 9 4,016 446 134 5,490 40 144 9,605 47 7,832 IGG 21 7,175 341 1.D5 7,202 46 223 22,209 9 4,011 445 40 33,675 841 89 2,820 31 138 40,.506 5 1,398 279 6? 45,234 729 25 1,058 42 92 47,690 1 78 78 6 132 22 43 1,173 27 50 1,383 1 15 15 49 1,639 33 8 172 21 58 1,826 1 400 400 15 916 61 10 257 25 26 1,573 3 71 23 15 375 25 IS 446 2 100 50 29 898 30 1 10 10 32 1,008 23 1;959 85 10 5,702 570 1.59 3,364 21 192 11,025 3 284 94 1 300 300 62 2,191 35 CO 2,775 5 ! 478 i 95 64 4,1.50 64 32 659 20 101 5,287 .... ■ j^ 1 9 646 71 1 ' 9 646 2 36 18 41 6,01 :i 14(1 91 1,044 11 134 7,093 23 2 "51 1 -,.51 , 07 4'i oo 25 2 296 12 605 ' 57 12 695 1 1 CI 13,241 217 123 t 86,084 j i 1 700 269 11,080 41 453 110,405 14 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XX. — Immovable Property and Shipping. PHOVIXCE Orf IVKW KRtTNSWTCK Immovable Property situated witliin Canada, owned by inhabitants of eacli District. Propriete fonci^re i-)0ssed6e dans I'dtendne du Canada par les habitants de chaque District. DISTRICTS. Acres of land owned. Acres de terre possdd^s. Town and Village Lots owned. Emplace ments de Ville et de Villase. 166. Temiscouata 167. Eimouski, West.— Quest 168. Eimousld, EaU.—Est. . . 169. Bonaventure 170. Gasped, West. —Quest . . . 171. Gasp^, Centre 172. Gasp^, South.— Slid 173. lies de la Magdeleine . . Grand totals of Quebec. . . Grands totanx de QueViec. {Province of Neio Brunsivick ) {Province du Nomxau-Brunsioick.) 174. * St. John 175. Charlotte . . . 176. King's 177. Queen's 178. Sunbury .... 179. ♦* York ... 180. Carleton . . . 181. Victoria .... 182. Kestigouche. 183 Gloucester 184. Northumberland 18.5. Kent 186, Westmorland 187. Albert * St. John's City, separ.at^ly . * Ht. .Tr-;ui, Villfj, fe '|j;;r-ment ** I'redericton, separately ** Fredericton, separ^ment Grand Totals of New lirunswick Grands Totaux du Nouveau- Brunswick j 427,736 218,920 201,072 247,929 60,705 71,803 79,667 11,303 17,701,589 Number of Houses owned. Ware- houses, Factories, Stores and Shojis. possedees. 462,178 735,305 611,607 378,414 193,821 675,869 397,195 247,293 96,516 243,W1 302,902 299,879 583,969 225,863 5,453,902 644 5i0 939 372 45 142 54 67 Entrepots, Fabri(iues, Maisons \ Magasins et Boutiques. Barns and Stables. Granges et Etables. 6,870 1,815 643 223 125 1,095 1,139 273 302 352 1,023 419 1,185 230 6,133 652 15,700 3,268 1,921 1,757 2,591 450 958 1,070 529 330 202 123 324 23 48 98 131 67,737 176,378 20,284 5,246 4,213 4,059 2,2.56 1,044 .3,843 3,235 1,735 889 2,475 2,819 2,863 4,436f 1,742 949 1,192 591 321 140 351 377 125 147 494 547 2^ 625 217 2,84.4 782 40,905 580 104 o,aoG 5,089 2,444 1,979 2,755 508 758 878 466 270,211 2,665 3,948 6,182 3,357 1,439 4,648 4,550 2,276 952 2,206 2,770 2,959 4,843 1,875 959 579 44,670 t)fiNOMBRE]MENT DE 1871. 15 Tableau XX. — Pruprictu lumciere et Maritime. PROVINCE DU NOUVRAU-HRUM.SWICK. , Xuiiilu'i' of Sliip.s ouufil ill ciicli District uml llnAv 'J\iiiii,i''<,*. Navires posseUes dans c liaque District et leur Tonnage. ! SI Vessels. Xavires. earn Ves.se Vapeurs. Tonnage . Is. Averagt- size. Tonnagt moyen. Sea-goi Vci Vessels . Xavires. ng Sailing Hers do gr navigation Tonnage. Vessels, mdej Average size. Tonnagt moyen. Barges s Anti Craft. Eati- ments. md other su ■es Batimer transport. Tonnage. ch Craft its de Average size. Tonnage moyen. Grand Totals. Grands Totaux. Total Vessels. ^.^^^^ Total Tonnage. ' Navires. 22 10 1 28 2 22 10 8 070 783 20 1,580 124 1,021 630 404 30 48 20 50 02 40 03 50 10 11 4 113 249 87 11 22 21 32 27 5 28 2 22 10 8 783 i 1 1,032 107 1.580 124 1,021 am 404 1 " ' ■ 1 1 1,407 183 51,774 2.S3 630 138,750 220 71,997 49 2,280 262,521 23 2 4,247 685 184 342 286 134 37 42 2 127,928 '15,875 5,766 3,298 540 4-17 118 155 78 270 85 8 1,880 105 22 •20 394 144 37 46 6 6 3 3 » 60 81 28 53 1 134,055 16,725 5,766 3,461 ; 580 83 61 636 166 2,581 7,310 ' 2,890 13,420 * -1 r." I 1 1 1 1 2 110 21 21 COO 100 83 116 21 21 COO 100 41 3 4 5 2 2 1 37 57 47 40 62 40 36 20 094 1,015 15 10 12 20 18 20 18 IV 2 22 22 28 49 23 140 1,787 0,212 2,890 12,770 4 007 73 81 282 103 200 17S 1 500 500 150 50 "nfl ' ... 1 1^' 1 3,L'1C. ■270 i 180 S1,S15 i r., . 34 i 1 J i 0(1 19 22i; 8.>,722 1 200 '-00 6 2,754 ■i'Jj 1.-. 1 8 =,»r.. i 33 6,373 * 193 647 181,315 280 209 4,209 20 889 191,897 j i 16 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XX. — Immovable Property and Shipping. PROVIXtr: OF NOVA SCOTIA. I.muovable Property situated wiiliiu Cainula, owned by Iiihabitauts of each District. Propriety fonci^re possddee dans retenduc du Canada par les habitants de chaque District. DISTRICTS. {Proriiire of -Vor« SrotiK.) (Pruriiice dela iVou relle-£cosse.) ; 188. Hants 189. King's 190. Annapolis 191. Digby 192. Yarmouth 193. Shelburne 194. Queen's 195. Lunenburg 196. * Halifax. West.— Quest 197. Habfax, East.— Est 1 198, Cumberland 199. Colchester 200. Pictou , . 201. Antigoniflh 202. Guysborough 203. Inverness 204. Victoria . 205. Cape Breton 206. Pichrnr)n'l Acres of land owned. Acres de terre possed^s. Town and Village Lots owned. Emplace- ments deVille et de Village. 488,173 303,309 350,088 291,778 178,;?25 ir'9,500 412,005 479,386 212,260 395,180 608,584 468,825 430,248 271,643 315,537 484,469 233,467 349,744 17L7;58 Numl)er of Houses owned. Maisons possed^es. City of Halifax, stparatul.y , . Ville d'Halifax, S('i)art'ment / j 132,033 1,042 072 595 1,260 1,183 2,243 778 1,695 2,784 752 836 840 1,623 337 1,024 1,004 255 1,203 801 Ware- houses, Factories, Stores and Shops. Kntrepots, Fabric] ues, Magasins et Boutiques. 2,424 3,379 3,548 3,033 2,832 3,006 2,149 1,763 3,583 4,063 3,056 3,704 3,806 5,397 2,459 2,690 3,413 1,702 3,841 2,187 2,890 583 012 667 679 692 931 448 1,411 1,447 629 605 700 1,100 427 982 594 141 434 707 827 Barns and Stables. Granges et Etables. 3,294 3,941 3,322 2,331 2,335 1,784 1,402 3,729 1,720 2,848 4,154 4,614 6,100 2,685 2,280 3,555 1,704 3,250 1,860 905 GRAND TOTALS. Totals of Ontario ) 'J'otaux d'Ontario ) Totals of (^uebeR \ 1'otaux de Qu(-bec / Totals of New Brunswick '( Totaux du Nou\ eau-Brun.swick . ; . j Totals of Nova Scotia ) Totaux de la Xouvelle-Ecosse i Totals of the four Frovinces. Totaux des quatre Provinces . 19,605,010 17,701,589 5,453,962 6,607,459 49,368,029 178,126 67,737 15,700 20,987 282,550 262,618 176,3J-8 40,905 59,611 539,512 28,555 20,264 6,306 13,789 68,914 323,575 270,211 44,670 56,908 695,364 I t)lJ:NOMBREMKNT DE 1871, 17 «"■« ■ .1 •ae Tableau XX. — Propricte Fouciere et Maritime. PUOVINCK DE LA NOIIVRLLE-ECOSSE. Nuiuljer of .Sliips owned in each District and tlieir Tonnage. Navires poss^des dans chaque District et leur Tonnage. Steam Ve?8els. Vapeura. Vessels. Navires. Tonnapre. 7 12 567 42 373 384 15 113 C9 205 3 I 373 Averaj,'e size. Tonnag^ moyeii 12 283 124 128 15 50 09 Sea-going Sailing Vessels. Voiliers de tjrando navi^ration. Vessels, N'avires. 124 100 81 (•.4 116 246 i;iO 80 102 31 107 75 38 45 23 102 29 22 74 15.-, 85 Tonnage. Averagt size. Tonnng* moyen. 45,414 19,235 12,144 17,200 81,878 10,418 11,000 8.827 15,900 4,409 10,790 8,499 17,219 2,500 4,902 1,403 1,009 6,909 14.500 14,804 454 2o7 189 148 332 80 128 54 512 41 143 223 382 111 48 48 45 94 <.i3 174 iarges and other such <"'r 'ft. Aiitn,'? BatimPiit^ d'.- transport. Orand Totals. ri rands Tutaux. Craft. Bati- ments. Tonnage. I Averag oize. Tonnagi moyen. 15 i 2 2 ■ 545 20 45 30 10 22 1 6 j 1 I 4 I 2 7 9 7 10 21 1 30 30 60 11 15 15 100 40 24 12 112 10 137 15 94 13 185 18 536 10 10 Total VfS-elh Total X a vires 20 20 j 115 83 67 117 249 130 88 106 36 117 85 45 57 23 102 30 22 l.-'I 89 ^ Total Toiuia-'e. 45,959 19,255 12,190 17,212 82,475 10,484 11,123 8,987 16,297 4,905 10,942 8,593 17,517 2,506 4,902 1,472 1,009 7,710 14.510 15,197 GRANDS TOTAUX. 104 183 33 19 399 21,440 i;ii 291 40,033 51,774 2S.I 030 138,750 0.37:; 19 ; 047 181,315 1.787 94 1,080 294,348 81,374 204 3,254 600,440 1.^8 220 280 175 255 1 1,407 1 230 88 203 2,019 23,121 91 710 71,907 49 2,280 4,209 20 8S9 1,979 22 1,793 1 101,300 50 5,672 90,594 21^,521 191,897 298,114 843,126 0- TABLE XXI. OCCUPIERS OF LANDS AND LANDS OCCUPIED. TABLEAU XXL OCCUPANTS DE TERRES ET TERRES OCCUPEEg. C-2J 20 OiilKsUS OF 1871. T-ABLE XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. SUB-DlSTBICTS. SODS-DlSTKICTS. Total Poi)ulation. Population Totale. Number of Occupiers of La Nombre des Occupants de T Total Being Being Occupiers. Owners. Tenants Total Proprie'- Fer- Occupants.j taires. miers. nds. err 63. Em- ployes, 1. 2. S. 4. 5. Esaex ■> ■ Keut a. Maiden h. Ainlierstburg, Town- Villi C. Anderdon 1,-566 1,936 1 895 238 81 S24 168 73 220 332 371 358 16 286 70 423 34 319 226 308 3,204 104 256 500 643 371 552 52 68 8 101 74 71 63 8 51 12 73 9 31 35 28 2 3' 3 16' • • • t • a • > • • • • • * ■ 3 5 d. Colchester e. Gosfield 2,920 409 2,994 412 3,248 4;-!1 /. Mersea f/. I'elf-e h. Sandwich, West. — Ouet^t . i. Sandwich, Town. — Ville . j. Sandwich, East.— Est . . . k. Windsor, Town.— Ville . . I . Maidstone 150 2,228 1,160 3,748 4,25.3 2,055 2,1.52 2,392 24 337 82 496 43 350 264 342 ?/t. Rochester ...» •*. n. Tilbury, West. — OueHt .... Total 32,697 3,863 120 300 652 821 633 26 a. Romney b. Tilbury, East. -Esl c. Raleigh d. Harwich 711 1,846 4,081 5,974 16 40 152 178 110 165 18 4" 4' c. Dover /. (Chatham y. C)i'At\i&ra, Town. — Ville . Total 3 315 -iw^ BotUvrell 5,036 5,873 717 70 26,8.36 3,165 2,478 679 8 a. Howard h. Oxford c. Caniden .... 4.512 :^,,]13 4,095 1,083 995 3,397 1,116 2,. 390 633 483 492 178 18 531 181 382 561 434 396 142 2 461 161 333 72 48 96 34 16 68 20 i' 2' 2' i' d. Zone e. Both well, Town. — Ville . f. Sombra (/. Dawn h. Eupheinia 1 Total 20,701 2,898 2,490 402 6 liambtoii f a. Moore 6. Knniskillen 3,998 617 1,528 205 551 28 2,651 26 2,538 41S 540 56 23 16 370 353 54 699 618 481 77 146 2 9 43 46 5 64 77 91 .560 3" 3 1 8* i' 3 2 c. Oil SpringH, Village .... d. Retrolia, Village e. Jjrooke ... /. Sarnia 3,438 2,929 5.259 4;677 4,425 407 59 764 698 584 (/. Sarnia, 2'ovjn.- -Ville. .. . h. Plyniptoii i. Warwick j, liosanciuet Total 31,994 3,801 3,220 21 Eleiu f a. Aldljorough ... \ h. Dii n ■wich ;',,.506 3,731 5,5.59 536 518 746 48.'? 446 ; 634 [ 1,563 52 72 lOJ 1 i 1 \ c. SouthwolJ 3 a L Total 12,796 1,800 233 4 ( a. Yarmouth 5,563 809 1 690 1 119 DENOMBEEMENT DE 1871. 21 Tableau XX J. — Oucupants de Tcrrcs et 'Cerrcs occupies. PIIOVINCE 1>>0.\TAR1(». 2>^uiuber of Occui»it'rs of Xoinlire d'Occupiuts de 10 Acres and under. 10 Acres et moiuR. 21 57 19 101 10 Acrea to 60. 10 Acres k50. 4 G6 47 47 14 l.'> 7 39 oOO 6 14 r>7 73 30 rA 48 14,191 12.787 4,763 I oh 9,191 4,951 12.964 111,124 : 81,641 21.848 6,910 381 530 17,3.34 11,940 415 32.370 29,578 23,083 144,359 24,95,'< 25,6i>4 41.288 15,147 5,401 208 447 l.^,64 .5,405 186 297 1,065 1,464 490 873 75 4,450 1,131 661 6,:i8 197 10 656 168 543 3,924 650 202 31 33 455 448 94 1,069 883 893 4,76;5 .■■>84 615 1,211 2,410 l,70:' RfVlf* jstammmmm •ad 00 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied • PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. i DISTRICTS. Sub-Districts. Sous-Districts. Total Population. Population Totale. Number of Occupiers of Lands. Nombre des Occupants de Terres. Total Beins Being Occupiers. Owners, Tenants y T^al Proprie'- pTr- P^^^^^- Occui)ants. taires. miers. ! 6. Elgin {East— Est.) 7. Middlesex (West.- Ouest.) 1 8. Middlesex ... (North.— Nord.) 9. Middlesex (East— Est.) ', 10. London ,....,•,- i 11. Norfolk . . , , . . , ; (South.- -Sud.) 1 m 12. Norfolli: 1 (Xorth.—^'ord.) b. St. Thomas, Town-Vilfe c. Malahide d. Dorchester, South. — Sud. e. Bavham 2,197 5.554 2,071 4,892 593 105 797 324 674 54 2,763 99 679 166 539 46 6 116 157 134 8 2 1 1 /. Vienna Total 20,870 2,219 540 4 ' a. Mosa b. Wards ville, Village r. Ekfrid d. Metcalfe . . . c. Caradoc /. Strathroy, Village g. Delaware Total 3,194 539 3,193 2.449 5.065 3,232 2,523 389 27 413 374 766 91 395 348 23 368 308 682 89 341 40 4 42 65 82 .54' 1 3' 1 2 2 20,195 2,455 2,159 287 9 f a. Adelaide 2,909 3,427 2,853 3,474 4,658 4,198 466 403 406 478 695 492 406 336 336 423 526 418 60 65 70 54 168 71 2 i' 1 3 h. Williams, West.— Quest. . c. Williams, East.- Est.. . d. Lobo e. MoGillivray /. Biddulph Total 21,519 2,940 2,445 488 7 a. Westminster h. Dorchester. North—Nord c. London, Township d. Nissouri, West.— Guest . . (. Total 6.386 4,117 10,991 3,561 835 .559 1.443 552 762 476 1,180 483 72 81 2.^5 67 1 2 8 2 25,055 3,389 2,901 475 13 f a. Ward No. 1, Quartier. . . h. Ward No. 2, Quartier. . . r. Ward No. 3, Quartier. . . d. Ward No. 4, Quartier. . . ', e. Ward No. 5, Quartier. . . f. Ward No. 6, Quartier. . . g. Ward No. 7, Quartier. . . I Total 2,395 2,736 3,586 1,210 2,590 2,175 l,i:J4 1 2 6 1 2 6 .... K 6 19 74 6 18 66 1 8 15,826 108 99 9 ! C a. Houghton 1 b. Walsingham '/ c. Charlotteville ci. Woodhouse Total 2,118 5,290 4.097 3,865 316 742 597 484 268 632 499 371 48 105 94 111 5 4 2 15,370 2,139 1,770 358 11 (a. Middleton 3,261 4,799 5,474 1,856 477 707 785 53 427 606 624 52 48 97 161 1 2 4 1 b. Windham ' c. Townsend 1 d. Sinic'.e, Town.— Ville . . . I Total 15,390 2,022 1,709 307 6 DiilNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 25 Tableau XXI. — Occupants de Terre.s et Tenes occupies. PROVINCE D'OXTARIO. ! 10 Acres und under. 10 Acres et moins. Numbe Xoinbr 10 Aon to 50. 10 Acres Ji50. r of Occupi a d'Occupa- r»0 Acres to 100. 50 Acres alOtt. er3 of ats de ; 100 Acres to 200. 100 Acres k20U. 1 Over 1 200 ; Acres. Plus de 200 Acres. 1 i:t Total occupied. Total occupe. Acres. Acreage and State of Lcinds occupied. ernliie et Condition des Exjiloif^ations. Total Und. r In Gardens & improved crops. pasture. ' Orohar'ls. Tot il 1 Sous En ■ Jardins et ameliore.; cultrre. p4turage. , Vergers. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. 72 132 33 218 34 12 228 73 180 12 20 284 134 5 1 129 66 58 3 24" 18 13 58,178 3i,ou;> 50,637 1,303 212,573 .511 36,40(; 20,737 28,4U4 1,006 223 26 2.33 14 335 19,507 631 129 1 159 8,713 ! 1,460 5,966 1 436 7,736 i 1,161 280 ; 95 629 667 977 ! 400 90 134,100 94,162 34,834 5,104 29 10 18 57 65 89 104 6 71 117 250 17 152 177 9 184 164 332 7 99 76 2 101 64 116 1 43 3 24' 11 11 1 12 34,016 1.121 43.731 34,087 63,897 1,921 23,434 17,'J31 1,105 23,463 16,967 29,893 1.221 13,969 11,012 781 13,492 12,851 21,677 536 10,111 (■.,47(i 26r> 9.490 3,699 7,258 487 3,4.34 31,109 443 59 ! 481 417 958 198 424 301 '717 972 403 62 202,207 104,-549 70,460 2,0SO 1 40 51 40 56 42 72 112 132 86 87 229 134 221 ! 76 164 : 45 195 72 227 88 351 64 200 78 17 11 13 20 9 8 43,062 32,091 37,309 46,040 56,959 38,622 20,951 17.958 16,578 26,681 34,054 26,000 15..349 13,9(38 12,401 17,147 24,723 19,805 103,393 ' 4,929 673 3.532 458 1 3,765 412 ! 8,750 784 1 8,636 1 695 5,622 573 301 780 1.358 423 78 251,083 142,222 35,234 3,50.-. i 1 139 76 359 35 212 182 361 189 311 197 512 242 149 83 179 84 24 21 32 2 64.104 46,468 100,598 46,457 257,627 44,227 30,060 68,405 28,177 28,555 16,232 47,007 20,228 13,960 13,011 19,120 7,166 1,712 817 2,278 783 609 944 1,262 495 79 170,869 112.022 53,257 .=),.^90 1 2 6 6 12 42 12 42 6 8 12 2 2 1 30 j ^... 1 •• •••••• 5 19 73 1 1 51 107 284 51 107 284 49 86 247 \ 2 i' 20 •79 1 s 1 1 _^ 106 2 502 502 408 •>-. J\ ' ' ' 1 .„. , 43 84 116 102 123 250 182 133 115 29 281 106 173 107 156 78 6 21 19 15 25,510 59,06S 43,871 34,0M1 162,540 12,374 28,408 27,943 23.955 92,080 9 647 23.193 22,218 18,002 2.166 3,766 4,530 4.872 ,-.61 1,449 1,19-. 1,081 345 688 725 320 CI 73.060 15.334 4,286 62 78 176 47 180 227 185 4 152 264 273 2 6S 99 123 19 39 28 38,5'.a 59,400 65,245 373 18,7.:'S 36,898 44,224 , 3.50 14,720 29,709 33,748 182 3,29.) 6,641 8,678 46 743 l..-.4> 1,79S 122 1 353 602 691 290 86 163,609 I 100,230 , 78,359 17.660 , 4.211 1 54 CENSUS OF 1S7 1. Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PnOVINCK OF ONTARIO DISTRICTS. 13. Oxford (South.—Sud.) 14. Oxford [North— Nord.) 15. Brant [South or Wesi- Snd ou Quest.) 16. Braut [North or East. — Nord ou Est. ) 17. Haldlmand 18. Blonck Sl'B-DlSTRICTS. S0US-DlSTBICT3. Dereham Norwich, South.— Sud. . N or wich , North. —Nord Oxford, East.— Est Oxford, West. — Quest.... IngrersoU, Town. — Villc. Oxford, North. — Nord. . Total Population. Population Totale. Total , ft. 'Nissouri. East.- -E.-it .. h. Zorra, West.— Quest. .. c. Kmbro, Village d. Zorra, East. — Est e. Woodstock, Town.—Vilh f. ]ilandford 567 118 9 38 125 188 12-1 114 rii; 105 248 130 103 141 81 2 101 872 100 Acres to 200. , 100 Acres a 200. 129 51 53 89 01) 2 30 414 220 295 252 4 107 203 1,147 250 43 133 2 183 80 95 2 124 2 02 103 .VJS Over 200 Acres. Plus de 200 Acres. 017 111 145 4 106 is:; loij :iOO 40 331 34D 123 70 125 5 178 180 2 06 1.089 110 i 07 131 1S7 119 149 77;) 103 31 14 50 19 10 142 12 13 1 17 1 9 24 111 24 11!) 30 17 24 2 284 45 Acreage and State of Lands occupied. Ktemlue et Condition des Exi)liiit;itii>n». Total ' Total occupied, improved Total occupi^. ! Total 'ameliore. Acres. Acres. Under crops . Sous culture. Acres. In Gardens &i jjasture. Orchards. ' En Jardins et pilturage. , \'erb'eis. 02,8.30 29,998 34,313 34,378 23,888 1,.327 20,112 40.945 10,734 20,0C0 25,450 10,320 1,243 13,190 4:^,310 52,013 1,245 55,030 1,589 25,512 03,808 30,102 30,072 1,080 37,3.52 1,123 18,002 40,719 .".,.-.11 9,481 .!7,910 707 33,577 41,001 7.38.-. 32,.-..58 040 12,919 137,192 94,503 43 9 1 15 OS 127 21 65,077 to i) 26,525 39 •} 13,085 69 10 28.540 7 2 3,082 88 20 39.2.58 8.S 20 20 11,779 520 90 228,113 40 12 2l..s5u 2 1,010 50 i7 l-(.980 li3 ;) 29.0r.3 8!) !l .37.939 r.4 t 20 070 87 15 33,878 3si; 09 109,390 C'o 14 25,021 4.-.,985 33,031 1,181 22,209 30,5.31 20,510 1,105 17,075 102,400 81,2S1 43,287 17.471 7.025 17,417 2.145 25,448 2.->,172 ."29 7,005 12.210 tVJO ll,0.-.9 17,101 24,(.'51 19.390 19.179 10.3,0 {0 25,072 10,570 17,023 18,276 9,206 5.33 8,078 200,852 140,494 88,758 20,217 10,915 627 26,349 .557 13,022 37,2.85 243.107 105,110 115,.-.72 31,799 5,810 25,2.50 419 11,199 74,483 29,175 19,304 872 13,032 02,443 32,000 14,0.54 5,059 12,794 1,.530 20,844 19,827 ■MO 5,.576 140,1.59 113.r.!>0 8 341 483 8.245 12.259 18,423 14,418 14,004 7'".. 77.3 15,831 11,187 Acres. 14,.568 5,374 8,316 0,341 6,439 422 4,595 Acres. 1,305 790 1,201 839 675 i 288 52:i 40,055 ,081 9,129 12,930 429 9,899 400 4,017 S,109 44,973 7,890 1,210 0,445 1,533 810 827 24 1,104 166 363 1,205 4,. 505 1,372 353 863 I 221 187 17,084 2,990 0,315 322 180 3.582 1,041 824 107 401 10,40.-^ 9,056 2,7.59 1,.3.34 4,148 .572 3,986 4,775 1,847" 2,433 965 I 658 32 475 43 618 570 8.3 242 -I 29,07 3,320 94 2,451 4,400 4.800 3,Kt>7 3,7>j7 22,779 4.062 I 3.686 .-.7'.i 43 303 442 7(it> 1,075 ! 818 ■ 4,088 582 • 26 CENSUS OF 1871. Table : XX T. Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PROVINCE OK OrSTARIO. DISTRICTS. Sub-Districts. S0US-Dl.-5THICT3. Total Population Population Totale. Numb Nombre Total Occupiers. Total Occupants. er of Occup de8 Occupa Being Owners. Proprie- ' tairea. 1 lers of Lands, nta de Terrea. Being Tenar.ts ^^ Fer- rW^s- miera. 19. %Velland ao. Mlagnra a 21. Lincoln b. Purt Colborne, Village. c. Bertie d. Fort Erie, ViUage e. Crowland f. Well.an.l. Vitlaqe 9. Willoughby ; h. Thorold i. Thorold , ViUage j. Stamford k. Chippawa. Village I. Clifton, Town.-Ville. . . Total 988 2.933 835 1,-317 1,110 1.250 2,.501 1,6.35 2,999 922 1,610 20 348 33 207 24 189 283 12 261 7 26 20 .308 25 178 19 161 237 7 192 6 9 1,441 46' 8 28 5 28 45 5 67 1 15 l' i' 2 2 20.572 1.729 281 7 (a. \iagara, Tovnuihip ( l>. \Veat Ward 1 r. Centre Ward 2,093 511 530 559 262 21 13 25 185 17 9 21 77 4 4 4 d. East Ward Total 3,693 321 335 49 16 232 310 368 232 89 fa. Grantham 3.929 7,864 1,081 1,893 2.782 3,lL'3 263 42 15 184 235 299 70 7 1 47 75 67 2 i' "2 6. St.Catherinea. Town.~V. c. Port Dalhnusie, Villrujc. d. Louth e. Clinton] ,, f. Grimsby Total 20,672 1,310 1,0.38 267 5 2«, Wentvrorth {South. — Sud.) \^a. Saltfleet 6. Binbrook c. Barton 2.783 1,946 2 865 2,039 5,005 322 251 296 262 517 240 196 197 200 405 80 55 94 62 105 2 5' 7 d. Glanford e, Ancaster I. Total 14,638 1.648 1,2.38 396 14 23. \Ven« 1 3' h. Flam borough, W.—O'ufst r. Dundas, Tonm. -Ville . . d. TlAmborough, East.— JEst Total 313 27 311 72 ""l09 16,245 1,.564 1 1,251 309 4 1 24. Hnintlton -( 1 25. Huron a. St. GenrgeVWard . . h. St Marv's Ward c. St. Andrew'a W.-ird . . d. St. Lawrence Ward t. St. Patrick ■, Wari! .... Total 4,583 6,6ii9 4,780 6,1.S8 4,546 2 3 1 13 15 ! 3 1 7 14 25 2 .... ^. 1 i 26,710 34 8 1 a. S>,ephen 4,:J49 3,897 3.831 3,804 3,699 544 515 484 460 ; «4: 355 374 399 419 381 188 140 83 39 42 1 1 2 2 1 b. Hay c. L^Bbome d. Stanley J (Fouih. — '^ud.) \ e Tuckersmilh DilNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 27 Tableau XXI. — Occupants de Terres t-t Terres occupees. PUOVINCE D'OKTARIO. Number of Oecupiei-s of Xoii>l>re il'Occupant^ de 18 29 20 9 13 11 27 4 66 4 5 238 40 19 8 17 84 98 27 13 27 28 29 222 33 10 102 34 78 - 263 76 74 20 94 264 8 12 82 7 70 n i n.s 82 5 68 3 13 138 3 74 4 73 106 3 67 497 /)72 85 2 1 82 I "45 42 60 46 17 3 9 10 8 14 ' i 346 56 10 80 87 16 64 81 80 96 5 2 93 140 160 58 11 49 1 1 41 52 83 9 11 333 490 -ITi 87 44 100 55 109 117 118 62 110 205 72 58 29 54 106 13 15 3 9 19 Acreage and State of Etenduf et ('.;nrlition Landn (iccupied. fles fCxpIoithtiriDB. Total occupied Total occupt^. Acres. ](J4 33,002 713 18,537 5C3 17.370 22,979 r)09 21,232 174 1,016 141,880 Total improved Total ameliort!. Acres. Under crops. Sous culture. Acres. In pasture. ' En p^turage. Acres. 21,988 304 84cS 268 23.40S 15<) 21,641 493 12,712 486 11,663 18,461 451 15,992 1.53 626 98,668 17,376 291 3.J3 214 I 18.234 19,918 1,159 :',83 18,433 25,160 32,522 97 575 28,309 25,677 13,799 22.962 43,663 395 612 319 V.t j 134, 410 185 102 5 110 262 137 o it 122 402 523 20 , 8 36 221 26 172 29 120 22 loo 20 101 245 246 253 239 225 172 60 34 12 320 1 1 37 67 4 72 lu 9J 9 70 8 61 i 590 28,707 505 33.188 128,990 17,397 1,059 374 14 045 18,582 22,126 73,. 583 20,361 19,124 11,417 18,217 31,102 100.221 45,440 20,829 441 22,923 89,633 207 127 ll.O 33i) 194 9C4 39 :9i 41,3.^8 45,817 42,199 40,000 192 Wi 4."i 219 190 21,9t-8 23,719 30.(<26 26,749 28,087 56 16.213 270 9.649 283 8,451 13,723 180 10,589 116 430 71,147 12,0.-j6 201 292 172 12,721 12.706 574 232 10,228 12,.-.62 16,792 .53,094 14.424 15,151 7.352 14,381 24,554 75,862 33,031 15 688 276 17,4-6 66,421 74 55 45 173 115 4(.! 15,1189 18.206 21,55t9 2ii,583 19,716 Gardens & Orchards, i ; .lardinft et \ Vergers. ! Acres. I 34 4,501 Iti'.t 2,647 154 2,933 3,940 200 4,492 9 120 23 321 4,0C0 45 10 5 4.060 69 867 54 416 49 279 798 71 911 28 76 4,200 1.320 45 51 37 1.4.53 3,568 212 63 2.916 4,992 4,403 16,154 1,123 273 79 901 1,028 931 4,,H.35 4,872 3..583 2,964 3,3'JO 5.258 1,0<>5 390 1,101 446 1,290 20,067 4,292 11,279 4,302 84 4.558 20.223 1,130 839 81 939 2,989 104 7 14 27 21 63 ft5 12 195 108 5.:.ll 4,7iH) 7,747 7,451 7.785 468 723 680 715 586 53 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PROVINCE OP ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. 86. Huron [North.— Nord.) 87, Bruce [South — Slid.) 588, Bmce [j^orth. — Nord.) 89. Perth [South— Sud.) SuB-BlSTniCTS. Sous-Districts. 30 Pev 3 616 r-04 3,808 537 1,893 279 319 09 357 445 488 Being Tenants Fer- raiers. 67 566 37 71 19 52 98 4 72 272 432 r.9 53 8 44 72 16 4 256 93 6 61 02 12 71 23 328 216 104 33 37 ft8 4B 41 54 98 2 818 5 Em- ployfe. 3 -2 "i 'i' "2* 6 ■mWMKnMMHHMM DI^.NOMBREMENT DE 1871, 29 Tableau XXI. — Occupants de Terres et Terres occupees. PROVIXCE irO.NTARIO. Number of Occupiers of Acreage and State of Lands occupied. Is" ombre d'Occupauts de Etendiie et Condition des Exjdoitations. 10 Acres and under. 10 Acres to 50. 50 Acres to 100. 100 Acres to 200. Over 200 Acres. Total occupied Total improved Under crops. la pasture. Gardens & Orchards. — — — — Total Total Sous En Jardins et 10 Acres et moins. 10 Acres 50 Acres 100 Acres Plus de 200 Acres. occup^. amdlior^ culture. pAturage. Vergers. k 50. hlOO. Ji200. Acres. Aores. Acx-es. Acres. Acres. 19 76 252 148 li 48,500 29,993 21,.568 7,522 903 25 10 u •> 1 1,359 658 163,200 431 119 108 177 iy . . b. Egremont ... c. Proton d. Melancthon . •i e. Bentinck /. Glenelg , g. Artemisia. . .. 2,308 1,498 2,737 1,666 3,758 5,326 3,128 2, .579 1,458 664 595 425 100 67 1,911 .521 352 95 968 330 277 31 31 307 245 20 15 416 357 648 570 421 370 382 314 39 34 24,458 4,418 5,744 4,861 4,376 1,370 1,772 1,943 24,484 5,563 3,949 2,184 2,043 5,050 4,060 3.484 2,594 544 746 627 614 46 287 272 3.1.36 768 618 394 328 701 579 567 Being Owners. Proprit^- taires. 413 14 2,;384 526 44 338 23 422 61 18 1,432 613 517 371 153 61 1,715 433 287 73 793 2,213 449 623 557 555 42 265 234 2,725 Being Tenants Fer- miera. 85 3 584 61 1 50 6 68 2 1 189 47 72 49 4 6 178 81 64 21 166 53 61 4 56 76 48 68 5 371 91 122 70 59 4 22 38 406 701 67 552 65 364 30 272 54 629 70 518 61 509 58 Em- ployes. 7 1 '3' '3" 4 6 5 3 18 7 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 10 4 1 2 2 D^NOMBKEMENT DE 1871. SI Tableau XXI. — Occupants de Tenes ot Terre.s ocoupees. LL^ _____ — 1 province: D'Ontario. Number of Occupieru of 1 Acreage and State of Lands occupied. 10 Acres and under. Nonibro d'Occupai ts de Ktendue et Condition d 1 es Exijloitations. ! In Gardens & pasture. Orchards. 10 Acres to 50. 50 Acres to 100. 100 Acres to 200. Over 200 Acres. Total occupied Total improved Under crops. ^ — — — Total Total Sous En Jardins et 10 Acres 10 Acres 50 Acres 100 Acres Plus de 200 Acres. occupe. am^liort$. culture. piiturage. Vergers. et moins. Jk50. klOO. h'200. Acres, Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. 13 113 311 54 8 47,961 25,464 20.789 4,253 422 1 2 12 2 1,483 2t;4,404 956 145,.596 729 202 25 238 743 1.502 431 61 109,913 32.9.33 2,750 123 87 229 117 32 60,310 44,216 36,550 6,294 1,3721 20 20 2 3 1,118 902 723 105 . 74 60 32 118 144 37 44,401 33,119 26,672 5,694 753 12 10 4 3 1.212 967 6% 201 »70 122 85 125 133 28 40,540 28.955 23,239 4,804 Si 852 46 12 4 1 1,660 1,015 718 154 143 13 3 2 1 858 1.^0,105 367 109,551 228 88,836 112; 27 396 249 48-' 402 9'.t 17,424 3 291 83 130 326 102 23 65,511 ! 46,604 ;J8.816 6,822 966 90 107 177 185 .36 54,084 1 36,232 30,377 4,924 931 110 72 78 123 ■12 3S,287 ! 25,410 21,361 3.196 853 J 124 22 8 5 1 2,907 1 2,118 1,420 456 242 1 37 1 18 4 5 3 2,639 1 1,639 163,428 i 112,003 1,194 ;«6 99 3,091 444 349 593 420 105 93,168 27,587 15,744 22 Gl 295 IL'4 19 57, 21 2 1 36,513 8,104 822 40 52 136 104 20 35,7.34 26,121 18.353 7,274 494 50 23 11 8 3 4,317 3,352 2,141 1,033 178 112 136 442 236 42 97,263 65.986 48,081 lt;,411 1,494 23 85 1.56 56 10 29,,354 1 ^22,640 17,223 5,078 339 25 48 4 53 2 88 459 333 26,250 ! 19,477 198 14,752 98 4,360 37 359 ill 7 13 42 1 51 265 1 265 43,386 28,868 123 21.469 92 6,825 .50 .574 203 102 is til 110 303 150 24 66,352 43.971 34,728 8,408 835 20 84 244 6t; ( 40,487 24,919 19,7.54 4,965 200 36 71 205 58 12 37,369 1 22,768 18,iH)8 3,677 183 21 7 11 1,273 1,073 778 239 56 289 472 1,212 543 78 245,195 164,314 127.933 33,748 2,633 27 110 301 101 5 .y_'.313 ! 29,484 23,711 5,436 337 50 149 421 110 16 70,392 44.296 34,735 9,067 494 20 120 339 124 24 64.288 28,013 21,449 6,186 378 21 123 349 108 13 58,649 26,698 21,220 5.249 229 38 7 6 31 2 158 386 3.-.,091 268 9,873 244 8,416 1,423 o 4 83 8 36 167 58 11 31,984 313,103 14,95<) 12,621 2.265 70 163 575 1,737 584 1 1 1.53.588 122.426 29,64S 1.514 77 229 348 103 11 6l',.V,9 X^VM 27,035 5,(;52 509 8 8.5 371 131 23 67,459 i .32,875 26.4.53 6,149 273 5 37 243 100 9 45,022 14,935 12,464 2,420 51 8 66 159 72 23 36,705 13,449 11,398 1.985 66 27 171 387 101 15 65,624 1 27,791 21,011 6,420 360 16 126 317 104 16 58,805 26,640 19,342 7,008 290 38 162 242 106 19 51,627 22,538 18,089 4,191 258 ^2 CENSUS OF isn. ^imttmtttmlt^ Table XX f. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PKOVINCE OP ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. Sub-Districts. Sous-Districts. h. Osprey. ., Total 37. Grcjr (Xurth.—Kord.) Sullivan Holland Euphrasia Collingwood Derby . . . . Sydenham Owen Sound, Tmcn- St. Vincent Keppel Sarawack Total Population. Population Totale. Number of Occupiers of T^ands. Nombre des Occui^ants de Terres. Total Occupiers. Total Occupants. Being Owners. PropriJ- taires. 3,033 491 433 I Being Tenants! 29.3«0 4,44(3 ■Villi I Total , 38. Halton . a. Nelson h. Trafalgar c. Oak villa, Town. — Vilh.. d. Milton, Toivn.— Ville .... -{ e. Nassagaweya /. llsquesing g. Georgetown, Village. ... . 3,1.51 3,249 2,899 3,576 1,946 4,Q11 3,369 4,974 2,174 680 30,029 L Total , 39. Feel 'a. Toronttun, Village L Total . fa, 6, 40. Cardwcll , Caledon . Albion , c. Mono . . . d, Adjala . Total . 41 . Slmcoc ... (South.— Slid. a. Tecumseth 6. Gwilliiribury, West-Oucst c. Bradford, Village d. Mulmur e. Tossorontio /. Essa g. Innisfil L Total , 4,619 5,027 1,684 891 2,904 6,1.39 1,282 22,606 5,974 617 1,559 6.129 2,090 16,309 4,785 4,857 3,980 2,878 16,. 500 4,728 3,036 1,130 3,505 1,570 4,221 5,480 505 495 384 557 282 594 133 576 369 91 3,986 477 694 51 18 396 626 48 2,.S10 099 19 195 728 38 1,679 610 577 588 405 2,180 604 378 45 525 197 484 605 23,670 42. Simcoe {North.— Nord.) i a. Nottuwasaga j I h. Colling wood, I'oztn — Vii:i\ I c. Sunnidalu - d. Vesjjra e. Bariie, Tov:n. — Ville.. f. Flos ('..704 2,829 1.991 2,077 3,398 1,756 mttm^mmim 2,838 741 47 225 279 40 274 3,978 464 458 305 454 219 521 107 501 337 76 ,442 1,856 495 15 131 582 34 1,2.57 496 465 488 332 1,781 484 320 41 431 164 378 495 2,313 Gil 40 ISO 257 31 255 Fer- miers. i Em- ployes. 58 463 40 35 71 101 63 68 26 74 32 14 524 442 203 4 64 143 3 417 108 110 100 72 390 117 58 4 90 31 104 104 508 7 45 22 9 18 1 2 8 2 "5' "i' "i 20 384 90 3 548 141 5 47 4 17 1 318 77 i 496 127 3 46 2 12 6 2 4 2 2 6 17 Dlt>'OMBREMENT DE 1871. 33 Tableau XXI. — Occupants do Tenes et TeiTes occupies. — : 1 PROVINCE D'OXTARIO. ' 1 2\ umber of Occuijiti-i of Acrea^'c uiid State of Lands wccu^) eJ. 1 i ^ — ■ Nomhre (i'Occn[).'vnts de Etenduc et Conditii'.i des Exploitat ons. 10 Acres and under. 1 10 Acres 50 Acres 100 Acres Over Total 1 Total Under 1 I" 1 Gardens & \ to 50 to 100. to 200. 1 200 occupied. , improve \ ■ crops. pasture. Orchards. I Acres. — \ — — — — ; — — — — Total ! Total Sous Eu Jardins et 10 Acres ft moius. i 10 Acres \ 50 Acres 100 Acres Plus de 200 Acres. Olcupe. amoliori:. culture. pfiturage. Vergers. 1 a 50. ' \ 100. 1 1 k200. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acre.?. Acres. ■S 94 279 95 15 51,491 19,434 16,010 3,344 80 1S7 970 2, :••!(; 812 1 l.-.l 439 205 190,858 19,106 151,802 37,109 i 1,887 12 ^^ 290 101 14 54,823 14,610 4,212 278 10 97 239 124 25 54,473 22,L'80 16.0:^7 5.3:i3 286 i 17 102 198 02 40,151 19,807 10,(101 2,941 325 ' •Al 120 279 105 16 45,873 21,208 17,0.-.5 3,688 405 13 51 137 63 IS 30,707 12,828 9,606 2.890 332 32 121 303 118 20 60,973 29,998 23.191 6,104 643 66 47 11 6 3 4,244 2,0.37 1,939 534 164 48 148 255 105 20 .55,173 30,275 23.858 5,470 947 9 3(i 200 H^ 27 43,102 10,909 8.710 1,978 221 ir> 12 37 26 1 8,258 2,450 1.985 378 1 87 3.74S IT.'.) 810 1,955 807 149 40;!,777 171,504 134.168 24.503 33,618 82 78 174 119 21 45.255 33.337 7.532 1 1,242 1 Hi 102 303 147 28 60,393 1 50,M6 40,735 8,660 1,441 ( 34 9 3 3 1,191 ! W4 550 172 9'> 12 3 o 1 '>48 ' 2'' I 100 15.910 o.-j 36 591 55 47 168 103 23 40.472 23,719 7,218 78 95 271 149 33 64,735 42,3^1 33,.^81 7,890 1.110 35 9 1 3 1,098 781 496 178 110 410 343 922 524 Ill 219,392 1.52,092 115,795 39,040 * 359 31 ,675 4,022 lili IIU 277 133 30 6j,322 48,4 Jl 7,624 1,551 y 7 2 1 532 510 99 52 24 29 89 50 3 18,440 10,467 13,482 2,715 270 47 108 370 165 38 80.231 62,423 51,794 9.400 1,229 20 G 4 6 *> 1,257 1.115 730 322 (^3 2 1'J 2(;o 740 356 133 74 102.788 12S,9.3G 10.5.4 !1 20.300 ;;.!:. 5 ( 697 77 74 288 38 64,931 39.570 32,130 6.743 72 102 274 105 24 50,751 38,.>8'» 32 046 5.6.51 6.S3 o8 m 3.58 106 17 62,094 34,517 29,044 5,021 4.52 54 63 308 li>7 1 197 1.117 1 75 16 39,532 223,308 23,508 135.975 19,743 3.418 347 241 419 95 112,90'; 20. S3;; 2 79 !»0 255 119 33 .">8,8j8 38,643 32 303 5,660 680 41 48 172 80 31 42,074 2^5,604 23,706 4,25S 640 29 < 5 1 3 1,0' i7 1.295 .-38 399 58 2G 104 321.1 66 9 49,090 25.981 22,527 3,184 270 13 33 94 44 13 20,183 ll,6.="i6 9 941 1,516 199 44 80 248 88 24 52,681 31.1 79 20,951 5 738 39^) 06 I4(i 273 103 25 67.295 298,404 33,981 171 299 27 745 5,579 657 301 ! ,vj:. 1 1.:G7 507 138 144,071 24,334 2,894 53 179 ! 355 129 25 71 .si;4 : ;)9,2i."> 1 32.01;; 0..54L' tV.'O 25 ( 11 2 2 2,lil9 972 508 285 119 14 53 115 38 21.407 7.274 6.541 025 108 11 77 132 62 7 27,379 11 889 9,9.58 1,770 161 23 8 2 2 2,057 1,1.60 1,310 285 71 ( 71 1 156 36 4 20,446 10,750 9,02-) 1,627 105 c- -3 84 CEltSUS 0$' 18fi. IF ataSSSBt Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PROVINCE OP ONTARIO DISTRICTS. Sub-Districts, Sous-Distbicts, 43. York (North. — Nord.) 4i. York (]Vest.—Owst.) 45. York (East.— Est J 46. Toronto * . . . (West.— Quest.) 47. Toronto * , (East. — Est.) 48. Ontario (South. — iiad.J L g. Tiny h. Tay i. Medonte j. Oro A. Orillia Matchedash I. Orillia, Vit'ar/e . . . . Tobal f a. King 6. Whitchurch c. Aurora, Village d. Newmarket, Villar/c .... I c. Gwillimbury, East. — E.^t. f. Holland hsAKlin'^-Villaiic fj. (jwillimbury,iVor//i-iVorc/i /(. Georgina Total f a. Etobiooke . I /;. Vaughan -; c. York, West. — Oixest . Total f«. York, East. —Ed . h. YofkviUe, Vilhuje c. Scarboroiigh rkhan T(-tal I d. I\Iarkhain a, St. George's Ward fj. St. Andre w'.s "Ward J c. St. Patrick's Ward . . ] d. St. John's Ward ( a. St. Lawrence Ward . I b. St. JamBs' Ward -i c. St. David's Ward I i Tota ' a. Piclcering h. Whitl)y, West.— Guest. r. Whitby, Town.— Ville . -| d. Whitby, East.-J"'. ... I «. Odhawa, Town.-- ► Ulc . L Total ( a. Uxbridge ** Totak, City of Toronto \ ** Tctaux, Ville de Toronto j b^KOMBREMENT UK l87i. 95 "■Mail,,. Tableau XXI. — Occupants de Tei'red et Terres occupies. PROVIIVCE D'OXTARTO. Number of Occupiers of Nombre d'Occupants de 10 Acres jq Acres ^"•i to 50 under. lu ^vcres 10 Acres et h,50. moins. 47 108 10 33 16 107 23 1(37 11 02 6 1 228 U4S 50 Acres to lOJ. 100 Acres to 200. 50 Acres h 100. I 100 Acres ^200. Over 200 Acres. Plus de 200 Acres. 143 68 154 304 123 2 1,571 43 22 74 116 62 9 7 9 18 24 8 Acreage and State of Lands Occupied. Etendue et Condition des Exploitations, Ti 'tal occupied. T<.til UCClllJC. Acres. Total improved T.-tal^ ameli0S 72 18 71 ■'2 ;.9i 1.52 19 6G6 92 165 316 13 14 1 1 2 4 320 124 13 126 591 181 68 12 :uii 2(i 21 •) 15 1 (>.) 249 68 13 228,856 27,709 62.945 34,708 125,3G2 27,592 313 41,5.55 66,011 10,411 4.385 13,897 30 (;78 8,256 255 139,684 52,757 37,140 888 621 27,179 1,337 14,867 11,206 145,995 21,635 48,810 25,658 96.103 20,405 185 31,468 53.494 9.280 3,561 11,067 24,269 6,212 153 113,956 42.512 29,531 663 462 21,591 1.0.32 11,688 8,374 In pasture. Kn l)aturage. Acres 115,853 17.202 39,197 18,092 135,471 10.5,.-).52 ■4,491 14,553 55 24.049 42,780 495 138 I 481 I 2 I 432 138 387 2 1,116 81,4.37 142 117 205 959 464 24 22 178 224 24 22 120 166 70,252 29,945 3,855 32,119 2.223 55 418 25,022 3,655 25,539 1,979 13S,3:!4 lll.(;i3 20 9 16 45 42,534 18.587 2,280 19,333 1,331 43,773 ; 28,467 1.340 1,125 84.065 22,803 509 c-a^ 1,051 742 2.582 6,066 1,926 68 23 ,.569 9,11:3 6,847 192 128 4,991 228 2,762 2,632 Gardens i i Orchards. .Ti'vilins et Verj^ers. Acres. 26,883 80 82 248 343 118 34 .1.59 1,142 762 33 31 597 77 417 200 3.2.59 3.889 8,612 6,436 18,9.37 4,749 66 6..509 9,160 20,484 233 13 l;8 1 -'.!>; ) 544 1,001 1.130 2,675 i,io;i G4 1,554 3.6.31 8 44 1 no 61 4 11 45 60 11 ,.586 5,701 1,036 5,407 482 1,298 • 734 3.39 799 ItiG 24,212 3.o3G 5,118 546 446 170 35 CjT5 N R U S OF 18 7 1. Table XXI. — Uccupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PKOVINCE OF ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. S'JB-DlSTHICTS. Soi'S-DiSTHICT;!. Total ropulatiuii. Xvimber of Occupiei-B of Lands. Nombre des Occupants de Terres. Total Poinilntion I (.)ccupit-rs. 49. Oiilario . .. . {North. —If Old.) \4. ie. f. (I. h. I Rtacli ScuK'>g 'Scat . Urock . Mara . Kama Tof.al 50. Uurliani . . (West.— Quest. ( fi. i '';lr!lI.,^'•to.sa Ops Tjindsay, Town. — Vil/c. Emily Vernlam Total 63. Victoria . ... (North. — Nord, ) {a. h. r. d. f. Eldon Fenelon Garden, Dal ton liexley Somtrville Laxton, Digby, Longford Lutt'w'th,AnBon,Hind'ii Total (a. Iffimilton . . . . 54. Jforthnmber- /j. Cobourg, Town. lantl ] c Halilimand i d, Alnwick • Ville (Wat.— Quest.) 51. Nort hainl»er«i land (Eaft.—Est.) Total ( a. Cramahe I b. Oolborne, VUldgc . . . I c. Brighton, Township . 'j d. Brighton, VMaije . . . j e. .\liirray I f. Percy I g. iSeymour Totale C,809 2,77.0 .5,175 1,0. '.5 2,i>'.i7 90! Total 'Occupant-. 2:>,967 5.;t:;i 3.034 2,ol4 .5.728 i,ioy 18,31() 0,(17.") 5.114 4.7ol 4,ri4 19.064 5.3)13 3,350 4.049 3,790 2,(;92 G9S 12L 377 585 23:5 397 1.52 .102 743 87 338 713 54 1,935 092 18 512 578 1,800 705 477 91 514 338 19,244 2.125 3,1.52 3 949 1,027 489 1,074 8.50 515 440 422 164 70 102 134 94 10,950 1,486 5,721 4,442 5,796 1.369 17,328 678 56 759 198 1.691 3,8;',3 823 3,734 1.3.57 3,638 4,084 4,289 53.8 64 587 90 510 508 548 Being Owner.-i. Proprie- taire.s. 521 90 271 474 199 337 139 2,413 511 65 250 505 42 Being Tenant' Fer- miers. 1,373 483 16 418 480 1,397 5;;o 357 79 427 307 1,700 371 353 155 63 136 123 89 1,290 509 32 588 153 1,282 417 57 481 76 431 437 472 Em- l>loy^3. 174 31 106 111 33 57 13 681 230 22 86 201 12 551 201 2 93 97 393 174 119 12 86 31 422 66 67 8 7 25 9 4 186 168 23 169 45 405 121 105 14 77 68 76 Dl^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 37 Tableau XX I- — Occupants dy Terres et Terres occupees. PKOVINCE D'OXTARIO. Number of Occupiers of Xoinbre d'Occu|)auts de Acreage and State of Laadn occuiiicd. T'vtiinilui' ft (Joiiclitiuu des Exploitatinus. 10 Acres and under. 10 Acres it moinB. 140 2.j 41 77 22 40 12 418 10 Acres to 50. 10 Acres 147 -.id 51 81 45 8« 57 6(30 50 Acres 1 100 Acres to 100. to 200. ()v'«r 200 Acres. j Total foccupi-id 50 Acres h, loo. 258 38 185 220 117 lOi 60 1.32(; 80 51 43 90 20 296 17, l:l 50 l.-)3 13 400 131 12 63 74 280 148 4 75 82 ■Ml'.) i 283 10 152 30'.) 8 708 243 2 180 203 07 ll.> 55 80 75 11 02 100 15 41 >74 3."i0 74 37 1 2 4 1 3 122 ; 41 6'J 12 y 9 3 3 146 120 1 20 118 14 287 124 10 189 60 395 106 42 89 53 ! 62 I r.6 I 26 128 10 158 19 134 116 lis 0,s8 337 219 221 179 958 222 2L7 71 28 81 62 48 '29 228 10 248 74 500 199 10 248 12 190 229 — Total 100 Acres k 200. 119 17 S3 159 36 01 19 562 174 6 77 139 7 403 Plus de 200 A<;res. li occupe. Acres. loi 144 129 407 147 99 98 75 421 82 81 59 23 50 51 31 377 160 4 152 39 301 91 2 81 4 92 89 107 28 4 17 42 13 15 4 130 23 1 10 22 56,163 8,579 39.244 02,417 22,420 :;o,59l 12,100 281,353 Total improved Total ameliord Acres. 02 30 50 30 110 30 24 1 33 28 0.3,5:53 3,353 33,327 i;0.437 2,071 l'V2 721 38,509 5 ;(.')0 24 757 30,707 li',470 15,255 2,372 102,547 5o,4or 3,090 21.740 45.972 1,825 123.040 00,591 503 59,946 01,311 1.S2.411 44,S50 400 39 935 35.288 120.533 12-: 21 18 21 8 18 17 9 112 31 ,52 5 88 7(i.0<.l 48,195 1.326 52,001 40,783 •13.845 2(i,870 1.064 30,937 17,496 212,900 44,6(i0 42,7f2 21,692 11,478 21,651 l't.426 12,847 120,212 18,902 21,810 5,288 2,448 5.277 5,120 2,377 Uiider crops. Sous cuiture. A ens. 30,V'03 4,75S 20.K35 2:t 2^4 8.2 li 12.250 1938 130,988 39.7.i9 2,408 18,001 30,570 1,398 98,212 In pa^ture En p&lura^e. Acres. 0,897 1 030 3,54o 0.783 2.01t:.' 2S5S 398 28 72.^ 9 52;) 508 3,329 8,3ij7 3:^7 22,070 35.181 210 32,494 28.810 90,701 8,5:1 lo: 6.751 6,1 OJ 21,451 30.430 22.029 782 25.577 13 821 0.759 3,880 171 i.H'.i'J 3,431 GardeuH 5 Orchards. Jardins et Vergers. \orf-s. 709 150 370 640 107 141 30 2,S31 180 350 I 1,02 ;• •.0 I 2 758 1.0.8 137 090 4; 6 2.3S1 99,239 174,450 I 61,222 ■•,239 70.819 16,686 150,699 14 ii' 2 26 18 21 42,531 993 44.992 2,U9 40 355 48,406 53,899 47,291 2,111 49.700 10,841 110.003 27,057 ",MH 27,424 1,037 27 003 28,742 29,305 15,164 18,025 4,497 1.972 4,419 4.285 2,057 50.419 19,140 3,563 3.497 749 4'55 812 792 304 10.172 0-.0 3..1 : 111 i 401 244 1,833 175 I 288 I 42 , 21 I 46 ! 43 ! 10 : 6>1 1; 35.303 1,294 i 37,594 ! 8,825 83,076 22 326 j 575 I 21.475 ; 1,509 I 21,315 I 22 510 I 22,101 i 10.009 1,259 027 iOO 1 10.685 1.4>:i 1,828 iNS 23,809 3.118 4.339 992 213 VO ' 4,023 1.(2'; •'i)7 2l'l 4,770 912 5,509 723 6,594 521 ^8 CENSUS OF 1871. ■— — r Tablk XSI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PKOVI1VCE OP OXTAIilO. DISTRICTS. SUD-Dl3TRICT3. Sous-Districts, I Total 56. Peterborough... (West. • Oucst.) (a. Moiiagliau, South. — Sad. b. Monagban, iV. — No''-d . c. Peterborough, T.— V . ■{ d. Smith e. Ennismore Total Population. Population Totale. Number of Occupiei-s of Lands. Nombre des Occupants de Terres. Total Occupiers. Total Occupants, 21,758 1,145 1,479 4,611 3,428 1,104 L Total. h7. Peterborough... (East.— Est.) a. Otonabee.., b. Asliburnham, Villaye c. Douro d. A sphodel 1 e. Dunimer /. Belmont, Methuen. . . 11,767 3,992 1,197 2,671 3,247 1,951 1,575 I Total 58. Peterborough. (North.— Nord.) ( a. Harvey b. Galway, Ca/endish... c. Burleigh, Anstruther, Monmouth, Chaudos, I Cardiff I d. Snovvden, Glamorgan . . . -{ e. Minden /. Stanhope. Sherborne g. Dysart, Dudley, Har- \ court, Guilford, liar- > burn, Bruton j 14,033 L Total (170 521 721 399 797 310 635 l'«. Ilillior b. Welli)i.L,'ton, Villaye ... c. Anieiiaslmrg d. Hallowel c. Bicton, Town. — Ville... 59. Prince Edward "I/- i^ophiasburg, SowVIN'CE D»i).\TARI<>. 10 Acres and under. 10 Acres et moins. Nuaibe Nombr 10 Acres to 50. 10 Acrert li50. r of Occupi B d'Occupai 50 AciTs to 100. 50 Acres Ik 100. evs of its de 100 Acres to 200. ' _ 100 Acres Ji200. Over 200 Acres. Plus de 200 Acres. Acreag.; ar Ktendue et Total Total occupied, improved Total Total occupe. amelior(J. Acres. Acres. id State of Lands occupied. Condition des Exploitations. Under In lOardens & crops. jjaHture, Orchards. Sous En Jardjns et culture. paturage. Vergers. Acres. Acres. Acres. 434 683 1,170 460 92 239,355 17,190 12,542 2,002 .51,479 15,535 98,757 142,976 111,901 20,501 4,.514 28 05 30 05 15 1.". 40 8 42 34 30 4 146 73 38 32 1 118 32 10 8 1 45 12.071 8,408 2,002 30,908 9,090 9,872 235 1,588 23,445 7,379 1,994 1,970 287 7,047 1,614 205 203 127 500 97 203 50 32 67 67 ly 1 130 312 221 70 02,629 48,519 28,982 235 14,849 17.224 12,086 5,015 12,912 1,198 80 10 57 35 38 33 191 2 X44 125 134 100 150 2 "1 77 79 41 42 IS 24 21 12 01,518 744 33,441 37,095 35,256 22,352 190,400 11,350 11,658 15,914 10,412 ] 9,848 7,839 10,435 93,-150 37,041 585 19,430 21,954 18,535 7,212 104,757 2,928 3,1-36 2,055 1,671 3,084 1,528 1,954 10,9o0 7,.50O 258 4,429 4,388 5.332 1,507 550 92 1.52 342 217 »0 2.i2 253 11 1 3 1 2 O'JG 420 20 21 40 25 50 22 39 119 79,891 23,423 1,443 3 52 06 71 40 54 24 67 4 3 3 8 18 6 2,203 2,498 1,214 1,437 2,902 l,.-;24 1,768 598 G36 825 223 749 204 186 37 12 16 11 33 1 ! :, 1 4 1 •)0 25 3 44 74 1 43 50 5{i 41 374 90 3 145 I'jy 223 -JS 13,430 3,421 109 9 2 2S 57 24 17 13 '>2 T-' 11 115 8 123 122 26 33 11 32,551 1,298 42,074 41,591 274 43,078 23,229 2LC.17 22,980 229,298 23,373 l,2.i7 30,773 32,071 253 28,121 15,244 1.5,712 16,702 18,710 018 23,121 23,000 59 20,393 10.800 9,758 11,743 3,887 248 6.404 7,043 55 6,851 3,791 5,428 4,272 770 91 1,248 ],320 139 877 593 526 747 110 126 120 133 129 55 45 54 051 38 8 9 rr i 183 339 920 205 1 132 163,500 119,201 37,979 6,326 105 31 33 125 4 4 105 2 3 34 i 0."),nib 1 44,lu7 .:-48 453 442 SUi 31,i-iM 305 192 10,510 100 54 1,684 39 90 lU'J 133 115 2oG 120 ■■■M 170 35 44,956 33,007 45,880 31,047 32.401 10,f,82 1,813 1,122 805 47^ 95 'JJ 48 242 1 " ! 17 451 30y 123 132 151 IS 13 28 50,354 75,447 09,501 23,400 30,753 20,750 0,070 14,241 10,413 471 980 40 ; 51) 195,302 111,233 75,011 33,730 1 2.49.' 180 7 07 241 J 1 217 119 3 8J 20 io' 56,134 till 42.4.i.l 31.342 23,747 6U2 ' 506 21.442 1 17,008 6,923 87 6,043 i 672 401 aesas 40 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XXI.— Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PKOVIXCE OF OXTAUIO. DISTKICTS. Sub-Districts. SOUS-DISTSICTS. Totsl Population. Number of Occupiers of Lands. Norabre des Occupants de Terres. Total Population I Occupiers. 62. Hastiugs . . . . 6.3. X 43 .3(i9 117 6(i 62 120 156 384 312 264 81 101 83 70 2,998 509 8 2 324 6<;. Kingstoit {a. S'^ictoria Ward 6. J>ide:!U Wanl c. Frontenac Ward . , d t4t. Jyawr nee Ward ■{ e. Ontario Ward ...... I/. Sydenham \\'ard ... I (J. Cataraqui Ward l,7-'3 2 066 2,514 S(;2 l.:;62 1,944 2,036 1,763 Being Owners I'rojirie- taires. 187 370 147 179 30 73 173 2,117 77 151 178 392 24 33 356 13 1.224 697 40 257 115 46 58 110 136 305 2(i0 23] 77 72 30 63 2,516 395 4 1 204 437 337 1 378 Being Tenanti Fer miers. 42 89 26 15 E!n- ployds 5 282 33 17 53 6 48 12 86 2 14 95 9 185 5 5 2 519 29 71 \> 3 112 2 2 4 10 18 2 74 4 52 33 > • • ■ • • . 4 28 1 50 3 6 1 469 13 107 7 4 1 119 1 90 49 7 370 15 1 1 1 L "tv^ D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 41 TAL'LEAir XXI. — Oi'cupaiiLs de Torres et Terres occupies. PROVINCK l>H»\TAUIO I\ unibcT of Occupiers of Nombro d'Occupants de 10 Acres and under.' 10 Acres et moins. 8 50 21 10 Acres to 50. 10 Acres k ->o. 1.55 6 2G 27 27 1:j :i 31 G 141 W I'i 58 2 2 4 8 40 24 (i 1 1 2.3S "i 12 1!) 120 o 8 2 ')0 Acres ' 100 Acres to 100 to 200. 38 104 19 460 15 31 53 07 10 17 1)1 50 Acres k loo. 125 197 109 92 9 39 92 \9'7 172 5 8J 4 l.S 18 08 09 20 1 6 3 4 476 ilO 8 I 100 140 1(1.-) !70 i,v: 40 83 91 202 7 50 198 688 280 11 159 54 34 65 59 140 115 119 18 20 21 31 1,1<>9 105 132 200 140 037 100 Acres k 200. 52 89 20 64 21 27 70 554 32 59 58 127 1 40 175 5 Over 200 Acres. Plus de 201) Acres. =■•!' 503 107 10 78 38 20 11 28 48 97 80 91 40 41 48 23 820 l;^ ! .1. r.9 131 87 421 Acreage and State of Lands occupied. Kteiidiie et ("undition des Exploitations. Total i Total •ccu[>ied. inipriived Total Tetal oceupi?. aDielior(5 Acres. Acres. 11 19 3 ;4 10 10 11 1- 8 51 118 20.531 44,031 17,858 32,087 7.802 1.5 4.59 9,193 23,208 5,100 0,840 997 l,8a8 20,191 4,019 2 -.7,997 I 107,701 10,997 21,400 22.085 49,924 1,^-27 14.7.53 01,910 2,011 1 12 18 15 11 10 23 27 24 i2 22 28 10 11 289 29 11 31 38 109 184,073 7,",49l) 3,149 3 S 8 10.701 12,018 9,593 15.173 22,998 43,0.50 34,708 :A 029 1 5,211 17,537 10.0.50 10,479 S.01J4 10.400 15,701 28. 129 l,28iJ 11,521 42,574 1,719 125.328 48,0;i2 1,'.>20 17.065 3,144 l,i-.00 1.911 2,708 5,308 19,908 13.405 13.. 521 3.825 2.91.S 3,5S8 1,907 363,510 141.789 48,535 270 38 31 310 54 017 J 2, 199 1715.399 74 96 oo'l 29,093 179 3S 25,874 31422 21.237 110 843 97 30 60 Under In Gardens i. cr(>|>s. pasture. Orcliards. SuU'^ En Jardins et culture. patura^'e. V'er-cr.i. Acres. AcreF. Acrta. 7,054 2,020 119 16,821 0.178 209 3.901 1,084 55 5,494 1,317 29 878 117 2 1,559 276 3 3,753 262 4 80,871 25,207 1,623 5.084 1.1'42 378 12,455 3.3 5 550 11,443 3.805 453 18,9sl 8 621 527 1,025 214 41 8 873 2.477 171 29,459 12 0.33 1,082 1.315 ;;28 70 89,235 32,815 3,278 26.-2V.) 19,074 709 965 9lt.S 47 11 ,.543 5.384 128 . 2,iJ27 475 42 1.389 273 4 1.397 512 2 2 1:^3 6-.i2 23 4,144 1,144 SO 13.781 5,848 339 7 608 5.528 2.)9 9,468 3 945 111 i.6 1,154 11 2.359 542 17 2.546 1.031 11 1,707 2^8 47,288 12 92 65G 1,875 9,430 18.'.21 742 76 67 36 19 1) 4 18.193 7,316 365 29 224 13.723 475 13,227 7,-53 i 470 01.169 .••0 11 8 49 47.576 I 8 35 1 18 ' o : 2.098 10 32 1 49 CENSUl^l OF 1871. Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lancia Occupied. PROVINCF. OP ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. Sub-Districts. Sous-Districts. I Total. F. C7. Leeds i (South.— Slid.) 1 (a. Leeds & I.ansdowne b. Gaiianoque, Village c. Leeds & Lansdowne, 11 . d. Escutt, Front e. Yonge, Front -) /. Yonge and Escott, Rear g. Ci-osby, South.— Sud h. Crosby, Lorth.—Nord . . i. Bastard, Burgess Total Total Population. Population Totale. 68. Brock ville 69. GrcuvlUe {South. — Sud.) (a- b. ]d. 1. (a. \b. U- I L West ^Vard . . . Centre Ward . East Ward . . . Elizabetlitowii Total. Augusta Prescott, Town. — lille. Edwardsburg Total. 70. Leeds and Gi-euvilie. f Worth. —Nord ) (a. b. c. Kitley Ekosley Wolionl d. Mei-rickville, Villar/e Oxford .■ . . Kemptville, Vilhuje . Gowei- South.— Sud . a- Total. 71. Dundas 6. I c. I d. I e. J- Matilda Iroquoi.s, Villruje . . . Williarn.sburg M(jrrifiburg, Villaije Mountain Winchester I. Total. a. C'siiabruck . b. Finch 72. Stormoiit -[ C. llo.\borough Total. I 73. Coi-nwi.li ..,, h {a. b. c. d, i West ^Vard Centre Ward East VVard Cornwall, Tov;nahip 8 12,407 3,700 2,020 2.3C3 1,3! 10 l,«i71 1,7'Jl 2,0.54 2,127 3,540 Nur.iber of Occupiers of Land. Noinbre des Occupants de Terres. Total Occupiers. Total Occupants. 21 Being Owners. Propric- taires. 20,71G 1,707 1,912 1.483 54(3 38 3G4 209 234 257 289 2(i9 557 2.7(i3 10,475 j 5,163 2,(317 5,417 3 1 1 742 747 13,197 2,870 1.241 2,550 923 4,051 872 1.023 13 530 4,7iJ7 781 4,724 1,150 3,2.59 4,090 18,777 5,791 2,729 3,3.53 817 15 7C9 1,(:01 455 218 381 27 (iOO 39 149 i,8i;9 :.52 18 587 2li 504 .510 ■ f f 1 • • 11,873 457 1,08(5 490 5,081 7,114 2,197 705 3(31 492 1,558 39 44 45 683 "sir 19 484 36 325 177 217 214 234 229 471 2,387 1 1 629 634 704 14 713 1,431 394 194 331 21 532 37 133 1,6-42 476 12 491 23 475 461 Being Tenants Fer- miers. 1,938 624 299 439 1,362 37 44 41 674 G99 61 2 39 32 17 43 54 26 85 359 Em- ploy&. Ill 111 111 1 55 1C,7 60 24 42 6 68 2 16 218 /6 4 95 3 27 49 254 80 62 52 194 1 101 103 m&ni DlfeNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 4& Tableau XXI. — Occupants de Torres et Terres occupees. PROVINCE D'ONTARIO. Number of Occupiers of Nombre d'Occupants de 31 124 14 10 25 68 16 40 28 33 52 53 33 47 24 ns C'J 104 292 3 1 1 97 102 121 9 93 .'23 41 27 26 7 70 18 8 197 i 62 4 77 16 27 23 108 12 20 140 '• 35 I 41 I 44 ! 131 I 2D1 537 160 160 237 7 142 82 63 95 100 99 203 1,028 23.-, 23f; 209 4 214 427 83 28 130 6 134 10 37 428 300 313 013 179 99 139 4 240 3 50 ri4 159 4 154 4 103 i63 587 154 79 84 317 3 1 U8 I'M 7 213 1 215 ^21 8r.6 278 175 229 081^ 278 12u 279 i:v2 4 94 49 81 47 81 73 142 703 18G 18G 143 269 117 57 74 8 122 1 41 420 110 3 121 3 124 91 452 137 85 j IS" I 35;) 122 122 3 35 22 29 10 28 15 39 Acreage and State of Lands occupied. Etendue et Condition des Exploitations. Total occupied. Total occupo. Acres. 303 2o:; 54,9S6 1,870 40,584 22,862 28..502 19,378 31,407 29,001 55,301 Total improved Total amulior^. Acres. 275 Lender crops. Sous culture. Acres. 153 33,785 1,070 i 17,248 13,781 i 17'473 10,600 : 13,890 : 12,839 ' 23,579 21,397 692 12.145 8,039 9,882 2,615 8,680 8,054 17,403 in panture. En paturage. Acres. Gardens 4 I Orchards. Jardins et Vergers. Acres. 6T 64 64 44 2 69 35 ( ll' o 34 7 13 26 13 30 73,386 73,455 26 i 13 i 29 I 28 42,695 I 26,164 42,763 \ 20,194 11,987 349 4,859 5,512 7.288 7.801 5,007 4,526 5,827 53,1.56 15,744 15,744 09,279 773 62.050 132,102 49,388 21,719 30,970 810 57,958 420 17,059 44,016 27,173 16,165 018 441 146 32,479 77,113 20,606 11,272 4s,220 27,583 1 29,984 20,465 9,240 13.038 8,432 4,463 21,081 14,094 6,762 480 288 174 32,954 23,475 9,216 3; 15 253 60 7.948 5,302 2.577 110 22 2 ■!■> 1(1 178,324 1 105.820 i 72,309 32,492 59,348 964 55,.581 1,391 48,537 45,759 211,-580 1 6ft,2J0 39.157 33,367 2:>,9u2 689 I 498 29,.569 I 19,951 906 1 505 24,822 ! 17,566 24.875 ' 17,147 114.228 79,569 8,'.it;u 144 9,187 331 7,000 7,566 33.188 60 56,249 32,S44 1 23,04:{ 15,027 i 9.841 18,5.-8 13,043 155,616 I CG,429 45,927 9,238 5,077 5 311 19,626 231 170 100 00.812 182 174 100 34,169 133 131 90 22,200 41 23 1 11.511 55 401 29 I 244 1 230 303 184 I 203 I 259 349 2,20^ 24 13 ! 1 787 825 678 31 ; 601 ' l.."^10 279 143 225 18 263 22 69 1,019 5(5 47 4;'.l 70 2.^6 162 1,471 56;i 109 204 870 8 2Q : 39S 31 j 61,343 I 34,625 I 22.014 11,570 43S 44 CENSUS OF 1871. ! Table XI^I. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. 1 « PROYIXCE or ONTARIO. DISTEICTS. Sub-Districts. SoUa-DlSTRICTS. i 1 Total 1 1'opulati.jn. Population Totale. 1 Nuuib j Nombr j I'otal Occupiers. Total Occupants. LT of Ocuupi u dea Occuf); Bein? Owners. Proprid- taires. brs of La mts de T Being Tenantb Fer- miers. nds. erres. Em- ploye.s. 1 74. Glengarry 75. Prescott . 76. RiisscU , 77. Ottawa [Cifjj.— VUh.) 78. Carletcn - (' a. Charlottonburgh 'l b, Lanciistei" G,3.31 4,415 4,951 4,827 G91 527 635 576 614 456 581 518 7o 66 50 58 1 5 4 J c. Kenyou ■ d. Locliiel j L Total 20.524 2,429 2,169 250 10 (1. Hawkesbury, East.—EHt. b. Hawkesbury. Weat-Ouest r. Hawkesbury, Filiate d. Liaigneuil ' e. C;il'jilo;)ia 1 f. Alfred (I. Plaiitagenet. JVorth-Norrl h. Planta^anet, .'!outk.-~.Sud L Total 4,611 1,!'77 1,671 l.«35 1,281 l.(i97 3,000 1,575 508 191 40 168 179 223 358 195 1.862 459 170 33 152 i»;5 210 327 187 45 21 7 16 14 13 29 8 4 2 17,647 1,703 1,53 6 f a. Clarence 2,666 '(;9 2,<^22 2,339 4,785 596 4,207 358 1G6 370 355 589 1 610 339 96 328 321 510 1 542 19 10 43 34 77 64 2 4 b. < 'aml)ridge c. Cumberland d. Hushiell e. Gloucester /. New i'kUnburyh, ViJiai/e. (J. Osgoode .' . ! 1 I Total ' 18.344 2,395 2,137 247 11 a. ^y(•]!inrrton Ward i b. Vit-i-oria \V';ird r. St. Georcje's Ward d. P.y \YAvd c. Ottawa Ward . 4 039 3.156 3.474 .5,138 5,738 4 3 1 6 3 5 4 1 Total 21,. 545 17 11 6 a. Nejiean h. (xower. North. — Nord ... r. Malliorrju;;,'!! | '/. (Tdulliurii 5.069 2,532 2 260 3,234 487 1,347 2,634 751 1 .3,425 571 327 335 436 45 178 367 10.5^ 435* 2,7!)9 4\y/, 301 313 410 37 145 330 93 400 (iS 26 ■s2 1^6 8 33 37 12 33 10 2 e. Eichmond, ViHa'jc /. March rj. Huntl(!y 1 h. 'l'orlH,lton i. Fitzroy T..tal 21,739 1 2,-522 265 12 79. LanariK (South.—Sud ) f a. Montague 3,187 1.1.50 1 418 1,3.58 833 3.220 2.467 1 2,375 i 1,977 i 1.205 i 399 14 203 ]!)2 132 405 .S54 42 293 354 14 174 159 118 370 334 36 279 4 44 1 1). ^SInith's Falls, Villar/e... c. TAmiiley, JVorih.-'Iiord. . d. 'Rnn/css. Noiih. — Nord . . e. Sherbrooke, South. — Sud. f. liathurst (1. Di urnniond k. J'ertli. Tov-x. — Villc i Reckwitli 27 33 14 ;'5 20 6 14 9 2 "3 .;'. (.'arleton Place, Villa(je..\ i 16 DI^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 45 Tableau XXI. — Occupants de Turres et Turrus occupees. PItOVIXCE D'OJSTAUIO. Number of Occupii'M of 10 j\.cre8 and under. 10 Acres et niuins. 64 46 25 10 J4o 24 14 10 18 o 2 16 8 95 14 2 31 15 49 10 Acres to 50. 1: Ac « k50. 79 87 87 08 .•^21 129 • 27 .■) 31 49 107 142 51 539 IGl 24 68 103 170 30 147 I 89 075 o 6 15 80 11 6 12 20 7 27 2 22 187 50 Acres to 100. 50 Acre-; a 100. 100 Acres to 200. 100 Acres k, 200. 309 252 301 377 191 120 180 109 1,239 78 .13 62 80 87 132 88 777 600 Over 200 Acre.s. Phis de 200 .\cres. 12S 55 193 123 226 1 285 1,011 47 21 09 48 114 105 404 97 73 72 16 25 60 10 113 59!) 207 150 142 210 4 97 135 50 178 1,179 120 54 76 98 4 33 95 24 87 591 11 2 9 13 3 16 14 30 64 9 2L 71 7 50 32 9 15 8 179 2 92 59 41 191 125 1 94 4 110 1 02 42 56 114 128 2 114 1 48 22 42 12 124 Acreajfe and State of I,ands occupied. F.ti'iiiliU' ft C'liidition dcs Evjilditiiti'ms. Total oc upit d 'I'otal IKCUIJC. Acres. Total j Under iiniiri.vedj crops. Total ( Sous aine!ii;re. ! culture. Acres. A cres. Til pasture. En pat u rage. Acrefi. fiardensit Orchards. I Jardins et ' V't-rger.s. | Acres. 70,918 i .^2,013 j 73,747 I 03,350 1 35,870 24,108 27.505 20,077 23,987 10.K17 18,;574 17.312 200,058 I 113,080 | 70,490 11.520 7.111 y.024 8.667 30,328 303 240 I 107 98 808 84 34 57 15 10 4 42 15 33 14 24 •- 3 47 21 44 4 341 110 s 4 15 6 30 41 104 ;;i 15 38 38 1 10 50 19 35 243 35 19 34 55 '63" 40,702 21 354 5,33.S 10,5-17 20,312 10,9.S7 ;-',4,820 17.232 22,123 12.077 2.850 9.293 7,109 6.129 12,195 5,8.30 78.272 13.020 7,."3,s 1.017 6 701 5.293 5,238 8.985 4.797 53,049 8,359 5.213 1,216 2,427 1,824 849 3,061 1,006 23,955 144 126 23 105 52 42 149 27 608 o0,08;i 12.328 38,792 28,002 50,750 81 73,143 9,090 3,335 13,609 9,331 25,030 65 30,852 :^ i 2.'.9,8:;9 ^1 46 i 28 j 3 9o 91,311 15 1 44 28 3 91 54,9'. '8 31.420 41,787 r.;i3io 1,410 21 490 50,l;-i2 M.OsiO .30,317 If. 145 10,705 22,073 SOti 9.4.32 20,739 4.483 48.720 21,453 317.405 142.273 49,K24 ;;5,451 387 344 26.987 14,609 l(»,5(il 0.443 21.529 7,023 49.295 28,.597 52,122 25.912 !'78 651 51.8.-.1 21.327 594 484 0.700 2.003 10,141 7,384 17,572 52 21,9.51 06,403 9 1 32 25 2 2,323 721 3.365 1,892 7,185 5 8,744 24,2.i5 11 103 55 273 8 157 014 12 . 3 ,, 09 21 i$ CEiSrSUS OF 1871. Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PROVINCE OP ONTARIO. DISTRICTS, SuB-DrsTRiOTS. Sous-Districts. Total Population . Population Totale. Number of Occupants of Lands. Nombre des Occupants de Terres. go. lianarlc {North.— Nord.) 8 1 . Renfrew . . . (South- Sud.) 82. ReuCiew .... {North.— Nord.) 83. Nipissing. .. (South. — &ud.) I Total ■ a. Ramsaj- b. Almonte, Village c. Pakenham Lanark Lanark, Village Darlinj,' Dalhoiisie, Sherbrooke, ^ North, Lavant j 19,190 Total Occupiers. Total Occupants. d. c. f. 'J- Total. {a. b. c. d. e. /• 0- h. i. \J. k. I McNab Arn prior. Village . . . . Bagot, Blythfield Brougham Matawatchan, Griffith. Sebastopol Brudenell, Raglan, Kadcliffe, Lyndoch . Horton Renfrew, Village Admaston Grattan ;],21S 2,080 2,426 2,270 740 801 2,29.5 13,830 Total . ' a. Ross b. Bromley c. Westmeath d. Pembroke e. PemVjr( ike, Village /. Rtafford g. Wilberforce /(.. Algona i. Alice, Fraser j. Petawawa /■:. Rolph, Buchanan, ) Wvlie, McKay j" I. Head 2,855 1,714 1,142 521 400 G50 1,210 1,267 865 1,988 1,481 2,050 41L 29 272 243 126 119 349 Being Owners. Proprie- taires. 1,842 Being 'J'enants Fer- miers. 1,549 328 17 163 79 72 98 196 183 19 332 187 303 1,366 Total. J c. d. 1 «• /. ff. ]\I ad;iwaska, Ea.'nu;e Mines. . . '). Hault Ste. Marie. Total (' a. 1->atchewaniny 1 h. 3Iic!iipicoten . i r. Vii-. J d. St. Ignace I e. KJ|.'ij,'on ..... i f. Kanainifitikuia t Total Grand Totals <,l (j?»tai *> \ Grands Tofaux d'Onta) do [ Number of Occupiers of Lands. Nornbro des Occupants de Terres. 101 8 102 •Mi 145 8^8 GO! 482 535 711 582 90 40 .521 8fiS 505 238 227 5,400 1,0.V2 160 o07 Total Occupiers. Total Occupants 12 ] 5 2 127 72 89 146 100 18 3 04 111 110 48 81 1,.510 940 SOI 207 2,011 220 544 2i;{ 977 1,298 879 2,177 145 228 371 108 4J8 .503 1.853 1,008 201 29 11 241 i;;s 132 30 300 11 55 122 177 Bein^ Owners. Proprie- taires. 117 65 87 142 109 IS 3 91 107 109 48 81 977 197 29 9 235 138 127 30 295 29 9(5 125 1 25 31 22 24 1,020,851 172,258 114,212 Being ] Tenants Per- I miers. ! Em- ployes. 1 5 10 7 1 4 29 26 9r. 1 1 27,340 I TOG IDltNOM BP. K M ENT DK J Si 1 . id Tableau XXI.— Occupants de TeiTes et Terres occupee.s. i c PROVINCE D'OXTAllIO. 1 10 Acres unil under. 10 Acres et moins. Numbci Nombre 10 Acres to 50. 10 Acres ■ of Occupiers of d'Occupants de 1 Acreage and State of Lands occupied. i l<>ttndue et Condition des Ex])loi4.'iti(irn. 50 Acres to 100. 50 Acres a 100. 100 Acres to 200. 100 Acres a 200. Over 200 Acres. Plus de 200 Acres. 'Cotal occupied. Tot.al occupe. Acres. Total improved xi^al ameliore. Acres. llndcr crops. Sous culture. Acres. In pa.sture. paturage. Acres. Gardens & Orchards. , 1 Janlins et -. Veigers. Acres. 1 1 3 2 5 1 3,151 350 249 16 49 10,584 783 350 240 10 49 3,292 070 250 210 10 39 113 100 33 j •> 6 J 1 1 1 ' 6 10 1 1 24 1 l(i 1.') i IG 14 2,842 447 1 3 j 4 !)2 29 17 71 26 .5 22 27 43 52 53 13 G 12 29 20 28 14.:m2 12,370 19,669 21,561 21,566 3,066 7 20,230 20,473 21,696 11,391 12,104 178,505 1.810 1 146 1,656 1 (i17 153 1 : 120 9 ''GO fi ' 1 9;j7 1 1171 i 3 1 2,056 962 160 7 1,494 1 .17 1,198 4.35 420 1,846 865 153 7 1,356 1,3 i2 1,161 435 390 202 94 2 8 ' o ::: ': 29 45 37 7 38 33 40 4C 25 33 32 24 27 16 10 l:;-l 4 ; 98 17 1 32 5 2 24 G 5 IG 306 ■ 387 204 13.0 J2 11 804 i,:i9 59 1 15 o 1 95 8 72 17 16 3 25,279 5.0-13 41 1,563 262 1,471 262 22 76 16 11 2 ■ 9 :i 4 1 26 103 89 19 30,363 1,858 1,755 1.049 78 25 23 152 1 1 7 1 20 2,.52t 15,53o 259 1,247 198 20 17 1,503 1,248 162 162 250 5 17 1 00 21 20 ]8,318 2 912 2,459 448 ' 5 1 8 1 1 1 49 133 41 113 56 2 1 i _. 1 57 ! 1 • 182 154 8 2 17 21 1 1 95 57 2 15 55 9 9 18 20 1 5 8 10.784 8,234 19.018 1,604 1,751 3,3.55 580 . 920 1.012 12 804 27 70 "8 27 1 29 13 1,500 1,816 i 39 1 1 g' 1 1 1 3 43 34 12 S 26 12 2 25 5 1 1 8 i 4 ' [ 15 2,120 2,224 15 808 869 4 10 1 1! 7 9 095 98 i 1^ 9 G 7 9 ' 734 1 117 18 19,954 38,882 7l,t;84 1 33,9Si 7.574 LG162676 8.8 J3 620 0,537,438 2,089,177 , 207,011 U— i S5 Oenscjs 0^ isn. •and Table XXI. — Occupicra of Lands and Lauds Occupied. PKOX'^iXCE OP QUEBEC. DISTRICTS. SCB-DlSTRICrS. S0US-T>ISTRICT.=!. Total Population I Xumber of Occv.piers of Lands. I Nombre des Occui)ants de Terrea. Total Population I Occupier?. (P. of Quebec.) (P. dc Quebec.) 91. Foiitiac (South— Su'L) 93. PoiUIac [North.— Nor d.) 93. Ottawa [Weit.—Ouest.) ■^ I '^• d. €. f. !f. h. I. J- L I. m. (hisloxv, Aldficld Bristol (/larei)doa Thome Le.-^lie liitchfield Portaye du Fort Calumet , aVI aur^field, J-'ontefract . WaltliM.i Alhunetteci Chichester Sheen I Total (a. b. c. d. e. f. fi- ll, i . j k. I, m, n. 0. Basse Coulonge Moyenne Coidonge . . . . Haute Coidon;,ro Basse Piviere Xoire jNIoyenne Riviere Noire. . Haute Riviei-e iVoire Kiviere Creu.se Bas Dumoine Moyen Dumoiue ..... . . Haut Dunioino iiaganacipi Lac de Sept Lieucs , Kipaoua 'I'eiai,«cama.iig,i£'a»i. — Est. Victoria Total «. b. c. d. e. f. r/. 'h. i 3- \k. I. m n. o. p. q- r. s. L Templeton Hull Aylmer, Villugc Kardle}- 'MashaiTi Wakefielti L:,W Pikanock Ayiwin Hinck.s Northfield Wrijrht RiviJire kl'Aigle. Bouchelte Cameron Keiirfiagtori Tornasine Kakebonga Basicatonar Totale. 1,997 2, 102 2,675 624 397 1,2^3 C52 1,080 786 40i 1,503 470 14,591 20 2 IS 80 47 28 1G2 14 61 24 47 55 117 234 320 Total. 1,219 3,401 8,318 1.650 1,120 1.904 l,3;;8 965 425 559 400 461 918 22 087 382 835 198 92 113 23,794 (-««. fa 16. Buckinffham . Buckiiigham. Villaye . 1,587 1,301 Total Occupauta 2.51 294 431 107 60 178 6 135 124 48 219 6G .008 2 7 13 8 5 15 1 4 o 8 15 15 8 111 300 438 52 159 265 147 152 73 78 63 67 133 56 129 2,239 222 24 BeiuL); Owners. Propriu- taires. i;;o 277 411 107 59 170 (» 134 124 47 209 on 05 L8S0 Being Tenant Fer- miers. 30 16 15 9 9 i 78 Em- ployes 1 12 10 1 8 15 15 8 272 393 48 141 238 145 14G 72 72 59 67 121 26 44 4 18 27 1 6 1 3 3 89 56 116 2,070 199 24 9 i 146 20 31 1 5 44 2 2 1 3 5 4 20 3 1 o 6 2;5 D^NOMBREMENT DE \Sl2. 51 f pMM Tauleau XXI. — (Jccu[)aMt.s de Terres et Torres ociCupees. PROVINCK DE Q,UKBEC. Number of Occui'ierb of Noiiibre d'Occuptuits de 10 Acres and under. 10 Acres ft moins. 18 8 rr I 1 2 i 10 Acres to 50. 10 Acres h50. 1 4G 1 ■i Ti ]!) ii; 21; 20 10 .I 21 2 2 G 11-. 21 23 m 60 ;^ 2 9 1 25 10 3 17 4 3 11)1) oO Acres to 100. uO Acres Ji 100. 12s 188 245) 3<5 32 103 r) CO 83 22 79 33 13 loo Acres to 200. 100 Acres h, 200. G2 49 10 L .51 IS 5G 1 31 2.i 18 75 37 33 1,02s 3 1 4 8 1 b-n Over 200 Acres. Plus de 200 Aci'es. 1 2 1 90 •55 .5 2i; 15 GO 30 112 215 i:- GO 128 36 34 9 14 31 23 .50 21 44 118 7 47 88 20 99 G3 21 48 20 10 14 10 8 8 1 17 6 5 42 14 17 178 Acreage and .State of Lands occuijied. Eten Ian et Cimlition des 70x]iloitation8. Total I Total Under occujjied. linijtn.ved crops. Total Total ; Sous In Gardens & • jiasture. Urcli.tr Jt. ; En •lardi'is et ! occuiie, ameli(-re | culture. p;",tura^'e. Vt;r^'«'rs. ;j Acres. | Acres. Acres. I Acre^. Acres. 30,501 31,724 50,404 18,580 9,380 24,002 G95 18,140 15,182 6,878 33,902 14,072 13,808 267,940 -c ! 800 300 750 l,9i;i 2.200 1,700»( 2 227 '.300 9!)9 75 1,033 2,400 2.772 3.535 1,272 34 .•^24 8 28 5 10 29 1 17 i I 27,3 ] I 54,71 0) i 25 32 lit 10 2') 12 4i 31 12 10 24 8 ■!" 24 29 109 1 232 10 41 07 3,930 18,;»45 37,371 9,123 28,291 13,440 19.538 11,184 12,3.37 20.941 12,.32fi 7,973 23,153 2 1 "4 7.009 12.052 20.724 3.495 1,336 7,022 158 4.760 3,070 2,173 11,543 4,078 3,027 81,947 170 190 278 275 4G0 530 343 50 822 75 70 479 243 308 40 4,339 8.781 20,(;(!G 1,017 5,771 12,171 6,408 5,399 2,046 3,704 1,612 2 422 5^127 6,416 9,200 16,385 2,929 1.128 4,095 1.30 3.584 2..360 1,775 9 102 3,232 2,831 03,767 101 150 258 250 428 480 190 45 752 75 66 441 242 308 40 2,600 1.9.59 4,206 3,880 6,250 13,416 1.416 4.137 8,565 4,263 4,168 1,702 2.7.35 1,304 1,9.<2 4,011 2,117' 1493 3..314 248 308,800 84,868 : 61,121 27,209 1,137 8,288 646 5,518 427 1 373 2.793 4,253 502 206 2,312 25 1,138 673 379 2,390 819 777 17.703 15 40 20 23 32 50 140 5 70 4 38 1 4.38 2,487 6,981 140 1,587 3 553 2.171 1,199 322 930 291 431 1,076 465 456 890 • ".} 23,04.-^ 2,724 173 120 .56 86 4 2 15 3 38 37 19 51 27 19 477 13 1.-, I 47] 269 '' 01 47 . 53 34 j 32 5 22 I 39 i 17 :| 9 i 40 18 10 2 4 13 704 7I 46 \ 46 \ C— 4) 53 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied, PROVINCE OP aXJEBEC DISTRICTS. Sub-Districts. Sous-Districts. Total Population. Population Totale. Number of Occupi Nombre des Occupa Total Being Occupiers. Owners. Total Propri(^- Occu pants. taires. ers of La nts de T« Being Tenants Fer- uiiers. nds. irres. Em- ployes. 94. Ottaoiia (Centre.) c. L'Ange Gardieu d. Portland e. Derry ] f. Bowman, bigelow g Villenen ve 1,234 390 42 379 251 73 19 137 90 11 50 42 2 1 113 79 11 48 42 10 11 i" 14 .... ^. h. Lievres, West.— Quest. . . i. Lievres, East. — Est... , Total 2 1 ■ 5,282 .579 5iG 166 74 32 209 127 240 210 104 3 42 11 1 ie 11 20 8 1 21 ' j — ( a. Lochaber 1,770 513 195 i,7;;8 1,253 1,872 1,409 0ti5 57 75 180 75 33 2:^2 139 261 218 105 3 3 i' 7 1 1 95. Ottaoiia , (East.— EM,) • 96. Argenteuil - 1 ) 6 St. Malachie c. Mulgrave d. Ste An^ijlirjue e. Xotre JJame de Bon.=e- ) oours J ' /. St. Andr6 Avelin, Pe- ( 1 tile Nation f a. Eijion A, Hartvvell, Suffolk i. Nation, North. — Nord . j. Kouge, North.— Nord. . . Total 9,.553 1.2^6 1,165 68 13 a. Grenville h. Harrington, Arundel, | De Salaberry, Gran- > dison J 2,223 760 3,422 056 2 222 l!07U 717 286 121 423 115 195 201 119 279 117 374 113 168 187 118 84 89 4 4 49 2 26 14 1 1 3 3 1 c. (Jhatham d. Wentworth, Mont- ) calm, VVClfe . 1 c. Sit. Andrews /. St. Jerusalem II. Gore h. Mille Lsles i. Howard, Morin, W.O... Total 579 557 85 92 12,806 1.037 1,.529 104 4 1 1 1 i 9T. Denx - Monta- gues 1 [a. St. Placide 1.172 73.> 1,292 1,987 8.-)8 1.812 1,013 1,3U7 2,811 707 645 676 114 71 129 252 26 248 182 138 352 35 83 101 96 00 121 210 24 225 167 128 336 33 79 99 18 5 8 36 2 22 15 10 16 2 4 2 i h. Lac des Deux-Montagne? c. St. JoKeph d. St. Kustache e. St. Eus + '> ^911 IdV 1 D^NOMBEEMENT DE 1871. 53 Tableau XXI. — Occupants de Terres et Terr&s occupees. 1 PKflVIXCE DK aUEBKr. NuKibcr of Occui iers of Acreage and Statt* of Lauds oceu [.ied. \otnbi •e d'Occupu nt^ de Etendnc ct Ci.iiditinn des Exploitations. 10 A.cres and 10 Acr>^3 to 50. 50 .Acres to 100. I 100 Acn-K 1 to 200. 200 Total 'iccui)ma 1 Toti.l improved I Under 1 crops. I'l pasture. Garden^ t , (.)rcharii.s I under. Acres. — — — — — ' — — 1 — — Total T.tal Sous En .fardiiis et ' 10 Acres et mi'ins. 10 Af;re3 h 50. 50 Acres JilOO. 100 AcreK j h. 200. Plus a. 2(J0 Acres. occupi^. Acres. iiuelior<^. Acres. I culture. Acies. paturage. Acres. Ver^'ers. Acres 4 1 n 42 19 1 10.294 2,840 1.3^2 1,468 20 3 fil 10 21 1 11,791 1.175 2.269 186 1.767 145 487 41 15 ! 1 4 29 20 12 9 5 4 (J, 069 6,254 1.243 1,525 1 0(i4 1,344 171 171 8 10 1 3 2 1 485 220 65,234 385 220 17 602 1 284 199 100 20 1 i 1| 1 35 113 272 '[ 129 30 4 12100 .5. .3.55 147 ' 2 34 101 39 20,782 1 6,824 5,110 1,687 27 .*,■.... 8 30 29 K 11,S76 1 3,854 2 699 1,121 34 1 9 22 1 5,. TOO 936 858 78 3 48 101 02 18 20.100 6.647 2,893 3,691 63 1 31 77 2G 4 11,344 3,514 1,558 1,934 22 8 23 105 108 17 24,395 7,746 4,949 2,746 51 o 42 125 43 3 20,643 6,607 4,664 1.844 99 1 24 58 17 Jl,239 3,482 2,716 729 37 1 2 500 87 75 10 2 ■ * • . • • • 20 8 211 fi07 348 60 i-_'6,:;79 39,697 25.. ■22 13,840 3,693 335 104 119 45 10 26,818 12.342 1 8,597 52 2 7 fi6 33 13 16,890 4,387 1 3,358 1,019 ' 10 21 104 144 119' 35 48,869 25 128 , 14,946 10,023 159 • ti 59 47 3 15,904 i 20.416 1 3 736 9 (\^s 1 106 16 20 22 59 56 29 12,940 i 7,446 5,352 142 9 18 51 76 47 26,579 15.554 1 7,291 8,196 67 2 2 52 45 18 18,710 7,236 ' 4,717 2,487 32 1 27 43 11,523 3,8S4 2.820 1,055 9 2 12 4!) 26 3 10,845 3,881 1 2,842 89,088 : 54,6:n ' 1,022 17 1 504 ' 280 (;2G 490 ii;7 l!ii>,.-,.54 33,953 21 31 38 13 10,.'^78 8,232 5,756 2.371 105 23 21 12 7 8 ]0 0")1 3,521 2,548 950 23 21 32 37 32 ( 9,181 6,545 . 4.9!)3 1,508 128 31 44 69 95 13 r.1,490 I 1.5,017 ' 10.628 4.260 12i* 7 4 6 7 2 2.033 : 1.660 ! 1.181 447 32 32 44 91 62 19 1S.483 14,815 , 10,268 4,452 95 1 14 31 63 58 16 15,176 12,392 ' 8,861 3,410 121 13 Jl 58 52 4 11,616 9,!t72 7.086 2,840 46 63 34 121 luo 34 2.-<.815 22,636 ] 15,543 6,y74 ni* 1 14 5 8 7 1 1 907 1,418 1,104 2'. 12 22 i 1 9 21 32 20 10.684 I 7,315 5,390 1.892 3.^ 1 ! 30 547 37 33 17,664 1 7,152 j 4,6.?6 2.494 22 1 231 : 2.ii) 527 170 1.").478 ' 110.675 77,010 ' 31.890 ' 875 1 v^m III' 14 3G 52 20 6.532 , 5,752 4.050 1,603 99 31 44 79 43 1 13 982 11.0.35 7,943 3,04tj 46 23 It) 56 12 2.2'.i4 1 691 1,274 1 355 62 54 64 74 16 11 13,504 11.846 8.185 3,536 125 33 26 70 59 '■>\ 15,146 13,1'J9 9,732 3,329 .«j iSi l^fT -.rTit: 'rses -•i.;..w:.i~. > 3K3I 54 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PROVINCK OP Q,irEEEC. DISTRICTS. SUB-DISTKICTS. Sous-Districts. L 99. Tcrrcbomic , . , I /. St. Francois Total. a. Terrebonne, Town.-Ville. b. "'. errebonne c. Ste. Thf^rkse d. Ste. Thdrese, Village.... e. St. J anvier /. Ste. Anne 0. Rte. Sophie h. Xew Glasgov/ i. St. Jerome j. St. J(?r6me, Village k. St. Sauveur 1. St. Hypolite m. Ste. Ad^ie n. Ste. Agathe des Monts. . 0. Ste. Man,'aerite . . \ p. Doncaster j Total Total Population. Number of Occuijitrs of Tiands, Nombre des Occupants de Terres. I Total Population j Occupiers Totale. Total ' Occupants. Being Owners. Proprid- taires. 864 S9 '«. St. Charles b. St. Henri.. c. St. Lin . . , { d. St. Tloch . , c. St. Paul..., 9,472 1,051 » 836 1.768 911 1,300 1,821 1,311 108 2,480 1,159 1,845 907 1,570 1,448 954 19, .591 i 948 32 108 217 41 163 225 193 13 345 162 245 157 239 216 158 2,514 80 855 30 105 196 38 157 222 188 13 336 157 242 149 224 214 1.58 2,429 Being j Tenants! Fer- miers. 1 00 . L' A ssomptiou. \ ^- S'-^P^^t'S^^ " * .7. St. Sulpice . h. L'Assomption I i. L'Ass'mijition, Villaye. . j. L'Epiphanie L Total ... 101. Montcaliu. \i f. a- h. St. St. St. St. Ste St. St. St, Jacques,, ] iiguori . . . Alexi:; Esprit , Julienne Patrick . . Calixte . . . Theodore . 852 2,435 2.697 2,523 1,0-18 880 864 1,599 I 1.210 ■ 1,365 Total , 103. Joliette a. St. 1 aul b. St. Charlt.-! J^orroni'^^e . . c. Joliette, Toi/m. — Ville. . d. St. Ambroi.-e e. St, Alphoiise f. St. (Jome, Uartier g. St. Thomas \ L. Ste E izabeth i. St. Felix de Valois /. Ste. Melanie. . . , k. St. Jean Y.^ 15,47 2,754 1,485 1,360 1,537 1,11? 1,573 1,297 1,619 96 304 297 287 98 83 140 213 48 156 1,722 66 292 279 265 89 77 121 185 47 152 1,573 337 213 XH 196 130 215 196 263 12,742 1,943 1,202 3,047 1,868 1,266 ti 1) 1,843 2,753 3,196 1,548 2,293 1,714 227 128 110 238 172 112 215 367 360 205 308 317 196 154 181 112 210 186 260 1,016 219 113 106 219 166 111 193 350 .•J49 200 .•iui 19 87 Em- ployes. 1 3 17 t_» 6 3 5 7 10 o 70 30 o IV 19 9 5 19 28 13;: 17 10 3 5 15 14 20 17 9 i 15 ■ • ■ • • > > 11 7 5 (; 4 3 80 12 8 15 ■ •>•>» • o 2 19 1 22 20 1 2 2 DliINOMBREMENT DE 1S71. 65 Tad ..ICAU X.^ST. 0( •cupants de 'rerres et Tenes occupees. , rrvOvixcE de cilkbec. IS'umLci' i)f Oi-c.iiii jra of Acrea;^".; and rftate of Landu occui>ied. Nojiiiuu d'Occujiants de Etendue et "Condition c cs E.xpl>>it.itiVins. 10 Acres and under. 10 Acics to 50. 50 Acres to 100. 100 Acres to 200. Over 200 Acres. Total ocoupii^d Total improved Under crops. In Gardens 4 pasture. Orchards. — — — — ..- Total T.ital Rous En Jardins et 10 Acres i-t moins. 10 Acres 00 Acres h lOJ. 100 Acres a 200. Plu.s de 200 Acres. occupe. Acres. aiuclion.' Acres. culture. Acres. paturage. 1 Vergers. Acres. Acres. 20 30 35 185 9 8.050 5;),.- 14 7.1Sj: 50,705 4,826 31; 010 289 2,319 37 175 301 1 30 4 14. IS'^ 507 2G 1 1,529 ^ 805 501 15 11 14 19 45 19 12 209 8,115 5,031 2.482 32 2(i 33 €4 70 18 17,701 ■ 10,800 0,923 3,8:»5 48 21 !) t; 3 o 2,001 1,13.'. Oso 418 36 13 20 72 40 12 12,528 9.730 C.597 3,092 41 oG 29 44 rfrf ( 1 39 23,504 13,293 8,704 4,419 110 11 iS 84 59 21 19.001 8,003 0,-)- 2.740 G5 4 2 2 9 . .. 1.777 013 390 204 13 45 31 121 121 27 29,189 15,812 9,130 0,508 108 8S 20 2ti 19 9 8,335 3,108 1.949 1,159 00 9 ]i) 118 89 10 19,502 9,312 G.5!)3 2,(.95 24 7 12 G4 50 18 20,092 o.liT 3,419 1,717 51 11 8 !'•! 105 21 28.338 10.201 12,872 3,275 54 3 37 DS 57 21 3J,G3G 7,335 5,113 2,143 79 1 21 ^1 ~x 88 37 11 20,101 2-,V.),5(;3 8,938 3,141 1- 2,810 2,109 953 19 312 L> 901 791' 2.;.5 7-,78S 3t;,2".7 755 v> 18 38 10 0.073 4 497 2.148 28 7!^ GO 57 77 25 20,300 17.003 10.104 0,838 121 22 29 100 104 30 31,3'.)0 10 751 10,508 6,12J 03 37 3;i 78 102 38 27,340 19,580 11,571 7,908 41 8 14 31 37 8 8,811 0,825 4,497 2 308 20 12 10 29 21 5 5.822 5 154 3.302 1,837 15 37 20 54 M* ' 4 S,19; 7.535 5,221 2,227 87 24 9 01 b8 31 22.707 19.413 11.742 7,585 86 34 6 3 4 1 1.3V)5 1,151 714 373 tA 7 275 24 33 31 OS 17 15.214 150,200 11,594 111,739 7,377 09,593 4,183 34 , , , 2i0 •108 1-^3 50 1 100 175 41,5.^7 559 03 7 24.348 20,288 12.07«; 7,520 j^e 8 50 127 25 3 12 722 11,312 7.408 3 959 25 11 30 50 54 i:; 13,770 11,408 7,908 3,392 48 15 27 84 59 11 10,023 13,0i>o 9,070 3,904 55 ^ 8 23 45 42 12 15.489 7,980 5.000 2.881 •sa 4 ii; 8U S'c .1 ) 33,947 14,505 9 368 5,099 38 11 18 80 1:8 20,01 iO lu 054 6,815 3 175 04 2 21' 134 7- 20 35.189 10,0.2 7,006 2,909 27 8;i 25i3 12 755 4S:. 135 177.551 98.730 05.. ■>83 :'2.:(;5 382 2(; 03 100 20 21,307 10,325 11,530 4,737 58 1 31 47 35 8 9,703 7,000 4,414 3.22-. 21 (Ui 17 10 4 3,514 2,:i40 1.: :■' 918 52 11 —J 115 7 1 10 20.u;.2 12,9:5 S,-L:-- 4.420 43 20 100 1 9 ICJSl 7.714 5.412 2.293 9 1 '.) 7o .1 13,034 3,037 2.5=51 1,050 •■>•> i;i 50 23 18,144 ] I.OOS O.- i 4.400 41 IS 52 HO 21 3:rj;.i 24.707 ll'.7'ri 7,938 g;s •>n Hi) 121 13 24.7S2 ! 1"'.,).50 10 2-1 5,705 104 u 11.055 :r7W ii 1 I 1 i ) 7,Go4 3,36.-/ lij 56 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. j PROVIXCE OF QUF.BKC. DISTRICTS. Sdb-Districts. Sous-Districts. Total Population, ij Population Number Nombre of Occupiers of Lands. des Occupants de Terres. Being Being Owners. Tenants -c. ll.m- Total Oecupiers. ' 1 Totale. Total Occupants. Projjrie- taires. miers. j I. Ste. Beatrix ! ?/t.Ste. Einiiie, Tracy 027 544 ni 05 98 80 13 6 1 t Total I 23.075 2,648 2,494 127 5 4 3 3 10 22 2 8 27 i •1 1 j i 103. Bcrtiiicr 1 I Cu Ij.^tVtxltrie . . ........ 1.312 1 2,o:.o 2,245 l,4;« 1,005 2,.500 .S,122 i,y4.s 4,190 1.5U 254 20S 58 120 304 411 105 547 145 240 263 117 294 389 103 .539 b . 1 vaiioraie .... ', 1 c. Eertii*L'r d. Berthier, Town.— Ville. .] e. Isle du Pads . . . ; ■i /. St. I^arlhelemv , . . p. St. Cuthljert ' A. St. Norbcrt t. St. Gabriel, St. Damien . I, Tctnl 10,804 2,307 ' 2,244 62 1 ( fi Oiinrt.if»r Onnst (Wn.rd 1 1,205 1,110 2,880 104. Montreal* \ b. Quuvtier Ceiitre. (V.'ard). -{ c. Ouartier Est (Ward) (Centre.) \ \ Tof-.al t 5.2G4 i j 103. MottSrcal * 1 i (East.— Est.) (a. (^'iiaitierSt l,(jui.-( Ward) ; 6. (.Juavt.St Jacqu.;s(War(i) 1 c. Quart. St(,\ Murie(Ward, i V Total 14,010 17,080 13,005 46,201 5 11 9 10 1 2 22 6 106, Montreal ^' ... (Wcst.—Oucst.) ( a. Quart. Ste. Anne (Ward) i 6. Qnart.St.Antoine(Ward) "i c. Qu.art.St.Latireiit(Wardi 1^ Total 1 18, (.30 I 23,025 I 13,106 2 18 4 2 13 2 * • ■ • .. • • • 4 2 ' ' i J 55,070 P 24 17 6 59 13 1 8 10 3 8 5 16 10 1 3 4' 6 2 1 i i 1 t 1 1 , 107. HocUelaga . . . . 1 1 108. Jncfiucs Car- tier (a. Montreal, Faroiasc h. Cote des Neiges c. St. Jean- Liav'tiste d. Coteau St. Louis . . c. Hf)chelaga ' f. Longue-Poiute 'i .'/. Pointe au.x Trembles /?.. Rivil-re de.s Pjaii ies t. Sault-au-Ki?collet j. Cote de la Vi.sitatiou I Total 11,405 842 4,408 2,215 1.01)1 1.011 1,053 770 2,400 400 270 08 7 27 26 87 117 112 205 41 217 55 6 19 16 80 103 107 187 30 25,040 I o:i3 1 1,000 5 2,on \ 1.011 1 401 1.206 \ 1,304 i 909 820 70 12 211 100 11 62 120 1 133 16 a. Lachine b. Lachiue. Vii'/ar/e ('. St. iiaurent d. Poiiiie ( 'laire e. Pointe Claire, Vitlat/e.. -', f. Ste. Anne 1 r/ Ste. (it'li3»i;ve 08 14 240 112 12 71 129 27 2 35 12 1 3 9 1 1 6' i ***T(.tal.sof the ♦** Totaux fle la ! City of .Moiilreal \ Ville de Montreal. . , . . . . ( 1 107,225 1 46 33 12 1 D]^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 51 Tahlkau XXI -Occu])ants de Torres et Torres occupees. j i -1 PUOVINCE I)K QUEBEC. Nunibei of Occu[)itrs of Acreage and Stale of J j;inds occupied. i 1 N.'mbre cl'Occupaii ts (le Tlttiidiic et Condition d es E.xfloitati ons. j 10 A-cres a.nd 1 10 Acres to 50. 50 Acres to 100 1 1 100 Acresi to 200. Over 200 Acres. Total occupied Total improved Under ! crops. 1 pahture . Gardens*' UrcLards. , under. — ~"~ ~~ — - ... — — Total Total Sous En Jardins et : 10 Acres ft moins. 10 Acres h, 50. 50 Acres >i 100. i 100 Acres ' a 200. : Fills de 200 Acres. occupe. Acres. ameliorc. Acres. culture. Acres. paturage. Acres. Vergers. ; Acres. a 15 50 32 5 9.247 4,.586 3.313 1 1,240 i 33 3 10 39 29 14 10,057 219,401 2,V17 135,090 2,021 673 23 214 455 1,047 761 51 171 91,390 1 i;,;;oo 43,791 515 21 14 44 20 14.(i09 9,538 1 3.194 :-:8 4b 51 55 81 21 19,802 11.319 0.7.30 4.537 52 43 49 62 76 38 24,509 19,0'.'8 14.005 4,357 l;.6 , 21) 10 9 2 • > 1,848 1,.331 1,129 172 30 < 2t> 31 27 25 11 8,005 0,485 4,946 1,502 37 49 74 84 78 19 21.3.57 14.281 10,420 3,771 84 1 05 90 111 110 • 35 30,()95 20,107 13.768 6,285 114 25 26 59 54 1 31 18.:U7 13.001 10.029 2.973 59 27 118 4V 1 »;» ' 106 1.291 11,209 100 808 34 32 40 1 8 12 3 1 28 229 317 ^02 1 137 53 52 9 7,444 3,394 ,. 2,945 1.105 ! 22 20 14 2,273 1,718 755 502 ''?j.l 2 1 1 3 527 383 277 96 10 1 5 8 6 3 5 2.232 1,581 817 684 80 1 6 ■5 6 4 2,372 2,309 1,709 597 03 8 11 23 30 9 8.01 (i 0.290 4.083 1.001 1 12 19 24 37 33 4 7.524 7,524 5,878 1.550 •'? i 36 9 33 31 3 0,591 0,.591 5.012 1,488 91 I 56 30 78 28 1 11,492 11,379 8,331 2,835 213 10 14 8 6 3 2.282 r.4.578 8,005 2,282 47,557 1,704 508 70, 300 187 25S 30 ISO 44 .12.500 ! 12,812 2,185 1 9 17 31 5 0.1 1'. 13 1 4,580 1 1.^^^ 201 j 4 5 o 1 9 853 709 2.-.9 428 I 22 22 .'j8 ir.j 71 8 18,240 10,(:5l 11.082 4.064 ' 3o5 4 1 00 1 42 5 10.281 10.1'.'2 8 O.sl 2,078 8;< 6 1 4 I 1 453 449 3(;2 6j i 27 6 9 2(i 1 25 5 5,842 5 8^2 4.134 1.593 i 115 1 12 25 55 ' 3.-, 1 '.MH'il '.i.(;('>i 7.127 1,7.---' 1.-.2 22 i 10 5 2 2,121 1,555 427 784 344 i 58 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XXB. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. I'UOVIKCE QP dtlEBEC. DISTRICTS. Sl'B-DlSTRICTS. SoCS-DrSTEICTS. Total i Population. Number of Occupiei's of Lands. Nombre des Occupants de Terros. Total iK'ing Population I Occupiers. Owners. h. Ste. Genevieve, Village, i. Isle Bizard Totalc. Total I Occui)auts. PropritJ- taircs. Total . 672 83o 109. Vaudrciiil , a. Isle Perroi 6. Vaudrouil c. '\''audreuil, ViUu^e. d. Tiigaud ] e. Ste. Marthe j /. Nev/ton 11,179 'j,io :-.l 78 28 G4 791 C78 I Total. va.j I 1,143 994 110. Soulaii^cs ( a. Fit. Zotique h. St. Polvcarpe c. .St. (.'let d. St. Igiiace -{ e. Coteau Landing, Vil'ar/A . Lcs Ceore.': j (/. Soulanges L Totr.1. 1 J I . SeanTi;«?ToOis , a. St. Clament. | 0. Beauharnois, Town-VU/il c. St. Etieniie I d. St. TimothJc 8 -{ e. St. LouLs f. Ste. CV,ciIe [/. St. Stanislas lO.SOS 2,479 3,172 2,955 1.553 1,178 I Total 112. CIialeaujTnay, f a. ■. ■,':,. Jn0,clinn j 0. .'-t.;. Philoiuene I c. Sty. ?>lartine I d. St. TTrbain. 'i c. St, Jean (."hrysostome I f. St. Atitoine j/7. St. Maladii« H 3 . ilniitiugcloii. . [East.—Efit.) ( a. ]TemK!iii''-f,;rd . . I l>. H;'.velock I (■ i .•.iiilviin "1 d. Kiuchijibi-ooke •i.t.A. iii'^in:* . .clit'Stf-r 'Ion, YUIa'jc 11,757 2,(h0 i x,.)i;5 I 1,4'J5 1,2:^3 IG.IGG 1,841 1,479 ii:.5 1,247 L 2.0.-5 ^ ,iri l,14i Being Tenants Fer- miers. ! Em- ployes. 3 11 3 103 10 15 42 3 30 4 25 19 13 128 23 30 4 48 3 24 1 28' 209 3G2 81.i ■^•WW^Wl— p" 1 l:» 19 i; 19 • • • f ■ ■ • 15 105 1 1 27 4 ■ 1 ,. f ,- 3 V. 92 6 D^NOMBiiEMENT DE 1871. 5d Tarleac ;^1XI. — Occupants do Terrcs ot Torres occupees. PKOVI\CE DE QUEBEC, NiUiilivr (»f Occu[iier:j of Noiiil.re u'Occupauts ile 10 Acn.-i and imder. 10 Acres i et moihs. 12 7 82 10 Acres t.> 50. 10 Acres a,.oO. J.; j 1 21 111 50 Acres 1 100 Acrti. to 100. t to 20U. 50 Acres a 100. 100 Acres h 20O. 41 I .336 l(i 40 2 \j'> .; JLV.C 28 30 146 4(1 13(5 7 4S 73 (34 20S 497 7li 53 63 39 'JD 245 ti 14 65 6.S 25 84 41 4 t; 43 27 92 ti ^ •) 1 274 225 ."50 21) 54 97 11 o 2 it .-.4 C8 4!' .a.,u.^.^.. 7 b v. (''* •'.6 76 ii-J 30 M itO 1 r - ■ 5 51 : 11! . :■■:' i S 21. 235 84 o lis 66 21 Over 200 Acres. Plus de 200 Acres. Acreage :iik1 Stiite of Landn 0Lcu|ned. Etondue et Condition des Exploitations. Total I Total occui($. Acres. Total ^ arcK^liore. Acres. 1,285 5,.^23 59,C09 26 16 7 o 317 14 71 59 15 9 6 7,1 oU 24,752 1,895 28,650 18,203 9,376 90,006 1,283 5,499 Under en '1)3. Sous culture. Acres. 55,781 3.718 18.104 801 19.786 14.918 5,740 03,067 988 4,358 41,521 i,';o9 12,150 468 10.896 9,976 4,121 In pasture. Kn pdturage . Acres. 219 1,053 39.2-20 74 1 216 i5 6< 21 54 5(; 20 244 48 6 8.044 29,778 8,884 11,704 647 19,165 394 78,016 17,236 482 9,261 I6.i;5;) :il.-573 10,982 10,364 6,511 26,216 7.886 10,141 563 18,007 253 69,579 14,853 480 9,261 16,894 19,770 8,170 6,214 ■JG,S57 I 75,642 - 5 4 i],4sy 8 12 3 48 32.469 7,3.j8 36,905 84 132.820 iJ 1 • - • 1— ~ 4,384 18.766 5.724 5,812 361 12.933 164 48,144 10,419 7,065 14.297 5.923 4:316 13,129 l.'.i67 5.803 321 8,5('3 4,809 1,572 Gardens t OrcliaroB. I Jardirs et Vergers. Acres. 78 88 1,131 22,975 142 151 12 387 133 47 872 2,046 7.180 2,105 4,175 177 4,902 74 20,659 4,233 93 2,101 o,i09 5.314 2,133 1,78( 81 270 57 154 25 172 I 17 776 60 CENSUS OF 18 71. Table XXI. — Occn})iers of Lands and Lands Occu])ied. PUOVINCK OF Q,tiEI>EC. DISTRICTS. Sl'bPistricts. Sous-Districts. Total Population Population Totale. ]15> Laprairie 1 1 6a Napicrville 1 1 7. St. Jeaix H«. Chambly 119, Vcrcliercs . 130. Richellen ' a. Laprairie b. Laprairie, Viltaye c. St. Philippe d. St. Jacques -{ e. St. Constant .... '. St Isidore ...... . Sault St. Louis . . Total ( a. St. Ki^mi 6. St. Rf'mi, ViUage c. St. Michel J d. St. Edouurd e. Sherrinf^on /. St. Cyprien I Total b. c. \f. I «. 6. c. d. e. \i h. i: h I Lacnlle St. Valentin L'Acadie ."^t. Jean St. Jean, I'own.' St. Luc -ViUe Total St. Lainbi-rt Jjongueuil Longueuil, Villofje .... St. H;il.ei-t ( -'hamlily Chainbly, VUlarie. ... Bas.'-in de Chamljly, VCgc St. 1 Tuno Piouchervilie . Loucherville, Village . . Total a. "\'urei)iies b. Varenne.s, Village c. Ste. .(ulie d. Belceil e. St. Marc f. Vercheri.'S g. Coiitretceur k. St. Antoiiic (a. b. c. d. t. f. T..tal St. lioch St. OurH St. Onr:j, VihiQe . Ste. Victoiie Sorel . . Sorel, TownViHe l.fi'JT 1,259 1,754 l,8i!5 1,898 1,814 ii,S(;i l,l)u8 8;n 1 <;25 2,035 3.273 ll.fWS 2,148 1,797 1,U48 3,022 oOO 12,122 881 2,083 1,013 1,271) (JOO 778 l,40ti 1.3 41 61 28 83 7 266 54 8 96 7ti 95 67 39.) 195 3 3 8 7 18 2 11 45 20 .")0 Acres to 100. 50 Acres klOO. 78 31 I 23 I 26 18 I 19 124 o 23 12 13 27 29 21 151 22 21 7 39 94 22 Oi 4 74 88 109 88 2 416 100 Acres to 200. 100 Acres a 200. 76 1 68 52 75 42 Over 200 Acres. Plus de 200 Acres. 317 124 4 77 72 103 130 50 1 34 30 40 112 ■>io 267 140 114 38 44 9 43 141 86 71 41 I 45 388 391 3 29 6 18 56 50 70 51 7 54 76 243 9 42 73 8 325 '87 89 44 124 102 61 8.. 4 36 49 55 84 48 83 609 26 63 7 83 125 20 444 22 56 2 39 95 12 22 30 17 11 9 82 10 13 4 7 51 29 11 39 15 3 10 107 14 34 24 1 4 13 15 1 Acreage and State of Lands occupied. Etendue et Condition des Exploitations. Total iccupied. Total occupj. Acres. 20,328 533 22.019 17,866 19,641 12,716 2,734 0.1.837 Total improved Total amelior^. Acres. 16,842 442 21,236 16,409 18.567 12,711 1,859 88,066 108 15 2 3 14 20 1() .'I 12 11 15 1 9 24 10 17,416 551 15.032 10,963 ]6 011 26,301 1 '),-i'M> 551 13,499 10,378 15.525 26,343 86,274 81 832 35,751 20,67'J 21,9.51 15.334 3 407 11,793 108,915 2-..012 18.13'.! 19,643 9,862 3,138 9,842 85.636 1,416 12,144 1,542 16,740 19,808 384 3.412 12.S05 17,2.0 1,751 87,222 20.789 1.971 10,769 15,879 ir),149 21.202 13,695 17,147 1,334 10,616 1,393 12,.538 15,320 190 2.878 10,205 16,004 1,622 ,100 19 1 8 15 11 19 10 13 (.10 971 9,S4 .l:-)9 082 207 .301 > ,837 li(;,(;i i io;».l.".o 7,746 18.150 1.647 12,910 27,4.53 6..510 7,744 13,933 1.522 7,699 18,680 4,104 Under crops. Sou? cultuie. Acres. In pasture. En p&turaije. Acres. Gardens & Orchards. Jardins et Vergers, i Acres. 12,911 364 15,318 11.937 13,038 9,182 1,803 3,716 38 5,828 4,291 5,354 3,423 15 64,5."3 10,728 415 9.367 6,904 10.543 19,757 22.(165 4,(i73 120 4,041 3,359 4,867 6,401 57,714 23,461 15.215 13,2(54 14,342 7,278 2,289 7,451 59,8.39 9,417 4,660 5,182 2,545 7.50 2,364 24,918 1,109 8,592 1.072 10.522 11,085 66 1.915 7,9.38 12.190 1,199 .55,()88 215 1,972 268 1,970 4,189 65 879 2,152 3,7.56 3S(I l."p sm; 13.846 1.602 5,880 10.770 7.822 13.090 6,619 9 2(t2 I 5,661 317 3,075 4,2 1 8 3,177 5,974 3,(i30 4,552 215 40 90 181 175 106 41 848 135 16 91 115 115 185 657 .380 215 119 39 99 27 879 10 52 53 46 46 .59 84 115 58 43 (.6 103 5".; 171 8.3 143 51 8.j 6S,8.il 30,('.01 715 6,133 1,603 8 9,819 4,044 70 1,306 193 2.H 5,106 2,569 24 13,0!i5 5,475 110 2,680 1,371 53 02 CfeiTSUfe 0¥ 1871. PUOVIWCC: OF iiUEBTraC. DISTRICTS. Sub-Districts Sous-Districts Xuuibor of Occupiers of Lands. Nombre des Occupants de Terres. L p. St. Robert h St. Aim /. St. Marcel Total 'a. St. Damase b. La Presentation c. St. Ciiarles d. St. Denis e. St. Jude 121. St. Hyacinthe. .{ /. St. Barnab^ . [I. St. Hyacinthe h. St. Hyncinthii. City- Ville i. St. HyacintheleConfes'r Total 132. Bagot. 133. Rouviilc , i 124. Iberville. L Total (a. St. Th'jiTips f a. St. Pie . 6. St. Dominique j c. Ste. Rosaliu d. St. Simon e. St. Huirues f. Ste. H^lene -) (/. St. Liboira h. St. Eplirom i. St. Theodore y. St. Andre k. Actonvale I Total 'a. Richelieu h. St. M;ithia,s c. St. HiLaire d. St. Jean-Baptis;te e. ttte. AJarie /. Marieville \ g. Ste. Angfcle h. St. Ctsaire i. St. Cesaire, ViUafje j. Abbotsford k. L'Ar..i,'e Gardien. . I. Caurobcrt ' fi. Henrivijie h. St. a;.^..-..- c. llic- ;. . ,. > .y ....liuire i/. St. Sibastien j JDfiNOMBREMENT PE 18tl. es Tahlkau XXI.— Occupants do Terres et Terre.s occupies. PROVINCK l;:. 'ilKBF.C. 10 Acres and under. 10 Acres et I moins. I IG 2 13 i::.-) 8 9 11 30 y 9 I'j IS 11 124 18 10 8 14 t) 8 21 1 2 llu 18 13 23 16 19 24 24 25 19 21 16 12 16 lil 2;. l<.i i;j9 i-j 2n uuibur of Occupiers of ' Nombre d'Occiipants de 10 Acres to 50. 10 Acres .\ r,i). 00 Acres j 100 Acres to 100. i to 200. Gil 3r.o 24 14 10 28 38 29 2". 10 o 186 44 24 53 44 32 91 41 126 30 3 OOb 11 V 34 25 30 8 18 76 9 58 48 3;;3 20 30 309 50 Acres h,100. ^'3 144 65 C16 100 Acres h 200. -.ft I 158 80 39 79 119 93 150 8 37 763 208 173 97 134 125 61 6.^ 43 33 34 2 972 39 I 44 117 i 111 . 10 - 80 226 ' (i lis , 199 ' 8 ! 9S2 7B 121. u 102 105 ! 19 79 %) 95 99 7'j llu 93 52 73 7 33 644 1^'' Over Acrt'S. Plus de 2(10 Acr€.s. 4 12 rr I 93 6 21 23 31 II .5 16 1 6 Acreage and State (if Lands (jccupied. Eteudue et Condition dos lUxploitations, . ^^-^^ '"Mtlrt.j T..t:a I Total occupied; imi)roved cr.yij.s. Total oicup^. Acres. 10,140 23,309 10,184 123 6;, 45 4;i 43 70 35 25 15 9 31 11 C 5 4 16 7 4 5 1 4 1 113,0.55 23,092 22,029 17,751 26,674 22.543 13.438 24,078 1,9)5 7,676 30 48 .) I 67 159,226 27,891 16,640 12,830 15,716 20.862 10,141 10,976 9,306 10,3.S3 10,065 832 64 G 7 5 8 11 4 it 7 ' 6 3 145,698 493 62 7,063 10.200 13,3SS 17.997 1(!,625 2,. 591 11,090 27,72J 1,208 10,043 18,823 1,116 Total amelior*.^. Acres. 8,709 19,22t'. o,5-i2 90,159 20,064 15,688 12.159 18,040 14.043 11,119 20,706 1,603 5,803 119.234 23,347 9.946 9,G37 10,502 I4,:il0 3,420 3,603 3.9.58 4.91G 2,567 680 143,864 86,886 6,347 8,442 ( , ( "Ji 16,394 15.203 2,278 9.234 27,024 1,208 9,316 n,.575 736 115,488 (" 436 36 5 51 12 16,163 li3,i.>4 10.295 Under Sous culture. Aci'cs. 6,081 13,872 6,171 In pasture. En p&turage. Acres. 13,116 10,837 7,969 12,602 8,463 0,003 13,829 1,150 4,036 73,905 15,837 I e..iOi 1 6,242 7,460 9,716 2.135 1.718 2.448 3,166 1,803 296 57 95! ,6: 4,880 ! 5,915 4,650 11,029 1 10,882 i 1,455 6,581 19.2.-.0 I '.J.'iO ; 5,522 7,817 428 79.3.39 ll,o5S 13,621 13,268 7.486 ii,<^:: , I G9,949 4,768 2.592 5.218 2.368 Garden* i 177 S! .-■•o 191 210 25 I'M 6S 19 34,543 i.'^o;; 4,17! 1 167 .5,-^' :' ,N 1 4,;'-;;n 112 ."!.6..7 .Si) 4 ■• .■ jit) i:.i ■■6.S,: 1 44 2,463 2.0 64 CENSUS OF 187 1. T.VBLE XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Ipccupiec • 1 PROVIIVCB OF Q,UEBKC. DISTEICTS. SuB-DisTiucrs. Sous-Districts. Total Population. Population Totale. Nnnibt Nombre Total Occupiers. Total Occupants. r of Occupit des Occupa Being Owners. Proprit'- taires. n-s of Lai nts de Te Being Tenants Fer- miers. ids. rres. Em- ploytis. i ! i 1 125. Blissisquoi . . . . b. St. George c. St. Armand, West. — O.j d. Philipsljurg e. St. Armand, JSast. Eat J. Fi-flighsburg, Villaye... g. Dnnhaia j h. Dunham, Village ;■ . Stanbriilge j. Notre-) )ame des Anges. k. Farnham, V/eM.— Quest. I. Farnham, Village 1250 1.050 272 1,350 255 3,:-;iG 248 5.024 594 1,380 1,317 187 179 15 191 10 482 30 Gil 74 197 51 103 155 14 150 12 431 30 520 07 175 43 24 24 1 34 4 48 i ■ • • • • . ■ 3 75 7 4 8 10 18' L Total 16,922 2,000 3,492 3,143 2,178 2,878 2,155 265 539 497 373 448 1,872 250 497 450 305 413 251 15 42 40 68 32 32 i' 3' f a. Farnhani 126. Brome i h. Brome c. Sutton \ d. Potton i c. Bolton 1 1 L Total 13,757 2,122 386 43 272 209 514 4!) 41.S 78 121 324 205 149 1,915 354 41 242 198 471 47 388 74 111 290 197 138 203 4 5' 2 1 3 6 127. Shefforil 1 138. Maskliionge . . lao. St. Maiiriie... {South— Hud.) 1 f a. Granby 6. Granby, ViUage , c. Ste Cecile 2,225 870 1.791 1.293 3.512 ] .240 2,;^90 992 712 1.887 ■ 1,207 850 19.077 2.080 2,925 1 578 2,;-!22 i;8()l 2,0.55 1,080 1,238 32 2 30 11 38 2 23 3 7 22 8 11 d, St. Valerien e. Shefford } f. Waterloo 1 g. lloxton ^ h, Koxton Falls i. Stukely, t>outh.—Sud. ... j. Stukely, iV(j?'^7/..—iVort/.. k. Ely /. I'Aj, North.' I^ord Total 2,703 2,557 189 17 ( u. Ma.'ikini)n"^e 213 24S 189 292 2.-15 302 130 120 184 241 185 280 22 L 299 131 118 26 7 4 6 14 3 4 2 3 i' 6 b. lliviere du Lou]) c. St. Justin d. Ste. Ui-.su:e ) e. St. lj6<>Ti /. St. Didace g. St. Paul in h Hunterstown l^ Total 15,079 1,741 1,005 00 10 ' a. Pointe du Lac b. Yauiacliiche (,-. St. S'Were d. St. Barnabc' e. St. Ftienne 1,-107 2,:-!;.-.5 H''2 1,r,r;9 2,574 1,189 472 130 214 270 120 250 330 182 82 24 209 ( 2(i8 119 215 314 170 81 23 5 6 1 4 11 9 1 1 2 i" 5 3 /. Miaouanigun r()ved L m.er croiiS . In pasture. Gal-din's 4 OrchatuH. — — — — — Total Total Sous En Jardins 5 17 11,636 6 831 4.912 1,881 35 26 33 100 62 29 20,216 10,91)8 7,915 2,98r, 07 1 411 69 171 36 5 20,482 8,610 .5, 3! II) ;^,0(;5 155 1 10 )>i 74 64 13 2i),46-. 7.240 5.835 1,355 50 3 25 33 16 5 11,255 2,042 1,675 ;i58 9 1 12 4 4,425 615 492 120 ^^ i 132 263 582 377 124 131,543 60,517 42,288 17.764 465 C— 5 66 CENSUS 01^'' 1871. asss Table XXI,.— Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PROVINCE OP Q,UEBEC. DISTRICTS. Sun-DisTuiCTS. SOUS-DISTKICTS. 130. Saint Maurice (N'orth.—Kord.) a. llaut Mataouin. b. Bas Mataouin . . c. Ouossorieaii J. llivii're an Uat . e. A'ermillii.n /. Munounu Total Population.! Population Totale. Number of Occupiers of Lands. Ncmbre des Occupants de Terres, L Total 131. Tiois-Rivicreii 'a. Quartier St. Pliilliype. . . b. Quartier St. Louis c. Quartier Ste. Ursule. . . . d. Quartier N(.tre-l)anie. . . e. ParoissadesTrois Rivieres Total I3!3. Chaiuplain (South.— Sud.) i a. b. c. d. e. i/. (I- h. Cap de la iLigdeleine . . St. Maurice La Visitatinn St. Luc... , St. Fran^ois-Xavier. ... Ste. Genevieve Ste. Anne de la Pt^rade. St. Prosi)er Total 133. Champlaui .. {North.— Kurd .) I «. Mont Carnu'l, 6. St. Narci'se c. St. Stanislas . d. St, Tite c. Ste. Flore . . . . /. Batiscan g. Mekinac h. Bostonais .... i. Crocluj Total. 134. Yamaska. (a. b. c. d. e. /■ (/■ h. L Yam ask a St. Michel... St. Pranojis Pierreville . . La Baie St. Zephirin . St. Pie. .... St. David ... Total f n. Nicolet b. St. Grdgoire . c. Jjaroclielle, VUia{je . d. Ste. Angele e. Becancour /. Ste. Gertrude g. Gentilly, Blandford. 189 14 4 24 42 154 Total Occupiers. Total Occupants. 427 2,444 2.2ii0 1,179 1,087 844 8.414 1,22G 3,004 1,001 734 l,03ii 2.277 2,860 1,147 13,885 1,23;) 1,409 2,7(13 1,531 798 274 133 10 10 8,107 2,093 302 2,329 3,110 2,091 L'wO 1 242 2,934 10,317 2,797 2,019 421 1,022 2,029 1,552 2,884 39 2 1 2 .3 49 23 30 14 18 109 200 104 300 171 100 102 289 290 133 1,021 Being Owners. Proprit'^- taires. 37 2 Being Tenant? Fer- miers. 43 22 36 13 18 100 189 102 3.^,7 109 105 101 286 285 131 1,596 103 245 325 233 113 48 24 2 2 1,1.55 229 22 270 323 290 200 110 331 156 229 319 224 105 48 22 1 1 1,811 212 310 18 78 251 235 406 1,105 220 21 258 317 2H8 194 134 297 1,729 2C5 305 17 78 248 234 385 "1^^ 1 "'9 11 27 Em- ployes. 1 15 ^ 16 9 1 4 12 6 . 9 7 1 2 1 1 5 "'i' 5 1 34 05 17 4 3 3 8 1 1 3 I DENOMBREMENT i)E 1S71. c; Tableau XXI. — Occupants tie Terres et Terres occupies. PROVINCS: DK Q,UfiBE:C. Number of Occupiers of Nombre d'Occupants de 10 Acres &nd under. 10 Acres et luoins. 10 Acres i 50 Acres to 50 to loa. 10 Acres Ji50. 15 2 5 3 4 14 2 7 9 15 2 80 17 2 22 85 18 12 I'J 35 25 ;i 8 15 1:^5 11 12 3 1 57 100 Acres to 200. 50 Acres ' 100 Acre; .h, 100. li 200. 6 9 4 7 34 t;o 61) 35 2(5 14 77 53 21 3::8 lis (37 16 19 26 3 2*s5 3 84 87 21 28 70 122 447 19 31 (; 15 63 15 79 0-54 15 7 7 4 3 50 71 a:\ 166 35 50 27 96 88 36 15 Over 200 Acres. Plus de 200 Acres. 541 St 05 145 142 42 3 19 32 41; 94 6S 20 40 77 90 55 484 84 6 vSi) 104 62 102 5^ 117 490 50 63 49 39 2.38 SO 619 65 72 118 61 53 112 6 35 79 110 168 18 2 1 1 Acreage and State of Lands Occuijied. Etfinlui- ct Condition des Exploitations. Tot.vl I Total Uh.lcr oceupied jimi'roVf,-"! cr^^ps. Total occup^. Acres. Total amclior<5. Acres. Sous culture. I In pasture. En j'&turage. Acres. I Acres Uard*EB t\ t'rcharJij. ; I — I .Trirdins et Ver^^ers. Acres. 12,171 1,396 I 600 , 48 \ 336 I 40 3,000 I 226 I 119 I 22 i 500 113 1 466 27 39 175 20 112 1(^,780 ' 1,8-15 839 10 15 33 19 8 14 30 38 19 176 20 9 11 63 15 1 16 25 70 15 16 i(;o 1,901 1.720 4,034 9G4 7,221 15,840 858 ■ 1,512 , 2,277 , 964 ! 4,387 I 682 1,297 881 627 3,111 13,122 31.547 17,256 8,527 9.858 25.433 27,519 14,274 147,530 9,908 5,300 11,978 7.583 2.355 5,390 9,697 34.557 5,434 02.300 6,598 3.4.35 8,411 5,002 1,544 3.548 0,398 9.580 3,533 41,451 i:i,i87 16,489 27.545 17,982 U.2i3 .5.51 4,241 304 1,385 100,897 19,439 514 19,429 24,765 36.253 16.633 5.772 22,004 4,2:;3 6,231 11,251 5.063 2,970 205 413 139 245 3,050 4,242 6,726 3,747 2,439 121 385 130 139 30,750 1 20,:'SS 18,4.58 636 10.301 12,665 24,353 9,261 3.129 14,515 13,803 430 7,625 8,574 18,085 6.162 2,. 396 10,347 144,869 93.318 90 34 18 13 3 1 26 1 59 23 65 41 86 16 36 ;!20 27.(:3i) 1,271 5,79!; 19,374 24,190 31,564 18,892 930 3,468 10,76.5 8.183 15,600 67,422 ];'.,311 13,012 663 2,114 6.f,32 4,901 10,263 921 20 50 2 993 13 169 183 1,389 330 1,245 7 32 7 7 31 3,316 84 i 1.814 3,557 2,545 789 1,827 3,252 4,869 1,875 20,558 21 10 36 22 21 47 108 26 291 1,170 1,948 4,491 1,289 510 81 24 13 41 34 27 21 3 4 105 9,618 1 144 4,603 195 2.619 4,005 6.192 3.088 716 4.100 ".IS 52 11 67 86 76 11 17 08 378 4,842 5 804 234 1,346 4.059 3,247 5,215 84 16 3 8 74 35 122 63 CENSUS OF 1871. Table X^l. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PKOVINCF, OF Q,t(KJ3EC. DISTRICTS. SUB-DlSTRlCTS, SoCS-DlSTRICTS. 135. Ktcolet. 136. Drammoud , 137. Arthahaslca 138. Ricfaunonfl . I h. St. Pierre les Becquets . -J i. St. Ctilestin j. St. Vinceslas k. Ste. Monique l. Ste. Per])^tue m. Ste. Brigitle n. St. L(5oiiard 0. Ste. Eulalie L Total. Total Population. Population Tot:ile . 2,942 1,609 729 2,239 262 .548 747 261 Number of Occupiers of Land. Nombre des Occupants de Terras. Total Occupiers. Total Occupants. (a. b. c. a. e. f. St. Guillaume St. Bonaventure St. Germain Grantham , Wendover, Simpson . . . Wickham, West. — Ov,tst Wickham Durham, South. — Sud . . Durham L'Aveuir Kingsey Kingsey Palls, West-Oucsl Total 23,262 2,532 1,144 2,000 829 767 421 1,361 729 1,716 1,907 360 (o.. b. c. d. e. f. V- h. i. i. k. I. m. n. 0. P- <1- r. Ste. Clothilde Bulstrode St. Louis St. Albert Victoriaville Arthabaskaville St. Norbert , . . . Stanfold Princeville Kingsey i' alls, East. --Est St. Mddard Warwick, Villar/e ... . St. Christophe Chester, North. — Nord. . Chester, East. — Est .... Chester, Wtst. — Quest . . Ch^nier Tingwick 14,281 Total f a. lirompton 6. Melbourne c. Melbourne, Villcuit ... d. Cleveland , e. Richmond, Village f. Shipton «> 1 1 12 7 84 279 19 204 14 315 27 89 162 81 48 63 11 175 2 36 1 11 16 1 30 9 1 Em- ployes. 30 4 1 1 9 1 1 20 1 1 1 6 3 1 2 "i" 1 2 2 21 1 1 D:6"NrOMBREMENT DE 1871. 69 Tableau XXI. — Occupants de Teires et Terres occupies. PROVINCE DK aUEBEC. Number of Occiipi era of Acreaj, ■ aud Statu of Lands occupied. Nomhre d'Occupants do Etendue et Condition des Exploitations. 10 Acres and under. 10 Acres to 50. 50 Acres to 100. 100 Acres to 200. Over 200 Acres. Total occupied. Total imiiM.vt Under crops. In pasture. Gardens & Orchards. — — — Plus de 200 Total Total Sous En Jardins et 10 Acres et moins. 10 Acres 50 Acres 100 Acres occupe, amello>e. culture. pdturage . ! Veryers. h'jO. ^100. Ji200. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres, Acres, Acres. 23 68 204 70 16 26,280 13,157 8.359 4,592 206 6 49 115 40 3 18,284 7,970 5,627 2,302 41 r, 9 80 25 4 10,169 3,094 2,179 892 23 7 59 136 65 13 20,0.38 10,3.^9 6,548 3,725 86 <) 37 2 7.^3 856 728 125 3 10 •2 4 46 27 5 0,781 2,286 1,533 743 32 40 27 6 7,890 3,028 2,291 723 14 36 16 2 5,388 1,456 118,281 1,159 79,320 289 38,228 8 164 46;5 1,292 72.-! 178 243,708 733 15 119 125 37 18,687 13,293 9,744 3,459 90 4 54 77 13 2 10,439 4,092 3,0.59 994 39 2 18 111 94 36 31,901 9,914 6,196 3,666 62 4 23 39 18 10 10,327 3,.588 2,564 992 32 O 2.; 68 15 6 12,432 3.536 2,134 1,353 49 • 25 21 12 6 7,207 1,594 1,104 474 16 2 29 29 12 1 7,848 3,010 1,842 1.133 35 5 47 81 33 11 17,n87 6,133 4,.544 1,565 24 6 25 37 30 6 10,7^7 6,181 3,790 2,357 34 6 81 86 46 8 20,827 11,806 7,057 3,769 1 80 10 FG 89 42 27 27,516 15.627 9,420 6,1.50 57 3 14 23 11 2 5,251 1S0,882 2,879 81,655 2.059 54,413 796 24 59 547 780 363 115 26,708 532 1 18 36 13 ') 6,415 1,468 1,161 296 11 1 26 63 15 7 11,403 3,052 2,141 879 32 2 23 36 16 5 7.647 2,840 1,934 886 20 i 2 3 27 26 4 6,S77 1,377 1.010 350 17 1 7 33 52 14 7 9,762 3.472 2,157 1,289 26 12 28 10 5 2 3,362 2,352 1,455 805 32 2 39 34 10 8.053 4,621 2,825 1.751 45 27 152 50 IS ^5 <\M 8,359 991 4 772 3,498 303 89 25 3 5 11 3 1 2,21^ 663 19 33 10 ■> 5,894 15,(146 1,914 5,565 1,314 3,6S8 .580 20 46 2 44 70 27 i5 1,831 5 14 7 6 4 3.496 1,290 697 566 27 2 80 70 . 14 2 12,265 6,378 4.138 2,191 49 40 55 11 1 7 ••.35 4,223 7,101 2,486 5.117 1,713 1.946 24 38 1 i 21 142 52 5 19,770 2 64 98 30 4 17,445 6,562 4,440 2.112 10 1 3 104 121 40 6 23,499 9,020 6..329 2,632 59 j 40 89 40 5 18,392 204 809 6,997 77,.">82 4,805 51,1.32 2,160 32 602 47 6.'^7 1.106 382 85 25,848 2 21 30 27 6 9,5;{2 4,0''6 2,500 1 565 1 So 129 87 15 3'> S i7 15,.",76 231 11,S92 9,334 115 6,946 6,130 114 4,378 112 2 68 16 7 2 5o 2 79 290 24,092 69 14 5 1 1 6 1 1,472 786 462 318 6 4 86 132 8:i 24 .35,724 1 17,l'i5 9,493 7,50(; 106 14 3 5 2 5 2,173 750 292 437 21 7 21 56 28 7 12,225 4,-544 2.762 1,753 29 5 es 79 19 3 14,403 5,833 3,875 1,923 30 2 34 30 14 •) 7.117 i 2,082 1,615 455 12 70 CENSUS OF 1871 Table XXJ. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied PROVINCE OF aVEBEC DISTRICTS. Sl'B- Districts SoUS-DlSTUICTS 139. AVolfe. t| 14 0. Slicrbrooke , 141. Stanstcad. liZ, Compton 14 3. Por-;.s 2J,240 ** I * ,~ t_' O oo,i>oo 4.^,787 3,833 22,264 41,9G3 1,709 8,372 20,521 26..^'93 2,3f.2 8,327 224 i 20r*,217 109,067 14 50 11 2 Gl 14 5 15 8 8 4 194 crops. Sous culture. Acres. 27.613 49,900 21,067 6,151 48,624 20,772 7,274 18,735 13.692 20,526 16,785 7,242 6,69 1 30,489 7,657 1,280 22,643 6,409 2,502 7,39i.' 4,410 4,049 5,.5!.'l 3 OCX •258.381 I 102.489 54 36 74 30 8G 1.4 70 21 56 36 54 42 '2) 96 28 126 38 72 29 65 'J.'J 90 11 70 42 . 17,497 26.351 2.;, 395 19,177 20,338 22.212 4,101 26,388 45,089 18,797 r.',i.)i : 9.59.. 2j,240 8,680 9,818 12,136 (i.926 7.-19 10,.'-'81 2,4..2 12.94;> 16,468 8.089 9.779 11,837 7,976 37,304 6,953 3,825 7.720 2,978 1,300 2,994 4,479 4,371 34,020 2,533 2,014 11,382 15,929 22,"09 792 4,7.58 11.754 1.5,296 1,462 5.331 61,702 3.692 16,996 5,267 987 12,027 4,075 1.667 4,761 3.257 2,939 3,040 2,144 G1.652 5,03 r 6,730 7,138 4,613 5,03ti 6.442 12/: 7,781 11,377 4.674 .5,648 6.738 5,029 In I Oard« & pasture. I Orchards. En Jardins et p&tiirage. Vergers, i Acres. 24,584 3,544 1,287 2,723 1,282 663 1,422 2,476 2,206 15,603 1,974 1,534 6,75G 10,264 19,285 869 3,537 8,319 11,374 875 2,947 47,206 2,740 l:?,215 2,344 286 10.522 2,297 82G 2.606 1,135 1.110 1,943 1,202 40,226 ■atikMlHWia 3,.^;")6 3,(:24 4,898 2,301 2.499 4,;H63 1,129 5,088 4..528 3.31} 4.079 4,9i>i; 2,925 Acres. 3S7 35 35 64 28 12 21 14 34 24C 86 32 71 189 3G9 48 77 248 223 45 49 1.0.^9 62 278 4Q 7 94 37 9 23 18 8 29 Cll 8, 64 100 12 8J 76 30 74 63 ]0ec . . . a. b. c. d. c. /■ k. i. 7. /;. St. Colombau Ste. Foy L'Ancienne Lorette. , . I^a Jeune Lorette Charlesbourg Beauport St. Duiistau ...... .. . Stoneham Tewkesbury Valcartier . . St, Gabriel, West.—Oaest\ Total . 145. Q,nebec *.,, {West.— nest.) 146, Q,uel»ec * {Centre.) f «. Quartier St. Pierre j 6. Quartier Chaniplain I c. Quartier Montcalm . . . . ] d. Jianlieue, South. — Sad.. I L Total. {a. I ^^ aval ..... h. Chateau Kicher.. i. Ste. Anno .... .;'. St. Joacliim k. St. F«^rfol . , . /. St. Tite I Total fi.-. IVtice i;iviire I b. Lt.'ij au.\ CouJres., *■** I'otals of the t/'ity of Quebec. *** I'otaux (le la Ville de Quebe^; . ■•••wi^iiSi— BeipSsSS" 22.509 .3,185 1,025 2,2;« 3,395 2,403 4,053 354 302 300 737 900 Number of Occupiers of Lands, Nombre des Occupants de Terrea. Total Beinor Occupiers. Owners. Total Propri^- Occupants. I taires. 19,607 4,002 3,736 1,681 13,200 2.451 7,913 2,868 4,009 947 18,188 6.8.50 8,922 9,080 2,853 28,305 993 1,109 1,436 834 552 1,049 763 1,018 l,l.->4 923 991 (;03 12,085 597 I 718 59,0C!:i 2,798 2,727 20 134 257 434 312 244 58 64 43 113 130 1,809 16 110 251 423 309 2-11 55 63 43 111 127 1,749 Being Tenants Fer- miers. 1 23 1 18 20 4 88 92 4 51 55 8() 97 129 91 66 88 121 1.50 109 88 158 89 85 90 124 88 64 85 115 146 109 78 155 82 1,272 1,227 76 80 01 80 123 80 Em- ployes, 11 6 11 1 3 2 1 38 31 31 10 &o vmfm D^NOMBREMEXT DE 1871. 73 Tableau XXI. — Occupants dc Terres et Terres occupoes. PROVINCE I>E Q,UEBKC. NimibtT of Occuijier.s uf Nombre d'Occupants de 10 Acres and under. 10 Acres et moins. 10 Acres to 50. 10 Acres k50. 177 4 18 25 42 43 G6 1 204 287 50 Acres to 100. 50 Acres klOO. 100 Acres to 200. 100 Acres k 200. 1,035 93;i 10 48 08 lo3 167 120 7 8 5 8 r.97 o 46 96 118 83 49 17 22 8 38 48 17 6t 101 17 7 24 27 21 52 50 530 380 Acreage and State of Lands occuined. l^tendue et Conditi 4,586 2,188 2,398 725 66,769- 6.501 3,618 3,218 1,662 3,458 3,129 2,379 2,104 975 2,959 2.91 ( 2,4:^2 2,087 1,61.5 2,960 813 45G 15 Gil 012 1,30-1 1.5118 2,707 1,39.-} 1,319 1,290 3,177 2,467 37 1,589 Total Occupier.^. Total Occupant.5. L7,493 J i 765 1,023 1- 1,78S I 86 106 336 862 102 358 280 266 191 560 373 110 212 10.5 95 243 244 102 56 1,702 116 170 303 55 155 192 516 371 7 223 2 165 85 95 ISO 10 9 6 99 9 43 33 23 Being Owners. Proprie- taires. 372 107 202 105 90 214 195 96 5-? 1,580 107 162 274 45 151 175 477 325 7 207 Being Tenants Fer- miers. 6 26 47 6 4 107 3,6!!9 TmLi!. I (I St. Henri I 6. St. Jean Chrysostdmc. I c. Etcliemin 2,225 1,144 3,322 980 1,847 1,361 2,142 13,021 2,418 1707 3,000 4G 278 7 6 21 10 34 115 134 327 332 1,934 80 93 173 8 4 99 9 42 32 23 46 271 6 6 19 10 29 113 131 314 2 8 8 29 10 4 17 39 44 10 171 317 lit!) 51 4 2 3 11 Ikl 1 Em- ploy&. 1 'i' 15 2 "e" 10 1 1 2 3 3 9 DfJNOMBREMKNT DE 1871. T5 Tahle\u XXI. — Oc( iupants (Jo Torres et Terres ocoupecs. \ PROVINCE DE aVEBEC. Number of Occupiers of Acreage and State of Ijunds occuijied. Noinbri d'Occupants de Etendue et Condition des Exploitations. 10 Acres and under. 10 Acres to 50. 50 Acres to 100. 100 Acres to 200, Over 200 Acres. Total occupied. Total improved Under crops. In pasture. Gardens Sc Orchards. — — — — — Total Total Sous En Jardins et 10 Acres it moins. 10 Acres 50 Acres 100 Acrc.i Plus de occupe. am(?lioi-e. culture. 1 paturage. Vergers. kcO. h. 100. ri 200. ; 200 Acres. xVcrea. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. 32 61 100 98 82 44,471 32,947 20,251 12,542 154 5 27 47 31 J 5 943 6 404 3 5S2 2,786 8,284 36 8 43 51 88 22 22,944 12,761 4,369 108 1 10 4") 38 11 12,315 5,650 2,517 3,121 12 ( 3 14 41 30 12,849 11,841 7.823 3,987 31 12 18 71 loy 33 20,714 13,157 6,884 6,235 38 11 11 54 112 50 34,091 17,803 7,972 9,698 133 1 7 ; 30 31 33 6,213 4,823 2,183 2,630 10 '■> I 15 27 12 8,246 1 20SJ29 : 8,834 1,662 1,072 583 1 8G 20'J 438 G20 343 18 117,167 ' 63,529 52,9.iy 699 4 21) 15 2,611 1,571 1.030 10 io 11 31 41 23 16,3:j3 6,856 4.104 2,733 19 7 ly 44 .f)5 45 23,711 9,873 4,754 5,088 31 22 28 111 117 25 26,788 16,785 8.279 8,505 1 20 11 18 4 2 2,354 1,370 697 659 14 1 20 73 39 13 16,429 13,262 11,278 1.980 4 12 47 97 29 7 15,526 »,114 3,222 1,882 10 4'.l 3tJ 1 153 199 79 57,054 13,626 9,951 3,618 57 46 8 107 136 74 46,327 9.652 7,498 2,1.39 15 4 3 815 147 8,049 130 4,783 17 ii G4 8ii 47 15 21,189 3.263 "3 178 257 744 085 301 2;;5,3'ju 87,345 56,267 30,914 ]CA '• . • . . < ■ • • • in 41 20 5 9,289 3,26!) 1,040 2 218 11 15 34 34 12 13,725 2,356 5,625 1.001 2,011 1,354 1 34 1 75 54 17 23,014 1,532 3,572 12 5 2 •> 250 239 - 7 4 4 3 (lii 7 4 I 1 761 4,147 445 350 79 131 425 73 77 59 410 55 1 1 54 1 18 15 6 1 3 1 i" ! 12 43 32 11) Indians 23 94 161 274 10 } 1,472 9,246 1 86 10 79 5 120 1,258 I'Jl 79 4 51 5 93 1 7 2 6 1 ! 4 22 1 10 22 5 227 22 21 ! ^ 1 1,072 122 64 3 2 1 1 199 1-16 2'.) 1.) 3 2 1 129 1 127 59 60 8 r 4 13 1 331 321 305 240 137 59 139 123 29 58 1 11 10 i 8 3 2 1,721 813 413 384 16 5 21 45 34 10 9.987 ' 7,156 4,506 2,581 (;9 8 41 23 14 3'.) Ul 12 12,598 1 FT O" " i 16.712 4,901 2,945 31 95 100 24 10,221 6,261 230 i 4C) lO-'. 12J 3i; ;-;o.533 2). 113 1.^.286 i 671'; 114 7 ' 34 00 (13 9 [ I7.f.-19 9,42/ l.,452 1 2,91-7 68 * 10 10 1 ^' 14 i 5,721 2 860 1.712 1 l.ilii 36 76 OElfSUS OF 1871. Tablp: XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied • PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. DISTRICTS. SUB-DlSTRICT3. S0US-Dl3TI:-! 18 1 4 2 11 12 6 1 1 2 1 6 i' 6 3 2 i' 4 1 h. Ste. Em(;iie c. Ijotbiiiiei'e d. St. Edouard e. Ste. Croix /. St. Flavicn (J. St. Antoin^ h. Ste. Apoliinaire i. St. Agapit 657 89 1,0.51 1.53 1,197 1 1S4 3,719 5.52 j. Ste. A<,'athe k. St. Giles I. St. Sylvestre Total 20,606 2,733 2,651 65 17 [a. Halifax. Kortli.- Nord. . b. Halifax, SoiUli.—.Sud.... c. i^omeKet,J\'or(h.-Nord. . d. Somerset, South. — ISud.. e. Inverness 2,245 2.747 1,9-16 i,(;82 2 741 i.(i3;; 1,318 2,754 1,'!92 721 289 357 225 200 403 222 233 :!75 179 48 268 341 214 189 387 146 206 361 175 4(; IS 16 7 10 15 73 27 13 4 1 3 4 1 1 3 i' 1 f. Xelson ;/. Ireland, Coleraine h Eeeds . I. Thetford j. Plessiavillc, Village Total 18,879 2,531 2,333 184 14 f a Ki-ou'.;htou 2 OHi'i ;i14 302 263 '264 194 171 199 177 1 11 14 1 1 6. St. Victor c. S t. E phrem 1,808 1,698 955 1,1.53 1,.525 1,083 < 277 265 194 174 207 178 3 d. Shcnley .... e. St. Evari.ste f. Lamhton ff. St. S(^ba.stien 3 6 1 2 2 h. Spalding, Ditnhfield, ) Woburn, Clinton J' Total 10,260 1.612 2,129 269 3,166 877 i.76.5 24-2 1,571 267 361 242 344 508 308 143 38 3 ( a. St. Elzf'ar 2 8 8' 6. Ste. -Marie c. St. Fr^.Idric d. St. .Joseph e. St. Erancois 2,981 3.982 2,080 348 .^13 308 144 4 4 i' f. St. (ieorgc ff. Linit're 890 1 Total 18,993 2,201 2.173 19 9 ' a. St. Bernard b. St. Isidore 1 820 2,473 258 348 257 336 ] 12 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1371. 77 Tableau XXf. — Occupants do Terres et 1 eiTcs occupocs. PROVINCE 1>E QUEBEC. Number of OccupiorH ^ 1 Acreage ai> d State of Lands occupi ed. 10 Acres aud under. Xombn 10 Acres tooO. } d'Occupaii 50 Acres to 100. ts dc 100 Acres to 200. Over 20O Acres. Etenduc et Total Total occupied, imjjroved Total Total Condition t Under croiJa. Sous les Exploitat ions. Gardens & Orchards. Jardins et In pasture. En 10 Acres et moins. 10 Acres 50 Acres 100 Acres Plus de 200 Acres. oceupe. 1 ameliord. culture. piturage. Vergers. k50. ^100. k 200. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. 37 24 69 90 32 24,589 14,429 9,094 5,187 148 4 20 54 27 4 8,687 4,117 2.710 1,365 11 8 12 136 59 19 21,188 8,503 5,019 3,441 43 84 151 465 108 371 114 107,767 i 59,440 38,273 20,725 451 22 90 80 11 21,398 10.358 6,.399 3,811 148 10 21 ' 45 35 (I 8,658 4,380 2,879 1,466 35 36 28 89 71 1•> 45,544 27,995 17.483 10,406 106 3 32 131 81 Gl .51,405 1 15, .378 lO.lilt; 5 149 63 20 47 45 32 2^>,901 5,960 4,071 1,863 26 48 185 862 750 347 2(3,5.30 141,4.39 88,928 , 51,831 680 ' 15 2G 26 33 141 192 58 85 18 12 21,355 25,622 11.973 16,593 7,.541 9,611 4,384 6.885 48 ' 97 n CENSUS OF 1871, Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and I^ands Occupied. PROVINCE OF Q,UEBEC. DISTRICTS. SdB-Di3TRICT3. SoUS-DlSTIilCTS. 159, Dorciicstcr. (Wa:t.~Oucsl.) too. Dorciicstcr, (East. —Est.) 101. Bellecliasse (mrth.—Nord.) IGS, BcIIcchnstal a. St. Anselme b. Ste. Claire c. St. Malachie d. Standou , ^ e. Bucklaiid, West— Quest. f. Ste. Germaine 'J. Ste. .Justine I Total f a. Beaumont . . 6. St. Charles c. St. Gervai.s . 1 d. St. Michel.. ' e. St. Kaphael f. St. Vaiier . . I Total . f a. St. Lazare. ... 6. Buckland, Uast. c. Arma'di -E.it. ■) d. Mailloux, I'oux, Belle- ) j chasse, Daacjuam. I Total ' a. Berthier b. St. Thoma.s , c. IMontinagnj', Village d. Cap St. Ignacc, Bonr- \ dages.Patton et Talon f c. St. I'ranjois /. St. Pierre 'J. ^[ontminy, Ashburton, | Rolette, Pauet J" h. Isle aux Grues I Total ■ a. I/'Islet, St. Engine 6. St. Jean Purt-.loli c. St. Aul)ert, Fournier . . . d. St. Koch e. St. Cyrille, Lessard, ) Beaubieii, Arago, Le- verrier j /. Ste. Louise, A.shford... g. Casgrain, Dionne, I^a- ) fontaine, Gameau . . . ) 1.234 1.571 1,844 598 21 Number of Occupiers of Lands. Nombre des Occupants de Terres. Total Occui)ier8. Total Occupants. 1.56 211 271 112 9,o(;4 2,285 2,481 1,106 604 6();5 7:50 406 8,215 1,:561 288 3:i7 169 99 103 121 79 Being Owners. Propri28 285 327 166 98 102 120 79 Being Tenants Fer- miera. 1,177 107 265 291 171 391 152 1,377 342 211 195 195 943 1,411 2,89:5 1,512 139 307 73 136 306 73 3,278 382 365 1,613 1,292 194 126 LS6 124 917 192 155 639 58 45 13,.5.55 1,471 1,.390 4 084 2,43(; 1,382 2,311 367 270 150 247 351 253 139 240 1,028 131 127 1,211 134 132 1,065 171 168 30 2 10 2 15 Em- [doycs . 7 2 3 13 3 33 1 13 42 10 9 10 6 7 6 3 i' 17 D]5:nombkemknt de isn. ?9 TABLEAir XXI. — Occupaats fie Terres et Terres occupees. PUOVIiVCE DE tlUEBEC. Nuuibur of Occupiers of Nombre d'Occupants de 10 Acres »nd under. 10 Acres et moins. 10 3 4 I 10 Acres to 50. 10 Acres 2i 50. 19 14 4 4 2 44 21 26 36 30 37 175 i;; 3 L'l 61 48 45 122 27 6 1 11 321 89 62 42 68 7 15 26 22 48 IG •")0 Acres to 100 50 Acres Jl 100. 171 ISO 50 42 35 25 3 21 201 11 33 25 12 86 16 183 48 13 17 85 19 46 12 65 28 17 9 13 209 I 49 19 13 24 15 28 2 56 101 140 73 100 Acres to 200. 100 Acres k200. 707 105 17a 85 46 50 74 31 iOl 17 83 100 41 160 40 441 181 76 66 76 399 63 6 84 40 22 97 12 351 j 102 oO 40 29 88 24 28 51 67 64 22 1 3)8 103 90 31 13 22 38 17 314 49 103 107 80 99 56 494 93 113 72 100 378 24 123 6 81 70 45 64 16 429 96 86 31 68 16 48 79 Over 200 Acres. Plus de 200 Acres. 13 18 ir, 36 13 7 1 4 6 'J 76 14 28 27 11 22 19 121 13 9 39 12 73 8 27 4 30 29 36 21 G 161 31 64 24 58 19 62 Aci-ea.ge and State of Lands occupied. Etendue et Condition des Exploitations. 'J'otal occupied. Total occuije. Acres. 13,.350 20,051 .S0.388 9,504 479 120,749 Total Under improved crops . Total a.m6\ioT4. Sous cidture. Acres. Acres. 8,919 11,921 12,546 2,576 95 5,672 7,375 8,174 1,766 95 64,023 28,976 25.381 18,127 7,760 9 758 12,6.58 9,566 112,226 18,822 17.264 5,902 3.298 3,213 2,603 2,343 53,445 13,039 25,844 i;G,0.59 I4,.537 3iJ,332 14.272 124,083 8,656 16,.538 22,662 11,636 15,640 9,792 84.924 L'7,r.03 I 14,682 19,368 25,333 17,476 4,468 5,788 2,816 89,685 ' 27,754 6,891 ; 27,096 3,250 L'7,096 I 19,078 ' 16,504 24,722 4,941 4,799 11,786 1,580 11,590 10,876 7,;'ll 5,-317 3,931 129,578 I 57,790 27.274 ; :'. 1.244 1 1\4-14 i 27,4J8 1 C.".6 12,-«)0 32,356 l^74l 18,419 7,15.S 17,351 3,.567 6,036 4,432 40,231 In pasture. En paturaye. Acres. 12,313 11,('40 4,018 2,169 2 181 2,077 1,872 .670 4,LI02 10,672 14,746 7,680 10,419 6,804 55,223 10,134 2,998 4,151 1,967 19.250 3,149 6.629 1,114 6,240 7,898 5,448 3,031 2..524 36,033 11,972 10,516 4.782 11,105 2,308 3,779 3,649 3,188 4,500 4,332 804 Gardens &. Orchards. Jardins et Ver^j'ers. Acres. 59 46 40 6 24,093 296 6,361 6,139 1,862 1,125 1,017 521 457 17,482 3,007 5.608 7.660 3,730 5,022 2,855 28.482 4.468 1,467 1,612 847 8.394 1,573 4,962 427 5,318 2,910 2,382 2.285 1..396 2l.2.-i3 6.624 7.7M) 2.::42 6,122 1,226 2 229 781 148 85 22 4 1.5 5 14 293 147 258 256 226 199 133 1.219 80 3 110 77 195 39 32 68 81 1 11 504 145 123 34 124 33 28 2 80 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XX fi. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PIIOVINCE OF QUKBEC, DISTRICTS, Sub-Districts. SOUS-DISTKICTS. Total Population . Number of Occupants of Lands. Nombi-e fles Occujiants de Terres, Total Po[ialation Occupiers. 165. Kamooraska 166. Temisconata. 167. Rimouski.. {Wett.—Ouett.) I Total {a. Ste. Anne b. St. Onezime, Ixworth, \ Chapais ) c. Riviere Quelle d. St. Pacome e. St. Denis /. St. Philippe g. Mont Carmel h. Kamoiiraska t. Kamouraska, Village . .'. . '[ j. St. Paschal A'. Wcodbridge. Painchaud. I. St. Andr^, Notre-Dame ) du Portage ) m. Ste. H^lfene, Bungay, \ Ohabot j n. St. Alexandre, Parke, ) St. Antonin J 0. Pohenet'aminik L Total a. Notre-Damc du Portage b. Rivifere du Loup , c. Fraserville, Village d. Cacouna , e. Cacouna, Village /. Isle Verte , , g. St. Eloi , h, Trois Pistoles , "i i. St. Antonin /. St. Modeste .... k. St. Ar.sune /. Viger, 1 )eraers m. Denonville, Hoccpiart. . , n. Begon, liaudot o. Lac Teniiscouata , I Total , -! St. Simon St. Mathieu de Rioux. . . St. Faljien Ste. C(5cile du Bic St. Germain de lli- ) mouski ( Rimouski, J'own . — Villc . St. Anaclet I //.. Ste. Jjuce i. St. Donat a. I. c. d. e. f. 6, South.— Sud. . .. g. York h. Douglas 2,983 Total (a. Malbaie b. Perc(5 , ■ c. L'Anse dn Cap . -{ d. Grande Riviere. I c. Pabos , 521 720 283 1,100 5,278 ! I Total 173. Isles de la 2VIagdelel2ie . ] Croupe Sud . Grindstone Island Allright Island... Groupe JVord . . . Total 1,131 1,052 838 151 3,172 1,G65 15S 2,288 470 84 203 518 Being Owners. Propri(5- taires. Being Tenants Fer- miers. 2,154 453 209 204 158 129 223 923 415 10 9 13 3' 3 15 42 22 15 Em- ployes. 35 103 l)iNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 83 aim Tableau XXI. — Occupants de Terres et Teires occupees. PROVINCE DE QUEBEC. Number of Occuiiieru of Nombre d'Occupants de 10 AcrcH and under. 10 Acres et moins. 10 Acres to 50. 10 Acres h50. 14 "x' 1 4 27 10 10 235 5 IS 18 10 12 O') 318 1 p 1 3 1 22 41 20 28 .^. 24 4 87 65 75 90 10 23D 103 9 13 18 f. 188 80 124 14-J 141 12;', 88 72 lOG 28 G 14 033 9 16 7 54 22 67 49 51 30 39 10 113 101 101 125 82 12^ G— b^ Acreage and >Statc of Lauds occupied. Etendue et Condition des Exploitations. 50 Acres 100 Acres to loo. 50 Acres XIOO. 5!l 12. •. !i2 24 i 10 I 16 137 102 85 78 41 707 53 41 o 73 75 122 38 88 21 23 88 1 1 620 43 84 22 24 173 13 40 37 35 31 42 11 48 0(;-~> 44 40 41 26 00 211 to 200. 100 Acrcf^ !i 200. 32 56 65 90 56 27 19 31 4 4 23 62 11 56 5 24 40 270 Over 200 Acres. Plus de 200 Acres. 56 53 33 13 155 .3 21 4 11 18 10 11 J7 31 33 5 .5 2i; 103 4 1 32 18 20 47 11 12 218 8 10 1 1 4 17 1 10 8 29 9 1 00 25 17 9 71 21 Tot.il occupied. Total occupy Acres. 17,363 28,010 25,436 32,003 14.637 12,.327 l.S8,4J7 Total improved T.'tal amJlii r(?. Acres. 3,102 12,.549 3 954 10,871 6,130 2,653 60,ri87 11,.542 12,236 4,663 10,713 12,609 24 469 6,504 19,131 7,512 15,673 16,185 600 88 1-12,015 37,968 16,204 19,558 11,034 4,135 50,931 2,474 7,021 6,585 6,413 8,141 6,849 4,173 11,217 5!?, 77.3 5.280 5,706 1,324 521 12,831 551 1,803 1,161 933 862 1,343 541 2,212 0,40j 12,328 13 074 8,400 23,317 14,443 71.5C2 4 o;:5 3,.520 1,070 435 0,1)93 1,666 2,324 2,303 22/1 2,668 11,320 431 7,7S0 Under crops. Rous cultu.e. Acres. 2,-1.37 8.146 1,514 6,696 2,539 1,488 0,761 .j.',< 2,432 2,056 2,007 1,807 2,383 1,828 3,704 2,5.52 5,409 3,. 399 6,006 3,312 3,288 2,510 5.207 2,949 1,773 760 3.229 1,764 2,427 1,714 70 (J7 24 11 24,729 In t)asture. En piiturage. Acres. C60 4.373 2,421 4.145 3,.587 1,161 brcliir.ls. J irdins el Vergers. Acrts. 29,303 368 194 433 1,128 1,975 2,632 712 2,172 1,010 1,452 707 10 13 12,800 2,373 2,373 1,020 450 6,216 •J 86 1,714 876 450 602 1,003 434 1,817 2.002 3,318 296 53 7,382 6.560 ■->>> 87 275 459 258 .'29 104 371 1,041 1.530 1.7S0 2,587 •i30 5.979 1,705 rt 30 19 30 4 4 323 8 122 24 35 62 66 86 3 13 6 2 4.33 15 8 IS 46 2 10 24 2 11 3 24 S3 114 22 4^0 49 154 22 210 8 56 23 1,020 124 4 '"7 74 l,is.; 2a -2 10 1 105 S4 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied, PROVINCE OF IVEAV BRITNSAVICK. DISTRICTS. Sub-Districts, Sods-Districts. Total Population. Population Totale, Number of Occupiers of Lands. Nombre des Occupants de Terras. Total Occupiers. Total Occupants. Being Owners. Propri^- taires. Being Tenants Fer- miers. Em- ploye's. Grand Totals of Quebec. . . ^ Grands Totaux de Quebec, j" 1,191,516 118,086 109,059 7,895 1,132 {P. of If. Brunswick.) (P. du iV". Brunswick.) 174. St. John " a. Prince Ward, Quartier . . 6. Wellington Ward. Qtr. . c. King's Ward, Quartier . d. Queen's Ward, Quartier e. Duke's Ward, Quartier. f. Sydney Ward, Quartier. [i. Brook's Ward, Quartier. h. Albert Ward, Qu.artier . i. Guy's Ward, Quartier.. i. Lancaster k Portland 4,976 4,008 3,785 4,985 4,253 2,265 1,332 1,219 1,982 4,821 12.520 3,564 2,410 ^ 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 308 48 465 308 254 22 332 291 51 24 120 17 3 2 13 tTi Saint Alartin's L Total 52,120 1,133 901 214 18 176. Charlotte 176. King's i 1 • f (I C'larendon 204 502 998 3,314 1.355 991 2,961 1,880 6..515 2;606 1,556 1,073 1,867 41 80 159 386 227 152 255 294 444 430 168 130 255 37 4 > • • • ; • ■ • '3" i' 2 3* b. Lepreau c Pennfield 77 144 336 208 144 237 276 434 409 166 84 243 3 15 50 16 8 17 16 10 21 2 46 9 rf St. George e. Saint Patrick f. Dumbarton o St Andrew'.s h Saint David i Saint Stt^i'hen j. Saint James k. West Isles I. Campo Bello TH Grand Manan Total 25,882 3,021 2,795 217 9 f a. Westfield 1,500 887 2,223 1,063 1,3:^.2 619 2 044 1,714 1,413 1,100 6,606 3,061 2,031 242 ' 217 23 14 29 23 24 3 13 30 19 16 47 48 30 2 6" 4" 1 i' 1 b. Greenwich 145 312 155 184 103 337 260 218 184 687 452 281 131 283 126 160 96 323 230 199 168 639 403 251 c. Kingston d. liothsay c. Hampton f. Kars g. Springfield h Norton i. Upham j. Hammond k. Sussex / Studholm m. Uavelock Total 24,593 3,560 3,226 319 15 f (I. Peter.sville 2,300 1,282 1,296 1,101 378 157 193 178 309 137 177 170 9 20 16 4 4' b. Gagetown r Hainostead (/. Wickhara * Totals of the City of St. John, sejiarately , . . . ) j * Totaux de la Ville de St. Jean, sexjardment. . , / 28,805 4 2 2 f.'. — — — — _— . DlillSrOMBEEMENT DE 1871. 85 Tableau XXI. — Occupants do TeiTcs et Terres occupies. PROVINCE nV NOUVEAr-BRrNSWICK. 1 Number of Occupiers of Acreage and State of Lands occupi ed. 10 Acres aiul under. NoHibre 10 Acres to 50. d'Occupants de Over 200 Acres. Etendue et C ondition de LTnder I crops . s Exploitati In pasture. on.s. Gardens 4 Orchards. 50 Acre? to 100 100 Acres to 200. Total occupied. Total improved — — Total Total f?OUS En Jardins et 10 Acres 10 Acres 50 Acres 100 Acres Plus de 200 Acres. occup^. amcliore . culture. paturage. Vergers. et moiiis. Ji50. hlOO. h. 200. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. A cres. 10,510 22.379 44,410 30,89] 9,896 11,025,786 5,703,944 3,714,.304 1,943,182 46,458 ' 2 i 1 ......... • ■ . 9 • 5 2 1 1 i 1 i'l 1 1 ■ ■; 1 cs 102 75 40 23 62.167 1 6.799 4,945 1.785 69 ' ;> 17 IG .5 .') 4,414 2.664 1,-394 1,259 11 37 149 153 82 44 49,573 11.775 6,182 5,.576 17 ' tio 4S 142 38 15 35,464 . 7,970 5,579 2,373 10.093 18 , 17'J :ni; 3si; ir,:i 87 151.622 5 897 29 212 18.102 117 1 27 4 ij 4 1 901 748 471 2 53 22 1 l",245 i',1.37 440 679 ^^ 1 35 49 55 27 13 17,716 ' 4,465 2,,588 1,872 5 1 82 113 116 52 23 33,078 14,484 6,726 7,7.56 2 5 26 89 67 40 .38,647 '■ 11.410 4..539 6,798 73 ': 5 16 79 38 14 19,589 5,327 3,264 1.990 53 1 55 108 67 21 ■t 15,073 6.767 3,124 3.622 21 i 11 84 140 48 11 26,200 13.719 7,172 6.4.59 88 , 136 158 103 39 8 23,985 17,950 6,024 11.840 86 9 108 172 107 34 50,290 ! 13,833 8.657 5,028 148 76 89 2 1 3,099 i 2,430 1,107 1,319 4 99 87 30 77 1 52 1,296 1 876 25,164 5,111 752 2,190 116 2.9J8 I 24 15 633 881 ro- 43.-; 167 261,279 ; 98,730 47,.351 6,267 .50,868 3,C37 511 l."> 51 88 70 18 30,469 ; 9,951 47 1 11 18 42 46 28 23,402 8,322 5 026 3,236 60 i 13 65 121 80 33 42,666 1 15.612 9.300 6.225 87 , 8 58 48 34 1 14,665 7,934 4.274 3,649 11 18 31 48 62 25 23,.334 11,.j86 6,UkS 5.363 55 4 12 31 37 r.i 15,072 7,561 4.627 2,914 20 8 39 118 124 48 49.l8ii 19,748 12.0.52 7, .567 129 ! 14 24 103 85 34 37.694 15.024 9,317 5.627 80 1 16 30 61 76 35 .n.885 , 11,0% 6,191 4,869 36 3 6 79 61 35 33,725 U,604 6,263 3,308 33 32 42 254 213 146 116.:iS2 42,<*t>il 25,942 16,615 112 20 36 161 145 90 78,971 32,(i35 19,628 12,843 164 6 25 148 ( •) 27 37,778 15.845 10,300 5,448 97 168 437 1 302 I.IOS 51.-. 535.229 207,.587 12.".,355 51.301 ?31 12 20 1-16 151 49 .58,865 16.064 12,189 3,83« 37 24 35 35 38 25 19,807 8.133 5.349 2,686 98 10 14 53 72 44 35,.533 j 13,542 8.3.54 5,111 77 9 14 55 6V 1 1 36 29,088 9.265 5,742 3.4.57 68 4 1 1 I 4 1 4 1 3 „ 1 1 1 H CENSUS OF 1S71. Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied, , — PROVINCE OF NE^V BUtJNS^VICK. DISTRICTS. Sub-Districts. Sous-Districts. Total Population. Population Totals. Nuiiibt Nombre Total Occupiers. Total Occupants. ;r of Oocupit des Occupa Being 0%vners. Propri^- taires. irs of Lands, nts de Terras. Being Tenants -^^^ miers. 177. Q,uceii»s - 178. Siinbiuy ■ 179. York - 1 e. Cambridge 3,^98 213 127 209 258 70 226 194 121 204 248 64 213 19 6 6 10 6 12 i' 1 f. Canning r/. Wjiterborough h. Johnstcn 990 l,3i;9 1,736 450 1,765 i. Brunswick. , j. Chipman I Total.. 13,847 2,009 1,897 107 5 ( a. Blissville •. . . 1,929 845 1,830 991 660 569 268 134 259 136 116 83 L'30 127 239 118 104 72 36 7 20 18 12 11 2 b. Lincoln c. Burton d. Sheffield 'e. Northfiekl . ... f, Maugerville Total 6,824 996 890 104 2 'a. V/elUngtou ^\'ard^) -J 6. St. Ann's Ward. . | 'g . c. Carleton Ward . . }- "g c d. Queen's Ward ....!£•*" e. King's Ward .... J * /. New Maryland ff. Manners-Sutton h. Kingsclear i. Prince William j. Dumfries k. Canterbury 641 1,604 1,495 1.275 991 488 1,422 1,824 1,338 970 2,9C9 1,617 1,685 1,5.59 2,681 1.756 2,885 20 12 23 12 62 74 202 264 191 116 353 264 268 227 398 265 332 14 12 18 10 47 71 197 240 180 306 321 252 256 218 362 254 311 6 4 1 15 3' 5 24 10 10 32 12 12 9 34 11 20 1 1 i' 2 i' I. Southamjjton m. Queeusbury n. Bright 0. Douglas p. Stanley $. Saint Mary's Total ... 27.140 3,083 2,869 208 6 * 180. Carlct'-:i ■< I 1 ' a. \V(;odstock b. Ptichraond 3.963 2,342 2,321 897 255 354 348 114 252 326 328 156 142 284 130 235 338 332 102 252 321 311 154 129 267 116 20 15 16 12 i' C. \Yakefielu d. Simonds e. Wilmot 1,761 f. Wicklow ;/. Keot h. yVbordeen 2,052 2,010 851 930 1,S76 935 5 17 2 13 17 14 t. Peel., . ./. J'risLton k\ iNcrthar/ii-ti/u Total s 19,a38 2,689 ?,557 131 1 'a. .\udover 6. Fertti c. Gordon 1,160 747 645 6,000 153 liO il3 143 95 109 10 15 4 26 t.'.'/.'.'.'. * Totaid of the City of * Totaux d'j l.i YiUe de 1 i-'redfricton, Repar;itf;y ... '^i Pruiericton, sepai-(5a^. !.:. . j • 120 ICi 2 Dl&NOMBREMENT DE 1871. TAP.LrAU XXI.— Occupants de Ten .. ^. .wu occupd-^s. PROVINCE I>tJ NOOVKAr-BUUKSWICK. Number of Occupiers of Nombre d'Occupants de 10 Acres ami under. 10 Acres et moins. 10 1 7 «> i.V 111") 14 3 12 19 .'} G 57 10 Acreii to 50. 10 Acres ii 50. 19 7 62 10 2 18 -'07 CO 17 40 28 l-l 50 Acres to lOU. 50 Acres ^ lUO. 100 Acres to 200. 100 Acres h. 200. 61 54 82 112 29 107 734 141 112 34 109 41 78 380 10 9 8 18 1 2 34 7 7 5 14 8 9 22 4 47 211 5 13 3 14 4 y 37 27 13 35 24 33 29 42 14 34- 341 2 1 1 1 22 19 121 78 77 58 204 109 54 78 124 140 107 1,20-J 62 37 49 93 23 49 038 Over 20(t Acres. Pins (le 200 Acres. 60 48 58 25 20 8 219 803 65 28 9 35 10 37 334 49 32 34 23 9 49 vx; Acreage and State of Jianda occupied. Etendue et Condition des Exploitati >n^ Total oocupi d Total ()ccuj)e. Acres. Total improvci: Total ameliore Acres. 30,:J00 22,732 21,033 40.282 13.187 34,941 312,074 39,227 21,114 30,132 19.G03 14,351 29,237 102,004 o 31 19 47 23 64 51 51 29 23 15 80 29 60 57 98 75 8U 31 139 71 09 32 60 88 966 207 430 173 4,357 14,225 29,312 44,;r'.00 29,041 15,906 44,984 45,035 50,098 32,229 02,104 38,222 01,045 520 -174,400 43,277 13.S.S0 20,193 32.005 41,127 21,600 l.-.,512 32,686 21.774 15.510 5,911 8,1SL 10 929 4,259 7,3.J0 Under crops. Sous culture. Acres. 9,744 5,494 8,065 5,794 3,248 3,089 30,034 812 152 381 150 1,807 2 272 10!048 13,731 7,890 3,872 11,243 9.113 13,.529 9,816 17.839 9,252 11,454 123.:^07 12,{!80 18 582 21,141 5.467 11 ,500 14,709 10,472 3,195 4,492 10,155 j;,7:>2 11S,C.71 5,;- ; ' o . > ■-■ 2,957 3.;:os I 10,420 4,348 5.071 6,S05 3,172 4,787 99,150 j 60.837 la pasture. En piiturage. Acres. 7,390 4.271 6,446 3,790 •-'.244 2,446 20,.o93 2.54 59 148 101 720 1,685 6.632 8.798 4,993 2,657 7,061 6,757 8,253 6,172 11,343 7,223 0,585 80,041 4,230 2,078 2,5-5'j 1.2S2 4,9.32 1.513 2,438 4,040 1,079 2,549 .31,043 2,286 1,177 2,118 1,949 988 1.231 9.749 540 83 222 49 l,0--7 550 3,382 4.7w5 2,832 1,177 3,422 2,241 5,060 3,.'J51 0.304 2,027 4.827 42.101 8,009 3 870 12,355 5,974 15.236 5,039 4,092 1.319 8,1'04 2,550 11,182 3.477 8,399 2,048 2,691 489 3,509 908 7.776 2,293 4,090 1,948 80,972 30.527 l,.5('l 687 401 1.1-4 L Gardens 4' Orchards. Jardins >-i Vergers . Acres. 104 50 72 84 8 14 670 68 46 101 49 16 12 OCiO 18 10 11 6 40 31 34 178 65 38 100 115 19C 93 132 2 42 1,105 195 253 266 56 46 110 25 12 15 86 108 1.17 43 r. I 88 CEJTSUS OF 187 1. PROVINCE OF KKIV BRt-lVSWICK: Total Population. Population Totale. Number of Occupiers of Lands. Nombre des Occupants de Terres. Total Occupiers. Total Occupants. Grand Falls f~^aiiit Leonard''* St. Basile Madawaska Saint Francis [ Total 182. Restismicli©. fa. h. c. . d. i e. Eldon Adding-t'm Dalhousie. C'olborne Durham Total I I S3. Gloucester , f (.'. Jier^•sfo!■d b. liathurst c. New-Baudon d. Inkerman ■{ e. Sauraarez /. '-;- of Occupit-rj of Acreage and bt.itu of Lands occiipi •d. i Noiuhri. d'Occupants de Etendne et Condition dcs Exjdoitations. ' 10 Acres .and 10 A 01' 1 to 50. 50 Acres to lOU. 100 Acr. .^ to 200. Over 200 Total ofcnpied Tftftl improvedj TTadcr crops. In p:i8ture. Gardens &i Orchards. midcr. Acre-'. — — — — . - — — — — — Total Total Sous En Jardins et 10 Acres et moins. 10 Acres 50 Acres 100 Acre Plus de 200 Acres. 13 oocupt^. am(51iori5. culture. paturage . Vergera. k50. h, 100. ii 200. .tVcre.s. Acres. AorcR. Acres. Acres. 2 20 182 .30 27,932 7,054 5,.527 1,.518 9 i 2(i 153 63 30 36.140 9,367 6,312 3.0 !2 13 .'■> !i 72 81 54 38.143 10,C.27 7,8S2 2.718 27 .3 10 03 107 34 35,613 11 2'. '0 0,104 2.190 5 2 ;-;t 101 38 12 27,084 2(17.761 6, .^30 57.031 ', 4,.S18 1,674 38 •.'.0 Ml) 883 307* 1()1 1 10 43,163 13.731 1.^7 1 12 41 1 29 1.700- 13.554 269 2,844 117 1.007 122 829 18' 8 11 1(3 24 87 A\) 17 23,772 5,822 4,373 1,436 13 2(> 54 28 13 15,773 3,776 2,754 1,021 1 's 20 124 31 4 10,5.33 74,352 5,896 18,607 4,666 1,228 2 '27 !'!) 318 104 138 45 13,9.37 4,430 4,636 34 i ]i 121 68 •JO 40,102 6.107 1,660 17 4r, lOS 187 63 31 ;".9.6(.)8 0,.578 7,861 1,657 60 11 128 l(i7 64 13 27,899 7.207 5,012 1,2S3 12 2 120 G5 17 10 17,779 4,7.^5 4,200 .544 11 90 175 30 I 4 10,097 3.720 3,424 291 5 3l> 197 142 72 29 30,280 8.899 8.016 868 15 117 11.- 30 10 5 8,475 203,330 3,070 43,336 2,983 76 11 312 755 112 301 112 36,826 6,379 131 2it 73 23 33,774 5,585 4,704 856 25 .55 92 105 30 6 10,465 5,867 4,4't7 1,328 42 2G 62 120 72 22 34,260 6,036 4,897 1,115 24 .-J 13 IG 26 17 12.022 2.923 2..5^7 326 10 (> 15 21 27 25 16,034 2,787 2,324 4.-.6 7 33 84 53 29 3 16,363 4.553 3.^.20 996 37 6 15 48 18 11 0,864 1..5.52 1,224 312 16 P, 50 95 41 17 23,613 6,260 4,507 729 24 5.'> 79 86 39 2 17,6:J8 5,5o0 4.163 1,321 46 4 H'. 82 85 19 •J9,9:.8 5,101 4,202 894 5 IG 40 10 40 13 13,695 226,706 3,713 3,137 570 6 238 53r. 7G3 •180 15S 48,907 39.762 8,903 242 11'. •it 58 ■Ml 13 15.282 4,825 4,080 -•>■> 23 fi no 132 59 36 ;58,347 10,030 8.676 1,305 49 50 vi3 139 83 34 42,884 11.608 9,539 2,076 83 s 82 201 04 38 02,048 15,840 , 12.837 2,847 166 17 1(17 ; 160 67 13 36,27;^ 14 050 1 ll.:wj 2,563 98 .5 82 1G9 54 23 36 282 9,776 8 026 1,699 51 8 218 171 85 17 40.800 13,2-^4 10,600 2.457 9S 2 17 ! 5 5 4,350 8.53 806 47 • • . 1 276.365 80.32<'. 1 5.58 110 701 l,l.-^7 469 92 179 33 66,052 13 716 91 2..3 208 .57,646 2-5.063 13.758 11,143 162 70 173 116 71 45 45.(:07 19.572 11.935 7,449 IBS 28 1(12 96 75 4S ;-!.S 508 18,685 0,046 9.508 131 20 123 169 165 70 7'J.214 26.818 13,062 12.801 56 70 210 211 121 38 58 lOG 21 .509 15.M3 5,5o3 143 •J.". lltO 1 2.H5 90 54 (.i.-'io"! 18 501 12,426 6,029 1:'.6 do CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXI. — Oceiipicrs' of Lands and Lands Occnj)ied. PROVISCE OP NOVA SCOTIA. DISTRICTS. SUB-DlSTUICTS. Sous-Districts. Tot;il Population. L g. Salisbuiy. Total . Total Population I Occupiers. NuuibLT of Occupiers of Lands. Nombre dea Occupants de Terres. Totale. 18T. Albert, 'a. Coverdale . . 6. Hillsborough c. Hopewell.... j d. Harvey \ e. Alma. /.Elgin Total .... Grand Totals of New Bruns-vvick \ Grands Tutaux du Xouvtau-Brnnswitk . . . )' (P. of Nova Scotia.) (P. de laN.-Ecosse.) J. 8 8. Hants. f a, Scotch Village ! 6, Kempt I c. Walton. ..... d. Noel e. Maitland /. Shubenacadie g. Nine Mile Kiv'er h. JiAwAon, North. — Nord. . i. Rawdon, South. — Sud . . . j. Brooklyn k. Ste. Croix I. Windsor m. Falmouth n. Forks Total : 189. King's Kentville (raspereau Lower Horton WolfviUe (Janard Canning Centroville Lakevilie Rerwick Somer.'^et Harborville , . Aylesford, North. — Nord m. Aylesford, South. — Sud. . n . Dalhousie ... I Total . 1 90. Anu&ptills ' a. \\ iiniot h Middletm Corners. c. Clarence d. Bridjfetown e. Bolisl- /. New Caledonia a. Broad f V)ve \ h. Oleaients Port 3,237 29 ,000 1,3."JU 2,90S 1,841 i,eo(; 1,112 1,708 Total Occupants. 406 3,063 ]1I4 3.'57 204 203 Kil 273 10,672 2S5,.594 2,43.5 1,633 830 l,i)78 2,403 1,093 1,020 770 719 1,106 1,61.5 2,715 1,.598 720 1.515 31,202 21, .301 327 235 98 276 318 14:5 220 121 93 1.57 180 98 166 115 2,.549 1,779 1,200 1,519 1,097 1,440 2.898 2,334 1,717 1,115 939 1,.557 i,5;jo 1,571 208 "• 21,510 1,893 1,542 i,6.-'y 1.334 1.006 1.4.55 1.302 244 172 182 182 190 302 285 235 10(i 155 204 231 202 2,845 290 232 242 102 1()5 193 lU 209 Being Owners. Proprie- taires. 386 3,473 180 341 234 250 1(;2 2G>5 1,433 29,059 300 219 91 259 307 131 208 112 81 144 119 72 150 87 2,280 220 152 149 165 159 297 251 226 140 138 182 180 242 29 2,534 278 204 228 155 153 193 134 Being Tenants Fer- miers. 20 184 14 16 30 12 2 7 81 2,034 27 15 7 17 9 14 11 9 9 13 61 26 15 27 200 21 20 33 19 31 5 34 9 20 17 22 51 19 1 302 28 14 7 11 io' 19 Em- ployes. D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 91 TA15LEAU XXI.-Oceupanty de Terres et Terrcs occup6es. PROVINCE DE LA NOUYELLE-ECOSSE. Number of Oocupisrs of Nonibre d'Occupanta de 10 Acru.s uixl uiiiler. 10 Acres et moins. 18 ■i\0 15 57 58 25 o rr ( 1G7 2,0G'J 10 Acrt-.s j DO Acrt'b to 50. 1 to 100. 10 Acres h,50. 50 Acres klOO. 46 l,0:i.-: G7 (>7 13 10 56 15 12 7 9 2y 63 2y 53 26 41'i 01 i:. 53 70 44 19 I'J 220 Ml). 42 77 12 29 22 95 50 01 33 66 34 171 66 84 32 57 24 46 20 38 11 58 25 3cJ 15 46 1 387 sn; 41 II 71 38 4'J 41 49 36 26 3] 35 18 46 2» 34 UJ 174 1,209 63 99 51 95 93 139 540 6,415 11,888 82 73 62 43 26 25 35 54 75 63 18 32 40 40 3 16 19 16 23 36 44 39 32 18 69 28 35 20 503 44 36 37 38 66 76 06 .72 51 61 87 70 io>; 11 821 8;5 66 69 36 48 58 30 02 loo Acres to 200. 100 Acn s li, 200. 96 Over 200 Acres. Plus df 200 Acres. 50 94 45 58 31 G7 345 6,900 69 37 17 75 72 47 66 43 34 45 22 10 12 19 508 51 68 23 25 25 16 64 58 31 •>o 43 73 69 58;t 360 51 54 40 41 l(i 41 243 3,330 36 2(; 17 102 52 33 62 52 22 24 12 9 1 15 466 30 27 5 8 15 16 11 3 5 25 26 15 191 7^ 27 61 18 05 18 45 lU 40 11 52 19 39 17 30 11 Acreage and State of Etendue et Condition d<: Lands occupied, s Exploitations. Total occupied. Total occupiJ. Acres. 59,827 595,843 Total I imijroved Total amdliorc^. Acres. 19.670 149,908 37,190 47,653 29,752 36,810 21,371 41,547 214,323 9,221 13,075 9,979 10,526 5,478 11,882 00.161 3,.S27,731 1 1.171,157 31,433 23,376 13,196 66,128 40.659 22.755 37.253 26,353 35,620 19,011 34,611 9,278 8.142 20,747 ot>8.i;().; 15 286 6,717 3.345 14,938 10,479 9,078 10,367 11,092 7,103 11.477 6,856 3,997 6,703 3,310 24,134 23,435 10 222 10,763 10,656 14.816 21.977 20,373 14.333 12,115 17,599 19,342 38.748 8,182 216, / Sr> 2:),960 22,081 22,585 16.890 M,C,81 21.273 15.723 120,748 14.053 13,228 6,0i.9 8,147 9,173 12,243 14,388 14,809 7,059 8,432 12,682 12.457 15,234 2,008 150,0:V2 17,421 15 882 10 707 10.120 8,372 8,880 3.407 9.39o Under crops. Sous culture. Acres. In pasture. En pAturage. Acres. 13,333 90,273 5,352 8,062 6,092 6,750 3,340 7,859 38.0f 778,461 6,347 2,680 1,175 6,567 3,664 2,923 4,347 3,463 2.419 5,904 3,152 2,463 3,364 1,784 G,195 58,G78 3,752 4,820 3,119 3,698 2 122 3,'922 21,433 Gardens & Orchards. Jardins et Vergers. Acres. 142 385,105 8,778 3,961 2,159 8,276 6.715 6,132 5,976 7,578 4.G48 5,510 3,634 1,402 3.133 1,489 %-iU^ 1 25i) 957 117 193 168 78 16 101 7,591 161 76 11 95 100 23 44 51 30 63 70 132 206 50,252 09,: 191 1,105 6,371 7.463 219 G,l:il 7,011 £6 3,021 2,907 141 4 899 2,986 262 5.180 3..580 413 6,402 5, ."87 254 7,89(i 0,211 281 6,098 7,859 252 2,827 3.990 242 4,:!04 3,930 248 5,007 7,049 20 4,772 7.514 171 8,199 0,731 304 943 1,048 17 73.250 73,800 2,910 7,;-t78 9 703 1 340 6 84L' » 8-'l 212 6,'..2l 9,522 2CA 3,579 6,359 182 3,093 5,116 163 3." -2 5,748 100 73 89 92 CENSUS OF 1871 Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. DISTRICTS. 191. Digby 192. Yarmontli, 193. SHcIbnrjic, PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA Sub-Districts. Sous-Districts. i. Hessian Line . . . j. Annapolis Royal. k. Carleton Corner. . I. Nictaux ..... , . . m. Dalhousie n. Morse's Road . . . . 0. Maitland Total Population. I'opulation Totale. 1 Total (a. b. c. d. e. f. fj. h. i. J. k. I. m n. £rier Island Long ] slan' 1 Petit Passage Sandy (Jove ...,-.. Dig- by Hillsbnrg Head of St Mary's . St. Mary's Pay . . . . AVey mouth Bellevanx Clare Metaghan Salmon River Xew Tusket ,...| Total -! ( a. Ph-month b. Chebogue c. "S. armouth d. Oliio e. (>arleton /. Kempt g. West side of Tusket Rivei h. Tusket i. Argyla j. Pubuico Total -! { a. Shag Harlior b. Cajie Sable Island c. Eai-rington d. ]'ort la Tour c. Carleton, Villarjc . . f. Sheiliuri-ie y. Ragged Island .... h. Louis Head Total 191:. Queen's. a. b. e. d. f. Iff- Port Mout.in . , Liverpool .... Bri^'tol , , Port Midway. Greenfield Caledonia Brookfieid l-,272 2,127 700 l,:5Sti .■;8i 567 Number of Uccupiers of Lands. Nombre des Occupants de Terres. Total Occupiers. Total Occupants, 18,121 (;4;-i 701 •3'M 1,V.V, 1,!».-)1 1,."»70 1,11.0 i,7oy 1,440 i.o.in 1,S77 1,88:3 1,183 41!) 17,037 l,;i21 l, 108 1)3 fi2 93 2,051 59 85 50 170 237 208 175 237 203 133 205 2.5G 133 64 2,281 198 231 337 385 132 59 57 343 180 260 1S,.550 1,448 1,0.30 1,527 1,477 1,044 2,789 1.579 'M7 12,417 829 3,104 2,109 2,136 387 1,209 060 2.182 197 270 270 274 178 358 206 149 1,908 129 190 277 232 58 195 99 Being 1 Being- Owners. Tenants Proprie- taires. 179 228 129 191 79 58 89 2,488 57 83 47 176 214 199 167 237 194 129 2t;4 242 131 63 2,203 190 222 328 370 117 58 55 321 171 257 2,095 184 269 2ants de Terre.s et Terres occupees. 1 PROVINCE DE L.A NOVVELLE-ECOSSE. Nuuiliel • of Occupiers of Acrt-iyc and 8t;ite ui Landtj occupi .-d. N ombre d'Occupants de Etendiie et Condition c es Exploitations. Acres and under. 10 Acres to 50. 50 Acres to 100. 100 Acres to 200. Over 200 Acres, Total occupied Total improved Under crops. In pasture. ^1 GardenB &. Orchards. ._ . Total Total Sous En ' ffardins et .0 Acres et moins. 10 Acres 50 Acres 100 Acres Plus de '^00 occupy. amelior^ culture. pAturage. Vergers. koO. h,100. h. 200. Acres. Acres. A3res. Acres. Acres. Acres. 33 34 59 44 19 20,852 7,652 3.006 4,.528 118 4.5 33 72 38 50 33,.5(;S 8,667 3,410 5,098 159 28 17 17 23 50 25,539 5,878 2,439 3,238 1.51 24 35 51 57 31 25,484 11,136 .5,042 6.887 207 2 10 27 27 27 17.578 5,415 2.616 2,717 82 2 1 20 23 16 13,818 3,041 1,345 1,648 48 5 13 30 36 9 11,883 310,034 2,812 1.34,780 1,485 1,274 53 1 419 508 728 654 342 .56,741 75,804 2,241 22 32 5 1.444 748 499 245 4 33 37 9 4 2 3.212 3,211 2,855 356 7 24 29 41 12 58 2 35 2 434 2 349 2 068 281 18 17,864 14,110 6,537 7,.564 9 45 65 66 42 19 22,730 4.625 650 3,870 105 31 60 40 47 30 26.943 8,059 3,7.54 4,192 113 14 42 47 45 27 22.300 8,531 4,177 4,238 116 37 82 63 32 23 21,999 6,214 2,539 3,026 49 41 95 54 11 2 11,163 8,3.51 5,574 2,7.32 45 5 23 42 45 18 18.262 3,083 1.372 1,639 72 18 55 65 86 41 ;54 479 9, .518 6,393 3,039 86 1 14 59 70 71 42 33,970 15 116 12,5.55 2,.525 36 11 46 26 30 20 18,906 12,.569 10.095 2 459 16 1 17 19 21 12,817 2,065 98,. 549 1,205 805 55 303 672 574 469 263 3 2-18,523 60,273 1.588 37,571 705 44 99 48 4 8,473 2,435 822 25 3'J 121 51 15 5 12,828 7,672 4,022 3,605 45 loy 168 49 10 1 10,535 8,2.i5 3,802 4,342 111 59 151 122 43 10 25,380 13,725 3,998 8,779 048 3 34 41 35 19 16.041 3,942 1,146 2,666 130 1 10 14 21 13 9,606 2,040 813 1,177 60 2 25 13 10 7 6,060 1,294 550 701 43 85 139 62 36 21 23,563 5,919 3,596 2.2.59 64 24 87 45 21 3 10,476 3,521 1.689 1,S14 18 170 88 2 2,897 125.8.-9 1,984 5().7>7 1,287 661 36 530 40 9-2 447 195 82 22,4'.il 26,826 1,470 112 30 11 4 9,137 1 6.54 884 769 1 137 118 18 3 5,455 1,200 719 480 1 87 13G 28 12 7 13,144 1,600 855 732 13 104 97 42 20 11 1 4,986 1,360 1,040 309 11 18 77 59 17 1 12,401 1,171 788 358 25 140 139 41 23 1.-. 17,635 3,;>,so 2,403 884 93 51 83 39 21 12 15,166 1.713 914 774 25 89 53 5 2 * * 2.497 1,762 1,270 AS 34 66G 81.-. 202 109 5t; !i0,121 IS.SJO 8,873 4,7.;i 203 62 125 59 40 4 14 4 9 •> 453 1 1/4 7.53 421 2 5,194 1,513 971 510 32 111 122 25 13 6 9.841 2,;>40 1.539 757 44 80 81 29 25 17 25,2\8 2,439 l,<>.i0 768 41 19 26 12 1 • .. . ... 2,188 1,219 879 323 17 10 18 58 59 50 33,025 9,861 4,913 4,752 liH'. 7 7 30 38 17 1.5,633 6,473 3,126 3,270 ( ■ • &4 CENSUS OF 18 7 1. DISTRICTS. 195. LiuienlJtirs^ . 106. Halifax * . . (WesL—Oueif.) 197. Halifax (Eait.—Eit.) PROVINCK OF NOVA SCOTIA. SUB-DISTKICTS. S0US-DlSTEICT3. Total Total Population. Number of Occupiers of Tiands. Nombre des Occupants de Terrea. Total Population Occui)iers. Totale. 10.!; jS"e\v Germany . Bridgewater . . . Petite Riviere . . Conquerall . . . . - Ritchy's (Jove ,. Lunenburg La Have Mahonc 1 >ay . . . Tancook Island Sandy Beaches Mill Cove .... Chester , New Ross 2,851 2,yi2 2,572 1,W0 1,594 3,231 1,203 3,129 496 428 434 2,840 972 Total Occupants, 1180 431 352 412 169 263 341 173 445 67 71 67 367 140 Being OwTiers. Propri(5- taires. Ward No. 1 (Quartier). . Ward No. 2 (Quartier). .[ Ward No. 3 (Quartier). .| Ward No. 4 (Quartier) . . Ward No. 5 (1st Section) Ward No. 5 (2ndSection) Ward No. 6 (Quartier) . . North-West Arm Ferguson'.s Cove Portuguese Cove Sambro , Terrence Bay ■ Prospect Drysdale Haggett's (Jove French Village Black Point Hammond's Plains . . . Pier's Mills Sable Island 6,03i 3,320 3,277 2,3:-'-l 4,788 5,258 3,974 439 667 515 440 368 856 407 1,009 668 925 740 365 27 18 6 2 1 5 6 40 29 53 44 47 45 88 72 99 92 127 110 36 3 Total. f a. Dartmouth 16. Windsor Road I c. Truro Road d. Eastern Passage I c. Preston /. L.awrencetown g. (Jhezettcook h. MHsquodoboit Harbor. . f , .' eddore . . j. Pojjc'h Haibor I k. Sb?et li .irbor I. Salmon River m. Nicumteauch 71. ijper Mu;;quodobnit. . . 37,008 923 • 'I'otals of the City of Halifax, separately ) * Totaux da la Villa d'Halifax, scx;arement. . . J 4,358 8.i0 998 818 715 504 1,344 1,151 1,623 1,7U5 1.023 '704 503 1,078 p 29,582 203 136 78 95 122 81 163 218 101 104 64 170 Being Tenants Fer- miers. 1,109 380 336 398 161 262 320 171 428 58 64 60 338 130 17 6 2 1 5 4 30 17 50 44 45 44 84 69 92 73 119 104 27 3 836 188 109 66 78 121 73 1.59 215 98 95 62 167 G5 67 18 16 13 8 1 20 2 17 9 7 7 29 10 Em- ployees. 157 1 10 12 2 2 1 3 3 7 19 8 6 6 81 14 27 11 17 6 12 4 33 35 1 i' 6 1 'i' DTilNOMBREMENT DE 18^1. 95 Tableau XXI. — ''U'cupants de Torres et Terres occupies. PROVINCE DE LA NOUVELLE-ECOSSE. Numljur of Occupiens of Acreage". and fStute of Lands occujjied. Nonibre d'Occupants de Etendue ot Condition des Exploitations. 10 Acres anil under. 10 Acres to 50. 50 Acres to 100. 100 Acres to 200. Over 200 Acres. Total occupied. Total improved Under crops. In pasture. Gardens & Orchards. __ Total Total Sou.-. En Jardins et 10 Acres ft moins. 10 Acres 50 Acres 100 Acres Plus de 200 Acres. OCCUpli. %meliore. culture. paturage. Vergers. h,50. klOO. h 200. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. 411 1 35;5 172 149 92 03,592 25,019 13,811 9,185 10,801 407 11 42 160 152 66 63,033 18,594 9,1.^)2 257 G4 79 111 75 23 33.916 18,269 8,156 9,991 122 104 139 79 02 28 31,735 5,149 2,663 2,446 40 20 53 49 24 17 15.982 4,650 2,431 2,169 50 39 187 30 7 8,388 3,019 2.025 1,496 98 120 153 53 14 1 11,217 , 7,323 3,326 3,945 52 3!) 51 41 30 12 13,696 5,069 1,.588 3,438 43 69 132 102 93 49 43,780 13,897 6,141 7,683 73 29 34 4 .... , 1,317 1.280 524 755 1 6 28 16 14 7 8,519 1,439 943 486 10 11 29 13 8 6 4.774 149 136 12 1 87 119 81 51 29 30,201 8,244 3.063 5,169 12 4 9 60 41 26 22,423 288,081 5,033 92,715 3,191 1,799 43 cm 1,0.") 799 1 571 204 43,372 48,541 802 7 s 842 426 2:.7 147 22 1 2 5 96 8 16 43 172 1,722 75 8 36 8 39 1 •*•""*' 5 2 14 42 165 880 76" 342 42 91 522 3 20 1 2 4 16 2 2 2 11 11 3 2 2..->42 671 361 309 1 34 37 40 29 18 7 12 1 1 953 407 404 928 344 223 172 490 250 168 159 94 93 55 13 396 1 2 i 1 30 19 26 8 5 5,827 5o4 208 315 {{ 4 15 22 11 20 14,705 1,875 646 1,215 14 54 30 14 1 2,905 546 289 251 6 21 31 19 12 9 8,710 1,024 410 608 6 54 49 12 8 4 5,219 882 503 359 20 13 37 21 23 16 13,725 2,034 583 1,442 9 7 7 7 4 *1 11 7,022 496 223 248 25 3 2 2 2 3o9 279 1.38 7C. 71 1.7 66,308 10,889 4,609 6.145 135 6(> 79 26 17 13,990 1 3,735 1,183 2.514 38 10 31 31 27 37 27,161 1 3,902 1,727 2,145 30 21 20 13 12 12 8. (-.70 1 2,498 1,194 1 1,284 20 38 28 21 4 4 4.667 1,013 660 327 26 31 46 34 7 4 7,035 1,061 464 578 19 6 16 23 18 18 14,105 2,597 1,699 895 3 28 57 33 0-, 1 20 18,868 11.458 1,405 10,041 12 35 57 S3 ;:o ; ^'"^ 22,250 1,892 1,060 8;{i 1 4 42 37 I'J 1 p 10.417 1 2,082 .'^64 22 27 27 28 17 ' 7,900 1 2,547 711 1 l,.s:42 4 26 27 9 2 1 2.095 : 42> 1'35 188 2 5 22 37 60 61 22 2S,994 i 6,976 3,211 1 3,749 IG 59 1 4 4 o 2,899 1,596 1 713 841 42 ^6 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. DISTRICTS. Sub-Districts, SoUS-Dl^TKICTS. 5 « Total I Population. Population Totale. 0. Middle Musquodoboit. . . p. liittle River q. Wyse's (corner r. Gay's Rivtr L Total 198. Cumberlaud (a. b. c. d. e. f. 9- h. Amherst Head of Amherst. . . Pugwash , Wall.ice Wentwortli Westchester River Philip Maccan. River Hebert Advocate Harbor . . . Piirrsborough\Shore . Mill VillaLre " L Total 199. ColeJiester 'a,. Economy & Five Island;: h. Lower Londonderry c. Upper London'ierry Nevv- Annan Tatamagouohe WaughV River Earltown .... Kemptown L'^pper ()iifilo\\r Onslow Truro Old Burns m.jjower Stewiacke 71. Upper Htewiacke L Total aoo. Pictou.,, ( a. Mount Thoni b. West Branch River John c. River John , d. C!ape John e. Cariboo f. Pictou i 200. 28 37 45 74 2n 58 3 30 14 4') 5 SO 3 11 1 8 33 7 34 75 88 25 2S Hi 31 18 32 277 587 12 34 7 20 13 64 13 56 1 45 24 58 12 49 8 42 5 44 3 20 13 8 2.^ 17 40 33 20 39 69 1 29 3 26 5 20 1 1 =^ 42 17 21 503 112 82 166 136 47 62 111 18 34 18 30 83 899 I I. Over 200 Acres. Plus de 200 Acres. 55 19 24 37 367 111 88 107 84 42 34 87 36 31 20 31 748 57 88 84 65 77 86 89 55 82 44 72 24 9'.) 72 31 19 76 69 60 48 108 83 64 47 49 73 128 111 1,056 874 115 38 79 39 60 24 104 4<) 126 28 30 13 72 34 99 35 62 22 86 33 62 21 90 45 85 62 34 16 70 18 1 1 29 126 27 88 59 64 61 39 11 25 29 260 62 73 38 24 28 49 91 64 46 32 30 63 600 62 34 30 13 5 6 13 8 29 15 45 66 407 13 7 3 4 S 1 4 2 16 18 5 1 1 1 29 19 Acreage and State of Landn occupied. ]',ti-ridue et Condition des Exijlnitr\ti 1,69:1 6,459 2.151 7,23.J 9.224 5s.6;;5 3,807 1.9,Jl 2,120 3.504 2.791 1.166 3.2:^ 3,167 3 360 2.807 1,973 2,678 3,081 1,10:? 2.488 2..524 2.'.»10 4.1.-2 1,686 9 25 14 35 276 196 121 122 88 53 34 132 20 47 5 15 29 862 39 17 29 39 52 27 48 11 3 19 99 29 36 1-. 4ii;; i 38 3;: 3;{ 30 48 35 :i5 59 57 49 14 65 40 26 25 18 30 23 98 CEN"SUS OF 1871 PROVIKCE OP NOVA. SCOTIA Sous-Districts. Total Population. Population Totale. t. Merrigomish . . u. Barney's River. V. Gulf yiiore Total 801. Antisonish. Uppei- South liiver Lochp.ber Antigonish Arisaipr • . . . Cape George Morristown St. Andrev/'s A. Tracadie Harbor Bouclie (a. h. c. d. e. f. L :otal 802. Gaysljoroujjli ' L)i8t. Guysboro' Pollin; Crow Harbor Cape Canso Molas.ses Harbor. , Isaac's H*rbor Wine Harbor .... ... Slierbrooke : . . Marie Joseph Caledonia Forks of St. Mary . Storrnont Salmon River m. Guy.s])orough Intervale n. Manchestsr 0. Meiford Total 803. Inveriie«8. a. Plaister Cove h. River Inhabitants c. North Mountain d. Rixer Dennis c. Judique Port Hood Mabou West Lake Ainslie. . . . Rroad CJove Intcivale . Hroad C\>ve District . . . Margaree Cheticainp lVorth-]'2ast Marj r-e . n. Young Bridge or J orks 0. East Lake Ainslie p. Whycocomagh Total . 'a. Waf'habutcht .. 6. Little Narrows. c. Middle River . . Ni\niber of Occupiers of Lands. Ncmbre des Occupants de Terres. Total Occupiers. Total Occupants, 1,740 1.228 l,14(j 258 196 151 32,114 l,2i.(i 1.897 0,319 1,583 1.2.")4 l,0(il 2,297 1,882 i 1,953 ■ 10,512 1,887 79G 1,136 1,310 928 789 1,G23 770 237 1,350 3(19 074 1,205 1,044 1,705 3,810 177 282 392 238 175 155 315 273 304 2,311 244 111 93 160 107 105 117 134 43 217 58 106 214 202 284 Being Owners. Propri^- taires. 254 192 145 16,5.'J5 2,213 1,0«5 856 1,022 1,919 1,297 3,112 397 1,442 980 1,442 1,915 1.470 1,029 810 2.39S ! 23,4ir 1,171 855 l.OOC 272 154 114 163 258 l(i9 430 01 200 129 227 285 207 139 112 ,■■139 3,259 182 123 141 3,721 174 209 371 224 171 147 307 255 282 2,210 234 103 89 156 106 100 113 133 43 180 53 102 214 221 270 2,123 208 152 114 100 252 160 414 61 194 122 2[)8 275 204 130 108 334 3,150 Bein Tenants Fer- miers. 81 3 13 20 13 2 8 7 4 22 Em- ploy^ 6 m ! 28 5 4 At 14 123 3 5 8 14 6 7 19 3 6 1 5 88 118 137 1 '3" 9 1 3 3 15 D^.NOiMBREMENT DE 1871. 99 Taulkau XXI. — Occupant. i do Teires ct 1 erres occupies. PROVINCE OK LA NO u vbllk-bcosse: . Number of OccupierB of AcretLg.' and State of Lanrls occupied. 10 Acres Nuiiilin 10 Acres J d'Occui>antH ilu I'ltl'TldlK ot ( 'onditloyi f Under es E.xpl.'it.ili In nns. (Jar 39 33 17 10 15,155 868 390 477 1 1 3 19 20 11,4.50 1,398 765 631 2 io 20 50 71 66 42,715 8,096 4,032 4,016 48 3 5 10 22 18 12,669 1,356 634 721 1 1 28 52 25 16 744 7,046 6,744 .3,405 3.390 3,001 3,348 40 i'j 18 51 79 54 38,657 37 5y 105 55 79 77 39 70 2 23 8,039 29,081 2S2,5.-)3 30,02.5 376 3,209 43,797 364 1,194 20,009 12 1,097 18 404 471 551 511 315 14 23.012 176 O'l 32 80 Ul 11,514 3,i'>03 28 1 2 39 80 32 20,508 5.976 2,968 3,003 ;> 2 1 28 68 15 20,318 4,625 1,7-50 2,8C.7 8 3 1 42 87 30 31.074 5,529 2,734 2,778 17 () 23 105 104 20 35.918 12,358 6,087 6,2.)8 13 26 33 46 52 12 17,874 6,315 2,620 3.684 11 10 35 120 210 55 68,779 21,280 9,041 1J,191 48 2 19 31 71 22 83 6 17 8,772 2."., 783 2,536 8,463 1.210 3,573 1.294 4.881 9 10 5 9 :;8 66 11 18,488 5,11.4 2.510 2,.">98 6 17 78 03 47 22 25,958 6,607 2.493 4,091 23 40 128 82 31 4 18,1."0 4,679 3,310 1,333 9 21 1 73 67 37 22,232 8,099 4,237 4,301 71 13 14 30 54 28 22,'.>61 0,635 2,.5U 4,107 17 3 6 41 55 / 16,986 4,'«7 1,573 2.4.53 11 12 10 ! 103 176 38 52,310 14.2.i3 5,355 8,8.36 42 21'-' 414 ! 092 1,293 348 437,746 i 128. COO ! 0.1-'. 55,011 2,734 72.t:b 311 4 ^0 1 >»ii 4.". G 19,438 3,40." 4 11 6 i t ."^5 10 18.830 3,323 1.650 1.657 16 1 1 1 78 33 29,3'»8 4,989 2,629 2,139 21 c- 100 CiENSUS OF 18 71. Table XXI. — Occupiers of Lands and Lands Occupied. PROVINCE OP NOVA SCOTIA. DISTRICTS. Sub-Districts. Sods-Districts. a04. Victoria, 205. Cape Breton. ^00. Rleh.niond. d. f. f. a. h. i. ■}• k. I. Baddeck Boularderie King's Cove Englishto^v'n Monro's Point, St. Ann's I'laster Ingouisli Capr North Bay of St. Lawrence. . Total Population. Population Totale. L Total , (a. Howley's Ferry . h. Sydney Mines . . . c. Ball's Bridge d. Beaver Cove e. Christinas Island f. East Bay fi. Sydney , h. ].,ingan IMines i. Cfiw Bay , ;'. Mira l^ay k. Mainadieu I, liouisburg m. Gnbarus n. Big Pond I (a. \^- c. d. e. f. '.I. h. i. 7. k. I. m. Total . Framboise liochloruond ...... Ked Islands , Grand River L'Ardoise , St. Petei-'s Black River River Inhabitants River Bourgeois . , , D'Escousfte Petit de Grat Arijhat Little A rich at 1.749 1.287 433 524 1,679 640 SOO 783 419 Number of Occupiers of Lands. Nombre des Occupants de Terreg. Total Being Occupiers. Owners. Total Occupants. 11,346 1,156 3,931 2,268 905 L315 2,090 2,900 3.429 1,986 944 1,594 1,446 1,747 743 26,454 538 435 776 822 1,672 991 747 1,166 964 1,456 1,982 1,068 1,661 Total , 14,268 221 178 57 79 239 89 106 107 56 Propri^- taires. 218 169 48 74 234 89 102 96 55 1,578 1,515 182 259 330 148 214 304 322 212 139 144 218 238 286 110 3,106 159 231 306 126 190 301 299 203 136 143 213 221 282 109 2,919 79 60 104 130 243 131 100 163 140 223 202 72 170 79 58 104 129 241 131 98 160 135 219 201 70 168 1.817 1,793 Being Tenants Per- j miors. | 4 11 1 59 22 26 23 22 24 3 19 7 3 1 4 15 3 1 173 1 Em- ployes. 1 2 1 4 2 1 2 1 14 1 '9' 21 GRAND TOTALS. Grand totals tjf Ontari' ; Gi-ands totaux d'Ontario I Grand totals of Quebec I I^ Grands totaux de Quebec : J^ Grand totals of New Brunswick I fi;f> Grands totaux duNouveau-Brun&wick. ,r^ Grand totals of Nova Scotia '•^ Grands totaux de la Nouvelle-Ecosse . Grand Totals of the four Provinces ., Grands Totaux des quatre Provinces 1,620,851 1,191,516 285.594 387,800 3,485,761 172,258 144,212 118,086 109,059 31,202 29,059 .46,316 43,830 307,H;2 326,100 27,340 7,895 2,034 2.314 39,583 706 1,132 109 172 2,119 DlfiNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 101 Tableau XXI. — Occupants tie Terres et Ter res occupees. t PROVINCE DE t.V NOrVELI^K-ECOSSE. Number of OccupierH of Acreage aud State of LaudB occupied. Nombre d'OccupJinta de ]-:te I'lue ct Conditioa des Exploit:itii t;.809 1,009 768 210 31 ; 164 27 9 1 1 2.<;04 626 534 91 1 41 16 11 3 1 2..30(; 703 418 1 278 7 142 2H 2 1,365 6.50 5yo 42 18 127 86 532 ! 442 401 353 1 144.862 ; 30,.521 15,523 14,871 , G KAND^ TO'rAl-> 1 19,0,-)4 38,882 71,>J64 1 33,984 7,574 16,161,676 i 8,83;;,626 6,537,438 2,089,177 207.011 10,510 22,379 44,410 .30,891 9,896 11,025,786 '' 5,703,944 3,714,304 1,943,182 46,458 2,C0S» 0,415 11,888 6,900 3.330 3,827,731 : 1,171,157 778.461 385,105 7.591 7,148 11,201 13,138 ■ 10,401 4,428 5,031.217 , 1,627,091 790,155 823,322 13,614 1 40,281 1 141,;;go 82.176 1 25.228 36,046,401 17.335,818 11,820,358 5,240,7.^0 r 274,674 ; TABLE XXII. VEHICXES, IMPLEMENTS, ANIMALS ASD ANIMAL PRODUCTS. TABLEAU XXII. VOITUEES, INSTRUMENTS ARATOIEES, ANIMAUX ET PEODUITS. 104 CENSXTS OF 1871 Table XXH. — Vehicles, Implements, Animals and Animal Products. PROVIXCE OP ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. Vehicles and Farm Iniplemeuta. A^'oiturea et OutiUuge Agricole. Light car- riages. Voi- tures Vehicles for tr'sijort. Voitur's d9 l^c((5reB. Itr'sport. 1. Eir-eK 2. Kent 3. Bothweil 4. Lambton .... 5. Elgin, W. — O 6. Elcin, J? 7. Middlesex, W 8. Middlesex, N . . 9. Middlesex,^. 10. London 11. Norfolk, -S" 12. Norfolk, iV^.... 13. Oxford, S 14. Oxford, iV. . . . 15. Brant, S. or W. IG. Brant, iV. or E. 17. Haldimand 18. Monck 19. Welland 20. Niagara 21. Lincoln 22. Wentworth, S. . 2.3. Wentworth, N. 24, Hamilton . . , 23. Huron, i> . . 2;3. Huron, iV^ . . 27. Druce, S. ... 28. Bruce, N.... 2.356 2..597 2,0C2 2,912 1,455 3.837 I 7,074 5,348 4,522 6,081 3,474 4.989 Ploughs, Reapers [ ^^^^^ hi^rrowsl and ^ and I mowers. | cultiv't'rs: — — I Moisson- (Jharr'es.jneuses et herses at | f au- uultiv't'rs; cheuses. Riteaux a cheval. Thresh- ing milia. Fan- ning iiiillH. Bat- ! teuses. ' Cribles 2,076 i 3,681 2,625 4,515 4,094 j 6,064 883 i 540 I 2,354 I 3,242 2,705 ; 3,527 3,857 I 5,149 29. Perth. S \ 3,914 2,648 1,914 3,168 2,444 3,226 550 2,736 2,504 2,240 76g' 3,045 3,718 2,008 1,774 2,214 5,288 3,337 2,571 4,724 3,967 3,984 661 3,145 4,330 3,696 853 5,021 i 6,955 5,757 I i 2,191 I 4,178 i 6,975 5,551 4,386 5,453 3,245 5,290 3,541 5,266 6,341 99 3,392 3,886 4,776 5,463 3,424 2,630 4,448 3,080 3,153 909 2,891 3,581 3,161 65 5,605 7,196 5,928 2,558 4.510 469 752 624 556 655 782 504 746 953 1,058 i l,4b2 593 780 693 823 761 j 1,072 i i 670 I 10 436 512 778 937 523 589 1,082 674 752 159 711 820 429 4 763 £32 88 45 738 7 536 689 1,106 1,366 758 708 1,457 1,005 985 162 812 1,016 678 14 937 .398 135 63 852 136 138 127 181 116 1,784 2,031 1,784 2,621 1,345 161 j 1,884 108 I 1,601 197 I 2,434 192 t 2,493 3 j 18 102 j 1,329 126 1 1,482 148 I 1,870 294 I 2,337 1?9 i 1,158 144 I 936 271 I 2,063 156 1,500 147 I 1,202 Working Animals. Animaux de Travail. Hor.-eK Che- vaux. Colts and fillieH. I '" Pou- lains et I'ou- liches. 38 169 235 160 ■ 168 912 1,341 1,266 11 310 I 2,505 281 I 3,795 276 84 282 3,205 1,450 1,950 Work- ing oxen. Boeufs de travail. 9,984 3,633 457 7,738 2,977 420 5,950 1,972 688 7,115 2,680 704 4,112 1,648 376 6,253 2,184 i .559 i 5,181 1,959 ' 344 6,413 2,487 I 272 7,646 2,895 j 156 841 48 I 15 3,930 1,173 899 4,071 1,204 853 0,229 1,893 376 7,186 2,.371 309 4,418 1,348 3G9 3,459 982 128 5,858 2,352 439 4,538 1,.585 743 4,749 1,405 227 886 301 10 230 268 546 17 i 6,770 2,884 j 538 8,458 I 3,030 j 2,562 5,908 ' 2,143 ; 2,432 2,758 ' 1,070 I 1,658 5.404 •; 2,171 240 TT— ' ■ i.'iiir'a 4,104 ; 1,155 4,877 I 1,485 3,923 ; 1,154 1,099 I 31 D]4:N0MBREMENT DE 1871. 105 Tableau XXfil.— V oifure.'j, IiLstiuiuuiits aratoiies , Aiiinmux et Produits. PROVINCE D»0\TARIO. 1 Fann Stock. Animals Kill<-'d cattle. .Sheep. Swine. HiveB of bees. Cattle kdle.l or .sold. Klieep kilk-d tjT sold. Swine killed or Sold. IVninds of Wool. Pounds of Honey. Vaclies laitili-fK. Autres hL-to8 bo vines. Moutons. Cochons. Ruches d' aheilk'S. Bewail j tiu- ou Vfndu. ; Mout<'nB tues ou vt.ndus. Cochons tues ou vendus. Livrea de I^aine. l^ivres de Miel. 10,499 13,177 28,349 33,392 2.258 4,706 1 11.934 18764 108,579 19,388 ; 9,742 14,032 24,792 26,919 1,769 4,553 12,769 20.073 103,752 14,568 8,502 13,2^J5 25,978 18,734 1,466 5,151 1 13,517 15,563 114,000 13.117 1 11,809 18,749 34,585 16,547 1,204 7.115 18,959 16,029 151,473 9,959 j 1 6,743 11,122 20,832 10.975 489 4,115 11,247 "10,786 87,745 4.727 11,271 13,323 23.607 15,615 1,151 5.262 Hi, 179 15,275 104,233 12.427 8,214 12,661 22,905 15,539 824 4.395 11,984 13,655 94.841 7.953 9,963 15,442 27,355 17,185 998 6,893 15,866 15.827 118,282 9.333 I 13,285 16,385 3;^162 18,667 1,138 6,481 20,510 19,809 147,138 9,679 1 1 592 149 293 925 18 317 1,320 1,061 898 70 ! 5,497. 7,385 16,936 11,556 1,728 2.728 8,863 9,401 67,399 23,771 6,590 7,178 15,899 11.004 1,972 2,417 9,881 9,390 65,765 17.948 I 1 10,008 10,877 21,271 15,705 824 3,564 13,066 15,218 88,806 8,531 ' 13,817 14,995 29,227 16,829 1,042 7.449 22,471 16,245 126.034 10.642 5,870 6,551 14,959 10,373 1.235 2,695 10. :!(;:> 7,655 69,044 9,987 1 4.561 6.150 16,823 7,874 864 2,213 9,667 6,235 80,884 10,543 ; 8,579 12,509 34,862 16,134 1,610 4.0-14 18,260 13,436 1.30.090 20,389 6,928 8,712 20,976 8,6S3 2.392 2.788 11,373 8.404 79,146 18,364 ; 0,304 6,699 18,507 9,454 1,793 2,378 9,762 9,190 69,742 15,863 1,024 1,206 2,918 2.173 192 493 2,008 1,818 12.823 4,597 4,943 5,264 12,963 1 8,188 1.138 1.9G8 8,069 8..308 51,720 12,7.58 6,416 6,969 18,3:^2 10,056 1,342 3,371 13,183 9,494 81,205 13,750 1 6,006 7,380 18,840 12,952 952 2.248 8,136 8,051 67,274 10,492 1 523 116 180 287, 70 16 114 224 351 416 J 10,981 16,845 29,033 17.601 1,035 6,881 17,569 16,764 , 130.819 8,714 ■■ 15,254 23.i:!8 39,016 23,941 5m 9,013 ' 19.699 22,592 168,816 6,8-^.3 11,064 l.),Ui5 31.8S5 20,538 334 \ 6.371 14,593 18,193 132.718 ' .3.617 ! 5.S25 7,392 10,725 1 10.141 155 7,085 ' 8,508 68,002 ! 1,495 1 9903 13,00;'. i 22,802 14.455 ,«4 1 4.5n8 1 11,551 13,091 93,:W0 10.293 lOG CENSUS OF 1871. ss Table XXII. — Vehicles, Implements, Animals and Animal Products. PliOVINCE OF OATAKIO. Vehicles and Farm Implements. Voitures et Outillage Agricole. Light car- riages. V^oi- tures l^gt;res. 30. Perth, JV..... 31. Waterloo, S.. 32. Waterloo, iV . ! 33. Wellington, 5'.. I 34. Wellington, C. i 35. Wellington, iV.. ! 36. Grey,S ; 37. Grey,.V j 38, Halton ! 39. Peel 40. Cardwell 41. Simcoi', i" 42. Simcoe, JV 43. York, N 44. YoTk,West. — 45. York, E 4G. * Toronto, TF. 47. * T.jronto, E. . 48. Ontario, -S' v.). Ontario, Zr ... . 50. Durham, W. o 51. Durham,^... 52. Victoria, S. . 53. Victoria, N.. 54. N'th'berland, W 55. N'th'berland, L\ 5G. Pfcterboro', W. 2,707 3,137 3,242 1,482 2,958 2,912 2,522 2,167 3,797 2,622 2,3G5 4,010 2,498 4,352 2,694 3,131 818 694 3,570 3,867 3,372 2,741 2,423 1,271 3,135 3,670 1,638 Vehicles for tr' sport . Voitur's de tr'sport . Tot&uxdcTorotit. f ^''■' 5,035 4,019 3,847 2,592 4,565 3,992 4,593 5,289 4,950 3,993 3,333 4,800 5,730 5,402 3,906 4,496 880 640 4,258 5,380 4,008 3,704 3,489 1,250 3,322 4,597 Ploughs, harrows and cultiv't'rs Char'ues, herses et cultiv't'rs i.m -. i 4,853 3,352 3,763 2,004 4,604 4,593 4,827 5,236 4,906 3,632 3,650 5,405 3,997 5,139 3,207 3,927 133 60 4,167 4,824 4,083 3,052 3,242 1,848 3,274 4,670 1,028 ! 1,750 193 497 316 U Reapers and mowers. Horse rakes. Moisson- neuses et Rateaux fau- cheuses. cheval. 455 458 670 830 521 680 295 523 764 1,015 271 309 70 70 123 120 859 1,231 1,020 1,113 654 762 1,059 550 203 147 1,024 996 935 80 1,103 971 18 21 16 9 1,071 1,040 771 952 886 1,146 542 737 390 632 74 135 1 Thres?h- ing mills. Bat- teuses. Fan- ning mills. Cribles 777 485 319 SO 447 583 564 176 255 220 203 155 198 171 112 169 144 204 158 195 5 1 165 192 185 158 146 60 164 217 74 2,481 1,304 1,527 875 2,141 2,562 3,218 2,940 1,835 1,535 1,780 2,259 2,012 2,186 1,298 1,527 20 17 1,433 2,357 1,582 1.411 1,546 896 1,341 1,936 713 Working Animals. Animaux de travail. Horses Che- vaux. 5,815 4,563 4,655 2,876 6,055 5,613 5,148 4,898 6,048 5,034 4,711 6,617 5,540 6,485 4,584 5,144 1,052 822 5,139 6,677 5,213 4,595 4,819 2,081 4,393 5,850 2.337 Colts and filJies. Pou- lains et Pou- liches. Bceufs de travail 1,482 1,797 768 1,869 2,093 1,771 1,612 1,675 1,492 1,380 1,877 1,332 2,028 1,328 1,456 62 41 1,607 2,023 1,748 1,300 1,392 629 l,26r' 1,0 i ' 604 ica >;ria'^rtni«ni— T"-v,-\Tea isiS&iSSesSsSss^^Si^M t^» i.itt'.i-i^-*;- ^ ^i--^-i;«-3i— ;^.sii*w«n DlfeNOMBRr.MENT DE 1871. 107 Tableau XXII. — Voitures, liistrumeuU aratoires , Animaux et Produits. PllOVINCK D'OXTAIllO. Farm Stock. Animals Killed or Sold and Products. Animanx de ren te. ^ Animaux tu^s ou vendut; et Prod nits. „--- — ■ "^ Milch cows. Other horned cattle. Sheep. Swine. Hives of bees. Cattle killed or sold. Sheep ki'lled or sold. Swine 1 killed 1 or sold. ! Pounds of Wool. Pounds of Honey Vnches laitieres. Aiitres bovines. Moutons. Cochons. lluches d' abeilles . B^tail I Mputons tu^ tue's ou vendu. ouvendus Cochons ' tut's ou veudus. Livres de Laine Livres de Miel. 10,2G5 12,512 22,949 14,488 539 4,995 : 12,471 12,726 97.4.55 7,590 6,980 8,106 , 20,536 10,613 565 3,470 11,090 8,962 82,297 4,686 6,956 8,968 18,532 10.959 698 3,816 8,873 10,232 73,914 6,352 4,034 6,009 12,809 7,667 335 3,333 8,151 6,285 .59,982 3,110 9,435 15,041 25,095 17,792 603 7,133 i 12,172 14,464 112,777 8,620 8,910 12,958 24,125 17,103 299 5,973 14.437 15,536 108,372 5,836 10,821 15,097 29,950 18,948 61 4,529 i 12,809 16,360 123,439 3:^ 11.241 14,927 29,757 18,716 721 5,712 14,388 15,352 121,689 7,133 9,402 10,420 22,911 12,945 1,818 4,373 13,446 12,547 109,6£« 21,611 7,021 7,743 19,473 12,453 1,657 3,413 9,0.31 12,788 96,103 26,680 7,350 9,632 20,662 16,465 1,140 3,783 ! 10,280 13,092 91,460 1 9,053 9,864 12,082 25,849 22,925 952 4,661 1 12,030 19,299 110,122 10,822 9,410 10,843 22,2.><9 19,731 991 3,639 8,776 14,230 90,172 9,993 _ 9,209 10,561 24,208 17,224 1,402 3,819 11,625 14,947 102,397 17,062 6,025 5,974 14,185 11,607 1,020 3,385 7,654 11,549 68,638 9,795 7,279 5,556 14,688 10,122 723 2,978 7,312 10,059 66,549 8,478 703 110 141 465 39 25 15 278 569 463 .■534 580 1.59 549 10 46 123 273 525 100 6,997 lO.OSO 16,071 9,.334 1,008 .^,469 8,405 9,567 78,474 11,246 10,169 14,708 25,412 16,187 729 5,243 13,510 14,737 111,872 6,446 7,275 9,645 19,736 9,878 82:5 3,151 8,833 8,237 92.626 10,194 7,260 i 8,056 17,753 8,823 647 2.327 i 9,100 7.990 S4,35S 5,498 7,648 9,261 1 19,209 11,457 551 3,107 8,620 10,089 82,043 6,921 1 4,170 1 5,601 10,75-t 6,084 294 1,474 4,064 5,079 42.686 5,195 0,640 ; 7,758 16,087 9,054 1,3-JG 2,910 ; 9,371 8,184 76,179 18,787 i 9, .110 j 10,899 20,749 11,149 2,953 3.780 : 1.5,033 11,169 07,451 54,345 4.123 1 4,583 0,129 4,587 325 1,900 5,407 4,606 41.760 3,488 , 1 1 o-iv ' m I m 1,014 1 i *o n Via 1 Wl 1,09^ cu;^ 108 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXII.— Veliicle 5, Imi)lements, Animals and Animal Products. i PROVINCE OF OKTAaiO. Vt jbicles and Farm Implement!: • Working Animals. DISTRICTS. y oitures et Vlougbs harrows and cultiv't'r& OutiUage Agricole Animaux de t ravail. Work- ing oxen. Li,<,'Lt car- riages. Vehicle;- for tr'sport Reapers and mowers. Horse rakes. Thresh- ing mills. ^^ Horse., mill.s. __ Colta and fillies. Voi- tures l^g^res . VoiturV de tr'ijport. Charr'es. berses et ciiltiv't'rs Moisson- ueuses et fau- cheuses. Rateaux a cbeval. Bat- teuses. Cribles C'he- vaux. Pou- lains et Pou- Ijches. Boeufs de travail. 57. Peterboro', E. . . 1,390 2,956 2,380 171 3G4 74 1,271 3,.394 1,029 602 • 58. Peterboro', A" . 1G.5 492 463 7 2iJ8 438 62 645 .">9. Prince Edward. 5,414 4,345 6,040 718 885 314 1,793 6,929 2,254 156 60. Hastings, W.-C 1,743 1,799 1,820 196 276 93 518 2.313 434 186 : 61. Hastings, .ET ... . 2,5U0 3,946 3,954 291 337 245 1,569 4,703 1,215 841 62. Hastings, N.... 1.615 3,454 3,831 99 162 178 1,.353 3,807 1,141 1,387 j 63. Lennox 4,210 3,331 5,192 556 933 329 1,475 5,0.52 1,474 250 i 64. Addington 3,076 4,511 4,249 205 401 205 1,867 4,772 1,607 1,578 1 65. Frontenac . . . 1 2,377 3,311 3,852 464 707 215 1,263 3,728 1,220 160 j 66. Kingston . . . j G28 395 t 67 8 11 1 23 383 24 4 i 67. Leeds, / .... 3,632 4,305 3,917 648 766 144 1,572 5.065 1.794 287 i 68. Brockville .... 1 1,485 1,321 1,045 220 283 42 473 1,.5.54 5.58 17 ; 69. Grenville. ,S:. . . . 2 845 1,987 2,404 172 307 77 964 2,765 973 51 ' 70. Leed8&(Jren.,A 3,245 2,295 3,096 235 410 113 1,214 3,460 1,269 109 1 71. Dundas 2,847 3,893 4,168 311 612 325 l,f31 4,788 1,846 62 72. Stormoiit 1,915 2,578 2,184 88 145 142 97.kl aiul Products. Aniraaux tues ou veudua et Produits. Cattle i Sheep killed or killed or sold. Bold. Be'tail tuo ou vendu. 94,G04 64 15 3 97 Moutons tueB ou vendus. 38 47 103 277,986 I 853,618 65 440 157 331 671 1,278 935 1,182 1,142 824 870 1,447 30 2(J 554 753 688 831 56 1,642 13 2,908 441 1,486 1,440 2,695 3,756 2,820 3,.553 2,199 2,GS1 4,873 19 6,067 1.429 2.844 4.584 6,594 2,910 6,173 8,C80 5.712 9,449 10,230 Rv.ine killed or sold. Cochons tues on vendus. 31 159 3 381 16 777,131 1!4 fiO 11 ; 5 1,819 j 2,749 3.548 ! 2,284 1.781 ' 4.712 5,705 G7 5,075 973 2,133 3,778 6.037 3,8.54 6,008 6,271 4,135 6,924 8.296 39 3,613 3,533 4, OS I 155 •4 262 Pounds of Wool. Livres de lvalue. ia5 628 50 1,510 103 Pounds of Honey. Livres de Miel. 0,411,305 1,239,612 49,803 182 46,732 11,474 18,896 1 39,948 48,091 18,654 51,701 45,127 34,607 .58,084 61,243 865 8,547 1,676 4,423 9,223 22,417 13,524 ; 17,951 ' 16,691 11,416 15,268 28,050 509 j 68 11,228 ! 18,291 32.003 Oi / 224 366 9,1% 11,805 12.466 590 112 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XXII. Vehicle. i, Implements, Animals and Animal Products. i PROVIIXCE OP QUEBEC. Vehicles and Farm Implements. Working animals. DTSTPJCTS. V oitures et Ploughfl, harr.)ws and cultiv't'rs Charr'es, her.ses et cultiv't'rs Outillage Reapers and mowers. Moisson- neuses et fau- cheuses. Agricole Horse rakes. Rateaux h cheval. Thresh- ing mills. B.at- teuses. Animaux de t V ^ Colts ■^.='"- Horsesi and '^>.'f ! fillies, mills. ; _ _ 1 "Pou- Che- lains et n_;i,i„ ■ vaux. j Pou- *-"^l^^ liches. ravail. Work- ing oxen. Bceufs de travail. Light car- riages. Voi- tures l^geres. Vehicles for tr'sport. Voitures de tr'usport i 110. Soulanges . , , . 2,820 4,701 2,539 43 100 225 525 2,709 j 1.031 98 111. Beauhamois . . 2,895 5,344 3,040 97 205 365 686 3,508 1,516 63 112. Chateauguay . . 3,716 5,972 3,556 242 504 433 797 4,516 2.289 36 113. Huntingdon, £■. 2,079 2,332 1,734 119 256 119 238 2,393 ! 1,163 80 114. Huntingdon TI' 1,729 1,473 1,066 • 130 178 106 184 1,647 731 10 115. Lajirairie 3,337 4,962 3,163 225 360 311 624 4,219 1,881 64 110. Napierville . . . 2,619 4,3.51 3,275 t'4 225 303 504 3,282 1,460 41 117. St. Jean 2,708 4,112 3,252 241 489 251 577 3,-504 1,475 83 118, Chambly .... 3,864 5,083 2,066 229 556 173 508 3,064 1,269 34 • 119. Vercheres 4,618 7,920 4,954 ]05 411 390 822 4,045 1,804 220 120. Ilichelieu ... 4,248 6,560 3,.318 31 106 286 599 3,418 1,050 90 121. St. Hyacinthe. 5,718 8,040 4,074 95 381 312 1,091 4,412 1,.370 110 1 122. Bagot 6,500 0,984 2,815 56 370 18G 867 4,045 1,252 433 1 I 123. Eouville 6,754 6,880 4,738 149 548 224 908 4,378 1,569 256 : 124. Iberville 3,-322 4,971 3.298 184 517 153 706 3,602 1,423 258 i 125. MisRiaquoi 4,147 5,254 3,795 455 625 132 528 3,937 1,129 601 126. Brome ...... 3,123 4,209 3,022 180 257 38 275 2,875 757 1,416 j 127. Shefford 4,530 5,043 3,418 71 153 53 486 3,658 946 1.472 ' 128. MaskinoDg^ . . 4,142 6,570 4,887 27 97 278 280 3,158 826 216 1 : 129. St. Maurice,5. 2,607 4,837 3,104 14 52 188 112 2,186 423 48 i 130. St. Maurice, iV 51 153 95 1 3 133 12 19 131. Trois-Pviviferes. 7G9 1,789 448 29 30 41 29 588 81 25 j i 132. Champlain, S. 2,869 .5,7% 3,243 22 8 246 52 2,0.-.4 392 306 1 , 133. Champlain, iV. 1,279 3,€07 1,784 2 o 115 72 1,265 142 192 1 134. Yamaska 4,191 6,853 3,670 55 78 268 .521 3,469 912 257 1 135. Nicolet 6,107 8,963 4,441 36 114 311 176 3,664 920 1,109 1.3G. Drumniond . . . 3,189 4,470 3,291 80 180 136 321 2,877 824 667 137. Arthabaska . . 3,189 5,545 3,643 20 13 175 228 2,100 513 1,550 138, Richmond .... 1,961 3,095 1,9.39 72 1.55 1 1 44 301 1,799 543 918 Dl^NOMBREMEKT DE 1871. 113 TABLEAir XXII. — Voitures, Instru neiit.s arat 564 289 492 2,575 913 14 i 959 5,239 |3S,322 8,464 11,132 Dl^.NOMBREMENT DE P71. 117 Tableau XXI a.— A ''oiturcs, ]iistruineuU aiatohes , Aiiiiiiau:; et PioduitK. PROVINCK J)V NOUVEAU-nRUMSWICK. Fi inn Stock. 1 Animals Killed or Sold, and Products. ; 1 Animaux de reiite, • Aniniaux tui's ou vendi b et Produita. Milcb COWri, Otiicr homed cattle. Sliecp. Swine. Hives of bees. Cattle killefl or sold. Sheep killed or sold. S^vine killwd or sold. Pounds of Wool. , Pounds 1 of Hoiicy. VachpH liiitierns. Aiitres betiis bo vines. Moutons . Cochons. Ruches • 1' abeilles. Betail tu^ ou vendu. Montons tu(5s ou vendus. Cochons tU*'!* OU vendu.s. Livres de Laine. Livres de Miel. 8,294 5,133 2';,8G3 10,491 6 1706 9,144 8,819 72,851 4,563 2,941 16,090 5.719 1* 1,837 7,314 4,564 36,542 21 3,030 2,241 14,638 5,072 1,389 5,184 4,400 33.088 4 3.783 2,701 12,616 7,106 1 2,184 5,319 4,844 35,879 563 446 2,535 990 1 294 875 1,230 6,232 35 941 750 2,750 ,1,910 , 293 1,078 1,361 5,611 928 832 4,102 3,190 ^ 334 1,088 1,903 10,053 27 9SR 1.451 4,914 1,772 j 319 678 816 13.584 2,763,304 41,295 400,542 328,572 1,007,800 371,452 155,373 464,119 325,609 648,310 n,.r,i 1,.";=! 3,862 \ 1,141 106 583 1,642 1^118 13 2D4 449 7,086 4,085 22,040 2,568 318 2,314 9,507 2,588 02,455 5,441 13,S")8 10,864 36,176 9,032 1,588 4,898 18,002 10,806 120,013 17,049 0,735 4.922 16,042 3,328 592 1,821 5,309 4,532 60,382 10,4S2 3,107 2,.'','iJ 7,oOD 1,21 ■'• 215 831 2,140 1,8G1 30.139 4,557 8,.s-.'8 . > _ 3,049 ■ 855 4,833 14,855 5,398 87,769 : 15,123 8,856 7,498 18,S£4 4,298 1,408 4,074 13.738 5,484 86,038 27,584 3,254 2,580 11.958 4,408 57 996 3,883 3,461 1 34,206 7X5 1,5(54 984 4,7' 10 606 2,1:54 1,249 16,231 1 3,511 1,483 3,479 i 4,449 35,038 201 ' (■' ■•■ 4,491 41,393 887 300 1.V26 118 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXIl. — Vehicles, Implements, Animals and Animal Products. PROVINCE OF XOVA SCOTIA. DISTRICTS. {P. »f N.Scotia.) (P.delaN.-Ecoase.) 188. Hants 189. King's 100. Annapolis 191. Digby 192. Yarmouth 193. Shelburne . . . 194. Queen's 195. Lunenburg . . . . 196. * HaUfax, W. . 197. Halifax, E..... 198. Cumberland . . . 199. Colchester 200. Pictou 201. Antigonish . . . . 202. Guysborough . . 203. Inverness 204. Victoria 205. Cape Breton. . . i:l 20fj. Richmoivl •City of HaUfax . ) •Villed'H5 1,594 4,174 4,240 4,596 2,049 1,196 2,277 754 1,075 749 4.881 5,861 4,036 3,651 2,916 1,760 2,028 6,357 2,263 4,178 5,416 6,422 7,246 3,367 2,092 5,115 1,686 4,013 1,GG3 2,904 4,417 2,922 1,537 1,396 386 580 2,631 318 1,272 3,161 3,424 4,013 1,822 875 2,987 1.295 2,091 609 1.113 1,057 «5 202 189 69 3 21 4 5 9 11 40 265 271 158 24 12 15 5 7 2 6 Horse rakes. Thresh ing mills. Rateaux k cheval. Bat- teuses. 014 35 568 32 241 23 36 15 25 7 1 2 9 4 15 18 11 3 125 13 537 82 541 61 742 118 98 21 15 5 44 37 36 3 Fan- ning mills. Cribles Working Animals. Animaux de travail. Work- ing 40 3 15 1 10 357 415 273 93 14 2 44 386 15 123 347 660 1,086 315 73 301 132 74 21 Colts Horses and fillies. Pou- Che- lains et vaux. Pou- liches. 2,649 3,214 2,038 817 925 309 566 782 1,262 1,588 3,888 4.050 5,627 2,677 1,315 4,324 1,521 3,105 1,208 851 496 691 359 123 128 30 86 190 43 161 751 728 1,160 661 205 1,053 266 346 177 12 : Bceufs de travail. 1,809 3,125 3,260 2,931 2,151 1,276 1,086 4^556 366 1,961 2,806 2,520 467 1,294 1,160 515 486 161 284 13 GRAND TOTALS. TMtal.i of Ontario. 1 Totanx d i 'I'otals of Ouebec. \\ •'; T.-l;vnx H^ 'OnSrio'} 1206,243 [299,367 I'i?:^} 1240,018 I 404 I'otals of New B 'r')taux .Iu^nTi?:}'^ 27,736; 62,0.30 289,362 206,663 38,923 i; Totals of N. -Scotia 1 i ^aiioi tz-ti I oo '-a.i , TotauxdeUN.-E. \\ ^^"''"^^ ' '^^'l^^" 38,^00 36,874 5,149 869 1,312 SI — ,— I Salmis i^r^v: } i S14.n»^ j 8^2,514 | 573,648 j 44,204 46,246 10,401 2,655 3,701 13,805 15,476 959 495 120,732 37,262 5,230 4,731 63,003 30,735 ;167,064 643,i71jl93,D72 368,585 196,339 36,322 41,925 120,416 57,038 8,464 7,654 47,941 48,348 11,132 32,214 139,635 DISNOMBREMENT de 1871. ii;> Tableau XXII. — Voitures, [nstruments aratoire.s, Aniniaux et Produits, j PROVINCE DE LA NOUVEIiLE-KCOSSE. 1 1 i Farm Stock. Animals Killed or SoW 1 , and Products. ^ Aniniaux de rente. __ Animaux tv l(5a oil vendus et Produit !! " '-'—»»_ ^^^ ' Milch COWH. Other horned cattle. Sheep. Swine. Hives of bees. Cattle ': killed or , sold. Sheep killed or sold. Swine killed or sold. Pounds of Wool Pounds ' of i Honey. \ Vaches laitieres. Autres bC'te.s bovineri. Moutons. Cochons. Ruches d' abeilles. Betnil tue ou veudu. Moutons tu^s ou 1 vendus. Cochons tu^s ou vendus. Livres de liaine. Livres ; de Miel. ; 6,113 5,954 20,610 2,682 485 2,219 12,308 3,288 66,132 4,%1 6,572 9,133 21,271 4,869 1.272 3,344 13,939 4,756 80,152 6,280 6,9L'8 7,484 18,021 2,360 690 2.529 11,278 2,837 62,625 4,515 ! 4,0G6 3,180 17,505 1,767 51 1,326 4,721 1,433 43,457 404 4,219 3,774 10,334 2,034 26 1,308 2,335 1,935 27,823 199 ' 2,001 2,208 2,119 2.128 10,706 5,894 1 "UO 9 fi.'^S 665 1,063 898 25,.349 15,838 946 37 676 1,812 220 5,567 • 0,427 21,249 3,018 44 2,096 7,185 3,327 57,432 417 1,793 640 2,049 996 42 275 362 945 4,872 315 4,935 4,536 15,619 1,970 51 1,:544 5,959 1,910 43,118 266 8,234 11,199 31,828 3,977 100 3,708 12,355 5,053 98,570 1,017 : 9,924 10,382 32,821 3,780 74 3.584 12,278 6,182 104,885 689 14,9.58 12,093 43,416 4,343 78 4,589 15,515 5,051 136,277 806 9,259 4,541 11,4.30 3,901 29,369 16,552 4,574 2,177 4.031 1,719 9 995 3,485 84,777 44,857 2 4,059 1,759 1 13,530 12,431 45,556 6,840 12 3,974 9,535 4,324 103,874 176 5,22.5 4,381 16,716 2,030 1,590 5,204 1,351 37,907 40 7,735 4,969 23,649 3,473 72 1,919 7,607 , 2,493 63.204 1,069 3,980 2,898 15,212 977 1.040 ! 2,519 698 31,5.59 ,,,, , ( 1 oS'J 48 •74 190 2.") •>•> 11 11 '8 199 ( ; UAND.S TOTAl'X. : 638,750 716,474 1,514,914 874 604 94,604 277,980 853,618 777,131 6,411,305 1,239,012 400,542 328,572 1,007,800 371,452 41,295 155,373 464.110 325,609 2,768,304 648,310 83,220 69,335 234,418 65,805 5,854 31,551 100.062 60,569 796,168 90,004 122,683 110 065 398,377 54,162 1,366,083 3,038 144,791 42,815 139.031 1 52,788 1,132,703 21.374 1,251,200 ! 1,233,446 3,155,509 507,725 1,557,430 1,216,097 11,103,480 1,909,300 i TABLE XXIII. FIELD PEODUCTS. TABLEAU XXIII PEODUITS DES CHAMPS. 122 CENSUS OF 1871. -»» ^■^■^— — ■^— .T»»W >" Table XXIII.— Field Products. PKOVIKCE CP OXTARIO. -J2 a CO o c a B, Sub-Districts. SOCS-DlSTRlCTS. Acres. Maiden Aiiiherstburg, T.- Anderdon Colchester (loslield Mersea . . Teliae Sandwich, W.r-0 Sandwich, T.—V. Sandwich. E . . . . Vv'indsor, T.—V .. Maidstone Rochester Tilbury, W.-O... Total ^ 'a. liomney X. b. 'J^illinry, E c. Raleigh d. Harwich e. Dover f. Chatham ....... (J. Chatham, T.-V . Total ('I. lio'.vard .... 6. Orf ord . . , . c. '"'amden . . . d. Zone e. Bothwell, T. Sombra . . . . Dawn Euphemia . . Ii. Total . i 'I . M (>> >rp '/. Eaiiiskillen c. Oil Spring, Village. d. Petrolia, Vifloffe . . . e. Brooke ;. Samia f!. Siixni.a, T.— V h. I'lynipton i. Warwick j. Jjosanquet , L Total I b. Duiiwich . -< c. Southwold L Total f«. Yarmouth 1,526 13 1,228 3,0:2 2,385 2,217 36 8.17 135 l,li)7 41 883 872 8.57 Wheat.— Ble'. Bushels. — Boisseaux Spring Wheat. Bl^de printemps- Winter Wheat. Bl(^ d'liiver. 15,290 574 9;9 2,1.34 5,299 2.6G7 3,735 94 16,4.52 4,527 2.849 2,-594 389 \ 21 1,516 ■ 1.160 I 1,945 i 1.5,001 2,3:s!) G71 20,075 2,890 3,382 5,082 11,.3.54 5,949 5,582 296 4,163 4,966 2,204 392 89 2,721 421 1,706 106 2,368 3,290 1,G39 29,94.- 13,7!>4 274 10,300 31,301 28,182 29 582 435 7.446 928 13,507 400 8.856 8,907 10.509 1G4,4S1 167 432 4,480 1,388 0,347 1,-538 383 14,7.35 978 1.627 1,013 197 116 4,117 1,072 1.747 8,.587 12748 42,295 83,075 34,276 55, .588 613 237,182 61,oi;3 36,086 31,5.37 4,614 540 12,.597 12,468 18,003 10,867 177,208 (,,5ul 2,297 76 276 2,841 - 16,3.59 905 3,807 30 107 4,180 23,184 5,139 27,4.59 3,836 19,640 2i,(i74 5,266 85 962 12,500 5,046 260 17,r^67 12,183 13,259 99,630 I 91,602 1,918 •1,127 ],081 6,726 2,140 31,288 38,566 60,431 Bushels of Barley. Boisseaux d' Orge. 14,143 1.516 8,913 4,.591 2,596 2,951 338 3,770 426 2,111 2,168 9,492 Bu.shels of Oats. Boisseaux d' Avoiue. 36,889 4,123 43,733 51,325 44,839 52,0.50 1,690 45,795 5,575 82,113 6,030 41,599 38,523 34,182 56.345 : 488,466 2,.527 11,1.36 12, .369 27,211 47,748 70,994 68,429 88,362 51,123 42,637 34,041 68,624 945 1,116 217,182 46,474 18,277 15,9.54 2,119 732 5,795 6.471 7,530 310,080 6S,441 50,725 4.5,133 16.827 4,468 40,482 20,962 65,315 103,3.52 i 312,353 19,013 5,1.57 14 975 10,027 12,483 369 36,620 .29,307 28,732 107,465 31,827 208 1,765 53,539 48,543 2,295 109,;-i3S 102,817 65,486 142,697 12,.557 27,9.')4 62,6.38 .523,283 130,235 j 103,149 71,030 j 64,404 71,7.50 72,591 121,686 260,027 120,172 Bushels of Rye. Boissea'x de Seigle 285 20 5 194 159 262 80 60 975 25 614 524 593 .3,786 70 30 21 5 96 154 32 408 536 25 75 325 90 1,051 21 90 Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux de Pois. 764 ' * .563' 2,2C8 2,019 2,781 91 "157 619 100 1,078 11 11 9 I 813 621 160 2,305 296 808 1,461 .539 I4,52.j 1,030 506 4,380 7,847 5,318 11,680 210 30,971 5,767 6,596 6,724 2,828 601 4,729 1,922 7,610 36,787 10,.520 5,920 20 221 9,. 516 6,806 263 27,013 19.393 16,910 96.,582 15,1,50 2.3,178 35,705 74.0.3:J 53,970 DflNOMBPtEMENT DE 1R71. 123 Tableau XX I i I . — Produits des Cliiimp:s. raoviKCE D'OKTAUIO. Bushels Bushels linshels Potatoes. — Palates. Bushels Bu.vhels of Hay Crop. — Foin. Bu«h..U Gra-8 of of of of aud Beans. Buck- wheat. Cora. TurnipB. Eoots. Clover Seed. — Bushels. Ton.s. I'.ois'eaux Boisseaux Bois&eaux Boisseau-\ Acres. Boisseaux Eoi.sseaii: Acres. Graiiii-s do de de de d'autres deMIl Fcvea. Sarrasiu. :^lais. Boisseaux. Navets. llacineB. Tomieaux et de Tri-fl-. 91 735 60.162 155 14.166 1,435 1,43'. > 1,323 l,.-.49 148 •> 21 6,425 28 1,83'.) 156 179 •-'21 1 108 589 74,404 184 14^96 i,3ii 64i 1.334 1,518 29 .•{.■)5 1,431 108,021 293 23 9; 12 3,730 4,08-J 2,057 2,393 277 204 2,246 87.421 297 34 263 19,748 1,150 2.778 3,124 480 314 2,721 72,972 459 31,453 30,074 997 2,617 2,927 165 5 10 1,939 22 2,062 373 9 110 161 10 165 3,451 30 532 302 20,475 2,125 2,532 , 1,551 1,I'SS 14 21 211 8,273 53 3 422 1,134 627 251 2;)0 318 1,917 99,396 392 20.775 2,305 (i3;-, 3,242 3,(;29 4i ol 68 5,065 26 2,li;i 56 909 411 438 6 lltl 1,568 55,720 184 15.207 1.095 1.323 2,022 2,391 42 117 1,315 35.-J22 178 15 .556 1.338 313 1,450 1,8. .6 53 114 5U7 26,055 133 9,792 476 942 15. 75^ 703 1,213 1.757 56 1,322 2,1-1() 1,283 16,7;!0 671.607 2.706 210,013 4 199 65,200 1.222 20.538 23,952 115 22,580 39 751 1,028 '"'^ 1 7.") 160 20.879 112 8.293 160 484 1,763 2,256 196 ! l,70t; 585 70,369 361 28.701 961 4,372 4,267 5.4l'2 943 13,083 095 109,041 519 52,^66 2,970 6,249 6,040 8.125 1,477 ; 314 53() 46 ."'00 242 20,499 367 i,6C;; 2.1S7 2,796 148 157 17.585 8.092 1,41!-. 999 1,121 50 5 65 1,018 1^6 5,466 1,^95 798 183 213 5f)G 1,065 12.257 :!.',5 25.332 409 728 3,024 3,760 58 78 68 6.279 1 (X) 7.085 580 1.1G3 1,361 1,716 96 1,081 901 17,991 295 2/).-.7 31,530 20!^.; '64 4,857 32.886 1.601J 2,019 3,618 4,436 203 20,008 5.300 171,471 16.1.54 21,971 27.272 3,.550 261 106 4,516 •lU 29, .-.47 4,985 5.118 6,056 152 84 54 655 152 10,814 740 627 1,737 1,635 34 1 25 74 130 19 26 l,9(i9 1,68U 51 70 54 96 78 100 10 I 82 115 2,990 285 24.545 2.015 435 3,427 3.691 107 246 149 2.702 2.)0 2.;. 827 4,008 5.380 3,216 3,7^5 52 25 25 1 519 50 7,453 190 1.172 99 148 145 315 5,1.57 .5; lit lit... 76 4,218 5.329 C,074 6.475 •k>b 285 526 3.498 40(» -7,(.'84 8,221 2,021 5,i'i;>8 6,()5,S 297 250 410 5,790 355 2 .^03 26,097 9,049 5,122 4,3o9 4,4^6 310 1,110 1,700 213,031 194.102 48..S85 30,057 25,192 29.848 ;>2,.-.i2 6.2J5 l,3:;s 957 586 24,.3f,5 425 5,861 2.(iti0 5,361 531 97 196 11,310 359 3t>.S26 9liO 3.279 4,!»'il 5.726 3!i7 49 927 25,638 523 1.307 (•.j8 47,155 3.483 6,714 7,702 10,057 1,966 2.894 1,103 1.709 61,313 132,8G3 10,304 12,05;? 7,717 ■ 17.964 22,078 2Jl i 940 62.208 62. .M3 8,440 11,647 j 2,625 1 1 - 1 [24 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXIII.— Field Products. PROVINCE OP ONTARIO. o l-H ft -5 I ;^ I 00 — Ofcl 1^ ted e I Sdb-Disteicts. Sous-Districts. Acres. b. St.Thomas, To7vn.- T c. Slalahide d. Dorchester, i^th.-Snd e. Bayham /. Vienua, ViUaje... I Total 28 4,184 2,269 3,155 100 15,685 f a. I\Iosa h. Wardsville, Village. . c. Ekfrid d. IMetcalfe ■{ e. Caradoc /. Strathroy, Village. . . g. Delaware Wheat. -Bl^. J Bushsk of Bushels. — Boisseauxl •'' Spring Wheat. Bl^de printemps 62 3,459 4,520 3,501 163 13,905 2,558 18 3,330 3,194 4,015 102 1,630 I Total I 14,847 10,793 134 9,838 15,78G 8,454 722 1,338 (a. Adelaide I b. Williams, W.- I c. Williama,2i'as<. ! d. Lobo /. -0... -Est McGillivray Eiddulnh . . . 4,246 3,506 4,481 3,432 7,191 6,441 I. Total °, 29,297 fa. Westminster. . \ 4,059 b. Dorchester, iV'i^.—ivi 0,589 C.London, TovmsMp..\ 7,111 d. Xissouri,T7csf.--Oi,642 6,05 : 9,578 3,818 3,091 3,280 4,448 4,497 3,094 4,245 3,1.54 3,884 5,411 4.676 4,464 289 108 144 413 94 80 89o 99.-, 14,815 19,763 30,985 18,718 6,431 75.897 183,452 .54,402 28,958 22 228 24.8;;4 1,128 lob 50 111 1,0'J4 386 410 234 607 652 1,451 546 58.694 43,285 143,612 41,364 72,274 43,171 (;9,199 18,735 16,375 11,297 31,69!. 16,349 9,448 5,195 11,955 5,463 12,551 6.279 15,381 6,623 826 202 91 54 572 2,730 3.2.56 286,955 203.379 75,71:: 32.001 40,8:;4 1,173 1 10 230 11 67 1 231 407 S 5 2 7 3 3 ( 1 , . 4 8 526 1,176 155 7 iV 12 30 51;. 11.-. 7:' 13i 159 -^3 4 2 <36 1 •> 90 20 54 105 5.412 6,788 o2 956 171 13,932 25 976 53.991 53,3-1 1 27,364 160,075 229 6,789 8,992 18,256 14,1.52 997 79 103 2,129 7.244 4,672 4,093 23 4.293 7,493 12.639 4,770 184 413 204 241 24.204 50,564 4(l,2i;9 27,681 272 432 515 305 1,524 2,104 5,402 5.593 10,156 1,896 5,707 4,141 4,NS0 752 2,4.-.5 1,076 894 1,042 29,195 142.718 21,397 53.644 45.246 1,701 48,189 23,255 1(;.624 I8,i;,.s 5.177 19o 02 i 798 ■ 00 2,923 8,734 10,400 90 416 700 1,153 18 42,587 68.354 47.035 3,142 6,751 15,013 14,974 4U0 3,079 4,9.>9 7,42. 320 3,547 6,155 7,521 37 3,717 7,2.-4 9,047 93 1,190 2,092 2,544 2S 1,077 ^ 22,147 121,988 2,287 161,119 37,138 15,784 17,260 20,111 5..'^54 126 cENsrrs OF iS7i. Table XXIII.— Field Products. PROVINCE OF Oi\-TAB10. a: H Eh -n Sub-Districts, Sous-Districts. Acres. » I <5 ,712 5.678 5,5.VJ 83 6,237 83 2,449 7,650 I Ti.tal a S a -id. ■< ^ \ c. 2,ii. I. 27.739 Burfcird O.akland Bnintford, West.—0\ Br.mtford, Town.-V Tnscarora .... . Total «=•==" ] d. I J^umfries, S Bruntflpole Kainham Cayuga, South. — Swl Cayuga, If. Cayuga, Vii/affe". . . . Oneida Seneca Caledonia, Village. . Dunn Total o ('a- Mi-ulton,Sherbrook(; 6. Dunuville, Ft7/a£^c. . ■TJanborough •Caistor ■Gainsborough Pelham Wainfleet c. d. f. Total [a. liumbcrstDne (i ,S80 1,530 6,114 (i6 1,933 16,.553 6,519 4,279 143 2,598 13,569 7,398 3,108 1,438 2,937 137 3,888 4,306 54 1,159 24,425 487 74 ,4!;6 .680 436 ,867 ,721 16,731 2.396 Wheat. -Ble. Bushels.-- Boisseaux Spring Wheat. Ble de printemjis 15,995 3,405 13,974 31,834 8,995 512 8,596 8?,311 48.065 55,221 1,109 49.982 412 12,174 15,671 182,634 13,780 2,250 11,534 150 7,408 35,122 2,713 5,219 20 8,154 Winter Wlieat. Ble d'hiver. Bushels of Barley, Boisseaux d' Orge. 22,994 17.420 12.867 13.414 9,487 205 7,31:i 46,540 9,758 28 126 45,214 19,281 90 8,924 83,699 157,933 7,751 6,233 20 13,-537 190 13.840 76,268 117 839 31,592 31,594 29i> 34,845 794 16,fi95 63,387 178,597 16,106 10.724 4,182 893 2,724 50 3,250 9,605 10 3,477 57,833 13,467 71,570 720 8,729 152.319 92,090 55,488 860 24,770 173,208 40,243 10,863 .55,883 360 8,308 34,915 95,611 34,888 16,129 28;752 2,227 48,697 40,227 640 10,943 278,114 1,531 170 f,91 4,771 4,375 1.669 2,475 15,682 2.247 13,484 878 12,504 25,780 25,239 31,367 23,814 133,066 22,730 115,657 78.229 50,521 880 34,611 164,241 140,449 27,673 11,874 23,053 1,105 44,671 36,385 897 10,726 296,733 9,1.35 494 7,118 14,993 8,038 7,335 7,005 Bushels of Oats. Boisseaux d' Avoine. 54,118 125,780 45,476 75,397 61,884 42,657 2,562 42,927 3911683 Bushels of Rye. Bushels of Peas. Bois'eaux( Boisseaux de de Sei^le. Pois, 102,873 118,385 2.846 101 8(>2 1,537 5.-:,158 113.724 494,385 81.031 14,409 45.693 380 12,094 154,207 71,402 52,345 720 31,790 156,2.57 95,887 35,933 14,626 27,023 1,261 43,940 42,342 1,000 16.104 278,116 23,188 1,'!28 16,011 27,332 39,553 35,418 40,532 183.462 12,228 I 34,386 96 1,224 505 80 155 200 160 2,420 150 561 89 20 110 436 1.366 2,055 281 2,920 "12' 5,268 205 978 110 1,293 45 75 40 37 10 112 117 175 611 123 60 174 738 382 158 229 1,864 361 41,187 14,189 19,165 30,429 20,790 606 16,408 142,774 31,677 34,727 432 49,503 731 27,714 64,217 208,981 36,848 3,447 22,497 22 5,822 68,6.36 34,696 19,208 270 15,044 69,218 27,747 11,144 .4,534 10,180 561 22,804 21,814 1,459 3,368 103,611 6,066 429 6,059 5,713 9.8.53 4,. 335 8,492 40,947 5,923 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 127 Tableau XXIII.— I 'ruduits des Champs. PROVINCE D'ONTAIllO. Bushels BushelK ! Bushels Potatoes. -Patates. Bushels Bushels of other Kootri. Hay Crop.— Foin. BusheLi Gra.ss of Beans. of Bu<;k- wheat. of Corn. of Turnips. and Clover Seed. — Bushels. Tons. Ijois'eaux Boisseaux Boisseaux de Boisseaux de Acres. — Boisseaux de Boisseaux d'autie.i Acres. — Graines de Mil F^ves. Sarrasin. Mais. Boisseaux. Navets. Kaciuus. Tonneaux. et de Trfefie. vl4 251 .30,132 445 45,072 J!.>,010 11,995 8,183 11,023 403 184 1,295 18,0H4 317 30,517 2,787 1,725 3,292 3.982 442 240 889 21,490 273 25,470 6,225 9,507 5,406 7,301 832 15G 302 7,781 248 24,201 37,692 17.8;'.2 4,2.58 ■ 5,388 564 ys 307 11,189 238 25,052 11,092 10,^7^ 3,1*;8 4,271 143 14 20 711 56 9,252 1.0119 2,407 182 2i;8 12 53 224 5.890 263 22,490 12,783 18,945 73,28; 1 2,18;-i 2,947 15 'J/)!l 3.3(S 9,-.,2;;9 ],s!o ; 182.114 91,198 20,7.32 35,140 2,411 in 60 7,255 497 35,788 .5(>,434 15 750 5,309 7,155 110 G4 135 4,101 410 27,007 96.976 23,115 5,427 7,825 100 5 294 14 1,432 860 529 127 198 1 130 184 2,303 433 30,125 153,498 32,452 6,805 8,928 525 ( 19 G 557 79 10,9(i9 2,410 6,216 200 283 6 GO 33G 1.223 353 22,771 87,675 12,000 2,787 3,349 223 207 1,937 8,100 562 2,348 78,083 351,380 32,200 7,036 8,858 1,271 CG2 2,058 23,833 200,175 749.239 122,864 27,751 30,.59G 2,242 1 1,0J7 5,911 43,127 747 82,088 50,211 10,875 6,836 8,2'.«7 1,0. ;5 105 1,8U3 10,510 104 10,008 14.843 848 1,2S3 1,800 oS7 1,225 2,996 29,000 580 61,735 135,217 29,380 5,025 7,071 621 11 910 2.459 12,451 100 228 ] 5.459 10.314 752 582 562 623 92 1,703 86 1,758 1^'i 888 3.27S 11,598 98.153 1.S25 186,804 207.605 48.294 15,539 19,018 2,057 127 . 1,834 7,070 372 45,308 298.760 28,475 5.074 7,595 1,752 23G 3,3G2 21 ,518 407 48.801 119,988 11,021 5,257 7,400 994 1 G8 504 3,941 49 '177 1,005 5,153 14,400 12.174 14,058 5,324 8,580 r 1.53 3,328 200 4,347 8 833 1,022 432 6,218 3;".,039 113,788 445,586 54,006 14.412 19,002 3.587 1 2G3 440 3,353 153 76 12,901 1,585 4,360 8,200 10.536 1,748 76 433 1.992 5,826 285 915 3,464 4,047 1.854 56 328 2,951 i 53 4,150 60 62^ 1,928 2,441 1,220 IGl 488 582 i 119 8,176 1,005 1,565 4,413 0,322 1,323 14 18 42 31 3,209 12 160 271 305 13'J 592 2,029 173 15,308 4.515 7,130 .5,272 6,780 646 87 540 842 1 176 l-.,772 1.371 4,80(1 5,(i39 7,181 1,052 4 8 10 744 13,145 27 33 841 4,949 6,193 156 2,593 443 1,330 210 1,989 253 2,604 248 489 808 3,093 70,544 11,G42 21,343 31,392 3^>.4i.9 8,332 182 1,481 7,905 204 15,755 999 1.778 2.023 3,141 437 13 40 406 21 2,994 ]93 203 188 252 22 46 600 3,422 50 6,039 282 258 3,20S 3,576 538 85 242 ],3U2 121 7,049 75 485 4,049 5.i:80 759 218 1,488 2,441 179 9,140 133 842 6.715 7,003 1,428 275 1,517 27,080 484 44.3--.; 1,996 2,082 .•>,052 4,930 844 349 5,407 21,842 1 190 1 1.255 18,2'.t7 513 1.333 4,094 4,61.7 1,000 1,1G8 10,781 1 65,124 j 104,190 4.191 0.981 27,129 29,815 5,028 1.397 t 1 547 2,OL'7 18,1S1 j 199 10,577 i 347 1.578 3,.539 3,544 128 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXIII.— Field Products. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. 02 H O In "S Sub-Districts. Sous-Districts. to s o o « I -8 •^i 1 « V5 ^ o S CO C 9? . Acres. Port Colborne, V... 4 Bertie 3,397 Fort Erie, ViUar/c 54 Crowland 1,671 WeUand, Village... \ -58 Willoughby j l,r)G8 Thorold j 2,706 Thorold, yiHarje....\ 37 Stamford | 1,949 C'iiippawa, Villaae. . l 3 Clifton, Town.-Villel 102 Total 14,04o J^I1;!!!C^ Bushels Bushels. — Boi.sseauxJ •'' Spring Wheat. Bldde printemps 3,4.^.5 110 668 ]3 1,860 2,147 224 2,560 40 224 Winter Wh at. d'hiver. 53 28,913 328 12,581 390 13,-591 24,416 200 18,558 ov 1,383 Boisseaux d' Or!,'e. 15,368 323 4,601 107 8,613 7,568 30 6,458 70 93 fa. ZS'iagara, Township. J I 6. West Ward. 13,.528 123,179 S 55,459 ■ I. Bushels of Oats. Boisseaux d' Avoine. 20 48,483 1,144 25,017 315 23,777 28,960 438 34,978 30 1,527 Bushels of liye. Bois'eaux de Sei^le. 38 *37" 66 279 200 199,075 981 Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux de Pois. 2 4,775 112 2,756 62 2,181 5,247 93 2,958 16 291 24,416 J c. Centre Ward I d. East Ward L Total ' a. Grantham 6. St. Catherines, T.-F c. Port Dalhousie, V. . d. Louth '' e. Clinton. I /. Grimsby I Total 12,637 {a. I c. •^ I Saltfleet Binbrook Barton. . . Glanf3 994 .50.380 337 34,779 13,044 17,408 977 104 3,524 711 2,.">49 4,4.53 3,741 105 93 3,U4 4.194 5,302 16,600 4,614 4,242 202 1 : . 305 i 1:29 23 3S0 3-!,ti2o 3,909 531 24,847 25,928 14,971 103.812 292 25 11 253 111 135 29.394 ij,279 4,132 24,992 15.417 1.5,551 6 !! 1 - T 115 lo2 125 1,393 1,510 1,932 5,221 2,i.>.- 1,020 5.121 024 827 95,705 25.3.33 28,365 11.397 2,320 13,619 7.600 23,266 19,681 0..,lb > 6,6L4 3,4! 9 .5.2.10 9,149 'J4 113 143 70 110 721 184 703 2,027 7,779 lS,l;Mj 1,217 11,444 4.22 i 27,404 200 102 383 1.53 822 19.402 8,272 35,428 15,081 73. 234 7.179 5,971 22,192 17,032 120, ;03 . 4,R27 5,077 2 8;;2 4.122 0,868 9:-.u 033 4:!3 1,3^8 r.3o 11,474 02.505 1.000 151.417 179,377 58,238 23,725 30,7<'.l 3,972 197 40 13 81 4.745 2,414 4,."41 l,.-i90 330 10,8.j0 779 425 45 5,-«9 87,9.V4 49,9;i0 7, 100 04,550 209,810 270.305 111,402 404 175,732 27,803 14,042 1.49(t 20,99.-> 04,330 8,101 3,0l^3 77 4,111 8,8.-1; 4.4.-. • 5,:., . 1,009 171 77' 1,531 331 8,090 17,517 1,838 503 843 15,852 18,771 28 11 1.317 4 11 4 19 20 1 554 1,951 782 4,702 2,271 2,000 41 767 22 l,6d2 2,688 20 9 1 31 32 ni 5i 301 704 Hi9 5,217 ( 45 io ! 54 r.4 1.0:V. .•\s 404 339 371 318 * 10,.32(i 7.711 : 5,iSii SO 4;4l:; H! 600 42 123 JWi — r- - 50 282 56 58 102 798 1,148 833 8U5 425 29,933 37,9.58 .34,797 39,805 30,030 17,420 2.-i.70i 74.227 28,711 98,302 13,1.-7 8,982 34.729 28.322 35,515 1 115 c— y ISO CENSUS OF 1871 Table XXIII.— Fk-Ll Products. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 1' -> si K 1- U I 00 ■- ^? ®^5 SCB-DlSTRICTS. Sous-Districts. Acres. f. Goderich j .5,008 !/. Goderich, T.—V. ...i 16 I f«. b. c. d. c. f. il- h. i. ■i. k. I. I t (a. I). c. d. je. '/. .'A h. I 6. c. 4. c. f. 'I. 'h. \d. Total 20,7150 Colborne Ashfield VVawanosh, W.— G. AVawanosh, E Hullett Clinton, Vi/lar/e .... Morris McKillop Seaiorth, Villayc . . . ( rrey Turnbeiry iiowick Total. Huron Kinloss CiilrriRS (^'arrick Kincardine Kincardine, Village . Greenoclc Brant Total. Bruce .Saugeen I Soutliampton, F?7/«//f lilderslie ! Arran i Amabel . . ] Albemarle &Ea3tnor | Lindsay and linry. Total ,f. I'lanchard .St. Mary's, T.-V. Jiibberfc FulLirton iM'itcbell, Village . . \ 'ownie ivtsthopc, S fi«. Loc;an ; I). Kllici; I r. Stratford, T.—V J c/. ]-]a.sthope, N ■" c. Elma j f. Moniington ... . . 2 5 2 ?, 1) 4 4 4, •J »*, 10 ,4f)7 ,.S.-v 1:7, •'''76 1,6.50 60,.533 22,631 33,661 5, .564 11,942 80 14,279 2,725 9,731 42,828 63 617 3,600 35,456 38,609 2,821 33,863 9,407 137,373 15,692 17,712 1,185 20,137 13,682 13,626 43,024 34,2.50 1,462 52 411 74,972 11,426 1,772 75 219,392 102,0.32 7,490 83.194 92,!I69 5,723 83,435 49,20(5 424,069 (•.;),{i41 67,771 4,702 94,879 60,415 64,495 12 6 425 120 563 10 '12.-;' 222 357 27 55 75 36 10 219.793 21.420 26,241 30,592 32,192 40 969 865 37,616 25,248 498 34,598 21,211 42,985 ^20.435 27,141 25,417 33,980 48.582 28,164 1.038 25,714 44,386 234,428 27,248 21,.505 461 20.514 36,040 6.312 1,488 119,.568 46,009 3,576 31,458 34.192 2,210 27.220 19.1.55 163,820 21.455 28,088 1.610 32,902 2.5,416 30,386 I DENOMBREMENT DK 1871. ni I»llOVlIVCF. I>'Ox\TARIO Kushels Bushels of of BeaiiH. Bnck- wbeat. Boisseaux de F^ves. Bushels of Corn. Boisseaux Boisseaux de ! de Sarrawin. Mais. 86 27 'J87 ',Sl VMi 22 15 60 1() r~ I 51 ■iO-J 1.'. 1.S2 4.-. 37 300 it- It] 47 51 6 59 3 2.-.S 111 2.-> 11 18 33 37 373 927 80 100 52 185 33 111 70 146 46 399 9, 38 32 i:.l 56 11 21 72 36 359 38 68 l,o2S 300 146 116 82 29 47 22 71 813 2 218 15 26 82 187 147 677 .'.0 57 15 35 54 427 j t>.".8 • liO 16 10 84 20 ,110 170 Pf»tatoes. — Fatates. Acres. 6,2S9 4.-0 73 2,271 Bushels. I^oisseaux. 41,924 9,372 2;'.0,425 M.SO 2.o0 59 348 437 2 90 181 1 194 111 249 2,302 4(;8 154 2C7 93 1.53 219 37 551 1,882 317 119 119 183 970 732 2,615 .;;.')(■> uu; 428 401 25 619 41 498 300 324 762 .53 375 4.32 21 396 306 743 4.432 479 603 554 5m 47 314 559 3,651 447 238 65 361 468 162 99 1 1,841 .t^sc. it;2 109 73 81 115 36 7i.") 108 371 389 4,") 456 210 21 231 35,5(54 27,791 34,016 34,4.59 5,534 44,321 38,9l;9 3,106 41,054 33,739 58,113 377,897 30,059 30,988 36,310 49,449 37,477 9,668 27,642 55,457 277,0,-.6 3S or,4 28,544 7,963 37,861 52.954 25;515 8,439 50 199,380 -:3.os2 2S.. 29.14;; 8,o:^; 3;. 13, - Biisliols ' Bushels cf of other TMi-jiiji/;. Boots. Boisseaux da Navots. 31,360 947 Boisseaux d'aiitres IJacines 22.S73 4. 519 274,7.31 I 148.097 44,183 21.102 53,.)85 90,433 117,213 2,740 78,265 59.797 650 81,068 102,423 180,748 832,007 11,692 33,244 112,703 1.06.944 29,335 676 54 909 147,296 546,799 17.696 44,520 1,-522 44,99iJ 49,029 26,473 9,398 193,634 106,(i30 3,965 7iv214 ' -ti , L '1 2 291 1C.6,2,SS I 324,.592'V 3n:» I 402 ' 4"vi 375 364 — — " ."1.573 oo.:?s'.' 42.770 40,65i) ■ 33,015 J 11.366 6.054 6,9i;6 9,973 12.270 2,064 11.893 7,895 482 8,099 6,001 10.380 Hwy C'rop. — Foin. Toii'<. Acres 5,850 117 27,262 i'oiineaux 6,709 1.53 31,716 94.01.' 1,'.I47 4,296 1,675 3,444 3,215 807 890 8,656 3,399 5,396 3,916 4,082 5,577 97 4,862 4,8.50 172 4.595 2,814 5.627 3,.5S8 4..541 5.308 6,2.j3 120 5,6.'-.6 5.464 196 5,289 3.372 6,444 45,387 52,003 Bu.shel,-, Griis.s and (Ilowr Seed. Nii'siMiix tiraim- df .Vil vt de TreHe. 410 2,000 145 187 143 363 189 110 275 54 90 221 1,973 24,930 1,476 4.928 3.219 2,872 1,913 431 19 14.858 4,314 3,722 4,192 5,252 5,312 375 3,525 5,954 4,72:; 3,822 4,.517 6,021 •5,757 425 3.777 7,017 32,646 36,0-59 17 31 117 433 297 29 213 1,137 4,238 2.837 206 4,.346 4,931 1,136 499 4,0i'.it 2,827 2:-! \ 4 J XT 5,221 l,.i31 418 18,193 I 18,881 30,9,>1 , 1.584 i 17,870 21,511 ! 1,793 19,350 ■ 3,979 4, .^71; ' 404 I 5.180 I 4, .580 3i;9 6,903 2,508 r.otis j 21 196 jl .;7i 1 s::o 12.-. 2l'5 47 374 I-.' 004 11'. -■ 1''. 8,t'-i- J 5,6-16 s 24,820 4,332 4.532 2"'2 4,161 5,076 4,815 5.929 ;.7ti 4,711 5.286 4:-: 7 7,0s t 3,062 J7,n8- 4,923 5,45;» 298 5,-584 6,087 5,204 46 12tJ 98 156 66 508 4,520 I 13 98 193 5,478 i'.4 161 163 130 260 '13!^ CENSUS OF 1871. met mMiu m^rM^ttU^ Table X.^III.— Field Products. PROVINCE OP ONTARIO. O Eh SCB-DlSTHICTS. SOUS-DISTKICTS. 'O (1. Wallace h. Listowell, Village. I Tc.L-iI 5 it rt-J- ■ a c eo tt.- Vil. a. W'ilmot b. IVew Haiiibur|_ c. Dumfries, A^. d. Gait. Towa.—Ville. e. ^V aterloo. 6' ..,.,. . /. Preston, Vtllaye . . . g. Hespeler, VillcLge . . Total Acres. Wheat. -Bl<^. Bushels. — Boisseaux Spring Wheat. Bl^de printemps f a. Weilesley I h. Woolwich Waterloo, A'' ]'.erlin. Tuini.— Vil/f Waterloo, Villaije. i d. e. Total f a. Puslinch I b. G-uelph \ c. Gnelph, Town. 5,599 210 ol,857 13,892 2()4 12,595 131 8,614 j 336 I 28 35,860 37,047 658 200,949 49,923 1,218 512 39 13,275 71 180 Winter Wheat. Ble d'hiver. Bushels of Barley. Boisseaux d' Orge. 12,518 80 56,019 71,929 732 87,524 1,322 53,539 2.071 220 65,209 I 217,337 100.701 12,460 I «,145 I 5,758 216 ' 349 i 99.720 48,449 28.501 963 1.787 — r 26 870 \ 34,568 i 40.376 1,957 2,097 26,928 179,420 105,868 Ville, Total a. Pilkingtor. ... ... b. Elora, Villwje c. Nichol d. Fergus, Villaye e. Erauiosa -; /. Erin , y. Garafraxa, W. — O . k. Garaf raxii, E . . i. Orangeville, Villaye 5.708 3,746 L61 25,056 36,976 2,494 42,265 4,222 108 9,715 64,526 ''■ 46,595 L Total ( a. b. c. d. e. f. 'J. Maryborough. ... I'eel Miuto Arthur Mount Forest, Vil . . Luther Amaranth 4,300 44 3,750 17 4,538 9,055 6,241 4,816 224 37,939 400 37,875 256 46,133 76,'J45 39,410 41,201 1,985 6,244 554 "8',209" 29.108 2,343 6.919 250 .32,985 ! 284,444 i .53,627 Total I- 6,218 I4,6d9 5,949 7,297 60 4,495 2,821 41,529 Normanby.. Egremont . . Proton Melancthon Bentinck, ,., Glenelg Artemisia . . 8,419 5,358 1,428 1,819 5,930 4,744 3,458 44,942 69.799 56,974 38,017 501 13,085 26,670 507 482 835 935 60 193 970 219,988 I 18,982 61.021 42,915 11,572 16,393 43,549 37.171 26.538 19,738 .550 102,322 28.685 713 50,233 1,176 19,537 192 165 i; 1,694 19.412 10,429 1,602 455 53,.592 41,286 23,762 3,128 68,176 16, 10, 21. 29, 19, 32, 25U 530 405 49 718 211 495 880 985 131,523 33,471 55,449 27,966 24,340 298 14,391 2:i,506 Bushels of Oats. Bushels of Eye. Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux Boissea'x d' i de Avoine. I Seigle. 77,621 i 1,265 i 431,789 120 350 673 Boisseaux de Pois. 135,194 2,706 68,697 2,132 76,554 2,661 264 1,044 ' '554' 288,208 126,911 84,36U 80,706 5,434 7.294 .304,705 93,524 74,622 5,433 173,579 69,516 1.570 68,232 799 87,340 1( (9.073 78,627 68,892 2,380 486,429 79,883 110,370 94,859 77,461 1,410 44.278 .5-.i,670 864 251 2,713 405 1,006 1,258 3(59 16 3,054 81 ' 22' 265 3il8 178.421 I 460,931 13.948 23,510 14,660 20,691 10,190 13,878 30,306 97,663 114,805 71,134 58,422 tu,07:j 78,710 87,786 130 1 100 150 381 47 38 80 24 32,3.52 455 175,664 45,7.54 747 32,056 501 32,564 995 55 112,672 44,007 46,491 29,.561 1,682 1,497 123,238 106,123 39,669 641 29.389 230 52,348 52,483 33,497 23,502 443 232,202 38,767 57,465 45,804 35,879 337 11,509 12,786 202.517 46,5.53 37,123 12,249 11,157 31,865 1 21,780 18,687, .52,422 .50,431 : 3,270 i DlfiNOMBR^MENT DE 1871. 133 Tableau XXIII. — Produits des Champs. 1 . ■— ■ — 1 PROVIXCE D'ONTAKIO. Bushels of Beans, Boisseaux cl« Ffeves. Bushels tf Buck- wheat. Boisseaux de San'osin. Bushels ..f Corn. Boisseaux de Mais. Potat les. Acres. — Vatates. Bushels. Boi-s-seaux. Bu.shels of Turnips. Doisseaux Navets. 35,465 Bushels of other Koots. Boissenux d'a'.ureK llaciues. Hay Cro| Acres. >. — Foia. Tons. Tonneaux Bushels I &ra.--8 i and Ch)ver Seed Bois'eaux Graines de Mil et de i Trifle. 1 i 32 13 39 92 438 16 2.480 48,114 1,402 6,708 75 4,140 106 5,108 126 32,780 304 1 236 279 r,(58 239,599 257,125 58,829 27,384 1,082 227 2 99 2 95 1 5 431 135 If. 1:^4 40 403 1.712 193 3,449 128 6,957 228 5 1,019 46 1,313 13 l,3iJ3 106 8 89,297 4,701 65,200 6 342 83,;;89 15,018 2,596 169,240 2,221 420',399 11,091 386,000 3,833 2,.560 1:".,086 802 24,45-i 781 12,369 1,543 223 7,163 134 5,387 93 5,289 275 47 18.388 9,094 245 6.308 145 0.877 421 45 23,138 790 j 22 652 j 491 728 12,672 3,868 267.143 65.664 8.'>.568 76,133 17 24L 7,468 995,350 55,256 1,9.55 . 35 243 121 31 2 51 54 214 20 1 IC'.t 583 2,271 922 03 811 843 627 140 67 32,195 369,177 247,683 18.485 7,405 13,01(i 18,662 14.237 4,809 1,323 6,763 5,892 4,894 4.57 403 7,916 8, .386 6,976 711 638 591 1 7.18 ! 377 ' Si 1 432 340 4,008 2.488 252,074 674,945 52,047 18,409 24,627 1,792 ! 18 44 7 ;503 95 027"; 181 16 698 387 104 1.189 4 55.S 544 438 .■/6,;ill 4:;,'»21 :;o,749 57,348 .59,i41 5w',757 79,781 213.770 68.990 45,012 107,:25 48,2ti3 34,408 3.269 4,591 621 1,191 2.191 1,620 : 1,070 4,787 5.124 3.248 2,820 4,992 5.532 4,372 5,008 5,670 3,098 2 920 4.211 4,1.38 3,700 1(16 57 70 60 119 117 84 , 134 CENSUS OF 1871. T.'JBLE XX ni.— Field Products. ! ^^ cr. n 2 ^ 2 CO ^•^ 5 I PROVIIVCE OF OATARIO. 1 ^ H Sub Districts. -^ HH *\-» r- CO Sous-Districts. -^ 1 h. Osprey . . I Total 'a. Sullivan 6. Holland f . Eiii)lirasia d. Collingw'ood e. Derby /. Sj-denham !/. Owen Sound, r.— r, li . St. Vincent 1. Keppel j . Sarawack I Total fa. Xelson b. Trafal(?ar c. Oakville,7'ow?i.--r?7/( d. Milton, Town.— Villi: - c. Na.ssaga%veya f. Epquesing ledon I h. Albion . J c. Mono. j d. Adj.'ila.. I Total O i -Ele. Wheat ' Bushels. — Boisseaux A-cres. 2,720 33,906 4.096 3,ti27 4,716 ;"),195 5,294 6,143 480 6,178 2,208 415 3cS,412 Spring Wheat. Winter Wheat. Bid de Bl(5 printeiniJS d'hiver. 5,067 7,829 57 36 3,343 7,289 98 Z-i,l 19 (;.944 ' 74 2,223 11,209 198 20,708 9.537 7,004 10.822 7,027 fa. 'i\t:iniH<'th b (iwilliinbiiry. W.— c. I-Jra'iford. Village. d. iVriilinur e. Tiw^oruntio f . Kssp. y. Inni.-;fil I T'.tal f a. Nottawasaga j ; h flollingwood, T.— V.\ ! c. Suiinidale ■{ d. Ve.s])ra j e. Harrie,Tow».— ViUe. I/. rJo.« 34,390 9,731 7,461 222 6.977 2,703 7.714 7,0S8 41.95t. 13,117 63 2,712 1741 166 1,406 22,172 536 201,331 . 47.537 39.337 29,298 44,.5.56 51 768 20,238 65,439 5,305 03,792 23,275 3,671 . I 346 G79 6,021 17,924 185 200 13,755 18,371 85 57.141 13,021. 100 873 32,.508 670 903 3,221 0,795 11,477 1,397 2.228 250 7,360 1,844 C02 30,143 Bushels of Barley. BoLsseaux d' Orge. 08,956 750 215 26,479 87,252 1,.542 243,790 93,704 790 37,005 168.348 2,420 47,172 302,987 74,307 24,045 73,708 40,880 212,940 02.773 52,088 1,033 63,194 15,903 .■;o,oi7 29.670 49,058 70,9.^)7 36,812 42,738 200,165 57,971 29,909 l,0i-5 "24.871 14,222 44.775 39,639 2C.1,S84 155,.-59 791 10,721 8,491 2,807 9 100 132 18,644 1.800 9,105 75ri 4,.5'.8 Bushels of Oats. Boisseaux Avome. 29,.572 I 100,652 15().755 ' 084,747 7,755 10,3.52 21,.595 23,564 7,038 20,522 1,199 30,141 3,950 779 120,895 39,987 02 556 l,2i;0 790 9,971 40,909 100 155,033 118.738 905 03,0<^.2 163.908 3,271 349,884 48,755 80,011 25,024 25,976 186.366 (;3,290 49,. 510 ] ,0.50 22,570 12,240 50,797 .52,574 252,631 24,837 4,467 7,030 1.100 8,790 50,.583 71,326 45,605 42,286 43,183 70,420 7,306 67.701 17,929 3,913 432.312 61,374 83,4.55 1,007 ' 600 47,897 78.355 845 Bushels of Rye. Boissea'x de Seigle. Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux de Puis, 15,826 189 195.240 100 o 31 50 6 24,519 20,476 20.712 16,787 20,642 32,782 2,397 .37,6.52 12,689 3,149 189 I 191,805 274,133 94,393 .573 31,737 117,700 1,000 245,469 88,599^ 08,379 80,202 55,385 298,.505 95,003 72,541 4.-548 61.715 24 741 78,645 84.909 422,102 77,081 2,070 23,:548 35,203 5,622 41878 252 1.113 60 780 2,205 1,532 29..347 55,746 550 112 34,788 50,710 740 171,993 204 40 1.776 50,935 635 18.%1 72,673 1,.589 ,050 350 470 240 2,110 144,793 29,4.38 34.580 21,095 14,789 080 568 100 400 30 108 300 2,1865 100,502 38,.346 34.8.34 1,728 14,.578 7,829 25,932 35.288f 94 "lis' 158,.5,35 34,.524 308 6,782 10,038 2.716 15,253 DliiNOirBREMENT DE 1871. isr. Tableau XX 1 1 1. — rnxlu i ti des Champs. PROVI^•C^. D'OXTAUIO. Bushels BusiK-ls Bushels Potatoes, -Patate.s. liusheLs Bu.sheltf of Hay Crop. — Foin. Bufillels 1 ( Ir ~ of uf of , ^ ..f other Beaiirt. wheat. Corn. Turnips, \U)ut^. Seed. • ~ - ~ Bushfls ~ Tons . -ois eaux , Boisseaux Bni'-aeanx BoiHsen,ux Acres. — Boisseaux Bois'.seaux Acres. — 'Jraiues de Ffeves. de Sarrasin. de Boisseaux de Navets . ({'autres Baciiiea. Tonneaux. de Mil etde Trifle. i 1 22 3 343 40,312 22,459 049 3,561 2,998 103 \ 174 383 507 3,041 401,000 619,948 15,205 34,430 31,815 --♦'■ — ^- 3,523 71'- 10 5 80 3:t2 40,922 57.085 375 3,783 43 \ 57 104 88 455 53,090 43,833 2,o;;o 5,4:>7 4,549 3-3 1 105 1(3 291 350 35,705 24,122 970 3.; 186 4.323 87! " 112 218 410 415 40,047 31.050 3,972 4.503 .- , ' r.8 It2 175 OlS 32,402 87,023 4,079 3 3:^0 •'•>- 110 235 551 492 53.005 113.200 5,403 6,843 6,'.)49 46 21 353 122 12,775 0,584 1,042 832 1,012 _ 281 712 1.00 1 5,^2 42.542 44.432 5,522 G.770 7,13f, 2,514 . 9i; 170 381 312 40.0S4 99,905 919 2,732 2,717 1 .' ** '.»j 72 137 92 8,983 11,9.^1 6 IS 8i;; 879 907 1.722 3,479 3,830 300,321 520,485 24,160 39,132 39,7S7 5,5.S1 ; (;:» 1,8>0 18,530 41)4 42,400 105.1 >35 37,11.> <;,4i4 \-A 1 282 i •J.) 2,307 7,040 459 41,258 99,5118 35,701) 10.503 l,lii5 ! 02 • • t • • ■ • • 516 33 0,070 8,558 2,000 101 17 ! 11 21 20 2,110 :;,ooo 98.; 102 35 173 270 3S2 40.505 277.352 8 3:i:) 4,486 .*■ 35 137 309 0-)0 59,500 97,409 13,531 7,820 i\ 52 28 58 4,816 790 3S7 98,037 151 — . .. ■:m 4,549 20,732 1.91 L 871 202.737 593,008 29,727 31.502 l.OL'S • li74 2,485 2,850 70.070 50,358 35,333 8,037 8,801 IS 13 24 1,435 131 419 143 1X3 18 10 159 15,()2l 27,9>8 n,073 1,955 o ii3 584 2'.p7 500 00,305 152,504 i;0.554 9.o4;) 13 i . ' 5 07 39 1,059 0,191 159,082 08 404 7,015 4,058 78,037 312 ■| • i' 4il'J 3,0S7 3,249 238,050 7,344 25, .'()_• 9.324 157 179 140 05;» 47,520 9,8fit; 11 1.^1 ( ( 0114 48,577 52,407 9,194 5,789 7,178 L J ' . 8 55 1 07 701 08,245 37,912 2,978 5 5'i2 5,974 74 ! 22 1 197 427 43,394 23,840 2,169 2,578 3,li71 1 3U 1 l'.>3 1 415 \ 481 2.391 228,020 161.679 24,2^7 21.243 25.547 5]G t)G 22 370 - ■-, 50,524 45,04 1 6.04- ■ 40 40 480 -i 1,008 00.274 8.23- 10 4 142 .'1 O.I.VJ 3,439 2,719 1 . {•0 87 355 510 53 L'30 27 211 ,SS4 '\ ; ; 73 388 212 r2 !':'5 li,9(;0 ' ' 05 354 454 53.519 ] 7,0.>7 '-,■ ' ■ 45 24 :i2'J 550 04,523 28.449 189,(;04 2,427 23.885 • 7 1-1" 401 189 2,424 2.701 298,488 215 .".0 390 727 S3. 075 27.707 '"j "/'" -■• ! t i * 14 10 35 253 4,758 0(| O'X) l.iO 8,107 27.010 149 6 9 359 .32;-< ■ !<',7 2 54 152 •!U ■ ■ ■..-,0 1,204 1 12 135 399 315 30,397 30,870 1 l,15u 1 • 136 CENSUS OF 1871. T .\BLE XXIII.-- -Field Products ' PUOVINCE OF 0.\TARIO. 1 • -r. ! L'TS. Sous-Districts. Acres. Wheat. '^•ushel.s. — Spring Wheat. Bh^ de printeuip.- — llle. SoisseauN ^^^inter Wheat, Ble d'liiver. Bushels of Barley. Boisseaux d' Orge. Bushels of Oats. Boisseaux d' Avoins. Bushels of Rye. Bois'eaux de Seigle. Bushels of Peas, Boisseaux de Pois. 1^ ! ■/. Tiny Tav 1,159 1,811 1,706 4,108 30 14,959 4,677 13,958 22,105 4.373 180 2,721 2.097 .'5,«24 10,9lH 2.447 150 .56,906 7.5,342 31,2J4 415 194 S3,!I69 2,400 13,240 10,855 167.619 37,805 94,989 30,034 102.828 17,128 2,879 972 3,851 12,280 1,443 37.409 8,390 ,51,411 99,671 22,700 512 500 55 126 283 110 3 1.289 11,.388 2,824 16,593 31.278 6,893 193 Sltdoute . Uro ..-. Orillia TJatchediush . I. Orillia, Village ... \ Total 28,364 248,081 67,709 121, .553 83,244 2,1.59 1,900 47.486 2,692 22,347 16,041 297,422 406,015 145.990 132,656 3,475 2,150 99,809 4,262 49,704 31,359 144,790 1 i .■5' f f. King h. Whitf.hiircli c. J* urora, Vi'lape d. iST wnuiricet, Village. I C. (iviliijuljutV. J? '/. Pi.lland Landing, V. /,'. G'.villinil'ury, iV 7i. Gref)rgina 9.53;? 5,1(;9 122 84 4,084 217 2,4!)7 1,760 24,060 2,575 6.791 2,743 12,109 1,-^57 .".4,U-J7 42,.S23 !,i5i> 972 34,879 912 13,172 9,552 120 2,024 75 40 393 100 30 182 70,12.s 50,016 1..349 881 34,0rJ 2.174 12,9:hS i3.i;>9 <; (, Total 157,963 469,405 2,964 184.664 28,056 00,457 30,390 131,503 23,364 210 41,1.50 61,719 \\ ;£--. ( .-. Et'>bic(.ke ~ w \ h. ^'aughau .' 1 -! ^. York, West.-Oue»t. 4,343 12,305 10,694 73,402 130,448 60,773 48,537 144,786 58,366 927 250 1,.341 L Total r 27,342 5,872 276,623 251,689 2,521 ( (I. York, East -■ Est . . . b. Yorkvillc, Village . . 45,761 12 104,370 164,055 314.198 43.460 508 98,068 170,603 1,283 r. Scarborough j d. Jlcrkhaiii 2,844 6,38.-) 10,786 \ 23.862 35,896 29,6.51 67,113 104,892 300 1,598 711 I Total 65,630 312.699 3 592 120,443 { 6 18,104 8— i 3.732 1 33 64.105 45,116 5,429 64.001 4,419 27.413 2.319 336 396 66 138.777 51,437 13,010 72,025 5,065 143 375 51.280 8 285 57,161 4,950 2;;5,05i 3 3.')8 701 17 640 70 09,2f)0 2:5,150 4,.3.37 24,298 1,673 J? 1, Tctrd 183,130 16,057 30 oCO 280,020 4,686 122,754 ■ ". f ' ■ ' 26 33" ' -t** --i-^i"' ;-4.145 3 101 31,4:13 300 3 "">' ' ^ :, - ..to' } 200 j 1,227 1 1,040 287 D^NOMBREMENT BE 1871. 137 Tableau XXIH.— rnKluits des Cliamps. PROVINCK I>»0.\TARIO. Bushels i ]iushi!l8 of Beaus. Boisseaux de of Buck- wheat. Boiseeaux de iSiirrasiii . Bushels of Corn. Boisseimx •le 1,1.5.5 88 fi44 18 - ItiS , 118 I 7r. ! 1,089 52 j 1.^7 I 1,8 H PotatDCS. - - Patateti. Acres. Bushels. BoiBseaux. f)."} G7 or 650 1,:517 106 1 1."S 208 I 1»;!8 11 99 10 185 26: 41 271 0,73.5 iS!) 1,719 ■M) 82 1,000 ]l)3 1,1 :10 4.;8 414 20(> .•18;) 712 244 20 Bu-^hels of Tuiuips. Boisseaux de jS'avots. 27,294 12:M7 47,270 87,i'8;< oO,'6M 1.480 3,077 I 400,.590 20,041 0,1 !>4 2:5,777 .S4.0S7 35.429 54 Bushels of other Roots. Hay Crop. — F.ijn. Boissf nuj. d'iuiti''s Ivaciin s. Acres. Tons. ToJiueaux 270,7:10 •!lO ■17 [ 400 00 i 277 179 I 70,.)47 .jo,(J45 4,-S08 l),3i.'.i r-,(>,-zi3 8,o:jii 25,442 20,;^32 1.57,289 241.:i4.i 1,891 2,005 198,921 O.sll 41,949 72,:310 2.50 125 1,7-5 ;i.5:;5 2,925 4,4 2i,:-;o:i 2:1,0:4 ;is.(>s7 ;i 5"9 1,9!7 11,4.^7 1,.5!'0 1,477 2,1:17 2,191 880 ;i,.si7 7,049 2,480 •I :n,io 7.081 5,880 172 io;i 3,048 289 1.512 1..50c! 2,(.85 1,002 :i,7.52 0,914 2,770 :;.-. j,;;'t BuHhfcls Gra«s and f "lover Seed. Uois'eaux Grain's de Mil fct de Trl-fle. 9,992 7,7(11 243 124 4.974 .5(»8 l,9:i2 i.(;29 19 ;J4 .57 122 10 I 5.S6 3,219 1,706 32 42 518 22 4 104 0J4 28 70 144 91 331 418 850 843 718 l.il 1,23 i 3,012 i,09.> 200 •M \ 53 (>() 201: 90 970 8:12 ;-i.-8 2,092 20 45 89,7.53 I 2:!„5:1!1 ;".,002 { 1,845 74,.584 158,:10() 79.8,10 \ 193,;i20 247.109 I 377,0.55 19.5-i5 ;{ 835 50.473 50,912 130.705 4,279 30 . 7,-599 1 8,7;i9 I 5,507 54 9,074 11 3i50 1,72>. :i,i 4;) 4,410 112 1,470 80 "— r 6 4C0 245 1,200 1.857 1.199 5.019 20,047 20.585 309 713 ; 1,924 2.94i 91 ; 25 ; no I 100 ou 121 e,2;;3 1,845 I 90 90 850 81 '3 i 201 247 05 271 117 901 t>8 17;) i.:i34 00 l.O-J! 202 J0,.S74 2,0.;5 8,585 1.424 30,783 ;.0j 101 ;-75 r(3 4.;i9! 25 U1002 2,083 5.795 2018 1 204 ;{49 I 'OU 2.0 9 518 i:i8 2 S:.(> I 4: '.i 's5J2(ri 17.9:59 , 22,219 | 7.247 4.7* 4.:j.:-3 5.001 t)V2 90 11,020 1,947 ', ,o;'-5 239 300 j 10 !38 CENSUS OF 187 1. 73 1—1 Q o .- a I 0:2 c * *? pa ^ t I MM il Table X7i5I J.— Field Products. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. SUB-DlSTRICTd. SoCS-DiSTUICTS, i5 ■ 9 " I i '"• I ''- If. h. I Ileacb Scott . lirock Tlii.rah Mara. . Kama . Total Acres. 7.015 9li0 3,8(38 8,118 1,905 2,351 257 (a. Dmiiuy tmi j h. Biiwinunville, I.-F I c. CiUt-.vji^'ht -! d. rlarke e. Newcastle, Vidaye. I Total f a. Hope I b. Poit Hope, 2'owa I r. i'^avan , d. Manvers i L Tot*l ■ a. iIai'ipo."-a . . 6. Ops n. l,!Kd^^.1y, T. d. Emily e. Vi^rulain . Tiilnj. (a. KMoii , . I 6. Fenelon r- C'araen, Dalton d. Bcxk _, e. Bt>m« rville "l /. L'At'ii,I)igby,L'ngf'r; .'/. Lutter'.vorth, An- '( boi!, niiiii, Towmhip. J-irighton, VUlwje . . \ e. Murray. f. Percy {a. 16. \'d. 2.S,20G 10.577 520 4,U82 9,447 516 26 042 7,785 7 8,820 7,080 24,292 8,8iJ3 9.042 249 7.398 2,562 28.114 J g. Seymour. 3 67« 3,758 639 377 771 570 01 9,914 8,945 J29 9,233 2,485 20,792 4,680 124 4,488 201 3,302 5.301 4.839 Wheat .— Ble. 1 ! Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels .-——-.^^ _^*-~,...^ of of of of Barley. Oats. Ilye. Peas. Bushels. — Boisseaux Sirring Wheat. Winter Wheat. Boisseaux d' Boisseaux d' Boissea'x de Boisseaux de El.: tie B1.5 Or-e. ^Avoine. Seigle. Poi.?. printeinps. d'hiver. 75.857 12,(;95 94,436 100,603 456 33,148 6,457 5,U]0 11,245 15,060 190 4,015 13,668 34,792 38 497 82,720 399 29,478 42,11^0 41,187 .56,214 113 878 65 33,.512 11,186 9 692 14,252 43,906 135 10,479 14.0i8 7,940 9,158 67,884 140 14,439 1,772 181.165 1.32,335 776 138,424 2,788 436 5.883 2,123 158,687 4,792 3,129 272.. 024 90.322 514,079 88,515 49,517 6,707 51 4 715 4,475 • • < 2,560 39,775 12,5;-,7 24,740 50,289 2,008 15,716 100,5'.»3 7.509 86,671 105,958 9,008 42,991 6,547 50 5,649 4,542 263,779 84,458 14,205 2,632 285,957 22,935 24,421 218,097 65,702 113,416 'oi ,<'i>'o 3,916 43,625 100 36,386 150 40,100 245 93,489 6 30,204 . 62,447 i,6i7 40,040 28,596 80,400 25,855 84,321 6 182 11,715 24,403 16!.),170 131.807 262,513 r-'2,461 98,238 4 J, 704 36,56l' 9i.l65 15 39,538 39 129 22,883 51,120 72,000 2C0 28,058 1,897 1,035 1,664 3,201 190 1,235 48,120 2M74 27,113 78,942 475 21,ul7 7,381 21,444 7,333 49,196 170 15,149 145,291 106,098 14,760 181,395 13,956 325,800 65,139 1,110 104,997 14.855 17,2.J2 10.001 3i>.548 18,369 56,677 95 21.834 1..550 3, '.(54 .579 12,563 13 4,214 1,229 3,ft;;i 991 4,963 11 2,716 2,621 4,915 1,681 13,129 347 4.895 2,182 2,479 1,439 12,430 128 5,229 700 r,5 65,752 2I,0C.2 45 9,400 219 813 1,368 1,283 33,138 37,060 62.589 174,301 76,605 57,423 81,213 64.093 1,574 420 2,322 2,500 80 1,422 75,002 19.079 46 841 89,907 6,233 57 512 16,671 8.292 4S.S53 5,-563 117,315 13,666 15,356 351 16,391 177.400 184,368 8.032 139,418 33,526 33,268 irt,247 43,232 5,927 1.275 4.50 1,547 loo 716 43,064 10,310 27.879 45,042 7,269 45,888 2,627 2UU 2,680 3,182 5.^7 1,807 33,359 6,446 28,989 3-^754 12.407 40.016 27 790 28,8.39 44,070 15,822 37,3'J4 3.800 40,046 12,623 27,528 44,285 4,498 33,113 DlfiNOMBEEMKNT DE 1871. 139 Tap.i.eau XXf II.— Produits des Champs. PK<)VIKCK D>OATAR10, Bushels Bushels of of Beans. Buck- _ wheat. Boifiseaux Boiuseaux tie (le Ftves. Sivrra-^in. 211 153 121 468 44 1:^7 74 372 .'■i;} 80 4;i 80 ;32 17 (il8 2.;5i2 BuHhels of Corn. Boisseaux de Mais. Potatoes. — Patates. 220 24 125 7113 32 1,117 8o2 1,1C.5 . 54 i . 5-11 1,588 i 250 ; 126 12G :,os4 102 ;347 74 257 104 lt74 40 12L» 21 24 41 17 20 292 20 (x57 144 3,111 1,700 j '"'86 I 331 : i 2.183 i 5SG 100 158 270 1,402 98 430 14 73 41 ISO 57 S49 2,280 1.15.S 2111 724 584 715 400 0,994 Acres. cr.o 117 308 598 190 421 113 2,990 7,40(5 i 300 400 4,587 441 13,200 7,419 424 1,004 S,942- 1,198 525 102 b\J6 273 7(59 70 441 809 49 2,204 872 24 716 729 Bushels. Boisseaux. 78,397 12,10;; 42,117 (-.2,980 20,225 42.578 11,172 332,4 ],<< 2,600 215 322 100 64 188 54 58 2,341 7iiu 021 113 685 3«8 8(;,024 11,903 51,180 85, ^55 6,439 Bushel.s of Turnips. BoiFseaux . fie Xavets. 408,076 45.101 170. .-.81 200.489 24,027 28 857 2,999 Bushels of other li(.ots. Boisseaux* d'autres Eacines. Hay Crop. — Foin. 9,12.-; 710 4,457 12,193 7,404 3,972 71 1,243.5^9 547,279 24,810 147,743 459,363 18,374 42,092 39,031 4,462 3.982 8,559 1,440 2)1,567 j 1,197,575 I .57,474 89,853 5,945 74,590 S 2,483 1,007 1,941 I 7,007 177 1 st^y 11. W3 I 13,720 1^9 1 373 1,474 14,210 I 22,569 831 45 799 122 790 320 260 11,505 , 7,729 601 ■ 330 ] 7,0.58 ' 9,134 2,052 ' S.OO'.i 17,518 i:.290 360 7,449 2,1(A> 638 401 41^0 104 76 144 143 103 1.4G1 920 38 l,i;i7 241 2 31'' 493 23 555 55 569 512 426 254,761 lO,ill .1 71.330 12,900 72,029 42,224 272,706 47,132 53,036 15,4t;2 8.ys3 20,005 18,051 12,990 175,019 100,3110 15,099 120,5i.8 20,800 257,373 59,.J50 3.85S 58,709 7,852 57.:;:91 54 ■■'.^.:, 46,7j8 294,672 1.500 38,281 97,320 431,773 15,492 330 7,891 5,544 29,203 340,099 54,540 3,217 38,444 31,110 8,824 10,029 1.664 5,350 378 473,416 ! 20,245 20,925 50,346 2,410 4,095 2«,185 7,110 5.261 2.505 2,050 23 151 451 ^ 149 249 121,932 6,018 230,352 2,45y 198,729 25,346 450,885 26,359 6 852 ll,i50 1,857 46,418 Tons. cres. Tonneaux 5,704 6,978 1,053 1 000 3,115 3,011 4,018 4,77f< 1.352 1,659 2.008 2.805 520 i 23.389 I 20, M» 7,5.S3 516 3,057 6,051 359 18.106 6,890 18 5,456 4,155 16,525 5,287 112 3,919 3,147 10,420 o,l:^3 3,644 1,204 378 1,224 l,4i.5 743 11,8.51 8,483 334 8.04G 1,738 19,201 46.177 ' ^2.085 I * 7.784 7.700 3(5.594 18,965 3.-4 I 741 3,911 798 l.."i49 0.01 S 3,416 4,- 38 :;02 4,477 493 4,252 4 770 5,472 8,108 659 2.093 7,104 355 19,039 7,701 32 6,004 4,671 19,008 0,240 3,61 S 192 3,991 3,193 17,235 2,805 3,408 1,030 340 952 1,132 077 10,410 9,052 730 9,126 1,749 20,657 4,;U(U 347 4,889 608 4,415 5,244 4,748 Burthels Graua i ancl I Clover Seed. IJoLs'eaux Graines , deMil 1 et (ie I Trl-fle. ' 1,945 .v84 512 1,012 410 1 4,'. 156 3,715 486 4^4 2.299 18 7,002 2.072 2,002 886 5,6-jO 2,849 4:i4 50 505 94 3.932 466 19 21 87 127 36 1,531 2,231 i 142 ],G75 184 'K\0 4,23 851 24 842 10 I 1.509 887 515 140 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XX Hi.— Field Products. PKO^'lJVCE OF ONTARIO. m H Q CO SrB-DlSTKICTS. SOUS-DISTKIOTS. ;< w H fcSJ. to S C* ft. « • W-7 si >0 e e i b. \c. d. ■I- e. ' f. I a. ,6. c. I cZ. I e. U. {/■ h. „ it I -, '-■. 5 s« •. o ^ 1 't ! h. T. .tal ^[finaghau. S. ... Monaghan, iV Peterborough, T.-V. Siiuth Ennismore Total Dtoi'abee . Ai-hburnhain, ViVije. \ )our(» Asphodel Dummtr Belmont, Methuen. . Total H arvey Gahvay. Cavendi.-b Burleigh, Austrut- l'.nr, Moijrnburg . ... Ifallowtti Wcton, Town — Ville. SojihiasbuTg Athol M arysburg. S . . . . JVIarysburg, N ... Total Sidney Trenton , VUlaije . . . 1,'elleviile, T. — V.. Total Thr.r'.ow .... .... Tyt'ndinaga . . Hunger-ford Total jJavvdoii Stirling. VUta/je. . . . iluatiDgdoii Acres. 22.9:r> Wheat.— Bid. Bushels. — Boisseau ■ Spring Wheat. Blede printeiups i/.;i,!ir, 2,4 L5 l,2i:j 145 5,G79 2,308 11,700 11,0-:J3 9,0si< 527 4.3,0-ti 10,9(12 74.650 8,048 (i4 3,893 3,;-i8r) 2.4:;0 bl(j 18.807 44,SS2 2G5 ir.,92.-i 15,282 7,737 3,542 8S.63S 4()-S 22G 108 83 393 CO 221 1,554 l,n55 1,137 1,092 446 2,25;< 533 2,9i9 9.971 Winter Wheat i I'de d'hiver. 10;).112 Bushels; of Barley. Boisseaux d' Orgo. 19,609 5,210 l,;i:V2 30,! 04 11.445 (37,«00 37.23is (iOO 25,894 25.574 2U 08il 4,007 113,399 117,014 17,044 5,875 45J 7,054 2,484 3.303* 208 412 409 1.4S5 lOO 358 33,507 21..:<09 30 5,110 0.113 1.352 413 34.533 205 99 133 123 301 33 413 6,285 1,307 Bushels of Oats. Boisseaux d' Avoine. 208,240 25,907 19.878 2,440 67,184 18,520 134,229 97.944 1,022 ^ .5a. 010 45,3i;2 45,226 12,582 Bnsh.ls of Eye. Boiu'eaux de Seigle. 34,558 "" 40" ""424' 470 255,746 4,484 5,143 • 7,110 5,991 8.08i) 13,807 0,166 7,701 54,073 l^uf:hels of Peas. Boisseaux de Pois. 195,112 586 11 .395 144 15 28 1,189 10,774 0,523 203 32,315 9,731 .59,006 151 45,846 360 440 10,879 1,700 26.2,-(4 1,429 18,107 764 6,588 114,064 2, .■■186 1^263 1,221 1,446 2.377 990 690 10,373 di!:nomdremekt m jsn. 141 . IwU T/.BLKAU XX I 31. — rroduits des Champs. PROVIXCE D>OXTAKIO. I Buiihfla Bushels I of of Beans. Boinseaux F^ves. I'.iuk- wllfilt. Boibseaux (le Sanasin. I 3,173 129 l.i'J 35 :v2'> 154 13 G4 1 111! 11.-) 7y i 544 40 |. 1 ; 10 I 23 32 174 330 13 405 333 :■( 40G 2i;t lO'J 134 526 (i 34 5GS 90 52,044 77 10 56 16 15'.) 10 11 14 91 432 405 nr.s Bushels j of Corn. Boisseaux de Mais. PotatoeH. — Patates. 6 7 45 182 8 58 300 8,;!16 ;U8 14,860 10,749 8,(;0o 5,188 (j,3(;o 8,153 2,00') I 02,544 19, 184 425 70 10,',»7;) 49'J , 10,'.)U3 711 I 18,471 ."5,851 1,300 42<; 56 179 39,225 3,-'>75 181 0,291 Acres. Buyhels. Boisseaux. 31.0C)1 2,632 288.481 Bushels 'Puruips. Boisseaux de Navets. 294 22 .52(; 157 •? c 1,07 286 i 5.°> I 2r,7 403 457 715 2,181 100 (5 338 150 355 159 201 52 472 189 1,073 05S 57 460 429 :;oo 222 17,011 2(),044 9.160 60,722 20.840 13!, 777 79.015 6,590 47.1.57 56,795 39.74S 21,675 2,1'.?1 I 250,980 959 91 116 129 71 122 63 I 120 i 712 ll.r..53 14,560 14,170 10,010 15,360 7,568 17,853 91,074 12,876 751 12,705 23.642 247 S 2\,r,:<7 9,101 5,117 4,322 93.298 2S5 18 381 455 40 291 222 270 260 21,189 1.900 38,181 36,451 7,304 218.59 19.526 19.145 18,058 186,613 20,721 j 273 98 ' 21,092 12,051 12,488 5,461 30,000 5,250 434 5,627 835 47 65 947 648 97*. I 646 2,273 594 37 536 97, 735 5, 53'.» 260 110, 53! 71 684 104, t.il 71, 978 247,753 ()v),532 6.471 ; •• 726 109,399 17,197 42,124 3,40u 141,7()3 14,802 219 286 58,874 199 ,30,934 40.191 19.993 8,750 161.941 6.775 6,722 18,105 3,007 8,300 5,700 12,232 60,841 740 21 9,8'J6 1,701 427 2,339 1,243 311 465 17,143 14,135 35 145 14,315 14,549 6.951 7,166 28,606 5,81.1 376 .'S.251 Bushel.^ of other Roots. Boisseaux d'autre.s Kacines. 19,457 Hay Crop. — Foiii. Acres. Tons. Tonneaux 23.964 24,551 4,9.-.;-; 6,8:',4 4,314 12.749 1,166 30.0.M 1,453 1,601 215 4,936 1,238 l,54h 1.919 273 .5,216 1.054 9,413 I0.0!(i 21.815 5,552 ;5^I2 109 11,9(13 2,9'J6 6.946 3,295 3,243 2.808 527 1,594 44,836 16,354 5,232 87 2,492 3.571 2 3*il 1,189 14.932 14 10 248 133 33 23 4(;i 508 943 507 490 911 608 542 4.515 4 .529 606 389 408 831 040 591 4,000 418 v:>; 4.483 2,550 2,135 2.134 942 322 613 13,753 2,671 151 3,-552 4,738 o 4.333 1.916 2.033 1,993 oi -rvo _i,i> i_ l, ! I 5 I— ( p— I s I. e SUB-DlSTHICTS. Sous-Districts. d. Marmora, Lake. . . . e. Madoc Elzevir.GrimsthortH 'I'lidor, Wollaston, ) Limerick. Ciushel. j Carlow, ^[ayo Faraday, iJungan'oo Herschel, Mont'glo. M'C're, W'k'\v,B'g"r I. TotaL Acres 076 2,027 21 a 386 75 146 208 8.798 m 'a. h. ,d. I €. KiiigHton, Townsh'p Port.srnouth, Vitlai/i (rarden Lsland .... Wolfe Island Pitt.sburg, Ilo-.re I . iSttjrrington Totul. 910 277 327 137 50 5(38 921 212 9,402 2,985 114 1,449 138 94 54 81 204 l,0o3 622 929 2(i4 127 303 154 8,.581 1,12S Wheat.— Ble. Bushels. — Boisseaux Spring Wheat. Ble de Winter Wheat. Ble printemps d'hiver 0,572 18,847 1,789 904 1,422 2,736 82,627 ('(. Victoria W.ard I ''. Bideau Ward I c. Frontenac Ward . . . I d. St. Lawrence Ward. -{ e. Ontario Ward • . /. Sydenham Ward . . . f/. Cataraqui Ward. . . . 2,21.0 2,170 1.254 0,774 14,110 12,383 10,469 19,153 52G 10,161 12,802 728 Bushels of "Barley. Boisseaux d' Orge. 736 3,541 129 262 174 151 13,189 72 80,332 28,400 805 11,814 956 1,0G4 398 819 2.020 8,504 4,0.51 7.521 1,430 763 2,289 1,534 20 377 "io" 75 20 73,034 h 510 095 40 1,924 123 121 130 71 271 272 791 276 54 79 410 5,257 8b0 14,167 I 25,239 020 9,007 I 1,748 O), :j29 3.450 904 15.819 '732 611 175 74 1,046 80,320 20,.530 54,740 40,054 49,247 1,419 30,390 90,226 6,381 574 292.987 71,858 2,328 12,110 32 42 64 1,508 26.877 11,866 637 41 21 126 26 127,442 45,510 29(5 180 190 5 26,375 35,807 20,021 128,189 14 40 80 Bushels of Oats. Boisseaux d' Avoine, 40 300 20,540 48,818 7,902 7,983 7,147 6,112 37.291 210.053 8,885 17,732 16,516 26,-534 590 21,746 50,420 1,085 149,508 03,294 1,4.59 18,162 3,474 4,205 1,062 2,083 12,072 35,446 22,231 10,204 2,098 2,301 3.708 1,319 Bushels of llye. Bois'eaux de Sfcigle. Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux de Pois. 1,142 4,294 1,770 303 202 486 42,230 0,245 2,411 5,025 9,532 211 1,505 4,226 290 29,445 185,778 42,348 345 37.250 74,075 29,646 183,004 180 oUO 6'J 22,823 753 15,709 1,«24 629 281 726 2 227 ll',239 7,528 3,901. 333 853 100 400 69,252 4,331 342 5,929 8,007 18,009 -i- 170 9.180 22,697 3,400 2,227 324 737 2,552 100,298 10,713 12,902 9,034 16,937 338 9,073 24,004 934 90,595 35,671 1.1.36 14.. 33 2,0v;8 445 680 1,381 4,008 21,458 14,088 2,578 300 805 628 023 100,342 23 315 120 20 12,107 20,013 13,1.58 74,823 200 20 2 "i.50' DE\OMBREMENT DE 1871. 143 'SS'^ 1 — TABLiiAiJ XXIEI. — Proriuits dcs Champs. r PKOVIXt li U'OATAillO. Buali-ls Bushels Bushfls I'otatoes. — P.-itates. Bushels Bushels of Hay Crop. — Foin. Bn:th.-!.S GraJis of Beans. of Buck- of Corn. of Turnips. other Hoots ^ ~- ^ — ^ atid Clover whtJit. eeed. " — Bushels, — Tons. B')is\-aux Boifiseaux Fives. Boisseaux Sarrasin. Boi.-iseaux de Mais. Acres. Boisseaux. Boisseaux de Xavets. Bois.-seaux 340 24.148 3,412 69 3.538 2,135 58 21 60 2'.t5 9.5 7.098 085 •-'8 1,275 679 40 21 81 079 in 8,404 5,884 40 1,189 821 44 37 58 243 98 11.025 2,784 197 1,529 707 .59 ID 32 100 00 3,075 7,756 4,771 37 009 540 70 8(J3 15,811 17,105 2,345 333,581 08,582 47,283 10,.548 30,752 22,300 2,303 1.S4 i,8;ii; 815 4,018 7,002 7,9.;4 0,l,-.2 l,Ul 21 .1 ■■!' 1 'i 7 i 4 100 1 29^1 32 i>2 2 351 IJO 21,241 5 455 52 1,8M .3 7.041 4,!Xi4 100 104 773 1,18.S 15;) 1,110 074 t;73 r'o,iiT4 2,527 3.(W4 7,98;: 5.7.-<7 792 143 1,000 1,703 538 2,308 45.01a 195,0.i3 4,874 2,078 4,0-_'.. 3.2s.) 438 667 4,17i> 11.979 15.:«i0 2S,2i(. 2 J. 2 ".2 ;J.502 ^> f< r.»-i i!0 ''01 10 15 11 • » 15 1 l.SSO ( 10 ,1 12 ••• ^ ^ ■ ■■"■.■■ .> 2 13" ' ■ ■ '49 8 "■* 627 i Ui C 13 N S IT S OF I B t I iJITAi — >■ Table XXfill.— Field Products. PROVIJSCE on' O.'ITARIO. CQ H Sl-b-Distiuct3. O M « — r- Sous-Districts. O Acres. I Total 14 Wheat. - Ble. Cusheld. — Boisseaux S))ring' Wheat. Ble de prjuteinps 40 1=? «■? ■ 9 0/2 -.9 S » o S 2 ^ 3 £§ a. Leeds, lyaiulsd'w-c, Ij 6. Gananorpie, VilUrie j c. Leedb, Land.sd"\ve, V\ d. Et^cott, Front « e. Yonj^e, Front. | ■J/. Yonjje, Escctt, Rear.j f). Crosby, South. — ^vd.\ h. C!rosby. North -Nord^ i. Bastard, Burgess . Total GO 1,499 080 7oS 8fi2 1,244 l.oilS 2,?C1 2G,10J 11,877 (5.249 8.889 1 0,013 23,4(;i I a. Westward.. I 6. Centre Ward ; c. Fast Ward . . I d. ElizabethtowTi I Total 11,66.3 10.3,5:5.0 I a. Au^'usta Prescott. Town. - Viih Edward.sburg Total 1.290 13,015 3,4;^G .37,411 a. b. c. d. \f- \'J- Kitley Ei;u>ley Wolford Merrickville, VUld'/t] Oxford ^ Kernpt\'ille, Villa 36 41.5 10 ' 1:3;? 8.5 50 121 72 30 204 690 1.120 1,682 ' L39 . 8()6 4,201 7?6 2.50 3,604 1.450 80 4,917 891 2.001 4,114 5,4(58 2,.373 9,455 514 15 350 226 2;i4 283 323 353 664 Patates. Bushels. Bushels of J Turnips, Bushels of other Roots. Hay Cro ). — Foio. Bois.seaux lie Boisseaux., Navets. ; Boisseau (I'liutrefe Racines . betii I j Acre L<...-ii':.' JL. 4,118 286 2f»2 3iK) 11 179 12,168 30,749 ,5 13 2 8,424 9,105 8,124 9,125 11,2*2 8,633 11 5,291 2,181 2,962 24,870 4,285 36.896 18,828 ' 2.i,999 31.872 i 30.278 19,297 64,067 ' 22 992 } 3 1,014 580 \ 16,573 I 10. M 1,233 51 1,094 2,378 244 53 307 15 572 19 92 1,302 275 8 354 22 412 672 1,743 1,255 I 846 I 2,399 i 60 1 6,017 I 114 j 1.361 I 12.0.V2 ' 1,907 i 73 j 0,227 250 2,283 : 658 3,146 926 3,120 277 3,.527 268 1,390 605 289 496 48 868 49 188 12,6S4 11,308 4,950 278 7,0,s2 415 6,.S49 6.440 25,514 402 155 80 15.576 867 1.826 867 1 11,032 2,208 1,319 2,. 543 789 44 657 54 634 577 2,755 1,352 '! 110,753 , 112,105 i:3S,191 \ 4,758 113,337 256,286 52,448 i 23,129 46,622 I 5,034 85,986 5,640 i 19,471 38,330 6,451 83.680 4,245 69,207 5,911 77,052 64,057 301,1.52 64.-! 18 2i;'.i 35 1 282 6,961 318 6,961 794 394 58.5» 95,016 35,917 59-,938 14,559 f 1,773 j 19>),Sri 149 61 65 8,091 8,366 2C) 59 34 866 985 2,318 4,441 3,876 88,988 99,623 0—10 31 71^. 1 2,455 12 5,904 860 167 , 369 I 1,257 I 1.212 , 3,6.51 ' 2,;34f 174 l,58i' 94(i 2,16i 1,470 1,886 584 1,944 10,1 - 5,00:! 4,177 4,320 4,445 4,101 3,37; I ! :> .■^; i 254.392 ;; 15,892 | 13,082 [ 43,497 68 1 19 4,973 I 5,061 ; 4,488 ; 6 470 4,964 1,644 3,123 960 425 90 209 14! 1 I 97 i 22 300 434 142 36 632 810 • 4 444 448 445 50 315 8,841 5 12.313 -i 9,660 12,318 8,709 7,51U 437 6,095 14,042 3,057 3,378 5,363 92 3,674 261 565 16,39f' 2,388 94 4,185 962 1.2u;; 6,757 14,589 10,92;; 378 9,151 20,447 6,624 2,668 4,832 98 6,722 147 1,759 8,813 472 :',4f6 5,9i>! 2.27! 4,316 97 90 ') * l,5.:9 22,850 ! 19,838 7,319 j 224 ' 6,253 2u2 5,219 5,111 24.328 4,054 989 623 5,666 7,691 3,293 4,615 6.178 248 5,285 u,lu9 23,305 7,2;(l 167 129 2,099 2,395 15,.5r,9 60 37 30 8,222 8.;349 1.3.61:: 82 8-1 51 7,739 65' 37 2,: . »;- V- ', 950 lu IS- CENSUS OF ISn. Table XXIII.— Field Products. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. -a \^i mU L-5 oc ^UB-DlSTKICTS. OrS-DlSTKICTS. Acres, Wheat — Ble. Bushels. — Boi.sscaux R])ring ; Winter Wheat. Wheat. Bushels of Barley. i I ; Bushels I Bushels i Bushels i of Oats. of Bye.' of Peas, Boisseauxi Boisseaux Boissea'x; Boisseauxi d' d' j de : de j Orjre, i Avoine, i Seigle. , Pois, ! -j: I I'- 1'^ < . Xejjean / . (iower, JV I. Marlborcugh .... I . Goulbun. , I . Kicbmond, Villaye I March i . Huntley / .(Torboltijn i. yitzroy harlottenbiurg • IstiT , '.. >n uchiel 'J'otal awkes^u cy, E.. . a-.v-kesl'iiiy, W.-O liawkesi nry, V . ' n.Tueuil ' . '.'tmw. . . . .- V j'rtd Jl^lantagenet.'iV , Plantagen(;t, S Total . I Clarence' Cambridge C'umljerLirif Ru-ssell Gloucester .... New Jvdinburcjh Osgoode , Total Wellington Ward J Victoria Ward « St. George's Ward By War! Ottawa Ward Total Total. ' c. ' 'J. \', h. i. j- Montague Smith's Falii", V... Elmsley, iV BurgosH, N Bherljrooke, iiy'iiijLi Potatoes. of ..f or .— ., Beans. Buck- C''om. ^^ _ whttit. _ Boisse&ux Bovseaux Boipseaxix Acres. lie do de Ffeves. SarraHin. M;i9. 192 5,82$ 3,409 072 (H 3,448 1,739 ■■ csn ■ 1.1 1,537 1,813 7fi-l 177 823 1,021 : G81 W, 11,G3G .^,882 1 3,052 :i2d 2,775 -.„ 'JG2 1,731 ", 1 • l.-M 197 M'.-' • ;„; 100 1,542 .'ijUOi 1 * ' t ~ 201 1,733 i,od: . • :S l.W 1,113 £S;i 1-r / 1 1,070 1,176 . M:; 157 622 52-i 200 J Bushel. jj'.issieau:: Bll; Tar: IVavets. , jiacinof Ha J' Crop. — Foin. Tf.nn. . 'jimeaux. < ■ 1 — 112.035 ... . , ,^ 340,691 2u, 709 8.:2 1,4'.'.-. 37 2,384 50 2.730 5,481 •J ,295 1,200 GO 8.-.0 126 2,"'.(»7 ' 10,6f:3 20,533 2,712 11,790 183 42 352 1C4 470 1,043 283 574 3,017 554 607 1,065 1,107 > 382 1,950 4,649' L'G5 1TO 1,07" ■ 975 24,300 ''78 03,297 376 111,361 2,292 ' 200 4,0. ;2 012 ' 21,916 25 1,748 2,52.} 1 F- 2,03. i 6,60 ; 88.J 1,47^ 6.5- 4Si 1,73' 18 i 6,40 3 40 : 1: 1,76 i 10,37 G • 5.3G ! 9,388 9,254 -.,005 o,G80 .;,230 5,408 jj 6,264' 5,043 ' 27,^77 2.''.,:;04 i 5,090 4,161 i 2,628 2,744 i 627 690 : l2.546 1,578 1 1,410 1,502 l,3o0 019 2,225 1.793 1,159 1,324 { - 17,083 14,711 ■ 2,560 2,322 ' 937 771 . 4,271 3.755 ) 2,304 1.079 6,350 5,320 • •^4 or ' 7.C62 5.080 [ BuHheiB (iraf.- aL'i: CI.IV.-,- Seed. t'oia'cttux • iraii.fs de Mil et dtt CS2 .■- 1 1 :0 2.1 »1 733 111 9 870 . 167 , 351 63 .94 :,.'.os 94 13 85 •' 274 39 1:4 48 CEKS rr S OF l b 7 3. TA.BLE ."YXni -Field Product:'. PROVINCE OF OJSiTARIO, o r-t 73 t s £1^ c 5 00^ — "s-^ •3.1. H CB Sl'B-DrBTRICTS. S0CS-DlSTr.lGT3. ^^^J^^i Bushels Bushels.- -BoisL,eaux Parley. Total , a Rainsay. . .■. . . .''. .Vliiionte. Village c. Pakeiiliani <.;. Lanark e. I>anai-k, Villnge f. Darling,- g. Dalhoiisie, Sher- ) brooke, i'v'', Lav'ni, j \ Total 'a. McNab 6. Araprior, Village . i c. Bagot, Blythfield ! d. Brougham j , e. Mataw'tch'n,arifi.thf /. Sebast )rol .\ g. Erudeiieli, Raglan. 1 \ R'dclfe,Lyndoc]i/|! » , h. Horton \ ', i. Renfrew, Village . '• j. Admastou 1 k. Grattan. 1 Total I d. \^. f. fl- h. i ■J- • k. Ross Eroo^ili'y Weatiaeath Pembroke Pembroke, Villagt Stafford Wilbei force Algoua Alice Fiaser Petawawa j Rolph, Buchanan, \ \ Wylie, McKay | i laead Total [a. \h. I *'• \d. e. f. U. - L Madav/aska. E. Madaaouska, W. Boiinechfere Pelav^aw.",, S Petawawo,, N 3:'etawavva, Centre Pfctawawa, W. — T'. " a. Rocher (Japitaine h. Deux Rivieres c. Matawan, S d. Mataouan, W. — O. . Bushels of Oats. Bushels of Ryo. Boisseaux Bois'eaux d; 1 de Avoine. I Seigle. 200,963 I 7,141 o90 44,149 980 24,4:^6 17,859 9,C81 5,317 20,.337 :.'G,527 840 4,805 4,058 6,128 4,661 22,5.30 83 1,427 340 429 761 3,430 247 •' 46 192 276 750 307 29,175 56 J 034 17,078 603 9,260 920 126,096 3,297 25,9.->6 598 16,i«2 1,693 50,082 2,783 9,430 353 • 2.50 24 10,4.%- 799 17,3':4 3,i;08 Bushels of Boisseaux de Pols. 37.881 18.671 408 8,098 3,447 1,299 1,044 4,707 37,674 8,565 87 1,282 233 502 714 2,022 6,.529 1,070 6,227 ],662 7,481 16,449 1,981 4,278 3,055 1,152 3,189 938 321 163,408 8,702 300 ,582 100 715 350 560 -I- 18,309 880 2,080 2,962 4,435 70 28,893 .5,415 3,801 8,946 1.746 ■ 80 2 302 3,233 1,030 3,921 667 643 980 15,458 32,764 76 415 218 609 ii' 40 294 1,075 137 360 111 DiNC'MBllEMENT DE 1871. 14 Tableau X.illf — '-li.ouits des (Jhamps, PROVINCK D'ONTAUIO. Bushels of Beans. Boisseaux de Fbves. Bushels <.f Back- wheiit. Boisseaux de SarraMin. I'/UKliels of Corn. Boisseaux de Mais. 1 ,002 3.150 \ I Potatoes. —Patates. Bushels ' of Bushels. Acres. Turnips . Btishels of fithe; Rootb. Hay Crop. — T'oiii. 4,183 470 126 1,771 1 ti5 110 163 37 468 353 567 1,791 G7 343 43!) 106 5 748 211 1,371 319 107 48 26 21 46 150 85 112 1114 722 764 —1. 1.865 130 83 6.091 1,106 14 222 195 20 65 12 631 227 321 218 2,803 224 30 253 i 62 12 97? 1,042 472 1,015 114 159 81 2n'' 539 isi 324 89 • • • • ■ • 192 42 It "lU, 35 15 20 138 i 109 ' 216 ^ 81 2,893 Boisseaux f'oisse; ux i de • d'autr;a lioispeaux. Navets. liacints. i Acres. , Tons. Tonaeaui. i Busbelp Gra.sx and j Clov.r : tsKed. ■ Boi.sVau> 1 Grai;i<-.- de Mil et de Trifle. "1 219,294 I 15,870 ; 9,8 .0 i 29.Sf;5 ' 2y.9'J'j | 3S0 534 24 .347 356 137 1.30 371 41,982 3,697 28,(;83 28,85.3 1 1,702 10,.589 22,308 81 8,628 10,072 3,443 2.524 7,733 435 6.3.4 1,7)6 l,0-;7 15 6,240 t 50' ! 3,559 ! 4,212 ' l,9ii.S 28,469 10,443 1,899 392 43 216 140 98 141 239 195 40 323 250 103,975 !:'': i 57,499 i 19.5' 14 | 24.3:;? 35,418 4,159 11,473 7,634 i 10,143 ■ 13,429 33,635 20 096 j 4,487 ! 20,867 i ,-),..../" J 16,261 644 1,682 57:! 3,932 2,831 8,370 3,231 255 4.234 1,604 14(9 .>5 A i 4 :• 4.109 140 2,245 1,57;> 9LA-. 930 2,. 525 3,009 2,4U;3 2,07; 187,678 ^ 43,e4i; 4,2. :. 283 2SG 436 9J. 2 J i;::i 133 232 57 87 34 18, 77;^ ; I6.i;s.-, 17'22u • 11,91-: 1,816 2,272 11.07(1 ' 1 ' 4,71 2 '» 1,1. ; 1 :^ 23.375 4,r>j') 10.' 2,286 1,034 1 2,319 :- 2,082 15 6 88 •> 32 15 . 71 1 1 2 7 23: 12 ':■':';■.;:! 7 49 8 44 : ISO 10 3 15 3 17 53 6 19 ? 6 1 '1 12 21 22 189.6:^.; 24,709 3,5i2 • 20.941. iO,2{;.. 1,809 '2 i:>i) 8..V ■ ' ■ 1 814 ('.(; Oi' 2.,2uu . 8.51) '. 510 • iij'- ■ 50 ' M,.5!S • 3.00: I l,4(;(. i '.i:,i! ],8r:i -)'■'' ' 70 9 23r> ''5 21 ■■ 't ,169 17,672 3,414 105 l,4;-!0 i.'ijO 2:220 2,:i48 44S 2,914 1,702 16,842 ' ILLI j 720 ; 431 16.(^)9 2.") 5C.{ li:-l 80 1.41:9 49 95 3 072 51 3 020 60 i,;3VJ 11 1,178 49 54 3,820 1.5:4 32 42' 2.;4 o 16 257 11 11 ■ ■»>i.- \k. i I. Morrison Muskoka Monck Y/att, C'ardwell Ilurnphrj', Medora . . Wood : Conger Draper, Ryde.Oakl iy MacanLiy i St.ipherson McLean, Brunei, I i- ( dout, Franklin.. .. j Lake Veruon 24 14 27- 141 lt)3 > 15 4 248 ir.9 273 1,144 1,932 180 74 (o 00 55 ; 78 ' 15 • 48 2 178 595 7G1 84 35 17,G79 6,225 3,453 3,430 4,427 ■2,147 G38 70 47 93 .427 644 Total. 10 36 30 459 a. TLe S'.diiid . . . , I. Aumick Lake. c. M;iganetawan 76 84 462 91 81 141 4,031 r49 34 30 . 4 ■ 90 449 186 80 25 5,275 2,504 2,923 56G 747 402 726 •347 20 25 2,485 31,335 Kil 20 3,458 274 3,231 ' •M CO ( cr X x^ Total. a. Manifcoalin, Ji. . . , b. Manitonlin, C'enln . c. Manitoidin, W. — c ,7G 15 142 749 9S 1.237 181 '.l.'JS 3,732 130 1,114 24 96 Totil. 1,268 a. b. c. ':■ Killarn ' L VO !' Totil. 60 80 140 • ; .: , a. Bin CO Miui;.-; 2 j; b. Sault'Ste. Marie. 193 1 300 10 1,111 ■ 960 ' 282 800 i 849 ■ 232 4 483 571 77 28 14 4,300 118 15 133 29 466 498 ) Totul. ■ -;■ , a. Ba,l.i;he\'/aijirij --. t. MicLipjC!-tt-n. . p c. Vi'i ■f-^ ; rf. St. Ignace.... •** '. ' c. Nipigon -/ininiiiti - Tot:,l. .. 71. 'A « 20 ! 12G ; 1 392 58 .■ V,'-7 i . 146 ; t 4,023 .. ' , ' '~y ...;... ■ Grrnrl Tiitals tf « Ontario. I Grf.ada Totaux d'Ontario. f 55 j ;^i2 212 :!rf;,905' 7.891,989 Di^NOl^LBi-lEMEX'i DL 871. Tableau XXIII.— Produits- des Chimps. PROVIXCE D'O.VTAUIO. I BuslieU Bushels Bushcla • of .,; of ' Beans. Biuk- Corn. wheat. < ' lioisseaux. Uoisseaux, Eoi.-iseaux de ! lit) I life Fcverf. SaiTJisiu. i Mais. P.itiitoes.- Patates.i Bushels i I^-J'"'^ ^^y ^rop.-Yoin. »-J « air of ther Bushels. Acre.s. i I.oisseaux. m I otner lunujm. j,^^^^^ Loisseaux Boisseau: de d'autres , Navets. liacines. j Acres. Sei Ton-s. Roi8'e..ux ' Ural, i , de> .. Tonneaux. et ■«■ TrMi- "34 liD,4:V.,.-,13 12,700,903 J l,6W0,o S \ 1,s\).-,4-i; { 189,71'; i ' : L.^ ^ 1 51'. CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XXSII.— Field Products. PROYIACE OP Q,TJEBEC. •r. SCU-DISTK1CT3. Sof 3-Di!;Tr.icTS. Acres. 5"? o-s J- Onslow, Aldfield. . Briiitol * .'larendoa Thome Leslie Lit'hfield... Poi tage dv. I'ort. . . ( 'alumet Mansfield,Pi->nt.efract| Waltbanr. ( A'li.mettef: a Chichester J .-JV ii-en . Total . . « 555 999 1,987 176 39 419 8 397 137 130 859 217 220 6,143 Wheat.— Bl^. Bushels. — Boisseaux Sprin}? Wheat. Bldde printempS: Winter Wheat. Ble d'hiver. Bushels of Barley. Bushels of Oats. 3.858 ! 7,317 16,830 1,350 253 , 3,486 48 , 3,481 1.042 802 5,428 1.9.30 2,398 1,342 1,807 1.681 13 "292 91 2G7 176 2,721 711 9 Boisseaux 1 Boisseaux d' I d' Orge. ! Avoine. 220 58 233 162 134 667 236 95 25 116 95 373 20,366 38.459 80,198 11,917 4,183 19,909 170 16,316 11.693 6,040 40,195 13,940 14,426 Bushels Bushels of of Rye. Peas. Bois'eaux Boisseaux de de Seigle. Pois. 541 3,409 451 6,834 506 9,879 271 824 33 268 579 237 474 2.59 1.446 665 77 48,223 9,103 j 2,414 283,813 \ 5,.539 I. !/■ ; f,. i 'h. '.'I, l»ass3 Ccmloiige Moyenne Coulonge. H'aiifce Cmloni^e Basse Riviere Noire.? Moyenne Pdv. Noire? Haute Riviere Noir'4 Rivii'ire C'reuse . Bas Duinoine . . . Moyen Dutuoine .. .1 H'aut Dumoine i Maj-'anacipi s Lac de Si'i>t Lieues . , Kipaoua T,'ir:iscamaDg, JH .ctvoria i 400 600 1,600 720 2,754 2,800 540 00 100 30 4.260 900 800 3,174 1,750 1,625 Total I « t . Teraplf?tca I. Kull ( Ayjiiicr, Villaye. I . Eardiey TvLi-sham V/aketiiild /.'. i^ow /•. Pic :anock VVT-i.ht... 322 714 115 500 752 276 156 T02 104 89 121 145 2,559 5,613 1,018 5,062 5,42') 1,755 1,376 656 808 379 396 871 505 '104 535 532 206 265 97 66 451 278 igt' T, . . r,. \ '.r,,:..silie , . , ; . jrak'^lK,ii^;a , «. Baf:i.atoii ' ... . 126 77 i 394 10 I 512 321 869 70 381 1,351 3 Total . . 3.803 182 4 27,685 1,801 50 '!.&:i9 50 293 51 174 66 135 8 125 48 44 110 181 318 112 317 22,776 35,985 2,1.50 14,692 33,180 17,805 9,653 r 7,312 11.420 3,805 6,189 15,118 2,(W2 15 6,. 5.57 5 284 23,511 640 216.077 19 64S 2/120 15 9 * '30 631 6 5 38 48 2 49 232 28 45 1,138 4,748 3,834 2,222 696 4,631 1,6.50 1,698 40,749 50 98 20 70 20 100 20 177 1 20 1 01 I 2,371 5,425 837 3,244 2,702 1,330 852 317 661 405 478 1,437 947 969 1,647 29 ■inSaW^ 23,6.51 1.905 m&Bummmiuamim D]5N0MBREMENT DE 187^i. 1&5 TABLiiAL^ X:j:ili.— JVoduita des Caamps. PnC)\'INCE DR UUECKC. Bushels of Beans. Boi.aB-Di.si:;iOT3. SODS-DlSTMCTS, c. L'Ange Gardien . d. Portland e. Deny ; -) f. Bo\nnaTi, Bigelow . . ? g. Villeneiivi! ^ k. Life^res, V/'. — O i. Lievres, East.—Es-. V. Total h. c. d. e. f. a- h. i. liOcliabtT . . St. A'lalachie Mulgra\'e Ste. Ang^lique IS'. D. de Bonsecou -s St. Andre Aveliu, i Petite Jy ation ... > lUpon riartwell. Suffolk. . oration, A' liouge, -Y I Total. 'a. Grenville b. Harringt'n, Arnnd L Salab'iy, Grandis u, (?. Chatliani d. Wentwcith, Mon:-; calm, Wolf. ... e. St. Andrews. /. St. Jeru"5alem J/. Gore h. Mille TkIcs i.'Howard, Morin, . Total..' 6, c. i. 7- Ht. Placide Lac 2 if outagiies . (ique. Ste. Scholastique, f-'t C'anut St. Columban.... St, St. /*. St i. i. k. 1. •J 1 i.i-'r.i ' 98 298 32 \267 2,072 4.757 H,.:>,ju , .5,988 ...„ 1^,214 r:, ],136 I 3,911 il; . 378 i I 4,057 i.,100 2,735 ■•.,001 i,0'54 . .J,001 ;;,iio T0,yi)4 : 5,207 63i: 1,670 06 I Total.. a. Ste. Doi'othco . , , . . b. Sta Ilo.^e c. Ste. V'-'- V-^T""c 1. St. >■ ?, St. \ .U'-r.-iv ..... ■),463 207 55,^2 497 \ 02,332 1 114 3,.'>5i : ■1.5 1,843 0.220 1'.172 M,^;i;2 20,098 7,912 lii,105 .51,088 1,108 72,826 34,061 4.5.958 123,173 5,380 38,306 11,417 4.S.: 258 .59 112 .52 120 65 439,392 ■\'S)^ 43.; 5 30 7 '233' I II" 4,582 425 14,439 0,614 4,289 10,960 439 2,042 126 ?,067 i 51,226 2,111 i 0,013 859 i 7,713 11 .ir- d:^ncmbi:emPjnt i5. :*• Sf Tableau X:JkIII.- "'^^ . .-luits des Cliamps. vnovisci& i ► E aUKBEC. \ > JUishela of ■Reans. Bushels of Buck- wheat. BuBhels of Com. Pofcatoea. - -Patates. Bushels of Turnips. liushels of other lloots. Hay Oro ^. — Ts>:u. Busb-ist Gra 8 and Clov'sr Seed. Boibseaux de Ftves. BoisBcaux (le Sarrasiu. Boisseauxi' de Mais. Acres. EuBhels. Boisseaux. 7.381 6,681 730 3,553 3,421 900 500 Boisseaux de Navets. Boisscau : d'autres Kacincs. Acres. _ Tonneaux. Pois'eriux Graines deMil et d'i Trl^fi'i. 1 < * 35 ' 270 281) 32 ]04 196 212 237 55* 43 143 73 9 48 49 3 1€ lie ic, 16 4 1 1,025 8-47 ^70 -992 616 51 3f.5 160 120 23 41 1 1 2,136 593* 785 GOO A\ 4! 1 200 '2,r)S2 1,401 (^.79 58,742 6,t>66 944 6,285 5,652 4j l:4 ■5 1()6 'J4 'i::-t 7(J0 442 200 L'OO 159 50 .S4 35 15,248 i8,:;(y 5,32U : 16,605 f 4,992 f 4,589 I'O 3,S45 l,72i 133 103 13 34 .".27 254 2,127 1,443 382 980 505 1.9-^2 l,3;io ;02 1,382 683 l.-t ! 36;r 48 :: ;G 493 63 199 24,575 ' 346 100 1,762 1,478 95 1,150 ;;0'..' "42 -'I 253 141 5 22,374 8,509 ;i70 332 210 55 52 2,220 1,133 14 1,571 744 J 499 1 .... 1,126' 1 4r.u 4,.»iiO 4, L4.S 2,951 116,355 11,190 1,138 40 10,571 3,492 >).509 .06 1 97 1 • i,2(;9 351 46,282 420 2,793 ll !:;9 231 156 17,445 3,758' 74C 1,202 ' cr.2 : » 1 208 ;'>,034 4,181 o05 81,211 1,663 4J6-J 6,loJ 4,r_'L 140 ' ' ■i.-.y-i 59 168 12,504 155 7 1,099 78J 3 1- 8.S 107 31 2,1Gj 2,826 1,171 '- •< .2 340 341,.V.,S 1 26,^^S5 1 .-■--. 3,569 243 8 4.014 4,330 605 111 r» "■ 3,297 3,204 2,232 1,350 I l,45t 2,150 2,678 1,3 }t» 892 866 i 121 1, i ^ 1 '.l i 'iZ-O 21..;32 11,742 2,522 10.970 18 14,099 •; 23,462 1 16,405 ,S V:r2 ■J.l:)7 ^ ■ . ■ - J. . - • ' ]y7 69 .■'.1; 1,440 56 "7 ■ - 6t' . 922 7i2 ^.r■r 1 -■'4 ;■ 1 "^- r T".i ■: 1U8 3.55. 32 2 I ■ 1 - . 48,825 I 13,727 \ 3,069 ■ 46^,38<» I 1,81.' 13.sr,6 18,221 I 21,5:^8 5.0:. s I ..i •! II 156 cJ:nsus of i?71. .a \i V o PROVINCS OF tiUEEEC. Sub Distkiots. Socs-DiSTRierrs. A.cres. /, ct. Francois. TotrJ a. b. c. d. e. f. Terrebonne, T.—V.. Terrebonue Ste. Theri-.se J^te. Th.¥;.sc-, Vill(u'e. St. Janvicv /. Stu. Anne 2 ■16.747 j 27,041 [ 17,531 J 20,652 ' J<-.205 3;;,613 20,952 18,625 39 '22' 27 22 50 206 113 1,948 i 201,426 9 1 MO -I 631 i 328 535 163 22 845 1,208 5 2,062 \ 729 I n2 } 22:! 157 121 187 234 110 191 109 310 198 :*4.578 17,8.38 12.1.30 479 07 * :^= » 20,867 27,943 ; 36,782 I 25,392 31,253 140 17 39 954 ir 124 1,005 58 104 4,233 I 16,434 347 1,418 ;j 1,039 \ 449 I 47^1 1.2G'. 2,15 . 3.217 2,03. 28' > 12,68 ^ 3,078 18 634 181 365 6g; It') 53 0.7''. 55". . 49 > ■.•1.. ' 37'.i • 15 ,' "224*1 1,262 1 1,9)f isri. Table XXIII.— Field Products, ■HH! Miriimi -TwttiMiii^mvftg, PrtOVIACE OF CtUEBKC. O i-t SUB-DlSfBICtS; SOCS-DISTKICTS. Acres. Wheat.-Blc^. j^^^^^^j^ of Bushels. — Soisseaux? : Barley. r]>rmg Wheat. printemps. ^;^i-Boi. Bu&hels Bushels o: Oats. 01 Rve. Bushels of Pca3. Wheat. s ■31<< \ d biver. i; sseaux d' Orge. Boisseaux Eoissea'x, Bois^sieaux d' de i .Ip, Avoine. Seigle. i I'uia. j I. Ste. Beatrix I J. I. .Ste. Emilie, Tracy Total {a. b. c. c\ \ e. -: 7. if Liivaltrie Lanoraie Berth! er Berthier, T.-V Isle du Pads 8t. Barth^l.j.ny '■ St. Guthberv St. Xorbfrt St.Gabr'l.St.Damie)! Total 93 02 211 225 '■'0 689 3C9 837 1,020 732 5,758 04^688 2,650 2,674 .5.4.n8 208 2,901 3,675 5,127 6,358 7,736 3,961 37.787 4 *1()9' 11 266 1,0.53 17,937 1,425 717 3,670 99 88G 0,772 3,402 731^ 2,040 40,012 43,260 78,185 4,616 37,379 75,328 71,871 •t8,487 69,882 1,178 1,025 1.30 i 11,047 356,8.50 24,344 1.011 857 72,808 8,145 I 9,068 '. 1,111 83 110 162 292 i 455 1 4,531 1 124 19,742 469,020 23,957 ■7,634 ! r * « u fa. Quartier 0. (Ward). I fc. Quartier O. (Ward) ■( c. Quartier^jff. (Ward). .S*fe^ c ->• e c ft s * ~: I 2 o ■ € o Total fc. i ^■ I ' ,'t;art. St. Louis, (W )l Quart. St. J^^c•q's, (W ) Quart. Sti3.]N;..i,rie,('W)? Total (0. Quart. Ste. Anne, (W )v 1 I. Quart. St. Aiit'ne,(W )| -! c. Quart, St. Laur't,(\^ )• I ., I Total ; (. f. e. r. }.. i. ;■ I :>!' J ntr (ial Pa re* t sse . Cote des Neiges. .. St. Jean Baptisce. Cdteau St. Louis . . Kochelaga. Longue Pointe .... Puinte aux Tremble^' ■Riviere des Prairies. Sa'ilt au ll^collet. . . Cote de la Visitation.! Total » * « • • • < 71 798 225 52 19 26 51 89 233 252 319 30 1,296 3,422 270 652 214 525 978 1,384 2,227 2,283 406 12,361 20 6,266 1,373 182 1,767 1,880 6,744 4,279 2.757 7,578 4,780 25 17,361 1,866 1,304 3,386 3,009 19,303 22,467 19,090 33,090 7,684 37,()06 128,560 ce fo:. Lachine I 260 2,282 H i 2.62() .168 4,179 225 ■ 3,113 6,0J7 1 s I. Lachin*!, Village ... > 2 r St. Laurer.t 5'') ' E aUKBEC. Bushijls ! Bushels of of Lt-ans. j Buok- I wheat. Buisneaux; Boiifseaux| tie i Je ! Foves. I Sarrasin. Bushels : of f Com. . Potatoes. — Patates. Bushels. I Boisse.aux! Aeres. — de i Mais. 5 Doisseaux. 26 i 27 I 451 i.oia 296 I C6 l 121 102 13,21 CI 12,074 Bushels uf Turuips. Bushelc nf other lioots. Hay Crop. — Foin. Bu«1,c1b Grains am! Clover Seti-i. I Eoisseaux . cle : Navets. ' Boisseav x" (I'autreh ! JtacineK ' T''"«- iBois'eaux' Acres. Tonneaux. .113 486 (516 24,898 o9 46 520 82 78 34 54 57 88 l,14li 32 114 281 22 (33 177 205 420 194 2,0r.4 541 118 15 ' 30 191 117 2,959 4,5ii0 12,931 1,144 r.,t;Hi 4,:^33 ll.LlS 1!.,27S 5,833 9.786 • 2,306 287,144 1,564 ;' 2.114 ' 2,r.91 4111 ■ 577 J 1,-^96 1 i,:2y ' ;i6 • 1,531 S 276 38,523 333 54,525 348 , 52,222 48 ' 5,913 93 13,044 163 24,247 304 31,045 238 . 26,207 475 i 51,323 3,084 2; 97u 6l'5 782 527 6,30' \ 19,470 , 18,260 Graiues de Mil et «'<; Trfei i. 42 593 ; 45 ; 170 23 270 ; 47 I 956 277 1,50: ■ 9,12; 88t' 82- l,14i l,70^ ; 95; ' 73: 1,036 940 2,-334 609 1,570 1,879 2.50S 1.340 3,583 Oj.ilil 770 3,219 3,^48 4,743 2.318 3,327 117 :> I 635,102 (i,712 126 543 1,431 299 2 22 "i 434 958 50,24^ } 5,65^ i 11.43'. 6,46( 1,814 1.35( 3,2:;] J 591 • 9.66' ( 8, 10,-528 98,721 2,014 367 59 I 218 ■ 327 i 2,039 1,518 ' 1,016 1,422 530 . 4,963 463 51 554 2,:!18 2,403 1,525 1,430 7:^5 13 1 1.3 119 214 186 9,510 14.9'.>5 699 .142 61 1,443 183 •?:> 2.->8 408 87 6,927 241, Si -j 43,.s;i' 2,15:: 32,878 50,708 1.702 141 1,278 217 434 381 , 64 9,081 1,870 9,f4i' 1,5.33 51 3,715 2,388 1,787 142 3,133 1.078 91 620 937 •r 2.256 132 '12 'J 14,507 3,iM I •-''•-' 1,701 j 2.J 75 j 526 ', 2VJ 932 I 279 614 .623 195 250 60 CENSUS 0? 18', 1. TAr.LE XXIJfi.— Field Products. e u |i >s a CJ o to .5 PROVIXCK OP Q,UK 3EC. Sdb-Distuicts. SOUS-DISTKICTS. Bushels of Barlev. Bushels of Oats. Biiahels of Rye. inter » 'Boisseaux' Boisseaux.Bois eaux 1 h. Ste. GeniL,\icve, V . t. Islo liizard .i 82 516 Total 2,783 Isl« l\;Tv.t Vaudreuil Vau'h-euil. Villugf JUgaud Ste. Martue NewtoQ Total St. Zotiqil"' St. Polycar[je . , . . St, Clet St. Ignaco ... Coteau Landing, Les Usdres Soulanges 453 1,293 ■■ 64 . 1,555 ; 1,118 496 I 4,979 ; 531 ' 2,193 613 562 ! 8 I 1,095 16 L Total 5,018 e n s « M'5 al I tc ■ 5c^ a. c. d. £. /• St. Clement . . . Beauharnois, T.- St. Etienne St. TiDioth(^e... St. Louis Ste. Cecile St. Stanislas. . . -f; Total . 1,186 1 7iri 1,522 1,089 440 806 .5,763 fa. I c. ItZ. 1 e. \f. St. Joachim Ste. Philonifene . . . Ste. Martine St . Urbain St. Jean Chrysost. . St. Antoine St. Malaciiie. 471 633 1,119 1 849 I 1,46] i 441 1 1,322 L Total , llemmingford . Havelouk Franklin Hinchinbrooke . Elgin Total. I a. 6. 1 a. I I Godmanchester | Huntingdon, VillM(it, St, Anicet ' Dundee '. 6,296 462 232 284 937 459 839 28 1,039 581 Total i 2,487 741 ■ 5,072 21,257 2,752 6,939 776 16,643 6,596 4,77(; d' Orge. t»,i,> 4,891 d' Avoiue, 17,478 de Seigle. Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux de Pois. 168 \ 53,070 147,704 566 3,958 3 3 27,566 71^ 11 \ 3,202 11,.577 510 6.190 9,818 2,042 15,949 42,820 4,558 55,946 48,995 22,089 82 ■ 33,339 135,357 4,07i 14,293 3,011 2,257 40 6,403 98 30.173 22 39 6,165 19,2 L8 7,141 5,672 364 6,764 54 20,664 57.707 21,790 19,708 931 40,265 480 61 l 45,378 161,54r 7,082 i.. 19 L, 5,651 '■■.. 9,511 '■.. 12,870 3,121 .. 3,167 I 35 I V io'fe 18,018 12 12,.330 13.100 '■ 24,977 3,541 4,101 40.537 312 21,148 42.065 04,494 13,802 18,274 2,014 10,732 3,895 1,819 57 16,981 326 350 ■'54' 41,42j 3,531 4 29] 5,502 5,647 j 12,181 I 3,451 . 12.656 65 76,fi79 200,6.32 453 35,824 21,641 339 14,948 10,267 13,901 2,708 2,514 47,259 4,073 1.796 1,575 7.668 3,738 18,850 3,525 23,262 9,5.52 34,58.'S 6,793 34,391 10,183 28,877 7,910 45,917 414 9,606 20,117 86,234 33 .58,-^ 262,873 66,318 10,872 11,735 37,5.39 13,813 17,327 2,534 23,548 117,368 816 151 71 1,489 2,466 4,993 , '. 7,269 319 9,142 5,1.03 21,83S i '36'i 30 3,395 25 2,212 1,457 7,089 1 29,-565 ; 8,623 5,018 ! 31,970 15,253 1 94 124 113 «76 736 2(;6 6,713 2,296 90,429 332 10,887 35,978 1 091 42 4,092 98 2,805 1,751 .52;517 20,671 618 115 i 110,267 775 8,806 DI!:N0MBKEMENT DE 1871. 18 PROVINCE I>E ai'EBKC Bushels of Be&ns. Boisseaux de r^ves. 69 92 1,281 46 113 "sci" 138 18 C7() 84 170 24 109 7 192 8 694 210 24 112 710 778 69 33 1,948 387 405 112 203 121 111 102 1,441 427 147 194 461 182 1,411 145 1 198 238 582 Bushels of Buck- wheat. Boisseaux de Sarrasin. 307 4,806 19,500 3.970 2,611 24 6,0.{7 1,879 198 15,325 1,553 2,165 632 2,529 284 4,902 12,065 4,107 143 844 3,891 4,800 4,028 759 18.638 5,533 7,142 3,830 1,011 1,440 1,010 1.023 20,989 5.C5G 1,071 4,290 2,968 692 Bushels of Corn. Boisseaux (le Mais. 323 1,341 8,027 435 2,271 40 2,370 1,209 315 0,700 600 589 278 838 205 1,126 13 3,549 637 61 268 1,193 1,815 414 217 4,605 2,411 3,049 598 710 1,970 2,716 729 12,183 4,558 4,092 5,079 5,745 1,548 14.0' 21,022 387 3,487 4,626 2,260 27 1,080 2,214 6,187 Potatoes. — Patates. Acres. 94 236 3,148 Bushels. Boisseaux ItiO 463 20 360 254 174 1.437 173 447 75 227 23 284 5 1,234 202 9 86 387 370 178 185 1,423 .381 253 195 157 392 172 338 1,888 4(i3 290 240 409 147 1,555 320 10 473 211 1,014 8,902 27,002 480,451 18,873 40,322 2,007 45,258 23,498 14,138 150,09(; 18,903 32,928 7,908 24,487 .■!.029 29,000 740 118,321 15,953 1,137 5,425 31,824 27,671 10,030 7,075 105,721 40,280 35,107 18,200 10,555 .33,479 18.951 36,217 Bushels of Turnips. Boisseaux de Navets. 198,909 .09,100 32, -.03 28,227 41,800 12,413 174,172 31,. 573 1,355 48,402 21,324 102,654 9 11 Bu.shels of otiitr Hoots. Hay Crop. — Foin. Boisseaux) ^^.^es. a autres 5 Kacines. ; and J Clover I seed Tons. Jioifi'eaux;) TouneaviB.' i T. 7.1 I. 174 190 128 391 155 343 4,237 1 82 58 674 326 28,851 74 718 458 1,670 1,280 OG 8,207 9,745 7'.-3 567 3,105 2,143 349 oOl 3,714 2,191 2,483 1,015 849 791 17 ;i 1.10.] 9.02 5,217 110 1.825 1,3.S3 231 (J— 11 '62 C ii 2s^ S tT S OF [ S ? 1 . Table XXIII.— Field Products. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. H O 30 a a u Si « c e o CO o 0» SuB'DlSTRlCTS. Sous-Districts. ie. f. y- Total I (a. Lacolle b. St. Valentin.,., c. ]j'Acadie J d. St. Jean j e. St. Jean, T.—V. \f. St. Luc L Total , e. u- k. Laprairie Laprairie, Village. St. Philippe St. Jacijucs ^"t. Constant St. Isidore Sault St. Louis i' a. .'•it. Kdrai h. St. K^mi, Village. . . I c. St. IMichel I d. St. Edouard I e. Sherrington /. St. Cyprien Acres. 306 8 3.51 691 2.51 819 127 " ' Bushels I Bushels of j of Barley. Oats. Bushels.— Boisseaux Spring Wheat. BI(^de priutemjis Total 920 39 62G 674 8;il 1,233 4,329 .036 941 rj&r> 694 120 78 f a. St. Lambert 6. Loni,aieuil c. Ijongueuil,'Fi7;ai^c. d. St. Hubert Chambly (Jhambly, Villai/e . Baasin de Chambly, Fj St. Bruno Boucherville Boucherville, Villurje Total a. Varennes b. Varennes, Villa/je. c. Ste. Julie d. Keloeil c. St. Marc /. Vercheres p. Contrecceur . . . h. St. Antoine ... . 3,344 2:"i 251 8 213 185 1 49 315 362 20 1,429 823 8 490 687 584 749 471 510 545 77 1,576 10.091 2,94S 4,743 1,174 2,5.53 1 21,154 4.021 217 3,313 3,.512 6,620 7,780 20,009 9,872 6.389 2,440 3,196 1,319 907 Winter Wheat. BM d'hiver. Boisseaux ' Eoisseaux d' d' Orge. 24,129 220 1,530 76 1,492 1,563 11 325 1,808 2,360 235 9.626 4,782 48 1,715 4,860 3,744 5,339 3,349 2,872 965 33 4 1,877 329 2,224, 6,349 4,930 13,082 519 1,002 33 29,310 8,218 337 3/J55 2,324 2,677 7,750 33 25,261 22 18 40 5,079 4,805 10,811 8,197 1,319 2,821 J3,032 Avoine. 41,867 1,232 55,233 83,997 00,571 45,312 4,656 292,868 281,474 74,937 11,587 56,.581 37,435 10,709 22,653 213,902 141 22 87 09 445 1,255 117 1,8.30 4 335 206 423 6,947 5,853 1,108 272 '22 42 2,325 28,816 5,533 36,027 32,593 690 4,833 26,414 55,084 2,836 22,579 18,848 133 2,2:^8 22,526 14,933 17,133 0,662 10,021 195,157 78,092 1,485 22.035 39,,501 31,917 68.830 25.874 43,730 Bushels of Rye. Bois'eaux de Seigle. 42,461 3,001 39,007 42.396 42,028 111,981 98 98 Bushels of Peaj. Boisseaux de Pols. 17,158 271 26,526 13,886 31,817 16,990 1,9S5 108,643 87 87 27 100 113 240 11,225 739 6,949 5,434 6,869 9,767 40,983 6,427 72,716 27,342 9,205 3,202 16,549 1.35,441 76 7 86 16 '65" 35 58 1,308 15 403 4,156 411 6,145 19,8? 2 65 2,561 4,451 7,688 564 46,316 18,293 418 6,651 14,645 14,799 30,732 8,327 24,282 (a. St. P.och j b. St. Guru ! c. St. Our.5, Village... I d. Ste. Victoire i e. Sorel I f. S«rel, Town—Ville. vir, 311 6 393 787 120 1,255 I 2,480 I 130 I 8,208 I 1.084 I 2,349 6,347 330 840 1,018 594 19,. 575 50,789 2.597 31,592 71,122 12.252 1,710 900 13 1,290 6,562 438 4 467 18,086 093 2,0.51 4,330 562 DENOMBEEMENT DE 1871. l63 PROVINCK DE Q,Ufi:BKC. BushelH of Beans. Boisseaux de Ffeves. 144 44 227 170 171 334 1,154 197 2 259 189 92 104 903 Bushels of Buck- wheat. Boisseaux lie Sarrasin. 202 195 108 159 180 591 1,501 OJ 35 74 5(J 41i 57 49 97 84 50.'> 2S2 104 53 181 85 110 42 51 90S 16 32 13 52 272 23 4,073 306 0.722 9,420 7,.3V9 4,727 280 33.513 ]iushels of C!.)rn. Boisseaux do Mais. 4,108 204 0,070 0,559 4,847 9,700 31.020 14,554 9,455 0,403 4,405 1,.'^2S 2,902 39,107 278 920 211 2,405 3,214 05 340 1,250 097 444 9,920 558 219 1,347 380 922 ! 1,102 190 4,718 899 2,092 134 2.071 18,724 2,487 C— 11^ 789 374 589 2,743 840 1,005 2,483 0,483 1,185 83 11,041 1,458 ] ,003 2,221 Pi )tatoes. — Patates. Acres. 107 9 110 234 175 234 127 1,050 Bushels. l>oisseaux 10,054 2,200 11,8S8 .38,370 15.805 33,512 9,040 127,589 217 14 198 153 227 287 17,651 5,821 2,398 1,205 802 298 484 11,008 S9 090 170 023 489 107 118 730 1,919 1,046 5,999 2,590 520 500 1,930 l.ti33 2,1)2 2,051 1,119 12,52 1,096 24,055 2,419 27,542 18,227 27,448 19,191 118,882 3;S7 174 122 67 53 68 871 11 78 24 00 102 2 110 120 95 24 698 159 10 il6 212 130 212 183 136 58,203 20,594 20.931 12,000 0,909 9,737 134,434 1.511 8,059 2,3t;5 0,833 15,147 3,489 4,238 10.538 0,390 2,999 1,1.38 01,575 1:\0!'; 2,298 (> 559 25,309 14,486 19,958 20,300 16,590 118.202 023 1,100 102 1.018 3,742 448 71 158 14 136 380 213 Bushels of Turnips. Boifseaux •le Navets. 54 1 2 239 104 2 33 58 197 1,718 94 90 Bushels of other Hoots. Boisseaux d'autre? Kacine.H. 1,532 582 805 2,068 89.S 604 365 7,454 033 67 1,732 .511 602 900 4,570 140 1,974 8 29 22 60 34 1 109 "lO 8 10 4,418 1,183 398 3,212 1,700 985 11,956 983 498 91 415 851 241 334 228 449 601 4.091 2,240 334 141 l,f.4i'> 1,4S4 1.152 047 1,004 178 8,708 12,534 20.030 2 292 17',230 57, .310 31.096 15 58 493 4,800 2,406 5V5 80 105 928 824 Hay Crop. — Foin. Acres. 7,434 253 5,004 3,570 4,414 2,097 1,507 24.399 Tons. Tonneaux 2,579 299 2,210 1,729 2,127 4,708 13.652 5,704 3,672 5,858 2,748 901 3,191 22,074 710 5,t;03 499 8, .527 4,077 63 787 3,094 6,017 593 31,230 3,971 1.213 1,082 3,097 1 ,870 2,894 1.275 2,249 17,6.57 521 i.ors 121 795 2,680 899 7,996 271 4,960 3,059 5,049 2.394 1,777 20,100 2,010 343 2,.500 2.177 2,302 5,008 Bushels Grass and Clover Seed. Bois'eaux (Jraines de Mil et de Trefle. 15,000 0,793 3,788 5,.580 1,9.59 916 2,987 22,029 9.30 5.958 456 8,316 3.991 07 8,34 4,:i«'.5 6,073 697 32,293 4,ImS 1,390 914 2,924 2/193 3,087 2 33S 2,002 20,012 2 222 ~'l70 1.220 5.243 1,061 683 9 1,094 1,706 848 629 11 4.980 414 24 533 216 153 1,745 3,085 447 745 2,084 336 110 2,582 6,304 (>. .511 41 6(« 530 "eo' 876 859 62 3.074 2,051 207 403 2,355 1,212 1,337 .543 2,269 10,. 377 545 12 122 174 104 164 CENSUS OF 1871, PUOVINC3E OF q,ui:bec. m o t-l ->> I— I H 9 o s 09 e o M 0* hi o .a « SUB-DlSTKIOTS. Sous-Districts. Acres. L g. St. Robert . h. St. Aimt; . t . St. Marcel . Total . . . . 444 l,.32o 684 a. St. Damase 6. La Presentation . . c. St. Chiirles d. St. Denis c. St. Jude /. St. Harnabe g. St. Hyacinthe .... h. St. Hyacinthe, G.-V\ 1. St. Hyacinthe le Ci^j I Total . 4,20o l,7i!3 897 546 819 31)0 602 1,161 38 211 6,387 «. St. Pie 6. St. Dominique \ c. Ste. Rosalie d. St. Simon i e. St. Ungues ! /. Ste. Hellene -| g. St. Liboire h. St. Ephrera t. St. Theodore ;. St. Andre k. Actonvale Total 2,302 810 622 891 1,022 167 294 104 238 85 6 a. Richelieu , b. St. Mathias , c. St. Hilaire , d. St. Jean Baptiste . . e. Ste. Marie , /. Marieville g. Ste. Angl'lo , h. St. C^saire i. St. C^aaire, Village j. Abbotsf ord k. L'Ange Gardien ... I. Canrobert 6.541 L Total . . 276 196 466 900 738 85 753 1,265 44 339 483 35 Wheat.-B14 . Bushels . ^_--^ -^ of Bushels. — Boisaeaux ^' _ Boisseaux d' Orge. Spring Wheat. Bl(5de printenips 3,447 7,462 4,646 31,307 5,.580 a. Henrivilli; 6. St. Athanaae. . c. Iberville d. St. Grdgoire . . -I c. Ste. Brigitte . . /. St. Alexandre. g. St. S^bastien . . L Total. 886 975 8 970 819 1,208 982 fa. St. Thomas. 5,848 183 6,675 4,708 2,844 4,-576 2 059 2,983 4,449 263 1,285 30,742 16,354 6,743 4,294 8,004 7,8C5 1,288 2,143 878 1,962 703 61 50,2S5 2,298 1,117 2,372 4,262 5,039 626 4,535 11,938 566 3,141 4,413 298 40,605 .5,675 5,669 37 6,006 5,655 10,456 8,840 42,338 1.911 Winter Wheat. Bl(^ d'hiver. 390 2,819 2,039 92 16,732 33 2 21 17,522 16,525 12, .310 10,892 2,160 6,094 11,360 874 2,177 56 j 79,914 201 4 13,840 2,446 5,340 4,632 5,038 287 397 293 57 46 5 215 54 ' 34 ii 99 32,981 4,498 1,231 2,349 14,241 13,453 1,899 4,891 12,795 971 223 606 145 p7,302 4 57 3,724 5,246 233 2,601 2,021 2,714 3,437 61 13 22,976 1,279 Bushels of Oats. jioisseaux Boissea'x d' Avoine. Bushels of Rye. de Seigle. .31,323 75,620 22,089 316,959 38,069 31,381 33 ,960 47,440 41.237 28,954 37,599 3,767 12,689 273.096 60,173 33,070 29,516 47,727 46,563 13,616 14,541 13,011 10,960 6,048 275,809 23,321 12,471 11,171 •30,825 27,879 4,983 17,699 63,380 4,.514 17,818 23,903 1,208 239,172 59,889 52,769 1,150 41,967 28,858 56,555 90,716 331,904 27,403 490 141 10,544 41 13 76 132 1,551 21 21 7 23 153 13 304 37 10 2,140 ]6 66 205 3 63 343 Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux 97 64 175 7 de Pols, 1,667 4,605 3,830 40,291 9,071 15,912 9,197 38,960 5,512 5,059 10,574 2,088 5,015 101,988 9,513 3,733 7,954 13,444 7,904 635 2,090 1,843 1,868 386 34 49,404 6,737 19,068 5,454 9,293 12,117 2,501 3,750 16.581 711 1,657 2,474 196 80,539 10,029 10,992 340 5,098 7,261 6,956 7,469 48,145 1,779 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 165 Tableau XXlfl.— Produits des Champ-s. PROVINCE DE Qt'EBEC. BiihIh.'Is Bushels Busll'jla Potatoes. - -Patatos. ^^^j^^i^ Jiushel.' Hay Crop. — Foin. BusIleU Gnies ..f liuck- of , ^ of of othei- and Beans. wher.t. Corn. .-^"~~ |l Turnips. Roots. ^ ' — Clover Setd. — — — Bushels. — — Tons. Bois'eaux Boi scaiix Boissenux Boieseaux Acres. — Boi.^seaux Boisseanx Acref. Graines tir- de de Boiaseaux. de d'autre; de Mil yfevos. Sarrasiii. Maid. Navets. Kacinet. Tonneaux et de Trl'flo, 201 7,074 709 144 14,390 265 246 1,3.33 1.M8 196 2:i4 7,o;t8 1,730 209 27,104 331 5r, ( 1,926 1,C92 4.58 85 4,803 1,748 11,280 222 14,191 44 12} 580 1.013 375 '.»28 45,082 1,547 196,207 8,412 3,965 10,533 14.633 2.3.38 98 K.i 4,444 97 19,841 2 1,60 < 2,4i;7 1,972 I -i-^o 76 1,864 i,t;oi 138 16,073 2 77' 1,916 1,502 378 75 3.516 1,302 98 13,6!)2 12 .091 1,201 1.088 265 24 1.543 2,220 192 25,040 78 1,90.) 1,501 1.604 530 110 6,425 1,762 247 20,589 2,390 7W 879 1,051 107 41 2,030 1.399 87 12.128 15 301 1,254 903 191 KW 5,510 5,055 231 24,155 202 2.828 2,934 2,011 436 yj 561 799 56 6,570 222 1,378 183 261 10 51 f.85 1,098 77 9,529 3 343 824 694 123 (ilJO 23, 003 19,683 1,223 147,fii7 2,926 10,445 13,159 11,146 2,470 nr>9 5,776 7,809 478 40,988 , 26 1,36) 4,276 4,020 1,555 215 2,649 2,801 190 34,4] 8 » 364 3,783 1,892 1,629 290 o6 703, 1,157 118 12,326 22 646 2.070 2.006 ;531 1(3 1,319 1,233 123^ 17,541 20 497 2,i06 2.636 824 51 2,625 1.291 147 21,003 206 342 2,357 2,957 042 52 G2 1,119 1,493 7:^4 707 ' 107 142 13,726 1 14.f;68 i 2L5 0.0 858 377 939 GO 88 ...••• • • . . 3 44 1,064 714 122 17,614 ] 7 354 741 746 45 35 1,082 1,231 193 17,914 ! 99 15') 1,009 628 49 48 4ii5 347 j 64 10,003 99 32 034 342 20 73 17 324 1 11 5,343 916 49) 40 35 1,201 18,282 18,338 ;i35 308 724 1,695 205,544 5,617 10.988 10,(tS2 1 '^:\'> 8,238 16,558 16,315 4,104 11 21 35 6G0 1,752 1,763 46 74 92 825 224 1,085 2,017 1,281 1,112 1,674 1,149 976 230 179 124 432 53 1,173 2,270 106 21,024 1 574 3,092 2,489 887 53 800 2 140 147 23 0*6 - 2,992 370 204 3,379 5oe* 2,602 4,465 533 2,169 692 9 35 111 462 1,857 1,119 19 114 3.371 16,362 108 274 44S 3,161 7.573 250 43,3t'«>s 79 3.414 i 5,162 5,884 906 54 109 .;20 14 2.289 ] 35 1,179 ! 214 327 24 508 305 3,508 3,021 3,716 2,605 191 141 28,351 , 17.124 9:i5 ■ 391 ! 2,185 1.943 2.362 1,584 53 210 225 25 199 154 23 2,18(; j 2 84 f 153 135 14 3,701 l.:c,7 16,719 23,221 1,217 184,408 j 774 12,937 23,646 2.3.747 80(5 6,092 2,o21 218 2S.4!2 j 228 S^-J 3,904 3,831 871 308 6,145 1 376 207 28,691 11 .5.M 4,387 4,181 328 5ii 29 157 46 4,345 » 5 1,012 116 121 25 182 2.(i93 3,264 200 ••HO, 305 \ 4 1,23K 5.017 4,660 f 320 IIG 1.868 1,865 19 L 21,293 i 295 29.6.;i 11 33,301 j 229 170,038 \ 783 .553 2.733 2.547 : 410 320 1.861 2.492 271 1,633 3,.-82 3,652 1 722 3,087 1,304 4.779 210 1.127 7.043 4,435 5.456 I 1.498 4,878 19,992 16,254 i,:}43 24,174 24,451 1 i 2,954 1 4.174 8tV7 4,310 60 ■','.'• ••> -, ) ; 149 166 CENSUS OF 1871. 'mm Table XXHI.— Field Products. if: a 'm » CO N «B PROVINCE OP atJKIJKC. SrB-DlSTBICT3. SOL'S-DlSTKlCTS. s m i IT as 3 t. St. George c. St. Armand, TT.— d. Philii)sbur^' e. St. AiTuand, E f. Frelighsburg, V.. .. (I. Dunham X.Dunham, Village... i. Stanbridge j. N. D. des Anges. . . . k. Farnham. W.—O,.. I. Farnham, VUlagt . . Total Acres. 191 165 Wheat.— Ble. iushels. — Boisseaux Spring i Winter Wheat. Blede Wheat. Bushels of ]3arley. Boisseaux d' Orge. printempsj d'hiver. 187 392 12 1,225 281 217 9 2,862 Farnham Brome . . . Sutton . . Potton . . . Bolton Tot.'d ](;4 373 409 284 249 a. Granby 6. Granby, Village. . c. Ste. Ct'cile d. St. Val*^rien e. Shofford f. Wftterloo g. Tioxton h. Roxton Falls. .. . », Stukely. Soiith.—SuO j. Stukely, N i. Fly I. Ely, North.— Nord . Total 1,459 202 a. Ma'^kinQnge h. llivifere du Loup. e. St. Juhtin d. Hte. Uraulft t. St. Li^on f. St. Didac.) g. St. PauHn h, Iluntei-ritown . . . Total 541 313 309 9 253 22 58 191 136 120 2,439 2,446 100 3,028 5.864 248 11,402 2,184 1,550 168 31,340 2.317 4,605 5,395 3,934 o,ooO 19,631 2,154 WBM>'III» 701 770 580 796 723 250 223 112 20,530 3,956 6,571 2,546 3,761 7,837 2,326 21005 809 4,i Pointrt dn Lac Yainachiclie . St. SdviTe . St Barnab^.. ^-'t. Etienne . . Shafiuani;.'an . St. Elie St. Mathieu . . Tott/ 277 8i;4 i;82 506 20.". 224 67 8 2,461 2 30 276 331 72 9 81 'if)' 47 131 194 29,901 12 035 .292 29; f .224 814 239 575 74 38 ..II 43 ,562 696 42 846 580 122 870 533 163 12 1.87' 9,705 Bushels of Oats. Boisseaux d' Avoine 24.973 13,462 1,320 19,652 142 34,887 1,155 62,710 15,185 15,822 2,248 218,959 562 1,281 969 809 1,325 4,946 722 37 412 342 1,1'j6 155 585 65 424 2,091 959 226 20.060 37,490 36,140 24,.560 26,711 144,9ol 21,241 1,073 15,752 12,362 31,147 3,323 15,312 3,700 11,190 23,164 15,731 13.358 7,174 2.230, 2,876 705 49;) 1,238 707 228 409 8,883 622 305 816 753 254 491 230 73 331.859 32,932 112.344 37.433 63,340 31,699 28,670 5,706 1.345 Bushels of Kye. Boi.s'eaux de Seigle. 167 60,001 i 93.656 ' 24.771 i 29,079 I 69,283 I 21.687 i 22.875 1 10.507 ! 4,544 I 313,471 Bu.ihels of Peas. Boisseaux de Pois. 318 50 57 'so' 44 27 30 .566 24 62 276 1 363 22 3 6 45 46' 22 36 4 133 317 67 655 38 567 189 1,447 87 28 3,078 1,072 307 45 445 1.521 305 217 35 1,871 789 9 134 o O 522 12 7,342 1,215 1,404 258 15,338 456 410 364 616 467 2,313 917 24 2,744 2,743 737 41 1,460 355 280 1,737 918 230 12,186 4,262 8,531 11.649 5,112 13,096 2,406 2,288 1,489 48,833 1,186 9,148 5.160 6,606 2,876 2,709 790 235 4,407 2S,nO i*w ai »gi^iw»i|g»'. ^^ I W »<*>Ow<»' j ■**mf ■'•-■Ml wi CT '( W W^ W- '>* "Owi »* j W*W .« ^i . 'fWP W iSf . 'N wMi i i ''*! ^' ^* DJftNOMBREMENT DE 1871. ig: Tableau XZtlll.— Produita des Champ.s. PROVINCE DE aUEBEC. Busliela Bushels Bushels Polatoea. ■- Batates. Bushels BushelK of other lioots. Hay Crop.— I'oiu. i BuHliels Grass of Beans. of Bnck- vrheat. of Corn. -—^ --^-^ of Turnips. ^ ^ ^-^ and Clover Seed. — — "^ 1 Bushels. ~" — ToU3. Bois'eaux BuiMneaiix lie BoivHeaux de Sarrasiu. Boiflseaux lie Mam. Acres. Boisseaux. Boisseaux de Navets. Boisseaux d'autres KacincK. 1,0C2 Acres Tonneaux. (i rain '8 de Mil et de Trfefle, 2,1G2 2,589 .5,101 227 28,.53S 66 3,699 4,120 269 404 2,992 7,o 179 ' 530 4.0C4 12,918 302 56,425 4,851 2.8V. 7 11,006 12,152 1 '7 880 3,540 10,544 251 43.820 3,7.30 1.672 7,134 7,018 1,X 489 8,139 7,029 333 62.550 2,991 1,054 ! 9,434 9,711 162 2,802 21,429 56,235 1,554 259,406 44,870 15,812 9,3."2 43,243 5,.:.o 40,211 4,454 7c6 438 2,994 8,9'.!.-i 331 1,445 1,310 28 21 142 82 2,759 404 2,.828 14 215 3,918 23,200 87 5 334 448 76 118 2 552 1,471 IV 49 2.087 1,7.38 150 12,380 11 107 1,205 710 ! I*^ 451 0,451 , 8,913 3S.'. 80,015 3,879 ,3,975 8,974 9,C77 i 100 „ 23 277 500 22 8,941 951 1,192 521 554 3 1 254 3,325 2,.551 335 35,438 1.156 8('4 4,094 3,029 78 \ 61 209 331 104 10,9.% 8 19.^. 418 203 11 \ 87 433 1,043 91 17,109 917 .518 2 945 2,730 34 183 9,258 1,237 302 41,284 1,127 510 6.325 3,202 5,007 134 f 130 4,790 1 222 235 28,170 1,774 053 2,491 74 135 2,706 1,097 166 27,509 1.414 672 2,198 1,715 02 f 1,974 35,491 30,865 2,:'.54 101 339,910 12,774 10.718 .38,0.-i0 31.031 685 i 20 2,805 V 1.W2 11,125 11 213 15 3.54 1.057 1.272 2.379 1,228 141 9,4t;o 1,670 213 24,403 2.o;;2 3,434 6.255 730 22 2.876 SOS 113 11.443 522 1,136 1,290 316 11 6,970 506 258 28.299 440 1,112 1.277 41 , 62 8,507 085 102 20.020 61 1,29 1 1,703 2,062 4.:9 40 a,034 541 296 10.702 514 237 1.555 1,043 25 • 45 2,800 140 127 11.004 11 131 475 041 20 ,1 36 1,377 110 119 11.130 343 126 743 1.155 16.102 33 ! i 383 37,895 5,. 334 1.419 144,395 1,522 13 ^739 9) 11.. ^19 2. -5 54 22 5,174 774 210 27,523 0S9 1.196 17 60 8,330 1,123 107 23,805 4 4,859 2,.^)23 3,837 22») 12 30 2.740 5,9;>4 249 333 66 193 0,954 22.225 427 340 093 1.347 1, 121 ■ ( 98 3.135 779 .■:30 20,258 552 i:'-3 477 18 \ 6 ^ 12 2.S18 252 154 10,189 110 313 S-14 73.T 8 1,915 67 75 8,785 94 7 2«<1 l.s'.; 1 S? 30,141 26 20 2,300 1.811 73 6,94! t ii' : ) 249 3,693 1,221 134,079 2 70- 6,253 8,497 1 3'5 t GS CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXIH.— Field Products. PROVINCK OF dUEBEC. Ii- i! i ii S SuB-Dir.TEICT3. SonS-DlSTKICTS. Acres. « 9 > Si -3 ■ -a i ( i. Kant Matacuin . ! i. Eaf» Mataouin. . . CI 1 ail ,11 Eat . ;i;iji j»i| iijpiwa DENOMBREMENT DE 1871. 169 Tableau XXIII. — I'loduiis 204 461 10 27 1,109 84 52 8,809 1,744 6.54 710 1,065 45 173 657 46 37 {7,532 4,459 113 45 761 772 10 499 123 31 739 83 162 304 1 75 2.335 539 106 13,199 2,288 491 1,262 1,8.50 70 294 5,791 913 258 38,465 7.930 1,275 3.099 4,452 126 3t 2,807 484 174 28,282 968 215 45;; 7>9 28 63 3,167 1,060 249 50,142 2,766 834 1,908 2,131 14 63 3,155 1,033 129 27,354 356 317 979 1.748 98 29 1,244 323 63 10.562 453 7.3 364 504 4 42 3,886 525 75 16,314 819 298 G70 1,.360 27 106- 5,353 992 186 34,903 579 312 1,302 1.978 14 179 8,031 1,688 204 44,510 713 1.062 2.259 3,893 44 40 2,686 309 84 16,1.33 120 195 789 912 8 556 30,329 6,414 1,164 228,200 6.774 3,.30(; 8,724 U.s-21 237 2 2,677 89 141 16,783 4,114 59 459 362 10 41 2,572 362 133 21,420 2.107 214 808 915 21 64 3,001 573 232 35,190 1.015 185 1,817 2,258 ]3 46 1,8.S4 221 137 23,388 1,100 333 946 1,349 .30 4 785 149 94 12,031 945 180 441 366 17 8 548 31 27 4,310 799 10 (.8 83 2- 3 15 25 24 5,516 378 22 109 166 . 4 4 4,''9 - - - ■'• 129 84 86 48 1,022 120,149 11,432 1,450 796 10,458 1,00«'. 78- 4,863 5,63 1 93 217 9,971 1,147 HI 25,;;',t3 281 1.123 1.912 205 18 379 62 18 3.189 4 4.37 125 153 18 267 8,990 1,328 20s 26.5.5',) 67 733 1,481 2 089 140 164 12,173 1,938 :!(!0 42,279 41 1,003 1,995 2,979 149 107 12,313 1,546 323 46.694 221 739 4,101 6,201 486 26 4,843 463 136 23,0VH 1.^0 168 F.SO 1,129 49 1 149 2,542 561 112 . 13.7.-.7 259 151 493 675 ]-!3 296 6,770 1,2,53 226 24,631 1 47 598 2,125 2.438 514 ! 1,21^ 57,931 S.037 8.288 1,0-_V) 1,524 205 .".93 J 1,100 4,613 12,323 17.576 1,704 ! "•* 1 204 29,839 t 400 2.-)0h 3.i-;5 198 i 37 5,772 1,097 301 35.065 228 584 3,737 4,703 3.30 ; 1 148 92 1) 1.869 11 185 289 385 33 1,113 4,749 113 1,043 66 167 7,.323 217 18 SI 8 39 183 1,063 ^33 3.1.56 1 379 3 168 6 40 ' i37" 12 1 .780 229 163 14,137 100 2t« 1,<.85 1,208 37 49 1.704 719 479 29,350 65 463 3.332 3.970 170 m^'^T''^'^' 170 CENSUS OF 1871. 172 O i-i H 73 CO o a s o CO ei 09 e £ e Table XXISS.—Field Products. PROVINCE OF aUKBEC. Sl'b-Distiuct8. Sous-Districts. h. St. Pierre les Becq t. St. Ct^lestin j. St. Vinceslas k. Ste. Moniqiie L Ste. PtTpetue m.'Ste. Brigitte n. St. L(^i>iiar(l 0. St. Eulalie Total Acres. 811 (303 104 775 52 148 209 60 i (a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 3- k. I. h. <"■• d. e. f. a. h. i. I J- ; '^■• j m ! 0. ' P- 3. r. 7,0.57 St. Guillaume St. Bonaventure . St. Gerirain ... . Grantham . , . . , Weudover. Simiison Wickham, W.—O. Wickliam Durham, S Durham L' Avenir Kingsey Kingsey falls,, IK. Total Ste. Clothilde... , Bulstrode fSt. Louis St. Albert Victoriaville Arthaba.skaville. . , St. Norbert .Stanfold Princeville Kin^sev Falls, E. . St. Mwlard Warwir;k, VifUiyt . ■ St. Chiistoiilio , . . , Chester, JV Chester, £ Cheater, W.—O... Ch^nier Tingwick Total. '' a . Brnriipton 6. Melbourne c. Melbourae, Village. d. Cleveland e. JRichmond, Villofje... f. .Shipton g. iJanville, Village... h. Wind.sor. . . 1. St. George de W'r., ;'. Stoke 409 645 221 177 40 148 162 244 51 440 lis 4,386 48 137 98 57 216 151 321 627 45 121 324 61 295 238 162 200 269 301 3,671 34 315 Wheat.— Bl(5. Bushels. — Boisseaux Bushels of Barley. 230 6 475 J2 66 2:!7 Spring Wheat. Ble de priutemi)S 7,030 3,039 810 4,073 38] 1,189 1,043 753 48,035 10,380 3,120 4,907 1,86;;; 2,042 303 1,655 2,845 3,115 4,919 4,290 1,067 40,517 290 1,116 837 476 1,613 737 2,517 5,159 383 1.024 2,465 541 1,734 1,487 1,408 1.747 2,520 2,392 28,452 389 4,233 2,513 50 5,219 194 753 l,95r, 387 Winter Wheat. Boiss«jfux d' Blc< » ^'-^- d'hiver. 54 79 8, 37 60 n 1 897 396 50 485 2 3 205 18 4,6.33 1;177 6 315 45 47 39 13 76 66 23 383 154 2.344 25 66 55 276 216 50 378 1,033 71 81 368 96 442 3.58 1,002 595 008 243 6,563 Bushels of Oats. Boisseau.x d' Avoine. 50,115 22.391 4,772 3(i,014 2,128 9,724 7,430 3,935 356,ifc— ^ of other . and Beans. Jiuck- whcat. Corn. Turnips. Roots. (J lover ■ Seed. — Bushels TuIlB. Boie'eaux BoisscauY Boisseaux Boisseaux Acrt'H. Boisseaux Boisseaux Acres. Graines (le de de de 1 d'autres. de Mil Ffeves. Sarraain. Mais. Boisseaux Navets, i Kacines. Tonneaux. et de - Trtfle. 90 3.177 529 243 .33,737 148 452 2,085 2,819 122 31) 2,309 404 240 18,412 320 94 1,190 826 144 2'.) 945 174 100 0,035 4 239 63 432 281 51 75 4,484 1,201 253 20,070] 391 200 1,2.31 > 1,194 87 14 373 l.-SSO 91 487 31 81 2,730 .11,241 27 30 48 301 40 ;;o9 5 13 5 29 1,425 239 140 7,745 i(;5 448 272 15 8 360 70 52 3,844 51 156 106 14 f)'.': 37,702 7,519 f 2,593 247,422 5 2,103 4,007 00 20,854 23,845 1,205 27 3,114 702 140 17,409 89 2,286 2,310 783 94 2,382 494 99 11,795 440 535 074 702 206 7."> 4,174 544 199 20,289 475 530 1..5.58 1,947 70 .51 1,858 201 120 15.174 603 309 771 570 24 95 1,479 305 94 14,140 330 94 847 810 64 .■iO 800 289 70 10.590 5 23 417 238 4 04 2,310 (322 112 1.5,107 593 120 871 705 39 85 1,041 1,950 155 31,356 182 218 2,154 1.861 41 125 1,023 2,52(i 147 27,722 824 437 1,977 1,854 122 171 5,081 3,024 73 51,976 968 205 1,043 3,023 132 222 4,508 3,194 310 45,357 4,296 433 4.233 8,784 137 122 991 74G 72 11,244 1,970 80 871 898 16 1,038 1,159 29,901 14,723 1,597 278,279 10,781 3,110 18,302 ' 18.774 10 510 281 72 6,739 12 232 239 251 17 T.i 1,124 254 100 8,997 48 406 448 353 30 i 25 720 321 69 8.607 38 220 494 523 25 9 501 292 56 4.70() 34 39 336 239 21 1 87 981 271 200 13,072 571 167 725 492 408 : 27 652 171 73 8,810 340 1,245 485 387 15 ] 42 1,250 4M 134 19,552 279 24 1,104 941 57 117 2..'^4S 020 287 .35,003 468 219 2,414 1,410 95 1 25 171 73 30 4,273 84 270 233 230 •"> 1 7S 2,022 393 61 7.639 553 407 512 414 l\ i \M 2,!i9i (i25 103 19,989 427 451 1,310 717 S3 1 23 353 123 47 7,518 10 185 290 175 18 59 1,930 481 173 18.703 70 S7 2.170 1.200 53 : 17 1,142 179 90 10,834 132 15 1.12o ! 801 21 ' 40 3,712 1G3 IGO 1S.512 114 3S 2,275 1.284 201 (•)« 3,470 i;47 ]80 236 19,600 2 9 2.254 1,652 186 111 5,708 824 39,295 80 201 3,511 1.962 ^i 244 6,580 1,602 2G0 40.715 1,601 319 2,234 1,902 14.'.\'»9 46 1,436 : 1,131 ■ 36,180 7,659 2.397 293 314 4,893 4,600 22.1."j7 11,} 2,000 1,134 1 (i-2 13,208 934 34 1 1.119 1.125 16 ! 352 7,458 1,880 320 60,095 6,477 1,9:^: 5,817 5.974 104 3 42 28 ]1 1,517 50 2-) 79 102 210 4.3;;2 1,813 49.090 6.014 842 3,608 4,072 70 ;< 101 41 3 2.305 5 621 73,.5-.'2 13,099 29 175 355 5 510 8,250 3,573 405 59.) 5,670 5,.S87 216 53 00 113 25 4,594 1,827 481 220 282 2 11. ■; 2,112 807 1(« 18.1:^9 742 372 1.549 1,2.;9 19 (■.5 3.02n 287 178 19,115 115 95 2,248 1,397 148 1 i ' 1,121 203 07 8,121 030 117 809 693 77 ■iiP.it . r , ii j'f J l ^ ■ i ^ ^ l^| iy^^, l M ^ V ^A^li^^i^|^^|>l ^, , .t, ' .i iii j i n ir iwr.ijj'i'. mt 172 CENSUS OF 1871. Tablk XXIII.— Field Products. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. m O !Z3 ft d CO u it e Vi 9 O "8 (» e «' Sob-Districts. SOUS-DlSTKICTS. Total. 6. c. d. e. /• f/- A. i Wottnn H.am, IT Wolfestown St. Camiile Ham, i' Garthby,.*,tratford Dudswell Weedon Total. (a. Slierbrooke, T .- I 6. Orford \ c. 'Ascot I Total. (a. b. c. d. ie. f. V- Stan.^tead Stanstead Plain, V .\ Ma^oj,' Hatley Jiarntc n Coaticooke, Village Barford Total. [a. b. c. d. t. f. h. f. y. k. I. Hereford Compton ... (:iif ton Auckland ^ P>aton N'port, Dit'n, Ches |) ham, CTt'n, Emb't r f ^Ve8tbu^y Bury Lingwick H'pd"n.MVii.W'tti Win.slow, ,.S Winslow, N Total. ". < Jroiidints h. 8t. Casimir c. 'J^f'3chambault . . . . d. St. Alban C Portneuf f. Cap Sante g. EcureuilH h. St. r>asile t. St. Raymonil ... . j. B'te aiix-'IVembles . k. Neuville i /. St. An-jtistin ! w. ">t(:. Catherine . . . Bushels of Oats. Boisseauxl Eoisseaux d; Avoine. 12S.412 10,812 0,334 14,037 4,271 2,571 3,94.5 15,109 12,078 7.5,1.57 10,172 7,190 32,399 40,761 08,567 3,143 5,047 29,972 (•.1,684 3,073 17,295 188,781 11,340 51,968 11,764 648 40,453 10,278 .5,1.50 13.913 8,916 4, .509 7,956 4,206 171,107 47.0C6 57,837 66,528 36,744 28,893 40,02.5 12,294 51,778 79,829 30,841 27.127 .5:i,287 37,750 Bushels. of Rve. Boissea'x de Scii^'> 114 316 23,503 62,038 '' 392 554 480 1,324 74 1,954 59 818 994 44 113 413 146 167 28,553 4,946 1S3 1,525 2,033 1 71 200 38 136 24,352 4,608 2,7;:i 302 513 20 105 266 101 103 15,8S0 295 1,001 494 1,004 45 5 176 '> 132 32,694 2,014 130 1,180 780 50 119 799 132 172 23,881 938 615 550 959 42 (J4 234 72 93 12,221 718 224 321 7C1 22 245 52 144 16,074 1,217 323 1,076 1,210 7 35 1,595 9 119 10,.5.i6 390 65 470 413 30 7 1,558 8,426 2 88 6,622 144 13 227 7,982 194 1 264 771 799 1.788 290,979 20,962 5,995 10,925 21 970 5 ! 73 .5,419 8 15 253 3S2 2 30 73 59 211 33,936 180 69 16,464 264 022 1 141 44 188 } 168 22,711 46,173 2,731 4,226 ■ '\ 176 CENSUS OF 1871 Table XXIII — Field Products. j PROVINCK OF aUEBEC. o (-1 Eh Sub-Districts. Sous-Districts, Acres. Wheat. Bushels. — ' Spring Wheat. Bl^de printemps \ -B1.5. 3ois8eaux Winter | Wheat. Bl^ d'hiver. Bushels of Barley. Boisseaux d' Orge, Bushels of Oats. Boisseaux d' Avoine. Bushels of Tvye. Bois'eaux de Seigle. Bushels of Peas, Boisseaux de Pois. 149. Charlevoix. c. Baie St. Taul d St. Urbaiii 916 275 1,849 433 1,339 1,894 3,234 , 849 288 11.367 7,516 2,427 9,028 2,933 7,707 12,723 19,652 4,827 1,771 2 3 4,865 980 4,328 1,760 1,810 2,868 3,785 3,612 1,560 27,018 5,050 19,400 2,446 8,650 6,553 25,136 3,257 1,350 24,028 5,948 7,868 3,219 1,420 5,419 4,449 1,121 675 3,918 1,269 3,199 1,783 1,612 3,549 5,803 1,164 555 €. Les Ebouleinents . . . f Spttrin"^(>n o ftt Treii^e A. Ste. Agiiiis t ISlalbaie 92' j. St.Fidble /■: St. Simiiou Total 71,165 97 30,860 111,404 60,109 24.215 3 1 u d H W 3 fa ■e s ■i a MM w 1 ' a. St. Jean 6. Grande Baie c. Baf^otvillfc 152 812 1,250 2,373 153 1,158 975 1,825 1,484 44 858 11,084 1,012 8,848 12.642 27,927 1,741 13,164 12,726 24,141 23,674 520 9,104 1,961 2,092 2,764 6,887 646 3,402 10,418 23,230 13,618 20 6,172 1,097 5,839 12,925 36,217 2,405 16,280 13.180 12,293 6,972 1,405 924 1,259 1,147 3,413 6,110 10,956 714 4,842 3,330 9,912 6,688 d. r;hicoutimi e. Chicoutimi, Village. . f. Laterrifere i3' 174 82 4,302 2,404 g. Jonquifere k. Hc^bertville t. lioberval k. Tremblay Total 15 10,041 477 3,145 136,099 71,210 117,249 11,027 50,257 ( a. Tadousac 198 142 1,225 925 1,293 1,731 1,464 2,692 4,156 1,716 822 1,067 574 b. Escoumains I Total 340 2,150 3,024 2.538 1,641 a. Manicoua^'an 1 12 77 72 f* IVToisie 26 54 22 54 d. Pointe aux Esquim'x f ^ a.t,a.slcoiia.n h Ijoiin^ KsDerance . , • • • • ► < Sauvages lietsiamiti.-f- 87 33 9 ' Total 244 9 1 i 12 181 (a. Qtr. St. Laurent 6. Quarti<;r Lauzon c. Qtr. Notre-I>ame . . . d. Bienville, Villaye . . . -J e, Lauzon 1 1 2 1 2 100 63 170 12 22 5 304 125 418 203 1,622 20,413 22,572 45,6.57 62,233 28,723 8,952 38 5 29 9 76 978 710 1,845 17 27 15 14 908 668 44 ?A 194 472 744 340 376 im f. N.-l>. de la Victoire. (J. St. Joseph Total 1,649 121 861 '«. St. Henri h. St. Jean Cbrys'tdine c, Etchemin 193 69 34 \ 1,937 690 599 1,190 197 54 389 56 38 2 024 1,062 212 D]^"NrO!iIBREMENT DE 1871. TaLLI-IA-U PKOVINCE DIfl CiUEXiEC. "Bushe] of P-'ans. IIUC . v/heati. i ; 'otatoc.>. , B.iirtseaux de Boifiseaux do " ; BoLssoaux do u ]M.-'is. Piiisliels. Acres. — T^n'.-:...,.-',nv. Boisaeai. de Xavets. If-?! 11,:-- ■110 - t 27:' 1 ' . n 84 cS ■^3 " 5 1 : ■ ■ 409 2o.72rt 265 1; 1 4 31 3:-! 217 71 G 2.ot;s 1 ' :V :•■.:•'- IS fc 15 5 : 87 48 LI! ■ olj 5-1 » '. ■' . "" 1135 ■-■ , I'.Sl 147 ( l,i)l. 121 ■■•! I'jr, 1 ic;,! '«»• .* C -M I ■WWW la m* li) . j 17.") ,s- ' 1 ;>hi i ..J. ■ 2S1 1 '% 1.77 ■10 ^ IG 197 ii>l S2.U C— i:i 178 EN SITS OK 1871. •=== Table XXfll.- -P'ield Products, PROVINCE OF QtJKBEC. U •n Scb-DiSTiticTs. Sous-Districts. Acres. Wheat Bushels. -- Spring Wheat. 1 Bl^de printemps . -Ele. Boisseaux Winter Wheat. Bid d'hiver. Bushels of Barley. Boisseaux d' Orge. Bushels of Oats. Bois.seaux d; Avoine. Bushels of Rye. Boi.'i'eaux de Seigle. Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux de Pois. e • ^ ■ g 1 - 19 d. St. Nicholas e. St. Etienne /. St. Lambert Total 235 82 103 716 2,727 706 907 408 24 94 45,496 9,553 28,993 4,036 221 489 2 826 ... 395 2,198 7,566 1 "'""l ■••...... 1,967 183,950 5,229 8,717 { a. St. Jeau 60S 289 5(;5 • 374 625 305 273 153 54 125 126 447 4.739 2,426 4.793 3,583 5,238 3,393 2.4-12 1,518 645 1,159 1,566 3,395 432 88 1,2.59 336 582 622 604 158 151 395 972 6,450 34.890 15,738 46.777 33,003 68.672 21,752 44,554 23,107 10,583 17.415 17,864 88,784 863 170 158 9 295 896 • 1,695 2,260 342 .523 391 603 3,973 6. Ste. Emclie c. Lotbiniere d. St. Edmiard e. Ste. Cr<)i.\ /. St. Fla\ ien .7. St Antoirie h. Ste. Apollinaire . . . i. St. Agajiit ./. Ste. Agathe k. St. Giles 945 1,604 1,747 2.693 1,799 2,432 868 446 1,0.35 95 924 !, St. Sylvestre Total 2,324 3,94-J ■ 34,897 102 12,049 1,583 3,901 643 864 3.591 860 825 8,805 6,613 96 423,139 8.205 511 573 995 401 • 245 1,288 221 206 1,117 20,790 a • a. Halifax, N 6. Halifax. S c. Somerset, TV. d. Somerset, S e. Inverness 528 190 331 668 331 152 9G 242 53 68 2,659 4,330 1.940 2,171 4.684 3,683 1,896 912 3,406 768 427 22 82 is .32,443 .32,991 21 281 35,137 44,714 2L153 19,158 50.062 8.371 6,510 2,300 2,302 2,225 2,621 1,441 1,519 602 1.004 256 348 /. Nelson p. Ireland, Coleraine . . h. Leeds i. Thetford i' j. i'lessiKville, Village Total 123 5 42 13 24,217 27,781 271,820 ' 5,587 748 389 1,685 2,044 810 2,302 3,445 14,618 pq 1. - ' a. Brou^ditou 6. St. Victor 48 33 65 91 185 32 608 , 645 4(59 706 , 1.179 2.153 455 10,826 4. 866 4,679 7,492 4,696 3.740 4,323 18,489 34,082 24,710 8,636 11.938 19.602 6,632 989 1,570 1,182 447 79G 1,5.59 632 c. St. Ephrem d. Shenley c. St. Evari.ste f. Larnbtfin 2 58 1,330 201 261 38,352 7 t;s 1,048 865 .30 29 588 41 95 13,041 28 87 615 407 25 117 3,084 97 204 37,071 516 108 1.5S8 1,.306 65 65 1,340 55 180 24,981 843 67 1,202 1,136 42 246 9,690 129 75G 138,641 4,486 726 6,350 5,680 90 1,279 36,158 3,454 2,946 494,865 7,190 6,8(,3 22,239 22,440 1,348 134 S..36S 468 328 44,058 1,954 2(;2 4,221 2,789 165 180 16,279 257 462 63,178 2,748 345 4,908 3,754 221 74 1 ,285 239 261 37.604 509 120 1,637 1,221 77 95 3,173 513 319 37,288 353 374 2.344 1.880 87 196 11,066 427 483 107,920 9,864 269 7,434 6,780 166 35 2.357 35 222 36,687 26 55 1,672 1332 134 187 13,268 366 253 41,889 3.619 46 3,860 3,791 56 81 13,240 102 505 105,097 13,627 399 7,176 6,065 220 11 2,845 1 115 15,205 626 8 1,656 1,044 428 41 1,041 72,922 99 87 10,041 19S,967 34 39 610 375 29,031 15 1 1 1,034 2,507 3,035 33,360 1,917 35,.518 1,567 ! 3',i 4,960 17 190 25,278 312 24 3,351 2 292 199 lOS 3,809 104 188 24,867 155 16 2.370 4,314 33 89 3,487 151 173 19,928 64 109 1,91'9 1.417 70 i 34 2,164 8 126 12,685 323 6 1,415 903 240 1 G5 4.140 32 117 15,381 422 77 1,917 1,513 124 1 110 4,659 81 179 25,123 9 93 3,019 2,053 -.39 1 71 5,110 22 1 . , , , 114 1 ' 16.872 27 13 25 2,166 4 1,065 3 978 { 2,183 516 2S,.320 418 1,0S8 140,161 1,298 350 16,201 ! 13,560 173 3,195 127 219 32,S45 219 39 4,815 ! 4 646 309 1.653 3S1 302 .51,4*0 676 1,248 .5,148 6.786 67 8 2,276 74 120 1 13,945 23 80 3,0.59 2,949 36 209 3.780 338 239 i 26,850 15 l:;4 5,996 7,074 83 305 4,3<)3 316 332 ; 45,591 159 1,094 7,048 10,630 85 247 1,4:U j 10.-. 194 1 26,011 153 21 3.2^13 4,033 65 85 5 "I'l 1 23 166 18.923 215,608 375 49 1,965 i.;^^2 52 1,336 17,262 1,394 241 1,572 ;,620 2,665 31,324 37,500 3S.>< 190 1,413 248 46,067 569 63f, 1.933 1,635 65 438 2,236 422 312 57,087 2,240 573 3,639 3,425 141 ISO CENSUS OF 187 1. Tadle XXISa.— Field Products. PROVIJVCE OF QUEBEC. SUB-DlSTiaCTS. Soi.s-DisTurcTS. Acres. c. Ste.iHc^nddiue d. Ste. Marguerite e.'St. Edouard /. ( 'raiibourns g. Watford,' A [etgerm'te ^£. I Total a. St. Anseliiie 6. Ste. Claire 0. St. Malachie d. Staiidon e. I'.nckland, W. — O.. f. Ste. (xemiaine a. Ste. Justine , ^Vlleat.— Bl<5. Bushels. — Boisseau \ Spring Wheat. Bl^dc printemps L Total '^s ~, .«■ I S I Beaumont St. Charles . . . St. Gervais . . . St. Michei . . . St. llaplial'l. . St. A^alier . . . . G49 Tfital \ 1,032 f a. St., Lazare j 6. Bucklaod, E. . . I c. Ai-niagh -{ d. MailIoux,Eou>:, Belle chasse, JJar.quam. Total i'l/itliitr St. Thomas Muntmagny, Villac/e Cap St. Ignacti, 3?ourdage.s, J.^attdij & Taloi! St. Frangoi-s St. I'ierre Mortminy, At^hbur- ton, ll'iiette, Panel Lsle aux Grues f 87 18 48 1 38 '. 1 ; 191 i 170 ff. Total (a. b. I c. : d. e. 591) 26 425 309 L'lslet, St. Kughrm. St. Jean Vi.rt-Jnli. . . J'.t. Aubert, 1 'oumiei Sc. Iloch St. Cyrille, Lessard. Beaiibien, Arago. Leverrier Ste. Louise, Ashford, Ca.sgrain, Dionne,La fontaine, Gameau. 1.0.59 i;613 ;i4(> 1,278 2,424 1,CG8 692 88 Winter Wheat. Bl^ d'liivcr. 9,309 2,80S 2,8S6 268 275 111 399 617 14 Bushsls of Barley. Boisseaux d' Orge. 7,.?C4 10.228 481 1,936 6,737 5,043 4,493 242 2.201 2,499 28,421 10,934 13,653 3.2r8 11,972 54 1,140 2 784 6,924 2,0.53 2 Bushels of Oats. Boisseaux d' Avoine. 32.905 35,224 31,358 9,261 175 15,-4S1 216,470 1,358 2, .502 1.649 2.349 1,812 5,922 1.538 59,119 54,. 566 15,008 7,070 7,800 4,360 17,130 155.189 157 234 1,727 1,275 1,296 768 24,170 47,026 50,49! 35.489 28,835 33,184 Bois'eaux de Seigle. 1.086 Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux de Pois. 214 326 1,478 .3, .592 5,457 219,198 12,682 1,713 4.862 3,962 6,474 17,011 32,183 7,183 7,080 4,331 2,065 29,751 2,619 1,.591 3,119 5,098 95 51,077 15,255 44,470 5,146 1.196 3.057 ] .875 3,2.54 1,969 1,331 2,175 605 766 463 4,009 32,9.53 28,545 3,821 7,664 18,888 167.60c 3,768 3,386 1,733 3,939 3,222 1,C69 3,909 44.074 28,175 8,2.52 29,586 8,882 6,254 4,997 775 1,857 104 8,537 6,142 2,159 1,190 2,189 935 1,304 905 7,381 1,874 1,907 393 342 255 2(5 40 4,837 511 1,283 1,1.50 1,548 731 742 5,905 1,019 325 413 154 1,911 165 908 52 1,294 799 922 4,319 1.337 1,362 650 1,121 801 681 329 DI^.NOMBP.EMENT DE 1871. 181 Tableau A.XIII.— Produits dcs Clmmps. 1 PROVINCF, DE aUEnF.r. 1 ! Busucls of lju>hfl» I'ushels Busliels BuBiiels Potatoes. — Patates. i liusiiels Hay Cro p.— Foin. Gnc:* of Beans. of Hutk- whe.'it. of Corn. -— of Turnips. otlur PtOotH. ' 1 an! Clovtr ISeed. — — — Bushels. Ton.-. RoiV-'i •■••■» Boisseaux Eoisseau: Bois.seaux fie Acres. — Boisseaux de Eoisseauv d'autre.^, AcrcE. 1 Gil":-; de : Fbves. Sarrusiu. Mai.-*. Boisseau.x. Navets. Kacines. Tonneaux ft de Trcfle. 211 1,020 14S 157 .33,642 2,195 790 1,805 1 .009 ll.'i 14« 1.773 74 189 41,055 j oil 448 :'.. 8 583 130 22,112 434 I'J 88: » .■-51 21 4 549 t ■ 4 1,031 12 893 1,382 257,394 06,500 6,8.34 3,471 2,.5Ka 15.261 11,903 475 221) 2.878 154 327 i,H, 4,175 ... i ... '' lit? 2 494 1.32 313 22 189 .52.237 1,461 1,238 3,703 3 0. '• 3 1 548 23,890 1,236 107 1 948 1,1 f, -, : 5 1.221 3 80 8,482 010 29 925 . - . 1 14 l.'.'OG r-, 59 9.043 87 01 1,021 .5 l,i;.39 2 74 8.270 100 222 586 14 4157 1 65 7,171 175,0.53 1,010 42 510 12.8CS 1,415 283 407 12,153 319 1,107 8,005 2,3.15 8,910 ;^7s li 93 1,(W0 82 378 83,040 2,085 1..^99 245 2,0G4 302 003 111,717 1,838 305 3,215 :i.r.:< • V ■ 212 4,718 245 597 84,306 4,102 220 4,578 4.: ^ ID) 797 272 393 78,:i92 1,483 904 2,313 2.054 3. ; . '^ L . 233 n,-170 132 505 01.219 483 ]:-;9 *•':• ' 1 . : It 712 54 295 2,081 317 57,063 1,0,55 (•.6 2,357 2.088 i.. 1 982 20,821 1,087 470,343 11,040 1,840 16,So2 17,015 1,9. 3 7:10 1 11 83 9,796 48 44,470 1,154 420 3.0i;i 8,100 4,060 A 131 160 17,092 18,239 657 444 103' 1.709 91.; Ml 25 .-.72 » ! 14 122 4,.524 1 107 12,943 1,287 9 743 5-'i I 1;::; ' ! - ] 27,086 131 65 715 93,350 3,542 793 532 6,426 3,847 1 289 41 00 189 23,-189 398 8:3 1.179 1 24 3.724 j 113 001 238 421 08,0ii5 2,525 072 2,359 ' 85 125 07 33 5,088 1,903 1,171 2(.;9 440 11 .')7 1,031 141 405 72,615 679 4,543 1,726 2,882 ir. 72 2,078 79 254 43,759 1,060 171 3,619 4.112 471 22 262 71 17.; 30,287 353 27 2,379 3,008 99 4 2,148 ,s 8(; 10.773 271 19 1,420 5 s 1 .;■; 7 4 28 113 17,828 124 21 1,.509 1,981 :'.'.ii; f.,3.80 093 l,f.77 272,.50( 7,708 500 14.1S4 17,915 7'. 7 141 271 315 803 127,002 094 2.857 4.092 %' * 117 .;93 199 597 92,705 1,835 220 3,147 2,"S2 15 G.') 17(i 91 228 30,813 124 13(1 1,040 1,020 13 92 473 318 548 97, U 6 2.517 70 2,404 3,619 23 32 445 22 119 19,834 56 11 f>63 es6 30 17 430 57 164 10,4oC 290 69 1,034 827 ^: 5 .■,(;s 3 181 12.2.-.2 2,103 1 89 595 405 T* :i»*,».-^f- - .*^^ 182 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XX12I.— Field Products. m 6 14 •a PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. SaB-DlSTKICTS. Sous-Districts. Total . a. Ste. Anne. 6. ?:} c. u>- SS- FaVjii^n StH. ( 'i^cilo du Bio Saint Oeimain de ) llimou.ski , 1 Bimouski, T- V. St. AnacU't Ste. Lxice St. Donat Total . Acres. 4,931 1,740 104 1,0.5;] 621 {•72 865 348 1,189 103 1,958 132 87G 754 733 11 11,510 3G4 .531 154 487 135 710 ■379 1,2.55 337 367 6.^.3 229 173 142 307 Wheat.-BM. -3^^^^!^ of Bushels.— Boisseaux •'' 6,233 .'Ul 117 1,029 2,029 227 1,4.5M 2,041 471 8,159 Spring Wheat. Eldde pr n temps b. c. Ste. Flavie. Ste. AngHe de Miiiic 1 Metis ' 2,513 21!H 824 ^Vinter Wheat. Ble d' hiver. Boisseaux d' Orge. 45,726 14,890 1,661 10,256 7,541 8,.54.S 7,.352 ■ 2,804 10,473 1,124 15,116 1,084 6,497 6,192 6,072 136 99,746 2,984 4,. 3.59 1,492 3,.594 1,424 5.967 3.6-lS 9.33(; 2,96'i 3,137 6,02.-. 2,117 1,281 713 3,381 62,4 .59 3,911 1,001 8.275 0,478 20,158 2, .573 11.86 1 21,355 6,420 82.035 16,46 J , . 2 314 10,730 21S 27 248 1 "37 I 1 ■ » • I I 196 203 lOJ Bushels of Oats. Boisseaux d' Avoine 21,686 130,220 6,233 747 4^15 852 4,571 360 33,922 3,015 36.606 8,295 31.767 4,814 1,342 33,1.39 8,673 18,648 809 5,628 16,254 4,923 4,788 1,235 10,277 12,931 205 51,005 220,697 1,179 3,018 743 2,696 966 3,604 2,213 8,074 1,.521 2,329 2,388 56 404 3,441 is! 297 217 Bushels I ^"^f*^'^ rr» \ other Turnips. ! j^^„j^_ Boisseaux ] Boisi-eau> de I d'autres Naveta, Kacines. 399,208 65,005 8,908 30,840 35,112 20. .501 10,.593 14,.590 38,596 j 6,8.55 73,910 7,4.56 49,.582 26,982 36,019 1,920 4;«.S09 484 1,808 174 272 86 15 38 23 5 124 189 96 207 75 392 188 423 198 173 352 261 137 U3 348 21,272 28,471 13,595 33,500 13,344 028 1,072 918 1,713 1.597 948 2,768 1,099 318 17 5 9 27 21 90 7 75,271 37,459 08,539 21,140 21.487 04,4."'<5 27,078 11.108 5,828 10,130 30 30,088 24.015 203 3,274 154 81 181 390 474.19:-) 165 224 005 3,748 ■ •' • • * ■ * . 1 4 8 2o,8'.-'5 11.208 31.876 55,731 446 13 401 03,352 .»5 54 27 59 213 343 64 1,880 12,020 41.211 383 o> 66,583 13,526 5,055 72 322,492 52,711 9.036 49,167 7,019 858 14 1 54 22 20 142 090 77 338 119 83 127 2,. 54 5 (55 73H 2,239 276 293 1,081 159 3.56 172 884 857 203 888 361 1,323 9,892 24 281 719 865 501 10 954 348 3,782 435 241 055 1,100 j91 19 147 1 1 61 747 4 247 41 71 1,937 2 102 120 702 21t 366 155 644 •1 O 214 797 133 1 2,605 6,WK) 2 200 109 119 34 49 51:; 239 '12 Hay Crop. — Foin. Acres. Ton-v Tonneaux, 11,040 ' 13,491 1,894 426 1,260 690 974 707 490 1,444 277 2,585 302 2,180 1,478 1,888 075 1,428 703 1,005 439 3,103 1.105 4,300 1 070 1,237 2,325 l.WO 736 373 2,305 1,846 U.'.'J 1,938 1,309 , 2,353 627 884 i 1,471 285 11. r.7 i.:.t)4 5«(; i,2;9 Bushels Gra.sH and Clover Seed. Bois'eaux Graines de Mil et de Trifle. 3,279 J 459 1.891 1,040 1,252 878 . 486 2,509 .501 4,494 311 4,573 1,310 2,027 22 10,028 ' 25,038 854 1,.5.59 084 1,031' 442 3,2.32 957 2,319 70)5 1,155 2, 3.-^8 907 311 183 1,419 33,230 18,837 1,638 1.0S7 1.897 1.701 028 1.100 1,053 310 11,003 1 5(V5 3'.>2 1,161 ls2 86 15 3 12 2 28 16 69 10 12 15 208 .0 13 24 ! 3 10 11 3 14 20 39 10 18 2 125 ' 303 II 9 1 1 16 1 1 67 1 ,5 4 184 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXIlLS—Field Products. 'VKOVlTiCIu OS' ^UI;:liKC. Bushels. — BoisKcauxf TKaSVKTv 3j-»jgBcn»* Jkishels Bushels Bushels of of of Barley. Oais. liye. Boi.?seaux BiiicjHeaux Eois'eaux d' d' de Orge. Avoine. Seigle. ?, r.!i2 2.4C9 279 15,227 5,315 S,iG4 11,000 1,S92 1,817 fi i; ,' ' ■"' ■ 2,558 Bushe';; of Peas. Ijoisseaux de Pois. 6,4o7 i, 430 2,030 10,052 5,155 11.088 8,453 11.409 G728 23,416 l.'5,403 18 850 19,787 98,186 70,754 45,985 30 '28' 10 15 15 "si' 121 345,357 45,361 9,128 18 801 9,332 76 93 "26 26 178 85 22 17 200 888 667 1,778 14 .316 327 462 F,p=i.i=;2i=rjaS 68 1 85 12 1C6 15 6 101 264 194 64 94 222 365 331 48 5 5 1,714 95 56 144 126 111 273 249 141 .T3 51 474 ao^ 126 2,18" 31 41 01 65 DfiNOMBREMHJ^T DE 1871. Ifi7 Tableau XXIII.— Iroduit^i de3 Cliamp.s. PKOVINCE DU NOUVEAU-BRUNSAVICK. Bushels of Beans. Boisseaux de Ffeves. 79,050 Bufhela i Bushels of of Buck- Corn wheat. Boisf-eaux de Sarrasin 1,076,078 Boisseau.\ de Mais. 003,356 Potatoes . — Patates , Acres. Bushels. Boisseaux. 128,185 18,068,323 Bushels f.f_ Turnips. Bushels of other lioots. Boisseaux Boisseaux de I d'autrt-s Navets. liacints. 812,073 597,100 ,Hay Crop. — Foin. Acres. 1,21P,953 Tons. ronneaux 1,225.040 Bushels G raj's and Clover \ Seed, j Rois'eaui (iraines de Mil et 2r.6.5't0 li.2:.n 144.325 10,655 87.132 4,17/' 870,200 50,592 73.504 4,12(. 3S 213 1,230 OO.-'^SO 3,402 .■ii.;>5s 741 65 50 13^210 1,4('2 093 2,879 3,114 2,1M 1.0 10 2.4^7 2.3^;\ i.oia 240 3,2.^7 l,7t.2 300 514 300 1,780 3,494 3,454 2,359 2,201 4,417 4,547 6,213 857 603 813 22,776 31,012 3,188 2.695 4;378 2,135 3.014 2AS\i 5.81.5 4,507 3.845 3.485 12122 8.134 3,:i28 470 324 981 3,000 2,148 1.712 1.925 3,023 4,877 4,330 569 034 1,083 19 10 22 45 2 25 6 29 59,14-: 20,288 2,.-80 4.237 2.418 3.085 l.,s89 0.232 .•>.733 3,9^7 2,418 11.803 8 271 1.55 o \ 35 ; 58,890 17 22 76 24 13 04 182 181 151 789 1.1: 5;;o { 3S2 J 3 ;:9l ;).SN7 3,491 4.2.30 3.050 5.o;u 4.nvS7 4.4.38 .'■>.. i4>! 2G i^mf'wm^'^nHBlK 40 15 42 17 gtg^ 1S8 CENSUS OF 1871 H O M c-t m I— I Q t-" w d Table XXIil.-Field Products. PROVINCE OF JVKW BRUKSWICIC. SUB-DlSTKICTS. Sous-Districts. \f- /'i. i. ./. I Cambridge Caiming Wa,terbf>r()ugh Johnston Brunswick . . . . Chipmaii Total Acres. 22 18 2G 45 rr i 15 ft. lili.ssvilli.- . . . I h. Lincoln .... I f. liurton I d. Sheffield . . . e. Northfieid . . f. Alaugerville 183 ()4 27 51 9 10 25 Tot.al 18t; Weill ng-tou W. f 6 . a. b. :it. Ann's W. c. Oarleton \V. d. Queen's \V. e. King's W . . , . /. iNewJMaryland . i.Queensbury n. Uright 0. Uouglaa p. Stanley 7. St. Mary's If Wheat. -Bid. Bushels. — Boi.^se.aux Sprinir Wheat. Ble de printeraps », Total Woodstock . . ]lichrnond Wakctield Siinonds. Wiimot Wicklow . . . Kent Aberdeen Peel Bri.'hton jSorthainoton , Tot.al ( a. Andover. I 6. F'erth. . . . r. G'jrdon . i *T( tals - 1 'it;;- of I'Vedericton , . i 'To! r-.iix, — Ville de Fr ;d rict'in. 7 I 5 10 110 22 250 101 98 5(1 ?,l ■v^ 38 817 200 248 410 (38 225 307 194 43 89 251 118 2,153 3(;9 339 292 287 89 241 2,427 Wintei- Wheat. Ble d'hiver. Bushels of Barley. Boisseau:^ d' Orge. 11 60 824 441 G23 34 143 809 40 m 2,874 22 27 IIG 91 300 1,515 377 35(i 4,090 1,321 1,224 694 410) 613 ,557 11,710 3,157 a.759 V,854 1,01! 4.134 4,943 2,720 528 958 3,304 1,528 92 o.i 33,896 8 15 7 2 41 12 38 104 9 20 105 400 510 Bushelfj of Oats. Boisseam d; Avoiue. lii,490 7,603 16,434 20,240 1 0,108 22,590 176,387 17,661 16,997 13,107 4.279 7;916 8,791 JO 136 22(j 10 46 80 37 85 9 (il 59 221 68.751 1,005 865 755 270 3.114 4,834 29.729 24,731 20,710 10,811 4.1,001 29,004 31.313 20,782 38.723 23.514 29,943 99o 128 200 212 110 45 356 10 5 70 17 1,153 77 35 27 156 313,164 53 645 124,173 324,923 31,272 81, .596 78,012 39,057 17 254 23.702 53,141 27,164 653,939 39,110 14,550 12,083 G,or.9 Biishels of llye. Bois'eaux de Seigle. 1,199 182 692 381 166 110 3,849 255 25 24 8 15 327 43 33 44 83 350 53 17 105 9 737 118 47 141 144 41 7 182 36 56 368 46 1,186 19 Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux de Pois. If9 DENOMBREMENT DE 1871. 18a Tableau XXIU.— Produits des Champs. PROVrPiCE DV IVOUVEAtJ-nRUXSWICK. Bushels of Beans. Bai88«aux Fiives. 354 58 ','.S 112 '^1 141 1,238 221 114 24;J 171 77 9G 922 BusheU of Buck- wheat. Boisseaux de Sarrasiu. 1,6S5 0,8.57 11.270 19,8:V2 4,497 G,55G 119,704 G,;ir,7 4,;VJ9 G.i:it> 5,547 3,800 4,102 30,347 Buthcls of Corn. Boisseaux de Mais. I'otatoi-.s.— Patates. ■>, , , bushels Tuiui| 7,55G 5.739 923 3,4G8 313 323 708 600 15 2«9 2,248 29 12 3 8 100 43 '7 1,351 348 278 Oil 911 930 577 994 93 020 7,200 1,445 242 1,000 473 149 41..8 2G0 21 400 1,04.S 1,023 O.fiOO 381 216 201 348 111 2.^0 3,085 370 220 425 313 125 109 1.G22 Bu.. L Boisscau.' de Boisseaux, 00,077 32,0s0 33.939 40,.52: 17,000 34,210 440,122 Navets. 3.054 095 384 1,991 303 1,940 18,400 19 9 21 !l 74 114 222 389 201 120 428 224 391 358 540 200 509 3,054 376 551 624 145 321 319 296 122 165 286 210 4;-; 1302 32,430 54,070 * 40,084 1.5,323 29,035 218,350 .1,1) )o 4,7^6 l.OSG 2,229 1117 771 14,202 5,iol 2,434 2.94U 1,320 10,342 14,800 37,451 55,233 29,425 17,514 47,735 29.139 47,205 44.195 (:.3.,S99 33,971 01,952 504, !.5.^.,02S 104,289 102,153 20,484 54,401 45,.336 42,587 19,097 20.089 37.994 ". \ •> t ^ 3,421 I 531,803 i,2'.a 077 1,244 449 2,301 1,405 4,074 30.885 2,809 3,996 3,479 2,03(; 6,483 4.IJ27 7,174 9,950 0,041 94,981 4,783 4,021 5,230 1,420 7,500 11,1.37 15,408 17,114 ],;;83 6,152 4,994 7:1.802 359 \ 211 34.095 281 98 12,659 175 78 12,225 152 132 22.187 3,419 1.782 5.962 Bushels of otb t-T Boots . { Hay Croxj.— ioiu. Bijiaso.'vux d'autre.-^ Racine.-?. 1,153 301 ■. 11:; 701 352 9.s-;> 5,420 Acres. 3,900 l.;iO;> 1,993 3..'.24 1,223 1,829 29,947 451 ■• 500 1,018 1,.37I 124 2,863 6,.335 522 4'j3 400 215 1,282 128 12.-. 3,434 027 353 004 595 788 220 871 119 1,441 3.7t;4 2.:;n 3,015 2.193 (125 2,247 14,1.59 12,217 1,714 o8:> 093 350 175 149 I3(t 198 9(» 473 1,854 6,223 219 97 10.3 2,881 178 40 89 54 295 SI4 3,084 4,234 2,482 1,412 3.738 2,911 4,.3(;9 3,580 5,8 ;7 2,837 4.184 40,108 3.125 6,515 .5,91)8 1.373 3.1. 30 4.010 2,H73 8!ll 1,214 2,o<:4 1,772 32,036 1,55.3 781 078 ' Buiibdfl J GrasB j and \ Clover ; Seed. Tons. Tonneaux. 5,281 T,.r;i 1,014 3.4^)0 / 1.182 1,.552 iPiuis'i-aiix < iraiiies de Mil iet (hi Trifle. 31 5' 4 80 5 44 73 7 10 339 3.;.-9 2.0)8 3,091 3,418 0.04 2.865 16.9.35 43 26 25 23 40 29 180 2:52 t;4 107 90 5.58 917 2.809 4,578 1,571 903 3.0.0 2.9v'9 4.221 3,508 5.344 6,8i:i 4,378 42,922 4.1:^0 5.300 5.874 1,4<»7 2.422 .>,0','s 1.G14 484 9 Hi 2,210 2,032 2 3 455 73 30 41 3.-; 99 85 49 43 46 32 9!il 29.007 114 27-3 394 94 144 107 113 50 17 02 76 1,501 029 ' 70(5 1,147 II OSl^Strs 6^ 1871. Table XXIII. Field Products PROVINCE OF IS'EVV BUUXSWICK, DISTRICTS. SCB-DlSTRICTS. SoDS-DlSTF.ICTS. Acres. Wheat. Bushels. — ; Spring Wheat. BU de printemi)S -Ble. 3oisseau.\ Winter Wheat. BM d'hiver. Bu.shels of Barley. Boisseaux d' Orge. Bushels of Oats. Boisseau.x d' Avoine. Bushels of Rye. Boissea'x de Seigle. Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux de I'ois. 5 Id. Grand Falls g , c. Saint Leonard's - V. St. Basile g ft. iladavvaska . h. Saint Francis 98 149 145 105 112 1,635 1,620 1,044 1,137 1,362 20 79 940 568 1,785 1,143 19,163 22,834 12,365 17,570 11,480 8(3 885 , 32 403 265 £24 2,557 1 S'.Kt 2,2 1 3 1,701 9.123 49 99 OD r4 ^ • Total 1 857 10,208 4,6.54 149,1.55 340 5,825 14 478 14,936 18.166 1,690 , n. Fldon 17 76 297 108 140 ^^ ' b. Addin"ton 17 108 77 161 363 229 1.621 755 1,976 4,.581 200 485 562 893 2 121 37 35 "1 CO c. Dalhousie .,.,...... 6 10* 15 31 d. Colborne e. Durham 1 ^ [ Total i 2,140 2,798 1,132 1,454 1,.542 1,081 2,416 1,980 53,745 195 638 e 00 w u ' a. Beresf ord b. Bathurst c. New-Bandim 1 d lukerman 619 53S 438 377 728 829 300 4,702 20,611 29,844 15,407 10,720 0,315 7.812 4,164 94,873 27 12 509 4(i8 280 218 175 248 22 1,920 6.900 4,942 5,548 2, .55.-; 5,160 4,49'J o e. Saumarez i9" (5 CO /. Caraqiiette g. Shippegan Total 3,829 34,304 12,403 5'.i5 678 54 124 10 6 6 12 335 536 281 58 i e fa. Alnwick >. Newcastle c. Northesk d. Ludlow 350 20(i 154 49 64 127 25 152 110 194 225 4.04i; 2,320 1,705 490 674 1,207 287 1,412 1,178 2,284 2,.520 21,229 21^827 25,593 6,030 9,448 IS, 865 8,674 18,8.55 20,347 21,382 11,049 i7" 12 75 30 273 142 171 22 35 91 9 48 249 387 238 ' e. BlisKficld /. Blackville g. Derby h. Nelson i i. Chatham 7 . deneltr 72 60 k. Hardwicke Total ... ..... 1,656 2:« 772 807 851 844 312 984 12 18,123 2,637 183,299 14,000 30,707 42,990 7.5,810 57,752 33,369 60,158 1,668 26(i 1,665 f (I Carleton 2,231 5,162 7,808 8.107 7,112 2,724 7,337 165 229 868 646 452 1,225 767 1,.545 113 368 3,275 %6 3,448 1,549 2,123 102 103 118 172 123 111 140 6 b. Saint Louis c. Richibucto d. AVeldford ] e. Wellington - /. Saint Mary's '/. Dundas h. Harcourt i. Husklsson Total 11.84'2 4,814 146 174 182 1,061 948 194 40,648 5,732 316,454 875 f a. Dorchester l.6i;i 2,473 2,.505 11.959 8,277 2,249 4,487 3,680 4,2 • • . s 2 25 611 66 S2 1 e . Shediac 00 f. Moncton blillitOMBIlEMENT DE 1871. IM 192 CE ni r? 1 '^ 7 1 »Maancwm«-cwr^ PROVi: VI ■^ Sob Districts. Sous-DisriiioTS. i;. Salisbury it o .s i ''• 1 6. \c. ]d. \f. 1 of Rye. a-ax;Boi3'eaux de ,ie. Seigle. Bushels of Coisseau?. de 5?; 1 1" 2G0 II. ■f-r, . Jlarvey Alrna .. Ek-ia . . TotJil , I irand T'.t.ils of New Brunswick i^ ; ^g < \ Jrauds Totaux du N Brunswick i '; Province of Y.Scotia -( OD X a. Scotch Village ... b . Kempt c. Walton d. JNoei e. Maitlaucl ,.., /. Shub'jnacadie gf. Nine Ivlile Fiiver . . . k. ilawdoa, iV. i. Eawdon, f. Canning 8 fj. Centrevillo i ! h, Lakeville . . , \ i. Berwick \ j. Somerset t k. Harborville ... . . I. Aylesfor.i, N. ... in. Aylesford, 39 1 38 21 147 131 76 63 81 136 15,964 17,4.56 3,330 2,729 496 199 1,378 1,047 1.487 1,146 1 70 17 161 309 31,137 3,915 2,oro 1,410 2,472 1 82 64 112 292 36,045 4..529 2,2('2 1,.309 2.551 2 22 15 24 131 12.410 1.869 898 768 1,289 ■ ••«■■ . . 24 293 42 62 7,484 1,334 312 829 730 7 GOU 4,543 1,156 1,740 208,463 40,155 10,7t:6 16,368 19.253 88 7 22 269 26,246 2,281 i,r)C4 950 1,452 '>\ 13 27 135 17 ''•^9 9,628 10,076 1,923 7,2(32 2,479 3,059 or) 28 20 129 18,895 2,513 3,942 C7 98 60 174 17,743 10,877 3,!toJ 3,073 3.662 1 74 01 85 68 8,000 3,475 901 1,005 1,087 6 19 41 55 43 4,703 898 478 665 694 4 14 1 80 45 4 796 497 426 419 489 45 21 122 279 32,§19 4.203 2,129 1.501 2..501 < • ' . . • • - 5 9 140 10 601 2,439 1,321 431 1,200 1,271 1 2 217 18,585 1,013 982 1,307 27'.t 263 482 1,499 1 159.623 45,387 20,374 14,787 19,464 n ft 3 36 70 102 89 8,.''.i;7 8,943 0,035 116 178 750 lij 99 503 618 486 479 706 818 946 7 7 14 21 55 3 194 64 188 8,5;U 6,840 20 778 376 429 1,398 2^39 202 793 595 520 1,611 1,000 749 1.935 5 4 36 2 O 1 8 '>S" 448 482 611 1,013 1,025 19 18 26 86 8,367 76,643 7.908 10,978 880 284 666 350 1 ■> 848 4,575 2,797 5,580 8.192 1 8 27 18 2 73 97 765 l'.;5 783 •!61 614 735 1,018 3 18 111 19 71 12,056 914 476 911 1,314 55 7 31 78 12.78S 1,074 893 838 1,007 33 41 22 J 40 3,920 446 24 471 349 • ■ • . . 281 1,189 2J3 ' 157 27,029 .3,413 1,041 3,020 1,847 3,05S 94 170 581 127 79 ] 13,716 j -M07 621 1,659 17 U— 15^ 196 CENSUS OF 1871 6 J :'i (I ^i 02 H O H S CO • ^ ^ I B ■ Sub-Districts, Sous-Districts Total {a. New Germany ; b. Bridgewater I c. Petite Ivivibre I d. Conquf-rail . . , I e. .Ritchy's Uove, /. Lunenl-urK : Q. La, Have -; h. Mahone Bay.. . j i. Tancook Island I j. Sandy Beaches . k. Mill Cove l. Chester... ??i. Xew Ross Total Wi t. L Totd -Totals, 'Totaux rt. vvaritiSo. J. Qnartitii b. Ward No. 2. Quartier- c. Vrard No. '6. Quartia d. Ward No. 4. Quartier e. Ward No. 5., 1st Sect I /. Ward No. 5., 2nd Sect! I ff. Ward No. ^J. Quariicrl i h. Nortli West Arm . . . I i. Ferguson's Cove |y. Portuguese Cove -! /c. Sambro I. Terrence liny m. Prospect n. Diysdale o. Hagg^tb's Gove [ p. French Village q. Black Point r. Haniui'ind's Plain 5, Pier's Mills Sable Island ' a. Dartmouth 6. Windsor Road c. Ti-uro Road d. Jjastern Passage e. Preston f. Lawrencetown I/. Chezettcool; A. Musquodoboit H"our| i. Jeddore j. Pope's Harbor k. Sheet Harbor l. Salmon River m. Nicumteauch n. Upper Musquodoboit City of Halifax, separately! ) ,Viiled'Halifax,separem''tj J D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 197 Tableau XXIII. — Produits des Champs. PROVINCF. DE LA NOUVELIiK-ECOSSE. Bushels of Beana. Boisseaux de Ffeves. 691 329 217 88 28 31 71 47 58 1 8 20 74 20 992 Bubheli of Ruck- wheat. Boirtstiaux de _ Sarrasin. 24 2 6 9 10 13 73 5 22 170 102 63 65 134 9 4 11 1,836 2,351 505 5 102 " 23 106 4.50 Bushela of Corn. Boisseaux de Mais. Potatoes. — Patiites. 3 152 1,506 5,203 14 I 55 210 5 4 101 48 65 2,315 32 462 114 62 "ii 'l6 11 4 10 2 Acres. 595 230 19 394 240 309 107 233 197 93 229 18 40 37 201 253 Bushels. Boisseaux. 88,395 2,351 48,241 28,002 34,194 11,995 25,110 21,805 10,407 25,698 2,029 4,873 4,376 23,281 26,878 Bushels of Turnips. Boisseaux de Navets, Bushels I Hay(Jrop.-Foin. of other Roots. Boisseaux d'autres Racines. 9,226 200,889 3,350 1,070 2,.543 509 4,208 8,723 1,122 4,769 1,142 798 118 2,395 2,832 3,943 33,.579 25 3 6 16 2 2 10 15 23 44 20 20 82 33 49 888 333 1 10 6 41 132 72 54 44 48 64 600 1,221 772 773 043 1,127 1,098 4,038 2,599 0,149 7,079 12,521 4,257 1,241 202 201 "io 1,275 1,0.50 2,043 879 3,593 8,235 1,538 4,4.39 2,047 1,162 43 2,639 154 Acres. 8,162 Tonfl. Tonneaux, Busheb Grass and C!lover Seed. Boifl'aux Graines de Mil et de Trifle. 9,140 7,664 1,418 1,904 1,413 1,422 1,860 1,051 4,807 261 46 59 1,754 1,960 29,697 25,031 5,519 3,399 2,180 917 1,.541 2,2.">0 1,231 3,744 327 415 94 1814 1,720 1 14 27 18 11 3 4 25,1.57 343 "46 2,210 170 50 45,808 18 6 65 404 301 730 490 631 67 21 3,824 106 5,500 14 82 300 562 1,820 1,022 119 166 124 6 6 8,423 90 129 19 95 40 41 120 14,595 8,148 5,217 4,7.51 ■1.071 7,.52S 9,500 8.009 3,832 4,241 4,413 18,630 5,019 1,623 1,313 1,800 507 531 1,774 408 15 2,709 138 257 372 859 I 2,985 320 357 790 51 425 40 302 118 96 143 77 74 142 449 172 303 393 429 112 20' » 14 2.99:^ 109 09 2 83 11 215 976 1,358 499 481 351 1,0.53 99 .525 267 123 129 118 78 19; I 774 350 554 487 431 169 3 11 80 4 59:^ 4 1 3 624 891 2 ISl 4,207 360 .315 140 2 122 484 1,424 1,202 477 941 .359 1,090 1 172 1,201 049 .591 247 2, .599 914 ^. C— 13* 198 CENSUS OF 1871 Table XXIII.— Field Products. PROVIIVCE OP NOVA SCOTIA. H O m I— I P ■3 & e i O I' e ■s o i « d o SUB-Dl8TKI0T8. Sous-Districts. MiddleMusquodoboit Little Rivor Wyse's ■Comer Gay's River TotaL fa, 6. c. d. e. Amherst Head of Amherst. . . Pug^vash Wallace , Wentworth f. Westchester g. River Philip h. Maccan , i. River Hebert j. Advocate Harbor . . k. Parrsborough Shore l. Mill VilW'e Total a. Economy, Five Isl'ds 6. Lower Londonderry C. Upper Londonderry d. New Annan . , . . e. Tatamagouche f. Waugh's River. ... g. Earltown h. Kemptown , i . Upper Onslow j . Onslow k. Truro I. Old Bums m. Lower Stewiacke . . n . Upper Stewiacke . . Total Acres. fa. Mount Tht.rn. \b. W.Br. River John. I c. River John d. Cape John e. Cariboo , f. Pictou {/. Harv/ood Hill I h. Roger's HiH j i. W. River.Green.HiU I j . Gairloch I k. New Lairg I I. Middle River -| m. Hojiewell I n. Alliion Mines ! o. New Glasgow. . . . I p. Little Harbor I q. McT,ennan'sMount'n I r. E. Br'ch East River I a. St, Mary's 25 30 45 GO 214 215 4G2 1,322 1,102 191 41 .348 77 66 2 34 3,863 93 116 106 407 587 791 150 9 34 25 41 36 47 110 2..5.52 156 173 498 914 447 165 ..320 361 249 2iy 66 227 193 121 292 .396 197 124 3 Wheat.— Ble. Bushels.- Boisseaux Spring Wheat. Bldde printemps 296 364 433 827 2.583 3,.513 6,708 16,109 11,485 2,414 711 4,325 774 946 10 400 Winter Wheat. By d'hiver. 47,395 1,033 1,158 1,1.51 4,965 5,4.59 8,198 2,107 90 510 .349 582 514 1,044 1,412 28,572 2,280 2,123 6,263 10,5.32 4,095 2,102 3,670 4,.549 3,374 3,703 1,008 3,2.55 2 731 1.296 3,.523 4,156 2.2.56 i , 187 3.| 10 100 135 27 4 "25 191 46 9 'is Bushels of Barley. Boisseaux d' Orge. 10 1 24 6 18 40 658 186 70 364 6,035 4,660 2,205 2,378 2,127 270 122 1,515 .573 1,287 59 107 292 15,595 757 478 867 425 592 320 1,203 116 2,1.54 2,110 4,231 794 1,296 2,951 Bushels of Oats. Boisseaux d' Aroine. 18,294 1,277 4.58 289 480 1,702 1,694 1,092 714 1.792 1,227 690 2,1.36 2,688 81(/ 2,772 1,948 1.870 2,940 641 11,867 2,952 2,610 6,623 46,, 525 30.609 26,569 29,165 26,934 7,985 8,030 28.647 10,737 11,829 2,191 1,998 14,216 198,910 10,162 14,391 19,.526 15,419 11,.570 15.853 33,925 4,906 15,894 8,6.52 21,815 8,880 15,755 23,332 220,080 32,4,52 18,372 9,982 18,807 19,403 11,318 26,082 31,787 27,492 29,726 15,380 26,384 31,294 6,285 20,686 15,427 2.3,827 2.5,796 17,663 Bushels of Rye. Bois'eaux de Seigle. 16 6 44 86 8 105 1 28 519 477 91 '"i" 66 1,382 5 150 9 12 62 35 464 5 205 85 Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux de Pois. 24 89 37 165 873 1,0.32 15 198 183 227 229 92 12 126 116 38 2 2 19 1,244 41 47 89 213 256 328 81 43 135 86 608 78 378 449 2,832 86 51 131 128 73 52 66 43 153 19 10 161 666 132 631 95 410 386 SSSm DiilNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 199 Tableau XXIII.- Produits des Champs. PROA'INCE DE I^A NO UVELLK-ECOSSE. Bushels of Beans. BushiJa of Buck- wheat. Bushels of Corn. Potatoe i. - Patatfs. Bushels 1 of 1 Turnip.s. , Bushels of other Hoots. Hay Crop. — Foin. Bu-hfcLs Grajjs and Clover Seed. — — — Bushels. — 1 Tons. BoJB'eaux Boi^aux Fhrea. Buisseaux de Sarrusiu . Boisseaux de Mais. Acres. Bois.seaux. Boisseaux' de ! Navets. Boisaeau>; d'autres Kaoints. Acres 1 ronneaux. Graims de Mil . et de Trl-He. 59 2,308 2 129 22,1.30 2,076 724 3,201 3,201 31 82 1,507 1 80 1,277 1,552 280 1,484 1,698 26 17 4o 9S1 1,317 54 103 7,015 13,364 790 1,815 239 514 1,160 1,764 1,204 1,860 13 28 5 6o6 8,858 00 1,307 130,79;; 21,494 7,1 SO ir s:;9 19 924 159 149 120 7,900 34 20 ou; 96,.581 9,105 2,1:51 8,556 i 11,547 lull 12,308 434 71,330 7,183 760 4,126 1 4 79;! 22( llil 7.539 19 471 50,070 5,907 5S1 5,720 7,251 47) 111 4,143 21 3:^7 40,819 2,904 395 4.183 4,5.52 31.» 71) 2,018 16 123 21,195 2,.502 143 1,574 l,7;i5 80 17 2 1,947 133 43 1,470 4 230 33,819 1,517 96 1,775 1,986 141 8 4,(113 299 33,819 367 26 2,618 2,111 147 3 24 1,101 4,910 09 3-'2 8.347 45,226 207 8,009 54 1,128 3,3.59 627 3,7(-9 17 34 o 45 2.182 32 270 38,925 2,175 928 2,i:h2 2,854 16 129 4,708 07 488 76,845 5,539 4,963 4,547 6,093 71 12 1.159 2 184 25 708 880 8:iS 1,.512 2,337 19 G9 2,393 68 ISO 35.3S6 5.183 3,814 3,9(19 4,6i;o 14 139 4,410 20 333 331 55,236 568,238 4,025 1,089 15.724 6,846 7,062 70 931 43,995 4,031 42,367 40,965 1,8.50 48,5S'4 842 i>'J. ;'',o.iu 4 lii. 24,547 904 85 l,7ol 124 G 1,5:'.7 lliO 16.650 283 20 l,0.iS 9:57 58 2t; 594 4; 180 26.527 1.267 15 1 .547 l,7i.'l 74 43 C.31 14 201.' 33.9.54 2,125 1 -M 1,9S:' 39 754 11 248 23.;{u7 6,033 15(1 1 - 1 54 '58 115 14,413 8.285 476 7'8 J,lu. J 22 1 507 •1 174 2.\228 2,560 70 1,499 1.327 31 29 11 2,109 800 1.751 218 154 201. •>5,4;;s 20,3!0 22.()72 711 2 2li>* ""'596 54 T24 21 1 ■' 1 :: ],7..0 1,0(.:4 3 8 47 1,357 1,114 i:;ii 2i:; 12.3;;4 18.S42 181 9.-.S ■ > 96 9ii2 l.-"68 928 1.7C.- 1 114 34 1,854 13 214 19.262 3,384 GM 1,9 12 2,147 111 11 197 5 84 6,1.56 1,510 121 .^41 1 , '';!'. 1<( 14 MO 5 ! IS'.) 1 12,916 2,924 142 1.S_'3 l.(.9.i 1 ■■"'.'. 4 1!0 { ]«.3 1 13,314 2,S87 21 '.'.. • " 4 17 1.371 2,1G2 i 19: ! 215 11.360 1 415 , 18,014 » 901 37 1 ' ■ |.4-'.j lo i loo 1 ' '.':1-^J 1 179 14,105 1 ll'O 1 ^SSSSSSi: 200 CENSUS OF 1871. 1 _ — . • ■ Table XA:HI. Field Products. PROVINCE OF KOVA SCOTIA. a: O Q SUB-DlSTKICTS. SOUS-DISTBICTS. Acres. Wheat. Bushels. — ' Spring Wheat. Blt^de printempd -By. Soisseaux Winter Wheat. d'hiver. Bushels of Barley. Boisseaux d' Orge. Bushels of Oats. Boisseaux d' Avoine. Bushels of Rye. Boissea'x de Seigle. Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux • de Pois. t. Merrigoiuish v.. Barnej'^'s Kiver .... r. Gulf Shore Total 623 260 555 6,030 2,532 5,310 2,438 1,125 2,157 28.758 18,404 14,543 4 15 8 378 68 94 6,589 76,316 464 601 2,765 6,516 4.4.50 3,021 2,500 1,48;! 597 110 32,949 469,808 42 3,833 ! 1 IB 'a. Upper South Kiver. b. T .ochuher c Anti*">"ouish' .... 40 47 314 643 396 235 209 96 63 25 1,254 759 2,673 1,792 2.064 1,599 2,205 2,050 1,573 25.737 37,166 51,075 18,743 13,540 14,385 33,629 19.197 10,470 10 39 127 35 9 9 195 195 173 6 18 d. Arisaiff e. Cape George /. .\iorristowii < \(/.\St. Andrew'.? i h. 'I'racadie ) 2 i. Harbor Bouche i\ I Total 2,043 22,397 25 15,969 223,942 24 792 10 1 i 9 1 «■ o '«. Guysb:iruugh,F.L>i8t b. Crow Harbor 10 18] 125 23 4,893 493 157 6,306 10 325 1,387 121 3,310 15,961 612 8,066 8,301 c. Cape Canso d. Molasses Harbor e Isaac's Harbor 2 25 88 1 2 i' 8 2 /. \\'iiie Harbor 16 153 224' 1,063 g. Sherbrodke h. Marie Joseph ) i. Caledonia 1 36' 39 37 344 15 10 385 j. Forks of St. IV[ary . . k. Stormont 22 6 94 21 • • • /. Salmon River . . . m.Guysburo' Intervale. n. Manchester 8 12 97 146 1,049 315 0. Melford Total 37 1,525 7 395 i 102 845 3,093 51,467 1 174 ; DO e it t i «• 1 1 a. Plaister Cove b. Kiver Inhabitants c. North M ountain . . . rf. Kiver Dennis e. J udiiiue /. Port Hood 25 14 17 9 72 43 223 "1 102 45 51 25(i 14 4 17 15 290 139 24rt 95 903 44(; 2,360 15 957 506 987 2,990 153 42 119 196 11 1,(J98 388 892 655 4,432 2,315 3,500 641 2,411 1,244 654 ()47 791 663 611 1,466 11,912 13,022 10,. 596 15,109 34,284 14,491 51.845 6,545 21.444 13,909 8,0.56 5,84«i l»i,169 10,995 10,539 31,568 6 1 3 17 33 Yi 20 i (1. Mabou 9 h. West J>ake Ainslie i. Broad Cov e 1 ntervale ] j. Broad (Jove District . k. jNIaigaree /. ( 'heiiciinjp m. N. E . Margaree n. Y'ng Bridge orForkn 0. Eaat Lake Ainslie . . p Whycocomagh (^ Total 76 2 3 io' 2i 129 27 16 5 9 908 10,446 1 177 22,408 276,3.30 11 276 I ! 1 a. Washabiicht 19 13 224 34 161 1,311 (i09 927 13,558 11,381 14,703 2 5 24 1 t. l^ittle Narrows c. MiddluEiver ■iH"»WUlJ|W^P!! ■vfv^ieQMRma D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 201 PROVINCE DE r^A NOUVELIjE-ECOSSE. of Beans. Boisseaux de Fhves. 2:5 Hi 2G 517 :'A'i 17 129 12 l'.» 42 127 81 102 505 29 12 liushela (.f Buck- wheat. Boisseaux de Sarrasin. 2 47 C 101 .H 71 10 302 i 5 12 1 Hi IC. 2G 19 2 1 31 144 704 1,754 310 27,4.52 2,725 3,.S.".'.t 3,192 77n 197 72S 1,019 712 33 13,848 BubIu'Ih of Corn. Boisseaii.x de Mais. Potatoes. — Patates. 10 4 144 2! i 15 85 48 GO 222 3 845 15 1,155 06 455 035 5,089 322 1,10s 1,2:^9 31 11,010 (11 ; 29 50 187 415 179 .3, 2; 13 205 G73 93 107 50 206 713 13 .. 5 1 1 29 0,266 1 "3' 90 5 15 1 26 iS3 18 Acres. 284 207 190 4,1U 438 .511 393 285 254 417 315 198 3,147 50 26 193 34 34 59 44 .51 251 61 309 202 12 144 1,7.-5G 329 2.-;4 186 237 402 210 G90 Sfi 328 207 .319 531 382 256 180 510 Buoliels. Boisseau.K, 21,022 18.527 15.506 415,524 Bu-^hels of Turuips. Boisseaux de Navets. 240,545 20.0>7 5,096 1,325 11,820 1,970 3,275 5,864 4,248 4 435 27,009 4,151 24 81(4 18,226 1,163 12,850 10,0/ -1 17,616 15,810 12.600 11.892 21,475 13,3 k) 48,4';8 4,300 22 822 i4!47S 3;),n;;o 44,-151 33,303 T9,838 11,993 34,834 ■>,087 360,710 .34 :< 197 216 '.t..-i 1J,024 22,067 2,149 1,263 1,627 43,291 23,193 263 29,839 63() 51163 5,076 28 325 186 21,9.36 288 19.917 565 28,.s05 389 21,885 1,148 15.482 515 Bushel*) of other lioots. Hay Crop. — Foin. Bois'eauxj Acres, d'autres , Kaciaes. i 9,096 1,078 543 7 211 8 202 826 355 85 787 1.53 639 737 115 054 6.300 217 63 199 75 729 927 2,508 49 302 26 854 355 1,658 491 lf9 507 9.069 427 M 75 Tons. Tonneaux 08 58 15 2.1,88 1,471 1,134 2,472 9 S61 2 37 6 30 218 31 roi 328 49 21 9 18 127 338 49 74 7 126 6 8 108 32,481 2,468 3,035 5,."86 2,:-55 1.818 1.849 4,243 3.020 2,4)0 26 814 1,268 i.-.o 18 11 ;-i.5 10 12 420 13 "2 21 24 2 & 811 6 16 1.754 306 200 800 199 2:;8 416 252 663 2,437 428 2.112 2 i3:- 1.0.52 13.161 1 i'lO 1,7.51 924 1.402 3,000 1,430 4,498 552 1,640 1,2:!4 1,-525 1,6.36 2,854 1,487 745 2,678 29.266 Busluls O rji'- A und Clover Seed. I'ois'euui • Graines I deMil I et de 9S» 730 1645 1,904 1,355 1.4.58 32,334 2,98:i 3.367 6.147 2,668 2.124 2 228 4,471 2.928 1,905 Trl-tit I 28,880 I- 1,820 354 251 894 211 655 486 817 3,039 358 1,846 1,587 308 852 13,854 1.676 1S80 719 1,617 2.!'r.' li:i91 5,247 454 1,6.S9 1,143 i,8;'6 2 iiJ.-. 2.5 J 1 l.r>:<7 614 2,145 29.491 117 88 140 -I 2,0(;8 50 33 45 124 42 37 115 12 18 ! 476 3 I 28 3 50 99 782 6ii4 1,915 7 6 4 19 106 1.3 208 35 77 51 5 "48 25 "8 41 I c • ■>< 18 18 tm CENSUS OF 1871. f Table XXIII.— Field Products. w « H M IS o e « n o CD O « PROVINCE OP NOVA SCOTIA. Sob-Districts. SOCS-DISTRICTS. Acres. d. Baddeck e. Koularderie /. King's Cove (/. Englishtown I ■ h. Monro's P't, St. An'.- i. Plaster ;". Inj?onish k. Cape North I. Bay of St. Lawrence Total .30 21 3 5 o3 Howley's Ferry . . . Sidney Mines Ball's Bridge Beaver Cove ('hristmas Island . . East Bay Sydney Lingan Mines .. . Cow Bay Mira Buy Mainadieu Louisbourg (Jabarus Big Pond , L Total s -« ' a. Framboise 6. Lochloinond C. Red Islands d. Grand River e. L'Ardoise /. St. Peter'a ff. Black River It. River Inhabitants i. River Bourgeois .. /. D'Escousse ^•, Petit de Grat .... /. Arichat ra. Little Arichat T.^tal 132 23 10 (32 23 5(J 3S 25 3 2 1 1 44 290 Wheat-Bid. Bushels. — Boisseaux Spring Wheat. BU de printemps Winter VVheat. Bl(^ d'hiver. 352 194 35 91 397 17 29 1,534 291 199 881 211 ()02 379 309 67 44 7 31 'i2' 43 Bushels of Barley. Boisseaux d' Orge. 1,107 9-JO Itld 563 l,3(i8 444 212 829 389 8,935 22 9 327 18 3,326 22 1,130 781 1.914 1,057 2,4G8 2,217 716 691 402 1(;.2 204 174 230 1,068 167 16 646 19 848 • ■I 25 13,274 51 174 853 43 9 172 583 36 34 13 1,968 Bushels f>f Oats. Boisseaux d' Avoine. 16,026 21,015 2,893 3,380 15,622 4.014 567 3,032 1,516 107,707 15,742 7,949 18.157 7,833 18,018 21,635 17,580 11,130 4.390 6,117 3,827 5,539 5,972 6.551 150,440 2,294 8,470 4,524 .5,196 1,144 2.085 7,170 946 1,.57S 779 767 351 300 30,604 Bushels of Rye. Bois'eaux de Seigle. Bushels of Peas. Boisseaux de Pois. 22 3 2 58 3 3 25 6 13 42 4 99 23 ■ 2 12' 46 GRAND TOTALS. Grand totals of Ontario ) (irands totaux d'Oat.irio j" Grand totals of liuebi'C ^1 i Grands totaux de (Quebec f ! Grand total.-? of Nev/ Brunswick \ ; Grands totau^• I bi >f. -Brunswick ( ' Grand totals of ^f'1va Scotia. . . ( Grands totaux de la N.-Ecosfie. J Grind T<>U!sof the i Province.^, G-i-ciuJif Totaux ck'8 1,36.5,872 242,726 18,884 19,299 7,891,9S£! 2,035,921 203,592 224,410 6,341,400 22,155 1,319 3,087 9,401,233 1,668,208 70,547 296,050 (1 --: Sri SoSS! 1 ^•'^^''^^ il0>333,9l2 |(i.367,9ai U,49.i.0]8 22,13S,95S 15,116,262 3,044,134 2,103,009 42.4:s9 r.3 54,7603 458,970 23,792 31987 7,653,-545 2,205,585 26,850 19,7W I 0ai,358 9,905,720 MMamraiemnB Dl&NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 203 Tableau XXIII— P roduits des Champs. PROVINCE DE liA N0UVELLE-EC08SE. Bushels of Beans. Boisseaux de F^vea. Bushels of Buck- wheat. Boisseaux de Sarrasin. Bushels of Com, Boisseaux de Mais. Potatoes. - Acres. -Patatcs. Bushels. Boisseaux. Bushels of Turnips. Boisseaux de Navets. Bushels of other Roots. Boisseaux d'antres Racines. Hay Crop Acres. . — Foin. Tons. Tonneaux. Bushels Grass and Clover Seed. 3fjiss'aux Graines de Mil et de Trefle. 7 104 10 2 262 290 51 87 346 123 117 113 53 23,222 21,346 5,765 7,786 27,677 8,661 8,703 11,059 3 966 226 329 8" 44 1 127 43 33 78 8 i' 10 i' 1,681 458 144 309 824 457 409 513 271 2,002 648 150 219 1,034 270 340 648 205 30 28 14 3 1 1 204 1 19 21 1 is' 25 2 2,198 174,563 1,347 172 8,425 8,9:i7 143 G 3 27 55 15 34 1 17 22 05 2 49 220 254 389 23(i 417 596 403 251 172 220 188 305 405 192 25,560 30,356 43,922 20,037 34,506 46,126 41,339 26,896 18,119 19,104 14,651 24,214 31,934 12,115 1,353 3,399 1,907 12o 325 154 2,302 1,660 502 115 399 128 212 69 16 (M 128 25 412 9 11 22 92 11 6 703 085 1,945 648 1,247 2,018 1,973 727 365 534 789 1,001 1,395 643 904 9S2 2,026 311 948 1,652 1,938 995 397 531 704 613 999 350 22 'io' 16 63 118 16 2 2 5 7 1 20 28? 2 30 3 20 3 i' 3 49 210 145 4,248 388,879 12,651 796 14,673 13,350 85 100 140 122 247 150 174 87 114 99 51 12 21 6,828 5,304 8,904 9,609 15,749 9,240 9,726 4,811 6,365 10,095 5,744 763 1,805 49 26 132 53 334 49 200 27 99 844 55 31 436 " ioe' 112 646 369 435 750 1,018 926 983 831 359 667 389 265 362 245 234 333 434 955 616 768 588 605 644 513 400 39() 7' 1 6 20 34 o 36' 3' 13 5 io' 1 75 67' 2 1 25 16 189 20 13 5 38 186 12-: 103 33 1,402 94,943 2,335 672 8,000 6,731 (. rllANDS 'i'OTAUX. 107,925 79,050 18,206 15.4C>:? 585,158 1,676.078 1,231,091 234,157 3,148,467 603.356 27,658 23,349 174,640 128,185 47,689 52,588 17,138,534 18,068,323 6,562,355 5,560,975 22,455,543 812,073 603 J2i 468,139 2,706,903 507.160 98,358 150,839 3,553,260 1,690,508 1,211,953 334,997 412,961 1,804,476 1,225,640 344,793 443.732 189,716 142,535 8,233 8,121 220,644 3,726,484 3,802,830 403,102 47,330,187 l:4,339,476 3,650,419 3,818,641 348,605 TABLE XXIV. VARIOUS PEODUCTS AND FURS. TABLEAU XXIV. PRODUITS DIVERS ET FOTJRRURES. ^06 CENSUS OF 187i. MMW3BaMMftaM| Table XXIV. — Various Products and Furs. PROVINCE OF ONTAIIIO. DISTIIICTS. Pounds of Butter. Lii-Tes de Beurre. 1. Essex 2. Kent 3. Bothwell .... 4. Lambton .... 5. Elgin, W.—O.. C. Elgin, E 7. Middlesex, W-0 8. Middlesex. N . . 9. Middlesex, E .. 10. London H. Norfolk, S 12. Norfolk, iV'.. .. 13. Oxford, if 14. Oxford, N... .. 15. Brant, S. or W. IG. Brant, N. or E. 17. Haldimand .... 18 . Monck 19. Welland... . 20. Niagara 21 . Lincoln 22. Wentworth, S 23. Wentworth, N 24. Hamilton 25. Huron, S 20. Huron, N 27. Bruce, S 28. Bruce, N 29. Perth, ,S' 635,021 017,910 549,187 ,737,684 371,946 565,586 574,061 530,027 820,883 16,381 367,968 381,951 286,210 446,255 356,543 298,856 565,118 471,387 389,490 62,162 289,311 445,741 385,060 2,933 609,383 900.449 698,265 367,018 475,094 Pounds Bushels of of Home- Flax made Seed. Cheese. Livres de Boiss'x From age de domeb- Graines ti(iue. le 1 in. 37,501 45 20,765 71 42,761 46 27,819 16,174 25,672 27,984 87,225 200,828 37,939 40,142 468,127 264,700 15,581 23,312 23,752 13,129 25,939 79 30,095 27,175 38,027 200 75,111 42,085 26,158 18,982 72,549 Pounds Yards of of Dressed Home- Fla.x. made Linen. Verges Livres de .le Toile Filasse. de Lin. 925 589 Yards of Home- made Oloth. Verges de Drap de fabricpie domes- tique. Fruits 327 55 932 42 288 285 65 65 48 4,291 34 11 239 28 88 7 65 32 23 115 52 7,528 38,580 80,411 15 27,017 67,670 31 51 323 107,851 1,135 113 145 174 424 2 26 247 331 555 1,516 536 311 291 133 1,601 1,362 2,332 15,727 126 117,601 35 311 140 396 10 48 800 198 1,025 203 02 43 630 126 263 29 484 35,457 36,546 42,237 53,533 29,538 34,126 34,094 35,358 39,787 143 29,652 30,889 26,202 38,810 18,240 12,754 47,626 38,300 22,493 1,930 14,229 26,550 18,547 25 7,370 7,780 14,277 7,773 21,758 Bushels Pounds Bushels of of of Apples. Grapes. (ther Fruits. Boiss- Bois'eaux Livres ennx. de de d'a litres Pomiaes. llaisin . Frnitr. 135,179 130,772 140,846 87,604 90,439 240,252 118,641 78,829 219,968 5,421 121,485 116,647 211,039 154,340 110,346 107,286 84,660 112,372 138,117 45,. 321 133,802 137,655 169,811 5,820 84,640 24,814 4,710 2,728 49,048 217,862 54,679 12,209 9,907 3,029 9,306 3,523 2,225 4,491 2,854 11,402 6,602 11,402 8,406 20,926 7,085 11,490 18,152 02,494 43,170 134,770 46,108 16,479 28,339 6,332 2,018 409 955 2,634 7,69x 8,412 4,497 4,022 2,034 5,937 2 207 3,226 4,331 650 3,700 3.007 5,981 4,145 3,501 2,900 2,497 2,086 4,373 2,844 8,215 4,235 4.348 1,973 5,843 3,658 1,111 621 4,0J3 D^NOMBREMENT DE 187i. JOi 208 CENSUS OF 187 1. T^^JBLE XXIV.— Various Products and Furs. PROVIiVCE OP ONTARIO. Pounds of Butter. DISTRICTS. f Livres de Beurre. fl 30. Perth, .Y. 1, 3i. Waterloo, 5 ! J ■ 32. Waterloo, iV. .A 33. Wellington, .S'..^ ;, oi. Wellington, O A \l \ i\ 35. Wellington, iV.J 1 36. Grey, 5. I I 37. Grey, iV 3.?. Halton 39. Peel 40. C?arJv-ell .... 41. Simcoe, S 42. 'Simcoe, If... . 43. York, 2\ ** Tot. of Toronto ** Tot. de'l'oronto ""' — II ■ - • 663,974 407,407 448,025 240,433 635,059 560,876 665,589 698,680 595,453 497,113 463,209 621,887 599,785 565,642 396,437 466,365 4,378 1,794 433,222 651,024 450,404 .386,942 490,012 249,297 357,545 .594,895 250,668 Pounds of Home- made Cheese. Livres de Fromage domes- tique. 36,093 57,973 31,457 31,675 30,638 22,263 30,001 44,293 'ID, 376 15,701 8,108 18,253 29,557 31,101 17,862 31,642 46,472 25,117 24,063 12,700 21,142 7,G81 31,377 60,866 69.5.58 Bushsls of Flax Seed. Boisse'x de Graines de Lin. 2,655 1,038 2,093 100 268 259 157 205 155 148 02 90 104 197 145 101 249 120 64 49 85 26 42 43 33 Pounds of Dressed Flax. Livres de Filasse. Yards of Home- made Linen. Verges de Toile de Lin. Yai'ds of ! Home- made Cloth. Verges de Drap de fabrique domes- tiquo. Fruits. Bushels of Apples- Bois'eaux de Pommes. 292,894 23.519 74,881 26,074 196,274 5,SS2 18 324 1 2,833 127 69 165 1,108 3,237 6 30 7 3,743 8,129 503 330 6,415 602 1,816 1,017 9 140 151 146 22 57 51 28 62 107 104 93 25 452 141 40 41 1 424 89 18,351 24,;/22 9,515 260 ! 3,977 32,095 4,221 90 9,910 18,r.35 53,077 71,041 8,356 45,116 11,314 16,304 70 18,504 63,179 32,787 30,085 42,011 31,U9 23,735 59,701 9.602 28,600 135,502 87,757 45,167 42,514 3,259 1,337 16,039 169,856 138,960 50,788 63,043 16,730 98,588 112.133 139,973 2,706 699 130,537 51,277 87,-368 53,.'?50 19,413 1,452 77,053 109,892 17,2.''>2 70 3,405 Pounds of Grapes. Bushel* of other Fruits. Livres de Raisin . Bois- seaux d'autres Fruits. 1,136 3,093 16,174 3,372 7,484 3,238 2,167 1,088 618 4,566 1,069 1,650 38 462 1,6.34 2,723 26,323 25,045 78,514 3,505 870 2,897 2,991 4,166 600 3,273 11,247 7,026 4,701 3,136 14,601 4,448 8,502 172 1,420 37 6,934 4,055 2,797 5,307 2,137 1,717 2,545 2,040 483 2,437 89 592 3,920 2,112 4,004 2,165 2,822 1,728 9,922 209 •'■'• . - fv. ...■■>■>,....... ■ .,.,..., LEKOMBKKMEKT BE 1871. SOb ■- - Tableal' XXV. — Produits Divers et Fourrurea. PROVINCE D'ONTARIO. Pounds of Maple Sugar. Livres de Sucre d'Erable. Pounds of Tobacco. Ijivres de Tab^c. 1 Pounds of Hops. Livres de Houblon Furs . — Foumires . Bea- vers. Cas- tors. Bears. Ours. Otters Lou- tres. Mar- tins. Mar- tres. Vlinks. Visons. Foxes. Re- narda. Moose, Caribjo, Deer. Orign'x, Carib's, Che- vreuils. Seals. Loups- Marins . Musk Rats. *Rats Masques Other Skins. Autres Peaux 1 113,664 ' 65,882 160,447 8,205 35,717 102,485 210,986 200,776 7,098 385 21,007 46,353 146,918 86,332 4,450 22,740 47 211 151 61 7 10 984 53 5,638 13 210 13 521 70 03 3,195 1.473 21,948 607 13,660 12,385 388 4-12 941 117,071 7,165 670 629 956 16,052 354 907 9 2 21 4 10 6 2 3 13 33 191 6 5 1 1 3 1 3 15 2 5 15 4 1 2 6 8 3 1 1 5 1 35 5 21 3 8 23 14 2 J 1 6 81 8 1 457 01 88 93 230 329 410 369 121 22 158 99 694 274 18 60 1 101 69 38 33 105 66 74 234 57 29 59 129 200 157 34 61 164 2 1 12 52 117 86 107 062 825 416 214 266 235 711 495 423 446 147 450 4,014 4,092 165 674 50 388 1 178 287 56 171 338 222 406 241 250 '. 100 ; 94 400 287 1 16 428 I 15 31 186 317 135 4 4 ■■ ■»■ 12,164 67,867 31,210 16,108 40,869 34,232 13,899 140,328 12,891 3 81 15 23 48 3,042 1,590 14,24'; 1,817 50,43;5 85t; 12,917 158,597 6,439 8 100 20 1 9 103 3 25 48 1 10 3 13 1 2 1 2 1 19 I 4 3 8 31 5 6 9 1 6 26 ...... 5 73 11 79 500 51 55 193 433 163 100 168 63 95 48 39 79 33 72 1 O 29 29 558 34 23 40 625 130 39 84 • • • • a • 2,095 6,124 307 653 5,198 2,416 2,682 1,549 4,730 90 298 50 121 82 107 : i;;-_' 75 54 131 1,520 273 1 50 i C— u 'Ao CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXIV. — Various Products and Furs. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. 57. Teterboro', ^. . . 58. Peterboro', ^^.. 59. Prince Edward. 60. Hastings, TF.-O. 61. Hastings, E.. .. 62. Hastings, 2V.... 63. Lennox 64. Addingti >n 65. Frontenac 66. Kingston 67. Leeds, S 68. Brockville 69. GrenviUe, ,S'. . . . 70. L'ds,Grenv'le,iV 71. Dundas 72. Stormont 73. Cornwall 74. Glengarry 75. Prescott 76. Russell 77. Ottawa,''C7.— F. 78. Carleton 79. Lanark, ,S' 80. Lanark, N 81. Renfrew, S. . . . . 82. Renfrew, N.... S.3. Nipissing, S, ... 84. Nipissing, iV. . . 85. Muskoka Pounds of Batter. Li\Te3 de Beurre. 414,816 7(3,831 631,893 147,466 440,127 .540,080 471,944 696,686 447,221 4,832 677,124 273,090 484,885 642,155 909,788 475,237 204,020 675,433 485,563 540,164 3,258 700,297 030,292 479,404 340,.301 351,999 15,340 6,228 70,534 Pounds of Home- made Cheese. Livres de Fromage domes- tique. 21,711 GOO 112,441 38,062 33,737 38,272 33,508 14,694 74,571 81,057 12,548 28,530 29,497 18,049 18,479 13,912 138,138 49,005 16,397 37,392 13,467 13,747 lo,.338 4,050 10 566 Bushels of Flax Seed. Boisse'x de Graines de Lin. 10 26 11 26 11 14 14 29 20 2 22 10 284 64 5 28 64 97 13 00 12 1 62 Pounds of Dressed Flax. Livres de Filafsse. 5,525 30 234 230 145 52 200 1,052 800 85 60 32,506 1,480 03 701 3,515 424 115 22 45 932 02 16 Yards of Home- made Linen. Verges de Toile de Lin. C5 137 15 459 Yards ofl Home- made Cloth. Verges (le Drap de fabrique domes- tique. 65 118 68 721 12 129 200 5,057 1,178 52 205 645 298 16 30 1.362 30 16,810 5,320 52,141 3,390 60,017 30 8,352 9,731 25,821 Bushels of .\ppleB. Bois'eaux de Pommes. Fruits. Pounds of Grapes. Livres de_ Raisin. Bushels of other Fruits. Bois- seaux d'autres Fruits. 19,186 748 308 200 09,263 11,657 223 930 5,081 384 7,897 62,033 11,890 1,108 53,271 1,7 LO 95 2,128 205,588 63,018 62,115 20,171 83,080 28,344 32,908 980 49,389 16,595 20,335 14,789 23,152 10,214 7,700 7,087 5,060 2,531 4,713 10,118 9,386 1,381 475 2,125 13,487 5,768 8,947 655 4,143 1,459 1,309 709 3,224 2,925 1,661 7,804 2,225 1,282 300 745 472 1,023 40 476 812 654 335 65 DfiNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 211 Tableau XXIV. — Produits Divers et Fourrures. PROVINCE D'ONTARIO. Pounds of Maple Tiivrt's de Sucre d'Eniblc. Pounds of Tobacco. LivTfB de Tabac. 59,453 16,953 22.3,732 36,194 94,893 207,820 69,257 188,935 18,824 Pounds of Hops. Livres de Houblou. .300,517 86,075 45,119 132,024 71,259 102,692 74,380 135,615 46,037 13,720 8,270 61,016 60,909 7,380 253 833 4,454 15,780 98 3 5,790 74 304 109 108 348 217 121 18 3 147 502 159 908 8,890 5.128 15 OG 50 2 70 474 31 30,53o 282 148,997 7,672 32,719 7,906 14,086 2,271 1,121 t 13,450 4,808 94,639 19,908 6,824 772 231 14,593 7,691 Furs. — Fourrures. Bea- vera. Cas- tors. 179 170 168 211 245 19 10 177 54 63 2 1 52 131 89 12 Bears. Ours. 13 2 14 20 13 12 1 14 21 28 16 5 76 227 544 2,220 201 Otters IjOU- tres. 7 7 1 2 1 38 4 7 21 17 6 10 31 C— U.} 15 15 6 38 59 18 65 11 16 17 Mar- tins. Mar- tres. Minkfl . Visona. Foxes. Re- nards. 77 1 51 7 8 11 13 38 30 70 159 17 7 79 8 59 15 1 2 1 3 1 4 16 50 8 1 9 292 242 63 22 47 518 64 793 36 340 41 29 149 525 96 135 79 234 188 52 193 172 270 7 241 224 173 272 219 800 1,118 290 Moose, Cariboo, Deer. Orign'x, Carib's, Che- \Teuils. 34 15 117 30 21 70 87 112 53 Seals. Loups- Marius, Musk Rats. Rats Musfpu'S Other .Skins. Autres } Peaux. 203 320 7 26 19 656 15 733 26 168 69 51 50 53 61 41 72 43 52 29 22 111 93 33 74 136 273 32 129 39 161 25 130 50 416 42 769 12 521 18 782 18 122 3.4.52 649 9,559 667 2,476 3.332 7,730 7,788 5,763 14,209 325 1,503 2,391 1,754 1,291 3,685 1,359 834 1,293 8 1,731 8,716 1,770 1,863 2,406 1,077 7:367 1,867 61 1 i! 52 Ij 142 1 1 09 \ 71 283 , I t 159 : 430 16 253 1 €0 136 114 216 121 81 333 113 110 146 92 92 54 74 314 66 iiii dilK-StrS 0^ 1871. —IK iii-imsuiimtmi»i*tMdiaaim^mtamsimirt^esm\imimiit Table XXIV.— Various Products and Furs. PROVINCE OP QUEBEC. DISTRICTS. J Pounds of Butter. Livres de Beurre. Pounds of Home- made Cheese. Livres de Fromage doines- tique. Bushels of Flax Seed. Boisse'x de Graines de Liu. Poimds of Dressed Flax. Livres de Filasse. Tards of Home- made Linen . Verges de Toile de Lin. Yards oj Home made Cloth. Verges de Dr.ipdr fabiiciuc doiiies- tiijue. Bushels of Apples. Bois'eaux de Pommes . Fruits. Pounds of Grapes. Livres de Raisin. Bushels of other Fruits. Bois- seaux d'autres J'ruits. 86. 87. SS. 89. ! 90. P:uTy Sound.. 7,208 4 450 40 50 2 9i> 30 5 Algonia; E Algoma, Centre Algoma,TF.-0 310 21,580 2,880 37C23G43 179 6 3 29,542 1,165,117 J G. Tot— Ontario. ) J G. Tot. —Ontario. ) 3,432,797 25,502 1,775,320 5,486,504 1,028,431 242,878 (Province of Quebec.) [Province de Quibec.) • • 01. Pontiac, S 381,752 2,930 8 54 108 57,292 341 135 1,373 i Q2 10,453 419,601 67 6 i '^"• Ottawa, W.—O 2,795 5 200 261 53,011 1,620 3,638 896 1 94. Ottaoua, Centre 79,601 1,042 2 100 201 14,585 118 52 179 '•>. Ottaoua, E.... 178,316 3,091 129 2,747 3,045 25,526 478 756 334 'J'j, Argenteuil .... 509,066 22,575 86 1,058 1,830a 41,922 2,803 114 704 \\ 97. D'x Montagnes 568,649 4,880 2,357 33,358 29,790 53,171 11,932 7,732 5,050 Laval 256,084 2,494 1,354 12,139 15,189 25,478 6,431 10,400 2,853 L 'J, Terrebonne .... 557,783 2,125 2,097 30,881 35,370 59,556 1,127 534 2,519 100. L'Assomption. 567,478 2,434 2,491 27,750 35,915 52,711 807 7,079 2,485 101. Montcalm .... 448,914 1,461 1,973 16,110 37,933 45,747 128 477 1,520 . -'. .Juliette 427,631 1,217 2,976 29,762 52,029 79,525 412 795 2,655 • }, Berthier 419,419 5,252 4,299 46,295 59,179 81,037 552 1,8.36 4,393 \ * "VToTitrpnl C 1,727 6,001 10,787 * Montreal, E. * Montreal, W. 17 75 1,082 70 789 27 692 6,212 755 30,003 190 394 iij7. Hochelaga 208,722 7,081 314 1,100 1,048 10,343 43,418 8,721 5,071 103. Jacques-Carti'r 212,255 150 245 1,883 2,742 17,210 16,978 8,057 4,340 109. Vaudreuil 301,130 10,272 146 2,110 2,809 34,090 8,162 1,653 1,149 ***Tot. -Montreal ) ♦**T<^t.-Montr($al \ 18,515 17 75 1,152 816 6,904 10,758 584 Pol d St 156; 31 2 111; I '% IS Di^NOMBREME^'l DE 1871. •13 Tableau XXI V.— Produits Divers et Fourrures. province: de q,uebec. T Pounda of Maple Sugar. Livres de Sucre (fl'Erable 12,866 156,160 24,625 31,018 2.348 Pounds of Tobticco. Livres de Tabac. ^6,247,442 Pounds of Hops. Livres do. Houblon, 10 Furs — Fournues. Bea- vers. tors. Bears Ours, 113 30 .399,870 1,188,940 SI 2,420 1,032 5,550 1.778 19,229 20,246 241,194 44,442 111,466 117,651 320,183 389,756.. 158,622 436 735 1,255 8,172 2,19S 44,211 24.657 38,395 40,838 21,486 39,.311 78,064 495 11 27 14 2,322 28 225 2,942 j 173 Otters Lou- tres. 53 17 198 21 1,020 M;>.r- titld. Mar- trt'S. 10,575 850 12,265 25.102 63,661 341 284 6 259 107 99 129 326 39 394 517 307 81 25(J 192 5,424 11,767 370 736 108 367 1 147 24 93 321 2.37 32 171 149 14 31 12 4 10 2 2 16 ^5 2,083 20,594 19,004 30,143 341 C— U* 3 80 298 21,093 210 83 24 32 312 589 .44 104 13 23 6 19 15 52 44 1.J2 ir; 677 19 2,ni Minks . Visons. 4,521 34 1,545 2,051 166 252 75 61 3 75 49 152 81 776 167 1,708 145 4.413 Foxes. Re- nards. 22 2 22 Moose, Cariboo, Deer. Ori},'n 'x, Carib's, Che- vreuils. 24,488 237 5,775 24 255 1,345 2,719 383 844 370 295 46 504 38 209 307 168 12 22 125 70 18 158 26 59 29 66 24 57 30 4 43 22 656 97 115 7 23 11,349 Seals. Loups- Marins Musk llats. Rats .Musques 4,016 445 6,760 710 Other Skins. Autres Peaux. 54 17 362 89 23,296 2,724 110 1,000 1,0.53 89 218 22 81 13 3 4 11 1 3 24 13 1 1 bO .5 263,931 22,310 1,708 21.416 16,789 2,022 3,681 1,023 4,925 1,579 3,731 2,981 2,143 4,314 6,966 080 466 1,081 148 624 234 53 231 142 146 70 293 87 232 1,131 72 .47 13 82 214 CENf^US ©F 1 57 1. 1 Table XXIV. Various . Products and Furs. PROVINCE OF QUEBKC. DISTRICTS. Pounds of Butter. Livres de B em-re. Pounds of Home- made Cheese. Livres de IVomage domes- tique. Bushels of Flax Seed. Boisse'x de Graines de Lin. Pounds of Dressed Flax. Livre.'i de Filas&e. Yards of Home- made liinen. Verges de Toile de Lin. Yards of Home- made Cloth. Verges de Drap de fabrique domes- tique. Bushels of Apples. Bois'eaux de Pommes Fruits. Pounds of Grapes. Livres de Raisin. Bushels of other Fruits. Bois- seaux d'autres Fruits, 110. Soulanges. .. 210,182 11,228 308 4,023 4,195 30,922 4,500 830 945 111. Beauharuois . . 295,367 5,609 998 9,634 9,047 45,904 12,702 1,793 1,240 112. Chateauguay... 478,505 38,263 910 21,438 8,007 50,863 23,951 2,138 2,167 113. Huntingdon, E 454,653 13,906 28 339 508 24,360 32,741 587 347 114. Hunti'gdon, W 326,552 35,623 102 3,619 774 20,835 8,129 75 608 115. Laprairie 320,844 843 915 55,325 7,624 35,077 12,936 1,441 1,455 116. Xapierville . . . 279,565 652 1,627 25,100 12,258 38,768 12,190 629 1,703 117. St. Jean 284,627 3,7G5 1,011 14,299 4,655 27,509 26,li4 795 1,857 118. Chambly 224,726 12,.W9 §66 4,812 5,870 20,2C2 2,978 946 1,612 119. Verchtres..... 387,509 8,056 2,399 29,320 29,505 56,403 1,716 2.370 4,780 120. Richelieu 205,694 937 3,445 32,910 44,707 62,882 233 856 3,407 121? St. Hyacinthe. 251,760 424 3,056 27,647 42,8^5 66,422 1,500 987 2,403 122. Baeot 279 313 392 1,925 1,882 24,085 19,194 33,654 22,024 63,-524 2,766 278 1,828 123. Rouville 495,473 2,105 61,000 26,350 955 1,216 124. Iberville 384,894 319 1,259 14,927 20,252 52,879 7,713 774 2,469 L25. Missisquoi . . . 977,803 82,588 194 2,935 4,343 31,341 66,126 1,774 852 126. Brome , 1,052,555 51,320 6 130 1,497 38,241 ■ 10,431 71 1,043 127. Shefford.. .. 768,709 3H,952 5.52 4,613 9,003 59,054 7,343 268 786 128. Maskinong^ . . 307,206 833 3,410 34,808 55,207 65, .518 193 614 3,112 j 129. St. Maurice, S. 205,899 52 1,765 17,977 34,585 40,821 15 42 1,059 130. St. Maurice, iV 6,672 8 105 79 625 131. Trois-Riviferes. 42,201 70 107 588 1,382 4,287 55 150 47 132. Chtmplain, S. 200,859 4G9 1,748 29,815 41,873 45,989 635 354 983 133. Champlain,A. 84,660 56 8.58 16,388 25,217 22,.%9 18 18 134. Yamaska 215.613 119 2,413 34,218 44,722 64,796 120 1,004 3,745 135. Nicolet 393,374 «.-( 2,868 31,533 52,218 76,711 1,079 599 3,623 1 30. Drummond . . . 318,494 2,14^): 1,128 14,046 22,024 53,31 1 1,200 30 1,299 137. Arthaba-'ka. . . 218,179 935 l.'i-.i 26,095 36,886 60,023 274 335 509 138. Richmond .... 365,056 14,566 1 65 1,368 1,428 21,055 1,618 16 1,383 DlfiNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 215 TablI'LVU XXIV. — Produits Livers et Fourrures. PROVI.\CE DK Q,rEUEC. Pounds of Maple Sugar. LivrcB de Sucre d'Erable. 37,225 40,813 59,159 109,661 35,430 29,105 31,269 32,068 3,989 105,892 65,632 183,093 162,421 182J70 21,290 523,622 610,582 385,272 123,495 108,274 COO 12,300 140,416 59,739 82,943 133,289 130,771 179,500 283,105 I'ounds of Ti)baccii. Livres de Tabac. 17,873 '17.302 17,239 3,.33B 3148 26,049 23,952 16,140 18,516 46,447 23,981 35,741 42,870 42,288 23,895 6,863 l.OSO 18,345 34,248 14,481 162 961 28,631 6,378 41,403 32,418 15,069 15.982 1,32J Pounds of HopH. Livres de Ifoublou. 681 1,007 7,651 5,280 25,370 72!) 888 2,237 83 307 244 54 352 9,670 950 11,970 48,382 9.493 280 54 261 1,091 4(;2 47'.) 1,.563 1,583 Fura— Fourrurea. Hea Cas- tors. 1 20 10 11 4 588 209 2.176 52 29 534 608 50 4 19 Bears, Ours. 4 1 43 4 1 8 35 20 11 21 18 12 13 Otters TjOU- tres. Mar- tins. Maf- tres. M inks. Visons 12 1 4 1 1 1 5 11 45 18 ! 124 o 64 28 7 15 12 4 I 1, 6! 17 I 6 i 26 15 1 20 14 22 78 66 359 35 7 192 108 121 67 124 138 69 132 94 87 102 45 69 203 32 37 59 94 128 86 96 212 311 304 387 196 384 29 80 680 465 167 198 270 280 Moo.-^e, x:. Caribou, Foxes. TV ^„ ' Deer. Ee- nurds. I Orign'.x (.'arib's, Che- vreuils. 74 24 51 69 27 60 23 37 28 62 31 36 90 94 46 252 242 176 41 21 9 2 15 22 66 54 71 110 15 SeJs. Loups- Mu-1. Bellechasse, iV. Pounds of Butter. Livres de Beurre. Pounds of Home- made Cheese. Livres de Froinage domes- tique. \ 1G2. EellechasBe, S. 'I 1G3. Montmagny. . ji 164. L'lslet 1C5. Kamouraaka . ••»Tot-C. Quebec ) •**Tot-V.Qudbec j kfe: 162,231 102,034 547,002 356,288 425,275 297,421 1,600 6,145 14,379 215,098 184,182 148,106 15,400 3,9.10 87,244 267,205 482,616 464,403 189,982 708,089 373,787 208,446 373,441 89,254 I 357,348 i 402,184 793,7:^6 22.124 835 4,625 23,511 67,890 133 2,381 Bushels of Flax Seed. Boisse'x d« Graines de Lin. 9,011 32 6 410 308 1,188 4,726 27 630 80 220 329 263 110 4 518 1 22 103 2,907 719 Pounds of Dressed Flax. Livres de Filasse. 9,350 4,667 256 1,981 47,217 8,231 I Yards of Home- made Linen. Verges de Toile de Lin. 11,042 135 250 2,694 67,924 8,672 30 125 Yards of - Home- made Cloth. Verges de Dnqi di fahri(iue d limes tique. Fruits? 1,528 2,783 1,393 65 157 1,018 2,666 1,523 1,177 2,587 1,289 948 1,837 447 1,280 1,413 3,642 17,500 28,828 12,180 532 1,295 11,405 33,700 18,704 54,403 25,385 14,321 10,123 16,118 4,402 5C,872 12,948 36.929 24,4.31 46,454 29,740 1.308 3,247 15,916 49,936 26,916 25,643 46,242 21,760 19.419 30,289 10,063 19,C64 25,894 78,946 155 33,800 7,528 28,73.^. 48,727 74,575 15,002 Bushels of Apples. Pounds of Grai^es. 3ois'eaux de Pommes. Livres de Eaisin. 139 5 303 120 10,211 50 5,058 136 1,299 246 99 305 37,331 92,334 73.523 5,604 2,321 12,274 29,607 68,297 66,542 40,530 95,828 40,878 29,985 46,830 12,794 36,193 55,920 110,095 404 1,689 1 2 50 5,807 7,401 2 79 623 1,711 297 3 193 86 482 1,783 32 752 1,343 1,980 53 Bushels of other Fruits. Bois- seaux d'autres Fruits. 883 500 393 1,410 18 40 5 13 401 202 15 6 35 28 1 64 29 6 2,303 145 91 1,595 843 2,007 2,304 7 44 671 3,090 68 168 523 606 1,281 92 1,651 198 249 705 23 374 451 628 722 DKNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 21f Tableau XXIV — Produits Divors ofc Fourrures. PROVINCE DE Q,1JEBEC. rounds of Maple tiiiL'ar, Livres dc Sucre d'Erable. 174,040 101, C6G 741,248 622,019 230,912 21,826 327.293 42,020 2.215 Pounds of Tobacco. Livres de Tabac. 100 24,752 04,643 187,123 400,114 687,853 82,707 89,51)0 122.978 103,150 94.301 230,259 10t,443 4,895 20 2,990 1,101 41,907 7,923 70 3,080 177 15,170 27,351 8,444 11 Pounds of Hops. Livres de Houblon. 1,813 0,124 22,591 11,875 9,959 21.428 0,072 7,953 11,154 2,089 7,881 0,594 13,481 3,150 23,270 25,430 202,215 89,104 121 260 Furs - Fourrures. Bea- vers. Cas- tors. 40 5 43 238 98 03 30 165 380 28 38 07 3 748 7 316 1 5 343 217 30 336 2,036 81 7,888 9 2 1 11 08 2 47 2 19 128 147 116 Bears, Ours. Otters Lou- tres. 17 106 11 193 22 8 3 28 C o 6 1 7 13 15 3 5 12 i 19 24 4 45 197 9 1,275 1 7 11 10 4 5 1 12 1 2 31 9 19 ZVIar- tins. Mar- tres. 119 25 100 123 112 130 Minks. I Foxes. Visons. Re- nards. Moose, Cariboo, Deer. Orign'x. Carib'g, Che- vreuils. 51 85 512 y 2,716 2 6 75 41 8-j 132 7 39 145 15 177 208 452 192 72 58 256 87 307 882 113 1,188 12 28 258 189 165 169 94 87 89 134 138 93 170 130 37 422 451 49 37 4 9 28 47 14 271 53 121 80 33 91 23 23 21 2 35 20 55 1 13 27 68 Seals. LoufS- Marius. Musk I Other Eats. Skins. Rats I AutreB Musquc's Peaux. 291 68 030 562 3,595 1.072 10 79 300 4 2.999 3 5 13 9 11 3 38 1 5 51 66 477 24,107 2 2 64 45 2 204 284 1,257 4,808 253 3,112 319 2,176 1,699 794 492 629 906 461 967 213 725 686 2,100 206 130 5 ! 115 182 697 37 10 264 166 1,746 166 1,237 200 273 375 60 g6 S58 130 145 437 ]07 151 81 851 10 lis CENSUS OF 1871. 5"^ Table XXIV. — Various Products and Furs. PROVINCE OP NE^V BRrNSWICK DISTRICTS. 166. T(?iniscouata 167. Rimouski, Wr. 168. Rimouski, E. . . 1 )P. Bonaventure . . 170. Gasp^.ir.— 0. 171. Gasp^, Centre. 172. Gasp^, S 17'^. TlesjMagdeleine G. Totals - Quebec ) G.Totaux- Quebec j (Hroviucc of X. B.) (Province du N. B.) 174. *St. John.... 175. ',"harlotte 176. King's 177. Queen's 178. Sunbury 179. •*YoBk 180. Carleton 181. Victoria l^B.'Sestigouche . . 183. Gloucu8ter .... 184. N'rthumb'rl'nd i 185. Kent 186. Wefttmorland 187. .\lbert .St.John "ity... . ) St..I.;aii,V'lle... ] **I''ri-(l-rict!in **Frtvlericton ::} Tr.t-N, linmswick ) i'i't-2t .Brunswick J Pounds of Butter. Lis'res de Beurre. u\ Pounds 1 Bushels of Home- made Cheese. Livres de From age domes- tique. 597,192 299,882 168,985 166,103 23,142 48,631 50,006 25,417 10 120 51 3,214 1 12 40 of Flax Seed. Boisse'x de I Graiiies i de Lin. I Pounds of Dressed Flax. Livres de Filasse. 2,662 1,446 1,265 364 72 2 8 52,649 15,972 58,289 7,314 992 139 24289127 512,435 169,180 454,919 937,066 435,636 226,523 609,202 598,563 148,839 66,261 163,.').55 264,474 195,259 622,932 225,538 1,799 20.804 1,.590 790 13,324 59,770 6,085 21.741 13,840 2,218 3,859 540 4,000 1,674 22.018 3,orto 91,545 1270215 11 59 5 37 8 24 353 4 ^21 29 762 1,393 21 5115947 ! 154.753 3,127 11 1,5.52 277 219 72 1,101 4,379 24 8,124 758 7,239 13,285 813 37,854 Yards of Home- made Linen. Verges de Toile lie Lin, 65,309 27,587 24,261 16,907 2,848 70 48 1559410 12 2,096 600 355 546 828 10,851 45 14,115 1,338 15,334 27,026 1,095 74,211 Yards of Home- made Cloth. Bushels of Apples. Verges de .Drap de fabi'ique domes- a ^ t^^"^- Pommes. Bois'eaux 116,190 65,164 59,123 89,338 12,569 3,443 14,882 19,4,39 333376G 272 39 2 415 30 409,903 9,420 47,128 126.402 70,390 32,354 115,223 1 121,055 58,793 18,008 78,858 39,lz0 108,636 166,252 59.1^9 886 8,233 16,088 16,029 5,013 27,763 21,738 74 30 227 298 9,039 11,514 9.463 15 5:;i 909 1050323 I 126,395 Fruits. Poimds of Gra])es. Livres de Raisin. 12 15 Busl.e's of other Fruits. Bois- seaux d'autres F'ruits. 83 45 28 286 4 11 88,099 100,878 3 660 1.31 58 690 135 21 o'oo 32 89 325 74 105 416 303 17 15 67 365 209 227 84 1,705 I 2,471 DENOMBREMKNr DE 1871. 219 Tableau XXIV.— Pruduits Divers et Foumires. PROVINCE DU NOUVEAV-BRTTN8WICK. ' Founds of Maple Sugar. Pounds of Tobacco. Pounds of Hops. Furs — Fourrures. m Bea- vers. iears. ( Otters Mar-! tins, j Vlinks. Foxes. Moose, i Cariboo, 1 a , Deer. "**^^ Musk Kata. Other Skins. Livres de Sucre d'Erable. Livres de Tabac. ] Livres de Joublon. Ca.s- tora. Ours. Lou- tres. Mar- 1 tres. ] 1 Visons. Re- nards. Orign 'x, Carib's, Che- vreuils. Loups- Marins. Rats SduBqU^S Autres Peaux. 213,906 3,737 22 44 12 23 206 136 28 33 30 1,660 493 134,837 1,547 16 94 .... 22 47 121 23 2 38 1,325 504 86,5:34 1,939 20 51 9 13 79 105 32 36 10 4a5 188 50,17JK 42 712 218 14 18 666 247 68 26 3 398 549 26,139- 10,525 267 47 4 7 75 31 22 40 7 144 181 1 308 26 15 9 37 17 38 9 14 77 122 57 57 6 2 3 19 24 17 4 10,495 82 12 10,497,418 1,195,345 499,568 36,148 1,181 3,438 11.842 19,072 5,086 6,740 35,400 184,830 19.700 1 27 186 937 1 2 16 11 19 3 2 26 117 9 48 1 2 10 48 206 6 60 320 15,882 12 891 16 21 12 212 223 19 3,283 8* 1,458 1,623 2 13 18 79 104 6 3 2,173 20 485 24,999 519 873 22 8 52 8 77 6 51 66 321 .50 165 1 40 :: ... 3,281 2,9;:8 29 171 36 40,610 62 604 18 14 17 14 108 125 673 30 85,068 212 137 200 19 78 545 308 .30 80 1.344 66 3,424 38,154 188 601 44 223 4 28 4 27 41 50 30 103 13 51 2 15 47 361 4 110 5 9,492 2 1,570 223 72 33 145 125 59 38 31 1,279 164 33,196 55 798 8 51 16 57 105 59 10 534 279 28,777 8 1,693 2 17 9 68 193 138 2 5 2,213 .56 98.139 34 •JSl 9 8 11 51 117 98 10 ! 592 66 1 1 3 1 1(U . ... 1 2 1 ' ■■■ \ 380,004 454 10,901 752 313 344 1,063 1,970 1,172 211 64 18,972 1,145 S20 r CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXIV. — Various Products and Furs. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA DISTRICTS. (P. of Nova Scotia.) [F.de la y.-Ecosse.) Pounds of Butter. Livres de Beurre. 188. Hants ] 189. King's 190. Annapolis .. . 19L Digby ... .. 192. Yarmouth ... 193. Shelburne.... 194. Queen's 195. Lunenburg... 196. * Halifax, W-0 197. Halifax, E .. 198. Cumberland. 199. Colchester . . 200. Pictou 201. Antigonish . . 202. Guysborough 20.3. Inverness . . . , 204. Victoria 206. Cape Breton 206. Richmond . . •City of Halifax. •Villed'Halifax. 383,606 424,759 434,387 256,195 265,878 174,958 132,453 301,499 77,808 243,548 515,892 625,026 804,661 587,740 260,314 692,906 313,016 443,001 224,220 1,711 Pounds of Home- made Cheese. Livres de Fromage domes- tique. 6,545 156,284 270,306 4,152 53,176 991 2,650 5.318 12 270 15,282 14,148 77,966 140,751 5,347 106,262 9,423 12,808 3,162 Bushels of Flax Seed. Boisse'x de Graines de Lin. Pounds of Dressed Flax. Livres de Filasse. Yards of Home- made Linen. Verges de Toile de liin. 125 18 42 129 20 854 36 28 164 245 499 269 46 266 50 29 1 1,321 217 851 3,147 54 100 1,292 41,433 1,729 949 2,827 11,749 11,983 12,183 2,440 15,739 1,162 2,361 51 Yards of Home- m;nle Cloth. Verges de Drap de fabrique domes- tique. 1,131 533 1,464 9,362 396" 857 1,708 45,742 2,224 1,221 5,030 8,697 17,882 6,263 1,623 6,329 630 676 219 72,088 86,766 79,549 52,495 37.341 25,792 21,039 87,647 3,978 58,364 128,707 134,507 183,008 112,698 62,299 138,906 57,632 81,939 .51,158 Bushels of Apples. Bois'eaux de Pommes. 25,982 81,223 118,608 15,241 6,020 2,569 11,427 24,238 1,899 2,808 16,600 7,611 14,8.33 1,896 1,733 3,384 2,988 3,163 290 Fruits. Pounds of Grapes. Livres de Raisin. 255 617 3,498 820 905 100 6 66 606 1,284 45 4 64 125 7 20 J5ushels of other Fruits. Bois- seaux d'autres Fruits. 1,284 1,633 3,817 762 436 337 30 358 571 164 70 666 475 1,278 391 159 766 256 553 10 47 GRAND TOTALS. Totals of Ontario. \ Totaux d'Ontario. / Totals of Quebec . ) Totaux de Qu(ibec. J Tot'.s N. Brunsw'k | Tot'x N. -Brun.°w'k Totals of X. Scotia Totaux X.-Ecosse 1} ^.7623643 24289127 511.5,947 7161,867 T(jtal.-i 4 Provinces Tot'x 4 Provinces 3,4.32,797 512,435 154,758 884,853 74190.584 4,984,843 20,.542 91,545 3,127 2.830 1,16.5,117 1,270,215 37,845 111,588 118,044 ■-',584,765 25,502 15.59410 74,241 111,987 1,775,320 3,339,766 1,0.50,828 1,476,003 1771140 7,641,917 5,486,504 409,903 126,395 .342,.513 6,36.5,315 1,028,431 88,099 1.705 242,878 100,878 2,471 8,167 12,736 1,126,402 358,963 DEXOMBREMElNT DE 1871. ^M :*?: Tableau XXIV — Produits Divers et Fourrures. PROVINCE DE liA XOUVELLE-ECOSSE. Poundfcj of Mapie SuL'ar. Livrea de Sucre Id'Erable. 3,024 5,314 2,561 870 30 10 47 801 2 1,515 96,186 15,286 6,995 5,995 1,697 6,517 1,917 2,249 174 J Pounds of Tobacco, Livres de Tabac. 30 41 18 22 5 14 19 2 5 38 14 39 4 2 Pounds of Hops. Livi'es d<; Houblon, 416 .1,006 898 934 74 218 485 82'J 242 461 1,04;; 3,281 991 390 412 157 93 39] 59 Bea verd. Cas- tors. 30 64 241 IS 66 218 15 8 Furs — Fou rrures. Bears. OUTH 11 o O 11 15 3 10 39 26 25 20 2 2 13 8 8 Otters Lou- tres. Mar- tins. Mar- tres. 11 7 21 28 10 34 22 2 22 18 16 9 2 28 7 13 4 7 2 23 4 1 Minks. Visons. 4 16 14 6 11 2 51 7 1 5 296 278 326 406 211 126 334 263 267 398 234 160 58 35 279 235 155 78 130 Foxes. Re- nardei. 52 55 42 53 7 7 19 40 17 29 106 105 30 52 60 51 27 34 42 Moose, Jariboo, Deer. Orign'x, Carib'ri, Che- vrenils. 56 1 13 62 18 51 87 11 20 221 107 70 44 3 160 41 Seals. Loups Marina. 3 1 815 54 3 40 198 7 3 1 24 279 481 11 17 Musk Hats. Hat Musqu^* Other Skins. ' Autres Peaux. 511 854 696 971 934 737 833 1,488 497 1,928 2,158 1,314 1,134 475 986 1,825 ' 800 1,844 464 21 I 265 82 i 71 90 2,489 288 332 748 4,306 92 22 36 10 1,720 971 8 319 i 1,020 CvRAXDS 'I'OTAUX. 6,247.442 10,497,418 380,004 151,1"J0 399,870 1,195,345 4.54 203 1,188,940 409,'r)C)8 10,901 12,, ".SO 17,276,0541 1,595,931 1,711,78! 10,575 850 2,083 56,148, 1,181 752 070 313 209 3,438 314 267 4,521 11,842 1,063 l.'.P 24,488 6,775 11,349 19,072 5,086 6,740 1,970 1,172 211 4,269 828 971 35,400 64 1.938 48, 1511 2,553 6,132 17,582 49,799 12,861 19,271 263,931 I 22,310 184,830' 19,700 18,972 1,145 20.449 12,9.=10 37,402 483,182 56,105 TABLE XXV. PRODUCTS OF THE TOKEST. TABLEAU XXV. PEODUITS DES FORETS. 224 CENSUS OF 1871. ^i.BtE XXV.— Products of the Forest. t»ROVINCE OP ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. 1. Essex 2. Kent 3. BothweU 4. Lambton 5. Elgin, West— Quest 6. EUin, East- Est' 7. Middlesex, West— Quest. 8. Middlesex, North— Nord 9. Middlesex, East— Est. . . 10. London 11. Noriolk, South— Sud... 12. Korfolk, North— Nord.. 13. Oxford, South— Sud 14. Oxford, North— Nord. . . 15. Brant, S. or W.—S. on Q. 10. Brant, N. or E. N. ou E 17. Haldimand 18. Monck 19. Welland 20. Niagara 21. Lincoln 22. Wentworth, S 23. Wentworth, N 24. Hamilton 25. Huron, South— Sud ... 2o. Huron, North— Nord. . 27. Bruce, South— Sud. ... 28. Bruce, North— Nord... 29. Perth. South— Sud ' 'ubic fet'ttt^ Square Fine, ieds cubes dti Pin^quarri. White. Blanc. 3,000 roo 2,6G9 2,750 1,000 2,i528 16,410 7,496 6,782 e,482 1,374 845 1,872 555 >6,613 Hcd. Kout'e, 1.000 690 1,057 8,919 700 63,433 12,184 119,020 1,919 4,818 314 300 750 676 1,935 3,550 1,350 Cubic f«et of Square Oak. Pieds Cubes de Chene ^quarri. Cubic feet of Tamarac. Pieds cubes d' Epinette roujje . 796,152 285,826 363,059 211,704 62,728 18,017 156,665 102,129 13,247 2,996 4,608 1,843 7,017 1,780 5'- 173,383 27,283 40,618 1,332 57,111 6,138 101,883 133,396 146,160 44,300 52,932 16,904 6,210 22,732 6,975 4,000 5,367 1,330 1,147 27,764 109,174 27,758 3,600 6,240 160 3,400 51,825 700 2,430 2,400 5,721 2,704 Cubic feet of Birch and Maple. Pieds cubes d'Erable et de Merisier. 400 7,000 409 600 80 200 2,100 400 160 8,200 900 2,950 1,100 4,470 250 2,208 1,337 400 4,900 58 Cubic feet of Elm. Pieds cubes d' Ornie. 100 6,794 300 350 100 5,115 72,018 126 54,155 19,350 ' 42,522 81,076 174,895 43,811 29,000 3,030 24,950 141,246 3,142 1,600 24,653 4,500 3,200 652 16,600 55,041 178,263 43,519 63,035 44.882 DfiNOMBREMENT DK 1871. '>i(> Txnr r*e r ■ ■" ~,^C^ Tableau XXV.— Produits des Forets. PROVINCE D«OKTARIO. Cubic feet of Walnut. PiedB cub«8 de Noyer. Cub, Cubic feet foet( of of Hiokory. Black. Noir. Soft. Tendre. ftU other Timber. cubes P'ds cuben de de tous Noyer aiitres dur. Boia. 3,035 524 56,599 2,750 22,167 4,300 2,%2 3,020 1,000 100 300 634 50 1,920 2,330 075 13,792 40 405 33,650 I 300 ! 300 3,937 8,040 5.400 1,436 20 34,953 26,100 12,800 14,714, 2,054 2,080 7,220 11,520 300 1,041,724 190,012 287,885 327,731 40,573 42,408 142,303 34,143 44,658 Pine Logs. Billots de Pin. 914 8-t 99 1,777 58 14,734 1,656 14,079 717 7,830 10 100 50 570 5,552 740 230 322,187 42,382 28,495 66,062 1,968 628 23,530 95,540 10,726 300 8,784 19,712 3,240 7,834 40,323 20,113 9,675 51,270 9,369 7,833 19,408 11,841 3,162 13,618 24,613 Other Logs. Billots d'autres bois. Mfwts, kc. Mats, Enpars, 54,443 105,945 40,3.59 31,923 42,905 7,329 10.723 28.873 699 4,632 1,613 5,896 7,261 11,059 135 2,793 8,757 1,893 40 1,927 784 2,283 4 28 Thou- sands of Staves. Milliff' de Douves. 10 545 719 304 652 2,054 698 196 982 217 913 Cords of Lath- vood. Cords of Tan- bark. C«rde8 Cordes di» d'Ecorcf Lattes. jktanner. 20 300 12 370 1,000 198 75 12 20 Cords of Firewood. Cordes I de boi« de cha ullage. ' 995 497 162 472 368 32 29 79 12 7 28 6 24 45 349 3,149 110 88 105 100 275 410 429 14 202 384 135 344 35 220 136 33 50 27 165,143 119,502 130,411 161,924 49,463 68,264 77,825 76,803 102,084 40,939 61,188 63,712 78,570 38,700 18,224 32.259 60,497 50,202 6,879 21,473 44,512 47.508 100 400 1,060 300 436,755 101,094 259,395 151,842 28,630 1,703 30,625 8,883 9,451 155 22,997 62.3:« 23.100 36,785 2,07J 210 479 72 100 77 86 98 5 84 851 ! I 3,646 j 2.234 1,763 146 82,157 106,162 54,307 41,719 52,513 C— 15 J 236 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XXV.— Products of the Forest. PROVIIiCK OF OIVTARIO. DISTKICTS. Oubic feet of Square Pine. Pieds cubes de Pin ^quarri. 30. Perth, mrtk.—Nord. . . . 31. WAtwloo, South.— Slid. . 32. Waterloo, North.— Nord .33. Wellington, South.— Sud 34. Wellington, Centre . . . 35. Wellington, NoHh-Nord 36. Grey, South.- Sud 37. Grey, North.— Nord .... 38. Halton 39. Peel 40. Cardwell 41. Simcoe, South.— Sud. . . . 42. Simcoe, North. — Nord . . 43. York, North. - Nord. . . . 44. York, Weat.-Ouest 45. York, East.— Est 46. * Toronto, West.— Quest. 47. * Toronto, East.— -Est. . . 48. Ontario, South. — Sud . . . 49. Ontario, North. — Nord . 50. Durham, West.— Quest. . 51. Durham, East. — Est . . . 52. Victoria, South.— Sud . 53. Victoria, North. — Nord 54. Northumberland, W.-O. 55. Northumberland, E.-E 56. Peterboro', Weit.-Oucst ** Totals of Toronto.. •* Totaux de Toronto White. Blanc. 14,723 1,833 9,380 2,000 18,670 5,884 90,342 4,486 760 2,639 32,637 1,588,196 39,458 14,622 26,026 Bed. "Rouge. Cubic feet of Square Oak. Pieds cubes de Chene ^quarri. 52,136 56,750 21,442 140,040 52,013 21,789 11,102 20,356 14,195 1,518 1,509 1,690 4,724 10,655 3,938 537 3,566 170 852 160 2,600 Cubic feet of Tamarac. Pieds cubes d' Epinette rouge. Cubic feet of Birch and Maple. Pieds cubes d'Erable et de MerLsier. 270 36,610 44,055 220 1,189 4,242 720 4,506 6,300 12,393 644 2,210 1,600 1,954 5,870 533 18,775 115,091 50 24,290 22.404 6,150 100 2,077 7,980 9,796 2,907 7,388 2,466 800 3,700 0,600 113,800 8,603 700 9,033 670 1,510 3,088 1,730 4,490 86 31,620 020 5,070 63,428 10,720 7,235 600 5,706 910 1,497 2,000 2,230 2,150 150 215 2,700 1,280 7,000 Cubic feet of Elm. Pieds cubes d' Orme. 642 600 2,000 100 40 50 1,000 507 59,020 5,550 7,989 4,600 49,897 94,893 57,328 69,364 3,801 7,382 10,679 19,129 35,860 2,624 226 2,039 3,362 14,696 140 2,700 7,299 17,128 400 7,314 6,400 bKNOMBREMENT DE 1871. Oft? (iiM Tableau XXV.— Produits des Forets, PUOVINCK D'ONTARIO. Cubic feet of Walnut. Pieds cubes de Noyrr. Black. Noir 160 Soft. Tendre. Cub. feet of Hickory P. cubes de Noyer dur. 630 8,000 120 158 Cubic feet of all other Timber. PVIh cubes de tous iiutres Bois. Pine Logp. Billots de Pm. 216 500 1,000 141,712 23,492 98,693 7,608 41,035 377,166 80,273 118,506 37,299 46,557 190,775 177,272 59,350 55,250 132,000 6,624 60,975 26,087 4,833 1,778 2,452 16,442 7,342 6,570 135,849 6,232 6,116 172,113 518,960 71,537 33,318 23,640 Other LogH, P.illotH d'aufre.s buis .33,115 4,634 4,208 479 38,859 30,030 31,147 40,439 14,303 3,005 42,527 4,927 51,776 6,907 1,333 3,105 MastR, Sparx, &c. M.atH, Espurs, &c. Thou- Banda of Staves. Cordtt of Lath- wood. Milliirs Cordes 30 93 200 60 14 1 11 15 de DouTes. 328 365 460 77 961 92 17 626 939 71 200 806 731 30 102 in de Lattes. Cords of Tan- bark. CordB of Firewood. Cordes i Cordes d'l'^corce'j de boih dc H tanner. I cbauSage.i I 100 7 25 51 4 21 50 1,415 62 60 2,410 i 27 I 32C { 33 I I 576 209 89 871 520 3 430 159 3S8 1,432 34 223 62,517 40,901 41,090 24,469 66,131 «8,998 94.417 92,458 62,946 43,098 62,201 9»,782 102,292 56.653 82,555 46,709 100 500 12,840 483,005 17.788 154.003 110,070 136,038 14,821 92,989 14,180 4,861 3.>3,290 38,634 34,828 09,544 479,001 22,207 52,132 17,416 3,221 13,024 5,399 4,082 6,548 4,102 2,724 5,389 4 780 20 17 90 215 1,033 537 202 05 32 iC5 52 30 r)77 45 511 25 356 620 269 80 323 39 170 138 98 44,864 71.933 45,010 '■ 38,1J>1 68,711 33.944 40,814 62,ft-^ 23.®^: C-l^^ 22S eENStJS OF 1871 Table XXV. — Products of the Forest. PROVINCE OF OXTARTO. ICubic feet of Square Pine. Pieds cubes de Pin equarri DISTRICTS. 57. Peterborongh, East— Est 58. Peterborough, K 59. Primce Edw*r?i 60. HsistingB, West— Quest. 61. Ha^lnngB, Ernst — Est . . . 62. Ha«^ng«,i^*rfA— iTtrrf 63. Lennox 64. Addington 65. Frcntenac 66. Kingjben 67. Leeds, S«uffi~Sud 68. BfockTillt 69. Gr«nnlle, Smith—Sud.. 70. Leeds k Grenville, N. 7L Drnidas 72. Storfciont 73. ComTf all 74. Glengarry 75. PrcBCf/tt 76. PiOBsell 77. Ottawa, €ity—Ville 78. Carleton 79. Ivanark, Sovth — Sad... 80. T^anark, Ntrtk- ?/»rd. 81. Renfrew, Aw/^ — Sud.. 82. Renfrow, Nw^h—N^rd 83. Nipissing, S^uth—Sud. 84. NipiBsing, North— Nord. 85. Muskoka , White. Blanc. Pved. Rouge. Cubic feet of Square Oak. Pieds cubes . de ChC'ue (^(luarri. 220,737 316,033 2,068 6.201 8,370 664,180 1,096 432,701 5,100 7,418 390 220 410 348 1,872 2,000 1,400 .50 2,807 300 14,532 12,1.32 14,973 38,685 13.879 24,270 7,520 703,016 1,542,555 1,813,303 4,884,550 1,320,350 81,943 3,000 1,000 1.000 1,068 89,259 135,841 975,809 114,345 800 817 Cubic feet of Tamarac. Pieds cubes d' Epinette rouge. 6,635 210 3,106 2,227 j 10,151 5,899 5.045 787 450 6,1.50 10,200 132 1,955 16,800 100 850 470 1,257 6,922 381 6,276 3,200 Cubic feet of Birch and Maple, i Pieds cubea d' Erable et de Merisier. 2,365 1,550 5,654 2,291 400 200 1.119 20,803 09,124 14,041 94,309 2,900 142,944 10.S,147 116.323 7,150 42,029 3,314 6,470 0,321 3,405 317 Cubic feet of Ebn. Pieds cubes d' Orme. 400 942 150 2,000 845 000 52 2,700 1,706 72 1,265 228 930 6,256 3,700 540 1,000 1,000 34,452 4553 14,921 12,225 4,986 4,644 5,150 7,405 149 2,226 9,970 3,700 18,798 2,816 8,780 2,320 4,130 7,332 1,814 1,685 2,147 1,991 1.000 .^ (M D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 239 Tableau XXV. — Produits des Foivts. PROVINCF. D'ONTARIO. Gallic feet of | Walnut. Cub. feet — ' of ri'ds cubes do iHickoiy Noyer. ' iCulj. ft.x-t of all other Timber. Black. Noir. Soft. Tendre. cubes P'ds cubefc rrf 1.31. Troie-RivifereB 132. Champlain, South — Svd i 133. Chikxn\>\iLin,North^Nor(/ 134. Yamiuika , 135. Nicol^t , i l.jfi. Drummond . . . / v . , 137. Arthabaaka 1 138. Richmond 68,639 27,700 3,150 Bed. Rouge. 200 624 100 4,102 26,780 4.390 200 13,660 11,511 14,902 3,430 1,969 14,894 31,120 575 2,772 2,600 18,571 2,689 70,448 39,965 .55,682 2i,.5as 270,180 16,806 14,162 800 1,932 140 3,060 Pieda cubes de Ch^no equarri. 5,983 2,926 Cubic feet of Tamarao. Pieds cubes d' Epinette rouge. Cubic feet of Birch aud Maple. 10,050 1,225 600 5,100 5,300 1,621 1,117 17,500 4,335 202 212 75 100 568 889 755 200 60 3,424 8,135 950 3,119 23,893 6,934 13,753 1,672 15,563 21,220 1,430 2,576 23,981 25,814 71,126 5,215 47,800 26,035 15,634 Cubic feet of Ehn. Pieda cubes ! Pieds cubes d'Erable d' et de ! Orrne. Merisier. 4 .500 40,952 15,984 34,525 8,698 16,816 52,628 163,744 221,035 88,656 17,098 1,800 403 2,230 450 4,554 300 1,200 1,071 1,200 301 2,400 14,240 16,852 500 1,512 2,875 283 7,000 600 416 ; 1,4^^2 22,957 4,151 11,059 38,236 15,498 12,030 2^11 6,200 1,355 5C8 1,532 250 100 132 220 116 50 925 1,944 258 200 200 1,308 114 ■r— r DI^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 233 Tableau XXV.— Pjoduits des Foruts. PROVINCE DE Q,UEKEC. Cubic feet of Walnut, Pieds cubes de Noyer. Black. I I Noir, y Cub. feet (Juh feet. of of all other Hickory. Tiuiber. Soft. Tendre. I P. cubes de Noyer dur. 9,920 1,000 P'ds. cubes de tous autres Bois. 5,100 30 , 22 Pine Logs. Billots de Pin. 30 500 2,000 100 80 700 1,707 2,712 10 30 870 5,-500 20 1,330 100 30 50 1,911 8,300 54,458 98,149 200,079 20,291 35,212 62,003 34,661 10,788 67,097 , 32,241 '28,381 379,967 130,464 277,253 271,935 210,331 220,651 208,361 84,907 33.226 lou 530 300 8,302 11,642 3,685 3,553 3,181 666 9,866 734 1,600 3,480 3.635 3,272 12,271 3,531 1,048 5,621 3,751 9,614 37,858 670,130 392,.574 95.810 21,874 157.324 688,446 3.\C54 72,589 69,805 131,004 197,937 168,816 574,175 40,097 386,3.54 5,109 Other Logs. Billots d'autres boi.s t 3,880 11,850 25,398 75,525 11.815 1,473 5,866 4,462 3,184 5,452 4,844 5,456 60,716 47,150 137,422 95.637 118,283 156,271 44,667 .320.355 16,032 24,442 179,622 c.7,997 57,868 75,506 123,202 •55,073 Masts Spars, &c. Mats, Espars, &c. 10 51 1 Thou- Haiids of Staves. Milliers de Douves. Cords of l.,.ith- wood. Cordes .!« Lattes. 455 571 30 14 I 118 12.617 4.002 18,522 1,036 492 25..D29 3,102 585 J 51 i 5 40 % I 17 16 34 34 31 i 116 1 20 25 16 12 291 (.'ordu of Tan- bark. Cordes I'Ecorce k tanner. 23 83 219 1^04 39 8 58 63 88 19 10 24 301 13 23 69 55 13,065 1,315 620 4,001 ; 6.1S3 I 23,704 I 1.671 39 Conls of Firewocd. Cordes de b. 'is de chauffage. 29 163 250 3,875 1,863 775 341 2,047 10,533 6,686 4,684 34,726 , 50,309 , 27,502 24,927 17,133 11,627 22,400 . 16,085 10,276 23,15J 49,589 ; 31,002 45,801 32,259 27,606 50.»;i9 56,0.53 65,292 44,543 59,176 3.869 208 78,177 54.610 76,760 117,474 69,603 79,003 82,481 234 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXV. Products of the Forest. PROVINCE OP ClUEBKC. DISTRICTS. Cubic feet of Pieds cubes d( White. Blanc. Square Pine. ; Pin t^quarri. Red. « Rouge. Cubic feet of Square Oak. Pieels cubes de Chene ^quarri. Cubic feet of Tamarac Pieds cubes d' Epinette rouge. Cubic feet of Birch and Maple. Pieds cubes d'Erable etde Merisier. Cubic feet of Elm. Pieds cubes d' Orme. 1 I 139. Wolfe 50 2,000 2,500 8,522 1,732 250 7,783 5,000 7,150 52,880 26,147 12,125 1 140. Sherbrooke 141 . Stanstead 2,900 174,792 1,881,496 37,375 3,105 6,000 16,000 16,000 7,140 24 187 142. Compton 143. Portneuf 144 . Comt^ de QucSbec 145. * QueTjec, W&st- -Quest . 146. *Qu^ec, Centre 60 147. * Qu^ec, East— Est . . . 148 . ilontmorency 825 732 13,282 1,204 5,549 41,202 11,106 3,904 4,864 150 1 149. Charlevoix 150. Chicoutimi 151 . Saguenay 152. Labrador 1,710 6,540 500 153. L^vis 1.54 . Levis 155. Lotbini^re 156 . Megantic 93,702 3,174 * 968 1,630 3,000 86 f « < ■•«■••• 260 330 660 18,185 30,931 38,537 11,044 39.898 875 2,900 12,166 150 6,010 46,990 80 2,397 730 618 2;339 996 412 284 685 90 18 1.57. Beauce, Wed— Quest .. 158. Beauce, East— Est Wa. Dorcheiter, TTm^— 0««s< ^ 160. Dorchester, Eait-Ett. ! 181. Bellechasse, N ' 1 220 236 3,000 '• 102. Bellechasse, Souih-Sud • • 1 t 163. Monttnagny 80 348 164. L'lalet 165 . Kamouraska 18,962 2,154 3,824 t ♦♦* 'J'otV-City of Quebec. ) •*♦ Tot'x-Viile deQu(5bec. ) 1 1 DfiNOMBREMENT DE 1871. J35 Tableau XXV— Produits dea Forets, PIIOVINCK DK q,UEBEO. Cubic Wal I'iedc ci Noy Black. Noir. eet of lUt. ibes de er. Soft. Tendre. 1 Cub, feet of Hickory. P. cubes de Nuyer dur.. Cubic feet of iill iither Timber. P'ds cubcH de tous autres liois. Pine Logs. Billots de Piu. Other Logs. Billots d'aiitres bois. Matfts. Sj>ar.s, &c. M.atB, Espars, &c. Thou- sands of Staves. Millier.s de Douves. Cords of Lath- \rood. Cordes de Lattes. Cords of Tan- bark. Cordes d'Ecfirce h tanner. Cords of Firewood. Cordes de bois de chaulfage 106,786 5,144 302 11,566 9,100 5,022 779 91,126 16 48 13 1,182 44 2,182 34,533 21,007 59,281 57,993 86,317 60,740 ! 60,207 190,842 181,035 20,538 120,797 173,281 103,578 33.6G9 2 938 198 33 2 1 10 256 250 .. .... * • • . a ■ 602 47,240 1 43,836 1 62,328 I 7,867 45,534 i 30 174 8,000 14,694 00,683 797,815 8.650 10,940 4,400 10,178 151,806 13,239 8 15,864 13,825 93,346 50,717 7,071 38 1,096 6 2 12 •• • • • • - 11 1 20 15 52 19 179,510 196,757 92,627 471,666 979,246 113,088 107,989 69,434 96,720 109 475 13,339 48,462 101,822 13,154 9,492 25.662 25,174 1.032 602 13,840 1,511 919 29,377 16,685 84,729 71,778 47,617 45,553 51,931 20,802 31,845 23,243 43,983 73,244 63,915 14,488 239 350 36 35 1 122 7 60 15 6 379 2,075 284 118 60 111,701 630,853 383,364 295,443 48,975 35,957 417,890 281,0v7 272,.302 120,440 3,391 392 549 44 3,239 20 324 16 j 20 j 318 871 101 438 1,633 52 5 1,693 100 290 Cortl* of Firewooil. Cordes de bois de j chauffage. 57,3o8 31.329 40,294 60,016 8,141 14,992 26,372 10,628 91.051 3,121,612 160 3 70 307 77 } 101 I 118 I 50 30 132 22 13 1,146 269 345 318 9,534 3,574 111 1.318 10,490 130 843 150 12,917 31,515 54,238 31,.532 20,151 53,712 &j,276 36,620 11,251 00,070 48.027 53,254 59,405 19,651 120 2,192,608 1,214,485 3,533,152 11,3-56 I 747 2,490 28,228 545,679 238 C £ K S tr S OH' 18 7 1. Table XXV.— Products of the Forest. PROVIXCE OP KOVA SCOTIA- Cubic feet of Square Pine . Pieds cubes de Pin ^quarri DISTRICTS. (Provinces/ Ifova Scotia.) {p. de la NouvelU-Ecosse.) 188. Hants 189. King's 190. Annapolis 191. Digby 192. Yarmouth 193. Shelbume 194. Queen's 195 . Lunenbui^ 196. » Halifax, West—Ouett. 197. Halifax, East— Eat 198. Cumberland 199. Colchester 200. Pictou 201 . Antigenic 202. Guysborough 203. Inverness 204. Victoria 205. Cape Breton 206. Pi,ichmond • ( 'ity of Halifax, separately * Ville d'Halifax,sep;ir«iri'3ii; White. Blanc. 33,490 6,560 12,791 700 3,502 48,386 28,950 84,400 40 4,250 1,260 483 1,960 680 3,924 2,362 4,440 400 Red. Kouee. Cubic feet of Square Oak. Pieds cubes de Cliene ^quarri. 2,000 550 1,144 1,153 500 600 200 5,636 19,468 600 1,000 8,318 14,120 10,530 38,000 Cubic feet of Tamarac. Pieds cubes d' Epinette roui^e. 14,438 490 2,250 225 13 2,360 1,250 2,010 6 9,482 1,900 26,700 2,085 3,800 200 12,700 Cubic feet of Birch and Maple. Pieds cubes d'Erable et de Merisier. 18 192 89 34,522 7,701 2,720 340 10,590 90 180 200 74,113 16.728 13,845 45,330 20,860 20,061 11,100 8,897 Cubic fpft of Elm. Pieds cubes d' Orme. 1,705 78,283 70,676 47,804 3,580 15,660 53,136 3,-528 29,086 4,335 100 100 GRAND TOTALS. Totals of Ontario i Totaux d"(;ntarif> f Totals of Queljec. ) Ti'taui de Qu 'T" C— 16 'm CENStJS OF 1S71. Table XXVI. Fisheries. » PROVlJVCE OP ONTARIO. Districts and j SOB-DlSTRICTS. Vessels, Boats, Men, Nets, &c. Navires, Barges, Hommes, Filets, &c. Quintals of Cod. Quint'x de Monies . Quintals of Ha'dock, Hake, and Pollock. Quintaux d' Aigre- lins, de Barbues, Merlans. Barrels of Sounds and Tongues B arils de Noues et de Langues Barrels of Herring. B aril 8 de Harengs. J - Districts et I SOUS-DISTRICT-J. Ves- sels. Na- vires. Men Houi mes. Bo- ats. Bar- ges. Men. Hom- mes. Shore- men. Gra- viers. Eathoms of Nets. Brasses de Filets. Fascine? Fish'ies. P6ch'ie. de fas- cines. 1. Essex 1 1 3 40 112 21 7 33 1 8 386 39 23 106 2 14 4,155 736 288 400 3 433 1,080 36 320 1,257 2. Kent 1 3. Bothweli ' ; 4. Lambton 2 0. E!<,'in, W.—O... , 6. Elgin, E 7. Middlesex, TF-0 ■ 8. JNIiddlesex, iV . . 8 . . • • i 9. Middlesex, E . . 10. London [ 11. Norfolk, , ST. ... 12. Norfolk, iV.... 13. Oxford, ,S. 1 2 15 34 918 28 14. Oxford, N. « i 15. Brant, S. or 0.. 16. Brant, N. or E. 17. Haldimand ...... >■•••*.. 13 4 7 12 3 26 8 11 24 G 6 602 53 60 624 475 8,629 4 i 18. Monck 19. Welland. 15 32 10 297 19 20. Niagara 21. Lincoln ....... i 23. Wentvvorth, H. . 23. Wentworth, N.. 1 1 24. Hamiltoa 25. Huron, S 40 1 12 56 109 4 21 113 18,335 500 6,358 2,204 2,081 30 571 956 ' 2G. Huron, N ' 27. Bruce, S 28. Bruce, N. • • • . f 29. Perth, .S. 1 bflNOMBHEMENT DE 1871. HI Tableau XXVI. Peche. PROVINCE D>OKTAaiO. 1 Barrel* Barrels of 1 )f Gaspa- Mac- reauK. keruL Bsrils Barils do de (Jaspa- Maq'e- reaux. [ reanx. 1 Bar'ls of Sar- dines. Barils de Sar- dines. Bar'U of Hali- but. BarilR de Plet- tants. Barrels of Sal- mon. Barils de Sau- nions. Barrels of Shad. Barils ; d' Aloees Barrels of Eels. Barils d- Anf^il- les. Barrels of White- fiBh. Barils de Pois- sons Blancs. Barrels of Trout. Barils de Truites Barrels of other Fish. Barils d' antros Poib- Eons. 1 Barrelsl of cured 1 Kr.es. ! Barils de Ro'.'ues salf^t'S. Bar'lM of Oys ters. Barilf d' TIul- tres. Gallons ..f medici- nal < 'od Liver Oil. Gall.nF d'huile 1 m<^d de I'l'ie de Morue. Gallons! •f 1 all other ITi^h Oil. Galloni- detouteh aiitres Huiles de [xii'soni'. 2.578 10 35 769 • a • - . • 7 1,960 449 2,107 332 8 250 182 163 IC ; i 1 1 1 • • • • » • • ■ . • • • • • • • . 1 1 . ... •• • ■ 45 11 266 ( ..... . 45 1 10 82 IGO 415 322 127 5 52 1 1 ( 16 7 136 2 86 9 2 24 "9 ..... •• 1 2.286 30 624 485 2,299 35 ': 32S 717 317 1 1 1 2 2 47 6 . — — C— ICJ 244 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXVI.— I^isheries. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. 1 DiSTiucTa and SuB-DisTKicre, Districts et SOL'S-DISTBICTS. Vessels, Boats, Men, Nets, &c. Navires, Barges, Hommes, Filets, &c. CJuintals of Cod. Quint'x de Monies. Quintalsi of Ha'dock, Hake, and Pollock. Quintans d'Aigre- fins, de Barbues, Merlans Barrels of Sounds and rongues Barilfl de Nones et de fiant'ues Barrels of Herring. Barils de Harengs. Ves- sels. Nav- ires. Men. Horn mes. Bo- ats. Bar- ges. Men. Horn mes. Shore- men. Gra- viers. Fathoms of Nets. Brasses de Filets. Fascines Fish'ies. Pech'ief de fas- cines. J ! '^0 Pnrth N ... '^ '^1 Watprlori R '^ Wfttprloo ^J^ • • • • 1 33. Wellington, S. . ■<4 ^V^'lH^i»■ton (J • • • • . 1 • • * 35. WelUngton, JV . "ta Orpv S ... 37. Grey, iV^ 4 2 42 2 1 80 3 1 11,753 125 33 14 Id "Pai^i A(\ PftrflAJL'pll 2 73 • • ■ 2 73 • ( « * > « • • 42 Simcoe, N 3 17,423 65 252 43. York, iV^ 41 Vnrk W 45. York, E 46. Toronto. W.—O A7 Tnrontn f! 1 3 1 10 5 4 2 12 4 6 40 225 167 541 80 32 142 40 121 AH Onl-arin f! 1 AQ nrifprifi K' 50. Durham, TT.-O. 1 2 2 4 ^^9 "Vi r f j^ r i a. X ^'l Virtoria TV 54, Northunaber- \ land. IF. — 0. ( 55. Northuiiiber- \ land. ^'. i ^fi Peterboro ' W 12 21 20 49 78'J 1,451 1 .... ... 61 185 2 1 ^i7 PoffrVinrr>' f7 "i8 Pftprbnro' N S DJ^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 24ri i Tableau XXVI— P^he. 1 PROVIKCK D'ONTARIO. | Barrels of Gaapa- reaux. Baril8 de Gaspa- reaux. B arrels of Mac- It ereL Barils dr. Maq'e- reaux. liar'b of Sar- diues. Barils de Sar- dines. Bar'ls of Hali- but Baril-^ de Flet- tauts. Barreb of Sal- mon. Barils de Sau- mons. Barrels f.f Shad. Barils d' Aloaes. Barrels of Eels. Barils d" Anguil- les. Barrels of White Fish. Barils de Pois- Bons Blancs. Barrebt of Trout. Earila de Truites* Barrels of other Fiflh. Barils d' autret Pois- sons. Barreb* of cured Roes. Barils de RotmeiJ salves. Bar'ls of Oys- ttTS. Barils d' 1 Hul- ; tjes. 1 GaUoub of medici- nal C . . . • • • 1 * ' 1 4 1 4 ' 2 14 34 ■ 7 203 2,051 23 13 29 8 4 139 ' 1,422 .** r.. 3 i i — 1 10 3 i i 1 1 44 ■ • • • • ' . . .._ t 1 34 CENSUS OF 1871 Tabt.f, XXVI.— Fisheries. PROVINCE OF Q,UKBEC. Districts and Sl'B-UlSTRICTS. Districts et Sous-Districts. Vessels, Boats, Men, Nets, &c, ,; Navires, Barges, Hommes, Filets, &c. Quintals ^..;„4.„i , "f Barrels r^ , Hake, Sounds ^""^ and and _ Pollock. Tongues fi„;,.f' V Quintaux Barib yuintx ^i-Aig,.^. ^i^ »T *_,.„„ fins, de Noues ^Io^^«8• Barbues, etd. Merlans. Languesi Barrels of Herring. Barilfl de Sarcngs. Ves- sels. ! Xav- ] ires. 3 1 klen, lorn mes. 9 2 Bo- ats. Bar ges Men.:; Elom- mes. Shore- men. Gra- viers. c Fathoms Fascines of Nets Fish'ies. "~ Pdch'ies Bra.«se8 de fas- ie Filets, cines. 88. Algoma, E.... 89. Algoma, Centri 90. Algoma, TT.-O 23 75 13 34 174 28 5,641 10,248 2,005 72 1 G. Tot.— Ontario. ) G. Tot. —Ontario. ) 20 73 1,154 2.307 129,958 14 9,814 1 [Prcrrince of Quebec) {Prai'iiice de Quibec) Q1 "P/^n + iQi^ ^ 56 12 93. Ottawa, W.-O 94. Ottaoua, Cmtn • • • • . 1 • • • 2 • • • • • ■ * • • • > 363 39 196 140 30 233 608 803 886 OR A I'rru'nf ailll 2 4 97. D'xMontagneh 98. Laval 99. Terrebonne .... 100. L'-Assomption . .... 2 5 4 13 3 1A9 T/\litiffo Ifl^ "RoT-tliii-r 7,729 50 1 5 IrtA AT(^Tifr*>i4_l W a • • • .... 179 756 4,728 142 2 . 7,282 ^{\^ Ta^cf f*oi*finT> 2 7 1 110. SoxiUnges * • • • 9 13 i 119 PViifo**ncmav 1 1 113. Huntingdon, 1 ^ • ■ • DENOMBREMENT DE J 871. 240 Tableau XXVK. Pcclie. 1 PUOVIMCK DE QVKBEf. Barrels of Gaspa reaux. Barils de Gaspa reaux. IJarrels of t Mac- kerel. Barils de Maq'e- reaux. liar'ls of Sar- dines. Barils de Sar- dines 1 Bai'k of Hali- but. Barils de Flet- tantb. 1 lii.riels of Sal- luon. Barils de Sau- mons. Barrels (.f SLad. Barils d' Aloses . liarrdu of 1 Eels. Barils d- Anguil- les. Barrels, f,f I White-: fish. 1 1 Barils de Pois- sons Blancs Barrels of Trout. Barils de Truites I'arreLs of other Fish. Barils iV autrea Pois- sons. Barrel* of cund Koes. Barils de Kogues saU'es. Bar'ls of Oys- ters. ~ Barils d' Hul- tres. of medici- nal Cod l^iver Oil. Gallons ri'huile iii^d. de Foje de Morue. Gallons of other Fi.,h Oil. Galhins detoute»i auti CK Huilea de poi'sons. 872 218 3,221 1,427 278 88 3 10 1,136 58 • 2,604 770 1 * • * • . , 127 21,44.5 17,353 12,5.36 33 3,622 ' 1 ' 6 3 2 3 3 6 3 10 2 3 8 11 15o 26 68 18 14 26 71 129 73 17 18 210 97 86 6 138 2,421 40 5 . . • • • • • • 1 li 1 • • • • • • 2 6 .■^2 94 1 1 28 y 31 t i 1 ! 1 :iOO 27G 62 17 1 i 10 j . 1 1 3r.o 12 58 191 069 551 25 3 14 1 ... 1 6 1 i 1 1 78 1 9; 40 245 1 4» 1 * ' 350 CENSUS OF 1871. PROVINCE OP QUEBEC. Districts and SUB-DlSTBICTS. DiSTKIOTS et SOCS-DlSTRICTS. Vessels, Boats, Men, Nets, &c. Navires, Barges, Hommes, Fileta, &c. Ves- sels. Xav- ires. 114. Hunti'gdon, IT. 115. Laprairie 116. Napierville .. 117. St. Jean 118. Chambly 119. Verchferea, 120. llichelieu 121. St. Hyacintho. 122. Bagot 123. Rouville 124. Iberville 125. Missisquoi 126. Brome 127. ShefE.jrd 128. Maskinonge. . , 129. St. Maurice, S 130. St. Maurice, 'iV 131. Trois-Eiviferes. 132. Chami)lain, S . 133. Champlain.iV. 134. Yamaska 135. Nicolet lie. Dnimmond . . . 137. Arthabaska . . . 138. Richmond .... 139. Wolfe 140. Sherbrooke . . . 141. Stanstead 142. Compton Men. Houn mes Bo- ats. Bar- ?es Men. Hom- ines. 10 14 12 18 12 Shore- men. Gra- viers. Fathoms iFa.«cinei- of 2s'et.- Brasses le Filets. Fish'ies, Fech'ies de fas cines. 602 1,116 2,490 1,793 4,033 42,131 613 121 206 975 600 - 7 13,640 1,474 456 100 3,251 436 2,801 4,549 41 Quintals of Cod. Quint'x de Morues . 33 10 11 4 314 489 Quintals of Ha'dock, Hake, and. Pollock, Quintaux d'Aii^'re- tin.s. de Barbues, Merlans. Barrels of Sounds and Tongues Barils de Noues et de FiaufTues Barrels of Herring. Barils de Flarengs . DENOMBREMEXT de 1871. Ml Tablkal^ XXVI. Peche. PROVINCE at: aUEBKC. 1 Barrels of Ga.spa reau.x. Barils de Gaspa- reaux. Barrels of Mac- kerel. Barils de Maq'e- reaux. Bar'ls of Sar- diu3S. Barils 1 de Sar- dines. liar'ls I of Hali- but. 3arils de VIA- tants. Barrels of I Sal- mon. Barils de Sau- i mons. barrels ! of Shad. Barils <1' Uoses. ; iarrels of Eels. Barils d' Vngijil- les. jarrelsl of r White- Barils de Poia- " sons Blaiics. Jarrels; of 1 Irout. Barils de Vuitcs iarrtl.s Barrels Bar'ls of of of iither cured Oys- b'ish. Roes. tcrs. ^""7}^^ Barils Barils •; de •••> 1 ( Sauva^e3de8 7 lales N S'v'ges Betsiamites (^ S'vagee de Mingan Total 2,374 i 4 413 38 443 49 25 324 737 795 .55,656 2 42,499 4 2 2,776 1.5,^ . L^via 2 17 'tl 26 i 1 534 758 154 . L^vIh ... 60 733 1 72 1.55 . LotbiiiifTe 1 2 30 3 1 5 156 . M(?c'aritic 1.57. Beauce, W. 158. Beaace. £ ... . 70 12 159 Dorchester, W. 0.... 160 Dorchester, £ 18 1,684 161 ' 162 Bellcchasse, iV. Bellechaase, S . Montmagny L'Islet 2 i 5 1 1 1 2 1 77 115 198 1,440 3 42 ! 163 i j 164 22 74 46 47 87 100 54 22 3,237 646 629 2,254 5,914 1 1 4 42 61 914 1 165 . Kamouraeka 1 DfiNOMBREMEKT DE 1871. 263 Tableau XXVI. Peche. PROVINCE DE dVEBKC. Barrels of Gaspa- reaux. Barik de Givpa- reaux. Barrels of Mac- kerel . Barik de Maq'e- reaux. Bar'k of Sar- dines. Barik de Sar- dines. Bar'k of Hali- but. B arik de Flet- tants. Barrels; ..f Sal- mon. Barik .ie , Sau- 1 mons. Bariels of Shad. Barils d' Aloses. Barrels of Eek. Barik d' Anguil- les. Barr.k of White- fish. Barik de Pois- Bons Blancs. Barrels of Trout. Barik de Truitcfe Barrels of 1 .ther Fkh. Barik d' autres Pois- sons. Barrels of cured Roes. Barik de RojjTies salt^es. Bar'k. ^^^",'^"« of 1 "I . n„o ' medici- ?/«■ ,ual Cod *^"-! Liver _ Oil. ,. .1 ' Gallons Bank i,. ■, J, 1 d huile TT a m6d. de *'^^«- 1 Morue. Gallons of all other Fkh OU. Gallons , detoutee autres 1 Huileu j de poi'eons. 2 28 7 1 101 150 1 697 10 2 • ••• •••• . • • 1 . 100 « ••••••. 60 18,000 2 8 • . • • 2 281 5 21 11 80 1 140 n.-i 125 92 5 8 2 20 8 5 9 11 7 14 40 15 181 467 2.712 88 8 18 58 1,048 1,414 701 437 258 261 126 179 731 6 2,563 1 3 5 1.38 751 1,741 51.784 1,979 14.110 10,.587 699 8 7 28 1 10 10 56 27 125 845 433 81 267 287 207 95 99 170 28 19 18 ■ .■■;'::: ..... 8 98 69 16 1 . ... 100 6.651 11 1 ;s8 305 1 001 249 110 2.015 1 8 702 312 5,2.31 100 88,046 1 1 14 38 21 13 140 13 62 i 500 j i 1 1 ■ • • • • • 54 M 1 -^ 3 1 ... . 1 ' 1 2 10 2 2 16 33 7 1 i 1 1 1 15 148 15 59 7 135 o 245 2,461 743 ,...••• . 8 4 • • • • • • 8 1 70 23 28 37 6 1 170 226 270 1,065 20 2 2 4 11 \ 121 69 1,224 , 4,875 9,499 1 1 0T1 J., ./I i « SIJ4 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXVI.— Fisheries. PnOVIKCE OP QUEBEC. Districts and SCB-DISTBICTS. VessQls, Boats, Men, Nets, &c. Navires, Barges, Hommes, Filets, &c. Quintals of Cod. Quint'x de Morues. Quintals of Ha'd'ck, Hake, and Pollock. Quint'x d'Aigre- fins, de Barb'es, M'rlans. Barrek of Sounds and Ton- gues. Barils, Nones et dV- Lang's. liar'ls r.f Her- ring. Sarils de Hay- engs. Districts ut SoCS-DlSTKICTS. Ves- sels. Nav- ires. Men Horn mes. Bo- ats Bar- ges. Men. Hom- mes. Shore- men. Gra- vicr.s. Fathoms of Nets. Brasses de Filets. Fascine? Fish'ies. Pech'ies de fas- cines. ■ w a i- » • « c 1 'a. X. 'D. du Portage. ... . 3 30 1,013 32 7 100 1 375 120 16 5 2 12 6 31 1 7 2 .368 1.1. =i() c. Fraserville, Village 8 (5 8 30 1 6 1 13 9 7 44 1 7 3 "4 2, 37 e. Oacouna, Village.. f. Isle Verte . . . . .... *i23 1,150 3 754 12 502 200 a St Eloi h. Trois Pistoles .... 1 2 60 / V^ii?"pr T)f*Tnpr^ ?>i.Denonvil!e, Hocq't n. ii(^g()n, Raudot . 0. LacTemiacouata. . L Total .... .. . ... . 1 1 246 7 1 2 67 80 4 1,927 87 183 9,575 80 f _ '-■ 1 ~ Y • I ^ a. St. Simon 6 St Mathieu de R .. . .... .... 193 2 c. St. Fabien d. Ste C&ile du Eic 1 2 7 1 2 r. 2 357 120 105 136 53 5 22 3 1 22 382 {138 5,486 2,344 125 f. Rimouski T —-V 4 7i a. St Anaclet . h. StCi Luce 150 794 i St Donat ■ , Total 14 15 2 1,061 108 125 9,224 fH 4 • a- Ste. Plavie h. Ste. Angele de M . 1 4 3 1 1,236 23 1 3 100 264 ' 525 C. M(;ti8 d. ('heminM<$tapi5dia e McXidpr 19 23 80 38 78 45 53 103 40 110 "g 507 796 1,641 483 979 2 9 17 8 3 677 606 2,873 5,850 6,834 16,940 242 64 301 27 195 /. Matane 2 1 2 6 11 fj. St. J(^rJ*jme A. Ste. F^licit^ i. Cherbourg •• ■ ... . Total J .... 1 4 242 354 : 274 167 2)4 251 93 216 104 2 .5 4 7 5,642 66 1,618 i fa. Port Daniel 18.5 115 lot) 254 62 175 1)4 2 4 4 131 6 101 214 ""1" 1 7,4-54 2,622 7.274 12,015 0.127 16,136 10.583 3' 14 2 2 9,132 6,458 19,105 7,535 252 34 377 17 208 64' 16' 3 1,848 1,369 3.877 6,760 2,612 4,063 4,216 1,211 ( b. Hope 1 • c. Cox d. Hamilton e. New Ilichmond f. Maria Q, Carleton ■"3' "*6' « /t. Nouvelle, Shoolb'd X. Mann 6- ca ' * " " ' 150 J lleatiffoucbe 9 : k. M'ttapHflia • • « th. Cascanddia Total.. 3 3 25,956 6 1,0G2 1,360 514 66,240 21 42,970 282 MNOMBKEMENT DE 18T1. 158 ■ - " - ■ ■ ■ - - 1 Tableau Xl^VI— P^che. PROVINCB DK QURREC. | ^Jaifrela of Gaspa- res,ux. Barils de Gas[)a- reaux. Barrels '..f Mac- kc-ra. B arils de Ma.h Oil. 1 Gallons detoute 1 autn-f- f Huilos de poi'H'ins. 4 90 35 800 130 883 5 23 "i "48' g' 11 29 21 , 23 "'"G2' 5' 8 22 9 66 4' 37 IG 18 3 (•) 12 i 10 310 .5 303 172 ...%. . 70 246 30 2 42 248 \ 404 36 ""so 20 ... . ■...-. 2 7' .... 16 26' .::::: 1 • • ■ 11 16 3 2 1 9 .. "iso ::."":::::■" • 1 5 . . . 3 I 203 1 f 70 2,037 49 152 114 97 ] 10 51 1,312 . ... 30 892 1 40 1 . 1 ; ' 1 . . 1— • © Gl 2 571 346 20 8 58 51 11 90 20 22 1 27 21 25 1 16 5 15 8 18 1,384 30 425 75 1 25 , 27 I "1 11 1 1 2 .. 1 708 37 29 7 914 1 4 48 101 1 fiSS 123 241 78 70 1 33 9 7.^4 4 183 i 1 6 24.S ""2 15 ""3' 3 2 5' i' 174 6 2 160 "42 1 1 iio 1 2 10 546 222 L814 1,839 ' 1,848 1 1 80 8 8 ""is" 2 25 3 U 1 1 . 1 .^6 5 5QS ... .. J .. . . . . "io 7 15 1 s 33 . ... '.'.'.'.'." G 2 410 3tj G7 7 5 6 25 731 4 6,539 4 3' i" 49 1 10 118 v 21 1 ""i 4 2 27 1 88 ■ 133 ^ 30 10 15 i' 5,4.31 3,709 8,266 3,509 114 6 32 17 k 10 12 1 14 iJ 4 7 64 998 4 1 ... . 58 143 101 G5 102 45 17 19 1 1 7 ; 28 883 2,405 2 . . .. 53 .... 5ib 1 1 1 1 8 204 1 34 696 1 63 ; C.Q .T 0:i() 159 21,067 1 256 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XXVI.— Fisheries. PROVIKCK OF NKW BRUNSWICK. Districts and sub-distbi0t8. Districts et SOCS-DlSTRICTS. Yesselfl, Boats, Men, Nets, &c. ^ Xavires, Barges, Hommes, Filets, &c. Quint'ls Barrels Bar'ls \ • 4. 1 of of of ^""fHa'd'ck, Sounds Her- clod. ^''\^' ^^^^ >^'- and lon- Pollock, gues. '-,,„• i.K. Quint'x Barils de ^I'^^i-re- de Barils Ifnrnps ^riB. dv: Noues de ^"'^"^^- Barb'es. etde Har- M'rlans. Lang'ti. engs. Ves sels. ! Nav- ] ires. Vien. lom mes. Bo- ats. Bar- ges. Shore- Fathoms Fascines Men. men. of Nets Fish'ies. ~ "■ ~ Pgcher's, Horn- Gra- Brasses de fas- mes. viers. de Filets, cines | iff n Can C^hat .... 76 136 81 41 334 67 201 78 129 14 7 140 2:'.9 123 75 577 127 4(12 150 231 38 23 '"'g' 902 2,719 2,577 1,324 3 5,5.50 1 12,113 7.271 3 217 546 734 394 ; b. Ste.AnnedesM. 6 // Viill.5pHp.«5MnTit.!a 4,741 ::::;: 0: 6t\ i^ 1, Total 6 123 34 112 153 13 *i2 91 7,522 4 _ 29,675 3,709 6,986 7,2S4 6,762 310 36 4 7,951 87" 3 11 1,890 i (I ( 'hloruloriiies * . 3,262 5.22S 3,449 6,075 2.229 2,590 700 5,099 7 13 2 3 67 1,763 1,522 1,170 ; 118 24 9 967 h S\'(1enh;iTn TV^. c. L'Anse au Griff. d. Cap des Rosiers. e. Gasp^, N... . ) Sj'denham, S. . ) f. Gasp^, .S q York 4 2 1 45 8 4 A. Douglas Total 5 3G 163 239 7 20 12 2 93 6.59 1,210 538 28,632 33,042 97 45 5,640 a. Malbaie . . 6. Perc^ 13 333 372 233 167 298 296 4C)0 245 2r)4 380 182 281 142 150 191 10,340 8,349 7,840 4,654 7,342 15,474 24,260 12,938 9,083 15,005 147 103 44 76 359 4 25 88 56 53 5,345 2.847 4,130 4,13Gr 6,387 c. L'Anse du Cap. . d. Grande-Rivitre . e Pabos Total 2 11 13 1,403 1,645 946 150 87 38,531 76,760 729 226 22,845 a. Groupe Sud h. Grindstone Isl . . 67 145 94 284 165 22 49 13,027 1,217 228 599 28 7.723 3,706 403 468 764 43 6,536 718 147 417 c. Allright Island. . d. Groupe Nord. . . . 1 12 8 n ,...j 23 764 2g I Total... 75 273 520 237 15,071 28 12,300 43 7,818 1 (jrand Tot's of Quebec. ) 110 801 4,779 6,929 3,143 348,694 1,369 264,742 1,881 350 90,428 Vtov. (a. Prince Ward. . . of N.B. a A >% ••* in 6. \yellington W. . c. King's Ward . . . d Queen's Ward. . €. Dnke's Ward . . . 5 6 28 3 71 120 32 5 2 5 12 44 5 95 232 47 8 2 3 1 11 2,600 2,640 5 823 1,000 16,285 57,332 6,150 2,013 470 G 2 5 g' 4 7 167 370 449 300 785 1,213 /. Sydney Ward . . {/. Brook's Ward . . h. Albert Ward . . . 1 8 4 24 30 16 "'273' 50 69 i. Guy's Ward j. Lancaster k. Portland 4 7 14 31 /. Simonds 1 1 G 4 2 13 87.T ^ i ffi.Saint Martin's. 1 36 ■. i28 L Total 22 83 272 450 31 94,3!3 30 355 134 4,287 ( a. Clarendon 6. Lepreau c. Pennfield 1 d. St. Geoige. ... 2 IH C 7 39 26 10 28 18 35 118 3,810 4,418 4,225 '"12 8 4 164 943 4 744 3,012 469 2,603 5,653 Di^NOMBREMEKT 1)15 187h 2^1 TABLKXXVff. PecliG. PROVixcE DV ]vouvEAr-nRr.\swirK. i Barrola of Gaspa- rcaux. Earils (le (iaspa- ICilUX. Biurels of Mac- kerel. Bnrils de Maq'e- reaux. liar'ls ..f Har- iiueij . Bai-ils de Sar- dines. Bar'ls of Hali- but. Baiils de ritt- tauts. Barrels ..f Sal- mon. Barils de Sau- moiis. Bai relt> of Shad. Barils d' Aloses. Barrtl.s of EelH. Barils d* Auguil- les. Barrels uf Wl.ite- iiisb. Barils do I'ois- SOl'.S Blai:c9 llarrcls of Trout. Barils de Truito;^ Barrels <.f other Fihh. Barils d' iiutres P..iB- Bons. I'arrels of curi'd ItoiB. • li.irils il.- ' R Bar'lH f.f Oya- lerri. Cari!« Guliuus of medici- nal Cod JJver OU, F..ied.i Morue. Ciallonf of all othei Fihh Oil. Gallons '• ' .iitek 11 ud..K 1 24 3i 1,686 597 2,489 350 935 883 136 47,.315 1 '"im 10 15 21 13 126 i ■354 233 207 151 945 14,9(J6 21,217 10,565 8,611 10,568 65,8<;7 1 RC. 9 26 34 2 45 105 17 2 200 132 185 2,374 657 254 346 34 87 287 1 23 36 7 5,254 2.i0 102 13.052 16,400 1 5,100 162 6 ' * * — . — . 3.6:51 5,857 102 6 1,665 36 34.804 1 — — 225 6,457 891 5,349 5,816 1,501 1,724 58.179 949 S';9 309,030 1 1 ; I 1 12 91 1,802 459 15 90 11 100 753 43 46 7 13 10 232 74 13 .... . « a a • • 5 j 20 ■■"is 1 i 5 1 8 1 i 200 1 3,955 1,148 3,490 20 ■■■•27' 1 - " • 1 127 1 j i 1 1 1.472 1 1 1 20 1 : 200 j 10,587 45 395 1 : i 1 136 1 1 t 1 i 66 15 5 1 20 r I 5 1 i 675 ! 4,895 25 1 u— 17 258 CENSUS OF 1871. 'J^ABLE XXVI. Fisheries. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Districts and SUB-DlSTBI0T8. Districts et S0UB-D1STBIOT8. t Vessels, Boats, Men, Nets, &c. Navires, Barges, Hommes, Filets, &c. Quintals of (.'od. Quint'x de Monies. CJuinta'.s Ha'd'ck, Hake, and Pollock. Quint'x d'Aigre- ,fins, de Barh'es, M'rlans. t Barrels uf Sounds and Ton- gues/ Barils de Noues L-t de L;iM<,''s. Bar'ls of Her- ring. Barils de Ha- rengs. Ves- sels. Nav- ires. Men. Horn mes. Bo- ats. Bar- ges. « Men. Hom- mes. Shore- men. Gra- viers. Fathoms of Nets. Brasses de Filets. F'scin's Fish'es. Pech'es^ de fas- cines. 3 8| #> St Patrick 45 2 850 .1 si 2 g. 8t. Andrew's 1 4 1 1^ 12 15 '.: s 1 A;. West Isles I, Canipo Bello m. Grand Manan .. 23 13 12 70 1 126 53 67 208 137 216 326 108 375 2 121 15 18,610 8,576 8,144 28 20 27 3,544 944 4,505 5,436 2,397 4,115 5 5 44,004 15,400 55,246 124,140 1 ; L Total 322 687 1,040 138 47,828 98 10,104 15,722 1 • • • • • 94 35 3 10 95 36 3 10 * • « • • • 3,655 5,942 4,008 1,003 541 12 , 176 ; 177 178 179 180 181 Ivill'^'8 . . . a . • ... 24 1 1 VnrL- 2 3 . V ictona r a Kid on 1 a ■ • 1 60 8,549 3,191 6,825 4,623 . ■ ■ • • • b. Addiniiton 31 15 5 26 43 20 3 27 • • • . • '3!' 47 7 85 ■ i' 34 881 1,155 985 c. Dailioudie d. Colbonie e. Durham 2 1 6 7 it) L Total 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 13 14 4 2 8 2 4 3 44 77 m 19 93 8 61 150 125 93 23,248 1 9 20 302 26 32 671 155 3,055 2,620 481 1,105 1,323 6,241 14,219 10,314 ; „ f «. Beresf ord I ^ 1 6. Bathurst ......... * 1 c. iSew-Bandon 2 1 c/. Iiikermaa 5 -j e . y aumarez 2 /. (Jaraijuette . y. yhippegan. . * l. Total 175 37 182 16 150 335 285 2 2 33" 1 '*278' 170 18,396 5,241 2,976 20,263 15,752 11,878 10,996 85,502 2 1 2 739 48*; 2,447 631 2,249 9,653 9,167 '"'2' i 4 5 12 20 67 542 1,180 486 5 25.372 1,215 36.303 2:^7 27 37 207 30 38 19 '"'i 34,:i(;9 3,281 2,888 433 72 2,139 2,545 1,093 5,933 5,888 9,585 1 4 305 47 1 12 3,892 142 2 ""69 "30 172 93 489 -s 1 h "VHW^^'JLHtl** M 1 c. 2i'orthesk 1 */ 1 .iiriUiW 11 21 i* ' e Blis.-jtield 2 {f. Black ville 1 DerljV .. .. 86 21 1 11 39 62 149 19 2 12 43 55 9 4 S 4' '5' 21 4 16 p^ i. Chatham j . Glenelg 2 4 c 4 ^' 1 k. Hardwicke L Total 13 25 521 615 33 68,226 9 399 16 4,889 ' a. Carletou 85 91 114 107 10,909 7,076 65 127 4 ■"ii' 1,215 400 ' 6 . St. Louis DlllNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 25 J Tableau XXVI.— Peche. ' PROVINCE DU NOUVEAU-BRLNSWICK. Barrels of Gaspa- reaux. Barils de Gaspa- reaux. Barrels of Mac- kerel. Barils de Maci'e- reaux. Bar'ls of Sar- dines. Baiils de Sar- dines. llar'iH of Hali- but. Barils de l-lt-t- tants. Jiarrels of Sal- mon. Barils de Sau- nions. Barrels of Shad. Barils d' Aloses. Barrels of Eels. Barils d' An5,'uil- les. Barivds of White- fish. T Barils de Pois- sons Blancs. Barrels of Trout. Barils de Trultes Barrels of other Fish. Barils d' autres Pois- sons. Barr'ls of cured Roes. Barils de Rogues aalees. Barls of Oys- ters. Barils d' Hui- tres. (Jallouh of medici nalC'od I.iver Oil. Gallonh d'huile m^ 1. de Foif de il(jme. 0... ( ; iiV.i poi-^ 1 \ -i 1,038 ^ 1 1 _ i . • . . , • 1 3<)C. 81 1 2" ()>'■• 1 •i 1. - 156 161 • 24.0(2 1 475 66 20 . ... 6 ... . 20 12 59,94:1 422 463 470 61 38 22 22 35 10 4(1 11 1 18 14 13 4 2 i : 1 4 9X 13 3 29 11 ., 8 4 547 466 173 117 1,307 11 , 1 2 3 9 10 2 1 . f 12 9 4 1 1 1 IS 8 2,347 622 22 97 127 3o3 15 1; 3 8 5)4 2")3 ■■■■5' 2 21 4 44 54 9 ■■■■22' 2 24 "'ii' 8 21 85 11 110 84 "129" 60 Ill 7 5 • ■ • . • • • . 1 "■ 2 "i 6 3 23 32 5 857 "'6' 6,953 3 5 2 572 ] :;,oi2 604 3 77 822 5 134 " 136 897 7,876 12:; 1', 477 100 34 43 30 60 54 179 260 234 68 48 3" 4;;o 85 161 14 •-•o 39 13 59 i 925 .... .... ^ « ' ' — 1 8 2 8 15 1 1 2 1,293 102 8 36 2 ' ; . 1 21 2 1 ' . 1ll>l 1.C28 144 660 15 51 1 i-";.^ f. ;>5 151 90 397 2 1 4 2 G 6 7 1 3 i 50 .... 1 1,539 58 1 1,817 36 75 ! 2 : 50 3.852 1,079 192 21 272 154 140 4 1 1()7 in 1 11 1 fi 104 829 18 40 1 2 ... . 34 34 fl 1 ■ 1| C-17^ 160 ofiNstJs 01* isn. Table XXVI. — Fisheries. 1 PROVINCE OP NOVA SCOTIA. Districts and scb-distbiots. Districts et SOUS-DISTRICTS. Vessels, Boats, Men, Nets, &c. Narires, Barges, Hommes, Filets, &c. Quintals of Cod. Quint'x do M orues. 'Quintals of Ha'd'ck, Hake, and Pollock. Quint'.x '1' Aigre- fins, de Barb'es, M'rlans. Barrels of Sounds and Ton- gues. Barils de Noues et de Lang's. Barrels of Her- ring. Barils de Ha- rengs. Ves- sels. Xav- ire.-i. Men. Horn mes. Bo- ats. Bar- ges. Men. Hom- mes Shore- men. Gra- viers. Fathoms of Nets. Brasses de Filets. F'.scin's Fish'es. P#ch'es do fas- cines. s- • OB c. Richibucto d Weldford 2 5 83 22 85 23 112 156 28 127 56 229 32 13,105 3,803 •7,823 2,179 8,009 3 i 513 69 54 65 84 87 2 20 4 12 1,731 79 727 39 826 e. Wellington 1 3 n 1 )un(iaa 2 5 Total • • > . .... « 13 502 42 14 4 46 128 1 817 32 52,904 4 977 117 23 5,017 ' — • ^ „ 7^ .l,„„*,..- 2 2 78 22 5 76 205 ■■■5' 11,670 4,085 866 4,189 13.786 57 . ? ■s e s -Id CD b. Sackville c. Westmorland . . . d Botsford .... '"'l' "'4 3 16 25 214 24 458 1,325 2,244 13' .... / Shediac . .... Total 3 1 6 . • ■ • . 235 25 5003 C4 7« 6 2 32 386 6 34,653 3 255 13 60 4,051 I 187 . Albert 6 61 3,286 15 34 24 Totals, N. Brunswdck . ) Totaux, N. -Brunswick, j 139 637 4,776 726 425,109 169 37,581 67 700 196 341 306 156 91 888 620 154 12 17,290 40 181792 1 "^— ( ( 188 P. of Nova Scotia.) P. de la N.-Ecosse.) . Sants 1 6 2 18 96 104 12 4 45 2 4 "ii' 14,663 12,335 803 2.100 4,340 922 1,048 2,072 1.276 234 21 67 2 ' 35 10 10 2 39 382 47 147 169 116 26 1,807 423 248 6 "'i94' .... ^. '"'1' 131 2,719 338 283 3,486 504 301 1,517 1,840 785 189 . King's.. r a. Wilmot 6. Middleton C'rs... c Clarence 1 4 d Bridgetown 8 1 12 t. BeliBle 6 46 1 40 1 11 80 1 52 1 if < 6 f. New Caledonia. . . g . Broad Cove . . .. h. Clements Port. . . . 3 "i' 14 "2 j, Annapolis Royal . k. CarletA NOUVEI.L.E-ECOSSE. |j Barrels 1 of 1 Gaspa! reaux. ' Barila lie Gaspa- reaox. ^■'irrela', of 1 kerel. Barils do \IaqV reaux. of Siir- dines. Barils de S.-tr- dines. liai '1« '. of Hali- but. B arils de yift- tauta. Barrels of 1 Sal- mon. Barils , de 1 8ru- ' mous. barrels of Shad. Barils d' A loses 1 cJarrels of Kels. Barils d' Anguil les. larruls of White- fish. •> Barils de Pois- 8ons Blancs. i Barrels of Trout. Barils de I'ruites Barrels of other Fi*h. Barils d' autres Pois- sons. iarrols of cured Uoe.s. Barilfl de Hogues salves. Bar'Is of 1 Oys. i ter». ' Barils d' Hul- tres. ( f • • ' 7 496 1 3 1 4 6 1,498 253 246 285 795 106 40 i 3' 336 36 15 12 25 1 7 ..... 1,575 386 1,867 2 2 10 1 4 1,760 979 4 693 13 62 21 4,010 3,968 ( 1 4i2 20 1 -107 1 ."? 1 42 ■ 2 10 1 9 lOi 4 .... ^. 25 186 l' .543 150 1 \ ' * ' * * ' 1 95 205 ! * 14 45 3 4 8 117 ■ • ■ • • ■ . ...■«..• 8 117 217 213 3 21 11 2,102 3 4 300 103 2 RW 1 4 6 76 18,534 2,421 10 133 6,340 3,532 488 57 280 9,070 13,243 217 75,8J6 ; 66 319 1 42 20 1,127 1,469 5 2 10 2 1 1 22 36S ! 12 i 6 1 196 ' 87, 3 5 11 21 • • • ■ • • 1 • • • ■ • i . 21 1 3 1 25 .... 2 13 26 8 ' • ' ■ * ■ 2,004 191 10 10 1 1 5 2 l' 1 1 1 1 ' . • 6 ""'i' 1 — — — — 16 66 1 5 7 32 1 2,516 1 32 ] 4>0 ' 78 37 2 • • • • • • • 4,. '.-l 2 9o6 2,.^y2 2,100 ' l,o43 1.82S , 112 1 1=5 277 229 1,054 72 14 97 m 1 .... ""i 2 1 10 8 .... 22 3 1 ..•••• , ■ ••••• * • 74 6 12 2 6 ••••••*. 1 , ■ • • « ■ • • I ! „». 1 , tn^miam iSwm^^ o2 CENSUS OF 1871. DfiNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 2G3 Tableau XXVI— Pficlie. PKOVINCK DK L.A NOVVELIiK-ECOSSE. Rarreli- BarrtU of j of Gaspa-i Mac- rcaiix. kurel. Barils Gaspa' reaux. Barils d«5 Ma(i'(;- rtaux. 45 2U VM 60.5 y 1 791 928 131 7 2.640 42 2')() 94 130 r)9 12 3,618 Bar'lh of Sar- uines. Baril^ de Sar- 1 104 7 1,185 1,680 184 40 ■ 157 509 225 •;; 4,3-17 178 313 23 290 104 33 145 120 11 10 15 2 5 424 12 40 21 Barils dfe Poi3- aons Blancs. Barrels of Trout. Barils de Truites i^.arrt-U of other Fish. Baril* d' ftutres Pois- 9ona. I'.arr.lH of cur»(l Uoes. Barils de Rogues salves, 60 7 12 12 23 71 3 7 1.35 114 JJarl. of Oys- ters. Barila Hul- trps. Lialloiih of medici- nal Cod Liver Oil. Gallons d'huile m>^d. d»- Foie de Morue. Gallons of all othei Fish Oil Gallons detoiitei avitres Huiles do jpui'sons. .56.5 416 1.067 615 21 18,796 65 45 17 70 10 3 81 5 3 190 41 '"7 20 S lii 88 1 1 .0 4 12 31 26 110 40 40 10 13 11 14 '40 39 8 112 60 3,147 615 32,729 I 1,541 I I I 1 1.602 8,762 60 t 48.791 . 1 984 I 3,362 . I 1,757 ' 12.173 3,131 4,766 4.478 1.073 32 •4 23 5,672 818 1,515 1,8»;6 1.-.0 I5i; 80! 68 114 42 13 23 10,021 53 33 27 59 1 2 3 14 4it 1,133 '2m 988 1,0J9 58 573 1,821 3,476 1.128 1,333 35 48 3 31 198 11,815 41 10 20 21 68 1 2 11 24 ;i8 22 12 80 152 24 75 44 26 6 182 600 9 422 1^219 14,863 10,9'>t» l.i.M 2.926 2,041 6')1 471 21S» 600 i 44,116 "o4 CENSUS OF 1871. i Table XXVI.— Fisheries. ! , PROVINCE OF WOVA SCOTIA. 1 DISTUICT.S 1 and Son-DisTiucTS, Districts et SOCS-DISTKICTS. Vessels, Boats, Men, Nets, &c. Navires, Barges, Hommes, Mlets, kc. Quintals of Cod. Quint'x de M< >rues . Quintals of Ka'd'ck, Hake, and Pollock. Quint'x d'Aigre fins, (le Harb'es, M'rlans. Barrels of Sounds and Ton- gues. Barils de Noues et de f/ang's. Barrels of Her- rings . Barils de Ha- reng*. Ves- sels. Xav- ires. Men. Horn mes. Bo- ats. Bar- ges. Men. Horn mcs. Shore- men. Gra- viers. Fathoms of Nets. Brasses de Filets. F'scin's Fish'es Pech'es de Fas- cineij. •i f a. ^Vard No 1 . f 20 500 *! h. \V.ardNo. 2 c. M^ard No. 3 13 no 6,300 30 1,600 Halifax, W.-O. d. Ward No. 4 c. W'dNo. n,lstSec. /. W'dNo 5, 2nd Sec. g. Ward No 6 "i5' ios' io" 25 h. North- West Arm. i. Feri,'u son's Cove . . j. Portuguese Cove . . k. Hamljru I Terrence Bay .... 23 2 3 110 5 9 107 136 55 99 262 5 .SOI 116 107 153 21 113 75 290 5 288 92 123 17 11 '"'i' 1 4 15. 105 26,208 8,198 9,651 46,157 250 37,239 16,058 14,073 ""5 i' 1' 7,650 • 2 290 4,345 1,819 3,368 40 2,577 41 109 9:>5 2,2:M 992 860 2,492 20 3,008 341 250 5 ""24' 4 '"2 • 4 573 1,333 269 196 4,608 10 3,694 418 880 »i.Pros))ect 4 /I Drvrfdale 14 0. Haggt-tt's Cove . . . p. French Village . .. q. Black Point r. Hammond's Plain.* s. Pier's Mills 5 ■- 4 1 11 29 5 5 6 421 j 2 t. Sable Island ! E 404 s • • • ■ 1 17,432 \ ', T..trJ 1 70 1 1203 1,194 36 173,360 7 1 22,759 69 13,583 i fa. Dartmouth 1 \ h. WindscT Koad... c. Truro lt(>ad 1 37 1 41 • •• • d. Eastern Passage . . c. Preston f. La'ATencetown .... g. Chezettcook h Musquodoboit H'r i. cf eddor*! 4 17 3,226 1.301 1 135 5 217 1 12 4 51 49 92 45 92 148 70 28 28 32 326 73 i.;o 252 113 36 56 "i' 2 5,590 18,764 5 521 10,881 33,930 8,390 2,404 4,611 392 804 1,327 1 5 972 93 174 428 677 21:5 20 69 80 '"'3' 19 "1' 2 361 850 181 1,385 4,140 409 85 276 11 17 7 2 1 60 101 33 10 9 s 3 hi' 9 j. Pofie's Harbor k Sheet Harbor /. Salmon Kiver ni.Nicumteauch n. Upp. Musquodolj't 0. Mid. Musquodob'i -p. Little Kiver 4,463 1,049 1,456 1,148 (I. Wyise's ('oniers. . . r. Gay's River | 195 5;)0 93,512 17,212 312 104 304 845 2,0.57 1,609 6,528 4,623 1,889 198 22 161 974 .597 711 hH) 3,036 122 ! Total. , 1 55 1 285 866 3 39 1 1 56 4 i" 7,964 1,108 208 1,706 1,927 2,854 1,505 5.180 4,113 1 ^Ai. 198 199 200 201 1 . Cumberland | . 1 . C'olcli'istor 1 7' . Piet^m : 1 . Anf;".'i--% 1 r«. '■ n.ghp.D,* '■ ij. • ijor. ... C. M) . ^'J d. ' M.aTbor..| 2 e. 1.S tw, -J I i arbor . . .' 14 5 "1 10 83 lis 101 217 213 74 128 175 155 275 177 ;o _',;6 312 167 1 37 5 13 '"42' 6,050 7,527 11,380 21.77:'. 21,063 38,502 24.631 31,266 15.760 17 44 28 i • wJWM i - i «. ' j3uinij)iijmL, ■ I. fmmmi ^ mjaMixnJsma t m BK!- x D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 263 Tableau XX V I.— Fcche. PROVfVCK nE r^A NOUV'ELI.E-ECOSSE. Barrels if Gaspa- reaux barils de Gaspa reaux. Barrels of Miic- ktrel. Barils de Maq'o- reaux Bar']^ of Sar- dines. Baril) de Sar- dines . liar 'Is of Haii but. Barih de Flet- tantt). Barrels <.f Sal- mon. Barils de Sau- uions. Barrels of .Shad. Barils d' Aloses, Barrels of J.els. Barils d' Anguil- les. [jarrels of White- fish. Barils de Pois- 30 n 8 Blancs. I Barrels of Trout Barils de Truttes Earrelt; Barrels of other Fish. Birils d' autrea Pois- 8ons. of cured Koee. Barils de Rogues Halees. Bar'ls of Oys- ters, Barili? d' Hul- tres. Gallons of medici nal C!od Liver Oil. Gallons d'l.uile m-'d. de Foie lie Mome. Gallons of all otbei luh Oil. '^iallons Ide t«utej' I autres I Iluiles I J 0k m M o a. Flaister ( "ove . . . h. Kiver Inhabitants c. North Mountain . d. Kiver L>enni.s. . . . e .luilif|ue 3 27 101 10 3,Ci07 loo 2,001 910 3,557 5,058 892 103 1,737 1.548 5,474 8,i;03 50 412 29S ] ,026 35,382 1 "6 12 7 ' '62 1 89 229 1 4 1,361 11 ... 1 4 42 99 31 2 8 78 160 57 "■3 16 12 726 4 93 573 57 4" 121 1 773 /. Port Hood iJ. Mabou 2,048 124 h. We.it Lake Ain.slie i. 13roail ('o\e Int. . j. Broad Cove Ui.st . . k. Margaree .. .... /. Chetiuamp »i.N. E. Mari,'aree .. n. Y. Jiridge or Fork.*- 0. Eaht Lake Ainslit ■p. Whyy-coraaKh Totd 5 8 3 1 20 ":'4 46 18 7 1.32 28 33 46 113 12 8 58 74 141 312 37 17 20 5 10 77 3 414 522 3,S64 10,030 403 661 9 36 623 587 50 29 i" 179 180 479 406 12 63 16 492 30 270 8 17 241 1,075 1 56 22,429 2 291 7,724 c ••• > ■ 1 . «»< o « ■ rt. Wa^habuclit . 6. Little Narrows. . . 26 2 "9' 28 36 40 58 59 101 13 45 417 42 2 ""s 62 78 88 114 176 25 8.-, 2 ■■■9' 19 8 .5 4 2,179 978 48 1,064 1.289 L579 4,815 4,675 4,914 6,702 2,469 •X 771 1,017 87 2 192 ■uSO 1,039 2,164 1,274 1,.302 6,1112 2514 1.392 195 3 7 28 44 59 90 374 "io' 335 107 C. Middle River. . . . d. 13ad'ieck t Boiilarderie ...... ... . 1 45 68 /. Kin-'r^ Cove {). Kntflishtown . . . h. Monro'.s Boint. . /. Plaster ;". Infroui.sh k. Cape North I. Bay of St. Lawr Total 3 1 2 17 10 7 73 731 664 038 632 299 262 6 .34 ' 10 724 19 18 5 6 24 53 34,543 17,605 81)5 501 108 186 1,089 297 2,539 598 1,883 129 5,130 800 3,8.^5 s 3 a. Howlej'^'H Firry . h. Sidney Mines . . . c. Ball's Bridge, . . . d. P.eaver Cove .... e. Christnia-s Island i. East Bay 1 5 "'l' 9 33 "'3' 14 20 3 4 21 2 " 5' 21 1,409 1,755 2,436 62 1,4,8 1,498 4.637 3,503 4,1)51 l.l;-.'.t 15;6J5 ' 23 27 20 38 "'"i:36 2 17 204 25 4 "2 1 191 232 569 5 ^% 185 g. Sydney 1 h. Lingan Mines . . 1 i. Cow Bay j. Mira Bay "'i' "'i' 5 "'9' 30 20 67 iiio 40 34 106 524 517 160 y k. ilainalieu 296 17 2,360 : 1,326 DlbrOMEREMENT DE 1871. 2C7 268 CENSUS OF 1 871. Table XXVI.— Fisheries. PUOVliVClJ: OP NOVA SCOTIA. Districts and SUB-DlSTKICTS. Districts et Sous-Districts. I I. Louisbonrg. m. Gab.xrus . .. 1 n. BiK Pond. . Vessels, Boats, Men, Nets, &c. Na vires, Barges, Hommes, Filets, &c. Ves- sels. Nav- ires. L Total , 10 a. h. c. d. % It. A Iff- i. O A,. m. Framboise . . . " Lochlomond Red Islands Grand i\iver . .. . Ti'Ardoise ... . . St. Petc-r's fclack River. . . . River Inhabitants Ri ver Bourgeois . . D'Es(!oi'.sse Petit de Grat. . . . Arichat Little Arichat . . . . rr 12 28 18 15 Total 85 Bo- Men, t ats. Homj i-?ar- mes. 5 se.i. 6 I 72 104 2 6.1 8 553 __8 9 I 4; 1 47 32 B lilS» 11 4 152 4 38 150 10 { lo'i 53 19(5 146 95 Men. Horn n-es. Shore- men. Gra- viers. Fathoms of Nets. Bras.ses de Filets. 5 2 6,973 7,640 574 52 52,830 de fas- cines. 549 759 84 I 403 6 3 158 "07' 252 8 1,222 2 36 15 73 F'scin': Fish'c- Quiatals of Cod. Quint'x Pfech'es ,.^^ Monies, 2,138 3.600 128 t^uintals of Ha'd'ck, Hake and Pollock. Qnint'x d'Aigre- (ins. de Barb'es, M'rlans. Barrels! Barrels! 3,450 1,383 of Sounds and Ton- gues. B arils de Noues et de Lang's. 50 19,791 6.230 120 18 9,150 30,757 4,020 1,191 13.792 4,122 4,629 7,3.36 900 8,483 i 26U 90,748 7 10 996 8 172 299 ,312 ,014 34 516 ,807 ,-t2l 12s 100 703 7.604 of Her- ring. Barils de Ha- rengs. 252 I .S0,540 126 1 30 58 5,189 69 720 560 1,134 2.314 519 10,756 3 10 30 45 GRAND TOTALS. Totals of Ontario 1 Totaux d'Ontari.) ( Totals of Quebi'C . . . Totaiix de Quebec . . TotalsofjST. Brunswick. ) Totaux, N. -Brunswick, j Totals of Nova Scotia. . 1 Totaux dc la N.-Ecosse . f } Totals of the 4 Province-; Totaux des 4 Prrivinces :} 20 110 139 722 73 a, 154 801 4,779 537 5,573 991 j6,984 r 3,003 7.940 I.f.;876 129,958 14 348,694 1,369 425,109 160 975,674 771 1,879,435 2,-323 264,742 37,581 380,308 682.631 1,881 17,290 101,042 120,213 350 40 871 1,261 841 1,072 26 41 5,736 636 14 20 863 1,552 377 100 6,276 124 376 1,309 18 514 12,179 9,814 90,428 181,792 135,266 417,300 DENOMBREMENT DE 1871. 969 Tableau XXVI.— Peche. PROVINCE DE LA NOUVELLE-ECOSSB. Barrels of Gaspa- reaux. Fiarils de (j;is])a reaux Barrels (.f Mac- kerel. Barils tie Maq'e reaux. 50 44 1 595 1 3 12 1 8 2 504 6 1 35 78 050 416 377 2,362 Bar'lf of Sar- dines Barils de Sar- dines. Rar'h of Hali- but. Baril> 9 810 8 4.52 2.628 4.970 2,445 149 ^77 20 149 I 16,037 GRANDS TUTAUX. 1 1 127 5,816 488 1,262 21,445 1,50] 57 14 17,353 1,724 2S0 372 12,.5o6 58,179 9,070 1,367 33 949 1,952 3,622 309,030 : 75,826 287,925 225 18,534 10,358 5,857 2,421 69.647 6,457 10 25 891 133 2,536 5.349 6,340 4,218 1,605 3,532 7.183 12,3S0 13,243 1,257 869 217 1,405 29,117 77.925 0,4'.'2 1 3.5C.0 15,907 7,693 23,017 19.729 81,1.52 2,9;u 14,5Po; 2,491 676,103 K TABLE XXVII KAW MINERAL PBODUCTS. TABLEAU XXVIL MATIERES PEBMIEKES MINfiEALES. m CSNSU3 0^ I8n, j Table XXVIS.— Kaw Mineral Products. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. DI6TKICTS. Ounces of Gold. Onces d' Or. Ounces of Silver. Onces d' Argent. Tons of Copper Ore. Tonneaux de Minerai de C'uivre. Tons of Iron Ore. Tonneaux de Minerai de Fer. Tons of Pyrites. Tonneaux de Pyrites. Tons of Man- ganese. TonneauN de Man- ganese. Tons of other Ore. Tonneaux d'autres MintJiais. 1 Esse-t 2 Kent 3 Bothwell . . 5 "Ek'in West— Quest 6 El 'in East— Est 7 Middlesex West— Guest 8. Middlesex, North- Nord. 9 Middlesex East— Est ■ 10. London 11. Norfolk, South—Sud 12 Norfolk North — Nord . . \3 Oxford South—Sud .... 14 Oxford North— Nord . . . 15 Brant S or W—S ouO.. 16 Brant N.ov E.- N onE. 17 TTaldimand 18 Monck 19 Welland 20 ^i;i'''ara . . . 21 Tjincoln . 22. Wentworth, South—Sud . 23. Wentworth, North— Nord 24 Hamilton ' s 9o iTiiron South — S'nd . i 26 Huron North— Nurd .... 27 Bruce South — Svd ... 1 28. Bruce North — Nord 29. Perth South—Sud # DENOMBREMENT DE 1871. Tableau XXVII.— Matii ivea premieres }>l iiierale.« • PnOVINCE D'ONTARIO. Tons of Coal. Tonneaux do Charbon. 1 Tons ! of Peat. Tonneaux de Tourbe. 1 Tons of Plum- bago. Tonneaux do Plom- ba^'ine. 'I'ons of Lump Gypsum, Tonneaux de Gypse. Tons of Phosphate of Lime. Tonneaux de Phos jhate de Cnaxix. Pound s of Mica. Livres de Mica. Gallons of Crude Petroleum. Gallons de Pi'trole nou- rafhni?. Cubic feet of Grained Marble. Pieds cubes de Marbre. Cubic feel ')fl>ui!.: stonr dresoiiig. , Pieds cjilifs de 1 Pierre de taille. Cav ( . i eco 1 } 8,.560 108,600 12,852,275 1,400 • ...... ..... 4 ' 1 1 ■■'■*" 1 1 « i •«.. 1 4,230 1 11:5,070 . 629,5GS 12,800 ••• >••■• i, , . 4,640 « •■•••■. 14, SO-: ' I 1 700 - 1 1 .........> • * 1 *. 25,000 I'"'"' '"■■ 14,:'.00 0— IS &74 CJEITSUS OF 1871. Table XXVII.— Raw Mineral Products. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. Ounces of Gold. Onces d' Or. Ounces of riilvei-. Onces d' Argent. Tons of Copper Ore. Tonneaux de Mineral de Cuivre. Tons of Iron Ore. Tonneaux de Mineral de Fer. Tons of Pyrites. Tonneaux de Pyrites. Tons of Man- ganese. Tonneaux de Man- ganese. Tons of other Ore. Tonneaux d'autres Minerals. SO Perth Iforth — Iford ■ 31 Waterloo South. — Sud. . . 32. Waterloo, J^orth.—Nord . 33. Wellington, South.— Sud. i 1 34 W^ellincrton. Centre * 35. Wellington, North-Nwd. 'i 36. Grev. South.— Sud 37 G-rev North — Nord .38. Halton 39 Peel . 40 Cardwell , >i 41. Simcoe. South — Sud ■ 42 Simcoe North — Nord . . . i i ' ' 43 York North. -Nord 44. York. West. — Quest io. York, East.— Est ' 46. * Toronto, West.— Quest... 47. *ToToiito, East. -Est .•-. 48 Ontario, South.— Sud .... 49. Ontario, North.— Nord. . . 50. Durh.ani. West. — Quest. . . 51. Durham, East. — Est 52. Victoria. South. — Sud 53 Victoria. Norih — Nord. . •54. Northumberland, W.-Q. . 55. Northumberland, E.-E . . ! 56. Peterborough, W.—O ' * * * ' *• City of Toronto ) ** Ville de Toronto / , D:d)NOMBKEMENT DB 1871. 276 Tableau XXVII. — Matifere.s premieres Minerales. PROVINCE O'OJVTARIO. Tons of Coal. Tonneaux de Charbon. Tons of Peat. Tonneaux de Tourbe. Tons of Plum- bago. Tonneaux de Ploni- bagine. Tons of Ijuinp Gypsum. Tonneaux de Gypse. Tons of Phosphate of Lime. Tonneaux de Phosphate de Chaux. Pounds of Mica. Tiivres de Mica. Gallons of Crude Petroleum. Gallons de P(^tr<>le non- raftind. Cubic feet of Grained Marble. Piedw cubes de Marbre. Cubic feet of building stone for drensing. Piedfl cubes de Pierre de taille. Square** of Rooting Slate. Carres d- Ardoisea . 8,387 18,300 109,000 3,308 1 150 71,508 8,704 6,628 1,200 24 55,632 13,000 « 9,000 900 1 1 : U— JLfii:^* 276 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXVII. — Raw Mineral Products. PROVINCE OP ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. Ounces of Gold. Onces d' Or. Ounces of Silver. , Onces d' Argent. Tons of Copper Ore, Tonneaux de Minerai de Cuivre. Tons of Iron Ore. Tonneaux de Minerai de Fer. Tons of Pyrites. Tonneaux de Pyrites. Tons of Man- ganese. Tonneaux de Man- ganJ>se. Tons of Other Ore. Tonnfcaux d'autrea Minerais. 57. Peterborough, East— Est. 1ft *pAf •^r1"»r*rAncrVi TV" 16,000 '^Q T^rinrf* T^ilx^nrH ftO TTa4>nn9n W/'uf fiitfiJtf 61. Hastings, Eaet—Est. ... 62. Hastinsfs, NoHh—N . 1 '••••••• ' .... '[ 1 ; t i • 69,000 41,050 10,402 125,356 74,625 383,280 ' 1,875 8,870 1 . ..... , , , 1 t ■ 27S CENSUS OF 1871. IT Table XXVIII'.— Eaw Mineral Products. PROVINCK OF Q,UEBKC. DISTRICTS. 86. Parry Sound 87. Manitoulin 88. Algoma, East. — Est. . . 89. Algoma. Centre 90. A]goraa, West. — Quest. Ounces of Gold. Onces d' Or. Grand Totals of Ontari).. . \\ Cxrands Totaux d'Outario . . j j , (Province of Qiiehcc.) {Province de Quebec) 91. Poutiae, South.-— Snd. 92. Pontiac, North. — N&rd 9:3. Ottawa, West.— Quest .. .\ 94. Ottaoua, Centre | j 95. Ottaoua, EasU—Ed 9<5. Argeotenil 97. Deux-Montagnes 98. Lav^, .... 99. Terrebonne 100. L' Assomption 101. Montcalm, , 102. Joliette 103. Berthier .' 104. • Montreal* Cmtre ! IOC. * Montreal, Eaat.^Est. . 108. • Montreal, TT'est.-OwM^. 107. Hoclielaga 108. Jacques-Cartier 109. Vaui^reuil >**TotaiH v.f Mo "'"TMbaix lie AO •ntreal. .... ) j Ounces of Silver. Onces d' Arcfent. Tons of Copper Ore. Tonneaux de Mineral de Cuivre. 199 09,197 69,197 Tons of Iron Ore. Tonneaux de Mineral de Per. 1,934 Tons of Pyrites. Tons of Man- ganese. Tonneaux, Tonneaux de Pyrites. de Man- ganese. 1,934 30,726 15,000 500 Tons of other Ore. Tonneaux d'autres Minerals. s*«s^% DlfeNOMBREMEJTT DE 1871. 270 Tableau XXVII.—Mati^res premieres Mineralet*. PROVINCE DE Q,UEBEC. Tons of ' Coal. Tonneaux de Charbon. Tons of Peat. Tonneaux de Tourbe. Tons 1 of Plum- 1 bago. Tonneaux de Plom- bagine. Tuu.s of Lump Gypsum. Tonneaux de Gypse. Tons of Phosphate of Lime. Tonneaux de Phos jhate de Chaux. Pounds of Mica. Livres de Mica. Gallons of Crude Petroleum. Gallons de Pi'^trole noii- raffim^. Cubic feet of Grained ilarble. Pieds culjes de Marbre. Cubic feet of biiildinj,' stone fur dressing. Pieds cubes de I'ierre de taille. J Squares of Hoofing Slate. Carres . d' ; Ardoises. i 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i \ 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 ; i ! 1 1 i 4,230 1,975 12,969,435 i 8,870 2,003,711 1 i i •••• , 1 • * . . • • • . . _ 39,258 \ 270 9 1 4,000 1 j .... ••• 1 1 12,100 23,780 1 ; 1 , 1 1 1 22,CS0 60 1 . 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 t • •••••• ( " * • 1 i 1 1 1 1 . 1... t ! ! ) « 210,028 36,(500 1 1 1 \ 1 / 1 \ ■ 1 1 i i ; I *S.""jjirn'i ii I 1 7^" ■'■-"'"''*'''- ~" ' '*' • S^ 280 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XSVSI. Haw Mineral Products. PKOVIXCE OF QTJjaBJr.C. Ounces of Gold. Ounces of Silver. Tons of Copper Ore. Tons of Iron Ore. 1 Tons of Pyrites. Tons of Man- ganese. ions of oth-r Ore. i DISTRICTS. — — — — — — — Onces " d' Or. Onces d' Argent. Tonneaux de Mineral de Cuivre. Tonneaux de Mineral de Jfer. Tonneaux de Pyrites . Tons of Man- ganbse . Tonneaux d'autres Minerals. ' 110. Soulanges 111. Beauhamois 1 ' 112. ChateaugT.iay i 113. Huntingdon, East— Ed.. 114. Huntingdon, W.—O.... 115. Lapraifio , 1 IIG. Naplervllle ■ : 117, St. Joan . . . i 118. Chambly . 119. Verch^res 120. Richelieu • • . t ■ • » 121. St. Hyacinthe 122. Bagot 123. Houville 124. IberTille 125. MidslBquoi - 120. Brome 4,000 300 127. Sheilord • • • 128. Maskinongi^ ... 129. St. Maurice. South-Sud 11,007 1 y 130. St. Maurice, Norlh-JVm-d '•' 1.31. Tiois-Eivlferes ) 10,957 ' 13,000 * G,142 27,342 i 1 132. Cliamplain, South — Sud. i 133. Ohaiaplain, Norih-Nord. 134. Yamaskft » • «*•*•• 135. Nicolet . . . * . • . * V * * 1 * • ■ • • » « • • ■ ;. Drummond 1 . ...... ♦ 137. Arthabafika • 40 138. Eichmond ' ! 1 ' D^NOMBRE^rENT DE 1871. 281 Tableau XXVII. — Matiuix-s piemiures Mm<^rales. PROVINCE DE dXJEBEC. M'ons 1 "f 1 Coal. 1 _ 1 Tonneaux de Charbon. 1 Tons of Peat. Tonneaux de Tourbe. Tons of Plum- bago. Tonneau:: de Plom- bagine. Tons of Lump Gypsuui. Tonncaux de Gypse. Tons of rhoHjdiate of Lime. Tonneaux de Phosphate dfc Chaux.i Pounds of Mica. Livres de Mica. ! Gallons of Crude Petroleum. Gallons de P^trole non- ratfind. Cubic 'Cubic feet feet of ,of buiMiii).' Graint'd 1 stone for Marble. | dressing, i Pieds Pieds cubes de cubos de \ Marbre. Pierre i de taille. [ Squares | of 1 Roofinii ' tjlate. 1 1 Carres d' Ardoisea. i 1 1 ! 1 ' * * * * 1 i 1 1 / I 1 i 1 1 1,031 ; 1 1 7,2o6 I 8,021 6 1 1 t i : 19 20 ........ , , , 8,000 15.000 1 1 1 ■. 1 1 1 ......... i 1 i , '•••••' ■ 75 i 1 1 300 25 j 1 1 100 1 1 i 1 1 1 ! 1 5,000 1 I i 1 1 1,080 i i 1 1 1 1 .... 1 1 i 1 i i 1 1 ! 1 i i 1 • « • • J • •. < • • • • i 1 ' .* 1 i i 6,498 4,568 i - ! 1 1 1 !282 CENSUS OP 1871. 1 Table XXVII.— Raw Mineral Products, PROVIIVCE OF QUlfiEEC. 1 1 1 1 \ DISTEICTS. Ounces of Gold. Onces d' Or. Ounces of Silver. Onces d' Argent. Tons of Cojiper Ore. Tonneaux de IVI inerai de Cuivre. Tons of Iron Ore. Tonneaux de Mineral de Fer. Tons of Pyrites. Tonneaux de Pyrites. Tons of Man- ganese, • Tonneaux de Man- ganese. Tons of other Ore. Tonneaux d'autres Minerals. 139 Wolfe .... _ 140 Sliprbrool^^e ...... 4,836 • f • a • • • 2,300 141 Stanstead 142. Compton | 301 143 Portneuf i . ...... 144 C^iCivni'.^ c\(^ Oii*^"»Pf !' 145 * Oudibec Weit- -Oue'it D . . 146 * Quebec Centre ^ 147 * Ou2 Tjfl ViTflHoT" n.... ...... . 1,500 I 153 L^^aa . - '■■ - - . ...... 154 . Leyia 1 Dn Tifif.TiTm^TP 1.56 M(^<^'antic . 1,250 1.57 T?flaiiRP We»t — Oufxt 158. Beauce, East— Est 3,110 IfiO T)nrflips«f.pr 'P!tTSit~^Tilai - 161 "RellftohaARe Nnrlk-^Naid If52 'Relleplla^Rf* Sr)nfh~!^ud 1 fi3 AToTltm'icrnv 164. L'Islet 1 »._ — — . — —■ • *♦* TotalH-City of Quebec. ) *** Tot.iux-VJlle de Quebec f . ■ ■ 1 ■ JMLJ-R-'tf* D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 23! "',■'' ' ' — - — -^^ — -■"" ,i 1 Tableau XXVIf . — ilatieies premieres Minemles. PROVINCE DE dUKBEC. Tona of CoaL Tonneaiix do Charbon. Tons of Peat. Tonneaux de Tourbe. Tons of Plum- bago. Tonneaux de Plom- bagine. Tons of Lump 1 Gypsum. Tonneanx de Gypse. Tons of 'hos])hate of liiiue. Tonneaux de -"hospliatf de Chaux. Pounds of Mica. Livres de Mica. Gallons of Crude Petroleum. Gallons de Pfitrole non- raffine. Cubic ' feet of Grained Marble. Pieds cubes de Marbre. 1 Jubic feet )fbuilding sioue for di-essiiig. Pieds cubes de Pierre detaille. Squares of Roofing Slate. Carres d' (\.rdoise8. i 1 1 2,208 .....••••[ j • ••• •••• 38,000 1,775 44,470 1 ,,,,.,.,, 1 500 1 j 1 1 1 1 ' 109,352 6,000 • • •* i 358,600 I 1 « 1 1 1 1 i i 1 i ■ •fit * * ) • 1 i 1 • • • . • • • • 1 1 • « ■ • • • • 1 1 • i I 1 1 1 I 7,690 1 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 c ttSSa ViitiiMi ^m i 1 !.. ■ 284 CSNStrS OF 1871. Table XX VII. — Raw Mineral Products. FROVIIVCK OF IVEAV BRUXSAVICK. V DISTRICTS. Ounces of Gold. Onces d' Or. Ounces of Silver. Onces d' Argent. Tons of Copper Ore. Tonneaux de Mineral de Cuivre. Tons of Iron Ore. Tonneaux de Minei'ai de Fer. Tons of Pyrites. runneaux de Pyrites. Tons of Man- ganese. ronneaux de Man- ganese. Tons of other Ore. Tonneaux d'autres Minerals. Ifi7 TLimoTiski West — Oueit. . li'W Tiimoiiski East — Est ... 1 AQ T^Am vc^iif-iiTP 170 fi-asn^ Went Guest .... 171 Claar\4 flayifrp 172 Oafiiit^ Smith — Sad Grand Totals of Quebec. ...\ Grands Totaux de Quebec . j 11.326 2,300 3,411 t)2,001 Province of New Bru-iimlck). Province da N, -Brunswick). 174 >* St John . 173. Charlotte 176 Kind's »... 4.50 177 Oueen's 17ft Snnl^nrv ... 179 ** Yorl' 10 180 Carleton ■ ' ' , »• • ■ 3,070 181 Victoria , . 182 Eeafci'T'ouche 183 Gloucester 184 TsortKiTTiVif^rland ... 185 Kent . . . .... 186. Westmorland 137 Albert 50 25 *'-'<•. .T--.1 n '"'•'•V, sefv'iTf'telv. ) ■^ St. Jean, Ville, separ^ment 1 ** '■"!'■•■ '►•fi'-t ■!!. HH-ifiT-ate'v. . ) > **rrt;dericton, separement . ) TotaLnof New Rrunsvrick.. \ i'otaux dn X. Bruur.Viuk . . j _-«.-~ " — ™~ ! ' 50 3,070 475 10 1 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. aec Tableau XXVII. — Matii^res premieres Min^rales. PROVIIVCE3 nu NOUVEAU-BRUJVSWICK. Tons of CoaL Tonneaux de Charbon. Tons of Peat. Tonneaux de Tourbe. Tons of Plum- bago. Tonneaux de Plom- bagine. Tons of Lump Gypsum. Tonneaux de Gypse. Tons of Phosphate of Lime. Tonneaux de Phosphate de Chaux. Pounds of Mica. Livres de Mica. Gallons of Crude Petreleum, Gallons de P(^trole non- raHin^. Cubic feet i>{ Grained Marble. Pieds cubes de Marbre . Cubic feet of building stone for dressing, Pieds cubes de Pierre de tfulle. Squares of Roofing Slate. Carr^ d' Ardoises 1 675,896 78,U9 52,438 17,100 • * 1 14,597 270 4,000 1,674,362 4,593 25 4,000 96,000 2,800 76 1,340 4,025 500 10 106,140 412,400 25.911 22 9,000 84 1,000 12,134 157,586 3,150 - ■- - 13,502 160 13,659 10 ... ... 810,552 S86 CENSUS OF 1871, Table XXVII. — Raw Mineral Products. PROVINCE ?fTABIO. i of all sorts. i iJlftckHuiitbiug. J dotont'jti SJi-fe >. Forgea. ! 1 A^ilnc uf j Humls employed. 1 1 V^lueof i Vahi. Yearly I _:;:l'.«' -» " S Yearly | Raw .-utlcl. wages. inati-iiul. ■ . Number. Employes. v/atres. in.'iterial. pr-iduceii Sal aires V;'.lf"!r fit"* V^i,- — Males.— Hommes. Salaires Valeurdes Valeur dun | aunuelH. ! ,.,-—•>_--— —~-^ anmieL*. iu:vti?TC.s 1 :;l-t^i:l.-s .! 1'. 5 Over 10. 1 TlnJerlG premieres. Ji.'oiluii::. .? I'lus 16. Mollis 16. $ $ 4.79r, . ! 64 S9 2 18.089 7.480 .35,-<':J " G.r.;.'.. •il : 54 i 3 14,91.8 8.2C.3 '.'•'2. Ijy^- 39 5 n] 1 ^oe:.■,9. 12 945 *■■•» 2,7'i 'J 4l-. , 74 i i' 2i;507 i 12,278 r'C. ir.) ": ;'i) ; • • • • 7,219 4.255 17, ■ . i.--iy S7 1 22.005 15.450 59. . •J.OCJ ; ''7 7 10,054 7.308 •>■-* n-o ' i 80 2 12.869 11,358 ;v.i. .MIO ;;.!•-'..) 5.5 J 81 2 21,083 17,334 5' . 28,4r,0 402;(;87 4- (3 1 11 1 3,350 2,435 1 ■ ., 34 44 '' 27 35 •> 11.533 io,ir,o 3,337 4.291 J 1 ■""2,i72" s'.i-jo i''-^5^' 2.G80 15.210 24,0(50 5;/440 •IS 92 41 G4 24 495 17,616 8.S47 8,1S4 '''. -■ 1 9,604 1,552 .■"i 53 10G40 9,570 4,S20 22 .33 4' 3 10,740 4,255 _ , i.fiyo 7,170 1 ■ 59 93 25.9C,8 14,956 :'• I 23 31 8,935 4,000 ' ' ■■"7,229' 44,757' 7 47 71 20,430 6,796 300 •J •)"">: i- r^ 3 1,780 1,835 G,22o "," 1 18,3(6 8,515 1,000 G,...u ■' -'i ' 1 ■> 4 20,147 14,755 2,225 11,185 1 31 51 2 15.580 13,015 34,4?.5 197,412 r 5 15 2 5,2(:0 3.2G3 2,000 14.(J50 :.■ 40 65 2 16,970 9,513 1,520 11,082 55 92 2 17,515 1G,246 •i.jO 020 34 50 2 12,876 12,246 980 4.200 .■^■■.■O ,i 31 50 1 12.660 8,888 ^ ' \l 10 1 2t> 40 02 7,840 13.900 3,315 11.521 i" ■*"4'irt2' ■■"]:•■ (V;.V 3! ;'.j:. 4,]r/) 2" 1;;."! :v, ^ -■ 43 67 17,369 18,500 13,313 2,420 - 44 74 3 12,170 i> * , 5,4114 :>,41y 18 33 4.> 84 . ■ . . 7,733 4.482 16.707 11,140 9,890 j , . ! . . 15^485 ."..■. 35 42 54 6ft 2 1 14,849 10,319 ; i i" , 2,:j0-i '■' "■ . ' 45 79 3 17,620 11,368 y ;;,Gio 51 97 3 28,848 1.5,955 (. , 1,400 41 67 *> 9,423 10,021 ."•■. 058 42 51 1 13,478 9,091 3! . 2.''.s.') CO 89 3 24,548 12,659 .", ' .'..'■.•ia i: ri; t 101. '2 21,513 21,982 1 , •-Mi.'^O 7: J 114 4 27.957 17,865 I _ 1,275 41' 62 3 11 .408 11,571 ; ■ ' 1,571 79 5 14,851 13,402 .J, 18,903 1.;* »»7 5 9,90*3 7.110 L' 31,790 21 9 26 2 6,600 4.260 1- l.(JOO 41 75 21,084 15,049 .'' 3,9:.a 1 1 H't 1 •• 20.915 10.624 .» 2,70;i 1 .-.: 1 .. 13 S'M', 1 9.216 C,2.-.(^ 1 53 1 5 17,690 6.i';''2 ; 1 2 20,801 13. 102 •': . ! 28 40 I 62 4 5 8,686 15.279 3,7t 8 8,559 i, 4.684 lO.Ou'j Is, •., -, u' ', 2,Gl'0 9,400 49 1 77 6 21,745 8,758 4;:. 4,720 i3,4';;u IS J 32 1 11,692 4,446 -I,- 1,250 4,550 6,2o7 ! 28 49 1 10,9;i6 6,155 26,ti.> - .1 k 2 II 3 850 GOO 1,800 , 1 \ '\ C— iii^ 292 CENSUS OF 1871. --I i Table XXV 11 1. Industries.- — 1st Series. ; PKOVIXCK OF aUKBEO. TKTCTS. btr. Nom- bre. Agricultural Implements. Instruments aratoires. Value of articles. Val'r des article.s produits. S Bakeries Boulangeries Hands empl Employ<^ Over 16 j''s. Plus 16 ana. oyed. s. M.16 Yearly wages. Sal aires annuels. Value of lUw material. Val'r dos matibres premi'res 3 Xum ber. Nom bre. 7 10 1 5 4 2 1 14 1 8 4 2 3 2 3 3 8 Hands em Emplo Over 16 y's. Plus 16 ans. ploj-ed. y^s. Under 16. Moins 16. H. F. M. H. 1 "'i' '"2 s M. H. F. M. H. F. F. j 59. Prince Edward 1 00. Hastings, W.. !i 61. Hastings, E .. ' 6-2. Hastiniis,,V... (>i. Lennox 04. Addiugton .... Co. Froiiteuac .... 1 1 ""i 5 1 12 5 "'io' 10 5 — 4,500 1,500 3,800' 3,590 1,900 4,000 300 .3',435 1,278 500 10,000 3,175 '8',800' 8,:i22 3,400 9 36 1 6 10 2 2 41 1 25 8 3 8 2 5 6 8 4 13 1 1 1 "2 3 1 1 2 1 "'i' (ill Iviii''''8ton .... i G7. Leeds, 6' i 63. Brockville I 69. Grenville I 70. L'ds,Gr'v'le,A' j 71. Duadas ... . . [ 72 Stonnont 5 4 ; 3 83 31 1 .5 10 10 "3 19 2 1 21,940 12,500 1.50 3,000 3,050 71.315 10,500 40 800 1,175 125.920 28,650 350 4,500 5,950 "'i' 3 1 1 "1" 7.3 Cornwall .... ■1 74 rTl(*n<''flTrv ■ ... t ; 7r> Prpaont.t ... . 1 V 7G Ku-'sell ] 77. Ottawa, C.~V \ 1 73. Carleton (• 79. Lanark, ^ '' 89. Lanark, iV" .•• \ 81 llenfrew S 11 1 3 2 2 78 1 8 3 5 6 1 1 2 5 2 6 1,000 782 2,700 960 720 2,130 6,000 2,000 10,960 . ... 2 2 \\ P.2 Renfrew iV 3 1 ft*-? ^it)istinc<* (Si \ S-i- "NT'ini'^ciiii'v ?V* 1 1 1 1 T^'>T*pv SonTirl 1 S; '6">. Algoma, E. .. 1 ft') •i^frnma ClfiYttYf .. .. ... \\ o,(\ Alfrorni. TV ~0 i ' 2,013 385 9S1 115 126 17 1 Totals of Ontario ) Totaux d'Ontario j 173 2.5 10.5 745,093 7'.;0,073 2,291,989 {Province of Quebec) ' 91 Pontiac -S .. 92 Pontia^" iV. . .... 9'j. Ottawa, W.—O Oi. Ottaoua, Ce/ifre 9.i Ottaoua E.... 8 13 ... . 1 • • t • ■ 2 4 10 5 12 10 5 7 6 8 25 23 11 5 3 5 10 6 2 4 16 8 15 10 5 12 7 39 114 113 31 5 4 4 11 10 1 1 1 O*"; A_r"»^ntf*iiil 1 97. D'x Montagne.s [ 98. Laval ; 99. Terrebonn* . . 100. L'Assomption . 101 Montcalm 1 2 2 1 20 4 ... 200 4,900 180 60 5,400 050 540 40,400 1,700 • ■ "'\' 1 102. Jolifette ; 103. Berthier : 104. J^fontreal C 3 1 3 2 ... . 414 COO 900 400 3,300 1,200 3 1 27 8 8 2 1 1 2 1 9 8 12 7 1 10.5. Moatreal, E . . 1 100. M^mtreal, W. . 107. Hochelaga 108. JaViues-Cartier 109. Vaudreujl . . . . 3 2 "'21' 40 .... "'i' 3 "7.:'.66' 2 J, 000 " '0,700' 21,.500 ' 28,966' 60,000 1 1 100 55 660 .... 111. Beauharnois.. . ( X12- Ghateaii0 \\'\\\\\\'_ 1 i 50 is' • • icV 346,254 2,007.001 . 1 2,983,740 2,894 1 4,652 1 158 1 1,182,107 7i9.0.M 2.729.7' V 1 28 1 27 5 13 2:< 33 24 43 30 23 36 30 3 23 23 32 29 25 27 30 34 42 12 50 10 19 29 49 29 58 43 33 46 39 12 5S 90 50 35 36 35 42 02 1 8,992 2 798 11,414 8Sf, 2 3.S4 0,859 0,784 0,521 7,981 5,790 4,120 5,82'.< 5'-"'79 4.440 13,330 28,000 13.298 5.001 4,03;i 4,062 0.891 7,288 9.204 l.OOi) 7,.-.01 i,9r.o 1,4-15 3.ii91 7.1''.S 4,o:'.5 0,092 2.'.i-!0 ii.(U7 4,i'.'-(» 4, ."'5;' 2.2^0 O.,420 •J !..-:;() - ■■■■ 1 .'- ' ' •"" ' ' ' . '*" ,T. s3 0,47- 20..520 7,110 1 3;;.<'Oo 4.4tH) 1 ;■;;: 3,912 49,272 60,178 2 2 5 1 8 300 r» — ,» ( 1 2 1,702 . 1,20S 2,089 1,908 600 1,908 1,680 15,3 '0 39,902 41,990 11.120 825 520 SIO 1,638 1,526 6,2.50 9,144 32,900 19.87.') 27.045 20 240 4;090 25,509 12,140 77.004 358,885 300,278 70,-108 12,125 7,700 4,200 29,010 17,655 7..300 IS 300 41,680 29 9u8 30,262 27 530 6 921 32,330 10,412 173,400 547,416 441,8*0 ; 107,528 ! 16,400 9.200 5.040 1 37,540 : 22,784 - 8 1 i 4 1 1 • > 1 O 5 - 294 CENSUS OF 187 1. nr. lis. no. 120. 121. 1'22. 124. 125. V2u. 127. 12.-5. 12'J. l.';f.«. i;il. i:i2. i;i3. l."4. 1:55. 130. Iw. 138. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 140. 1, Ibervillf . . .^li3'■igqu^li Shetford Mc.skinou!f«5 St. Maurice, .S' St. Maurice, N Troi.s-E.ivibres. C'hniD]>\A.\n, S Chaiaplaiu, JS' 'Yamaska Nicolbt . . . Ihrumraond Arth-aliaska . JJichrnond . . V/olte Sherbrooke Sta.attead . . f/ampton Porineiif Co. de Qu^liec Q'li^bec. W.-O Qu'^bec, a OueriC ~ 148. Aforitmorency 14'.). C'narlcvoix 150. fJhicoutimi i/.,-',ieDa7 . . Jjiibrador. l.")4. L^vis ".. L"tbinif"re .... . '. Mtl.^^ar.tin :. J'-cauce, W. -. V,f,ancc. E.... •'. Dorcheater, 0.. ^ . i )"rch(.ster, E '. Bft'l«-haP6e, iV. 1 i'l. MnntinagDy. , . int. L'Isiet 1 i 5. K p-mouraska . . 1 ';f5. T^iDiscouiita, . , 1( .7. >« imouijk i,W.O ld8. Riir.ouski, J? ]r/r). !'(i». Yearly wage.-;. Salaires anuuela. 100 5C0 2,044 600 2,070 5,594 1,448 5,870 4,201 3,212 2,280 2,2.-;o 1,41)0 loo 2,7^)7 2,635 9;!8 \'ahio of Kaw material . V.alenr dus liiatieres j'remicrea. .? 4,200 1,:,T.4 100 1,020 ?,346 1,625 1,092 2,075 10,185 r.40 1,384 2,4.'4 828 12,(5r)i» 33,40t) 988 1,0.-^6 4:; I 3,888 l,.-^00 60.> 1,810 4t)0 ! 4 HI 401) 00 8-.'0 600 832 2,802 1,870 1,880 600 350 4,700 15.728 2.075 15,200 37,331 18,851 52,160 37.0*1 26,986 11. 175 2t,420 11,900 1,200 30.406 21,755 13.803 43,550 11,568 364 12,910 24,587 i',592 8.670 45,210 3.400 10,644 35,532 3,000 94.<>55 39'.),866 7,522 8,240 2,138 46,398 16,840 2 300 9,057 l.COO 1,962 4,647 390 5,475 2,696 9,300 24,265 16,220 18,270 7,600 Value of articles produced. Viileur des articles produits. S 4.50 7,950 19,800 3.500 19,350 48,205 24,270 78,181 50,368 33,910 19,0(10 34,300 15,259 l,5f)0 40.707 29,690 17,123 '60,6{i6 15,386 500 17,112 31,532 12,768 11,260 14,066 59.160 4.900 14.911 45,598 10.360 137,500 513,110 9,738 13,980 2,737 59,.54S 20,000 3,345 13,587 2,200 2 ^■"'' ■ 6,":.'; I G,22,j 3.224 13,585 31,848 21,670 31,145 12,000 I Number. Nombre . 23 16 31 27 27 29 32 24 35 28 45 34 35 23 42 29 26 2 8 24 12 35 43 29 28 1^ a8 ! 10 28 2-0 45 ;■.-) 10 9 24 33 1)0 30 1 2 15 26 4.S 26 16 46 23 20 •••4 27 31 57 52 30 35 33 7 Hands emjdoyed. Employes. 5Iale3. — Hommes. Over 10. Under 16. Plu.s 16. Moins 16. 31 1 19 1 41 42 i 37 1 45 2 48 84 3 55 2 42 1 56 4 38 2 46 o 36 59 40 1 42 2 2 19 1 SO 1 19 2 42 6 51 2 32 34 27 2 20 20 o 50 1 32 1 62 3 55 1 93 I'l 17 2 42 3 46 1 , 72 1 35 1 2 2 23" 2 ;!() i>7 S7 3 21 I 52 26 31 42 6 38 33 73 71 42 49 54 Yearly wages. Salaires annueli?. S 5,863 3,830 6,689 8,068 8,078 10.567 5,974 11,955 6.0.58 6,356 9,037 5,717 12,088 8,885 11.32J 10,116 7,580 112 3.940 6.770 3,263 8.831 7,60i 6,610 5,088 6,829 3,589 6,250 i.-».;^o 9,995 11,147 8,102 3o,.>t0 4,160 7.9U8 6,978 12.i;()7 6,618 240 V: lue of J law material. Valeur des m.'ititTes premieres. 9. 2.409 4,575 4,086 3,508 4,42(i 5,432 8,924 6..571 6,905 5,996 2,873 6,127 7,995 7,154 4,294 7,910 23 5,550 2,788 1.355 5.799 4,9t0 2,988 3,0.-.9 3,102 2,078 9,180 li,4&l 7,415 4.557 6.:s25 44,0(10 2.533 y,0t)-i 2,103 3.643 4,941 50 150 2 663 3;208 4.046 3..s'.t.T I 1.717 I 5,576 ! ::,b.i., 460 2,C04 1,505 4,459 5,840 3,913 4.500 20,209 512 Value of articles Ijroducfcd. Valeur des ai'tides pEoduits, 10,375 7.950 15,776 20,483 18,053 18,810 20.813 31.802 21,765 17,yed. U. 16 \I.1(5 H. Value of Yearly Raw wages, material. Salaires Val'r des annuels. matitres premi'rei-- $ s Value of articles. Val'r des articles produits. 8 Nun. ber. Nom . bre. Hands employed. Employes. Over 16 y's. Under 16. Plus 16 ans. Moins 16. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. H. F. F. 171. Gasp^, Centre . 172 Qasnt^ S 173. I. Magdeleine. ~ {P. of X.Brunswick.) (P.duN.-Brunswick.) 174 St John 28 78 3 3 10 14 4 1 7.T (^ 'Vnrlot.Tti 1 Tfi Tvi'!"it^"'< 179. York i 4 2 8 6 1 180 (!arleton 181. Victoria .... 182. Restigouche . . . 183. Gloucester 184. Noithumberrd 18.5 Kent 1 1 830 120 344 12 1.072 132 1 1 2 4 186. Westraorland . 1.S7 \lhert 1 3 1,080 320 2,000 1 2 (£. of iV. ScoHa.) {P. delu N.-Jicosse.) 188 Harts . . 1 2 ISO "k'in'r'n 1 1 1 ... 1 250 200 500 50 750 400 190. Annapolis .. . 191 T)i 1 1 t 1 GRAND TOTALS. Totals of Ontario. I Totaux d"( Ontario . j Totals of Quebec, i Totaux de Quebec f Tot's N. Hrim«w'k ( Tot'xN.Brunsw'k ( Tot's N. Scotia .. ) Tot'i N.-p:c()sse.. ) 173 4 10 2,013 355 7 ir, 25 • • • « 105 23 745,693 105,087 2,030 3,274 790,073 97.185 ' 676 1,913 8.*9 847 12,291,989 332.532 ,3,804 7,0C8 385 471 41 29 981 1,011 102 104 115 68 11 15 209 126 78 14 10 17 3 4 5 29 • • • I'otals 4 Provinces i Tot'x 4 Provinces f 252 1 2,390 25 181 85(3,084 2,685,393 .■326 2,198 228 ©■fiNOMBREiTENT DE 1871. 297 Tableau XXVilC— industries. — lere Serie. PROVINCES DXJ AOrVKAU-lIRt'NSAVICK KT DE LiA NOCVEL-LE-KrOSSE. of all sortB. de tonte.s sort* s. Blacksmi thing. Forges. 1 i Yearly Salairo.s annueU. S Value of Itaw material. Valeur des ni.atiijres premieres. Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. $ Number, Nombre. ■ Hands er Empl Males— I Over 1(5. rius 16. nployed. oy(5s. lommes. Under 16. Moins 16. Yearly wages. Silaires annuels. .? Value of Kaw material. Valeur des matiere.-? preuiieres. Value f.f ai tides " produced. V.-ileur des ! articles produits. 3 12 5 5 15 8 5 1 2 283 1,710 450 1,858 3,070 920 1 5,370 6,.5.50 2,000 1 27,185 G9G 174.094 3,410 240,462 5,320 27 31 67 31 11 45 54 17 15 29 36 41 77 1- 96 43 103 44 14 90 72 23 29 53 54 54- 117 27 8 2 2 1 2 6 1 32,098 16,747 26,550 9,2.55 4,068 19,315 14,970 4,479 5,928 15,181 10,989 9,133 22,567 7,350 50,987 12.243 17,426 10,0(i3 1,727 14,971 8,519 6,645 4,967 8,057 8,.306 4,.385 12,120 4,069 110.950 : 40,155 ' .59,387 26,476 8,360 51,175 1 ;^8,415 i 10,660 ; 13,943 1 28,762 I 26,593 j 19.447 ! 55,947 I 16,660 1 2,000 700 13,2.34 3,700 21,500 5,680 150 385 529 1 6 3 4 9 2 980 2,.w0 4,100 300 700 1,600 500 2,900 5,000 52 48 33 39 24 16 17 34 25 28 73 78 (i6 46 i ^.« 62 ' 22 88 71 49 53 53 32 38 53 52 38 103 112 105 63 44 92 21 69 *' "■ g' 1 6 1 4 2 7 5 21,152 15,252 10,839 10,795 14,923 8.;wo 10,708 13,.{75 15,570 3 508 19,772 29,158 17.084 1:5,184 10,832 11,169 3.530 14.60S r7:<:) 19,322 13,363 8 286 4,319 14.127 7,800 7,915 6,629 8,099 4.719 15,058 • 15,916 23,878 6.:<99 4.078 8,931 1,670 9,4:51 2,2:13 52,595 45,284 25,075 i7',oc6' 18,910 : 3,1.-0 8,950 37,760 1 19.300 1 25,016 24,725 .35,460 16,415 ' •JUO •27,072 300 ■JOO ],-ic6 2CU,250 2,400 1,200 1.985 327.500 3,000 2.000 6 4 5 2 •> 3 ^ 46,640 1 53,814 1 ;;,.'...o •100 12,140 1,200 33.190 2,000 61,449 ; 2s -im 1 22 876 i 29,316 2-i6(V COO 6.675 1 1.200 l.-o 32,276 i 1 10,924 ! GRANDS TOi'AUX. 340,251 265,252 32,011 30,922 2,067,001 2,316,182 103,073 293,300 4,874,856 2,983,740 3.283,023 279,191 395,915 2,894 2,129 49-; 754 4,652 3,177 ^ 819 1,165 158 1.34 47 01 1,182,167 587,856 198,630 248,569 749,051 433.697 164,485 182,173 1 2,729,760 1.529,0.58 512,930 592,713 1 6,942,469 j C,275 j 9,813 400 2,217,222 1 1,529,406 5,304,461 ' TABLE XXIX. INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. 1st SERIEJ^. BOOTS AND SHOES.— BRICK AND TILE MAKING.— CABINET AND FURNITQKE. TABLEAU XXIX. J^TABLISSEMENTS INDUSTPJELS, iKKE S^RIE. COHDONNERIE.— BREQUETERIE RT TUILERIE.— MEl'BLERIE. 300 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXIX.— Industries.— 1st Series. PROVIJVCE OF ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. Boots Jind Shoes. Cordonnerie . Xum ber. N'om bre. 1. Essex 2. Kent 3. Eothwcll 4. Lambton 5. Elgin, W.—O 6. Elgin, E 7. :Middlesex, TT-O 8. Middlesex, iV... y. Middlesex, E, . . 10. London 11. Norfolk, S. ... 12. Norfolk, H.... 11 Cxford, S. 14. Oxford, iV. ' 15. J5rant, 5. oi- IF.] ; 16. J^r.ant, ^'. or E. i 17. Haldimand i 18. Monck .... j 19. Welland I 20. Niagara 21. Lincoln 22. Wentworth, A'. . 23. Wentworth, N.. 24. Hamilton 2». Huron, i'. 2G. Huron, N 27. Bruce, ' 53. Victoria. IV.... 54. North'bTiid W. 55. North'bTiid. E, 5(). Peterboro,' W. . 57. Peterboro', E . 58. Peterboro', N . . 1 Hands employed. I Employt^s. O'r 10 years. Plus 16 ans. 39 J 17 24 37 18 39 28 25 24 15 13 14 24 m 28 18 32 12 40 2 2 10 25 23 26 28 17 20 U 19 38 50 IC 32 23 21* 33 2S 29 3(J 26 .'io 3.S 20 30 }7 :!0 37 :;i 28 23 IS 13 21 22 15 20 1 M. H. 89 50 32 64 20 63 70 42 35 215 21 35 57 C3 65 30 5-i 19 70 6 90 13 35 247 42 61 38 38 43 68 73 80 30 74 36 39 47 92 55 37 46 104 51 44 44 403 569 69 67 50 56 65 20 48 37 64 35 F. F. 1 2 2 1 68 59 "i Under 10. iNIoins 16. 12 1 108 253 5 2 M. H. 1 22 2 4 5 4 1 2 4 1 2 21 5 2 2 9 O fj 1 1 54 33 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 F. F. 1 44 40 Value of Yearly Eaw wages. I material. Salaires iVal'r Cic? anuuels. 23,748 18,035 8,185 18,361 5,871 17;i64 21,510 8,360 8,080 103,140 5,755 9,116 15,176 16,380 14,640 9,170 14,525 ■ 5,785 20,539 1,600 25,938 2,940 9,575 100,601 12,200 15,872 10,770 10,187 14,424 10.675 18,889 18,277 10,606 20.212 8,783 7,228 11,815 27,032 n,562 8,075 11,230 22,075 12,791 7,472 9,787 137,502 241,295 19.800 17,935 9,918 10.803 22,85 i 4 309 13,418 8,438 22,718 9.325 175 matieres premi 're.s 25,081 19,929 13,535 18,130 8,220 25,677 29,015 15,815 9,180 155,875 5,870 10,025 19,910 18,949 15,640 9,222 17,833 3,489 22,394 3,500 28,189 4.170 10,440 199.332 14,840 25.432 13.953 13,205 22,570 29,020 22,5;?0 23,573 23,285 32,770 10,578 10,020 13;i"l 37,801 18,535 14,077 13,4:i5 30,013 15.(i00 Pi^Hl.-) 13,327 250,936 479,435 2(;,05.-, 26,542 12,091 19,790 27,899 4,191 13,240 10,205 23 894 8,392 500 V.alue of articles. Valeur des articles produits, •5 .56,401 50,006 27,107 57,219 19,930 55,130 63,264 29,245 21..545 344,125 13,510 24,082 40,270 41,420 43,928 21,450 38,835 11,805 52,700 5,500 70,763 9,008 20,025 356,220 33.337 50,778 33,970 29,350 48,520 60,328 50 867 52.413 40,618 79,753 23,291 21, .544 32.5,80 80.757 42,370 27,130 30,560 82,720 34,360 28.180 30,109 445,685 888,430 66,850 53.710 30,790 54,125 64,452 10.988 34,240 23,355 55,470 22,235 1,000 Brfck Briqueterie I Hands emijloyed. Employes. Num ber. Norn bre. Over 10. Plus 16. M. H. 9 8 3 2 5 6 9 21 18 59 25 10 7 25 20 57 148 10 6 2 5 4 1 4 7 44 30 20 32 15 5 19 /o 2 6 2 6 2 5 ■ > 1 7 4 4 13 3 1 10 7 2 £ 4 2 2 9 1 7 1 30 80 35 22 21 17 10 34 21 20 F. F. LTuder 10 JNIoius 16 9 4 '4 3 14 9 18 7 26 6 15 7 4 25 13 15 102 12 .3 41 35 n 25 21 3 13 41 3 35 1 20 2 4 10 6 ' 5 2 6 s 2 4 14 1 12 2 4 1 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 301 PROVINCE D'ONTARIO. and Tile making, et Tuilerie. Yearly wages. Salaired annuels. 984 7,xr.6 2,^75 700 2,080 2,08.5 .'5,8!)0 iy,240 Value of Ivaw material. Valeur des maticres premieres, 3 tzo M.'.»82 3,200 4,772 2.450 ;i.50 2,G;i6 n,2'jo 3.700 1.5.400 4.200 1,110 3,412 1,1)30 2,404 5,020 3,400 3,005 1,.5.50 i,y2i G50 3,220 1,100 i,y;;6 750 2,-0 3,G42 1.555 2.750 18,420 3,G!I8 300 7,874 4,178 l,ii3 447 1,404 3.54,000 4.010 108.400 l,9::o fi{»,9roduits. $ 21,889 39,420 13,8;% 10,740 6,614 21.220 37,0. 7,8.50 800 208,700 4,.500 «,598 40,1.^.5 6«.774 17.090 3,3(X) 25,3.50 9,880 10'806 39,900 1,.500 11,050 53.070 19,3S6 31,5.50 15,700 6,5.50 5,200 34.:«0 34,260 27,4.50 2,.s.50 10,3^S0 9.0'.tO 7,130 21,855 16.625 11,525 4,260 13.410 40,500 18.900 2,400 3,ir20 51.3.112 17,250 191. 71H) 15.. 540 i:«i.2'-tO ;'.3.260 19 "JiiO 1.700 15 2.50 15.235 20,8.50 4,6.-<9 400 30i CENSUS OF 1 871. Table XXIX. — Industries. — 1st Series. PROVI NCE OF QUEBEC. Boots and Shoes. Cordounerie. DISTRICTS. Num ber. Hauds employed. Employes. 59. GO. 61. 02. C:5. •31. m. 66. 07. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. — d'r 16 years. Plus 16 ans. Norn bre. M. H. F. Prince Edward Hastings, W . H;u«tings, H. . Hastings, j\\ . Lennox Addington . . . Frontenac . . . Kingston Leeds, .b' Brock \nlle . . . Grenville .... L'ds,Gr'ville,iV Dundas .... Stcmiont . . . Cornwall . . . Gieiigany .... Prescott Bussell Ottawa, C. — V. Carleton Lanark, S. .. , Lanark, iV. . Renfrew, S. . Renfrew, H. Nipi.*sing, .S'. Kipissing, N Muskoka ... Parry Sound Manitoulin . Algoma, E. . AlKoma, Centn A'.goma, W. — (A 20 16 18 22 19 23 rr I 16 34 19 18 25 o9 23 9 25 17 15 22 37 30 26 27 11 39 83 26 36 42 25 141 74 47 48 55 35 60 25 23 29 25 21 8G 47 77 49 5". 15 1 11 Under 16 Moins 16 Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. 10,650 21,820 6,193 10,204 8,930 5,690 17,549 17,140 11,133 13,737 15,344 9,083 13,517 '4.955 5,508 5,714 4,485 5,630 24.830 10,984 16,772 10,390 10,030 2,952 1,000 355 Totals of (Jntario. ) jj^ Tf'taux d'Ontario. (Province of Quebec.) 91. Pontiac, S. . . . 92. Pontiac, N 93. Ottawa, W.—O 94. Ottaoua, Centre 95. Ottaoua, jfc'.. 96. Argenteuil . 97. TJ'x Montagnes 98. Laval 99. Terrebonne . . 100. L'Assomption lUl. Montcalm. . . 102. Joliette 103. Berthier 104. Montreal, C. . 10.5. Montreal, 7i'. . 106. Montreal, W. . 107. Hochelaga 108. .Ta'ques-Cartiei 109. Vaudreuil 110. Soulanges .... 111. Beauhainois .. 1 lliJ. Chateauguay . . M;. 21 2 23 6 8 17 21 9 17 21 •19 22 15 46 32 17 9 9 9 15 31 5,364 1, 39 7 31 11 9 22 23 11 25 23 21 43 28 881 517 294 46 10 10 9 18 44 608 286 9G 600 Valxic of Raw material. Val'r des raatieres prenii'res 11,745 22.850 6,.590 9,104 8,785 7,014 92,000 18,011 14,034 10,493 18,435 11.965 16,289 4.469 0,413 5,804 4,380 3,412 29.300 12,372 27,126 14,951 16.771 4,703 1,050 1,150 410 Value of articles. Valeur des articles produits. 28,864 57,535 15,691 24,118 20.500 15,894 155,808 43,727 32,062 29,553 44,052 22,483 42,-123 11,775 24,884 13.892 11,445 12,122 78,775 27,947 66,795 35.945 43,260 11,480 3,300 2,000 1,800 1.569,087 Brick Briquetorie Num ber. Hands employed. Employes. Over 16. Pius 10, Noml bre. i M. H. 3 1 1 1 3 i! 1 9 15 45 O fj 21 1 3 15 12 14 20 10 5 15 21 2 13 1 3 2! 6 2,397,498 5,025,4.*)5 1 2 3 25 2 6 3 IS 1.436 254 229 7 130 33 36 29 1 270 62 33 10 7,315 1680 7,748 L470 1,255 4,4.33 3,402 2,510 3,548 6,518 2,840 7,158 3.815 824,024 154,103 lf;l,852 21,-335 1,532 1,135 1,0.30 3,182 g,292 F. V. LhvlerlCy Moius 16 MTTFr H. F. 10 1 2 309 13.157 2,800 11,220 2.800 1,320 4,187 4,888 1,838 5,076 31,400 3,533 19,075 5,030 2,114,838 365,056 281,228 13,085 3.030 i;715 2,192 5,563 9.150 24,575 6,5r)0 23,000 5,376 3,135 10,.355 11,468 4,787 11,2.30 52,535 9, .595 30,847 15,950 4,210,718 822,546 631,151 39,800 6,450 3,260 4,854 12,484 20,445 1,661 IS 15 3 13 4 I • • • i 3 174 100 12 5 259 29 .. 13 DENOMBrvEMENT DE 1871. 803 Tableau XXIX.— Indu stries.- -Ihm Serie. PROVINCK DK aUKBBO. 1 and Tile making. etTuilcrie. 1 Cabinet and Furniture . Meublerie. Yearly wa-orf. Salaires amiueis . Value of Kaw lUHtorial. Valeur des matiures a-euiicTes. $ Value of 1 articles produced. Valeur des' articles \ ■produits. 1 $ Num- ber. i Nom- brc. ■ Over 16 Pius 1( ionim's 3and8 em])loyed. Employes . years. Under 1 ) ans. Mnina 1( i'\'iiiales Males. L''eirimes H. 5 years . j an;. .^'emaV'r V. 1 Yearly wages. Salaires annuel.s . s Value of liaw material . Valeur de.s matii-res jreuiieres. § Value of articlea j produced . [ Valeur det, articles Ijroduits. $ 1,260 5,000 5,400 75 4,680 100 1,600 101 220 275 200 i>53 10 200 2,920 8,400 13,000 300 7,135 120 2,400 6 20 7 48 2 3 5 11 4 42 8 12 5,000 16,300 800 3,;«o 11,225 2,845 5,400 5,507 2,470 14,774 450 2,390 22,080 1 810 20,000 2,390 1,931 2.595 1,236 490 6,082 194 418 768 820 12,792 48,350 > 2.430 7.580 45,305 5,405 30,000 12,700 13,450 12,797 , 5,160 ' 4,000 11,975 1,002 ' 5,975 ': 1,780 4,250 5 5 5 i 2 1 4 7 6 5 2 10 3 3 3 6 50 17 14 21 7 8 13 3 8 5 9 2S0 2,200 3,020 988 1,750 420 300 1,200 2,250 2,600 " " " l',600 400 670 220* 425 270 200 570 6,200 6,600 2,202 4,000 1,400 ; 466' 3,000 960 1 8,400 12,200 1 4,635 7,140 2,089 2,525 3,881 520 2,060 850 2,300 2 1 100 100 325 1,900 7 5 10 6 5 3 50 6 34 23 7 10 4 4 16,701 1,650 8,260 6,260 2,163 3,200 15,295 706 4,501 5,595 630 2,9(.>0 43,100 ' 2,870 18.:;68 i 16,850 ! 3.826 1 7,000 1 2 1,250 70 400 5,750 700 2,500 1 J *••'*"'■ * 1 1 1 200 200 600 ' '■ 1 • • • i 4 229,842 66,314 577,904 536 2,503 129 133 799,095 937,096 2,306,076 368 400 1 70 6i0 4 ■ •3' 9 i" 1 1,860 2,185 5,500 1,260 900 3,800 200 700 1 ••••• ••'. 1 5 6 '2 4 5 480 y.iM' 5,146 90.169 7,55(» 37S 400 1 3 ( * 6 11 4 5 ■ 39,000 2,420 93,550 66,600 3,000 85,000 1,000 400 1,400 6 2 19 3 ' • J • • • 5 4,660 380 600 ioo 1,600 304 CENSUS OF 1871 Table XXIX. — Industries. — 1st Series. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. DISTRICTS. Boots and Shoes. Cordonnerie. Num ber, ISom bre 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 1.50. 1.51. 152. 153. 1.54. 155. 156. 1.57. 1.5S. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 16 i. 165. KVJ. 167. 168 . 169. 170. Huntingelon, E Huutingdoii, W Lapraiiie Napierville .... St. Jean .... Chambly Vercheres . . . Kichelieu St. Hyacinthe. P>agot Kouville Iberville ilissisquoi Brome Shefford Maskinong<5 . ... St. Maurice, >' St . Maurice, N Trok Rivieres Ohainpl.ain, S. . Champlain, N. Yamaska N icolet Dmmmond . . . Artliabaska . . . Richmond .... Wolfe Sherbrooke . . . Stanstead Compton . . . . . Pi.rtneuf Co. de Quebec . Quebec, O Qu(5bec, Centre. Quebec, E . . .. Montmorency . Charlevoix Chicoutimi . . . Saguenay Labrador L6vis Jjdvis LotbiniJ're . . MtJgantic . . . Beauce, W.— Beauce, E. . . Dorchester, Dorchester. E . Bellechasse, N. Bf'llechasse, .S Moiitmagny. .. L'Iblet Kamouraska . Tf'miscouata . Riraouski, 0. . Rimouski, E . Boiiaventure . W.—O 12 12 17 18 20 9 21 20 r.t 15 20 20 24 10 24 29 17 1 16 17 9 20 24 19 13 27 4 4 16 10 26 19 10 14 49 23 19 27 Hands emi^loyed. Employes. Yearly v/ages. O'r 16 years Plus 16 ans. M. H. 22 6 25 15 8 15 9 10 17 2 17 lb 41 44 28 16 33 8 20 24 20 28 42 14 38 69 84 26 :^0 22 43 21 52 41 22 3 79 32 6 20 26 22 17 34 7 13 53 15 33 47 130 397 399 23 25 36 F. 14 1 5 21 ] LTnder 16.1 Salaires Moins 16. j annuels. M. H. V. 2 27 3 2 2 3 2 1 6 45 8 27 26 8 21 9 10 23 2 23 19 48 49 43 19 38 8 7 8 64 365 481 12 3 1 13 1 7 2 4 \} 1 58 82 89 1 1 24 1 74 64 5,050 2,900 3,261 4,856 9,320 2,710 3,715 15,720 27,691 3,762 8,401 3,743 10,543 4,075 13,742 7,283 2,618 40 18,516 4,570 1,100 4,696 4,108 4,054 2,081 7,421 905 3,150 16.128 3,805 4,346 9,483 53,0K4 144,560 273,543 3,337 5,229 3,688 Value of Raw material Val'r des matieres premi 'res s 7,856 1,082 4,058 5,170 1.075 2,634 762 1,122 1,629 110 2,855 2,605 4,889 6,546 4,049 3,225 4,400 422 5,370 4,501 2,276 7,395 14,905 3,478 12,338 31,.522 45,764 6,014 6,380 3.980 13,125 .5,7.50 17,133 7,747 3,045 100 62,600 5,095 817 9,712 6,193 5,537 3,120 8,346 1,760 3,900 37,269 3,445 5,324 23,145 147,410 550,500 52?, 132 3,826 3,420 4.294 Value of articles. Valeur des articles pruduits. $ 18,227 1,172 4,033 7,270 1,795 4,219 937 1,.528 2,684 100 4,354 2,765 5,614 7,230 5,841 2,847 4,714 584 12,800 10,270 7,775 15,125 30,004 7,350 24,206 67,380 94.806 12,740 25.025 9,794 28,204 12,550 40,235 20,168 7,989 140 114,400 11,600 2,960 20,845 13,7(i5 12,7.59 7,010 19,398 3,380 8,4.50 65,300 8,630 12,6,51 36,928 234,200 777,300 1,125,847 8,545 10,3«0 11,081 Brick Briqu«terie Num ber. Norn bre. .32, ,595 3,212 9,430 14,937 4,314 9,004 2,197 3,923 5,.587 401 8,710 5,950 13,769 21,791 12,505 8,320 11,575 1,206 Hand.i employed. Employes. Over 16. Plus 16. M. H. 51 7 10 14 7 3 9 12 4 2 7 5 12 3 12 26 4 F. Uu.lorJO Mums 16 H. K. 24 15 124 15 11 D^NOxMBREMENT DE 1871. 305 Tableau XXIX —Indu.sl.iies.— l^re Serie. PROVINCE DE aCfi^BKC. and Tile making, et Tuilerie. Cabinet and Furniture. Meublerie. Yearly wages. Salaires aunuels. Value of Kaw material. Valeur dee matiferes l)remiferes. $ Value of articles produced. Valeur des^ articles produits. S Num- ber. Nom- bre. 'Over K Plusl -.1. 11. 3 1 lands employed. Employes. J years. Under 1< 6 ans. Moius " y. u. ) years . 6 aus. F. Yearly wages. Salaires annuel.s. Valu. of Eaw material. Valeur du.s matiferes (ireiuiJ;res. 8 Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. $ 400 222 500 1,000 2 700 210 1,100 i 1 1 1 2 1 100 464 200 80 73 400 2,S0 72U 800 200 1.50 600 4,410 600 980 ' ■ ■ " i",i76' 720 312 1,3.50 2,090 36 20 rAe>' 2!)0 20 330 13,;{00 1,350 1.850 5.456" 2,225 MS 4.325 2 4 ' "1 3 () 5 5 ! ^ 5 10 8 756 2,088 1,700 500 730 722 2,200 5,890 3.320 1 2 7 11 20 11 6 i i' 266 1,560 2.165 6,075 1.799 5o2 " '966 400 1,200 e2o l,9Gn 717 385 " " 2,666 3,000 4,8it0 4,.500 iia;o 1 3,200 I 1,845 '"* 4,66(7 766' 400 (io'i 150 600 34(1 335 645 6,000 125 266' 108 > ico' 20 "" 166' 150 70 '56 1,666' 900 466' 200 1,200 700 1,000 1,G30 24,000 ;;50 3 4 400 130 693 i 1 1 'i 1 2 5 4 4 7 6 r. / 9 4 2 2 4 9 1 29 14 10 5 7 207 17 32 10 4o0 450 480 2,305 2(30 9.354 5,420 3.100 6!'G 895 49,880 3,890 5,055 952 1.50 60 275 1,680 48 33 000 4,357 4,400 4.36 702 137,250 4,155 6.079 412 650 7^5 1,020 5,6'JO 300 ! 53.0l)U 1 15,080 9,.;. i,i , l,3.i8 2,047 1 244.0l;0 1 10..5(hi 1*^,340 2,ii;>o 2 5 1 1 30 " " 7,666' 20 3,066 ICO 22 .■> 1 13 I 25,000 3 4 510 390 1,256 3 3 800 950 75 70 2,100 i'XV l.loO 5,9 15 210 17,753 1 2 1 2 300 650 ■•■5 1 11 1 2 710 100 140 185 80 3! 1.118 3C0 248 • • • • • • . . . 266" " ' 2,066' ii'j' 2 6 11 1 2 7 13 2 200 799 2,035 55 »-S2 l.cvi ■i'-o 1.944 6.410 fKVi ' 1 1 ■:::': 720 50 • • ' 2 1 2 1 200 80 300 15 600 220 .... 1 0— ao* 306 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXI3l. — Industries. — Ist Series. PROVINCES OF NEW BRUNSWICK AND KOVA SCOTIA. DISTRICTS. 171 . Gaep^, Centre. . 172. Gasp^, S 173. I Magdeleine. (P. of y. Brunswick.) {P.du N.- Brunswick.) 174. St. John 175. j!;harlotte 170. KjDg's 177 . Queen's 178. Sunbmy 170. York 180. Carleton 181. Victoria 182. Ile.stigouehe . . . 183 „ Gloucester 184.'Northumberrd 185. Kent 180. Westmorland . 187. Albert (P. of Nova Scotia.) (P. de la N.-Ecoaee) 188. Hants 18'J. King's , 190. Annapolis lyi . Digby 192. Yarmouth .... 193. Shelbume .... 194. Queen's 195. Lunenburg... Halifax, TK. Halifax, E... Cumberland.. Colchester . . . Pictou Antigonish... Guysborough Inverness. .. Victoria Cape Breton. Richmond . . . 196. 197. 198. 109. 2 JO. 201. 202. 203. 204. 20."). 20j. Num ber. Nom bre. 70 11 28 17 15 36 30 10 14 23 43 15 24 23 38 37 30 11 22 20 18 31 29 9 33 49 54 15 21 7 4 11 9 Boots and Shoes. Cordonnerie. Hands employed . Employes . O'r 16 years. Plus 16 ans. M. H. 344 34 42 24 19 87 65 10 18 23 50 17 120 34 62 58 57 18 66 34 4.^ 47 23] 11 51 127 1()2 20 24 11 .5 67 10 r. F. 160 5 2 "3' '23' 6 1 13 1 1 80 7 28 1 22 Under 16. Moins 16. Totals of Ontario. \ Totaux d'Ontario. | Totals of Uuebec. ) Totaux de Qu^i;c J Tot's N. Brunsw'k \ Tot'xX.Bnansw'k )■ TotaLi 2\' . Scotia. ( Totaux N.-EcoHse ) Totals 4 Provinces ) Tot'x 4 Provinces / M. H. 52 1 1 2 2 1 3 46 3 10 4 1 F. F. 14 Yearly vrages . Salairss annuels . 160 230 325 128,850 15,200 10,170 5,840 5,042 20,758 14,738 3,474 3,876 2,622 8,787 2,467 40,164 8,090 12,240 11,446 12,746 4,280 22,210 0,719 11,890 12,048 132,865 2,028 13,908 30,317 19,071 4,140 5,608 1,484 980 21,886 2,400 Value of Raw material . Val'r des matiferes Ijremi'res Value of articles. Valeur des articles liroduits . 160 410 650 311, .506 14,700 13,238 7,241 5,.389 3.'5,093 24,230 4,600 4,877 2,910 6,416 2,584 61,784 8,863 13,617 13,660 28,310 2,950 48,915 5,890 11,660 11,435 147,685 1,917 16,433 65..500 23,017 5.503 6,442 1 117 719 30,179 i .642 400 640 1,000 5,39,230 44,000 30,880 18,390 12,130 80,970 02,145 10,450 11,488 7,001 20,521 6,384 111,773 21,029 34,568 32,879 49,810 10,255 110,860 14,159 26,731 34,455 428,260 4.500 41,281 107.582 57,83:-! 11,018 14,240 3,020 2,630 67,512 5 346 Brick Briqueterie Num ber. Nom bre 15 4 2 2 3 Hands employed. Employes . Over 16. Plus 16. M. H. 38 6 4 9 12 10 10 51 18 29 18 10 TJnderle Moins 16 M H 20 11 2 4 19 4 8 1 F. F. 32 GRAND TOTALS. 1,905 5,364 608 1 ,410 5,581 3,036 359 893 201 448 1,046 160 4,1'Jl 12,884 4,005 286 642 83 8-:. 96 606 10 1,100 1,569,087 1,980,285 276,078 • 334,446 730 W,lo9,890 t 2,397,498 4,583,655 503,431 442,571 7,927,155 5,025,455 9,074,187 976,457 1,057,5»9 16,13.3,638 309 69 9 39 420 1,661 700 65 191 2,617 13 13 1 27 259 75 20 34 388 6 3 32 41 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 807 Tableau XXIX. — Industries. — 16re Serie. PROVINCES DU KOUVEAU-BRUKSWICK ET DE LA NOL'VELLE-KCOSSE. and Tile making, et Tuilt-rie. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. Value of Kaw material, Valeurde* IIiatilTr'8 j)reniitTea Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits 8 Cabinet and Furniture. Meublerie . Num- ber. Nom- bre Hands employed. Employes . Over ] 6 years . Plu8 16 aus. Under 16 years, MoiuH 16 years. Males. Honim's Fenuile.s Fenunes Males . H. IFem'lei) i F. Yearly wages . S.alaires aunuels. Value of Raw materials . Valeur des matieres premieres $ Value of articles produced . i Valeur desl i articles liroduits . $ 5,GG0 875 1,000 1,500 1,100 100 11,900 3,500 1,500 15 4 3 69 17 4 20 1 '2 28,850 7,284 1,152 30.530 6,578 1,066 109.130 15,905 3,156 : 4(iO 1,000 108 40 36 900 ,800 360 23 ' 10 6,060 3,400 3,835 2,620 15,570 9,750 200 2,6i2 130 400 948 3,760 480 720 100) 7.^.0 575 2, .326 2.770 6,000 2,424 220 80 240 158 GO 600 1,700 1.585 1.400 150 1,200 1,5.54 540 700 174 5,072 3,721 11,770 4,600 390 3 2 12 .•^ 7 6 6 6 4 38 5 9 1 12 5 4 l28 8 12 30 15 17 6 1 3 1,320 1.2G2 780 220 2,900 2,;^80 1,2000 900 3,000 200 4,900 1,700 586 54,790 2,700 2,390 10,130 3.211 6,280 175 4,872 200 3.4.^0 420 172 37,460 1,110 708 6.720 792 27.300 1.275 16,.>00 400 13,500 2,600 982 144.640 10.820 5.107 22,980 6,356 1,216 100 2.100 GRANDS TOTAUX. 229,842 142,182 9,193 18,481 399,698 a6,314 I .577,904 : 14,260 j 293,233 2,776 19,960 3,756 i 34,138 87,106 ; 925,235 C^r-SOi 536 2,503 129 1.3:3 4 218 927 52 124 5 , 48 142 32 52 267 13 2S 7 ,- 3,839 194 317 16 799,695 241,693 51,540 96,507 1,189.435 937,0% I 2,306,076 368,612 • 859,491 46,707 162,951 62,359 1,414.774 252,460 3,580,978 TABLE XXX. INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. 1st series. CAHDING AND FULLING MILLS.— CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. CARRIAGE MAKING. TABLEAU XXX. ETABLISSEMENTS INDUSTRIELS. I Urk silRlE. MOULTNS A CARDER ET A FOULER. -CHARPENTERIE ET MENUI- SERIE.— CARROSSERIE. 310 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XXX. — Industries. — 1st Series. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Carding and FuUiuQ- Mills. Moulins h, Carder et k Fouler. DISTRICTS. Num- ber Norn- bre. Bothwell Lanibton Elgin, W.—O. . Elgin, i? Middles'x, W. O Middlesex, iV.. Aliddlesex, £. . London Norfolk, S. ... Norfolk, iV. . . . Oxford, -S' Oxford, iV..... Brant, S. or W Brant, N. or E Haldimand . . . , Monek \VelIand L Essex. 2. Kent 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Itj. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 2C. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 3!i. 37. .S8. 39. .40. 41. 42. 43. '(4. 45. 4G. 47, 48. 49. 50, 51 52 53 o4 55 5t) 57 53 Niagara Lincoln Wentworth, S. . Wentworth, iV. Hamilton . . . Huron, .S' Huion, N. Bruce, S Bruce, iV Pert.h, S Perth, N Waterloo, S. . . . Waterloo, iV . . Wellington, ,0 132,500 61,350 11,150 5.510 10,805 26,975 13,920 394 25,110 385 370 1,800 800 Carriage making. (Jarrosserie . Num- ber. Norn- bri'. 10 13 17 19 15 28 24 19 11 15 14 21 26 20 26 12 27 17 25 4 16 16 15 9 18 25 16 15 19 15 20 29 11 19 24 22 24 2:) 23 20 25 •M) 31 23 o 30 26 25 11 12 9 21 26 10 32 Hands employed. Employing . Over 16 years. Plus 16 ans. M. H. ¥. F. U.16 .VI. 16 M. H. 56 81 48 67 32 81 117 31 40 195 28 82 112 108 88 38 66 43 47 7 173 24 36 72 76 66 44 29 70 41 76 .5:5 74 50 69 44 54 78 74 33 42 07 .'lO 40 ♦ 45 102 20 87 69 58 47 54 14 33 55 65 40 Yearly wages . Salaires aimueLs. 14 4 15 I *) 3 3 1 1 1 •2 19,292 21,988 ]3,2;17 18,759 7,380 20,272 32.501 6,8.W 12.806 52.502 7,305 21,935 32,248 28,199 25,423 10,805 19,811 13,426 13.910 1,500 58,470 7,860 10,485 22,640 19, ISO 12,800 11,090 7,393 10,049 10,210 19.643 14,125 26,070 11,490 15,855 7,895 13,820 24,805 18.310 7,934 10,878 12.985 14.840 9,003 lo.mo 20,400 8.St0 2.'<,095 20.570 14.2.-.0 13 480 18,0.50 3.1.S5 8.710 15.701 19,9.;.. 18,20.) 53,030 34.077 87.2.37 2,970 10,895 6,132 25,425 59,778 163.120 4,409 10.23i) 16,011 47.350 -0,417 66.555 23,209 62,71<". 19.094 66.3.'<0 7,208 28.582 11..586 45.650 4,832 27,710 6.758 28 779 1,255 4 80O 67,liH3 202,672 2,240 15..59() 3,09.! 2'>,c: : 12,029 4.;,--'f.. 13,015 ' 42,;;o; 6,508 37,110 5,804 21.' ■ 3,<;05 14.-. 1.5,581 40,411 15.052 35,794 20,2i'0 ci.-.o. 7,447 28,:vi2 8,120 53..35.-. 14,.586 40.811 9,804 31,931 5.2.57 21.77t- 10,314 35,279 17,(\r,0 00 1 ■ ■■ 10,745 41.' 4,325 1> . 4,395 22.; - 10.207 .39. ' 0.3tN) 2'.'. ■• 4.9iv5 ')- ' 9,300 3tl,- ' 15.940 7^. 8.410 2.). 17.270 o;;. ' r 17.3.>i5 •'»*'. 9.<;-'r 4-' ^ 1 8.041 •'' w, ■ 1 14.9.35 4-_' • • 1..527 *'>.■■ ' 3.482 IS. • 8.065 30. 14.823 4.-.. 4.031 2-1 JSSS 512 CENSUS OF 1871. TABm XXX. — Industries. — 1st Series. PROVINCE OF" Q,lTEBEO. DISTRICTS. Carding and Fulling Mills. Monlins Jv Carder et h Fouler. Num- ber Noin bre. 59. Prince Edward 60. Hastings, W. . 61. Hastings, i'. . . 62. Hastings, iV". . . Hi. Lennox 64. Addington'. . 6-5 . Frontfuac 66. Kint?sfcon 67. Leeds, S 68. Brojkvil'e .... 69. (rrt-nville L'ds,Gr'viUe,A Diuidas Stormont Cornwall Glengarrj' .. Pre.->cott Ilussell j| Ottawa. C.-Jr < 'arleton .... Lanark, S. . . 80. Lanark, N... 81. Renfrew, S... 82. Renfrew, N. . H'd. Nipissing.KS". . Xipissing, iV". Muskoka .... Harry .Sound. Manitouliii , . Algonia, JJ .. . Algonia, Centre 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 84. 8o. 86. 87. 88. b9. 9U. Algonia, Tr.--(y Totals of Ontario. ) Totaux . ) (Province of Quebec. 91. 92. 9/.. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. loo. 101. 103, 10.?. 104, 1.05. 106. 107. lOS. 109. 110. in. 112 Hands employed. Employt^a. Over 16 j'rs. Plus 16 ans. M. H. 10 1 .5 10 12 2 A 9 5 3 11 7 3 4 5 l.o8 I'ontiac, .S'. , . Pontiac, N .. Ottawa, W.—O Ottaoua, Centre Ottauua, E . . Argcntfuil . ]J'x Montagnet- Laval T' rrsbonne . . . l/'A-^fotnption. Mivitcftiin , , . . Joliettc J3i'rchitr Montreal, C. . . .Montreal, .£?, . Montreal. W. . Hoyhelaga Jii'ques-L'artier Vaudreuil .... Soulanges .... Ppauhamois . . Chatyauguaj'. . 277 F. F. Under 16. Moins 16. M. H. 1 3 ■A 4 2 17 10 D 9 6 12 2 5 6 F. Yearly wages. S.al aires annuels. 825 1,808 300 yjo 1 56 1,0S4 904 1,878 350 1,040 1,052 2,308 200 800 2,345 1,200 Vahie of I Value of Iv.-iw I artlclea material, i produced. Valeur des matieres premieres. Valenr des articlt'S produits. 13,236 10.889 3,000 S,770 3,800 5,720 600 2,010 1,510 476 1,100 737 54,190 562 5.50 300 404 700 830 400 1,915 l,2no i<75 1,188 634 180 ,880 350 900 950 16,. 300 1.800 16.925 16,800 19,400 1,800 4.9.50 27,075 13,093 10.. 500 lG,:-iOO 13,920 4,300 4,418 7,307 16,040 14,383 3,700 10,137 5 500 7,570 Carpenters Charpenterie 21,410 2,4.30 22,109 19.823 25,570 2,000 5,8y0 37,197 15,629 Num- ber. Norn- bre. 12,480 19.600 17.132 6,650 5.920 8,737 415,912 8,990 1,4.50 4,500 11,400 9,000 8,300 3,644 63,400 17 400 13.780 21.150 13,620 539,857 10,750 2,400 5,700 13,09(1 10,650 11,377 4,080 75,935 20,930 16,480 J!7.020 19,620 1,750 33.640 6.000 7,800 9.050 2,096 41.800 6 8.')0 9,200 10,750 Hands cm'pl'd Employ^. Males. Hommes. O'er 16. Pi's 16, 14 14 3 6 4 3 6 6 10 1 6 1 15 1 41 29 3 41 2(i 1 5 3 8 11 5 5 6 9 18 1 7 U.16. M.16. 4 1 18 5 37 13 28 36 20 36 28 9 34 31 20 21 15 19 7 6 54 23 34 51 32 56 41 55 230 432 04 25 17 28 10 31 ' V "^ - ' 'g^ ' M ' ^^ U'afei' I " J"" I , I W I Jm W » ■ ! i m I J Py^Vt-W*"-" ■ l'TSrVT^'l*.".<^^*WSff<*BHBaJHOBMBB(% DENOMBRE^rENT DE 1871. 313 ^J 'ableau XXX. — IiifluKtriea. — 1 ere tjiiviKi 1 I 'uovi.vnK Di: arKiUs c 1 ami Joinen. Carriage making. et Mcnuiaerie 1 CarrobBerie. Value of "Value of I Hands employed. Vane of Value of Yearly Khw articlf.'i Num- — Yearly Law articles wages. material. produced. ber. Employ^^. wa>.'eH. material. produc«d. Saliiiri'S Valbur des Valeur des Over IG years. lU. 16. Sal aires Valeur de.? Val^'ur des auuuelrf. u»:itit*rt'3 articled Plus 16 ans. M. 16. aniiuels. mati-res articles premieres. produitH. Nom- '-^*-.-'-_- — - ,_> premieres. [iroduits. 8 S S bie. . - M. H. V. H. 8 S 8 1 5.520 4,980 13. COO 25 91 2 1 1 25,940 14,424 57,196 i 4,'JUO 10,800 23,000 , 16 82 . • 21,840 1.5,645 53,70*; ' 1 16 59 12,325 7,236 32,591 1 100 6 250 16 33 i 9.518 6,440 20.730 1 2,280 930 3,920 18 76 1 6 19,065 11,.S61 47,74.-. .SOO 15 350 25 71 11 17.860 7.496 37.48;-. 8,;i43 8,528 23,460 12 17 • - . • . '2 6,271 2,839 14.28(.l 8,(iC/0 2,y.J0 18,500 6 32 4 10,690 4,242 18 035 ' 'UIO 300 1,5.50 23 50 1 .> 14,071 8 309 3:i.97(i 1 21.72.-) 10,r,2l 30.!!05 9 25 2 7,453 .3.1.50 14,0.50 : lo.oo.i 1,77Z 12,750 13 24 5.417 2.9.30 11,63(1 • 50 20 130 15 1 32 8 070 3,424 6,385 2,095 15,580 1 34,740 6,415 : 850 IMiO 475 118 1.725 l,7c0 19 49 6 j 15 14.505 2,578 • • • ■ ■ ■ ■ . ;; 18 1 5,400 12,845 996 8 OCO 1 2,050 610 5,450 21 64 2 6.800 25;i01 ' 2,230 2.200 5,900 15 54 l.i,124 7,472 2,921 30,980 28.41(J 11.4.56 82.924 95(5 320 4,110 1,G02 7,2ti0 6 ll 20 75 4,745 25,230 i. S',0 580 2.000 21 51 - - • . 16,702 9,730 35 ;i60 2,100 4,325 1,313 3,087 4.2zO 8,477 19 i 61 1(5.633 6,785 9.697 6.373 38,778 18,525 10 29 2 u 1,278 8 3G4 3(iO 2,630 7 7 30 19 6,.5G0 7,020 5,670 3,071 15,195 , 12,795 2 1 2.^) 850 144 6,000 TOO 10,'.00 .... '.'.'.'.'.'.':.'.'.. ':\ 517,178 447,043 1 1,284,017 J — 1.421 4,601 . . . - . 17 .... 1(2 1.259,799 887.861 3,078,841 712 l,4hh 00 30f» 7-:o 25 l.GOO 4.2.50 108 8 9 2 18 '" 27' 3 1 3,244 4,150 11,940 ; ... 6.7.50 .370 3,175 140 16 MO 9.32 2.87(1 1,485 5,270 o <■> 1 .158 1.2:H' .".KS'.t 1.4.'^2 240 l.OuO tt lo 1 :;,195 1,8^7 !;..5('(i 5,f.l5 3,8L'3 18,145 22 oil 8,211 P.048 31 ,0.%3 •1,710 2.408 11,257 6 31 2 4.447 9.190 19,2' :{,c.49 f.,8.'.0 3.703 2.r.,-,7 l:i,7lt2 16 \m 6 8 g ; J.OX-J 2,f.90 3.5.50 2,3ii0 '.♦.'. 1 ■'. S,101 2.320 l),.vi,5 1 12 2-J ■ i i.',443 l.-jr^ ^,:- : 8,504 0.'.i2l 17.3^.8 21.010 ]17,3.Vi 10 20 4 4 :'.2K) . 1.575 4.h;;.- r> 4r.o O.SKK) 13 17 • 1 • • 1 2,851 1.713 7,4w) : 23,010 72.575 ... . , , ■ ( • . , , 81,982 320,720 28!<,H04 ! 11 47 7 ?<.8(i2 33,839 r.7.2!'5 170,;(23 259,880 559.310 1 23 205 17 r.G 8 10 W 14 1 £t.> ■■ ■34 95.70:« 2?6,C.4(- 10.5 JO 91978 179.885 1 4 1 . .• 34 14,^20 51.641- 4.285 2,0J5 2 237 itii8 10,1.50 4.005 1,1 i 'J 1,831 1.035 707 4.8'-0 , 5,326 •> (i.lJt; 012 3.810 2tifi3 IL.iiivy 8 13 .... 2,3.U LP-vS 6.711 2.5W5 5,250 14 28 ... . 1 V.^2(i 8.915 22.19(1 ; 2.475 10,565 12 1 20 ...j 2,558 3,9.W 11..500 ■WO"" S14 CfiiTSUS OF 1871 ■<'*■ Table XXX. — Industries. — 1st Series. PROVINCE OF dUEBEC. DISTRICTS. 113. 114. 115. llt>. 117. 118. Hit. 120. 121. 122. 123 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 13(;. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. MO. 147. 148. 140. 1.50. 151. 152. 153. 154. 1.55. 156. 157. 15S. 1.59. IGO. 161, 162, 163, 161, 165, 16!j, 167, loii, 160 170, Carding and Fulling Mills. Moulins h, Carder et h. Fouler. X um- ber. Nom bre. Huntingdon. E Hunting'on, W Laprairie Napierville. . . . St. Jean Chambly .... Vercheres .... Kichelieu . . St. Hyacinthe Bagot llouville Iberville .... Misdisquoi .. Brome Shefford . . Mat^kinong^. St. Maurice, S. St. Maurice, iV Troid-Riviferes Chainidain, -S'. Champ] ain,iV. Yaniaska . ... Isicolet . Drummond . . . Arthabaska. . . Richmond . . . Wolfe Sherbroke .... Stanstead Compton }^'e, aV Mootmagny . , L'Islet Kamouraska . Temiscouata . Rimouski, O Rimou.>-ki, E. Bonaveiiture . Gaipe, IV.—O. o 10 15 3 17 3 3 10 1 5 7 3 11 4 4 3 4 15 17 4 15 3 4 10 1 6 10 4 10 4 3 5 200 218 1,5.55 2,340 289 1,273 115 700 973 70 860 725 239 1,068 492 308 420 3,580 11,750 27,601 37,460 6,860 81,335 2,795 26,600 39,115 600 19,200 29 .530 6,424 27,206 20,750 6,2o0 2,200 4,800 13,13.3 31, .-'.OO 43.549 8,352 91,882 3,3(;0 28,840 ,52,054 700 21,700 33,031 7,283 .31,171 25,080 8 360 3,180 1 6 3 15 14 10 20 7 4 13 1 14 3 20 18 12 29 10 5 16 25 7 43 25 31 2 36 10 34 10 59 35 38 4 GO 10 3 1 2 D]feNOMBTlEMENT DE 1S71. 315 Tableau XXX.— Industrios. — lere Sdiiu. PKOVINCE DB QUEBEC. and Joiners, et Menuiserie. Yearly wagt'.s . Salaires aimuelu. .310 1,820 2t;o 9,579 15.871 9,^75 1,82:! 8,)34 4,852 2 534 6,08(3 745 Value of material. Valour des inatieres premitTes. $ 5.734 7,659 4,470 90 174 1,0.50 08 10,.320 12,237 12 785 755 3 032 3,166 927 4,399 231 Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. Carriacfe making, C'arrosaerie. 3,380 3,432 3,327 400 970 7,000 485 40,940 35,698 41,486 3,570 13,552 12,481 4,4i'0 15,690 1,352 12,269 17,952 14,360 Num- ber. Nom- bre. 10 11 9 16 15 16 21 7 22 14 19 12 13 15 10 Han'-0 .T 024 2.5;io 2,928 4.870 1,120 530 2,183 1,955 1,690 2,346 5,383 1,298 1,800 1.220 160 2.940 1,590 421 2.079 3,528 1,086 1,416 1,800 1,575 3,350 4.443 4,385 1,800 .'.,025 2,471 34.753 3,300 1.080 1,194 2.001 :.64 «'36 2,MH> 1.9i.7 1.776 3..".9t.; 81 ".5 200 1,094 975 954 5.")3 3,975 2,909 .•40 521 39 9,660 7,470 ■ 2,510 8.993 17,021 6,338 5,505 8,610 4,235 14,800 25,306 13,380 9.167 16,367 6..500 98 750 8,792 3,600 8,i.;s ;{,2."i0 6.9'i5 10,lN*» 6,.')36 6.le. Centre. 172. Ga.sp($, S 17". L MiX'it'l'jiiie. {P. oj N. BrmiHwick.) {l^.du,N.-Brunsv}kk ) 174. St. John. 175. Charlotte 170. Kiug'.s... 177. Queen': 178. ijiinbury .... 179. York 1«). ( WJeton if. I.. Vict'.ri:!, li">2. liestigfiuche. . . jiSi. Gloucester . . . Irf-i. Northumberi'c iSo. Jveiit Iffy. \Vfc8tiDorland . 187. ^Mbei-t (/'. of .V. Scotia.) (t. de la N.-Ecossc.) 188. Hants IS.*^. Xing":! VdQ. Aniiiij):l!!i . . . I'Jl. I'iybv 1'..'2. Yaniumth .... I'J-'i. .Sb(-;buine iy4. Queen's. ... 195. i.iinenburg . . . 3fu. Halifa.x.M'.-O V.n. li.abfax, Z:. . . . 1'.**!. (JnsiibeiliinJ . . VS.). Colohe-ter ... 2:>i). Pictni 'Zf)l. Antig>.'nisli . . . "Ml. Guysborou.'iii . Ini erne»s V'ictiiriji .... ('a)ie };rctr;n. . llichniiin'l Carding and Fulling Mills. Moulius h, Carder et k Fouler. Num bcr. Nom- bre. Hands employed. Emi)loy(^s. — Ovar 16 yrs. Under 16. Plus 16 ans H. F. F. A 12 6 2 8 (;. 3 5 3 Ti .5 8 3 4 ly a 6 14 10 3 10 3 / G 10 3 f> rr I .5 1 2 2 7 2i);s. 201. 20.0. 4 I 12 9 B 4 I! 13 1 4 1 7 9 21 14 5 5 23 2 7 1 Moins 10. M. H. F. F. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. Value of Value of Raw material. Valeur des matitavs premieres s 2 I... 1 2 ,. 1 ;. 1,0.?'> 4,020 810 6.50 2,85:^ J, 230 320 922 no 9i;> 644 l,25l» 3G0 837 785 2,310 750 l:i4 190 375 1,370 17.724 20.873 13.6.50 8,100 2.''),900 32,970 4,3-10 10.490 4,850 .5,S50 6,920 19,210 6,670 15 ,'850 13,537 16.775 9.900 3.00'" 2,400 3.900 14,800 51 I M 1,060 751 3.58(; 1,671 93; 842 2,831 SO 1,572 140 7.000 3.5,821 45,070 13.500 8.095 6.1 CjO 27 rm 780 11.250 1.000 articles produced, ji Valeur des articles prodnitd. 20.160 36,927 18,687 8,750 32,390 4y,5r,o .5,614 11,927 5 .'J95 7/;65 9.070 24.018 10.280 19,500 16,495 22,100 11,9.50 3,.350 2,750 4,720 17,187 0,516 20,876 56.355 l.S,240 !»,860 7,2."")0 37,490 1,250. ll,:t.^O 1,600 GRAND TOTALS. Carpenters Charpenterie Num- ber. Nom- bre. Hands empi'd. Employ^. ^lales. Hommes. O'er 16. Pi's 16 U. 16 M. 16, I 6 4 5 8 1 11 4 2 5 9 21 3 16 25 21 5 8 3 4 15 10 15 29 34 4 8 10 2 24 19 6 9 1 35 5 2 11 14 44 3 19 7 24 5 2 8 11 12 5 153 22 26 61 54 11 10 3 ■j>t.»;.-i nf '.,>.>!ta.r)n ) j ,„ | Tot.i'-.xu'Ontario, /| "'■''" E 'i"c;lal-. !if OiifVicf!, | i ,,„., f 'I'ofiiux -JeQuc^bec )'! ^^'^ | Tot's X. BruiiBv/'k I j „^ I Tot'xN.Brun«^v'k|! '^ \ T.;ra'.s N. rcc.-tia. if on I Tot'> X.-t.;o8.-e.. (i i 1^77 4-24 100 HO 4 58 31 *r 56 ! 50 j I 8 , 15 j r 1 i 54,190 4X5,912 t 14 i 56,72;] ! 1,002.885 3 1 15 180 ; 183 547 53U,,S<:.7 I 563 , 1,704 1,200,915 1 X.245 232.183 ,1 Totals 4 ProvjnceH } ?: ^,^ | „,, Tofx 4Provhuesff ^'^ | ^^^ 130 I 129 I 20,271 ; 216,308 1 274,839 21 i 146,370 1,818,6.02 2,253,794 100 201 2,099 2,780 199 479 2 5 1 '13' 10. 88 109 12 37 5,162 246 -?g»«K-jtw>!pw>g«;wfa j ), I t /of t it ■t-ic'm'-fi^etfifni^ } ; !i »toiwj. i' : j«»«U"t < i» > gii»y/y-f'>>^»<» » ' ^ m jw w w«i)m DlilNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 317 Tableau .^XX.— Industries. — li^re Serie. PUOVIXCKS DV NOUVaAU-BKUNSWICK ET DK liA X0UVF:1,LE KCOSSE. and Juinera. et Memiiaerie. Yearly, wages. Salaires uimuols. Value of llaw material. Valeur dea niatitrea premieres. $ 512 1,000 A'ahie (if articles produced. Valeur des articles pioduits. 31.5 2,000 989 3,000 C&mage making. C'arroBBerio. Num l)er, I Ilandt; employed. > — Yearly Employes. wages. Nom- bre. Over IG yeai-6. fins 10 ans. M. H. F. M. F. H. U. 16 M. 16. Salairea aunuels. Value of l;aw material. Valeur deH mati0 16,718 18,2-10 11.1.54 13,.560 3,484 12,145 ItOO 2.160 1.070 517,178 623,265 47,873 126,428 GRANDS TOTAUX. 447,943 822,995 57,444 71,546 1,314,744 1,399,928 1,284,047 2,032,285 I 131,910 ' 278,103 ' 3,726,345 >a\ 1.421 4.601 841 176 198 1.964 456 402 2.636 17 i(;2 14 140 2 14 ... - 1,259,799 I 887,861 I 3,078,841 404,982 382,114 | 1,257,736 130,080 84,911 I 308,634 96,705 42,805 i 204,023 7,423 33 342 1,891,566 1,397,731 I 4,849,234 I TABLE XX XL INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. 1st series. COOPERAGE.— DRESS MAKING AND MILLINERY.— FLOUR AND GRIST xMILLS TABLEAU XXXI. IS:tablissements industriels. IfeRB Sl^RlE. TONNELERIE.— HABILLEMENrS POUR FEMMES. -MODLINS A FARINE. 320 CENSUS OF 1871 Table XXXI. — ludustries. — 1st Series, PROVINCE OP ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. 1. Essex 2. Kent 3. Bothwell. ... 4. Lambton 5. Elgin, W.-O .. 6. Elgin, a 7. Middlesex. W-0 8. Middlesex, A^ 9. Middlesex. JH. 10. Londc^n 11. Norfolk, S . 12. Norfolk, N... 13. O.xford, «... 14. Oxford, iV.... 15. Brant, S. or W. 16. Brant, N. or E. 17. Haldimand. ... 18. Monck 19. Welland 20 . Niagara 21 . Lincoln 22. Wentworth, -S'. 23. Wentwortli, N 24 . Hamilton ! 25. Huron, S 2G. Huron, N 27. linice, .S. .. . 28. Bruce, iV" 29. Perth, -S' 30. Perth, iV^ 31. Waterloo, S... 32. Waterloo, N ... .33. Wellington, S .. 34. Wellington, C. 35 . Wellington, N . . .36. Grey, S 37. Grey, JV 38. Halton 39. Peei 40. Cardwell 41. Sifficoe, S 42. Simcoe, N 43. York, N York, W.~0 . York. E Toronto, TF.—O. Toronto, E 48 . Ontario, .S' .... 49. Ontario, N Durham, W.-O. Duiham, E ... Victoria, S. . ,. Victoria, N. .. Noi th'b'l'nd, W North'b'l'nd, E 56. Petsrhoro', W. 57. Peterboro', .E. . 58. Petirboro', N. Num- ber. Nom- bre. 44. 45. 46. 47. 50. .51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 16 5 11 13 3 8 6 5 8 6 8 9 f) 8 3 6 3 7 18 2 7 2 14 10 7 12 7 5 16 19 5 12 6 8 16 6 1 3 5 12 16 5 9 13 9 14 8 10 2 6 15 6 9 Cooperage. Tonnelerie. Hands empl'd Employes. Males. Hommes. O'er 16. Pi's 16. \ 23 16 20 60 7 39 34 7 .30 164 9 14 19 34 28 14 11 4 25 80 18 21 12 49 51 13 15 14 17 54 45 21 36 6 9 26 32 1 5 7 22 33 33 U.16. M. 16. 24 49 13 33 27 23 2 16 28 10 19 2 2 10 1 Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. 3,888 5,130 3,496 26,990 l,.50O 16,305 12,0.50 712 5,100 64,072 1,900 3,176 .5,160 8,600 5,856 8,000 3,722 850 5.800 21,6.55 5,400 7,800 6,220 17,287 12,670 2,753 2,295 3,100 4.460 16,325 11,1.55 6 .595 10,600 (J37 1,430 4,4,37 6,350 100 900 1,700 5,230 6.394 7,600 3,936 Value of Raw material. Yaleur des mati feres premieres . 1,490 2,880 2,533 20,488 1.364 5,277 5,473 810 8,931 132,210 936 1,149 5,055 11,145 7,159 12,025 2,475 157 10,002 Value of .articles produced.> Valeur des articles pi'oduits. 9,568 12,140 2,-510 8,680 6,810 7,558 2.^0 4,200 '3^685 44,160 14,400 8,020 3,750 24,0,50 8,639 1,643 1,037 2,3,50 3,835 16,746 13,130 3,022 9,476 202 484 1,884 4,960 18 2,180 1,160 4,163 4,094 5,676 5,006 I 9,,550 13,4.54 1,130 15,725 15,542 2,751 75 2,525 4,118 2,670 1,760 7,097 12,200 9,435 52,704 4,350 32,225 19,990 3,410 26,080 234.700 3,978 5,9'<4P 17,850 24,415 21,468 21,000 6,855 1,10(1 19,429 74,956 23,200 21,785 14,7.50 46,184 31,940 4,7.51 3,800 8 890 10,815 42,322 28,9,52 12,290 28,949 1,009 2,800 7,965 15,740 125 3,900 4,300 13,384 12,789 21,300 13,776 24,100 32,355 4,735 33,490 31,700 14,005 400 9,600 10,625 9,388 7.187 Dress Making Habillemeuts Num- ber. Nom- bre. 6 6 8 12 17 1 9 3 7 6 1 3 Hands employed. Employes. Over 16y'rs Plus 1() ans. 'mT H. i F. 7 1 32 6 15 4 9 3 3 10 6 4 3 7 5 5 5 6 12 4 1 6 8 6 3 14 7 18 7 3 8 5 4 2 1 7 2 7 30 2 14 10 12 23 15 37 43 15 4 89 2 21 10 30 83 1 6 11 1 102 Under 16. Moins 18. M. H. 31 106 14 32 14 9 72 25 18 6 29 17 12 7 16 45 12 2 16 27 17 7 25 55 150 14 5 19 17 8 2 1 10 20 14 DETTOMBREMKN^t t>a 1871. Tableau XXXI. — Industries. — l^re S6rie 3J1 PROVIN'CK D*ONTARIO. and Millinary. pour fwmmss. Yearly wage*. Salftirei aunuels. G07 3,315 1,210 2.940 J,581 yso 250 11,053 100 1,720 2,050 3,345 24,750 100 700 Vahitof Raw material. Valaur dM matiirei {jreuiioras. 1,025 500 14,100 3,798 17,142 1,200 2.906 1,500 510 14,130 4,084 3,750 450 2,640 3,100 912 1,350 1,3:.9 10,890 090 f.3 1,578 2,984 1,704 840 2,748 7,083 21,270 1,837 275 2,508 2.39S 1,290 165 80 1,580 7,000 1,090 C,145 0,200 4,200 9,000 13,000 2,150 1,450 71,522 500 4.810 6.900 9,700 76,2»0 400 1,250 4,940 GOO 69,118 Value of articlaa produced. Valaur deg articles produita. s 17.400 29,653 1,300 8,650 3,750 1,380 29,987 9,900 21,0!)0 925 15.800 9,900 7.500 4,200 9,792 24,050 8,400 300 3,700 15 936 1,445 .3,100 8,293 12,650 63,680 5,982 1,135 5.7.50 .■.,450 5.450 IGO 80 2.745 13,000 1.230 9,T85 12.032 6,600 19,860 20,910 4,900 2,450 99,780 800 7,305 12,4.55 16,220 124,000 700 2,160 8,3S0 950 98.961 25,650 01,409 2,500 15,350 5,800 2,050 .53,027 21,100 31,100 1,500 23,750 16,100 8,742 7,200 14,193 47.050 12,250 600 7,1.50 23,772 4,800 5,000 13,957 32,900 112,140 8.871 1,600 11,300 9,650 10,400 360 160 6,070 24,000 2,840 Flour and Grrist Miilj. Moulini h Farine. I Hands employed. Numbar. Employes. Malea — Horamea . Nombre. 13 12 11 14 7 18 12 20 13 3 12 8 17 20 11 8 12 10 15 5 13 6 15 1 13 26 18 12 10 11 18 12 9 17 12 23 19 13 11 14 15 22 18 10 20 3 Over 16. Plus 16. Under 16. Muins 16. 21 i:; 17 16 6 4 15 24 5 7 2 40 34 30 34 12 34 33 38 27 11 19 13 54 56 33 52 25 22 50 5 76 12 50 8 31 71 44 25 45 .50 75 41 77 81 26 42 47 34 .58 28 47 45 46 65 53 49 04 37 45 30 22 7 29 38 19 24 •> 2 2 5 1 2 i 1 1 12 5 1 2 4 1 Yearly wage* . Ralaires annucla. 15,636 14.701 9..324 9,400 3,080 9,040 8,860 8,144 8,309 3,740 5,340 3,850 16.838 17,740 11,650 17,250 8,010 6,750 14,280 1.800 38,612 3,000 14,928 3,000 10,052 22,860 10,061 5,996 14,150 12,685 23 520 14,000 30,418 28,267 6,490 12,282 12,120 13,270 23.S74 6,955 10.747 12,260 14,162 19,671 12.852 12,800 21,541 10,225 15,920 10,730 7,100 1,826 9,2;« 12,158 7,'2.-.0 9,190 425 Val na of Haw material. Valeur des mati{»ri;H premieres . Z 358,415 205,728 1.56,300 2,%,300 114,400 100,651 187,420 236,049 241,900 88.000 165.150 111,055 275,969 378,597 445,100 402,000 380,290 185,500 302,900 46,000 1,258,528 102.020 399,275 100,000 770.614 505,905 175,118 151,020 269,300 208,890 86S,.%3 479,400 585,600 896,990 116,574 231,450 3t;2,9O0 462.096 398,912 194 ,.560 289.740 329,449 475,275 481,495 297,559 .360,000 Value of articles produced. Valeur dei articlea produita . 8 811,093 199,904 .5.59,153 »6;<,425 170,000 37,748 201.087 298.055 180,000 174,440 260 379,535 260,328 208,130 286,370 128,772 126,854 237,930 272,922 286,269 106,450 189,258 132,196 337,980 463,508 528,425 488,259 421,640 225,750 354,200 63.300 1,449,408 119,730 511,793 120,000 857,170 598,076 220,054 180,283 313.276 287,956 1,099,584 575,340 65.5,527 1,014,466 1.50.481 283.810 462 995 535,900 525,267 245,843 36.5,39* 420,194 594,570 814,169 .341, .595 433.000 950,707 249.495 629.047 412,943 203,;k)»> .52,2.">« 243,456 365,959 204,000 204.4.-.6 U-21 332 CBWSUS OP \$i\. ^mm^ Table XXXI. — Industries —1st Series. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. DISTRICTS. Num- ber. Nom- bre. Cooperaiie. Tonnelerie Value of Raw material. Valeur des matit-res premieres . Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. Dress Making Habillements lands e Emplc Mali Homi SvigT Pi's 16. mpl'd. y^s. 38. nei. rCiG. M. 16. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. Z Num- ber. Nom- bre. Hands en Empl IverlOy'rs. Plus 16 ans. H. F. (iploye oy6s, Moin 'mT" H. "i' >d. Tie! B 16. F. 4 2 • * • « 59. Prince Edward 60. Haitings, W . . 61. Ha«tin;,'S, £. . . 62. Hastings, iV... 63. Lennu; 64. Addington . . . 65. Frontenac .... 66. Kingston 67. Leeds, i" 66. Brockville .... 69. Grenville 70. L'ds,Gr'ville,A- 71. Dundas 72. Stormont 7^ Cornw.dl . . . 12 4 3 6 5 10 3 1 22 3 G 13 40 3 13 11 4 8 6 14 3 1 29 3 7 17 58 3 2 '"'i' 2,805 2,850 350 2,410 1,157 2,973 1,000 312 5,btji 1,023 1,575 3,578 9,355 417 1,290 1.350 180 1,015 529 663 132 30 1,372 99 380 957 4,773 88 5,175 5,375 1,175 4,594 1,966 4,910 l,4i0 430 8,621 1,337 2,965 5,.195 17,787 685 9 11 1 6 8 2 1 25 35 2 20 28 4 16 6 11 5 5 6 2 1 rr 1 8 "'21' 3 6 6 2 • • . ■ '"3 1 73 15 38 15 12 15 3 15 16 18 '166' 6 17 16 3 12 — 2 2 2 74. Glenjj'arry .... 75. Prescott 76. Russell 77. Ottawa, C. — V. 78. Carleton 79. Lanark, S ^ 80. Lanark, N 8L Renfrew, 5.. . 82. Renfrew, N. . . 83 N^ini.ssinL'' 5 5 7 4 5 6 17 9 5 7 5 7 15 15 7 25 13 8 7 ""'i' .... ' i 602 1,050 3,681 6,050 1,470 6,143 3,400 2,180 1,162 185 222 3,075 7,150 741 2,036 1,005 940 787 870 1,835 10,220 17,750 2,645 11,130 6,495 3,825 3,095 1 1 ""6 1 • • • • • fi4 ^iDisainj/ .ZV^ ... fi^ "PaiTV Smind 87. Manitoulin . . . 88 AlL'oma £J 3 6 277 61 990 89. Algoma, Centre 90, Algoma, W.-O 6 13 3 4,750 2,712 9,700 493 17 1«7 \ Totals of Ontario. ) *! Totaux d'Ontario. ) J 669 1,745 92 478,163 516,670 1,281,868 86 1,856 {Province of Quebec.) 91. Pontiac, S.... 92 Pontiac N. . . 3 5 II ■ I 556 134 1,000 1 . . . « 5 93. Ottawa, W.—O 94. Ottaoua, Centrt 95. Ottaoua, E.... 96. Argenteuil . . . 97. D'x Montagnoii 98. Laral 1 2 2 4 1 10 1 2 ~} 2 4 6 13 2 1 2 4 5 1 10 1 2 5 2 19 12 100 6 ""2 2 18 2 10 80 1,100 486 50 692 80 150 282 230 5,250 2,686 3'; 547 2,500 10 30 96 224 15 258 25 55 478 110 14,000 870 29,145 1,900 30 125 1,450 1,233 65 2,005 400 425 816 370 26. COO 4,790 103,311 6,300 2 2 2 11 7 2 5 4 26 6 6 8 9 4 99. Terrebonne . . . 100. L'Absoinption. fi 101. Montcalm. . . . U 102. Joliettft 1 103. Bfcrthier 104. Montreal, C. . . 105. Montreal, E... lOG. Montreal, W.. 107. Hochelaga 108. .Ta'ques-Cartier 109. Vaudreuil 7 12 4 30 23 47 14 244 66 220 2 "2 54 16 40 4 6 ., .. 1 3 5 395 110 784 111. Beauhamois . . 112. Chateauguay . . 1 2 1 2 1 25 100 35 40 300 310 3 3 3 5 • • . • 3 DENOMrarEMFTNT DE 1871. Zi^ Tableau XXXl . — Industries. — '. ero S^rie. r 1 t 1 pii^ >VINCK I>K our feminnH. Flour and Griit Milla. MouHns k Farine. 1 1 1 t Yearly wag«u. SalnircB aiiumalu. Value of 1 Raw material. ValeurflsB matibres ])reuii^rea. ? Value of articlo.s produced, Valcur des articles produits. 9 Numb«r. Nombr« . Hands employed. Empioytfi. Males.- Honmios. Over 16. Und«r 16. Plus 16. Moias 16. Yearly wagus. Palair«» anniielts. Value of 1 maturial. ! Valeur dfcs niatil-rts prc-inibres. 5 Value of ' articles j produced. Valeur den articles | produits. % ! 4,100 3,354 81 1,458 3,316 412 1»,460 6,020 200 5.3;)6 5,020 574 19,750 13,382 350 8,348 11,«80 ■ 1,150 20 8 12 13 11 18 6 ii 5 7 18 8 3 5 8 8 5 3 5 17 9 6 7 40 19 33 24 28 29 12 9, .500 5,500 10,365 ^ .* * ' o 8.664 7,61 « 4,462 W3,910 118,830 272,908 1.^8. 08iJ 211.000 149,057 128,000 2;;o,84o 146,0.32 333.64(; 20i.i;^o 248.790 . 174.9.-.0 144,9'JO O 5 7,527 1,170 5,652 1,880 1,460 1642 100 500 1,476 2,804 42,816 815 17,047 2,100 4^'30 3,972 50 1,000 4,499 5,712 57,0f.7 2,645 28,991 4.900 6,100 6.725 150 2,400 7.560 9,320 27 9 14 25 28 7 22 16 IS 20 25 12 29 20 12 19 5 8,3:^.0 3,575 3.898 6,195 7.290 1,9.'.6 7,990 3,655 5,480 1.5,0r,0 9,200 2,850 9,160 6.540 3,632 5,762 196,000 48.974 493.240 146,983 313,444 56,260 93.067 88,300 141.663 140,775 368.380 164,350 270,300 130,200 42,585 109,000 250,072 59,416 575,359 1.59.206 .S01,233 72,271 125,652 ; 100.790 176,:i44 i 214.aS9 398,854 ' 178,670 ; 356.828 153,9'.»0 j 115.992 . 146,760 1 15,261 975 1,307 1,660 436 49,004 2,4S6 6,355 1,500 255 78,380 4,156 8,310 5,370 1,620 1 1 1 1 1 800 5.-.0 1,500 6,000 2,000 ; 7,600 ' 1 ..... 255,967 815,514 1,350,483 951 2,654 105 833,959 22,615,814 27,115.796 140 400 600 8 13 3,194 77,860 91,923 600 6 2 6 12 12 4 17 12 14 19 14 10 2 8 23 22 38 L'S i' 3.640 580 1,3.>5 3,700 3,910 1.640 ti,656 4.'.U5 4,2t'.6 4,060 4,7.-^0 144,300 12,.3(i0 60,037 61,590 106.855 18,250 210,772 I60,r,ij0 126,2;K> 153.355 68,679 161,125 13,145 71,tM9 72,550 145,726 21,245 277,218 243.714 156. ISO 227.718 96,492 1,100 '2,VJ2 513 1,048 651 328 1,S64 $,723 8,200 1,434 2 ,900 12;2'J0 15,676 1,900 1 2 1 "." 1,237 15,832 ■ ' 25,126' •-'7 35 22 1 32,3;).-; S,637 22,712 17'J,S04 25.:.. -.2 123,176 299,251 46,736 1SS,66U 5 4 3 8 3 5 6 '..'2 39 1 !-■ 32,6S0 14,800 865 3,800 2,070 4,970 3,850 i,8r.">,oou 640,220 13,100 49,244 53,140 152,.500 76,900 2,t'y3.109 700,000 15,882 58,858 63,K aUK3EC. and Millinery, pour femmos. Flour and Gri«t Mills. lIouliuB k Fariiie. Yearly wagta. Salairea annuela. $ Value of 1 K.iw 1 "material. Valeurdes ' matiferes j premi^rea, -^ ! Value of articl KH produced. Valeur dss articl as produits. $ Number. Nombre. Handt) «ii Empl Males.-] Over 16. Plus 16. Qployud. j oy^B. 1 dEomrnes. Undtrie Moins 16. Yearly . waj^aB. S:ilairet j aimuelti V»lu« ..f Raw material. Vanurdee m.itieres prtmierea. $ Value i>f artiolei produced. Valeur dea articka pro.luits. $ G 1 1 2 5 4 17 12 5 13 9 ;i 11 12 16 11 12 1 1 12 5 10 15 11 16 7 16 6 12 18 30 15 13 2 1 5 9 15 24 15 9 30 15 9 17 12 18 17 20 2 2 20 8 22 25 20 20 8 19 8 16 20 44 34 1 3,05) 800 18) 1.30) 2.23S 4,98 i 2,412 3,07 1 1,575 3,798 2,977 1.950 6,800 2,640 4,057 3,284 5,076 275 450 3,892 1,079 3,714 3,557 3,580 2,785 2,450 2.84-5 2,11 i 4.505 4.015 7,536 4,988 45,900 36,250 3,000 46,7(K) 35,800 l48,«;f;o 32,762 91,590 77,577 118,147 .54,875 46,500 94,908 ;i8,425 85,971 81,606 84,905 1,000 6,000 77,131 3(),i;;3 81,026 190.761 ,\3..v;o 77,710 68,810 48.019 33 720 102,300 69,472 154,471 48,840 52,743 42,600 3,tiO»,., [-, 30 75 450 100 20 90 5.400 800 60 209 7,600 in VI i iii,« t-- 110.65, 238 44.: 230 ISO 1,230 100 640 290 3,703 361 952 760 5,586 816 o 1 5 IV.. J \ 79 331 ! ■ 410 9.1.' ! 1 3!6 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXXI. — Industries. — Ist Series, PnOVIBTCES OF NEW BRUNSAVICK AND NOVA SCOTIA. DISTRICTS. Tonnelerie. Num- ber. Nom bre. ,Handseniprd. Employ^. Males. Homnies. O'er 16., U. 16, Pi's 16. 'M. 16, 171. Ga.'^pd, Centre . 172. Gasp^, S 173. I. Madeleine.. (P. of N. Brunswick.) (F. du li. -Brunrwitk. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. St. John C'harlotta . . . . King's Quean's Sunbury York ... . .... (^arleton Victoria llestigouche. . . GlououKtw . . . . Noithuuiberi'd Kent Wt.stmcirland . Albert 13 24 12 4 8 1 113 42 2 4 1 Yearly waees. Value of Kaw material. Salaires I Val'r des annuelb. | matiferes I preiiii'res. S S Valw* of articles prodiiced . Val'r des articles produibs. 901 25 4 9 1 145 56 2 4 1 (P. of N. Scoiia.) (P. de la N.-EcotH. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 199. 194. 19o. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. Hants King's Anr.apolis . . . l>igby Y&rniouth . . . ShelburBS ... Queen's Liinenbiirfj . . . Halifax, )F.-0 HRlifax, E.... Cumberland . . Colchester . . . . Pictou Antipcni.sh . .. Guysbfirough . Inveme»s . . . Victoria Cape Breton. Hichnjond 12 6 5 21 32 4 88 5U ij 8 11 5 3 l;59 y 23 6 6 32 47 4 104 93 9 8 17 7 :■! 141 11 18 2 5,820 1,210 800 300 200 440 120 5,082 2,623 188 492 240 2,870 4G0 460 6,117 5,029 ■MQ 9,968 23,64.5 C70 . 849 2,310 1,186 290 3,088 1,4.54 515 2,937 510 .321 30 150 82 40 2,.'541 7,572 25 145 36 5,648 345 320 8,376 4,484 336 0,545 11,248 122 251 902 720 235 4,423 :;94 2,032 Drssa Making Habillements Num- ber. Nom- bre. Hands •mployed. Employes. Over 16 y's.i Under 16 Plus 16ans. Moins 16 10,.305 1,975 1,.386 400 850 650 450 9,029 12,202 320 840 300 11,075 995 1,150 10,729 9,891 698 17,057 51,920 868 1,499 3,598 2,770 740 9,674 2,435 1 3 1 24 1 2 1 4 3 1 M. H. F. F. 173 1 11 14 1 27 1 11 6 2 7 3 7 5 127 2 8 9 2 M. H. GKANI) TOTALS. Totalb of Ontario . ) Totauid'Ontaiio. ) Totals of Qu«:j.ic. \ Totaux de Quiibeo | ToVs >r. Jininiw-k I Tot'iN.ErunMT'k ( Tot's N. Scotia . . \ Tot'iN.-Ecoi,^e.. | 669 I 1,745 472 19i 407 735 251 .511 ?o!^''R^S":::^}l.73« 13.242 92 61 10 37 200 478,108 89,028 17,-515 59.042 516,676 111,156 14,189 44,249 680.270 rrawT 1,281,868 320,989 38,707 131,099 1,772,063 F. F. 21 493 80 1850 17 333 14 1039 5 5C 5 241 ' '': 3 206 ■ 934 108 |3342 1 22 167 208 22 8 D^NOMBREMENT I)E 1871. 32 Tableau X XX I.— 1 n'l • lutries.— -lere Surie. PROVINCES DU NOUVEAU-BRVASWICK KT DK LA KOUVKLLE-ECOSSK. and Millinery, pour femniei. Flour and Grist Milli. JIoulinB A Farine. • Yearly Salaires annuel.s. $ Value of Raw material. Valeur ilea matiiires preraicres. i5 Viilue of articles produced. Valeur d«a article Si produitfj. $ Number. Nombre. Hands employed. Employ ^i. Males — Homnies. Over 10. 1 Under 10 Plus 16. Moii.s 16. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. Value of Raw materi.al. Valeur deH matit-res premieres. $ Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produitB. 6 4 1 10 6 465 COO 60 8,015 14,H00 300 9.3:.2 ! 1 19,242 , 1 4 WS TOTAUX. 255,907 107,768 30,515 10,837 815,514 557,275 119,073 94.^ 1,350,483 882,918 195.396 156,882 951 810 233 301 1 2,654 1,440 297 398 105 66 14 18 8.33,9:.k) 280,265 55,967 02,687 22,615,814 8,152,707 80 ■.■ ■ - 83;..- ... 1 27,115, 7lt6 |l 1 9,897,714 '^ 1 ■'} ■'-'. 405,117 1,586,197 2,585.670 2,295 4.789 203 1,232.879 32.474,5 iS .19,135.919 i TABLE XXXIL INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. 1st series. FOUNDRIES AND MACHINE WORKING.— LIME KILNS.— SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKING. TABLEAU XXXIL ETABLISSEMENTS INDUSTRIELS. liRE S^RIE. FONDERIES ET CONFECTION DE MACHENES.— FOURS A CH.VUX. SELLERIE. 380 CENSUS QF 1871 -KM ' Table XXXII. Industries. — 1st Series. PROVINCE OP 0NTAR30. DISTRICTS. FoundrieB and Machine •^ Fonderies et confection do iTorking. Machines. Value of Ka\y material. Val'r des matit-res premieres. $ Value of articles produced . Val'r des articles produits. Lime Fours Num- ber. N om- bre. Hai Over 1 PIusl "mT H, ids ei Empl 6 y's. 6ans. F. nployed. oyes. Under IG. Moins IG. "mT^^ H. F. Yearly wages. Salair(53 annuels. $ Num- ber. Nom- bre. Hands ( Empl Ma Horn ovi?wr Pi's 16. impl'd. oy^s. es. mes. uTTc M. 16 1. Essex 5 4 1 6 2 7 5 3 2 5 1 2 6 4 5 b 1 "'53' 8 41 27 25 53 32 4 124 2 33 37 42 144 38 1 3 4 1 4,940 17.926 5,7.50 7,590 400 15,250 3,470 6,779 14,.325 9,110 2,480 87,644 60 3,200 4,401 4,955 45,200 13,840 600 15,130 39,916 6,000 39,4.50 21,700 26,600 50,750 29,950 5,400 168,600 600 20,4.50 23,970 24,795 143,000 55 120 1,500 11 3 3 4 6" 2 3 9 1 2 1 8 1 3 3 - 13 2 7 16 8 5 6 "'io' 3 5 29 2 5 2 29 3 9 8 23 5 19 • • • • . ' 'i* ""2 ""2 "'i' 2. Kent 3. Bothwell 4. Lambt( >n . . . . 5. Elgin, W. — O.. 6. Elgin, A' 7. "Middle.<=ex, W-0 8. Middlesex. JV . . 9. Middlesex, E . . 10. Tjondon 11. Norfolk,/? 12. Norfolk, i\".. .. 13. Oxford,^' 14. Oxford, N... .. 15. Brant, S. or W. 16. iJrant, JV- or E. 17 . Haldimand .... 18. Monck ... . 3,000 15,450 9,220 7,700 18,000 11,200 800 46,670 400 7,100 11,GG3 l(i,135 46,650 14,100 600 2 "'i' 2 2 2 9 1 1 G 6 4 19. Welland... . 20. Niagara 5 32 11,400 5,925 25,250 21. J.,incoln 22. Wentworth, S. 23. Wentworth, iV. 24. Hamilton 25. Huron, S 26. Huron, iV 27. Bruce, ,S' 28. Bruce, N 29. Perth S .. . 5 2 4 15 2 4 3 3 99 15 99 408 37 35 22 9 f "'1' 16 26 G ""4' 32,700 6,650 29,665 1.57,786 15,089 12,360 6,950 2,850 19,600 88,200 39,477 182,370 18,020 7,4.50 10,220 1,890 68,700 99,800 88,910 5ul,571 43,000 30,000 30,200 6,000 11 4 13 7' 14 5 7 3 4 7 12 3 16 7 10 13 8 1 6 2 19 5 1 2 10 7 24 ""'10' 17 7 14 7 10 14 15 20 23 11 17 24 58 2 13 4 31 9 1 4 2 ""2 ""2 3 '"i" ""2 2 ""5 1 ...... 30. P.rth, N 31. Waterloo, ,S'.... 32. Waterloo, JS . . . 33. Wellington, -S'. . 34. W^fcliington, C . 3.5. Wellinirton, N . 36. CJrev, 6' 37. QreV, N .38. Halton 39. Peel 1 7 3 4 5 1 3 4 n • > 1 11 236 17 62 80 5 31 55 e,:, 1 . • * • . 1,000 75,425 5,4G0 24,750 23,720 700 11,100 18,975 2:'.,(J0O 200 1,000 4.5,545 5,900 7,565 18,885 600 17,820 18,.300 28,080 .50 4,700 220,300 16,903 49,000 83,600 1,550 40.000 55,000 65,700 2.50 8 1 4 2 2 5 40. Cardwell ... 41. .Simco«, ,S' 42. Simcoe. A^ 4.3. York, N 44. York, W. -() .. ^.-y. York, E 4C. Toronto, W.—O 47. Toronto, j£' 48. Ontarii., ,S 49. Ontario, N. ... 50. burham, V/.—O 51. Durham, E ... .52. Victoria, ,S' •53. Victoria. N 54. North'hTd, W. .55. Northumh'I'd. E 56. Peterbon/, W 4 2 2 4 G 9 4 2 5 6 1 / 3 io 42 24 11 8 284 517 2?-J 57 2s 4! 2 4,.500 12.950 7.020 3,200 2,080 96,500 21.',.452 ]50,.'i00 23,000 9,400 1.5,400 l.OCO 3,000 8.496 3,995 3,400 2,700 136,100 178. S75 75.200 17,650 6,(i30 9,.^85 500 11,600 34,996 19,000 10,900 6,700 350,500 466,500 3!;i),.500 70,500 24,011 41,3.50 1,800 1 5 54 16 4 5 10 26 1 25 7 7 12 17 3 16 11 37 2 36 13 10 15 3o 5 29 ""2 . ... 3 ""i" 40 8 3 12,700 1,880 8,690 535 30,400 3,312 57. Peterboro', E . . 58 Paterboro', N . . 1 4 1,200 1,024 3,000 • Dfl^TOMBREMENT DK 1871. 9ei TABLEi vu XXXII. — Iii(lustrie«. — lore Suriw. • PROVINCrc ^'ONTARIO. 1 kiluK. Saddle and Harm-SH making. Ji ch&nx. i Sellme. Yearly wa(,a'8. V.-vluc of L*a\v material . Value of articles produced i Num ber. Hands employed. l Yearly Employes. j Wivges. Value (.f Kaw material. Value of .irticlea produced . Salaires aunuuls. Valeur des matiferes Valeur des articlt'.s — Over 16 years. Plus 16 .ans. UnderlO years. Miiins 10 ans. Salaires annuele. Valeur des matiireu Valeur (led articleri $ preiiiier«s . 1 produits. $ Noin- brc. Males. Homm's Females Femmes .... ^. Mal.8. H. Fem'lV F. % l>rfiuicr«s. produita. % 1,655 800 600 •00 1,090 012 5(;o 705 3,998 1,900 2.125 2,540 11 6 10 12 1 14 11 8 5 8 3 10 12 12 8 3 14 4 10 2 7 3 4 9 13 12 8 7 8 10 12 12 11 6 9 10 1] 8 11 14 1'.- 10 10 3 10 12 12 10 10 5 5 10 6 6 24 20 15 25 4 34 28 14 13 42 5 24 35 25 33 9 28 12 17 4 25 4 11 09 25 25 21 12 19 14 27 29 22 28 9 10 17 30 23 14 21 32 IS 23 20 9 6ii 27 28 21 21 23 •» 10 15 30 10 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 6,200 8,214 2,720 8,130 1,390 8,825 8,8.59 2,470 3,068 11, .520 1,300 5,690 9,941 6,6.53 8.800 2,800 6,865 4,370 3,891 675 7,460 1,230 4,290 21,888 7,750 5,837 5,810 3,821 5,344 3,!M5 8,510 7,098 5,010 7 040 2,000 4,180 3,900 10.1. -^o 4.. '..'50 .•'..ICO .1 .-.ix .V m; 2,723 4.(;'J2 2,4(10 24,824 O.'.tlO 1 7.270 1 5.035 6,073 8,404 2,444 3,.^00 3,462 9,300 1,835 9,991 5,983 6,024 13,250 2,y90 22,002 10,200 3,161) 4,322 18,9.50 1,088 10,383 11,220 10,749 9,199 4,100 8,390 7,010 5,814 1,000 12,.'^ »0 1,.540 3,0ti5 28, .-.04 o,4at 12.7.55 0,7.50 5,080 9,820 5,410 17 744 8,312 13,200 17.520 4.4.54 7.((K) 5.01/8 TJ, 700 11.2.5ft ■;,;;r,ii ; .'. (10 1. ,:m4 ;'. J ■ r. .V.J-.5 y.2tHi 37.3tH» 12,044 9 195 10.1.52 lo,n5t» :,..r2 28,. •.39 3,670 21,000 ::8,478 10,445 23,500 6,150 43,850 27,030 6,950 15,020 46.200 2,800 20,480 27,915 21,420 40,500 8,700 17.450 13,725 1 13,2t;0 2,000 26,750 3,470 11,375 72,.5t>0 18,250 2»,530 16,470 i 11. .550 1 20.4(i3 ! 12,030 1 .39,000 1 17,900 1 23.025 i 34,4t>0 1 8,11*0 io,;t.S(> 12,^IK> .S0.570 19.795 10.(!40 2U.3'.'4 2i>*050 ' 1.5,7."-0 : 10, 9m; 18.920 15,400 79,301 2;<,150 23.500 18,""K<.i i 22.i'0'i ; 24.400 8,182 7.600 i7,;v»; 47.700 ' 7.0l«0 , .380 500 05 3,76.'5 340 640 135 4,420 750 1,740 890 1,040 1,300 1,340 .355 150 02 1,790 288 305 46 6,636 200 2,400 344 588 227 1,283 1,280 1,000 255 11.335 1,040 1,100 515 15,790 3,250 11,000 3,360 3,092 2,0.50 6,125 1 1 9 ... . . 2 1 1 1,930 1,900 2,050 ""1,170 l.!)06 1,000 124 OCO 225 1,4.".0 046 1,7'JS 1 nro '.-.8 1 ,sr,2 17 i»2t> i 770 2;")0 2,211 ft.M 51 400 817 1,365 851 2.s6' 1,411 213 300 185 153 1,.340 670 1,279 2,004 509 247 892 4.592 100 570 220 1.2»".9 25 50 4,899 8,820 6,205 ' " ' 'j^-iio' 7,815 1,.355 775 1.310 ^822 5,075 2,078 8,770 r,025 1,917 2,2(;3 3.3.'.0 .32.'.M0 840 1 2,0.55 i,o.;5 7.021 y,.'.hO lOO OiO ') 3' } 1 2 2 i" 1 i" i 2 1 2 *4 3 2 1 5 2 2 i 1 1 2i*3 054 00 1,74.. 620 705 460 I.O03 476 892 54; 1 20 511 I8;j 2vl 453 397 335 553 935 2,081 80 4,242 l.OOO i.:m 1,758 2,4.35 1.270 2 800 } 2 1 . . . 1 1 I S32 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXXI I. — Industries. — 1st Series. PItOVINCK OF flUKBKC. DISTKICTS. 59. Prince Edward 60. 61. 62. Hastings, W. Hjutingn, £ . Hastings, iV. . 63. Lennox . 64. Addington 65. Froutenac 66. Kingiton 67. Leeds, ii .... 63. Brockville .... 69. Grenvillc .... 70. L'ds. GrT'le,A 7L Duadas 72. iStormont 73. Cornwall 74. Glengarry .... 75. Fre«c< Moins 1 Males. H. yearn. 6 ans. IWIV F. Yearly wages. Salaires anuuelfl. 9 Value ttf Kaw material. Valeur den matieres premieres . $ Value of articles produced. Valeur deh articles produita. 1,094 1,152 2,252 488 280 3,786 480 578 276 780 255 44 565 248 2,960 1.8G7 8,180 915 1,143 12,725 1,320 '1,442 390 4,782 495 3,252 663 1,378 1,011 941 9,380 11 12 7 6 9 12 4 6 14 8 4 12 7 2 21 38 12 11 21 IS 6 17 22 19 10 23 14 2 3 i' 1 6,583 12 080 3,624 3,136 5,175 3,902 1,360 4,9J4 5,185 «,335 4,010 6,200 3,875 350 8,850 17,647 2,790 4,645 9,550 4,913 1.598 3,950 6,737 5,359 7,100 7,370 5,260 3:i0 20,813 1 42..300 ! 8,.500 1 9,9'JO 1 18,675 i 10,650 ' 3,250 1 11.:'.IX) 16.58$ ; 18,700 1 12.954 1 18,010 ll,a85 900 8,280' 10,j80 2,700 100,775 21,700 20,200 13,660 18,.540 15.370 1 1 2 1 535 115 1,263 356 669 344 276 466 299 4,106 316 50 679 87 528 77 3-16 178 150 2,608 2 1 1 4 8 2 8 9 10 7 8 7 10 11 4 60 19 27 20 22 15 2,108 2,812 1,300 18,534 5,600 6,264 4,102 4,736 4,445 3,160 4,120 550 49,800 11,200 8,950 7,820 8,030 7,503 1 2 i 497 977 1,061 737 465 204 566 713 146 689 1,210 2,179 2,765 1.265 1,762 1 1 2 ' 30 80 260 1 1 ; • ••• •••• ... • • • • * • * 1,656 17 732,931 94,521 51,159 265,883 676 98 2 461,416 1,645,398 1,155 """1,054" IS 28 355 426 1,378 208 375 229 1,188 238 653 526" 27 10 80 301 776 234 426 172 407 78 3,250 ""'b.iii" 50 60 711 2,0.53 2,648 1.710 1,232 880 2,430 384 3 "'5' 1 3 I 3 l 5 10 1 2 2 1 2 5 7 11 7 3 1 6 6 2 5 6 ""i3' 8 47 17 32 5 2 1 2 8 14 1 2,060 2,i«i0" 700 60 1,880 710 272 yoo 8lXt 9S3 1,220 16,180 4.950 9,790 460 500 200 400 1,182 2,016 3,550 "* 3,230 bdO 80 l.OlKi 3.(».50 1.0.^)0 1,045 '....';■"'. 2,2(Kt 82, '.km; 6.500 19,420 1.6!>0 :i,2(K) 160 8.">(t 3,875 2.604 10.000 " " 7,65<') 1,900 150 5,;i(K.» 4 900 2.135 2,665 4.100 7,0.'C 7.100 123.110 ly,li.50 48.680 2,250 2.100 500 2,2tX) 7,iiOO 2 2 1 8 1 1 5 •> 3 7 3,200 3,850 15,000 4,940 345 102 140 1,022 45 8,700 161 335 63 947 46 48,500 785 1,204 516 5 070 '240 1 ■ 1 6,775 m 334 CENSUS Of I8?i, Table XXXII. Industries. — 1st Series. PROVINCE OP aUKBKO. DISTRICTS. Num- ber. N om- bre. Foundries and Machine working. Fonderies et confection de Machines. Lime Fours Hands ei Empl Over 16 y'-i. Plus 16 ans. uployed. oy^a. Under 16. Moina 16. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. $ Value of Raw material. Valeur des matieres premilrus . $ Value of ."irticlcs produced. Valeur des articles produits. 5 Num- ber. N om- bre. Hands empl'd. Employ^K. Malcf. Hommud. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. O'er 16. PI'b 16. U. 16 M. U. 113. Huntingdon, £• 114. Huntingdon, W 115. Laprairie 1 3 1 600 2,160 4,000 4 4 1 5 5 10 6 2 10 10 '"i il6. Napier ville.... 117. St. Jean 118. Chambly 119. Ve»chcre« .. . 120. Richelieu 121. St. Hyacinthe. 122. Ragot 2 1 2 3 5 4 5 2 37 9 62 31 990 1,000 12,700 1,629 19,005 8,110 3,100 450 16,360 977 12,175 9,880 4,650 1,800 42,-550 3,.360 64,500 31,400 "'5' 9 .... 20 2 49 4 123. Rouville 124. Iberville 125. Miiiisquoi 126. Brome 127. ShefFord 12S. Maskinong^ .... 123. St. Maurice, .V 130. St. Maurice, A' 131. Troi« Rivieres 132. Champlain, S.. 133. Champlain, N. 134. Yama»ka . 135. Nicolet 1S6. Drummond ... 137. Arthabaska ... 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 6 10 23 2 33 7 8 1.800 1.800 3,525 700 9,375 1.500 1,200 "" 806' 6,864 2,630 500 12,000 1,825 4,800 5,000 13,000 13,700 1.800 33,000 4,500 9,700 10 15 2 4 1 3 9 2 11 • . . . . ■ * • 7 1 1 2 41 3 150 10 11,800 1,300 4,500 2,120 15,400 1,728 2,625 1,790 50,200 5,760 27,300 5,600 7 14 1 1 2 6 1 1 275 25 410 1 1 13S. Richmond .... 139. Wolf* 3 6 890 980 3,180 4 7 140. Sherbrooke.. , 141. Stanstead 142. Compton 143. Purtneuf 3 2 1 44 12 2 16,500 4,080 350 24,500 1.150 300 58,000 12,000 800 4 "io 91 13 15 150 144 ( 'o. de Quebec . 145. Quebec, 146. Quebec, Centre. 147. tlu6hiic.E.... 148. Montmorency. 149 . Charlevoix .... 1 7 '"2 80 131 5 2 16,000 31,330 12,000 27,640 30,000 189,700 34 7,864 16,000 29,400 10 27 3 12 50 3 ""2 1.50 . Chicoutimi . . . 151. Sai^enav 152. Ijabrador 1.53. L<^vis 4 131 6 36,560 54,558 116,908 1.54. Ji6vi.0 3,239 2,130 300 570 880 3,100 6,475 300 300 15,200 150 50 1,450 1.200 2,500 240 2,248 425 7,40e 5,107 2,600 145 488 2,1.50 7,tV40 13.3.32 425 58 2I,li>0 250 300 3,365 4,1"^ 4,8 10 1.000 5,600 1,6.50 16,000 13,575 5,300 455 1,.320 4,10<» 28,450 28,2.50 750 413 180 5-47 30 365 112 8 96 124 157 18 280 76 20 139 700 1,305 60 1,019 307 ;'.o 526 3.494 9,761 312 7t>0 300 1,500 400 420 25,925 612 3,100 840 460 150 50 481 1,029 40 205 216 214 90 371 590 72 42 784 552 396 2,779 3,945 430 380 1.50 110 1,220 1.50 180 4,2.50 300 248 340 ' 7,6.50 400 336 CEJTS CJ8 OF 1871. Table XXXII.— Industries.— 1st Series. PROVINCES OF NEAV BRUIVS^VICK; AND NOVA SCOTIA. DISTRICTS. Foundries and Machine working. Fondcries «t confection de Machines. Lime Fours Num- ber. Nom- bre. Ha Plusl 'mT H. nda ei Emp] 6 y'rs. 6 ans. F. nploy oy^s. Moil H. ed. er 16 . 13 16. F Yearly wages. Salairei annueld. Value of Raw material. Valeur des maticrcs premieres. $ Value of articles produced. Valeur des article» produits. Num- ber. Nom- bre. Hands empl'd. Employes. Males. Hommes. O'er 16. U. 16. Pis 10. M. 10. 171. Gmp6, Centre.. 2 3 172. Ga.sp^, S 173. I. Madeleine.. .. . . (P. of N. Brunszuick.) (P. du iV. -Bningwiek. ) 174. St. John 175. Charlotte 176. King's 177. Queen's 13 3 2 309 22 9 88 2 111,878 10,600 2,768 125,397 9,270 1,400 323,670 31,875 7,000 16 C5 1 4 2 11 3 178. Sunbury 179. York 4 2 26 50 5 7,508 19,000 7,. 380 9,600 24,350 47,000 3' 180. Carltton 181. Victoria 7 182 . Restigouche . . . " " 7,966' '"37',766 5 1 1 2 ""17' 2 2 4 183. Gloucester .... 184. Northumberl'd 185. Kent ""3 "'44' • • "'15,566' 186. Wes^tmorland . 187. Albert 4 94 1 33,600 39,000 1 130,500 '**l' (P. of N. Scotia.) (P. dt la N.-Ecosse.) 188. Hants 189. King's 190. Annapolis 191. Digby 192. Yarmouth ... 193. Shelburne 3 3 2 1 2 33 11 14 1 50 13,000 1,.^00 4,980 1.50 25,000 14.420 10,044 2,580 40 12,000 35,400 15,573 8,733 400 48,000 2 3 194. Que«i's 19-5. JvUiienburg 196. Halifax, W.-O. 197. Halifax, 1,' ... . 198. Cumberland. . . 199. Colchester iiltO. Pictou 201 . Antigonish 2u2. Cuy.sborough. . 203. Inverne.sH 1 1 6 <> 1 3 4 6 12 115 61 20 .... 1,800 4,000 41,806 13,000 16,000 19,000 1,500 2,031 23,070 26,000 16,000 16,032 21,.300 8,000 8,000 161,100 74,250 35,000 33,42fi 54,500 .5' "'ig' 6 3 5 6 3 1 5 7 11 4 2 ... 8 3 1 10 5 2 15 204. Victoria 205. Cape iir«ton . , 206. Richmond 1 2 440 730 1,740 . .. 1 GRAND TOTALS. lot»l8 of Ontario. | Totaux d'Ont:xrio. ( Total* wf (Quebec. 1 'J'otauxde (,>uebee. ) Tot's N. Bruiisw'k i Tot'x N.Brunsw'k j 1 otals N . Scotia . I Totaux N.-Ecosse 1 258 111 31 30 4,.379 1,707 554 440 11 2 292 153 9G 15 4 i 4 1,587,018 473,217 200,854 168,726 1,576,695 605,034 199,947 145,747 4,031,850 1,607,464 602,095 484,122 559 379 33 39 1,053 733 111 73 46 2i 1 otals 4 Province.'! » -,,^ 7000' ^^^ rot'x 4 Provinces / ^•^" "'*^^" j ^^ 556 2,429,815 2,427,423 7,325,531 1,010 1,970 72 DfiNOMBREMElfT DE 1871. 337 ^r-r Tableau XXXII. — Industries. — I6re Serie. PROVINCES DU NOUVEAV-BRUNSWICK ET DE LA K0UVELI.E-EC08SE. kilns, h chaux. Yearly Salaires anuuels. 89 Valua of Kaw material. Valeur des luatitTfa premiered. $ 108 Value of articles produced. Valeur des articled produits. 294 rfaddle and llarnesH makiinj. Sellerie. Num bar. Norn brc. Hands employed. Employes . Over IG years. Plus IG aus. Male*. Hoiiim's Feinale.s Kf mines Under IG yeiirf;. Moiui» IG ans. Males . H. l'"eni'le- Yearly wayi-s . Salaires aunuels . Value of Kp.w material . Valeur dt'.- rnalii/res premieres. 9 -i ■r'-"-ii 10,529 188 170 720 3,390 1G4 160 108 180 2.900 141 932 1,995 212 60 110 IGO 487 94,521 40,816 15,429 7,177 157,943 9,575 342 10.0 910 1,528 400 140 205 37,385 1,170 310 2,980 7,600 732 480 310 73 2,300 3G 642 281 164 24 600 9,030 6 4 4 2 1 6 9 1 4 1 8 3 12 3 1.^.0 Go 135 1S.T 2,780 3.505 870 200 466 400 804 2 1 3 1 5 5 11 5 1 3 2 5 o 36 8 8 4 1 20 14 1 9 1 13 6 25 5 9 10 6 3 4 5 3 12 8 20 25 6 1 4 2 9 o GRANDS TOTAUX. 51,159 265,883 29,309 j 166,346 13,205 3,870 97,543 51,087 18,840 502,156 1,041 676 1,656 235 525 64 150 66 131 2,462 17 4 21 9.S 63 5 12 17.> (H22 11,9.52 2.600 2,010 4:d fiOO 5.000 3.900 300 3,048 240 2,300 1,000 6, -.20 1,025 20,124 2,200 4,102 1,0.^5 150 7,300 6,100 l.llO 2,321 120 4,75o 860 8,752 900 39,900 9,IM.X) 10,006 1,670 bOO 23,600 13.'" 2,- 7.' 10. , 19i6i:2 2.000 2,434 2,912 ;mo 880 l.JOO 1,'.)2.- l,-iiJ<» 3,«X)0 400 1.'.'35 5.752 5,470 1.211 .iOO ('»,S() 1,794 300 3,208 3,660 948 860 3,200 3,100 600 6,274 2.802 200 2,380 2,404 1,070 900 809 2,731 11,005 400 0,265 10,020 20,048 2,100 2,450 5,(i25 1,200 735 240 489 1,400 4,000 6,678 500 170 2,305 1,50 6,000 8,9.50 11,142 7(X» 6,400 2.240 3.000 25,5,-.0 4,.-^X) 1.0()0 11,300 5,T'>0 i.no I.IHK) 4,080 8..500 2,6.50 Value of I Value of Kaw j articIcH material, i produced. I Vak-ur des Val.'ur des mati" res preuiierea. 9,700 4,875 3,200 8,300 7,5(K) 32.500 15,400 250 1,620 49,000 20,800 2,300 13,740 21,250 63,175 11,687 1,705 3,6S4 85,580 25,000 5,775 33,300 33,000 30,750 19.700 19,480 7,010 14.S.'-.5 13.7.50 5.3.725 100,700 85.762 8 660 74,745 12,6.50 4.575 19,1(00 60,8-20 13.000 9,7(M) 25,500 :i4,700 6.S.4S.5 1.200 12,500 40.000 2t;5,60 2.400 '>7 000 70. 24,.>!.5 7.800 11.164 16.140 34,600 13,100 542 oBNtjtfp Of isn* W>ii*MMMU ^ M- Table XXXIII.— Industrifes.— 1st Series. PUOVINCSC OF dUEBEC. DISTRICTS. Saw Mills. !Moulins k Scies. Num ber. Xom bie 59. Prince Edward 60. Hastings, W. . 61. Hastings, E. . . 62. Hastings, iV. . . 63 . Lennox 64. Addington . . . 65. Frontenac .;.. 66 . Kingston . . i . 67. Leeds, S 68. Brockville 69. Grendlle 70. L'd8,Gr'ville,iV 71. Dnndas 72. Stormont ... 73. Cornwall . .. 74 . Glengarry . . 75. Prescott 76. Russell 77. Ottawa, C.— F. 78. Carleton .... 79. Lanark, S 80. Lanark, iV 81. Renfrew, S, .. . 82. Renfrew, N... 83. Nipissing, A'. . . 84 . Nipi-ssing, JV. . 85 . Muskoka .... 80. Parry Sound.. 87. Alamtoulin . . . 88. Algoma, E.... 89. Algoma, Centre] 90. Algoma, jr.- Oj Hands employed. Employes. O'r 16 years Plus 16 ans. M. H. F. F. 22 97 12 441 18 404 28 58 20 104 52 240 16 59 1 6 31 145 7 18 15 58 12 48 21 104 14 85 5 18 18 104 16 331 9 102 7 1,192 11 83 30 351 19 108 15 1G4 13 73 3 G 3 11 10 44 4 233 1 36 6 144 Under Ki. Salaires Moins 16. annuels, Yearly wages. M. U^ 10 31 81 29 45 9 1 9 Totals of Ontario. ) Totaux (I'Ontario. J (Province of Quebec. 91. Pontiac, ,Sr.... 92. Pontiac, N.... 93. Ottawa, IF.— 94 . Ottaoua, Centre 95. Ottaoua, .£.. 96- Argenteuil . . . 97. D'x iMontagnef 98. Laval 99. Terrebonne . . . loo. L'AsBomption. iOl. Montcalin Jolit-tte Berthiar ^lontreol, C. . . Montreal, E. . Montreal, W. Hochala)j» .Ja'8 394 4,750 125 1,901 83 9,850 7,825 750 12,000 400 5,4(53 942 21,500 20,897 2,825 9 35 9,700 24,500 1 49,550 1 6 4 4 7 4 12 10 11 14 63 i 3,024 3.022 2,700 2,695 20,105 0.613 6,940 19,350 6,593 134,250 10,949 IL',520 : 3o,22.-5 11,011 215,535 3 "' ! 1,080 1,712 5,137 5 6 3 8 10 5 3 14 8 7 3 11 12 9 5 4 14 30 10 15 ' 20 9 7 27 15 13 17 27 34 14 IS 17 3,180 3.732 53,033 8,627 8.361 7,6.52 2,300 4,350 10,329 11,7'.'5 6,017 39,560 20,200 37,270 23,150 8,700 7,500 y. ira ' iL'.Slio 2,8G0 3,770 4,822 1,438 1,844 6.285 3,738 3.150 8,320 6,700 9,774 3,840 4,994 3,425 5,028 7,581 1,90(5 894 6,512 12,000 2,005 1,150 16,627 20,785 6.720 2,950 1»J '">*- , 15,606 16,G(:G 4,805 7,400 21,10«} 21,'.I10 11,4>2 i 1 1 2 1 3 266' 1,013 80' 1,490 460' 3,300' 1,172 19,078 7,850 2,852 3,260 24,015 7,400 3,265 6,700- 67,3-15 18,900 9,560 W',57i ' 31,310 1 2l',072 10,81/0 ... .... 1 1 1 1 ;'. ;;;' t i 1 203,335 244,178 662,608 426 1,513 16 55 1 449,043 2,137.317 1 3,420,218 1 1,045 718 2.008 4 5 1,120 1,077 ■ ■ ■ ■ 2.7.^6" 795 2 7'.'"' 2.920 ' " " '5.566* 1.600 ■".■;. ;;t 518 1,292 ■"2,731 ""2 1 3 '■> •> 12 8 7 7 8 3 IS 3 G ' 7 4 1 7 19 41 •} 04 10 10 12 49 1,J(MI 300 1 VJO 92 40 32 30 180 175 .s , 1,064 1,178 4,741 ■ ■ • • 1 970 848 i 2.012 "i;V 2l 2 • 1 li.'.....u 1 12 •> ; 34 10 l.il !.,,.,... i 350 207 ! 696 7 6 • •-•••••1-------- 1 120 200 1 600 10 12' S»' ' ! — - P 344 .CE^SU§ OF 1^71. Table XXXlll. — Industries. — Ist Series. PROVINCE OF Q,UEBEC. DISTRICTS. Saw Mills. MouHns h Scies. Num ber. Nom bre. Hands employed. I'^mployi's. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. lit). 120. 121. 122. 1 v:'. Over li; y Plus 16 "mT H. earsX^iiJer 16- ans. Aloins 10. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 13.5. V.'.{i. 337. 138. 139. 14U. 141. 142. 143. 144. i4.'>. 140. 147. 1 18. .;:,!. 1.01, 1.02 1.53 1.54 155 15 ii 1.57 1.5S Huntingdon, L Hunting'on, W ]-iaprairie Napier\'ille St. Jean ChaiTibly .... Verchbres .... Kicholieu . . . St. Hyacinthe. Bagot Kouville .... Iberville I ]VIi.ssisq\ioi .... Brome Shefford . . . . Sla.'jkinrtng'^ . . . St. Maurice, S. St. Maurice, JV Troiri-Hiviferes . Chainj)lain, »S'. Chaniplain, i\''. Yaraaska . ... ISicolet \' 166. ? 1G7. i lOS, •I' ]r,9 ]3ru:nniond . . . j\rth aba-ska. . . Ricbmond . . . Wolfe Sberljroke .... StanKtead Compton Portneuf Co. de< Quebec. Qu^ec, W.-O Quebec, Cent7-i Quebec, E Afontmorency. Ciiarlevoix.. Cliicoutimi . Sa^enay I/abrador L^vis Jjdvis ]jotbinifere . . jNIdgantic , Beauce, W.-O . Beauce, E.... ^).,-. '..-.fcr, 0. -,E o, *'. ■ .■i.:^,u,.^ny . . ,'lHlet..':.. . . /vamour.oska . . Tdmiscoiiata . . )i;niouski. 0. Kimouski, E. . Ij .i I ;i. venture . . •ja -,.■;, [V.~0 22 3 1 4 4 1 .5 4 6 20 12 3 2S 57 54 25 22 •z 17 14 10 32 3() 43 3L 41 7 31 .50 62 27 68 9 3 26 19 1 9 7 18 206 34 10 128 156 190 447 213 5 375 88 210 232 304 240 161 211 55 35 123 119 171 684 F. F. M. H. F. F. Yearly wages. Salaires annuel. $ Value of Raw material. Val'r lies Tu.atirrcs premieres 24 9 3 6 10 57 32 1 44 6 10 17 13 20 1 44 46 22 6 6(1 111 83 335 61 11 26 46 65 49 91 30 34 37 26 30 30 33 38 24 21 14 560 365 166 145 64 117 44 4:; 76 35 167 50 206 161 104 122 54 7 1 11 76 5,459 1,060 300 3,7.50 2,230 493 870 522 2,418 34,874 6,290 1,640 21,908 25,005 30,538 03,758 31,321 645 40,800 9 344 45,112 04,355 44,930 55.473 26,512 45,141 3,943 7,396 28,987 18,885 14,362 109,262 Value of articles produced Valeur des articles produits. Shingle Confection Num ber. 12 5 30 176 7 86 3 8 3 8 4 3 3 i 2 10,100 7,903 4 052 41,003 15,098 8 13 21 4 143,973 80,175 16,830 15,314 3,021 4,277 2,537 1.860 6,348 2,171 16,100 2,358 17,374 6,308 17,791 13,485 7,860 172 22,310 10,215 3,000 9,000 20,800 800 11,570 3,300 8,667 78,610 17,085 16,325 57,020 44,601 60,859 97,720s. 182.748 4,6o9 150,000 19,204 60,335 128,950 141,201 105,0.33 58,017 50,670 9,o;;9 36,700 80,002 24.0('8 38,573 457,390 .57,000 23,.594 17,332 143,.5'.7 32,780 288,241 524,805 35,418 24,500 11,117 19,415 5,809 3,945 72,008 2,742 39,849 7,306 30,205 25,827 29,.595 18,022 26,515 360 40,9.37 17,060 4,000 20,374 20,100 1,700 16,040 5,192 14,880 151,695 45,120 22,600 114,345 101,912 178,877 197,613 359,408 5,058 482,000 45,064 115,859 222,700 258,019 192,765 114,802 121,922 20,919 50,000 1.56,011 79,080 81,305 801,599 Hands employed. Employes. Over 16. Under 16 Nom bre. I M. H. Plus 16. F. F. ;Moinsl6 6 1 13 3 3 M. H. F. F. 96,000 42,139 28,062 225,247 64,230 4 1 2 4 27 4 23 10 32 1 528,362 601,213 74,774 .59,869 23,008 32,712 11,270 9,007 108,407 8,1.50 86 546 18,9,39 85,949 48,304 57,548 46,465 46.500 1,023 7 10 3 8 24 29 7 28 17 39 16 39 2 2 30 '33 10 3 2 4 3 12 66 18 14 33 4i 10 14 16 13 D^NomnrEiiffE^rr de isti. 345 Tableau XXXI 11.— Industries.— l^re Sdrie. PUOVINCK 1>E Q^VKUKC, making, de Bardenu. Tanneriefl. 1 Yearly wages . Ralaires aunuelH. Value of Raw material. Valeur dos matit^reH premieres. Value of articU'H produced. Valeur dea articles produits. Num- ber. Nom bre. "Over 16 H. riands eu ' Empl( years. ) aiis. V. nployed. iy^. LTnderlO Moin« 1 H. years. J aiiH. F. Yearly wagtid. Salaires aniiuelH. $ Value of ; lUw 1 material. Valeur des matii-reB preiuierea. $ Value of articles produced. Valeur de»- articleM produita. $ 750 450 470 900 2.520 2,250 5 1 2 5 6 12 2 2 5 14 3,350 530 1.50 698 3,500 15,500 1.105 250 1,265 16,5<50 25.450 1 2,325 1 500 1 2,195 . 42,850 1 1 540 6,000 12,000 4 6 5 9 2 2 6 5 18 13 6 7 15 16 18 3 5 27 60 194 46 6 9:^0 2,675 3,460 3,859 260 1,100 7,115 16,498 45,846 10,535 942 11,095 9,6.59 16,013 16,410 440 1,170 42,515 214,731 684,777 61,200 3.815 33,139 1 17,793 1 21,715 23,505 ' 766 2,545 70,720 ' 273,600 ' 1,040,420 112,725 6,752 1 100 85 225 1 430 40 1,451 540 350 350 10 1,225 2,000 1,020 1,760 60 5,645 4,000 2,400 1 11 * • ■ • • • * ■ 2 6 3 9 6 5 7 7 4 4 64 5 10 9 7 31 19 4 400 13,660 620 1.980 1.314 1,310 11,994 4,9.50 490 4,526 97,825 2,497 5,0vj0 4.250 1,933 65,606 18,596 665 10,100 189,9.-.0 3,851 10,840 7,775 4,076 110.t<21 34,.S70 1,510 1 1 .. . . 586 985 600 2,410 3,072 758 412 96 963 i',!'M4 5,000 660 1,088 1,200 2,307 5,015 640 475 30:J 1,025 1,670 3,400 2,800 7.665 15,700 1,757 1.620 l,32;i 3,075 • • « • • . 1 2 6 4 6 13 1,500 1,550 2,436 8,339 3,465 ' 9,505 15.950 , 6,r.oo 14:214 1,077 200 3,601 6,100 3 1 5 6G0 4000 8,000 ' 8i3,.s:?5 17.790 i3,:k>o 14,.V24 41 I i r> 242 10 12 6 ....»..' 12 1 1 1 52,613 1,;:04 ] ,i>^3 1,499 624,330 13.187 7,"65 «',760 3,046 1,116 4,919 i •••.| ! 3 9 9 3 6 2 1 ! -1 1 2-!6 732 3ft 6 16 15 4 8 3 1 ]0 2 6,148 1,;>92 2,it.s7 4.008 700 1,1^2 420 130 1,144 45,126 5(1,470 lO.ltkJ 13,S16 3.300 4.230 l,2i:o 287 8,549 75.647 56,000 I6,:;'.i6 20,985 5.790 6,9."KJ 2.220 441 13,918 i' • • • > • • • 1 1 180 U5 900 37 2,000 290 1 1 1 1 i 4 t 4 6 5 4 1 8 9 13 10 / 9 S 1 1,1.50 l.lfJ 1.525 ;.,li>0 1,040 1,342 1,184 5MyO 4,651 12.776 7,090 5,56:1 C.7C3 3,300 8.3<>J 8.2:.9 16.8.,0 12,062 lJ,;i25 C.IOO : 32 172 491 ioo' 206 365 180 1,167 1 : 1,483 147 362 41 2,573 188 ) ■■•::;■ 1 •__ i m CENSUS OP 1871. Table XXXIII.— Industries. — 1st Series. PROVI?,'CES OF NEAV BRUNS^VICK AKD NOVA SCOTIA. 171. Gaspt^, Centre. 172. Gasp(5, S 173. I. Madeleine. . (P. of N. Brunsivick.) (F.du N. -Brunswick. ) 174. St. John.... 175. Charlotte .. 176. iving's 177. (Queen's 178. Sunbury . . . 179. York 180. OarJeton 181. Victoria ... 182. Eestigouclie . 183. (xloucester . 184. Northumberl'd lao. Kent 186. Westmorland 187. Albei-t Saw Mills. Moulina a Scies. Num ber. Hands employed. Employi5s. Over IG yrs. Plus 16 ans. Umler 16. Salaires Moins 16. annuals. 5 Yearly wag«s. 10 (/■•. oflf. Seotia.) (F. de la N.-Ecosse.) 183. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. i 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. Hants King's , Annapolis . , l>igby , Yarmouth . . Shelburno .. Queen's. ... Lunenburg . Halifax, >K.- Halifax, E.. CJumberiand . Colchester , . . Pictou Antigonish . , Guysborough Inverness . . . Victoria (^ape Breton Richmond . . , 0. 1,830 906 236 200 90 6:-52 208 59 138 66 494 473 731 230 TotalH of Oiitu'io Uit - I Totauxd'Outario. / ^^"' i Total-! of Quebec. I Totaux de Qui^ber; J Tot's N.Brun.w'k) Tot'r N. iJrunsv.-'k ) Totak N. hjcotia. '( Tot'xN'.-Ecoss.j.. I Totals 4 Provinces ] Tot'x 4 P Provinces ) Provin'jfcH ) 18,424 140 549,465 231,317 38,147 31,126 13.954 131,220 50,274 10,520 31.833 16 693 96,328 74,373 95,037 30,275 23,810 9.977 27,414 26,534 8,406 10,538 43.117 49,277 4,040 42,199 .30,319 21,659 11,045 ;i,257 8,343 5,121 1,818 3,443 100 Value of t Value of Raw articles material . produced. Val'r des matitiri s prem're«. 13,570 490 l,4.37,3f.O 684,000 180,923 95,334 31,920 376,63") 91,973 25,915 45,868 46,185 312,-530 288,200 103,07-2 28,048 Valeur des articles prodnits. 49,170 1,020 43,278 19,763 47,898 59.0.36 16,211 26,195 160,140 180,141 7,388 67.678 52,118 25,268 21,914 6,158 12,730 9,924 3,195 5,842 290 2,632,892 999,315 291,191 197,390 .53,200 6S2.165 193,260 55,980 85,737 82..350 464,840 470,768 2S 1,807 81,864 89,361 55,234 89,661 106,210 28,674 39,712 250,876 287,450 13,758 149,445 113,185 54,342 48,479 13,165 30,880 18,822 6,237 11,826 620 GRAND TOTALS. Shingle Confection Num 3 ber. Hands employed. Employes. Over 16. Plus 16. Nomf bre. ! M: F H. F. 1 I 1 189 2.50 Under 16 Mollis 16 13,072 25 10,774 12 0,293 3 2,710 4 ,„ 20 2,675,390 1,635,677 1,400,552 330,417 •17C>2 |6,or:?,o4£ 7,108,234 5,168,723 3,747,963 755,167 16780087 12.733,741 9,548,810 6,575,759 1,397,937 30,256,2*7 414 1107 396 558 S45 j 521 199 i 291 1,3^4;2!77 40 402 13 14 27 DfiNOMBREMEl^T DE 1871. 347 Tableau X.VXIII. In lastries. — lore Sode. 1 1 IPHOVINCES , DV XOUVEAl -BUUNSVVICK BT DE LA. NOUVKLLK-KCUMSB. making, de Bardeau. Tanneries. Yearly wages. Salfiires aumieLj. 3 Value of Kaw material. Valeur des luatieres premiijree. Value of articles produced Valeur des articles produits. $ Num ber. Nom- bre. Over If Plusl Males. Homra's rlandii eu EmpL ) years. 6 ana. Females Femmes iployed. >y^8. Under 1 Muins ] Males. H. J years .6 ans. F. Yearly wag en. Salaire.s aunuel.i. 8 Value ,1 1(1.195 9.U5 2.410 8,(».")0 SI ,346 13,178 27.270 31,560 43,550 2,3:^8 25,819 i" 1 3 o 2 1 ;^,200 • ■ • > . 3 1 4 X2,250 ' 985 200 740 6;2 141 952 6!i2 1 ,520 1,242 428 2,810 104 1,170 680 23C 913 862 1,975 1,233 831 4,150 527 2,570 2.4S0 520 2.578 2,208 4.'iW) 3,()!I5 i<;29 22.5M ' 30,131 j 42.407 ! • • • • • • . 3 1 >> . ?}6,974 ' 21.470 18.1M0 ' 19,.«0 1 * " ' • 1 4,880 I ■ 1 ' 1 6 010 19,800 j " a GRAXPS TC TAUX. 203,335 32,471 22,836 20,707 279.. -^19 214,178 33,92S 22,577 21,125 662,0.Ut'. 105,599 C9,4S8 54,300 426 420 101 195 1,513 1,612 332 521 15 48 2 55 64 9 24 1 11 44'J,l!43 394,733 89.467 122 961 1 2,137,337 2,830,214 331,596 413,495 3,420,218 4,397,999 596,722 769,993 321,«08 891.995 ;i,i42 1 3,978 65 152 12 1.05t;,204 5,7j ssdl ^3= TABLE XXXIV. INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. 1st series. TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS.— TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKING. WOOL CLOTH MAKING. TABLEAU XXXIV. ifcTABLISSEMENTS INDUSTRIELS. UuE S]6RIK HABILLEMENTS POUR HOMMES.— FERBIJLNTERIE ET TOLERIK- DRAPERIE. 350 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXXIV, — Industries. — 1st Series, PROVIBTCK OF ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. 1. Essex 2. Kent 3. Bothwell 4. Lambton 5. El-in, W.—O 6. Elgin, E 7. Middlesex, W-0 8. Middlesex, iV^... 9. Middlefsex, E... 10 . London 11. Norfolk, £; 12. Norfolk, .V 13. Oxford, S 14. Oxford, iV 15. Brant, S. or W. 16. Brant, JV. or E. 17 . Haldimand 18. Monck 19. Welland 20. Niagara 21. Lincoln 22. Wentworth, S.. 23. Wentworth, N. 24 . Hamilton 25. Huron, S 26. Huron, iV 27. Bruce, 5 28. Bruce, iV 29. P«rth, S 30. Perth, iV 31. Waterloo, .S'.... 32. Waterloo, N ... 33. Wellington, ,S . . .34. Wellington, C. 35. Wellington, N. . .36. Grey, .S' 37. (Jrey, JT 38. Halton 39. Peel 40. Cardwell 41 . .Simcoe, S 42. Simcoe, N 43. York, iV 44. York, W,-0 .. 45. York, jE". 46. Toronto, ir.—O. 47. Toronto, E 48. Ontario, i' 49. Ontario, iV 50. Durham, W.-O. 51. Durham, E .... 52. Victoria, S 5o . Victoria, N .... 54. North'bTnd,TF. 55. North'b'l'nd, E. 56. Peterboro', W.. 57. Peterboro', E... 58. Peterboro', iV .. Tailors andJClothiers . Habillements pour hommes . N'um ber. Nom bre. 9 10 11 20 2 12 16 8 9 19 3 5 13 19 15 8 8 3 24 1 18 4 13 27 13 16 6 6 13 14 20 15 12 21 11 9 17 25 12 8 13 16 18 6 10 18 33 21 13 2;-i 22 16 8 7 10 7 9 Hand8 employed. Employt^s . O'r 16 years. Plus 16 ans. Yearly Yrages . Under 16. | Salairss Moins 16. annuels, M. H. 25 27 11 32 2 14 21 8 9 96 3 10 35 40 40 21 9 3 40 4 62 5 21 190 17 13 7 5 16 29 54 20 45 26 10 9 23 38 17 8 10 31 31 13 7 154 312 44 19 34 56 31 9 22 13 17 11 F. 8 17 7 35 36 10 16 4 107 2 6 30 21 63 27 20 2 42 5 77 2 44 4l8 19 24 8 4 15 62 54 14 100 37 7 8 36 46 20 7 26 21 42 4 10 175 589 71 7 50 117 75 42 7 58 5 M. H. 46 1 • • 1 "i "2 1 17 1 2 8 14 "i "i F. F. 50 1 2 1 47 2 3 I $ 6,446 15,600 3,910 13,510 650 9,700 8,180 2,920 2,900 51.921 1,050 4,318 13,655 14,787 20,100 13,100 6,875 1,200 20,587 1,000 35,650 1,500 10,100 118,318 7,100 7,854 2,250 1,880 7,270 20,000 23,212 7,935 29,684 9,279 3,0.55 3,032 11,283 19,705 7, .510 2,110 8,952 9,668 14,914 4,230 3,625 83.070 210,230 25,974 6,085 16,535 33,209 18,810 1,790 11,600 4,355 14,9.36 2,662 Value of I Value of Raw I articles material . | produced . Val'r des matiferes premi'res Valeur des articles produits 25,550 31.450 7,493 22,718 1,800 20,700 13,145 11,9.50 4,000 90,550 425 10,510 44,780 26,622 47,300 25,392 16,400 650 38,752 4,000 70,455 1,725 25,409 402,958 12,.550 13,345 6,809 3,228 13,700 56,028 57,960 11,960 44,600 29,315 7,750 5,296 31,000 37,870 17,940 6,264 16,678 21,836 33,2.55 7,840 10,800 200,626 530,905 53,014 8,498 .36,985 109,020 33,800 3,710 67,300 9,213 42,500 6,570 36,474 55,798 13,308 45,709 3,000 .38,010 25,729 16,900 7,798 167,700 1,5.50 17,570 71,570 45,961 82,975 43,550 26,150 2,400 76,341 6,000 127,600 3,600 39,984 594,025 22,460 27,985 9,344 5,684 25.960 106,980 100,732 23,418 102,000 51,3.50 12.838 10/288 .50,960 75,826 31,170 10,030 35,277 40,903 63,970 17,370 19,618 364,035 977,425 96,178 18,828 68,351 173,642 64,430 6,499 101,000 15,525 73,300 11,086 — 0'rl6y'rsllTn.ierl6 Pi's 16 ans' Moins 16 Nom bre. Tin and Sheet Ferblanterie Num! ber. I Hands em^jloyed . Employes . 6 5 5 11 2 6 2 3 3 6 4 3 12 10 5 3 7 1 9 1 11 1 2 14 7 8 7 7 5 6 7 10 2 11 4 7 6 8 3 2 6 10 8 3 6 8 12 6 8 6 5 7 3 3 7 3 M. H. 12 17 9 19 8 15 5 5 5 27 7 7 28 17 11 7 14 1 23 1 46 1 6 61 14 15 17 10 17 13 19 13 8 23 8 10 11 16 6 4 10 19 11 5 15 22 76 18 15 15 20 17 4 14 13 15 6 F. F. M H. 3 9 15 2 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 851 Tableau XXXIV. — Industries. — l^re S6rie. PROVINCK D'ONTARIO. IroD workinp. et T61orie , Yearly wages. Salaires aunuelB. 3,800 7,300 2,375 7,200 2,155 4,080 2,100 1,000 1,300 9,950 2,500 1,800 9,214 5,209 2,0s,0 2,000 4,013 400 7,336 400 15,980 375 1,750 20,690 4,150 2,629 4,325 2,900 5,762 4,828 5,335 3,570 2,500 6,230 2,030 2,1G0 3,050 6.530 1.634 1,400 2,410 7,650 3,639 1,000 3,430 10,900 22,194 5,600 4,725 4,600 5,463 7,150 1,280 4,000 3,890 5,285 1,450 Vahio of Haw material. Valeiir de^ matit-res premieres . 5,708 14,058 2,919 14,745 3,195 14,350 3,900 2,500 1,026 31,900 5,200 2,300 18,441 6,730 6,224 2,150 3,584 200 9,796 200 21,595 1,000 1,196 19.420 4,560 7,199 4,375 3.773 9,710 13,200 7,910 6,450 2.600 10,616 1,520 2,a'io 3,250 7,923 3,882 1,540 3,730 12,240 4,473 700 5,810 15.300 43,900 5,959 6,150 5,250 10,275 10,600 1.300 5,000 5,028 9,106 1,920 Value of artick'H produced, Valeiir des articles produits. 15,950 28,250 8,740 29,875 7,500 26,000 7,800 5,800 3,300 63,250 10,100 4,495 37,042 14,080 10,328 6,850 8,280 800 20,712 750 47,960 2,»00 4,500 55,113 9,650 15,240 11,300 7.981 21,362 29,200 18.080 15,670 6,100 25,400 5,265 6,406 8,200 21,450 7,200 3,400 8,800 34,000 10,550 2,300 16,300 50,910 82,980 18,000 14,400 14,900 20,800 32,550 3,100 12,340 11,090 18,600 4,400 Wool Cloth making. Draperie. Nuiu ber. Nom bre. 3 6 6 4 4 2 13 8 3 4 3 4 7 8 2 5 4 4 4 3 4 Haud.s employed. Employ^. Over 16 years. Plurt 10 ans. Males. Homm's Females Femraes 21 15 9 7 3 16 32 2 23 G 1 13 21 3 24 22 10 7 16 45 19 6 26 15 10 15 17 171 58 18 21 10 10 25 138 57 21 19 17 17 19 14 34 16 34 12 5 2 58 13 31 32 9 10 6 4 3 12 22 6 10 4 7 1 36 15 6 2 10 95 17 3 11 2 2 5 9 147 31 27 12 6 Under 16 years. Moin.s 16 ail.-;. Males. H. 8 23 3.3 6 12 I Fem'l'; F. 3 24 8 1 6 2 1 3 2 50 20 5 5 1 2 9 18 24 13 6 10 3 4 4 2 10 1 1 1 3 2 04 4 4 4 4 19 3 4 2 2 4 1 36 11 4 G 28 4 10 6 6 3 2 34 18 20 8 14 2 17 17 15 4 4 5 Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. 11,192 6,213 1,700 1,300 552 5,097 14,750 870 6,900 1,955 300 4,800 6,190 TOO 13,700 12.250 4,250 2,100 6,300 31,6.50 8,021 933 8,722 3,606 2.940 5,145 4,550 U3,100 26,557 9,300 12,000 2,900 2,457 9.088 19.450 28,750 7,150 4, DUO 7,200 6,570 5,000 7,(>-_>2 16,900 5.100 14.250 4,000 2,900 700 27.tX)0 13,100 13.SiXt 17,300 Value of Raw material. Valeur des matil-res premieres . 20,741 31,280 5,700 8,037 870 16,680 65,500 6,600 17,610 8,500 1,912 13,800 26,360 1,000 42,480 24,230 16,500 13,530 12.850 99,952 24,.500 2,000 26,210 12,125 6,800 20,740 9,400 430,750 89.4500 8,730 11,160 33,850 47,6-?0 92,700 3t),540 i7,;wo 12,500 14,150 13,300 32,566 48,800 23,000 49,550 13.925 8.720 750 8.3,400 27,1.50 10,000 53,830 Value of articlei ! I)roduced.| Valeur de* articles pr 16. 1\ F. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. $ Value of Raw material. Val'r des m.atieres preini'res $ Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. $ Num ber. Nom bre. 9 8 2 3 5 2 1 6 6 6 2 3 4 Hanc I Oxer Plus mT H. is ea ]mpl "leT 16. iploy oy^s. U^ Moil 'mT H. ed. ^16 IS 16 "^ F. 59. Prince Edward 60. Hastings, W .. 61. Hastings. H... 62. Hastings, iV .. 63. Lennox. 64 . Addington . . . 65 . Frontenac 66 . Kingston 67. Leeds, S 68. Brock ville .... 69. Grenville 70. L'd8,Gr'ville,i\' 71 . Dundas 72. Stormont 73. Cornwall . .. 74 . Glengarry 75. Prescott 76. Russell 77. Ottawa, C.— V 78. Carleton 79. Lanark, S .... 80. lianark, If... 81. Renfrew. S... 82. Renfrew, iV... 11 13 4 6 9 9 3 16 9 7 6 7 8 1 2 10 6 1 24 2 IC 11 4 7 22 23 4 8 15 10 33 52 11 28 15 9 8 2 1 12 5 1 102 2 33 13 8 10 16,779 13,006 1,800 2,013 10,380 2,343 3,394 34,444 4,181 19,920 17,728 5,825 4,600 750 630 3.648 1,50-2 360 67,380 2,350 16,478 4,704 2.948 3,944 29,350 27,368 1,700 4,900 25,880 6,020 4,484 90,930 10,700 48,710 22,364 7,450 9,345 1,000 505 6,229 2,980 400 229,050 6,000 41,800 11.240 9,205 13,659 67,800 55.577 4,2.50 7,973 48,090 11,490 7,950 145,034 17,510 80,405 45,220 15.305 17,730 1,900 2,0.50 11.175 5,040 800 353,525 10,800 69.958 20,815 20,010 18,582 17 37 2 5 13 2 1 44 10 28 16 7 15 .... 4 "2 1 84 12 68 52 26 21 2 4 7 3 1 316 9 58 16 14 13 "s "s 1 6 .... ... 1 1 3 3 4 5 6 8 ... 1 2 5 8 12 1 6 6 5 3 39 1 16 10 11 10 ... 7 1 • • • 1 16 .... 1 85 . Muskoka .... 3 3 80 434 607 1 1 1 1 9,9, Alfoina E .... 89. Algoma, Centre ' 90. Algoma, TF.—O 2 942 3 3 11 3628 3,840 14,000 22,700 133 175 • • - 1145 8 95 3 Totals of Ontario 1 i T&taux d'Ontario ) 2,312 1,257,414 3,117,067 5,425,464 440 [Provirvot oj Quebec.) 91. Pontiac, -S .... 92 Pontiac N 5 689 805 1,880 2 4 93. Ottawa, W. -0 94. Otta< >ua, Ccnfrt 95. Ottaoua, E . . . 3 1 3 1 5 ... . 10 1,748 300 11,400 900 16,950 1,600 4 1 2 3 3 3 4 6 5 3 2 8 10 23 3 4 4 2 4 8 4 6 10 7 9 4 66 39 178 3 • • • • • • ■ 2 1 5 96. Argenteuil . . 97. D'x Montagne* 98. l^aval 09 . 'I'errebonne . . 6 1 G 9 1 3 1 1 1 1,924 120 847 3,634 500 13,606 6,830 800 21,358 41 21 < 100. L'Assomption. ■ ' 10 L. Montcalm .... ^ 102. .Joliette 103. Berthier 104. Montreal, C... 105. Montreal, £J. . 106. Montreal, W.. 107 . Hochelaga .... 1 1 3 1 59 12 29 1 4" 1 250 26 93 3(5 50 602 700 180,685 12,112 75,838 200 100 2,386 4,200 828,556 49,150 255,621 500 200 8,132 5,500 1,375,209 77,701 471,220 * • " • '5 2 1 U 5 998 31 354 "14' 2 7 4 •234' 5 30 1 • • • • 1 29 2 108. Ja'ques-Cartier 109. Yaudreuil . . 110 . Soulanges 111 . Beauhamois . . 112. Chateauguay. 2 2 3 o o 2 2 6 5 1 4 520 78 2,6.50 1,002 1,700 225 9,300 3,000 2,400 400 18,050 4,600 2 2 5 3 2 2 6 4 ... 14 6 1 DIfcNOMBIlEMENT DE 1871. 363 Tableau XXXIV. — Industries. — lore Serie. 1 1 PROV1WCB5 DB aVRBISf;. 1 Tron workinp et T61erie. Wool Cloth m Draperie aking. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. S Valut; of liaw material. Valeur den matii^res premieres. Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. a Num- ber. Nom- bre. Hands en Emplc Over 16 years. I'lu.-j 16 ans. Males. I Females [ionnn's Femmt-s ijiloyed. nes. Undtr 16 Moins : H. 2 years . 6 ans. twiv F. Yearly Salaires annuel.-). $ Vulue of Raw material Valeur dts miitii'rfB 1 -reuii^res . 8 Value of articles pruiluced. Valeur de« articles ; produitB. 5 5,840 13,0'jO 8r,o 1,800 4,050 700 300 14,368 2,950 9,906 4,597 1,750 3,836 5,0.'^0 24,170 1,162 2,500 7,630 700 35 22,160 2,900 9,740 4,250 2,240 4,125 15,660 51,600 2.462 5.277 13,100 1,600 450 45,.500 7.300 31,100 14,240 4,700 10,600 2 1 1 ".'(V 4 'J 1 9 5 8 21' 8 6 7 3 6 16 ii 6 5 11 . .... 3,150 1,950 4,000 ""6,500' 2,485 2,3"0 3,408 '5,62.5' '"'lli060 12,500 8,000 13,000 '18,780 19,140 7,500 7,5C0 "'2'l,66t)' '6o',6o6 22.000 10.000 25,000 " 37,075 23,090 13 100 11,000 j 33,600 1 "79,066 .5 1 3 2 1 2 9 21" 9 3 6' 1,825 1,144 2,301 2.054 3,520 3,350 5,150 9,100 6,880 2 "'2 42 53 28 32 19,068 119,900 213.630 'c',.560 98,750 8 26 5 31 5' ""2 1.800 15,600 2,600 65,000 16,450 210 4,270 2,600 2,440 1,970 41.995 212 5,766 4,460 5.630 6,500 81,134 424 12,000 8,300 10,250 10,500 1 5 12 2 2 54 201 19 2 48 208 10 1 13 37 2 i> 35 1 2.000 27,600 108,546 4,400 9000 98.390 430,789 21,300 20,000 181.000 632,440 3-1,475 150 400 750 1,000 1,000 1,500 1 1 . . . . 366,533 592,320 1,327,276 233 1,702 1,258 459 277 761, 9M 2.706,243 4,589,119 320 540 9D0 1,260 700 480 1,500 510 1,630 784 1,750 904 548 840 24,564 7.782 55,620 894 1,391 550 328 2,745 2,550 1,203 1,942 2.055 1,331 4,054 1,600 41,400 9,408 207.689 1,316 5,000 1,250 1,200 6,500 4,900 3,.5S8 3.360 5,840 3,000 5,895 3,000 ! >''8,S00 24.050 379, (iOO 2,390 ' , i 3 (') 1 540 400 2,343 540 5,666 950 1 1 1 7 • • 3,500 9,000 23.000 j ' 1 1 — 1 ..... 110 1,530 7,344 1 6 11 3.000 8,000 17,000 , 1 160 325 798 520 226 410 1,098 1,040 400 740 2,550 2,100 1 1 1 ; i 33 24 4 ; 1^ 12,000 41.100 '85,666 w U— 2i 354 CENSUS OF 1871 . Table XXXIV. •Industr ies. — 1st Series. PROVINCE OP aUEBEC. N'um ber. N"om bi'e. 2 6 2 "vd 10 8 3 11 3 3 5 9 Tailors anc HabiUements 1 Clothier. pour hom Yearly wages . Salaires annuels . $ mes. Value of Raw material. ValV des mati feres premi'res $ Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits . Tin and Sheet Ferblanterie DISTRICTS. Hanc E Over 16 Plus 16 H. Is em] mploj y'rs. ans. F. ployed. Under 16. Moins 16. mT^^ H. F. Num ber. Norn bre. Han E O'rie Pl'sK M. H. is ei mplc ' y'rs 5 ans 1: nplo; )y^s. Und Moij H. ^ed. n- 16 as 16 F. ■ • . » 113. Huntingdon, £■ 114 Huntint'don W 2 3 2 "is" '"'io' 6 10 3 1 1 11 2 8 2 4 'io* 3 '2!' 2 7 600 1,600 700 14,357 2,185 1,414 3,250 3,560 250 400 740 3,048 875 11,900 625 54',666' 9,386 11,508 7,100 9,975 400 400 3,025 8,210 1,600 18,200 1,800 82,650' 14,637 17,994 13,750 16,194 , 1,300 975 5,120 12,420 2 2 ""2 3 1 2 6 5 3 2 11 2 "K 9 1 4 15 12 3 5 115 . Laprairie 11(5 . Napierville .... 117. St. Jean 118. Chambly 119. Verch feres ., . 120 "Riohelien ... 137' 22 7 10 20 4 3 9 12 "i" 1 2 1 2 • • • • . • a • 121. St. Hyacinthe. 122. Bagot 123 Rouville .... 124 Iber^-ille 4 125. Missisquoi .... 5 3 4 9 9 3 7 3 1 1 127 Rhffford G 4 1 4 1 1 3 9 ... . 1 2,055 1,420 120 3,970 9,04S 200 7,280 17,310 800 128. Maskinong^.... 1 .... 12') Sf- Maiirirp i* 130 St Maurice N 131. Trois-Riviferes, 132 . Champlain, aS . . 14 21 113 7 1 9,470 48,500 89,450 "" 583' 3 2 1 2 2 17 3 2 2 3 2 • • • 133. Champlain, N. 3 2 2 176 400 135 Nicolet 3 2 9 3' 7 3 "9" 1 280 442 2,152 1,000 550 4,050 1,540 1,100 7,725 2 3 1 3 6 3 2 4 6 7 11 3 5 4 2 6 1 6 15 5 3 5 18 49 23 3 6 5 138. Hichmond .... 3 .... 139 Wolfe . , 140. Sherbrooke.. . 8 9 2 2 ""li 10 2 2 44 19 1 11,200 5,004 430 360 27,900 6,540 700 1,243 46,500 13,045 1,225 1,682 1 •• 141. Stanstead 142 . Compton . . , . . 143 Portneuf .. .. 1 144 Co de Quebec 145. Quebec, 146. Quebec, Centre. 147. Quebec, £■.... 148. Montmorency. 149. Charlevoix .... 11 11 27 8 1 1 11 27 14 1 22 65 109 9 1 1 4 2 3 7 5,905 10,531 10,567 414 72 100 25,980 31,900 94,309 800 300 50 43,070 76,700 116,641 1,475 500 200 2 7 7 1 ' i .... 150. Chicoutimi . . . 1.51 Sa^nipnav ■ • 152 Lal)rador 153. L^via 7 2 11 9 1,300 14,866 21,190 6 2 5 2 1 5 1 2 2 13 2 6 5 1 7 1 2 2 2 154. L^vis 155 . IJotbini^^e .... ... 1 • • • > . • * • 156 M^t'antic .... 157. Beauce. W. — 15S . Beauce. E .. . 159 Dorchester O 160 Dorchester E .., 161. Bellechasse, iV. 162 Bellechasse S 163 IVIontmac'Tiv 9 2 8 6 3 1 11 2 11 9 3 1 . • • . 164. L'Islet 165 . Kamouraska . . 3 7 3 3 3 3 8 4 3 3 3 5 2 2 1 • • "2 1 475 1,658 880 790 650 1,490 5,300 980 1,969 230 2,590 8,650 2,020 2,903 1,250 1 • . • . 167 RimoiLski O ITiK l^nriMimlfi JP. 170. Gasp^, W.—O. DilNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 355 »^W^^Ma^MMkM Tabliliu XXX IV. — Industries. — Ihre Serie. PROVINCE DE dUEBEC. Iron Working, et T6lerie. Yearly wages . Salaires aunuels . Value of Kaw material . Valeur des inatierea premieres $ 2,000 4yo 3.G00 1,000 Value of articles produceJ. Valeur des articles produits. S 7,700 2.800 Wool Cloth making. Draperie. Num ber. Nom- bre. Hands employed. Employes. Over IG years. Plus lli ans. Males. Homm's Females Femmes Under It) years. Moiiis 10 ans. Males. IFem'lV H. F. Yearly wages . Salairea amiuels . Value of Haw material . Valeur den matii-res premitjres 3 Value (.f articles protlucetl Valeur deb artieli-s I produits. I 7/50 l,3.o0 ;wo 240 2,748 2,2r,4 900 1.000 2,.51f> 10,150 yo 2,22.5 4,748 4,080 500 GOO 4,. 500 22,200 400 3,250 12,760 8,'.700 1.500 3,000 24 12,000 2.400 49,000 4.000 9.5.000 7,800 2,426 730 1,440 500 3,300 375 180 40 220 492 1,9.50 15 2,100 4,400 1,600 <)14 1,330 4,426 7,594 5,084 596 820 445 6,371 2,200 4,5«1 7,525 11,425 4,300 9,375 8.200 7,000 225 90 36 150 18,000 700 400 110 480 300 2,825 25 6,000 10,684 1,800 932 1,789 4,4.30 15,470 16,769 922 707 473 900 5,800 56 10,000 20,140 4,. 500 1,900 3.386 13,220 33.400 28,2.54 1,575 1,640 1,150 10 10 10 9 10 ■10 2,800 3,800 10,900 13.800 21,700 24.800 400 1,500 3.100 I 1,187 100 15 106 17 3 '33 550 67,000 8,500 2,471 6,(584 1,000 3,000 216 250 ' 350.0(»0 18,000 41,000 1,572 204 6.58 780 120 *1,138 45 385 290 ' 1,285 200 1,009 2,230 600 350 3,025 74 481 2,200 48 1,385 25 360 40 ' i,hm 3.5.5 1,686 2,260 190 140 8,04(! 370 1,219 3,296 200 2,950 90 825 450 ' 3,37.5* 550 3,354 6,240 830 550 0— a3.v 356 dfiirsUS 0^ I8tl. mttBSi Table XXXIV. — Industries. — 1st Series. PROVINCES OF NEW BRUNSWICK AND NOVA SCOTIA. DISTKICTS. 171. Gasp^, Centre 172. Gasp^, S..... 173. I. Zvladeleine. ( P. of N. Bra u-s-ivick. ' {P. duN. -Brunswick. St. John ( -harlotte . . . . King's ....... Queen's Sunbuiy York Carleton Victoria ... Restigouche. . . Gloucester Northumberl'd Kent Westmorland . Albert 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. Tailors and Clothiers. Habillements i)our hommes . her NOH) bre 44 Hands employed. Employes. Over 1(5 y'rs Plus 16 ans M. H. F. 173 10 1 {P. of If. Scotia.) (P. de la N.-Ecosse.) 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. ]95. 190. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. Hants King's' Annajjolis .. Digby .... Yarmouth .. Shelburne .. Queen's Lunenburg . Halifax, \V. -0 Halifax, E CumVjerland . . Colchester .... Pictou Antigonish . .. Guysborough . Inverness . . . Victoria Cape Breton. Kichmond 6 6 1 2 5 3 4 7 11 1 9 6 23 11 7 6 3 4 2 1 16 3 616 33 80 24 Under 16 Moins 16, F. F. 28 2 Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. 18 147,588 10,998 270 5 1 12 6 6 1 2 12 3 7 6 82 1 10 10 M 13 7 6 4 6 2 3 1 21 1 7 10 4 2 3 57 6 9 8 127 1 10 7 60 3 6 6 1 15 H 156 13,565 3,500 1500 33 3,860 300 3,493 Value of Haw material. Val'r des matiferes premi'rep 5 Value of articles produced . Val'r des articles produits. 382,100 11,750 3,000 400 47,090 8,050 2,100 1,540 480 1,300 10,350 1,700 1,900 2,005 48,450 234 3,130 3,815 15,729 3,186 2,234 1,406 812 1,795 550 2,648 50 4,760 600 4,463 2,300 4,776 800 4,100 33,500 2,800 4,100 5,035 111,950 300 4,230 6,200 25,982 7,040 2,812 2,891 1,000 6,420 650 661,610 27,600 3,300 650 84,020 16.600 Tin and Sheet Ferblanterie N"un ber. Nom bre 8,448 100 12,800 1,000 10,703 4,000 9,454 1.900 5,400 50,000 4,8C0 7,290 8.335 206,100 600 9,:i81 11.250 66,489 13,190 5,675 4.537 2,088 9,196 1,29«) 13 3 2 4 3 1 1 o ^i 10 3 2 1 Hands employed. Employes. i )'r 16 y's. Pi's 16 an;- M. H. F. F. Under 16 Moins 16 40 7 2 4 3 10 3 1 4 5 1 IB 3 1 12 13 17 10 2 2 13 8 3 ii 4 41 10 1 '.) 9 18 GRAND TOTALS Totals of Ontario. ) Totauxd 'Ontario. ) Totals of Quebec. ) Totaux de Qu^ec / Tot's N. Brunsw'k » TofxN.Brunsw'k f Tot's N. Scotia . . \ Tot'xX.-Ecoase.. | Totals 4 Provinces I Tot'x 4 Provinces J 942 359 83 117 1501 i 2,312 019 227 218 3376 3628 2095 786 326 6835 276 133 87 35 21 175 392 24 14 605 1,257,414 378,516 185,263 102,716 3,117,667 I 5,425,464 1,583,962 464,911 226,880 1,923,909 5,393.426 2,665,699 826.831 427,881 9,345,875 440 1145 8 95 3 261 705 -3 111 . . . 45 117 4 27 • • • • 47 793 120 13 • • • • 2087 1 15 246 3 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 357 Tableau XXXIV.— Indu.,trie.s.—U're Serie. PROVINCES DU NOUVKAl-BRUNSWICK ET DE LA NOUVELLK-ECOSSE. Iron Working, et TOlerie. Wool Cloth uiaking. Draperie. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. Value of Kaw material. Valeur des niatiere.s premieres $ Value of articles [iroduced. Valeur des? article.^ produits. $ Num ber. Nom- bre. Ilauds employed. Employes. Over 1() yeara. Plus 10 ans. Males Hommes Females Femmeis Under IG years. Aloins 16 ans Males. H. Fem'l'.- F. Yearly wagt.s. Salaires annuels. Value of Raw material. Valeur dc- matieres IH-emieres . $ Value of articit'H Ijr()duc<.-d.| Valeur deh I article.'* ' proiluitu j 9 14,484 3,0.-)0 210 27,850 4,200 242 55,.500 8,400 622 27 2 3 31 3 13,000 800 700 50,500 1,200 700 91,400 3,000 1,800 1,0.^.0 530 300 1.560 1,116 3,319 1,680 800 40(t 2.950 2,420 580 3,180 1,200 200 5,100 4,4.')0 8,140 2,0)0 920 800 8,720 2,200 700 6,660 6,8S0 15,800 4,.55t; 1,880 1,.500 2,900 3,790 420 8,0.50 7,400 1,600 2.500 13.000 250 2,100 18.000 7,.500 I 9,500 3.000 7,720 1,.500 800 3,200 1,800 i,2t;o 13,670 6,200 300 2,400 1,584 400 200 1,800 1,850 4.220 750 2,500 40,940 69,400 4,.500 9,150 120 445 2,.350 5,700 3,310 6,600 11 9 10 8 6 14 20 10 300 1,500 800 2,500 2,915 6,000 C.OOO 4.tR)0 2.3,')0 5.400 14.4-U 10,650 6,000 25,000 l.T 00) 22.71''. 18,150 36,166 GRANDS TOTAUX. 366,533 165,464 29.399 37,00 1 592,320 416,464 58,332 6C;44£ 824,379 1 1 113,418 :' 127,5(;5 ' 598,460 1,133,561 2,392,638 233 1,702 1,258 459 277 23 236 234 32 .^4 6 41 46 5 ."» 8 57 2.036 41 6 502 27" 1.579 336 761,9;>4 118,193 17.250 20.410 917,827 2,706.2 i3 379,434 72,900 i,.->.^'.Mr.' 691.978 126.700 58,491 I 9'.'.752 3.217,068 I 5,.507,549 .Ss TABLE XXXV. INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. 2nd series. BOAT BUILDING.— BREWERIES.— BROOM AND BRUSH MAKING. TABLEAU XXXV. ETABLISSEMENT3 INDUSTRIELS. SiiME SERIE. CONSTRUCTION DE CHALOUPES.— BRASSERIES.— BROSSERIES. SCO CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XXXV. — Industries. — 2nd Series. PROVING 3 OP ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. Boat Building. Construction de Chaloupes. Num- ber. Nom bre. 1. Essex 2. Kent 3. Bothwell 4. Lambton. . . . 6. Elgin, E 7. Middles'x, TF. O. 9. Middlesex, E. 10. London 11. Norfolk, S. . . 12. Norfolk, N. . . 13. Oxford, S . . 14. Oxford, iV.... 15. Brant, -S. or W. 10. Brant. jY..ot E. 17. Haidimand ,'... 18. Monck 19. WeUand 20. Niagara 21. Lincoln 22. Wentv,'orth, 5'. . 23. Wentworth, iV. 2-1. Hamilton . . . 25. Hufou, S 27. Bruce, S 28. Bruce,// 29. Perth, S 30. Perth,^'" 31. Waterloo, S. . . . 32. Waterloo, iV. . . 33. Wellington, S.. 34. Wellington, C. . 36. Grey, S 37. Grey,,iV :i8 . Hal ton 39. Peel 40. Cardwell 42. Simcoe, N 43. York, If ir,. York, /;. 40. Toronto, W.-O. 47. Toronto, i? 48. Ontario, o. . , , 49. Ontario, 2i •DO. Durham, W.-(^ ijl. Durh-cn, E .. . j .54. NorthRibrlM.TJ^ I 55. North mbrl'd, ii' .57. Peterbrro', E.. 59. I'rince Edward. 60. Hastings, TF.-O. Hands employed. Employes. Over 16 years. Plus 16 ans. Males. Fern's Hom'e-s Fern's U. 16. M. 16. M. H. Yearly wages. Salairos annuels. /Value of Eaw material. Valeur des matieres premieres, S Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. s 1 M 860 330 800 10 2 . . .» . 2« 1,790 105 TOO 2,962 400 1,190 1,600 1,160 30 125 1,045 1,100 150 150 400 100 Num- ber, Nom bre. Breweries. Brasseries . Hands employed Employes. Over 16 Plus 16. Under 16 Moins 16 11 3 4,570 140 ' ' 375" 5,375 1,040 460 6i0 4 4 5 11 M. H. 12 1 7 37 6 4 2 2 S 30 16 24 6 4 7 7 3 3 21 10 12 33 46 2 3 F. F. 11 9 2 13 JiiitAct I -jriffVifc; DlfiNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 381 Tableau XXXV.— Iu50 !S,MUO 1,740 1,0(X) •J,()00 3,050 1,-J0() •too r>,os8 l,5i;o 5,iK>;! i;,r)Oo ■100 800 -.ilm 5,9.0 2'.y6o '.IOO 2,57S 12,500 1,000 15,240 30,027 2,009 2,000 750 2,100 4,5U0 40,242 10.020 34,.500 4.950 i;ooo 5.380 11,000 2,. 'MX* 2,800 15.002 l,i.25 1..,U«jO 41,:<.'.0 48,200 984 2,305 IvJoj' ; 9,350 28,000 2,000 25,400 70.110 6,800 3.000 1,800 4,100 13,900 82,183 23,229 02,9U0 9,000 3.'J00 13,.500 L':'.,noO 5.000 7.200 3\ii,s0 5,r,oo o;{,75i) 108,000 172.540 2,025 4,550 iS.OtiO 20,458 :::::::'.::: .:::::::.: .'.... ii 8 1 47 1 24 25,304 1,092 30,700 1,760 1-0.700 : 4,000 1 . :':::".::::c:: i \ ...... 1 1 i 2 3 1,000 3,600 5,750 1 1 3 1 900 2,560 5,000 1 *'l 1 i 3 ""4 .... "1 1 '2 "3 4 1,200 i',666 '"* 14,912 8,950 2,io6 ijm 4.500 3.120 ' ■ 15.329 1 •M.OOO 4 3 30 39 :;:::: i n l" 1 1 1 200 2.r.oo 100 7,000 500 I 14 000 ' 1 1 18 00 64 8.10O 7,200 ""io.ttoo 5,.'l7o 14,000 .... ... . . [ ■ 1 ^ 36 '^rto CENSUS OF 1871, Table AXXV.— Industries.— 2nd Series. PROA^INCE OF Q,UEBEC. DISTKICTS. Boat Building. Construction de Cbaloupes. Breweries. Brasseries. Num- ber. Nom- bre. Hands empL Employ^ Oyer 16 years. Plus 16 ans. Males. Fern's Hom'es Fern's jyed. 3. U. 16. M. 16. M. H. i Yearly wages. Salaives annuels. $ Value of Raw material. Valeur des mati feres premiferes. Value of articles prodiiced. Valeur des articles produits. r Xura- ber. Nom- bre. Hands e Emp Over 16. Plus 10. mTTT H. F. mployed. loyds. Under 16 Moins 16 H. F. 62. Hastings, iV .. 1 63. Lennox 64. Addiugton' 1 1 80 20 100 1 ' ■* 05. Frontenac 60 . Kingston 08. Brockville 09. (Jrenville, S... 5 2 3 7 9 5 ■ •••.. 1 2,120 2,005 1,725 085 236 570 3,100 3,000 2,950 1 3 14 . ■ . . "i' ,., . 2 2 20 70. L'ds.Gr'ville.iV 77. Ottawa, C. — 'F. 78. Carleton ... . ■ '• 2 5 3 8 14 1 1 79. Lanark, .S 25,140 2 105 4 517 4 1 15 1 7 Totals of Ontario I Totaux d'Ontario 1 (Province of Quebec.) (Province dc Quebec.) 97. D'x Montague? 98. Laval 99. Terrebonne.... 101. Montcalm 104. Montreal, G . . 29 54 1 1 nil 14,767 1 111— M II 450 5,001 35 1 1 560 .... 1 1 4 11 • ... . 105. aiontreal, E. . 106. Montreal, W. . 108. Jacq.-Cartier. . 3 3 1 1 00 69 30 6 8 1 2 • • 1 2 .... ill. iJeauJiaiiioiij . . 119. Vercheres ... 1:^0. Pdchelieu 1 1 120 30 ■ 508 1 1 1 2 5 5 2 4 • ■ . . 1 • « » 121. St. Hyacinthe. 123. EouviUe I'i7. Shetford 137. Arthaba.ska. . . ... .... 'i "3' 140. Sherbrooke . . . 2 3 4 9 82 7 145. Quebec, IF.— 6 147. Quebec, A' ... . 3 2 "i' 3,376' iojis" 148. Montmorency. 153. L^vis ,. 24 33 1 6,014 2 9 1 • • • 1 3 155. Lotbini^re .. . 150 . Mfigantic 159. Dorcliester O. 164. L'Islet .... . lt)7. Jumwuski,ir.c 109. Bonaventure . . 170. Gaspe, IK -c 171. Ga8p6, Centre.. 172. Gasp^, ,S' 3 2 '"i 20 3 3,100 000 3,100 GOO 6,200 1,920 1 .. . 300 100 400 1 7 1 2 13 4 1 1 '"'i' i J 460 521 320 1,216 25 319 72 492 500 1,174 600 1,776 f 10 2.T f -. DENOMBREMENT DE 1871. 303 Tableau XXXV. — Industries. — 2L;mo Serie. PROVINCE DK Q,UEBKC, Breweries, lirasserios. Yearly •waRes, Sal aires anuuels. Valiu- of Haw material. Valeur des maticres premilres. Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. Broom and Brush makinK. roo 1,400 6,328 9,850 1,400 2,:'.40 812 174,708 800 3,000 2.'),200 25 '.KM) 10,100 a.GOO 1,712 980 500 900 3,800 20,000 1,283 ' 4,576' 1,724 4,74o 26,9i:} '28',G35 2,700 18,600 52,200 Num- ber. Nom- bro. Hands employed. Employes. Over 16 years. |U. 16. 56,730 3,000 11.300 1,764 532,137 5,500 27,000 6.500 1,19S,919 1.800 4,270 93,. 500 83,000 30,000 5,000 4,560 i 12,000 ; 1,818 1,116 1,600 1,100 7,940 83, .500 2,904 14,862 221,600 231.100 90,000 12.000 ;i 5,240 3,08.5 5,040 2,350 16,.300 181,000 7,155 25.566" Plus 16 ans. Males.lFem's Uom'es Fem's 1 O Ad 1 M. 16. M. H. Brosseries. Yearly wafjes. Salivires aninici.s. 18 78 260 \'alue 00 ' 13,000 313,829 1,822 9,5.400 ."..760 24.100 811 4,400 .1.000 13,00t» 2fiO 1118 200 150 364 CENS CTS OP 1871. Table XXXV.— Industries. — 2nd Series. PROVIXCES OF NEW BRUNS^VICK AND NOVA SCOTIA. DISTRICTS. I Totals of Quebec. ) ' Totiuix de Qut^bec ) (P. of N. Brunswick:) (F. du N.-liranswick. 174. St. John.. 175. Charlotte . 177. Queen's . . . 183. Cloucester 185 . Kent Boat Building. Construction de Chaloupes. Num- ber. Nom- bre. 51 Tot's of X.Br'nsw'k Tot'xduN.-Br'nsw'k (P. of N. Scotia.) (P. d€ la N.-Ecosse.) 188. Hants 189. King's 191. Digby 192. Yarmouth .... 19.3. Shelburne 194. Queen's 195. J^unenburg 190. Halifax, TF.-O. 197. Halifax, iS: ... . 199. Colchester.... 200. Pictou 202. Guy.sborough. . 205. Cape Breton . . 14 3 1 2 1 21 4 1 7 2 12 3 5 3 1 2 1 Hands employed. Einplnye.S. Over 16 years. Blus 16 ans. Males. Fern's Hom'es Fern's 103 23 5 •> .> 13 1 45 6 1 9 3 19 (; 11 5 1 6 2 U. 10 M. 16. M. H. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. Vahie of Raw material. Valeur des matiferes premieres $ 13,104 5,072 940 108 1,720 40 8,209 3,204 400 300 480 12 7,880 4,390 1,350 1,040 300 2,790 .539 .5,409 1,150 1,025 908 50 340 400 Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. 24,3.50 10,360 1,910 600 2,400 84 15,260 460 369 180 1,047 155 3,502 1,115 495 230 120 200 100 2,255 1,905 soo 4.707 710 11,8.^.0 3,000 1,983 1,300 480 624 600 Xum-| ber. Nom- bre. Breweries. Brasseries. [Hands employed. Employees. Over 16. Plus 16. M. H. 26 309 4 21 21 F. F. 16 Under 10 Moins 16 mT'^f? H. F. 10 10 9 GRAND TOTALS. Totals of Ontario. I Totaux d'Ontario. | Totals of Quebec. | I'otaux de Qu(^bec . ( t'ot's N. Brunsw'k ( i'ot'x N.Bruniiw'k / Totals N . Scotia . | Totaux N.-Ecosse ( Totals 4 Provinces ) Tot'x 4 Provinces j 29 51 21 45 146 54 103 45 76 278 18 14,707 13,104 7,830 15,301 51,0.52 25,140 24,356 15,260 30,820 95,576 105 26 4 2 137 517 4 15 • • • . 309 1() 10 7 21 ... ... • • • ■ 19 .... . . . . ^^"*(*""^ 800 20 25 7 t)¥:NOMBREMEKT DE 1871. 863 Mb Tableau XXXV.— Industries.— 2eme Serie. PROVINCES DU NOt'VKAU-BRlNSAVICK KT DK LA NOU VELLE-ECOSSE. Breweries. Brasaeries. Yearly wayes. Salaires anuuels. 102,135 Value of Kaw material. Valeur des inatiires preniiferes. 8,800 332,410 12,883 Value of articles l)roduced. Valeur des articles produita. S 816,930 Broom and Bruah makiny. Brosseries. Num- ber. Nom- bre. 21 38,380 Hands employed. F,mploj"('s. Over ITi years. Plus 1(> ans. Males. FemV Hom'es Fern's 108 10 27 IT. ir, .\r. It; M. H. 12 11 Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. Value of liaw material. Valeur des matieres premieres. $ 28,G13 6 490 Value of articles pntduced. Viil-ur des articles I)niduits. 9 48,192 30,700 151,011 '' 41.150 8.800 12,883 38,380 27 11 6,490 SOU 30,700 41,150 975 5,000 2,500 27,000 7,750 70,000 17,000 10 4.500 11,000 1 21,700 174,708 102,135 8,800 7,500 293,143 GRANPS TOTAUX. 532,137 332,410 12,883 34.750 1,198,919 816,930 38.380 87.000 78 21 912,180 I 2,141,229 105 200 ;u KVS 16 9 27 19 44 12 11 39u 74 !>2,278 28,613 6,490 4,800 loD.L'OO 48,192 30,700 ll..%7'.' 122,181 , 220.536 313,829 151,011 41.150 2'?.675 528.665 TABLE XXXVI. INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. 3nd SERIES. CHEESE EACTORIES.— FURRIERS, HATTERS, itc— JEWELLERS AND ;^ WATCH MAKERS. TABLEAU XXXVL ETABLISSEMENTS INDUSTRIELS. SLme S^RIE. FROMAGERIES.— PELLETERIES, ' CHAPELLERIES, A'(.— BIJOUTERIE ET HORLOGERIE. S68 CENSUS Oi?" 18H. . ^ip-^-- [ Table XXXVI. Industries.— 2nd Series. t»ROjfIlVCE OP ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. Cheese Factories. Fromageries. Furriers, Pelleteries, Num ber. Nom bra. Hands em Emplo; Over 16 y's. Plus 16 ans. ployed. Under 16. Moins 16. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. V.ilue of Raw material. Val'r des matiferes prem'res. Value of articles produced . Val'r des articles produits. Niini ber. Nom bre. Hands en: Emplc 0'rl6y'rs Pl'sieans ployed. y^s. Under K Moins IC Males. Hom'es F. F. M. H. F. F. H. F. F. M. H. F V 1. Essex 1 4 2 1 5 20 5 11 17 3 2 8 34 10 16 28 1 5 1 4 4 18 3 8 16 '"2 1 1 2 ' 2' "i "2 "9 32 824 790 600 1,124 8,711 1,451 2,170 6,515 144 8,717 1,604 5,300 16,242 88,479 6,194 19,122 56,386 240 4,918 2,500 6,625 21,930 119,168 8,596 24,418 66,985 2. Kent 3. Bothwell 4 . Lambton 5. Elgin, W.—O 6. Elgin, E 7. Middlesex, TF-0 8. Mid.ll.'sex, N. 9. Middlesex, E . . 10. London 1 1 .. . • • • • • • . 1 3 6 2 2 16 ... 11. Norfolk, S 12. Norfolk, iV , 13. O.xford, S ] 14. Oxford, iV^ 15. Brant, S. or W. IG. Brant, N. or E. 17 . Haldimand 18. Monck 1 19. Welland ; 21. Lincoln 1 22. Wentworth, ,?. . , 23. Wentworth, iV. , 24. Hamilton 4 7 38 47 6 2 1 . 5 4 2 3 1 5 12 63 50 11 7 1 6 6 2 9 2 2 4 31 49 3 2 1 I 1 3 "3" 11 2 "i' • • « • 1,267 2,146 15,149 11,334 1,655 1,490 300 9(10 2,000 310 580 400 11,200 21,095 221,062 115,855 17,328 15,400 300 10,899 8,0.30 1.462 1,392 6.000 14,130 25,824 268,695 147,466 23,237 19,060 9(;o 12,684 10,310 2,006 2,010 8,500 4 7 2 1 1 1 25 5 .... 1 10 1 49 1 72 10 19 • * • < i 25. Huron, S ; 26. Huron, iV 27. Bruce, S 8 1 21 1 7 1 1 2 4,012 50 19,917 170 28,324 220 28. Bruce, N ..... • a • » • ■ • ■ • " ' ' 29. Perth, S i 30. Perth, iV i 31. Waterloo, ,S'. . . . 32. Waterloo, JV. 7 7 16 11 7 9 8 7 ""4 4 "4 4 3,000 1,575 1,690 38,880 6,730 15,412 48,290 10.905 20,249 ■ • . ■ . ■ • • • • " • • ■ — 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 S4. Wellington, C. 35. Wellington, JV. . 1 37. Grey, iV 1 38. Halton 39. Peel ' 40. Cardwell ' 42. Simroe, iV 1 2 2 9 1 1 i 4 9 2 1 2 4 1 12 2 1 2 140 196 700 2,350 250 150 360 534 .5,000 10, .559 1,125 560 500 929 6,600 17,159 1,425 900 1 2 "'2' 1 "i' 2 4 8 1 .... 2 "i' 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 6 , i-.i. York, N • 44. York, W 4 7 3 1,400 11,100 15,555 45. YoTk,E 46. Toronto, W.... 3 5 5 5 ... 900 14,323 17,632 3 7 6 36 25 89 2 7 10 7 47. Toronto, jE: . 48. Ontario, S 1 49. Ontario, iV" i 1 2 270 3,000 8,650 1 50. Durham, W.... 51. Durham, E 54. North'b'l'nd, ir. 55. North'b'l'nd, E. . 56. Peterboro', W.. 57. Peterboro', E .. 59. Prince Edward 60. Hastings, W—0 61. Hastings, E.... 62. Hastings, JV . . . 63. Lennox 64. Addington. ... 65. Frontenac 1 6 2 1 1 "7 3 6 1 9 4 10 2 7 4 2 2 ""i.5' 15 14 6 14 9 11 500 2,214 900 440 324 "'1,806' 3,842 5,072 1.880 2,916 l,2.-)4 2,632 3,168 17,631 17,000 4,387 2,.560 "l4,.5i6' 89,705 74,310 13,620 29,416 12,692 19,673 4,169 25,196 20,580 5,160 3,340 2l',596 48.794 98,810 17,869 36,709 16,239 24,401 1 1 1 1 1 3 ... — 5 1 1 1 " 4 4 10 4 7 4 8 1 1 — 1 2 2 1 "3' 6 3 "i' ... "3 6 "i 1 .... 1 1 4 1 .... DKNOlviBRKMENT DB 1871. 869 Table 1 XXXVI.— Industries.— 2^me Serie, PROVINCK DV XTARIO. 1 1 Hatters, &c. f!hapelk*rieH, &c. ' Jewellers and Watch makers. Bijouterie et Horlojerie. Yearly- wages . Salaires annuels. Value of Kaw material. Valeur des matifcres preirdcres. $ Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produita. Num- ber. Nom- Vjre. Hands Kir Over ir. i'lus lii II. employed. ipl": I's. ycitn. C. 16 aiu. M. 16 "IT M y. H. Yearly waged. Salaires aniiuelc. Value of j Raw material. Valeur dp- mat if-n-i premieres. ' Value of article! produced. r des 1 ..1_«« produit*. 300 200 500 ^ 1 . . 2,000 50<.' 3,5uO 2,600 ■ 1 -, } ' 1 3 2' 2 3 3' 4 1 ' i 1,556 666 1,670 21 r. 1,056 2,566' 6,666 i5',66o i 1 1 .... ... 1 1 1 3,400 7,000 '. 2 2 . .. . 313 288 6.*J3 j 1 1,260 7,200 13,200 1 2 600 loo 7.-iO 1 2 1 . . 2 11 .. . — 1 ,266 4,050 2,.S'»<) 5,6' '11 , 5,500 9,260 20,000 1 :::::::.:::! 36,496 450 5l',2.^6 1,000 123.725 3,000 3 1 1 1 2 -i 1 1 2 2 2 2,075 30J 75 600 525 ,, 1,60.7 150 10 100 225 5,0 5,8.-10 1,000 1.000 S,700 1,000 .... 5,600 23,200 7;;..L'. 5 12 2 1 3D 30 2 ...... 7 7 13,060 13,60o * 1,250 1,040 19,800 21.055 luO 100 600 • ■ ■ • i 800 '600 3,000 2,600 ,,.....^ » 1 , 700 AMVO i i » 100 275 50 400 ' 1,000 1,250 3,350 •J,04U 11,000 5,177 20,500 1 6 3 1 2 1 3 ■"1 30 COO 5r* 1 3,000 690 TOO 1,400 c::::::. .::.'.. ..:.:.....\ 1; \ 0—24 S70 OBN^irS OF 1871. Table XXXVI.— Industries.— 2nd Series. PROVINCE OF Q,UEBEC. 1 DISTRICTS. Cheese Factories. Frsmagerioa. Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. Furrriers, Pelleteriea, Num ber. Xom bre. Hands emj Emplo] Over 16 yVs. Plus 16 ans. )loyed. Lender 16. Moius 16. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. 9 Value of Raw material. Val'r des matibres premi "res Num ber. Nom bre. 4 Hands em Emplc Over 16. Plus 16. iployed. )y^s. Under 16 Moius 16 M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. 9 F. F. 9 M. H. F. F. 66. Kingston .... 67. Leeds, S 68. Epockrille .... 69. Gron villa, S... 70. L'dB,Gr'ville,A 71 T)iin(las ... 15 3 1 3 30 7 8 15 1 1 3 6,987 1,550 180 1,200 90,484 17,739 1,840 12,044 115,190 22,923 2,400 15,07:^ 1 3 18 11 2 2 • • . . . 73. Cornwall 74 . Glengarry . . . 77. Ottawa, C.—F. 78. Carleton . 79. Lanark, S 80 Lanark iV 1 2 1 3 2 2 250 820 340 6,500 812 8,266 3 • • • ■ 9 11 • • • • • • ■ • • • • 1 1 1 2 1 2 311 200 800 2,772 1,250 3,330 .. .. i ■ i 1 1 1 1 • • a - 2 • • • » • • • 81 Renfrew ,S' ... 82 E,enfrew N i 304 2 53 28 Tijtals of Ontario. ) Totaux d'Ontario. ) 323 1 524 110,763 1,136,078 1,454,702 58 167 308 27 48 (Province of Quebec. (Province de Quibec.) 96 . Argenteuil . . . 2 400 3,020 4,689 100. L'Assomption. 102 Joliette . . . . 1 1 19 7 12 '"2 204 9 71 2 8 488 31 78 'io' 2 2 • • • • • 56 3 2 104 MontreaJ C 105. Montreal E 106 Alontreal W 109. Vaudreuil.'... 1 1 8 272 750 1,125 1 12 (^ha.tftnm/nfl.v ]17. St. Jean . . 2 1 4 1 12 2 118 Chamblv 119. Vercheres 120 Richelieu 2 3 3 1 333 747 1,400 3 3 3 3 4 5 1 2 6 121. St. Hyacinthe. 123 . Missisquoi 126. Brome 127. Shefford 128 Maakinonsr^ 10 6 1 12 9 3 13 8 2 ( • « • 2,501 2,109 300 46,806 33,431 1,800 53,724 45,.510 2,999 1 3 1 1 27 1 42 2 131. Trois- Rivieres. 1.34 Yamaska 1 • • • • 135 Nicol^t 1 .37 A rth aV)a.ska 138. Ru-hmond .. , 1 1 76 277 416 1 2 3 141 . Stanstead 142. Uompton 2 1 3 1 3 2 712 380 5,680 3,655 8.474 5,564 — 1 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 371 Tableau XXXVI. — Industries.- -26me St rie. PIIOVINCE DE ai^BlBEC • Hatters, 4c. Chapelleries, &c • Jewellers Bijoute and Watch u rie et Horlogc Yearly wages. Salaires annueL?. 8 lakers. ;rie. Yearly waged. Salaires annuels. 8 Value of liaw material. Valeur des mati feres premiferes. 8 Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. 8 Num- ber. Nom- bre. Hands En Over 16 Plus 16 H. emplo iploy^g years, years. ~^ F. yed. U16. MIO. M. H. Value of Haw material. Valeur des matiercs premil-rei. 8 Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produita. $ 3,215 10,940 20,850 6 1 4 17 1 8 2 1 7,860 400 2,701 3,380 100 360 15,125 800 3,700 10.840 21,365 40,500 1 1 450 150 1,000 5,540 15,100 31,600 7 21 4 10,275 9,980 34,400 200 400 600 1,500 800 2,000 3 1 1 4 2 3 1,135 900 800 160 200 310 1,666 1,500 1,600 ■ ••••• 350 800 1,600 113,041 255,085 513,189 1 93 1 203 6 26 80,840 06,698 210,183 1 1 1 "'is' 2 2 1 1 1 ' "so 3 4 • 300 220 200 32^692 70i» 1,536 50 60 25 f)00 400 400 40 160 160,792 6,290 34,288 250 1,085 746,050 12,800 87,044 600 1.828 1,496,450 30,900 176,978 '"'i' "17 51,990 350 1,032 109,728 1,400 6.764 2 1 1 1 1 1 350 150 250 80 1.200 300 2.430 300 10,200 70 24,000 380 800 2,695 3,750 5,020 5,920 2 4 2 2 4 3 >•..*. 350 l.-'iOO 3,100 75 398 2,700 700 2.860 5,800 3 4 2 4 3 1,630 1,500 365 850 3,529 2,6U0 365 16,675 100 250 63,000 120 700 94,300 230 1 1 O 3 1 1 3 4 300 125 158 1,100 50 50 220 365 460 175 900 2,100 700 5,000 8,000 1 1 i 1 300 100 500 c;-24i n*?: OSNSXJS OF I8ti. Table XXXVI. — Industries. — 2nd Series. PROVINCES OP TfSEMV BRtJiSS^VICK AND NOVA SCOTIA. DISTRICTS. 146. Quebec, Centre. 147. Quebec, E .... ir.O. Chicoufcimi . .. 15,). L^vis — 15i. L^vis 159. Dorchester, 0. ]G1. Bellecliasse, A''. Itjo Kamouraska . . 1G7. Rimouski. 0. 109 . Bonaventare . . Tntiils of Quebec. 1 Totaux de Quebec ( {P. of N. Brunswick. [P.du N, -Brunswick. VIA. St. John 175. Charlotte ... 176. King's 186. Westmorland 187. Albert Totals N.Brunswick Tot'x N. -Brunswick (P. of N. Scotia.) (P. de la, N.-Ecosse.) I 190. Annapolis ,.,. 192. Yarmouth .... 106. Halifax, TF-.-O 199. Colchester .... 2u0. Pictou 201 . Antigonish . . . 202. Guyabo'TOugh . 205. Cape Breton., Totals of N. Scotia Totaux de N. -Ecosse Cheese Factories. Fromageries. NumI ber. Nom bre Hands employed. Employees. Yearly wages. 1 Value of Value of Over 16 y'rs. Plus 16 ans. M. H. 25 35 F. F. 39 Under 16. Salaires Moins 16. M. H. F. F. annuels. Raw material . Val'r des mati^,res prem'res. 7,083 580 'soo 880 1,300 96,163 4,580 "720 5,300 articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. S Furriers, Pelleteries, Xum ber. bre. Hands employed. Employes. 123,961 5,875 l'266' 12,360 1,300 12,360 7,075 16,000 16,000 Over 16. Plus 16. IvI. H. l\ 22 1! 69 364 19 19 F. F. 97 6 784 26 26 Underl'o Moins 16 H. F. 21 18 86 GRAND TOTALS. Totals of Ontario ) 'Totauxd'Outario. ) Totals of Quebec. ) I Totaux de Quebec ) Tot's N.Erunsw'k Tot'x N. Bruu.sw' 323 25 3 'k) 'kj Totals N. Sootia. )j „ Tot'x N. -Ecosse.. n Totals 4 Provinces ) j ggg Tot'x 4 Provinces ) J ^ 524 35 6 4 304 39 1 1 569 345 53 2 28 1 55 29 110,763 1,136,078 7,083 98,166 880 5,300 1,300 12,360 1,249,904 120,026 1,454,702 123,961 7,075 16,000 1,601,738 58 167 69 f 364 19 131 552 784 26 3 1121 27 21 3 2 53 48 86 1 135 D^NOMBREMEl^^T DE 1871. T ..BLEAU XXXVl.— Inciu:i):rie8.— 2^me Serie. PROVIIVCES DV NOUVKAU-BKUXSWICK ET DE LA XOUVELLE-ECOSSE. Hatters, &c. Chapelleiies, &c. Yearly wagod. Salaires auuuoLs. Value of Kaw material. Valcnr des preuiii'res. Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles j»rodaits. 6,CS0 "436 2o.3,100 86,580 800 CO ICS 254,828 12,850 160 120 353,700 101,670 1,575 "366' " '426" 1,253,074 2,303,971 Jewellers and Watch makers. Bijouterie et Horlo(jeiie. Num- bei-. Nom- bre. 7 3 1 1 1 1 ! Hands employed. Employes. Over 16 j^ears, Plus 16 aus. M. H. .1 14 8 1 4 1 1 F. F. 68 27,400 51,400 10 1 160 U. 16. M. 16. M. H. 1 Yearly wages . Salaires aimuelu. 4,550 l,7li5 200 750 144 100 170 200 150 Vj'.iue of lUw material. Valour 600 50 50 231 12 50 74,025 9,815 50 150 26,6.-0 200 .'■.28 175,354 32,950 200 -.00 12,850 27,400 51,400 12 22 500 1,200 1.001) 2,500 2,500 6.000 1,700, 3,500 7,500 12 850 2,00* 700 300 100 220 4,170 10,4S0 I 10,01^ no i.-.o tfOi; 50 20 150 1,230 ■• oriT ' ' L;.0 1.000 GUAXDS TOTAIJX. 113,011 264,828 12,P'0 382,419 1,253,674 27.400 ,:.oo I. 51,400 7,500 «s 6 26 80.840 6.: 100 2 22 54,200 74.. .. 12 00 1 ^! 10,480 10,01.- 12 *3J 4,170 1,- ... : 182 307 9 149,690 151 ■!i TABLE XXXVII. INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. ^ND SERIES. MEAT CURING.— PAINTERS, &c.— POT AND PEARL ASHERIES. TABLEAU XXXVIL :i&TABLISSEMENTS INDUSTRIELS. QiME S]^RIE. SALA[SONS DE VIANDE.— ETABLISSEMENTS DE PEINTRES EN BATIMENT, &c.— POTASSERIES. 376 OEI?rStTS OF 1871. ,. \ Table XXXVlff.— Industries.— 2nd Series. pa. OVIK< Mea lalaisoi DK OF OSiTAllIO _. .— ^ .? t Curing. IS de Viande. Value of ' articles produced. Valour des articles produits. $ I'ainters^and Etablissements de DISTRICTS. Num- ber. Nom- bre. Hands emp Employs Over 16 y'r.s. Plus 16 ans. oyed. 's. U~10 M. 16. M. H. Yearly wages. S.1I aires annueis. Value of Haw material. Valour des mati^res premibres. Num- ber. Norn- 1 bre. 1 Hands emp] Employ! .)verl6y'rs. Pius 16ans. oyed. is. U. 16. M. 16. M. H. M. H. F. F. 14 H. F. F. 1. Essex 6 1 92 30 2 000 30,588 72,.553 38,838 84,563 2. Kent 3. Bothwell 4,780 50 3 9 1 -^ . ... 2 4. Larabton . 1 1 1 800 1,000 2 5 5. Elgin, . IF.— 0.. 6. Elgin, f; 1 1 6 8 6 1 .500 .... 1 1,600 .30,212 16,000 47,719 20,000 3 1 1' 4 3 6 7. Miildlesex, W~0 8. Middlesex. iV . . 1 9. Middlesex, E .. 1 2 20 "i 10 . London 11. Norfolk, S .5 124 ..... 7 ' 5 18,666 408,382 523,060 12. Norfolk, A^. .. 1 7 29 i 1 m a j 6,425 600 93,344 1,000 125,368 13. Oxford, .Sr 14. O.xford, N 15. Brant, S. or W. 16. Brant, JV. m- E. 17 . Haldimand .... 3 5 950 4,400 ^ 7,000 2 ... 18 . Monek 19. Welland. .. . 2i. Lincoln 22. Wentworth, S. 23. Wentworth, iV. 24 . Hamilton 25. Huron, ,S' "'4' 1 3 10 ► i ""3 4 9(i 10 44 11 42 "2 2.090 12.000 13,000 294,250 1,761 284,087 18,945 412,000 2,083 325,537 ... . 6 6 290 5 9,785 2 4 4 18 « • • . • 1 26. Huron, iV 27. Bruce, .H 28. Bruce, N 1 1 4 1 223 : 175 i _ 4,000 750 5,000 1,000 29. Perth, 8 2 "h 1 30. Perth. iV^ 31. Waterloo, ,S'. .. . 32. Waterloo, iV... 2 1 22 1 1 4.000 101,612 180 112,962 300 2 7 1 1 1 '■' 33. Wellington, S.. 34. Wellington, . 35. Wellington, N . 36. Grey, o f),iOO 1.750 tiOd 450 3,200 2.000 200 9,(i00 Value of artioles produced. Valeur des articles produits. ? 7,900 2,000 3,000 Pot and Pearl Asheriea, Potasaeries. Number. Nombre. llandh employed. Employ(5s. Males . — Hommes. 7,000 5,500 1,100 20,100 Over Ifi. Pins VJ. o > 15 7 13 5 S 10 7 2 15 1 1 10 13 Under! G Moin.s]6. Yearly wiifrea. Salaires aunuels. 4.G04 3,705 880 2,345 t;50 1,236 1.798 1,240 240 5,000 200 250 1,226 1,636 Viilue of l{a%y material. Valenr des m.'.ticies premit-res. S 13',258 15,958 395 1,959 1,410 2,472 1,720 804 330 4,720 ICO 050 2,136 3.638 Value of articles produced. Valeur des arti'-les produits. $ 24.017 27,: 1.'.' 6. J' 3,1".., 7,072 4,360 4,440 1,150 12,5j.^ 13 96i) 2.000 100 2.310 ; 400 200 896 1,100 2,300 2,850 500 1,000 1.780 647 1,500 1,584 2,820 500 600 834 1,500 2,927 455 2,575 12,900 2,230 •■!0 ( ;;i I 1 'JJ.Ct ,>.•■> . 540 l.Oi.i.' 7,4110 10,400 900 3,185 4,340 2.532 2,186 4,309 7.460 3.600 2,010 2,020 4,500 7,718 1,638 5,520 22.340 6,095 2,170 1,810 3.900 1,550 8.->4 190 840 i.r.fKi 4,(t0tt 2.074 6,700 4.5.".0 .■<.5.50 l.u5() 1.7-?5 .M,>;;iM ant ^PR-. 3T8 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XXXVII. — Industries.— 2iid Series. PROVINCE OF Q,UEBEC. DISTRICTS. Meat Curing. Salaisons dc Viande. Painters and Etablissements de Num- ber. N om- bre. Hands emj Employ Over 16 y'rs. Plus 16 ans. )loyed. ^s. iTie. M. 16 Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. Value of Raw material. Valeur de* matieres premieres . $ Value of articles produced . Valeur des articles produits. $ Num- ber. N om- bre. Hands emj Bmploj Over 16 y'rs Plus 16 ans. iloyed. '6s. 'uTie. M.16. M. H. M. H. F. F. M. a H. ^ M. H. Fr F. 63. Lennox 64. Addin^on .... 1 1 40 1,200 1..520 65. Trontenao 66. Kingston 67. Leeds, -S' 68. Broekville .... 69. Grenville, .Sr . . . 70. L'ds, Gr'v'le.iV 71. Dundas J! f 1 1,000 400 640" 130 2,000 712 ""7'.427' 300 3.457 1,500 "9,846* 680 2 4' 9 • • • • 9 2 1 "*7 1 1 1 72. Stormont 73. Cornwall • • • • " 74. Glengarry .... • • • . 75. Prescott . 1 1 76. Russell 77. Ottawa, C. — V 79. Lanark, .S '"e 11 1 2,164 24,150 34,086 3 2 31 11 4 1 80. Lanark, iV ... 81. Renfrew, 5.... 1 2 400 700 2,500 82. Renfrew, iV . . . 254 Totals of Ontario ) -j^q^ Totaux d'Ontario j" 601 33 27 116,620 2,512,268 3,193,122 68 25 1 (Province of Quebec) 9o. Ottaoua, E.... 96. Argenteuil 97. D'x Montagues 98. Laval 99. Terrebonne . . . 100. L'Assomption. 101. Montcalm .... 1 3 • • • < > 1 4 1 90 829 100 500 1,700 1,800 700 3,934 2,200 ..;;* ;;:::' 102. Joliette lO.i. Berthier "'4' "13' 5 22 4 26 ■■■3 104. Montreal, C. . .r 105. Montreal, E .. 106. Montreal, W. . 107. Hochelaga . . . . 109. Vaudreuil .... 2 2 14 6 1 4,960 2,000 120.275 38,.507 152,975 43,187 4 j 110. Souiangea 1 111. Biauharnois.. . j 112. Chateanguay. . "'i' " 1 ... . 200 200 600 i' ""i *"i" 113. Hunti'^'.Jou, £-. 1 114. Hunti'gdon, H^. 115. J>aprairie 1 116. Napierville . . . 2 2 2 600 1,200 2,400 i 117. St. Jean 1 : 118. Ohambly 3 9 3 i 120. Richelieu 1 121. St. Hyacinthe. i 122. Bagot 12;i R-ouville 3 1 5 1 3 • « * • • 1 315 60 2,700 300 4,200 400 ' ■ " • • 1 1 "2 2 2 2 124. Iberville ' 125. Missisqufii .... '-. .'.'.'} 2 126. Brome "" i" .... 1 •:::::•.:::: 127. Shefford i 128. Maakinonge.. . 131. Trois-Rivi^res. 132. Ghamplain, S . ■'**i' ■;:::, ::::':"• i ioo* 600' ""i,m ' • • « • ' * J f 1 1 ' *" DfiNOMBREMBNT DE 1871. 179 T A.BLEAU XXXVII. — Itidustries. — 2em6 S^rio. PROVINCE DK aUKBKC. '| Glaziers, &c. Peintrea on batiment, &c | Pot »nd Pearl AbherieB. Potasseries. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. Value of Ra\y material. Valeur des mati^res premieres. $ Value of articles i produced. Valeur des articles produits. $ Number. Nombre. Hands employed. Employ &. Males— Hommes. Over 16. Under 16. Plus 16. Muiim 16. Yearly wageH. Salaires annuels. 3 1 Value ol Kttw materiaL Valeur dea matit-reii premieres. $ Value of articles produced. Valeur des article.-! ', produits. e 6 4 1 4 6 1 I 7 • 3 1 10 3 1 12 3 11 2 9 10 1 17 10 1 9 7 16 5 2 30 8 2 ii' 4 15 1 1,215 1,3:55 125 5,081 1,456 125 1,374 340 2,488 574 900 2,317 1,300 490 2,635 2,460 200 8,250 2,577 900 6,330 1.297 5,024 860 1,352 5.974 2,960 1.650 6,350 , 4,.530 i .%0 20.620 5,820 1,600 10,510 2,UJ1 9,760 2,648 2,3.52 1 14,220 ! 7,0:^0 ! 2,400 1 1 • • ■••••• • ••■■-•• 2,600 1,291 5,000 2,985 973 5,540 1 1 390 100 490 1 50 12 100 2 12,000 3,200 16,600 2.900 41.000 7,500 i i 1,510 315 2S4 39 2,999 390 173 30 7,264 i 870 614 i 108 79,964 73,143 208,304 267 568 30 96,044 172,079 391,655 1 25 2 17 27 2 27 3 1,463 360 1,121 3,185 580 2,474 6,027 1,230 5,844 1 30 2 9 4 14 > • • • • • ■ ■ 31 2 11 5 18 1,581 140 498 1.5 790 4,273 210 1,568 240 964 10,448 497 1 3,403 500 4 2,723 4,320 4,460 9,496 6,540 4,225 8,950 14,200 11,426 32,500 3 13 • • . • .... 3,666" i 6,430 14,922 1 5 ] 8 3 4 3 7 1 9 4 5 4 550 490 125 616 215 498 188 400 044 00 1.106 390 428 500 1,300 1,830 190 2,930 1,890 1.27.-. 1,230 .;::■:::' 200 12 500 1 2 1 1 1 2 320 250 240 400 490 960 i,775 825 '4,625 1 - . . . ' " " 50 300 ! * * ' i ^ 6 1 590 498 1,480 448 2S0 400 i .675 l,3iK) 2 2 7 1 i 3 3 10 1 2' 115 140 l,07i< 100 ' f < t « • • • 22 130 168 1 2,116 270 "w 538 480 4,331 600 157 1 rso CENSUS OE 187 1. Table XXXVII.— Industries.— 2iid Series; PJIOVIMCES OP NK'^V BRrrxSWrCK AKJJ KOVA SCOTIA. Meat Curing. Salaiaons de Viande. DISTRICTS. ber. Noni bre. Hands'employed. Employt^s. Over 16 y'rs. Plus 16 avis M. H. 133. 136. 137. 13S. 139. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 153. 154, 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 104. 166. 101). Champlain, JV. Drumuiond . . . Art li aba ska. . . Jviclmioiid .... Wolfe Stanstead Compton Portiieuf ..... Co. de Quebec Quebec, W.-O. Quebec, C Qu<:^bec, a .... Levis L^vis , LotbinifTe .... Mi%antic .... Heauce, W. Beaucs. E.... Dorchester, 0. Dorchester, E. Bellechasae, N. T-$elleclia.-j.^e, S. L'lslet T^miscon.ita . Bona venture . G 1 6 4 '21 2 10 4 F. U. 16, Yearly wages. — Salaires M. iu.a anuuels. M. H. Value of Raw- material. Valeiu' des natil-res preniiferes . s Ij {P. of IT. Briinnwick.' 'i (P. duB.-Brunsvjick) I 174. St. John.. . 175. Charlotte . .. 177. Queen's 178. Sunbury 179. York 180. Carleton ... 182. Restigouche . 183. (xloucester. .. (P. of N. Scotia.) {P.dela N.- Ecosse . ) 189. King's 19G. Halifax, W. 0. 200. Pictou 14 1 7 1 3 1 1 2 26 o 10 2 4 1 4 5 4,062 500 2.102 820 125 48 A^'alue of art-icles produced. Valeur dey articles produits. 35 83,150 7,000 '9,846 y.OiO :i,ooo jOO 12 14 4 8 676 4,008 400 1,400 50 400 100 1,000 250 1,100 1,500 925 15,144 70,691 2.360 14',050 2,000 8,100 8,000 5,000 5,000 10,500 7,0:-5 Painters and Etablissements de Nura- i ber. ilands employed. Enaploy^s. — SOverlOy'rs. • ijPlus 10 ana. Nom- 1 bre. M. j H. F. F. 158,4.35 13,000 14.766 10.787 1,400 COO 19,132 86,757 3,400 17,150 12.474 11.030 10,000 .6,000 7,602 1 1 1 2 1 6.541' 14,050 11,650 35 6 1 51 GRAND TOTALS. TotaLi C'f Oiilario ) Totanx d'Ontario. j Totals of Quebec . \ Totau.x de Quebec f Tot's N. Brunsw'k \ Tot'x N. Brunsw'k [ Totalsof N.Scotia i Totaux N. -Ecosse. ( Totais 4 Provinces ( j Totanx 4 Provinces j" 105 39 30 19 601 79 26 27 2 116,620 17,617 7,G08 3.531 ,-l 2,012,268 293,432 115,201 21,885 2,9i2,78a 3,193,122 429,716 144,473 32,241 3,799,552 63 33 11 4 116 254 98 51 54 457 U. 16 M. 16. M. H. 13 3 5 46 DfiNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 8a 1 'J'ah.'.i:a;: XXXVII — Indufitrics—Sfeme Serie. PROVINCES DV NUtJVKAU-BULrVSWlCIC KT DE LA NOrVKLLK-KCOSBK. Glaziers, &c. Peintres en biUiment, &c. Yearly wages. Saluires aiiuueld. 300 '78.5' ^00 1,000 2,;;50 156 100 12,515 1,700 oOO 600 Value of l^aw material. Valeur des matibn-'S preiui feres. 2o0 '•ioo' 150 40 700 2,(300 Value of articles produced. Valeur des articlea produits. 60O 500 450 2,200 8,000 50 5,905 2,000 50 400 250 200 25,000 [4,000 500 1,450 Pot>nd PearlABLeries. Potasscries. Number. Nombre . 3 4 6 4 10 1 2 5 2 2 6 12 7 3 11 6 6 3 4 1 Jland.'s employed. Employee . Male.3. — Ilommes. Over 16. VW16 16. 4 4 10 7 12 1 3 6 3 3 7 17 8 5 12 7 6 4 6 2 Under 16. Moius 16. Yearly wages . Sal aires annuela . 210 40.'; l,07.s (J-i'J 714 64 275 2;-i4 2-15 1,586 45 458 1,160 371 105 1,045 319 28i 2HS 180 50 Value of Jtaw material . Valfurdes matieres premilres . 215 2,435 5,372 4,784 2,750 100 580 307 300 1,906 Value of j articl«ii produced . Valeur dua articles produits. 573 4,131 8,120 7.o:'.o 5.20:; l,2:i-i 1,000 4,544 288 566 1.175 2,444 4,3.j8 7.1.52 780 1,8'iO 385 C)Srt 3,233 5,3:i0 1,100 2,'J2S 1.493 3,133 oSO 9>5 370 590 60 350 60 360 150 50 500 450 17,300 29,150 57,100 X GRANDS TOTAUX. 79,964 26,570 15,535 73,Tt3 25,507 8,555 29,150 208,304 1 80,166 i 1 31,900 57,100 267 252 508 329 30 IS 96,044 24,737 172,079 59,805 391,655 123,035 17,300 139,369 136,355 377,470 519 897 48 120.781 231,884 515,290 TABLE XXXYIII. INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. 2nd series. PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERIES.— PRINTING OFFICES.— PUMP FACTORIES. TABLEAU XXXVIII. ]6tablissements INDUSTRIELS. 2I:me S^RIE. II^TABLISSEMENTS DE PHOTOGRAPHES.— IMPRIxAIERIES.- FABRIQUES DE POMPES. 384 oENsus or isn. Table XSXVIII. Industries. 2nd Ser. les. PROVIJVCE OP ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. Photographic Galleries, jStablissements de Photogr»phes. Value of articles produced . Valeur de.s articles produits. Printing ImiJrimeries. Han ber. ] — Over K Plus 16 N"om^___^ bre. M H. ds em ilmplo ) y"is. \ au3. ploye yt^a. Und Moin H. d. Yearly — _ . wages. Br 16 — s 16 Salaires ^ annuels. h . Value of Raw material. Val'r des matiferes premi 'res Num ber. bre. Har ] Over Plus mT H. ids ei ''Imp: 16. 16. F mplo oyi^s Up/] Mt)i M. H yed. erie ns It F ( • • • > • • • • > • • 1. Esses . . \ 2 3 1 3 4 2 • • 1 2 3 5 •2 2 2 1 .3 1 5 8 17 2 12 13 8 "63' 2 8 8 17 8 7 4 2 12 2 24 • • • 5 2 2 3 5 6 '55' 3 • a ■ ■ 6 7 5 3 3 2 1 2 6 2. Kent i 1 5 1 6 900 300 2,900 1,000 127 1,188 3,000 5C0 5,550 3. liothv/ell 4. Lanibton 6. El-in, E 7. Middlesex, TT-O 8. Middlesex, iV... 9. Middlesex, E. . . 1 3 .... \ 2,300 300 1,548 100 5,340 500 1 i 10. London 11. Xorfolk, *'. ... 5 6 1 2 2,680 3,050 10,664 12. Norfolk, N.... 13. Oxford, S. 14. Oxford, N. 2 3 1 1 1,450 300 \ 620 50 ■ 2,560 400 .•..*. 15. Brant, S. or W. 16. Brant, N. or E. 17. Haidimand 1 4 2 1 ...A 1,800 1,200 5,000 • • ■ ■ ? 18. Monck • ....! 1 19. Welland. 20. Niagara ... ■'■\ 21. Lincoln 22. Wentworth, />'. . 4 6 2 2,708 2,400 7,500 .... 23. Went worth, N.. 24. Hamilton 25. Huron, .S. 26. Huron, N 2 5 1 3 6 1 1 4 1 i 1,300 1 \ 2,858 ..\ 400 700 613 100 2,500 4,590 500 \ 2 1 4 88 - -7 '4 > • • "i" 1 15 3 4 6 2 1 11 3 5 3 4 1 1 4 7 3 .... 27. Bruce, ,S 28. Bru.^e, N. 29. Perth. ,S. 30. Perth. N 1 2 1 2 .... .... 300 750 200 240 700 1,150 4 12 1 5 t .... 4 4 3 6 3 5 2 2 5 3 2 11 16 19 18 16 20 8 ■ 6 14 12 5 31. Waterloo, 5 32. V/ati-Tloo, N... i'i. V/ellington S. 3 3 .'!!'. 1,066 400 2,050 34. WellJngtonir/... t, ::■;:■■: 35. Wellington, N . 36. Grey, 6' 37. Grey, Jff 33. Halton 39. Peel 40. Cardwell 41. Simcoe, S 1 1 1 1 5 5 2 2 1 1 300 75 150 100 50 650 550- 45 600 300 200 3,250 1,500 500 100 2,000 166' "i' ■1 6 2 2 37 35 3 1 5 3 4 8 • • • • ' • • • • • • > • • • • 42. Simcoe, N 43. York, N 1 i » 28ji 50 385 3 44. York, W.— O.. :• -s 45. York, E 46. Toronto. W.—O 47. 'i'oronto, E 48. Ontario, S 2 3 12 2 18 26 soo 8,601 13,437 250 20,300 7,750 1,600 32,000 27,000 4 " 6' "i' 49. Ontario, N ;■■■ :::.::::■ 50. Duri>am, V/.-O. 51, i )nrharo, E . . . . f>1. Victoria. 5 51. North'b'l'nd W. 55. North'b'l'nd. E. 56. Peterboro,' W . . 57. Peterboro', E . . 59. Prince Edward. 60. Hastings, ir.-O. 62. Hastings, iV. . . "2' 3 2 1 3 1 " 2' 6 1 4' 1 "l f, 12 .-. • 1,150 2.400 950 1(^ 3,3y0 100 1,800 '1,026' 250 - 755 760 500 2,600 100 500 ^'*"466' '2,756 4,225 2,050 . \m 10.500 ■300 3,500 " " 2,126 12 12 9 4 .16 1 2 1 2 2 1 .. -. 1 '4' 2 9 1 2 9 .... 1 3 '"'3 .V 3 8 4 29 2 2 1 1 1 DT^NOMBREMENT DE 1S71. 385 Tableau XXXVIII. — Industries. — 2hmc Sorie. PROVINCE D'OATARIO. Offices. Imprimeries. Yearly wages . Salairea aanuels . 3,536 6,750 1,200 3,240 5,350 3,500 29,000 1,000 1,600 3,400 4,790 4,000 2,350 1,300 900 3,825 700 8.500 1,000 38,190 2,400 1,800 4,000 1,200 2,800 5,200 3,500 6,500 6,800 5,500 2,800 1.220 3,848 5,400 2,000 Value of Raw material . Valeur des matifrea premicrea . 8 509 /.250 2,750 900 1,528 131,700 159.604 4,so5 4,336 4,900 4,510 3,332 l.OTff 9,700 500 2,150 11,400 800 Value of articles produced . Valeui- des articles produitij . ? 800 2.400 300 2,600 4.062 4,300 30,000 1,000 800 2,100 4.010 5,400 8,200 1,540 000 2,25a 500 7,030 1,050 34,043 2,000 1,200 2,275 700 1,500 7.000 3,700 3,150 7,900 2,900 2,000 416 3.030 3,800 600 600 6,550 2,000 500 740 158,000 227,317 4.700 2,160 2,500 2,500 3,700 6.S.0 4,6(.0 225 1,158 8,460 91 5,500 11,000 2,000 8,000 11,766 11,000 62,000 • 2,400 3,2d0 8,000 12,450 li^COO 15,200 4,000 3.000 9,500 1,500 23,500 4,000 85,000 5,600 4,000 9,900 3,000 7,100 15,500 12,000 18,000 20,4'.HJ 14,700 10,000 4,500 10,700 13,400 4,000 Pump Factories. Fabriques de Pompeu. Number. Nombre . 2,000 22,700 9,250 •2,200 , 3,?00 390,000 523,180 14,81)0 10,800 11,200 11,100 13,205 12,000 1,500 17,900 1,000 7,700 27,500 1,300 Hands employed. Empl'jy^a . Males.- Ilomnies. Over 16. Plus 16. Under 16. Moiiid IG. 1 4 4 13 10 4 5 3 4 3 2 1.. 4 V. 6 9 13 5 4 10 3 1 4 4 Yearly wages . Salairea ailUUela. 80 2,565 1,000 1,180 250 750 950 4,350 850 1,513 1,660 260 1,255 Value f)f Haw material . Valeur ded niati- res premieres . $ 1,880 550 870 1,126 1,108 800 1,580 2,037 750 1,250 450 713 196 335 950 650 1,040 2,r>44 3,004 1.300 1,000 1,850 2,540 840 800 2,020 lffi5 3,020 800 400 1,200 1,168 Valut of articlcit produced. Valeur del article.! produitu . $ 20 3,150 1,580 140 40 215 505 1,675 367 789 490 40 735 1,020 280 ?16 :iO 2,050 130 485 949 155 410 100 301 46 165 567 100 284 1,220 691 1,460 700 540 750 160 525 785 550 2,500 144 100 458 240 150 8,550 8,400 2,125 300 1,750 2,200 9,825 2,162 5.011 3,843 300 2,750 3,800 1,560 1,150 1.651 5,220 1,700 3,250 5,498 1,435 1,940 1,450 2,540 600 630 2,340 800 1,880 6.200 4,850 10,000 3,400 3,;{ 5 3 1 • • • 70. L'ds,Gr'ville,i\- 71 l^nnrli^ 79 .^fArmnnf 73 Cornwall 2 4 ... 1 74 . Glengarry .... 75. Prescott 76 "Russell 1 1 1 1 100 300 60 50 ISO 350 3 8 1 'i2 2 1 1 77. Ottawa, C.— V 79. Lanark, S .... 80. lianark. iV... 81. Renfrew. S. . . 82. Renfrew, N ... ft^ \Tn*(lroVft. 3 2 1 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 2,914 1,100 100 400 300 3,400 8,350 50 40 160 11,400 2,000 450 440 600 4 4 1 1 1 1 194 15 3 2 3 2 2 "i" • • 2 361 1 2 • • • • • • • • 97 1 2 1 1 151 18 7 Totals of Ontario 1 Totaux d'Ontario ) 18 r,9,181 300 625 150 160 55,941 172,084 191 1 1 • • • 1,301 122 iProvuice of Quebec.) (Province de Quibec.) 91. Pontiac, S .... 93. Ottawa, W. -0 97. D'x Montagues 99 . 'I'errcbonne . . . 102 .Toliptte 1 2 1 1 1.50 150 150 50 500 1,300 550 210 1 2 • • • • '"2 1 1 23 2 393 '72' 2 154 "57' 104. Montreal, C... 105. Montreal, E. . 106. Montreal, W.. 8 1 3 25 2 49 7 4 12,550 400 21,700 . 12,850 500 18,.500 44,671 1,000 79,000 3 1 3 1 65 3 10 13 1 2 108. Ja'ques-Cartior ; 109. Vaudreuil .. ; 111 . Beauharnois . . 114. Hunting'on, W 117 St Jean 1 1 3 1 1 1 .. . 00 50 600 20 25 650 100 100 2,000 3 1 1 1 2 1 4 13 2 5 .... 118. Chambly 120, Richelieu 121. St. Hyacinthe. 122 Bacrot 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . 1 1 1 100 500 500 50 250 (iO 150 800 1,200 2 2 15 13 "2 4 8 125 Missisauoi . . . . 806" 3 6 2 126. Brome 127 Shelf ord . .. 1 1 100 500 2 3 7 13 2 7 "4 131, Troirt-Rivi^res. 135. Nicolet 1 37 Arthabaska 1 1 '"'l' 1 'i' 400 200 300 100 1,300 1,000 1 2 2 1 2 2 10 2 4 7 6 47 171 "i "s 2 4 1 10 76 1.38. Richmond .... 140 Sherbroke .... 1 1 .... 500 225 825 141 Stanstead 145. Quebec, W.-O. 146. Quebec, Centre 147. Quebec, ir. ... . 1 15fi IVIt^^antic ... "i' 4 ""2 2 . .. "'"960" 1,280 2.50' 1,510 " ' ■ 2,666" 4,800 3 2 1 2 100. Dorchester, E. 1 6rT TCn.TnoiiraHWa 1 1 200 50 300 1 4 166. T^miscouata . . ... DlilNOlvrBKEMKNT DE 1871. 387 Tableau XXXVIII.— Industries.— 2cine Serie. ] PROVINCE DE aVEBEC. j OflQccs. 1 Imprimeries. i Pump FactorieB. Fabriques de Pomp(.» Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. Vahie of Haw material. Valeur des matit^res premi^jres. 9 Value of articles produced. [ Valeur des articles produits. 3 1 Number. Nombr«. Hands employed. Employes. Males — Hommes. Over 16. Under 16 Plus 16. Moins 16. Yearly wajje*. Salaires aunuels. 8 Value of materirl. Valeur des inati'Ti-rt preJiiiL-rej. S Value of artibles producttd. Valeur des articles Ijroduita. 9 3,000 500 9,240 300 3,684 1,300 1,512 1,200 2,!500 200 7,5(^0 75 1,747 800 600 800 12,000 1,000 24,600 r.oo 8,739 3,000 ;'2,200 2.200 3 1 1 1 2 i' 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 3 3 1 i 1 2 1,500 2,347 2.^.0 200 480 710 1..30U 130 30 100 7,8fJ0 6,000 500 300 1,100 700 165 30 24 875 100 35 1,500 500 1,100 400 3,600 26 15 200 75 120 1,200 1,750 852 3,600 98,800 4,132 1,600 600 700 800 66,000 3,831 500 300 200 500 285,807 12,880 2,100 1,800 1,800 2,500 1 2 3 2 1 300 225 200 612 1,200 845 666,807 674,048 1,907,067 146 249 13 63,515 31,559 169,335 300 870 200 C20 1,500 3,000 k 408 208,320 "*"4l',236' 300 200 187,935 800 647,185 ::::.:;:: i :: :: ■ 21,200 100 81,000 500 31S 1,200 6,100 2S5 500 4,200 2,000 21,000 1 3 2.0U0 880 9,600 ■■■:::""i ■■ 1 1 200 30 300 3,000 3,700 2,000 2,600 15,000 8.300 1 • ■ • ■ • • • • 1 1 240 200 1,000 1,900 1,100 6,500 2 800 140 2.000 2,300 4,300 900 2,500 5,2tjO 10,400 1,200 1,740 2,300 23,800 68,400 500 400 600 1,400 i.ni.-^ 9,4.10 63,000 300 1,800 4,000 1 9.500 5,000 36,000 231,000 1,560' i *•■•••••• 600 900 2,560 1 1 100 150 400 1 V—'A5^ 383 CENSUS OF 1871. -ff—yl Table XXXVill. — Industries.— 2ini Scries. PUOVIXCKS OF KEW BRUMS^VICK AND NOVA SCOTIA. DISTEIGTS. 167. Rimouski, O . 170. Gaep^, W.-O Totals of Quebec. ) I Totaux. de Quebec j Photographic Galleries. Etablissements de Photographea. Num bur. NOED bre. Hands employed. 35 j {P.of N.Bru'iiswick.) \P.du N.-Brunswick.) 174. St. John 175. Charlotte 177. Queen's 179. York 180. Carleton ..... ] 82 . Eestigouche . . . 134, North umberl'd ! 186. Westmorland. . Totals, X. Brunswick I'ot'x, N. -Bninswiok. {P. ofyVova, Scotia.) (P. de la^.-Ecoaat.) 188. 189. 100. 192. 194. 195. 136. 198. 199. 2(X». 201. 205. Hants King's Annapolis . . . Yarmouth . . Queen's JjiineuburK. . Halifax, W.—0\ Cumberland. Colchester . , Pictou Antigonirih., Cape Breton Employes. Over 16 y'rs. Plus 16 ans, Tinder 16. M. K. F. F. Moius 16.| ftnnuels. 96 11 1 1 11 15 18 JkValue of Yearly i Raw wage.s. [material . Salaires M. H. 11 F. V. Val'r des matiferes premi'res 41,281 36,340 7,214 It;) 15 ;;0 300 7,769 ,830 50 40 200 50 Value of articles produced . Valeur des articles produits . s Printing Imijrimeries. Num ber. Noni bre. 142,606 17,000 275 90 GOO 400 O'r 16 y'rs' Pi's 16 ans 5,170 000 300 1,500 50 18,365 G8 Hands employed. Employes. M. H. 784 9 114 25 6 4,500 450 ■2i"4 16 24 172 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 7 3 2 178 4 F. F. 93 Under 16 Moins IC M. H 301 26 3 12 35 2 1 1 4 2 2 18 63 GRAND TOTALS. Totals of Ontario. ) Totaux d'Ontario. J 97 151 18 18 7 69,181 55,941 172,084 191 L,301 122 361 .... Totals of Quebec. | 1 Totau.x de Quebec | 35 96 18 11 2 41,281 36,340 142,606 68 784 93 301 63 Tot'a.N.Brunsw'k i Tot'xN.Brunsw'k J 11 15 4 3 1 7,769 5,170 18,365 24 172 12 35 1 Totals, N. Scotia. 1 Totaui,N.-Eco8«e j 3 4 3 1 _ 1,200 1,550 4,950 25 213 2 37 .... ; Totals 4 Province:! ( \ Tot'x 4 Provinces / i 146 266 43 33 10 119,431 99,001 338,005 308 •2,470 229 734 64 DfiNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 3S9 T.\BLEAU XXXVIII.— Industries. — 2^me Seiie. 1 PROVINCES DU NOt'VKAU-BRUNSVkTICK KT DB L.A XOUVELLK-KCOS.SE, | Offices. Imprinieriw 1. • Pump Fabrique Factories. s de Pompe Yearly wages. Salaires anuuels. 8 a. Yearly wages. Salah-oi anuuels. Value of Raw toatmal. Valeur des niati^res prenaiures. S Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. 8 Number. Nombre. Hands o 2.9r.o 1,100 8.S0 66,0-.0 1,700 '"3,200 1.000 7U0 400 270 1.^0 2,000 700 400 123,800 515 1,776' 400 350 2,000 1,300 1.200 10,000 3,000 2,C00 289,000 2,400 9,666 2,000 1,900 1 1 1 225 40 366 1 ' ; 1 2 700 2,0'JO 3,000 : i' 2 450 100 .... GOO 1 1 : 1 1 GRANDS TOTAUX. 1 666,807 S7J,478 72,081 St!,0-10 i G7-:,9-13 301^118 56.408 130,755 1,907,0G7 998,045 190,690 324,100 146 7 1 1 3 249 11 1 5 13 63,515 3,450 900 1,375 31,559 1,449 2,500 2,140 37,648 169,:.: 13 r,s.- j 5,000 ' 3.90(' 1 14 1,194,012 1,165 220 3,429,202 1 , i"7 1 •16 69,2 ;o 191,820 TABLE XXXIX. INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. 2nd series. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORIES.— SHIP YARDS.— STONE AND MARBLE CCTTTING ESTABLISHMENTS. TABLEAU XXXIX. l^TABLISSE.MENTS i^'DHSTRIELS. 2i:.ME S^^RIE. FABRIQCTES DE FORTES ET FENETRES.— CONSTRHCTION DE NA VIRES. ETABLISSEMENTS DE MARBRERIE. 392 CENSUS OF 1871, Table XXXIX.— Industries.— 2iid Series. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. DISTKICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 45. 4C. 47. iH. 49. 50. 51. 52. 54. 55. .56. 57. 59. CO, 61. 62. (i3 64. 05 66 Sash, Door and Blind Factoi-ies. Fabriques de Portes 1 1 Fen^tres. Num- ber. Hands employtd. Employes. [Over 16 y'rs. jPlus 16 ans. Noni- 1 bre. Essex Kent Bothwell. ... Lambtf n Elgin, W.—O . . Elgin, E Middlesex, W-0 Middlesex, iV. London' Norfolk, JV. , . Oxford, S Oxford, iV^ Brant, S. or W. Brant, iV, or E. Haldimand Monck Welland Lincoln Wentworth, S. . Hamilton Huron, S Huron, N Bruce, S Bruce, N Perth, S Perth, N Waterloo, H... . Waterloo, N ... Wellington, 5 . . Wellington, C. Wellington, N. . Grey, N Halton Peel CardwoU Sitticoe, .S' 8imcoe, N York, N York, E. Toronto, IF.— 0. Toronto, E.... Ontario, .S Ontario, N. ... . Durham, W.-O Durham, E ... Victoria. S. . .. North'b'l'nd,7r North b'l'nd, E Peterb...ro', W. Peterbon/, E. . Prince Edward Hfcstiiiga, W .. Hastings. E . . . Hastings, iV . . Lennox Addingtfn .... Prontcai.c; . . . Kinc'ston M. H. 4 22 4 48 10 2 8 51 7 76 19 104 17 61 29 31 54 5 73 7 17 13 6 5 23 18 4 34 9 1 27 10 2 1 5 26 8 20 218 9 24 «>0 1 16 2 '"k 17 4 F. F. Under 16. Moins 16. M. H. 5 13 1 3 3 F. F. Yearly waj^e.s. Sal&ires annuels. 5,400 13,716 2,400 15 1 2 630 3,209 16,800 2,200 27,500 10,600 3C,750 6,050 10,000 10,500 800 ;iO 7 10 1 2 i 2 34 3 3 1 10,400 18,600 1,200 26,600 1,452 5,700 4,478 1,270 2,160 8,800 7.672 400 12,870 3,220 200 7,2C0 4,300 200 250 1,600 0,280 3,100 5,000 79,910 2,800 30,798 10,100 200 5,300 600 Value of Raw material. Valeur det matif-res premi'rea , Value of articles produced . Valeur des articles produits. 4,272 54,360 5,600 350 7,160 25,800 5,5.50 16,000 7,200 50,883 4,065 29,400 11,000 2,000 1925 0,548 1,400 ll.GOO 2,000 4,730 1,950 14,925 24.800 1,960 31,400 2,400 5,600 10,650 7.900 3,000 38,500 4,.500 225 11,200 3,.320 2,500 7,800 3,066 200 100 2,450 12,380 4,000 «,500 113,250 6,000 12,140 10,300 200 3,900 200 10,985 76,341 11,750 2,720 16,300 67,500 9 260 72,000 22,000 118,550 11,345 61,800 26,400 5.000 Ship Construction ^Hands empl'd Num " ber. [ Employes, 1,640 22,800 150 3,782 2.000 1,700 ■ 320 2,700 32,200 49,000 3,475 67,950 6,0(10 17,000 18,800 10,900 5,200 56,500 15,800 1,000 54,200 8,200 3,250 22,000 10,494 600 400 7,2.50 24,190 11,000 20,238 250,310 11,000 33,(i80 29,60-0 .500 16,200 1,000 Nom bre. 4.350 38.r;00 2,000 28,100 4,330 10.500 4,100 7,931) Males. Hommes. O'er 16, Pi's 10. 40 11 175 13 U.16. M.16. 15 10 '36' 35 feuasuu^aB: sbe;; DfiNOMBREMENT DK 1871. 893 Tableau XXXfflx . — Indu.stries.— -2t^me Sorie. PROVINCE D'ONTARIO. X Yards. de Na vires. Stone and Marb Etablis^ei e Cutting Vli nents de Mar Yearly wages. Salairea annuel. 9 tablishments. brerie. Yearly wages. Salaires annuel*. a Value of K:tW material. Valeur doi matilTCS preoiit-res. 9 Value of articles produced. Valeur dcs articlas produita. Num- ber. Nom- bre. Haud.s eL Euipl Males. —. Over 16. Plui IG. uployed. oyds. riommes. Under Ifi Moius It Value of Raw material. Valeur des matiered premieres. 9 Valu« of article* produced. Valeur des articlti produit*. 3 1 3 3 1 1 2 5 3 1 2 .... . . 1.500 2.771 70.; 400 500 1,000 3,360 2,500 100 500 2,800 18,(X»0 15,000 33,000 8,080 5,300 1,050 1,500 4,'J20 4,800 13,200 1 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 18 3 6 5 5 1 2 1 1 600 300 7,692 .1.000 2,240 2,700 1,200 400 900 500 7,150 2.000 3,045 2,500 2.000 452 1,600 1,000 18,200 0,000 8,000 6,600 5.500 1,450 1 6 3 3 1 1 14 9 66 i 100 3,950 4,400 5(X) 2,170 7,800 620 5,-400 65,%0 4.260 5,200 37.000 3.666 13,000 117,000 ■■■■ 9.675' 7,390 15,800 24,600 18,700 46,9S8 . , , , ^ 1 1 11 ii" 3 7 7 2 4 6,800 2)250' 500 2,300 650 520 1,260 «,000 1,800 790 1,500 3,000 250 1,840 16,000 4 2 1 1 1 2 5,700 2,170 7,000 6,0«.»0 1,100 6,750 ' 2 1 2 4 10 c ' • ■ * * 1,110 3,600 1,300 1,400 3,000 5.000 3,200 8.500 8,000 1 1 3 3 5 1 3 io 3 75 46 4 3 4 850 4J60 6.^0 30.4:JO 18,2(0 400 2,500 5,000 i;'.,!:J(k:i 3o,ri0o 2,7'.i5 l.GOO 13,000 38.2.^0 700 .10,216 , , , . , 2.800 50.500 53,600 3,000 9 1 2 14 10 3,200 3,700 3,400 l.oGO 15.500 ll.L-OO ; .. : ■ •••■ 3,r,()() 2.800 io',666 1 2 2 8 3 i 800 2,;v.o 1,200 700 i.ajo 2,150 2,000 6,750 3,7CX) 1 2,: 10 2,5X 7.500 1 1 1 »"» 2 G 6C0 2,928 1.500 2,200 2,500 6,500 16, CO 15,000 45,000 10,1 CO 22,137 2 4 3 ;1 »f 1,300 2.5 13,.=-.70 i,.566 40 1.88U 3,300 6,200 ""j5,666" 12,300 ?61666' 41,4;i7 \ I 75 17.206 9,500 394 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XXXIX. I ndustries. — 2nd Series. PROVINCIS OF Q,1TF.BS:0. Sash, Door and Blind Factoriea. Fabriques de Fortes et Fenetres. Ship Construction DISTKICTS. Num- ber. Nom- bre. Hands em Emplo Ovs^rlti y'r.s Plus 16 ans. ployed. yfe. Under lO". Moins 16. Yearly wag'-,3. Salaires annuels. Value of Raw material. Valeur des matik-es premiferes . Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles 1 produits. Num- ber. Nom- bre. Hands empl'd Employes. Males. Hommes. 'IT" H. F. F. 'm. H. F. O'er 16. Pi's 16. 0.16. .\1. 16 G7. T>eeds, N 3 1 3 18 7 7 6,500 2,400 1,900 2,900 5, .500 485 t 14,. 500 9,000 3,200 GS. Brockville .. . ..}... 71. Dimdas 75. Preacott 77. Ottawa, C. — V. 3 92 33,900 61,225 107,600 1 6 78. Carleton 7:'. Lanark, S 3 2 1 19 2 6,7'1G 8.30 800 5,400 1,3.50 600 16,500 3.450 3,000 1,546,898 8(1 Tjaiiark. If 81. Renfrew, S. . . "1 ""i' 82 Renfrew. iV. . . 143 485,039 19 438 'I'otak of Ontario. \ Totaux d'Ontario. f io6 1 1,403 2 68G,.558 22 {Province of Quebec.) [Province de Quibec.) 93. Ottawa, W.—O 7,000 300 10,000 50 17,000 500 9ij. Ari'snteiiil . . . 1 1 101 Montcalm .... 102 .f.iliette 105 Montreal JH . . . 4 11 16 333 4 46 .5,500 98,273 8,500 697,997 21,484 923,180 106. Montreal, W.. 107. Hochelaga 1.03. .la'quesCartier 109 Vaudrauil 4 1 150 10 8 . .. . Ill Beauhamois . . 1 5 112. <^!hate.au^uay. . .... ... 11!-) TTnntinf'dim i" j 114. Huntingdon, ir 117. St. Jean ll'i Verch 3ra3 1 8 ."'.\ 2,300 500 3,900 i'2',066 300 2,180 1,200 1^330 l'-*''), Richelieu .... 1 2 I 2 4 3 9 G 3 .... 2,000 4-10 3,o:)4 15,000 750 4..500 5,200 4,850 4 93 4 l2.'> llouville 120. MiHsi.squoi. .. . 12:>. Brom>i 127 Rhelford '"2 1,609 600 1 '3 12 121). 8t. Maurice, A'. i;{i Trui.-i-Riviljres. 1 12 ..... ... . ... . 2,700 1,800 6,700 l;-J.3 . Ch am] ilain, N . 134 Y.'imar^ka . ... ■■■70' 1 1 2 2 o 60 G,000 7,550 650 400 8,000 6,211 250 550 15,000 23,750 1,200 140 SlK'rbrooke . . . 13 19 3 141 Rtani-tead ... .... 142. Compton 143 Portneuf ■■■■4' '"2 "*83' "'ioi' ""4 144. Co. de Quebec. 14.5 Ou>^bec W.-O 1 6 8 5,000 4,990 17,500 146 Or^bfC C . . . , 147. I^iebec, E ... 148. Montmorency. 1 150 . Chicoutivni ' 153 L(jv!s 4 123 24 9 29,250 44,710 113,285 10 1,181 1 1 100 24 600 3 6 1 3 43 17 390 5 25 ""g' 1.54 Lt^vi-; .... 41 G12 i°~~° ( '..... 84 rtalsof Qaebsc. 1 ' f'ot ;mv dn On'^hof!. f D 172,417 i 800,502 1,174,949 2.142 22 » -\ *vmi tft^ ft i a ! mjnnm D^NOMBIIEMENT DE 1871. 395 Tableau XXXIX.— Industries.— 2feme Seiie. PROVINCK DE q.Vr.BKC. 1 Ynfls. de Navirert. Number. Nombre. Stone and Marble ( Ktablisaemei y'utting Est; its de Marl J Yearly wa},'e8. Sal.'iires annuels. iblishments. rerie . Yearly wages. Salaires annueld. S Value of material. ValeTir dea niatiures premieres. 8 "Value of articles : produced. Valeur des articles produits. 1 Hands ei Emp Males.— Over 10. Plus 10. nployed. oyU0 1,800 10 12,000 800 1,000 1,746 ll.O-JiJ < S.Of-O , 1..W ! 25.o;»<. j 1. ,0 ; .::::::::; ::.::::::::: ... 3,000 2,100 6,000 " " 1,256' ""i,m 130,100 3,566' 1 1 400 360 S,":0. j .5GJ 168,067 350,212 98 15 177,41M 159,827 459,891 ■ 1 I 1 6 200 354 800 I -loo 1 i.uoo ; 274.;^50 ' 1 1 6 11 1 1 113 220 80 400 .56,97 (; 105,380 25 60 34,850 101,090 ' " 120,666' 21,000 S 10 "54,266' 3,120 **" '31^066 12,000 1 1 10 1 2,000 32 200 4 100 500 750 1,800 1 1 1 2 400 1,010 2,000 1,266 4.000 : i 1 1 2 1 500 202 4(10 300 1.200 1,000 34,000 30,250 97,800 •> 1 5 1,400 3,500 7,500 1 2 2 1,100 1,200 4.125 1 ],600 2,500 10,200 ' ' i 2 1 5 4 1 1.000 1,190 300 1,.X50 1.180 800 4 Oi'O ' 2.28.3 : 1,600 , 12,.300 11,000 26,500 • i 1 ] 5 3 •> 1 44 2,000 1,000 450 8,340 700 800 .•;oo 9.340 4.000 ' 2.873 l.t'OO ' 23,540 " 10,170 1 , . 26,730 39,810 ! ' S'2'734' 8,200 62,000 li ' i' 1 1 1 2 1 7 8 2 i 3,500 2.500 no 3 000 8,000 130 7.500 1 15.fi-0 ' 510 i 1 185,062 311,740 678,900 1.260 63,347 400 0,2.^5 1,40!) iit.i,t;5;-. 300 5,6o0 3.086 2G'.»,320 800 19,000 * 1 i" 4 4 U] 20 400 190,560 500 1,200 j 404,518 567,773 1,.'551,416 1 ^" 1 170..5S3 1 490,783 i ^Sm 396 CENSCJS OF 187 1. 1 II 1 ■■! ■ i Table XXXIX.- Industries. 2nd Scries. PROVINCES OF NEW BaU.^SWiiCK AND NOVA SCOTIA. DISTRICTS. Sash, Door and Blind Factories. Fabriques do Fortes et Fen6tres. Value'of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. Ship CoQBtnxction Num- ber. Nom- Hands er Empl Over IC y'rs. Plus 16 ans. iiployed. oy^s. Under 1(5. Moins 16. Yearly wages. Salaires annuel. Value of Biiw material. Valeur des mati^res premibres . Num- ber, Nom- bre. Hands empl'd. Employ^. Males. Hommes. bre. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. 1 c^ F. "^ Over 16 Plus 16. U. 16' M.'16- (P. of N. Bruns^nck.) (P. du ^. -Brunsioick. ) 174. St. John 175. Charlotte 176. King's 177. Queen's 7 2 98 6 10 33 33,ir.9 2,880 27,390 10,100 /.,,,, . , , , 74,300 16,000 20 2 8 6 2 628 41 118 53 28 19 ■■4 1 178. Sunbary 179. York 2 1 1 1 7 6 1 1 1 2,700 2,200 80 850 1,275 48 4,000 4,500 144 180. Carleton .... 183. Gloucester 184. Northumberl'd 185. Kent 1 9 10 4 8 8 78 2 25 125 61 145 1 105 ""i" 1 6 2 • • • « f 186. Westmorland.. 187. Albert 1 5 750 1,000 8,000 .... Tot's of X.Br'nsw'k Tot'x duN.-Br'nsw'k 14 122 10 1 10 35 41,779 40,663 106,944 1,331 476 93 125 410 216 178 38 71 33 {P. of Nova Scotia.) (P.delaN.-Ecosse.) 188. Hants 189. King's 190. Annapolis 1 1 3,750 60 1,800 25 f,10,000 100 24 5 8 16 8 11 5 6 5 4 6 191. Digby ,192. Yarmouth .... 193. Sbelburnc 4 40 16 560 28,100 59,700 194. Queen's 195. ]-unenburg 1 8 2,880 4,500 10,000 1%. Halifax, IK.-O. 197. HaUfax, J? . . . . 3 35 4 13,000 52,800 . 99,800 2 11 6 3 14 86 100 105 ""2 1 1 198. Cumberland... 199. Colchester.... 1 1 200 40 250 200. Pictou 201 . Antigonish 202. Guysborough . . 2 3 2 8 13 105 1 204. Victoria - 205. Cape Breton . . GR/VND TOTALS. TotftiB of Ontftrio. ) Totauxd'Ontfi,rio. / Totals of Quebec. 1 Totauxde Quebec. / T(;t's N. Crunsv/'k \ Tot'x N.Branjsw'k j Totals N. Scotia. | Totaux N. Ecosse i" lotals 4 Provinces ! Tot'x 4 j;'i-ovinc..'S ( L 1 15G 41 14 222 1,403 612 122 95 3.232 2 10 12 143 84 35 4 .... 9 485,069 172,417 41,779 30,450 735,715 1 686,558 800,502 40,663 87,265 l,6M,93S 1,546,898 1,174,949 103,944 179,850 1 3,003,6 il 1 19 43 78 112 438 2,142 1,331 2,033 5,910 22 22 33 20 97 ■JM o 2i52 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 397 oe ■MSMSiauiMMja Tableau XXXI X. — Industries. — 2kne Seiie. PROVINCES DU 'NOCVKAU-BRtJXSWICK ET DE LA NOUVEI-LE-ECOSSE. Yards. de Navires. Yearly wages. Salaires annuuls. 17:>,140 lO.l'.lO 40,400 14/252 y,500 Value of llaw material. Valeur des luati^res premibres. $ Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produita. 8 225,020 21,000 2C.,280 10,400 21,000 538.042 .38,000 107.800 ■^2,500 45,500 ijtune aud Marble Cutting; KHtabli>«hmentfl. Etablissements de Marbrerie. Number. Nombre. Hands emiiloyrd. Employus. Males— Hommos . Over 16. Plus 16. Under 1C>. MoinB 16. 33 9 10 1 Yearly wages. Salair'iB iinnuela. 13.7G0 (i,.>00 Value of Raw matt-rial. Value of articleB produced. Valeur des , Valeur des matiwres articUs Ijremil-res, | produita. 1.5,050 10,200 36.500 20,000 360 1,217 15,2.VJ i'.),;!oo 41.000 21,425 340,010 106,6.50 2!),85() 38.424 110,780 71,600 55.260 i»,000 20,900 3.000 16,012 22,840 24,000 1,416 1,642 19,450 168,667 404,548 346,046 531,814 1,451,075 250 900 16..518 38,300 54,836 23,577 700 3,022 34,460 96,050 140,000 50,040 438,087 1,080,714 56 141,070 30,700 39,600 114,270 76,610 98,460 21,620 15,815 2.524 11.. 5.^0 24,900 11,000 600 1,322 37,550 390,200 118,000 111,474 291,.580 155.3S6 228,040 43,300 53,000 6.800 50,080 55,840 60,000 1.350 600 2,034 1.299 11 '.,043 220 220 26 2,600 5,620 06,000 2,900 4,700 1,C50 1,900 1,630 880 GRANDS TOTAUX. 130,100 567,773 438,087 627,571 1,763,531 359,212 1,351.416 1,080,714 1,634,920 4,432,262 98 47 13 18 176 502 446 56 I 1,119 15 20 11 4 50 177.412 190,566 25.943 14,100 408,021 2,400 i.5.50 4,500 1,417 35,117 60 100 2,600 12,500 800 2,500 970 615 159,827 170,583 35,117 20.145 385,672 5,000 V,66o 8,5.=)0 3,2(;0 ,250 300 400 8,000 23,000 2.550 4,900 3,500 2.300 459,891 490,783 77.250 44,950 1,072,874 1 TABLES XL, XLI, XLII, XLIIl, XLIV. INDUSTRIAL |ESTABLISHMEiNTS. 3kd series. BASKET MAKING.— BOOK BINDING.— CHARCOAL BURNING.— CHEMI- CAL ESTABLISHMENTS.— CIDER MAKING.— CORDIAL AND SYRUP MANUFACTORIES.— DYEING AND SCOURING.— EDGE TOOL MANUFACTORIES. — MISCELLANEOUS WARES. OIL RE- FINERIES.— POTTERIES.— SOAP AND CANDLE MAKING. SPINNING-WHEEL FACTORIES.— TOBACCO WORK- ING.— WOOD WORKING ESTABLISHMENTS TABLEAUX XL, XLL XLH, XLIII, XLIV. :6tablissements industriels. 3i:ME S^RIE. VANNERTE.— RELIURE.— OHAllBONNERTE.— FABRIQUES DE PUO- DUITS CHIMIQUES.— FABRICATION DU CIDLIE— FABRIQUES DE SIROPS ET LIQUEURS.— TEINTURERIES.-FABRIQUES D'OU- TILS.— FABRIQUES D'ARTIGLES VARIES.— :6pURATI0N DE L'HUILE.— POTERIES.— SAVONNERIES ET CHaN- DELLERIES.— FABRIQUES DE ROUETS. -MANU- FACTURES DE TABAC— TOURS A BOIS. 400 CENSUS OF 1871. ■" Table XL. — Industries. — 3rd Series. THE FOUR PROVINCES. DISTRICTS. Casket making. Vannerie. Book Reliure. Num ber. — t Nom bre. Hanc I Over 16 I'hxB 16 H, Is em Implo y'rs, ans. F. ployed, y^s. Under 16 Moins 16. "mT^ H. F. Yearly wages. Salaires annuc'ls. Value of Kaw material. Val'r des matiferes premi'reR $ Value of articles produced . Val'r des articles produits. $ Num ber. Nom bre. Han I o'Ti Pl'sl H. ds ei Zmpl Sans F. nplo; oy^s. U^ Moi H. yed. erl6 tw 16 F. F 7. Middlesex, W. 10. London 13. O.xford, ,s' 16. Brant, JY. orE. 19. Welland 21. Lincoln 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 375 1,300 250 200 100 1.50 140 475 3,375 700 200 2 6 2 1 1 "'i' 1 2 4 2 7 3 \ 1 2 ' 2' 24. Hamilton 30. Perth, jV 2 5 650 560 1,800 3 1 1 9 1 2 33. Wellington, S. 38. Halton 40. Cardwell 2 3 10 2 1,600 300 3,200 42. Simcoe, N .... 1 1 1 . .. 44. York. W. — O. 40. Toronto, W... 47. Toronto, £'..,. 2 1 5 1 2 i . , . 1,150 775 980 180 3,300 1,630 1 35 4 45 90 50 1 4 '25' 48. < )ntario, i> 49. Ontario, II.... 50. Durham, W. . . 54. North'bTd, W. 60, Hastings, W.. 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 400 650 40 100 4fX) 20 1,3.50 1,400 120 1 1 1 2 1 ?, 1 1 "i' 66 ICingoton 68. Brack ville .,,. .... 71. Dundas 77. Ottawa, C. — V 81. llenfrew, 5 ... 1 1 75 120 2 22 25 4 3 82. Renfrew, N. . 1 ... . . . . -=— — - . 1 4^ 2 4 44 25 110 4,198 19 123 2,443 6-! ! 41^1 i 2 10,177 i 150 25,616 88 29,385 350 84,655 f 1,000 200 4,000 5,000 300 ... ! t 1 1 ..... ... . 4 5 1 211 13« 3»;:; i 1,300 14,260 4.000 16,; '.38 6,000 35,128 • ■'[ ; 't 3,1S6 575 5,400 400 10,825 1,000 t '1 105 31 17 > 2,500 74,238 42.586 3,761 2,500 lO.licr. 1 198,61 Ll 1 64,3til 5,800 10,000 i.-^ooo 1 I ■ i 353,953 131,433 11,825 15,000 ! 16 55 2 24 55 3 1 3 l.:.4r. 4,.517 ia"i l,18vS 2,721 .-^1 ::. i 4 1 123,085 268,780 512,211 73 1 82 C,107 4 '>'n i5.>v: ; C— iJ6 402 ofiNSus OB' iBn Table XLiI.— Industries. — 3rd Series. wat THE POUR PROVINCES, DISTRICTS. Num- ber. _ « Norn- bre. Chemical Establishments. Fabriques de Produits Chimiques. Cider Fabrication Hands em Ernph OverlGy'rs. Plus 10 ans. ployed. 3y^8. UmkTie? Moins 10. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. Value of Raw material. Valeur dcs matieres premieres . Value of articles produced . Valeur des articles produits . % r dum- ber. Nom- bre. Hands em] Employ^ Males . Hommes pl'd 'a, T6. 16. H. E. r. "mT"" H. E. O'er 16. Pi's 10. M. 1 Essex 3 1 2 5 1 3 • "2 2 Kent "J "Rnt^ivell G. Elgin, E 9. Middlesex, E. 11. Norfolk, is.... 13. O.xford, S 14 Oxford N ""'i' 2 ■■■■4" 21 1,G00 9,S00 4,000 45,200 12,000 80,000 3 3 2 1 2 4 8 5 5 3 4 6 1 1 ... . 400 1,500 2,500 "**i 16. Brant N. or E. 17 Haldimand . . . • • • • • • • • < ""i 21 . Lincoln 24 Hamilton 5 10 3 2,850 2,600 6,600 2.'5 Huron. S 1 2 2 29. Perth, S....\.. .00. Perth, iV '?1 Wfiterloo S '"'i' ■■■3 • • • * 2.50 2,000 3,000 • • • 2 2 2 2 '"i 1 1 -1 3 3 4 2 4 2 4 3 3' 3 2 1 8 7 7 2" 5 'VJ Waterloo N, • • • • 4X Vork N At\ ycwV E 47. Toronto, E.... '""2 12 4 1 5,500 70,000 89,000 fiO T)urh.iin W. . . ft\ Durham E. . . 1 ■ 54. North'bTd, W 55. North'bTd, E. 59. Prince Edward 60. Hastinins 1 ?'emales Males. ^'emmes H. years. G anrt. F. Value of Yearly Raw wages. material. Palaires Valeur deb aunuels. m:itiJ;r«-8 premiferes. 230 300 35 562 112 78 1,180 435 124 nrr 1 10 1,367 500 3,374 yoo 6.818 : 1.500 \ 1 1 1 1 CO 100 150 400 1,000 1,500 750 410 459 108 205 230 1.760 1,2.00 1,500 550 770 970 3,960 2,6C5 5.300 900 1,560 2,155 .. 1 . 3 5 1 1 3 6 3 1 2 1 1 1,105 2,063 990 150 4,070 2,839 4,000 115 8.980 i 6,123 ' 8,000 300 140 600 900 1 280 100 200 214 1.775 1.140 1,080 1,275 3,1.-0 1,8.")0 2,200 3,300 2,406' 2 3 950 1,110 GO 20O 225 50 300 220 379 65' ICO 432 200 400 100 0-M 1.450 1,455 i2i' 540 1,200 1,062 1,200 400 1 .575 2,150 5,180 4C6 1,000 ' " ' ' " 1 1 1 I 4 9 3 3,950 18,400 28,500 , 1 1 43 2 11 250 13,512 500 338,500 1.80» 455.000 4 1 1 3 1 1 2.184 100 19,000 150 22,900 50O 3 5 340 2,600 5,900 i 1 150 50 450 ""2 3 900 9,600 12.486' 1 1 1 1 1 2G0 964 1,375 SO 520 700 i 6 2,700 7,uOO 15,000 19,057 '^1,906 16 IS 1 5,380 41 13 1 1 1 G7 57 1 6 2 i 1 11,235 17,436 260 2,700 3.%358 570,300 964 7,000 66,123 498,830 1,375 15,000 SO 520 700 1 ! 11 1 5,450 19,577 42,G0G l::i 1 = 30 1 oi,c;n ! 413 622 1 580,328 C— 26J 404 CENSUS OF 1871 l\vBLE XLII. — Industries.— 3id Series. PROVINCES OF ONTARIO AND Q,UEBEC. DISTRICTS. Dyeing and Scouring. Teintureries. Value of articles produced. Valeurdes. ai-ticles produits. s Edge Tool Fabriques » Num- ber. Norn- bre. Hands en Emplc Overl6y'r». Plus 16 an.s. »— . ^ iployed. ly^s. Under IG. Moins 16. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. 8 Va'ue of Raw material. Valeur des matieres premieres. s IHands emp Num-| — ber. 1 Employ^ — I Males. 1 Hommes Nom- . — ^_^^^- I'd. s. 3. "16. 16. 'mT' H. r. F. 'mT H. F. F. bre. Overt 6 Phis 16 U. M. 2 Ki^nt fi TTlcrin /7 i 9. Middlesex, .E". . 10. London. 19 Korfolk N i' ""i 156' 250* 506' ... 21. Lincoln 23. Wentworth, N 24. Hamilton .... 25 . Huron, 6' ..... 29 iVrth .S' 1 1 1 1,000 80 1,080 • * 2 1 3| 110 .... i 1 1 2 .^0 Perth A' : ;i 31 Waterloo S ! " '3 1 j 30 ""i i" "io" 1 32 Waterloo, N. .' • 1 S'^ WclHni'ton S ■-U W(ilHn"-t(in C 36. Grey, .S 1 38. Halton 40 CardweU 1 175 750 1.150 _ . . 1 '"ii ""1 ... • ■ ■ • • ■ 4*2 Rimpop iV 3 ( 45 York E \ 4 •■ 46. Toronto, IT... 1 47 Tnrontn A' 2 "'i' 1 1,500 500 3,000 \ 1 2 50. burbam, W . ... ... . . 2 1 1 1 '"'i' 2 4 '2 25 6 ""i2' 4 57 Peterboro' .£^ •:;:;i.::::::::: 1 fA HaetinL's W 1 1 300 200 800 fi4- A f^fliTi^'^.on - . • 68. BrockfV'ille ... 77. Ottawa, C.—V 79. Lanark, S 80. Lanark, N .. SL. ilenfrew, ,S' . . . 1 82. Renfrew, li... ... :::.:r:::;:;:. ......... • • • . 2 1 4 1 1,780 6,530 1" 22 1 : 3 Totals of Ontario. ) Totaux d'Ontario. ) 5 6 1 1 3,125 219 4 Province of Quebec. 1 3 97. B'x Montages 99. Terrebonne . . . 101 Mrmtr-'ilin 1 2 1 2 - • • ■ . 30 220 126' 3,200 200 4,000 — 1 1ii9 Trilitifft. 104. Montreal, C. . . 105. Montreal, E . . 106. Montreal, W.. 107. Hochelaga .... 117. St. Jean .... 121. fet. Hyacinthe. 122. Bagot 1V4 TVif-7-villf 1 1 2 1 3 10 1 1 8 1 300 650 5,584 180 400 1,750 .040 2,000 15,000 ""2 '"2 2 5 26 37 2 1 ' ' ' * I • • * • ... . 1 1 2 ::::: I.;::.; • • • ... ... 1 1 9R V>r/\m P i li57. Shefford lo7. Arthabaska . . . 138. Richmond .... • • • ■ 1 i 4 , • . . . . • • .< ■ . ' I 1 DlfiNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 405 Tableau XT^II. — Industries. — Seme S^iie. PROVINCES D'ONTARIO KT DE ai KBKC. manufactures. d'CutilB. Yoiu-.y wage H. Salain.'S annutb. Vrlue of I; aw in a erial. Value of articles produced. Val ;ur des|yaleur des uif ti." vea ' articles preuii bres . prod nits. 8 S Num- ber. Nora bre. Miscellaneous Wares. Fabriques d'Articles varies. Hands employed. E) iployes. i Yearly ■WiHfes. Over IG years. Plus 16 ans. Males. ||i'ema!es Honim'siFeumies 12 1 1 1 Under 13 years M oins 16 uns. Males. 'Fem'l's H. ■ F. Sa'iaircs anuuelB. 1,200 120 300 200 •500 240 Value of I Value of Raw ! articlifK matenal. produc.J. '/aleiu" des Valeur des mutiiT.-H ; articl-s l>remiiix-.-i. produiu.s. 4.2(j0 2,r.!)0 1,100 30 9,000 1,<.G0 .5,2.=50 2,SC0 2,500 450 40,700 ;r,o 15,CiX! 1,125 1,: 1.800 10,150 1,850 32.200 6J,115 9.0i"K) 5,000 4,000 4.975 3000 12:?,550 I 2.V2,73t; 230 270,0(.'0 3"- lt,0.r.' ll,2)!l 10,6^" 3,60'i .V,6f>6 406 CENSUS OP 1871. Table XLIi.— Industries.— 3rd Series. PUOVINCES OF NEW SaUNSWlCK AJVD KOVA SCOTIA. DISTRICTS. Num- ber. Nom- bre. 141. Stanstead 143. Portneuf . . . , , 144. Co. de Qu^eo 146. Ou(ibec, C... 147. Quebec, E 153. L^vis 156. Mt^gantic 158. Beauoe, E.. .. 169. Dorchester, O.. 160. Dorchester, E 1G4. I/Islet 165. Kamouraska 166. T^miscouata . 168. Rimouski, E.. 170. Gasp^, W.-O Dyeing and Scourin< Teintureries. Ilands employed. Employ(*.s. Over 16 y'rs. Plu.-; 16 ans. M. H. • F. Totals of Quebec. \ Totaux dejQu^beo j (P. of N.Brunsvnek.) {p. du JV.-Brunsvnck) 174. St. John.... 175. Charlotto ... 1S5. Kent 19 ;;i 1 1 Totals N. Bruusw'k Tot'jc N.-Bnmsw'k 2 {P. of Nova Scotia.) \ (P. de I a if. - Ecosse . ) 196. Halifax, W. O. 198. Cumberlaa^i i:t9. Colchester.. 200. Pictf)u 203. luverneas. .. 205. Cape Breton... Under 16. Moins 16. M. H. 15 E. F. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. 87 236 2,060 200 150 15 100 IGO 48 9,840 Vixhie of Raw material. Valeur den mati^rea premieres. Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. $ 300 940 5,000 2,500 9,000 1,0S0 80 2,640 1,200 .387 1,328 12,500 2,800 12,000 1,.320 260 5,426 3,200 Edge Tool Fabriques Hands empl'd. Num- — ber. Employes, Nom- bre Males. Hommes. Over 16 Plus 16 U. 16. M. 16. o 6 16 28,396 1 1 3 2,000 400 Tijtab of N.Scotia) Totaux N. -Ecosse J w. 7 1 1 23 3 2 9 28 2,400 4,9.',2 4.'iO 2G0 5,582 1,000 25 1,025 27,840 8,800 ^ 500/ 37,140 60,961 4,000 600 4,600 / 41,300 10,480 800 14 97 3 3 17 28 45 GILL^TD TOTALS. Totals of Ontvirio \ I'otjAix d'Outario. | (V)tali of Quebf'c . ) i'otp.ux da Qu';bec ) ; Tot's N. Eruusw'k Tofx X. Bruuhw'k ( Totals of N. Scotia \ Totaux N.-EccHse. I Totals 4 Provi 1C8S ) ntau:;4pro\ ■• ces f mimim)m SU £ m\M t ik i ^u m K ^ m\ ■ 52,780 6,530 GO.'JGl 4,G00 52.780 VWMMlHa«HlunWBVMMMB«C« 22 219 4 14 97 4 6 45 2 2 4 1 44 365 n DfiNOMBREMEirr DE 1871, m Tableau XLII. — Industries. — 36me Sorie. PROVINCKS DV NOUVEAU-BUUNSWICK ET DE LA NOIJVKLL.E-KCOSSE. manufacture. d'Outils. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. 270 1,800 Value of Haw material. Valeur de;: matiisres premifef ea . 400 300 10,894 12,170 Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. S 1,400 5,000 30,000 Miscellaneons Wares. Fabrlques d'Articles vari^. Num ber. Xom- bre. Hands employed. Employes. Over 1<; years. Plus Kj ans. Males. Hommes 8 5 3 3-1 Females Femines Under 16 years Moins 16 ans. Males.; Fem'l'n H. F. 2 2 18 10 Yearly wages. Sal aires annuels. Value of Haw material. Valeur des matiiires prtmitres s 1,950 312 500 200 00 I 910 127 400 800 1.50 Value of articles t produced. Valeur det; articles prod'; its. 8 8,400 CC7 1,000 l,40 6,750 14,900 1 14,290 157,870 18,000 35,400 i i 405 L'74 12 53,400 4G0 450 1,600 1,500 40 39 139.818 425,90.-, 2,900 600 96 '.,596 GOO 10,400 5,000 100 15,500 1,750 436 150 130 150 343 074,310 20, MO 7,0'''O 300 28.200 ,000 t"i30 300 1,200 910 3.100 . 3 11 1,180 .030 GRANDS TOTAUX. 1 204,405 45 142 57 157,870 77 405 274 53,400 4 6 12 3,100 3 6 11 , ■ . 418,775 i 129 559 ;;54 34 40 12 39 ( I 51 56,375 139,818 3,596 1,186 200,975 123,550 425,905 15,p00 2.030 3,8;w 252,730 674,310 2S,L'00 3.830 566,985 959,076 w^Ki im i H ■«M*V«NP«HaMiMKf 408 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table XJLOi. — Industries. — 3rd Series. P^lOVINCE OF ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. Oil Kefineriea. ilpuration de I'Huile. N um-, ber. i Hands fcuiployed. ? Employ^. Yearly wages. Norn- bre. Over 16 y ara. ;U. 16 i' Salaires J'lus 16 £i,us. ;M. 16 ? aunuels. M. H. M. H. 1. Essex I 4. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 21' 22. 23. 24. 25. 27. 28. 30. 31. 32. :w. 34. 36. 37. ?». m. 40. 41. 42. 44. 45. 47. .52. 54. N i<^eiit 5 . • • TKituwMJ. g 2 I C Lambton fl IS a 96 Elgin, £ j 15 2 jVIidcdesex, W. . A- ... S Middlesex, £r. . . 16 172 London 5 i 3 Norfolk, S. Norfolk, IL .... Oxford, S Oxfjrd,iV 3 i' Brant, S.aiW.l \ 'ii-r&vX,N., or E.'i 1 \ Y/Vdand...... t 16 Lincoln ' Wer.two:-tb,-ff. J VVeutv/o.th. li^'.'i Er.miiton .. . j Huron, -S' [ Enice, S \- Bruce. N l- 17 35 25 Perth,.iV" ji. Vvaterloo, S... A. Waterloo, N . . .1. Wellington, S..\ Wcilin^on, G, .]' Grey, .S' i 2 • 14 "Value of j V:Uu(! of Haw I articles material, (produced. Valeur des m.'ititires premieres . Valeur des articles IJroduits . 1,674 55,952 300 14 75,864 3,976 12,110 115 C28.8.55 12,180 727,619 568 1,406,700 4,150 I 10,288 1,600 15 ;: 5;i 8,800 20,000 10,000 700 40,450 220,000 - 7,000 5,140 Grey, N. Halton . . Peel Cr.rdwell Himcoe, .S'. Simcoe, IT . York, W.- YoTk,E .1. Toronto, E. ... i Yictoiia, 6' L -Nni-thu>hrVd.Wi. 29,000 66,940 130,500 400,000 20,000 45,800 -0. 1,830 8,250 24,250 Potteries . Poteries. Num-f ber. jHands eraployed. Employes. — iOverie. Plus 16. Nom-|___^__ bre. S M. F. H. F. 1 2 3 1 1 5 .1 ' 1 g 15 2 8 18 3 \ 7 ...i 1 ] 3 1 2 4 16 3 1 3 2 i 6 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 16 3 10 1 ! 3 U. 16. M. 16. .55. Nortfamb:-!'d,i?] .56. I'fterboro', W.. 59. '.«jm^;23£3c>-3m:' 5s.T5Fisrjiiig;ay>;5f:aa»H555s;a;.;iisa; D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 409 ,* Tableau Xlilll. — Industries.— :3^me 86rie. PROVINCE D'ONTARIO. Potteries. Poteries. Soap and Candle making. Savonneries et ChandellerieB, Yearly wages. Salairt'S aiiuuels. s ValuL' of Haw .' material. Valeur des niatiferes premiferes. 3 Value of articles produced. Valeur des artick's produits. Num- ber. Nom- bre. llauds cuiijlo Employes Over 10 ycai-s.j I'lus 10 ans. H. F. yed. j U. 16. M. 10. M. H. Yearly wages. Salaires anuuels. \'alue of [ Value of Ivaw I articleK material. ' produced. Valeur des Val-iur des matiJires artick-s premieres. produits. S 8 1 2 1 2 5 2 700 1,300 100 1.800 18,000 75 2 mo •JO.O'r ' 1 200 300 600 > ■ • • 200 5'.)0 2,800 1,200 1,200 24 52 889 258 125 4')0 2,000 9,20J 4S00 2,000 '2 1 '"2 2 .... j 4.56' 800 1^250' 4,000 3,266 • 6,IH)0 ; 3 :::;::: \ ' 2 i 400 ; 1,100 ] i',i20 15,700 9,660' 4,t,00 750 1,515 066 1,780 00 337 3o',o66 10,500 1,000 3.175 25 4 2 ! 8 i 800 2,000 2,o0<) . 25,000 1 4 2 6 2.66u 5,266 1 18,900 8,3.% 23,030 1,700 1,000 4,500 700 450 650 100 4,000 125 50 105 2,000 12,000 1,200 80l» 1,850 1 3 25 8,100 60,950 81 170 ; ' .::•:/.:.::: » 450 2,100 8,566' 7,147 1 10,000' 12,990 650 1,650 05 212 1,400 3,;c>o 1 6 1 1 250 9,200 10,800 1.000 200 1,600 400 1,000 300 100 400 200 125 3000 450 3.500 1.200 1,200 ■ * * ■ i" 2 >•■■■. 300 -too 894 550 200 4,300 2,580 680 1,450 i'.ooo' 1,.500 1,200 3,000 100 180 1,8.50 1,200 500 200 • a : 1 • • • 250 1,000 1,300 2,800 800 700 12.800 8,600 3.000 3,000 1^866' 3,000 5,200 16,0(-0 ■ . • • ■ •■ i.:..: ..... i9I,36(i 2 0u0 12,600 .1 42 13,400 200 1,600 152,.321 1 ,.500 8,473 iS "1 1 1 4 < • ■ ■ > . 1 1 1 7 1 4 20 1 1,500 5.873 ■ 75 6,000 62.400 2,400 15,000 j 77,620 3,000 j 2',20fi 13.0«.0 2 1.188 1.057 2,500 l.HO 400 5,000 2.880 3.000 30,000 i^ioo 1,200 266 10,000 1 1 1 38 3 ""i 3 : 1 57,000 1 25,117 186,405 150 4 47,098 395,936 524.720 410 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XLIII. — Industries. — 3rd Series. PROVINCES OF Q,UEBEC, XE^IV BRUlCSWICK AND NOVA SCOTIA. DISTllICTS. {Prcwince of Quebec.) {Frovince de Quebec) 97. 103. 105. 106. 107. 111. 117. 120. 121. 134. 143. 144 145. 147. 149. 153. 165. D'x ilontagnes Berthier .... Montreal, E Montreal, W. . Hochelaga . . Beauhamois St. Jean . . . Richelieu . . . St. Hyacinthe. Yamaska . . . Portneuf . . . Co. de (.Quebec Quebec, W.. Quebec, B .. Charlevoix . . L^vis Kamouraska Totals of Quebec . ) Totaux de Queljec / Oil Refineries. Iilpuration de I'Huile. Num- ber. Nom bre. Hands tmployed . Employes . Over 16 yearg. Plus 10 ans U. IB. M.IO. M. H. 40 12 m F. F. 4 il 58 'P. of N. Brunswiek.) [P. duN. -Brunswick.) 174. St. John ... . 186. Westmorland.. Totals N.Bnujsw'k) Tot's N.Brunsw'kj" (/'. ofN. Scotia.) (P. de la N.-Ecossc.) 188. Hants 192. Yarmouth 195 . Lunenburg . . . Halifax, W... H.'Jifax, E Pictou 196 197 200 Yearly wages . Value of Raw material. Salaires I Valeur de^ annuels . mati eres premibres . 15,000 2,500 152,000 22,500 17,500 Value of articles produced Valeur des articles produita 189,000 60,000 Potteries. Poteries. 174,500 Num- ber. Hands employed. Emjjloy^s. — Over 16. Plus 16. Nom- bre. M. F. H. F. 249,000 Und«rl6 Moins 16 1 16 5 1 40 7 M. H. F. F. 20 84 16 16 10 12 23 GRAND TOTALS. Totals of Ontario ) Totan-d'Oat:'.rio. | Total.i of Quebec . ) Totaux de Quebec ( ; Toti'sN. Brunaw'kl Tot'xN.BniRsw'k f Total* N. Scotia. "( Tot'x N.-Ecossc. (■ TcArdh 4 Provinces ) | Tot'x 4 Pjovinces i l 46 394 58 452 35 < 184,810 2 j 17,500 1,206,744 174,500 37 i 202,310 1,441,244 2,845,669 249,000 3,094,669 58 192 1 13 17 84 1 23 i 3 16 .... 6 3 22 .^.^^ ,,M^ 8i 314 2 42 aimSm D^OMBREMENT DE 1871. 411 PUOVINCEg OE CtVfiBKC, NOUVBAU-BRUNIWICK KT DK LA JCOUVEIiLK-ECOSiB, Potteries. Poteriea. Yearly wagea. Salairen annuels. 290 120 Value of Kaw materiaL Valour (les mati^res preniierca. 200 G,OGO 88ft 50 9,600 408 1,600 40 230 19,424 5,100 5,100 925 15 000 65 30 Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produita. 8 100 4,000 418 50 4,000 204 1,100 12 105 10,084 1.350 1,350 2,150 10,000 1,260 200 8*Kp and Candle making. Savonneries ct Chandelleries. Num- ber. Nom- bre. 600 40,000 2,100 2.50 60,000 900 4,000 120 384 99,814 10,400 10,400 4,000 30.000 ] 57,060 25.117 186,403 19.424 10,084 93,814 5,100 1.S50 10,400 15,925 12,150 34.090 — ■»-■=—'" •"- 07,509 48,701 350. ' ^ Hands employed. Employes. Over 16 years. L^lus 16 ans. M. H. F. U. 10 M. 16. M. H. 8 35 8 1 5 24 Yearly wages. Salaires annuebi. Vnlue of Raw material. Valeur des matierea premibrea. $ Value of articles produced. Valeur des articl«« produits. I 2.750 13,800 2,380 7(6 IfO 1.30,270 167,400 25,080 2,S80 240 5.'.0 1,300 5.288 24 90 18 7 25 408 1,0 27,372 5,874 l.-iOO 2,250 31,700 73,600 2,812 127 150,430 2;i4,950 37,260 5,8.50 400 5,308 41,000 109,200 435,359 3,750 275 588,423 51.188 37,000 67.000 40;000 4 4 11 3 1 7,274 ('..-.0 1,8'(0 5,!>0U 7:0 :;o 88,188 107,000 2,('f)0 .5,-! 00 70 OiM.1 2,'j;io 4,000 10,400 86,00<,) 3,!K!0 310 GRANDS TOTAUX. 38 24 150 ' 4 90 C 7 6 25 23 1 ' 75 28)? G - 47,0'j8 27.372 7.274 8,2;l0 395,936 436,359 88,188 79,560 524,720 588,423 107,000 103.710 89,':-'4 ' 1,000,033 1 1,323,>63 .12 CENSUS OF 187 1. 1 Table XLiSV.— Indus'. ries.— 3rd Series. i pkovixc;es of oktarto ako q,tjebec • DISTRICTS. 1 i Spinning-wheel Factories. Fabriqiias de Rouets. Tobacco Manufactures N"uni- ber. ■ _ Nom- Hands implc Employ^ Over 16 yar.s. Plus 16 f.ns. jyed. ! ii s. IT. 10. M. 16. H Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. S Value of Raw material. Valeur des niatibres premierea . Value of articles produced . Valeur des articles produits. $ Hands employed. Num- — ler. Employ^. — SOver 16. Under 16 Plus 16. Moinsie Nom- bre. M. 'fT H. F. bre. M . H. F. F. M. 5 F. 5' 1. Ivasex 2. Kent \ I 2 5 1 «'. 6 3. Both well .... 4 . Jjaiiibttn 0. ]:iain, W.—O. 766' .... «. >^ls,'in, H. .. 7. Middletiex, W. 9. Middlesex, E . 10. Tjondor. ly,. Oxford. -•? ""2 4' 175' i""3.5r<0 1 '""" 3 3 1 2 13 7 3 7 "2" "i 4 ......... ; 14. Oxford, i'/ 15. Bra«t, ,'>'. or TT. J ■ ■ • > 1 1 2 17. Haldimaud . . . 5 ^ 19. Welland ... 1 j i -1 . Liucohi ;i .'.'.'.'..\ 266' ioo 1 366' "■TIT 2 1 10 7 89 '""'2 "s' 3 14 "2 1 3 44 's J. 4 27 9" 24^ Haitiiltm 25' Hurou, 6' .' 1 i i •■•.; 1 28. Jiruce, .V I 31. Waterloo, ,S' ^ 1 62. \Vate.-l>o, iV .... 1 2I 5 33 \Veiiin;;ton, S.;. . ! ■H. V/eiliu<.;tjii, <;. 1 ! 1 140 10 1 1.50 i?6. Grey,,^ 1 til. Grev, N ^ 38. llalton ...e 1 ... — 45. York, J-J ^ "Vl •••t|-8- 5 \ 79 4 jlOl ' * * • 40. Tororitu, IJ'. . . '" i i 19 41 49 35 18 22 47. Toronto, A' I j i 43. Ontario, S 5 59. Durh;im, W l ■;::■ ;:: bo. Norlh'b'i'nd, ii' TO. Peterboro'. W . i 1 240 20 328 "14 *"i "5 2 59. Prince Jid'.varu 1 60. Hastiiirs, W-0\ : f51. Addington ... 2 1 .... 2 i i '556' 80 780 (>o. Kirif,'.-;tori ' i 2 1 i3 6 .... C:7. Leeds, S ', ? 08. Hrockviilc ....j 't ( ■■■■irk 1 .. . . . 09. G.-<.nvil!.., ,V \ 74. GleiiKan-y i i 77. Ottawa, C-.—F \ " • . . L . •:::.:•;■• "i — .... , ; 79. Lanark, .S' = ii 8"). Lanark, N \ ' • ' 1 1 1,830 385 .. .. J .. 42 |371 Totals of (Jiitarif). | Totaux d'Ontario. j ' 9 1 5,058 118 91 160 85 {{■"rovince oi' Q'/ei/ec] {I^rovincede (jucUc.) 97. D'x Montagues 98. Laval I 1 ZO 28 99. 'JV,rrr;bonnc . . . • .... 1 lOl. IvIontcaUn 1 lOJ. Joiiette "i .... • • 2 50' lOi) 11 40 260 700 1 lO-i. !;>'nu)er 1 i 1<)\ . Montreal, <-'. .. ! 105. jViontrciJ, Ji ! 10;>. Mofitreiil. W (^ .... 1 ill. Beauharu')is.. .J 2 1 .... .... 1 7 oi 5 294 • .5 22 22 248 9 21 191 1 7 234 • • • • 1 4 3.57 368 2136 - - ___ ^ i n.^aoaiwMu m i iim m j m L t. .otaama/mfamtm mmvtrwttt^'mm ■■■■■ 1 Di^NOMBllEMENT DE 1871. 413 f Pahleau xr.iv. — Industries, — 3^me Serie. • PROVINCKS D'ONTARIO KT DE aUEBEC. Working, de Tabac. w 'ood-turniu Ton a Establish rs k Bois. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. 8 ments. Yearly waj,'es. Salairea auniiels. S Value of IJaw material. Valeiirdes luatieres preniifeies. Value of articles jJFoduced. Valcur des articles jn-oduits. ? Number. Nombre. Hands t Emi Males.— Over 16. Plus 16, mployed. iloycjs. Homnies. Under 16. Moins 16. Value of Kaw material. Val'iur des matieres premieres. Value of articles produced, Valeiir des articles produits. e 4,000 1,872 15,126 1,000 25,791 4,500 1 2 175 450 1,200 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 7 1 1 5 310 200 455 .2,420 175 75 1,800 "" 1,648" 20C 1,800 185 36 100 1,430 25 75 2,220 040 30 1,000 715 300 629 8,550 200 1 150 i 5,0OiJ ; ■•••••e* ""4'. 950 2,840 950 2,200 7',666' 1,811 l.OtX) 5,400 is.ioo 6,249 2,250 12,000 2 2 ! J S 1 i 8 • • - 2,7.50 |i 350 '; 7,000 II 300 5.180 39,729 155 2,185 126,577 .566' 13,480 184,114 • ' J i 1 1 3 1 1,666 250 365 18 1,6.50 300 2,500 2,850 1,000 5,300 24,250 1,600 12,000 31.700 4,290 3 1 1 1 2 7 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 14 3 5 1 1 875 350 300 100 520 4,210 1,200 2,484 115 2,000 100 100 85 2,904 430 600 1,150 4,500 400 350 1,030 9,450 2,500 6,600 2 1 1 1,500 28,860 51,650 2,500 75.0118 142,280 5.000 123,136 227,400 1 1 1 3 "s 2 6 2,000 200 1,470 1,000 92 C'lO 3,W0 1 750 2,200 1,500 1,600 5,000 1 1 300 200 750 1,000 SOO 2,000 h 2 20 10 60 3,500 " i),o66 18,000 1 4" o 1,600 500 8,000 1,042 1,100 2,877 1 1 2 2 1 i" 2 7 3 1 1 21 351 3,800 700 400 10 170 1,520 44 1,500 75 532 6,800 1,500 2,000 81,041 1 157,423 424,, ■'.82» 093,387 j 52 10s 12 31,409 18,604 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 300 40 140 25 200 140 325 900 312 1 ) 1 24,011 161,100 5,576 64,820 430,000 36,535 125,870 1,034,769 • 84,567 1 2 4 " 1,100 200 3,000 I 1 i i 1 4U CENSUS OF 1871. iimii J »«•* mb^ , Table XLiV". — Industries. — 3rd Series. PROVINCES OP NEW BR.UNSTVICK AND NOVA SCOTIA. DISTRICTS. Num-j ber. Nom- bre. Spinning- wheel^ Factories . Fabriques de Rouets. Value of articles produced. Valeur dei? articles produits. $ Tobacco Maniifactures Hands emplo; Employ(?3 Drer 16 years. Plus 16 ans. I yed. 1 j Yearly 1 wages. J. 16. J Salaires VI 16.5 anuuels. _ M. . H. ^ Value of Raw material. Valeur des " mati^res pn^miferes. I Num- ber. — ( Nom- bre. lands employed. Employda. 3ver 16. UnderlC i'lus 16. Moins IC M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. M. H. F. F. 114. Huntingd'n, (V 116 . Napierville. . . . 117. St. Jean... . 119. Vercht;r6s 121. St. Hyacinthe. 122. Bairot '""i 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 5 2 1 1 1 200 680 520 C05 400 250 15G 16 30 130 96 82 100 112 25 6 260 1,128 1,175 1,412 750 400 285 50 1 • • — 1 , 134. Yamaska 135. Nicolet 137 . Arthabaska . . . 138. Richmond ... 1 139. WoHe 143. Portneuf 144. Co. deQu(Sbec. 145. Quebec, W.-O. 146. Quebec, Centre. 147. Quebec, E..... 148. Montmorency . 153 LtJvis 1 1 1 1 100 200 24 38 192 352 I 1 '"2 2 2 "'i' 3 'i2 13 23 ... - 3 "3' ■ • « ... 1 ' • • • ■ ■ ■ i 3 6 "i .. . ""2 3 1 318 33 410 1 155. Lotbiniiire .. 157. Beauce, W.-O. 158. Beauce, E.... 161 . Bellechasse, N. 102. BellechaBse, S. 163 M^oDtnia<"Tiv 2 1 2 2 1 4 1 4 2 2 1 330 60 800 140 70 44 20 75 38 50 418 100 1,050 204 150 .... 1 166. Kamouraska . . 166. T^miscouata .. 1G8. Rimouski, E.. 2 2 1 3 2 1 'i :;;::.! 360 230 200 60 85 300 710 425 900 s 2 5 1 {P. of N, Brunswick. ) 174. St. John... . 175. Charlotte .... 181. Victoria 184. Northumberl'd 186. Westmorland . "■"i' 2 i" 2 ••••■i 612 h' Si 28* 1,434 1 1 4 4 '15' 4 16 "vs 50 8 1 2 GOO 100 1,500 (P. of Nova Scotia.) 196. Halifax, W.-O 197. Halifax, E.... 2 1 2 23 10 21 72 20 20 12 16 3 ::::. ... 200. Pictou 201 . Antigonish .... 1 5 1,650 280 5,000 203. InvemesH ::::::!:::::: 204. Victoria 205. Cape Breton. . 2 ^ 156 25 200 1 4 ... 3 2 I I GRAND TOTALS • Totals of Ontario. ] Totaux d'Ontario. j Totals of Quebec. \ Totaux de (^ut^iec j T..V.S N. Brun.sw'k 1 TofxN.Brunsw'kf Tot's N. Scotia . . ) Tot'xN.-Ecosse.. f rr 1 35 4 3 y 48 5 7 1 1 1 o 1,830 6,192 1,227 1,806 .385 1,795 190 305 5,058 13,585 2,9C2 5,200 42 25 4 6 371 431 13 58 91 288 15 92 160 223 21 51 455 85 242 15 60 402 3 Totals 4 Provinces | Tot'x 4 Provinces 1 49 69 2 11,055 2,675 26,805 • 77 873 486 DfiN-QMBREMENT DE 1871. ill Tableau XLIW — Industries. — 3^me Sorie. PROVINCES DU NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK ET DK I,A NOVVELLK-ECOgSE. Working. del' abac. Wood turning EstabliHliments. TourH k Bois. Yearly- wages. Salairea animels. Value of Haw material. Valeur des matiores premieres . Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits . Number. Nombre. Hands ei Emp Males. — Over 16. Plus 16. iiploye J . loy(5s. Ilomraes. Under 16. Moins 16. Yearly wages. Sal aire 8 annuel.s._ Value of Ivaw material. Valeur des Hiatieres premieres. S Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles | jjroduits. 1 S 1 1 290 100 400 ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 100 34 250 700 2,000 6,000 1 1 6 1 1 100 1,616 79 4,216 180 7,824 , 1,1C0 3,i;00 3,950 70,095 40,000 14,800 80,175 57,500 33,500 390' 2 3 300 1,100 ! 500 2,013 4,275 1 1 1 5 10 18 1,700 1,500 1,475 4,800 1 600 100 600 5,200 500 11,500 2,000 20,000 1 28,000 8,000 5,400 48.000 30,000 19,000 110,000 120,000 55.000 1 •> 1 5 3 2 8 475 160 832 480 20 157 1,600 220 1,280 : 1 1,800 3,500 GRANDS TOTAUX. • l| 157,423 7,275 42,200 424,382 060.863 13,700 98,800 693,387 1 1,426.656 26,800 288,500 52 13 1 8 108 21 3 13 12 4 31,409 4,081 600 1,467 18,604 5,304 100 657 81,041 14,309 1,500 3.100 407,095 1,197,745 ' 2,4.^5,343 74 145 IG 37,557 24,665 99,950 TABLES XLV, XLVI, XL VII, XLVIIl, XLIX, L, LI, LII. INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. 4Tir SERIES. AERATED WATER MAKING.— BOILER MAKING.— CARVING AND GILD- ING.— DISTILLERIES.— ENGINE BUILDING.— ENGRAVING AND LITHG- GRAPHING.— GAS WORKS.— GOLD AND SILVER-S]MITH1NG.--GUN MAKING.— GYPSUM MILLS.— HOSIERY MANUFACTORIES.— MATCH FACTORIES.— MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKING.— PAINT AND VARNISH WORKS.— PAPER MANUFACTORIES.— PaTENT MEDI- CINE MANUFACTORIES.— PRESERVED ARTICLES OF FOOD. ROPE AND TWINE MAKING.— SALT WORKS.— SAW AND FILE CUTTING.— SCUTCHING MILLS.— STRAW WORKS. TRUNK AND BOX MAKING.— WIG MAKING. TABLEAUX XLV, XLVI, XLVII, XLVIIl, XLIX, L, LI, LII. :6tablissements industriels, 4Lme s:6rie. fabriques d'eaux gazeuses.— fabriques de bouilloires. ETABLISSEMENTS DE SCULPTURE ET DORURE.— DISTILLERIES. FABRIQUES DE MACHINE A VAPEUR— ETABLISSEMENTS DE GRAYURE ET LITHOGRAPHIE.— FABRIQUES DE GAZ.— ORFE- VRERIE.— AllMURERIE.— MOULINS A PLATRE.— BONNETERIES. FABRIQUES D'ALLUMETTES.— FABRIQUES D'INSTRU3IENTS DE MUSIQUE.— FABRIQUES DE PEINTURE ET VERNIS. FABRIQUES DE PAPIER.— FABRIQUES DE MEDECINES BREVETEES.— FABRIQUES DE CONSERVES ALIMEN- TAIRES.—CORDERIES.—SAUNERIES.— FABRIQUES DE SCIES ET DE LIMES.— MOULINS A BROYER LE LIN. FABRIQUES D'OBJETS DE PAILLE.— FABRIQUES DE BOITES ET. DE VALISES.— FABRIQUES DE, PERRUQUE3. C— 27 , U8 CENSUS OS* 18tl . Table XLV. — ludustries. — 4tli Series. THE FOUR PROVINCES. DISTRICTS. jl 4. Lambton 7. Middlesex, W. I 9. AliddU'sex, E. . s! 10. London l\ 12. Norfolk, i\^,. . V 13. Oxford, .S U. Oxford, iV .... ^i 19. WeUand :;l 20. Niagara 23 . Wentwoi-tli, H. 2 i . Hamilton . , . 28. Bruce, iV ... 39. Peel 41 . Riracoe, S . .. 44. York, W.—O.. 46. Toronto, TF.-O. 47. Toronto, £. 48. Ontario, S... 52. Victoria, i!.. .54. Nortb'berl'd.Tr 56. Peterboro'.TT.O 60. Hastings, ir.-O 02. Hastings, iV... 66. Kingston, C.-F 68. lirockville 77. Ottawa, C.—F. Aerated Water making. Fabriques.d'Eaux gazeuses. Num- ber. 104. Montreal, C. 105. Montreal, E.. lOd. Islontreal, W-0 120. Jiichelieu 121. St. Hyacinthe. 146. tla^bec, Centre . St. Jo"! r.»2. Yarmouth 190. Halifax, >F.-0. 197. HJifax, E .... I'.'H. < hiuibfjrland. . . Totals of (Jctario. ) Totaux d'Ontajio. f Totals of Quebec . ) Totaux de Quebec, j" Tot's N. Brunsw'k I Tot'xN.-Brunaw'k ) Totals of N. Scotia ) Totaux N.-Ecosse) Totals 4 Provinces | Tot'x 4 Provinces f Hands employed. Employes. Over 16 y'rs. Under 16, plus 16 ans . Moins 16 . H. 7 2 2 2 2 14 2 3 1 2 4 3 2 2 25 48 6 1 F. F. Yearly wages. Salaires annueltj. S 250 10 1 1 1,500 200 100 GOO 600 350 2,000 300 200 150 100 5.900 703 600 250 600 600 1,000 700 728 3,000 21,845 4,300 100 900 2.'>'J0 Value of RaAV material. Valeur des mati(-re;-i premi'rea , 1,000 800 200 1-50 590 ■ 300 1.100 8,000 600 200 1,000 200 16,.500 2,000 700 60 GOO 400 700 .350 3,000 Value of articles produced . Valeur des articles produits. •S 3,000 6.600 600 300 2,100 1,210 2.000 16,000 1,000 750 3,000 600 40,000 5,000 2,-500 350 1,800 2,000 4,. 500 1,600 6,200 4.475 10,350 9,000 42 500 5,000 25 1 4 61 88 4 11 30 I 164 1 2,778 1,500 11 11 19 15 2 r. 41 18,028 30,145 2,390 4,278 1,480 400 24,000 54,237 16,000 500 3,000 12,000 ^8,440 24,367 5,000 1.880 54,841 69,687 12,630 2,300 101,010 97.737 12,000 14,930 225,677 Boiler Fabriques Num-i ber. {Hands empl'd Employes. Males. Hommes Nom bre. jO'erie. IJ. 16 Pi's 16. M.16. 3 2 1 19 "35' 6 40 "5 2 32 1 11 2 1 1 15 30 167 32 30 5 234 D^STTOMBREMEK'I' DE 1871, n '» Tableau Xr^V.- -Industries.— -4eme Seiie. LES Q,UATRE PUOVINCKS. makin;?, de Eouillnires. i Carving and Gilding. Etablisaements de Sculpture et Dorure. 1 ~-^ , ' Yearly wajjea, Salaires aim a els. S Value of IvaW material . Valeur iles maticT'js premieres. S Value of articles produced.' Valeur des articles produits. S Num- ber. Nom- bi"e. Over 10 Plus 1( Homm's Hands ei Empl years . J aiis. Females Femmes ri ployed. oy&. Under l(i Moins 1 Males. H. year:< . } ans. Fem'lV F. Yearly wages. Salaires aunuels. Valne of Haw material. Valeur d.,-.- raatieres premieres Value of artick-.i [)roducc'd . Valeur dts articles ,1 produita. j 5 ' 9,200 10,27:. 2,310 4,550 "l)7,6o6' 700 17,250 il'T'.OOO 3,100 i '"2 '2 i i' 750 1,100 5,000 1 1 . . • • « ■ « • « i 1 8,750 3,1:j0 i:.,ooo 1 2 7 4 3,000 2,500 8,Cf0O ' 3 2 '"'i' 19 4 2 23 1 11,000 1,500 900 19,706 8,000 1,666' 4">,.5no 1 13,000 ""2,666'^ i ' 22,606 10,640 47,800 0,700 12.300 60,000 i 1,800 l,5ii0 4,000 1 2 1 9 400 1,600 1,500 2,270 2,500 ! 5.9.i0 i 1 5 1 3 40 1 12 7 7 16,890 400 4,284 39,040 30 3,090 85,000 , 500 10,600 12,000 19,000 , 37,000 1 1 1 3 1 10 100 2, .500 soo 1,100 1,200 7,tkX) i •• 13,300 32,000 50,000- 5 1 15 1 5 6,440 10,205 23,950 ! 1 1 ""i 1 3 400 1,250 400 200 1,000 ^ 1,650 1 700 1,000 2,000 1 60 SO 3;i6 « 67,005 12,000 13,360 700 135,900 1 19.000 32,000 l.OflO 274,150 37,000 50,000 - 2,000 1 13 13 5 3 44 64 15 5 1 1 1 29 8 (T 1 19,150 23,974 6,440 1,710 36,136 44,060 10,265 680 81,950 104,900 23.950 2,980 3 93,125 1 187,900 363,150 34 128 42 7 51,274 91,141 213,780 j '0—'^7h 420 CENSUS OF 1871. , T. \BLE XLVI — Industries. — 4th Series J TIIK FOUR PaOVINCES. DISTRICTS. Num- ber. N om- bre. Distilleries. Engine Fabriques de Hands e - Emp Ma Horn Over Vo. Plus 16. Qiployed. [oyis. les. uies . M 16. Yer.rly wage.s. Salaires annuels. Value of Kaw material. Valeur des niatieres premieres. $ Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. $ JN lim- ber. Nom- bre. Hands employed. Employes. Males. Hommes. O^llT^. 16. Plus 16. M. 16. 1 JjBStX 3 129 1 3 4 ""l' 52,000 150 1,200 2,000 276,797 3,000 6,000 9,000 1,187,887 15,000 37,200 25,000 2. Kent'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. 11. Norfolk, S... 12. Norfolk, iV. .. . 15. Brant, S. or W. 19. Welland .... 24. Hamilton 30. ]^etth,iV^ 31. Waterloo, S. . . 32. Waterloo, iV. . 33. Wellin^on. ;S'. 46. Toronto, W-0. 47. Toronto,^.... 51. Durham, E . . . 54. N;th'mbrl'd,TF 1 40 2 1 118 19 4 18 7 10 2 7,500 " ' 3',.300 4,740 2,700 5,000 ""6.3,000 1,500 7,2.50 47,000 224,639 1 112 8 2,112 28,1.52 .50,000 130,110 7,455 102,262 180,000 170,939 1 1 "* 46 9 6 '" 157' 3 20 ........ 467,000 1,.500 48,000 70,600 1,533 000 4,875 135,000 ' 240,666' 1 169 4 69. Grenville, .S'. . . 77. Ottawa, C.-V. 79. Lanark, ,S'. ... 38 19,000 5 _— ^ , 418 3 1,250 2,400 6,500 3,875,757 .... .... Totals of Ontario. ( Totaux d'Ontario. ) 18 170,590 1,141,071 6 1 3 1 iBBiiii iiaii Mil 488 20 (Province of Quebec.) 104 Montrejl C 5 362 5 85* 106. Montreal, TF-0 144. Co. de Quebec. 146. Quebec, Centre 1 45 16,000 60,000 210,000 1 ..... . . 5 372 Totals of Quebec. ) Totaux de Quebec j 45 16,000 60,000 210,000 85 :P. of N. Brunswick.) 174. St. John .... „„:»»_. Totals X.Brun.swick Tot'x N. -Brunswick \ ... ) (P. of JN'ai'ci Scotia.) 196. Halifax, W—0 197. Halifax, E 1 1 300 2,000 6,780 1 i 36 6 G-RA .ND TOTALS. Totals of Ontario. ) Totaux d' i 900 300 2,400 1 „ I ■ 1 t 1 ' ' i , 1 TJ.OOO 14,000 40,000 i { 1 ::;;;:.. :::i..... i. ' ' 1 GRANDS TOTAUX. 190,573 12G,3cS 2.S9,153 l!s9,Go0 671,000 333,525 5 1 10 13 84 13 3 j S,2U0 12J 43,410 900 2,100 35,200 300 14,200 119,300 2,400 12,000 14,000 i 40,000 i \ 15 1 328,901 412,aOS i 1.041,5- w 1 99 13 52,510 37,G00 13.5,900 ! 431J CENSUS OF 1871. Table X f. VII.— Industries.— Ith Series. THE FOUR PROVIACKS. DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 4. 7. 10. 12. 15. 19. 21. 24. 26. 30. 34. 37. 46. 47. 51. 54 56. 60. 66. 68. 77. 81. Essex Gas Works. Fabriques de Gaz. Xiim- ber. Nom- bi'e. Hauls employed. — I Yearly Employd.s. i wages. Over IG. Plus 16. M. H. F. F. Und'r 165 Salaires Moins IC! aimuels. H. I F. « ^ premieres . Value of Raw iaaterial. Value of articles produce d Valeur des Valeur des matiferes. articles produits. Gold and Orf^vrerie. Num- ber. Hands employed. Employees. Over 16. Plus 16. Nom- bre. \ M. F. H. F. U. 16. M. 16. M. H. Kent I^ambton Middlesex, W. London Norfolk N.... Brant, i^. or W. Welland Lincoln Hamilton Huron, iV Perth, N Wellington, C. Grey, N Toronto, W. . . Toronto, E .... Durham, E. . . Noith'bTd, W Peterboro', W. Hastings, W... Kingston Brockville Uttawa, C. — V Renfrew, S . 104. Montreal. (7en(. 106. Mojitreal, W .. ll'O. Richflieu 120. St. Maurice.... 131. Trois-Rivieres. 140. Sherbrooke . 144. (Jo. de Quebec. 145. Quebec, W.-O 146. Quebec, Centn 174. St. John 179. York 184. North umberl'c 188. Hants" 192. Yarmouth .. ) l'.1o. Lunenburg . i I'M. Halift.x, W. T.)tal.s of Oiitariij . . Totals of Quebec. . Totals !< .Bnin.swick I otais N. Scotia . L i'oluL 4 Pioviuces 1 6 12 1 50 1 2 f JL 3 1 1 1 4 1 6 1 5 1 14 1 70 11 5 4 2 30 23 4 4 112 107 31 40 3,308 5,92^ 19,039 3,000 5,300 5,.500 12,300 15,000 33,854 19,000 700 1,200 .516 1,300 1,768 2,400 6,000 33,000 1,60:J 1,900 1,700 1.800 4,2-30 1,800 11,200 124,000 5,2.50 4,2.50 4,800 7,700 l:^.,713 5,600 30,000 28,000 90,000 215,000 3 120 1,700 300 1,800 "! 350 .i 12,000 9,.500 1,800 1.20U 4 1 500 1,.511 '36-,66o 44,492 42,170 12 .500 32,011 120 35,000 23,500 5,100 1,732 1,000 096 80,974 127,220 30,392 26,490 .-.00 0,160 800 82,000 52 000 8,000 0,i20 2,000 4,364 2C5,082 110,150 263,206 304,4CiO 66,020 116,514 11 8 li 5 i 2 12 24 ■7eO/-' 4 1 2 !• »■ "H t ^ Wl ^rt wOM t immmtiitamtumtmi D^NOMBRBMENT ' DE 1871. 42S Tableau X L V S i . — Industries.— 4eme Serie. 1 liKS Q,UATRE PKOVINCF.S. Silver-smithing. Orf^vrerio. Gun making. Armurerie. Yearly wages. Salaires auuuels. a $ Value of Kaw material. Valeur des matit-res primiferes. $ Value of articles • produced. Valeur des articles produits. $ Number. Nombre . HaniLs eii Empl Males.—] Over IG. Plus IG. 1 ployed. oyt'^S. lommes. Under IG. Moins 16. Yearly vageb . Salaires annuek . Vi.lue .;f Kaw mr.terial . Valeur des mutifcres premibres. a Value of articl«H produced . Valeur des articles produits. « i 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 * 2 1 4 2 1 2 1 2 3 45 l,5;:;o 800 200 600 400 225 800 5 320 300 50 100 100 200 181 50 2,150 1,100 500 900 500 620 1,050 . • ^. . . . • • . G24 3C0 1,200 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 230 150 500 300 « 450 2,0C0 630 20 150 100 25 200 500 2^0 250 300 1" 2,000 :; 600 0.00 6,200 7,500 33,700 4,000 1,100 , . , ] "' i 1 2 1,000 CO 1,2:7 t.. . • . . « . -. 1; ..■••• ■•.... ] 2 1 400 240 1,0 :■) 3,000 5,940 7,500 15,100 l-"i,00i» o0,4oa 1 2 1 2 2 • 1 :.oo 1,102 7l'0 100 2,000 r.o 1,0:0 • 4:5.-.; 1,000 • I ( i; I I ;•■• 1 1 1 800 200 1.600 ; 1 1 • • • 400 460 4,000 1,266 1,500 2,900 2,000 1,200 4,500 ' .... . 1 150 M 2;.) i ; 40' 1,000 2,831 2,810 SO 1,040 566 i',i66' 1 1 1 2C0 l', 1,800 li I ( 1,200 10,230 3,582 150 1,460 V 1 1 G,S24 10.1-10 2,1.10 7,860 24,100 l,20t) 1,100 1 34,0iV» 4c; - 31 7 1 18,5^, 12,7- . 4,oU'j . T S 1 « » 1,800 2| 3 . • . . • • • • 1 3.0 > ^ 1 1 ■ 1 19,401 , ;..'i,: • sa,Dco 1 42 15,422 0,711 34,8: ; 421 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table Xl^VIII. — Industries — 4th Series. THE FOUR PROVINCES. DISTWCTS. Gypsum Mills. Moulins h, Piatre, Num ber. Nom bre. Hands empl'd.i Ye Employes. Males. Honimes. Plusie. M. 16.| arly wages. Salaires annuels. 6. Elgin, £■... 13. Oxford, S.. 14. Oxford, iV". 16. Brant, N.ot E YI . Haldiinand . . 22. Wentworfch. S .30. Perth, N. .. 31. Waterloo, S.. 33. Wellington, S. 4r.. Toronto, W... 47. Toronto, E... 61. Durham. E.. 54. North'bTd, V/. 55. North'bTd, E. 5G. Peterboro' W. 59. Prince Edward 60. Hastings, W.. 63. Lennox 71). Lanark, S 240 CO 16 \J.\ 1 1 3 1 6 o Value of A^'alue of Haw ai'ticles matei'ial. Valeur des niatieres premieres . i,rm produced, Valeur des articles produits, Hosiery Bcnneteries. 4,000 1 1 8,000 4,700 93. Ottaoua, W. 107 . Hochelaga . . 118. Chambly j 121. St. Hyacinthe,' 132. Champlain 138. Kichniond ... 139. Wolfe 140. Sherbrookfc . . .j 144 . Co. de Quebec 2 150. M'-'gantic .... 1 1,000 3,7f)0 1,200 200 Num- ber. Noni- bre. Over 16 y'rs Plus 10 ans. 18,000 4,000 975 1,^.50 400 2,000 10,500 5,400 2,400 2,000 4.3C0 1,000 S2,000 12,700 3,600 10,000 9,400 3,600 8.000 8,400 1,500 Hands employed. Employes, M. H. F. Under 16. Moins lOf M. H. P. P. 1 20 2 55 22 1 11 13 9,000 30,000 174. St. John 181. Victoria | 187. Albert I 15 1 3 4 100 194. Queen's... 199. Colchester 200. Pictou Total.-) of Ontario. Tolaux 'I'Ontai-io. y\ Totals ui C^i.-bec. ( | 'j|TotauzdeQu<5bcc. ) i ^■Tot'aN. Brunswk)^|i .BrjuKv/'k /';• 15 l5 I'Tot'xN IjTotal^^ N. Scotia,. 120 30 104 Total:^ N. Scotia,. ( :-' c, 8 Totaux N.-Ecofise ( ^2 — 1 1 1 Totalu 4 Province^; ) | Tot'x 4 Provinces / ] 1 2.^ 257 7,'30 32,211 2:'0 4 I 10 7 400 6,339 1,.^^50 41,940 4 GO 18 1 3 21 21,915 8,000 .32,901, 282 6-3,158 150 60 51,700 9,000 C,739 210 67,049 600 120 90,304 30,000 43.??)0 720-^ 170.514 10 52 104 1 18 11 52'! 165 ]8 10 10 D]6N0MBRElVrE:^rT DE 1871. 4S5 IjES aXJATRK VROVIXCP^S. Manufactories, Bounctfries. IValuo of It aw material. .^..,.... w„ , Vclour tlesr r.nnuols. miiticres proinu'i'es . ? ! s Value of articles produceil. Valfur cles ai'tiulerf produits S Iilatch Factories. Fabriques d'Allumettes. Num- ber. Hands enipioj'ed. Employes . Over ]i) years Plus 10 ans. Under 10 yearrf Moins It; ans. Yearly wageti . .Salairos ai:mii.'.H. Value of IJaw uuiterial Valeunl'.i- maticres p;tUjil-rcb. Value of article« Ijruduced. V; ■ 426 CENSUS OF 1871. Table XLSX.— Industries.— 4tli Series. THE FOUR. PROVINCES. DISTRICTS. 2. 10. 14. 16. 2L. 23. 24. 25. ai. 32. 33. 37. 38. 43. 4.5. 46. i ^''• 48. : 60. I Gl. I 66. I 67. I 68. 73. 104. 106. 107. 111. 121. 12.5. 138. 140. 143. 114. 147. 1.51. Kent London, iV. . Oxford, .V . Brant;, N. or E Lincoln V/entworth, N Hamilton .... Hui-on, S Waterloo, S... Waterloo, iV. . Wellinerton, S. Grey, iV" Halton York, JV York, E Toronto, W. . . Toronto, J?.,,. t)ntario, roduced. Valeur des articles produits. $ 8,000 34,000 6,000 65,600 730 1,000 100,552 2,000 2,780 122,400 61,500 10,200 78,750 2,500 14,2.50 47,500 2,000 7,500 2,400 4,000 24,160 24,000 340 496,012 77,(:'50 24,160 24,340 19C',175 622,1;;: Paint and Fabriques de Xum- ber. Nom- bre. Hands emp'd Employes. Males. Hommes. O'r 16 Pi's 16 16 2 15 19 UCJ^iBBCK 6 24 15 19 U. 16. M. 16. '-•'^9rir*amBm mm ntt i ^ i ^ DfiNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 417 Tableau XI.IX.- — In'lustrie.s. — 4LMne Serie. = :f LES QUATIIE PROVING KS. 1 Varnish Works. Peinture et Vernis. Num- ber. Nom- bre. Paper Manufa< Fabriquea de F ; tones, apier. Yearly w;;.re.s. Salaires auiiucla. Yearly wagea. Salaires aiiiiuels. 3 Value of liaw material. Vali'ur des matit-res jremibres . $ Value (.f articles produced. Valeur dee articles produits. $ ] Over If i -lus 1 MiJes. Honimes iands en Eniplc years, i ans. I' iui:i L-^ Feuni:e.^ 3 ployed. >y6s. Under 1( Moins 1 Males. H. 1 years- 6 ans. IVm'l'^ F. Value of r.;iW material. Valeur des niatieres remiferes $ Value of articles produced Valeur des articles produits. $ . . '"i 1 3 S 80 2G 2 20 8 i' 3,666' ::0,000 11,320 "3,666' 70,000 14,2.^0 'ii'.666' 100.000 49,000 1 3 i,o66' • ..... 200 1,200 '*'•'' ' • ' 1 ""i 1 25 45 12 12 S 2 5 6 15 4 3' 2 11,000 ""8,666' 26,000 64,000 20,660' 50,000 90,666 '4'2,6c6' 100,000 2 1 19 10 4 6,256 000 5,666 2,000 20,666 4,500 700 7,766' 11,566" • ■ • ■ • • 1 7 S 2 7 2,500 8,000 11,000 ii,r.7(i CiilO r.2.850 ')i),7r)0 98,0.00 80,L-00 1 63 O.J 5 6- 30,000 115,400 211,680 1 1 if 1 7G 28 3S 20 lu 12 38 10 i' 5 2 8' 3l.2ft5 12,000 9,008 G.COO 58,099 (;o.o(!0 24,.S24 l.S,C00 154,796 90,000 53.900 27,000 cue "'n,im 2,000 •l-.,0OJ •i,:-oo 00,000 I - ' C,CC:6 37,406' 9,375 1 19 8 23J 22.i 19 S i 484 3 2 7,072 2,000 1 4,500 ;$.980 11,9! 5 2;<,800 ■ "r • • 32 11 2 16 It) 1 1,700 11,520 4,500 3,9S0 7,900 lio.SOO 4.j,000 11,915 12,700 193,200 00,090 23,800 291,700 12 7 1 1 i3j 99,270 89.473 7,072 2,000 230,250 275.623 6,000 4,500 487.500 537,376 37,400 9,375 J i 1 ( 181,315 i 21 i ir.) : 45 1 t 1 32 j 11)7,815 S-^'^.T - ■ 1 071,051 rsk: mtl^^m^itnmmi m ■.■1 . P* n l> ii T . n 428 CEN^XrS OF 18 71. Table Ij. — Industries. — l-th Series, THE FOUR PROVINCES. DISTKIGTS. V ber. 5 Patent Medicine Manufactories. Fabriques de Mddecinea br^vet(5cs HaK'is employed. 3']mploy^s. 5 i Value ofj Value f-f Yearly j liaw | articles produced. wages, material. jOver 10 y'rs. I Plus IG ans. 1 bre. I U. F. 9. Middlesex, U. . 13. Oxford, *">• 21. Jiiji.colu 24 . Hajiii] ton . . . , ■60. Perth, If ol. Waterloo, S .. 38. Hal ton 42. .Simcoe, iV. ... 43. York, iV 44. York, W.-O.. l\ 4G. Toronto, FT.-O. Jl 48. Toronto, ■). i.iiui(;ni>arg .. : I,'.*!). ii.il.f,k<,»r.— O i4i7. ilalif;'.x. E .. ; 10'». <.!.j];;h';ster .. I 2u2. Guj'-bbcrouijh ; '^03 . Inverness . . . i-Oo. Ilit.-:ry,!.d .. y ''"■\i 12 j 34 ij Toe'": t', ■ oec J i i -i J. 1« 1 3 c nder 15. Salaire.s Moins 16. annuels. S M. I F. H. F. i Val'r de> matiferes premi 'rt b Valeurdes articles produitd. 4,700 900 1,600 1,200 700 3,000 3,500 550 6,990 3,270 G.OOt 2,000 4,000 6,000 21,250 «,u00 9,500 6.000 2,883 2'oo6' 1,000 2,200 500 3,000 12,000 8,000 15,000 25,500 c.OOO 6,0u0 64,000 Preserved articles Fabriques de Nuni ber. Non bro. Hands employed. Emploj'ds. Over 16. Plus 16. M. H. F. F. 12 16 1,400 2,300 2,200 500 12,000 1,400 .~)43 98,750 6,0u0 64,000 2,300 35 42 11 \ 90 2J 12 1 \ 10 1 6 2 I 58 2 i 16 1 i 8 '/ 17 1 4 II 7 1| 16 22 f 206 10 119 \ t 343 19 9 7 6 7 12 40 12 41 71 Under 16 Moins 16 M. K. 14 1 1 10 124 2 2 26 20 F. F. 4 2 12 4 6 21 30 DENOMBIIEMBNT DE 1871. 429 Tableau jL. — Industries. — 4ome S^rie. LKS CtUATUE I'UOVINCES, of Food. OonBerves alimciitaireB. Num- ber. Nom bre. Rope and Twine malcin;,'. Corderiea. Value of Kaw materiaL Valeuv des matiires preuj it-res. ? Value of articles produced. Valeur dee articles produita. t Yearly ■wages. Salairea anni.els. Value of liaw material. Valfur defi TuatieroH premiiTos. .? Value of articlea produced Valeiir do? articles produits. ] Over 16 i'lus 1 Males. Hom'es. lands eiL Eniplc years. | 6 ans. Females Kemmes ipioyed. jyds. Under It Moins '. Males. H. ') years .6 ans. F. Yearly wages. Salaires anuuels. S 1 1 3 11 2' 1 17 1" 375 7,200 1,500 7,780 2,160 17,400 1,000 1,500 3,500 2 17 6 4,401 11,360 17,2&0 1 14 5 6 10 4,000 10,CG«> 25,000 t ""l 1 1 1 li' 2 1 3 S 2 1 ... ■"■•i/'-oo 3,000 1.700 "**4',C06 2't,000 25,000 4C0 '""7,560 30,000 27,000 800 • • • • '100 - 1 2 • • • * . .1 350 600 1.100 2 7 5 . . . 2.100 4,575 7,500 3 2 1 1 23 34 1 15 25 6 8.200 19,724 18.?, 000 1,340 125 ' i40,obo" 37,100 229,750 2,200 350 lG5,66o io isicoo 450 200 1 1 1 "■■30 20 10,000 \ .... 1,200 5,500 8,332 } 4 32 9 23 4 12,t;00 40,400 7'.',700 4,S9G 2,288 14,:^24 3,200 3,080 2(;,2(;o l-',2)i4 28,813 8,143 15.120 3:;,000 2:;,574 5:>.55S 14,600 .... ! 1 1 " " 1 l,8(i0 20,300 'JOO 1,100 1...8:.o 13,850 ;;.ooo 4,500 3l.',;:00 44,000 1 1 "i' -io' 16 25 1 15,000 80.000 j 120,000 1,200 1,808 474 r>,0iMi 4,914- 800 7.500 IC.GOO l,0u9 i"-':- 1 71 92 32 40 1,000 1,200 28,308 32.782 1,500 5,500 78,590 42,414 3,500 8,332 139,852 110,369 12 1 8 4 1 26 9 10 49 •:i 23 25 11 10 4 24,826 32,450 12,600 15,000 85,215 344,189 49,400 80,000 135,740 434,400 79,700 120,000 63,290 128,004 262,053 25 235 25 S4,S76 558,804 769,840 k 430 C E N B TT S OF 1 8 r i T^SJBLE L.I. — Industries. — 4th Series. THE POUR PROVINCES. DISTKICTS. Salt Works. Sauneries. Saw and Fabriques Num- ber. N om- bre. Hands eii Empl Over 16 y'rs. Plus 16 ans. aploye^. oy<^s. Under 16. Moins 16. Yearly wacges. Sal aires annuels. Value of Kaw material. V.aleur des matit;res premieres Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. Num- ber. N om- bre. Hands empl'd Employes, Males. Hommes. H. F. M. H. O'er 16 Pi's 16 U. 16 ivr.16 ... (\ Fil'Tip E ... Q \riHri1p9PY K 14 r)-?fnrrl TV 01 r iTn^icJ-n 1 31 J 25. Huron, S 26. Huron, N 27. Bvnce^S OQ Ptirth S 8 7 1 89 74 12 30,290 27,200 3,500 9 475 8,750 1,500 59,.596 53,517 6; 886 .. .. 30. Perth. iV •^1 WT+i^rlno .S ""i Q'> ■TO'«+t>T'1.->n iV 34. Wellington, (/. 35. Wellington, iV. 36. Grey, &' 45. York, E 46. Toronto, W.-O Afi nntirin Si ] "i 1 28 Kl Ppf-pi-Vifiro' K fi7 T.ppds .S' 1 1 1 Tl T^iiTidn^ ....... ...... lAfi . \fr>ntrpal ..... 2 1 47 25 11 4 » 1 107. Hochelaga J 3 11 "K.ianliiiTnois 1 lift Ohamblv .... 19*> "R^frnt 10^ TJnnvillo 191 Thprvilln .-..,. .... 1 fin "K^aTnonra'iTrfl — —-^-. 12 4 1 74 Rt John 3 1 6 175. Charlotte — 4 _»^ 102. Yarmouth ... 198. Cumberland .. 1 1 5 1 1,800 240 4,000 210 16,000 600 [ 4 3 4 61 72 16 Tptak of Ontario ) Totaux d'Ontario j Totals of Quebec. ) Totaux de Qudl^ec ) Tot. N. F.run.sw'k ) Tot. N.-Bran.'iw'k ( T(ita!s N. Scotia . \ Totaux N. Eco.sse j 16 175 60,990 19,725 < ' 119,999 2 15 6 .... 2 6 4 4 2,040 i 4,210 23,935 16,600 Totals 4 Provinces 1 Tot'x 4 Provinces ) 18 181 63,030 136,.599 11 149 23 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 431 Tableau JLI. — Industries — 4 erne Serie. L.E9 aUATRE PUOVINCKS. File Cutting. fie Rcies et de Limes. 1 Num- ber. Nom- bro. Scutching Mills. Moulins h broyer le'Lin. Value of articka produced. Vali-urOL-h] artielt-d produits. S Yearly- wages. Sal aires aiiiniifls!. Value of ]vJlW material. Valeur iles luatifereK promiferes . Value of articles produced . Valeur cics articles produits. 1 Over 1( Pius 1 Males. Hom'es. lauds en Em pi year.s. ana. Females Femmes iployed. Under 1' Moins 1 Males. H. years. ans. rwiv F. Yearly wages. SaL'.ires annuels. S Value i/f Kaw material. Valeur den uiatieres premieres . S 1 2 1 5 20 24 20 5S 2 11 '.'.'. '.'.'.I.\ 3,000 10,500 2,450 15,110 2.0C0 14,000 1,200 40,500 5,000 20,2r5 5,:ir-(; ■'80,000 11 19 18,000 35,000 55,000 i J 5 * " • \..V 2 2 2 34 42 23 24 ' 12 8 1 18 15 5' io' 14 11 9 "9 5 1 7 5 9' 9,000 13.000 4,000 7,500 3,000 6,500 1,000 50 22,600 17,200 0.000 12,000 1.800 1,480 2,200 90 40,367 33,0f0 15.3fJ0 25,750 ' 7,0(a 8,90« 3,9,s5 100 1,466" 2,100 ' " ' " '4,406 1 300 25 400 1 i 10,000 14,000 40,000 ■ '"l 2 4 is' 100 500 2,i66' 500 1,200 2,000 3 75 70 750 ■ 1 21,i>00 0,000 39,350 25,000 90,273 40,000 «» 1 1 2 1 *> 1 1 1 1 12 2 12 8 7 1 7 4 3 1,200 50 750 300 COO 108 075 59 78 800 40 C20 100 1,300 450 000 187 150 2,450 95 l.CSO 800 2,175 900 1,470 295 ;;(io 2 i 8 rr 1 3 ■t,770 1,820 1;^.000 2,000 I 3S,500 5,000 .. . 1 89 12 28,375 27.500 0,500 49,095 64,.350 20,000 90,150 130,273 44,100 24 11 299 50 59 11 1 1 33 79,010 3,910 125,370 4,247 259,65?, 10,105 1 ; : 1 02,405 133,445 270,523 35 355 70 101 33 82,950 129,017 209,818 i 432 CENSUS OF 1871. , f Table 1^11.— rindusthes. — 4th Series. THE FOUR PROVINCES, DISTRICTS. Num ber. ! Nom: bre. Straw Works. Fabriques d'objets de Paille. Trunk and Fabriques Han o'^^Ti? Plus IG H. ds em Smplo 1^ ans. ~^ F. aloyec y^s. L'ude Moin mT H. I. rUi. 3 16. F. Yearly wages. Salaires annnels. V'alue of Raw material. Val'r des matiferes premi'res S Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. s Hant ber. E — Over Plus Nom ^ bre. '?'. .. . . » 1 \ 1 17 8 2 <} "3 ie' 8 2 8 'i 1 "6 7 2 "2 "3' 15 2-1. Hamilton 2-5. Huron, 6' 29. Pertlx y 1 3 27 — 7 3,000 8,000 12,000 ■13. York, i^ • • . . 1 i 1 i 2 2 16 8 23 45. York, i7 46. Toronto, W.-O 47. Toronto, iS;.... 48. Ontario, S .... 1 1 12 15 175 80 14 5 '36 14,400 20,000 • 24,700 30,000 80,000 62,000 51. Durham, E . .. .55. North'bTnd.^". 59. Prince Edward 69. Grenville, 6'. . . 1 5 1 200 1^ 250 — , 1 2 — 3 ! 77. Ottawa, C.—V ""2 27 '263' '"'i" , , ' 213,669' "10 46 8 50 3 l 1 '82 12 1 6 3 '31" i ] 'Jo. Ottaw'a, E. .. . 104. Montreal, C'e?i«. 10.5. Montreal, E .. "■6 47',66o' 3li',666' 1 6 3 4 2 1 1 1 106. .^[ontreal, >F. . ..-*.; ....... 107. Hochflai;a . .. I 125. Missis'^uoi • • • • • ' 1.31. Trois-Rivi.Sres. - , . 1 12' lo.S. Richmond 140. Sherbrooke ... .... 1 " 1 1 141. Stanstead. ... 140. Quebec, C'e/iire. 147. QucT3ec,.Er ... ""2 '"g 1 1 ,., — . -_ — 3 24 3 n 1;>3. Levis 5 1 2 1 ..r. - — „, — — 174. St. John 175. Charlotte ! ...^ — 1 iK^. Hants 1 19*5. Halifax, W.-O 7 20 3 28 82 5 3 118 2 35 36 3 76 • • ■ 20 31 • • • • 51 ,1, ^, 4 2 30 27 287 203 19 1 38 62,705 21,3,000 Ti'tab of Ontario ) Totj.ux d'Oatario. J TotaL of Oneb'ic. ) T..tai;;cde Quab^c f Tot'ri N. Kruasv/'k ) Tot'xN.Brunsw'k 1 Totals N. Scotia. ) Tocaux ISr.-Eco.ise j 'JVrbals 4 Provinces ) Tot'x 4 Frovlaccs J 37,600 47,000 154,250 384,000 27 82 24 134 I 35 8 21 272 6 1. 57 1 — - 490 20 41 84,600 275,705 538,250 65 DT^.NOMBREMEJSTT DE 1871. 433 Tableau LII. — Industries. — ^cine Serie. LKS Q,UATRK PROVINCES. Box iniilunjj. (le Boltes et de Valises. Yearly wages. Salaires anauels. 200 C87 400 200 5,000 5,300 300 900 1,212 200 8,000 11,800 600 1,000 1,<)00 2(;,502 1.910 14,15G 425 1,000 1,600 117 1,100 75 1,350 200 8,200 1.430 300 4,940 35,799 50,065 9.630 5,240 100,73-1 Value of Kaw material. Valour des matiures preraiores 180 681 1,350 700 18,000 10,163 200 1,800 600 29 20,450 40 050 700 500 600 100,972 2,435 36,600 120 2,000 3,000 140 2,000 600 1,036 200 15,000 2,300 Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. S 400 5,692 C — 2^ 400 2,100 5,040 1,400 30,000 19,300 750 4.000 2,800 250 34,000 93,100 1,000 7,000 2.500 161,620 12,550 85,040 600 5,400 6,000 500 4,000 690 3,000 400 28,550 6.190 900 16,750 98,403 201,740 149,703 282,300 17,300 3i,7i0 6,092 17,650 271,558 536,430 Wig making. Fabrifiues de Perruques. Num ber. Nom bre. 16 Hands employed. Employes. Over 16 years. Plus 16 ans. Males. Homm's Females Femmes 14 10 19 12 8 29 20 Under 16 jx-urs Moins 16 ans. Males. H. iFemTs F. Yearly wages. Salaires aunuels. 130 Value of Ilaw material . Valeur des niatieres preraj^re8. 3 10 Value of I articles | produced . Valeur d-*.-; articles ; produits. a 260 200 650 900 9.50 1,500 250 1,500 100 900 450 1,500 150 2,000 5.063 1,280 400 15.000 500 600 6,080 6,748 5,160 16.100 I 12,828 21,260 300 1.800 2.000 2,500 50 2,000 500 .000 27,058 5,225' 1,000 14..%0 33,2as 47,043 TABLE LIII. IND tJSTRI AL ESTAiiLISHMENTS. 5tii series. Baking Powder making. Bank-note Engravin;i Establish- ments. Bark Extract- Establishments. Bell Foundries. BelIow3 makin:,'. Belting and Hose making. Billiard Table making. Blacking Manufactories. Bono Crushing: Mills. Button Factories . Cement Mills. Cork Cutting. Cotton Factories. Cutlery. Fire-ijroof Safe making. Fishing Tackle making. Fittings and Founiliy Working in Brass, Iron, Lead, &c. Floor Oil cloth Factory. Fuse Factory. Glass Works. Glue making . Grindstone Works. Gunpowder j\ Lanuf actories . India-rubber Factories . Indian Manufactures. Ink Factoiy. Iron Smelting Furnaces and Steel making. Last Factories. Lead Pipe Works. Linseed Oil Factories . Mathematical Instniment making. Mattrass making. Nail and Tack Factories. Oil Clothing Establishments . Pail and Tub Factories. Paper Collar Factories. Plaster and Stucco Works. Plumbago Mills. Prepared Peat Fuel factories. (Juartz Crushing MilLs. Kailway Car Factories. Ivivet Factory. Rolling Mills. ll 50 9 3 1 4.160 4.000 12.0(!0 lO.OoO l.oOJ 3,640 1,000 mjoo 3,000 9.000 6 275 i 35.000 •ii.400 » 0,000 458 CENSUS OP 1871. Table LII3. — Industries. — 5tli Series. Tableau I>1II. — Industries. — 5eme Serie. DISTEICTS. Number. Nombre. Hands employed. Employ^. Over 16 years. Plus 16 an-s. Males. Horn 'es. Females. Femraes. Under 16 years. Moins 16 ans. Males. Females, Hom'es Femires, Yearly wa^es. Value of Kaw matexial. Value of articles produced. Salaires amiuels. Valeur des matii'res premieres. Valeur des articles l>roduits. $ •? S FISHING TACKLE MAKING. -I' ABEIQUES D'OUTILLAGE DE PECHE. 174. .St. John 700 110 1,694 FITTINGS AND FOUNDRY WORKING IN BRASS, IRON, LEAD, &c.— FABRIQ U ES IVOl'JETS DIVERS DE CUIVRE, FER, PLOME, &c. 4. Lambton . . , 10. London. ... 15. Brant, -S. or W 21. Lincoln 24. Hamilton. . 36. Grev, S 46. Toronto, W... 47. Toronto,^.... 60. Durham, W. . . 66 . Kingbton 67. Leeds, fi 68. Brock ville .... 77. Ottawa, (7.-F. 104. Montreal, C .. 106. Montreal, W . 107 . Hochela<;a 140. Sherbrocke . 145. Quebec, W- 146. Quebec, Centre. 147. Qu^jec, E . 174. St. John 5 196. Halifax, W...\ 200. Pictou r Total .s of Ontario . .' Tolab of Quebec. . .! Totals N. Bruasw'kj Ttjtals of N. Scotia. 5 1 3 1 1 3 1 9 5 1 1 1 1 4 7 i> 1 1 •■/ 7 1 12 n I 1 32 24 12 8 1 17 2 1 15 1 80 6 1 3 2 1 26 215 248 30 12 6 37 1 71 i 44 ' 4 ' 156 j 5-19 71 I. 48 !. 14 9 1 ;. 7 21 ■.K> 8 28 10 :::: 17 ii' 11 .;'.:.::: I 120 7,450 1,000 170 5,800 200 29,186 2,202 400 1,400 500 350 6,984 60,840 85,000 10,000 6,000 1,890 ll,b08 300 29.988 13,800 1,600 34 55 11 11 Totals of 4 1'rovince:- a 76 i 824 Ul 175,83>; 29.988 15,400 l\ 27;i,938 300 11.500 4,800 25 10,310 130 27,350 2,720 15 eoo 1,000 204 22,400 8;S,590 79,.o00 20,000 10,000 2,300 12,480 1,600 56.2')0 18,800 4,000 81,351 214,470 56.200 22.800 :Vf,SM 1,000 26,500 6,500 200 21,500 360 77,342 7,225 800 2,500 2,000 554 44,575 187,070 232,000 41,000 26,642 6,020 32,630 2,100 119,000 47,250 8,000 191,0.50 528.062 119,000 65,250 893,368 FLO(JR OIL CLOTP: FACTOilY.-FASrillQUE DE TOILE A PAR-)U£T. 106. ilontreal, IF. .j 1 | 10 4,500 196. Halifax, IT. . .j 1 | FUS]: rAOTORY.— FAl-iRIQUB DE EUSEKS. r 1,090 23,5C0 100 50,000 1.200 GLASS WO.riKS.-VE!' W. 10. j^ondon 24. Hamilton . . . 46 Toronto, W. . . 105. Mr>ntieal, E .. 107. Hochelaga . . . 109. Vaudreuil .... V'. 1 ] 4 58 7- 16 100 47 1 25 3 if 1,800 12,600 20,000 42,500 20,050 85,000 4,000 1,600 7,330 3,5C0 32,000 35,800 35,090 20,000 100,009 18,000 10,125 45,000 DftNOMBREMENT DE 1871. 430 Table LI II. — Industries. — 5th Series. Tableau LIU. — Industries. — o^me Sf'rie. DISTRICTS. Number. Nombre Hands employed. Employ 1>J': L'ACIER. 107. Hovh.'laya Vl'^. St Maurice. > 133. ('hn'npb.in, N. 13 1 . Yauiaska . ... 1,^2. I, ii !■:■■!. ir 199. C>>;^!i>tev .... 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 8 210 21 90 220 5 10 .... . . • • ■ • 6 (XK) 12.00<) 21,1)00 2,000 2(l. 22 r, • 100 900 1,.501 488 i, Tin'. F.VCTiJRlES. FALi;i(,»I KS !>!; SEATX ET CCVKS. ■^ 93. Ottawa, W.—O 12-5. Mis.sisfjuoi .... 127. Shefford 144. Co. de Quebec. 1 rjO 1 .5 2 9 1 17 20 2 11 8 000 1,300 2,610 5,000 r,0,Oi>0 800 1,345 1,200 14H.0C»0 3,132 I 9.422 11,200 PAPEK roLLAU P.VOTOPIES.-FAPPIOTTES DE COI.S \)V: PaPIEP I r 104. Montreal, C 174. St. Johu ..... i 62 20 10,000 2 600 .50.000 2."j.400 80.000 35.01.0 PL.\STER ANT) STUCCO WORKS. -FAL;i;[<>UP'S D'OUVRA(iES IE PLATRE ET DE STl'C 10. London 46. Toronto, W. -C 47. TorouLo. L' lO.^J. Montreal, E... 106. Montreal, W-C 147. Quebec, E 1 2 1 ;5 1 1 16 12 1 17 2 3 5,280 7,C0<) 400 4,960 624 400 4,600 1,300 200 4,480 312 800 30 ceo 13,500 600 1.^,020 i.5t;u 1,600 PLT'.MIiACO MlLLS.-MOilLIN A PLCLMBAOINE. 94. Ottawa, Cc)i(r(\ ](". J_ 6,735 4,00.) 10,818 PREPARED PEAT FUEL FACTORIES.— FABRIQUES DE BRIQUETTES DE TdUKEE 111. Beanharnois. . . 118. Chambly 1 1 30 250 12 I 2.5(X» 17,000 1,500 4.'iOO 25,00 » QUARTZ (.'RUSMIXi; MIl.I.S. jloPLIN A BP.OYER Li: (..jrARL'Z. 62. Hastings, iV. . . 188. Uiiuts ! 19'2. Yarmouth ... ] 197. HalitV.x, E....t. 3 1 .> 1 15 12 I 250 1 *""i6'i!:!.. '.■... 1 r.,Ufjo 6.01 71,1.68 2,496 3,000 7>I20 ; ISi!: RAILWAY OAR PACTOiiljIS. FAHRIQIJES DE OiL.VRS POLL '. irE.UIX DE yVAl. 46. Tor.Mito,Tr. — 0, 54. Ncrlh'l.Td, 7r. 106. Montreal, W~v 107. llochfcjaga 200. Pictou ! 3 20 I . ^i; j (it) . 1 I 'JO 1 \ 23 6,050 40.00i) P'.'.'Oa ' lis i»(_K> ;;i;.'.-'o s.voo 2,''UU . 4.r:00| 54.000 15(i,00<.) PJ4,0l-() li-0.0(iij 44,Ui:U > 442 CENSUS OF 1871. Table l^III. — Industries. — 5th Series. Tableau I^III. — Industries. — 5eme S^rie. DISTEICTS. Xumber. Nombre. Hauds employed. Employes. Over 16 years. Plus 16 ans. Males. Hom'es. Under 16 years. Moins 16 ans. Females. Males. Fcmmes. Hom'es , Yearly wases. Salaires annuels. Females. Fenimes- Value of Kaw material. Valeur des mati^ires premieres . Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. RIVET FACTORY. -FABRIQUE DE RIVETS. 67. Leeds, S. 12 4,000 7,0G0 25,000 ROLLING MILLS.— LAMINERIES. 24 . Hamilton . . 47. Toronto,^'. 107. Hochelaga . 174. St. .John... 1 1 I'JO 180 35 20 GO 1 1 200 2 74 80,000 72,000 65,000 24,.500 410,000 387,000 200,000 62,000 680,000 500,000 400,000 100,000 ROOFING FELT MANUFACTORIES.— FABRIQUES DE FEUTRE A TOITURES. 45. York, E... 107. Hochelaga. 2 600 2,800 3, .500 7,100 4,800 10,102 SAND PAPER FACTORY.— FABRIQUE DE PAPIER SABL1&. 24. Hamilton 800 1,.500 3,.500 SCALE lACTORIES.— FABRIQUES DE BALANCES. 24 . H.imilton . . . . 47. Toronto, E 104. Montreal, C. 100. Montreal, W . 1 1 2 3 20 5 7 15 2 2 4 3 6,500 2..500 2,800 5,470 850 2,500 1.5,050 25,000 5,750 12,000 43,000 SCHOOL SLATE FACTORY.— FABRIQUE D'ARDOISES (©'ifeCOLES. 1.38. Richmond .. 20 3,600 1,200 8,000 SEVv^NG MACHINE FACTORIES.— FABRI(>UES DE MACHINES A COUDIIE. 21. Lincoln . . . 24. Hamilton .... 33. Wellington, .S'. 46. Toronto, W.. . 60. Hastings, W. . 104. Montreal, 0... 106. Montreal, W. . 125. Slifii^ji-quoi .... 140. SLerbrooke . 12 33!) 157 20 16 70 136 19 25 138 23 6,000 174,800 75,000 12,000 4,4(;0 .32,000 50.200 5.'.;5 10,000 3,000 140,000 62,000 10,000 2,000 14,.500 22,500 1,449 12,000 15,000 511,760 204,800 60,000 0,000 84,300 174,900 JG,104 57,600 DfiNOMBREMENT BE 1871. 443 • Table 1^111. — TnduMtrie s. — 5 th Series, ties. — 5^me S^rie • Tableau L.III. — Indu.sti DISTRICTS. Number. Nombre. Over 1( Plusl Males. Hom'es . Hands ei Empl '} years. 6 ana. Females. Femmes. njiloyed. oy&. Under 16 years. Moins 16 ans. Males. Females. Hom'es. Femmes. Yearly wafcjee. Salairea annuels. $ Value of 1 Raw ' material. Valeur des mati^res premieres . 3 Value of articles produced. Valeur des articles produits. 9 SHIP MATERIAL MAKING.-FABRIQUES D'APPARAUX : DE NAVIRES. 19. Welland 21. T/incoln 24. Hamilton 47. Toronto, .F. .. . 48. Ontario, S .... 65. Frontenac .. 66. KingT.tim . .. 104. Montreal, Cf«< 120. Richelieu 127. Shefford 145. Quebec, W.-O 147. Qiiebec, E... 169. Bonaventure.. 174. St. John 175. Charlotte 184. Northumberl'd 185 Kent 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 i 3 6 1 1 19 1 5 1 1 7 2 1 1 6 2 2 4 7 2 2 5 2 4 1 1 7 5 i 1 20 4 4 3 7 40 2 2 91 2 10 2 1 19 3 2 2 27 6 7 6 2(S 2 2 14 3 13 1 4.50 3,400 2,000 400 150 6.000 1,200 2.500 500 640 13,1.50 4.50 600 34,723 800 2,990 200 400 4,660 1,000 450 375 9,860 1,500 1,800 1,247 10,100 245 530 2,420 520 3,050 300 300 10,400 6,000 300 10 2, .550 6,500 6,100 215 430 37,750 1,600 600 445,200 1,200 3,400 160 42 15,877 630 65 300 24,2.50 4,.515 12,150 2,398 28,3.50 411 170 17,720 1,0.50 6,865 too 1,200 18,900 10,000 800 245 10,000 8,600 10,800 1,000 1.380 93,600 .3.000 1,500 529,955 2,300 7,346 490 700 21.560 2,400 700 1,000 37,200 7,.50i) 14.000 3,925 47,100 1,060 770 25.340 1,800 14.300 1,200 1 1 1 8 9 ') 186. Westmorland . 188. Hants 1S9. King's 190 . Annapolis . . . 101. IM.gby 192. Yarmouth .... 193. Sholbnrne .... 194. Queen'.s 195. Lunenburg . . . 196. Halifax. IK.-O. 198. Cumberland .. 19!>. Colchester .... 2()0. Pictou 202. Guysborough . 'Ai». f!ape Breton.. 2;ii). lliohmond 2 > 2 4 1 1 1 1 I* 11 ]1 Total.-i of Oiitaiio . . Tot-vls of Quebec. . TotiilsN.r.runswiirU Tnt-ils of X. Seoti.'i 1 '.) 14 27 1 39 58 106 13:. ]3,(iG0 17,8J0 .S9.113 :v^.(;.^7 2f.,oi;o 4ti.6'.i5 4.50.002 11.5..5.-.1 -11 ',74. 5 111.2-0 .54(».79l 180.4.55 2 1 • t:«iaof 4 ^^••.l\in<■e^ 98 3:ss 2| :^^l 108,610 638,308 1 S82.271 siroo !•: FACTOi;iKS.- F.M'.IM'HKS M: P.(U' •K.'^ D'KaII: ALI-At^i:. -, 178. Snnburv 195. Halifax.ir. - (' 1 (1 10 31 4 • > 5,200 6.660 9,000 6,918 18,900 20,i:!0 SK.VTK FACTuRY.— FAinJlQUi' !> ,-. rAi'ix-^. 197. Halixvvx, E.... 1 1| .:.■ 3 25 1 30,000 35,000 '.Ml ooO 1 SMUT MACII i Xi: MAXl- ."ACTOiri .- -FA1-1U(,) Ul'. 1>K Bl .UTOIR ■. 1 21. Liiitiwlii x| .] / .. 400 200 r.'-o 444 CENSUS OF 1871. Table lAll. — Industries. — 5th Series. Tableau T^m. — Industries. — oeme Serie. DISTKICTS. Number. Nombre. Hands employed. Employ(^s. Over 16 years. Plus 16 ans. Males. Hom'es. Females. Femmes. Uader 16 years. Moins 16 ans. Males. Hom'es. Females. Femmes. Yearly wages. Salaires annuels. Value of Kaw material. Vak'ur de.-i matieres premieres. $ Value of articleti produced. Valeur des articles produits. SPIKE AND RAILWAY CHAIR FACTOPv-Y.— FABRIQUE DE POINTES ET CHAIPtS POUR CHEMIXS DE FER. lOG. Montreal, (V. 25 18,000 48,000 80.000 SPRING AND AXLE FACT0RIE3.-FABRIQUES DE RESSORTS ET ESSIEUX. I 10. London . . I (i7. Leeds, .S' 147. Qiiubec. E ... 174. St. -Tohu i rJ7. Halifax, E... 5 ICO 28 8 6 14 1,300 35,000 10,500 3,000 1,J00 4,760 53.000 30,000 8,000 2,100 7,'JV2 150,500 60,000 14,400 6,000 STARCH FACTORIES. -FABIIIQUES DAMIDON. 9. Middlesex, E i 15. lirant S. or Wi 6'J. (xreiiviUe, S. .1 1 113. Huntingdon, i?| ;. 1 142. Compton I &, 9 10 28 5 4 3,500 3,500 19,500 350 250 14,000 40,000 43,900 1,2,50 2,000 40,000 100,000 76,184 2,. -.00 4,000 I ■" SUGAR REFINERIES.— RAFFINERIKS DE SUCRE. i IS' Zll,\.^^ 105. Montreal, E . . lOti. Montreal, W. . 145. Quebec, W.-O. 19i;. Halifax, W... Ill) 218 10 10 >»_ L 36,800 71,000 3,900 6,500 1,102,000 2,41)0,000 100,000 54,000 1,283,750 i!,620,000 160,000 64,000 SU JRGICAL APPLIANCE.S.-APPAREILS DE CHIRURGIE. ^''*' 10. Ivondon 12 Norfolk, N . . . 14. Oxford, N .... 104, Montreal, C lOG. Montreal, W 1 2 1 2 i 1 1 1 2 7 3 I 700 1,0'JO ■nn< 400 2.95:; 250 1,000 40 GOO 3,930 1,.300 5,000 529 1,000 11,000 47. Toronto, E TENT AND AWNING FACTORY.— TAB RTQUE DE TENTES. 4'JO 1 90O 2,000 TOBACCO PIPE FACTORIE^^.-FABRIQUES DE PIPES. 105. Montreal. E . .1 147. Quebec, E ....\ 9 >> 38 G 30 11 17,2!)0 900 4,900 440 37.260 1,800 MBiAMiMMidMMi D^NOMDUEMENT DE 1871. 445 TAI5LE I>III. — Indu.strics. — 5th Serie.s. Tableau LIU.— [iidust! ies. — oeme Scrie. DISTRICTS. Number. Nombre. Over 1( Plusl Males. Hom'es. Hands employed. Employes. i years. Under 16 years. 6 ans. Moins 16 ans. Females. Males. Females Femmes. Hom'es. Femmes. Yearly wagea. Salair-is annuels. Value of Raw material. Valrur des matiferes premieres. Value of ' articles | produced. Valeur des urticleH '. produits. 3 TURPENTINE DISTILLERY. -FABRIQUE DE t£ri5:BENTHINE. 107. Hocbelatja.. . t 1 3 1,800 ■ 14,000 19.000 ' : 1 TYPE FOUNDRIES. -FONDERIES DE CARACTfeRES D'IMPRIMERIE 46. Toronto, TT.-O. 47. Toronto, E. . . 104. Slontreal, C. 1 2 1 2 2 38 1 'iij io 1,000 936 22,500 2.TO0 200 10,325 7,000 2,000 57,000 is' VINEGAR FACTORIES.— VINAIGRERIES. 12. Norfolk, A'.... 24. H.amiltou 30. Perth, A' 31. Waterloo, S. . . 46. Toronto, TF.-O. 47. Toronto, E. . . 174. St. John 1 o 1 1 1 2 i 1 14 2 1 4 9 G 1 150 100 59,400 1,500 200 8.000 13,000 4,000 252 118,Ot.O 3,0(10 500 23,500 25,000 10,000 3 5,816 750 70 1,600 4,200 700 1 WAX CANDLE AND TAPER FACTORIES. -FABRIQUES DE CIERGE S. 98. Laval 101. Montcalm ... 110. Soulanges ll 2i 1 ! . 2 200 80 150 100 100 200 733 60 900 325 2.400 iKK) 1.335 400 1,700 5S9 3,000 1.200 1 fi 9 2 2 1 i' 2 2 124. Iberville 1 131. Trois-Riviores. 1 WINDOW SHADE FACTORIES.-FARRI> I 10 6,000 70 50 625 10,000 23 75 140 20,000 16S 250 1,200 f>8 Brockville 2 1 1 < TABLE LIV. AGGREGATE VALUE OF ALL INDUSTRIES IN EACH DISTRICT. TABLEAU LIV. VALEURS INDUSTRIELLES ADDITIONN^ES POUR GHAQUE DISTRICT. 44$ CENSUS OF 1871. Table L-IV. — Aggregate Value of all Indastrie.s in each District. Tableau I^JV. — Valeurs Tndustrielles additionnees pour chaque District. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO.— PROVINCE D'ONTARIO. DISTRICTS. 1. Essex 2. Kent 3. Bothwell . 4 . Lambton 5. Elgin, West— Quest 6. Elgin, East.— Est 7. Middlesex, West. — Quest. . 8. Middlesex, North.- -Nord . 9 . Middlesex, East. — Est .... 10 . London 11. Norfolk, South. — Hud 12. Norfolk, North.- Noi'd . . . 13. Oxford, South. — Sud 14. Oxford, Nm-th.—Nord .... 1.5. Brant, S. or TF.— S. ou O. 16. Brant N. or E. N. on E. . 17 . Haldimand 18. Monck 19. WeUand 20. Niagara 21 . Lincoln 22. Wentworth, South.— Svd . 23. \\'entworth, North.— Nord 24. Hamilton 25. Huron, South.— Sud 26. Huron, NoHh. — Nord .. 27. Bruce, South. — Sud 28. Bruce, North.— Nord . . . 20. Perth, South.— Sud Capital invested. Capital engage. 338,703 405,482 181,957 504,964 150,842 342,060 315,791 194,405 552,341 1,001,789 186,545 248,172 640,486 420,204 494,190 236,870 213,711 139,400 355,195 18,.'}10 1,0.58,695 248,045 704,953 1,541,264 403,910 619,661 3.51,825 176,840 286,275 Number of hands employed. Nombre de bras employ fe. 1,143 1,186 622 991 349 1,088 869 539 903 2,261 454 714 1,521 1,121 1,237 717 697 294 862 77 2,575 717 1,327 4,456 866 1,101 617 452 794 Amount of yearly wages. Mont;int annuel des salaires. $ 251,817 329,850 129,214 286,625 74,184 240,641 217,513 88,499 224,015 687,473 98,731 ■ 109,895 394,307 253,157 308,477 174,452 102,510 70,350 2,30,725 18,4.51 704,850 166,123 332,550 1,329,712 209,881 233,5/2 135,833 95,093 196,4.36 Value of Haw material. Valeiir des matieres premiferes. $ 945,886 754,124 351,664 843,020 250,183 636,337 512,823 384,491 1,194,879 1,955,303 291,893 411,971 1,088,499 827,718 998,906 669,892 586,560 278,503 737,849 93,301 2,271,582 1,088,-589 925,009 2,860,399 1,033,490 832,055 346,726 272,505 580,145 Total value of products. Valeur totale des produits. 2,269,284 1,421,401 091,778 1,752,009 422,507 1,172,598 953,286 588,359 2,342,916 3,436,625 522,258 771,296 1,886,270 1,319,514 1,850,627 1,110,408 889,987 434,307 1,381,843 136,926 3,788,264 1,643,715 1,677,397 5,471,494 1,402,745 1,392,035 622,364 458,415 1.005,906 DENOMBREMENT de 1871. 449 Table L.IV. — Aggregate v Tableau 1^.1 V. — Valeurs Indu alue of all Industries in each District, itionn^es pour chaque District. striolles add PROVINCE OP ONTARIO. PROVINCR D'ONTARIO. Capital invested. Number of handa employed. Amount of yearly wages. Value of Raw materiaL Total Talue of pnjducta. DISTRICTS. Capital engage. Nombre de bras employes. Montant annuel des salaires. Valeur des mati<-rert premil-res. Valour tf)tale des produita. 9 9 S 8 30. Perth, North.—Nord 543,965 1,146 ^' 242,579 771,481 1,362,929 31. Waterloo, South— Sud ... . 1,049,151 1,925 495,755 1,923,279 3,243,342 32. Waterloo, North. -Nord. . 463,057 1,052 239,637 917,088 1,589,554 33. Wellington, South.— Sud.. 545,352 1,115 349,326 1,266,712 2,029,782 34. Wellington, Centre .523,295 940 224,428 1,259,160 1,851,373 ! 35, Wellington, North.— Nord 249,267 574 112,514 268,272 493,551 36. Grey, South.— Sud 250,761 497 94,483 378.337 599,567 ! 37. Grey, North.— Nord ..... 332,629 861 185,424 617,746 1,041,126 38. Halton 657,716 1,663 407,092 169 152 1,084,415 712,444 310,771 1 883 800 39. Peel 407,949 740 1,146,855 500,325 40. Cardwell 153,487 388 74,661 41. Simooe, South. — Sud 521,408 1,002 233,328 609,341 1,124,910 42. Simoop, North.— Nord 1,019,580 2,087 490,745 1,071,375 2,138,832 43. York, North.— Nord 430,482 1,326 262,009 912,718 1,530.985 44. York, West.—Oimt 387,909 868 202,759 893,135 1,417,175 45. York, Eatt.—Est 387,157 833 158,262 568,127 950,695 46. * Toronto, We.it. — Quest . . 1,828,260 4,285 1,177,887 2,540,264 4,907.021 47. * Toronto, Eaat.-Est .... 2,207,898 5,115 1,513,106 4,628,729 8.779.072 48. Ontario, South.— Sud 829,376 1,533 485,887 1,415,523 2,436,274 49. Ontario, North.— Nord . . . 481,728 1,144 250,222 524,706 1,034,559 50 . Durham, West .— Ouat 371,015 969 237,025 862,452 1,428,819 51 . Durham, East.— Eat 406,3.39 994 237,181 771,227 1,279,613 52. Victoria, South.— Sud 454,534 895 253,754 551,542 1,029,950 53. Victoria, North —Nord.... 237,674 461 71,976 198,120 323,502 54. Northumberland, W.— O.. 727,7.35 1,104 259,893 833,781 1,412,.308 56. Northumberland, E 262,363 825 151,814 544,676 874,375 56. Peterborough, ^Fes(.—Ou«»< 381,089 921 246,268 590,414 1,060,916 ' * Totals of Tort)nto 1 * Totaux de To/ontol i 4,030,158 9,400 2,690,903 7,168,993 13,6S6,093 0—39 450 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table L-IV.— Tableau L.IV.— Va Aggregate a ileurs Indus ^alue of all Industries in each District, itionn^es pour chaque District. itrielles add PROVIXCE OF ONTARIO. PROVINCE D'ONTARIO. Capital invested. Number of hands employed. Amount of yearly wages. Value of Raw material. Total value of products. DISTRICTS. Capital engage. S Nombre de bras employ>5s. Montant annuel des salaires. Valeur des inatieres premieres . Valeur totale des produits, $ 57. Peterborough, East— Est . . 807,977 573 109,978 363,154 606,498 58. TeteThoTongh.^J^orth-Nord 93,425 224 34,050 88,772 176,430 .'SQ "Prinpp Ti^f^ward • 317,715 793 180,545 479,688 846,989 60. KsLBtinfTB,- West— Quest 461,038 1,484 361,563 791,340 1,513,174 61. Hastings, East— Est 309,924 921 152,652 .^68,165 941,160 62. Hastings, North— Nord. . . 133,490 446 101,550 272,986 467,877 63. Lennox 255,247 809 166,116 473,807 833,672 64. Addingfton 229,283 715 121,071 330,094 587,816 65 Ti'rontanac 320,655 520,855 832 1,298 158,474 366,669 518,318 717.795 864,076 1,348,893 66 Kingston 67. Leeds, South- Sud} 311,129 926 203,685 580,837 1.083.974 68. Brockville. 350,053 887 249,186 443,995 903,977 09. Grenville, South—Sud.... 372.812 627 165,958 788,001 1,301,628 70. Leeds and Grenville, iV. . . 186,785 5C7 116,806 301,498 536,923 71. Dundas 209,533 645 128,087 471,601 750,077 72. Stormont 79,873 268 39,280 96,326 191,493 j 73. Cornwall 235,909 368 68,516 277,004 504,954 74. Glens{arry 113,093 467 70,297 211,838 367,000 75. Prescott 263,772 716 124,598 702,315 1,048,801 76 Russell 184,185 1,914,287 367 3,064 84,659 843,521 294,437 2,536,654 499,351 4,152,960 77. Ottawa.'^Cti:!/— Ft7/e 78 Carleton 182,030 608,036 443 1,483 94,121 332,736 354,928 936,453 594,972 1,748,684 79. Lanark, South—Sud 80. Lanark, North— Nord 548,470 1,058 224,758 748,704 1,209,619 81. Rerifrow, South—Sud 208,477 540 93,309 264,999 522,662 82. Renfrew, North— Nord. . . 124,652 338 62,956 204,457 342,260 S3. Nipissing, South—Sud 0,590 23 2,849 '4,960 13,208 84. Nipissing, North— Nord. . . 1,870 13 355 780 1,640 86 Muskoka 28,850 76 12,421 21,543 41,267 DI5N0MBREMENT DK 18^1. 45l Table LIV. — Aggregate > Tableau LIV. — Valours Induj rvalue of all ^ 'ndustries in each Di.strict. itionnees pour chaque DiBtrict. ^trielles add PROVINCE OF Q,UKBKO.— PROVINCE DE aUBBEC. 4 Capital invested. -dumber of hands employed. Amount of yearly wages. Value of liaw material . Total value of product!. DISTRICTS. Cajntal engage. e N ombre de bras employes. Montant annuel 'des Balaires. S Valeur des matieres premieres. s Valeur to talc des produits, 8 86. Pajry Sound 522,617 258 56,925 75,880 143,520 87. Manitoulin 10.150 40 5,277 5,061 15,990 88. Algoma, East.— Est 37,400 153 31,400 56,140 103,150 89- Algoma, Centre 6,975 34 9,240 17,137 34,300 90. Algoma, West.—Ou^t . . . (rrand Totals of Ontario. . ) Grands Totaux d'Ontario .. ) ;)7,S7},010 87,281 21,415,710 05,114,804 114,700.799 [Province of Quebec.) (Province de Quibec.) 9]. Pontiac, South,— Sud . .. 128,119 302 45,562 144.435 240,997 92. Pontiac, Nm-tK— Nord. . 6,600 22 5,318 5,200 16,257 93. Ottawa, WesL— Guest.... 1,069,984 2,008 341,269 1,059,098 2,157,809 94. Ottaoua, Cenire 290,200 223 53,429 220,217 401,301 95. Ottaoua, East,— Est 110,110 847 45,954 183,054 286,749 96. Argenteuil 120,075 145,759 258 40,356 47,501 134,723 236,573 220,359 414,385 97. Deux-Moutagnoe 442 98. Laval 86,834 308 31,938 98.760 181,638 99. Terrebonne 251,372 036 67,360 458,318 737.318 100. L' Aseomption 240,630 666 92,847 416,055 660,455 101. Montcalm 98,195 303 30,203 191,169 287,515 102. Joliette 125,325 559 54,748 313,117 653.545 103. Berthler 124,165 356 43,829 193,870 367,819 104. ♦ Montreal, Centre 4,7%,387 0.428 2,005,293 5,951,760 11,548.029 106. * Montreal, EiU>t.—Ed . . 1,394,447 4,206 928,794 3.696,218 6,351,723 106. ♦ Montreal, West.-Ouest. 4,910,197 7,493 2,261,581 9,389,984 14,832,214 107. Hochelaga 977,633 1,597 457,537 1,829,530 3,071,954 108. Jacques-Cartidr 152,779 171 30,806 74,685 180,031 109. Vaudreuil 143,688 314 45,600 130,312 236,918 "** Totals .)f Montreal ) •** Totaiix de Montreal... . / 11,101,031 21,187 5,195,668 19,037,962 32.731,%6 m 45S CENSCrs OF 1871, Table LIV — Aggregate value of all ] industries in each Distr itionnees pour chaque 1 ict. Tableau t.IV. — Valeurs Industrie lies add )istrict. PROVINCE OP Q,UEBEC.— PROVINCE DE Q,UEBEC. « Capital invested. Number of hands employed. Amount of yearly wages. Value of Raw mat^ial. Total valu« of products. DISTRICTS. Capital engage. Nombre de bras ■ employes. Montant annuel des salaires. Valeur des matiferes premieres. Valeur totals des produits. $ $ B $ 110. Sonlangea 64,105 162 21,128 81,128 127,995 Ill Beanhamoia 237,250 177,447 592 324 99,784 38,345 444,817 155,634 754,178 112. Chateautniav 270,579 113. Huntingdon, Eatt—E$t. . 92,013 256 40,624 119,255 201,159 114. Huntingdon, W.—O .... 57,153 175 32,560 91,910 164,205 115. LaDrairie 35,198 56,080 160 220 26,354 33,849 48,639 100,607 102,181 11 fi NaTiiervillG . ..,...••.. 181,830 117 St Jean 248,018 200,251 639 617 116,610 96,271 453,309 297,863 776,782 118. Chambly 502,705 119. Verchferes 78,069 360 39,110 158,511 305,878 120 Richelieu 280,844 215,064 737 659 151,413 106,536 326,091 291,725 700,672 121 St Hvacinthe 516,181 122 Baeot 2.57,279 119,756 628 308 98,828 48,418 364,563 11*2,250 580,782 123. RouviUa 237,267 124. Iberville 85,565 233 36,005 136,594 239,664 125 MliBsififnioi 233,010 240,110 386,.398 305,374 613 421 830 1,253 120,906 79,179 162,695 133,781 351,925 374,848 957,010 353,870 627,806 126 Br6me 643,864 127. Shefford 1,637,989 128. Maakinong^ 653,619 129. St. Maurice, South-Sud. . 108,443 512 65,862 356,632 638,065 130. St. Maurice, North-Nord. 12,194 13 1,072 5,762 8,146 131 Trois-Riviferefl .511,727 228,932 1,018 350 148,676 51,914 579,956 233,736 1,109,130 132. Champlain, South— Sud. . 404,842 133, Champlain, North-Nord. 175,791 763 91,300 112,694 253,668 134. Yamaaka 332,311 212,964 194,166 046 628 501 123,404 81,027 98,635 307,554 393,896 224,196 551,255 13,5 Nicol»t 650,162 1.36. Drummond 440,321 137 Arthftbaska 156,932 306,856 418 676 63,882 142,901 247,715 270,160 409,956 1 S8 TJichtnond 573,407 D^NOMBREMENT DE 1871. 408 Table I^IV.- Tableau LIV.— -Aggregate \ Valeurs ludi '^aluo of all ; [ndustries in each District, litionn^es pour chaque District. istrielles ad( PROVTNCK OF Q.UEBRC.— PROVINCE DK Q^UBBEC. Capital invested. Number of bauds empluyed. Amount of yearly wages. Valutt of Raw material. ToUl value of products. DISTRICTS. Capital engage. Nombre de bras employes. Montant annuel. des salaires. Valeur des mati^res premieres. Valeur totale des produits. S 9 8 t 139. Wolfe 62,554 187 21,478 85,427 139,922 140. Sherbrooke 420,605 893 214,225 591,183 1,092,275 141 Stanstead 317,732 113,562 575 300 141,804 59,193 343,181 142,985 685,291 201,351 142. Compton 143. Portneuf 231,278 893 106,293 357,231 626,761 144. Comtek de Quebec 430,636 1,455 211,119 772,004 1,298,642 145. * Quebec, West- -Quest ... 1,466,779 1,471 326,972 960,860 1,946,673 146. * Quebec, Centre 732,688 2,096 391.671 1,208,071 2,115.927 147. * QutSbeo, East— Est 671,171 3,084 740,636 2,602,528 4,387,152 148 . Moutmorency 111,485 400 43,017 160.831 252,044 149 . Charlevoix 83,872 382 41,383 227,302 350,13:. 150. Chicoutimi 108,452 696 72,217 282,095 450,092 151 . Saguenay ... 22,001 243 15.566 34,550 66,780 152. Labrador 52,688 111 21,622 11,090 66,254 153. L^vis 724,344 1,.508 319,999 702,308 1,349,318 154. Ldvis .... 272,931 585 100,522 688,545 879,215 155 . Lotbini^re 120,453 662 71,085 232,132 382,190 156 . Mt'gantic 159,593 397 57,252 279,793 403,298 157. Beauce, We»t- Quest ... . 45,349 100 16,904 102,689 156.726 158. Boauce, East— Est 106,204 403 34,954 246,744 362,688 159. Dorchester, West— Quest. 40,344 164 14,573 92,752 149,980 160. Dorchester, East -Est .. 34,790 182 14,574 122.577 164,898 161. Bellechasse, iVortA-iVord. 83,907 276 22,569fl 2.50.313 379,631 162. Bellechaase, Stuth-Sud. . 27,432 06 5,149 38,637 54,500 163. Montmagny 93,765 338 34,63S 170.049 257.209 164. L'Islet 69,434 197 18,795 150,136 201,088 166 . Kamouraska .... 106.684 654 53,793 174,815 314,624 *♦* Totals-CitT of Quebec. ) ♦•♦ Totaux-Ville de Quebec / 2,870,638 7,2M 1,4.59,279 4,7n,459 8,449,752 454 CENSUS OF 1871. T.UiLE LlV. . A-ggregate \ alue of all Industries in each District, Tableau LIV. — Valeurs Industrielles additionndes pour chaque District. PROVINCE OP NEW BRUNSWICK.- PROVINCE DU NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK. DISTRICTS. Capital invested. Capital engagt^. Number of hands employed. Nombre de bras employds. Amount of yearly wages. Montant annuel des salaires. $ Value of Ra\y material. Valeur des matieres premieres. $ Total value of products. Valeur totale des produits. S 166. T^miscouata 162,727 83,216 91,192 102,465 6,206 43,142 16,858 1,530 594 406 299 672 116 179 51 9 66,726 46,*i70 36,897 53,848 3,537 23,307 4,800 835 349,033 175,879 120,952 133,054 11,556 24,663 21,202 1,870 521,470 275,644 220,479 258,941 17,335 68,507 32,228 3,400 167. 'Rimouaki, West— nest. . 168. mmoueki, East —Est ... 169. Bonaventure 170. Gaspii, West.— Quest 171. Gasp^, Centre 172. GsiBi)6, South.— Sud 173. Ties de la Madeleine Grand Totals of Quebec ) Grands Totaux de Que'bec . j 28,071,868 66,714 12,389,673 44,555,025 77,205,182 (Province of New Brunswick. (Province du N.-Bi'unswick. 174. =* St. John 175 Clharlotte 2,275,377 585,555 308.069 176,280 64,122 495,896 267,510 61,207 254,121 83,359 424,798 208,740 480,407 290 735 7.277 1,517 804 458 202 1.393 671 144 357 871 1,542 765 1,759 592 1.796,491 374,105 171,982 78,361 42,976 285,991 153,187 26,836 60,059 85,598 235.980 124,041 317,976 115,771 4,540,364 902,452 465,992 233,394 98,002 713,551 383,988 81,316 140,278 110,276 537,711 411,.328 689,136 123,972 8,312,627 1,488,995 869,331 430.674 176.727 1,345,018 778,330 147,118 226,230 261,539 944,249 711,292 1.379,898 295,659 176. King's 177. Queen's 178. Sunburv 179. ** York 180. Carleton 181. Victoria 182. Restigouche 183. Gloucester 184. Northumberland 185. Kent 186 Westmorland 187 Albert * St. .John Oity, separately. ) * St. Jean,Ville, s<;par^inent. i 1,225,942 4,103 1.080,248 2,815,640 5,004,976 ♦*Fredericton, separately. . \ ♦♦Fredericton, separement. ( 194,054 508 139,119 321.604 614,838 17,367.687 Total.s of New Brunswick. . . ) Totaux du N. Brunswick . . . ) 5,976.170 18,352 3,809,300 9,431.700 DfiNOMBREMENT DB 1871. 459 STABLE I^IV. — Aggregate value of all Iiulustnes in each District. Tableau LI V. — Valours Industrielles additionnees pour chaque District. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA.- PROVINCE DE I^A NOUVELLE-ECOS8E. DISTRICTS. {Province of Nora Scotia.) (Province dc la NouveUe-Ecosse.) 188. Hants . 189. King's 190. Annapolis 191. Di-by 192. Yarmouth 193. Shelbur-ifc 194. Queen's 195. Lunenburg 19G. * Halifax, f\'cst.— Quest. 197. Halifax, East.— Est 198 . Cumberland 199. Colchester 200. Pictou 201 . Antigonish 202. Guysborough 203. Invero.ess 204. Victoria 205. Capo Breton 20€. Eichraond * City of ] lalifax, separately 1 * Ville d'Halifax, S('pareiiient J Capital invested. Capital engage. 403,853 110,002 120,180 163,404 340,843 100,718 159, 313 239,254 1,622,394 769,217 266,459 59.5,397 587,054 78,645 68,929 114,003 42,927 171,461 15,073 1,492,944 Number of hands emi)loyed. Nombre de bras eraployds . 1,224 578 649 872 837 511 577 1,135 2,558 1,215 1,070 1,269 1,212 339 418 368 132 542 89 2,167 Amount of yearly wages. Montant annuel des salairea. 246,905 101,111 126,264 175,029 235,044 98,564 116,005 160,689 727,906 265,190 103,951 274,472 221,187 55,144 47,037 41,733 16,025 91,688 11,722 732,151 Value of Haw material. Valeur des matit-res prerai«-reri. 8 338,079 176,163 206.791 230,745 355,242 102,003 300,205 357,848 1,444,289 380,098 265,654 329,953 646,605 153,831 69,762 108,849 42,965 161,448 15,666 1,331,070 GRAND TOTALS. -GRANDS TOTAl'X. Totals of Ontario ) Totaiix reweries Brasseries Brick and Tile making Briqueterie et tuilerie Broom and Bnish making Brosserie Button Factories Fabriques de boutons C^abinet and Furniture Meublerie Carding and Fulling Mills Moulins k carder et h, fouler ('arpenters and Joiners Charpenterie et Menuiserie Carriage making Carrosserie Carving and Gilding Etablissements de sculpture et de dorure Cement Mills Fabriques de ciment Charcoal burning . . . Charbonnerie Chemical ICstablishments Fabriques de produits chimiciues. ■Cheese Factories Fromageries Cider making Fabrication du cidre Cooperage Tonnelerie Cordial and SjTup ManufactoriesFabriques de sirops et de liqueurs Cork cutting Fabriques de bouchons Cotton Factories Filatures de coton , w . . Cutlery , Coutellerie . Distilleries Distilleries -. Dress making and Millinery, . . . Habilleinents pour' femmes Dyeing and Scouring Teintureries EdgH Tool Manuf actoi-ie.^ Fabriques d'outils Engine building Fabriques de machines h yapeur Engraving and Lithographing . .Etablissements de gravure et de lithographie ^ Fire-proof Safe making Fabriques de coffres - forts Fishing Tackle making Fabriques iroutl.lage de p6che. . . J<'ittings and Foundry working in Brass, Iron, Lead, &c Fabriques d'objets divers decuivre fer, plotnb, &c Fl-'ior Oil Cloth Factory Fabriiiues de toile h, parquet .... Flour and Grist Mills Moulins a i-u-ine Foundries and Machine workingFonderies ct confection do ma chines 50,700 821,242 466,462 2,000 100,000 4,.5C0 2,825 1,000 3,400 -> UIlll^Cl of hands em- ployed. Nombre de bras em- ployt$s. 8,000 812,070 20,400 8,583 34,300 200 78,820 1,016,067 849,640 212,918 60,284 9.000 1,203,801 280,650 265,093 1,162,327 27,225 15,000 3,684 129,900 355,279 17,019 272,779 . 28,724 800 457,000 2,100 657,200 276,777 1,055 83,925 417,000 3,600 29.000 GG,932 5, 797^853 2,403,480 80 ,143 ,239 82 12 48 4 6 6 4,810 22 62 179 1 365 6,354 536 1,939 335 34 2,769 338 1,792 4,780 74 19 25 65 909 106 1,837 86 2 495 11 421 2,126 9 223 508 16 56 191 2,759 4,686 Total value of products. Valeur totale des produits. 101,010 2,291,989 2,983,740 2,.500 60,000 30,750 17,670 4,000 12,400 16,000 2,729,760 33,500 25,140 274,150 625 353,953 5,025,455 1,198,919 577,904 313,829 ll,.50O 2,306,076 539,857 1,284,047 3,078,841 81,950 10,500 4,017 207,100 1,454,702 41,906 1,281,868 65,123 1,260 492,200 11,520 3,875,757 1,350,483 6,530 204,405 671,000 14,200 50,275 191,056 27,115,790 4,631,850 DENOMBREMENT DE 1871. 459 Tableau LV.— Sommaiie ties Etablissements IndustrieLs, par Provinces. QUEBEC. Capital inveatcd. Capital engag<$. 57,015 278,Gt)0 492,864 1,430 90,000 14,425 25,000 18,050 24.000 um ber of hands eni- ploy'd Nom- bre de braa em- ployes 115 378 1,100 3 Total value of products. Valeur totale des produits. ? 638,202 4,(X)0 9,835 12,000 10,000 93,055 1,830,417 630,500 173,832 74,763 .'■,64,108 320,000 371,505 5^2,015 57,9.35 41,000 047 3;>0,0O() 40,425 145,664 101,8'.t5 83,000 50,000 80,000 210,723 2l.0i»6 57.175 247,900 113,500 22,800 303,880 30,0lK) 3,461,723 735,775 76 123 10 18 25 97,737 382,532 3,283,023 9,000 3,311 14 107 40 6 197 9,805 342 791 130 1,108 ,546 2,889 2,118 80 47 58 137 77 79fl 71 29 123 45 1,260 54 101 457 109 53 659 10 1,500 168,400 63,992 20,500 30,900 105.000 1,529,058 12,000 24,3.56 .37,000 8,000 131,433 9,074,187 810,930 293.233 151.011 N. BRUNSWICK. C'apital invested Capital engage^ . 4,000 1,650 20,305 115,500 859,491 1,200,915 2,032.285 1,257,730 104,900 40,800 11,025 603,1.50 123,901 320,98'.) 498,830 50,(X)0 129,000 210,000 882,918 00.981 157,870 333,525 119,300 41,400 528.002 50,000 9,897,714 1,607,404 114,090 1,000 2,780 5,700 1,000 3,725 163,420 40,000 7,750 2,060 48.080 68,090 27,883 87,002 6,920 2.250 4,241 400 125,000 7,733 1.300 33,700 800 1,000 180 32,600 328,2: J> 314,200 Nam ber of handH em- ploy'd Nom- bre de bras em- ployes 131 Total value of products. Valeur totale des produit.s. s 12,000 3,804 279,191 NOVA SCOTIA. NOUVELLE-ECOSSE Capital invested Capital engage. 4,600 2,756 74,900 51 11 866 2 47 34 4 19 1,187 21 85 47 174 142 211 21 201 2 127 208 8 47 I 82 311 650 153,000 370 512,930 1,565 15,260 50,000 2,580 11,825 976,457 38.380 19,960 41.150 162.951 2.'52,183 131,910 SOS'.Olii 23,9.-;o 170 r,075 38,707 1,375 100.600 195,390 4,600 53,400 2,400 6,000 1.694 119,000 1,()49,3.")5 602,095 1.200 156,270 10,100 500 4, .500 247,729 140,000 41.415 7,800 233,.580 77.010 ll.>,126 87,005 500 2,800 120 27,830 22,000 9.035 13,R00 3.115 45,000 34,000 .342.'00'4 307,050 Num- ber of handw em ploy'd Nom bre de bras em- ploy (js 16 18 134 1,220 81 11 1,313 19 258 24 315 198 510 428 2 548 1 217 35 .5 42 59 410 455 Total value of products Valeur totale des produits 14,930 7,068 395,915 3,500 592,713 30,820 2,000 15,000 1,0.57,539 87,000 34,138 22,675 252,460 274,839 278,103 204,023 2,980 10,000 7 in* 131,099 1.5,000 6,780 150,882 52,780 3,100 40,000 55,250 {,'673,054 484,122 CANADA. Capital invested Capital engage. 116,315 1,104,-308 1,0.54.531 3,430 100,000 210,000 17,250 27,200 22,060 24,000 8,000 1,720,038 25,400 31,298 52,500 11,800 ■180,700 3,206.033 1,1300,140 435,915 144,897 9,000 8,0.50,175 752,902 779,6(57 1,859.009 92 56 4, 465. 400, 17, 450, 153, S3 G32. o 737! 504. 37, 177 709, 580 000 .■:63 900 751 U9 514 019 800 000 100 20c 8(i8 850 915 900 117,920 .'■'2,800 180 Num- ber of hands em- ployed Nom- bre de bras em- ployes. 217 2..546 2,664 8 82 139 182 23 24 25 6 10,213 38 297 2.58 11 592 18.719 918 3,073 642 34 4,366 1,224 5,408 7.798 180 66 86 202 998 108 3,442 105 31 745 11 4t>7 .>,8. , 106 370 1,007 127 11.; 2 457.412 991 .•<0,(!00 1 10 •,929;8'.KS I 4,992 / ?,7C0,505 7.653 Total valiU' of Itroducts. Valeur totale des produits. -I- ■- • ^.r-. .••■ 225,677 2,085,393 0,942,469 11,500 60,000 352,150 82,032 28,000 43,300 105,000 16,000 5,364,411 47,005 95,576 3G3.150 11,205 512,211 16,l33.(i:-;8 2,141,229 925,235 528,005 11.500 3,580,978 2,253,794 3,720..345 4,849,234 213,780 51,300 15,JS12 810,2.50 1,001,73.S 42,G0i; 1,772,063 580,323 51,200 781.800 11.520 4,0y2,.5.n7 2,585,079 124,871 418,775 1,044,523 1.35.900 97,075 1.094 893,308 .50,00-3 39,135,919 7,32o,.531 4«0 OBNBUS OV 187 1. Table F^V. — Summary of Industrial Establishments, by Provinces. Serial num- ber for details, Chiffre serial pour d^tailB INDUSTRIES. ONTAEI0. Capital invested. Capital engage. ma Furriers and Hatters, &c Pelleteries, chapelleries, &c Fuse Factory Fabriques de fusses Gas Works Fabriques -de gaz Glass Works ... Verreries Glue making Fabriques de colle-forte Gold and Silver Smithing Orf e\Terie Grindstone Works Fabriques de meules h, aiguiser . . Gunpowder Mills Fabriques de poudre h. tii'er .... Gunsinithing Armurerie Gypsum Mills Moulins k pldtre ' Hosiery Manufactories Bonneterie India Rubber Factories Fabriques d'objets de caoutchouc Indian Manufactures Fabrique d'objets de style sauvage Ink Factory Fabriques d'encre Iron Smelting Furnaces and Steel making Foumeaux k r^duire le f er Jewellers and Watch Makers. . .Bijouterie et horlogerie .... Last Factories Fabriques de formes k chaussures Lead Pipe Works Fabriques de tuyaux de plomb. . Lime Kilns Fours k chaux Linseed Oil Factories Fabriquea^d'huile de lin ]Match Factories Fabriques d'alumettes Mathematical Instrument mak- ing Fabriques d'instruments de th^matiques < Mattress making Fabriques de matelas Meat curing Salaisons de viande Miscellaneous Wares Fabriques d'articles varies . . Musical Instrument making .... Fabrique d'instruments de musique Nail and Tack Factories Fabriques de clous et de broquettes Oil ' lothing Establishments . , . Fabriques d'habits huil^s . . . Oil Refineries Epuration de I'huilo Pail and Tub Factories Fabriques de seaux et cuves Paint and Varnish Works Fabriques de peinture et do vemis Painters, Glaziers, &c Etablissements de peintres b&timent Paper Collar Factory Fabriques de cols de pajaier . . Paper Manufactories Fabriques de papier Patent Medicine Maniifactories . Fabriques de mddecines brevet^es Photographic Galleries Etablissements de photographes . Plaster and Stucco Factories . . . Fabriques d'ouvrage de i>iatre et de stuc Plumbago Mills Moulins k plombagine . . . Pot and Pearl Asheries Potasseries Potteries Poteries Prepared Peat Fuel Factories. . .Fabriques de briquettes de tourbe Preserved Articles of Food Fabrifiues de conserves alimen- taires Printing Offices Imprimeries , Pump Factories Fabriques de pompes Quartz Crushing Mills Moulins k broyer fe cjuartz Railway Car FaiCtoriea Fabri>|n"s de chars pour chemin de icr 145,875 965,900 22,000 3,400 10,200 24,000 14,400 57,950 52,500 600 65 73,405 8,250 64,197 200 4.565 2,560 1,3.50 337,525 69,843 147,100 8,000 en 524,948 9,766' 27,571 357,900 42,500 87,744 3.270 116,940 63,772 2,500 981,060 60,264 14,000 36,000 N umber of hands em- ployed. Nombre de bras em- ployes. 550 113 98 17 18 13 32 124 244 2 42 235 24 1,099 41 8 13 661 245 387 16 433 '"*6 279 344 60 194 29 598 207 24 1,784 262 22 60 Total value of products. Valeur totale des produits. 513,189 263,206 112,330 6,200 34.900 60,000 18,587 90,304 198,642 7,000 1,710 210,183 18,787 265,883 112 14,660 6,600 18,160 3,193,122 2.52,736 496,012 22,000 2,845,669 ""12,766' 208,304 487,500 98,750 172,084 24,700 391,655 186,405 3, .500 1,907,067 169,535 7.720 204,000 I DfiNOMBRElVlKNT DE 1871. 461 Tableau LV. — Sommaire des Etablissements Industriels, par Provinces. QUEBEC. Capital invested. Ca[)ital engage. Num- ber of hands em- ploy 'd Nom- bre de bras em- ployes 993.403 895,400 114,120 23.900 19,830 20,000 17,300 3,000 2.5 454,000 6,747 400 192,000 123,772 20,000 50,867 38,(i95 26,600 97,825 5,500 7,0.50 57,506 248,831 25,400 266,050 100,000 73.580 48,450 28,548 50,000 225,.500 10.000 92,275 1,580 26,000 38,470 31,396 85,000 2,000 900,050 4,660 1,255 110 220 20 27 60,000 5 7 40 1 492 460 1 404 184 35 28 758 29 1,052 6 8 88 758 60 434 2 61 114 25 111 67 384 3 127 22 21 347 108 292 18 1,241 11 Total value of products. Valeur totale des produit.s. $ ■ Capital invested Capital engivg^. 2,302,971 304,460 180,800 28,000 48,300 80 29,000 12,7.50 30,000 480 495,615 48,9.53 550 198,000 175,354 24,920 117,317 160,346 75,000 202,897 4,400 13,180 429,716 674,310 77,650 747,880 2,400 249,000 172,754 198,200 80,166 80,000 537,376 6,000 142,606 16,120 10,818 123.635 99,814 29,000 8,332 998,045 13.585 N. BKUNSWICK. NOVA SCOTIA. INOUVELLE-ECOSSE, Num- ber of hands em- ploy 'd Nom- bre de bras em- ployes 14,260 2.50,345 264,000 1,150 7,240 103,000 4,500 200 16,015 2,o66 15,419 710 7,900 72,.^00 200 10,('00 .3,040 8,1)00 20,(100 5,U50 3,957 49 7,700 41,866 99,600 35 5 200 1 111 29 4 "ii2 27 61 21 18 118 7 15 54 29 24 9 23 Total value of products. Valeur totale des produits. 8 51.400 66,020 4,500 40,9.53 '"240 43,490 Capital invested Capital engage. 5,500 3,000 369,000 Num ber of| hands em- ploy 'd Nom- bre de bras em- ployes Total value of prod uctH. Valeur totale des produits 8 33,650 4,000 51^087 11,200 144,473 28,200 24.1C)0 344,000 4,020 60,000 31.900 35,000 37,400 64,000 18.365 22 279 220 o 10.400 139,852 100,6!>0 5,000 500 51,209 50.000 1,500 300 283 300,000 2,835 4,800 9.001 1,625 8,875 3,570 20,650 35,. 500 2.580 16,700 19,300 7,000 100 6,000 68.000 35,700 177,9.50 2,040 27,200 12,000 7 6 41 2 128 4 3 3 32 220 15 19 73 "7' 31 17 33 22 39 21 59 22 2;u 252 5 303 35 7,. 500 1,200 116,514 1,800 37,442 35,000 3,300 720 3.610 100,000 8,710 6,650 18,840 i',386 32,241 3,830 24,340 33,500 6,959 CANADA Capital invested, Capital engage. 23,800 57,100 9,375 2,300 4,950 34,000 110,369 324,400 3,90(1 212,9i'S 44,000 Nimi- ber of hands em- jjloyed, Nom- bre de bras em- ployes. 1,159,038 3,000 2,480,645 136.120 27,300 31,080 58,509 94.000 33,200 104-250 52,.525 4.54,600 7.095 400 492,000 204,512 33,250 .50,867 128,508 26,800 106,015 8,060 8,400 419,325 322,954 201,050 382,0.50 2,780 624,940 73,.580 84,850 78,459 58,000 610,400 57,6.50 189,976 4,850 26,000 1.55,416 170,8(",S 85,000 82,066 !,1.58,660 66,964 441,200 108,000 1,861 6 299 318 37 52 328 22 43 278 245 494 534 1 624 463 82 28 2.042 30 1,127 14 21 841 1,0-11 498 590 48 494 114 67 503 % 760 73 352 51 21 945 359 292 552 3,497 280 325 175 Total value of producta. Valeur totale det produitfl. 2,875,060 1,200 750,200 293,1.30 54,200 89,.500 78,395 124,000 :m,877 170,514 199,122 .502,615 54,273 550 298,000 427,897 54,a57 117,317 502,156 75,112 2;«),137 11,000 31,340 3,799.5.52 959,076 622.162 1,147,380 i:;,439 3,094.669 172.7.54 294,700 377,470 115,000 1,071.651 171.0:^ 338,005 40,820 10, M8 515.290 3.30,619 29,000 262,0,53 3,420,202 l'.tl,820 220,718 512,000 462 CENSUS OF 187 1. Table IjV. — Sumnicary of Industrial Establishments, by Provinces. Serial num ber for details Chiffre Burial pour ditails . I o . 5 ', 5 4 1 . 4 -I 5 ,'2 •4 1 5 5 4 5 1 5 2 '5 •l5 ; 6 »'3 j'5 3 ."5 -'5 •'2 5 .'5 -1 1 5 1 -3 INDUSTRIES. ONTARIO. Rivet Factory Fabriques de rivets Rolling Mills LaminericB Roofing Felt Factory Fabrique de feutre a'toitures . Rope and Twine making Corderics Saddle and Harness making Sellerie Salt "Works Saiineries Sand Paper Factory Fabriques de papier saljle Sash, Door and Blind Factories. Fabriques de porter et fenetres Saw and File cutting Fabriques de scies et de limes Saw Mills Moulins h scies 1 Scale Factories Fabricjues de balances School Slate Factory Fabrique d'ard.>iso3 d'^coles Scutching Mills . . .' Lloulins h, broyer le lin Sewing Machine Factories Fabriques de machines h, coudre . Shingle making Confection de bardeaux Shiji Material making Fabriques d'apparaux de navires. Shij) Yp.rds Construction de navires Shook Factories Fabriques de boites d'emballage . Skate Factory Fabriital engage. 6,000 440.000 13.200 210,660 631,866 200,100 2,000 967,294 127,5! 2 16040.589 29,000 3,000 107,782 346,400 489,073 232,323 1,084,425 15.900 45.000 Num- ber of hands em- ployed Nom- bre dc bras em- ployes. 103,710 5,200 6,000 44,950 61,000 427,881 769,993 133 127,565 261 288,500 20 13 104 0,041966 15.595 17,650 279.821 24,775 P,.599 89,850 121.000 200,704 265,305 425,tXi0 11. two 1,721,903 2,656,166 3,100 99.752 789,210 573,145 7,500 100,793 3,000 43,500 47.040 4,286 6,170 24,iXll 4,670 03,986 2,770.814 Total value of products. Valeur totale des produita. 12338ia5 14 762 11 450 2,607 185 3 2,519 172 35,691 58 22 559 960 3,100 372 6,046 47 73 2 301 30 74 103 72 1,109 608 359 20 11,092 4,207 5 2,351 2,216 98 517 3 84 41 15 28 57 9 161 4,453 1,080,000 14.902 769,840 2,405. .•J21 13i;,.599 j 3, .500 3,008,641 27(5,523 30,2.50,247 85.7.50 8,000 2r,'.i,S18 1,12:'..464 891,995 882.271 4,432.202 39.030 90,000 750 1,323,853 80,000 2-1, S05 23"^,8!2 222.0?^ i 1,072,874 I f>;i8.2.50 4,132.750 ! 18.820 I 9..']15,S75 I 9,184,9:W 2.000 1 2,-392,638 I 2,435,.^^3 39,0«.0 19,000 06.000 180,312 8.224 21,618 47,643 15,900 99,950 5,507,549 7964020 187,942 221617773 464 INDEX OF CENSUS DISTRICTS, IN ORDER OF NUMERATION. INDEX DES DISTRICTS DE RECENSEMENT, PAR NUm6rOS d'oRDRE. Consecutive Consecutive Numbers of Numbers of Districts. Nambb. Districts. Names. Districts NOMB. Districts NOMS. par miin^ros par num^ros d'ordre. d'ordre. Province of Ontario. Province of Quebec. Province d' Ontario. Province de Quibec. L Essex. 91, 92. Pontiac. 2. Kent. 92, 94, 95. Ottawa. 3. Bothwell. 96. Argenteuil. 4. Lambton. 97. Deux-Montagnes. 5,6. Elgin. 98. Laval. 7, 8, 9. Middlesex. 99. Terrebonne. 10. London. 100. L'Assomptioh. 11, 12. Norfolk. 101. Montcalm. 13, 14. Oxford. 102. •Joliette. 15, 16. Brant. 103. Berthier. 17. Haldimand. 104, 105, 106. Montri^al. 18. Monck. 107. Hochelaga. 19. Welland. 108. Jacques ('artier. 20. Niagara. 109. Vaudreuil. 21. Lincoln. 110. Soulanges. _ 22,23. Wentworth. 111. Beauharnois. 24. Hamilton. 112. Chateauguay. 25, 26. Huron. 113, 114. Huntingdon. 27, 28. Bruce. 115. Laprairie. 29, 60. Perth. 116. Napierville. 31, 32. Waterloo. 117. St. Jean. 33, 34. 35. Wellington. 118. Chambly. 36, 37. Grey. 119. Verchferes. 38. Halton. 120, Richelieu. 39. Peel. 12L St. Hyacinthe. 40. Cardwell. 122. Bagot. 41, 42. Simcoe. 123. Rouville, 43, 44, 45. York. 124. IberviUe. 46, 47. Toronto. 125. Missisquoi, 48, 49. Ontario. 126. Brome. 50,51. Durham. 127. Shefford. 52. 53. Victoria. 128. Maskinonge'. 54, 55. Northumberland, 129, 130. St. Maurice. 56, 57, 58. Peterborough. 131. Trois-Rivi^res. 59. Prince Edward, 132, 133. Champlain. 60, 61, 62. Hastings. 134, Yamaska. 63. Ltnnox. 135. Nicolet. 64. Addington. 136. Drummond. 65. Frontenac. 137. Artbabaska. 66. Kingston. 138. Richmond. 67. Leeds, South. 139. Wolfe. 68. Brockville. 140. Sherbrooke. 69. Grenville, SoiUk. 141. Stanstead. 70. Leeds (liorth) and Grenville. 142. Compton. 71. Dundas. 143. Portneuf. 72. Stormont. 144. (iu^bec, Gomti. 73. Cornwall. 145, 146, 147. Quebec. 74. Glengarry. 148. Montmorency. 75. Prescott. 149. Charlevoix. 76. Russell. 150. Chicoutimi. 77^ Ottawa, City. 151. Saguenay. 78. Carleton. 152. Jjabrador. 79, 80. Lanark. 153. Levis. 81, 82. Renfrew. 154. Lt^vis. 83,84. 85. Nipissing. 155. Lotbinifere. Muskoka. 156. M^gantic. 86. Parry Sound, 157, 158. Beauce. 87. Manitoulin. 159, 160. Dorchester. 88, 89, 90. Algoma. 161, 162. Bellechasse. i N J) K X . m Consecutiva Consecutive Numbern of Numbers of . DiHtricts. NaUks. Districts, Names. DiRtrictB NoM8. Districts NOMB. par num«iro8 par num^roB d'ordre. d'ordre. Prwnnce of Quebec. — ( 'oncluile*!. P. of New BrurmiricJt.— Concluded. Provinc* (U QtUi/ecSmUt et tin. P. du N. Bruntuiick. — Suite et fin. 163. MontmAgrnT. 186. Westmorland. 164. L'Lslet. 187. Albert. 165, Kamouraska. 166. 167, 168. 169. T«lmiscouatft. Rimouflki. Bonaventmre. Province of Nova Scotia. Province de la Nouvelle-Bcosse. 170, 171, 172. Gimp6. 188. Hante. 173. iBles de la Madeleine, 189. King's. 190. Annapolis. Prnx'ince of New Bntnncirk: Province du Nouveau-lirunitwick. 191. 192. 193. Digby. Yarmouth. Shelbume. 174. St. John. 194. Queen's. 175. Charlotte. 19.^. Lunenburg. 176. King's. 196, 197. Halifai:. 177. Queen's. 198. Cumberland. 178. Sunbury. 199. Colchester. 179. York. 200. Pictou. 180. Carleton. 201. Antigonish 181. Victoria. 202. Guysborough. 182. Restigouche. 203. Inverness. 183. (iloucester. 204. Victoria. 184. Northuml)erland. 205. Cape Breton. 186. Kent. 206. Richmond. ■ CU30 466 INDEX OF CENSUS DISTRICTS, IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. INDEX DES DISTRICTS DE RECENSEMENT, PAR ORDRE ALPHABETIQUE. Naubb. NOMS. Addington Albert Algoma Annapolis Antigonish Argenteuil Arthabaska Bagot Beauce Beauharnois Bellechasse Berthier Bonaventiire . . . . Bothwell Brant Brockville Brome Bruce Cape Breton Cardwell Carleton, Carleton. N. B ... Chambly 1 Cham plain ) Charlevoix Charlotte Chateauguay . . . . . Chicoutimi Colchester Compton Cornwall Cumberland Deux-Montagnes Digby Dorchester ... . . Drummond Dundaa Durham Elgin Essex Frontenac G-aap^ Glengarry Gloucester Grenville, Soxtth . Grey Guysborough .... Haldimand Halifax Halton Hamilton Hants Hastings Hochelaga Huntingdon Huron IberviUe Inverness Jacques Cartier. Joliette Kamouraska . . . . Consecutive numbers of Districts. Num^ros d'ordre des Districts. 64. 187. 88, 89, 90. 190. 201. 96. 137. 122. 157, 158. 111. 161, 162. 103. 169. 3. 15, 16. 68. 12G. 27,28. 205. 40. 78. 180. 118. 132; 133. 149. 175. 112. 150. 199. 142. 73. 198. 97. 191. 159, 160. 136. 71. 50, 51. 5, 6. 1. 65. 170, 171, 172, 74. 183. 69. 36, 37. 202. 17. 196, 197. 38. 24. 188. 60,61,02. 107. 113, 114, 25, 26. 124. 203. 108. 102. 165. Names. N0M8. Kent, Kent, N. B King's, N. B King's, N. S Kingston Labrador Lambton Lanark Laprairie L'Assomption Laval Leeds, South Leeds, North, and GrenviUe . Lennox L^vis L^ris Lincoln L'Islet London Lotbinifere Lunenburg Madeleine, (Isles de la) Manitoulin Maskinong^ M^gantic Middlesex Missisquoi Monck Montcalm ... , Montmagny Montmorency Montreal Muskoka ■ Napierville Niagara 3 Nicolet Nipissing Norfolk Northumberland, Northumberland, iV. £. .. . Ontario Ottawa, City .i Ottaoua Oxford Parry Sound Peel Perth Peterborough Pictou Pontiac Portneuf Prescott Prince Edward . Quebec, County . . Ou<'^bec ■^ iieen's, N, B , . Queen's, JV. i,'erie BlLLAUDS, f;lllric^Ue^de tabk'S de " Bi li.ets de Ban^ue, fabriques de, " Ble, acres '* de printemps, boisseaux " " d'hiver " '« Bl.nxoius, fabri(iiies de, . . " BtEUFS DE travail " Bois DE CH AiiFFAGE, cordes de, " " divers, i)ieds cubes de, " " hiUutsd.- '• BolTES et Valihes, fiiliriques de, ' * d'emballage, fabriques de '' BONNETERIES " BoucHOXS. fabriques de, BoriLLOlRES, fabriques de, " BorL.tMGKiuEs de toutes sortps " BouTiQT'Es. Entrepots. Fabriques et Ala^jiisins '• BoUTONs, fabriques de, • " BRA^^^ERIES «' l>iUQ(.ETi;:a;: rt Tuilerie " Bboquettes ct Clous, fabriques dt», BBOaSKBIE« '• 442 212 <( 268 ;^<) '* 347 104 (( 118 o « 17 wr, << 119 10.5 it 239 225 tt 239 432, 433 443 424, 425 437 418, 419 290 • < e-.v •> (t 16 437 .360 ti 365 3o0 ti 307 440 i6l it ,r>A Fo«t»dry working In brasflj (laH.; leftd, ^-f". .,i» " i^H INDEX. 471 Caoutchouc, fabriiiuee d'objets de, .....■• Payea Capital enKa^'o dans I'lndustric, i>ar DistnctH ^^ »« " " par ProTinccH CARACTEUB9 d'lniprimerie, foa.leries de, ,^ Cahiboux, d'Ori;,'iiaux et do Chevreuila, peaux de, ^^ Cakossekie ,, Castoks, peaux de • ,, Chaiks et ToiiitLS de chemin de fer, fabrKiues de, ^^ Chaloupks, cimstnictioa de ,, Champs, produits des, ,^ Chandelleries et Savonneries ^^ Chapellkkies, Pelleteries, etc „ Charbon, tonneaux de ,^ Charbonxebiks „ Charpenterie et Meuuiserie Charrues, Herses et Cultivateurs ^^ Chars pour cheniins de fer, fabrinues de ^, CHAUX, fours ll ^^ Chexe i^quarri, pieds cubes de ,^ ChEVAUX ; ,, ( HEVREUILS, d'Orignaux et de Cariboux, peaux de ^^ Chimkhes, fabriques de produits ^^ Chirur(;ie, appareils de. . ^^ CiDRE, fabrication du ,, Cieroes, fabriques de ^, CiMENT, fabriques de ,, CiRAGE, fabriciues de ^^ Cloches, fabriques de ,, Clous et Broquettes, fabriques de ^^ COCHONS ,, " tuds ou vendus , ^ C0FFRE8-FORT.S, fabriques de ^^ CoLLE-FORTE, fabriques de . ^^ Cols de ])apier, fabriques de ^^ CONDITK tN et Etendue des exploitations agricoles ^^ Conserves alimentaires, fabriques de ^^ C0RDERIE8 ,< CORnONNKRIE ., CoTON, filatures de ,, CouDRE, fabriques de niachiues Ji ^^ CouRROiKS et de manthes de pompe, fabriques de ^^ Coutellerie ,, CriblES ; ,, CciTRE, tonneaux de mineral de ^^ Cultivateurs, Charrues et Herses ^^ Culture, Terres sous [, CuvES et Seaux, fabriques de I> Distilleries DoRCRE et Sculpture, etablissements de . DouvEs, niilliers de Dr.vp de fabrique domestique, verges de. Dbaperie E Eaux gazeuses, fabriques d' EcoRCES ;i tanner, cordes d' Kmballa(; E, fabriques de Boitus d' Emplacements EiiPLOYK.s duns les Industries, jiar Districts '■ ■' par Provinces " occui)ants de terres Enore, fabriques d' Entrepots, Fabriques, ilagasins et Boutiques Epikette RoiG e. pieds cubes Er.vble et Mcrisier, pieds cubes • EsPARS, iliiLs, etc EssiEUX et llesborts, fabriques de ]'^tables «t Granges ExABHssEiiEXTS Industriels, nombre, employes, salaires annuels, valeiir des matieres premieres, valeur dea articles produits " Capital eugiUfi^, personnes employi^es et valeurs, par Districts " " " par 1 niviaccs. . ■ . RtenpT'IS "* ComliM"?" d^^ oxfJoit-ft^'i'''"" wjrl*".^!*'''. ;»•>.. • • f ■ 4;iy 448 «t soivantw k 4.-)5 4r)8 «> 463 44r> •J()7 t< 221 Mi «( 817 207 u 221 444 :m,o ti 304 T22 « 203 4oy i< 411 •.im if 373 27:i i% 287 401 MO • ( 317 HA t( 118 441 ;«o <( 337 224 (( 2:W 104 n 118 207 (t 221 402 444 402, 403 44.5 437 436 436 440 105 << ll'.l 105 11« 437 439 441 21 << 101 428, 429 420 300 i< 306 437 442 436 437 104 >( 118 272 (( 286 KH It 118 21 • c 101 441 420 419 225 • < 219 206 • t 220 351 n 357 418 225 .c 239 443 ■) l< 16 44,S 14 453 458 <• 403 20 l< 100 43'J '} II 16 224 1> 238 224 It 238 225 444 448 239 16 445 45? 4.- • 1.1. 472 INDEX. Flax (Ires -,ed. pountls Pages 206 and following to 220 !Flax Seed, bushels " 206 " 220 Floor Oil ('loth factory , " 4::i8 Flouu and Grist mills " 321 " 327 Food, preserved articles of '* 428, 429 Forest, products of •' 224* " 239 Foundries and Machine works " 330 " 336 Foundry workings and Fittings in brass, iron, lead, &c " 438 Fo.x skins '< 207 " 221 Fr KITS, various, bushels " 2O6 '• 220 Fulling and Carding mills " 310 " 31g Furniture and Cabinet making ... " 301 •' 307 Furriers, Hatters, &c. * " 368 " 373 J^CRS •■ 206 " 221 Fuse factory " 433 t G Gardens and Orchards •♦ 21 " 101 Gas woi-ks " 422 Gaspareaux, barrels " 243 •' 269 Gilding and Carving " 419 Glass works " 433 Glaziers and Painters, &c " 376 " 381 Glue making " 439 Gold, ounces " 272 " 286 Gold and Silver smithing " 422,423 Grand Totals of each Province and of the four Provinces united, of Immovable Property and Vessels, " 16, 17 " Occupiers of land and Lands occupied " 100, 101 *' Vehicles, Implements, Animals, and Animal products « 118, 119 Field products " 202,203 " Various products and Furs , " 220,221 I' Products of the Forest " 238,239 Fisheries " 268 269 " Raw mineral products " 286^287 All Industrial establishments, amount of capital, hands employed and values, by Pro\ince8 " 458 " 463 Grapes^ pounds ..... . " 2O6 " 220 Grass and Clover seed, bushels " 123 *' 203 Grindstone works •' 439 Gkist and Flour mills " 320 •' 327 Gun making ♦' 423 Gun-powdek manufactories " 439 Gypsum, lump, tons " 273 " 287 " mills " 424 ^ II Haddock, Hake and Pollock, quintals " 242 " 268 Hake, Haddock and Pollock, ,, " 242 " 268 Halibut, barrels . " 243 " 269 Hands employed in Industrial establishments, by Districts " 44S " 455 „ " " " by Provinces " 458 " 463 HARNE-i^s and Saddle making " 331 " 337 HAKitows, I'loughsaad (Jultivators .'.*..'.. " 104 '* 118 Ha'iters, Furriers, &c '« 368 *' 373 Hay, acres and tons " 123 " 203 HERifiNfiS, barrels .'.*.,.'. " 242 " 268 HiuKOKY, cubic feet ' • 225 " 239 Honey, pounds ..'.'.'. " ]05 " 119 Hops, pounds ...'.'.'.'..... " 207 " 221 Horses.... .< 104 « Hg HoRSErakes .< 104 « ^g Hose making and Belting " 435 Ho^iEitY, manufactories " 424 425 Houses o\vned, number .......'..'. " 2' " 16 Immovable Property and Shipping 2 " 16 Implements, Agricultural .........'. *' 104 ♦' 119 .r " ., " manufactories of " 290 '* 2% Improved Lands, acreage 21 " 101 Indian Manufactures .'...'.'.'.'...'..'.'... " 439 India Rubber, factories ...'........... " 439 Industrial Establishments, number, hands" employed, " yearly wages, value of raw material, value of articles produced " 290 " 445 Amount of Capital, hands employed, and va- lu'^8, by Districts " 448 " 455 t , ^^ by Provinces.. " 458 " 4ti3 IvDVSTikika ,-./.......,.- ..-.•...•....,,.-.-. " m 'f 445 INDEX. 473i Fabuiqces, nombre, employt'a, salaires annuels. valt-iira (leg matibrcs premieres, valeurs iles articles produits " Capital eng£ig»i, perHOnnes eiuploy<-et> ot valeurs, j)ar Districtn " " " " par ProvinceH •* Entrepots, Magasina et Boutirities Fabinr, moiiliiis <\ Fascines, pficheries ile FAUCHEU^sES et MoiKsonneuses FENfeTKES et Ported. fabri' iNDi'STiUKS . . InsTi; "awir^r-- taunqueu d ages 2!tO et Huivantes ^ 445 iT 4JS 11 4.V> tt 458 <> 4«^i (« '> ti 16 11 :m << 327 1 1 2-12 >< 268 11 104 <• ua (1 392 K 39ti *< 272 « 286 <( 439 • « 350 <( 357 11 20 « 100 It 442 1 1 123 1< 2f)3 It 20ti 1«'4 It 118 »i 3G!« « 373 1* 207 u 221 11 4(.8 •I 410 11 243 It 2i.'J " •-'43 l( 2t;9 243 II 209 «< 3(^4 •1 389 It 44."> • 1 2'jO II 445 . • -;s ■ 1 45. 1— -■ -J.-' ■ ( ■ 1<4 •• ll'.' «( VM it ^V6 474 INDEX Industries, amount of Capital, hands employed and values, by Districts , " " " by Provinces I.VK factory Iron Ore, tons " Sheet, and Tin working " Smelting furnaces and titeel makin"; Pages 448 458 439 272 350 439 and followinar to 455 403 280 357 Jeweli^eks and Watchmaliern Joiner and Carpenter works Kilns, Lime I£ 309 310 330 373 317 337 Lands occupied and Occupants. Last factories Lathwood, cords . . Lead pipe works ^ Lime Idlas / -i- Linen, home made, yards Linseed Oil factories L1THOGE.VPHING and Engraving Logs, various Machink Works and Foundries Mackerel, barrels ^Lvngaxese. tons . .... Manufactories, number, hi.nds employed, yearly wages, value of raw material, value of articles produced " Capital invested, hands employed, and values, by Districts " " *' by Provinces Maple and Birch, cubic feet Maple Sugar, pounds Marble, grained, cubic feet " and stone cutting establishments Martin skins Masts, Spars, &c Match factories Mathematical Instrument making Mattrass making Meat curing Medicine, patent, manufactories , Mica, pounds 2vIiLLiNEKY and Dress Making iliNERAL products, raw Mink skins Miscellaneous Industries IsIooSE, Cariboo and Deer skins Mower-; and lleapers Musical Instrument making Musk Eat skins Nail and Tack factories .... KuMBEk of Occupiers oU. Land i\"ETS, fathoms I>i O Oak, square, cubic feet Oats, bushels Occupiers of Land and Lands occupied. Oil Cloth (floor) factories *' Clothing establishment; " Fi.s?i, various, gallons " Rffineries Orchards and Gardens Ores, various, tons Ottee skins OwNERrS of Land Oxen working . . . Oysters, barrels 20 101 440 225 239 440 330 337 200 220 440 421 239 225 239 330 336 243 2t-.9 272 286 290 448 458 224 207 273 393 207 225 425 440 440 376 428 273 320 272 207 405 207 104 420 207 440 20 212 224 122 20 438 441 243 408 21 272 207 20 104 243 <( « 445 455 463 238 221 287 397 221 239 380 287 327 287 221 407 221 118 221 101 268 238 202 101 269 410 101 280 221 100 118 209 Fail and Tub factories . . . Faint and Vami.ih woilcs FAiKTEK^i and GL ziers, &c Jc'apeb raannfjKitories ... , toiJjjAn fiictorjgs ''tl?fy t i t i t i i 1 1 « . t i i . i M i 1 • t • t < 1 1 i < t < i i I i 441 426, 427 37G 427 '14J 1(49 S81. INDEX. 475 .T Jalodsieh, fabriqufs do Pa^'eu 44o JAUDIN8 et VerKers ' '^1 et Buivantet) k 101 Laine, livres de Laminekiks Lanoueh et Noues, barila Latte8, cordo8 de Limes et Scies, fabritnieH de Lin, tjrainea de, bdisseaiix " fabriqiiea (I'Luile do ... , " moulius h, broyer lo LiQUEUKS et Sirups, fabriqiies de . LiTHoOBAi'HiEa ot Gravures, otablisseinents de. LoL'PS Mauins, peaux de LouTBES, poaux de • 105 442 242 225 4;}i), 431 2UG 440 431 403 421 207 207 119 2G8 239 220 221 221 m: Machines, Tonfection et Fonderies do, Magasins, Eutrejidts, Fabiiques et Boutiques Mais, buisseaux de Maisons Manganese, tonneaux de, Manufactl'BKS, noml)re, employt^s, .-alaire.s annuels, valeur des matii^res premil'res, valeur des articles produita. " Capital engag^,personue3 employees et valeura.par Districts ■ • — *' " " " par Provinces ... . Maqi'EREaix, barils de, Marbbe, pied cubes de, MA.RBKEiai:, t^tablissements de, Martres, peaux de, Matela.s, fabri(iues de, MATHEMATiyUES, fabriroyer les 03 " a Farine, " -i F( 455 225 II 119 ji '> II 119 'j-'i N Navets, Iioisseaux de ) x\AViBEa. iionibre et tonnage des . " construction de " fabri(|uec d'a])iiaraux de. Noues et Ijanyues, barils de •li'oYF.R dur, pieds cubes ('<; " noir, piedii oubi>s .lo " Vndraj {Anda ouV>«» M'i ,. , . 3 203 17 23V> 476 INDEX. Pasturage, lands in Pages Pk ABL and Pot Asheries Pkas, hush«ils Peat, ton? •• " PREPARED Fuel factories Petroleim, crude, gallon8. Phosphate of Lime, tons Photographic galleries Pigs PixK, locrs " square, white, cubic feet " red, " Plaster and Stucco works Ploighs, Harrows and Cultivators Plumbago, tons ' works Pollock, Haddock and Hake, quintals Pot and Pearl Aaheries PiTATOES, acres and bushels POITERIKS Printing offices ■ Products of Industrial Establishments, value, by l^istncts. «« " " by Provinces '■ various and Furs. Property, Immovable and Shipping Pr jfP factories Pyrites, tons — Quartz crashing • Kajlway Car factories ' ' Chair and Spike factory Kaw Material, (value) of Industrial EstabUshments, by Districts Eeapers and Mowers KiVET factories Roes, cursd, barrels KoLLiNG mills • • PooKiKG Felt manufactories - ■ • • • KoOTS, other than Potatoes and Turnips PiOPE and Twine muking . . ^ Eye, bushels £5» Saddle and Harness making Safe making, fireproof Salmon, barrels Salt works Sand Paper factory Sardlnks, barrels Sa.sh, Door and i^iind factories Saw and File cutting Saw mills Scale factories School Slate factory Scouring and Dyeing . ■ .• •■ Scutching milU Sea-g.'Ing Sailing Vessels, number Seal skins Sewing Machine factories Shad, barrels Sheep " killed or sold Shingle making Ship Material making . Shipyards Shipping and Imm'^v.-tMe Prop.-riy Shoes ami Boots luiniufivctories of Sh oiC factories Shop,-!, Warehouses, Factories ami Stoves. .. Sh')U!:>;hn SiLViCR, ounces ■' uii'l (loi'isniithiiig. Skate f:v t-nts , .. . Sk •s, v.v.ii.ns .... tSL-iTE, viii.fillg. sq:iav«8 '•'i-i>' '1, fa'-'t'ry BMi-i-j".;.!.. iiou, iur.'iaceo, and bfcDci uid.kii:\i 377 u 122 (i 273 (t 441 <« 273 t( 273 (< 384 (( 105 i< 225 (( 224 it 224 (C 441 tt 104 i( 273 (( 441 << 242 (< 377 *< 123 << 408 » k 384 (t 448 (C 458 (i 200 (( 2 (C 385 (* 272 and following to 441 441 444 448 104 442 243 442 442 123 429 122 331 437 243 450 442 243 392 430, 310 442 442 404 431 8 207 442 243 105 105 340 443 3'J2 2 ?.00 443 o 242 272 422, 443 207 •>VJ ■1 1:' 431 423 <( (< 101 381 202 287 287 287 388 119 239 238 238 118 287 268 381 203 411 389 455 463 221 17 389 286 455 118 269 203 202 337 269 269 396 316 400 17 221 269 119 119 347 397 17 16 208 28i5 INDEX. 47? o Objets divers de ciiivif, fcr, plomb, etc., fabriques d' PagM 438 " de style Hiiuva;,'*!, fabii(iue3 d' " 4;i9 Occupants de terres " 20 et auivantt* » 101 OK,once3d' " 272 " 2»(i OUFEVRERIE " 4'2'2, 423 OiWE, boiasi-aux d" " 122 " 202 Orion'aux, Cariboux et Chevreuils, peaux d' " 207 " 221 Orme, pieds cubes d' " 224 " 238 Os, moulinB h, broyer les " 437 OuRS.peauxd' " 207 " 221 OUTILS, fabriques d' " 404 " 407 Paille, fnbriques d'objets de. . . PaI'IKK, f;i;iri([Ut;8 de " fn'iriques de Cols de . . . '• su-iil':^, fabriques de . . . . Parquets, fabriques de toiled. Patates, y cres et boisseaux Patins, fabriques de, Paturage, terres en, Peaux diverges PfiCHE. " na^■i^es de " fabriciues d'outillage de PficHECRS, sur les barges sur les iia vires PEINTRE3 en batiment, etc., f^tablissements de Peinture et Veruis, fabriques de . , , Pelleteries, Chapelleries etc PERRUyUE.s, fabriques de Petrole non raliine, gallons de Phosphate de chaux, tonneaux de, Photocjraphie, ctablissements de, PiKRRK de TiULLE, pieds cubes de .• Pin, billots de, " ^quarri, blanc, pieds cubes de, , " " rouge, pieds cubes de, Pipes, fabntjues de, Platke, nioulin K " et de Stuc, fabriciues d'ouvrages de Plombagixe, tonneaux de, " moulins h PoiNTEs et Chairs pour chemins de fer, fabriques de, . . . ; Pois, boisst-aux de, PoissoNS 15LANC8, barils de " divers, barils de, PoMMES, bdiHseaux de, POMPES, f;vl il-iijues de, PoUTKs et Fenetres, fabriques de, POTASSERIEd P OTERIES PoUDRE-LEVAiN, fabriques de PouDRB A Ti RER, fabriques dc POUL^UNS et Pouliches , , Pboduits des Champs " Agricoles divers " des Animaux . . " des Fortts " des P<"^cheries Mineraux des Industries, valeurs, etc., par Districts ... '* '* par Pi\>viuce3. . Proprietaires de terres - . . P RopRiETE Eoncitre et Maritime Ptrit£3, tonneaux de l< 432 u 427 It 441 ;< 442 [( 438 c 123 ( 443 a 21 n 207 ;< 242 i< 242 i> 458 it 242 a 242 c< 376 it 426, 427 << 308 tt 433 tt 273 tt 273 (. 384 (i 273 it 22;') ti 224 (1 224 tt 444 tt 424 11 441 rt 273 i( 441 tt 444 if 122 (( 243 t( 243 I , 20«; tt 38.^ It 392 tt 377 tt 408 i< 436 i( 4.SD (( 104 (( 122 It 206 tt 104 tt 2''4 (< L'42 ts 272 c( 448 (( 458 tt 20 << 2 <• 97'> 203 101 221 269 268 268 268 381 373 287 287 388 287 2.39 238 288 287 202 269 269 220 .389 396 ;xsi 411 118 203 221 119 239 2C9 28«; 4.T.') 463 100 17 286 Q0ARTZ, moulins Ji broyer le. 441 iU iK'de:?^ Smut Machine factorj'- Soap and Candle making • Sounds and Tongues, barrels Sp^vbs, Masts, &c Spike and Railway Chair factory Spixxixg Wheel fiu;tories Spring and Axle factories Stables and Barns *' Starch factories State and Acreage of lands occupied Staves, thousands Steam Vessels, number Steel making and Iron Smelting furnaces . Stone, Building, for dressing, cubic feet . . " and Marble Cutting establishments Stores, Warehouses, Factories and 6hops . Straw Works Stlgco and Plaster works , SuGAB, Maple, poimds ' ' Kefineries ScRGiCAL Appliances S\^^NE " killed or sold ._ Syrup and Cordial manufactories T Tack and Nail factories Tau-ORS and (Jlothiers TAifARA c, cubic feet Tan Bark, cords Tanneries Tenants of Land Tent and A.wning factory Threshing Mills Tile and Brick making Timber various, cutic feet Tin and Sheet Iron working Tobacco, poimds , . " Pipe factory " working , Tongues and Sounds, barrels Tonnage of Vessels 'lOTALS of all Industrial Establishments, amount of capital, hands employed, wages and values, by Districts Town and Village liots owned Trout, barrels Trunk and Box making Tub and Pail factories Turnips, bushels Turpentine distillery , Twine and Rope making Type foundries Values of Industries, by Districts. , " *' by Provinces. Varnish and Paint works Vehicles Vessels Village and Town Lots owned . . . . Vinegar factories Wages of hands emfjloyed in Industrial Establishments, by Districts Walnut, Black, cubic feet " Soft, cubic feet Warehouses, Factories, Stores and Shops Watchmakers and Jewellers .... Wax Candle and Taper factories Wheat, acres •Spring, bushels " Winter, bushels Whip factories WniTEi iSH, barrels , AViG making Window Khade factories Wood Turning establishments ..... Wool, jwunds " cloth making , Pages 443 (i 409 a: Ci 242 a 225 (C 441 le 412 n 444 (( 2 C( 444 (( 21 (C 225 a 3 a 439 li 273 tt 303 (C 2 tt 432 IC 441 (« 207 (( 444 iC 444 <( 105 i{ 105 it 403 a 440 (( 350 (( 224 (i 225 (( 341 (( 20 4( 444 it 104 CC 300 »« 225 (( 350 t( 207 (1 444 <( 412 (( 242 << 3 C( 448 (( 2 (< 243 «( 432, 433 (C 441 (1 123 <( 445 ii 429 it 445 ti 448 (• 458 (( ^■ZG, 427 (C 104 ( L 3 it 2 tl 445 and following to 448 22", 225 2 369 445 122 122 122 445 243 433 445 413 105 351 411 268 239 414 16 101 239 17 287 397 16 221 119 119 357 238 239 347 100 118 307 239 357 221 415 268 17 455 16 269 203 455 463 119 17 16 455 239 16 373 202 202 202 269 415 119 367 INDEX. 470 R Eacines. boisseaux de Raihin, livres de Kateaux h cheval Rats Miisijuis, i)eaux de Reliuke Rekardh, peaux de Ressorth et Kssieux, fabrujued de. Rivets, fabriiiues de RuOt'ES sali'eH, barils de RoUETS, fabruiues de M Sabl6, fabriqwe de Papier Salairks des Industricb, par Districts . Salaisons de viande Sakuines, barils de Sarrasin, boisseaux de Sal'mons, barils de S AONERI ! .S Sadvage, fabriques d'objets de style. . . Savonneries et Chandelleriea .- . SciES et I.iraes, fabriques de " moiilins h, SccLPT'JRB et Donire, ctablissements dt Seaux et Cuves, fabriques de Seigle, buisaeaux de Sellkrie SiKOPS et Liqueurs, fabriques de Soufflets, fabriques de Stuc et do Pl.ltre, fabriques d'ouvrages de Sucre, ratiineries de . . . " d'ERABLE, livres T Tabac, livres de , " manufactures de Tanner, fabriijues d'extrait pour Tanneuiks Teintureuies Tente.**, fabriques de T^R^BKNTHINE, fabricjues de Terrbs, amt^lior^es, en paturage, sous cultrire, jardins et vergers " (iccupt^es ... " posst'd^es ToiLES A Parquets, fabriques de ToiLES de Lin, verges de , ToiTUREs, fabriques de feutre ri TflLERlE et l'\ rhlanterie TONXEI^EUIE TouRBE, tonneaux de " fabriques de briquettes de Tours a hois , Trefle et de Mil, graines de TruItes, barils de TriLERiE et Briipietfrie TuYAUX de plomb, fabriques de Vaches laitibres Valeurs dea Industries, par Districts " " i>ar Provinces Valises et Boltes, fabriques de Vannerie Vapeu r, f abri(iues de machines h Vapel'R.s, noni fire et tonnage Vergers et jardins . V?'.KNi.s et Peinture, fabriques de VLf.UERlES Viande, salaisons de Vinaigreries VisoNS, peaux de VoiLiERs de grande navigation, nombre et tonnage. VoiTURES l^feres et de transport Pages 123 et sui% ant«e \ 203 20tJ " 220 104 (< 118 ■-'07 If 221 40(J, 401 'JU7 << 22J 444 442 2M iC 260 412 <( 414 442 448 • < 455 .37(3 « .380 243 9 300 « 307 440 105 c< 119 448 « 455 458 « 463 432, 433 40(1 42(1, 3 421 ^« 17 21 «i 101 42.;, 427 37o • < 380 445 207 « 221 3 (• 17 104 •> 118 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. AUG 2 1954 OCT 1 Z I960 REC'D MLD JUL 2 7 1961 OCT 07 19V :' i^ i OCT 17 1991 OLLu CR.it Form L9-50to-11,'50 (2554)444 THE LliiKAKi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNi HA Canada - 7l;l Census of Canada -3Ji^4 V.3 T ^^^^^^j^A .AlAlJ. X-Lx ACkc: t •! *— (K HA. 7U1 1371 v.3 UCbiJlJiMtH'. ■'• AA 000 715 191 3 m > * f ' m " :■ i i