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"U, S PREPARED BY THE BUREAU OK EQUIPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. PRINTED BY AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, 1899. , INDEX. DEFINITION. National Flag : A flag on which are certain emblems and colors expressive of nationality. An "Ensign" is a distinctive mark to show the nationality of a ship of war. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: No . of Mate. National Flag (Ensign and Merchant Flag) 1 Pennant j * Union Flag and Jack J Coat of Arms 1 President's Standard ' Secretary of the Navy Rear- Admiral, Senior in Rank Rear- Admiral's Flag, Second in Rank Rear-Admiral's Flag,. Junior in Rank [- 3. Commodore's Broad Pennant, Senior in Rank. . . Commodore's Broad Pennant, Second in Rank. Commodore's Broad Pennant, Junior in Rank. Ensign of the Revenue Marine Pennant, Revenue Marine Secretary of the Treasury Pennant for Vessels in the Light-House Service, Mail Flag Yacht Ensign < ARGENTINE REPUBLIC : Ensign Merchant Pennant Jack President's Standard Minister of Marine Minister of State Major-General of Marine Under Secretary of Marine Vice- Admiral Rear- Admiral Commodore Captain (Adjutant-General) Captain Commanding a Naval Force . Senior Officer AUSTRIA-HUNGARY : Ensign Merchant Flag Pennant Jack Imperial Standard Admiral, Vice and Rear Admirals Commodore Senior Officer Flag of Honor, Red Flag of Honor, White BOLIVIA : Ensign Merchant Coat of Arms j BELGIUM: National Flag, and Ensign and Merchant- Royal Standard ........................... Man-of-War Pennant ...................... Coat of Arms ............................. Enlarged Shield for Royal Standard ....... BRAZIL : National Flag, and Ensign and Merchant- Coat of Arms ............................. Pennant ................................... Minister of Marine ........................ Admiral ................................... Vice- Admiral .............................. Commodore ............................... Senior Officer ............................. Adjutant-General of the Navy ..... . ........ BULGARIA : Ensign .................................... Merchant ................................. Pennant .................................. 10. THE GREATER REPUBLIC OF CEN- TRAL AMERICA : Ensign and Merchant Coat of Arms CHILI : National Flag, and Ensign and Merchant Flag. . . Standard of the President of the Republic Pennant Coat of Arms Jack Minister of Marine Vice-Admiral Rear-Admiral Commodore ... Senior Officer Present Diplomatic Flag Consular Flag Commandant or Governor CHINA : Ensign (and Imperial Standard) Pennant Merchant Admiral of the First Order of the Northern Squadron Dragon Admiral of the Third Order Commodores of the Southern Squadron Senior Officer Commander-in-Chief Provincial Commander-iu-Chief Ambassador Coat of Arms 12. [13. 15. COLUMBIAN Ensign REPUBLIC : No. of Plate. 1 Merchant Coat of Arms. CONGO : National Flag. COREA : National Flag. COSTA RICA: Ensign Enlarged Badge for Ensign. DENMARK : Ensign Merchant Pennant Coat of Arms Ro yal Standard Minister of Marine Vice- Admiral's Flag Commodore's Pennant Senior Officer's Pennant 16. 18. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Ensign Merchant Pennant Coat of Arms ECUADOR : Ensign and Merchant FRANCE : National Flag, and Ensign and Merchant Flag. . . Pennant Coat of Arms President's Standard Minister of Marine Admiral of France Vice-Admiral, Commander-iu-Chief, Prefect Mari- time Vice-Admiral's Flag Vice-Admiral, Second in Command Rear-Admiral, Comniander-in-Chief Rear- Admiral, Second in Command Flag Officer, when Chief of Staff and Commandant in Algeria Captain Commanding Independent Division Captain Commanding Division in a Fleet Senior Officer's Flag Governors of Colonies GERMANY : National Flag and Merchant Ensign Pennant Jack Imperial Coat of Arms Emperor's Standard Emperor's Broad Pennant Empress's Standard Crown Prince's Standard Minister of Marine Commanding Admiral's Flag Admiral's Flag Commodore's Flag Flotilla Flag Divisional Flag . 19. 20. > 21. h 22. 23. 24. 25. . 2G. 27. 28. GERMANY: HO. of mate. Imperial Service Flag ^ Badge to be inserted for Protectorates Badge to he inserted for Imperial Post Depart- ment Badge to be inserted for other Branches of the Government Flag of the Governor of German East Africa GREAT BRITAIN: Union Flag White Ensign White Pennant Blue Ensign Red Ensign Blue Pennant Royal Standard Standard of Prince of Wales Lord High Admiral or Admiralty Flag St. George's Cross Commodore's Broad Pennant Diplomatic Officers Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Governor-General of 1 ndia Used with Insertion of Badges Military Authorities Afloat All other Military Services, including Staff Offi- cers Badges of Public Departments Admiralty Board of Trade Custom House Post Office War Office War Office, Submarine Mining Service Public Departments Fishery Board for Scotland Lloyds Trinity House Master's Flag Ensign for Vessels belonging to the Naval Ord- nance Department, Admiralty Cinque Ports Pennant for Vessels employed in carrying H. M. Mails 2!). 30. I- 31. GREECE : Ensign Merchant Pennant Royal Standard Admiral's Flag Vice-Admiral Rear- Admiral Captain Commanding Division Senior Officer's Flag, when Captain or Com- mander Senior Officer's Flag, when Lieutenant GUATEMALA : 32. Ensign Coat of Arms HAITI : Ensign Coat of Arms 34. ITALY: Ensign Merchant Pennant Jack .. Coat of Arms Royal Standard Crown Prince's Standard Minister of Marine Admiral's Flag Commodore Senior Officer's Flag Ambassador Flag of the Governor of Eritrea JAPAN : No. of Plate. 35. 36. 1- 37. Ensign , Merchant Pennant Emperor's Standard Prince Imperial Princesses and Princes of Royal Blood. Minister of the Navy Admiral Vice- Admiral Rear-Admiral Commodore's Flag Senior Officer's Flag Commandant of Torpedo Flotilla Transport Flag Mines and Ilydrographic Work Naval Hospital - 38. 39. LIBERIA : Ensign and Merchant MONTENEGRO : National Flag Prince's Standard 40. MEXICO : Ensign Merchant Pennant Coat of Arms Vice- Admiral Captain of a Frigate . Chief of Department MONACO : Ui. National Flag Prince's Standard Coat of Arms MOROCCO : National Flag MOSQUITO INDIANS : National Flag - 42. NETHERLANDS : National Flag, and Ensign and Merchant Flag. . . Royal Standard Pennant Coat of Arms Blue Broad Pennant Orange Broad Pennant Pennant of II. M. the Queen, Princes and Prin- cesses of the Royal Family 43. NETHERLANDS: Admiral's Flag Lieutenant- Admiral Vice- Admiral Rear-Admiral Commodore's Pennant A Captain-Lieutenant Commanding a Division. .. Senior Officer's Pennant Governor of Surinam, of Celebes, Atjeh, and Sumatra, West Coast NORWAY : Ensign No. of Hate. Merchant Pennant Coat of Arms Royal Standard Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Admiral's Flag Commodore's Broad Pennant Senior Officer's Pennant > 45. ORANGE FREE STATE: National Flaff .46. PARAGUAY : Ensign Admiral's Flag Pennant Enlarged Badge in Front of Ensign Enlarged Badge at Back of Ensign Enlarged Badge for use in Merchant Flag PERSIA : Ensign > 47. PERU: Ensign and President's Flag Merchant Pennant Jack Coat of Arms Minister of War or Navy Vice- Admiral Rear- Admiral Captain de Navio Captain of Port 48. 49. PORTUGAL : National Flag, and Ensign and Merchant Flag. . Royal Standard Pennant Admiral's Flag |- 50. Coat of Arms Commodore's Broad Pennant Senior Officer's Pennant RARATONGA : National Flag ROUMANIA : Ensign Merchant Coat of Arms RUSSIA : Ensign 51. Merchant Pennant Jack Emperor's Standard, Afloat 52. No. of Plate. 53. 1 } 54. 55. RUSSIA: Imperial Coat of Arms Emperor's Broad Pennant Empress's Broad Pennant Standard of the Czarevitch Pennant of Czarevitch Pennant of Czarevna - Standard of Czarevitch, if holding title of General Admiral Pennant of Czarevitch, if holding title of General Admiral Standard of Grand Duke Pennant of Grand Duke Pennant of Grand Duchess Standard of Grand Duke, if holding title of General Admiral Pennant of Grand Duke, if holding title of General Admiral Minister of Marine Admiral Vice-Admiral Rear-Admiral Commodore's Broad Pennant Senior Officer's Pennant Commander-in-Chief of Port Officer Commanding a Port Military Commander-in-Chief, holding a Naval Appointment Volunteer Fleet Ambassador j- 56. Minister Plenipotentiary Charg6 d'Affaires Consul-General, Consul and Vice-Consul SAMOA : Ensign and Merchant SERYIA : Ensign Coat of Arms SIAM : Ensign Merchant Officer's Pennant Royal Standard Coat of Arms " Chakr," or white wheel Jack Diplomatic Service Flag SPAIN : Ensign Merchant Pennant Royal Standard Minister of Marine Admiral Captain-General of a Department Vice-Admiral Rear- Admiral (" G0 Captain de Navio, 1st Class, Chief of Division Captain of a Frigate Governor-General SWEDEN : Ensign Merchant Pennant Enlarged Centre of Coat of Arms [ 61 . Coat of Arms Royal Standard 57. I 58. SWEDEN : Chief of Marine Department Commodore-in-Chief of Navy Admiral's Flag Commodore's Broad Pennant Senior Officer's Pennant SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC : National Flag SWITZERLAND : National Flag TONGA : National Flag Royal Standard TUNIS : Bey's Standard No. of Plate. 1 - 62. TURKEY : National Flag, and Ensign and Merchant Flag.. -i Imperial Standard Pennant Commodore, First Class 64. Commodore, Second Class Standard of Khedive of Egypt Flag of the Isle of Samos J VENEZUELA : Ensign Merchant Coat of Arms Pennant f 65 ' URUGUAY : National Flag, and Ensign and Merchant ' PILOT FLAGS : United States Argentine Republic . Austria-Hungary . . . Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Chili China Denmark Ecuador France Germany Great Britain Greece Haiti Italy Japan , Mexico Netherlands Netherlands, First District Netherlands, Second District Netherlands, Third District Netherlands, Fourth and Fifth Districts. Netherlands, Sixth District Norway Portugal Roumania Russia Siam Spain Sweden Turkey Uruguay , , , . . , j- 66. 67. DIMENSIONS OF FLAGS MANUFACTURED BY THE BUREAU OF EQUIPMENT. FLAGS. HOIST. FLY. ft. ft. U. S. ENSIGNS. No. 1 19.00 36.00 2 14.35 27.19 3 12.19 23.10 4 8.94 16.94 5 (Storm) 5.14 9.75 6 (Boat) 3.52 6.67 7 (Boat) 2.90 5.50 8 (Boat) 2.37 4.50 10 (For boats under sail) 1.31 2.50 UNIONS. 1 10.20 14.40 2 7.73 10.88 3 6.56 9.24 4 4.81 6.77 5 (For tug boats) ....... 2.76 3.90 NARROW PENNANTS. 1 0.52 70.00 2 0.42 40.00 3 0.35 25.00 4 0.30 20.00 5 0.25 9.00 6 0.21 6.00 PRESIDENT. 1 10.20 16.00 6 3.60 5.13 SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. 1 10.20 14.40 2 7.73 10.88 6 3.60 5.13 REAR ADMIRAL. 1 . 10.20 14.40 2 7.73 10.88 4 4.81 6.77 6 3.60 5.13 COMMODORE. 1 10.20 17.00 2 8.75 14.60 4 5.83 9.75 6 . 2.90 4.83 SENIOR OFFICER. 1 8.00 6 40 2 . 6.56 5.25 4 4.90 3.90 FOREIGN ENSIGNS. 1 13.12 24.86 2 8.75 16.58 MEMORANDA RELATIVE TO THE FLAG AND SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES. The flag of the United States had its statutory beginning June 14, 1777, as follows : "Resolved, That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation." The stars (or mullets) heraldically speaking, are five pointed. All authorities and precedents unite in establishing the stars as now arranged in a rectangular diagram. In consequence of the admission of Vermont in 1791, and Kentucky in 1792, an act was passed, approved January 13, 1794, as follows : "JBe it enacted, etc., That from and after the first day of May, 1795, the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white ; that the union be fifteen stars, white in a blue field." As the number of States was rapidly increasing in the following years, there was a great diversity in regard to the number of stars and stripes, and an act was passed and approved April 14, 1818, entitled "Ax ACT TO ESTABLISH THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES. " SECTION 1. Be it enacted, etc., That from and after the fourth day of July next, the flag of the United States be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white ; that the union have twenty stars, white in a blue field. " SECT. 2. And be it further enacted, That on the admission of every new State into the Union, one star be added to the union of the flag ; and that such addition shall take effect on the fourth of July next succeeding such admission." The following circular was thereupon issued : (CIRCULAR.) NAVY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, May 18, 1818. Sir, The Navy Commissioners have to inform you that agreeably to the Act of Congress on the 4th of April, 1818, entitled " An Act to establish the flag of the United States," our national flag is, from and after the 4th day of July next, to be : Thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white. The union to be twenty stars, white in a blue field, one star to be added on the admission into the Union of every new State ; such addition to be made from and after the 4th o f July next succeeding the date of such admission. The size of the flag must be in the proportion of fourteen feet in width and twenty-four feet in length, the field of the union must be one third the length of the flag, and seven thirteenths of its depth, so that from the top to the bottom of the union there will be seven stripes, and six stripes from the bottom of the union to the bottom of the flag. The manner of arranging the stars you will perceive by the subjoined sketch. The upper and lower stripes to be red. Respectfully, JNO. RODGERS, President. The Officer Commanding, The Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H. This was amended by the following circular : (CIRCULAR.) NAVY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, Sept. 18, 1818. Sir, Since our circular of the 18th of May last, relatively to the flag to be worn by the vessels of the United States at our naval stations, it has been determined by the President of the United States, that the arrangement of stars shall correspond with the pattern stated below, and the relative proportions of the flag to continue as stated in our circular. You will govern yourself accordingly. On the first hoisting of the flag you are to fire a salute of twenty guns. I am respectfully, your obedient servant, JNO. RODGERS, President of the Navy Board. Captain Morris, Portsmouth. This general arrangement and approximately the dimensions have existed in the navy ever since, and it may be taken as the general arrangement of stars which has been in use from the beginning of the republic except that the staggered arrangement of stars shown in the navy commissioners' first circular has been reverted to in order to obtain space. THE ARMS OF THE UNITED STATES. The seal was adopted by the Continental Congress, June 20, 1782 : " ARMS. Paleways of thirteen pieces, argent and gules ; a chief, azure ; the escutcheon on the breast of the American eagle displayed proper, holding in his dexter talon an olive branch, and in his sinister a bundle of thirteen arrows, all proper, and in his beak a scroll, inscribed with this motto, ' E pluribus unum.' " For the CREST. Over the head of the eagle, which appears above the escutcheon, a glory, or, breaking through a cloud, proper, and surrounding thirteen stars, forming a constellation, argent, on an azure field. " REVERSE. A pyramid unfinished. " In the zenith, an eye in a triangle, surrounded with a glory proper. Over the eye these words, ' Annuit cceptis.' On the base of the pyramid the numerical letters MDCCLXXVI. And underneath, the following motto, ' Novus ordo Sedorum.' ' Accompanying the report and adopted by Congress, was the following : "REMARKS AND EXPLANATION. The escutcheon is composed of the chief and pale, the two most honorable ordinaries. The pieces, paly, represent the several States all joined in one solid, compact entire, supporting a chief, which unites the whole and represents Congress. The motto alludes to this union. The pales in the arms are kept closely united by the chief, and the chief depends on that union and the strength resulting from it for its support, to denote the confederacy of the United States of America and the preser- vation of their union through Congress. The colors of the pales are those used in the flag of the United States of America; white signifies purity and innocence ; red, hardiness and valor ; and blue, the color of the chief, signifies vigilant perseverance and justice. The olive branch and arrows denote the power of peace and war, which is exclusively vested in Congress. The constellation denotes a new state taking its place and rank among other sovereign powers. The escutcheon is born on the breast of an American eagle without any other supporters, to denote that the United States ought to rely on their own virtue. " REVERSE. The pyramid signifies strength and duration. The eye over it and the motto allude to the many signal interpositions of Providence in favor of the American cause. The date underneath is that of the Declaration of Independence, and the words under it signify the beginning of the new American era, which commences from that date." * The same seal was adopted by the First Congress of the United States in " An Act to provide for the safe keeping of the Acts, Records and Seals of the United States, and for other purposes." " SEC. 3. And be it farther enacted, That the seal heretofore used by the United States in Congress assembled shall be, and hereby is declared to be, the seal of the United States." The reverse of the seal has not been cut and lias been allowed to go unnoticed officially to the present day. * From the Seal of the United States hy Gaillard Dunt, Department of State, "Washington, D. C. UNITED STATES. National Flag ( Ensign and Merchant Flag) . Pennant. ******** ******* ******** ******* ******** ******* Note. Union Flag and Jack. This Flag is used in the Bow of Boats for Diplomatic Officers of and above -the rank of Charge d' Affaires. Tabei'han.c/VtCnBoslon.U.SA UNITED STATES. Goat of Arms. President's Standard. TaberPrar.gMCo UNITED STATES. * Secretary of the Navy. Rear- Admiral Senior in Rank. Commodore's Broad Pennant. Senior in Rank. Rear-Admiral's Flag. Second in Rank. Commodore's Broad Pennant. Second in Rank. Rear-Admiral's Flag. Junior in Rank. Commodore's Broad Pennant. Junior in Rank. Taber-Pran&A-tlJiBoston.u .5.A. UNITED STATES. Ensign of the Revenue Marine. Pennant Revenue Marine. Secretary of the Treasury. Pennant for Vessels in the Light-House Service. Mail Flag. Yacht Ensign. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. President's Standard. Taberf>rangArtCoBo6ton,U.SA ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Minister of Marine. Major-General of Marine. Minister of State t Under-Secretary of Marine, Rear-Admiral, Vice-Admiral. Captain (Adjutant-General), Commodore. Captain commanding a Naval Force Senior Officer. TabwPnmgArtGi Bo*,s. Imperial Standard. TaberPran&JVt Co BMkm,U *A AUSTRIA HUNGARY. Admiral, Vice- and Rear-Admiral. Flag of Honor. (Red,) Commodore. Senior Officer. For Merchant Ships loaned for Special Service In the War. Flag of Honor, (Wnite.) BOLIVIA. Goat of Arms. 9 National Flag, and Ensign and Merchant. Royal Standard. Man-of-War Pennant. Note. The Merchant Pennant Is Wedge Shape ; the Stripes are the same. Coat of Arms. Enlarged Shield for Royal Standard. National Flag, and Ensign and Merchant. Goat of Anns. * * * Pennant. Adjutant-General of the Navy 11 BULGARIA. Pennant. THE GREATER REPUBLIC. OF CENTRAL AMERICA. Ensign and Merchant. Goat of Arms. TabepfpingArtCnBorinn.U 6A CHILI. 12 National Flag (and Ensign and Merchant Flag). Standard of the President of the Republic. Pennant. Goat of Arms, Jack. TberPran4/W Co B*>n,li 5 A 13 CHILI. Minister of Marine. Vice-Admiral. The same Flag, with two stars, tor Rear-Admlral In Command. Two stars on a Red Flag for Rear-Admlral, Seoond In Command. Note. Rear-Admiral Red Field, Junior Rear-Admiral. Commodore. Note. Red Field, Captain Commanding' Division. Senior Officer Present. Consular Flag. Commandant or Governor. CHINA. 14 Ensign and Imperial Standard. Pennant. Admiral of the First Order of the Northern Squadron. '1 atwpwtis Art Co Bo*xiju 5 A Dragon. 15 CHINA. Admiral of the Third Order. Rear Admirals and of Commodores of the Northern Squadron. Commodore of the Southern Squadron, Senior Officer. Commander-in-Chief. Provincial Commander-in-Chief. Provincial Brigadier-Generals, Provincial Judges, Provincial Treasurers and Intendants of Circuits, when m actual exercise of Office. Ambassad or. Coat of Arms. 16 COLUMBIAN REPUBLIC. CONGO. Coat of Arms. COREA. National Flag. COSTA RICA. Ensign. Note. Merchant Flag the same without Arms. Enlarged Badge for Ensign. 17 DENMARK. Ensign. Merchant. Goat of Arms. TaberPrangArtCa Boatot,,!! s A DENMARK. 18 Royal Standard. Minister of Marine. Commodore's Pennant. Vice- Admiral's Flag. Note. Rear-Admiral : Same with two Crosses. Senior Officer's Pennant. 19 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Pennant. Goat of Anns. EQUADOR. Ensign and Merchant FRANCE. 20 National Flag (and Ensign and Merchant Flag). Pennant. Goat of Arms. President's Standard. Note. The Initials are those of the President for the time being. 21 FRANCE. Minister of Marine. Admiral of France. Vice- Admiral, Oommander-in-Chief. Prefet Maritime. Vice-Admiral's Flag. Vice-Admiral, Second in Command. Rear- Admiral, Commander-in-Ghief. 22 FRANCE. Rear-Admiral, Second in Command, Flag Officer, when Chief of Staff and Commandant in Algeria. Captain Commanding Independent Division. Captain Commanding Division in a Fleet. Senior Officer's Flag. Note. Governors of Colonies. The same with Swallow Tail for Residence in Indo-China, and Lieutenant-Governor, Senegal, TaberPrangArtCo Bmton,us A 23 GERMANY. National Flag and Merchant. iT I! Ensign. Pennant. Imperial Coat of Arms. GERMANY. 24 Emperor's Standard, Emperor's Broad Pennant. Empress' Standard. Grown Prince's Standard. 25 GERMANY. Minister of Marine. Commanding Admiral's Flag, Admiral's Flag. Note. At Main for -Admiral ; Fore (or Vice-Admiral, and Mizzen for Rear- Admiral. 1 Black Ball In Upper Canton next the Staff for Vioe-Admlral, In Ships with one mast and In Boats. I Black Ball In Upper and Lower Canton next the Staff for Rear-Admiral, In Ships with one mast and In Boats. Flotilla Flag, Commodore's Flag, Note. Flown without Long Pennant at Main for Commodore. Flown with Long Pennant at Main for Senior Offloer. Divisional Flag. Tabar Prang ArtCa Bo*,u 5 A GERMANY. 26 Imperial Service Flag. Used by Vessels In the service of the Imperial Navy. Flag of the Governor of. German East Africa, Taber-Pran|ArtC Bo*>n,ll.SA 27 GREAT BRITAIN. Union Flag. The Circle shown by dotted line indicates the position and proportions for the badges (PlatesNo.29 to 31 ) when they have to be Inserted. White Ensign. Note. The Circle shown by dotted line indicates the position and proportions for the badges (PlatesNo.29 to 31 ) when they have to be Inserted. Blue Ensign. Note. The Circle shown by dotted line indicates the position and proportions for the badges (PlatesNo.29 to 31) when they have to be inserted. Red Ensign. Note. The Circle shown by dotted line Indicates the position and proportions for the badges (PlatesNo.29 to3lj when they have to be Inserted. Blue Pennant. TaWrPrar,ArtCo.Bo*n.u..5A 28 GREAT BRITAIN. Royal Standard. Standard of Prince of Wales. Lord High Admiral or Admiralty Flag, Used by the Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral. St. George's Cross. This, except when a Flag Officer is a Captain of a Fleet, is worn as his proper Flag by an Admiral at the Main Topgallant Masthead. A Vlce-Admiral at the Fore Topgallant Masthead. A Bear-Admiral at the Mizzen Topgallant Masthead. In Boats with less than three Masts an Admiral shall use this Flag. A Vice-AdmiraJ shall use this Flag with an easily distinguishable Tied Ball in Upper Part near Staff. A Rear-Admiral shall use this Flag, but with two easily distinguishable Red Balls in Upper Part near Staff. Senior Officer Captain of the Fleet. 29 BRITISH EMPIRE. These Badges are inserted in Ensign and Union Flag where indicated by dotted lines, Diplomatic Officers. On shore and afloat. Note. Without the wreath, for Consular Officers afloat. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Governor-General of India. Used with insertion of Badges Military Authorities afloat. General Officers commanding only. All other military services, including staff officers, Tiber PranArtCoBo*lon,uAA GREAT BRITAIN. Badges of Public Departments : 30 Admiralty. Board of Trade, Post Office. War Office. War Office. Submarine Mining Service. TaberETangArtCoBoAm.U.SA GREAT BRITAIN. Public Departments: 31 Fishery Board for Scotland, Trinity House Master's Flag. Lloyds, Ensign. For vessels oelonging to the Naval Ordnance Department Admiralty. Pennant for Vessels. Employed In carrying Her Majesty's Malls. TabenPranl- A-tCo Bwfon,u.S A GREECE. Ensign. Merchant. Pennant. Royal Standard. 33 GREECE. Admiral's Flag. A Crown In the Centre of the Cross indicates the presence of the King, or otter Members of the Royal Family. Vice-Admiral. Rear-Admiral. Captain commanding Division. Senior Officer's Flag. When Captain or Commander. Senior Officer's Flag. When Lieutenant TabwPrangArtCtt BostaUiS A GUATEMALA. 34 Ensign. Note. The Merchant Flag same as Ensign, but without Coat-of-Arms. Goat of Arms. HAITI. Ensign. Merchant Flag. Goat of Arms. TaberPrasgArtCo Bo*Ji.<; A 35 ITALY. Ensign. Merchant. Pennant. Jack. Goat of Arms. 36 Grown Prince's Standard. ITALY. Minister of Marine. Admiral's Flag. The same Flag with two Stare for Vice-Admiral. The same Flag with one Star for Rear-Admiral. Qommodore. Senior Officer's Flag. Ambassador. The same Flag with two Stare for Envoy Extraordinary. The same Flag with one Star for Envoy Extraordinary, Second Class. The same Fteg with Red Stare for General, Lleutenant-Oeneral and Major-Oeneral of the Army. Flag of the Governor of Eritrea. Taber Pranj-Al Co Bo*m,u.-5 A JAPAN. 38 Ensign. Pennant, Merchant. Also used as Jack. Emperor's Standard. Note. The same Flag Swallow- Tailed for Empress. Prince Imperial Princesses and Princes of Royal Blood. Tabei-Prans MCu BoshnMS A JAPAN. 39 Minister of the Navy. Admiral. Vice-Admiral. Rear-Admiral. Commodore's Flag. Commandant of Torpedo Flotilla. Senior Officer's Flag. Transport Flag. 40 JAPAN. Mines and Hydrographic Work. Naval Hospital, Ensign and Merchant. MONTENEGRO. National Flag, Prince's Standard. MEXICO. 41 Ensign. Merchant. Chief of Departmen Note. With two White Stars tor ReajvAdmlral. With one White Star for Commodore. Captain of a Frigate. MONACO. 42 National Flag. Prince's Standard. Coat-of-Arms. MOROCCO. MOSQUITO INDIANS. National Flag. Note. This Standard and Ensign is used also by Muscat, Zanzibar, and several Independent Arab Colonies, in Madagascar and Grand Comoro. National Flag. NETHERLANDS. 43 National Flag (and Ensign and Merchant Flag), Royal Standard Pennant. This shown Immediately over the Ensign designates the Minister of Marine. Blue Broad Pennant. When flown above the Royal Ensign no honors are desired. The Governor-General of the Dutch Indies flies this Pennant (Coat-of-Anns omitted) above the Ensign. Orange Broad Pennant. When flown above Royal Ensign no salute Is desired. Pennant of H, M. the Queen, Princes and Princesses of the Royal Family, Flown above the Royal Standard. rabepPranAflCoBoslon.U.5 A. 44 NETHERLANDS. Commodore's Pennant. Note. The Governor of Guracoa files the same Flag. Senior Officer's Pennant. Lieu tenant- Admiral. Rear-Admiral. A Captain-Lieutenant Commanding a Division. Governor of Surinam, of Celebes, Atjeh, and Sumatra, West Coast. Tabw Prat!? Art Cn Bo*:is A 45 Ensign. Merchant. Goat of Arms. Pennant. Royal Standard. The Royal Pennant is flown above Ensign for the King, Queen, Crown Prinoe and Princesses. The Royal Pennant is flown below Ensign for the other Members of the Royal Family. TabwhangAlCo Boeloiui.SA 46 NORWAY. Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Admiral's Flag. Two Stars for Vlce-Admliul. One Star for Rear-Admiral. Commodore's Broad Pennant. Senior Officer's Pennant. ORANGE FREE STATE. National Flag. PARAGUAY. 47 Ensign. The Merchant Flag is the same as Ensign, except that the Circular Badge is placed in the White Stripe near the Mast. Pennant Admiral's Flag. In front of Ensign. Enlarged Badge. At back ol Ensign. Enlarged Badge, For use in Merchant Fte. PERSIA. Ensign. Tiber PranjMCn BArlCo Bosfon,U SA 51 RARATONGA. *** National Flag. ROUMANIA. Ensign. Merchant. Goat of Arms. 52 RUSSIA. Emperor's Standard Afloat, Note. The same Flag Swallow-Tailed lor Empress. RUSSIA. 53 Goat of Arms Standard ashore. Emperor's Broad Pennant, Empress 1 Broad Pennant. Taber-PranArtCn Boston,;; 3 A 54 RUSSIA. Standard of the Czarevitch. The same Flag swallow-tailed for the Czarevna'a Standard. Pennant of Czarevitch. Pennant of Czarevna. Standard of Grand Duke, Same swallow-tailed for Grand Duchess. Pennant of Grand Duke. Pennant of Grand Duchess Standard of the Czarevitch, If holding the title of General Admiral. Pennant of Czarevitch. If holding the title of General Admiral. Standard of Grand Duke. If holding the title of General Admiral. Pennant of Grand Duke If holding the title of General Admiral. TabepPrar^ArtCo Bo**,u s A 55 RUSSIA. Minister of Marine. Admiral. Note. St. George's Shield is Inserted In Centre when used in Boots. Vice-Admiral. Note. St. George's Cross is inserted in Centre when used in Boats. Rear-Admiral. Note. St George's Cross is inserted in Centre when used in Boats. Commodore's Broad Pennant. Senior Officer's Pennant, Commander-in-Ohief of Port. Officer Commanding a Port. 56 RUSSIA. Military Commander-in-Chief. Holding a Naval Appointment Ambassador. Minister Plenipotentiary, Charge A Minister of Marine. SPAIN. Captain General of a Department, Commander-in-Chief. If Second in Command, a Star is borne below the anchor- Captain of a Frigate. 60 Admiral. Vice- Admiral. Commander-in-Chief. 1! Second in Command, a Star is borne below the anchor- de Navio, 1st Class, Chief of Division. The same Flag without the Anchor for Captain de Navio, Chief of Division. Governor-General. The same Flag with the Crown in place of Stars, as shown In Figure 2, for Ambassador. The same Flag with one Star on each side of the Anns for Captaln-Oaneral of Military District within his Jurisdiction. Tabsrr'rang/VtCnBwton.U 61 SWEDEN. Ensign. Note. The Jack is the same as the Canton. Pennant, Enlarged Centre of Coat-of-Arms, Goat of Arms. Royal Standard. The Royal Penna.nt is flown above Ensign lor the King, Queen, Grown Prince and Princess. The Royal Pennant is flown below Ensign for the other Members of the Royal Family. 62 SWEDEN. Chief of Marine Department. Commander-in-Chief of Navy, Admiral's Flag. Two Stars for Vioe-Admiral. One Stir for Rear-Admiral. Commodore's Broad Pennant, Senior Officer's Pennant. SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC. National Flag. 63 SWITZERLAND. National Flag. National Flag. TONGA. O Royal Standard. TUNIS. Bey's Standard. 64 TURKEY. National Flag (and Ensign and Merchant Flag). For Turkey, Egypt and Tripoli Note. At the Main Indicates the presence of a Pasha of Fertk or Mushlr's Rank. At the Fore indicates the presence of a Pasha of Sivas Kank. This is used as a distinguishing Flag for all Admirals, Generals, or other high functionaries holding the title of Pasha. Imperial Standard. Commodore First Class. Commodore Second Class, Standard of Khedive of Egypt. Flag of the Isle of Samos, VENEZUELA. 65 Ensign. Merchant. Goat of Arms. Pennant. National Mag, and Ensign and Merchant. Taber-PratijArlCo Bofoais A PILOT FLAGS. 66 United States. D Belgium. Equador. Great Britain. P Argentine Republic. Brazil. Information not yet received. China. France. Greece. Austria-Hungary. Bulgaria. Denmark. Germany. Italy. Japan, Netherlands. First District. Netherlands. Fourth and Fifth District. Portugal. The same Flag In form of a Square tor the Jack. Netherlands. Second District. Netherlands. Sixth District. Roumania. Siam. 67 Netherlands. Netherlands. Third District. Norway. Note. A White Flag flown In Pilot Boat shows no Pilot aboard. Russia. Spain. Sweden. Turkey Uruguay. TaberPranjMCo Boloii,U.5A