-. :-'-"' ' I * 2.* i/t, J /v CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE GRACES, DOCUMENTS, AND OTHER PAPERS WHICK CONCERN THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Cambrfogt: PRINTED BY C. J, CLAY, SI. A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. lOlttlOtt : RIVINGTON AND CO. CAMBRIDGE WAREHOUSE, STATIONERS' HALL COURT, and 3, WATERLOO PLACE. : DEIOHTON, BELL AND co. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST GRACES, DOCUMENTS, AND OTHER PAPERS WHICH CONCERN THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. EDITED FOR THE SYNDICS OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. Cambrfoge : AT THE UNIVERSITY PEESS. 1870. THE following pages contain a list, it is believed complete, of all the papers, whether in MS. or in print, belonging to the University, which concern the Library, together with all the graces on the same subject. The Grace Books, which begin with the Proctors' accounts of 1454, and go on to the present time, are numbered by the letters of the Greek Alphabet. The other references to books in the Registry sufficiently explain themselves. A few references to published works have been introduced, in order to make these materials for the history of the Library 'as complete as possible. Every entry has been placed, as far as has been possible, in its chronological order. This may be regarded as a specimen of what might be done for all the institutions of the University, and for all the docu- ments in its possession. The labour and time required for such an undertaking would, however, be beyond the powers of any single individual, though the cost of printing might be spread over several years, or be distributed among the different University departments. H. R. LUARD. REGISTRY, 28 Mai/, 1870. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 1. STATUTE that no one enter the Library unless accompanied by a graduate, and that no graduate who is not a gremial enter with- out his Academical dress. [Statute Book, p. 83.] Proctors' Book of Statutes. 2. Registrum librorum per varies benefactores communi librarise Univ. Cant, collat., about 1430. Regist. Lib. et Script. A printed copy of this extracted by H. Bradshaw and published in the Camb. Ant. Soc. Transactions for 1862. MS. 31. 1. 1. 3. Grant by the king of the manor of Ruyslep and a place called North wood for a Library &c. 10 July 1438. Hare's MS. from the patent rolls. 4. Expenses in the Library for repairs of books &c. in 1454 and successive years. Grace Book A. ff. 2, 3, &c. 5. Commission for building new Schools and Library, no gremial being forced to contribute. 5 July 1457. Grace Book A../! 6 (a). 6. Various expenses incurred for the care of the books during the fire at King's in 1457. Grace Book A.f.W (a). 7. Grace that the Librarian receive annually 40s. from the money of the School of Canon Law. 3 Nov. 1463. Grace Book A. / 27 (6). 8. Expenses connected with the Earl of Worcester's gift of books in 1470. Grace Book A./. 64. 9. ixc?. paid in edificatione statuti pro ingredientibus librariam. 1471. Grace Book A. / 68 (a) . 1 2 UNIVERSITY LIBKAKY. 10. Registrum Mri. R. Songer et R. Cokeram procuratorum, cornpilatum 1473. Regist. Lib. et Script. A printed copy of this extracted by H. Bradshaw and published in the Camb. Ant. Soc. Transactions for 1862. MS. 31. 1. 2. 11. Expenses for desks and seats. 1474. Grace Book A. f. 79 (a). 12. xiie?. paid for writing out tables of all the books to send to the Chancellor. 1477. Grace Book A./ 88 (a). 13. iiis. xc?. paid for chains for 25 books. 1477. Grace Book A.f. 89 (a). 14. Expenses connected with the repair &c. of the books given by the Chancellor. 1477. Grace Book A. /. 89 (). 15. \ind. paid for gilt nails for the books given by the Chan- cellor. 1478. Grace Book A.f. 92 (a). 16. xiic?. paid for chains for these books. 1478. Grace Book A. f. 92 (a). 17. us. \i\id. paid for the carnage of 27 volumes given by the Chancellor. 1479. Grace Book A.f. 98 (b). 18. Expenses for chains for Bowser's (? Archbp. Bourchier) books and others. 1480. Grace Book A.f. 104 (a). 19. vie?, paid for writing the titles of 20 books given by Chan- cellor Rotherham. 1483. Grace Book A.f. 136 (b). 20. Expenses for a chain for a book given by Mr Greyn and other expenses. 1487. Grace Book A.f. 149 (b). 21. Vincentius in Speculo Morali delivered to John Butler, the Chancellor's servant, to copy. 24 Oct. 1487. Grace Book A. f. 161 (b). 22. Expense connected with the gift of a Bible by Mr Lindsey. 1488. Grace Book's, p. 11. 23. Expenses connected with the cistern and lead works in 1491. Grace Book ~B.p. 46. " Memorandum that the cysterne and the pype of the gargyll of the Librarie next to the College jate weyeth 1| cwt. 1 q. 9 lib." Grace Book B. p. 46. 24. Expenses for a chain and horn for a book left by Mr Dr Fyrby with other expenses. 1491. Grace Book B. p. 47. 25. Expense for a chain for a book given by Abp. Rotherham. 1492. Grace Book B. p. 53. LIST OF DOCUMENTS IN THE REGISTRY. 3 26. Expenses connected with the gift of 12 books by Mr W. Turner. 1493. Grace Book B. p. 62. 27. Expenses for lead for repairs in 1493. Grace Book B. p. 62. 28. Cost of the carriage from London of the books given by the Abp. 1493. Grace Book B. p. 63. 29. Grace to allow monks studying in the University free access to the Library, non obstante statute. 1500. Grace Book B. p. 145. 30. Expenses for lead for the repairs of both libraries. 1500. Grace Book B. p. 150. 31. John Spylman and Robert Broweun, canons, allowed free access to the Library, non obstante statute. 1507. Grace Book T.f. 35 (b). 32. S. Chrysostom on S. Paul's Ep. to the Corinthians taken out by Dr Schyrton, he giving a silver cup as caution. 1514. Grace Book B. p. 317. 33. Alexander super Methaphysicam taken out by Dr Naase, who gives 10s. as caution. Note of the return of the book. 1514. Grace Book B. p. 317. 34. John Pereson, a minorite, allowed the use of the Library. 1524. Grace Book B. p. 452. 35. Cost of the repair of the roof which had been cut with a knife. 1526. Grace Book E.p. 474. 36. (1) Letter of thanks of the University to Bp. Tonstall for his gift of Greek books, by Orator Day. 1529. MS. 31. 2. 1. (2) iiis. ixd. paid to a servant of the Bp. of London for bringing the books to the Library. 1529. Grace Book B. p. 502. 37. Grace for the door at the stair head to be locked and none but gremials and graduates to have a key. 1534. Grace Book T.f. 148 (a). 38. Grace to sell the useless books in the chests, and any useful ones found moth-eaten to be placed in the Library. 1535. Grace Book T.f. 152 (a). 39. Table of the cost of repairs in 1536, 1537. Grace Book B. pp. 575, 576. Lead was boxight on this occasion from the Principal of the Austin Friars, the General of the Black Friars, and Benet Coll. 40. Grace allowing Mr Ascham to borrow Polysenus to tran- scribe. 1540. Grace Book T. f. 170 (b). 12 4 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 41. Grace allowing Mr John Cheke to take out MS. Commen- taries on Homer and Hesiod for 16 months, to print. 1541. Grace BookT.f. 174 (a). 42. Grace allowing Mr Cheke to borrow Leo de aciebus instru- endis under a penalty of .5. 1543. Grace Book A. f. 3 (b). 43. Grace to give the V. C. and Proctors authority for making a new Theological School out of the old useless Library. 1547. Grace Book A. / 19 (b). 44. Catalogue of Books made in 1556-7. MS. 31. 1. 3. 45. Acknowledgment by Orator Byng that he has received ^Elian's Strategica from the Library. 23 Nov. 1566. MS. 31. 2. 2. 46. Catalogue of the 177 books in 1573. MS. 31. 1. 4. A duplicate of this, with the second portion of the list written out in the contrary order. Grace Book A. pp. 330 6, 331 a. This gives the number of chains without books and books with- out chains. "Moste parte of all theis books be of velam and parchment, but veray sore cut and mangled for the lymned letters and pictures." 47. Letter of Andrew Perne to Stokys, to send him the dimen- sions of the stalls and a catalogue of the Books, as hj hopes to get books for one stall from Archbp. Parker. 8 Feb. 1573. MS. 31. 2. 3. 48. Catalogue of the Books made in 1574. MS. 31. 1. 5. 49. Catalogue of books given, 20 by Bp. Pilkington, 40 by Abp. Parker, 73 by Sir K Bacon. Grace Book A. pp. 331 b, 332 a. 50. Note of the gift of 50 volumes by Bp. Home of Winchester. 1574. Grace Book A. / 332 a. 51. Grace for a salary of 10 to be given to the Librarian. 10 July 1577. Grace Book A./ 121 b. 52. William James, M.A. (Pet.) appointed Librarian 1577. 53. Gift by J. Parker of the portrait of his father Abp. Parker, and by E. Grant of the portraits of Lady Margaret and Robert E. of Leicester. 22 June 1580. Grace Book A./. 326 a. 54. Grace that A.B. pay 4d., A.M. and LL.B. Sd., B.D. 12d., and all Doctors I6d. for a salary for the Librarian. 30 June 1581. [Printed in Statute Book p. 357.] Grace Book A./. 134 . Copy of this on parchment by L. Newton, Regist. Deput. MS. 31. 2. 4. LIST OF DOCUMENTS IN THE KEGISTJtY. 5 55. Richard Moodie formerly school keeper appointed Librarian with a salary of 5 marks a year. 1581. Vouchers for 1581. 56. Syndicate appointed to draw up rules for the government of the Library. 7 July 1581. Grace Book A./ 134 b. 57. Copy of Beza's letter on presenting his MS. to the Univer- sity. 8 id. Dec. 1581, by Kegist. Romilly. MS. 31. 2. 5. 58. Articles for the office of keeping the Library, 1582. The salary to be 5 marks paid quarterly, and the office for 3 years. MS. 31. 1. 9. 59. Thanks of the University to Beza for a gift of Books. 18 May 1582 [printed in Hey wood and Wright, i. p. 352]. MS. Harl. 7037. 60. Catalogue of Books made in 1582. (Two copies.) MS. 31. 1. 6, 10. 61. The rules for the Library confirmed. 7 Dec. 1583. Grace Book A./ 141 6. 62. Henry JjVogge (Trin.) appointed Librarian. 1583. Vouchers for 1583. 63. John Bp. of Worcester [i.e. Whitgift] allowed to borrow Beza's N. T. under a penalty of 10, not to go beyond Cambridge. 2 March 1583. Grace Book A./ 141 b. 64. This again allowed to him. 10 Oct. 1584. Grace Book A.y! 144 a. 65. Mr Robson (Joh.) allowed to borrow Boethius in English under a penalty. 16 Dec. 1584. Grace Book &..f. 1446. 66. Grace to restore the Old Library to its former use, and to provide for the lectures now held there. 16 Dec. 1586. Grace Book &.f. 153 a. 67. Letter of Lord Lumley, promising his duplicates and other books to the Library. 24 Aug. 1587. Liber Rer. Memor.f. 178 a. 68. John Matthew appointed Librarian. 1587. Vouchers for 1587. 69. Extract from Dr Feme's will, giving 40s. to the Library Keeper; the will dated 25 Feb. 1588. MS. 31. 1. 8. 70. Minerval Bibliothecario annuatim solvendum, in Baker's handwriting. MS. 31. 2. 6. 71. Gift of Books by Dr Lorkin in 1593. Audit Bookf. 161 b. 72. Gabriel 'Duckett, M.A. (Trin.) appointed Librarian. 1594. Vouchers for 1594. 6 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 73. Letter of Bp. Watson of Chichester mentioning Ld. Lumley 's wish to present books and to borrow an English Boethius. 20 Oct. 1597. Letters 1596, 7, p. 123. 74. Letter of V. C. Jegon to Bp. Watson with thanks to Ld. Lumley for the gift. 22 Oct. 1597. Letters 1596, 7, p. 120. 75. Catalogue of the 87 books given by Lord Lumley, attested by D. Fleminge. Letters 1596, 7, pp. 124, 5. 76. Letter of Bp. Watson requesting the Boethius for Lord Lumley. 27 Oct. 1597. Letters 1596, 7, p. 126. 77. Letter of the University to Bp. Watson with thanks for Lord Luniley's books. 4 non. Nov. 1597. Letters 1596, 7, p. 129. 78. Similar letter to Lord Lumley. Letters 1596, 7, p. 130. 79. Letter of Bp. Watson to V. C. Jegon, acknowledging the letter of the University. 30 Nov. 1597. Letters 1596, 7, p. 143. 80. Letter from R. Johnson (founder of Oakham and Upping- ham Schools) to Dr Gwinn, Master of St Joh., respecting a design for a New Library. 17 Feb. 1619. MS. 31. 2. 7. 81. Two copies of the draft of an answer to this, encouraging him to get subscriptions. MS. 31. 2. 8. 82. (1) Copy of the Letter of K. James I. prefixed to the edition of his works given to the Library. 1620. Vol. of Letters. (2) The answer of the University is printed in Cooper's An- nals of Cambridge, iii. p. 134, from Herbert's Remains, 213. 83. R. Mountague, B.D. allowed to borrow Gildas and Nennius. 16 Dec. 1620. Grace Book Z. p. 19. 84. The University printer to send a copy of every book printed to the Library within a month. 25 June 1622. Grace Booh Z. p. 40. 85. Thomas Brooke, A.M. (Trin.) appointed Librarian. 1623. Vouchers for 1623. 86. Letter of Mead, speaking of the proposal of a new Library to be built by the Chancellor. 24 March 1626-7. [Hey wood and Wright, ii. 357.] 87. Certificate delivered to the Chancellor, respecting the site and houses to be pulled down for the new Library. 1627. [Id. ii. 359.] MS. Harl 7011. LIST OF DOCUMENTS IN THE REGISTRY. 7 88. Bond of Abraham Wheelock (Trin.) S.T.B. in 200 for due discharge of his duties as Librarian according to the rules of 1582. 26 Sept. 1629. Drawer xxxi. 1. 89. Benefactors to the Library 1629, 1630, 1631, with the names of the books given. MS. 31. 2. 9. 90. Grace to allow the Librarian 5 marks annually, 11 June 1631. Grace Book Z. p. 2 1 3. 91. The Oriental MSS. of Erpenius, bought by the D. of Buckingham, presented by his widow. 1632. 92. John Hickman, under-Librarian, allowed 6 annually for taking care of and transcribing MSS. 11 June 1640. Grace Book Z. p. 392. 93. William Bed well enrolled among the benefactors for pre- senting his Arabick Lexicon. 27 Oct. 1640. Grace Book Z. p. 398. 94. Petition of the University for the Lambeth Library. 1645. [Printed in Hey wood and Wright, ii. 467.] MS. Baker x. 133. 95. Thanks of the University to Selden for procuring the Lam- beth Library to be sent. 4 non. Apr. 1647. [Printed ib. ii. 518.] MS. Baker x. 134. 96. The Greek Schools added to the Library to accommodate the Lambeth books. 3 Sept. 1649. Grace Book H. p. 56. 97. William Moore (Cai.) A.M. elected Librarian. 11 Oct. 1653. Grace Book H. p. 113. 98. Grace for a release to the executors of Dr Metcalfe who had left 20 to the Library. 30 Nov. 1653. Grace Book H. p. 122. 99. The annals of Eutichius lent to the U. of Oxford under a bond of 200 for publication. 4 Oct. 1655. Grace Book H. p. 138. 100. Letter of Attorney from the University to Thomas Bucke to agree with Dr Lewis du Moulin for his life interest in the donative of Llanrhaiadr near Denbigh given by O. Cromwell for a settlement on the Librarian. 18 Jan. 1655-6. MS. 31. 2. 10. 101. Graces for releases to the executors of Alex. Ross who left 50, and R. Foxton who left 40 to the Library. 3 May 1656. Grace Book H. p. 148. 102. Lists of the Books bought with Foxton and Ross's Legacies. 1656. (2 copies.) MS. -31. 1. 12. 8 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 103. Satha Persicus lent to Bryan Walton under a bond of 100. 1 7 July 1656. Grace Book H. p. 151. 104. Bedwell's Arabick Lexicon lent to Castell. 25 June 1658. Grace Book H. p. 179. 105. Gift of Waldensian MSS. by S. Morland. Aug. 1658. Hist. ofChr. Churches. 106. Election of Thomas Smith S.T.B. (Chr.) as Librarian. 29 April 1659. Grace Book H. p. 201. 107. Orders for the Library. 1659. (3 copies.) MS. 31. 2. 11. 1 08. The Chaldee Paraphrase of the Book of Chronicles lent to S. Clarke, A.M. 8 July 1659. Grace Book H. p. 204. 109. Thomas Smith, the Librarian, excused preaching in St Mary's. 31 May 1660. [Statute Book p. 394.] Grace Book H. p. 221. 110. Election of Isaac Dobson S.T.B. (Corp. Chr.) as Librarian. 5 Oct. 1661. Grace Book H. p. 252. 111. Correspondence, etc., respecting the restoration of the Lambeth Library, reclaimed by the Abp. in 1662. MS. 31. 2. 12. (1) Dr Bargrave to V. C. Dillingham. 10 May 1662. (2) Archbp. Juxon to V. C. Dillingham requesting that the books may be given up bo his chaplain Nicholls. 15 July 1662. (3) Grace appointing Drs Gunning and Pearson syndicks in the matter. 22 July 1662. Also in Grace Book H. p. 270. (4) Archbp. Sheldon to V. C. Rainbow requesting that the books may be given up to his chaplain Dr Franke. 2 Sept. 1663. (5) Statement of Drs Gunning and Pearson that the books belong of right to the see of Canterbury. 16 Sept. 1663. (6) Syndicate appointed to restore the books. 10 Oct. 1663. Grace Book H. p. 325. (7) Report of the Syndicate that the books be delivered to whomsoever the Abp. shall appoint to receive them. 19 Oct. 1663. (8) Order of the Syndicate to deliver the books to Dr Franke (Master of Pemb.). 27 Oct. 1663. (2 copies.) (9) Letter of Attorney of Dr Franke to T. Cooke, A.M., F. of Pemb., to receive them. 19 Feb. 1663-4. (10) Mr Cooke put in possession. 22 Feb. 1663-4. LIST OF DOCUMENTS IN THE REGISTRY. 9 112. (1) Grace for a Syndicate to treat with Emmanuel College as to Mr Houldsworth's Books. 30 Oct. 1663. MS. 31. 2. 13 (1). (2) Patent of the Syndicks. 30 Oct. 1663. MS. 31. 2. 13 (2). (3) Appointment of a Syndicate to catalogue Houldsworth's Books for the three adjudicators. 8 July 1664. Grace Book H. p. 333. (4) Adjudgment of the Books to the Library by the 3 adj or * (Abp. of York, B ps of London and Ely), with their seals : the University to pay .200 to Emmanuel College. 19 Dec. 1664. Drawer xxxi. 2. 113. (1) Grace for a discharge to the executors of H. Lucas for his legacy of 812 folios, 3226 quartos, etc. 12 Sept. 1664. Grace Book H. p. 335. (2) Rough draft of the discharge. MS. 31. 2. 14. 114. (1) The Rustat benefaction of 1000 to the University, and their receipt. 3 Jan. 1666-7. Box 30. (2) A copy of this. MS. 31. 2. 16. (3) A Syndicate appointed to lay out Rustat's donation. 8 Jan. 1666-7. Box 30 and Grace Book H. p. 417. (4) Grace to confirm the report of the Syndicate. 14 Dec. 1667. Grace Book H. p. 448. 115. The Librarian to arrange and catalogue the Books and remain 7 hours in the Library. 16 Dec. 1667. [Statute Book p. 397.] Grace Book H. p. 448. 116. Books delivered by Mr Feild to Dr Wilford for the Library. 1667. , MS. 31. 1. 13. 117. Order of the heads of colleges to pay Mr I. Dobson 40 on his resigning the Librariauship. 16 March 1667-8. MS. 31. 2. 15 (1). 118. Resignation of Dobson. 16 March 1667-8. MS. 31. 2. 15 (2). 119. (1) Nomination of William Crowe, A.M. (Cai.) and Robert Peachey, A.M. (Pemb.). 18 March 1667-8. Grace Book H. p. 449. (2) Robert Peachey (F. of Pemb.) elected Librarian. 18 March 1667-8. Grace Book H. p. 449. 10 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 120. Order of the heads of colleges for 35 a year to be paid to the Librarian besides his usual fees from the Commencers, he to provide a deputy. 8 Feb. 1668-9 [Statute Book, p. 495]. MS. 31. 2. 17. 121. The name of Bp. Hacket to be added to the list of Bene- factors on account of his bequest to the Library. 29 Jun. 1671. Grace Book 0. pp. 43, 44. 122. Decree of the heads as to the time of auditing the accounts of Rustat's benefaction. 19 Dec. 1672 [Statute B. p. 343]. Tabor's Book, p. 672. 123. List of Books sent into the Rustat Library. 1672. MS. 31. 1. 14. 124. Accounts of the Books bought with the money received for the duplicates in Bp. Hacket's Library. 1673. MS. 31. 1. 15. 125. As the Bonds given by Walton, Castell, and Clarke cannot be found, a syndicate appointed to receive the MSS. and exonerate them; the bonds to be returned if found. 27 March 1674. Grace Book 0. p. 86. 126. Syndicate appointed to enforce the sending a copy of each work published to the Library. 27 March 1674. Grace Book 0. p. 87. 127. Copy of the order of the Stationers' Company for a copy of every book to be sent to the Library. 28 March 1674. MS. 31. 4. 1 (2). 128. Certificate to Castell that the books borrowed by Walton for the Polyglott Bible and Lexicon were returned. 2 June 1674. MS. 31. 2. 18. 129. Mr Peachey, Librarian, being so much engaged in putting the Library in order, to have his divinity exercise deferred. 10 Oct. 1674. Grace Book 0. p. 101. 130. Dr Daniel Coxe allowed to borrow a MS. of Aulfeda for his history of the Saracens and Turks under a penalty of 100. 23 June 1676. Grace Book 0. p. 120. 131. The acquittance for Dr Mapletoft's bequest to be sealed. 10 Oct. 1678. Grace Book 0. p. 159. 132. Grant from the chest to make the income to the Library from Rustat's benefaction up to 50 a year. 16 Nov. 1678. Grace Book 0. p. 161. 133. Syndicate appointed to examine the state of the Library and Books, to recall those absent, and to guard against future losses. 24 Jan. 1678-9. Grace Book 0. p. 161. LIST OF DOCUMENTS IN THE REGISTRY. 11 134. Syndicate appointed to lay out 400 Rustat money in purchase of a piece of land or annuity for the Library. 16 Dec. 1679. Grace Book 0. p. 176. 135. Account of the Librarian's dues according to Lib n Peachey's statement to Mr Perne. 1682. MS. 31. 2. 19. 136. In consequence of many books being missed from the Library, a grace ordering them to be returned. 18 Jan. 1683-4. Grace Book 0. p. 247. Printed copy of this grace, attested by Registrary Halman. MS. 31. 2. 21. 137. Resignation of Peachey. 19 Jan. 1683-4. MS. 31. 2. 20. 138. Nomination paper of James Maufeild, A.M. (Trin.) and Thomas Broughton, A.M. (Joh.). The third candidate was M. Short- ing, A.M. (Jes.). MS. 31. 2. 23. This is entered in Grace Book 0. p. 247. The votes (116, including Newton's, for Manfeild, 78 for Broughtou) are in Drawer xxxi. 3. 139. Syndicate appointed to take measures in consequence of the losses sustained by the Library. 30 Jan. 1683-4. Grace Book 0. p. 247. The original grace for this (printed in Statute Book p. 401). MS. 31. 2. 22. 140. (1) Orders for the Library agreed on by the Syndicks. 20 June 1684. MS. 31. 2. 24 (1). (2) Approbation of the rules by the Chancellor, the D. of Albemarle. 26 June 1684. (This is the original.) MS. 31. 2. 24 (2). These are printed in Statute Book pp. 401 3, and are entered in the Grace Book 0. pp. 251, 252. 141. Grace to allow Thomas Tudway, Mus. Bac., the privilege of the Library. 16 Dec. 1684. (Statute Book p. 599.) Grace Book 0. p. 262. 142. Nomination of John Laughton, A.M. (Trin.) and Matthew Shorting, A.M. (Jes.) for Librarian. 22 Jan. 1685-6. Grace Book . p. 275. The votes, 90 for Laughton (including Newton's, Charles Mountague's and Baker's), 86 for Shorting. Drawer xxxi. 3. 143. Grace to sell duplicates and purchase other books in their place. 5 July 1686. Grace Book 0. p. 277. 12 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 144. John Clarke, late fell, of Cai., deprived of his degrees and his license of preaching revoked, for stealing books from the Library. 19 Feb. 1695-6. Grace Book 0. p. 399. 145. The Proctor in future to recite the oath respecting the Library to all persons to be admitted to degrees which have the privileges of the Library. 19 March 1696-7. Grace Book . p. 414. 146. The name of Dr Spencer, M r of C. C. and Dean of Ely, who had given 100 to the Library, to be added to the Benefactors. 10 Oct. 1700. Grace Book . p. 463. 147. The names of R Mapletoft, D. of Ely, and J. Duport, D. of Peterborough, who each had given 100, to be added to the Benefactors. 7 July 1702. Grace Book 0. p. 482. 148. Transcript of the graces respecting the Library and Press from 1646 to 1705, by Librarian Hadderton. MS. 31. 4. 1. 149. The Medals in the University Chest to be removed to the Library. 26 Aug. 1708. Grace Book 0. p. 561. 150. Will of Mr Worts. 21 June 1709. Drawer B. (A). See the Grace for non-term for his death. 4 July 1709. Grace Book 0. p. 567. 151. Nomination of Philip Brooke, S.T.B. (Joh.) and Thomas Macro, A.M. (Cai.) for Librarian. 3 Oct. 1712. Grace Book 0. p. 603. Brooke was elected. 152. Appointment of a Syndicate to conduct the suit with Worts's executors. 6 Aug. 1715. Grace Book, p. 641. 153. (1) Letter of Lord Townshend to V. C. Sherlock stating that the King gives Bp. Moore's Books to the Library. 20 Sept. 1715 (Original). Copied into the Grace Book . p. 644. MS. 31. 2. 26 (1). (2) Answer of the University to Lord Townshend. 24 Sept. 1715 (copied into the Grace Book 0. p. 643). MS. 31. 2. 26 (2). (3) Address of the University to the King and Lord Town- shend, and grace for sealing, 24 Sept. 1715. Grace Book 0. pp. 641 3. (4) Answer of Lord Townshend. 4 Oct. 1715. (Copied into the Grace Book 0. p. 644.) Vol. of Letters. (5) Syndicate appointed to convey the Books from London and to place them in safety till proper cases can be made. 9 Nov. 1715. Grace Book 0. p. 654. LIST OF DOCUMENTS IX THE REGISTRY. 13 154. Power of attorney to Edmund Miller to act in the suit against A. Day, Worts's executrix. 29 Nov. 1715. Grace Book . p. 655. 155. Mention of the King's gift of Bp. Moore's Library to be inserted in the list of Benefactors. 2 July 1616. Grace Book . pp. 658, 9. 156. Syndicate appointed to treat with King's College respecting a place near the Schools to be converted to the use of the Library. 2 July 1716. Grace Book . p. 659. 157. The Syndicate enlarged, and given power to order book cases &c. 6 March 1716-7. Grace Book . p. 670. 158. Estimate for fitting up the Library to receive the King's books. MS. 31. 2. 28. 159. Receipts for fittings, order of Syndicks, &c. 1716 1720. MS. 31. 2. 29. 160. List of Syndicks. MS. 31. 2. 30. 161. (1) Mr Brooke, Librarian, admonished by the Vice Chan- cellor for neglect. 5 July 1718. MS. 31. 2. 27 (1). (2) Officium D 1 . Y. C. v. Brooke. Acta Cui-ise 8, 9 Dec. 1718. MS. 31. 2. 27 (2). (3) Appeal of Mr Brooke. Mr Towers (Proctor) inhibits V. C. Gooch on Brooke's appeal. MS. 31. 2. 27 (3). 162. Resignation of Librarian Brooke. 10 Dec. 1718. Grace Book I. p. 3. 163. Election of Thomas Macro, A.M. (F. of Cai.).race Bookl.p. 3. 164. Lease from King's College to the University of the West end of the Library for 20 years with covenant to renew without fine. 1 Jan. 1718-9. Drawer xxxi. 4. 165. Syndicate appointed to revise the rules for the Library. 6 March 1718-9. Grace Book I. p. 6. 166. Syndicate appointed to manage subscriptions, to purchase houses, and to erect buildings N. of the Regents' walk, additional room being required for the King's books. 6 March 1718-9. Grace Book I. p. 6. 167. Mr Hayley allowed to take out Pomponius Mela, 1471. 22 Aug. 1719. Grace Book 1. p. 11. 168. Petition to the H. of Lords for a bill for the purchase of houses to enlarge the Library dire. 23 March 1719-20. Grace Book I. p. 22. 14 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 169. Office copy of the act 6 Geo. I. to enable any corporation within the University or any other persons to sell and convey any messuages and ground to the University, for enlarging the Library. 1720. MS. 31. 4. 2. 170. Mr Drake allowed to take out 2 copies of De antiqu. Britann. ecclesise 1572. 11 June 1720. Grace Book I. p. 24. 171. Mr Burrough added to the Syndicate respecting the Buildings. 22 March 1720-1. Grace Book I. p. 38. 172. Mr Thirlby allowed to take out 2 Greek Bibles. 22 June 1721. Grace Book 1. p. 41. 173. (1) Vice Chancellor's notice of the election of a Librarian. 14 Dec. 1721. Grace Book I. p. 53. (2) Nomination of S. Hadderton, A.M. (Trin.) and G. Birkett, A.M. (Pet.) for Librarian. 14 Dec. 1721. Grace Book I. p. 54. Election of Hadderton. (The votes are in Drawer xxxi. 3.) Grace Book I. p. 54. 174. Establishment of the office of Proto-Bibliothecarius, and appointment of C. Middleton, S.T.P. (Trin.) at 50 a year. 15 Dec. 1721. (Stat. B. p. 410.) Grace Book I. p. 53. Middleton and Hadderton were sworn 15 Dec. 1721. Grace Book I. p. 54. 175. Mr Thirlby allowed to take out the Paris ed. of Justin Martyr with Pearson's notes. 15 Dec. 1721. Grace Book I. p. 54. 176. (1) Report of the Syndicks appointed to determine the salary of the principal Librarian, and the means of paying it. 22 Dec. 1721. Grace Book I. pp. 55, 56. (2) This confirmed. 22 Dec. 1721. (Statute Book pp. 412, 413.) Grace Book I. p. 56. 177. Dr Brookbank allowed to take out the Vocab. Delia Crusca. 1 July 1723. Grace Book I. p. 82. 178. Mr Chapellow allowed to take out books for a new edition of Spencer de Legibus Hebrseorum. 29 Sept. 1724. Grace Book I. p. 109. 179. Mr Whiston allowed to take out his prelections on eclipses for publication, on condition he sends a printed copy to the Library. 22 Jan. 1724-5. Grace Book I. p. 126. 180. Thanks given to John Worthington, M.A. for a present of books. 16 Oct. 1725. Grace Book I. p. 144. LIST OF DOCUMENTS IN THE REGISTRY. 15 181. Invoice of books registered and sent to the Library. 17 Feb. 1725-6. MS. 31. 1. 16. 182. Thanks to be given by the V. C. to Archd. Lewis for his donation of Oriental MSS., medals, &c. 2 May 1727. Grace Book I. p. 167. 183. Catalogue of the books and other contents of Mr Lewis's Bibliotheca Orientalis, with a plan. 1727. MS. 31. 1. 17. 184. Mr Taylor allowed to take out the Aldine Orators and Xenophon. 3 Nov. 1728. Grace Book I. p. 235. 185. The old Senate House to be fitted up for the enlargement of the Library and the reception of the King's books. 5 Aug. 1730. Grace Book I. p. 277. 186. Decree of the Lord Chancellor in the case of M. and F. of Caius College and Syndicks of the new buildings. 1730. Senate House Papers. 187. Letters and Papers respecting Dr Nichols' theft of Books in 1731. (1) Account of the Books found in Dr Nichols' chamber, by Librarian Hadderton. 2 Aug. 1731. MS. 31. 2. 31 (2). (2) Deposition of what was found by Hadderton, for the Master and F. of Trinity Hall. 4 Aug. 1731. MS. 31. 2. 31 (2). (3) Dr Nichols deprived of all degrees and privileges. 6 Aug. 1731. Grace Book I. p. 300. (4) Letter from Nichols, asking pardon, signed "that exiled infamous man, Ph. Nichols." Oct. 1 - 6 , 1731. MS. 31. 2. 31 (3). (5) List in Nichols' hand of the books stolen and embezzled by him. Oct. y, 1731. MS. 31. 2. 31 (4). (6) Letter from Joh. Knapton to Y. C. Mawson respecting the books. 13 Nov. 1731. MS. 31. 2. 31 (1). (7) Letter from Joshua Taylor to V. C. Mawson respecting the box left by Dr Nichols. 14 June 1732. MS. 31. 2. 33. 188. Nomination of J. Taylor, A.M. (Joh.) and G. H. Rooke, AM. (Chr.) for Librarian. 17 March 1731-2. Grace Book I. p. 315. Election of Taylor, 18 March, sworn 24 March. (The votes for Rooke are in Drawer xxxi. 3.) Grace Book I. p. 315. 189. Order for returning books into the Library (printed). 3 June 1732. MS. 31. 2. 32, 16 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 190. The steps in the Old Senate House to be removed to make more room. 26 June 1732. Grace Book I. p. 318. 191. Mr Lyue allowed to take out a MS. Virgil, and 6 early printed books. 1 July 1732. Grace Book I. p. 319. 192. An entrance to be made out of the E. end of the Library to the old Senate House. 23 May 1733. Grace Book I. p. 337. 193. Nomination of Thomas Fame, S.T.B. (Trin.) and J. Chap- mau, A.M. (King's) for Librarian. 30 Dec. 1734. Grace Book I. p. 371. Election of Parne, 31 Dec. 1734. (The votes are in Drawer xxxi. 3, none for Chapman.) Grace Book I. p. 371. 194. (1) The V. C. and two others appointed to prosecute Henry Justice for stealing books from the Library. 4 Feb. 1735-6. Grace Book I. p. 393. (2) The Registrary to deliver charters to bo shewn on the trial of Justice. Grace Book I. p. 393. 195. Legal opinions and letters respecting the question of prose- cuting Jonas Thompson for detaining books belonging to the Univer- sity. (1) Queries in Taylor's hand respecting certain cases of books shipped at London from the custom house. 18 Feb. 1735-6. MS. 31. 2. 34 (1), (2) Draft of a petition to the Chancellor respecting the restitu- tion of these books, detained by Jonas Thompson. MS. 31. 2. 34 (2). (3) Opinion of Serj*. Hawkins as to prosecuting Thompson. 22 July 1736. MS. 31. 2. 34 (3). (4) Theodore Johnson to Taylor, stating that Mr Noel recom- mends a bill in Chancery, and draft of the bill. MS. 31. 2. 34 (4). (5) Syndicate appointed to recover these books. 11 Aug. 1730. Grace Book I. p. 411. 196. Letter of J, Pine to V. C. Adams respecting the arms for the books in the Royal Library. 24 Aug. 1736. MS. 31. 2. 35. 197. Letter of Librarian Parne respecting the Heads pricking for a sub-librarian. 2 June. MS. 31. 2. 36. 198. (1) Grace for a statue of George I. to be placed in the Library. 29 Oct. 1736. Grace Book I. p. 415. (2) Letter of Lord Townshend offering to cast the statue at his own expense. 2 Dec. 1736. Grace Book I. p. 415. LIST OF DOCUMENTS IN THE REGISTRY. 17 (3) Acceptance of Lord Townsbend's offer and thanks given. 8 Dec. 1736. Grace Book I. p. 416. (4) 15 3s. was paid to Dr Knight for a copy of Lord Town- shend's picture in 1741. Audit Book 1741. For the letter of thanks for the statue see the Senate House Papers. 199. Syndicate appointed to dispose of duplicates and to direct catalogues to be made. 21 Sept. 1737. Grace Book I. p. 429. 200. Syndicate appointed to collect subscriptions, hire builders, purchase houses