©HE- AND PRACT ICE Insuranc LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class SEVENTH EDITION PRINCIPLES *»d PRACTICE OF LIFE INSURANCE Originally prepared by NATHAN WILLEY, Actuary. Also New and Extended Tables based on the American and Combined Experience Mortality Tables, computed at 3, 3^2, 4 and \Y 2 per cent, interest New Explanatory Text and additions by Henry Moir, f. f. a., f. i. a. Fellow Actuarial Society of America PRICE, /^^Ps, 1 1 0.00 UNIVERSITY OF New York THE SPECTATOR COMPANY 1906 s^ COPYRIGHT 1905 BY THE SPECTATOR COMPANY NEW YORK PREFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITION. There has been a constant demand for " Principles and Practice of Life Insurance, ' ' and in submitting a new edition, many improvements have been introduced which will doubtless make the explanations and the tabular matter of more value than ever to the student and to the actuary. The publication has grown from a small be- ginning until it now contains complete sets of tables which are indispensable to the management of a life in- surance company. Additional tables have been added, principally at 3% and 3^% interest, and on the basis of the American Experience Table of Mortality. This Mortality Table is being used to a much greater extent than formerly, and the steady reduction which has taken place in the rates of interest on good investments has caused most com- panies to adopt 3£%, and some of them 3%, as their basis for premium calculations and reserves. The old tables, based on Actuaries' 4% and American 4J%, are still used for computing the values of old policies, while the American 4% Tables have been retained for the sake of completeness, and because in one or two States they are still required. Among the additional tables will be found "Costs of Insurance," 9, 14, and 19 Payment Life premiums and reserves, and 9, 14, and 19 Year Endowment premiums and reserves. These tables are more complete than any others hitherto published, and it is believed also that they are more accurate. Tables showing net premiums and terminal net values for term policies by the Am- erican Experience Table of Mortality at 3 and 3^% interest, and by the Combined Experience Table at 4%, have also been included. Fundamental tables, and tables of the life and en- dowment values ordinarily used upon the American Experience Table of Mortality, with interest at 4% and 3£ %, are included in the present volume. In this connec- tion we desire to acknowledge our indebtedness to the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company for the permission, which it freely gave, to reprint the 3% tables .# t~» r^ r\ r\ .-» from its published volume of tables by the American Experience Table of Mortality. . The commutation column R x , useful for the calcula- tion of increasing benefits, has been added to the Ameri- can Experience Table at 3%, 3£%, and 4% interest. The values of several other functions, such as life annuities, single premiums, etc., have also been amplified by the addition of those for younger and older ages. The introductory explanations have been entirely re-written. They are divided in two sections. The first contains verbal explanations of terms commonly used in life insurance, and given in alphabetical order, so as to be suitable for ready reference. The second section deals with the scientific principles on which life insurance is based, enters into mathematical formulas, and explains the principles of life insurance to such an extent that any student can thereby attain familiarity with the tables which form the main portion of the work., The notation used in the mathematical demonstrations is in accordance with the system recommended by the Actuarial Society of America, and now generally used throughout the world for actuarial purposes. The International Congress of Actuaries in 1898 recommended that one uniform system be adopted in all countries, and this recommendation has been generally followed. The new notation is very easily understood. So far as possible, the initial letters of words are employed as a general basis, and these letters are modified by other subscript letters, printed in smaller type to the left or right of the principal symbol. Each symbol is explained as the necessity for using it arises; it is therefore un- necessary to give here any detailed explanation or an index of the symbols. In the introduction commutation symbols are printed in Gothic type, in accordance with the recommendation of the Actuarial Society of America, but in the headings to the tables the old type is still employed with exactly the same significance as the Gothic type used in the introduction. THE SPECTATOR COMPANY. January, 1906. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. The design of this work is to furnish the public with a means of clearly understanding the fundamental princi- ples of life insurance, and to enable agents to present them in a concise and forcible manner. To accomplish this result, the author has attempted to explain the mathematical laws which the study and experience of the past two centuries have shown to lie at the foundation of the science. In this undertaking he has endeavored to confine himself strictly to those topics which the ex- perience of American companies, during the last few years, has shown to be absolutely necessary to an in- telligent and successful prosecution of the business, and to illustrate them in such a manner that they may be comprehended by any one who is willing to give the sub- ject a careful investigation. Those who still remain prejudiced against life insurance are confirmed in their opinions more by a want of correct information than by any solid arguments which they can produce against it, and the sooner it is stripped of forbidden technical nomenclature and formulae, and adapted to the com- prehension of the average intellect of business men, the greater will be the popular appreciation of its merits. Both officers and agents of companies should be able to meet any objections raised against life insurance, and to explain its principles so clearly that the public may see that it is a plain financial transaction, giving support to the families of thousands of .claimants every year, and throwing its mantle of protection around nearly a million of its living patrons. NATHAN WIIXEY. May. 1872. Table of Contents. Page. 9-11 [Full Index will be found in the last pages of the book.] Accumulation — Assured American Experience Table of Mortality 43, 81-358 Three Per Cent 81 -1 75 Commutation Columns 84 Cost of Insurance Logarithms of Commutation Columns .149-175 86 Net Annual Premiums Single Premiums for Endowment Insurance Terminal Net Values Term Policies, Premiums and Values Value of an Annuity Immediate and Net Single Prem Three and One-half Per Cent Commutation Columns Cost of Insurance Logarithms of Commutation Columns Net Annual Premiums ..89, 127 ...91-95 ..96-148 .142-148 iums 88 .177-266 .... 178 .240-266 ....179a .181,219 .183-187 . 188-239 .233-239 iums 180 .267-315 268 Single Premiums for Endowment Insurance Terminal Net Values Term Policies, Premiums and Values. Value of an Annuity Immediate and Net Single Prem Four Per Cent Commutation Columns Logarithms of Commutation Columns Net Annual Premiums Single Premiums for Endowment Insurance Terminal Net Values Value of an Annuity Immediate and Net Single Annual Premiums. . . . .... 270 .... 272 . 274-279 .280-315 and 271 Four and One-half Per Cent .317-358 e . . . 322 .. .. 318 .... 320 .... 323 324 Annuities for Whole Life, First Payment Immediat Commutation Columns Logarithms of Commutation Columns Net Annual Premiums for Temporary Insurance. . . Net Premiums Single Premiums for Endowment Insurance Terminal Net Values Beneficiary — Brokerage . 330-358 12 Claims — Cost of Insurance Compound Interest. 12 37 Page. Combined Experience or Actuaries' Table of Mortality — Four Per Cent 42, 359-51 1 Commutation Columns 362-365 Cost of Insurance 463-51 1 Life Annuities, First Payment Immediate 368 Logarithms of Commutation Columns 366 Net Annual Premiums 372-376 Net Annual Premiums for Temporary Insurance 371 Net Single Premiums for Endowment Insurance 377-382 Net Single Premiums for Whole Life Insurance 370 Terminal Net Values 383-455 Term Policies, Premiums and Values - 56-461 Cost of Insurance 57 Definitions and Explanations of Life Insurance Phraseology. .9-29 Distribution, Dividend 13 Endowment — Extended Insurance 15 Forfeiture 16 Impaired — Interest 16-19 Index 513 Interest Tables for 100 Wars, two to Seven Per Cent 61-79 Lapse — Loading 20 Life Contingencies 42 Massachusetts Non-Forfeiture Law 32 Monetary Obligations Dependent on Mortality 46 Mortality 21 New York Non-Forfeiture Law 31 Net Values of Policies 54 Non-Forfeiture 22 Option 23 Paid-up Insurance — Premium 23-25 Publishers' Preface 3 Renewal — Risk 25 Scientific Principles of Life Insurance 36-59 Single and Annual Premiums 52 Surplus, Surrender 26 Term Insurance, Tontine 27-29 Valuation 29 UNIVERSITY OF DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF LIFE INSURANCE PHRASEOLOGY. A good many words which are in common use in business life have a meaning peculiar to the subject when used in connection with Life Insurance. It is therefore desirable to call attention to some of these expressions in order to avoid confusion. The mean- ings hereafter given are those most commonly in use. There is much looseness of expression, and some words are used in a way which would sadly shock a purist who prefers to retain the old meaning from which a word may have been derived. But it is thought better to explain the words and phrases as they are generally understood, and even occasionally as they are collo- quially used. Accumulation. Literally, that which is heaped up. It is applied to the accumulation of interest, when the interest on an investment or deposit remains undrawn. In Life Insurance it has a special meaning, and indicates that class of surplus which is gathered up for a period of years before distribution, as opposed to an annual dividend. An accumulation policy is therefore of much the same nature as a deferred dividend policy, although in the former the dividend may be ascer- tained annually and left undrawn, whereas in the latter the dividend is usually calculated only after the de- ferred period has expired. Actuary. The oldest meaning of this word was simply registrar, or clerk; but more recently it has been used to denote one who is proficient in the practical application of mathematics to the facts upon which Life Insurance is based. It is now acquiring a broader significance, and might almost be stated as "an expert in insur- ance," where the word expert involves a knowledge of mathematics, law, bookkeeping, and finance. Annuity. A sum of money payable periodically after fixed intervals. The word annuity was originally applied only to a sum payable once each year, being taken io Principles and Practice directly from the Latin word annus, a year; but the meaning has become extended and it now may be applied to any sum payable at regular intervals, so much so that the redundant expression "an annuity payable annually" is often used and is scarcely con- sidered wrong. If the payments are to be made for- ever, the contract is called a perpetual annuity or a perpetuity. The more important conditions by which payments are limited are explained by the following terms : Life Annuity, one which depends for payment upon the survivance of some person definitely named, and which ceases at death. Annuity -Certain. — One payable for a fixed number of years, or for a fixed period of time, irrespective of the survivance of any particular life or the happening of any contingency. Contingent Annuity. — One which only goes into effect after the happening of an event which may or may not take place. Of such nature is an annuity payable to A after the death of B, if such death take place in the lifetime of C; or an annuity payable to A if B should die within one year. If the annuity were payable to A from the death of B, without other condition, it would be called a Reversionary Annuity. — This is an annuity payable to one person after the death of another, the most common instance being an income for a widow after the death of her husband. The word reversionary really implies that the annuity is in existence all the time and reverts to one person after another ceases to enjoy it'by death or otherwise. This is the true dis-^ tinction, now seldom observed, between a reversionary annuity and a Survivorship Annuity. — This term is used to denote an annuity to commence at the death of some specified person or persons, and be payable during the subsequent lifetime of the beneficiary. 'Temporary Annuity. — An annuity with payments limited to a fixed time. It may depend upon a life as well as a fixed period, when it is distinguished as a temporary life annuity. Such an annuity would cease after the expiry of the fixed period, whether the life were to survive or not, and at an earlier date if the annuitant were to die. When no life contingency is involved this becomes an annuity-certain. Deferred Annuity. — This is the complement of a temporary annuity. It does not commence, or tech- nically is not "entered upon," until after the expiry of a fixed period of years. A deferred life annuity is there- Of Life Insurance. fore of the nature of a pension. By this means a man may, in the working period of life, purchase an income for his old age. Joint Life Annuity. — This expression refers to a pay- ment to continue periodically while two or more per- sons remain alive; it would cease with the first death Last Survivor Annuity. — An annuity depending upon two or more lives, payable at the same rate so long as any one of them is alive. When two lives are involved this is sometimes called a Joint and Survivor Annuity. Application. The form filled out by a person who wishes to obtain an insurance policy. It gives particulars of the name, residence, occupation, and age of the person on whose life the policy is to be written, and specifies the kind of policy wanted, how premiums are to be payable, etc., etc. It forms the basis of the policy contract. Some- times, especially in Britain, it is called a "proposal." Assets. All the property, having monetary value, in posses- si jn of a company. A distinction has been drawn between gross assets and admitted assets. The former may include such items as personal security loans, promissory notes, office furniture, etc., but these items are excluded by most Insurance Departments, and after they have been deducted the balance is called the net, or admitted, assets. Assignee. The person to whom the policy contract has been assigned, conveyed or mortgaged. By .the laws of some of the States, it is considered contrary to public policy that one person should have an interest in the death of another, unless closely related by ties of blo"od or marriage, and assignments in the absence of such interest are not valid. Generally, however, a pur- chaser of a policy for value is protected by the law, and a creditor niay hold a policy to the extent to which he would suffer loss through the death of his debtor, but for no more. (See Insurable Interest). Assured or Insured. These two words are generally treated as synonymous. They are most commonly used to designate the person on whose life a policy is taken. An attempt has been Principles and Practice made to limit the use to the person in whose favor the policy is granted, that is, the beneficiary, but this limi- tation has not been generally followed, although the origin of the word would make it a more correct usage. (See Insured.) Beneficiary. The person for whose benefit an insurance has been effected. The life insured must always be named in a policy contract, and often a specific beneficiary is also mentioned. Sometimes a third person acquires an interest in the policy, namely, the assignee. Bonus. This word is sometimes used to denote the share of surplus under a policy. It is commonly used in Britain, but very seldom in America, where the word "dividend" is the equivalent. Brokerage. This term in Life Insurance is generally applied to the remuneration of an agent, who is instrumental in effecting a policy, when such remuneration takes the form of a single cash payment upon completion of the transaction, — often a percentage of the first premium under the policy. Claims. This word is used almost exclusively to denote claims by death, although the word might also be held to cover surrender values drawn in cash, endowments which mature by survivance, and other obligations on the part of the company. Commission. The remuneration to an agent for his services, based upon the business transacted. It is most commonly paid as a percentage of the premiums collected, but sometimes it depends partly upon the sums insured under business paid-for. The first year's commission (see Brokerage) is generally at a higher rate than the renewal commission. The renewal commission is often paid for a fixed period of years if the policy be main- tained, or sometimes even for the entire duration of the policy. Company. A number of persons associated together for some business enterprise. In a Life Insurance Company the purpose is that of protecting one another, or others who wish the protection, against unforeseen loss through Of Life Insurance. 13 death. The organization of a company generally implies the election of a Board of Directors to manage the affairs of the company, appoint Executive Officers, etc. In a mutual insurance company the Directors are elected by the policyholders, sometimes by personal votes, but more frequently by proxies. In a proprietary company the policyholders have the additional guar- antee of the capital subscribed by the stockholders, who elect the Directors and who are generally entitled to share in the profits of the company. A pure stock insurance company, in which all the profits belong to the stockholders, is now practically unknown. Contribution Plan. A method of distributing the surplus of a life insurance company based on the following principles : The policy is credited with the premiums paid and with interest earned thereon. It is then debited with expenses of management, the cost of insurance, and the policy value at the date of computation. The excess of the credits over the debits represents the surplus contributed by that policy, hence the use of the name Contribution Plan. Cost of Insurance. The actual mortality risk incurred by a Life Insur- ance Company expressed in money. The aggregate cost of insurance experienced by a company in a year consists of the total claims by death, less the policy values released on the termination of the contracts. The expected cost of insurance is the mortality portion of the net premium accumulated to the end of the year, and consists of the rate of mortality, under the table adopted, multiplied by the net amount at risk. (See Risk.) Distribution. A dividing up; apportionment; this word is gener- ally applied to the division of surplus in an insurance company. It consists in allocating to individual policyholders the share in the total surplus to which each is entitled. Distribution Period. — The time over which a distri- bution of dividends is calculated; sometimes used as the exrct time at which the distribution takes place. Dividend. This word, of course, literally means "something divided." In investment parlance it is probably best i4 Principles and Practice used to distinguish a return based upon actual profits (as in the case of dividends to stockholders), from one which is guaranteed (as in the case of bonds or mort- gages), the latter being called "interest." In Life Insurance the meaning is analogous, and the word e v presses the share of surplus earned by and allocated to any policy. Life insurance dividends to policyholders are variously distinguished as annual, accumulation, deferred, cash, reversionary, and contingent. Annual and Deferred Dividends. — In the case of an annual dividend, the amount of cash surplus earned by any policy in the preceding year is ascertained and allocated at the end of that year. Under a deferred dividend the surplus is not distributed until the expiry of a definite period, when those policyholders only participate in the surplus who are alive and whose policies are in force (see Accumulation). The distribu- tion is generally made in cash when it may be applied to reduce future premiums. Sometimes this cash dividend may remain undrawn and be payable with accumulated interest along with the sum insured. Otherwise it may be applied to purchase a reversion- ary addition to the policy as explained in the next paragraph. Cash and Reversionary Dividends. — The distinction between these two forms of dividend is that the former is a sum payable at once, while the latter is an equiva- lent larger sum payable at death. If reversionary dividends are selected the cash surplus is applied as a single premium to purchase a paid-up addition to the sum insured, due at the same time as the face value of the policy. Sometimes the cash dividend is allowed to remain with the company and accumulate at interest ; the result in such case is quite different from a rever- sionary dividend. The death rate and the interest on monev are taken into consideration in fixing the equiva- lent amount of reversionary dividend, with the result that the same sum is payable if the insured die im- mediately after the allocation as will be paid if he sur- vive for manv years. When cash dividends remain undrawn, on the other hand, a smaller amount is pay- able in event of early death than if the life insured were to survive many years, because in the latter case the interest accumulations over the entire period swell the dividend payment. Contingent Dividend. — This partakes of the nature of a pure endowment, and is payable only if the life insured survives a fixed period, or in the event of some other contingency being fulfilled. Of Life Insurance. Endowment. Pure Endowment. — A Pure Endowment is a form of policy which provides a sum of money after a specified number of years, provided some nominated person be alive at that time. In such case the benefit is lost if the nominee should die before the date agreed upon. The word "Endowment" is often used as mean- ing the same as Endowment Insurance. — This form of policy com- bines the Pure Endowment above mentioned with term insurance for the same period, with the result that the sum insured is payable either at death within the period or on survivance. The Endowment Insur- ance is a very popular form of policy, but the Pure Endowment is almost unknown to the general public; hence the word "Endowment" in popular usage gener- ally refers to an Endowment Insurance and not to a Pure Endowment. Expectation of Life. The average after lifetime at a specified age. This function is obtained by adding together the periods lived by each one of a body of persons, all of the same age, and dividing the result by the total number of persons. It is incorrect to use the expectation of life as a basis for monetary calculations. Complete and Curtate Expectation. — When the above result is obtained accurately by taking into account fractions of a year, the expectation is called "complete;" but when only the number of full years lived by each person is used, the fraction of a year in the year of death being ignored, the phrase "curtate expectation" is used. Accordingly, the latter is always less than the former by approximately half a year. Expected. An adjective used to distinguish from the actual results of experience the figures which would result if the tabular death rate were to be exactly reproduced. Thus we have the "expected" deaths and the "actual" deaths, the "expected" cost of insurance and the "actual" cost of insurance, etc. As mortality tables differ from each other, the "expected" results in like manner differ according to the table employed in com- putation. Extended Insurance. This consists in carrying the nominal risk, as shown by the face value of a policy, for a period of time as it) Principles and Practice temporary insurance. No further premiums are pay- able. This is one of the forms of surrender value pre- scribed by statute. It is sometimes also called Con- tinued Insurance. Forfeiture. The loss of a valuable right or benefit through the violation of, or omission to observe, an essential con- dition. The causes which most commonly result in the forfeiture of a life insurance policy are: i. Non-payment of premium when due; 2. Fraud in obtaining a policy. 3. Proceeding to an unhealthy climate, undertaking some hazardous occupation, or committing suicide within a limit of time after the policy is taken; and 4. The lack of insurable interest on the part of the person who effected the policy. The third of the above causes is generally covered in American companies after two years from the date of issue of any policy; in one or two instances policies are free in this respect from the commencement. Under the second and fourth causes the policy may be con- sidered void from the beginning; but the avoidance of the risk cannot be established until the fraud or lack of insurable interest is proved; these conditions are therefore much the same as forfeiture. Impaired. An adjective often used to distinguish a person who is unsuitable for the issue of a policy of insurance in the healthy class; literally, below par; not equal to the average. Impaired risks are sometimes accepted in a special class by themselves, or with extra pre- miums which correspond to the extent of the impairment. Instalment Policy. A contract under which the sum insured, instead of being payable in one sum at death or on maturity, is payable in equal annual instalments thereafter. For example, a Whole Life Policy for $10,000, payable in twenty instalments, would secure $500 each year for twenty years after the death of the insured. It follows that the rate of premium appears small in rela- tion to the face value of the policy, because when the sum insured is payable in instalments its value is con- siderably smaller at the date of death. The premium, therefore, for the policy mentioned in the above ex- Of Life Insurance. 17 ample would be roughly three quarters of the premium required for a policy of $10,000 payable in cash at death. Continuous Instalments. — When a beneficiary is named, and when the policy has a provision that the annual instalment shall be payable not only for a fixed number of years certain, but also for as many more years as the beneficiary may live, the policy is said to be one by continuous instalments. If the beneficiary die before the policy becomes a claim, the premium is generally reduced to the regular fixed instalment rate, and the minimum number of instalments is then payable after a claim arises. Otherwise another beneficiary may be named if the proper increase in premium be paid an- nually. The policy is a survivorship annuity under another name, and with the guarantee of a fixed number of payments whether the annuitant be alive or dead. Insurable Interest. The liability by one person to suffer pecuniary loss on the death of another. The law recognizes two or three kinds of insurable interest: A wife has an in- surable interest in her husband's life, a daughter in her father's life, and a sister in her brother's life; a creditor has an insurable interest in his debtor's life. The law is very rigid in providing that one person cannot insure the life of another unless he has some insurable interest and would suffer pecuniary loss by the death of that other person. The reason for the enforcement of this law is obvious; insurances effected in the absence of such interest would be contrary to public policy; they would provide a motive for crime. Insurance. A term applied to the guarantee of a monetary pay- ment by way of compensation on the happening of some untoward event, in consideration of an immediate cash payment, or series of annual payments. In its fundamental principle it consists in the combination of many persons to protect each individual against some contingency which may happen soon, which may be long deferred, or which may never happen at all. Life Insurance involves the payment of a sum of money on the death of some nominated person, the life insured, in consideration of the receipt of a specific premium. It is distinguished by several names accord- ing to the class of business transacted, or according to 18 Principles and Practice the nature of the company undertaking the obligation, as stated in the following paragraphs: Insurance Company. — An organization formed for the granting of insurance. In Life Insurance, com- panies are generally divided in two classes: (i) Mutual companies where the policyholders have the supreme control and elect Directors, and (2) Stock Companies where Directors are elected by the stockholders, who are frequently entitled to a share of the surplus. In former days there were several stock companies in which the entire surplus belonged to stockholders; and an attempt was then made to distinguish a third class of company as a "Mixed " company, because in such cases the policyholders had a share in the surplus. At the present time all stock companies give policy- holders a large share in the surplus, so that the dis- tinction is no* longer necessary. The principal differ- ence between a mutual and a stock company now lies in the method of electing Directors. (See also "Com- pany.") Assessment Insurance. — This is a form of mutual protection which originated in the practice of calling for a donation from each member of a Society for the family of a deceased member. It is still conducted partly in this manner, and the proceeds under any certificate of membership are frequently limited to the assessments levied upon the surviving members in con- sequence of the death or deaths which have occurred. The payment at the death of a member, therefore, varies according to the number of members, the amount of assessment paid by each, and the number of deaths. Sometimes assessments are levied in advance, and in such cases a fixed amount is usually guaranteed at death. Fraternal Insurance is conducted by an association without capital stock, carried on solely for the mutual benefit and 'protection of its members, having a lodge system and representative form of government. Old-Line Insurance. — This term is generally applied to Life Insurance conducted on scientific principles, under which a policy value is carried in respect of each contract in force. All the tables of premiums and values in this volume have been prepared on the old-line basis. Industrial Insurance. — This is a form of old-line Life Insurance, generally for small amounts, under which the premiums are payable in weekly or monthly instal- ments. Its original design was to provide insurance by weekly premiums for the industrial classes, hence the use of the word. When premiums are payable at longer intervals than once a month, the same policy Of Life Insurance. 19 would be called ordinary; the distinguishing feature, therefore, is in the payment of premiums at frequent intervals. Premiums are usually collected from door to door each week. Insurance Department. — That section of the State government which has control of insurance matters. Insured. This word is used very loosely with meanings as follows : As an Adjective it is commonly used in the phrase "life insured," this being the person on whose life the policy is taken. As a Noun it is most commonly applied with the same meaning as that above given for an adjective. An attempt has frequently been made to- restrict the meaning of "the insured" to the person for whose benefit the policy is taken, that is, the beneficiary. This would perhaps be the more correct meaning, but it is not popularly understood in this way. As a verb the word is used from two entirely different points of view, as in the following sentences: (1) "The company insured John Doe," and (2) "John Doe insured his life." Properly speaking, the party who "insures" is the company issuing the policy; the other party is the person who obtains the insurance. It would be well if this distinction could be observed, but it seems hopeless to obtain accuracy of expression in this direction. Interest. Interest is the payment made by a borrower for the use of money. It is generally due at fixed intervals, such as at the end of each year or half year, and is com- puted as a percentage or ratio of the sum lent. For example, if $100 were lent out at 5 per cent payable half-yearly, interest of $2.50 would be due at the end of each half-year during the continuance of the loan, the two payments in each year making up the $5.00, or 5 per cent per annum. Simple and Compound Interest. — When the interest falls due at periodic intervals, and there is the means of enforcing payment at the proper time, there is no difference between simple and . compound interest. But if the interest be allowed to run on for a length of time, then under simple interest no additional charge can be made for interest on the unpaid interest. On the other hand, when compound interest is charged, 2o Principles and Practice the interest as it falls due becomes part of the "prin- cipal" of the loan and thus earns more interest. Sub- sequent interests, therefore, are charged not only on the original sum lent, but also on the unpaid interest due in the past. In some States it is illegal to charge compound interest because this used to be thought usurious; this idea is gradually disappearing. When interest is payable in advance, it is frequently called Discount. — This is also a payment for the use of money, but charged in advance. As the payment is made at once, discount is a little more valuable to a lender than interest at the same rate. The most com- mon instance is that of a banker "discounting" a note. If a promissory note due in three months for $100 were presented to a banker and he were to discount it at 5 per cent, he would deduct $1.25 from the $100 and hand the owner of the note $98.75, in consideration of receiving $100 in three months. If the note were not paid when due, it would be charged back against the person who discounted it, so that the banker has double security, first the maker of the note and then the person who discounted it. Lapse. Literally, a slipping away. Lapse implies the loss of a privilege by neglect of some necessary condition; in this sense it is therefore like the word "forfeiture." The word is most commonly applied to the termination of a policy through non-payment of a premium. There is this vital distinction between lapse and forfeiture, that a policy may lapse while yet the non -forfeiture provision may apply; the policy lapses, but its value, or a fair proportion of it, remains. Liability. This word is used in a general commercial sense to denote any legal obligation for which the company may be liable. In the plural the word liabilities is used in Life Insurance to cover all obligations, present and future, including claims filed but not approved, dividends apportioned but not paid, commissions on premiums outstanding, surrender values which may be claimed on lapsed policies, as well as the present value of all outstanding policies. This last, in the case of nearly all life insurance companies, is by far the largest item of liability. When the surplus is added to the liabilities above outlined, a balance is effected with the assets. Of Life Insurance. 21 Life Policy. Under this form the obligation on the part of the company is that it shall pay a stipulated sum at the death of the insured. If the consideration payable by the insured is an annual premium so long as he may live, it is called a Continued Payment Policy, or an Ordinary Whole Li/e Policy. If the premiums by the insured are limited to a fixed number of years, the sum insured being still payable at death, it is called a Limited Payment Policy, sometimes more specifically a Twenty Payment Policy or Ten Payment Policy. Limited Payment. This term is generally applied to a form of policy under which the sum insured is payable at death, the premiums falling due only for a limited number of years. If the life insured live, the premiums cease after a fixed period and the policy becomes "paid-up"; if he die within the period the premiums cease when the sum insured becomes payable. The most popular form is a Twenty Payment Policy, premiums being limited to twenty annual payments or ceasing earlier in the event of the death of the insured. Loading. The sum by which the premium for a policy of in- surance exceeds the net rate required for the risk (see "Premium"). The additional payment is necessary in order to meet expenses, provide against adverse fluctuation, and perhaps furnish part of the surplus for distribution. Mortality. The rate of dying ; hence the ratio of the number of persons dying in a year to the total number alive at the beginning of a year and under observation. Light mortality is spoken of when the number dying is less than the tabulated statistics lead one to anticipate; the converse is heavy mortality. In Life Insurance the terms favorable and unfavorable for light and heavy mortality are frequently used. Expected Mortality. — The deaths which would take place amongst a number of persons, as in an insurance company, if the rate of dying were to agree exactly with some specified mortality table. Mortality Table. — "The instrument by means of which are measured the probabilities of living and dy- 22 Principles and Practice ing." A mortality table generally records the number of persons remaining alive at each age out of a fixed number born (such as 10,000 or 100,000, called the "radix" of the table), also the number dying between the respective ages. The radix may, however, com- mence at any convenient age, and in life insurance tables generally commences at age 10; the table terminates about age 100. Non-Forfeiture. This term is applied to certain laws and policy pro- visions which secure to policyholders a fair value for their contracts if they should be allowed to lapse acci- dentally or otherwise. The most general provision i« that a large proportion of the policy value shall be applied either to purchase paid-up insurance at the attained age of the insured, payable at the same time and under the same conditions (except as to payment of premiums) as the original policy, or to extend the face value of the original policy as term insurance for such time as the available value will purchase when applied as a single premium. By the laws of one or two States, it is further provided that a proportion of the value may be withdrawn in cash, but this is an unusual stipulation. The provisions of law generally stipulate that the value must be claimed within a reasonable time after the lapse of the policy for non-payment of premium. This time varies in different States from six months in New York to five years (fixed by legal decisions, not by enact- ment) in Tennessee. In Massachusetts the law (see page 34) stipulates that paid-up insurance will be granted automatically "without any further stipulation or act," so that application for this right is unnecessary. This law only applies to Massachusetts companies. Life insurance companies generally are more liberal in their conditions than even the strictest laws require, and amongst other features have introduced Automatic N on- Forfeiture. — This term implies that the value of any policy contract at the date of lapse will be used without request by the insured, or without action on his part, towards preserving his equity. This is done in various ways, (1) by extending the face value of the policy under term insurance, (2) by providing (as in the case of the Massachusetts law) a paid-up policy for an equitable amount, and (3) in a few instances, by applying the value to maintain the policy in full force, subject to an indebtedness to the extent of the unpaid premium which is advanced by the company as a loan against the policy. Op Life Insurance. 23 Each one of these three plans has much to be said in its favor and has its own advocates. Under the first and third plans the insurance protection is maintained at the largest possible figure, but the reserve value of the policy is necessarily used in maintaining this protection. Under the second plan the policy value will increase the longer the paid-up policy remains in force, and a small amount of protection is available at any time. On the other hand, however, the reduction in the sum insured at the date of lapse is frequently large, and the insured cannot obtain the protection he formerly possessed without undergoing a new medical examination. The third plan entirely meets this latter objection, because the policy may be reinstated in full force on payment only of the premiums which have been advanced by the company with interest. Two of the most important State laws regulating non-forfeiture are afterwards given, and there is in- cluded also the old non -forfeiture laws in Massachu- setts which have since been changed. These old laws, however, still apply to policies issued by Massachusetts companies while they were in force, and therefore they are still of practical importance, in addition to being valuable historically as giving an indication of the trend of thought and development of this non -forfeiture question. Non-Forfeiture Laws. — (See pp. 31-35.) Option. The right to choose; frequently the word is used as meaning the right to enter into or reject a contract at a specific time. The various alternatives under a policy of insurance when surplus is distributed are spoken of as options. At that time the holder of the policy may take either a cash payment or apply the same to the purchase of further insurance, or the purchase of an annuity to reduce future premiums. He has therefore the right to choose between these alternatives. Paid-Up Insurance. This represents an obligation on the part of an insur- ance company to pay the sum insured when the cor- responding obligation on the part of the insured for payment of premiums has been fully satisfied. Properly speaking, it is the premiums that are "paid-up," not the insurance, and the more correct expression would therefore be "insurance with premiums paid-up." 24 Principles and Practice Policy. The document executed by an insurance company, setting forth the terms on which a contract of insurance has been agreed upon. The full contract of life insur- ance generally consists of an application by the insured, including statements made by him to a medical exam- iner, and the policy issued by the company. For de- scription of the different kinds of policies, see Life Policy ; Limited Payment; Endowment; Term Insurance. Policy Year. — A year dating from the issue, or the renewal date of a policy. Policy Value. Commonly spoken of as the "Reserve;" that is, the fund which has accumulated out of the net premiums payable under any policy. On the average this fund, together with the net premiums to be received in future, is the exact mathematical equivalent of the obligation incurred by the company to pay the sum insured. Terminal Value. — The policy value is most con- veniently calculated at the end of a policy year when a premium is just due, and before payment of such premium. The value at this time is called the Terminal Value or the Terminal Reserve under a policy. Mean Value. — When a valuation of the policies of a company is being made at a fixed date, the Terminal Values above explained do not in general apply, because the premiums fall due at various intervals throughout the year. It is generally assumed in a company valua- tion that premiums fall due with regularity over the year, and this is approximately correct in America. The policy values are therefore computed as Mean Values by taking the arithmetical mean between (i) the Terminal Value of the current year, and (2) the Terminal Value of the preceding year plus one year's net premium. Premium. The amount payable by a person effecting an insur- ance in consideration of the benefit he obtains. The root of the word (L. primus, first) implies that it is payable in advance, and this is the general practice; the policy of insurance does not go into effect until the first premium has been paid. Premiums are most frequently payable annually, but with a slight increase in the rate they may be. paid in semi-annual or quarterly instalments. In such cases, if the life insured should die after paying only one semi-annual instalment of a Of Life Insurance. 25 full year's premium, then, in accordance with the prac- tice in America, the other instalment or instalments are deducted from the sum insured. Practically, therefore, the premiums remain annual premiums, but they are accepted in instalments as a convenience for the policy- holder. Extra Premium. — A premium charged in addition to the normal rate on account of some additional hazard incurred by the life insured. The most usual causes for extra premiums are (1) occupation, and (2) foreign residence. Occasionally an extra premium is also im- posed because of impaired health on the part of the life insured, but this practice is not common in America. Net Premium. — This is the exact mathematical equiv- alent of the benefit guaranteed, according to the Table of Mortality and Rate of Interest used in the calculation. It is the basis on which insurance companies form the gross premium. Gross Premium. — The premium charged in a policy contract. It generally consists of the net premium with the addition of such sums as may be required for ex- penses of management and contingencies, called the "loading." Single Premium. — When an insurance or annuity benefit is purchased for one payment only, this payment is called the single premium. For example, the net single premium at age 30 by the American Experience Table at 3^ per cent is $337.02; this is the exact equiv- alent of $1,000 payable at the death of a person of the age of 30 when 3^ per cent interest during life is allowed for, and the chance of death in any year by that Table is taken into consideration. Premium Notes. — Promissory notes given by policy- holders in part payment of their premiums. In all cases these notes are secured by the value of the policy. Sometimes they run for a short period only, thereby giving the insured facility for paying part of his premium at a later date. Sometimes they are drawn for a fixed proportion of each premium and become due only when the policy ceases to be in force,' or when a dividend is declared, or a claim arises. They are in the nature of policy loans, although the policy contract itself is not deposited as an evidence of indebtedness. Renewal. An adjective applied to those premiums paid after the first year, by means of which a policy is renewed and kept in force. Hence it is also applied to renewal 26 Principles and Practice commission, being the commission paid on renewal premiums. Such commissions are often colloquially referred to as an agent's renewals. Reserve. This word is generally used to denote the net value of all the policies of a company remaining in force on a fixed date (see "Policy Value"). The aggregate policy values are ascertained liabilities, so that, when used in this way, the word Reserve has a different significance from that commonly employed in commercial circles, where the reserve fund is something set apart as a further protection over and above the ascertained liabilities. Risk. Chance of loss. Often used in life insurance to denote the person on whom a policy has been issued, who is spoken of as "a good risk" or "an impaired risk." Amount at Risk is the difference between the face value of the policy of insurance and the policy value held in the assets against it. This is the sum which has to be taken from the general mortality fund of the company if the insured should die, and upon which the cost of insurance is calculated. Surplus. Excess above what is required. The sum by which the assets of a Life Insurance Company exceed its liabilities. Like the word "assets," therefore, it is distinguished by the adjectives gross, net, and admitted. The two latter refer to the surplus credited by the Insurance Department to an Insurance Company, while the former may include certain assets which, by the practice of Insurance Departments would be excluded, or not admitted. Surrender. The giving up ; a word used in life insurance generally to imply the voluntary discontinuance of a policy of insurance, and the claiming of the value which may then be allowed by the company. The Surrender Value is the equivalent given by an Insur- ance Company to a policyholder on his giving up his rights under the policy. Such surrender values are usually payable in one of three forms: (i) Cash; (2) Paid-up Insurance; or (3) Extended Insurance. Of Life Insurance. 27 Term Insurance. This form of policy provides that the sum insured shall be payable only in event of death within a specified term. Under some forms of the policy when the insured survives the term he has no further rights, and if he should then desire to continue insurance protection, has again to undergo medical examination and submit himself to the same restrictive tests as a new applicant. The position is a little different under a Renewable Term Policy. — When the term expires in a contract of this character, the insured has the option to continue the policy on paying the premium for the attained age whatever may be the state of health. If he should be in thoroughly good health when the first policy expires the option is of little value, but if his health is poor, and if he still desires insurance protection, the option becomes a valuable one. When the term is a long one, notice that renewal is desired has frequently to be given to the company sometime before expiry. Convertible Term. — This phrase is generally used to denote that a term policy may be converted into another form of policy, such as Life or Endowment Insurance. Sometimes the conversion applies only to the attained age of the insured, and requires that future premiums shall be at the rate for the age attained when the con- version is effected. Sometimes, however, the right is given to exchange to participating forms of policy (within a limited time) on payment of the difference, with interest, between the premiums for the Term Insurance and the premiums for the age of entry under the form of policy afterwards selected. It is incorrect and unscientific to give this option except for the early years of a policy contract, otherwise the insurance company might suffer through policyholders exercising the option to its disadvantage. Preliminary Term Insurance. — This phrase is used in two different senses. Sometimes it applies to protec- tion running for a month or two only, preliminary to the date of the policy on the form applied for. The reason for this preliminary insurance is most frequently that the insured wishes his premium to fall due at a fixed time, but does not wish to postpone the protection which the policy affords. This provision is of great advantage to such men as farmers whose income is received after the harvest; it is most convenient for them to pay their premiums in the fall, and they often take preliminary term insurance from the date when application for the policy is made. Principles and Practice The other form of Preliminary Term Insurance is that used by a large number of companies as a means of providing for the heavy initial expense incurred in writing new life insurance business. Much expense is incurred the first year in placing the business on the books of a Life Insurance Company; and, by treating the first year of the policy as Term Insurance, a large portion of the premium is set free to meet this expense which seems to be one of the necessary features in the business of life insurance. Under such contracts the premium for the first year is generally the same as that for subsequent years. Tontine. This peculiar word is derived from the name of an Italian, Leonardo Tonti, who first suggested the form of investment, or speculation, which now goes under th^. name of a Tontine. It is a fund subscribed with the understanding that it will accumulate for a time, and thereafter be divided amongst the surviving contribu- tors. Tontines are now practically unknown, and have been little used since the beginning of the 19th century. The word is frequently used in life insurance to dis- tinguish a certain form of surplus, spoken of as a Tontine Dividend. — This form of dividend was popular so long as it was the practice to forfeit entirely the policy value in event of the insured discontinuing pay- ment of premiums. When the practice of guaranteeing liberal surrender values arose, the advantages in the Tontine Dividend form of distribution to a great extent disappeared. Policies which were entitled to a Tontine Dividend were placed in a class by themselves, and the premiums were accumulated for the specific benefit of the members of that class. The expenses of manage- ment and claims by death applicable to the class were charged out, and at the end of the Tontine period the aggregate policy values were also deducted from the fund. The remainder was the surplus which fell to be distributed amongst the policyholders then existing. Usually also the right was given at that time to with- draw the entire policy value. At the termination of a Tontine period, therefore, the entire fund contributed by the members of any specific class was understood to be closed out. Semi-Tontine Dividends. — This form was introduced after it became customary to pay surrender values on the discontinuance of policies after being three years in force. It is practically the equivalent of a deferred. Of Life Insurance. 29 dividend policy, and the latter name is now generally preferred. Valuation. The process of ascertaining the liabilities of an Insur- ance Company under its outstanding policies. Valua- tion consists in striking a balance between the present value of the obligations on the part of the company and the present value of the premiums to be received from policyholders. The practice of companies (almost invariable in America) is to take credit only for net premiums on the assumption that the loadings are thereby left intact to meet future expenses in connection with the business. Valuation by this process is known as Net Premium Valuation, or, more shortly, Net Valuation. When the gross premiums actually payable, are valued and taken credit for, the process is called one of Gross Premium Valuation. This method does not make sufficient allowance for future expense; although this may be done by deducting a percentage from the value of the premiums. Of Life Insurance. 31 NEW YORK NON-FORFEITURE LAW. A law was passed, taking effect on January 1st, 1880, to provide that in event of a policy lapsing through non-payment of premiums, a surrender value could be claimed at any time within six months, such value to be either paid-up insurance or extended insurance as might be stipulated in the policy contract. Verbal changes were made when the insurance laws of 1892 were put in force, but these changes did not affect the values to be given or the conditions on which such values could be claimed. The law at present in force reads as follows : STATUTES OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, Laws of 1892. Chapter 690, Article II. , Section 88. Surrender value of lapsed or forfeited policies. — Whenever any policy of life insurance issued after January first, eighteen hundred and eighty, by any domestic life insurance corporation after being in force three full years, shall, by its terms, lapse or become forfeited for the non-payment of any premium or any note given for a premium or loan made in cash on such policy as security, or of any interest on such note or loan, the reserve on such policy computed according to the American experience table of mortality at the rate of four and one-half per cent per annum shall, on demand made, with surrender of the policy within six months after such lapse or forfeiture, be taken as a single premium of life insurance at the published rates of the corporation at the time the policy was issued, and shall be applied, as shall have been agreed in the application or policy, either to continue the insur- ance of the policy in force at its full amount so long as such single premium will purchase temporary insurance for that amount, at the age of the insured at the time of lapse or forfeiture, or to purchase upon the same life at the same age paid-up insurance payable at the same time and under the same conditions, except as to payments of premiums, as the original policy If no such agreement be expressed in the application or policy, such single premium may be applied in either of the modes above specified at the option of the owner of the policy, notice of such option to be contained in the demand hereinbefore required to be made to prevent the forfeiture of the policy. The reserve hereinbefore specified shall include dividend addi- tions calculated at the date of the failure to make any of the payments above described according to the American experience table of mortality with interest at the rate of four and one-half per cent per annum after deducting any indebtedness of the insured on account of any annual or semi-annual or quarterly premium then due, and any loan made in cash on such policy, evidence of which is acknowledged by the insured in writing. The net value of the insurance given for such single premium under this section, computed by the standard of this State, shall in no case be less than two-thirds of the entire reserve computed according to the rule prescribed in this section after deducting 3 2 Principles and Practice the indebtedness as specified ; but such insurance shall not partici- pate in the profits of the corporation. If the reserve upon any endowment policy applied according to the provisions of this section as a single premium of temporary insurance be more than sufficient to continue the insurance to the end of the endowment term named in the policy, and if the insured survive that term, the excess shall be paid in cash at the end of such term, on the conditions on which the original policy was issued. This section shall not apply to any case where the provisions of the section are specifically waived in the application and notice of such waiver is written or printed in red ink on the margin of the face of the policy when issued MASSACHUSETTS NON-FORFEITURE LAWS. In 1 86 1 the Legislature of Massachusetts adopted a non -forfeiture law to protect the interests of policy- holders ; that year marked the commencement of legisla- tion on this subject. Frequent changes have been made in the old Massachusetts law, and as such changes do not become retroactive, it follows that policies once issued remain at all time under the law in force at the date of their issue. Apart therefore from the historical value of the various laws and the changes therein, the different laws have also a practical value, as they still apply to existing policy contracts. The text of the three different non -forfeiture laws is therefore given in full, first the original law, second the codification of 1887, and third the existing law. Notes are added as to the minor changes which have been made : THE MASSACHUSETTS NON-FORFEITURE LAW. Approved April 10, 1861. Section i. No policy of insurance on life hereafter issued by any company chartered by the authority of this Commonwealth shall be forfeited or become void by the non-payment of premium thereon, any further than regards the right of the party insured therein to have it continued in force beyond a certain period, to be determined as follows, to-wit : The net value of the policy, when the premium becomes due and is not paid, shall be ascertained according to the "Combined Experience" or "Actuaries" rate of mortality, with interest at four per centum per annum. After deducting from such net value any indebtedness to the company or notes held by the company against the insured, which notes, if given for premiums, shall then be canceled, four-fifths of what remains shall be considered as net single premium of temporary insurance, and the term for which it will insure shall be determined according to the age of the party at the time of the lapse of the premium and the assumptions of mortality and interest aforesaid. Section 2. If the death of the party occur within the term of temporary insurance covered by the value of the policy, as de- termined in the previous section, and if no condition of the insur- ance other than the payment of premium shall have been violated by the insured, the company shall be bound to pay the amount of the policy the same as if there had been no lapse of premium, Of Life Insurance. 33 anything in the policy to the contrary notwithstanding; provided, however, that notice of the claim and proof of the death shall be submitted to the company within ninety days after the decease ; and provided also that the company shall have the right to deduct from the amount insured in the policy the amount at six per centum per annum of the premiums which have been forborne at the date of his death. MASSACHUSETTS NON-FORFEITURE LAW. Codification of 1887. Section 76. All policies hitherto issued by any domestic life insurance company shall be subject to the provisions of law appli- cable and in force at the date of such issue. No policy of life or endowment assurance hereafter issued by any such company shall become forfeited or void for non-payment of premium after two full annual premiums, in cash or note, or both, have been paid thereon ; but in case of default in the payment of any subsequent premium, then, without any further stipulation or act, such policy shall be binding upon the company for the amount of paid-up insurance which the then net value of the policy and all dividend additions thereon, computed by the rule of section eleven, less any indebtedness to the company on account of said policy, and less the surrender charge provided herein will purchase at a net single premium for life or endowment insurance maturing or terminating at the time and in the manner provided in the original policy contract ; and such default shall not change or affect the conditions or terms of the policy, except as regards the payment of premiums and the amount payable thereon. Said surrender charge shall be eight peer ent of the insurance value of the policy at the date of default, which insurance value is the present value of all the normal future yearly costs of insurance which by its terms said policy is exposed to pay in case of its continuance, computed upon the rate or mortality and interest assumed in section eleven. Every such policy, after the payment of two full annual premiums thereon, shall have a surrender value which shall be its net value, less the surrender charge, and less any indebtedness to the company on account of the said policy, and its holder may, upon any subsequent anniversary of its issue, surrender the same and claim and recover from the company such surrender value in cash; provided that from the surrender value of all endowment policies the company may deduct five per cent. On policies of prudential or industrial insurance on which the weekly premiums are not more than fifty cents each the surrender value in all cases shall be payable in cash. Upon surrender, on any anniversary of its issue, of a policy which has become paid-up after the payment of two full annual pre- miums, by force of the statute upon default in payment of pre- mium, the holder shall be entitled to its net value, payable in cash ; provided that from such net value of all endowment policies the company may deduct five per cent. But no surrender of a policy shall be made without the written assent of the person to whom the policy is made payable Any condition or stipulation in the policy or elsewhere, contrary to the provisions of this section and any waiver of such provisions by the assured, shall be void. The Actuaries' Rate of Mortality with four per cent interest is given as the basis of computation of net value in Section 1 1 of the Codification of 1887. In 1894 a change in the above law was made so that it might apply, in accordance with the practice of com- panies, to policies taken bv single premiums. 34 Principles and Practice In 1896 the clause "provided that from the sur- render value of all endowment policies the company may deduct 5 per cent" was struck out; companies had not availed themselves of the right to make the deduction. In 1900 the entire law was changed, and the following is now in force: MASSACHUSETTS NON-FORFEITURE LAW. Chapter 118, Section 76, Revised Laws. Paid-up and cash surrender values. — All policies issued prior to the first day of January in the year nineteen hundred and one by any domestic life insurance company shall be subject to the pro- visions of law limiting forfeiture which are applicable and in force at the date of their issue. No policy of life or endowment insur- ance issued by any such company after the thirty-first day of December in the year nineteen hundred shall become forfeit or void for non-payment of premium after three full annual premiums have been paid thereon ; but in case of default in the payment of any subsequent premium, then without any further stipulation or act such policy shall be binding upon the company for the amount of paid-up insurance which the then net value of the policy and all dividend additions thereon, computed by the rule of section eleven, less any indebtedness to the company on account of said policy, and less the surrender charge provided herein, will purchase as a net single premium for life or endowment insurance maturing or terminating at the time and in the manner provided in the original policy contract; and such default shall not change or affect the conditions or terms of the policy, except as regards the payment of premiums and the amount payable thereon. Said surrender charge, unless fixed at a smaller rate by the policy, shall be five per cent of the present value of the future net pre- miums at the date of default, which by its terms said policy is exposed to pay in case of its continuance, computed upon the rate of mortality and interest assumed in section eleven. But any company may contract with its policyholders to furnish, in lieu of the paid-up insurance provided for in this section, any other form of life insurance lawful in this commonwealth, of not less value. Every such paid-up policy shall have a cash surrender value, which shall be its net value, less any indebtedness to the company on account of said policy, and every policy which by its own terms has become paid-up shall have a cash surrender value, which shall be its net value, less five per cent of one net premium, and the holder of any paid-up policy may upon any anniversary of its issue surrender the same and claim and recover from the company such surrender value in cash. But no sur- render of a policy shall be made without the written assent of the person to whom the policy is made payable. On policies of prudential or industrial insurance on which the weekly premiums are not more than fifty cents each the surrender value shall in all cases be payable in cash, which shall be a legal claim for not more than two years from the date of lapse. Any condition or stipula- tion in the policy or elsewhere which is contrary to the provisions of this section, and any waiver of such provisions by the insured, shall be void. The Massachusetts Law does not require the surren- der of the policy, but under the New York Law the Of Life Insurance. 35 policy must be surrendered within six months after the date of lapse in order that the specified values may be obtained. The value under the Massachusetts Law is automatically carried forward to the credit of the policy-holder, and awaits him at such time as he may claim it. When the contract calls for the surren- der of the policy within a specific period, and this re- quirement does not conflict with the law of the State, then if the insured does not surrender the policy and claim the value all his right will cease at the end of the stipulated time. In case no time is stipulated within which the surrender should be made and the contract contains a provision that in case of default in the payment of any premium when due, all payments are to be forfeited (a provision which would be binding under the laws of several of the States), then the sur- render should be made before such default occurs. A decision to this effect was made by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in 1888 in Smith vs. National Life Insurance Company. The practice is, however, becoming more and more common for companies to grant automatic non -forfeiture privileges whereby the insured obtains a reasonable value if he should discon- tinue payment of premium, this value being allocated to him whether he claims it or not. The trend of legis- lation seems to be in the same direction. 3 6 Principles and Practice SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES OF LIFE INSURANCE. While accident or acute disease may carry off any person in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, it is a fact, now clearly established, that the death rate in a body of persons is subject to a well-defined law. The rate may vary according to the circumstances of the people, according to occupation, and according to country, but persons living in modern conditions and healthy surroundings experience a rate of mortality which is marveloiisly regular from year to year, and still more regular when viewed over a lengthened period such as a generation. The fluctuation as between one year and the year immediately succeeding may some- times be considerable, although even that is less than one would expect when consideration is given to the variations in temperature and moisture as between one year and the next. Sometimes the effect of an unusual season is different from what one might suppose ; it has been shown that a wet season is in many instances more healthy than a dry one, the reason being apparently that the dust particles in the air are more dangerous than the moisture. As the result of careful observations over a period now extending to more than 300 years, very accurate knowledge has been obtained as to the rates of mortality in temperate zones. For general purposes the investiga- tion is made of communities from the vital statistics derived from census returns and the deaths which take place between two census dates. Such tables were also used for life insurance purposes in the early years of the science, but it was soon demonstrated that insured lives were subject to a different rate of mortality from the general population, especially in the first few years after their policies were taken. The reason for this is simple: Life Insurance Companies, to protect their own interests, will only accept healthy persons who can undergo medical examination to their satisfaction. At the present time, therefore, statistics derived from insured lives are used almost exclusively by Life Insurance Companies, and the variation from the standard mortal- ity table is seldom great after the first two or three years have elapsed from the dates when the policies are taken. The calculations involving mortality statistics can now be accurately made, and the principles on which life Of Life Insurance. 37 insurance transactions are based are spoken of as Actuarial Science. Mathematically this term might be defined as the combination of monetary indemnity with the doctrine of chances. As life insurance contracts involve monetary obliga- tions extending over a long period of time, the interest on money is a very important factor in dealing with Actuarial Science. The premiums, or at least a certain portion of the total premiums, have to be accumulated at interest so as to provide the sum insured at the proper time. The interest question, therefore, as affecting life insurance, relates not only to the rates which may be obtained for high-class investments now, but must take into consideration the interest to be earned in future, that is, between the time when policies are effected and the time when the sums insured become payable. This future rate is necessarily of the nature of an estimate, and any such estimate must be on a conservative basis, such a rate being used in the calcula- tions as can surely be earned. For the investment of its funds a Life Insurance Company can select from a wide range of securities, including Government, State, and Municipal securities, mortgage loans, real estate, stocks, bonds, etc. With this variety of choice, the result has been that Insurance Companies have earned a very satisfactory interest rate, and despite the recent tendency towards reduction, the average even yet exceeds 4 per cent. A maximum rate for valuation purposes has been prescribed by the statutes of most of the States. This maximum rate is as high as 4% per cent in one or two Western States, but in the East it is generally 3^ per cent. A good many companies as a further precautionary measure have adopted 3 per cent voluntarily, in order to avoid any possibility of loss in future if the interest on money should seriously diminish. The calculations required in life insurance, therefore, involve two important factors, (1) compound interest, and (2) rates of mortality. The principles of compound interest form part of the mathematics now always included in a good general education, but as some symbols are used in a particular sense in Actuarial Science, it will be well to recapitulate briefly some of the general outlines. Compound Interest. Amount. — If $100 be invested at 4 per cent per annum, the lender will at the end of one year possess $104, this being his original capital with the addition of $4 of 3« Principles and Practice interest. If he again invest this larger sum at the same rate, the interest he would earn in the second year would be 4 per cent on $104, that is $4.16, so that at the end of the second year he would possess $108.16. If this again were invested for a third year, the interest would be $4.33 and the total sum in hand, or the "amount" after three years would be $112.49; during the fourth year the interest would be $4.50 and the "amount" at the end of the fourth year, $116.99, an d so forth. It is unnecessary to carry the above illustration further. These values, and those in continuation, are shown more accurately in Table V. on page 70. The above figures show the difference between simple and compound interest. At simple interest the amount in hand at the end of the fourth year would be $116 only, consisting of the $100 originally lent and interest for four years of $4 each year. The figures show further that the difference between the simple and the compound interest is an increasing quantity, beginning with 16 cents at the end of the second year, increasing to 33 cents in the third year, and to 50 cents in the fourth year. If the illustration were carried further, the difference between simple and compound interest would be more striking; in the twentieth year, the amount at compound interest would be $219, while at simple interest it would only be $180; in the fiftieth year at compound interest the amount of $100 would be $711, whereas at simple interest it would only be $300. The use of simple interest is entirely illogical over an extended time if there is any means of enforcing payment of the interest when due, because when the interest is obtained it can always be re-invested so as to earn more interest, and this is particularly the case when an Insurance Company or Corporation collects large sums of interest which can be re-invested at once on favorable terms. In dealing with the theory of this subject, it is convenient to employ unity as the basis instead of $100 as used in the above illustration. If the interest be 4 per cent as above, the rate on a single unit would be .04. This rate per unit is generally expressed symbolic- ally as i, the initial letter of the word interest. The amount of 1 in one year would therefore be (i-f-t). If this amount were re-invested for another year, the interest earned upon it would be iX (1 +t) and the total amount at the end of the second year would therefore be (i+*)+i>C(i+i) — (i+t)(i+t), or (i+i) 2 . Continuing the same principle for an indefinite number of years, I ■-¥ I Of Life Insurance. 39 say x years, we have as the amount of 1 in x years (i+i) x . It is of course understood that x may repre- sent any number. For example, by Table V. if the value 10 be given to x, we have the amount of 1 in 10 years 1.4802 at 4 per cent interest; in 20 years it is 2.1911; and in 50 years 7.1067. If the amount in- vested were different from 1, it would only be necessary to multiply the above figures by the relative amount. Thus, if $50 were invested for 10 years at 4 per cent compound interest, the amount at the end of that time would be $74.01. In like manner, if $1,000 were in- vested for the same period, the amount would be $1,480.20 at compound interest. Amount of 1, or 100, Per Annum. — The foregoing explains how a single investment may be accumulated. In life insurance transactions an annual deposit is frequent. If a payment of $100 were to be made each year and accumulated at 4 per cent interest, the process would be as follows: First payment made $100 . 00 Add interest for first year at 4 per cent 4 . 00 TOTAL AT END OF FIRST YEAR $104 . OO Add payment at beginning of second year 100 . 00 TOTAL AT BEGINNING OF SECOND YEAR $204 . OO Add interest for second year at 4 per cent 8.16 TOTAL AT END OF SECOND YEAR $212. 1 6 Add payment at beginning of third year. 100 . oo Add year's interest on $312.16 at 4 per cent.. 12.49 TOTAL AT END OF THIRD YEAR $324 . 65 etc. etc. The same result as is above shown can be obtained from the table of the amount of i. The total amount of $100 each year with 4 per cent interest at the end of the third year is composed of three separate amounts, namely : (1.) $100 invested for 3 years at 4 per cent amounting to $1 12 . 49 (2.) $100 invested for 2 years at 4 per cent amounting to. . . , 108 . 16 (3.) $100 invested for 1 year at 4 per cent amounting to 104 . 00 TOTAL $324-65 40 Principles and Practice By the use of algebraic symbols the process for arriving at the amount of i per annum over a given number of years can be simplified. The result is exactly the same as that above shown, but the process of calculation is reduced. It is evident that the amount of i per annum consists of the accumulations of each individual payment : The last payment of i would have amounted to ( i + i) The second last payment of i would have amounted to (i +i) 2 The third last payment of i would have amounted to (i + t) 3 , etc. The first payment would after x years have amounted to (i + i) x The above series of values is a geometrical progression with a ratio ( i + i) . The sum of the series by the common algebraic rule is therefore By working out this formula for all values of x, the succeeding figures for the table of the amount of i per annum may be obtained. Referring again to Table V. it will be observed that the amount of i paid each year in advance, and accumulated at 4 per cent for 10 years, is $12.4864; the amount of $50 per annum in advance would therefore be $624.32, and of $100 per annum $1,248.64. If the payments were made at the end of each year instead of at the beginning, the interest earnings would be different, and the formula would not be quite the same as that above given. In that case the last pay- ment would be made at the date up to which the accumu- lation takes place; it would therefore earn no interest; and the interest on every payment would in like manner run for one year less. In other respects the amount would remain the same as if the accumulation took place for one year less ; that is, the amount of 1 at the end of each year for ten years is equivalent to the amount of 1 at the beginning of each year for nine years, plus the tenth payment of 1 received at the date of accumulation. At 4 per cent interest this amount would therefore (see Table V.) be 11.0061 + 1 = 12.0061, which is consider- ably smaller than the corresponding amount of 1 per annum payable at the beginning of each year, given above. Present Values. — We have seen that $100 amounts to $104 in one year at 4 per cent interest, and therefore Of Lifk Insurance. 41 $100 is the present value of $104 due in one year. What then is the present value of $100 due at the end of one year? The result is obtained very simply by proportion, namely, = $96. 15. In like manner, the present value of $100 due in two years may be obtained by proportion from the sum to which $100 will amount in two years. It is therefore — — = $02.46. Other 108.16 values may be obtained in the same way. We may express the ideas conveyed by the above examples thus : If $96. 1 5 were invested now at 4 per cent interest for one year, the amount at the end of the year would be $100; or if $92.46 were invested for two years at 4 per cent the amount after two years would be $100. To investigate present values individually and arith- metically as above is a tedious process as compared with that which is evolved by the use of algebra. It was shown that 1 in one year would amount to (i+i). It follows by proportion, that the present value of 1 due at the end of one year must be -, -. This (1+*) is generally expressed as v, the initial letter of the word value, so that we have (1 -HO The amount of 1 in two years is (i-f-t) 2 , so that the present value of 1 due in two years is v 2 = - Generally the present value of 1 due at the end of x years is v x (i+*> A table of present values may be formed very easily from a table of amounts by taking the reciprocal of each successive amount ; or it may be formed by success- ive division from the commencement by (i-f-t), or by continued multiplying by ^. Still another way, and perhaps the best of all, is to calculate the value when #=50 or ioq and thereafter multiply by (i+i), thereby obtaining the successive values as x decreases. Tables of these present values are available for all ordinary purposes, the 4 per cent table being given in the second column of Table V., 42 Principles and Practice from which it will be observed that the present value of $100 due in ten years would be $67.56, and of the same amount due in fifty years, $14.07. Present Value of 1 Per Annum. — We have seen by the foregoing that the value of $100 due in one year at 4 per cent is $96.15, and that the present value of $100 due in two years is $92.46. It follows that the present value of $100 per annum for two years is the sum of the two, namely, $188.61. The present value of $100 due in three years is $88.90, and adding this amount to $188.61 we have $277.51 as the present value of $100 per annum for three years. This is probably a suf- ficient general explanation of the last column given in Table V. above mentioned. From that table it will be observed that the present value of $100 per annum for ten years is $811.09, the total payment for the entire period being, of course, $1,000; and the present value of $100 per annum for fifty years is $2,148.22. Algebraically the process of obtaining the values may be simplified. The present value of 1 due in one year is represented as v; the present value of 1 due in two years is represented as v 2 ; the present value of 1 due in three years is represented as v 3 ; the general form for any number of years is repre- sented as v x . This series is a geometrical progres- sion with common ratio v, and the sum of the 1 — v x series may be easily proved to be — : — , representing the present value of 1 per annum for x years, and general- ly written 1 — v x Life Contingencies. The other important factor in Actuarial Science is the rate of mortality, and in this connection the general nature of a mortality table has already been explained (see page 21). Many mortality tables have been published, some of them for general use, and some for special purposes; but two only have been very widely, almost exclusively, used in America by old-line com- panies during the last 40 years, namely, the Actuaries' Table and the American Experience Table. Actuaries' Table of Mortality. — This is frequently referred to as the "Combined Experience" Table, or in Britain, as the "Seventeen Offices" Table. It was compiled from statistics given by 17 British Insurance Companies, who furnished particulars of nearly 84,000 policies taken out between the years 1762 and 1833. Of Life Insurance. 43 The various tables were arranged under the supervision of Jenkin Jones, and were published in London in 1843. For many years this table, with 4 per cent interest, formed the basis of valuation prescribed by law in several of the most important States. It was therefore generally adopted by American companies, although it has now been superseded by the American Experience Table. The change in the laws was not made retro- active, and' accordingly the Actuaries' Table is still used in New York and Massachusetts for the valuation of policies effected prior to January 1st, 1901. American Experience Table of Mortality. — This table was published in 1868, and was constructed by Sheppard Homans who was then the Actuary of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. It is understood that he used mortality statistics taken from the experi- ence of that company, after excluding the very light mortality of the first year or two after the date of entry ; but it is generally supposed that the table was adjusted more or less arbitrarily, such adjustments being based upon the wide and unusual experience of its author. For some time after its first publication, this table was used with 4J per cent interest as the Standard Table for valuation in many of the States. It was afterwards superseded by the Actuaries' Table with 4 per cent interest, but has again been re-introduced with a reduced interest rate of 3^ per cent, as from January 1st, 1901, this being the legal valuation basis in New York and Massachusetts. It has already been explained that the mortality table contains a record of the number who would survive a year out of a given number of persons alive at the be- ginning of the same year. The actual figures forming the American Experience Table of Mortality are given in Table X. on page 82. It is customary to represent the number living at any age by the symbol l x , and the number dying between any two ages by d x . The num- bers living at ages 10, 11, etc, are / 10 = 100,000, l lx = 99,251, etc , while the numbers dying are d 10 = j4g, d n = 746, etc. The American Experience Table com- mences at age 10 with a radix of 100,000. As every person alive must at some time die, it follows that the sum of the entire number dying at each age from 10 upward must equal the number living at age 10. The sum of the third column will be found to be 100,000; in actuarial notation this is represented as follows: lx = d x + d x+1 + d x+2 + d x+3 + d x+4 + The number living n years after the age x is written 44 Principles and Practice l x +ny and this, in like manner to the above, is equal to the sum of the deaths from age x + n upward. From Table X on page 82, it will be observed that out of 100,000 alive at age 10, 99,251 would survive one year, while 749 would die before attaining age 11. The chances of dying or of surviving are therefore in the ratio of 749 to 99,251. In the science of probability it is customary to repre- sent the chance of an event taking place as a fraction. The probability of dying in a year at age 10 would be — '-^ — . The probability of surviving a year would be 100,000 J 99,251 - « 100,000 -" — =— , and the sum of these two would be = 1 100,000 100,000 which represents certainty, or the combined probability that a person must either live or die; we know there is no third course. The number of persons out of 100,000 who live for two years is 98,505; therefore the probability that a person 10 years of age will live two years is 9 '^°^ . 100,000 The probability that a person of age 11 will survive to age 12 is = . 992484; and as 746 persons die between ages 11 and 12, the probability of dying in that 746 time is — =. 0071; 16. 99.251 The probabilities of dying within a year at any age are given in the Table on page 82 by the American Experience Table, and on page 360 by the Actuaries' Table. If the probability of dying in a certain period be known, the probability of living over the same period may be at once obtained. As already stated, a person must either live or die, and when the one probability is given it is only necessary to subtract the result from unity in order to obtain the other. The probability of living for a year is represented in actuarial notation by the symbol p x \ p is the initial letter of the word probability, and the subscript x on the right side is used to indicate the age of the life. If the age were 10 the probability of living a year would be written p l0 ; if the age were 15 it would be written p l5 , etc. Sometimes it is desirable to express the probability of living a year at an age a few years older than another age; in that case the symbol used is px+n I n the above instance, therefore, the probability of living a year at age 15 could be represented by p 10+s . Of Life Insurance. 45 The probability of dying is represented by the letter q, selected because of its being the letter next after p. Thus q x represents the probability of dying in the year from age x to age x+i. From the above explanations it will be very readily seen that the following equations hold good . To a considerable extent they are derived one from the other, and involve only a careful under- standing of the symbols employed. &X ~ ''X ^x-\-\ t+x+n == ^x+n ^x+n+i lx+i ~ ^X &X l>x ^x -q x d x Ix — lx+i l x l x ~Px i, lx+n+i Px+n— j ^x+n The probability of living for n years may easily be obtained. We observe from the American Experience Table that out of 100,000 alive at age 10, 92,637 survive to age 20. The probability that any individual will o 2 6 3 7 survive 10 years at age 10 is therefore ' ° = .02637. 100,000 Algebraically this result is expressed in general terms as follows: l ^x+n nPx = ~f—- l x But the probabilities over a longer period than a single year are seldom required in life insurance calcula- tions . We have observed from the American Experience Mortality Table that out of 100,000 alive at age 10, 99,251 will survive to age 11, 98,505 to age 12, etc. The number of full years which would be lived by 100,000 persons of age 10 would therefore be the sum of the numbers living opposite each age in the Mortality Table If all these years were added together and divided by 100,000, we should have the curtate ex- pectation of life, this being the average number of full years which persons of a given age will live. To obtain the complete expectation, it is necessary to add the period survived by those who die during the year. On the assumption that death takes place at equal intervals throughout the year (an assumption reasonably accurate except at the very old ages) each person will live on the average for half a year in the 46 Principles and Practice year of death. The "complete" expectation of life is therefore obtained from the curtate expectation by adding one half year. Algebraically the expressions above referred to, would be written thus: e-r = lx+i ~t~ ^r-ttf ~t~ ^r+3 ~^~ ^» l X This gives the curtate expectation of life, and from it the /'complete" expectation may be derived, written usually with a small circle above the e, as follows: o _ jd x + l x+1 + %d x+l + l X +2 + h d x+2 + k+3 + • • • e x _ —^ l x */« + /«+! +/»+, + /«+,+ .... ,. = = $ + e x . *x It should be carefully noted that the expectation of life is of very limited use, principally for comparing one Mortality Table with another. It does not represent the time which a man of a given age may reasonably expect to live; and, moreover, the function cannot be used for accurate monetary calculations. Monetary Obligations Dependent on Mortality. One of the simplest obligations on the part of an Insurance Company is an undertaking to pay a sum of money at the end of a year if a specified person should die during the year. Suppose a company to enter into 100,000 such obligations at age 10; then we know that in accordance with the American Experience Mortality Table 749 of these lives insured would die during the year, and therefore 749 claims would arise. If each claim were for $1,000 the total sum payable at the end of the year would be $749,000. The value at the be- ginning of the year would be the same amount discounted at interest. If the interest were 3^ per cent, the value at the beginning of the year would therefore be ZMi — = $723,672. The share of this sum applicable to each one of the 100,000 persons would be $7.24, and this is the net premium which would be required at age 10 to provide one year's term insurance of $1,000. There is another way of arriving at the same result. The probability of dying in a year at age 10 is .00749. If, therefore, any person should desire one year's insur- ance at that age for $1,000, it is necessary to multiply together (1) the probability of dying, (2) the sum Of Life Insurance. 47 insured, and (3) the present value of 1 due at the end of one year, giving the following result: . 00749 X 1000 X = $724 as before. 1.035 The above example illustrates in a simple way two different methods of arriving at accurate results in life insurance calculations. The first method is to assume that many risks are incurred, trace the pay- ments which would arise in consequence, discount these payments at interest, and divide the present value among the number of risks assumed. The other plan is to deal with the probability that an event will happen, and multiply it by the sum involved, discounting the amount at interest to the date of calculation. The former method brings out very clearly one of the great principles of life insurance, namely, that it is necessary to have a reasonable number of risks whereby an average result can be obtained. It is impossible to tell what may happen to an individual, or at what time an individ- ual may die, but when a sufficient number of individuals are observed together the results may be relied upon. This does not mean that it is necessary to have an average number of risks for each age, for each kind, or for each occupation. It is sufficient that when all Life Contingencies undertaken by a company are grouped, the aggregate should be sufficient to form a general average. A company may therefore assume a risk on a single life proceeding to the tropics if an adequate premium be paid, because this risk is classified with the general average mortality of the company. While the term contract for one year as above illus- trated is one of the simplest obligations discussed in Actuarial Science, it is not one of the most frequent. Probably the most common form of life insurance involves an obligation to pay a sum of money at the death of a specified person at whatever time such death may take place. If a company were to enter into 100,000 such obligations (commonly known as whole life, or ordinary life insurance) at age 10, then by examining the column showing the numbers dying, we can ascertain how many claim's would arise each year and how much the company would have to pay out annually. Accord- ing to the tabular experience there would be 749 deaths in the first year, 746 in the second, 743 in the third, and so forth. The present value of all the claims which would arise through these deaths can be easily found by discounting the payment at interest for 1, 2, .3, etc. years. The average obligation by the company for 48 Principles and Practice each individual is therefore the sum of all these pay- ments divided by 100,000, and this represents the single premium for a whole life insurance at age 10. If the sum insured in each case were $1,000 and the rate of interest 3^ per cent, the entire present value of the total sums payable would be the series $749,000 746,00 743>ooo t etc 1.035 (i-035) 2 (i-°35) 3 ' and the average value, or single premium for whole life insurance at age 10, the sum of the series divided by 100,000. To make a calculation of the above nature in an individual case would be a laborious process, and simpler methods have been invented Algebraically the situation may be represented as follows, wherein A x represents the single premium for the insurance of 1 at age x: vd x + v 2 d T+l +v 3 d x+2 + A, = - L This formula is not simpler than the arithmetical process already explained; indeed it is the same thing> expressed symbolically. Moreover, if the single pre- mium were desired at age x 4- 1 , the values in the above table would be of no service, because the formula at age x+i would be A-x+i — vd x+l + tfd x+2 + v 3 d x+3 + , etc each term in the latter expression being different from the corresponding term in the former. These two formulas can be brought into comparative harmony by a very simple device, it being remembered that a fraction remains unchanged in value if the numerator and denominator be multiplied by the same quantity. If the numerator and denominator of the first expression be multiplied by v x , and those of the second expression by i^ +1 , we have the formulas as follows: • v* +l d x + v* + *d x+l +v* + *d x+2 + , etc. A x - -^— -and . v x+2 d x+l +v x+3 d x+2 + , etc. A x+1 — vX+% ^ It will now be observed that the first numerator contains all the values given in the second, with the addition of one more . Accordingly, if a calculation of the numera- tor were made for the youngest tabular age, all other values could be obtained therefrom by an easy process . Of Life Insurance. 49 But the formulas have been still further simplified as follows: If v x+1 d x be represented by C^, v x+2 d x+l by C x+1 , and v x+n+1 d x+n generally by C x+n ; and further if v x l x be written as D x , then we have the formula for the single premium as follows: . _ C a + C a+1 + C a+2 ,+ ,etc. A* ~ If the values of C be summed continuously, that is, add the second last value to the last, the third last value to the sum of these two, the fourth last to the sum of the three, etc., then we have a column (written IVI*) which gives opposite any age the sum of the values of C from that age upwards, and the expression for a single premium at age x may now be written in a very simple form, namely, The mode of construction of such Commutation Columns, as they are called, will be better understood by an example. The following shows the construction of such columns for the last few years of the American Experi- ence Table, ages 85 to 95, inclusive — 3^ per cent interest. To complete the table the same process must be applied down to the youngest age: Present Sum op Sum of AGE No. Living No. Dying Value of 1, 3i% v x+l Xd x c* M, X h d x v x+l c* W x R* 85 5,485 1,292 .051896 67.0494 263 .9067 826.1330 86 4,193 1,114 .050141 558567 196.8573 562.2263 87 3,079 933 .048445 45- 1993 141 .0006 3653690 88 2,146 744 . 046807 34.8244 958013 224.3684 89 1,402 555 .045224 250993 60. 9769 128. 5671 90 847 385 •043695 16.8225 358776 67.5902 9i 462 246 .042217 10.3854 19-0551 31.7126 92 2l6 137 .040789 5-588i 8.6697 12.6575 93 79 58 .0394IO 2.2858 3.0816 3.9878 94 21 18 .038077 .6854 • 7958 .9062 95 3 3 .036790 . 1 104 . 1 104 .1104 The above figures would have been more accurate according to the book values if one or two further decimal places had been used. Accordingly, 50 Principles and Practice The final column in the above table R x is derived from M x in the same way in which M x is obtained from C x . We therefore have the following relationships between the three columns: C x = 4 27 3652 93 24 5162 .040789 8.6105474 695.4066 27.4060 94 25-3742 .039410 8.5956071 720.7808 27-4454 95 26.2623 .038077 8.5006667 747.0431 274835 96 27.1815 .0367QO 8.5657264 774.2247 27.5203 97 28.1329 .035546 8. s 50786 1 802.3575 27-5558 98 29.1175 .034344 8.5358457 831 4750 27.5902 99 30.1366 .033182 8.5209053 861. 6117 27.6234 100 31.1914 .032060 8 5059650 892.8031 27.6554 7o Principles and Practice Table No. V. INTEREST TABLES, FOUR PER CENT. Amount of Present Value Amount of Present Years. One Dollar at end of of One Dollar due x years Logarithm v, x One Dollar per annum at Value of One Dollar per annum for x years. x years. hence = »* # 1 end of x yrs. I I.O4OG .961538 9.9829667 I.O4OO .9615 2 1. 0816 .9 2 4556 9-9659333 2.I2I6 1. 886l 3 1. 1249 .888996 9.9489OOO 3.2465 2-7751 4 1. 1699 .854804 9.9318666 4.4163 3.6299 5 1. 2167 .821927 9.9148333 5.6330 4.4518 6 I.2653 .790315 9.8978000 6.8983 5.2421 I I-3I59 .759918 9.8807667 8.2142 6.002I I.3686 .730690 9-8637333 9.5828, 6.7327 9 1-4233 .702587 9.84670OO II. 006l 7-4353 10 I.4802 .675564 9.8296666 12.4864 • 8. 1 109 IX 1-5395 .649581 9.8126332 I4.O258 8.7605 12 1. 6010 .624597 9-7955999 15.6268 9-335I 13 1. 6651 .600574 9.7785666 I7.2919 9.9856— i4 IT73I7 •577475 9.7615332 I9.0236 IO.563I , 15 1.8009 .555265 9.7444999 20.8245 II.II84 16 1.8730 •533908 9.7274666 22.6975 II.6523 \l 1-9479 .513373 9.7104332 24.6454 I2.I657 2.0258 .493628 9.6933998 26.6712 12.6593 19 2. 1068 .474642 9.6763665 28.7781 13-1339 20 2.1911 •456387 9- 6 593332 30.9692 I3.5903 21 2.2788 .438834 9.6422999 33.2480 I4.0292 - 22 2.3699 •421955 9.6252666 35.6179 I4-45II 23 2.4647 .405726 9.6082332 ' 38.0826 I4.8568 24 2.5633 .390121 9. 591 1998 40.6459 I5.2470 25 2.6658 •375II7 9.5741665 ' 43.3117 15.6221 26 2.7725 .360689 9-557I332 46.0842 15.9828 27 2.8834 .346017 9. 5400998 48.9676 I6.3296 28 2.9987 • •333477 9.5230665 51.9663 16.663I.-- 29 3.1187 .320651 9. 5060331 55.0849 I6.9837 30 3-2434 .308319 9.4889998 58.3283 I7.2920 3i 3-3731 . 296460 9.4719665 61.7015 17.5885 32 3.5081 .285058 9-4549331 65.2095 17.8736 33 3-6484 .274094 9.4378998 68.8579 I8.I476 34 3-7943 .263552 9.4208664 72.6522 I8.4II2 35 3.9461 .253415 9.4038331 76.5983 I8.6646 36 4.1039 .243669 9.3867998 80.7022 I8.9083 37 4.2681 .234297 9.3697665 84.9703 I9.I426 38 4-4338 .225285 9-352733I 89.409I I9.3679 39 4.6164 .216621 9.3356998 94-0255 I9-5845 40 4.8010 .208289 9.3186664 98.8265 19.7928 . 4i 4-9931 .200278 9.3016331 IO3.8196 19.9931 42 5.1928 .192575 9.2845997 IO9.OI24 2O.I856 43 54005 .185168 9.2675664 II4. 4129 20.3708 44 5.6165 .178046 9-2505331 120.0294 20.5488 45 1 5.8412 .171198 9.2334997 125.8706 20.7200 46 6.0748 .164614 9.2164664 131-9454 20.8847 % 6.3178 .158283 9-I99433I 138.2632 21.0429 6.5705 .152195 9.1823997 144.8337 2X.I95I 49 6.8333 .146341 9.1653664 151. 6671 21.3415 50 7.1067 .140713 9.1483330 158.7738 21.4822 1 Of Liff Insurance. 71 Table No V. — Concluded INTEREST TABLES, FOUR PER CENT. Amount of Present Value Amount of Present Value of One Dollar per annum for x years. Years. One Dollar at end of x years. f One Dollar due x years hence = v*. Logarithm v x m One Dollar per annum at end of x yrs. 51 7-39IO .135301 9.1312997 166.1647 2I.6I75 52 7.6866 .130097 9.1142663 I73.8513 21.7476 53 7.994I .125093 9.0972330 lSl.8454 21.8727 54 8,3138 .120282 9.0801996 I9O.1592 21.9930 55 8 6464 .115656 9.0631663 198.8055 22.I086 56 8.9922 .111207 9.0461330 207.7978 22.2198 57 9-3519 .i 06930 9.0290997 217.1497 22.3267 58 9.7260 .102817 9.0120663 226.8757 22.4296 59 10.1150 .098863 8.9950330 236.9907 22.5284 . 60 10.5196 ' .095060 8.9779996 247.5103 22.6235 61 10.9404 .091404 8.9609663 258.4507 22.7149 62 11.3780 .087889 8.9439329 269.8288 22.8028 63 11.8332 .084508 8.9268996 281.6619 22.8873 64 12.3065 .081258 8.9098663 293.9684 22.9685 65 12.7987 .078133 8.8928329 306.7671 23.0467 66 13.3107 .075128 8.S757996 320 0778 23.1218 & 13 8431 .072238 8.8587662 333.9209 23.1940 68 14.3968 .069460 8.8417329 348.3177 23.2635 69 14.9727 .066788 8.8246996 363.2905 23.3303 70 I5-3716 .064219 8.8076662 378.8621 23-3945 7i 16.1945 .061749 8.7906329 395.0566 234563 72 16.8423 .059374 8.7735996 411.8988 23.5156 73 17.5160 .057091 8.7565662 429.4148 23.5727 74 18.2166 .054895 8.7395329 447.63H 23.6276 75 18.9453 .052784 8.7224996 466.5766 23.6804 76 19.7031 .050754 8.7054663 486.2797 23.7312 77 20.4912 .048801 8.6384329 506.7709 23.7800 78 21.3108 .046924 8.6713996 528 0817 23.8269 79 22.1633 .045120 8.6543662 550.2450 23.8720 80 23.0498 •043384 8.6373329 573 2948 23.9154 81 23.9718 .041716 8.6202996 597.2666 239571 82 24.9307 .040111 8.6032662 622.1972 23.9972 83 25.9279 .038569 8.5862329 648.1251 24-0358 84 26.9650 .037085 8.5691995 675.0901 24.0729 85 28.0436 .035659 8.5521662 703-I337 24.I085 86 29.1653 .034287 8.5351328 732.2991 24.1428 sz 30.3320 .032969 8.5180995 762.6310 24.1758 88 3L5452 .031701 8.5010661 794- 1763 24.2075 89 32 8071 .030481 8.4840328 826.9833 24.2380 90 34-1193 .029309, 8.4669995 861.1027 24.2673 9i 35-484I .028182 8.4499661 896.5868 24.2955 92 36.9035 .027098 8.4329327 933.4902 24.3226 93 38.3796 .026056 8.4158994 971.8699 24.3486 94 39.9148 .025053 8.3988661 101 1.7846 24 3737 95 4I-5II4 .024090 8.3818328 1053.2960 24.3978 96 43 1718 .023163 8.3647995 1096.4679 24.4209 97 44.8987 .022272 8.3477660 114 1 3666 24.4432 98 46.6947 .021416 8.3307327 1188.0613 24.4646 99 40.5625 .020592 8.3136993 1236.6237 24.4852 100 50.5049 .019800 8.2966661 1287.1287 24.5050 J'tfvUtl .O't^ 72 Principles and Practice Table No. VI. INTEREST TABLE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Amount of Present Value Amount of Present *V 3.1 11G of Years. One Dollar of One Dollar Logarithm w*. One Dollar One Dollar at end of due x years per annum at per annum for .r years. hence = jr*. end of x yrs. x years. I 1.0450 .956938 9.9808837 I.0450 .9569 2 I.Og20 •9*5730 99617674 2.I370 I.8727 3 I.I412 .876297 9.94265II 3.2782 2.7490 4 11925 .838561 9.9235348 4 4707 3.5875 5 I.2462 .802451 9.9044186 5.7169 4 3900 6 I.3023 .767896 9.8853023 7.OI92 5-1579 I I.3609 .734828 9.8661860 8 3800. 5.8927 1. 4221 .703185 9.8470697 9.8021 6-5959 9 I 4861 .672904 9.8279534 1 11.2882 7.2688 10 I-553Q .643928 9.808837I 12.8412 7.9127 ii 1.6229 .616199 9.7897208 14.4640 8.5289 12 1.6959 .589664 9.7706045 16.1599 9.II86 13 1.7722 .564272 9.7514883 I7932I 9.6829 14 1.8519 •539973 9.7323719 19.7841 10.2228 15 1-9353 .516720. 9.7I32557 21.7193 10.7395 16 2.0224 .494469 9.6941394 23-74I7 1 1 . 2340 \l 2.1134 •473'76 9.6750231 25-8551 II.7072 2.2085 .452800 9.6559068 28.0636 I2.l60D 19 2.3079 •433302 9.6367905 30.37I4 12.5933 20 2.41 1 7 .414643 9.6176742 32.7831 I3.0079 21 2.5202 .396787 9-5985579 35-3034 I3.4047 22 2.6337 .379701 9.5794416 37-9370 1 3- 7844 23 2.7522 .363350 9.5603254 40.6892 14.1478 24 2.8760 .347703 9.5412090 43-5652 14.4955 25 30054 .332731 9.5220928 46. 5706 14.8282 26 3-I407 .313402 9.5029765 49-7"3 15.1466 3 3.2S20 .304691 9.4838602 52.9933 I5.45I3 3-4297 .29'57I 9.4647438 56.4230 1 5- 7429 29 3-5840 .279015 9.4456276 60.0071 16.0219 30 3-7453 .267000 9.42651 13 63-7524 16.2889 3i 39139 .255502 9-4073950 67.6662 16.5444 32 4.0900 .244500 9-3882787 71.7562 16.7889 33 4 2740 •233971 9.3691624 76.0303 17.0229 34 4.4664 .223896 9.3500461 80.4966 17.2468 35 46673 .214254 • 9.3309298 85.1640 17.4610 36 4.8774 .205028 9.3II8I35 90.0413 17.6660 11 5.0969 .I9619Q 9 2926973 95-I382 17.8622 5.3262 .187750 9.2735810 TOO. 4644 18.0500 39 55659 .179665 9.2544647 I06.O303 18.2297 40 5.8164 .171929 9.2353484 III 8467 18.4016 4i 6.0781 .164525 9.2162321 II7.9248 18.5661 42 6.3516 •157440 9 I97"58 I24.2764 18.7236 43 6.6374 .150661 9.I779Q95 I3O.9138 18.8742 44 6.9361 .144173 9.1588832 I37-8500 19.0184 45 7.2482 .137964 9.1397669 I45.O982 19 1563 46 7-5744 .132023 9.1206507 I52.6726 19.2884 9 7-9»53 .126338 9IOI5343 i 160.5879 19.4147 8.2715 .120898 9.0824181 168.8594 I9-5356 49 8.6437 . 1 1 5692 9.0633017 177.5030 196513 50 9.0326 .II0710 9.0441855 186.5357 19.7620 Of L,ife Insurance. 73 Table No. VI . — Concluded. INTEREST TABLE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Amount of Present Value Amount of Present Value of One Dollar per annum for x years. Years, One Dollar at end of x years. of One Dollar due x years hence = vx. Logarithm vm. One Dollar per annum at end of x yrs. 51 9-4391 .IO5942 9.O250692 I95.9748 I9.8680 52 9.8639 .IOI380 9.O059529 205.8386 19.9693 53 10.3077 .097014 8.9868366 216.1464 2O.0663 54 10.7716 .092837 8.9677203 226.9180 20.I592 55 11.2563 .088839 8.9486040 238.1743 20.2480 56 ir. 7628 .085013 8.9294877 249-9371 2O.333O 57 12.2922 •O81353 8.9103714 262 2293 20.4144 58 12.8453 •077849 8.8912551 275.O746 20.4922 59 I3-4234 .074497 8.8721389 288.4980 20.5667 60 14.0274 .071289 8.8530226 302.5254 20.6380 61 14.6586 .068219 8.8339063 3I7.I840 20. 7062 62 I5-3I83 .065281 8.81479OO 332.5023 20.7715 63 16.0076 .062470 8.7956737 348.5^99 20.8340 64 16.7279 .059780 8.7765574 365.2378 20.8938 65 17.4807 .057206 8.75744H 382.7185 2O.951O 66 18.2673 •054743 8.7383248 4OO.9859 2I.0057 67 19.0894 .052385 8.7192085 420.0752 2I.O581 68 19.9484 .050129 8.7000922 440.0236 21^1082 69 20.8461 .047971 8.6809760 460.8697 2I.I562 70 21.7841 •045905 8.6618597 482.6538 21.2021 7i 22.7644 .043928 8.6427434 505.4182 21.2460 72 23.7888 .042037 8.6236271 529.2071 2I.288I 73 24.8593 .040226 8.6045108 554-0664 21.3283 74 25.9780 .038494 8.5853945 580.O444 21.3668 75 27.1470 .036836 8.5662783 607.I914 21.4036 76 28.3686 .035250 8.5471619 635.5600 21.4389 29.6452 •033732 8.5280457 665.2052 2I.4726 30.9792 .032280 8.5089293 696.1844 2I.5049 79 32.3733 .030890 8.4898130 728.5577 21.5358 80 33.8301 •029559 8.4706968 762.3878 21.5653 81 35-3525 .028287 8.4515804 797.7402 21.5936 82 36.9433 .027069 8.4324642 834-6836 21.6207 83 38.6058 .025903 8.4133479 873.2893 21.6466 84 40.3430 .024787 8.3942317 913.6323 21.6714 85 42.1585 .023720 8. 375 1 1 52 955.7908 21.6951 86 44.0556 .022699 8.3559991 999.8464 21.7178 87 46 0381 .021721 8.3368828 1045.8845 2L7395 88 48.1098 .020786 8.3C77665 1093.9943 21.7603 89 50.2747 .OI989I 8.2986501 1 144. 2690 21 7802 90 52.5371 .OI9034 8.2795339 1 1 96. 8061 21.7992 9i 54.9013 .018215 8.2604175 1 25 1. 7074 21.8175 92 57-3718 .017430 8.2413014 1309 0792 2I.S349 93 599536 .016680 8.2221851 1369.0328 2I.85I6 94 62.6515 .015961 8.2030688 1431-6843 21.8675 95 65.4708 .OI5274 8.1839525 I497.I55I 21.8828 96 68.4170 .OI4616 8.1648362 1565.5720 21.8974 U 7i 4957 .013987 8.1457200 1637.0678 2I.9II4 74 7130 .OI3385 8.1266035 1711.7808 2I.9248 99 780751 .012808 8.1074871 1789.8560 2I.9376 100 81.5885 .OI2257 8.0883711 1871.4445 2I.9499 74 : Principles and Practice Table No. VII. INTEREST TABLE, FIVE PER CENT. Amount of Present Value Amount of Present Years. One Dollar at end of of One Dollar due x years Logarithm v*. One Dollar per annum at Value of One Dollar per annum for x years. x years. hence =zm end of x yrs. I I.050O .952381 9.9788107 I.O5OO .9524 2 1. 1025 .907029 9.9576215 2.1525 I.8594 3 1. 1576 .863838 J 9.9364321 3-3!OI 2.7232 4 1.2155 .822702 9.9152428 4.5256 35460 5 I.2763 .783526 9.8940535 5.8019 4.3295 6 1. 340I .746215 9.8728642 7.I420 5.0757 I 1. 407 1 .7I068I 9.8516749 8.5491 5.7864 1-4775 .676839 9.8304856 I0.0266 6.4632 9 I- 5513 .644609 9.8092963 11.5779 7.IO78 10 I.6289 .613913 9.7881070 I3.2068 7.7217 XI 1. 7I03 .584679 9.7669177 I4.917I 8.3064 12 1-7959 .556837 9.7457284 16.7130 8.8633 13 1.8856 .530321 9.724539I 18.5986 9-3936 M 1.9799 .505068 9.7033498 20.5786 9.8986 i5 2.0789 .481OI7 9.6821605 22.6575 IO.3797 16 2.1829 .458112- 9.6609712 24.8404 IO.S378 12 2.2920 .436297 9.639782O 27.1324 II. 274I 2.4066 .415521 9.6185926 29-5390 II.6896 19 2.5270 •395734 9.5974033 32.0660 I2.0853 20 2.6533 .376889 9.576214O 34- 7193 12.4622 21 2.7860 •358942- 9.5550248 37.5052 12.8212 22 2.9253 .3418 9.5338354 40.4305 13.1630 23 3.0715 • 325571^ 9 5126461 43.5020 13.4886 24 3.2251 .3IOO68-" 9.4914568 46.7271 13 7986 25 3.3864 .295303 9.4702675 50.H35 I4.O939 26 3-5557 .28I24I-- 9.4400782 53-6691 14.3752 2 3-7335 .267848 - 9.427889O 57-4026 I4.643O 3.9201 .255094 — 9.4066996 61.3227 I4.8981 29 4.1161 .242946 — 9.3855I03 65.4388 I5.I4II 30 4.3219 .231377- 9.3643210 69. 7608 15.3725 3i 4.538o .220359 "• 9.3431318 74.2988 15.5928 32 4.7649 .209866 ' 9.3219425 79.0638 15.8027 33 5.0032 .199873- 9.3007531 84.0670 16.OO25 34 5.2533 .I90355 " 9.2795638 89.3203 16.I929 35 5.5160 .I81290 - 9.2583745 94.8363 16 3742 36 5.7918 .I72657-- 9.2371852 100.6281 16.5469 * 6.0814 .164436 -" 9-2I59Q59 106.7095 16.7II3 6.3855 .I56605 -- 9.1948066 113.0950 16.8679 39 6.7048 .149148 T 9.I736I73 119 7998 I7.OI70 40 7.0400 .142046 *" 9.1524280 126.8398 I7-I59I 4i 7.3920 .135282 9.1312387 134.2318 17.2944 42 7.7616 .128840-- 9. 1 100494 I4I-9933 I7-4232 43 8.1497 .122704-^ 9.0888601 150.1430 17.5459 44 8.5572 .116861^ 9.0676708 158.7002 17.6628 45 8.9850 .III297-* 9.0464816 167.6852 17.7741 46 9.4343 .105997 -» 9.0252923 I77-II94 I7.880I 47 9.9060 .100949^- 9.0041029 187.0254 I7.981O 48 10.4013 .096142 - 8.9829137 197.4267 18.0772 49 10.9213 .091564 - 8.9617244 208.3480 18.1687 50 11.4674 .087204- 8.9405351 219.8154 18.2559 Of IyiFE Insurance 1 75 Table No. VII.— Concluded. INTEREST TABLES, FIVE PER CENT. Amount of Present Value Amount of Present Years. One Dollar at end of of One Dollar due x years Logarithm «•, One Dollar per annum at Value of One Dollar per annum for x years. x years. hence = #*. end of x yrs. Si I2.O408 .083051 - - 8.9193458 23I.8562 I8.3390 52 I2.6428 .079096 *" 8.8981564 244.499O I8.418I S3 13.2749 .075330- 8.8769672 257.7739 I8.4934 54 I3.9387 .071743-" 8.8557778 271.7126 I8.565I 55 14.6356 .068326 - 8.8345886 286.3482 18.6335 56 15.3674 .065073--' 8.8133992 30I.7I57 I8.6985 57 16.1358 .061974 < 8.7922099 317.8514 18.7605 58 16.9426 .059023 - •"" 8.7710206 334.7940 I8.8195 § 9 17.7897 .056212 -" 8.7498313 352.5837 18.8758 60 18.6792 .053536— 8.728642O 371.2629 18.9293 61 I9.6131 .050986- 8.7074527 390.8760 18.9803 62 20.5938 .048558^ 8.6862635 411.4699 I9.O288 63 21.6235 .046246 8.6650742 433-0933 I9.O75I 64 22.7047 .044044 - 8.6438849 455.79 8 I9.II9I 65 23.8399 .041946-- 8.6226955 479.6379 I9.16H 66 25.0319 .039949- 8.6015062 504.6698 I9.20IO ft 26.2835 .038047 *" 8.5803170 530.9533 19.2391 68 27-5977 .036235^ 8-559 I2 77 558.55IO 19-2753 69 28.9775 .034509-' 8.5379384 587.5285 I9.3098 70 30.4264 .032866 — 8.5167491 617.9549 I9.3427 7i 3L9477 .031301 ~ 8-4955597 649.9027 I9.374O 72 33.5451 .0298H ir 8.4743704 683.4478 I9.4038 73 35.2224 .02839I-" 8.4531812 718.6702 I9.4322 74 36.9835 .027039 8.4319919 755.6537 I9.4592 75 38.8327 .025752 «■" 8.4108026 794.4864 I9.4850 76 40.7743 .024525 «*• f' 8.3896132 835.2607 I9.5095 7 Z 42.8130 .023357- 8.3684240 878.0738 I9.5329 78 44-9537 .022245«^ 8.3472347 923'.0274 I9-555I 8 47.2014 .02II86* 8.3260453 970.2288 19.5763 49.5614 .020177 8.3048562 IOI9.7903 19.5965 81 52.0395 .OI9216** 8.2836668 IO71.8298 I9.6157 82 54.6415 .018301-" 8.2624774 II26.4713 I9.6340 83 57.3736 .OI743O 8.2412882 I 183.8448 I9.65I4 84 60. 2422 .016600 8.2200989 1 244. 08 7 1 I9.6680 85 63.2544 .015809/ 8.1989096 I307.3414 I9.6838 86 66.4171 .OI5056 8.1777203 I373.7585 I9.6989 87 69.7379 •OI4339- 8.1565310 I443.4964 I9.7I32 88 73-2248 .OI3657X 8.I3534I6 I516.7212 I9.7269 89 76.8861 .OI3006 8.1141524 I593.6073 19-7399 90 80. 7304 .012387^ 8.0929630 1674.3377 I9.7523 91 84. 7669 .OII797 8.0717738 1759. I045 I9.764I 92 89.OO52 .oii235^ 8.0505847 1848. IO98 19.7753 93 93-4555 .010700 - 8.0293952 I94I.5653 I9.7860 94 98.1283 .010191 8.0082057 2039.6935 I9.7962 95 I03.0347 .009705 7.9870166 2142.7282 19-8059 96 I08.1864 .009243 7.9658275 2250.9146 I9.8I5I U I i3-5957 .008803 7.9446381 2364.5103 19.8239 I i9-2755 .008384 7.9234487 2483.7859 19.8323 99 I 25-2393 .007985 7.9022591 2609.0252 I9.8403 100 — 131.5013 .007604 7.8810702 2740.5264 I9.8479 1 7 o Principles and Practice Table No. VIII. INTEREST TABLES, SIX PER CENT. Amount of Present Value Amount of Present Value of One Dollar per annum for x years. Ybars. One Dollar at end of of One Dollar due x years Logarithm v*. One Dollar per annum at x years. hence = 7' z . end of x yrs. I I.060O .943^96 9.9746942 1.0600 •9434 2 1. 1236 .889996 9.9493883 2.1836 1.8334 3 I.iglO .839619 9.9240824 3.3746 2.6730 4 I.2625 .792094 9.8987765 4.6371 3.4651 5 1.3382 .747258 9.8734706 5-9753 4.2124 6 1. 4185 .704961 9.8481648 7.3938 4.9173 I I.5036 .665057 9.8228589 8.8975 5.5824 1-5938 .627412 9-7975531 10.4913 6.2098 9 I.6895 .591898 9.7722472 12.1808 6.8017 10 I.7908 .558395 9.7469413 13.9716 7.360I IX I.8983 .526788 9- 7216355 15.8699 7.8869 12 2.0I22 .496969 9.6963296 17.8821 8.3838 13 2.1329 .468839 9.6710238 20.0151 8.8527 14 2.2609 .442301 9.6457179 22.2760 9.2950 15 2.3966 .417265 9.62041 2 1 24.6725 9.7122 16 2.5404 .393646 9.5951062 27.2129 IO.IO59 \l 2.692S .371364 9. 5698003 29.9057 IO.4773 2.8543 .350344 9.5444944 32.7600 IO.8276 19 3.0256 .330513 9-5191885 35-7856 II.I581 20 3.207I .3H805 9.4938827 38.9927 II.4699 21 3.3990 .294155 9.4685768 42.3923 I r. 7641 22 3.6035 .277505 9.4432710 45.9958 12.0416 23 3.8197 .261797 9. 4 1 7965 1 49.8156 12.3034 24 4.0489 .246979 9.3926592 53.8645 12.5504 25 4.2919 .232999 9-3673534 58.1564 12.7834 26 4-5494 .219S10 9.3420475 62.7058 13.0032 2 i 4.8223 .207368 9.3167416 67.5281 13.2105 5.III7 .195630 9.2914358 72.6398 13.4062 29 5.4184 .184557 9.2661299 78.0582 13.5907 30 5-7435 .I74"0 9.2408240 83.8017 13.7648 3* 6.0881 .164255 9.2155182 89.8893 13.9291 32 6-4534 .154957 9. 1902 1 23 9°- 3432 14.0840 33 6.8406 .146186 9. 1649065 103.1838 14.2302 34 7.25IO .137912 9.1396006 110.4348 14.3681 35 7.6861 .130105 9. 1 142947 1 18. 1209 14.4982 36 8.1473 .122741 9.0889889 126.2681 14.6210 12 8.6361 .H5793 9.0636S30 134.9042 14.7368 9-1543 .IO9239 9.0383771 144-0585 14.8460 39 9.7035 .103056 9.0130713 153.7620 14.9491 40 10.2857 .097222 8.9877654 164.0477 15.0463 4i 10.9029 .091719 8.9624595 174.9505 15-1380 42 II.5570 .086527 8.9371536 186.5076 15.2245 43 12.2505 .081630 8.911847S 198.7580 15.3062 44 12.9855 .077009 8.8865419 2H.7435 15-3832 45 13.7646 .072650 8.8612360 225.5081 15.4558 46 I4.5905 .068538 8.8359302 240.09S6 I5.5244 % 15.4659 .064658 8.8106243 255.5645 15-5890 16.3939 .060998 8.7853184 271.9584 15.6500 49 17-3775 •057546 8.7600126 289.3359 15.7076 50 - — 18.4202 .054288 8.7347067 307.7561 15.7619 Of Life Insurance. 77 Table No. VII L— Concluded. INTEREST TABLES. SIX PER CENT. Amount of Present Value Amount of Present Value of One Dollar per annum for x years. Years. One Dollar at end of of One Dollar due x years Logarithm v* % One Dollar per annum at' x years. hence = v*. end of x yrs. 51 I9-5254 .051215 8.7094009 327.2814 I5.8I3I 52 20.6969 .048316 8.6840951 347-9783 15.8614 53 21.9387 .045582 8.6587892 369.9170 15.9070 54 23.2550 .O43OOI 8.6334833 393.1720 I5-9500 55 24.6503 .040567 8.6081774 417.8223 I5-9905 56 26.1293 .038271 8.5828715 443.9517 I6.0288 57 27.6971 .036105 8.5575656 471.6488 16.0649 58 29-3589 .034061 8.5322598 50I.0077 16.O99O 11 3I.I205 .032133 8.5069540 532.1282 16.I3II 32.9877 .030314 8.4816481 565.1159 16.1614 61 34.9670 .028598 8.4563422 600.0828 16.I9OO 62 37.0650 .026980 8.4310363 637.1478 16.2170 63 39.2889 .025453 8.4057305 676.4367 16.2425 64 41.6462 .024012 8.3804245 718.0829 16.2665 65 44.1450 .022653 8.3551188 762.2278 16.289I 66 46.7937 .021370 8.3298128 809.0215 16.3105 67 49.6013 .020l6l 8.3045071 858.6228 16.3307 68 52.5774 .OI9020 8.2792012 9II.2OO2 16.3497 69 55.7320 .OI7943 8.2538953 966.9322 16.3676 70 59-°759 .OI6927 8.2285895 I026.008 1 16.3845 7i 62.6205 .OI5969 8.2032835 IO88.6286 16.4005 72 66.3777 .OI5065 8.1779778 II55.O063 16.4156 73 70.3604 .OI4213 8.1526717 I225.3667 16.4298 74 74-5820 .OI3408 8.1273660 1299.9487 16.4432 75 79.0569 .OI2649 8. 1020601 I379.OO56 16.4558 76 83.8003 .OII933 8.0767544 1462.8059 16.4678 77 88.8284 .OII258 8.0514485 I55I-6343 16.479O 78 94-I58I .OI0620 8.0261425 1645.7924 16.4897 79 99.8075 .OIOOI9 8.0008365 1745.5999 16.4997 80 IO5.7960 .OO9452 7.9755306 1851.3959 16.509I 81 112. I438 .OO8917 7.9502251 I963.5396 16.5180 82 II8.8724 .008412 7.9249189 2082.4120 16.5265 83 I26.OO47 .OO7936 7.8996132 2208.4167 16.5344 84 I33.5650 .OO7487 7.8743072 234I. 9817 16.5419 85 I4I.5789 .OO7063 7.8490015 2483.5606 16.5489 86 I5O.O736 .006663 7.8236959 2633.6343 16.5556 87 I59.O781 .006286 7.7983896 2792.7123 16.5619 88 168.6227 .OO593O 7.7730840 2961. 3351 16.5678 89 I78.74OI •OO5595 7.7477784 3140.0752 16.5734 90 189.4645 .OO5278 7.7224719 3329.5397 16.5787 9i 2OO.8324 .OO4979 7.6971666 3530.3721 16.5837 92 212.8823 .OO4697 7.6718603 3743.2544 16.5884 93 225.6553 .OO4432 7.6465547 3968.9097 16.5928 94 239.I946 .OO4181 7.6212490 4208.IO42 16.5970 95 253-5463 .OO3944 7.5959424 4461.6505 16.6009 96 268.759O .OO372I 7-5706375 473O.4095 16.6047 97 284.8846 .OO35IO 7.5453307 5015. 2941 16.6082 98 301.9776 .OO3312 7.5200248 5317.2718 16.6115 99 32O.O963 .OO3124 7.4947193 5637.3681 16.6146 100 339.3021 .OO2947 7.4694140 5976.670I 16.6175 78 Principles and Practice Table No. IX. INTEREST TABLES, SEVEN PER CENT. Amount of Present Value Amount of Present Value of One Dollar per annum for x years. Years. One Dollar at end of x years. of One Dollar due x years hence = */* # Logarithm tr". One Dollar per annum at end of x yrs. X I.0700 •934579 9.9706162 I.0700 .9346 2 1. 1449 ■873439 9.9412324 2.2149 I.8080 3 I.2250 .816298 9.9118487 3-4399 2.6243 4 1. 3108 .762895 9.8824649 4- 7507 3.3872 5 I.4026 .712966 9.85308H 6.1533 4.I002 6 1.5007 .666342 9.8236973 7.6540 4.7665 I I.6058 .622750 9- 7943 >36 9.2598 5.3893 I. 7182 .582009 9.7649298 10.9780 5-9713 9 I.8385 •543934 9- 7355460 12.8164 6.5152 10 I.9672 .508349 9.7061622 14.7836 7.O236 ii 2.IO49 .475093 9.6767784 16.8885 7.4987 12 2.2522 .444012 9.6473946 19.1406 7.9427 13 2.4098 .414964 9.6180109 21.5505 8.3577 M 2.5785 .387817 9.5886271 24.1290 8-7455 15 2 7500 .362446 95592433 26.8881 9.IO79 16 2.9522 .338734 9.5298595 29.8402 9.4466 \l 3.1588 .316574 9.5004758 32.9990 9.7632 3-3799 .295864 9 4710920 36.3790 IO.O59I 10 3 6165 .276508 9.4417082 39-9955 IO.3356 20 3.8697 .258419 9.4123244 43.8652 IO.594O 21 4.1406 •24I5I3 9.3829407 48.0057 IO.8355 22 4.4304 .225713 9.3535569 52.4361 II.0612 23 4-7405 .210947 9.3241731 57.1767 11.2722 24 5-0724 • .197147 9.2947893 62.2490 H.4693 25 5.4274 .184249 9.2654056 67.6765 II.6536 26 5.8074 .172195 9.2360218 73-4838 II.8258 3 6.2139 .160930 9.2066380 79.6977 II.9867 6.6488 . 1 50402 9.1772542 86.3465 12.1371 29 7- 1 143 .140563 9.1478704 93.4608 12.2777 30 7.6123 .131367 9. 1 1 84867 101.0730 I2.409O 3i 8.1451 .122773 9.0891029 109.2182 I2.53I8 32 8.7153 .114741 9 0597191 H7-9334 I2.6466 33 9-3253 .IO7234 9-0303353 127.2588 12.7538 34 9.9781 .IOO219 9.0009515 1372369 I2.8540 35 10.6766 .O93663 8.9715678 147.9135 12.9477 36 11.4239 .087535 8.9421840 159-3374 I3.0352 8 12.2236 .08 1 809 8.9128002 171. 5610 I3.II70 I3-0793 .076457 8.8834164 184.6403 I3-I935 39 13.9948 .071455 8.8540327 198.6351 13-2649 40 H-9745 .066780 8.8246489 213.6096 13.3317 4i 16.0227 .062412 8.7952651 229.6322 13.3941 42 17.1443 .058329 8.7658813 246.7765 13.4524 43 18.3444 .054513 8.7364976 265.1209 I3.5070 44 19.6285 ,050946 8.7071138 284.7493 13.5579 45 21.0025 .047613 8.6777300 305.75I8 I3.6055 46 22.4726 .044499 8.6483462 328.2244 I3.650O % 24.0457 .041587 8.6189625 352.2701 13.6916 25.7289 .038867 8.5895787 377.9990 I3-7305 49 27.5299 .036324 8.5601949 405.5289 I3.7668 50 29.4570 .033948 8.5308111 434.9860 I3.8007 Of Life Insurance. 79 Table No. IX . — Concluded. INTEREST TABLES, SEVEN PER CENT. Amount of Present Value Amount of Present Value of One Dollar per annum for x years. Years. One Dollar at end of x years. of One Dollar due x years hence = v x . Logarithm v*. One Dollar per annum at end of x yrs. 51 3I-5I90 .031727 8.5014274 466.5050 I3-8325 52 33-7253 .029651 8.4720435 500.2303 13.8621 S3 36.0861 .0277H 8.4426598 536.3164 13.8898 54 38.6122 .0258Q9 8.4132760 574.9286 13.9157 55 4L3I50 .024204 8.3838922 616.2436 13-9399 56 44.2071 .022621 8.3545085 660.4506 13.9626 57 47-30I5 .02II4I 8.3251247 707.7522 13.9837 58 50.6127 .OI9758 8.2957409 758.3648 I4.0035 59 54-1555 .OI8465 8.2663571 812.5204 I4.0219 60 57-9464 .OI7257 8.2369733 870.4668 I4.O392 61 62.0027 .Ol6l28 8.2075896 932.4695 I4.0553 62 66.3429 .015073 8.1782058 998.8124 I4.0704 63 70.9869 .OI4087 8.1488220 1069.7992 14.0845 5 4 75-9559 .OI3166 8.II94381 II45.7552 I4.O976 65 81.2729 .OI2304 8.O9OO544 1227.0280 14. IO99 66 86.9620 .OII499 8.0606707 1313.9900 I4.I214 67 93-0493 .OIO747 8.0312869 1407.0393 14.1322 68 99.5627 .OIOO44 8.OOI9031 1506.6020 I4.I422 69 106.5321 .OO9387 7.9725193 1613.1342 I4.I5I6 70 113.9894 . .008773 7.9431356 1727.1236 I4.1604 7i 121.9686 .008199 7-91375*8 1849.O922 14.1686 72 130.5065 .OO7662 7.8843680 1979.5987 I4.1763 73 139.6419 .OO7161 7.8549842 21 19. 2406 I4.I834 74 149.4168 .OO6693 7.8256005 2268.6574 I4.I9OI 75 159.8760 .OO6254 7.7962167 2428.5334 14. I964 76 171.0673 .OO5846 7.7668329 2599.6008 I4.2022 77 1S3.0421 .OO5463 7.7374491 2782.6428 14.2077 78 195-8550 .005106 7.7080653 2978.4978 14.2128 B 209. 5648 .OO4772 7.6786816 3188.0627 I4.2175 224.2344 .OO4460 7.6492978 3412.2971 I4.2220 81 239.9308 .OO4168 7.6199140 3652.2279 14.2262 82 256.7260 .OO3895 7.5905302 3908.9538 I4.230I 83 274.6968 .OO3640 7. 561 1464 4183.6506 14.2337 84 293.9255 .OO3402 7-53I7627 4477.5761 14.2371 85 314.5003 .OO3180 7.5023789 4792.O764 14. 2403 86 336.5154 .OO2972 7.4729951 5128. 5918 14- 2433 87 360.0714 .OO2777 7.4436114 5488.6632 14.2460 88 385.2764 .OO2596 7.4142275 5873-9397 14.2486 89 412.2458 .OO2426 7.3848438 6286.1854 14.2511 90 441.1030 .OO2267 7.3554600 6727.2884 I4.2533 9i 471.9802 .OO2II9 7.3260762 7199.2686 14.2554 92 505.0188 .OOI980 7.2966924 7704.2874 14-2574 93 540.3701 .OO185I 7.2673087 8244.6575 14-2593 94 578.1960 .OOI73O 7.2379249 8822.8535 14.2610 95 618.6697 .OOI616 7. 208541 1 944I.5233 14.2626 96 661.9766 .OOI5II 7.i79 T 573 IOIO3.4999 14.2641 97 708.3150 .OOI4I2 7.1497736 IO8H.8149 14.2655 98 757.8970 .OOI319 ' 7.1203898 II569.712O 14.2669 99 810.9498 .OOI233 7.0910060 I2380. 66l8 14.2681 100 867.7163 .OOII52 7.0616222 I3248.378I 14.2693 The American Experience Table of Mortality NET PREMIUMS AND NET VALUES COMPUTED THEREFROM ON THE BASIS OF THREE PER CENT INTEREST. Am. 3* Ex 82 Principles and Practice Table No. X. AMERICAN EXPERIENCE TABLE OF MORTALITY. Age. Number Living. Num- ber Dying. Logarithm, Number Living. Logarithm, Number Dying. Logarithm, Probability of Dying. Yearly Proba- bility of Dying Expect- ation of Life. 10 II 12 13' M 100,000 99.251 98.505 97.762 97,022 749 746 743 740 737 5.OOOOOOO 49967349 4.9934583 4.99OI701 4.9868702 2.8744818 2 8727388 2.8709888 2.8692317 2.8674675 7.8744818 7.8760039 7.8775305 7.8790616 7.8805073 .007490 .007516 •OO7543 .007569 .007596 48.72 48.08 47.45 46.80 46.16 19 96 95 94 94 93 ,285 ,550 ,818 089 362 735 732 729 727 725 4.9835586 4 9802307 4.9768908 49735389 4.97OI7OI 2.8662873 2 8645I I I 2 8627275 2.8615344 2.8603380 7.8827287 7.8842804 7.8858367 7.8879955 7.89OI679 .OO7634 .007661 .007688 .OO7727 .OO7765 45-50 44.85 44.19 43-53 42.87 20 21 22 23 24 92 9* T -89 1637 ,914 ,192 471 .751 723 722 721 720 719 4.9667845 4.9633817 4 9599567 4.9565094 4-9530393 2 8591383 2.8585372 2.8579353 2.8573325 2.8567289 7.8923538 7-895I555 7.8979786 7.9OO8231 7.9036896 .007805 .OO7855 .007906 .007058 .0080II 42.20 4L53 40.85 40.17 39.49 2 29 ^9,032 88,314 87.590 86,878 86,160 718* [ 7i8 718 718 719 4.9495461 4.9460296 4.9424843 4.9389098 49353057 2.8561244 2.8561244 2.8561244 2.8561244 2.8567289 7.OO65783 7.9IOO948 7.9136401 7.9I72I46 7.9214232 .OO8065 .008130 .OO8197 .008264 .008345 38.81 38.12 37-43 36.73 36.o3 30 31 32 33 34 85,441 84,721 84,000 83.277 82,551 720 721 723 726 729 4.9316663 4.92799" 4.9242793 4.9205251 4.9167223 2.8573325 2.8579353 2.859I383 2.8609366 2 8627275 7.9256662 7.9299442 7.934859O 7.94041 15 7.9460052 .OO8427 .008510 .OO8607 .008718 .OO883I 35-33 34-63 33-92 33-21 32.50 39 81,822 81.090 80.353 79,611 78,862 732 737 742 749 756 4.9128701 4 908^673 4.9050021 4.9009731 4.8968678 2.8645HI 2.8674675 2.8704039 2.8744818 2.8785218 7.9516410 7.9585002 7.9654018 7.9735087 7.9816540 .008946 .OO9089 .OO9234 .OO9408 .OO9586 31.78 31.07 30.35 29.62 28.9O 40 4i 42 43 44 78.106 77341 76.567 75 782 74,985 765 774 7S5 797 812 4.8926844 4.8884098 4.8840416 4.8795661 4.8749744 2.8836614 2.88874IO 2.8948697 2.9014583 2.9095560 7.9909770 8.OOO3312 8.OI08281 8.0218922 8.0345816 .OO9794 .OIOO08 .OIO252 .010517 .OI0829 28.18 27.45 26.72 26.OO 25.27 49 74.173 73,345 72,497 71.627 70,731 828 848 870 896 927 4.8702458 4.8653705 4.8603200 4.8550768 4.8496098 2.9180303 2.9283959 2.9395193 2.9523080 2.967O797 8.0477845 8.0630254 8.0791993 8.O972312 8. 1 1 74699 .OIII63 .OII562 .OI2000 .012509 .OI3106 24-54 23.81 23.08 22.36 21.63 50 52 69,804 68,842 67,841 962 1,001 1,044 4.8438803 4-8378535 4.8314922 2.983175I 3.OOO434I 3.0187005 8.1392948 8.1625806 8.1872083 .OI3781 .OI454I .OI5389 2O.9I 20.20 .19-49 Ex. Am.3 % Of IvIfe Insurance. 83 Table No. X. — Concluded. AMERICAN EXPERIENCE TABLE OF MORTALITY. Number Num- Logarithm, Logarithm, Number Logarithm, Yearly Proba- Expect- Age. ber Number Probability bility of Dying. ation of Living. Dying. Living. Dying. of Dying. Life. 53 66,797 1,091 4.8247570 3.O378248 8.2130678 .016333 18.79 54 65,706 1,143 4.8176050 3.0580462 8.2404412 .OI7396 18.09 55 64,563 1,199 4.8099837 3.O788192 8.2688355 .018571 17.40 56 63,364 I,26o 4.8018426 3.IOO3705 8.2985279 .OI9885 16.72 57 62,104 1.325 4. 793 1 1 96 3.1222159 8.3290963 .021335 16.05 58 60,779 1.394 4.7837536 3.I442628 8.3605092 .022936 15.39 59 59.385 I.468 4 7736768 3 1667261 8.3930493 .024720 14.74 6o 57,9*7 1,546 4.7628061 3 1892095 8.4264034 .026693 I4.IO 6i 56.371 1,628 4-75I0557 3.2116544 8.4605987 .028880 13.47 62 54,743 1,713 4.7383286 3 2337574 8.4954288 .031292 12.86 63 53,030 1,800 4.7245216 3.2552725 8.5307509 .033943 12.26 64 51,230 1,889 4.7095244 3.2762320 8.5667076 .036873 11.67 65 49,341 1,980 4.6932079 3.2966652 8.6034573 .040129 II.IO 66 47,36i 2,070 4.6754209 3-3I59703 8.6405494 .043707 10.54 67 45,291 2,158 4.65601 19 3.3340514 8.6780395 .047647 10.00 68 43,133 2,243 4.6348097 3.3508293 8.7160196 .O520O2 9-47 69 40,890 2 321 4.6116171 3.3656751 8.7540580 .056762 8.97 70 38,569 2,391 4 5862384 3.3785796 8.7923412 .061993 8.48 7i 36,178 2,448 4.5584446 3.3888114 8.8303668 .067665 8.00 72 33.730 2,487 4.5280163 3.3956758 8.8676595 .073733 7-55 73 31,243 2.505 4.4947527 3.3988077 8.9040550 .080178 7.11 74 28,738 2,501 4.4584565 3.398II37 8.9396572 .087028 6.68 75 26,237 2,476 4.4189142 3.3937506 8.9748364 .094371 6.27 76 23,761 2,431 4.3758647 3 3857850 9.OO99203 .IO23H 5.88 77 21,330 2,369 4.3289909 3.3745651 9.O455742 .III064 5.49 78 18,961 2,291 4.2778612 3.3600251 9.0821639 .120827 5-n 11 16.670 2,196 4.2219356 3.3416323 9. 1 196967 .131734 4-74 14.474 2,091 4.1605886 3.3203540 9.1597654 .144466 4-39 81 12,383 1,964 4.0928259 3.2931415 9.2003156 .158605 4-05 82 10,419 I,8l6 4.0178260 3-259H58 9.2412898 .174297 3.71 83 8,603 1,648 3 9346499, 3.2169572 9.2823073 .191561 3-39 84 6.955 1,470 3.8422971 3.1673173 9.3250202 •2II359 3.08 85 5.485 1,292 3 7391766 3.1112625 9.3720859 .235552 2.77 86 4,193 1,114 3.6225249 3 0468852 9.4243603 .265681 2.47 87 3.079 933 3.4884097 2.9698816 9.4814719 .303020 2.18 88 2,146 744 3.3316297 2 8715729 9.5399432 .346692 1.91 89 1,402 555 3. 1467480 2.7442930 9-5975450 .395863 1.66 90 847 38.5 2.9278834 2.5854607 9.6575773 •454545 1.42 9i 462 246 2.6646420 2.3909351 9.7262931 .532466 1. 19 92 216 137 2.3344538 2 1367206 9.8022668 .634259 .98 93 79 58 1. 8976271 1.7634280 9.8658009 .734177 .80 1 94 21 18 1. 3222193 1.2552725 9.9330532 .857143 .64 1 95 3 3 0.4771213 0.4771213 O.OOOOOOO I. OOOOOO •50 Am.3 % Comm 8 4 Principles and Practice Table No. XL COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5o 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 D x 51290.86 49408.31 47592.42 45840.91 44I5I-55 42522.18 40950.75 39434-7° 37972-35 36561.69 35200.56 33887-3I 32620.31 31397.62 30217.37 29078.18 27978.68 26916.88 25891.58 24900.95 23943-93 23018.84 22124.74 21260.10 20423.80 19614.20 18830.34 18070.51 i7333- 6 5 16618.27 15922.79 I5245-97 14586.68 13943.89 i33 l6 -°5 12703.88 12104.81 "518-55 10944.47 10381.99 N 1 1 78209. 61 1126918.75 1077510.44 1029918.02 984077.11 939925.56 897403-38 856452.63 817017.87 779045.52 742483.83 707283.27 673395-96 640775-65 609378.03 579160.66 550082.48 522103.80 495186.92 469295.34 444394-39 420450.46 397431.62 375306.88 354046.78 333622.98 314008.78 295178.44 277107.93 259774.28 243156.01 227233.22 211987.25 197400.57 183456.68 170140.03 157436.15 i4533i-34 133812.79 122868.32 388.6481 376.8064 365.3248 354.1923 343-3984 332.9328 323-2357 313.8211 304.6807 296.2185 287.9907 279.9910 272.5900 265 . 7486 259-0745 252.5637 246.8824 241.3178 236.4994 231.7570 227.6854 223.6545 220.2262 217.0803 214.7242 212.5778 211 .3715 210.5390 210.5155 2n. 4553 213.0476 215.2278 217.9353 221 .1132 224.9048 229.0523 233-6946 238.5926 243.7062 249.1682 -I/, 16974.0765 16585.4284 16208.6220 15843.2972 15489. 1049 15 145. 7065 14812.7737 14489.5380 14175.7169 13871.0362 13574. 8177 13286.8270 13006.8360 12734.2460 12468.4974 12209.4229 11956.8592 1 1709.9768 1 1468.6590 11232.1596 1 1000.4026 10772. 7172 10549.0627 10328.8365 ioiii .7562 9897.0320 9684.4542 9473.0827 9262.5437 9052 .0282 8840.5729 8627.5253 8412.2975 8194.3622 7973.2490 7748.3442 7519. 2919 7285.5973 7047.0047 6803 . 2985 R x 540028.16398 523054.08748 506468.65908 490260.03708 474416.73988 458927.63498 443781 .92848 428969.15478 414479. 61678 400303.89988 386432.86368 372858.04598 359571. 21898 346564.38298 333830-13698 321361. 63958 309152. 21668 297195.35748 285485.38068 274016. 72168 262784.56208 251784-15948 241011 .44228 230462.37958 220133.54308 2 1002 1. 78688 200124.75488 190440.30068 180967. 2 1 798 171.704.67428 162652.64608 153812. 07318 145184. 54788 136772.25038 128577. 88818 1 20604. 639 1 8 1 1 2856. 29498 105337.00308 98051.40578 91004. 40108 Comm. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. 85 Table Nc >. XL — Concluded. COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. D x N x Cx M x R x 60 9830.432 112486.331 254.7644 6554.1303 84201 .10258 61 9289-343 102655.899 260.4633 6299.3659 77646.97228 62 8758.318 93366.556 266.0800 6038.9026 71347.60638 63 8237.140 84608.238 271.4502 5772.8226 65308.70378 64 7725-774 76371.098 276.5746 5501.3724 59535. 88118 65 7224.175 68645.324 281.4546 5224.7978 54034.50878 66 6732.309 61421 .149 285.6776 4943.3432 48809.71098 67 6250.543 54688.840 289.1479 4657.6656 43866.36778 68 5779-342 48438.297 291.7836 4368.5177 39208.70218 69 5319.228 42658.955 293.1361 4076.7341 34840.18448 70 4871.163 37339-727 293.1815 3783.5980 30763-45038 7i 4436.103 32468.564 291.4279 3490.4165 26979.85238 72 4015.468 28032.461 287.4474 3198.9886 23489-43588 73 3611.065 24016.993 281 .0950 2911.5412 20290.44728 74 3 22 4.793 20405.928 272.4720 2630.4462 17378.90608 75 2858.395 17181.135 261 .8916 2357.9742 14748.45988 76 2513-249 14322.740 249.6426 2096.0826 12390.48568 77 2190.406 1 1809. 491 236.1901 1846.4400 10294.40308 78 1890.417 9619.085 221 .7606 1610.2499 8447.96308 79 1613.596 7728.668 206.3737 1388.4893 6837.71318 80 1360.224 6115.072 190.7826 1182.1156 5449-22388 81 1129.824 4754.848 173.9759 99 t- 333° 4267.10828 82 922.9402 3625.0237 156.1803 8I7.357I 3275.77528 83 739.8781 2702.0835 137.6038 661.1768 2458.41818 84 • 5 8o -7 2 45 1962.2054 119. 1662 523.5730 1797. 24138 83 444.6441 1 38 1 .4809 101 .6860 404 . 4068 1273.66838 86 330.0073 936.8368 85 .12296 302.72079 869.26158 87 235-2725 606.8295 69.21589 2i7-597 8 3 566.54079 88 159.2040 37L5570 53.58706 148.38194 348.94296 89 100.9799 212.3530 38.80993 94.79488 200.56102 90 59.22884 in. 37306 26.13805 55-98495 105.76614 9i 31-36567 52.14422 16.21475 29.84690 49.78119 92 14.23735 20.77855 8.76715 13-63215 19.93429 93 5 -°555i 6.54120 3.60354 4.86499 6.30214 94 i.3<>473 1.48569 1.08577 1. 26146 1-43715 95 . 18096 . 18096 •17569 .17569 •17569 Am. 3* Logs 86 Principles and Practice Table No. XII. LOGARITHMS OF COMMUTATION COLUMNS , AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. ?.D X . * n x . A M x . I R r , 20 4.7100401 6.0712227 4.2297862 5.7324164 21 4.6938000 6.0518928 4.2197268 5.7185466 22 4.6775378 6.0324217 4.2097460 5.7045527 23 4.6612533 6.0128027 4.1998456 5.6904266 24 4 . 6449460 5 .9930292 4.1900265 5.6761600 25 4.6286155 5-9730935 4.1802897 5.6617444 26 4.6122618 5.9529877 4.1706363 5.6471697 27 4.5958793 5.9327034 4.1610546 5.6324261 28 4.5794676 5.9122316 4.I5I545I 5.6175032 29 4.5630262 5.8915629 4.1421090 5.6023898 30 4.5465496 5.8706870 4.1327340 5.5870740 3i 4.53°°37 2 5-8495934 4.1234214 5.57I5435 32 4.5134882 5.8282705 4.1141717 5.5557849 33 4.4968967 5.8067061 4.1049733 5.5397839 34 4.4802567 5.7848869 4.0958143 5.5235257 35 4.4635673 5.7627991 4.0866951 5.5069941 36 4.4468273 5.7404279 4.0776171 5.4901724 37 4.4300248 5.7177569 4.0685562 5.4730421 38 4.4131586 5.6947693 4.0595127 5.4555839 39 4. 3962 161 5.6714464 4.0504633 5-4377770 40 4.3791955 5.6477686 4.0414085 5.4195999 4i 4.3620836 5.6237149 4-0323253 5 .4010284 42 4.3448782 5.5992625 4.0232138 5.3820378 43 4.3275655 5.5743866 4.0140516 5.3626001 44 4.3101366 5.5490607 4.0048267 5.3426863 45 4.2925707 5.5232560 3.9955050 5.3222645 46 4.2748582 5.4969417 3.9860752 5.3013009 47 4.2569705 5.4700847 3.9764913 5.2797589 48 4.2388901 5.4426489 3.9667303 5.2575999 49 4.2205858 5.4145962 3.9567459 5.2347S22 5o 4.2020191 5-3858850 3.9464804 5.2112613 5i 4.18315s 1 5-3564718 3.9358863 5.1869905 52 4.1639566 5.3263099 3.9249147 5 .1619206 53 4. i443 8 4i 5.2953484 3.9I35I53 5.1359981 54 4.1243949 5.2635336 3.9016354 5.1091663 55 4 . 1039364 ,5.2308064 3.8892089 5.0813639 56 4.0829581 5.1971046 3.8761769 5-0525259 57 4.0613978 5.1623595 3.8624653 5.0225810 58 4.0391946 5.1264977 3.8480046 4.9914538 59 4.0162806 5 .0894400 3.8327196 4.9590624 Logs. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. 87 Table No. XII.- -Concluded. LOGARITHMS OF COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. § Age. 2. D x . I N x . A M x . X R x . 60 3.9925727 5.0510997 3-8165152 4.9253177 61 3.9679850 5. 01 13840 3.7992968 4.8901245 62 3.9424207 4.9701915 3.7809580 4.8533795 63 3-9I57765 4.9274127 3.7613882 4.8149712 64 3.8879421 4.8829292 3.7404710 4.7747788 65 3.8587883 4.8366110 3.7180696 4.7326712 66 3.8281641 4.7883180 3.6940208 4.6885062 67 3.7959179 4.7378987 3.6681684 4.6421317 68 3.7618785 4.6851889 3-6403341 4.5933825 69 3.7258486 4.6300103 3.6103124 4.5420805 70 3.6876327 4.5721712 3-5779050 4.4880350 7i 3.6470017 4.5114631 3-5428773 4.4310395 72 3.6037362 4.4476612 3.5050128 4.3708726 73 3-557 6 353 4.3805188 3.4641230 4.3072917 74 3.5085019 4.3097564 3.4200294 4.2400225 75 3.4561224 4.2350519 3-3725390 4.1687467 76 3.4002357 4.1560261 3.3214085 4.0930885 77 3.3405246 4.0722312 3.2663352 4.OI26011 78 3-2765577 3-9831338 3.2068933 3.9267520 79 3.2077949 3.8881047 3.1425424 3.8349108 80 3.1336107 3.7864017 3.0726601 3.7363346 81 3.0530107 3.6771366 2.9962195 3-6301336 82 2.9651736 3-5593io9 2.9124119 3-5i53!4i 83 2.8691603 3.4316988 2 .8203176 3-39o6557 84 2 -7639703 3.2927446 2.7189773 3.2546063 85 2.6480125 3.1403449 2.6068184 3.1050564 86 2.5185236 2.9716640 2.4810422 2.9391505 87 2.3715712 2.7830668 2.3376545 2-7532312 88 2.2019540 2.5700255 2.1713809 2.5427545 89 2.0042350 2.3270585 1 .9767849 2.3022465 90 1 •772533 2 2.0467803 1. 74807 14 2.0243469 91 1.4964546 1 .7172062 1.4748994 1.6970653 92 1. 1534292 i-3i76i53 1. 1 345 644 1 . 2996009 93 2.7037652 2.8156575 2.6870823 2.7994882 94 2.1155202 2.1719282 2.1008724 2.1575012 95 3-2575850 3-2575850 3.2447477 3.2447478 Am.3* Ann Principles and Practice Table No. XIII. VALUE OF AN ANNUITY OF ONE DOLLAR FIRST PAY- MENT IMMEDIATE AND NET SINGLE PREMIUMS PER 81000 WHOLE LIFE INSURANCE, AMERI- CAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. Annuity Net Single Age. Annuity Net Single Immediate. Premium. Immediate. Premium. IO 24-343° 290.98 55 13.3928 609.92 ii a 1.2248 294.43 56 13.0061 621.18 12 24.1026 297.98 57 12.6172 632.51 13 23-9765 3°l-65 58 12.2265 643.89 14 23.8463 3<>5-4S 59 II.8348 655-3° 15 23.7119 309.36 60 II.4427 666.72 16 23-573I 3l3-4° 61 11.0509 678.13 17 23.4298 317.58 62 10.6603 689 . 50 18 23.2817 321.89 63 IO.2716 700.83 19 23.1289 326.34 64 9.8852 712.08 20 22.9711 33° -94 65 9.5022 723.24 21 22.8083 335-68 66 9-1233 734.27 22 22.6404 34°-57 67 8-7495 745 - l6 23 22.4672 345-6i 68 8.3813 755-88 24 22.2886 35°. 8z 69 8.0198 766.41 25 22. 1044 356.18 70 7-6655 776-73 26 21 .9142 361.72 7i 7-3I92 786.82 27 21 .7182 367-43 72 6.9811 796.67 28 21.5161 373.32 73 6.6509 806.28 29 21.3077 379-39 74 6.3278 815.69 30 21 .0930 385-64 75 6.0108 824.93 31 20.8716 392.09 76 5.6989 834.01 32 20.6434 398.73 77 5-39I5 842.97 33 20.4084 4°5.58 78 5.0883 851.80 34 20.1665 412.63 79 4.7897 860.49 35 19.9174 419.88 80 4.4956 869.06 36 19.6608 427-36 81 4.2085 877.42 885.60 37 19.3969 435.04 82 3.9277 38 19.1254 442.95 83 3-652I 893-63 39 18.8465 45I-07 84 3-3789 901.59 40 18.5598 459.42 85 3.1069 909.51 4i 18.2655 468 . 00 86 2.8388 9I7-32 42 17.9632 476.80 87 2-5793 924.88 43 17-6531 485.83 88 2.3338 932.02 44 17-335° 495- IO 89 2.1029 938.75 45 17.0093 5°4-59 90 1.8804 945.23 46 16.6757 514-3° 91 I .6625 95 I -5 8 47 16.3348 524.23 92 1-4594 957-49 48 15.9867 534-37 93 1.2939 962.31 49 15-6319 544-7° 94 I. 1387 966.83 5o 15.2710 555-22 95 I .OOOO 970.87 5i 14.9045 565.89 52 I4-5329 576.71 53 14.1568 587-67 54 I3-7765 ^•74 NetPrems. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance 89 Table No. XIV. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER |iooo. AMERICAN EXPERI- ENCE, THREE PER CEN1 Age. Whole 5 Payment IO Payment Life. 15 Payment 20 Payment Endowment Life. Life. Life. Life. IO Years.- 20 14.41 71.24 38.96 28.34 23-13 88.59 21 14.72 72.26 39-52 28.75 23.48 88.61 22 I504 73-32 40.II 29.18 23-83 88.64 23 15.38 74.42 40.71 29.63 24.20 88.67 24 15-74 75-55 41.34 3O.O9 24 59 88.71 25 16. 11 76.71 41.98 30.57 24.98- 88.74 26 16 51 77-91 42.65 31.06 25-39 88.78 27 16.92 79-15 43-34 31-57 25.82 88.82 28 17.35 80.43 44-05 32.09 26.26 88.86 29 17.81 81.75 44.78 32.64 26.71 88.91 30 18.28 83.12 45-54 33-20 27.19 88.96 3i 18.79 84.52 46.32 33-79 27.68 89.02 32 19.32 85-97 47-13 34-39 28.19 89.08 33 19.87 87.47 47-97 35-02 28.72 89.15 34 20.46 89.01 48.83 35-67 29.27 89.22 3 § 21.08 90.60 49-73 36.34 29.85 89.30 36 21.74 92.24 50.65 37.04 30.45 89-39 1? 22.43 93-93 51.60 37.76 . 31.08. 89.49 23.16 95-67 52.59 38.51 31-74 89.60 39 23.93 97.46 53.61 39-30 32.42 89.72 40 24.75 99-31 54-66 40.11 33.14 89.86 41 25.62 101.21 55-75 40 96 33-90 90.01 42 • 26.54 103.17 56.8q 41.85 34-69 90.18 43 27.52 105.18 58.06 42.77 35-53 90.38 44 28.56 107.26 59.28 43-74 36.42 90.60 45 29.67 109.40 60.54 44.76 37-35 90.85 46 30.84 in. 60 61.85 45-82 38.34 91.14 47 32.09 113.87 63.22 46.94 39-39 91.47 48 33-43 116. 21 64.64 48.12 40.51 91.84 49 34.85 118. 61 66.12 49-36 41.69 92.26 1 50 36.36 121.08 67.66 50.66 42.95 92.73 5i 37-97 123.61 69.25 52.03 44.3o 93.26 1 52 39-68 126.20 70.92 53.48 45-73 93-84 53 41-51 128.87 72.65 55-OI 47-26 94-50 54 43.46 131.60 74.46 56.63 48.90 95.23 9 45-54 134.39 76.34 58.35 50.66 96.04 47.76 137.26 78.31 60.17 96.95 57 50.13 140.20 80.38 62.11 97-95 58 52.66 143.22 82.54 64.18 99.07 59 55-37 146.32 84.82 66.40 100.31 60 58.27 149.50 87.22 68.77 101 69 61 61.36 152.77 89.75 103.22 62 64.68 156.13 92-43 104.93 63 68.23 159.60 95-28 106.82 64 72.04 163.19 98.30 108.92 a 76.11 166.90 101.52 in. 25 80.48 170.74 1 6 7 85.17 174-73 | 68 90.19 178.88 j 69 95 57 183.20 70 101.33 187.69 Am.3* NetPrems 90 Principles and Practice Table No. XIV.— Concluded. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000, AMERICAN EXPERI- j ENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. Endowment Endowment Endowment Endowment Endowment 15 Years. *0 Years. 25 Years. 3D Years. 35 Years. 20 • 56.49 40.77 31.60 25-73 21.75 21 56.53 4O.81 3I-65 25-79 21.84 22 56.56 40.86 31.71 25.86 21.93 23 56.60 4O.9O 31.77 25-94 22 03 24 56.64 40.95 31.83 26.02 22.14 25 56.69 41 OI 3I.9O 26.11 22.26 26 56.73 41.07 31.98 26.22 22.40 2 56.78 41-13 32.06 26.33 22.55 56.84 4I.20 32.16 26.45 22.72 29 56.90 41.28 32.26 26.59 22.91 30 56.97 41-37 32 38 26.75 23.11 31 57-04 41.47 32.50 26.92 23-34 32 57-12 41.57 32.65 27.11 23.60 33 57.21 41.69 32.81 27-33 23.88 34 57-31 41.82 32.98 27.57 24.19 36 57-42 41-97 33.18 27.83 24-54 57-54 42.13 33.41 28'. 1 3 24 93 11 57-67 42.31 33-66 28.46 25.35 57-82 42.52 33-94 28.83 25.83 39 57-99 42.75 34.25 29.24 26.35 40 58.18 43-01 34.60 29.70 26.92 4i 58.39 43-31 34-99 30.20 42 58.64 43-64 35-43 30.77 43 58.91 44 0I 35.92 31-39 44 59.22 44-43 36.46 32.09 45 59-57 44.90 37.08 32.86 46 5997 45-42 37.76 % 60.42 46.01 38.52 60.92 46.68 39-36 49 61.48 47-42 40.30 50 62.12 48.24 4L34 5i 62.82 49- 1 5 52 63.61 50.17 53 64.48 5I-30 54 65-45 52.55 55 66.54 53-93 56 67- 74 11 69.07 70.55 59 72.20 60 74.02 S.P. Am.3* Of Life Insurance. 9 1 Table No. XV SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. 20 In 1 In 2 In 3 In 4 In 5 In 6 In 7 Year. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 970.87 942.82 915.79 889.76 864 69 840.54 817.29 ! 21 970.87 942.82 915.80 889.77 864.70 84O.56 817.31 ! 22 970.87 942.82 9I5.80 889.78 864.71 840.58 817.34 J 23 970.87 942.82 915.80 889.78 864.73 840. 60 817.37 24 970.87 942.82 9I5.8I 889.79 864.74 840.62 817.40 25 970.87 942.82 915.81 889.80 864.76 840.65 817.44 26 970.87 942.83 915.82 889.81 864.78 840.68 817.47 27 970.87 942.83 915.82 889.83 864.80 840. 70 817.51 28 970.87 942.83 9 r 5-83 389.84 864.82 840. 73 817.56 29 970.87 942.83 915.84 889.85 864.84 840.77 817.60 30 970.87 942.83 915.84 889.86 864.86 840.80 817.65 31 970.87 942.84 915-85 889.88 864.89 840.84 817.70 32 970.87 942.84 91586 889.90 864.91 840.88 817.76 33 970.87 942.84 915.87 889.91 864.94 840.93 817.83 34 970.87 942.85 915.88 889.93 864.98 840.97 817.90 a 970.87 942.85 915.89 889.95 865.OI 841.03 817.97 970.87 942.85 915.90 889.98 865.05 841.09 818.06 3 970.87 942.86 915.91 89O.OO 865.IO 841.15 818.15 l 970.87 942.86 9I5.93 89O.03' 865.14 8+1.23 818.25 ' 39 970.87 942.87 9I5.94 890.06 865.20 841.31 818.36 i 40 970.87 942.87 915.96 89O.IO 865.25 84X39 818.49 4i 970.87 942.88 915.98 89O.I4 865.32 841.49 818.63 42 970.87 942.89 916.00 890.18 865.39 841.60 818.78 j 43 970.87 942.89 916.02 890.23 865.47 841.72 818.95 ! 44 970.87 942.90 916.05 890.28 865.56 841.86 819.15 ; 9 970.87 942.91 916.08 890.34 865.66 842.02 819.38 1 970.87 942.92 916. 11 890.41 865.78 842.20 819.63 j 11 970.87 942.93 916.15 890.49 865.91 842.40 819.93 ! 970.87 942.95 916.19 890.58 866.07 842.64 820.26 j 49 970.87 942.97 916.25 890.68 866.24 842.90 820.64 j 50 970.87 942.99 916.30 890.80 866.44 843.20 821.06 5i 970.87 943.OI 916.37 890.93 866.66 843-53 821.53 i 52 970.87 943-03 916.44 891.07 866.90 843-90 822.05 1 53 970.87 943-06 916.52 891.24 867.18 844.32 822.63 | 54 970.87 943.09 916.61 891.42 867.48 844.77 823.27 | 55 970.87 943-12 916.71 891/62 867.82 845.28 '823.98 | 56 970.87 943.16 916.82 891.84 868.19 845.84 824.76 : 57 970.87 943.20 916.95 892.09 868.60 846.45 825.63 i 58 970.87 943-24 917.08 892.36 869.05 847.I3 826.57 j 59 970.87 943.29 917.23 892.66 869.55 847.88 827.61 j 60 970.87 943 35 917.40 893.OO 870.11 848.70 828.75 ! 61 970.87 943.41 9 1 ? 59 893.36 870.71 849.60 830.00 62 970.87 943.48 917.79 893.76 871.38 850.59 831.37 63 970.87 943-56 918.01 894.21 872.11 851.67 832.86 64 970.87 943.64 918.26 894.69 872.91 852.85 834.49 6 A 970.87 943-73 918.53 895.23 873.78 854.14 836.26 66 970.87 943.83 918.83 895.82 874.74 855.55 838.18 67 970.87 943-94 919.16 896.46 875-79 857.08 840.25 63 970.87 944.07 9I9.52 897.16 876.92 858.73 842.47 69 970.87 944.20 919.91 897.92 878.15 860.49 70 970.87 944-35 920.34 898.75 879-47 1 Am.3* S.P 92 Principles and Practice Table No. XV. — Contin ned. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. InH In 9 In 10 In 11 In 12 In 13 In 14 Years. Years. Years Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 794.89 773-33 752-57 732.58 7I3.34 694.81 676.98 21 794-93 773-38 752.63 732.65 7I3.42 694.9I 677.IO 22 794-97 773-42 752.69 732.72 713.51 695.01 677.22 23 795-OI 773-47 752.75 732.80 7I3.60 695.12 677-35 24 795-05 773-53 752.82 732.88 713.70 695.24 677.49 11 795.09 773-59 752.89 732.97 713.81 695.37 677.64 795-M 773.65 752.97 733.07 71392 695.5I 677.80 27 795. IP 773.72 753-05 733.17 7I4.05 695.66 677.97 28 795.25 773.79 753-14 733.28 714.18 695.82 678.16 29 795-31 773.87 753-24 733.41 714.33 695.99 678.37 30 795.33 773.95 753-35 733-54 714.49 696.I9 678.59 3i 795-45 77405 753-47 733-68 714.67 696.39 678.84 32 795.53 774.15 753-6o 733.84 714.86 696.62 679.II 33 795.01 774.26 753-74 734-OI 7I5.07 696.87 679.40 34 795.71 774.38 753-89 734.20 7I5.30 697.15 679-73 1 35 795-81 774.51 754.o6 734.41 715.55 697.45 680.09 I 30 795.92 774-66 754.24 734.64 715.83 697.79 680.49 11 796.05 774.83 754-45 734.90 716.14 698.16 680.93 796.19 775-00 754.68 735.18 716.48 698.57 681.42 39 796.34 775-20 754-93 735-49 716.86 699.O3 681.97 40 796.51 775-42 755-21 735.84 717.29 699.55 682.59 4 1 796.69 775-67 755-52 736.23 717.77 700.I3 683.28 42 796.90 775-94 755-87 736.67 718.31 700.78 684.06 43 797.14 776.25 756.27 737.17 718.92 701.52 684.94 44 797.41 776.61 756.72 737-73 719.62 702.35 685.93 797.72 777.01 757-24 738.37 720.40 703.29 687.04 798.06 777-47 757-82 739- 10 721.28 704.35 688.29 % 798.46 777-99 758.48 739-91 722.27 705.54 689.69 798.91 778.57 759.22 740.83 723.38 706.86 691.25 49 799-42 779.23 760.05 741.85 724.63 708.34 692.99 50 799.99 779-97 760.98 743.00 726.OO 709.98 694.9I 51 S00.62 780.79 762.00 744.26 727.53 711.79 697.03 52 801.32 781.69 763.14 745-65 729.21 7I3-78 699.36 53 802.10 782.69 764.40 747-19 731.06 715.96 7OI.9O 54 802.95 783.80 765.78 748.89 733.08 718.36 704.69 u 803.90 785.02 767.30 750.74 735.31 720.97 707.72 804.94 786.35 768.97 752.77 737-73 723.83 7II.03 57 806.09 787.82 770.80 754-99 740.38 726.93 714.61 58 807.35 789.43 772.80 757.42 743.26 730.30 718.49 59 808.73 791.19 774-98 760.05 746.39 733-94 722.68 60 810.23 793." 777-35 762.92 749.78 737-88 727.18 61 811.88 795-21 779-93 766.02 753-43 742.11 732.OO 62 813.68 797.48 782.73 769- 37 757-37 746.64 63 815.64 799-95 785.75 772.98 761.58 64 817.76 802.63 789.01 776.85 ii 820.07 805.51 792-51 822.55 808.60 67 825.22 S.P. Am.3* Op L,ife Insurance. 93 Table No. XV. — Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 In 15 Years. In 16 Years. In 17 Years. In 1* Years. In 19 Years. In 20 Years. In 21 Years. 659.82 659.96 660.IO 660.25 660.41 643.31 643.46 643.62 643.79 643.98 627.42 627.59 627.78 627.97 628.18 612.14 612.33 612.54 612.76 613.OO 597.43 597.65 597-88 598.13 598.40 583.29 583.54 583.80 584,08 584.38 569.70 569-97 570.26 570.57 57O.9O 25 26 27 28 29 660.58 66C.77 660.97 661.19 661.43 644.18 644.40 644.63 644.88 645.16 628.41 628.66 628.93 629.22 629.54 613.26 613.54 613.84 614.17 614.54 598.69 599.01 599.36 599-73 600. 14 584.70 585.06 585.45 585.87 586.33 57L27 571.67 572.IO 572.57 573-09 30 31 32 33 34 661.69 661.98 662.30 662.64 663.02 645.46 645.80 646.16 646.56 647.OO 629.88 630.26 630.08 631.15 631.66 614.93 615.37 615.85 616.37 616.96 600. 59 601.08 601.63 602 23 602.90 586.84 587.40 588.02 588.70 589.46 573-66 574-29 574-99 575-77 576.62 SI s 39 663.44 663.91 664.43 665.OI 665.66 647.49 648.04 648.65 649.33 650.08 632.22 632.85 633-56 634.35 635.22 617.61 618.34 619.15 620.05 621.07 603.64 604.47 605.40 606.44 607.59 590.30 59!- 2 5 59 2 -30 593.48 594-79 577.58 578.65 579-84 581.17 582.65 40 4i 42 43 44 666.39 667.20 668.12 669.16 670.32 650.93 651.89 652.96 654.16 655.5I 636.21 637-3I 638.55 639.94 641.49 622.20 623.46 624.88 626.47 628.25 608.89 610.33 611.94 613.74 615.76 596.26 597.89 599-71 601.75 604.01 584.30 586.13 588.18 590.46 592.99 45 46 49 671.62 673.09 674.72 676.54 678.56 657.02 658.72 660.60 662.70 665.02 643.23 645-I7 647.32 649.72 652.35 630.22 632.43 634.87 637.58 640.55 617.99 620 48 623.23 626.26 629.60 606.52 609.31 612.38 615.76 619.47 595-79 598.89 602.30 6^6.05 610.15 50 5i 52 53 54 680.78 683.23 685.91 688.85 692.05 667.57 670.37 673.43 676.77 680.41 655.25 658.43 661.89 665.66 669.76 643.82 647.39 651.27 655-49 660.06 633.25 637.22 641.54 646.22 651.27 623.52 627.92 632.69 637.83 643.38 614.61 619.44 624.67 630.29 636.32 5 I 56 57 58 59 695-53 699.31 703-39 707.80 712.55 684.36 688.63 693.24 698.19 703.50 674.I9 678.97 684.II 689.61 664.98 670.28 675.96 656.70 662.52 649.31 60 717.62 Am.3 % S.P 94 Principles and Practice Table No. XV. — Contin ued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. In 22 In 23 In 24 In 25 In 26 In 27 In 28 Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 556.63 544.06 531.99 520.39 509.25 498.56 488.30 21 556.93 544 39 532.35 520.79 509.69 499.04 488.82 22 557-25 544-75 532-74 521.22 5IO.I6 499-55 489.38 23 557-59 545-13 533-16 521.68 5IO.67 500.11 489.99 24 557.96 545-54 533-62 522.19 511.22 500.72 490.66 25 558.37 545 99 534-12 522 74 511.83 501.39 491.40 26 558.82 546.49 534.67 523-34 512.50 502.12 492.21 3 559-3Q 547-02 535-26 524.00 5I3.23 502.93 493- 10 559.83 547-61 535-92 524.73 5M.04 503.82 494-08 29 560.41 548.26 536.64 525-54 514-93 504.81 495-16 30 £61.05 548.98 537-44 526.42 5I5.9I 505.89 496.36 3* 561.76 549-77 538.32 527-40 5I7.00 507.10 497.69 3* 562.54 550.65 539-3 1 528.50 518.21 508.44 499-17 33 56341 551.63 540.40 529-7I 519.56 509-93 500.81 34 564.38 552.71 541.61 53i.o6 521.05 511.58 502.62 36 565.45 553.92 542.95 532.56 522.71 513 40 504.63 566.06 555-26 544-46 534-22 524-55 515-43 506.86 3 Z 38 568.00 556.76 546.13 536.07 526.60 517.68 509.32 56949 558.43 547.98 538.13 528.86 520.17 512.04 39 571-15 560.28 550.04 540.40 53L37 522.92 51504 40 573-00 562.34 552.32 542.93 534.14 525-95 518.35 4 1 575.05 564.63 554.85 545.71 53719 529.29 521.97 42 577-34 567.17 557-66 548.80 540.57 532.96 525.96 43 579.88 56998 560.76 552.19 544-27 536.99 530.31 44 582.69 57309 564.17 555-93 548.35 541.40 535-07 }i 585.80 576.51 567.93 560.03 552.80 546.21 540.25 589.22 580.28 572.06 564-52 557-66 551-45 545-87 9 592.99 584.41 576.56 569.41 562.94 557-12 551.92 597-11 588.93 581.47 574.72 568.66 563-24 49 601.61 593.84 586.80 580.47 574.82 50 606.49 599-15 592.54 586.64 5i 611.77 604.87 598.71 52 617.46 611.02 53 623.56 S.P. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. 95 Table No. XV. — Concluded. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. In 29 In 30 In 31 In 32 In 33 In 34 In 35 Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 478.46 469.02 459.98 451-32 443-03 435-12 427.55 21 479.02 469.64 460.65 452.05 443 83 435.98 428.49 i 22 479.64 470.31 461.38 452.85 444.70. 436.92 429.5I ! 23 480.31 471.04 462.18 453.72 445-65 437.96 430.64 i 2 4 481.04 471.84 463.06 454-68 446.69 439-09 43I-87 li 481.85 472.72 464.02 455-73 447.84 440.34 433-23 482.73 473.70 465.09 456.90 449 11 441-73 434.74 % 483.71 474-77 466.26 458.18 450.51 443-25 436.39 484.79 475-90 467.56 459.60 452.06 444-93 438.21 29 485.99 477.27 469.OO 461.17 453-77 446.79 440.23 30 487.31 478.72 470.58 462.9O 455.65 448.83 442.44 31 488.77 480 32 472.34 464.81 457-73 451-09 444.88 32 490.40 482.IO 474.28 466.93 460.03 453.58 447-57 33 492.I9 484.07 476.43 469.26 462.56 456.31 450.5I 34 494.18 486.24 478.79 471.83 465.34 459-31 453-75 1? 496.38 488.64 481.40 474.66 468.40 462.61 457.28 498.82 491.30 484.29 477.78 47L77 466.23 461.16 37 5OI.5I 494-22 487.46 481.20 475-45 470.18 465.38 38 504.47 497-44 490.94 484.95 479-47 474.48 469.97 39 507.73 500.97 494-75 489.05 483.86 479.17 474-94 40 511.32 504-85 498.92 493.52 488.64 484.25 480.32 41 515.24 509.08 503.47 498.39 493.82 489.74 42 5I9-54 513-70 508.42 503.66 499.42 43 524.24 518.74 5I3.79 509.37 44 529.35 524.20 519.60 45 534.89 530.10 46 540.88 • '. Am.3* O.L. 9 6 Principles and Practice Table No. XVI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age, 20 21 22 23 24 3 29 30 31 32 33 34 32 11 39 40 4i 42 43 44 8 49 50 5* 52 53 54 9 §Z 59 60 61 62 3 69 70 1st Year. 2d Year. 7.O9 7-36 7.65 7-95 8.27 8.60 8.94 9-31 9.69 IO.08 IO.49 IO.93 11.39 II.85 12.35 12.88 13-42 14.00 14.58 15.21 15.86 16.55 17.26 18.02 18.79 19.61 20.44 21.31 22. 2Q 23.09 24.OO 24-93 25 88 26.86 27.85 28.87 29.90 30.96 32.04 33.13 34-23 35-35 36.47 37.01 33-75 39-87 40.98 42.08 43-13 44.18 4518 14.40 1495 15-54 16.15 16/80 17-47 18.17 18.91 19.67 2047 21.31 22.19 23.11 24.06 25.08 26.13 27.23 28.38 29.57 30.83 32.M 33-53 34-97 36.47 38.03 39-65 41-32 43-03 44-77 46 53 48.33 50.17 52.05 53-97 55-92 57.91 59-94 62.01 64.11 66.23 68.37 70.53 72.71 74.90 77.07 79.22 81.34 83.40 85-41 87.36 89.28 3d Year. 21.94 22.79 23.68 24 6l 25-59 26.61 27.68 28.79 29-95 31.17 32.45 33.78 35.17 36.63 38.16 39-76 41.42 43.16 44.96 46.87 48.85 50-94 53 11 55-37 57.70 60.12 62.60 65 13 67.70 70.30 72.96 75-68 78.45 81.28 84.15 87.08 90.06 93.09 96.15 99.24 102.35 105.48 108.64 in. 79 114.90 117.96 120.96 123.89 126.72 129.51 132.35 4 th Year. 29.71 30.86 32.07 33-34 34-66 36.04 37.48 38.98 40.56 42.20 43-92 45.72 47.60 49- 56 51.62 53-77 56.00 58.33 60.77 63.32 65-99 68/78 71.68 74.68 77-78 80.98 84.24 87.56 90.94 94.36 97.86 101.43 105.06 108.75 112. 51 116.33 120.21 124.13 128.10 132.09 136. 11 140.15 144.18 148.19 152.14 156.01 159.80 I63-47 167.06 170.68 174.50 5th Year. 37-73 39.20 40.73 42,33 44.OI 45.76 47.58 49-49 51-48 53.56 55-73 58.01 60.39 62.87 65.46 68.16 70.97 73-91 76.98 80.20 83-54 87.04 90.65 94.40 98.25 102.20 106.21 110.31 114.47 118.69 122.99 127-37 131.82 136.35 140.95 I45-6I 150.33 15509 159.90 16473 169.58 174.43 179-25 184.03 188.71 193.29 197-75 202.11 2-6.45 210.97 215.86 6th Year. 46.OI 47-79 49.66 5I.6l 53.64 55-77 57-99 60.31 62.73 6525 67.90 70.66 73-54 76.53 79.67 82.94 86.34 89.90 93.61 97.48 101.52 105.70 110.03 114.50 119.07 123.74 128.50 133.34 138.25 14324 148.31 153-47 158.70 164.02 169.41 174.86 180.36 185.91 191.49 197.10 202.69 208.26 213-79 219.23 224.55 229.74 23481 239.84 245.01 250.51 256.55 7th Year. 54-54 56.65 58.86 61.17 63.57 66.09 68.71 7i 45 74-31 77.29 80.41 83.67 87.05 90.58 94.27 98.11 102.12 106.30 110.65 115. 18 119.88 124.76 129.79 134-94 140 21 145- 59 15105 156.62 162.26 167.98 173.78 170-67 185.66 191.72 197.84 204.02 210.25 216.52 222.82 229.11 235-37 241.58 247.70 253.72 259-59 265.31 271.00 276.78 282.83 289.39 296.66 8th Year. 63-34 65.79 68.35 7I.02 73.81 76.72 79-75 82.92 86.23 89.68 93.28 97-03 100.94 105.00 109.25 113.68 118.29 123.09 128.09 13327 138.64 144.19 149.88 I55.70 161.64 167.70 173.86 1 80. 1 1 186.44 192.86 199.36 205.96 212.64 219.39 226.19 233-05 239-95 246.89 253 81 260. 70 267.54 274.29 280.94 287.43 293.78 300.06 306 41 313-01 320.05 327.73 336.20 O.L. Am.3 % Of Lifk Insurance:. 97 1 Table No. XVI. — Continwd. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. 9th lOth 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Age 20 Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 72.41 81.76 91.40 IOI.33 III. 56 122.09 132.94 144. I I 21 75-21 84.91 94.91 IO5.22 115.83 126.75 138.00 149-57 22 78.12 88.20 98.58 IO9.27 120.27 I3I.6I 143.26 155-25 23 81.17 9I.64 IO2.40 H3-49 124.91 136.66 148.74 161. 16 24 84.36 95-21 106.39 117.90 129.74 I4I.92 154-44 167.30 2 § 87.67 98.94 IIO.55 122.49 134 77 147-39 160.36 I73-67 26 91.12 IO2.83 II4.87 127.26 139-99 153.07 166.50 180.29 27 94-73 IO6.88 II9.38 132.23 145-43 158.98 172.90 187.18 28 98.50 III. II 124.08 137-40 151.08 165.13 179-54 194.32 29 102.42 115-51 128.96 142.78 156.96 171.52 186.44 201.73 30 106.50 I20.IO 134 05 148.38 163.08 178.16 i93-6i 209.42 3* 110.76 124.87 139-35 154.21 169.45 185.05 201.04 217-37 32 II5-I9 129.83 144.86 160.27 176.05 I92.20 208.72 225.58 33 119. 81 T35.01 150.60 166.56 182.90 I99.60 216.66 234.05 34 124.63 140.40 156.56 173 10 190.00 207.26 224.86 242.76 35 129.65 I46.OI 162.76 179.87 197.35 2I5.I6 233.28 251.68 36 134.86 I5I-83 169.17 186.87 204.92 223.28 241.92 260.82 37 140.29 157-86 175.81 194.10 212.71 231 60 250.76 270.15 38 145-91 164. 1 1 182 67 201.54 220.70 240.I2 259-79 279.68 i 39 151-74 170.57 189.72 209.16 228.88 248.84 269.02 289.38 40 157.76 177.20 196.95 216.97 237.23 257.72 278.40 299.23 4i 163.95 184.01 204.35 224.94 245-76 266.77 287.94 309.24 42 170.28 190.96 21L.90 233.07 254-44 275.96 297.61 319 36 43 176.75 198.06 219.60 241-34 263.24 285.27 307.40 329-59 44 183 34 205.28 227.42 249.72 272.16 294.69 317.29 339-91 4§ 190 06 212.62 235-35 258.22 281.18 304 22 327.27 350.30 46 196.87 220.06 243-38 266.80 290.30 3I3.8I 337-30 360.73 47 203.78 227.59 251.50 275-49 299.49 323.47 347-39 37I-I9 48 210.77 235.21 259-71 284.24 308.74 333-18 357 49 381.66 49 217.85 242.91 267.99 293-05 318.04 342.9I 367.62 392.13 50 225.01 250.69 276.34 301.92 327-38 352.68 377.76 402.57 5i 232.27 258.55 284.76 310.84 336.76 362.46 387.88 412.97 52 239-59 266.47 293.22 319.80 346.16 372.23 397-96 423.29 53 246 98 274.44 301.73 328.79 355-55 381.96 407.97 433-50 54 254.42 282.46 310.26 337.76 364.9° 391.62 417.87 443.58 55 261.90 290. 50 318.79 346.70 374-19 4OI.I9 427.64 453-50 56 269.41 298.53 327.28 355-59 383-38 4IO.62 437-25 463.24 57 276.91 306.54 335-72 364-38 392.46 419.90 446.70 472.86 58 284.39 314-50 344-^7 373.05 40I-37 429.P2 456.02 482.45 59 291.81 322.36 352.29 381.55 410.12 438.02 465-32 492.11 i 60 299.13 330.10 360.36 389-90 418.76 447-00 474-71 501.96 | 61 306.35 337.69 368.28 398.16 427.39 456.09 484.30 512.13 ; 62 3I3-42 345-13 376.10 406.41 436.16 465.41 494-25 522.68 ! 63 320.35 352.49 383.95 414.81 445.18 475-H 504.62 533-69 #4 327.18 359-87 391-95 423.49 454-59 485.26 515.47 545-22 £ 5 334.07 367-43 400.25 432.61 464.51 495-93 526.88 557-to 60 341.17 375-35 409.05 442.27 475.00 507.24 538.71 569-49 3 348.66 383-79 418.44 452.57 486.18 519.00 551-09 582.59 356.73 392.89 428.52 463.61 497.87 531-37 564.26 59 6 -85 69 365.53 402.76 439-43 475-24 510.25 544.62 578.68 612.59 70 375.i6 413-52 450.98 487.61 523.57 559-21 594-68 629.66 Am.3 % O.L 98 Principles and Practice Table No. XVI.— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21-t 22d 23d 24th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 I55.60 167.42 179.56 I92.04 204.85 218.OI 231.51 245.36 21 161.47 I73-70 186.27 I99.I7 212.43 226.02 239.97 254-25 22 167.57 180.23 I93.23 206.59 220.28 234-33 248.72 263.45 23 I73.92 187.O2 200.47 214.27 228.43 242.93 257.78 272.95 24 180.50 I94.06 207.98 222.25 236.86 251.83 267.12 282.74 2 187.34 20I.37 215-77 230.50 245 59 261.01 276.76 292.81 I94.44 208.96 223.83 239-05 254.60 270.49 286.68 303.I5 3 201.82 2I6.S2 232 18 247.88 263.90 280.24 296.86 313.73 209.47 224.97 240.81 256.99 273-48 290. 26 307.29 324.56 29 217.39 233.38 249.72 266.38 283.31 300.51 317-95 335-60 30 225.58 242.08 258.90 276.02 293- 39 311. 01 328.84 346.87 31 23405 251.05 263.34 285.90 303.70 321.72 339-94 358.33 32 242.77 200.25 278. 00 296.OO 31422 332.65 35L23 369-97 33 251-73 269.69 287.90 306.33 324.96 343.76 362.71 381.77 34 260.93 279-35 298.OO 316.86 335.89 355-o6 374-35 393.72 $ 270.34 289.22 308.32 327.58 347.00 366.52 386.14 405.81 279-95 299.29 3I8.SI 338.48 358.26 378.13 398.05 418.OO 11 289.76 309.54 329.48 349-53 369.67 389.86 410.08 430.27 299.74 319.96 340.29 360.72 381.20 401.70 422.19 442.61 39 309.89 330.53 351-26 372.04 392.85 413.63 434.36 454-99 40 320.19 341.24 362.34 383-47 404-58 425.62 446.57 467.38 4i 330.62 352.07 373-54 394-98 416.37 437.65 458.80 479.78 42 341.17 362.99 384.80 4^6.55 428.19 449.70 471.02 492.11 43 35i.8o 374-00 396.12 418.14 440.03 461.73 483.19 504.37 44 362.51 385.04 407.47 429-75 45I-85 473.70 495.27 516.51 45 373-26 396.12 418.83 44L35 463.62 485.61 507-25 528.51 46 384.04 407.21 430.18 452.90 475-32 497-39 519.08 540.32 47 394-84 418.29 441.48 464-37 486.91 509.04 530.73 551-93 48 405.62 429.32 452.70 475-73 498.35 520.51 542.17 563.32 49 416.36 440.28 463.83 486.96 509.63 531.78 553-4Q 574-53 50 427.05 45I.I6 474-84 498.04 520.71 542.85 564.47 58563 5i 437-67 461.92 485.69 508.93 53i.6i 553-76 575-44 596-7I 52 448.17 472.55 496.37 519.63 542-35 564 59 586.40 607.86 S3 458.53 482.99 506.87 530.19 553-02 575-41 597-44 619.16 54 468.72 493.26 517.22 540.68 563.69 586.33 608.65 630.65 u 478.74 503.39 527-52 55I-I9 574-48 597-43 620.07 642.37 488.63 513.47 537.85 561.83 585.47 608.77 63173 654.34 57 498.48 523.60 548.32 572.69 596.71 620.33 643.69 666.45 58 508.38 533.89 559-04 583-83 608.25 632.31 655-79 678.76 59 518.46 544-44 570.05 595-28 620.13 644.40 668.12 691.41 60 528.83 555-32 581.42 607.12 632.21 656.75 680.84 704.71 61 539.56 566.58 593.19 619.17 644.58 669.52 694.24 718.85 1 62 550.70 578.28 605.22 631.56 657-42 683.04 708.55 733-70 | 63 562.32 590.28 617.61 644-45 671.04 697.52 723.62 748.89 | 64 574-27 602.67 630.55 65S.19 685.70 712.82 739.08 763.90 1 00 586.65 615 66 644.41 673.03 701.24 728.56 754-39 778.69 I 599- 70 629.64 659-45 688.84 717.29 744-19 769.50 793-89 67 613.82 64490 675.54 705.21 733.26 759-65 785.08 80999 68 629.30 661.29 692.26 721.54 749.09 775-64 801.65 82587 69 646.02 678.39 708.99 737.73 765-53 792.70 818.02 838.66 70 663.52 695-54 725.66 754-69 783.12 809.61 831.21 85L45 O.L. Am.3* Of IyiFK Insurance. 99 Table No. XVI. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. 20 21 22 23 24 II % 29 30 31 32 33 34 9 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 25th Year. 259-54 268.87 278 51 288.44 298.66 309.14 3I9-87 330.84 342.04 353-45 365.06 376.85 388.81 400.91 413.15 425.49 437.92 450.41 462.94 475-49 488.02 500.52 512.92 525.22 537-37 549-34 561.09 572.62 53397 595-20 606.39 617.64 629.02 640.57 652.33 664.32 676.42 688.70 701.30 714.49 728.48 743-U 758.05 772.79 787.27 802.11 817.78 833.20 845.62 858.02 869.54 26th Year. 274.06 283.82 293.89 304.24 3I4-85 325-72 336-83 348.16 359-71 371.46 383-39 395 49 407-73 420.10 432.59 445.16 457-79 470.45 483-I4 495-8i 508.44 520.98 533-42 545-7Q 557-8o 569-69 581.36 592.84 604.18 615.48 626.81 638.27 649.88 661.67 673.67 685.76 698.01 7io.55 723.64 737-47 751.91 766.60 781.07 795.27 809.78 825.04 840.03 852.12 864.14 875.31 27th Year. 288.90 299.08 309.56 320.30 331.30 342.53 353-99 365-67 377-55 389.61 401.83 414.20 426.71 439-32 452.01 464-77 477-56 490.37 503-17 515-91 528.58 54I-I4 553-55 565-77 577.78 589.57 601.16 612.62 624.01 635-43 646.95 658.60 670.42 682.44 694.52 706.73 719.20 732.20 745.89 760.13 774-59 788.81 802.73 816.93 831.82 846.41 858.18 869.86 880.69 28th Year. 304-05 314.64 325.50 336.61 347-97 359-55 37L34 383.34 395.52 407.86 420.35 432.97 445-70 458.51 47L38 484.29 497-21 510.12 522.97 535-75 548.42 560.93 573-27 585.39 597.28 608.98 620.54 632.03 643-52 655.10 666.80 678.64 690.66 702.72 714.90 727.31 740.21 753-75 767.81 782.06 796.04 809.71 823.61 838.15 852.36 863.83 875.19 885.71 29th Year. 3I9- 50 330.47 341.69 353.15 364.84 376.75 388.86 4OI.14 413.60 426.19 438.92 451.76 464.68 477-65 490.66 503.69 516.69 529.65 542.52 555-29 567.90 580.33 592.55 604.54 616.33 627.98 639.55 651.12 662.75 674.49 686.35 698.37 710.42 722.56 734-9 1 747.71 761. 11 775.oo 789.04 802.80 816.22 829.84 844.05 857.91 869.11 880.17 890.39 30th Year. 335-21 346.53 358.IO 369-89 381.9O 394- 1 1 406.50 419.05 431-75 444-58 457.51 470.53 483.60 496.70 509.82 522.92 535.96 548.93 561.77 574-47 586.99 599.29 611.37 623.24 634.97 646.62 658.25 669.94 681.71 693.59 705.61 717.64 729-74 742.03 754-74 768.01 781.73 795.58 809. 1 1 822.31 835.67 849.56 863.10 874.03 884.81 894.76 31st Year. 351.17 362.82 374.71 386.82 399- 1 2 4H. 6l 424.25 437.04 449.96 462.98 476.08 489.24 502.43 515.63 528.81 54L94 554.98 567. 9 1 580.68 593-27 605.64 617.80 629.75 641.55 653.26 664.95 676.69 688.50 700.39 712.41 724.41 736.48 748.70 761.32 774-47 788.03 801.69 815.02 828.00 841. 11 854-7I 867.94 878.63 889.14 898.84 32d Year. 367-34 379-31 391.51 403.90 416.47 429.20 442.07 455-o8 468.18 481.36 494.60 507.87 521.14 534-40 547.6o 560.71 573.71 586.54 599-20 611.64 623.86 635.87 647.73 659-51 671.25 683.03 694.86 706. 78 718.79 73^.78 742.80 754-97 767.50 780.53 793-94 807.41 820.55 833.33 846.20 859-53 872.46 882.92 893.19 902.64 Am.3* O.L. IOO Principles and Practice Table No. XVI.— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Agr. 33d Year. 34 th Year. 35th Year. 36th Year. 37 th Year. 38th Year. 39th Year. 40th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 383.71 395-99 408.46 42I.IO 433.92 400.27 4I2.8I 425-54 438.42 451-45 416.98 429-77 442.71 455-Si 469.02 433-8i 446.82 459-97 473-24 486.61 450.74 463.94 477.27 490.70 504.I9 467-74 481.12 494-59 508.13 52I.7I 484.80 498.31 5H.89 525.52 539-16 50I.87 | 515-49 529.15 542.82 , 556.49 ! 2 5 26 2 29 446. S7 459-95 473-13 486.39 499-70 464.60 477.84 49I.I7 504.54 517.94 482.33 495-72 509.15 522.61 536.07 500.06 513-54 527-05 540.57 554-05 517.73 53L28 544.84 558.37 571.83 535.32 548.91 562.48 575-98 589-38 552.79 566.39 579-92 593-35 606.65 570.12 j 583.68 597.14 610.47 623.62 30 31 32 33 34 513.03 526.38 539-70 552.90 566.14 531-35 544-73 558.05 571.28 584.40 549-51 562.88 576.16 589-32 602.33 567 47 580.80 594.00 607.04 619.89 585.20 598.44 6ll. 51 624.40 637.06 602.65 615.76 628.67 64L37 653-83 619.79 632.73 645.45 657.93 670.20 636.59 649-32 661.82 674.11 686.22 12 37 33 39 579-20 592.09 604.81 617.31 629.58 597-35 6lO. 1 1 622.66 634.98 647.IO 615.14 627.73 640.09 652.25 664.24 632.52 644.92 657.11 669.14 681.07 649.50 661.71 673.77 685.72 697.62 666.07 678.15 690. 1 2 702.03 713-93 682.30 694.28 706. 20 718.10 730.01 698.21 710.14 722.05 733.95 745-86 40 4i 42 43 44 641.65 653-56 665.38 677.17 688.98 659.06 670.92 682.75 694.59 706.47 676.14 688 00 699.86 711.76 723-70 692.94 704.83 716.74 728.68 740.66 709.5I 721.42 733-36 745-34 757-23 725.84 737-77 749-73 761.60 773.42 74L93 753.87 765.72 777-51 789.32 757.78 769.59 781.35 793.12 805.08 9 % 49 700.85 712.77 724.78 736.75 748.74 718.41 730.41 742.36 754-31 766.37 735-70 747.63 759-55 77I-56 783.85 752.58 764.47 776.42 788.64 801.24 769.08 780.99 793.15 805.66 818.39 785-29 797-38 809.80 822.42 835.00 801.35 S13.68 826.21 838.66 850.70 817-34 829.76 842.10 854.01 865.47 50 5i 52 53 54 760.85 77330 786 21 799-47 812.78 778.74 791-54 804.66 817.81 830.59 796.55 809.53 822.52 835.I4 847-35 814.10 826.95 839.4I 85L45 863.51 831.IO 843-4I 855.30 867.17 879-33 847.17 858.91 870.61 882.57 894.06 862.29 873.84 885.61 896.91 906.08 876.86 ! 888.46 899.58 908.60 917.35 P 59 825.73 838.31 85097 864.03 876.68 842.98 855-42 868.24 880.63 890.67 859.60 872.18 884.33 894.17 903.79 875.87 887.79 897.45 906.87 g^-so 891.03 9OO.52 909-75 918.21 903-39 912.45 920.74 914.98 923.11 92533 j 60 61 62 886.93 896.96 90b. 1 9 9^0.49 909.51 912.61 O.L. Am.3 % Of L,ifk Insurance;. 101 Table No. XVI.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. tut 42d 43d 44th 451 h 46th 47th 48th Ye^r. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 518.92 535.92 552.85 569.67 586.34 602.83 6i9.II 635-I4 21 532.61 549.66 566.59 583.39 600.00 616.39 632.53 648.39 22 546.32 563.38 580.30 597.03 613-55 629.81 645.78 661.43 23 560.02 577.07 593-93 610.57 626.96 643.05 658.82 674.23 24 573-68 590.67 607 45 623.97 640 19 656.08 671.62 686.79 25 587.26 604.18 620.83 637.I9 653.21 668.88 684.18 699.II 26 600.74 617.54 634.04 650.21 666.OI 681.43 696. 50 711.25 % 614.09 630.74 647.05 662.99 678.56 693.76 708.64 723.24 627 27 643-73 659.83 675-54 690.89 705.90 720.64 735-13 29 640.25 656.50 672.37 687.86 703.03 717.91 732.54 746.97 30 653.OO 669.03 684.68 70O.OO 7I5.03 729.82 744-40 758.77 31 665.52 681.34 696.82 7I2.0I 726.96 741.69 756.21 770.52 32 677.82 693.47 708.83 723-94 738.83 753-51 767.98 782.23 33 689.94 705.48 720.76 735-82 750.67 765.31 779-72 793.79 34 701.94 717.41 732.65 747-68 762.49 777.07 791.31 805.24 35 713.87 729.31 744-53 759.52 774.29 788.70 802.80 816.64 36 725.78 741.19 756.38 77L34 785.95 800.23 814.25 828.14 37 737.67 753-07 768.23 783.03 797-51 811.72 825.80 839.82 38 749-56 764.94 779-95 794.63 809.05 823.33 837-55 851.57 39 761.46 776.70 791.60 806.22 820.72 835.15 849-37 863.14 40 773-25 788.38 803.23 817.95 832.60 847.04 861.03 874.25 4i 784.97 8co.o6 815.01 829.90 844.58 858.79 872.22 884.87 42 796.69 811.90 827.04 841.96 856.41 870.07 882.93 895-32 43 808.60 824.00 839.19 853.89 867.79 880.88 893.48 905-83 44 820.77 836.24 851.21 865.36 878.69 891-53 904. 10 915.81 4§ 833.10 848.36 862.79 876.37 889.45 902.26 914.20 923 93 46 845.33 860.04 873.89 887.24 900.31 912.48 922.41 931.72 47 857.12 871.26 884.88 898.23 910.66 920.79 930.29 938.78 48 868.46 882.38 896.01 908.71 919.07 928.77 937-45 49 879.71 893.65 906.64 917.23 927.16 936.03 50 891.14 904.43 915.27 925-44 934.52 5i 902.08 913-19 923.60 932.91 52 910.97 921.65 931.19 53 9I9.57 929.36 54 927.41 Am.3* 5Pay.L I02 Principles and Practice Table No. XVII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY FIVE EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 3 II 29 30 3i 32 33 34 11 U 39 40 4i 42 43 44 % 49 So 5i 52 S3 54 11 11 59 60 61 62 64 65 66 8 69 70 1st Year. 66.08 67.IO 68.16 69.24 70.36 71.52 72.71 73-94 75.20 76.50 77.84 79.22 80.64 82.O9 83.59 85.13 86.7O 88.33 89.98 gi.68 93.41 95.19 97.00 98.86 IOO.74 IO2.67 IO4.60 IO6.57 IO8.54 UO.51 II2.48 II4.44 II6.4O II8.34 120.24 122.13 123.96 I25.76 127.51 129.18 130.78 132.29 I33-7I I35.03 136.23 137.29 I38.20 138.95 I39-50 139.87 I4O.OI 2d Year. 134.64 136.72 138.87 I4I.O9 143.38 145.74 148.16 I50.66 153.24 155.89 158.62 161.44 164.32 I67.29 170.35 173.49 176.7I 180.OI 183.39 186.85 I9O.39 I94.O3 197.74 20I.52 205.37 209.28 213.25 217.26 221.29 225.32 229.36 233.40 237.42 241.42 245-38 249.29 253.13 256.90 260.57 264.12 267.53 270.80 273.90 276.81 279.49 281.92 284.09 285.95 287.49 288.67 289.45 3d Year. 205.77 208.96 212.25 215.64 219.14 222.75 226.46 230.29 23423 238.29 242.47 246.77 251.I9 255.74 260.42 265.22 270.I5 275.20 280.38 285.69 291.12 296.69 302.38 308.18 314.08 320.08 326.17 332.31 338.50 344.72 350.90 357-21 363.46 369.69 375.88 382.OI 388.07 394-03 399-88 405.58 411. 12 416.46 42I.60 426.49 43I.O9 435.38 439-32 442.88 446.02 448.72 450.98 4th Year. 279,58 283.92 288.40 293.02 297.77 302.68 307.73 312.94 3I8.30 323.83 329.51 335.36 341.38 347.58 353-94 360.48 367.19 374-07 38I.I3 388.37 395-79 403.38 411. 14 419.05 427.II 435.30 443-61 452.02 460.50 469.06 477.67 486.31 494.98 503.64 512.29 52O.9O 529-46 537-93 546.29 554-51 562.58 570.47 578.14 585.56 592.70 599-52 606. CO 612.09 617.79 623.08 628.00 lOPay.L. Am.3* Of L/iFF Insurance. io 3 Table No. XVIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. — _ . 1 _ 1 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th rth 8th 9th ! Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 32.57 66.34 IOI.35 137.65 I75.30 214-35 254-85 296.85 340.43 21 33-U 67.44 IO3.04 139.95 178.23 217.93 259.IO 301.81 346.12! 22 33-67 68.58 IO4.78 142.32 181.24 22I.6I 263.49 306.92 351.98! 23 34-25 69.76 IO6.58 144.76 184.35 225.42 268.OI 3I2.I8 358.02 ! 24 34.85 70.98 IO8.44 147.28 187.56 229.33 272.66 317-61 364.24 25 35.46 72.23 HO.34 149.87 190.85 233-36 277-45 323-I9 370.64 26 36.09 73-51 112. 31 152.53 194.24 237-51 282.39 328.94 377-23 27 36.74 74.83 114-33 155.27 197-74 241.78 287.46 334-85 384.02 28 37-41 76.20 116.40 158.IO 201.34 246.17 292.68 340.93 391.00 29 38.10 77-59 118.54 161.OO 205.03 250.69 298.05 347.19 398.17 30 38.81 79.04 120.75 163.99 208.83 255-33 303-57 353-61 405.53 31 39-54 80.52 123.01 167.05 212.73 260.IO 309.24 360.21 413-10 32 40.29 82.04 125.32 17O.2O 216.74 265.OO 3I5-05 366.98 420.86 33 41.05 83.60 127.71 173-43 220.85 270.02 321.02 373-92 428.83 34 41.84 85.21 130.15 176.75 225.06 275.16 327.I3 381.04 437-00 35 42.65 86.85 132.66 180.15 229.38 280.43 333-39 388.34 445-37 36 43.48 88.53 135.22 183.62 233.79 285.82 339.80 395.8i 453-94 II 44-33 90.25 I37-84 187.17 238.31 29I.34 346.36 403.44 462.70 45.18 92.00 140.51 190.80 242.93 296.99 353-o6 411.24 471-64! 39 46.07 93.8o 143-25 194.51 247.65 302.75 359-90 419.20 480.76 40 46.97 95-63 146.05 198.30 252.46 308.62 366.86 427.30 490.04 41 47.90 97.51 148.91 202.17 257-37 314-59 373-94 435-53 499.46 42 48.84 99-43 151.82 206.10 262.35 320.66 381.13 443-86 509.00 43 4981 101.37 154.77 210. 08 267.39 326.79 388.38 452.28 ,518.65 44 50-77 103.34 157.76 214.11 272.49 332.98 395.69 460.77 528.39 4§ 51-77 105.33 160.78 218.18 277.61 339-18 403.03 469.31 538.21 46 52.76 107.34 163.80 222.23 282.72 345-39 4io.39 477-88 548.07 47 53.76 109 35 166.82 226.28 287.83 35i-6o 417-75 486.46 557.96 48 54-75 in- 33 169.81 230.29 292.89 357-77 425.08 495.03 567.87 49 55-73 113.28 172.75 234.25 297.91 363.89 432 37 503-57 577-77 50 56.69 115. 21 175-66 238.18 302.88 369.95 439-59 512.05 587.64 Si 57.63 117. 10 178.53 242.03 307.77 375-93 446.73 520.47 597 46 52 58.56 118.97 181.34 245.82 312.57 381.81 453.78 528.79 607.21 53 59-47 120.79 184.09 249.52 317.27 387.57 460.69 536.98 616.86 54 60.35 122.55 186.75 253-10 321.83 393-18 46745 545-Q2 626.37 P 61.20 124.25 189.31 256.58 326.25 398.62 474.02 552.88 635.74 62.01 125.89 191.79 259-91 330.50 403.86 480.38 560.54 644.92 57 62.79 127.45 194.15 263.09 334-55 408 88 486.50 567.96 653.9" 58 63-54 128.93 196.37 266.08 338.38 413-65 492.36 575-09 662.62 59 64.23 130.31 198.43 268.87 341.96 418.13 497.89 581.92 671.07 60 64.87 I3L57 200.33 271-45 345-28 422.29 503.08 588.39 679.20 61 65-45 132.72 202.06 273.79 348.29 426.10 507.88 594-47 686.98 62 65.98 133 76 203.61 275.86 350.98 429-53 512.25 600.13 694.39 63 66.44 134.66 204.93 277.64 353-29 432.51 516.16 605.30 701.39 64 66.84 135.40 206.01 279.09 355-18 435-OI 5I9-52 609.97 707.98 65 67-13 135-95 206.80 280.14 356.60 436.96 522.31 614.10 714.17 Am.3 % 15Pay.L 104 Principles and Practice Table No. XIX. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY FIFTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 20 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7 th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 21.55 43-87 66.99 90.95 115.78 I4L52 168.I9 21 21.93 44-65 68.19 92.58 117.86 I44.05 I7I.20 22 22.33 45-46 6943 94.27 I20.00 I46.66 I74.30 23 22.74 46.30 70.71 96.OO I22.20 I49.36 177-49 24 23.17 47.17 72.03 97-79 I24.48 152.13 180.78 3 23.61 48.06 73-39 99-63 126.82 154-97 184.16 24.05 48.97 74.78 101.52 I29.2I 157.91 187.64 27 24-52 499I 76.22 103.46 I3169 160.93 191.22 28 25.OO 50.88 77.69 I05-47 134-23 164.03 194.90 29 25.49 51.88 79.21 I07.53 136.84 167.21 198.68 ■ 30 2599 52.91 80.78 109.64 139-53 170.49 202.56 ' 31 26.51 5397 82.38 in. 81 142.29 173.85 206.54 1 32 27.05 55-04 84.03 114.04 145.12 177.29 210.61 33 2759 56.15 85-72 116.33 148 02 180.82 214.78 34 28.15 57-30 87.46 118.68 150.98 184.43 219.05 Si 28.74 58.47 89.24 121.08 15403 188.12 223.42 1 29.32 59-67 91.05 123-53 157.13 191.90 227.89 11 29.94 60.89 92.9I 126.03 160.31 I95-76 232.45 1 30.55 62.14 94.81 128.60 163.55 199.71 237.11 39 31.19 6342 96.76 131.23 166.88 203.74 241.86 40 31.83 6474 98.75 133-92 170.27 207.85 246.69 41 32.50 66.09 IOO.81 136.67 173-73 212.02 251-59 42 33-19 67.48 IO2.89 139-47 177.24 216.25 256.54 143 33.89 68.88 IO5.OI 142.30 180.79 220.52 261.51 1 44 34.60 70.31 IO7.15 145.16 184.36 224.78 266.47 9 35-33 71-75 IO9.32 148.04 187.93 229.04 271.42 36-05 73-21 1 1 1.48 150.90 191.48 233-27 276.32 ! % 36.79 74-67 II3.64 153.73 194.99 237-45 281.18 j 37-52 76.10 II5.76 156.53 19845 241.57 285.96 | 49 38.23 77-50 II7.84 159-27 201.85 245.62 290.65 ! 50 38.93 78.89 II9.89 161.98 205.19 249-59 295.24 Si 39-63 80.26 121.92 164.63 208.47 253-47 299.72 52 40.32 81.61 123 qo 167.24 211.66 257-25 30409 S3 41 00 82.93 I25-85 169.77 214.77 260.93 308 32 S4 41.66 8423 127.74 172.24 217.79 264.47 3 I2 -38 11 42.31 85.49 129.58 174.64 220.71 267.88 316.27 42-9-1 86.72 I3I-38 176.95 223.50 271.13 319.96 U 43-57 87.93 133-12 179.17 226.18 274.22 323.46 44- 19 89 10 134-79 181.30 228.71 277-14 326.74 59 44.73 90.23 136.38 183 3i 231.10 279.87 329- 76 60 45-35 91.30 I3790 185.21 233-33 282.36 332.49 ; 15Pay.L. Am.3 % Of IviFis Insurance. I05 Table No. : KXX.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY FIFTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 8th 9th lOth llth 12th 13th 14th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year, j 20 I95-83 224.48 254-17 284.96 316.88 349-97 384.29 21 199-33 228.49 258.71 290.04 322 53 356.21 391-13 22 202.93 232.61 263.38 295.28 328.34 362.62 398-I7 23 206.65 236.87 268.19 3OO.66 334-32 369.22 405.4I 24 210.47 241.25 273.I4 306 20 340.48 376.01 412.86 25 214.41 245.74 278.23 3II.90 346.80 382.99 420.51 26 218.45 250.37 283.46 317-75 353-3Q 390.15 428.37 3 222.60 255-I3 288.84 323-77 359-97 397-51 436.43 226.88 260.02 294.36 329.94 366.82 405.06 444.71 29 -231.27 265.03 300.02 336.27 373.84 412.80 453.19 30 235.78 270.17 305.82 342.76 381.04 420.73 461.89 3i 24O.38 275-45 311.77 349 41 388.42 428.87 470.80 32 245.II 280.84 317-86 356.22 395-97 437.18 479-91 33 249.94 286.37 324.09 3^3-19 403-69 445.68 489.21 34 254-90 292.02 330.48 370.3I 411.58 454-35 498.70 li 259-96 297.81 336.99 377 58 419.62 463.19 508.37 265.14 303.70 343-63 384.98 427.80 472.18 5I8.I8 11 270.42 309.72 350.39 392.51 436.12 481.30 528.13 275.81 315.84 357-27 400. 1 5 444-54 490.53 538.20 39 281.28 322.06 364.24 407.88 453-o6 499-85 548.37 40 286.84 328.36 37L28 415.68 461.64 509.25 558.63 4i 292.47 334.72 378.38 423.53 470.28 518.71 568.96 42 298.13 34i.io 385.50 431-41 478.94 528.20 579-34 43 303.81 347-49 392.62 439-30 487.62 537-71 589-74 |44 309.48 353.87 399.73 447.16 496.27 547-21 600.15 145 315.12 360.22 406.81 454-99 504.89 556.68 610.54 46 320.72 366.51 4I3.82 462.75 513-44 566.09 620.90 47 326.25 372.73 420.74 470.42 521,91 575.42 631.19 ! 48 3-3I-69 378.85 427.56 477.98 530.26 584.65 641.39 49 337.02 •384.85 434-25 485.39 538.47 593.73 651.47 50 342.24 390.72 440.79 492.65 546.51 602.66 661.42 5i 347-34 396.43 447. J 6 499-72 554-36 611.40 671.21 52 352.29 401.98 453-33 506.58 561 99 619.92 680.79 53 357-06 407.32 459.28 5I3.I9 569.37 628.19 690.15 54 361.64 412.43 464.97 5I9-54 576.45 636.17 699.26 55 366.OI 4I7.3I 47040 525-57 583.22 643.84 708.07 56 370.16 421.92 475-51 53126 589.62 651.14 716.56 P 374.06 426.23 480.28 536.58 595.62 658.06 724.71 377-68 430.21 484.67 54L48 601.19 664.54 732.48 59 380.98 433.83 488.64 545.91 606.27 670.56 739.89 60 383.95 437.02 492.14 549-83 610.82 676.10 746.92 Am.3* 20 Pay. L 1 06 Principles and Practice Table No. XX. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $] [ooo OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. THREE PER CENT. Age. 20 1st 2d 3d 4 th 5 th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 16.15 32.86 50.I6 68.07 86.62 IO5.84 125-73 21 16.46 33-49 51.12 69.38 88.29 IO7.87 I28.I4 22 16.78 34-14 52.12 70.74 9O.OI IO9.96 I30.63 23 17.II 34-82 53-15 72.13 OI.78 112.13 I33.I9 24 17-45 35.52 54-22 73-57 1 93.*6i 114-35 135.82 2 17.81 36.24 55-31 75o6 95-49 II6.64 138.54 18.17 36.97 56.44 76.58 9742 II9.OO I4L33 27 18.55 37-74 57.60 78.15 99.42 121.43 144.20 | 28 18.94 38.52 58.79 79-77 IOI.47 123.92 147.15 29 19-33 39-33 60.02 81-43 103.57 126.48 I50.I9 30 19.74 40.17 61.30 83-14 105.74 129.13 153.31 31 20.17 41.03 62 60 84.90 IO7.98 131-83 I56.5I 32 20.61 41.91 6393 86.71 IIO.26 134-62 159-79 33 21.05 42.81 65.32 88.57 112.62 137.47 163.15 34 21.51 43-75 66.74 90.49 H5.03 140 40 166.60 P 22.00 44.72 68.20 92.46 117.52 14340 170.14 22.48 45-71 69.69 94-47 I20.05 146.48 173.76 a 22.99 46.72 71.23 96.53 122.66 149-64 177-49 23.50 47-77 72.81 98.66 125-34 152.88 181.29 39 24.04 48.84 74-44 100.85 128. IC 156.20 185.19 40 24.58 49-95 76.11 103.10 130.92 159-60 189.16 41 25.16 51.10 77-85 105.42 133-82 163.08 193-20 42 25-75 52.29 79.62 107.78 136.77 166.61 I97.30 43 26.36 53-50 81.44 110.20 139.78 170.19 201.42 44 26.97 54-74 83.29 112.65 142.81 173-77 205.55 ji 27.62 56.00 85.17 H5-I3 145.86 177-37 209.67 28.26 57.28 87.07 117. 61 148.90 180.95 213.77 47 28.92 58.58 88.97 120.09 151.93 184.51 217.85 48 29.58 59.87 90.86 122 55 154.94 188.05 221.87 49 30.23 61.15 92.73 124.99 157.93 I9I-55 225.86 50 30.89 62.42 94.61 127-43 160.90 195.02 229.80 51 31-54 63.71 96.49 129.87 163.87 198.47 233.70 52 32.21 65.01 98.37 132.31 166.82 201.90 237-57 53 32.88 66.31 100.27 134-75 169.76 205.30 241-39 54 33-56 67.61 102.16 137.18 172.69 208.67 245-15 55 34-24 68.Q3 104.06 139.62 175.61 212.02 248.86 °F THE 20Pay.LC v ' BS,T ' Am.3 % Of Lifk Insurance. 107 Table No. XX. — Continued TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE THREE PER CENT. Age. 8th 9th 10th 11th 12 th 13th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 146.33 167.67 189.76 212.64 236.35 260.90 21 149.13 170.87 I93-38 216.69 240.84 265.85 22 I52.02 174.17 I97.II 220.86 245.46 270.93 23 154.99 177-57 200.95 225.15 250.21 276.17 24 158.05 181.07 204.89 229.56 255.IO 281.55 25 l6l. 21 184.66 208.95 234.09 26o. 1 2 287.07 26 164.44 188.36 213.12 238.75 265.28 292.73 27 167.77 192.16 217.40 243.53 270.56 298.55 28 171. 19 196.06 22I.8o 248.43 275-99 304.50 29 I74.70 200.07 226.31 25346 281.54 310.60 30 178.32 204.18 230 94 258.61 287.23 316.85 31 I82.02 208.40 235.67 263.88 293.06 323.24 32 185.81 212.71 240.52 269.28 299.O2 329.77 33 189.69 217.13 245.49 274.81 3O5.II 336.44 34 193.68 221.66 250.58 280.46 311.34 343.24 3 I 197.77 226.31 255.78 286.24 317.68 350.I6 36 2OI.95 231.05 261.IO 292.II 324.13 357.18 37 206.23 235.90 266.51 298.09 330.67 364.27 38 2I0.60 240.83 272.OI 304-I5 337-28 37L42 39 2I5.06 245.86 277.60 310.28 343-94 378.62 40 2I9.60 250.96 283.23 316.44 350.63 385-84 4i 224.21 256. TO 288.90 322.63 357-34 393.06 42 228.85 261.27 294.58 328.82 364.03 400.26 43 233.50 266.43 300. 26 335-00 370.70 407.41 44 238.15 27L59 3059I 341.13 377.31 414.49 4 § 242.78 276.72 311.52 347-21 383.84 421.49 46 247.38 28I.80 3I7.06 353-20 390.28 428.37 47 251-94 286.83 322.53 359 « 396.62 435-12 48 256.44 29I.78 327.9I 364.90 402 81 441-71 49 260.88 296.64 333-19 370.57 408.85 448.12 50 265.26 301.44 338.37 376.11 4H.73 454-34 5i 269.59 306.I5 343-43 381.50 420.43 460.36 52 273.85 310.77 348.37 386.74 425.96 466.15 53 278.O4 315.28 353-18 39 x -8i 43L27 471.69 54 282.I4 319.69 357.85 396.71 436.36 476.95 55 286.17 323.99 362.37 401.39 441.19 481.92 Am.3 % 20Pay.L 1 08 Principles and Practice Table No. XX.- -Concluded. 1 TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLL CIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE TER CENT. 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 286.33 312.68 339-98 368.26 397-57 427.94 21 291-75 318.58 346.38 375-18 405.02 435.95 22 297.32 324.65 352.97 382.29 412.68 444-16 23 303-05 330.89 359-72 389.59 420.53 452.60 24 308.93 337-29 • 366.66 397.08 428.59 461.25 3 314-97 343-86 373-77 404.76 436.85 470.12 32I.I6 350.59 381.06 412.62 445-32 47919 3 327.51 357-49 388.54 420.69 453-99 488.49 334-OI 364.56 396.19 428.93 462.85 497-97 29 340.67 37I.80 404.01 437-36 471.89 507.65 30 347-49 379-19 412.01 445-97 481.12 517-52 31 354.46 386.75 420.16 454-73 490.51 527.54 32 361.57 394-45 428.46 463-64 500.03 537.70 33 368.82 402.30 436.90 472.68 509.69 547-99 34 376.20 410.27 445.46 481.83 519.45 558.39 35 383.70 418.33 454-11 491.07 529-3I 568.89 36 391.28 426.48 462.83 500.39 539-24 579-47 37 398.93 434.69 471.61 509.76 549-23 590.10 38 406.63 442.94 480.43 5I9- J 7 559-25 600.77 39 414.36 45L23 489.27 528.59 569.28 611.47 40 422.11 459-51 498.11 538.00 579-31 622.16 4i 429.85 467.78 506.92 547-39 589-30 632.82 42 437-55 475-99 515-68 556.71 599.24 643.44 43 445- 20 484-15 524-36 565.96 609. 10 653-97 44 452.76 492.20 532-93 575.09 618.84 664.41 45 460 22 500.15 54L38 584.08 628.45 674- 73 46 467-55 507.94 549-66 592.90 637.89 684.90 8 474-73 515.55 557-75 601.53 647.14 694.88 481.72 522.96 565-63 609.94 656.16 704.66 1 49 488.50 530.15 573.27 618.08 664.92 714.19 50 495.o8 537-10 580.63 625.94 673.40 723.46 51 501.41 543-77 587.69 633 48 681.55 732-44 52 507.47 550.14 594-42 640.67 689.36 741.09 53 513-25 556.18 600.78 647-47 696.78 749.41 54 518.70 561.84 606.74 653.85 703.79 757.38 55 523.79 567.10 612.25 659.78 710.39 765.04 lOYr.End. Am.3* Of LlFK Insurance. 109 Table No. XXI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TEN-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th ! Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 84.IO 171.36 261.9I 355-88 453-42 554-63 659..80 768.95 882.29 21 84.08 171.32 261.86 355.83 453-37 554.62 659-75 768.90 882.26 22 84.06 171.29 261.82 355-78 453.31 554.56 659.69 768.85 882.23 23 84.OI 171.20 261.78 355-73 453-25 554-50 659.63 768.80 882.20 24 84.O3 171.23 261.74 355-67 453-19 554-44 659.57 768.75 882.17 25 84.02 I7I.20 261.69 355-62 453-12 554-36 659.50 768.70 882.13 26 83.99 171. 16 261.64 355-55 453-05 554.29 659-43 768.64 862.IO 27 83.97 I7LI3 261.58 355-48 452-97 554.21 659-35 768.57 882.06 28 83.96 171.09 261.52 355-41 452.90 554-12 659.27 768.50 882.OI 29 83.93 171.04 261.46 355-34 452.80 554-03 659.18 768.42 881.96 30 83.9I 171.OO 26l. 41 355-26 452.71 553-93 659.08 768.34 881.9I 31 S3.S9 170.96 261.34 355-17 452.61 553-83 658.98 76S.26 881.86 32 83.87 170.90 261.26 355-^8 452.51 553-7* 658.86 768.16 881.80 33 83.83 170.85 26l.l8 354-98 452.39 553-58 658.74 768.05 881.73 34 83.81 170.80 26I.IO 354.87 452.26 553-45 658.60 767.93 881.65 n 83.78 170.74 26I.02 354.76 452.13 553.29 658.45 767.80 881.57 83-74 170.67 260.9I 354-62 451-97 553-13 658.29 767.66 881.48 37 83.71 170.60 260.80 354-48 451.80 552-94 658.II 767-5I 881.38 38 83.67 170.51 260.67 354-32 451.61 552.75 657.91 767.34 881.28 39 83.03 170.42 260.55 354.16 451.42 552.53 657.70 767.15 881.15 40 83.58 170.33 260.41 353.98 451.21 552.30 657.47 766.95 88I.02 41 83.54 170.24 260.28 353.8o 450.99 552.05 657.21 766.72 880 86 42 83-49 170.15 260.13 353.6o 450.75 55L78 656.93 766.46 880.69 | 43 83-45 170.05 259.98 353-39 450.48 55L47 656.60 766.16 880.50 | 44 83.39 169.94 259.80 353 15 450.18 55LI2 656.23 765.83 880.28 45 83.34 169.82 259.61 352.88 449-83 550.71 655.80 765.44 880.02 46 83.27 169.68 259-38 352.55 449-41 550.23 655.3I 765.OO 879-73 % 83.21 169.53 259.II 352.17 448.93 549-68 654.74 764.50 879.41 83.12 169.32 258.7S 351-7' 448.37 549-°5 654.IO 763.93 879-03 ! 49 83.OI 169.07 258.39 35i.i8 447.72 548.32 653.36 763.28 878.62 i 50 82.87 168.78 257.94 350.58 446.99 547.51 652.53 762.55 878.15 1 51 82.7I 168.45 257.43 349 9° 446.16 546.59 651.60 761.74 877.62 52 82.54 168.09 256.86 349-14 445.24 545-56 650.57 760.83 877-03 53 82.35 167.67 256.22 348.28 444.20 544-41 649.41 759-82 876.37 ! 54 82.12 167.20 255.50 347-33 443.o6 543.14 648.13 758.69 875.65 55 81.87 166.68 254.70 346.27 44L79 541-73 646.70 757-44 874.83 1 56 81.59 166.IO 253 83 345-11 440.37 540.16 645.II 756.04 873-93 ! 57 81.29 165.48 252.86 343-82 438.81 538.43 643.35 754.50 872.92 ! 58 80.96 164.78 251-79 342.39 437.^9 536.51 641.42 752.79 871.81 | 59 80.59 164.OI 250.61 340.82 435.19 534-40 639.28 750.89 870.56 I 60 80.I9 163.17 249.31 339- to 43311 532.07 636.90 748.78 869.18 ' 61 79-74 162.24 247.90 337.22 430.82 529.50 634.28 746.45 867.65 62 79.27 161.25 246.37 335-i6 428.31 526.68 631.39 743-86 865.95 63 78.75 160.17 244.69 332.90 425-54 523-56 628.18 741.00 864.05 64 78.20 158.98 242.85 330.42 422.48 520.10 624.63 737.81 861.95 65 77-57 157-66 240.80 327-65 419.09 516.25 620.66 734-27 859-63 Am.3 % 15Yr.End. no Principles and Practice Table No. XXII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF FIFTEEN-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. |Age. 20 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Gth 7 th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 50.78 I0345 158.09 214.77 273.58 334-61 397-95 l 21 50.77 IO3.42 158.05 214.73 273.53 334-55 397-88 22 50.75 IO3.40 158.02 214.69 273.48 334-49 397.81 23 50.74 IO3.38 157-99 214.65 273.43 334-43 397-74 24 50.74 I03.37 I57-96 214.60 273.38 334-37 397.66 2 | 50.73 103.35 157-93 214.56 273 32 334.30 397.59 i 26 50.72 IO3.32 157.90 214.52 273.26 334.23 397.51 % 50.7I IO3.31 157-86 214.47 273.21 334-16 397.42 5O.70 IO3.28 157.83 214-43 273.I5 334.o8 397-33 29 50.69 IO3.26 157.80 214.38 273.08 334-O0 397-24 30 50.68 IO3.24 157-77 214.33 273.02 333-93 397-14 31 50.67 IO3.23 157-73 214.28 272.96 333.84 397-04 32 50.66 IO3.20 157.69 214.23 272.88 333-75 396.93 33 50.65 IO3.18 157-66 214.18 272.81 333.65 396.81 34 50.64 IO3.16 I57.63 214.13 272.74 333.56 396.68 M 50.64 I03-T5 157-60 214.07 272.66 333-45 396.55 50.63 IO3.13 157.56 214.02 272.57 333-34 396.41 8 50.63 103. 1 1 157-53 213.96 272.50 333-24 396.28 50.62 IO3.IO I57.50 213. 9 1 272.42 333-14 396.15 39 50.63 IO3.09 157.48 213.87 272.37 333.04 396.02 40 50.63 IO3.O9 157.47 213.85 272.31 332.96 395.89 4i 50.64 103. 1 1 157.49 21385 272.28 332.88 395-76 42 50.66 IO3.14 I575I 213.85 272.25 332.80 395.62 43 5O.69 IO3.18 157-55 213.86 272.22 332.72 395-45 44 50.72 103.22 157.58 213.87 272.18 332.59 395.23 9 50.76 103.28 157.62 213.88 272.II 332.43 394.96 50.79 103.32 I57.65 213.85 271.99 332.21 394.63 47 50.84 IO3.37 157-66 213.79 271.84 331-94 394-23 48 50.87 IO3.4O I57-63 213.68 271.62 331.60 393-75 49 50.89 IO3.39 157.57 213.52 271.36 331.19 393-19 5o 50.89 I03.37 157.49 213-34 271.04 330.72 392.54 5i 5O.9I 103.34 157.38 213.12 270.68 330.18 391.82 52 5O.9I 103.31 157.26 212.87 270.26 329-58 391.02 53 50.91 IO3.26 157.12 212.59 269.80 328.92 390.13 54 5O.9I IO3.20 156.95 212.27 269.29 328.18 389.14 1 55 5O.9I IO3.I3 156.77 211.92 268.74 327.38 388.06 1 56 50.90 IO3.06 156.57 211.55 268.13 326.49 386.87 1 12 5O.9O 102.99 156.37 211. 15 267.48 325.54 385.60 50.90 IO2.92 156.16 210.72 266.77 324.51 384.21 i 59 5O.9O IO2.85 155-92 210.25 266.OI 323.40 382.70 : 60 50.91 IO2.76 I55.67 209.75 265.19 322.19 381.04 15Yr.End. Am.3* Of Life; Insurance. III Table No. XXII. — Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF FIFTEEN- YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. Wth Year. 9th Year. lOth Year. llth Year. 12th Year. 13th Year. 14th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 463.68 463.60 463-53 463.44 463.36 53L9I 531.83 531-75 531.66 53L57 602.74 602.66 602.58 602.49 602.40 676 28 676.21 676.13 676.04 675.95 752.66 752.59 752.51 752.43 752.35 831.98 831.92 831.86 831.80 831.73 914.38 9H.35 9I4.3I 914.27 914.23 26 27 28 29 463.28 463.19 463.O9 462.99 462.88 531.48 53L38 531-28 53I-I6 53I.05 602.30 602.19 602.08 601.97 601.84 675.85 675.75 675 64 675.52 675.39 752.26 752.17 752.06 751.96 751.83 831.66 831.58 831.50 831.41 831.31 914.19 914.14 914.O9 914.03 9I3.97 30 31 32 33 34 462.77 462.65 462.52 462.37 462.22 530.92 530.78 530.63 530.47 530.30 601.70 601.56 601.39 60I.22 601.04 675.25 675.IO 674.94 674.76 674-57 75I-70 751.56 75I.40 75L24 75I.06 831.20 831.08 830.95 830.81 830.66 913.91 913.83 913.75 9I3.67 9!3.57 % 37 38 39 462.07 461.9I 461.74 461.58 461.41 530.I3 529.94 529.75 529.54 529.33 600.85 600.64 600.42 600.18 599.93 674.37 674- 1 5 673-92 673.66 673.38 750.86 750.65 750.4I 750.15 749.86 830.49 830.30 830.IO 829.87 829.61 913.46 9 J 3.34 913.20 913-05 912.88 40 41 42 43 44 461.23 461.04 460.82 460.56 460.24 529.IO 528.84 528.54 528.19 527.77 599-65 599-33 598.96 598.53 598.04 673.06 672.70 672.28 671.81 671.26 749-53 749.16 748.74 748.26 747.71 829.32 828.99 828.61 828.19 827.71 912.69 912.48 912.23 911.97 911.65 45 46 47 48 49 459.86 459.41 458.87 458.25 457-53 527.29 526.72 526.07 525.30 524.43 597-47 596.80 596.04 595.17 594-19 670.63 669.91 669.09 668.16 667.11 747.08 746.37 745.56 744.64 743-61 827.16 826.54 825.85 825.06 824.17 911.30 910.91 910.46 909.95 9°9 39 So 5i 52 53 54 456.71 455.80 454.78 453-66 452.41 523.46 522.37 52I.I6 5I9. 8 2 518.33 593.o8 59!.85 590.48 588.97 587.29 665.94 664.63 663.17 661.56 659.78 742.46 741.18 739-75 738.17 736.42 823.18 822.08 820.85 819.49 817.97 908.76 908.05 907.27 906 39 905.42 5 I 56 57 58 59 45L05 449.56 447-95 446.18 444.25 5I6.7I 514.93 512.99 510.86 508.53 585.46 583.43 581.22 578.79 576.10 657.82 655.66 653-29 650.66 647.76 734.48 732-34 729.98 727-37 724.48 816.29 814-43 812.37 810.09 807.56 904 34 903.13 1 901.80 900.32 898.68 60 442.14 505.95 573 14 644.54 721.26 804.74 896.85 Am.3* 20Yr.End 112 Principles and Practice Table No. XXIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 < OF TWENTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, » THREE PERCENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 34-46 70.18 107.22 I45.63 185.47 226.79 269.65 21 34-45 70.I7 IO7.20 I45.6I 185.44 226.76 269.61 22 34-45 70.16 IO7.I9 I45.60 185.42 226.73 269.57 23 34-44 70.16 IO7.I9 145.59 185.4I 226.71 269.54 24 34-45 70.16 IO7.I9 145 58 185.40 226.69 269.51 5 34-45 70.16 IO7.19 I45.58 185.39 226.67 269.49 34-45 70.16 IO7.19 145.57 185.38 226 65 269.47 3 34-45 70.17 IO7.I9 145.57 185.38 226.65 269.45 34-46 70.18 107.20 145-59 185.38 226.64 26943 29 34.46 7O.I9 107.21 i45-6o 185.39 226.64 269.43 30 34-47 70.2I IO7.24 145.62 185.41 226.66 269.43 31 34-49 70.23 IO7.27 I45.65 185.44 226.68 269.45 32 34.51 70.26 107.30 145.69 185.48 226.72 269.47 33 34.52 70.29 I07.35 145.75 185 54 226.77 269.51 34 34-55 70.34 107.41 145.83 185.61 226.84 269.57 3 34-59 70.40 IO7.5O I45-9 1 185.71 226.93 269.66 3462 70 47 107.58 146.02 185.82 227.05 269 77 9 34.67 70.55 IO7.70 146.15 185.97 227.21 269.93 | 34- 72 70.65 IO7.82 146.31 186.15 227.4I 270.13 1 39 34.78 70.76 107.99 146.52 186.39 227.66 270.38 40 34.85 70.9O IO8.19 146.77 186.67 227.95 270.67 41 3495 71.08 IO8.44 147.06 187.OI 228.30 271.OI : 42 35-05 71.28 108.72 147.41 187.38 228.69 271-38 ! 43 . 35.18 71.51 IO9.04 147-79 187.80 229.12 271.78 44 35-31 71.77 IO9.38 148.20 188.25 229.56 272.18 ? 35.48 72.05 IO9.78 148.66 188.73 230.02 272.59 35-64 72.36 IIO.I9 i49-!3 189.21 230.49 273 00 tl 35-82 72.69 IIO.61 149.61 189.71 230.96 273-41 36.02 73-02 1 1 1.04 150.09 I9O.21 231-44 273.82 49 36.21 73 36 III. 48 150.59 I9O.73 231.92 274.24 50 36.41 73.71 III.94 151. 12 I9I.27 232.44 274.68 5i 36.62 74.10 II2.45 151-69 I9I.87 233.OO 275-15 52 36.85 74-52 II3.00 152.32 I92.50 233.60 275.67 53 37" 74.96 113.59 152.99 I93.2O 234.27 276.24 54 37.38 75.45 II4.22 153-71 I93.96 234-99 276.86 55 37.68 75.98 II4.92 154.52 I94.80 235.79 277.54 20Yr.End Am.3 % Of L,ife Insurance. 113 Table 1 SPo. XXIII — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-YEAR EN. DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. THREE PER CENT. 8th 9th 10th llth iath 13th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 3i4.II 360.24 408.IO 457.76 509 31 562.82 21 314.06 360.18 408.03 457-69 509.24 562.73 22 314.02 360.12 407.97 457 62 509.I5 562.64 23 3I3-98 360.08 407.91 457-55 509.07 562.56 24 313-94 360.03 407.85 457-48 508.99 562.46 25 .113-91 359-9 8 407.79 457-41 508.90 562.37 26 3I3-87 359-93 407.73 457-33 508.81 562.26 % 3I3.84 359.89 407.67 457.26 508.72 562.15 3I3-82 359-85 407.62 457-18 508.63 562.04 29 3I3.80 359-82 407.56 457 11 508.53 561.92 30 313-79 359 79 407.5I 457.03 508.43 56l.8o 31 313.78 359-77 407.47 456.97 508.34 561.69 32 313-79 359-75 407.44 456.91 5C8.26 561.58 33 3'3-8i 359-76 407.41 456.86 508.18 561.47 34 3X3-86 359-79 407.42 456.84 508.13 561.38 35 313-94 359-85 407.45 456.84 508.08 561.28 36 314.04 359-93 407.5I 45685 508.04 561.19 37 314.19 360.05 407.59 456.88 508 02 561.09 38 3H.37 360.20 407.70 456.93 507.99 560.98 39 314.60 360.40 407.84 456.99 507.96 560.85 40 3I4-87 360.62 407.98 457.05 507.91 560.69 4* 3I5-I8 360 86 408.14 457.09 507.84 56o. 50 42 3I5-50 361. 11 408 28 457-12 507.74 560.27 43 3I5-83 36i 35 408.41 457.13 507.61 559-99 44 316.16 361.58 40S.53 457-IO 507 42 559-65 45 316.50 361.81 408.62 457-04 507.I9 559-24 46 316.82 362.00 40S.68 456.92 506.90 558.77 47 3I7-I3 362.20 408.70 456.77 506.55 558.22 48 317 44 362.36 408.69 456.56 506.13 557.58 49 317 74 362.51 408.66 456.31 505.64 556.85 50 318.05 362.66 408.61 456.03 505.IO 556.05 5i 318.40 362.83 408.55 455-71 504 51 555-17 52 318.77 363 01 408.49 455-37 503 87 554-22 53 319 19 363.21 408.43 455-02 503.18 553-18 54. 31964 363.43 408.37 454.64 502.43 552.05 55 320.14 363.69 408.33 454-23 501.62 550.81 Am.3*> 20Yr.End 114 Principles and Practice Table No. XXIII. — Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE THREE PER CENT. . Age. 14th 15th 16th 17th ISth 19th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 618.37 676.06 735-97 798.21 862.88 930.IO 21 618.28 675-97 735-88 798.13 862.82 930.06 22 618.19 675.87 735.78 798.04 862.74 930.02 23 618.09 675.77 735.68 797-95 862.67 929.97 24 617.99 675.66 735-58 797.84 862.58 929.92 25 617.88 675.54 735.46 735-33 797-73 862.49 929.87 26 617.76 675.42 797.61 862.40 929.81 27 617.64 675.29 735-20 797.49 862.29 929.74 28 617.51 675.15 735.o6 797-35 862.18 929.67 29 617.38 675.OO 734-9 1 797-21 862.05 929.59 30 617.24 674.85 734-75 797.05 861.92 929.5I 31 617. II 674.70 734.58 796.89 861.77 929.41 32 616.97 674.53 734.40 796.71 86l.6l 929.30 33 616.83 674.36 734-21 796.50 861.43 929.19 34 616.69 674.19 734-OI 796.29 861.23 929.05 9 6l6.55 674.OO 733-77 796.05 86I.OI 928.9I 616.39 673.78 733-52 795-77 860.77 928.74 37 6l6.22 673.54 733-23 795-47 860.49 928.56 38 6l6.02 67327 732.90 795-12 860.18 928.35 39 615.79 672.96 732.53 794-73 859.82 928.12 40 615.53 672.61 732.12 794-29 859-43 927.86 ! 4i 615.23 672.21 731.64 793.8o 858.98 927.57 42 614.87 671.74 73i-io 793.23 858.48 927.24 43 614.45 671.20 730.48 792.60 857.91 926.86 i 44 613.96 670.58 729.78 791.88 857.27 926.45 i 613.4O 669.88 728.99 791.06 856.55 925.98 612.74 669.08 728.09 790.15 855.74 925.45 47 612.OO 668.17 727.07 789.12 854-84 924.86 48 6ll. 15 667.15 725-93 787-97 853.82 924.20 49 6I0.20 666.OI 724.67 786.69 852.69 923.46 50 609.15 664.75 723-27 785.27 85L43 922.64 Si 608.OO 663.36 721.72 783.70 850.04 921.72 52 606.74 661.83 720.02 781.96 848.49 920.70 53 605.36 660.17 718.15 780.04 846.78 919.58 54 603.86 658.33 716.08 777.92 844.88 918.33 55 602.19 656.29 713.78 775.56 842.78 916.95 25Yr.End. Am.3* Of Life Insurance. "5 Table No. XXIV. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. 1st 2<1 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7th 8th Age Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 24.94 50.78 77-57 IO5.32 I34-IO 163.93 194.85 226.91 21 24.94 50.79 77.58 105.34 134-12 163.95 I94.87 226.93 22 24.95 50.80 77.60 I05.37 134-15 163.98 I94.9I 226.96 23 24.96 50.83 77.63 105.41 134.19 164.03 194-95 227.OI 24 24.97 50.86 77.67 I05.45 134.25 164.08 195.01 227.07 25 25.OO 5089 77.71 IO5.51 134.31 164.15 195.09 227.15 26 25.OI 50.92 77.76 I05.57 134.38 164.24 195.18 227.23 27 25.03 50.97 77-83 IO5.65 134.48 164 35 195-29 227.35 28 25.06 5I.02 77.90 I05-75 134.60 164.47 I95.42 227.50 29 25.O9 51.08 77-99 IO5.87 134.73 164.62 195-59 227.67 30 25.13 5I.I6 78.11 I06.OO 134.89 164.81 195.80 227.89 31 25.18 51.25 78.23 IO6.17 I35.09 165.O4 196.04 228.14 32 25.24 51.35 78.38 IO6.36 I35.32 165.30 196.32 228.44 33 25.29 51.47 78.56 IO6.59 135.59 1 65-. 6 ■ 196.66 228.79 34 25.37 51-62 78.77 106.86 135- 9 1 165.96 197.05 229.22 3 § 25.46 51.78 79.01 IO7.16 136.27 166.38 197.52 229.72 36 25.55 51.97 79.28 IO7.51 136.69 166.86 198.05 23O.3I $ 25.67 52.19 79-59 IO7.91 137.18 167.42 198.68 230.98 25-79 52.43 79-94 108.37 137-74 168.07 199.40 231.76 39 25.94 52.71 80.36 I08.9I 138.39 168.82 200.23 232.64 40 26.IO 5304 80.84 IO9.53 139.13 169.67 201.16 233.63 4i 26.29 53.41 81.39 IIO.24 139.98 170.63 202.21 234-74 42 26.51 53.84 82.00 III.03 140.92 171.69 203.37 235-94 43 26.76 54-31 82.70 III. 90 141-95 172.86 204.61 237.23 44 27.02 54-84 83.44 112.86 143.08 174-11 205.94 238.61 4 § 27.33 55.41 84.28 113.91 144.29 175.45 207.37 240.09 46 27.65 56.04 85.17 115. 01 145.58 176.87 208.89 241.66 47 28.01 56.72 86.12 116.19 146.95 178.38 210.51 243.34 48 28.39 57-43 87.11 117.44 148.40 180.00 212.24 245.I3 49 28.78 58.17 88.17 118.76 149-95 181.72 214.08 247.04 50 29.20 58.97 1 89.30 120.18 151. 61 183.57 216.06 249. 10 i Am.3 % 25Yr.End 116 Principles and Practice Table No. XXIV '.—Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age, 20 21 22 23 24 3 29 30 31 32 33 34 3 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 Si % 49 50 9th Year. 260.15 260.17 260.20 260.24 260.30 260.37 260.46 260.58 260.73 260.9I 261.12 261.38 261.69 262.06 262.51 263.04 263.65 264.36 265.17 266.09 267.II 268.23 269.44 270.74 272.12 273-61 27519 276.88 278.68 280.61 282.70 lOth Year. 294.62 294.63 294.66 294.7O 294- 75 294.81 294.90 295.02 295.16 295-33 295-55 2Q5-8I 296.12 296.50 296.97 297-51 298.13 298.85 299.67 300.60 301.61 302.71 303-89 305-16 306.52 307.97 309-5I 3"-i6 312.92 314.82 11th Year. 330.37 330.37 330.39 330.42 330.46 330.53 330.60 330.71 330.84 33T.OI 331 21 331-47 331.78 332.17 332 62 333-17 333-78 334.50 335-30 336.19 337-15 338.20 339-33 340.54 341.82 343-20 344-65 346.22 347.90 349-70 12th Year. 316.87 351.65 367.45 367.44 36745 367.47 367.50 367-55 367.62 367.71 367.83 367.98 368.17 368.42 368.72 369.09 369-54 370.06 370.65 371-33 372.08 372.91 373-8o 374-76 375-80 37691 378.08 379-34 380.67 382.11 383-64 385.29 387-07 13th Year. 405.91 405.89 405.88 405.89 405.92 405.95 406.OO 406.07 406.17 406.30 406.48 406.7I 406.99 407.34 407.75 408.23 408.78 409.40 41O.O7 4IO.80 4U-59 412.45 4I3-36 414-33 4I5-36 416.45 417.62 418.88 420.22 421.66 423-21 14th Year. 445.81 445-78 445- 76 445-75 445.76 445-77 445.80 445-85 445-93 446.04 446.20 446.40 446.65 446.95 447-32 447-75 448.22 448.75 449-31 449-93 450.60 45I-3I 452.07 452.87 453-72 454.63 455-58 456.61 457-70 458.88 460.16 15th Year. 16th Year. 487.20 487.16 487.13 487 II 487.09 487.09 487.O9 487.12 487.17 487.26 487.38 487.55 487.75 488.OI 488.32 488.66 489.04 489.45 489.90 490.38 49O.9O 491.45 492.02 492.63 493.27 493-94 494.65 495-41 496.21 497.09 498.03 530.17 530.11 530.07 530.02 529.99 529.96 529-94 529.94 529.97 530.02 530.10 530.22 530.38 530.57 530.79 53I-04 53L30 53f-59 531-90 532.23 532.58 532.94 533-32 533-71 534-IO 534-52 534-95 535-40 535.89 536.41 536.97 25Yr.End. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. 117 Table No . XXIV.— Concluded. . TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $ [ooo OF TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAI , PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY , AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 21th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 574-76 621.05 669.12 7I9.05 770.93 824.86 880.93 939.27 21 574 69 620.97 669.03 718.95 770.83 824.76 880.85 939.22 22 574.63 620.89 668.93 718.85 770.72 824.66 880.76 939.17 23 574-56 620.81 668.84 718.74 770.6I 824.54 880.67 939.IO 24 574.51 620.73 668.74 718.63 770.49 824.43 880.57 939.04 25 574.46 620.66 668.65 718.52 770.37 824.31 880.46 938.97 26 574.41 620.59 668.56 718.41 770.24 824.18 880.35 938.89 27 574-39 620.54 668.48 718.30 770.12 824.04 88o.22 938.81 28 574.38 620.50 668.40 718.19 769.98 823.90 880.08 938.72 29 574-40 620.47 668.33 718.08 769.84 823.73 879-93 938.61 30 574-43 620.46 668.27 717.97 769.68 ' 823.56 879.76 938.50 3i 574.50 620.47 668.21 717.85 769.52 823.36 879-57 938.37 32 574-59 620.48 668.15 717.72 769.33 823.14 879.37 938.23 33 574.70 620.50 668.08 717.57 769.12 822.90 879.13 938.07 34 574.83 620.53 668. ci 717.41 768.88 822.63 878.87 937.89 35 574-97 620.55 66793 717.22 768.62 822.33 878.58 937.69 36 575.11 620.58 667.82 7I7.0I 768.32 821.98 878.26 937-47 37 575.27 620.59 667.70 716.77 767.98 821.60 877.89 937-22 38 575-43 620.60 667.56 716.49 767.60 82I.I6 877.48 936.94 39 575-59 620.59 667.39 716.17 767.18 820.68 877.02 936.63 40 575.76 620.57 667.19 715.81 766.69 820.14 876.51 936 28 4i 575-92 620.53 666.95 7I5.40 766. 1 5 819.52 875.93 935-88 42 576.08 620.47 666.68 714.93 765.53 818.84 875.29 935-45 43 576.24 620.38 666.35 7I4.40 764.84 818.07 874.57 934.96 44 576.38 620.26 665.97 7I3.79 764.06 817.21 873.77 934.41 4§ 576.51 620.II 665.55 7I3-I2 763.20 816.25 872.87 933.8o 46 576.64 619.93 665.07 712.37 762.23 815.19 871.87 933-12 % 576.77 6I9.73 664.53 711-53 761.17 814.OO 870.76 932.36 576.91 619.49 663.93 7IO.OO 759.98 812.68 869.52 93L5I 49 577-04 619.22 663.26 709.56 758.65 8II.22 868.14 930.57 50 577-17 618.9I 662.50 708.40 757.18 809.58 866.61 929.54 Am.3 % 30Yr.End 118 Principles and Practice Table No. XXV. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-YEAR EN DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 3 % 29 30 31 32 33 34 SI % 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 1st Year. 18.84 18.86 18.88 18.9I 18.94 18.99 19.03 I9.08 19.14 19.21 19.29 19.38 I9.49 19.60 19-74 19.90 20.07 20.27 20.48 20.73 2I.OO 21.32 21.66 22.05 22.47 22 94 2d Year. 38.35 38.39 38.43 38.49 3856 38.63 38.72 38.82 38.94 39-OS 39-24 39-42 39.62 39-86 40.13 40.44 40.79 41.17 41.60 42.09 42.63 43.26 43-95 44.70 45-54 46.44 3d Year. 58.56 58.61 58.68 58.77 58.86 58.98 59-11 59.26 59-43 59-64 59-87 60.14 60.44 60.80 61.20 61.66 62.16 62.73 63-37 64.10 64.91 65.84 66.85 67.98 69.19 70.53 4th Year. 79-49 79-56 79-65 79.76 79.89 80.04 80.21 80.40 80.64 80.91 81.21 81.56 81.97 82.43 82.96 83.55 84.22 84.97 85.82 86.78 87.86 89.06 90.39 91.85 93-44 95.17 5 th Year. IOI.17 IOI.26 IOI.37 IOI.50 IOI.66 IOI.84 102.05 IO2.29 IO2.58 IO2.9O IO3.28 IO3.72 IO4.2I IO4.78 IC5-43 I06.I6 IO6.97 IO7.90 IO8.95 HO.14 III. 46 II2.94 II4.56 H6.34 II8.27 120.33 6th Year 123.64 123.74 123.87 124.03 124.21 I24.4I 124.66 124.95 125.28 125.66 126. II 126.62 127.21 127.87 128.63 129.48 130.45 I3L55 132.79 134.18 135-74 137.46 139.36 141.42 I43-64 146.02 7th Year. 146.91 I47.03 147.17 147-35 147.55 147.79 148.07 148.39 148.77 149-21 149.72 I50.30 150.96 151.72 152.58 153.56 154.67 155.93 157.34 158.94 160.69 162.65 164.78 167.09 169.56 172.21 8th Year. I7I.02 171. 15 171. 31 171.50 I7L73 171.99 172.30 172.65 I73.0S 173.56 174.13 174.78 175.51 176.35 177.32 178.42 179.66 181.06 182.63 184.39 186.34 188.49 I9O.81 193-32 I96.OO 198.89 30Yr.End. Am.3 % Of Life: Insurance. 119 Table No. XXV. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY YEAR EN- UOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 9 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 9th Year. I96.OI I96.I4 I96.3I 196.52 I96.77 I97-05 197.38 I97.78 I98.23 I98.76 199-37 200.08 200.88 201.80 202.86 204.06 205.42 206.95 208.66 210.57 212.67 214.96 217.44 220.11 222.98 226.06 lOth Year. 221.89 222.04 222.22 222.44 222.69 223.OO 223.35 223.77 224.26 224.82 225. 4S 226.23 227.O9 228.O9 229.23 23O.52 23I.98 233.61 235.44 237.46 239.67 242.07 244.67 247.47 250.48 253.70 11th Year. 248.72 248.87 249.06 249.23 249-55 249.87 250.24 250.68 251.19 251.79 252.47 253.27 254.19 255-24 256.45 257.82 259-35 261.07 262.97 265.07 267.35 269.83 272.51 275-39 278.49 281.81 12th Year. 276.52 276.68 276.86 277.O9 277.37 277.70 278.08 278.53 279.06 279.68 280.40 281.23 282.I9 283.29 284.55 285.97 287.55 289.33 29I.27 293.40 295.72 298.23 300.95 303.88 307.03 3IO.40 13th Year. 305.34 305.49 305.67 305.91 306.I9 306.52 306.91 307-37 307.90 308.54 309.28 3IO.I4 311. 12 312.26 313.54 314-99 316.60 318.39 320.33 322.47 324.78 327.30 330.02 332.95 336.O9 339.46 14th Year. 335- 20 335-35 335-54 335-77 336.04 336.37 336.76 337-22 337.76 338.40 339-15 34003 341-03 342.16 343.46 344-91 346.51 348.27 350.19 352.29 354-57 357-05 359-72 362.60 365-69 369.02 1 5th Year. 366.16 366.3O 366.48 366.71 366.97 367.29 367.67 368.13 368.67 369.3I 370.06 370.93 371.92 373.05 374-33 375.75 377-30 379-00 380.86 382.90 385.10 387 49 390.07 392.86 395-86 399.08 Am. 3* 30Yr.End 1 20 Principles and Practice Table No. XXV.— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 16th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 % 29 30 31 32 33 34 a 11 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 398.26 398-39 393.56 398.76 399.02 399.32 399.69 400.14 400 67 401.30 402.04 402.88 403.85 404.95 406.17 407-52 409.00 410 62 412.39 414.31 416.40 418.67 421. 1 1 423.76 426.61 429.67 17th Year. 431-54 431.66 43i-8i 432.00 432.23 432.52 432.87 433-30 433-81 434-41 435-12 435-93 436.85 437.88 439.02 440 28 441.65 443 16 444.79 446.58 448 51 450 62 452.89 455-35 457-99 460.83 18th Year. 466.05 466.15 466.28 466.45 466.66 466.93 467.25 467.65 468.I3 468.69 469.35 47O.II 470.95 471.88 472.92 474.06 475-30 476.66 478.14 479-75 481.49 483.40 485.45 487.67 490.05 492.62 19th Year. 50I.85 501.92 502.03 502.I7 502.36 502.60 502.89 503.25 503.69 504.20 504- 79 505-46 506. 20 507.02 507.93 508.93 510.01 511.20 512.48 513.89 5I5.4I 517.07 518.86 520.79 522.88 525.12 20ih Year. 538.98 539-03 539.II 539-23 539-39 539-59 539-84 540.I5 540.53 540.97 54L47 542.04 542.66 543-35 544" 544-94 545-85 546.84 547-9 1 549.08 550.35 551-72 553-21 554.82 556.56 558.44 21st Year. S2d Year. 577-51 577-54 577-59 577-68 577-So 577.96 578.16 578.42 578.72 579-07 579-47 579-92 580.41 580.95 581.55 582.20. 582.90 58367 584-51 585-42 586.40 587.47 588.63 589.88 591-24 592.69 617.51 617.51 617-53 617.58 617.67 617.78 617.92 618. 11 618.33 618.58 618.86 619.18 619-53 619.91 620.34 620.79 621 28 621.82 622.40 623.03 623.71 624.45 625.26 626.13 627.06 62S.06 30Yr.End Am.3* Of L,ifh Insurance. 121 Table No. XXV. — Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $rooo OF THIRTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 5 % 29 30 3i 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 Year. 24th Year. 659.04 659.OI 659 OO 659.02 659-05 659.II 659.20 659-31 659-43 659.58 659-74 659-93 660.13 660.35 660.59 660.85 66I.I2 661.42 661.74 662.08 662.45 662.85 663.29 663.75 664.25 664.77 702 17 702.I2 702.08 702.06 702.05 702.06 702.07 702.IO 702.13 702.17 702.22 702.28 702.33 702.39 702.45 702.52 702.58 702.64 702.70 702.76 702.82 702.89 702.96 703.02 703.08 703.II 25th Year. 747.OO 746.93 746.86 746.80 746.75 746.69 746.64 746.59 746.54 746.49 746.43 746.36 746.28 746.19 746.09 745.98 745-85 745.69 745.51 745-32 745.IO 744-85 744-57 744.27 743-91 743.49 26th Year. 793.60 793.51 793.42 793-33 793.24 793 14 793-04 792.92 792.80 792.67 792.52 792-35 792.16 791.96 791.72 791.46 791.16 790.83 790.46 790.05 789.59 789.09 788.53 787.90 787.20 786.40 27th Year. 842.09 841.98 841.88 841.77 841.65 84L53 841.39 841.24 841.07 840.88 84C.68 840.45 840.19 839-90 83908 839.23 838.83 838.38 837.89 837.34 836.73 836.06 835.3I 834.48 833.55 832.50 28th Year. 892.56 892.46 892.36 892.26 892.14 892.OI 891.86 891.71 891.53 891.34 891.12 89O.88 890.62 890.32 889 99 889.62 889.21 888.75 888.24 887.67 887.04 886.34 885.56 884.70 883.74 882.66 29th Year. 945-15 945-08 945.OI 944-94 944.85 944.76 944.66 944-55 944.42 944.28 944-13 943-95 943.76 943-55 943.31 943-94 942.74 942.41 942.04 941.18 940.67 940.11 939.48 938.79 938.02 Am.3* 35Yr.End 122 Principles and Practice Table No. XXVI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Agb. 20 21 22 23 24 3 % 29 30 3* 32 33 34 35 36 11 39 40 1st Year. 14.72 14.75 14.80 14.85 I4.9I 14.99 I5.07 I5.I6 15.26 15.38 15-51 15.67 15.83 16.02 16.23 16.48 16.74 17.04 I7.36 17.72 l8.II 2d Year. 29-95 30.02 30.II 30.22 30.35 30.49 30.64 30.83 3I.04 31.27 31-54 31.85 32.18 32.55 32.99 33-47 3400 34 58 35-23 35-95 36.74 3d Year. 45-71 45.82 45.96 46.12 46.31 46.52 46.76 47-03 47-34 47.69 48.10 48.55 49-05 49.62 50.26 50.98 51-77 52.65 53.62 54.70 55.89 4th Yean 62.02 62.17 62.36 62.57 62.82 63.IO 63.42 63.78 64.2O 64.67 65,20 65.80 66.47 67.23 68.09 69.03 70.08 71.25 72 54 73.98 75.58 5th Year. 78.91 79.IO 79-33 79.60 79.91 80.25 8065 8I.IO 81.62 82.20 82.86 83.62 84.45 85.40 86.45 87.64 88.94 9O.40 92.OI 93.81 95.78 6th Year 96.39 96.63 96.90 97.22 97.58 97-99 98.47 99.OI 99.62 IOO.31 IOI.II I02.00 IO3.OI IO4.I3 105-39 I06.79 IO8.36 IIO.IO 112.03 114.17 116.52 7 th Year. II4.49 114.76 II5.08 115 44 115.86 116.34 116.89 117.51 118.22 1 1903 119-95 120.99 122.14 123.45 124.90 126.53 128.34 130.37 132.60 I35.07 137.78 35Yr.End. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. 123 Table No. XXVI.— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 u % 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 11 39 40 8 th Year. 133.23 133-53 I33-89 I34-30 134-78 135-32 135-94 136.64 I37-46 138.37 139-41 140.58 141.89 I43-36 I45-OI 146.86 148.92 151.20 153-73 156 51 159.55 9th Year. 152.63 152.97 153.36 153-82 15435 154-95 155-63 156.42 157-32 158.34 159.49 160.79 162.24 163.88 165.73 167.79 170.07 172.62 I75.4I 178.48 181.83 10th Year. 172.71 I73.0S 173.51 I74.0I 174.58 175.24 176.OO 176.86 177.85 178.96 l8o.22 181.64 183.24 185.04 187.07 189 32 I9I.83 194.60 197.64 200.98 204 59 1 Ith Year. I93.50 193.90 194.37 194.90 195.52 I96.24 197.06 197.99 I99.05 200.25 201.62 203.16 204.80 206.85 209.03 211.48 214.17 217.16 220.42 223.98 227.81 18th Year. 215.04 215.46 215-95 216.52 217.19 217 95 218.83 219.82 220.96 222 24 223.70 225.35 227.22 229.30 231.65 234.25 237.12 240.28 243.72 247.46 251.49 13th Year. 237.33 237.77 238.29 238.90 239.60 240.41 24L33 242.38 243.58 244.94 246.49 248.25 250.22 252.44 254.90 257-64 260.66 263.96 267.54 27L43 275.62 14th Year. 260.41 260.87 261.42 262.05 262.79 263.63 264 59 265.69 266.95 268.38 270.02 271.86 273-93 276.24 278.81 281.66 284.78 288.18 291.87 295.87 300. 1 8 Am.3* 35Yr.End 124 Principles and Practice Table No. XXVI.— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY- FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. THREE PER CENT. Age. 15th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 a u 29 30 31 32 33 34 u 11 39 40 284.31 284.79 285.35 286.01 286.76 287 64 2S8.63 289.78 291.09 292.59 294.28 296.20 298.34 30073 30338 306.30 309.48 312.95 316.71 320.79 325.18 16th Year. 309.06 309.55 3IO.I3 3IO.80 3".57 312.46 313.49 3I4.67 316.03 3I7.57 3I9-32 321.28. 323.47 325.91 328.61 33L55 334-77 338.27 342.07 346.18 350.60 17th Year. 334-69 335.19 335-77 336.45 337-23 338.15 339.19 340.41 34L79 343.36 345.13 347- 1 2 349-34 35L79 354-49 357-44 360.65 364.14 367.93 372.04 376.45 l«th Year. 361.24 361.73 362.32 362.99 363.79 364.71 365.77 366.99 368.39 369.97 37L75 373-75 375-95 378.38 381.04 383-96 387.13 390.58 394.32 398.37 402.73 19th 20th Year. Year. 388.73 417.22 389.22 417.69 389.79 418.25 390.47 418.92 39L27 419.71 392.19 420.61 393-25 421.66 394-47 422.86 395-86 42 J.22 397-43 425. 76 399-19 427.47 401.15 429.37 403.31 431-45 405.68 433.74 408.29 436.25 411.13 438.99 414.23 441.97 417.60 445.21 421.24 448.72 425.19 452.53 429.45 456.63 21st Year. 446.72 447.18 447-73 448.38 449.14 450.02 ! 45L04 452.20 453-52 454.98 456.61 458.41 460.39 462.57 464.94 467.54 470.37 473-44 476.78 480.40 484.29 35Yr.End. Am.3* Of Life Insurance. I2 5 Table No. XXVI.— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age 20 21 22 23 24 II II 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 22d Year. 477-30 477-73 478.26 478.88 479.61 480.45 481.42 482.52 483.76 485-I3 486.65 488.33 490.18 492.21 494.42 496.84 499.48 502.35 505-46 508.84 512.47 23d Year. 508.99 509.40 509.88 510.47 511.15 5H.Q4 512.84 5'3-85 514.99 516.24 5I7-64 5I9-I7 520.86 522.70 524.72 526.93 529-34 531.96 534-81 537.89 541.22 24 th Year. 541.85 542.21 542.66 543-19 543-81 544-53 545-34 546.24 547.25 548.37 549-62 550.98 552.48 554-12 555.91 557-88 560.02 562.35 564.89 567.64 570.61 25th Year. 575.92 576.24 576.63 577-IO 577.65 57827 578.97 579-75 <;8o.62 581.58 582.65 583.82 585.11 586.51 588.06 589.75 591-59 593-6o 595.78 598.16 600. 73 26th Year. 6II.26 6II.53 611.86 612.25 612.71 613.22 613.79 614.44 615.15 615.94 616.82 617.78 618.83 619.99 621.26 622.65 624.16 625.81 627.62 629.58 631.70 27th Y ear. 647.94 648.15 648.41 648.71 649.06 649.45 649. 89 650.39 650.94 45L54 652.21 652.95 653.76 654.65 655.62 656.69 657.85 659-I3 660.53 662.05 663.68 28th Year. 686.OI 686.16 686.33 686.54 686.78 687.05 687.35 687.69 688.07 688.49 688.95 689.46 690.02 690.63 691.30 692.03 692.84 693-73 694.69 695-75 696.88 Am.3^ 35Yr.End 126 Principles and Practice Table No. XXVI.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 li n 29 30 31 32 33 34 u 39 40 29th Year. 725.57 725.64 725-73 725-84 725-97 726.12 726.29 726.47 726.68 726.9I 727.17 727-45 727-75 728.09 728.46 728.87 729.32 729.81 730.35 730.94 731-55 30th Year. 766.68 766.69 766.70 766.72 766.74 766.78 766.82 766.86 766.91 766.97 76703 767.IO 767.17 767.24 76733 767.43 767.54 767.66 767.80 76793 768.06 31st Year. 809.46 809.41 809.35 809.29 809.23 809.17 809.IO 809.02 808.94 808.84 808.74 808.62 808.50 808.35 808.20 808.03 807.84 807.64 807.41 807.16 806.86 32d Year. 854.03 853-93 853.83 853.72 85360 853.46 353.31 853-15 85297 852.77 852.55 852.30 852.03 85L73 851.40 851.04 850.64 850.20 849.71 849.16 848.54 33d Year. 9OO.53 9OO.42 9OO.3O 9OO.17 9OO.02 899.86 899.68 89949 899.27 899.03 898 77 898.47 898.14 897.78 897.38 896.94 896.45 895.91 895.31 894.64 893.90 34th Year. 949.12 949.04 948.94 948.84 948.73 948.61 948.47 948.32 948.15 947-97 947.76 947-53 947.28 946.99 946.68 946.33 945-95 945-52 945.05 944-53 943-95 Ann.Prem. Am.3* Of Life Insurance. 127 Table No. KXVII. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 9 Pavment 14 Payment 19 Payment Endowment Endowment Endowment 20 Life. Life. Lile. 9 Years. 14 Years. 1» Years. 42.52 29.84 23-94 99-37 61 .04 43.22 21 43«M 30.28 24.30 99.40 61.07 43.26 22 43.78 30-73 24.67 99.42 6l .11 43.31 23 44.44 31.20 25-05 99-45 61.14 43-35 24 45.12 31.68 25-44 99.48 61.18 43.40 25 45.82 32.18 25.85 99-52 61.23 43-45 26 46.55 32.70 26.27 99-55 61.27 43- 5 1 27 47-29 33-23 26.71 99-59 61.32 43-57 28 48.07 33-79 27.17 99-63 61.37 43.64 29 48.87 34.36 27.64 99.68 61.43 43.71 30 49.69 34-95 28.12 99.72 61.49 43.8o 31 5o-54 35.56 28.63 99.78 61.56 43.89 32 51.42 36.19 29.15 99.84 61 .64 43.99 33 52.33 36.85 29.70 99.90 61.72 44.10 34 53- 2 7 37-53 30.27 99-97 61.82 44.22 3 I 54-24 38.23 30.85 100.04 61 .92 44.36 36 55-24 38.96 3 J -47 100.13 62.03 44.51 37 56.27 39.71 32.11 100.22 62.16 44.69 38 57-34 40.50 32.78 100.33 62.30 44.88 39 58.44 4i. 3 1 33.48 100.44 62.46 45.10 40 59-58 42.16 34.21 100.57 62.64 45-34 4i 60.76 43-°4 34.98 100.71 62.83 45.62 42 61.98 43-96 35-79 100.87 63.06 45-93 43 63.24 44.91 36.63 101.05 63-32 46.28 44 04-55 45-91 37-53 101 .26 63.61 46.68 4 I 65.91 46.96 38.47 101 .49 63.94 47.12 46 67.31 48.06 39-47 101 .76 64.31 47.62 47 68.77 49.21 40.53 102.06 64.74 48.18 48 70.29 50.41 41.64 102.41 65.21 48.81 49 71.86 51.68 42.83 102.80 65.74 49-51 50 73-49 53- GI 44.09 103.25 66.34 50.29 5i 75.19 54.4o 45-43 103.74 67.01 51.16 52 76.94 55-87 46.86 104.29 67.75 52.13 53 78.77 57-42 48.38 104.91 68.58 53-20 54 80.66 59-o5 50.01 105.59 69.50 54-39 55 82.63 60 . 78 51-75 106.35 70.52 55-72 56 84.69 62.61 53-6i 107.20 71.67 57.i8 57 86.83 64.55 55-6i 108.15 72.93 58.80 58 89.06 66.62 57.76 109 . 19 74.34 60.58 59 91.40 68.82 60.07 110.36 ,75-90 62.55 60 93.86 71.18 62.56 III. 65 77-63 64.71 61 96.44 73-70 65-25 113.09 79-55 67.10 62 99.17 76.40 68.15 114.69 81.68 69.71 63 102.04 79-3° 71.28 116.47 84.02 72.59 64 105.08 82.42 74.68 118.44 86.62 75-75 65 108.31 85.77 78.35 120.63 89.46 79.21 66 in .74 89.38 82.34 123.05 92.60 83.01 a "5-38 93.28 86.65 125.72 96.05 87.16 68 119.26 97.48 9i.33 128.65 99.84 91.70 69 123.39 102.03 96.41 131.87 104.00 96.66 70 127.78 106.95 101 .91 135.38 108.56 102 .07 Am.3* 9Pay.L 128 Principles and Practice Table No. XXVIII TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY NINE EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE THREE PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Year Year Year Year. Year. 20 36.27 73-89 112.89 153-34 195.29 21 36.87 75-n 114-75 155-86 198.51 22 37-49 76.35 116.66 158.47 201.82 23 38.12 77.64 118.64 161. 15 205 . 24 24 38.77 78.98 120.67 163.91 208.76 25 39.46 80.35 122.77 166.76 212.38 26 40.14 81.76 124.92 169.68 216. 11 27 40.85 83.21 127.13 172.70 219.95 28 41.59 84.70 129.42 175.80 223.90 29 42.34 86.25 131-77 178.99 227.96 30 43 - 12 87.83 134.20 182.27 232.14 31 43-9J 89.46 136.67 185.64 236.43 32 44-75 91.13 139.22 189. II 240.85 33 45.58 92.83 141 .84 192.66 245-37 34 46.45 94.60 144-54 196.32 250.02 35 47-34 96.41 I47-30 200.05 254.77 36 48.25 98.26 150. 11 203.88 259.64 37 49.17 100.15 152.99 207 . 79 264.63 38 50.12 102.09 155-93 211.79 269.72 39 51.10 104.06 158.96 215.89 274.93 40 52.09 106.08 162.04 220.07 280 . 24 4i 53-u 108.14 165.19 224.33 285.67 42 54-14 110.25 168.38 228.67 291.18 43 55-21 112.38 171.66 233.08 296.77 44 56.27 114.56 174.95 237-53 302.41 45 57.36 116.76 178.28 242.03 308.10 46 58.45 118.97 181.62 246.53 3I3.8I 47 59-55 121. l8 184.97 25I.Q3 319.51 48 60.64 123.37 188.28 255.51 325.I9 49 6i.73 125.55 191.58 259-95 330.84 50 62.79 127.69 194.82 264.36 336.44 51 63.84 129.80 198.03 268 . 70 341.98 52 64.86 131.88 201 .19 272.98 347-44 53 65.88 133-91 204.28 277.16 352.80 54 66.84 135.88 207.28 281.25 358.04 55 67.81 137.80 210.21 285.22 363.I4 56 68.70 139.64 213.00 289.04 368.08 57 69-59 141.40 215.69 292.72 372.82 58 70.41 143- °7 218.24 296.20 377-32 59 71.19 144-65 220.63 299.46 381.61 60 71.91 146.09 222.82 302.5I 385.60 61 72.55 147-38 224.84 305.30 389.29 62 73 12 148.57 226.64 307.81 392.63 63 73.66 149.61 228.23 310.OI 395-62 64 74.08 i5°- 45 229.52 311.86 398.14 65 74.42 151. 10 ^30-53 3I3.30 400.21 66 74-63 151-55 231.21 314.31 401 . 74 67 74-77 I5I-74 231-52 314.84 402.72 68 74-73 151.66 231.39 314.83 403.11 69 74.56 151.27 230.86 314.33 402.98 70 74.22 150.58 229.94 3I3.39 402.38 9Pay.L. Am.3* Of Life Insurance. 129 Table No. XXVIII.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY NINE EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7o 6th Year. 7th Year. 238.82 242.75 246.81 250.98 255 - 28 259-71 264.27 268.97 273.80 278.76 283.88 289.13 294.52 300.05 305-73 3"-53 3I7-49 3 2 3-59 329.82 336-I9 342.69 349-31 356.03 362.84 369.72 376.64 383.60 390.55 397-5o 404.42 411.30 418. 11 424.85 43L47 437-97 444.32 45°-47 456.41 462 . 14 467.56 472.69 477.46 481.86 485.83 489.33 492.30 494.70 496.53 497.78 498.50 498.77 8th Year. 283.96 288.64 293.46 298.42 303.54 308.81 3I4.24 319.82 325-56 33 J -48 337-56 343-8° 35° - 2I 356.78 363-53 370.45 377-53 384.79 392.19 399-77 407.49 415-36 423-33 431-42 439-57 447.81 456.07 464.36 472.65 480.94 489.18 497-38 505.50 513-52 521.42 529.16 536.71 544-07 55i.i8 558.oi 564.51 570.67 576.43 581.77 586.62 590.96 594.76 598.04 600 . 80 603.08 604.91 330.79 336.25 341.86 347.65 353-62 359-76 366.08 37 2 -59 379.29 386.18 393.26 400.53 408.00 4I5-67 423.53 431.60 439-86 448.31 456.96 465.79 474.78 483.94 493-23 502.65 512.16 521.76 531-43 541.15 550.89 560.65 570.39 580.11 589.78 599.36 608.84 618.20 627.40 636.41 645.21 653.76 662.02 669.97 677.57 684.78 691.59 697.98 703.96 709-55 714.75 719.58 724.03 9th Year. 379-39 385-64 392.09 398.73 405.58 412.63 419.88 427.36 435 .04 442.95 451.07 459.42 468.00 476.80 485.83 495.10 504.59 514.30 524.23 534-37 544.70 555-22 565-89 576.71 587.67 598.74 609.92 621.18 632.51 643.89 655-3° 666.72 678.13 689.50 700.83 712.08 723.24 734.27 745-i6 755-88 766.41 776.73 786.82 796 . 67 806.28 815.69 824.93 834.01 842.97 851.80 860.49 Am.3* HPay.L. I30 Principles and Practice Table No. XXIX TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY FOURTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 23. II 47.05 71.86 97-57 124.22 151.84 180.47 21 23-52 47.89 73-^3 99.29 126.42 154.52 183.66 22 23-94 48.74 74-44 101 .08 128.68 I57.29 186.94 23 24-37 49.62 75-79 102.91 131 .OI 160.13 190.31 24 24.82 50.54 77.19 104.80 133-41 163.06 193.80 25 25.29 51.48 78.63 106.75 135-88 166.08 I97-38 26 25.76 52.45 80.09 108.74 138.42 169.18 20I .06 27 26.25 53-45 81.61 110.80 141.04 172.38 204.85 28 26.76 54.46 83-17 112.92 143-73 175.66 208 . 74 29 27.27 55-52 84.78 115. 10 146.49 179.02 212.74 30 27.81 56.60 86.44 "7.33 149.33 182.50 216.85 31 28.35 57-72 88.13 119.62 152.25 186.05 221 .06 32 28.92 58.86 89.87 121.98 I55.25 189.70 225.38 33 29.49 60.03 91.65 124.40 158.31 193-42 229.80 34 30.09 61.24 93-49 126.88 161.45 I97.25 234.32 35 30.70 62.48 95-38 129.42 164.67 201 .16 238.96 36 3*-3 2 63.74 97.28 132.01 167.94 205 .16 243.68 37 3!-97 65.03 99-25 134.66 171. 3 1 209.25 248.52 38 32.61 66.35 101.25 137.37 174.74 213.42 253-44 39 33-29 67.70 103. 3 1 140.14 178.25 217.68 258.48 40 33-96 69.09 105.41 142.98 181.83 222.02 263.59 41 34.67 70*51 107.57 145.87 185.48 226.43 268.78 42 35.38 71.96 109.75 148.82 189.18 230.90 274.02 43 36.12 73-43 1 1 1. 98 151.80 192.93 235.41 279.28 44 36.86 74-93 114.23 154.80 196.69 239-92 284.55 45 37.62 76.45 116. 51 I57.83 200.46 244-43 289.81 46 38.38 77-97 118.77 160.84 204 . 20 248.91 295.O2 47 39-15 79-49 121.03 163.82 207.90 253-33 3OO.18 48 39 -9 1 80.99 123.26 166.77 211.56 257-71 305.27 49 40.66 82.45 125.45 169.65 215. J 5 261.99 3IO.27 50 41-39 83.91 127-59 172.50 218.68 266.21 315.17 5i 42.11 85.33 129.71 175-29 222.13 270.32 319.96 52 42.81 86.73 131.77 178.01 225.50 274-33 324.61 53 43-52 88.10 133.80 180.66 228.77 278.22 329.I2 54 44.20 89.44 I35-76 183.23 231.94 281.97 333-47 55 44-87 90.74 137.67 185.72 234.99 285.57 337.62 56 45-51 91.99 i39-5o 188. 11 237.90 288.99 341-54 57 46.15 93.21 141,28 190.39 - 240 . 67 292.22 345-26 58 46.75 94-39 142.96 192.55 243.26 295.26 348.72 59 47-34 95.51 144.56 194.57 245-7° 298.07 35!-9° 60 47.91 96.57 146.04 196.48 247-95 300.64 354.76 61 48.43 97-54 147.45 198.21 249-97 302.91 357-29 62 48.93 98.50 148.74 199.80 251.76 304.90 359-42 63 49.42 99-36 149.92 201.17 253-3° 306.52 361.13 64 49.84 100.12 150.89 202.31 254.50 307.72 362.31 65 50.24 100 . 78 I5I-73 203.19 255-35 308.49 362.99 66 50-56 101.32 152.34 203 . 79 255-83 308.80 363.18 67 50.85 101.74 152.78 204.10 255-95 308.74 363.00 68 51.06 102.03 152.99 204.14 255-8i 3°8-43 362.61 69 5 I - 2 3 102.20 i53.o5 204.06 255-57 308.11 362.26 70 51.35 102.32 I53-IO 204.03 255-5I 308.02 362.16 14Pay.L. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. 131 Table No. XXIX. — Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY FOURTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 210.15 240.91 272.80 305.88 340.I7 375-74 412.63 21 213.85 245-15 277.61 311 .26 346.16 382.35 419.88 22 217.67 249-53 282.56 316.81 352.32 389.15 427.36 23 221 .60 254.03 287.66 322.51 358.66 396.16 435- °4 24 225.65 258.67 292.90 328.39 365.I9 403-36 442.95 25 229.82 263.44 298.29 334-43 37I.9I 410.77 45I-07 26 234.O9 268.33 303.84 340.64 378.81 418.37 459-42 27 238.5 273.38 309.54 347.02 385.88 426.19 468.00 28 243.02 278.56 3I5.39 353-57 393.16 434.21 476.80 29 247.67 283.88 321.40 360 . 29 400 . 62 442.44 485.83 30 252.45 289.33 327.56 367.18 408.27 450.89 495- 10 31 257-33 294.92 333-87 374.25 416. II 459-54 504.59 32 262.34 300.64 340.34 381.49 424.I5 468.39 5H.30 33 267.47 306.51 346.96 388.89 432.36 477r45 524.23 34 272.72 3 I2 -5 I 353-74 396.46 440.76 486.71 534-37 35 278.10 318.65 360.65 404 . 20 449-33 496.14 544.7o 36 283.58 324.90 367.72 412.08 458.06 505.75 555-22 37 289.18 33 I -3° 374.91 420.IO 466.94 5i5.5i 565.89 38 294.89 337-79 382.23 428.25 475-94 525.39 576.71 39 300.70 344-41 389.65 436.50 485.05 535.40 587-67 40 306.60 35i.io 397-15 444.84 494.26 545.51 598.74 4i 312.57 357-86 404.72 453.25 503.53 555.71 609.92 42 318.58 364.66 412.33 461.69 512.86 565.96 621.18 43 324.61 37I-48 419.95 470.16 522.21 576-27 632.51 44 33° - 6 5 378.29 427.58 478.62 53L58 586.60 643.89 45 336.66 385.09 435-i8 487.08 540.93 596.93 655-30 46 342.63 391.83 442.73 495.48 550.25 607,24 666.72 47 348.54 398.50 450.20 503.8I 559.50 617.51 678.13 48 354.36 405.09 457-59 512.05 568.67 627.72 689.50 49 360.08 4II-5 6 464.85 520.17 577-73 637-83 700.83 50 365-70 417.90 471.98 528.15 586.65 647.82 712.08 5i 371-17 424.10 478-95 535-95 595.40 657.68 723.24 52 376.49 430.12 485.72 543-55 603.97 667.37 734.27 53 381.64 435-94 492.26 55o.94 612.31 676.85 745.i6 54 386.58 441.52 498.58 558.05 620.40 686.11 755-88 55 391.29 446.86 504 . 60 564.89 628.18 695.11 766.41 56 395-77 451.92 510.32 571-37 635.65 703.80 776.73 57 399-97 456.67 5I5.68 577-5J 642.75 712.18 786.82 58 403.88 461.05 520.67 583.22 649.44 720.20 796.67 59 407.44 465.07 525.21 588.50 655.70 727.84 806.28 60 410.64 468.64 529.29 593.27 661.48 735-" 815.69 61 413.41 471-74 532.84 597-5° 666.77 742.00 824.93 62 415.73 474.31 535.82 601.19 671.58 748.53 834.01 63 417-52 476.30 538.22 604.31 675.9I 754.72 842.97 64 418.74 477.69 540.03 606.89 679.77 76o.55 851.80 65 419.42 478.52 §41.29 608.98 683.17 766.03 860.49 66 419.60 478.89 542.11 610.60 686.13 771.12 869.06 67 419.43 478.92 542-55 611.79 688.59 775-79 877-42 68 419.08 478.73 542.71 612.58 690.61 779-95 885.60 69 418.75 478.49 542.67 613.07 692.05 783-58 893.63 70 418.63 478.30 542.55 613.07 692.92 786.69 901.59 Am.3* 19Pay.L I 3 2 Principles and Practice Table No. XXX. KT TERMINAL NET VALUES PER 81000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY NINETEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Ace. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 16.99 34.58 52.79 71.65 91.17 21 17-3I 35-24 53-79 73.00 92.91 22 17.64 35-91 54.82 74.41 94.69 23 17.99 36.61 55.89 75-86 96.53 24 18-34 37-34 57.OO 77-35 98.43 25 18.72 38.08 58.13 78.89 IOO.37 26 19.09 38.84 59-3° 80.46 102.38 27 19.48 39.64 60.50 82.09 104.44 28 19.88 40.44 61.74 83.77 106.57 29 20.29 41.28 63.01 85.50 108.75 30 20.72 42.15 64.33 87.27 III. OO 31 21.15 43 -°4 65.67 89.08 II3.3I 32 2I.6l 43-95 67.06 90.96 115.68 33 22.o6 44.88 68.48 92.88 Il8. II 34 22.54 45-85 69-95 94.86 I20.6l 35 23.04 46.85 71.46 96.89 123.17 36 23-54 47.87 73.00 98.96 125.78 37 24.06 48.91 74.58 101 .09 128.48 38 24.59 49.98 76.20 103.28 131.23 39 25.14 51.09 77-88 105.53 I34.07 40 25.70 52.22 79-59 107.84 136.96 4i 26.29 53-40 8i.37 110.20 139.94 42 26.88 54.61 83.18 112.62 142.96 43 27.5I 55.84 85.04 115.09 146.03 44 28.13 57-IO 86.92 "7-59 149-12 45 28.78 58.39 88.83 120. 11 152.23 46 29.43 59.68 9o.75 122.63 I55.32 47 30.IO 60.99 92.67 125.14 158.40 48 3° -77 62.29 94.58 127.63 161.45 49 31.42 63.58 96.47 130.09 164.46 50 32.08 64.86 98.35 132.54 167.45 51 32-73 66.14 100.22 134.98 170.42 52 33-39 67.43 102.09 137.40 173-35 53 34.06 68.71' 103.97 139.81 176.27 54 34.7i 70.00 105.82 142.21 I79.I5 55 35-39 71.28 107.68 144.59 182.01 56 3 6 -°5 72.57 109.54 146.95 184.83 57 36.74 73-87 111.40 149-32 187.62 58 37.4i 75.17 113-25 151.64 190.34 59 38.10 76.47 115.09 153-93 193.04 60 38.79 77.76 116.90 156.21 I95-67 61 39-47 79.04 118. 71 158.44 198.23 62 40.15 80.35 120.51 160.65 200.72 63 40.87 81.65 122.32 162.81 203.14 64 41.57 82.95 124.06 164.91 205.46 65 42.28 84.21 125.79 166.95 207.69 66 42.97 85.49 127.49 168.94 209.83 67 43-69 86.75 129.18 170.91 211 .97 68 44-38 88.01 130.84 172.88 214.20 69 45 -°9 89.29 132.57 175.02 216.77 70 45.82 90.61 134.50 177-56 219.95 19Pay.L. Am. Of Life Insurance. !33 Table No. XXX. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY NINETEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 Ill .41 132.36 154.06 176.54 199.81 21 II3-5 2 134-86 156.97 179.86 203.58 22 II5.69 137.44 159.96 183.29 207.45 23 117.94 I4O.IO 163.05 186.82 211.44 24 120.24 142.83 166.23 190.46 215.54 25 122.62 145 - 6 5 169.50 194.19 219-75 26 125.06 148.55 172.86 198.02 224.08 27 127.58 I5L53 176.31 201.97 228.54 28 130.16 154.58 179.86 206.03 233-11 29 132.82 157.73 I83.5I 210.19 237.78 30 I35-56 160.97 187.26 214.45 242.59 31 138.37 164.29 191.09 218.82 247.50 32 141.25 167.68 195.02 223.29 252.54 33 144.19 171 .16 199.04 227.88 257.69 34 147.22 174-73 203.17 232.57 262.97 35 I50-32 178.39 207.40 237.38 268.36 36 I53-50 182.14 2H.72 242.28 273.86 37 156.76 185.98 216.14 247.30 279.46 38 160.IO 189.89 220.65 252.40 285.16 39 163.52 i93-9i 225.26 257.59 290.93 40 167.OI 197.99 229.93 262.84 296.75 4i 170.58 202.15 234.67 268.15 302.61 42 174.19 206.35 239-43 273.47 308.48 43 177.86 210.58 244.22 278.79 314-34 44 l8l.53 214.80 248.99 284.09 320.17 45 185.20 219.03 253-74 289.37 325.95 46 188.85 223.21 258.45 294.58 331.66 47 192.47 227.36 263.10 299.73 337-29 48 196.05 231.46 267.69 3°4-79 342.81 49 199.59 235-50 272.21 309.77 348.22 50 203.09 239.48 276.65 314.64 353-52 5i 206.55 243.40 281 .01 319.41 358.67 52 209.97 247.26 285.28 324.07 363.68 53 213-34 251.06 289.47 328.60 368.52 54 216.67 254.79 293.54 332-98 373.20 55 219.95 258.43 297.49 337-23 377.70 56 223.16 261.97 30I-35 341.31 381.98 57 226.31 265.45 305 -07 345.23 386.02 58 229.40 268.80 308.63 348.92 389.80 59 232.40 272.04 312.00 352.38 393.28 60 235.30 275.11 3i5.i8 355-57 396.41 61 238.08 278.04 318-13 358.47 399.18 62 240 . 76 280.78 320.85 361 .06 401 .60 63 243. 3 1 283.36 323.33 363.38 403.75 64 245.72 285.73 325.59 365.50 405.73 65 248.00 287.97 327.75 367.58 407.76 66 250.20 290.19 329.97 369.82 4IO.06 67 252.46 292.56 332.49 372.51 412.85 68 254.96 295-35 335-59 375-86 416.40 69 258.00 298.86 339-55 380 . 20 420.95 70 261.86 303-41 344.71 385.80 ' 426.84 Am.3* 19Pay.L 134 Principles and Practice Table No. XXX. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY NINETEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 223.93 248.92 274.81 301.62 329.42 21 228.14 253-59 279.95 307.26 335-56 22 232.48 258.39 285.24 313.06 341.88 23 236.93 2(>3-33 290.69 319.02 348.37 24 241.51 268.42 296.28 325-I5 355-°4 25 246.23 273.64 302.03 331-43 361.88 26 251 .06 279.OO 307.92 337.87 368.89 27 256.03 284.49 3I3-97 344.48 376.08 28 26l .12 290.13 320.16 35L25 383.45 29 266.35 295-9I 326.51 358.19 391 .OO 30 27I.7O 3°1.83 333 -ox 365.29 398.70 31 277.18 307.89 339.66 • 372.54 406.58 32 282.79 314.09 346.46 379.96 414.62 33 288.53 320.41 353-40 387-51 422.79 34 294-39 326.88 360.47 395.20 431.IO 35 3OO.38 333-47 367.66 403.00 439-53 36 306.47 340.16 374.96 410.90 448.04 37 312.67 346.95 382.34 418.88 456.62 38 3I8-95 353-82 389.78 426.92 465.25 39 325-3 360.73 397.28 434-99 473-93 40 33I-69 367.68 404.79 443.08 482.61 4i 33 s - IO 374.65 412.32 451.17 491.29 42 344.51 381.60 419.82 459-23 499.92 43 35° -9° 388.52 427.28 467.24 508.50 44 357- 2 4 395-39 434.66 475-17 516.99 45 363.54 402 . 18 441.97 482.99 525-38 46 369-73 408.87 449.15 490.69 533-62 47 375 - 8 4 4I5-44 456.20 498.24 541.69 48 381.81 421.87 463.09 505.60 549.56 49 387-65 428.14 469.79 512.75 557-22 5o 393-35 434.23 476.28 519.68 564.63 51 398.87 440 . 1 1 482.55 526.35 57I-76 52 404 . 2 1 445-79 488.57 532.75 578.57 53 409.37 45 I - 2 4 494-33 538.83 585.06 54 414.30 456.44 499-77 544-57 591.15 55 419.01 461.34 504.89 549-93 596.84 56 423-45 465.93 5°9- 6 3 554.87 602.06 57 427.61 470.16 5I3-96 559-34 606.80 58 431.42 474.00 517.82 563-31 611.03 59 434.87 477-39 521 .20 566.77 614.76 60 437-9° 480.32 524.08 569.75 618.03 61 440.51 482.80 526.54 572.31 620.92 62 442.76 484.94 528.66 574-57 623.47 63 444 • 76 486.86 530.60 576.62 625.78 64 446 . 66 488.73 532.47 578.57 627.87 65 448.67 490.72 534.45 580.49 629.85 66 45° -99 493 -°3 536.63 582.54 631.59 67 453-84 495-78 539-19 584.61 633-23 68 457-4Q 499.22 542.12 586.94 634.99 69 462 .00 5°3-4i 545-77 589-97 637-53 70 467.71 508.79 55° -7° 594.51 641.57 19Pay.L. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. i35 Table No. XXX.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER Izooo OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY NINETEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 16th Year. 358.22 364.89 37L75 378.78 386.OI 393.42 401.03 408.82 416.80 424.96 433.30 441 .82 450.49 459-3° 468 . 24 477-29 486.43 495.63 504.89 514.18 523-48 53 2 .7 6 542.01 551.19 560.29 569.27 578.09 586.75 595-21 603.43 611.39 619.05 626.40 633.37 639.96 646 . 1 1 651.79 656.99 661.73 666.00 669.87 673-34 676,44 679.21 681.69 683.76 685.45 686.89 688.44 69°.55 693.61 17th Year. 388.07 395-28 402 . 68 410.29 418.10 426.11 434.3 2 442.73 45L34 460.14 469.13 478.30 487.62 497.08 506.67 516.36 526.14 536.00 545.90 555-84 565.79 575-73 585.62 595.46 605 .22 614.85 624.33 633.67 642 . 78 651.68 660 . 29 668.64 676.64 684 . 29 691.54 698.38 704 . 80 710.79 716.38 721.58 726.41 730.86 734.9o 738.57 741.75 744.44 746.67 748 . 60 750.41 752.20 754.03 18th Year. 419.OI 426.77 434.76 442.95 451.36 459.98 468.82 477.87 487.14 496.59 506.25 516.07 526.06 536.19 546.45 556.81 567.27 577.81 588.40 599.03 609.68 620.32 630.93 641.49 651.98 662.36 672.61 682.71 692.63 702.33 711.79 720.98 729.87 738-44 746.66 754-54 762 .09 769.32 776.26 782.90 789.24 795.25 800.91 806.14 810.93 815.28 819.26 822.87 826.00 828.49 830.15 19th Year. 45 I "°7 459.42 468.00 476.80 485.83 495.IO 504.59 514.30 524.23 534-37 544.70 555.22 565.89 576.71 587-67 598.74 609.92 621.18 632 .51 643.89 655.30 666.72 678.13 689.50 700.83 712.08 723.24 734.27 745-16 755-88 766.41 776.73 786.82 796.67 806.28 815.69 824.93 834.01 842.97 851.80 860.49 869.06 877.42 885.60 893.63 901.59 909.51 917.32 924.88 932.02 938.75 Am.3* 9Yr.End 136 Principles and Practice Table No. XXXI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF NINE-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 95- 2 9 194.17 296.78 403.29 513.84 628.62 747-77 871.50 21 95-27 194.13 296.73 403.23 5I3-79 628.56 747-73 871.48 22 95-25 194.IO 296.69 403.19 513.74 628.51 747.69 87I-45 23 95-23 194.07 296.66 403 • 14 513.68 628.46 747.64 871.42 24 95.22 194.05 296.62 403.08 5I3.63 628.40 747-59 87I-39 25 95-24 194.04 296.59 403.05 5I3.58 628.35 747-55 871.36 26 95.18 193.97 296.51 402.97 5I3.49 628.27 747.48 871.32 27 95.16 193-93 296.46 402.90 513.42 628.20 747.42 871.28 28 95-J5 193.90 296.40 402.83 5J3-34 628.12 747-35 871.24 29 95.12 193.85 296.34 402.75 513-26 628.04 747.28 871.20 30 95-°9 193.80 296.27 402.67 5I3-I7 627.96 747.21 871.15 3i 95-o7 193-75 296.20 402.58 5 x 3- 7 627.85 747.13 871.10 32 95-°4 193.70 296.12 402.49 5 I2 -97 627.75 747-03 871 .04 33 95.01 I93-63 296.04 402.38 512.86 627.64 746.93 870-97 34 94.98 I93-58 295-95 402 . 28 5 I2 -73 627.51 746.83 870.91 35 94-95 i93-5i 295.86 402.16 512.60 627.37 746.71 870.83 36 94.90 193-44 295-75 402.02 512.44 627.22 746.57 870.74 37 94.88 I93-36 295-63 401.88 512.28 627.06 746.43 870.65 38 94.82 193.26 295-50 401.71 512.10 626.87 746.27 870.55 39 94-77 193 -!7 295-36 401.54 511. 91 626.68 746.10 870.43 40 94.72 193.07 295.22 401.36 511.70 626.46 745.90 870.31 4i 94.67 192.96 295.07 401 .16 5" -47 626.23 745-69 870.17 42 94.61 192.85 294.90 400.95 511.22 625.97 745-45 870.01 43 94.56 192.73 294.72 400.71 5 IO -95 625.67 745-i8 869.83 44 94.49 192.60 294.52 400.45 510.64 625.34 744.88 869.62 45 94-43 192.46 294.30 4OO.16 510.28 624.95 744.5 2 869.38 46 94-34 192.29 294.04 399.81 509.86 624.51 744.12 86q.ii 47 94.26 192. 1 1 293-74 399.40 509.37 624.OO 743.66 868.81 48 94.15 191.87 293-37 398.91 508.81 623.41 743-13 868.46 49 94.01 191.58 292.94 398.36 508.17 622.74 742.53 868.07 50 93.86 191.26 292.45 397-73 507.44 621.98 741.85 867.63 5i 93-67 190.89 291 .90 397.02 506.62 621.14 741.10 867.13 52 93-47 190.47 291.28 396.22 505-7° 620.19 740.25 866.58 53 93-25 190.00 290.58 395-33 504.67 619.13 739-31 865.97 54 92.98 189.48 289.80 394-33 503-53 6I7.95 738.27 865.28 55 92.70 188. 8q 288.93 393.23 502.27 616.65 737-IO 864.52 56 92.37 188.24 287.97 392.00 500.86 615.19 735.8o 863.67 57 92.01 187.53 286.92 390.65 499-31 613.58 734-37 862.73 58 91.63 186.75 285.76 389.16 497-58 611. 81 732.78 861.68 59 91 .21 185.88 284.47 387-51 495.68 609.84 731.01 860.51 60 90.74 184.92 283.04 385-69 493-59 607 . 66 729.05 859.22 61 90.21 183.87 281 .49 383.69 491 .28 605.25 726.88 857.78 62 89.65 182.73 279.79 381.50 488.73 602.59 724.48 856.18 63 89.04 181.50 277-93 379.09 485 -93 599.65 721 .81 854.41 64 88.38 180.13 275.88 376.43 482.83 596.40 718.86 852.43 65 87.64 178.61 273.61 373-49 479-39 592.78 715-57 850.24 66 86.83 176.96 271 .11 370.24 475-58 588.76 7"-93 847.82 67 85-94 175-n 268.33 366.61 47I-32 584.30 707.90 845-T5 68 84.93 173.06 265 .21 362.55 466.61 579-40 7°3-49 842 .22 69 83.82 i7o-75 261 .74 358.09 461 .48 574.o8 698.69 839.01 70 82.57 168.20 257-97 353-30 456.00 568.38 693-52 835.50 14Yr.End. Am.3* Op Life Insurance. w Table No. XXXII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1,000 OF FOURTEEN-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 55-51 113.07 172.80 234.76 299.07 365.80 435-o6 21 55 48 113.04 172.75 234.71 299.OI 365.74 434.98 22 55 47 113.02 172.72 234.68 298.96 365.67 434.91 23 55 46 II3.OO 172.71 234.64 298.92 365.60 434.84 24 55 45 112.99 172.67 234.59 298.86 365.55 434-77 25 55 45 112.96 172.63 234.55 298.80 365.47 434.69 26 55 43 112.93 172.59 234.49 298.73 365.40 434.6o 27 55 42 112 .91 172.56 234.44 298.66 365.32 434.51 28 55 4i II2.89 172.51 234.39 298.60 365-23 434.41 29 55- 39 II2.8S 172.47 234.32 298.51 365-I4 434.30 30 55- 38 II2.83 172.43 234.27 298.44 365.05 434.20 31 55- 37 112. 8l 172.39 234.21 298.36 364.95 434.09 32 55 36 II2.77 172.34 234.14 298.28 364.86 433-97 33 55 34 II2.74 172.29 234.07 298.19 364.74 433-83 34 55 33 II2.72 172.25 234.01 298.10 364.62 433-69 35 55- 32 II2.69 172.21 233-94 298.00 364.50 433-53 36 55 3i II2.67 172.15 233.86 297.89 364.36 433-37 37 55 3° II2.63 172.10 233-78 297.78 364.22 433-21 38 55 28 II2.59 172.03 233.69 297.67 364.08 433-03 39 55 - 27 II2.57 171.99 233-63 297.58 363.95 432.87 40 55 26 II2 -55 J 7i.95 233.56 297.48 363.81 432.68 41 55 26 112.54 i7i-93 233-5I 297.39 363.68 432.50 42 55 27 112.55 171. 91 233-46 297.30 363.53 432.29 43 55 28 112.55 171.90 233-41 297.20 363.37 432.05 44 55 29 112.56 171.88 233-36 297.09 363.17 431-75 45 55 32 112.57 171.87 233-30 296.94 362.92 43 I -4o 46 55 32 112.58 171.84 233-19 296.73 362.61 430.98 47 55 34 112.58 171.78 233-04 296.48 362.24 430.48 48 55 35 II2 -55 171.68 232.84 296.16 361.79 429.89 49 55 33 112.48 *7i.53 232.58 295.78 361.26 429.21 50 55 32 112.40 *7l-35 232.29 295-33 360.65 428.44 5i 55 28 112.30 171. 16 231-95 294.83 359-97 427.57 52 55 25 112. 19 170.92 2 3!-56 294.26 359-20 426.60 53 55 21 112.05 170.65 231.12 293.62 358.34 425.53 54 55 i5 in .90 !70-34 230.62 292.91 357-40 424.35 55 55 10 in. 73 170.01 230.09 292.14 356.37 423.04 56 55 °3 in. 54 169.65 229.51 291.30 355.23 421 .61 57 54 95 in. 34 169.26 228.88 290.37 353-99 420.04 58 54 89 in. 13 168.85 228.19 289.37 352.65 418.35 59 54 81 110.90 168.39 227.44 288.29 35i.i9 416.49 60 54 73 110.65 167.90 226.65 287.13 349.60 414.46 61 54 64 110.38 167.37 225.79 285.84 347.85 412 .22 62 54 •54 no. 10 166.81 224.84 284.43 345-93 409 . 74 63 54 •45 109.81 166.18 223.79 282.87 343-78 406.97 64 54 •34 109.45 165.46 222.60 281 .10 341.36 403.86 65 54 .19 109.03 164.64 221 .23 279.10 338.62 400.35 66 54 •°3 108.56 163.71 219.71 276.85 335.58 396.53 67 53 •85 108.01 162.65 217.99 274.36 332.29 392.48 68 53 .62 107.40 161.48 216. n 271.73 328.91 388.38 69 53 •39 106.73 160.23 214.21 269.16 325.66 384.46 70 53 .12 106.05 I59-05 212.50 266.89 322.81 380.99 Am.3* HYr.End 138 Principles and Practice Table No. XXXII. - —Concluded TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1,000 OF FOURTEEN-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE } THREE PER CENT. Age. 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 506.94 581.56 659.04 739-49 823.04 909.83 21 506.87 581.49 658.96 739-42 822 .99 909.80 22 506.79 581.41 658.89 739-35 822.93 909.77 23 506.70 581.32 658.81 739.28 822.87 909.73 24 506.63 581.24 658.72 739.20 822.81 909.69 25 5 o6 -54 581.15 658.63 - 739-n 822 .74 909.65 26 506.44 581.04 658.53 739.02 822.66 909 . 60 27 506.34 580.94 658.42 738.93 822.58 9°9-55 28 506.24 580.83 658.31 738.82 822.50 909.50 29 506.12 580.71 658.19 738.70 822.40 909.44 30 506.00 580.58 658.06 738.58 822.30 909.38 31 505.88 580.44 657.92 738.45 822.19 909.31 32 505-73 580.29 657.76 738.30 822.06 909.23 33 505-5 8 580.12 657-59 738.14 821.93 909.15 34 505-42 579-94 657-4I 737-96 821.79 909.06 35 505-24 579-76 657.21 737-78 821.63 908.96 36 505.06 579-55 657.00 737-57 821.45 908.84 37 504.87 579-34 656.77 737-35 821.25 908 . 72 38 504.66 579-n 656.53 737-io 821 .04 908.58 39 504-45 578.86 656.26 736.83 820.79 908.42 40 504-23 578.6o 655-96 736.52 820.52 908.24 4i 5°3-99 578.30 655-62 736.i8 820.21 908.04 42 503-7I 577-96 655-24 735.78 819.87 907.81 43 503-3 8 577-56 654-79 735-33 819.47 907.56 44 503.00 577-io 654.28 734-82 819.02 907.26 45 502.55 576.57 653-70 734.23 818.51 906.93 46 502.02 575-94 653.02 733.56 817.92 906.56 47 501.40 575-23 652.25 732.79 817.26 906.14 48 500.69 574-41 65I-37 73L93 8l6. 5 2 905.66 49 499.86 573-47 650.37 730.95 815.68 905 -!3 50 498.93 572.43 649.26 729.86 814.74 904-53 5i 497.90 571.26 648.02 728.65 813.70 903.86 52 496.75 569.96 646 . 64 727.29 812.53 903.12 53 495-47 568.51 645 - 10 725-79 811 .24 902.29 54 494.05 566.91 643.40 724.12 809.80 901.37 55 492.49 565-15 64I-53 722.28 808.21 900-35 56 490.79 563.22 639-47 720.24 806.44 899.21 57 488.92 561.10 637.19 717.99 804.48 897.94 58 486.87 558.76 634.69 7i5-5o 802.31 896.54 59 484.63 556.20 631.92 712.75 799.91 894.97 60 482.18 553-38 628.88 709.70 797-23 893.24 61 479-45 550.25 625.48 706.31 794.27 891.32 62 476.44 546.76 621 .69 702.54 790.98 889 . 20 63 473.06 542.86 617.49 698.37 787.36 886.85 64 469.27 538.53 612.86 693.81 783.39 884.26 65 465.07 533-8o 607.83 688.85 779.06 881.41 66 460.55 528.74 602.46 683.54 774.37 878.27 67 455-82 523-46 596.84 677.91 769.30 874.82 68 451.06 518.12 591.09 672 .02 763.92 871 .04 69 446.49 512.90 585-30 665.97 758.13 866.88 70 442.30 507-94 579.62 659.66 751-93 862.31 19Yr.End. Am.3* Of Life Insurance;. 139 Table No. XXXIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF NINETEEN-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 37.OI 75-38 115. 16 156.42 199.22 243.62 21 37.OO 75-35 115. 13 156.39 199.19 243.58 22 36.99 75-34 XI5. 12 156.38 199.17 243-55 23 36.99 75-34 115. 12 156.37 199.14 243.52 24 36.99 75-34 115. II 156.35 199. !3 243.49 25 36.99 75-34 115.10 156.34 199. II 243.46 26 36.99 75-33 II5.O9 156.32 199.08 243.42 27 36.98 75-33 II5.O9 156.31 199.06 243.40 28 36.99 75-34 II5.O9 156.31 199.06 243-38 29 37.OO 75-34 II5.O9 156.31 199.04 243.36 30 37.OO 75 -35 115. IO 156.31 199.04 243-35 3i 37.01 75-36 XI5,I1 156.32 199.05 243.34 32 37.02 75-37 115-13 156.34 199.06 243.35 33 37-03 75-39 II 5 . 16 156.36 199.08 243.36 34 37.05 75-43 II5.20 156.42 199.12 243.38 35 37.07 75-47 115.26 156.46 199.17 243.43 36 37.IO 75-53 H5.3 2 156.53 199.24 243-49 37 37-J4 75-58 115.39 156.62 199.33 243.58 38 37-17 75-64 II5.48 156.73 199.45 243.7I 39 37.22 75-74 II5.60 156.88 199.62 243.87 40 37-28 75-85 115.76 I57.07 199.82 244.08 4i 37-35 75-99 115.95 I57.29 200.07 244.33 42 37-44 76.15 Il6. I 7 157-57 200.36 244.61 43 37-54 76.34 H6.43 157-86 200.68 244.92 44 37.65 76.55 Il6. 71 158.19 201 .OI 245.23 45 37.8o 76.79 II7.O3 158.55 201.37 245-54 46 37-93 77.04 117.35 158.89 201 .71 245.84 47 38.08 77-31 117.68 159.25 202.05 246.13 48 38.24 77-57 Il8. OI 159.60 202.39 246.42 49 38.39 77.83 H8.34 I59.'95 202 .72 246 . 69 5o 38.55 78.10 II8.68 160.34 203.08 246.98 5i 38.72 78.40 II9.06 160.72 203.45 247.27 52 38.90 78.72 H9-45 161. 15 203.84 247.59 53 39-n 79.06 H9.89 161. 61 204.27 247-95 54 39-3 1 79.42 I2O.34 162.IO 204.74 248.33 55 39-55 79.83 120.85 162 .66 205 .28 248 . 78 56 39.80 80.26 121 .41 163.26 205.86 249.25 57 40.08 80.75 122 .03 163.94 206.50 249.78 58 40.38 81.28 I22.7O 164.66 207.18 250.35 59 40.71 81.85 I23.4I 165.43 207.93 250.97 60 41 .06 82.46 I24.I8 166.26 208.72 251.61 61 41.42 83.08 124.99 167.14 209.54 252.25 62 41.82 83.78 I25.87 168.07 210.40 252.92 63 42.26 84-54 I26.80 169.05 211 .30 253.59 64 42.72 85.32 I27.77 170.07 212.23 254.29 65 43-19 86.13 I28.78 I7i'i3 &3-*9 254.99 66 43-7° 87.00 I29.85 172 .26 214.21 255-77 67 44-23 87.90 I3O.99 173-45 215.33 256.77 58 44-78 88.86 I32.I8 174.75 216.69 258.17 69 45-38 89.88 I33.50 176.34 218.53 260.27 70 46.00 91 .00 I35-IO 178.42 221.13 263.38 Am.3* 19Yr.End 140 Principles and Practice Table No. XXXIII. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER Si 000 OF NINETEEN-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 289.68 337-46 387.04 438.49 491.89 547-31 21 289.63 337-40 386.98 438.41 491 .80 547- 22 22 289.59 337-30 386.91 438.35 491-73 547-14 23 289-55 337-30 386.85 438.28 491.64 547-04 24 289.51 337-25 386.79 438.20 491.56 546.95 25 289.47 337-20 386.73 438.I3 491.47 546.85 26 289.42 337.14 386.65 438.04 49L37 546.75 27 289.39 337.09 386.60 437-97 491.29 546.64 28 289.35 337.05 386.54 437.89 491.19 546.53 29 289.32 337.oo 386.48 437.81 491.09 546.41 30 289.30 336.97 386.42 437-73 490.99 546.28 31 289 . 29 336.93 386.36 437.64 490.88 546.16 32 289.27 336.89 386.30 437-56 490.78 546.03 33 289 . 26 336.87 386.25 437-50 490 . 68 545-91 34 289.28 336.86 386.23 437-44 490.60 545-79 35 289.30 336.87 386.21 437-39 490.52 545.67 36 289.36 336.91 386.22 437.38 490.46 545-57 37 289.44 336.97 386.26 437-37 490.40 545.46 38 289.55 337.07 386.31 437.38 490-35 545-33 39 289 . 7 I 337-19 386.39 437-41 490.30 545.19 40 289.90 337-35 386.50 437-42 490.22 545 .02 4i 290.12 337-53 386.60 437-43 490.13 544.82 42 290.38 337-72 386.71 437-43 490.02 544-59 43 290.64 337-9° 386.79 437-40 489.86 544.3o 44 290.89 338.06 386.84 437-34 489.65 543-95 45 291.14 338.22 386.88 437-23 489.40 543-53 46 291.36 338.34 386.87 437-07 489.07 543-03 47 291-57 338.43 386.82 436.85 488.67 542.46 48 291 .76 338.50 386.73 4 ;,6. 5 8 488.21 541.80 49 291.94 338.54 386.60 436.25 487.67 541.04 50 292.II 338.56 386.44 435.89 487.08 540.21 51 292.29 338.58 386.26 435.48 486.40 539-28 52 292.48 338.60 386.07 435.02 485.67 538.26 53 292.70 338.63 385.85 434-53 484.88 537.i6 54 292.94 338.66 385.62 434.01 484.03 535-96 55 293.22 338.71 385-40 433.46 483.11 534.65 56 293-52 338.78 385.17 432.86 482 .10 533-22 57 293.87 338.87 384.91 432.20 480.99 53I-63 58 294.24 338-94 384.60 431-45 479-74 529.84 59 294.62 338.99 384.24 430-58 478.31 527.81 60 294.99 339.00 383-78 429.57 476.67 525-5I 61 295-35 338.94 383-2I 428.38 474.80 522.98 62 295.68 338.83 3 82 -5 2 427.03 472.77 520.30 63 296.01 338.66 381.75 425.61 470.71 517.61 64 296.31 338.45 380.98 424.27 468 . 78 5i5-io 65 296.63 33^-33 380.39 423.19 467 - 19 512.96 66 297.12 338-49 380 . 20 422 .61 466.17 5".38 67 297-95 339.15 380.65 422.79 465 -93 510.54 68 299.39 340.59 382.04 423.98 466.71 510.71 69 3oi-74 343.i6 384.67 426.48 468.87 5H-99 70 305-35 347- H 388.85 430.65 472.50 514.87 19Yr.End. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. 141 Table ] So. XXXIII— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF NINETEEN-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 604.85 664.59 726.64 791.09 858.05 927.65 21 604 . 76 664.50 726.55 791 .01 857.99 927.61 22 604 . 66 664.40 726.46 • 790.92 857.92 927-57 23 604.57 664.30 726.36 790.83 857.85 927.52 24 604.47 664 . 20 726.25 790.74 857.77 927.47 25 604.36 664.09 726.14 790.63 857.68 927.42 26 604.25 663.97 726.02 790.52 857.59 927.36 27 604.12 663.83 725.89 790.39 857.49 927.30 28 604.00 663.70 725-75 790.26 857.38 927.23 29 603.86 663.55 725.60 790.12 857.26 927.16 30 603.72 663.40 725-44 789.97 857.13 927.08 31 603.58 663.24 725.27 789.81 856.99 926.99 32 603.42 663.07 725.09 789.63 856.83 926.89 33 603.28 662.90 724.91 789.44 856.66 926.78 34 603.13 662.72 724.70 789.23 856.48 926.65 35 602.97 662.52 724.47 788.99 856.27 926.52 36 602.81 662.32 724.24 788.74 856.03 926.36 37 602 . 64 662.08 723.96 788.45 855.77 926.19 38 602.43 661.82 723.64 788.12 855-48 925.99 39 602.21 661.52 723.30 787.75 855.15 925.78 40 601.95 661.18 722.90 787.34 854.77 925-53 4i 601 .64 660 . 79 722.44 786.87 854.35 925.26 42 601.30 660.34 721.93 786.33 853.88 924.94 43 600.89 659.81 72L33 785.72 853-34 924.59 44 600.39 659.21 720.65 785.03 852.73 924.20 45 599-83 658.53 719.89 784.26 852.05 923.76 46 599.18 657-74 719.02 783.38 851.28 923.26 47 598.43 656.85 718.03 782.39 850.41 922 .70 48 597.58 655-84 716.93 781.28 849.44 922.07 49 596.62 654.71 715.69 780.05 848.36 921.37 50 595-56 653-47 714.33 778.68 847.I5 920.58 51 594.38 652.08 712.82 777.16 845.82 919.71 52 593-1° 650.56 7H.I5 775-47 844.34 918.75 53 591.69 648.90 709.31 773.62 842 . 70 917.67 54 59°-i5 647.07 707.29 771-57 840.88 916.48 55 588.47 645.06 705.06 769.30 838.86 9I5.I6 56 586.61 642.84 702.58 766.77 836.62 913.69 57 584.56 640.36 699.81 763.97 834.15 912.08 58 582.24 637.58 696.74 760.87 831.42 910.29 59 579.62 634.49 693.36 757.47 828.43 908.33 60 576.73 631.10 689.68 753-79 825.17 906.16 61 573-59 627.48 685.76 749.85 821.65 903.78 62 57o-3i 623.72 681.67 745.68 817.84 901 .16 63 567-05 619.94 677.49 741-32 813.80 898.29 64 563-96 616.28 673-3I 736.86 809 . 46 895.13 65 561 .20 612.84 669 . 24 732.22 804.82 891.66 66 558.92 609.78 665.20 727.42 799.86 887.87 67 557-3 2 607.04 661 .31 722.56 794.68 883.72 68 556.40 604.87 657.83 718.00 789.50 879.17 69 55^-59 603.78 655-46 714.30 784.53 874.21 70 558.50 604 . 66 655-03 711.97 780.02 868.80 Am.3* 5Yr.Term 142 Principles and Practice Table No. XXXIV. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 ON FIVE-YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Net Premiums. 7.67 7.72 7.78 7.83 7.89 7.96 8.03 8.IO 8.18 8. 2? 8.36 8.46 8.57 8.69 8.83 8.97 9.13 9-3i 9-5i 9.72 9.96 10.22 10.52 10.86 11.24 11.68 12.18 !2-75 13 .40 14.14 14.96 15.88 16.90 18.04 19-31 20.71 22.27 23-99 25.90 28.00 30-32 Terminal Net Values at the End of 1st Year. .10 .10 .10 .11 .12 •13 .14 .15 .16 •17 .19 .21 .22 .24 .26 •30 •32 •36 •39 •43 •47 •53 •59 .67 .76 .88 1. 00 i.»5 i-3i 1.47 1.65 1.84 2.05 2.29 2.54 2.82 3-u 3-45 3.83 4.22 4.66 2d Year. •15 •15 .16 •17 .19 .20 .21 •23 •25 .26 •29 •32 •34 •37 .42 -46 •5i •56 .61 .67 •74 .83 •94 1 .06 1. 21 1.38 i-59 1.83 2.07 2-33 2.60 2.91 3-24 3.6i 4.01 4-44 4.91 5-45 6.04 6.68 7-37 3d Year. •15 •*5 •17 .18 .19 .21 .22 .24 •25 .28 •31 •33 .36 •39 •44 •49 •53 •59 .64 .70 .78 .88 •99 1. 13 1.28 1.47 1 .69 1.94 2.19 2-45 2.74 3.06 3-42 3.80 4.21 4.67 5.18 5-75 6-37 7.04 7-77 4th Year. 10 10 12 x 3 J 3 14 *5 16 18 20 21 22 25 27 31 33 38 41 45 49 •55 61 70 •79 .90 1. 05 1.20 i-37 1-54 1.72 i-93 2.15 2.40 2.67 2.96 5-48 lOYr.Term Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. *43 Table No. XXXV NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER 81000 ON TEN-YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. I I'l Terminal Net Values AT THE End of S 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 20 PL. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 7.80 •23 .42 •57 .67 .72 •71 .65 •51 •30 21 7.86 .24 •44 .60 •71 •77 •77 .70 •55 •32 22 7.92 .26 •47 .64 .76 .82 .82 •74 •59 •34 23 7-99 .27 •5° .69 .81 , .88 .87 •79 .62 •36 24 8.06 .29 •55 •74 .88 •95 •94 .85 .68 .40 25 8.14 •32 •59 .80 •95 1.03 1.02 •93 •74 •43 26 8.22 •34 .63 .86 1 .02 1. 10 1. 11 1. 01 .80 •47 27 8.31 •37 .68 •93 1. 10 1 .20 1 .20 1 .09 .86 •51 28 8.41 .40 •74 1. 01 1 .20 1.30 1.30 1. 18 •94 •55 29 8.52 •43 .80 1. 10 *-3* 1.42 1 .42 1.30 1.03 .61 30 8.64 •47 .88 1.20 i-43 i-55 1.56 1-43 1. 14 .67 31 8. 77 •52 •97 1.32 1-57 1. 71 1.72 1.58 1.26 •74 32 8.91 •57 1.05 1.44 1.72 1.88 1.89 i-73 1.38 .81 33 9.06 .62 '•IS i-59 1.90 2.07 2.08 1.90 i-5i .89 34 9-23 .68 1.27 1-75 2.09 2.27 2.28 2.09 1.66 .98 35 9.42 .76 1. 41 1.94 2.31 2-51 2.52 2.31 1.85 1. 10 36 9-63 •83 i-55 2.13 2.54 2.77 2 . 79 2.56 2.05 1. 21 37 9.86 •93 1.72 2.36 2.81 3-07 3.10 2.86 2.29 1.36 38 10.12 1.02 1.90 2.61 3-i3 3-43 3-47 3.20 2.58 i-53 39 10.41 1. 14 2.12 2.92 3-51 3-86 3.90 3.61 2.91 1.74 40 10.73 1 .27 2.38 3-29 3-97 4.36 4.43 4. 11 3-32 1.99 4i n .10 1.44 2.70 3-73 4-5° 4.96 5.04 4.69 3.80 2.27 42 11.52 1.63 3.06 4.24 5-13 5.65 5.76 5.36 4-34 2 -59 43 12.00 1.86 3-48 4.84 5.85 6.46 6.58 6. 11 4-94 2-95 44 12.54 2. 11 3-96 5-5° 6.65 7-35 7-47 6.92 5.58 3-32 45 *3-M 2.40 4.50 6.25 7-56 8.32 8.45 7.81 6.29 3-74 46 13.83 2.71 5-io 7.07 8-53 9.38 9.50 8.78 7.06 4.20 47 14.60 3-07 5.76 7-97 9.60 IO -53 10.66 9.84 7.92 4.71 48 15.46 3-46 6.47 8-93 10.73 11.77 11. 91 10.99 8.84 5-25 49 16.43 3-86 7.21 9-95 11.96 13.12 J 3-27 12.24 9.84 5.84 5o 17-50 4.30 8.03 11.07 13.31 I 4-59 14.76 13.61 10.94 6.50 5i 18.69 4.78 8.92 12.30 14.78 16.20 16.38 15-11 12.15 7.22 52 20.01 5-3° 9.90 13.64 16.39 x 7-97 18.17 16.77 !3-49 8.03 53 21.47 5.88 10.96 15-11 18.15 19.90 20.14 18.59 14.97 8.91 54 23.08 6.49 12.12 16.70 20.07 22.02 22.29 20.59 16.58 9.87 55 24.86 7.17 13-38 18.45 22.18 24.34 24.65 22.77 18.35 10.94 56 26.83 7.91 14.76 20.36 24.50 26.89 27.24 25.18 20.32 12.14 57 28.99 8.71 16.27 22.46 27.02 29.67 30.07 27.84 22.49 13.44 58 3i-37 9.60 17.92 24.74 29.78 32.72 33- 2 ° 3o.77 24.88 14.88 59 33-99 IO -55 19.72 27.23 32.79 36.07 36.64 33-99 27.52 16.49 60 36.87 n-59 21.66 2 9-93 36.08 39-73 40.38 37-50 30.40 18.24 Am.3* 15Yr.Term 144 Principles and Practice Table No. XXXVI. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER Si 000 ON \ FIFTEEN- YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE THREE PER CENT. Terminal Net Values AT the End of Age. Net Pre- miums. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7-95 0-39 0.75 1.06 1-34 1-57 I.76 I.89 21 8.02 .41 •79 1.13 1-43 1.68 1.88 2.03 22 8.IO •44 .84 1. 21 1.54 1. 81 2.03 2.I9 23 8.18 •47 .91 i-3i 1.66 1.95 2.19 2.36 24 8.27 .51 •99 1. 41 1.79 2.12 2-37 a-55 25 8.37 .56 1.07 i-53 1.94 2.29 2-57 2.78 26 8.47 .60 1. 16 1.66 2. 11 2.50 2.81 3 -04 27 8.58 .05 1.26 1. 81 2.30 2.72 3-07 3-3i 28 8.71 .71 i-37 1.97 2.51 2.98 3-35 3.62 29 8.85 •77 1.49 2-15 2-75 3-25 3.66 3-97 30 9.00 •85 1.64 2-37 3.01 3-57 4-03 4.36 31 9.16 •93 1.80 2 .60 3-31 3-93 4-44 4.81 32 9-34 1.02 1.98 2.86 3.65 4-33 4.90 5-3i 33 9-55 1. 12 2.18 3.16 4.03 4.80 5.42 5.88 34 9-77 1.25 2.42 3-50 4.48 5-32 6.02 6-53 35 10.03 i-39 2.70 3-9i 4-99 5-94 6.71 7.3i 36 10.31 i-55 3.01 4-35 5-57 6.63 7.52 8.20 37 10.63 i-73 3-36 4.88 6.24 l' 4S a 8.46 9.25 38 11 .00 1-93 3-77 5.46 7.02 8.38 9-54 10.44 39 11.40 2.18 4-23 6.16 7.91 9.48 10.79 11.83 40 11.86 2.44 4-77 6-95 8-95 IO.7I 12.22 13.40 4i !2-37 2.76 5-39 7.86 10. 11 12.13 13 83 15.17 42 12.95 3-" 6.09 8.87 n-43 r 3-7i 15.64 17.15 43 13-59 3-52 6.87 10.02 12 .90 15-47 17-65 19.32 44 14.31 3-95 7-74 11.28 !4-53 17.41 19.83 21.68 45 15.12 4.46 8.70 12.68 l6 -33 19-54 22.22 24.27 46 16.02 4.99 9.76 14.21 18.27 21.83 24.80 27.07 47 17.02 5-59 10.92 15-87 20.38 24.33 27.62 30.14 48 18.13 6.24 12.15 17-65 22.64 27.02 30.67 33-45 49 19.36 6-93 13.48 19-57 25.09 29.94 33.98 37-oS 50 20.72 7.67 14.91 21.65 27.76 33-*i 37-57 40.97 5i 22 .22 8.47 16.47 23.91 30.65 36.56 41.49 45-25 52 23.87 9-34 18.17 26.36 33-79 40.31 45-74 49.91 53 25.68 10.29 20.00 29.02 37.20 44-38 50.39 54-99 54 27.67 11. 31 21.99 31.90 40.90 48.82 55-44 60.53 55 29.85 12.41 24.13 35-oi 44.9i 53.6i 60.90 66.52 56 32.24 J3-59 26.43 38-38 49.23 58.79 66.81 73.01 57 34.84 14.87 28.92 41.99 53-88 64.36 73-i8 80.03 58 37.67 16.23 3 J -57 45.85 58.84 70.30 79.98 87.53 59 40.73 17.66 34-37 49-91 64.06 76.59 87.18 95-44 60 44.03 19.17 37-29 54.16 69.55 83.19 94.7o 103.72 15Yr.Term Am.3* Of Life Insurance. i45 Table No. XXX VI.— Concluded. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 ON FIFTEEN-YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. Terminal Net Values at the End OF 8th Year. 9th Year. 10th Year. 11th Year. 12th Year. 13th Year. 14th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 I.96 2.IO 2.27 2.45 2.66 I.97 2.IO 2.27 2.46 2.67 I.89 2.02 2.19 2-37 2-57 1-73 I.85 2.0I 2.17 2.36 1.47 1.58 1. 71 I.85 2.02 I. II 1. 19 I.29 I.40 I.52 O.63 .66 •73 .78 .86 25 26 27 28 29 2.90 3.16 3-45 3.78 4- 15 2.91 3.18 3-49 3.8i 4.18 2.8o 3.08 3-37 3.70 4.05 2.58 2.84 3-n 3 -4o 3-73 2.20 2.44 2.67 2.92 3.19 I.67 I.84 2.02 2.20 2.41 •93 1.05 1. 14 1.24 1.36 30 31 32 33 34 4.57 5- °3 5.56 6.16 6.86 4.61 5.08 5.6i 6.23 6-95 4.46 4.92 5-45 6.06 6.77 4. 11 4-54 5.o4 5.6i 6.28 3-52 3-9o 4.34 4.84 5-43 2.67 2.97 3.30 3.69 4.15 1. 5i 1.68 1.88 2.10 2.36 35 36 37 38 39 7.68 8.64 9.76 11.04 12.51 7.80 8.78 9-95 11.26 12.78 7.62 8.60 9-75 11 .06 12.55 7.09 8.01 9. 11 10 -33 11 .72 6.14 6.96 7.92 8.98 10.17 4.70 5-35 6.09 6.89 7.80 2.69 3.06 3-49 3-94 4.45 40 4i 42 43 44 14.18 16.06 18.13 20.40 22.87 14.49 16.39 18.48 20.77 23.26 14.22 16.06 18.09 20.32 22.74 13.26 14.96 16.83 18.90 21.13 11.50 12.96 14.58 16.35 18.28 8.81 9.92 11. 14 12.50 13.96 5-03 5-66 6.36 7-13 7-95 45 46 47 48 49 25.57 28.51 3i-73 35-21 39.00 26.00 28.97 32.23 35-76 39.62 25.40 28.29 31.47 34.91 38.70 23.60 26.28 29.23 32.44 35-97 20.40 22.71 25.28 28.06 3i-i3 15.58 17-35 19.32 21.45 23.81 8.89 9.89 11.03 12.24 13.60 50 51 52 53 54 43-13 47.65 52.57 57-95 63.81 43.83 48.44 53-47 58.97 64.97 42.83 47-35 52.29 57-7o 63.65 39.83 44.05 48.67 53.77 59.38 34.48 38.15 42.21 46.68 51.61 26.39 29.23 32.28 35.85 39-69 15.09 16.74 18.55 20.57 22.82 55 56 57 58 59 70.17 77.08 84.56 92.53 100.96 71.51 78.63 86.31 94-53 103.20 70.12 77.16 84.79 92.94 101.53 65.48 72.13 79.35 87.05 95.16 56.97 62.85 69.21 76.01 83.12 43-88 48.46 53-44 58.73 64.25 25.26 27.94 30.85 33.92 37-13 60 109.76 112.24 110.47 103.56 90.47 69.96 40.48 Am.3* 20 Yr. Term I46 Principles and Practice Table No. XXXVII. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER tiooo ON TWENTY-YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Terminal Net Values at the End of Age. • Net Pre- miums. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 8.14 •59 1. 14 I.67 2.16 2 .62 3-°5 21 8.23 .62 I .22 1.79 2.32 2.83 3.28 22 8.32 .67 !-3i i-93 2.52 3.06 3-55 23 8.42 •72 1.42 2 .09 2-73 3-32 3.86 24 8-54 •79 i-55 2.27 2 .96 3-6i 4.20 25 8.66 .86 1.69 2.48 3-23 3-93 4.58 26 8.79 •93 1.83 2 .70 3-52 4.29 5.00 27 8.94 1 .02 2.01 2-95 3.85 4.70 5-49 28 9.10 1 .12 2 .20 3-24 4.23 5-i7 6.03 29 9.28 1 .22 2.41 356 4.66 5-69 6.65 30 9.48 i-35 2.67 3-94 5-i5 6.30 7-37 31 9.71 1.50 2 .96 4-37 5-7i 7.00 8.19 32 9.96 1.66 3.28 4.85 6.36 7-79 9-13 33 10.24 1.84 3-65 5-40 7.09 8.69 10.19 34 I0.55 2.06 4.08 6.04 7-93 9.72 11 .41 35 10.91 2.31 4-5° 6.76 8.88 10.90 12.79 36 11.30 2.58 5-" • 7-56 9.94 12.21 14.35 37 11.74 2.89 5-72 8.48 11. 14 i3-7o 16.12 38 12 .24 3-23 6.40 9.49 12.50 15.38 18.12 39 12.78 3.62 7.17 10.65 14.03 17.28 20.36 40 13.40 4.04 8.04 11.94 15-75 19.40 22.87 4i 14.08 4-54 9.01 13.40 17.67 21.77 2^ .66 42 14.83 5.08 10.10 15.01 19.80 24-39 28.74 43 15-67 5-°9 11 .29 16.80 22.14 27.28 32.13 44 16.60 6-34 12.61 18.74 24.70 30.42 35-79 45 17.63 7.08 14.05 20.89 27-5i 33-83 39-78 46 18.77 7.86 15.62 23.20 30-52 37-5 1 44.07 47 20.02 8-73 17.32 25.69 33-77 41.47 48.70 48 21 .40 9.66 I9-I3 28.36 37.26 45-73 53-69 49 22 .92 10.64 21 .07 31.21 40.99 5o-32 59.06 5o 24.57 11 .69 23-14 34.28 45.02 55-24 64.84 5i 26.38 12.81 25-37 37-58 49-33 60.53 71.04 52 28.34 14.02 27-75 41.09 53-94 66.18 77.68 53 30-47 i5-3o 30.27 44.83 58.84 72.19 84.75 54 3 2 -77 16.64 32-94 48.76 64.00 78.54 92 .21 55 35-24 18.06 35-73 52.89 69.43 85.20 100.03 56 37-89 19-53 38.64 57-2i 75-09 92.14 108.18 57 40.74 2*1 .07 41.68 61 .70 80.97 99-35 116.65 58 43-78 22 .67 44-83 66.34 87.06 106.81 125.42 59 47 -°3 24.32 48.08 7i-i3 93-34 114.52 134.48 60 50-5° 26.02 51-42 76.07 99.82 122.47 143.81 20Yr.Term Am.3* Of Life Insurance. i47 Table No. XXXVII. — Continued. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 ON TWENTY- YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. Terminal Net Values at the End OF 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th Year Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 3-42 3-74 4.01 4.20 4.32 4-37 4-3 1 21 3-69 4-05 4-33 4-55 4.69 4-74 4.68 22 4.00 4.38 4.70 4-94 5.10 5-15 5-09 23 4-34 4.76 5.12 5-39 5-55 5.62 5.56 24 4-73 S*9 5.58 5-8 7 6.06 6.14 6.09 25 5 .i« 5.68 6.IO 6-43 6.65 6-74 6.68 26 5- 6 4 6.20 6.67 7.04 7.28 7-39 7-33 27 6.20 6.82 7-35 7.76 8.04 8.15 8.10 28 6.82 I 51 8.10 8.56 8.86 9.00 8.94 29 7-53 8.30 8-95 9.46 9.81 9-97 9.92 30 8-34 9.21 9.94 10.52 10.91 11 .10 n .06 31 9.29 10.25 11 .07 11 .72 12 . 19 12.43 12 .41 32 IO -35 11.44 12.37 13.12 13.66 13-95 13-95 33 11.56 12.79 13-85 14.71 J 5-34 15.69 15-72 34 12.95 14.35 I5-56 !6-55 17.28 17.70 17-74 35 14-54 16.13 i7-5i 18.64 19.49 19.98 20.05 36 16.34 18.14 19.71 21 .01 21.98 22.55 22.64 37 18.37 20.41 22.21 23.68 24.78 25-43 25.52 38 20.66 22 .98 25.00 26.67 27.91 28.62 28.70 39 23-23 25-83 28.11 29.99 31-36 32.13 32.19 40 26.10 29.03 31.58 33-66 35-17 36.01 36.05 4i 29.28 32-55 35-39 37.68 39-34 40.25 40.28 42 32.79 36.42 39-55 42.09 43-92 44.91 44.92 43 36.61 40.63 44.09 46.89 48.91 49-99 49-99 44 40-75 45 IQ 49.01 52.10 54.3i 55-5° 55-49 45 45-25 50.15 54.38 57.78 60.22 61.53 61 .51 46 50 . 10 . 55-51 60.16 63.92 66.61 68.06 68.06 47 55-30 61.31 66.44 7o.57 73-55 75-17 75-iS 48 61 .02 67.57 73.22 77.78 81.08 82.89 82.94 49 67 .11 74.32 80.53 85.58 89.23 91.26 9i-35 50 73-67 8i.59 88.44 94.01 98.06 100.32 100.49 5i 80.73 89-43 96.96 103.10 107.58 no. 13 no. 41 52 88.29 97-83 106.09 112 .84 117. 81 120.69 121 .09 53 96.34 106.77 115.82 123.24 128.75 131.98 132.52 54 104.83 116.20 126.09 134.24 140.32 143-93 144.61 55 113-74 126.10 136.88 145-79 I 5 2 -45 156.46 157-3° 56 123.01 136.42 148.13 157.81 165.09 169.67 170.48 57 132 .66 147.16 159.81 170.30 178.21 183.03 184.18 58 142.65 158.25 171.89 183.22 191.77 197.04 198.34 59 152.96 169.70 184.37 196.56 205 .81 211-55 213.08 60 163.58 181. 51 197.23 210.34 220.33 226.63 228.57 Am.3 % 20 Yr. Term 148 Principles and Practice Table No. XXXVII.— Concluded. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER Siooo ON TWENTY-YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. Terminal Net Values at the End of 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20 Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 4.15 3.86 3-44 2.87 2.13 1. 18 21 4-5° 4.20 3-75 3-i3 2.32 I .29 22 4.91 4-59 4.10 3.42 2-53 I .40 23 5-37 5.02 4.48 3-74 2.76 i-53 24 5.88 5-49 4.91 4.09 3-03 1.67 25 6-45 6.04 5-39 4.51 3-34 1.86 26 7,08 6.62 5-92 4-95 3.68 2.03 27 7.83 7-33 6.57 5-52 4. 11 2.30 28 8.66 8.12 7-3° 6.13 4-57 2-55 29 9.62 9.04 8.13 6.85 5." 2.86 30 10.76 10.13 9.13 7.70 5-77 3-24 31 12.08 11 .40 10.30 8.71 6.54 3.68 32 13.62 12.87 n.65 9.87 7.41 4.17 33 15-35 14-53 1317 11. 15 8-37 4.69 34 17-35 16.44 14.90 12.61 9-45 5-3o 35 19.63 18.59 16.83 14-23 10.67 5-99 36 22 .14 20.96 18.96 16.03 12 .01 6-74 37 24.94 23.58 21-33 18.02 !3-5o 7-57 38 28.03 26.49 23.95 20.23 15-15 8.49- 39 31.42 29.68 26.81 22.63 16.93 9-47 40 35-17 33-21 29.99 25-30 18.93 10.60 4i 39.28 37-07 33-46 28.23 21.13 11.83 42 43-79 41.32 37-3° 31.48 23-57 13.21 43 48.72 45-97 41.51 35.04 26.24 14.72 44 54.07 5i-03 46.08 38.91 29.14 16.34 45 59-96 56.60 5I-I3 43 • 19 32.37 18.18 46 66.35 62.65 56.62 47.86 35-90 20.18 47 73-33 69.27 62.64 53- 00 39.81 22 .40 48 80.93 76.50 69.25 58.66 44.10 24.85 49 89.20 84.40 76.48 64.85 48.82 27.56 50 98.20 93.01 84.37 71-63 54.01 3o.53 5i 1 08 . 00 102.38 92.98 79.06 59-70 33-8i 52 iiS-55 112.50 102 .29 87.08 65.86 37-35 53 129.84 123.35 112.27 95-69 72.44 41 .12 54 141 .81 134.82 122.83 104.76 79-36 45-°9 55 154-34 146.84 I33-85 114.22 86.60 49.27 56 167.3b 159-29 i45- 2 7 124.07 94.20 53-7° 57 180.88 172 .25 157-24 134.52 102.40 58.59 58 194.90 185.81 169.91 145-76 in. 36 64.03 59 209 . 64 200.25 183.65 158.15 121.45 70.27 60 225.33 215.87 198.75 172 .02 132.89 77-43 COST OF INSURANCE. American Experience Table of Mortality. INTEREST, THREE PER CENT. S.P. Am.3 Of Life Insurance. 149 Table No. XXXIX. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF AN ORDINARY LIFE ' SINGLE PREMIUM POLICY, AMERICAN EX- PERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. Cost of Age. Cost of Age. Cost of Insurance. Insurance. Insurance. 20 5-i9 45 5-42 70 13.22 21 5.18 46 5-5° 71 13.76 22 5-i7 47 5-59 72 14.28 23 S-i7 48 5-7° 73 14.78 24 5.16 49 5.83 74 15.24 25 5-i5 50 5-98 75 15.66 26 5.i4 5i 6.16 76 16.07 27 5-i4 52 6-35 77 16.46 28 5-i3 53 6-55 78 16.86 29 5- x 3 54 6.79 79 I7-25 30 5.12 55 7.04 80 17.71 31 5.12 56 7-3i 81 18.14 32 5-i2 57 7.60 82 18.54 33 5.12 58 7.91 83 18.85 34 5-i2 59 8.24 84 I9-I3 35 5.12 60 8-59 85 19,48 36 5-i4 61 8-97 86 19.96 37 5-14 62 9-3 6 87 20.60 38 5.16 63 9-77 88 21 .24 39 5-x8 64 10.21 89 21.68 40 5.21 65 10.66 90 22 .OI 4i 5-24 66 n .14 91 22 .63 42 5.27 67 11.63 92 23.9O 43 5-3i 68 12.15 93 24.35 44 5-37 69 12 .67 94 24.97 Am.3* O.L I50 Principles and Practice Table No. XL. • COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7-75 7-74 7-73 7.72 7-7i 7.69 7.69 7.68 21 7.80 7-79 7.78 7.76 7-75 7-74 7-73 7.72 22 7.85 7-83 7.82 7-8i 7.80 7-79 7.78 7.78 23 7.90 7.88 7.87 7.86 7-85 7.84 7-84 7.83 24 7-95 7-93 7.92 7.91 7.90 7.90 7.89 7.88 25 8.00 7-99 7.98 7-97 7.96 7.96 7-95 7.95 26 8.06 8.05 8.04 8.03 8.03 8.02 8.02 8.02 27 8.12 8. 11 8. 11 8.10 8.09 8.09 8.10 8.10 28 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.17 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.18 29 8.26 8.25 8.25 8.24 8.25 8.26 8.26 8.27 30 8.34 8-33 8-33 8.34 8.34 8-34 8.36 8.37 31 8.42 8.42 8.42 8.43 8.43 8.45 8.46 8.50 32 8.51 8.52 8.52 8.52 8.54 8.56 8.59 8.62 33 8.62 8.62 8.62 8.64 8.65 8.69 8.72 8-77 34 8.72 8.72 8.74 8.76 8.79 8.82 8.87 8.92 35 8.83 8.85 8.87 8.90 8-93 8.98 9-03 9.09 36 8.97 8.98 9.02 9-°5 9.10 9.14 9.21 9.27 37 9. 11 9.14 9.17 9.22 9.27 9-33 9.40 9-5© 38 9.27 9-30 9-35 9.40 9.46 9-53 9-63 9-73 39 9.44 9.49 9-54 9.60 9.67 9-77 9.88 10.02 40 9.64 9.69 9-75 9.82 9.92 10.03 10.18 10.34 4i 9.84 9.91 9.98 10.08 10.19 10.34 10.50 10.71 42 10.08 10.15 10.25 10.36 10.51 10.68 10.89 11 .14 43 10.33 10.43 10.55 10.70 10.87 11.08 11-34 11 .64 44 10.63 10.74 10.90 11.07 11.28 11-55 11.85 12.19 45 10.94 11 .10 11.28 11.50 11.77 12.08 12.42 12.81 46 n-33 11.50 n-73 12.00 12.32 12.67 13.06 13.49 47 11.74 11.97 12.25 12.57 12.94 13-34 13-78 14.26 48 12.23 12.52 12.85 13.22 *3 63 14.08 14-57 15. 11 49 12.80 X3' x 4 I3-52 13-94 14-39 14.90 15-45 16.05 50 13-45 13.84 14.27 14.74 15.26 15.82 16.43 17.08 51 14.18 14.62 15.10 15-63 16.21 16.83 i7-5o 18.21 52 14.99 15.48 16.03 16.62 17.26 17-95 18.68 19.46 53 15.89 16.46 17.06 17.72 18.43 19.17 19.98 20.84 54 16.91 17-53 18.21 18.94 19.70 20.53 21 .41 22.35 55 18.04 18.73 19.48 20.27 21 .12 22.03 22.99 24.00 56 19.29 20.06 20.87 21-75 22.68 23.67 24.71 25.80 57 20.67 21.51 22.42 23-38 24.40 25.48 26.59 27.77 58 22.20 23.14 24.13 25.18 26.29 27.44 28.66 29.94 59 23.90 24-93 26.01 27.16 28.35 29.61 30.94 32-3 1 60 25-78 26.91 28.09 29.32 30.62 32.00 33-42 34-90 , 61 27.86 29.09 30.36 3 J -7i 33-*3 34.61 36.14 37-74 62 3°- I 5 31.48 32.87 34-34 35.87 37-46 39.12 40.82 ' 63 32.67 34- n 35-64 37-23 38.88 40.60 42.36 44.17 64 35-44 37-04 38.69 40.40 42.19 44.62 45-90 47-79 65 38.53 40.25 42.03 43-89 45-79 47-75 49.71 51.61 66 41.92 43-77 45-71 47.69 49-73 5I-78 53-75 55-6i 67 45 - 6 4 47.67 49-73 51.86 53-99 56.05 57-99 59-79 68 49.76 5 r -9i 54-14 56.36 58.51 60.53 62.41 64.17 69 54.25 56.58 58.90 61.15 63.26 65-23 67.06 68.78 70 59-19 61 .62 63-97 66.19 68.24 70.16 71.96 1 73-72 O.L. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. *5i Table No. XL.— Continued. ! COST OF INSURANCE PER txooo OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year, Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.67 7.66 7.66 7-65 7-65 7-65 7.66 7.66 21 7.72 7.71 7.70 7.70 7.71 7.71 7.71 7-73 22 7-77 7.76 7.76 7-77 7-77 7-77 7-79 7.80 23 7.82 7.82 7.83 7.83 7.83 7.85 7.86 7.89 24 7.88 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.91 7.92 7.96 7.98 25 7-95 7.96 7.96 7.98 7-99 8.02 8.05 8.09 26 8.03 8.03 8.05 8.06 8.09 8.12 8.16 8.20 27 8.10 8.12 8.13 8.16 8.19 8.24 8.28 8.33 28 8.19 8.21 8.24 8.27 8.31 8.36 8.41 8.47 29 8.29 8.32 8-35 8.40 8-44 8.49 8.56 8.64 30 8.41 8.44 8.48 8.52 8.58 8.64 8-73 8.83 3i 8.52 8-57 8.61 8.67 8-74 8.83 8.92 9-05 32 8.67 8.71 8-77 8.83 8.92 9.02 9-i5 9.29 33 8.81 8.87 8-93 9-03 9.12 9-25 9.40 9.58 34 8.97 9.04 9- J 3 9- 2 3 9-37 9-5i 9.70 9.92 35 9-i5 9-25 9-35 9.48 9-63 9.82 10.05 10.31 36 9-37 9-47 9.61 9.76 9-95 10.18 10.45 10.75 37 9.60 9-74 9.89 10.08 10.32 10.59 10.90 11.23 38 9.88 10.03 10.22 10.47 10.74 11.05 n-39 11.77 39 10.18 10.38 10.62 10.90 11. 21 11.56 11.94 12.36 40 10.54 10.78 11.07 "•39 11.74 12.12 12.55 13.01 4i 10.96 11.25 u-57 n-93 12.32 12.76 13.22 13.74 42 n-43 11.76 12.13 12-53 12.97 13-45 13-97 14.52 43 11.97 12.34 12.75 13.20 13.68 14.21 14.78 15.38 44 12.57 12.98 13-44 13-93 14.47 I5-05 15.66 16.32 45 13-23 13.70 14.20 14-75 15-34 15.96 16.63 17.34 46 13-97 14.48 15-05 15-64 16.28 16.96 17.69 18.46 47 14.79 I5-36 15-97 16.62 I7-32 18.06 18.85 19.68 48 15.69 16.32 16.98 17.69 18.45 19.26 20.11 20.99 49 16.69 17-37 18.10 18.87 19.70 20.56 21.47 22.41 50 17.78 18.52 19.32 20.16 21.05 21.97 22 .94 23.97 5i 18.98 19.79 20.66 21-57 22.51 23. 5 1 24.56 25.66 52 20.30 21.18 22.12 23.09 24.11 25.19 26.31 27.48 53 21-75 22.70 23.70 24-75 25.86 27.01 28.21 29.46 54 23-33 24.36 25-43 26.58 27.76 28.99 30.27 3I -§! 55 25-05 26.16 27-34 28.55 29.82 3 I - I 4 32.49 33-88 56 26.94 28.15 29.40 30.70 32.07 33-45 34.89 36.32 57 29.02 3o-3i 31-65 33-05 34-49 35-96 37-44 38.87 58 31.28 32.66 34-11 35-59 37'™ 38.64 40.11 4i-5° 59 33-74 35-24 36.77 38.34 39-91 41.44 42.87 44.20 60 36.45 38-03 39.65 41.28 42.86 44-34 45-72 47.00 61 39-37 41 .06 42.75 44-38 45-91 47-34 48.67 49.92 62 42.56 44-3 1 46.00 47-59 49.07 50.45 51.74 53- OI 63 45-99 47-74 49-39 50-93 52.36 53-7° 55 -02 56.34 64 49.61 5I-32 52.92 54-41 55.8o 57-17 58.55 59.91 65 53-39 55-°5 56.60 58.05 59-47 60.91 62.33 63.98 66 57-34 58.95 60.46 61.94 63-43 64.91 66.64 68.28 67 61.47 63.05 64.59 66.14 67.69 69.49 71 .20 72-75 68 65.81 67-43 69.05 70.66 72-54 74-33 75-95 77.23 69 70.47 72 .16 73-85 75-81 77.68 79-37 80.71 81.88 70 75-5° 77.26 79-32 81.27 83.04 84.44 85.67 87.24 Am.3 % O.L '5 2 Principles and Practice Table No . XL.— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $iooo OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE THREE PER CENT. Age. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23 d 24th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.68 7.69 7.72 7-75 7-79 7.83 7.88 7-94 21 7-74 7-77 7.80 7.84 7.88 7-94 7-99 8.08 22 7-83 7.86 7.90 7-94 7.99 8.05 8.14 8.22 23 7.92 7.96 8.00 8.06 8.12 8.20 8.29 8.41 24 8.03 8.07 8.12 8.18 8.26 8-35 8-47 8.61 25 8.13 8.19 8.25 8.33 8.42 8-54 8.68 8.85 26 8.26 8.32 8.4I 8.49 8.62 8-75 8.92 9.13 27 8.39 8.48 8.57 8.70 8.83 9.00 9.22 9.46 28 8.56 8.65 8.78 8.92 9-09 9-3° 9-55 9.82 29 8.74 8.86 9.OO 9.18 9-39 9.64 9.92 10.22 30 8.95 9.10 9.27 9-49 9-74 10.02 10.33 10.67 3i 9.19 9-37 9-59 9.84 10.13 10.44 10.78 II .16 32 9-47 9.70 9-95 10.24 10.55 10.90 11.29 11.70 33 9.81 10.06 10.36 10.68 11.03 11 .42 11.84 12.29 34 10.19 10.48 10.80 11 .16 11-55 11.98 12.44 12.94 35 10.61 10.94 11.30 11 .70 12.13 12.60 13.10 13.63 36 11.08 H-45 11.85 12.29 12.76 13.27 13.81 14-39 37 11.60 12.01 12.45 12.94 13-45 13-99 14.58 15.21 38 12.18 12.63 13.12 13-64 14.19 14-79 15.42 16.10 39 12.82 13-31 13.84 14.40 15.01 I5-65 16.34 17-05 40 I3-52 14.06 14.63 15-24 15.89 16.59 17.32 18.08 41 14.28 14.86 15-49 16.15 16.86 17.60 i8.37 19.18 42 15. II 15-75 16.42 17.14 17.89 18.68 I9-5 1 20.38 43 16.02 16.71 17.44 18.21 19.01 I9-85 20.74 21 .66 44 17.02 17.76 18.54 19.36 20.21 21 . 12 22.06 23.04 45 18.10 18.90 19-73 20.60 21.52 22.48 23.48 24.52 46 19.28 20. 12 21 .01 21.96 22.93 23-95 25.01 26.09 47 20.54 21.45 22.41 23-41 24-45 •25-53 26.64 27.78 48 21.92 22.90 23.92 24.98 26.09 27.22 28.38 29-55 49 23.42 24.46 25-55 26.68 27-83 29.03 30.22 31.37 50 25.04 26.15 27-31 28.49 29.71 3° -93 32.11 33-22 5i 26.79 27.98 29.19 3° -44 31.69 32.90 34.04 35 - IO 52 28.70 29.94 31.22 32-5° 33-74 34.91 35-99 37.01 53 30-73 3 2 -°5 33-37 34.64 35-84 36.95 37-99 38.96 54 32.94 34-29 35- 60 36.83 37-97 39-°4 40.04 41 .02 55 35- 2 7 36.62 37.88 39.06 40. 16 41.19 42 .20 43-21 5<5 37-71 39.01 40.22 41-35 42.41 43-45 44-5° 45-54 57 40.21 41.46 42.63 43-72 44-79 45-87 46.94 48.19 58 42.79 43-99 45- 12 46.22 47-33 48.44 49-73 5o.95 59 45-44 46.61 47-75 48.90 50.04 51.37 52.64 53-79 6o 48.21 49-39 50.58 51.76 53-13 54-44 55-63 56.57 6i 5l»»4 52.37 53-59 55 .02 56.37 57.60 58.57 59.42 62 54-29 55-55 57-03 58-44 59-71 60.72 61 .60 62.73 63 57-66 59-19 60.65 61.97 63.02 63-93 65.10 66.71 64 61.50 63.02 64-39 65.48 66.43 67.65 69.32 71-54 65 65.56 66.99 68.12 69. 11 7o.37 72.12 74-43 76.73 66 69.77 70-95 71.98 73-3o 75-u 77-52 79.91 81.59 67 73.98 75-o5 76.43 78.32 80.83 ^3 -33 85.08 86.37 68 78.35 79-78 81.76 84.38 86.99 88.81 90. 16 92.72 69 83-38 85-45 88.18 90.91 92.82 94.23 96.90 102.33 70 89.40 92 .26 95- i J 97.11 98.58 101.38 107.06 109.06 O.L. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. 1 S3 Table No. XL.— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER Siooc OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32d Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 8.02 8.IO 8.22 8-35 8.51 8.71 8-94 9.20 21 8.16 8.28 8.41 8-57 8.78 9.OI 9.27 9-55 22 8.34 8.47 8.64 8.84 9.07 9-33 9.62 9.94 23 8.54 8.70 8.91 9.14 9.4I 9.70 I0.02 10.37 24 8.77 8.98 9.22 9.48 9-77 10.10 IO.45 10.84 25 9-05 9.29 9-56 9.86 10.18 10.54 IO.93 "•35 26 9-37 9.64 9.94 IO.27 10.63 11.02 n-45 11.90 27 9-73 IO.03 IO.36 IO-73 11 .12 n-55 12.01 12.50 28 10.13 IO.46 IO.83 II.23 11.66 12.12 12.62 I3-I5 29 10.56 IO.93 u-34 II.78 12.24 12.74 13.28 13-84 30 11.05 n. 45 11 .90 12.37 12.87 i3-4i 13-99 14.60 3i n-57 12.02 12.50 13.OI 13-55 14.13 14-75 15.40 32 12.15 12.64 13-15 13.70 14.29 14.91 15-57 16.25 33 12.78 *3'3° 13.86 14-45 15.09 15-75 16.44 17.17 34 13.46 14.03 14.63 I5.27 15-94 16.64 17-37 18.15 35 14.20 14.81 15.46 16.14 16.85 17-59 18.38 19.20 36 15.00 15.66 16.35 17.07 17.82 18.62 19-45 20.31 37 I5-87 16.57 17.30 18.06 18.88 19.72 20.59 21.50 38 16.81 17-54 18.32 19.14 20.00 20.88 21.81 22.75 39 17.80 18.59 19-43 20.29 21.19 22.13 23.09 24.08 40 18.88 19-73 20.61 21.52 22.47 23-44 24-45 25-45 4i 20.04 20 94 21.86 22.83 23.82 24.84 25.86 26.85 42 21 .29 22.23 23.22 24.22 25.26 26.30 27.30 28.24 43 22.62 23-63 24.65 25.70 26.76 27.78 28.74 29.63 44 24.06 25.10 26.18 27.25 28.29 29.27 30.18 3!-03 45 25.58 26.68 27.77 28.83 29.83 3o.75 31.62 32.43 46 27.21 2*. 33 29.41 30.42 3 J -37 32.25 33-o8 33-89 47 28.92 30.02 31.06 32.02 32.92 33-77 34.6o 35-43 48 30.68 3 J -74 32.72 33-64 34.5o 35-35 36.20 37-05 49 32.46 33-46 34-41 35-29 36.15 37.02 37.89 38.89 5o 34.26 35" 22 36.12 37-oi 37-9o 38.78 39.81 40.79 5i 36.08 37.OI 37-92 38.83 39-74 40.79 41 .80 42.71 52 37-96 38.89 39.82 40.75 41.84 42.87 43.8o 44-54 53 39- 9 2 4O.88 41.83 42.95 44.00 44.96 45-72 46.39 54 42.01 42.99 44.13 45.22 46.21 46.98 47-67 48.54 55 44.22 45-40 46.51 47-53 48.33 49-03 49-93 51-17 56 46.75 47.9O 48.94 49-77 5° -49 5i-4i 52.69 54.38 57 49-37 50-45 s 1 ^ 52.05 53- 00 54-3i 56.05 57.78 58 52.06 52.94 53.7i 54.69 56.05 57-84 59-63 60.88 59 54.69 55-49 56.50 57-90 59-76 61 .60 62.90 63.85 60 57-39 58.44 59.89 61.80 63.72 65-05 66.04 67.91 61 60.51 62.01 64.00 65-97 67.36 68.38 70.32 74.26 62 64.28 66.34 68.39 69.83 70.89 72.90 76.98 78.42 63 68.85 70.98 72.47 73-57 75-66 79.90 8i.39 83-45 64 73-75 75-3o 76.44 78.61 83.02 84.57 86.71 65 78.34 79-53 81.78 86.37 87.98 90.21 66 82.83 85.18 89-95 91.63 93-95 67 88.82 93.80 95-55 97-97 68 97.92 99 • 75 102 .27 69 104.24 106.88 70 in. 82 Am. 3* O.L J 54 Principles and Practice Table No. XL.— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER 81000 OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE THREE PER CENT. Age. 33 d 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 9.48 9.80 10.14 IO.52 IO.92 II.36 II.82 12.31 21 9.87 I0.22 IO.59 II .00 11.44 II .90 12.40 12.93 22 IO.29 IO.67 II.08 II.52 II.99 12.49 I3.03 13.60 23 10.75 II. 17 II .61 12.08 12.59 13-13 13.70 14-31 24 11.26 II .70 I2.l8 12.69 13.24 13.81 14.42 I5-05 25 11.80 12.28 I2.8o 13-35 13-93 14.54 15.18 15.85 26 13. 39 12.91 13.46 14-05 14.67 15.31 15.99 16.71 27 I3.02 I3-58 14.18 14.80 15-45 16.13 16.86 17.61 28 I3-7« I4-3 1 14.94 15-59 16.28 17.02 17-77 18.56 29 1445 'i5-°9 15-75 16.44 17.18 17-95 18.74 19-57 30 l5- 2 4 i5-9i 16.61 17-36 18.13 18.93 19.77 20.63 3i 16.08 16.79 17-54 18.32 19-13 19.98 20.85 21-74 32 16.97 17-74 18.53 19.35 20.20 21 .08 21.98 22.88 33 17.94 18.74 19.57 20.44 21.32 22.23 23-15 24.03 34 18.96 19.80 20.68 21.58 22.50 23.42 24.32 25.16 35 20.05 20.94 21.85 22.78 23.72 24.62 25.47 26.26 36 21 .21 22.13 23.08 24-03 24-94 25.81 26.61 27-35 .37 22.43 23-39 24-35 25.28 26.16 26.97 27-73 28.44 38 23.72 24.70 25.64 26.53 27.35 28.12 28.84 29-55 39 25.06 26.02 26.92 27.76 28.54 29.27 29.99 30.71 40 26.42 27-34 28.19 28.98 29.72 30-45 31.18 31-91 41 27.78 28.64 29.44 30.20 3°-94 31.68 32.42 33-29 42 29.12 29.94 30.71 31.46 32.22 32-97 33-85 34.68 43 3° -47 3!- 2 5 32.01 32.78 33-55 34-44 35-29 36.06 44 31.82 32.60 33-39 34.16 35-°7 35-94 36.72 37-34 45 33 - 2 3 34.02 34.82 35-74 36.62 37-42 38.05 38.61 46 34-71 35-5 1 36.46 37-36 38.17 38.82 39.38 40.10 47 36.26 37.22 38.14 38.97 39-63 40.20 40.94 4i-95 48 3»-°3 38-97 39.82. 40.49 41 .08 41.83 42.86 44.24 49 39-85 40.72 41.41 42.01 42.78 43-84 45-24 46.64 50 41.68 42.39 43.00 43-79 44.87 46.31 47-74 48.75 5i 43-43 44.06 44.87 45-98 47-45 48.92 49.94 50.70 52 45 19 46.01 47- x 5 48.66 5 7-49 7«3:> 7.20 7-03 6.86 6.69 24 7.83 7.68 7-54 7.40 7.24 7.08 6.90 6.72 25 7.87 7-74 7.60 7-44 7.29 7.12 6.94 6.76 26 7-94 7.80 7- 6 5 7-50 7-34 7.17 6.99 6.81 27 8.00 7.85 7.71 7-56 7-39 7.22 7-°5 6.87 28 8.06 7.92 7-77 7.61 7-45 7.29 7. 11 6.92 29 8.13 7-99 7.84 7.68 7-53 7-35 7.17 6-99 30 8.21 8.06 7.91 7.76 7.60 7.42 7-25 7.06 31 8.29 8.14 8.00 7-84 7.67 7-5i 7-33 7.15 32 8-37 8.24 8.09 7-93 7-77 7.60 7-43 7.24 33 8.48 8-34 8.18 8.03 7-87 7-7i 7-53 7-35 34 8.58 8.43 8.29 8.14 7-99 7.82 7-65 7.46 35 8.69 8.56 8.41 8.27 8. 11 7-95 7-77 7-59 36 8.82 8.68 8-55 8.40 8.26 8.09 7.92 7-73 37 8.96 8.84 8.70 8.56 8.40 8.25 8.07 7.90 38 9.12 8.99 8.87 8.72 8.58 8.42 8.26 8.08 " 39 9.29 9.17 9.04 8.91 8.76 8.62 8.46 8.31 40 9-48 9-36 9.24 9. 11 8.99 8.84 8.71 8.56 4i 9.68 9-58 9.46 9-35 9.22 9. 11 8.98 8.85 42 9.91 9.81 9.72 9.61 9-5i 9.41 9.30 9.20 43 10.16 10.08 9.99 9.92 9 83 9-75 9.68 9.60 44 10.45 10.38 10.32 10.26 10.20 10. 16 10. 1 1 10.04 45 10.77 io.73 10.69 10.66 10.64 10.63 10.59 10.54 46 11. 15 11. 12 11 .12 11. 13 11. 14 11. 15 11. 14 11 .10 47 n.56 n.58 11.62 11.66 11. 71 11-74 11.74 11 .72 48 12.04 12. 11 12.19 12.27 12.34 12.39 12.42 12.41 49 12.61 12.71 12.83 12.94 13.04 13.12 13-17 13.18 50 i3- 2 5 13-39 13-54 13.69 13-83 13-94 14.01 14.03 5i 13.96 14.15 14-34 14.53 14.70 14.85 14.94 14.97 52 14-77 15.00 i5- 2 4 15-47 15.68 I5-85 15.96 16.01 53 15.66 15-95 16.23 16.51 i6.75 16.95 17.10 17.16 54 16.67 17.01 17-35 17.66 17.94 18.18 18.36 18.44 55 17.79 18.19 i8.57 18.93 19.26 19-54 19-75 19.84 56 19.03 19.49 19.92 20.35 20.73 21.05 21.28 21.38 57 20.41 20.92 21.43 21.91 22.35 22.71 22.96 23.08 58 21 .92 22.52 23.10 23.64 24.14 24-54 24.83 24.97 59 23.61 24.29 24.94 25-56 26.10 26.55 26.90 27.06 60 1 25.48 26.24 26.98 27.66 28.27 28.80 29.18 29-35 15Pay.L. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. *59 Table No. XLIL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000, FIFTEEN PAYMENT LIFE POLICY, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERI- ENCE, THREE PER CENT. 9th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th 15th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.41 6.22 6.03 5.8l 5.60 5-37 5-12 21 6.44 6.25 6.04 5.83 5.6l 5.38 5.12 22 6.47 6.27 6.07 5-86 5- 6 3 5.38 5-14 23 6.49 6.30 6.IO 5-88 5-64 5.40 5-14 24 6.53 6-34 6.13 5-9° 5.67 5.42 5.16 25 6.58 6.37 6.16 5-94 5-7o 5-45 5.18 26 6.62 6.41 6.20 5-97 5-74 5-48 5.21 27 6.66 6.46 6.24 6.02 5.78 5.52 5.24 28 6.73 6.52 6.30 6.07 5.83 5.56 5.27 29 6.79 6-59 6.36 6.13 5-88 5.61 5.31 30 6.87 6.66 6.44 6.19 5-94 5.66 5-37 31 6-95 6.74 6.51 6.27 6.01 5-73 5-42 32 7.04 6.83 6.60 6-35 6.10 5-8i 5.5o 33 7.14 6v93 6.70 6.46 6.19 5-9i 5-59 34 7.26 7.04 6.82 6-57 6.31 6.02 5-70 35 7-39 7.18 6-95 6.71 6.44 6.15 5.83 36 7-54 7-33 7. II 6.87 6.60 6.32 5.98 37 7-7i 7-5i 7.29 7-o5 6.80 6.50 6.16 38 7.91 7.71 7.50 7.28 7.02 6.72 6.35 39 8.14 7-95 7.76 7-54 7.27 6.95 6.55 40 8.40 8.24 8.05 7.83 7-55 7.21 6.79 4i 8.72 8-57 8.38 8.15 7.86 7-50 7.04 42 9.08 8.94 8.75 8.51 8.21 7.8i 7.3i 43 9.49 9-35 9.16 8.91 8.59 8.16 7.60 44 9.94 9.80 9.62 9-36 9.00 8-53 7.91 45 10.45 10.32 IO.I2 9-85 9.46 8-93 8.24 46 11.02 10.89 IO.68 10.38 9-95 9-37 8.59 47 11.65 11. 5 2 11.3° 10.97 10.50 9.85 8-97 48 12-35 12.21 11-97 11. 61 11.09 10.36 9.36 49 i3- 12 12.98 12.72 12.32 11-73 10.91 9-77 5o 13-97 13.82 13-54 13.10 12.43 11.49 10.21 5i 14.92 14. 7 6 14-45 13-95 13. J 9 12.12 10.66 52 15.96 15-79 15.44 14.87 14.02 12.81 11. 14 53 17.12 16.92 16.52 15.88 14.92 13-54 11.63 54 18.39 18.16 17.72 17.00 15.90 14.33 12.15 55 19.78 19.53 19.04 18.22 16.97 15.18 12.67 56 21.32 21.05 20.49 19-55 18.14 16.09 13.22 57 *3 -°3 22.72 22.08 21.03 19.41 17.07 13.76 58 24.90 24.55 23.84 22.64 20.80 18.10 14.28 59 26.98 26.59 25.78 24.41 22.29 19.18 14.78 60 29.28 28.83 27.91 26.33 23.88 20.29 15-24 Am.3 % 20Pay.L 1 60 Principles and Practice Table No. XLIII COST OF INSURANCE PER Jiooo, TWENTY-PAYMENT LIFE POL DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Abb. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.68 7.60 7-51 7.42 7.32 7.21 7. II 21 7-73 7.64 7-55 7.46 7-35 7.25 7-15 22 7-77 7.69 7-59 7-49 7.40 7-30 7.19 23 7.82 7-73 7.64 7-54 7.44 7-34 7-23 24 7.87 7.78 7.69 7-59 7.49 7-39 7.28 25 7.92 7.84 7-74 7.64 7-55 7-44 7-33 26 7.98 7.89 7.80 7-71 7.61 7-50 7-39 27 8.05 7-95 7.86 7.77 7.66 7.56 7.46 28 8. 11 8.02 7-93 7.83 7.73 7.64 7-53 29 8.18 8.10 8.00 7.91 7.82 7.71 7.60 30 8.26 8.17 8.08 7-99 7.90 7-79 7.70 31 8-34 8.25 8.17 8.08 7.98 7.89 7-79 32 8.43 8.35 8.27 8.17 8.09 7-99 7.91 33 8-53 8.45 8.36 8.28 8.19 8.12 8.02 34 8.64 8.56 8.48 8.40 8-33 8.24 8.16 35 8-75 8.68 8.60 8.54 8.46 8-39 8.31 3<5 8.88 8.81 8-75 8.68 8.62 8.54 8.47 37 9.02 8.97 8.90 8.85 8.78 8.72 8.65 38 9.19 9-i3 9.08 9.02 8.97 8.91 8.87 39 9.36 9-3* 9.26 9.22 9.17 9.14 9.10 40 9-55 9-5i 9-47 9-43 9.41 9.38 9 '£ 4i 9.76 9-73 9.7o 9.69 9.67 9.68 9.68 42 9.99 9-97 9-97 9.96 9.98 10.00 10.04 43 10.24 10.25 10.25 10.29 10.32 10.38 10.47 44 10.54 IO-55 10.60 10.65 10.72 10.83 10.95 45 10.86 10.91 10.98 11.07 1 1. 19 n-34 11-49 46 11 .24 11. 31 11.42 11.57 n-73 11 .91 12.10 47 11-65 11.78 11.94 12.13 12.33 12-55 12.78 48 12.14 12.32 12.53 12.76 13.01 13.26 13-54 49 12.71 12.94 *3-*9 13-47 13-75 14.06 14.38 50 I3-36 13.63 13-93 14.25 14.60 14.95 15- 3 2 51 14.08 14.41 14.76 15. J 4 15.53 15.94 16.35 52 14.89 15.27 15.68 16. 11 16.57 17-03 17-49 53 15.80 16.24 16.71 17.21 17.71 18.23 18.75 54 16.81 17-32 17.85 18.41 18.98 19.56 20.15 55 17.94 18.51 19.12 19-73 20.38 21.03 21.69 20Pay.L. Am.3 % Of Life Insurance. 161 Table No. XLIII.— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER liooo, TWENTY-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Agi. 8th 9th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 30 7.00 6.88 6.76 6.64 6.50 6.36 6.22 21 7-03 6.92 6.80 6.67 6-53 6.40 6.25 33 7.08 6.96 6.83 6.71 6.58 6.44 6.29 23 7.12 7.00 6.88 6.76 6.62 6.48 6.33 24 7.17 7-°5 6.93 6.80 6.66 6-53 6.38 25 7.22 7. 11 6.99 6.85 6-73 6.58 6-45 36 7.28 7.17 7.04 6.92 6.79 6.65 6.51 27 7-35 7- 2 3 7. II 6-99 6.86 6.72 6-59 38 7.42 7.3i 7.19 7.07 6.94 6.81 6.67 29 7-50 7-39 7.28 7 .!6 7.04 6.90 6.76 30 7-59 7-49 7-37 7.26 7-i3 7.00 6.86 31 7.70 7-59 7-49 7-37 7-25 7.12 6-99 32 7.81 7.71 7.60 7-49 7-37 7.26 7-i3 33 7-94 7.84 7-74 7-63 7-53 7.41 7-3° 34 8.07 7.98 7.88 7-79 7.69 7-59 7-49 35 8.23 8.14 8.06 7-97 7.89 7.80 7.71 36 8-39 8-33 8.25 8.18 8. 11 8.04 7.98 37 8.60 8-53 8.48 8.42 8-37 8.33 8.28 38 8.81 8.78 8.74 8.71 8.69 8.66 8.63 39 9.08 9-°5 9.04 9.04 9.04 9.04 9.01 40 9-37 9-37 9-39 9.42 9.44 9-45 9-44 41 9.71 9-75 9.80 9-85 9.89 9.91 9.92 42 10. 11 10.18 10.26 io-33 10.39 10.43 10.45 43 10.56 10.67 10.77 10.86 10.95 11. 01 11.03 44 11.08 11. 21 n-34 11.46 11.56 11.64 11.68 45 11.65 11. 81 11.98 12.12 12.25 12.34 12.38 46 12.29 12.49 12.68 12.86 13.01 I3-" 13.16 47 13.01 i3- 2 4 13-47 13.67 13.84 13.96 14.02 48 13.81 14.08 14-34 14.57 14.76 14.90 14.97 49 14.70 15.01 i5- 2 9 I5-56 I5-78 15-94 16.01 50 15-68 16.02 16.36 16.65 16.90 17.08 17.14 5i 16.75 I7-I5 17-53 17.86 18.14 18.32 18.38 52 17-95 18.40 18.82 19.19 19.49 19.69 19.77 53 19.27 19.78 20.24 20.64 20.97 21 .20 21.27 54 20.73 21.29 21.80 22.25 22.62 22.86 22.93 55 22.34 22.95 23-51 24.02 24.42 24.69 24.76 Am.3* 20Pay.L 162 Principles ane » Practice Table No. XLIII. — Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000, TWENTY-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY, DURING VARIOUS YEARS , AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.07 5-91 5-74 5.56 5.38 5.18 21 6.IO 5-94 5-77 5.60 5-41 5.21 22 6.14 5-98 5-8i 5.63 5-44 5.24 23 6.18 6.02 5.85 5.68 5.48 5-27 24 6.24 6.07 5-91 5-72 5.52 5.31 25 6.29 6.13 5-96 5-77 5-57 5-37 26 6.36 6.19 6.02 5.83 5-64 5-42 27 6.43 6.27 6.09 5.9i 5-7i 5-5° 28 6.52 6.35 6.18 6.00 5-8o 5-59 29 6.61 6.45 6.28 6. 11 5-9i 5.7o 30 6.72 6.56 6.41 6.23 6.04 5.83 31 6.85 6.70 6.54 6-37 6.19 5-98 32 7.00 6.86 6.71 6.55 6-37 6.16 33 7.17 7.04 6.91 6.76 6-57 6-35 34 7.38 7.27 7.14 6.99 6.80 6.55 35 7.62 7-52 7.40 7.24 7.04 6.79 36 7.90 I 81 8.13 7.69 7-53 7-32 7.04 37 8.22 8.01 8.19 7.61 7.3i 38 8-57 8.49 8.36 7-94 8.29 7.60 39 8.96 8.88 8.76 8.57 7.91 40 9.4O 9-3« 9.19 8.98 8.67 9.08 8.24 41 9.88 9.81 9.66 9.42 8.59 42 IO.42 10 -33 10.17 9.91 9.52 8.97 43 II. OI 10.91 10.73 10.43 9-99 9.36 44 II.65 "•55 "34 XI. 01 10.50 9-77 45 I2.36 12.24 12.01 11.63 11.04 10.21 46 13 J 4 13.01 12.74 12.29 11.62 10.66 47 13-99 13.84 13-53 13.01 12.24 11. 14 48 14.93 14.74 14.38 13.80 12.91 11.63 49 15-95 15.74 15.33 14.65 13.62 12.15 50 17.07 16.83 16.35 15.56 14.38 12.67 5i 18.31 18.02 17.46 16.56 15.19 13.22 52 19.66 19.33 18.69 17-63 16.05 13.76 53 21.15 20.76 20.01 18.80 16.96 14.28 54 22.79 22.32 21.46 20.04 17.89 14.78 55 24-57 24.04 23.02 .21.35 18.84 15.24 lOYr.End. Am.3* Of Life Insurance. 163 Table No. XLIV. COST OF INSURANCE PER 81000 OF A TEN-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 8th Year. 9th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 04 65 7-39 7.45 7-5i 7-57 7.65 7.72 7.80 7.89 7-99 8.09 8.20 8-33 8.46 8.62 8.79 8.98 9.17 9.40 9.64 9-93 10.23 10.60 11.00 11.47 12.02 12.64 13-34 14.12 14.99 15.97 i7-o5 18.26 19.60 21.08 22.73 24.55 26.58 28.81 31.27 33-99 37.02 6.51 6-55 6.60 6.64 6.68 6.74 6.79 6.85 6.92 6.99 7.06 7.14 7-23 7-32 7.42 7-54 7.66 7.80 7-95 8.13 8.30 8.51 8.73 8.99 9.27 9.60 9.96 10.39 10.89 n-45 12.09 12.80 13-59 14.48 15-47 io-57 17.79 19.14 20.65 22.32 24.17 26.22 28.47 3o.97 33-75 36.82 5-84 5.87 5-9i 5-95 6.00 6.05 6.10 6.16 6.22 6.29 6.36 6.44 6.52 6.61 6.72 6.82 6.95 7.09 7.24 7.40 7.58 7.78 8.01 8.26 8.56 8.89 9.27 9.71 10.22 10.78 11 .42 12.13 12.93 13.81 14.80 15.90 17. 11 18.47 19.97 21 .64 23.49 25-53 27.79 30.31 33.09 36.17 5-i3 5.i6 5.20 5.24 5.28 5-33 5.38 5-43 5-49 5-55 5.62 5-69 5-77 5-86 5.96 6.07 6.19 6.32 6.46 6.62 6.79 7.00 7.22 7.48 7.76 8.10 8.49 8.93 9-43 9.99 10.61 11. 31 12.09 12.96 13.93 14-99 16.19 17-52 18.99 20.63 22.43 24.44 26.68 29.16 31.90 34.96 4.38 4.41 4-45 4.48 4-52 4.56 4.61 4.66 4.71 4-77 4.83 4.90 4.98 5-o6 5-i5 5-25 5-37 5-49 5.62 5-77 5-94 6.13 6-35 6.60 6.88 7.21 7-59 8.01 8.49 9.02 9.62 10.29 11.03 11.86 12.77 13.80 14.94 16.21 17.61 19.17 20.90 22.84 24-99 27-37 30.03 3-59 3.62 3.65 3.68 3.72 3.76 3-79 3.84 3-89 3-94 3-99 4.06 4.12 4.20 4.28 4.38 4-47 4.58 4.70 4.85 5.00 5-i8 5.38 5-6i 5-88 6.19 6-54 6-93 7-37 7.86 8.40 9.02 9.70 10.45 11.29 12.23 13.28 14.44 15.73 17.17 18.78 20.56 22.55 24.78 27.24 32.97 29.99 2.77 2.79 2.81 2.84 2.87 2.90 2-93 2-97 3.01 3.05 3.10 3-i5 3-2i 3.27 3-34 3-42 3.50 3.60 3.7o 3.82 3-96 4. 11 4.29 4-5° 4-74 5.01 5-30 5.64 6.02 6-44 6.91 7-43 8.01 8.67 9-39 10.20 11 .11 12. 11 13.22 14.48 15.87 17-43 19.17 21. 11 23.27 25.67 1.89 1. 91 i-93 1-95 1.97 1.99 2.02 2.04 2.07 2. 11 2.14 2.18 2.22 2.27 2.32 2.38 2.44 2.52 2.60 2.69 2.80 2.92 3.06 3.22 3-4i 3.61 3-84 4.10 4.38 4.71 5.07 5-47 5-91 6.41 6-97 7-59 8.28 9-05 9.92 10.89 11.97 13-19 14-54 16.06 17-74 0.97 0.98 o.99 1. 00 1 .01 1.03 1 .04 1.06 1.07 1 .09 1. 11 *.*3 1. 16 1. 18 1. 21 1.25 1.28 1.32 i-37 i-43 1.49 1.56 1.64 1.74 1.84 1 .96 2.09 2.24 2.41 2-59 2.80 3-03 3.28 3-57 3-89 4.25 4.65 5.10 5.60 6.17 6.80 7-5i 8.31 9.20 10.18 19.59 11.26 Am.3* 15Yr.End 164 Principles and Practice Table No. XLV. COST OF INSURANCE PER Jiooo OF A FIFTEEN-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.41 7.04 6.66 6.25 5.82 5-37 4.90 4.40 21 7.46 7.09 6.70 6.29 5-86 5-4i 4-94 4-43 22 7-51 7.14 6-75 6-33 5-9i 5.46 4.98 4.48 23 7.56 7.18 6.79 6-39 5-96 5.5o 5-03 4.52 34 7.61 7- 2 3 6.85 6.44 6.01 5.56 5.08 4-57 2 § 7.66 7.29 6.90 6.49 6.06 5.61 5.13 4.62 26 7.72 7-35 6.96 6.56 6.12 5.67 5.19 4.68 27 7.78 7.41 7-°3 6.62 6.19 5-73 5.25 4-74 28 7.85 7.48 7.10 6.69 6.26 5.8i 5-32 4.80 29 7.92 7.56 7.17 6.76 6-34 5-88 5-39 4.88 30 8.00 7-63 7.25 6.85 6.42 5-96 5.48 4.96 31 8.08 7.72 7-34 6-94 6.50 6.05 5-57 5.06 32 8.17 7.82 7-44 7-°3 6.61 6.15 5-67 5-15 33 8.28 7.92 7-54 7.14 6.72 6.27 5-78 5-27 34 8.38 8.02 7.66 7.26 6.84 6-39 5-9i 5.38 35 8.49 8.15 7.78 7-39 6-97 6.53 6.04 5.52 36 8.63 8.28 7-93 7-54 7-i3 6.67 6.19 5.66 37 8.77 8.44 8.08 7.70 7.28 6.84 6-35 5-83 38 8-93 8.60 8.25 7.87 7.46 7.01 6.54 6.01 39 9.10 8.79 8.43 8.06 7-65 7.22 6.74 6.23 40 9-3° 8.98 8.64 8.27 7.88 7-45 6.99 6.47 4i 9-5° 9.20 8.86 8.51 8.12 7.71 7.25 6.74 42 9-73 9-43 9.12 8.78 8.41 8.01 7-56 7.07 43 9.98 9-7i 9.40 9.09 8-73 8-35 7.92 7 'i 3 44 10.28 10.01 9-74 9-43 9. 11 8-75 8.34 7-85 45 10.60 10.37 10. 11 9.83 9-54 9.20 8.80 8.31 46 10.98 10.76 10.54 10.30 10.03 9.71 9.32 8.83 47 n-39 11 .22 11.04 10.84 10.59 10.28 9.89 9-41 48 11.87 n-75 11 .61 n-43 11 .21 10.92 io.55 10.06 49 12.44 12.36 12.25 12.10 11 .90 11.63 11.27 10.79 5o 13.08 13.04 12.97 12.85 12.68 12.43 12.08 11.59 51 13.80 13.80 13.76 13.69 13-54 13.32 12.98 12.48 52 14.61 14.65 14.66 14.62 14.51 14.30 13.97 13.48 53 i5-5o 15.60 15-65 15.66 15-58 15.39 15.08 14.58 54 16.51 16.66 16.76 16.81 16.76 16.61 16.31 15.81 55 17-63 17.83 17.99 18.08 18.08 17.96 17.67 I7 'll 56 18.87 19.14 19-35 19.49 19.54 J9.45 19.19 18.68 57 20.25 20.57 20.86 21 .06 21 .16 21 .11 20.86 20.36 58 21.77 22.18 22.53 22 .80 22.94 22.93 22.71 22.22 59 23.46 23-95 24.38 24.71 24-91 24.95 24.77 24.29 60 1 2 5-33 25-91 26.42 26.82 27.09 27.20 27.05 26.58 15Yr.End. Am.3* Of Life Insurance 165 Table No. XLV .—Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A FIFTEEN-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 9th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th 15th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 3.87 3-32 2-73 2. II 1-45 0.75 O.OO 21 3-9i 3-35 2.76 2.13 1.47 O.76 O.OO 22 3-95 3.38 2.79 2 .16 I.49 O.77 O.OO 23 3-99 3-42 2.82 2.19 i-5i O.78 O.OO 24 4.03 3-47 2.86 2 .22 i-53 O.79 O.OO 25 4.09 3-5i 2.90 2.25 i-55 O.81 O.OO 26 4.14 3-56 2-95 2.29 i-59 O.82 O.OO 27 4.19 3.62 3.00 2-33 1 .62 O.84 O.OO 28 4.26 3.68 3.o5 2.38 1.65 O.86 O.OO 29 4-33 3-75 3-n 2-43 1.69 O.88 O.OO 30 4.41 3.82 3-i8 2-49 i-73 O.91 O.OO 31 4-5° 3-9o 3-25 2-55 1.78 0-93 O.OO 32 4.60 3-99 3-33 2.6l 1.83 O.96 O.OO 33 4.70 4.09 3-42 2.69 1.89 I. OO O.OO 34 4.82 4.20 3-52 2.78 1.96 I.04 O.OO 35 4.94 4.32 3- 6 4 2.88 2.03 I.08 O.OO 36 5-°9 4.46 3-77 2.99 2.12 1. 14 O.OO 37 5-25 4.62 3-9i 3.12 2.23 I.20 O.OO 38 5-44 4.80 4.08 3- 2 7 2-35 I.26 O.OO 39 5.65 5.01 4.28 3-45 2.48 1.34 O.OO 40 5-89 5-25 4-5i 3-64 2.63 1.43 O.OO 4i 6.18 5-52 4.76 3.86 2-79 I.52 O.OO 42 6.50 5-83 5-°4 4.10 2.98 I.63 O.OO 43 6.86 6.18 5-36 4.38 3-*9 i-75 O.OO 44 7.27 6-57 5-72 4.69 3-43 1.89 O.OO 45 7.72 7.00 6.12 5-o3 3- 6 9 2.03 O.OO 46 8.23 7-49 6.56 5-4i 3-98 2 .20 O.OO 47 8.80 8.03 7.06 5-84 4.31 2-39 O.OO 48 9.44 8.64 7.61 6.31 4.67 2.60 O.OO 49 10.15 9-3i 8.23 6.84 5.08 2.84 O.OO 50 10.93 10.06 8.92 7-44 5-53 3.10 O.OO 5i 11. 81 10.90 9.69 8.10 6.04 3-39 O.OO 52 12.78 11.83 10.54 8.83 6.61 3-72 O.OO 53 13-87 12.86 11.49 9.66 7.24 4.09 O.OO 54 i5-°7 14.01 12.55 10.58 7.96 4.51 O.OO 55 16.41 15.29 13-73 11 .61 8-75 4.98 O.OO 56 17.89 16.72 IS-OS 12.75 9-65 5.5o O.OO 57 19-54 18.30 16.52 14.04 10.65 6.09 O.OO 58 21.38 20.07 18.17 15.48 11.77 6-75 O.OO 59 23.42 22.04 19.99 17.08 13.02 7-47 O.OO 60 25.69 24.23 22.04 18.86 14.40 8.27 O.OO Am.3* 20Yr.End 1 66 Principles and Practice Table No. XLVI. COST OF INSURANCE PER fiooo OF \ TWENTY-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7-54 7-3° 7.06 6.80 6-53 6.24 5-94 5.62 21 7-59 7-35 7. II 6.85 6-57 6.29 5-99 5.67 22 7-63 7.40 7.15 6.89 6.62 6-34 6.04 5-72 23 7.68 7-45 7.20 6-95 6.68 6.39 6.10 5-78 34 7-74 7-5° 7.26 7.00 6-73 6.45 6.16 5.84 35 7-79 7.56 7-32 7.06 6.80 6.52 6.22 5-9i 26 7.85 7.62 7.38 7-i3 6.87 6.58 6.29 5.98 27 7.91 7.69 7-45 7.20 6-93 6.66 6.37 6.06 28 7.98 7.76 7.52 7.27 7.01 6.74 6.45 6.14 29 8.06 7.84 . 7.60 7-35 7.10 6.83 6-54 6.24 30 8.14 7.91 7.68 7-45 7.19 6.92 6.64 6.34 31 8.22 8.00 7.78 7-55 7.29 7-°3 6-75 6.46 32 8.31 8. 11 7.88 7.64 7.40 7.14 6.87 6.58 33 8.42 8.21 7-99 7.76 7-52 7.28 7.00 6.72 34 8-53 8.32 8. ii 7.89 7.66 7.41 7-i5 6.87 35 8.64 8.45 8.24 8.04 7.81 7-57 7-3i 7-°3 36 8.77 8.58 8.40 8.19 7-97 7-74 7-49 7.21 37 8.91 8.74 8-55 8.36 8.15 7.92 7.68 7-43 38 9.08 8.91 8-74 8.54 8.34 8.13 7.90 7.65 39 9- 2 5 9.10 8.93 8-75 8.56 8.36 8.15 7.92 40 9-45 9-3° 9.14 8.97 8.81 8.62 8.43 8.22 4i 9.66 9-5 2 9-38 9.24 9.08 8.92 8-75 8-57 42 9.89 9-77 9-65 9-52 9.40 9.26 9. 11 8.97 43 10.15 10.05 9-95 9-85 9-75 9.64 9-54 9-43 44 10.45 10.36 10.30 10.22 10.15 10.10 10.03 9.94 45 10.77 io-73 10.68 10.65 10.63 10.61 10.58 10.52 46 11. 15 11. 13 11. 13 11. 15 11. 17 11. 19 11 .19 11 .16 47 n-57 11.60 11.66 11.72 11.78 11.84 11.87 11.88 48 12.06 12.15 12.25 12.36 12.46 12-55 12.63 12.68 49 12.63 12.77 12.92 13.07 13.22 I3-36 13.48 13-57 5o 13.28 13-47 13.67 13.87 14.07 14-25 14.42 14.55 51 14.01 14.25 14-5° 14.76 15.01 15-25 J5-47 15-63 52 14.82 15.12 15-43 15-74 16.06 16.35 16.61 16.84 53 15-73 16.09 16.46 16.84 17.21 I7-56 17.89 18.17 54 16.75 17.17 17.61 18.06 18.49 18.91 19.30 19.65 55 17.87 18.37 18.88 19-39 19.91 20.40 20.87 21 .27 20Yr.End. Am.3* Of Life Insurance. 167 Table No. XLVL— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY- YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PEP CENT. Age. 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 5- 2 9 4.94 4-57 4.18 3.76 3-33 2.86 21 5-34 4.99 4.62 4.22 3-8i 3-37 2.90 22 5-39 5-°4 4.67 4.28 3.86 3-42 2-95 23 5-45 5.10 4-73 4-34 3-91 3-47 2-99 24 5-5i 5.16 4-79 4-39 3-98 3-53 3-°5 25 5.58 5.23 4.85 4.46 4.04 3.60 3. 11 26 5-65 5-3° 4-93 4-54 4.12 3.66 3-i8 27 5-73 5-38 5.01 4.62 4.20 3-75 3- 2 5 28 5.82 5-47 5-« 4.71 4.29 3.83 3-33 29 5-9* 5-57 5.20 4.81 4.38 3-9 2 3-42 30 6.02 5.68 5-32 4.92 4.49 4.03 3-5 2 31 6.14 5.80 5-43 5-°4 4.61 4-i5 3.63 32 6.27 5-93 5-57 5-i7 4-75 4.28 3-7 6 33 6.41 6.08 5-7i 5-33 4.90 4-43 3-9 1 34 6.56 6.23 5.88 5-49 5-°7 4.60 4.08 35 6.73 6.42 6.06 5-69 5-27 4.80 4.27 36 6-93 6.61 6.28 5-9° 5-49 5-°3 4-5° 37 7.14 6.85 6.52 6.15 5-75 5-29 4-75 38 7.40 7. 11 6.79 6-45 6.05 5.58 5-°3 39 7.68 7.41 7.12 6.78 6-39 5-9i 5-34 40 8.00 7.76 7.48 7.16 6.76 6.28 5-7° 4i 8.38 8.16 7.89 7-57 7.18 6.69 6.09 42 8.81 8.60 8-35 8.04 7-65 7-i5 6-53 43 9.29 9.10 8.87 8-57 8.17 7.67 7.02 44 9.83 9.66 9.44 9.i5 8.76 8.24 7.56 45 10.42 10.29 10.08 9.80 9.40 8.87 8.16 46 11 .10 10.98 10.80 10.52 10.12 9-57 8.83 47 11.85 11.76 u-59 11.32 10.92 10.36 9-58 48 12.68 12 .62 12.46 12.21 11. 81 11.23 10.42 49 13.60 J 3-56 13-44 13.20 12.80 12.20 n-34 5o 14.62 14.62 14-52 14.29 13.89 13.27 12.36 5i 15-75 15-79 I5-72 i5-5i 15.10 14-45 I3-5I 52 17.00 17.08 17.04 16.84 16.44 I5-78 14.78 53 18.39 18.51 18.50 18.32 17-93 I7-25 16.19 54 19.92 20.08 20.11 19.97 19.58 18.88 17-77 55 21 .60 21 .82 21 .90 21.78 21.40 20.69 i9-5i Am.3* 20Yr.End 1 68 Principles and Practice Table No. XL VI.— Concluded COST OF INSURANCE PER 81000 OF A TWENTY- YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 2.36 I.83 I.27 O.66 O.OO 21 2.40 1.86 I.29 O.67 O.OO 22 2.44 1.90 1.32 O.69 O.OO 23 2-49 1.94 1-35 0.70 O.OO 24 2-54 1.98 I.38 0.72 O.OO 25 2-59 2.02 1. 41 O.74 O.OO 26 2.65 2.08 1-45 O.76 O.OO 27 2.72 2.13 1.49 O.78 O.OO 28 2.79 2.19 1-54 O.81 O.OO 29 2.87 2.26 I.60 O.85 O.OO 30 2.96 2-35 1.66 O.88 O.OO 31 3-°7 2.44 1.73 °-93 O.OO 32 3-i9 2-54 1. 81 0.97 O.OO 33 3-33 2.67 1. 91 1.03 O.OO 34 3-49 2.81 2.02 1 .09 O.OO 35 3.67 2.97 2.14 1. 16 O.OO 36 3.88 3-i4 2.27 1.24 O.OO 37 4. 11 3-34 2.43 *-33 O.OO 38 4-3 6 3-56 2.60 i-43 O.OO 39 4-65 3.81 2.79 i-53 O.OO 40 4.98 4.09 3.00 1.66 O.OO 4i 5-34 4.40 3-23 1.79 O.OO 42 5-74 4-74 3-5° 1.94 O.OO 43 6.18 5-13 3-79 2. 11 O.OO 44 6.68 556 4.12 2.30 O.OO 45 7-23 6.03 4-49 2.51 O.OO 46 7-85 6-57 4.90 2.75 O.OO 47 8-54 7.16 5-35 3.02 O.OO 48 9.30 7.82 5.87 3-3i O.OO 49 10.15 8.56 6.44 3.65 O.OO 50 11. 11 9-39 7.08 4.02 O.OO 51 12.16 10.31 7.80 4-44 O.OO 52 '13.34 11-34 8.60 4.92 O.OO 53 14.66 12.49 9-50 5-44 O.OO 54 16.12 13-77 10.50 6.02 O.OO 55 17-74 15-19 "•59 6.66 O.OO 25Yr.End. Am.3* Of Life Insurance 169 Table No. XLVII. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.61 7.46 7.29 7.12 6.94 6.74 6-55 6.34 21 7.66 7-51 7-34 7.17 6.98 6.80 6.60 6-39 22 7.71 7-55 7-39 7.22 7.04 6.85 6.65 6.45 23 7.76 7.60 7-44 7.27 7.10 6.91 6.72 6.51 24 7.81 7.65 7-5° 7-33 7.16 6.98 6.78 6.58 25 7.86 7.72 7-56 7-39 7.22 7.04 6.85 6.65 26 7-93 7.78 7.62 7.46 7.29 7. 11 6-93 6.74 27 7-99 7.84 7.70 7-54 7-37 7.19 7.02 6.82 28 8.06 7.92 7-77 7.61 7-45 7.28 7. 11 6.91 29 8.14 8.00 7-85 7.70 7-54 7.38 7.20 7.02 30 8.22 8.08 7-94 7-79 7.64 7.47 7-3i 7-i3 31 8.30 8.17 8.04 7.89 7-74 7-59 7.42 7.26 32 8-39 8.27 8.14 8.00 7.86 7.71 7.50 7.40 33 8.50 8.38 8.24 8.12 7.98 7.85 7.70 7-55 34 8.61 8.48 8.37 8.25 8.13 8.00 7.86 7.71 35 8.72 8.62 8.51 8.40 8.28 8.17 8.03 7.90 36 8.86 8.75 8.66 8.56 8.46 8.34 8.22 8.10 37 9.00 8.92 8.82 8.74 8.64 8-54 8.43 8-33 38 9.17 9.08 9.01 8.92 8.84 8-75 8.67 8.58 39 9-34 9.28 9.20 9.14 9.06 9.00 8.93 8.87 40 9-54 9.48 9.42 9-37 9-3 2 9.27 9.24 9.20 4i 9-74 9.71 9.66 9.64 9.60 9-59 9-57 9-57 42 9.98 9-95 9-94 9.92 9-93 9.94 9-97 10.01 43 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.27 10.30 IO-35 10.42 10.51 44 10.54 10.5S 10.60 10.65 10.72 10.82 10.94 11.07 45 10.86 10.92 10.99 11.08 11 .22 11.36 n-53 11.69 46 11.24 "•33 11.44 11 .60 11.78 11.97 12.17 12.39 47 11.66 11.80 11.98 12.18 12.40 12.64 12.90 13.16 48 12.15 12.35 12.58 12.83 13. 11 13-39 i3-7o 14.02 49 12.73 12.98 13.26 i3-5 6 13.88 14.24 14.60 14.97 5o 13.38 13.68 14.02 14-37 14.76 15.16 15-59 16.02 Am.3* 25Yr.End. I70 Principles and Practice Table No. XL VII .—Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER Jiooo OF A TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6. II 5-89 5-64 5.38 5-ii 4.83 4.53 4.20 21 6.17 5-94 5-7° 5-44 5-i8 4.89 4-59 4.27 22 6.23 6.00 5-76 5-52 5-25 4.96 4.66 4.34 23 6.30 6.07 5-84 5-59 5-32 5 -o4 4-74 4.42 24 6.37 6.15 5.91 5-66 5-4© 5.12 4.83 4.51 25 6.45 6.23 5-99 5-75 5-49 5.21 4.92 4.60 26 6-53 6.31 6.08 5.84 5-59 5-3i 5-02. 4.70 27 6.62 6.41 6.18 5-95 5- 6 9 5-43 5-i3 4.82 28 6.72 6.51 6.30 6.06 5-82 5-55 5.26 4-94 29 6.83 6.63 6.41 6.19 5-94 5-68 5-39 5-°9 30 6-95 6-75 6-55 6.32 6.09 5-82 5-55 5- 2 5 31 7.08 6.90 6.69 6.48 6.24 6.00 5-72 5-43 32 7- 2 3 7.04 6.85 6.64 6.42 6.18 5-92 5-64 33 7-39 7.21 7.02 6.83 6.62 6-39 6.14 5.87 34 7-56 7-39 7-23 7.04 6.85 6.63 6.40 6.15 35 7-75 7.61 7-44 7.28 7.10 6.91 6.70 6.46 36 7-97 15 7.70 7-55 7.40 7-23 7.04 6.82 37 8.21 7-99 7.86 7-74 7.60 7-42 7.21 38 8.50 8.40 8.32 8.23 8.13 8.01 7.85 7.65 39 8.81 8.75 8.70 8.64 8.57 8.47 8.32 8.14 40 9.17 9-15 9.14 9. 11 9.06 8.97 8.86 8.68 41 9-59 9.61 9.62 9.62 9.60 9-55 9-44 9.29 42 10.07 10.12 10.17 10.20 10.21 10.18 10.10 9.96. 43 10.60 10.69 10.77 10.84 10.88 10.88 10.83 10.70 44 11 .20 u-33 n-45 11-55 11.63 11.66 11.62 11.52 45 11.86 12.04 12.20 12.34 12.45 12.51 12.51 12.43 46 12.61 12.82 13 -°3 13.21 I3-36 13.46 13-49 13-43 47 13-43 13.70 13-95 14.17 14-37 14-51 14-57 14-54 48 14-34 14.66 14.96 15-24 15.48 15.66 15.76 15.75 49 15-35 I5-72 16.08 16.41 16.70 16.93 17.07 17.09 5o 16.45 16.89 ^7-3^ 17.70 18.05 18.32 18.51 18.58 25Yr.End. Am.3* Of Life; Insurance; 1 7 i Table No. XL VII.— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER 81000 OF A TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23 d 24th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 3-87 3-5° 3-n 2.69 2.24 i-75 1.22 .64 21 3-93 3-57 3-i7 2.75 2.29 1.80 1.25 .66 22 4.00 3- 6 3 3-24 2.81 2.35 1.84 I.29 .68 23 4.08 3-7i 3-3i 2.88 2.41 1.90 1-33 .70 24 4.17 3.80 3-40 2.96 2.49 1.96 1.38 •73 25 4.26 3-»9 3-49 3-05 2.56 2.03 1.44 .76 26 4-3 6 3-99 3-59 3-i4 2.66 2. 11 I.50 .80 27 4.48 4. 11 3-7o 3.26 2.76 2.20 i-57 .84 28 4.61 4.24 3-83 3.38 2.88 2.31 1.65 .89 29 4.75 4.39 3-98 3.53 3.02 2-43 i-75 •95 30 4.92 4-5 6 4.15 3.7o 3-17 2-57 1.85 1. 01 31 5-" •4-75 4-35 3-89 3-35 2.72 1.97 1.07 32 5-32 4-97 4-57 4. 11 3-55 2.89 2.10 1. 15 33 5-57 5-23 4.83 4-35 3-77 3.08 2.25 1-23 34 5.86 5-52 5-n 4.62 4.02 3-29 2.41 1-33 35 6.18 5.84 5-42 4.92 4-3° 3-53 2-59 1-43 36 6-54 6.20 5.78 5.26 4.61 3.80 2.79 i-55 37 " 6.94 6.60 6.17 5.63 4-95 4.09 3.02 1.68 38 7-39 7-°5 6.61 6.05 5-33 4.42 3-27 1.82 39 7.88 7-55 7.10 6.51 5.76 4.79 3-55 1.98 40 8.44 8.10 7-63 7.03 6.23 5.i9 3-86 2.16 4i 9-o5 8.70 8.23 7.60 6-75 5.65 4.21 2.36 42 9.72 9-38 8.90 8.23 7-34 6.15 4.60 2.59 43 10.48 10.13 9.64 8.94 7.98 6.71 5.03 2.84 44 11.31 10.97 10.45 9.72 8.70 7-34 5-52 3-13 45 12.23 11.89 "•35 10.58 9.5o 8.03 6.06 3-44 46 I3-25 12.90 12.35 11-54 10.39 8.81 6.66 3.80 47 14.37 14.02 13.46 12.61 n.38 9.67 7-34 4.19 48 15.60 15.27 14.69 13-79 12.48 10.63 8.09 4-63 49 16.97 16.64 16.05 15.10 13.70 11.70 8.92 5-« 50 18.48 18.16 17.55 16.55 15 -°5 12.89 9.84 5.65 Am.3 % 30Yr.End 172 Principles and Practice Table No. XL VIII. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A THIRTY-YEAR ENDOWMENT ] POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.66 7-55 7-44 7-33 7-20 7.07 6.94 6.80 21 7.71 7.60 7-49 7-37 7-25 7.12 6.99 6.85 22 7.76 7-65 7-54 7.42 7.31 7.18 7-05 6.92 23 7 ^ 7.70 7-59 7.48 7-37 7.24 7.12 6.98 34 7.86 7-75 7.65 7-54 7.42 7.31 7.18 7-05 25 7.91 7.82 7.71 7.60 7-5o 7-38 7-25 7-i3 26 7.98 7.88 7.78 7.68 7-57 7-45 7-33 7.22 27 8.04 7-94 7.85 7-75 7.64 7-53 7.42 7-3i 28 8. 11 8.02 7-93 7.82 7.72 7.82 7-63 7.52 7.40 29 8.19 8.10 8.00 7.91 7.72 7.61 7-5i 30 8.26 8.18 8.09 8.01 7.92 7.82 7-73 7-63 31 8-35 8.27 8.19 8. 11 8.02 7-94 7.85 7.76 32 8.44 8-37 8.30 8.21 8.14 8.06 7-99 8.13 7.90 8.07 33 8-55 8.48 8.40 8-34 8.27 8.21 34 8.66 8-59 8-53 8.47 8.42 8-35 8.30 8.23 35 8.77 8.72 8.67 8.62 8-57 8-53 8.47 8.42 36 8.91 8.86 8.82 8.78 8-75 8.70 8.67 8.63 37 9-°5 9.02 8.99 8.96 8-93 8.90 8.88 8.87 38 9.22 9.19 9.17 9-i5 9.14 9.12 9-i3 9.12 39 9-39 9-38 9-37 9-36 9.36 9-3 8 9-39 9-43 40 9-59 9-58 9-59 9-59 9.62 9-65 9.70 9.76 4i 9-79 9.81 9.83 9.86 9.90 9-97 10.05 10.15 42 10.03 10.06 10. 11 10.15 10.24 10-33 10.45 10.61 43 10.29 io-35 10.40 10.50 10.60 10.74 10.92 11. 12 44 10.59 10.66 10.76 10.88 11.03 11 .22 n.45 11.69 45 10.91 11.03 11. 15 11.32 ".53 11.77 12.04 12.33 30Yr.End. Am.3* Of Life Insurance 173 Table No. XLVIII— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A THIRTY-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.65 6 49 6-33 6.16 5.98 5.80 5.60 5-38 21 6.71 6.56 6-39 6.23 6.06 5-8; 5.67 5-47 22 6.77 6.62 6.46 6.30 6.13 5-94 5-76 5-55 23 6.84 6.69 6-55 6.38 6.21 6.04 5.85 5-66 24 6.91 6.78 6.63 6.47 6.31 6.13 5-96 5.76 25 7.00 6.86 6.71 6-57 6.40 6.24 6.07 5-88 26 7.09 6-95 6.81 6.67 6.52 6.36 6.19 6.01 27 7.18 7.06 6.92 6.79 6.64 6.49 6.32 6.15 28 7.29 7.16 7-05 6.91 6.78 6.63 6.47 6.30 29 7.40 7.29 7.17 7.06 6.92 6.78 6.63 6.48 30 7-53 7-43 7.32 7.20 7.08 6.95 6.82 6.68 31 7.67 7-58 7-47 7-37 7.26 7-i5 7.02 6.90 32 7.83 7-74 7-65 7.55 7.46 7-36 7.26 7-i5 33 7-99 7.91 7.83 7.76 7.68 7.61 7-52 7-44 34 8.17 8. 11 8.05 7-99 7-94 7.88 7.83 7.78 35 8-37 8-33 8.29 8.26 8.22 8.20 8.18 8.17 36 8.60 8-57 8.56 8.55 8-55 8-57 8.58 8.59 37 8.85 8.86 8.87 8.89 8-93 8.98 9.03 9.07 38 9.i5 9.18 9.22 9.29 9-37 9-45 9-53 9.60 39 9-47 9-54 9.63 9-74 9.85 9-97 10.08 10.19 40 9.85 9-97 10.10 IO.24 10.39 10.54 IO.70 10.84 4i 10.29 10.45 10.62 IO.80 10.99 11. 19 11.38 11.56 42 10.79 10.98 11.20 II.42 11.66 11.89 12.13 12.35 43 11-34 n.58 11.84 12. 11 12.39 12.68 12.95 13.22 44 11.96 12.24 "•55 12.87 13.20 13.53 13.86 14.17 45 12.64 12.98 13-34 13.71 14.09 14.47 14.86 15.22 Am.3* 30Yr.End J74 Principles and Practice Table No. XL VIII — Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER Si 000 OF A THIRTY-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS. AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT. Age. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 5-17 4-93 4.69 4.42 4.14 3.83 3-50 3.13 21 5.25 5.02 4.78 4.52 4.23 3.92 3-59 3-23 22 5-35 5.12 4.88 4.61 4.33 4.02 3-69 3-33 23 5-45 5-23 4.98 4.72 4-44 4.I4 3-8l 3-45 24 5.56 5-34 5.IO 4.84 4-57 4.27 3-94 3.53 25 5-68 5-47 5.23 4.99 4.71 4.42 4.09 3-73 26 5.81 5 -°o 5-38 5.14 4.88 4-59 4.26 3-9i 27 5-96 5-77 5-55 5-32 5.06 4.78 4-47 4. 11 28 6.13 5-94 5-74 5.51 5.27 5.00 4.69 4-33 29 6.31 6.14 5-95 5-74 5-52 5.26 4-95 4.58 30 6-53 6-37 6.20 6.01 5.80 5-54 5-24 4.86 31 6.77 6.63 6.48 6.31 6. 11 5.86 5-55 5.18 32 7-05 6-93 6.81 6.65 6.46 6.21 5.9i 5-53 33 7-37 7.28 7.17 7-03 6.84 6.61 6.31 5-92 34 7-73 7.66 7-57 7-45 7.28 7.05 6-75 6-35 35 8.14 8.09 8.02 7.92 7.76 7-54 7.24 6.82 36 8.59 8-57 8.52 8.43 8.29 8.08 7-77 7-35 37 9.10 9.10 9.08 9.01 8.88 8^67 8-37 7-94 38 9.66 9.69 9.69 9-65 9-53 9-33 9-03 8-59 39 10.28 io.35 10.37 10.34 10.25 10.06 9.76 9-3° 40 10.97 11.06 11. 11 11. 12 11.04 10.87 10.56 10.09 4i 11.72 11.85 11.94 11.97 11. 91 n-75 11.44 10.96 42 12.55 12.72 12.84 12.90 12.87 12.72 12.42 11.92 43 13.46 13.68 13.84 13-93 13.92 13-79 13.49 12.98 44 14.47 14.73 14.93 I5-05 i5-o7 14.97 14.68 14.15 45 15-57 15.88 16.12 16.28 16.35 16.26 15-97 15.44 30Yr.End. Am.3* Of Life Insurance. 175 Table No. XLVIIL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A THIRTY-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE PER CENT Age. 25th 26th S7th 28th 29th 30th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 2.74 2.30 I.83 1 .29 69 O.OO 21 2.83 2-39 I.90 i-35 .72 O.OO 22 2-93 2.48 I.98 1. 41 .76 O.OO 23 3-°4 2-59 2.07 1.49 .80 O.OO 24 3.17 2.71 2.18 i-57 .85 O.OO 25 3-32 2.85 2.30 1.66 .90 O.OO 26 3-49 3.01 2.44 1.77 .96 O.OO 27 3-69 3-!9 2.59 1.88 I.03 O.OO 28 3-9o 3-38 2.77 2.01 I. II O.OO 29 4.14 3.61 2.96 2.16 1. 19 O.OO 30 4.41 3.85 3-i7 2.32 1.28 O.OO 31 4.71 4.13 3 -4o 2.50 i-39 O.OO 32 5-°5 4-43 3-67 2.70 1.50 O.00 33 5-42 4-77 3-9 6 2-93 1.63 O.OO 34 5.82 5-i5 4.28 3.18 1.77 O.OO 35 6.28 5-57 4.64 3-45 i-93 O.OO 36 6.78 6.03 5-°4 3-76 2. 11 O.OO 37 7-34 6-55 5-49 4.10 2.31 O.OO 38 7.96 7. 11 5.98 4.49 2.53 O.OO 39 8.65 7-74 6-53 4.91 2.78 O.OO 40 9.40 8.44 7.14 5-38 3.06 O.OO 4i 10.24 9.22 7.81 5-9i 3-37 O.OO 42 11. 16 10.08 8.56 6.50 3.7i O.OO 43 12.19 11.03 9.40 7-i5 4.10 O.OO 44 13 32 12.08 10.32 7-87 4-Si O.OO 45 14.56 13.24 11.34 8 65 4-97 0.00 The American Experience Table of Mortality NET PREMIUMS AND NET VALUES COMPUTED THEREFROM ON THE BASIS OE THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT INTEREST. Am.3J* Comm. I 7 S Principles and Practice Table No. XLIX COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. D z *r* C x M x Rx 20 46556.2 984399-5 35i-o 13267.5 397287.23 21 44630.8 937843-3 338.8 12916.5 384019.73 22 42782.8 893212.5 326.8 12577.7 37"03-23 23 41009.2 850429.7 315-3 12250.9 358525.53 24 39307- 1 809420.5 304.3 . "935-6 346274.63 25 37673.6 770113-4 293.6 "631.3 334339-03 26 36106. 1 732439-8 283.6 "337-7 322707.73 27 34601.5 696333-7 274.0 1 1054. 1 3 II 37o.°3 28 33!57-4 661732.2 264.8 10780. 1 3°°3 I 5-93 29 sm*-3 628574.8 256.1 I0 5i5-3 289535.83 30 30440.8 596803.5 247.9 10259.2 279020.53 3i 29163.5 566362.7 239.8 10011.3 268761.33 32 27937-5 537199-2 232.25 977"45 258750-03 33 26760.5 509261.7 225.47 Q539-2Q 248978.58 34 25630.1 482501 .2 218.68 93 J 3-73 239439-38 35 24544-7 456871. 1 212.20 9095-05 230125.65 36 23502.5 432326.4 206.33 8882.85 221030.60 37 22501.4 408823.9 200.79 8676.52 212147.75 38 21539-7 386322.5 195.80 8475-73 203471.23 39 20615.5 364782.8 191 .07 8279.93 194995-5° 40 19727.4 344167.3 186.69 8088.96 186715.57 4i 18873.6 324439-9 182.47 7902.27 • 178626.61 42 18052.9 305566.3 178.82 7719.80 170724.34 43 17263.6 287513.4 175.41 7540.98 163004.54 44 16504.4 270249.8 172.68 7365 : 57 155463 -5 6 45 15773-6 253745-4 170.20 7192.89 148097.99 46 15070.0 237971.8 168.29 7022.69 140905.10 47 14392. 1 222901 .8 166.91 6854.40 133882.41 48 13738.5 208509.7 166.02 6687.49 127028.01 49 13107.9 194771.2 166.04 6521.47 120340.52 50 12498.6 181663.3 166.34 6355-43 1 13819.05 5i 1 1909. 6 169164.7 167.36 6189.09 107463.62 52 "339-5 I57255-I 168.64 6021 .73 101274.53 53 10787.4 I459I5-6 170.22 5853-09 95252.80 54 10252.4 135128.2 172.30 5682.87 89399.71 55 9733-4Q 124875.8 174.65 55io.57 83716.84 56 9229.60 . 115142-4 177-32 5335-92 78206.27 57 8740.17 105912.81 180.17 5158.60 72870.35 58 8264.44 97172.64 183.14 4978.43 67711.75 59 7801.83 88908 . 20 186.35 4795-29 62733.32 Comm. Am.3i % Of Life Insurance. 179 Table No. XLIX— Concluded. COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age D x N x c x M x R x 60 735I-65 81106.37 189.61 4608.94 57938.03 61 6913.44 73754-72 192.90 44I9.33 53329-09 62 6486.75 66841.28 196.12 4226.43 48909 . 76 63 6071 .27 6o354.53 199. 11 4030.31 44683.33 64 5666.85 54283.26 201.89 3831.20 40653.02 65 5273-33 48616.41 204.46 3629.31 36821.82 66 4890.55 43343-o 8 206.52 3424.85 33!92-5i 67 4518.65 38452.53 208.03 3218.33 29767.66 68 4157-82 33933-88 208.89 3010.30 26549-33 69 3808.32 29776.06 208.87 2801.41 23539.03 70 3470.67 25967.74 207.875 2592.539 20737.627 7i 3145-43 22497.07 205.643 2384.664 18145.088 72 2833.42 I935I-64 201.855 2179.021 15760.424 73 2 535-75 16518.22 196.430 1977.166 13581.403 74 2253-57 13982.47 189.493 1780.736 11604.237 75. 1987.87 11728.90 181.258 1591-243 9823.501 76 1739-39 9741.03 171.940 1409.985 8232.258 77 1508.63 8001 .64 161.884 1238.045 6822.273 78 1295-73 6493.01 156.986 1076. 161 5584.228 79 1100.65 5197.275 140.092 924.898 4508.067 80 9 2 3-338 4096.625 128.881 784.806 3583.169 81 763.234 3173-287 116.959 655-925 2798.363 82 620.465 2410.053 104.4882 538.9661 2142.4386 83 494-995 1789.588 91.6152 434-4779 1603.4725 84 386.641 I2 94-593 78.9562 342.8627 1 168. 9946 85 294.610 907.952 67.0494 263.9065 826.1319 86 2I7-598 613.342 55-8567 196.8571 562.2254 87 154.383 395-744 45-1993 j4 1. 0004 365.3683 88 103.963 241 .3608 34.82425 95.80108 224.36790 89 65.6231 137-3978 25.09928 60.97683 128.56682 90 38.3047 71.7747 16.82248 35-87755 67.58999 9i 20.1869 33.47oo 10.38536 19-05507 31.71244 92 9. 1 1889 13.28309 5.588164 8.669706 ".657379 93 3.22236 4.164203 2.285780 3.081542 3-987673 94 .827611 .941843 •685393 .795762 .906131 95 .114232 .114232 .110369 .110369 .110369 Am.3 2 % Logs 179a Principles and Practice Table No L. LOGARITHMS OF COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND < 3NE-HALF PER CENT. Age. * D x *N X X C x ■k M x 20 4.6679776 5- 993^14 2.54539io 4.1227891 21 4.6496347 5.9721303 2.5298495 4.1111448 22 4.6312692 5.9509548 2.5143073 4.0996012 23 4.6128813 5.9296384 2.4987641 4.0881680 24 4.5944710 5.9081742 2 .4832202 4.0768443 25 4.5760371 5-8865547 2.4676753 4.0656283 26 4-55758o6 5.8647720 2.4527350 4.0545250 27 4.539 95o 5.8428174 2.4377946 4.0435234 28 4.5205804 5.8206823 2.4228543 4.0326228 29 4.5020350 5.7983570 2.4085184 4.0218217 30 4.4834560 5-77583I4 2.3941817 4.0111135 3i 4.4648397 5.7530947 2.3798441 4 . 0004905 32 4.4461876 5.7301354 2.3661068 3.9899590 33 4.4274942 5.7069410 2-3529647 3-9795I2Q 34 4.4087503 5.6834984 2.3398i53 3.9691236 35 4.3899577 5.6597936 2.3266585 3.9588051 36 4.3711141 5-6358118 2.3146746 3.9485524 37 4- 35 22 °95 5-6115363 2.3026706 3.9383456 38 4.333 2 396 5.5869500 2.2918082 3-9281771 39 4-3 I 4 I 939 5-5620343 2.2809078 3.9180267 40 4.2950699 5.5367696 2.2711071 3.9078927 4i 4.2758547 5-5i II 343 2.2612463 3-8Q775I9 42 4.2565470 5.4851054 2.2524347 3.8876060 43 4.2371314 5-4586581 2.2440829 3.8774278 44 4.2175997 5.4317654 2.2372403 3.8672063 45 4.1979308 5.4043982 2.2307742 3.8569034 46 4-1781133 5-3765255 2.2261995 3.8465035 47 4.1581242 5.3481136 2.2223825 3.8359694 48 4.1379393 5-3191263 2.2202309 3.8252632 49 4.II7533I 5.2895248 2 .2200622 3-8143455 5o 4.0968614 5.2592672 2.2212173 3.8031449 5i 4.0758972 5.2283097 2-2235359 3.7916268 52 4.0545939 5 . 1966048 2.2268620 3-77972I3 53 4.0329168 5.1641017 2.2310459 3-7673852 54 4.0108255 5.1307460 2.2363270 3-7545677 55 3.9882646 5.0964783 2.2421596 3-74ii965 56 3.9651829 5.0612352 2.2487706 3.7272093 57 3.94I5I99 5.0249485 2.2556756 3-7125319 58 3'9i72i34 4.9875440 2.2627822 3.6970924 59 3.8921965 4.9489418 2.2703051 3.6808149 Logs. Am.3J* Of Life Insurance 1796 Table No. L. — Concluded. LOGARITHMS OF COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. I D x \N m * c x IM X 60 3.8663849 4.9090550 2.2778482 3. 66360 1 1 61 3.8396942 4.8677898 2.2853527 3.6453564 62 3.8120272 4.8250447 2.2925154 3.6259737 63 3-7832795 4 . 7807099 2 .2990901 3-6053385 64 3-7533417 4-7346659 2.3051093 3.5833348 65 3.7220850 4.6867829 2.3106021 3.5598241 66 3.6893577 4.6369198 2.3149669 3.5346416 67 3.6550087 4.5849249 2.3181076 3.5076306 68 3.6188657 4.5306336 2.319945 2 3.4786098 69 3-58o7335 4.4738673 2.3198506 3.4473767 70 3.5404134 4.4144342 2.3178148 3-4I37253 7i 3.4976800 4.3521260 2.3131062 3.3774272 72 3.4523110 4.2867178 2.3050303 3.3382614 73 3.404.1065 4.2179633 2.2932218 3.2960431 74 3-3528710 4.1455839 - 2.2775875 3.2505995 75 3.2983880 4.0692573 2.2582840 3.2017365 76 3.2403970 3.9886049 2.2353781 3.1492145 77 3.1785827 3.9031790 2.2092178 3.0927364 78 3- II2 5i45 3.8124461 2.1797375 3.0318772 79 3.0416492 3.7I57757 2 . 1464043 2.9660939 80 2.9653607 3.6124263 2.1101857 2.8947623 81 2.8826577 3.5015093 2.0680328 2.8168542 82 2.7927173 3.3820266 2.0190668 2.7315614 83 2 . 6946008 3.2527531 1. 9619678 2.6379677 84 2.5873079 3-1121333 1.8973876 2.5351202 85 2.4692475 2.9580629 1 .8263924 2,4214501 86 2.3376549 2.7877027 1.7470748 2.2941511 87 2.1885995 2.5974143 1. 6551308 2.1492203 88 2.0168788 2.3826667 1.5418818 1. 9813704 89 1. 8170568 2.1379797 1. 3996615 1. 785 1 649 90 1. 5832521 1. 8559714 1.2258889 1.5548228 9i 1.3050697 1.5246557 1 .0164229 1 .2800106 92 0.9599420 1 .1232991 0.7472681 0.9380044 93 0.5081740 0.6195319 0.359035 1 0.4887681 94 1 .9178262 1 -9739785 1-8359393 1.9007832 95 1.0577878 1.0577878 1.0428477 1 .0428471 Am.3i» Ann 1 80 Principles and Practice Table No. LI. VALUE OF AN ANNUITY OF ONE DOLLAR FIRST PAYMENT IMMEDIATE AND NET SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 WHOLE LIFE INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 >3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Annuity Immediate. 22.2245 22.1331 22.0384 21.9403 21.8385 21.7329 21 .6236 21 .5102 21 .3926 21.2707 21.1443 2I.OI34 2O.8779 20-737S 20.5922 2O.4417 2O.2858 20.1244 19-9573 19.7843 19.6054 19.4202 19.2286 19.0304 18.8256 18.6138 18.3949 18.1688 17-9354 1 7 . 6946 17.4461 17.1901 16.9262 16.6543 16.3744 16.0867 i5-79ii 15.4878 15.1770 14.8591 14.5346 14.2041 13.8679 i3-5 26 4 13.1801 Net Single Premium. 248.45 25I-54 254.74 258.06 261.51 265.08 268.77 272.61 276.59 280.71 284.97 289.40 293 -99 298.73 303-65 3o8.73 314.01 3I9-47 325-12 330-97 337.02 343-28 349-76 356.46 363.39 370.55 377-95 385.60 393-49 401.63 410.03 418.69 427.62 436.81 446 . 28 456.00 466.00 476.26 486.77 497-52 508.49 5I9-67 53i.o4 542.58 554.30 Age. 55 50 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 •87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Annuity Immediate. 12.8296 12.4753 12.1179 "•7579 11-3958 11.0324 10.6683 10.3043 9.9410 9-5791 9.2193 8.8626 8.5097 8.1615 7.8187 7.4820 7-1523 .6.8298 6.5141 6.2046 5.9002 5.6002 5-3°39 5.0111 4.7220 4.4368 4.1577 3-8843 3-6i54 3-3483 3.0819 2.8187 2.5634 2.3216 2.0937 1.8738 1.6580 1.4567 1.2923 1. 1380 1. 0000 Net Single Premium. 566.15 578.13 590.22 602 . 39 614.63 626.92 639.24 651.55 663.83 676.07 688.24 700.30 712.23 724.OI 735-60 746.98 758.13 769.04 779.72 790.18 800.48 810.62 820 . 64 830.54 840.32 849.97 859.40 868.65 877-74 886.77 895.78 904 . 68 9I3-32 921.49 929.20 936.64 943-93 95o-74 956.30 961.52 966/18 NetPrems. Am.3i* Of Life Insurance. I«I Table No. LII. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000, AMERICAN EXPERI- ENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. Whole 5 Payment 10 Payment Life. 15 Payment 20 Payment Life. Endowment Life. Life. Life. IO Years. ! | 20 13.48 61.9I 34-23 25-15 20.72 86.30 21 13-77 62.88 34 77 25 55 2I.o6 86.33 ! 22 14.08 63.89 35-33 25-97 21.40 86.36 23 14.41 64.92 35-91 26.40 21.76 86.39 24 14-75 66.0O 36.51 26.84 22.14 86.42 25 15-10 67.11 37-13 27.31 22.53 86.45 26 15.48 68.27 37-78 27.79 22.93 86.49 27 15.88 69.46 3845 28.29 23-35 86.53 28 16.29 70.70 39.14 28 81 23.79 86.58 29 16.73 71.99 39-86 29-35 24.24 86.63 30 17.19 73-31 40.61 29.91 24.71 86.68 3* 17.68 74.69 41.38 30.49 25.21 86.73 32 18.19 . 76.12 42.19 31.09 25.72 86.80 33 18.73 77:59 43.02 31.72 26.25 86.86 34 19.30 79.12 43-88 32.37 26.81 86.94 35 19.91 80.70 44.78 33-05 27.40 87.02 36 20.55 82.33 45.7o 33-75 28.01 87.11 37 21.22 84.03 46.67 34-49 28 64 87.21 38 21.94 85.78 47.67 35-26 29.31 87.32 39 22.70 87.59 48.70 36.05 30.01 87.44 40 23.50 89.46. 49-78 36.89 30.75 87.58 4i 24.36 91-39 50.89 37-76 31 52 87.73 42 25.26 93-39 52.05 38.67 32.34 87.91 43 26.23 95-45 53-26 39.62 33.20 88.10 44 27.26 97.58 54-51 40.62 34.11 88.33 45 28.35 99-79 55-82 41.66 35.07 88.58 46 29- 5 1 102.06 57.18 42.77 36.08 88.88 S 3o.75 104.41 58.59 43.92 37.16 89.21 32.07 T06.84 60.07 45.14 38.31 89.58 49 33.48 109.34 61.60 46.42 39-53 90.00 50 34-99 in. 92 63.20 47-77 40.82 90.48 5i 36.59 114 56 64.87 49-19 42.20 91.01 52 38.29 117.29 66.60 *. 5069 43.67 91.60 53 40.11 120 08 68.41 52.27 45-23 92.26 54 42.06 122.95 70.29 53-94 46.91 93.00 55 44-13 125.90 72.26 55-71 48.70 93.82 56 46.34 128.93 74.32 57.60 50.63 94-73 57 48.71 132.03 76.47 59- 6° 52.69 95.74 i 58 51-23 135.22 78.72 61 73 54-9° 96.87 59 53-94 138.49 81.09 64.00 57.28 98.12 | 60 56.83 141 86 83-59 6643 59-85 99 51 ! 61 59-92 145-32 86.22 69.04 62.61 I0I.06 ; 62 63.23 148.88 89.00 71.83 65.60 102.78 63 66.78 152.54 91.94 74 83 68.82 IO4.68 64 70.58 156.33 95-Q7 78.05 72.30 IO6.80 1 65 74.65 160.24 98.39 81.52 76.07 IO9.I4 | 66 79.02 164.29 101.92 85.26 80.15 in. 73 67 83.70 168.49 105 69 89.29 84.57 H4-5 8 68 88.71 172.85 109.70 9365 89-35 117.70 69 94.08 177.38 113-98 98.36 94 52 121. 13 70 99.84 182.08 11S.54 103.45 100. 1 1 124.87 Am.3i* NetPrems 182 Principles and Practice Table No. LIL — Concluded. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000, AMERICAN EXPERI- ENCE. THREE AND ONE HALF PER CENT Endowment Endowment Endowment Endowment Endowment Age. 15 Years. 20 Years. 25 Years. 30 Years. 35 Years. 20 54-44 38.OO 29.90 24.18 20.35 21 54-47 38.94 29.95 24 25 20.43 22 54-51 38.99 30.0I 24.32 20.53 23 54-55 39-04 30.07 24.39 20.63 24 54-59 39.09 30.I3 24.48 20.74 u 54-63 39-M 30.2I 24-57 20.86 54.68 39.20 30 28 24.68 2I.0O 2 1 54-73 39-27 30.37 2479 21.15 28 54-79 39-34 30.47 24.92 21.32 29 54-85 39-42 30.57 25. u6 21.51 30 54-92 39-51 30.69 25.21 21.71 31 54-99 396i 30.82 25 39 21-94 32 55-07 39-72 30.96 25.58 22.20 33 55-16 39-83 31.12 25.80 22.48 34 55.26 39-97 3I.30 26.04 22.8o SI 55-37 40.12^ 3I.50 26.31 23-I5 55-49 40.28 31.73 26.60 23-53 11 55-63 40.47 31.98 26.94 23.96 55.78 40.68 32.26 2731 24-43 39 55-95 40.91 32.58 27.72 24-95 40 56.14 41.18 32.93 28.18 25-53 4 1 56.36 41.47 33-33 28.69 26.16 42 56.61 41.81 33-77 29.26 26.85 43 56.88 42.18 34.26 29.89 27.62 44 57-20 42.61 34.82 30.59 28.45 9 57-55 57-95 43.o8 43.61 35-43 36.12 31-36 32.21 29.37 3o.37 8 58.41 44.21 36.89 33.i6 31-46 58.92 44.88 37-74 34- 19 32.64 49 59-49 45-63 38.69 35-33 33-93 So 60.13 46.46 39-73 36.57 35-33 Si 60.84 47-39 40.89 37-93 52 61.63 48.41 42.16 39-42 53 62.52 49-55 43-56 41.03 54 63.50 50.81 45-09 42.79 P 64.59 52.21 46.77 44.70 65.81 53-75 48.61 1? 67.16 55-45 5063 68.65 57-32 52.83 59 70.31 59.38 55 23 60 72.15 61.65 57.85 61 74.18 64.13 62 76.43 66.86 63 7890 69.85 64 81.63 73-13 3 84.63 76.72 87.93 % 91-55 95-53 69 99.90 70 104.68 S.P.End. Am.3J* Of Life Insurance. 183 Table No. LIII. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. 20 In 1 In 2 In 3 In 4 In 5 In 6 In 7 In 8 Year. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 966.18 933-77 902.69 872.90 844-35 816.99 790.76 765-63 21 966.18 933-77 902. 70 872.91 844-37 817.OI 790.79 765.67 22 966.18 933-77 902.70 872.92 844.38 817.03 790.82 765-71 23 966.18 933-77 902.71 872.93 844.40 817.06 790.86 765.76 24 966.18 933-77 902.71 872.94 844.42 817.08 790.89 765.81 u 966.18 933-77 902.72 872.95 844.43 8i7.II 790.93 765.86 966.18 933-78 902.72 872.97 844.46 817.14 790.98 765.91 % 966.18 933.78 902.73 872.98 844.48 8I7.I7 79I.02 765.97 966.18 933.78 902.74 872.99 844-50 817.21 791.07 766.03 29 966.18 933-78 902.74 873.01 844.52 817.24 791.12 766.IO 30 966.18 933-79 902.75 873.02 844.55 817.28 791.18 766.18 31 966.18 933-79 902.76 873.04 844.58 817-33 791.24 766.26 32 966.18 933-79 902.77 873.06 844.61 817.37 79L30 766.35 33 966.18 933-8o 902.78 873.08 844.65 8I7.43 791-3* 766.45 34 966.18 933-8o 902.79 873.IO 844.68 817.48 79L45 766.55 35 966.18 933.8o 902.80 873.13 844 72 817.54 791-54 766.67 36 966.18 933-81 902.82 873.15 844.77 817.61 791.64 766.80 11 966.18 933.8i 902.83 873.18 844.82 817.69 791-74 766.94 966.18 933-82 902.85 873.22 844.87 8I7.7Z 791.86 767.IO 39 966.18 933-82 902.87 873.25 844-93 817.86 79L99 767.27 40 966.18 933.83 902.89 873.29 845.OO 817.96 792.13 767.46 41 966.18 933-84 902.91 873-34 845.07 818.07 792.29 767.67 42 966.18 933-85 902.93 873.38 845.I5 818 20 792.46 767.91 43 966.18 933.85 902.96 873.44 845.25 818.33 792.66 768.17 44 966.18 933-86 902.99 873.50 845.35 818.49 792.88 768.48 45 966.18 933-88 903.02 873.57 845.47 818.67 793.14 768.83 46 966.18 933.89 903.06 873.65 845.60 818.88 793-43 769.22 47 966.18 933-90 903.IO 873.74 845-75 8i9.II 793.76 769.67 48 966.18 933.92 903 16 873.84 845-93 819.38 794.14 770.18 49 ,966.18 933-94 903.21 873.96 846.13 819.68 794-57 770.76 50 966.18 933.96 903.28 874.09 846.36 820.02 795.05 771.40 5i 966 18 933-99 903.36 874.25 846.61 820.40 795-58 772.12 52 966.18 934-OI 903.44 874.41 846.89 820.82 796 18 772.91 53 966.18 934-05 9°3-53 874.60 847.20 821.29 796.84 773-79 54 966.18 934.o8 903-64 874.81 847.55 821.82 797-57 774-76 55 966.18 934.12 9°3-75 875.04 847 93 822.39 798.37 775.84 56 966.18 934.16 903.88 875.30 848.36 823.03 799.26 777.02 57 966.18 934-21 904.02 875.58 848.83 823.73 800. 24 778.32 58 966 18 934.26 904.18 875.89 849-35 824 51 801.32 779-74 59 966.18 934-32 9°4-35 876.24 849.92 825.36 802.50 781.30 60 966.18 934-38 9°4 55 876.62 850.55 826.30 803.80 783-01 61 966.18 934-45 904.76 877.04 851.25 827.32 805.22 784.88 62 966.18 Q34-53 904.99 877.50 852.OI 828.45 806.77 786.92 63 966.18 934.62 905-25 878.OI 852.84 829.68 808 47 789.14 64 966.18 934.72 905.53 878.57 853.76 83LO3 810.32 79L55 a 966.18 934.82 905.85 879.18 854.76 832.50 812.33 794.16 966.18 934-94 906.19 879.86 855-86 834.II 814.52 796.98 67 966.18 935-07 906.57 880.59 857-05 835.85 816.87 800.01 68 966.18 935-21 906.98 881.40 858.36 837.73 819.40 803.23 69 966.18 935-37 907.44 882.28 859.76 839-75 822.10 806.65 70 966.18 935-54 907.93 883.22 861.27 841.90 824.95 810.25 Am. 31* S.P.End 184 Principles and Practice Table No. LIU. — Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED , Age. In 9 In 10 In 11 In 12 In 13 In 14 In IS In 16 Years. Years Years. Years. Vears. Years. Years. Years. 5 99- 00 20 74L54 718.47 696.36 675.17 654-88 635-44 616.83 21 741.60 718.53 696 44 675.27 654-99 635.57 616.97 599.17 22 741.65 718.60 696.52 675.37 655.II 635.71 617.13 599-34 23 741.71 718.67 696.60 675.47 655.23 635.85 617.30 599-53 24 74L77 718.75 696. 70 675.58 655.36 636.OO 61747 5Q9-74 2 741.84 718.83 696.80 675.70 655.50 636 17 617.66 599.96 741.91 718.92 696 91 675.83 655.66 636.35 617.87 600. 20 3 74I.98 719.OI 697 02 675.97 655.82 636.54 618.IO 600.46 742.07 719.12 697.15 676.12 656.OO 636.76 618.34 600. 74 29 742.16 719.23 697.29 676.29 656.20 636.99 618.61 601.04 30 742.25 719-35 697.43 676.47 656.41 637.23 618.90 601.38 31 742.36 71948 697 60 676.66 656.64 63751 619.22 601.74 32 742.47 719.63 697.77 676.88 656.90 637.81 619.57 602.14 33 742.60 719.7^ 697.97 677.II 657-18 638.14 619.95 602.59 34 742.73 719.96 698.18 677.37 657.48 638.49 620 37 603.07 if 742.88 720.I4 698.41 67765 657.82 638.89 620.83 603.61 743-05 720.35 698.67 677.96 658.20 639.34 621.35 604.22 a 743 23 720.59 698.96 678.31 658. 6j 639 83 621.93 604.89 74344 720 84 699.27 678.69 659.07 640.38 622.57 605.64 39 743.66 721.12 699.62 679.12 659.58 640.98 62329 606.47 40 743.91 721.44 700.01 679 60 660.16 641.67 624.09 607.41 41 744 18 721.79 700.45 680.13 660.80 642.44 625.OO 608 46 42 744-49 722.19 700.94 680.74 661.53 643. 30 626.OI 609.64 43 744-85 722.63 70I.50 681.42 662.36 644.28 627.15 610.97 44 745.25 723.14 702.14 682.20 663.28 64538 628.44 612.46 45 745.70 723.72 702.85 683.07 664.33 646.61 629.89 614.12 46 746.22 724-38 703.67 684.05 665.51 648.OO 631.51 615.99 8 746.80 725.12 704.58 685.16 666.83 649 56 633.3I 618.07 747-47 72595 705 61 686.4I 668.31 651.29 635.33 620.38 49 748.21 726.89 706.76 687.80 669.96 653.22 637.56 622.94 50 74904 727-93 708.04 689.34 671.79 65536 640.03 625.76 51 749- 90 729.09 709 46 691.04 673.80 657-7I 642.74 628.85 52 750.99 73037 7II.03 692.92 676.02 660.29 64571 632.24 53 752.12 731-78 712.75 694.99 678.46 663.13 648.96 635-93 54 753-37 733-34 7U. ( >5 697.26 681.13 666.22 652.5*1 639-95 p 754-74 735.05 7i6. 73 699.74 684.04 669 60 656.37 644.31 756.26 736.93 719. )2 702.46 687.23 673.27 660.56 649.03 9 757-91 738.99 72.. 51 705 42 690.69 677.26 665.09 654.13 759 73 741.24 724.23 708.64 694.44 681.57 669.98 659.60 59 761.72 743-70 727.19 712.15 698.51 686.23 675.24 665.47 60 763.89 746.37 730.41 715.94 702.91 691.24 680.88 671.73 61 766.26 74928 733-89 720.03 707.63 696.61 686.88 678.38 62 768.83 75243 737.66 724.44 712.69 702.33 693.26 685.40 63 771.62 755.84 741.71 729.16 718.09 708.40 700.00 692.78 64 774.64 759-51 746.06 734-20 723 82 714.82 707.08 700.52 Si 777-90 763 45 750.70 739-35 729.87 72L57 7I4.5I 781.40 767.65 755.63 745- 20 736.24 728.62 ol 785.13 772.11 760.82 751.13 742.89 789.09 776.82 766.28 757.33 69 793.26 781.75 771.98 70 I 1 797.62 786.90 S.P.End. Am.ff Of Life Insurance. 185 Table No. LIII. — Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. i \r-~ In 17 In 18 In 19 In 20 In 21 In 22 In 23 In 24 i Age. Y ears. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 581.93 565.58 549-94 53496 520.63 506.93 493.81 481.27 I 2I 582.12 565.80 550.18 535.23 520.93 507.25 494.17 481.66 1 22 582.32 566.02 550.43 535-51 521.24 507.60 494-55 482.08 i 23 582.53 566.27 550.70 535-82 521.58 507-97 494.96 482.54 | 24 582.76 566.53 551.00 536.14 521.95 508.38 495-41 483.03 25 583.02 566.81 551.31 536.50 522.34 508 8l 495.90 483.56 26 583.29 567.12 551-66 536.89 522.77 509 30 496.43 484.15 27 583.58 567.45 552.04 537.31 523.24 509.82 497.01 484.79 ; 28 583-9 567.82 552.45 537-77 523.76 510.39 497.64 485.50 1 29 584.25 568.21 552.90 538.27 524.32 5H.02 498.34 486.27 30 584.64 568.65 553-39 538.82 524.94 511-71 499.11 487.I3 1 31 585.05 569.12 553-92 539-43 525.62 512.47 499.96 488.08 32 585.52 569.65 554-52 540.10 526.38 513.32 500.91 489.I3 33 586.02 570.23 555-18 540.85 527.22 5I4.26 501.96 490 30 I 34 586.58 570.87 555-9 1 541.68 528.15 5I5.3I 503.13 491.60 ! 35 587.21 571.58 556.72 542.60 529.18 516.47 504.43 493.04 i 36 587.90 572.38 557.63 543 62 530.34 517.77 505.88 494.65 37 '588.67 573-27 558.64 544-77 531.63 5I9.2I 507.49 496.44 ! 38 589-54 574.26 559-77 546.05 533-07 520.82 509 28 498.43 39 590.5I 575-37 561.03 547-47 534-68 522.62 511.27 500.64 40 591-59 576.61 562.44 549.07 536.46 524.61 5I3.49 503.09 4i 592.80 577-99 564.01 550.84 538.45 526.83 515.95 505.80 42 594.16 579-55 565.77 552.82 540.67 529.30 518.69 508.81 43 595.68 581.28 567-74 555-03 543.14 532.04 521.71 512.13 44 597-39 583-23 569.94 557.50 545.89 535.08 525.06 5I5.80 45 599-30 585.40 572.38 560.23 548.93 538.44 528.75 519.84 46 6 .1.44 587.81 575-IO 563.26 552.29 542.15 532.82 524.27 % 603.80 590.49 578.10 566.61 555-99 546.22 537.27 529.12 606.43 593-45 581.42 570.29 560.06 550.69 542.14 534-40 49 609.34 596.72 585.06 574-34 564-51 555.56 547-44 540.13 50 612.53 600.30 589-05 578.75 569-36 560.85 553.18 546.32 51 616.02 604.21 593-40 583.55 574.62 566.57 559-37 552.97 52 619.84 608.48 598.13 588.75 580.30 5 /$■ 73 566.02 560.09 53 623.99 613. 11 603.25 594-37 586.42 579-35 573 12 567.67 54 628.50 618.12 608.78 600.41 592.98 586.43 580.69 575.71 P 633.38 623.54 614.73 606.90 599-99 593-95 588.71 584.20 638.65 629.36 621.10 613.82 607.45 601.92 597-17 593.14 57 644.31 635.60 627.90 621.17 6i5-34 610.32 606.07 58 650.38 642.25 635.13 628.96 623.66 619.15 59 656.86 649.32 642.78 637.16 632.39 60 663.73 656.79 650 83 645.77 61 671.00 664.66 659.27 62 678.64 672.90 63 686.65 1 Am.3i* S.P.End 186 Principles and Practice Table No. LIII. — Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. In 25 In 26 In 27 In 28 In 29 In SO In 31 In 32 Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 469.28 457.83 446 88 436.43 426.45 416.93 407-85 399-20 21 469.71 458.29 447-39 436.98 427-05 417.58 408.55 399.96 22 470.17 458.80 447.94 437.58 427.70 418.28 409-32 400.79 23 470.67 459-34 448 53 438.23 428.4O 41905 4IO.16 401.70 24 471.21 459-93 449.18 438.93 429.18 419.90 4II.08 402.70 2 471.80 460.58 449.89 439-71 430.03 420.82 412.O9 403.80 472.45 461.29 450.67 440.57 430.97 421.85 413.20 405.02 3 473-15 462.07 451-53 441.51 432.00 422.98 414-43 406.36 473-93 462.93 452.47 442.55 433.13 424.22 415-79 407.83 29 474-79 46388 453-52 443- 70 434-39 425.60 417.29 409.47 30 475.74 464.93 4 c 4-67 444.96 435-78 427.12 418.95 4H.27 31 476.79 466.09 455-95 446.37 437-32 428.80 420.78 413.26 32 477.96 467.38 457-38 447.93 439.03 430.67 422.81 4I5.46 33 479.26 468.81 458.95 449.66 440.93 432.73 425 06 4I7-90 34 480.69 470.40 460.70 45I-58 443.02 435-OI 427.53 420.57 3 482.29 472.16 462.64 453.70 445-34 437-53 430.26 423.52 484.07 474.13 464.79 456.06 447.90 440.32 433.28 42.6.78 3 486.05 476.30 467.18 458.66 450.73 443-38 436.59 430.34 488.24 478.71 469.82 461.54 453-86 446.76 440.24 434.26 39 490.68 481.38 472.73 464.71 457-30 450.48 444.23 438.54 40 493-37 484-33 475-95 468.20 461.08 454-55 448.60 443-21 4i 49 6 -35 487.59 47949 472.04 465.22 459 00 453-37 448.29 42 499.65 49I. 18 483-39 476.26 469.76 463.87 458.56 453.81 43 503.28 495-14 487.68 480.88 474.72 469.17 464. 20 459-78 44 507.28 499.48 492-37 485.93 480.12 474-93 470.3I 466.23 9 511.67 504.24 497.49 491.42 485.98 481.15 476.89 473.16 516.49 509-43 503-07 497.38 492-32 487.86 483.96 480.57 3 521-73 515.07 509.11 503.82 499-15 495.06 49I-5I 488.47 527-43 521.19 5I5-64 510.74 506.46 502.75 499.56 496.85 49 533-59 527.78 522.65 518.16 5I4-27 510.93 508.09 50 540.23 534-85 530.14 526.06 522.55 519-57 Si 547-33 542-39 538.10 534-43 531.30 52 554-90 550.40 546.54 543-26 53 562.94 558.88 555-43 54 571-44 567.81 55 580.38 . S.P.End. Am. 3 J* Of IyiFB Insurance. 187 Table. No LIII. — Concluded. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. In 33 In 34 In 35 In 36 In 37 In 38 In 39 In 40 Years.. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 39O.96 383 13 375-68 368.61 36I.9I 355-56 349-55 343-89 21 22 391-79 392.69 384.02 385.OO 376.65 377.70 369-65 370.79 363.03 364.26 356.77 358.09 350.86 352.28 345-29 346.82 23 393-68 386.07 378.86 372.05 365.61 359-55 353.85 348.50 24 394-76 387.24 380.13 373-42 367.IO 361.15 355-57 350.35 u 395-96 388.54 381.54 374-94 368.73 362.91 357-46 352.37 397.28 389.97 383.09 376.61 370.54 364.85 359-54 354.6o 11 398.73 391-55 384.79 378.45 372.52 366.98 361.83 357.05 400.34 393-29 386.67 380.48 374.70 369.32 364.33 359.72 29 402.II 395.20 388.74 382.71 377.10 371-89 367.08 362.66 30 404.06 397.32 39I.O2 385.17 379-73 374-71 370.09 365.86 31 406.22 399-65 393-54 387.87 382.63 377.80 373-39 369.36 32 408.61 402.22 396.30 390.83 385.80 381.19 376.99 373-18 33 4H.23 405.05 399-34 394.09 389.28 384.89 380.92 377-34 34 414.12 408.16 402.67 397.65 393.07 388.92 385.18 381.84 3 § 4I7-30 4H-57 406.32 4OI.54 397.21 393-30 389.81 386.71 36 420.79 415.31 410.32 405.79 401.72 398.07 394.83 391-97 11 424.62 419.41 414.68 410.42 406.61 403.22 400.23 397-62 428.81 423.87 419.42 4I5.44 411.90 408.78 406.05 403.69 39 433.38 428.73 424-57 420.87 417.61 414.76 412.28 410.16 40 438.35 434-00 430.14 426.73 423-75 421.17 418.94 417.06 4i 443-75 439-71 436.15 433-03 430.33 428.00 426.03 42 449-59 445.87 442.61 439-78 437-35 435-29 43 455-89 452.48 449-53 446.99 444.83 44 462.67 459.58 456.92 454-67 4 § 469.93 467.15 464.79 46 477.66 475-20 47 485.88 \ Am.3l* O.L 188 Principles and Practice Table No. LIV. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d Year. Year. Year. 20 6.19 I2.6o 19.24 21 6-45 13.13 20.04 22 6.72 13.68 20.89 23 7.0I 14.27 21.79 24 7.31 14.88 22.72 11 7-63 15.52 23.70 7.96 16.19 24.72 11 8.30 16.90 25-79 8.67 17.63 26.91 29 9.04 18.40 28.09 30 9-45 19.22 29-33 31 9.87 20.08 30.62 32 10.31 20.96 31-97 33 10.76 21.89 33-39 34 11.25 22.88 34.89 9 11.76 23.91 36.45 12.29 24.98 38.07 11 12.85 26.10 39.78 13.43 27.28 41.55 39 14.04 28.51 43-43 40 14.68 29.80 45-39 4i I5-36 31.17 47-45 42 16.06 32.60 49-59 43 16.81 34.08 51.84 44 17-57 35.63 54.15 45 18.38 37-23 56.55 46 19.20 38.89 59.02 8 20.07 40.60 61.54 20.95 4--33 64.10 49 21.84 44.08 66.71 50 22.74 45.87 69.37 5* 23.67 47.71 72.09 52 24.62 49-59 74.87 53 25.00 51-52 77.71 54 26.59 53-48 80.59 9 27.62 55-47 83.53 28.65 57.51 86.53 57 29.71 59-59 89.58 58 30.80 61.71 92.67 59 31.89 63.84 95.78 60 33-00 66.00 98.93 61 34.12 68.17 102.10 62 35.26 70.38 105.30 63 36.41 72.60 108.48 64 . 37.56 74.80 in. 63 00 38.69 76.96 114.74 39.82 79.11 117.79 3 40.93 81.21 120.77 42.00 83.25 123.65 69 43.06 85.23 126.48 70 44.07 87.18 129.37 4th Year. 26.II 27.21 28.36 29-57 30.83 32.16 33-54 34-99 36 52 38.11 39-78 41.52 43.36 45-27 47-29 49-39 51.58 53.87 56.27 58.79 61.43 64.19 67.06 70.04 73-13 76.32 79-57 82.89 86.26 89.69 93.19 96.77 100.42 104.13 107.91 in. 76 115.66 119.63 123.63 127.66 I3I-73 135.82 I39-9 1 143.98 147.99 151.92 155.78 159-52 163.17 166.85 170.74 5th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. 33-23 40.61 48.24 34.63 42.31 50.26 36.09 44.09 52.38 37.62 45.97 54.59 39-23 47-92 56.91 4O.9I 49-97 59-35 42.67 52.12 61.89 44-51 54.36 6454 46.45 56.71 67.32 48.46 59.16 70.23 50.58 61-74 73-27 52.80 64.44 76.46 55.11 67.26 79.78 57-54 70.19 83-25 6008 73-27 86.87 62.73 76.49 90.67 65.50 79.84 94.62 68.40 83.36 98.76 71-43 87.03 103.07 74.6i 90.87 107.58 77.92 94.87 112.25 81.39 9903 117.11 84.98 103.34 122.12 88.70 107.79 127.28 92.54 112.36 132.54 96.48 117-03 137-93 100.50 121.79 I43.4I 104.59 126.64 149.00 108.76 131.57 I54.67 112.99 136.58 160.42 117.31 141.68 166.27 121. 71 146.87 172.22 126.19 152-15 178.26 130.74 157-52 184.38 I35.38 162.95 190.58 140.08 168.46 196.84 I44-85 174.03 203.15 149.67 I79-65 209.51 154 53 185.31 215.91 159-42 190.99 222.29 164.34 196.67 228.66 169.26 202.33 234.98 174.16 207.96 241.22 179.01 213-49 247.36 183 77 218.92 253.34 188 44 224.20 259-19 192.98 229.37 264.99 197.42 234-51 270.88 201.84 239.77 277.06 206.44 245-37 283.74 211. 41 251.51 291.12 Hth Year. 56.14 58.49 6095 63.52 66.22 69.04 71.98 75.06 78.29 81.66 85.18 88.86 92.70 96.70 100.90 105.27 109.84 114.60 119-56 124.71 130.06 135-60 141.29 147.12 153-08 159-16 165-34 171-63 178.01 184.48 191.04 197.71 204.47 211.30 218.20 225.15 232.16 239.20 246.24 253.26 260.23 267.11 273-89 280.53 287.01 293-43 299.91 306.65 313-82 32 p. 64 330.25 O.L. Am.& % Of Lifk Insurance. 189 Table No. LIV. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 20 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 64.32* 72.78 81.54 9O.60 99.98 IO9.66 II9.68 130.03 21 67.OO 75.82 84.94 94-37 104.12 II4.I9 124.61 135-37 22 69.82 79.OO 88.49 98.30 I08.44 H8.93 129.76 140.94 | 23 72.76 82.32 92.20 IO2.41 II2.97 123.87 I35-I3 146.74 24 75.85 85.79 96.08 IO6.71 II7.69 129.02 I4O.72 152.78 li 79.06 89.42 IOO.13 III. 19 I22.6I 134-39 I46.54 159-07 82.42 93-21 IO4.36 II5.87 127.74 139.98 152.60 165.61 27 85.94 97.17 IO8.77 120.74 I33.09 I45-8I 158.92 172.43 28 89.62 IOI.3I II3.38 125.83 138.66 151.88 165.5O 179-53 29 93-46 IO5.63 II8.18 131. 13 144.47 158.21 172.35 186 90 30 97.46 IIO.14 123.20 136.66 150.52 164.80 179-47 194.56 31 IOI.65 II4.84 128.43 142.42 156.84 171.65 186.88 202.49 32 IO6.OI II9.74 133.88 148.43 163.39 178.77 194-54 210.71 33 IIO.57 124.86 I39.56 154.68 170.22 186.15 202.49 219.19 34 "5.34 130.20 145.48 161. 19 I77.30 193.81 210.70 227.93 35 120.31 135.76 151.65 167.94 184.64 201.72 219.15 236.91 36 125.48 141.55 158.04 174.93 I92.22 209.85 227.82 246.10 37 130.87 147.56 164.67 182.17 200.02 218.22 236.72 255-52 38 136.47 153.79 171.52 189.61 208.04 226.78 245.82 265.13 39 142.28 160.25 178.58 197.26 216.26 235.56 255.13 274.94 40 148.29 166.89 185.83 205.IO 224.68 244.52 264.62 284.92 I 4i 154.48 173-71 193.26 2I3.I3 233-27 253.66 274.27 295.06 42 160.82 180.68 200.86 221.32 242.02 262.96 284.07 305.34 43 167.31 187.81 208.61 229.65 250.93 272.39 294.OO 315.74 44 173.93 195.08 216.49 238.12 259-95 281.93 304.05 326.24 45 180.68 202.47 224.50 246.71 269.09 291.60 3I4.I9 336.83 46 187-54 209.98 232.61 255-41 278.34 301.35 324.4I 347-46 47 194.51 217.58 240.83 264.21 2S7.67 311. 18 334-68 358.14 48 201.56 225.28 249.14 273.09 297.08 321 06 345- 00 368.84 49 208.71 233.07 257-53 282.04 3^6.53 330.98 355-34 379-55 50 215.96 240.96 266.OI 29I.05 316.05 340.95 365 70 39024 5i 223.30 248.93 274.56 300.I3 325.6I 350.94 376.05 400. 90 52 230.72 256.97 283.16 309.26 335-21 360.93 386.37 411.49 53 238.21 265.07 291.83 318.42 344-79 370.88 396.63 421.97 54 245.76 273.22 3OO.52 327.58 354-35 380.78 ♦406.78 432.32 55 253.36 281.41 309.21 336.71 363.86 390.58 416.82 442.52 56 261. 0) 289.59 317.88 345-79 373-27 400.25 426.68 452.54 57 '268.64 297.76 326.50 354-78 382.57 409.78 436.39 462.44 58 276.26 305.88 335-03 363.66 39L70 4I9.I3 445.98 472.31 59 283.82 3I3.90 343-44 372.37 400.68 428.38 455-54 482.25 60 29I.30 321.81 351.70 38093 40905 437.60 465.19 492.38 61 298.67 329.57 359-8i 389.40 418.41 446.94 475.06 502.84 62 305.89 337.19 367.82 397-86 427.40 456.51 485.27 513-69 63 312.97 344.72 375-86 406.48 436.65 466.46 495-92 525.00 64 319.96 352.28 384-05 415-37 446.30 476.87 507-05 536.83 65 327.OO 360.OI 392-55 424.70 456.46 487.81 518.75 549.02 66 334.26 368.II 401.54 434.58 467.20 499-39 530.87 561.72 67 34I.9O 376.73 411. 14 445.10 478.63 511.42 543-55 575-15 68 350.13 386.OI 421.43 456.38 490.57 524-07 557-02 589.74 69 359.09 396.06 432.55 468.24 503.21 537.6o 57I-76 605.83 70 368.89 407.OI 444-31 480.86 516.79 552.49 588.10 623.27 Am.3i* O.L I90 Principles and Practice Table No. LIV. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 U 29 30 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 £ 4 65 66 67 68 69 70 17th Year. 140.72 146.48 152.47 158.72 165.21 171. 98 I79-02 186.34 193-94 201.84 210.02 218.50 227.24 236.24 245.49 254-97 264.66 274.57 284.68 294.96 305.41 316.01 326.73 337-57 348.48 359-46 370.47 381.51 392-55 403- 56 4M.52 425.42 436.20 446.86 457-34 467.66 477 84 487.98 498.19 508.57 519-24 530.28 541-74 553-69 565-96 578.68 592.07 606.53 622.39 639-49 657.39 18th Year. I5L77 157.94 164.37 171.06 178.03 185.28 192 8l 200.63 208.76 217.17 225.88 234-87 244.11 253.61 263.35 273.31 283.49 293.87 304.43 3I5.I6 326.04 337-07 348.20 359-43 370.71 382.04 393-39 404.74 416.05 427-3" 438.48 449-55 460.48 471.24 481.81 492.26 502.65 513.10 523.71 534.58 545.78 557.38 569.43 581.76 594.51 607.85 622.20 637.84 654-63 672.15 689.71 19th Year. I63.I5 169 76 176.63 183.79 I9123 198.97 206.99 215-33 223.95 232.88 242.09 25L57 261.30 271.28 281.49 291.92 302.54 313.37 324.36 335-51 346.80 358.21 369.72 381.29 392.90 404.54 416.17 427.77 439-3Q 45o.74 462.07 473-25 484.26 495-o8 505.76 516 39 527.05 537-86 548.91 560.27 571-99 584.12 596.51 609.27 622.58 636.82 652.26 668.77 685.92 703-07 720.17 20th Year. 174.90 181.94 189.28 I96.9O 204.82 213.04 221.57 230.40 239-53 248.95 258.64 268.59 278.79 289.22 299.88 310.75 321.80 33304 344-43 355-97 367.63 379-39 391.22 403.10 415.00 426.90 438.76 450.55 462.25 473.81 485.23 496.46 507.51 518.42 529-25 540.11 55i.io 562.31 573.81 585.64 597.84 610.28 623.04 636.32 650.46 665.71 681.96 698.77 715-54 732.21 749-56 21*t Year. 187.OI 194-51 202.30 210.40 2l8.8o 227.51 236.52 245.84 255.46 265.35 275.50 285.90 296.55 307.42 318.50 329.78 34L23 352.85 364.62 376.51 388.50 400.57 412.68 424.83 436.97 449-07 461.IO 473-04 484.83 496.47 507.9I 5I9-J7 530.27 541-30 552.34 563.49 574-85 586.47 598.40 610.67 623.14 635-91 649.14 663.18 67827 694.26 710.76 727.18 743-46 760.35 778.40 22d Year. 199.49 207.44 215.70 224.27 233.16 242.34 251.84 261.64 271.71 282.05 292.65 303.49 3M.56 325.84 337.32 348.98 360.81 372.78 384.88 397-09 409.37 421.70 434-07 446.43 458.75 471.OI 483.16 495-17 507.02 518.66 530.IO 54L39 552.59 563-80 575-IO 586.59 598.32 610.33 622.66 635-16 647.92 661. II 675.06 689.98 705.75 721.95 738.05 753.96 770.41 787.94 805.31 23d Year. 212.35 220.76 229.48 238.53 247.88 257.55 267.51 277.76 288.28 299.05 310.07 321.32 332.78 344-45 356.30 368.32 380.49 392.79 405.18 417.66 430.19 442.76 455-32 467.85 480.30 492.66 504.87 516.91 528.74 540.36 551.82 563.18 574-54 585.98 597.58 609.41 621.49 633-87 646.39 659^5 672.30 686.14 700.91 716.46 732.40 748.18 763.76 779-81 796.85 813.70 827.28 24th Year. 225.59 234-45 243.65 253.I5 262.97 273.IO 283.51 294.18 305.12 316.31 327.73 339-37 351-21 363.23 375-43 387.78 400.25 412.82 425.48 438.19 450.93 463.69 476.40 489.04 501.57 513.97 526 19 533-20 549-99 561.61 573-12 584.61 596.17 607.89 619.80 631.94 644.36 656.90 669.65 682.75 696.50 711. 12 726.45 742.14 757.64 772.90 788.57 805.16 821.52 834-72 847.90 O.L. Am.3i % Of Life Insurance. 191 Table No. LIV. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH. AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE HALF PER CENT. Age 25 th 26th 27th 28 th 29th 30th 31st 32d Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. \ ear. Year. Year. 20 239.19 253.18 267.52 282 22 297.25 312.60 328.23 344.I3 21 248.52 262.96 277-75 292.88 308.32 324-05 340.04 356.29 22 258.17 273.06 288.29 303-83 319.66 335-76 352.12 368.70 23 268.I4 283.47 299.II 3I5.05 331-27 347.73 364.43 381.33 24 278.4I 294.17 310.22 326.55 343-13 359-95 376.97 394-17 25 288 97 305.I4 321-59 338.29 355.23 372.38 389.71 407.20 26 299.80 316.37 333-21 350.28 367 56 385.02 402.64 420.39 27 3IO.89 327.86 345-07 362.48 380.09 397.85 415-74 433-73 28 322.23 339-58 357-15 374.90 392.81 410.85" 428.99 447-20 29 333-81 351-53 369.43 387.50 405.70 424.00 442.37 460.77 30 345.61 363.68 38I.9I 400.27 418.74 437.28 455.85 474-42 31 357-61 376.02 394-55 4I3.20 43L9I 450.66 469.41 488.11 32 369.80 388.52 407.35 426.25 445 19 464.12 483.OI 501. &3 33 382.15 401.18 420.27 439-41 458.54 477.62 496.64 515.55 J 34 394.66 413-97 433-31 452.64 471.94 491.17 510.28 529.22 1 35 407.30 426. S6 446.42 465.93 485.38 504.71 523-87 542.83 36 420.04 439.83 459.58 479-25 498.81 518.20 537-39 556.32 37 432.86 452.85 472.77 492.58 512.21 531-63 550. So 569.66 38 445 73 465-91 485.97 505.86 525.53 544-95 564.06 582.83 1 39 45S.64 478.98 499-13 519.08 538.76 558.13 577-16 595-79 40 47L56 492.00 512.23 532.19 55I.84 57^.14 590.04 608.52 4i 484.44 504.96 525.22 545-16 564.75 583-93 602.69 621.05 42 497.24 517.82 538.07 557.96 577-44 596.50 615.15 633-43 43 509.95 53^-53 550.75 570.54 589.91 608.86 627.45 645.72 44 522.51 543-07 563.20 582.9O 602.18 621.08 639.67 657-99 45 534-89 555-39 575-44 595-06 614.30 633.22 651.87 670.29 46 547-07 567.49 587.48 607.08 626 36 645-35 664.12 682.66 47 559-02 579-40 599-39 619.04 638.41 657-54 67645 695.11 48 570.79 59LI9 611.24 631.OI 650.53 669.82 688.87 707.67 49 582.44 602.92 623.11 643.05 662.76 682.21 701.41 720.19 50 594-o6 614.70 635.09 655.23 675-12 694.75 713.95 732.76 5i 605.73 626.59 647.21 667.56 687.64 707.29 726.54 745-47 | 52 6i7o4 638.66 659-50 680.07 700.19 719.91 739-30 758.56 53 629.53 650.90 671.99 692.63 712.84 732.72 752.46 772.16 54 64L73 663.38 684.55 705.29 725.70 745.96 766.17 786.14 55 654.18 675.93 697.24 7I8.20 739.02 759-78 780.30 800.20 56 666.73 688.64 710.20 73I.6I 752.96 774.06 794-52 813.91 j 57 679.46 701.65 723.69 745-68 767.40 788.46 808.42 827.22 58 692.52 715.23 737-89 760.27 781.99 802.55 821.93 840.64 59 706.18 729.56 752.66 775-06 796.28 816.27 835.57 854.5I 60 720.65 744.51 767.65 789.57 810.22 830.16 849.72 867.97 61 735-79 759-72 782.38 803.74 824.36 844.59 863.46 878.87 62 75L23 774-70 796.81 8l8.l6 839.10 058.64 874.59 889.56 63 766.46 789.38 811.51 833.22 853-47 870.01 885.52 899.41 64 781.43 804.39 826.91 847-93 865.09 881.20 895.61 6=; 796.75 820.16 842.00 859-83 876.56 891.53 66 SJ2.92 835.64 854.19 87I-59 887.17 67 S28.83 848.14 866.27 882.49 68 841.66 860.56 877-47 69 854-45 872.10 70 866.35 Am.3i* O.L 192 Principles and Practice Table No. LIV. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE- HALF PER CENT. Age. 20 33d 34th 35th 36th 37 th 38th 39th 40th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 360.28 376.66 393.24 409 99 426.89 443.92 461.05 478.23 21 372.77 389.46 406.32 423.32 440.46 457.69 474.98 492.31 22 385.49 402.46 419.58 436.82 454.17 47L57 489.OI 506.45 23 398.42 4I5-65 433-OI 450.47 468.OO 485.56 503.II 520.63 24 4"-53 429.OI 446. 60 464.25 481.93 499.60 517.25 • 534.82 2 § 424.81 442.52 460.30 478.II 495.92 513.69 53L40 549-00 26 438.24 456.15 474.10 492.04 509.95 527.79 545-53 563.11 27 45L79 469.88 487.97 506.02 524.OI 541.88 559-6i 577.14 28 465.44 4S368 501.89 520.02 538.05 555-92 573-6o 591.06 29 479-17 497-53 5I5-83 534-OI 552.04 569.88 587.48 604.80 30 492.95 511. 41 529.76 547-95 565.95 583.71 601.20 618.37 31 506.75 525.27 543.64 561.81 579 75 597-39 6i4.73 631.71 32 520.54 539-°9 557-44 575.56 593.38 610.89 628.04 644.81 33 534-29 552.83 571.14 589 15 606.84 624.16 64 1 . 1 1 657.70 34 547-97 566.47 584.68 602.56 620.08 637.21 653.98 670.42 35 50I-54 579-95 598.04 615-75 633.08 650.04 666.67 683.02 36 574-95 593-25 611. 18 628.71 645.87 662.70 679.25 695-55 37 588.19 606.34 624.09 641.47 658.50 675.26 691.77 708.08 38 601.22 619.20 636.80 654.06 671.03 687.75 704.28 720.60 39 614.02 631.86 649-35 666.55 683.51 700.25 716.80 733.14 40 626.62 644.36 66 1. So 679.00 695.98 712 77 729.34 745.69 4i 639.06 656.77 674.22 691.46 708.49 725-3I 741.90 758.14 42 651.41 669.14 686.65 703.94 721.02 737.88 754.36 770.52 1 43 663.74 681.53 699. 1 1 716.47 733.60 750.35 76677 782.92 44 676.09 69397 711.62 729.04 746.09 762.79 779.21 795.52 ! 45 688.50 706.47 724.20 74L55 758.54 775.26 791.86 808.42 46 700.97 719.03 736.71 754-Q2 77i.o5 787.96 S04.83 821.50 47 7I3.53 731-55 749.21 766.57 783.81 801.01 818. or 834.49 48 726 05 744-07 761.79 779-38 796.94 814.28 831.10 847-03 49 738.59 756.69 774-66 792-59 810.31 827.49 843.76 859-09 50 751.26 769.63 787.96 806.07 823.64 840.27 855-95 871.08 51 764.27 78303 801.56 819-53 836.55 852.60 868.08 883.27 52 777-77 796.75 815.16 832.59 849.02 864.88 880.44 894.96 53 791.62 810.49 828.37 845.21 861.47 877.43 892.31 904.46 54 805.51 823.86 841.14 857.83 874.20 889.48 901.95 913.66 55 819.04 836.80 853 95 870.77 886.46 899.27 911.30 922.06 56 832.17 849.80 867.10 883.24 896.41 908.78 919.84 57 845.37 863.18 879.79 893 36 906.09 917.48 5* 85S.99 876.11 890 09 903.21 914.95 ! 59 872.18 886.60 900.14 912.25 60 882.87 896.85 909.36 61 893.33 906 26 62 902.95 O.L. Am.3i* Of Lifk Insurance. 193 Table No. LIV. — Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES B^ t EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 4l*t 42i3 142.22 189.21 236.41 284.I9 332.99 70 48.06 95-62 142. S4 189.97 237.33 285.25 334.19 15Pay.L. Am.3 Of Lifr Insurance. 197 Table No. LVIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY FIFTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 169.73 I95.05 221.41 248.85 277.45 307.22 338.24 21 173.14 198.96 225.85 253.85 283.OO 313-37 345.00 22 176.67 203.01 230.44 259.OI 288.75 319.72 35L99 23 180.32 207.20 235.20 264.33 294.68 326.28 359-20 24 184.IO 211.54 240.IO 269.84 300.81 333-o6 366.65 2 I 188.OO 216.OO 245.16 275-52 307.13 340.05 374.33 26 192.02 220.62 250.39 281.38 313.66 347-25 382.25 27 196.17 225.38 255-78 287.43 320.38 354-68 390.40 28 20O.46 230.29 261.35 293.66 327.31 362.33 398.81 j 29 204.87 235-35 267.07 300.08 334-44 370.2I 407.47 30 209.43 240.56 272.96 306.68 34L78 378.32 416.37 31 2i4.II 245-93 279.03 3I3.47 349-33 386.65 425.52 32 218.92 251-43 285.26 320.45 357.09 395-21 434-91 ! 33 223.87 257.IO 291.66 327.63 365.05 404.OO 444.54 i 34 228.96 262.92 298.24 334.98 373.21 412.99 454-40 3 I 234.18 268.89 304.98 342.52 381.57 422.I9 464.47 36 239-54 275.01 3H.89 350.23 39O.IO 431.58 474-74 1 i 3 l 245.03 281.28 318.94 358.IO 398.81 441.14 485.18 38 250.64 287.67 326.14 366.12 407.66 450.84 495.78 i 39 256.38 294.20 333-47 374.26 416.63 460.69 506.53 1 40 262.22 300.83 340.90 382.50 425.7I 470.64 5I7.4I i 4 1 268.16 307.54 348.41 390.82 434-88 480.70 528.39 42 274.I5 314 31 355-97 399.20 444.II 490.82 539-46 ! 43 280.18 321. J2 363- 57 407.63 453-39 5OO.99 550.60 1 44 2S6.23 327-94 371.19 416.06 462.68 511. 19 561.77 45 292.27 334-76 378.79 424.49 47I-9 6 521.39 572.97 i 46 298.30 34L54 386.36 432.87 481.21 53L57 584- 16 i 4 7 304.27 348.28 393.87 441.19 490.41 541.70 595.32 1 48 310.18 354-93 401.30 449.43 499-51 551-75 606.41 j 49 316.01 361.49 408.62 457-56 508.50 561.68 617.41 |50 321.73 367.94 415.82 465.54 517.34 571.48 628.30 Isi 327.36 374.26 422.86 473.36 526.01 58l. II 639-05 ! 52 332.84 380.42 429.72 480.98 534-47 590.54 649.61 ! 53 338.18 386.39 436.37 488.38 542.71 599-74 659.96 1 54 343-32 392.15 442.79 495.51 550.66 608.66 670.07 55 348.28 397.69 448.95 502.36 558.30 617.26 679.89 56 353-OI 402.96 . 454.8o 508.86 565.58 625.52 689.39 i 57 357-51 407.95 460.32 5I5.00 572.47 633.38 698.54 58 361.73 412.61 465-46 520.72 578.93 640.81 707.32 59 365-65 416.90 470.18 525.97 584.89 647.76 715.72 60 369.22 420.78 474-44 530.7I 590.32 654.24 723-75 61 372.41 424.21 478.16 534-88 595-20 660.25 731-44 62 375.16 427.12 481.31 538.47 599-55 665.80 738.79 63 377.41 429.46 483.^8 54I-50 603 39 670.89 745-8i 64 379-14 431.26 485.91 544-02 606.73 675-55 752.49 51 380.38 432.57 487.48 546.08 609.63 679.77 758.80 66 381.24 433-53 488.69 547-77 612. 11 683.53 764.71 $3 381.89 434.28 489.69 549-17 614.20 686.86 770.11 382.51 435-02 490.60 550.37 615.97 689.62 775.00 69 383.36 435-93 491.56 551.48 617.29 691.82 779-38 7o 384.62 437.15 492.70 552.34 618.19 693.48 783.32 Am.&* 20Pay.L 198 Principles and Practice Table No. LVIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 20 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year Year. Year. Year. Year. 13-75 2S.05 42.91 58.36 74-44 9I.16 IO8.55 21 14.05 28.65 43-84 59 64 76.07 93.15 IIO.92 22 14.36 29.29 44.81 60.96 77-75 95-21 113.37 23 14.68 29.95 45.83 62.33 79-5Q 97-34 II5-90 24 15.02 3064 46.88 63.75 81.30 99-55 II8.51 2 15-37 31.35 47.96 65.22 83.17 101.82 121.22 15-73 16.I0 32.08 49.07 66.73 85.09 104.18 124.OI 27 32.84 50.23 68.30 87.09 106.61 I26.9O 28 16.49 33.62 51.42 69.92 89.15 109.12 I29.87 29 16.88 34-43 52.66 71 60 91.27 in. 71 132.95 30 17.30 35.27 53-94 73-32 93.46 114.39 136.12 31 17-73 36.14 55-25 75-11 95-73 117.15 I39-38 32 18.17 37.03 56.61 76.95 98.06 119.99 142.74 33 18.62 37-94 58.02 78.85 100.47 122.91 146.20 34 19.09 38.91 59-47 80.82 102.95 125-93 149.76 35 19.58 39-9° 60.97 82.83 105.51 129 03 153-42 36 20.08 40.91 62.51 84.91 108.13 132.22 157-19 1 37 20.60 41.96 64.10 87.05 110.84 I35.50 l6l.07 38 21.13 43-^3 65-73 89.25 113.63 138.88 I65.O4 39 21.69 44-15 67.42 91-53 116.51 142.36 169.13 1 40 22.25 45-30 69.17 93-88 119.46 145.93 173-31 4i 22.85 46.50 70.98 96.30 122.50 149.59 177.58 42 23.46 47-73 72.83 98.79 125.61 153-31 l8l. 91 43 24.10 49.00 74-74 101.33 128.78 157.10 186.29 i 1 44 24.74 50.30 76. 63 103.92 I3I-99 160.91 190.69 | 1 45 25.41 51-63 78.67 106.54 135.23 164.74 195.10 46 26.09 52.93 80.68 109.17 138.47 168.57 199.49 47 26.78 54-35 82.69 in. 81 141.70 172.39 203.88 48 27.48 55-72 84 70 114.44 144.93 176.20 208.24 ! 49 28.17 57.07 86 70 117.05 148.14 179-97 212.56 j 50 28.87 58.43 88.70 119.68 I5L35 I83-74 216.84 5 1 29.56 59-8o 90>72 122.30 154 56 187.48 221.10 52 30.27 61.19 92.74 124-93 157-75 191.21 225.33 53 30 99 62.58 94-7S 127.56 160.94 194.93 229.52 54 3i-7i 63.98 96.82 130.20 164.14 198.62 23367 55 32 44 65.40 98.87 132.85 167.32 202.29 237.76 56 33-17 66.82 100.93 135 49 170.49 205.92 241.79 57 33-92 68.27 103.01 138.14 1 73- 64 209 51 245-78 58 34-68 69.72 105.10 140.78 176.77 213.07 249.69 59 35-44 71.18 107.18 143-41 179.88 216.58 253-49 ! 60 36.22 72.64 109.26 146.04 182.97 220.01 257-I9 i 61 36.99 74.12 in-35 148.67 186.01 223.38 260.78 62 37.78 75.62 II347 151.27 189.01 226.67 264.24 63 38.59 77-14 115.58 153 87 191.98 229.87 267.57 64 39-41 78.65 117.68 156.43 194.87 232.99 270.77 65 40.22 80.16 119.76 158.95 197.71 236.00 273-86 66 41.04 81.68 121.83 161.45 200.50 238.98 276.99 % 41.88 83.19 123.90 I63-93 203.28 242.04 280.34 42.69 84.70 125.96 166.44 206.21 245.40 284.16 69 43-54 86.24 128.09 169.13 209. 50 249-33 288.76 70 44.38 87.82 130.40 172.21 213.40 254.09 294.41 20Pay.L. Am.3i* Of Life Insurance. 199 Table No. LVIII. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. Sth Oth 10th 11th 12 th 13 th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 126.64 I45.46 165.03 185.39 206.58 228.62 21 129.40 I48.61 168.60 189.40 2II.03 233-53 22 132.24 151.88 172.30 193.54 215.63 238.61 23 135-19 155-26 176.12 197 82 220.38 243.86 24 I38-24 158.75 180.07 202.24 225.29 249.27 25 141-39 162.35 184.14 206.80 230.35 254.85 26 144.63 166.06 188.34 2II.50 235-57 260.59 27 147.98 169.90 I92.67 216.35 240.94 266.51 28 151-44 173.85 I97.I4 221.33 246.47 272.59 29 I55.0I 177.93 201.74 226.47 252.16 278.85 30 158.69 I82.I2 206.47 23L75 258.OI 285.29 3i 162.47 186.44 211.33 237.I8 264.02 291.90 32 166.36 I9O.88 216.34 242.76 270.20 298.68 33 170.36 195.45 221.48 248.50 276 53 305.63 34 174.49 200.I5 226.77 254.38 283.03 312.74 35 178.73 204.98 232.19 260.41 289.67 320.00 36 183.08 209.92 237-75 266.57 296.44 327.39 37 187.55 215.OO 243.42 272.86 303-35 334.89 38 192.14 220.19 249.22 279.27 3io.34 342.48 39 196.83 225.49 255-13 285.76 317.42 350.14 40 201.62 230.88 261.IO 292.31 324-55 357.85 41 206.49 236.34 267.13 298.92 33L72 365.59 42 211. 41 241.84 273.20 305-54 338.91 373-34 43 216.37 247.36 279.28 312.18 346.09 381.07 44 221.34 252.89 285.36 318.80 353.25 388.75 45 226.31 258.41 291.42 325-39 360.35 396.37 46 231.27 263.9O 297.44 33L9I 367.37 403.90 47 236.I9 269.35 303-39 338.35 374.31 411.32 1 48 241.08 274-74 309.27 344-71 381.12 418.59 49 245-9 1 280.06 3I5.06 350.96 387.80 425.70 50 250.70 285.33 320.77 357.08 394.34 432.64 5i 255-44 290.51 326.38 363.08 400.71 439-38 52 200 12 295.62 331-86 368.93 406.90 445-91 53 264.75 300.63 337-23 374.62 412.90 452.19 54 269.29 305-54 342.47 380.15 418.68 458.20 55 273.77 3io.35 347-56 385.47 424.20 463.91 56 278.15 315.03 352.46 390-56 429.44 469.27 57 282.45 3I9-56 357.18 395-41 434-36 474.25 58 286.62 323-93 361.67 399-95 438.92 478.79 59 290.65 328.10 365-89 404.17 443.08 482.88 60 294.52 332.04 369.84 408.03 446.82 486.54 61 298.22 335-76 373-47 4H-53 450.20 489.86 62 301.74 339-23 376.83 414.76 453-34 492.97 63 305.08 342.50 380.00 417.85 456.39 496.03 ! 64 308.27 345-65 383-u 420.96 459-52 499.20 ; °s 311.41 348.84 386.38 424-31 462.94 502.64 ! 66 314.69 352.29 390.02 428.11 466.84 506.51 67 318.35 356.27 394.29 432.60 471.40 511.01 68 322.66 361.05 399.46 438.02 476.91 516.18 69 327.93 366.93 405.80 444-68 483.44 522.44 70 334.41 374.11 413.57 452.58 491.36 530.31 Am.3i* 20Pay.L 200 Principles and Practice Table No. LVIIL— Concluded. 1 TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 14th 15th 16th 17th l«th 19th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 1 20 25L54 275.39 30O.22 326.05 352.93 380.91 21 256.94 281.29 306.63 333-00 360.43 388.98 22 262.51 287.38 3I3.25 340.15 368.15 397.29 23 268.27 293.66 320.06 347-53 376.II 405.86 24 274.20 300.I3 327.09 355.13 384.3I 41467 25 280.31 306.79 334-32 362.96 392.75 423.75 26 286.60 3I3.65 34L77 371.01 401.43 433-OS 3 293.08 320. 70 349-42 379.29 410.35 442.65 299 74 327.96 357-30 387.79 419.50 452.47 29 306.59 335.42 365-38 39 6 -52 428.88 462.53 30 3I3-63 343-07 373-67 405.45 438.48 472.81 3i 320.85 350.92 382,15 414 59 448.28 483.29 32 328.26 358.95 390.82 423.91 458.27 493-95 33 335.82 367.16 399.67 433-40 468.42 504.78 34 343- 56 375-52 408.67 443-04 478.72 515.77 35 351-44 384-02 417-79 452.81 489.15 526.90 36 359-44 392.64 427-03 462.69 499.70 538.14 % 367.54 401.35 436.37 472.67 510.34 549-49 375-73 410.14 445-78 482.72 521.06 560.90 39 333.98 418.99 455-24 492.82 531-82 572.38 40 392.27 427.87 464.74 502.94 542.61 583.89 4i 400.59 436.77 474-23 513-07 553-41 595-40 42 408.90 445-66 483.71 523-17 564.18 606.90 43 417.18 454.50 493-14 533-22 574.89 618.35 44 425.40 463.28 502.49 543-iS 585.52 629.73 45 433-55 47I-96 511-74 553-03 596.04 641.01 46 441.58 480.51 520.84 562.73 606.41 652.15 S 449.48 488.91 529.77 572.26 616.61 663.14 457-21 497.13 538.51 581.58 626.60 673.92 49 464.76 505.14 547-Q2 590.65 636.34 68448 50 472.11 512.92 555-27 599-45 645.80 694.78 5i 479-23 520.43 563.23 607.94 654-95 70479 52 486.09 527.65 570.86 616.07 663.74 714-47 53 492.66 534-54 578.13 623.83 672.15 723.81 54 498.91 541.06 584.99 631.15 080.15 732.81 n 504.80 547.18 591.40 638.02 687.73 741.48 510.29 552.83 597-33 644.41 694.90 749-85 57 515.33 557-99 602.76 650.36 701.69 757-93 58 519.89 562.66 607.73 655.87 708.IO 765.74 59 523.97 566.87 612.26 660.98 714.16 773.26 60 527.64 570.69 616.41 665.73 719.86 780.47 61 530.99 5 74- 20 620 25 670.13 725.18 787-35* 62 534-16 577-52 623.84 674.21 730.15 793-Si 63 537.27 580.74 627.25 678.02 734.64 799-83 64 540.47 583.95 630.55 681.43 738.67 805.44 3 543-36 587.26 633.61 684.48 742.25 810.70 547.60 590.57 636.55 687.28 745-55 815-63 67 551.65 594- 1 1 639.61 690.18 748.76 820.12 i 68 556.36 598.29 643-39 693.63 751-95 823.97 69 562.26 603.88 648.57 697.95 755-15 826.97 70 570.15 611.63 655.52 703.23 758.19 829.08 lOYr.End. Am.31% Of Likf Insurance;. 201 Table No. LIX. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TEN-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 So 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 a 3 65 66 67 68 69 70 1st Year. 82.16 82.14 82.12 82.IO 82.09 82.08 82.06 82.04 82.02 81.99 81.98 81.96 81.93 81.9O 81.87 81.85 81.82 81.78 81.74 81.70 81.65 8l.6l 81.57 81.53 81.48 81.43 81.36 81.30 81.22 8l. II 80.98 80.83 80.66 80.47 80.26 80.02 79-75 79.46 79.14 78.78 78.40 77-97 77-51 77.02 76.48 75-88 75.22 74-49 73.65 72 73 71.70 2d Year. 67.81 67.78 67.75 67.72 67.69 67.66 67.62 67-59 67.55 67,51 67.47 67.43 67o7 67.31 67.26 67.21 67.14 67.07 66 99 66.90 66.82 66.73 66.64 66.54 66.44 66.33 66.19 66.04 65.85 65.60 65-32 65.00 64.65 64.24 63.79 63.28- 62.72 62.11 61.44 60.69 59-87 58.98 58.01 56.97 55-82 54-54 53-14 51-56 49-79 47.82 45.63 3d Year. 257.13 257.09 257.05 25/.OI 256.96 256.92 256.87 256.81 256.76 256.70 256.64 256.57 256.50 256.42 256.34 256.26 256.16 256.04 255-93 255.80 255.67 255-54 255-39 255-25 255-07 254.89 254.67 254.41 254.09 253-70 253.26 252.77 252.21 251.58 250.88 250.10 249.24 248.30 247.26 246.10 244.8 + 243.46 241.97 240.33 238.53 236.53 234.32 231-85 229.06 225.98 222.66 4 til Year. 350.28 350.23 350I8 350.I3 350.07 350.02 349-95 349.89 349.82 349-74 349.66 349-58 349-49 349.38 349.28 349- 1 7 349-04 348.89 348.74 348.58 348.41 348.23 348.04 347-83 347-59 347-33 347-OI 346.63 346.19 345-66 345-07 344-40 343-65 342.81 34I.87 340.84 339-69 338.43 337.03 335-48 333-79 331-95 329.92 327.70 325.26 322.54 3I9-53 316.15 312.38 308.26 303.88 5th Year. 447-43 447-38 447.32 447.26 447.20 447.14 447.06 446.99 446.91 446.82 446.72 446.63 446.52 446.41 446.28 446.15 445-99 445.82 445-64 445-45 445-24 445-03 444.78 444-52 444.22 443-88 443-47 442.99 442.44 441.80 441.07 440.26 439-34 438.32 437-19 435-93 434-53 432.99 431.29 429.41 427.35 425.09 422.60 419.88 416.86 413.50 409 76 405-58 400.96 395.98 390.73 6th Year. 548.78 548.72 548.66 548.60 548.53 548.46 548.38 548.30 548.22 548.12 548.03 547-92 547-81 547-68 547-54 547-39 547-22 547-04 546.85 546.64 546.41 546.16 545-88 545-58 545-23 544-83 544-35 543-81 543.18 542.45 541.64 540.73 539-70 538.57 537.30 535-90 534-34 532.61 530.71 528.61 526.30 52375 520.95 517.85 5I4-42 5io.59 506.34 501.61 496.44 490.90 485.05 Tth Year. 654.49 654.44 654.38 654.32 654.26 654.19 654.12 654.04 653.96 653.87 653-77 653-67 653-55 653.43 653-29 653-I4 652.98 652.80 652.60 652.39 652.16 651.90 651.62 651.29 650.92 650.50 650.OO 649.44 648.79 648.06 647.23 646.30 645.27 644.II 642.83 641.40 639.82 638.07 636.13 633-99 631.61 629.OO 626.II 622.91 619.36 615.40 6ll. OI 606.18 600.91 595-25 589.25 8th Year. 764.79 764.75 764.70 764.65 764.60 764 54 764.48 764.41 764.34 764.27 764.19 764.10 764 00 763.89 763.77 763.64 763.50 763.35 763.18 762.99 762.78 762.55 762.29 762. CO 761.66 761.27 760.83 760.33 759-75 759- 10 758.37 757-55 756.64 755-62 754-49 753-23 751.82 750.28 748.57 746.66 744-55 742.21 739.62 736.74 733-55 729.99 726.07 721.77 717.06 711.98 706.51 9th Year. 879.89 879.86 879.83 879.80 879.77 879-73 879.69 879.65 879.61 879.56 879.51 879-45 879-39 879.32 879-25 879.17 879.07 878.97 878.86 878.74 878.60 878.45 878.28 878.08 877.86 877.60 877.31 876.98 876.60 876.18 875.71 875.18 874.58 873.92 873.18 872.37 87L45 870.44 869.31 868.06 866.67 865.12 863.41 861.50 859-39 85704 854.46 851.61 848.48 845.06 841.31 Am.35% 15Yr.End 202 Principi.es and Practice Table No. LX. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF FIFTEEN- YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 48.92 99.90 I53.05 208.45 21 48.9I 99.88 I53-OI 208.40 22 48.9O 99.86 152.98 208.37 23 48. 8S 99.84 152.96 208.33 24 48.88 99-83 152.93 208 29 25 48.87 99.81 152.90 208.25 26 48.86 99-79 152.87 208.20 27 48.85 99-77 152.84 208.16 28 48.85 99-75 152.81 208.I2 29 48.83 99.72 152.78 208.07 30 48.83 99.71 15275 208.03 31 48.82 99.70 152.72 207.98 3' 48.81 99.67 152. 68 207.93 33 48 80 99- 6 5 152.65 207.89 34 48.79 99.64 152.62 207.85 11 48.80 99- 6 3 152.60 207.79 48.79 99.62 152.57 207.74 U 48.79 99.60 152.54 207.69 48.79 99-59 152.51 207.65 39 48.79 99-59 152.50 207.63 40 48.80 99.60 152.50 207.62 4i 48.82 99- 6 3 152.53 207.62 42 48.83 99.66 152.55 207.64 43 48.87 99.70 152.61 207.66 44 48.90 99.76 152.65 207.68 $ 48.95 99.82 152.71 207.71 48.99 99.88 152.76 207.70 % 49.04 99-95 152.79 207.67 49.08 99.98 152.78 207.58 49 49- 1 1 99.99 152.74 207.46 50 49.13 99.99 152.68 207.30 5i 49.14 99.98 152.61 207.12 52 49.16 99-97 152.51 206.91 53 49.18 99-94 152.40 206.67 54 49.18 99.91 152.27 206.39 55 49.20 99-87 152.13 206.IO 56 49.20 99-83 151.98 205. 7S 11 49.22 99.80 151-83 205.44 49-25 99-77 151.67 205.08 59 49.27 99-73 151-49 204.68 60 49-30 99.70 I5I-3I 204.26 61 49-32 99.66 151-11 203.82 62 49-36 99-63 150.91 203.32 6 J 49.40 99-59 150.66 202.75 64 49-44 99-52 150.36 202.09 S2 49 45 99.42 149.99 201.30 49.46 99.29 149-54 200.40 67 49-47 99.11 1 »9-03 199.38 68 49-44 98.90 148.45 198.27 69 49-44 98.68 147.87 197-25 70 49.42 98.48 147.41 196.49 5th Year. 266.21 266.16 266.II 266.06 266.OI 265.96 265.90 265.84 265.79 265.73 265.66 265.60 265 54 265.47 265.40 265.33 265.25 265.18 265.12 265.07 265.03 265.02 264.99 264.98 264.96 264.91 264.82 264.69 264.50 264.27 263.99 263.66 263.29 262.88 262.42 261.92 261.37 260. 79 260.16 259.48 258.76 257.96 257-07 256.07 254-90 253-57 252.05 250.39 248.70 247.18 246. 10 6th Year. 326.43 326 37 326.31 326.26 326.19 326.13 326.06 325.99 325.92 325.84 325.77 325-69 325.60 325-5I 325.42 325.32 325 22 325-12 325.03 324.95 324.88 324.82 324.75 324.68 324.58 324-44 324.24 324.OO 323 69 323-3I 322.88 322.38 321.83 321.21 320.53 3I9-78 318.97 318.08 3r7-I4 3I6.I2 3I5.00 313-77 312.41 310.86 309.IO 307.O9 304.84 302.48 3OO.16 298.I5 296 68 7th Year. 389.23 389.17 389.IO 389.03 388 96 388.88 388.80 388.72 38863 388.54 388.45 388.36 388.25 388.13 388.OI 387.89 387.76 387.63 387.51 387.39 387.28 387.16 387.03 386.88 386.68 386.44 386.13 385-76 385.30 384-77 384-16 383.48 382.72 381.88 380.94 379.92 378.80 377.60 376.29 374-87 373.31 37L59 369.67 367.50 365-04 362.28 359-28 356.21 353.26 350.70 348.79 15Yr.End. Am.3i* Op Lifk Insurance:. 203 Table No. LX. — Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF FIFTEEN-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 1.1 th 14th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 1 20 454-73 523-05 594-31 668.66 746.25 827.22 911-75 21 454-66 522.97 594-23 668.58 746.18 827.16 911. 71 ! 22 454.58 522.89 594-15 668.50 746.IO 827.IO 911.68 } 23 454.50 522.8o 594.06 668.42 746.02 827.04 911.64 24 454-43 522.72 593-97 668.33 745-94 826.97 911. 6g 25 454-34 522.62 593.87 668.23 745.85 826.90 9"-55 26 454.25 522.52 593-77 668.13 745-76 826.82 911. 51 27 454.15 522.42 593-66 668.02 745.65 826.74 9 JI -45 28 454-o6 522.31 593-55 667.90 745-54 826.65 911.40 29 453 95 522.20 593.42 667.77 745-42 826.54 9"-33 30 453-84 522.07 593-28 667.63 745.29 826.44 911.27 3i 453-72 521.94 593-14 667.48 745.15 826.32 911. 19 32 453-59 521.79 592.98 667.32 744.99 826.19 911. 11 33 453-46 521.63 592.81 667.15 744-83 826.05 911.02 34 453-31 521.47 592.63 666.96 744.65 825.89 910.92 35 453-16 521.30 592.44 666.76 744-45 825.72 910.81 36 453-OI 521. II 592.24 666.54 744.24 825.54 910.69 3 Z 45285 520.93 592.02 666.31 744.oo 825.33 910.56 38 452.69 520.73 591-79 666.06 743-74 825.IO 910.40 39 452.53 520.53 59^54 665.78 743-45 824.84 910.23 40 452-37. 520.31 591.27 665.46 743.13 824.54 910.04 4i 452.19 520.06 590-9° 665.10 742.76 824.21 909.82 42 451.98 519-77 590.60 664.69 742.33 82384 909.58 43 45*-74 519-43 590.18 664.23 741.86 823.41 9°9 3° ! 44 45L44 519.04 589.70 663 68 74I-3I 822.93 908.99 45 451.08 5IS.57 589.14 663.07 740.68 822.38 908.63 46 450.65 518.02 588.49 662.35 739-97 821.76 908.23 % 450.14 517.38 587.74 661.54 739.16 821.06 907.78 449-54 516.64 586.88 660.62 738.25 820.26 907.27 49 448.85 515-79 585-92 659-58 737.22 819.37 906.70 50 448.06 5I4.'85 584.83 658.42 736.07 818.38 906.06 5i 447.19 513-79 583-63 657.12 734-78 817.27 905.35 52 446.22 512.61 582 28 655-67 733.36 816.03 904.55 53 445.14 511-31 580.79 654.08 73I.78, 814.66 9 c 3-67 54 443-94 509.86 579- 14 652.31 730.03 813.14 902.68 ! 55 442.63 508.28 577-34 650.37 728.10 811.46 901.59 ! 56 441.20 506.56 575-36 648.23 725.97 809.59 900.38 57 439- 6 5 504-67 573.18 645-88 723.62 807.52 899.03 ; 58 437.96 502.61 570.80 643.28 721.02 805.23 897-53 i 59 436.11 500.34 568.17 640.42 718.13 802.68 895.87 1 60 434.09 497.84 565.26 637.23 714.92 799.86 894.03 1 61 431.83 495-06 562.02 633.68 711.36 790-73 892.00 1 02 429.31 491-95 558.39 629.73 707.42 793.29 889.76 ! 53 426.48 488.46 554.36 625.39 703.11 789-52 887.28 64 423.28 484.58 549-Q5 620.67 698.42 785-40 884.55 6 A 419-77 480.39 545-22 615.63 693.40 780.93 881.55 66 416.04 476.OI 540.30 610.35 688. oS 776.12 878.25 ^ 412.28 471.61 535-33 604.95 682.52 77I.OO 874.63 63 408.70 467.39 530.47 599-53 676.S1 765.50 870.65 . 69 405-55 463-55 525.88 594-23 670.87 759.62 866.29 1 70 403-03 460.27 521.72 588.93 664.71 753-33 861.50 1 -i Am.35* 20Yr.End 204 Principles and Practice Table No. LXI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF rER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 tli 6th 7th. Agr. 20 Year. Year. Year. • Year. Year. Year. Year. 259.9O 32.71 66.79 IO2.29 139.29 177.84 2I8.02 21 32.71 66.78 I02 28 139-27 177.82 217-99 259.86 22 32.71 66.77 I02.27 139.26 177.80 217.97 259-83 23 32.70 66.77 I02.27 139-25 177.79 2t7-95 259.80 24 32.71 66.78 I02.27 139-25 177.78 217.93 259-78 25 32.71 66.78 I02.27 139-25 177.78 217 92 259.76 26 32.71 66 78 I02.28 139-25 177-77 217.91 259-74 27 32.72 66.79 102 28 139.26 177.78 217.9I 259-73 > 28 32.73 66.80 IO2.30 139.27 177.79 217.91 259.72 ; 29 32.73 66.81 IO2.32 139.29 177.80 217.92 259-73 30 32.74 66.84 102.35 139-32 177.83 217.95 259-74 31 32.76 66.87 IO2.38 139-35 177.87 217.98 259-77 32 32.73 66.90 102.42 139-41 177.92 218.03 259.80 33 32.79 66.93 ro2.47 139-47 177.98 218.09 259-85 34 32. 82 66.99 102.54 139-55 178.07 2I8.I7 259.92 35 32.86 67.06 102.63 I39-65 178.18 218.28 260.03 i 36 32 90 67.13 102.73 139-77 178.30 218.4I 260.16 U 32.95 67.22 102.85 139-91 178.47 218.59 260.34 33-oo 67.32 102.99 140.09 178.67 2l8.8l 260.56 39 33-oS 67.44 103.17 140.31 178.93 219.08 260.84 40 33-15 67-59 103.38 140. 5S 179-23 219.4I 261.16 4 1 33-'25 67.78 103.65 140.89 179.59 219.78 261 53 42 33-36 67.99 103.94 141.26 179.99 220.20 261.95 43 33-50 68.23 104.2S 141.67 180.45 220.67 262.38 44 33- 63 68.51 104.65 142.12 180 94 22I.I6 262.84 45 33- So 68.81 105.06 142.60 181.45 221.66 263.29 46 33-97 69.13 105.50 143.10 181.97 222.17 263 76 47 34.17 69.48 105.95 143.62 182.51 222.70 264.24 48 34-37 69.84 106.42 144-15 133.07 223.25 264.72 49 34-57 70.19 106.89 144.69 183.65 223.80 265.21 50 34-79 70.58 107.39 145.28 184.26 224.39 265.73 51 35.0I 70.98 107.94 145.90 184.92 225.02 266.29 52 35-26 71-43 108.53 146.58 185.63 225.71 266.90 53 35-53 71.91 109.17 147 32 186.40 226.47 267.58 54 35-82 72.44 109 87 148.13 187.26 227.30 268.32 55 36.13 73- 00 110.62 149.01 188.19 228.21 269.12 56 36.47 73.6i in. 44 149.96 189.19 229.19 270.00 11 36. s 4 74.29 112 34 151.00 190 29 230.25 270.96 37.25 75-oi 113-30 152. 11 191.46 231.40 271.98 59 37-67 75-73 114.32 153.28 192.71 232.62 273.05 60 38.13 76.60 115-41 1 54- 56 194.05 233.91 274.17 61 38.61 77-48 116.58 I55-9I I95-46 235.26 275-34 62 39- 13 78.42 11784 157.35 196.96 236.69 276.55 63 39-7Q 79-44 119.17 158.88 198 54 238.17 277.81 64 40. 30 80.50 120.57 160.48 200.19 239-73 279.12 65 40.92 81.61 122.03 162.13 201.91 241-35 2S0.51 20Yr.End. Am.3l* Of Life Insurance. 205 1 Table No. LXI. — Continued J TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE THREE AND ONE-HALF FER CENT. 8th 9th lOth 11th 12th 13th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 303.55 349-05 396.50 445-97 497-56 551.38 21 303.50 349.OO 396.43 445-90 497-49 55L29 22 303.46 348.95 396.38 445-83 497.41 55I-20 ; 23 303.43 348.91 396.32 445-76 497 33 55I-I2 | 24 303.40 348.87 39 6 - 2 7 445-70 497-25 551.03 ! % 303.37 348.82 396.21 445-63 497-17 550.94 303.34 348.78 396.16 445.56 497.09 550.84 % 303.31 348.75 396.11 445-50 497.00 550.73 303.30 348.72 396.06 445-43 496.91 550.63 29 303.29 348.69 396.01 445- 36 496.82 550.52 30 303.29 348.67 395.98 445-29 496.74 550.4I 31 303.30 348.66 395-94 445-24 496.65 550.30 32 303.32 348.66 395-92 445.19 49 6 -58 550.20 33 303-35 348.68 395-91 445-17 496.52 550.IO 34 303.42 348.72 395-94 445.16 496.48 550.02 35 303.5I 348.80 395-99 445.17 496.45 549-94 36 303.64 348.90 396.07 445.20 496.43 549-87 ; 37 303.80 349 05 396.17 445.26 496.43 549-79 38 304.OI 349-23 396.31 445-34 496.43 549-70 39 304.27 349-45 396.48 445-43 496.42 549-59 40 304.57 349-71 396.66 445-52 496.40 549.46 4i 304.92 349-99 396.85 445.60 49 6 -37 549-31 : 42 305.28 350.28 397.04 445.67 496-3I 549-H i 43 305.66 350.57 397.22 445-73 496.22 548.87 ! 44 306.04 350.86 397-39 445-75 496.09 548.57 i 306.42 351-14 397-54 445-74 495- 9 1 548.21 306.81 35L40 397.66 445.69 495-67 54779 I % 307.19 351-66 397-75 445.60 495.38 547-29 ! 307.57 35I-90 397.82 445.48 495.04 546.72 i 49 307.95 352.13 397-87 445-31 494.63 546.06 1 So 308.36 352.38 397.92 445.12 494.18 545-33 ! Si 308.80 352.65 397- 9 6 444.90 493-67 544-53 52 3^9.28 352.93 398.01 444.67 493-^3 54367 ! 53 309.80 353-25 398.07 444-43 492.55 542.73 54 310.38 353-6i 398.15 444 18 49 J -93 541-71 55 311.02 354-OI 398.25 443-9 1 49 T -25 540.58 : 56 311.72 354-45 398-35 443.60 490.48 539-33 57 312.48 354 92 398.44 443-25 489 61 537.91 58 3I3.27 355-39 398.50 442.80 488.60 536.23 : 59 314.09 355.86 398.49 442.24 487.40 534-42 j 60 314.93 356.29 398.42 44L55 486.03 532.36 ! 61 31578 356.69 398.25 440.72 484.52 530.19 62 316.64 357.07 398.03 439.86 483.01 528.04 I 63 317.52 357-45 397-86 439- " 481.67 526.10 I 64 318.46 357-95 397.89 438.65 480.68 524-55 ; 65 319-55 358.73 398.32 438.69 480.27 523.57 Am.£* 20Yr.End 206 Principles and Practice Table No. LXL— Concluded . TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 14th 15 th 16th 17th 18th 19th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 607.52 666.10 727.23 791.05 857.69 927.28 21 607.43 666.OO 727.14 790.97 857.62 927.24 22 607.34 665.91 72705 790.88 857-54 927.20 23 607.24 665.81 726.94 790.78 857.47 927.15 24 607.14 665.70 726.84 790.68 857.38 927.IO u 607.04 665.59 726.72 790.57 857.29 927.04 606.92 665.46 726.60 790.45 857.I9 926.98 11 606.80 665.34 726.46 790.33 857.09 926.91 606.68 665.20 726.32 790.19 856.97 926.84 29 606.55 665.06 726.17 790.05 856.85 926.76 30 606.42 664.91 726.02 78989 856.71 926.67 j 31 606.29 664.76 725.85 789.73 856.57 926.58 j 32 606.16 664.60 725.68 789.55 856.40 926.47 33 606.03 664.44 725.49 789.35 856.23 926.35 1 34 605.9I 664.28 725.29 789.14 856.03 926.22 11 605.78 664.IO 725.07 788.89 855.81 926.07 605.64 663.89 724.82 788.62 855.56 925.90 11 605.48 663.66 724.54 788.32 855.28 925.72 605.30 663.40 724.22 787.98 854.96 925.51 39 605.O9 663.II 723.86 787.59 854.61 925.27 40 604.86 662.78 723.45 787.16 854.21 925.01 41 604.58 662.39 722.99 786.67 853-77 924.71 42 604,25 661.94 722.46 786.II 853.26 924.38 43 603.86 661.43 721.86 785.48 852.70 924.OO 44 603.40 660.84 721.17 784.76 852.05 923.58 $ 602.88 660.17 720.40 783.96 85L33 923.IO 602.27 659.39 7I95I 783.05 850.52 922.57 9 601.57 658.52 718.52 782.03 849.61 921.97 600.77 657-53 717.41 780.89 848.59 921.30 49 599-87 656.43 716.16 779.61 847.46 920.56 50 598.89 655.22 7I4.79 778.20 846.20 919.72 5i 597-81 653.88 713.28 776.64 844.80 918.80 52 596.62 652.41 711. 6l 774-92 843.25 917.77 53 595.32 650.80 709.78 773.02 841.54 916.63 54 593-91 649.03 707.75 770.91 839.63 9!5-37 §i 592.34 647.08 705.50 768.57 837.52 913.98 590-59 , 644.88 702.99 76597 835-I9 912.43 12 588.63 642.42 700.19 76309 832.63 910.73 586.39 639.68 697.II 759-95 829.81 908.86 59 583.91 636.68 693.77 756.54 826.75 906.80 60 581.22 633-47 690.22 752.90 823.44 9°4-54 61 578.43 630.15 686.51 749-05 819.88 902.05 62 575-68 626.85 682.76 745-05 816.IO 899.32 63 573.13 623.69 679.04 740.98 812.06 896.33 64 570.94 620.80 675.46 736.76 807.74 893.06 65 569.25 618.29 671.93 732.41 803.13 889.47 25Yr.End. Am.3i* Of L,ife Insurance. 207 Table No LXII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY , AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4tli 5 th 6th 7 th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 23-33 47.61 72.90 99.23 126.65 155-22 184.98 215.97 21 23.33 47.62 72.91 99-25 126.68 155.25 185.OO 216.OO 22 23-34 47.63 72.93 99.28 126.72 I55.29 185.05 216.04 23 23-35 47.66 72.97 99-32 126.76 155-34 185.IO 216.09 24 23.37 47.69 73.OI 99-37 126.82 I55-4I 185.17 216.17 25 23.39 47-73 73.06 99.44 126.90 155.48 185.25 216.25 26 23.40 47.76 73.12 99-51 126.98 155.58 185.35 216.35 1 27 23-43 47-81 73-19 99-59 127.08 I55-69 185.48 216.48 ! 28 23.46 47.87 73-27 99.70 127.21 155-83 185.62 216.64 29 23.49 47-93 73.36 99.82 127.35 155-99 185.81 216.83 30 23.53 48.02 73.48 99-97 127.52 156.20 186.03 217.07 31 23.58 48.II 73.61 100.14 127.74 156.43 186.29 217-34 32 23.64 48.22 73-77 100.34 127.98 156.71 186.59 217.67 i 33 23.70 48.34 73-95 100.58 128.26 I57.03 186.94 2l8 04 34 23.78 48.49 74 17 100.87 128.59 157.42 187.36 218.50 3 § 23.87 48.67 74-43 101.19 128.98 157.85 187.86 219.03 36 23.97 48.86 74.71 101.55 129.42 158.36 188.42 219.65 37 24.09 49.08 75-04 101.97 129.93 158.95 189.08 220.36 ! 38 24.21 49-34 75.40 10245 I30 51 159.64 189.84 22I.I8 39 24-37 49.63 75.84 103.01 131.20 160.42 I9O.72 222.12 40 24-53 49-97 76.33 103.66 131-97 l6l. 31 I9I.7O 223.17 4i 24-73 50.36 76.90 104.39 132.85 162.31 192.80 224.34 42 24-95 50.80 77-54 105.21 I33-83 163.43 I94.OI 225.60 43 25.21 51.28 78.25 106.12 134-91 164.65 195-33 226.97 44 25.49 51.82 79.03 107. 11 136.09 165.96 196.73 228.43 4 I 25.80 52.42 79.89 108.20 137-35 167.36 198.24 23O.OO 46 26.13 53-o6 80.81 109.35 I38.70 168.85 199.83 23I.67 4 Z 26.50 53-77 81.79 110.58 I40.I3 170.45 201.55 233-45 48 26.89 54-50 82.83 in. 88 141-65 172.15 203.37 235.36 49 27.29 55.27 83.93 113.26 143.27 173.96 205.33 237.40 50 27.72 56.09 85.10 114-75 I45-OI I75.90 207.43 239-59 5i 28.19 56.98 86.37 116.34 146.89 I78.OO 209.69 241.96 52 28.68 57.93 87.73 118.05 148.89 180.25 212.12 244.51 53 29.23 58.96 89.19 119.89 I5L05 182.67 214.74 247.24 54 29.79 60.05 90.73 121.84 153.36 185.25 217.52 250.I5 I 55 3040 61.21 92.39 123.94 155.82 188.OI 220.49 253.25 56 31.04 62.44 94.17 126.18 158.45 I9O.94 223.65 256.56 11 31-74 63.78 96.07 128.57 I6I.24 194.07 227.02 26o 08 32.49 65.19 98.08 131.09 164.21 197.39 23O.60 263.81 59 33-27 66.68 100.20 133.76 167.34 20O.9O 234.37 267.74 60 34 09 68.25 102.43 136.59 170.67 204.60 238.35 271.87 Am.3i* 25Yr.End. 208 Principles and Practice Table No. LXII. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $] [ooo OF TWENTY FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 9th Year. 10th Year. 11th Year. 12th Year. 13th Year. 14th Year. l«th Year. 16th Year. 248.27 248.29 248.33 248.38 248.45 281.91 281.93 281.97 282.02 282.08 316.97 316.99 317.02 3I7.05 3i7.II 353.51 353-52 353-54 353-56 353-61 391.60 39!-59 391.60 391.61 39I.65 43L29 43L28 431.27 43L28 431.29 472.68 472.65 472.63 472.62 472.61 515.84 5I5.80 5I5-76 515.73 5I5.70 3 29 248.53 248.64 248.77 248.93 249.13 282.16 282.26 282.39 282.55 282.74 317.19 317.28 3I7.40 317.55 317.74 353.67 353.76 353-86 354-00 354.17 391.70 391.76 391.85 391-97 392.13 431.32 43L36 431-43 431-53 431.66 472.62 472.64 472.69 472.76 472.87 515.68 515-68 5I5-70 515.74 515.81 30 31 32 33 34 249-37 249.65 24998 250.38 250.86 282.98 283.26 283.61 284.02 284.51 317.97 318.25 318.59 319.OI 3I9.50 354-39 354-67 355-00 355-40 355-89 392.33 392.59 392.90 393.28 393-73 431.84 432.07 432.36 432.70 433.11 473-OI 473-21 473-45 473-74 474.09 515-93 516.07 516.25 516.48 516.74 12 39 251-43 252.07 252.83 253-69 254.67 285.09 285.76 286.53 287.41 288.40 32O.O9 320.75 321.52 322.38 323.34 356.46 357-IO 357-84 358.65 359-55 394-27 394.87 395-54 396.28 397.08 433-58 434.11 434-7Q 435-33 436.02 474.48 474-9 1 475.38 475.89 476.45 5I7.03 517-35 5I7.70 518.07 518.47 40 4i 42 43 44 255-75 256.94 258.23 259.61 261.09 289.47 290.65 29I.92 293.28 294.74 324.38 325-5I 326.73 328.04 329.43 360.52 361.57 362.70 363.91 365.20 397.96 398.90 399-91 400. 99 402.13 436.77 437-57 438.43 439-34 440.30 477.04 477-68 478.35 479.06 479.82 518.89 519-33 519.80 520.29 520.80 9 49 262 68 264.36 266.17 268.10 270.17 296.30 297.97 299.75 301.65 303.70 33O.92 332.51 334-21 336.04 338.01 366.58 368.05 369.63 37L32 373-15 403.36 404.66 406.07 407.57 409.19 44L33 442.43 443.6i 444.86 446.22 480.62 481.46 482 36 483.33 484.38 521.33 521.89 522.49 523.12 523.81 50 5i 52 53 54 272.41 274.82 277.41 280.18 283.14 305.9I 308.30 310.85 313.59 316.52 340.I3 342.41 344.86 347.50 350.3I 375- it 377.23 379-51 381.95 384.54 410.93 412.82 414.85 417.01 419.28 447.69 449.28 450.97 452.76 454.64 485.51 486.72 488.01 489.36 490.74 524-55 525-33 526.15 526.97 527.78 3 59 286.30 289.66 293 22 296.99 300.96 319.64 322.94 326.45 330.I5 334.03 353.28 356.43 359-77 363.27 366.96 387.28 390.16 393.20 396.40 399-75 421.68 424.19 426.83 429.59 432.51 456.59 458.62 460.74 462.96 465.39 492.16 493.6o 495.10 496.74 498.65 528.57 529 34 530.18 531-21 532.59 60 305.13 338.II 370.82 403.30 435.68 468.17 501.01 534-49 25Yr.End. Am.3i* Of Life Insurance. 209 Table No. LXIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1 000 OF TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY , AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. i 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th 1 Age. 1 20 Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 560.85 607.81 656.81 707.94 761.33 817.IO 875.37 936.28 i 2I 560.80 607.74 656.72 707.84 761.23 817.OO 875.28 936.23 22 560.74 607.66 656.63 707.74 761.12 816.90 875.20 936.18 23 560.69 607.59 656.54 707.64 76I.02 816.79 875.IO 936.12 24 560.64 607.52 656.45 707.54 760.9O 816.68 875.00 936.05 25 560.60 607.46 656.37 707.43 760.79 816.55 874.90 935.98 26 560.57 607.40 656.28 707.33 760.66 816.43 874.78 935.90 27 560.56 607.36 656.21 707.23 760.54 816.29 874.65 935.81 ! 28 560.57 607.33 656.15 707.I3 760.4I 816.15 874.5I 935.72 i 29 560.60 607.32 656.O9 707.O3 760.28 815.99 874.36 935-61 If f,6o 66 607.34 656.05 706.93 760.13 815.82 874.I9 935.50 i 3 1 560.76 607.37 656.OI 706.82 759-97 815.62 874.OI 935-37 ! 32 560.88 607.40 655-97 706.71 759-79 815 41 873-80 935-22 i 33 561.02 607.45 655.9 2 706.58 759-59 815.17 873.57 935-o6 J34 -,61.18 607.51 655 88 706.43 759-37 814.91 873.31 934-88 35 561.36 607.57 655.82 706.27 759-12 814.61 873.02 934-68 ! 3 6 561.55 607.63 655.75 706.08 758.84 814.27 872 69 934.46 12 561.76 607.69 655 67 705.87 758.52 8I3-90 872 33 934.20 561.97 607.75 655.56 705.62 758.16 813.48 871.92 933-92 39 562.20 607.80 655-44 705.34 757-75 813.OO 871.46 933.6i 40 562.43 607.84 655 29 705.01 757-30 812.47 870.95 933-25 41 562.67 667.87 655.11 704.65 756.78 8H.87 870.38 932.86 ! 42 562.92 607.88 654.89 704 22 756.19 8II.20 869.74 932.42 43 563-16 607.87 65463 703.74 755-53 810.45 869.02 931.92 44 563-4I 607.83 654-33 7O3.I9 754-79 809.60 868.22 931-37 45 563.65 607.78 653.98 702.58 753-97 808.67 867.32 930.75 46 563.90 607.70 653.59 7OI.89 753.04 807.62 866.32 930.06 47 564.16 607.62 653.14 70I.I2 752.02 806.46 865.22 929.30 48 564.43 607.50 652.64 700.27 750.89 805.17 863.98 928.44 49 564.72 607.37 652.09 699.32 749.62 803.73 862.61 927.50 50 565.02 607.20 651.46 698.25 748.21 802.13 861.09 926.45 5i 565.33 607.OO 650.73 697.05 746.61 800.34 859-40 925.30 52 565.61 606.71 649.88 695.66 744.83 798.37 857.55 924.03 53 565.85 606.33 648.87 694.II 742.86 796.21 855.52 922.63 54 566 02 605.82 647.72 692.39 740.73 793.88 853.32 921.09 55 566.12 605.23 646.48 690.50 738.49 791.40 850.96 919.41 56 566.20 604.63 645-23 688.76 736.19 788.81 848.42 917.57 57 566.37 604.14 644.10 687.02 733-91 786.16 845.76 915 56 58 566.78 603.91 643.23 685.49 731-74 783-5I 842.92 913.36 59 567.59 604. 1 1 642.74 684.25 729.77 780.81 839.91 910.95 60 568.97 604.88 642.76 683.43 727.92 778.08 836.73 908.33 Am. 31* 30Yr.End 2IO Principles and Practice Table No. LXIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY , AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Agh. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7 th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 17 36 35-42 54-20 73.76 94.II II5.29 137.34 160.29 22 17.38 35-45 54.26 73-83 94.21 115-41 137.47 160.44 22 17.40 35-50 54-33 73-93 94-32 H5-54 137.62 160.60 23 17-43 35.56 54.42 74.05 94.46 "5- 71 137.81 l6o.8l 24 17.46 35.63 5452 74.18 94.63 115.90 138.02 161.05 a I7.5I 35.71 54-64 74-34 94.82 116. 12 I38.28 161.33 17.55 35.8o 54.78 7451 95-03 116.37 138.57 161.65 3 17.60 35-91 54-93 74-72 95.29 116.68 138.91 162.03 17.67 36.03 55-12 74.96 95.59 117.02 I39-30 162.47 29 17.74 36.17 55-33 75.24 95 -9 2 117.42 139.76 162.98 30 17.82 36.33 55-57 75-55 96.31 117.88 140.29 163.57 31 17.92 36.53 55.85 75.92 96.77 118.42 I40.9O 164.24 32 18.02 36.73 56.16 76.34 97.28 119.02 I4I-59 165.OI 33 18.14 36.97 56.52 76.81 97.86 II9-7I 142.37 165.89 34 18.28 37-25 56.93 77.36 98.53 120.49 143-27 166.89 35 18.45 37-57 57.40 77-97 99.28 121.38 144.29 168.03 36 J8.61 37-92 57-92 78.65 100.12 122.38 145-44 169.32 37 18.82 38.31 58.50 79.42 101.08 123.51 146.74 170.78 38 19.04 38.75 59.16 80.29 102.16 124.79 148.20 I72.4I 39 19.29 39-25 59-91 81.27 103.38 126.23 I49.85 I74.23 40 19-57 39.81 60.74 82.38 104.73 127.83 151.67 176.26 4i 19.89 40.44 61.68 83.61 106.26 129.61 153.68 178.48 42 20.24 41.15 62.72 84 98 107.92 131-56 155.89 180.89 43 20.63 41.92 63.86 86.47 109.75 133-69 158.27 183.49 44 21.06 42-77 65.11 88.10 in. 73 135.97 160.83 186.28 fl 21-54 43.69 66.47 89.87 113.86 138.43 163.57 189.27 22.03 44-68 67.93 9L74 116.11 141.03 166.48 I92.46 % 22.59 45-75 69.47 93-73 118.51 143.80 169.58 195.84 23.17 46.88 71.10 95.83 121.04 146.73 172.86 199.44 49 23.77 48.05 72.81 98.05 123.73 149.83 176.34 203.23 SO 24.41 49.29 74-63 100.40 126.57 153.12 180.03 207.27 5i 25.08 50.61 76.56 102.89 129 59 156.61 183.94 211-55 52 25.80 52.02 78.60 I05.54 132.78 160.31 188.09 216.09 53 26.56 53-50 80.77 108.33 136.16 164.22 192.48 220.88 54 27.37 55-07 83.05 in. 28 139.73 168.35 I97.IO 225.92 55 28.22 56.71 85.45 "439 143.48 172.69 201.95 231.22 30Yr.End. Am.3 Op IyiFE INSURANCE. 211 Table No. LXIII. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. THREE AND ONE HALF PER CENT. Age. 9 th loth 11th lath 13th 14th lHh Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 184.19 209.06 234.96 261.93 29O.OI 3I9-25 349-71 21 184.34 209 22 235-13 262.IO 290.18 319.42 349.87 22 184.52 209.42 235.33 262.30 290.38 319.63 350.07 23 184.74 209.65 235-57 262.55 290.64 319.88 350.32 24 185.OO 209.93 235.86 262.85 290.94 320.I8 350.6I , 25 I85.3I 210.25 236.20 263.20 291.30 320.54 350.96 ; 26 185.65 210.63 236.60 263.62 291.72 320.96 351.37 2 l 186.07 2II.07 237.07 264. IO 292.21 321.45 351.87 28 186.55 211.59 237.61 264.66 292.79 322.03 352.45 29 187. II 2I2.I8 238.24 265.31 293.46 322.72 353.14 j 30 187.75 212.87 238.96 266.07 294.24 323.52 353-94 31 188.49 213.66 239.80 266.95 295.16 324.45 354-88 32 189.32 214.56 240.77 267.97 296.20 325-5I 355-93 33 190.29 215.60 241.88 269.12 297.40 326.73 357.14 34 i9 x -39 2l6.8o 243-14 270.45 298.76 328.IO 358.51 ; 35 192.65 2I8.I5 244.58 271.95 300.29 329-64 360.02 36 194.06 219.67 246.18 273.61 302.OO 331-34 361.67 3 2 195.66 22I.38 247.99 275.48 303. 83 333-21 363.49 38 197-43 223.29 249.98 277-53 305-94 335-25 365.48 39 199.42 225.4O 252.18 279.77 308.19 337-47 367.65 40 201.61 227.70 254.57 282.21 310.64 339-9° 370.00 4i 203.99 23O.2I 257-17 284.86 3I3-3I 342.53 372.56 42 206.57 232.93 259.98 287.72 316.18 345-37 375-32 43 209.35 235.86 263.OO 290.80 319.28 348.43 378.30 44 212 34 238.99 266.25 294.12 322.60 35L72 381.50 4 I 215-54 242.36 269.74 .297.67 326.17 355.25 384.94 46 218.94 245.95 273.45 301.45 329.98 359.02 388.61 47 222.57 249.76 277.40 305-50 334-04 36304 392.52 48 226.42 253-81 281.61 309.79 338.35 367-31 396.68 49 230.49 258.II 286.06 314.33 342.92 371.83 401.08 50 234-83 262.67 290.79 3I9-I5 347-77 376.63 405.75 5i 239.41 267.50 295-79 324.25 352.89 381.71 410.68 52 244.27 272.61 301.08 329.66 358.33 387-07 415.88 53 249.40 278.OI 306.67 335.36 364-05 392.71 421.35 54 254.80 283.69 312.56 341-35 370.06 398.64 427.09 55 260.47 289.66 318.73 347.63 f 376.35 404.83 433-08 Am. 35* 30Yr.End 212 Principles and Practice Table No. LXIIL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21 8t 22d Age. 20 Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 381.44 4I4.50 448.94 484.84 522.25 561.26 601.95 21 38I-59 414.64 449.06 484.93 522.32 561.30 601.96 22 381.79 414.81 449.21 485.06 522.42 561.38 602.OI 23 382.02 4I5.02 449.40 485.23 522.56 561.49 602.08 24 382.30 415.28 449 65 485.44 522.75 561.63 602.18 | 11 382.63 4I5.60 449.94 485.71 522.98 561.82 602.32 | 383.03 4I5.99 450.3I 486 04 523 27 562.06 602.50 j 11 383.52 416.46 450.75 486.45 523 62 562.35 602.72 1 384.IO 417.02 45L28 486.92 524.04 562.70 602.98 1 29 384.78 417.67 451.89 487.48 524.53 563.IO 603.27 30 385.57 418.44 452.61 488.14 525.09 563.55 603.60 3i 386.48 4I9.3I 453-43 488.87 525.72 564-05 603.98 32 387.52 420.31 454.34 489.69 526.41 564.61 604.39 33 388.69 421.42 455.36 490.59 527.18 565.23 604 84 34 39O.OI 422.65 456.49 49^59 528.03 565.91 605.34 35 391.46 424.OI 457-73 492.69 528.96 566.65 605.88 36 393.04 425-49 459-o8 493-88 529.98 567.46 606.46 1 U 394.78 427.12 460.57 495- 19 53I.08 568.34 607.IO 396.68 428.89 462.18 496.61 532.28 569.29 607.79 39 398.75 430.83 463 94 498.16 533-59 570.34 608.54 40 401.OO 432.92 465.85 499.85 535 01 57L47 609.35 4i 403.43 435-20 467.92 501.68 536.56 572.69 610.24 42 406.07 437.66 470.17 503 66 538.23 574.02 6II.20 43 408.9I 440.32 472.59 505.79 540.04 575-46 612.24 44 4U.97 443-18 475-20 508.09 54L99 577.02 613.35 9 415.26 446.26 478.00 510.57 544.09 578.68 614.55 418.77 449-54 481.00 513 22 546.32 580.45 615.80 % 422.51 453-04 484.19 516.04 548.69 582.30 617.09 426.48 456.76 487.57 519.00 551.17 584 22 618.40 49 430.69 460.69 491.13 522.12 553.75 586.20 619.71 50 435.14 464.83 494.88 525.37 556.44 588.24 621.03 5i 439-83 469.19 498.81 528.78 559-22 590.33 622.41 52 444-77 473-77 502.93 532.34 562.14 592.56 623.95 53 449.96 478.58 5"7-25 536.08 565.26 595.04 625.77 54 455-41 483.62 511.80 540.09 568.70 597.90 628.OI 55 461.10 488.92 516.65 544.48 572.60 60I.28 630.82 30Yr.End. Am. 35* Of Life Insurance. 213 Table No. LXIIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. i Age. 20 23d 24th 25th 26th 27th 2*th 29rh ! Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 644.40 688.70 734-97 783.30 833.82 886.67 942.OO 21 644.39 688.66 734.90 783.21 833.72 886.58 941.94 ; 22 644.39 688.64 734.84 783.13 833.62 886.48 941.87 : 23 644.43 688.63 734-79 783.04 833.51 S86.37 941.79 | 24 644.48 688.64 734-75 782.96 833.40 886.25 Q4I-7I ! 25 644- 57 688.66 734.72 782.87 833.28 886.12 941.61 j 26 644.68 688.70 734-68 782.78 833.15 885.98 941-51 1 27 644. 8 1 688.75 734.65 782.68 833.OO 885.82 941.40 | 28 644.98 688.81 734.62 782.57 832.84 885.65 941.27 29 645.16 688.88 734.59 782.45 832.66 885.46 941-13 30 645.37 688.97 734-56 782.32 832.47 885.25 940.97 31 645.60 689.06 734.52 782.17 832.25 885.01 940.80 ! 32 645.86 689.16 734.48 782.OI 832.OO 884.75 940.60 , 33 646.13 689.27 734-43 78l 83 831.73 884.45 940.39 ! i 34 646.44 689.39 734-37 781.62 831.43 884.13 940.15 3 646.77 689.51 734.30 781.39 831.09 883.76 939-88 647.13 689.64 734-22 781.13 830.70 883.36 939-58 12 647.51 689.77 734-12 780.83 830.28 882.90 939-25 647.93 689.91 734.00 780.50 829.81 882.40 938.88 39 648.38 690.06 733.87 780.14 829.29 881.84 938.46 40 648.86 690.22 733-73 779-74 828.71 881.22 938.00 4i 649.39 690 40 733-56 779 29 828.06 880.53 937-49 42 649.96 690.58 733.38 778.79 827.35 879.76 936.93 43 650.58 690.77 733-16 778.23 826.55 878.91 936.30 44 651.23 690.96 732.91 777.60 825.66 877.96 935.6o 8 65L93 691.14 732.61 776.88 824.66 876.90 934-83 652.63 691.29 732.22 776.04 823.53 875.73 933-97 47 653.32 691.37 731-73 775-07 822.26 874-43 933.03 48 653.98 691.37 731.13 773-99 820.88 873-01 93L99 49 654.59 691.31 730.45 772.81 819.38 871.47 930.86 50 655.20 691.22 729.75 77L59 817.80 869.82 929.61 5i 655.86 691.20 729.09 770.37 816.18 868.06 928.25 52 656.70 691.35 728.58 769.24 814.55 866.24 926.77 53 657.84 691.80 728.31 768.27 812.99 864.31 925.15 54 659-43 692.66 728.37 767.53 811.44 862.28 923.40 55 661.57 694.02 728.85 766.96 809.92 860.16 921.49 Am.3i* 35Yr.End 214 Principles and Practice Table No. LXIV. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Agk. 20 1st 2d 3d 4th ftth 6th 7 th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. I3-36 27.25 41.69 56.70 72.31 88.55 105.44 21 13.40 27.33 41.80 56.86 72.52 88.79 105 72 22 13 44 27.42 41.94 57-05 72.75 89.08 106.05 23 I3-50 27.53 42.II 57-27 73-02 89 40 106.42 24 13-56 27.66 42.30 57.52 73-34 89.78 106.86 3 13.64 27.80 42.52 57.81 73.70 90. 20 I07-35 13.72 27.96 42.76 58.13 74.10 90.69 IO7.92 II I3-8I 28.15 43-04 58.51 74 57 91 25 108 56 13.92 28.36 43.36 58.93 75-io gi.Srf IO9.29 29 14.03 28.60 43-72 59.41 75.69 92.59 IIO.I2 30 14.17 28.87 44-13 59-95 76.36 93-40 III.07 31 14.32 29.18 44.58 60.56 77-14 94.31 112. 13 32 14- 50 29.52 45-09 61.25 77-99 95-34 113-31 33 14.68 29.90 45.67 62.02 78.95 96.48 II4.64 34 14.90 30.34 46.32 62.89 80.03 97-77 II6.I3 35 15.14 30.82 47-05 63.85 81.23 99.20 117 80 36 15.40 31.35 47.85 64.91 82.55 IOO.80 II9.66 37 15.71 31-95 48 74 66 10 84.04 I02.57 121.72 38 16.03 32.60 49.72 67.41 85.68 IO4.54 I24.OO 39 16.39 33-33 50.81 68.87 87.51 IO6.72 I26.53 40 16.79 34-13 52.02 70.49 89.51 IO9.I2 129.29 4i 17.24 35-02 53-36 72.26 91.72 ni-73 132.30 42 17.72 36 00 54-81 74- 19 94.11 114.57 135.55 43 18.26 37-05 56 39 76.27 96.68 117.61 I39.O3 44 18.83 38.19 58.09 78.51 99 44 120.85 I42.71 % 19-45 3942 59-9 1 80.90 102.37 124.28 I46.61 20 10 40-73 61.84 83.42 10545 127 88 150.72 tl 20.81 42.11 63.87 86.07 108.68 131.68 155.04 21.54 43-55 65 99 88.83 112.06 135.65 15957 49 22.31 45-05 68.19 91-73 115. 61 139.82 I64 31 So [ 23.10 46.62 70.51 94.76 119-32 144.18 I69.26 35Yr.End. Am.3i* Of Life Insurance. 215 Table No. LXIV. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILI , MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 8th 9th lOth ltth 12th 13th 14th Age. 20 Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 123.01 141.27 160.27 180.03 200.59 221.98 244.22 21 123 32 141.62 160.66 180.45 201.04 222.44 244.71 22 123.69 142.03 l6l.II 180.94 201.56 222.99 245.29 23 124.12 142.51 161.63 181.50 202.l6 223.63 245.96 24 124.61 143.06 162.23 182.15 202.85 224.37 246.73 2 | I25.I8 143.68 162.91 182.89 203.65 225.22 247.61 26 125.81 144-39 163.70 183.74 204.56 226.17 248.62 27 126.54 145.21 164.59 184.71 205.60 227.28 249.77 28 127-37 146.14 165.61 185.82 206.78 228.53 251.09 29 128.31 147.19 166.76 187.06 208.II 229.95 252.60 30 129.39 148.38 168.07 188.48 209 63 23L57 254-30 31 130.58 149.72 169.53 190.07 211-35 233.40 256.23 32 I3I-93 151. 21 171. 19 191.87 213.29 235-45 258.39 33 133-44 I52.9O 173.04 193.89 2T5-45 237-75 260.80 34 135-14 I54-80 175.13 196.15 217.88 240.32 263.48 35 I37.03 156.92 177-45 198.68 220.57 243.17 266.46 36 139-14 159.26 180.04 201.46 223.55 246.30 269.70 37 141 48 l6l.88 182.89 204.54 226.82 249.72 273.25 38 144.07 164.74 186.03 207.91 230.39 253-45 277.00 39 146.92 I67.9O 189.46 211.58 234.26 257-49 281.26 40 150.03 171-34 I93-T8 215-55 238.44 261.84 285.76 4i 153.42 175-05 197.18 219.81 242.93 266.52 290.58 42 I57-04 179.02 201.47 224.37 247.73 271.52 295-73 43 160.91 I83-25 206.02 229.23 252.83 276.84 301.21 44 165.01 187.74 210.86 234-37 258.25 282.46 307.01 4§ 169.35 I92.48 215.98 239.81 263.97 288.42 3I3-15 46 173.93 I97.48 221.37 245-54 269.99 294.69 319.62 47 178.74 202.75 227.03 251.56 276.33 301.29 326.41 48 183.78 208.26 232.96 257-88 282.97 308.19 333.52 49 189.06 214.03 239.19 264.50 289.92 3I5.42 340.95 50 194.57 220.06 245.68 271.40 297.17 322.95 348.72 Am.£* 35Yr.End 216 Principles and Practice 1 Table No. LXIV.— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES PA r EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, ' rHREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 15th 16th 17th lHth 19th 20th 2l8t Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 267.36 291.43 316 48 342-55 369.67 397.90 427.28 21 267.87 291.96 317.02 343-08 370.20 398.41 427.77 22 268.47 292.57 3I7.64 343-71 370.82 399.02 428.37 23 269.16 293.28 318.36 344-43 37L54 399-74 429.08 24 269.96 294.11 3I9.I9 345-28 372.39 400.58 429.90 25 270.88 295.05 320. t6 346.26 373-38 401.56 430.85 20 271 93 2q6.i3 321.27 347-39 374-51 402.68 43L94 27 273.13 297.38 322.55 348.68 375.81 403.96 433-19 28 274-51 298.81 324 01 350.17 377-29 405.42 434.60 29 276.08 300.43 32567 35I-84 378.96 407.06 436.18 30 277.86 302.27 327-54 353-73 380.83 408.89 437-93 31 279.86 304- 33 329.64 355.84 382.92 410.91 439-86 32 282.II 306.63 33198 358.17 385-21 413.13 441.98 33 284.61 309.20 334-57 360.74 387.73 415-57 444-32 34 287.39 312.02 337.40 363-56 390.49 418.26 446.87 $ 290.43 315-12 340.51 366.64 393.52 421.18 449.65 293.76 318.49 343.89 370.00 396.80 424.36 452.68 37 297.39 322.16 347.58 373-65 400.38 427.82 455.98 38 301.33 326.15 351.57 377.60 404.26 431.56 459-56 39 305.59 330.46 355-89 381.88 408.45 435.62 463.43 40 3IO.I8 335- 10 360.54 386.48 412.97 439-99 467.60 4i SIS-" 340.09 , 365-52 39*-43 417.81 444.69 472.08 42 320.36 345-40 370.85 396.71 422.99 449.69 476.85 43 325.95 35i.o6 376.52 402.32 428.48 455-OI 481.93 44 331.88 357.05 382.52 408.26 434-30 460.64 487.30 45 338.15 363-38 388.85 414-53 440.44 466.58 492.96 46 344-74 370.04 395-51 421.13 446.90 472.82 498.90 47 351.66 377.04 402.51 428.06 453.68 479.36 505-12 48 358 92 384.37 409.84 435-31 460.77 486.20 511.60 49 366.50 392-03 4I7.50 442.88 468.16 493.32 518.37 50 374.42 400.02 1 • 425.47 450.76 1 475.85 500.73 525.40 35Yr.End. Am.32* Of L-ifk Insurance. 217 Table No. LXIV .—Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 22d 23d 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 457-86 489.72 522.9O 557-47 593.51 631.08 670.27 21 458.34 490.17 523.3I 557-84 593-82 631.32 670.44 22 458.92 490.70 523-8I 55828 594-19 631.62 670.66 23 459-59 491-35 524.39 558.8o 594-63 631.97 670.90 24 460.38 492.08 525.07 559-4Q 595-14 632.37 671.18 25 461.30 49 2 -95 525.86 560.09 595-71 632.82 671.50 26 462.34 493-93 526.74 560.86 596.36 633.32 671.86 27 463.53 495-03 527-74 561.73 597.08 633.89 672.26 28 464.87 496.26 528.84 562.69 597.88 634.51 672.71 29 466.35 497-63 530.07 563.76 598-77 635.21 673.20 30 467.99 499.14 531-43 564.93 599-75 635.97 673.74 31 469.80 500.81 532.92 566.23 600.82 636.81 674.35 32 47I.80 502.64 534-56 567.65 602.00 637.74 675.OO 33 473.98 504.64 536.36 569.21 603.30 638.75 675.72 34 476.38 506.84 538.32 570.92 604.72 639.87 676.51 35 478.99 509.23 540.47 572.78 606.27 641.08 677.38 36 481.82 511.85 542.81 574.82 607.97 642.41 678.33 37 484.92 514.69 545-37 577.04 609.82 643.87 679.38 38 488.28 517.78 548.14 579-45 611.84 645.46 680.52 39 491. 9 1 521.12 551.14 582.07 614.03 647.19 681.76 40 495.82 524.73 554-38 584.90 616.40 649.05 683.08 4i 500.03 528.60 557.87 587.93 618.93 651.04 684.49 42 504.51 532.73 561.58 591.16 621.61 653.12 685.95 43 509.28 537-11 565.50 594-56 624.42 655.29 687.43 44 5I4.3I 54L73 569.64 598.12 627.35 657.53 688.94 9 519-61 546.59 573.96 601.84 630.39 659.83 69O.49 525.16 551.66 578.46 605.70 633.53 662.23 692.I5 47 530.96 556.95 583.16 609.72 636.84 664.82 694.01 48 537-OI 562.47 588.07 613.98 640.42 667.70 696.19 49 543-32 568.25 593.26 618.56 644.39 671.OI 698.80 50 549.90 574-33 598.83 623.60 648.86 674.87 701.95 Am.31* 35Yr.End 218 Principles ant > Practice Table No. LXIV.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 29th 30th 31st 32d 33d 34th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 711. 18 753.90 798.57 845-34 894.36 945.84 21 711.27 753.92 798-53 845.24 894.25 945.75 22 7H-39 753.96 798.49 845.I5 894.13 945-66 23 711.54 754.OO 798.45 845.05 894.OO 945.56 24 711.70 754.06 798.41 844.94 893.86 945-45 a 711.89 754.12 798.36 844.81 893.70 945.32 712.10 754- 20 798.32 844.68 893.53 945.19 3 712.34 754.28 798.26 844.53 893-34 945-03 712.60 754-37 798.21 844-37 893.13 944. 86 29 712.90 754.48 798 15 844.19 892.90 944.68 30 713.22 754-59 798.09 843-99 892.64 944.47 31 713.58 754-72 798.OI 843.76 892.35 944-24 32 713.97 754-85 797-93 843.52 892.04 943-99 33 714.39 755-00 797.83 843.25 891.68 943-7Q 34 714.86 755.17 797.74 842.95 891.30 943-39 $ 715.38 755-36 797.63 842.62 890.87 943.04 715.95 755-56 797.51 842.26 890.39 942.65 11 716.58 755.78 797.38 841.86 889.87 942.23 717.26 756.03 797-23 841.41 889.29 941-75 39 718.01 756.29 797.06 840.92 888.64 94L23 40 718.79 756.55 796.85 840.35 887.92 940 66 41 719.60 756.78 796.58 839.71 887.12 940.03 42 43 720.41 756.98 796.24 838.99 886.25 939-33 721.21 757-13 795.84 838.19 885.29 938.57 44 722.00 757.26 795-40 .837.34 884.25 93773 722.83 757-41 794-97 836.45 883.15 936.82 723.76 757.65 794.59 835.56 881.97 935-82 47 724.90 758.07 794-32 834.71 880.77 934.73 48 726.34 758.76 794.24 833-95 879.5I 933-54 49 72S.19 759-78 794.40 833-24 878.20 932.25 50 730.53 761.21 794-77 832.60 876.84 930.85 Ann.Prem. Am.3^ Of Life Insurance 219 Table No. LXV. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS 81000, AMERICAN EXPERI- ENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 9 Payment 14 Payment 19 Payment Life. Endowment Endowment Endowment Life. Life. 9 Years. 14 Years. 19 Years. 20 37-29 26.43 21.41 97.02 58.94 41.32 21 37-87 26.85 21.76 97.05 58.98 41.36 22 38.48 27.29 22.11 97.08 59.OI 41.40 23 39-n 27.74 22.48 97-11 59.05 41.45 24 39.76 28.21 22.87 97.14 59.09 41.50 25 40.44 28.70 23.27 97.17 59.13 41.55 26 41.14 29.20 23.68 97-21 59.18 41.61 27 41.87 29.72 24.12 97.25 59-22 41.67 28 42.62 30.27 24-57 97.29 59.28 41.74 29 43-41 30.83 25.03 97.34 59.34 41.82 30 44.22 31.42 25-52 97.38 59.40 41.90 31 45.06 32.02 26.02 97-44 59-47 41.99 32 45-93 32.66 26.55 97-49 59-55 42.09 33 46.83 33-3i 27.10 97-56 59.63 42.21 34 47.76 33-99 27.67 97-63 59-73 42.33 35 48.74 34.7o 28.27 97-7o 59.83 42.47 3<5 49-74 35-44 28.89 97-79 59-95 42.63 37 50.78 36.20 29-54 97-88 60.07 42.80 38 51.86 37.00 30.23 97-99 60.22 43.OO 39 52.98 37.83 30.94 98.10 60.38 43-22 40 54-14 38.70 31.69 98.23 60.56 43.47 4i 55-35 39-6o 32.47 98.37 60.76 43-75 42 56.60 40.54 33.30 98.53 60.99 44.06 43 57.89 41.52 34.17 98.72 61.25 44-42 44 59-24 42.56 35-09 98.93 61.54 44.82 45 60.64 43-64 36.06 99.16 61.88 45.26 46 62.09 44-77 37-09 99-43 62.25 45-77 47 63.61 45.96 38.17 99-74 62.68 46.34 48 65.18 47.20 39.32 100.09 63.16 46.97 49 66.82 48.52 40.55 100.49 63.70 47.68 5o 68.52 49.89 41.84 100.93 64.30 48.47 5i 70.28 51-34 43.22 101.43 64.98 49-35 52 72.12 52.86 44.69 101 .99 65.73 5o.33 53 74.02 54-47 46.25 102.61 66-57 51.42 54 76.00 56.16 47.91 103.30 67.50 52.62 55 78.06 57.95 49.69 104.06 68.53 53.96 56 80.21 59.84 5I.6o 104.92 69.68 55-43 57 82.45 61.84 53.64 105.87 70.96 57.06 58 84.78 63-97 55.83 106.93 72.38 58.86 59 87.23 66.24 58.18 108.10 73.96 60.85 60 89.79 68.66 60.72 109.41 75-71 63.03 61 92.48 71-25 63.44 110.86 77.64 65-43 62 95.31 74.02 66.38 112.47 79-79 68.07 63 98.29 76.98 69.55 114.25 82.15 70.96 64 101.45 80.17 72.98 116.24 84.76 74.14 65 104.79 83.59 76.69 118.44 87.64 77.62 66 108.33 87.27 80.71 120.88 90.79 81.43 67 112.09 91.23 85-05 123.56 94.27 85.60 68 116.08 95-49 89.76 126.52 98.08 90.16 69 120.32 100.10 94.85 129.75 102.26 95-13 70 124.82 105 .08 IOO.37 133-28 106.85 100.55 Am.3i* 9Pay.L Principles and Practice Table No. LXVI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1,000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY NINE EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d Year. Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 8th Year. 9th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5o 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 3i -°3 31.60 32.17 32.78 33-41 34.06 34.74 35-43 36-15 36.89 37.66 38.45 39.27 40.10 40.98 41.87 42.79 43-73 44.69 45- 69 46.70 47-75 48.83 49-93 51.04 52.18 53-33 54.49 55.65 56.81 57-93 59.06 60.1 61.28 62.35 63.40 64.41 65-39 66.34 67.22 68.05 68.82 69-53 70.17 7o.73 71 .20 7i.55 71.78 71.89 7i-85 71-63 63 64 65. 66. 68 69. 70. 72. 73- 75- 76. 78. 80. 81. 83- 85- 87. 89. 91. 93- 95- 97- 99. 101 , 104, 106. 108, in , 113 ii5 118, 120, 122 124 126 129 *3* i33 i35 136 138 140 141 142 i43 144 i45 H5 146 i45 i45 97.02 " 79 02 52 48 5 2 6a 7" 03 34 74 ,20 75 37 ,09 87 .72 66 .67 ,76 .94 .21 •54 .9a •37 .88 .41 .96 .49 .CO .49 •97 39 •77 .06 .2 .41 .42 •3 1 .04 •59 .08 .16 . 10 •79 .16 .22 •02 .18 .OI .46 IOO. I02. IO4. IOO. 08. no. «3« "5- 117. 120, 122. 125. 128. 130. 133' 136, 139 142, 145 149 *S 2 i55 J 59 162 166 169 i73 177 180 183 187 190 194 197 200 203 206 209 211 213 216 218 219 221 222 222 223 223 222 132. 134- i37- i39- 142. i45- 147. 150. i53- i57- 160. 163. 167. 170. 174. 178. 182. 186. 190. 194. 198. 203. 207. 212 . 216. 221 . 226. 231. 235. 240, 245' 250. 254. 259 263, 268, 272, 276, 280 284 287 291 294 296 299 301 302 3°3 3°4 304 303 168, 171, i74 178 181 185 188 192 196 200 204 208 213 217 222 227 232 237 242 248 253 259 264 270 276 282 288 294 300 306 312 3i8 324 33° 336 342 347 352 357 362 367 37i 375 379 382 385 387 388 389 39o 39o .65 •73 •93 .22 .64 •i7 .81 • 59 .48 .50 .66 .94 •37 .9] .61 ■43 .38 •47 •71 .08 •57 .20 • 04 •7 ( ' .72 .72 •75 .81 .88 •93 •95 •95 .88 •73 .48 .1 1 •59 .88 .08 .83 •43 •74 .69 •27 •43 . 12 .27 84 .84 32 36 206, 210, 214, 218, 222 226 231 , 236 240 245 250 256 261 267 272 278 284 291 297 3°4 310 317 324 33 1 339 346 353 361 368 375 383. 39° • 398. 405- 412. 419. 426. 43 2 - 439' 445' 451' 456. 461 , 466, 470, 474 477 480, 482, 483 484 75 ■52 ,44 .48 ,66 .99 .40 .09 85 •79 .88 .13 •54 . 12 .86 .76 .84 .08 .40 .06 •70 .67 .69 .82 .06 •37 •73 .13 •55 •97 37 74 04 28 39 3* 19 82 22 37 21 72 84 54 78 47 59 14 11 57 57 246 250 255 260 265 270 275 281 287 292 299 305 3" 3i8 325 332 339 346 354 362 37o 378 386 395 404 412 421 43° 439 448 456 465 474 483 491 500, 5< 08 5i6 524 532 539 546 553 559 565 57° 575 579 582 585 588 45287.83 95 293.09 298.53 3°4-i7 309.99 316.02 322.24 328.68 335-33 342.19 349-27 356.58 364.1 371.86 379-85 388.08 396.54 405.22 414.14 423.28 432.62 442.17 45 I -9° 461.78 471 .80 481.95 492.20 502.54 5 I2 -95 523-40 533-87 544-35 554 565-22 575-54 585-77 595-86 605.79 615-52 625.00 634.22 643 . 1 2 651.68 659.84 667.59 674-93 681.85 688.39 694.54 700.32 705-73 .02 •43 •43 •S8 .91 • 42 . 1 1 .90 .06 •3 1 •7" .40 .24 .38 •5 2 .96 •59 .41 43 6a 96 44 °3 7> 48 3 1 16 04 9 1 7* 57 3° 92 42 76 90 83 48 83 8 44 6a •39 47 11 ,22 83 95 ,62 33o.97 337-02 343-28 349-76 356.46 363-39 37o.55 377-95 385.60 393-49 401.63 410.03 418.69 427.62 436.81 446.28 456.00 466.00 476.26 486.77 497-52 508.49 5 r 9- 6 7 53 I -°4 542.58 554.30 566.15 578.13 590.22 602.39 614.63 626.92 639.24 651.55 663.83 676.07 688.24 700.30 712.23 724.01 735.6o 746.98 758.13 769.04 779.72 790.18 800.48 810.62 820.64 830.54 840.32 14Pay.L. Am.3i% Of Life Insurance. 221 Table No. LXVII TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY FOURTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS ; AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE- half PER CENT Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year Year. 20 19.71 40.22 6i.57 83-79 106.93 131 .02 156.10 21. 20.IO 41.02 62.79 85-45 109.05 133.62 159.20 22 20.50 41.84 64.05 87.17 1 1 1. 24 136.30 162.40 23 20.92 42.69 65.36 88.96 "3.52 139.09 165.70 24 21.36 43.58 66.72 90.80 115.87 141 .96 169.13 25 21.81 44. 5 1 68.13 92.71 118.30 144.94 172.66 26 22.27 45-45 69.58 94.68 120.81 148.OO 176.31 27 22.76 46.44 71.07 96.71 123.40 151. 18 180.08 28 23.26 47-44 72.62 98.81 126.08 154-44 183.97 29 23.76 48.49 74-21 IOO.98 128.83 157.82 187.98 30 24.30 49-57 75.87 103.22 131.68 161.30 192.12 31 24.84 50.69 77.56 105.53 134.62 164.89 196.38 32 25-41 51.83 79-32 107.91 137.65 168.58 200.76 33 25-99 53.0 2 81.12 IIO.36 140.76 172.37 205.27 34 26.59 54.24 82.99 112.88 143.96 176.29 209.90 35 27.21 55.50 84.90 115.46 147.25 180.29 214.65 36 27.85 56.78 86.86 118. 13 150.62 184.40 219-53 37 28.49 58.10 88.87 120.84 I54.07 188.62 224.54 38 29.16 59-47 9o.94 123.64 157.64 192.96 229.67 39 29.86 60.86 93.o6 126.52 161.28 197.39 234.91 40 30-55 62.28 95.24 129.47 165.OI 201.92 240.26 4i 31.29 63.77 97-49 132.5° 168.83 206.56 245-72 42 32.04 65.29 99.78 135.58 172.72 211.26 251.24 43 32.81 66.83 102.12 138.72 176.67 216.02 256.82 44 33-58 68.40 104.49 141.89 180.65 220.82 262.42 45 34.38 70.00 106.90 145.10 184.66 225 .61 268.03 46 35-i8 71.61 109.31 148.31 188.65 230.40 273.62 47 36.00 73.22 in. 72 151-50 192.62 235.16 279.19 48 36.81 74.84 114. 10 154.66 196.56 239.89 284 . 70 49 37.61 76.41 116.45 I57.78 200.46 244-55 290.13 50 38.39 77.96 118.77 160.86 204 .29 249 . 14 295.49 5i 39.16 79- 5 1 121.08 163.91 208.07 253-65 3oo.75 52 39-94 81.04 123.34 166.90 211.78 258.07 305.90 53 40.70 82.54 125.56 169.82 2I5.40 262.39 310.91 54 41-45 84.01 127.73 172.68 218.93 266.58 315.77 55 42.18 85.45 129.85 175.46 222.34 270.63 320.45 56 42.90 86.85 131 .91 178.14 225.63 274.51 324.93 57 43.60 88.22 133.90 180.73 228.79 278.21 329.18 58 44.29 89.54 135.82 183.20 231.78 281.73 333.21 59 44-95 90.82 137.65 185.54 234.62 285.03 336.96 60 45-59 92.03 139.39 187.76 237.27 288.08 340.40 61 46.20 93 -*9 141.03 189.84 239.72 290.86 343-49 62 46.78 94.28 142.58 191.74 241.93 293.32 346.20 63 47-34 95- 3 1 143.98 193-45 243.86 295.44 348.48 64 47.87 96.25 145-23 194.92 245.49 297.16 35o. 2 5 65 48.32 97.07 146.29 196.13 246.76 298.40 35L48 66 48.74 97-77 147.17 197.07 247.64 299.20 352.24 67 49.10 98.36 147.85 197.70 248.15 299.63 352.62 68 49.41 98.83 148.32 198.08 248.43 299.82 352.84 69 49.66 99-15 148.61 198.31 248.61 300.00 353.05 7o 49-85 99.40 148.88 198.60 248.95 300.39 353-5° Am.35* 14Pay.L. 222 Principles and Practice Table No. LXVIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POL1- CIES BY FOURTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE- HALF PER CENT. 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th Year. Year. . Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 182.23 209.43 237.76 267.27 298.OO 330-03 363-39 21 185.84 213-57 242.46 272.54 303.88 336.53 370.55 22 189.56 217.85 247.32 278.OO 309.96 343.26 377-95 23 193.42 222.28 252.34 283.64 316.24 35°- 21 385.60 24 197.41 226.86 257.53 289.47 322.73 357-39 393-49 25 201.53 23L59 262.89 295.48 329-43 364.79 401.63 26 205.78 236.47 268.42 301 .69 336.34 372.43 410.03 27 210.18 241.51 274.I3 308.09 343-47 380.31 418.69 28 214.71 246.71 280.OI 314.69 35o.8i 388.43 427.62 29 219.38 252.06 286.07 32L49 358.37 396.79 436.81 30 224.19 257.57 292.32 328.49 366.16 405.40 446 . 28 3i 229.15 263.25 298.74 335.69 374.17 414.25 456.00 32 234.25 269.09 305-35 343-1° 382.41 423-35 466.00 33 239.48 275.08 312.14 350-7I 390.87 432.69 476.26 34 244.86 281.25 319.12 358.52 399-54 442.27 486.77 35 250.40 287.58 326.27 366.53 408.43 452.07 497-52 36 256.07 294.07 333-59 374-72 417-52 462.08 508.49 37 261.88 300.70 341.08 383.09 426.79 472.29 5!9-67 38 267.81 3°7-49 348.73 391.62 436.24 482.67 53i- 4 39 273.90 3 x 4-4i 356.52 400 . 29 445.82 493.21 542.58 40 280.08 321.44 364.42 409.08 455-53 503-89 554.3o 4i 286.37 328.58 372.41 4I7.97 465-35 514-7° 566.15 42 292.73 335.78 380.48 426.94 475-27 525-6i 578.13 43 299 -J3 343 -°3 388.60 435-97 485.25 536.6i 590.22 44 305-55 35° -29 396.75 445-°3 495.28 547-66 602.39 45 3 IX -99 357-58 404.90 454.10 505-32 558-. 75 614.63 46 318.41 364.83 413.04 463.15 5I5-36 569.87 626.92 47 324-7 8 372.05 421.13 472.17 525-37 580.97 639 . 24 48 33 1 - 10 379.20 429.14 481 .12 535-33 592.03 651.55 49 337-33 386.25 437.08 489.98 545- 20 603.03 663.83 50 343-46 393-21 444.88 498.71 554-95 613.94 676.07 51 349-49 400.03 452.56 507-30 564.57 624.73 688.24 52 355 -3 8 406.70 460.05 5I5.7I 574.oi 635-37 700.30 53 361. 11 413.18 467.34 523.91 583.26 645-83 712.23 54 366.66 419-45 474.41 531-88 592.26 656.07 724.01 55 37I-98 425-47 481 .21 539-55 600.97 666.06 735- 60 56 377.08 43 I - 2 4 487.71 546.91 609.36 675.76 746.98 57 3 8l -93 436.70 493-87 553-9o 617.40 685.14 758.13 58 386.47 441.81 499.64 560.49 625.04 694.16 769.04 59 390.69 446.54 504.99 566.64 632.22 702.80 779-72 60 394-52 450.85 509.87 572.27 638.93 711.05 790.18 61 397.96 454.68 514.22 577.36 645-I5 718.94 800.48 62 400.93 457-97 517.98 581.90 650.88 726.46 810.62 63 403.36 460.66 521.16 585.88 656.14 733-64 820.64 64 405.23 462 . 78 523.76 589.33 660.93 740.48 830.54 65 406.54 464.33 525-84 592.28 665.26 746.96 840.32 66 407-37 465.43 527-45 594-77 669.15 753-°6 849-97 67 407.86 466.18 528.68 596.82 672.57 758.74 859.40 68 408.17 466.71 529.64 598.51 675.54 763-91 868.65 69 408.47 467.19 53°-4i 599.86 677.03 768.56 877-74 70 408.98 467.74 53i -°9 600 . 76 679.75 772.67 886.77 19Pay.L. Am.3i* Of Life Insurance. 223 Table No. LXVIII TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY NINETEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 14.47 29.52 45.16 61.43 78.36 21 14.78 30.I5 46.13 62.75 80.05 22 15.10 30.80 47.14 64.12 81.79 23 15-43 31.49 48.18 65-54 83.60 24 15-79 32.20 49.27 67.02 85.47 25 16.15 32.94 50.39 68.54 87.40 26 16.52 33.69 5i-55 70.10 89.40 27 16.90 34.48 52.74 71.72 91.46 28 J7-3 1 35.28 53-97 73-40 93-59 29 17.71 36.12 55-25 75.13 95.78 30 18.14 36.99 56.57 76.91 98.06 31 18.58 37-88 57-93 78.76 100.40 32 19.04 38.80 59-34 80.66 102.82 33 19.50 39-75 60.79 82.63 105.30 34 19.99 40.74 62.29 84.65 107.86 35 20.49 41.76 63.83 86.73 110.50 36 21 .01 42.80 65.41 88.88 113.20 37 21.54 43-88 67.05 91.07 "5-99 38 22.08 44-99 68.73 93-34 118.86 39 22.66 46.13 70.46 95.68 121.82 40 23-23 47-31 72.25 98.09 124.85 4i 23.84 48.54 74.11 100.57 127.97 42 24.47 49.80 76.00 103. 11 131. 15 43 25.12 51.09 77-95 105.71 134.39 44 25.77 52.41 79-93 108.35 137.67 45 26.45 53.76 81.95 in. 02 140.97 46 27.14 55-14 83-99 113-71 144.27 47 27.85 56.52 86.04 116.38 147-56 48 28.55 57-90 88.06 119.03 150.84 49 29.25 59.27 90.08 121.68 154.09 5o 29.94 60.64 92.10 124.32 I57.32 5i 30.64 62.01 94.12 126.96 160.54 52 31-34 63.39 96.14 129.59 163.74 53 32.05 64.77 98.16 132.20 166.92 54 32.76 66.16 100.17 134.80 170.07 55 33-49 67-55 102.19 I37-4I 173.21 5<5 34-20 68.93 104.21 139.99 176.31 57 34-93 7o.35 106.23 142.57 179.38 58 35-67 71.75 108.24 145.12 182.41 59 36.40 73.16 110.24 147-65 185.38 60 37-14 74-55 112.22 150.14 188.31 61 37.87 75-95 114.20 152.62 191. 17 62 38.63 77-36 116. 19 155-06 193.96 63 39.38 78.78 118. 14 157-44 196.65 64 40.15 80.18 120.07 I59.76 199.26 65 40.89 81.56 121.95 162.02 201.77 66 41.64 82.93 123.81 164.24 204.19 67 42.39 84.30 125.65 166.40 206.56 68 43.14 85.66 127.46 168.56 209.04 69 43-9° 87.01 129.31 170.88 211.83 70 44-65 88.41 i3i-34 173.56 215 .22 Am.3l* 19Pay.L 224 Principles and Practice Table No. LX VIII . — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY NINETEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 8th 7th 8th 9th 10th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 95-97 114.29 133-35 153-19 173.81 21 98.03 116.74 136.21 156.43 177.52 22 100.17 119.28 139.16 159.84 I8I.35 23 102.38 121 .90 142.21 163.34 185.32 24 104.66 124.62 145.37 166.96 189.40 25 107.02 127.42 148.63 170.69 193.63 26 109.46 130.32 152.OO 174.54 197.99 27 III .98 133-3° 155.47 178.52 202.48 28 H4-57 I36.39 159.06 182.62 207 . 1 1 29 117.26 139.57 162.75 186.84 211.88 30 120.02 142.85 166.56 191. 19 216.79 31 122.88 146.23 170.48 I95.67 221.83 32 125.82 149.70 174.51 200.26 227.01 33 128.84 153.28 178.65 204.99 232.34 34 131.96 156.96 182.91 209.85 237.82 35 I35-I5 160.74 187.29 214.85 243.43 36 138.44 164.63 191.79 219.96 249.18 37 141.83 168.63 196.41 225.20 255.05 38 145-32 172.73 201.13 230.56 261.05 39 148.89 176.93 205.97 236.03 267.15 40 152.55 181.23 210.91 241.59 273.32 4i 156.31 185.62 215.91 247.22 279.55 42 160.13 190.06 220.98 252.88 285.81 43 164.00 194.56 226.07 258.57 292.09 44 167.90 199.06 231.17 264.26 298.37 45 171.82 203.57 236.27 269.94 304.61 46 175-72 208.08 241.35 275-58 310.81 47 179.61 212.55 246.39 281.17 316.94 48 183.48 216.98 251.38 286.69 322.98 49 187.31 221.37 256.30 292.13 328.93 50 191. 11 225.72 261 .16 297.50 334-77 5i 194.89 230.01 265.96 302.76 340.49 52 198.63 234.26 270.68 3°7-93 346.07 53 202.33 238.45 275.31 312.98 35i-5o 54 205.99 242.57 279.85 3I7.89 356.77 55 209.61 246.61 284.29 322.67 361.87 56 213.16 250-58 288.60 327-30 366.75 57 216.66 254.45 292.80 33!-75 37i-4i 58 220.10 258.24 296.84 336.00 375-8o 59 223.46 261.89 300.71 340.00 379.88 60 226.72 265.39 304.36 343-74 383.63 61 229.87 268.72 307.80 347 ^9 387.00 62 232.89 271 .90 311. 01 350-32 390.01 63 235.79 274.88 3 r 3-95 353 - l6 - 392.73 64 238.55 277.66 316.67 355-8o 395-31 65 241 .16 280.28 319.28 358.39 397 -92 66 243.68 282.88 321.94 361.14 400.77 67 246.25 285.62 324.89 364.3° 404 . 1 2 68 249.04 288.77 328.39 368.13 408.18 69 252.35 292.61 332.74 372.91 413.24 70 256.47 297.44 338.23 378.91 419-59 19Pay.L. Am.3i* Of Life Insurance. Table No. L.XVIII. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY NINETEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 195.28 217.61 240.86 265.04 290.21 21 199-43 222.24 245.96 270.65 . 296.34 22 2 °3-73 227.01 251.23 276.44 302.67 23 208.17 23I-95 256.68 282.42 309 • 19 24 212.76 237.04 262.31 288.58 315.92 25 217.49 242.30 268.10 294.93 322.85 26 222.37 247.71 274.07 301.48 329.98 27 227.39 253-29 280.22 308.21 337-3 2 28 23 2 -57 259 -°3 286.53 3 I 5-i3 344-87 29 237.90 264.93 293.04 322.26 352.64 30 243-38 271 .01 299.73 3 2 9-58 360 . 60 31 249.01 277.25 306 . 60 337-o8 368.76 32 254.80 283.67 313.64 344.78 377-13 33 260.75 290.24 320.85 352.65 385.67 34 266.84 296.97 328.24 360.70 394.38 35 273.09 303.86 335-78 368.89 403.25 36 279.47 310.89 343-46 377.22 412.23 37 285.99 318.04 35 I -26 385.66 421.32 38 292.62 325-30 359.14 394.18 430.50 39 299.34 332.64 367.10 402 . 78 439-75 40 306.12 340.04 375-12 411.44 449.05 4i 312.96 347-48 383.18 420.12 458.37 42 319.82 354-95 39I-25 428.80 467.69 43 326.69 362.40 399-3° 437-45 476.97 44 333-53 369.82 407.30 446.06 486.21 45 340.3S 377.20 415-25 454.60 495-35 46 347 -°9 384.49 423.10 463.02 504.38 47 353-75 391.69 430-84 47I-32 5 I 3-26 48 360.32 398.77 43 8 -43 479-44 521-97 49 366.75 405.69 445-85 487.39 530-47 5o 373 .06 412.45 453-°8 495 - 11 538.74 51 379.21 419.04 460 . 1 1 502.61 546.75 52 385.20 425.42 466.91 509-83 554-45 53 391.00 43L59 473-43 516.74 561.81 54 396.60 437-5° 479.66 523-32 568.80 55 401.97 443- !3 485.55 529-52 575.38 56 407.08 448.44 491 .08 535-3° 581.49 57 411 .90 453.41 496.21 540.61 587.10 58 416.39 457.98 500.85 545.40 592.21 59 420.50 462.09 504.99 549.69 596.82 60 424.19 465.73 508.65 553-49 601.00 61 427.46 468.93 511.87 556.90 604.75 62 43° -37 471*79 514.78 559.98 608 . 19 63 433 - OI 474.42 517-48 562.85 611.37 64 435-57 477.00 520.12 565.62 614.36 65 438.21 479.68 522.85 568.38 617.22 66 441.15 482.66 525-79 571-24 619.85 67 444 . 60 486.10 529.11 574.13 622.36 68 448.77 490.20 532.76 577.26 625.00 69 453-93 495.03 537- I2 581.07 628.41 70 460.17 501.01 542 . 74 586.39 633.28 Am.3i* 19Pay.L 226 Principles and Practice Table No. LXVIIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY NINETEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 16th 17th 18th 19th Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 316.41 343.69 372.o8 401.63 21 323.08 350.91 379.88 410.03 22 329.96 358.36 387.92 418.69 23 337-OS 366.04 396.21 427.62 24 . 344-3° 373-95 404.75 436.81 25 351-88 382.10 4I3.54 446.28 26 359-03 390.49 422.59 456.00 27 367.61 399-n 431.89 466.00 28 375.8o 407.97 441.44 476.26 29 384.22 417.06 45L23 486.77 30 392-85 426.38 461.25 497-52 31 401 .69 435-92 471.49 508.49 32 410.73 445.65 481.94 5I9.67 33 419.96 455-57 492.57 ' 53I.04 34 429.35 465.65 503.37 542.58 35 438.88 475-88 514.32 554.30 36 448.54 486.24 525.40 566.15 37 458.31 496.71 536.61 578.I3 38 468.17 507.26 547.90 590.22 39 478.09 517.89 559-28 602.39 40 488.06 528.57 570.70 614.63 4i 498.05 539-26 582.16 626.92 42 508.03 549-95 593.62 639.24 43 517.98 560.62 605.06 65I.55 44 527.87 571.22 616.45 663.83 45 537-67 581.73 627.77 676.07 46 547.35 592.13 638.98 688.24 47 556.87 602.37 650.06 700.30 48 566.21 612.44 660.97 712.23 49 575-34 622.29 671 .69 724.01 5o 584.22 631.89 682.16 735-60 5i 592.82 641 .20 692.38 746.98 52 601 .09 650.19 702.30 758.13 53 609.01 658.83 711.89 769.04 54 616.54 667.06 721.13 779.72 55 623.62 674.87 730.02 790.18 56 630 . 23 682.26 738.59 800.48 57 636.36 689.23 746.84 810.62 58 642.02 695.80 754.8o 820.64 59 647.23 701.98 762.46 830.54 60 652.02 707.78 769.83 840.32 61 656.43 713.21 776.89 849.97 62 660.47 718.25 783-59 859.40 63 664.19 722.92 789.85 868.65 64 667.61 727.09 795.67 877.74 65 670.62 730.77 801.05 886.77 66 673.26 734-00 806.08 895.78 67 675.64 736.92 810.74 904 . 68 68 678.12 739-74 814.94 9I3-3 2 69 681.19 742.55 818.49 921.49 70 685.16 745-38 821.16 929.20 9Yr.End. Am.3J* Of Life Insurance. 227 Table No. LXIX. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF NINE-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE ' AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Yea.. 4th Year. 5th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 8th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5o 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 93-35 93-32 93-3° 93 - 2 9 93.27 93.26 93-24 93-21 93.20 93-iS 93-15 93-13 93 -.i° 93.06 93 -°4 93.01 92.97 92.94 92.88 92.84 92.79 92.73 92.68 92.63 92.56 92.51 92.42 92.34 92.24 92.10 9i -95 91.77 91.58 91.36 91 .10 90.82 90.50 90.16 89.79 89.36 88.92 88.41 87.86 87.27 86.63 85.90 85.12 84.25 83.28 82.20 80.97 90.67 90.63 90.60 90.58 90-55 90.52 90.47 90.44 90.40 90.35 90.31 90.26 90.21 90.14 90.09 90.02 89.96 89.88 89.78 89.69 89.59 89.49 89.38 89.26 89.14 89 .00 88.83 88.66 88.43 88.14 87.83 87.46 87.06 86.60 86.09 85.51 84.87 84.18 83.42 82.56 81.63 80.60 79-49 78,28 76.94 75-45 73-84 72.04 70.03 67.77 65.27 292.17 292.12 292.08 292.04 292.00 291.95 291 .90 291 .85 291.79 291.73 291 .66 291.59 291.51 291.43 291.35 291 .26 291.15 291 .04 290.90 290.77 290.63 290.48 290.31 290.13 289.94 289.72 289.47 289.17 288.82 288.39 287.91 287.37 286.75 286.07 285.30 284.44 283.50 282.46 281 .32 280.04 278.65 277.12 275.46 273.62 271 .60 269.38 266.92 264.18 261 .12 257.70 253 -9Q 398.02 397-97 397-92 397.87 397.82 397-77 397.7o 397.63 397-57 397-49 397-41 397-32 397-23 397.12 397.02 396.90 396.77 396.63 396.46 396.29 396.11 395.92 395- 7 1 395-47 395-22 394.93 394.58 394.18 393 -7 1 393-15 392.53 391.82 391.04 39° - J 5 389.16 388.07 386.86 385-53 384.04 382.40 380.61 378.64 376.48 374.09 37L47 368.56 3 6 5.34 361.76 357-74 353-33 348.60 508.44 508.38 508.33 508.27 508.22 508.16 508.08 508.02 5°7-94 507-85 507.76 507.67 507.56 507.45 507.33 507-19 507.04 506.88 506.70 506. 5 1 506.30 506.08 505.83 505-55 505-25 504.89 504.47 5°3-99 503-43 502.79 502 .07 501 .26 5°o-34 499.32 498.18 496.93 495-53 493.98 492.27 490.38 488.30 486.01 483.48 480.69 477-6i 474.20 470.41 466.18 461 .50 456.41 450.96 623.62 623.56 623.51 623.46 623.40 623.34 623 27, 623.20 623.12 623.04 622 .95 622.85 622.75 622 .63 622 .51 622.37 622 .22 622 .06 621.87 621.68 621 .46 621 .23 620.97 620.67 620.34 619 .96 619.51 619.00 618.41 6i7-75 616.99 616.15 615 .20 614.14 612 .96 611.66 610.21 608 . 60 606.82 604.86 602.68 600 . 28 597-63 594.69 591-45 587.84 583.82 579.38 574-48 569.18 563-50 743.78 743-74 743.69 743.65 743.6o 743-54 743-49 743-43 743.36 743-29 743-21 743-13 743-°4 742.93 742.83 742.71 742.58 742.43 742.27 742.10 741 .90 741.69 741-45 741.18 740.87 740.52 740.11 739.65 739-n 738.52 737.84 737.08 736.23 735-29 734-24 733.07 73L77 730.33 728.73 726.96 724.99 722.82 720.41 717.74 714.77 711.48 707.82 703-79 699.37 694.57 689.39 869.16 869.13 869.11 869.08 869.05 869.01 868.98 868.94 868.90 868.85 868.80 868.75 868.69 868.62 868.56 868.48 868.39 868.30 868.20 868.08 867.95 867.81 867.65 867.47 867.26 867.02 866.75 866.44 866.09 865.70 865.25 864.75 864 . 20 863.58 862.89 862.12 861.26 860.31 859.26 858.08 856.78 855-33 853-72 851-93 849.95 847.74 845.30 842.62 839.67 836.43 832.90 Am.3;* HYr.End Principles and Practice Table No. LXX. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF FOURTEEN-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATl AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Ace. 1st M 3d 4th 5th 6th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 53-^2 109.51 167.77 228.51 291 .84 357-88 21 53-0O 109.48 167.72 228.45 291 .78 357-82 22 53-59 109.45 167.69 228.42 291.73 357-75 23 53-58 109.43 167.67 228.38 291.68 357-69 24 53-57 109.42 167.64 228.33 291.63 357.63 25 53-56 109.40 167.60 228.29 291.57 357.56 26 53-55 I09.37 167.57 228.24 291.51 357-49 27 53-54 109.35 167.53 228.19 29L45 357-41 28 53-53 I09.33 167.49 228.14 291.38 357-33 29 53-52 109.30 167.46 228.09 291.30 357.24 30 53-5i 109.28 167.42 228.03 291.23 357.15 31 53-5° 109.26 I67-37 227.97 291 .16 357.o6 32 53-48 109.22 I67-33 227.91 291 .07 356.96 33 53-47 109.19 167.29 227.84 290.99 356.85 34 53-46 109.18 167.24 227.79 290.91 356.74 35 53-45 109.15 167.21 227.72 290.81 356.62 36 53-44 109.13 167.15 227.64 290.71 356.48 37 53-44 109.10 167. II 227.57 290.61 356.35 38 53-42 IO9.07 167.05 227.49 290.50 356.22 39 53-41 109.05 167.OI 227.43 290.41 356.09 40 53-41 109.03 166.99 227.38 290.32 355-97 41 53-41 109.03 166.97 227.33 290.25 355-84 42 53-42 109.04 166.95 227.30 290.17 355-71 43 53-43 109.04 166.95 227.26 290.08 355-56 44 53-44 109.07 166.95 227.22 289.98 355.38 45 53.48 109.09 166.95 227.17 289.85 355.15 46 53-49 109.10 166.93 227.08 289.67 354.86 47 53-51 109.12 166.89 226.95 289.43 354.5o 48 53-53 109.10 166.81 226.77 289.14 354.09 49 53-52 109.05 166.68 226.54 288.79 353.58 50 53-51 108.99 166.53 226.28 288.37 353.oi 5i 53-49 108.90 166.36 225.96 287.90 352.35 52 53.46 108.81 166.14 225.60 287.36 35i.6i 53 53-44 108.70 165.91 225.21 286.76 350.80 54 53-39 108.57 165.63 224-75 286.10 349.90 55 53-35 108.42 165.34 224.26 285.37 348.92 56 53-29 108.25 165.OI 223.72 284.58 347-83 57 53-24 108.09 164.67 223.15 283.72 346.65 58 53-19 107.92 164.31 222.52 282.78 345-37 59 53-14 l°7-73 163.90 221.84 281.77 343-99 60 53.o8 107.52 163.47 221. II 280.68 342.48 61 53-oi 107.30 163.OI 220.33 279.49 340.82 62 52.95 107.07 162.52 219.46 278.17 338.99 63 52.88 106.83 161.96 218.50 276.71 336.94 64 52.80 106.53 161.32 217.41 275.04 334.63 65 52.69 106.17 160.59 2I6.I5 273.16 332.02 66 52.56 105.76 159-75 214-74 271 .04 329.10 67 52.41 105.29 158.79 2I3-I3 268.67 325.94 68 52.22 104.76 I57-72 2H.39 266.19 322.71 69 52.03 104.16 156.57 209.61 263.76 319.62 70 51.81 I03.55 i55-5o 208.03 261 .64 3 l6 -93 14Yr.End. Am.3i* Of Life Insurance. 229 Table No. LXX.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF FOURTEEN-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 7th Year. 8th Year. 9th Year. 10th Year. 11th Year. 12th Year. 13th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7o 426.76 426.68 426.61 426.54 426.47 426.39 426.31 426.22 426.12 426.02 425.91 425.81 425.68 425.55 425.41 425-27 425.11 424.95 424.78 424.62 424.45 424.27 424.08 423.85 423.57 423.24 422.83 422.35 421.79 421.13 420.39 4I9.55 418.61 417-58 416.43 415.17 413-78 412.28 410.65 408.86 406.89 404.74 402.35 399.69 396.67 393.28 389.58 385.66 381.70 377-94 374.63 498.59 498.51 498.44 498.36 498.28 498.19 498.10 498.00 497.89 497.78 497-67 497-54 497-40 497.25 497 .09 496.92 496.74 496.55 496.35 496.15 573-52 573-45 573.36 573-28 573-20 573- 10 573-01 572.90 572.79 572.67 572.54 572.40 572.25 572.09 57L92 571-73 571-53 571.32 57I-09 570.85 651.70 651 .62 651.54 651 .46 651.38 651.28 651.18 651.08 650.97 650.84 650.71 650.57 650.42 650.25 650.07 649.87 649 . 66 649.44 649 . 19 648.93 733-26 733.20 733.12 733-°5 732-97 732.89 732.79 732.70 732.59 732.47 732.35 732.22 732.07 731.91 73* -73 73L55 73L34 731.12 730.87 730.60 495-93 57o.59 648.63 730.29 495.7o 570.30 648 . 30 729-95 495-43 569.97 647.92 7 2 9-55 495-11 569.58 647.48 729.11 494-74 569.12 646.97 728.59 494.31 568.60 646.39 728.01 493-79 567.99 645.73 727-34 493 • 19 567.29 644.96 726.57 492.50 566.48 644 . 08 725-7I 491.69 565.56 643 • IO 724.73 490.79 564.53 642.00 723-65 489.78 563.38 640.77 722.43 488.65 562.11 639.40 721.08 487.41 560.68 637.87 7 J 9.57 486.03 559- 10 636.18 717.91 484.51 557-37 634.33 716.07 482.84 555-47 632.28 714.03 481 .02 553.38 630.02 711.79 479-03 55 I '°9 627.54 709.31 476.84 548.57 624.80 706.56 474-45 545.79 621.78 703.52 471.80 542.72 618.42 700 . 14 468.87 539.29 614.67 696.38 465.57 535.46 610.51 692.23 461.87 531-20 605.92 687.67 457-77 526.54 600.94 682 73 453.36 521.56 595.63 677.45 448 . 74 516.37 590.07 671.85 444.11 5". 15 584.39 666.00 439.68 506.05 578.70 660.00 435-65 501.22 573-12 653-75 818.39 818.33 818.28 818.22 818.15 818.08 818.01 817.93 817.84 817.74 817.64 817.53 817.40 817.27 817.12 816.96 816.78 816.59 816.37 816.13 815.85 815.54 815.19 814.79 814.34 813.83 813.24 812.58 811.83 810.99 810.04 808.99 807.82 806.52 805.08 803.47 801.70 799.73 797.56 795.14 792.46 789.48 786.19 782.56 778.58 774.23 769.54 764.47 759.08 753-3° 747.11 907.24 907.21 907.17 907.14 907.10 907.05 907.01 906.96 906.90 906.85 906.78 906.71 906 . 63 906.55 906.46 906.35 906.24 906.11 905-97 905.81 905-63 905-43 905 .20 904.94 904 . 64 904.31 903-93 903-50 903.02 902.48 901.88 901 .21 900.45 899 . 62 898.69 897.65 896.50 895.22 893.80 892.23 890.48 888.54 886.40 884.03 881 .42 878.55 875.39 871.92 868.11 863.92 859.33 Am.3J% 19Yr.End 230 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF NINETEEN-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Oth Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 35- 2 4 71-95 110.19 150.05 I9J-59 234.90 21 35-23 7i-93 110.17 150.03 191.57 234.86 22 35-22 71.92 110.16 150.02 191.55 234.83 23 35-22 71.92 HO. 16 150.00 191.52 234.8i 24 35-22 71.92 no. 15 149.99 191. 51 234.78 25 35-23 71-93 110.15 149.99 I9I-50 234.76 26 35-23 71.91 no. 15 149.98 191.48 234.73 27 35-22 71.92 no. 15 149-97 191.47 234.71 28 35-24 71.94 no. 16 149.98 191.47 234.70 29 35-24 71.93 no. 16 149.97 191.45 234.68 30 35-24 71.94 no. 16 149.98 I9L45 234.67 31 35-26 71.97 no. 19 150.00 191.48 234.68 32 35-27 71.98 no. 21 150.02 191.49 234.70 33 35-27 72.00 110.24 150.05 191.53 234.71 34 35-3° 72.04 110.29 150. II 191.57 234.75 35 35.32 72.08 no.35 150.17 191.63 234.81 36 35-37 72.16 110.43 150.25 191. 71 234.88 37 35-39 72.20 110.50 I50-35 191.82 234.99 38 35-43 72.28 110.60 150.47 191.96 235.14 39 35.48 72.37 no. 74 150.64 192.15 235.32 40 35.54 72.49 no. 91 150.84 192.36 235.56 4i 35-03 72.65 in .12 151.09 192.65 235.83 42 35-73 72.82 m-35 I5I-38 192.95 236.14 43 35.83 73.02 1 1 1. 63 151.70 I93-30 236.48 44 35-94 73.24 in. 92 152.05 193.66 236.82 45 36.09 73-49 112.26 152.43 194.05 237.18 46 36.23 73.76 112. 61 152.82 194.44 237.53 47 36.40 74-05 112.97 i53-2i 194.82 237.87 48 36.56 74.32 113-32 i53-6o 195.20 238.21 49 36.72 74.61 113.69 154.00 195.60 238.55 50 36.90 74.91 114.07 154.42 196.01 238.90 5i 37-09 75-23 114.49 154.87 196.45 239.27 52 37.28 75-58 114.92 155.35 196.90 239.66 53 37-50 75.95 115.40 155.87 197.41 240.10 54 37-72 76.36 115. 91 156.43 197.97 240.59 55 37-99 76.80 116.48 157.06 198.59 241.13 56 38.26 77.28 117. 10 157-75 199.28 241.73 57 38.55 77-8i 117.78 158.51 200.01 242.37 58 38.87 78.38 118.52 i59-3i 200.81 243.07 59 39-22 78.99 119.30 160.17 201.66 243.82 60 39.6o 79.64 120.13 161 .11 202.58 244.59 61 39-99 80.34 121 .04 162. 11 203.54 . 245.40 62 40.42 81.10 122.01 163.15 204.54 246.23 63 40.88 81.91 123.03 164.25 205.59 247.08 64 41-39 82.76 124.10 165.41 206.68 247.96 65 41.89 83.64 125.22 166.60 207.80 248.84 66 42.42 84.57 126.38 167.85 208.98 249.81 67 43.00 85-55 127.62 169.18 210.26 250.99 68 43-59 86.59 128.93 170.63 211 .80 252.60 69 44.20 87.64 130.32 172.31 213.76 254.85 70 44.86 88.83 132.01 174.51 216.50 258.14 19Yr.End. Am.& % Of Life Insurance. 231 Table No. LXXI . — Continued. TERMINAL N DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 7th 8tli 9th 10th llth 12th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 280.04 327.09 376.15 427.30 480.65 536.29 21 279.99 327.04 376 09 427.23 480.57 536.21 22 279-95 326.99 376 03 427.17 480.50 536.12 23 279.92 326.94 375 97 427.10 480 . 42 536.03 24 279.88 326.90 375 91 427.03 480.33 535-94 25 279.85 326.86 375 86 426.96 480.26 535.85 26 279.81 326.80 375 80 426.88 480 . 1 7 535.75 27 279.78 326.76 375 74 426.81 480.08 535.65 28 279.76 326.72 375 68 426.74 479-99 535-54 29 279-73 326.68 375 63 426.67 479.89 535.42 30 279.71 326.65 375 57 426.59 479-79 535-30 3i 279.71 326.63 375 53 426.52 479.70 535-19 32 279.70 326.60 375 48 426.45 479.61 535-07 33 279.70 326.58 375 45 426.39 479.52 534-95 34 279-73 3 2 6.59 375 43 426.35 479-45 534.85 35 279.77 326.62 375 44 426.32 479-39 534-75 36 279.84 326.67 375 46 426.32 479-34 534.65 37 279.94 326.75 375 52 426.33 479-30 534-55 38 280.07 326.87 375 59 426.36 479.27 534-45 39 280.26 327.02 375 7o 426.41 479.24 534-33 40 280.47 327.20 375 83 426.46 479.20 534.19 4i 280.73 327.42 375 98 426.51 479.14 534.02 42 281 .02 327.64 376 11 426.54 479.06 533-8i 43 281.30 327.86 376 23 426.55 478.94 533-55 44 281.59 328.06 376 33 426.52 478.77 533.24 45 281.89 328.27 376 42 426.46 478.56 532.86 46 282.16 328.45 376 46 426.36 478.27 532.41 47 282.44 328.60 376 48 426.20 477-93 531-88 48 282.68 328.73 376 45 425.99 477-53 53L27 49 282.94 328.84 376 •39 425-74 477.06 530.58 50 283.18 328.93 376 •3i 425.45 476.53 529.80 5i 283.43 329.04 376 .22 425.12 475-94 528.94 52 283.71 329-I5 376 11 424.76 475.30 528.01 53 284.03 329.28 376 00 424-37 474.60 526.99 54 284.37 329.42 375 89 423.96 473-86 525.88 55 284.76 329.60 375 79 423.53 473.05 524.68 56 285.19 329.80 375 •7o 423.07 472.18 523.37 57 285.67 330.02 375 58 422.54 471.20 521.89 58 286.18 330-25 375 43 421.95 470.09 520.23 59 286.71 33° -45 375 23 421.24 468.81 518.34 60 287.24 33 -64 374 94 420.41 467.34 516.19 61 287.78 33°-77 374 57 419.41 465.65 513.83 62 288 . 29 330.85 374 08 418.26 463.81 511.32 63 288.80 330.88 373 5i 4I7.05 461.95 508.81 64 289.31 330.89 372 97 415.92 460 . 24 506.50 65 289.83 330.99 372 60 4I5.07 458.87 504-58 66 290.52 33L36 372 64 414.74 458.09 503.24 67 291-57 332.26 373 34 415.17 458.12 502.66 68 293-25 333-97 375 03 416.69 459.24 503.18 69 295-77 336.72 377 87 419.40 461.61 504.66 70 299.58 340.94 382 3° 423.85 465.54 507-85 Am.3i* 19Yr.End 232 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXI . — Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF NINETEEN-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 13th. 14th 15th lGth 17th 18th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 594.34 654.90 718.10 784.06 852.94 924.86 21 594.25 654.80 718.01 783.98 852.87 924.82 22 594-15 654.71 717.91 783.90 852.80 924.78 23 594.06 654-61 717.82 783.81 852.73 924.74 24 593.96 654.51 717.71 783.7I 852.65 924.69 25 593-86 654.40 717.60 783.61 852.56 924.63 26 593-75 654.28 717.48 783-49 852.47 924.57 27 593.63 654.15 717-35 783-37 852.36 924. 5 1 28 593.5o 654.02 717.21 783.24 852.25 924.44 29 593-37 653.87 717.07 783.09 852.13 924.37 30 593-24 653.72 716.91 782 94 852.00 924.28 31 593 - IO 653.57 716.75 . 782.78 851.86 924.19 32 592.96 653.4I 716.57 782.61 851.71 924.09 33 592.82 653.24 716.38 782.42 851.54 923.98 34 592.67 653-07 716.19 782.21 851.35 923.85 35 592-53 652.88 715-97 781.98 851.14 923.71 36 592.38 652.68 7I5-72 781.72 850.90 923.56 37 592.22 652.46 715-45 781.43 850.64 923.38 38 592.03 652.20 7I5-I5 781. II 850.35 923.19 39 591-83 651.91 714.81 780.74 850.01 922.96 40 59!-59 65L59 714.42 780.33 849 . 64 922.72 4i 59i.3i 651.22 713.98 779.86 849.22 922.44 42 590.98 650.78 7I3-47 779-33 848.74 922.12 43 59°-59 650.28 712.88 778.73 848.20 921.77 44 590.13 649.70 712.22 778.04 847.59 921.37 45 589.60 649.04 711.47 777.27 846.90 920.92 46 588.98 648.28 710.61 776.40 846.13 920.41 47 588.28 647.42 709.65 775.42 845-26 919.85 48 587.47 646.44 708.56 774.31 844.29 919.21 49 586.56 645-34 707-35 773.09 843.20 918.50 5o 585-55 644.13 706.00 771.72 841.99 917.71 5i 584.43 642.80 704.52 770.21 840.65 916.83 52 583-21 641.32 702.87 768.54 839.17 915.85 53 581.87 639 -7 1 701.07 766.69 837.52 914.77 54 580.41 637-94 699.08 764 . 66 835.70 913-56 55 578.82 635-99 696.89 762.40 833.68 912.23 56 577.07 633-84 694.46 759.89 831.43 910.75 57 575- IO 631.44 691.74 757-n 828.95 909.12 58 572.89 628.74 688.72 754.03 826.22 907.32 59 57°-39 625.74 685.39 750.66 823.23 905.34 60 567.62 622.45 681.78 747.01 819.97 903. 1 5 61 564.62 618.94 677.94 743 - IO 816.45 9oo.75 62 561.50 615.30 673.92 738.97 812.64 898.12 63 558.39 611.65 669.84 734.67 808.61 895.22 64 555-49 608.14 665.77 730.27 804 . 29 892.05 65 552.93 604.87 661.83 725.70 799.66 888.56 66 550.87 602.00 657-93 720.99 794-73 884.75 67 549-50 599.47 654.20 716.23 789.59 880.58 68 548.94 597-53 650.91 711.79 784.46 876.03 69 549-3° 596.69 648.75 708.25 779-57 871.06 70 551-52 597-85 648.57 706.11 775-15 865.64 5Yr.Term Am.3i* Of Life Insurance 2 33 Table No. LXXII. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 ON FIVE-YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EX- PERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Net Terminal Net Values at the End of Age. Premiums. 1st 2d 3d 4th Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.64 .10 •15 •15 .11 21 7.69 .10 •*5 .16 .11 22 7-74 .10 •15 •17 .12 23 7-79 .11 •17 .18 .12 24 7-85 .11 .18 .19 •13 25 7.92 •13 .20 .21 .14 26 7-99 .13 .21 •23 .16 27 8.06 •15 •23 .24 .16 28 8.14 .16 .25 •25 .18 29 8.23 •17 •27 .27 .19 30 8.32 .18 .29 •30 .21 31 8.42 .20 •32 •33 .22 32 8-53 .22 •34 •35 •25 33 8.65 •23 .36 •39 •27 34 8.78 .26 .42 •43 •31 35 8-93 .29 .46 .49 •34 36 9.09 •32 •5i •53 •38 37 9.27 .36 •55 •59 .41 38 9.46 .38 .61 .64 •45 39 9.67 •43 .66 .70 • 49 40 9.91 •47 •74 .78 •55 4i 10.17 •53 .83 .88 .61 42 10.47 •59 •94 •99 .70 43 10.80 .67 1.06 1. 12 •79 44 11. 18 •75 1.20 1.27 .90 45 11.62 .87 1.38 1.46 1.05 46 12.12 1. 00 1.58 1.69 1. 19 47 12.68 1. 14 1.82 i-93 i-37 48 13-33 1.30 2.06 2.19 1-54 49 14.06 1.47 2.32 2-45 1.72 5o 14.88 1.64 2-59 2.73 i-93 5i 15-79 1.83 2.89 3-°5 2.15 52 16.81 2.04 3-23 3 -4o 2.41 53 17.94 2.28 3.60 3.80 2.67 54 19.20 2-53 3-99 4.21 2-95 55 20.60 2.80 4.42 4.66 3-29 56 22.15 3.10 4.90 5-i7 3-64 57 23.86 3-43 5-43 5-73 4.05 58 25.75 3.81 6.02 6.36 4.48 59 27.84 4.20 6.65 7.02 4-95 60 3°- 15 4-63 7-34 7-75 5.48 Am.3i* lOYr.Term 234 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXIII. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 ON TEN-YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EX- PERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. H Terminal Net Values AT THE End of a 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 20 £ Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 7.76 .24 .42 •56 .67 .72 •71 .65 •51 .29 21 7.82 .24 .44 .60 •71 .76 •77 .69 •55 •33 22 7.88 .25 •45 .64 .76 .82 .82 •75 •59 •34 23 7-95 .27 •49 .68 .81 .87 •87 •79 .63 •36 24 8.02 .29 •54 •73 •87 •95 •95 .86 .68 .40 25 8.10 •32 .58 .80 •94 1.03 1.02 •93 •74 .44 26 8.18 •34 .62 .86 1.02 1.09 1. 10 1. 01 .80 .46 27 8.27 •37 .68 93 1.09 1. 19 1.20 1.08 .86 •50 28 8-37 .40 •74 1. 00 1.20 1.30 1.29 1. 17 •94 •55 29 8.47 •43 .80 1.09 1.30 1.40 1. 41 1.30 1.04 .61 30 8-59 •47 .87 1. 19 1.42 1-54 i-55 1.42 1. 14 .66 31 8.72 •5i .96 1.30 1.56 1.70 1. 71 1.58 1.25 •74 32 8.86 •57 1 .04 1-43 1. 71 1.87 1.89 i-73 1.38 .81 33 9.01 .61 *«*3 J -57 1.88 2.06 2.07 1.90 i-5i .90 34 9.18 .67 1.27 l -n 2.08 2.26 2.28 2.09 1.67 .98 35 9-36 •75 1.40 1.92 2.29 2.50 251 2.30 1.85 1. 10 36 9-57 •83 i-54 2. ii 2-53 2-75 2.78 2.56 2.06 1.22 37 9.80 .92 1.70 2-34 2.80 3-o6 3-09 2.86 2.29 i-37 38 10.06 1. 01 1.88 2-59 3.12 3.4i 3-46 3.20 2.58 i-55 39 10.34 I - 1 3 2.10 2.90 3.5o 3.84 3.89 3.61 2.92 1.74 40 10.67 1.26 2.36 3.27 3-95 4.34 4.42 4.10 3-33 2.00 4i 11.03 1-43 2.67 3.7i 4.47 4.94 5.03 4.68 3.80 2.28 42 n.45 1. 61 3-04 4-21 5.10 5.63 5-75 5-36 4-34 2.60 43 11.92 1.84 3-45 4.80 5.8o 6.43 6.56 6.10 4.94 2-95 44 12.45 2.08 3-92 5-45 6.60 7.3i 7-44 6.92 5.58 3-32 45 13.05 *4 4.46 6.19 I' 51 8.29 8-43 7.80 6.29 3-76 46 J3.73 2.69 5.05 7.02 8.48 9-35 9.48 8.77 7.07 4.21 47 !4.5° 3.04 5-7i 7.91 9-54 10.49 10.63 9-83 7.92 4.72 48 *5.35 3-42 6.40 8.86 10.67 11.72 11.88 10.98 8.85 5.26 • 49 16.31 3.82 7-15 9.88 11.89 13.06 *3«»3 12.23 9-85 5.85 5o J 7-37 4.26 7.96 10.98 x 3-23 J 4-53 14.72 13-60 10.94 6.52 5i i8.55 4.72 8.83 12.20 14.69 16.13 16.34 15.09 12.16 7.24 52 19.86 5.24 9.80 *3-53 16.30 17.89 18.12 16.75 *3*5i 8.05 53 21.30 5.82 10.86 15.00 18.05 19.82 20.08 18.58 14.97 8-93 54 22.90 6.42 12.01 16.58 ^.95 21.92 22.23 20.56 16.58 9.90 55 24.67 7.10 X 3-25 18.30 22.05 24.23 24.58 22.75 18.36 10.96 56 26.62 7.82 14.62 20.20 24.34 26.76 27.15 25.14 20.32 12.16 57 28.76 8.62 l6.I2 22.28 26.86 29.54 29.98 27.80 22.50 13-47 58 31.12 9-5o x 7-75 24.55 29-59 32.56 33- 10 30.73 24.89 14.92 59 33-72 10.43 x 9.53 27.01 32.58 35-9o 36.53 33-94 27.52 16.52 60 36.57 11.46 21.45 29.69 35.86 39-54 40.26 37-45 30.41 18.27 15Yr.Term Am.3J* Of Life Insurance. 235 Table No. LXXIV. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 ON FIFTEEN-YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE , THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT Age. Net Pre- miums. Terminal Net Values AT THE End of 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 7.91 7.98 8.05 8.13 8.22 o-39 .40 •43 •47 •5° O.74 .78 .82 .89 •97 I.05 1. 12 I.20 I .29 1-39 1-33 1. 41 1.52 I.63 I.77 1.56 1.66 1.79 1-93 2.10 I.74 I.87 2.02 2.17 2-35 1.88 2.02 2.17 2.34 2.54 25 26 27 28 29 8.32 8.42 8-53 8.66 8.79 •55 •59 .64 .70 .76 I.05 1. 14 I.24 i-35 1.47 1.65 1.79 1-95 2.12 I.92 2.09 2.27 2.48 2.7I 2.28 2.46 2.69 2-95 321 2-55 2.78 3.04 3.31 3.62 2.76 3.01 3.28 3.58 3-94 30 31 32 33 34 8.94 9.10 9.28 9.48 9.70 .83 .91 1. 01 I. 19 1.22 1. 61 1.78 i-95 2.14 2-39 2-33 2.56 2.8l 3" 3-46 2.97 3-27 3.60 3.98 4.43 3-53 3.88 4.29 4.75 5.26 3.98 4.40 4.86 5-37 5.97 4-33 4.78 5-27 5-84 6-49 35 36 37 38 39 9-95 10.24 io-55 10.91 11. 31 i-37 1.52 1.70 1 .90 2.14 2.66 2.96 3-3° 3-7° 4.16 3.85 4.29 4.81 5.39 6.06 4-93 5-5° 6.16 6-93 7.82 5-87 6.55 7-36 8.29 9-37 6.65 7.45 8.38 9-45 10.69 7-25 8.13 9.17 10.36 12.73 40 41 42 43 44 11.76 12.26 12.83 13.46 14.17 2.40 2.71 3-°5 3-45 3-88 4.69 5-3° 5-99 6-75 7.61 6.85 7-74 8.74 9.87 11. 11 8.83 9-97 11.28 12.73 14.34 10.59 11.99 13.55 15.30 17.22 12.10 13.70 15.49 17-47 19.64 13.29 15.05 17.01 19.17 21.52 45 46 47 48 49 14.97 I5-85 16.84 17.94 19-15 4.38 4.91 5-49 6.13 6.80 8.56 9.60 10.74 "•95 13.26 12.49 14.01 15.64 17.40 19.28 16.12 18.03 20.12 22.36 24-77 19.32 21 .60 24.06 26.72 29.60 22.02 24.58 27.36 30.38 33.65 24.08 26.87 29.90 33-19 36.76 50 5i 52 53 54 20.49 21.97 23.60 25-39 27-35 7-53 8.31 9.18 10. 11 11. 11 14.67 16.20 17.88 19.68 21.64 21.33 23-56 25.98 28.61 31-45 27.40 30.26 33-37 36.73 40.37 32.74 36.15 39.87 43-90 48.26 37.22 41.09 45.31 49.91 54.9o 40.66 44.89 49.52 54.56 60.03 55 56 57 58 59 29.50, 31-86 34-42 37.21 40.23 12.19 13-35 14.60 15-95 17-35 23-74 26.01 28.46 31.06 33-81 34.5o 37.82 41.38 45.18 49.17 44.33 48.59 53.i8 58.07 63.22 53-oi 58.13 63.63 69.49 75.70 60.32 66.16 72.46 79.18 86.31 65.99 72.42 79-37 86.80 94.64 60 43-5° 18.82 36.68 53-37 68.65 82.22 93-75 102.84 Am.3i* 15Yr.Term 236 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXIV.— Concluded. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER Jiooo ON 1 1EN-YEAR 1 AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. Terminal Net Values at the End OF 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 1-95 1-95 I.89 I .72 1.47 1 .11 .62 21 2.O0 2.IO 2.02 1.86 i-59 1. 19 .67 22 2.26 2.26 2.18 2.01 1. 71 I.28 •72 23 2.44 2-45 2-37 2.17 1-85 i-39 •79 24 2.65 2.67 2-57 2.36 2.02 i-53 .86 25 2.88 2.90 2.80 2-59 2.21 1.68 • 94 26 3-14 3-l6 3-°7 2.83 2.43 1.83 1.03 27 3-43 3-46 3-35 3.10 2.66 2.01 1 -13 28 3-76 3.80 3-68 3 -4o 2.92 2.21 1.25 29 4.12 4.17 4.04 3.72 3-19 2.42 i-37 30 4-54 4-57 4-44 4.09 3-53 2.68 i-53 31 5.00 5-°5 4.90 4-54 3-9i 2.98 1.68 32 5-53 5-59 5-44 5-°3 4-35 3-3i 1.89 33 6.12 6.21 6.04 5.61 4.85 3-7o 2.ti 34 6.82 6.92 6.76 6.28 5-44 4.16 2.^8 35 7.64 7-77 7.60 7.08 6.14 4.72 2.71 36 8-59 8.75 8.58 8.01 6.96 5-3 6 3-°7 37 9.69 9.90 9.72 9.09 7.92 6.09 3.50 38 10.97 11 .22 11.03 i°-33 8.99 6.92 3-96 39 12.43 12.72 12.52 1 1 . 70 10.18 7.82 4-47 40 14.09 14-43 14.17 13-25 11. 51 8.82 5.o4 4i 15.96 16.31 16.02 14.94 12.96 9-93 5.68 42 18.01 18.39 18.03 16.80 14.58 11. 17 6.38 43 20.27 20.67 20.25 18.87 16.36 12.52 7-i5 44 22.73 23-15 22.67 21. 11 18.28 13-99 7-99 45 25.41 25.89 25-33 23-57 20.41 i5-6i 8.92 46 28.35 28.85 28.22 26.25 22.73 17.40 9-94 47 3 1 -53 32.09 31.38 29.19 25.28 !9-35 11 .06 48 34-99 35 -6o 34.82 32.41 28.08 21.51 12.30 49 38.76 39-44 38.59 35-92 2>^^2> 23.86 13.65 5o 42.86 43-63 42.70 . 39-77 34.48 26.44 15-14 5i 47-35 48.21 47.20 43-99 38.17 29.30 16.80 52 52.25 53-23 52.14 48.61 42.23 32.46 18.63 53 57-59 58.69 57-53 53-7° 46.71 35.92 20.65 54 03-39 64.66 63-44 59.28 51.61 39-74 22.89 55 69.72 71 .16 69.89 65-37 56.98 43-95 25.34 56 76.58 78.24 76.91 72.01 62.84 48.54 28.04 57 84.00 85.88 84.50 79.21 69 .20 53-52 30.95 58 91.91 94.05 92.61 86.89 76.00 58.82 34.03 59 100.27 102 .66 101 .16 94.96 83.09 64.33 37.23 60 109.00 1 1 1 . 64 110.05 io 3-33 90.43 70.04 40.59 20Yr.Term Am.3^ Of Life Insurance. 237 Table No. LXXV NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER 81000 ON TWENTY- YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Terminal Net Values at the End of Age. Net Pre- miums. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 8.09 .58 1. 12 I.63 2.13 2.58 2.99 21 8.17 .61 1. 19 I.76 2.28 2-77 3-24 22 8.27 .65 I .27 I.89 2.47 3.01 3-50 23 8-37 •71 i-39 2.05 2.67 3.26 3.80 24 8.48 .76 i-5i 2.22 2.90 3-55 4.13 25 8.60 .84 1.65 2-43 3.16 3.87 4.50 26 8-73 .91 1.79 2.65 3-45 4.20 4-93 27 8.87 I. OO 1 .96 2.89 3-77 4.62 5.4o 28 9-03 I.09 2.15 3-17 4.15 5.08 5-93 29 9.21 1 .20 2.36 3-48 4-57 5.58 6-53 30 9.40 I.32 2.60 3.85 5-o5 6.18 7.24 31 9.62 I .46 2.89 4.27 5.60 6.86 8.05 32 9.87 I.62 3.20 4.74 6.23 7-65 8.98 33 IO.14 I.79 3-55 5-28 6.94 8-53 10.02 34 IO.45 2.00 3.98 5-90 7-77 9-53 11 .21 35 IO.80 2.25 4-45 6.6l 8.69 10.68 12.56 36 II. 18 2-51 4.98 7-39 9-73 11.96 14.10 37 II .61 2.81 5-57 8.28 10.90 . 13-43 -15-83 38 I2.IO 3-14 6.24 9.28 12.24 15.08 17.79 39 12.63 3-52 6.99 10.40 13-74 16.95 20.00 40 I3-23 3-94 7.84 11.67 15-42 19.02 22.47 4i 13.89 4.42 8.79 13.10 17.29 21-35 25.21 42 14.63 4.94 9-85 14.68 19.38 23.92 28.24 43 15-45 5-54 11 .02 16.42 21.67 26.75 31-57 44 16.37 6.17 12.30 18.32 24.19 29.84 35-17 45 17-37 6.89 13.71 20.41 26.94 33.19 39.10 46 18.49 7.67 15.24 22 .69 29.89 36.81 43.31 47 19.71 8.50 16.91 25.12 33-09 40.69 47.87 48 21.06 9.41 18.67 27.74 36.50 44-87 52.77 49 22.55 10.36 20.57 30-52 40.15 49-36 58.05 50 24.17 "•39 22.59 33-52 44.10 54.21 63.73 5i 2 5-94 12.48 24-75 30.74 48.32 59-39 69.82 52 27.87 13.66 27.09 40.18 52.84 64.94 76.34 53 29-95 14.92 29.56 43-84 57.63 70.83 83.29 54 32.21 16.23 32.16 47.69 62.69 77-05 90.61 55 34-64 17.61 34.88 51-72 68.01 83-59 98.30 56 37-25 19.04 37-73 55-95 73-55 90.41 106.31 57 40.04 20.55 40.71 60.34 79-32 97.48 114.63 58 43 -°3 22.12 43-79 64.90 85.29 104.80 123.25 59 46.24 23.71 46.96 69.59 91.45 112.37 132.16 60 49.66 25-38 5°.23 74.43 97.81 120.18 141.32 Am.3J* 20 Yr. Term -3* Principles and Practice Table No. LXXV.— Continued. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER tiooo ON TWENTY- YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. Terminal Net Values at the End OF 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 3-37 3.60 3.96 4.17 4.29 4-33 4.29 21 3- 6 4 3-99 4.29 4-5° 4.66 4.72 4.66 22 3-95 4-33 4.65 4.89 5-07 5-12 5-07 23 4.28 4.71 5.06 5-34 5.51 5-58 5-53 24 4.66 5-13 5.52 5.8i 6.01 6.IO 6.06 25 5-°9 5.60 6.03 6.36 6.60 6.69 6.65 26 5-57 6.13 6.60 6.98 7-23 7-35 7-3° 27 6.10 6.72 7.26 7.67 7.96 8.09 8.05 28 6.71 7.41 8.00 8.47 8-79 8.94 8.89 29 7.41 8.19 8.85 9.36 9-73 9.90 9.87 30 8.22 9.09 9.81 10.40 10.81 11 .04 11 .02 31 9.14 IO.IO IO.93 11 .60 12.08 12.34 12.35 32 10.19 II.28 12.21 12.98 13-54 13.86 13-88 33 u-39 12 .6l I3.69 14.56 15.22 15-59 15.64 34 i 2 -75 I4.I5 15-37 16.38 17.12 17-57 17-65 35 14.31 I5.90 17.29 18.45 19.31 19.83 19-94 36 16.07 17.89 19.46 20.79 21.78 22.38 22.51 37 18.08 20.I2 21.93 23.42 24.55 25.24 25-37 38 20.33 22.65 24.69 26.38 27.66 28.41 28.54 39 22.86 25-47 27.77 29.68 31.08 3i-9i 32.02 40 25.68 28.62 31-19 33-30 34.87 35-75 35.85 4i 28.82 32.IO 34-95 37-29 39.00 39-97 40.07 42 32.27 35.91 39.07 41.64 43-52 44-59 44.68 43 36.03 4O.07 43-55 46.39 48.47 49.64 49.72 44 40.12 44-57 48.42 5I-56 53-85 55-12 55-2o 45 44-55 49-45 53-7i 57-17 59-68 61 .09 61.18 46 49-33 54-75 59-44 63-25 66.03 67.58 67.69 47 54.5o 60.47 65.64 69.84 72.91 74.64 74.78 48 60.07 66.64 72.33 76.96 80.37 82.30 82.49 49 66.07 73.29 79-55 84.68 88.44 90.60 90.86 5o 72.54 80.46 87.36 93.02 97.18 99.60 99.93 5i 79-47 88.18 95-76 101 .99 106.61 109.32 109.77 52 86.91 96.46 104.78 in. 63 116.73 119.79 120.38 53 94.83 105.26 114-37 121 .90 127.56 130.98 131-71 54 103.17 "4.55 124.51 132.77 139.00 142.81 U3-7 1 55 in. 94 124.31 135-16 144.18 151. 01 155-23 156.31 56 121.08 134.49 146.27 156.07 163.53 168.16 169.41 57 !3°-57 145-07 157-79 168.41 176.50 181.57 182.99 58 140.41 156.00 169.71 181. 16 189.92 195-45 197.04 59 i5o-55 167.28 182.01 194.34 203.80 209.80 211.65 60 160.99 178.90 194.68 207.93 218.13 224.71 226.96 20 Yr. Term Am.& % Of Life Insurance. 2 39 Table No. LXXV .—Concluded. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 ON TWENTY-YEAR TERM POLICIES, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. Terminal Net Values at the End of 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 4.13 3.85 3-44 2.87 2.13 1. 18 21 4.49 4.19 3.76 3-14 2.32 I.29 22 4.90 4-58 4.10 3-42 2-53 I.40 23 5 '£ 5.01 4.48 3-75 2-77 x a 24 5.86 5.48 4.91 4.10 3-°4 1.68 25 6.43 6.03 5-39 4.51 3-35 1.86 26 7.06 6.62 5-93 4-97 3-7i 2.06 27 7-79 7-31 6-57 5-52 4. 11 2.30 28 8.63 8. 11 7-3o 6.14 4-59 2.56 29 9-59 9.04 8.14 6.86 5-i3 2.87 30 10.73 10. 11 9-13 7-73 5-79 3.26 31 12.03 "•37 10.29 8.72 6-55 3.68 32 1356 12.84 11 .64 9.88 7-43 4.18 33 15-30 14.51 13.18 11. 18 8.40 4.72 34 17.29 16.42 14.89 12.64 9.49 5-33 35 19-55 18.55 16.82 14.25 10.70 6.01 36 22.05 20.92 18.96 16.04 12.04 6.77 37 24.84 23-53 21.32 18.05 13-53 7.60 38 27.92 26.43 23-93 20.24 15.18 8.52 39 3i-3i 29.63 26.81 22.68 17.00 9-53 40 35-04 33-14 29.98 25-33 18.98 10.65 4i 39-14 37.00 33-46 28.28 21.20 11.90 42 43.62 41.23 37.28 3i-52 23.64 13-27 43 48.53 45-87 41.49 35.o8 26.32 14.78 44 53-89 50.94 46.08 38.98 29.25 16.43 45 59-73 56.48 51. xi 43-25 32.46 18.26 46 66.11 62.53 56.61 47-93 36.02 20.29 47 73.06 69.14 62.62 53-o8 39-94 22.52 48 80.62 76-35 69.23 58.74 44.24 24.98 49 88.86 84.21 76.45 64.94 48.98 27.70 5o 97.82 92.81 84.33 71.71 54.17 30.67 5i 107.55 102.13 92.91 79.12 59.85 33 -96 52 118.04 112. 21 102.20 87-15 66.03 37-5i 53 129.27 123.01 112. 15 95-75 72.61 41.29 54 141 .16 134.43 122.67 104.81 79-53 45.25 55 153 - 62 146.39 133.66 114.26 86.77 49-45 56 166.58 158.82 145-07 124.13 94.42 53-94 57 180.00 171.70 157.00 134.54 102.60 58.82 58 193-94 185.19 169.63 145-77 in. 56 64.28 59 208.55 199-53 183.29 158. 11 121 .62 7o-5i 60 224.10 215 .02 198.29 171 .90 133.02 77.63 COST OF INSURANCE. American Experience Table of Mortality. INTEREST, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Am.3J* S.P 240 Principles AND PRAC riCE Table No. LXXVI. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF AN ORDINARY LIFE, SINGLE PREMIUM POLICY, AMERICAN EXPERI- ENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. Cost of Age. Cost of Age. Cost of Insurance. Insurance. Insurance. 20 5-55 45 5-96 70 14.99 21 5-55 46 6.06 71 I5-63 22 5-55 47 6.16 72 16.24 *3 5-54 48 6.29 73 16.82 24 5-54 49 6.44 74 17.36 25 5-53 50 6.62 75 17.87 26 5-53 5i 6.82 76 18.35 27 5-53 52 7.04 77 18.82 28 5-53 53 7.28 78 19.29 29 5-53 54 7-55 79 '9:77 30 5-53 55 7.84 80 20.31 31 5-53 56 8.15 81 20.83 32 5-54 57 8.48 82 21.31 33 5-55 58 8.84 83 21.69 34 5.56 59 9.22 84 22.03 35 5-57 60 9 63 85 22.45 36 5.58 61 10.06 86 23-03 37 5.60 62 10.52 87 23-79 38 5-63 63 11 .00 88 24-55 39 5.66 64 11.50 89 25.08 40 5-69 65 12.03 90 25.49 4i 5-73 66 12.58 91 26.23 42 5-77 67 13-15 92 27.72 43 5.82 68 13-75 93 28.25 44 5.89 69 14.36 94 28.99 O.L. Am.3i % Of Life Insurance 241 Table No. LXXVII. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EX- PERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.76 7.76 7-75 7-75 7-75 7-74 7-74 7-74 21 7.81 7.80 7.80 7-79 7-79 7-79 7-79 7.78 22 7-85 7.85 7.84 7-84 7.84 7.84 7-83 7.84 23 7.90 7.90 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 24 7-95 7-94 7-95 7-94 7-94 7-95 7-95 7-95 25 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.01 8.01 8.01 26 8.07 8.06 8.06 8.07 8.07 8.07 8.07 8.09 27 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.14 8.16 8.17 28 8.19 8.20 8.20 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.24 8.25 29 8.27 8.27 8.27 8.28 8.30 8.31 8.32 8-35 30 8-35 8.35 8.36 8-37 8.38 8.39 8.42 8.45 31 8.43 8-43 8-45 8.46 8.47 8.3 31.40 32.17 33.o6 33-91 34.68 35.3o 35.85 38 31.81 32.59 33-49 34-35 35.13 35.76 36.32 37.02 39 33-03 33-95 34.82 35.6l 36.25 36.81 37-52 38.49 40 34-43 35-3i 36.12 36.77 37-34 38.06 39.04 40.32 4i 35.84 36.66 37-31 37.89 38.62 39.62 40.92 42.23 42 37-23 37.89 38.48 39-23 40.24 4I.56 42.89 43-82 43 38.51 39-n 39.87 40.89 42.24 43.59 44-54 45.25 44 39.78 4o.55 41-59 42.96 44-33 45-30 46.03 47-37 45 41.27 42.34 43-73 45-12 46.11 46.85 48.22 5o.95 46 43-13 44.55 45-97 46.97 47-73 49.12 51.91 52.91 47 45-42 46.87 47.89 48.66 50.08 52.92 53-95 55-34 48 47.83 48.87 49.66 5I-" 54-OI 55.05 56.48 49 49.92 50.72 52.20 5S-i6 56.23 57-69 50 51.85 53-30 56.39 57-48 58.97 5i 54.6i 57.7i 58.82 60.35 52 59.10 60.25 61.81 53 61.77 63-37 54 6 5.03 lOPay.L. Am.£ % Of Life Insurance. 247 Table Nc . LXXVIII. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TEN-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7-59 7.41 7.22 7.02 6.80 21 7-63 7-45 7-25 7.04 "6.82 22 7.68 7-49 7.29 7.07 6.85 23 7.72 7-53 7-32 7. II 6.89 24 7-77 7-57 7-37 7.15 6.92 25 7.82 7.62 7.41 7.19 6.96 26 7.88 7.67 7.46 7.24 7.00 27 7-94 7-73 7-5i 7.28 7.04 28 8.00 7-79 7-57 7-33 7.09 29 8.07 7.86 7-63 7-39 7.15 30 8.14 7.92 7.7o 7.46 7.21 31 8.22 8.00 7.78 7-53 7.26 32 8.30 8.09 7.86 7.60 7-34 33 8.40 8.18 7-94 7.69 7.42 34 8.51 8.27 8.04 , 7.78 7-5 2 35 8.61 8.39 8.15 7.90 7.62 36 8.74 8.51 8.28 8.01 7-74 37 8.87 8.65 8.41 8.15 7.87 38 9-°3 8.80 8.56 8.29 8.01 39 9.19 8.97 8.72 8.46 8.17 40 9-38 9.15 8.90 8.63 8-35 4i 9.58 9-35 9.10 8.85 8.56 42 9.80 9-57 9-34 9.07 8.80 43 10.04 9-83 9-59 9-35 9.07 44 10.33 10. 11 9.90 9.65 9-39 45 10.64 10.45 10.24 10.01 9-77 46 11 .01 10.82 10.63 10.43 10.19 47 11 .41 11.25 11. 10 10.91 10.68 48 11.88 11.76 11.62 u.45 11 .22 49 12.43 12.34 12.22 12.05 11.82 5o 13.06 12.99 12.88 12.72 12.49 5i 13.76 13.72 13.62 13.47 13.24 52 14.55 !4-53 14-46 14-31 14.07 53 15-43 15-44 15.38 15.24 14.99 54 16.42 16.44 16.41 16.27 !5-99 55 17.51 17-57 *7-54 17.40 17.12 56 18.73 18.81 18.79 18.66 18.36 57 20.08 20.18 20.19 20.05 J 9.73 58 21.56 21 .71 21.73 21.60 21 .24 59 23.22 23.40 23-45 23.30 22 .90 60 25-05 25.27 25-33 25-17 24.73 61 27.09 27.34 27.41 27.24 26.77 62 29-33 29.62 29.71 29.55 29.02 63 3L79 32.13 32.26 32.08 31.50 64 34.52 34-93 35.o8 34.89 34.25 65 37-55 38.01 38.19 38.00 37.27 Am.3l* lOPay.L 248 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXVIIL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TEN-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.57 6-33 6.08 5-8i 5-53 21 6.60 6-35 6.09 5.82 5-53 22 6.62 6-37 6. 11 5.83 5-54 23 6.64 6-39 6.13 5.84 5-55 24 6.68 6.42 6.14 5.85 5.56 25 6.71 6.44 6.17 5.87 5-57 26 6.74 6.47 6.20 5.89 5.58 27 6.78 6.51 6.22 5.91 5.60 28 6.83 6-55 6.25 5-94 5-63 29 6.88 6-59 6.29 5-97 5-66 30 6-93 6.65 6-34 6.01 5.69 31 7.00 6.70 6-39 6.05 5-73 32 7.06 6.77 6-45 6. 11 5-77 33 7-i5 6.84 6.52 6.16 5.82 34 7- 2 3 6.93 6-59 6.22 5.89 35 7-34 7.01 6.67 6.29 5.96 36 7-44 7.12 6.76 6 - 39 6.06 37 7-57 7' 2 3 6.88 6.48 6.16 38 7.70 7-37 7.00 6.61 6.29 39 7.86 7-5 2 7.16 6.74 6.44 40 8.04 7.70 7-33 6.91 6.62 4i 8.25 7.91 7-53 7. 11 6.82 42 8.49 H 7-77 7-34 7.04 43 8.77 8.44 8.05 7-59 7.28 44 9.10 8.77 8-37 7.88 7-55 45 9.48 9.14 8.71 8.19 7.84 46 9.91 9-55 9.10 8-54 8.15 47 10.38 10.01 9-53 8.92 8.48 48 10.91 10.52 10.01 9-34 8.84 49 11. 51 11 .09 10.53 9.80 9.22 50 12.16 11.72 11 .10 10.29 9-63 51 12.90 12.41 "•73 10.83 10.06 52 13-70 13.16 12 .42 11 .41 10.52 53 14.58 14.00 13.17 12.04 11 .00 54 15.56 14.92 13-99 12.72 11.50 55 16.64 15-93 14.89 13.45 12.03 56 17.84 17.04 15.87 14.24 12.58 57 19.15 18.25 16.93 15.10 13.15 58 20.59 19.58 18. 11 16.02 13-75 59 22.18 21.05 19.38 17.01 14.36 60 23.94 22.67 20.78 18.10 14.99 61 25.88 24.45 22.32 19.26 15.63 62 28.02 26.42 23.99 20.51 16.24 63 30-39 28.57 25.83 21.85 16.82 64 33.oo 30.95 27.82 23-25 17-36 65 35-88 33-54 29.94 24.71 17.87 15Pay.L. Am.& % Of Life Insurance. 249 Table No. LXXIX. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A FIFTEEN-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.66 7-56 7-45 7-34 7.21 7.08 6-95 6.81 21 7.71 7.60 7-49 7-37 7-25 7.12 6.98 6.83 22 7.76 7-65 7-53 7.41 7.29 7.16 7.01 6.87 23 7.80 7.69 7-57 7.46 7-33 7.19 7.06 6.91 24 7-85 7-74 7.62 7-5° 7-37 7.24 7.IO 6.94 25 7.90 7-79 7.68 7-55 7.42 7.29 7-14 6.99 26 7.96 7.85 7-73 7.61 7.48 7-34 7.19 7.04 27 8.02 7.91 7-79 7.67 7-53 7-39 7-25 7.10 28 8.09 7.98 7.86 7-73 7-59 7.46 7-3i 7-i5 29 8.16 8.05 7.92 7.80 7.67 7-53 7-38 7.23 30 8.24 8.12 8.00 7.88 7-74 7.60 7.46 7-3° 31 8.31 8.20 8.09 7.96 7.82 7.69 7-54 7-39 32 8.40 8.30 8.18 8.04 7.92 7.78 7.64 7-49 33 8.51 8-39 8.27 8.15 8.02 7.89 7-75 7.60 34 8.61 8.49 8.38 8.26 8.14 8.01 7.87 7.72 35 8.72 8.62 8.50 8-39 8.27 8.14 8.00 7.85 36 8.85 8.74 8.64 8-53 8.41 8.28 8.15 8.00 37 8.99 8.90 8-79 8.69 8.56 8.44 8.31 8.18 38 9-15 9-°5 8.96 8.85 8.74 8.62 8.50 8-37 39 9-3 2 9.24 9.14 9.04 8-93 8.83 8.71 8.60 40 9.5i 9.42 9-34 9.24 9-i5 9.o5 8.96 8.85 4i 9.71 9.64 9-5 6 9.48 9.40 9-32 9.24 9.16 42 9.94 9.87 9.82 9-74 9.69 9.62 9-57 9-5i 43 10.19 10.15 10.09 10.06 10.01 9.98 9-95 9.92 44 10.49 10.45 10.43 10.40 10.39 10.39 10.39 10.38 45 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.81 10.84 10.87 10.89 10.89 46 11. 18 11. 19 11.23 11.28 n-34 11 .40 11.44 11.46 47 n-59 11.65 n-73 11.82 11 .91 11.99 12.06 12.10 48 12.08 12.18 12.30 12.43 12.55 12.66 I2 -75 12.81 49 12.64 12.79 12.95 13.11 13.26 13.40 !3-5 2 13.60 5o 13.28 13-47 13.67 13.86 14.06 14.23 14.38 14.47 5i 14.00 14.24 14.47 14.72 14.94 IS-IS 15-32 J 5-43 52 14.81 15.09 I5-38 15.66 15-93 16.17 16.36 16.49 53 15 -7 1 16.04 16.38 16.71 17.02 17.29 17.51 17.67 54 16.72 17.10 17.49 17.87 18.22 18.53 18.79 18.97 55 17.83 18.28 18.72- i9-i5 19-55 19.91 20.20 20.39 56 19.08 19-59 20.08 20.57 21.03 21.43 21.76 21.96 57 20.46 21 .02 21.60 22.15 22.66 23.11 23.46 23.69 58 21.97 22.63 23.27 23.89 24.47 24.96 25-35 25.61 59 23.67 24.40 25 -i3 25.82 26.44 27 .00 27-45 27-73 60 25-54 26.36 27.17 2 7-93 28.63 29.26 29-75 30.06 Am.3 2 * 15Pay.L 250 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXIX.— Concluded. COST < DF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF \ FIFTEEN PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.65 6.50 6.33 6.15 5-9° 5-77 5-57 21 6.69 6.52 6-35 6.17 5-99 5.78 5.58 22 6.72 6-55 6.38 ,6.20 6.OI 5.80 5.60 23 6-75 6.58 6.41 6.23 6.03 5-82 5.63 24 6.79 6.63 6.45 6.26 6.06 5.85 5-66 25 6.84 6.67 6.48 6.30 6.09 5.89 5.69 26 6.88 6.71 6-53 6.34 6.14 5-9 2 5-73 27 6-93 6.76 '6.58 6-39 6.19 5-97 5-77 28 7.00 6.82 6.65 6.45 6.25 6.02 5.82 29 7.06 6.90 6.71 6.52 6.30 6.08 5.89 30 7-i5 6.97 6.79 6.59 6-37 6.14 5-96 31 7- 2 3 7.06 6.87 6.67 6-45 6.22 6.06 32 7-33 7^5 6.97 6.76 6.55 6.31 6.16 33 7-44 7.26 7.07 6.88 6.65 6.42 6.29 34 7-5 6 7-38 7.20 7.00 6.79 6-55 6.44 35 7.69 7-53 7-34 7-15 6-93 6.70 6.62 36 7-85 7.68 7-5i 7.32 7. II 6.88 6.82 37 8.02 7.87 7.70 7-52 7-32 7.10 7.04 38 8.24 8.09 7-93 7.76 7-57 7-33 7.28 39 8.47 8.34 8.20 8.04 7.84 7-59 7-55 40 8-75 8.64 8.51 8-35 8.15 7.88 7.84 4i 9.08 8.98 , 8.86 8.70 8.48 8.20 8.15 42 9-45 9-37 9-25 9.08 8.86 8-55 8.48 43 9.87 9-79 9.68 9-5 1 9.27 8-94 8.84 44 10.34 10.27 10.16 9.98 9.72 9-35 9.22 45 10.87 10.81 10.69 10.50 10.21 9-79 9.63 46 11.45 11.40 11.28 11.07 10.74 10.28 10.06 47 12.10 12.05 11 .92 11 .69 "•33 10.80 10.52 48 12.83 12.77 12.63 12.37 11.97 "•37 11 .00 49 13.62 I3-56 13-41 13.12 12.66 11.97 11.50 5o 14.50 14.44 14.27 13-94 i3-4i 12.62 12.03 5i 15-47 15.41 15.21 14.83 14.22 i3-3i 12.58 52 16.54 16.47 16.24 15.80 15.10 14.06 13.15 53 17.72 17.64 17-37 16.86 16.06 14.86 13-75 54 19.02 18.91 18.60 18.03 17.10 I5-72 14.36 55 20.44 20.32 19.97 19. 3 1 18.24 16.65 14.99 56 22.01 21.88 21.47 20.70 19.47 17-63 15.63 57 23.76 23-59 23.11 22.23 20.81 18.69 16.24 58 25.67 25.47 24.92 23.90 22.27 19.81 16.82 59 27.78 27-55 26.91 25-73 23-83 20.96 17.36 60 30.12 29.83 29.09 27.72 25.49 22.15 17.87 20Pay.L. Am.3i* Of Life Insurance. 2 5i Table No. LXXX. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st \ear. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 7.70 7-75 7-79 7.84 7.89 7-94 8.00 8.07 8.13 8.20 8.28 8.36 8-45 8.56 8.66 8.77 8.91 9.04 9.21 9-3* 9-58 9.78 10.01 10.26 10.56 10.88 11 .26 11.68 12.17 12.74 13.38 14. 11 14.92 15.83 16.84 17.97 7.04 7.68 7-73 7-77 7.82 7.88 7-93 7-99 8.06 8.14 8.21 8.30 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.73 8.86 9.01 9.17 9-36 9-55 9.78 10.02 10.30 10.60 10.97 11.83 12.38 13.00 13.69 14.47 15-33 16.31 17.38 18.59 7-57 7.61 7-65 7.70 7-75 7.80 7.86 7-93 7-99 8.06 8.14 8.24 8-33 8-43 8-55 8.67 8.82 8.97 9-15 9-33 9-54 9-77 10.04 ™-33 10.68 11 .06 11.50 12.02 12.61 13.28 14.02 14.85 15.78 16.81 17.96 19.23 7.49 7-53 7-57 7.62 7.67 7-73 7-79 7.85 7.92 7-99 8.08 8.17 8.26 *-37 8.49 8.63 8. 77 8-94 9. 11 9-31 9-53 9-79 10.06 10.39 ">-75 11. 18 11.68 12.24 12.88 J 3-59 14.38 15-27 16.25 17-35 18.56 19.89 7.42 7-45 7.5o 7-55 7-59 7.65 7.71 7-77 7.84 7.92 8.01 8.09 8.20 8.44 8.58 8-74 8.90 9.09 9.29 9-54 9.80 10. 11 10.46 10.86 11-33 11.87 12.48 13.16 13-91 14.76 i5-7o 16.75 17.90 19.17 20.58 7.33 7.37 7.42 7.46 7.5i 7-57 7.62 7.69 7-77 7.84 7.92 8.02 8.13 8.25 8. 3 8 8.53 8.68 8.86 9.06 9.29 9-53 9.83 10.16 10.54 11 .00 11. 51 12.09 12.74 13.46 14.27 15.16 16.16 17.26 18.47 19.81 21 .29 7- 2 5 7.29 7-33 7.38 7-43 7.48 7-54 7.61 7.68 7.76 7.85 7-95 8.07 8.19 8-33 8, 47 8.64 8.82 9.04 9.28 9-56 9.87 10.23 10.66 11. 15 11.70 12.32 13.00 *3-77 14.62 15.57 16.62 x 7-77 19.05 20.46 Am.3J* 20Pay.L 252 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXX. — Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 8th 9th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.16 7.06 6.97 6.87 6-75 6.64 6-53 21 7.20 7. II 7.01 6.90 6.79 6.68 6.56 22 7.24 7.15 7.04 6.94 6.84 6.72 6.60 23 7.29 7.19 7.09 6.99 6.89 6. 77 6.65 24 7-33 7.24 7-i5 7-05 °-93 6.82 6.70 25 7-39 7-3° 7.21 7.10 7.00 6.88 6.77 26 7.46 7.30 7.26 7.17 7.06 6.96 6.84 27 7-52 7-43 7-34 7.24 7.14 7-03 6.92 28 7-59 7.51 7.41 7-33 7.22 7.12 7.OI 29 7.68 7-59 7-5i 7.42 7-33 7.22 7. II 30 7-77 7.70 7.61 7-53 7-43 7-33 7.22 31 7.88 7.80 7-73 7-63 7-55 7-45 7-35 32 7-99 7-93 7.84 7.76 7.68 7-59 7-5o 33 8.13 8.05 7.98 7.90 7.83 7-75 7.68 34 8.26 8.20 8.13 8.07 8.00 7-95 7.88 35 8.42 8.36 8.32 8.26 8.21 8.16 8. 11 36 8-59 8.56 8.51 8.48 8.44 8.41 8.40 37 8.80 8.76 8-75 8-73 8.72 8.72 8.72 38 9.02 9.02 9.01 9.02 9.04 9.06 9.08 39 9.29 9-3° 9-3 2 9-36 9.41 9-45 9.48 40 9-58 9.62 9.68 9-75 9.82 9.88 9-93 4i 9-93 IO.OI 10.10 10.19 10.28 10.36 10.43 42 10.34 IO.45 IO -57 10.69 10.80 10.90 10.98 43 10.80 IO.94 11 .09 11.23 11.38 11.49 JI -59 44 11.32 II.50 11.67 11.85 12.01 12.16 12.26 45 11. 91 12. II 12 -33 I2 -53 12.72 12.88 12.99 46 12.56 I2.8l J 3-°5 13.29 !3-5 13-67 13.80 47 13.29 »3-57 13-85 14.12 14.35 M-55 14.70 48 14.09 14.42 14.74 15.03 I 5-3° 15-52 15.68 49 15.00 I5-36 15.71 16.04 16.34 16.59 16.75 5o 15.99 16.39 16.79 17.16 17.49 17-75 17.92 5i 17.08 J 7-54 17.98 18.39 18.75 19.03 19.20 52 18.29 18.80 19.30 J 9-75 20.13 20.43 20.62 53 19.63 20.20 20.74 21.23 21.65 21.98 22.17 54 21 .10 21.73 22 .32 22.86 2 3-33 23.68 j 23.88 55 22.73 23.41 24.06 24.66 2 5-i7 25-54 25-75 20Pay.L. Am.3l* uf Life Insurance. 253 Table No. LXXX. — Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS , AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 15th 16th 17th 18th ' 19th 20th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.40 6.26 6.13 5-98 5.83 5-69 21 6.43 6.30 6.16 6.02 5-86 5-73 22 6.48 6.34 6.21 6.06 5-9° 5-77 23 6.52 6.40 6.26 6. 11 5-95 5.82 24 6.59 6-45 6.32 6.16 6.00 5-89 25 6.65 6.52 6.38 6.23 6.06 5-9 6 26 6.72 6-59 6.45 6.30 6.14 6.06 27 6.80 6.67 6.53 6-39 6.22 6.16 28 6.89 6.76 6.63 6.48 6-33 6.29 29 6.99 6,87 6.74 6.60 6-45 6-44 30 7. 11 6.99 6.87 6.74 6.60 6.62 31 7-25 7.14 7-°3 6.90 6.77 6.82 32 7.41 7-3 1 7.21 7.10 6.97 7.04 33 7-59 7-5 1 7-43 7-33 7.20 7.28 34 7.81 7-75 7.68 7-58 7-45 7-55 35 8.07 8.02 7.96 7.86 7-73 7.84 36 8.37 8-33 8.27 8.17 8.03 8.15 37 8.71 8.67 8.61 8.52 8-37 8.48 38 9.08 9-o5 9.00 8.89 8-73 8.84 39 9.49 9.48 9.42 9-3i 9.12 9.22 40 9-95 9.94 9.88 9.76 9-54 9.63 4i 10.46 10.46 10.39 10.24 10.00 10.06 42 11 .02 11 .02 10.94 10.77 10.49 10.52 43 11.64 11.63 n-54 n-35 11 .02 11.00 44 12.31 12.30 12.19 11.97 n-59 11.50 45 I3-°S 13-03 12.91 12.64 12.19 12.03 46 13-87 13.84 13.68 13-36 12.83 12.58 47 14.76 14.71 14.52 14.14 !3-52 I 3- I 5 48 15-74 15.66 15-43 14.98 14.25 1 3-75 49 16.80 16.70 16.43 15.90 15*03 14.36 50 17.96 17.85 i7-5i 16.88 15-87 14.99 5i 19.25 19.09 18.68 17.94 16.76 J 5-63 52 20.65 20.45 19.97 19.09 17.70 16.24 53 22.18 21.94 2i-35 20.32 18.69 16.82 54 23.87 2 3-5 6 22.87 21.64 19.70 17.36 55 25.70 25-33 24.49 23.02 20.73 17.87 Am.3l* lOYr.End 254 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXXI. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TEN-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.16 6.54 5-87 5.17 4-43 3-64 2.8l 1-93 O.99 21 7.21 6.58 5-9i 5.21 4.46 3.67 2.83 I.94 1. OO 22 7.26 6.62 5-95 5.24 4-49 3-70 2.86 I .96 1 .01 23 7-3i 6.67 5-99 5.28 4.53 3-73 2.89 I.98 1 .02 24 7-35 6.71 6.04 5-33 4-57 3-77 2.91 2.00 I.04 25 7.40 6.77 6.09 5-37 4.61 3.8i 2.94 2.03 I.05 26 7.46 6.82 6.14 5-43 4.66 3-84 2.98 2.05 1 .06 27 7-52 6.88 6.20 5-48 4.71 3.89 3.02 2.08 1.08 28 7-59 6-95 6.26 5-53 4.76 3-94 3.06 2. II I.09 29 7.66 7.02 6-33 5.60 4.82 3-99 3.10 2.I4 1. 11 30 7-74 7.09 6.40 5-67 4.89 4.04 3-15 2.l8 1 - I 3 31 7.81 7.17 6.48 5-74 4-95 4. 11 3.20 2.22 1. 16 32 7.90 7.26 6-57 5.82 5-03 4.18 3.26 2.26 1. 18 33 8.00 7-35 6.65 5.9i 5-« 4.26 3-32 2.31 1. 21 34 8. 11 7-45 6.76 6.01 5.21 4-34 3.40 2.36 1.24 35 8.21 7-57 6.87 6.12 5-3i 4-43 3-47 2.42 1.27 3<3 8-35 7.69 7.00 6.24 5-43 4-53 3.56 2.49 i»3* 37 8.48 7.84 7-13 6.38 5-55 4.64 3-65 2.56 *-35 38 8.64 7-99 7.29 6.52 5-68 4-77 3.76 2.64 1.40 39 8.80 8.16 7-45 6.68 5-83 4.91 3.88 2.74 1 .46 40 9.00 8-34 7-63 6.85 6.01 5.06 4.02 2.85 1.52 4i 9.19 8.54 7-83 7.06 6.20 5.25 4.18 2.97 1-59 42 9.42 8.76 8.06 7.28 6.42 5-45 4.36 3.12 1.68 43 9.66 9-03 8.31 7-54 6.67 5-68 4-57 3.28 I • ."7 44 9-95 9.31 8.61 7.83 6-95 5.96 4.81 3-47 1.88 45 10.25 9.64 8.94 8.16 7.29 6.27 5.08 3.67 2.00 46 10.62 10.01 9-3 2 8.56 7.67 6.63 5-39 3.91 2.13 47 11.03 10.43 9-77 9.00 8.10 7.02 5-73 4.17 2.29 48 11.49 10.93 10.28 9-51 8.58 7.46 6. 11 4.46 2.45 49 12.04 11.50 10.85 10.07 9.12 7.96 6-54 4.79 2.64 50 12.67 12.14 11.49 10.70 9.72 8.51 7.02 5.16 2.85 5i 13-37 12.85 12.21 11. 41 10.40 9.13 7-55 5.56 3.09 52 14.15 13.64 13.01 12.19 11. 15 9.82 8.14 6.02 3-35 53 15.02 14.54 13.90 13.07 11.98 10.58 8.80 6.52 3-64 54 16.00 15.53 14.90 14.04 12.91 11.44 9-53 7.09 3-97 55 17.09 16.64 16.00 15.12 13.94 12.39 10.36 7.72 4.33 56 18.30 17.86 17.22 16.32 15.09 13-45 11.27 8.42 4-74 57 19.64 19.22 18.58 17.66 16.38 14.63 12.29 9.21 5.20 58 21.12 20.73 20.09 19-15 17.80 15.93 13.42 10.J09 5-71 59 22.77 22.40 21.77 20.79 !9-37 17.38 14.69 11.07 6.29 60 24.60 24.26 23-63 22.61 21 .12 19.01 16.10 12.17 6.93 61 26.63 26.32 25.68 24.63 23.07 20.82 17.68 13.41 7.66 62 28.87 28.58 27-95 26.89 25.24 22.83 19.44 14.78 8.47 63 31.33 31.09 30.49 29.38 27.64 25.07 21 .40 16.32 9-37 64 34.05 33-88 33-28 32.15 30.33 27.56 23.60 18.03 10.37 65 37-o8 36.95 36.38 35-23 33.29 30.34 26.02 19.91 11 .46 15Yr.End. Am.3i* Of Life Insurance 255 Table No. LXXXII. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A FIFTEEN-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th \ear. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.42 7.07 6.70 6.30 5-88 5-43 4-97 4-47 21 7-47 7.12 6.74 6-34 5-9 2 5-48 5.01 4.51 22 7-5 2 7.16 6.79 6.38 5-97 5-5 2 5-05 4-55 23 7-57 7.21 6.83 6.44 6.02 5-57 5.10 4.60 24 7.62 7.26 6.89 6.49 6.07 5.62 5-15 4.64 25 7.67 7-3 2 6.94 6-54 6.13 5.68 5.20 4.70 26 7-73 7-38 7.00 6.61 6.19 5-74 5.26 4.76 27 7.80 7-44 7.07 6.67 6.25 5.80 5-33 4.82 28 7.86 7-5i 7.14 6.74 6.32 5.88 5-4o 4.88 29 7-94 7-59 7.21 6.82 6.40 5-95 5-47 4.96 30 8.02 7.66 7.29 6.90 6.49 6.03 5.56 5-04 31 8.10 7-75 7-39 6.99 6 -57 6.13 5.65 5-i4 32 8.19 7.85 7.48 7.09 6.68 6.23 5-76 5- 2 4 33 8.29 7-95 7.58 7.20 6.78 6 -35 5.87 5-35 34 8.40 8.06 7.70 7-3 2 6.91 6.47 5-99 5-47 35 8.51 8.18 7-83 7-45 7.04 6.61 6.13 5-6i 36 8.05 8.31 7-97 7.60 7.20 6 -75 6.28 5-75 37 8.78 8.47 8.12 7.76 7-35 6.92 6.44 5-93 38 8.95 8.63 8.30 7-93 7-53 7.10 6.63 6. 11 39 9.12 8.82 8.48 8.12 7-73 7-31 6.84 6 -33 40 9-3 2 9.01 8.69 8-33 7.96 7-54 7.08 6 -57 4i 9-5 2 9- 2 3 8.91 8.58 8.21 7.81 7-35 6.85 42 9-75 9-47 9.18 8.85 8.50 8.10 7.67 7.18 43 10.00 9-75 9.46 9.16 8.82 8.45 8.04 7-56 44 10.30 10.05 9.80 9.5i 9.20 8.85 8.45 7.98 45 10.62 10.41 10.17 9.91 9-63 9-3i 8.92 8.45 40 11 .00 10.80 10.60 10.38 10.13 9.83 9-45 8.97 47 11. 41 11 .26 11 .10 10.92 10.69 10.40 10.03 9-57 48 11.90 11.80 11.68 11.52 11.32 11.05 10.69 10.22 49 12.46 12.40 12.32 12.20 12.02 11.77 11-43 10.96 50 13.10 13.09 13.04 12.95 12.80 12.58 12.25 11.78 5i 13.83 13-85 13.84 J 3-79 13.68 13-47 !3-i5 12.68 52 14.63 14.70 14.74 14-73 14.65 14.47 14.16 13.69 53 !5-53 15.66 15-74 15.78 15-73 15-57 15.28 14.81 54 16.54 16.72 16.86 16.93 16.92 16.80 ^.53 16.06 55 17.66 17.90 18.09 18.21 18.25 18.16 17.91 17.44 56 18.91 19.21 19-45 19.63 19.72 19.67 19.44 18.97 57 20.29 20.65 20.97 21.21 2 i-35 21.34 21.13 20.66 58 21.81 22.25 22.65 22.96 2 3- J 5 23.18 23.00 22 -55 59 2 3-5° 24.03 24.51 24.89 25.14 25.22 25.09 24.65 60 2 5.38 26.00 26.56 27.01 2 7-33 27.49 2 7-39 26.96 Am.3l* 15Yr.End 256 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXXIL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A FIFTEEN-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 9th 10th 11th 12th, 13th 14th 15th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 3-94 3-39 2.79 2.16 I.49 O.77 0.00 21 3-98 3-42 2.82 2.19 I-5 1 0.78 O.OO 22 4.02 3-45 2.85 2.21 !-53 O.79 O.00 23 4.06 3-49 2.89 2.24 i-55 O.80 O.OO 24 4. II 3-54 2-93' 2.27 i-57 O.82 O.OO 25 4.16 3-59 2.97 2.3I 1.60 O.83 O.OO 26 4.22 3-^3 3.02 2-35 1.63 O.85 O.OO 27 4.27 3-69 3-°7 2-39 1.66 0.87 O.OO 28 4-34 3-75 3.12 2-44 1.70 0.89 O.OO 29 4.41 3' & 3 | 3-i9 2.49 1.74 O.91 O.OO 30 4-5° 3.90 1 3.26 2-55 1.78 °-93 O.OO 31 4.58 3-99 i 3-33 2.61 1.83 0.96 O.OO 32 4.68 4-o7 i 3-4i 2.68 1.88 0.99 O.OO 33 4-79 4-i8 1 3-5° 2.76 1.94 1.03 0.00 34 4.91 4.28 j 3.61 2-85 2.01 1.07 O.OO 35 5-°4 S 4-4i | 3-7 2 2.96 2.09 1. 12 O.OO 36 5-!9 4.55 ! 3-86 3.07 2.18 1. 17 0.00 37 5-35 4.72 i 4.00 3.20 2.29 1.23 O.OO 38 5-54 4.90 ! 4-i8 3.36 2.41 1.30 0.00 39 5-75 5-" 1 4.38 3-54 2-55 1.38 O.OO 40 6.00 5.36 ! 4.61 3-74 2.70 1.47 O.OO 4i 6.29 5.64 j 4.87 3-96 2.87 J -57 O.OO 42 6.62 5-95 j 5-i6 4.21 3.06 1.68 O.OO 43 6.99 6.31 j 5.48 4-49 3.28 1.80 O.OO 44 7.40 6.70 j 5.85 4.80 3-52 1.94 O.OO 45 7.86 7.15 j 6.26 5.16 3-79 2.10 O.OO 46 8.38 7.64 j 6.71 5-55 4.09 2.27 O.OO 47 8.96 8.20 ! 7.22 5-98 4.42 2.46 O.OO 48 9.61 8.81 j 7.78 6.47 4.80 2.68 O.OO 49 io-33 9.50 1 8.42 7.02 5.22 2.92 O.OO 5o 11. 13 10.26 9.12 7.62 5-68 3.19 O.OO 5i 12.02 II. II 9.90 8.30 6.20 3-49 O.OO 52 13.01 12.06 10.78 9-o5 6.78 3.83 0.00 53 14. 11 13.12 11.74 9.89 7-44 4.21 0.00 54 15-34 14.29 12.82 10.83 8.i 7 4.64 O.OO 55 16.69 15-59 14.03 11.88 8.98 5.12 O.OO 56 18.20 17.04 15.38 13.06 9.90 5.66 O.OO 57 19.88 18.66 16.87 J 4-37 10.93 6.26 O.OO 58 21.74 20.45 18.55 15.84 12.07 6 -93 O.OO 59 23.81 22.46 20.41 *7-47 13-35 7.68 O.OO 60 26.11. 24.68 22.49 19.29 14.76 8.50 O.OO 20Yr.End. Am.3l % Of Life Insurance. 2 57 ' Table No . LXXXIII. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. \ear. 20 7-55 7-33 7.IO 6.85 6 -59 6.31 6.02 21 7.60 7-38 7.14 6.90 6.63 6.36 6.07 22 7-65 7-43 7.19 6.94 6.69 6.41 6.12 23 7.70 7.48 7.24 7.00 6.74 6.46 6.18 24 7-75 7-53 7-3° 7.06 6.80 6-53 6.24 25 7.80 7-59 7-3<> 7. 11 6.86 6.59 6.30 26 7.86 7-65 7.42 7.18 6 -93 6.66 6.37 27 7-93 7.71 7-49 7- 2 5 7.00 6 -73 6.45 28 7-99 7-79 7-57 7-33 7.08 6.82 6.54 29 8.07 7.86 7.64 7-4i 7.17 6.91 6.62 30 8.i5 7-94 7-73 7-5° 7.26 7.00 6 -73 31 8.23 8.03 7.83 7.60 •7-36 7. 11 6.84 32 8-33 8.14 7-93 7.70 7-47 7.22 6.96 33 8.43 8.24 8.03 7.82 7-59 7-36 7.10 34 8-54 8.35 8.16 7-95 7-73 7.5o 7"-25 35 ' 8.65 8.48 8.29 8.09 7.88 7.66 7.41 36 8.79 8.61 8.44 8.25 8.05 7.82 7-59 37 8.93 8.78 8.60 8.42 8.22 8.01 7.78 38 9.10 8-94 8.79 8.61 8.42 8.22 8.01 39 9.27 9- J 3 8.98 8.81 8.64 8.46 8.25 40 9-47 9-33 9.19 9.04 8.89 8.71 8-54 4i 9.68 9-56 9-43 9-3° 9.16 9.02 8.86 42 9.91 9.80 9.70 9-59 9.48 9-36 9-23 43 10.17 10.09 10.00 9.92 9.84 9-75 9.67 44 10.47 10.40 W.3S 10.30 10.25 10.21 10.16 45 10.79 10.77 10.74 10.73 10.73 10.73 10.71 46 11. 17 11 .17 11 .19 11.23 11 .27 / II -3 I XI -33 47 n-59 11 .64 11 .72 11.80 11.89 11 .96 12 .02 48 12.08 12.19 12.32 12.45 i 2 -57 12.69 12.79 49 12.65 12.81 12.99 13.16 1 3-33 !3-5° 13-65 5o *3-3° i3-5i *3-74 13.96 14.19 14.40 14.60 5i 14.03 14.30 14.57 14.86 I5-I4 i5-4i J 5- 6 5 52 14.85 I5-I7 15.51 I5-85 16.19 16.52 16.81 53 15-75 16.15 16.54 16.96 17.36 17.74 18. 11 54 16.77 i7- 2 3 17.70 18.18 18.64 19.10 19-53 55 17.90 18.43 18.98 19.52 20.07 20.60 21 .11 Am. 3^* 20Yr.End 258 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXXIIL— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER Siooo OF A TWENTY-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 8th 9th 10th nth 12th 13th 14th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 5-7i 5.38 5-°4 4.67 4.28 3-86 3-42 21 5-76 5-43 5.09 4.72 4-33 3-91 3-47 22 5.81 5-49 5.14 4.77 4.38 3-96 3-5i 23 5-87 5-54 5.20 4.83 4-44 4.02 3-57 24 5-93 5.60 5.26 4.90 4-50 4.08 3-63 25 6.00 5.68 5-33 4.96 4-57 4.15 3-7o 26 6.07 5-75 5.40 5-°4 4.64 4-23 3-77 27 6.15 5-83 5-49 5.12 4-73 4.31 3-8 5 28 6.23 5-92 5.58 5.22 4.82 4.40 3-94 29 6-33 6.01 5.68 5-32 4-93 4-5° 4.03 30 6-43 6.13 5-79 5-43 5-04 4.61 4.14 31 6.56 6.24 5-9 2 5-55 5.16 4-73 4.26 32 6.68 6.38 6.05 5-69 5-29 4.87 4.40 33 6.82 6.52 6.19 5-84 5-45 5.02 4.56 S4 6.97 6.68 6-35 6.01 5.62 5.20 4-73 35 7.14 6.85 6-54 6.19 5.82 5 -4o 4-93 36 7-32 7-05 6.74 6.41 6.04 5.63 5-17 37 7-54 7.27 6.98 6.66 6.30 5-9° 5-44 38 7-77 7-52 7-25 6.94 6.60 6.21 5-74 39 8.04 7.8! 7-55 7.27 6.94 6-55 6.08 40 8.35 8.14 7.91 7.64 7-32 6 -93 6.45 4i 8.70 8.52 !- 31 8.06 7-75 7-36 6.88 42 9. 11 8-95 8.77 8-53 8.23 7.84 7-35 43 9-57 9.44 9.28 9.05 8.76 8.38 7.88 44 10.09 9.99 9.84 9.64 9.36 8.98 8.46 45 10.67 10.60 10.48 10.29 10.02 9.64 9. 11 46 11.32 11.28 n. 19 11.02 10.76 10.37 9-83 47 12.05 12.04 n.98 11.83 "•57 1 1. 19 10.64 48 12.86 12.89 12.85 12.72 12.48 12.10 "•53 49 I3-76 13.82 13-81 J 3-7i 13-49 13. 11 12.52 5o 14.76 14.85 14.88 14.81 14.61 14.23 13.62 5i 15.85 16.00 16.07 16.03 15.84 15.46 14.83 52 17.08 17.27 17-39 I7-38 17.21 16.83 16.19 53 18.42 18.68 18.84 18.86 18.71 18.35 17.69 3* 19.92 20.23 20.43 20.50 20.39 20.03 x 9-35 55 21.56 21.93 22.19 22.32 22.24 21.89 21 .20 20Yr.End. Am.3i* Of Life Insurance. 259 Table No. LXXXIIL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY- YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 2-95 2.44 I.90 I-3I O.68 O.00 21 2.99 2.48 i-93 1-34 O.70 0.00 22 3 -04 2.52 1.97 i-37 O.71 O.OO 23 3-09 2-57 2.01 1.40 o-73 0.00 24 3-i5 2.62 2.05 1-43 °-75 O.00 25 3.21 2.68 2.IO 1.46 0.77 O.00 26 3.28 2.74 2.15 1.50 0.79 O.OO 27 3-35 2.80 2.21 i-55 0.82 O.OO 28 3-43 2.88 2.27 1 .60 0.85 O.OO 29 3-5 2 2.97 2.34 1.66 0.88 O.OO 30 3^3 3.06 2-43 1.72 0.92 O.OO 31 3-74 3-i7 2.52 1.79 0.96 0.00 32 3.88 3-29 2.63 1.88 1. 01 O.00 33 4.03 3-43 2.76 1.98 1.07 O.00 34 4.20 3.60 2.91 2.09 1. 14 o.od 35 4.40 3-79 3-07 2.22 1. 21 0.00 36 4.63 4.00 3-25 2.36 1.29 0.00 37 4.89 4.24 3-46 2.52 1.38 0.00 38 5.18 4-5° 3-69 2.69 1.48 0.00 39 5-5° 4.80 3-95 2.89 i-59 0.00 40 5.87 5.i4 4-23 3-n 1.72 0.00 41 6.27 5-5i 4-55 3-35 1.86 0.00 42 6.72 5-92 4.91 3.63 2.02 0.00 43 7.22 6.38 5-3° 3-93 2.20 0.00 44 7.78 6.89 5-75 4.27 2.39 0.00 45 8.40 7.46 6.24 4.65 2.61 0.00 46 9.09 8.10 ,6.79 5-°7 2.86 0.00 47 9.86 8.81 7.40 5-55 3-13 0.00 48 10.72 9-59 8.08 6.08 3-44 0.00 49 11.66 10.47 8.84 6.67 3-79 0.00 5o 12.71 n-45 9.69 7-33 4.18 0.00 5i 13.89 I2 -53 10.64 8.07 4.61 0.00 52 IS-I9 J 3-74 11. 71 8.90 5.10 0.00 53 16.64 15.09 12.88 9.82 5-64 0.00 54 18.25 16.59 14.20 10.85 6.24 0.00 55 20.03 18.26 15-66 11.98 6.90 0.00 Am.3!* 25Yr.End 260 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXXIV. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th \ear. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.62 7.48 7-33 7.17 7.00 6.81 6.63 6-43 21 7.67 7-53 7.38 7.22 7.04 6.87 6.68 6.48 22 7.72 7-58 7-43 7.26 7.10 6.92 6.74 6-54 23 7-77 7- 6 3 7.48 7-3 2 7.16 6.98 6.80 6.61 24 7.82 7.68 7-54 7-38 7.22 7-°5 6.87 6.67 25 7.88 7-74 7.60 7-44 7.29 7.12 6 -93 6-75 26 7-94 7.8! 7.66 7-52 7-36 7.19 7.01 6.83 27 8.01 7.87 7-73 7-59 7.43 7.27 7 . 10 6.92 28 8.07 7-95 7.81 7.66 7-5i 7-36 7.19 7.01 29 8.15 8.02 7.89 7-75 7.61 7-45 7.28 7.12 30 8.23 8.10 7.98 7.85 7.71 7-55 7.40 7-23 31 8.31 8.19 8.08 7-95 7.80 7.67 7-5i 7.36 32 8.40 8.30 8.18 8.05 7-93 7-79 7.65 7-5° 33 8.51 8.40 8.29 8.18 8.05 7-93 7-79 7.66 34 8.62 8.51 8.42 8.30 8.20 8.08 7.96 7.82 35 8-73 8.65 8-55 8.46 8-35 8.25 8.13 8.01 36 8.87 8.78 8.71 8.61 8-53 8.42 8.32 8.21 37 9.01 8.95 8.87 8.81 8.71 8.62 8.53 8.44 38 9.18 9. 11 9.06 8.98 8.91 8.84 8.77 8.69 39 9-35 9-3i 9-25 9.20 9.14 9.09 9-°3 8. 99 40 9-55 9-5i 9-47 9-43 9.40 9.36 9-35 9-3 2 4i 9.76 9-74 9.71 9.70 9.68 9.69 9.69 9.70 42 10.00 9.98 9.99 9.99 10.01 10.04 10.08 10.15 43 10.25 10.27 10.29 10.34 10.38 10.45 IO-55 10.65 44 IO -55 10.59 10.65 10.72 10.81 10.93 11 .07 11.22 45 10.88 10.96 11 .04 11 .16 11. 31 11.48 11.66 11.85 46 11 .26 11.36 11.50 11.67 11.87 12.09 12.31 I2 -55 47 11.68 11.84 12.03 12.26 12.50 12.77 13.04 J 3-34 48 12.17 12.39 12.64 12.91 13.21 13-52 13.86 14.20 49 I2 -75 13.02 J 3-32 13-65 I 3-99 J 4-37 14.76 15-16 50 13.40 J 3-73 14.08 14.46 14.87 I 5-3° I5-76 16.22 25Yr.End. Am.& % Of Life Insurance 261 Table No. LXXXIV.— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAS f EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.21 5-99 5.76 5-55 5- 2 4 4.96 4.66 4-33 21 6.27 6.05 5 '^ 5.56 5-3° 5.02 4.72 4.40 22 6-33 6. 11 5.88 5-64 5-37 5-°9 4-79 4.47 23 6.40 6.18 5-95 5-7i 5.44 5-17 4.87 4.56 24 6.47 6.26 6.03 5.78 5-53 5- 2 5 4.96 4.64 25 6-55 6.34 6. 11 5.87 5.62 5-35 5.06 4-74 26 6.64 6.42 6.21 5-97 5-72 5-45 5-17 4.85 27 6.72 6.52 6.30 6.08 5.83 5-57 5.28 4-97 28 6.83 6.63 6.42 6.19 5-96 5.69 5-4i 5-09 29 6-93 6-75 6.54 6-33 6.08 5.83 5-54 5.24 30 7.06 6.87 6.68 6.46 6.23 5.98 5.7i 5-40 3i 7.19 7.02 6.82 6.62 6-39 6.15 5.88 5.60 32 7-35 7.17 6.99 6.78 6 -57 6.34 6.09 5.8l 33 7-5° 7-34 7.16 6.98 6.77 6.56 6.32 6.05 34 7.68 7-53 7-37 7.19 7.01 6.80 6.58 6-33 35 7.87 7-74 7-59 7-44 7.27 7.09 6.89 6.66 36 8.10 7-97 7-8 5 7.72 7-57 7.42 7.24 7.02 37 8-34 8.25 8.14 8.03 7.92 7-79 7-63 7.42 38 8.63 8-55 8.48 8.41 8.32 8.21 8.07 7.87 39 8.94 8.90 8.87 8.83 8.77 8.68 8.55 8.38 40 9-3i 9-3i 9-3.i 9-3° ' 9.27 9.20 9.10 8-94 4i 9-74 9.78 9.81 9.83 9.82 9.78 9.70 9-56 42 10.22 10.30 10.36 10.41 10.44 10.43 IO -37 10.25 43 10.77 10.88 10.98 11 .07. 11 .12 11. 15 11 .11 11 .00 44 n-37 11.52 11 .67 11.79 11.89 11.94 11 -93 11. 8 5 45 12.04 12.24 12.43 12 .60 12.73 12.81 12.84 12.78 46 12.80 13.04 J 3- 2 7 13.48 J3-65 13.78 13.84 13.81 47 *3-63 J 3-93 14.21 14.46 14.68 14.85 J 4-95 14.94 48 14.55 14.90 i5- 3 3 15.54 15.81 16.03 16.17 16.19 49 15-57 *5-97 16.36 16.73 17.06 J7-33 n-s 17-56 5o 16.69 17.16 17.61 18.05 18.43 18.75 18.97 19.08 Am.31* 25Yr.End 262 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXXIV.— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 3-99 3.62 3- 2 3 2.8o 2-34 I.83 I.28 O.67 21 4.06 3-69 3- 2 9 2.86 2-39 1.88 *-3« O.69 22 4.13 3-76 3'36 2-93 2.45 !-93 *-35 O.71 23 4.21 3-84 3-44 3.00 2.51 1.98 1 -39 O.74 24 4-3° 3-93 3-5 2 3.08 2-59 2.05 1-45 O.77 25 4.40 4-03 3.61 3-17 2.67 2 .12 1.50 O.80 26 4-5i 4.13 3-72 3-27 2.77 2.20 x -57 O.84 27 4.62 4.25 3.84 3-39 2.87 2.30 1.64 O.89 28 4.76 4-3« 3.98 3-5 2 3.00 2.41 i-73 O.94 29 4.91 4-54 4.13 3-67 3-i4 2-54 1.83 O.99 30 5.08 4.71 4-3° 3-84 3-3i 2.68 1.94 I.05 31 5- 2 7 4.91 4-5 1 4.04 3-49 2.84 2.06 1. 12 32 5-49 5-i5 4-74 4.27 3-7° 3.02 2 .20 I.20 33 5-75 5-4i 5.00 4.52 3-93 3.22 2 -35 I.29 34 6.05 5-7i 5-3° 4.80 4.19 3-44 2.52 !-39 35 6.38 6.04 5.62 5-u 4-47 3-69 2.71 1.50 36 6-75 6.41 5-99 5-46 4.80 3-96 2.92 1.62 37 7.16 6.82 6.40 5-85 5-i5 4.27 3.16 1.76 38 7.62 7.29 6.85 6.28 5-55 4.61 3-42 1. 91 39 8.13 7.80 7-35 6.76 5-99 4.99 3-7i 2.08 40 8.70 8-37 7.91 7.29 6.48 5-42 4.04 2.27 4i 9-33 8-99 8-53 7.88 7.02 5.89 4.40 2.48 42 10.03 9.69 9.21 8-54 7-63 6.41 4.80 2.71 43 10.80 10.47 9-97 9.27 8.30 6.99 5.26 2.98 44 11.65 **-33 10.82 10.08 9.04 7.64 5-76 3-27 45 12.60 12.27 n-75 10.97 9.87 8.36 6.32 3.60 46 13-65 I3-3 2 12.77 11 .96 10.79 9.17 6-95 3-97 47 14.79 14.47 13.92 13.06 11.82 10.06 7-65 4.38 48 16.06 15-75 15.18 14.28 12.95 11 .06 8-43 4.84 49 17-47 17.16 16.58 15.64 14.21 12.17 9-3° 5-35 5o 19.01 18.72 18.13 *7«*3 15.61 x 3-39 10.24 5-9° 30Yr.End. Am.3i* Of Life Insurance 263 Table No. LXXXV. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A THIRTY- YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT 1st 3d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7 th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.67 7-58 7.48 7-37 7.26 7.14 7.01 6.88 21 7.72 7-63 7-53 7.42 7-31 7.19 7.07 6.94 22 7-77 7.68 7-58 7-47 7-36 7-25 7-i3 7.01 23 7.82 7-73 7-63 7-53 7.42 7.31 7.20 7.07 24 7.87 7.78 7.69 7-59 7.48 7-38 7.26 7.14 25 7.92 7.84 7-75 7-65 7-55 7-45 7-33 7.22 26 7-99 7.90 7.81 7.72 7-63 7-5 2 7.41 7-3i 27 8.05 7-97 7.89 7.80 7.70 7.60 7-5i 7.40 28 8.12 8.04 7.96 7.87 7.78 7.70 7.60 7-49 29 8.20 8.12 8.04 7.96 7.88 7-79 7.70 7.61 , 30 8.28 8.20 8.13 8.06 7.98 7.89 7.81 7.72 3'i 8.36 8.29 8.23 8.16 8.08 8.01 7-93 7.86 32 8-45 8.40 8.34 8.26 8.21 8.14 8.08 8.00 33 8.56 8.50 8.44 8-39 8-33 8.28 8.22 8.17 34 8.67 8.61 8.57 8.52 8.48 8.43 8.39 8-34 35 8.78 8-75 8.70 8.68 8.64 8.61 8.56 8.53 36 8.92 8.88 8.86 8.83 8.81 8.78 8.76 8.74 37 9.06 9-°5 9-03 9.02 9.00 8-99 8.97 8.98 38 9- 2 3 9 .22 9.22 9.20 9.21 9.21 9.22 9.24 39 9.40 9.41 9.41 9.42 9-43 9.46 9.49 9-55 40 9.60 9.61 9- 6 3 9-65 9.70 9-74 9.81 9.89 4i 9.81 9.84 9.87 9.92 9.98 10.06 10.16 10.28 42 10.05 10.08 10.15 10.21 10.31 10.42 10.56 10.74 43 10.30 10.38 10.45 10.56 10.68 10.84 11.03 11.25 44 10.60 10.69 10.81 10.94 11 .11 11.32 "•57 11.83 45 10.92 11 .06 11.20 JI -39 11. 61 11.87 12.16 12.48 Am.3i* 30Yr.End 264 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXXV .—Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A THIRTY-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 9th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.74 6.60 6.45 6.28 6. 11 5-94 5-74 5-53 21 6.81 6.66 6.51 6-35 6.19 6.01 5.82 5.62 22 6.87 6.73 6.58 6.43 6.27 6.09 5-9i 5-7i 23 6.94 6.80 6.66 6.51 6 -35 6.18 6.00 5.81 24 7.02 6.89 6-75 6.60 6.44 6.28 6. 11 5-92 25 7.10 6.97 6.83 6.70 6.54 6-39 6.22 6.05 26 7.19 7.06 6.94 6.80 6.66 6.51 6-35 6. 17 27 7.28 7.17 7-°5 6.92 6.79 6.65 6.49 6.32 28 7-39 7.28 7.17 7-05 6 -93 6.79 6.64 6.48 29 7-5 1 7.41 7-3° 7.20 7.07 6.94 6.80 6.66 30 7.64 7-55 7-45 7-35 7.24 7.12 7.00 6.86 31 7.78 7.70 7.61 7.52 7.41 7-32 7.20 7.09 32 7-94 7.86 7.78 7.70 7.62 7-53 7-45 7-35 33 8.10 8.04 7-97 7.92 7.84 7.78 7.72 7-65 34 8.29 8.24 8.20 8.14 8. 11 8.06 8.03 8.00 35 8.49 8.47 8.43 8.42 8.40 8-39 8-39 8-39 36 8-73 8.71 8.72 8.72 8-73 8.76 8.80 8.83 37 8.98 9.00 9-°3 9.06 9.12 9 19 9.26 9-3i 38 9.28 9-3 2 9-38 9-47 9-57 9.67 9-77 9-85 39 9.61 9.69 9:80 9-93 10.06 10.20 10.33 10.46 40 9.99 10.12 10.27 10.44 10.61 10.78 10.96 11. 12 4i 10.43 10.61 10.80 11. 01 11.22 11.44 11.65 11.86 42 10.94 11. 15 n-39 11.63 11.90 12.16 12.42 12.67 43 11.50 11.76 12.04 12.34 12.64 12.96 13.26 i3-5 6 44 12.12 12.43 12.76 13. 11 J 3-47 13.83 14.19 14.54 45 12.81 13.18 I3-5 6 J3-97 14.38 14.79 15.20 15.61 30Yr.End. Am. 35* Of Life Insurance. 265 Table No. LXXXV .—Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A THIRTY- YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23 d 24th Year. \ear. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 5-3 2 5-°9 4.85 4.58 4-3° 3.98 3-65 3- 2 7 21 5.4i 5.18 4.94 4.68 4-39 4.08 3-74 3-37 22 5-5i 5.28 5-°4 4.78 4-5° 4.19 3-85 3-48 23 5.61 5-39 5-i5 4.90 4.61 4-3 1 3-97 3.60 24 5-73 5-5 1 5.28 5.02 4.75 4.44 4. 11 3-74 25 5-85 5- 6 4 5-4i 5-i7 4.89 4.60 4.27 3-9° 26 5-99 5.78 5-57 5-3 2 5.06 4-77 4-45 4.08 27 6.14 5-95 5-73 5-5i 5-25 4-97 4.66 4.29 28 6.31 6.13 5-93 5-7i 5-47 5.20 4.89 4-53 29 6.50 6-34 6.15 5-95 5-73 5-47 5.16 4-79 30 6.72 6-57 6.40 6.22 6.02 5-7 6 5-46 5.08 31 6.97 6.84 6.70 6.54 6.34 6.09 5-79 5-41 32 7- 2 5 7«i5 7-°3 6.89 6.70 6.46 6.16 5-77 33 7.58 7-5i 7.41 7.28 7.10 6.87 6-57 6.18 34 7.96 7.90 7.82 7.71 7-55 7-33 7-°3 6.63 35 8.38 8.35 8.29 8.19 8.05 7.84 7-54 7.12 36 8.84 8.84 8.80 8-73 8.60 8.40 8.09 7.67 37 9-36 9-38 9.38 9-33 9.21 9.01 8.71 8.28 38 9.94 9.99 10.01 9.98 9.88 9.70 9.40 8.96 39 io-57 10.66 10.71 10.70 10.62 10.45 10.16 9.70 40 11.28 11.40 11.47 11.50 11.44 11.28 10.99 10.52 4i 12.05 12.20 12.32 12.37 12.34 12.20 11 .90 11.42 42 12.90 13.10 i3- 2 5 !3-34 13-33 13.20 12.91 12.42 43 13.84 14.08 14.27 14-39 14.41 14.30 14.02 13-52 44 14.86 15.16 15-39 15-55 15.60 i5-5 2 15.24 14-73 45 15-99 16.33 16.61 16.81 16.91 16.85 16.59 16.06 Am. 31* 30Yr.End 266 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXXV .—Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A THIRTY-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th Year. \ear. \ear. Year. Year. Year. 20 2.87 2.42 1 .92 1.36 °-73 O.OO 21 2.96 | 2.51 2 .00 1.42 O.76 O.OO 22 3-°7 2.6o 2.08 I.49 O.80 O.OO 23 3.18 2.71 2.18 i-57 O.85 O.OO 24 3-3 2 2.85 2.30 1.65 O.90 O.OO 25 3-48 2.99 2.42 i-75 o-95 O.OO 26 3.66 3.16 2-57 1.86 1 .02 O.OO 27 3.86 3-34 2-73 1.99 1.09 O.OO 28 4.08 3-55 2.91 2.12 1. 17 O.OO 29 4-34 3-78 3- 11 2.28 1 .26 O.OO 30 4.62 4.04 3-33 2.45 i-35 O.OO 31 4-93 4-33 3-58 2.64 1 .46 O.OO 32 5- 28 . 4-65 3.85 2.85 i-59 O.OO 33 5.67" 5.00 4.16 3.08 1.72 O.OO 34 6.09 5-40 4-5° 3-35 1.87 O.OO 35 6-57 >84 4.88 3- 6 4 2.04 O.OO 36 7.10 V32 5-3° 3-9 6 2.23 O.OO 37 7.68 6.86 5-76 4-3 2 2.44 O.OO 38 8.32 7-45 6.28 4.72 2.67 O.OO 39 9-°3 8. 11 6.85 5.16 2-93 O.OO 40 9.82 8.84 7-49 5.66 3.22 O.OO 4i 10.69 9-65 8.19 6.21 3-55 O.OO 42 11.65 10.54 8.98 6.83 3-9 1 O.OO 43 12.71 n-53 9.85 7-5 1 4.31 O.OO 44 13 - 8 9 12.62 10.81 8.26 4-75 O.OO 45 15,18 13-83 11.87 9.08 5-23 O.OO The American Experience Table of Mortality NET PREMIUMS AND NET VALUES COMPUTED THEREFROM ON THE BASIS OF FOUR PER CENT INTEREST. Am.4* Comm 268 Principles and Practice Table No. LXXXVI. 1 COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. d x N x M x *. 10 6755.641 137908.321 1451.4759 42004.234 11 6447.156 131152.680 1402.8223 40552.758 12 6152.593 124705.524 1356.2274 39149.936 13 5871-333 118552.931 131 1.6047 37793.709 14 5602.778 112681.598 1268. 8716 36482.104 \l 5346.364 107078.820 1227.9486 35213.232 5101.492 101732.456 1188.7063 33985.283 17 4867.702 96630.964 1151.1274 32796.577 18 4644.497 91763.262 1115.1419 31645.449 19 4431.356 87118.765 1080.6354 30530.307 20 4227.832 82687.409 I047-5473 29449.672 21 4033.496 78459.577' 1015.8196 28402.125 22 3847.894 74426.081 985-3544 27386.305 23 3670.647 70578.187 956.1015 26400.951 24 3501.380 66907.540 928.0128 25444.849 25 3339-739 63406.160 901.0419 24516.836 26 3185.391 60066421 875.1444 23615.794 3 3037.974 56881.030 850.2430 22740.650 2897.185 53843.056 826.2993 21890.407 29 2762.733 50945.871 803.2765 21064.108 30 2634.305 48183.138 781.1084 20260.831 3i 2511.641 45548.833 759.7633 19479.723 32 2394.487 43037.192 739.2106 18719.961 33 2282.574 40642.705 719.3936 17980.750 34 2175.649 38360.131 700.2597 17261.356 9 2073.496 36184.482 681.7857 16561.096 1975.910 34110.986 663.9491 15879.310 % 1882.645 32135.076 646.6814 15215.361 1793.520 30252.431 629.9652 14568.680 39 1708.314 28458.911 613.7403 13938.715 40 1626.862 26750.597 597.9936 13324.975 4i 1548.970 25123-735 582.6723 12726.981 42 1474.492 23574-765 567.7670 12144.308 43 1403.242 22100.273 553.2313 11576.541 44 1335.081 20697.031 539.0410 11023.310 45 1269.830 19361.950 525.1397 10484.269 46 1207.360 18092.120 511-5097 9959.1291 47 1147.501 16884.760 498.0873 9447.6194 48 1090.126 15737-259 484.8464 8949.5321 49 1035.085 14647.133 471.7342 8464.6857 50 982.2302 13612.048 458.6901 7992.9515 5i 931.4364 12629.817 445.6742 7534.2614 52 882.5892 11698.381 432.6515 7088.5872 Comm. AmA % Of L,ife Insurance. 269 1 Table No. LXXXVI.— Concluded. COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, [_ FOUR PER CENT. i I Age. 1 53 54 55 56 57 D* N * M x K* 835-5838 790.3230 746.7065 704.6535 664.0783 10815.792 9980.2079 9189.8849 8443.1784 7738.5249 419.5918 406.4691 393.2497 379-9 l6 o 366.4428 6655-9357 6236.3439 5829.8748 5436.6251 5056.7091 58 61 62 624.9134 587.0969 550.5613 515.2547 481.1291 7074.4466 6449.5332 5862.4363 5311-8750 4796.6203 352.8195 339.0380 325.0831 310.9520 296.6437 4690.2663 4337.4468 3998.4088 3673.3257 3362.3737 * 3 * 4 67 448.1477 416.2850 385-5146 355-8I20 327.1735 4315.4912 3867.3*35 3451.0585 3065.5439 2709.7319 282.1674 267.5410 252.7817 237.9064 222.9531 3065.7300 2783.5626 2516.0216 2263.2399 2025.3335 68 69 70 7i 72 299.6005 273.0969 247.6878 223.3970 200.2700 2382.5584 2082.9579 1809. 8610 1562. 1732 1338.7762 207.9637 192.9831 178.0778 163.3135 148.7786 1802.3804 1594.4167 1401 4336 1223.3558 1060.0423 73 74 ?i 77 178.3688 157.7573 138.4886 120.5954 104.0936 1 138. 5062 960.1374 802.3801 663.8915 543.2961 134.5801 120.8289 107.6277 95.0611 83.1975 911.2637 776.6836 655.8547 548.2270 453.1659 78 11 81 82 88.97350 75.21453 62.79449 51.65655 41.79190 439-2025 350.2290 275.0144 212.2199 160.5634 72.0811 61.7442 52.2170 43.4942 35.6164 369.9684 297.8873 236.1431 183.9261 140.4319 S 3 ! 4 Si 87 33.18048 25.79269 19.55883 I4-37665 10.15101 118. 7715 85.59102 59-79833 40.23950 25.86285 28.6124 22.5007 17.2589- 12.8290 9.15627 104.8155 76.2031 53.7024 36.4435 236145 88 89 90 9i 92 6.802926 4.273472 2.482463 1.301991 .5853109 15.71184 8.908914 4-635442 2.152979 .8509883 6.19861 3.93081 2.30417 1.21918 .552581 14.4582 8.25962 4.32881 2.02464 .805462 93 94 95 .2058384 .0526121 .0072269 .2656774 .0598390 .0072269 .195621 .0503106 .0069490 .252881 .0572596 .0069490 Ami* Logs 270 Principles and Practice 'Table No. LXXXVII. LOGARITHMS OF COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. w < 10 XD m W m IM X w < 53 •KD X 7,N X ^M x 3.8296666 5-i3959°5 3.1618098 2.9219900 4.0340584 2.6228269 II 3.8093682 5.II77772 3.1470027 54 2.8978047 3.9991396 2.6090275 12 3.7890582 5.0958858 3.1323324 55 2.8731500 3.9633101 2.5946684 13 3.7687367 5.0739123 3.1178-29 56 2.8479756 3.9265059 2.5796876 14 3.7484034 5.0518529 3.1034176 57 2.8222193 3.8886582 2.5640062 3 3.7280585 5.0297037 3.0891802 58 2.7958199 3.8496925 2.5475526 3.7076973 5.0074595 3.0750746 59 2.7687098 3.8095282 2.5302483 \l 3.6873240 +.9S5116+ 3.0611234 00 2.7408057 3.7680782 2. 5 1 19944 3.6669388 I.9626688 3.0473302 61 2.7120220 3.7252478 2.4926934 19 3.6465367 +.9401117 3-0336793 62 2.6822616 3.6809353 2.4722351 20 3.6261177 4.9174393 3.0201735 63 2.6514212 3.6350302 2.4505068 21 3.6056816 +.8946460 3.0068167 64 2.6193907 3.5874128 2.4273903 22 3.5852232 +.8717252 2.9935925 65 66 2.5860408 3.5379524 2.4027456 23 3.5647426 +.8486704 2.9805040 2.5512205 3.4865076 2.3764061 24 3.5442392 +.8254751 2.9675540 67 2.5147782 3.4329263 2.3482136 2 3.5237126 +.8021317 2.9547450 68 2.4765426 3.3770435 2.3179875 3.5031628 +.7786317 2.9420797 69 2.4363167 3.3186805 2.2855193 2 3.4825841 4.7549674 2.9295430 70 2.3939046 3.2576452 2.2506097 3.4619763 +.7311297 2.9I7I375 7i 2.3490775 3.1937292 2.2130222 29 3.4413389 +.7071092 2.9048651 72 2.3016159 3.1267080 2.1725406 30 3.4206661 4.6828950 2.8927113 73 2.2513189 3.0563354 2.1289808 3i 3.3999576 4.6584772 2.8806783 74 2.1979894 2.9823334 2.0821708 32 3.3792124 4.6338439 2.8687682 ?i 2.1414138 2.9043802 2.0319240 33 3.3584249 4.6089827 2.8569666 2.0813309 2.8220971 1.9780029 34 3.3375888 4.5838800 2.8452591 77 2.0174238 2.7350366 1. 9201 103 ; ii 3.3167032 4.5585224 2.8336478 78 1.9492607 2.6426648 1. 8578214 ! 3.2957671 4.5328943 2.8221348 7 8o 1. 8763018 2.5443520 1.7905962 P 3.2747685 4.5069793 2.8106903 1. 7979215 2.4393555 1.7178119 ' 3.2537062 4.4807602 2.7993166 81 1.7131254 2.3267863 1. 63843 14 39 3.2325676 4.4542183 2.7879846 82 1. 6210922 2.2056466 1. 5516500 j 40 3.2113508 4-4273335 2.7766964 83 1.5208827 2.0747123 1.4565543 4i 3.1900429 4.4000842 2.7654244 84 1. 41 14966 1.9324282 1. 3521960 42 3.1686413 4.3724474 2.7541701 s§ 1. 291 3428 1.7766S91 1.2370131 43 3.1471325 4.3443976 2.7429067 86 1. 1576577 1.6046526 1.1081928 44 3.1255075 4.31 59081 2.7316218 87 1.0065092 1. 4126763 0.9617186 45 3.1037455 4.2869491 2.7202749 88 0.8326958 1.1962271 0.7922943 46 3.0818369 4.2574895 2.7088539 89 0.6307808 0.94982*18 0.5944820 47 3-0597531 4.2274950 2.6973055 90 0.3948829 0.666091? 0.3625145 48 3-0374765 4.1969290 2.6856042 9i 0.1 1 4608 1 0.3330398 0.0860679 49 3.0149762 4.I657527 2.6736974 92 9.7673866 9.9299237 9.7423960 50 2.9922133 4.1339234 2.661519+ 93 9-3135265 9.4243547 9.2914155 51 2.9691532 4.1013971 2.6490175 94 8.7210854 8.7769843 8.7016595 i 52 2.9457586 4.0681257 2.6361382 95 7.8589520 7.8589520 7.8419186 Ann. Am.4 % Of IyiFE; Insurance. 271 Table No. LXXXVIII. ! VALUE OF AN ANNUITY OF ONE DOLLAR FIRST PAY- ! MENT IMMEDIATE, NET SINGLE PREMIUMS AND NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000 WHOLE LIFE INSURANCE AT ALL AGES, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. \ Annuity for Net Single Net Annual Annuity for Net Single Net Annual: Whole Life Premium Premium Whole Life Premium Premium Age. First Pay- for Whole for Whole Age. First Pay- for Whole for Whole ment Im- Life In- Life In- ment Im- Life In- Life In- mediate. surance. surance. mediate. surance. surance. 10 20.414 214.854 10.525 55 12.307 526.646 42.792 II 20.343 217.588 IO.696 56 II.982 539-153 44-997 12 20.269 220.432 IO.875 57 11-653 551-807 47-353 , x 3 20.I92 223.391 II.063 58 II. 321 564.589 49.872 ! x 4 20.II2 226.472 II. 26l 59 IO.985 577.483 52.568 ! it 20.028 229.679 II.468 60 IO.648 590.458 55-452 19.942 233.OII II.685 61 IO.309 603.492 58.539 j 3 I9-85I 236.483 II 913 62 9.969 616.557 61.844 1 19-757 240.O99 12.152 63 9.630 629.631 65.385 i 19 I9.660 243.861 12.404 64 9.290 642.687 69.180 I 20 I9-558 247.774 12.669 65 8.952 655.699 73.248 21 19-452 251.846 12.947 66 8.616 668.629 77.607 22 I9.342 256.076 13.239 67 8.282 681.452 82 279 23 I9.228 260.472 13-547 68 7.952 694.137 87.286 i 24 I9.IO9 265.042 13 870 69 7627 706.647 92.649 2 I 18.985 269.794 14.211 70 7.307 718.961 98.393 i 26 18.857 274.737 I4.570 71 6-993 731.046 104.543 1 s 18.723 279.872 14.948 72 6.685 742.891 in. 130 j 18.585 285.208 J5-346 73 6.383 754 505 118. 20S ! 29 18.44O 29O.754 15.767 74 6.086 765 9 l6 125.845 ! 30 18.291 296.5.14 16. 211 75 5-794 777.159 134-136 3i 18.135 302.497 16.680 76 5.505 788.265 143.188 32 17-973 308.714 17.176 11 5-219 799-257 153.135 1 33 17.806' 315.168 17.700 4.936 810.141 164.119 j 34 17.632 321 862 18.255 79 4-656 820.909 176.296 i H 17.451 328.809 18.842 80 4.38o 83I-554 189.870 1 17.263 336.022 19.464 81 4.IO8 841.988 204.949 37 17.069 343.496 20.124 82 3.842 852.232 221.821 38 16.868 35L245 20.824 83 3.580 862.326 240.904 39 16.659 359.267 21.566 84 3.318 872.367 262.887 40 16.443 367.575 22.354 85 3.057 882.409 288.618 4i I6.220 376.168 23.192 86 2-799 892.349 318.816 | 42 15.988 385.060 24.084 11 2.548 902.006 354-032 43 15.749 394.252 25.033 2.3IO 911. 168 394.519 1 44 I5.502 403.752 26.044 89 2.085 919.817 441.222 ; 8 15.248 413.551 27.122 90 I.867 928.179 497.077 14985 423.659 28.273 9i I.654 936.396 566.277 47 14.714 434.063 29.499 92 1-454 944.081 649.340 4 8 14.436 444.762 30.809 93 1. 291 950.362 736.310 49 14.151 455.744 32.207 94 1. 137 956.256 840. 766 50 13.858 466.988 33.697 95 1. 000 961.538 961.538 5i 13.559 478.481 35.287 52 13-255 49O.207 36.984 S3 12.944 502.154 38.794 54 12.628 5I4.308 40.728 Am.4 % NetPrems 272 Principles AND Practice Table No. LXXXIX. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. H Single Life. Whole Life. 5 .0 IS 20 Endow- Endow- Endow- O Payment Payment Payment Life. Payment ment 5 ment IO ment 15 < 20 Life. Life. Life. Years. Years. Years. 247.77 I2.67 54-33 3O.36 22-53 18.73 l8o.8l 84.07 52.45 21 251.85 12.95 55.23 30.87 22.90 I9.05 180.83 84.IO 52.49 22 256.08 13-24 56.16 31-39 23.30 19.38 180.85 84.13 52.52 23 260.47 13-55 57.13 31.94 23-71 19.72 180.S8 84.16 52.56 24 265.04 13.87 58.14 32.51 24.14 20.08 180.9O 84.19 52.60 s 269.79 14.21 59-19 33-IO 24.58 20.46 180.93 84.22 52.65 274-74 14-57 60.28 33-72 25.04 20.85 180.95 84.26 52.70 3 279.87 14.95 61.42 34-36 25-53 21.26 180.98 8430 52.75 285.21 15-35 62.60 35-03 26.03 21 68 I8I.02 84-35 52.81 29 290.75 15.77 63.82 35.72 26.56 22.13 181.05 84.40 52.87 30 296.51 16.21 65.IO 36.44 27.IO 22.59 181.09 84-45 52.94 31 302.50 16.68 66.42 37.20 27.67 23.08 l8l. 13 84.5I 53-OI 32 308.71 17.18 67.80 37.98 28.26 23.59 I8I.I7 84.57 53-IO 33 315.17 17.70 69.24 38.80 28.88 24.12 I8I.22 84.64 53.19 34 321.86 18.25 70.72 39-64 29.53 24.67 l8l.27 84.71 53-29 II 328.81 18.84 72.27 40.53 30.20 25.26 181.33 84.80 53-40 336.02 19.46 73-88 41-45 3O.9I 25.87 181.40 84.89 53-52 $ 343 50 20.12 75-54 42.40 3I-64 26.51 I8I.47 84.99 53-66 35L24 20.82 77-28 4340 32.41 27.18 181.54 85.IO 53-81 39 359.27 21-57 79.07 44-44 33-21 27.88 181.63 85.22 53-99 40 367.57 22.35 80.93 45-51 34.05 28.63 l8l.72 85.36 54.18 41 376.17 23.19 82.86 46.64 34-93 29.41 181.82 85.52 54-40 42 385.06 24.08 84.87 47.8i 35-85 30.24 181.94 85.69 54-65 43 394.25 25.03 86 94 49-03 36.82 31. 11 182.07 85.89 54-93 44 403.75 26.04 89.10 50.30 37.83 32.03 182.22 86.12 55-24 9 413.55 27.12 9 J -33 5I-63 38.90 33-oo 182.38 86.37 55.6o 423.66 28.27 93-64 53-oi 40.02 34.04 182.57 86.67 56.01 47 •434o6 29.50 96.04 54-46 41.20 35-14 182.79 87.00 56.47 48 444.76 30.81 98.52 55-97 42.45 36.30 183.04 87.38 56.98 49 455.74 32.21 101.08 57-54 43-76 37-55 183.33 87.80 57.56 50 466.99 33-70 103.72 59-!9 45-14 38.86 183.65 88.28 58.20 5i 478.48 35-29 106.45 60.90 46.60 40.27 184.02 88.82 58.93 52 490.21 36.98 109.26 62.69 48.13 41.76 184.42 89.42 59-73 53 502.15 38.79 112. 15 64.55 49-75 43-36 184.88 90.08 60.62 54 514.31 40.73 115. 12 66.49 51-47 45-o6 185.38 90.83 61.61 1? 526.65 42.79 118. 18 68.52 53-29 46.88 185.95 91.65 62.72 539-15 45 00 121.33 70.65 55-21 48.84 186.57 92-57 63.94 57 55i.8i 47-35 124.56 72.87 57 26 50.93 187.27 93-59 65-30 58 564.59 49.87 127.88 75-20 59-44 53-17 188.04 94-73 66.81 59 577.48 52.57 131.30 77.64 61.76 55-59 188.90 95-99 68.49 60 590.46 55-45 134.81 80.22 64.24 58 18 189.86 97-39 70.34 61 603.49 58.54 138.43 82.93 66.90 60.97 I9O.9I 98.95 72.39 62 616.56 61.84 142.15 85.79 69.74 63-99 I92.O9 100.68 74.66 63 629.63 65.38 145-98 88.82 72.79 67.23 193-39 102.60 77.15 64 642.69 69.18 149-93 92.03 76.07 7o.74 I94.83 IQ4-73 79.90 £ 655-70 73-25 15402 95 44 79-59 74-54 I96.44 107.09 82.92 668.63 77.61 158.25 99 06 83.38 78.64 I98.2I 109.69 £ 681.45 82.28 162.63 102.91 87.46 83.07 2O0.I8 112.56 694.14 8729 167.17 107.01 91.86 87.86 202.36 115.70 69 706.65 92.65 171.87 iu-37 96.62 9305 204. 76 119 J 5 70 718.96 98.39 176.76 116.02 101.75 98.64 207.39 122.91 NetPrems. Am.4 % Of Lifk Insurance. '273 Table No. LXXXIX.— Concluded j NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Endow- Endow- Endow- Endow- Endow-; K < Endow- ment SO Years. Endow- ment 25 Years. Endow- ment 30 Years. Endow- ment 35 Years. ment in 15 years by IO Pay- ment in ZO years bv IO Pay- ment in 25 years by IO Pay- ment in 30 years by IO Pay- ment in •*5yearsi by IO Pay- j 20 ments. ments. ments. 51-94 ments. ments. ! 37.12 28.30 22.74 19.06 70.69 60.18 45-53 40.60 j 21 37.16 28.35 22.81 I9.I5 70.73 60.23 52.0I 45-63 40.73| 22 37.21 28.4I 22.88 I9.24 70.77 60.28 52.08 45-73 40.87| 23 37.26 28.47 22.96 19-34 70.81 60.33 52.16 45.83 4i-"3! 24 37.31 28.54 23.04 19-45 70.85 60.39 52.24 45-95 41.20 j 25 37.36 28.61 23.14 19.58 70.9O 60.46 52.33 46.08 41.38 26 37-43 28.69 23.24 19.71 70.95 60.53 52.43 46.23 41.59 27 37-49 28.78 23.36 19.87 7I.OO 60.60 52.54 46.39 41.81 28 37-57 28.87 23-49 20.03 71.06 60.68 52.66 46.56 42.06 29 37.65 28.98 23.63 20.22 71.12 60.77 52.79 46.75 42.34 30 37-74 29.IO 23.78 20.43 71.19 60.87 52.94 46.96 42.64 ] 3i 37.84 29.23 23.96 20.66 71.27 60.98 53-IO 47-20 42.97 i 32 37-94 29-37 24-15 20.91 7i 35 61. IO 53-27 47.46 43 34 33 38.07 29-54 24-37 21.20 71.44 61.23 53-47 47-75 43-74! 34 38.20 29.72 24.61 21.51 71.54 61.38 53-69 48.07 44.18; n 38.35 29.92 24.88 21.86 71-65 61.54 53-93 48.42 44.67 \ 38.52 30.15 25.18 22.24 71-77 61.72 54-20 48.81 45-20 ; 37 38.71 30.40 25-52 22.67 71.91 61.92 54-50 49.24 45.78; 3» 38.92 30.69 25.89 23.14 72.06 62.15 54.83 49-71 46.42 | 39 39.16 3I.OI 26.31 23.66 72.23 62.4O 55 20 50.24 47.11 | 40 39-42 31.36 26.77 24.23 72.42 62.68 55-62 5081 47.86J 4i 39.72 31.76 27.28 24.87 72.63 62.99 56.07 51-45 48.68 1 42 40.06 32.21 27.85 25-56 72.87 63.34 56.58 52.14 49-57 43 40.44 32.70 28.48 26.32 73.14 63.73 57.15 52.91 5^-52 i 44 40.87 33-26 29.18 27.15 73-44 64.18 57-77 53-74 51.55 45 41-35 33-88 29.96 28.07 73-79 64.67 58.47 54-66 52.66 46 41.89 34.58 30.81 74.18 65.23 59-24 55-66 47 42.49 35-35 3I-76 74-63 65.85 60.09 56.74 48 43-17 36.21 32.80 75-13 66.55 61.02 57.92 49 43.92 37.16 33-94 75.69 67.32 62 05 59.19 50 44.76 38.22 35-iS 76.32 68.17 63.17 60.55 5i 45.7o 39-38 77.01 69.II 64 39 52 4673 40.66 77-79 70.I5 6571 53 47.88 42.06 78.65 71.29 67-I5 54 49 l6 43.61 79.60 72.53 68.70 55 50.56 45.30 80.65 73-90 7o.37 56 52.12 81.82 75-40 U 53.83 83.11 77.02 55-72 84.53 78.80 59 57-79 86.10 80.73 60 60.07 8783 82.83 61 89.74 62 91.83 63 94-13 64 96.66 65 99-43 OF THE l 1 fci imc r»o i-r\s AmA % S.P.End .274 Principles and Practice Table No. XC. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. In 1 In 2 In 3 In 4 In 5 In 6 In 7 In 8 Year. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 961.54 924.84 889.84 856.45 824.59 794.21 765.23 737.60 1 21 961.54 924.85 889.84 856.46 824.61 794.24 765.27 737.64 22 961.54 924.85 889.85 856.47 824.63 794.26 765.30 737.69 23 961.54 924.85 889.86 856.48 824.65 794.29 765.34 737-74 24 961.54 924.85 889.86 856.49 824.67 794.32 765.38 737.79 u 961.54 924.85 889.87 856.50 824.69 794-35 765.42 737.85 961.54 924.86 889.87 856.52 824.71 794.38 765.47 737.91 % 961.54 924.86 889.88 856.53 824.73 794.42 765.52 737.98 961.54 924.86 889.89 856.55 824.76 794.46 765.57 738.05 29 961.54 924 86 889.90 856.56 824.79 794.50 765.63 738.12 30 961.54 924.87 889.91 856.58 824.82 794-54 765.69 738.21 31 961.54 924.87 889.92 856.60 824.85 794-59 765.76 738.30 32 961.54 924.87 889.93 856.62 824.88 794.65 765.84 738.40 i 33 961.54 924.88 889.94 856.65 824.92 794.70 765.92 738.50 34 961.54 924.88 889.95 856.67 824.96 794.76 766.OO 738.62 3 961.54 924.89 889.97 856.70 825.OI 794.83 766.IO 738.75 961.54 924.89 889 98 856.73 825 .06 794- 9 « 766.21 738.89 P 01 54 924.90 89O OO 856.76 825.12 794-99 766.33 739-05 961.54 924.90 89O.02 856.80 825.18 795.09 766.46 739-23 39 961 54 924.91 89O.04 856.84 825.25 795.19 766.60 739.41 40 961.54 924.92 89O.06 856.88 825.32 795.30 766.76 739-63 4i 961.54 924.93 89O.08 856.93 825.40 795.42 766.93 739-86 42 961.54 924.94 89O.II -856.99 825.49 795.56 767.13 740.13 43 961.54 924.94 89O.I4 857.05 825.60 795.72 767.35 740.42 44 961.54 924.96 89O.I7 857.12 825.71 795.89 767.60 740.76 9 961.54 924.97 89O.21 857.19 825.84 796.09 767.88 741.15 961.54 924.98 89O.26 857.28 825.99 796.32 768.20 74L59 47 961.54 925.00 89O.31 857.38 826.16 796.58 768.58 742.09 48 961.54 925.02 890.36 857.50 826.36 796.88 769.OO 742.65 49 961.54 925-04 89O.43 857.63 826.58 797.22 769.47 743-29 So 961.54 925-07 890 51 857.79 826.84 797.60 770.01 744-00 5i 961.54 925.09 89O.59 857.96 827.12 798.02 770.60 744.80 52 961.54 92512 89O.68 858.14 827.44 798.50 77L27 745-68 53 961.54 925.16 890.79 858.35 827.79 799.02 772.00 746.66 54 961.54 925.20 89O.9I 858.59 828.18 799.60 772.81 747-74 55 961.54 925.24 89I.04 858.85 828.61 800.25 773.71 748.93 56 961.54 925.29 89I.18 859.14 829.09 800.96 774.70 750.24 57 961.54 925.34 89I.34 859.46 829.61 801.75 775-79 751.68 1 58 961.54 925.40 891.52 859.80 83O.I9 802.61 776.99 753-26 59 961.54 925.47 89I.72 860.20 830.84 803.57 778.31 755-00 60 961.54 925.54 89I.93 860.62 831.54 804.61 779.76 756.90 61 961.54 925.62 892.17 86l. TO 832.32 805.76 781.34 758.97 62 961.54 925.71 892.43 861.62 833.17 807.02 783.07 761.24 63 961.54 925.81 892.73 862.I9 834." 808.40 784.96 763.70 64 961.54 .925.92 893-05 862.82 835.I4 809.90 787.02 766.38 65 961.54 926.04 893.40 863.51 836.26 811.55 789.26 769.28 66 961.54 926.17 893.79 864.27 837.49 8i3.34 79I.7O 772.42 6 6 I 961.54 926.32 894.21 865.IO 838.83 815.29 794.32 775.78 961.54 926.48 894.68 866.OO 840.29 817.40 797.14 779.36 69 961.54 926.66 895.19 866.99 841.87 819.65 80O.I5 783.16 70 961.54 926.85 895.75 868.05 843.56 822.05 803.32 787.16 S.P.End. Am.4 % Op Life Insurance. 275 Table No. XC. — Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. In 9 In IO In 11 In 12 In 13 In 14 In 15 In 16 Years. Yeais Years. Years. \ ears. Yeais. Years. Years. 20 711.24 686.11 662.14 639.29 617.51 596.74 576.95 558.09 21 7II.30 686.18 662.23 639.40 617.63 596.88 577-11 558.27 22 7H.36 686.25 662.32 639.50 617.76 597.03 577.28 558.46 23 711.42 686.33 662.4I 639.62 617.89 597-19 577.46 558.67 24 711.49 686.42 662.52 639-74 618.03 597-36 577.65 558.89 2 § 711.56 686.51 662.63 639.87 618.I9 597-54 577.86 559.15 26 7H.64 686.60 662.75 64O.O2 618.36 597-73 578.09 559-39 ! 27 711.72 686.71 662.88 640.17 618.54 597-95 578.34 559-67 28 711.82 686.82 663.OI 64O.33 618.74 598-18 578.60 559-97 29 711.92 686.95 663.16 64O.5I 618.95 598.42 578.89 560.30 30 7I2.02 687.08 663.33 64O.7I 619.18 598.70 579.20 560.66 31 712.14 687 22 663.50 640.92 619.44 598.99 579-55 561.06 32 712.27 687.39 663.70 641.16 619.72 599-32 579-93 561.49 33 712.40 687.56 663.9I 641.42 620.02 599-68 580.34 561.97 34 712.56 687.75 664.15 641.70 620.35 600.07 580.80 562.50 9 712.72 687.96 664.40 642.OI 620.72 600.50 581.30 563.08 712.91 6S8.19 664.69 64235 62I.I3 600.98 581.86 563.73 % 713.H 688.44 665.OO 642.73 621.58 601.52 582.49 564.46 713.33 688.73 665.35 643.15 622.09 602.11 583.19 565.27 39 713.58 689.04 665.73 643.62 622.65 602.78 583-96 566.17 40 7I3.86 689.38 666.17 644.15 623.22 603.52 584.84 5^7.19 4i 7I4.I6 689.77 666.64 644.73 623.98 604.36 585.82 568.32 42 7I4.50 690.21 667.I9 645.39 624.*78 605.30 586.92 569.59 43 714.89 690. 70 667.80 646.14 625.67 606.36 588.16 571.03 44 715-34 691.26 668.50 646.99 626.69 607.56 589.55 572.64 4 § 715.84 691.90 669.28 647.94 627.83 608.90 591.12 574-44 46 716.41 692.62 67O.18 649.02 629.11 6T0.41 592.87 576.46 % 717.06 693.44 671.18 65O.23 630.56 612.10 594-83 578.71 717.79 694.36 672.31 651.60 632.17 614.00 597-02 581.21 49 7l8.6l 695.39 673.58 653.12 633-98 616.10 599-45 583.98 50 719-53 696.54 674.99 654-81 635.97 618.42 602.12 587.03 5i 720.56 697.82 676.55 656.68 638.17 620.99 605.07 590.37 52 721.69 699.23 678.27 658.74 640.60 623.80 608.29 594.04 53 722.94 7O0.79 680.17 66I.OI 643.26 626.88 611.82 598.03 j 54 724.32 702.51 682.26 663.49 646.18 630.26 615.68 602.38 | 55 725.85 704.40 684.55 666.22 649.37 633-94 619.87 607.11 j 56 727.52 706.48 687.06 669.20 652.84 637.94 624.42 612.23 1 57 729.35 708.75 689.80 672.44 656.63 642.28 629.34 617.75 58 731.36 711.23 692 79 675.98 660. 74 646.99 634.66 623.68 59 733-57 713.94 696.05 679.82 665.19 652.07 640.38 630.05 60 735-97 716.89 699.59 683.98 669.99 657.53 646.51 636.84 61 738.59 720.10 703.42 688.48 675 16 663.39 653.05 644.05 62 741-44 723.58 707.57 693-31 680. 70 669.63 659.99 651.67 ; P 744-53 727.34 712.03 698.49 686.61 676.26 667.32 659.69 ! 64 747-88 73L40 716.82 704.02 692.88 683.27 675.05 668.10 51 75L49 735-75 721.93 709.90 699.52 690.64 683.14 676.87 66 755.36 740.39 727.36 716.11 706.49 698.36 ' 691.57 685.99 ii 759-50 745.32 733.08 722.62 713.78 706.40 700.33 695.41 763.88 750.52 73Q.10 729.44 721 38 714.75 709.38 705.I2 69 768.50 755-97 745.38 736.54 729.26 723.38 718.70 715.07 1 70 773-34 761.67 75i. 9 1 743.89 737.40 732.25 728.25 Am.4* S.P.End 276 Principles and Practice Table No. XC— Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. In 17 In 18 In 19 In 20 In 21 In 22 In 23 In 21 Age. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 540.II 522.99 506.67 491.13 476.33 462.24 448.83 436.06 21 540.32 523.22 506.93 491.41 476.64 462.58 449- 20 436.47 22 540.54 523.46 507.20 491.72 476.98 462.95 449.61 436.91 23 540.77 523.72 507.49 492.04 477.34 463.35 450.04 437-39 24 54102 524.OO 507.81 492.39 477-73 463-78 450.52 437-91 2 541-31 524-33 508.15 492.77 478.15 464.24 451.03 438.47 54L58 524.64 508.52 493.19 478.61 464-75 451.59 439-09 2 541.90 525.OO 508.92 493-64 479.II 465-3I 452.20 439-77 542.25 525-39 509.36 494.13 479-65 465.91 452.87 440.51 29 542.02 525.82 509.84 494.66 480.26 466.58 453.62 44L33 30 543.03 526.28 510.36 495.25 480.91 467.31 454.43 442.23 31 543-49 526.79 5IO.94 495-9° 481.64 468.12 455.33 443.22 32 543.98 52736 5".58 496.62 482.44 469.02 456.33 444-33 33 544.53 527.98 512.29 497.41 483.33 470.02 457-44 445.56 34 545.14 528.67 5I3-07 498.29 484.32 471.12 458.66 446.92 35 545.80 529-43 513-93 499.27 485.42 472.35 460.03 448.44 36 546.55 530.29 514.90 500.37 486.65 473-73 461.56 450.14 11 547-39 53L24 515.99 501.59 488.02 475.26 463.26 452.01 548.32 532.31 5I7.20 502.95 489.55 476.96 465.16 454-11 39 549-36 533.49 518.54 504.47 491.26 478.86 467.26 456.43 40 550.53 534.83 520.05 506.17 493.16 480.97 469.60 459.00 4i 551.83 536.31 521.73 508.06 495-27. 483-32 472.20 461.86 42 553.29 537.98 523.62 510.18 497.63 485-94 475.o8 465.02 43 554-94 539-85 52572 512.54 500.25 488.84 478.27 468.52 44 556.78 541-93 528.07 5I5.I6 503-I7 492.06 481.81 472-39 45 558.84 544-26 530 69 51808 506.40 495.63 485.72 476.64 46 561.13 546.86 533-60 521.31 509.98 499.56 490.01 481.31 8 56369 549-73 536 81 524.89 5I3-92 503.88 494.73 486.42 566.52 552.92 540.37 528.82 51825 508.62 499.88 492.00 49 569-65 556.43 544.27 533-14 522.99 513-79 505.49 498.05 50 573.09 560.28 548.55 537-86 528.16 519.41 511.57 504- 59' 51 576.86 564-49 553-21 542.99 533.76 525.49 518.13 511.61 52 580.98 569.08 558.28 548.55 539-82 532.0^5 525.17 51914 53 585.46 574.06 563.78 554.56 546.35 539-09 532.71 527.16 54 590.33 579.46 569-71 561.03 553.36 546.62 540.75 535-68 p 595-6o 585.29 576.10 567.97 560.84 554.63 549-27 544-68 601.29 59L56 582.95 575-39 568.81 563.12 558.27 554.16 12 607.41 593.28 590.26 583-27 577-24 572.09 567.73 564.10 613.97 605.45 598.03 591.62 586.14 58I.5I 577.65 574-47 59 620.97 613.07 606.25 600.42 595.50 59L38 588.00 585.26 60 628.41 621.14 614.92 609.67 605,28 601.67 598.75 596.44 61 636.27 629.63 624.02 619-33 615.48 612.36 609.88 607 96 62 644-55 638.54 633.52 629.39 626.05 623.40 621.34 63 653.23 647.84 643.41 639.82 636.98 634.76 64 662.29 657.52 653.66 650.59 648.21 3 671.72 667.55 664.24 661.66 681.47 677.88 675.09 % 691.51 701.81 688.48 S.P.End. AmA % Of Life Insurance. 277 Table XC— Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. In 25 In 26 In 27 In 28 In 29 In 30 In 31 In 32 Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 423.91 412.36 401.38 390.94 381.02 37I.6I 362.67 354- 20 : 21 424-36 412.85 401.91 391.51 381.64 372.28 363.40 354.98 22 424.85 4I3-38 402.48 392.13 382.32 373-OI 364.I9 355.83 i 23 425-37 413.95 403.IO 392.81 383-05 373.8o 365.04 356.76 24 425.94 414.57 403.78 393-54 383.85 374.67 365.99 357.79 i 25 426.55 415.24 404.52 394-35 384.73 375.63 367.03 358.91 i 26 427.23 415.99 405.33 395-24 385.70 376.68 368.17 360.16 1 3 427.98 416.80 406.22 396.22 386.76 377.84 369.44 361.52 1 428.79 417.70 407.21 397-29 387.94 379.12 370.83 363.03 1 29 429.69 418.69 408.30 398.49 389.24 380.54 372.37 364.70 30 430.69 419.79 409.50 399.80 390.68 382.11 374.07 366.55 i 31 43L79 42I.OO 410.83 401.26 392.27 383.84 375-95 368.58 ! 32 433 .0* 422.35 412.31 402.88 394.03 385.76 378.03 370.83 ! 33 434-37 423.84 413-95 404.67 395-99 387.88 380.33 373 32 ! 34 435-88 425.50 415.77 406.66 398.15 390.23 382.87 376.05 I 1 35 437-55 427.34 417.79 408.86 400.55 392.82 385.67 379-07 36 439.42 429.39 420 02 4II-30 403.20 395.69 388.77 382.40 37 441.49 431.66 422.50 414.OO 406.12 398.85 392.17 386.05 ! 38 443-79 434.18 425.25 416.98 409.35 402.34 395-91 390 06 39 446.34 436.96 428.28 420.27 412.91 406.16 400.02 394 44 ; 1 40 449.16 440.05 431.64 423.9O 416.82 410.36 404.5I 399-23 i 4i 452.29 443-45 435-33 427.89 421. II 414.96 409.41 404.44 l 42 455.74 447.21 439-39 432.27 425.81 419.98 414.76 410.10 43 459-56 45L34 443-86 437-07 430.95 425.46 420.57 416.24 44 463.76 455.89 448.75 442.32 436.55 43L4I 426.87 422.88 45 468.37 460.87 454-IO 448.04 442.63 437.85 433-66 ! 430.01 ! 46 473-42 466.31 459-93 454-24 449-22 444.81 440.97 437.65 47 478.94 472.22 466.24 460.96 456.31 452.27 448.78 445.8o 48 484-93 478.64 473.07 468.18 463.93 460.26 457-12 454.46 49 491.42 485.56 480.41 475-93 472.06 468.76 465.96 463.63 50 498.41 492.98 488.26 484.19 480. 70 477.76 475-30 473.27 5i 505.89 500.91 496.62 492.94 489.84 487.24 485.II 483.38 52 513.88 509.34 505.47 502.19 499-45 497.20 495.38 493-94 53 522.37 518.27 514-81 511.92 509.54 507-62 506.09 504.91 54 53L35 527.69 524.64 522.12 520.09 518.47 517.22 55 540.81 537-58 534.91 532.76 53L05 529.72 56 550.74 547.92 545-63 543.82 542.42 U 561. 11 558.69 556.76 555.27 57L90 569.86 568.27 59 583.09 581.40 60 594.63 Am.4* S.P.End 278 Principles and Practice Table No. XC— Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. 20 In 33 In 34 In 35 In 36 In 37 In 38 In 39 In 40 Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 346.17 338.57 33L38 324-58 318.17 312.13 306.45 30I. II 21 347-OI 339-48 332.36 325-64 3I9.30 313-34 307.75 302.50 22 347-93 340.47 333-43 326.79 320.54 3I4.67 309.17 304.02 23 348.94 341.56 334-60 328.05 321.9O 316.13 310.73 305.69 24 350.05 342.75 335.89 329-44 323.39 317.73 312.45 307.52 3 351.27 344.07 337.31 33097 325.03 319.49 314-33 309.54 352.61 345.52 338.87 332.65 326.84 32C43 3I6.4I 311.75 % 354.09 347.12 340.60 334-51 328.83 323.56 318.68 314.18 355.72 348.88 342.50 336.55 331.02 325.90 32I.I8 316.84 29 357-53 350.83 344-59 338.80 333-43 328.48 323.92 3I9.75 30 359-52 352.98 346.90 34L27 336.08 33L30 326.92 322.94 31 361.72 355.34 349-44 343-99 338.98 334-39 330.2I 326.42 32 364-15 357-95 352.24 346.98 342.17 337.78 333.81 330.22 33 366.82 360.83 355.31 350.27 345.66 34L49 337-73 334-35 34 369.76 363.98 358.68 353-86 349-48 345-53 341-99 338.84 it 373.oo 367.45 362.38 357-79 353-64 349-93 346.62 343.69 376.57 37L25 366.43 362.08 358.18 354-71 351.64 348.94 11 380.47 375-41 370.85 366.75 363.11 359.88 357.06 354-59 384.75 379-95 375-66 371.83 368.45 365.48 362.90 360.66 39 389.41 384.90 380.88 377-33 374-21 371.50 369.15 367.15 40 394-49 390.27 386.54 383.27 380.42 377.96 375.85 374.08 4i 400.01 396.09 392.65 389.66 387.07 384.86 383.OO 381.44 42 405.99 402.38 399- 23 396.52 394- 20 392.23 39O.60 389.25 43 412.45 409.14 400.29 403.85 401.79 400.07 398.65 397.51 44 419.40 416.40 413.84 411.67 409.87 408.38 407.17 406.22 8 426.85 424 16 421.88 419.98 418.41 417.15 416.14 415.36 434.82 432.42 430.42 428.77 427.44 426.39 425.56 47 443.28 441.18 439-44 438.04 436.93 436.07 48 452.25 450 43 448.95 447.78 446.87 49 461.71 460.16 458.92 457-97 50 47164 470 34 469.33 5i 482 01 480.95 52 492 81 S.P.End. Am.4 % Of Life Insurance. 279 Table No. XC— Concluded. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3° 37 3« 39 40 4i 42 43 44 In 41 Years. 296.IO 297.58 299.21 3OO.99 302.96 305.IO 307.45 3IO.O3 312.86 315-95 319-32 323.00 327.00 33L35 336.05 341.12 346.60 352.47 358.76 365.46 372.59 380.15 388.16 396.60 405.47 In 42 Years. 291.41 293.OO 294.73 296.63 298.72 30I.00 303-50 306.24 309.23 3 I2 -5o 316.06 319.93 324.14 328.69 333.60 338.88 344-57 350.65 359-14 364.04 37L37 379- I2 387.29 395.89 In 43 Years. 287.03 288.72 290.57 292.59 294.81 297.23 299.89 302.78 305.96 309.39 313.14 3I7.20 32I.60 326.35 331-47 336.96 342.84 349- J 1 355.8o 362.88 370.38 378.29 386.62 In 44 Years. 282.96 284.75 286.72 288.86 29I.2I 293:78 296.59 299.65 302.98 306.60 310.53 3I4.78 3I9.38 324.32 329.63 335.31 341-37 347.83 354.69 361.94 369.60 377.65 In 45 Years, 279.17 281.08 283.16 285.44 287.92 290.64 293.60 296.82 300.32 304.I2 308.23 312.66 317-43 322.57 328.05 333.91 340.I5 346.78 353-79 36I.I9 368.99 In 46 Years. 275.66 277.68 279.89 282.30 284.92 287.78 290.90 294.28 297.95 301.92 306.2I 310.82 315.75 32I.07 326.72 332.75 339-15 345.92 353.08 360.61 In 47 Years. 272.42 274.56 276.90 279.44 282.20 285.21 288.48 292.03 295.86 30O.O9 304.45 309.22 314.34 3I9.80 325.6I 33L79 338.33 345.24 352.53 In 48 Years. 269.45 271.71 274.17 276.84 279-73 282.90 286.33 290.03 294.02 298.32 302.93 307.86 313.13 318.74 324.70 33I-OI 337.69 344-72 Am.4* O.L 280 Principles ane > Practice. Table No. XCI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4 th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 5.41 II.04 16.88 22.96 29.27 35.84 42.67 49-76 21 5.65 ".53 17.64 23-99 30.60 37.46 44 59 52.00 22 5-91 12.05 18.44 25.08 31-99 39.16 46.61 54.36 23 6.18 12.60 I9.29 26.23 33-45 40.95 48.74 56.83 24 6.46 13-19 20.I8 27.44 34.98 42.82 50.96 59-42 11 • 6.77 13.80 21. II 28.71 36.59 4479 53-30 62.14 7.08 14.44 22.08 30.03 38.27 46.85 55-75 64.98 % 7.41 I5-II 23.II 31.42 40.05 49.OI 58.31 67.96 7.76 15.82 24.I9 32.88 41.91 51.28 61.00 71.09 29 8.12 16.56 25.32 34.42 43-86 53-66 63.82 74.36 30 8.50 17-34 26.52 36.03 45-91 56.16 66.78 77.8o 31 8.91 18.17 27.76 37-72 48.06 58.78 69.89 81.39 32 9-34 19.02 29.O7 39-50 50.32 61.52 73-13 85.15 33 9.78 19.92 30.45 41-37 52.68 64.39 76.53 89.07 34 10.24 20.88 3I.90 43-33 55-16 67.41 80.08 93.19 9 IO-75 21.88 33-43 45.38. 57.76 70.56 83.81 97-50 11.26 22.93 35-OI 47-52 60.46 73-86 87.70 102.01 11 11.80 24.02 36.68 49-77 63-3I 77.31 91.78 106.71 12.36 25.17 38.42 52.12 66.29 80.93 96.04 in. 62 39 12.97 26.38 4O.26 54-6o 69.43 84.72 100.50 116.73 40 13-59 27-65 42.18 57.20 72.70 88.68 105.13 122.05 4* 14-25 28; 9 9 44.22 59-92 76.13 92.80 109.96 127.56 42 14-95 30.40 46.33 62.77 79.69 97.09 114.94 133.23 43 15.68 31.86 48.55 65.72 83.38 101.51 120.08 139.05 44 16.43 33.39 50.84 68.78 87.20 106.06 125.33 145-00 ? 17.24 34.98 53-22 71-95 91.12 110.72 130.71 151.08 18.05 36.61 55-67 75.18 95-12 115.47 136.19 157.28 48 18.91 38.31 58.18 78.49 99.21 120.32 141.79 163.59 19.78 40.03 60.73 81.85 103.36 125.25 147.47 170.00 49 20.66 41.78 63.32 85.27 107.60 130.27 153.25 176.50 So 21.56 43.56 65.98 88.78 in. 92 135-39 159-13 183. 11 5i 22.48 45-39 68.70 92.35 116.34 140.60 165. 11 189.83 52 23-43 47.27 71.48 96.01 120.83 145.91 171.20 196.65 S3 24.41 49.19 74.32 99-73 125.41 151. 3i 177.37 203.55 54 25.40 5I.I5 77.21 103.53 130.07 156.79 183.62 210.52 3 26.42 53-15 80.16 107.40 I34.8I 162.34 189.95 217.56 27.46 55-19 83.17 in- 33 139-61 167.96 196.33 224.66 57 28.52 57.29 86.24 115.32 144.47 173.64 202.77 231.80 58 29.61 59-41 89-35 119-35 149.38 179-37 209.25 238.95 59 30.71 61.56 92.48 123.42 154.32 185.12 215.72 246.07 60 31.83 63-73 9565 127-53 I59.30 190.88 222.19 253.16 61 32.95 65.92 98.85 131.67 164.28 196.62 228.61 260.16 62 34.09 68.14 102.08 135.80 169.24 202.32 234.95 267.06 63 35-25 70.39 1.05.30 139.92 174.17 207.95 241.19 273.82 64 36.42 72.60 108.49 143.99 179.00 213.46 247.29 280.43 U 37-56 74.80 III. 64 147-97 183.74 218.84 253.24 286.97 38.69 76.97 114.73 151.89 188.36 224.10 259-!5 293.59 3 39.82 79.09 117-75 155-69 192.87 229.33 265.15 300.45 40.90 81.16 120.67 159.40 197-37 234.68 271.44 307.75 69 41.97 83.17 123.55 163.14 202.04 240.37 278.22 315.70 1 7o 43.00 85.15 126.47 167.08 207.09 246.60 285.71 324.44 O.L. AmA % Of Life Insurance. 281 Table No. XCI. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 9 th 10th iitu 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Age. Year. Year. Year Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 57.14 64.79 72.75 81.OI 89-59 98.49 I07.73 "7.31 21 59.70 67.70 76.01 84.64 93-59 IO2.87 112.51 122.50 22 62.40 70.76 79-43 88.43 97-77 IO7.46 117.51 127-93 i 23 65.23 73-9 6 83.02 92.41 102.16 112.27 122.74 133-59 I 24 68.20 77.31 86.76 96.58 106.75 II7.29 128.20 I39.5I 25 71.31 80.82 90.70 IOO.93 i". 55 122.53 133.91 145.68 26 74o6 84.50 94.80 IO5.49 116.55 128.00 I39.85 152. 11 % 77-97 88.35 99.11 IIO.25 121.79 133-72 146.07 158.83 8i.55 92.39 103.61 115-23 127.25 139.69 152.55 165.84 | 29 85.29 96.60 108.31 120.43 132.97 145-93 159.32 173.14 30 89.20 IOI.OI 113.23 125.87 138.93 152.44 166.37 180.74 31 93-30 105.62 118.37 131.55 145-17 159.22 173.71 188.62 32 97.58 110.44 123.74 137.48 151.66 166.28 I8I.33 196.80 33 102.06 115.48 129.35 143.66 158.42 173.61 189.24 205.27 34 106.75 120.76 135.21 150. 1 1 165.45 181.23 197.43 214.01 35 in. 66 126.26 141.32 156.81 172.76 189.12 205.87 222.99 36 116.76 131.99 147.66 163.77 180.31 197.24 214.55 232.21 11 122. 11 137.95 154-25 170.98 188. 11 205.61 223.47 241.67 127.66 144.15 161.08 178.41 196.12 214.20 232.61 25L35 39 133.43 150.57 168.12 186.06 204.36 223.OI 241.97 261.23 40 139.41 157.19 175.37 I93.9I 212.80 232.02 251.52 271.30 4i 145.58 164.01 182.80 201.96 221.44 241.21 261.26 281.55 42 151.92 170.99 190.41 2IO.I8 230.24 250.58 271.16 291.95 43 158.41 178.13 198.19 218.56 239.21 260.IO 28I.2I 302.48 | 44 165.04 185.42 206.11 227.09 248.31 269.75 291.37 313-13 ; 45 171. 81 192.85 214.17 235.75 257-55 279-53 3OI.66 323.88 46 178.69 200.39 222.35 244 52 266.90 289.41 312.02 334.69 47 185.69 208.05 230.64 253.42 276.35 299.38 322.46 345.56 i 48 192.79 215.81 239.03 262.40 285.88 309.41 332.95 356.47 ; 49 199.99 223.68 247.52 271.47 295-47 3I9-49 343.48 367.39 |50 207.30 231.64 256.10 280.61 305.14 329.63- 354.05 378.31 5 1 214.71 239.70 264 76 289.82 314.86 339-Si 364.61 389.19 ! 5* 222.22 247.85 273.49 299.IO 324.63 349-99 375-14 400.02 1 53 229.80 256.05 282.28 308.42 334-39 360.15 385.63 410.75 : l 54 237-44 264.32 291. II 317.74 344-14 370.25 396.01 421-36 j S 245-15 272.64 299.95 327.04 353.84 380.27 406.28 431.81 I 252.90 280.95 308.78 336.30 363.45 390.17 416.39 442.09 57 260.65 289.26 3:7.56 345.48 372.95 399-91 42634 452.26 58 268.40 297.53 326.26 354 54 382.30 409.50 436.17 462.38 59 276.09 305.70 334.85 363.45 391.48 418.97 445-98 472.59 60 283.71 313.77 343-28 372.20 400.56 428.43 455-88 483.OO 61 291.21 321.69 351.56 380.86 409.64 437-99 466.OO 493-72 62 298.58 329.47 359.76 389-52 418.84 447.8o 476.47 504.86 63 305.80 337.16 367.97 398.33 428.31 457-99 487.38 516.45 64 312.94 344.88 376.34 407.42 438.19 468.65 498.78 528.58 65 320.12 352.77 385.03 416.96 448.57 479-84 510.76 54I.07 66 327-52 361.03 394.20 427.05 459-54 491.67 523.16 554-07 67 335-31 369.82 403.99 437-79 471.21 503.96 536.12 567.80 68 343-68 379.27 414.47 449.28 483.39 516.88 549-88 582.72 69 352.80 389-50 425.79 461.36 496.28 530.68 564.92 599.15 70 362.75 400.63 437-76 474-21 510.12 545-86 581.59 616.95 Am.4* O.L 282 Principles and Practice Table No. XCI. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 3 2 29 30 31 32 33 34 li U 39 40 4i 42 43 44 g 8 49 So 5i 52 53 54 11 11 59 60 61 62 64 69 70 lTtta Year. 127.25 132.86 138.71 144.82 I5I.20 157.85 164.79 172.02 179-55 187.39 195.52 203.96 212.69 221.69 230.95 240.46 250.21 260.18 270.36 280.75 291.31 302.04 312.91 323.90 334-99 34 6 « l6 357.38 368.03 379.90 391.15 402.36 4I35I 424.56 435-49 446.25 456.83 467.30 477-72 488.21 498.87 509.84 5*i.i7 532.94 545.19 557.78 570.82 584.53 599-33 61554 633-03 651.32 18th Year. 137.55 I43.58 149.88 156.44 I63.30 170.44 177.89 185.63 193.69 202.06 210.73 219.71 228.96 238.47 248.25 258.26 268.51 278.98 289.64 300.50 311 52 322.71 3340I 345-42 356.91 368.45 380.03 391.63 403.I9 4I4.7I 426.16 437.50 448.72 459- 76 470.63 481.37 492.06 502.80 5I3-7I 524.89 536.41 548.33 560.70 573-37 586.45 600.13 614.84 630.85 648,04 665.96 683.92 19th Year. 148.22 154.68 161.43 168.47 I75.8I 183.45 I9I.40 199.67 208.25 217.14 226.34 235.83 245-58 255.59 265.86 276.37 287.09 298.03 309.15 320.45 331.91 343-50 355-21 366.99 378.83 390.72 402 6l 414-47 426.29 438.OI 449.63 461. II 472.42 483-55 494-55 505.48 51646 527.58 538.96 550.65 562.70 575.18 587.9 1 601.03 614.69 629.30 645.14 662 05 679.62 697.19 714.70 20th Year. 159.26 166.17 173.38 180.90 188.73 196.87 205.34 214.12 223.22 232.63 242.33 252.30 262.54 273.04 283.78 294- 75 305.93 317.30 328.85 340.57 352.42 364.40 376.45 388.57 400.73 412.91 425.04 437.13 449-13 461.00 472.73 484.29 495-66 506.88 518.04 529.23 540.55 552.11 563-95 576.13 588.70 601.49 614.63 628.28 642.80 658.46 675.13 692.38 709-58 726.67 744-45 21 791.41 815.28 837.58 855.82 872.95 888.29 IOOO.OO 66 808.07 831.25 850.19 867.99 833-93 1000.00 67 824.45 844.16 862.67 879.26 1000.00 68 837.70 856.98 874.25 IOOO.OO 69 850.88 868.89 1000.00 70 863.15 1000.00 Am.4* O.L %8 4 Principles and Practice Table No. XCI. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 33 d 3 tfch 35 th 36th 37 th 38th 39 th 40th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 338.17 354-33 370.73 3S7.35 40|.l8 421.17 438.31 455.56 21 350.8I 367.30 384 02 400.93 418.02 435.25 452.6o 470.02 22 363-7I 380.52 397-53 4U.7I 432.04 449.48 467.OO 48457 23 376.84 393-95 411.23 428.66 446.21 463.84 481.50 499-18 24 390.18 407.57 425.II 442.77 460. 50 478.28 496.07 513.83 li 403 71 421.37 439-14 456.99 474-88 492.79 510.67 528.49 417.43 435 32 453-29 47L30 48933 507.33 525 27 543 10 27 431.29 449-39 467.54 485.69 503.82 521.89 539.84 557-65 28 445.28 463-56 48^.85 500.I2 518.32 536.41 554-35 572.09 29 459-36 477.80 496.21 514.55 532.78 550.86 568.75 586.39 30 473-52 492.08 510.58 528.96 547.19 565.22 583-00 600.50 31 487.73 506.38 524.92 543.30 561.49 579.42 597.08 614.40 32 501.94 520.65 539.20 557-54 575-64 593-45 610.94 628.07 33 516.13 534.85 553-37 571.64 , 589.62 607.27 624.56 641.52 34 530.26 548.97 567-4' 585.57 ' 603.39 620 86 637.99 654.81 9 544.30 562.94 581.28 599.29 616.93 63424 651.24 667.99 558.19 576.73 594-93 612.77 630.27 647.45 664.39 68i.ii 37 571.91 590.32 608.36 626.06 643-41 660.56 677.48 694.22 38 585.43 603 69 621 59 639.18 656.51 673.63 690.57 707.35 39 598.72 616.85 634.66 652.21 669.54 686.70 703.68 720.49 | 40 611.82 629.86 647.64 665.20 682.58 699.79 716.82 733-65 4i 624.76 642.79 660.59 678.21 695.66 712.92 729.98 746.71 i 42 637.62 655.68 673.56 691.26 708 76 726.08 743-05 759-70 | 43 650.46 668.60 686.57 704-34 721.92 739-15 756.o6 772.72 1 44 663 32 681.58 699.63 717-49 734-99 752.17 769.IO 78594 I 45 676.26 694.62 712.77 730 56 748.03 765.24 782.37 799-49 46 689.26 707.73 725.84 i 743-61 761.12 778.55 795-97 813.21 47 702.36 720.80 738.90 756.73 774.48 792.22 809.78 826.85 48 715 42 733-86 752.04 770.I3 788.22 806.12 823.51 840.01 : 49 728.49 747.04 76549 783-94 802.20 819.95 836.79 852.68 So 741.70 760.55 779.38 798.03 816 15 833.34 849-57 865.26 5i 755-27 774-52 793.58 8I2.IO 829.67 846.25 862.29 878.05 52 769.34 788.83 807.78 825.75 842.72 859-^2 875-24 890.31 , 53 783.76 803.17 821.57 838.94 855-74 872.25 887.68 900.28 54 798.24 817.11 834.91 852.13 869.05 884.87 897.79 909 93 55 812.34 830.61 848.28 865.64 881.86 895.13 907.59 918.75 56 826.01 844.16 861.99 878.66 892 28 905.08 916.54 1000.00 57 839 76 858.10 875-23 889.24 902 40 914.18 1000.00 58 853-93 871.57 885.99 899-53 911.67 1000.00 59 867.65 882.51 896.47 908.97 1000.00 60 878.78 893.19 906.09 IOOO.OO 61 889.67 903.00 1000.00 62 899.69 1000.00 63 1000.00 O.L. Am.4 % Op Life Insurance. 285 J Table No. XCI. — Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 4l8t 42d 43d 44th 45 th 46th 47th 4«th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. i 20 472.89 490.26 507.64 524.99 542.29 559-48 576.53 593-39 21 487.48 504.96 522.41 539.80 557-08 574-22 591.18 607.90 22 502.14 519.69 537.18 554.56 57I.80 588.85 605.67 622.22 i 23 516.84 534-43 551.92 569.26 586.41 603.32 619.97 636.32 24 53L54 549- !3 566.58 583.84 600.86 617.61 634.06 650.17 25 546.20 563.76 58I.I3 598.26 615.12 631.67 647.89 663.80 i 26 560.78 578.27 595-52 612.50 629.16 645.49 661.51 677.24 ! 27 575-27 592.64 609.74 626.52 642.97 659.IO 674.94 69O. 56 1 28 589.60 606.82 623.73 640.30 656.55 672.52 688.25 703.78 ! 29 603.75 620.79 637.49 653.86 669.95 685.81 701.46 716.96 30 617.68 634.52 651.03 667.25 683.24 699.02 714.65 730.I2 ! 31 631.38 648.04 664.40 680.52 696.44 712.20 727.80 743-24 i 32 644.87 661.38 677.65 693.71 709.61 725.36 740.93 756.33 ! 33 658.19 674.61 690.82 706.87 722.77 738.49 754-03 769.27 34 671.39 687.77 703.98 720.O3 735.91 75I.6I 766.99 782.IO 9 684.54 700.92 7I7.I3 733-17 749-03 764.58 779.84 794.88 697.67 714.06 730.27 746.31 762.02 777-45 792.65 807.78 37 710.80 727.20 743.42 759-31 774.92 790.29 805.59 820.88 38 723.95 740.36 756.44 772.23 787.79 803.27 818.74 834.06 39 737.10 753-39 769.38 785.13 800.80 816.48 831.99 847.06 40 75o.i5 766.35 782.31 798.19 814.06 829.78 845.05 859.54 4i 763.13 779-31 795-41 8H.50 827.43 842.92 857.61 871.47 42 776.12 792.45 808.78 824.94 840.65 855.55 869.61 883.21 43 789.30 805.88 •822.28 838.23 853.36 867.63 881.44 895.OI 44 802.78 819.45 835.65 85I.O2 865.53 879-55 893.33 906.21 45 816.43 832.91 848.53 863.28 877.54 89I.55 904.65 915.35 46 829.97 845.87 860.88 875.39 889.65 902.98 913.87 924.IO 47 843.04 858.32 873.IO 887.62 9OI.I9 912.28 922.70 932.04 48 855.59 870.65 885.45 899 29 910.59 921.22 930.73 IOOO.OO 49 868.04 883.14 897.26 908.79 91963 929.33 IOOO.OO 50 880.68 895.09 906.86 9*7.93 927.84 1000.00 5i 892.78 904 81 916.12 926.25 IOOO.OO 52 902.62 914.19 924.56 1000.00 53 912.13 922.74 IOOO.OO 54 920.81 1000.00 55 1000.00 Am.4 % 5Pay.L 286 Principles and Practice Table No. XCII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY FIVE EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4 th Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 49.08 IOO.48 154.32 210.71 21 49-97 I02.3I I57-I3 214-57 22 50.90 IO4.22 160.07 218.58 23 51.87 I06.20 163.I2 222.74 24 52.88 IO8.27 166.29 227.07 3 53-93 IIO.4I 169.58 231.56 55-oi II2.63 172.99 236.23 % 56.14 II4.94 176.54 24I.08 57-31 "7-34 l8o.22 246.12 29 58.52 119.82 184.05 25L34 30 59.78 122.41 I88.02 256.76 31 61.09 125.09 192.13 262.38 32 62.45 127.86 196.39 268.22 33 63.84 130.72 200.8I 274.26 34 65-30 133.71 205.39 280.52 Si 66.81 136.80 2IO.I4 287.OO 68.36 139-99 215.04 293.70 a 69.98 143.28 220.IO 3OO.62 71.63 146.68 225.33 307.78 39 73-35 150.20 230.74 315.18 40 75-11 153.82 236.31 322.82 4* 76.94 157.56 242.07 330.69 42 78.82 161. 41 247.99 338.79 43 80.75 165.37 254.08 347-12 44 82.73 169.43 260.32 355-66 M 84.77 173.59 266.71 364.41 86.83 177.83 273.24 373-34 % 88.95 182.15 279.88 382.44 91.09 186.53 286.61 391.69 49 93-24 190.94 293.43 401.07 50 95-41 195.40 300.32 410.58 5i 97-59 199.89 307.28 420.19 52 99.78 204.40 314.28 429.89 53 101.97 208.92 321.31 439-66 54 104.15 213.43 328.35 449.46 n 106.31 217.93 335-37 459-3Q 108.45 222.38 342.38 469.13 u 110.56 226 80 349-32 478.93 112.65 231.14 356.20 488.68 59 114.67 235-39 362.96 498.33 60 116.62 239-53 369-59 507.87 61 118.50 243.54 376.06 517-27 62 120.31 247.40 382.36 526.48 63 122.01 251.10 388.42 535-47 64 123.62 254.58 394.22 544.20 3 125.07 257.82 399.72 552.62 126.39 260.81 404.87 560.71 ii 127.56 263.50 409.66 568.42 128.53 265.86 414.02 575-72 69 129.33 267.86 417.94 582.63 70 129.88 269.47 421.42 589.16 lOPay.L. Am.4* Of Life Insurance. 287 Table No. XCIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLL CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 $ % 49 50 5i 52 53 54 S 3 59 60 61 62 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 1st Year. 23.96 24.44 24.94 25 46 26.OO 26.57 27.15 27.76 28.40 29.05 29-73 30.43 3116 3i-9i 32.69 33.5o 34-33 35.19 36.07 36.98 37-91 38.88 39- 8 7 40.90 41.94 43.01 44.08 45.18 46.23 47.36 48.44 49-52 50.58 51-64 52.67 53-69 54.67 55 63 56.57 57-45 58.29 59.07 59 8o 60.48 61.09 61.60 62.02 62.35 62.54 62.62 62.55 2d Year. 49.02 50.00 5I.03 52.IO 53-22 54-37 55.56 56.81 58.10 59.43 60.83 62.23 63.75 6528 66.88 68.53 70.22 71.97 73-77 75.62 77.53 79- 50 8i.53 83.60 85.72 87.87 90.06 92.27 94.42 96.65 98.83 101.00 103.15 105.28 107.36 109.39 in. 38 II33I 115. 16 116.92 118.59 120.14 121 59 122.93 124.09 [25.08 125.88 126.45 126.77 126.83 126.62 3d Year. 75-24 7676 78.34 79.98 81.69 83.46 85.29 87.20 89.18 91.23 93.36 95-52 97.83 IOO.19 IO2.63 I05.I5 107.74 IIO.42 113.17 II6.0I H8.93 121.95 125.03 I28.20 I3I.4I I34.69 I38.OI 141.34 144.63 147.98 151.28 154-57 157.82 161.04 164.19 167.27 170.27 173.18 I75-98 178.63 81.13 83.48 85.65 187.60 I89-33 19077 191. 91 192.71 193.12 193.13 192.83 4th Year. IO2.69 IO4.76 106.91 IO9.16 III.48 II3.9O H6.39 Iig.OO 121.70 124.49 127.39 130.36 133.49 136.70 140.02 143-45 146 98 I50.62 154.37 158.24 l62.22 166.30 170.49 174-77 179.13 183.56 188.02 192-50 196.95 201.46 205.92 210.35 214.75 219.08 223.34 227.51 231.56 235-49 239.25 242.83 246.22 249.38 252.29 254.92 257.22 259-13 260.64 261.68 262.21 262.30 262.04 5th Year. 131.41 134.06 136.82 139.69 142.66 145.75 148.94 152.28 155.73 159.29 162 99 l66.8l 170.80 174.90 179.13 183.51 188.OI I92.66 197.45 202.39 207.46 2T2.07 217.99 223.43 228.96 234.56 240.20 245.87 251.52 257.23 262.89 268.52 274.IO 279.61 285.O3 29O.33 295.49 300.49 305-a9 309.87 314.20 318.25 321.97 325.34 328.28 330.77 332.73 334-12 334-96 335-33 335.34 6th Year. 161.48 164.74 I68.I2 171.64 175.30 I79.09 183.02 187.IO I9I-33 195-71 20O. 26 204.95 209.83 214.86 220.05 225.4I 230.94 236.64 242.52 248.56 254.77 261.13 267.64 274.28 28I.OI 287.82 294.69 301.60 308 51 315.46 322.38 329.26 336.09 342.85 349-50 356.02 362.37 368.53 374-47 380.16 38554 390-58 395.26 399-49 403-25 406.46 409.07 411.09 412.55 4I3.53 414.13 7 th Year. 192 95 196.84 200. 89 205.09 20945 213.99 218 68 223-55 228.60 233.84 239 26 244 86 250.68 256.68 262.87 269.26 275-86 282.67 289.67 296.87 304.25 311.82 3I9-55 32742 335-40 343.48 351.63 359-84 368,07 376.34 384.59 392.82 400.99 409.09 417.07 424.92 432.58 440.05 447 28 454-21 460.82 467 06 472 87 478.23 483.04 487.28 490 92 493-99 496.52 498.58 500.23 8th Year. 225 90 230.46 235.I9 240. 1 1 245.22 250.52 256 OI 261.71 267.62 273-74 280.09 286.63 293-43 300.44 307.68 3I5.I6 322.88 330.83 339-oi 347.41 356.03 364.85 373-85 383.00 39 2 -29 401.70 411. 21 420.30 430.43 44c. n 449-79 459-47 469.10 478.67 488.13 497-45 506.61 515.57 524.29 532.71 540.80 548 51 555-8o 562.61 568.90 574 66 579-90 584-63 588.88 592.68 506.04 9th Year 260.39 265.65 271.IO 276.77 282.66 288.76 295.09 301.66 308.47 3I5-52 322.82 330.38 338.19 346.26 354-61 363.22 372.IO 381.25 390.66 4OO.33 4IO.23 420.35 430.67 441.18 451.85 462.68 473.63 484.69 495.84 507.04 518.29 529.56 540.80 552.01 563.14 574- 16 585.05 595.76 606.25 616 49 626.43 636.03 645.26 65407 662.48 670.48 678. ic 685.35 692.24 698.77 704.89 Am.4* 15Pay.L 288 Principles and Practice Table No. XCIV TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY FIFTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th rth Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 15.75 32.20 49.40 67.38 86.18 IO5.85 126.41 21 16.09 32-9* 50.49 68.87 88.IO 108.19 129.20 22 16.45 33-65 51.63 70.43 90.09 IIO.63 132. II 23 16.83 34-43 52.83 72.05 92.15 113. 16 I35-I3 24 17.23 35.24 54.06 73-73 94-30 115.79 138.27 3 17.64 36.08 55-34 75 48 96.52 II8.52 141.52 18.06 36.94 56.67 77.28 98.83 121.35 144.89 2 l 18.50 37.84 58.04 79- 1 5 IOJ.22 124.28 I48.38 28 18.96 38.'77 59-47 81.10 IO3.70 127.32 151.99 29 19-43 39-74 60.95 83.12 IO6.27 130.46 155-74 30 19-93 40.75 62.49 85.20 IO8.93 133.72 159.62 31 20.44 41-79 64.08 87.36 III. 69 I37.09 163.63 32 20.97 42.86 65.72 89.60 "4-53 140.57 167.76 33 21.51 43-97 67.42 91.91 117.47 144.16 172.03 34 22.07 45-13 69.18 94.30 120.51 147.87 176.43 35 22.67 46.32 71.01 96.76 123.64 151.69 180.98 36 23.27 47-55 72.87 99.3o 126.86 155.63 185.65 12 23.89 48.81 74.8o 101.91 130.19 159.69 190.47 24-53 50.11 76.78 104.60 133.61 163.87 19542 39 25.20 51.46 78.84 107.38 137.14 168.16 200.51 40 25.87 52.84 80.95 110.25 140.77 172.58 205.71 4i 26.59 54.28 83.14 113.19 144- 50 177.09 211.04 42 27-31 55.76 85.37 116. 21 148.30 lSl.70 216.45 43 28.07 57.27 87.67 119.29 152.18 186.38 221.93 44 28.83 58.82 90.00 122.42 156.11 I91. IO 227.44 9 29.62 60 40 92.38 125.60 160.07 195.85 232.98 30.41 62.00 94.78 128.78 164.03 200.59 238.52 9 31-23 63 61 97.18 131.96 167.99 205.33 244.05 32.04 65.22 99-56 135-12 I7I-93 210.05 249-54 49 32.83 66.80 101.92 138.25 175.83 214.72 254.98 So 33-63 68.38 104.28 I4I-37 179.70 2.9.34 260.36 5i 34-42 69 95 106.62 144.46 183.54 223.91 265.66 52 35-21 71-51 108.93 147-52 187.31 228.40 270.88 53 36.00 73-o6 in. 22 150.52 191.03 232.82 275-98 54 36.77 74-59 113.47 153.47 194.67 237.I3 280.95 55 37-54 76.09 115.68 156.38 198.23 241-33 285.77 56 38.30 77.57 117.86 159.21 201.68 245-39 290.42 57 39-05 79.04 119.99 161.97 205.04 249.30 294.89 58 39-79 80.47 122.07 164.64 208.27 253.06 299.15 59 40.51 81.86 124.07 167.21 211.36 - 256.63 303.16 60 41.22 83.21 126.00 169.67 214.30 260.OO 306.92 61 41.91 84.51 127.86 172.03 217.07 263.12 310.36 62 42.57 85.78 129.65 174-23 219.63 265.97 313.44 63 43.23 87.00 131.32 176.28 221.96 268.51 316.14 64 43.85 88.13 132.86 178.13 224.01 270.69 3i8.37 u 44-43 89.17 134.26 179-75 225.76 272.47 320.14 44-97 90.13 135.49 181. 15 227.20 273.87 321.51 67 45.48 90.99 136.58 182.31 228.35 274.98 322.63 68 45-93 91-75 137-49 183.27 229.31 275-97 323.69 69 46.35 92.43 138.30 184.16 230.30 277.08 324.94 70 46.73 93-°5 I39- T 3 185.19 231-54. 278.55 326.62 15Pay.L Am.4» Of L/iFB Insurance. 289 Table No. XCIV.— Concluded. 1. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLL CIES BY ] FIFTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 8th 9 th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 I47.9I 170.39 193.91 218.51 244.25 271.17 299-34 21 151.18 174.16 I98.I9 223.33 249.62 277-13 305.90 22 154-57 178 06 202 63 228.33 255.20 283.31 312.72 23 158.10 I82.I2 207.24 233-51 260.98 289.72 3I9.79 24 161.76 186.33 2I2.02 238.88 266.98 296.37 327.11 2 | 165.56 190.69 216.97 244-45 273.19 303.25 334.69 26 169.49 195.21 222.11 250.22 279.63 310.37 34253 2 173.56 199.90 227.42 256.20 286.28 317.74 350.64 177.79 204.75 232.92 262.37 293.17 325.36 359-03 29 182.16 209. 76 238.61 268.76 300.28 333-23 367.70 30 186.68 21495 244.46 275-36 307.63 341 36 376.65 31 igi.34 220.30 250.55 282.17 3I5.21 349.76 385.88 32 196.16 225.82 256.81 289.20 323.04 358.41 395-39 33 201.13 231.52 263.27 296.44 33I.JO 367.32 405.18 34 206.26 237.40 269.93 303.90 339-40 376.48 415.23 35 211.54 243.46 276.78 3II-58 347-92 385.88 425-54 36 216.99 249.69 283.82 3I9.45 356.66 395 50 436.08 37 222.58 256.09 29I.04 327-52 365.60 405 34 446.84 38 228.33 262.64 298 44 335-77 374-72 4I5-36 457.8o 39 234.22 269.36 305-99 344.18 384.00 425-55 468.94 40 240. 24 276.21 313-68 352.72 393-42 435-89 480 25 4i 246.38 283.17 321.47 361.37 402.97 446.37 491.71 42 252.60 290.21 329 35 370.12 412 62 456.96 503.30 43 258.88 297.31 337-30 378.94 422.34 467.64 514.99 44 265.20 304.46 345.29 387.80 432.11 478.37 526.75 4 I 271.55 3II-63 353-30 396.68 441.91 489.14 538.58 46 277.89 318.78 361 30 405.55 45i.7o 499-93 550.43 47 284.22 325.92 369.27 414.40 461.48 510.69 562.29 48 290.49 333.00 377-'8 423.18 471.18 521.40 574-H 49 296.71 340.00 385-01 431.88 480.81 532.03 585.87 So 302.84 346.93 392-74 440.46 490.31 542.56 597.54 5i 308.90 353-74 400.34 448 90 499.66 552.94 609. 10 52 314.83 360.41 407.78 457-*6 508.84 563.14 620.50 53 320.63 366 91 415.03 465.22 517.80 573-1^ 631.70 54 326.26 373-22 422.06 473-04 526.49 582.85 642.67 55 331.71 379-32 428.85 480.58 534.89 592.28 653-36 56 336.95 385.18 435 35 48779 542 95 601.36 663 75 57 34L97 390 75 441-52 494.65 550.62 610.06 673.79 58 346.71 396.00 447-33 501.09 557.85 618.32 683.45 59 35I-I7 400.91 452.71 507 08 564.60 626.12 692.74 60 355-29 405.40 457-64 512.54 570.82 633.44 701.67 61 359-02 409 43 462.04 517-44 576.49 640. 29 710.26 | 62 362.32 412 95 465.86 521.77 581.63 646.68 7r8. 5 2 i 63 365.13 415.92 469 12 525 54 586.26 652.64 726.46 64 367.41 418.33 471.83 528.80 590.41 658.17 734-07 55 369.20 420.26 474.08 531. 6r 594.13 663.27 741.32 66 370.62 421.85 475.98 534-07 597-43 667.92 748.17 67 371.83 423.23 477.67 536.24 600. 36 672.14 754-53 68 373-OI 424.60 479-3o 538-2E 602.98 675.80 760.37 69 374-42 426.15 480.96 540 10 605.14 678.90 765-71 1 70 376.23 427.99 482.81 541-74 606 89 681.47 770.61 AmA % 20Pay.L 290 Principles and Practice Table No . xcv. [ TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7 th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 II.76 24.04 36.87 50.26 64.25 78.87 94.14 21 12.05 24.62 37.76 51.48 65.81 80.78 96.41 22 12.34 25.23 38.69 52.75 67-43 82.76 98.78 23 12.65 25-87 39.67 54.08 69.12 84.83 IOI.24 24 12.98 26.53 40.68 55-45 70.87 86.98 IO3.79 25 13-32 27.22 41-73 56.88 72.69 89.20 IO6.44 26 13.66 27-93 42.82 58.35 74.57- 91.51 IO9.19 27 I403 28.67 43-94 5989 76.53 93.91 II2.03 28 I4.41 29-43 45-12 61.49 78.57 96.38 II4.97 29 14.79 30.23 46.34 63.14 80.66 98.95 H8.03 30 I5.20 31.06 47.60 64.85 82.84 IOI.62 121. 19 31 I5-63 31.92 48.91 66.63 85.II IO4.38 124.47 32 16.06 32. bo 50.26 68.47 87.44 IO7.23 I27.84 33 16.51 33-72 51.67 7o.37 89.86 I IO. 1 7 131-33 34 16.98 34-68 53.13 72.35 92.36 113.22 134-94 35 17.48 35-68 54.64 74-39 94-95 II6.36 I38.66 36 17.98 36.70 56.19 76.49 97.61 II9. 6l 142.50 37 18.50 37.76 57.8o 78.66 100.37 122.96 146.47 38 19.04 38.85 59.40 80.91 103.22 126.42 150.55 39 19.60 39.93 61.19 83.24 106.17 I29.99 I54.76 40 20.I8 41.16 6297 85.65 109 20 I33.67 I59-07 4 1 20.79 42.39 64.83 88.14 112.34 137-45 163.5O 42 21.41 43-60 66.74 90.70 115.55 141. 31 168.OO 43 22.07 44.95 68.71 93-33 118.84 145-25 172.57 44 22.73 4630 70.72 96.01 122.18 149-23 177.17 45 23.42 47.68 72.78 98.74 12556 153.24 181.79 46 24.12 49.07 7487 101.49 128.94 157-25 186 42 47 24.84 50.50 76.97 10425 132.34 161.27 I9I.06 48 25-57 51.92 7907 107.00 135.74 165.29 I95.67 49 26.29 53-34 81 16 109.75 139-13 169.29 200.26 50 27.01 54-77 83.27 112.52 142.53 173.30 204.83 51 27.74 56.21 85.40 115-30 145-93 177.29 209.39 52 28.48 57.67 87-53 118.09 149.33 181.27 213-93 53 29.24 59- 1 3 89.69 120 88 152.74 185.25 2l8 43 54 29.99 60.61 91.84 123.68 156.14 189.21 222.90 55 30.76 62.11 94.02 126.50 159-55 193.15 227.32 56 31-53 63.60 96.21 129.33 162 95 I97.06 231.70 Fs 32.32 65.14 98.42 132.16 166.33 2OO.95 236.02 33-12 66.68 100.64 I34-98 169.70 204.80 240.28 59 33-97 68.22 102.85 137.80 I73-05 208.60 244-43 60 34-74 69.78 105.07 140.61 176.38 212.33 248.49 61 35-56 71-34 107.30 143-43 179.66 215.99 252.43 62 36.39 72.93 109.5' 146.22 182.90 219.58 256.23 63 37.25 74-53 in. 80 149.00 186.11 223.07 259.91 64 38.11 76.13 114.03 I5L75 189.23 226.47 263.44 65 38.95 77-72 116.25 154-44 192.30 229.76 266.86 66 39.82 79-33 118.44 157.12 I95.30 233.OO 270.30 I % 40.69 80.91 120.63 1 59- 76 198.30 236.3I 273-95 41-54 82.50 122 80 162.42 201.41 239.9O 278.05 69 42.41 84.10 125.03 165.25 204.87 244.05 282.91 70 43.28 85-74 127-43 168.44 208.92 249.OO 288.79 20Pay.L. Am.4 % Of Lifio Insurance. 291 Table No. XCV.~ -Continued TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE FOUR PER CENT Age. 8th 9 th tOth 11th 12th 13th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 IIO.08 126.74 144-15 162.33 I8I.34 201.19 21 II2.74 129.80 147-61 166.23 185.68 205.99 22 II5-50 132.97 151.22 170.27 I9O.18 210.97 23 118.37 136.26 154-95 174.46 194.84 216.14 24 121.35 139.68 158.82 178.81 199.69 221.49 25 124.44 143.22 162.83 183.32 204.70 227.02 26 127.63 - 146.89 166.99 187.98 209.88 233.74 27 130.94 150.69 I7I-30 192.80 215.24 238.66 28 I34-38 I54-63 175.75 197-79 220.78 244.76 29 137-93 158.70 180.35 202.94 226.49 251.07 30 141. 61 162.90 185.IO 208.25 232.40 257.58 3i 145.41 167.25 I90.OI 213.74 238.49 264.29 32 149-33 171-73 I95.07 219.40 244.77 271.20 33 I53-38 176.35 200.29 225.24 25L23 278.30 34 157.56 l8l. 13 205.69 231.25 257.88 285.60 35 161.88 186.07 211.23 237.44 264.70 293.07 36 166.33 I91. 13 216.94 243.77 271.68 3OO.71 37 170.92 196.35 222.79 250.27 278.82 308.48 38 175.03 20I.70 228.78 256.90 286.08 316.37 39 180.48 207.18 234.90 263.64 293.45 324.37 40 185.43 212.78 241.12 270.48 300.91 332.44 4i 190. 50 218.46 247.42 277.39 308.43 340.58 42 195.63 224,21 253.77 284.35 316.OO 348.75 43 200.81 230.OO 260.16 291.35 323-58 356.94 44 206.02 235.81 266.57 298.34 331.16 365.IO 45 211.25 241.64 272.98 305-33 338.72 373.22 46 216.48 247.45 279-37 312.27 346.22 381.28 47 221.70 253.25 285.72 319.16 353.65 389.24 48 226.90 258.99 292.01 325.99 360.99 397.09 49 232.05 264.69 298.23 332.71 368.20 404.79 50 237-17 270.34 304.38 339-34 375.29 412.33 5i 242.26 275.93 310.44 345-85 382.23 419.70 52 247-31 281.46 316.41 352.23 389.OI 426.87 53 252.31 28689 322.26 358 46 395.61 433-80 54 257.23 292.24 327-98 364.54 401.98 440.47 55 262.09 297 49 333-57 370.41 408.12 446.85 56 266.87 302.62 338.99 376.07 413.98 452.88 5 l 27L57 307.61 344.22 381.48 419.52 458.53 58 276.14. 312.44 349-23 386.60 424.71 463-75 59 280.58 3I7.07 353-97 39L39 429.49 468.51 60 284.86 321 48 358.43 395.82 433.85 472.85 61 288.96 325.66 362.58 399.89 437-86 476.84 62 292.89 329-59 366.45 403-69 441.61 480.62 63 296.63 333-31 370.12 407.33 445.27 484.35 64 300. 20 336.89 373-73 411.00 449.OI 488.19 65 303.72 340.51 377.48 414.88 453-03 492.29 66 307.36 344-39 381.59 419.21 457.52 496.81 67 3*1-37 348.76 386.32 424 22 462.66 501.95 68 316.00 353-92 39 x -93 430.13 468.72 507.74 69 321.58 360.15 398.67 437.25 475-77 5I4-58 70 328.33 367 66 406.81 445-58 484 18 523.OO AmA % 20Pay.L 292 Principles and Practice Table No. XCV.- —Concluded TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE . FOUR PER CENT • Age. 14th 15th 16th 17th l«th 19th Year. , Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. *20 221.93 243.60 266.26 289.93 314.68 340.54 21 227.21 249-39 272.57 296.78 322.08 348.53 22 232.70 255-39 279.IO 303-87 329-75 356.79 23 238.37 261.60 285.86 3II.20 337-67 365-34 24 244.25 268.02 292.85 318.78 345-87 374-17 25 250.33 274.66 300.07 326.61 354-33 383 29 26 256.61 281.52 307.53 334.70 363-07 392.70 27 263.IO 288.61 315.24 343-05 372.08 402.40 28 269.80 295.92 323.20 351.65 381.36 412.38 29 276.71 303-47 331.38 360.52 390.91 422.63 30 283.85 311.24 339-82 369.62 40071 433-15 31 29I.I9 319.24 348.4S 378.97 410.76 443-91 32 298-75 327-45 357-37 388.55 421.03 454.89 33 306.50 335-87 366.47 398.32 43I-5I 466.09 34 3*4-45 344-49 375-75 408.29 442.17 477.48 H 322.59 353-28 . 385.21 418.42 453-OI 489.05 330.S7 362.21 394. So 428.71 464.00 500.78 9 339.28 371.28 404-53 439- I2 475-12 512.65 347.8i 380.46 414.38 449 65 486.36 524.63 39 356.44 389-73 424.31 460. 26 497-68 536.70 40 365.15 399.07 434-30 470.93 509.06 548.85 4i 373-90 408.46 444-34 481.64 520.49 561.05. 42 382.68 417.86 454.38 492.36 531-93 573.26 1 43 391.46 427-25 464.41 503.05 543-34 585.45 44 400. 2 1 436.61 474-39 513.70 554-69 597.60 45 408.92 445-9° 484.30 524-25 565-97 609.68 46 417-53 455-09 494.08 534-69 577-12 621.66 9 426.04 464.14 503-73 544-97 588.13 633-49 434.40 473-04 5I3-I9 555-07 598.94 645-I5 49 442.59 481.75 522.46 564.94 609.52 656.59 50 450.60 490.24 531-47 574-56 619.85 667.78 5i 458.40 498.49 540.21 583.87 629.86 678.69 52 465.95 5<>6.45 548.64 592.84 639-53 689.28 53 473-23 514.10 556.70 601.44 648.82 699-53 54 480.19 521.37 564-37 609.61 657.69 709.44 55 486.80 528.25 571.58 617.31 666.15 719.03 56 493-OI 534-67 578.32 624.56 674.21 728.32 57 498.77 540.60 584-56 63I-35 681.88 737-34 58 504.05 546.03 590.33 637.71 689.19 746.08 59 508 85 55I-OI 595-67 643.69 696.16 754-55 60 513-24 555.60 600.65 649.31 702.78 762.73 61 5I7-32 559-89 605.32 654.59 709.03 770.58 62 521.21 563-99 609.75 659 56 714-93 778.00 63 525-05 568.00 614 01 664.26 720.36 785.00 64 -528.97 572.00 618.15 668.56 725.32 791-58 00 533-09 576.08 622.05 672.51 729.84 797-83 537-54 580.17 625.82 676.20 734- 10 803.77 tl 542.30 584-48 629.72 680.00 738.28 809.28 547-69 589.41 634.32 684.36 74'2.44 814.14 69 554-24 595-74 640.31 689.58 746.60 818.12 70 562 75 604.19 648.05 695.72 750.55 821.17 5Yr.End. Am.4* Op Lifk Insurance. 293 Table No. XCVI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF FIVE-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. A l8t Age - Year. 2d 3d 4th Year. Year. Year. 20 181.66 372.03 571-57 1 780.73 21 181.64 372.00 571-54 780.71 22 181.62 371-97 57L5I 780 68 . 23 181.60 371-94 571-47 780.66 24 181.58 37I-9I 57L44 780.64 2 § 181.56 371-88 571-41 780.61 26 181.54 371-84 571-37 780.58 27 181. 51 371.81 571 33 7S0.55 28 181.49 371-77 571.28 780.52 29 181.46 371-7.2 57L23 780.49 30 181.43 371-68 571.18 780.45 3i 181. 41 37I-63 571.13 780.41 32 181.37 371-57 571.07 780.36 33 181.33 37I-5I 57I.OO 780.32 34 1S1.29 371-45 570.93 780.26 35 181.26 371.38 570.86 780.21 36 181. 21 37I-30 570.77 780.14 3 l 181. 16 371.22 570.68 780.07 38 181. 10 371-12 570.57 779.99 39 181.04 37i-o2 570.45 779-91 40 180.97 370.90 570.33 779.82- 4i 180.90 370.78 570.19 779-71 42 180.82 370.65 570.04 779.60 43 180.74 370.50 569.87 779-47 44 180.63 370.33 569.68 779.32 45 180.53 37o.i5 569.46 779-16 46 180.40 369-93 569.22 778.96 47 180.26 369.60 568.93 778.75 48 180. 11 369.41 568.61 778.50 49 179.92 369.08 568.23 778.21 50 179.69 368.70 ■ 567.80 777-88 5i 179.45 368.28 567.32 777-52 52 179.17 367.81 566.78 777.12 53 178.86 367.28 566.19 776.66 54 178.51 366.68 565-51 776.15 55 178.12 366.02 564.76 775-59 56 177.68 365-29 563.93 774-96 57 177.20 364.48 563.01 774.27 58 176.68 363-58 561.99 773 50 59 176.09 362.58 560.86 772.64 60 175-44 361.47 559-6o 771.68 61 174.71 360.24 558.20 .770.62 62 173.92 358.89 556.67 769-45 63 173-05 357.40 554-96 768.15 64 172.10 355-75 553.o8 766.71 65 171-03 353-93 550.98 765.10 66 169.86 351-92 548.67 763.32 67 168.58 349.70 546.11 761.35 68 167.15 347-24 543-28 759-17 69 165.59 344-53 540.15 756.78 70 163.85 341-53 536.71 754.15 Am.4* lOYr.End 294 Principles and Practice Table No. XCVII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TEN-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 2 | 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 5i 52 S3 54 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 £ 4 U % 69 70 1st Year. 80.25 80.24 8o.22 80.20 80.19 80.18 80.16 80.14 80.I2 80.IO 80.08 80.06 80.03 80.OO 79.93 79.96 79.92 79.89 79.35 79.81 79.76 79-73 79.68 79-65 79-59 79-55 79-49 79-43 79-36 79- 2 5 79.12 78.98 78.82 78.64 78.43 78.20 77-94 77-66 77-35 77.01 76.64 76.23 75.78 75.32 74.80 74.22 73-59 72.89 72.08 71.20 70.08 2d Year. 64-33 64.30 64.27 64.24 64.21 64.18 64.14 64.II 64.07 64.03 63.99 63.95 63.90 63.84 63.80 63.74 63.68 63.61 63-53 63-44 63.36 63.27 63.19 63.09 62.99 62.88 62 76 62.62 62.43 62.19 61.92 6l.6l 61.26 60.87 6.>.43 59-94 59-40 58.81 58.16 57-43 56.64 55-77 54-84 53.83 52.71 5148 50.11 48.59 4687 44-95 42.73 3d Year. 252.43 252.38 252.34 252.30 252.26 252.21 252.16 252.II 252 06 252.OO 251.94 251.87 251.80 25L73 251.65 25L57 251.46 251.36 251.24 251.12 250.99 250.86 250.72 250.58 250.41 250.23 250.02 249.77 249-45 249.08 248.65 248.17 247 62 247.01 246.32 245-57 244-73 243-81 242.79 241.66 240.43 239.08 237.63 236.01 234.27 232.33 230.16 227.76 225.04 222.02 218.68 4 th Year. 344-74 344.69 344.64 344-59 344-53 344.48 344-41 344 35 344 28 344-21 344.13 344.04 343.96 343-86 343.76 343.64 343.51 343-37 343-22 343-o6 342.89 342.72 342.53 342.32 342.09 341.84 34L52 341.16 340.72 340.20 339.62 338.97 338.23 337-40 336.48 335-46 334-34 333-09 33L72 330.20 328.54 326.73 324.74 322.57 320.17 3I7.50 314-54 311.22 307.51 303-46 299.08 5 th Year. 441.49 441-43 441.38 441.32 441.26 441.19 44LI2 441.04 440.97 440.88 440.78 440.69 440.58 440.47 440.34 440.21 440.05 439.89 439-71 439-52 439-32 439.10 438.86 438.60 438.31 437-97 437-57 437- 10 436.55 435.92 435.20 434-39 433-49 432.48 43L36 430.12 428.74 427.21 425.53 423.67 421.64 419.41 416.95 414.27 411.28 407-97 404.27 400.15 395-58 39 >-66 385.41 6th Year. 542.89 542.83 542.77 542.71 542.65 542.58 542.50 542.42 542.34 542.24 542.15 542.04 54i 93 54i.8o 54I.67 541.51 541-35 541.17 540.97 540.76 540.54 540.29 540.02 539-72 539-37 538.97 538.49 537-95 537.33 536.61 535.8o 534.89 533.88 532.75 53L49 530.10 528.54 526.83 524-94 522.86 520.56 518.03 515.24 512.17 508.77 504.97 500 74 496.05 490.92 485.42 479.56 7th Year. 649.19 649.13 649.08 649.02 648.95 648.89 648.81 648.73 648.65 648.56 648.47 648.36 648.25 648.12 647.99 647.84 647.67 647.49 647.30 647.09 646.85 646.60 646.3I 645-99 645.62 645- 19 644.70 644.14 643-49 642.76 641.93 641.OO 639-97 638.82 637.54 636.II 634.53 632.78 630.85 628.71 626.34 623.73 620.84 617.66 614. II 610.16 605.78 600.96 595-71 590.06 584-03 8th Year. 760.62 760.58 760.53 760.48 760.43 760.37 760.31 760.24 760.17 760.IO 760.02 759-93 759.83 759-72 759.6o 759-47 759-33 759-17 759.00 758.81 758.60 758.37 758.11 757.82 757.48 757-09 756.65 756.14 755-57 754-91 754.18 753 36 752.44 75L42 750.28 749.02 747.62 746.06 744-34 742.43 740.31 737.96 735.36 732.48 729.28 725-72 721.79 717.47 712.76 707.67 702.17 9th Year. 877.47 877.44 877.41 877.38 877.35 877.31 877 27 877.23 877.I9 877.14| 877.09 877.03 876.97 876.90 876.82 876.74 876.65 876.55 876.44 876.31 S76.18 876.02 875.85 875.65 875.42 875.16 874.87 874.54 874.16 873-73 873.25 872.72 872.12 871.45 870 71 869.88 868.97 867.94 866.81 865.55 864.14 862.59 860.86 858.94 856.81 854-45 851.85 848.98 845.83 842.39 838.60 15Yr.End. Am.4* Of TviFB Insurance. 295 Table No. XCVIII TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF FIFTEEN-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5ih 6th 7th Year. ' Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 47-H 9 6 -45 148.13 202.26 258.96 318.38 380.63 21 47.IO 9 6 -43 148.IO 202.22 258.92 318.32 380.56 22 47.09 96.41 148.07 202.I8 258.87 318.26 38O.5O | 23 47.08 9 6 -39 148.04 202.I4 258.82 318.20 380.41 i 24 47.07 96.38 148.02 202.II 258.77 3I8.I4 380.36 2 § 47.07 96.36 147-99 202.O7 258.72 318.08 380.29 1 26 47.06 9 6 -34 147.96 202.03 258.67 3I8.02 380.21 27 47-05 9 6 .33 147-93 20I.98 258.62 317-95 380.13 28 47-05 96.31 147.90 2OI.95 258.56 317-88 380.04 29 47.03 96. 29 147.87 20I.9I 258.50 3I7.8I 379.96 30 47.03 96.27 147.85 201.86 258.45 317.74 379-87 31 47-02 96.26 147.82 201.82 258.39 317.66 379-78 32 47.02 96.24 147.79 201.78 258.33 317.58 379-67 33 47.OI ' 96.22 147.76 201.73 258.27 31749 379-56 34 47.OO 96.22 147 74 201.70 258.20 317.41 379-45 35 47.OI 96.21 147.72 201.65 258.14 317.31 379-33 36 47.OO 96.20 147.69 201.61 258.07 317.22 379-21 1 11 47-OI 96.19 147.67 201.56 258.OI 3I7.I3 379-09 i 47-OJ 96.18 147.65 201.53 257-95 3I7-05 378.97 39 47.01 96.18 147.65 201.51 257-9 1 316.98 378.87 1 40 47.OI 96.20 147.65 201 51 257-88 316.92 378.76 i 4i 47.04 96.23 147.69 2OI.53 257.88 31687 378.66 1 42 47.06 96.27 M7.73 201.56 257-87 316.82 378.55 43 47.IO 96-33 147.79 2OI.59 257-88 316.77 378.42 44 47.14 96-39 147.85 2OI.63 257.87 316.68 378.24 4 § 47.19 96.46 I47-9 2 201.68 257-85 316.57 378.01 46 47-23 96.53 147.98 201.69 257 78 316.40 377-73 47 47.29 96.61 148.03 201.67 257.67 316.18 377-38 48 47-34 96.66 148.04 201.62 257-52 3I5.90 376.96 49 47.38 96.68 148.02 201.52 257-31 3I5-56 376.46 50 47.41 96.70 147.99 201.40 257.07 315^16 375-89 5i 47-43 96.71 147-94 201.25 256.78 3I4-7I 375 25 52 47-46 96.72 147.88 201.08 256.45 314.20 374-53 53 47-49 96.72 147 81 200.87 256.08 313.63 373-74 54 47.51 96.71 147.71 200.65 255.68 313.OO 372.86 55 47-54 96.70 147.61 200.41 255 24 312.32 371.90 56 47.56 96.69 I47.5I 200.14 254.76 3H-57 370.84 57 47.60 96.70 147.41 199.86 254.24 310.76 369.71 58 47.64 96.71 I47-30 199.57 253-68 309.89 368.49 59 47.69 96.71 147.18 199.24 253-09 308.96 367.15 60 47-74 96.72 147.06 198.90 252.45 307.94 365.69 61 47-79 96.72 146.93 198.54 251-75 306.81 364.07 62 47.85 96.75 146.80 198.14 250.96 305-56 362.26 63 47.92 96.77 146.63 197.67 250.08 304-13 360.22 64 47-99 96.76 146.41 197 11 249.04 302.50 357-89 65 48.03 96.71 146.14 196.43 247.83 300.02 355 26 Am.4* 15Yr.End 296 Principles and Practice Table No. XCVIII.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF FIFTEEN- YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 8th 9 th 10th 11th 12 th 13th 14th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 445-86 514.24 585.90 661.03 739-81 822.43 909.08 21 445-79 514.16 585.82 660.96 739-74 822.37 909.05 22 445-72 514.08 585.74 660.88 739.67 822.31 909.OI 23 445-64 514.OO 585.65 660.79 739-59 822.25 908.97 24 445.56 5I3-9 1 585.56 660. 70 739-50 822.18 908.93 u 445.48 513 82 585-47 660.60 739-42 322.11 908.89 44S. 39 5I3-72 585.36 660.50 739-32 822.02 908.84 11 445.30 513.62 585.26 660.39 739-22 821.94 908.79 445.20 5I3-5I 585-'4 660.27 739-U 821.85 908.73 29 445.10 513.40 585.02 660. 1 5 738.98 821.75 908.67 30 445.oo 513-28 584.88 660.OI 738.85 821.64 908.60 31 444-88 5I3.I4 584-74 659.86 738.71 821.52 908.52 32 444.76 513-00 584.58 659.70 738.56 821.39 908.44 33 444.62 512.84 584.41 659-53 738.39 821.24 908.35 34 444.48 512.69 584.24 659-34 738.21 82I.O9 908.25 35 444-34 512.52 584.05 659.14 738oi 82O.92 Q08.14 36 444.19 512.34 583-85 658.92 737.80 820.73 908.02 37 444.04 512.16 583.64 658.69 737-57 820.52 907 88 38 443-89 511.97 583.41 658.45 737-31 82O.29 907.72 39 443-74 511.73 583.18 658.17 73702 820.03 907.55 40 443- 5S 511.56 582.91 657.86 736.69 819.73 907.36 4i 44342 5".33 582.61 657-5I 736.32 819.4O 907.14 42 443 23 511.06 582.26 657-IO 735-91 81903 906.89 43 443.00 5io.73 581.85 656.64 735-43 818.60 906.61 44 442.72 510.35 581.38 656.II 734.88 8l8. II 906.29 4 I 442.38 50990 580.83 655.49 734 26 817.56 905.94 46 441.97 509.37 580.20 654- 79 733-54 816.94 9°5-53 47 441.49 508.75 579.46 653-98 732.74 816.23 905.07 48 440.92 508.03 578.62 653-07 73I-33 815.44 904.56 49 440.25 507.21 577-68 652.04 730.80 814.54 903-98 50 439-50 506.29 576.61 650.89 729.65 813.54 903 33 5i 438.67 505-27 575-43 649.61 728.37 812.42 902.61 52 437-73 504.12 574-20 648.18 726.95 8ll. 19 901.81 53 436.70 502.86 572.64 646.60 725-38 809.81 900.92 54 435-55 501.45 57I.03. 644.85 723.64 808.28 899.92 5 I 56 434.30 499.92 569.26 642.93 721.71 806.59 898.82 432.93 498.13 567.32 640.81 719-59 804.72 897-59 57 431-45 496.42 56519 638.49 717.24 802.64 896.23 58 429.82 494.42 562.85 635.92 7I4-65 80O.35 894.72 59 428.07 492.23 560.28 633.09 711.78 797.79 893.05 60 426.13 489.80 557-43 629.94 708.58 794.96 891.19 61 423.97 487.01 554-25 626.43 705.03 79I-83 889.14 62 421.56 484.08 550.69 622.53 701. 11 738.38 886.88 63 418.84 481.69 546.73 618.23 696.81 784-59 884.39 64 415-77 476.92 542.41 613-57 692.15 780.47 881.64 65 412.38 472.85 537-77 608.59 687.16 776.OI 878.62 20Yr.End. Am.4* Of Life Insurance. 297 Table No. XCIX. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS ' FILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6 th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 31.04 . 63.53 97-55 133.15 170.44 209.49 250.38 21 31.04 63.52 97-53 133.14 170.42 209.46 250.35 22 3I.03 63.52 97-53 133-13 170.4I 209.44 250.32 23 3I.O4 63.52 97-53 I33-I3 170.40 209.43 250.30 24 31.04 63.53 97-53 I33.13 170.40 209.42 250.28 25 3I-05 63.53 97-54 133-14 170.40 209.41 250.27 26 3I-05 63.54 97-55 I33-I4 170.40 209.41 250.26 27 3I-05 63.55 97.56 133.15 170.41 209.41 250.25 28 31.06 63.56 97-57 I33-I7 170.43 209.42 250.25 29 31.07 63.58 97.60 I33.I9 170.44 209.44 250.26 30 3I.08 63.60 97.63 133.23 170.48 209.47 250.28 31 31.IO. 63.64 97.67 133-27 170.53 209.51 250.32 32 31 12 63.67 97.71 133-33 170.58 209.57 250.36 33 31-14 63.71 97-77 I33-40 170.66 2^9.64 250.43 34 31-17 63-77 97.85 133-49 170.76 209.74 250.52 3 ? 31.22 63.84 97-95 133.60 170.88 209.86 250.64 36 3J-25 63.92 98.05 133-73 171 02 2IO.OI 250.79 37 31.31 64.OI 98.18 133.88 171.20 2I0.20 250.99 38 31.36 64.12 98.33 I34-07 171.42 210.44 251.23 39 31.44 64.25 98.52 134-31 171.69 210.74 251-53 40 3i.5i 64.41 98.75 134.60 172.OI 211.09 251.88 4i 31.62 64.61 99.03 ■ 134-93 172.40 211.49 252.29 42 31-74 64.83 99-33 135.32 172.83 211.95 252.74 43 31.88 65.08 99.69 135-75 173.31 212.45 253.22 44 32.02 65.37 100.08 136.22 I73-84 212.98 253.71 4 I 32.20 65.68 100.52 136.74 174.39 213.53 254.23 46 32.38 66.02 100.98 137.28 174.96 214.09 254.75 47 32.58 66.40 101.47 137.83 175-55 214.68 255.29 48 32.80 66.77 101.96 138.40 176.15 215.28 255-84 49 33-OI 67-I5 102.46 138.99 176.78 215.89 256.40 50 33.23 67.55 103.01 I39-63 177.46 216.56 257.00 5i 33-47 67.99 103.60 140.31 178.18 217.27 257.65 52 33-73 68.47 104.23 141-05 178.97 218.05 258.36 53 34-02 68.99 104.92 141-85 179-83 218.90 259- 14 54 34-32 69.54 105.66 142.72 180.76 219.83 259-99 55 34-66 70.14 106.47 143.68 181.78 220.84 260.92 56 35.0I 70.79 107.36 144.71 182.89 221.94 261.93 57 35-41 71.51 108.32 145.83 184.09 223.13 263.03 58 35.83 72.28 109.35 147.04 185.37 224.41 264.20 59 36.28 73.IO 110.44 148.31 186.75 225.78 265.44 60 36.76 73-97 in. 61 • 149.68 188.22 227.21 266.73 Am.4* 20Yr.End 298 Principles and Practice Table No. XCIX.— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT 1 3 OLlCIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. «th 9th ion, 11th 12th 13th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 293.21 338.07 385.07 434-31 485.9I 539-99 21 293.17 338.02 385.OI 434-24 485.84 539-91 22 293- 13 337.98 384.96 43418 485.76 539-82 23 293.IO 337-94 384.91 434-12 485.69 539-74 24 293.08 337-90 384.86 43405 485.61 539-66 3 29305 337-86 38481 433-99 485 54 539-57 293.03 337.83 384.76 433-93 485.46 539-47 27 293.OI 337-8o 384.72 433-87 485.38 539-37 28 293.OI 337.78 384.68 433-81 485.30 539-27 29 293.OO 337.76 384.64 433-75 485.22 539-17 30 293.OI 337-75 384.61 433- 70 485.14 539-07 31 293.O3 337-75 384.59 433-65 485.07 538.97 32 293.OO 337.76 384.58 433-62 485.01 538.88 33 293.II 337-8o 384.59 433.60 484.96 538.80 34 293.I9 337-86 384.63 433-61 484. Q3 538.72 s 293.30 337.96 384.69 433-64 484.92 538.66 293-45 338.08 384.79 43370 484.92 538.61 5 293.64 338.25 384.92 433.78 484.94 538.55 293.87 338.45 385.09 433-88 484.97 538.48 39 294.16 338.71 385.29 . 434-00 484.99 538.40 40 294.49 339-00 385.51 434-13 485.00 538.30 4i 294.87 339-32 385.74 434-25 485.01 538.18 42 295.28 339-65 385 97 434-37 484.99 538.02 43 295.70 339-99 386.20 434-47 484.94 537-82 44 296.I3 340.33 386.42 434-54 484.86 537.56 45 296.57 340.67 386.63 434-59 484-73 537-25 46 297.02 34LOO 386.81 434.60 484-55 536.88 9 297.47 341-33 386.98 434-59 484.33 536.44 297.92 341.64 387.13 434-54 484.06 535-93 49 298.38 34I-96 387.26 434-45 483.73 535-34 50 298.87 342.30 387.40 434-35 483-36 534.69 5i 299.41 342.66 387.55 434-23 482.95 533-97 52 300.00 343 06 387.71 434-11 482.51 533.20 53 300.64 343-50 387.89 433-99 482.05 532.35 54 301 34 343-99 388.IO 433-87 481.54 53L45 U 302.11 344-53 388.34 433-74 481.00 530.45 302.95 345-12 388.60 433-59 480.38 529.32 U 303.87 * 345-75 388.86 433.40 47966 528.05 304.82 346.40 389.O9 433.13 478.82 526.57 59 305.82 347-05 389.28 432.76 477.8o 524.87 60 306.85 347-68 389.40 432.26 476.61 522.98 20Yr.End. AmA % Of Life Insurance. 299 Table No. XCIX.— Concluded. I TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 14th Year. 15th Year. 16th Year. irth Year. 18th Year. 19th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 596.68 59 6 -59 596.50 596.41 596.32 656.12 656.03 655-93 655.84 655.73 718.45 718.36 718.27 718.16 718.06 783.83 783.75 783.66 783.56 783.46 852.43 852.36 852.28 852.20 852.12 924.42 924.37 924.33 924.28 924.23 3 27 28 29 596.21 596.10 595-99 595.87 595-75 655.62 655.50 655-37 655.24 655.IO 717.94 7I7.82 717.69 717.55 7I7.40 783.35 783.23 783.II 782.97 782.83 852.03 851.93 851.82 851.71 851.58 924.17 924.II 924.04 923.97 923.89 30 31 32 33 34 595-62 595.50 595-38 595.26 595.14 654.96 654.82 654.66 654.5I 654.35 717.25 717.09 716.92 716.74 716.54 782.68 782.51 782.33 782.14 781.92 851.45 851.30 851.14 850.96 850.76 923.80 923.70 923.59 923.47 923.34 U 11 39 595-03 594.90 594.76 594.60 594.42 654.18 653-99 653-77 653-53 653-23 716.32 716.08 7I5.80 7I5.50 715.15 781.69 781.42 781.12 780.78 780.40 850.54 850.29 850.OI 849.69 849.34 923.19 923.02 922 83 922.62 922.38 40 4i 42 43 44 594.20 593.95 593-65 593.30 592.88 652.93 652.57 652.15 651.65 651.09 7I4.75 7I4.30 7I3.79 713.20 712.53 779-97 779.48 778.93 778.31 777.60 848.94 848.50 847.99 847.42 846.78 922.12 921.82 921.48 92I.IO 920.67 47 48 49 592.39 59 I -82 591-17 590.43 589.59 650.45 649.71 648.87 647.92 646.86 711.77 710.91 709.94 708.85 707.64 776.80 775-90 774.89 773.76 772.49 846.06 845-24 844-33 843-31 842.17 920.19 919.65 919.05 918.37 917.62 50 5i 52 53 54 588.66 587.65 586.54 585.33 584.01 645.70 644.41 643.OO 641.46 639- 76 706.30 704.81 703.I9 701.39 699.41 77I.IO 769.55 767.84 765.96 763.88 840.91 839-5I 837.96 836.25 834.34 916.78 915.84 914.80 913.65 912.38 P 8E 59 582.55 580.91 579-o6 576.96 574-61 637.88 635-77 633-40 630.76 627.86 697.21 694.75 692.02 689.OO 685.73 761.55 758.98 756.13 753-02 749.64 832.23 829.90 • 827.34 824.52 821.47 9IO.97 909.42 907.71 905.82 903.74 60 572.07 624.77 682.26 746.04 818.17 9OI.46 Am.4* 25Yr.End 300 Principles and Practice Table No . C. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-FIVE- YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERI- ENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age 20 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7 th *th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 2I.80 44.60 68.45 93-41 H9-53 146.86 175.47 205.41 21 2I.80 44.61 68.47 93-43 119-56 146.89 175.50 205.44 22 2I.8I 44.63 68.50 93-47 119.60 146.94 175.55 205.49 23 21.82 44.65 68.54 93-52 119.65 147.OO I75.6I 205 55 24 21.84 44.69 68.58 93-58 119.72 I47-07 I75.69 205.63 li 21.87 44-73 68.64 93.64 119.80 147.16 175.78 205.73 21.88 44-77 68.70 93-72 119.89 147.26 I75.90 205.84 27 21.91 44.82 68.77 93.81 120.00 147.39 176.03 205.98 28 21.94 44.88 68.85 93.9 2 120.14 147.54 176.19 206.16 29 21.98 44.94 68.96 94.06 120.29 147.71 176.39 206.37 30 22.02 45-03 69.08 94-21 120.47 147.93 176.62 206.62 31 22.07 45-13 69.22 94.39 120.70 148.18 176.90 206.91 i 32 22.13 45-24 69.38 94.61 120.95 148.47 177.22 207.26 33 22.19 45-37 69.58 94.85 121.25 148.81 177.60 207.66 34 22.27 45-53 69.80 95 15 121.60 149.21 178.03 208.14 35 22.37 45-71 70.07 95.48 122.00 149.67 178.55 208.70 36 22.47 45- 9 1 70.36 95-86 12245 150.20 I79.!5 209.35 37 22.59 46.14 70.70 96.29 122.99 150.82 179-85 210.10 38 22.72 46.40 71.08 96.80 123.60 151.53 180.64 210.97 39 22.88 46.70 71.53 97.38 124.31 152.35 181.55 211.95 40 23.05 47-05 72.03 98.05 125. ii 153-28 182.58 213.05 i 4* 23.26 47-45 72.63 98.80 126.03 154.32 183.73 214.28 1 42 23.48 47.90 73.28 99-65 127 04 155.48 185.00 215.62 43 23.75 48.40 74.02 100.59 128.17 156.76 186.38 217.06 44 24.02 48.96 74.82 101.62 129.39 158.12 187.85 218.60 45 24-35 49-57 75-71 102.75 130.71 159-59 189.43 220.25 '46 24.69 50.24 76.66 103.94 132.10 l6l. 15 191. 11 222.01 47 25.07 50.96 77.68 105 22 133.60 162.82 192.92 223.90 ! 48 25-47 5i 72 78.75 106.57 I35.I8 164.60 194.84 225.92 49 25.88 52.51 79.88 108.00 136.88 166.50 196.90 228.07 50 26.33 53.36 81.10 I09-55 138.69 168.54 199.12 230.40 51 26.80 54.28 82 41 in. 20 140.65 170.74 201.49 232.91 ! 52 27.32 55 26 83.82 112.99 142.74 I73.O9 204.05 235.60 53 27.87 56.31 85-33 114.89 144.99 I75.63 206.79 238.48 54 28.45 57-44 86.93 116.92 147.39 178.33 209.72 241-55 55 29.08 58.63 88.64 119.10 149.96 l8l. 21 212.83 244.83 25Yr.End. Am.4% Of Life Insurance. 301 Table No. C Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-FIVE- YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERI- ENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age 20 9 th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15 th ifith Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 236.75 269.56 303.9 1 339-88 377-55 417.OI 458.34 50I.65 21 236.78 269.58 303 -93 339-90 377-55 417.OO 458.32 501.61 22 236.83 269.63 303 97 339.92 377-57 417.OO 458.31 501.58 23 236.89 269.69 304.02 339.96 377.60 417.02 458.31 501.56 24 236.97 269.76 304.09 340.02 377.65 4I7.05 458.31 501.55 25 237.06 269.85 304.18 340.IO 377-71 417.09 458.33 501.54 : 26 237.18 269.97 304.28 340.20 377.79 417.15 458.37 501.55 27 237-33 27O.II 304.42 340.32 377.90 417.23 458.43 501.58 28 237.51 270.29 304.59 340.48 378.03 417.35 458.52 501.65 29 237-72 270 50 304.80 340.67 378.21 417.51 458.65 501.74 30 237.98 270.76 305.05 340.91 378.44 417.71 458.82 50I.87 3* 238.28 271.07 305.36 341.22 378.73 4I7.97 459-05 502.05 32 238.64 271.44 305.73 34158 37Q-07 418.29 459-32 502.26 33 239.07 271.88 306.18 342.02 379-49 418.67 459-65 502.53 34 239-57 272.41 306.71 342.54 379-98 419.12 460.04 502.83 35 240.18 273.03 307.33 343-15 380.56 419.64 460.47 503.16 36 240.86 273-74 308.05 343-85 381.22 420.22 460.96 503.53 3 l 241.66 274.56 308.87 344.64 381.95 420.86 461.49 503.93 38 242.57 275.49 309.79 345.52 382.75 421.56 462.06 504.37 39 243.60 276.54 310.81 346.49 383.63 422.33 462.69 504.83 40 244.75 277.68 311.93 347-53 384 58 423.16 463.37 505.33 4i 246.00 278.94 313.14 348.67 385.62 424.05 464.09 505.86 42 247.36 280.29 314.44 349.90 386.72 425-OI 464.86 506.42 43 248.83 281.74 315.85 35I.2I 387-9 1 426.02 465.68 507.01 44 250.40 283.30 317.35 352.61 389-I7 427.IO 466.55 507.63 $ 252.08 284.97 318.96 354-12 390.52 428.27 467.47 508.29 253.88 286.75 320.67 355.72 391.96 429.50 468.46 508.97 9 255-80 288.66 322.52 357-44 393-52 430.83 469.51 509.7I 257.86 290. 70 324.49 359-29 395-18 432.25 470.64 510.50 49 260.06 292.9O 326.62 361.28 396.97 433.78 471.85 511.36 50 262.44 295.27 328.91 363-43 398.90 435-44 473.18 512.28 5i 265.01 297.82 331.38 365.74 400.99 437.23 474-59 513.26 52 267.76 3OO.56 334.02 368.22 403.23 439-14 476.09 5I4.28 53 270.71 303.48 336.86 370.89 405.62 441.16 477.67 5I5-32 54 273.84 306.61 339.89 373.70 408.14 443.29 479.29 516.36 55 277.20 30995 343.10 376.69 410.79 445.50 480.96 51740 Am.4* 25Yr.End 302. Principles and Practice Table No. C. — Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-FIVE- . YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BV EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL xMATURlTY, AMERICAN EXPERI- ENCE. FOUR PER CENT. Agk. 20 17th i«th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24 th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 933.24 547.03 594-0O 644.48 696.78 751.66 809.25 869.72 21 546.98 594-53 644.39 696.69 751.56 809.15 869.63 933.18 22 546.93 594-47 644.31 696.59 75L45 809.05 869.55 933-13 23 546.89 594-40 644.22 696.49 75L35 808.94 869.45 933-07 24 546.85 594-34 644.14 696.40 75L24 808.83 869.35 933.00 u 546.82 594- 29 644.07 696.30 751.12 808.71 869.24 932.93 546.80 594.24 643.99 696.20 75I.OI 808.58 869.13 932.85 27 546.81 594-21 643-93 696.IO 750.89 808.45 869.OO 932.76 28 546.83 594-20 643.88 696.02 750.77 808.3I 868.86 932.67 29 546.89 594-21 643.84 695.93 750.64 808.16 868.71 932.56 30 546.97 594-24 643.82 695.84 750.50 807.99 868 54 932.44 31 547 09 594-29 643.79 695.75 750.35 807.80 868.36 932.31 32 547-24 594.36 643-77 695.65 750.I8 807.59 868.15 932.16 33 547-41 594-44 643.75 695.54 749.99 807.36 867.92 932.OO 34 517-61 594-53 643.73 695.42 749-79 807.IO 867.66 931.82 u 547-83 594-63 643.7I 695.28 749-55 806.81 867.37 931.62 548.07 594-73 643 67 695.II 749-29 806.48 867.05 931-39 11 548.33 594.83 643.63 694.93 748.99 806.I2 866.69 931-14 548.60 594-94 643o7 694.71 748.65 805.71 866.28 930.85 39 548.90 595-05 643.49 694.47 748.27 805.25 865.83 930.53 40 549.20 595.15 643.39 694.18 747-83 804.73 865.32 930.I8 4i 549-52 595.24 643.27 693.86 747-34 804.14 864.75 929.78 42 549-85 595-33 643.II 693.48 746.79 803.49 864.11 92933 43 550.18 595-40 642.92 69305 746.17 802.75 863.39 928.83 44 550.53 595.46 642.69 692.56 745-47 801.93 862.60 928.28 % 550.89 595.51 642.43 692.OI 744.69 80I.02 861.71 927-65 551-25 595-54 642.12 691.39 743-81 799-99 860.71 926.96 47 551.65 595-57 641.78 690. 70 742.84 79S.86 859-61 926.19 48 552.<>7 595-57 641.39 689.93 741.76 797.60 858.39 925.33 49 552.51 595-58 640.95 689.07 740.56 796.20 857.02 924.37 50 552.98 595-57 640.44 688.11 739.21 794.63 855.50 923.32 51 553.46 595.52 639.86 687.00 737.69 792.88 853.83 922.16 52 553-94 595-42 639.I5 685.73 735.98 790.94 851.98 921.88 53 554.38 595-21 638.29 684.29 734.09 788.83 849.97 919.47 54 554-77 594.90 637.31 682.71 732.05 786.54 847.78 9 r 793 55 L 555-IO 594-51 636.24 681.04 729.90 784.12 845.43 916.24 30Yr.End. Am.4* Of Life Insurance. 303 T ABLE XC ». CI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-YEAR-EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURIT\ r , AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 til 6 th 7th Hth Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 15.97 32.67 50.I2 68.36 87.44 IO7.40 128.26 150.08 21 15.99 32.71 50.I8 68.45 87.55 IO7.52 128.39 150.23 22 16.02 32.76 50.25 68.55 87.67 107.66 128.56 I50.4I 23 16.05 32.82 50.35 68.67 87.82 IO7.83 128.75 150.62 24 16.08 32.89 50.46 68.81 87.99 IO8.03 128.98 150.88 2 I 16.13 32.98 50.58 68.97 88.I9 IO8.26 129.25 151. 18 26 16.17 33.07 50.72 69.15 88.41 IO8.53 129.56 151 51 27 16.23 33.18 50.88 69.36 88.68 108.85 129.91 I5L9I 28 16.30 33.30 5I.07 69.62 88.98 109 20 130.32 152.37 29 16.36 33-45 51.28 69.90 89.33 IO9.61 130.79 152.90 30 16.45 33.62 . 51.53 70.23 89 73 IIO.IO 131-34 153 52 3i 16.55 33.81 51.82 70.60 90 20 IIO.65 131-97 154.21 32 16.66 34.02 52.13 71.03 9^-73 III. 27 132.68 I55-OI 33 . 16.78 34-26 52.51 71 51 91-33 III.98 1 33- 50 155 92 34 16.92 34.56 52.93 72.07 92.01 1 1 2. 79 134-42 156.96 IS 17.08 34-88 53-41 72.70 92.79 II3.7O 135-47 158.14 17.26 35-23 53-93 73.40 93 65 "4.73 136.66 159-47 37 17.47 35-63 54.53 74.19 9463 115.89 138.00 160.98 38 17.69 36.08 55-2o 75.08 95-74 117. 21 I39-5I 162.67 39 17.94 36.58 55.96 76.08 96.99 II8.68 141.20 164.55 40 18.22 37.15 56.81 77-21 98.38 120.33 14307 166.64 41 18.55 37.8o 57-77 78.47 99-94 122.15 145-15 168.93 42 18.90 38.51 58.82 79.87 101.64 I24.I6 147.42 171.42 43 I9-3I 39- 3o 59-99 81-39 103.51 126.35 149.88 174.11 44 19.73 40.16 61.26 83.06 105.54 128.69 152.51 176.99 45 20.22 41.10 62.65 84 86 107.72 131-21 155-33 180.08 46 20.72 42.11 64- 13 86.77 110.03 133-88 158.33 183.37 % 21.28 43.19 65-7I 88.81 112.48 136 73 161.53 186.88 21.87 44-33 67.36 90.95 115.08 139-74 164.91 190.59 49 22.48 45.52 69.10 93.21 117.82 142.92 168.49 I945I SO 23.13 46.79 70.95 95.61 120.74 146.30 172.29 198.68 Am.4* 30Yr.End 3°4 Principles and Practice Table No. CI. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY- YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL , MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Ace. 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 I72.gO 196.77 221.73 247.86 275.19 303.78 333- 70 21 I73.o6 196.94 221.92 248.04 275.37 303.96 333-88 22 173.26 197.15 222.14 248.27 275.60 304.19 334- 10 23 173.49 I97.4O 222.40 248.53 275.87 304.46 334-37 24 173.77 197.69 222.70 248.86 276.20 304.79 334.69 3 174.09 I98.O3 223.O7 249.23 276.58 305.I8 335-07 I74.46 198.44 223.49 249.67 277.03 305-63 335-52 u 174.89 I98.9O 223.98 250.18 277.55 306.15 336.05 I75.40 199.44 224.55 250.78 278.16 306.78 336.67 29 175.98 200.06 225.21 251.46 278.88 307.50 337.41 30 176.65 2OO.79 225.97 252.26 279.71 308.36 338.26 31 177.41 2or.6i 226.86 25319 280.67 309 34 339-25 32 178.28 202.56 227.86 254.26 281.77 310.47 340.38 33 179.29 203.64 229.02 255.47 283.03 3".74 341-66 34 180.43 204.89 230.35 256.86 284.46 3I3.20 343-H n I8I.74 206.29 231.85 258.43 286.07 314.82 344-71 183.20 207.88 233-52 260.18 287.87 3i6.62 346.47 i? 184.86 209.65 235 40 262.13 289.85 318.59 348.40 186.70 211.63 237-49 264.27 292.OI 320.74 350.51 39 188.75 213.83 239.78 266.62 294.38 323IO 352.81 40 I9I.O2 216.23 242.27 269.17 296.96 325.66 355-31 41 193-49 218.84 244.98 271.95 299.76 328.44 358.03 42 I96.17 221.66 247.92 274.95 302.79 33L45 360.96 43 199.05 224.70 251.08 278.19 306.05 334-68 364.12 44 202.I4 227.97 254.47 281.66 309- 54 338.15 367.52 9 205.47 231.47 258.II 285.39 313.30 341.89 371.18 209.OO 235.20 26I.98 289.34 3I7.3I 345-88 375.o8 8 212.76 239.I7 266. 1 1 293.58 321.58 350.13 379-23 ! 216.74 243.38 270.49 298.07 326.12 354.63 383.64 1 49 220.97 247.85 275.14 302.83 330.92 359-40 388.31 50 225.45 252.59 280.O7 307.87 336.00 364.46 393.26 30Yr.End. Am.4* Of Life Insurance. 305 Table No. CI.— Cc ntinued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY- YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR TER CENT. Age. 20 16th 17th ISth 19th 20th 21st 22d Year. Year. Year. Year. 468.06 Year. Year. Year, j 365.02 397 80 432.13 505.70 545-13 586.45 21 365-I9 397.96 432.26 468.18 505.79 545-19 586.48 22 365-40 398.16 432-44 468.32 505.9I 545.28 586.54 23 365.66 398.40 432.65 468.52 506 07 545-41 586.63 24 365-97 ' 398.68 432.92 468.76 506.28 545.58 586.76 25 366.33 399.04 433-25 469.06 5 f ">6.55 545-80 586.92 26 366.77 399.46 433.65 469.43 506.87 546.07 587.13 ! % 367.29 399-97 434-13 469.87 507.26 546.40 587.39 ; 367.92 400.57 434-71 470.40 507-73 546.79 ^87.69 29 368.64 401.27 435-37 47LOI 508.27 547-24 588.03 30 369.49 402.09 436.15 47L72 508.89 547-75 588.41 3i 370.46 403.04 437-03 472.52 509 58 548.31 588.84 ; 32 371-57 404.10 438.02 473-41 5IO-35 548.94 589-3I 33 372.83 405.29 439.12 474-39 511.19 549-63 589.83 34 374-23 406.62 440.34 475-48 512.13 550.40 590.40 j 35 375-77 408.08 441.68 476.68 5I3-I6 55L23 59L03 36 377.46 409.67 443-15 477-99 514.28 552.14 591.70 37 379 32 411.42 444.76 479-42 5i5.5o 553-13 592.45 1 38 381.35 4I3-32 446.51 480.97 516.83 554-21 593-25 ! 39 383-56 415.40 448.41 482.67 518.28 555.38 59412 ; 40 385.96 417.66 450.48 484.51 51986 556.66 595.07 ! 4i 388.56 420.10 452.73 486.51 521.58 558.04 596.10 42 391.33 422.75 455-16 488.68 523-43 559-54 597.22 43 394-42 425.62 457-79 49I.02 525.43 561.17 598.44 44 397.69 428.69 460.61 493-54 527-59 562.93 599-74 ! 46 401.20 432.00 463-65 496.25 529.93 564.82 601.13 , 404.94 435.52 466.90 499- 1 5 532.40 566.81 602.59 ; 4 Z 408.93 439.29 470.36 502.23 535-02 568.91 604.11 48 413-18 443.28 474.02 505.47 537.78 571.09 605.66 49 417-67 447.50 477-87 508.88 540.64 573-35 607.23 50 422.41 45L94 481.93 512.45 543.63 575-66 608.81 Am.4* 30Yr.End 306 Principles and Practice Table No. CL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. 1 FOUR PER CENT. Age. 23d 24th 25 th 26th 27th 28th 29th Year. Year. Year Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 629.76 675.19 722 85 772.89 825.44 880.68 938.79 21 629 77 675.16 722.80 772.80 825.34 880.58 938.73 22 629.79 675.15 7*2.75 772.73 825.25 880.49 938.66 23 629.84 675.15 722.71 772.65 825.14 880.38 938.58 24 629.92 675.18 722.68 772.58 825.04 880.26 938.49 3 630.02 675.23 722.66 772.50 824.92 880.14 938.40 630.16 675.29 722.65 772.42 824.79 880.OO 938.30 % 630.33 675.36 722.64 772.33 824.65 879.84 938.18 630.53 675.46 722.63 772.24 824.50 879.67 938.05 29 630.75 675.56 722 62 772.14 824.33 879.48 937.91 30 631.00 675.68 722.62 772.03 824.15 879.27 937-75 31 631.29 675.82 722.62 771.90 823.94 879.04 937.58 32 631.59 675.96 722.61 771.76 823.71 878.78 937.38 33 631.93 676.12 722.59 771.60 823.45 878.49 937.17 34 632.31 676.29 722.58 77L43 823.17 878.17 936.92 35 632.71 676.48 722.56 771.23 822.84 877.81 936.65 36 633.15 676.67 722.53 77LOI 822.48 877.41 936.35 37 633.63 676.89 722.49 770.75 822.08 876.97 936.02 38 634- 14 677.II 722.43 770.47 821.64 876.47 935-65 39 634.70 677.35 722.37 770.15 821.14 875.92 935 23 40 63530 677.61 722.31 769.80 820.59 875.31 934-77 4* 635.96 677.89 722.23 769.41 819.98 874.63 934.26 42 636.67 678.19 722.14 768.98 819.30 873.88 933 69 43 637.44 678.51 722.03 768.49 818.55 873.04 933o6 44 638.27 678.85 721.89 767.94 817.70 872.II 932.36 n 639.14 679.18 721.70 767.30 816.75 871.07 931.58 640.03 679.48 721.44 766.55 815.67 869.91 930.72 3 640.92 679 74 721.08 765.68 814.46 868.63 929.78 641.80 679.92 720.62 764.69 8I3.I3 867.23 928.74 49 642.63 680.04 720.IO 763.62 8H.69 865.72 927.60 50 643.47 680. 16 719-55 762.51 810.19 864.09 926.35 35Yr.End. Am.4* Op Life Insurance. 307 Table No. CII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 U 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 1st Year. 12. II 12.15 I2.20 12.25 12.32 12.39 12.47 12.57 12.68 12.79 12.93 I3.O9 13.26 13-44 13.66 13-91 14.17 14.48 14.80 15-17 15.56 16.01 16.50 17.03 17.60 18,23 2d Year. 24.76 24.84 24-93 25.05 25.18 25-33 25-49 25.68 25.89 26.13 26.41 26.72 27.06 27.44 27.88 28.37 28.91 29.50 30.16 30.89 3I-70 32.60 33.58 34.64 35.78 37.02 3d Year. 37-97 38.O9 38.24 38.41 38.60 38.82 39-07 39-35 39-67 40.03 40.45 40.91 41.43 +2.01 42.67 43.40 44-21 45." 46.09 47.20 48.42 49-77 51.23 52.82 54-52 56.36 4 th Year. 51.77 51-93 52.13 52.35 52.61 52.91 53-23 53-6i 54.o4 54-53 55.o8 55.69 56.39 57.17 58.05 59.02 60.10 61.29 62.62 64.10 65.73 67-52 69.47 71-57 73.83 76.25 5 th Year 66.18 66.39 66.63 66.91 67.24 67.60 68.OI 68.49 69.03 69.63 70.32 7I.IO 71.96 72.94 74.03 75.25 76.59 78. LO 79.76 8l.6l 83.64 85.87 88.29 9O.9O 93.69 I 96.65 6th Year. 81.24 81.49 81.78 82.12 82.50 82.94 83-43 84.OO 84.65 85.37 86.20 87.13 88.17 89-34 90.65 92.IO 9372 95-53 97-53 99-74 102.17 104.82 107.69 110.78 114.07 117-55 7th Year. 96.98 97.26 97.60 97-99 98.44 98.95 99.52 IOO.18 IOO.93 IOI.78 IO2.74 IO3.82 IO5.O3 106.39 IO7.9I IO9.61 III. 49 II3.60 115-94 II8.50 121.30 124.36 127.67 I3I.20 134-95 138.92 8th Year. II3.4I 113.74 II4.12 114.56 II5.07 "5.65 116.30 II7.05 H7.9I II8.87 II9.97 I2I.20 122.57 i24.ll 125.85 127.78 129.94 132.33 134.97 137-87 I4L05 144.50 148.19 152.14 156.32 160.75 9th Year. 130.59 130.95 131.38 131.87 132.44 I33.08 133-81 I34-65 I35-6I 136.69 137.90 139-28 140.81 142.54 144.48 146.65 149.06 I5L73 154.66 157.89 161.40 165.20 169.25 173.58 178.17 183.02 Am.4* 35Yr.End 3 o8 Principles and Practice Table No. CII. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 3 % 29 30 31 32 33 34 a 11 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 10th Year. 11th Year. 148.53 148.93 149.40 149.94 150.56 151.27 52.08 53.00 I54.06 155.24 156.58 158.09 59-79 161.69 63.84 66.23 68.87 171.80 175.02 178.54 182.35 186.45 190.84 I95.52 200.47 205.72 12th Year. 13th Year. 167.28 167.72 168.23 168.81 169.48 170.26 171. 13 172.14 173.28 174.56 176.02 77.67 179-52 181.60 183.93 186.53 189.39 92.56 I96.O3 199.80 203.88 208.26 2.94 217.94 223.22 228.82 186.88 187.34 187.88 188.51 189.24 190.06 191. OI 192.08 I93.3I 194.69 196.26 198.04 20O.04 202.27 204.78 207.56 210.63 214.OI 217.68 221.68 225.98 230.61 235.56 240.82 246.40 252.29 207.35 207.84 208.42 209.09 209.86 210.74 211.74 212.88 214.18 215.66 217.34 219.23 221.36 223.74 226.40 229.35 232 59 236.13 239.99 244.16 248.66 253.50 258.66 264.16 269.98 276.13 14th Year. 228.75 229.26 229.87 230.57 231.38 232.31 233.36 234.56 235-94 237.50 239.28 241.27 243-52 246.02 248.81 251.90 255.27 258.94 262.93 267.26 271.92 276.92 282.26 287.94 293-95 300.31 15th Year. 251. II 251.65 252.28 253.OI 253.85 254-81 255.91 257.17 258.61 260.25 262.IO 264.19 266.53 269.14 272.03 275.21 278.67 282.45 286.54 290.98 295.75 300.88 306.34 3I2.I6 318.32 324.83 16th Year. 274.49 275.04 275.69 276.44 277-31 278.3O 279.44 280.75 282.24 283.94 285.86 2S8.02 290.43 293.II 296.06 299.29 302.81 306.65 310.81 315.31 320.16 325.36 330.90 336.80 343.05 349-65 17th Year. 298.92 299.49 300.14 300.91 3OI.79 302.81 303.98 305.33 306.86 308.61 310.57 312.78 3I5.23 3I7.94 320.91 324.17 327.71 33I-58 335.76 340.28 345-16 350.37 355-95 361.88 368.15 374-77 18th Year. 324.46 325.03 325.69 326.46 327.36 328.40 329-59 330.96 332.52 334-29 336.27 338.50 340.95 343.65 346.62 349-86 353-40 357-24 361.40 365.89 370.73 375.93 381.48 387.37 393-60 400.18 35Yr.End. Am.4* Of Lifk Insurance. 309 Table No. CII. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 20 21 22 23 24 II % 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 l 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 19th Year. 351-16 35L73 352.39 353.16 354.07 355.11 356.31 357.69 359.25 361.02 363.OO 365.20 367.63 370.29 373.21 376.41 379.88 383.66 387.75 392.17 396.94 402.05 407.50 413.29 419.42 425.89 20th Year. 379.08 379.63 380.29 381.06 381.96 383.OO 384.19 385.55 387.IO 388.85 390.79 392.93 395-29 397-88 400.72 403.83 407.20 410.87 414.84 419.14 423.77 428.74 434-04 439.66 445.62 451-91 31st Year. 408.27 408.81 409.45 410.21 411.09 412. II 413.28 414.61 416.12 417.80 419.67 421.72 423.99 426.47 429.20 432.17 435-39 438.91 442.72 446.84 45L28 456.04 461.12 466.52 472.23 478.23 22d Year. 438.81 439-33 439-95 440.68 441-53 442.51 443.64 444.92 446.35 447-94 449.70 451.64 453-78 456.12 458.68 461.48 464.52 467.84 471-43 475-32 479.51 484.00 488.79 493 89 499.26 504.91 23d Year. 470.76 47L25 471.84 472.53 473-33 474-26 475-32 476 51 477.84 479-31 480.94 482.74 484.72 486.88 489.25 491.83 494.64 497.71 501.03 504-63 508.51 512.68 517.12 521.83 526.79 532.00 24th Year. 504.20 504.65 505.20 505.83 506.58 507.43 508.39 509.47 510.67 5I2.0I 513.48 5I5-IO 516.88 518.83 520.97 523.30 525.84 528.61 531.62 534.87 538.39 542.16 546.18 550.43 554-89 559-57 25th Year. 539-20 539.61 540.09 540.67 541.33 542.09 542.93 543-88 544-94 546.10 547-39 548.81 550.37 552.07 553-95 555 99 558.22 560.65 563-28 566.15 569.24 572.56 576.08 579-79 583.68 58774 26th Year. 575-86 576.21 576.63 577.12 577-68 578.32 579.03 579.83 580.72 58I.70 582.79 583.98 585.29 586.72 588.30 590.02 591.90 593-94 596.17 598.60 60I.22 604.OI 606.97 610.08 613.32 616.68 Ami* 35Yr.End 310 Principles and Practice Table No. CII.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE YEAR ENDOWMEN T POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CEXT. Age. 27th Year. 28 th Year. 29th Year. 30th Year. 31st Year. 32d Year. 33d Year. 34th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 614.26 614.54 614.88 615.28 615.73 654.51 654- 72 654.96 655.25 655.58 696.72 696.84 697.OO 697.17 697 37 741.02 741.06 741.12 741.19 74L27 787.56 787.53 787.50 787.48 787.46 836.51 836 42 836.34 836.24 836.14 888.07 8S7.96 887.85 887.72 887.59 942.48 942.39 942.30 942.20 942.09 u 2 29 616.23 616.80 617.44 618.14 618.92 655.95 656.36 656.83 657-34 657.9 1 697.61 697.86 698.15 698.48 698.83 741-37 741.48 741.60 741-74 741.90 787.44 787.42 787.39 787.37 787.35 836.04 835-9 1 835.78 835.64 835.48 887.44 887.27 887.08 886.88 886.66 941.96 941.82 941.67 941.50 941.32 30 31 32 33 34 619.78 620.73 621.77 622.92 624.17 658.54 659.23 6^9.99 660.83 661.74 699.23 699.66 700.14 700.66 701.23 74207 742.25 742.46 742.68 742-93 787.32 787.29 787.25 787.21 787.I7 835.30 835.10 83489 83465 834.33 886.41 886.13 885.82 885.48 885.11 941. 1 1 940.88 940.62 940.34 94O.03 It 11 39 625.54 627.04 628.67 630.46 632.40 662.74 663.84 665.05 666.35 667.79 701.87 702.56 703.32 704-15 705.06 743-20 743.51 743-84 744.20 744.58 787.12 787.07 787/02 786.96 786.88 834.09 833.77 833.42 833.02 832.58 884.69 884.24 883.73 883.17 882.55 939-68 939.29 938.87 938.40 937-88 40 4i 42 43 44 634-49 636.72 639.07 641.51 644.03 669.32 670.94 672.63 674.36 676.II 706.01 707.01 708.01 709.01 710.02 744.98 745-36 745-71 746.02 746.32 786.76 786.60 786.37 786.08 785.77 832.08 831.49 830.84 830. 1 1 829.34 881.85 881.08 880.23 879-30 878.30 937-30 936.67 935.98 935-22 934.38 45 646.62 677-93 711.07 746.66 785.47 828.53 877.23 933-47 10P.15Yr.End. Am.4* Op Lifp Insurance. 311 Table No. CIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES OF FIFTEEN-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 ! 21 ! 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 1 4 Z 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 n 11 59 60 61 62 64 65 1st Year. 66.23 66.22 66.22 6*6.21 66 20 66.20 66.19 66.19 66.18 66.17 66.17 66.17 66.17 66.15 66.15 66.16 66.16 66.16 66.16 66.16 66.17 66.19 66.21 66.24 66.27 66.32 66.36 66.41 66.45 66.48 66.50 66.52 66.54 66.55 66.55 66.54 66.53 66.52 66.50 66.47 66.43 66.36 66.28 66.20 66.09 65-93 2d Year. 35-62 35- 60 35-53 35-57 35-56 35-55 35-54 35-53 35.52 35-50 3d Year. 208.30 208.28 208.26 208.25 208.23 208.22 208 20 2o8.l8 208.17 208.15 35.50 208 14 35.49 208.I2 35.48 2o8.II 35.47 208.IO 35.47 208.09 4th Year. 35.46 35.46 35.46 35.46 35.46 35.48 35-51 35-55 35-60 35-66 35.72 35 79 35.87 35-92 35.95 35-97 35.98 35 98 35-97 35-94 35-90 35-85 35-79 35-71 35-60 35.46 35-28 35.o8 34.85 34-53 34.12 208.09 208.07 208.07 208.06 208.07 208.09 208.13 208.18 208.24 208.31 208.40 208.48 208.55 208.59 208.60 208.60 208.59 208.55 208.50 208.42 208.33 208.22 208.08 207 90 207.68 207.42 207.11 206.74 206.28 205.72 205.02 284.46 284.44 284.42 284.40 284.38 284.36 284.34 284.32 284.30 284.28 284.26 284.24 284.23 284.21 284.20 284.19 284.18 284.16 284.16 284.17 284.20 284.24 284.30 284.36 284.44 284.53 284.59 284.65 284.66 284.65 284.63 284.58 284.51 284.41 284.28 284.12 283.94 283.71 283.44 283.10 282.71 282.25 281.69 281.01 280.18 279.14 5th Year. 364.27 364-25 364.23 364.20 364.19 364.16 364.14 364.12 364.IO 364.08 364.06 364.04 364.02 364.OI 363.99 363.98 363.96 363.95 363.95 363.97 363.99 364.04 364.IO 364.17 364.25 364.32 364.37 364.40 364.40 364.38 364.32 364 25 364.14 364.OI 363.84 363.64 363.39 363.IO 362.75 362.33 361.84 361.24 360.52 359-64 358 56 357-23 6th Year. 447-91 447.89 447.87 447-85 447.83 447.81 447-79 447-77 447-75 447.73 447.72 447.70 447.69 447-67 447.66 447.64 447.63 447-63 447.64 447.66 447.70 447-75 447.82 447.90 447-97 448.03 448.07 448.10 448.10 448.07 448.02 447.93 447.83 447.69 447.52 447.31 447-05 446.74 446.37 445-94 445.40 444-75 443-95 442.96 441.74 440.22 7th Year. 535-57 535.56 535-54 535-53 535 5i 535-50 535-49 535-47 535.46 535-45 535-44 535-44 535.42 535.42 535-41 535.41 535-42 535-43 535-46 535.50 535-55 535 62 535-71 535-79 535.87 535-95 536.01 536.06 536.09 536.09 536.08 53605 536.00 535.92 535-81 535.67 535-55 535-27 535-00 534-64 534- 20 533-64 532.92 532.oi 530.85 529-40 8th Year. 627.47 627.46 627.45 627.45 627.45 627.45 627.44 627.44 627.45 627.45 627.46 627.46 627.47 627.48 627.50 627.53 627.56 627.60 627.66 627.73 627.82 627.93 628.04 628.16 628.29 628.41 628.53 628.66 628.77 628.88 628.98 629.08 629.17 629.25 629.32 629 38 629.43 629.45 629.44 629.37 629.25 629.02 628.67 628.14 627.40 626.43 9th Year. 723.80 723.81 723.82 723.84 723.85 723.87 723.89 723.9I 723-94 723.97 724.OO 724.03 724.07 724.12 724.18 724.24 724.32 724.41 724.52 724.65 724.80 724.97 725.16 725.36 725.58 725.81 726.07 726.33 726.62 726.92 727.25 727.60 727.97 728.37 728.80 729.25 729.73 730.24 730.76 73L29 731.82 732.31 732.75 733- 10 733.36 733-54 Am.4* 10P.20Yr.End 312 Principles and Practice Table No. CIV. TERMINAL NET VALUES OF TWENTY-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th | 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Year. Year. Year. Year, j Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 55-21 II3-04 173.61 237.07 303.56 373.23 446.25 522.77 602.98 21 55-22 II305 173.63 237.IO 303.60 373-29 446.32 522.86 603.IO 22 55-22 II3.06 173.67 237.13 303-65 373.35 44640 522.96 603.22 23 55-23 113. IO 173.68 237.18 303.70 373.42 446.48 523.07 603.37 24 55.24 II3.IO I73.72 237-23 303.77 373.50 446.58 523-20 603.52 u 55.25 "3.13 I73.76 237.28 1303.84 373-59 446.70 523.34 603.69 55.27 II3-I6 I73.80 237-34 303.91 373.69 446.82 52349 603.87 u 55-28 II3.19 173.85 237.40 304.01 373.8o 446.96 523.65 604.08 55-30 113-23 I73-9 1 237.48 304.11 373.92 447.II 523.85 604.32 29 55.32 II3.27 173.97 237.58 304.22 374.06 447-29 524.06 604.57 30 55-35 113.32 174.05 237.68 304.35 374- 23 447.48 524-30 604.86 31 55-38 113.38 174.14 237-79 304.50 374.41 447.71 524-57 605.19 32 55-41 113-45 174.23 237.93 304.67 374-63 447.96 524.87 605.54 33 55-45 113.52 174-35 238.08 304.87 374-86 448.25 525-21 605.95 34 55-49 113. 61 174-49 238.27 305.09 375-14 448.57 525-60 606.42 I§ 55-55 II37 2 I74.65 238.47 305.35 375-45 448.95 526.05 606.96 55.60 113.84 174.81 238.70 305.63 375.8o 449.38 526.56 607.56 11 55.68 "3.97 175.01 238.96 305.97 376.21 449.87 527-I4 608.26 55-75 114. 12 175.24 239.26 306.35 376.68 450.43 527.81 609.03 39 55.84 114.29 I7550 239.62 306.81 377-23 45I.08 528.56 609.92 40 55-94 114.49 175.81 240.03 307.3I 377.84 451.80 529-4I 61O.9O 4i 56.06 114.74 176.17 240. 50 307.90 378.54 452.62 530.36 612.OO 42 56.20 115.01 176.57 241.03 308.55 379-32 453-53 531-41 613.21 43 56.36 115-32 177-03 241.62 309.28 380.19 454-53 532-55 614-53 44 56.53 115.66 177.52 242.28 310.08 381.12 455.61 533-80 615.99 9 56.73 116.04 178.08 243.00 310.95 382.13 456.78 535-16 617.58 56.94 116.45 178.68 243-75 311.86 383.21 458.04 536.63 619.31 § 57-17 116.90 r79.3i 244.56 312.83 3S4.36 459-39 538.22 621.20 57.42 117.36 179.96 245-39 313.86 385-58 460. 84 539.93 622.35 49 57-66 117.82 180.63 246.27 314.94 386.88 462.38 541.78 625.47 SO 57.91 118. 31 181.34 247.20 316.09 388.27 464.04 543.76 627.88 5i 58.18 118.82 182.09 248.18 3I7.30 389.74 465.80 545-9° 630.48 52 58.46 119-37 182.89 249.21 318.59 39L30 467.69 548.19 633.28 53 58.76 119.94 183.72 250.30 3I9.94 392.95 469.70 550.62 636.28 54 59-07 120.53 184.58 251-43 321.36 394-68 471.81 553-21 639-50 P 59-39 121. 15 185.47 252.61 322.83 396.49 474.02 555-94 642.92 59-71 121.78 186 40 253-82 324.35 398.36 476.32 558.81 646.54 11 60.05 122.43 187-34 255.06 32590 400.27 478.69 561.79 650.33 60.40 123.09 188 29 256.30 327.46 402.21 481.12 564.85 654.28 59 60.74 123.74 189.23 257-52 329.00 404.15 483.55 567.97 658.37 60 61.08 124-37 190.14 258.73 330.53 406.06 485.97 571-11 662.55 10P.25Yr.End. Am.4* Of Life Insurance. 313 . Table No. CV. TERMINAL NET VALUES OF TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5 th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 8th Year. 9 th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 46.58 46.60 46.63 46.66 46.69 95.36 95-40 95.46 95.52 95.60 146.44 146.52 146.60 146.71 146.82 199-95 200.06 200.I8 200.32 200.47 256.OI 256.15 256.31 256.48 256.68 314-74 314.92 SIS-" 315.32 315.56 376.28 376.49 376.73 376.98 377.27 440-77 441.02 44I.3O 441.60 44I.94 508.36 508.65 508.98 509.33 509.73 3 29 46.74 46.78 46.83 46.89 46.95 95-68 95-77 95-88 95-99 96.12 146.94 147.08 147.24 147.41 147.61 200.64 200.82 201.03 201.28 201.54 256.89 257.13 257.40 257.70 258.04 3I5-83 3I6.I2 316.45 316.82 3I7.24 377-59 377-94 378.34 378.78 379-28 442.32 442.73 443.19 443.72 444.30 5IO.I7 510.65 511. 19 5H.80 512.48 30 31 32 33 34 47.02 47-ii 47.20 47-30 47.42 96.27 96.44 96.62 96.83 97.08 147.84 I48.O9 148.37 148.70 149.07 2OI.85 202.19 202.58 203.OI 203.51 258.43 258.86 259-35 259.91 260.53 317.71 318.24 318.84 3I9-5I 320.27 379-84 380.47 381.18 381.98 382.88 444.96 445-70 446.53 447.46 448.51 513.23 514.09 5I5.04 5I6.I2 517.34 36 37 38 39 47-57 47-71 47.89 48.07 48.29 97.36 97.66 98.00 98.38 98.81 149.48 149.94 150.46 I5I-03 151.68 204.06 204.68 205.38 206.16 207.04 261.23 262.01 262.89 263.88 265.00 321.12 322.08 323-I5 324-36 325.71 383.89 385.03 386.31 387.74 389-34 449.69 45I-02 452.51 454.18 456.04 518.71 520.24 521.96 523.87 526.OO 40 4i 42 43 44 48.52 48.80 49.10 49-43 49.80 99.29 99.84 100 44 IOI.II 101.85 152.41 153.24 154.15 I55.I6 156.25 208.02 209.12 210.34 211.68 213.14 266.24 267.63 269.15 270.83 272.65 327.22 328.89 330.73 332.75 334-93 391. 11 393-o8 395-24 397.60 400.14 458.IO 460.37 462.86 465.57 468.51 528.36 530.95 533-79 536.89 540.26 46 47 48 49 50.20 50.63 51 10 51.60 52 II 102.65 103-51 104.44 105.40 106.41 157.45 158.73 160.IO I6I.53 163.03 214-73 216.42 218.22 220.11 222.11 274.62 276.72 278.96 281.32 283.83 337.28 339.8o 342.48 345-35 348.38 402.90 405.85 409 02 412.41 416.00 471.69 475-12 478 8l 482.76 486.97 543-91 547-87 552.14 557,72 561.63 50 5i 52 53 54 52.64 53-2o 53-78 54-39 55-oi 107.47 108.57 109.74 110.93 112. 16 164.61 166.27 167.99 169.79 172.62 224.22 226.43 228.73 231.12 233-58 286.47 289.25 292.15 295.16 298.28 351-59 354.96 358.50 362.18 365.98 419.81 423.84 428.06 432-47 437-04 491-45 496. 20 501.20 506.43 511.87 566.87 572.45 578.33 584.52 590.99 55 55-64 113-42 173.51 236.11 301.47 369.89 441.75 5I7.50 597-73 Am.4 % 10P.30Yr.End 314 Principles and Practice Table No. CVI. i TERMINAL NET VALUES OF THIRTY-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7 th 8th 9th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 39-86 81.59 125.30 171.07 219.OI 269.23 321.84 376.96 434-72J 21 39-9 1 81.70 125.45 171.28 219.29 269.57 322.25 377-45 435.29 22 39-9 6 8l.8l 125.63 171.53 219.60 269.96 322.72 377-99 435- 9 1 i 23 40.03 81.94 125.84 171. 8l 219.96 270.39 323.23 378.59 436.61 24 40.10 82.IO 126.07 172. II 220.35 270.87 323.80 379- 2 6 437.38 2 40.19 82.26 126.32 172.46 220.78 27I.4O 324.44 380.01 438.24 40.27 82.44 I26.60 172.84 221.27 272.OO 325.I5 380.84 439.20 u 40.38 82.65 I26.9I 173.26 221.82 272.67 325-94 381.76 440.27 40.49 82.88 127.27 173-75 222.43 273.41 326.83 382.80 441.46 29 40.62 83.14 127.66 174.29 223.II 274-25 327.83 383.96 442 80 ; i 30 40.76 83.43 i2S.II 174.89 223.87 275.19 328.94 385.26 444.29 1 31 40.92 83.76 I28.6I I75.56 224.72 276.23 330.I8 386.71 445-96| 32 41.II 84.12 129.16 176.31 225.69 277.40 33L57 388.33 447.81 1 33 41.30 84.53 129.78 177.15 226.76 278.70 333-u 390.12 449-88 ! 34 41.52 84 99 130.47 I78.O9 227.94 280.15 334-83 392.13 452.19! it 41.78 85-50 I3L25 I79-J3 229.26 281.75 336.74 394- 36 454-75! 42.05 86.05 I32.O9 180.28 230.72 283.54 338.86 396.83 457-6o | U 42.36 86.67 I33-04 181.55 23234 285.52 341.22 399-57 460.74; 42.69 87.35 13407 182.96 234- 1 3 287.70 343-81 402.59 464.21 \ 39 43-07 88.11 135-23 184.52 236.11 290.12 346.67 405.9 2 468.02 40 43-48 88.94 136.49 186.24 238.29 292.77 349.81 409.56 472.18 4i 43-93 89. S6 I37.89 188.12 240.68 295.66 353-23 413.53 476.71 42 44-43 90.86 139-42 190.18 243.28 298.81 356.95 417.82 481.62 43 44.98 91.97 I4I.08 192.41 246.08 302.22 360.95 422.45 486 91 44 45.56 93-15 142 86 194.81 249.10 305.86 365-24 427.42 492.60 * 46.20 94.42 144.78 19738 252.32 309-74 369.82 432.73 498.70 46.86 95-77 146.82 200.09 255 72 313.86 374.67 438.37 505.18 % 47-57 97.19 148.94 202.93 259.29 3I8.I8 379-79 444-33 512.06 ■ 48.33 98.69 I5I-I7 205.91 263.04 322.73 384.58 450.62 5I9-32 49 49.09 100.21 153.47 208.99 266.93 327.47 390.81 457-20 52695 50 49.88 101.79 155.85 212.19 270.97 332.39 396.66 464.07 534-94 10P.35Yr.End. Am.4 % Of Life Insurance. 3i5 Table No. CVII. TERMINAL NET VALUES OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 1st Year. 34-69 34-78 34-88 34-99 35-11 35.26 35-41 35-58 35.78 35.98 36.22 36.49 36.78 37-09 37-45 37.84 38.27 38.74 39-23 39-79 40.38 41.03 41.72 42.47 43.26 44 10 2d Year. 7I.OI 71.19 71.39 71.62 71.88 72.16 72.47 72.83 73-22 73-65 74.13 74.67 75.26 75.91 76.63 77-43 78.29 79-23 80.26 81.38 82.59 83.90 85-32 86.83 88.43 90.12 3d Year. IO9.03 IO9.3I IO9.62 IO9.98 HO.37 IIO.80 III. 28 III. 82 112. 41 II3.08 113.82 II4.63 H5-53 116.53 117.63 II8.84 120.15 121.59 I23.16 I24.87 126.72 128.73 I3O.87 I33-I7 135.59 138.15 4th Year. 148.85 149.23 149.66 I50.I4 150.66 151.26 151. 91 152.64 153.45 154.35 155.35 156.45 157.68 I59.03 160.53 162.16 163.95 165.90 168.03. 170.35 172.87 175.58 178.48 181.58 184.85 188.30 5th Year. 190.55 I9I.04 I9L58 I92.I9 192.87 I93.62 194.45 I95.38 I96.42 197.56 198.83 200.25 20I.8I 203.53 205.42 207.50 209.77 212.27 214.98 217.93 221.13 224.57 228.25 232.17 236.31 240.65 6th Year. 234.22 234.82 235-49 236.23 237.06 237.98 238.9O 240.14 24I.4O 242.81 244.37 246.09 248.OO 250.IO 252.42 254.96 257.74 260.79 264.II 267.72 271.62 275.81 280.29 285.06 290.07 295-33 7th Year. 279.97 280.68 281.48 282.36 283.35 284.44 285.66 287.02 288.52 290.20 292.05 294.II 296.37 298.87 301.63 304 65 307.97 311-59 315-54 3I9-83 324-45 329.42 334.73 340.36 346.28 352.50 8th Year. 327-88 328.72 329-65 330.69 33I-84 333-12 334-54 336.13 337-88 339.83 342.00 344-39 347.04 349-95 353-17 356.70 360.57 364.79 369-39 374.38 379.76 385.54 391.69 398.22 405-10 4*2.33 9th Year. 378.09 379-°5 380.12 381.32 382.65 384.12 385.76 387.57 389.60 391.84 394-33 397.08 4OO. 1 1 403.47 407.16 411.22 415.67 420 53 425.80 431-53 437.70 444 30 45L35 458 82 466.72 475-03 The American Experience Table of Mortality NET PREMIUMS AND NET VALUES COMPUTED THEREFROM ON THE BASIS OF FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT INTEREST. Am.4^ Comm, 318 Principles and Practice Table No. CVIII. COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. A ** c x M x K 10 64,392.77 1,214 144.11 461.5329 12,109.051 322,708.03 11 61,158.34 1,149.751.32 439-8892 11,647.519 310,598.98 12 58,084.84 1,088,592.98 419-2538 11.207.629 298,951.46 13 55.164.32 1,030,508.14 399.5799 10,788.375 287.743.83 14 52,389.25 975,343 82 380.8230 10,388.796 276,955.46 \i 49,752.43 922 954.57 363-4350 10,007.973 266,566.66 47,246.54 873,202.15 346.3651 9,644.538 256,558.69 \l 44,865.64 825,955.60 330.0915 9.298.173 246.914.15 42.603.53 781 089.96 315.0104 8,968.081 237.615.98 19 40,453.92 738,486.43 300.6161 8,653.071 228,647.90 20 38,411.27 698,032.51 286.8773 8,352.455 219,994.83 21 36,470.32 659.621.24 274.1440 8,065.577 211,642.37 22 34,625.68 623,150.92 261.9754 7.791-433 203.576.79 23 32,872.65 588,525.23 250,3465 7,529.458 195-785-36 24 31,206.73 555,652.58 239-2333 7,279.111 188,255.90 % 29,623.67 524,445.85 228.6130 7.039-878 180,976.79 28,119.40 494.822.18 218.7684 6.811.265 173,936.91 % 26 689.75 466,702.78 2 '9-3478 6,592.497 167 125.65 25 331.08 440,013.04 200.3328 6.383.149 160,533.15 29 24,039.93 414,681.96 191.9730 6,182.816 154,150.00 30 22,812.75 390,642.02 183.9617 5,990.843 147,967.19 31 21,646.42 367,829.28 176.2844 5 806.801 141,976.34 32 20.537-99 346,182 86 169.1612 5.630.597 136,169.46 33 19.484.42 325.644.86 162.5484 5 461.436 130.538.87 34 18,482.83 306,160.44 156.1915 5,298.887 125,077.43 35 17,530.73 287,677.61 150.0806 5,142.696 119,778.54 36 16,625.73 270,146.89 144.5988 4,992.615 114,635.85 12 15,765.20 253,521.15 139.3108 4,848.016 109,643.23 14 947.00 237,755.96 134.5695 4.708.706 104,795.22 39 14,168.78 222,808.96 129.9781 4,574.136 100,086.51 40 13,428.66 208,640.18 125.8617 4444.158 95.512.375 41 12,724-53 195,211.51 121.8588 4,318.296 91,068.217 42 12,054.73 182,486.98 118.2685 4.196.438 86,749.920 43 11,417.36 170,432.25 114.9057 4.078.169 82,553.483 44 10,810.79 159,014.90 112. 0271 3,963.263 78,475.314 45 10,233.23 148,204.10 109.3153 3,851.236 74,512.050 46 9.683.250 137,970.87 I07.I347 3.74L 921 70,660.814 47 9.i59-!33 128,287.62 105.1810 3.634.786 66,918.893 48 8,659.542 119,128.49 103 6597 3.529.605 63 284.107 49 8,182.981 110,468.95 102.6278 3,425.946 59,754.502 50 7,727.976 102,285.96 iOi.gi64 3.323.318 56 328.556 51 7,293.276 94,557 992 101.4815 3,221.401 53,005.239 52 6,877.730 87,264.715 101.2831 3,119.920 49-783-837 53 6,480.277 80,386.985 101.2850 3,018.637 46,663.918 54 6,099.937 73,906.705 101.5431, 2,917.352 43,645.281 Comm. Am.4^ Op Life Insurance. 319 Table No. CVIIL— Concluded. COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. w < D n K c x K *- 55 5,735.717 67,806.768 101.9312 2,815.809 40,727.929 56 5,386.794 62,071.052 102.5043 2,713-877 37,912.121 U 5,052.322 56,684.258 103.1504 2 611.373 35,198.243 4,731.609 51,631.936 103.8488 2,508.223 32,586.870 59 4,424.005 46,900.329 104.6523 2,404.374 30,078.647 60 4,128.846 42,476.324 105.4668 2,299.722 27,674.274 61 3,845.582 38,347.478 106.2782 2,194.255 25.374-552 62 3,573.704 34,501.897 107.0117 2,087.977 23,180.297 63 3,312.801 30,928.193 107.6044 1,980.965 21,092.320 64 3,062.540 27,615.392 108.0620 1,873.361 19,111.356 65 2,822.598 24,552.851 108.3902 1,765.299 17,237.995 66 12,592.661 21,730.253 108.4373 1,656.908 15,472.697 67 2,372.578 i9, I 37-59 2 108.1792 1,548.471 13,815.788 68 2,162.230 16,765.014 107.5983 1,440.292 12.267.317 69 1,961.522 14,602.784 106.5454 1,332.694 10,827.025 70 1,770.509 12,641.263 105.0323 1,226.148 9.494.3319 7i 1,589-234 10,870.754 102.9055 1,121.116 8,268.1839 72 1,417.893 9.281.520 100.0430 1,018.210 7,147.0681 73 1,256.792 7,863.627 96.42778 918.1673 6,128.8578 74 1,106.244 6,606.834 92.12806 821.7395 5,210.6905 ' 75 966.4790 5,500.590 87.27957 729.6114 4,388.9510 76 837.5807 4,534-in 82.00317 642.3319 3,659-3395 77 7i9.5^95 3 696 530 76.47059 560.3287 3 017.0077 78 612.0552 2,977.021 70.76821 483-8581 2,456.6789 79 514.9306 2,364.966 64.91260 413-0899 1,972.8208 80 427.8440 1,850.035 59'!4724 348.1773 1,559-7309 81 350.2727 1 422.191 53-16253 289.0301 1,211.5536 82 282.0267 1,071.9185 47.03961 235.8675 922.52352 83 222.8424 789.89177 40.84970 188.8279 686.65598 84 172.3966 567.04938 34.86844 147.9782 497.82805 85 130.1044 394.65274 29.32659 113. 1098 349.84982 86 95.17523 264.54837 24.19736 83.78319 236.74004 87 66.87940 169.37314 I9.393I4 59.^583 152.95684 88 44.60629 102.49372 14.79868 40.19269 93-37098 89 27.88676 57.88742 10.56396 25.39401 53.178320 90 16.12194 30.00064 7.012586 14.83005 27.784310 9i 8.415106 13.87871 4.287819 7.8174567 12.954265 92 3-7&49 1 5 5.463611 2.285102 3.5296396 5.1368062 93 1. 317687 1.698697 .9257562 1.2445372 1. 6071665 94 0.335188 0.381009 .2749318 .3187806 .36262938 95 0.045822 0.045822 .04384S8 .0438488 .04384878 AmAl % Logs 320 Principles and Practice Table No. CIX. LOGARITHMS OF COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT ; ALSO LOGARITHMS OF PROBABILITY OF DYING AND OF THE ANNUITY OF $i , FIRST PAYMENT IMMEDIATE. Age. AZ> X 1N X 1M X X ~D X = * 10 4.808 8371 6.084 2702 4.083 JIOI 7.8744818 1.275 4331 11 4 7864557 6.060 6039 4.066 2334 7.876 0039 1.274 J 48i 12 4.764 0628 6.036 8655 4.049 5137 7-877 5305 1.272 8027 13 4-741 6583 6.013 0514 4.032 9560 7.879 0616 1-271 3931 14 4.7192422 5.989 1577 4.016 5652 7.880 5973 1.269 QI 56 3 4.696 8143 5.965 1804 4.000 3461 7.882 7287 1.268 3660 4.674 3700 5.941 1148 3.984 2814 7.884 2S04 1.266 7448 12 4.651 9139 5.9169567 3.968 3976 7.885 8367 1.265 0428 4.629 4457 5.892 7011 3.952 6995 7.887 9955 1.263 2554 19 4.606 9607 5-868 3425 3.937 1702 7.890 1679 1. 261 3818 20 4.5844587 5.843 8757 3.921 8141 7.892 3538 1.259 4169 21 4.561 9396 5.819 2946 3.906 6355 7.895 1555 1.257 3550 22 4.539 3983 5-794 5932 3.891 6174 7.897 9786 1.255 1948 23 4.5168347 5.7697651 3.8767637 7.900 8231 1.252 9304 24 4.494 2483 5.7448033 3.862 07S4 7.903 6896 1.2505550 U 4.471 6389 5.719 7007 3.847 5651 7.906 5783 1.248 0618 4.449 0060 5.694 4491 3.833 2278 7.910 0948 1.245 4431 11 4.426 3445 5.669 0404 3.8190499 7.913 6401 1.242 6960 4.403 6537 5.643 4655 3.805 0350 7.917 2146 1.239 8118 29 4.380 9333 5.617 7150 3.791 1863 ,7.921 4232 1.236 7817 30 4.358 1776 5.591 7790 3.7774879 7.925 6662 1.233 6013 31 4-335 3861 5.565 6463 3.763 9429 7.929 9442 1.230 2602 32 4-312 5579 5.539 3056 3-750 5545 7.934 8590 1.226 7476 33 4.289 6875 5.512 7442 3.737 3068 7.9404115 1.223 0567 34 4.266 7685 5.485 9490 3.724 1847 7.946 0052 1. 219 1806 9 4.243 7999 5.458 9061 3.711 1908 7.951 6410 1. 215 1062 4.220 7809 5.431 6000 3.698 3281 7.958 5002 1. 210 8191 37 4.1976994 5 404 0142 3.685 5641 7.965 4018 1.206 3149 38 4.174 5540 5.376 1314 3.672 9015 7-973 5087 1. 201 5774 39 4.151 3324 5.347 9327 3.660 3091 7.981 6540 1. 196 6002 40 4.128 0328 5.319 3980 3.647 7895 7.990 9770 1. 191 3652 41 4.104 6419 5.290 5055 3.635 3124 8.000 3312 1. 185 8636 42 4.081 1574 5.261 2319 3.622 8808 8.010 8281 1. 180 0745 43 4.057 5656 5-23t 5517 3.610 4652 8.021 8922 1. 173 9862 44 4-033 8576 5.201 4378 3.598 0529 8.034 5816 1. 167 5802 45 4.010 0128 5.170 8602 3.585 6002 8.047 7845 1. 160 8474 46 3.986 0212 5.139 7874 3.5730946 8.063 0254 1. 153 7662 8 3.961 8544 5.108 1848 3.5604789 8.079 1993 1. 146 3303 3.937 4948 5.0760157 3.547 7261 8.097 2312 1. 138 5208 49 3.912 9116 5.043 2402 3-534 7805 8. 1 17 4699 1. 130 3287 j 50 3.888 0658 5.009 8161 3.521 5718 8.139 2948 1.121 7503 51 3.862 9227 4-975 6983 3.5080449 8.162 5806 1. 112 7755 52 3.837 4451 4.940 8387 3.494 1434 8.187 2083 1. 103 3936 Logs. Am.4J* Of Ljfs Insurance. 321 Table No. CIX.— Concluded. LOGARITHMS OF COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT ; ALSO LOGARITHMS OF PROBABILITY OF DYING AND OF THE ANNUITY OF $1, FIRST PAYMENT IMMEDIATE. Age. *&, **r m ^M x Ajr=AA x ■*■ X 53 3.811 5936 4-905 1857 3.479 8109 8.213 0678 I.O93 5922 54 3-785 3253 4.868 6839 3.464 9888 8.24O 4412 LO83 3585 55 3.758 5877 4.831 2730 3.449 6031 8.268 8355 I.O72 6853 56 3.731 3304 4.792 8891 3.433 5902 8.298 5279 I. o6l 5588 57 3.7034910 4.7534625 3.416 8689 8.329 0963 I.O49 9714 58 3.675 0087 4.712 9184 3.399 3661 8.360 5092 I.O37 9097 59 3.645 8156 4.671 1759 3.381 0020 8.3930493 I.025 3603 6o 3.615 8286 4.628 1469 3.361 6753 8.426 4034 I. OI2 3183 6i 3.584 9620 4.583 7368 3.341 2871 8.460 5987 O.998 7748 62 3-553 1186 4-537 8430 3.319 7256 8.495 4288 O.984 7244 63 3.520 1953 4.490 3545 3.296 8768 8.530 7509 O.970 1592 64 3.4860818 4.441 1512 3.272 6213 8.566 7076 O.955 0694 65 3.450 6490 4.390 1020 3.246 8181 8.^03 4573 O.939 4529 66 3.4I3 7457 4.337 0648 3.219 2985 8.640 5494 O.923 319O 67 3-375 2204 4.281 8873 3.189 9031 8.678 0395 O.906 6669 68 3.334 9019 4.224 4040 3-1584505 8.716 0196 0.889 5° 2 ° 69 3.292 5931 4.1644357 3.1247303 8.754 0580 0.871 8426 70 3.248 0981 4.101 7904 3.088 5429 8.792 3412 0.853 6923 7i 3.201 1880 4.036 2597 3.049 6505 8.830 3668 0.8350717 72 3. 1 51 6434 3.967 6191 3.007 8375 8.867 6595 0.815 9757 73 3.099 2636 3.895 6229 2.962 9218 8.904 0550 .796 3593 74 3-043 8511 3.8199934 2.914 7341 8-939 6572 0.776 1424 75 2.985 1924 3.7404093 2.863 0917 8-974 8364 o.755 2169 76 2.923 0267 3.656 4922 2.807 7595 9.009 9203 o.733 4655 77 2.857 0365 3-567 7943 2.748 4429 9.045 5742 0.7107577 78 2.786 7906 3-473 78r8 2.684 7180 9.082 1639 0.689 9913 79 2. 711 7487 3.373 8248 2.616 0446 9. rig 6967 0.662 0761 80 2.631 2854 3.267 1799 2.541 8004 9.159 7654 0.635 8945 81 2.5444063 3.152 9580 2.460 9430 9.200 3156 0.608 5516 82 2.450 2902 3.030 1616 2.372 6682 9.241 2898 0.5798715 83 2.347 9978 2.897 5676 2.276 0662 9.282 3073 o.549 5698 84 2.236 5287 2.753 6209 2.170 1978 9.325 0202 0.517 0921 85 2. 114 2919 2.596 2151 2.053 5002 9.372 0859 0.481 9233 1 86 1.978 5239 2.422 5051 1.923 1569 9.424 3603 0.443 9812 87 1.825 2925 2.228 8444 1 775 1430 9.481 4719 0.403 5521 88 1.649 396i 2.010 6972 1.604 1471 9.539 9432 0.361 3010 89 1.445 398i 1.762 5841 1.404 7313 9-597 5450 0.317 1861 90 1.207 4173 1.477 1308 1.171 x 425 9-657 5773 0.269 7134 9i 0.925 0595 1. 142 3493 893 0656 9.726 2931 0.217 2898 92 o.575 7551 0.737 4798 0.547 7304 9.802 2668 0.161 7247 93 0.119 8122 0.230 1158 0.095 0079 9.865 8009 o.no 3038 94 9.525 2881 9.580 9361 9.5034919 9-933 0532 0.055 6484 95 8.661 0737 8.661 0737 8.641 9573 0.000 0000 0.000 0000 Am. Ex. Ann 322 / Principles and Practice Table No. CX. T ! ANNUITIES FOR WHOLE LIFE, FIRST PAYMENT IMMEDI- ATE , AMERICAN EXPERIENCE TABLE OF MORTALITY. Age. Four Per Cent. Four and One-Half Per Cent Six Per Cent. Age. Four Per Cent. Four and One- Half Per Cent. Six Per Cent. 10 20.414 18.855 15.293 53 12.944 I2.405 II.OO9 II 20.343 18.800 I5-265 54 12.628 12. Il6 IO.786 12 20.269 18.741 I5.236 55 12.307 11.822 IO.556 13 20.192 l8.68l 15.204 56 II.982 11.523 IO.321 14 20.II2 18.617 15.171 57 11.653 II. 219 IO.081 15 20.028 I8.55I 15-137 58 II. 321 IO.912 9-836 16 19.942 18.482 15.IOO 00 IO.985 IO.60I 9.586 \l I9-85I 18.4-9 15.062 IO.648 IO.288 9-332 19-757 18.334 I5-02I 61 IO.309 9.972 9.074 19 19.660 18.255 14.978 62 9.969 9-654 8.813 20 19.558 18.173 14.932 63 9.630 9.336 8-549 21 19-452 18.086 14-885 64 9.29O 9.OI7 8.283 22 I9-342 17-997 14.834 U 8.952 8.699 8^016, 23 19.228 17.903 14.781 8.616 8.381 7-747 24 I9.IO9 I7-805 14.725 67 8.282 8.066 7-479 3 18.985 17.704 14.666 68 7.952 7-754 7.212 18.857 17-597 14.604 69 7.627 7-445 6-945 3 18.723 17.486 14.538 70 7-307 7.I4O 6.681 18.585 I7.370 14.469 7i 6-993 6.840 6.420 29 18.440 17-250 14.396 72 6.685 6.546 6.163 30 18.291 17.124 14.320 73 6.383 6.257 5.908 31 18.135 16.993 14.239 74 6.086 5-972 5.656 32 17-973 16.856 14.154 H 5-794 5.691 5.406 33 17.806 16.713 14.064 5.505 5-413 5.157 34 17.632 16.565 13.969 77 5.219 5-138 4.908 35 17-451 16.410 I3-870 78 4.936 4.864 4.660 36 17.263 16.249 13.765 11 4.656 4-593 4-413 11 17.069 16.081 I3.655 4.380 4-324 4.167 16.868 15.907 I3-540 81 4.108 4.060 3-924 39 16.659 I5-725 13.418 82 3.842 3.801 3.683 40 16.443 15-537 I3-29I P 3.58o 3-545 3-445 4i 16.220 I5-34I 13-157 84 3.318 3.289 3-205 42 15.988 15.138 I3-OI7 y 3-057 3-033 2.964 43 15-749 14.927 , 12.870 2.799 2.780 2.724 44 15.502 14.709 12.716 87 2.548 2-532 2.488 45 15.248 14.483 12-555 88 2.310 2.298 2.263 46 14.985 14.248 12.386 89 2.085 2.076 2.050 47 14.714 14.006 12. 211 90 1.867 1. 861 1.842 48 I4-436 13-757 I2.028 9i 1.654 1.649 1.637 49 14.151 13-500 II.838 92 1-454 1.451 1-443 50 13.858 13.236 II.64O 93 1. 291 1.289 1.285 5i 13-559 12.965 11.436 94 I-I37 I-I37 1. 135 52 13-255 12.688 11.226 95 1. 000 m* 1. 000 1 TermPrems. AmAl % Of Life Insurance. 3 2 3 Table No. CXI. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000 TEMPORARY INSUR- ANCE, IN TERMS AS STATED, AMERICAN EXPERI- ENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1 3 5 7 10 15 20 1 25 Year. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. ! 1 20 7-47 7-52 7-56 7.6l 7.68 7.82 7-99 8.19 j 21 7-52 7-57 7.6l 7.66 7-74 7.89 8.07 8.29 | 22 7-57 7.61 7.66 7.72 7.80 7.96 8.16 8.4O j 23 7.62 7.67 7.72 .7.78 7.87 8.04 8.25 8.52 ! 24 7.67 7.72 7.78 7.84 7-94 8.13 8.36 8.65 j 25 7.72 7.78 7.84 . 7.91 8.01 8.22 8-47 8.80 ! 26 7.78 7.84 7.9I 7.9S 8.10 8.32 8.60 8.97 i 27 7.84 7.91 7.98 8.06 8.18 8-43 8-74 915 i 28 7.91 7.98 8.06 8.I4 8.28 8-55 8.89 9-36 j 29 7-99 8.06 8.14 8.24 8.38 8.68 9.06 9.58 30 8.06 8.15 8.24 8-33 8.50 8.82 9-25 9-83 31 8.14 8.24 8-34 8.44 8.63 8.98 9.46 10.12 3<* 8.24 8-34 8.45 8.56 8.76 9.16 9.70 10.43 33 8.34 8-45 8.56 8.69 8.91 9-35 9.96 10.78 34 8.45 8-57 8.70 8.84 9.08 9-57 10 25 11. 16 35 8.56 8.69 8.84 9.OO 9.26 9.81 10.58 n-59 ! 36 8.70 8.84 9.00 9.17 9.46 10.09 10.95 12.07 j 37 8.84 9.00 9.18 9-36 9.69 10.39 n.36 12.60 38 9.00 9.18 9-37 9-58 9-94 10.74 11.82 13-19 j 39 9.17 9-37 9-58 9.81 10.22 11. 13 12.33 13.84 ! 40 9-37 9-58 9.81 IO.O7 10.54 11.56 12.91 14.55 4i 9.58 9.81 10.07 IO.37 10.90 12.05 13.54 15.34 42 9.81 10.07 10.36 IO.70 11.30 12.60 14-25 16.21 43 10.06 10.36 10.69 II.08 11.77 13.21 15-03 17.17 j 44 10.36 10.69 11.07 II. 51 12.29 13.90 15.90 18.22 4 § 10.68 11.06 11.50 I2.O0 12.88 14.67 16.87 19.36 46 11.06 11.49 11.99 12.56 13-55 15.53 1794 20.62 47 11.48 11.98 12.55 13 19 14.29 16.49 19.11 21.99 48 11.97 12.54 13-19 I3-9 1 15-13 17.56 20.41 23-47 49 12.54 13-19 13-91 14.71 16.07 18.74 21.83 25.07 50 13.19 13-Qi 14.72 15.61 17.11 20.04 23.39 26.80 5i I3-9 1 14.72 15.62 16.61 18.-27 21.48 25.10 28.65 52 14.73 15-63 16.63 17.73 1 9-1 6 23.07 26.95 30.63 53 15.63 16 64 17.75 18.96 20.98 24.81 28.96 32.74 54 16.65 17-77 19.00 20.34 22.55 26.72 31.14 35-00 55 17.77 19.02 20.37 21.85 24.29 28.82 33.48 37-41 56 19.03 20.40 21.90 23.53 26.20 31. 11 36.00 39-98 57 20.42 21.94 23.60 25-39 28.31 33-6i 38.71 42.72 58 21.95 23.63 25.47 27.44 30.63 36.33 41.61 45.62 59 23.66 25-52 27.54 29.70 33.18 39.28 44.71 48.70 60 25.54 27.60 29.82 32.19 35-98 42.46 48.04 51.96 61 27.64 29.90 32.34 34-93 39.06 45-90 51.60 55-42 62 29.94 32.43 35-11 37-96 42.42 49-59 55.40 59-o8 63 32.48 35-23 38.17 41.28 46.08 53-56 59-46 62.96 64 35.28 38.32 41-55 44.92 50.08 . 57.83 63-79 67.06 65 38.40 41-73 45.26 48.92 54.36 62.42 68.39 71.38 Am.4i* NetPrems 3 2 4 Principles and Practice Table No. CXII. NET PREMIUMS PER $1000, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. IO * 5 1 20 Endow- Endow- Endow- Endow- 3 Single Life. Whole Life. Payment Life. Payment Life. Payment Life. ment IO Years. ment 15 Years. ment 20 Years. ment 25 Years. 20 217-45 11-97 27.17 20.35 I7.07 81.9O 50.54 35-43 26.80 21 221.16 12.23 27.64 20.71 17-37 81.92 50.58 35-47 26.85 22 225.02 12.50 28.13 21.08 17.68 81.95 50.6l 35-51 26.9I 23 229.05 12.79 28.64 21.47 18.OI 81.99 50.65 35.56 26.97 24 233.26 I3.IO 29.18 21.87 18.35 82.02 50.70 35-62 27.04 25 237.64 1342 29 73 22.29 I8.7I 82.05 50.74 . 35-67 27.Il 26 242.23 13.77 30.32 22.73 I9O9 82.09 50.79 35-74 27.19 27 247.01 14-13 30.92 23 20 I9.48 82.13 50.84 35.8o 27.28 i 28 251.99 14-51 31-56 23 68 I9.89 82.18 50.90 35-88 27-37 i 29 257.19 I4.9I 32.22 24.18 20.32 82.23 50.97 35.96 27.48 | 30 262.61 15-34 32.92 24.71 20.78 82.28 5I.03 36.05 27.60 3 1 268.26 15.79 33.64 25.26 21.25 82.34 51. II 36.15 27-73 32 274.16 16.27 34-40 25.84 21.75 82.40 51.19 36.26 27.88 33 280.30 16.77 35-19 2645 22.27 82.47 51.29 36.38 28.05 34 286.69 17-31 36.01 27.08 22.81 82.55 51-39 36.52 2S.23 35 293.35 17.88 36.87 27.74 23-39 82.63 5I.50 36.67 28.43 36 300.29 18.48 37-77 28.43 23- 99 82.72 51.62 36.84 28.66 37 30751 19.12 38.71 29.16 24.63 82.83 5I.76 37.03 28.92 38 31503 I9.81 39-69 29.92 25-30 82.94 51-92 37.24 29.21 ! 39 322.83 20.53 40.72 30.72 26.00 83.06 52.09 37.48 29-53 40 330.95 21.30 41.79 3156 26.75 83.20 52.29 37-75 29.88 j 4 1 339-37 22.12 42.90 32.43 27-53 83.36 52.51 38.06 30.29 42 348.12 23.00 44.07 33.36 28.36 83.53 52.76 3S40 30.73 43 357.19 23-93 45-29 34-33 29.23 83.73 53-04 38.78 31-24 44 366.60 24.92 46.57 35-35 30.16 83.96 53-36 39-21 3I.80 45 376.35 25-99 47.90 36.43 31.15 84.22 53-73 39-70 32.42 46 386.43 27.12 49- 30 37-56 32.19 84.52 54-14 40.24 33-12 47 396.85 28 33 50.76 38.76 33- 30 84.85 54- 60 40.85 33-90 48 407.60 29.63 52.29 40.02 34-48 85.23 55-12 41-53 34-77 49 418.67 31.01 53.89 41-35 35.74 85.66 55-70 42.30 35-72 50 430.04 32.49 55-57 42.75 37-07 86.15 56.35 43.14 36.78 51 441.70 34-07 57-31 44 23 38.49 86.69 57-o8 4409 37-95 52 453-63 35-75 59- 13 45-8o 40.01 87.29 57.89 45-13 39- 24 53 465.82 37-55 61.03 47-^5 41.62 87.96 58.79 46.29 40.65 54 478.26 39-47 63.02 49.19 43-35 88.71 59-8o 47.58 42.20 55 490.93 41-53 65 10 5T.04 45-19 89- 54. 60.91 48.99 43.90 56 503.80 43-72 67.27 53-OI 47-17 9047 62.15 50.56 57 516.87 46.07 69.55 55-09 49.28 91.50 6352 52.29 58 530.10 48.58 71-94 57-31 51.55 92.64 65.04 54-19 59 543-48 51-27 7444 5967 53-99 93-91 66.73 56.27 60 556.99 54- 14 77.o8 62 20 56.61 95-33 68.60 58.57 61 570.59 57-22 79.86 64.89 59-42 96.90 70.67 62 584.26 60.52 82.79 6778 62.46 98.64 72.95 63 597-97 64.05 85.89 7087 65-73 100.57 75.46 64 611.70 67.84 89.17 74.19 69.26 102.71 78.22 65 625.42 71.90 92.66 77.76 73-07 105.09 81.27 66 639.08 76.25 96-35 81.59 77.19 11 652.65 80.91 100.28 85.71 81.63 666.11 85.91 104.46 9'>.i6 85.44 69 679.42 91.26 108.90 94 95 91.63 70 692.54 97.00 113.63 100.12 97-23 S.P.End. Am.4J* Of Life Insurance. 325 Table No. CXIII. SINGLE PREMIUMS ] PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSUR- ANCE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. FOUR AND ONE- HALF PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. In 1 In 2 In 3 In4 In» In 6 In 7 In 8 Year. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 956.94 916.05 877.23 840.38 805.40 772.18 740.66 710.74 21 956.94 916.05 877.24 840.39 805.41 772.21 740.70 710.79 22 956.94 916.06 877.25 840.40 805.43 772.24 740.74 710.84 23 956.94 916.06 877.25 840.42 805.45 772.27 740.78 710.89 24 956.94 916.06 877.26 840.43 805.47 772.30 740.82 710.95 25 956.94 916.06 877.26 840.44 805.50 772.33 740.87 7II.OI 26 956.94 916.07 877.27 840.46 805.52 772.37 740.92 711.08 27 956.94 916.07 877.28 840.47 805.55 772.41 740.98 711. 15 28 956.94 916.07 877.29 840.49 805.58 772.45 74I-03 711.23 29 956.94 916.07 877.30 840.51 805.61 772.50 74LIO 711.31 30 956.94 916.08 877.31 840.53 805.64 772.55 74I.I6 711.41 3i 956.94 916.08 877-32 840.55 805.68 772.60 741.24 711. 51 32 956.94 916.08 877-33 840.57 805.72 772.66 741.32 711. 6l 33 956.94 916.09 877-34 840.60 805.76 772.72 741.41 7H.73 34 956.94 916.09 877.36 840.63 805.80 772.79 74L50 711.86 3 § 956.94 9T6.IO 877.38 840.66 805.86 772.87 74I.6I 7I2.00 36 956.94 916.IO 877.39 840.69 805.9I 772.95 741-73 7I2.I6 37 956.94 9i6.II 877.41 840.73 805.97 773-04 741.86 712.33 38 956.94 916.12 877-43 840.77 806.04 773.15 742.OO 712.52 39 956.94 916.12 877-45 840.81 806.II 773.26 742.16 712.73 40 956.94 9I6.I3 877.48 840 87 806.20 773-38 742.33 712.96 4i 956.94 916.14 877.50 840.92 806.29 773-52 742.52 713.22 42 956.94 9I6.I5 877-53 840.98 806.39 773.67 742.74 7I3-50 43 956.94 916.16 877-57 841.05 806.50 773.84 742.98 7I3-83 44 956.94 916.18 877.61 841.12 806.63 774-03 743.25 714.20 4 § 956.94 916.I9 877.65 841.21 806.77 774.25 743.56 714.62 46 956.94 916.21 877.70 841.31 806.94 774-51 743.92 7I5.IO 47 956.94 916.22 877.75 841.42 807.13 774-79 744.32 715.65 48 956.94 916.24 877.8I 84L55 807.34 775-12 744.78 716 26 49 956.94 916.27 877.89 841.70 807.60 775-49 745-31 716.96 50 956.94 916.30 877.97 841.86 807.87 775.91 745.89 717.74 5i 956.94 9 l6 -33 878.07 842.05 808.19 776.38 746.55 718.61 52 956.94 916.36 878.17 842.26 808.53 776.90 747.27 7I9-58 53 956.94 916.40 878.30 842.49 808.92 777-48 748.08 720.64 54 956.94 916.45 878.42 842.75 809.35 778.12 748.97 721.82 55 956.94 916.49' 878.56 843.04 809.83 778.83 749.96 723.13 56 956.94 9 l6 -55 878.72 843.36 810.35 779.61 75L04 724.56 57 956.94 916.61 878.90 843.71 810.93 780.47 752.24 726.14 58 956.94 916.67 879.IO 844.IO 811.58 781.43 753-55 727.87 59 956.94 916.75 879.32 844-53 812.28 782.47 755-00 729.76 60 956.94 916.83 879.56 845.OI 813.07 783.63 756.59 731.84 61 956.94 916.92 879.82 845-53 813.92 784.89 758.32 734-n 62 956.94 917.02 880.I2 846.IO 814.86 786 27 760.22 736.58 63 956.94 9 I 7-i3 880.44 846.74 815.89 787.79 762.29 739.28 64 956.94 9*7.25 S80.79 847.43 817.03 789.45 764.55 742.21 65 956.94 9!7-38 881.19 848.20 818.27 791.26 767.02 745-38 : 66 956.94 9*7.53 881.62 849.04 819.63 793-24 769.68 748.81 ! 67. 956.94 917.69 882.09 849.96 821. II 795.38 772.57 752.49 ; 68 956.94 917.87 882.61 850.96 822.72 797.69 775-66 756.41 69 956.94 918.07 883.18 852.05 824.46 800.18 778.96 760.57 70 956.94 918.29 883.80 853.23 826.32 802.82 782.45 764-95 Am.4^% S.P.End. 326 Principles and Practice Table No. CXIII.— Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSUR- ANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE- HALF PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age, In 9 Years. 20 21 22 23 24 u 11 29 30 3* 32 33 34 36 38 39 40 4* 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 u % 69 70 682.34 682.40 682 47 6S2.54 6S2.61 682.69 682.78 682.87 682 97 6S3.07 683.19 683.32 683.46 683.61 683.77 683.96 684.16 6S4 38 684.62 684.89 685.19 685.52 6S5.90 686.32 6S6.80 6S7.35 687.97 688.68 68948 690.38 691.38 692.49 693.72 695.09 696.60 698.25 7(.o.o8 702.08 704.27 706.67 709.29 712.15 715.25 718.62 722.27 726.21 730.44 734-95 739 73 744-77 750.06 In tO Years. 655-39 655-47 655.55 655.63 655-73 655.82 655.93 656.04 656.17 656.30 656.45 656.60 656.78 656.97 657.17 657.4O 657.65 957-93 658.24 65S.57 658.95 659-37 659-85 660.38 660.99 661.68 662.47 663.35 664.35 665.48 666.72 668.11 669.65 671.34 673.21 675.26 677.5I 679.98 682.68 685.62 68S.83 692.32 696.10 700.19 704.60 709.3+ 7I4.38 7 '9- 74 725-40 73' 34 737-54 In 11 Years. 629.82 629 91 63O.OI 63O.II 630.52 630.34 630.47 630.61 630.76 630.92 631.IO 631.29 631.50 63I-73 631.98 632.27 632.57 632.91 633.29 633.70 634.17 634.6() 635.28 635-94 636.69 637-55 638.51 639.60 640 82 642.19 643.72 645-41 647-27 649-33 651.59 654-07 656.79 659.76 663.OO 666 53 670.37 674-52 679.02 6S3.85 689.04 694 59 70047 706.69 71321 720.03 In 13 Years. 605.55 605.66 605.78 605.9O 606.03 606.17 606.33 606.49 606.67 606.87 607.08 607.31 607.56 607.84 608.14 608.48 608.85 609.26 609.71 6lo.2I 610.78 6ll. 41 612.13 612.93 613.85 614.88 616.OO 617-35 618.82 620.47 622.29 624.31 626.53 628.98 631.66 634.60 637.82 641.33 645.I5 64930 653-79 658.65 663.87 669.47 675-45 68I.8I 688.52 695.58 702.96 In 13 Years. 532.52 5S2.65 5S2 79 5S2.93 5S3-09 58325 583.44 58363 58384 584.07 584.32 584.60 584.90 585.22 585-58 535-98 586.42 586.90 587.45 588.05 588.72 589.48 590-34 591.30 592-39 593- 62 59500 596.55 598.29 600.23 602.37 604.75 607.35 610.22 613.36 616.79 620.54 624.61 629.03 633-83 639.00 644-57 650.54 656.91 663.68 670.84 678.36 686.23 In 14 Years. In 15 Years. 560.68 560.83 56099 56I.I5 561.33 561.53 561.74 56L97 5^2.21 562.48 562.77 563.09 563.44 563.82 564.24 564.71 565.22 565.80 566.44 567.15 567.94 568.84 569.85 570.98 572.27 573-71 575-33 577.14 579 17 581.42 583-91 586.67 589.68 592.99 596.61 600.56 604. 86 609.52 614-57 620.03 625.90 632.19 638.90 646.02 65356 661 50 669.80 539.96 540.13 540.31 540.50 540.71 540.93 541-17 541-44 541-72 542.03 542.36 542.73 543 14 543-58 544-Q7 544.61 545-21 545-87 546.62 547-45 548.38 549-43 550.60 551-93 553-42 555.09 556 97 559o6 561.40 563.99 566.85 570.00 573-45 577-22 581.35 585.83 590.70 595-98 601.67 607.79 614.36 621.36 628.80 636.67 644.95 653.64 In 16 Years. 520.3* 520.50 520.70 520.92 521.16 521.41 521.69 521.99 522.31 522.66 523.05 523-47 523.93 524-44 525.OO 525.62 526.32 527.09 527.95 528.9I 529.99 531.20 532.56 534-08 535-80 537-71 539-86 542.26 544-92 547.87 55LI2 554-69 558.59 562.86 567-50 572.54 578.00 58.7-89 590.23 597.02 604.28 611.98 620.13 628.71 637.71 S.P.End. Am.42* Of L/iFK Insurance. 3 2 7 j Table No. CXIII.— Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSUR- ANCE , AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE- HALF PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. In 17 In 18 In 19 In 20 In 21 In 22 In 23 In 24 Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 5OI.67 483.99 467.24 451-35 436.30 422.03 408.52 395-72 21 501.88 484.24 467.51 45I-65 436.63 422.39 408.9I 396.15 22 502.I2 484.49 467.79 451-97 436.98 422.78 409.33 396.61 23 502.36 484.77 468.IO 452 31 437-35 423.19 409.79 397.10 24 502.63 485.07 468.43 452.68 437-76 423.64 4IO.28 397-64 2 § 502.9I 485-39 468.79 453.08 438.20 424.13 4IO.81 398.23 26 503.23 485-74 469.19 453-52 438.69 424.66 4II.40 398.87 27 503.57 486.12 469.61 453-99 439-21 425.24 412.04 399-57 28 503.93 486.54 470.07 454.50 439-78 425.87 412.73 400.34 29 504.33 486.99 470.58 455-07 440.41 426.57 4I3.50 401.18 j 30 504.77 487.48 471.13 455.69 441.10 427-33 414.35 402.12 3i 505.25 488.02 471-74 456.37 441.86 428.18 4I5-28 403-I5 32 505-78 488.62 472.42 457.12 442.70 429.12 416.33 404.30 33 506.36 489.28 473-16 457.96 443.64 430.I5 417.48 405-57 34 507.OO 49O.OI 473.98 458.88 444.67 431-31 418.76 406.99 35 507.71 490.81 474.90 459-91 445-82 432.59 420.18 408.56 36 508.50 491.72 475-92 461.06 447.11 434-03 421.76 410.31 37 509.39 492.73 477.06 462.34 448.54 435-62 423-54 412.26 38 510.38 493-85 478.33 463-78 45o.i5 437.40 425.50 414-43 39 511.48 495- II 479-75 465.37 451-93 439-38 427.69 416.83 40 512.72 496.52 481.34 467.16 453.91 441.58 430.12 419.50 4i 514 IO 498.09 483.12 469.14 456.13 444.03 432.82 422.46 42 5I5-65 499.85 485.IO 47L36 458.60 446.76 435.82 425.74 43 5I7-40 50I.82 487.32 473.84 461.35 449-80 439-15 429-37 44 519-35 504-03 489.80 476.60 464.40 453-i6 442.83 433-38 4 § 521.53 506.49 492.55 479.67 467.79 456.88 446.90 437-8o 46 523-97 509.24 495.62 483.07 47L54 460.99 451-37 442.65 47 526.68 512.29 499.OI 486.82 475-67 465.50 456.28 447.96 48 529.69 515-66 502.76 490.97 480.21 470.46 461.65 453-75 49 533-02 5I9-38 506.89 495-51 485.19 475-87 467-51 460.05 50 536.68 523.46 511.41 500.48 490.61 481.76 473.85 466.85 5i 540.68 527.92 516.33 505.88 496.50 488.12 480.70 474-17 52 545-05 532.77 521.69 511-74 502.86 494.99 488.07 482.01 53 549.82 538.06 527.50 518.07 509.72 502.37 495-95 490.38 54 555.oo 543.78 533-77 524.90 517.09 510.27 504.35 499.27 55 560.61 549.96 540.53 532.22 524.97 518.68 513.28 508.68 56 566.66 556.62 547-77 540.05 533-35 527.60 522.70 518.59 57 573-iS 563-75 555-51 548.37 542.24 537-02 532.63 58 580.16 571.36 563.74 557 19 551.62 546.94 59 587.62 579.46 572.46 566.50 561.49 60 595-54 588.O4 581.65 576.28 61 603.93 597.07 59L3I 62 612.76 606.55 63 622.02 AmAl % S.P.End 328 Principles and Practice 1 Table No. CXIII.— Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSUR- ANCE ,, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE- HALF PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. In 25 In 26 In 27 In 28 In 29 In 30 In 31 In 32 Age. 20 Years. V cars. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 383.60 372.13 361.27 35I.OO 341.29 332.12 323.46 3I5.28 21 384.06 372.63 361.82 35L59 34L93 332.80 324.19 316.07 22 384-56 373.17 362.40 352.23 342.62 333-55 324.99 316.93 23 385.IO 373.76 363- <-4 352.92 343.36 334-35 325.86 317.87 24 385.69 374.40 363-73 35367 344- 1 8 335-24 326.82 318.9I 2 386.33 375.IO 364.50 354.50 345.08 336.21 327.87 320.04 387.03 375-86 365.33 355.41 346.07 337.28 329.O3 321.30 3 387.80 376.70 366.25 356.41 347.15 338.46 330.3I 322.68 388.64 377.63 367.26 357.51 348.35 339-76 331.72 324.20 29 389.58 378.65 368.38 358.73 349-68 341-20 333-28 325.88 30 39O.60 379-78 369.61 360.07 351.14 342.79 335.oo 327.74 31 391-74 381.02 370.97 361.56 352.76 344-55 336.89 329.79 32 393-OI 382.41 372.49 363.22 354.56 346.50 339-00 332.06 33 394-41 383.95 374-17 36505 356.55 348.65 341-33 334.56 34 395.96 385.66 376.04 367.08 358.75 351.03 343-90 337.32 u 397.69 387.55 378.10 369.32 361.19 353-66 346.73 3 P. 36 399.62 389.66 380.40 371.82 363.89 356.58 349-86 343.72 11 401.75 391-99 382.94 374.58 366.87 359-79 353-31 347.40 404.13 394-59 385.76 377.63 370.16 363-33 357.IO 351.45 39 406.76 397-45 388.88 381.OO 373.78 367.21 361.25 355.87 40 409.68 400.63 392.31 384.7I 377-77 37L48 365.80 360.71 4 1 412.91 40413 396.10 388.79 382.15 376.16 370.78 365.98 42 416.48 408.00 400.28 393.27 386.95 381.27 376.21 37L7I 43 420.42 412.27 404.87 398.19 392.20 386.85 382.11 377-94 44 424.77 416.95 409.90 403.57 397.92 392.92 388.51 384.66 9 429.54 422.09 4I540 409.44 404.15 399-49 395-43 391.90 434-77 427.71 421.40 4I5.8I 410.89 406.60 402.87 399-67 8 440.49 433.82 427.91 422.71 418.17 414.23 410.85 407.97 446.70 440.45 434-95 430.I4 425.98 422.40 419.36 416.80 49 453-44 447.61 442.53 438.12 434-33 431. 11 428.40 50 460.69 455-30 450.64 446.63 443-22 440.35 51 468.47 463.52 459-27 455-66 452.62 52 476.77 472.27 468.43 465.21 53 485.60 481.53 478.11 54 494-95 491-32 55 504.81 S.P.End. AmA l 2 % Of Life Insurance. 3 2 9 Table No. CXIII.— Concluded. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSUR- ANCE, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE- HALF PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. In 33 Age. years. 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 46 47 307-57 308.42 309-35 310.36 3H-47 312 70 3^4-05 315-54 317.18 318.99 320.99 323.20 325-64 328.32 331.28 334.53 338.12 342.04 346.35 351-04 356.16 361.73 367.76 374.29 381.33 388.87 396.95 405.55 In 34 Years. 3 >0.30 301.22 302.2I 303.30 304.50 305.82 307.27 308.88 31O.64 312.59 314-74 3I7-IO 319.72 322.59 325-75 329.22 333-04 337-21 341-77 346.73 352.13 357.98 364-31 371.13 378.46 386.30 394.66 In 35 Years. 293.46 294.44 295-51 296.68 297.97 299.39 300.95 3 2.67 304-56 306.66 308.96 311.49 3I4-28 317-35 320.7I 324.40 328.45 332.87 337-68 342.9I 348.58 354-71 361.32 368.42 376.02 384-13 In 36 Years. 287.03 288.08 289.23 290.49 291.87 293.39 295.06 296.90 298.93 30I.I7 303.63 306.33 309.3I 312.57 3I6.I4 320.06 324.33 328.99 334-06 339-55 345-48 351-88 358.75 366.11 373-97 In 37 Years. 281.OO 282.12 283.35 284.69 286.17 287.80 289.59 291.56 293-73 296.II 298.74 301.61 304.77 308.24 3I2.02 3I6.I5 320.66 325.56 330.87 336.61 342.8o 349-44 356.56 364.I7 In 38 Years. 275.33 276.53 277.84 279.28 280.86 282.60 284.52 286.62 288.93 291.47 294.26 297.31 300.66 304.32 308.32 312.67 317.41 322.54 328.09 334-07 340.49 347-37 354.72 In 39 Years. 270.03 271.31 272.71 274.24 275.93 277.79 279.83 282.06 284.52 287.22 290.17 293.41 296.95 300.81 305.OI 309.58 314-54 319.90 325.68 331.88 338.53 345.63 In 40 Years 265.07 266.43 267.93 269.56 27I.36 273-33 275.50 277.88 280.49 283.35 286.47 289.89 293.62 297.68 302.08 306.86 312.04 317-61 323.60 330.02 336.88 AmAl % O.L 330 Principles and Practice Table No. CXIV. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4 th 5 th 6tli 7th Nth Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 4-74 9.68 14.83 20.20 25.81 31.66 37-77 44.14 1 21 4.96 IO.14 15.54 21.17 27.06 33.19 39-59 46.27 22 5.20 IO.63 16.29 22.20 28.37 34.80 41-51 48.51 23 5-46 II. 15 I7.O9 23.29 29.76 36.50 43-53 50.86 24 5-72 II.70 17-93 24.43 31.22 38.29 45.66 53-34 25 6.01 12.28 18.82 2564 32.75 40.16 47.89 55-95 26 6.31 12.88 19-75 26.90 34.36 42.13 50.24 58.68 3 6.62 13.53 20.72 28.23 36.06 44-21 52.71 61.55 6.95 14.20 21.75 29.63 37.85 46.39 55.3o 64.58 29 7-3o 14.91 22.84 31. II 39-72 48.69 58.03 67.75 30 7.66 15.66 23.99 32.66 41.69 51. II 60.90 71.O9 31 8.06 16.45 25.19 34- 29 43.78 53.64 63.91 74.58 32 8.46 17.27 26.45 36.01 45.96 56.31 67.06 78.24 33 8.89 18.14 27.79 37.82 48.26 59.IO 70.37 82.08 34 9-34 19.07 29.19 39.72 50.67 62.04 73.85 86.11 n 9.82 20.04 30.67 41.72 53-20 65.12 77.50 90.34 10.32 21.06 32.21 43.81 55.84 68.34 81.31 94-77 37 10.85 22.12 33.84 46.00 58.63 71.74 85.33 99.40 38 ir. 40 23 24 35-54 48.31 61.56 75-30 89.52 104.25 39 11.98 24.42 37-34 50.74 64.64 7903 93.92 109.30 40 12.59 25.66 39-23 53.29 67.86 82.93 98.50 H4-57 41 13.24 26.98 41.23 55.97 71.24 87.OI 103.28 120.04 42 13.92 28.36 43.31 58.78 74.76 91.25 108.23 125.67 43 14.64 29.80 45-49 61.70 78.42 95.64 113.33- 131-46 44 15-38 31.31 47-75 64.72 82.20 IOO.15 118.56 137-39 16.17 32.87 50.11 67.86 86.O9 IO4.78 123.92 143.47 16.98 34.5o 52.54 71.07 90.07 IO9.51 129.39 149.66 47 17.82 36.18 55.03 74-35 94.14 114.35 134.98 155.98 48, 18.69 37-88 57-56 77.70 98.28 II9.28 140.66 162.40 49 19.56 39.61 60.14 81.11 IO2.51 124.30 146.45 168.92 50 20.45 41-39 62.78 84.61 IO6.83 129.42 152.34 175.56 j 51 21.37 43-21 65.49 88.18 III. 24 134.64 158.35 182.32 j 52 22.32 45-oS 68.27 91.83 H5-74 139-97 164.46 189.18 | 53 23.29 47.00 71.11 95-56 120.34 145-39 170.67 196.14 54 24.28 48.96 74.00 99.36 125.OI 150 90 176.97 203.17 p 25-30 50.96 76.95 103.24 129.77 156.49 183.34 210.28 j 26.33 53oo 79-97 107.19 134.60 162.15 189.79 217-45 1 11 27-39 55-09 83.05 1 1 1. 20 I39-50 167.88 196.29 224.68 j 28.48 57-22 86.17 115.26 144.44 173.66 202.84 231.92 | 59 29.58 59-38 89.32 119.36 149 43 179-47 209.40 239.14 j 60 30.70 61.56 92.51 123.50 154.46. 185.29 215.94 246.33 61 31.83 63.77 95-74 127.67 159-49 191. 10 222.45 253-43 62 32.98 66.00 98.99 131.85 164.51 196.88 228.89 260.45 63 34- 1 5 68.26 102 24 136.01 169.49 202.59 235.23 267.32 64 35.32 70.50 105.46 140.13 1 74- 39 208.19 241.42 27405 65 36.47 72.71 108.65 144.17 179.20 213.64 247.47 280.71 O.L. Am.4J* Op Life Insurance. 33* Table No. CXIV. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- ( 3IES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 9th lOth nth 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 50.7? 57.71 64.93 72.46 80.31 88.49 97.OO IO5.87 21 53-23 60.48 68.05 75-94 84.15 92.70 IOI.6I IIO.88 22 55.8o 63.40 71-33 79.58 88.18 97.13 106.45 II6.14 23 58.51 66.47 74-77 83.41 92.41 IOI.78 III. 52 121.65 24 6i.35 69.69 78.38 87.43 96.85 IO6.65 II6.83 127.41 25 64.34 73.08 82.18 91.65 IOI.51 in. 74 122.39 133-43 26 67.47 76.63 86.16 96.07 106.37 117.08 128.I9 139.74 27 70.77 80.36 90.34 IOO.70 III. 48 122.66 134.28 146.33 28 74-23 84.27 94.71 IO5.56 II6.82 128.51 140.64 153-22 29 77-86 88.37 99.29 IIO.63 122.41 134.63 I47.30 160.41 30 81.67 92.67 IO4.O9 II5-96 128.26 141.03 I54.24 167.92 1 31 85.67 97.18 IO9.13 121.53 134.40 147.71 161.49 175.73 32 89.84 IOI.90 II4.4O 127.37 140.79 154.69 169.04 183.84 33 94-23 106.84 II9.92 I33-46 147.47 161.94 176.88 192.26 34 98.83 112.03 125.69 I39-83 154.43 169.50 185 02 200.96 35 103.66 117 45 131.72 146.46 161.67 177-34 193.43 209.92 36 108.69 123. 11 137.99 153-36 169.18 185.43 202.09 219.14 37 113.96 129.01 144.53 160.51 176.93 193.77 2II.OO 228.60 38 H9-45 135.15 I5I-3I 167.91 184.92 202.34 220.14 238.30 39 125.18 141.52 158.31 175.53 I93-I5 211. 16 229.53 248.23 40 13Z.II 148. 11 165.53 183.36 201.59 220.18 239.II 258.36 4i 137.25 154.89 172.95 I9I.4I 210.24 229.41 248.91 268.68 42 143.55 161.86 180.56 I99.64 219.07 238.83 258.87 279.17 43 150.02 168.99 188.34 208.05 22S.08 248.40 268.99 289.81 44 156 64 176.28 196.28 2l6.6l 237.23 258.13 279.26 300.58 4 § 163.41 183.72 204.37 225.32 246.54 268.00 289.65 311.46 46 170.30 191.29 212.58 234-15 255.96 277 98 300.I4 322.42 47 177.33 198.98 220.93 243.12 265.51 288.06 3IO.72 333.46 48 184.45 206. 79 229.38 252.18 275.14 298.22 321.36 344.54 49 191.69 214.71 237-94 261.34 284.85 308.44 332.06 355.65 50 199.04 222.74 246.60 270.59 294.64 318.73 342.79 366.76 5i 206.51 230.87 255-36 279.92 304.5I 329.07 353-54 377-86 52 214.08 239.09 264.19 289.32 314.42 339-42 364.27 388.91 53 221.73 247.40 273.IO 298.77 324.34 349-76 374-96 399-86 54 229.45 255.76 282.05 308.23 334-26 360.05 385.55 410.70 55 237.25 264.19 291.02 317.69 344-13 370.27 396.04 421.39 56 245.09 272.62 299.98 327." 353.9 2 380.37 406.37 43I-9I 57 252 95 281.06 308.92 336.45 363.61 390.32 416.55 442.32 58 260.81 289.45 317-77 345-69 373.15 400.12 426.61 452.69 j 59 268.62 297-77 326.51 354-77 382.53 409. 80 436.65 463-I4 60 276.36 305.98 335-IO 363.71 39I-8I 419.47 446.78 473.80 i ! 61 283.99 314.04 343-55 372-54 401.08 429.25 457-14 484.79 62 291.49 321.97 351.91 381.39 4IO.49 439-29 467.85 496.I9 | 63 298.84 329.81 360.29 390-38 420.16 449.70 479.01 508.05 j 64 306. 1 1 337.67 368.83 399.66 430.24 460.59 490.66 520.46 j 65 313.42 345.72 377-68 409-38 440.84 472.01 502.90 533-23 | Am.45* O.L 332 Principles and Practice: Table No. CXIV.— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $ 1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLL CIE3 BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 17 tli 18th 19 tli 20tli 21«t 22d 23d 21th Age. 20 Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. II5-09 124.69 134 67 I45-03 I55-80 166.98 178.57 I9O.60 21 120.53 130.55 140.97 151.78 163.OI 174.66 186.75 199.26 22 126.21 136.68 147-55 158.84 170.55 182.69 I95.27 208.28 23 132.17 I43.O9 154-44 I66.2I 178.42 I9I.06 204. 14 217.65 24 133.39 149.80 161.64 173.91 186.62 199-7* 213.36 227.38 11 144.91 156.81 169.16 181.94 195.17 208.83 222.93 237.45 151. 71 164.13 176.99 190.30 204.05 218.23 232.84 247.84 11 I58-83 I7L77 185.16 I99.OO 213.27 227.97 243.07 258.55 166.25 179-73 193-66 208.03 222.83 238.03 253.61 269.56 29 173.99 188.OI 202.48 217.39 232.69 248.39 264.45 280.86 30 182.05 I96.62 211.63 227.05 242.86 259.04 275.58 292.45 31 19O.42 205.55 221.08 237.02 253-32 269.98 286.98 304.29 32 199.09 214.76 230.82' 247.26 264.06 281.19 298.64 316.39 33 208.06 224.25 240.83 257.77 275.06 292.66 310.55 328.70 ! 34 2I7.30 234.03 251.12 268.56 286.32 304.37 322.68 34L24 35 226.81 244.06 261.67 279-59 297.81 316.30 335.03 353-97 36 236.56 254-34 272.44 290.85 309.52 328.43 347.56 366.86 37 246.57 264.86 283.45 302.32 321.43 3*0.76 360.26 379-90 38 256.80 275-59 294.67 313-99 333-53 353-24 373.IO 393.06 39 267.25 286.54 306. oS 325-84 345-79 365.87 386.06 406.31 40 277-88 297.66 317.67 337.85 358.18 378.62 399- " 419.63 41 288.71 308.97 32941 350.00 370.70 39L45 412.23 432.99 42 299.70 320.41 341.28 •362.25 383.28 404.34 425-38 446.34 43 310.82 33I-98 353-25 374.58 395-94 417.27 438.52 459.64 44 322.05 343-64 365.29 386.96 408.61 430.18 45i-6i 472.86 9 333.38 355-37 377-38 399-37 421.28 443.05 464.63 485-96 344-77 367.15 389-50 4H.76 433-89 455.83 477.51 498.90 47 356.22 378.96 401.60 424.II 446.43 468.49 490.24 5H.64 48 36769 390.75 413.66 436.39 458.84 480.99 502.78 524.17 49 379- J 4 402.50 425-65 448.54 471. 11 493-31 515. 11 536.52 50 390-58 414.20 437-54 460.56 483-20 505-43 527.27 548.78 51 401.96 425-79 449-30 472.41 495-H 5i7-4o 539-35 561.02 52 413.26 437-27 460.89 484.08 506.86 529.29 551-44 573-35 53 424-43 448.58 472.30 495.61 518.55 541.20 563.61 585.84 54 435-44 459-72 483.58 507.07 530.26 553-21 575-97 598.55 55 446.28 470.73 494.81 518.57 542.09 565-42 588.56 611.50 56 457.00 481.70 506.08 53^-21 554.14 577-88 601.42 624.74 57 467.68 492.72 5i7.5o 542.08 566.47 590.64 614.59 638.11 58 478.44 5Q3-9 1 529.19 554-26 579- » 603.74 627.92 651.69 to 489-37 5I5-38 541.19 566.77 592.12 617.01 641.48 665.64 500.61 527.20 553.56 579-68 605.33 630.55 655-45 680.28 61 512 23 539-42 566.37 592.83 618.85 644.54 670.15 695.81 62 524.28 552.11 579-44 606.32 632.85 659-30 685.80 712.09 63 536.83 565.10 592.89 620.33 647.68 675.09 702.27 728.74 64 549-72 578.50 606.90 635-23 663.60 691.74 719.14 745.18 65 563.06 59 2 .5i 621.87 651.28 680.46 708.86 735.85 761.37 O.L. AmAi % Op Life Insurance. 333 Table No. CXIV k — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $ 1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 25th 2Gth 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32d Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 203.05 215.94 229.25 242.99 257.13 271.66 286.56 301.80 21 212.21 225.58 239.38 253.60 268.19 283.16 298.48 3H.I4 22 221.72 235-59 249.87 264.55 279.59 294.98 310.72 326.77 23 231.60 245-95 260. 70 275.82 29I.30 307.II 323.25 339-68 24 24I.82 256.65 271.85 287.41 303.3I 3I9.54 336.06 352.85 U 252.37 267.66 283.31 299.30 315.62 332.23 349-13 366.26 263.23 278.97 295.06 311.48 328.20 345.19 362.43 379.89 27 274.4O 290.59 307.II 323.93 34L03 358.38 375.96 393-73 28 285.86 302.50 3I9.43 336.64 354.11 37I.80 389.69 407-75 29 297.61 314.66 332.00 349-59 367.40 385.42 403.60 421.91 30 309.63 327.09 344.81 362.75 380.9O 399-22 417.66 436.20 3i 321.89 339-75 357.83 376.12 394-58 413-I7 431.85 450.59 32 334-38 352.62 371.05 389.66 408.4b 427.23 446.12 465.04 33 347.09 365.69 384.45 403.35 422.35 441.40 460.47 479-53 34 360.OO 378.93 398.OO 417.17 436.39 455-64 474- S6 494.01 35 373-08 392.33 4H.67 431.08 450.51 469.91 489.24 508.46 36 386.30 405.84 42543 445-05 464.65 484.18 503.58 522.82 37 399.64 419.44 439-27 459-°7 478.80 498.41 517.84 537.o6 38 413.08 433-12 453-U 473.08 492.90 512.56 531.98 55I.I4 39 426.58 446.84 467.01 487.06 506.94 526.58 545.96 565.02 40 440.I3 460.55 480.84 500.96 520.84 540.46 559-74 578.68 4i 453.67 474-22 494.60 514.73 534-60 554-13 573-31 592.15 42 467.17 487.81 508.22 528.35 548.15 567.58 586.68 605.48 43 480.58 501.28 521.69 54L77 561.48 580.85 599-91 618.73 44 493-87 514.59 534-96 554-96 574.62 593-97 613.07 631.97 45 507.OO 527.69 548.01 567.97 587.62 607.02 626.22 645.26 46 5I9.93 540.58 560.87 580.84 600. 56 620.07 639-43 658.63 47 532.65 553-29 573.6o 593-66 6I3.5I 633.20 652.73 672.10 48 545.18 565.87 586.29 606. 50 626.55 646.43 666 15 685.68 49 557-60 578.41 599.01 619.43 639.70 659-79 679.69 699.24 50 570.00 59!.oi 611.84 632.51 653.OO 673-30 693.24 712.84 5i 582.47 603.74 624.84 645.76 666.48 686". 83 706.85 726.60 52 595.08 616.65 638.02 659.20 679.99 700.44 720.63 740 76 53 607.90 629.76 651.42 672.69 693.61 714.26 734.84 755-47 54 620.93 643 11 664.89 686.30 707.44 728.52 749.64 770.58 55 634.23 656.55 678.50 700.16 721.77 743-41 764.88 785.78 56 647.63 670.15 692.38 7I4.55 736.75 758.77 780.22 800.59 57 661.23 684.06 706.83 729.63 752 25 774.27 795-20 814.98 58 675.I7 698.57 722.02 745.27 767.92 789-43 809.77 829.47 59 689.74 713.87 737-81 761. 11 783.26 804.19 824.47 844-43 60 705.I5 729.81 753.83 776.65 798.22 819.12 839.69 858.94 61 721.26 746.03 769.58 79I.83 813-39 834.61 854.47 870.72 62 737-68 762.00 784.99 807.25 829.17 849.69 866.47 882.26 63 753-88 777-65 800.68 823.34 844.56 861.92 878.24 892.89 64 769.79 793.63 817.10 839.06 857.03 873-94 889.10 1000.00 65 786.08 810.40 833.17 851.80 869.32 885.04 1000.00 Am.41* O.L 334 Principles and Practice Table No. CXIV .—Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 33d 34th 35th 36th 37 th 38th 39th 40th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 317-39 333-28 349-47 365.92 382.62 399-53 416.63 433.89 21 33O.II 346.37 362.91 379.68 396.67 413.85 431.19 448.66 22 343-H 359-73 376.59 393-66 4IO.93 428.36 445.91 463.55 23 356.38 373-33 390.49 407.85 425.37 443.01 460.74 478.53 24 369.89 387-I5 404.60 422.22 439.96 457-79 475.67 493-58 3 383.62 401.18 418.89 436.73 454.67 472.65 490.66 508.65 397-56 4I5.38 433-33 45^37 469.46 487.58 505.68 523.70 27 4II.67 429.73 447.89 466. 10 484-33 502.54 520.68 538.71 28 425.93 444.21 462.54 480.89 499.23 517.49 535.64 553.63 29 440.32 458.78 477.26 495.72 5i4.II 532.39 550.51 568.42 30 454-80 473-42 492.01 510.54 528.95 547-21 565.25 583.04 31 469-35 488.09 506.76 525.31 543- 71 561.89 579-82 597.46 32 483-93 502.75 521.46 540.OO 558.33 576.4I 594.19 6H.65 33 498.51 5^7-37 536.08 554-56 572.80- 590.72 608.33 625.63 34 5I3.05 531.92 550.57 568.97 587.06 604.82 622.27 639-45 35 527-5I 546.33 564.90 583.16 601.09 618.71 636.05 653.17 36 541-83 560.59 579-03 597-14 -614.93 632.44 649.73 666.85 37 556.01 574.64 592.94 610.92 628.61 646.08 663.37 680.52 38 569-97 588.47 606.65 624.54 643:20 659.68 677.02 694.22 39 583.73 602.11 620.21 638.08 655.76 673.29 690.69 707.94 40 597-29 615.61 633.69 651.58 669.33 686.94 704.39 721.69 4i 610.70 629.02 647.14 665.12 682.95 700.63 718.14 735-34 | 42 624.04 642.41 660.62 678.70 • 696.61 7I4.36 731-79 748.93 i 43 637.36 655.83 674.16 692.33 710.33 728.00 745.38 762.54 44 650.72 669.32 687.75 706.02 723.96 741.60 .759.02 776.38 | $ 664.15 682.88 701.43 719.65 737.56 755.25 772.89 790.55 1 677.66 696.52 715.04 733.25 75L23 769-15 787.11 804.92 | 47 691.28 710:12 728.64 746.93 765.18 783.43 801.55 819.19 48 704.86 723.72 742.34 760.9O 779-50 797.95 815.91 832.97 49 718.46 737.43 756.35 775-30 794.IO 812.40 829.79 846.23 50 732.19 751-49 770.82 789.99 808.66 826.40 843.17 859.41 5i 746.30 766.04 785-61 804.67 822.77 839-89 856.47 872.79 52 760.93 780.93 800.40 818.9O 836.40 853.34 870 01 885.62 53 775-93 795.84 814.77 832.66 849.99 867.05 883.01 896.08 54 790.98 810.35 828.67 846.41 863.88 880.22 893.60 906.18 55 805.64 824.41 842.59 860.49 877.24 890.95 903.85 9!5-4i | 56 819 85 838.51 856.87 874.06 888.12 901.35 913.22 1000.00 57 834-I4 853.00 870.65 885.IO 898.68 910.87 1000.00 58 848.86 867.01 881.86 895.83 908.36 1000.00 59 863.11 878.40 892.78 905.67 1 000 00 60 874.69 889.51 902.80 1000.00 61 886.01 899.72 1000.00 62 896.42 IOOO.CO 63 1000.00 lOPay.L. Am.4^ Op Lifk Im surance. 335 Table No. CXV. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 8th Year. 9th 1 Year. 230.O2 i 234.97 240.13 245.51 251.12 20 2\ 22 23 24 20.75 2I.20 21.66 22.15 22.66 42.56 43-47 44-43 45-43 46.48 65.48 66. 8q 68.36 69.90 7I.5I 89.58 91.51 93-52 95.63 97.82 II4.9I H7-39 II9.98 122.67 12548 I4I-56 144.61 147-79 151.II 154.56 169.57 173.22 I77.03 l8l.OO 185.14 I99.O3 203.32 207.79 2 1 2. 44 217.3O 25 26 27 28 29 23.19 23-74 24.32 24.92 25-54 47-57 48.69 49.88 51.10 52.38 73.18 74.92 76.73 78.62 80.59 IOO. II IO2.48 IO4.96 I07.54 IIO.23 128.41 131.46 134.63 137-94 141.38 158.17 161.92 165.83 169.89 174-12 189.46 193.95 I98.62 203.48 208.55 222.36 227.62 2^3.10 238.81 244.74 256.96 263.04 269.37 275-95 282.80 30 31 32 33 34 26.19 26.87 27.58 28.30 29.06 53-72 55-IO 56.54 58.02 59-58 82.63 84.76 86.96 89.26 91.64 II3.02 II5.92 118.94 I22.07 125.32 144-95 148.67 152.53 156.54 160.69 178.52 183.09 187.84 192.76 197.87 213.81 219.28 224.95 230.83 236.93 250.9I 257-31 263.96 27O.85 278.OO 289.92 297.3I 304.97 312.93 321.18 35 36 11 39 29.85 30.66 31-51 32.38 33-28 61,19 62.86 64.58 66.36 68.20 94 11 96.66 99-31 102.03 104.86 128.68 132-17 135.77 139-49 143-35 164.99 169.45 174.06 178.83 183.76 203.15 208.63 214.29 220.15 226.20 243-25 249.80 25,6.57 263.57 270.79 285.40 293.08 30I.00 309.I9 3I7.64 329.73 338.57. 347.72 357.15 366.88 40 4i 42 43 44 34.21 35-18 36.17 37.20 38.25 70.11 72.08 74.11 76.20 78.34 107.78 no.3o 113.91 117. 10 120.36 147-33 I5I-44 155.66 159-99 164.41 188.84 I94.O9 199.46 204.98 210.60 232.44 238.85 245.44 252.17 259.03 278.22 285.87 293.70 301.70 309.84 326.32 335.25 344-38 353-70 363.18 376.88 387.13 397.63 408.34 419.25 46 47 48 49 39-33 40-43 41.55 42.67 43-79 80.53 82.76 85.02 87.28 89.55 123.70 127.08 130.49 133-91 J37-33 168.93 173-49 178.09 182.70 187.33 216.32 222.09 227.92 233.78 239.65 265.99 273.03 280.15 287.30 294.49 318.IO 326.48 334-94 343.46 352.02 372.83 382.60 392.49 402.46 412.50 430.36 441.62 453^4 464.57 476.21 50 5i 52 53 54 44.90 46.02 47-13 48.23 49-32 91.78 94-03 96.28 98.50 100.70 140.76 144.18 I47.58 150.95 151.27 191.96 196.58 20I.I7 205.73 2I0.22 245.54 251.36 257 25 263.04 268.76 301.68 308.87 316.03 323.13 330.16 360.61 369.20 377-77 386.28 394-71 422.58 432.69 442.78 452.34 462.82 487.92 499.68 511.46 523.23 534-95 59 50.39 51-44 52.46 53.46 54-42 102.85 104.96 107.02 109.02 110.93 157-53 160.73 163.85 166.86 169.74 214.64 218.96 223.17 227.23 231. II 274-39 279.89 285.25 290.42 295-39 337-07 343.84 350.44 356.83 362.99 40303 411. 19 419.17 426.93 434.42 472.69 482.42 49I.98 50I.3I 5IO.36 546.60 558.14 569.53 58O.72 5QI-67 60 55-33 H2.75 172.48 234.82 300.13 368.86 441.60 5i9.II 602.34 AmAl % 15Pay.L 336 Principles and Practice Table No. CXVI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY FIFTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 13-57 27.82 42.77 58.47 74.96 92.29 IIO.48 21 13.90 28.48 43-79 59-87 76.76 94.50 113.12 22 14.23 29.18 44.87 61.34 78.64 96.80 II5.88 23 14-59 29.9I 45-99 62.87 80.60 99.21 118.75 24 14.96 30.67 47.16 64.47 82.64 IOI.72 121.75 52 15.36 31-47 48.38 66.13 84.76 I04.33 124.87 15.76 32.29 49.64 67.86 86.97 107.04 12S.II 3 16.18 33.15 50.96 69.66 89.28 IO9.88 I3L49 - 16.62 34.05 52.34 71.53 9I.68 112. 8l 134-99 29 1707 34-98 53-77 ■ 73-49 94.17 II5.87 138.65 30 17-54 35-95 55-26 75.51 96.76 II9.05 142.44 31 18.04 36.97 56.81 77.62 99-45 122.35 146.37 32 18.56 38.OI 58.41 79.81 102.24 125.78 150.45 33 19.08 39-09 60.08 82.08 105.14 I29.32 154.67 34 19.64 40.23 61.81 84.44 108.14 I32.99 159.04 35 20.22 41.41 63.61 86.87 in. 25 136.79 163.56 36 20.81 42.62 65.46 89.39 114-45 I4O.72 168.23 11 21.44 43-88 67.38 91.99 117.78 144.78 173-07 22.07 45.18 69.36 94.69 121. 21 I48.98 178:05 39 22.73 46.52 71.42 97.48 124.77 153.31 183 20 40 23.41 47.91 73-55 IOO.37 128.43 157.78 188.47 4i 24.13 49-36 75-76 I03.35 132.21 162.36 193.89 42 24.86 50.86 78.02 I06.4I 136.07 167.06 199.42 43 25 63 52.39 80.35 IO9.55 140.03 171.84 205.03 44 26.40 53-97 82.73 II2.75 144.05 I76.69 210.70 it 27 21 55 58 85.16 I16.OO 148.12 181.58 216.42 2801 57-21 87.62 II9.27 152.21 186.48 . 222.15 9 28.85 58.87 90.10 122.56 156.31 I9I.4O 227.90 29.68 60.52 92.56 125.83 160.39 I96.30 233.62 49 30 50 62.16 95.oi 129.09 164.47 20I.I8 239.32 50 31-33 63.80 97.46 132.35 168.52 206.O3 244.97 51 32.15 65-44 99.91 135-59 172.55 2IO.84 250.57 52 32.98 67.08 102.34 138.81 176.53 215.60 256.09 53 33-So 68.70 104.75 I4I.98 180.47 220.29 261.53 54 34.6i 70.31 107 13 145.12 184.35 224.89 266.85 55 35-43 71.91 109.48 148.21 188.15 229.39 272.03 56 36.23 73.48 111.80 I5I.24 191.87 233-76 277.05 s 37.02 75.04 114.09 154.21 195-49 238.OI 281.91 37-82 76.58 116.32 157-10 198.99 242.IO 286.58 59 38.59 78.08 118.49 159.89 202 36 246.O3 291.00 60 39 35 79-53 120.59 162.58 205.60 249-74 295-17 61 40.09 8095 122.63 165.17 208.67 253-23 299.04 62 40 82 82.33 124.59 167.62 211.53 256.46 302.56 63 41-53 83.67 126.44 169.91 214.18 259-36 305.69 64 42. 2 1. 84.92 128.17 172.01 216.54 261.92 308.36 3 42.85 86.09 129.75 173.89 218.61 264 09 310.58 43-45 87.18 131. 18 175-54 220.37 265.87 312.40 3 44.02 88.15 132.45 176.96 221.83 267.37 313.97 44-53 89.04 133-55 178.17 223.12 268.74 315.48 69 45.02 89.84 134.55 179-31 224.42 270.23 317.17 70 45-45 90.59 135.55 180.58 225.97 272.07 319.30 15Pay.L. AmAl % Of L,ifk Insurance. 337 Table No. CXVL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLL CIES BY FIFTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE , FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 8 th 9th 10th llth 12 th 13th 14th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 129.58 149.66 170.74 I92.89 216. 17 240.64 266.34 21 132.68 153.23 174.8T 197.49 221.31 2*6.34 272.64 22 135-91 156.95 179-05 202.27 226.66 252.28 279 22 23 139.27 160.83 183.47 207.25 232.23 258.47 286.05 24 142.78 164.87 188.07 212.43 238.03 264.91 293.16 3 146.44 169.08 192.85 217.83 244.05 271.60 300 54 150.23 173-44 197.83 223.43 250.32 278.55 308.21 27 154-17 178.OO 203.OO 229.26 256.82 285.77 3'6.i7 28 158.28 182.72 208 38 235.30 263.58 293.26 324-44 29 162.55 187.63 213-95 241.58 270.58 3OI.O3 333-OI 30 166.98 I92.72 219.73 248.08 277.84 309.08 341.89 3i 171-57 I98.OO 225.72 254.82 285.36 317-43 35i.o8 32 176.32 203.46 231-93 261.80 293.16 326.05 360.59 33 181.24 209.12 238.36 269.03 30I.2I 334-97 370.40 34 186.35 2 [4 98 245.01 276.50 309.53 344-17 380.52 35 191.62 22I.04 251.87 284.21 318.IO 353-64 390.93 36 197.07 227.29 258.96 292.14 326.92 363.38 401.60 37 202.70 233-74 266.24 300.30 335.98 373-36 412.54 38 208.50 240.36 273.73 308.67 345.25 383.56 423-7I 39 214.46 247.18 281.41 3I7.23 354-71 393.96 435-IO 40 220.58 254-15 289.25 325.95 364-35 404.56 446.70 4i 226.84 261.26 297.22 334-82 374-15 4I5.33 458.49 42 233.20 268.47 305.3I 343-81 384-08 426.24 470.45 43 239-65 275.78 313 50 352.91 394-12 437.28 482.54 44 246.16 283.15 321-75 362.08 404-25 448.41 494-75 45 252.72 29O.57 330.06 37i-3o 414.43 459.62 507.06 46 259-30 298.OI 338.38 380.54 424.64 470.87 519-43 47 265.88 305.45 346.71 389-79 434-87 482.14 531.84 48 272.44 312.86 355-00 399.00 445.06 493-38 544-24 49 278.96 320.22 363.23 408. 16 455-2o 504.58 556.62 50 285.43 327.52 37I.40 417.23 465.24 5I5.70 568.95 5^ 291.82 334-73 379-45 426.18 475.16 526.70 581.18 52 298.13 341.83 387.37 434.98 484.93 537.56 593-28 53 304-3I 348.78 395.13 443 60 494.51 518.21 605.21 54 310.34 355-55 402.68 452.00 503 84 558.63 616.92 55 316.21 362.13 41O.OI 460.14 512.89 568.77 628.38 56 321.89 368.48 417.06 467.97 521.62 578.57 639-54 57 327-36 374-56 423.80 475-45 529.97 588.OO 650.36 58 332 58 380.34 430.20 482.53 537.90 597-OI 660.81 59 337-50 385.78 436.17 489.16 545-35 605.55 670.89 60 342.IO 390.81 441.70 495.28 552.27 613.62 680.62 61 346.32 395-40 446.70 500.84 558.65 621.23 690.02 62 350.II 399-47 451.14 505.83 564.51 628.40 699 1 1 63 353-42 402.99 455-00 510.27 569.86 635.I4 707.89 64 356.21 405-97 458.33 514.21 574-75 641.46 716.36 65 358.51 408.47 461.22 5I7-7I 579.22 647 37 724.47 66 360.44 410.63 463.76 520.87 583.28 652.85 732.21 67 362.15 412.59 466.10 523.75 586.99 657.91 739 44 68 363.86 414.55 468.37 526.45 590.39 662.41 746.17 )6o 365.78 416.68 470.70 529.07 593-35 666.36 752.4J [70 368.12 419.12 473.22 53L45 595.90 669.78 758.24 Am.4^ 20Pay.L 33& Principles and Practice Table No. CXVII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLL CIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PERCENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 3 3 29 30 31 32 33 34 9 a 39 40 41 42 43 44 49 50 5i 52 53 54 5 I 56 5 Z 58 59 60 1st Year. IO. 1 1 I0.37 IO.65 IO.95 11.26 2d Year. .58 .91 I 1: 12.26 12.63 13.00 1 3- 40 13.81 14.24 14.68 15-14 15.64 16.13 16.66 17.19 17.76 18.33 18.95 19.58 20.24 20.92 21.63 22.34 23.08 23.82 24.56 25-31 26 06 26.83 27.61 28.40 29.20 30.00 30.82 31.66 32.50 33.35 20.71 21.25 21.83 22.43 23.06 23.72 24.40 25.11 25.85 26.62 27-43 28.28 29.14 30.04 31.00 31.98 33.00 34.06 35.15 36.20 37.48 38.71 40.00 41-32 42.69 44.09 45-53 46.99 48.45 49.92 51.39 52.89 54-40 55-93 57-47 59-03 60.60 62.20 63.81 65-43 67.06 3d Year. 31.82 32.66 33-54 34-47 35-44 36.44 37-49 38.58 39.71 40.90 42.13 43-41 44-74 46.13 47.58 49.08 50.63 52.24 53-90 55-65 57-45 59-33 61.27 63.27 65-32 67.43 69.58 71.74 73-9 1 76.07 78.26 80.47 82.70 84-95 87.21 89.48 91.79 94.11 96.44 98.77 4th Year. 43.47 44.62 45.83 47.09 48.41 49.78 5I.20 52.69 54-24 55.85 57.52 59-27 61.08 62.96 64-93 66.96 69.06 71.23 73-50 75.85 78.29 80.82 83.42 86.10 88.85 91.65 94.48 97-33 100.18 103.04 105.92 108.82 in. 73 114.66 117.60 120.57 123.54 126.53 129.51 132.48 135.46 5th Year. 55-70 57.18 58.72 60.33 62.OI 63.76 65.58 67.48 69.46 71.51 73.64 75 87 78.18 80.58 83.06 85.65 88.31 91.08 93-95 96.94 IOO.OI 103.21 IO6.48 IO9.85 113.27 II6.75 120.25 123.77 127.29 130.82 134-37 137-93 141-50 145.08 148.67 152.26 155.86 159-44 163.02 166.57 1 70. 1 1 6th Year. 68.53 70.34 72.23 74.21 76.27 78.42 80.65 82.98 85.40 87.91 9°-53 93-25 96.07 99.00 102.04 105.18 108.43 111.81 115. 3i 118.93 122.67 126.52 130.47 134-51 138.60 142.74 146.89 151.07 155-25 159-43 163.62 167.82 172.01 176.21 180.40 184.58 188.73 192.86 196.97 201.03 205.02 7 th Year. 81.98 84.15 86.41 88.77 91.23 93-79 96.45 99.22 102.10 105.10 108.21 in-45 114.79 118.27 121.87 125.60 129.46 133.47 137.60 141.88 146.27 150.79 I55-4I 160. 1 1 164.85 169.63 174.44 179.26 184.08 188.89 193.69 198.49 203.29 208.06 212.80 217.51 222.17 226.80 231.36 235.83 240.19 20Pay.L. Am.4J* Of Life Insurance. 339 Table No. CXVII — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLL CIES BY TWENTY EQUAL A.NNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 8th 9th lOth llth 13th 13th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 96.IO IIO.9I 126.45 142.75 159.86 177.81 21 98.64 113-83 129.77 146.49 164.04 182.44 22 IOI.28 116.87 I33.23 150.39 168.38 187.26 23 IO4.03 I20.05 136.84 154-44 172.91 192.28 24 IO6.9I 123.35 140.59 158.66 177.62 197.50 25 IO9.9O 126.79 144.49 163.06 182.52 202.92 26 113 OO 130.35 148.55 167.62 187.60 208.54 3 IIO.24 I34.08 152.77 172.36 192.88 214.38 II9.60 137.94 157.15 177.27 198.35 220.43 29 I23.IO I4L95 161.69 182.37 204.OI 226.69 30 126.73 146. I I 166.40 187.64 209.89 233.I9 31 130.49 150.42 171.28 193.12 215.98 239.91 32 134-39 I54.S8 176.34 198.78 222.27 246.84 33 138.42 159-51 I8I.57 204.64 228.77 254.OI 34 142.61 164.30 186.99 210.70 235-49 261.39 35 146.95 169.26 I92-59 216.95 242.40 268.98 36 I5I-44 174-39 198.36 223.38 249.50 276.75 3 156.07 179.68 204.30 229.99 256.78 284.70 160.86 185. II 210.41 236.76 264.21 292.79 , 39 I65-79 I9O.71 216.67 243-68 271.78 30I.02 40 170.85 196.44 223.04 250.70 279.46 309-35 4i 176.04 202.27 229.52 257-83 287.23 317.78 42 181. 31 208.19 236.08 265.03 295.07 326.27 43 186.65 214.17 242.70 272.29 302.97 334-79 44 192.04 220.20 249-36 279-57 310.88 343-33 * 197.46 226.26 256.05 286.87 318.79 351.85 202.91 232.32 262.73 294-15 326.67 360.33 ! % 208.36 238.39 269.39 301.41 334.50 368.75 213.80 244.42 276.OI 308.61 342.27 377-07 49 219.21 250.43 282.59 315.73 349-93 385-27 50 224.61 256.40 289.II 322.78 357-49 393-33 5i 229.99 262.33 295.56 329-72 364.91 401.24 52 235-34 268.20 301.92 336.55 372.20 408.96 53 240.65 274.OO 308.18 343-25 379-31 416.46 54 245.90 279.72 314-34 349.81 386.22 423-7I 55 251.09 285.36 320.37 356.17 392.89 430.67 56 256.22 290.89 326.23 362.33 399-30 437.30 57 261.26 296.28 33I.9 2 368.25 405-40 443-56 i 58 266.20 30T.52 337.38 373-88 4ii-i5 449-39 59 270.99 306.56 342.59 379- 19 416.49 454.76 60 275.64 311.39 347.52 384.14 421.43 459-71 AmAl % 20Pay.L 340 Principles and Practice Table No. CXVIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLI- CIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 14th Year. 18th Year. 16th Year. irth Year. 18th Year. 19th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 196.64 201.75 207.07 2I2.60 218.35 216.41 222.02 227.85 233.91 240.20 237.15 243.28 249.65 256.26 263.13 258.93 265.59 272.51 279.71 287.16 281.78 289.OO 296.51 304.30 312.38 305.76 3I3.58 321.69 330.II 338.84 % 29 224.31 230.50 236.9I 243-56 250.45 246.74 253.51 260.53 267.80 275-34 270.24 277.63 285.28 293.21 301 40 294.90 302.92 311.23 319.83 328.71 320.76 32945 338.43 347-72 357.31 347.89 357.26 366.95 376.96 387.27 30 31 32 33 34 257.58 264.95 272.56 280.39 2S8.45 283.12 291.16 299-45 307.97 316.73 309.87 318.59 327.58 336.81 346.25 337.87 347-30 357-00 366.93 377-09 367.19 377-35 387.77 398.43 409.31 397.89 408.79 419-95 43I-36 443.00 18 37 38 39 296.72 305.I8 313.79 322.56 331-45 325.68 334.82 344-12 353-56 363-14 355-9° 365.73 375-73 385.88 396.15 387.45 398.OO 408.72 4I9.58 430.57 420.41 431.70 443.16 454-77 466.51 454-87 466.93 479- J 7 491-57 504. 10 40 4i 42 43 44 340.45 349-53 358.67 367.84 377-00 372.81 3S2.56 392.36 402.19 412.00 406.51 416.95 427.44 437-94 448.43 44I.65 452.81 464.OI 475-22 486.42 478.35 490.26 502.22 514.19 526.14 5i6.74 529.46 542.23 555-03 567.81 49 386.15 395.24 404.24 4I3-I3 421.86 421.78 431-49 441.09 450.56 459-86 458.87 469.22 479-45 489.54 499-44 497-55 508.59 5I9-52 530.28 540.83 538.03 549.84 561.53 573-04 584.35 580.56 593-22 605.78 618.17 630.38 50 5i 52 53 54 430.44 438.83 446.98 454.87 462.46 468.97 477.84 486.46 494.76 502.71 509. n 518.53 527-65 536.41 544-79 55LI5 561.18 570.88 580.22 589.14 595.41 606.18 616.62 626.68 636.34 642.35 654.05 665.44 676.49 687.22 U 59 469.71 476.56 482.97 488.90 494-36 510.27 5I7-38 523.99 530.12 535.8o 552.73 560.19 567.16 573.67 579-76 597.60 605.61 613.17 620.31 627.07 645.59 654.44 662.92 671.05 678.85 697.63 707-75 717.61 727.21 736.56 60 499.41 541-10 585.49 633.49 686.32 745.62 lOYr.End. Am.41* Of Lifk Insurance. 341 Table No. CXVIII. TERMINAL VALUES PER $1000 OF TEN YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MA- TURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 8 th Year. 9th Year. 78.39 78.37 78.36 78.34 78.33 160.91 160.88 160.85 160.82 160.79 247.78 247.74 247.70 247.66 247.62 339.26 339.21 339- l6 339- IJ 339.o6 435-59 435-53 435.48 435.42 435-36 537.04 536.98 536.92 536.86 536.79 643.89 643.83 643.78 643.72 643.65 756.45 756.41 756 36 756.31 756.25 875.04 875.01 874.98 874.95 874.92 11 27 28 29 78.31 78.29 78.28 78.26 78.24 160.76 160.73 160.69 160.65 l6o 6l 247.58 247.53 247.48 247.42 247.36 339.00 338.94 338.87 338.81 338.73 435 29 435-22 435.14 435-07 434.98 536.72 536 65 536.57 536.48 536 39 643.59 643.52 643.44 643.35 643.26 756.20 756.14 756.07 756.00 755.92 874.88 874.84 874.80 874.76 874.71 30 31 32 33 34 78.22 78.20 78.18 78.15 78.12 160.58 160.54 160.49 160.43 160.39 247-31 247.24 247.17 247.IO 247.02 338 66 338.57 338.48 338.39 338.29 434.89 434.79 434.69 434.58 434.45 536.29 536.19 536.08 535.95 535-81 643.17 643.06 642.95 642.82 642.69 755.84 755-75 755.65 755-54 755.42 874.66 874.60 874-54 87447 874-39 37 38 39 78.IO 78.07 78.04 77-99 77.96 160 33 160 27 I60.20 l6o.I2 160.04 246.94 246.84 246.74 246.62 246.50 338.18 338.05 337-91 337.76 337.6o 434.32 434.16 434.00 433.82 433-64 535-66 535.50 535.32 535.13 534.92 642.54 642.37 642.20 642.OO 641.79 755.29 755.15 754-99 754-82 754-63 874.31 874.22 874.II 874.OO 873.88 40 4i 42 43 44 77.91 77.88 77.84 77.80 77.75 159.96 159.88 I59.8o 159.71 I59-6I 246.38 246.25 246.12 245.98 245.81 337-44 337.27 337.o8 336.88 336.66 433-44 433-23 432.99 432.73 432.45 534.69 554.45 534-18 533-88 533-53 641.55 64130 641.02 640.69 640.33 754.42 754-19 753-93 753-63 753.29 873.74 873.58 873.40 873-20 872.98 % 49 77.72 77.66 77.6o 77-53 77-43 159.51 159.38 159-25 159.07 I58.84 245.64 245-44 245.19 244.89 244.52 336.41 336.10 335-74 335-31 334-8i 432.11 431.71 43L25 430.71 430.08 533-13 532.67 532.13 531.51 530.80 639.90 639.41 638.85 638.20 63747 752.90 752.46 751.95 751-37 750.72 872.72 872.43 872.O9 87I.70 871.27 50 5i 52 53 54 77.31 77-17 77.01 76.84 76.64 158.58 I58.28 157.94 I57.56 157.14 244.10 243.63 243.10 242.51 241.84 334.24 333.59 332.87 332.06 33i 15 429.38 428.58 427 69 426.69 425-58 529.99 529.09 528.08 526.96 525.71 636,64 635.72 634.68 633.53 632.25 749.98 749.16 748.24 74-. 22 746.07 870.79 870.25 869.65 868.98 868.23 p 59 76.42 76.17 75.90 75.6i 75-28 156.66 156.13 155.56 154.93 154-23 241.10 240.28 239-38 238.39 237.29 330 15 329.04 327-83 3 2 6.47 32498 424.35 422.99 421.49 419.82 417.99 524.33 522.79 521.08 519-21 517.14 630.83 629.25 627.50 625.58 623.44 744.8i 743.40 741.84 740.11 738.19 867.39 866.47 865.44 864.29 863.02 60 74.9 2 153.46 236.08 323-35 4I5.99 514.86 621.08 736.07 86l.6l Am.4l* 15Yr.End. 342 Principles and Practice Table No. CXIX. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF FIFTEEN-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4 th Year. 5th Year. 6th Year. rth Year. 20 21 22 23 24 45-37 45-36 45-34 45-34 45-33 93.IO 93.08 93-06 93.04 93-03 143.34 I43-30 143.28 143-25 143.23 I96.2I 196.17 196.13 I96.IO 196.06 251.86 251.81 25L77 251.72 251.68 310.45 310.39 310.34 310.28 310.22 372.13 372.07 372.00 37L94 371.87 3 3 29 45-33 45.32 45-31 45.30 45.29 93-02 93.OO 92.98 92.97 92.95 143.20 143-18 143-15 143.12 I43.IO 196.03 195.99 195.95 195.91 195.87 251.63 251.58 25L53 251.48 251.42 3IO.I6 3IO.IO 3I0.04 309.97 309.9O 37I.80 37L73 37I.65 37L57 371.48 30 31 32 33 34 45.29 45.29 45.28 45.27 45.27 92.94 92.93 92.91 92.89 92.89 I43.07 I43.05 I43-02 I43.00 142.98 195.83 195.79 195.76 195.72 195.68 25L37 251.32 251.26 251.20 251.14 309.84 309.76 309.69 309.61 309.53 37I.40 37I-3I 37L2I 37LIO 1 370.99 9 II 39 45.27 45.27 45.28 45-27 45.28 92.88 92.88 92.87 92.87 92.87 142.96 142.94 142.92 I42.9I I42.9I 195.65 I95-6I 195.57 195.54 195-53 251.O9 251.02 250.96 250.92 250.89 309-44 309-35 309.27 309.20 309.14 370.88 370.76 370.66 370.55 370.46 40 4i 42 43 44 45.29 45-32 45-35 45-39 45-43 92.89 92.93 92.98 93.04 93.12 142.93 142.97 143.02 I43.O9 I43.I6 195-54 195-57 I95-6I 195.66 195.72 250.87 250.88 250.89 250.91 250.92 3O9.O9 309.05 309.02 308.99 308.92 370.36 370.28 | 370.I8 370.06 369.91 47 48 49 45.49 45-54 45.60 45.66 45.70 93.20 93.28 93-37 93-43 93-47 143.25 143.33 I4340 143-43 143.43 195.78 195.81 I95.82 195.79 195.72 250.92 250.88 250.80 250.67 250.50 308.83 308.68 308.49 308.25 307.94 369.70 369.44 369.13 368.74 368.27 50 5i 52 53 54 45-74 45.78 45-8i 45-86 45.89 93-51 93-54 93-57 93-59 93.61 I43.42 143.41 143.37 143-33 143.27 195.63 195.52 I95.38 195.22 I95.O4 250.28 250.04 249-75 249.43 249 08 307-58 307.16 306.70 306.18 305.61 367-74 367.13 366.46 365-72 364.89 P 57 58 59 45-93 45.97 46.03 46.09 46.16 93.63 93-65 93-69 93-73 93.78 143.22 I43-I6 I43.IO I43-05 142.98 194.84 194.64 194.42 194.18 193-93 248.69 248.27 247.82 247-34 246.83 304.98 304-30 303.56 302.78 301.93 363.99 363.OO 361.94 360.80 359-55 60 46.23 93.83 142.92 I93-67 246.28 30I.00 358.18 15Yr.End. Am.41* Of Lifk Insurance. 343 Table No. CXIX.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $ioco OF FIFTEEN-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 8th Year. 9th Year. IOUi Year. 11th Year. 12th Year. 1.1th Year. 14th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 437.08 437-OI 436.94 436.86 436.79 505.48 505.40 505.32 505.24 505.16 577.52 577-44 577.36 577-27 577.18 653.40 653-33 653-25 653.16 653.07 733-35 733-28 733-21 733-13 733.05 8:7.60 817.54 817.48 817.42 817.35 906.40 906.36 906.32 1 906.28 906.24 25 26 2 29 436.71 436.62 436.53 436.44 436 34 505.07 504.97 504.87 504.77 504.C6 577-09 576.99 576.88 576.77 576.64 652.97 652.87 652.76 652.65 652.52 732.96 732.86 732.76 732.65 732.52 817.28 817.20 8i7.II 817.02 816.92 906.20 906.15 9' 6.09 906.04 905.97 30 3i 32 33 34 436.24 436.12 4*6.00 435-87 435-74 504.54 504 41 504.26 504.I2 503.96 576.51 576.37 57621 576.05 575.88 652 38 652.24 652.07 651.90 651.71 732.39 732.25 732.10 731-93 731-75 816.80 816.69 816.55 816.41 8l6.25 905.90 905.83 905.74 905.65 905.55 36 3 Z 38 39 435.6o 435 46 435 31 435.17 435.03 503.80 503 63 503 45 503.27 503.08 575.69 575.50 575.29 575 07 574-84 65^.52 651.31 651.08 650.84 650.56 73L55 73i 34 73i.li 730.85 730.56 816.08 815.89 815.68 815-45 815.I9 905.44 905.3I 905.18 905.02 904.84 40 4i 42 43 44 434.89 434-74 434- 56 434-35 434.09 502.88 502.66 502.40 5<)2 09 501.72 574-58 574-29 573-94 573-55 573.09 650.26 649.91 649.51 649 06 648.53 730.24 729.87 729.46 728.98 728.44 814 89 814.56 814.18 813.76 81327 904.65' 904.43 904.18 903.89 903.57 9 49 433-77 433-39 432.93 432.39 43L75 50I.29 5OO.78 500.I8 499.49 498.70 572.56 571-93 571-22 570.40 56947 647.93 647-23 646.44 645- 54 644.52 727.82 727.11 726.30 725-39 724 37 812.72 812.09 8H.38 8lO 58 809.68 903.21 902.80 902.35 901.82 9OI.24 50 51 52 53 54 431.04 430.24 429-34 428.36 427.26 497.80 496.81 495-70 494.47 493." 568.43 567.27 56597 564- 54 562.96 643-38 642. 1 1 640 69 639.13 637.41 723.23 721.95 720.54 718.97 717.23 808.68 807.56 806.32 804.93 803.40 900. 5S ! 899.86 899.05 ; 898.14 1 897.14 59 426.06 424.76 423 35 421.81 420.12 491.63 490.01 488.24 486.31 484.18 561.23 559 32 557 24 554-95 552.43 635.5I 633-4I 631.12 628.58 625.79 7I5.3I 713-20 710.86 708.28 705.42 801.70 799-83 797-75 795-44 792.89 896.03 894.79 893.42 891.89 8qo.2i 60 418.27 481.83 549-65 622 68 702.24 790.05 888.34 Am.4J*' 20Yr.End 344 Principles and Practice Table No. CXX. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY- YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 3 II 29 30 31 32 33 34 S 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 49 So 5i 52 53 54 5 I 56 57 58 59 60 1st Year. 29-45 29.44 2944 29.44 29.44 29-45 29 45 29.46 29.47 29.48 29.50 29.52 29-54 29.56 29.59 29.64 29.68 29.74 29.79 29.87 29-95 30.06 30.18 30.33 30.48 30.66 30.85 31.08 31.29 3i-5i 31-74 32.00 32.27 32.57 32.89 33-25 33.62 34-03 34-43 34-95 35-22 2d Year. 60.40 60.4O 60.40 60.40 60.4I 60.42 60.42 60.44 60.45 60.47 60.50 60.54 60.57 6o.6l 60.68 60.76 60.84 60.94 61.05 61.19 61.36 61.56 61.80 62.06 62.36 62.69 63.04 63-43 63.83 64.23 64.66 65.12 65-63 66.17 66.76 67.40 68.09 68.84 69.66 70.52 7I.I8 3d Year. 92.98 92.97 92.96 92.97 92.97 92.98 92.99 93-00 93.02 9305 93-09 93-13 93.18 93-25 93-33 93-44 93-55 9369 93.84 94-05 94.29 94.58 94.90 95-28 95-69 96.15 96.63 97.14 97.67 93.20 98.78 99.41 100.09 100.83 101.62 102.48 103.42 104.44 105 54 106.70 107.94 4 th Year. 127.23 127.22 127.22 127.22 127.22 127.23 127.24 127.25 I27.28 I27.3I 127.34 127-39 127.46 127.53 127.64 I27.76 127.9O I28.06 128.26 128.52 128.82 129.17 129.58 130.03 130.54 I3L09 131.65 132.25 132.85 I33-4Q 134-17 134-9' 135-71 136.57 I37.50 138.53 13965 140.85 142.14 I43-5I 5th Year. 163.27 163.26 163.25 163.25 163.25 163.25 163.26 163.27 163.30 163.32 163.36 163.42 163.48 163.57 163.68 163.81 163.96 164.16 164.39 164.69 165.03 I65-44 165.89 166.41 166.97 167.56 168.16 168.80 169.46 170.14 170.87 171.67 172.52 173-45 174-47 175-59 176.79 178.09 179.48 180.97 6th Year. 144.98 I 182.57 20I.20 20I.I8 20I.I6 20I.I5 201.15 201.15 20I.I5 20I.I6 20I.I7 20I.20 201.24 20I.29 20I.36 20I.44 201.55 201.68 201.85 202.06 202.32 202.63 203.OI 203.44 203.93 204.47 205.04 205.63 206.24 206.88 207.54 208.22 208.96 209.75 2ro.6i 211-55 212.58 213.70 214.91 216.22 217.63 219.13 220.71 7 th Year. 24I.IO 241.07 241.06 241.04 241.02 24I.02 241.01 24I.OI 24I.02 241.04 24I.O7 241.12 24I.I7 241.25 241.35 24I.49 24I.65 24I.87 242.14 242.47 242.84 243.28 243-77 244.29 244.83 245.40 245-97 246.57 247.19 247.82 248.50 249.24 250.05 250.93 251.89 252.94 254.08 255-31 256.48 258.03 259.48 20Yr.End. AmAl % Of Life Insurance. 345 Table No. CXX.— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 8th 9th lOth 11th 12th 13th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 283. IO 327.30 373-82 422.80 474-37 528.68 21 283.06 327.25 373-77 422.74 474-30 528.60 22 283.03 327.21 373-72 422.68 474.23 528.52 23 283.01 327.18 373-67 422.62 474.16 528.44 24 282.99 327.I5 373.63 422.56 474.09 528.35 2 § 282.97 327.I2 373.58 422.51 474-02 528.27 26 282.95 327.08 373-54 422.45 473-95 528.18 27 282.94 327.07 373-51 422.40 473-87 528.09 28 282.94 327.05 373-48 422.34 473 80 527-99 29 282.95 327.05 373.45 422.29 473.72 527.89 30 282.97 327.05 373-43 422.25 473.65 527.80 31 283.00 327.06 373-42 422.21 473.59 527.72 32 283.04 327.08 373.42 422.I9 473-54 527.63 33 283.10 327.13 373-44 422.19 473-51 527.56 34 283.20 327.20 373.5o 422.21 473.50 527.50 3 I 2 83.33 327.32 373-59 422.27 473.50 527.46 36 283.49 327.46 373.71 422.34 473-53 527.42 3 283.70 327.66 373-86 422.45 473-57 527.38 283.96 327.89 374-05 422.58 473.62 527.34 39 284.27 328.17 374.29 422.73 473-67 527.29 40 284.64 328.50 374-54 422.89 473-72 527.21 4i 285.06 328.86 374-81 423.05 473.76 527.13 42 285.50 329.23 375-o8 423.21 473-79 527.00 43 285.97 3-9.62 375.36 423.36 473-78 526.84 44 286.45 330.0I 375.64 423.49 473-75 526.63 45 286.95 330.4I 375-90 423.60 473-68 526.37 46 287.45 330.80 376.15 423.67 473-56 526.05 8 287.97 33I-20 376.39 423.73 473-40 525.67 288.50 33L59 376.62 423.75 473.20 525.22 49 289.04 33L99 376.84 423.75 472-95 524.71 50 289.62 332.42 377.07 423.74 472.67 524.13 5i 290.25 332.89 377.32 423.73 472.35 523.51 52 290.94 333-40 377-59 423.71 472.02 522.83 53 291.69 333-9 6 377.89 423.71 471-67 522.IO 54 292.51 334-57 378.24 423.72 471.29 521.29 5 I 293-4I 335-25 378.63 423.74 470.88 520.42 56 294 39 335-99 379-03 423-74 470.41 5I9-42 12 295.46 336.78 379-46 423.72 469.85 518.29 296.58 337.60 379-87 423.62 469.17 516.97 59 297.75 338.43 380.24 423.43 468.34 515.43 60 298.96 339.26 380.57 423.13 467.34 513.71 Am.4J* 20Yr.End 346 Principles and Practice Table No. CXX.— Concluded TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 14th Year. 15th Year. 16th Year. irth Year. ISth Year. 19th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 585.88 585.79 585.70 585.61 585.52 646.14 646.05 645.96 645.86 645.76 709.64 709.54 709 45 709.35 709.25 776.56 776.47 776.39 776.29 776.19 847.II 847.04 846.97 846.89 846.80 921.51 921.47 921.42 921.37 921.32 li 3 29 585.42 585.32 585.20 585 09 584.97 645.65 645.53 645-4I 645.28 645.14 709 13 709.OI 708.88 708.75 708.60 776.08 775.96 775-84 775.70 775.56 846.71 846.61 846.50 846.39 846.26 921.26 921.20 921.13 921 06 920.98 30 31 32 33 34 584.86 584.74 584.63 584.52 584.42 645 OI 644.87 644.72 644.58 644-43 708.45 708.29 708.12 707.95 707.76 775.41 775.24 775.07 774-88 774.66 846.13 845.98 845.82 845.64 845.44 920. 89 920.79 920.68 920.56 920.42 li % 39 584 32 58420 584.08 583.94 583.78 644.27 644.09 643.88 643-65 643.40 707.55 707.3I 707.05 706.75 706.41 774-43 774- 16 773.87 773-53 773.16 845.22 844.97 844.69 844.37 844.02 920.27 920. 10 919.9I 919.69 9 J 9.45 40 4i 42 43 44 583.59 583.37 583.IO 582.78 582.40 643 IO 642 75 642.35 641.89 641.35 706.O3 705.59 705.09 704- 52 703.87 772.73 772.25 77I.7I 771.09 770.39 843.62 843.18 842.67 842.IO 841.46 919.18 918.88 918.54 • 918.16 917.73 t 49 581.95 581.43 580.83 580.14 579-36 640.74 640.04 639.23 638.33 637.32 703.I3 702.29 70I.3I 7O0.28 699.IO 769.60 768.71 767.71 766.59 765.34 840.73 839.92 839.OI 837.99 836.85 917.24 916.70 916.09 915.40 914.64 50 5i 52 53 54 578.50 577.56 576.53 575.41 574.18 636.20 634- 97 633.62 632.15 630.52 697.79 696.34 694.76 693 or 691.08 763.96 762.43 760.74 758.88 756.82 835.59 834.19 832.64 830.92 829.02 9 T 3-79 912.85 911.80 910.65 909.36 59 572.82 57L30 569.57 567.60 ' 565 39 628.72 626.70 624.43 621.88 619.09 688.93 686.53 683.85 680.91 677.71 754.52 75L97 749.16 746.07 742.74 8269I 824.58 822 02 819.21 816.16 907.94 906.38 904.65 902.75 900.66 60 563.OO 616.13 674.18 739.18 812.87 898.37 25Yr.End. Am.4^ Of Life Insurance. 347 Table No. CXXI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-FIVE- YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERI- ENCE, FOUR Ax\D ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 20.36 41-75 64.24 87.87 112.72 138.85 ' 166.33 195.22 21 20.36 41.76 64.26 87.90 II2.76 I38.89 166.37 195.26 22 20.37 41.78 64.29 87.94 II2.8I 138.94 166.43 I95.32 23 20.39 41.81 64-33 87.99 112.86 I39-0 1 166.49 195.39 24 20.41 41.85 64.38 88.05 II2.94 139.09 166.58 I95.48 2 I 20.43 41.89 64-43 88.13 II3.02 139.18 166.68 195-59 26 20.45 41-93 64.50 88.21 113-12 139.29 166.80 195.71 3 20.48 41.99 64.58 88.30 113 24 139-43 166.95 195.86 20.51 42.05 64.67 88.42 113.38 139-59 167.12 196 06 29 20.55 42.12 64.77 88.56 113 54 139-77 167.33 196.28 30 2O.59 42.21 64.90 88.72 "3-73 140.00 167.58 196 55 31 20.65 42.32 65.05 88.91 H3-97 140.27 167.88 196.86 32 20.71 42.43 65.22 89.14 1 14- 23 140.57 I68.2I 197.22 33 20.77 42.56 65.42 89-39 H4-55 140.93 168.61 197.64 34 20.85 42.73 65.65 89.70 114.91 I4L35 169.06 198.15 3 § 20.95 42.91 65-93 90.05 115.33 141.83 169.61 198.74 36 2I.06 43-12 66.23 90.44 115.80 142.38 170.23 199-43 12 2I.I8 43-35 66.58' 90.89 116.36 143-03 170.96 200.22 21.31 43.62 66.97 91.41 116.99 143.77 171.79 201.12 39 21.47 43-93 67.43 92.01 117.73 144.62 172.74 202.15 40 21.65 44.29 67-95 92.70 118.56 145.58 I73.8I 203.30 4i 21.86 44.70 68.56 93-48 119.51 146.67 I75.02 204.59 42 22.09 45.16 69.23 94.36 120.55 147.87 176.34 205 99 43 22.36 45-68 69.99 95-33 121.72 149.19 177.78 207.50 44 22.65 46.25 70.8I 9 6 -39 122.98 150.62 179-31 209.11 J 45 22.98 46.88 71-73 97-55 124-35 152.15 180.97 210.85 ! 40 23.32 47.56 72.71 98.79 125.80 153.77 182.73 212.70 1 47 23.71 48.30 73-76 100.10 127 35 I55.5I 184.62 214.69 1 48 24.12 49.08 74.87 101.50 128.99 157-37 186.63 216.81 49 24.55 49.89 76.03 102.98 130.75 159-35 188.78 219.08 So 25.00 50.77 77.29 104.58 132.64 161.48 191. IO 221.53 5i 25.49 5i.7i 78.64 106.30 134.67 163.76 193-59 224.17 52 26.02 52.72 80.09 108.14 136.85 166.22 196.27 227.00 53 26.58 53-8o 81.65 1 10. 1 1 139-18 168.86 199.14 230.03 54 27.18 54-95 83-30 112. 21 141.67 171.67 202.20 233-25 g 27.82 56.18 85.06 114.46 144-33 174.67 205.46 236.69 28.50 57-49 86.95 116.85 147.16 177.85 208.92 240.35 57 29-15 58.89 88.96 119-39 150.14 181.23 212.60 244.24 58 30.01 60.38 91.09 122.09 153-34 184.82 216.50 248.34 59 30.82 6i.95 93-33 124 92 156.70 188.61 220.60 252.64 60 31.68 63.59 95.69 127.94 160.25 192.70 224.91 257.17 Am.4i* 25Yr.End 348 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXI.— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY , AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT Age. 20 9th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th ISth 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 225.61 257-57 29I.I9 326 57 363.79 402.96 444.19 487 60 21 225.65 257.61 291.23 326.59 363-80 402.96 444.18 487.57 22 225.70 257.66 291.27 326.63 363.83 402.98 444.18 48755 23 225.78 257.73 29L33 326.68 36387 403.OI 444.19 487.54 24 225.87 257.81 291.41 326.75 36393 403.05 444.21 487.54 25 225.97 257.92 291.51 326.84 364.OI 403. IO 444.24 487.55 26 226.IO 258.05 291.64 326.96 364-10 403.18 444.29 487.57 % 226.26 258.2I 29I.79 327IO 364.23 403.28 444-37 487.62 226.45 258.40 291.98 327.27 364.38 403.42 444.48 487.70 29 226.69 258.63 292.20 327.49 364.58 403.59 444.63 487.82 30 226.96 258.9I 292.48 327.75 364.84 403.83 444.83 487.98 31 227.29 259.24 292.81 328.08 365.15 404. 1 1 445.08 488.18 32 227 67 259.64 293.21 328.48 365.53 404.46 445.39 488.42 33 223.12 260.II 293 69 328.95 365.98 404.88 445.75 488 72 34 22S.66 260.67 294.26 329.5I 366.52 405-37 446.19 489.07 35 229.29 26l 32 294.93 330.I7 367.14 405.94 446.67 489 45 36 23O.OI 262.08 295.68 330 91 367.85 406.58 447-21 489.87 37 230.86 262.95 296.56 331.76 368.64 407.28 447.80 490.32 38 23I.8I 263 93 297o4 332.70 369.50 408.04 448.44 490.82 39 232.89 265.04 298.62 333.74 370.45 408.88 449 14 491.36 40 234.IO 266.25 299.81 334-86 37L49 409.79 449.89 491-93 4i 235-43 26757 301.IO 336.03 372.61 410.77 450.71 492.55 42 236.86 269.OO 302.49 337.40 373.81 411.83 45L57 493-20 43 238.40 270.55 304.OO 338.82 375-io 412.95 452.49 493.89 44 240.05 272.20 305.60 340.33 376.48 4'4-i5 453.48 494.62 4 § 241.84 273.98 307.32 341.95 377-95 4L5.44 454-53 495 40 46 243 73 275.87 309.16 343-68 379-53 416.81 455-65 496.22 47 245-77 277.90 311.14 345-55 381.23 418.29 456.85 497.10 48 247-95 280.07 313.26 347-56 383.06 419-87 458.14 498.05 49 250.28 282.41 315-53 349-71 385.02 421.57 459-53 499.07 50 252.80 284.94 317-99 352.03 387.13 423.42 461.04 500.17 5i 255.51 287.64 320.64 354.53 389.42 425.42 462.66 501.34 52 258.42 290.57 323.48 357-22 391.88 427.54 464-38 502.57 53 261.53 2Q3.68 326.42 359-94 394-48 429.79 466.18 503.84 54 264.85 297.00 329.76 363.14 397.24 432.16 468.04 505.11 P 268.38 300.55 333- 19 366.36 400.14 434.62 469.97 506.39 272.14 304.29 336.81 369-75 403.17 437.18 471.94 507.68 57 276.12 308.24 340.63 373-31 406.35 439-85 473-98 50905 58 280.31 312.41 344.64 37705 409.67 442.64 476.19 510.63 59 284.71 316.77 348.85 380.95 413-16 445-66 478.69 512.60 60 289.31 321.34 353 24 384.97 416.91 449.03 481.66 515.10 25Yr.End. Am.4i* Of Lifk Insurance. 349 Table No. CXXL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF TWENTY-FIVE- YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERI- ENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 20 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24 th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 533-31 581.45 632.15 685.59 741.92 801.32 863.99 930.14 21 533-26 581.38 632.08 685.50 741.82 80I.22 863.91 930.09 22 533-22 581.32 632.OO 685.41 741.72 80I.I2 863.82 930.03 23 533-19 581.26 631.92 685.31 741.62 80I.02 863.73 929.97 24 533-16 58I.2I 631.85 685.22 74L5I 800.9I 863.63 929.90 2 § 533.14 58I.I7 631.78 685.13 741.40 800.79 863.52 929.83 26 533.14 58I.I4 631.71 685.04 741.29 800.67 863.40 929.75 u 533.16 58I.I2 631.66 684.95 741.17 800.54 863.28 929.66 533-20 58I.I3 631.63 684.87 741. 06 800.40 863.14 929.56 29 533.28 58I.I5 631.60 684.80 740.94 800.25 862.99 929.45 30 533-38 58I.20 631.59 684.73 740.81 800.08 862.82 929.34 31 533-53 581.28 631.59 684.65 740.67 799.90 862.64 929.20 32 533.71 581.37 631.59 684.56 740.51 799-70 862.43 929.06 33 533-92 581.48 631.60 684.47 740.34 799-47 862.20 928.89 34 534.15 58l.6l 631.61 684.37 740.I5 799-22 861.94 928.71 35 534.42 581.74 631.62 684.26 739-93 798.94 861.66 928.50 36 534-70 581.89 631.61 684.12 739-68 798.63 861.34 928.28 37 535-OI 582.04 631.61 683.97 739-40 79827 860.98 928.02 38 535-34 582.19 631.59 683.78 739.09 797.87 860.57 927.73 39 535.70 582.36 631.56 683.58 738.73 797.42 860.I2 927.41 40 536.08 582.52 631.51 683.33 738.33 796.92 859-62 927.05 4i 536.47 582.69 631.45 683.05 737.87 796.35 859-05 926.65 42 536.89 582.85 631.36 682.73 737-35 795-71 858.42 926.20 43 537.32 583.0I 631.24 682.35 736.76 795.00 857.71 925.70 44 537-77 583.16 631.O9 681.92 736.10 794.20 856.92 925.14 45 538.24 583.31 63O.9I 681.44 735.37 793.31 856.03 924.51 46 538.73 583.45 630.70 680.89 734-54 792.32 855.05 923.81 4 Z 539-26 583.60 630.46 680.28 733-63 791.21 853.95 923.04 48 539-82 583.74 630.18 679.60 732.6i 789.98 852.73 922.17 49 540.42 583.89 629.86 678.83 731-47 788.61 851.38 921.21 50 541.06 584.03 629.48 677.97 730.19 787.08 849.87 920.15 5i 54L73 584.14 629.03 676.97 728.74 785.37 848.21 918.98 52 542.40 584-2I 628.47 675.82 727.12 783.48 846.37 917.70 53 543-05 584.I9 627.78 674.51 725.32 781.41 844-37 916.29 54 543.65 584.08 626.95 673.05 723.37 779-18 842.20 914.74 55 544-21 583.91 626.07 671.53 721.33 776.83 839.88 913.04 56 544-77 583.73 625.19 670.OO 719-25 774-37 837.38 911. 18 57 545-45 583.70 624.47 668.60 717.22 771.87 834.77 909.15 58 546.39 583.97 624.04 667.44 715.33 769.40 832.OO 906.93 59 547.76 584.70 624.04 666.62 713.68 766.89 829.07 904.52 60 549-74 586.O3 624.58 666.24 712.18 764.38 825.98 9OI.88 Am.4^ 30Yr.End. 350 Principles and Practice) Table No. CXXII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY. AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7 th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 14.69 30.II 46.30 63.3O 8I.I7 99.94 TI9.66 140.38 21 14.71 30.I5 46.36 63.39 81.28 IOO.07 II9.80 140.54 22 14.73 30.20 46.44 63.50 81.41 I00.22 II9.98 140.73 23 14.76 30.26 46.54 63.62 8156 IOO.40 I20.I8 140.95 24 14.80 30.34 46.65 63.77 81.74 IOO.61 120.42 141.22 25 14.85 30.43 46.77 63.94 81.94 IOO.85 I20.70 141.53 26 14.89 30.52 4692 64.12 82.18 IOI.I3 121. OI 141.88 27 14-95 30.63 47.08 64.34 82.45 IOI.45 121.38 142.29 28 15.02 30.76 47 27 •64.60 82.77 IOI.82 I2I.80 I42.77 29 15.09 3O.9I 47.50 64.89 83.12 I02.24 I22.30 143-32 30 15-17 3I.08 47-75 65.22 83.54 I02.74 122.86 143.96 31 15-27 31.28 48.04 65.61 84.02 IO3.3I 123.52 I44.68 | I 32 15-39 31.49 48.37 66.05 84.56 IO3.95 124.25 14^.51 ! 33 I5-50 3T-74 48.74 66.54 85.18 IO4.67 125.08 146.44 34 15.65 32.03 49.18 67.II 85.87 I05.5I 126.03 147.51 8 15.82 32.36 49.66 67.75 86.67 IO6 44 127.12 148.73 16.00 32.72 50.20 68.46 87.55 IO7.49 128.33 1 50. 1 1 II 16.21 33-13 50.81 69.27 88.55 I08.69 129.7* 151.65 16.43 33.58 51.48 70.I7 89.68 IIO.03 131.26 153-39 1 39 16.69 34-09 52.26 7I.20 90.96 in. 54 133.00 155.33 j 40 16.97 34.67 53-12 72.35 92.37 113.23 134.92 I57-48 ! 4i 17.30 35-32 54.10 73-63 93-97 115. 10 137.05 159-84 1 42 17 66 36.05 55-17 75-03 95.70 117. 15 139-38 162.41 j 43 18.06 36.84 . 56.35 76.61 97.6i 11938 141.90 165.17 44 18.50 37-71 57-64 78.30 99.68 121.79 144.60 168.14 $ 18.99 38.66 59.05 80.13 ior.91 124.36 147 50 17132 19.50 39-69 6055 82.09 104.26 127.10 150.58 174-71 % 20.06 40.69 62.15 84-I5 106.77 130.01 153.86 178.31 20.66 41.94 63.83 86.33 109.42 133.09 157 33 182.13 49 21.27 43-13 65.60 88.63 112.22 136.35 161. 01 186.17 50 21-93 44-43 67.48 9I.08 115.19 i39-8i 164.90 IQO.46 5i 22.62 45-79 69.49 93-67 118.35 143-47 169.03 195-or 52 23.36 47.23 71.59 96.42 121.68 H7-35 173-40 199.81 53 24- 15 48.75 73.83 99-31 125.21 151-45 178.03 204.89 . 54 24.95 50.35 76.17 102.36 128.90 '55-75 182.86 210.20 55 25.82 52.05 78.64 105.58 132.81 160.28 187.96 215-79 30Yr.End. Am.45* Of IyiFF Insurance. 351 Table No. CXXII. — Continmd. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. Age 20 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 162.14 185.02 209.05 234.32 260.88 288.80 318.15 349.02 21 162.32 185.20 209.25 234.53 261.08 289.OO 318.36 349-21 22 162.52 185.43 209.49 234.77 261.33 289.25 318.60 349-45 23 162.77 185.69 209.76 235.05 261.63 289.55 318.89 349-72 24 163.06 186.OO 210.09 235-39 261.97 289.90 319.23 350.06 25 163.40 186.36 210.47 235.79 262.38 290.31 319.64 350.45 26 163.78 186.78 210.91 236.26 262.85 290.79 320.II 350.93 2 l 164.24 187.27 2H.44 236.79 263.41 29I-35 320.68 35L49 28 164.76 187.83 212.03 237.42 264.05 292.OI 321.35 352.15 29 165.37 188.48 212.72 238.14 264.80 292.78 322.13 352.92 30 166.06 189.23 213.52 238.98 265.68 293.68 323-03 353.83 31 166.86 I90.O9 214.44 239-95 266.69 294.71 324.08 354-86 32 167.76 I9I.07 215.49 241.07 267.84 295.90 325.27 356.04 33 168.80 192.20 216.70 242.33 269.17 297.24 326.62 357.37 34 169.99 193.49 218.07 243.78 270.66 298.77 328.15 358.85 35 I7L33 194-95 219.63 245.42 272.35 300.48 329.84 360.49 36 172.84 196.59 221.37 247.24 274.23 302.36 33L70 362.29 1? 174.55 198.43 223.33 249.28 276.30 304.43 333.73 364.26 176.45 200.48 225.49 251.51 278.56 306.70 335.96 366.41 39 178.58 202.75 227.87 253.96 . 281.05 309.18 338.40 368.76 40 180.91 205.24 230.46 256.62 283.75 3H.87 341.04 37L3I 4i 183.47 207.94 233.28 259.52 286.68 314.80 343.91 374.07 42 186.23 210.87 236.33 262.65 289.85 317.95 347-OI 377.o6 43 189.21 214.02 239.62 266.03 293.26 321.36 350.35 380.29 44 I92.4O 217.40 243.14 269.65 296.93 325.01 353-95 383.76 4 I 195.83 221.03 246.93 273-53 300.86 328.94 357.81 387.49 46 I99.48 224.89 250.95 277.67 305.00 333.13 361.92 39L47 s 203.36 229.OO 255.24 282.09 309.53 337.60 366.31 395-71 207.48 233.37 259.80 286.77 314.28 342.33 370.96 400.20 49 2II.84 237.99 264.63 291.73 319.30 347-35 375.90 404.97 50 216.47 242.90 269.74 296.98 324.62 352.66 38I.I2 410.00 5i 221.36 248.09 274.95 302.54 330.25 358.28 386.62 415.29 52 226.54 253.57 280.86 308.42 336.20 364.20 392.4I 420.86 53 232.OI 259-35 286.89 314.60 342.45 370.42 398.50 426.69 54 237.72 265.40 293.20 321.07 348.98 376.92 404.84 432.78 55 243.75 271.78 1 299.82 327-85 355.82 383.70 411.47 439- 1 3 AmAl % 30Yr.End 352 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXIL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE- HALF PER CENT. Age. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 381.48 415.63 45L55 489.35 529.14 57L04 615.17 21 381.66 415-79 451.69 489.46 529.22 57I.08 615.18 22 381.88 415.98 451.86 489.60 529.33 57I.I6 615.22 23 382.14 416.22 452.07 489.79 529.49 57L27 615.29 24 382.46 416.52 452.34 490.03 529.68 57L43 615.39 25 382.84 416.88 452.68 490.32 529.93 571.62 615.52 26 383-30 417.32 453-OS 490.68 530.24 571.86 615.69 2 383.85 417.84 453.56 491. U 530.60 572.15 615.89 384.49 418.46 454.13 491.63 53L04 572.49 6l6.I2 : 29 385.25 419.17 454.80 492.22 53L54 572.88 616.38 30 386.12 420.01 455-57 492.90 532.IO 573.31 616.68 31 387.13 420.96 456.43 493.65 532.73 573-79 617. OS 32 388.27 422.02 457.40 494-49 533-42 574-33 617.38 33 389.54 423.21 458.46 495-42 534.19 574.92 617.78 34 390-95 424.52 459.64 496.44 535.04 575.57 6l8.22 35 39 2 .50 425.96 460.94 497-57 535-97 576.28 618.70 36 394.21 427.53 462.36 498.80 536.97 577-05 619.22 IZ 396.08 429.26 463.9I 500.13 538.07 577.90 619.79 398.II 431.14 465.59 501.59 539.28 578.81 620.4I 39 400.33 433-19 467.43 503.19 540.59 579-81 62I.O7 40 402.74 435-41 469.43 504.92 542.01 580.89 62I.80 4i 405.35 437.83 47I.6I 506.80 543-56 582.07 622.59 42 408.I9 440.45 473.96 508.83 545.23 583.35 623.45 43 4H.24 443.28 476.50 511.03 547; 05 584.74 624.38 44 414.53 446.32 479-23 513.41 549.01 586.23 625.37 9 418.06 449-59 482.18 515-97 551. 11 587.83 626.42 421.83 453-oS 485.32 518.68 553-33 589-51 627.5O 47 425.85 456.80 488.66 521.56 555.68 591.26 628.60 48 429.95 460.73 492.18 524.58 558.12 593.05 629.69 49 434.61 464.88 495.88 527.74 560.65 594-87 630.75 50 439-35 469.24 499-75 531.02 563.25 596.72 63I.84 5i 444-34 473.8o 503.79 534-43 565.94 598.65 632.99 52 449.56 478.58 508.OO 537-99 568.79 600.76 634.36 53 455-04 483.58 512.42 541-77 571.90 603.18 636.06 54 460.74 488.81 5i7.II 545-89 575.42 606.06 638.24 55 466.72 494.35 522.20 550.49 579-50 609.54 64I.OI 1 30Yr.End. Am.4i Of Lifk Insurance. 353 Table Ng . CXXIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-YEAR EN- DOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 24th 25th 26th 27th 2«th 29th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 661.67 710.69 762.39 816.96 874.60 935-52 21 661.65 710.64 762.32 816.87 874.50 935.46 22 661.65 7IO,6o 762.25 816.78 874.41 935.39 23 661.67 710.58 762.18 816.68 874.30 935.31 24 661.71 710.56 762.12 816.58 874.19 935-22 25 661.78 710.56 762.05 816.47 874.06 935.13 26 661.87 710.56 761.98 816.34 873.92 935-02 27 661.97 7IO-57 761.91 8l6.2I 873.77 934-91 28 662.09 710.59 761.83 816.07 873.60 934- 78 29 662.23 710.61 761.75 815.91 873.42 934.64 30 662.39 71O.63 761.66 815.74 873.21 934.48 31 662.57 710 66 761.56 815-54 872.99 934-30 32 662.76 710.69 761.44 815 33 87273 934-11 33 662.97 710.72 76I.3I 815.09 872.45 933-89 34 663.20 710.75 761.17 814.82 872.13 933-64 35 663.45 710.78 761.OI 814.52 871.78 933-37 36 663.71 710.80 760.82 814.18 871.39 933-07 37 664.OO 710.82 760.61 813.80 870.95 932.74 38 664.31 710.84 760.37 813.38 870.47 932 36 39 664.64 710.85 760. 1 1 812.92 869.93 93L95 40 665.OO 710.87 759-81 812.40 869.33 931-49 4i 665.40 710.88 759-49 811.83 868.67 930.97 42 665.82 710.88 759- 12 811. 19 867.93 930.40 43 666.28 710.88 758 71 810.48 867.II 929.77 44 666.75 710.85 758.24 809.69 866.19 929.07 45 667.24 710.79 757.69 808.78 865.17 928.29 46 667.71 710.65 757-03 807.75 864.03 927.43 47 668.14 710.43 756.25 806.60 862.78 926 49 48 668.50 710.12 755-37 805.33 861.40 925.44 49 668.82 709.74 754-41 803.97 859.91 924.30 5o 669.I4 709.37 753-43 802.54 858.32 923.06 5i 669.55 709.06 752.47 801.07 856.63 921.69 52 670.16 708.93 751.63 799.63 854.88 920.20 53 671. II 709.08 750.97 798.27 853.04 918.59 54 672.50 709.59 750 58 796.94 S51.H 916.83 55 674.43 710.57 750.40 795.67 849.O9 914.91 i Am.4J* 35Yr.End 354 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXIII 1 TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR j ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE- HALF PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. ftth Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 8th i Year. 20 21 22 23 24 IO.97 II. OI II.06 II. II II. 18 22.48 22.56 22.65 22.77 22.90 34-55 34.67 34.82 34-99 35.19 47 21 47.38 47-58 47-81 48.07 60.50 60.72 60.96 61.25 61.58 74-45 74.70 75.OO 75-34 75-73 89.09 89.38 89.73 90.I2 90.58 IO4.44 i IO4.78 IO5.18 | IO5.63 | IO6.15 i 25 26 II 29 11.26 11.34 11.43 11.54 11.66 23.05 23.21 23.40 23.62 23.86 35.41 35-66 35-94 36.27 36.63 48.37 4 8.7» 49.08 49-52 50.01 61.95 62.36 62.85 63.39 64.OO 76.18 76.69 77.26 77.91 78.65 9I.IO 9I.69 92.36 93-12 93-99 IO6.74 107.41 j 108.17 IO9.05 HO.03 30 31 32 33 34 11.79 11-95 12.12 12.31 12.53 24.14 24.45 24.79 25.17 25.62 37.05 37-52 38.04 38.63 39-29 50.56 51.19 5i 89 5267 53.56 64.70 65-49 66.36 67-35 68.45 79-49 80.43 81.49 82.67 84.CO 94.96 96.07 97.29 98.67 I00.2I III. 15 II2.40 113.80 "5.37 117.13 9 39 12.78 13.04 13-34 13.66 14.03 26.II 26.65 27.24 27.90 28.63 40.03 40.83 41.74 42.73 43-84 54.54 55-62 56.83 58.17 59-65 69.68 71.04 72.56 74.23 76.IO 85.47 87.11 88.93 90.96 93.19 IOI.94 IO3.85 IO5.99 I08.34 IIO.95 119. IO 121.29 123.72 126.41 129.36 40 4i 42 43 44 14.43 14.88 I5-36 15.90 16.47 29.44 30.34 31-32 32.39 33-54 45-o6 46.42 47-88 49.48 51.20 61.29 63.09 65.06 67.17 69.45 78.15 80.41 82.84 85.47 88.29 95.65 9S-33 101.24 104.36 107.68 113.79 II6.90 120.25 123.83 127.63 132.58 136.09 139.84 143.85 I48.IO * % 49 17.10 17-75 18.46 19.20 19.96 34-78 36.09 37-49 38.94 40.44 53.04 54-99 57-05 59-19 61.42 71.88 74-44 77-14 79-95 82.88 91.28 94-42 97.72 IOI.17 IO4.81 in. 20 114.90 118.80 122.88 127.14 131.65 135.88 I4O.34 I45-00 149 88 152.60 157-34 162.32 | 167.54 172.98 So 20.76 42.03 63-77 85-97 IO8.59 131. 61 154.98 17869 35Yr.End. Am.4! % Of Life Insurance. 355 Table No. CXXIIL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF TER CENT. Age, 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 12 39 40 4i 42 43 44 9 49 So 9th Year. 120.57 120.94 121.38 121.89 122.47 123.13 123.88 124.74 125.72 126.82 I28.06 129.47 I3I.03 132.80 134.78 136.99 139-44 142.16 145.15 148.44 152.02 155.89 160.02 164.42 169.10 174.05 179-25 184.72 190.45 196.43 202.71 10th Year. 137-49 I37-90 138.39 138.95 I39-58 140.31 141. 14 142.09 143.17 144.38 145.76 I47-30 149.04 150.99 153.18 155-02 158.33 161.32 164.60 168.20 172.09 176.28 180.76 185.54 I9O.60 I95.96 2OI.59 207.51 213.71 220.20 226.98 11th Year. 155-25 155.70 156.23 156.83 157.52 158.32 159-23 160.26 I6I.43 162.75 164.25 165.94 167.84 169.97 172.36 175-02 177.96 l8l.20 184.76 188.62 I92.79 I97.28 202.08 207.I9 2I2.60 218.33 224.34 230.67 237.30 244.23 251.47 12th Year. 13th Year. I73-89 174.38 174.94 175-59 176.34 I77.20 178.18 179.28 180.55 181.97 183.59 185.41 187.47 189.77 192.35 I95-20 198.35 201.83 205.60 209. 70 214.12 218.87 223.95 229.36 235.08 241.13 247.49 254.18 261.19 268.50 276.14 14th Year. 193-47 193.98 194.58 195.28 196.07 196.99 198.02 199.21 200.55 202.08 203.81 205.76 207.95 210.41 213.15 216.19 219.53 223.18 227.15 23L45 236.08 241.06 246.38 252.04 258.02 264.35 271.01 278.01 285.33 292.97 300.95 214.01 214-55 215.19 215.92 216.76 217.72 218.82 220.06 221.49 223.11 224.94 227.01 229.33 231.92 234.81 237.99 241.47 245.27 249.40 253-86 258.68 263.84 269.35 275-22 281.42 287.99 294.88 302.13 309.7I 3I7.6I 325.87 15th Year. 235.58 236.15 236.81 237.58 238.45 239.46 240.60 24I.9I 243.42 245.II 247.O3 249.20 251.63 254.33 257.33 260.62 264.21 268.12 272.36 276.96 281.9O 287.21 292.87 298.89 305.27 312.00 319.08 326.51 334.25 342.39 350.85 16th Year. 258.24 258.82 259-51 260.29 26I.20 262.24 263.43 264.79 266.35 268.12 270.12 272.36 274.87 277.66 280.73 284.09 287.75 291.74 296.07 300.74 305.78 311. 18 316.94 323.07 329.55 336.40 343.59 351.14 359-03 367.28 385.85 Atn.4!* 35Yr.End 356 Principles and Practice Table Nc >. CXXIIL— Continued TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 282.03 307.OI 333-24 360.80 389-75 420.18 21 282.63 307.61 333-85 361.39 390.33 420.74 22 283.32 308.31 334-55 362.O9 39I.02 42I.4I 23 284.13 309-I3 335-37 362.91 39I-83 422.I9 24 285.05 310.08 336.32 363.87 392.77 423- IO 25 286 12 3H-I7 337-43 364.97 393.85 424.15 26 287.35 312.42 338.69 366.23 395-09 425.35 27 288.76 313.86 340.I5 367.67 396.51 426.71 28 2QO.36 3I5.50 341-79 369-3I 398.II 428.24 29 292.18 3I7-24 343.65 371.15 399.89 429.93 30 294.23 319-43 345.73 373-20 4OI.87 43I.8I 31 296.54 321.75 348.05 375-46 404.05 433-88 32 299.IO 324-32 350.59 377-95 406.45 436.15 33 301.92 327.15 353-39 380.68 409.08 438.65 34 305-03 330.26 356.46 383.69 411.97 441.38 n 308.42 333-66 359-82 386.96 415.12 444.36 312.12 337-35 363.47 390.52 418.54 447.60 12 3I6.I5 34L37 367.44 394-39 422.26 451.13 320.5I 345-73 37L74 398.58 426.30 454-95 39 325.23 350.43 376.38 403.II 430.66 459.09 40 330.30 355-50 381.38 407.99 435-36 463.54 4i 335-74 360.93 386.75 4I3.23 440.40 468.32 42 34L55 366.73 392.47 418.81 445-77 473-41 43 347-73 372.89 398.55 424.73 451-47 478.82 44 354.26 379-40 404.97 43LOO 457-51 484.53 9 36I.I5 386.27 411.75 437.61 463-85 490.53 368.39 393-49 418.87 444-53 470.50 496.80 47 375-99 401.06 426.33 45L79 477.46 503.35 48 383-94 408.97 434.11 459-36 484.70 510.18 49 392.23 417.21 442.22 467.22 492.23 517.26 5o 1 400.84 425.77 450.62 1 475.38 500.03 524.63 35Yr.End. Am.45* Of Life Insurance. 357 Table No. CXXIU '. — Continued. TERMINAL^NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 23d 24th 25 til 26th 27 th 28th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 452.16 485.79 52I.I6 558.37 597-54 1 638.78 21 452.70 486.28 52I.6I 558.76 597.85 639.02 22 453-33 486.88 522.14 559-22 598.24 639.31 23 454-08 487.57 522.76 559.76 598.68 639.63 24 454-94 488.37 523.49 560.38 599 18 640.OI 25 455-94 489-30 524-3I 561.08 599-74 640.43 26 457-Q7 490.33 525-23 561.87 600.37 64O.9O u 458.35 49I.50 526.26 562.74 601.08 641.43 459-77 492.79 527.40 563.72 601.87 642.OI 29 46r.35 49423 528.67 564.80 602.74 642.66 30 463.10 495.82 530.08 565.99 603.69 643.37 31 465.02 497-57 531.62 567.29 604.75 644.16 32 467.14 499-49 533-31 568.73 605.91 645.02 33 469.45 501.59 535.16 570.3I 607.18 645-97 34 471.99 503-89 537-19 572.04 608.57 647.OI 35 474-75 506.41 539.42 573-92 610.10 648.15 36 477-77 509.14 541.84 575-98 611.76 649.40 37 481.05 512.13 544-47 578.23 613.58 650.77 38 484.61 515.36 547-33 580.67 615.57 652.26 39 488.46 518.87 550.44 583.33 617.72 653.88 40 492.60 522.65 553-79 586.19 620.04 655.6I 4i 497.05 526.71 557.38 589.25 622.51 657.45 42 501.80 53I-02 561.20 592.49 625.12 659-37 43 506.83 535-59 565.22 595.89 627.83 661.34 44 512.13 540.39 569.43 599-44 630.64 663..35 45 517.69 545.41 573-83 603.12 633-53 665.44 46 523.49 550.64 578.39 606.92 636.54 667.65 47 529.54 556.08 583-20 610.93 639-77 670.09 48 535.83 561.76 588.14 615.25 643-33 672.88 49 542.38 567.72 593-48 619.92 647.35 676.12 50 549.26 J l 574.09 599-31 625.16 1 651.94 680.OO Am.4i* 35Yr.End 358 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXIIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF THIRTY-FIVE-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. 29th 30th 31st 32d 33d 34th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 682.24 728.07 776.45 827.57 881.68 939-05 21 682.40 728.14 776.43 827.50 881.58 938.97 22 682.58 728.22 776.42 827.42 881.47 938.87 <*3 682.79 728.31 776.42 827.34 881.35 938.77 24 683.03 728.43 776.42 827.25 88I.2I 938.66 u 683.30 728.56 776.42 S27.I5 881.07 938.54 683.61 728.71 776.43 827.05 880.91 938.40 27 683.95 728.87 776.43 826.93 880.73 938.25 28 684.33 729.05 776.44 826.81 880.53 938.08 29 684.75 729.26 776.45 826.67 880.32 937.89 30 685.22 729.49 776.47 826.52 880,08 937-68 31 685.74 729-74 776.48 826.35 879.81 937.46 32 686.30 730.0I 776.49 826.16 879.52 937.20 33 686.92 730.3I 776.51 825.95 879.19 936.92 34 687.60 730.64 776.53 825.73 878.83 936.61 a 688.35 731-01 776.55 825.47 878. u 936.26 689.17 731-41 776.57 825.20 878.00 935.88 37 690.07 731.86 776.60 824.89 877.51 935-45 38 69I.05 732.34 776.62 824.55 876.97 934.98 39 692.12 732.85 776.64 824.17 876.38 934.46 40 693.24 733-3Q 776.62 823.72 875.71 933.89 41 694-43 733-9 2 776.56 823.21 874.96 933-27 42 695-63 734-42 776.45 822.62 874.14 932.58 43 696.84 734.90 776.28 82I.97 873.25 931-82 44 698.06 735-37 776.IO 821.27 872.28 930.99 S 699.34 735.90 775-93 82O.56 871.25 930.08 700.75 736.53 775-84 819.85 870.16 929.09 47 702.40 737-37 775-9° 819.21 869.06 928.00 48 704.39 738.51 776.17 818.68 867.90 926.82 49 706.82 739 97 776.72 8l8.22 866.71 925.54 50 709.79 742.00 777-50 817.86 865.48 924.15 ACTUARIES' Combined Experience Table of Mortality NET PREMIUMS, NET VALUES AND COST OF INSURANCE COMPUTED THEREFROM ON THE BASIS OE FOUR PER CENT INTEREST. Comb.4 % Ex 360 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXIV. J \CTUARIES, OR COMBINED EXPERIENCE TABLE OF MORTALITY. Age. Number Living. Number Dying. Logarithm, Number Living. Logarithm, Number Dying. Logarithm, Probability of Dying. Yearly Proba- bility of Dying. Expect- ation of j Life. 10 II 12 13 14 100,000 99.324 98,650 97,978 97,307 676 674 672 671 671 5.0000000 4.9970542 4.9940971 4.99II286 4.9881441 2.8299467 2.8286599 2.8273693 2.8267225 2.8267225 7.8299467 7.8316057 7.8332722 7.8355939 7.8385784 .006760 .O067S6 .0068I2 .006848 .OO6896 48.36 47-68 47-OI 46.33 45.64 3 11 19 96,636 95,965 95,293 94,620 93,945 6 7 I 672 673 675 677 4.9851389 4.9821129 4.9790610 4-9759829 4.9728737 2.8267225 2.8273693 2.8280151 2.8293038 2.8305887 7.8415836 7.8452564 7.8489541 7.8533209 7.8577150 .OO6943 .OO7003 .OO7062 .OO7134 .OO7206 44.96 44.27 43.58 42.88 42.19 20 21 22 23 24 93,268 92,588- . 91,905 . 91,219 • 90.529 680 683 686 690 . 694 4.9697327 4.9665547 4-963339I 4.9600853 4.9567877 2.8325089 2.8344207 2.8363241 2.838849I 2.8413595 7.8627762 7.8678660 7.872985O 7.8787638 7.8845718 .OO729I .OO7377 .OO7464 .OO7564 .OO7666 41.49 40.79 40.09 39-39 38.68 25 26 % 29 • 89 835 89.137 88.434 87,726 87,012 • 698 • 703 • 708 714 720 4.9534456 4.9500580 4.9466193 4.9431283 4.9395792 2.8438554 2.8469553 2.8500333 2.8536982 2.8573325 7.8904098 7.8968973 7.9034140 7.9IO5699 7.9*77533 .OO777O .OO7887 .008006 .008139 .OO8275 37.98 37.27 36.56 35-86 35.15 30 31 32 33 34 86,292 85,565 84,831 84,089 83,339 727 734 742 750 758 4.9359705 4.9322962 4.9285546 4.9247392 4.9208483 2.8615344 2.8656961 2.8704039 2.8750613 2.8796692 7.9255639 7-9333999 7.9418493 7.9503221 7.9588209 ,008425 .O08578 .008747 .008919 .OO9095 34-43 33.72 33-oi 32.30 31.58 9 39 82,581 81,814 81,038 80,253 79,458 767 776 785 795 805 4.916880I 4.9128276 4.9086887 4.9044613 4.9OOI376 2.8847954 2.8898617 2.8948697 2.9OO3671 2.9057959 7.9679153 7.9770341 7.9861810 7.9959058 8.0056583 .OO9288 .OO9485 .OO9687 .OO9906 .OIOI3I 30.87 30.15 29.44 28.72 28.00 40 4i 42 43 44 78,653 77,838 77,012 76,173 75,3i6 815 826 839 857 881 4.8957153 4.89II917 4.8865584 4.8818011 4.8768872 2.9III576 2.9169800 2.9237620 2.9329808 2-9449759 8.0154423 8.0257883 8.0372036 8.0511797 8.0680887 .OIO362 ,0I06l2 .OIO894 .OII25I .OII697 27.28 26.56 25.84 25.12 24.40 % 49 74.435 73,526 72,582 71,601 70,580 909 944 981 1,021 1,063 4.8717772 4. 8664409 4.8608289 4.854919I 4.8486817 2.9585639 2.9749720 2.9916690 3.OO90257 3.0265333 8.0867867 8.1085311 8. 1 30840 1 8.1541066 8.1778516 .OI22I2 .OI2839 .OI3516 .OI4260 .OI5061 23.69 22.97 22.27 21.56 20.87 So 5i 52 53 54 69,517 68,409 67,253 66,046- 64.785 1. 108 1,156 1 207 1 1,261 - i,3i6 4.8420910 4.835II32 4-8277II7 4.8198465 4.8114745 3.0445398 3.0629578 3.0817073 3.IOO7151 3-II92559 8.2024488 8.2278446 8.2539956 8.2808686 8.3077S14 •OI5939 .OI6898 .017947 .OI9093 .020313 20.18 19.50 18.82 18.16 17-50 Ex. Comb.4^ Of Life: Insurance. 361 . Table No. CXXIV.— Concluded. ACTUARIES, OR COMBINED EXPERIENCE TABLE OF MORTALITY. Age. Number Living. Number Dying. Logarithm, Number Living. Logarithm, Number Dying. Logarithm, Probability of Dying. Yearly Proba- bility of Dying 1 Expect- ation of Life. 55 63,469 --1,375 4.8025617 3.I383027 8.33574IO .021664 16.86 56 62,094 -1,436 4.7930496 3.I57I544 8.3641048 .023126 16.22 57 60,658- - 1,497 4.7828881 3.I7522I8 8.39 2 3337 .024679 15-59 58 59>'6i- -1,561 4.7720355 3.I934029 8.4213674 .026386 14.97 59 57,600 ■ - 1,627 4.7604225 ,3.2113876 8.4509651 .028246 14-37 60 55,973 1 1,698 4.7479786 3.2299377 8.481959I .O30336 13-77 61 54.275' -1,770 4.7345998 3.2479733 8.5133735 .032612 13.18 62 52,505- - 1,844 4.7202007 3.2657609 8.5455602 .035120 12.61 63 50,661- - 1,917 4.7046738 3.2826221 8.5779483 .037840 12.05 64 48 744- - 1,99° 4.6879212 3.298853I 8.6109319 .040826 11.51 1 65 46,754 -2,061 4.6698188 3.3140780 8.6442592 .044082 10.97 66 44.693- -2,128 4.6502393 3.3279716 8.6777321 .047614 10.46 67 42,565- - 2,191 4.6290526 3.3406424 8.7H5898 .051474 9.96 68 40.374- - 2,246 4.6061018 3.3514098 8.7453080 .055630 9-47 69 38,128- -2,291- 4.581244O 3.360025I 8.77878H .060087 9.00 70 35,837 -2,327 4.5543316 3.3667964 8.8124648 .064933 8-54 7i 33.5IO" -2.351 4.5251744 3.37J2526 8.8460782 .070158 8.10 72 3^159- .. 2 362 4.4935835 3.3732799 8.8796964 .075805 7.67! 73 28,797- -2,358 4.4593472 3.3725438 8.9131966 .081883 7.26 1 74 26,439- c -2,339 4.4222450 3.3690302 8.9467852 .088468 6.86 9 24, IOO- - 2.303 4.3820170 3.3622939 8.9802769 .095560 6.48 21,797- -2,249 4.3383967 3.35T9895, 9.OI35928 .IO3179 6. 1 1 ! 77 19 548- -2,179 4.29II023 3.3382572 9.0471549 .III469 5.76| 78 17,369- - 2,092 4.2^97748 3.3205617 9.0807869 .120444 5 42! 79 15,277- - 1,987 4. 184038 1 3.2981979 9 .ri4I598 .130065 5.09 80 13,290- -1,866 4.I235250 3.2709II6 9.I473866 .140406 4.78 81 11,424- -I.730 4.0578182 3.2380461 9.1802279 .151436 4-48| 82 9.694' - 1,582 3.9865030 3 I992065 9.2127035 .163194 4.18 83 8,112- ■ 1,427 3.9091279 3.1544240 9.2452961 • I759I2 3-90 84 6,685- ^417- - 1,268 3.825IOI4 3.IO3II93 9.2780179 .189678 3.63 85 - 1,111 3.7337588 3.045714I 9-3H9553 .205095 3.36 86 -4,306- - 958 3.6340740 2.9813655 9.3472915 .222480 3-io 87 --'3,348- - 811 3.5247854 2.9090209 9.3842355 .242234 2 84 88 2,537- - 673 3.4043205 2-828015I 9.4236946 .265274 2 59 89 — 1,864- - 545 3.2704459 2.7363965 9.4659506 .292382 2-35 90 ~ 1.3*9 ■ - 427 3.1202448 2.6304279 9.510183I .323730 2. 11 ! 9i - 892 322 2 9503649 2.5078559 9.55749IO .360987 1.89 j 92 570 231 2.7558749 2.3636120 9.607737I .405263 i.6 7 | 93 --339 155 2.53OI997 2.IQO3317 9.6601320 .457227 1.47 ! 94 1S4 95 2.2648178 I.9777236 9.7129058 .516304 1.28 9§ 89, 52 I.94939OO I. 7160033 9.7666133 .584270 1. 12 96 3? 24 I. 5682OI7 I.3802II2 9.8120095 . 648649 .99 97 13 9 1. 1 1 39434 O.9542425 9.840299I .692308 .89 98 4 3 0.6020600 O.4771213 9.8750613 .750000 .75 99 1 1 0.0000000 O.OOOOOOO O.OOOOOOO I. OOOOOO .50 Comb.4 % Comm. 362 Principles and Practice Table No. cxxv. COMMUTATION COLUMNS— COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 10 E X- N x . 67 556.41688 25798 85652 1 381 771.33882 72428 98766 11 64 518.97644 65900 43870 1 314 214.92194 46630 I3H4 12 61 616.49894 10734 62644 1 249 695.94549 80729 69214 13 58 843 04781 13035 17904 1 188 079.44655 69995 06600 14 56 192.36788 41414 89148 1 129 236.39874 56959 88696 15 53 658.54048 42000 55034 1 073 044.03086 15544 99548 16 51 236.49807 96917 76369 1 019 385.49037 73544 44514 17 48 920.87671 69527 79715 968 148.99229 76626 68145 18 46 707.09281 00909 OI993 919 228.11558 07098 88430 19 44 590.28252 73156 36919 872 521.02277 06189 86437 20 42 566.29769 83021 45118 827 930.74024 33033 49518 21 40 630.72555 27742 94467 785 364.44254 50012 04400 22 38 779.80981 01236 90362 744 733.71699 22269 09933 23 37 009.95039 89244 00522 705 953-907I8 21032 I957I 24 35 317-30695 08990 94222 668 943.95678 31788 19049 25 33 698.61793 04848 77874 633 626.64983 22797 24827 26 32 150 75615 6261 1 64261 599 928.03190 17948 46953 3 30 670.37656 29873 0951 1 567 777.27574 55336 82692 29 254.64464 55138 28590 537 106.89918 25463 73181 29 27 900.52089 52114 14970 507 852.25453 70325 44591 3o 26 605 43449 67624 20707 479 951.73364 18211 29621 31 25 366.62194 72555 22928 453 346.29914 50587 06914 32 24 181.75011 35847 38385 427 979.67719 78031 85986 33 23 048.30492 50549 17628 403 797.92708 42184 47601 34 21 964.16759 15393 64659 380 749.62215 9 l6 35 29973 35 2 1 927.30298 81304 10281 358 785.45456 76241 65314 36 19 935.51280 96947 86689 337 858.15157 94937 55033 37 i*i 9S6. 94796 30160 87661 317 922.63876 97989 68344 38 18 079.83167 05639 76670 298 935.69080 67828 80683 39 17 212.24014 7261 1 19142 280 855.85913 62189 04013 40 16 382.55822 98743 31333 263 643.61898 89577 84871 4i 15 589.23332 54558 01997 247 261.06075 90834 53538 42 14 830.58053 58565 49987 231 671.82743 36276 5I54I 43 14 104.81747 04766 41280 216 841 24689 77711 01554 44 13 409-73877 03297 19024 202 736.42942 72944 60274 45 12 743-I5378 60161 06439 189 326.69065 69647 41250 46 12 103.39849 00432 00341 176 583-53687 09486 348 1 1 47 11 488.46443 12675 83617 164 480.13838 09054 34470 48 10 897.29735 04660 80997 152 991.67394 96378 50853 49 10 328.75624 58288 61393 142 094.37659 91717 69856 50 9 781.91888 01208 25216 131 765.62035 33429 08463 51 9 255 77817 *3i88 41934 121 983.70147 32220 83247 52 8 749- 39489 553IO 37816 112 727.92329 79032 4I3I3 53 8 261.89245 30424 56837 I03 978.5284O 23722 03497 54 7 792.45209 29811 67644 95 716.63594 93297 46660 Comm. Comb.4% Of Life In SURANCK. 3 6 3 Table No. CXXV.— Continued. COMMUTATION COLUMNS— COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. M z . R X- 10 14 411.36538 92243 89546 427 355.11784 16804 70573 ii 13 972.24867 94876 20289 412 943.75245 24560 81027 ! 12 13 551.27026 80706 56135 398 971.50377 29684 60738 13 13 147.68448 21881 52266 385 420.23350 48978 04603 14 12 760.19870 16147 20352 372 2J2. 54902 27096 52337 15 12 387.61622 02941 12743 359 512.35032 10949 31985 16 12 029.36383 44089 13119 347 124.73410 08008 19242 17 11 684.37701 31965 23248 335 095 37026 63919 06123 18 1 1 352.16528 77559 06285 323 410.99325 31953 82875 19 11 031.78165 15225 98978 312 058.82796 54394 76590 20 10 722.80768 89443 23983 301 027.04631 39168 77612 21 10 424.40083 95050 17375 290 304.23862 49725 53629 22 10 136.20531 04226 55365 279 879.83778 54675 36254 23 9 857.87704 57665 84385 269 743.63247 50448 80889 24 9 588.69322 84691 39643 259 885.75542 92782 96504 25 9 328.36216 77048 88458 250 297.06220 08 91 56861 ( 31042 68403 26 9 076.60108 31152 08610 240 968. 7< 003 27 8 832.78903 43129 37101 231 892.09894 99890 59793 28 8 596.6:5698 46466 60391 223 059.30991 56761 22692 29 8 367-74187 45563 17102 214 462.62293 10294 62301 30 8 I45.75243 36154 54184 206 094 88105 64731 45199 31 7 930.22582 62917 26431 ig7 949.12862 28576 91015 32 7 720.99329 82846 15847 190 018.90279 65659 64584 33 7 517.61542 18.57 46567 182 297.90949 82813 48737 34 7 3IQ-95I35 46484 59661 1 74 780 29407 64656 02170 35 7 127.86242 7S37I 73155 167 460.34272 18171 4^509 36 6 940.96851 8i757 96112 160 332.48029 39799 69354 37 6 759.15416 41776 65802 153 39I-5II77 5&041 73242 38 6 582.30510 10723 27414 146 632.35761 16265 . 07440 39 6 410.09171 89450 07450 140 050.05251 05541 80026 40 6 242.41903 79913 39609 133 639 96079 16091 72576 4i 6 079 19252 70295 15325 127 397 54175 36178 32967 42 5 920.12563 45631 78776 121 318.34922 65883 17642 43 5 764.76951 28700 60453 115 398.22359 20251 38866 1 44 5 612.18379 23568 55169 109 633.45407 91550 78413 1 45 5 461.35799 I5I74 62548 104 021.27028 67982 23244 | 46 5 3' 1 72399 50067 14389 98 559-91229 52807 6oeg6 ' 47 5 162.30526 27712 20755 93 248.18830 02740 46307 48 5 013.' 0219 85569 32889 88 085 88303 75028 25552 49 4 863.58791 5<>9I4 85631 83 072.88083 89458 92663 50 4 714.01040 49922 51815 78 209 29292 38544 07032 5i 4 564.09734 94256 84889 73 495.28251 88621 55217 52 4 413-70553 79193 74691 68 931 18516 94364 70328 53 4 262.71828 37204 49012 64 5I7.47963 i5'7o 95637 54 4 1 1 1. 04301 80069 46621 60 254.76134 77966 46625 | 1 Comb.4 % Comm 364 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXV.— Continued. COMMUTATION COLUMNS— < COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. E X' N s . n 7 340.53974 22453 81606 87 924.18385 .63485 79016 6 905.30135 7S249 69752 80 583.64411 41031 97410 % 6 486.16133 11292 7756o 73 678.34275 62782 27658 6 082.77604 49972 22602 67 192.18142 51489 50098 59 5 694.49826 27562 60002 61 109.40538 01517 27496 60 5 320.81582 63430 84620 55 414.90711 73954 67494 61 4 960.96467 82784 50835 50 094.09129 10523 82874 62 4 614.59537 31532 80323 45 133.12661 27739 32039 63 4 281.27753 76579 21488 40 51S. 53123 96206 51716 64 3 960.84137 50145 71310 36 237.25370 19627 30228 55 3 653.01720 85761 89003 32 276.41232 69481 58918 66 3 357-67853 06501 05 1 14 28 623.39511 83719 69915 % 3 074.81438 87857 52979 25 265.71658 77218 64801 2 804.36608 56435 85619 22 190.90219 89361 11822 69 2 546.49960 64065 08580 19 386.53611 32925 26203 70 2 301.43066 66105 98308 16 840.03650 68860 17623 7i 2 069.22319 32113 87385 14 538.60584 02754 I93I5 72 1 850.04836 32117 16925 12 469.38264 70640 31930 73 1 644.04415 55164 89010 10 619.33428 38523 15005 74 1 451.36924 74543 43966 8 975.29012 83358 25995 75 1 272.08635 78443 88155 7 523.92088 08814 82029 76 1 106.27459 07251 08866 6 251.83452 30370 93874 9 953.97106 95673 72897 5 145-55993 23119 85008 815.03141 71091 52414 4 191. 58886 27446 12111 79 689.29364 42455 23713 3 376.55744 56354 59697 80 576.57769 42225 24695 2 687.26380 13899 35984 81 476.^6013 62214 30378 2 110.68610 71674 11289 82 388.83844 07093 82582 1 634.12597 09459 809 1 1 83 312.86773 64899 09649 1 245.28753 02365 98329 84 247.91391 88897 55681 932.41979 37466 88680 85 193.16346 85325 65233 684.50587 48569 32999 86 147.64095 50242 87125 491.34240 63243 67766 87 110.37861 24507 20215 343.70145 13000 80641 | 88 80.42417 39578 95984 233.32283 88493 60426 ! 89 56.81705 38558 25367 152.89866 48914 64442 i 90 38.65843 41138 957o6 96.08161 10356 39075 1 9i 25.13801 48346 61289 57.42317 69217 43369 ! 92 I5-44570 I595I 15702 32.28516 20870 82080 ! 93 8.83281 51834 41672 16.83946 04919 66378 ! 94 4.60981 95874 55377 8.00664 53085 24706 u 2.14399 00882 29142 3.39682 57210 69329 .85704 01173 77682 1.25283 56328 40187 % .28954 05801 95i63 •39579 55154 62505 .08566 28935 48865 .10625 49352 67342 99 .02059 20417 18477 « 02059 20417 18477 Comm. Comb.4^ Of Life Insurance. 365 Table No. CXXV.— Concluded. COMMUTATION COLUMNS— COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT Age. M r *. R c- 55 3 958.84036 3i55o 51646 56 143.71832 97897 00004 56 3 805.93043 03594 62162 52 184.87796 66346 48358 57 3 652.37891 74262 68806 48 378.94753 62751 86196 58 3 498.46137 47991 86062 44 726.56861 88489 17390 59 3 344.13651 73658 08946 4i 228.10724 40497 31328 60 3 189.47324 49047 9741 1 37 883.97072 66839 22382 61 3 034.26885 939i8 20727 34 694.49748 17791 24971 62 2 878.70588 80465 90631 3i 660.22862 23873 04244 63 2 722.87248 99802 041 16 28 781.52273 43407 13613 64 2 567.10084 80160 04764 26 058.65024 43605 09497 65 2 411. 61673 44627 98277 23 491-54939 63445 04733 66 2 256.77871 84050 29350 21 079.93266 18817 06456 67 2 103.05605 84887 58180 18 823.15394 34766 77106 63 1 950.86984 72229 65935 16 720.09788 49879 18926 69 1 800.86360 20491 03727 14 769.22803 77649 52991 70 1 653.73695 48072 89939 12 968.36443 57158 49264 7i 1 510.04604 55084 86643 11 314.62748 09085 59325 72 1 370.45672 29400 23390 9 804.58143 54000 72682 73 1 235.60822 15221 69202 8 434.12471 246c 49292 74 1 106.16578 09798 89121 7 198.51649 09378 80090 75 982.70478 55027 92694 6 092.35070 99579 90969 76 865.81941 67621 43718 5 109.64592 44551 98275 77 756.06491 83246 04244 4 243.82650 76930 54557 78 653.81646 08497 44257 3 487.76158 93684 50313 79 559.42605 01826 21418 2 833.94512 85187 06056 80 473.22139 41690 65619 2 274.51907 83360 84638 81 395.37990 13303 76098 1 801 29768 41670 19019 82 325.98744 18268 44855 1 405.91778 28366 42921 83 264.97206 22500 40483 1 079.93034 10097 98066 84 212.05161 91302 67655 814.95827 87597 57583 85 166.83631 94996 06271 602.90665 96294 89928 86 128.74317 01656 57596 436.07034 01298 83657 87 97-15932 58622 55575 307.32716 99642 26061 88 71.45021 86175 35968 210.16784 41019 70486 89 50.93633 59753 84427 138.71762 54844 345i8 90 34.96298 75356 01895 87.78128 95090 50091 9i 22.92943 1 1069 01928 52.81830 19734 48196 92 14.20396 45917 66391 29.88887 08665 46268 93 8.18514 36260 58349 15.68490 62747 79877 94 4.30187 16909 73657 7.49976 26487 21528 U 2.01334 29451 1 1090 3.19789 09577 47871 .80885 4*3*4 99213 1.18454 80126 36781 11 .27431 76757 54297 .37569 38811 37568 .08157 61652 69351 .10137 62053 83271 99 .01980 00401 13920 .01980 00401 13920 Comb.4* Logs 366 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXVI. LOGARITHMS OF COMMUTATION COLUMNS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. AD X . AN i* A M. K' 10 4.82966 66070 6. 14043 61799 4.15870 51293 11 4.80968 74690 6. 1 1866 63938 4.14526 63O65 12 4.78969 70180 6.09680 43606 4.13198 OOO68 13 4.76969 51592 6.07484 54827 4.11884 92731 14 4.74967 73332 6.05278 48680 4.10585 74371 15 4.72963 88556 6.03061 75426 4.09298 77417 16 4.70957 94389 6.00833 84473 4.08024 26602 \l 4.68949 42315 5.98594 21978 4.06760 55613 4.66938 28364 5.96342 32993 4.05507 87056 19 4.64924 02240 5.94077 58998 4.04264 56571 20 4.62906 58780 5.91799 40078 4.03030 85168 21 4.60885 45777 5-89507 12346 4.01805 I I02 I 22 4.58860 56748 5.87200 10165 4.00587 53983 23 4-56831 85030 5.84877 63462 3.99378 33970 24 4.54798 75799 5.82538 97347 3.98175 94244 3 4.52761 20896 5.80183 34350 3.96980 53990 4.50719 119*5 5.77809 91550 3.95792 32486 II 4.48671 91081 5.75417 80067 3.94609 78577 4.46619 48271 5.73006 07310 3-93433 III39 29 4.44561 23114 5.70573 73847 3.92260 82748 30 4.42497 03558 5.68119 75647 3-91093 I2069 3i 4.40426 26363 5-65643 00747 3.89928 55547 32 4.38348 77289 5.63142 31468 3.88767 31755 33 4.36263 89909 5.60616 40851 3.87608 01047 34 4.34I7I 47487 5.58063 948 1 1 3.86450 81949 35 4.32071 32620 5.55483 48281 3.85295 93090 36 4.29962 74116 552873 44017 3.84142 00746 11 4.27845 51601 5.50232 14545 3.82989 23520 425719 43826 5.47557 77698 3.81837 80088 39 4.23583 73966 5.44848 34883 3.80686 42436 40 4.21438 17201 5.42101 72645 3-79535 29184 4i 4.19282 47570 5-39315 57281 3-78384 58976 42 4.I7II5 81514 5.36487 32243 3.77233 09233 43 4.14936 74702 5.33614 18959 3.76078 19480 44 4.12742 03174 5-30693 17933 3- 74913 18852 45 4.10527 69241 5.27721 18437 3-73730 06454 46 4.08290 733i8 5-24695 02112 3-72523 55004 47 4.06026 19836 5.21611 34627 3.71284 36822 48 4-03731 88011 5.18466 77962 3.70009 78951 49 4.01404 80280 5.15257 68908 3.68695 67707 50 3.99042 40569 5.11980 21109 3-67339 05368 51 3.96641 29377 5.08630 18072 3-65935 48990 52 3.94197 80185 5.05203 15061 3.64480 33557 53 3.91707 95374 5 01694 36664 3.62968 66318 54 3.89167 41409 4.98098 74265 3 6i395 20213 Logs. Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 367 Table No. CXXVL— -Concluded LOGARITHMS OF COMMUTATION COLUMNS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. IV X . aN«. aM x . 55 3.86572 79943 4.94410 83458 3.59756 79895 56 3.83918 26366 4.90624 69029 3.58046 08454 57 3.81198 77467 4.86733 98488 3.56257 58272 58 3.78410 18270 4-82731 87410 3.54387 70833 59 3-75545 54648 4.78610 80579 3-52428 39982 60 3.72597 82265 4.74362 66097 3-50371 89634 61 3-69556 61348 4.69978 65028 3.48205 40599 62 3.66413 36262 4.65449 54204 3.45919 72961 63 3.63I57 33823 4.60765 36941 3-43502 73041 64 3- 59778 74499 4.559*5 52765 3.40944 29302 65 3.56265 17181 4.50888 52549 3.38230 82887 66 3.52603 91138 4.45672 11456 3-35348 89775 67 3.48781 89047 4.40253 16202 3.32285 08491 68 3 44783 47063 4.34617 49593 3.29022 82961 69 3.40594 36133 4.28750 02183 3.25548 08203 70 3.36I99 78958 4.22634 30287 3.21846 64312 7i 3.3i58o 73375 4.16252 27622 3.17899 01903 72 3.26718 30815 4.09584 49521 3.13686 53255 73 3-2I59 1 34775 4.02609 72915 3.09188 07894 74 3-16177 79164 3-95304 84961 3.04382 02191 75 3. 1045 1 65950 3.87644 42200 2.99242 30710 76 3.04386 29373 3.79600 74743 2.93742 732H % 2.97953 52043 3.7II43 26409 2.87855 90871 2. 91117 43498 3.62237 86778 2.81545 58504 79 2.83840 42740 3.52847 41428 2.74774 26858 80 2.76085 78370 3.42931 03019 2.67506 43707 81 2.67811 77112 3.32442 36514 2.59701 45887 82 2.58976 91929 3.21328 55321 2.51320 08697 83 2.49536 07802 3.09526 96391 2.42320 00858 84 2.39430 09105 2.96961 14843 2.32644 15928 85 2.28592 49950 2.83537 71799 2.22229 06003 86 2.16920 68456 2.69138 42484 2.10972 41988 11 2.04288 49303 2.53618 13659 1.98748 44928 1.90538 66089 2.36795 72517 1.85400 35619 89 1-75447 87105 2.18440 36931 1.70702 77015 90 1.58724 42586 1.98264 02765 i.5436o 85354 9i 1.40033 09781 1.75908 72160 1.36039 32797 92 1. 18880 76401 1 . 50900 29711 1. 15240 95809 93 0.94609 91434 1.22632 81731 0.91302 63045 94 0.66368 39289 0.90345 05899 0.63365 74528 95 0.33122 27732 0.53107 32653 0.30391 77571 96 9.93300 11514 0.097S9 40967 9.90787 02081 97 9.46170 94404 9-59747 08692 9-43825 37924 98 8.93279 27400 9.02634 91107 8.91156 32862 99 8.31369 94095 8.31369 94095 8.29666 60701 Comb. Ex. Ann 3 68 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXVII. LIFE ANNUITIES— FIRST PAYMENT IMMEDIATE. Showing the Values of Annuities of One Dollar on Single Lives, according to Combined Experience Rate of Mor- tality. WITH INTEREST AS NAMED. I Age. 10 II 12 13 14 II 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 11 11 39 40 4i 42 43 44 % 49 50 5i 52 53 54 I Per Cent. 24.356 24.220 24.080 23.936 23.787 23.633 23-475 23-313 23.146 22.974 22.797 22.616 22.430 22.239 22.043 21.842 21.635 21.423 21.205 20.982 20.754 20.519 20.279 20.032 19.780 19-521 19.255 18.983 18.703 18.417 18.123 17.821 17-512 17.195 16.870 16.540 16.204 15.864 I5-5I9 15. 171 14.820 14.465 14.107 13-747 13-385 4 Per Cent. 20.454 20.369 20.282 20.I9I 20.096 I9.998 19 896 19.790 19.681 19.568 19.450 19.329 19.204 I9.075 18.941 18.803 18.660 18.512 18.360 I8.202 18.040 17.872 17.698 17.520 17-335 17.144 16.948 16.744 16.534 16.317 16.O93 15.861 15.621 15-374 15. 119 14-857 14.590 I4-3I7 14.039 13-757 I3.470 13.179 12.884 12.585 12.283 5 Per Cent. 17.556 I7.502 17.445 17.386 17.324 17.259 17.192 17. 121 I7.O48 16.97I 16.89I 16.808 16.722 16.632 16.539 16.442 16.34I 16.236 I6.I27 16.OI4 15.896 15-774 15.647 15.515 15.378 15-235 15.087 14-933 14.773 14.606 14.433 14-252 14.064 13.868 13.666 I3.456 13-241 13.020 12.794 12.563 12.326 12.085 11.840 11.590 n.336 Per Cent. 15.347 15-312 15-274 15-234 15.193 15-149 I5.I02 I5-054 I5-003 I4-950 14.894 14-836 14.775 14.712 14.645 14.576 I4503 14.427 14-347 14.264 14.177 14.087 13.992 13-893 13.789 13.681 13.568 I3-450 13.326 13-196 13.060 12.918 12.768 12.612 12.448 12.279 12 104 11.923 11-737 11.546 11-349 11. 148 10.942 10.731 10.515 7 Per Cent. 13-625 13.601 13.575 13-547 13.518 13-487 13-454 13.420 13-384 13.346 13.306 13.264 13.220 I3 : i74 13.125 13074 13.020 12.964 1 2. 9c 5 12.843 12.778 12.710 12.638 12.563 12484 12.401 12.313 12.221 12.124 12.022 11. 914 11.800 11.680 H-553 11.420 11. 281 11. 137 10.988 10.833 10.674 10.509 10.338 10.164 9-985 9.801 M Per Cent. 12.251 12.234 I2.2I6 I2.I96 12.175 12.153 12.129 I2.I04 12.078 I2.050 12.021 II.99O H-957 11.923 11.887 11.849 1 1 . 809 11.767 11.722 11.675 11.625 11.573 11.518 11.460 11.398 11-333 11.264 11. 191 11. 114 11.032 io.945 10.853 io.755 10 652 10.543 10.428 10.308 10.182 10.053 9.918 9-779 9.635 9.486 9-332 9.174 Ann. Comb. Ex. Of Life Insurance. 369 Table No. CXXVIL— Concluded. ' LIFE ANNUITIES.— FIRST PAYMENT IMMEDIATE. Showing the Value of Annuities of One D OLLAR ON Single Lives, according to' Combined Experience Rate of Mor- TAL1TY, WITH INTEREST AS NAMED. Age. n 3 Per Cent. 4 Per Cent. A Per Cent. Per Cent. 7 Per Cent. 8 Per Cent. I3.02I II.978 II.077 IO.295 9.612 '9.01 1 12.656 II.670 IO.816 IO.071 9.419 8.844 57 12.290 11-359 IO.550 9.843 9.221 8.672 58 H.923 II.046 IO.282 9.6H 9.OI9 8-495 59 11-555 10.731 IO.OIO 9-375 8.813 8.314 60 II. 188 IO.415 9-735 9.136 8.603 8.129 61 10.822 IO.098 9-459 8.893 8.390 7.940 62 IO-457 9.781 9.182 8.649 8.174 7.748 63 IO.O96 9.464 8.903 8.403 7-955 7-553 64 9-737 9.149 8.625 8.156 7-735 7-355 ol 9.382 8.836 8-347 7.908 7-513 7-!56 9.032 8.525 8.070 7.660 7.29I 6-955 u 8.686 8.217 7.795 7.413 7.067 6.753 8-347 7-9*3 7.521 7.167 6.844 6.551 69 8.013 7.613 7.251 6.922 6.622 6.348 f 70 7.685 7.317 6.983 6.678 6.400 6.145 71 7-364 7.026 6.718 6-437 6.179 5-942 72 7.049 6.740 6.457 6.I98 5-960 5-74Q 73 6.742 6.459 6.200 5.962 5.742 5- 540 74 6.441 6. 1 84 5-947 5.729 5 527 5-340 9 6.148 5-9*5 5.699 5-499 5.3I4 5-142 | 5.863 5.651 5-455 5-273 5-104 4.946 i 9 5.585 5-394 5.216 5-050 4.896 4.752 ! 5.315 5-143 4.982 4.832 4.692 4.561 ! 79 5-053 4.899 4-754 4.618 4.491 4-372 80 4-799 4.661 4.531 4.409 4.294 4.187 81 4-553 4.429 4.313 4.204 4.101 4.004 82 4.312 4.203 4.099 4.002 3.910 3-823 83 4.077 3.980 3.889 3-803 3.721 3.643 : 84 3.846 3.761 3.681 3-605 3-533 3.464 : S 3.617 3-544 3-474 3.408 3-344 3.284 i 3.391 3-328 3.268 3.210 3.I56 3.103 ; 5 3.167 x 3.II4 3-063 3.013 2.967 2.922 2.946 2.901 2.858 2.817 2.777 2.739 89 2.728 2.691 2.655 2.621 2.588 2.556 ; 90 2.516 2.485 2.456 2.428 2.401 2.375 ! 91 2.309 2.284 2.261 2.238 2.216 2.195 1 92 2.109 2.090 2.072 2.054 2.037 2.020 93 1. 921 1.906 1.892 1.879 1.865 1.852 94 1.748 1^737 1.726 1. 716 1.706 1.696 Si 1.592 1.584 1.576 1.569 1.561 1-554 1.468 1.462 1.456 1.450 1-445 1.439 9 1 1. 37i 1-367 1.363 L359 1-355 1-351 98 1.243 1.240 1.238 1.236 1.234 1.232 ; 99 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 I Comb.Ex. S. P. Life 370 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXVIII. NET SINGLE PREMIUMS FOR WHOLE LIFE INSURANCE, COMBINED EXPERIENCE TABLE OF MORTALITY, WITH RATES OF INTEREST AS NAMED. Age. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Per Cent. PerCent. PerCent. PerCent. Per Cent. PerCent. 20 336.00 251.91 195.68' 156.95 129.52 109.50 21 341.28 256.56 199.63 160.22 132.26 ill. 79 22 346.69 261.38 203.73 163.68 J35-I4 114.22 23 352.26 266.36 208.01 167.24 138.15 116.75 24 357-97 271.50 212.44 171.04 141.35 H9-45 25 363-83 276.82 217.07 174.94 144.69 122.24 26 369.85 282.31 221 .87 179.07 148.22 125.23 27 376.03 287.99 226.87 183.38 151.89 128.37 28 38.2.36 293.86 232.06 187.91 155-74 131.68 29 388.86 299.91 237-43 192 .60 159.80 J35-I9 30 395 -5 2 306.17 243.06 197.52 164.06 138.90 31 402.35 312.62 248.86 202.62 168.50 142.80 32 409.36 319.29 254-9I 208.01 173.60 146.90 33 416.54 326.17 261.18 213.61 177.90 151.22 34 423.89 333-27 267.72 219.50 183.29 i55-8o 35 ■43*-44 340.60 274.52 225.60 188.72 160.63 36 439-17 348.17 281.56 232.00 194.47 165.73 37 447.10 355-99 288.91 238.68 200 . 49 171. 13 38 455- 2 4 364.07 296.53 245.70 206 . 84 176.85 39 463.58 372.41 ■ 304.47 253.06 2i3-5i 182.86 40 472.14 381.04 312.71 260.75 220.58 189.32 4i 480.93 389.96 3 2 i-34 268.79 228.04 196.13 42 489.95. 399.18 330.28 277.28 235-89 203.38 43 499.19 408.71 339.62 286.11 244.19 211 .04 44 508.63 418.52 349-23 295.40 252.90 219.13 45 518.26 428.57 359-25 304.97 261 .99 227 65 46 528.04 438.86 369.48 3U.87 271.41 236.51 47 537-95 449-35 380.00 325-I2 281.16 245-75 48 547.98 460.02 390.77 335.65 291.30 255-37 49 558.12 470.88 401 . 76 346.46 301.70 265.29 5o 5i 568.36 578.70 481 .91 493-" 413.06 424.52 357-62 368.99 312.36 275-65 38^-33 " 286". $i — 52 589.12 504.46 436.20 380.65 335-07 297-3I ,53 5-99.60 5I5-95 448 . 10 392.58 346.87 308.73 54 610.15 527.57 460 . 20 404.81 358.8i 320.43 55 620.75 539.31 472.53 417.27 371.18 332-5° 56 631-39 55i.i6 484.96 429.94 383.81 334.90 57 642.05 563-10 497.62 442.85 396.75 357-65 58 652.74 575-14 510.39 455-97 409.98 37°-73 59 663.44 587.26 523-33 469.34 423.44 3 8 4.i3 60 674.14 599-43 536.43 482.86 437-i8 397.86 61 684.80 611.63 549-59 496.63 451.12 411.85 62 695.41 623.83 562.77 510.45 465.25 426.08 63 705-95 636.00 576.06 524.36 479-58 440.52 64 716.40 648.12 589.29 538.34 493-97 455-13 65 726.73 660.17 602.54 552.38 508.49 469.92 66 736.94 672 .12 615.72 566.41 5 2 3- 01 484.79 67 747.00 683.97 828.82 580.39 537-68 499-77 68 756.89 695-65 641.86 594.32 552.26 514.75 69 766.62 707.19 654.72 608 . 20 566.79 529.80 70 776.17 7i8.57 667.49 622 .01 581.31 544-91 Term Cornb.4 % Of Life Insurance 37i Table No. CXXIX. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000 TEMPORARY IN- SURANCE, IN TERMS AS STATED , COMBINED EXPERIENCE , FOUR PER CENT. 1 3 5 7 10 15 20 25 Year. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 7.01 * 7.09 7.18 7.27 7.41 7.66 7-94 8.24 21 7.09 7.18 7.27 7-36 7-5i 7.78 8.08 8.40 22 7.18 7.28 7-37 7.46 7-63 . 7.91 8.22 8.57 23 7.27 7-37 7-47 7-58 7-74 8.05 8-37 8.76 24 7-37 7.46 7.58 7.69 7.87 8.19 8.53 8-97 25 7-47 7.58 7.70 7.81 8.01 8-34 8.70 9.19 26 7-58 7.70 7.82 7-95 8.15 8.50 8.89 9-44 27 7.70 7-83 7-95 8.09 8.30 8.67 9.10 9.71 28 7-83 7-95 8.09 8.24 8.46 8.84 9-33 IO.OI 29 7.96 8.10 8.24 8.39 8.62 9-°3 9.58 I0.33 30 8.10 8.24 8.40 8.56 8.80 9.24 9.86 IO.68 3i 8.25 8.41 8-57 8-73 8.98 9.46 10.16 II.06 32 8.41 8-57 8.74 8.91 9.17 9.71 10.49 II.48 33 8.58 8-75 8.92 9.10 9-38 9-99 10.86 II.94 34 8-75 8-93 9. 11 9-3° 9-59 IO.29 II.26 12.44 35 8.93 9.12 9-3i 9-5° 9-83 IO.63 II.70 12.98 36 9.12 9-3i 9-5i 9.71 10.10 II .01 12.19 13.58 37 9-3 1 9-5 2 9-73 9.96 10.41 n-43 12.72 14.22 38 9-53 9-73 9.96 10.23 io.75 11 .90 13-31 14.94 39 9-74 9.96 10.21 10.53 11. 15 12.42 13.95 I5.7I 40 9.96 10.20 10.51 10.89 11.59 13.00 14.66 16.56 41 10.20 10.49 10.86 11. 31 12.09 13.64 15-44 17.48 42 10.48 10.83 11.28 11.79 12.67 14.35 16.31 18.49 43 10.82 11.25 11.77 12.35 i3-3i 15-14 17.25 19-59 44 11.25 11.76 12.34 12.97 14-03 16.01 18.29 20. 7Q 45 11.74 12.34 12.98 13.68 14.82 16.96 19.42 22.08 46 12-35 12.99 13.69 14.45 15.69 18.01 20.65 23.46 47 13.00 13.70 14.47 15.29 16.63 19 .13 21 .98 24.94 48 13 -7i 14.46 i5-3i 16.20 17-65 20.36 23-41 26.53 49 14.48 15.29 16.23 17.19 18.76 21 .69 24.96 28.23 5o 15-33 16.24 17-23 18.28 19-97 23 • x 4 26.63 30.03 5i 16.25 17-25 18.31 19-43 21.28 24.71 28.42 31.96 52 17.26 18.34 19.50 20.72 22.71 26.42 3° -35 34.00 53 18.36 19-53 20.78 22 .10 24.26 28.27 32.42 36.17 54 19-53 20.81 22 .16 23.60 25.96 30.27 34.64 38.46 55 20.83 22.21 23.67 25.24 27.80 32-43 37.02 40.89 56 22.24 23.71 25-31 27.03 29.81 34-76 39-55 43.46 57 23-73 25-35 27.10 28.99 32.00 37-28 42 .26 46.17 58 25-37 27-J5 29.08 3I-I3 34-39 40.00 45-15 49.03 59 27.16 29.13 3 I - 2 4 33-47 36.99 42.93 48.23 52.05 60 29.17 3!-3 2 33-62 36.03 39.81 46.08 s 1 ^ 2 55.23 61 S 1 ^ 6 33-71 36.21 38.83 42.87 49.46 55 -oo 58.58; 62 33-77 36.33 39 .04 41.86 46.18 53.o8 58.68 62.10 63 36.38 39.i8 42.12 45.15 49-74 56.96 62.58 65.81 64 39.26 42.29 45-47 48.71 53-59 61 .10 66.71 69.73 65 42,39 45.68 49.10 52.56 57-73 65-51 71.06 73.85 66 45-78 49-36 53- 02 56.72 62.18 70.21 75-64 78.20 67 49-49 53-33 57-25 61 .20 66.94 75 • 19 80.49 82.78 68 53-49 57.61 61.81 66.00 72.06 80.49 85.59 87.61 69 57.78' 62.22 66.72 71.19 77-53 86.10 90.98 92.71 70 62.44 67.22 72.03 76.75 83.41 92.04 96.68 98 . 10 Comb.4* NetPrems 372 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXX. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CEN1 Age. Single Life. Whole Life. 5 Payment 10 Payment 15 Payment 20 Payment Endow- ment 10 Life. Life. Life. Life. Years. 20 25I.9I 12.95 55.18 30.8I 22.86 I9.OO 83.86 21 256 56 I3.27 56.21 31.40 23.29 19-37 83.9I 22 261.38 I3.61 57-28 32.OO 23.75 I9.76 83.97 23 266.36 13.96 58.38 32.63 24.22 20.I5 84.03 24 271.50 14.33 59-52 33-27 24.71 20.57 84.09 25 276.82 I4.72 60.70 33-94 25.21 21. OO 84.15 26 282.31 15.13 61.92 3464 25.74 21-44 84.22 27 287.99 I5.56 63.18 35.35 26.28 2I.9O 84.29 28 293.86 16.OI 64.49 36.09 26.84 22 38 84.37 29 299.91 16.48 65.83 36.86 27.43 22.88 84.45 30 306.17 16.97 67.23 37-66 28.03 23-39 84-54 31 312.62 1749 68.67 38.48 28.65 23-93 84.63 32 319 29 18.04 70.15 39-33 29.30 2449 84.72 33 326.17 18.62 71.69 40.21 2997 25.07 84.82 34 333.27 I9.23 73 28 41.12 30.67 25.66 84.92 3 § 340.60 I9.87 74.92 42.06 3T.40 26.32 85-03 36 348.17 20.54 76.61 43.04 32.15 26.98 85.15 37 35599 21 26 78.37 44-05 32.94 27.67 85.28 38 364.07 22.02 80.18 45.10 33.76 28.40 85.42 39 372.41 22.82 82.05 46.20 34 62 29.17 85.58 40 381.04 23.68 84.00 47-33 35-53 29.98 85.76 41 389-96 2459 86.01 48.53 36.47 30.83 85.98 42 399 18 25-55 88.11 49-77 37-47 31-74 86.22 43 408.71 26.58 90.29 51.08 38.52 32.69 86.51 44 418.52 27.68 92.55 52-44 39-63 33.71 86.84 45 428.57 28.85 94.88 53-86 40.78 34-77 87.21 46 438.86 30.08 97.29 55-33 41.99 35-90 87.62 47 449-35 31-39 99-75 56.85 43 25 37.o8 88.06 48 460.02 32.77 102.28 58.43 44-57 38.32 88.55 49 470.88 34.23 104.87 60.05 45-95 39-63 89.08 50 481.91 35.78 107.52 6i.74 47 38 41.02 89.66 5i 493- 11 37.42 110.25 63 49 48.89 42.48 90.29 52 504.46 39- 15 113 03 65.30 5046 44.02 9C.98 53 5I5.95 41.00 115.88 67.17 52.12 45-66 9!-73 54 527.57 42.95 118.78 69.12 53.86 47-39 92-55 55 539-31 45.03 121.77 71.14 55.69 49 24 93-45 56 551.16 47-23 124.83 73.25 57.63 51.20 94-43 11 563-10 49-57 127.95 75-44 59-67 53.29 95.52 575.14 52.07 131.17 77-75 61.84 55-53 96.71 59 587.26 54.72 13445 80.15 64.15 57.92 98.02 60 599 43 57.56 137.84 82.68 66.60 60.49 99 47 61 611 63 60.57 141.32 85.34 69.21 63.24 101.07 62 623 83 63.78 144.90 88.13 71.99 66.18 102. 81 63 636.00 67.20 148.57 91.07 74 96 ' 69.33 104.73 64 6,8.12 70.84 152.34 94.16 78.12 72.71 106.83 65 660.17 74.72 156.23 97-43 81.50 76.34 109.12 66 672.12 7885 160.23 100.S8 85.12 80.22 3 683.97 83.24 164.35 104.53 88.99 84.38 695.65 87.91 168 59 108.39 93-14 88.S5 69 707.19 92.89 172.97 112.48 97-59 93-63 70 718.57 98.20 I77.5I 116.85 102.36 98.77 NetPrems. Comb.4 % Of IyiFK Insurance 373 Table No. CXXX.— Continued. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000 COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Endowment Endowment Endowment Endowment Endowment Endowment Age. 15 Years. 20 Years. 35 Years. 30 Years. 35 Years. 40 Years. 20 52.27 36.97 28.19 22.68 I9.06 16.64 21 52.33 37-05 28.28 22.79 I9.I9 16.80 22 52.40 37.12 28.37 22.90 19-33 16.97 23 52.47 37 21 28 47 23.02 I9.48 17.16 24 52.54 37-29 28.57 23.15 I9.64 17.36 25 52.62 37-39 28.69 23.29 19.82 17.58 26 52.70 37 48 28.81 23.45 20.0I I7.8I % 52.79 37-59 28.94 23.61 20.22 18.07 52.88 37.70 29.08 23.79 20.45 18.35 29 52.98 37.82 29.24 23.99 20.70 18.66 30 53.08 37-95 29.41 24.21 20.97 18.99 3i 53.19 38.09 29-59 24.44 21.26 . 19-35 32 53-31 38.25 29.79 24.70 21-59 19.74 33 53-44 38.41 30.OI 24.98 21.94 20.16 34 53-57 38.60 30.25 25.29 22.32 20.62 H 53-72 38.80 30.52 25-63 22.74 21.12 53.89 39-03 30.82 26.01 23.20 21.66 12 54.07 39.28 31.14 26.42 23.70 22.24 54.28 39-56 3I.50 26.87 24.25 22.88 39 54.51 39-87 3T.90 27.37 24.85 23.57 40 54-77 40.21 32.35 27.92 25oO 24.32 4i 55.07 40.61 32.84 28.53 26.22 25.13 42 55-41 41.04 33 39 29.20 27.OI 26.01 43 55-79 41-53 34.oo 29.94 27.87 26.96 44 56:22 42.08 34-68. 30.75 28.80 27.99 4 § 56.70 42.68 35.42 31.63 29.82 29.09 46 57.23 43-34 36.23 30.91 47 57.80 44.06 37.12 32.09 48 58.43 44-85 38.08 33-35 49 59- 11 45.71 39-13 34-71 So 5986 46.65 40.27 36.16 5i 60.68 47-68 52 61.58 48.81 53 62 56 50.03 54 63.63 51.37 55 64.80 52.84 56 66.09 % 67-51 69.06 59 70.77 60 72.64 Comb.4 % NetPrems 374 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXX.— Continued NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Endowment Endowment Endowment Endowment Endowment Endow- j Age. in 15 in 20 in 25 in 30 in 35 ment, Years by 10 Years by lO Years by 10 Years by lO Years by 1 Death Payments. Payments. Payments. Payments. Payments. or 35. 20 70.47 59-95 51-74 45 38 40.53 52.27 21 70.54 60.04 51.85 45-53 40.73 56.79 22 70.61 60.13 51.97 45.69 40.94 62.02 23 70.67 60.23 52.10 45-86 4I.I8 68.14 24 70.75 60.33 52.23 46.04 41.43 75-41 u 70.84 60.44 52.38 46.25 41.70 84.15 70.92 60.55 52.54 46.46 41.99 94.87 27 7I.02 60.67 52.71 46.69 42.30 108. 20 28 71.II 60.80 52.89 4694 42.64 125-59 29 71.21 60.94 53.o8 47.22 43-00 148.71 30 71.32 61.O9 53-29 47.51 43-40 181 11 31 71-44 61.25 53.52 47.83 43.82 229 80 32 71.56 61.42 53-77 48.17 44.28 311.02 33 71.68 61.60 54.03 48.55 44.78 473.58 34 71.82 61.80 54-32 48.95 45-31 961.54 35 71.97 62.02 54-64 49-39 45-89 36 72.13 62 26 54.98 49.86 3 l 72.31 62.52 55-37 50.39 38 72.50 62 81 55.78 5095 ! 39 72.73 6313 56.24 51.57 40 72.98 63.50 56 75 52.24 4i 73.27 63.90 57-31 42 73.60 64.37 57-94 43 73-97 64.88 38.63 44 74.40 65.46 59-41 46 74.87 66.IO 60.24 75.40 66.79 48 75-97 67.55 76-59 68.38 49 77.26 69.26 50 78.00 70.23 5i 78.80 52 79-67 53 1 80.62 i NetPrems. Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 375 Table No. CXXX.— Continued. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Endow- Endow- Endow- Endow- Endow- Endow- Endow- Age. ment, ment, ment, ment, ment, ment, ment, Death or Death or Death or Death or Death or Death or Death or 40. 45. 50. 55. 60. 65. TO. 20 36-97 28.19 22.68 19.06 16.64 15.04 14.02 21 39-42 29.71 23 70 19.80 17.20 15-49 14.41 22 42.15 31.36 24.80 20.58 17.80 15-97 14.82 23 45-21 33.18 26.00 21.42 18.43 16.48 15.25 24 48.68 35.18 27.28 22.32 I9.IO 17.01 I5.70 25 . 52.62 37-39 28.69 23.29 I9.82 17.58 16.17 26 57-15 39 84 30.21 24-33 20.58 18.18 16.68 27 62.38 42.58 31.88 25.46 21 40 18.81 17.21 28 68.52 45-66 33.71 26.67 22.27 19.49 17.77 29 75-79 49-13 35.72 27.98 23.21 20.21 18.36 30 84.54 53.o8 37-95 29.41 24.21 20.97 18.99 31 95.26 57.62 40.42 30 96 25.29 21.78 19.65 32 108.69 62.86 43-17 3265 26.44 22.65 20.36 33 125.99 69.00 46.26 34-51 27.70 23.58 2I.IO 34 149.10 76.28 49-75 36.55 29.05 24-57 21.89 3 § 181.50 85-03 53-72 38.80 30.52 25.63 22.74 36 230.16 95-76 58.27 41.30 32.12 26.78 23.64 37 311.34 109.19 63-53 44.09 33.87 28.01 24.60 38 473-83 126.49 69.69 47.22 35.78 29-34 25-63 39 961.54 149.59 76.99 50.75 37.89 30.78 26.73 40 181.98 85.76 54-77 40.2I 32.35 27.92 4i 230.62 96.52 59-38 42.80 34.05 29.19 42 311.77 109.98 64.71 45-68 35-92 30.57 43 474-17 127.33 70.95 48.92 37.96 32.06 44 961.54 150.49 78.34 52 56 40.21 33-67 4§ 182.92 87.21 56.70 42.68 35-42 46 231.60 98.05 61.43 45.41 37-31 8 312.71 in. 61 66.87 48.44 39-35 474.93 129.02 73.22 51.81 41.58 49 961.54 152.21 80.70 55-59 44.00 50 184.66 89.66 59-86 46.65 5i 233.29 IOO.59 64.72 49-57 52 314.27 II4.I9 70.29 52.78 S3 476.16 131.66 76.76 56.35 54 961.54 154.89 84-37 60.33 55 187.34 93-45 64.80 56 235.90 104.48 6987 57 316.68 118.20 75-65 58 478.02 135-75 82.34 59 961.54 159.04 90.17 60 191.49 99 47 j 61 239.97 110.72 J 62 320.46 124.64 1 63 480.98 142.35 64 961.54 165.73 65 198.19 66 246.49 , 67 326.47 68 485.63 69 961.54 Comb.4 % NetPrems 376 Principles AND Practice Table No. . „ 2XXX.— Concluded. J NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS PER $1000. COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT, AS STATED BELOW. Endow- Endow- Endow- Endow- Endow- Endow- Endow- Endow- ment, ment, ment, ment, ment, ment, ment, ment, Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Age. or 35 or 40, or 45 or 50 or 55 or60 or 65 or70 bv IO by IO Pay- by lO by IO Pay- by IO Pay- by IO Pay- by IO Pay. by IO Pay- Pay- Pay- ments. ments. ments. ments. ments. ments. ments. ments. 20 70.47 59.96 51.74 45.38 40.53 36.94 34.38 32.68 21 72.96 61.94 53-33 46.66 41.58 37.82 35-H 33-35 22 75-57 64.OI 54-99 4S.OO 42.68 38.73 35-92 34 04 23 78.30 66.18 56.72 49.40 43.82 39-68 36.73 34-77 24 8I.I5 68.46 58.54 50.86 45.OO 40.67 37.58 35-52 u 84.15 70.84 60.44 52.38 46.25 41.70 38.46 36.30 73.33 62.42 53-97 47-54 42.77 39-37 37.11 % 75-94 64.50 55-64 48.89 43-88 40.32 37-95 78.67 66.67 57-37 50.29 45-04 4i.3i 38.81 29 81.5? 68.94 59-19 51.76 46.25 42.33 39-72 30 84.54 71.32 61.09 53-29 47-51 43.40 40.65 31 73.8i 63.07 54-89 48.82 44.50 41.62 32 76.43 65.15 56.56 50.19 45.66 42.63 33 79.16 67.32 58.30 51.61 46.85 43-68 34 82.03 69.59 60.12 53-09 48.09 44.76 9 85.03 71.97 62.02 54-64 49-39 45.89 74.46 64.01 56.25 5o.74 47.06 11 77.08 66.09 57-94 52.14 48.27 79-83 68.27 59-71 53-6i 49-54 39 82.72 70.57 61.56 55.14 50.86 40 85.76 72.98 63-50 56.75 52.25 4i 75.52 65-54 58.44 53-70 42 78.20 67.69 60.21 55-22 43 81.04 69.96 62.08 56.82 44 84.04 72.36 64.04 58.49 45 87.21 74.87 66.10 60.24 46 77-53 68.26 62.08 47 80.33 70.52 63-99 48 83.27 72.90 65.98 49 86.37 75.38 68.05 50 89.66 78.00 70.23 5i 80.76 72.50 52 83.66 74.87 53 86.73 77.38 54 89.99 80.01 3 93-45 82.78 85.71 9 88.82 92.13 59 95.68 60 I 99-47 ... S.P.End. Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 377 Table No. CXXXL SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Inl In 2 In 3 In 4 In 5 In 6 In 7 In 8 Age. Year. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 961.54 924.83 889.79 856.34 824.43 793.98 764.93 737.22 21 961.54 924.83 889.79 856.36 824.46 794.03 765.OO 737-30 22 961.54 924.83 889.80 856.38 824.50 794.08 765.06 737-39 23 961.54 924.84 889.82 856.40 824.53 794-13 765.I3 737-4S 24 961.54 924.84 889.83 856.43 824.57 794.18 765.21 737.58 25 961.54 924.84 889.84 856.45 824.60 794.24 765.29 737.69 26 961.54 924.85 889.85 856.47 824.65 794.30 765.37 737.80 27 961.54 924-85 889.86 856.5O 824.69 794.36 765.46 737.92 28 961.54 924.86 889.88 856.53 824.74 794-43 765.56 738.04 29 961.54 924.86 889.89 856.56 824.79 794.51 765.66 738.18 30 96I.54 924.87 889.91 856.59 824.84 794-59 765.77 738.32 31 9 6l -54 924.87 889.93 856.62 824.89 794.67 765.88 738.46 32 9 6l -54 924.88 889.94 856.66 824.95 794-75 766.OO 738.62 33 961.54 924.89 889.96 856.70 825.OI 794.84 766.12 738.78 34 961.54 924.89 889.98 856.73 825.08 794-93 76t).25 738.95 35 961.54 924.90 89O.OO 856.78 825.14 795-03 766.38 739- 1 3 36 961.54 924.91 890.03 856.82 825.21 795.13 766.52 739-31 37 961.54 924.9I 890.05 856.86 825.28 795.24 766.67 739-51 38 961.54 924.92 89O.07 856.91 825.36 795-35 766.83 739.72 39 961.54 9 2 4-93 89O.IO 856.96 825.44 795-47 767.OO 739-95 40 961.54 '924.94 890.12 857.OI 825.52 795.61 767.I9 740.22 4i 961.54 924-95 890.15 857.06 825.63 795.76 767.42 740.53 42 961.54 924.96 89O.18 857.13 825.74 795-95 767.69 740.90 43 961.54 924.97 890.22 857-22 825.89 796.18 768.OI 74L34 44 961.54 924.99 890.27 857-32 826.07 796.44 768.39 741.84 45 961.54 925.OI 890.33 857-44 826.27 796.74 768.81 742.40 46 961.54 925-03 89O.4O 857.58 826.50 797.o8 769.28 743.03 47 961.54 925.06 890.48 857.73 826.74 797-45 769.79 743-70 48 961.54 925.08 890.56 857.89 827.OI 797.85 770.35 744.44 49 961.54 925.II 890.65 858.07 827.30 798.28 770.95 745.24 5o 961.54 925.15 890.74 858.26 827.62 798.76 771.61 746.10 5i 961.54 925.18 890.85 858.47 827.97 799.27 772.32 747-04 52 961.54 925.22 890.96 858.70 828.34 799-83 773.09 748.06 53 961.54 925.26 89I.O9 858.94 828.75 800.43 773.92 749-15 54 961.54 925.31 891.22 859-21 829.19 801.08 774.82 750.33 55 961.54 925.36 891.37 859-50 829.66 801.78 775-79 751.61 56 961.54 925.4I 89L53 859.81 830.18 802.55 776.84 753-oo 57 961.54 925.47 89I.7O 860.15 830.73 803.37 777.98 754-5Q 58 961.54 925.53 891.89 860.52 831.34 804.27 779.23 756.13 59 961.54 925.60 892.09 860.93 832.OI 805.26 780.58 757-9 1 60 961.54 925.68 892.32 861.37 832.74 806.34 782.07 759.84 6! 961.54 925.76 892.57 861.86 833-54 807.51 783.67 761.93 62 961.54 925.85 892.84 862.39 834.41 808.78 785.4I 764.18 63 961.54 925.96 893.14 862.97 835-35 810.16 787.28 766.60 64 961.54 926.07 893.46 863.60 836.37 811.64 789.30 769.20 65 961.54 926.19 893.81 864.29 837.47 813.24 79I.46 771.98 66 961.54 926.32 894.19 865.02 838.66 814.96 793-77 774-93 67 961.54 926.46 894.61 865.82 839-94 816.79 796.23 778.08 68 961.54 926.61 895-05 866.67 841 29 818.75 798.84 781.39 69 961.54 926.78 895-53 867.58 842.75 820.83 80I.62 784.91 70 961.54 926.96 896.04 868.56 844.31 823. co 804.56 788.62 Comb.4 % S.P.End 378 Principles ani > Practice Table No. CXXXL— Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. In 9 In IO In 11 In 13 an 1 3 In 1-1 In 15 In 16 Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. 20 7IO 79 685.58 661.54 638.62 616.77 595 94 576C9 557.19 21 710.89 685.71 661.69 638.80 616.99 596.19 576.38 557.51 22 71I.OO 635.85 661.86 639.OO 617.22 596.46 576.69 557-86 23 711.12 685.99 662.04 639.21 617.47 596.75 577-02 558.23 24 711.25 686 15 662.23 63944 61773 597 05 577.36 558.62 25 7H.38 686.31 662.43 639 67 618.OO 597-37 577.72 559-03 26 711.52 686.49 662.64 639.93 618.30 597.71 578.II 559-46 27 7H.67 686.67 662.86 640. J 9 6l8.6l 598.06 578.51 55992 26 7H.83 686.87 663.IO 640.47 618.93 598 44 ^78.94 560.40 29 712.00 687.08 663.35 640.77 619.28 598.83 579-39 560 90 30 7I2.I8 687.30 663.62 641.08 619.64 599-25 579 86 561.44 31 712.37 687.53 663.89 641.40 620.02 599 69 580.36 562.OI 32 712.56 687 77 664.18 641.75 620 42 600 15 580.90 562.63 33 712.77 6S8.02 664.48 642.IO 620.84 600.64 581.47 563-29 34 712.98 688.28 664.80 642.48 621.29 601.17 582.09 564.OO 35 713.20 688 56 665.14 642.89 621.78 601.75 582.77 564 79 36 713-44 688.85 665.50 643.34 622.31 602.39 583.51 565.66 37 713.69 689 17 665.90 643.83 622.90 603.09 584.34 566 62 38 713-97 689.53 666.35 644.38 623.57 603 88 585 26 567.69 39 714.28 689.93 666.85 644.99 624.31 604.76 586.30 568.89 40 714.64 690.39 667.42 645.69 625.15 605.76 58746 570.23 4i 7I5.05 690.92 668.08 646.49 626.II 606.89 588.78 571-74 42 715-54 691 53 668.84 647.41 627.21 608.17 590.26 573-44 43 716.IO 092.24 669.71 648.46 628.45 609.62 591-93 575-34 44 716.74 693 05 670.70 649.64 629 84 611.23 593-79 577-46 45 717.46 693-95 67109 650.95 63L37 613.01 595-83 579-77 46 718.26 694.94 672.99 652.38 633.05 614.96 598 05 582 28 47 719.13 696.01 674.30 653 93 634 87 61705 600.45 585-00 48 720.07 697.17 675-71 65561 636 83 619.32 603.03 587-92 49 72I.08 698.43 677.23 657.41 638.94 621.76 605.82 591.07 50 722.19 699.80 678.88 659-37 64I.23 624.39 60S.82 594-45 51 723 33 701.27 680.65 661.48 643 69 627.23 612.05 598.10 52 724.67 702.86 682.57 663.75 646.34 630.28 615.52 602.01 53 726.06 704.58 684.64 666.21 649.20 633- 57 619.26 606.20 54 727.56 706.42 636.88 668.85 652.27 637.10 623.25 610.69 55 729.18 708.43 689.29 671.69 655.58 640. 89 627.55 615.49 56 730.94 710.59 691 89 674.76 659.14 644.96 632.14 620.61 11 732.83 712.92 694.69 678.06 662.96 649.31 637.04 626.07 734-9° 7i5 46 697.72 681.62 667.07 653-99 642.29 631.89 59 737- 14 718.20 7„i. 00 685.45 671.48 658.98 647.88 638.07 60 739-57 721.16 704 52 689.57 676.I9 664.31 653-82 644.62 61 742.19 724.34 708.30 693 96 681.21 669.96 660.10 65'-52 62 745-oo 727.76 712.33 698.63 686.54 675-93 666.71 658.76 63 748.02 73L39 716.63 703- 59 692.16 682.22 673-65 666.33 64 75L24 735.27 721.18 708.83 698.O9 688.82 680.91 674.21 65 754-67 739-39 72599 714-35 704.30 695.72 688.46 66 758.31 743-74 731 07 720 14 710.80 702.91 67 762.16 748.33 736.39 726.2 > 717.58 68 766.22 753.14 741.96 732.51 69 770.50 75819 747.78 70 775-00 76348 S.P.End. Comb.4% Of Lifk Insurance 379 Table No. CXXXL— Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 U 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 46 4 Z 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 5 I 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 In 17 Years. 539-!7 539-54 539-93 540.34 540.78 54L23 54L72 542.23 542.77 543-34 543-95 544-59 545.29 546.05 546.87 547.78 548.78 549-88 55i.ii 552.48 554-02 555-74 557-66 559-82 562.19 564.79 567.62 570.66 573-94 577.46 581.25 585.32 589.68 594-34 599-33 604.65 610.31 616.32 622.72 629.48 636.63 644.13 651.97 660. 14 In 18 Years. In 19 Years. In SO Years. 522.02 522.43 522.86 523-32 523.80 524-3I 524.84 525-4I 526.01 526.65 527.34 528.07 528.87 529.73 530.67 53L70 532.84 534- 10 535-50 537-05 538.79 540.73 542.90 545.31 547-97 550.87 554-OI 557.40 561.05 564.96 569.16 573.67 578.49 583.63 589-11 594-95 601.15 607.72 614.67 622.01 629.73 637.81 646.22 505.68 506.13 506.61 507.12 507.65 508.21 508.80 509.43 510.10 510.82 511.58 512.41 513-31 514-28 515-34 516.51 5i7-8o 519-23 520.81 522.56 524.51 526.68 529.10 531.78 534-73 537-94 54L43 545-17 549-20 553-51 558.14 563.08 568.37 574.oo 579-98 586.34 593-Q7 600.17 607.68 615.57 623.84 632.46 490.13 490.62 491.15 491.70 492.29 492.90 493.56 494.25 495.00 495-79 496.65 497-58 498.59 499.68 500.88 502.19 503.64 505.24 507.01 508.97 511. 14 513.55 516.23 519.20 522.45 525.99 529.82 533-93 538.34 543-07 548.12 553-52 559-27 565.38 571.87 578.73 585.98 593-6i 601.65 610.06 618.86 In 21 Years. 475-33 475-87 476.44 477.05 477-68 478.36 479.08 479-85 480.67 481.56 482.51 483.55 484.67 485.89 487.23 488.70 490.32 492.10 494.07 496.24 498.65 501.31 504.26 507.52 511.09 514.96 5I9.I5 523-64 528.45 533-59 539.07 544-92 551.14 557-73 564.70 572.07 579-82 587.96 596.49 605.41 In 22 Years. 461.24 461.83 462.45 463.II 463-8I 464.54 465.34 466.18 467.09 468.07 469.I3 470.28 47L53 472.89 474-38 476.OI 477.80 479-78 481.95 484-35 487.OO 489.93 493.16 496.72 500.61 504.83 509.38 514.25 519.46 525.02 530.94 537-24 543.91 550.98 558.42 566.27 574-51 583.13 592.13 In 23 Years. 447.84 448.48 449-15 449.87 450.62 451-43 452.30 453-23 454-23 455-31 456.48 457-75 459-13 460.64 462.29 464.09 466.07 468.24 470.63 473.27 476.17 479.36 482.89 486.76 490.98 495-55 500.47 505.72 511-34 5I7.3I 523.66 530.40 537-53 545 05 552 96 561.27 569.97 579.04 In 24 Years. 435-09 435.78 436.51 437.29 438.II 438.99 439-94 440.96 442.06 443-25 444-54 445-94 447.46 449.12 450.93 452.91 455.o8 457-46 460.08 462.96 466.11 469-59 473-42 477.60 482.16 487.08 492.38 498.02 504.03 510.42 517.20 524.37 53L94 539.90 548.26 557.oo 566.13 Comb.4 % S.P.End 3 8o Principles and Practice Table No. CXXXL— Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 38 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 41 i* $1 49 50 Si 52 53 54 55 In 25 Years. 422.98 423-72 424-5I 425-35 426.25 427 2r 428.24 429-35 430.56 431.86 433-27 434 81 436.48 438 29 440.28 442.45 444.82 447 42 450.26 453-39 456.82 460 58 464.71 469.22 474.12 479.40 485.06 491.09 497.50 504-30 511-49 51909 527.08 535.40 544-23 553.39 In 26 Years. 411.46 412.26 413.II 414.02 415.OO 416 04 417.17 418.38 4I9.70 421.12 422.66 424.34 426.16 428.14 430.30 432.67 435.25 438.07 441.16 444 54 448.24 452.30 456.73 461.57 466.82 472.45 478.49 484.90 49r.70 498.90 506.49 5I4.49 522.88 531-67 540.83 In 27 Years. 400 53 401.39 402.31 403.29 404.34 405 48 406.70 408.02 409.45 4II.OO 412.68 414.50 416.49 418 64 420.99 423-55 426.34 429.39 432.73 436.37 440.36 444 71 449.46 454.63 460.21 466.21 472.61 479-39 486.58 494.16 502.14 5io.53 5i9-3o 528.46 In 28 Years. 39°. 1 5 39I.07 392.06 393-13 394.26 395-49 396.82 398-25 399-8o 401.48 403-30 405 . 28 407.43 409.76 412.30 415-07 418.08 421.37 424.96 428,87 433.14 437-79 442.86 448.35 454.28 460.62 467.38 474-54 482.09 490.04 498.39 507.14 516.27 In 29 Years. 380.30 381.29 382.36 383.51 384.74 386.06 387.50 389.04 390,72 392-54 394-51 396.65 398.97 40I.48 404.22 407.20 4IO44 413.97 4I7-82 422.00 426.55 43L5I 436.89 442.71 448.97 455-66 462.77 470.28 478.18 486.49 495-19 504-27 In 30 Years. 370.97 372.04 373-18 374.41 375-74 377.17 378.71 380.39 382.20 384.15 386.28 388.58 391.08 393-78 396.72 399.92 403-39 407.17 411.28 415.73 420 58 425.83 431.52 437-67 444.26 451-28 45^-73 466.57 474.82 483.45 492.48 In 31 Years. 362.13 363.27 364.50 365.83 367.25 368.79 370.45 372.25 374.20 376.30 378.59 381.06 383.74 386.64 389.79 393-21 396.92 400.94 405.3I 4IO.O4 4T5.I7 420 73 426.72 433.18 440. IO 447-44 455.21 463.38 471.94 480.88 In 32 Years. 353-77 354-99 356.31 357-73 359.26 360.91 362.69 364.62 366.71 368.97 37I.4I 374.06 376.93 380.03 383-39 387.04 390.98 395-26 399.89 404.90 410.31 416 16 422.46 42923 436.45 444. 10 452.18 460.65 469.51 S.P.End. Comb.4 % Op Life Insurance. 381 Table No. CXXXI— Continued. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER fiooo ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 H 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 In 33 Years. 345-86 347-17 348.58 35Q-IO 351-74 353-51 355-42 357-48 359-72 362.13 364.74 367.57 370.63 373-93 377-51 381.38 385.57 390.10 395-oo 400.28 405-97 412.10 418.70 425.76 433-27 441.22 449-59 458.34 In 34 Years. 338-39 339-79 34I-30 342-93 344.68 346.56 348.61 350.81 353.19 355.77 358.55 361.56 364.82 368.33 372.13 376.23 380.66 385-44 390.60 396.14 402.11 408.52 415.40 422.74 430.54 438.76 447.40 Tn35 Years. 331-35 332.85 334-45 336.18 338.05 340.06 342.24 344-59 347-13 349-87 352.83 356.02 359-48 363.20 367.22 371-55 376.22 381.25 386.66 392.47 398.70 405-38 412.53 420.14 428.20 436.68 In 36 Years. 324.72 32.6.31 328.02 329.86 331.85 333-99 336.31 338.8o 34I.50 344-41 347-55 350.93 354-58 358.52 362.76 367.32 372.23 377-50 383.16 389-23 395.72 402.66 410.05 417.92 426.22 In 37 Years. 318.48 320.17 321 99 3*3-95 326.05 328.33 330.79 333-43 336.29 339-37 342.69 346.27 350.12 354-27 358.73 363- 52 368.66 374-17 380.07 386.39 393-12 400. 30 407.94 416.04 In 38 Years. 312.62 314.41 316.34 318.42 320.65 323.06 325.66 328.47 33L49 334-74 338.25 342.02 346.07 350.43 355-IO 360.12 365.49 37L23 377.37 383.91 39O.88 398.29 406.15 In 39 Years. 307.12 309.02 3H.06 313.26 315.63 318.18 320.93 323.89 327.07 330.50 334.19 338.16 342.41 346.98 351.86 357-IO 362.69 368.65 375-OI 381.78 388.97 396.59 In 40 Years. 3OI.98 303-98 306. 14 308.46 310.96 313.66 316.56 319.67 323.03 326.64 330.5I 334.67 339-12 343.89 348.98 354-43 360.23 366.41 372.99 379-96 387.35 Comb.4 % S.P.End 382 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXXL— Concluded. SINGLE PREMIUMS PER $1000 ENDOWMENT INSURANCE, COMBINED EXPERIENCE. FOUR PER CENT, PAYABLE AS STATED. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3 37 38 39 In4t Years. 297.17 299.29 301.56 304.02 306.65 309.49 312.54 315.82 3I9-34 323-I3 327.I9 33L53 336.18 341.14 346.44 352.09 358.IO 364.48 37L25 378.42 In 43 Years. 292.69 2Q492 297.32 299 90 302.67 305.65 308.86 3I2.30 316.OO 319.96 324.I9 328.73 333-57 338.72 344.22 350.06 356.26 362.83 369.79 In 43 Years. 288.52 290.87 293- 39 296.10 299 02 J02.14 305.51 309.11 312.97 317-10 321.52 326.23 331.26 336.60 342.28 348.31 354.69 361.43 In 44 Years. 284.65 287.12 289.77 292.61 295.67 298.94 302.46 306.22 3IO.25 3M.55 3I9.I4 324.03 329.23 334-75 340 61 346.81 353.36 In 45 Years. 281.07 283.66 286.44 289.42 292.61 296.04 299.71 303 63 307.82 312.29 3I7.05 322.IO 327-47 333.16 339-18 345.54 In 46 Years. 277.77 280.48 283.39 286.50 289.84 293.41 297.23 30I.3I 305.66 310.29 315-21 320.43 325.96 33f.8o 337-97 In 47 Years. 274.74 277-57 280.61 283.86 287.33 291.05 295.02 299.25 303.75 308.53 3i3-6i 318.98 324.66 330.65 In 48 Years. 271.96 274.92 278.08 281.47 285.08 288.94 29305 297-43 302.08 307.OI 312.23 317.75 323.56 O.L. Comb.4% Of Life- lis rSURAN :e. 383 Table No. CXXXII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH. COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.22 12.66 I9.3I 26.I9 33-30 40.64 48.23 56.07 21 6.47 13.17 20.09 27.24 34.64 42.27 50.I6 58.31 22 6.74 13.71 20.90 28.34 36.03 43-97 52.17 60.64 23 7.OI 14.26 21-75 29.49 37.48 45-74 54.26 63.07 24 7.30 14.84 22.64 30.69 39.OO 47-59 56.45 65.60 2 i 7.60 15-45 23-56 31.94 40.58 49-51 58-73 68.24 26 7.9I 16.08 24.52 33.24 42.23 5I.52 6l. II 7I.OO 27 8.24 16.75 25.53 34-60 43.96 53.62 63.59 73.89 28 8.58 17-43 26.58 36.02 45.76 55.8i 66.20 76.92 29 8-93 18.16 27.68 37-50 47.64 58.12 68.93 80.09 30 9-31 18.91 28.83 39.06 49-63 60.54 7I.8o 83.45 31 9.70 19.70 30.03 40.70 51.71 63.08 74.84 86.98 32 10.10 20.54 3I.3I 42.43 53.91 65.78 78.04 90.72 33 10.54 21.42 32.65 44-25 56.25 68.63 81.43 94.67 34 11.00 22.35 34.07 46.20 58.71 71.65 85.03 98.86 3 § 11.48 23.34 35.59 48.25 61.34 74.86 88.84 103.29 36 11.99 24-39 37.19 50.43 64.II 78.26 92.87 107.92 37 12.55 25.51 38.90 52.75 67.08 81.87 97.09 112. 71 38 13.12 26.69 40.72 55-22 70.20 85.62 IOI.43 117. 6l 39 13.74 27.96 42.65 57.83 73.46 89.48 IO5.88 122.59 40 14.41 29.31 44.70 60.55 76.79 93.42 IIO.36 127.60 41 15.12 30.73 46.81 63.29 80.16 97-35 114.85 132.64 42 15.85 32.18 48.9I 66.04 83.49 101.26 II9.32 137.69 43 16.58 33-59 5I.OO 68.73 86.78 105.13 123.80 142.74 44 17.30 34-99 53-02 71.38 9O.04 109.02 128.28 I47.80 4 I 18.01 36.36 55.04 74.03 93-34 112.94 132.80 152.9I 46 18.69 37.71 57.05 76.72 96.67 116.90 137.38 158.08 47 19.39 39.10 59-14 79.47 IOO.O9 120.95 142.05 163.37 48 20.10 40.54 61.28 82.30 I03.57 125.09 146.83 168.78 49 20.86 42.02 6347 85.19 IO7.14 129.34 I5L73 174.30 50 21.62 43.52 65.70 88.13 IIO.79 133.66 156.72 179-95 51 22.39 45.o6 67.98 91.14 II4.52 138.09 161.84 185.74 52 23.19 46.63 70.33 94.24 H8.34 142.64 167.09 191.66 53 24.00 48.26 72.74 97.42 122.29 147.32 172.47 197.66 54 24.85 49.94 75-22 100.70 126.35 152.12 177.93 203.75 55 25.72 51.65 77.78 104.08 I30.5I 156.98 183.46 209.87 56 26.61 53-43 80.42 107.55 134.72 161.90 189.OI 216.02 57 27.56 55.29 83.15 III. 07 138.99 166.84 194.59 222.18 58 28.52 57.18 85.88 114.59 143-23 171.77 200. 14 228.28 59 29.50 59-05 88.60 118.08 147.46 176.66 205.63 234.30 60 3o.45 60.90 91.28 121.54 151.63 181.49 2II.02 240.21 61 31.41 62.74 93.96 124.99 155.78 186.25 216.35 246.06 62 32.35 64.58 96.62 128.41 159.86 190.94 22I.6I 251.86 P 33.31 66.41 99.27 131.77 163.89 195-59 226.85 257.60 6 S 34.25 68.23 IOI.86 135.09 167.87 200.21 232.02 263.29 65 35-19 70.01 IO4.41 138.37 171.84 204.79 237.17 268.95 Comb.4* O.L 384 Principles and Practice Table No . CXXXIL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH. COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 9th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 64.17 72.53 8l.l6 9O.07 99.26 I08.75 H8.56 128.68 21 66.72 75-41 84.37 93.62 IO3.17 II3-04 123.22 133-73 22 69.38 78.41 87.72 97-33 IO7.26 117.51 128.09 I39-03 23 72.15 81.53 9I.20 I0I.20 III. 52 122.17 133.19 144.56 24 75.04 84.78 94-85 IO5.24 H5-97 127.07 138.52 150.36 u 78.06 88.20 98.67 IO9.47 120.65 I32.I9 144.12 156.45 81.22 91.76 IO2.65 II3.92 125.54 137.56 149-99 I62.84 % 84.52 95.50 IO6.85 118.57 130.69 143.22 156.17 169.55 | 87.98 99-43 III. 25 123.46 136.10 149.16 162.65 176.53 j 29 91.64 103.56 115.88 128.62 141.80 I55.40 169.41 I83.78 1 30 95.48 107.91 120.77 134.06 147-79 161.93 176.42 I9I-25 | 31 99-53 112.51 125.93 139-79 154.05 168.68 183.65 198.90 I 32 103.82 117-37 131.36 145-77 160.54 175-66 191.06 206.74 33 108.36 122.50 I37.P5 151.97 167.24 182.80 198.65 214.75 34 H3.T5 127.86 I42.94 158.38 174.10 190. 11 206.39 222.94 3 I 118.16 I33.4I I49.02 164.92 181. 11 197.57 214.30 231.28 36 123.35 139-13 155.22 171.60 188.25 205.18 222.36 239.77 fs 128.69 144.97 161.54 178.39 195-53 212.92 230.54 248.38 ! 134-10 150.89 167-95 185-32 202.92 220.76 238.83 257.10 i 39 139.60 156.89 174.47 192.32 210.40 228.71 247.22 265.93 40 145.14 162.97 I81.06 199.40 217.96 236.73 255.70 274.85 41 150.73 169.09 187.69 206.53 225.57 244.82 264.25 283.82 42 156.33 175.22 194-35 213.68 233-23 252.95 272.83 292.87 43 161.94 181.37 201.02 220.87 240.92 261. 11 281.47 3OI.96 ! 44 167.56 187.54 207.73 228. ii 248.65 269.36 290.19 311.13 | 9 173-24 193-79 214-53 235-43 256.50 277.70 299.01 320.35 | 179.02 200.13 221.41 242.86 264.45 286.15 307.89 329.62 47 184.90 206.59 228.45 250.45 272.56 294.71 316.86 338.96 48 190.90 213.19 235-63 258.18 280.76 303.35 325.89 348.34 49 197.06 219-95 242.96 266.01 289.07 312.06 334-98 357-75 50 203.34 226.84 250.38 273.92 297.41 320.81 344-07 367.16 5i 209.76 233.82 257.88 281.89 305.81 329-58 353-18 376.52 52 216.27 240.88 265.44 289.91 314-23 338.36 362.24 385.83 53 222.86 248.00 273-05 297-95 322.65 347- 10 371-25 395.09 54 229.51 255.18 280.68 306.00 33L04 355-79 380.21 404.29 55 236.19 262.35 288.31 313.99 339-37 364.42 389.11 4I3.4I 56 242.87 269.52 295.88 321.93 347-63 372.98 397-92 422.44 57 249-55 276.63 303-39 329.80 355-84 381.47 406.65 431-37 58 256.13 283.65 310.81 337-59 363-94 389-84 415.26 440.17 8 262.63 290.58 318.14 345-27 371-93 39 8 -09 423.74 448.84 269.02 297.42 325.37 352.84 379.80 406.22 452.09 457-38 61 275.36 304.18 332.51 360.32 387.58 414.26 440.34 465.83 62 281.62 310.87 339-58 367.72 395-26 422.19 448.51 474.18 63 287.83 3I7.50 346.58 375-Q5 402.87 430.07 456.60 482.40 64 293.98 324.07 353-51 382.30 410.44 437.87 464-57 490.57 65 300.10 330.59 360.40 389-53 417 94 445-58 472.50 498.73 j O.L. Comb.4* Op Life Insurance. 385 Table No. CXXXIL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY EQUAL ANx\UAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH. COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 2:«d 24th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 139.12 149-93 161.08 172.61 184.54 I96.87 209.60 222.71 21 | 144.62 155.83 167.43 179-43 191.84 204.65 217.84 23L37 22 150.33 162.OI 174 08 186.57 199 47 212.74 226.36 240.29 23 156.32 168.48 181.05 I94."3 207.40 221. II 235-13 249-43 24 162.61 175.27 18834 20I.80 215.61 229.73 244- 1 3 25^.78 2 i 169.20 182.38 195-94 209.84 224.07 238.57 253-33 268.34 26 176.12 189.78 203.79 218.13 232.74 247.61 262.73 278.11 2 l 183.32 I97.44 2H.89 226.62 241.61 256.86 272.36 288.08 28 190.78 205.35 220.20 235-31 250 68 266.31 282.17 298.24 29 198.47 213.45 228.70 244 20 259.96 275.96 292.17 308.58 30 206.36 221.75 237-39 253.29 269.43 285.79 302.35 319-10 31 214.44 230.22 246.28 262.57 279.08 295.80 312.70 329-78 32 222.69 238.90 255-35 272.02 288.90 305.97 323.22 340.63 33 231.13 247-75 264.59 281.64 298.89 316.31 333 9° 351.62 34 239-74 256 76 273-99 291.42 309.03 326.81 344.72 362.78 35 248.50 265.92 283.54 301.35 3I9-32 337-43 355.69 374.06 36 257.40 275.22 293.23 311.42 329- 74 348.21 366.79 385-47 37 266.42 284.66 303.06 321.60 340.30 359." 378 or 396.95 3* 275.56 294.20 312.98 33I-9 1 350.96 370.11 389.29 408.47 1 39 284.82 3°3 84 323.03 342.33 361.73 381.17 400.60 419.99 ; 40 294.14 313.59 333 17 352.84 372.54 39 2 -25 411. 91 431-50 4i 303.56 32342 343-37 363.37 383-36 403-31 423.19 442.94 42 31303 333-3° 353 59 373-90 394- 15 414 33 434-39 45429 43 322.55 343-18 363.81 384.39 404.89 425.28 445.50 465 51 44 332.10 353-08 374-OI 394-86 415-57 436.15 456.50 476.61 4 I 341.69 362.99 38421 405 3> 426.23 446.93 467.39 487.59 46 35L3I 372.92 394-39 4I5.7I 436.79 457 63 47819 498.46 47 360.98 3S2.86 404.58 426.07 447-30 468.25 488.91 509.25 48 370/66 392.81 414.72 436.37 457-74 478.81 499-54 5199 2 49 380.36 402.72 424.81 446.62 468.12 489. 28 510.07 530.48 50 389.99 412.56 434.83 456.79 47840 499.64 520.48 540.92 5i 399-58 422.34 444.79 466.88 488.58 509-89 530.77 551.21 52 409. 1 1 432.07 454-66 476.87 498.66 520.02 540.93 561.38 53 418.59 441.72 464.45 486.76 508.63 530.04 550.96 571-42 54 427.99 45L28 474 14 496.55 518.48 539-9 2 560.88 581.31 55 437-30 460.74 483 72 506.21 528.20 549 69 57064 591 04 56 446.50 470.08 493-17 515.79 537.8o 559-30 580.24 600.62 57 455 60 479-31 502.50 525.16 547.26 568.76 589.70 610.10 58 464.56 488.40 5n.7i 534-43 556.54 578.07 599-°5 61955 59 473-39 497-37 520.76 543-52 565.69 587.28 608.38 629 10 60 482.10 506.20 529-65 55249 574-74 596-48 617.84 638.87 61 490.69 514.88 538.44 56r.3S 583-81 605.83 627.53 649.06 62 499- J 5 523-47 547- 1 6 57o.3i 593 05 615.45 637.68 659.74 P 5^7-54 532.02 555-95 579-44 602 60 625.57 648.36 670 Q9 * 4 515-9° 540.65 564.95 581.90 6r2 67 636.25 659 65 682 90 65 1 524.36 549 52 574-33 598.93 623 35 647.58 671.65 695.43 Comb.4* O.L 386 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXXIL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH. COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT Age. 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32d Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 236.15 249.91 263.92 278.19 292.70 307.45 322.42 337-59 21 245.21 259-31 273.67 288.27 303-11 3I8.I8 333-44 348.90 22 254.49 268.94 283.63 298.57 313.73 329.IO 344-66 360.39 23 263.98 278.77 293.81 309.08 324-55 340.21 356.05 372.05 24 273.68 288.83 304.20 319.78 335-55 351.50 367.62 383.88 2 | 283.60 299.08 314.78 330.67 346.73 362.97 379-35 395-87 26 293.72 309.53 325.54 34L73 358.09 374-60 39L24 408.02 2 l 304.03 320.16 336.48 352.97 369.62 386.39 403-30 420.31 28 3I4-5I 330.97 347-59 364.38 381.29 398.34 4I5-50 432.74 29 325-I3 341.95 358.88 375-94 393-13 4IO.44 427.83 445-25 30 336.02 353-IO 370.32 387.66 405.13 422.68 440.25 457.83 31 347.02 364.40 381.91 399-54 417-25 434-99 452.74 470.44 32 358.17 375-86 . 393-66 411-55 429.46 447-38 465.26 483.07 33 369.49 387.47 405.54 423.64 441-74 459-8o 477-79 495-63 34 380.95 399.21 4I7.50 435-79 45405 472.23 490.31 508.24 8 392.53 411.02 429.52 447.98 466.36 484.64 502.78 520.72 404.18 422.89 441-57 460. 16 478.65 497.00 515.15 533.09 12 415.89 434-79 453.6i 472.33 490.90 509-27 527-42 545-34 427.60 446.67 465.62 484.43 503.03 521.42 539-56 557-45 39 439-31 458.51 477-57 496.42 515-05 533-44 551.56 569.40 40 450.97 470.29 489.40 508.29 526.94 545-32 563.40 581.18 4i 462.54 481.94 501.10 520.02 538.67 557-02 575.o6 592.76 42 473.98 493-45 512.65 531-59 550.22 568.53 586.51 604.13 43 485.29 504.80 524.04 542.97 561.58 579.85 597-75 615.27 44 496.45 516.01 535-27 554-19 572.76 590.97 608.78 626.21 4 § 507.49 527-09 546.35 565.24 583.77 601.90 619.63 636.95 46 5I8.4I 538.02 557.27 576.13 594-6o 612.65 630.30 647.50 47 529.23 548.84 568.06 586.88 605.28 623.26 640.79 657.85 48 539-92 559-52 578.71 597-47 615.81 633.69 651.08 668.03 49 550.49 570.07 589.22 607.93 626.17 643.93 661.22 678.06 50 560.91 580.47 599-58 618.21 636.34 654.00 671.20 688.01 5i 57L20 590.73 609.78 62S.31 646.36 663.94 681.12 697.99 52 581.36 600. 84 619.79 638.26 656.24 673.82 691.07 708.08 53 59L36 610.77 629.67 648.08 666.07 683.74 701.15 718.43 54 60I.20 620.56 639-43 657.86 675.96 693.81 7ii. 5i 729.07 55 610.89 630.24 649.14 667.70 686.00 704.15 722.16 740.04 56 620.47 639.88 65893 677.71 696.34 7I4-83 733-17 75I-40 11 630.03 649.61 668.90 688.04 70703 725.88 744.60 763.10 639.68 659-52 679.20 698.73 718. 11 737-37 756.39 775-OI § 9 649.52 669. 78 689.89 709.84 729.66 749.24 768.40 787.12 60 659.75 680.46 701.02 721.43 741.62 761.36 780.66 799 30 61 670.42 691.63 712.69 733-50 753.87 773.76 793-00 811.20 62 681.63 703.38 724.86 745.89 766.42 786.29 805.07 822.42 5 3 693.46 715.66 737-40 758.63 779- !4 798.56 816.48 832.59 64 705.86 728.35 750.29 771-53 791.62 810.16 826.83 840.22 65 718.71 741.44 763.43 7S423 803.42 820.68 834-55 845.29 O.L. Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 387 Table No. CXXXIL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH. COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 33d 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th •HMIi Age Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 352.95 368.48 384.18 400.02 415.98 432.08 448.27 464.55 21 364-53 380.32 396.26 412.33 428.52 444.83 461.19 477.60 22 376.28 392.33 408.50 424.80 441.20 457.68 474.19 490.71 23 388.20 404.48 420.89 437-41 454.00 470.63 487.25 503.84 24 400 28 416.80 433-43 450.I5 466.89 483.63 500.34 516.98 3 412.52 429.27 446.II 462.97 479.84 496.66 513.43 530.09 424.90 441.86 458.86 475.85 492 8 1 509.70 526.49 543.16 27 437.41 454-54 471.67 488.77 505.79 522.72 530-52 556.13 28 450.OI 467.28 484.52 501.69 518.75 535.69 552.44 569.OO 29 462.67 480.06 497-38 5I4.59 53I.67 548.57 565.27 581.75 30 475-37 492.83 5I0.2I 527.45 544.50 561.36 577.98 594-38 31 488.08 505.61 523.0I 540.23 557.23 574 02 590.57 606.86 32 500.77 518.35 535.72 552.90 569.85 586.56 6J3.OI 619.17 33 513.42 530.98 548.34 565.46 582 34 598.96 615.29 631.31 34 525-99 543-53 560.83 577.90 594.69 611.19 627.39 643.26 35 538.45 555-95 573-20 590. [8 606.87 623.24 639.30 655.OI 36 550.79 568.24 585.42 602.30 618.87 635.II 651.OO 666.54 37 563.OO 580.39 597-47 614.24 630.68 646.78 662 50 677.87 38 575.05 592.36 609.34 625.99 642.28 658.21 673.78 688.96 39 586.94 604.14 621.01 637.52 653.66 669.44 684.82 699.79 40 598.63 6i5.73 632.47 648.84 664.83 680.43 695.61 710.39 4i 610.11 627.10 643.71 659-93 675.76 691.16 706.I5 720.76 42 621.37 638.23 654.7I 670.78 686.42 7OI.64 716.48 730.97 43 632.40 649.15 665.47 681.36 696.84 711. 91 726 64 74I.IO 44 643-23 659-83 675-99 691.72 707.05 722.03 736.73 75L23 4 § 653.85 670.29 686.30 701.90 7I7-I3 732.IO 746.85 761.48 46 664.24 680.54 696.43 711-95 727.19 742.21 757.11 771.90 47 674.46 690.65 706.46 721.99 737-30 752.49 767.55 782.51 48 684.53 700.66 716.50 732.11 747-59 762.96 778.22 793.36 49 694.52 710.68 726.61 742.42 75810 773-66 789.12 804.39 50 704.52 720.79 736.93 752.94 768.84 784.63 800.23 8I5.50 5i 714.62 731.12 747.48 763.73 779.87 795.81 811.42 826.67 52 724.96 741.70 758.32 774.83 791.14 807.IO 822.69 837.76 53 735-57 752.58 769.48 786.18 802.52 818.48 833.91 848.52 54 746.50 763.82 780.92 797.67 814.02 829.83 844.79 858.60 55 757.8o 775-34 792.51 809.28 825.49 840.83 854.99 867.73 56 769.40 787.03 804.24 820.89 836.63 851.17 864.23 874.74 57 781.21 798.89 815.99 832.17 847.10 860.53 871.31 879.66 58 793-19 810.77 827.41 842.77 856.57 867.66 876.25 887.71 59 805.22 822.34 838.15 852.36 863.78 872.62 884.41 906.81 60 816.94 833.23 847.87 859.64 86S.75 880.90 903.98 IOOO.OO 61 827.99 843.10 855-23 864.63 877.16 900.97 IOOO.OO 62 838.01 850.54 860.23 873.22 897.76 IOOO.OO 63 845.54 855.56 868.98 894.34 1000.00 64 850.59 864.47 890.70 1000.00 65 859.61 886.82 1000.00 Comb.4* O.L 388 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXXIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL DEATH. COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. a™ 4l8t 494 43d 41th 45th 46th 47th 4«*th AGE. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 480.85 497.15 513.42 529.63 545-74 561.72 577-54 593.17 21 494.OI 510.37 526.68 542.89 558.98 574.89 590.62 606. 14 22 507.I3 523.60 539-91 556.II 572.12 587.95 603.57 618.98 23 520.37 536.79 553-09 569.22 535.16 600.88 616.39 631.65 24 533.52 549-94 566.18 532.24 598.07 613.68 629.05 644.16 3 546.63 562.99 579-16 595-n 610.84 626.32 641.54 656.47 559-64 575-93 592.01 607.86 623.46 638.79 653.84 668.59 3 572.55 588.76 604.74 620.46 635-9 T 651.08 665.94 680.50 585.34 601.45 617.31 632.89 648.18 663.17 677.85 692.19 29 598.OO 614.OO 629.71 645.14 660.26 675.06 689.53 703.67 30 610.52 626.38 641.94 657.20 672.13 686.74 701.01 7I4.9I 31 622.87 638.58 653-98 669.05 683.79 698.19 712.24 725.90 32 635.04 650.59 665. 81 680.69 695.24 709.42 723.22 736.66 33 647.02 662.40 677-43 692.13 706.45 720.39 733-97 747.20 34 658.80 674.OO 688.85 703-33 717.42 731.14 744-51 757.57 9 670.37 635-39 700.03 714.27 728.15 741.67 754-87 767.34 631.73 696.54 710.96 724.99 733.66 752.02 765.14 778.08 37 692.86 707.45 721.65 735-49 749.01 762 29 775-33 788.37 38 703.73 718.12 732.13 745-32 759-27 772.53 785.68 798.72 39 71437 728.57 742.45 756.07 769.50 782.83 796.05 809.17 40 724.79 738.86 752.67 766.29 779.80 793.20 806.51 8I9.73 4i 735.04 749.06 762.87 776.58 790.18 803.68 817.09 830.34 42 745-20 759.23 773-15 786.96 800 67 814.28 827.73 840.90 43 755.36 769.50 733.53 797.46 811.29 824.96 838.34 851.40 44 765.61 779-83 794.04 808.11 822.01 83561 848.89 861.74 45 776.00 790.42 804.73 818.87 832.72 846.24 859.31 871.68 4 5 736.57 801.15 315-55 829.65 843.42 856 73 869.33 880 95 47 797.36 812.04 826.41 840.43 854.00 866.84 878.68 889.34 43 808.32 822.98 837-28 851.12 864.21 876.29 887.15 895.88 49 819.34 833-94 84S.06 861 42 873.75 884.83 893-74 9OO.64 50 830.41 844.83 858.47 871.06 882.38 891.48 898.52 907.92 5i 841.40 855 34 868.21 879.78 ' 889.08 896.28 905 88 924.12 52 852.03 865.19 877-03 886.54 893.90 903.73 922.38 IOOO.OO 53 861 99 874. if 883.85 891.38 901.44 920.54 1000.00 54 871.01 88099 888.71 899.02 918.59 IOOO.OO 5 ? 877.96 885.88 896.44 916.51 1000.00 56 882.86 893-71 914 3i 1000.00 5 Z 890.80 911.97 1000.00 58 90947 1000 00 > 59 1000.00 5Pay.L. Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 389 . Table No. CXXXIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BV FIVE EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5 th Year. 20 50.47 IO3.27 158.51 216.32 276.82 21 51.46 105.32 161.65 220.61 282.31 22 52.50 I07.42 164.89 225.03 287.99 23 53-56 IO9.59 168.23 229.61 293.86 24 54-66 III. 85 171.69 234.33 299.91 3 55.80 II4.17 175.26 239.21 306.I7 56.96 H6.56 178.94 244 25 312.6a % 58.17 II9.04 182.74 249.44 319.29 59-41 121.58 186.66 254.80 326.17 29 60.70 124.21 I9O.71 260.33 333 27 30 62.01 126.92 194.88 266.04 340.60 31 63.38 129.72 I99.18 271.93 348.17 32 64.78 132.60 203.62 278.02 355-99 33 66.23 135.57 208.20 284.30 364.07 34 67.73 138.65 212.94 290.79 372.41 if 69.27 I4I.82 217.82 297.50 381 04 70.86 145.09 222.88 304.43 389-9° U 72.52 148.48 228.IO 3U-59 399.18 74.22 151.98 233.50 319.00 408.71 39 75.98 155.61 239.O9 326.66 418.52 40 77.80 159-35 244.85 334.52 428.57 4i 79.69 163.21 250.76 342 56 438.86 42 81.63 167.05 256.78 350.75 449-35 43 . 83.59 171.14 262.88 359-°6 460.02 44 85.55 175.15 269.02 367.48 470.88 45 87-53 179.17 275.21 376.00 481.91 46 89.49 183.20 281.46 384.62 493-11 47 91.46 187.28 287.77 393- 36 504.46 48 93-44 I9L37 294.15 402.18 515.95 49 95-43 I95.50 300.56 411.08 527.57 50 97-44 199.64 307.OI 420.04 539-31 5i 99.44 203.78 313.48 429.07 55I-I6 52 101.42 207.90 3I9.95 438.13 563.10 53 103,39 2I2.03 326.44 447.23 57514 54 105.36 216.13 332.92 456.36 587.26 55 107.30 220.22 339-37 465.48 599-43 56 109.22 224.28 345.8o 474.61 611 63 11 111. 13 228.31 352.18 483.68 623.83 113-01 232.22 . 358.45 492.66 630.00 59 114.83 236.07 364.63 501.54 648.12 60 116.56 239.78 370.63 510.28 660.17 Comb.4 % lOPay.L. 390 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXXIV. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5 th Year, j 20 24.94 50.98 78.19 IO6.61 136.30 21 25.46 52 06 79.84 108.85 139- 1 7 22 26.OI 53-17 81.54 III. 17 142.13 ' 23 26.57 54-31 83.29 113.56 I45.I9 24 27.14 55-49 85.IO II6.03 148.34 25 27.74 56.71 86.97 II8.57 I5I-59 26 28.35 57.96 88.89 121. 19 154-94 27 28.99 59.26 90.87 I23.9O 158.40 28 29.64 60.59 92.91 126.68 161.95 29 30-3I 61.96 95.OI 129.54 165.61 30 31.OO 63-37 97-17 I32.49 169.40 31 31-71 64.82 99.40 135.53 I73.30 32 32.44 66.32 IOI.70 138.68 177-32 33 33.20 67.87 IC4.08 I4I.92 181.48 34 33-98 69.46 106.53 145.27 185.79 35 34.78 71.II IO9 06 I48 74 190.23 36 35-61 72.81 III. 69 152.33 194.84 37 36.48 74-58 II4.41 I56.05 199.61 38 37-37 76.42 117-23 159.91 204.55 39 38.30 78.32 I20.I6 I63.9O 209 61 40 39-27 80.31 123.20 167.99 214.76 4i 40.28 82.36 126.28 172.12 219.96 42 41.32 84.42 129.39 I76.27 225.14 43 42.34 86.47 132.46 180.36 230.29 44 43-35 88.49 135-47 184.4O 235-41 45 44-34 90.45 138.44 188.4I 240.52 46 45-29 92-37 I4L37 I92.40 245.62 47 46.25 94.31 144-31 I96.4I 250.73 48 47.18 96.22 147.24 200.35 255.80 49 48.13 98.14 150.16 204.34 260.86 50 49.06 100.02 I53-03 208.25 265.87 51 4997 101.88 155-86 212.12 270.83 52 50.87 103.70 158.67 215-94 275-74 53 51-75 105.51 161.42 219.7O 280.59 54 52.63 107.28 164.13 223.4I 285.37 55 53-49 109.01 166.79 227.05 290.07 56 54-31 110.70 169.40 230.62 294.62 57 55-14 112.39 171.96 234.06 299.02 5« 55 92 113.98 174-35 237-30 303.18 59 56.71 II5-5I 176.63 240.38 307-13 60 57-39 116.88 178.70 243.2O 310.78 lOPay.L. Comb.4 % Of L,ife Insurance. 39 1 Table No. CXXXIV.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 6th Year. 7th Year. 8th Year. 9th Year. lOth Year. 20 I67.33 199-75 233-65 269.IO 306.17 21 I70.85 203.96 238.58 274.77 312.62 22 174.49 208.30 243.66 280.62 319.29 23 178.24 212.78 248.90 286.66 326.17 24 182. II 217.40 254.31 292.90 333.27 3 I86.IO 222.17 259-88 299-33 340.60 igo.21 227.08 265.63 305.97 348.17 27 194.45 232.15 27L57 312.82 355-99 28 198.82 237-37 277.70 319.90 364.07 29 203.33 242.77 284.02 327.20 372.41 30 207.98 248.33 290.56 334-76 381.04 31 212.78 254.08 297.31 342.56 389.96 32 217.74 260.03 304.28 350.63 399.18 33 222.87 266.17 311.50 358.97 408.71 34 228.16 272.52 318.96 367.59 418.52 3 § 233.64 279.08 326.66 376.45 428.57 36 239.32 285.87 334-57 385.53 438 86 3 245-18 292.85 342.69 394.81 449-35 251.21 299.98 350.95 404.25 460.02 39 257-35 307.23 359-33 413.83 470.88 40 263.59 3I4.56 367.82 423.54 481.91 4i 269.85 321.94 376.40 433.38 493-n 42 276.12 329-37 385-04 443-34 504.46 43 282.39 336.81 393-75 453.38 515-95 44 288.65 344.29 402.50 463.51 527.57 4§ 294.92 35I-78 411.29 473-71 539-31 46 301.18 359- 2 8 420.12 483.98 55i-i6 47 307.45 366.78 428.98 494-31 563-10 48 3i3-7o 374-29 437-85 504.68 575-14 49 319-94 381.79 446.73 515.09 587.26 50 326.12 389-25 455.6o 525.52 599-43 5i 332.26 396.68 464.45 535-95 611.63 52 338.34 404.08 473.26 546.33 623.83 53 344-37 411.38 481.97 556.65 636.00 54 350.32 418.57 490-58 566.88 648.12 55 356.12 425.62 499.04 576.98 660. 1 7 56 361.77 432.49 507.32 586.92 672.12 57 367.22 439- J 4 515 39 596 68 683.97 58 372.41 445-53 523.18 606.22 695.65 59 377-35 45I-63 530.72 615.50 707.19 60 381.96 457-40 537.89 624.51 718.57 Comb.4* 15Pay.L 392 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXXV. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY FIFTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PRE- MIUMS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 % 29 30 31 32 33 34 9 11 39 40 4i 42 43 44 1st Year. 16.60 16.97 17.37 17.76 18.17 18.60 19.03 19.48 19.94 20.42 20.90 21.41 21.92 22.45 23.OI 23.58 24.18 24.81 25.46 26.14 26.86 27.61 28.38 29.14 29.86 2d Year. 45 30.58 46 31-24 47 31.90 48 32.56 49 33.22 50 33.88 5* 34-53 52 35-17 53 35-79 54 36.44 H 37.06 37.68 11 38.32 38.96 59 39-58 60 40.14 33.91 34.68 35.46 36.26 37.11 37.99 38.86 39-77 40.73 41.68 42 68 43-7Q 44.75 45.85 46.97 48.15 49 37 50.66 51-99 53-39 54.85 56.37 57.88 59 37 60.82 62.18 63-50 64.82 66.15 67-47 68.78 70.06 71-33 72 60 73.85 75.08 7632 77.58 78.81 79-97 81.04 3d Year. 51.96 53-12 54.32 55-56 56 85 58.17 59-52 60.93 62.37 63.84 65.35 66.93 68.54 70.21 71.95 73.76 75-64 77.60 79.64 81.78 84.02 86.28 88.51 90.70 92.81 94-85 96.83 98.83 100 82 102.79 104.73 106.65 108.55 110.43 112.28 114-13 115.98 117.82 119-56 121. 21 122.74 4th Year. 70.78 72.37 74.OI 75.69 77-43 79.22 81.08 82.97 84.92 86.93 89.OO 91.14 93-33 95.62 97-99 100.45 103 01 105.69 108.48 in. 38 H4-35 IT7-34 120.28 123.14 ! 125.92 128.63 131-31 133.96 136.61 i39- 2 3 141.82 144.38 146.90 149-39 151.86 154 31 156 73 I59-07 161.30 163.39 165.32 5th Year. 9O.41 9 2 43 94.52 96.67 98.89 IOI.I8 I03.53 I05-95 108.45 III. OO 113.64 H6.37 II9.19 122. II 125.14 I28.3O 131.58 I35-00 138.55 142.19 I45-89 149-57 I53-I9 156.73 160.19 163.60 166.95 170.28 173.60 176.88 180.11 183.30 186.44 189.57 192.64 195.68 198.62 201.46 204.13 206.61 208.91 6th Year. IIO.89 "3.37 115.92 H8.56 121.27 124.08 126.95 129.90 132.97 136. 1 1 139-34 142.70 146.16 149- 75 153.47 157.35 161.38 165.56 169.86 174.24 178.64 183.00 187.30 191.52 195.68 199.79 203.85 207.87 211.85 215.80 219.69 223.52 227.33 231.06 234.75 238.33 241.77 245.07 248.16 251.02 253.63 7th Year. 132.23 135.21 138.24 I4L39 144.61 147.94 151.38 154.9O 158.54 162.29 166.16 170.16 I74.30 178.58 183.04 187.67 I92.47 I97.4I 202.44 207.54 212.62 217.68 222.68 227.62 232.49 237.31 242.07 246.79 251.48 256.IO 260.67 265. iS 269.62 274.00 278.26 282.37 286.31 290.06 293.55 296.77 299.69 8th Year. 154.54 I57.98 161.54 165.19 168.96 172.85 176.87 180.97 185.22 189.61 194.15 I98.83 203.67 208.70 213-93 219 33 224.89 230.57 236.32 242.12 247.90 253.67 259.40 265.08 270.67 276.23 281.71 287.17 292.57 I 297.89 303.16 308.36 3I3.49 318.48 323-33 327.98 I 332.42 336.64 { 340.52 344-13 347-34 15Pay.L. Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance 393 1 1 Table No. CXXXV.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY FIFTEEN EQUAL ANNUAL PRE- MIUMS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 9th Year. 10th Year. 11th Year. 12th Year. I3t.i Year. 14th Year. 15 th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 I77-80 181.76 185.84 I9O.04 194.37 202.07 206.57 211. 21 215.98 220.89 227.42 232.48 237.68 243.05 248.59 253.89 259.53 265.33 271.34 277.53 281.53 287.78 294.23 300.88 307.75 310.41 3I7.30 32442 33L77 339-36 340.60 348.17 355-99 364.07 372.41 u 29 I98.84 203.46 208.I9 213.09 2I8.I4 225.97 231.22 236.61 242.I9 247.94 254.3I 260.22 266.29 272.58 279.07 283.91 290. 5 1 297.31 304.36 311.62 314.84 322.20 329-75 337-58 345-66 347.20 355.31 363.69 372.34 381.28 381.04 389.96 399.18 408.71 418.52 30 31 32 33 34 223.36 228.77 234.36 240.16 246.17 253.89 260.05 266.43 273.OI 279.81 285.79 292.75 299.93 307.32 314.89 3I9-I5 326.92 334-92 343- 10 35L47 354-Q3 362.63 371-44 380.43 389.59 390.49 399.92 409.56 419 37 429-35 428.57 438.86 449-35 460.02 470.88 9 37 38 39 252.35 258.65 265.07 27*54 278.05 286.75 293.82 300.95 308 16 3I5-42 322.60 330.4I 338.32 346.29 354.31 359-94 368.53 377.22 386.00 394-86 398.86 408.27 417.80 427-43 437.14 439.48 449-75 460.16 470.70 481.33 481.91 493-H 504.46 515-95 527-57 40 4* 42 43 44 284.56 291.07 297-54 303.98 3io.33 322.69 329.97 337-21 344-44 351-57 362.38 370.46 378.51 386.56 394-55 403.75 412.67 421.58 430 52 439-39 446.91 456.74 466.58 476.46 486.30 49204 502.84 513-69 524.58 535.52 539-31 55i-i6 563-10 575-14 587-26 46 47 48 49 316.64 322.90 329.10 335.25 34L34 358.70 365.74 372.74 379.70 386.58 402. 5 1 410.41 418.28 426.09 433.84 448.26 457-H 465.91 474.65 483.30 496.18 506.03 515.86 525.60 535.26 546.48 557-44 568.37 579.26 590.06 599-43 611.63 623.83 636.00 648.12 50 5i 52 53 54 347-34 353.28 359-07 364.71 370.16 393-38 400.05 406. 56 412 88 418.98 44L45 448.92 456.21 463-29 470.I4 491.81 500.16 508.34 516.27 523.96 544 77 554 14 563.33 572.27 580.99 600.73 611.28 621.66 631.85 641.79 660.17 672.12 683.96 695.65 707.19 56 57 58 59 375.38 380.36 385 05 389.40 393.37 424.84 430.40 435.64 440.48 444.94 476.68 482.92 488.81 494.28 499 36 53i 36 538.41 545-12 551.42 557.31 589.40 597-49 605.25 612.63 619.63 651.50 660.95 670.10 678.93 687.43 718.57 729.76 740.77 1 751-57 762.15 ! 1 60 39 6 -95 448.98 504 00 562.74 626 17 695.56 1 772.51 Comb.4 % 20Pay.L 394 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXXVI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PRE- MIUMS , COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. «th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year, 20 21 22 23 24 12.56 12.86 13.18 13.50 13.83 25.64 26.27 26.89 27-54 28.23 39.26 40.20 41.17 42.16 43.20 53-44 54-71 50.03 57-37 58.79 68.19 69.82 7I.50 73-21 74-99 83.56 85.54 87.59 89.69. 9I.87 99-56 IOI.93 I04-35 106.85 IO9.44 25 26 28 29 14.18 14.53 14.90 15-26 15.65 28.92 29.63 30.38 31.13 3I.91 44.26 45-35 46.48 47.64 48.82 60 21 61.70 63.22 64.79 66.40 76.82 78.71 80.65 82.63 84.68 94.09 96.40 98.76 I0I.20 IO3.7I II2.08 II4.81 II7.62 120.52 123.52 30 31 32 33 34 16.04 1645 16.87 17-31 17.77 32.71 33-55 34.40 35-30 36.24 50.05 51-32 52.64 54.OI 55-44 68.06 69.80 7I.58 73-45 75-41 86.82 89.03 9I.30 93.69 96.19 IO6.32 IO9.02 III. 82 114.75 H7.80 I26.6I 12Q.84 I33.I8 136.67 140.32 36 37 38 39 18.25 18.75 19.28 19.83 20.41 37-22 38.24 39-31 40.44 41.64 56.93 58.50 60.15 61.88 63.71 77-44 79.58 81.82 84.18 86.64 95.79 IOI.5I IO4.37 IO7.36 HO.43 120.98 124.34 127.82 131.42 I35.07 144." 148.08 152.17 156.35 160.56 40 4i 42 43 44 21.03 21.68 22.35 23 01 23.63 42.90 44.20 45.51 46.79 48.01 6561 67.55 69.45 71.32 73.09 89.17 91.69 94.18 96.58 98.88 113-53 116.63 119.65 122.57 125.43 138.74 I42.36 145.89 '49-35 152.74 164.74 168.88 172.94 176.94 180.84 4 I 46 4 Z 48 49 24.25 24.80 25.40 25.97 26.56 49.17 50.31 51.44 52.60 53.76 74.80 76.48 78.18 79.90 81.61 101.14 103.37 105.62 107.88 110.12 128.23 130.99 133.78 136.56 139 32 156.06 15937 162.66 165.95 169.23 184.70 188.51 I92 32 196.12 I99.9O 50 5i 52 53 54 2715 27.75 28.34 28.95 29.59 54.92 56.09 57-26 58.47 59-68 83 33 85.05 86.79 88.55 90.32 112.38 114.64 116.92 119.20 121.54 142.10 144.88 147.67 150.51 153.36 172.52 175.79 17911 182.43 185.79 203.66 207.44 211.23 215.04 2l8.8o 12 59 30.20 30.84 3L52 32.22 32.93 60.90 62.18 63.51 6484 66.16 92.14 94.01 95-92 97.8i 99.68 123.92 126.34 128.76 131. 15 133.47 156.25 159-13 162.02 164.82 167.56 189 11 192 41 195.67 198.84 201.93 222.53 226.18 229.77 233-24 236 59 60 33-59 67-43 101.48 135.75 170.21 204.87 1 239-78 20Pay.L. Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 395 Table No. CXXXVL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PRE- MIUMS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 29 30 31 32 33 34 9 11 39 40 4i 42 43 44 9 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 60 8th Year. II6.23 118.98 I2I.80 124.72 127.72 130.79 133.97 137-25 140.63 144.12 147-75 151-51 155-43 i59-5o 163.76 168.19 172.76 177.42 182.16 186.89 I9I-59 196.25 200.83 205.34 209.78 214.16 218.46 222.79 227.07 231.34 235.61 239.86 244.x 2 248.31 252.46 256.52 260. 50 264.37 268.06 271.61 274.97 9th Year. 133-59 136.74 139-97 I43.3I 146.75 150.28 153-93 157.71 161.59 165.60 169.77 174- 10 178.60 183.29 188.17 193.21 198.35 203.57 208.82 214.07 219.29 224.49 229.60 234-63 239.58 244.45 249.28 254.11 258.87 263.64 268.37 273-^9 277.76 282.32 286.80 291.16 295.40 299-49 303.37 307.04 310.52 lOth Year. 151.63 155-24 I58.9O 162.69 166.58 170.58 174.72 179.OO 183.41 187.97 I92.71 I97-63 202.76 208.08 213.56 219.18 224 87 230.62 236.40 242.16 247.91 253.63 259.27 264.82 270.29 275-68 28I.OI 286.33 291.61 296.86 302.05 307.I8 312.23 317.12 32I.90 326.53 330.98 335.24 339.24 343.02 346.59 11th Year. 170.52 174.52 178.62 I82.87 187.24 191.74 I96.39 201.20 2o6.l6 211.29 216.63 222.18 227.92 233.85 239.92 246. IO 252.34 258.60 264.90 271.21 277-49 283.74 289.90 295 97 301.98 307.89 313.72 319.56 325.32 331.05 336.68 342.19 347 58 352.8o 357.85 362.71 367.35 37L74 375-85 379-71 383.32 12th Year. 13th Year. I9O.16 I94.60 I99.17 203.9O 208.77 213.78 218.97 224.33 229.88 235.62 24L57 247-75 254.12 260.63 267.28 273.99 280.76 287.57 294.41 301.25 308.08 314.86 321.56 328.16 334.69 341-13 347- 5 1 353-85 360.12 366.30 372.33 378.22 383.96 38946 394 78 399-85 404.64 409.17 413.39 4I7.30 420.94 210.62 215-53 220.60 225.83 231.22 236.77 242.52 248.47 254.62 260.99 267.59 274-39 281.35 288.44 295.63 302.91 310.21 3I7-57 324.97 332.36 339-72 347.05 354-31 36i 45 368.53 375 54 382.44 389 33 396.06 402.69 409.14 415.40 421.48 427.29 43-86 438.13 443.10 447-77 452.09 456.07 459-73 14th Year 231.96 237-36 242.93 248.69 254-63 260.76 267.09 273.66 280 44 287.46 294.69 302.09 309-65 3I7-30 325.04 332.88 340.76 348.68 356-64 364.59 372.51 380.41 388.23 395-95 403-6I 4ri.i8 418.65 426.04 433-29 440.35 447-25 453-91 460.33 46647 472.31 477.82 483.01 487.86 492.31 496.38 500.09 Comb.4* 20Pay.L. 396 Principles ane Practice Table No. CXXXVL— Concluded. il TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF WHOLE LIFE POLICIES BY TWENTY EQUAL ANNUAL PRE- MIUMS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 15th Year. 16th Year. irth Year. 18th Year. 19th Year. 20th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 254.21 260. 1 3 266.25 272.55 279.07 277.43 283.89 290.57 297.46 304.58 301.66 308.70 315.96 323.45 331-21 326.99 334.60 342.48 350.63 359-06 353-41 361.66 370.20 379.03 388.14 381 04 389.96 399.18 408.71 418.52 25 26 3 29 285.79 292.75 299-95 307.40 315.05 311.92 3I9.54 327.40 335.48 343-77 339- 2 3 347.50 356.03 364.75 373.67 367.75 376.69 385.86 395-23 404.76 397.51 407.I3 416.96 426.97 437.15 428.57 438.86 449-35 460.02 470.88 30 31 32 33 34 322.89 330.90 339 01 347.24 355.56 352.23 360.82 369- 52 378.34 387.27 382.72 391.92 401.24 410.68 420.22 41444 424.27 434.23 444-32 454-52 447.48 457.98 468.61 479-39 490.27 481.91 493.11 504.46 515-95 527.57 9 37 38 39 363.98 372.44 380.95 389.48 398.02 396.29 405-35 414-45 423.60 432.75 429.87 439-56 449- 29 45909 468.89 464.83 475.18 485.60 496.08 506.57 501.25 512.34 523.49 534.70 545.98 539-31 55i.i6 563.10 575-14 587.26 40 4i 42 43 44 406.54 4I5.03 423.43 431.76 440.03 441.88 450.99 460.05 469.03 477-94 478.68 48847 498.22 507.89 5I7.49 51709 527.61 538.10 548.51 558.85 557.28 568.60 579- 89 591.13 602.29 599-43 611.63 623.83 636.00 648.12 46 % 49 448.21 456.25 464.19 471.92 479-50 486.73 495 37 503.89 512.21 520.31 526.94 536.24 545-41 554-36 563.09 569.04 579^0 589.01 598.70 608.18 613.35 624.27 635.04 645.64 656.02 660.17 672.12 683.96 695.65 707.19 50 5i 52 53 54 486.84 493-93 500.76 507.25 5I3.42 528.17 535-76 543-o6 549-99 556.6i 571.56 579-74 587.62 595.16 602.35 617.39 626.32 634-98 643-30 651.26 666.17 676.09 685.75 695.10 704.18 718.57 729.76 740.77 75i 57 762.15 M 57 58 59 519-25 524.72 529.81 534-46 538.70 562.85 568.70 574-14 579-!4 583.66 609. 14 615.56 621.54 627.06 632.08 658.86 666.08 672.89 679.25 685.12 712.91 721.31 729-35 737oi 744.27 772.51 782.65 792.54 802.20 811.59 60 542.53 587.74 636.68 690.55 75i. 11 820.74 lOYr.End. Comb.4* Of Life Insurance. 397 Table No. CXXXVII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATUR- ITY, PAYABLE AT END OF TEN YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5 th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 80.51 80.49 80.46 80.43 80.40 164.79 164.74 164.69 164.63 164.58 253.02 252.95 252.88 252.79 252.71 345-41 345-32 345.23 345-13 345.03 442.17 442.07 441.96 441.85 44L73 11 27 28 29 80.37 80.33 80.30 80.26 80.22 164.51 164.45 164.37 164.30 164.21 252.62 252.53 252.43 252.31 252.20 344.91 344-79 344-66 344-53 344.38 441.60 441.46 44L33 441.16 44I.OO 30 31 32 33 34 80.17 80.12 80.06 80.OI 79-95 164.12 164.03 163.92 163.83 163.70 252.06 251.92 251.78 251.63 251-47 344-21 344.05 343.87 343.69 343-49 440.82 440.63 440.43 440.22 44O.OO 35 36 U 39 79.89 79.83 79.78 79.72 79.68 163.59 163.48 I63.37 163.27 163.20 251.31 251.15 25I.OO 250.88 250.78 343-29 343- 10 342.93 342.77 342.65 439-79 439.58 439.38 439-21 439-06 40 4i 42 43 44 79.66 79-65 79.65 79.62 79-55 163.16 163.13 I63.O9 162.98 162.82 250.71 250.64 250.52 250.32 250.02 342.54 342.40 342.17 341.8* 34L43 438.87 438.65 438.33 437.90 437.37 49 79-45 79.30 79.14 78.96 78.77 162.58 162.27 161.94 161.58 l6l. 17 249.63 249.18 248.68 248.15 247.54 340.91 340.33 339-69 338.99 338.21 436.76 436.08 435-32 434-49 433-58 So 5i 52 S3 54 78.56 78.33 78.07 77-79 77.51 160.76 160.29 159-77 159-22 158.64 246.92 246.21 245.44 244 62 243.74 337-39 336.47 335-49 334.42 333.30 432.59 43L52 430.35 429.10 427.78 P 57 58 59 77.20 76.86 76.55 76.20 75.84 158.OO 157.35 156.69 155.99 155.19 242.82 241.86 240.85 239-74 238.50 332.10 330.84 329.48 327.98 326.33 426 36 424.84 423.19 421.36 419.36 60 75-40 154.29 237.12 324.50 417.13 Comb.4* lOYr.End 398 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXXVIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATUR- ITY, PAYABLE AT END OF TEN YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT Age. 6th Year. 7th Year. Hth Year. 9th Year. 10th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 543- 52 543.42 543-31 543-19 543-o6 649.72 649.62 649.51 649.40 649.28 761.OI 760.93 760.84 760.75 760.65 877.68 877.62 877.57 877-5' 877.45 I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO 1.000.00 I.OOO.OO 11 11 29 542.93 542.79 542.64 542.47 542.30 649.16 649.02 648.88 648.72 648.56 760.54 760.43 760.31 760.18 760.05 877-39 877.32 877.25 877.17 877.09 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 30 31 32 33 34 542.12 541-92 54L7I 54I.50 541.28 648.38 648.20 648.OI 647.81 647.60 759-91 759-76 759.60 759-44 759.26 877.00 876.91 876.82 876.72 876.61 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO 9 39 541.06 540.84 540.64 540.45 540.24 647.40 647.19 646.98 646.78 646.54 759- 10 758.92 758.73 758.53 758.30 876.51 876.39 876.26 876.12 875.96 1,000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 40 4i 42 43 44 540.00 539.70 539.30 538.81 538.23 646.26 645.92 645.50 644.99 644.41 758.03 757.71 757-33 756.89 756.38 875.77 875.56 875.3I 875.03 874.70 1,000.00 1,000.00 1. 000 00 1.000.00 1,000.00 49 537.56 536.81 535.98 535.09 534-o6 643.74 643.OO 642.17 641.28 640.29 755.8o 755.17 754-45 753.69 752.85 874-33 873.92 873.48 872.99 872.46 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 50 5i 52 53 54 533.02 531.85 530.59 52924 527.80 639-25 638.IO 636.87 635.52 634.06 75L94 750.95 749-87 748.71 747-44 871.88 871 25 870.56 869.81 868.99 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000 00 1,000.00 1,000.00 U 59 526.23 524.54 522.68 520.65 518.41 632.48 630.76 628.88 626.82 624.53 746.05 744-54 742.87 74L05 739.04 868.09 867 10 866.02 864.83 863.52 1,000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 60 515.93 622.03 736.81 862.07 1,000.00 15Yr.End. Comb.4* Of lylFK I NSURA> r CE. 399 Table No. CXXXVIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF FIFTEEN YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1-t Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. Bth Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 8th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 47.42 47.40 47-38 47.36 47-34 97.OI 96.98 96.94 96.90 96.86 148.90 148.85 148.79 148.73 148.66 203.I9 203.12 203.04 202.96 202.87 260.OI 259.92 259.82 259.72 259.60 319.48 319.37 3I9.25 3I9.I3 318.99 381.74 381.62 381.48 381.34 38I.I9 446.95 446.81 446.66 446.50 446.33 25 26 27 28 29 47.32 47-30 47.28 47.25 47.22 96.82 96.78 96.71 96.66 96.59 148.60 148.52 148.43 148.35 148.25 202.78 202.68 202.56 202.45 202.30 259.49 259-35 259.21 259.06 258.89 318.85 318.69 318.52 318.34 3I8.I4 381.02 380.84 380.64 380.44 380.21 446.14 445-94 445-73 445.50 445.26 30 31 32 33 34 47.18 47.15 47.11 47.07 47.05 96.53 96-45 96.37 96.31 96.24 148.14 148.03 147.92 147-82 147.72 202.I6 202.02 201.87 201.74 201.62 258.71 258.53 258.35 258.19 258.04 317-93 317.72 317.52 3I7.33 317.17 379-97 379-74 379-51 379-31 379-13 445-OI 444.76 444.51 444.29 444.II 9 9 39 47.02 47.00 47.00 47.01 47-03 96.20 96.17 96.16 96.18 96.23 147.66 147.61 I47.60 147.64 147.72 2OI.53 201.47 201.46 20I.5I 201.63 257-94 257-88 257-88 257.94 258.03 3I7.05 316.99 316.99 317.02 3I7.06 379.01 378.94 378.91 378.88 378.84 443.98 443.89 443-79 443.69 443-54 40 4i 42 43 44 47.09 47.16 47.24 47.30 47-33 96.34 96.47 96.59 96.65 96.66 147.87 148.02 148. II 148.14 I48.05 201.77 2OI.87 2OI.9I 201.84 201.65 258.12 258.16 258.09 257.92 257.60 317.07 316.99 316.80 3I6.50 316.07 378.73 378.54 378.23 377.81 377.26 443.32 44^. 01 442.59 442.05 44L39 46 4 Z 48 49 47-33 47.28 47.23 47.18 47.12 96.60 96.48 96.35 96.22 96.08 147.91 147.70 147.47 147.24 146.98 201.41 201.09 2OO.75 200.38 I99.98 257.25 256.80 256 32 255.81 255.24 315.59 3I5.02 314.38 3I3.70 312.96 376.65 375-93 375-14 374-29 373-38 440.65 439-78 438.85 437.85 436.76 So 5i 52 53 54 47.07 47.00 46.93 46.86 46.81 95.92 95.76 95.58 95.41 95.26 146. 70 146.40 I46.O9 145.78 145.48 199-54 I99.O9 I98.62 198.13 I97.67 254-63 254.00 253.33 252.67 252.01 312.17 311.34 310.48 309.61 308.74 372.40 371.38 370.33 369.24 368.09 435.63 434-42 433-16 431.83 430.41 P 59 46.75 46.69 46.68 46.67 46.67 95.08 94.96 94-87 94-79 94.67 145.19 144.93 144.71 144.45 144.14 I97.20 I96.78 I96.32 195.82 195.24 25L35 250.65 249-93 249.11 248.20 307.80 306.81 305.74 304.58 303.28 366.86 365.53 364.12 362.55 360.83 428.86 427.22 425.43 423.47 421.31 60 46.63 94-51 143.77 194.59 247.18 3OI.84 358.94 418.92 Comb.4* 15Yr.End 400 Principles and Practice Table No. CXXXVIIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF FIFTEEN YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 9th Year. lOth Year. 11th Year. 12th Year. 13th Year. 14th Year. 15th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 515.24 5I5-09 5M-93 5I4-76 514.58 586.79 586.64 586.48 586.3O 586.II 661.77 661.63 661.47 661.30 66I.I2 740.38 740.25 740.IO 739-95 739-79 822.80 822.70 822.59 822.47 822.34 909.27 909.21 909.14 909.07 9O9.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO 1.000.00 1,000.00 3 29 514.38 514.17 513.94 513.71 513-45 585.92 585.70 585.48 585.23 584.98 660.93 660.72 660.51 660.28 660.04 739-62 739-44 739-25 739-04 738.83 822.21 822.07 821.91 821.76 821.59 908.92 908.84 908.75 908.66 908.56 1,000.00 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO 30 31 32 33 34 513.19 512.93 512.68 512.46 512.28 584.72 584.46 584.22 584.OO 583.80 659.79 659-55 659.32 659.IO 658.88 738.61 738.40 738.19 737-97 737-75 821.42 821.25 82I.06 820.88 820.67 908.45 908.35 908.23 908.IO 907.97 I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 9 39 512.13 511.98 511.82 511.62 511.36 583.61 583.41 583.17 582.89 582.55 658.66 658.40 658.II 657-77 657.38 737.50 737.23 736.92 736.57 736.16 820.44 82O.I9 819.9I 819.60 819.24 907.82 907.65 907.47 907.26 907.03 I OOO.OO I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 40 41 42 43 44 5II.04 51O.63 5r0.II 509-47 508.70 582.15 581.66 581.05 580.34 579-49 656.93 656.38 655-74 654.99 654.12 735.7o 735-16 734.53 733-8) 732.98 818.84 818.37 817.83 817.22 816.52 906.77 906.47 906.13 905.75 905-32 1,000.00 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO I,000.00 1,000.00 49 507.84 506.87 505.81 504.67 503.46 578.56 577.51 576.36 575.14 573.83 653-I5 652.07 650.91 649.66 648.32 732.05 73L03 729.93 728.75 727.46 815.75 814.9I 813.99 812.99 8H.9O 904.84 904.31 9°3-74 903. 1 1 902.43 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 50 51 52 53 54 502.17 500.8I 499-34 497.78 496.IO 572.43 570.93 569.31 567.56 565.68 646.87 645-30 643.60 64I.77 639 77 726.07 724.55 722.90 721. 11 719.16 810.72 809.42 808.02 806.48 804.80 901.68 900. 86 899.96 898.98 897.91 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 p 58 59 494.29 492.31 490.18 487.84 485.26 563-63 561.41 559-00 556.34 553-43 637.60 635-24 632 66 629.82 626.73 717.03 714.70 712.16 709.37 706.33 802.97 800.95 798.76 796.35 793-71 896.73 895.45 894.03 892.48 890.77 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 60 482.44 550.26 623.36 703.01 790.82 888.90 1,000.00 20Yr.End. Comb.4* Of L,iff, Insurance. 401 Table No. CXXXIX. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF TWENTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. ! 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7 th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 31.39 64.19 98.49 134-33 171.80 210.99 251.99 21 31.38 64.18 98.45 134 28 I7L74 210.92 251.89 22 31.38 64.16 98.42 134-24 171.69 210.84 251.80 23 31-37 64.14 98.40 134.20 171.63 210.76 25L70 24 3I.36 64.13 98.36 134.15 171.56 2I0.68 251.58 % 31.35 64.II 98.33 I34-IO 171.49 210.58 251.46 31-34 64.O9 98.29 134.04 171.41 210.47 251.32 % 31.34 64.06 98.25 I33.98 171.32 210.35 251.18 31.32 64.04 98.21 133.91 171.23 210.24 251.05 29 31.32 64.02 98.17 133-86 171. 15 210.15 250.93 30 31.31 64.OO 98.14 I33.8I I71.O9 2I0.06 250.82 ; 31 3I-3I 63.98 98.II 133-77 171.04 2IO.OO 250.76 32 3I-30 63-97 98.ro I33.76 I7I.02 209.98 250.73 33 31-31 64.OO 98.13 133-79 171.06 210.03 250.79 34 31.33 64.03 98.18 133.86 171. 14 210.13 250.91 ft 31.36 64.08 98.26 133.97 171.29 210.31 251.12 31.40 64.18 98.40 134.15 171.52 210.59 251.45 11 31.46 64.30 98.59 134-41 171.85 210.97 251.84 31.54 64.46 98.84 134-75 172.26 211.42 252.27 39 31.65 64.69 99.17 135-18 172.74 211.89 252.70 40 3L79 64.97 99.58 135.66 I73.23 212.37 253-IO 41 31.96 65.28 99.99 136.12 173.70 212.77 253-41 42 32.14 65.59 IOO.38 136.53 174.08 213.08 253.65 43 32.31 65.86 IOO.71 136.85 174.36 213-31 253.80 44 32.44 66.IO IOO.96 137.09 174.57 213.47 253.87 * 32.57 66.27 IOI.I6 137.29 174.74 2I3-58 253.91 32.66 66.39 IOI.3I 137.44 174.87 213.65 253.89 47 32.75 66.58 IOI.54 137.68 175-06 213-78 253.91 48 32.85 66.76 IOI.76 137.90 175.26 213 91 253-95 49 32.98 66.97 I02.0I 138.16 175-49 214.08 254-03 50 33-11 67.19 IO2.29 138.45 175.76 214.29 254-I3 51 33.25 67.44 IO2.59 138.78 176.08 214-55 254.32 52 33.41 67.71 102.9s I39-I8 176.46 214.90 254.59 53 33.58 68.04 IO3.36 139.64 176.95 215.36 254.96 54 33-8o 68.40 IO3.84 140.20 177.54 215.92 255.40 n 34-02 68.81 IO4.41 140.87 178.24 216.56 255.91 34.28 69.29 IO5.07 141.64 179.02 217.26 256.46 11 34.60 69.88 IO5.84 142.49 179.87 218.03 257.07 34-95 70.50 IO6.63 143.38 180.76 218. S\ 257.70 59 35-33 71.14 IO7.47 144.30 181.68 219.67 258.35 60 35.69 71.80 IO8.30 145-24 182.63 220.52 259.OO Comb.4* 20Yr.End 402 Principles and Practice 1 Table No. CXXXIX.— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF TWENTY YEARS OR AT ] DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 8th Year. 9th Year. lOth Year. 11th Year. lath Year. 13th Year. 14th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 294.87 294.76 294.64 294.52 294.38 339-74 339-61 339-47 339-33 339- l6 386.71 386.56 386.40 386.22 386.03 435.87 435.71 435-53 435-33 435-12 487.36 487 18 486.98 486.77 486.54 541.30 54LIO 540.89 540.67 540.43 597-81 597-61 597-4Q 597-17 596.93 25 26 2 29 294.23 294.06 293.90 293-74 293.60 338.98 338.80 338.60 338.42 338.26 385.83 385.62 385-4I 385.21 385.03 434.90 434.67 434-44 434-22 434.04 486 30 486.06 485.82 485.59 485.40 540.I8 539-93 539-68 539-45 539-26 596.67 596.42 596.17 595-95 595.76 30 31 32 33 34 293.48 293-4I 293.38 293-45 293o9 338.13 338.05 338.03 338.11 338.26 384.89 384.81 384.80 384.88 385.OI 433-89 433-8i 433-80 433.85 433-94 485.25 485. '7 4S5-M 485.13 485-I5 539-n 539-OI 538.92 538.85 538.77 595-59 595-45 595.31 595.16 594-99 36 37 38 39 293.83 294.15 294.51 294.88 295.22 338.49 338.77 339.06 339-33 339-56 385.19 385-40 385-58 385.75 385.85 434.04 434.14 434.21 434-24 434-23 485.15 485.13 485.08 484.99 484.84 538.67 538.54 538.38 538.16 537.89 594-79 594-56 594-29 593-97 593.58 40 4i 42 43 44 295-52 295.74 295.88 295-93 295.89 339-75 339-86 339-88 339-8o 339-64 385-92 3S5.89 385.78 385.56 385.25 434-15 433-99 433-73 433-36 432.90 484.63 484.33 483.91 483.39 482.77 537-54 537.09 536.54 535-87 535.09 593- 10 592.53 591.84 591.04 590.14 8 47 48 49 295.81 295.67 295-58 295.49 295-43 339-42 339- H 338.91 338.66 338.46 3S4.88 384.45 384.04 383.65 383-27 432.37 43L78 431.19 430.61 430.04 482.07 481.32 480.56 479-79' 478.98 534.25 533-34 532.40 531.41 530.36 589.16 588.11 586.99 585.80 584.53 50 5i 52 53 54 295-44 295.49 295.64 295.83 296.09 338.30 338.21 338.14 338.12 338.12 382.93 382.60 382.28 381.97 381.67 429.46 428.87 42S.25 427.63 426.98 478.14 477.25 476.33 475-35 474.31 529-25 528.08 526.82 525.48 524.05 583.17 581.71 580.15 578.47 576.65 U 11 59 296.38 296.71 297.08 297-45 297.83 338.14 338.18 338.23 338.26 338.26 381.36 381.03 380.70 380.30 379-88 426.28 425.54 424-75 423.88 422.98 473.20 472.00 470.72 469.36 467-93 522.50 520.84 519.08 517-20 515.22 574.69 572.60 570.38 568.00 565.47 60 298.18 338.24 379-44 422.04 466.43 5I3-I3 562.80 20Yr.End. Comb.4* Of IyiFK Insurance. 403 Table No. CXXXIX.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF TWENTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 15th Year. 16th Year. 17th Year. 18th Year. 19th Year. 2 Oth Year. 20 21 22 23 24 657.06 656.86 656.65 656.42 656.18 719.18 718.99 718.80 718.58 718.36 784.35 784.19 784.02 783.83 783.64 852.75 852.63 852.49 852.35 852.20 924.57 924.49 924.41 924.33 924.25 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 26 27 28 29 655.93 655.69 655-45 655.24 655.04 718.13 717.90 717.68 717.47 717.26 783.44 783.24 783.04 782.84 782.63 852.05 851.89 851.72 851.55 851.36 924.I5 924.06 923-95 923.84 923.72 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 30 31 32 33 34 654.85 654.66 654.46 654.24 654.OO 717 05 716.83 716.58 716.32 716.02 782.41 782.17 781.91 781.63 781.32 851.16 850.95 850.71 850.46 850.18 923-59 923-45 923.29 923-I3 922.94 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 p 39 653.72 653.4I 653.05 652.63 652.14 7I5.69 715.32 714.90 714.42 713.87 780.97 780.58 780.15 779.66 779-IO 849.87 849.52 849.13 848.70 848.22 922.74 922.51 922.26 921.98 921.67 1,000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 I 000.00 1,000.00 40 4i 42 43 44 65L57 650.89 650.II 649.22 648.22 713.24 712.51 711.68 710 75 709.71 778.47 777-75 776.95 776.04 775-04 847-67 847 06 846.37 845.60 844.74 921.32 920.93 920.50 920.OI 9:9.46 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 46 47 48 49 647.15 645.97 644.71 643-35 641.90 708.58 707.34 706 OO 704.55 702.99 773-93 772.72 771.41 769.99 768.44 843.79 842.75 841.63 840.39 839.06 918.86 918.20 917.48 916.69 9!5-83 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 50 5i 52 53 54 640.33 638.64 636.82 634-84 632.71 701.30 699.47 697.48 695.32 693,00 766.77 764.94 762.95 760.80 758.47 837.60 836.OO 834.27 832.38 830.33 914.88 913 86 912.73 911.50 910.16 1,000.00 I 000.00 1,000.00 1,000 00 1,000.00 5 I 56 57 58 59 630.42 627.96 625.33 622.51 619.5I 690.49 687.79 684.89 681.77 678.42 755-94 753-21 750.27 747.08 743.64 828 IO 825.68 823.05 820.19 817.10 908.70 907.10 905.36 903.45 901.36 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 60 616.32 674.85 739.96 813.75 899.09 1,000.00 Comb.4* 25Yr.End 404 Principles and Practice • Table No. CXL. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF TWENTY-FIYE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR , COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7 th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 22.19 45.36 69.55 94.80 121. 18 148.74 177.52 207.60 21 22.20 45-37 69.55 94.81 121. 18 148.73 I77.50 207.56 22 22.21 45-38 69-57 94.83 121. 19 148.73 177.49 207.54 23 22.21 45-39 69.58 94.84 I2I.20 148.73 177.48 207.51 24 22.22 45-41 69.61 94.86 121.22 148.74 177.48 207.49 u 22.24 45-43 69.63 94.88 121.24 148.75 177.48 207.48 22.25 45.46 69.67 94.92 121.28 148.79 177.50 207.49 11 22.27 45.48 69.70 94.96 121. 31 148.82 177.53 207.52 22.29 45-53 69-75 95-02 121.39 148.89 177.62 207.60 29 22.32 45-57 69.82 95.IO I2I.48 149.OO 177.73 207.73 30 22.35 45.63 69.90 95.21 121. 6l I49.!5 177.90 207.92 31 22.39 45.71 70.OI 95.36 121.79 149.36 178.15 208.20 32 22.43 45.8o 70.16 95.55 I22.03 I49-65 178.48 208.58 33 22.49 45-93 70.34 95-79 122.34 150.02 178.91 209.09 34 22.57 46.08 70.57 96.IO 122.72 150.48 179.46 209.72 9 22.67 46.27 70.86 96.49 123.21 151.08 180.16 210.51 22.78 46.50 71.21 96.95 I23.80 151.80 181.OO 211.42 11 22.92 46.79 71.64 97-54 124-54 152.68 181.97 212.42 23.O9 47.12 72.15 98.23 125.39 I53-65 183.OO 213.48 39 23.28 47-52 72.76 99.04 126.35 154.69 184.09 214.55 40 23.52 48.00 73-47 99.92 127.35 155-77 185.18 215.63 41 23-79 48.54 74-21 IOO.82 128.36 156.82 186.25 216.69 42 24.09 49.09 74-95 IOI.71 I29.32 157.84 187.29 217.73 43 24-39 49.60 75.66 IO2.53 130.23 158.80 188.29 218.74 44 24.65 50.10 76.31 IO3.29 131. II 159.77 189.30 219.75 ? 24.93 50.57 76.95 IO4.08 132.01 160.75 190.33 22O.79 25.16 51-03 77-59 104.90 132.95 161.78 I9I-43 221.90 47 25.43 51.52 78.30 105.78 133.98 162.91 192.61 223.14 48 25.71 52.07 79.08 IO6.75 I35.09 164.14 193-94 224.49 49 26.03 52.66 79.91 107.79 I36.3O 165.50 195.38 225-99 50 26.36 53-30 80.83 IO8.93 137.65 166.99 196.99 227.68 5i 26.73 53-99 81.82 I IO. 1 7 i39.!o 168.61 198.75 229.55 52 27.12 54-74 82.88 III. 52 140.69 170.43 200.74 231.65 53 27.54 55.56 84.04 II3.OO 142.47 172.44 202.93 233.91 54 28.02 56.46 85.33 II4.66 144.44 174.67 205.31 236.38 55 28.52 57.42 86.74 H6.47 146.58 177.04 207.86 239.OI 1 25Yr.End. Comb.4* Of Life Insurance. 405 Table No. CXL. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR , COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 239.03 271.89 306.24 342.17 379-75 419.08 460.26 503.38 21 238.98 271.82 306.15 342.05 379.61 418.92 460.08 503.I8 22 238.94 27L75 306.06 341.94 379.48 418.76 459.90 502.98 23 238.89 271.68 305. 9 6 341.82 379-34 418.61 459-73 502.80 24 238.85 271.62 305.89 34L73 379-22 418.48 459.58 502.64 25 238.82 271.58 305.83 341.66 379- J 4 418.38 459-47 502.53 26 238.83 27L57 305.81 341.62 379.10 418.33 459.42 502.48 11 238.85 27L59 305.83 341.64 379-n 418.35 459-44 502.49 238.93 271.68 305.92 34L73 379-21 418.45 459-54 502.57 29 239.07 271.83 306.08 34I-9 1 379-40 418.65 459.72 502.70 30 239.29 272.07 306.34 342.20 379-71 418.94 459.96 502.87 31 239.60 272.42 306.73 342.61 380.11 419.30 460.25 503.05 32 240.04 272.90 307.25 343-13 380.59 419.71 460. 56 503.25 33 240.60 273.52 307.89 343-74 381.14 420.15 460.88 503.45 34 241.3I 274.26 308.61 34441 381.72 420.62 461.22 503.66 3 I 242.15 275.O9 309.41 345-12 382.31 421.09 461.57 503.87 36 243.07 276.OO 310.23 345.85 382.93 421.59 461.92 504.07 37 244.07 276.94 311.09 346.60 383.57 422.09 462.27 504-25 38 245.09 277.89 311-96 347-37 384.21 422.58 462.61 504.4I 39 246.12 278.86 312.84 348.15 384.85 423.07 462.92 504-55 40 247.16 279.84 313.73 348.92 385.49 423.54 463.22 504-65 4i 248.18 280.80 314-61 349-67 386.09 423-99 463-48 504-72 42 249.19 281.74 315.46 350.40 386.68 424.40 463.70 504-75 43 250.17 282.67 316.28 35i.ii 387-24 424.79 463.91 504.76 44 251.16 283.59 317.13 35I.83 387.81 425.20 464.13 504.77 45 252.18 284.57 318.01 352.60 388.44 425.66 464.39 504.78 46 253-28 285.62 318.97 353.46 389-16 426.19 464.68 504.80 % 254.51 286.79 320.09 354.46 390.00 426.82 465.04 504-85 255.86 288.13 321.35 355-61 390.96 427-53 465.46 504.95 49 257.40 289.64 322.80 356.90 392.04 428.34 465.96 505.08 50 259-12 291.35 324.39 358.32 393-23 429.24 466.51 505.25 5i 261.03 293.21 326.15 359-88 394-54 430.24 467.14 505.45 52 263.14 295.26 328.05 361.60 395.98 43L34 467.83 505.68 53 265.42 297.48 330.14 363.46 397-55 432.54 468.59 505.96 54 267.89 299.88 332.38 365.47 399-25 433-84 469.44 506.32 55 270.53 302.44 334-78 367.62 401.06 435.25 470.41 506.76 Comb.4* 25Yr.End 406 Principles and Practice Table No. CXL.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 4i .42 43 44 9 % 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 17th Year. 548.55 548.34 548.13 547-94 547.78 547-66 547-6i 547.6o 547-63 547.69 547.76 547.83 547.91 547-99 548.07 548.13 548.17 548.18 548.17 548.12 548.03 547.90 547-74 547-53 547.29 547.03 546.75 546.49 546.22 545-97 545.71 545-44 545-19 544-97 544.78 544.65 18th Year. 595-90 595-68 595-46 595.27 595-H 594-99 594-91 594-86 594-83 594.8o 594-77 594-74 594-7Q 594-66 594.60 594-52 594-4Q 594.26 594-07 593-83 593-56 593-24 592.87 592.43 59L94 591.40 590.82 590.22 589.58 588.93 588.22 587.49 586.74 585.99 585.24 584.50 19th Year. 645.55 645.33 645. 1 1 644.92 644.76 644.62 644.51 644.41 644-30 644.19 644.07 643.94 643.80 643-64 643.45 643-23 642.97 642.67 642.32 641.92 641.48 640.98 640.40 639- 74 639.00 638.20 637.32 636.40 635.41 634-36 633.23 632.05 630.82 629.54 628.23 626.89 20th Year. 697.63 697.41 697.21 697.02 696.85 696.69 696.54 696.38 696.21 696.03 695.83 695.62 695.38 695.12 694.83 694.49 694.II 693.68 693.20 692.67 692.08 691.41 690.66 689.80 688.85 687.81 686.68 685.48 684.17 682.78 681.29 679.71 678.05 676.29 674-47 672.56 21st Year. 752.29 752.09 751.90 75L72 75L54 751.36 751.17 750.97 750.75 750.52 750.27 749-99 749.69 749-35 748.99 748.57 748.10 747-59 747.02 746.39 745.69 744-90 744.02 743-03 74L93 740.73 739-52 738.01 736.48 734.85 733-IO 731.22 729.22 727.11 724.87 722.51 22d Year. 809.68 809.51 809.34 809.16 808.98 808.79 808.59 808.37 808.13 807.88 807.61 807.30 806.97 806.61 8o6.2I 805.76 805.27 804.73 804.13 803.46 802.72 801.90 800.97 799.94 798.80 797.56 796.19 794-71 793.II 791-39 789.54 787.54 785.40 783.II 780.67 778.08 23d Year. 869.97 869.84 869.69 869.54 869.38 869.21 869.02 868.83 868.61 868.38 868.12 867.85 867.54 867.21 866.84 866.44 865.99 865.50 864.96 864.36 863.68 862.94 862.11 861.18 860.16 859-04 857.81 856.47 855.03 853.46 851.76 849-93 847.95 845.81 843.51 841.05 24th Year. 933-34 933.26 933-17 933-Q7 932.97 932.85 932.73 932.60 932.46 932.30 932.13 93L95 93L75 93L53 931.28 931.02 930.72 930.40 930.04 929.64 929.19 928.70 928.15 9 2 7.54 926.86 926.12 925-31 924.42 923.46 922.41 921.27 920.02 918.67 917.20 915.61 913.88 30Yr.End. Comb.4* Of Life Insurance. 407 Table No. CXLI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF THIRTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR. COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 3 2 29 30 3i 32 33 34 11 39 40 1st Year. 16.42 16.44 16.47 16.50 16.54 16.58 16.63 16.68 16.74 16.82 16.89 I6. 99 17.09 17.22 17.37 17.53 17.73 17.96 18.22 18.52 18.87 2d Year. 33-54 33-59 33-64 33-70 33-77 33.84 33-94 34-04 34.16 34-30 34-46 34-64 34.85 35-11 35.41 35-74 36.14 36.61 37-13 37-76 38.46 3d Year. 51.39 51.46 51.53 51.59 51.71 51.84 51.97 52.12 52.29 52.49 52-73 52-99 53-32 53-71 54.16 54.67 55.28 55-99 56.79 57-73 58.78 4th Year. 70.OO 70.08 70.I8 70.29 7O.4I 70.57 70.72 70.93 7I.I6 71.42 71-73 72.08 72.53 73-05 73.65 74-35 75-i6 76.13 77.21 78.46 79.81 5 th Year. 89.41 89.51 89.62 89.75 89.9O 9O.08 90.28 9O.52 90.80 91.12 91.52 9I.98 92.52 93.16 93-93 94.81 95.85 97.06 98.42 99-93 101.53 6th Year. IO9.66 IO9.77 IO9.89 IIO.04 II0.20 IIO.42 IIO.65 IIO.93 III. 25 III. 64 112. II 112.66 113.32 114.10 115.02 116. 11 117.36 118.82 120.41 122.12 123.92 7th Year. 130.78 130.90 I3L03 131. 19 131.37 131.60 I3I.87 132.18 132.56 I33.0I 133.55 I34.20 134.97 135.89 I36.99 I38.26 139-73 I4L38 I43-I4 I45.03 I46.96 8th Year. 152.82 152.94 I53.08 I53.24 153.44 I53.69 153.98 154-33 154-75 155.27 I55.90 156.64 157-53 158.59 159.86 l6l. 31 162.95 164. 74 166.64 168.62 170.66 Comb.4* 30Yr.End. 408 Principles and Practice Table No. CXLL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF THIRTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 20 21 22 23 24 3 3 29 30 3i 32 33 34 35 36 11 39 40 9th Year. 175.81 175-93 176.08 176.25 176.45 176.72 I77-03 177.42 177.89 178.47 179.17 180.02 181.03 182.24 183.66 185.25 187.01 188.89 190.86 192.90 195.04 10th Year. I99.8I 199-93 20O.O7 200.24 200.46 200.74 20I.08 201.50 202.03 202.66 203.45 204.39 205.53 206.88 208.41 2I0.08 2H.9O 213.83 215.84 217.94 220.I4 11th Year. 224.86 224.97 225.II 225.28 225.51 225.80 226.16 226.63 227.20 227.9O 228.77 229.82 231.07 232.50 234.09 235.82 237.64 239-57 241.60 243.73 245-95 12th Year. 251.02 251. II 25L25 251.42 251.65 251.96 252.35 252.85 253-47 254.24 255.I9 256.34 257.65 259.12 260.73 262.44 264.25 266.17 268.19 270.31 272.53 13th Year. 278.34 278.42 278.55 278.72 278.96 279.28 279.69 280.22 280.90 281.74 282.76 283.96 285.29 286.76 288.33 29O.OO 29I.77 293.65 295.63 297.72 299.9O 14th Year. 306.88 306.95 307.07 307.24 307.48 307.82 308.25 308.83 309.55 310.45 3". 51 312.69 314-01 315-42 316.93 318.54 320.25 322.06 323-97 325.99 328.10 15th Year. 336.71 336.77 336.88 337-04 337.29 337.64 338.II 338.72 339-49 340.40 341-44 342.60 343.84 345.17 346.60 348.12 349-74 351.46 353-27 355.18 357.20 16th Year. 367.90 367.94 368.04 368.21 368.46 368.83 369.32 369.96 370.73 371.62 372.61 373-68 374.83 376.06 377-39 378.80 380.30 381.90 383.58 385.37 387.25 30Yr.End. Comb.4% Of Life Insurance. 409 Table No. CXLL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF THIRTY YEARS, OR AT DEATH, IF PRIOR. COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 li % 29 30 31 32 33 34 3 11 39 40 17th Year. 4OO.52 400.55 4OO.64 4OO.81 4OI.07 401.45 401.96 402.59 403-33 404.16 405.05 406.02 407.06 408.18 409.37 4IO.65 4I2.0I 413.45 414.98 416.60 418.32 18th Year. 434.65 434.67 434.75 434.92 435-20 435.58 436.08 436.66 437-33 438.06 438.85 439.69 440.60 44L59 442.63 443-75 444-94 446.21 447.55 448.99 450.53 19th Year. 470.38 470.39 470.47 470.64 470.92 47L28 471.72 472.24 472.80 473-42 474.08 474-79 475.56 476.38 477.26 478.20 479.20 480.27 481.4I 482.64 483.97 20th Year. 507.80 507.80 507.88 508.05 508.30 508.61 508.98 509.39 509.84 510.32 510.85 511.42 5I2.02 512.68 5I3.37 5i4.II 514.90 515.75 516.68 517.68 518.77 21st Year. 547.OO 547-OI 547.08 547.22 547.41 547.65 547-92 548.21 548.54 548.89 549-27 549.69 550.12 550.58 551.09 551.62 552.19 552.82 553.51 554-26 555.05 22d Year. 588.IO 588.IO 588.14 588.23 588.35 588.50 588.66 588.84 589.03 589.25 589.48 589.73 589.99 590.27 590.56 590.88 591.24 591.63 592.07 592.53 593.02 23d Year. 631.20 631.17 631.17 631.19 631.23 631.28 631.33 631.39 631.47 631.55 631.63 631.71 631.80 631.89 631.98 632.09 632.23 632.39 632.55 632.72 632.88 Comb.4* 30Yr.End 4IO Principles and Practice Table No. CXLL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CiES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY PAYABLE AT END OF THIRTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Agb. 20 21 22 23 24 3 29 30 31 32 33 34 3 U 39 40 21th Year. 676.40 676.33 676.28 676.22 676.18 676.13 676.O9 676.04 676.OO 675-94 675.88 675.81 675.73 675.64 675.56 675.47 675.39 675.30 675.20 675.08 674.93 25th Year. 723.81 723.70 723.59 723.48 723.36 723.23 723.IO 722.96 722.81 722.64 722.45 722.25 722.02 721.79 721.54 721.28 720.99 720.68 720.33 719.9* 7I9.5I 26th Year. 773-59 773-44 773.29 773.12 772.95 772.76 772.56 772.35 772.11 771.86 77L58 771.27 770.94 770.59 770.21 769.80 769.35 768.86 768.32 767.72 767.05 27th Year. 825.89 825.72 825.54 825.35 825.15 824.94 824.70 824.45 824.17 823.87 82^.54 823.18 822.79 822.38 821.92 821.43 820.88 820.29 819.63 818.9I 8l8. II 28th Year. 880.90 880.75 880.57 880.40 88o.2I 880.OO 879-78 879-53 879.27 878.98 878.66 878.32 877-95 877-54 877.IO 876.61 876.08 875.49 874.84 874.13 873.35 29th Year. 938.86 938.75 938.64 938.52 938.39 938.25 938.09 937-93 937-74 937-55 937-33 937.09 936.84 936.55 936.25 935-91 935-53 935-12 934-67 934-17 933.62 31>th Year. I,000.00 I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO I,000.00 I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I OOO.OO I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO I.OOO.OO 1,000.00 I.OOO.OO 35Yr.End. Comb.4* Of Life Insurance. 411 Table No. CXLIL TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE. FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1 i*t 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 12.62 25.76 39-45 53.69 68.52 83.96 IOO.O4 i 21 I2.67 25.86 39-59 53.87 68 75 84.23 IOO.36 22 12.73 25.97 39-75 54.09 69.OI 84-54 IOO.71 *3 12.79 26.09 39-93 54-33 69.31 84.89 IOI.II 24 12.86 26.23 40.14 54.61 6965 8529 IOI.56 2 12.94 26.40 40.38 54-92 70.03 85.74 I02.08 13.03 26.57 40.64 55.26 70.45 86.24 IO2.65 11 13-13 26.76 40.92 55.63 70.92 86.80 IO3.30 13-24 26.98 41.25 56.07 71.46 87.44 104.06 29 13-36 27.23 41.62 56.56 72.07 88.19 IO4.93 30 13.50 27.50 42.02 57.10 72.76 89.02 105 91 31 13-65 27.80 42.49 57-73 73-55 89.98 IO7.O4 32 13.82 28.16 4304 58.46 74-47 91.09 IO8.34 33 14.02 28.57 4364 59.28 75.51 92.35 IO9.84 34 14.25 29.OI 4432 60.20 76.67 93-77 "1. 53 n 14.50 29.52 45-IO 61.26 78.01 95.41 "3-47 14.78 30.II 45-99 62.45 79-54 97.26 115.64 11 15. II 30.76 46.98 63.81 81.26 99-34 118.04 15.46 31.48 48.10 65-32 ' 83.16 101.60 120.59 39 15.87 32.31 49.36 67.01 85.24 104.01 123.30 40 16.33 33-25 50.76 68.84 87.44 106.55 126.11 41 16.84 34.26 52.23 70.72 89.71 109.13 128.99 42 17.38 35.31 53-75 72.66 92.00 in. 76 131-94 43 17.93 36.37 55.26 74.58 94.30 114.45 134.96 44 18.47 37.42 56.76 76.50 96.63 117. 16 138.06 9 19.03 38.46 58.27 78.47 9905 119.99 141.29 19.56 39-50 59.82 80.52 101.56 122.95 144.66 % 20.13 40.63 61.49 82.70 104.24 126.09 148.24 20.72 41.81 63.23 84.98 107.04 129.38 152.02 49 21.36 43.04 65.08 87.40 110.00 132.88 156.00 50 22.02 44.37 67.01 89.92 113. 11 136.54 160.19 Comb.4 % 35Yr.End 412 Principles and Practice Table No. CXLII. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF THIRTY-FIVE YEARS, OR AT DEATH, IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 II6.80 134-25 152.43 I7L37 191. II 211.68 233.13 21 117.14 134-61 152.82 171.80 I9L55 212.14 233.62 22 117.54 I35-05 I53.29 172.29 I92.07 2I2.70 234.19 23 II7.98 135-54 153.82 172.86 I92.68 213-34 234-88 24 H8.49 I36.IO 154-43 173.52 I93.4O 2i4.II 235-69 25 II9.07 136.74 155.14 174.29 194.23 215.01 236.66 26 II9.71 137.46 155-95 175.18 I95.20 216.05 237.79 11 120.47 138.32 156.88 176.21 196.33 217.29 239.12 121.33 139.29 157-97 177.41 I97.65 218.73 240.69 29 122.33 140.42 15923 178.81 I99.I9 220.4I 242.50 30 123.46 141.70 160.68 180.42 200.97 222.34 244-54 31 124.77 143.19 162.36 182.29 203.02 224.52 246.81 32 126.28 144.92 164.30 184.43 205.31 226.93 249.29 33 I28.0I 146.89 166.50 186.82 207.84 229.56 251.95 34 129.97 I49. 1 1 168.94 189.43 210.58 232.36 254.80 P 132.20 151.59 171. 61 I92.26 2I3.50 235.35 257.83 134.66 154.28 174-49 195-26 2l6.6l 238.54 261.08 11 137.31 I57.I6 177-53 I98.44 219.90 241.92 264.52 I40.I3 160.17 180.72 201.79 223. 38 245.50 268.17 39 I43.07 163.33 184.07 205.31 227.04 249.28 272.02 40 146.14 166.63 187.58 209.OO 230.88 253-24 276.07 4 1 149.29 170.03 191.22 212.84 234.89 257-38 280.32 42 152.54 173.56 194.99 216.82 239.05 261.71 284.77 43 155.88 177.19 198.89 220.94 243.40 266.22 289.41 44 159.33 180.96 202.93 225.26 247.93 270.94 294.32 9 162.93 184.89 207.19 229.79 252.71 275.96 299.52 166.69 189.02 211.65 234-57 257.78 281.27 305.04 11 170.70 193.42 216.40 239.66 263.17 286.93 310.87 174.90 I98.05 221.44 245.06 268.9O 292.89 317.02 49 179.36 202.96 226.78 250.78 274.9I 299.I5 323.45 50 184.07 208.15 232.40 256.76 28I.20 305.67 330.16 35Yr.End. Comb.4* OF IylFK . Insurance. 413 Table No. CXLIL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PRExMIUiMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF THIRTY-FIVE YEARS, OR AT DEATH, IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 15th 16th 17 th 18th 19th 30th 21st Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 255-50 278.85 303.21 328.66 355.24 383.02 412.08 21 256.OI 279-37 303.75 329.21 355.81 383.62 412.68 22 256.61 280.00 304.4I 329.90 356.53 384.36 413.44 23 257-34 280.76 305.21 330.74 357.41 385-27 414.35 24 258.20 281.68 j 306.18 33L77 358.48 386.34 415.38 11 25Q-23 282.78 307.35 332.99 359.72 387-56 416.54 260.45 284.08 308.73 334.40 36l. II 388.91 417.80 % 261.89 285.61 310.30 335.98 362.67 390.38 419.17 263.56 287.35 312.06 337-73 364.34 391-97 420.65 29 265.46 289.29 3I4-OI 339.62 366.16 393.69 422.26 30 267.57 291.42 3i6.II 341.66 368.12 395.55 424.OO 31 269.88 293-72 318.37 343-86 370.25 397-57 425.89 32 272.37 296.20 320.81 346.24 372.54 399-75 427.92 33 275-04 298.86 323.44 348.81 375-OI 402.10 430.II 34 277.90 301.72 326.26 351.56 377.67 404.62 432.49 35 280.97 304.77 329.28 354.51 380.52 407.35 435-05 36 284.24 308.04 332-51 357.67 383.58 410.27 437-81 37 287.72 3II-5I 335-94 361.05 386.85 413.41 440.79 38 291.40 315-20 339-6i 364.64 390.35 416.78 444.OO 39 295.29 319.11 343-49 368.47 394.09 420.40 447-45 40 299.40 323.24 347.6i 372.55 398.09 424.28 45LI2 4 1 303.72 327.59 35L97 376.88 402.34 428.37 455.00 42 308.25 332.19 356.59 381.47 406.82 432.68 459-07 43 313.02 337.03 361.45 386.28 411.52 437-20 463.36 44 318.05 342.15 366.57 391-34 416.46 44L95 4-67.86 45 323.40 347-55 37I-98 396.68 421.67 446.96 472.60 46 329.03 353.24 377-66 402.30 427.15 452.24 477.60 47 334 99 359-25 383.67 408.23 432.93 457.8o 482.86 48 34L25 305.57 389.98 414.45 439.OO 463.64 488.41 49 347.81 372.18 396.57 420.96 445-34 469.75 494.25 50 354.63 379.05 403.42 427.71 45L94 476.15 500.36 Comb.4* 35Yr.End. 414 Principles and Practice Table No. CXLIL— Continued. \ TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 22d 23d 24th 25th 26tli 27th 28th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 442.46 474.26 507.5I 542.28 578.65 616.69 656.54 21 443.08 474.85 508.05 542.74 579-00 616.94 656.68 22 443.82 475-54 508.67 543.25 579-40 617.21 656.83 23 444.68 476.33 509.34 543.81 579.83 617.52 657.OI 24 445.66 477-20 510.09 544.43 580.31 617.86 657.21 11 446.71 478.14 5I0.9I 545-IO 580.84 618.23 657.42 447.86 479.16 511.79 545-84 581.41 618.63 657.65 3 449.II 480.28 512.76 546.64 582.03 619.07 657.91 450.47 481.49 5I3.80 547.5o 582.70 6I9.55 658.19 29 45L94 482.80 514-94 548.44 583.44 620.07 658.50 30 453.53 484.23 516.16 549-47 584.25 620.65 658.86 31 455-26 4S5.77 5I7-5I 550.59 585.13 621.30 659.28 32 457-12 487.44 518.97 55i.8i 586.12 622.04 659.76 33 459-15 489.26 520.56 553.17 587.22 622.87 660.29 34 461.33 491.24 522.31 554-66 588.44 623.77 660.88 H 463.70 493-39 524.22 556.31 589.76 624.77 661.52 466.27 495-74 526.32 558.09 591.21 625.84 662.22 3 469.06 498.29 528.57 560.01 592-75 627.00 662.96 472.06 501.03 530.99 562.06 594-42 628.23 663.76 39 475.27 503.95 533.56 564.26 596.18 629.54 664.59 40 478.69 507.04 536.30 566.58 598.05 630.92 665.46 4* 482.29 510.32 539.19 569-03 600.01 632.36 666.37 42 486.08 5I3.76 542.22 57i.6o 602.07 633-87 667.32 43 490.06 517.37 545.40 574-28 604.22 635.46 668.33 44 494.23 521.16 548.73 577-n 606.50 637.16 669.40 :§ 498.64 525-I5 552.26 580.13 608.95 638.99 670.58 503.28 529-38 556.02 583-35 611.58 640.97 671.89 47 508.19 533-88 560.04 586.82 614.43 643.16 673.36 48 513-39 538.65 564.32 590-54 617-53 645.56 675.OI 49 518.87 543-71 568.88 594-53 620.86 648.17 676.85 50 524.64 549.05 573.71 598.78 624.45 651.03 678.89 35Yr.End. Comb.4 % Of Life; Insurance. 415 Table No. CXLIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF THIRTY-FIVE YEARS, OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 29th 30th 31st 32cl 33d 34th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 698.32 742.20 788.33 836.93 888.23 942.48 21 698.36 742.14 788.20 836.75 888.04 942.35 22 698.40 742.08 788.06 836.56 887.85 942.21 23 698.45 742.02 787.91 836.36 887.64 942.06 24 698.51 74I.96 787.75 836.14 887.4I 941.90 u 698.58 741.89 787.58 835.90 887.16 941.72 698.65 741.82 787.39 835.64 886.89 94L53 27 698.73 • 74L74 787.19 835.36 886.60 941.32 28 698.82 741.67 786.98 835.07 886.29 94I.O9 29 698.94 74I.6I 786.77 834.76 885.95 94O.84 30 699.O9 741.56 786.55 834.42 885.59 940.57 31 699.27 74L5I 786.32 834.06 885.19 940.27 32 699.48 741.48 786.07 833.67 884.76 939-95 33 699.72 74L44 785.81 833.25 884.29 939.60 34 699.99 741.42 785.53 832.79 883.78 939.22 ii 700.29 74L39 785.23 832.3C 88323 93? 80 700.61 74L35 784.89 831.75 882.61 938.34 11 700.95 741-31 784.52 831.15 881.95 937.84 701.30 74L25 784.II 830.50 881.23 937.29 39 701.66 741.17 783.66 829.79 880.44 936.69 40 702.03 74I.07 783.16 829.OI 879-57 936.04 4i 702.41 740.96 782.62 828.17 878.62 935.32 42 702.81 740.82 782.02 827.25 877.60 934-53 43 703.22 740.67 781.38 826.25 876.47 933.67 44 703-67 740.53 780.70 825.18 875.27 932.74 45 704.19 740.40 780.OO 824.06 873.98 931.72 46 704.80 740.32 779-31 822.88 872.60 930.63 11 705.53 740.32 778.63 821.67 87I.I4 929.45 706.40 740.40 777.96 820.40 869.59 928.19 49 707.41 740.55 777-31 819.09 867.96 926.83 50 708.55 740.79 776.67 817.75 866.24 925.38 Comb.4* 40Yr.End 416 Principles and Practice Table No. CXLIII TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $ 1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF FORTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4 th ttth 6th rth 8th 20 Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. IO.O9 20.58 3I.48 42.80 54-57 66.80 79-52 92.74 21 IO.17 20.74 31-71 43." 54-97 67.2S 80.07 93-37 22 IO.26 20.93 31.98 43-47 5'5.4I 67.81 80.69 94.07 23 IO.36 21. II 32.28 43.87 55.91 68.4I 81.38 94.86 24 I0.47 21-33 32.61 44.31 56.46 69.06 82.15 95-73 u IO.59 21-57 32.98 44.80 57.07 69.80 83.00 96.70 IO.73 21.84 33-38 45.34 57-74 70.61 83.94 97.78 27 IO.88 22.14 33-83 45-94 58.50 71.51 85.01 99.OI 28 II.04 22.48 34-33 46.61 59-33 72.51 86.20 IOO.38 29 11.22 22.84 34-88 47.35 60.26 73.65 87-53 IOI.9I 30 II.42 23.24 35.48 48.16 61.29 74.90 89.00 IO3.63 31 II.64 23.68 36.15 49.07 62.45 76.31 90.67 IO5.56 32 11.88 24.18 36.91 50.10 63.74 77.89 92.54 I07.73 33 12.16 24.74 37-75 51.23 65.19 79.64 94.62 IIO.15 34 12.46 25-35 38.69 52.50 66.80 8l.6o 96.95 112.86 IS 12.79 26.03 39-73 53.90 68.58 83.80 99-55 115.86 13.16 26.79 40.89 55.47 70.58 86.23 102.43 119.14 3 13-58 27.62 42.15 57.20 72.78 88.90 105.53 122.62 14.03 28.54 43-57 59-12 75-21 9I.78 108.83 126.31 39 14.53 29-57 45-13 61.22 77-80 94.84 112.30 130.14 40 15.09 30.70 46.83 63.46 80.53 98.02 115.89 134.11 4i 15.69 31.90 48.61 65.76 83-33 IOI.26 H9-54 138.17 42 16.33 33-15 50.42 68.11 86.15 I04.54 123.27 142.33 43 16.98 34-40 52.24 70.44 88.98 IO7.86 127.07 146.59 44 17.62 35.65 54-04 72.77 91.84 III. 24 130.93 150.94 45 18.27 36.89 55.86 75.16 94-77 II4.72 134-95 155.44 40Yr.End. Comb.4 % Of Lifk Insurance. 4i7 Table No. CXLIIL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATUR- ITY, PAYABLE AT END OF FORTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age 20 21 22 23 24 2 % 29 30 31 32 33 34 $ 11 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 9th Year. 106.49 IO7.I9 IO7.97 IO8.85 IO9.82 IIO.92 112. 15 113.53 II5-09 II6.84 118.79 I2O.99 123.48 126.25 129.23 I32.70 136.32 I40.I5 144.17 148.35 152.68 157.14 161.72 166.40 171. 21 I76.I8 lOth Year. 120.77 121.54 122.41 123.37 124.46 125.68 127.05 128.60 130.35 132.32 134.52 I37-OI 139.82 142.93 146.34 150.03 153.96 158.08 162.41 166.91 171.60 176.43 181.40 186.50 I91.74 197.17 11th Year. 135.62 136.47 137-41 138.47 I39.67 141.02 142.54 144.26 146.20 148.38 150.86 I53.64 156.74 160.16 163.86 167.82 172.OI 176.41 181.02 185.84 I9O.85 196.04 201.37 206.84 212.52 218.38 12th Year. 151.07 151.98 I53-00 I54-I6 I55.46 156.94 158.62 160.51 162.65 165.07 167.81 170.87 174-25 177.92 181.87 186.05 190.47 195.12 200.0I 205.II 210.43 215-94 221.62 227.48 233.52 239.79 13 th Year. 167.13 168. II 169.21 170.46 171.88 173-49 175.32 177-39 179-74 182.40 185.39 188.70 192.30 196.19 200.32 204. 70 209.34 214.22 219.36 224.73 230.33 236.13 242.14 248.33 254-73 261.40 14th Year. 183.84 184.89 186.07 187.41 188.95 I9O.69 192.68 I94.94 I97.50 200.39 203.59 207.09 2I0.88 214.92 219.22 223.78 228.61 233-71 239.07 244.68 250.52 256.61 262.9O 269.41 276.17 283.20 15th Year. 201.24 202.34 203.61 205.05 206.70 208.58 210.73 2I3.I8 215.95 219.02 222.39 226.04 229.95 234-13 238.57 243.30 248.30 253.58 259-!3 264.94 271.02 277-35 283.91 290.72 297.79 305.15 16th Year. 219.34 220.51 221.86 223.40 225.17 227.20 229.51 232.14 235.07 238.28 241.77 245.52 249.53 253.82 258.39 263.25 268.39 273.82 279.53 285.54 291.81 298.35 305.16 312.24 319.59 327.20 Comb.4 % 40Yr.End. 418 Principles and Practice Table No . CXLIIL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $ 1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF FORTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR ., COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 17th Year. 18th Year. 19th Year. 20th Year. 21st Year. 22d Year. 23d Year. 24th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 238.19 23944 240.86 242.51 244.40 257.84 259- J4 260.66 262.4I 264.42 278.30 279.68 281.29 283.14 285.27 299.65 30I.IO 302.79 304.73 306.93 321.91 323-43 325.19 327.19 329.42 345-14 346.72 348.52 350.53 352.74 369.38 370.98 372.77 374-75 376.9O 394.65 396.23 397.98 399-88 4OI.95 3 29 246.57 249.04 251.80 254.84 258.15 266.73 269.3I 272.16 275.27 278.62 287.66 29O.3I 293.21 296.33 299.70 309.37 312.04 3M-93 318.05 321.42 331.86 334-51 337.37 340.46 343.80 355.14 357-74 360. 54 363.58 366.86 379-23 381.76 384.49 387.45 390.64 404.19 406.62 409.25 4I2.IO 4I5.I7 30 31 32 33 34 261.71 265.53 269.62 274.OO 278.67 282.23 286.IO 29O.25 294.69 299.42 303-33 307-23 311-41 315.88 320.65 325-04 328.94 333-12 337-59 342 36 347-39 35L25 355-40 359-84 364.59 370.39 374-19 378.27 382.66 387.34 394.08 397.78 401.78 406.06 4IO.65 41S.49 422.08 425-94 430.09 434-57 IS 39 283.63 288.89 294-44 3OO.29 306.44 304 45 309.79 315.44 321.40 327.67 325.72 331.12 336.83 342.85 349.22 347-45 35286 358.60 364.68 371." 369.66 375.05 380.79 386.89 393-33 392.35 397-71 403.42 409.47 415.86 415.58 420.86 426.49 432-43 438.70 439-37 444.52 449-99 455-77 461.86 40 4* 42 43 44 312.88 319-63 326.65 333-95 341.51 334 26 34i-i6 348 36 355-81 363 52 355-93 362.95 370.24 377-79 385.59 377-88 384.94 392.28 399-86 407.71 400.09 407.14 414.45 422.03 429.85 422.55 429.52 436.77 444.26 451.99 445.26 452.II 459-21 466.55 474 14 468.24 474.89 481.78 488.92 496.28 45 349-33 371.48 393-65 415.80 437,91 459.96 481.95 503.88 40Yr.End. Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 419 Table No. CXLIIL— Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $iooo OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT END OF FORTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 25th Year. 26th Year. 27th Year. 28th Year. 29th Year. SOth Year. 31st Year. 32d Year. 20 21 22 23 24 420.97 422.50 424.16 425.96 427.92 448.38 449.80 451.36 453-04 454-88 476.90 478.21 479.64 481.I9 482.88 506.62 507.79 509.08 510.48 5I2.0I ■537-59 538.63 539-75 540.98 542.32 569.92 570.80 57L76 572.80 573-93 603.71 604.42 605.19 606.03 606.96 639.06 639-59 640.18 640.82 641.52 11 % 29 430.05 432.36 434-87 437-57 440.50 456.88 459.04 461.39 463-93 466.69 484.72 486.72 488.88 491.24 493.80 513.66 5I5.46 517.43 5I9.57 521.89 543.78 545-37 547-H 549.01 55L09 575.18 576.54 578.03 579.68 581.50 607.98 609.09 610.33 6ll. 71 613.24 642.30 643.17 644.15 645-24 646.45 30 3i 32 33 34 443.67 447.IO 450.80 454- 80 459.12 469.68 472.92 476.43 480.24 484.36 496.57 499.60 502.9O 506.48 510.32 524.45 527.23 530.27 533-55 537-08 553.39 555-90 558.62 .561.56 564.72 583-50 585.69 588.06 59°- 61 593-37 614.9I 616.74 618.71 620.86 623.16 647.77 649.21 650.77 652.47 654.29 !i 37 38 39 463.76 468.71 473-97 479-52 485.37 488.76 493.46 498.45 503.72 509.26 514.44 518.83 523-49 528.41 533.58 540.85 544.88 549- 1 5 553.66 558.41 568.10 57I-7I 575-54 579-58 583.84 59 6 .3i 599-45 602.78 606.30 610.01 625.62 628.25 631.03 633-98 637.12 656.24 658.31 660.52 662.88 665.39 40 4i 42 43 44 491.50 497-88 504.51 511.36 518.45 515.07 521.13 527.42 533-93 540.70 539-OI 544-67 550.56 556.69 563.06 563.39 568.59 574.04 579-71 585.62 588.31 593.02 597-94 603.09 608.47 6i3.94 618.07 622.42 626.97 631.77 640.44 643-95 647.65 651.56 655.68 668.06 670.89 673.90 677.IO 680.49 45 525.80 547.72 569.69 59L79 614.12 636.81 660.05 684.II Comb.4 % 40Yr.End 420 Principles and Practice 1 Table No. CXLIIL— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY PAYABLE AT END OF FORTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 33d :j it 11 35th 36th 37th 3 Nth 39th Year. Ye r. Ye~r. \ ear. Year. Year. Year 20 676.12 71502 755-97 799.17 844.85 893.32 944.90 21 676.47 715.22 756.01 799-07 844.67 893.II 944-74 22 676.87 715.43 756.05 798.98 844.48 892.89 944-57 23 677-30 715.66 756.11 798.89 844.29 892.65 944.38 24 677.79 715.94 756.20 798.81 844.09 892.39 944.18 3 678.34 716.26 756 31 798.73 843.87 892 12 943.96 678.96 716.64 756.44 798.66 843.64 89I.82 943.72 3 679.66 7I7.06 756.60 798.59 843.40 89I.50 943.47 680.45 717.54 756.78 798.52 843.14 89I.16 943-19 29 681.31 718.07 757-00 798.45 842.87 89O.79 942.88 30 682.27 718.66 757-24 798.39 842.58 89O.38 942-55 31 683.31 719.3O 757-51 798.33 842.26 889.95 942.19 32 684.45 720.0I 757-80 798.25 841.92 889.48 941.80 33 685.67 720.77 758.12 798.18 841.55 888.97 941.38 34 687.OO 72L59 758.46 798.II 841.16 888.42 940.92 it 688.4I 722.46 758.83 798.03 840.74 887.83 940.42 689.92 723.42 759-24 797.96 840.29 887.I9 939-88 37 69I.54 724.44 759-69 797.89 839.82 886.5O 939-30 38 693.27 725.54 760.18 797-82 839.31 885.76 938.66 39 695-I3 726.73 760.71 797.76 838.77 884.97 937-97 40 697.II 728.OI 761.31 797.72 838.23 884.13 937-22 4i 699.23 729.4O 761.96 797.70 837.65 883.22 936.41 42 70I.50 73O.89 762.69 797.70 837.03 882.24 935-53 43 703-93 732.52 763.50 797.72 836.38 88I.20 934-58 44 706.53 734-28 764.38 797.76 835.71 880.08 933-55 45 u 709.32 736.17 765.36 797.84 835.03 878.92 932.45 10Pay.15Yr.End. Comb. Of Life Insurance. 421 Table No. CXLIV. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL \ CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS PAYABLE AT END OF FIFTEEN YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE. FOUR PER CENT. i Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Year. 66.49 Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year, j 20 136.06 208.88 285.13 364.97 448.56 536.13 627.90 724.05 ! 21 66.47 136.04 208.85 285.08 364.90 448.50 536.09 627.85 724.04 ; 22 66.46 I36.OI 208.81 285.13 364.85 448.46 536.05 627.84 724.06 ! 23 66.44 135.98 208.78 284.99 364.81 448.42 536.02 627.83 724.07 j 24 66.42 135.95 208.72 284.93 364.74 448.35 535.95 627.78 724.07 ; 25 66.42 135.92 208.69 284.89 364.69 448.31 535-93 627.77 724.10 26 66.40 I35-90 208.65 284.84 364.64 448.25 535-88 627.75 724.11 % 66.38 135-86 208.60 284.78 364.57 448.18 535.83 627.73 724.11 66.35 I35.80 208.52 284.68 364.47 448.09 535-75 627.68 724.13 1 29 66.34 135.77 208.47 284.63 364.40 448.02 535-69 627.65 724. 1 5 ; 30 66.32 135.72 208.40 284.54 364.30 447-93 535-62 627.61 724 15 31 66.28 135.67 208.33 284.44 364.21 447-83 535-53 627.56 724.16 32 66.25 I35.60 208.24 284.34 364.09 447-73 535.46 627.52 724.20 33 66.22 135.56 208.18 284.27 364-03 447-67 535.42 627.53 724.26 34 66.20 135.51 208.I2 284.20 363.96 447.62 535.40 627.54 724-34 * 66.17 135.49 208.05 284.14 363.91 447-59 535.41 627.61 724.48 ! 66.16 135-44 208.03 284.II 363.90 447.61 535-47 627.72 724.62 11 66.15 135-44 208.03 284.14 363.96 447.70 535.58 627.84 724.79 i 66.15 135-44 208.06 284.19 364.02 447.68 535-66 627.95 /24-94 ; 39 66.17 I35-50 208.15 284.31 364.17 447.91 535.79 628.08 725.13 40 66.22 135-59 208.28 284.46 364.27 448.00 535-86 628.17 725.28 41 66.31 135-72 208.44 284.61 364.43 448.11 535.96 628.30 725.49 42 66.37 135.84 208.56 284.71 364.48 448.14 535-99 628.38 725.68 43 66.42 135-90 208.60 284.68 3644I 447-99 535-88 628.32 725.84 44 66.46 135.94 208.60 284.65 364-35 447-93 535.89 628.42 726.01 45 66.47 135.94 208.54 284.54 364.22 447-86 535.8o 628.43 726.21 46 66.43 135.83 208.37 284.36 364.02 447-66 535.65 628.40 726.39 % 66.39 135-73 208.24 284.17 363.80 447-44 535-48 628.34 726.56 66.34 I35.63 208.09 283.97 363.56 447.20 535-30 638.31 726.78 49 66.29 135.52 207.9O 283.72 363.26 446.90 535-o6 628.24 726.99 50 66.24 135-34 207.71 283.45 362.97 446.62 534.85 628.19 727.24 5i 66.17 135.25 207.49 283.18 362.65 446.30 534-62 628.16 727.54 52 66.10 135.09 207.25 282.86 362.29 445.98 534-40 628.12 727.85 53 66.01 134.93 206.99 282.52 361.92 445.62 534.13 628.06 728.16 54 65-94 134.76 206.72 282.19 361.59 445.32 533.92 628.07 728.41 55 65.85 134-57 206 45 281.86 361.18 444.87 533-55 i 627.91 728.87 Comb.4* 10Pay.20Yr.End 422 Principles and Practice Table No. CXLV. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS PAYABLE AT END OF TWENTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 3d 3d 4 th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 603.40 20 55-47 "3.49 174.23 237.79 304.32 373.98 446.93 523.35 21 55-48 113.52 174-26 237 83 304.38 374-06 447.04 523.49 663.58 22 55-43 113.54 174-28 237.87 304.43 374.14 447.14 523-63 603.78 23 55-49 H3-55 I743I 237.91 304-50 374.22 447.26 523-77 603.97 24 55-50 113.57 174-34 237.95 304.55 374-30 447.36 523 9 1 604. 14 % 55.52 113.59 174-37 238.OI 304.62 374.40 447-48 524.07 604. 36 55.52 113.62 174.42 238.06 304.70 374-50 447.62 524.25 604.60 % 55-54 113.64 174.46 238.II 304.77 374-59 447.75 524.44 604.84 55-55 113.67 I74.50 238.17 304.86 374.71 447.91 524.65 605.12 29 55-56 H369 174.54 238.23 304.94 374-83 448.Q8 524-87 605.41 30 55-58 II373 17459 238.31 305.05 374.98 448.27 525.14 605.77 31 55-59 113.76 I74.65 238.41 305.I9 375.16 448.53 525.46 606.19 32 55-61 113.81 174-73 238.52 305.35 375-39 448.82 525-84 606.68 33 55 64 II3.87 174.83 238.66 305.55 375-65 449.16 526.29 607.25 34 55-68 113.96 174.95 238.84 305.78 375-95 449- 56 526.79 607.86 35 55-73 II4.07 175.12 239.09 306.13 376.41 450.13 527.49 608.68 36 55-79 II4.I9 175-33 239.39 306.53 376.92 450.75 528.21 609. 5 1 11 55-88 II4.36 175.61 239.78 307.04 377-55 45L50 529.06 610.48 55-97 114.56 175-93 240.22 307.6I 378.24 452.29 529.97 6U.50 39 56.10 II4.83 176.34 240. 78 308.29 379.02 453-i6 530.92 612.58 40 56.26 II5.I6 176.83 241.40 308.98 379-81 454-02 53190 613.70 4i 56.45 "5-53 I77.36 242.05 309.76 380.66 454-99 532.99 614.97 42 56.66 115.92 177-88 242.69 3IO.49 381.49 455-93 534-IO 6l6.28 43 56.86 116.27 178.40 243.30 311. 21 382.33 456.92 535-26 617.69 44 57-Q5 116.63 178.84 243.85 3H.87 383.14 457-9 1 536.48 619.19 9 57.23 116.95 179.27 244.41 312.58 384.01 458.96 537-77 620.77 57.36 117.17 I79.65 244.94 313.26 384.88 460.06 539-12 622.48 % 57.52 117.49 180.IO 245-53 314.02 385.82 461.22 540.60 624.34 57 67 117.80 180.57 246.16 3I4.83 3S6.82 462.49 542.18 626.33 49 57.84 118.13 181.04 246.80 315.64 387.86 463.79 543.84. 628.46 50 58.02 118.43 181.56 247.48 316.53 388.99 465.21 545.64 630.76 10Pay.25Yr.End. Comb.4 % Of L,ifk Insurance. 423' Table No. CXLVI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS PAYABLE AT END OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1st Year. 46.87 46.90 46.93 46.97 47.02 47.07 47.12 47.19 47 25 47.32 47.40 47-49 47-59 47.70 47.84 47-97 48.15 48.36 48.58 48.85 49.16 49-52 49.91 50.29 50.68 51.06 2d Year. 95.87 95-95 96.O3 96.II 96.20 96.31 96.43 96 53 96.66 96.81 96.96 97.15 97.36 97.59 97.87 98.19 98.53 98.95 99.41 99-97 100.61 101.31 ro2.o6 102.78 103.54 104.29 3d Year. 147.15 147.27 147.38 147.52 147.65 147.80 I48.OO I48.16 148.36 148.58 148.82 149. 1 1 149.43 149.80 150.22 T50.70 I5L25 I5L90 152.62 I53.48 154-44 155.47 156.54 157.58 158.67 r59-76 4th Year. 200.8o 200.96 20I.I2 201.30 201.48 20I.70 201.96 202.18 202.45 202.76 203.O9 203.49 203.93 204.44 205.OI 205.68 206.44 207.34 208.34 209.49 210.75 2I2.08 213.46 214.78 2I6.2I 217.64 5 th Year. 256.96 257-15 257-37 257-59 257.82 258.10 258.45 258.73 259.07 259-47 259.91 260.42 261.00 261.66 262.30 263.27 264.27 265.42 266.69 268.13 269.62 271.27 272.92 274-55 276.32 278.14 6th Year. 315-73 3I5-98 316.24 3I6.5I 3I6.8I 317.14 317.57 317-93 318.36 318.86 3I9-4I 320.05 320.78 32I.60 322.51 323.62 324.85 326.27 327.81 329.50 331.26 333.18 335-12 337-05 339-21 341.41 7th Year. 377.26 377.56 377.87 378.22 378.57 378.98 379-39 379.92 380.46 381.07 381.75 382.53 383.42 384.43 385.53 386.89 388.36 390.04 39I.82 393-77 395.78 397-97 400.23 402.5I 405.08 407.71 8th Year. 44I.7O 442.05 442.43 442.83 443.26 443.75 444. 26 444.88 445.54 9th Year. 447.09 448.03 449.09 450.3I 45I.63 453.23 454-94 456.86 458.90 461.09 463.37 465.88 468.50 47L27 474.18 477-29 509.I7 509.60 5I0.05 510.54 5".04 511.62 512.24 512.97 513.75 446.27 5I4.6I 515.59 516.71 517.98 519.42 520.96 522.81 524.76 526.94 529 23 531.69 534.28 537.14 540.16 543-37 546.80 550.44 Comb.4 % 10Pay.30Yr.End. 4 -'4 Principles and Practice Table No. CXLVII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS PAYABLE AT END OF THIRTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 3 % 29 30 31 32 33 34 11 U 39 40 1st Year. 40.I9 40.27 40.35 40.44 40.53 40.64 40.75 40.86 4I.02 41.17 41.33 41.52 41.72 41.94 42.20 42.48 42.78 43-13 43.51 43-95 44-43 2d Year. 82.23 82.38 82.54 82.72 82.9I 83.13 83.37 83.60 83.9O 84.21 84.53 84.92 85.33 85.78 86.30 86.89 87.51 88.23 89.OI 89.91 Year. 126.I9 126.42 126.66 126.94 127.23 127.56 127.92 I28.3O 128.74 129.22 129.72 I30.30 I30.94 131.65 132.44 133.21 134.30 I35.40 136.61 137.99 9O.9I 139.50 4 th Year. 172.17 172.48 I72.8I 173.19 173-59 I74.O4 174-53 I75.04 I75.64 176.29 176.98 177.76 178.65 179.62 I80.7I l8l. 91 183.26 18477 186.43 188.30 I90.3I Mh Year. 220.28 220.67 22I.IO 221.59 222.09 222.66 223.29 223.95 224.71 225.54 226.44 227.43 228.58 229.83 231.23 232.77 234.51 236.47 238.58 240.92 243.37 6th Year. 270.61 271.IO 271.63 272.22 272.84 273.54 274-31 275.13 276.07 277.09 278.22 279.42 2S0.86 2S?.4i 284.13 7th Year. 323.30 323.89 324-5I 325.23 325.97 326.81 327-73 328.72 329.84 33L07 332.41 333-99 335.6i 337-48 339-57 286.05 341.87 288.20 344-45 290.60 347.28 293.16 350.28 295.96 353-53 298.88 '356.91 8th Year. 9th Year. 378.44 436.18 379-14 437-00 379.S9 437-86 380.72 381.59 382.57 383.66 384.84 386.16 387.64 389.20 391.06 392.99 395-21 397-67 400.38 403.36 406.63 410.08 413-79 438.82 439-84 440.99 442.26 443-63 445-17 446.86 448.73 450.86 453-14 455-73 458.52 461.70 465.08 468.82 472.71 476.90 417.66 481 ■30 10Pay.35Yr.End. Comb.4 % Of Lifk Insurance. 425 Table No. CXLVIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS PAYABLE AT END OF THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age 20 21 22 23 24 % % 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1st Year. 35-12 35.24 35.38 35-53 35.69 35.88 36.06 36.28 36.51 36.75 37.03 37.32 37.63 37-99 38.37 38.79 2d Year. 7I.8I 72.09 72.36 72.67 73.00 73-37 73-75 74.19 74.66 75-i6 75-69 76.30 76.96 77.69 78.47 79-34 3d Year. II0.2I IIO.61 III. 03 III. 50 II2.00 H2.53 113-15 113. 8l H4-53 H5.30 Il6. 12 II7.06 II8.O7 Iig. l8 I2O.39 I2I.70 4 th Year. 150.35 150.89 151.46 152.09 152.78 153.53 154.35 155.24 156.22 157.26 158.39 I59.67 161.06 162.57 164.23 166.04 5 th Year. 192.34 I93.OI 193-74 194-55 195.43 196.40 197-43 198.57 199.81 201.15 202.64 204.24 206.OI 207.97 2IO.O9 212.41 fit h Year. 236.25 237.08 237.97 238.97 24O.O4 241.23 242.49 243.90 245.42 247.07 248.88 250.88 253.07 255.48 257.II 260.97 7th Year. 282.I9 283.18 284.25 285.44 286.71 288.I3 289.65 291.34 293.15 295.14 297.31 299.71 302.34 305.23 308.38 311.82 Year. 330.27 33L44 332.68 334-08 335-57 337-22 339-oi 340.97 343-12 345-46 348.01 350.84 353-94 357-35 361.03 365.10 9 th Year. 380.60 381.94 383.38 385-09 386.71 388.63 39O.69 392.96 395-46 398.16 401.13 404.41 408.02 411.97 4I6.2I 420.91 Comb.4 % End.Age35 426 Principles and Practice Table No. CXLIX. I TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL ' CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. • 1st 2d 3d 4th Sth 6th 7 th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 47.42 97.OI 148.9O 203.19 260.OI 319.48 381.75 21 52.07 I06.54 163.53 223.18 285.61 350.98 419.42 22 57-47 H7-59 180.52 246.37 315.33 3S7.53 463.17 23 63.80 130.56 200.43 273-59 350.I9 430.43 5I4.50 24 71.31 145 95 224.09 305. 9 1 39I.63 481.42 575.52 % 80.38 164.51 252.62 344-91 441.60 542.93 649. 16 91.50 187.31 287.66 392.8o 502.99 618.50 739-62 11 IO5.46 215.93 33I.65 452.94 580.08 7I3.40 853.25 123.49 252.86 388.44 530.57 679.61 835-94 29 147.60 302.28 464.44 634.47 812.83 30 181.48 37L7I 571.18 780.43 31 232.40 476.10 73L74 32 317.49 650.52 33 487.96 • 8th Year. 446.95 491. II 542.40 602.60 674.18 760.54 866.67 Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 9th Year. 515.24 566.22 625.44 694.96 777.63 877-39 10th Year. 586.79 644.95 712.49 79I.8I 886.13 ltth Year. 661.77 727.46 803.77 893.40 12th Year. 740.38 813.99 899.52 13th Year. S22.80 904.75 14th Year. 909.27 End.Age40 Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 427 Table No CL. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FORTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st. Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5th Year. 6th Year. 7 th Year. 8th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 31.39 33-88 36.64 39-76 43.31 64.19 69.29 74-95 81.32 88.57 98.49 IO6.29 II4.99 124.80 135.93 134.33 I44.98 156.87 170.26 185.47 I7I.80 185.44 200.67 217.83 237.30 2II.OO 227.76 246.49 267.61 291.56 25L99 272.04 294.45 3I9.7I 348.35 294.87 318.36 344.63 374.24 407.82 26 27 28 29 47.31 51.95 57-35 63.63 71.15 96.82 I06.30 H7-33 130.23 145-61 148.60 163.17 180. 1 1 199.96 223.60 202.78 222.69 245.84 272.98 305.29 259-49 285 OI 314.69 349-47 390.88 318.85 350.27 386.78 429.63 480.61 381.02 418.62 462.34 513.64 574.70 446.I4 49O.26 54L54 601.74 673.40 30 31 32 33 34 80.19 91.26 IO5.20 123.22 147.31 164.12 186.87 215.45 252.37 301.78 252.06 287.05 331.02 387.81 463.82 344.21 392.07 452.21 529.88 633.89 440.82 502.20 579-34 679.00 812.44 542.12 617.73 712.76 835.55 648.38 738.98 852.85 759-91 866.28 36 37 38 l8l. 16 232.05 317.18 487.71 371.19 475.65 650.20 570.64 731.38 780.04 1 1 Age. 20 21 22 23 24 9tli Year. I0t.li Year. 11th Year. 12th Year. 13th Year. 14th Year. 15th Year. 16 th Year. 339-74 366.85 397.17 431.36 470.12 386.71 417.61 452.20 491.19 535-41 435.87 470.76 509.83 553-88 603.85 487.36 526.44 570.22 619.59 675.61 541.30 584-79 633.53 688.51 750.90 597.81 645.95 699.92 760.80 829.91 657.06 710.09 769.56 836.67 912.86 719.18 777-37 842.65 9 l6 -33 2 | 26 27 28 29 514.38 565.34 624.59 694.17 776.99 585.9 2 644.09 711.72 79I.I8 885.75 660.93 726.68 803.I5 893.02 739.62 813.37 899.16 822.21 904.39 908.92 30 877.OO Age. 17th Year. ISth Year. 19th Year. 20 21 22 784.35 847.98 919.39 852.75 922.12 924.57 Comb.4 % End.Age45 428 Principles and Practice Table No. CLI. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FORTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 3 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 II 11 39 40 4i 42 43 1st Year. 22.21 23.70 25.35 27 15 29.14 31-37 33.83 36.60 39-64 43.18 47.19 5i 78 57.14 63.41 70.88 79.90 90.98 104.88 122.86 146.94 180.78 231.71 316.80 487.37 2d Year. 45.36 48.44 5I.80 55-50 59-58 64.II 69.15 74.81 8l. II 88.33 96.53 I05.95 H6.93 129.80 I45. II 163:59 186.30 214.86 25L74 301.15 370.60 475-09 649-77 3d Year. 69-55 74 27 79-44 85.11 91 39 98-33 106.08 114.76 124.46 135-54 148.14 162.65 179.51 199.32 222.88 251 31 286.27 330.22 387.01 463.07 569.98 730.92 4th Year. 94.80 IOI.25 108.31 116.07 124.61 I34.IO 144.68 156.53 169.81 184.92 202.I6 221.99 245.07 272.17 304.37 343 29 391-14 45L30 529.04 633.17 779 56 5th Year. 121. 18 129.43 138 46 148.36 159-32 171.49 185.03 200.21 217.24 236.61 258.71 284.15 313-75 348.39 389.84 439-79 501.29 578.44 678.23 811.95 6th Year. 148.74 158.87 169.95 182.16 195.63 210.58 227.23 245.91 266.86 290.72 317.93 349.28 385-7I 428.54 479-49 54i-o6 616.78 711.98 835.05 7th Year. 177.52 189.62 202.89 217.46 233.58 251.46 271.38 293.73 318.83 347.39 379-97 417.50 461.18 512.50 573-59 647.40 738.18 852.35 flth Year. 207.60 221.76 237.30 254-39 273.27 294.23 317.58 343-79 373.36 406.77 445-OI 489.08 540.35 I 600.63 ! 672.39 J 759-IO I 865.78 j End.Age45 Comb.4 % Of L,iff, Insurance. 429" Table No. CLI. — Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT AGE OF FORTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 9th lOth ltth lath 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 239.03 271.89 306.24 342.17 379-75 4T9.08 460.26 503-38 21 255.37 290.50 327.25 365.68 405.90 448.OI 492.II 538.32 22 273.28 310.92 350 29 391-49 434.62 479.79 527.12 576.70 23 293.OO 333-39 375-66 419.92 466.26 5I4.82 565.69 619.05 24 314.78 358.24 403.73 45L37 501.28 553.57 608.42 665.96 25 338.98 385.83 434.90 486.30 540.18 596.67 655.93 718.13 26 365.96 416.61 469.71 525-29 583.62 644.80 709.OI 776.43 27 396.22 451.14 508.69 569.06 632.38 698.83 768.62 841.9I 28 430.27 49O.OI 552.67 618.40 687.38 759.82 835.90 915.88 29 468.96 534-22 602.65 674.58 749.9I 829.13 912.41 30 513.19 584.72 659.79 738.61 821.42 908.45 31 564.15 642.94 725.67 812.58 903.92 32 623.45 710.69 802.34 8Q8.67 33 693.16 790.37 892.53 34 776.17 885.26 35 876.51 17th ISth 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 548.55 595-90 645.55 697.63 752.29 809.68 869.97 933-34 21 586.72 637.5I 690.77 746.77 805.37 867.02 931.83 22 628.71 683.27 740.52 800.65 863.80 930.18 23 675.03 733-77 795.46 860.26 928.36 24 726.35 789.75 856.36 926.36 2,S 783.44 852.05 924.15 26 847.26 921.70 27 918.96 Comb.4 % End.Age50 430 Principles and Practice Table No. CLII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BV EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FIFTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR. COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5lh 6th 7th 8ih Agb. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. V t „r. 20 16.43 33 54 51.39 70.OO 89.4I IO9.66 I30.7S 152.82 21 17.40 35-55 54.48 7422 94. So II6.23 I38.67 I62.O5 22 IS.49 37-75 57.83 100.64 123.43 147-23 I72.05 23 I9.63 40.09 61.43 83.71 106.93 131. 17 156.47 182.88 24 20.88 42.65 65.37 89.05 II379 139-59 166.52 I94.66 2 22.25 45-43 69.63 94.88 121.24 148.75 177-43 207.48 23-75 7432 IOI.26 129.40 158.79 189.47 221.53 11 25.36 51.82 79-43 IO8.25 138.34 169.77 202.6I 236.92 2715 55-47 85.05 "5-93 148.16 181.86 217.07 25389 29 29.13 59-53 91.27 124.41 15904 19523 233.08 272.68 30 31.32 64.00 98.14 I33.8I 17109 210.06 250.82 293.48 31 33-75 68.98 105. Si I4430 184.53 226.63 270.64 316.74 32 36.48 7459 114.42 156.07 199.63 245-I7 292.88 33 39-56 80.89 124.11 169.34 216.59 266.12 317.97 372.30 34 4304 8S.04 135.12 184.33 335.8! 2S9.SS 346.45 405 -74 $ 4703 96.20 147.66 201.53 25794 317.05 379-OI 44398 51.63 105.59 162.13 221.34 283.36 348.38 416.52 488.06 11 56.94 116.54 178.96 244.37 312.93 460.20 539-30 63.20 129.39 198.75 271.44 347.65 427.62 511-47 59953 39 70.65 144.68 222.28 303.63 388.99 473.52 572.51 67I.25 40 79.66 163.16 250.71 342.54 438.87 540.00 646. 26 758.03 4i 00.73 185.84 2S5.64 390.31 500.19 615.64 73709 865.02 42 104.61 214.36 329-47 450.32 577.29 710.86 851.56 43 122.54 251. 11 386.08 527.89 677.06 834.21 44 146.52 300.35 461.96 631.96 811.05 n 180.24 369.59 568.78 778.62 230.99 473.98 729.94 47 315.97 648.83 4« 486.61 End.Age50 Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 43i Table No. CLII. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FIFTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 9th Age. Year. 20 I75.8I 21 186.45 22 197-97 23 210.46 24 224.03 % 238.82 255-03 % 272.81 292.41 29 314.05 338.13 365.02 395-19 429.25 467.89 512.13 56306 622.32 692.03 775-13 875.77 lOth mi, Year. Year. I99.8r 224.86 2H.92 238.52 225.05 253.31 239-25 269.34 254.72 286.79 271.58 305.83 290.06 326.72 3>o.35 349-59 332.66 374.85 357.41 402.82 384.89 415.60 450.06 488.94 533-12 583.61 641.82 709.57 789.34 884.55 433-89 468.62 507.58 55L59 601.53 658.66 724.55 801.33 891.85 12th Year. 25I.02 266.29 282.84 3OO.78 320.33 34I.69 365.02 390.70 419.02 450.39 485.25 524.19 567.95 617.29 673.35 737-50 811.59 898.01 13th Year. 278.34 295.31 313.70 333.67 355.42 379-14 405.16 433-75 465.30 500.25 539" 582.52 631.25 686.27 748.80 820.44 903.27 14th Year. 306.88 325.64 345.98 368.07 392.09 418.38 447.19 478.86 513.81 552.51 595.59 643.69 697.71 758.74 828.17 907.82 15th Year. 336 71 357.35 379-75 404.02 430.52 459-47 491.22 526.14 564.65 607.38 654.85 707.91 767 54 834.97 911.78 16th Year. 367.90 390.53 415.03 441.69 470.76 502.53 537:38. 575.69 618.03 664.90 7I7.05 775.38 840.99 915.27 Comb.4 % End.Age50 43 2 Principles and Practice Table No. CLII. — Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FIFTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 400.52 434.65 470.38 507.80 547.OO 588.IO 631.20 21 425.20 461.54 499.58 539-44 581.23 625.02 671.OO 22 452.01 490-73 53L29 573.82 618.38 665.17 714.23 23 481.14 522.47 565.80 611.20 658.87 708.85 761.33 24 512.91 557-u 603.42 652.04 703.03 756.55 812.78 25 547-66 594-99 644.62 696.69 751.36 808.79 869.21 26 585.76 636.55 689.80 745.71 804.45 866.24 93L33 27 627.71 682.26 739-53 799.69 862.98 929.66 28 673-99 732.75 794.48 859.42 927.83 29 725-30 788.75 855.50 925.81 30 782.41 851.16 923.59 31 846.35 921.12 32 918.36 24th Year. 676.40 719.20 765.74 816.46 871.94 932.85 Age 25 th Year 723.8I 769.81 819.85 874.45 934.25 26th Year. 773-59 822.98 876.77 935-54 27th Year. 825.89 878.91 936.73 28th Year. 880.90 937.84 29th Vear. 938.86 End.Age55 Comb.4 % Of Life; Insurance. 433 Table No. CLIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FIFTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7 th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 12.64 25.76 39-45 53.69 68.52 83.96 IOO.O4 Il6.8o 21 I3.30 27.18 41.59 56.62 72.27 88.55 I05.52 I23.I9 22 14.05 28.67 43-90 59-75 76.26 93-45 III. 36 I30.02 23 14.83 30.28 46.36 63.09 80.54 98.70 II7.63 137.34 24 15.68 32.OI 49.OO 66.70 85.14 104.34 124.37 145-22 % 16.59 33.84 51.84 7o.57 90.08 110.42 131. 6l 153.69 17-57 35.86 54.90 74.76 95-43 116.97 139 43 162.85 2 l 18.62 38.OO 58.20 79.24 IOI.I8 124.04 147.87 172.74 28 19.77 40.34 61.79 84.14 IO7.44 I3L73 157.06 183.50 29 2I.OI 42.88 65.68 8945 114.22 140.06 167.04 195.19 30 22.37 45.63 69.90 95-21 121. 6l 149-15 I7790 207.92 31 23.82 48.64 74-54 101.53 I29.71 159-13 189.81 221.90 32 25-44 5I.96 79.61 108.48 I38.63 170.06 202.93 237.28 33 27.22 55.60 85.22 116.15 I48.4O 182.12 217.37 254.22 34 29.18 59.62 91.42 124.58 159.24 195.48 233.36 272.98 9 31.37 64.08 98.26 133.97 171.29 210.31 251.12 293.83 33.82 69.08 105.95 144.48 184.75 226.89 270.98 317.09 ? 36.52 74.67 114.55 156.23 I99.85 245.48 293.20 343.07 39.61 8I.OI 124.26 169.53 216.88 266.42 318.17 372.38 39 43.IO 88.14 13^.27 184.58 236.16 290.06 346.49 405.50 40 47.O9 96.34 147.87 201.77 258.12 317.07 378.73 443-32 4i 51.69 IO5.76 162.33 221.44 283 32 348.04 4I5.8I 486.89 42 57.03 II6.68 179.02 244.27 3I2.50 383.98 458.92 537.6o 43 63.25 I29.3O 198-55 270.92 346.71 426.16 5O9.64 597.40 44 70.58 144.44 221.70 302.60 387.45 476.53 570.2I 668.85 4§ 79.46 162.58 249.63 340.91 436.76 537.56 643.74 755-8o 46 90.30 184.87 284.03 388.15 497-65 612.94 734-73 863.48 8 IO3.96 212.96 327.42 447-79 574-53 708.40 849.93 121.65 249.39 383.72 525.18 674.56 832.52 49 145-44 298.37 459.42 629.49 809.33 So 178.97 367.42 566.44 776.88 5i 229.56 472.04 728.25 52 314.58 647.27 53 485.38 Comb.4 % End.Age55 434 Principles and Practice Table No. CLIII. — Continued. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLL CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FIFTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT ] DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE FOUR PER CENT. Age. 9th 10th Uth 12th 13th 14th 15th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 134.25 152.43 I7L37 igi. II 211.68 233.13 255.50 21 141.60 160.78 180.77 20I.6I 223.33 245.99 269.64 22 149.46 169.71 190.83 212.85 235.82 259.78 284.81 23 157.89 179-31 201.64 224.93 249.24 274.62 30I.I0 24 16698 189.64 213.27 237.94 263.71 290.58 318.67 3 176.72 200. 74 225.80 251.96 279.28 307.82 337.64 187.27 212.75 239-37 267.13 296.15 326.48 358.19 27 I98.68 225.78 254.02 283.56 314-44 346.71 380.48 28 211. IO 239.89 269.99 301.45 334-32 368,74 404.73 29 224.58 255.27 287.37 320.91 356.02 392.73 431.15 30 239.29 272.07 306.34 342.20 379.71 418.94 459-96 31 255-44 29O.48 327.16 365.52 405.66 447-59 49!-5i 32 273.18 310.75 350.05 391.16 434-12 479.II 526.14 33 292.76 333.08 375.28 4I9.35 465.51 513.77 564-32 34 314.43 357-79 403.II 450.56 500.17 552.13 606.61 35 338.49 385.19 434.04 485.15 538.67 594-79 653-72 36 365.28 415.73 468.48 523-74 581.68 642.51 706.49 11 395-30 449.89 507.08 567.04 630.01 696.22 765.93 429.05 488.40 550.64 615.98 684.71 757.06 833.51 39 467.30 532.II 600.16 671.71 747.04 826.64 910.79 40 511.04 582.15 656.93 735-70 818.84 906.77 41 561.50 639.98 722.59 809 88 902.16 42 620.36 707.48 799-52 896.83 43 689.79 787.40 890.59 44 773.04 883.20 45 874.33 End.Age55 Comb.4 % Op L/iFp Insurance:. 435 Table No^ CLIII.— Concluded. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS TILL MATURITY, PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FIFTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 16th Year. 17th Year. 18th Year. 19th Year. 20th Year. 21st Year. 22d Year. 23 45.36 848.91 894.79 944.86 % 893.78 944-33 943-77 10Pay.End.Age35-40 Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance 449 Table No. CLVII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS PAYABLE AT AGE OF THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5 th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. Hth Year. 9th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 25 66.48 69.OI 71.66 74-43 77.32 80.38 136.07 I4I.24 146.66 152.34 158.28 164.51 208.88 216.85 225.18 233.90 243.04 252.62 285.13 296.OO 307.39 3I9.3I 33I.8I 344.91 364.95 378.88 393-49 408.78 424.81 441.60 448.55 465.71 483.68 502.51 522.25 542.93 536.13 556.66 578.18 600. 74 624.38 649.16 627.88 651.98 677.23 703.69 73L44 760.54 724.04 751.88 781.07 8H.65 843.74 877-39 Table No. CLVIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS PAYABLE AT AGE OF FORTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4th Year. 5th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 8th Year. 9th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 l 28 29 30 55-47 57.46 59-55 61-73 64.02 66.42 68.92 71-54 74.28 77.16 80.19 113.49 117.59 121.87 126.35 I3I.02 135.92 141.06 146.43 I52.05 157.95 164.12 174.23 180.51 187.09 193-97 20I.I6 208.69 216.58 224.84 233.50 242.56 252.06 237.79 246.38 255.37 264.76 274.59 284.89 295.67 306.97 318.82 33L2I 344-21 304.32 3I5.32 326.84 338.88 351.50 364.69 378.53 393.02 408.20 424.12 440.82 373-99 387.52 401.70 416.53 432.05 448.31 465.34 483-19 501.91 521.53 542.12 446.94 463.14 480.09 497-86 516.47 535-93 556.33 577-73 600.16 623.69 648.38 523-35 542.36 562.26 583.09 604.92 627.77 651.74 676.87 703.22 730.88 759-91 603.40 625.36 648.36 672.44 697.66 724.IO 751.82 780.87 811.38 843-38 877.OO Comb.4* 10Pay.End.Age45 450 Principles axd Practice Table CLIX. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS PAYABLE AT AGE OF FORTY-FIVE, OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE. FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 20 21 22 23 24 li % 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 46.86 4S.44 50.10 51.82 53-62 55-52 57.48 59-55 61.70 63.96 66.31 68.78 71.36 74.07 76.91 79.89 2d Year. 95-88 99.12 IO2.51 106.05 IO9.74 II3.60 II7.64 121.85 126.27 130.89 135.72 140.78 146,08 I51.64 157.47 163.59 3d Year. 147.16 152.14 157.34 162.77 168.45 174.38 180.58 187.08 193.86 200.97 208.40 216.19 224.35 232.9I 24I.9O 251.31 4 th Year. 200.8I 207.61 214.71 222.15 229.90 238.OI 246.49 255.36 264.65 274.36 284.54 295.20 306.36 318.08 330.37 343-29 5th Year. 256.96 265.67 274.78 284.28 294.23 3 4.63 3I5.50 326.87 338.78 35L25 364- 30 378.OO 392-34 407.39 423.19 439-79 6th Year. 315-73 326.45 337-65 349-35 361.61 374-40 387-79 401.79 416.47 431.83 447-93 464.79 482.51 50J.07 520.56 541.06 7th Year. 377.26 390.08 403-49 417.50 432.16 447.48 463.53 480.31 497.90 5I6.3I 535-62 555.85 577-IO 599-38 622.79 647.40 Hth Year. 441.69 456.73 472.46 488.89 506.O9 524.07 542.90 562.63 583.27 604.9I 627.60 65L39 676.38 702.60 730.I5 759-IO 9th Year. 509.I7 526.54 544-70 563.70 583.56 604.37 626.13 648.95 672.84 697.88 724.I5 75L70 780.65 8H.03 842.95 876.51 10Pay.End.Age50 Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 45i Table No. CLX. TERMINAL NET VALUES OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, PAYABLE AT AGE OF FIFTY OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3 29 30 31 32 33 34 !§ % 39 40 1st Year. 40.20 41.46 42.77 44.14 45-57 47.07 48.63 50.26 51.95 53-73 55-57 57.51 59-53 61.64 63.86 66.17 68.60 71.17 73.84 76.67 79.66 2d Year. 82.23 84.81 87.51 90.32 93.24 96.31 99.49 102.82 106.30 IO9.93 "3-73 117.69 121.83 126.18 130.71 135.47 140.46 I45.7I 151.22 157.04 63.16 3d Year. 126.19 I30.I5 I34.30 138.61 143. 1 1 147.80 152.71 157.82 163.17 168.76 174-59 180.67 187.06 193.75 200.73 208.06 215.76 223.83 232.33 241.29 250.71 4th Year. 172.17 177.58 183.24 189.14 I95.28 201.70 208.40 215-39 222.71 230.33 238.31 246.64 255.39 264.52 274.10 284.14 294.68 305.75 3I7.4 1 329.66 342.54 5 th Year. 220.28 227.21 234.45 242.OO 249.88 258.IO 266.69 275.66 285.02 294.81 305.05 315.76 326.97 338.70 35LOI 363.91 377.46 391.69 406.66 422.38 438.87 6th Year. 270.61 279.14 288.05 297-34 307.03 317.14 327.72 338.75 350.29 362.37 374.98 388.18 402.OI 416.48 431.66 447.59 464.32 481.88 500.32 5I9.67 540.00 7th Year. 323.30 333-49 344.15 355-26 366.87 378.98 391.64 404.86 418.68 433.14 448.27 464.10 480.69 498.06 516.29 535-41 555.48 576.55 598.66 621.87 646.26 Hth Year. 378.44 39O.4I 402.90 415.93 429.55 443-75 458.61 474-13 490.36 507.36 525.I4 543-75 563.24 583.69 605.13 627.62 651.22 675.98 701.99 729.30 758.03 9th Year. 436.19 450.00 464.43 479-47 495-19 511.62 528.79 546.75 565.53 585.18 605.77 627.33 649.90 673.59 698.42 724.48 751.81 780.50 810.65 842.37 875.77 Comb.4 % 10Pay.End.Age55 452 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXI. TERMINAL NET VALUES OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS, PAYABLE AT AGE OF FIFTY-FIVE OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 U % 29 30 3i 32 33 34 3 11 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 1st Year. 35-12 36.14 37 20 38.30 39-44 40.64 41.89 43.18 44-53 45-94 47.40 43.93 50.52 52.18 53.92 55.73 57.63 59.63 61.71 63.91 66.22 68.66 71.21 73.86 76.59 79-45 2d Year. 7I.8I 73-92 76.09 78.34 80.68 83.13 85.68 88.33 91.09 93.97 96.97 100. I I 103.35 106 78 110.33 114.05 H7-95 122.02 126.32 130.84 135.59 140.58 145.78 I5I-I7 156.76 162.58 3d Vear. II0.2I II3.4I H6.75 I20.20 I23.8I 127.56 I3L48 135.55 139.79 144.22 I48.82 I53.64 158.65 163.9I 169.38 175.13 l8l. 12 187.4I I94.O4 2OO.99 208.28 215-93 223.87 232.13 240.68 249.63 4th Year. 150.35 154.72 159.27 163.99 168.92 174.04 179 39 184.95 190.75 196.79 203.O9 209.68 216.56 223.73 231.23 239.O9 247.31 255.92 265.OI 274.50 284.46 294.86 305.68 316.92 328.64 340.9I 5th Year. 192.34 197.92 203.75 209.79 2I6.IO 222.66 229.50 236.64 244.08 251.83 259.9I 268.36 277.18 286.39 296.O3 306.I3 316.69 327-77 339-40 351-59 364.30 377-59 391.41 405.85 420.93 436.76 6 th Year. 236.25 243.II 250.27 257.71 265.47 273.54 281.97 290.74 299.90 309.44 319.41 329 83 340.70 352.06 363.95 376.41 389.44 403.II 417.43 432.40 448.03 464.35 481.39 499-23 5I7.9I 537.56 7 th Year. 282.20 290.39 298.96 307.86 317.14 326.81 336.89 347-39 358.36 369.80 381.75 394.23 407.28 420.9I 435.18 450.13 465.76 482.14 499.27 5I7.I8 535.89 555-47 575-93 597.41 619.97 643.74 8th Year. 330.27 339.89 349.93 360.35 37L24 382.57 394-40 406.73 419.61 433.05 447.09 461.76 477-09 493.13 509.92 527-48 545.86 565.09 585.18 6o6.2I 628.20 651.25 675.42 700.82 727.56 755.80 9th Year. 380.60 391.69 403.28 4I5-32 427.88 440.99 454-66 468.92 483.80 499-35 515-59 532.58 550.33 568.91 588.34 608.68 629.93 652.17 675.42 699.79 725.31 752.IO 780.26 809.93 841.22 374-33 OF lOPay. End. Age60 Comb.4 % Of Lifk Insurance. 453 Table No. CLXII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS PAYABLE AT AGE OF SIXTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Si 3 39 40 4i 42 43 44 9 49 50 1st Year. 3I-36 32.19 33.06 33-96 34-89 35.87 36.88 37-94 39.02 40.16 41-34 42.56 43.83 45.16 46.56 47.98 49.49 51-07 52.71 54-44 56.26 58.16 60.16 62.21 64,30 66.47 68.68 70.98 73-39 75.91 78.56 2d Year. 64.II 65.83 67.61 69.46 71.38 73-37 75-44 77.58 79-83 82.14 84.53 87.05 89.66 92.39 95.22 98.17 IOI.27 IO4.49 IO7.88 III. 42 115. 16 II9.08 123.IO 127.25 131.52 135.94 140.44 I45.I6 1 50.II 155.31 160.76 3d Year. 98.37 IOI.OO IO3.72 106.56 IO9.51 112.54 115.74 II9.05 122.47 126.03 129.72 I33o9 137.60 141.78 146.14 I50.70 155.45 160.43 165.64 171. IO 176.83 182.80 188.94 195.28 201.79 208.54 2I5.50 222.82 230.45 238.48 246.92 4th Year. I34-I7 137.76 141.48 I45.36 149-37 153.53 157.89 162.36 167.06 171.93 176.98 182.27 187.76 193.48 199-45 205.69 2I2.20 219.OI 226 15 233.62 241,41 249.50 257.83 266.42 275-31 284.54 294.13 304.17 314.68 325.75 337-39 5th Year. 171.62 176.19 180.95 185.91 I9L05 I96.4O 201.94 207.70 213.71 219.96 226.44 233.21 240.26 247.61 255.27 263.28 271.64 280.39 289.54 299.09 309 OI 3I9.32 329.93 340.94 352.34 364.22 376.59 389.56 403.I5 417.49 432.59 6th Year. 210.77 216.39 222.24 228.33 234.66 241.23 248.04 255.14 262.52 270.21 278.21 286.55 295.24 304.29 313.74 323.63 333-94 344-73 355-97 367.68 379.84 392.45 405.50 419.05 433.14 447-86 463.22 479-34 496.27 514.14 533-02 7th Year. 8th Year. 251.72 258.45 265.43 272.71 280.26 288.13 296.28 304.78 3I3-63 322.84 332.41 342.41 352.83 363.69 375-04 386.89 399-26 412.16 425-59 439-55 454-06 469.13 484.77 501.06 518.05 535.8o 554-38 573.91 594-48 616.22 639-25 294-55 302.43 310.63 3I9-I4 328.00 337-22 346.80 356.76 367.14 377-94 389.20 400.95 413-19 425-97 9th Year. 439-30 506.72 453-23 467.75 482.85 498.58 514.92 53L93 549.63 568.05 587.28 607.37 628.43 650.52 673.78 698.33 724.32 75L94 339-38 348.47 357.92 367.75 377.97 388.63 399.69 4II.20 423.21 435.70 448.73 462.31 476.49 491.28 522.81 539-57 557-02 575.16 594.04 613.73 634.27 655.69 678.10 701.56 726.21 752.14 779-49 808.43 839-16 871.88 Comb.4 % 10Pay.End.Age65 454 Principles AND Practice r Table No. CLXIII. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS PAYABLE AT AGE OF SIXTY-FIVE YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE. FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st Year. 2d Year. 3d Year. 4 th Year. 5th Year. 6th Year. 7th Year. 8th Year. 9th ! Year. 20 21 22 23 24 28.68 29.38 30.I2 30.87 31.66 58.64 60.09 61.59 63.13 64.75 89.95 92.16 94-47 96.84 99-33 122.66 125.69 128.83 I32.O9 r35-46 156.87 160.73 164.76 168.9O 173-22 I92.62 197-37 202.33 207.4I 212.71 230.02 235.70 241.60 247.69 254.02 269.12 275.78 282.68 289.81 297.22 3I0.03 ! 3I7.70 325.65 333.89 342.45 % 27 28 29 32.48 33-32 34.20 35.11 36.05 66.41 68.14 69.93 7I.8I 73-71 101.87 104.52 107.28 110.12 113.07 I38.94 142.56 I46.3O I50.I9 154.23 177.69 182.31 l87.II I92.IO 197.26 2I8.2I 223.89 229.79 235-92 242.28 260.59 267.40 274.44 281.79 289.4I 304 93 312.91 321.19 329.79 338.73 35L33 360.55 ! 370.12 ! 380.06 390.40 1 30 31 32 33 34 37.02 38-03 39-07 40.16 41.30 75.69 77-77 79.92 82.16 84.46 116. 13 119.31 122.61 126 04 129.61 I58.40 162.75 167.26 171.95 176.83 202.62 208.I9 213.98 220.00 226.26 248.88 255-75 262.88 270.29 278.OI 297.31 305.53 3I4.08 322.97 332.23 348.01 357.67 367.72 378.17 389.05 401.13 412.31 1 423-94 436.04 448.62 IS II 39 42.47 43.69 44.98 46.30 47.70 86.87 89.38 91.99 94-74 97.61 133-31 137.18 141. 19 145.42 149.84 l8l. 91 187.19 I92.70 I98.49 2J4.50 232.77 239-56 246.65 254-05 261.73 2S6.05 294.43 303.I5 312.23 32I.6I 341.87 351-90 262.33 373-13 384.30 400.38 412.13 424.32 436.92 449.96 461.70 475.24 489.28 503.79 518.81 40 4i 42 43 44 49.17 50.70 52.29 53.92 55-55 100.61 103.73 106.96 110.23 H3-54 154.44 159.20 164.07 169.04 174.09 210.75 217.18 223.76 230.49 237.35 269.66 277.82 286.18 294.74 303-52 33L30 34L24 351.48 361.99 372.81 395.81 407.66 419.88 432.48 445.49 463.41 477.29 491.64 506.47 521.83 534.32 550.39 567-02 584.27 602.16 8 47 48 49 57.23 58.91 60.65 62.44 64.30 116.95 120.38 123.93 127.60 131.43 179.27 184.56 190.03 I95.70 201.60 244.41 251.66 259 J 7 266.95 275-05 312.59 321.91 33L59 341.63 352.08 384.OI 395-56 407.57 420.04 433.05 458.96 472.92 487.43 502.54 518.33 537-77 554.32 571.56 589.56 608.41 620.78 640. 1 7 660.41 681.60 703.84 So 5i 52 S3 54 66.24 68.24 70.32 72.49 74.79 135.39 139.52 143.80 148.28 153-02 207.71 214.06 220.73 227.70 235.05 283.46 292.24 301.43 311.07 321.28 362.97 374-37 386.30 398.88 412.21 446.62 460.86 475.83 4 9 r.63 508.41 534.85 552.22 570.54 589 91 6I0.5I 628.19 649.04 671.08 694.44 719-37 727.24 75L99 778.21 806.10 835.98 55 77.20 158.00 242.82 332.10 426.36 526.23 632.48 746.05 868.09 10Pay.End.Age70 Comb.4% Of Life Insurance 455 Table No. CLXIV. TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLI- CIES BY TEN EQUAL ANNUAL PREMIUMS PAYABLE AT AGE OF SEVENTY YEARS OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7 th 8th 9th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. ! 20 26.89 54.98 84.33 II4.98 147.04 180.53 215-55 252.16 29O.46 21 27.51 56.25 86.27 II7.63 150.42 184.70 220.53 257-99 297.18 22 28.15 57-56 88.28 120.38 153.93 189.OO 225.67 264.OI 304.I2 23 28.81 58.92 90.36 123.23 157-57 I93.46 23I.OO 270.25 3II.3O j 24 29-50 60.33 92.52 126.17 161.33 198.08 236.52 276.70 318.76 25 30.22 61.79 94-74 129.20 165.21 202.85 242.21 283.38 326.46 26 30.95 63.28 97.05 132.34 169.23 207.78 248.II 290.30 334-45 27 31.71 64.82 99.42 135.59 173.38 212.89 254.22 297.47 342.72 28 32.49 66.43 101.89 138.95 177.67 2l8.l8 260.54 304.88 35L29 i 29 33.31 68.09 104.43 142.41 182.13 223 65 267.IO 312.56 360.18 30 34-14 69.81 107 06 146.OI 186.73 229.32 273.88 320.54 369.4O 31 35-oi 71.58 109.79 149-75 I9L50 235.I9 280.93 328.80 378.95 32 35.89 73-42 112.62 153.59 19647 24L29 288.22 337-37 388.88 33 36.83 75-33 H5-54 157-59 201.57 247.60 295 80 346.28 399-17 34 37.8o 77.29 118.57 161.74 206.90 254.17 303.67 355-53 409.87 35 38.79 79 33 121.72 166.04 212.43 260.99 3H.85 365.13 420.94 36 3983 81.46 124.98 170.51 218.17 268.07 320.32 375.04 432.34 11 40.92 83.67 128.39 175.18 224.16 275.43 329.IO 385.28 444.IO 42.03 85.97 131.94 180.04 230.37 283.04 338.15 395-81 456.I9 39 43.20 88.38 135-64 185 09 236.80 290.88 347-44 406.62 468.59 40 44-43 90.91 I39-5I 190.31 2434I 298.92 356.95 417.69 481.34 4i 45 72 93-51 143.46 I95.64 250.15 307.IO 366.67 429.04 494-44 42 47.04 96.19 147-49 20I.06 257.OO 3I5.45 376.60 440.66 507.87 43 48.38 98.87 I5I-55 206.52 263.9I 323.92 386 72 452.56 521 66 44 49.71 101.57 155.62 212.03 270.94 332.55 397.09 464.76 535.85 45 51.06 104.27 159-74 217.63 278.II 341-39 407.70 477.28 550.44 46 52.40 106.97 163.90 223 32 285.42 350.43 418.56 490.14 565.47 47 53.76 109.75 168.17 229.15 292.91 359-68 429.72 503.36 580.97 48 55.14 112.59 172.52 235-11 300 58 369.17 441.21 517.01 596.99 49 56.57 115 51 176.99 241.23 308.45 378.95 453.03 53i-o8 613.57 50 58.02 118.47 181.56 247.48 316.53 388.99 465-21 545-64 630.76 5i 59-50 121. 51 186.24 253.92 324.86 399.36 477.84 560.77 648.67 52 60.96 124.63 191-05 260.55 333-43 410.08 490.92 576.48 667.32 53 62.57 127.83 196.00 267.38 342.31 421.20 504.53 592.83 686.80 54 64.20 131-15 201.13 274.47 35L55 432.79 518.72 609.96 707.28 55 65.85 134.57 206.46 281.86 361. 19 444.88 533-55 627.92 728.87 56 67.58 138.15 212.03 289.58 371.24 457-53 549-14 646.89 751-77 57 69.40 141.92 217.88 297.67 381.78 470.84 565.62 667.02 776.20 58 7i.3i 145.86 223.99 306.13 392.87 484.91 583.11 688.52 802.47 59 73-33 149.97 230.37 315 04 404.62 499.88 601.83 711.67 830.94 60 75-40 154.29 237.12 324.50 4I7.I3 515-93 622.03 736.81 862.07 Comb.4 % lOYr.Term 45 6 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXV NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 ON TEN-YEAR TERM POLICIES , COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. i 55 1 Terminal Net Values AT THE End of 1st 2d 3d 4th I 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 20 £ Year Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. •55 7.41 .42 .76 I.05 I .22 1-34 1.3c 1. 21 .96 21 7-51 •45 .80 1 .11 I.30 1. 41 I .4c I.27 I .02 •59 22 7-63 .48 .86 1. 18 1.38 I-5I I.49 I.36 I .07 .62 23 7-74 •50 •92 I.24 I.48 1.58 I .60 I.44 1. 14 •67 24 7.87 •53 .98 1-3* 1.58 1 .69 I.69 1.54 1. 21 .70 25 8.01 •56 1.03 1 .40 1.66 I.79 I.78 I.62 I.28 •75 26 8.15 •59 1 .10 1.48 «•« I.89 1.88 1 .70 i-33 •77 27 8.30 .63 1. 12 !-57 1-85 2.00 1.98 1.79 1. 41 .82 28 8.46 .66 1 .22 1.65 i-95 2.09 2.07 1.87 1.47 •85 29 8.62 .70 1.28 1.74 2.05 2.20 2.18 1 .96 J -53 .88 30 8.80 •73 1.35 1.82 2.14 2.31 2.25 2 .07 1.63 .94 31 8.98 •77 1. 41 1 .90 2.25 2.41 2.38 2 - J 5 1.69 •97 32 9.17 .80 1.47 1.99 2-35 2.52 2.49 2.25 1.76 1 .02 33 9-38 .84 1-54 2.09 2.46 2.65 2.63 2.38 1.89 1. 12 34 9-59 .89 1.63 2.21 2.62 2.82 2.8c 2-55 2.04 1 .21 35 9.83 •95 i-75 2.38 2.82 3.06 3-o8 2.84 2.31 !-39 36 10.10 1.03 1. 91 2.61 3.12 3-43 3-5c 3-28 2.70 1.63 37 10.41 i.*5 2.13 2.94 3-55 3-95 4. eg 3-87 3-19 1-95 38 "•75 1.29 2.42 3-37 4.12 4.62 4-79 4.51 3-71 2.23 39 11. 15 1.47 2.79 3-92 4.83 5-42 5 -6c 5-27 4.30 2.58 40 "•59 1. 71 3-25 4.60 5-64 6.30 6-47 6.02 4.88 2.91 4i 12.09 2 .oc 3-79 5-33 6.50 7.21 7-33 6-77 5.43 3.21 42 12.67 2.30 4.36 6.08 7.38 8. 11 8.21 7.56 6.07 3.61 43 i3-3i 2.62 4.92 6.83 8.22 8.99 9.06 8-33 6.67 3-95 44 14.03 2.92 5-49 7-55 9-05 9.88 9.96 9-i5 7-33 4-35 45 14.82 3-24 6.02 8.26 9.88 10.79 10.87 9-99 7-99 4.72 46 15.69 3-52 6-54 8-99 10.76 11 -75 11.84 10.88 8.70 5.16 47 16.63 3.83 7.12 9.78 11.72 12.80 12. 8g 11.83 9.48 5.6i 48 17-65 4.16 7-74 10.63 12.73 13.90 x 3-99 12.85 10.28 6.06 49 18.76 4-52 8.41 "•55 13.83 15.09 15.2c 13.96 11. 15 6-59 50 19.97 4.90 9.12 I2 -53 14.99 l6 -37 16.49 !5-i4 12.13 7.19 5i 21.28 5-3 2 9.90 13.59 16.28 17.78 17.91 16.49 13.24 7.88 52 22.71 5-77 10.73 14.77 17.69 19.34 J 9-53 18.02 14-52 8.64 53 24.26 6.26 11.67 16.06 19.25 21.10 21.36 19.76 J 5-93 9.5i 54 25.96 6.82 12.70 17.48 21 .01 23.07 23-41 21.66 17.49 10.43 55 27.80 7-41 13.82 19.08 22.98 25.28 25.64 23-74 19.16 n-43 56 29.81 8.07 15.09 20.86 25-17 27.69 28.11 26.0c 21 .06 12.60 57 32.00 8.82 16.50 22.84 27-54 30.30 3o.75 28.5c 23.04 13-77 58 34-39 9.63 18.05 24.95 30.08 33-IO 33.62 31.18 25.23 15. 11 59 36.99 10.52 19.66 27.19 32.78 36.09 36.67 34.03 27.56 16.50 60 39.81 11. 41 21.36 29-54 35-63 39.24 39-89 37-°4 29.99 17.97 61 42.87 12.38 23-15 32.03 38.65 42.58 43- 3 1 40.23 32 .60 ■19-57 62 46.18 13.38 25-05 34-66 41.83 46.11 46.9c 43-5Q 35-41 21.29 63 49-74 14.44 27.02 37.4o 45.16 49.78 50.70 47.21 38.40 23-14 64 53-59 15.54 29.10 40.30 48.68 53-72 54.8i 51.12 41 .66 25-15 65 57-73 16.69 31-27 43.32 52.37 57-9o 59.16 55-29 45- J 5 27-34 15Yr.Term Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 457 Table No. CLXVI. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 ON FIFTEEN-YEAR TERM POLICIES, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. Net Pre- Terminal Net Values AT the End of miums. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.66 .68 I-3I 1.88 2.38 2.8l 3-14 3-37 21 7.78 •73 I.40 2.01 2.54 2-99 3-34 3-59 22 7.91 •77 I.48 2.12 2.68 3-16 3-53 3.80 23 8.05 .82 i-57 2.25 2.84 3-34 3-74 4.02 24 8.19 .87 1.66 2.38 3.01 3-53 3-95 4.24 25 8-34 .92 1.76 2.52 3.18 3-73 4.17 4-47 26 8.50 .96 1.84 2.64 3-33 3-9 2 4-37 4.68 27 8.67 1. 01 1.94 2.78 3-5i 4.21 4-59 4.91 28 8.84 1.06 2.04 2.92 3-69 4-3 2 4.82 5.16 29 9-°3 i-i5 2.18 3-n 3-9i 4.58 5.10 5.46 30 9.24 1 .20 2.30 3.28 4.14 4.84 5-42 5.82 31 9.46 1.24 2.41 3-46 4-39 5-i7 5-8o 6.22 32 9.71 1.38 2.64 3-78 4-79 5.65 6-33 6.85 33 9.99 1.48 2.86 4. 11 5-24 6.18 6.98 7.60 34 IO.30 1.60 3-n 4-51 5-74 6.85 7-79 8-53 35 IO.63 1.82 3-5i 5-°4 6.46 7-73 8.82 9.72 36 II .01 2.04 3-9o 5.65 7.27 8.74 10.03 11.08 37 n-43 2.21 4.32 6.31 8.18 9.89 n-34 12.64 38 11.90 2.50 4.89 7.17 9-3 2 11.23 13.02 14.38 39 12.42 2.80 5-53 8.14 IO -53 12.83 14.71 16.23 40 13.00 3.19 6.29 9.20 12.03 14.47 16.59 18.16 4i 13.64 3.61 7-o5 10.46 J 3-49 16.23 *8.33 20.14 42 J 4-35 4-05 8.04 11.70 15.09 18.01 20.42 22.21 43 I5-I4 4.62 8-93 13.01 16.64 19.80 22.40 24.34 44 16.03 4.87 9.67 14.06 18.02 21.45 24.29 26.40 45 16.96 5-53 10.69 J 5-45 r 9-73 2 3-45 26.51 28.81 46 18.00 6.00 11.60 16.76 21 .42 25.46 28.80 31.28 47 19.14 6.46 12.54 18.16 23.21 27.62 31-23 33-93 48 20.36 7.02 J 3-63 19.72 25.22 29.99 33-92 36.88 49 21 .69 7-63 14.79 21.41 2 7-37 32.55 36.85 40.09 5o 23-14 8.26 16.04 23.21 29.68 35-34 40.03 43.58 5i 24.72 8.92 17-34 25.12 32.18 38.34 43-44 47-39 52 26.41 9.76 18.89 2 7-35 35-OI 41.72 47-33 51.69 53 28.27 10.51 20.43 29.62 37-95 45-3i 51.49 56.29 54 30.27 n-39 22.14 32.12 41 .22 49.26 56.04 61.28 55 32.43 12.34 23.98 34.85 44.76 53-54 60.92 66.64 56 34-76 !3-34 25-99 37-79 48.58 58.10 66.12 72.34 57 37-28 14.46 28.16 40.98 52.64 62.96 71-65 78.41 58 40.03 I5-38 30.24 44.07 56.70 67.78 77.28 84.63 59 42.90 17. 11 33-o8 47-97 61.48 73.56 83.72 91.64 60 46.08 18.15 35-33 51.28 65.98 78.95 80.90 98.50 61. 49-46 19.46 37.82 55-09 70.80 84.72 96.53 105.60 62 53.o8 20.76 40.56 58.97 75-79 90.74 !03-43 113.42 63 56.96 22.22 43-29 62.95 80.95 96.94 110.57 121.44 64 61 .09 23.72 46.16 67.12 86.31 103.42 118. 10 129.86 65 65.51 25-I5 49.01 71.29 9i.75 110.08 125.86 138.58 Comb.4 % 15Yr.Term 458 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXVL— Concluded. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 ON FIFTEEN-YEAR TERM POLICIES, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT Age. Terminal Net Values at the End OF 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 3-50 3-50 3-36 3-07 2.60 I.94 I.08 21 3-7 2 3-72 3-67 3-25 2.75 2.06 LI5 22 3-93 3.93 3-77 3-43 2.90 2.17 I. 21 23 4.16 4-i5 3-97 3-6i 3.o6 2.28 I.27 24 4.38 4-37 4.18 3.80 3.21 2.40 1-34 25 4.61 4-59 4.40 4.00 3-37 2.52 I.40 26 4.83 4.81 4.60 4.19 3-53 2.63 I.46 27 5-07 5-05 4.84 4.38 3-7o 2.76 1.54 28 5-32 5-31 5-o7 4.60 3-89 2.92 I.63 29 5-65 5.62 5.38 4.90 4.17 3.15 1.79 30 6.00 6.01 5.78 5-3i 4-57 3-50 2.0I 31 6.48 6.52 6-33 5.87 5-n 3-95 2.28 32 7.16. 7.26 7. 11 6.65 5-85 4-54 2.64 33 8.01 8.19 8.07 7.64 6.71 5 -22 3.OI 34 9.06 9-3 1 9.27 8-75 7.69 5-94 3-42 35 10.36 10.72 10.63 10.02 8-75 6.73 3-85 36 11.88 12.24 12.12 11.36 9.87 7.56 4.32 37 13-49 13.88 13.66 12.76 11.05 8.45 4.82 38 I5-30 15-65 15-34 14.27 12.34 9.42 5.36 39 17.17 17.50 17.09 I5-87 13.70 10.45 5.94 40 19.14 19.44 18.96 i7- '57 15.15 u-53 6-54 4i 21 .17 21.47 20.91 19.36 16.67 12.67 7.19 42 23-32 23.61 22.98 21.25 18.28 13.90 7.89 43 25-33 25.83 25.11 23.20 19.97 I5-I7 8-59 44 27.70 28.03 27.24 25.20 21.68 16.47 9-35 45 30.19 3°-53 29.69 27-45 23.60 17-95 10.20 46 32.79 33-18 32.26 29.84 25-71 19-59 11. 17 47 35- 60 36.04 35-07 32.49 28.05 21.43 12.22 48 38.71 39.21 38.22 35.48 30.69 23-47 13.41 49 42.10 42.72 41.70 38.78 33-58 25-7I 14.69 5o 45.84 46.58 45-55 42.39 36.74 28.15 16. 11 5i 49-93 50.83 49-74 46.34 40.19 30.83 17.67 52 54.52 55-52 54.37 50.67 43-99 33.78 19.37 53 59.4o 60.54 59-32 55-34 48.09 36.96 21.23 54 64.70 65.97 64.69 60.40 52.52 40.41 23.22 55 70.38 71.80 70.44 65.80 57-27 44.08 25.35 56 76.44 78.01 76.58 71-59 62.34 48.02 27.67 57 82.88 84.61 83.11 77.73 67.76 52.29 30.18 58 89.51 91.46 89.88 84.17 73-49 56.82 32.86 59 9 6 -93 99.04 97.41 91.32 79.84 61.84 35.83 60 104.24 106.64 105.05 98.65 86.41 67.07 38.99 61 112.08 114.82 113.26 106.55 93.53 72.79 42.43 62 120.32 123.42 121 .96 114.95 101 .16 78.92 46.13 63 64 128.98 132.51 131. 19 123.94 109.34 85.56 50.22 138.12 142.15 141.04 133.57 118. 18 92.84 54.72 65 147-65 152.27 !5i.43 143.80 127.68 100.67 59-55 20Yr.Term Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 459 Table No . CLXVII. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 ON TWENTY- YEAR TERM POLICIES, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT Age. Net Pre- Terminal Net Values at the End of miums. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th Year. Year. Year.. Year. Year. Year. 20 7-94 O.98 1 .90 2.80 3.63 4.40 5-« 21 8.08 I .OI 2.01 2-95 3.83 4.65 5-39 22 8.22 1 .10 2.14 3-13 4.06 4-93 5-70 23 8-37 1. 16 2.26 3-3 1 4.29 5.18 6.01 24 8-53 I. 21 2.38 3-49 4-52 5.48 6-35 25 8.70 1.32 2.56 3-73 4.82 5-84 6.76 26 8.89 I .40 2.71 3-96 5-13 6.21 7.19 27 9.10 I.48 2.89 4.22 5-48 6.64 7.69 28 9-33 I.56 3.08 4.52 5-88 7-13 8.28 29 9.58 1.74 3-37 4-93 6.40 7-77 9.02 30 9.86 I.83 3-6i 5-3° 6.91 8.42 9.81 31 10.16 2 .04 3-97 5-82 7-59 9.26 10.83 32 10.49 2.17 4.29 6-33 8.29 10.17 11.89 33 10.86 2-37 4.70 6.97 9.16 11 .21 13.18 34 11 .26 2.68 5-25 7.78 10.18 12.51 14-73 35 11 .70 2.91 5.78 8-55 11 .27 13.90 16.43 36 12.18 3.26 6.41 9-53 12.58 15-55 18.43 37 12 .72 3-57 7. 11 10.60 14.04 17.40 20.59 38 *3-3° 4.02 7-97 11.89 15-75 19.47 23.16 39 13.96 4-37 8.78 13.18 17.45 21.73 25.69 40 14.66 4.89 9.86 14.70 19.58 24.17 28.55 4i 15-44 5-59 11 .02 16.52 21.77 26.84 31.54 42 16.31 6.01 12.17 18.10 23.89 29-35 34-43 43 17-25 6.80 13-44 19.98 26.22 32.13 '37-62 44 18.29 7.38 14.69 21.74 28.50 34-9o 40.87 45 19.42 8.09 15.98 23.61 3o.93 37.88 44.36 46 20.65 8-73 17.26 25-53 33-48 41 .00 48.04 47 21.98 9.44 18.68 27.65 36.24 44.41 52.02 48 23-41 10.23 20.23 29.92 39-24 48.07 56.32 49 24.96 11.08 21.89 32.38 42.44 5J-99 60.95 5o 26.62 11.99 23.67 34.98 45-85 56.20 65.90 5i 28.43 12.83 25.42 37.62 49-39 60.58 71.08 52 30-35 13.92 27.48 40.65 53-33 65.41 76.81 53 32.42 14-93 2 9-53 43.72 57.38 70.46 82.80 54 34-04 16.04 3*-73 46.98 61.74 75-85 89.19 55 37.02 17.21 34.06 50.48 66.37 8i.57 95.9o 56 39-55 18.45 36.54 54.i8 71.25 87-56 102 .94 57 42.26 19.77 39.16 58.07 76.33 93-77 no. 16 58 45.18 20.89 41.64 61.83 81.32 99.88 117-54 59 48.21 22.83 44.90 66.38 87.04 106.93 125.66 60 5i-52 23-95 47.41 70.16 92.27 "3-35 r 33-25 61 55 -oo 25.41 50.20 74-45 97-99 120.12 141.23 62 58.68 26.80 53-14 78.69 103.34 126.94 149.25 63 62.58 28.32 56.00 82.91 108.89 J 33-73 157-29 64 66.71 29.77 58.85 87.12 114.38 140.52 165.36 65 71 .06 31.18 61.65 91.23 119.82 147.27 !73-39 Comb.4 % 20Yr.Term 460 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXVII. —Continued. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER $1000 ON TWENTY-YEAR TERM POLICIES, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT Age. Terminal Net Values at the End OF 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 5-72 6.25 6.68 6-99 7.16 7.19 7-05 21 6.04 6.60 6.96 7.36 7-54 7.56 7.41 22 6-39 6.97 7-44 7-77 7-95 7.96 7.80 23 6.74 7-35 7.83 8.17 8.36 8.38 8.21 24 7. II 7-75 8.26 8.62 8.82 8.84 8.67 25 7-56 8.24 8.78 9.17 9-39 9-43 9.24 26 8.05 8.78 9-37 9.80 10.05 IO.09 9-95 27 8.62 9.42 10.07 I0.57 10.85 IO.96 10.84 28 9.21 10.18 10.92 11.47 11.85 I2.02 11.97 29 IO.15 11. 15 11 .96 12.63 13.10 !3-36 13-39 30 II.09 12.19 13.16 13-95 14.55 14.93 15.02 31 12.23 13.51 14.63 15.58 16.32 16.80 17.00 32 13-5° 14.97 16.29 17.43 18.28 18.95 19-15 33 15.02 16.72 18.27 19-55 20.67 21-34 21.54 34 16.84 18.81 20.53 22.12 23.26 24.00 24.14 35 18.84 21.03 23.12 24.78 26.07 26.79 26.88 36 21 .11 23.71 25.91 27.77 29.09 29.81 29.84 37 2 3-73 26.49 28.95 3O.9O 32.28 33 -oi 33- 00 38 26.51 29.58 32.18 34-24 35-70 36.45 36.38 39 29.41 32.68 35-32 37.68 39-24 40.01 39 -9 1 40 32.52 36.04 39-03 41.41 43. d6 43-88 43-71 4i 35.82 39.61 42.83 45.38 47.16 48.01 47.80 42 39-o7 43-19 46.68 49-45 51-36 52.83 52.07 43 42.66 47-n 50.90 53.89 55.96 56.98 56.77 44 46.32 51-17 55-28 58.53 60.82 61.95 6i.75 45 50.28 55-53 60.00 63.57 66.08 67.35 67.21 46 54.46 60.17 65.06 68.97 71-73 73.20 73.15 47 5 8 -99 65 .22 7°-55 74.83 77.92 79.62 79.66 48 63.90 70.68 76.49 81.23 84.67 86.60 86.71 49 69.18 76.55 82.93 88.15 91.98 94.14 94.32 5o 74.83 82.88 89.87 95.61 99.82 102.22 102.47 51 80.81 89.58 97-23 103.49 108. 11 110.77 in. 13 52 87-37 96.92 105.21 112.02 117.05 120.00 120.46 53 94.25 104.57 H3-55 120.88 126.46 129.71 130.28 54 i°i-53 112.68 122.32 130.41 136.40 139-97 140.68 55 109.19 121 .12 131.67 140.32 146.85 150.79 151.64 56 117. 11 130.09 141.38 150.73 157-79 161 .91 163.18 57 125.49 139.40 151.45 161.54 169.18 173.95 175-30 58 133-87 148.68 161 .70 172.55 180.87 186.19 187.89 59 143.04 158.85 172.76 184.43 193.48 199.36 201.45 60 I5L77 168.63 183.53 196.14 206.01 212.58 215.17 61 160.88 1^8.82 194.79 208.38 219.13 226.45 229.62 62 170.08 189.19 206.25 220.88 232.56 240.72 244.55 63 179.36 199.65 217.85 233.55 246.26 255-32 259.90 64 188.67 210.18 229.55 246.40 260.18 270.22 275.67 <55 197.96 220.70 241.30 259-33 274.24 285.38 291.74 20Yr.Term Comb.4% Of Life Insurance. 461 Table No. CLXVIL— Concluded. NET ANNUAL PREMIUMS AND TERMINAL NET VALUES PER Siooo ON TWENTY-YEAR TERM POLICIES, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. Terminal Net Values at the End of 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6-73 6.21 5-49 4-5 2 3-30 I.80 " 21 7.07 6.53 5-77 4-75 3-46 I.89 22 7-44 6.88 6.05 4-99 3-64 I.99 23 7.84 7.22 6-37 5-25 3.84 2. II 24 8.27 7.64 6.76 5.60 4.12 2.29 25 8.84 8.20 7.29 6.09 4-54 2-55 26 9-56 8.92 8.00 6.74 5.06 2.85 27 10.49 9.87 8.90 7-59 5-72 3-24 28 11.66 11.03 10.07 8.58 6.49 3-67 29 13. 11 12.51 11 .41 9-73 7-34 4.13 30 14.81 14.12 12.89 10.95 8.24 4.62 31 16.74 15.86 14.50 12.27 9.22 5.17 32 18.84 17.90 16.23 13.72 10.28 5-76 33 21 .12 20.01 18.10 15.29 11.44 6.40 34 23.61 22.32 20.16 17.01 12.71 7.10 35 26.23 24.76 22.34 18.83 14.05 7.83 3<5 29.08 27.41 24.71 20.79 15.49 8.65 37 32.12 3°-25 27.22 22 .89 17.06 9.52 38 35.38 33.27 29.92 25-15 18.73 10.43 39 38.76 36.43 32.76 27-5i 20.48 11 .41 40 42.43 39.87 35-83 30.08 22.41 12.50 4i 46.40 43-59 39-17 32.92 24.55 13.73 42 50-55 47-51 42.74 35-97 26.89 15-05 43 55-12 51.87 46.73 39-4o 29.48 16.52 44 60.04 56.57 5i-o5 43-°9 32.27 18.10 45 65.44 6i.75 55.78 47.12 35.32 19.84 46 71.32 67.36 60.90 5i-5o 38.65 21.74 47 77.72 73-47 66.48 56.28 42.29 23.81 48 84.67 80.10 72.56 61.49 46.26 26.08 49 92.17 87.27 79-13 67.12 50.56 28.53 5o 100.21 94.96 86.17 73-17 55-15 3i-i5 5i 108.76 103 14 93-68 79.62 60.08 34.01 52 117.96 in .96 101 .70 86.58 • 65.45 37-11 53 127.68 121 .27 no.35 94.04 71 .22 40.47 54 I37-96 131-17 119-54 102 .05 77-43 44.09 55 148.85 I4L73 129.37 110.64 84.14 48.05 56 160.39 152.94 139.84 119.85 91.38 52.33 57 172.54 164.81 150.98 129.71 99-15 56.95 58 185.22 177-25 162.77 140.20 107.50 62.01 59 198.92 190.74 175.58 151.67 116.73 67.61 60 212.90 204.64 188.89 163.74 126.50 73-55 61 227.67 219.38 203.13 176.67 136.99 80.01 62 243.02 234.82 218.09 190.32 148.17 86.93 63 258.91 250.85 233.67 204.67 160.00 94.33 64 275.28 267.43 249.94 219.77 172.64 102.44 65 292.04 284.57 266.92 235-76 186.30 m-33 COST OF INSURANCE. Combined Experience Table of Mortality. INTEREST, FOUR PER CENT. Comb.4* S.P.Life 464 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXVIII. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF AN ORDINARY LIFE SINGLE PREMIUM POLICY, COMBINED EX- PERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. Cost of Insurance. Age. Cost of Insurance. Age. Cost of Insurance. 20 21 22 23 24 5.42 5-45 5-48 5.51 5-54 4* 42 43 44 45 6.38 • 6.44 6-54 6.68 6.85 62 63 U 12.78 13.32 13.87 14-45 15.05 % 11 29 5.58 5.62 5.65 5-70 5-74 46 49 50 7.07 7.3o 7-54 7.80 8.08 U 69 70 71 1567 16.29 16.91 17-55 18.19 30 31 32 33 34 5-79 5.84 5.89 5-95 6.00 5i 52 53 54 55 8.37 8.69 9.02 9-36 9.72 72 73 74 & 18.83 19.48 20.13 20.77 21.40 37 38 39 6.05 6.11 6.16 6.22 6.27 56 II 11 10. 1 1 10.49 10.89 11.32 11.78 11 22.05 22.69 23-31 23.92 40 6.32 61 12.27 For ne t yalue of an Ordinary Life Single-Premium Policy, See Table No. CXXVIII. O.L. Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 465 Table No. CLXIX. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.25 7.28 7.32 7-37 7.41 7.46 7.51 7.56 21 7-33 7-37 7.41 7.46 7-50 7-55 7.60 7.66 22 7.41 7.46 7.51 7-55 7.60 7.65 7.71 7-77 23 7-5i 7.56 7.60 7.65 7-7i 7-77 7.83 7.89 24 7.61 7.66 7.71 7.76 7.82 7.88 7-95 8.02 2 § 7.71 7.76 7.82 7.88 7-94 8.01 8.08 8.15 26 7.82 7.88 7-94 8.0O 8.07 8.14 8.21 8.29 3 7-94 8.00 8;o6 8.13 8.20 8.28 8.35 8.42 8 07 8.13 8.20 8.27 8-35 8.42 8-49 8-57 29 8.20 8.27 8.34 8.42 8.49 8.57 8.65 8-73 30 8-35 8.41 8.49 8-57 8.64 8.72 8.80 8.88 31 8.50 8-57 8.65 8.73 8.81 8.89 8.96 9.04 32 8.66 8.74 8.81 8.89 8-97 905 9-13 9.21 33 8.83 8.90 8.98 9.07 9.14 9.23 9-31 9.38 34 9.00 9.08 9.16 9.24 9-33 9.40 9.48 9-56 35 9.18 9.26 9-34 9-43 9-5i 9.58 9.67 9-77 30 9-37 9-45 9-54 9.62 9.70 9.78 9.88 10.04 37 9-56 9- 6 5 9-74 9.81 9.90 IO.cO I0.I6 10.38 3* 9.78 9.86 9-94 10.03 10.13 10.29 IO.5I 10.78 39 9.99 10.07 10.16 10.27 10.43 10.65 IO.92 11.27 40 10.21 10.30 10.41 10.57 10.80 11.07 II.42 11.79 4i 10.45 10 56 10.72 10.96 11.23 11.59 11.97 12.37 42 10.72 10.89 11. 13 11. 41 11.77 12.15 I2.56 12.99 43 11.07 11.30 H-59 11.96 12.34 12.76 I3.20 13.66 44 n.50 11.79 12.16 12.55 12.97 13.42 I3.9O 14.40 45 11.99 12-37 12.77 13.20 13-65 14.14 I4.65 1520 46 12.60 13.01 13.44 13.90 14.40 14.92 I5.48 16.08 47 13.26 13.70 14.17 14.67 15.21 15.78 16.38 17.00 48 13.97 14.45 14- 9 6 15-51 16.09 16.71 17-33 18.01 49 14-75 15-27 15.83 16.42 17.05 17.69 18.38 19.10 50 i5o9 16.16 16.77 17.41 18.06 18.77 19.50 20.24 5i 16.52 17.14 17.80 18.46 19.18 19.93 20.69 21-49 52 17.53 18.20 18.88 19.62 20.40 21.16 21.98 22.83 53 18.64 19-33 20.09 20.87 21.66 22.50 23-38 24-34 54 19.81 20.60 21-39 22.19 23.06 23.95 24.94 25-97 55 21. II 21.93 22.76 23.64 24.56 25.58 26.63 27-75 56 22.51 23.36 24 26 25.21 26.25 27.33 28.48 29.67 5 1 24.00 . 2493 25.90 26.97 2G.08 29.26 30.48 31-75 58 25.64 26.63 27-73 28.88 30.09 31.34 32.65 34.02 I 9 27.42 28.55 29.72 30.99 32.26 33.61 35-02 36.46 60 29.41 30.62 31.92 33-24 34.63 36.08 37-57 3911 61 31.58 32.92 34.28 35-72 37.22 38.75 40.34 41.94 62 33.98 35-39 36.88 38.42 40.00 41.65 43.30 44-95 63 36.58 38.11 39 71 41-34 43.04 44.75 46.46 48.21 64 39-43 41. oS 42.76 44-52 46.29 48.06 49.87 51.69 65 1 42.53 44.28 46.10 47-93 49.76 51.64 53-52 55.42 Comb.4 % O.L 466 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXIX.— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th ! Age Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 7-95 Year. Year. I 20 7.62 7.67 7.74 7.81 7.88 8.02 8.09 21 7.72 7-79 7.85 7-93 8.00 8 07 8.14 8.22 22 7.84 7.90 7.98 8.05 8.12 8.20 8.27 8-34 23 7.96 8.03 8.11 8.17 8.25 8.33 8.40 8.47 1 24 8.09 8.16 8.23 8.31 8.38 8.46 8.53 8 61 u 8.22 8.29 8.37 8.45 852 8 60 8.67 8.74 8.36 8-43 8.51 .8.58 8.66 8.74 8.8l 8.88 % 8.5O 8.58 8.65 8.73 8.81 8.88 8-95 9.05 8.65 8.72 8.80 8.88 8-95 9-03 9.12 9.26 29 8.80 8.88 8.96 9-°3 9.11 9.20 9-34 9-55 30 8.96 9.04 9.11 9.19 9.29 9-43 9-63 9.88 31 9.12 9.20 9 28 9.37 9-52 9.72 9-97 10.29 32 9.29 9-37 9.46 9.61 9.82 10.07 10.39 10 72 33 9.46 9-5° 9.71 9.92 10.17 10.49 10.83 11.20 34 9.66 9.81 10.02 10 28 10.60 10.95 11. 31 11.70 9 9.92 10.14 10.39 10.72 11.07 11.44 11.83 12.25 IO.25 10.51 10.85 11.20 11-57 11.97 12.39 12.85 37 IO.64 10 98 11.32 11. 71 12. 11 12.54 13-00 13-49 38 II. 12 11.48 11.86 12.26 12.70 13.17 13.66 14.18 39 II.63 12.02 12.43 12.87 13-34 13.84 14-37 14.91 40 12.19 12.60 13-05 13 53 14.03 14.57 15.12 I5.7I 4i I2.79 13-24 13.73 14.24 14 79 15-34 15.94 16.56 42 13-45 13-94 14.46 15.01 15.58 16.19 16.82 17.45 ' 43 I4.16 . 14.69 1525 15.83 16.45 17.09 17.73 18.42 j 44 I4.94 15-51 16.09 16.72 17.38 18.03 18.73 19.46 ; 45 15-78 16.38 17.02 17.68 18.35 19.06 19.80 20.62 1 46 16.67 17.33 18.01 18.68 19.41 20.16 21.00 21.86 47 17.66 18.35 19.04 19.78 20.55 21.40 22.28 23.22 48 18.7I 19.42 20.17 20.95 21.82 22.72 23.68 24.66 49 19.82 20.58 21.38 22.26 23.18 24.16 25.16 26.22 50 2I.02 21.84 22.74 23.68 24.67 25.70 26.78 27.90 5i 22.32 23.24 24.20 25.22 26.27 27.37 28.52 29.69 1 52 23-78 24.76 25 80 26.87 28.00 29.17 30.37 31.61 53 25.34 26.41 27-51 28.66 29.86 31.09 32.36 33-65 54 27.06 28.18 29.36 30.59 31.85 33.16 34-48 35.79 \9 28.9O 30.11 31-37 32.66 34.oo 35-36 36.71 38.0c 3O.9I 32.20 33-53 34-9° 36.29 37-68 39-09 40. 5 \ 57 33-08 34-44 35.86 37.28 38.71 40.16 41.63 43.IO 58 35-42 36.87 38.34 39-8o 41.30 42.81 44-33 45-84 59 37.96 39.46 40.97 42.51 44.06 45.63 47.19 48.76 60 40.66 42.22 43-81 45.40 47.01 48.62 50.24 51.85 61 43-54 45.18 46.83 48.49 50.15 51.82 53.48 55-u 62 46.65 48.35 50.06 51-77 53-50 55-21 56.90 58.61 63 49.96 51-74 53.5o 55-29 57.06 58.80 60.57 62 34 ; 64 53-52 55-35 57.19 59-Q3 60.83 62.66 64.49 66.26 65 57.31 59.22 61.12 62.99 64.88 66.78 68.61 70.38 O.L. Comb.4* Of Life Insurance. 467 Table No. CLXIX.— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age, 20 21 22 23 24 li % 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 9 47 48 49 5o 5i 52 53 54 II II U 61 62 A 3 65 17th Year. 9.I9 9-47 9-79 10.19 10.62 11.08 11.58 12.12 12.70 13-33 14.00 14.71 15-49 16.32 17.19 18.13 19-13 20.26 21.47 22.78 24.18 25.69 27.32 29.04 30.91 32.87 34-93 37.14 39-48 41.96 44-58 47-37 50.32 53-44 56.77 60.32 64.05 67.97 72.03 18th Year. 8.23 8.36 8.49 8.6l 8-75 8.9I 9.12 9-39 9.70 10.10 10.52 10.97 11.46 11.99 12.56 13-17 13.84 14-53 15.29 16.10 16.94 17-85 18.83 19-93 21.10 22.37 23-73 25.19 26.77 28.44 30.24 32.13 34-12 36.25 38.50 40.88 43-39 46.06 48.89 51.86 55.04 58.43 61.98 65.71 69.56 73-51 19th Year. 8.31 8-43 8.56 8.69 8.84 9-05 9-3i 9.62 10.01 10.43 10.87 U-35 11.87 12.43 13-03 13.68 14-35 15.10 15.89 16.71 17.59 18.55 19.61 20.75 21.98 23.30 24.72 26.25 27.87 29.61 31-44 33-36 35-41 37-57 39-83 42.27 44.84 47-54 50.38 53-42 56.65 60.03 63.58 67.24 71.00 74.88 20th Year. 8.38 8.50 863 8.78 8.98 9.24 9-53 9-93 10.33 10.78 11.25 H-75 12.30 12.89 13.53 14.19 14.92 15.69 16.49 17.35 18.28 21st Year. 8-45 8.58 8.72 8.92 9.18 9.48 9-85 IO.25 IO.68 II. 15 II.64 I2.I8 12.76 13.39 14.O4 14.75 I5.50 16.28 17.12 18.03 19.03 22d Year. 19-31 20.11 20.42 21.28 21.62 22.52 22.90 23.86 24.28 25.29 25.76 26.82 27.33 28.45 29.01 30.17 30.78 31.96 32.64 33.87 34.62 35.88 36.70 38.00 38.91 40.23 41.22 42.60 43.68 45.09 46.27 47.69 48.99 50.47 51.90 53-41 54.98 56.49 58.21 59-71 61.58 63.03 65.07 66.41 68.63 69.91 72.32 73-47 76.07 77-25 8.52 8.66 8.86 9.11 941 9.78 10.17 10.60 11.05 H-54 12.07 12.64 13-25 13.89 14.58 15.32 16.09 16.91 17.79 18.77 19.82 20.96 22.16 23.46 24.85 26.33 27.92 29.58 31.32 33-i6 35-IO 37.15 39-3Q 41.58 43.96 46.46 49.12 51-94 54-88 57-95 61. 11 64.33 67.65 71.02 74-60 78.41 23d Year. 8.6l 8.80 9-05 9-34 9.70 10.09 10.51 10.96 11.44 11.96 12.52 13.12 13-75 14-43 15-15 15.90 16.71 17-57 18.53 19-55 20.65 21.83 23.09 24.44 25.88 27.42 29.03 30.71 32.50 34-37 36.35 38.42 40.61 42.91 45.31 47.86 50.56 53.36 56.29 59-31 62.37 65.52 68.72 72.12 75.72 79-54 24th Year. 8-74 8-99 9.28 9.64 I0.02 I0.43 IO.87 ii-35 11.86 12.41 13.00 13.61 14.28 14.99 15.73 16.52 17.36 18.29 19.29 20.37 21.51 22.74 24.06 25-45 26.94 28.51 30.14 31.87 33-68 35-59 37-59 39-7o 41.91 44.22 46.67 49.26 51-95 54-74 57-61 60.53 63.53 66.56 69.79 73.20 76.81 80.79 Comb.4* O.L. 468 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXIX.— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE. FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 u 3 29 30 3i 32 33 34 U U 39 40 41 42 43 44 9 47 48 49 So 5i 52 53 54 $ % U 61 62 * 3 65 25 th Year. 26th Year. 8-93 9.22 9-57 9-95 10.36 10.79 11.26 11.76 12.30 12.88 13.49 14 15 14.84 15.56 16.33 17.16 18.07 19.05 20.10 21.22 22.41 23.69 25.05 26.49 28 01 29-59 31.27 33.03 34-88 36.81 38.84 40.98 43.20 45 55 48.03 50.61 53-29 56.03 58.80 61.65 64.54 67.59 70.83 74.25 78.03 82.24 9.16 9.51 9.88 10.28 10.71 11. 17 11.67 12.20 12.77 13-37 14.01 14.70 15.40 16.16 16.97 17.87 18.82 19.85 20.94 22.11 23 35 24.67 26.07 27.55 29 08 30.71 32.41 34.20 36.07 38.03 40.09 42.23 44-49 46 88 49-35 51.92 54-54 57.18 59-90 62.63 65.54 68.61 71.85 75-43 79-43 83.70 27th Year. 9-45 9.82 I0.2I IO.64 II.09 II.58 I2.IO 12.67 13-25 13.89 14 56 I5.25 16 OO 16.79 17.67 18.60 I9.61 20.67 21.82 23.03 24.31 25.68 27.II 28.60 30.I8 31 82 33.56 35-37 37 27 39-25 41.32 43.50 45-79 48.17 50.63 53-13 55-66 5824 60 85 63.60 66.52 69.60 72.99 76.63 80.84 85.40 28th Year. 29th Year. 9.76 IO.15 IO.56 II. OI II.49 I2.0I 12.57 13-14 13-77 14-43 15. II 15.84 16.62 17.48 18.40 19.39 20.43 21-54 22.73 23.98 25.31 26.70 28.15 29.68 31.28 32.96 34-71 36.55 38.47 40.45 42.56 44-77 47-05 49-41 5I.8I 54-23 56.70 59-17 6i.79 64.55 67.48 70.70 74.30 78.14 82.47 87.45 10.09 10.50 10.94 11. 41 11.92 12.47 13.04 13.66 14-31 14.98 I5-70 16.46 17.31 18.21 19.17 20.19 21.28 22.44 23.66 24.96 26.33 27.72 29.21 30.76 32.39 34.08 35-86 37-72 39.64 41.67 43-8o 46.00 48.27 50.57 52.88 55.24 57.60 60.09 62.71 65-49 68.54 71.96 75.6i 79-73 84.45 89.88 30th Year. 10.43 IO.87 II 34 II.84 12.38 12-94 13.55 14.19 14.85 15.56 16.31 17-14 18.02 18.97 19.97 21.04 22.17 23-37 24.63 25.95 27.32 28.76 30.27 31.85 33-49 35-22 37.02 38.87 40.83 42.89 45-oo 47.18 49.40 51.61 53-86 56.12 58.49 60.99 63.62 66.52 69.76 73.24 77-15 81.64 86.80 92.58 31st Year. IO.80 11.26 II.76 12.29 12.85 13.45 I4.08 14.73 15-42 16.16 16.98 17.85 18.78 I9.76 20.81 21.92 23.O9 24.32 25.61 26.94 28.35 29.81 31.34 32.94 34-61 36 35 38.15 40.04 42.02 44.06 46.16 48.29 50.41 52.57 54.72 56.98 59-36 61.86 64.62 67.71 71.01 74.72 7900 83.91 89.41 96.66 32d Year. II. 19 11.68 12.21 I2.76 13-35 13.97 I4.61 I5.29 I6.02 16.83 17-68 18.60 I9.56 20-59 21.68 22.82 2403 25.29 26.59 27.96 29.38 30.86 32.41 34-04 35-72 37.46 39 29 41.21 43.18 45.20 47-25 49.29 51.35 53.41 55-57 57.84 60.22 62.84 65.78 68.92 7245 76.51 81.20 86.43 93-35 100.35 O.L. Comb.4 % Op I,ifk Insurance. 469 Table No. CLXIX.— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED i EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT Age. 20 33d 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. II. 6l I2.o6 12.51 13.OO 13.51 14.02 14.56 15.13 21 12.13 12.59 13.08 13-59 14 IO 14.65 15.22 15.85 22 12.67 13.16 13.68 14.20 14.74 15.32 15.95 l6.6l 23 13.25 13- 77 14.29 14.84 15.42 16.06 16.72 17.42 24 13.87 14.39 14-95 15.53 16.17 16.84 17.55 18.28 U 14.50 15.06 15.64 16.29 16.96 17.68 18.41 I9.18 15.17 15.76* 16.42 17.09 17.81 18.55 19-33 20.14 11 15.89 16.55 17.23 17.95 18.70 I948 20.30 21.13 16.68 17-37 18.IO 18.86 19.65 20.47 21.31 22.18 | 29 17.52 18.26 19.02 19.82 20.64 21.49 22.38 23.27 i 30 18.42 19.19 20.00 20.83 21.69 22.58 23.48 24.37 1 3i 19-37 20.18 21.03 21.89 22.79 23.70 24.60 25-53 32 20.38 21.23 22.11 23.OI 23-93 24.84 25.78 26.72 33 21.45 22.33 23.25 24.17 25.10 26.04 26.99 27.95 34 22.57 23-50 24.43 25.36 26.32 27.28 28.25 29.21 35 23.76 24.70 25.64 26.61 27.58 28.56 29-54 30.52 36 24.99 25-94 26.92 27.90 28.89 29.88 30.87 31.86 ! 37 26.26 27-25 28.24 29.24 30.24 , 31.25 32.25 33.24 38 27-59 28.60 29.61 30.63 31.65 32.66 33-66 34-67 39 28.98 30.01 3I.03 32.07 33-IO 34.11 35-13 36.16 40 30.43 31.46 32.51 33.56 34.58 35.62 36.66 37.67 41 31.93 33-oo 34-OI 35.09 36.14 37-20 38.22 39.21 42 33-50 34-57 35-63 36.70 37-77 38.81 39.81 40.74 43 35.13 36.20 37-29 38.38 39-43 40.45 41.40 42.25 44 36.81 37-92 39.03 4O.IO 4I-I3 42.09 42.96 43-76 i 45 ! 46 38.59 39-71 4O.80 41.86 42.84 43-70 44-53 45-24 40.44 41-55 42.62 43.62 44.52 45-35 46.07 46.78 1 47 42.34 43-43 44-45 45-37 46.21 46.95 47.67 48.39 48 44.29 45-33 46.27 47.12 47-88 48.62 49-34 50.05 49 46.26 47.22 48.O9 48.86 49.61 50.36 51.08 51.89 50 48.22 49.12 49.9O 50.67 51.43 52.17 52.99 53-94 5i 50.20 51.00 51-79 52.56 53-33 54.17 55-02 56.12 52 52.17 52.98 53-77 54-54 55.41 56.40 57.40 58.56 53 54-23 55-04 55-84 56.72 57-74 58.76 59-95 61.39 54 56.40 57-21 58.12 59.16 60.21 61.43 62.90 64.65 3 58.67 59-6o 60.67 61.74 63.00 64.50 66.30 68.29 61.17 62.27 63-37 64.66 66.22 68.05 70.10 73-19 12 63.97 65.11 66.42 68.02 69.91 72.OI 75.19 78.06 66.95 68.31 69.94 71.89 74.05 77.32 80.27 77.56 % 70.31 72.00 74.00 76.23 79-59 82.63 80.02 69.89 74.18 76.25 78.54 82.01 85.14 82.45 72.01 61 78.65 81.01 84.58 87.81 85.04 74.27 62 83.64 87-33 90.66 87.80 76.68 63 90.24 93-69 90.74 79-25 64 96.92 93-86 81.98 65 97.19 84.88 Comb.4* O.L 470 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXIX.— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT 41st 42d 43d 44th 45th 46th 47th 48th Age. 20 Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 15.75 16.4O 17.09 17.80 18.54 I9.32 20.II 20.94 21 16.50 I7.20 17.91 18.66 19.44 20.24 21.07 21.91 22 17-31 18.03 18.78 19-57 20.37 21.21 22.05 22.89 23 18.15 18.91 19.70 20.51 21-35 22.20 23.05 23.92 24 19.04 19.84 20.66 21.50 22.36 23.21 24.08 24.96 3 19.98 20.8I 21.66 22.52 23.38 24.26 25.I5 26.04 20.97 21.83 22.70 23.56 24.45 25.34 26.24 27.14 2 22.00 22.88 23.75 24.64 25-54 26.45 27.35 28.26 23.07 23-95 24.85 25.76 26.67 27.58 28.50 29.41 29 24-15 25.06 25.98 26.90 27.82 28.75 29.67 30.57 30 25.29 26.21 27.14 28.07 29.OI 29-93 30.85 31.78 31 26.46 27.40 28.33 29.28 30.22 31.14 32.08 33-OI 32 27.67 28.61 29.56 30.5I 31.44 32.39 33-34 34.25 33 28.90 29.87 30.83 31.77 32.72 33-68 34.60 35-49 34 30.I8 3i 15 32.11 33.07 34.03 34-97 35.87 36.71 u 3I-50 3246 33-44 34 41 35-36 36.27 37.12 37-89 32.84 33.83 34.8i 35-77 36.69 37-55 38.33 39-04 11 34-24 35.24 36.20 37.14 38.01 38.79 39-51 40.14 35-68 36.66 37.61 38.49 39.28 40.0I 40.65 41.28 39 37-15 38.11 39-00 39.81 40.55 4I.I9 41.83 42.46 40 38.64 39-55 40.36 41. II 41.77 42.41 43-05 43.67 41 40.12 40.95 41.71 42.38 43.03 43-68 44-31 45.01 42 41.58 42.35 43-03 43-69 44-35 44.99 45.70 46.52 43 43.04 43.72 44.40 45.06 45.71 46.43 47.27 48.11 44 44.46 45-15 45.82 46.48 47-22 48.06 48.92 49.91 ? 45-94 46.63 47-30 48.05 48.91 49.78 50.79 52.00 47.48 48.17 48.93 49.81 50.69 51-72 52.96 54-43 47 49.08 49.86 50.75 51.66 52.70 53.97 55-47 57.13 48 50.85 51.76 52.68 53-74 55.03 56.57 58.26 60.84 49 52.82 53.76 54.85 56.16 57.72 59-46 62.08 64.45 50 54-90 56.02 57.36 58.95 60.73 63.4O 65.82 63.75 5i 57-25 58.63 60.26 62.07 64.81 67.28 65.16 56.91 52 59-97 61.64 63.49 66.29 68.82 66.65 58.21 S3 63.10 65.00 67.86 70-45 68.23 59-59 54 66.60 69.53 72.19 69.9I 61.06 n 71.30 74.03 71.69 62.61 75.98 73.58 64.27 is 75.60 66.03 67.90 5Pay.L. Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 47i Table No. CLXX. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A FIVE-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COM- BINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 % 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 9 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 46 4 2 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 s l 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 £ 4 65 66 67 68 69 1st Year. 6.92 7.OO 7.07 7.16 7-25 7-34 7-44 7-54 7.65 7-77 7-9° 8.03 8.18 8-33 8.48 8.64 8.81 8.98 9.17 9-36 9-55 9-77 10.00 10.31 10.69 Ji.14 11.69 12.28 12.92 13.61 14.39 15.22 16.13 17.12 18.17 19-33 20.60 21.94 23.41 25.02 26 80 28.76 30.91 33 25 35 82 38.62 41.66 44 99 48.58 52.43 2d Year. 6.6l 6.68 6.75 6.82 6.9O 6.99 7.07 7.17 7.27 7.38 7-49 7.61 7-74 7.86 8.00 8.14 8.28 8.44 8-59 8.75 8.92 9.12 9-37 9.70 10.07 10.54 11.04 H-59 12.18 12.82 13-52 14.29 15.12 16. or 16.98 18.03 19.14 20 36 21.69 23.18 24.79 26 57 28.50 30.62 32.93 35-43 38.17 41.12 44.29 47-74 3d Year. 6.28 6.34 6.40 6.46 6-53 6.60 6.68 6.76 6.85 6.94 7.04 7.14 7.24 7-35 7-47 7.58 7-70 7.82 7-94 8.07 8.23 8-43 8.69 9.00 9-39 9.80 10.24 10.73 n.25 11.82 12.44 13.11 13.81 14-59 15.43 16.30 17.26 18.30 19.46 20.72 22.10 23.59 25-23 27.00 28.92 3101 33-26 35-66 38.28 41.08 4 tb Year. 5-93 5.98 6.02 6.08 6.13 6.19 6.25 6.32 6-39 6.47 6.55 6.62 6.70 6.79 6.87 6.96 7-05 7-13 7.23 7-33 7-49 7.69 7-93 8.23 8.55 8.90 9.27 9.67 10.10 10.57 11.07 11.60 12.17 12.78 13.42 14.10 14.84 15.66 16.54 I7.5I 18.53 19.64 20.84 22.12 23.51 24.98 26 54 28.22 30.01 31.94 Comb.4 % lOPay.L 472 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXI. 1 COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TEN-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COM. BINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6 th 7 th 8th 9th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.II 7.OO 6.88 6.76 6.62 6-47 6.31 6.14 5-95 21 7.I9 7.08 6.96 6.83 6.69 6-54 6-37 6.20 6.00 22 7.27 7.16 7.04 6.9I 6.77 6.6l 6.44 6.26 6.06 23 7.36 7.25 7.12 6.99 6.84 6.69 6.51 6.33 6.12 24 7.46 7.34 7.22 7.08 6.93 6.77 6.59 6.40 6.18 li 7.56 7.44 7.31 7.17 7.02 6.86 6.67 6.47 6.25 7.66 7-54 7.42 7.27 7.12 6-95 6.76 6-55 6.3I % 7-77 7.66 7.52 7.38 7.22 7.05 6.85 6.63 6.38 7.90 7-77 7.64 7-49 7-33 7.15 6-94 6.71 6.45 29 8.03 7.9O 7:76 7.61 7-44 7.25 7.03 6.79 6.52 30 8.16 8.04 7.90 7-74 7-55 7.36 7.13 6.87 6-59 31 8.31 8.18 8.03 7.86 7.68 7-47 7.23 6.96 6.66 32 8.46 8-33 8.17 8.00 7.80 7.58 7 33 7.05 6-73 33 8.62 8.48 8.32 8.14 7-93 7.70 7-43 7.13 6.80 34 8.79 8.64 8.47 8.28 8.07 7.82 7-54 7.23 6.89 9 8.96 8.8l 8.63 8.43 8.20 7-94 7.65 7.34 7.02 9-15 8.98 8.80 8.59 8-34 8.07 7.78 7-49 7.19 .8 9-38 9.17 8-97 8-74 8-49 8.22 7.96 7.69 7.39 9-54 9-36 9.15 8.92 8.67 8-43 8.19 7-93 7.65 39 9-74 9 55 9-34 9.II 8.90 8.69 8.46 8.23 7.92 40 9-95 9.76 9-55 9-36 9.19 8.99 8.81 8-55 8.22 4i 10.19 10.00 9-83 9.68 9-53 9-38 9.17 8.89 8-53 42 10.45 10.30 10.19 IO.06 9-95 9-79 9- 56 9.26 8.87 43 10.78 10.69 10.60 IO.52 10.41 10.23 9.99 9.67 9.24 44 11. 19 11. 13 11. 10 H.03 10.90 10.72 10.45 10.10 9-63 % 11.67 11.68 11.65 n-57 11.44 11.24 10.95 io.57 10.05 12.27 12.27 12.24 12.16 12.02 11. 81 11.50 11.07 10.48 % 12.90 12.91 12.89 12.81 12.66 12.43 12.09 11.60 10.96 13.59 13.61 13-59 13.51 13-36 13-10 12.71 12.18 11.46 49 14.34 14.38 14.36 14.28 14. 1 1 13-82 13.39 12.80 11.97 50 15.16 15-21 15.20 15.12 14.91 14.60 14.12 13.44 12.52 5i 16.05 16.12 16.12 16.01 15.80 15-44 14.89 14.13 13.11 52 17.04 17.11 17.09 16.99 16.75 16.33 15.72 14.88 13.76 53 18. 11 18.17 18.17 18.05 17.76 17.30 16.63 15-72 14.46 54 19-25 19-34 19.33 19.17 18.86 18.35 17.64 16.61 15.21 55 20.51 20.61 20.56 20.40 20.05 19.53 18.73 17-59 16.01 56 21.87 21-95 21.92 21 73 21.40 20.81 19-93 18.64 16.86 % 23.32 23.42 23-39 23.24 22.86 22 22 21 22 19.79 17.78 24.91 25.03 25.05 24.87 24.47 23-75 22.64 21.02 18.75 59 26.65 26.83 26.85 26.68 26.22 25.42 24.17 22.34 19.79 60 28 60 28.80 28.84 28.64 28.14 27.24 25.84 23.79 20.89 | 15Pay.L. Comb.4% Of Life; Insurance. 473 Table No. CLXXII. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 FIFTEEN PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE. FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th «th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.17 7.13 7.08 703 6-97 6.9I 6.84 6.77 21 7.25 7.20 7.16 7.II 7.05 6.99 6.92 6.85 22 7-33 7.29 7.24 7.20 7.14 7.08 7.02 6.94 23 7-43 7-36 7-34 7.29 7-23 7.17 7.IO 7.03 24 7-53 7.48 744 739 7-34 7.27 7.21 7.12 2 | 7.63 759 7-54 7.48 743 7-37 7-31 7.24 26 7-74 771 7.64 7.61 7-55 7-49 7.42 7-34 3 7.86 7.82 7-77 7.72 7-67 7.61 7-54 7.46 7-97 7.93 7.90 7-85 7.80 7-73 7-65 7-57 29 8.10 8.07 8.02 7.98 7-93 7.86 '7.78 7.69 30 8.25 8.21 8.18 8.13 8.06 8.00 7.90 7.80 31 8.38 8.36 8.32 8.26 8.21 8.14 8.04 7-94 32 8.56 8.52 8.47 8.42 8-35 8.25 8.18 8.06 33 8.72 8.6q 8.64 8.58 8.51 8.42 8.32 8.20 34 8.8g 8.84 8.81 8.74 8.67 8.57 8-47 8-34 35 9.08 9.02 8.98 8.90 8.83 8.73 8.62 8.51 36 9.26 9.21 9-i5 9.09 9.00 8.88 8.80 8.72 U 9-45 9.40 9.34 9.27 9.18 9.10 9°3 8-99 9-65 9.61 9-54 9.46 9-39 9-34 9-33 9-34 39 9.86 9-79 9-75 9.69 9-65 9.66 9.67 9-73 40 10.08 9.98 9.96 9-97 9.99 10.03 10. 1 1 10.17 4i 10.32 10.28 10.28 10.33 10.38 10.49 10.57 10.64 42 10.59 10.59 10.66 10.74 10.88 10.98 11.09 11.15 43 10.92 11.00 11. 11 11.26 11.40 "•53 11.63 11. 71 44 H-33 11.47 11.66 11. 81 11.98 12. 11 12.23 12.32 9 11.84 12.04 12.24 12.43 12.59 12.75 12.88 12.98 12.44 12.67 12.88 13.09 13.27 13.46 13.60 I37I % 13.08 13-33 13.60 13-77 14.03 14.22 14-39 14.48 13-80 14.06 14-33 14-59 14.83 1505 15.21 15.32 49 14.56 14.86 15.16 15-45 15.72 15-93 16.12 16.23 So 15-39 15-73 16.06 16.38 16.65 16.90 17.10 17.20 5i 16.31 16.70 17.06 17-39 17.69 17.96 18.14 18.25 52 17-31 17-73 18.11 18.48 18.81 19.08 19.27 19-39 53 18.41 18.84 19.27 19.67 20.01 20.29 20.51 20.67 54 19-57 20.07 20.52 20.93 21.31 21.62 21.89 22.06 P 20.86 21.39 21.87 22.31 22.72 23.04 23.4c 23.60 22.26 22.79 23.33 23.82 24.31 24.73 25.07 25.26 9E 23-74 24-33 24.92 25.51 26.02 26.52 26.86 27.08 25.35 26.04 26.71 27.36 27.96 28.45 28.84 29.07 59 27.14 27.92 28.65 29.38 30.02 30.57 31-00 31.23 60 29.12 29.96 30.82 31.58 32.30 32.90 33-34 33-6o ComA % 15Pay.L 474 / Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXIL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 FIFTEEN-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 9th lOth llth 12th 13th 14th 15th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year 20 6.69 6.61 6.5I 6.39 6.28 6.16 6.00 21 6 -v 6.85 6.68 6.58 6.48 6-35 6.21 6.05 1 22 6.77 6.67 6.55 6.41 6.28 6.II 23 6-95 6.86 6-75 6.63 6.49 6.33 6.16 | 24 7.05 6.94 6.83 6.71 6.57 6.40 6.22 J % 7.14 7.04 6-93 6.79 6.63 6.46 6.27 7.24 7.14 7.02 6.87 6.72 6.55 6.32 1 11 7-35 7.24 7.12 6-95 6-79 6.59 6.38 j 7-47 7.35 7.21 7.05 6.86 6.66 6.44 i 29 7.58 7-45 7.29 7.13 6-94 6-74 6.54 1 30 7.68 7-55 7.4O 7.22 704 6.85 6.68 ; 31 7.81 7.67 7.51 7-33 7.17 7.01 6.85 ; 32 7-93 7.78 7.63 7-49 7-35 7.21 7.07 i 33 8.07 7.92 7-79 7.68 7-57 7.46 7.30 34 8.21 8.10 8.02 7.91 7.83 7.72 7.54 n 8.41 8-35 8.27 8.22 8.12 8.00 7.80 8.67 8.62 8.60 8-53 8.44 8.30 8.08 3 Z 8.98 8.97 8-95 8.88 8.77 8.60 8 37 j 38 9-35 9-35 93 2 9.25 9.13 8.94 8.69 ! 39 9.76 9 77 9.72 9.65 9.52 9-3i 9.02 ; 40 10.20 10.20 10.16 10.07 9.92 9.69 9.36 i 4i 10.68 10.68 10.64 io.53 10.38 10.10 9-72 ! 42 11.20 11.20 11. 15 11.04 10.84 10.52 IO. 1 1 i 43 11.76 11.76 11. 71 11-57 11.34 11. 01 10.49 i 44 12.37 12.38 12.30 12.15 11.88 11-45 IO.89 ! 4 § 13.05 13-03 12-94 12.76 12.43 11.97 11.32 46 13.76 13-75 13.64 1340 13.03 12.50 11.78 j tl 14-54 14.50 14.36 14.09 13.68 13-10 12.27 15-38 15.31 I5-I4 14.84 14.40 13.72 12.78 49 16.25 16.19 15.99 15.67 15.15 14-39 13.32 50 17.22 17-13 16.94 16.57 15.98 15.09 13.87 Si 18.28 18.20 17.96 17.64 16.87 15.86 14-45 52 19-45 19.36 19.10 18.60 17.82 16.68 I5-05 53 20.72 20.61 20.31 19.76 18.86 17.52 I5-67 54 22.13 21.98 21.63 20.99 19.94 18.43 16.29 H 23.63 23.48 23.07 22.31 21.13 19-37 16.9I 25.29 25.11 24.62 23.76 22.39 20.38 17-55 P 27.11 26.87 26.31 25.31 23.71 21.43 18.19 29.07 28.80 28.12 26.94 25.16 22.53 18.83 59 31-23 30.88 30.07 28.74 26.69 23.70 I9.48 60 33-55 33." 32.20 30.68 28.33 24.92 20.I3 20 Pay. L. Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 475 Table No. CLXXIII. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 TWENTY-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7fch Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.20 7.18 7.17 7.16 7.14 7.12 7.IO 21 7.28 7.26 7.26 7.24 7.23 7.21 7.I9 22 7.37 7-37 7-35 7.34 7.32 7.30 7.29 23 7.46 7-45 7-44 7.43 7.42 7.41 7-39 24 7.56 7-54 7-55 7-54 7-52 7.51 7.50 25 7.66 7.66 7-65 7.65 7.64 7.63 7.62 26 7-77 7.78 7.78 7.76 7.76 7-75 7.74 27 7.88 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.88 7.87 28 8.OI 8.02 8.02 8.02 8.02 8.02 8.00 29 8.I4 8.16 8.16 8.17 8.16 8.15 8.14 30 8.29 8.30 8.3I 8.31 8.31 8.30 8.29 31 8.44 8-45 8.46 8.46 8.46 8.45 8.43 32 8.60 8.6l 8.62 8.62 8.62 8.60 8.59 33 8.76 8.78 8.79 8.79 8.78 8-77 8.75 34 8.93 8.95 8.96 8.96 8-95 8.94 8.91 $ 9.12 9-13 9.14 9.14 9.12 9.II 9.08 9-31 9-32 9-32 9-32 9.3i 9.29 9.28 11 9.50 9-52 9-52 9-51 9-51 9-50 9-5* 9.71 9.72 9-74 9.70 9.72 9-77 9.87 39 9.92 9-93 9-93 9.95 10.01 10.12 10.25 40 10.14 10.16 10.18 10.25 10.37 10.52 10.72 4i 10.39 10.42 10.48 10.62 10.79 11. 01 11.23 42 10.65 10.74 10.88 11.06 11.30 11-54 11.79 43 10.99 11. 14 11-34 11.60 11.87 12.13 12.40 44 11.42 11.63 11.90 12.18 12.47 12.76 13.06 9 11.92 12.19 12.50 12.82 13.13 13.45 13-78 12.53 12.89 13.17 13-51 13.84 14.20 14-57 47 13.16 13.52 13.89 14-25 14.64 15-03 15.42 48 13.89 14.26 14.66 15.08 15.50 15.92 16-33 49 14.66 1507 15.52 15.97 16.43 16.87 17-33 50 I55I 15-97 16.45 16.95 17.43 17-93 18.42 5i 16.43 16.94 17.47 17.99 18.52 19.06 19.56 52 17.44 17.99 18.55 19.14 19.70 20.26 20.81 53 18.54 19.18 19.76 20.37 20.96 21.57 22.17 54 19.71 20.43 21.06 21.66 22.34 23.00 23.70 55 21.01 21.72 22.41 23.12 23.84 24.60 25.35 56 22.41 23.14 23.91 24.68 25.51 26.34 27.18 R 23.9° 24.69 25.54 26.43 27.33 28.25 29.14 25-53 26.43 27.37 28.33 29.33 30.32 3I-30 59 27.32 28.34 29.36 30.43 31.50 32.58 33.65 60 1 29.32 30.41 31.55 32.70 33-88 35.05 36.20 Comb.4 % 20Pay.L 476 Principles a»d Practice Table No. CLXXIIL— Continued. 1 COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 TWENTY-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Stll 9 th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.07 7.05 7.0I 6.98 6-95 6.9O 6.85 21 7.17 7.14 7.12 7.08 7.04 7.00 6-94 22 7.27 7.25 7-21 7.18 7.14 7.08 7-03 23 7.38 7-35 7.32 7.29 7.24 7.19 7.13 24 7.48 7.46 7.43 7.40 7-35 7.29 7.23 11 7.60 7.58 7-54 7.51 7.46 7-39 7-33 7.72 7.69 7.67 7.62 7-57 7-51 7.42 % 7.85 7.82 7.79 7-75 7.68 7.61 7.52 7.98 7.95 7.91 7.86 7.80 7.72 7.64 29 8.12 8.08 8.04 7-99 7.92 7.85 7.76 30 8.26 8.22 8.18 8.I4 8.04 7.98 7.93 31 8.4I 8-37 8.31 8.25 8.20 8.16 8.16 32 8.56 8.5O 8.46 8.4I 8.39 8.41 8-43 33 8.71 8.67 8.62 8.62 8.65 8.69 8.76 34 8.87 8.84 8.84 8.89 8.94 9.05 9.12 £ 9.06 9.08 9- x 3 9.21 932 9.42 9-51 9-31 9-38 9.46 9.60 9.72 9.84 9.93 i 9.62 9.72 9.88 I0.02 10.16 IO.28 I0 37 9.99 IO.I6 10.32 IO.48 10.63 10.75 IO.86 39 10.44 IO.62 10.81 IO.98 11. 14 II.27 II.40 40 10.93 II. 13 11-33 11.52 11.69 II.85 11-95 41 11.46 11.68 11.90 12. II 12.30 12.47 12-59 42 12.04 12.28 12.52 12.74 12.95 13. II 13.15 43 12.66 12.93 I3-I9 13.44 13.65 I3.83 I3.96 44 13.35 13.65 13.92 I4.I8 14.42 14.61 I4.72 % 14.10 14.42 14.71 14.99 1524 15.41 15.54 14.92 15.25 15.58 15.87 16.10 16.29 16.41 1 1 15-79 16.16 16.51 16.79 17-05 17.25 17.42 16.74 17.14 17.47 I7.8O 18.19 I8.31 18.47 49 17.78 18.17 18.55 18.89 19.22 19-47 I9.65 So 18.86 19.30 19.72 20.I2 20.48 20.75 20.92 | 5i 20.06 20.53 21.01 2I.46 21.84 22.13 22.29 52 21-35 21.91 22.43 22.91 23.30 23.62 23.78 53 22.80 23.40 23.98 24.49 24.92 25.24 25.40 54 24.38 25.05 25.66 26.22 26.68 27.OI 27.25 3 26.11 26.72 27.49 28.IO 28.57 28.91 29.02 27.98 28.76 29.48 30.I3 30.64 30.97 3Lo6 57 30.03 30.88 31-65 32.33 32.87 33 17 33.25 58 32.26 33.17 34.oo 34.72 3524 35.58 35.62 59 34.68 35.67 3654 37.27 37.9 2 38.06 38.17 60 37.32 38.35 39.26 4O.O4 40.62 40.95 40.94 20 Pay. L. Comb.4^ Of Life Insurance. 477 Table No CLXXIIL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 TWENTY-PAYMENT LIFE POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COM - BINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.78 6.71 6.63 6.50 6.4O 6.27 J 21 6.87 6.79 6.70 6.58 6.46 6.32 i 22 6.97 6.88 6-77 6.67 6.53 6.38 i 23 7.04 6.96 6.85 6.72 6.58 6.44 24 7.14, 7.05 6.92 6.81 6.66 6.S4 3 7.24 7.13 7.02 6.89 6.78 6.69 7.32 7.23 7.IO 7.02 6.92 6.85 11 7-43 7-33 7.24 7.19 7.11 7 06 7-55 7.48 7-43 7.38 7-34 7.3o 29 7.72 7.68 7.65 7.65 7.61 7-54 30 7.92 7.90 7.92 7.90 7-87 7.80 3i 8.17 8.21 8.21 8.21 8.16 8.07 32 8.49 8.52 8.54 8.52 8.46 8-37 33 8.82 8.86 8.87 8.85 8.79 8.69 34 9.19 9.23 9.25 9.22 9.14 9.02 i 9.58 9.62 9-63 9.60 9-54 9-36 IO.OO 10.05 10.06 10.02 9.92 9.72 i IO.46 10.51 10.50 10.45 10.32 10.10 IO.96 10.99 10.99 10.91 10.76 10.48 39 II.49 11.52 n. 51 II. 31 11.20 10.88 40 12. 0«, 12.09 12.06 11.92 11.67 11.32 4i 12.68 12.70 12.63 12.46 12.20 11.79 42 13-33 13.32 13.24 13.04 12.74 12.26 43 14.02 14.01 13.89 13.68 13-32 12.78 44 14.78 14.74 14.65 14-39 13.97 13-32 s 15.59 15.57 15.42 15.14 14.61 13-87 16.50 16.46 16.29 15.92 15-32 14.45 1 17-47 17.42 17.20 16.78 16.09 15-04 18.54 18.45 18.19 17.68 16.86 15-67 49 19.69 19-57 19.26 18.65 17.70 16.29 So 20.95 20.80 20.40 19.69 18.58 16.91 5i 22.31 22.11 21.63 20.79 19.46 17-54 52 23-79 23-51 22.94 21.92 20.42 18.18 53 25-35 25.24 24.32 23.16 21.41 18.80 54 27.08 26.64 25.8*2 24.47 22.43 19.47 M 28.89 28.39 27.42 25.86 23.50 20.12 30.86 30.26 29-15 27.34 24.66 20. 76 1 32.99 32.28 30.99 28.93 25.88 21.40 35-28 34.26 33.00 30.64 27.16 22.05 59 37.77 36.82 33-9° 32.49 28.48 22.71 6o 1 ' 40.47 39-40 37.48 34-49 29.99 23-33 Comb.4*> lOYr.End 478 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXIV. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TEN-YEAR ENDOW- MENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4 th 5 th 6th 7th 8th 9th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.7O 6.16 5.58 4-95 4.28 3-55 2.76 I.9I O.99 21 6.78 6.24 5.65 5.02 4-34 3.60 2.8o I.94 I. OI 22 6.86 6.32 5-73 5.08 4.40 3-66 2.85 I.98 I.03 23 6.96 6.4O 5.81 5.i6 4-47 3.72 2.9O 2.02 I.05 ! 24 7.05 6.49 5.89 5.24 4-54 3.78 2.96 2.05 I.07 9 , 26 7.14 6-59 5.98 5-33 4.62 3.85 3-OI 2.O9 I.09 7.25 6.69 6.08 5.42 4.71 392 3-07 2.14 1. 12 3 7.36 6.80 6.I9 5.52 4-79 4.OO 3.13 2.18 1. 14 7-49 6.92 6.30 5.62 4.89 4.08 3.19 2.22 1. 17 29 7.6l 7.04 6.41 5-73 4-99 4.16 3.26 2.28 I.20 30 7-75 7-17 6.54 5.85 5.09 425 3-34 2.33 1.22 I 3i 7.89 7.31 6.67 5-97 5.20 4-35 3-41 2.38 1.25 ; 32 8.05 7.46 6.80 6.09 5.3i 4.4O 3-49 2-44 1.27 33 8.21 7.60 6-95 6.22 5.42 4-54 3-57 2-49 I.30 34 8.37 7-77 7.IO 6.36 5-55 4.65 3-65 2-55 1-34 $ 8.55 7-93 7.25 6.51 5-68 4.76 3-74 2.63 1-39 8.73 8.10 7.42 6.65 5.81 4.87 3.84 2.71 i-43 11 8.91 8.29 7-59 6.81 5-95 5.00 396 2.82 1.50 9.12 8.48 7.76 6.97 6. 11 5-17 4.13 2-95 1.58 39 932 8.67 7-95 7.16 6.31 5.38 4.31 3-IO 1.67 40 9-54 8.88 8.16 7.40 6.56 5.62 4-54 3-27 1.77 41 9-77 9.12 8-43 7.69 6.85 591 4-79 3-45 1.86 42 10.03 9.42 8-77 8.03 7.21 6.23 5.05 3.66 1.97 43 10.36 9-79 9-15 8-45 7.60 6.58 5-34 3.88 2. 11 44 10.77 10.22 9-63 8.90 8.02 6.95 5.67 4.12 2.24 45 11.24 io.75 IO.14 9.40 8.48 7-37 6.02 4.38 2.40 46 11.82 11.32 IO.71 9.94 8.99 7.83 6.41 4.67 2.56 * 12.24 11 95 11.32 10.52 9-54 8-33 6.83 4-99 2-73 13.13 12.63 II.98 11. 17 10.15 8.88 7.28 5-33 2-93 49 13.87 13.37 12.71 11.88 10.81 9.46 7.80 571 3.14 So 14.69 14.18 13.52 12.65 II.53 10.12 8.34 6.12 3-38 Si 15.57 15.07 14.39 1348 12.32 10.83 8.94 6.57 3.63 52 16.55 16.04 15.33 14.40 13.17 11.58 9-58 7.06 3-91 53 17.61 17 08 16.36 15.39 14.09 12.42 10.29 7.62 4.24 54 18.74 18.23 17.49 16.45 15.10 13-34 11. 10 8.23 4.60 P 19.99 19.47 18.69 17.62 16.20 14,37 11-99 8.92 4-99 21-34 20,80 20.00 18.90 17.45 I5.5I 12.97 9.67 5-43 8 22.79 22.25 21-44 20.34 18.88 16.76 14.04 10.50 5.89 24.38 23.84 23.06 21.92 20.32 18.14 1523 11.42 6.43 59 26.10 25-63 24.83 23.66 21.97 19.66 16.55 12.42 6-99 60 28.05 27.58 26.80 25.56 23.80 21.34 18.00 13.55 7.67 15Yr.End. Comb.4 % Of Liff, Insurance. 479 Table No. SLXXV. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A FIFTEEN YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. l«t 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.94 6.66 6.35 6.03 5.67 529 4.88 4-43 21 7-03 6.74 6.44 6.II 5-75 5-37 4-95 4.50 22 7.11 6.83 6.52 6.I9 5.84 5-45 5.03 4.57 23 7.21 6.92 6.6l 6.29 5.93 5-54 5. 11 4.66 24 7.30 7.02 6.71 6.38 6.03 5-63 5.21 4.75 3 7.40 7.12 6.82 6.49 6.13 5-74 5.31 4.84 7.51 7.23 6-93 6.60 6.24 5.84 5-42 4-94 3 7.63 7.35 7.05 6.72 6-35 5-9 6 5-53 5-03 7-75 7.48 7.17 6.84 6.48 6.08 5.64 5-14 29 7.88 7.61 7.31 6.98 6.61 6.20 5-75 5-27 30 8.03 7.75 7.45 7.12 6.74 6-33 5.88 5.38 3i 8.17 7.90 7.60 7.25 6.89 6.47 5-99 5.50 32 8-33 8.06 7-75 7.4I 703 6.61 6.14 5.63 33 8.50 8.22 7.9I 7-57 7.19 6.76 6.29 .5.76 34 8.67 8.39 8.08 7-73 7-35 6.92 6.43 5.9° M 8.85 8.57 8.26 7.91 7-52 7.08 6.59 6.06 9.04 8.75 8.44 8.09 7.69 725 6.76 6.25 g 9-23 8.95 8.64 8.27 7.87 7-44 6.98 6.51 9-44 9.16 8.83 8.47 8.08 7.68 7.26 6.80 39 9- 6 5 9-36 9.04 8.70 8.35 7-99 7.58 7.14 40 9.87 9-59 9.28 8.98 8.68 8.34 7.98 7.52 4i 10. 1 1 9.82 9-59 9-34 9.06 8-77 8.40 7-94 42 10.38 10.16 9.96 9-75 9.52 9.23 8.87 8.39 43 10.72 io.57 IO.4O 10.25 10.03 9-45 9-37 8.89 44 11.15 11.03 IO.94 10.79 10.59 10.30 9.92 9.44 9 11.63 11.60 11.52 11.39 n. 19 10.91 io.53 IO.04 12.23 12.21 12.15 12.03 11.85 11.58 11.20 IO.70 47 12.88 12.89 12.84 12.74 12.57 12.30 H-93 II.40 48 13.59 13.61 13-59 13-51 13.36 13.10 12.71 I2.I8 49 14-35 14.41 14.41 14.36 14.22 13.96 1357 I3.03 50 15.19 15.28 15-31 15.28 15.14 14.90 I4.5I 13.93 5i 16.10 16.23 16.30 16.27 16.16 15-93 15-51 14.92 52 17.11 17.27 17.35 17.36 17.27 17.02 16.61 16.OO 53 18.20 18.37 18.51 18.54 18.44 18.22 17.82 17.23 54 19.36 19.60 19.76 19.80 19.74 19.53 19.18 18.58 P 20.65 20.93 2I.IO 21.18 21.15 21.00 20.65 20.06 22.05 22.34 22.56 22.69 22.73 22.61 22.28 21.67 g 23.53 23.88 24.16 24.38 24.46 24.38 24.06 23.46 25.15 25.57 25.95 26.23 26.37 26.31 26.02 25.42 59 26.93 27.46 27.89 28.26 28.45 28.44 28.18 27.55 60 28.99 29-53 30.07 30.48 30.73 30.78 30.52 29.91 Comb.4* 15Yr.End. 480 Principles AND P RACTIC] B Table No. CLXXV.— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A FIFTEEN. YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT Agb. 9th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th 15th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 3-95 3-42 2.85 2.23 i-55 O.81 0.00 21 4.02 3.48 2.9O 2.27 1.60 O.82 O.oo 22 4.09 3-55 2.96 2.32 1.61 O.84 0.00 23 4.16 3.62 3-02 2.36 1.65 O.86 0.00 24 4.24 3-69 3-08 2.42 1.69 O.88 O.oo $ 4-33 3-77 3.15 2-47 1.73 O.9O O.OO 4.41 3.85 3.21 2-53 1.76 0.93 O.oo i 4.51 3-93 3-29 2.58 1. 81 0.95 0.00 4 61 4.02 3-35 2.65 1.85 O.99 0.00 29 4.72 4. 11 3-45 2.72 1.87 1. 01 0.00 30 4.82 421 3-53 2.77 1.95 I.03 0.00 31 4-93 4.31 362 2.86 2.01 I.06 0.00 32 5-05 4.41 3-71 2.94 2.09 I. II O.OO 33 5-17 4-53 3.84 3.07 2.19 1. 18 0.00 34 5.32 4.68 3-99 3.20 2.30 1.24 0.00 i 5-49 4.87 4-17 3-37 243 I- 31 0.00 5-7i 509 4-39 3-55 2.56 1.39 0.00 1 5.97 5-35 4.62 3-75 2.72 1-47 0.00 6.27 564 4.88 3-96 2 86 1.56 O.oo 39 6.60 5-95 5.16 4.21 305 I.69 0.00 40 6.97 6.29 5-47 4-47 3-25 1.78 0.00 41 7-31 6.67 5.81 4-75 3 47 I.90 O.OO 42 7-77 7.07 6.18 5.06 3.70 2.02 O.OO 43 8.29 7-53 6-59 541 3-96 2.17 O.OO 44 8.81 8.03 7.04 5-79 4.24 2.34 0.00 % 9.40 8.56 7-5i 6.20 4-55 2.51 0.00 10.02 9.16 8.05 6.64 4.88 2.70 O.oo 4 Z 10.70 9-79 8.63 7.13 5-25 2.92 0.00 48 11.47 10.50 9.27 7.62 5.66 3.l6 0.00 49 12.25 11.26 9.94 8.28 6.10 3-43 O.OO 50 13-14 12.08 10.71 8-93 6.65 3-72 0.00 51 14.09 13-03 11.56 9.64 7.21 4-05 0.00 52 15.19 14.04 12.51 10.48 7.84 4.40 O.OO 53 16.43 15.18 13-54 11.38 8-53 4.80 0.00 54 17.76 16.44 14.71 12.39 9.29 5-25 0.00 55 19.14 17.81 15.98 13.47 10.14 5-75 0.00 20Yr.End. Comb.4* Of Life Insurance. 48 1 Table No. CLXXVI < 30ST OF INSURANCE PER $ rooo OF A TWENTY-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 tii 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7 06 6.90 6-73 6.55 6-35 6.13 5-90 5.65 21 7.14 6.98 6.82 6.64 6-43 6.22 5-99 5-74 22 7.23 7.08 6.9I 6-73 6-53 6.32 6.O9 5.84 23 7-33 7.17 7.00 6.83 6.63 6.42 6.I9 5-95 24 7-43 7.27 7.H 6.93 6.74 6.53 6.3I 6.05 a 7.53 7.38 7.22 7-05 6.86 6.65 6.42 6.17 7.64 7-49 734 7.17 6.98 6-77 6.55 6.29 % 7-75 7.62 7.46 7.30 7.11 6.9I 6.68 6.42 7.88 7-74 7.60 7-43 7-25 7.O4 6.81 6.56 29 8.02 7.89 7-74 7-57 7-39 7.18 6.96 6.70 30 8.16 8.03 7.89 7-73 7-54 7-34 7.11 6.84 3i 8.31 8.19 8.04 7.88 7.7o 7-49 7.26 7.00 32 8.47 8-35 8.20 8.05 7.86 7-65 742 7.16 33 8.64 8.51 8.38 8.22 8.03 7.83 7.59 7-32 34 8.81 8.69 8.55 8.39 8.21 8.00 7-77 7.50 3 § 9.00 8.88 8-73 8.58 8.40 8.18 7-95 7.69 36 9.19 9.06 8-93 8-77 8.58 8.38 8.18 7.92 1? 9.38 9.27 9-13 8.97 8 79 8.60 8.42 8.25 9 59 9.48 9-34 9.18 9.02 8.87 8.75 8.61 39 9.81 9.69 9-56 9.42 9-31 9.22 9.12 9.04 40 10.03 9.92 9.81 9.72 9.67 9.62 9-59 9-52 4i 10.27 10.18 10.13 IO.IO 10.09 10. 1 1 10.08 10.04 42 10.54 10.51 10.52 IO.54 10.60 10.64 10.64 10.60 43 10.89 10.93 10.98 II.08 11. 16 11.22 11.23 11.22 44 11.32 11.40 11-54 11.66 11.77 11.85 11.89 11.89 ii 11. 81 11.99 12.15 12.30 12.43 12.54 12.61 12.64 12.42 12.62 12.81 12.99 1315 13.29 13.39 13.45 47 13.07 13.31 13-53 13-74 13-94 14. 11 14.24 14-31 48 13-79 14.05 14.32 14.57 14.80 15.01 15.15 15.26 49 14.56 14.87 15.17 15.47 15.74 15-97 16.16 16.30 50 I5.4I 15.76 16.11 16.45 16.74 17.02 17-25 17-39 51 16.34 16.74 17.13 17.49 17.85 18.16 18.40 18.59 52 17-35 17.80 18.22 18.65 19.04 19.38 19.67 19.90 53 18.45 18.93 19.42 19.90 20.31 20.70 21.04 21.36 54 19.63 20.18 20.72 21.22 21.70 22.15 22.59 22.96 p 20.93 21-53 22.10 22.67 23.21 23-77 24.27 24.71 22.33 22.97 23.61 24.25 24.90 25-53 26.12 26.61 57 23-83 24-54 25.26 26.01 26.75 27.46 28.11 28.70 58 25.46 26.26 27.10 27.94 28.77 29.56 30.31 30.97 59 27.25 28.18 29.11 30.05 30.97 31.86 32.69 33-43 60 29.25 30.27 31.32 32.34 33.37 34.36 35.28 36.13 Comb.4* 20Yr.End 482 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXVL— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT Age. 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 5-37 5.08 4-75 4.40 4.OI 3-59 3.12 21 ' 5.46 5.17 4.84 4.49 4.09 3.66 3-19 22 5.56 5.26 4.94 4.58 4.18 3-74 3.26 23 5.67 5-37 5-03 4.67 4.27 3.82 3-34 24 5.78 5.48 5.14 4-77 4.36 3-9 1 3-4i 3 5.90 5-59 5.25 4.87 4-45 4.00 3-49 6.02 5-71 5.36 4.98 4-55 4.09 3-56 2 6.14 5.83 5.48 5.09 4.66 4.18 3.66 6.28 5.96 5.60 5.22 4-77 4.28 3-76 29 6.4I 6.09 5-73 5-33 4.89 4.40 3.88 30 6.56 6.23 5.87 5.46 5.02 4.55 4.04 31 6.70 6.36 6.0I 5.61 5.15 4.74 4.22 32 6.86 6-53 6.17 5-79 5-40 4-94 4-44 33 7.02 6.70 6.37 6.02 5-03 5.20 4.67 34 7.21 6.92 6.62 6.29 5.9 2 5.47 4-93 M 7-44 7.19 6.9I 6.6l 6.24 5.78 521 7.71 7.48 7.23 6.95 6.55 6.06 5-52 3 8.06 7.89 7.65 7-35 6-95 6.47 5.85 8.48 8.29 8.07 7.75 7.37 6.86 6.23 39 8.92 8.76 8.52 8.20 7.80 7.29 6.65 40 9.41 9.25 9.O2 8.70 8.30 7.77 7.08 4i 9-94 9-79 9-56 9.25 8.84 8.26 7-56 42 10.50 10.38 10.17 9-85 9.41 8.85 8.10 43 11. 15 11.03 IO.82 IO.49 10.05 9-45 8.66 44 11.85 11.74 11.52 II. 21 10.76 10.12 9.28 * 12.61 12.50 I2.30 II.98 11.49 10.84 9-97 13.43 13-33 13.14 I2.80 12.31 11.63 10.74 % 14-32 14.24 I4.O3 I3.7O 13.21 12.53 11.59 15.29 15.21 I5.02 I4.69 14.21 13-51 12.53 49 16.32 16.29 16.08 I5.8I 15-31 14.59 13.56 50 17.46 17-43 17.31 I7.02 16.53 15.77 14.68 5i 18.69 18.72 18.62 18.36 17.85 17.08 I5.9 2 52 20.07 20.15 20.08 I9.81 19.32 18.50 17.30 S3 21-57 21.71 21.65 21.41 20.92 20.07 18.79 54 23.24 23.40 23.38 23.17 22.66 21.79 20.43 55 25.05 25.26 25.29 25.08 24.58 23.66 22.21 20Yr.End. Comb.4* Of Life Insurance. 483 Table No. CLXXVL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY- YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE FOUR PER CENT. Age. 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 2.6l 2.05 1-43 0.75 O.OO 21 2.67 2.09 I.47 O.77 O.OO 22 2-73 2.14 I.50 O.79 O.OO 23 2.79 2.I9 1-54 0.8l O.OO 24 2.85 2.24 1-57 O.83 O.OO 3 2.92 2.30 1.61 O.85 O.OO 3-00 2.36 1.66 O.89 O.OO % 3-09 2.44 1-73 0.93 O.OO 3.18 2-55 1. 81 O.98 O.OO 29 3-31 2.65 1.91 I.03 O.OO 30 3.46 2.79 2.01 I.09 O.OO 31 3.64 2.94 2.12 1. 16 O.OO 32 3.82 3.13 2.25 I.23 O.OO 33 4.04 3-29 2.38 I.29 O.OO 34 4.27 3-49 2.52 1-37 O.OO li 4.53 3- 70 2.69 1.47 O.OO 4.82 3-95 2.83 I.56 O.OO U 5.13 4.19 3-o8 1.68 O.OO 5-45 4.48 3.28 1.80 O.OO 39 5.80 4.78 3-5i 1.91 O.OO 40 6.21 5.12 3-76 2.08 O.OO 4i 6.64 5-47 4.03 2.23 O.OO 42 7.12 5.89 4-35 2-43 O.OO 43 7.63 6.32 4.67 2.64 O.OO 44 8.21 6.82 5.07 2.83 O.OO 9 8.84 7-37 5-49 3-07 O.OO 9-55 7-99 5-95 3-33 O.OO S 10.33 8.65 6.47 3-65 O.OO 11. 18 9-38 7.04 3-97 O.OO 49 12.12 10.21 7.66 4-23 O.OO So 13-17 11. 11 8.36 4-74 O.OO 5i 14.30 12.10 9.12 5-17 O.OO 52 15.57 13-19 9.96 5-67 O.OO 53 16.96 14.36 10.88 6.21 O.OO 54 18.44 15-72 11.92 6.81 O.OO 55 20.10 17.12 13.03 7.48 O.OO Comb.4* 25Yr.End 484 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXVII. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY-FIVE YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 li II 29 30 31 32 33 34 $ U 39 40 4i 42 43 44 9 49 50 5i 52 53 54 U U 59 60 1st Year. 7.13 7.21 7.30 7.40 7.50 7.60 7.71 7.83 7.96 8.08 8.24 8-39 8-55 8.72 8.89 9.08 9.27 9 47 9.68 9.90 10.12 10.36 10.63 10.98 11.41 11. 91 12.51 13-17 13.89 14.67 15.52 16.45 17.46 18.57 19.74 21.05 22.45 23.95 25-59 27.37 29-37 2d Year. 7.04 7.13 7.22 7-32 7.42 7.53 7.64 7.77 7.90 8.04 8.19 8.35 8.51 8.68 8.86 905 9.24 9.44 9-65 9.87 10.10 10.37 10.70 11. 12 11.60 12.19 12.83 13-53 14.28 15.10 16.00 16.98 18.05 19.19 20.44 21.80 23.24 24.81 26.53 28.45 30.54 3d Year. 6.94 7.04 7.13 7.23 7-34 7.45 7-57 7.70 7.84 7.98 8.I4 8.30 8.46 8.63 8.82 9.OO 9.20 9.40 9.61 9.84 IO.O9 IO.42 IO.82 II.29 11.86 12.48 13-15 13.88 14.68 15.55 16.50 17-51 18.63 19.84 21.15 22.54 24.06 25.70 27.55 29.56 31.77 4th Year. 6.85 6.94 7.03 7.14 7.25 7.37 7-49 7.62 7.76 7.91 8.07 8.23 8.40 8.58 8.76 8-95 9-15 9-35 9-57 9.82 10.13 10.52 10.97 11.52 12.12 12.77 13.48 14-25 1510 16.01 17.01 18.08 19-25 20.51 21.85 2331 24.90 26.68 28.61 30.73 33-02 5 th Year. 6.74 6.83 6.93 7.04 7.15 7.27 7.40 7-54 7.68 7.84 7-99 8.16 8-33 8.50 8.69 9.08 9.29 9-53 9-83 10.21 10.64 11. 18 11.76 12.39 13.07 13.82 14.63 15.52 16.49 17.52 18.65 19.87 21.16 22.57 24.11 25.82 27.68 29.72 31.92 34-33 6th Year. 6.62 6.71 6.8l 6-93 7.O4 7.17 7.30 7-44 7-59 7-74 7.90 8.07 8.24 8.42 8.61 8.80 9.00 9-23 9-52 9.89 10.31 10.83 11.38 12.00 12.66 13.38 14.17 15.02 15.96 16.95 18.05 19.23 20.47 21.84 23.31 24.97 26.75 28.72 30.84 33-15 35-66 7th Year. 6-49 6-59 6.69 6.81 6.93 7.06 7.19 7-34 7.48 7.64 7.80 7.96 8.I4 8.32 8.50 8.70 8.92 9.20 9-56 9.96 IO.46 IO.99 II.48 12.22 12.93 13.68 14-51 1542 16.37 17.43 18.57 19.77 2I.O9 22.51 24.II 25.83 27.72 29.76 31.99 34.40 37.0I 8th Year. 6-34 6.45 6-55 6.68 6.80 6-93 7.07 7.21 7.36 7-52 7.67 7.85 8.02 8.20 8.38 8.60 8.87 9.21 9.60 10.08 10.60 11. 17 11.78 12.45 13-18 13.99 14.86 15.78 16.80 17.90 19.06 20.33 21.70 2324 24.90 26.73 28.69 30.83 33.15 35-66 38.38 25Yr.End. Comb.4* Of I4FK Insurance:. 485 Table No. CLXXVIL— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY-FIVE YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.I9 6.02 5.84 5.64 5.42 5.18 4.9I 4.61 21 6.30 6.13 5-95 5.76 5-53 5.28 5.0I 4.71 22 6.42 6.25 6.05 5.87 5-64 5-39 5-12 4.82 23 6-53 6.37 6.19 5-99 5.76 5-5o 5.24 4-93 24 6.66 6.50 6.31 6.11 5.89 5.63 5-33 5-04 2 § 6.79 6.63 6.45 6.24 6.01 5.76 5.48 5.16 26 6.94 6.77 6-59 6.38 6.14 5-90 5-59 5.29 11 7.07 6.9I 6.75 6.52 6.29 6.02 5-74 5.41 7.22 7-05 6.88 6.66 6.43 6.16 5.89 5-59 29 7-37 7.20 7-03 6.82 6.58 6-35 6.07 5.83 30 7-54 7-37 7.19 6.98 6.76 6.54 6.32 6.07 31 7.71 7-54 7.36 7.16 6.98 6.77 6.59 6.38 32 7.87 7.72 7-55 7-39 7.25 7.08 6.93 6.71 33 8.08 7-94 7-78 7.69 7-55 7-45 7.28 7.08 34 8.27 8.17 8.08 8.01 7-94 7.83 7.69 7-47 35 8-53 8.48 8.43 8.41 8.35 8.26 8.11 7.9I 36 8.84 8.83 8.87 8.84 8-79 8.72 8.56 8.38 U 9- 2 3 9.28 9-32 9-32 9.28 9.22 9.08 8.9O 9.69 9.76 9.81 9.82 9.81 9.76 9.64 9-47 39 10.18 10.28 10.38 10.39 10.39 10.36 10.26 10.03 40 10.73 10.85 10.94 11.00 11.03 11. 01 10.91 10.73 4i 11-33 11.47 11.58 11.68 11 74 11.69 11.62 11.46 42 11.96 12.12 12.28 12.39 12-45 12.46 12.37 12.22 43 12.67 12.89 13-05 13.21 13.27 13.30 13-23 12.97 44 13.42 13.66 13.87 14.03 14.14 14.17 14.14 13-99 45 14.28 14-53 1477 14.97 15.09 15.15 I5.I3- 15.02 46 15 16 15.42 15-75 15.95 16.12 16.21 16.24 16.14 47 16.15 16.50 16.78 1704 17.24 17-39 17.45 17.40 48 17.21 17-57 17.90 18.20 18.48 18.67 18.77 18.73 49 18.32 18.74 i9-!3 19-52 19.82 20.08 20.21 20.21 50 19-55 20.01 20.49 20.93 21.30 21.60 21.78 21.80 Comb.4* 25Yr.End 486 Principles and Practice Table No CLXXVIL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A TWENTY-FIVE YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 4.28 3-91 3.51 3.06 2-57 2.02 I.42 75 21 4.38 4.02 3.60 3.13 2.62 2.o8 I.46 • 77 22 4-47 4.IO 3.68 3-21 2.69 2.15 1.52 .80 23 4-57 4.21 3-77 3.30 2.8o 2.23 1-59 .86 24 4.69 4.29 3.87 3.41 2.91 2.32 I.67 .88 2 § 4.80 4.41 4.OO 3-55 3-04 2-45 1.77 .96 26 493 4.56 4.16 3-71 3-22 2-59 1.88 1. 01 1? 5-09 474 4-34 3.89 3-37 2.74 1.98 1.07 5-30 4-94 4.58 4.IO 3.56 2.89 2.10 1. 14 29 5-53 5-21 4.81 4-35 3-76 3.o6 2.22 1.20 30 5.81 5.48 5.08 4.58 3.98 3-25 2.37 1.30 31 6.11 5-79 5-36 4.84 4.22 3.46 2-53 1.37 32 6-45 6.11 5.67 5.13 4-50 3-69 2.70 1.46 33 6.80 6.44 6.02 5-47 4.82 3.90 2.91 1-57 34 7.21 6.84 6.40 5.83 5- II 4.20 3.10 1.69 !i 7.64 7.28 6.81 6.21 5-45 4-49 3.30 1.82 8.10 7-75 7.25 6.63 5.83 4-79 3-54 1.96 8 8.63 8.24 7-73 7.08 6.21 5-12 3.8i 2.09 9.19 8.78 8.27 7-55 6.67 5.53 4.09 2.28 39 9 80 9-39 8.81 8.11 7.17 5.91 4-44 2.46 40 10.45 10.03 9.46 8.70 7.71 6.43 4-79 2.68 4i 11. 17 10.73 10.15 9-36 8.31 6.94 5.18 2.92 42 11. 91 11.49 10.89 10.07 8.98 7.50 5.61 3.18 43 12.79 12.35 11.75 10.87 9.71 8.16 6.13 3.46 44 13.74 13.34 12.66 11.76 10.53 8.87 6.67 3.78 9 14.77 14.35 13.69 12.74 11-43 9.64 7.26 4.11 I5.9 2 15.50 14.81 13-81 12.42 10.49 7.91 4-49 47 17.16 16.73 16.03 14.98 13.48 11.42 8.63 4.91 48 18.52 18.10 17.36 16.26 14.68 12.43 9.4i 5.40 49 20.02 19.58 18.82 17.65 15.91 13.60 10.31 5.91 So 21.62 21.21 20.40 I9-I5 17.32 14.76 11.23 6.47 30Yr.End. Comb.4* Of L/iFK Insurance. 487 Table No. CLXXVIII. COST OF INSURANCE PER $ 1000 OF A THIRTY- YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4 th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.17 7.13 7.08 7-03 6.98 6.92 6.86 6.78 21 7.26 7.21 7.17 7-13 7.07 7.02 6.95 6.89 22 7-34 7.31 7-27 7.22 7.18 7.13 7.07 7.OI 23 7-44 7.41 7.37 7-33 7.29 7.24 7.19 7.13 24 7-54 7.51 7-47 7-44 7.41 7-36 7.31 7.26 2 I 7.64 7.62 7-59 7.56 7-53 7-49 7.45 7.40 26 7.76 7.73 7.72 7.69 7.66 7.63 4-59 7-54 2 7 7.87 7.86 7.84 7.83 7.80 7.78 7-73 7.69 36 8.00 7-99 7.98 7-97 7.95 7-93 7.89 7.85 29 8.14 8.14 8.13 8.12 8.11 8.08 8.05 8.01 30 8.28 8.28 8.29 8.28 8.26 8.25 8.22 8.18 3i 8-43 8-44 8-45 8.44 8-43 8.42 8.38 8-35 32 8.60 8.6l 8.6l 8.61 8.61 8-59 8-57 8-54 33 8-77 8.78 8.79 8.79 8.78 8.78 8-75 8.71 34 8.94 8.96 8.97 8.97 8.97 8.97 8-94 8.91 9 9.12 9-15 9.16 9-17 9.17 9.16 9.15 9-14 9-32 9-34 9-36 9-37 9-37 9-37 9-37 9.42 1? 9-5i 9-54 9-56 9-57 9.58 9.60 9.66 9-77 9-73 9-75 9-77 9-79 9.82 9.90 10.02 10.18 39 9.94 9-97 10.00 10.04 10.13 10.27 10.44 10.67 40 10.17 10.20 10.25 io.35 10.51 10.70 10.95 11. 21 4i 10.41 10.47 10.58 io.75 10.95 11.23 11.48 11,80 42 10.68 10.80 10.98 11.20 11.49 11.79 12. 11 12-43 43 11.02 11.22 11 45 11.76 12.08 12.42 12.76 13.12 44 11.46 11.70 12.03 12.36 12.72 13.08 13-47 13.87 4 § 11.96 12.30 12.65 1301 I3.4I 13.82 14.24 14.69 46 12.57 12.93 13.33 13-73 14.16 14.61 15.09 15.58 47 13.22 13-63 14.06 I4-5I 14.98 15.48 16.00 16.52 48 13-94 14-39 14.86 15-35 15-88 16.42 16.97 17-55 49 14.72 15.21 15.73 16.27 16.85 17.42 18.04 18.66 50 15.57 16.11 16.68 17.27 17.87 18.52 • 19.18 19.83 5i 16.50 17.09 17.71 18.34 19.01 19.70 20.39 21.11 52 17.51 18.16 18.81 I9-5I 20.23 20.95 21.70 22.49 53 18.62 19.29 20.02 20.77 21.52 22.31 23-13 24.02 54 19.79 20.54 21.32 22.10 22.92 23.78 24.72 25.68 55 21 09 21.90 22.70 23.56 24.45 25.42 26.43 27.50 Comb.4* 30Yr.End. 488 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXVIIL— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A THIRTY-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 li II 29 30 31 32 33 34 | U 39 40 9th Year. 6.7I 6.84 6.94 7.07 7.20 7-34 7.48 7.64 7.80 7.96 8.13 8.31 8.48 8.67 8.88 9.17 9-5i 9.89 10.40 10.92 11.48 10th Year. 6.62 6-75 6.86 6.98 7.13 7.27 7-43 7.58 7-73 7.90 8.07 8.24 8.44 8.64 8.91 9.24 9-63 10.10 10.60 11. 17 u-75 llth Year. 6.53 6.65 6.78 6.9I 7.04 7.I9 7-34 7.50 7.66 7.81 7-99 8.17 8.37 8.56 8.96 9-33 9-79 10.28 10.82 ".39 12.02 12th Year. 6-43 6.53 6.68 6.82 6.95 7.09 7.24 7.41 7.56 7-74 7.90 8.09 8.35 8.66 9-03 9-47 9-95 10.47 11.03 11.63 12.29 13th Year. ' 6.31 6-43 6.56 6.71 6.85 6.98 7.13 7.29 7-45 7.63 7.81 8.06 8-35 8.71 9.14 9.60 10.05 10.64 11.26 11.88 12.57 llth Year. 6.18 6.3I 6-44 6-57 6.71 6.86 7.01 7.16 7-33 7.52 7-75 8.04 8.32 8.79 9.22 9.72 10.23 10.81 11.44 12.10 12.83 15th Year. 6.03 6.17 6.29 6-43 6.56 6.7I 6.85 7.01 7.20 7-43 7.70 8.03 8.43 8.84 9.28 9.82 10.40 10.97 11.64 12.31 13.06 16th Year. 5.87 6.00 6.12 6.26 6.40 6.54 6.68 6.86 7.08 7-35 7.66 8.04 8.44 8.89 9-38 9.90 10.48 11. 10 11.77 12.50 13.28 30Yr.End. Comb.4 % Op IyiFE Insurance. 489 Table No. CLXXVIIL— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A THIRTY-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 17th Year. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 u 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 5.69 5.80 5-94 6.05 6.23 6.35 6.51 6.70 6.98 7.29 7.64 8.01 8-45 8.91 9.41 9.96 10.57 11.20 11.89 12.63 13-45 18th Year. 5.48 5.60 5.71 5.86 5.98 6.15 6.33 6.59 6.87 7.21 7.58 7.98 8-43 8.89 9.41 9.98 IO.61 II.24 II.97 12.75 13.56 19th Year. 5.25 5-35 5-49 5.6o 5.77 5-95 6.17 6.44 6-75 7.11 7.50 7.89 8.35 8.84 9-38 9.96 10.57 11.26 12.00 12.77 13-62 aoth Year. 4.99 5-IO 5.22 5.36 5-53 5.75 5.98 6.29 6.62 7.00 7-37 7-79 8.26 8.74 9-39 9.87 10.52 11.20 11.94 12.75 13.59 21st Year. 4.69 4.80 4-93 5-II 5.30 5.52 5.8o 6.11 6.42 6.81 7.18 7-59 8.07 8.58 9-13 9.71 io.35 11.04 11.79 12.59 13.50 22d Year. 4-37 4.48 4.64 4.82 5.02 5-28 5-56 5-87 6.19 6.54 6.94 7.36 7.83 8.32 8.86 9.46 10.10 10.76 n. 51 12-35 13.27 23d Year. 4.02 4.14 4-32 4.51 4-74 24th Year. 4.98 4.62 5.26 4.87 5.55 5.16 5.86 5.49 6.24 5.81 6.61 7.03 7.49 7.98 8.51 9.08 9.71 10 41 II. 15 11.97 12.89 3-64 3.77 3.95 4.15 4.36 6.19 6.58 7.02 7.50 8.00 8.56 9.17 9.84 10.59 "•39 12.30 Comb.4* 30Yr.End. 490 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXVIIL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF A THIRTY-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Agb. 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 3-23 2.76 2.23 1. 6l O.87 O.OO 21 3-37 2-93 2-35 I.70 0.91 O.OO 22 3.55 3.06 2.49 I.80 O.97 O.OO 23 3.74 3.25 2.64 I.9I I.03 O.OO 24 3-95 3.41 2-79 2.02 I. II O.OO u 4.17 3.62 2.96 2.15 1. 18 O.OO 4.41 3-82 3.14 2.29 1.26 O.OO % 4.66 4.07 3 35 2.46 1-33 O.OO 4.97 4-37 3-59 2.62 1-43 O.OO 29 5.31 4.64 3.81 2.8l 1-54 O.OO 30 5.64 4-95 4.08 2.99 1.65 O.OO 31 6.02 5.26 4.38 3-22 1.78 O.OO 32 6.44 5.67 4.67 3-45 1.90 O.OO 33 6.87 6.04 5.00 3-73 2.05 O.OO 34 7-33 6.49 5.41 4.02 2.25 O.OO 2 7.87 6.98 5.82 4.33 2.42 O.OO . 8-45 7.53 6.29 4.72 2.61 O.OO 11 9.12 8.11 6.79 5.10 2.82 O.OO 9.83 8.78 7-34 5.56 3-05 O.OO 39 10.60 9.49 7.96 6.05 3-30 O.OO 40 «.45 10.27 8.66 6.52 3.69 O.OO End.Age35 Comb.4 % Op Life Insurance. 491 Table No. CLXXIX. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF THIRTY-FIVE OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4 th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.94 6.66 6-35 6.O3 5.67 5.29 4.88 4-43 21 6.99 6.67 6.33 5-95 5-55 5-12 4.65 4.14 22 7.04 6.67 6.28 5-86 5-40 4.9O 4-37 3-79 23 7.08 6.66 6.21 5-73 5.20 4.63 4.02 3-35 24 7.12 6.64 6.12 5-56 4-95 4.29 3.58 2.79 25 7.14 6.59 5.98 5-33 4.62 3.85 3.0I 2.09 26 7.17 6.51 5.80 5-02 4.19 3-27 2.28 1. 19 3 7.16 6.38 5.53 4.61 3.60 2.51 I.3I d.oo 7.13 6.18 5.15 4-03 2.80 1.46 O.OO 29 7.05 5.88 4.59 3.20 1.67 0.00 30 6.90 5-39 3-75 1.96 0.00 31 6.58 4.58 2.39 0.00 32 5-97 3.12 0.00 33 4-57 0.00 34 O.OO ■ Age. 20 21 22 23 24 3 9th Year. 3-94 3-59 3.16 2.62 1.94 1.09 0.00 [lOth Year. 3-42 2.99 2.47 1.82 I.02 O.OO 11th Year. 2.85 2.34 1.72 0.95 O.OO lath Year. 2.23 I.63 O.9O O.OO 13th Year. 1-55 O.85 O.OO 14th Year. O.81 O.OO 15th Year. Comb.4 % End.Age40 492 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXX. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FORTY OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COM- BINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Hth Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.06 6.9O 6.73 6.55 6.35 6.I3 5-90 5.65 21 7 13 6.95 6.76 6-55 6.33 6.O9 5.83 5-55 22 719 7.00 6.78 6.55 6.30 6.O3 5-74 5-42 23 7.26 7.04 6.80 6-54 6.26 5-96 5.63 5.27 24 7 33 7.08 6.8l 6 52 6.21 5-86 5 49 5.08 u 7.40 7.12 6.82 6.49 6.13 5-74 5-3i 4.84 7.48 7.l6 6.8l 6-43 6.02 5-57 5.08 4-55 % 7-55 7.18 6.78 6 35 5.88 5.36 4.80 4.17 7.62 7.20 6.74 6.24 5.69 5.09 4.42 3.7o 29 7.69 7.20 6.66 6.08 5 43 4.72 3-95 3.10 30 7-75 7.17 6.54 5.85 5.09 4-25 3.33 2.33 31 7-79 7.H 6.36 5-53 4.62 3-63 2-53 1.32 32 783 7.0O 6.08 5-09 3-99 2.78 1.46 0.00 33 7.82 6.80 5-6g 4.46 3." 1.63 0.00 34 7-75 6.48 5.09 3-55 1.86 0.00 n 7.60 5-96 4.16 2.18 0.00 7.28 5.08 2.66 0.00 11 661 3-46 0.00 5-07 - O.OO 39 0.00 Age. 9th lOth 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 3-59 Year. Year. 20 5-37 5.08 4.75 4.4O 4.OI 3 12 2.6l 21 5.24 4.9I 4-54 4.14 3-70 3.22 2.69 2. II 22 5.08 4.70 4.29 3.83 3-33 2.79 2.19 1.52 23 4.88 4-45 3.98 3.46 2.89 2.27 1.58 O.83 24 4.64 4.14 3.6o 3.OI 2 36 I.65 O.86 O.OO 25 4-33 3-77 3.15 2.47 1.72 O.9O O.OO 26 3-95 3.31 2-59 1. 8l 0.95 O.OO 3 3-49 2-73 I.9I I. OO O.OO 2.90 2.02 I.06 O.OO 29 2.16 1. 13 O.OO 30 1.22 O.OO 31 0.00 17 th 18th 19th 20th Age. 20 Year. Year. Year. Year. 2.05 1.43 0.75 O.OO 21 1.47 O.77 O.OO 22 O.80 O.OO 23 O.OO End.Age45 Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 493 Table No. CLXXXI. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FORTY-FIVE OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR , DURING VARIOUS YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.13 7.04 6.94 6.85 6.74 6.62 6.49 6.34 21 7.20 7.IO 7.00 6.89 6.77 6.63 6.49 6-33 22 7.27 7.17 7.06 6-93 6.79 6.64 6.49 6.3I 23 7-36 7.24 7.II 6.97 6.82 6.66 6.48 6.28 24 7-44 7.31 7.17 7-OI 6.84 6.66 6.46 6.23 2 | 7-53 7.38 7.22 7.05 6.86 6.65 6.42 6.17 26 7.62 7-45 7.28 7.08 6.87 6.63 6.37 6.O9 % 7.71 7-53 7.32 7.II 6.86 6.60 6.30 5-97 7.82 7.60 7.38 7.12 6.85 6.54 6.20 5.82 29 7.92 7.68 7.42 7.13 6.81 6-45 6.06 5.63 30 8.03 7-75 7-45 7 12 6.74 6.33 5.88 5.38 31 8.13 7.82 7-47 7.08 6.65 6.17 5.64 5.06 32 8.25 7.88 7.46 7.01 6.51 5-95 5-34 4.66 33 8.35 7.92 7-44 6.90 6.31 5.66 4.94 4.14 34 8-45 7.94 7-37 6.74 6.05 5.27 4.42 3.48 IS 8.54 7-93 7.25 6.51 5.67 4-75 3-74 2.62 8.62 7.88 7.07 6.17 5.17 4.07 2.85 1.51 S 8.67 7.78 6.79 5.69 4-47 3.14 1.66 O.OO 8.69 7.58 6.35 5.00 3.5i 1.86 0.00 39 8.64 7.24 5 -7o 4.00 2.12 0.00 40 8.49 6.68 4.68 2.48 0.00 4i 8.15 5.72 3.03 0.00 42 7.44 3-94 0.00 43 5-77 0.00 44 0.00 Comb.4 96 End.Age45 494 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXXL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FORTY-FIVE OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 9th lOth 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.19 6.02 5-84 5.64 5.42 5.18 4.9I 21 6.16 5.98 5-77 5-55 5-30 5-02 4.72 22 6.12 5.91 5.68 5.43 5.14 4.83 4.48 23 6.07 5.83 5-57 5.28 4.96 4.60 4.21 24 5-99 5.72 5.42 5.09 4.73 4-32 3.88 u 5.90 5-59 5.25 4.87 4-45 4.00 3-49 5-77 5-42 5-03 4.60 4.12 3.60 3.0I % 5.61 5.21 4.76 4.27 3-72 3.12 2-45 5.40 4.94 4-43 3.87 3.24 2-55 1.79 29 5.14 4.61 4.02 3.37 2.65 1.86 O.99 30 4.82 4.21 3.52 2.77 1-95 1.03 O.OO 31 4.41 3- 70 2.9I 2.04 1.08 0.00 32 3-90 307 2.15 1. 14 0.00 33 3.26 2.28 1. 21 0.00 34 2.44 1.29 O.OO g 1-39 0.00 0.00 16th Year. 4.61 4.38 4.IO 3-77 3.38 2.92 2.37 1.72 0.95 O.OO Age. 20 21 22 23 24 2 5 26 % 17th Year. 4.28 4.OO 3.68 3-29 2.83 2.30 1.66 0.91 0.00 18th Year. 3.91 3.59 3-21 2.76 2.23 I.6I O.88 O.OO 19th Year. 3.51 3.13 2.69 2.17 1.56 O.85 O.OO 20th Year. 3.o6 2.62 2.12 1.52 O.83 O.OO 2 1st Year. 2-57 2.07 I.48 O.81 O.OO 22d Year. 2.02 1.45 O.79 O.OO 23d Year. I.42 O.77 O.OO 24th Year. 0.75 O.OO End.Age50 Comb.4 % Op lviFis Insurance. 495 Table No. CLXXXII. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FIFTY OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COM- BINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6th 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 7.17 7.13 7.08 7.03 6.98 6.92 6.86 6.78 21 7.25 7.20 7.15 7.IO 7.03 6.97 6.9O 6.82 22 7-33 7.28 7.22 7.16 7.O9 7.02 6.94 6.85 23 7.42 7.36 7.29 7-23 7-15 7.07 6.98 6.88 24 7.51 7-44 7.37 7.29 7.21 7.12 7.02 6.91 3 7.60 7-53 7-45 7-37 7.27 7.17 7.06 6.Q3 7.70 7.62 7-53 7-44 7-33 7.22 7.09 6.94 3 7.80 7.72 7.62 7-5i 7-39 7.26 7.H 6.94 7.92 7.82 7.71 7-58 7-45 7-30 7.12 6-93 29 8.03 7.92 7-79 7.66 7.50 7.32 7.12 6.90 30 31 32 33 8.16 8.03 7.89 7-73 7-54 7-34 7.10 6.84 8.29 8.14 7.98 7.78 7-57 7-34 7.07 6.77 8-43 8.25 8.05 7.84 7-59 7-3i 7.00 6.66 8-57 8.36 8.13 7.88 7.59 7.27 6.9I 6.50 34 8.70 8.47 8.20 7.90 7-57 7.19 6-77 6.31 11 8.85 8.57 8.26 7.91 7-52 7.08 6.59 6.06 8.99 8.66 8.30 7.89 7-43 6.91 6.36 5.76 11 9.I4 8.75 8.32 7.83 7.29 6.70 6.07 5-39 9.28 8.82 8.30 7-73 7.11 6.44 5.72 4.89 39 9.4I 8.86 8.25 7-59 6.87 6.10 5-22 4.22 40 41 9-53 8.88 8.16 7.40 6.56 5.62 4.54 3.27 9- 6 5 8.87 8.04 7-13 6.10 4-93 3-55 1.92 42 43 9-75 8.84 7.84 6.71 5-43 3.91 2.12 0.00 9.87 8.76 7.50 6.06 4.36 2.36 O.OO 44 9.98 8.54 6.91 4.97 2.69 0.00 $ 10.01 8.09 5.83 3.16 0.00 9.87 7.11 3.85 0.00 % 9-25 501 0.00 7-32 ooo 49 0.00 Comb.4 % End.Age50 496 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXXIL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FIFTY OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR , DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COM- BINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 20 9th lOth 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 6. 7 I 6.62 6-53 6.43 6.31 6.18 6.03 5.87 21 6-73 6.64 6.53 6.42 6.29 6.I3 5-97 5.78 22 6.76 6.65 6-53 6.40 6.24 6.07 5.88 5.67 23 6.77 6.65 6.52 6.36 6.I9 5-99 5-77 5-53 24 6.79 6.65 6.49 6.31 6.11 5.89 5.64 5.36 2 6.79 6.62 6.45 6.24 6.01 5.76 5-48 5-15 6.78 6-59 6.39 6.15 5.89 5.60 5-27 4.91 % 6-75 6.54 6.30 6.04 5-74 5-40 5.03 4.62 6.7I 6.46 6.I9 5.89 5-54 5.16 4-74 4-30 29 6.64 6.37 6.05 5.69 5.30 4.88 4.42 3.92 30 6.56 6.23 5.87 5.46 5.02 4-55 4.04 3-45 31 6-43 6.05 5.64 5.18 4.70 4.17 3-57 2.88 32 6.27 5.84 5.36 4.86 4-3i 3-69 2.98 2.15 33 6.06 5.57 504 4.48 3.83 3.10 2.23 1. 21 34 5.80 5.25 4.66 3-99 3-22 2.32 1.26 0.00 35 5-49 4.87 4.17 3-37 2-43 r.3I 0.00 30 5. II 4-37 3.54 2-55 1.38 0.00 8 4.61 3-73 2.69 i-45 O.OO 3-95 2.85 1-54 0.00 39 3-04 I.65 0.00 40 1-77 O.OO Age. 20 irth 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 569 5-48 5.25 4-99 4.69 4.37 4.02 3.64 21 5-57 5-34 5-07 4-77 4.44 4.08 370 3.28 22 5-43 5.16 4.86 4.52 4.16 3-77 3-34 2.86 23 5.26 4-95 4.61 4.24 3.84 3-40 2.91 2.36 24 5.05 4.70 4.32 3.91 3-47 2.97 2.40 i-73 3 4.80 4.41 4.OO 3-55 3.04 2.45 1.77 0.96 4-5i 4.09 3-63 3.H 2.51 1. 81 0.98 0.00 3 4.19 3.72 3.18 2-57 1.85 1. 00 0.00 3.81 3.26 2.64 I.90 I.03 0.00 29 3-35 2.71 . i-95 I.06 O.OO 30 2.79 2.01 1.09 O OO 3i 2.08 1. 13 0.00 32 1. 16 0.00 33 0.00 Age. 25 th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 3.23 2.76 2.23 1. 6l O.87 O.OO 21 2.8l 2.27 I.64 O.89 O.OO 22 2.31 I.67 O.9O O.OO 23 I.70 O.92 O.OO 24 O.94 O.OO 25 O. O End.Age55 Comb.4 % Of Lifk Insurance. 497 Table No. CLXXXIII COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FIFTY-FIVE OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR , DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE. FOUR PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4 th 5 th 6th 7 th 81 h Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.20 7.19 7.17 7.16 7.14 7.12 7.IO 7.07 21 7.28 7.26 7.25 7-23 7-21 7.19 7.16 7.14 22 7-36 7-35 7-33 7-31 7.28 7.26 7; 23 7.20 23 7.45 7-43 7.4I 7-39 7.36 7-34 7.30 7.27 24 7-55 7.52 7.50 7.47 7-45 7.41 7.38 7.33 25 7.64 7.62 7-59 7.56 7-53 7-49 7-45 7.40 26 7-75 7.72 7.69 7.66 7.62 7.58 7-53 7-47 3 7.86 7.83 7.79 7.76 7.71 7.66 7.60 7.52 7.98 7-94 7.90 7.86 7.81 7-74 7.67 7.58 29 8.IO 8.06 8.OI 7.96 7.90 7.82 7-74 7.63 30 8.24 8.19 8.14 8.07 7-99 7.90 7.80 7.67 31 8.37 8.32 8.25 8.17 8.08 7.98 7.85 7.71 32 8.52 8-45 8.37 8.28 8.17 8.04 7.90 7-73 33 8.68 8-59 8.50 8.38 8.25 8.10 7 93 7-73 34 8.83 8-73 8.62 8.48 8.33 8.15 7-94 7.71 35 9.00 8.88 8-73 8.58 8-39 8.18 7-95 7.69 36 9.17 9.02 8.86 8.67 8-45 8.20 7-94 7.68 37 9-33 9.17 8-97 8.74 8.49 8.22 7-95 7.68 38 9-5i 9-31 9.07 8.81 8-53 8.25 7.98 7.66 39 9.69 9-45 9.18 8.88 8.59 8.30 7.98 7.63 40 9.87 9-59 9.28 8.98 8.68 8-34 7.98 7.52 4i 10.07 9-74 9.42 9.11 8-75 8-37 7.90 7-32 42 10.27 9.94 9.60 9.23 8.83 8-33 7.72 6.96 43 10.54 10.18 9-79 9-36 8.83 8.18 7-39 6.42 44 10.87 10.45 9.99 9-43 8.73 7.88 6.85 5.60 4§ 11.24 10.75 10.14 9.40 8.48 7-37 6.02 4.38 46 11.68 11.02 10.21 9.22 8.01 6.54 4.76 2.61 J? 12. 11 11.22 10.13 8.80 7.19 5.23 2.87 0.00 12.52 11. 31 9.82 8.02 5.84 3.20 0.00 49 12.87 11. 18 9-13 6.65 3.64 0.00 So 13.09 10.69 7.78 4.26 0.00 Si 13.02 9-47 5.19 0.00 52 12.30 6.73 0.00 53 9.82 0.00 54 0.00 Comb.4% End.Age55 498 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXXIIL— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF FIFTY-FIVE OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age 35 36 a 39 40 1 41 42 43 44 9 9th Year. 20 7.05 21 7.10 22 7.i7 23 7.22 24 7.29 li 7-34 7-39 3 7-44 7.48 29 7.5i 30 7-54 31 7-54 32 7-53 33 7.50 34 7-47 7.44 7.42 7.38 7.33 7.20 6.97 6.60 6.05 5.24 4.07 2.40 0.00 10th Year. 7.OI 7.07 7 12 7.18 7-23 7.27 7.31 7-34 7-36 7.38 7-37 7-35 7.31 7.27 7.23 7.19 7.14 7.06 6.9I 6.67 6.29 5-74 4.94 3.81 2.23 O.OO 11th Year. 6.98 7.03 7.08 7.12 7.16 7.19 7.14 7.08 703 6.98 6.9I 6.82 6.66 6.41 6.02 5-47 4.69 3.60 2.09 0.00 12th 13th Year. Year. 6.94 6.90 6.98 6-93 7.02 6-95 7.05 6.97 7.08 6.98 7.O9 6.98 7.IO 6.97 7.IO 6-95 7.08 6.90 7.O4 6.83 6.98 6.76 6.9I 6.69 6.85 6.62 6.79 6.53 6.71 6.42 6.61 6.24 6.44 5.96 6.I7 5-57 5.78 5.03 5.23 4.27 4.47 3.41 1.97 0.00 3.25 1.87 0.00 14th Year. 6.84 6.86 6.87 6.88 6.87 6.86 6.82 6-77 6.70 6.62 6-54 6.46 6.36 6.24 6.05 5.78 5.38 4.84 4.10 3.II 1.78 0.00 15th Year. 6.77 6.78 6.78 6-77 6.75 6.7I 6.65 6-57 6.49 6.40 6.32 6.21 6.08 5.89 5.61 5-21 4.68 3.95 2.99 1.70 0.00 16th Year. 6.70 6.69 6.68 6.65 6.6l 6.54 6.46 6.36 6.27 6.18 6.07 5-94 5-74 5-46 5.06 4-53 3-82 2.88 1.64 0.00 End.Age55 Comb.4 % Op Life Insurance. 499 Table No. CLXXXIIL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT the AGE OF FIFTY-FIVE OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, 1 COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21«t 22d 23d 24th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 1 ! 20 6.6i 6.50 6.39 6.25 6.09 5.92 5-73 i 5-54 I 21 6.59 6.47 6.33 6.17 5-99 5.8o 5.61 5.42 ! 22 6.56 6.42 6.25 6.07 5.88 5-69 5-49 5.28 ! 23 6.51 6-34 6.16 5.96 5.77 5-57 5.36 5.12 24 6.44 6.25 6.05 5.85 5.66 5.44 5.20 4.90 li 6-35 6.15 5-95 5-75 5.52 '5.28 4.98 4.62 6.25 6.05 5.85 5.62 5-37 5.07 4.70 4.24 % 6.16 5-95 5.72 5-47 5.16 4.78 4-31 3.75 6.06 5.83 5-57 5.26 4.87 4.40 3.82 3.12 29 5-94 5.68 5.36 4-97 4.48 3.90 3.18 2.32 30 5.81 5.48 5.08 4.58 3.98 3-25 2-37 1.30 3i 5.60 5.19 4.69 4.07 3-33 2.42 1-33 0.00 32 5-32 4.80 4.17 341 2.48 1.36 O.OO 33 4.92 4.28 3-50 2-54 1-39 0.00 34 4.40 3-59 2.62 1-43 0.00 9 3- 7o 2.69 1.47 0.00 2.78 1.52 0.00 37 1.58 0.00 3» 0.00 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32d Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 5-35 5.14 4.92 4.64 4-30 3.88 3-37 2.76 21 5.21 4.98 4.70 4.36 3-93 3-42 2.79 2.03 22 5.05 4.76 4.41 3.98 346 2.83 2.06 1. 13 23 4.83 4.48 4.04 3.51 2.87 2.O9 1. 14 O.OO 24 4-55 4.IO 3-56 2.9I 2.12 1. 16 O.OO 2 4.17 3.62 2.96 2.15 1. 18 O.OO 3-68 3.OI 2.I9 I.20 O.OO 3 3-o6 2.23 1.22 O.OO 2.27 I.24 O.OO 29 1.27 O.OO 30 0.00 Age. 33d 34th 35th Year. Year. Year. 20 2.0I I. IO O.OO 21 I. II O.OO 22 O.OO Comb.4* End.Age60 500 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXXIV. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF SIXTY OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR , DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COM- BINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th 6tfa 7th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. tear. Year. Year. 20 7.22 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.25 7.26 7.26 21 7.30 7.30 7.31 7-32 7.32 7-33 7-34 7.35 22 7.38 7-39 7.40 7.40 7.41 7.42 7.42 7-43 23 7.48 7.48 7-49 7.50 7.50 7.51 7-51 7.52 24 7-57 7.58 7.58 7-59 7.60 7.60 7.61 7.61 3 7.67 7.68 7.68 7.69 7.69 7.70 7.70 7.71 7.78 7.78 7-79 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.81 7.80 3 7.89 7.90 7.90 7.9I 7.9I 7.9I 7.91 7.89 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.O3 8.03 8.02 8 01 7-99 29 8.14 8.15 8.15 8.15 8.15 8.13 8.11 8.09 30 8.28 8.28 8.28 8.28 8.26 8.25 8.22 8.18 31 8.42 8.43 8.42 8.41 8-39 8.36 8.32 8.27 32 8.58 8.58 8.56 8.54 8.51 8-47 8.42 8.36 33 8.74 8.72 8.70 8.67 8.63 8-59 8.52 8-44 34 8.90 8.88 8.85 8.8l 8.76 8.69 8.61 8.51 % 9.08 9-05 9.00 8-95 8.88 8.80 8.70 8.60 9.26 9.21 9.16 9.O9 9.00 8.90 8.80 8.72 U 9.44 9-38 931 9.22 9.12 9.02 8.94 8.89 9-63 9-56 9-47 9.36 9.26 9.18 9-13 9.08 39 9-83 974 9.63 9-52 9.44 9-39 9-33 9-30 40 10.03 9.92 981 9.72 9.67 9.62 9-59 9-52 4i 10.25 10.13 10.04 9.99 9-93 9.90 9.83 9.72 42 10.49 10.40 10.34 10.29 10.26 10.18 10.07 9.89 43 10.80 10.74 10.68 10.65 10.58 10.46 10.27 10.02 44 11. 19 11. 13 11.09 11.02 10.89 10.70 10.43 10.08 9 11.63 11.60 11.52 "•39 11. 19 10.91 10.53 10.04 12.17 12.09 11.95 11.74 11-45 11.06 10.54 9.86 8 12.75 12.60 12.38 12.07 11.66 11. 11 10.40 9.48 13.36 13-13 12 80 12.36 11.78 11.03 10.15 8.82 49 14.01 13.66 13.19 12.57 11.77 10.72 9.41 7.76 50 14.69 14.18 13.52 12.65 11.53 10.12 8.34 6.13 5i 15.39 14.67 13.73 12.51 10.98 9-05 6.64 3-67 52 16.10 15-07 13.73 12.05 9.94 7.29 4.03 0.00 S3 16.80 15.30 13.43 11.08 8.13 4-49 0.00 54 17.39 15.27 12.59 9.24 5.10 0.00 H 17.83 14.70 10.79 5.96 0.00 17.87 13.11 7.24 0.00 11 16.97 9-37 0.00 13.63 0.00 59 0.00 End.Age60 Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 50i Table No. CLXXXIV.— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF SIXTY OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR , DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COM- BINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 9th lOth 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.27 7.28 7.28 7.28 7.29 7.28 7.27 7.25 21 7-35 7.36 7.36 7-36 7-35 7-34 7.32 7.30 22 7-43 7-44 7-44 7-43 7.42 7.40 7.38 7-34 23 7.52 7.52 7-52 7-5o 7-49 7.46 7.42 7.38 24 7.61 7.60 7-59 7-57 7.55 7.51 7-47 7.41 1% 7.70 7.68 7.67 7.64 7.60 7.56 7.50 7.43 j 7.78 7-77 7-74 7.70 7.66 7.60 7-53 7-45 ! % 7.88 7.85 7.81 7-77 7.71 7-63 7-55 7.46 j 7.96 7.92 7.88 7.82 7-75 7.66 7.57 7.51 i 29 8.05 8.00 794 7.86 7.78 7.69 7.62 7.58 30 8.13 8.07 7-99 7.90 7.81 7-75 7.70 7.66 31 8.21 8.13 8.04 7-95 7.88 7.84 7-79 7.77 j 32 8.28 8.19 809 8.02 7.98 7-94 7.91 7.86 I 33 8-34 8.25 8.18 8.13 8.09 8.06 8.OI 7.92 i 34 8.42 8-35 8.30 8.25 8.23 8.17 8.08 7-94 j 35 8-53 8.48 8.43 8.41 8-35 8.25 8.11 7-91 ! 36 8.68 8.63 8.60 8.54 8.45 8.30 8.09 7.81 j 37 8.84 8.82 8.75 8.66 8.50 8.29 8.01 7.63 ! 38 9-°5 8.99 8.88 8.73 8.51 8.22 7.83 7-33 i 39 9.24 9.14 8.98 8.75 8-45 8.05 7-54 6.87 40 9.41 9-25 9.02 8.70 8.30 7-77 7.08 6.21 | 4i 9-55 9-3i 9.00 8-57 8.03 7.3i 6.42 5.29 42 9.64 9-3i 8.88 8.31 7-57 6.64 5.48 4.02 43 9.67 9.22 8.63 7.86 6.90 5.69 4.18 2.31 ! 44 9.60 8.99 8.19 7.19 5-93 4-35 2.40 0.00 4 § 9.40 8.56 7.51 6.20 4-55 2.51 0.00 46 8.99 7.89 6.51 4-77 2.64 0.00 8 8.32 6.86 5-03 2.78 0.00 7.27 5-34 2-95 0.00 49 5.69 3-14 0.00 50 3.38 0.00 5i 0.00 Comb.4 % End.Age60 502 Principles and Practice Table No. I CLXXXIV.— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF SIXTY OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR , DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.23 7.19 7-15 7.O9 7.03 6.95 6.87 6.8l 21 7.26 7.22 7.17 7.H 7.02 6.94 6.88 6.84 22 7.30 7.24 7.17 7.IO 7.OI 6-95 6.92 6.88 23 7.33 7.25 7.18 7.O9 7-03 6.99 6.95 6.93 24 7-34 7.26 7.18 7.H 7.08 7.O4 7.02 6.97 11 7-35 7.27 7.20 7.17 7.12 7.IO 7.05 6.97 7.36 7.30 7.26 7.22 7.20 7.15 7.07 6.94 % 7.40 7.36 7.32 7.30 7.24 7.16 7.04 6.86 7-47 7.42 7.40 7-35 7.27 7.14 6.96 6.72 29 7-54 7.52 7.46 7.38 7.25 7.07 6.83 6.51 30 7.64 7.58 7.50 7-37 7.18 6.94 6.61 6.19 31 7.71 7-63 7-49 7.31 7.06 6-73 6.30 5.73 32 7-77 7.63 7.44 7.19 6.85 6.4I 5-84 5-12 33 7.78 7.58 7-32 6.98 6.53 5-95 5.22 4.31 34 7-74 7-47 7.12 6.67 6.07 5-33 4.40 3.22 * 7.64 7.28 6.81 6.21 5-45 4.49 3.30 1.82 7-45 6.97 6.35 5-57 4.60 3-37 1.86. 0.00 11 7.14 6.51 5.7i 4.71 3-45 1. 91 0.00 6.68 5-86 4.83 3.55 1.96 O.OO 39 6.03 4-97 3-65 2.01 0.00 40 5-12 376 2.08 O.OO 4i 3.88 2.14 0.00 42 2.22 0.00 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32d Age. Year. Year. Yeor. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 6.77 6.74 6.72 6.67 6.59 6.48 6.32 6.IO 21 6.80 6.78 6.74 6.66 6.54 6.38 6.16 5.87 22 6.86 6.81 6.73 6.61 6-45 6.23 5-94 5.56 23 6.88 6.81 6.69 6.52 6.30 6.00 5-62 5.12 24 6.89 6.77 6.60 6.37 6.07 5.68 5.18 4-54 li 6.85 6.68 6-45 6.15 5.76 5.24 4.60 3-79 6.77 6.54 6.23 5.83 5-31 4.66 3.84 2.82 2 6.63 6.32 5.91 5.38 4-73 3-90 2.86 1.58 6.41 6.00 5.46 4.80 3 95 2.90 1.60 0.00 29 6.09 5.55 4.87 4.01 2.95 I.63 0.00 30 5-64 4-95 4.08 2.99 1.65 O.OO 31 5.03 4.15 3-04 1.68 0.00 32 4-23 3.10 I.71 0.00 33 3.16 1-75 0.00 34 1.78 0.00 3 3d 1 14th J 15th 36 th 37th 38th 39th At 5E. \ r ear. 1 r ear. 1 tear. Year. Year. Year. Year. 2 5.81 5-44 4.96 4-35 3-59 2.63 1.45 2 X 5.50 5 0I 4-39 3.62 2.66 1.47 O.OO 2 2 5.06 4.44 3-66 2.69 I.48 O.OO 2 3 4.49 3- 70 2.72 I.50 O.OO 2 4 3-75 2.75 1-52 O.OO 2 § 2.78 1.54 0.00 2 1.56 0.00 End.Age65 Comb.4 % Of Life Insurance. 503 Table No. CLXXXV. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF SIXTY-FIVE OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR , DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Gth 7 th 8th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7-23 7.25 7.27 7-30 7-32 7-34 7-37 7-39 21 7-3i 7-33 7-36 7.38 7.40 7-43 7-45 7.48 22 7.40 7.42 7-45 7-47 7-49 7.52 7-55 7.58 23 7-49 7.52 7-54 7.56 7-59 7.62 7.65 7.68 24 7-59 7.6l 7.64 7.66 7.69 7.72 7.76 7.79 u 7.69 7.72 7-74 7-77 7.80 7.84 7.87 7.90 7.80 7.82 7.86 7.89 7.92 7-95 7-99 8.0I 27 7.91 7-94 7-97 8.0I 8.O4 8.07 8.10 8.13 28 8.04 8.07 8.10 8.13 8.17 8.20 8.22 8.25 29 8.17 8.20 8.24 8.27 8.30 8.32 8.35 8-37 30 8.31 8-34 8.38 8.41 8-43 8.46 8.48 8-49 31 8.46 8.49 8.52 8-55 8.58 8.60 8.61 8.62 32 8.62 8.65 8.67 8.70 8.72 8-73 8.74 8.74 33 8.78 8.80 8.83 8.85 8.86 8.88 8.88 8.86 34 8.94 8.97 8.99 9.OO 9.02 9.02 9.01 8.99 35 9.12 9-15 9.16 9.17 9.17 9.16 9.14 9.14 36 9-31 9-32 9-33 9-33 9-32 9-31 9.30 9-33 11 9- 50 9.51 9.m 9.50 9.48 9.48 9-51 9-58 ; 9.70 9.70 9.69 9.67 9.66 9.70 9-77 9.87 39 9.91 9.89 9.88 9.87 9.90 9.98 10.08 10 23 40 10.12 IO.IO 10.09 10.13 10.21 10.31 10.46 10.60 j 4i 10.35 IO.34 io.37 10.45 10.56 10.71 10.86 10.99 42 10.60 IO.64 10.72 10.83 10.99 11. 14 11.28 n.40 43 10.93 II.02 11. 13 11.29 11.44 11.59 11.72 11. 81 44 "•34 11.45 11.62 11.78 11.92 12.05 12.15 12.22 $ II. 81 II.99 12.15 12.30 12.43 12.53 12.61 12.64 12.39 12.56 12.71 12.85 12.96 13.03 1306 13.04 47 13.01 13.17 I33I 13.42 I3-50 13.54 13.51 13.38 48 13.69 13.83 13.94 14.03 14.06 14.03 13.90 13.68 49 14.41 14.53 14.61 14.65 14.62 14.48 14.25 13.88 50 15.19 15.28 15-31 15.28 15.14 14.90 14-51 13.93 5i 16.03 16.07 16.04 15.89 15.64 15.23 14.62 13.78 52 16.94 16.90 16.74 16.48 16.06 15.41 14.53 13.36 53 17.91 17.74 17.46 17.01 16.32 15.39 14-15 12.55 1 54 18.91 18.62 18.13 17.40 16.41 15.09 13.38 11. 16 |55 ! 5° 19.99 19.47 18.69 17.62 16.20 14.37 11.99 8.92 21.10 20.25 19.10 17.56 15.57 12.99 9.66 5.41 57 22.19 20.93 19.24 17.07 14.23 10.59 5-93 0.00 1 5 8 23.27 21.40 18.98 15.83 11.78 6.59 0.00 I 9 24.26 21.52 17.94 13.35 7.47 0.00 60 25.05 20.89 15.55 8.70 0.00 | 61 25.30 18.82 10.53 0.00 < 62 24.27 13.58 0.00 \ 6 J 19.65 O.OO 64 i 0.00 Comb.4 % End.Age65 504 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXXV.— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF SIXTY-FIVE OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR , DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 9th 10th 11th 13th 13th 14th 15th 16th Agb. 20 Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 7.42 7-45 7.48 7.51 7-54 7-57 7-59 7.61 21 7-51 7-54 7-57 7.6l 7.63 7.65 7.68 7.70 22 7.61 7.64 7.67 7.70 7.72 7-75 7-77 7.78 23 7.71 7-75 7-77 7.80 7.82 7.84 7.85 7.86 24 7.82 7.85 7.87 7.90 7.9I 7.93 7-94 7-94 25 7-93 7.95 7.98 8.00 8.OI 8.02 8.02 8.01 26 8.04 8.06 8.08 8.O9 8.IO 8.IO 8.09 8.08 2 8.15 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.18 8.17 8.17 8.27 8.28 8.29 8.29 8.28 8.27 8.26 8.29 29 8.38 8.39 8-39 8.38 8.37 8.36 8.39 8.46 30 8.50 8.50 8.49 8.48 8-47 8.50 8.57 8.65 31 8.62 8 61 8 59 8-59 8.62 8.68 8.77 8.90 32 8.73 8.72 8.71 8.74 8.8l 8.90 9.03 9.15 33 8.85 8.84 8.87 8-94 9-°3 9.17 9.29 9.40 34 8.98 9.01 9.09 9.18 9-3i 9-44 9-55 9.66 $ 9.17 9.24 9-33 9-47 9.60 9.72 9.82 9.90 9.40 9- 50 9.64 9-77 9.89 9.99 10.08 10.14 U 9.68 9.82 9-95 IO.08 10.18 10.27 10.33 10.35 10.02 10.15 10.28 IO.39 10.47 10.53 10.56 10.54 39 10.37 10.50 10.61 IO.70 10.76 10.78 10.76 10.66 40 10.73 10.85 10.94 II.OO 11.03 11. 01 10.90 10.73 4i 11. 12 11.20 11.27 II.29 11.27 11. 17 10.99 10.71 42 11.49 11.56 11-59 II.56 11-45 11.27 10.98 10.54 43 11.87 11.90 11.88 11.77 11.58 11.28 10.83 10.21 44 12 25 12.23 12. 11 II.92 11. 61 11. 14 10.51 9.66 8 12.61 12.50 12.30 II.98 11.49 10.84 9.96 8.84 12.92 12.71 12.38 11.88 11. 21 10.30 9.14 7.62 8 13.17 12.83 12.31 11. 61 10.67 9-47 7.89 5.88 13-33 12.79 12.06 11.09 9-83 8.20 6.10 3-42 49 13-32 12.56 ".55 10.25 8.54 6.36 3.56 0.00 50 13.13 12.08 10.71 8-93 6.65 3.72 0.00 5i 12.67 11.24 9-38 6.97 3.90 0.00 52 11.85 9.88 7-35 4.11 0.00 53 10.47 7-79 4.36 0.00 54 8.31 4.65 0.00 P 4.99 0.00 0.00 i End.Age65 Comb.4* Of Life Insurance. 505 Table No CLXXXV.— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT the AGE OF SIXTY-FIVE OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 17th l*th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th Year. Year. Year. Year. "Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.63 7.64 7.65 7.65 7.64 7.63 7.63 7.65 21 7.71 7.72 7.72 7.71 7.70 7.69 7.72 7.78 22 7-79 7-79 7.78 7-77 7.76 ' 7.78 7.85 7.93 23 7.86 7.85 7.84 7.83 7.86 7.92 8.00 8.12 24 7-93 7.9I 7.91 7.93 8.00 8.08 8.20 8.3I 2 | 8.00 7-99 8.0I 8.08 8.16 8.28 8-39 8.5O 26 8.07 8.IO 8.17 8.25 8-37 8.48 8-59 8.67 3 8.I9 8.26 8-34 8.46 8.58 8.68 8-77 8.85 8.35 8.44 8.56 8.68 8.79 8.88 8 95 9.OO 29 8-54 8.67 8.78 8.90 8.99 9 06 Q.I2 9.I4 30 8.78 8.9O 9.OI 9.10 9.18 9.24 9.26 9.24 31 9.02 9.13 9-23 9-31 9.36 9-38 9-36 9.28 32 9.26 9-36 9.44 9- 50 9-52 9-50 9.4I 9.26 33 9-50 9.58 9.64 9.66 9.64 9.55 9.4O 9.l6 34 9-74 9-79 9.82 9.80 9.71 9-55 9-30 8.93 li 9.96 9.98 9.96 9.87 9.71 9.46 9.08 8.56 10.16 10.14 10.05 9.89 9-63 9.24 8.72 8.0I I? io.33 10.24 10.07 9.81 9.42 8.88 8.16 7.24 10.44 10.28 10.01 9.60 9.06 8-33 7-39 6.16 39 10.49 10.22 9.81 9.25 8.51 7-54 6.29 4.68 40 10.45 10.03 9.46 8.70 7.71 6.43 4.79 2.68 4i 10.27 9.69 8.91 7.90 6.59 4.90 2.74 0.00 42 9-94 9-13 8.10 6.76 5-03 2.81 O.OO 43 9-39 8-33 6.94 5.17 2.89 00 44 8.57 7.15 5.32 2.98 0.00 9 7-37 5.49 307 0.00 5.67 3-17 0.00 8 3.29 0.00 0.00 • Comb.4 % End.Age65 506 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXXV.— Concluded. I COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF SIXTY-FIVE OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR DURING VARIOUS YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 25th 26th STth 28th 29th 30th 31st 32d Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.7I 7-79 7.9O 8.0I 8. II 8.20 8.27 8.31 21 7.86 7-97 8.08 8.18 8.26 8.33 8.38 8.40 22 8.04 8.15 8.25 8-34 8.4I 8.46 8.48 8.46 23 8.23 8-33 8.4I 8-49 8-54 8.56 8.54 8.46 24 8.41 8.50 8-57 8.62 8.64 8.62 8.54 8.4I 11 8.58 8.66 8.7I 8.73 8.7I 8.63 8.49 8.27 8.75 8.80 8.82 8.80 8.72 8.58 8.36 8.02 u 8.90 8.92 8.9O 8.82 8.68 8.45 8.11 7.65 9.03 9.01 8.92 8.78 8-55 8.21 7-74 7.12 29 9.12 9.03 8.89 8.66 8.31 7.84 7.21 6.39 30 9-15 9.01 8.77 8.42 7-94 7.30 6.47 5-40 3* 9-13 8.89 8-53 8.05 7.40 6.56 5.47 4.07 32 9.02 8.66 8.16 7- 50 6.66 5-55 4.13 2.31 33 8.79 8.29 7.62 6.76 5.64 4.19 2-35 O.OO 34 8.42 7-74 6.87 5-73 4.26 2.33 0.00 u 7.87 6.98 5.82 4-33 2.42 O.OO 7.11 5-93 4.41 2.47 0.00 11 6.04 4.49 2.51 0.00 4.58 2.56 O.OO 39 2 62 0.00 33d 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th Age. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 8-33 8.32 8.24 8.11 7.9O 7.58 7.15 6.57 21 8-39 8.31 8.18 7.96 7.64 7.21 6.63 5.88 22 8.38 8.25 8.03 7.71 7.27 6.69 5-93 4-95 1 23 8-33 8 11 7.78 7-34 6.75 5-99 4-99 3-71 24 8.I9 7.86 7.41 6.81 6.O4 5.04 3-75 2.10 25 7-94 7-49 6.88 6.11 5.09 3-79 2.12 0.00 26 7-57 6.96 6.17 5.15 3-83 2.14 O.OO II 7.04 6.24 5.20 3.87 2.17 0.00 6.3I 5-27 3.9 2 2.19 O.OO 29 5-33 3-97 2.22 0.00 30 4.02 2.25 0.00 ! 3I 2.28 0.00 Age. 41st 42d 43d 44th 45th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 5.83 4.86 3.62 2.02 O.OO 21 4.9O 3.65 2.04 O.OO 22 3.68 2.06 O.OO 23 .7-7— 2.o8 O.OO End.Age70 Comb.4 % Op Life Insurance. 507 Table No. CLXXXVI. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF SEVENTY OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7 th 8th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 7.24 7.27 7.29 7-33 7.36 7.40 7-43 7-47 21 7.32 7-35 7.38 7.42 7-45 7-49 7-53 7-57 22 7.40 7.44 7.48 7-51 7-55 7-59 7.63 7.67 23 7.50 7.54 7-57 7.61 7.65 7.69 7-73 7-79 24 7.60 7.63 7.67 7.71 7.76 7.80 7.85 7.90 2 § 7.7O 7.74 7.78 7.82 7.87 7.92 7-97 8.02 26 7.81 7.85 7.90 7-94 7-99 8.04 8.10 8.15 27 7-93 7.97 8.02 8.07 8.12 8.17 8.23 8.27 28 8.05 8.10 8.15 8.20 8.26 8.31 8.36 8.41 29 8.18 8.24 8.29 8.34 8.4O 8.44 8.50 8-55 30 8-33 8.38 8-44 8.49 8-54 8-59 8.64 8.68 31 8.48 8.53 8-59 8.64 8.69 8-74 8.78 8.83 32 8.64 8.69 8-74 8.80 8.85 8.89 8-94 8.98 33 8.80 8.85 8.91 8.96 9.OO. 9-05 9.09 9.12 34 8.97 9-°3 9.08 9.12 9.17 9.21 9.24 9.28 35 9-15 9.21 9-25 9-30 9-34 9-37 9.41 9-45 36 9-34 9-39 9.44 9.48 9-5i 9-55 9-59 9.69 37 9-53 9.58 9.62 9.66 9.69 9-74 9.84 9.98 38 9-74 978 9.82 9-85 9.90 10.00 10.15 10.33 39 9-95 9.9S 10.02 10.07 10.17 10.32 10.51 10.76 40 10.17 10.20 10.25 10.35 10.51 10.70 10.95 11. 21 4i 10.40 10.45 10.55 10.71 10.90 11. 16 n-43 11.70 42 10.66 10.77 10.93 11. 14 11-39 11.66 11.94 12.21 43 11.00 11. 16 H-37 11.64 11. 91 12.19 12.48 12.77 44 11.42 11.63 11.90 12.18 12.48 12.76 13.06 13.36 4 § n. 91 12.19 12.48 12.77 13.07 13.38 13.68 13.98 46 12.50 12.80 13.10 13.41 13.72 14.03 14-34 14.64 4 Z 13.14 13-45 13.77 14.09 14.41 14.73 15.04 I5-3I 48 13.84 14.16 14.49 14.82 I5-I5 15.47 15-74 16.01 49 14.59 14-93 15-27 15.61 15-94 16.22 16.49 16.71 So 15.41 15.76 16. 11 16.45 16.74 17.02 17-25 17-39 5i 16.30 16.66 17.02 17.32 17.60 17.84 17.98 18.06 52 17.27 17.63 17.95 18.25 18.49 18.64 18.72 18.68 S3 1S.32 18.65 1S.96 19.21 19-37 19-45 19.42 19.28 54 19-43 19.76 20.02 20.18 20.27 20.23 20.09 19-75 55 20.65 20.93 21.10 21.18 21.15 21.00 20.65 20.06 56 21.95 22.13 22.22 22.18 22.03 21.66 21.04 20.08 5 Z 23-31 23.41 23-37 23.21 22.82 22.16 21.15 19.68 58 24.78 24.74 24.57 24.15 23.47 22.39 20.82 18.69 59 26.34 26.16 25.72 24.99 23.84 22.19 19.90 16.78 60 28.05 27.58 26.80 25.56 23-79 21.34 18.00 13.55 61 29.83 28.98 27.65 25.73 23.08 19.46 14.66 8.30 ! 62 31.68 30.22 28.14 25.23 21.28 16.02 9.07 0.00 63 33-50 31.19 27-97 23.59 17.76 10.06 0.00 1 64 35.22 3I.58 26.64 20.05 11.36 0.00 5? 36.60 30.88 23.24 13.16 0.00 66 37.18 27.98 15.85 0.00 1 'ft 35.84 20.30 0.00 ! 1 68 29.16 0.00 |6 9 0.00 J Comb.4 % End.Age70 508 Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXXVL— Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF SEVENTY OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 20 21 22 23 24 s 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 9 39 40 4i 42 43 44 $1 8 49 50 5i 52 53 54 U U 59 60 61 9th Year. 10th Year. 7-52 7.61 7.72 7.83 7-95 8.07 8.19 8.32 8.46 8.59 8-73 8.87 9.01 9.16 9-32 9-54 9-83 10.16 10.57 11. 01 11.48 11.97 12.50 1306 13.65 14.28 14.90 i5o6 16.22 16.85 17.46 18.03 18.55 18.96 19.19 19.14 18.69 17.65 15-76 12.63 7.67 0.00 11th Year. 7.56 7.66 7-77 7-89. 8.00 8.12 8.25 8-37 8.50 8.63 8-77 8.90 904 9.20 9.41 9.69. 10.01 10.40 10.82 11.27 11.75 12.25 12 80 13-35 13-94 14-53 15.15 15.77 16.35 16.91 17.43 17.90 18.24 18.42 18.31 17.81 16.76 14.89 11.86 7.15 0.00 7.6i 7.7i 7.82 7-94 8.05 8.17 8.29 8.41 8-54 8.67 8.80 8-93 9.09 9.29 9-56 9.86 10.25 10.65 11.08 11-54 12.02 12-53 13.07 13.63 14.19 14-77 15-35 15.90 16.42 16.89 17.31 17.60 17.72 17.57 17.04 15.98 14.13 11.20 6.72 0.00 12th Year. 7.65 7.76 7.87 7.98 8.IO 8.22 8-33 8.46 8.58 8.7O 8.83 8.98 9.17 9-43 9-73 10.10 10.49 10.90 11.34 11.80 12.29 12.81 13-34 13.87 14-43 14.97 15.48 15.96 16.39 16.77 1 7.. 02 17.10 16.91 16.36 1529 13-47 10.64 6.35 0.00 13th Year. 7.71 7.81 7.92 8.03 8.14 8.26 8.38 8.50 8.6l 8.73 8.87 9.06 9.31 9.60 9.96 IO.34 IO.74 II. 16 II.60 I2.07 12-57 I3.08 13.58 14.IO 14.62 15.09 15.54 15.94 16.28 16.49 16.53 16.31 15-74 14.67 12.89 IO.14 - 6.02 O.OO 14th Year. 7-75 7.86 7-97 8.08 8.19 8.30 8.42 8.52 8.64 8.78 8.96 9.20 9.48 9-83 10.19 10.58 10.99 11.42 11.88 12.34 12.83 13.31 13.81 14.29 14.74 15.15 15.52 15.82 16.00 16.02 15.77 15.18 14. 1 1 12.37 9.70 5-75 0.00 15th Year. 7.80 7 91 8.0I 8.12 8.23 8-34 8.44 8.56 8.69 8.86 9.10 9-37 9.70 10.06 10.44 10.83 11.24 11.68 12.13 12.60 13.06 13-53 13-99 14.41 14.80 15.13 I54I 15.56 15.55 15.28 14.68 13.62 11.90 9-3i 5-5o 0.00 16th Year. 7.85 7-95 8.05 8.16 8.27 8-37 8.48 8.60 8-77 9.00 9.26 9-59 9-93 10.30 10.68 11.08 11.50 11.94 12.39 12.82 13.28 13.71 14.10 14-47 14-77 15.02 15.15 15.11 14.83 14.22 13.17 11.49 8.96 5-27 0.00 End.Age70 Comb.4 % Of Lifb Insurance. 509 Table No. CLXXXVL — Continued. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF SEVENTY OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24 th Agk. 20 Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 7.89 7-93 7-97 8.0I 8.04 8.07 8. II 8.I9 21 7-99 8.03 8.07 8.IO 8.I3 8.17 8.25 8-37 22 8.IO 8.13 8.16 8.19 8.23 8.31 8.44 8-59 23 8.20 8.22 8.26 8.30 8.38 8 50 8.66 8.86 24 8.29 8-33 8-37 8-45 8.57 8-73 8.94 9-15 25 8.40 8.44 8.52 8.65 8.8l 9.01 9-23 9.45 26 8.52 8.60 8:73 8.89 9.IO 9-3i 9-53 9.76 27 8.68 8.81 8-97 9.18 9.40 9- 6 3 9-85 10.08 28 8.90 9.06 9.28 9-50 9.72 9-95 10.18 10.41 29 9.16 9-38 9.60 9.83 IO.05 10.29 10.52 10.76 30 9.48 9.70 9-93 IO.17 IO.40 10.64 10.87 11. 10 31 9.81 10.05 10.28 IO.52 IO.76 11.00 11.23 H-43 32 10.17 10.41 10.65 IO.89 II. 13 11-37 11.57 11.76 33 10.54 10.78 11.03 II.27 II. 51 11.72 11. 91 12.07 34 10.93 11. 18 11.43 II.67 II.87 12.07 12.23 12.33 P 11-33 11.59 11.83 12.04 12.24 12.40 12.50 12.55 11.76 12.00 12.22 12.42 12.58 12.69 12.74 12.72 37 12.19 12.41 12.61 12.78 12.88 12.93 12.91 12.82 38 12.61 12.82 12.99 13.09 I3-I4 13.12 13-03 12.82 39 13.04 13.21 13.32 13-37 13-35 13.26 13.04 12.66 40 13.45 13.56 13.62 13.59 13-50 13.27 12.89 12.30 41 13.82 13.88 13.86 13.76 13.53 13.14 12.54 11.67 42 14. r6 14.14 14.04 I3.8I I3-4I 12.79 11. 91 10.68 43 14.44 14-34 14.10 13.70 13.07 12.16 10.91 9.20 44 14.67 14.42 14.01 13.37 12.44 11. 16 9.41 7.08 45 14.77 14-35 13.69 12.74 ".43 9.64 7.26 4.11 46 14.71 14.04 13-07 11.72 9.88 7-44 4.21 0.00 47 14.42 13-42 12.04 IO.15 7.64 4-32 0.00 48 13.81 12.38 10.44 7.86 4-45 0.00 49 12.76 10.76 8.10 4-59 O.OO 0.00 50 11. 10 8.36 4-73 5i 8.65 4.90 0.00 52 5.08 0.00 53 0.00 * - Comb.4 % End.Age70 51° Principles and Practice Table No. CLXXXVL— Continutd. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF SEVENTY OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR , DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. 25th 26th 27th 2Wth 29th 30th 31st 32<1 Age. 20 Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 8.3I 8.46 8.66 8.86 9.08 9.28 9.50 9.72 21 8.52 8.72 8.93 9.14 9-36 9-57 9-79 IO.OI 22 8.79 9.OO 9.21 943 9.64 9.87 10.09 IO.30 1 23 9.07 9.29 9- 50 9.72 9-95 IO.17 10.38 IO.56 24 9.36 9-58 9.81 10.03 10.25 I0.47 10.65 IO.83 li 9.67 9.89 10 12 10.34 10.56 I0.75 10.92 II.07 9.98 I0.2I 10.43 10.66 10.85 . II.03 11. 18 11.26 % IO.31 IO.54 10.76 10.95 11. 13 11.28 "•37 II.42 IO.64 IO.87 11.06 11.25 11.40 II.49 H-54 II. 51 29 IO.98 II. 18 11.36 11.52 11.61 11.66 11.64 H.56 30 II. 30 II.49 11.64 11.74 11.78 11.76 11.68 II.49 31 11.62 11.78 11.S7 11.92 11.90 11.82 11.62 II.29 32 II.92 I2.02 12.06 12.04 11.96 11.76 n.43 IO.89 33 12.17 12.22 12.20 12. 11 11.91 H-57 11.04 10.27 34 12.38 I2.36 12.28 12.07 11.72 11. 19 10.41 9-34 9 12.53 12.44 12.24 11.89 "•34 10.56 9-47 7.98 12.63 12.42 12.06 11. 51 10.71 9.61 8.10 6.10 U I2.6I 12.25 11.69 10.88 9.76 8.23 6.19 3-5i 12.45 11.88 11.05 9.91 8.36 6 20 3.56 0.00 39 I2.08 11.25 10.09 8.51 6.40 3-63 0.00 40 11.45 10.27 8.66 6.52 369 0.00 4i IO.47 8.83 6.64 3.76 0.00 42 9.OI 6.78 3.84 0.00 43 6.93 3-92 0.00 44 4.OI 0.00 45 1 O.OO 0.00 • ■ End.Age70 Comb.4 % Op Life Insurance. 5" Table No. CLXXXVL— Concluded. COST OF INSURANCE PER $1000 OF ENDOWMENT POLICIES PAYABLE AT THE AGE OF SEVENTY OR AT DEATH IF PRIOR, DURING VARIOUS YEARS, COMBINED EXPERIENCE, FOUR PER CENT. Age. 33d 34th 35th 36th 37 th 38th 39th 40th 41st Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 9-93 IO.14 IO.32 IO.49 IO.64 IO.72 IO.76 IO-75 IO.67 21 I0.22 IO.40 I0.57 IO.71 IO.80 IO.84 IO.83 I0.75 I0.57 22 IO.48 IO.65 IO.80 IO.88 IO.93 IO.9I IO.83 IO.65 I0.35 23 IO.74 IO.88 IO.97 II.02 II.OO IO.92 IO.74 IO.43 9-95 24 IO.98 II.06 II. II II.09 II. OI IO.83 IO.52 IO.04 9-34 2 | II. 16 II. 21 II. 19 II. II IO.92 IO.61 IO.I2 9.42 8-45 26 II. 31 II.29 II. 21 II.03 IO.71 I0.22 9-51 8-53 7.19 3 II.40 11.32 II. 13 IO.82 IO.32 9.60 8.61 7.26 5-47 11.44 II.24 IO.92 IO.42 9.7O 8.70 7-34 5.52 3-13 29 II.36 II.04 I0.53 9.80 8.79 7.41 5.58 3.16 0.00 30 II. 16 IO.64 9.9I 8.89 7-49 5.64 3.20 O.OO 31 IO.77 I0.03 8.99 7.58 5.71 3-23 0.00 32 IO.14 9.IO 7.67 5.78 3-27 0.00 33 9.21 7-77 5.85 3-31 0.00 34 7.H7 5.93 3.36 0.00 35 6.0I 3.40 O.OO 36 3-45 0.00 37 0.00 Age. 12<1 43d 44th 45th 46th 47th 48th 49th 50th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. 20 IO.49 IO.19 9.72 9.05 8.12 6.85 5.15 2.92 O.OO 21 IO.27 9.80 9.12 8.18 6.9O 5-i9 2.94 O.OO 22 9.87 9.I9 8.24 6.95 5-23 2.96 O.OO 23 9.26 8.31 7.OI 5.28 2.99 0.00 24 8.38 7.07 5.32 3-OI 0.00 2 | I 26 7.13 5.36 3.04 O.OO 5.41 3.07 O.OO 27 3.IO O.OO 28 O.OO 5*3 INDEX. Page. Accumulation , ' 9 Actuaries' Table of Mortality, The Combined Experience or — (4 per cent) 42, 359-511 Actuary : 9 American Experience Table of Mortality, The 43, 81-358 Three Per Cent 81-175 Commutation Columns 84 Cost of Insurance 149-175 Ordinary Life Single Premium Policies 149 Whole Life Policies 150-155 Ten Payment Whole Life Policies 156 Fifteen " ■ " « 158 Twenty ■ " ■ " 160-162 Ten Year Endowment Policies 163 Fifteen « " " 164 Twenty " « " 166-168 Twenty-five Year Endowment Policies 169-171 Thirty " « " 172-175 Logarithms of Commutation Columns 86 Net Annual Premiums per $1000 89, 127 Single Premiums per $1000 Endowment Insurance 91-95 Terminal Net Values 96-141 Ordinary Whole Life Policies 96-101 Five Payment Whole Life Policies 102 Ten * " " u 103 Fifteen " " " " 104 Twenty ■ « 106-108 Ten Year Endowment Policies 109 Fifteen « ■ " 110 Twenty « ■ " 112-114 Twenty five Year Endowment Policies 115-117 Thirty « " 1 118-121 Thirty-five « " " 122-126 Nine Payment Whole Life Policies 128 Fourteen « ' " " 130 Nineteen " 132-135 Nine Year Endowment 136 Fourteen Year Endowment 137 Nineteen " " 139-141 514 Principles and Practice Page. American Experience Table of Mortality, The. Term Policies, Net Premiums and Values 142-148 Five Year Term 142 Ten - ' 143 Fifteen ■ u 144 Twenty - ' 146-148 Value of an Annuity and Net Single Premiums 88 Three and One-half Per Cent 177-266 Commutation Columns 178 Cost of Insurance 240-266 Ordinary Life Single Premium Policies 240 Whole Life Policies 241-246 Ten Payment Whole Life Policies 247 Fifteen - tt " u 249 Twenty u " * 251-253 Ten Year Endowment Policies 254 Fifteen ■ • ■ 255 Twenty u ■ ■ 257-259 Twenty-five Year Endowment Policies 260-262 Thirty ' ' 263-266 Logarithms of Commutation Columns 179a Net Annual Premiums per $1000 > 181, 219 Single Premiums per $1000 Endowment Insurance. . . 183-187 Terminal Net Values 188-232 Ordinary Whole Life Policies 188-193 Five Payment Whole Life Policies 194 Ten u ■ ' 195 Fifteen ■ ■ 196 Twenty ■ ■ 198-200 Ten Year Endowment Policies 201 Fifteen ■ ■ ■ 202 Twenty ' ■ " 204-206 Twenty-five Year Endowment Policies 207-209 Thirty ' " " 210-213 Thirty-five " ■ ■ 214-218 Nine Payment Whole Life Policies 220 Fourteen ' ' " ■ 221 Nineteen " 223-226 Nine Year Endowment Policies 227 Fourteen " ■ * 228 Nineteen ■ ■ ■ 230-232 Term Policies, Net Premiums and Values 233-239 Five Year Term 233 Ten ■ ' 234 Fifteen ■ ■ 235 Twenty ■ ' 237-239 Value of an Annuity and Net Single Premiums 180 Four Per Cent 267-315 Commutation Columns 268 Of Life Insurance 515 Pagb. American Experience Table of Mortality, The, Four Per Cent. Logarithms of Commutation Columns 270 Net Annual Premiums per $1000 272 Single Premiums per $1000 Endowment Insurance.. .274-279 Terminal Net Values 280-315 Ordinary Whole Life Policies 280-285 Five Payment Whole Life Policies 286 Ten ■ " " « 287 Fifteen ■ ■ " ■ 288 Twenty ■ ■ * " 290-292 Five Year Endowment Policies 293 Ten ■ ■ " 294 Fifteen " * " 295 Twenty " ■ " 297-299 Twenty-five Year Endowment Policies 300-302 Thirty " « « 303-306 Thirty-five " « u 307-310 Ten Payment 15 Year Endowment Policies 311 20 " * * 312 25 " " " 313 30 " « " 314 Value of Annuity, Net Single and Annual Premiums. . . 271 Four and One-half Per Cent 317-358 Commutation Columns 318 Logarithms of Commutation Columns 320 Net Annual Premiums per $1000 Temporary Insurance. . 323 Net Premiums per $1000 324 Single Premiums per $1000 Endowment Insurance 325-329 Terminal Net Values per $1000 330-358 Ordinary Whole Life Policies 330-334 Ten Payment Whole Life Policies 335 Fifteen " * " " 336 Twenty " " " .'.' * 338-340 Ten Year Endowment Policies 341 Fifteen u * " 342 Twenty " " " 344-346 Twenty-five Year Endowment Policies 347-349 Thirty « " " ..350-353 Thirty-five " " * 354-358 Amount at Risk 26 Annual and Deferred Dividends 14 Annual Premiums, Single and 52 Annual Premiums — American Experience, 3 per cent 89, 127 3£ " 181,219 4 * 272 4£ " 324 516 Principles and Practice Page. Annual Premiums — Actuaries' or Combined Experience, 4 per cent 372-376 Annuities, First Payment Immediate, Life 88, 180, 271, 368 Annuity 9 Annuity Certain 10 Application 11 Assessment Insurance 18 Assets 11 Assignee 11 Assured or Insured 11 Automatic Non-Forfeiture .' 22 Beneficiary 12 Bonus 12 Brokerage 12 Claims 12 Cash and Reversionary Dividends 14 Combined Experience or Actuaries' Table of Mortal- ity, The, Four Per Cent 42, 359-511 Commutation Columns 362-365 Cost of Insurance 463-511 Ordinary Life Single Premium 464 * Annual " 465-470 Whole PI ve Payment 471 • Ten ' 472 ■ Fifteen - 473 u Twenty ■ 475-477 Ten Year Endowment Policy 478 Fifteen * ■ ■ 479 Twenty ■ ■ tt 481-483 Twenty-five Year Endowment Policy 484-486 Thirty ■ " ■ 487-490 Endowment Policies Payable at Age 35 491 " 40 492 ■ 45 493 ■ 50 495 ■ 55 497-499 ' 60 500-502 ' 65 503-506 ■ 70 507-511 Life Annuities — First Payment Immediate 368 Logarithms of Commutation Columns 366 Net Annual Premiums per $1000 372-376 Net Annual Premiums per $1000 Temporary Insurance. . . 371 Net Single Premiums per $1000 Endowment Insurance 377-382 Net Single Premiums per $1000 Whole Life Insurance 370 Terminal Net Values 383-455 Whole Life Policies 383-388 * "by Five Equal Annual Premiums . . . 389 Ten u u ... 390 Of Life Insurance. 517 Page. Combined Experience or Actuaries' Table of Mortality, The. Terminal Net Values — Whole Life Policies by Fifteen Equal Annual Premiums . 392 Twenty « " 394-396 Ten Year Endowment Policies 397 Fifteen ■ " « 399 Twenty ■ " • 401-403 Twenty-five Year Endowment Policies 404-406 Thirty ' « ■ 407-410 Thirty-five ■ * u 411-415 Forty ■ " » 416-420 Fifteen Year Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Pre- miums 42 1 Twenty Year Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Pre- miums 422 Twenty-five Year Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Premiums 423 Thirty Year Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Pre- miums 424 Thirty-five Year Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Pre- miums 425 Endowments by Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 35 426 Endowments by Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 40. 427 Endowments by Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 45 428 Endowments by Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 50 .430-432 Endowments by Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 55 433-435 Endowments by Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 60 436-439 Endowments by Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 65 440-443 Endowments by Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 70 444-448 Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 35 449 Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 40 449 Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 45 450 Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 50 451 Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 55 452 Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 60 453 518 Principles and Practice Page. Combined Experience or Actuaries' Table of Moitality, The. Terminal Net Values — Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 65 454 Endowments by Ten Equal Annual Premiums Payable at Age 70 455 Term Policies, Net Premiums and Values 456-461 Ten Year Term 456 Fifteen ■ ' 457 Twenty ■ " 459-461 Commission 12 Commutation Columns 49 American Experience, 3 per cent 84 3i ' 178 4 ' 268 4* - 318 Combined " 4 ' 362-365 Company 12 Complete and Curtate Expectation 15 Compound Interest 37-42 Compound Interest, Simple and 19 Contingencies, Life 42-46 Contingent Annuity 10 Contingent Dividend 14 Continuous Instalments 17 Contribution Plan 13 Convertible Term 27 Curtate Expectation, Complete and 15 Cost of Insurance 13, 57 American Experience, 3 per cent. 149-175 3J " 240-266 Combined ■ 4 - 463-511 Deferred Annuity 10 Deferred Dividends, Annual and 14 Definitons and Explanations of Life Insurance Phraseology . . 9-29 Department, Insurance 19 Discount 20 Distribution 13 Distribution Period 13 Dividend 13 Dividends, Semi-Tontine 28 Dividends, Tontine 28 Endowment 15 Endowment Insurance 15 Endowment Insurance, Single Premiums. American Experience, 3 per cent 91-95 3* " 183-187 4 ' 274-279 Of Life Insurance. 519 Page. Endowment Insurance, Single Premiums — American Experience, 4£ per cent 325-329 Combined " 4 " 377-382 Endowment Policies, Cost of Insurance- American Experience, 3 per cent 163-175 3£ ■ 254-266 Combined u 4 ■ 478-511 Endowment Policies, Terminal Net Values of — American Experience, 3 per cent 109-126, 136-141 3} " 201-218, 227-232 4 293-314 4} " 341-358 Combined " 4 " 397-455 Expectation of Life 15 Expected 15 Expected Mortality 21 Explanations of Life Insurance Phraseology, Definitions and. .9-29 Extended Insurance 15 Extra Premium 25 Forfeiture 16 Fraternal Insurance 18 Gross Premium 25 Gross Premium Valuation 29 Impaired 16 Industrial Insurance 18 Instalment Policy 16 Instalments, Continuous 17 Insurable Interest 17 Insurance 17 Insurance Company 18 Insurance, Cost of . 13, 57 Tables- American Experience, 3 per cent 149-175 3£ " 240-266 Combined " 4 " 463-511 Insurance Department 19 Insured 19 Insured, Assured or 11 Interest 19 Interest, Compound 37-42 Interest, Simple and Compound 19 Interest Tables for One Hundred Years at 2 to 7 per cent. .61-79 Two per cent 62 Two and one-half per cent 64 Three per cent 66 Three and one-half per cent 68 Four per cent 70 Four and one-half per cent 72 Five per cent 74 520 Principles and Practice Page. Interest Tables for One Hundred Years at 2 to 7 per cent. Six per cent 76 Seven per cent 78 Joint Life Annuity 11 Lapse 20 Last Survivor Annuity 11 Law, Massachusetts Non-Forfeiture 32-35 Law, New York Non- Forfeiture 31 Liability 20 Life Annuity 10 Life Contingencies 42-46 Life Insurance 17 Life Insurance Phraseology, Definitions and Explanations of. .9-29 Life, Expectation of 15 Life Policy 21 Limited Payment 21 Loading 21 Logarithms of Commutation Columns — American Experience, 3 per cent 86 3* ■ 178 4 * 270 4i B 320 Combined ■ 4 ■ 366 Massachusetts Non -Forfeiture Law 32-35 Mean Value 24 Monetary Obligations Dependent on Mortality 46 Mortality 21 Mortality Table 21 Mortality, The American Experience Table of 43, 81 Mortality, The Combined Experience or Actuaries' Table of.42, 360 Net Annual Premiums per $1000 — American Experience, 3 per cent 89, 127 3* " 181,219 ■ 4 « 272 4* " 324 Combined - 4 ' 372-376 Net Premium 25 Net Single Premiums for Endowment Insurances — American Experience, 3 per cent 91- 95 3* ' 183-187 4 " 274-279 4£ ' 325-329 Combined ■ 4 ' 377-382 Net Single Premiums for Whole Life Insurances — American Experience, 3 per cent 88 3i ' 180 4 ' 271 4$ ' 324 Combined ■ 4 ■ 370 Of Life Insurance. 521 Page. Net Valuation 29 Net Values of Policies 54 New York Non-Forfeiture Law 31 Non-Forfeiture. 22 Non-Forfeiture Laws ! 31-35 Old-Line Insurance 18 Option ! 23 Paid-up Insurance 23 Phraseology, Definitions and Explanations of Life Insurance . 9-29 Policies, Net Values of . 54 Policy 24 Policy Value 24 Policy Year 24 Preliminary Term Insurance 27 Premium 24 Premium Notes 25 Premiums, Single and Annual 52 Principles of Life Insurance, Scientific 36-59 Publishers' Preface 3 Pure Endowment 15 Renewable Term Insurance 27 Renewal 25 Reserve 26 Reversionary Annuity .' 10 Reversionary Dividends, Cash and. . 14 Risk... 26 Risk, The Amount at 26 Scientific Principles of Life Insurance 36-59 Semi-Tontine Dividends 28 Single and Annual Premiums 52 Single Premium 25 Single Premiums for Endowment Insurances — American Experience, 3 per cent 91- 95 ■ 3£ 183-187 4 " 274-279 4* " 325-329 Combined ■ 4 " 377-382 Single Premiums for Whole Life Insurances — American Experience, 3 per cent 88 3£ ' 180 4 ■ 271 4£ " 324 Combined " 4 " 370 Surplus 26 Surrender 26 Surrender Value 26 Survivorship Annuity 10 Table No. I. Interest Tables, 2 per cent 62 * No. II. " 2| " 64 522 Principles and Practice Page. Table No. III. Interest Tables, 3 per cent 66 No. IV. ■ 3J a 68 - No. V. * 4 ■ 70 - No. VI * 4* - 72 ■ No. VII. " 5 ■ 74 ' No. VIII. ' 6 * 76 ■ No. I X ■ 7 ■ 78 Tables X to XLVIII. American Experience, 3 per cent. .81-175 Table No. X. American Experience Table of Mortality. ... 82 " No. XI. Commutation Columns 84 ■ No. XII. Logarithms of Commutation Columns 86 No. XIII. Value of an Annuity of $1, First Payment Immediate and Net Single Premiums per $1000 Whole Life Insurance 88 No. XIV. Net Annual Premiums per $1000 89 No. XV. Single Premiums per $1000 Endowment Insurance, Payable as Stated 91- 95 No. XVI. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Death. 96-101 No. XVII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Five Equal Annual Premiums 102 ■ No. XVI II. Termina' Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums 103 ■ No. XIX. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Fifteen Equal Annual Premiums. . . . 104 " No. XX. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Twenty Equal Annual Premiums. . 106-108 • No. XXI. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Ten Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 109 ■ No. XXII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Fifteen Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 110 No. XXIII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Twenty Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 112-114 ■ No. XXIV. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Twenty-five Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 115-117 ' No. XXV. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Thirty Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 118-121 " No. XXVI. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Thirty- five Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Pre- miums till Maturity 122-126 ■ No. XXVII. Net Annual Premiums per $1000—9, 14 and 19 Payment Life; 9, 14 and 19 Year Endowment 127 " No. XXVIII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Nine Equal Annual Premiums 128 Of Life Insurance. 523 Page. Table No. XXIX. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Fourteen Equal Annual Pre- miums 130 ' No. XXX. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Nineteen Equal Annual Premiums. 132-135 " No. XXXI. Net Annual Premiums per $1000 of Nine Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 136 ■ No. XXXII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Four- teen Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Pre- miums till Maturity 137 ' No. XXXIII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Nine- teen Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Pre- miums till Maturity 139-141 " No. XXXIV. Net Annual Premiums and Terminal Net Values per $1000 on 5 Year Term Policies 142 " No. XXXV. Net Annual Premiums and Terminal Net Values per $1000 on 10 Year Term Policies 143 No. XXXVI. Net Annual Premiums and Terminal Net Values per $1000 on 15 Year Term Policies 144 • No. XXXVII. Net Annual Premiums and Terminal Net Values per $1000 on 20 Year Term Policies. .146-148 " No. XXXIX. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of an Ordinary Life Single Premium Policy 149 u No. XL. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of an Ordinary Life Policy 150-155 " No. XLI. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Ten Pay- ment Life Policy 156 ' No. XLII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Fifteen Payment Life Policy 158 ' No. XLIII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Twenty Payment Life Policy 160-162 " No. XLIV. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a 10 Year Endowment Policy 163 No. XLV. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a 15 Year Endowment Policy 164 " No. XL VI. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a 20 Year Endowment Policy 166-168 ■ No. XLVII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a 25 Year Endowment Policy 169-171 " No. XLVIII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a 30 Year Endowment Policy 172-175 Tables No. XLIX to LXXXV. American Experience, 3 J per cent 177-266 Table No. XLIX. Commutation Columns 178 " No. L. Logarithms of Commutation Columns 179a " No. LI. Value of an Annuity of $1 First Payment Immediate and Net Single Premiums per $1000, Whole Life Insurance 180 524 Principals and Practice Pagb. Table No. LII. Net Annual Premiums per $1000 181 * No. LIII. Single Premiums per $1000 Endowment Insurance, Payable as Stated 183-187 ■ No. LIV. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Death. 188-193 ■ No. LV. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Five Equal Annual Premiums 194 " No. LVI. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums 195 * No. LVII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Fifteen Equal Annual Premiums... 196 ■ No. LVI II. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole .Life Policies by Twenty Equal Annual Premiums. 198-200 ■ No. LIX. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Ten Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 201 * No. LX. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Fifteen Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Death 202 ■ No. LXI. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Twenty Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Death 204-206 * No. LXII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Twenty- five Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Pre- miums till Death 207-209 * No. LXIII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Thirty Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Death 210-213 * No. LXIV. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Thirty- five Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Pre- miums till Death 214-218 ■ No. LXV. Net Annual Premiums per $1000, 9, 14 and 19 Payment Life; 9, 14 and 19 Year Endowment.. 219 « No. L.W1. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Nine Equal Annual Premiums 220 ■ No. LXVII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Fourteen Equal Annual Premiums. . 221 ■ No. LXVIII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Nineteen Equal Annual Premiums.223-226 ■ No. LXIX. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Nine Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 227 ■ No. LXX. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Fourteen Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 228 - No. LXXI. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Nine- teen Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Pre- miums till Maturity 230-232 Of Life Insurance. 525 Pagb. Table No. LXXII. Net Annual Premiums and Terminal Net Values per $1000 on 5 Year Term Policies .. . 233 " No. LXXIII. Net Annual Premiums and Terminal Net Values per $1000 on 10 Year Term Policies 234 ■ No. LXXIV. Net Annual Premiums and Terminal Net Values per $1000 on 15 Year Term Policies 235 " No. LXXV. Net Annual Premiums and Terminal Net Values per $1000 on 20 Year Term Policies. .237-239 " No. LXXVI. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of an Ordi- nary Life Single Premium Policy , 240 " No. LXXVII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of an Ordi- nary Life Policy 241-246 * No. LXXVIII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Ten Payment Life Policy 247 ■ No. LXXIX. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Fifteen Payment Life Policy 249 ■ No. LXXX. Cost of Insurance per $1000.of a Twenty Payment Life Policy 251-253 " No. LXXXI. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a 10 Year Endowment Policy 254 ■ No. LXXXII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a 15 Year Endowment Policy 255 * No. LXXXIII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a 20 Year Endowment Policy 257-259 ■ No. LXXXIV. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a 25 Year Endowment Policy 260-262 u No. LXXXV. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a 30 Year Endowment Policy 263-266 Tables No. LXXXVI. to CVII. American Experience, 4 per cent 267-315 Table No. LXXXVI. Commutation Columns 268 No. LXXXVI I. Logarithms of Commutation Columns. 270 ■ No. LXXXVIII. Value of an Annuity for One Dollar First Payment Immediate and Net Single and Net Annual Premiums per $1000 Whole Life Insurance. . 271 ■ No. LXXXIX. Net Annual Premiums per $1000 272 " No. XC. Single Premiums per $1000 Endowment In- surance, Payable as Stated 274-279 " No. XCI. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Death 280-285 " No. XCII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Five Equal Annual Premiums 286 " No. XCIII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums 287 ' No. XCIV. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Fifteen Equal Annual Premiums .... 288 " No. XCV. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Twenty Equal Annual Premiums 290-292 526 Principles and Practice Page. Table No. XCVI. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Five Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 293 ■ No. XCVII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Ten Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 294 u No. XCVIII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Fifteen Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 295 No. XCIX. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Twenty Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 297-299 * No. C. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Twenty-five Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 300-302 u No. CI. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Thirty Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 303-306 No. CII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Thirty-five Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 307-310 No. CI II. Terminal Net Values of Fifteen Year En- dowment Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums. . 311 No. CIV. Terminal Net Values of Twenty Year En- dowment Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums. . 312 No. CV. Terminal Net Values of Twenty-five Year Endowment Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums 313 ■ No. CVI. Terminal Net Values of Thirty Year Endowment Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums 314 No. CVI I. Terminal Net Values of Thirty-five Year Endowment Policies by Ten Annual Equal Premiums 315 Tables No. CVIII. toCXXIII. American Experience, 4} per cent 317-358 Table No. CVIII. Commutation Columns 318 ■ No. CIX. Logarithms of Commutation Columns, also Logarithms of Probability of Dying and of the Annuity of $1, First Payment Immediate 320 " No. CX. Annuities for Whole Life, First Payment Immediate 322 No. CXI. Net Annual Premiums per $1000 Tempo- rary Insurance in Terms as Stated 323 " No. CXII. Net Premiums per $1000 324 ' No. CXIII. Single Premiums per $1000 Endowment Insurance Payable as Stated 325-329 ' No. CXIV. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Death. 330-334 ' No. CXV. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums 335 Of Life Insurance. 527 Pagb. Table No. CXVI. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies t>y Fifteen Equal Annual Premiums .... 336 " No. CXVII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Twenty Equal Annual Premiums. 338-340 " No. CXVIII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Ten Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 341 " No. CXIX. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Fifteen Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity . 342 " No. CXX. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Twenty Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 344-346 « No. CXXI. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Twenty- five Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Pre- miums till Maturity 347-349 ■ No. CXXII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Thirty Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 350-353 « No. CXXIII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Thirty-five Year Endowment Policies by Equal An- nual Premiums till Maturity 354-358 Tables No. CXXIV to CLXXXVI. Combined Experience, 4 per cent 359-511 Table No. CXXIV. Actuaries' or Combined Experience Table of Mortality 360 ■ No. CXXV. Commutation Columns 362-365 No. CXXVI. Logarithms of Commutation Columns. 366 a No. CXXVII. Life Annuities, First Payment Imme- diate 368 u No. CXXVIII. Net Single Premiums for Whole Life Insurance 370 " No. CXXIX. Net Annual Premiums per $1000 Tem- porary Insurance 371 " No. CXXX. Net Annual Premiums per $1000. . .372-376 " No. CXXXI. Single Premiums per $1000 Endowment Insurance 377-382 " No. CXXXII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies. 383-388 " No. CXXXIII. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Five Equal Annual Premiums 389 " No. CXXXIV. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums 390 " No. CXXXV. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Fifteen Equal Annual Pre- miums 392 No. CXXXVI. Terminal Net Values per $1000 of Whole Life Policies by Twenty Equal Annual Pre- miums 394-396 528 Principles and Practici; Pagb. Table No. CXXXVII. Terminal Net Values of Ten Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 397 ■ No. CXXXVIII. Terminal Net Values of Fifteen Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 399 ■ No. CXXXIX. Terminal Net Values of Twenty Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 401-403 No. CXL. Terminal Net Values of Twenty-five Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 404-406 ■ No. CXLI. Terminal Net Values of Thirty Year En- dowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 407-410 ■ No. CXLI I. Terminal Net Values of Thirty-five Year Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 411-415 ■ No. CXLIII. Terminal Net Values of Forty Year En- dowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity 416-420 No. CXLIV. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at end of Fifteen Years or at Death if Prior 421 ■ No. CXLV. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Pol- icies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at end of Twenty Years or at Death if Prior 422 - No. CXLVI. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at end of Twenty-five Years or at Death if Prior 423 ■ No. CXLVII. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at end of Thirty Years or at Death if Prior 424 * No. CXLVIII. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at end of Thirty-five Years or at Death if Prior 425 ■ No. CXLIX. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity, Payable at the Age of Thirty-five or at Death if Prior 426 ■ No. CL. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Poli- cies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity, Payable at the Age of Forty or at Death if Prior 427 ■ No. CLI. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Poli- cies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity, Payable at the Age of Forty-five or at Death if Prior 428 - No. CLII. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity, Payable at the Age of Fifty or at Death if Prior .... 430-432 Of Life Insurance. 529 Page. Table No. CLIII. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity, Payable at the Age of Fifty-five or at Death if Prior 433-435 * No. CLIV. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity, Payable at the Age of Sixty or at Death if Prior. . .436-439 " No. CLV. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Poli- cies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity, Payable at the Age of Sixty- five or at Death if Prior 440-443 u No. CLVI. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Poli- cies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity, Payable at the Age of Seventy or at Death if Prior 444-448 ■ No. CLVII. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Poli- cies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at Age Thirty five or at Death if Prior 449 No. CLVIII. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Pol- icies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at Age Forty or at Death if Prior 449 " No. CLIX. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Poli- cies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at Age Forty-five or at Death if Prior 450 " No. CLX. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Poli- cies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at Age Fifty or at Death if Prior 451 " No. CLXI. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Poli- cies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at Age Fifty-five or at Death if Prior 452 " No. CLXII. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at Age Sixty or at Death if Prior 453 " No. CLXIII. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at Age Sixty-five or at Death if Prior 454 " No. CLXIV. Terminal Net Values of Endowment Policies by Ten Equal Annual Premiums, Payable at Age Seventy or at Death if Prior 455 " No. CLXV. Net Annual Premiums and Terminal Net Values on 10 Year Term Policies 456 " No. CLX VI. Net Annual Premiums and Terminal Net Values on 15 Year Term Policies 457 " No. CLX VI I. Net Annual Premiums and Terminal Net Values on 20 Year Term Policies 459-461 " No. CLXVIII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of an Ordinary Life Single Premium Policy 464 " No. CLXIX. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of an Ordi- nary Life Policy 465-470 " No. CLXX. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Five Payment Life Policy 471 530 Principles and Practice Page. Table No. CLXXI. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Ten Payment Life Policy 472 No. CLXXII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Fifteen Payment Life Policy 473 No. CLXXIII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Twenty Payment Life Policy 475-477 1 No. CLXXIV. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Ten Year Endowment Policy 478 No. CLXXV. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Fifteen Year Endowment Policy 479 No. CLXXYI. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Twenty Year Endowment Policy 481-483 No. CI.XXVII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Twenty-five Year Endowment Policy 484-486 " No. CLXXYIII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of a Thirty Year Endowment Policy 487-490 No. CLXXI X. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of En- dowment Policies by Equal Annual Premiums till Maturity, Payable at the Age of Thirty-five or at Death if Prior 491 No. CLXXX. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of En- dowment Policies, Payable at Age Forty or at Death if Prior 492 No, CLXXX I. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of En- dowment Policies, Payable at Age Forty-five or at Death if Prior 493 No. CLXXXII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of En- dowment Policies, Payable at the Age of Fifty or at Death if Prior 495 Xo. CLXXXIII. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of En- dowment Policies, Payable at the Age of Fifty-five or at Death if Prior 497-499 X... CLXXXIV. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of En- dowment Policies, Payable at the Age of Sixty or at Death if Prior 500-502 No. CLXXXY. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of En- dowment Policies, Payable at the Age of Sixty-five or at Death if Prior 503-506 Xo. CLXXXYI. Cost of Insurance per $1000 of En- dowment Policies, Payable at the Age of Seventy or at Death if Prior 507-511 Table of Contents 7 of Mortality, The American Experience 43, 81 of Mortality, The Combined Experience or Actuaries. 42, 360 Temporary Annuity 10 Insurance, Net Annual Premiums for — American Experience, A\ per cent 323 Combined ' 4 " 371 Of Life Insurance. 531 Page Term Insurance 27 Term Policies, Net Premiums and Values — American Experience, 3 per cent 142-148 31 ■ 233-239 Combined • 4 " 456-461 Terminal Net Values — American Experience, 3 per cent 96-148 3§ " 188-239 4 " 280-315 41 " 330-358 Combined " 4 ■ . , 383-461 Terminal Value 24 Tontine 28 Tontine Dividend 28 Valuation 29 Values of Policies, Net 54 Whole Life Insurance. Cost of Insurance — American Experience, 3 per cent 149-162 31 " 240-253 Combined « 4 " 464-477 Whole Life Insurance, Net Premiums for — American Experience, 3 per cent 89-127 31 " 181-219 4 " . . , 272 41 " 324 Combined " 4 " 372-376 Whole Life Insurance, Terminal Net Values — American Experience, 3 per cent 96-108 31 " : 188-200 " 4 " .280-292 41 " 330-340 Combined " 4 " 383-396 OF THE ' UNIVERSITY OF THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. ' JUL 26 1 Q 35 MAR 4 ioja ■* SSW - LD 21-100m-8, , 34 )L 02616 18306? 3853 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY '